A CONCISE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN { A ; :;! / ^5*; :\f ; /;, CONCISE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF FIFTY BOOKS ABOUT WHITMAN BY CAROLYN WELLS AND ALFRED F. GOLDSMITH BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY MDCCCCXXII N COPYRIGHT, IQ22, BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED TO RAY S. GOLDSMITH FOREWORD IN presenting this list of books by and about Walt Whitman, the compilers hesitate to call it a Bibliography. For it lacks much of the minutias a true Bibliography should have. It is, rather, a check-list of the works of Whitman and a list of about fifty books that have been written about him. Whitman s principal work, Leaves of Grass, though practically one book, was issued in such various forms and editions, that it makes a library in itself. It is our in tent to provide a safe and reliable guide to these various editions, that may be of help ful interest to the collector, the student, and the librarian. Many editions of English publishers are listed, but though the works have been trans lated into German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, and Spanish, these for- [ vii] eign books are not here included. Nor are the short and unrelated bits in magazines and newspapers mentioned, nor such poems as have been included in various anthologies. In regard to the early and rare editions we have given all details necessary to identify such issues, in preference to a strict transcrip tion of the tide-page, as some of the early books can hardly be said to have a title-page. Of the later and modern editions we have given exact transcriptions, as the changes in various cases seemed to require it. There are many books about Walt Whit man that have not been included. The omission of a book is not necessarily a dis paragement of the volume, but we present a representative list, useful to the student and collector. Much good work has already been done in this field by P. K. Foley, Oscar Lovell Triggs, Professor Emory Holloway, Henry M. Saunders, and Frank Shay. Books about an author are rarely included [ viii 1 in a Bibliography, but many of those written about Whitman are of such importance that they are as difficult to get and of as much interest to a collector or student of the poet, as are his own works. Indeed, the books by John Burroughs and Dr. Maurice Bucke were so carefully edited by Whitman as al most to be considered, in part at least, as autobiographical. CONTENTS WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN i SELECTIONS FROM THE WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN 51 BOOKS ABOUT WALT WHITMAN 79 A CONCISE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WALT WHITMAN WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN ERRATA Page 7, line 7: Before reprint insert partial. Page 13, line 14: Before 8vo insert as new paragraph: Fifth: "Leaves of Grass," " Drum Taps," and "Songs before Parting." Page 21, 1876, lines 5, 6: For Cream-colored . . . boards, read 8vo, half cream-colored calf, marbled- board sides, Page 29, last line: Dele Later issues are uncut. Page 37, lines 13-17: Dele LAURENS MAYNARD . . . numbered copies. [An inadvertent repetition.] Page 44, line 10: Dele The Lamb Publishing Company. Pages 75, 76: This first 1920 item is a duplicate of the one that follows and should be omitted. Pages 97, 98 : This first 1906 item should read as follows: 1906 WALT WHITMAN: HIS LIFE AND WORK, by BLISS PERRY. 8vo, brown cloth, illustrated. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY, Boston, 1906. There is also a large-paper edition of two hundred and fifty copies, 8vo, red cloth, uncut, paper label. Also an English edition, same date, published by Archibald Con stable and Company, Ltd. Reprinted with slight additions in the Riverside Popular Biographies, 1908. A CONCISE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WALT WHITMAN 1842 FRANKLIN EVANS; OR THE INE BRIATE. Original Temperance Novel. Published as an extra to The New World. New York, November, 1842. No. 34. Royal octavo, 31 pp. uncut. Printed in pamphlet form, no covers and never printed as a separate bound book. A complete reprint is in "The Uncollected Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman," by Emory Holloway. 1855 LEAVES OF GRASS. First Edition. Preface xii. Pp. 95. End blank. Quarto. Green cloth. Blind stamped, rus tic lettered title, also triple-line border [31 v, tamp6ql in gilt on front and back covers. Backstrip shows lettering and ornaments gold stamped. Gilt edges. Marbled end papers. Frontispiece portrait on plain pa per. Author s name in copyright notice on verso of title-page, and again on page 29. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1855. The above describes the issue most de sired by collectors and is probably the earli est issue. It is unlikely that all the copies were bound at once, as some lack the gilt edges, or the gold lines on the covers, and some show plain end-papers. It has been said that later copies were less ornate to save a few cents on the cost of binding, but this is mere conjecture. The last issue of the first edition, com monly called the second issue, is in every way like the first issue, except that: The title is stamped in gold on front coveronly.Thegoldborderlinesandthegilt edges are omitted. The end-papers are yel low, and eight pages of press notices are in serted, sometimes found at the beginning of the volume and sometimes at the end. In most copies the frontispiece is on India paper. [4] Of each of these issues there were a few paper bound copies, in various colors, with the title printed across the front cover in black block letters. Though these are ex ceedingly rare and perhaps of all Whitman items are most desired by collectors, yet they are not necessarily first issues of the first edition. Of three copies at present known, two show the bound-in pages of press com ments, which only appeared in the second issue, and the other has the India paper frontispiece, which also was used in the sec ond issue. The volume contains twelve poems. A few copies found their way to England. These have a little sticker over the imprint at the foot of title-page, and bear the name of a London bookseller or publisher. 1856 LEAVES OF GRASS. Second Edition. Thick i6mo, dull green cloth, title in gilt, quotation from Emerson s letter: " I greet [si you at the beginning of a great career. R. W. Emerson," on backstrip. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1856. This volume was published by Fowler and Wells, and while they refused to print their name on the title-page, all copies have a leaf of Fowler and Wells advertisements at the end of the volume. This volume con tains thirty-two poems. Although one thou sand copies were printed, the book is quite a rarity and is seldom found in good condi tion. i860 LEAVES OF GRASS. Imprints. American and European criticisms of Leaves of Grass. i6mo. Light brown wrappers. THAYER AND ELDRIDGE, Boston, 1860. Date on back cover and tide-page. This was a reprint of criticisms of the first and second editions. Pages 7, 30, 38, contain articles written by Walt Whitman anonymously to various papers. Dr. Bucke [6] is the authority for this statement. The pamphlet was supplied gratuitously by the publishers as an advertisement. The letter of Emerson to Whitman is reprinted in full on reverse of the first fly-leaf. On account of its size and frail make-up, it is now very rare. A reprint may be found in "In Re Walt Whitman." 1860-61 LEAVES OF GRASS. Third Edition. Thick 8vo. Orange cloth. THAYER AND ELDRIDGE, Boston, 1 860-61. There were many issues of this edition in various colors and textures of cloth, and with differing ornament. Although there is no absolute proof, the first issue was prob ably orange cloth with heavy blind emboss ing in wavy vertical lines, with title and butterfly design on backstrip, and a blind symbolical ornament with words " Leaves of Grass " heavily blind-stamped on cov ers ; frontispiece portrait after painting by Charles Hine, printed on plain white pa- per. Later issues, the same year, were made in different shades of cloth with varying or namentation and the blind embossing. The portrait is the same, but is surrounded with a buff tint, which was added to strengthen the picture. As many as twelve varieties of color, cloth, and embossing have been noted. The curious cloth and heavy embossing were not original with Whitman. Such bindings were a product of the time, and several other books of this period bear the same binding. On all editions of these issues, the title- page is the same, but the genuine Thayer and Eldridge editions (besides the regular copyright notice on verso of the title-page) bear the inscription : " Electrotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry. Printed by George C. Rand and Avery." There is a very rare issue of this edition of which a few copies have been noted ; these are large 8vo, wide margins, front and bottom edges uncut, bound in purple pebbled cloth, without the usual ornaments on binding. The only copies known were [8] found in England, and it is probable that a small number were sent to London and were bound there. This issue has the por trait on plain paper untinted. 1860-61 (1879-188-) LEAVES OF GRASS. 8vo, brown cloth. THAYER AND EL- DRIDGE, Boston, 1 860-6 1. This is a spurious issue of the 1 860-61 Thayer and Eldridge edition, having the same title-page and frontispiece, both plain and tinted yet this edition was not pub lished until 1879. Owing to financial difficulties caused by the Civil War, the firm of Thayer and El dridge was forced to give up business. The plates of their " Leaves of Grass" were sold at auction and subsequently (about 1879) became the property of Richard Worthing- ton, a New York publisher, who offered Whitman $250.00 to authenticate the edi tion and add a few extra poems. Whitman indignantly refused, and Worthington then [9] issued an edition in reddish-brown cloth, imitating the Thayer and Eldridge edition as to format and portrait. At the end of the volume, he inserted several pages, ad vertising his other publications. This issue he at once followed up with other editions, omitting the advertisements, but getting a still closer imitation of the genuine issue, by the use of heavier paper, though various weights of paper were used later. Worthington reprinted the book for years, and although against the wishes of Whitman (who went so far as to institute legal proceedings against him), some sort of a compromise must have been effected, as there is at least one record of a small amount received by Walt Whitman from Worthington as royalty. Thousands of these spurious editions were sold and the book is quite common; it can be readily detected, as all the Worth ington reprints lack the words: "Electro- typed at the Boston Stereotype Foundry. Printed by George C. Rand and Avery," on the verso of the title-page. [ 10] 1865 WALT WHITMAN S DRUM TAPS, izmo, brown cloth, plain white edges, title on gilt background in circle on front cover. New York, 1865. A few copies were issued containing " Drum 4 Taps" only. On the death of Lincoln, Whitman held up the edition and added " When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom d," with separate title-page and pagi nation. The genuine first issue without " Sequel " has very thin paper fly-leaves and plain edges. In the second issue the fly leaves are heavier and the edges speckled. 1865 WALT WHITMAN S DRUM TAPS. 1 2mo, brown cloth, brown sprinkled edges, title on gilt background, in circle on front cover. New York, 1865. This issue contains the "Sequel," with the following title-page : " Sequel to Drum Taps." (Since the preceding came from the press,) "When Lilacs Last in the Door- yard Bloom d and Other Pieces." Wash ington, 1865-66. The added section contains a leaf of con tents and extra pagination, pages 4-24. Also an English edition, I2mo, deco rated boards, uncut, 12 page introduction, published by Chatto and Windus, London, 1915. 1867 LEAVES OF GRASS. 1867. Fourth Edi tion. Narrow 8vo, half black morocco, marbled board sides, leather corners, marbled edges, title, " Leaves of Grass" in gold stamping on backstrip. No portrait. New York, 1867. This issue was printed for Whitman by William E. Chapin, Beekman Street, New York. The name of neither publisher nor author appears on the title-page. Whit man s name is mentioned in the copyright notice on verso of title, and the printer s [ 12] name appears at the foot of the same page. Published in various forms, which were all issued in the same year: First: " Leaves of Grass" only. 338 pp. Second: " Leaves of Grass," with " Drum Taps," and "Sequel to Drum Taps" added. These two editions have marbled edges. Third: " Leaves of Grass," with " Songs Before Parting." Fourth: "Leaves of Grass," "Drum Taps," " Sequel to Drum Taps," and " Songs Before Parting." 8vo, entirely un cut, gray paper wrappers. This issue is ex ceedingly rare. The end-papers of these editions vary; they have been known to be white, yellow, and marbled. Also, the sides are frequently covered with brown paper in imitation of pebbled cloth. Some copies have in addi tion to the stamping on backstrip, the , words, "Ed n, 1867" at the foot. There is no absolute rule as to these variations, as copies with and without the added sections have " Ed n, 1867 " on backstrip. Page four of contents to "Leaves of Grass" (of all copies) lists "Drum Taps" and "Songs Before Parting" at foot of page, though the book may not contain these added sections. Each added section has a title-page, table of contents, and separate pagination. The last of the issues above mentioned have plain edges. This edition was crude and poorly put together. They were probably bound up in small lots as sold. This may account for the many variations. 1871 LEAVES OF GRASS. 1871. Fifth Edi tion. Narrow 8vo, light green paper wrappers, entirely uncut. Washington, D.C., 1871. On front wrapper : "J. S. Redfield, 140 Fulton St., N.Y." Whitman s name ap pears on verso of title-page. Advertise ments of Walt Whitman s books on back cover. The first issue contains 384 pages, a very small number were printed, and the book is very rare. A few copies have the green wrapper covered with a thin marbled paper, and bear a white paper label on the backstrip. These copies have added, " Pas sage to India," 120 extra pages. All copies of this later issue, noted, are autographed, and there is every reason to believe that these were hastily put together by Whit man for a few friends. 1871 AFTER ALL NOT TO CREATE ONLY. Recited by Walt Whitman on Invitation of Managers American Institute, On Opening Their 4Oth Annual Exhibition. New York, noon, September 7th, 1871. The first issue was in folio sheets, broad side form, printed by Pearson, Washington, 1871. This consisted of a very few copies. The regular edition was in 8vo, beveled cloth boards in three shades, maroon, green, and brown. Roberts Bros., Boston, 1871. There was a cheaper edition same colors of cloth and same date in limp cloth, I2mo. The poem was later published in " Trans actions" of the American Institute, 1871 72, large 8vo, leather back. Albany, 1872. 1871 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. Memoranda. Narrow I2mo, light green paper wrap pers, uncut, tide in ink on front cover, advertisements on back cover. Washing ton, D.C., 1871. Whitman s name appears in copyright notice on verso of title-page and not on title-page. Printed for Whitman by J. S. Redfield, New York. 1871 PASSAGE TO INDIA. LEAVES OF GRASS. Five-line poem, beginning "Gliding o er all." Narrow I2mo, light green wrappers, un cut, tide in ink on front cover, advertise- F 16 1 ments on back cover. Washington, B.C., 1871. Whitman s name appears in copyright notice on verso of title-page and not on title-page. Printed for Whitman by J. S. Redfield, New York. A few copies were printed as a broadside in large type, same text, two sheets folio, no place, no date. (1871.) 1872 LEAVES OF GRASS. Washington, B.C., 1872. Narrow 8vo, smooth dark green cloth, edges uncut. Gilt lettering "Leaves of Grass Complete" on backstrip. This is practically a second issue of the 1871 edition. All copies contain "Passage to India," with extra title-page and pagi nation. Later issues contain "After All, Not to Create Only." Fourteen extra pages. Whitman s name does not appear on title, but is in copyright notice on verso of title- page. [ 17] Most copies are in the smooth dark green cloth, but a few copies have been found in various shades of cheap pebbled cloth, ma roon, blue and brown. This issue, in addi tion to title on backstrip, has an ornamen tal device at bottom of backstrip, and some have ornamental tooling on front and back covers. H. Buxton Forman considered this issue an English pirated edition published by John C. Hotten. This is probable, as the binding is much in the English style of the period, but there is nothing which abso lutely confirms this issue as an English edition. 1872 AS A STRONG BIRD ON PINIONS FREE AND OTHER POEMS. Washington, 1872. Narrow 8vo, green cloth, title in gilt on front cover. Words, "Leaves of Grass," on upper portion of title-page in small type. Whit- [ 18 ] man s name appears on verso of title-page in copyright notice. Name of printer, S. W. Green, also appears on verso of title. 1875 MEMORANDA DURING THE WAR. By WALT WHITMAN. Author s Publi cation. Camden, New Jersey, 1875-76. I2mo, red-brown cloth, green end pa pers, all edges gilt, title on front cover reading, "Walt Whitman s Memoranda of the War. Written on the Spot in 1863-65." The first printed page begins with the words "Remembrance Copy" with space left for written presentation and author s autograph, this is followed by "Personal Note" which occupies the remainder of the page and continues on the next. The book should contain two portraits, but occasion ally has but one. Page of advertisements for Whitman s books at end of text. Al most every copy was autographed and it is improbable that more than a hundred copies [ 19] were issued. The book is exceedingly rare. 1876 LEAVES OF GRASS. Nine-Line Poem beginning "Come, Said My Soul." Author s autograph signed in ink on title-page. Author s Edition, with portraits from Life, Camden, N.J., 1876. 8vo, half cream-colored calf, marbled board sides, brown leather label, two por traits, pages 29 and 285. About one hundred bore a larger leather label on which was printed "Centennial Edition." A very few copies had the words "With Portraits and Intercalations" at the bottom of title-page. The intercalations were short poems printed on small slips of paper pasted down on the blank portions of the following pages : As in a Swoon 207 The Beauty of the Ship ... 247 When the Full-Grown Poet Came 359 After an Interval 369 F 20 1 In some copies the intercalations were printed in the book, and some copies do not contain them at all. There is a varia tion in the intercalations: a few contain "A Death Sonnet for Custer." Many copies have been found unauto- graphed and some do not contain portraits. 1876 TWO RIVULETS, including Democratic Vistas, Centennial Songs, and Passage to India. Author s Edition. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. Cream-colored calf, 8vo, half sides, mar bled boards, brown leather label, portrait, "Photo d from life, Sept., 72, Brooklyn, N.Y., by G. F. Pearsall, Fulton St.," signed "Walt Whitman, born May 31, 1819," gilt lettering. Some copies have slightly different word ing on portrait, and some give date when portrait was signed. There was an edition of one hundred copies bearing a larger brown label with the words in gilt, " Cen- [21 ] tennial Edition/ The 1876 " Leaves" and "Two Rivulets" were uniform in binding and were sold by Whitman as a complete edition of his works. Some copies contained the photograph without the autograph in scription. The author kept a supply of these books on hand and inscribed and autographed them as they were sold. 1881 THE POETRY OF THE FUTURE, by WALT WHITMAN. 8vo, pamphlet, sewed, no covers, title- page. At top of first page are the words " From the North American Review." Pagination 196 to 210. First printed in North Ameri can Review, February, 1881. A very few copies, with pagination unaltered, were is sued for a few friends of Whitman. The words "From the North American Re view" were printed at top of first page, and a paper backstrip added. t 22] 1881 THE POETS TRIBUTES TO GAR- FIELD. The Collection of Poems Written for the Boston Daily Globe, and many selections. 8vo, in cloth and in pictorial wrappers. Cambridge, Mass. : Published by MOSES KING. Harvard Square. 1881. Includes poem by Walt Whitman. 1881 LEAVES OF GRASS. Author s copyright Edition. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, frontispiece, portrait same as used in 1855 edition. Gilt lettering on backstrip and cover, black ruling on top and bottom of binding. DAVID BOGUE, London, 1881. 1881 LEAVES OF GRASS, by WALT WHITMAN. Preface to the original edition. Large 8vo, light blue wrappers, uncut. [ 23] Limited to five hundred copies. TRUBNER AND Co., London, 1881. Also an edition of twenty-five large- paper copies, signed by the editor. 1881-82 LEAVES OF GRASS. Boston: JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COM PANY, 1881-82. Small 8vo, dull yellow cloth, name of author and butterfly design in gilt on back- strip, author s name in gilt on front cover, portrait, page 29. JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY, Boston, 1881-82. This edition is known as the suppressed issue, and while not actually suppressed, it was withdrawn from publication on com plaint of the District Attorney of Boston acting under instructions from Attorney- General Marston. The book was also pro hibited from going through the mails, but this ruling was afterward revoked. The first issue had the words " Third Edition" printed on the title-page, the error was quickly noted, and only a few copies had this line. 1882 LEAVES OF GRASS. Nine-Line Poem beginning " Come, Said My Soul," signed with author s autograph in ink. Author s Edition. Camden, N.J., 1882. Whitman s name in copyright notice on verso of title-page. Two portraits, one on page 29, the other on page 297. 8vo, dark green cloth, top edge gilt, back- strip lettered in gilt, " Author s Edition Leaves of Grass Complete Autograph and Portraits 1882." This is a scarce and almost unknown is sue ; it is doubtful if more than one hundred copies were printed. It appeared after the suppression of the Boston edition and be fore the first Philadelphia edition was is sued by Rees, Welsh and Company. The text and type is the same as that used in [25] the Boston edition, the title-page only being different. All copies were auto graphed, and it is probable that Whitman had these made for a few friends while waiting for the first Philadelphia edition. 1882 LEAVES OF GRASS. REES, WELSH AND COMPANY, 23 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, 1882. The first Philadelphia edition. Small 8vo, dull yellow cloth, portrait as in 1855 edition at page 29. Whitman s name on front cover. Tide and butterfly design in gilt on backstrip. REES, WELSH AND COMPANY, Philadelphia, 1882. Later issues the same year by David McKay who became Whitman s publisher and friend. Subsequent editions by Mc Kay. 1883-1884-1888. A few copies of each McKay edition were large 8vo, gilt top, edges uncut, same binding and lettering as the regular issue. [26] In 1888 a small special edition was has tily made up to Whitman s order. The title-pages varied as to date 1882-1884- 1888. Same binding as preceding editions, but having an added section with leaf of contents, and extra title-page, following page 382, reading, Annex to Preceding Pages. Sands at Seventy. Copyright by Walt Whitman. See November Boughs. David McKay. 1888, Philadelphia. This issue contains 404 pages, while the regular editions had 382 pages. A few copies of the 1884 McKay edition were bound up in green cloth, uncut, black lettering on binding. Imprint of Putnams on backstrip, but the title-page bears the McKay imprint. Probably a few copies made up for the London branch of G. P. Putnam s Sons. 1882 SPECIMEN DAYS AND COLLECT, by WALT WHITMAN, Author of Leaves of Grass. 8vo, dull yellow cloth, title in gilt on backstrip and front cover. REES, WELSH AND COMPANY, Philadelphia, 1882-83. A few copies were in paper wrappers. A second issue dated the same year bears the imprint of David McKay. In 1883 Wilson and McCormick, of Glasgow, issued an edition bearing the date 1883. This was large 8vo, dull yellow cloth, uncut, gilt lettering on backstrip. A second issue was brought out by the same firm, the same year, with slight variations of binding. The publishers name was omitted from the backstrip, and the letter ing on the backstrip changed. 1884 LEAVES OF GRASS. Large 8vo, uncut, dull yellow cloth, ti tle in gilt and gilt lettering on backstrip. WILSON AND MCCORMICK, Glasgow, 1884. Portrait frontispiece. Uniform with " Specimen Days and Col lect." Published by same firm. 1885 OBSEQUIES OF RED JACKET. Volume III of Transactions of the Buffalo Historical Society. Published by order of the Society. Buffalo, 1885. Large 8vo, green wrappers. Contains "Red Jacket, an Impromptu," by Walt Whitman. -\ 1887 SPECIMEN DAYS IN AMERICA. By WALT WHITMAN. Newly revised by the author, with fresh preface and additional note. London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Pater noster Row, 1887. i6mo, blue cloth, white paper label, un cut. Reprinted in various colors of cloth, and also issued in i6mo, green cloth, gilt lettering, by George Routledge and Sons, Ltd. Later issues are uncut. [29] 1888 NOVEMBER BOUGHS. By WALT WHIT MAN. Philadelphia: DAVID McKAY, 23 South Ninth Street, 1888. Large 8vo, maroon or green cloth, title in gilt on backstrip and front cover. Some copies have portrait frontispiece. Also a small issue of large paper copies in small quarto, uncut, dark green cloth, and a few in limp maroon or blue cloth, same size. Also an English edition, large 8vo, dark green or maroon cloth, portrait frontis piece. Published by Alexander Gardner, Paisley and London, 1889. 1888 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS, AND OTHER PAPERS. By WALT WHITMAN. Published by arrangement with the au thor. London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 War wick Lane, Paternoster Row, 1888. [30] I2mo, cloth, white paper label, uncut; portrait. Reprints in various shades of cloth, and also issued in 1 6mo, green cloth, by George Routledge and Sons and Company, Ltd., and by J. M. Dent and Sons, London, in combination with "Leaves of Grass/ one vol. 1912. A few copies of the 1888 edition, prob ably for review, were in brown paper wrap pers. 1888 COMPLETE POEMS AND PROSE OF WALT WHITMAN, 1855-1888. Authenticated and Personal. (Handled by Walt Whitman.) Portraits from life. Autograph. Large 8vo, half cloth, marbled sides, un cut, title on backstrip. Portrait on title-page, one page of text, followed by title-page to" Leaves of Grass," with nine-line poem beginning "Come, Said my Soul." Signed with author s auto- graph in ink. Neither place nor publisher is given on title-page. The book was is sued for Whitman in 1888. Six hundred numbered copies. Printed by Ferguson Brothers and Company, Philadelphia. Por traits at pages 29, 296, 374. Some copies are not numbered and lack portraits. A few copies were bound in half leather and some in full gray buckram. 1889- LEAVES OF GRASS. With Sands at Seventy and A Backward Glance o er Travel d Roads. May 31, 1889. Today, after finishing my yoth year, the fancy comes for celebrating it by a special complete, final utterance, in one handy volume of L. of G. with their Annex, and Backward Glance and for stamping and sprinkling all with portraits and facial photos, such as they actually were, taken from life, different stages. Doubtless, any how, the volume is more a Person than a book. And for testimony to all (and good [3*] measure) I here with pen and ink append my name: Walt Whitman. Portraits from Life : autograph ; special edition. (Three hundred copies only printed $5 each.) I2mo, limp leather (black morocco) mar bled end-papers, made in regular book form and also with flap, pocket-book style with inner pocket for papers, gilt edges, photographic portrait frontispiece, and other illustrations. Whitman s autograph on title-page in ink. Printed by FERGUSON BROS. AND COMPANY, Philadelphia. This is a scarce book and a good copy is difficult to find. 1890 GIORDANO BRUNO. PHILOSOPHER AND MARTYR. Two addresses by Daniel G. Brinton and Thomas Davidson, M.A. Narrow 8vo, brown cloth, gilt lettering on front cover. DAVID McKAY, Philadelphia. This contains a preface by Walt Whit man. [33] 1891- GOOD-BYE, MY FANCY. 2d Annex to Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia, DAVID McKAY, Publisher, 23 South Ninth Street, 1891. Large 8vo, dark green or maroon cloth, title in gilt on backstrip and front over. Also a small issue, large paper copies, small quarto, uncut, portrait. In dark green or maroon cloth, same lettering. 1891-92 LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at Seventy, ist Annex, Good-Bye, My Fancy ; zd Annex, A Back ward Glance o er Traveled Roads, and Portrait from Life. (Nine-line poem, facsimile signature of the author.) Phil adelphia: DAVID McKAY, Publisher, 23 South Ninth Street, 1891-2. The first issue consisted of a very few copies. Large 8vo, rough brown paper wrappers, yellow paper label, on backstrip, all edges uncut. [34] Whitman was very ill at the time, and, wanting to see the edition, Horace Traubel had a few copies hurriedly bound in wrap pers for him, and Whitman had them sent to intimate friends. This issue is extremely rare and did not exceed fifty copies. The rest of the edition was bound in dark green cloth, 8vo, uncut, top edge gilt, lettering in gilt on backstrip. Later issues were in gray paper wrappers, i2mo, green boards, i2mo, uncut, and green cloth, 8vo, and also a few copies in half brown morocco, gilt top. These issues lack date at bottom of title- page ; also some of the later issues have the publisher s address as 1022 Market Street, Philadelphia. A few copies bear the imprint of The Labour Press Society, Manchester. 1892 COMPLETE PROSE WORKS. WALT WHITMAN. Large 8vo, green cloth, uncut, gilt let- [351 tering on backstrip. DAVID McKAY, Philadelphia, 1892. There were later editions dated 1 894 and 1897. 1893 IN RE WALT WHITMAN. Edited by his Literary Executors, Horace L. Traubel, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned (quotation from Lu cretius). Published by the Editors through DAVID McKAY, 23 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, 1893. Large 8vo, green cloth, uncut, gilt letter ing on backstrip. One thousand copies published; each copy was supposed to be numbered, but many are found without the stamped num ber. Many of the early numbers are auto graphed by one or more of the executors. There were a few copies on thin paper, trimmed edges, in paper wrappers, proba bly an advance issue. [36] 1897 CALAMUS. A Series of Letters Written during the Years 1868-1880. By Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter Doyle). Edited with an introduction by Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D., one of Whitman s literary executors. (Quotation from p. 102, Leaves of Grass, Edition of 1892.) Published by LAURENS MAYNARD at 287 Congress Street in Boston, MDCCCXCVII. I2mo, green cloth, titles in gilt on back- strip, frontispiece portrait of Whitman and Peter Doyle. LAURENS MAYNARD, Boston, MDCCCXCVII. There is a special large-paper first issue, 8vo, uncut, paper label, limited to thirty- five numbered copies. Also a special large-paper issue of thirty- five numbered copies. Light green boards, tan cloth back, uncut, illustrations on Ja pan vellum. Paper label, with title in green ink. Signed by Dr. Bucke. Small, May- nard and Company, Boston, 1897. 37 1897 LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at Seventy, Good-Bye, My Fancy, Old Age Echoes, and A Back ward Glance O er Travel d Roads. By WALT WHITMAN. Boston: SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY, 1897. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, portrait frontis piece, title and ornamentation in gilt on backstrip, title in gilt on front cover. Also issued in wrappers and limp leather. There are English issues of this edition in paper and cloth. These issues bear the imprint of G. P. Putnam s Sons as well as that of Small, Maynard & Company. There were various reprints, both Amer ican and English up to 1907. Copies of the paper issue, owing to its fragile nature, are now rarely found and copies in good condition are scarce. There is also a large-paper issue of ninety copies of the " Leaves of Grass and Prose." These are large 8vo, gray-green buckram, uncut, illustrated, paper label. Thirty copies [38] were for Great Britain and bear the im print of G. P. Putnam s Sons in addition to that of Small, Maynard and Company. Sixty copies were for America and bear the Small, Maynard imprint only. Both are dated 1898. 1898 COMPETE PROSE WORKS. Specimen Days and Collect. November Boughs and Good-Bye, My Fancy. By WALT WHITMAN. SMALL, MAYNARD AND COMPANY, Bos ton, 1898. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, tide and orna mentation in gilt on backstrip, tide in gilt on front cover, frontispiece and other illustrations. Various reprints with slight changes in binding and size were published up to 1 907. [39] 1898 WALT WHITMAN AT HOME. By HIMSELF. Critic Pamphlet No. 2. New York: The Critic Company, 1898. 8vo, sewn, uncut, white paper covers, portrait and facsimile MS. Whitman first wrote this under the title, "Walt Whitman in Camden." It was pub lished in the Critic Magazine , February, 1885, and reprinted in "American Authors at Home," edited by J. L. and J. B. Gilder, 1888. These were written over the signa ture of George Selwyn. In the Critic pam phlet the facsimile page of manuscript was added and Whitman s name used. A reprint of "American Authors at Home" was published by A. Wessels Company in 1902. This contains a frontis piece portrait of Walt Whitman. 1898 THE WOUND DRESSER. A Series of Letters Written from the [40] Hospitals in Washington during the War of the Rebellion. By WALT WHITMAN. Edited by Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D., one of Whitman s literary executors (de vice). 8vo, red cloth, uncut, portrait frontis piece. SMALL, MAYNARD AND COMPANY, Boston, 1898. The earliest copies have the publishers device on title-page slightly out of center. There is a second issue of this book, which lists the name of G. P. Putnam s Sons under the name of Small, Maynard and Company, and on the verso of title-page is the date 1898, with words, "Printed by the University Press, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A." In the first issue the copyright date is 1897. There is a special large-paper first issue, limited to sixty numbered copies signed by the editor. Maroon buckram, uncut, white paper label, portrait on Japan paper. 1898. [41 1 1899 NOTES AND FRAGMENTS, by WALT WHITMAN. And Now Edited by Dr. Richard Mau rice Bucke, One of His Literary Exec utors. "Waifs From the Deep Cast High and Dry," "Leaves of Grass," printed for private distribution only. 1899. Small quarto. Dark blue pebbled cloth, gilt lettering on backstrip and front cover. Limited to two hundred and twenty-five copies numbered and signed by Dr. Bucke. 1900 LEAVES OF GRASS. By WALT WHIT MAN. Including a Facsimile Autobiography, va riorum readings of the poems and a de partment of Gathered Leaves. Philadel phia: DAVID McKAY, 1022 Market St. 8vo, green cloth; gilt tops, uncut; por trait, preface by David McKay, facsimile of Whitman s autobiography, 1900. [42] Later editions lack date on title-page, and are issued from the Washington Square ad dress. 1902 LETTERS WRITTEN BY WALT WHIT MAN TO HIS MOTHER FROM 1866 to 1872. Together with Certain Papers Prepared from Material now First Utilized. Ed ited by Thomas B. Harned, one of Whit man s literary executors. G. P. PUTNAM S SONS, New York and London. The Knickerbocker Press, 1902. Small octavo, greenish-gray paper covers. Only five copies were printed. i 1902 THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF WALT WHITMAN. Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. With additional bibliographi- [43] cal and critical material by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph.D. G. P. PUTNAM S SONS, New York and London. The Knicker bocker Press, New York, 1902. Ten volumes in several editions and va rious bindings, small quarto, uncut. Autograph edition with ms. inserted 32 sets Paumanok edition^ colored plates . 300 sets Booklovers Camden edition . . 500 sets The Lamb Publishing Company. 1904 WALT WHITMAN S DIARY IN CAN ADA. With Extracts from other of his Diaries and Literary Note-Books. Edited by William Sloane Kennedy. Small quarto, gray boards, vellum back and corners, gilt lettering, uncut, portrait, edition limited to 500 copies. SMALL, MAYNARD AND COMPANY, Boston, 1904. The edition was limited to five hundred copies. A few were bound in vellum boards, but the greater portion of the issue was bound in light blue cloth, lettering in black, [44] edges trimmed. This is considered the sec ond issue. 1904 AN AMERICAN PRIMER. By WALT WHITMAN. With Facsimiles of the Original Manu script. Edited by Horace Traubel. Small quarto, gray boards, vellum back and corners, gilt lettering, uncut, portrait, edi tion limited to 500 copies. SMALL, MAY- NARD AND COMPANY, Boston, 1904. The edition was limited to five hundred copies. A very few were bound in the vel lum boards, the greater portion of the is sue was bound in light blue cloth, lettering in black, edges trimmed. This is consid ered the second issue. 1905 LAFAYETTE IN BROOKLYN, by WALT WHITMAN. With an Introduction by John Burroughs. [45] I2mo, boards, uncut, paper labels on front cover and backstrip, portrait frontispiece and other illustrations. GEORGE D. SMITH, New York, 1905. Two hundred and fifty copies in all. Two hundred and thirty-five copies on American hand-made paper. Fifteen copies in Imperial Japanese vellum. All copies numbered and signed by the publisher. 1908 COMPLETE PROSE WORKS. Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs, and Gobd-Bye, My Fancy. By WALT WHITMAN. New York : D. APPLE- TON AND COMPANY, 1908. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, portrait frontis piece, title in gilt on backstrip. 1908 LEAVES OF GRASS. Including Sands at Seventy, Good-Bye, My Fancy, Old Age Echoes, and a Backward [46] Glance O er Travel d Roads. By WALT WHITMAN. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, portrait frontis piece, title in gilt on backstrip. D. Ap- PLETON AND COMPANY, New York, 1 908. Reprinted, 1910. 1913 CRITICISM: AN ESSAY. By WALT WHIT MAN. I2mo, gray boards, uncut, paper label. One hundred copies printed for members of the Carteret Book Club, Newark, N.J., 1914 LEAVES OF GRASS. WALT WHITMAN. Complete. Authorized by the Executors. MITCHELL KENNERLEY, New York, 1914. 8vo, green cloth, portrait frontispiece, fac simile signature. [47] Title in gilt on backstrip and front cover. Also issued in limp leather and in paper wrappers. A few copies of the cloth edition were uncut, gilt top. 1914 COMPLETE PROSE WORKS. WALT WHITMAN. Authorized by the Executors. MITCHELL KENNERLEY, New York, 1914. 8vo, green cloth, frontispiece showing: Whitman s Tomb, tide in gilt on backstrip and front cover. A few copies of this edition have the Mitchell Kennerley title-page and binding, but the imprint, Doubleday, Page and Com pany, on backstrip of binding. 1917 LEAVES OF GRASS. By WALT WHIT MAN. Issued under the Editorial Supervision of [48 ] his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. Three Volumes in One. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COMPANY, Garden City, New York, 1917. Large 8vo, green cloth, title in gilt on backstrip. Reprinted, 1919, as "Centenary Edi tion." 1919 LEAVES OF GRASS. By WALT WHITMAN. Facsimile Edition of the 1855 text - Quarto, green cloth, tide in gold on back- strip and cover. THOMAS BIRD MOSHER, WILLIAM FRANCIS GABLE, Portland, Maine, MDCCCCXIX. This is a beautiful facsimile of the first edition, with an introduction giving much bibliographical data. The edition consisted of four hundred copies, two hundred and fifty copies on Old Stratford white moire paper, green cloth, stamped to match the original edition. One hundred copies on [49] Van Gelder hand-made paper, uncut, num bered, blue paper boards, gold stamped. Fifty copies on Japan vellum, numbered and signed by the publisher. Japan vellum boards, gold stamped. A second issue was published in 1920 with slight changes. Five hundred copies, green cloth. SELECTIONS FROM THE WORKS OF WALT WHITMAN 1850 VOICES FROM THE PRESS. A Collection of Essays, Sketches, and Poems. Edited by James J. Brenton. Large 8 vo, black or brown cloth. CHARLES B. NORTON, New York, 1850. This contains "The Tomb Blossoms," reprinted from the Democratic Review. James J. Brenton was a printer, and at one time employed Whitman as a work man. The book contains a short biogra phy of Whitman as a printer. 1868 POEMS BY WALT WHITMAN. Selected and edited by William Michael Rossetti. Blue cloth, small, thick I2mo, uncut. Portrait, with facsimile signature. JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN, London, 1868. First issue can be distinguished by the absence of price mark, 7 / 6, on backstrip, which is printed on the second issue. Sev- [53] eral pages of advertisements appear either in front or back of both issues. Prefatory notice by Rossetti. Regular preface to the "Leaves" by Whitman, ending with two lines and signature in facsimile MS. Re printed 8vo, blue and maroon buckram, uncut 1886-1892-1895-1910, and a new popular edition 1920, I2mo, blue cloth (fine paper edition). All published by Chatto and Windus, London. Although the first English edition, and an important item, the book is at best a selection. Poems are omitted and titles changed in deference to English opinion, and the prefatory notice reads like an apol ogy for the book. This was the only time that Whitman permitted changes or ex purgations. 1873 AMERICAN POEMS. Selected and edited by William Michael Rossetti. 8vo, decorated ivory enameled boards. Edges bound with brass. All edges gilt, [54] Title on backstrip differs. Some copies hav ing "American Poems," others "Amer ican Poetry," while others have the words "American Poets." London: E. MOXON, SON & Co., Dover St. and i Amen Cor ner, Paternoster Row. N.D. (circa 1873). A rare and curious item. The book is dedicated to Whitman. Five pages of the preface are devoted to Whitman. Pages 247 to 333 give poems from " Leaves of Grass," with titles as in the Rossetti edi tion of 1 868. Headed by a short biography of Whitman. Also issued in green cloth and half morocco. Later reprint, Ward, Lock & Co., Lon don. 8 vo, green cloth. "American Poetry" gold-stamped on front cover. All edges gilt. Frontispiece portrait of Walt Whit man. N.D. (1875). This edition is printed on different paper, within borders. - Also, a reprint with title, "American Poems, a collection of Representative Verse, with short biographies of the most celebrated American authors." [55] Purple cloth, 8vo, uncut, paper label. WARD, LOCK AND Co., London. This issue does not contain the preface. The book is not dedicated to Whitman and Rossetti s name does not appear on title-page. 1886 LEAVES OF GRASS. The Poems of Walt Whitman, (Selected,) with an introduction by Ernest Rhys. i6mo, brown cloth, frontispiece, pic torial design and gilt title on backstrip ; pictorial design, and the name "Whit man" in gilt panel on front cover. Can terbury Poets Series. WALTER SCOTT, London, 1886. Later editions were in half leather, some also in blue cloth, uncut, with white paper label. The later editions, although having the same title-page, do not contain the por trait frontispiece, and some copies are dated 1887. [56] 1886 REMINISCENCES of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of his time. Collected and edited by Allen Thorndike Rice. Pages 469-475, an essay on Lincoln by Whitman, with a portrait of Whitman and a portrait of Lincoln. Large 8vo, brown cloth, illustrated. NORTH AMERICAN PUBLISHING Co., New York, 1886. Reprint, 1888. 1887 POETRY OF AMERICA. SELEC TIONS FROM ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN POETS, by W. J. LIN- TON. Whitman, pages 199 to 212. Large I2mo, green cloth. Frontispiece portrait of Walt Whitman. GEORGE BELL AND SONS, London, 1887. Bonn s Stand ard Library. 57] 1889 GEMS FROM WALT WHITMAN. Selected by Elizabeth Porter Gould. Oblong izmo, maroon cloth. DAVID MC KAY, Philadelphia, 1889. 1892 SELECTED POEMS BY WALT WHIT MAN. I2mo, gray cloth, portrait frontispiece. New York, 1892 : CHAS. WEBSTER & Co. First issue in the Fiction, Fact, and Fancy Series, with ornamental device on back and cover. Later issues bear the Mc Kay imprint and are in plain and in half polished calf. Some few copies bear the London imprint of G. P. Putnam s Sons. The book is edited by Arthur Stedman. 58] 1892 AUTOBIOGRAPHIA, or THE STORY OF A LIFE. izmo, gray cloth. New York, 1892: CHAS. L. WEBSTER AND COMPANY. First issue in the Fiction, Fact, and Fancy Series, with ornamental device on back- strip and front cover. Also issued in plain gray cloth and in half polished calf. Later issues bear the McKay imprint and are in blue and gray, and some few bear the Lon don imprint of G. P. Putnam s Sons, 1892. There is a small, scarce issue bearing the David McKay imprint, undated. This is thick I2mo, and contains "Autobio- graphia" and "Selected Poems" in one volume. Edited by Arthur Stedman. 1894 AMERICAN SONG. A Collection of Representative Ameri can Poems, with Analytical and Critical Studies of The Writers. With Introduc- [59] tion and Notes by Arthur B. Simonds, A.M. 8vo, maroon cloth, gilt top, uncut, let tering in gilt on backstrip and front cover. G. P. PUTNAM S SONS, New York, Lon don. Knickerbocker Press, 1894. Contains a short biography and criticism and twelve poems by Walt Whitman. 1895 POEMS BY WALT WHITMAN. Square izmo, orange color pebbled paper wrappers. London Review of Review s office. N.D. (1895). The Masterpiece Library, Penny Poets Series, No. XXVII. Later editions are bound in boards and are combined with other poets. 1898 SELECTIONS FROM THE PROSE AND POETRY OF WALT WHITMAN. Edited with an introduction by Oscar Lovell Triggs. [60] 8vo, green buckram, uncut, portrait fron tispiece. Boston, 1898: SMALL, MAYNARD & Co. 1900 WHEN LILACS LAST IN THE DOOR- YARD BLOOMED. Walt Whitman s Hymn on the Death of Lincoln. Frontispiece, initials, and tail piece in water-colors by C. R. Ashbee. 8vo, vellum, uncut. One hundred and thirty-five copies printed on vellum. London, 1900: ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. 1900 LEAVES OF GRASS. (Selections.) i6mo, boards, cloth, and leather, frontis piece. New York, 1900, H. M. CALD- WELL Co. Also in limp leather by Dean & Son, Ltd., London. Several years later again reprinted in King s Treasury Series, by George G. Harrap, London. This later [61 ] reprint does not bear the Caldwell copy right date of 1900. 1900 LEAVES OF GRASS. With Variorum Readings, and a Depart ment of Gathered Leaves. Large 8vo, green cloth, binding stamped in gold, frontispiece and other illustra tions. Philadelphia, 1900, DAVID McKAY. This is a reprint of the 1872 Washing ton edition. Later issues have poems added from the 1876 edition, Camden. 1902 WALT WHITMAN S POETRY. A Study and a Selection by Edmond Holmes, Square 8vo, uncut, green cloth, gold stamping on front cover and backstop. JOHN LANE, London, 1902. [62] 1902 POEMS OF WALT WHITMAN. (Selections.) With a biographical intro duction by John Burroughs. I2mo, cloth, also leather; frontispiece. THOMAS Y. CROWELL & Co., New York, 1902. The first issue of this edition does not contain "Drum Taps." The "Poems" were reprinted from the 1860 edition. 1904 SONG OF MYSELF. Square 8vo, uncut, issued in boards and limp leather. Also a special edition of a few copies on vellum, bound in various colored fancy leathers and signed by Elbert Hubbard. New York, 1904, issued by the Roy croft ers, East Aurora. 1904 LEAVES OF GRASS. Selected with a prefatory note by Harry Roberts. Small 8vo, green cloth. Number one of the Vagabond Library. Issued in cloth and limp leather and in two sizes, the first issue small 8vo ; second issue, I2mo, London, 1904, Anthony Treherne & Co., Ltd. 1904 SELECTED POEMS OF WALT WHIT MAN. Edited with an introduction and notes by Julian W. Abernethy, Ph.D. Maynard s English Classic Series, number 242. I2mo, brown wrappers. New York, 1904, CHAS. E. MERRILL & Co. 1904 AMERICAN LITERARY CRITICISM. Selected and edited with an Introductory [64] Essay by William Morton Payne, associate editor of The Dial. 8vo, red cloth, gilt lettering on backstrip. LONGMANS, GREEN & Co., New York, London and Bombay, 1904. The Wam pum Library. Contains first preface to " Leaves of Grass" from the 1855 edition. N.D. (circa 1905) PEARLS FROM WALT WHITMAN. Selected by F. E. Worland. I2mo wrappers. London, N.D. (1905), C. W. DANIEL, LTD. 1905 THE BOOK OF HEAVENLY DEATH. Compiled by Horace Traubel. Square 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Portland, Maine, 1905, THOMAS B. MOSHER. Also fifty copies numbered, Japan vel lum, in cream vellum boards. N.D. (circa 1905) LEAVES OF GRASS. (A Selection.) I2mo, cloth, also in wrappers. London: SIEGLE, HILL & Co. 1905 ONE HUNDRED BEST AMERICAN POEMS. Selected by John R. Howard. I2mo, red cloth. CROWELL & Co., New York, 1905. Four of the poems in this selection are by Whitman. 1905 THE CHIEF AMERICAN POETS. Selected Poems by Many Americans, by Curtis Hidden Page, Ph.D. Large 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, Mass., 1905 : HOUGHTON, MlFFLIN & Co. Contains a large selection of Whitman s poems, a short biography and bibliography. [66] 1906 A LITTLE BOOK OF NATURE THOUGHTS. Selected by Anne Montgomery Traubel. Narrow 1 6mo, blue boards, also in leather. Portland, Maine, 1906: THOMAS B. MOSHER. This was reissued 241110, limp leather, London, N.D. (circa 1912), by Siegle, Hill & Co. N.D. (circa 1906) SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD. I2mo, limp leather, also in izmo, yellow wrappers. London, ST. CATHERINE PRESS. N.D. (circa 1908). 1906 MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LIN COLN, AND OTHER LYRICS OF THE WAR. I2mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Maine: THOMAS B. MOSHER. Nine hundred and [67] twenty-five copies on hand-made paper. One hundred copies on vellum. Reissued with slight changes in 1912 in large square 8vo, boards. Three hundred copies on hand-made paper, fifty copies on vellum. 1907 WHITMAN S SELECTED POEMS. Preface by Padraic Colum. i6mo, green paper wrappers, uncut, New Nation Booklets No. i. Cover printed in brown and blue. Back cover lists Irish books issued by Maunsel & Co., Ltd. Published by MAUNSEL & Co., LTD. New Nation Press, Dublin, 1907. This item is very scarce, as most of the edition was destroyed. 1908 THE WISDOM OF WALT WHITMAN. Selected and edited with an introduction by Laurens Maynard. [68 ] Square i6mo, limp calf, gilt decorations on backstrip and front cover. BRENTANO, New York, 1908. 1909 LEAVES OF GRASS. I2mo, brown cloth. People s Library Edi tion. London, 1909: CASSELL & Co. N.D. (circa 1910) WALT WHITMAN. Poems selected by A. T. Quiller-Couch. I2mo, wrappers. Oxford: CLARENDON PRESS, N.D. (circa 1910). N.D. (circa 1910) LEAVES OF GRASS. A Selection from the Poems of Walt Whitman. 1 2mo, wrappers. London, N.D. (1910), GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. The Broadway Booklets. 1912 LEAVES OF GRASS and DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. I2mo, issued in cloth and leather. Every man s Library. London, N.D. (1912):]. M. DENT&SONS; New York: E. P. BUTTON & Co. Introduction by Horace Traubel. This edition is incomplete. 1912 THE ROLLING EARTH. Compiled by Waldo R. Browne, with an introduction by John Burroughs. I2mo, decorated boards, portrait frontis piece. Boston, 1912: HOUGHTON MIF- FLIN COMPANY. N.D. (circa 1913) SEA DRIFT, by WALT WHITMAN. i6mo, levant, uncut, printed on one side of the page only. London : JARROLD AND SONS, N.D. (1913). The preface of this booklet gives the [70] surprising information that Whitman fol lowed various professions including those of lawyer and doctor. Reprint, 1920, in gray cloth. 1913 POEMS FROM LEAVES OF GRASS. With 24 colored illustrations by Marga ret C. Cook. Quarto, green cloth, gold stamping on front cover and backstrip. London, 1913 : J. M. DENT AND SONS ; New York : E. P. BUTTON AND COMPANY. There is a second issue of this item which was issued in 1915. It bears the date 1913, but the binding lacks the gold decorations on backstrip and cover. The title in this edition is in gold on the back- strip, but the rest of the decorations on backstrip and cover are stamped in black, probably a rebinding, with the original sheets. [71] 1914 THE OXFORD BOOK OF AMERICAN ESSAYS. Chosen by Brander Matthews. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, American Branch, New York, 1914. 8vo, blue cloth, title in gilt on backstrip and front cover. This book contains the preface to "Leaves of Grass" taken from the 1855 edition. N.D. (circa 1914) LEAVES OF GRASS. (A Selection.) By WALT WHITMAN. I2mo, limp leather. SIEGLE, HILL & Co., London, N.D. (1914). N.D. (circa 1914) LEAVES OF GRASS. (A Selection.) I2mo, decorated, in red cloth; also in green and blue cloth. London, N.D. (igi4)> CHAS. H. KELLY. New Age Li brary. 1915 WALT WHITMAN AND HIS POETRY. By Henry Bryan Binns. Introduction by William Henry Hudson. I2mo, cloth, portrait. GEORGE G. HAR- RAP, London, 1915. Poetry and Life Series. Also issued in heavy brown wrappers, uncut, same date. This issue does not con tain the portrait frontispiece. N.D. (1916) MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LIN COLN. 24010, limp leather. New York, N.D. (1916). Little Leather Library Corpora tion. 73 N.D. (circa 1918) WESTMINSTER CLASSICS, III. WALT WHITMAN. Twenty-three Poems. Selected by Gwen Williams, B.A. Estimates by Emerson, Stevenson, etc. I2mo, brown wrappers. London, N.D. (1918). The Athenaeum Literature De partment. N.D. (1918) WALT WHITMAN S POEMS. Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius. i6mo, wrappers. APPEAL TO REASON, Girard, Kansas. People s Pocket Series, No. 73. 1918 READINGS FROM GREAT AUTHORS. By John Haynes Holmes, Harvey Dee Brown, Helen Edmunds Redding, The odore Goldsmith. New York: DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, 1918. [74] 1918 THE PATRIOTIC POEMS OF WALT WHITMAN. I2mo, limp leather, uncut. New York, 1918: DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COMPANY. Also issued in cloth with a paper label. N.D. (1918) LEAVES OF GRASS. WALT WHITMAN. Selected from the Complete Edition. I2mo, brown cloth, uncut, portrait fron tispiece. GEORGE G. HARRAP & Co., Ltd., London, N.D. (circa 1918). 1919 SONGS OF DEMOCRACY. By WALT WHITMAN. I2mo, green cloth. DAVID McKAY, Phil adelphia. 1920 LEAVES OF GRASS, by WALT WHITMAN. Selected and edited with an introduction [75] by Ernest de Selincourt. HUMPHREY MILFORD, Oxford University Press, Lon don. The World s Classics, ccxvm. 1920 LEAVES OF GRASS. Selected and Edited by Ernest de Selin court. i6mo, green cloth, gilt lettering on back- strip. HUMPHREY MILFORD, Oxford Uni versity Press, London, N.D. (1920). The World s Classics Series, published in vari ous bindings and styles, cloth, leather, etc. N.D. (1921) POEMS BY WALT WHITMAN. Introduction by Carl Sandburg. I2mo, limp leather (imitation). BONI & LIVERIGHT, New York, N.D. (1921). A small selection from early editions of " Leaves of Grass." [76] 1922 LEAVES OF GRASS, 1850-1881, by WALT WHITMAN. With an introduction by Stuart P. Sher man. I2mo, blue cloth. Modern Students Li brary. CHAS. SCRIBNER S SONS, New York, 1922. BOOKS ABOUT WALT WHITMAN 1866 THE GOOD GRAY POET. A VINDI CATION. Reprinted in Walt W hitman y by Maurice Bucke, M.D. Philadelphia, 1883. Small quarto, tan wrappers, uncut. Tide on front cover ; also title-page. BUNCE AND HUNTINGTON, New York, 1 866. Written by William Douglas O Connor. Author s name not on cover or title, but signed at end. 1867 NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND PERSON, by JOHN BURROUGHS. First issue, brown pebbled cloth, dumpy lamo, gilt lettering on front cover, back- strip blank, all edges cut and sprinkled. This issue measures 4^x6 ^ inches. Second issue I2mo, uncut, plain brown cloth. Both issues New York, AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 1867. There was also a very small issue in plain [81 ] blue wrappers, entirely uncut. This issue is extremely rare, but two copies being known. In an early letter of John Burroughs he mentions that only a few copies of the book were issued in the small size. The greater portion of the edition being issued as a regular I2mo. This is a scarce and im portant item and is the first book on Walt Whitman. While there is no absolute proof, there is much reason to believe that Whitman edited the book with care and wrote large portions of it himself. It is admitted that in the early part of his career Whitman had a calm indifference to the manner of mak ing his work known. His use of the Em erson letter and his anonymous newspaper reviews were to him only a method of mak ing his message plain. Burroughs, then a very young man, and almost unknown, also an intimate friend and admirer, would, doubtless, readily agree to Whitman s lending a hand on his first book. A careful reading of almost any por tion of the text will show much that is like [82] Whitman in style and method. It is also significant that after 1871 this book was not reprinted, and was never included in sets of John Burroughs s works. 1871 NOTES ON WALT WHITMAN AS POET AND PERSON, by JOHN BURROUGHS. Second edition. I2mo, issued in brown, blue and green cloth, uncut, gilt letter ing on front cover. J. S. REDFIELD, New York, 1871. This enlarged and revised edition con tains supplementary notes dated 1871. 1882 FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN AND BOOKS, by ROBERT Louis STEVENSON. 8vo, sage-green cloth, boards, uncut. CHATTO AND WINDUS, London, 1882. This book contains Stevenson s essay on Walt Whitman. [ 83] Reprinted, with a " Little Journey to the Home of Whitman," by Elbert Hubbard. 8vo, limp leather, frontispiece. The Roy- croft Shop, East Aurora, N.Y., 1900. 1883 WALT WHITMAN, by RICHARD MAURICE BUCKE, M.D. LARGE I2mo, reddish brown cloth, uncut, gilt top, etched frontispiece portrait, by Herbert Gilchrist. DAVID McKAY, Phil adelphia, 1883. This is an important biography. Whit man not only carefully edited the book, but wrote the first twenty-four pages. . 1884 WALT WHITMAN, by RICHARD MAURICE BUCKE, M.D., to which is added Eng lish Critics on Walt Whitman, edited by Edward Dowden, etched portrait by Gilchrist and other illustrations. 8vo, olive green cloth, entirely uncut. Glasgow: WILSON AND McCoRMiCK, 1 884. Also, undated, with Paisley imprint. 1884 WALT WHITMAN; POET AND DEM OCRAT. The Round Table Series. 8vo, green wrappers, brown lettering on front cover, by John Robertson, but pub lished anonymously. Also a special edition of one hundred copies on hand-made paper, uncut, parch ment cover, numbered and signed by pub lisher, William Brown, Edinburgh, 1884. 1887 ANNE GILCHRIST: HER LIFE AND WRITINGS. Edited by Herbert Harlakenden Gilchrist. With a Prefatory Notice by William Michael Rossetti. 8vo, blue cloth, uncut, portrait frontis piece, gilt lettering on backstrip, pictorial [85 1 design on front cover. T. FISHER UNWIN, London, 1887. American edition pub lished by SCRIBNER AND WELFORD, New York, 1887. 1889 CAMDEN S COMPLIMENT TO WALT WHITMAN, May 31, 1889. Notes, addresses, letters and telegrams. Edited by Horace L. Traubel. Frontispiece, 8vo, red cloth, uncut, gilt lettering on front cover. DAVID McKAY, Philadelphia, 1889. 1890 NOTES OF VISIT TO WALT WHIT MAN, etc. Printed for private circulation, by J. John ston, M.D. 8vo, tan wrappers. T. BRIMELOW AND COMPANY, Bolton, 1890. A few copies were in large 8vo, cloth, gilt lettering on front cover. [86] A later issue enlarged and illustrated, 8vo, green cloth, uncut, under the title of "Diary Notes on a Visit to Walt Whit man and Some of His Friends in 1890," was published by Manchester Labour Press, Ltd., Manchester, 1898. A few copies of this edition had a label inserted bearing the imprint of Small, Maynard and Company. 1890 LIBERTY IN LITERATURE. Testimonial to Walt Whitman by Robert G. Ingersoll. Issued in 8vo, wrappers, and in brown cloth, gilt lettering. TRUTH SEEKER COMPANY, New York, 1890. Also an English edition, 8vo, brown cloth. Gay and Bird, London, 1891. 1892 GOOD-BYE AND HAIL WALT WHIT MAN. Edited by Horace L. Traubel. [87] Small quarto, printed on gray paper, un cut, heavy gray wrappers. No publisher. Printed by Billstein and Son, of Philadelphia, for Horace Traubel, 1892. Limited to seven hundred and fifty copies. Many of the copies are signed by the editor. 1892 THREE TALES, by WILLIAM DOUGLAS O CONNOR. The Ghost, The Brazen Android, The Carpenter. With Preface by WALT WHITMAN. 1 2mo, green cloth. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, Boston and New York, 1892. One of the stories, "The Carpenter," is a story of Walt Whitman. 1892 WALT WHITMAN, by WILLIAM CLARKE, M.A. izmo, brown embossed cloth, frontis- [ 88 ] piece portrait. SWAN, SONNENSCHEIN AND COMPANY, London, 1892. There is also an American edition pub lished by Macmillan & Company, New York City, N.Y. 1893 WALT WHITMAN: A STUDY, by JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. Quarto, green cloth, uncut, illustrated. JOHN C. NIMMO, London, 1893. Also a large-paper edition on special paper, limited to two hundred and eight copies. Blue cloth, white paper label on backstrip. Same date and publisher. This is one of the important books on Whit man. A popular edition, i6mo, green cloth, gilt lettering, issued by George Routledge and Son, Ltd., London, N.D., circa 1915. This issue does not have illustra tions. Reprinted in regular 8vo size, in red and in green cloth, with words "New Edi- tion" on title-page. London: John C. Nimmo, 1896. 1893 BROWNING AND WHITMAN: A STUDY IN DEMOCRACY, by OS CAR L. TRIGGS (University of Chi cago), izmo, brown embossed cloth. London: SWAN, SONNENSCHEIN AND COMPANY ; New York: MACMILLAN AND COMPANY, 1895 WALT WHITMAN: HIS RELATION TO SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. A paper read at the Meeting of the Aus tralasian Association for the Advance ment of Science, held at Brisbane in Janu ary, 1895, by William Gay. I2mo, wrappers, uncut. MASON, FIRTH AND MCCUTCHEON, Melbourne, 1895. [90] 1895 CONVERSATIONS WITH WALT WHITMAN, by SADAKICHI. 8vo, blue gray wrappers, uncut. E. P. GOBY AND COMPANY, New York, 1895. Portrait in line of Sadakichi and Whit man on front cover. Written by Sadakichi Hartmann. 1896 WALT WHITMAN; THE MAN, by THOMAS B. DONALDSON. Large 8vo, uncut, illustrated. FRANCIS P. HARPER, New York, 1896. The first issue is in plain green cloth, uncut. Later issues, same date, in red cloth, title in gold. English Edition. Large 8vo, wrappers, entirely uncut. Suckling and Galloway, 1896. Another English issue, published by Gay and Bird, 8vo, uncut, green cloth, white paper label, London, 1897. The English editions were limited to a very small number. 1896 WHITMAN: A STUDY, by JOHN BUR ROUGHS. 8vo, green buckram, uncut, portrait fron tispiece, white paper label. Special Lim ited Edition, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, Boston and New York, 1896. This was also issued as volume 10 of the Riverside Edition of John Burroughs s Works in 8vo, green cloth, uncut, gilt top, portrait frontispiece, decorations in gilt. Also, same date, regular edition square I2mo, light olive-brown cloth, darker back- strip, flower device on front cover, gilt let tering on backstrip, top edge gilt. Re printed, 1902. Also English editions, i2mo, brown cloth, A. P. Watt and Son, London, N.D. And 8vo, blue cloth, white paper label. Archibald Constable and Co., Lon don, N.D. The Special Limited Edition with paper [9*1 label is most desired by collectors and con sidered the real first issue. 1896 REMINISCENCES OF WALT WHIT MAN, With Extracts from His Let ters and Remarks on His Writings, by WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY. I2mo, uncut, brown cloth, with title in gilt lettering on backstrip. ALEXANDER GARDNER, Paisley and London, 1896. Also a small American edition. Blue cloth, with the David McKay, Philadel phia, imprint. A few copies had the Mc Kay imprint printed on a small label pasted across the title-page of the English edi tion. All copies bear the same date. 1900 ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHIT MAN, by ELIZABETH PORTER GOULD. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, gilt lettering. DAVID McKAY, Philadelphia, N.D. (1900), [93] 1901 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, by RICHARD MAURICE BUCKE. Quarto, gray cloth, paper label, portrait frontispiece. INNES AND SONS, Phila delphia, 1901. A few special copies had leather back- strip and were signed by the author. A second edition was issued in 1905. Both editions are now difficult to find. The first issue was a small one, and a large number of the second edition were de stroyed by fire. 1902 WHITMAN S IDEAL DEMOCRACY AND OTHER WRITINGS, by HEL ENA BORN. With a Biography by the editor, HELEN TUFTS. izmo, brown boards, paper label, EVER ETT PRESS, Boston, 1902. Limited to five hundred numbered copies. [94] 1903 CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF BOOKS, LETTERS AND MAN USCRIPTS BY WALT WHIT MAN, in the library of George M. Williamson. Quarto, green cloth, gilt lettering. Ja maica, L.I., THE MARION PRESS. Twenty-five copies were printed on Japan paper, numbered i to 25, and one hundred and two copies on plated paper, numbered 26 to 127. 1903 WALT WHITMAN: THE POET OF THE WIDER SELFHOOD, by MILA TUPPER MAYNARD. I2mo, gray boards, cloth back, gilt letter ing. CHAS. H. KERR AND COMPANY, Chicago, 1903. 1904 WALT WHITMAN, by ISAAC HULL PLATT. i6mo, blue cloth, uncut, frontispiece, gilt [95] lettering. SMALL, MAYNARD AND COM PANY, Boston, 1904. The Beacon Biographies of Eminent Americans. Edited by M. A. DeWolfe Howe. A few copies were in paper wrap pers and some in limp leather. 1904 WALT WHITMAN, SEER; A BRIEF STUDY, by HENRY WALLACE. I2mo, heavy white wrappers. WALTER SCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY, London and New York, 1904. 1905 A LIFE OF WALT WHITMAN, by HENRY BRYAN BINNS. Large 8vo, green cloth, uncut, 33 illustra tions, title in gilt. METHUEN AND COM PANY, London, 1905. American Edition, E. P. BUTTON AND COMPANY, New York, 1905. German Edition, HAESSEL, Leip zig, 1907. [96] The first English edition can be easily distinguished from reprints, as it has a nar row gold line bordering the edge of the front cover. Reprints have this line in dark green. 1905 WALT WHITMAN AND LEAVES OF GRASS. An Introduction, by W. H. TRIMBLE. I2mo, green cloth, gilt lettering on back- strip, and also in gray wrappers, I2mo, lettering in black. WATTS AND COM PANY, London, 1905. This volume includes a list of the titles given by William Michael Rossetti to cer tain of Whitman s poems, which were used in the First English Edition of "Leaves of Grass." 1906 WALT WHITMAN: HIS LIFE AND WORK, by BLISS PERRY. 8vo, brown cloth, uncut, illustrated. Pa- [97] per label, limited to two hundred and fifty COpieS. HOUGHTON, MlFFLIN AND COM- PANY, Boston, 1906. There is also a large-paper edition of two hundred and fifty copies, 8vo, red cloth, same date, published by Archibald Constable and Company, Ltd. Also a Re print with slight additions in the Riverside Popular Biographies, 1908. 1906 DAYS WITH WALT WHITMAN AND SOME NOTES ON HIS LIFE AND WORK, by EDWARD CARPENTER. 8vo, green cloth, uncut, gilt top, gilt lettering on backstrip and front cover. Portrait frontispiece and two other illus trations. GEORGE ALLEN, London, 1906. American issue by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York, 1906. [98 ] 1906 WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAM- DEN, MARCH 28-JULY 14, 1888, by HORACE TRAUBEL. Small quarto, green cloth, gilt lettering, gilt tops, uncut. SMALL, MAYNARD AND COMPANY, Boston, 1906. Second Volume: July i6-October 31, 1888. Same format. Publisher, D. AP- PLETON AND COMPANY, New York, IQo8. Third Volume: March 28-July 14, 1888. November i, i888-January 20, 1889. Same format. Publisher, MITCHELL KEN- NERLEY, New York, 1914. 1909 WALT WHITMAN, by GEORGE RICE CARPENTER. 8vo, blue cloth, uncut, gilt lettering on backstrip. English Men of Letters Series. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York, 1909. [99] 1910 WALT WHITMAN: THE MAN AND THE POET, by JAMES THOMSON ("B. V."), with an introduction by BERTRAM DOBELL. Large izmo, gray wrappers, also in blue cloth with gilt lettering. Published by the Editor, BERTRAM DOBELL, London, 1910. A large-paper edition of about two hun dred copies was issued same year on special paper, 8vo, uncut, white buckram, gilt let tering. 1910 AN APPROACH TO WALT WHIT MAN, by CARLETON NOYES. izmo, gray boards, uncut, paper label. Frontispiece portrait. HOUGHTON MIF- FLIN COMPANY, Boston and New York, 1910. [ ioo] 1913 WALT WHITMAN S ANOMALY, by W. C. RIVERS. GEO. ALLEN AND COMPANY, LTD., Lon don, 1913. The sale of this book is restricted to members of the legal and medical profes sions. 1914 A PLEA FOR SHAKESPEARE AND WHITMAN: SOME FINDINGS FOR PERSONS WHO LIKE TO DO THEIR OWN THINKING, by TIMOTHY CALL. i6mo, green boards, black lettering on front cover. W. T. CALL, Brooklyn, New York, 1914. 1914 WALT WHITMAN: A CRITICAL STUDY, by BASIL DE SELINCOURT. Large 8vo, blue cloth, gilt lettering. MAR TIN SECKER, London, 1914. American [ 101 ] Edition published by MITCHELL KENNER- LEY, New York, 1914. 1915 WALT WHITMAN AS MAN, POET AND FRIEND. BEING AUTO GRAPH PAGES FROM MANY PENS: Collected by CHARLES N. ELLIOT. Square 8vo, uncut, gilt top, half leather and brown board sides. Portrait frontis piece and other illustrations. Limited to five hundred numbered copies printed on Old Stratford Paper. RICHARD G. BADGER, Boston, 1915. Later issues in the same year were bound in half cloth and brown boards. 1915 IVORY APES AND PEACOCKS, by JAMES G. HUNEKER. 8vo, blue cloth, gilt lettering. CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS, New York, 1915. This contains the essay "A Visit to Walt Whitman." [ 102 ] 1916 WALT WHITMAN: YESTERDAY AND TODAY, by HENRY EDWARD LEG- LER. 8vo, green boards, uncut, paper label on front cover and backstrip. BROTHERS OF THE BOOK, Chicago, 1916. Six hundred copies on Fabriano hand made paper and type distributed. LOVE IN HINDU LITERATURE, by BENOY KUMAR SARKAR. 8vo, brown cloth, gilt lettering on back- strip. MARUZEN COMPANY, LTD., Tokyo, 1916. This book is not of special literary value, but it shows the reaction of the Oriental mind to the writings of Walt Whitman. 1917 VISITS TO WALT WHITMAN IN 1890- 1891, BY TWO LANCASHIRE [ 103 ] FRIENDS, by J. JOHNSTON, M.D., and J. W. WALLACE. 8vo, green imitation cloth (embossed pa per), illustrated. GEORGE ALLEN AND UNWIN, London, 1917. American Edi tion published by EGMONT H. ARENS, NEW YORK, 1918. 1918 THE LETTERS OF ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHITMAN Edited with an introduction, by THOMAS B. HARNED. Large 8vo, illustrated, green cloth, gilt lettering. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COM PANY, Garden City, New York, 1918. 1920 WALT WHITMAN; THE MAN AND HIS WORK. Translated from the French of Leon Bazalgette, by ELLEN FITZGERALD. Large 8vo, green cloth, gilt lettering on backstrip and front cover. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COMPANY, New York, 1920. A somewhat expurgated translation of the author s "Walt Whitman, L Homme et son CEuvre," published in Paris, 1908. Leon Bazalgette has done much for Whit man in France translated "Leaves of Grass," 2 vols., Paris, 1909; also made scholarly translations from Whitman s Prose Works. 1920 WALT WHITMAN: THE PROPHET OF THE NEW ERA, by WILL HAYES. I2mo, olive boards, uncut, paper label on front cover and backstrip. C. W. DANIEL, LTD., London, N.D. (1920). 1921 THE UNCOLLECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF WALT WHITMAN. Much of which has been but recently [ 105] discovered. With Various Early Manu scripts Now First Published. Collected and Edited by EMORY HOLLOWAY, Professor of English in Adelphi Col lege. Two vols., large 8vo, uncut, green cloth, paper label. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COMPANY, Garden City, New York, and Toronto, 1921. Also an English Edition. Two vols., maroon cloth, paper label. WILLIAM HEINEMANN, London, 1922. 1921 WALT WHITMAN : Being the Substance of Three Lectures Delivered to the List Card Adult School, by GODFREY W. MATHEWS. 8vo, tan boards, DAILY POST PRINTERS, Liverpool, 1921. 1921 WALT WHITMAN IN MICKLE STREET, by ELIZABETH LEAVITT KELLER. I2mo, uncut, gilt tops, brown cloth, [ 106] white paper label on backstrip, illus trated. MITCHELL KENNERLEY, New York, 1921. Edition limited to twelve hundred and fifty copies. THIS EDITION IS LIMITED TO FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY NUMBERED COPIES, OF WHICH FIVE HUNDRED ARE FOR SALE. THIS IS NUMBER. *? RETURN MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SEP 06 199 4 /UTODisrnpr MAY 21 19bi FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES