GENERAL INDEX TO THE CATALOGUES OF THE EXHIBITIONS OF WORKS BY JEastos atttt y&zttaxzb Uriitslj Artists, AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY, FROM 1890-1899. Copies of the General Index to the Catalogues of the first twenty Exhibitions, in two parts; Part L, 1870-1879, 2s.; Part IL, 1880-1889, 2s. 1 to 5oS 4 "RBI!- I LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EXHIBITIONS OF WOEKS BY ©itr JItastos attb Beceearii Iritiab Artists, AT THE KOYAL ACADEMY, FROM 1890-1899. WITH THE NUMBER OF WORKS LENT BY THEM IN EACH YEAR. When no letter follows a numeral in the columns, the number of Pictures is Indicated ; when the letter d, e, s, or w follows, the number of Drawings, Engravings, Pieces of Sculpture (including Bronzes, Medals, Plaquettes, ic), or Water Colours is indicated. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 4& 7 to 92 93 3 94 95 96 97 F 3 1 1 98 1 1 1 }" } 99 H.M. THE QUEEN H.R.H. The Prince of Wales 4& Is 4& 6s 9 H.R.H. The Princess Charles of Denmark 2 1 1 1 1 Addison, Mrs 1 3» 1 1 r& 12d 1 1 & 2 ID Agnew, Lockett, Esq Agnew, Messrs. Thomas, & Sons Agnew, Sir William, Bart "{ 4& 3w 1 •• 1 6 4 2 •• Aird John Esq MP.. { 1 Alpynnrlpr W Esfl . 2 6 10 is 2s 2 2 Arnold & Tripp, Messrs 1 B 2 LIST OF CONTEIBUTORS. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 2tt7 2 92 93 94 95 96 97 1 4 98 i l id 1 1 i' 99 6 Ashburnham, The Earl of Ashburton, Lord 1 32 Astley-Corbett, Sir Francis, Bart Atkin, Harry Wright, Esq Turner T H Esrr is Baker The Rev Sir Talbot Bart 6 lie lw is Balfour, The Right Hon. A. J., M.P Bampfylde The Hon Mrs 7 Barrett, Octavius Moulton, Esq 2 •• Barwell H G Esq { 1 & lie 2w 1 \ Is 1 3 Beaumont, W. B., Esq., M.P Beddington S H., Esq 1 Bedford, The Duke of, K.G i Begbie, Sir Matthew Baillie i 1 1 l l Bell Sir Lowthian Bart Benham & Son, Messrs -! \i d &3s I 2 2 1 1 3 1 8 Bentinck, The Rt. Hon. G. Cavendish, M.P. .. Bentivoglio di Aragona, Marchese Carlo . . Rp rPTK R TK Rsn 7 10 1 1 2 1 Blake, Arthur, Esq 2wj 1 •* Bolckow, G F. H., Esq 2tc 25rf 8s 2 \w It/; .. 1 Boyle, The Hon. Mrs. R. C Brassey, Lord 3 3 Breul C F A., Esq 1 Bristol, The Marquis of 4 1 1890-99.] LIST OF CONTRIBUTOR. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 British and Foreign Bible Society, The .. 6 1 id i'w .. 1 w 16 2& 18w 2 f Id Broughton, Miss E. Delves Brown, E. J., Esq Brownlow, The Earl "{ 4 Brymer, W. E., Esq., M.P i'w 3 Buckley, Abel, Esq 1 1 l 5 , , 9 1 7 6 3 4 1 Burnett, George R., Esq. , Burrell, R. M. R., Esq Burton, Lord Butcher W Esa 2 w •• 6 Buxton A F Esq .. Rmrtrm E N Rsn Calcraft, W. M., Esq Calvert, Samuel, Esq. 11 2 1 2 4 s 1 Carmichael, Sir T. D. Gibson, Bart., M.P . i l Cartwright, W. C., Esq " 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 s 2s Cator, Albemarle, Esq Chamberlain, The Rt. Hon. Joseph, M.P. 1 1 •• Chaplin, The Rt. Hon. Henry, M.P o .. 1 Christie, Mrs. Alfred Id 2 3 .. .. Clanricarde, The Marquis of •• 1 w I- LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. [1890-99. Number of Wo rks Exh bite d. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 *2 1 1 1 98 Id 99 Clarke, Stephenson, Esq 3 4 •• Clayton, John R., Esq < Clementi-Smith, The Rev. A. E 10 c?, 2s& 1 W 1 1 1 1 is 1 Clothworkers' Company, The Cockerell, Mrs. Frederick P Cohen, Miss Lucy Coleridge, Lord 2 Coleridge, Amy, Lady Colman, J. .1 , Esq., M.P 1 7 1 2 1 6 1 1 4 4 7 1 i 2 Colnaghi. Martin H., Esq 2 Colville, H. Ker, Esq C'uok, Sir Francis, Bart 5 2 •• Copenhagen New Carlsberg Glyptotek 3 Is 5 s 5s 1 Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy 1 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Cowper, The Earl, K.G Cracow Czartoryski Museum 1 w 2w 1 Crawford, The Earl of 1 Crews, Charles T. D., Esq... '. Creyke, Mrs. Walter 5 2 1 1 2 1 Id 2«? 1 1 2 Currie, The Rev. Sir F. L., Bart 1 } 3 Currie, Sir Donald, K.C.M.G., M.P Curwen, Henry Fraser, Esq Daniell, Mrs. J. L { 2 & 2w •• Darnley, The Earl of 2 1 Davenport, W. Bromley, Esq., M.P 5 Davies, Alderman H. D,, M.P 1 2s Davis, Charles, Esq Davis, Frederick, Esq. 2 s/ 1 &\ 2s/ .. .. Davis, H. W. B., Esq., R.A 1 1 Dawson, The Rev. William Deedes, Mrs. 3 De Grey, The Hon. Misses 2w Denuistoun, Alexander, Esq 1 Denny, E. M., Esq Denton, The Rev. Canon Is Derby, The Karl of, K.G 3 De Pass, Alfred A., Esq 1 .. 2c? 1890-99.] LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94' 95 96 1 97 98 99 1 1 i' Id 1 2 3 3 2 Is 2 2s 2d 1 1 1 w { 6 3d, 2w 1 { Dudley, The Earl of 14 Dulwich College, The Governors of 2 Durham, The Dean and Chapter of Durham Thp F.arl of 1 4s Dyce, J. Stirling, Esq 1 3 3 3 2s 2s 2 1 1 Egan The Rev E F Elgin The Earl of Ellis The Rev F R Erskine, J. E., Esq { { 1 1 4& \w 6 & 3w } 2 1 2 Fane H P. Esq. Fawcett, R. A., Esq Fenn, W. W., Esq 1 Fine Art Society, The .. .... * { is IX 31o 1 to 1 Fitzwilliam, George C. W., Esq 2 1 1 1 i' 7 Forbes, J. S., Esq .. | .. 5 ! '.. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 1 91 5 w 92 9394 95 2 96 97 3d 98 99 Ford, The Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Clare, G.C.B. .. 1 w Fowler ]\lrs Charles :ui Fowler, Sir John, Bart., K.C.M.G 1 325 Hd 2 2 Franks Sir \ \Y KCB Freeman-Mitford, A. B , Esq., C.B 2 Freshfield, Douglas W., Esq Fripp, Executors of <.;. Downing, Esq., M.D. .. 2 } ') 1 Gamble, James, Esq < 9d & 4s Gay Walter Esq 10rf Gibbons, The Rev. B 24 1 } 1 1 1 1 i 3 4 { 5& 8d 1 1 Id "Graphic,' Proprietors of the 4 2 Greenfield W B Esq 1 1 2s Groot, Dr. C. Hofstede de 1 3ic 2w 2 2 8 2i« Hadley, Mrs. Wilfred H-ir,lv Pi ll 1 Ron Harvey, William, Esq Harvey of IckwelKBury, Mrs, 1 2 34r7 Hewitt, The Hon. Edward 1 1 Heytesbury, Lord Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P., Esq. Heywood-Lonsdale, Captain 2 1 1800-99.] LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. N u in ier "I Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 9C 91 92 93 94 95 96 (97 98 99 Hibbert, Mrs 1 4 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ■> 2 Hillingford, Robert, Esq 1 Hills, F Erne t, Esq. Hills, Airs. Ernest Hobart, Miss lu 2 1 1 1 j Hod on L W E q Holford, Captain G. L IH 1 ii 4 1 4 Holford, R. S., Esq Holford, Mrs ',11,/ Holland S G Esq \bn Holme , 1 h orge, Esq. Holmes, T. I'.., Esq { 2 w / 4 Holl Mrs . . 2 1 1 ' ?,'d 1 1 Houldsworth, Sir William, Bart., M.P Hnish, Marcus B., Esq Huth, Edward, Esq . Hnth, I. oui i, Esq '• 1 1 1 6 ' Jackson, M Phipps, Esq James, Arthur, Esq James, Miss James, William, Esq. Jekyll, Major H., R.E 2 1 1 2 1 1 •r 10 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90'91 ! 92 1 93 m| 95 96 1 97 1 1 2 i 98 1 1 99 Johnson, Mrs 1 Jopling, Lindsay Millais, Esq Joseph, Samuel S., Esq 1 " 5 'i 4 9 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 i Kelk Sir John Bart Kempe, The Rev. J. E i 2 & King's College Hospital, The Committee of 1 5 w 2 5 Kind's Lynn, The Corporation of 1 2d 2 1 2 1 2 l Y 2 2 2 i'd & 2 tc 2d { &le )* ( 5rf Lansdowne, The Marquis of, K.G 1 Lawrence, Executors of E. H., Esq •• { 13 & 5t» I Leader, B. W , Esq , RA. . 3 4 5 Lees, Elliott, Esq., M.P. 1 1 Leicester, The Earl of, K.G 2 3 1 Lempriere, H. R., Esq Leslie, Sir Bradford. K.C.I.E Leslie, G. D., Esq., R.A "{ 1 & 2« In }" 3 1" 1 l iJ . 1 1890-99.] LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. 11 Name of Contributor. Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 9S ,93 94 95 96 9? 1 98 2 1 Id 2 1 1 1 }' 2 3 3 1 1 99 Lever, W. H., Esq Leveson-Gower, Granville W. G., Esq Lewis, Samuel, Esq 2 Lewis, Mrs lw .. 4 1 2 Lichfield, The Earl of Lilford, Lady Lindsay, The Countess of Lindsay, Lady Linnell Family, The { 29 w 21 w 2 } 1 Linton, Sir James Liverpool, The Corporation of Lockwood, William, Esq ltt Loder, Sir Edmund, Bart London, The Corporation of the City of .. London, The University of 2s Lonsdale, The Earl of 2 8u "{ 1& 2c? 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 Lord Mayor of London, The Rt. Hon. The Lothian, Constance, Marchioness of Lucas, Arthur, Esq Lucas, Charles Thomas, Esq 1 Lucas, Francis A., Esq Lucas, Henrv, Esq •• McCulloch, George, Esq McFadden, J. H., Esq. 2 1 2s Mackenzie, General R 1 McKay, Andrew, Esq. 2w Macquoid, Percy, Esq. Macquoid, Mrs. Percy 1 1 Is Mac Whirter, John, Esq., R.A Makins, Henry F., Esq Manchester, The Corporation of Manchester Whitworth Institute, The Marjoribanks, Lady Mailav, C. Brinslev, Esq •• lw 2u> ** ::l Marshall, Herbert M., Esq Marten, G. N., Esq Martin, Executors of Miss 1 1 Martineau, John, Esq. Mason, James, Esq Matthews, Mrs Maw, Charles, Esq S Ml Meissonier, Monsieur Charles 1 3 ? f Is •• Mercers' Company, The Merchant Taylors' Company, The f 1 & Micholls, Horatio L., Esq 2 m; \ 3s 2 '.'. Middleton, Lord Mildmay, The Rev. Arundell St. John 2 Millais, ;>ir Everett, Bart Millais, Sir John E., Bart .: .. 12 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. [1890-99. Name of Contributor. Num ?er of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 J 97 98 99 Millais, J. G., Esq. j 1 & } Millais, Lady I i i a 1 I?! Millais, Executors of Lady { { %4d 3w 1& Id 1 w 3 1 2 1 } } Millais, Miss Millais, William H., Esq Miller, T. Horrocks, Esq Mintons, Messrs i Misa, The Marquis de 9 c/, 1 IV } 1 Moir, Mrs Molyneux, Colonel 1 5 1 1 i i Montagu, Sir Samuel, Bart., M.P Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield 1 Morrison, Alfred, Esq 1 7 4 Morrison, Charles, Esq Morrison, Mrs. Alfred 1 1 Morritt, R. A., Esq Mott, T., Esq 2 1 3 Id 1 Id 1 1 5 Murchison, Alexander, Esq 1 w 2 Murray, Fairfax, Esq Murray, John, Esq Musker, John, Esq National Gallery 1 1 3 1 National Gallery of British Art National Gallerv of Ireland s National Portrait Gallery 1 4 •• Neeld, Sir Algernon W., Bart ?, Nesham, Kobert, Esq Nettlefold, Frederick, Esq 6 w 1 Nevil], The Venerable Archdeacon Newall, Mrs Newcastle, The Duke of 1 Newcomen, Gleadowe Henry Turner, Esq. Nias, Lady 2 1 1 2 1 2 Nicholson, Arthur W., Esq Norfolk, The n u ke of, K.G 2d Noi-manton, The Earl of 3 4 i 2 NorthbroSk, The Earl of ?, Ogston, James, Esq Oldham, The Corporation of Orchar, J. G., Esq Oriel College, Oxford .. 4 1 s Orr, Mrs. Sutherland Orrock, James, Esq if 15 7 Y 3 1 1 1890-99. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. 13 Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 ' 92' i l { 93 !94 95 96 97 98'99 Ouless, W. W., Esq., R.A Overbury, J. W. s Esq ... blw 2eld &3w f 1 2 1 1 .. •' 1 •• Payne, A. F., Esq Pears, Messrs. A. and F., Limited 1 1 w l Pegler, Alfred, Esq Pemberton, C. S., Esq 2s 1 1 16w? 1 1 Penrose, F. Charles, Esq 1 "( 1& 4J Id id •2 2 2 lto Pnllpn W H Esa 1 1 1 1 1 ii Id 1 9& }" Y l l 3 1 •• 1 l "{ Pnvntpv Sir E J P R A. 2d President and Council of the Royal Academy Is l * • 2 { 3 Prinsep, Val. C, Esq., R.A it|} { •• Quilter, Sir W*. Cuthbert, Bart., M.P { 3 & } •• 6 •• 1 1 1 1 •• p UTT Mr* ^Ipt P Randolph, The Rev. William Cater 4 7 2 Rawlinson W G Esq 14 LIST OF CONTEIBUTORS. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Reed, William, Esq Id 1 2 1 4 Reeve, Henry, Esq., C.B 2 bu 13m Heid, Peter, Esq 1 Reiss, James, Esq. 1 1 Keiss, J. E., Esq Reiss, Julius, Esq Renton, Executors of J. H., Esq Revelstoke, Lord Rhodes, John, Esq Ricardo, Mrs. D 2 1 1 to 3 Richter, Dr. J. P 1 3 2 "{ "{ l }" lto 6& 2 w 1 1 1 Id > 2 Riches, T. H., Esq Richmond, George, Esq., R. A { 3 to 1 w 1 } Richmond, H. Inglis, Esq Ridley, Sir M. W., Bart Ripley, The Rev. W. N \w Robarts, A. J., Esq 15 3« 1 2 & 2tc 1 3 c?, } 179s 1 1 1 9 1& 1& 2s Roberts, Humphrey, Esq Robertson, Norman Forbes, Esq Robinson, Sir J. C 1 w 3 { 15d Roe, Fred., Esq Rosebery, The Earl of, K.G 1 s 3s Rothschild, Lady de 1 Rothschild, Leopold de, Esq Rothschild, Lord Roundell, Charles S., Esq 2 1 1& 4 w }" Roundell, Mrs { Rowe, Mrs. Jopling Royal Academy of Arts Royal Holloway College 5 1 { 2 & 2d Us i l & 12s Royal Thames Yacht Club 1 2 7 Russell, Sir George, Bart,, M.P 1 Ruston, Joseph, Esq Rutland, The Duke of, K.G 1 Ryland, William, Esq 1 1 Rylands, Mrs 1890-99.1 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. 15 N umber of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 T 96 2s 1 }" 97 98 2 1 2 99 St. Bartholomew's Hospital, The Governors of •• St Quintin W. H., Esq Sale The Rev C J 3w 4 "{ 2d 5 w 2& OS 11 d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2d 1 Science and Art, The Department of 1 5d, 3s } 1 w 1 2 8 Sheffield School of Art 3s 1 4s 2 Singer, Herbert, Esq j V2d } 3 Smith Sir Charles C , Bart Smith, G M , Esq 2 Smith P Gordon Esq Smith The Hon. W. F D MP ( 2, lie Spencer, The Earl, K.G s 1 1 d 4s { 1 l'& lM 1 1 Stannus, Hugh H., Esq. j Stannus, Mrs Starkie, Col. Le Gendre N. . 3d, 3s } 1 Stephens, F. G., Esq 3 1 Stephenson, Sir Augustus Keppel, K.C.B., Q.C. .. Stepney, The Hon. Lady Cowell Stevens, G. N., Esq 16 LIST OF CONTRIBUTOES. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Stevenson. Francis, Esq Steward The Rev. Charles J •• 1« 1 ## j i 2, Id 2tc - 1 1 5s Storev G A. Esq., A.R.A Stracev The Rev. W. J 1 .. 1 id 2 1 1 2 Strafford The Earl of 10 Sf-riYklflnrl Sir Charles W Bart. Stuart-Wortley, The Rt. Hon. Charles, M.P. .. ■■ 1 rr 6 1 2s Suffolk and Berkshire, The Earl of 12 1 2 uc 1 1 } Sutherland, The Duke of, K.G 5 1 Talbot The Hon Mrs. Alfred Tfl + P TTpnrv Rso 1 >■:- 39 ic 13 w Taylor, John Edward, Esq Taylor- Whitehead, S., Esq { i 6& V 2 3 1 w 1 lw 2tc 2 1 5 1 4 Is V i Thompson, Sir Henry, Bart •• Thornycroft, Hamo, Esq., R.A -j Id &ls } ■• Thwaites, Mrs Tollemache, Henry, Esq., M.P Tomes, C. S., Esq 1 w 2 2 3 Tooth. Messrs. Arthur and Sons Townshend, The Marquis Turner Sir Charles A , K.C.I. E 16 •• Turner H. J., Esq 4 8u? 13 10, 4 vo 1 1 w\ 1 J ..I 1890-99.] LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS 17 Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Contributor. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 1 8 1 97 1 3& 2rf / 3 i 3 1 1 98 }" id 1 i' 10 i 2 1 V 1 1 99 Walker, J. Hanson, Esq 2 10 11 ] 6& 3 s • • " 1 1 { 13 &8s 1 •• Wallace, Sir Richard, Bart. Wallack, Percy C, Esq 2 .. 1 1 3 1 Wantage, Lord 2 2 1 lie 1 1 Ward, T. Humphry, Esq Waring, Henry, F.sq 3 3 3d Watson, W C . Esq. Watts, G. F., Esq., R A 2 3w 1 v: 1 Welbv, The Hon Lady . Wellington, The Duke of Wells H T., Esq., R \ 3 Wertheimer. C. J, Esq ■V. Cornwallis. Esq., M.P 10 7 1 16 10 •• Westminster, The Duke of, K.G. Whatman, Mrs Whatmore, Thomas, Esq 1 1 5 Wilbraham, Roger William, Esq. 2 1 1 •• Willcox, Brodie A., Esq Willett, Henrv, Esq 10 Willett, H. G, Esq Williams, J. C, Esq 1 Williams, Lieut.-General Owen Wimperis, E. M.. Esq Winchilsea, The Dowager Countess of Windsor, Lord 1 2 'r. ., Withers, T. Randies, Esq Woodroffe. F. H., Esq 1 1 Worsley-Taylor, H. W., Esq., Q.C Wostenholm, Messrs. George and Son Wvatt, James, Esq Is 2 Yarborough, The Earl of 2 •• 1 1 • 1 Youne. Alexander, Esq LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AT THE EXHIBITIONS OF WOEKS BY (Bib JRastra; ani Dmastfr IBritislj Artists, AT THE KOYAL ACADEMY, FROM 1890-1899. WITH THE NUMBER OF WORKS BY THEM EXHIBITED IN EACH YEAR. Where no letter follows a numeral in the columns, the number of Pictures is indicated ; when the letter d, e, s, or w follows, the number of Drawings, Engravings, Pieces of Sculpture (including Bronzes, Medals, Plaquettes, &c.), or Water Colours is indicated. Name of Artist.* Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Albertinelli, Mariottc (1474-1515) 1 .. Is 1 1 1 1 Is 2s 1 1 Is 1 1 •"- Aldegrever, Heinrich (1502-1558) .. .. Altdorfer, Albrecht ( -1538) 1 i l i 1 1 Amberger, Christopher (c. 1490-1563) Andrea d'Assisi, called L'Ingegno (c. 1470- ) Angelico — Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, called Fra (1387-1455) Anguisciola, Sofonisba (c. 1535-c. 1625) .. Antonello da Messina (c. 1414-c. 1493) Backhuysen, Ludolph (1631-1708) Baldung, Hans (c. 1478-1545) 2 1 7 >': 1 !■'■ 1 Barret, George (1774-1842) Barrow, J. C. ( - ) Bartolommeo — Baccio della Porta, called Fra (1475-1517) Bassano — Jacopo da Ponte, called (1510-1592) .. Bassano, Leandro (1558-1623) Bastien Lepage, Jules (c. 1850-1884) Beccafumi, Domenico (1486-1551) Becerra, Gasparro (1520-1570) Becerril of Cuenca (c. 1520) Beechey, Sir William, RA. (1753-1839) .. .. Bega, Cornelius Peter (1620-1664) Bellini, Giovanni (c. 1426-1516) 1 i' •• i i 2 3 2 2 2 1 Bellini, School of Giovanni Bellotto, Bernardo (c. 1720-1780) Berghem, Nicholas (1620-1683) Berna da Siena (p. 1357-1381) 2 i •• Bertinet (c. 1700) .. * The dates within brackets indicate the dates of birth and death of the artist* or the period during which they flourished, and are corrected according to the latest authorities 1890-99.] LIST OF AETISTS. 19 Name of Artist. Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93194 95 96 97 98 99 Bertoldo di Giovanni (pupil of Donatello) .. Bissolo, Pier Francesco (Ji.c. 1492-1530) .. .. Blake, William (1757-1827) Bles, Hendrik, called Hendrik met de Bles (c.1480- c. 1550) Bol, Ferdinand (1611-1681) Bologna, Giovanni di (c. 1530-1608) Bonifazio Veneziano (1491-1553) Bonifazio Veronese ( -1540) Bonington, Richard Parkes (1801-1828) .. .. Bono, Michael Giovanni Bordone, Paris (1500-1571) Both, Andreas (c. 1609- c. 1644) Both, Jan (c. 1610- aft. 1662) Botticelli — Alessandro Filipepi, called Sandro (1447-1510) Boucher, Francois (1703-1770) Bouts, Dierick ( -1475) Boxall, Sir William, R.A. (1800-1879) .. .. Bramantino — Bartolommeo Suardi, called (c. 1450- c. 1536) Brauwer, Adrian (c. 1605-1638) Brekelenkam, Quiryn (/>. c. 1653-1669) .. .. Bronzino — Alessandro Allori, called Alessandro (1535-16j7) Bronzino — Angelo Allori, called (1502-1572) . . Bruyn, Bartholomew ( -1556) Busi Cariani, Giovanni (p.c. 1514-1541) .. Callcott, Sir Aug. Wall, R.A. (1779-1844) .. Calvert, Edward (1799-1833) Canaletto— Antonio Canale, called (1697-1768) Cano, Alonzo (1601-1667) Capelle, Jan van de (p. 1650-1680) Caradosso of Milan (c. 1500) Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Carracci, Ludovico (1555-1619) Catena — Vincenzo di Biagio, called (c. 1470- c. 1532) Cavazolla — Paolo Morando, called (1486-1522) .. Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1570) Chalmers, George Paul (1836-1878) Claude Gellee, called Claude de Lorraine (c. 1600- 1682) Clodion — Cnoop, Cornelia (m. 1496 Gerard David) .. Codde, Pieter (1610-c. 1666) Collins, William, R.A. (1788-1847) Cologne School .. .. .. .... / 1& 1& \ \3w Iwj Is 21 I 8 2 .. 18 \ &2ej W la o 'J 20 LIST OF ARTISTS. [1890-99. Name of Artist. Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93 94 5 96 97j98 99 Conegliano — Giovanni Battista, called Cima da (p. 1489-1508) 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 i' l Constable, John, R.A. (1776-1837) Copley, John Singleton, R.A. (1737-1815) Coques, Gonzales (1614-1684) Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille (1796-1875) Correggio — Antonio Allegri, called (1494-1534) Cosimo — Piero di Lorenzo, called Piero di (1462- 1521) 5 1 1 Cotes, Francis, R.A. (1726-1770) Cotignola, Girolamo Marchesi da (early part of 16th cent.) 1 10 V) 1& 20 w I Cotman, John Sell (1782-1842) Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) I Cox, David (1783-1859) Cozens, John Robert (1752-1799) Cranach, Lucas (1472-1553) { { 12 w 14 w 6w } 1 1 2 3& 2w 5 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 6 Credi, Lorenzo di (1459-1537) 1 Creswick, Thomas, R.A. (181 1-1869) Crivelli, Carlo (p. 1468-1493) 1 Crome, John (1769-1821) Cuyp, Albert (1605-1691) Dalmasio — Filippo Scannabecchi, called Lippo di (p. c. 1376-1410) 1 5 4 Danby, Francis, A.R.A. (1793-1861) Daubigny, Charles Francois (1817-1878) .. David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825) Dayes, Edward (1763-1804) .. 3 lw is 2 Is Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel (1803-1860) .. Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene (1798-1863) Delaroche — Hippolyte, called Paul (1797-1856) Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse Virgilio (1808-1876).. Dietrich, Christian William Ernest (1712-1744) Dinglinger (1700-1720) 1 Dobson, William (1610-1646) .. .. 1 •• Donatello — Simone Fiorentino, cd. (1386-1466) Dossi — Giovanni, called Dosso (c. 1479-1542) Dow, Gerard (1613-1675) Dubbels, Hendrik ( - ) .. .. 1 1 1 Ducq, Jan Le (1636-c. 1682) Dupre, Jules (1812-1889) " Durer, Albert (1471-1528) 1 { 1& 4d 1 Dutch School Duyster, W. C 12 Eckhodt, Gerbrand van den (1621-1674).. .. 1 1 Edridge, Henry, A. R.A. (1769-1821) 4w. . . 1890-99.] LIST OF ARTISTS. 21 Name of Artist. English School Etty, William, R.A. (1787-1849) Eyck, Jan van (aft 1380-1440) .. Fabritius, Karel (c. 1624-1654) Faidherbe, Lucas (c. 1630) Fielding, A. V. Copley (1787-1855) Fiorenzo di Lorenzo (15th and 16th cent.) Flaxman, John, R.A. (1755-1826) Flemish School „ Early Florentine School Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806) .. .. Francesca — Pietro di Benedetto, called Piero della (c. 1416-1492) Francesco di Giorgio (1439-1502) Francia — Francesco Raibolini, called II (1450- 1517) Francia, Francois Louis Thomas (1772-1839) .. Francia — Giacomo Raibolini, called II (1484-1557) Franciabigio — Francesco Bigi, called (1482-1525) Fromentin, Eugene (1820-1876) Fyt, Jan (1609-1661) Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 Gaddt, Bernardo Gaddi, Taddeo (c. 1300-1366) Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. (1727-1788).. .. Garofalo— Benvenuto Tisi, called (1481-1559) .. Geddes, Andrew, A.R.A. (c. 1789-1844) .. Gelder, Arent de (1645-1727) Gericault, Jean Louis Andre Theodore (1791- 1824) German School Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1381-1455) Ghirlandaio — Domenico Bigordi, called (1449- 1494) Gibbons, Grinling (1648(?)-1721) Giolfino, Niccolo (p. 1465-aft. 1518) Giorgione — Giorgio Barbarelli, called (c. 1476- 1511) Giotto di Bondone (1266-1337) Giotto, School of Giovanni di Paolo ( -c. 1481) Giovanni di Pietro ( -c. 1529) Girtin, Thomas (1775-1802) Goes, Hugo van der (c. 1405-1482) Goyen, Jan van (1596-1666) Greuze, Jean Baptiste (1725-1805) Guardi, Giovanni Francesco (1712-1793) .. Guercino — Francesco Barbieri, cd. (1591-1666) Hals, Dirk (1589 (?)-1656) 92 93 94 95 Id 1 96 97 98 o 3 22 LIST OF AETISTS. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Artist. 90 91 92 93 94 95 9697 98 99 Hals, Frank (c 1581 1666) 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 id 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 Is 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 207 99d 13s & 5 w '• Harlow, Georo-e Henry (1787-1819) Havell, William (1782-1857) 2 to 2w Hearne, Thomas (1744-1817) Heem Cornelius de (1630 aft 1692) .. Heem, Jan David de (c. 1603-1674) Heere, Lucas de (1534-1584) Heist, Bartholomew van der (c. 1612-1670) .. Hemessea — Jan Sanders, called Jan van (16th 1 1 Heyden, Jan van der (1637-1712) 1 1 Hilton William, K A. (1786-1839) , Hobbema, Meindert (1638-1709) Hogarth, William (1697-1764) .. 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 5 } 2 1 1 3 Holbein Hans (1498-1543) Holbein, Hans (the elder) (c. 1460-c. 1524) Holland, James (1800-1870) 2w 1 w 2 Hondecoeter, Melchior de (1636-1695) Hone, Nathaniel, R.A. (1718-1784) 1 Hooghe, Peter de (c. 1632-c. 1681) 1 2 12 w 1 21 w Hoppner, John, R.A. (1758-1810) Hunt, William (1790-1864) Huysum, Jan van (1682-1749) Ibbetson, Julius Caesar (1759-1817) Ingres, Jean August Dominique (1780-1867) .. "{ 2 Jackson, John, R.A. (1778-1831) Janet — Francois Clouet, called (c. 1516-c. 1573) Jansen, Cornelius (1590-c. 1663) Jardin, Karel du (c. 1625-1678) Jongh, Claude de (17th cent.) 1 1 1 Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678) Juanes — Juan Macip, called Juan de (1523-1579) Juncker, Justus (c. 1702-1767) Ketel, Cornelius (1548-1609) 1 1 Keyser, Thomas de (c. 1595-1679) Koninck, Philip de (1619-1689) 1 1 1 Landseer, Sir Edwin H., R.A. (1802-1873) .. Lauri, Filippo (1623-1694) 3 2 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A. (1769-1830) Le Brun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee (1755- 1842) Leighton, Lord, P.R.A. (1830-1896) Lery, Sir Peter (1618-1680) ■■ 3 1890-99.1 LIST 0F AETISTS. 23 Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Artist. 90 91 92 93 94 95 1 96 97 98 99 Le Nain, Antoine (1588-1648) ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 i 1 3 2 190 ood & 17 w Le Nain, Louis (1593-1648) Leslie, Charles K., R.A. (1794-1859) Lewis, John Frederick, R.A. (1805-1876) .. .. Leyden, Lucas van (1494-1533) Liberale da Verona (1451-1536) 2 7 w 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 .. 1 Libri, Girolamo dai (1474-1556) 1 Lingelbach, Jan (1625-1687) Linnell, John (1792-1882) Lippi, Filippino (c. 1457-1504) 5 Lippi, Filippo (c. 1400-1469) 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Lorenzetti, Arabrogio (14th cent.) Loutherbourg, Philip James de, R.A. (1740-1812) Lucidel — Nicholas de Neufchatel, called (c. 1520) Luini, Bernardino (c. 1465-a/Y. 1530) M abuse — Jan Gossaert, cd. Jan de (c. 1470-1532) Maes (17th cent.) 2 4 1 3 1 1 Maes, Nicholas (1632-1693) Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) 2 Marilhat, Prosper (1811-1847) Marlow, William (1740-1813) lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "{ 2 1 1 14 ■2d Masaccio — Tommaso Guidi, called (1401-c. 1428) Mason, George H., A.R.A. (1818-1872) .. .. Master of the Death of the Virgin (16th cent.) Mazo Martinez, Juan Bautista del (c. 1610-1687) Meer, Jan ver (of Delft) (1632-c. 1675) .. .. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891) Melozzo da Forli — Marco degli Ambrosi, called (1438-1494) 1 Memling, Hans (c. 1435-c. 1493) 1 2 3 1 1 1 Metsu, Gabriel (c. 1630-c. 1667) Meulen, Ant. Frans van der (1632-1690) .. 3 Michel Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) Michele da Verona (16th cent.) Mierevelt, Michael Janse (1567-1641) .. .. Mieris, Frans van (1635-1681) 1 Millais,Sir John Everett, Bart., P.R.A.( 1829-1896) Milanese School Millet, Jean Francois (1814-1875) Mola, Pietro Francesco (1612-1668) 1 1 2 i l 1 1 2 1 1 1 ■■ Montagna, Bartolommeo (1450-60-1523) .. More, Sir Antonio (1512-c. 1581) Moretto — Alessandro Bonvicino, called (c. 1498- c. 1555) 1 1 1 6 Morland, George (1763-1804) Moroni, Giovauni Battista (c. 1520-1578) .. Mortimer, John Hamilton, A.R.A. (1741-1779) 3 1 24 LIST OF ARTISTS. [1890-99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Artist. 90 91 92 93 94 9596 97 98 99 Mostaert Jan (1474-1555) .. l l 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Muller, William John (1812-1845) 1 w 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 i' i .1 id Mulready, William, R.A. (1786-1863) .. .. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban (1617-1682) .. .. Mytens, Daniel ( -c. 1656) Nasmyth Patrick (1787 1831) . 3 2 11 Neeffs Peter (c 1578 c 1659) 4 Newton, Gilbert Stuart, R.A. (1795-1835) Nicholson, Francis (1753-1844) 3u> Orcagna — Andrea di Cione, called (c. 1308(?)- 13680) 1 2 1 4 r i Ostade, Adrian van (1610-1685) Owen William, R.A. (1769-1825) 7 2 2 7 Pacchiarotto, Jacopo (1464-a/^. 1540) .. Palma, Jacopo, called Palma Vecchio (1480-1528) Palmer Samuel (1805-1881) 1 3w i { 19 w 1 1 Pannini, Giovanni Paolo (1695(?)-1764) .. .. Parmigiano — Francesco Mazzuoli, called 11 (1504— 1540) Pars, William, A.R.A. (1742-1782) Pater, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1695-1736) .. .. Patinir, Joachim D. (c. 1490-c. 1524) .. .. Paye, Richard Morton ( -c. 1821) .. .. 2w 1 1 5 Perugino — Pietro Vannucchi, called Pietro (1446- 1523) Peruzzi, Baldassare (1481-1537) Peters, The Rev. Matthew William, R.A. ( -1814) Pettie, John, R.A. (1839-1893) 1 33 1 2 1 Phillip, John, R.A. (1817-1867) 1 Phillips, Thomas, R.A. (1770-1845) Pinturicchio — Bernardino Biagio di Betto, called (1454-1513) 1 Piombo — Sebastian Luciani, called del (1485- 1547) Potter, Paul (1625-1654) Pourbus, Peter (c. 1510-1584) 1 •• 2 1 2 Poussin — Gaspar Dughet, called Gaspar (1613- 1675) 1 Poussin, Nicholas (1594-1665) 1 Prout, Samuel (1784-1852) 2tc ow Prud'hon, Pierre (1758-1823) .. • .. Pyne, James Baker (1800-1870) 1 1890-99.1 LIST OF ARTISTS. 25 Name of Artist. Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93 94 95196 97 98 99 Raeburn, Sir Henry, R.A. (1756-1823) .. .. Ramsay, Allan (1713-1784) Raphael— Raffaello Sanzio d'Urbino, cd. (1483- 1520) Ravestein, Jan Anthony van (c. 1572 — 1657) .. Rembrandt van Rhyn (1607-1669) Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. (1723-1792) . . Ribalta, Francisco de (1550-60-1628) .. .. Ricard, Louis Gustave (1824-1873) Robson, George Fennel (1790-1833) Romanino, Girolamo (c. 1485-1566(?) ) Romano — Giulio dei Gianuzzi, called Giulio (1492-1546) Romney, George (1734-1802) Rosselli, Cosimo (1439-1507) Rooker, Michael Angelo (1743-1801) Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theodore (1812-1867) Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) j Ruvsdael, Jacob van (c. 1630-1682) Ruysdael, Solomon van (c. 1600-1670) .. .. Saccht, Pier Francesco (16th cent.) Sandby, Paul, R.A. (1725-1809) Sandby, Thomas, R.A. (1721-1798) Sano di Pietro di Menico (1406-1481) .. .. Santi, Giovanni (c. 1435-1494) Sarto, Andrea del (1487-1531) Savoldo, Gian Girolamo (c. USO-aft. 1548) .. Schalcken, Godfried (1643-1706) Schiavone— Andrea Medula, called II (1522-1582) Schongauer, Martin (hef. 1450-1488) .. .. Severn, Joseph (c. 1795-1879) Shee, Sir Martin Archer, P.R.A. (1769-1850) .. Signorelli, Luca (1441-1523) Slingelandt, Peter van (1640-1691) Smith, John Raphael (1752-1812) Suyders, Francis (1579-1657) Sodoma — Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, cd. II (c. 1477- 1549) Solario, Andrea (c. 1460-c. 1515) Somer, Paul van (c. 1576-1621) Spagnoletto — Giuseppe de Ribera, called Lo (1588- 1656) Spanish School Stannard, Joseph (1797-1830) Stark, James (1794-1859) Steen, Jan (c. 1626-1679) 10 12 3 w 9 7 2 w 10 13 4 96d Stevens, Alfred (1817-1875) {25s 3 7 I 11 15 26 LIST OF AETISTS. [1890- 99. Number of Works Exhibited. Name of Artist. 90 91 1 92 93 94 55 lid 2ek 27 w <* Ydd 96 1 i 2 1 1 8 2 1 i 3 *3 1 1 97 98 99 Stothard Thomas R.A (1755-1834) | Stuart Gilbert (1754-1828) Stubbs George, A.R.A. (1724-1806) 1 3 4 it? 3 2 i 6 1 1 2 1 1 i 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 Teniers, David (the younger) (1610-1694) Terburg, Gerard (1617-1681) Thirtle, John (1774-1839) 4 2 Tintoretto— Jacopo Robusti, called (1519-1594) Titian— Tiziano Vecelli, called (1477-1576) Tocque Louis (1696-1772) .. 1 1 is Troy on Constant (1810 1865) Turner, Joseph Mallord William, R.A. (1775- 1851) Turner, William (of Oxford) (1789-1862) . . . . 2 | 6& 13 w 7& 38 w I 2 1 6 1 10 2 4 1 3 5 2 Id 1 4 3 1 3 1 is UCCELLO— Paolo di Dono, called (1397-1475) .. 1 1 1 2 10 to 3 2 1 1 2 4 I 2 2 Vaga — Pietro Buonaccorsi, called Perino del (1500-1547) Van Dyck, Sir Anthony (1599-1641) Vailey, John (1778-1842) Velasquez, Diego (1599-1660) Velde, Adrian van de (1635-1672) Velde, William van de (1633-1707) 3 { 8 4 1 2 1 1 Veronese — Paolo Cagliari, called Paolo (1528- 1588) Verrocchio, Andrea del (1432-1488) 1 Vincent, George (1796-a/Y. 1 830) Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) 1 Vos, Cornelius de (1585(?)-1651) Vos, Paul de(c. 1600-1654) 1 •• Walker, Frederick, A.R.A. (1840-1875) .. .. Walscappelle, Jacob van {p. 1670-1680) .. .. Ward, James, R.A. (1769-1859) { 1 3 14 w "{ 1 75 w 2 }" •• 1890-99.] LIST OF ARTISTS. 27 Name of Artist. Number of Works Exhibited. 90 91 92 93 94 4 1 95 2 1 1 1 96 2 1 97 98 99 Watteau, Antoine (1684-1721) .. .. 3 1 1 1 1 3 P 2 1 1 1 Y l *2 Webster, Thomas, R.A. (1800-1886) Weenix, Jan (1640-1719) Weenix, Jan Battista (1621-1660) .. 1 2 Weyden, Roger van der (1400-1464) Weydeo, School of Roger van der Wheatley, Francis, R.A. (1747-1801) Wilkie, Sir David, R.A. (1785-1841) Wilson, Richard, R.A. (1714-1782) Wint, Peter de (1784-1849) 1 4 9w 1 1 1 4 Wouverman, Philip (1614-1668) Wynants, Jan (c. 1615-c. 1679) Zoest or Soest, Gerard (17th cent.) . 1 Zoffany, Johann, R.A. (1733-1810) Zoppo, Marco (p. q. 1468-1498) .. 1 Zurbaran, Francesco (1598-1662) 5 LONDON : WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, Printers tv the Royal Academy.