v: J/ . XAzJ^'ZyO-^/'Z-^ "Gf)tllf>lj st<)])])e(l short, and, kneeling, lie reverently asked the monk to bless him." — The Ilcidoiuiaiicr, pajje 53. THE HEIDENMAUER OR, THE BENEDICTINES A LEGEND OF THE RHINE BY J. FENIMORE COOPER " From mighty wrongs to petty perfidy. Have I not scon what human things could do." — Bvron CHICAGO AND NEW YORK: BELFOKD, CLAliKh] ct COMrANY, PUBLiaUERS. Gir. TROW'9 fniNTING AHO BOOKBINDING COMPANY, "EW YORK. INTRODUCTION. "I shall crave your forbearance a little ; may be, I will call upon you anon, for some advantage to yourself." — Measure for Pleasure. Contrary to a long-established usage, a summer had been passed within the walls of a large town ; but, the moment of liberation arrived, the bird does not quit its cage with greater pleasure than that with which post- horses w^ere commanded. We were four in a light travelling caleche, which strong Nornian cattle transported merrily towards their native province. For a time we quitted Paris, the queen of modern cities, with its tumults and its order ; its palaces and its lanes ; its elegance and its filth ; its restless inhabitants and its stationary politi- cians ; its theories and its practices ; its riches and its poverty ; its gay and its sorrowful ; its rentiers and its patriots ; its young liberals and its old illiberals ; its three estates and its equality ; its delicacy of speech and its strength of conduct ; its government of the people and its people of no government ; its bayonets and its moral force ; its science and its ignorance ; its amusements and its revolutions ; its resistance that goes backward, and its movement that stands still ; its milliners, its philosophers, its opera-dancers, its poets, its fiddlers, its bankers, and its cooks. Although so long enthralled within the barriers, it was not easy to quit Paris entirely without regret — Paris, wliich every stranger ccnsiu-es, and every stranger seeks ; which moralists abhor and imitate ; which causes the heads of the old to shake, and the hearts of the yotmg to beat ; — Paris, the centre of so much that is excellent, and of so much that cannot be named ! That night we laid our heads on rustic pillows, far from the Frencli capital. Tlie succeeding day we snuffed the air of the sea. Passing through Artois and French Flan- 4 INTRODUCTION. dors, on the fifth morning we entered the new kingdom of Belgium, by the historical and respectable town of Douai, and Tournai, and Ath. At every step we met the flag which tlutters over the pavilion of the Tuileries, and recognized the confident air and swinging gait of French soldiers. They had just been employed in propping the crumbling throne of the house of Saxe. To us they seemed as much at home as when they lounged on the Ouai d'Orsay. There was still abundant evidence visible at Brussels, of the fierce nature of the struggle that had expelled the Dutch. Forty-six shells were sticking in the side of a single building of no great size, while ninety-three grape- shot were buried in one of its pilasters! In our own rooms, too, there were fearful signs of war. The mirrors were in fragments, the walls broken by langrage, the w^ood-work of the beds was pierced by shot, and the furniture was marked by rude encounters. The trees of the park were mutilated in a thousand places, and one of the little Cupids, that we had left laughing above the principal gate three years before, was now maimed and melancholy, whilst its companion had altogether taken flight on the wings of a cannon-ball. Though dwelling in the very centre of so many hostile vestiges, w^e happily escaped the sight of human blood ; for w^e understo(jd from the obliging Swiss who presides over the hotel that his cellars, at all times in repute, w^ere in more than usual request during the siege. From so much proof we were left to infer, that the Belgians had made stout battle for their emancipation, one sign at least that they merited to be "free. Our road lay by Louvain, Thirlemont, Liege, Aix-la- Chapellc, and Juliers, to the Rhine. The former of these towns had been the scene of a contest between the hostile armies, the preceding week. As the Dutch had been accused of unusual excesses in their advance, we looked out for the signs. How" many of these marks had been already obliterated, we could not well ascertain ; but those which were still visible gave us reason to think that the invaders did not merit all the opprobrium they had re- ceived. Each hour, as life advances, am I made to see how capricious and vulgar is the immortality conferred by a newspaper ! It would be injustice to the ancient Bishopric of Liege i.ytroduction: 5 to pass its beautiful scenery without a comment. The country possesses nearly every requisite for the milder and more rural sort of landscape ; — isolated and innumer- able farm-houses, herds in the fields, living hedges, a waving surface, and a verdure to rival the emerald. By a happy accident, the road runs for miles on an elevated ridge, enabling the traveller to enjoy these beauties at his ease. At Aix-la-Chapelle we bathed, visited the relics, saw the scene of so many coronations of emperors of more or less renown, sat in the chair of Charlemagne, and went our way. The Rhine was an old acquaintance. A few years earlier, I had stood upon tiie sands, at Katwyck, and watched its periodical flow into the North Sea, by means of sluices made in the short reign of the good King Louis, and, the same summer, I had bestrode it, a brawling brook, on the icy side of St. Gothard. We had come now to look at its beauties, in its most beautiful part, and to compare them, so far as native partiality might permit, with the well- established claims of our own Hudson. Quitting Cologne, its exquisite but incomplete cathe- dral, with the crane that has been poised on its unfinished towers five hundred years, its recollections of Rubens and his royal patroness, we travelled up the stream so leisurely as to examine all tliat offered, and yet so fast as to avoid the hazard of satiety. Here we met Prussian soldiers, pre- paring, by mimic service, for the more serious duties of their calling. Lancers were galloping, in bodies, across the open fields ; videttes were posted, the cocked pistol in hand, at every hay-stack ; while couriers rode, under the spur, from point to point, as if the great strife, wliich is so menacingly preparing, and which sooner or later must come, had actually commenced. As Europe is now a camp, these hackneyed sights scarce drew a look aside. We were in quest of the interest wliich nature, in her liappier hum(;rs, bestows. Tliere were ruined castles, by scores ; gray fortresses, abbeys, some deserted and others yet tenanted ; villages and towns ; the seven mountains ; cliffs and vineyards. At every step we felt how intimate is the association between the poetry of Nature and that of art ; between the hill-side with its falling turret, and the moral feeling that lends them interest. Here was an island, of no particular excel- lence, but the walls of a convent of the middle ages crimi- 6 INTRODUCTION. bled on its surface. There was a naked rock, destitute of grandeur, and wanting in those tints which milder climates bestow, but a baronial hold tottered on its apex. Here Caesar led his legions to the stream, and there Napoleon threw his corps-d'armee on the hostile bank ; this monu- ment w\as to Hoche, and from that terrace the great Adolphus directed his battalions. Time is wanting to mel- low the view of our own historical sites ; for the sympathy that can be accumulated only by the general consent of mankind has not yet clothed them with the indefinable colors of distance and convention. In the mood likely to be created by a flood of such recol- lections, we pursued our w^ay along the southern margin of this great artery of central Europe. We wondered at the vastness of the Rheinfels, admired the rare jewel of the ruined church at Baccarach, and marvelled at the giddy precipice on which a prince of Prussia even now dwells, in the eagle-like grandeur and security of the olden time. On reaching xMayence, the evening of the second day, we de- liberately and, as we hoped, impartially compared what had just been seen with that which is so well and so affec- tionately remembered. I had been familiar with the Hudson from childhood. The great thoroughfare of all w^ho journey from the inte- rior of the state toward the sea, necessity had early made me acquainted with its windings, its promontories, its islands, its cities, and its villages. Even its hidden chan- nels had been professionally examined, and time was w^hen there did not stand an unknown seat on its banks, or a liamlet that had not been visited. Here then was the force of deep imipressions to oppose to the influence of objects still visible. To me it is quite apparent that the Rhine, while it fre- quently possesses more of any particular species of scenery, within a given number of miles, than the Hudson, has none of so great excellence. It wants the variety, the noble beauty, and the broad grandeur of the American stream. The latter, within the distance universally admitted to con- tain the finest parts of the Rhine, is both a large and a small river; it has its bays, its narrow passages among the meadows, its frowning gorges, and its reaches resembling Italian lakes ; whereas the most that can be said of its European competitor, is that all these wonderful peculiari- ties are feebly imitated. Ten degrees of a lower latitude INTRODUCTION. 7 supply richer tints, brighter transitions of light and shadow, and more glorious changes of the atmosphere, to embellish the beauties of our western clime. In islands, too, the ad- vantage is with the Hudson, for, while those of the Rhine are the most numerous, those of the former stream arc bolder, better placed, and, in every natural feature, of more account. Wlien the comparison between these celebrated rivers is extended to their artificial accessories, the result becomes more doubtful. The buildings of the older towns and vil- lages of Europe seemed grouped especially for effect, as seen in the distant view, though security was in truth the cause, while the spacious, cleanly, and cheerful villages of America must commonly be entered, to be appreciated. In the other liemisphere, the maze of roofs, the church- towers, the irregular faces of wall, and frequently the castle rising to a pinnacle in the rear, give a town the ap- pearance of some vast and antiquated pile devoted to a single object. Perhaps the boroughs of the Rhine have less of this picturesque, or landscape effect, than the vil- lages of France and Italy, for the Germans regard space more than their neighbors, but still are they less common- place than the smiling and thriving little marts that crowd the borders of the Hudson. To this advantage must be added that which is derived from the countless ruins, and a crowd of recollections. Flere, the superiority of the artificial auxiliaries of the Rhine ceases, and those of her rival come into the ascendant. In modern abodes, in villas, and even in seats, those of princes alone excepted, the banks of the Hudson have scarcely an equal in any region. There are finer and nobler edifices on the Brenta, and in other favored spots, certainly, but I know no stream that has so many that please and attract the eye. As ap- plied to moving objects, an important feature in this com- parison, the Hudson has perhaps no rival in any river that can pretend to a picturesque character. In numbers, in variety of rig, in beauty of form, in swiftness and dex- terity of handling, and in general grace and movement, this extraordinary passage ranks amongst the first of the world. The yards of tall ships swing among the rocks and forests of the highlands, while sloop, schooner, and bright canopied steam-boat, yacht, periagua, and canoe are seen in countless numbers, decking its waters. There is one more eloquent point of difference that should not 8 INTR OD UCTIOISr. be neglected. Drawings and engravings of the Rhine lend their usual advantages, softening and frequently rendering beautiful t)l)jccts of no striking attractions when seen as they exist ; while every similar attempt to represent the Hudson, at once strikes the eye as unworthy of its original. Nature is fruitful of line effects in every region, and it is a mistake not to enjoy her gifts, as we move through life, on account of some fancied superiority in this, or that, quarter of the world. We left the Rhine, therefore, with regret, for, in its way, a lovelier stream can scarce be found. At Mayence we crossed to the right bank of the river, and passing by the Duchies of Nassau and Darmstadt, en- tered that of Baden, at Heidelberg. Here we sat upon the Tun, examined the castle, and strolled in the alleys of the remarkable garden. Thence we proceeded to Man- heim, turning our faces, once more, towards the French capital. The illness of one of tlie party compelled us to remain a few hours in the latter city, which presented little for reflection, unless it were that this, like one or two other towns we had lately seen, served to convince us, that the symmetry and regularity which render large cities mag- nificent, cause those that are small to appear mean. It was a bright autumnal day when we returned to the left bank of the Rhine, on the way to Paris. The wishes of the invalid had taken the appearance of strength, and we hoped to penetrate the mountains which bound the Palat- inate on its south-western side, and to reach Kaiserslau- tern, on the great Napoleon road, before the hour of rest. The main object had been accomplished, and as with all wlio have effected their purpose, the principal desire was to be at home. A few posts convinced us that repose was still necessary to the invalid. This conviction, unhappily as I then believed, came too late, for we had already crossed the plain of the Palatinate, and Avere drawing near to the chain of mountains just mentioned which are a branch of the Vosges, and are known in the country as the Haart. We had made no calculations for such an event, and former experience had caused us to distrust the inns of this isola- ted portion of the kingdom of Bava,ria. I was just bit- terly regretting our precipitation, when the church-tower of Duerckheim peered above the vineyards ; for, on get- ting nearer to the base of the hills, the land became slightly undulating, and the vine abundant. As we ap- INTR OD UCTION. 9 proached, the village or borough promised little, but we liad the word of the postilion that the post-house was an inn fit for a king ; and as to the wine, he could give no higher eulogium than a flourish of the whip, an eloquent expression of pleasure for a German of his class. We de- bated the question of proceeding, or of stopping, in a good deal of doubt, to the moment when the carriage drew up before the sign of the Ox. A substantial looking burgher came forth to receive us. There was the pledge of good cheer in the ample development of his person, which was not badly typified by the sign, and the hale, hearty character of his hospitality removed all suspicion of the hour of reckoning. If he who travels much is a gainer in knowledge of mankind, he is sure to be a loser in the charities tliat sweeten life. Constant intercourse with men who are in the habit of seeing strange faces, who only dispose of their services to those that are likely never to need them again, and wdio, of necessity, are removed from most of the responsibilities and affinities of a more per- manent intercourse, exhibits tlie selfishness of our nature in its least attractive form. Policy may suggest a specious blandishment of air, to conceal the ordinary design on tlie pocket of the stranger ; but it is in the nature of things that the design should exist. The passion of gain, like all other passions, increases with indulgence ; and thus do we find those who dwell on beaten roads more rapacious than those in whom the desire is latent for v/ant of use. Our liost of Ducrckhcim offered a pledge, in his honest countenance, independent air, and frank manner, of his also being above the usual mercenary schemes of another portion of the craft, who, dwelling in places of little resort, endeavor to take their revenge of fortune, by showing that they look upon every post-carriage as an especial God- send. He had a garden, too, into which he invited us to enter, while the horses were changing, in a way that showed he was simply desirous of being benevolent, and that he cared little whether we staid an hour or a week. In short, his manner was of an artless, kind, natural, and winning character, that strongly reminded us of home, and which at once established an agreeable confidence that is of an invaluable moral effect. Though too experienced blindly to confide in national characteristics, we liked, too, his appearance of German faith, and more than all were we pleased with the German neatness and comfort, of lo INTRODUCTION. which there were abundance, unalloyed by the swaggering pretension that neutralizes the same qualities among people more artificial. The house was not a beer-drinking, smok- ing caravanserai, like many hotels in that quarter of the world, but it had detached pavilions in the gardens, in which the wearied traveller might, in sooth, take his rest. With such inducements before our eyes, w^e determined to remain, and we were not long in instructing the honest burgher to that effect. The decision was received with great civility, and, unlike the immortal Falstaff, I began to see the prospects of taking " mine ease in my inn" without having a pocket picked. The carriage w^as soon housed, and the baggage in the chambers. Notwithstanding the people of the house spoke confidently, but with sufficient modesty, of the state of the larder, it wanted several hours, agreeably to our habits, to the time of dinner, though we had enjoyed frequent opportunities of remarking that in Germany a meal is never unseasonable. Disregarding hints, which appeared more suggested by humanity than the love of gain, our usual hour for eating was named, and, by w^ay of changing the subject, I asked, — "Did I not see some ruins, on the adjoining mountain, as we entered the villag-e ? " "We call Duerckheim a city, mein Herr," rejoined our host of the Ox ; " though none of the largest, the time has been when it was a capital ! " Here the worthy burgher munched his pipe and chuck- led, for he was a man that had heard of such places as London, and Paris, and Pekin, and Naples, and St. Peters- burgh, or, haply, of the Federal City itself. " A capital ! — it was the abode of one of the smaller princes, suppose ; of what family was your sovereign, pray?" "You are right, mein Herr. Duerckheim, before the French revolution, was a residence (for so the political capitals are called in Germany), and it belonged to the princes of Leiningen, w4io had a palace on the other side of the city (tlie place may be about half as large as Hud- son, or Schenectady), which was burnt in the war. After the late wars, the sovereign was mediatise, receiving an in- demnity in estates on the other side of the Rhine." As this term of mediatise has no direct synonyme in Eng- lish, it may be well to explain its signification. Germany, INTR OD UC 7VO.V. 1 1 as well as most of Europe, was formerly divided into a countless number of petty sovereignties, based on the prin- ciple of feudal power. As accident, or talent, or alliances, or treachery advanced the interests of the stronger of these princes, their weaker neighbors began to disappear alto- gether, or to take new and subordinate stations in the social scale. In this manner has France been gradually com- posed of its original, but comparatively insignificant king- dom, buttressed, as it now is, by Brittany, and Burgundy, and Navarre, and Dauphiny, and Provence, and Normandy, with many other states ; and, in like manner has England been formed of the Heptarchy. The confederative system of Germany has continued more or less of this feudal or- ganization to our own times. The formation of the em- pires of Austria and Prussia has, however, swallowed up many of these principalities, and the changes produced by the policy of Napoleon gave the death-blow, without dis- tinction, to all in the immediate vicinity of the Rhine. Of the latter number were the Princes of Leiningen, whose possessions were originally included in the French repub- lic, then in the empire, and have since passed under the sway of the King of Bavaria, who, as the legitimate heir of the neighboring Duchy of Deux Ponts, had a nucleus of sufficient magnitude in this portion of Germany to induce the Congress of Vienna to add to his dominions; their object being to erect a barrier against the future aggrandizement of France. As the dispossessed sovereigns are permitted to retain their conventional rank, supplying wives and husbands, at need, to the reigning branches of the different l)rincely families, the term ni Jdiat is c h?is been aptly enough applied to their situation. " Tiie young prince was here, no later than last week," continued our host of the Ox ; " he lodged in that pavilion, where he passed several days. You know that he is a son of the 'Duchess of Kent, and half-brother to the young princess who is likely, one day, to be queen of England." "Has he estates here, or is he still, in any way, con- nected with your government? " "■ All they have given him is in money, or on the other side of the Rhine. He went to see the ruins of the old caslle ; for he had a natural curiosity to look at a place which his ancestors had built." " It was the ruins of the castle of Leiningen, then, that I saw on the mountain, as wc entered the town ? " 12 INTRODUCTION. " No, mcin Ilcrr. You saw the ruins of the Abbey of Limburg ; those of Hartenburg, for so the castle was called, lie farther back among the hills." " What ! a ruined abbey, and a ruined castle, too ! — Here is sufficient occupation for the rest of the day. An abbey and a castle ! " "And the Ileidenmauer, and tlie Teufelstein." '' How ! a Pagan's wall, and a Devil's stone ! — You are rich in curiosities ! " The host continued to smoke on philosophically. " Have you a guide who can take me, by the shortest way, to these places ? " " Any child can do that." " But one who can speak French is desirable — for my German is far from being classical." The worthy inn-keeper nodded his head. " Here is one Christian Kinzel," he rejoined, after a mo- ment of thought, " a tailor wiio has not much custom, and Avho has lived a little in France ; he may serve your turn." I suggested that a tailor might find it healthful to stretch his knee-joints. The host of the Ox was amused with the conceit, and he fairly removed the pipe, in order to laugh at his ease. His mirth was hearty, like that of a man without guile. The affair w%as soon arranged. A messenger was sent for Christian Kinzel, and taking my little male travelling companion by the hand, I went leisurely ahead, expecting the appearance of the guide. But, as the reader will have much to do with the place about to be described, it may be desirable that he should possess an accurate knowledge of its locality. Duercklieim lies in that part of Bavaria which is com- monly called the circle of the Rhine. The king, of the country named, may have less than half a million of sub- jects in this detached part of his territories, which extends in one course from the river to Rhenish Prussia, and in the other from Darmstadt to France. It requires a day of hard posting to traverse this province in any direction, from which it would appear that its surface is about equal to two-thirds of that of Connecticut. A line of mountains, resembling the smaller spurs of the Alleghanies, and which are known by different local names, but which are a branch of the Vosges, passes nearly through the centre of the dis- trict, in a north and south course. These mountains cease INTR OD UCTION: 13 abruptly on their eastern side, leaving between them and the river, a vast level surface of that description which is called "flats," or "bottom land," in America. This plain, part of the ancient Palatinate, extends equally on the other side of the Rhine, terminating as abruptly on the eastern as on the western border. In an air line, the distance be- tween Heidelberg and Duerckheim, which lie opposite to each other on the two lateral extremities of the plain, may a little exceed twenty miles, the Rhine running equi-dis- tant from both. There is a plausible theory, which says tliat the plain of the Palatinate was formerly a lake, re- ceiving the waters of the Rhine, and of course discharging them by some inferior outlet, until time, or a convulsion of the earth, broke through the barrier of the mountains at Bingen, draining off the waters, and leaving the fertile bottom described. Irregular sand-hills were visible, as we approached Duerckheim, which may go to confirm this supposition, for the prevalence of northerly winds miglit easily have cast more of these light particles on the south- western than on the opposite shore. By adding that the eastern face of the mountains, or that next to the plain, is sufficiently broken and irregular to be beautiful, while it is always distinctly marked and definite, enough has been said to enable us to proceed with intelligence. It would appear that one of the passes that has com- municated, from time immemorial, between the Rhine and the country west of the Vosgcs, issues on the plain through the gorge near Duerckheim. By following the windings of the valleys, the post-road penetrates, by an easy ascent, to the highest ridge, and following the water-courses tliat run into the Moselle, descends nearly as gradually into the Duchy of Deux Ponts, on the other side of the chain. The possession of this pass, therefore, in the ages of law- lessness and violence, was, in itself, a title to distinction and power ; since all who journeyed by it, lay in person and effects more or less at the mercy of the occupant. On quitting the town, my little companion and myself immediately entered the gike the others, it either had been originally constructed by the masters of the world, or restored on tlie foundations of some Roman con- struction by the followers of Attila, who, it will be remem- bered, had passed a winter in this camp ; and it was now rendered weather-proof by the usual devices of the poor and laborious. There was a single window, a door, and a rude chimney, whicli tlie climate and the elevated situation of the place rendered nearly indispensable. The light of a dim torch shone through the former, the only sign that the hut was tenanted ; for on the exterior, with the excep- tion of the rough repairs just mentioned, all around it lay 38 THE HEIDENMAUER. ill the neglected and eloquent stillness of ruin. The reader will not imagine, in this description, any of that massive grandeur which so insensibly attaches itself to most that is connected with the Roman name ; for while, in the nat- ure of things, the most ponderous and the most imposing of tlie public works of that people are precisely those which are the most likely to have descended to our own times, the traveller often meets with memorials of their power, that are so frail and perishable in their construc- tion, as to owe their preservation, in a great measure, to an accidental combination of circumstances favorable to such a result. Still, the Roman was ordinarily as much greater in little things, if connected with a public object, as he excelled all who have succeeded him, in those which were of more importance. The Ringmauer,or Heidenmauer, is a strong proof of what we say. There is not an arch, nor a tomb, nor a gate, nor a paved road of any descrip- tion in the vicinity of Duerckheim, to shovv' that the post was more than a temporary military position ; and yet the presence of its former occupants is established by more evidence than would probably be found, a century hence, were half of the present cities of Christendom to be sud- denly abandoned. But these evidences are rude and suited to the objects which had brought them into exist- ence. The forester and the cow-herd stood long regarding the solitary hut, which had arrested their looks like men hesi- tating to proceed. '' I had more humor for the company of the honest anchorite. Master Berchthold," said the latter " before thou madcst me acquainted with his fondness for taking the night air on the Teufelstein." " Thou hast not fear, Gottlob ? Thou, who bearest so good a name for courage among our youths ! " " I shall be the las,t to accuse myself of cowardice or of any other discreditable quality, friend forester, but pru- dence is a virtue in a youth, as the Abbot of Limburg him- self would swear, were he here " *'He is not present in his own reverend and respected person," said a voice so nigh the ear of Gottlob, as to cause him to jump nimbly aside; "but one who may humbly represent some portion of his sanctity, is not wanting to affirm the truth of what thou sayest, son." The startled young men saw that a monk of the opposite THE HEIDENMAUER. 39 mountain had unexpectedly appeared between them. They were on the lands of the Abbey, or rather on ground in dispute between the burghers of Duerckheim and the convent, but actually in possession of the latter ; and they felt the insecurity of their situation as the dependants of the count of Hartenburg. Neither spoke, therefore, for each was striving to invent some plausible pretext for his appearance in a place so unfrequented, and which, in general, was held in so little favor by the neighboring peasantry. "You are youths of Duerckheim?" asked the monk, en- deavoring to observe their features by the imperfect light that penetrated the foliage of the dark cedars. Gottlob, whose besetting infirmity was a too exuberant fluency of tongue, took on himself the task of answering. *' We are youths, reverend father," he said, "as thy quick and sagacious sight hath so well seen. I will not deny my years, and if I would, the devil, who besets all between fifteen and five-and-twenty in the shape of some giddy infirmity, would soon betray the imposture." "Of Duerckheim, son ?" " As there is question between tlie Abbey and the town concerning these hills, we might not stand any better in thy favor, holy Benedictine, were we to say yes." "In that suspicion thou dost little justice to the Abbey, son ; we may defend the rights of the Church, confided in their temporalities as they are to an unworthy and sinful brotherhood, without feeling any uncharitableness against those who believe they have claims better than our own. Tiie love of mammon is feeble in bosoms that are devoted to self-denying and repentant lives. Say then boldly that that you are a Duerckheim, and dread not my displeasure." '' Since it is thy good pleasure, benevolent monk, I will say boldly that we are of Duerckheim." *' And you come to consult the holy Anchorite of the Cedars ? " " It is not necessary that I should tell one of thy knowl- edge of human nature, reverend Benedictine, that the fail- ing of all dwellers in small towns, is an itching to look into the affairs of their neighbors. Hiinmel ! If our worthy burgomasters would spare a little time from the affairs of other people to hxjk into their own, we should all be greatly gainers ; they in their })roperty, and we in our comfort !" 40 THE HEIDENMAUER, The Benedictine laughed, and he motioned for the youths to follow, advancing himself towards the hut. " Since you have given yourself this trouble, no doubt with a praiseworthy and pious intention, my sons," he said, "let not respect for my presence change your purpose. We will go into the cell of the holy hermit, in company ; and if there should be advantage from his blessing, or dis- course, believe me I will not be so unjust as to envy either of you a share." "The manner in which the friars of Limburg deny themselves advantages, in order to do profit to their fellow- Christians, is in the mouths of all, far and near; and this generosity of thine, reverend monk, is quite of a piece with the well-earned reputation of the whole brother- hood." As Gottlob spoke gravely, and bowed with sufficient reverence, the Benedictine was in a slight degree his dupe ; though, as he passed beneath the low portal of the luit, lie could not prevent a lurking suspicion of the truth. CHAPTER III. ** He comes nt last in sullen loneliness, And whence they know not, why they need not guess." — Lara. In those ages in wiiich mortal wrongs were chiefly re- paired by superstition, and the slaves of the grosser pas- sions believed they were only to be rebuked by signal acts of physical self-denial, the world often witnessed examples of men retiring from its allurements, to caves and huts, for the ostensible purposes of penitence and prayer. That this extraordinary pretension to godliness was frequently the cloak of ambition and deceit is certain, but it would be un- charitable to believe that, in common, it did not proceed from an honest, though it might be an ill-directed, zeal. Hermitages are still far from infrequent in the more south- ern parts of Europe, though they are of rare occurrence in Germany ; but previously to the change of religion which occurred in the sixteenth century, and consequently near the period of this tale, they were perhaps more often met with among the descendants of the northern race, than among the more fervid fancies of the southern stock of that THE HEIDEyMAUER. 41 quarter of tlie world. It is a law of nature that the sub- stances which most easily receive impressions, are the least likely to retain them ; and possibly there may be requisite a constancy and severity of character to endure the never- ending and mortifying exactions of the anchorite, that were not so easily found among the volatile and happy children of the sun, as among the sterner offspring of the regions of cold and tempests. Whatever may be said of the principles of him who thus aband(jned worldly ease fur the love of God, it is quite sure, that in practice, there were present and soothing re- wards in this manner of life, that were not without strong attractions to morbid minds ; especially to those in which the seeds of ambition were dormant rather than extinct. It was rare, indeed, that a recluse established himself in the vicinity of a simple and religious neighborhood, and few were they who sought absolute solitude, without reaping a rich harvest of veneration and moral dependence among the untrained minds of his admirers. In this treacherous manner does vanity beset us in our strong-holds of mental security, and he who has abandoned the world, in the hope of leaving behind him those impulses which endangered his hopes, finds the enemy in a new shape, intrenched in the very citadel of his defences. There is little merit, and ccHnmonly as little safety, in turning the back on any dan- ger, and he has far less claims to the honors of a hero who outlives the contest in consequence of means so question- able, than he who survives because he has given a mortal blow to his antagonist. The task assigned to man is to move among his fellows doing good, fjlling his part in the scale of creation, and escaping from none of the iiigh duties which God has allotted to his being; and greatly should he be grateful, that, wliile his service is arduous, he is not left without the powerful aid of tliat intelligence which controls the harmony of the universe. The Anchorite of the Cedars, as the recluse now visited by the monk and his accidental companions was usually termed by the peasants, and by the burghers of Duerck- heim, had made his appearance about six months before the opening of our story, in the Ringmauer. Whence he had come, how long he intended to remain, and what had been his [)revious career, were facts equally unknown to those among whom lie so suddenly took up his abode. None had seen him arrive, nor could any say from what 42 THE HEIDENMAUER. sources he drew the few articles of household furniture which were placed in his hut. They who left the camp untenanted one week, or returning the next, had found it occupied by a man, who had arranged one of the deserted buildings in a manner to shelter him from the storms, and who, by erecting a crucifix at his door, had sufficiently an- nounced the motive of his retirement. It was usual to hail the establishment of a hermit in any particular district, as a propitious event ; and many were the hopes excited, and plans of effecting temporal objects concocted, by the in- tervention of the prayers of the stranger, before his pres- ence had been known a fortnight. All within the influence of the name of the hermit, except Emich of Leiningen- Hartenburg, the burgomasters of Duerckheim, and the monks of Limburg, heard of his arrival with satisfaction. The haughty and warlike baron had imbibed a standing prejudice against all devotees, from an inherited enmity to the adjoining convent, which had contested the sovereignty of tlie valley with his family for ages ; while the magistrates had a latent jealousy of every influence wiiich custom and the laws had not rendered familiar. As to the monks, the secret of their distrust was to be found in that principle of human nature, which causes us to dislike being outdone in any merit of which we make an especial profession, even though superior godliness be its object. Until now the Abbot of Limburg was held to be the judge, in the last resort, of all intercessions between earth and heaven ; and as his supremacy had the support of time, he had long enjoyed it in that careless security which lures so many of the prosperous to their downfall. These antipathies on the part of the honored and power- ful might, to say the least, have rendered the life of the anchorite very uncomfortable, if not positively insecure, were it not for the neutralizing effect of the antagonistic forces which were set in motion. Opinion, deepened by superstition, held its shield over the humble hut, and month after month glided away, after the arrival of the stranger, during which he received no other testimonials of the feelings excited by his presence, than those con- nected with the reverence of the bulk of the population. An accidental communication with Berchthold was ripen- ing into intimacy, and, as will be seen in the course of the narrative, there were others to whom his counsel, or his motives, or his prayers, were not indifferent. THE HEIDENMAUER. 43 The latter fnct was made sufficiently apparent to those who on account of their mutual distrust, now presented themselves with less ceremony than usual, at the threshold of the hut. The light within came from a fagot which was burning on the rude hearth, but it was quite strong enough to show the monk and his companions that the anchorite was not alone. Their footsteps had evidently been heard, and a female had time to arise from her knees, and to ar- range her mantle in such a manner as effectually to con- ceal her countenance. The hurried action was scarcely completed, when the Benedictine darkened the door with Kis gloomy robes, w^iile Berchthold and his friend stood gazing over his shoulders, with lively curiosity mingled with surprise. The form and countenance of the anchorite were those of middle age. His eye had lost nothing of its quickness or intelligence, though his movements had the delibera- tion and care that long experience insensibly interweaves in the habits of those who have not lived in vain. He ex- pressed neither concern nor wonder at the unexpected visits, but regarding his guests earnestly, like one who as- sured himself of their identity, he mildly motioned for all to enter. There was jealous suspicion in the glance of the Benedictine, as he complied : for until now, he had no reason to believe that the recluse was usurping so inti- mate and so extensive an infiuence over the minds of the young, as the presence of the unknown female would give reason to believe. " I knew that thou wert of holy life and constant prav- er, venerable hermit," he said, in a tone that questioned in more than one meaning of the term, "but until this mo- ment, I had not thought thee vested with the Church's power to hearken to the transgressions of the faithful and to forgive sins ! " " The latter is an office, brother, that of right belongs only to God. The head of the Church himself is but an humble instrument of faith, in discharging this solemn trust." The countenance of the monk did not become more amicable at this re{)ly, nor did he fail to cast a scrutinizing glance at the muffled form of the stranger, in a fruitless endeavor to recognize her person. "Thou hast n(jt even the tonsure," he continued, while his uneasy eye rolled from that of the recluse to the form 44 THE HEIDENMAUER. of the stranger, who had shrunk, as far as the narrow place would permit, from observation. "Thou seest, father, I have all the hair that time and infirmities have left me. But is it thought, in thy bene- ficed and warlike abbey, that the advice of one who has lived long enough to know and to lament his own errors, can injure the less experienced? If unhappily I may have deceived myself, thou art timely present, reverend monk, to repair the wrong." " Let the maiden come to the confessional of the Abbey Church, if distrust or apprehension weigh upon her mind ; doubt it not, she will find great comfort in the experi- ment." "As I will testify, from many trials — " abruptly inter- posed the cow-herd, who advanced intrusively between the two devotees, in a manner to occupy all their atten- tion. " ' Go upon the hill, and ease thy soul, Gottlob,' is my good and venerable mother in the practice of saying, whenever my opinion of myself is getting to be too hum- ble, ^and discourse with some of the godly fathers of the Abbey, whose wisdom and unction will not fail to lighten thy heart of even a heavier load. There is Father Ulrich, he is a paragon of virtue and self-denial ; and Father Cuno is even more edifying and salutary than he ; while Father Siegfried is more balmy to a soul, than the most reverend Abbot, the virtuous and pious Father Bonifacius himself! Whatever thou doest, child, go upon the hill, and enter boldly into the cliurch, like a loaded and oppressed sin- ner as thou art, and especially seek counsel and prayer from the excellent and beloved father Siegfried.' " " And thou — who art thou ? " demanded the half-doubt- ing monk, "that thus speakest of me, in terms that I so little merit, to my face ?" " I would I were Lord Emich of Hartenburg, or for that matter, the Elector Palatine himself, in order to do justice to those I honor ; in wdiich case certain Fathers of Lim- burg should have especial favor, and that quickly too, after my own flesh and blood ! Who am I, father? I won- der that a face so often seen at the confessional should be forgotten. What there is of me to boast of. Father Sieg- fried, is of thine own forming — but it is no cause of sur- prise that thou dost not recall me to mind, since the meek and lowly of spirit arc sure to forget their own good works ! " THE IIEIDKXMA UER. 45 "Thou callcst thyself Gottlob — but the name belongs to many Christians." "More bear it, reverend monk, than know how to do it honor. There is Gottlob Frincke, as arrant a knave as any in Duerckheim ; and Gottlob Popp miglit have moic respect for his baptismal vow ; and as to Lord Gottlob of Manheim " ''We will overlook the transgressions of the remainder of thy namesakes, for the good that thou thyself hast done," interrupted the Benedictine, who, having insensibly yielded to the unction of liattery in the commencement of the interview, began now to be ashamed of the weakness, as the fluent cow-herd poured forth his words in a manner to excite some suspicion of the quality of praise that came from such a source, " Come to me when thou wilt, son, and such counsel as a weak head, but a sincere heart, can render, shall not be withheld." "How tills would lighten the heart of my old mother to hear ! ' Gottlob,' would she say " " What has become of thy companion, and of the maid- en?" hastily demanded the Benedictine. As the part of the cow-herd was successfully performed, he stood aside, with an air of well-acted simplicity and amazement, leaving the discourse to be pursued between the recluse and the monk. " Thy guests have suddenly left us," continued the latter, after satisfying himself, by actual observation, that no one remained in the hut but himself, its regular occupant, and the honey-tongued Gottlob ; " and, as it would seem, in companv ! " "They are gone as they came, voluntarily and without question." " Thou knowcst them, by frequent visits, holy hermit ?" *' Fatlier, I question none : were the Elector Friedricli to come into my abode, lie would be welcome, and tliis cow-herd is not less so. To both, at parting, I merely say, * God speed ye ! ' " "Thou keepest the cattle of tlie burghers, Gottlob ?" " I keep a herd, reverend priest, such as my masters please to trust to my care." "We have grave cause of complaint against one of thv fellows wlio serves the Count of Ilartenburg, and who is in the daily habit of trespassing on the pastures of the church. Dost know the hind ? " 46 THE HEIDENMAUER. " Potz Tausend ! If all the knaves who do these wrongs, when out of sight of their masters, were set in a row be- fore the eyes of the most reverend Abbot of Limburg, he would scarce know whether to begin with prayers or stripes, and they say he is a potent priest at need, with both ! I sometimes tremble for my own conduct, though no one can have a better opinion of himself than I, poor and lowly as I stand in your reverend presence ; for a hard fortune, and some oversight in the management of my father's affairs, have brought me to the need of living among such associates. Were I not of approved honesty, there might be more beasts on the Abbey lands ; and "they who now pass their time in fasting in sheer humility, might come to the practice of sheer necessity." The Benedictine examined the meek countenance of Gottlob with a keen distrustful eye ; he next invited the hermit to bestow his blessing, and tlien motioning for the hind to retire, he entered on the real object of his visit to the hermitage. We shall merely say, at this point of the narrative, that the moment was extremely critical to all who dwelt in the Palatinate of the Rhine. The Elector had, perhaps impru- dently for a prince of his limited resources, taken an active part in the vindictive warfare then raging, and serious re- verses threatened to endanger not only his tranquillity but his throne. It was a consequence of the feudal system, which then so generally prevailed in Europe, that internal disorders succeeded any manifest, though it might be only a temporary derangement of the power of the potentate that held the right of sovereignty over the infinite number of petty rulers who, at that period, weighed particularly heavy on Germany. To them he was the law, for they were not apt to acknowledge any supremacy that did not come supported by the strong hand. The ascending scale of rulers, including baron, count, landgrave, margrave, duke, elector, and king, up to the ncmiinal head of the state, the emperor himself, with the complicated and varied interests, embracing allegiance within allegiance, and duty upon duty, was likely in itself to lead to dissension, had the Imperial Crown been one of far more defined and posi- tive influence than it was. But, uncertain and indirect in the application of its means, it was rare that any very seri- ous obstacle to tranquillity was removed without the em- ployment of positive force. No sooner was the Emperor THE HEIDENMAUER, 47 involved in a serious struggle, than the great princes en- deavored to recover that balance which had been lost by the long ascendency of a particular family, while the minor princes seldom saw themselves surrounded with ex- ternal embarrassment, that internal discord did not come to increase the evil. As a vassal was commonly but a rude reflection of his lord's enmities and prejudices, the reader will have inferred from the language of the cow-herd, that affairs were not on the most amicable footing between those near neighbors, the Abbot of Limburg and the Count of Hartenburg. The circumstance of their existing so near each otiier was, of itself, almost a certain cause of rivalry ; to which natural motive of contention may be added the unremitted strife between the influence of superstition and the dread of the sword. The visit of the monk had reference to certain interests connected with the actual state of things, as they existed between the Abbey and the Castle. As it would be premature, however, to expose his object, we shall be con- tent with saving, that the conference between the priest and the hermit lasted for half an hour, when the former took his leave, craving a blessing from one of a life so pure and self-denying as his host. At the door of the hut the monk found Gottlob, who had early been gotten rid of, it will be remembered, but who, for reasons of his own, had seen fit to await the ter- mination of the conference. ''Thou here, son ! " exclaimed the Benedictine. " I had thought thee at peace in thy bed, favored with the bene- diction of a hermit so holy ! " " Good f(;rtune is sure to drive sleep from my eyes, father," returned Gottlob, dropping in by the side of the monk, wlio was walking through the cedars towards the an- cient gateway of tlic camp. " I am not of your animal kind, that is no sooner- filled with a good thing than it lies down to rest ; but the happier 1 become, the more I desire to be up t(j enjoy it." "Thy wish is natural, and, although many natural de- sires are to be resisted, I do not see the danger uf our knowing our own happiness." "Of the danger I will sav nothing, father, but of the comfort, there is not a youth in Duerckheini, wlio can speak with greater certainty than myself." " Gottlob," said the Benedictine, insensibly edging near- 4S THE HEIDENMAUER. er his companion, like one willing to communicate con- fidentially, "vsince thou namest Duerckheim, canst say- aught of the humor of its people, in this matter of conten- tion between our holy Abbot and Lord Emich of Harten- burg ? " " Were I to tell thy reverence the truth that lies deepest in my mind, it would be to say, that the burghers wish to see the affair brought to an end, in such a way as to leave no doubt, herea,fter, to which party they most owe obedi- ence and love, since they find it a little hard upon their zeal, to have so large demands of these services made by both parties." "Thou canst not serve God and Mammon, son, so sayeth one who could not deceive.'* "And so sayeth reason, too, worshipful monk, but to give thee at once my inmost soul, I believe there is not a man in our Duerckheim, who believes himself strong enough in learning to say, in this strife of duties, which is God and which is Mammon !" "How! do they call in question our sacred mission — our divine embassy— in short, our being what we are ?" " No man is so bold as to say that tlie monks of Lim- burg are wliat they are ; that might be irreverent to the Church, and indecent to Father Siegfried ; and the most we dare to say is, that they seem to be what they are ; and that is no small matter, considering the way things go in this world. ' Seem to be, Gottlob,' said my poor father, 'and thou wilt escape envy and enemies ; for in this seem- liness there is nothing so alarming to others ; it is only when one is really the thing itself, that men begin to find fault. If thou wishcst to live peaceably with thy neigh- bors, push nothing beyond seeming to be, for that m.uch all will bear, since all can seem ; whereas being oftentimes sets a whole village in an uproar. It is wonderful the virtue there is in seeming, and the heart-burnings and scandal, ay, and the downright quarrels there are in being just what one seems.' No, the most we say, in Duerck- heim, is that the monks of Limburg seem to be men of God." "And Lord Emich?" "As to Count Emich, father, we hold it wise to re- member he is a great noble. The Elector has not a bold- er knight, nor the Emperor a truer vassal ; we say, there- fore, that he seems to be brave and loyal." THE IIEIDENMA UER. 49 " Thou makcst great account, son, of these apparent quaHties." '* Knowing the frailty of man, father, and the great like- lihood of error, when we wish to judge of acts and rea- sons, that lie deeper tlian our knowledge, we hold it to be the most prudent. No, let us of Duerckheim alone, as men of caution ! " " For a cow-herd, thou wantest not wit — Canst read?" " By God's favor. Providence put that little accident in my way when a child, reverend monk, and I picked it up, as I might swallow a sweet morsel." " 'Tis a gift more likely to injure than to serve one of thy calling. The art can do little benefit to thy herd ! " " I will not take upon myself to sav, that any of the cat- tle are much the better fcjr it ; though, to deal fairly by tliee, reverend Benedictine, there are animals among them that seem to be." "How! wilt thou attempt to show a fact not only im- probable but impossible ? Go to, tliou hast fallen upon some silly work of a jester. There have been numberless of these commissions of the devil poured forth, since the discover)^ of that imprudent brother of Mainz. I would ghidly hear in what manner a beast can profit by the art of printing ! " " Thy patience, Father Siegfried, and thou shalt know. Now here is a hind that can read, and there is one that cannot. We will suppose them botl) the servants of Emich of Ilartcnburg. Well, they go forth of a morning with their herds ; this taking the path to tlie hills of the Count, and that, having read the description of the boundaries between his Lord's land and that of the holy Abbot of Limburg, taking another, because learning will not will- ingly follow ignorance ; whereupon the reader reaciies a nearer and better pasture than he who hath gone about to feed upon ground that has only been trodden upon too often before, by hoof of benst and foot of man." "Thy learning hath not done much towards clcaringthy head, G(Jttlob, wiiatever it may have done for the condi- tion of thy lierd ! " " If your worship has an^' doubts of my being what I say, here is proof of its justice, then — I know nothing that so crams a man and confuses him as learning! He who has but one horn can take it and go his way ; whereas he that hath many, may lose his herd while choosing between 4 50 THE IIEIDENMAUER. instruments that are better or worse. He that hath but one sword, will draw it and slay his enemy ; but he tliat hath much armor, may lose his life while putting on his buckler or head-piece." " I had not thought thee so skilful in answers. And thou thinkest the good people of Duerckheim will stand neuter between the Abbey and the Count ? " " Father, if tliou wilt show me by which side they will be the greatest gainers, I think I might venture to say, with some certainty, on which side they will be likely to draw the sword. Our burghers are prudent towmsmen, as I have said, and it is not often that they are found fighting against their own interests." " Thou shouldst know, son, that he who is most favored in this life, may find the balances of justice weighing against him in the next ; while he who suffers in the flesh, will be most likely to find its advantage in the spirit." " Himmel ! In that case, reverend Benedictine, the most holy Abbot of Limburg liimself may fare worse here- after than even a hind who now lives like a dog!" ex- claimed Gottlob, with an air of admiration and simplicity that completely misled his listener. " The one is said to comfort the body in various ways, and to know the dif- ference between acup of pure Rhenish and adraughtof the washy liquors that come from the other side of our moun- tains ; while the other, wdiether it be of necessity or in- clination I will not take upon myself to say, drinks only of the spring. 'Tis a million of pities that one never knoweth which to choose, present ease with future pain, or a starving body v/ith a happy soul ! Believe me. Father Siegfried, were thy reverence to think more of these trials that befall us ignorant youths, thou wouldst not deal so heavily with the penances, as thine own severe virtue often tempts thee to do." "What is tiuis done is done for thy health, future and present. By chastening the spirit in this manner, it is grad- ually prepared for its final purification, and thou art not a loser in the eyes of thy fellows, by leading a chaste life. Thou wilt have justice at the settlement of the great ac- count." " Nay, I am no greedy creditor, to dun Providence for my dues. I very well know that what will come cannot be prevented, and therefore I take patience to be a virtue. THE IIEIDENMAUER. 51 But I hope tlicse accounts, of which you tell us so often, are kept with sufficient respect for a poor man ; for, to deal fairly with thee, father, we have not overmuch favor in settUnir those of the world." o " Thou hast credit for all thy good deeds with thy fel- lows, Gottlob." " I wish it were true ! To me it seems that the world is ready enough to charge, while it is as niggardly as a miser in giving credit — I never did an evil act — and as we arc all mortal and frail, most holy monk, th^se accidents will befall even your saint or a Benedictine — that the deed itself and all its consequences were n(jt set down against me, in letters that a short-sighted man might read ; wiiile most of my merits — and considering I am but a cow-herd they are of respectable quality — seem to be forgotten. Now your Abbot, or his Highness the Elector, or even Count Emich " "The Summer Landgrave!" interrupted the monk, hiughing. "Summer or winter, as thou wilt. Father Siegfried, he is Count of Hartenburg, and a noble of Leiningen. Even he does no deed of charity, or even of simple justice, that all men do not seize upon the occasion to proclaim it, as ea- gerly as they endeavor to upbraid me for the accidental loss of a beast, or any other little backsliding, that may befall one, who being bold under thy holy instruction, some- times stumbles against a sin." " Thou art a casuist, and, at another time, I must look more closely into the temper of thy mind. At present, thou mayst purchase favor of the Church by enlisting a little more closely in her interests. I remember thy clev- erness and thy wit, Gottlob, for both have been remarked in thy visits to the convent ; but, until this moment, there has not been sufficient reason to use the latter in the man- ner that we may fairly claim to do, considering our fre- quent prayers, and the other consolations afforded in thy behnlf." ''''\)(y not l)e too particular, Father vSiegfried, for thy W(jrds reveal grievous penance !" " Which may be much mitigated in future, if not en- tirely avoided, by a service that 1 would now propose to thee, honest (xottlob, and which 1 will venture to say, from my knowledge of thy reverence for holv tilings, as is man- ifest in thy attentions to the pious hermit, and thy love for 52 THE HEIDENMAUER. the Abbey of Limburg, thou wouldst not refuse to under-, take." " So ! " " Nay, I have as good as pledged myself to Father Boni- facius to procure either thee, or one shrewd and faithful as thee, to do a trusty service for the brotherhood." " The latter might not be easy among the cow-herds ! " " Of that I am sure. Thy skill in the management of the beasts may yet gain thee the office of tending the am- ple herds of the abbey. Thou art already believed fit for the charge." " Not to deny my own merits, sagacious father, I have already some knowledge of the pastures." " And of the beasts, too, Gottlob ; we keep good note of the characters of all who come to our confessionals. There are worse than thine among them, I do assure thee." "And yet have I never told thee half that I might say of myself, father ! " " It is not important now. Thou knowest the state of the contest between Count Emich and our Abbey. The service that I ask of thee, son, is this ; and by discliarging it, with thy wonted readiness, believe me thou wilt gain favor with St. Benedict and his children. We have had reason to know, that there is a strong band of armed men in the castle, ready and anxious to assail our wails, under a vain belief that they contain riches and stores to repay the sac- rilege ; but we want precise knowledge of their numbers and intentions. Were we to send one of known pursuits on tliis errand, the Count would find means to mislead him ; whereas, we think a hind of thy intelligence might purchase the Church's kindness without suspicion." " Were Count Emich to get wind of the matter, he would not leave me an ear with which to listen to thy holy ad- monitions." " Keep thine own counsel, and he will not suspect one of thy appearance. Hast no pretext for A'isiting the castle ?" " Nay, it would be easy to make a thousand. Here, I might say, I wished to ask the cow-herd of Lord Emich for his cunning in curing diseased hoofs, or I might pre- tend a wish to change my service, or, there is no want of laughing damsels in and about the hold." " Enough : thou art he, Gottlob, for whom I have sought daily for a fortnight. Go thy way, then, without fail, and seek me after to-morrow's mass, in the Abbey." THE HEIDENMAUER. 53 " It may be enough on the side of Heaven, father, but men of our prudence must not forget their mortal state. Am I to risk my ears, do discredit to my simplicity, and neglect my herd, without a motive ?" " Thou wilt serve the Church, son ; get favor in the eyes of our reverend Abbot, and thy courage and dexterity will be remembered in future indulgences." *'That I shall serve the Church it is well known to me, reverend Benedictine, and it is a privilege of which a cow- herd hath reason to be proud ; but, by serving the Churcli, I shall make enemies on earth, for two sufficient reasons: first, that the Church is in no great esteem in this valley ; and second, because men never love a friend for being any better than themselves. ' No, Gottlob,' used my excellent father to say, 'seem to all around thee conscious of thy unworthiness, after which thou mayst be what thou seem- cst. On this condition only can virtue live at peace with its fellow-creatures. But if thou wouldst have the respect of mankind,' would he say, ' set a fair price on all thou doest, for the world will not give thee credit for disinter- estedness ; and if thou workest for naught, it will think thou deservest naught. No,' did he shake his head and add, ' that which cometh easy is little valued, while that which is costly, do men set a price upon.' " " Thy father was, like thyself, one that looked to his ease. Thou knowest that we inhabitants of cells do not carry silver." " Nay, righteous Benedictine, if it were a tritle of gold, I am not one to break a bargain for so small a difference." " Thou shalt have gold, then. On the faith of my holy calling, I will give thee an image of the Emperor in gold, shouldst thou succeed in bringing tlie tidings we require." Gottlob stopped short, and kneeling, he reverently asked the monk to bless him. The latter complied, half doubt- ing the discretion of emphjying such an emissary, between wh(jse cunning and simplicity he was completely at fault. Still, as he risked nothing, except in tlie nature of tlie in- formation he was to receive, he saw no sufficient reason for recalling the commission he had just bestowed. He gave the desired benediction, therefore ; and our two conspir- ators descended the mountain in conij^any, discoursing, as tliey went, of the business on which the cow-herd was about to proceed. When so near the road as to be in danger of observation, they separated, each taking the direction nc« cessary to his object. 54 THE HEIDENMAUER. CHAPTER IV. *' And not a matron, sitting at her wheel, But could repeat their story. — " Rogers. The female, enveloped in her mantle, had so well profi- ted by the timely interposition of Gottlob Frincke, as to quit the hermit's hut without attracting the notice of the Benedictine. But the vigilance of young Berchthold had not been so easily eluded. He stepped aside as she glided through the door, then stooping merely to catch the eye of the cow-herd, to whom he communicated his intention by a sign, he followed. Had the forester felt any doubts as to the identity of her he pursued, the light and active movement would have convinced him that age, at least, had no agency in inducing her to conceal her features. The roe-buck of his own forests scarce bounded with more agility than the fugitive fled, on first quitting the abode of the recluse ; nor did her speed sensibly lessen, until she had crossed most of the melancholy camp, and reached a spot where the opening of the blue and star-lit void showed that she was at the verge of the wood, and near the margin of the summit of the mountain. Here she paused, and stood leaning against a cedar, like one whose strength was exhausted. Berchthold had followed swiftly, but without losing that appearance of calmness and of superior physical force which gives dignity to the steps of young manhood, as compared with the timid but more attractive movements of the feebler sex. He seemed consciotis of his greater powers, and unwilling to increase a flight that was already swifter than circumstances required, and whicli he knew to be far more owing to a vague and instinctive alarm, than to any real cause for apprehension. When the speed of the female ceased, his own relaxed, and he approached the spot where she stood panting for breath, like a cautious boy, who slackens his haste in order not to give new alarm to the bird that has just alighted. *' What is there so fearful in my face, Meta, that thou fleest my presence, as I had been the spirit of one of those Pagans that they say once peopled this camp ? It is not thy wont to have this dread of a youth thou hast known THE HEIDENMAUER. 55 from childhood, and I will say, in my own defence, known as honest and true! " ''It is not seemly in a maiden of my years — it was fool- lish, if not disobedient, to be here at this hour," answered the hurried girl ;— " I would I had not listened to the desire of hearing more of the holy hermit's wisdom ! " "Thou art not alone, Meta! " "That were unbecoming, truly, in my father's child!" returned the young damsel, with an expression of pride of condition, as she glanced an eye toward the fallen wall, among whose stones Berchthold saw the well-known form of a female servitor of his companion's family. " Had I carried imprudence to this pass, Master Berchthold, thou" wouldst have reason to believe, in sooth, that it was the daugliter of some peasant, that by chance iiad crossed thy footstep." " There is little danger of that error," answered Bercht- hold quickly. "I know thee well; thou art Meta, the only child (/f Heinrich Frey, the Burgomaster of Duerck- hcim. None know thy quality and hopes better than I, for none have heard them oftener ! " The damsel dropped her head in a movement of natural regret and sudden repentance, and when her blue eye, softened by a ray of the moon, met the gaze of the forester, he saw that better feelings were uppermost. " I did not wish to recount my father's honors, nor any accidental advantage of my situation, and, least of all, to tliee," answered the maiden, with eagerness; "but I felt concern lest thou shouldst imagine I had forgotten the modesty of my sex and condition — or, I had fear that thou mightest — thy manner is much changed of late, Bercht- hold !" " It is then without my knowledge or intention. But we will forget the past, and thou wilt tell me, what wonder hath brought thee to this suspected and dreaded moor, at an hour so unusual ?" Meta smiled, and the expression of her countenance proved, that if she li.ad moments of uncharitable weakness, they were mcjre the offspring (jf the world's opinions, than of her own frank and generous nature. " I might retort the question on tiiee, Berchthold, and ]")lead a woman's curiosity as a rcascjn why I should be (piickly answered — Wliy art thou here, at an hour when most young hunters sleep ? " 56 THE HEIDENMAUER. '' I am Lord Emich's forester ; but thou, as there has just been question, art a daughter of the Burgomaster of Duerckheim." '' I give thee credit for all the difference. Did my mother know that I was thus about to furnish a reason for my con- duct, she would say, ' Keep thy explanations, Meta, for those who have a right to demand them ! ' " " And Heinrich Frey ? " " He would be little likely to approve of either visit or explanation." " Thy father loves me not, Meta ? " *' He does not so much disapprove of thee, Master Berchthold, as that thou art only Lord Emich's forester. Wert thou as thine own parent was, a substantial burgher of our town, he might esteem thee much. But thou hast great favor with my dear mother ! " " Heaven bless her, that in her own prosperity she hath not forgotten those who have fallen ! I think that, in thy heart as in thy looks, Meta, thou more resemblest thy mother than thy father." " I would have it so. When I speak to thee of my being the child of Heinrich Frey, it is witliout thought of any present difference between us, I do affirm to thee, Bercht- hold, but rather as showing that in not forgetting my station, I am not likely to do it discredit. Nay, I know not that a forester's is a dishonorable office ! They who serve the Elector in this manner are noble." " And they who serve nobles, simple. I am but a menial, Meta, though it be in a way to do little mortification to my pride." ''And what is Count Emich but a vassal of the Elector, who, in turn, is a subject of the Emperor ! Thou shalt not dishonor thyself in this manner, Berchthold, and no one say aught to vindicate thee." '' Thanks, dearest Meta. Thou art tlie child of my mother's oldest and closest friend, and whatever the world may proclaim of the difference that now exists between us, thy excellent heart whispers to the contrary. Thou art not only the fairest, but, in truth, the kindest and gentlest damsel of thy town ! " The daughter, only child, and consequently tlie heiress of the wealthiest burgher of Duerckheim, did not hear this opinion of Lord Emich's handsome forester without great secret gratification. THE HEIDEyATAUER. 57 "And now thou shalt know the reason of tliis imusinil visit," said Meta, wlien the silent pleasure excited by the last speech of young Berchthold had a little subsided ; *' f(jr this have I, in some measure, promised to thee ; and it would little justify thy good opinion to forget a pledge. Thou knowcst the holy hermit, and the sudden manner of his appearance in the Hcidcnmaucr ? " **None are ignorant of the latter, and thou hast already seen that I visit him in his hut." " I shall not pretend to give, or to seek, the reason, but sure it is, that he had not been a week in the old Roman abode, when he sought occasion to show me greater notice than to any other maiden of Duerckheim, or than any merit of mine might claim." " How ! is the knave but a pretender to this sanctitv, after all ! " " Thou canst not be jealous of a man of his years ; and, judging by his worn countenance and hollow eyes, years too of mortification and suffering! lie truly is of a character to give a youth of thy age, and gentle air, and active frame, and comely appearance, uneasiness ! But I see the color in thy cheek. Master Berchthold, and will not offend thee with comparisons that are so much to thy dis- advantage. Be the motive of the holy hermit what it will, on the two occasions when he visited our town, and in the visits that we maidens have often made to his cell, he hath shown kind interest in my welfare and future hopes, both as they are connected with this life, and with that to whicii we all liasten, although it be with steps that are not heard even by our own ears." " It does not surprise me, that all who see and know thee, Meta, should act thus. And yet I find it very strange !" "Nay," said the amused girl, "now thou justificst the exact words of old Use, who hath often said to me, ' Take heed, Meta, and put not thy faith too easily in the lan- guage of the yoinig tcnvnsmen ; for, by looking closely into tlieir meaning, thou wilt see that they contradict them- selves. Youtii is so eager to obtain its end, tiiat it stops not to separate the true from the plausible.' These are her very words, and oft repeated too, which thou has just verified — I believe the crone fairly sleepeth on that pile of the fallen wall !" " Disturb her not. One of her years hath great need of 58 THE HEIDENMAUER. rest ; nav, it would be thoughtless to rob her of this little pleasure ! " Meta had made a step in advance, seemingly with intent to arouse her attendant, when the hurried words and rapid action of the youth caused her to hesitate. Receding to her former attitude, beneath the shadow of the cedar, she more considerately resumed — " It would be ungracious, in sooth, to awaken one who hath so lately toiled up this weary hill." " And she so aged, Meta ! " *' And one that did so much for my infancy ! I ought to go back to my father's house, but my kind mother will overlook the delay, for she loveth Use little less than one of her own blood." " Thy mother knoweth of this visit to the hermit's hut, then ? " " Dost think, Master Berchthold, that a Burgomaster of Duerckheim's only child would go forth, at this hour, without permission had ? There would be great unseem- liness in such secret gossiping, and a levity that would better suit thy damsels of Count Emich's village ; they say indeed, in our town, that the castle damsels are none too nice in their manner of life." ''They belie us of the mountain strangely, in the towns of the plain ! I swear to thee, there is not greater modesty in thy Duerckheim palace than among our females, whether of the village or of the castle." " It may be true in the main, and, for the credit of my sex, I hope it is so ; but thou wilt scarce find courage, Berchthold, to say aught in favor of her they call Gisela, the warder's child ? More vanity have I never seen in female form ! " " They think her fair, in Hartenburg." " 'Tis that opinion which spoileth the creature's manner ! Thou art much in her society. Master Berchthold, and I doubt not that use causeth thee to overlook some qualities that are not concealed from strangers. * Do but regard that Haunting bird from the pass of the Jacgerthal,' said the excellent old Use, one morn that we had a festival in our venerable church, to which the country round came forth in their best array; 'one would imagine from its fluttering, and the movements of its feathers, that it fan- cied the eye of every young hunter was on its plumage, and that it dreaded the bolt of the archer unexpectedly ! THE HF.IDE.yMAUF.R. 59 And yet have I known animals of this breed that did not so greatly fear tiie fowler's hand, if truth were said ! ' " "Thou judgest Gisela harshly; for though of some lightness of speech, and haply not without admiration of her own beauty, the girl is far from being uncompaniona- ble, or, at times, of agreeable discourse." "Nay, I do but repeat the w^ords of Use, Master Bercht- hold ! '' " Thy Use is old, and garrulous, and is like to utter fool- ishness." " This mav be so — but let it be foolish, if thou wilt — • the foUv of my nurse is my folly. I have gained so much from her discourse, that I fear it is now too late to amend. To deal fairly with thee, she did not utter a syllable con- cerning thy warder's daughter that f do not believe." Berchthold was but little practised in the ways of the human heart. Free in the expression of his own senti- ments as the air he breathed on his native hills, and entire- Iv without thought of guilt, as respects the feeling which bound him to Meta, he had never descended into the arcana of that passion of which he was so completely the subject, without indeed knowing even the extent of his own bondage. He viewed this little ebullition of jealousy, therefore, as a generous nature regards all injustice, and he entered only the more warmly into the defence of the injured party. One of those sieve-like hearts that have been perforated a hundred times by the shots that Cupid fires, right and left, in a capital, would probably have had recourse to the same expedient, merely to observe to what extent he could trille with the feelings of a being he pro- fessed to love. Europeans, wlio are little addicted to looking into the eye of their cis-Atlantic kinsman in search of the mote, say, that the master passion of life is but a sluggish emotion in the Americaii bosom. That those who are chiefly em- ])loyed in the affairs of this world should be content with the natural course of the affections, as tiicy arise in the honest relations of the domestic circle, is quite as proba- ble, as it is true that they who feed their passions by vani- ty and variety, are mistaken when they think that casual and fickle sensations compose any of tlu.' true ingredients of that purifying and elevated sentiment, which, by invest- ing the admired object witii all that is estimable, leads us to endeavor to be worthy of the homage we insensibly 6o THE HEIDENMAUER. pay to virtue. In Berchthold and Mcta, the reader is to look for none of that constitutional fervor, which some- times substitutes impulse for a deeper feeling, or for any of that factitious cultivation of the theory of love, that so often tempts the neophyte to mistake his own hallucina- tions for the more natural attachment of sympathy and reason. For the former they lived too far north, and for the latter it might possibly be said, that fortune had cast their lot a little too far south. That subtle and nearly in- definable sympathy between the sexes, which we call love, to which all are subject, since its principle is in nature itself, exists perhaps in its purest and least conventional form precisely in the bosoms of those whom Providence has placed in the middle state, between extreme cultiva- tion and ignorance ; between the fastidious and sickly per- version of over-indulgence, and the selfishness that is the fruit of constant appeals to exertion ; or the very condition of the two young persons that have been placed before the reader in this chapter. Enough has been seen to show that Bercluhold, though exercising a menial office, had re- ceived opinions superior to his situation ; a circumstance that is sufficiently explained by the allusions already made to the decayed fortunes of his parents. His language and manner, therefore, as he generously vindicated Gisela, the daughter of the person charged to watch the approaches of Lord Emich's castle, w^as perhaps superior to what would have been expected in a mere forester. " I shall not take upon myself the office of pointing out the faults of our castle beauty, if faults she hath," he said ; " but this much may I say in her defence, without fear of exceeding truth ; her father is grown gray imder the livery of Leiningen, and there is not a child in the world that showeth more reverence or affection to him who gave her being, than this same bird of thine, with its flaunting plumes, and the coquetry with the archer's bolt ! " " 'Tis said, a dutiful daughter will ever make an excel- lent and an obedient wife." *'The luckier then will he be who weds old Friedrich's child. I have known her keep the gates, deep into the night, that her father might take his rest, when the nobles have frequented the forest later than common ; aye, and to watch weary hours, when most of her years and sex would find excuses for being on their pillows. Now this have I often seen, going forth, as thou may'st be certain by my THE IIEIDENMAUER. 6i ofllcc, in Count Eniich's company, in most of his hunts. Nay, Gisela is fair, none will deny ; and it may be that, among her otiier qualities, the girl knows it." *' She appeareth not to be the only one of thy Har- tenburg pile that is aware of the fact. Master Bercht- hold ! " " Dost thou mean, Meta, the revelling abbe, from Paris, or the sw^orn soldier-monk of Rhodes, that now abide in the castle ?" asked the young forester, with a simplicity that would have set the heart of a coquette at ease, by its perfect nature and openness. "Now thou touchest on the matter, I will own, though one of my office should be wary of opinions on those his master loves, but I know thy prudence, Meta — Therefore will I say, that I have half sus- pected these two ill-assorted servants of the church, of thinking more of the poor girl thari is seemlv." " Thy poor Gisela hath cause to hang herself. Truly, were wassailers, like these thou namcst, to regard me with but a free look, the Burgomaster of Duerckheim should know of their boldness ! " " ]\Icta, they would not dare ! Poor Gisela is not the ofTspring of a stout citizen, but the warder of Hartenburg's child, and there may be some difference in thy natures, too — nay, there is ; for thou art not one of those that seek the admiration of each cavalier that passeth, but a maiden that knoweth her worth, and the meed tlint is her due. That thou hast, in something, wronged our beauty of the hold, I needs must say ; but to compare thee with her, cither in the excellence of tlie body or that of the mind, is what could never be done justly. If she is fair, thou art fairer ; if she is witty, thou art wise ! " "Nay, do not mistake me, Berchthcjld, bv tliinking thnt I have uttered aught against thy warder's daughter that is harsh and unseemly. I know the girl's cleverness, and moreover I am willing to acknowledge, tliat one cruelly placed by fortune in a condition of servitude, like her's, may find it no easy matter to be always what one of her sex and years could wish. I daie \\) sav, that Gisela, did fortune and opportunity permit, would do no discredit to her breeding and looks, both of wiiich, sooth to say, are somewhat above lier condition." "And thou saidst, thy nuHher knew of this visit to the hermit ? " "And said truth. My mother has never made objection 62 THE HEIDENxMAUER. to any reverence paid by her daughter to the Church or to its servants." *' Tliat hath she not ! — Thou art amongst the most fre- quent of those who resort to the Abbey in quest of holy offices thyself, Meta ! " '' Am I not a Christian ? Wouldst have a well-respected maiden forget her duties ? " " I say not that ; but there is discourse amongst us hunt- ers, that of late the prior hath much preferred his ycjung nephew, Brother Hugo, to the duty (;f quieting the con- sciences of the penitents. It were better that some father, whose tonsure liatli a ring of gray, were put into the con- fessional, in a church so much frequented by the young and fair of Duerckheim." " Thou wouldst do well to write of this to the Bisliop of Worms, or to our holy Abbot, in thine own scholarly hand. Thou hast the clerkly gifts, Master Berchthold, and might persuade ! " " I would that the little I have done in tins way had not so failed of its design. Thou hast had frequent proofs of its sincerity, if not of its skill, Meta." " Well, this is idle, and leads me to forget the hermit : My mother — I know not why — and now thou makest me think of it, I ilud it different from her common rule ; but it is certain that she in nowise discourages these visits to the Heidenmauer. We are very young, Berchthold, and may not yet understand all that enters into older and wiser heads ! " '^ It is strange that the holy man should seek just us ! If he most urges his advice on you among the damsels of the town, lie most gives his counsel to me among the youths of the Jaegerthal ! " There was a charm in this idea which held these two young and unpractised minds in sweet thraldom for many fleeting minutes. They conversed of the unexplained sympathy between the man of God and themselves, long and with undiminishing interest in the subject, for it seemed to both tliat it contained a tie to imite them still closer to each other. Whatever philosopliy and experience may pretend on such subjects, it is certain that man is dis- posed to be superstitious in respect to the secret influences that guide his fortunes, in the dark passage of the world. Whether it be the mystery of the unforeseen future, or the consciousness of how much of even his most prized sue- THE HEIDENMAUER. 63 cess is tlic result of circumstances that lie never could or did control, or whether God, with a view to liis own har- monious and sublime ends, has implanted tiiis principle in the human breast, in order to teach us dependence on a superior power, it is certain that few reach a state of mind so calculating and reasoning as not to trust some portion of thatAvhich is to come, to the chances of Fortune, or to Providence ; for so we term the directing power, as the mind clings to or rejects the immediate agency of the Deity, in the conduct of the subordinate concerns of life. In the age of which we write, intelligence had not made sufficient progress to elevate ordinary minds above the arts of necromancy. Men no longer openly consulted the entrails of brutes, in order to learn the will of fate, but they often submitted to a dictation scarcely less beastly, and few indeed were they who were able to separate piety from superstition, or the grand dispensations of Providence from the insignificant interests of sellishness. It is not surprising, therefore, that Berchthold and Meta sliould cling to the singular interest that the hermit manifested in them respectively, as an omen propitious to their common hopes ; common, for though the maiden had not so far relinquished the reserve she still deemed essential to her sex, as to acknowledge all slie felt, that subtle instinct which unites the young and innocent left little doubt in the mind of either, of the actual state of the other's in- clinations. Old Use had consequently ample time to rest her frame, after the painful toil of the ascent between the town and the camp. When Meta at length approached to arouse her, the garrulous woman broke out in exclamations (jf surprise at tlie shortness of the interview witli tlie hermit, for the soundness of her slumbers left her in utter igno- rance of the appearance and disappearance of Berchthold. " It is but a moment, Meta, dear," she said, *' since we came up the hill, and I fear thou hast not given sufficient heed to the wise words of the holy man. We shcjuld not reject a wholesome draught because it proves bitter to the mouth, child, but swalhjw all to the last dn^p, when we think there is healing in the cu}). Didst deal fairly by tlie hermit, and tell him honestly of thy evil nature ?" ** Thou forgettest, Use, the heimit has not even the ton- sure, and cannot shrive and pardon." "Nay, nay — 1 know nut tliat ! A hermit is a man of 64 THE HEIDENMAUER. God ; and a man of God is holy ; and any Christian may, aye, and should pardon ; and as to shriving, give me a self- denying recluse, who passes his time in prayer, mortifying soul and body, before any monk of Limburg, say I ! There is more virtue in one blessing from such a man, than in a dozen from a carousing Abbot — I know not but I might say fifty." '' But I liad his blessing, nurse." "Well, that is comforting, and we have not wearied our limbs for naught ; but thou shouldst have told him of thy wish to wx\ir the laced bodice, at the last mass, in order that thy equals might envy thy beauty. It would have been wholesome to have acknowledged that sin, at least." "But he questioned me not of my sins. All his dis- course was of my father's house, and of my good motlier, and— and of other matters." "Thou shouldst then have edged the bodice in among the other matters. Have I not always forewarned thee, Meta, of the danger of pride, and of stirring envy in the bosom of a companion? There is naught more uncom- fortable than envy, as I know by experience. Oh ! I am no longer young ; and come to me if thou wouldst wish to know what envy is, or any other dangerous vice, and I warrant thee thou shalt hear it well explained ! Aye, thou wert very -wrong not to have spoken of the bodice ! " " Had it been fit to confess, I might have found more serious sins to own than any that belong to dress." " I know not that ! Dress is a great beguiler of the young heart, and of the handsome face. If thou hast beauty in thy house, break thy mirrors that the young should not know it, is what I have heard a thousand times ; and as thou art both young and fair, I will repeat it, though all Duerckheim gainsay my words, thou art in dan- ger if thou knowest it. No, hadst thou told the hermit of that bodice, it might have done much good. What mat- ters it to such a man, whether he hath the tonsure or not ? He hath prayers, and fastings, and midnight thought, and great bodily suffering, and these are surely worth as much hair as hath ever fallen from all the monks in the Palatin- ate. I would that thou hadst told him of that bodice, child ! " "Since thou so wishest it, at our next meeting it shall be said, dear Use ; so set thy heart at peace." " Tliis will give thy dear mother great pleasure; else, THE I/E/DF..VMAUER. 65 why should she consent that a daughter of her's should visit a heathenish camp, at so late an hour? I warrant thee that she thought of the bodice ! " " Do cease speaking of the garment, nurse ; my thoughts are bent on something else." " Well, if indeed thou thinkest of something else, it may- be amiss to sav more at present, though. Heaven it knows ! thou hast great occasion to recall that vain-glorious mass to thy mind. How suddenly thy communion with the her- mit ended to-night, Meta ! " "We have not been long on the mountain, truly, Use. But we must hasten back, lest my mother should be un- easy." "And why should she be so ? Am I not with thee ? Is age nothing, and experience, and prudence, and an old head, aye, and, for that matter, an old body, too, and a good memory, and such eyes as no other in Duerckheim of my years hath — I say of my years, for thou hast better ; and thy dear mother's are little worse than thine — but of my years, few have their equal. At thy age, girl, I was not the old Use, but the lively Use, and the active, and, God forgive me if there be vain-glory in the words ! but truth should always be spoken — the handsome Use, and this too without aid from any such bodice as that of thine." " Wilt never forget the bodice! here, lean on me, nurse, or thy foot may fail thee in the steep descent." Here they began to descend, and as they were now at a point of the path where much caution was necessary, the conversation in a great measure ceased. He who visits iJiicrckheim now, will find sufficient re- maining evidence to show that the town formerly extend- ed more towards the base of the mountain than its present site would prove. There arc the ruins of walls and towers among the vineyards that ornament the foot of the hill, and tradition speaks of furtificaticnis that have long since disafjpeared, rendered useless by those improvements in warfare that have; robbcxl so many other strong places of their importance. Tlirn, every group of houses on an eminence was more or k:ss a place of defence ; but the use of gunpowder and artillery centuries ago rendered all these targets useless, and he who would now seek a citadel, is most sure to find it buried in some plain or morass. The world has reached another crisis in im])r(n'ement, for the introduction of steam is likely to alter all its systems of 5 66 THE HEIDENMAUER, offence and defence both by land and sea ; but, be the fut- ure as it may, the skill of the engineer had not so far ripened at the period of our tale as to prevent Meta and her attendant from entering within walls of ancient con- struction, clumsily adapted to meet the exigencies of the imperfect state of the existing art. As the hour was early, they had no difficulty in reaching the Burgomaster's door without attracting remark. CHAPTER V. "What news?" "None, my lord ; but that the world is grown honest." " Then is doomsday near ! " — I/amlei. Within the whole of these widely extended states, there is scarcely a single vestige of the manner of life led by those who first settled in the wilderness. Little else is found to arrest the eye of the antiquary in the shape of a ruin, except the walls of some fortreos or the mounds of an intrenchment of the war of independence. We have, it is true, some faint remains of times still more remote ; and there are even a few circumvallations, or other inventions of defence, that are believed to have once been occupied by the red man ; but in no part of the country did there ever exist an edifice, of either a public or a private nature, that bore any material resemblance to a feudal castle. In order, therefore, that the reader shall have as clear a pict- ure as our feeble powers can draw, of the hold occupied by the sturdy baron who is destined to act a conspicuous part in the remainder of this legend, it has become neces- sary to enter at some length into a description of the sur- rounding localities, and of the building itself. We say of the reader, for we profess to write only for the amusement — fortunate shall we be if instruction may be added — of our own countrymen : should others be pleased to read these crude pages, we shall be flattered and of course grateful ; but with this distinct avowal of our object in holding the pen, we trust they will read with the necessary amount of indulgence. And here we shall take occasion to hold one moment's communion with that portion of the reading public of all THE HEIDENMAURR. 67 nations, that, as respects a writer, composes what is termed the world. Let it not be said c" ns, because we make frequent reference to opinions and circumstances as they exist in our native land, that we arc profoundly ignorant of the existence of all others. We make these references, crime though it be in hostile eyes, because they best an- swer our end in writing at all, because they allude to a state of society most familiar to our own minds, and be- cause we believe that great use has hitherto been made of the same things, to foster ignorance and prejudice. Should we unheedingly betray the foible of national vanity— that foul and peculiar blot of American character! we solicit forgiveness ; urging, in our own justification, the aptitude of a young country for falling insensibly into the vein of imitation, and praying the critical observer to overlook any blunders in this way, if perchance we should not mani- fest that felicity of execution which is the fruit only of great practice. Hitherto we believe that our modesty cannot justly be impeached. As yet we have left the cardinal virtues to mankind in the gross, never, to our knowledge, having w^ritten of " American courage, '* or "American honesty," nor yet of "American beauty," nor haply of "American manliness," nor even of "American strength of arm," as qualities abstracted and not common to our fellow-creatures ; but have been content, in the un- sophisticated language of tliis western clime, to call virtue, virtue — and vice, vice. In this we well know how much we have fallen short of numberless but nameless classical writers of our time, though we do not think Ave are greatly losers by the forbearance, because we have sufficient proof that when we wish to make our pages unpleasant to the foreigner, we can effect that object by much less imposing allusions to national merits ; since we have good reason to believe, there exists a certain querulous class of readers who consider even the most delicate and reserved com- mendations of this western world as so much praise un- reasonably and dishonestly abstracted from themselves. As for that knot in our own fair country who aim at suc- cess by flattering the stranger, and who hope to shine in their own little (jrbits by means of borrowed light, we commit them to the correction of a reproof wliich is cer- tain t(j come, and, in tlnir cases, to come embittered by the consci(jusncss of its being tncritod by a servility as degrad- ing as it is unnatural. As they dive deeper into the 68 THE HEIDENMAUER. secrets of the human heart, they will learn there is a healthful feeling that '-;annot be repulsed with impunity, and that as none are so respected as they who fearlessly and frankly maintain their rights, so none are so contemned as those who ignobly desert them. During the time tiiat Berchthold was holding converse with Meta, on the mountain of the Heidenmauer, Emich of Leiningen was at rest in his castle of Hartenburg. It has already been said, that the hold was of massive ma- sonry, the principal material being the reddish sand-stone, that is so abundantly found in nearly the whole region of the ancient Palatinate. The building had grown with time, and that which had originally been a tower had swelled into a formidable and extensive fortress. In the ages which succeeded the empire of Charlemagne, he who could rear one of these strong places, and maintain it in opposition to his neighbors, became noble, and in some measure a sovereign. He established his will as law for the contiguous territory, and they who could not enjoy their own lands, without submitting to his pleasure, were content to purchase protection by admitting their vassal- age. No sooner was one of these local lords firmly es- tablished in his hold, by receiving service and homage from their husbandmen, than he began to quarrel with his nearest neighbor of his own condition. The victor neces- sarily grew more powerful by his conquests, until, from being the master of one castle and one village, he became in process of time the master of many. In this manner did minor barons swell into power and sovereignty, even mighty potentates tracing their genealogical and political trees into roots of this wild growth. There still stands on an abrupt and narrow ledge of land in the confederation of Switzerland and in the Canton of Argovie, a tottering ruin, that, in past ages, was occupied by a knight, who from his aerie overlooked the adjoining village, and com- manded the services of its handful of boors. This ruined castle was called Hapsbourg, and is celebrated as the cradle of that powerful family which has long sat upon the throne of the Caesars, and which now rules so much of Germany and Upper Italy. The King of Prussia traces his line to the House of Hohenzollern, the offspring of another castle ; and numberless are the instances in which he who thus laid the corner-stone of a strong place, in ages when security was only to be had by good walls, also laid THE nr.lDENMAUER. 69 the foundalion of a long line of prosperous and puissant princes. Neither the position of the castle of Ilartenburg, how- ever, nor the period in which it was founded, was likely to lead to results as great as these just named. As has been said, it commanded a pass important for local purposes, but not of so much moment as to give him who held the hold any material rights beyond its immediate influence. Still, as the family of Leiningen was numerous, and had other branches and other possessions in more favored por- tions of Germany, Coimt Emich was far from being a mere mountain chief. The feudal system had become method- ized long before his birth, and the laws of the Empire se- cured to him many villages and towns on the plain, as the successor of those wdio had obtained them in more remote ages. He had recently claimed even a higher dignity, and wider territories, as the heir of a deceased kinsman ; but in this attempt to increase his powers, and to elevate his rank, he had been thwarted by a decision of his peers. It was to this abortive assumption of dignity, that he owed the sobriquet of the Summer Landgrave ; for such was the rank he had claimed, and the period for which he had been permitted to bear it. With this knowledge of the power of their family, the reader will not be surprised to hear that the castle of the Counts of Hartenburg, or, to be more accurate, of the Counts of Hartenburg-Lciningen, was on a commensurate scale. Perched on the advanced spur of the mountain, just where the valley was most confnied, and at a point where the little river made a short bend, tlie pass beneath lay quite at the mercy of the arclier on its battlements. In the fore-ground, all that part of the edifice which came into the view w^as military, and, in some slight degree, fitted to the imperfect usetiiat was then made of artillery ; while in the rear arose that maze of courts, chapels, towers, gates, p(;rtculliscs, state-rooms, offices, and family apartments, that marked tiie usages and tastes of the day. The liamlet wliich lay in the dell, immediately beneath the walls of the salient towers, or bastions, for they partcjok of both char- acters, was insignificant, and of little account in estimating the wealth and resources of the feudal h^'d. These came principally fnjm Duerckheim, and tlie fertile plains beyond, though the forest was not without its value, in a country in wliich the axe had so long been used. 70 THE HEIDENMAUER, We liave said that Emich of Leiningen was taking his rest in the hold of Hartenburg. Let the reader imagine a massive building, in the centre of the confused pile we have mentioned, rudely fashioned to meet the wants of the domestic economy of that age, and he will get a nearer view of the interior. The walls were wainscoted, and had much uncouth and massive carving; the halls were large and gloomy, loaded with armor, and at this moment preg- nant with armed men ; the saloons of a medium size which suited a baronial state, and all the appliances of that min- gled taste in which comfort and luxury, as now understood, were unknown, but which w^as not without a portion of the effect that is produced by an exhibition of heavy magnifi- cence. Witli few but signal exceptions, Germany, even at this hour, is not a country remarkable for the elegancies of domestic life. Its very palaces are of simple decoration, its luxuries of a homebred and inartificial kind, and its taste is rarely superior, and indeed not always equal, to our own. There is still a shade of the Gothic in the habits and opinions of this constant people, who seem to cultivate the subtle refinements of the mind, in preference to the more obvious and material enjoyments which address themselves to the senses. Quaint and complicated ornaments, wrought by the pa- tient industry of a race proverbial for this description of ingenuity; swords, daggers, morions, cuirasses, and all sorts of defensive armor then in use ; such needle-work, as it befitted a noble dame to produce ; pictures that possessed most of the faults and few of the beauties of the Flemish school ; furniture that bore some such relation to the gar- niture of the palaces of electors and kings, as the decora- tions of a village drawing-room in our own time, bear to those of the large towns ; a profuse display of plate, on which the arms of Leiningen wxre embossed and graven in every variety of style, with genealogical trees and heraldic blazonry in colors, were the principal features. Throughout the whole pile, there was little appear- ance, however, of the presence of females, or even of the means of their accommodation. Few of that sex were seen in the corridors, or offices, or courts ; though men crowded the place in unusual numbers. The latter were chiefly grim and whiskered warriors, who loitered in the halls, or in the more public parts of the castle, like idlers waiting for the expected movement of exertion. None among them TffE HEIDENMAUER. 71 were armed at all points, though this carelessly wore his morion, that had buckled on a breast-plate, and another leaned listlessly on his arquebuse or handled his pike. Here a group exercised, in levity, with their several weap- ons of offence ; there a jester amused a crowd of sluggish listeners, with his ribaldry and humor : and numberless were those who quaffed of the Rhenish of their lord. Al- though this continent had then been discovered, the goodly portion whicli has since fallen to our heritage was still in the hands of its native proprietors ; and the plant, so long known as the weed of Virginia, but which has since be- come a staple of so many other countries in this hemi- sphere, was not in its present general use amongst the Germans ; else would it have been our duty to finish this hasty sketch, by enveloping it all in mist. Notwithstand- ing the general air of indifference and negligence, which reigned within the walls of Hartenburg without the gates, in the turrets, and on the advanced towers, there was the appearance of more than the customary watchfulness. Had one been there to note the circumstance, he would have seen, in addition to the sentries who always guarded the ap- proaches of the castle, several swift-footed spies on the look-out, in the hamlet, on the rocks of the mountain-side, and along the winding paths ; and as all eyes were turned towards the valley in the direction of Limburg, it was evi- dent that the event they awaited was expected to arrive from that quarter. While such was the condition of his hold and of so strons: a body of his vassals. Count Emich himself had retired from observation, to one of the quaint, half-rude, half- magnificent saloons of the place. The room was lighted by twenty tapers, and other well-known signs indicated the near approach of guests. He paced the large apartment with a heavy and armed heel ; while care, or at least se- vere tiiought, contracted the muscles around a hard and iron brow, which bore evident marks of familiar acquaint- ance with the casque. Perhaps this is the only country of Christendom, even now, in which the profession of the law is a pursuit still more honorable and esteemed than that of arms — the best proof of a high and enviable civili- zation — but at the age of our narrative, the gentleman that was not of the Churcli, the calling which nearly monopo- lized all the learning of the times, was of necessity a sol- dier. Emich of Lciniiigcn carried arms therefore as much 72 THE HEIDENMA UER. in course, as the educated man of this century reads his Horace or Virgil ; and as nature had given him a vigorous frame, a hardy constitution, and a mind whose indifference to personal suffering amounted at times to ruthlessness, he was more successful in his trade of violence, than many a pale and zealous student proves in the cultivation of letters. The musing Count scarce raised his looks from the oaken floor he trod, as menial after menial appeared, moving with light step in the presence of one so dreaded and yet so singularly loved. At length a female, busy in some of the little offices of her sex, glided before his half-unconscious sight. The youth, the bloom, the playful air, the neat coif, the tight bodice, and the ample folds of the falling gar- ments, at length seemed to fill his eye with the form of his companion. " Is it thou, Gisela ? " he said, speaking mildly, as one addresses a favored dependant. " How fareth it with the honest Karl ? " *' I thank my lord the Count, his aged and wounded servant hath less of pain than is commonly his lot. The limb he has lost in the service of the House of Leining- en " " No matter for the leg, girl — thou art too apt to dwell upon that mischance of thy parent." " Were my lord the Count to leave a limb on the field, it might be missed w^hen he was hurried ! " " Thinkest, thou, child, that my tongue would never ad- dress the Emperor without naming the defect ? Go to, Gise- la ; thou art a calculating hussy, and rarely permittest oc- casion to pass without allusion to this growing treasure of thy family. Are my people actively on the watch, with or without their limbs ? " " They are as their natures and humors tend. Blessed Saint Ursula knows where the officers of the country have picked up so ungainly a band, as these that now inhabit Hartenburg! One drinketh, from the time his eyes open in the morn until they shut at even ; another sweareth worse than the northern warriors that do these ravages in the Palatinate ; this a foul dealer in ribaldry : that a glut- ton who never moveth lip but to swallow ; and none, nay, not a swaggerer of them all, hath civil word for a maiden, though she be known as one esteemed in their master's household." THE HEIDEXMAUKR. 73 " They are my vassals, girl, and stouter men at need are not mustered in Germany." '* Stout in speech, and insolent of look, my Lord Count, but most odious company to all, of modest demeanor and of good intentions, in the hold." *' Thou hast been humored by thy mistress, girl, until thou sometimes forgcttest discretion. Go and look my guests are informed that the hour of the banquet is at hand ; — I await the pleasure of their presence." Gisela, whose natural pertncss had been somewhat heightened by an indulgent mistress, and in whom con- sciousness of more beauty than ordinarily falls to the share of females of her condition had produced freedom of language that sometimes amounted to temerity, be- trayed her discontent in a manner very common to her sex, when it is undisciplined, or little restrained by a wholesome education. She pouted, taking care however that Emich's eye was again turned to the floor, tossed her head and quitted the room. Left to himself, the Count re- lapsed into his reverie. In this manner did several minutes pass unheeded. " Dreaming, as usual, noble Emich, of escalades and ex- communication ! " cried a gay voice at his elbow, the speaker having entered the saloon imseen — "of revengeful priests, of vassalage, of shaven abbots, the confessional and pen- ance dire, thy rights redressed, the frowning conclave, the Abbey cellar, thy morion, revenge, and, to sum up all, in a word that covers every deadly sin, that fallen angel the Devil!" Emich forced a grim smile at this unceremonious and comprehensive salutation, accepting the offered hand of him who uttered it, however, with the frank freedom of a boon companion. " Thou art right welcome, Albrecht," he replied, '' for the moment is near when my ghostly guests should arrive ; and to deal fairly by thee, I never feel myself quite ecjual to a single combat of wits with the pious knaves ; but thy support will be enough, though the whole Abbey commu- nity were of the party." " Aye, we are akin, we sons of Saint John and these bas- tards of Saint Benedict. Though more martial than your monks of the hill, we of the island are sworn to quite as many virtues. Let me see," lie added, counting on his fingers with an air of bold licentiousness ; " firstly are wc 74 THE HEIDENMAUER. vowed to celibacy, and your Benedictine is no less so — then are we self-dedicated to chastity, as is your Limburg monk ; next we respect our oaths, as does your Father Bonifacius ; then both are servants of the holy cross ;" by a singular influence the speaker and the Count made the sacred symbol on their bosoms, as the former uttered the word, "and, doubt it not, I shall be the equal of the rever- end brotherhood. They say sin can match sin, and saint should surely be saint's equal ! But, Emich, thou art graver than becometh a hot carousal, like this we medi- tate ! " " And thou gay as if about to gallant the dames of Rhodes to one of thy island festivals ! " The Knight of Saint John regarded his attire with com- placency, strutting by the side of his host, as the latter re- sumed his walk, with the air of a bird of admired plumage. Nor was -the remark of the Count of Hartenburg misap- plied, since his kinsman and guest had, in reality, expend- ed more labor on his toilet than was customary in the ab- sence of females, and in that rude liold. Unlike the stern and masculine Emich, who rarely divested himself of all his warlike gear, the sworn defender of the Cross appeared entirely in a peaceful guise, if the long rapier that dangled at his side, and which to a much later period formed an indispensable accompaniment of one of gentle condition, could be excepted from the implements of war. His doub- let, fully decorated with embroidery, fringes, and loops, and dotted with buttons, was of a pale orange stuff, that w^as puffed and distended about his person, in the liberal amplitude of the prevailing fashion. The nether garment, which scarce appeared, however, essential as it might be, was of the same material, and cut with a similar expendi- ture of cloth. The hose were pink, and, rolling far above the knee, gave the effect of a rich coloring to the whole picture. He wore shoes whose upper-leather rose high ao-ainst the small of the lesr, buckles that covered the instep, and about the throat and wrists there was a lavish display of lace. The well-known Maltese cross dangled by a red ribbon, at a button-hole of the doublet ; not above the heart, as is the custom at present among the chevaliers of the other hemisphere, but, by a vagary of taste, so low as to demonstrate, if indeed, there is any allusion intended by the accidental position of these jewels, that the honora- ble badsfe was assumed in direct reference to that material THE HEIDENMAUER. 75 portion of the human frame which is believed to be the repository of good cheer ; an interpretation that, in the case of Albrecht of Viederbach, the knight in question, was perhaps much nearer to the truth than he wxjuld have been willing to own. After poising himself, first on the point of .one shoe, and then on the other, smoothing his ruffles, shoving the rapier more aside, and otherwise ad- justing his attire to his mind, the professed soldier of Saint John of Jerusalem pursued the discourse. '' I am decent, kinsman," he replied ; " fit to be a guest at thy hospitable board, if thou wilt, in the absence of its fair mistress, but beyond that unworthy to be named. As for the dames of our unhappy and violated Rhodes, dear cousin, thou knowest little of their humors, if thou fanciest that this rude guise w^ould have any charm in their refined eves. Our knights were used to bring into the island the taste and improvements of every distant land ; and small though it be, there are few portions of the earth, in which the human arts, for so I call the decoration of the human body, nourished more than in our circumscribed, valiant, and much-regretted Rhodes. Thus was it, at least, until the fell Ottoman triumphed !" "'Fore God, I had thought thee sworn to all sorts of modesty, in speech, life, and other abstinences ! " "And art thou not sworn, most mutinous Emich, to obey thy liege lords, the Emperor and the Elector — nay, for certain of thy lands and privileges, art thou not l)ound to knight's service and obedience to the holy Abbot of Limburg ? " ** God's curse on him and on all the others of that grasp- ing brotherhood ! " " Aye, that is but the natural consequence of thy oath, as this doublet is of mine. If the rigid performance of avow is as agreeable to the body, as we are taught it may be liealthful to the soul, CoiuU of Leiningen, where would be the merit of observance? I never i\(^\\ these graceful gar- ments, but a wholesome remembrance of watcliful nights passed on the ramparts, of painful sieges and watery trenches, or of sicklv cruises against the Mussulmans, do not present themselves in the sliape of past penances. In this manner do we sweeten sin, by our bodily pains, and by the memory of hours of virtuous hardships ! " " Hy tlie three sainted Kings of Koeln, and the eleven thousand virgins of that honored city, Master Albrecht ! 76 THE HEIDENMAUER. but thou wert much favored in thy narrow island, if it were permitted to thee to sin in this fashion, with the cer- tainty of tempering punishment with so light service ! These griping monies of Limburg make much of their fa- vors, and he who would go with a safe skin, must needs look to an indulgence had and well paid for, in advance. I know not the number of goodly casks of th*e purest Rhenish that little sallies of humor may have cost me, first and last, in this manner of princely expenditure ; but cer- tain am I, that did occasion offer, the united tributes would leave little empty space in Prince Friedrich's vaunted Tun, in his ample cellars of Heidelberg! " ''I have often heard of that royal receptacle of generous liquor, and have meditated a pilgrimage in honor of its capacity. Does the Elector receive noble travellers with a hospitality suited to his rank and means ? " " That doth he, and right willingly, though this war presses sorely, and giveth him other employment. Thy wayfaring will not be weary, for thou mayst see the towers of Heidelberg from off these hills, and a W(jrthy steed might be pricked from this court of mine into that of Duke Fried- rich in a couple of hours of hard riding." " When the merits of thy cellar are exhausted, noble Ernich, it will be in season to put the Tun to the proof," replied the Knight of Rhodes, " as our esteemed friend here, the Abbe, will maintain, in the face of all the re- formers with which our Germany is infested." In introducing another character, we claim the reader's patience for a moment of digression. Whatever may be said of the merits and legality of the Reformation, effected chiefly by the courage of Luther (and we are neither sec- tarian nor unbeliever, to deny the sacred origin of the churcli from which he dissented,) it is very generally ad- mitted, that the long and undisputed sway of the prevail- ing authority of that age, had led to abuses, which called loudly for some change in its administration. Thousands of those who had devoted their lives to the administrations of the altar, were quite as worthy of the sacred office as it falls to man's lot to become ; but thousands had assumed the tonsure, the cowl, or the other symbols of ecclesiastical duty, merely to enjoy the immunities and facilities the character conferred. A long and nearly undisputed mo- nopoly of letters, the influence obtained by the unnatural union between secular and religious power, and the de- THE HEIDENMAUER. 77 pendent condition of tlic public mind, the legitimate con- sequence of both, induced all who aspired to moral pre- eminence, to take tliis, the most certain, because the most beaten, of the paths that led to this species of ascendency. It is not alone to the religujn of Christendom, as it existed in the time of Lutlier, that we are to look for an example of the baneful consequence of spiritual and temporal au- thority, as blended in human institutions. Christian or Mahommedan, Catholic or Protestant, the evil comes in every case from the besetting infirmity which tempts the strong to oppress the weak, and the powerful to abuse their trusts. Against this failing there seems to be no security but an active and certain responsibility. So long as the severe morality required of its ministers, by the Christian faith, is uncorrupted by any gross admixture of worldly advantage, there is reason to believe that the altar, at least, will escape serious defilement ; but no sooner are these fatal enemies admitted to the sanctuary, than a thousand spirits, prompted b)^ cupidity, rush rashly into the temple, willing to bear with the outward exactions of the faith, in order to seek its present and visible rewards. However piu-c may be a social system, or a religion, in the commencement of its power, the possession of an un- disputed ascendency lures all alike into excesses fatal to consistency, to justice, and to truth. This is a consequence of the independent exercise of human volition, that seems nearly inseparable from human frailty. We gradually come to substitute inclination and interest for right, until the moral foundations of the mind are sapped by indul- gence, and what was once regarded with the aversion that wrong excites in the innocent, gets to be not only familiar, but justifiable by expediency and use. There is no more certain symptom of the decay of the principles requisite t(^ maintain even our imperfect standard of virtue, than when the plea of necessity is urged in vindication of any depart- ure from its mandate, since it is calling in the aid of inge- nuity to assist the passi(jns, a coalition tiiat rarely fails to lay prostrate the feeble defences of a tottering morality. It is no wonder, then, that the world, at a period when religious abuses drove even churchmen reluctantly to seek relief in insubordination, should exhibit bold instances of the flagrant excesses we have named. Military ambition, venality, love of ease, and even love of dissi[)ation, equally sought the mantle of religion as cloaks to their several ob- yS THE HEIDENMAUER, jects, and if the reckless cavalier was willing to flesh his sword on the body of the infidel, in order that he might live in men's estimation as a hero of the cross, so did the trifler, the debauchee, and even the wit of the capital, con- sent to obtain circulation by receiving an impression which gave currency to all coin, whether of purer or of baser metal, since it bore the outward stamp of the Church of God. " Reformers, or rather revilers, for that is the term they most merit," returned the Abbe, alluded to in the last speech of Albrecht of Veiderbach, " I consign without re- morse to the devil. As for this pledge of our brave Knight of Saint John, noble Count Emich, so far as I am con- cerned, it shall be redeemed : for I am certain the cellars of Heidelbero; can resist a heavier inroad than any that is likely to invade them by such means. But 1 am late from my chamber, and I had hoped, ere this, to have seen our brethren of Limburg ! I hope no unnecessary misunder- standing is likely to deprive us of the satisfaction of their presence. Lord Count ? " " Little fear of that, so far as it may depend on any dis- appointment in a feast. If ever the devil tempted these monks of the hill, it has been in the shape of gluttony. Were I to judge by the experience of forty years passed in their neighborhood, I should think they deem absti- nence an eighth deadly sin." "Your Benedictine is privileged to consider hospitality a virtue, and the Abbot has fair license for the indulgence of some little cheer. We will not judge them harshly, therefore, but form our opinions of their merits by their deeds. Thou hast many servitors without, to do them honor to-night, Lord Emich." The Count of Leiningen frowned, and, ere he answered, his eye exchanged a glance with that of his kinsman, which the Abbe might have interpreted into a hidden meaning, had it attracted his observation. *'My people gather loyally about their lord, for they have heard of his succor sent by the Elector to uphold the lazy Benedictines," was the reply. "Four hundred mer- cenaries lie within the Abbey walls this night, Master La- touche, and it should not cause surprise that the vassals of Emich of Hartenburg are ready with hand and sword to do service in his defence. God's mercy ! The cunning priests may pretend alarm, but if any here hath cause to THE HEIDENMAUER. 79 be afraid, truly it is the rightful and wronged lord of the Jaegertlial ! " " Thy situation, Cousin of Hartenburg," observed the wearer of the cross of Saint John, " is, in sooth, one of mas- terly diplomacy. Here dost thou stand at sword's point with the Abbot of Limburg, ready at need to exchange deadly thrusts, and to put this long-disputed supremacy on the issue of battle, while thou callest on the keeper of thy cellar to bring forth the choicest of its contents, in or- der to do hospitality and honor to thy mortal foe ! This beateth, in all niceties, Monsieur Latouche, the situation of an abbe of thy quality, who is scarce churchman enough to merit salvation, nor yet deep enough in sin to be in- continently damned in the general mass of evil-doers." " It is to be hoped that we shall share the common lot of mortals, which is to receive more grace tiian they merit," returned the Abb^, a title that in fact scarce denoted one seriously devoted to the Church. " But I trust this pres- ent meeting between the hostile powers may prove amica- ble ; for, not to conceal the truth, unlike our friend the Knight here, I am of none of the belligerent orders." " Hark ! " exclaimed the host, lifting a finger to com- mand attention : " Heard ye aught ? " "There is much of the music of thy growlers in the courts, cousin, and some oaths in a German that needs be translated to be understood ; but that blessed signal the supper-bell is still mute." "Go to ! — 'Tis the Abbot of Limburg and his brethren, Fathers Siegfried and Cuno. Let us to the portal, to do them usual honor." As this was welcome news to both the Knight and the Abbe, they manifested a suitable desire to be foremost in paying the required attention to a personage, as important in that region as the rich and powerful chief of the neigh- boring religious establishment. CHAPTER Vr. "Why not? — Tlic dcei)cr sinner, l)t.'ltcr s.iint." — BVRON. A WILD and plaintive note had l)ecn sounded on a horn far in the valley towards the hill of Limburg. This melo- dious music was of common occurrence, for of all that So THE HEIDENMAUER, dwell in Europe, they who inhabit the banks of the Rhine, the Elbe, the Oder, and the Danube, with their tributaries, are tlie most addicted to the cultivation of sweet sounds. We hear much of the harshness of the Teutonic dialects, and of the softness of those of Latin origin ; but, Venice and the regions of the Alps excepted, nature has amply requited for the inequality that exists between the lan- guages, by the difference in the organs of speech. He who journeys in those distant lands must, as a rule, expect to hear German warbled and Italian in a grand crash, though exceptions are certainly to be found in both cases. But music is far more common on the vast plains of Sax- ony than on the Campagna Felice, and it is no uncommon occurrence to be treated by a fair-haired postilion of the former country, as he slowly mounts a hill, with airs on the horn that would meet with favor in the orchestra of a capital. It was one of these melancholy and peculiar strains which now gave the signal to the spies of Count Emich that his clerical guests had quitted the convent. " Heard ye aught, brothers ? " demanded Father Boni- facius of the companions who rode at his side, nearly at the same moment that the Lord of Leiningen put the same question in his hold ; " that horn spoke in a meaning strain ! " " We may be defeated in our wish to reach the castle suddenly," returned the monk, already known to the reader as Father Siegfried ; " but though we fail in look- ing into Count Emich's secret with our own eyes, I have engaged one to do that office for us, and in a manner, I trust, tliat shall put us on the scent of his designs. Cour- age, most holy Abbot, the cause of God is not likely to fail for want of succor. When were the meek and right- eous ever deserted ? " The Abbot of Limburg ejaculated, in a manner to ex- press little faith in any miraculous interposition in behalf of his cure, and he drew about him the mantle that served in some degree to conceal his person, spurring the beast he rode onl^ the quicker, from a feverish desire, if possi- ble, to outstrip the sounds, which he intuitively felt were intended to announce his approach. The prelate was not deceived, for no sooner did the wild notes reach the castle, than the signal, which had caught the attention of its owner, was communicated to those within the walls. At the expected summons there was a general movement THE HEIDENMAUER, Si among the idlers of the courts. Subordinate officers passed among the men, hurrying those away to their secret lodging places who were intractable from excess of liquor, and com- manding the more obedient to follow. In a very few min- utes, and long before the monks, who, however, pricked their beasts to the utmost, had time to get near the ham- let even, all in tlie hold was reduced to a state of tranquil repose ; the castle resembling the abode of any other pow- erful baron, in moments of profound security. Emich had seen to this disposition of his people in person, taking strict caution that no straggler should appear, to betray the preparations that existed within his walls. When this wise precaution was observed, he proceeded, with his two companions, to take a station near the door of tiie build- ing more especially appropriated to the accommodation of himself and his friends, in order to await the arrival of the monks. The moon had ascended high enough to illuminate the mountain-side, and to convert tlie brown towers and ram- parts of Ilartenburg into picturesque forms, relieved by gloomy shadows. The signals appeared to have thrown all who dwelt in the hamlet, as well as they who inliabited the frowning hold wdiich overhung that secluded spot, into mute attention. For a few minutes the quiet was so deep and general, that the murmuring of tlie rivulet which meandered through the meadows was audible. Then came the swift clattering of hoofs. *' Our churchmen are in haste to taste thy Rhenish, noble Emich," said Albrccht of Viedcrbach, who rarely thought ; **or is it a party of their sumpter mules that I hear in the vallcv ! " '*Were the Abbot about to journey to some other con- vent of his order, or were he ready to visit his spiritual master of Spires, there is no doubt that many such cattle wcjuld be in his train ; for of all lovers of fat clieer, Wilhelni of Venloo, who has been styled Bonifacius in his baptism of office, is he that most worships the fruits of the earth. I would he and all his brothcrliood were spiritually planted in the garden of Eden ! They should be well watered with my tears ! " "The wisli hath a saintly odor, but may not be accom- plished without mortal aid — unless thou hast favor with the Prince Elector of Koeln, who might haply do thee that service, in the way of miracle." 6 82 THE HEIDENMAUER. "Thou triflest, knight, in a matter of great gravity," answered Emich roughly, for, notwithstanding his inher- ited and deadly dislike of the particular portion of the Church whicli interfered with his own power, the Count of Hartenburg had all the dependence on superior knowledge that is the unavoidable offspring of a limited education. " The Prince Elector hath served many noble families in the way thou namest, and he might do honor to houses less deserving of his grace than that of Leiningen. But here cometh the Abbot and his boon associates. God's curse await them for their pride and avarice ! " The clattering of hoofs had been gradually increasing, and was now heard even on the pavement of the outer court ; for in order to do honor to his guests, the count had especially ordered there should be no delay or impedi- ment from gate, portcullis, or bridge. "Welcome, and reverence for tliy churchly (jfifice, right holy Abbot! " cried Emich, from whose lips had just part- ed the malediction, advancing officiously to aid the prel- ate in dismounting — " Thou art welcome, brothers both ; worthy companions of thy respected and honored chief." The churchmen alighted, assisted by the menials of Hartenburg, with much show of honor on the part of the Count himself, and on that of his friends. When fairly on their feet, they courteously returned the greetings. '* Peace be with thee, son, and with this cavalier and ser- vitor of the Church ! " said Father Bonifacius, signing wdth the rapid manner in which a Catholic priest scatters his benedictions. "St. Benedict and the Virgin take ye all in their holy keeping ! I trust, noble Emich, we have not given thee cause of vexation, by some little delay ?" "Thou never comest amiss, father, be it at morn, or be it at even ; I esteem Hartenburg more than honored, when thy reverend head passeth beneath its portals." "We had every desire to embrace thee, son, but certain offices of religion, that may not be neglected, kept us from the pleasure. But let us within ; for T fear the evening air may do injury to those that are uncloaked." At this considerate suggestion, Emich, wnth much show of respect to liis guests, ushered them into the apartment he liad himself so lately quitted. Here recommenced the show of those wily courtesies which, in that semi-barbarous and treacherous age, often led men to a heartless and some- times to a blasphemous trifling with the most sacred obliga- THE HEIDENMAUER. 83 tions, to effect their purposes, and which, in our times, has degenerated to a deception, that is more measured perliaps, but which is scarcely less sophisticated and vicious. Much was said of mutual satisfaction at this opportunity of com- mingling spirits, and the blunt professions of the sturdy but politic baron were more than met by the pretending sane- tity and official charity of the priest. The Abbot of Limburg and his companions had come to the intended feast with vestments that partially con- cealed their characters ; but when the outer cloaks and the other garments were removed, they remained in the usual attire of their order, the prelate being distinguished from his inferiors by those symbols of clerical rank which it was usual for one of his authority to display when not en- gaged in the ministrations of the altar. When the guests were at their ease, the conversation took a less personal direction, for though rude and unnur- tured as his own war-horse, as regards most that is called cultivation in our bookish days, Emich of Hartenburg wanted for none of tlie courtesies that became his rank, more especially as civilities of this nature were held to be worthy of a feudal lord, and in that particular region. "'Tis said, reverend Abbot," continued the host, pushing the discourse to a point that might favor his own secret views, ''that our common master, the Prince Elector, is sorely urged by his enemies, and that there are even fears a stranger may usurp the rule in the noble Castle of Heidelberg. Hast thou heard aught of his late distresses, or of the necessities that bear upon his house ?" " Masses have been said for his benefit in all our chapels, and there are hourly prayers that he may prevail against his enemies. In virtue of a concession made to the abbey, by our common father at Rome, we offer liberal indul- gences, too, to all that take up arms in this behalf." " Thou art much unitc^d in love with Duke Friedrich, lioly prelate I " muttered Emich. " VVe owe liim such respect as all should willingly pay to the str(jng temporal arm that shields them ; our serious fealty is due alone to heaven. Hut liow comes it that so stout a baron, one so much esteemed in warlike exercises, and so well knf>wn in dangerous enterprises, rests in his doublet, at a time when his sovereign's throne is tottering? We had h(\'ird that thou weit summoning ihv pet^ple, Herr Count, and thought it had been in the Elector's interest." 84 THE HEIDENMAUER. '■'■ Friedrich hath not of late given me cause to love him. If I have called my vassals about me, 'tis because the times teach every noble to be wary of his rights. I have con- sorted so much of late with my cousin of Vicderbach, this self-denying Knight of Rhodes, that martial thoughts will obtrude even on the brain of one, peaceful and homebred as thy poor neighbor and penitent." The Abbot bowed and smiled, like one who gave full credit to the speaker's words, while a by-play arose be- tween the wandering and houseless knight, the abbe, and the brothers of Limburg. In this manner did a few min- utes wear away, when a flourish of trumpets announced that the expected banquet awaited its guests. Menials lighted the party to the hall in which the board was spread, and much ceremonious form was observed in assigning to each of the individuals the place suited to his rank and character. Count Emich, who in connnon was of a nature too blunt and severe to waste his efforts in superfluous breeding, now showed himself earnest to please, for he 'had at heart an object that he knew was in danger of being baffled by the more practised artifices of the monks. During the preliminary mov^ements of the feast, which had all the gross and all the profuse hospitality which dis- tinguished such entertainments, he neglected no custom- ary observance. The robust and sensual Abbot was fre- quently plied with both cup and dish, while the inferior monks received the same agreeable attentions from Al- brecht of Viederbach, and Monsieur Latouche, who, not- withstanding it suited his convenience to pass through life under the guise of a churchman, was none the worse at board or revel. As the viands and the generous liquors began to operate on the physical functions of the brothers, however, they insensibly dropped their masks, and each discovered more of those natural qualities which usually lay concealed from casual observation. It was a rule of tlie Benedictines to practise hospitality. ThiC convent door was never closed against the wayfarer, and he who applied for shelter and food was certain of ob- taining both, administered more or less in a manner suited to the applicant's ordinary liabits. The practice of a virtue so costly was a sufficient pretence for accumulating riches, and he who travels at this day in Europe will find ample proofs that the means of carrying into effect this law of the order were abundantly supplied. Abbeys of THE HEIDENMAUER. 85 this particular class of monks are still of frequent occur- rence in the forest cantons of Switzerland, Germany, and in most of the other Catholic states. But the gradual and healthful transfer of political power from clerical to laical hands, has long since shorn them of their temporal lustre. Many of these abbots were formerly princes of the empire, and several of the communities exercised sovereign sway over territories that have since taken to themselves the character of independent states. While the spiritual charge and the mortifications believed to characterize a brotherhood of Benedictines were more especially left to a subordinate monk termed the prior, the abbot, or head of the establishment, was expected to preside not only over the temporalities, but at the board. This frequent communication with the vulgar interests of life, and the constant indulgence in its grosser gratifica- tions, were but ill adapted to the encouragement of the monastic virtues. We have already remarked that the in- timate connection between the interests of life and those of tiie church is destructive of apostolical character. This blending of God with Mammon, this device of converting the revealed ordinances of the Master of the Universe into a species of buttress to uphold temporal SAvay, though habit has so long rendered it familiar to the inhabitants of the other hemisphere, and even to a large portion of those who dwell in this, is, in our American eyes, only a little re- moved from blasphemy ; but the triumphs of the press, and the changes made by the steady advances of public opinion, have long since done away with a multitude of still more equivocal usages, that were as familiar to those who existed three centuries ago, as our own customs to us at this hour. When prelates were seen in armor, leading their battalions to slaughter, it is not to be supposed that the other dignitaries of this jirivileged class would be more tender of appearances than was exacted by the opin- ions of the age. Willielni of Venloo, known since his elevation as Boni- facius of Limburg, was not possessed of all tiiat temporal authority, however, which tempted so many of his peers to sin. Still he was the head of a rich, ]:)owerful, and re- spected brotherhood, that had many allodial rights in lands beyond the abbey walls, and which was not without its claims to the fealtv of simdry dependants. Of vigorous mind and body, this dignified churchman commanded 86 THE HE IDENM ALTER. much influence by means of a species of character that often crosses us in life, a sturdy independence of thought and action that imposed on the credulous and timid, and which sometimes caused the bold and intelligent to hesitate. His reputation was far greater for learning than for piety, and his besetting sin was well known to be a disposition to encounter the shock between the powers of mind and mat- ter, as both were liable to be affected by deep potations and gross feeding — a sort of degeneracy to which all are peculiarly liable who place an unnatural check on the or- dinary and healthful propensities of nature — just as one sense is known to grow in acuteness as it is deprived of a fellow. The abbot loosened his robe, and threw his cowl still farther from his neck, while Emich pledged him in Rlienish, cup after cup ; and by the time the meats were removed, and the powers of digestion, or we might better say of retention, would endure no more, his heavy cheeks be- came flushed, his bright, deeply-seated, and searching gray eyes flashed with a species of ferocious delight, and his lip frequently quivered, as the clay gave eloquent evidence of its enjoyment. Still his voice, though it had lost its re- buked and schooled tones, was firm, deep, and authoritative, and ever and anon he threw into his discourse some severe and pointed sarcasm, bitingly scornful. His subordinates, too, gave similar proofs of the gradual lessening of their caution, though in degrees far less imposing, we had almost said less grand, than that which rendered the sensual excite- ment of their superior so remarkable, Albrecht and the abbe also betrayed, each in his own manner, the influence of the banquet, and all became garrulous, disputative, and noisy. Not so with Emich of Hartenburg. He had eaten in a manner to do justice to his vast frame and bodily wants, and he drank fairly ; but, until this moment, the nicest observer would have been puzzled to detect any decrease of his powers. The blue of his large leaden eyes became brighter, it is true, but their expression was yet in com- mand, and their language courteous. *'Thou dost but little compliment to my poor fare, most holy Abbot," cried the host, as he witnessed a lingering look of the prelate, whose eye followed the delicious frag- ments of a wild boar from the hall — '' If the knaves have stinted thee in the choice of morsels, by St. Benedict ! but the mountains of my chase can still furnish other animals of the kind — How now •" THE HEIDENMAUER. S7 " I pray thee, mercy, noble Emich ! Thy forester halh done thee fair justice with his spear ; more savory beast never smoked at table." " It fell by the hand of young Berchthold, the Burgher of Duerckheim's orphan. 'Tis a bold youth in the forest, and I doubt not, his will one day be a ready hand in bat- tle. Thcju knowcst him I mean, father, for he is often at thy abbey confessionals." " He is better known to the prior than to one so busied with worldly cares as I. Is the youth at hand? I would fain render him thanks." " Hear ye that, varlet ! Bid my head forester appear. The reverend and noble Abbot of Limburg owes him grace." " Didst thou say tlie youth was of Duerckheim ? " " Of that goodly town, reverend priest ; and, though re- duced by evil chances to be the ranger of my woods, a lad of mettle in the chase, and of no bad discourse in moments of ease." " Thou claimest hard service, Cousin of Hartenburg, of these peaceful townsmen ! Were they left freely to choose between the ancient duty of our convent, and this stirring life thou leadest the artisans, we slujuld have more penitents within our walls." The fealty of Duerckheim was a long mooted point be- tween the corporation of Limburg and the house of Lein- ingen, and the allusion of the monk was not thrown away upon his host. Emich's brow clouded, and for a moment it threatened a storm ; but, recovering his self-command, he answered in a tone of hilarity, tlujugh with sufficient coolness : — " Thy words remind me of present affairs, reverend Boni- facius, and I thank thee that thou hast put a sudden check on festivities which were getting warm without an object." The Count arose, and filled to the brim a cup of h(3rn, elaborately ornamented witii gold, drawing the attention of all at table to himself by the acticm. " Nobles and rev- erend seiA'ants of i\(M\'' he continued, "I drink to the health and iiappiness of the lumored Wilhelm of Venloo, the holy Abbot of Limburg, and my k)ving neighbor. May his brotherhood never know a worse guide, and may the lives and conttMitment (jf all that now belong to it be as lasting as the abbey walls." Emich concluded the potent cup at a single draught. 88 THE HEIDENMAUER. In order to do honor to the mitred monk, there had been placed by the side of Bonifacius a vessel of agate richly decorated with jewelry, an heir-loom of the house of Lein- ingen. While his host was speaking, the looks of the lat- ter watched every expression of his countenance, through gray, overhanging, shaggy brows, that shaded the upper part of his face like a screen of shrubbery planted to shut out prying eyes from a close ; and he paused when the health was given. Then, rising in his turn, he quaffed a compliment in return. "I drink of this pure and wholesome liquor," he said, '' to the noble Emich of Leiningen, to all of his ancient and illustrious house, to his and their present hopes, and to their final deliverance. May this goodly hold, and the happiness of its lord, endure as long as those walls of Lim- burg of which the Count has spoken, and which, were his loving wishes consulted, would doubtless stand for ever." " By the life of the emperor, learned Bonifacius ! " ex- claimed Emich, striking his fist on the table with force, "you as much exceed one of my narrow wit in wishes, as in godliness and other excellences ! But I pretend not to set limits to my desires in your behalf, and throw the fault of my imperfect speech on a youth that had more to do with the sword than with the breviary. And now let us to serious concerns. It may not be known to you. Cousin of Viederbach, or to this obliging churchman who honors Hartenburg with his presence, tliat there has been subject of amicable dispute between tlie brotheihood of Limburg and my unworthy house, touching the matter of certain wines, that are believed by the one party to be its dues, and by the other to be a mere pious grace accorded to the Church " "Nay, noble Emich," interrupted the Abbot, "we have never held the point to be disputable in any manner. The lands in question are held of us in socage ; and, in lieu of bodily service, we have long since commuted for the prod- uce of vines that might be named." " I cry you mercy ; if there be dues at all, they come of naught else than knight's service. None of my name or lineage ever paid less to mortal ! " "Let it be tlius," Bonifacius answered more mildly. " The question is of the amount of liquor, and not of the tenure whence it comes." " Thou sayest right, wise Abbot, and I cry mercy of THE HEIDENMAUER. 89 these listeners. State thou the matter, reverend Bonifa- cius, that our friends may know the humor on which we are madly bent." Tlie Count of Hartenburg succeeded in swallowing his rising ire, and made a gesture of courtesy towards the Ab- bot, as he concluded. Father Bonifacius rose again, and notwithstanding the physical ravages tliat excess was mak- ing within, it was still with the air of calmness and disci- pline that became his calling. "As our upright and esteemed friend has just related," he said, *' there is truly a point, of a light but unseemly nat- ure to exist between so dear nciglibors, open between him and us servants of God. The Coimts of Leiningen have long considered it a pleasure to do favor to the Church, and in this just and commendable spirit, it is now some fifty years that, at the termination of each vintage, without re- gard to seasons or harvest, without stooping to change their habits at every change of weather, they have paid to our brotherhood " " Presented, priest ! " " Presented, — if such is thy will, noble Emich, — fifty casks of this gentle liquor that now warms our hearts towards each other, with brotherly and praiseworthy af- fection. Now, it has been settled between us, to avoid all future motive of controversy, and either the better to gar- nish our cellars, or to relieve the house of Hartenburg al- together of future imposition, that it shall be decided this night, whether the tribute henceforth shall consist of one hundred casks, or of nothing." " By' re Lady! A most important issue, and one likely to impoverish or to enrich !" exclaimed the Knight of Rhodes. " As such we deem it," continued tlie monk, "and in that view, parchments of release, witli all due appliances and seals, have been prepared by a clerkly scholar of Heidel- berg. This indenture, duly executed," he added, drawing from his bosom the instruments in question, "yieldeth to Emich all the Abbey's rights to the vines in dispute, and this wanteth but his sign of arms and noble name, to double their present duty." " Hold ! " c:ried the Ciievalicr of the Cross, whose facul- ties began already to give way,, though it was only in the commencement of the debaucli : "Here is matter might puzzle the Grand Turk, who sits in judgment in the very 90 THE HEIDENMAUER. seat of Solomon ! If thou renderest thy claims, and my cousin Emich yieldeth double tribute-money, both parties will be the worse, and neitlier possessed of the liquor! " " In a merry mood, it hath been proposed that there shall be the trial of love and not of battle, between us, for the vines. The question is of liquor, and it is agreed, — St. Benedict befriend me, if there be sin in the folly ! to try on whose constitution the disputed liquor is the most apt to work good or evil. Let the Count of Hartenburg give to liis parchment the virtue that hath already been given to this of ours, and we shall leave both in some place of observation ; — then, when he alone is able to rise and seize on both, let him give the victor's cry ; but should he fail of that power, and there be a servant of the Church ready, and able to grasp the instruments, why let him go, and think no more of land that he hath right merrily lost." " By St. John of Jerusalem, but this is a most unequal contest — three monks against one poor baron, in a trial of heads ! " " Nay, we think more of our lionor, than to permit this wrong. The Count of Hartenburg hath full riglit to call in equal succor, and I have taken thee, gallant cavalier of Rhodes, and this learned Abbe, to be his chosen backers ! " "Let it be so!" cried the two in question, — "We ask no better service than to drain Count Emich's cellars to his honor and profit ! " But the lord of the hold had taken the matter, as in- deed it was fully understood between the principals, to be a question on which depended a serious amount of rev- enue, for all futurity. The wager had arisen, in one of those wild contests for physical and gross supremacy, which characterize ages and countries of imperfect civili- zation ; for next to deeds in arms and other manful exer- cises, like those of the chase and saddle, it was deemed honorable to be able to undergo the trials of the festive board with impunity. Nor should it occasion surprise to find churchmen engaged in these encounters ; for, inde- pendently of our writing of an age when they appeared in the field, there is sufficient evidence that our own times are not entirely purified from so coarse abuses of the gown. But Bonifacius of Limburg, though a man of ex- tensive learning and strong intellectual qualities, had a weakness on this particular point, for which we may be driven to seek an explanation in his peculiar animal con- THE HEIDENMAURR. 91 struction. He was of a powerful frame and sluggish tem- perament, both of which required strong excitement to be wrought up to the highest point of physical enjoyment ; and neither the examples around him, nor his own partic- ular opinions, taught liim to avoid a species of indulgence that he found so agreeable to hisconstitiaion. With these serious views of a contest, to which neither party would probably have consented, had not each great confidence in iiimself as a well-tried champion, both Etnich and the Ab- bot required that the instruments siicmld be openly read. The discharge of this duty Vv'as assigned to Monsieur La- touche, who forthwith proceeded to wade through a tor- rent of unintelligible terms, that were generated in the ob- scurity of feudal tmies for the benefit of the strong, and which are continued to our own period through pride of professional knowledge, a little quickened by a view to professional gain. On the subject of tiie true considera- tion of the respective releases, the instruments themselves were silent, though nothing material was wanting to give them validity, especially when supported by a good sword ; or the power of tlie Church, to which the parties looked respectively in the event of Haws. Count Emich listened warily as his guest the Abbe read clause after clause of the deed. Occasionally his eye wan- dered to the firm countenance of the Abbot, betraying habitual distrust of his hereditary and powerful enemy, but it was quickly riveted again on the heated features of the reader. "This is well," he said, w^hen both papers had been ex- amined : " These vines are to remain forever with me and mine, witliout claim from any grasping churchman, so long as grass shall grow or water rim, or henceforth they pay do'ihh.' tribute, a tax that will leave little for the cellar of tlieir rightful lord." "Such are our terms, noble Emich. But to confirm the latter condition, thy seal and name are wanting to the in- strument." "Were the latter to be written by a good sword, none could do the office better than this poor arm, reverend Abbot ; but th(^u knowest well, that my youth was too much given \.u warlike and other manly exercises befitting my rank, to allow much time for acquiring clerkly skill. By the holy Virgins of Koeln ! It were, in sooth, a shame to confess, that one of my class in these stirring times had leisure for 92 THE HEIDENMAUER. such lady games ! Bring hither an eagle's feather — hand of mine never yet touched aught from meaner wing — tliat I may do justice to the monks." The necessary implements being produced, the Count of Hartenburg proceeded to execute the instrument on liis part. The wax was speedily attached and duly impressed with the bearings of Leiningen, for the noble wore a signet- ring of massive size, ready at all times to give this token of his will. But when it became necessary to subscribe the name, a signal was made to a domestic, who disap- peared in quest of the Count's man of charge. This individual manifested some reluctance to perform the customary office, but, as there was just then a clamorous dialogue among the party at table, he seized the moment to examine into the nature of the document, and the con- sideration that was to decide the ownership of the vineyard. Grinning in satisfaction, at a species of payment in which he held it to be impossible Lord Emich could fail to acquit himself honorably, the dependant took the hand of his master, and, accustomed to the duty, he so guided it as to leave a very legible and creditable signature. When this had been done, and the papers were properly witnessed, the Count of Hartenburg glanced suspiciously from the deed in his hand to the indomitable face of the Abbot, as if he still half repented of the act. '' Look you, Bonifa- cius," he said, shaking a finger, — ^' Should there be flaw, or doubt of any intention in this our covenant, sword of mine shall cut it ! " " First earn the right, Count of Leiningen. The deeds are of equal virtue, and he who would lay claim to their benefits must win the wager. We are but poor brothers of St. Benedict, and little worthy to be named with war- like barons and devoted followers of St. John, but we have an humble trust in our patron." *' By St. Benedict, it shall pass for a miracle, if thou pre- vailest ! " shouted Emich, yielding the deed in a burst of delight. " Away with these cups of agate and horn, and bring forth vessels of glass, that all may see we deal fairly by each other, in this right manly encounter. Look to your wits, monks. — By the word of a cavalier, your Latin will do little service in this dispute." " Our trust is in our patron," answered Father Siegfried, who had already done so much honor to the banquet, as to give reason to believe, that, in his case, the fraternity THE HEIDENMAUER. 93 leaned upon a fragile staff. *' He never yet deserted his children, when fairly enlisted in a good cause." " You are cunning in reasons, fathers," put in the knight — **and I doubt not that sufficient excuses would be forth- coming, were you pushed to justify service to the devil." *' We suffer for the church," was the Abbot's answer, after taking a bumper in obedience to a signal from his host. *' We hold it to be commendable to struggle with the flesh, that our altars may flourish." As soon as executed, the two deeds had been placed on a high and curiously wrought vessel of silver, that con- tained cordials, and which occupied the centre of the board, and more fitting cups having been brought, the combatants were compelled to swallow draught after draught, at signals from Emicli, who, like a true knight, saw that each man showed loyalty. But, as tiie conflict was between men of great experience in this species of contention, and as it endured hours, we deem it unworthy of the theme to limit its description to a single chapter. Before closing the page, however, we shall digress for a UKMiicnt, in order to express our opinions concerning the great human {)roperties involved in this sublime strife. It has been the singular fortune oi America to be the source of numberless ingenious theories, that, taking their rise in the other hcmisf^hcre, have been let loose upon the world to answer ends that we shall not stop t(j investigate. The dignified and beneficed prelate maintains there is no worship of G(jd within our land, ])robably becnuse there are no dignified and beneficed ])re1ates ; a sufficiently logi- cal conclusion for all who believe in the efficacy of that self-denying class of Christians ; while the neophvte, in some lately invented religion, denounces us all in a body, as so many miserable bigots devoted to Christ ! In this manner is a ])ains-taking and |)lain-dealing nation of near fcnuteen millicms of souls ke|)t, as it were, in abeyance in the opinions of the rest of mankind, one deeming tiiem as much beyond, as another fancies them to be short of, truth. In the fearfid catalogue of our deadly sins, is included a propensity to indulge in excesses similar to that it is now our office to record. As we are confessedlv democrats, dram-drinking in particular has been pronounced to be a "democratic vice." It has been our fortune to have lived in familiarity with a greater variety of men, either considered in reference to 94 THE HEIDENMAUER. their characters or their conditions, than ordinarily (alls to the lot of any one person. We have visited many lands, not in the capacity of a courier, but staidly and soberly, as becomes a grave occupation, setting up our household gods, and abiding long enough to see with our eyes and to hear with our ears ; and we feel emboldened to presume on these facts, in order to express a different opinion, amid the flood of assertions that has been made by those who certainly have no better claim to be heard. And, firstly, we shall here say that, as in the course of justice, an in- telligent, upright, single-minded, and discriminating wit- ness is, perhaps, the rarest of all desirable instruments in effecting its sacred ends, so do we acknowledge a traveller, entitled to full credit, to be the mortal of all others tlie least likely to be found. Tiie art of travelling, we apprehend, is far more prac- tised than understood. To us it has proved a laborious, harassing, puzzling, and oftentimes a painful pursuit. To divest one's self of impressions made in youth ; to investi- gate facts without referring their merits to a standard bot- t(micd on a foundation no better than habit ; to analyze, and justly to compare the influence of institutions, climate, natural causes, and practice ; to separate what is merely exception from that which forms the rule ; or even to ob- tain and carry away accurate notions of physical things, and, most of all, to possess the gift of imparting these re- sults comprehensively and with graphical truth, requires a combination of time, occasion, previous knowledge, and natural ability, that rarely falls to the lot oi a single in- dividual. One assumes the task prepared by acquaintance with established opinions, which are commonly no more than prejudices, the result of either policy, or of the very difficulties just enumerated ; and he goes on his way, not only ready but anxious to receive the proofs of what he expects, limiting his pleasure to the sort of delight, that dependent minds feel in following the course pointed out by those that are superior. As the admitted peculiarities of every people are sufficiently apparent, he converts self- evident facts into collateral testimony, and faithfully be- lieves and imagines all that is concealed on the strength of that which is obvious. For such a traveller time wears away men and things in vain ; he accords his belief to the last standard opinion of his sect, with a devotion to con- vention that might purchase salvation in a better cause. THE HEIDENMAUER, 95 To him Vesuvius is just as high, produces the same effect in the view, and has exactly the same outline as before the crater fell ; and he watches the workmen disinterring a house at its base, and goes away rejoicing at having wit- nessed the resurrection of a Roman dwelling after eighteen hundred years of interment, simply because it is the vul- gar account that Pompeii was lost for that period. If lie should happen to be a scholar, what is his delight in fol- lowing a cicerone (a title assumed by some wily scrviiore di Piazza) to the little garden that overlooks the Roman Forum, and in fancying that lie stands upon the Tarpeian Rock ! His faith in moral qualities, his graduation of national virtue, and his views of manners, are equally the captives of the last popular rumor. A Frenchman may roll incontinently in \\\q ^^7'as de Paris, filled with an nlco- h(jl inllammable as gunpowder, and in his eyes it shall pass for pure animal light-heartedness, since it is out of all rule for a Frenchman to be intoxicated, while the veriest tyro knows that the nation dances to a man ! Tlie gallant general, the worshipful alderman, the right hon- orable adviser of the king, may stammer around a subject for half an hour, in St. Stephen's, in a manner to confound all conclusion, and generalize so completely as to bnflle particularity, and vour hearer shall go away convinced of the excellence of the great school of modern eloquence, because the orator has been brought up at the "feet of Gamaliel." When one thoroughly imbued with this pliant faculty, gets into a foreign land, with what a diminished reverence for his own does he journey ! As few men arc end(3wed with sufficient penetration to pierce the mists of received opinion, fewer still are they that are so strong in right as to be able to stem its tide. He who precedes his age is much less likely to be lieard, than he who lingers in its rear : and when the unwieldy body of tlie mass reaches the eminence on which he has long stood the object of free comment, it may be assumed as certain, that they who were his bitterest deriders when his doctrine was new, will be foremost in claiming the honors of the advance. In short, to instruct the world, it is necessary to watch the ciuTcnt, and t(i act on the public mind like the unseen rud- der, by slight and imperceptible variations, avoiding, as a seaman wcndd express it, any very rank sheer, lest the vessel should refuse to mind her helm and go down with the stream. 96 THE HEIDENMAUER. We have been led into these reflections, by frequent op- portunities of witnessing the facility with which opinions are adopted concerning ourselves, because they have come from the pens of those who have long contributed to amuse and instruct us, but which are perfectly valueless, both from the unavoidable ignorance of those who utter them, and from the hostile motives that gave them birth. To that class which would wish to put in a claim to bon ion, by undervaluing their countrymen, we have nothing to say, since they are much beyond improvement, and are quite unable to understand all the high and glorious conse- quences dependent on the great principles of which this republic is the guardian. Their fate was long since settled by a permanent and wise provision of human feeling ; but, presuming on the opportunities mentioned, and long habits of earnest observation in the two hemispheres, we shall conclude this digression by merely adding, that it is the misfortune of man to abuse the gifts of God, let him live in what country or under what institutions he may. Ex- cess of the description in question is the failing of every people, nearly in proportion to their means ; nor are there any certain preventives against a vice so destructive, but absolute want, or a high cultivation of the reasoning facul- ties. He who has accurately ascertained how far the people of this republic are behind or before the inhabitants of other lands, in mental improvement and moral qualities, will not be far from the truth in assigning to them a cor- respondent place in the scale of sobriety. It is true that many foreigners will be ready enough to deny this position, but we have had abundant opportunities of observing, that all those who visit our shores do not come sufficiently pre- pared, by observation at home, to make just comparisons, and what we have here said has not been ventured with- out years of close and honest investigation. We shall gladly hail the day when it can be said, that not an Ameri- can exists, so lost to himself as to trifle with the noblest gift of the Creator ; but we cannot see the expediency of attaining an end, desirable even as this, by the concession of premises that are false. THE HEIDENMAUER, 97 CHAPTER VII. ** What a thrice-double ass Was I, to take this drunkard for a god !" — Caliban. Physical qualities are always prized in proportion to the value that is attached to those that are purely intellectual. So long as power and honor depend on the possession of brute force, strength and agility are endowments of the last importance, on the same principle that they render the tumbler of more account in his troop ; and he who has ever had occasion to mingle much with the brave, and sub- ject to a qualification that will readily be understood, we might add, the noble savages of this continent, will have remarked that, while the orators are in general a class who have cultivated their art for want of qualifications to excel in that which is deemed still more honorable, the first re- quisite in the warrior is statiii"e and muscle. There exists a curious document to prove how much even their success- ors, a people in no degree deficient in acuteness, have been subject to a similar influence. We allude to a register that was made of the thews and sinews among the chiefs of the army of Wasliington, during the moment of inaction that preceded the recognition of Independence. By this report it would seem, that the animal entered somewliat into the ideas of our fathers, when they made their original selec- tion of leaders, a circumstance that we attribute to the veneration tiiat man is secretly disposed to show to physi- cal perfection, until a better training and experience have taught him there is still a superior power. Our first im- pressions are almost always received through the senses, and the connexion between martial prowess and animal force seems so natural, that we ought not to be surprised that a people so peaceful and unpractised, in their sim- plicity, betrayed a little of this deference to appearances. Happily, if they sometimes put matter into stations which would have been better filled by mind, the lionesty and zeal that were so general in the patriotic ranks carried the coiuitry through in triumj^h. It was a conscqu(;nce of the liigh favor enjo3'ed by all manly or physical ([ualities in the sixteenth century, that men were even prized for their excesses. Thus he who 7 98 THE HEIDENMAUER. could longest resist the influence of liquor was deemed, in a more limited sense, as much a hero as he who swung the heaviest mace, or pointed the surest cannon in battle. The debauch in which the Abbot of Limburg and his neighbor Emich of Leiningen, were now engaged, was one of no unusual nature ; for, in a country in which prelates ap- peared in so many other doubtful characters, it should not excite surprise that some of the class were willing to en- gage in a strife that had little danger, while it was so highly in favor with the noble and the great. The reader will have seen that great progress had been made towards the issue of the celebrated encounter it is our duty to relate, even before its precise object had been formally introduced among the contending parties. But while the monks came to the struggle apprized of its mo- tive, and prepared at all points to maintain the reputation of their ancient and hospitable brotherhood, the Count of Leiningen, with a sullen reliance on his own powers, that was somewhat increased by his contempt for priestcraft, had neglected to bestow the same care on his auxiliaries. It is scarcely necessary to add that both the Abbe and the Knight of Rhodes had become heated to garrulousness, before they perfectly understood the nature of the service that was expected at their hands, or, we ought rather to say, of their heads. With this explanation we shall resume the narrative, taking up its thread some two hours later than the moment when it was last dropped. At this particular juncture of the strife, Fathers Sieg- fried and Cuno had become thoroughly warmed with their endeavors, and habitual and profound respect for the Ab- bot was gradually giving way before the quickening cur- rents of their blood. The eyes of the former glistened with a species of forensic ferocity, for he was ardently en- gaged on a controversial point with Albrecht of Vieder- bach, all of whose faculties appeared to be rapidly exhaling with his potations. The other Benedictine and the Abbe from time to time mingled in the dispute, in the character of seconds, while the two most interested in tiie issue sat, warily collecting their powers, and sternly regarding eacli other, like men who knew they were not engaged in idle sport. "This is well, with thy tales of LTsle Adam, and the Ottoman power," continued Father Siegfried, pursuing th* discourse from a point, beyond which we consider it uo THE HEJDENMAUER. 99 necessary to record all that passed — *' This will do to re- peat to the dames of our German courts, for the journey between tliese Rhenish plains and yonder island of Rhodes is far, and few are inclined to make it, in order to convict thy chiefs of neglect, or their sworn followers of forgetful- ness of their vows." " By the quality of my order ! reverend Benedictine, thou pushest words to unseemliness! Is it not enough, that the chosen and the gentlest of Europe should devote soul and body to services that would better become thy lazy order — that all that is noble and brave should aban- don the green fields and pleasant rivers of their native lands, to endure hot suns and sultry winds from Africa, in order to keep the unbeliever in his limits, but they must be taunted with gibes like these ? Go, count the graves and number the living, if thou wouldst learn the manner in which our illustrious master held out against Solyman, or wouldst know the services of his knights ! " " It would sound ill in thy ears, were I to bid thee enter purgatory, to inquire into the fruits of our masses and prayers, and yet one and the other are equally easy to per- form. Thou knowest well, that Rhodes is no longer a Christian island, and that none bearing the cross dare be seen on its shores. Go to, Count Albrecht, thy order is fallen into disuse, and it is better where it is, hid beneath the snowy mountains of the country of Nice, than it might be in the front ranks of Christendom. There is not a crone in Germany that does not bewail the backsliding of an or- der so esteemed of old, or a maiden that does not speak lightly of its deeds!" "Heavenly patience! hcarest thou this. Monsieur La- touche ? and from the mouth of a chanting Benedictine, who passeth his days between safe walls of stone, here in the heart of the Palatinate, and his nights on a warm pallet, beyond sound even of the rushing winds, unless, in sooth, he be not sent on offices of midnight charity among the believing wives (jf the faithful!" '* B(jy ! dost presume to scandalize the Church, and dare its anger?" demanded Bonifacius, in a voice of thunder. "Reverend Abbot," answered Albrecht, crossing him- self, iox habit and policy ccpially held liim subject to the predominant authority of the age, "the liltle I say is more directed to the man than to his cloth." " Let him give utterance to all he fancies," interrupted loo THE HEIDENMAUER, the wily Siegfried. " Is not a knight of Rhodes immacu- late, and shall we refuse him right of speech ? " " It is held at the court of tiie chivalrous Valois," ob- served the Abbe, who perceived it was necessary to inter- fere, in order to preserve the peace, "that the defence of Rhodes was of exceeding valor, and few survived it, who did not meet with high honors from Christian hands. We have seen numberless of the brave knights among us, in the most esteemed houses of Paris, and at the merry castle of Fontainebleau, and believe me, none were more sought or better honored. The scars of even Marignano and of Pavia are less prized than those given by the hands of the infidel." " Thou dost well, my learned and self-denying brother," answered Siegfried, with a sneer, '' to remind us of the fight of Pavia, and of thy great master's present abode ! Are these tidings of late from the Castiles, or is it not permitted to thy prince to dispatch couriers to his own capital ? " " Nay, reverend monk, thou pressest with unkind allu- sions, and forgettest that, like thee, we are both servitors of the Church." " We count thee not — one nor the other. Martyred St. Peter ! what would become of thy keys were they intrust- ed to the keeping of such hands I — Go, doff thy vanities — lay aside that attire of velvet, if though wouldst be known as of the flock." " Master Latouche," exclaimed Emich, who w^as boiling with indignation, but who preserved his self-command in order to circulate the cups, and to see that each man did true service in the prescribed contest, " tell him of liis brother of Wittenberg, and of these late doings in the hive. • Stick that thorn into his side, and thou shalt see him shrink like a jaded and galled steed under a pointed spur ! Who art thou, and why dost thou disturb my pleasures ? " This sudden interruption of himself was addressed by the baron to a youth, in neat but modest attire, who had just entered the banqueting-room, and wiio, passing by the menial that filled the glasses at the beck of his master's hand, now stood, with a firm but respectful mien, at the elbow of the speaker. "'Tis Berchthold, my lord's forester. They bid me come to do your pleasure, noble Count." THE I/KIDEXMAUER. loi " Thou art seasonably arrived to keep the peace between a sworn knight of Rhodes and a garrulous monk of Lim- burg. Tliis reverend Abbot would do thee favor, boy." Berchthold bowed respectfully, and turned towards the prelate. " Thou art the orphan of our ancient liegeman, he who bore thy name, and was well esteemed among the towns- men of Duerckheim ?" " I am the son of him your reverence means, but that he was liegeman of any of Limburg, I deny." '' Bravely answered, boy!" shouted Emich, striking his fist on the table so hard as to threaten destruction to all it held : " Aye, and as becomes thy master's follower! Hast enough. Father Bonifacius, or wilt dip deeper into the youth's catechism ? " " The young man has been tutored to respect his pres- ent ease," returned the Abbot, affecting indifference equally to the exultation of the Count and to the disre- spect of his forester. " When he next comes to our con- fessionals, there will be occasion to give him other school- ing." "God's truth! that hour may never happen. We are half disposed to live on in our sins, and to take soldier's fort- une, in these stirring times, which is ever the chance of sudden death, without the Church's passport. We are fast getting of this mind — are we not, brave Berchthold ? " The youth bowed respectfully, but without answering, for he saw by the inflamed countenances and swimming eyes of all at the table, that the moment was one in which explanations would be useless. Had it been possible to doubt the cause of the scene he witnessed, the manner in which glass after glass was swallowed, at the will of the cup-bearer, wcnild have explained its nature. But, far ad- vanced as Father Bonifacius had now become in inebriety, in common with the other guests, he retained enough of his faculties, to see that the words of Emich contained an allusion of a dangerously heretical character. "Thou art resolved to despise our counsel and our warn- ings!" he exclaimed, glancing fiercely at one and the other. " 'Twere better to say at once, that thy wish is to sec the walls of Limburg Abbey lying on the side of Lim- burg hill." " Nay, reverend and honored priest, thou pushcst a few hasty words beyond their meaning. What is it to a Count I02 THE HEIDENMAUER. of the noble house of Leiningen, that a few monks find shelter for their heads, and ease for their souls, beneath a consecrated roof within cannon-shot of his own towers. If thy walls do not tumble until hand of mine helps to unset- tle them, they may stand till the fallen x\ngel that set them up, shall aid in their overthrow. Truly, Father Bonifacius, for a godly community, this tale of thy sanctuary's origin makes it of none of the best parentage ! " " Hear ye that ! " sputtered Albrecht of Viederbach, who, though his tongue had continued to sound a sort of irregular accompaniment to his cousin's speeciies, was no longer able to articulate clearly — " Hear ye that! imp of St. Benedict ! The devil set ye up, and the devil will be your downfall. L'Isle Adam is a saint to thy holiest ; and his— good — sword " At this word, the Knight of Rhodes succumbed, losing Ins balance in an animated effort to gesticulate, and fairly falling under the table, A sarcastic smile crossed the Ab- bot's face, at this overthrow of one of his adversaries, while Emich scowled in disdain at the ignoble exhibition made by his kinsman ; who, finding it impossible to rise, re- signed himself to sleep on the spot where he had fallen. " Swallow thy Rhenish, monk, and count not on the slight advantage thou hast got in the overthrow of that prating fool," said the host, whose tones grew less and less ami- cable, as the plot thickened — " But to a more fitting sub- ject ; Berchthold is worthy of his lord, and is a youth that thinks of things as things appear. We may quit thy con- fessionals for divers reasons, as thou knowest. Here is the Monk of Erfurth ! Ha ! what think you of his new teach- ing, and of the manner in which he advises the faithful to come to the altar ? You have had him at Rome, and at Worms, and among ye in many councils, yet the honest man stands fast in all reasonable opinions. Thou hast heard of Luther, is it not so, young Berchthold ? " *' 'Tis certain, my Lord Count, that few in the Jaerger- thal escape the tidings of his name." " Then are they in danger of a most damnable heresy ! " interrupted Bonifacius, in a voice of thunder. "Why tell me of this driveller of Erfurth, Lord Emich, if thou art not in secret praying that his rebellious wishes may pros- per at the Church's cost! But we mark thee, irreverent Count, and hard and griping penance may yet purge thee of these prurient fancies — " Here the Abbot, inflamed as THE IIK/DE.VMA rEA\ iP3 he was with wine and resentment, paused ; for the silent monk, Father Cuno, fell from his seat like a soldier shot in battle ; the simple inferior having entered into the trial of heads, more with a relish for the liquor than with any- thought of victory, and having, in consequence, done so much honor to the potations, as to become an easy sacri- fice to the common enemy. The Abbot looked at his pros- trate follower with grim indifference, showing by his hard, scowling, and angry eye, that he deemed the loss of little moment to the main result. " What matters the impo- tency of a fool ! " he muttered, turning away to his princi- pal and only dangerous opponent, with a full return of all his angry feelings : — " Tliat the devils are suffered to gain a momentary and specious triumph, we are well aware, Baron of Hartenburg " "By my father's bones, proud priest, but thou strangely forgettest thyself! Am I not a prince of Leiningen, that one of the cowl should please to call me less ? " " I should have said the Summer Landgrave ! " answered Bonifacius sneeringly, for long-smothered hatred was beginning to break through the feeble barriers that their reeling faculties still preserv^ed. " I crave pardon of your highness ; but a short reign leaves brief recollections. Even thy subjects, illustrious Emich, may be forgiven, that they know not their sovereign's title. The coronet that is worn from June to September scarce gets the fit of the head ! " " It was worn longer, Abbot, than ever head of thine will wear a saintly crown. But I forget my ancient house, and the forbearance due to a guest, in honest anger at an artful and malignant monk !" Bonifacius bowed with seeming composure, and while each appeared to recover his moderation, in a misty recol- lection of the true affair in hand, the dialogue between the Abbe and Father Siegfried, which iiad been drowned by the stentorian lungs (jf the principal disputants, broke out in the momentary pause. "Thou sayest true, reverend father," said the former, "but were our fair and sprigiitly dames of France to per- f(jrm these pilgrimages to distant shrines, of which thou spcakest, rude treatment in the wayfaring, evil company, and, haply, designing confessors, migiu tarnish the present lustre of their graces, and leave them less ornaments to our brilliant and gallant court than they at present prove. I04 THE HEIDENMAUER. No, I espouse no such dangerous opinions, but endeavor, by gentle persuasion and courtly arguments, to lead their precious souls nearer to the heaven they so well merit, and which it were scarce impious to say they will so rarely become." *'This may be well for the towering fancies of thy French imaginations, but our slower German minds must be dealt with differently. By the mass! I would give little for the success of the confessor, that should deal only in persuasive and gentle discourse ! Here, we throw our manifold hints of damnation, in plainer speech." " I condemn no usage on speculation, Benedictine ; but truly this directness of condemnation would be thought indecorous in our more refined presences. As yet, thou wilt acknowledge, we are less tainted with heresies than thy northern courts." Here the deep voice of Emich, who had recovered a little self-command, again drowned the by-play of the subordinates. *' We are not children, most reverend Bonifacius," he re- sumed, " to irritate ourselves with names. That I have been denied the honors and rights of my birth and line, for one come of no direct descent, is admitted ; but let it be for- gotten. Thou art welcome to my board, and there is no dignitary of the church, or of thy brotherhood, that I es- teem more than thee and thine, within a hard ride of these towers. Let us be friends, holy Abbot, and drink to our loving graces." '* Count Emich, I pledge thee, and pray for thee, as thou meritest. If there have been misunderstandings between our convent and thy house, they have come of the mis- guiding of the devil. We are a peaceful community, and one given more to prayer and a just hospitality than to any grasping desire to enrich our coffers." " On these points we will not dwell, father, for it is not easy for baron and abbot, layman and priest, to see at all times with the same eyes. I would that this question of authority in Duerckheim were fairly disposed of, that there might always be good neighborhood in the valley. Our hills shut in no wide plain, like yon of the river, that we must needs turn the little level land we have into a battle- ground. By the mass, most holy Abbot, but thou wouldst do well to dismiss the Elector's troops, and trust this mat- ter between us to gentle and friendly argument." THE HEIDENMAUER. 105 ** If it were the last prnyer I uttered before passing into the fruition of a self-denying and holy life, princely Emich, thy wish should not want support ! Have we not often professed a willingness to refer the question to the Holy Father, or any other high church authority, that can fit- tingly take cognizance of so knotty a point. Less than this arbitration would scarce become our apostolic mis- sion." '' God's truth ! mein Herr Wilhclm, but ye are too grasping for those who mortify the flesh ! Is it meet, I ask ye, that a goodly number of valiant and pains-taking burghers should be led by shaven crowns in the day of strife, in fair and foul, evil and good, like so many worth- less women, who, having lived in the idleness and vanities of gossip and backbiting, are fain to hope that their sex's sins may be hid beneath a monk's frock ? Give me up, therefore, this question of Duerckheim, and certain other rights that might be fairly written out, and the saints in Paradise shall not live in more harmony than we of the Jaegerthal." "Truly, Lord Emich, the means of fitting us for the heavenly state thou namest have not been forgotten, since thou hast made a purgatory of the valley these many years " By the mass, priest, thou again pushest thy remarks beyond discreet speech ! In what manner have I done aught to bring this scandal on the neighborhood, beyond a mere forctlunight to mine own interest. Hast thou not (jpened thy abbey-gates to receive armed and irreligious men ? — are not thy ears hourly wounded by rude oaths, and thy eyes affronted by sights tliat should be thought unseemly in a sanctuary ? — \ay, that tluui maycst not suppose I am ignorant of thy hidden intentions, do not the armed bands of Duke Friedrichlie at watch, this very mo- ment, within thy cloisters?" " We have a just caution oi our riglits and cjf the churcli's honor," answered Bonifacius, who scarce endeavored to conceal the contemi)tuous smile the question excited. " Believe me, Abbot of Limburg, so far from being the enemy of our holy religion, I am its sworn friend ; else should I long since have joined the proselytes of this brother Luther, and have done thee harm openly." " 'Twere better than to pray at our altars by day, and to plot their fall at night." io6 THE HEIDENMAUER. " I swear by the life of the Emperor that thou urgest me too far, haughty priest ! " The clamor created by the Abbe and Father Siegfried here caused the two principal speakers to direct their at- tention, for the moment, to the secondary combatants. From a courtly dispute, the argument had got to be so con- fused and warm, between the latter, that each raised his voice in a vain endeavor to drown that of his adversary. It was but an instant before the whirling senses of M. Latouche, who had only maintained his present place in the debauch by fraud, gave way to so rude an assault, and he staggered to a settee, where, gesticulating wildly, he soon sunk at his length, unable to lift his head. Father Siegfried witnessed the retreat of his mercurial foe with a grin of exultation ; then he raised a ferocious shout, which, coming from lungs that had so lately chanted to the honor of God, caused the young Berchthold to sluidder with horror. But the glazed eyes of the monk, and his failing countenance, betrayed an inability to endure more. After staring wild- ly about him, with the unmeaning idiocy of a drunkard, he settled himself in his chair, and closed his eyes in the heavy sleep that nature unwillingly furnishes to those who abuse her gifts. The Abbot and the Count witnessed the manner in which their respective seconds were thus put hors de combat ^ in sullen silence. Their growing w^armth, and the feelings excited by the mention of their several grievances, had in- sensibly drawn their attention from the progress of the contest, but each now regained a certain glimpse of its nature and of its results ; the recollection served to recall the temper of both, for they were too well practised in these scenes not to understand the value of presence of mind in maintaining the command of their faculties. " Our brother Siegfried hath yielded to the frailties of nature, noble Emich," resumed Boniface, smiling as plac- idly on his remaining companion, as flushed features and a heated eye would permit. " The flesh of priest can en- dure no more than that of layman, else would he have seen thy flasks drained of the last drop, for better intention never filled grateful heart, in doing honor to the gifts of Providence." " Aye, thou passest thy debauches to the account of this subtilty, while we of the sword. Master Abbot, sin to-night, and ask forgiveness to-morrow, without other pretence THE HEIDEXMA UER. 107 than our pleasures. But the hood of a monk is a mask, and he who wears it thinks he hath a right to the benefit of the disguise. I would I knew, to a bodice, the number of burghers' wives thou hast shrived since Corpus Domini ! " *'Jest not wdth the secrets of the confessional, Count Emich ; the subject is too sacred for profane tongues. There has been bitter penance for greater than thou ! " ''Nay, mistake me not, holy Abbot," returned the baron, hurriedly crossing himself; "but your bold talkers say there is discontent in Duerckheim on this point, and I deem it friendly to communicate the accusations of the enemy. This is a moment in which our German monks are in danger ; for, in sooth, thy brother of Erfurth is no driveller in his cry against Rome." The eye of FatherBoniface flashed fire, for none are so quick to meet, or so violent to resent attacks, on what they consider their rights, as those who have long been per- mitted to enjoy monopolies, however frail or unjust may be the tenure of their possession. " In thy heart, rude Emich, thou clingest to the heresy ! " he said ; " Beware, in what manner thou castest the weight of thy example and name into tlie scale against the commands of God and the authority of the Church ! As for this Luther, a backsliding wretch, that unquiet ambition and love for a professed but misguided nun, having urged to rebellion, the devils are rejoicing in his iniquity, and imps of darkness stand ready to riot in his final and irretrievable fall." " By the mass ! Father, to a plain soldier it seemeth bet- ter to wive the sister honestly, than to give all this scandal in Duerckheim, and otherwise to do violence to the peace of families on the fair plains of the Palatinate. If Brother Luther hath done no more than thou sayest here, he hath fairly cheated Satan, which is what thy community did of old, when it got the evil spirit to aid in raising thy chapel, and then, with no great regard to a debtor's obligations, sent him away penniless." "Were the truth known, Emich, I fear it would be found that thou hast faitii in this silly legend !" " If thou hast not outwitted the devil, priest, it hath been that his prudence hatli kept him from bargaining with those he knows to be his betters in cunning. IJy tlie rood ! 'twas a bold spirit that would grapple, wit to wit, with the monks of Limburij ! " O io8 THE HEIDENMAUER, Disdain kept the Abbot from answering, for he was too superior to vulgar tradition to feel even resentment at an imputation of this kind. His host perceived that he was losing ground, and he began to see, by the manner in which his senses were slowly receding, that he was in im- minent danger of forfeiting the important stake that now depended wholly on his powers of endurance. The Abbot had a well-earned reputation of having the strongest head of all the churchmen of the Palatinate, and Count Emich, who was nowise wanting in physical excellence of this sort, began to feel that species of failing which is com- monly the forerunner, as it is often the cause, of defeat. He swallowed bumper after bumper, with a reckless de- sire to overwhelm his antagonist, without thought of the inroads that he was producing on his own faculties. Boni- facius, who saw and felt his superiority, willingly in- dulged his antagonist in this feverish desire to drive the struggle to a premature issue, and several glasses were taken in a sort of sullen defiance, without a syllable issu- ing from the lips of either. In this strait, the Count turned his swimming eyes towards the attendants, in a vague hope that they who served liim so faithfully on ordinary occasions, might aid him in the present desperate emergency. Young Berchthold Hintermayer stood near his lord, in respectful attendance on his pleasure, for habit prevented liim from withdrawing without an order. Enough had fallen from the p^^rties in this singular contest to let him into the secret of its object. He appeared to understand the appeal, and advancing to do the office of cup-bearer, a duty that in truth required some such interference, for he who should have discharged it had been too diligently imitating those at the board to be able any longer to acquit himself with propriety of his functions. " If my Lord Abbot would but relieve the passing time," said Berchthold, as he poured out the wine, " by descanting more at large on this heresy, he might be the instrument of saving a doubting soul ; I freely confess, that for one, I find much reason to distrust the faith of my fathers." This was attacking the Abbot on his weakest, not to say his only vulnerable, point. '* Thou shalt smart for this, bold boy ! " he cried, striking the table with a clenched fist. " Thou harborest heresies, THE IIEIDEN'MAUER. 109 unfledged and paltry rcasoner on apostolic missions ! 'Tis well — 'tis well — the impudent avowal is noted ! " Emich made a sign of gratitude, for in his rage the priest took a heavy draught, unconscious of what he was about. "Nay, my lord, the most reverend Abbot will pardon imprudent speech in one little gifted in knowledge of tliis sort. Were it to strike a wild boar, or to stop a roebuck, or haply to do harm to my master's enemies, this hand might prove of some account ; but is it matter of fair sur- prise that we of simple wit should be confounded, when the most learned of Germany are at a loss what to believe ? I liave heard it said, that Master Luther made noble answers in all the councils, and wise bodies, in which he hath of late appeared." " He spoke with the tongue of Lucifer ! " roared the Abbot, fairly frothing wnth the violence of ungovernable rage. "Whence cometh this new and late-discovered re- ligion ? Of what stock and root is it ? Why hath it been so long hid, and where is its early history ? Doth it mount to Peter and Paul, or is it the invention of modern arro- gance and rank conceit ? " " Nay, father, the same might be asked of Rome itself, before Rome knew an apostle. The tree is not less a tree after it hath been trimmed of its decayed branches, though it may be more comely." Father Bonifacius was both acute and learned, and, under ordinary circumstances, even the monk of Wittenberg might have found him a stubborn and subtle casuist ; but in his actual condition, the most sophistical remark, if it had but tlie aspect of reason, was likely to inflame liim. Thus assailed, therefore, he exhibited an awful picture of the ferocity of human passions when brutalized by indul- gence. His eyes seemed starting from his head, his lips quivered, and his tongue refused its functions. He was now in the predicament in which the Count had so lately stood ; and, though he foresaw the consequences, with the desperation of an inebriated man, he sought the renewal of liis forces in the very agent which had undermined them. Count Emich himself was pnst intelligible utterance, but eloquence not being his strongest arm, he still maintained sufficient conmiand of his ])hysical powers to continue tiie conflict. He flourished his hand in defiance, and muttered words that seemed to breathe hatred and scorn. In this manner did a noble of an illustrious and princely house, no THE HEIDENMAUER. and a mitred prelate of the church, stand at bay, with little oth':r consciousness of the existence of the nobler faculties of their being than that connected with the common mer- cenary object which had induced this trial of endurance. " The Church's malediction on ye all ! " Boniface at length succeeded in uttering : — then falling back in his el- bowed and well-cushioned chair, he yielded his faculties to the sinister influence of the liquor he had swallowed. When Emich of Leiningen witnessed the overthrow of his last antagonist, a gleam of intelligence and triumph shot from beneath his shaggy brows. By a desperate effort he raised himself, and stretching forth an arm, he gained possession of the deed by which the community of Limburg formally released its claims upon the products of the disputed vineyards. Arising, with the air of one ac- customed to command even in his cups, he signed for his forester to approach, and aided by his young and nervous arm, he tottered from the room, leaving tlie banqueting- hall, like a deserted field, a revolting picture of human in- firmity in its degradation and neglect. As the Count fell heavily upon his couch, clad as he had been at table, he shook the parchment towards his young attendant, till the folds rattled. Then closing his eyes, his deep and troubled breathing soon announced that the victor of this debauch lay like the vanquished, unconscious, fever- ish, and unmanned. Thus terminated the well-known debauch of Harten- burg, a feat of physical endurance on the part of the stout baron who prevailed, that gained him little less renown among the boon companions of the Palatinate than he would have reaped from a victory in the field ; and which, strange as it may now appear, derogated but little from any of the qualities of the vanquished. CHAPTER VIII. "And from the latticed gallery came a chant Of psalms, most saint-like, most angelical, Verse after verse sung out most holily," — Rogers. The succeeding day was the Sabbath. The morning of the weekly festival was always announced to the peasants of the Jaegcrthal with the usual summons to devotion. THE HEIDENMAUER. in The matin bell had been heard on the abbey walls, even before the light penetrated to the bottom of the deep vale ; and all the pious had bent, in common, wherever the sounds happened to reach their ears, in praise and thanks- giving. But as the hours wore on, a more elevated display of Roman worship was prepared in the high mass, a cere- mony addressed equally to the feelings and the senses. The sun was fairly above the hills, and the season bland to seduction. Tlie domestic cattle, relieved from their weekly toil, basked against the hill-side, ruminating in con- tentment, and filled with the quiet pleasures of their in- stinct. Children gambolled before the cottage doors ; the husbandman loitered, in the habiliments that had borne the fashions of the Haard through many generations, re- garding the silent growth of his crops, and the housewife hurried from place to place, in the excitement of simple do- mestic enjoyment. The month was the most grateful of the twelve, and well filled with hopes. The grass had reached its height, and was throwing out its exubera.nce, the corn was filling fast, and the vine began to give forth its clus- ters. In the midst of this scene of rural tranquillity, the deep- toned bells of the abbey called the llock to its usual fold. Long practice had made the brotherhood of Limburg ex- pert in all the duties that were necessary to the earthly administration of their functions. Even the peals of tlie bells were regulated and skilful. Note mournfully suc- ceeded note, and there was not a silent dell, for miles, into which the solemn call did not penetrate. Bells were heard too from Duerckheim, and even from the wide plains be- yond ; but none rose fuller upon the air, or came so sweet and melancholy to the ear, as those which hung in the al;- bcy towers. Obedient to the summons, there was a gathering of all in the valley towards the gate of Limburg. A crowd ap- peared also in the direction of the gorge, for devotion, superstition, or curiosity, never failed to attract a multi- tude on these occasions, to witness mass in that celebrated conventual chapel. Among the latter came equally tiie skeptical and the believing, the young and the old, the fair and her who deemed it ])ru(l(mt to shade a matronly coun- tenance with the veil, the idle, the half-converted follower of Luther, and the lover of music. It was customary for one of the brothers to preach, when mass was ended ; and 112 THE HEIDENMAUER. Limburg had many monks that were skilled in the subtle- tics of the times, and some even who had names for elo- quence. With a management and coquetry that enter into most human devices that are intended to act on our feelings, es- pecially in matters that it is not thought sa,fe to confide too much to naked reason, the peals of the bells were con- tinued long, with a view to effect. As group after group arrived, the court of the abliey slowly filled, until there appeared a congregation sufficiently numerous to gratify the self-love of even a clerical star of our own times. There was mucli grave salutation among the different dig- nitaries that were here assembled, for of all those who doff the cap in courtesy, perhaps the German is the most punctilious and respectful. As the neighboring city was fully represented in this assembly of the religious and cu- rious, there was also a profitable display of the duties that are due to station. A herald might have obtained many useful hints, had lie been there to note the different de- grees of simple homage that were paid, from the Burgo- master to the Bailiff. Among the variety of idle and ill- digested remarks that are lavished on the American people and their institutions, it is a received pleasantry to joke on their attachment to official dignities. But he who has not only seen, but observed both his own countrymen and strangers, will have liad numberless occasions to remark that this, like most similar strictures, is liable to the im- putation of vapidity, and of being proof of a narrow obser- vation. The functionary that is literally a servant of the people, whatever may be his dispositions, can never tri- umph over his masters ; and, thougli it be an honest and commendable ambition to wish to be so distinguished, we need only examine the institutions to see that in this, as in most other similar circumstances, there is no strict an- alogy between ourselves and European nations. The re- mark has probably been made, because a respect for official authority has been found among us, when there was the expectation, and possibly the wish, to find anarchy. At the high mass of Limburg there was more ceremony observed in ushering the meanest village dignitary to his place in the church than would be observed in conducting the head of this great republic to the high station he occupies ; and care was had, by an agent of the convent, to see that no one should approach the altar of the Lord THE HEIDENMAUER, 113 of the Universe, witliout his receiving the deference lie miglit claim in virtue of liis temporal rank ! Here, where all appear in the temple as they must appear in their graves, equals in dependence on divine support as they are equals in frailty, it will not be easy to understand the hardihood of sophistry which thus teaches humility and penitence with the tongue, and invites to pride and pre- sumption in the practice ; and which, when driven to a reason for its conduct, defends itself against the accusation of inconsistency by recriminating the charge of envy ! There had been a suitable display of ceremony when several functionaries of Duerckheim appeared, but the strongest manifestation of respect was reserved for a burgh- er, who did not enter the gates until the people were assembled in the body of the church. This personage, a man whose hair was just beginning to be gray, and whose solid, vigorous frame denoted full healtli and an easy life, came in the saddle ; for at the period of which we write, there was a bridle path to the portal of Limburg. He was accompanied by a female, seemingly his spouse, who rcjde an ambling nag, bearing on the crupper a crone that clung to her well-formed waist, with easy, domestic familiarity, but like one unused to her seat. A fair-haired, rosy girl sat the pillion of the father, and a serving-man, in a spe- cies of official livery, closed the cavalcade. Sundry of the more substantial citizens of Duerckheim hastened to the reception of this little party, for it was Heinrich Frey, with Meta, her mother, and Use, that came unexpectedly to the mass of Limburg. The affluent and flourishing citizen was ushered to the part of the church or chapel, where especial chairs were reserved for such casual visits of the neighboring functionaries, or for any noble that devotion, or accident, might lead to worship at the abbey's altars. Heinrich Frey was a stout, hale, obstinate, sturdy burgh- er, in whom prosperity had a little cooled benevolence, but who, had he escaped the allurements of office and the recollection of his own success, might liave passed through life as one that was wanting in neither modesty nor hu- manity. He was, in short, on a diminished scale, one of those examples of desertion from the ranks of mankind to the corps d'clite of the lucky, that we constantly wit- ness among the worldly and fortunate. While a youth, he had been sufficiently considerate for the burdens and S 114 THE HEIDENMAUER. difficulties of the unhappy ; but a marriage with a small heiress, and subsequent successes, had gradually brought him to a view of things that was more in unison with his own particular interests, than it was either philosophical or Christian-like. He was a firm believer in that dictum which says none but the wealthy have sufiicient interest in society to be intrusted with its control, though his own in- stinct might liave detected the sophistry, since he was daily vacillating between opposing principles, just as they hap- pened to affect his own particular concerns. Heinrich Frey gave freely to the mendicant, and to the industrious ; but when it came to be a question of any serious meliora- tion of the lot of either, he shook his head, in a manner to imply a mysterious political economy, and uttered shrewd remarks on the bases of society, and of things as they w^ere established. In short, he lived in an age when Germanv, and indeed all Christendom, was much agitated by a question that was likely to unsettle not only the re- ligion of the day, but divers other vested interests ; and he might have been termed the chief of the conservative party, in his own particular circle. These qualities, united to his known wealth ; a reputation for high probity, which was founded- on the belief that he was fully able to repair any pecuniary wrong he might happen to commit ; a sturdy maintenance of his own opiniuns, that passed with the multitude for the consistency of rectitude ; and a perfect fearlessness in deciding against all those who had not the means of disputing his decrees, had procured for him the honor of being the first Burgomaster of Duerckheim. Were the countenance a certain index of the qualities of the mind, a physiognomist might have been at a loss to discover the motives which had induced Ulricka Hailtzin- ger, not only the fairest but the wealthiest maiden of the town, to unite herself in marriage w4th the man we have just delineated. A mild, melanclioly, blue eye, that re- tained Its lustre in despite of forty years, a better outline of features than is common to the region in which she dwelt, and a symmetry of arm and bust tiiat, on the other liand, is rather peculiar to the natives of Germany, still furnished sufficient evidence of the beauty for which she must have been distinguished in early life. In addition to these obvious and more vulgar attractions, the matronly partner of Heinrich had an expression of feminine delica- cy and intelligence, of elevated views, and even of mys-* THE HEIDENMAUER. 115 tcrious aspirations, which rendered her a woman that a nice observer of nature might have loved to study — and have studied to love. In personal appearance, Meta was a copy of her mother, engrafted on the more ruddy health and less abstracted habits of the father. Her character will be sufficiently developed as we proceed in the tale. We commit Use to tlie reader's imagination, which w'ill readily conceive the sort of attendant that has been introduced. The Herr Heinrich did not take possession of his cus- tomary post before the high altar, witliout causing the stir and excitement among the simple peasants of the Jaeger- thal, and the truant Duerckheimers who were present, that became his condition in life. But even citv importance cannot predominate for ever in the house of God, and the bustle gradually subsiding, expectation began to take pre- cedency of civic rank. The Abbey of Limburg stood high among the religious communities of the Rhine, for its internal decorations, its wealth, and its hospitality. The chapel was justly deemed a rare specimen of monastic taste, nor was it wanting in most of those ornaments and decorations that render the superior buildings, devoted to the service of the Church of Rome, so imposing to the senses, and so pleasing to the admirers of solemn effect. The building was vast, and, as prevailed throughout that region and in the century of which we write, sombre. It had numerous altars, rich in marbles and pictures, each celebrated in the Palatinate for the kind mediation of the particular saint to whom it was dedicated, and each loaded with the vcjtive offerings of the suppliant, or of the grateful. The walls and the nave were painted al fresco^ not indeed with the pencil of Raphael, or Buonorotti, but creditably, and in a manner to heighten tlie beauty of the place. The choir was carved in high relief, after a fashion much esteemed, and that was admi- rably executed in tlie middle states of Europe, no less than in Italy, and wliole Hocks of cherubs were seen poising on the wing anjund the organ, the altar, and the tombs. The latter were numerous, and indicated, by their magnificence, that the bodies of those who had enjoyed the world's ad- vantages slept within the hallowed precincts. At length a docjr, communicating with tlie cloisters, opened, and the monks appeared, walking in procession. At their head came the Abbot, wearing his mitre, and ii6 THE HEIDENMAUER. adorned with the gorgeous robes of his ecclesiastical office. Two priests, decorated for the duties of the altar, followed, and then succeeded the professed and the assistants, in pairs. The whole procession swept through the aisles in stately silence ; and, after making the tour of most of the church, paying homage and offering prayers at several of the most honored altars, it passed into the choir. Father Bonifacius was seated on his episcopal throne, and the rest of the brotherhood occupied the glossy stalls reserved for such occasions. During the march of the monks, the organ breathed a low accompaniment, and, as they became sta- tionary, its last strain died in the vaulted roof. At this moment the clattering of horses' hoofs was audible with- out, causing the startled and uneasy priests to suspend the mass. The rattling of steel came next, and then the heavy tread of armed heels was heard on the pavement of the church itself. Emich of Hartenburg came up the principal aisle, with the steady front of one confident of his power, and claim- ing deference. He was accompanied by his guests, the Knight of Rhodes and Monsieur Latouche, while young Berchthold Hinlermayer kept at his elbow, like one accus- tomed to be in close attendance. A small train of un- armed dependents brought up the rear. There was a seat of honor, in the clioir itself, and near the master altar, to which it was usual to admit princes and nobles of high consideration. Passing through the crowd that had col- lected at the railing of the choir, the Count inclined towards one of the lateral aisles, and was soon face to face with the Abbot. The latter arose, and slightly recognized the presence of his guest, while the whole brotherhood imitated his example, though with greater respect ; for, as we have said, it was usual to pay this homage to worldly rank, even in the temple. Emich seated himself, with a scowl on his visage, while his two noble associates found seats of honor near. Berchthold stood at hand. An inexperienced eye could have detected no outward signs of his recent defeat, in the exterior of Wilhelm of Venloo. His muscles had already regained their tone, and liis entire countenance its usual expression of severe au- thority, a quality for which it was more remarkable than for any lines of mortification or of thought. He glanced at the victor, and tlien, by a secret sign, communicated with a lay brother. At this moment the mass commenced. THE HEIDENMAUER, 117 Of nil tlic nations of Christendom, tliis, compared witli its numbers, is the least connected with the Church of Rome. The peculiar religious origin of the people, their liabits of examination and mental independence, and their prejudices (for the Protestant is no more free from this failing than the Catholic) are likely to keep them long separated from any policy, whether of Church or State, that exacts faith without inyestigation, or obedience with- out the right to remonstrate. An opinion is sedulously disseminated in the other hemisphere that busy agents are rapidly working changes in this respect, and a powerful party is anxiously anticipating great ecclesiastical and po- litical results from the return of the American nation to the opinions of their ancestors of the middle ages. Were the fact so, it would give us little concern, for we do not believe salvation to be the peculiar province of sects ; but, had we any apprehensions of the consequences of such a conversion, they would not be excited by the accidental accumulations of emigrants in towns, or on the public works in which the country is so actively engaged. We believe that where one native Protestant becomes a Cath- olic in America, ten emigrant Catholics drop quietly into the ranks of the prevailing sects ; and, witliout at all agi- tating the point of w^iich is the gainer or the loser by the change, we shall proceed to describe the manner of tlic mass, as a ceremony, that ninety-nine in a hundred of our readers have never had, nor probably ever will have, an opportunity of witnessing. There is no appeal to the feelings of man which has given rise to opinions so decidedly at variance as those which are entertained of the Roman ritual. To one de- scription of Christians these ceremonies appear to be vaia mummeries, invented to delude, and practised for unjusti- fiable ends ; while to anotiier they contain all that is sub- lime and imposing in human worship. As is usual in most cases of extreme opinit^ns, the truth would seem to lie be- tween the two. Tlie most zealous Catholic errs when he would maintain the infallibility of all who minister at the altar, or when he overlooks the slovenly and irreverent manner in which the most holy offices are so frequently performed ; and, surely, the Protestant who quits the tcni- ple, in which justice has been done to the formula of this Church, without perceiving that there is deep and sublime devotion in its rites, has steeled his feelings against the ad- ii8 THE IIETDENMAUER. mission of every sentiment in favor of a sect that he is will- ing to proscribe. We belong to neither class, and shall, therefore, endeavor to represent things as they have been seen, not disguising or affecting a single emotion because our fathers happened to take refuge in this western world to set up altars of a different shade of faith. The interior of the Abbey-church of Limburg, as has just been stated, w^as renowned in German v for its mag- nificence. Its vaulted roof was supported by many mas- sive pillars, and ornamented with scriptural stories, by the best pencils of that region. The grand altar was of marble, richly embellished witli agate, containing as usual a la- bored representation of the blessed Mary and her deified child. A railing of exquisite workmanship and richly gilded, excluded profane feet from this sanctified spot, which, in addition to its fixtures, was now glittering with vessels of gold and precious stones, being decorated for the approaching mass. The officiating priests wore vest- ments stiffened with golden embroidery, while the inferior attendants were as usual clad in white, and bound with scarfs of purple. Upon this scene of gorgeous and elaborate splendor, in which the noble architecture united with the minute prep- arations of the service to lead the spirit to lofty contem- plations, the chant of the monks, and the tones of the or- gan, broke in a deep and startling appeal to the soul. Lives dedicated to the practices of their community, had drilled the brotherhood into perfection, and scarce a note issued among the vaults that was not attuned to the desired ef- fect. Trombones, serpents, and viols, lent their aid to in- crease the solemn melody of powerful masculine voices, which were so blended with the wind instrument as to comprise but one deep, grand, and grave sound of praise. Count Emich turned on his seat, clenching the handle of his sword, as if the clamor of the trumpet were in his ears : then his unquiet glance met that of the Abbot, and his chin fell upon a hand. As the service proceeded, the zeal of the brotherhood seemed to increase, and, as it was after- wards remarked, on no occasion had the mass of Limburg, at all times known for its power in music, been so remark- able for its strong and stirring influence. Voice rolled above voice, in a manner that must be heard to be under- stood, and there were moments when the tones of the in- struments, full and united as they were, appeared drowned THE HETDENMAUER, 119 in the blending of n. Imndred human aspirations. From the deepest of one of these solemn peals there arose a strain, at whose first tone all other music was hushed. It was a single human voice, of that admixture of the male and female tones which seems nearest allied to the super- natural, being in truth, a contralto of great compass, roundness, and sweetness. Count Emicli started, for, when these heavenly strains broke upon his ear, they seemed to float in the vault above the choir; nor could he, as the singer was concealed, assure himself of the delusion, while the solo lasted. He dropped his sword, and gazed about him, for the first time that morning, with an expression of human charity. Tlie lips of young Berchthold parted in admiration, and as he just then met the blue eye of Meta, there w^'is an exchange of gentle feeling in that quiet and secret glance. In the meantime, the chant proceeded. The single unearthly voice that had so stirred the spirits of the listeners ceased, and a full chorus of the choir con- cluded the hymn. The Count of Leiningen drew^ a breath so heavy that it was audible to Bonifacius. The latter suffered his counte- nance to unbend, and, as in the case of the youthful pair, the spirit of concord appeared to soothe the tempers of these fierce rivals. But here commenced the ritual of the mass. The rapid utterance of the officiating priest, ges- ticulations which lost their significance by being blended and indistinct, and prayers in a tongue that defeated their object by involving instead of rendering the medium of thought noble and clear, united to w^eaken the effect pro- duced by the music. Worship lost its character of inspi- ration, by assuming that of business, neither attracting the imagination, inlliiencing the feelings, nor yet sufficiently convincing the reason. Abandoning all these persuasive means, too much was left to the convictions of a naked and settled belief. Emich of Ilartenburg gradually resumed his repulsive mien, and the effect of all that he had so lately felt was lost in cold indifference to words that he did not compre- hend. Even vf liouseless and irresponsible knaves ; but of men of substance, that, like thee and thy craft, pay scot and lot, keep bed and board, and are other- wise to be marked for their usefulness and natural rights ; — and this brings me to my point, wliich is neither more nor less than to say, that God hath created all men equal, and therefore it is our right, no less than our duty, to see that Uuerckheim is not wronged, esj^ecially in that part of her interests that belong, in particularity, to her substan- 214 THE HEIDENMAUER. tial inhabitants. Do I say that wliich is reasonable, or do I deceive both myself and thee, friend smith ?" Heinrich had a reputation for eloquence and logic, es- pecially among his own partisans, and his appeal was now made to one who was little likely to refuse him any honor. Dietrich was one of those animal philosophers who seem specially qualified by nature to sustain a parliamentary leader, possessing a good organ, with but an indifferent in- tellect to derange its action. His mind had precisely the description of vacuum which is so necessary to produce a good political or moral echo, more particularly when the proposition is false ; for the smallest addition to his ca- pacity might have had such an effect on his replies, as a sounding-board is known to possess in defeating the repe- titions of the voice. "By St. Benedict, Master Heinrich," he answered, *'for it is permitted to invoke the saint, though we so little honor his monks, it were well for Duke Friedrich had he less wine in his Heidelberg tuns, and more of your wisdom in his councils ! What you have just proclaimed is no other than w^iat I have myself thought these many years, though never able to hammer down an idea into speech so polished and cutting as this of your worship! Let them that deny what I say take up their weapons, and I w^ill re- pose on my sledge as on an argument not to be answ^ered. We must, in sooth, see Duerckheim righted, and more is tlie need, since there, is this equality between all men, as hath just been so well said." "Nay, this matter of equality is one much spoken of, but as little understood. Look you, good Dietrich ; give me thy ear for a few minutes, and tliou shaltget an insight into its justice. Here are we of the small towns born with all properties and wants of those in your large capitals — are we not men to need our privileges— or are we not human, that air is unnecessary for breath — I think thou wilt not gainsay either of these truths." " He that would do it is little better than an ass ! " " This being established, therefore, naught remains but to show the conclusion. We, having the same rights as the largest towms in the empire, should be permitted to enjoy them ; else is language little better than mockery, and a municipal privilege of no more value than a serfs oath." '' This is so clear I marvel any should deny it ! And THE HEIDENMAUER. 215 what say they of the villages, Master Burgomaster ? Will they, think you, sustain us in this holy cause ?" " Nay, I touch not on the villages, good smith, since they have neither burgomasters nor burghers ; and where there is so little to sustain a cause, of what matter is re- sistance. I speak chiefly of ourselves, and of towns hav- ing means, which is a case so clear, that it were manifest weakness to confound it with any other. He that hath right of his side were a fool to enter into league with any of doubtful franchises. All have their natural and holy advantages, but those are the best which are most clear by their riches and force." *' I pray you, worshipful Heinrich, grant me but a single favor, an' you love me so much as a hair?" " Name thy will, smith." *' That I may speak of this among the townsmen ! — such wisdom, and conclusion so evident, should not be cast to the winds." " Thou knowest I do not discourse for vain applause." " By my father's bones ! I will touch upon it wdth dis- cretion, most honorable Burgomaster, and not as one of vain speech — your honor knows the difference between a mere street babbler and one that hath a shop." *' Have it as thou wilt ; but I take not the merit of orig- inality, for there are many good and substantial citizens, and some statesmen, who think much in this manner." ''Well, it is happy that God hath not gifted all alike, else might there have been great and unreasonable equal- ity, and some would have arrived to honors they were lit- tle able to bear. But having so clearly explained your most excellent motives, worsliipful Heinricii, wilt conde- scend to ligliten the march by an application of its truth to the enterprise on which we go forth ? " " That may be d(jne readily, for no tower in the Palati- nate is more obvious. Here is Limburg, and yon is Duerck- tieim ; rival communities, as it were, in interests and hopes, and of necessity but little disposed to do each other favor. Nature, which is a great master of all questions of right and wrong, sayeth that Duerckhcim shall not harm Limburg, nor Limburg Duercklieim. — Is this clear ?" " Himmel ! as the flame of a furnace, honorable Burgo- master." " Now, it being thus settled, that there shall be no inter ferencc in each other's concerns, wc yield to necessity, 2t6 the HEIDENMAUER. and go forth armed in order to prevent Limburg doing wrong to a principle that all just men admit to be invio- lable. You perceive the nicety ; we confess that what we do is weak in argument, and the greater need it should be strong in execution. We are no madcaps to unsettle a principle to gain our ends, but then all must have heed to their interests, and what we do is with a reserve of doc- trine." "This relieves my soul from a mountain!" exclaimed the smith, who had listened with a sort of earnestness that denotes honesty of purpose ; "naught can be more just, and woe to him that shall gainsay it, while back of mine carries harness ! " In this manner did Heinrich and his lieutenant lighten the way by subtle discourse, and by arguments that we feel some consciousness may subject us to the imputation of plagiarisms, but for which we can vouch as genuine, on the authority of Christian Kinzel, already so often named. The high and disinterested intellect that is active in regulating the interests of the world has been so often alluded to, in other places and on different occasions, that it is quite useless to expatiate on it here. We have already said, that Heinrich Frey was a stout friend of the conserv- ative principle, which, reduced to practice, means little more than that " They shall get, who have the power, And they shall keep, who can." Justice, like liberality, has great reservations, and perhaps there are few countries in the present advanced condition of the human species, that does not daily employ some philosophy of the same involved character as this of Hein- rich, supported by reasoning as lucid, irresistible, and ner- vous. The direction in which the band of Duerckheimers pro- ceeded, led them by a tortuous way, it is true, but surely, to the side of the valley on which the castle of Hartenburg stood. Heinrich, however, brought his followers to a halt long before they had made the circuit whicli would have been necessary to reach the hold of Count Emich. The place he chose for the collection and review of the band, was about tnidway between Duerckheim and the castle, pursuing a line that conformed to the sinuosities and varia- tions of the foot of the mountain. It was in an open grove, THE HEIDENAJAUER. 217 where the shadows of the trees effectually concealed the presence of the unusual company. Here refreshments were taken by all, for the good people of the town were much addicted to practices of this consolatory nature, and the occasion must have been doubly urgent that could in- duce them to overlook the calls of the appetite. " Seest thou aught of our allies, honest smith?" de- manded Heinrich of his lieutenant, who had been sent a short distance along the brow of the hill to reconnoitre. ** It were unseemly in men so trained as our friends, to be lacking at need." " Doubt them not. Master Fleinrich. I know the knaves well ; they merely tarry to lighten their packs by the way, in consumptions like this of our own. Dost see the manner in which the Benedictines affect tranquillity, wor- shipful Burgomaster ? " " 'Tis their usual ghostly hypocrisy, brave Dietrich ; but we shall uncloak them ! Good will come of our enter- prise, for, of a truth, by this spirit on our part, which shall for ever demonstrate the necessity of not meddling in the concerns of a neighbor, we settle all uncertainties between us. By the Kings of Koeln ! is it to be tolerated, that a gownsman shall hoodwink a townsman to the day of judg- ment ? — Is there not a light in the Abbey-chapcl ? " "The reverend fathers pray against their enemies. Dost think, worshipful Burgomaster, that the tale concern- ing the manner in which thcise heaw stones were carried u{)c>n Limburg hill, has received small additions by oft tell- ing?" " It may be thus, Dietrich ; for naught, unless it may be damp snow, gaineth more by repeated rolling, than your story." " And gold," rejoined the smith, chuckling in a manner not to displease his superior, since it palpably intimated the idea he entertained of the Burgomaster's success in accumulating money, an idea that is always pleasant to those who duem prosperity of this nature to be the princi- pal end of life — *'Gold well replied increases marvellously! I am of your mind. Master Ileinrich ; for to speak truth, I much question whether the Evil Sj)irit would have troubled himself with so light an affair as carrying the smaller materials a fcjot. — As to the heavy columns, and the hewn key-stones, with other Itxids of weight, it was so much beneath his character, and may be considered as 2i8 THE HEIDENMAUER. probable. I have never contradicted that part of the legend, for it hath likelihood to back it, but — ha! here Cometh the succor." The approach of a band of men, who came from the di- rection of Hartenburg, always keeping along the margin of the hills, and within the shadows, absorbed all attention. Tliis second party was treble the force of the townsmen, like them it was armed, and, like them, it showed every sign of military preparation. When it had halted, which it did at a little distance from the band of Heinrich, as if it were not deemed advisable to blend the two bodies in one, a warrior advanced to the spot where the Burgo- master had taken post. The new comer was w^ell but lightly armed, wearing head-piece and harness, and carry- ing his sword at rest. '' Who leadeth the Duerckheimers ! " he demanded, when near enough to trust his voice. "Their poor Burgomaster, in person ; would there had been a better for the duty ! " "Welcome, worshipful sir," said the other, bowing with more than usual respect, " In my turn, I come at the head of Count Emich's followers." " How art thou styled, brave captain ? " "Tis a name but little worthy to be classed with yours, Herr Frey. But such as it is, I disown it not. I am Berchthold Hintermayer." " Umph ! — A young leader for so grave an enterprise ! — I had hoped for the honor of thy lord's company." " I am commanded to explain this matter to your wor- ship." Berchthold then walked aside with the Burgo- master, while Dietrich proceeded to take a nearer view of the allied force. It is well known to most of our readers, that every baron of note, at the time of which we write, entertained more or fewer dependants, who, succeeding to the regularly banded vassals of the earlier ages, held a sort of middle station between the servitor and the soldier. There stands a noble ruin, called Pierrefont, within a day's ride of Paris, and on tlie very verge of a royal forest, — a forest that in some of its features approaches nearer to an American wood than any we have yet met in the other hemisphere — which castle of Pierrefont is known to have been the hold of one of these warlike nobles, who did many and manifest wrongs to the lieges of the king, even in an age THE ITEIDEN'MAUER. 219 considerably later tlian this of our talc. In short, European society, just then, "was in the state of transition, beginning to reject the trammels of feudalism, and struggling to wear its bonds, at least in a new and less ti'oublesome form. But the importance and political autliority cjf the Counts of Leiningen fully entitled them to preserve a train that barons of lesser ncjte were beginning to abandon, and con- sequently all of their castles had many of these loose fol- lowers, wlio have since been entirely superseded by the regularly embodied and trained troops of our own time. The smith found much to approve, and something to censure, in the [)arty that Bcrchthold had led to their sup- port. So far as recklessness of character and object, au- dacity in acts, and indifference to moral ciiecks, were con- cerned, a better troop could not have been desired, for more tlian half of them were men who lived by the ex- cesses of the community, occupying exactly tliat position in the social scale that fungi do in the vegetable, or that sores and blotches fill in the physical economy of the species. But in respect to thews and sinews, a primary consideration with the smith in estimating the value of every man he saw, they were much inferior, as a body, to the townsmen, in whom orderly living, gainful and regular industry, had permitted the animal to become developed. There was, however, a band of peasants, drawn from among the mountains, or inhabitants of the hamlet beneath the castle walls, who, though less menacing in air, and bold of speech, were youths that Dietrich thought only required the Duerckheim training to become heroes. When Heinrich and Bcrchthold rejoined their respective followers, after the private discourse, all disccmtent was banished from the former's brow, and both immediatelv occupied themselves in making the dispositions necessary to the success of the common enterprise. The wood, in which they had halted, lav directly opjiosite to the inner extremity of the Abl)ev hill, from which it was separated by a broad and perfectlv e\eii meadow. The distance, though not great, was sufficient to render it probable, that the approach of tlie invaders would be seen by some of the sentinels, who, tliere was little doubt, the men-at-arms, lent by the Elector to the monks, maintained, were it only for their own security. Limburg was not a fortress, its impunity being due altogether to the moral power that the 220 THE HEIDENMAUER. Church, to which it belonged, still wielded, though it were so much weakened in that part of Germany ; but its walls were high and solid, its towers numerous, its edifices mas- sive, and all was so disposed that a body within, resolutely bent on resistance, might well have set at defiance a force like that which now came against it. Of all these truths Heinrich was sensible, for he had shown courage and gained experience in the defence of places, during a life that was now past its meridian, and which had been necessarily spent amid the tumults and contentions of that troubled age. He looked about him, therefore, with greater seriousness, in order to ascertain on whom he might rely, and the fine and collected deport- ment of Berchthold Hintermayer gave him that sort of satisfaction which brave men feel by communion with kindred spirits in the moment of danger. When every necessary disposition was made, the party advanced, moving deliberately to preserve their order, and conscious that breath would be necessary in mounting the steep ac- clivity. Perhaps there is no time in which the ingenuity of man is more active, than in those moments when he has a sen- sitive consciousness of being wrong, and consequently a feverish desire to vindicate his works or acts to himself, as well as to others. A deep conviction of truth, and the cer- tainty of being right, fortifies the mind with a high moral dignity, that even disinclines it to the humility of vindica- tion. Thus he who rushes from a dispute in which his own convictions cause him to distrust his own arguments, into rash and general asseverations, betrays tlie goadings of conscience rather than spirit, and weakens the very cause that it may be his wish to establish. An arrogant assumption of knowledge, especially in matters that our previous habits and education rather disqualify than teach us to comprehend, can only lead to contradiction and de- tection ;and although circumstances may lend a momentary and fallacious support to error, the triumph of truth is as certain as its punishments are severe. Happily, this is an age, in which no sophistry can long escape unscathed, nor any injury to natural justice go long unrequited. No matter where the wrong to truth has been committed — on the throne, or in the cabinet, in the senate, or by means of the press — society is certain to avenge itself for the decep- tions of which it has been the dupe, and its final judg* THE IIEIDENMAUER. 221 ments arc recorded on tliat opinion which lasts long after the specious triumphs of the plausible are forgotten. It were well that they who abuse their situations, by a reck- less disregard of consequences, in order to obtain a mo- mentary object, oftener remembered this fact, for they would spare themselves the mortification, and in some cases the infamy, that is so sure to rest on him who disre- gards right to attain an end. Heinrich Frey greatly distrusted the lawfulness of the enterprise in wliich he was engaged ; for, unlike his com- panions, he had the responsibility of advising, as well as that of execution, on his head. He had, therefore, a rest- less wish to find reasons of justification for what he did ; and as he marched slowly across the meadows, with Bercht- hold and the smith at his side, his tongue gave utterance to his thoughts. "There cannot be any manner of duubt of the necessity and justice of what we do to Limburg, Master Hinter- mayer," he said; for men usually affirm in all dubiouscases with a confidence precisely in an inverse ratio to the dis- trust they feel of the rectitude oi their cause : — "else why are we here ? Is Limburg forever to trouble the valley and the plain, with its accursed exactions and avarice, or are we slaves for shaven monks to trample on ?" " There are sufficient reasons, of a truth, for what we do, Herr Burgomaster," answered Berchthold, whose mind had taken a strong bias to the new change in religious opinions, that were then fast gaining groimd. "When we have so good motives, let us look no farther." " Nay, young man, I am certain that the honest smith here will say, no nail that lie drives into a hoof can be too well clenched." " That fact is out of all question. Master Berchthold," answered Dietrich, "and therefore must his worship be right in the whole argument." " Let it be so ; I shall never gainsay the necessity of breaking up a nest of drones." "I call them not drones, voung Berchthold, nor do I come to break them up ; but simplv to show the world, that he who would deal with the affairs of Duerckheiin, hath need of a lesson to teach him not to enter his neigh- bor's grounds." "This is wholesome, and will bring great credit on our town ! " responded the smith. " The more the pity that 222 THE HEIDENMAUER. we do not press the same matter home upon tlie Elector too, who hath of late raised new pretensions to our earnings." " With the Elector the affair may not be discussed, for his interference is of too strong a quality to call upon our manhood in maintaining the right of non-interference. These subtle questions of law are not to be learned over a furnace, but need nice capacities to render them clear ; but clear they are, — to all who have the power to under- stand them. It is more than probable, that to thee, Diet- rich, they are not so manifest ; but wert thou one of the town council, thou shouldst look into the question with different eyes." " That I doubt not, honorable Heinrich, tliat I doubt not. Could but such an honor light on one of my name and breeding — Himmcl ! the worshipful council should find a man ready to believe any nicety of this sort, or in- deed of any other sort ! " *' Ha ! There is a light at yonder loop ! " exclaimed Berchthold. "This bodes well." " Hast a friend in the Abbey ? " " Go to, Herr Burgomaster — This touches on excommu- nication ; — but I much like yon Uglit at the loop !" "Let there be silence," whispered Heinrich to those in liis rear, who passed the order to their fellows. " We draw near." The party was now at the foot of the hill. Not a sign of their approach being known had yet met them ; unless a single taper placed at a dungeon-loop could thus be in- terpreted. On the contrary, the stillness ah-eady described in the approach of Ulrike, reigned over the whole of the vast pile. But, neither Heinrich nor his companion liked this fearful quiet, for it boded a defence the more serious when it did come. They would have greatly preferred an open resistance, and nothing would have more relieved the minds of the two leaders, than to have been able to com- mand a rush, under a \\o\. discharge from the arquebusiers of Duke Friedrich. But this relief was refused them, and the whole band reached a point of the hill, under a flank- ing tower, where it became necessary to abandon all idea of cover, and to make a swift movement, to gain the road. It was the rush of this evolution which first disturbed the monks in the chapel. The second interruption proceeded from the ruder sounds of the assault, that immediately after was made upon the outer gate, itself. THE HEIDENMAUER. 2.2.^ CHAPTER XIX. " I'll never Be such .1 ghostling to obey instinct, but stand As if a man were author of himself, And knew no other line." — Coriolanus. The assailants, as has been seen, were led by the Burgo- master, and his two lieutenants, Berchthold and the smith. Close at the heels of tiie latter followed three of his own journeymen, each, like his master, armed with a massive sledge. No sooner did the party reach the gate, than these artisans commenced the duty of pioneers, with great readiness and skill. At the third blow, from Dietrich's brawny arm, the gate tlew open, and those in front rushed into the court. " Who art thou ? " cried Berchthold, seizing a man who knelt with a knee on another's breast, immediately across his passage ; " speak, for this is not a moment of trifling ! " " Master Forester, be less liot, and remember thy friends. Dost not see it is Gottlob, that holdeth the convent porter, lest the knave should use the additional bars ? There arc strangers within, and, to consult his ease, the faithless var- let hath not done his fastenings properly, else mightest thou have pounded till Duke Friedrich's men were upon thee." " Bravely done, foster-brother ! Thy signal vras seen and counted in\ ; but, since thou knowest the ways so well, lead on, at once, against the men-at-arms." " Himmel ! The rogues have bristly beards, well griz- zled with war, and may not like to have their sleep thus suddenly broken ; but service must be done — Choose the most godly of thy followers, worshipful Burgomaster, to go against the monks, who are fortified in their choir, and well armed with prayer ; while I will lead the more carnal to another sort of work against the Elector's people." While this short dialogue had place, the whole of the as- sailants poured through the gate, their officers endeavoring t(j maintain something like order among the ill-trained band. All felt the imperious necessity of first disposing of the troops ; for as resj)ects tlie monks lliemselves, there was certainly no cause of immediate apprehension. A few 224 THE IJEIDENMAUER. were left, therefore, to gunrd the gate, while Heinrich, guided by the cow-herd, led his followers toward the build- ings where the men-at-arms were known to lodge. If we were to say that the party advanced to this attack without concern, we should overrate their valor, and do the reputation of the Elector's men injustice. There was sacri- lege in the invasion of the convent, according to the pre- dominant opinions of the age ; for though Protestantism had made great progress, even reformers had grievous doubts in severing the bonds of habit and long-established prejudices. To this lurking sentiment was added the un- accountable silence that still reigned among the men-at- arms, who, as Gottlob had said, were known to be excel- lent soldiers at need. They lay in the rear of the Abbot's dwelling, and were sufficiently intrenched behind walls, and among the gardens, to make a fierce resistance. But all these considerations rather flashed upon the minds of the lenders, than they were maturely weighed. In the moment of assault there is little leisure for thought, especially when the affair gets to be as far advanced as this we are now describing. The men rushed toward the point of attack, accordingly, beset by misgivings rather than en- tertaining any very clear ideas of the dangers they ran. Gottlob had evidently made the best of the time he had been at liberty in the Abbey, to render himself master of the intricate windings of the different passages. He was soon at the door of the Abbot's abode, which was dashed into splinters by a single blow of Dietrich's sledge, when there poured a stream of reckless, and we may add lawless, soldiery through the empty apartments. In another mo- ment, the whole of the assailants were in the grounds, in the rear of this portion of the dwellings. As there is nothing that more powerfully rebukes vio- lence than a calm firmness, so is there nothing so appalling to or so likely to repulse an assault, as a coolness that seems to set the onset at defiance. In such moments, the imagination is apt to become more formidable than the missiles of an enemy ; conjuring dangers in the place of those which, in the ordinary course of warfare, might be lightly estimated, were they seen. Every one knows that the moment which precedes the shock of battle is by far the most trying to the constancy of man, and a reservation of the means of resistance is prolonging that moment, and of course increasing its influence. THE IIEIDENMAUER. 225 Every man among the hostile band, even to the leaders, felt the influence of this mysLenous quiet among the troops of the Elector. So imposing in fact did it become, that they halted in a group, a position of all others most likely to expose them to defeat, — and there was a low rumor of mines and ambuscades. Berchthold perceived that the moment was critical, and that there was imminent danger of defeat. " Follow ! " he cried, waving his sword, and springing toward the silent buildings in which it was known the men-at-arms were quartered. He was valiantly seconded by the Burgomaster and the smith, when the whole party resumed its courage, and advanced tumultuously against the doors and windows. The sounds of the sledges and the yielding of bars and bolts came next ; after which the rush penetrated to the interior. The cries of the as- sailants rang among empty vaults. There was the straw, the remnants of food, the odor of past debauches, and all the usual disgusting signs of ill-regulated barracks ; for in that day, neatness and method did not descend far be- low the condition of the affluent ; but no cry answered cry, no sword or arquebuse w\as raised to meet the blow of the invader. Stupor was the flrst feeling, on gaining the knowledge of tliis important fact. Then Heinrich and Berchthold both issued orders to bring the captured porter, who was in the centre of the assailants, before them. " Explain this," said tlie BurgoiTiaster, authoritatively ; " wliat hatli become of Duke Friedrich's followers ? " " They departed at the turn of the night, worshipful Herr, leaving Limburg to the care of its patron saint." " Gone ! whither, and in what manner ? — If thou deceiv- cst me, knave, thy saint Benedict himself shall not save thee from a flaying ! " " I pray you be not angered, great magistrate, for I say nothing but truth. There came an order from tlie Elector, as tlie Sim set, recalling his meanest warrior; for, it is said, he is sore pressed, and hath great need of succor." Tlie silence which followed this explanation was suc- ceeded by a shout, and individuals began to steal eagerly away from the main body, bent on their own designs of pillage. '' What road took the Duke's men ? " "Worshipful Heinrich, they went down by the horsc' 15 226 l^HE HEIDENMAUER. path, in great secrecy and order, and passed up the oppo* site mountain, in order to escape troubling the townsmen to open the gates at that late hour. It was their intention to cross the cedars of the Heidenmauer, and, descending on the other side of the camp, to gain the plain in the rear of Duerckheim." There no longer remained a doubt that the conquest was achieved, and the entire party broke off in bands ; some to execute their private orders, and others, like those who had already proved delinquent, to look after their own particular interests. Until this moment not a solitary straggler had gone near the chapel. As it was not the wish of those who had planned the assault to do personal injury to any of the fra- ternity, the orders had been so worded as to leave this por- tion of the Abbey for a time unvisited, in the expectation that the monks would profit by the omission, to escape by some of the many private posterns that communicated with the cloisters. But, as there no longer was an armed en- emy to subdue, it now became necessary to tliink of the fraternity. The process of sacking their dormitories was already far advanced, and the bursts of exultation that be- gan to issue from the buildings, announced that the rich and commodious dwelling of the Abbot himself was un- dergoing a similar summary process. " Himmel ! " muttered Gottlob, who from the moment of his liberation had not quitted the side of his foster-brother ; "our castle rogues are taking deep looks into the books of the most reverend Bonifacius, Master Berchthold ! It were good to tell them which are Latin, at least, lest they burthen their shoulders with learning they can never use." "Let the knaves plunder," replied Heinrich, gruffly; " as much evil as good hath come from that store of letters, and it will be all the better for Duerckheim, were the damnable ammunition of the Benedictines a little less plenty. There are those on the plains who doubt that necromancy is bound up in some of the volumes that bear a saint's name on their backs." Perhaps Berchthold might have remonstrated, had not his instinct told him, that remonstrance on such a subject, in that moment of riot and confusion, would have been worse than useless. The consequence was, that valuable works and numerous manuscripts, which had been col- \ THE HEIDENMAUER. 227 lectcd during centuries of learned ease, were abandoned to the humor of men incapable of estimating their value, or even of understanding their objects. "Let us to the monks," said Heinrich, sheathing his heavy blade, for the first time since they had quitted the wood. " Friend smith, thou wilt look to the duties here, and see that what is done is done thoroughly. Remem- ber that thy metal is well heated, and on the anvil, waiting thy pleasure ; it must be beaten flat, lest at another day it be remoulded into a weapon to do us harm. Go to, Dietrich ; thou knowest what we of the town would have, and what we expect of thy skill." Taking Berchthold by the arm, the Burgomaster led the way toward that far-famed pile, the Abbey-church. They were followed by a body of some twenty chosen artisans, who, throughout the whole of that eventful night, kept close to the two leaders, like men who had been selected for this particular duty. The same ominous silence reigned around the chapel as had rendered the approach to the quarters of the men-at- arms imposing. But here tlie invaders went against a dif- ferent enemy. With most then living, the mysterious power of the Church still possessed a deep and fearful in- terest. Dissenters had spoken boldly, and the current of public opinion had begun to set strongly against the Romish Church, in all that region, it is true; but it is not easy to eradicate by the mere efforts of reason, the deep roots that are thrown out by habit and sentiment. At this very hour, we see nearly the entire civilized world com- mitting gross and evident wrongs, and justifying its acts, if we look closely into its philosophy, on a plea little better than that of a sickly taste formed by practices which in themselves cannot be plausibly vindicated. The very vicious effects of e\-ery system are quoted as arguments in favor of its continuance ; for change is tho\ight to be, and sometimes is, a greater evil than tlie existing wrong ; and men, in millions, are doomed to continue degraded, igno- rant, and brutal, simply because vicious opinions refuse all sympathy with those whose hopeless lot it has been to liave fallen, by the adventitious chances of life, beneath the ban of society. In this mannerdtjes error beget error, until even philoso])hy and justice are satisfied with making abortive attenij)ts to j)alli;Ue a disease that a l)older juid better practice might radically cure. It will not occasioQ 228 THE HEIDENMAUER. surprise, thccfore, when we say, that both Heinrich and Berchthold h«»d heavy misgivings concerning the merit of their enterpi/^^e, as they drew near the church. Perhaps no man ever much preceded his age, without at moments distrusting Lis own principles ; and it is certain, thai Luther himself was often obliged to wrestle with harassing doubts. Berchthold was less troubled, however, than his companion, for he acted under the orders of a superior, nnd was both younger and better taught than the Burgo- master. The first of these facts was sufficient of itself, under his habits, to remove a load of responsibility from Ills shoulders, while the latter not only weakened the in- fluence of previous opinions, but caused those which he adopted to be well fortified. In short, there existed be- tween Heinrich and Berchthold that sort of difference which all must have remarked, in the advancing age in which we live, between him who has inherited his ideas from generations that have passed, and him wdio obtains them from his contemporaries. The young Forester had grown into manhood since the voice of the Reformer was first heard in Germany, and as it happened to be his lot to dwell among those who listened to the new opinions, he had imbibed most of their motives of dissent, without ever having been much subject to the counteracting in- fluence of an opposite persuasion. It is in this gradual manner, that nearly all salutary moral changes are ef- fected, since they who first entertain them, are rarely able to do more, in their generation, than to check the prog- ress of habit ; while the duty of causing the current to flow backward, and to take a new direction, devolves on their successors. In believing that Wilhelm of Venloo would be foremost in deserting his post, in this moment of outrage and tumult, tlic authors of the assault did him injustice. Though little likely to incur the hazards, or to covet the honors of mar- tyrdom, the masculine mind of the Abbot elevated him altogether above the influence of any very abject passion ; and if he had not self-command to curtail the appetites, he had a dignity of intellect which rarely deserts the mentally- gifted in situations of difficulty. When Heinrich and Berchthold, therefore, entered the church, they found the entire community in the choir remaining, like Roman senators, to receive the blow in their collective and official character. There might have been artifice, as well as mag- THE HJIIDENMAUER. 229 nanimity, in the resolution which had decided Bonifacius to adopt this course ; for, coming as they did from the scene of brutal violence without, those who entered the church were much impressed by the quiet solemnity which met them. The candles still burned before the altar, the lamps threw their flickering light on the quaint architecture and the gorgeous ornaments of the chapel, while every pale face and shaven head beneath, looked like some consecrated \vatchman, placed near the shrine to protect it from pollu- tion. Each monk was in his stall, w4th the exception of the Prior and Father Johan, who had stationed themselves on the steps of the altar ; the first as the officiating priest of the late mass, and the latter under an impulse of his governing and natural exaggeration, which moved him to throw his person as a shield before the vessel that con- tained the Host. The Abbot \vas on his throne, motionless, indisposed to yield, and haughty, though with features that betrayed great r.nd condensed passion. The Burgomaster and Berchthold advanced into the choir alone, for their followers remained in the body of the church, in obedience to a sign from the former. Both were uncovered, and while they walked slowly up the choir, scarce a head moved. Every eye seemed riveted, by a common spell, on the crucifix of precious stones and ivory that stood upon the altar. The blood of Heinrich crept under the influence of this solemn calm, and by the time he had reached the steps, where he stood confronted equally to the Abbot and the Prior, for the former of whom he had quite as much fear as hatred, and for the latter an unfeigned love and reverence, the resolution of the honest Burgomaster was sensibly weakened. "Who art thou ?" demanded Bonifacius, admirably tim- ing his question, by the indecision and the quailing eye of jiim he addressed. " By"St. Benedict ! my face is no such stranger in Lim- burg that you put this question, most holy Abbot," an- swered Heinrich, making an effort to imitate the other's composure, that was very sensible to himself, but better concealed from otliers ; " though not shaven and blessed, like a monk, I am one well known to most that dwell in or near Duerckheim ! " ** I had better said, ^ WJiat art thou?' Thy name and office are known to me, Heinricli Frey ; but in what char- 230 THE HEIDENMAUER. ficter dost thou now presume to enter Limburg church, and to show this want of reverence to our altars?" *'To speak thee fairly, reverend Bonifacius, 'tis in the character of the head-man of Duerckheim, a much-injured and long-abused town, that is tired of monkish exactions and monkish pride, and which hath at length assumed the office of doing itself justice, that I appear. We are here to-night, not as peaceful citizens bent on prayers and hymn-singing, but armed, as thou seest, and bold in the intention to do away a nuisance from the neighborhood forever." *'Thy words are as little friendly as thy guise, and what thou sayest here but too well answers to that which thy rude followers perform beyond the walls of this conse- crated spot. Hast thou well pondered on this bold step of thy town, Herr Heinrich ? " " If often pondering be well pondering, it hath been be- fore us, Bonifacius, at different meetings, and in various discussions, any time this year past." " And hast thou no dread of Rome ? " "That is an authority which lessens daily in this region, holy Benedictine. Not to deal doubly by thee, of tlie two we have most distrusted the anger of Duke Friedrich ; but that fear is diminished by the certainty that he hath so much on his hands just now that his thoughts cannot easi- ly turn to other affairs. We did not know, in sooth, that he had recalled his men-at-arms, but had counted on some angry discussion with those obstinate warriors ; and thou wilt easily comprehend that their absence hath, in no man- ner, lessened our faith in our own cause." " The Elector may regain his power, when a day of reckoning will come for those who have dared to profit by his present distress." " We are traders and artisans, good Bonifacius, and have made our estimates with some nicety. If the Abbey must be paid for — an event by no means certain — we shall count the bargain profitable so long as it cannot be re- built. Brother Luther, we think, is laying a corner-stone that will prevent the devil from ever attempting to set up that which we now propose to throw down." ** This is thy final answer. Burgomaster?" "Nay, I say not that, Abbot. Send in thy terms to the town-council to-morrow, and, if we can entertain them, it may happen that a present accommodation shall stop all THE HEIDENMAUER. 231 further claims. But what has here been so happily com« nienced, must be as happily finished." "Then before I quit these holy walls, hearken to my malediction," returned Bonifacius, rising with priestly and practised dignity ; — *'on thee and on tliy town — on all that call thee magistrate — parent " " Stay tlie dreadful words ! " cried a piercing female voice from among the columns behind the choir. " Rever- end and holy Abbot, have mercy ! " added Ulrike, pale, trembling, and shaken equally with horror and alarm, though her eye was bright and wild, like that of one sus- tained by more than human purpose : " Holy Priest, for- bear ! He knows not what he does. Madness hath seized on him and on the town. They are but tools in the hands of one more powerful than they." At the appearance of Ulrike, Bonifacius resumed his seat, disposed to await the effect of her appeal. " Thou here ! " said Heinrich, regarding his wife with surprise, but entirely without anger or suspicion. '' Happily here, to avert this fearful crime from thee and thy household." " I had thought thee at thy prayers with the poor Herr von Ritterstein, in his comfortless hermitage of the Heiden- mauer I " '' And canst thou think of the deed which hath driven the Herr Odo to this penitence and suffering, and stand here armed and desperate I Thou seest that years do not suffice to relieve a soul on which the weight of sacrilege rests ; oh ! hadst thou been with me, to witness the agony that preyed upon poor Odo, as he knelt at yonder step, listening to the mass tliat liath this niglit been said in his behalf, thou mightest better know how deep is the wound made on the heart that hath been seared by God's anger ! " "This is most strange!" rejoined the wondering Burgo- master ; " that those whom I had hoped well disposed of, and that in a manner neither to suspect nor to trouble our enterprise, slunild cross us at the moment when all is so near completion ! Sapperment ! young Berchthold, thou seest in what manner matrimony clogs the stoutest of us, th(jugh girded with the sw(jrd." "And thou, Berchthold Hintermayer, son of my dearest friend — child of my fondest hop(^, — tlnHi comest, too, on this unlioly errand, Hke the midnight rubber, stealing upon the unarmed and cuuhccrated ! " 232 THE HEIDENMAUER. " None love, or none reverence thee, more than I, Mad- ame Ulrike," answered the youtli, bowing with sincere respect ; " but wert thou to address thy speech to the Herr Ileinrich, it would go at once to him who directs our move- ments." " Then on thee. Burgomaster, will be thrown the heavi- est load of Heaven's displeasure, as on the leader of the outrage. What matters it that the Benedictines are grasp- ing, or overweening in their respect for themselves, or that some among them have forgotten their vows ? Is not this temple devoted to God ? Are not these His altars, before which thou hast dared to come, with a hostile heart and an angry purpose ? " " Go to, good Ulrike," returned Heinrich, saluting the cold but ever handsome cheek of his wife, who leaned her head on his shoulder to recall her faculties, while she firmly held his hand with both her own, as if to stay his acts ; *' Go to, thou art excellent in thy way, but what can thy sex know of policy ? This matter hath been had up before many (Councils ; and — by my beard ! — tongue of woman cannot shake the resolutions of Duerckheim. Go, depart with thy nurse, and leave us to do our pleasure." *' Is it thy pleasure, Heinrich, to brave Heaven ? Dost thou not know, that the crimes of the parent are visited on the child— that the wrong done to-day, however we may triumph in present success, is sure to revisit us in the dread shape of punishment ? Were there no other power than conscience, so long as that fearful scourge remains on earth, 'tis vain to expect immunity. Dost thou owe all 'to thy Duerckheim council and its selfish policy? Hast thou forgotten the hour that my pious parents gave thee my hand, and the manner in which thou then plighted thy faith to protect me and mine, to assume the place of these departed friends, to be father, and mother, and husband, to her thou took to thy bosom ? Is Meta — that child of our mutual esteem — naught, that thou triflest with her peace and hopes ? Lay aside, then, these hasty intentions, and turn thy mind to thine own abode ; bethink thee of those whom nature and the law condemn to suffer for thy faults, or to whom both have given the dearer right to re- joice in thy clemency and mercy." "Was ever woman so bent on crossing the noble duties of man ! " said the Burgomaster, who, spite of himself, had been sensibly moved by this hasty and comprehensive I rilE HEIDENMAUER, 233 picture of his domestic duties, and who was greatly troubled to find the means of extricating himself from the position in which he stood. — " Thou art better in thy chamber, good Ulrike. Meta will hear of this onset, and have her fears. — Go then, and calm the child ; thou shalt have such escort as bccometh my quality and thy de- serts." " Berchthold, I make the last appeal to thee. This cruel father, this negligent husband, is too madly bent on his council, and o\\ the wild policy of the town, to remember God ! But thou hast young hopes, and sentiments that become thy vears and virtue. Dost think, rash boy, that one like Meta will dare trust the last chance of happiness to a participator in this crime, when such an inheritance of guilt will be the portion that shall descend from her ovvm father ? " A stir among the monks, who had hitherto listened with an attention that vacillated between hope and fear, inter- rupted the answers of the wavering Burgomaster and his young companion. The movement was caused by the en- trance of the group, which, luitil now, had stood aloof in the obscurity of the great aisle, but which seized the mo- ment of doubt to advance into the centre of the choir. One, closely muffled, walked from out its centre, and throwing aside the cloak that had concealed his form, showed the armed person of Emich of Leiningen. The moment Ulrike recognized the unbending eye of the Baron, she buried her face in her hands, and quitted the place. She went not unattended, however, for both her husband and Berchthold followed anxiously ; nor did cither return to the work of the night, until he had seen the heart-stricken wife and mcjther luider the protection of a well-chosen company of the townsmen. CHAPTER XX. "He, who the sword of heaven will bear, Should be as holy as severe — " AFcasiirc for ATeasitre. The first glances between Emich and Bonifacius were filled with those passions which each had so long dis- sembled, and of which the reader has already had glimi> 234 THE HEIDENMAUER. ses during the more unguarded moments of the recent debauch. In the eyes of the Count, triumph mingled with liatred ; while there still remained a slight covering of artifice and caution about the lineaments of the Abbot, masks that he scarcely thought it yet expedient to throw entirely aside. *'We owe this visit, then, to thee, Herr Emich ? " said the hitter, struggling to appear calm. "And to thine owm desert, most holy Bonifacius." " What wouldst thou, audacious Baron ?" " Peace in this oft-violated valley — humility in shaven crowns — religion without hypocrisy — and mine own." "I will not talk to thee of Heaven, bold man, for the word were blasphemy in such a presence ; but thou art not vet so lost to worldly policy as to overlook the punishment of the empire. Hast thou well counted thy gold, and art thou sure thy coffers are sufficiently stored to rebuild the sainted pile which thy hand would fain destroy — or dost think thy riches can replace all that pious princes have here bestow^ed, during ages in which the Church hath been duly reverenced ? " " As to thy vessels and precious stones, reverend Abbot, it shall be my heed to preserve them to meet this demand, which haply may never be made ; and as to the cost of rebuilding the Abbey, why, the same notable workman that helped first to set it up, will owe me a good turn for punishing those that outwitted him, and sent him away without the promised boon of souls. Though, God's truth ! w^ere the fact fairly dived into, I am of opinion that Lim- burg, after all, hath sent more customers to his furnaces than all the drink ing-inns and pot-houses of the Palati- nate ! " This sally of their lord produced a general and derid- ing laugh among his followers, who now began to flock into the church from other parts of the Abbey, with the ex- pectation that there was rich plunder to be had in the sanc- tuary. It was about this time, too, that a brand was cast among the straw of the barracks, and the strong light which glared through the stained window^s very effect- ually told the monks of the inefficiency of further remon- strances. Notwithstanding his known licentiousness, and the gen- eral freedom of his life, the Abbot had imbibed from the high objects of his calling, by that secret process that ren- THE HEIDENMAUER. 235 ders even the least deserving in some measure subject to the influence of their professions, a. cast of dignity, and perhaps wc might add even of sincerity (for there is often a strange admixture of inherent faith and practical unbe- lief about the dissolute) that caused him frequently to rise to the level of his most solemn duties. A character strong and masculine as his could not be aroused without dis- playing some of its latent energies, be it for good or be it for evil ; and Emich had doubts of the result when he witnessed the manner in which his enemy succeeded in re- pressing his fierce resentment, and the expression of cleri- cal dignity and official calmness that reigned in his coun- tenance. The Abbot arose, like a prelate in the undis- turbed exercise of his functions, and raising his voice, so as to send his words to the deepest recesses of the chapel, he spoke after the manner of the peculiar rites of the Church he served. " God, in his hidden wisdom, hath permitted to the wicked a momentary triumph," he said; "we search not now into the reasons of this mysterious dispensation ; the truth will be known in His own time : — but, as servitors of the altar — as guardians of this holy sanctuary — as the sworn and professed of Heaven — as one consecrated and blessed — there remaineth a solemn, an imperative duty to perform." " Bonifacius, beware ! " interrupted the Count of Lein- ingen ; " thou dealest not now with burgomasters and weep- ing wives." "In the behalf, then, of that God to whom this shrine hath been raised," continued the unmoved Abbot, " in His holy interest, and in His holy name^ " " At thy peril, priest ! " and Emich shook, partly in anger, and partly in a terror he could scarce explain. " As his unworthy but necessary minister — as consecra- ted and blessed — gifted with the power by the head of the Church, and now required to use it, do I pronounce thee " "Where arc ye, followers of Hartenburg? Down with the silly maledictions of this mad monk ; remember ye are not trembling women, to need a Benedictine's blessing !" The voice of Emich was drowned, as well as that of the Abbot, by the noises that were now raised in the chapel. The first interruption came from a long dark instrument, that was thrust frum out of the aisle behind the throne of 236 THE HETDENMAUER. Bonifaciiis, and within a few feet of his head ; an interrup- tion that filled the whole edifice with the wild, plaintive strains of the mountains. This signal, which came from the cherry-wood trumpet of Gottlob, who rarely went abroad without this badge of his profession, was immediately followed by a general shout from the band of the Count, and by a variety of simi- lar sounds, that were raised by different instruments that had hitherto been mute. The effect of these shrill strains, echoing among the vaulted and fretted roofs, which were brightly illuminated by the growing and fierce light that now pervaded the church, and of the seeming calm of the Abbot, who ended his malediction, spite of the uproar, is left to the readers imagination. When he had finished the unheard curse, Bonifacius looked about him in gloomy observation. It was evident to his cool and instructed mind, which was far too earthly in its habits to cling to any hopes of a merely spiritual nature, that the outrage had already gone so far, as to render it more hazardous to his enemy to retreat than to advance. Signing to the community, he descended slowly, and with dignity, from his throne, and led the way from the choir. The ready monks obeyed, the fraternity walking from that extraordinary scene, in their customary silent order. Emich followed the dark proces- sion with a troubled eye, for even the conqueror regards the calm retreat of his foes wnth uneasiness, and there was an instant of painful distrust of his own purpose, as the last flowing robe vanished through a private door that led to a secret postern, by which the routed Benedictines quit- ted a mountain, where they had so long dwelt in the calm, and, we might add, in the ease, of an affluent and privi- lesred seclusion. The invaders of the Abbey took this open abandonment of the place by its ancient possessors, to be an unequivocal admission of their triumph. There is no moment so likely to produce excesses as that in which the uncertainty of strife is changed to the certainty of victory. The feelings seem willing to avenge themselves for all their previous doubts, and man is ever too ready to ascribe his successes to some inherent qualities, which give him an apparent right to abuse any advantages that may happen to be their conse- quence. The band of the castle and the people of the town, among whom a large proportion had to the last dis- THE HEIDEA'MAUER. 237 trusted the presence of the community, to which vuli:^ar opinion attributed the power of working miracles, no sooner found themseh'es, ns they believed, in undisputed posses- sion of the mountain, than tlie reaction of feeling, towhicli there has just been allusion, urged them to increase their violence, and to redouble those efforts which had momcn tarily been checked. A shout of triumph was the common signal for renew- ing the assault. It was followed by the crashing of win- dows, and the overthrow of every fixture in the body of the church that was not too solid to resist their first and ill- directed efforts, and a general mutilation of the monuments and labored statuary. Marble cherubs fell on every side, wings and limbs of angels separated from the trunks, and the grave and bearded visages of many an honored saint were doomed to endure contumely and fractures. Even the inferior altars were no longer respected, but they and their decorations were ruthlessly scattered, as if the enmity of the conquerors was transferred from those who had ad- ministered at them, to the dreaded Being in whose name the rites had been celebrated. The reader will imagine the confusion and tumult that attended a scene like this. During the uproar, Emich bur- ied his face in his mantle, and paced to and fro in the choir, which his presence, and perhaps some lingering rever- ence for the sacred spot, still preserved from violence. He was joined only by the Burgomaster and Berchthold, the remainder of the party having mingled with thcjse who were destroying the chapels and decorations of the church. Ileinrich seated himself in one of the vacant stalls, for the recent scene and the subsequent parting with his wife had shaken his resolution ; while the young For- ester advanced respectfully t(j the side of his lord. "Is the rierr Ciirgomaster " " Brother Pilgrim, good smith !" " Xay, worshiy)fiil brotiicr, and good pilgrim, there was no question of this duty in the understanding." " Hinunel ! Art such a IkuukI, Dietrich, as to need a bribe to pray in thine own interest? Do tiiat thou hast promised, for tlie penance, and in the interest of tlie monks, and then bethink tliee, like an honest artisan, of the town of wliich thou art a citizen. I never rise frcjni my kiuMjs without counting a few beads on tl)e score oi Duerckheim, and others for favor on the family of Frey." 292 THE HEIDENMAUER, " I cry you mercy, honorable Heinrich and excellent brother Pilgrim ; the wish is reasonable, and it shall be performed." The smith then counted off his rosary, making place for the Burgomaster as soon as he could conveniently get through with the duty. In the mean time, Arnolph had prayed devoutly, and with sincere mental abasement, be- fore each station. The pilgrims then arranged themselves in two lines, a form of approaching the convent of Einsiedlen that is still observed by thousands annually ; the men placing them- selves on the right of the path in single files, and the fe- males on its left, in a similar order. Arnolph walked ahead, and the whole proceeded. Then began the repeti- tion of the short prayers aloud. Whoever has wandered much througli this remarkable and wild country, must have frequently met with parties of pilgrims, marching in the manner described, and utter- ing their aspirations in the pure air, as they ascend to, or descend from, the altar of *'our Lady of the Snow," on the Rhigi, or wend their way among rocky and giddy paths, seeking or returning from some other shrine. We know of no display of human worship that is more touch- ing or impressive than this. The temple is the most mag- nificent on earth, the air is as limpid as mountain torrents and a high region can bestow, while sound is conveyed to the ear, in its clearest and most distinct tones, aided per- haps by the echoes of dells that are nearly unfathomable, or of impending masses that appear to prop the skies. Long before the party is seen, the ear announces its ap- proach by the music of the prayers ; for music it is in such a place, the notes alternating regularly between the deep bass of the male to the silvery softness of the female voice. Such was now the effect produced by the advance of our party from the Palatinate. Father Arnolph gave the lead, and the powerful lungs of Heinrich and the smith, though much restrained, uttered the words in tones impressively deep and audible. The response of the women was trem- ulous, soft, and soothing. In this manner did they pro- ceed for a mile, when they entered the street of the hamlet. An express had announced to the community of Ein- siedlen the approach of the German penitents. By a sin- THE HEIDENMAUER, 293 gular perversion of the humble doctrines of the founder of the religion, far more importance was attached to the ex- piations and offerings of princes, and of nobles of high degree, than to those which proceeded from sources that were believed to be meaner. All the dwellers of the ham- let, therefore, and most of the others that frequented the shrine, were abroad to witness this expected procession. The name of Emich was whispered from ear to ear, and many curious eyes sought the form of the powerful baron, under the guise common to the whole party. By general consent, after much speculation, the popular opinion settled on the person of the smith, as on the illustrious penitent ; a distinction which Dietrich owed to the strength of his lungs, to some advantage in stature, and particularly to the zeal which, as a hireling, he thought it just to throw into his air and manner. Among the other traditions that serve to give a popular celebrity to the shrine of our Lady of the Hermits, is one which affirms that, on an occasion it is unnecessary to re- late, the Son of God, in the form of man, visited this fa- vored shrine. He is said to have assuaged his thirst at the fountain which flows, with Swiss purity and profusion, be- fore the door of the building ; and as tlie clear element has been made to run through different metal tubes, it is a custom of the Pilgrims, as they arrive, to drink a hasty swallow at each, in order to obtain the virtue of a touch so revered. There was also a plate of silver, that had marks which were said to have been left by the fingers of Jesus, and to these it was the practice to apply tlie hand. The former usage is still universal ; though modern cupidity has robbed the temple of the latter evidence of the reputed visit, in consequence of the value of the metal which bore its memorial, Arnolph halted at the fountain, and, slowly making its circuit, drank at each spout. He was followed by all of his compani(jns. But he passed the silver plate, and en- tered the building, praying aloud initil his foot was on the threshold. Without stopping, he advanced and knelt on the cold stones before the shrine, fastening his eye the while on the carved image of Mary. The otliers imi- tated his movements, and, in a few minutes, all were kneeling before the far-famed chapel of the Divine Conse- cration. The ancient church of Einsicdlen (for the building has 294 THE HEIDENMAUEK. since been replaced by another still larger and more mag- nificent) had been raised around the spot where the cell of Saint Meinard originally stocjd. The chapel reputed to have been consecrated by angels, was in this revered cell, and the whole stood in the centre of tlie more modern edifice. Tt was small, in comparison with the pile which held it, but of sufficient size to admit of an officiating priest, and to contain many rich offerings of the pious. The whole was encased in marble, blackened by time and the exhalations of lamps ; while the front, and part of the sides, permitted a view of the interior, through openings that were protected by gratings curiously and elaborately wrought. In the farther and dark extremity of this sacred chapel, were the images of the Mother and Child. Their dresses, as is usual at all much-worshipped shrines, were loaded with precious stones and plates of gold. The face of each had a dark and bronzed color, resembling the complexi(jn of the far east, but which probably is a usage connected with the association of an origin and destiny that are su- perhuman. The whole was illuminated by strong lights, in lamps of silver gilt, and the effect, to a mind indisposed to doubt, was impressive, and of a singularly mvsterious influence. Such was the shrine of our Lady of the Her- mits at the time of our tale, and such it continues to be to this day, with some immaterial additions and changes, that are more the results of time than of opinion. We have visited this resort of Catholic devotion in that elevated region of hill and frost ; have strolled, near the close of day, among its numerous and decorated chapels ; have seen the bare-kneed peasant of the Black Forest, the swarthy Hungarian, the glittering-eyed Pied- montcse, and the fair-haired German, the Tyrolese, and the Swiss, arrive, in groups, wearied and foot-sore ; have w.atched them drinking with holy satisfaction at the seve- ral spouts, and, having followed them to the front of the altar, have wondered at the statue-like immovability with which they have remained kneeling, without changing their gaze from that of the unearthly-looking image that seemed to engross their souls. Curiosity led us to the spot alone, and at no moment of a pilgrimage in foreign lands, that has now extended to years, do we remember to liave felt so completely severed from all to which we v/ere most accustomed, as at that hour. The groups arrived in THE HEIDENMAUER. 295 scores, and, without pausing to exchange a greeting, with- out thouglit of lodging or rest, each hurried to the shrine, where lie seemed embodied with the stone of the pave- ment, as, with riveted eye and abased mien, he murmured the first prayers of expiation before the image of Mary. — But to return to the narrative. For the first hour after the arrival of the expected pil- grims of Duerckheim, not a sign of recognition, or of grace, was manifested in the convent. The officials came and went, as if none but of common character made their expiations ; and the fixed eye and swarthy face of the image seemed to return each steady g^ze, w^th supernatural tran- quillity. At length Arnolpli arose, and, as if his move- ments were watclied, a bell rang in a distant aisle. A lateral du(jr, which communicated with the conventual buildings, opened, and the whole brotherhood issued through it int(3 the body of the church. Arnolpli immedi- ately kneeled again, and, by a sign, commanded his com- panions to maintain their places. Though grievously wearied with their positions, the men complied, but neither of the females had yet stirred. The Benedictines of Einsiedlen entered the church in the order that has been already described in the proces- sions of Limburg. The junior monks came first, and the dignitaries last. In that age, their Abbot was commonly of a noble and ancient, and sometimes of a princely house ; for, in maintaining its influence, the Church has rarely been known to overlook the agency of those opinions and prejudices that vulgarly exist among men. In ever)" case, however, the prelate wiio presided over this favored com- munity possessed, in virtue of his office, the latter tempo- ral distinction ; being created a mitred Abbot and a Prince of the Empire, on the day of his consecration. During the shnv advance of the long line of monks, lliat now drew near the shrine, there was a chant in the loft, and the deep organ accompanied the words, on a low key. Even Albrecht and tii*: Abbe were much iinj^ressed, wliile Emich fairly trembled, like one that had niiwiuingly com- mitted liimself into tlie hniuls of his enemies. The head of the train swept round the little chapel, and passed with measured steps before tlie pilgrims. The Prior and the female's onlv prayed the more devoutly, but neither the Count nor the 1 ;iirgomaster could prevent their truant eyes from watching the movement. Dietrich, little schooled 296 THE HEIDENMAUER. in his duties, fairly arose, and stood repeating reverences to the whole fraternity, as it passed. When the close drew near, Emich endeavored to catch a glance of the Abbot's eyes, hoping to exchange one of those secret signs of cour- tesy, with which the initiated, in every class of life, know how to express their sympathies. To his confusion, and slightly to his uneasiness, he saw the well-known counte- nance of Bonifacius, at the side of the dignitary who pre- sided over the brotherhood of Einsiedlen. The glances of these ancient and seemingly irreconcilable rivals, were such as might have been anticipated. That of Bonifacius was replete with religious pride, and a resentment that was at least momentarily gratified ; though it still retained glim- merings of conscious defeat ; while that of Emich was fierce, mortified, and alarmed, all in a moment. But the train swept on, and it was not long ere the music announced the presence of the procession in the choir. Then Arnolph again arose, and, followed by all the pilgrims, he drew near to listen to the vespers. After the prayers, the usual hymn was sung. *' Himmel ! Master brother Pilgrim," whispered the smith to the Burgomaster, ''that should be a voice known to all of Duerckheim ! " " Umph ! " — ejaculated Heinrich, who sought the eye of Emich. " These Benedictines sing much in the same strain, Herr Emich, whether it be in Limburg, or here in the church of our Lady of the Hermits." "By my fathers! Master Frey, but thou sayest true! To treat thee as a confidant, I little like this intimate cor- respondence between the Abbots, and, least of all, to see the reverend Bonifacius enthroned here, in this distant land, much as he was wont to be in our valley. I fear me. Burgomaster, that we have entered lightly on this penance ! " " If you can say this, well-born Emich, what should be the reply of one that hath wife and child, in addition to his own person, in the risk ? It would have been better to covet less of Heaven, the least portion of which must natu- rally be better than the best of that to which we are accus- tomed on earth, and to be satisfied with the advantages we have. Do you note, noble Count, the friendly man- ner in which Bonifacius regards us from time to time ? " " His favors do not escape me, Heinrich ; — but peace ! we shall learn more, after the vespers are ended." THE HEIDENMAUER. 297 Then came the soothing power of that remarkable voice. The singer had been presented to the convent of Ein- sicdlen, by Bonifacius, to whom lie was now useless, as a boon tiiat was certain to give him great personal favor : and so it had proved ; for in those communities, that passed their lives in the exercise of the offices of the Church, the different shades of excellence in the execu- tion, or tlie greater external riches and decorations of their several slu'incs, often usurped the place of a nobler strife in zeal and self-denial. The ceremony now ended, and a brother, approaching, whispered Father Arnolph. The latter proceeded to the sacristy, attended by the pilgrims, for it was forbidden, even to the trembling Meta, to seek refreshment or rest, until another important duty had been performed. The sacristy was empty, and they awaited still in silence, while the music of the organ announced the retiring pro- cession of the monks. After some delay, a door opened, and the Abbot of Einsiedlen, accompanied by Bonifacius, appeared. They were alone, with tlie exception of the treasurer of the Abbey ; and as the place was closed, tlie interview that now took place, was no longer subject to the vulgar gaze, " Thou art Emich, Count of Hartenburg-Leiningen," said the prelate, distinguishing the noble spite of his mean attire, by a single glance of an eye accustomed to scan its equals; — "a penitent at our shrine, for wrongs done the Church, and for dishonor to God ?" " I am Emich of Leiningen, holy Abbot ! " " Dost thou disclaim the obligation to be here ? " "And a penitent ; — " the words "for being here" being bitterly added, in a mental reservation. The Abbot regarded him sternly, fcjr he disliked the re- luctance of his tongue. Taking Bonifacius apart, they consulted t(jgether for a few minutes ; then returning to the group of pilgrims, he resumed — '' Thou art now in a land that listeneth to no heresies, Herr von Ilartenburg; and it would be well to remember thy vow, and thy object. Hast thou aught to say?" Emich slowly undid his scrip, and sought his offerings among its scanty contents. "This crucifix was obtained by a noble of my liousc, when a crusader. It is of jasper, as thou sccst, nn-erend Abbot, and it is not otherwise wanting in valuable additions." 298 THE HEIDENMAUER. The Abbot bowed, in the manner of one indifferent to tlie richness of tlie boon, signing to the treasurer to accept tlic gift. There was then a brief pause. " This censer was the gift of a noble far less possessed than thee ! " said he who kept the treasures of the Abbey, w^ith an emphasis that could not easily be mistaken. " Thy zeal outstrippeth the limbs of a weary man, Brotlier. — Here is a diamond, that hath been heirloom of my house, a century. 'Tvvas an emperor's gift ! " '■' It is well bestowed on our Lady of the Hermits ; though she can boast of far richer offerings from names less known than thine." Emich now hesitated, but only for an instant, and then laid down another gift. " This vessel is suited to thy offices," he said, " being formed for the altar's services." " Lay the cup aside ;" sternly and severely interrupted Bonifacius : '^ it cometh of Limburg ! " Emich colored, more in anger than in shame, however, for in that age plunder was one of the speediest and most used means of acquiring wealth. He eyed the merciless Abbot, fiercely, without speaking. "I have no more," he said ; ''the wars — the charges of my house — and gold given the routed brotherhood, have left me poor ! " The treasurer turned to Heinrich, with an eloquent ex- pression of countenance. *'Thou wilt remember, Master Treasurer, that there is no longer any question of a powerful baron," said the Burgomaster, " but that the little I have to give, cometh of a poor and saddled town. First we offer our wishes and our prayers, — secondly, we present, in all humility, and with the wish they may prove acceptable, these spoons, wliich may be of use in some of thy many ceremonies, — thirdly, this candlestick, which though small is waranted to be of pure gold, by jewellers of Frankfort : — and lastly, this cord, with which seven of our chief men have grievously and loyally scourged themselves, in reparation of the wrong done thy brethren," All these offerings were graciously received, and the monk turned to the others. It is unnecessary to repeat the different donations that were made by the inferiors, who came from the castle and the town. That of Gottlob was, or pretended to be, the offending horn, which had so THE HEIDEIVMAUER. 299 irreverently been sounded near tlie altar of Limburg, and a piece of j^old. The latter was the identical coin he had obtained from Bonifaciiis, in tlie interview which led to his arrest ; and the other was a cracked instrument, that the roguish cow-herd had often essayed among his native hills, without the least success. In after-life, when the spirit of religious party grew bolder, he often boasted of the manner in which he had tricked the Benedictines by bestowing an instrument so useless. Ulrike made her offering, with sincere and meek peni- tence. It consisted of a garment for the image of the Virgin, which had been chiefly wrought by her own fair hands, and on which the united tributes of her towns- women had been expended, in the way of ornaments, and in st(jnes of inferior price. The gift was graciously re- ceived ; for the community had been well instructed in the different characters of the various penitents. " Hast thou aught in honor of Maria ?'" demanded the treasurer of Lottchen. The widowed and childless woman endeavored to speak, but her power failed her. She laid upon the table, how- ever, a neatly bound and illuminated missal ; a cap that seemed to have no particular value, except its tassel of gold and green, and a hunting horn; all of which, with many others of the articles named, had made part of the load borne on the furniture of the ass. " These are unusual gifts at our shrine ! " muttered the monk. "Reverend Benedictine," interrupted Ulrike, nearly breathless in the generous desire to avert pain from her friend, "they are extorted from her who gives, like drops of blood from the heart. This is Lottchen Hintermayer, of vvh(jm thou hast doubtless heard?" The name of Lottchen Hintermayer had never reached the treasurer's ear ; but the sweet and persuasive manner of Ulrike prevailed. The monk bowed, and he seemed satisfied. The next that advanced was Meta. The Bene- dictines all appeared struck by the pallid color of her cheek, and the vacant, hopeless, expression of an eye that had lately been so joyous. " The journey hath been hard upon our daughter! " said the ])rincely Abbot, with gentleness and concern. "She is yoimg, reverend Father," answered Ulrike; "but God will temper the wind to the shorn lamb." 300 THE HEIDENMAUER. The Abbot looked surprised, for the tones of the mother met his car with an appeal as touching as that of the worn countenance of the girl. '' Is she thy child, good pilgrim ?" ** Father, slie is — Heaven make me grateful, for its blessed gift ! " Another gaze from the w^ondering priest, and he gave place to the treasurer, who advanced to receive the offer- ing. The frame of Meta trembled violently, and she placed a hand to her bosom. Drawing forth a paper, she laid it simply before the monk, who gazed at it in wonder. " What is this ? " he asked. " It is the image of a youth, rudely sketched !" "It meaneth, Father," half whispered Ulrike, "that the heart which loved him, now belongs to God !" The Abbot bowled, hastily signing to the inferior to ac- cept the offering ; and he walked aside to conceal a tear that started to his eye. Meta at that moment fell upon her mother's breast, and was borne silently from the sacristy. The men followed, and, with a single exception, the two Abbots and the treasurer were now left alone. " Hast thou an offering, good w^oman ? " demanded the latter of the female who remained. " Have I an offering, Father ! Dost think I would come thus far with an empty hand ? I am Use, Frau Frey's nurse, that Duerckheim hath sent on this pilgrim- age, as an offering in herself ; and such it truly is for frail bones, and threescore and past. We are but poor town's- people of the Palatinate, but then we know w^hat is avail- able at need ! There are many reasons why I should come, as thou shalt hear. Firstly, I was in Limburg church when the deed was " " How ! did one of thy years go forth on such an ex- pedition ? " " Aye, and on many other expeditions. Firstly, I was with the old Burgomaster, Frau Ulrike's father, when there was succor sent to Manheim ; secondly, I beheld, from our hills, the onset between the Elector's men, and the followers of " " Dost thou serve the mother of yonder weeping girl ?" demanded the Abbot, cutting short the history of Use's campaigns. " A.nd the weeping girl herself, reverend, and holy and THE HEIDENMAUER. 301 princely Abbot, and, if thou wilt, the Burgomaster too, for, at times, in sooth, I serve the whole family." " Canst thou repeat the history of her sorrow ? " " Naught easier, my lord and' Abbot. Firstly, is she youthful, and that is an age when we grieve or are glad- dened with little reason ; then she is an only child, which is apt to w^eaken the spirit by indulgence ; next, she Is fair, which often tempts the heart into various vanities, and, doubtless, into sorrow, among the others ; then is she foot-sore, a bitter grief of itself ; and, finally, she hath much repentance for this nefarious sin, of which we arc not yet purged, and which, unless pardoned, may descend to her, among other bequests from her father." *' It is well. Deposit thy gift, and kneel that I may bless thee." Use did as ordered, after which she withdrew, making many reverences in the act. As the door closed on the crone, Bonifacius and his brother Abbot quitted the place in company, leaving the monk charged with that duty, to care for the wealth that had been so liberally added to the treasury of Einsiedlen. CHAPTER XXVI. — " Israel, are these men The miglity hearts you spoke of ?" — Byron. There was little resemblance in the characters of the two prelates, beyond that which was the certain conse- quence of their common employment. If Bonifacius was the most learned, of the strongest intellectual gifts, and, in other particulars relating to the mind, of the higher endow- ments, the princely Abbot of Einsiedlen had more of those gentle and winning qualities which best adorn the Ciu-is- tian life. Perhaps neither was profoundly and meekly pious, for this was not easy to men surrounded by so many inducements to Hatter their innate weaknesses : but b(jlli habitually respected the outward observances of their Cliurch ; and both, in degrees proportioned to the bold- ness and sagacity of their respective intellects, yielded failh to tlie virtue of its offices. On quitting the sacristy, they proceeded through the ^2 THE HEIDENMAUER. cloisters, to the abode of the chief of the community. Here, closeted together, there was a consultation concerning their further proceedings. *' Thou wert of near neighborhood," said he of our Lady of the Hermits, ''to this hardy baron, Brother Bonifacius ?" " As thou mayest imagine by the late events. There lay but a few arrow's flights between his castle and our un- happy walls." " Had ye good understanding of old, orcometh the pres- ent difficulty from long-standing grievances ? " " Thou art happy, pious Rudiger, to be locked, as you are, among your frosts and mountains, beyond the reach of noble's arm, and beyond the desires of noble's ambition. Limburg and the craving Counts have scarce known peace since our Abbey's foundation. Your unquiet baron fills some such agency, in respect to our religious communities, as that which the unquiet spirit of the Father of Sin occu- pies in the moral world." " And yet, I doubt that the severest blow we are to re- ceive will come from one of ourselves ! If all that rumor and missives from the Bishops reveal, be true, this schism of Luther promises us a lasting injury ! " Bonifacius, whose mind penetrated the future much far- ther than most of his brethren possessed the means of do- ing, heard this remark gloomily; and he sat brooding over the pictures which a keen imagination presented, while his companion watched the play of his massive features, with intuitive interest. " Thou art right, princely Abbot," the former at length replied. " To us, both the future and the past are filled with lessons of deep instruction, could w^e but turn them to present advantage. All that we know of earth shows that each physical thing returns to its elements, when the object of its creation has been accomplished. The tree helps to pile the earth which once nourished its roots ; the rock crumbles to the sand of which it was formed ; and even man turns to that dust which was animated that he might live. Can we then expect that our Abbeys, or that even the Church itself, in its present temporal organiza- tion, will stand forever ? " " Thou hast done well to qualify thy words by saying temporal, good Bonifacius, for if the body decays, the soul remains ; and the essence of our communion is in its spir- itual character." THE JIEIDENMAUER. 303 ** Hearken, right reverend and noble Riidiger. Go ask of Luther the niceties of liis creed on this point, and he will tell thee, that he is a believer in tiie transmigration of souls — that he keepeth this spiritual character, but in a new dress ; and that, while he consigns the ancient body to the tomb, he only lightens the imperishable part of a burden that has grown too heavy to be borne." " But this is rank rebellion to authority, and flat refusal of doctrine ! " '' Of the former, there can be no question ; and, as to our German regions, most seem prepared to incur its risks. In respect to doctrine, learned Rudiger, you now broach a thesis which resembles the bells in your convent towers — on which there may be rung endless changes, from the simple chime to a triple-bob-major." "•Nay, reverend Bonifacius, thou treatest a grave sub- ject with irreverent levity. If we are to tolerate these in- novations, there is an end of discipline ; and I marvel that a dignified priest should so esteem them ! " "Thou dost me injustice, Brother ; for what I urge is said in befitting seriousness. The ingenuity of man is so subtle, and his doubts, once engaged, so restless, that when the barrier of discipline is raised, I know no conclusion for which a clever head may not find a reason. Has it never struck thee, reverend Rudiger, that a great error hath been made from the commencement, in founding all our ordi- nances to regulate society, whether they be of religious or of mere temporal concerns ? " " Thou asketh this of one who hath been accustomed to think of his superiors with respect." " I touch not on our superiors, nor on their personal qualities. What I would say is, that oiu* theories are too often faulty, inasmuch as they are made to suit former practices ; whereas, in a well-ordered world, methinks the theory should come first, and the usage follow as a conse- quence of suitable conclusions." "This might have done for him who possessed Eden, but those who came after were com})elled to receive things as they v/ere, and to turn them to profit as they might." " Brother and princely Abbot, thon hast grappled with the dilemma ! Could we be placed in the occupancy of this goodly heritage, untrammelled Ijy ])reviously endeared in- terests, seeing the truth, naught would be easier than to make practice conform to theory ; but, being that we arc, 304 THE HEIDENMAUER. priest and noble, saint and sinner, philosopher and world- ling, why, look you, the theory is driven to conform to the necessities of practice ; and hence doctrine, at the best, is but a convertible authority. As a Benedictine, and a lover of Rome, I would that Luther had been satisfied with mere changes in habits, for these may be accommodated to climates and prejudices ; but when the flood-gates of dis- cussion are raised, no man can say to what extent, or in what direction, the torrent will flow." *'Thoa hast little faith, seemingly, in the quality of reason ? " Bonifacius regarded his companion a moment w^ith an ill-concealed sneer. ^'Surely, holy Rudiger," he gravely replied, "thou hast not so long governed thy fellows to put this question to me ! Hadst thou said passion, we might right quickly come to an understanding. The corollaries of our animal nature follow reasonably enough from the proposition ; but when we quit the visible landmarks of the species, to launch upon the ocean of speculation, we commit ourselves, like the mariner who trusts his magnet, to an unknown cause. He that is a-hungered will eat, and he that is pained wull roar ; he that hath need of gold will rob, in some shape or other ; and he that loveth his ease may prefer quiet to trouble ; all this may be calculated, with other in- ferences that follow ; but if thou wilt tell me what course the Lammergeyer will take wiien he hath soared beyond the Alps, I will tell thee the direction in which the mind of man will steer, wiien fairly afloat on the sea of specula- tion and argument." ''The greater the necessity that it should be held in the wholesome limits of discipline and doctrine." " Were doctrine like our convent walls, all would be well ; but being what it is, men become what they are." " Hovy ! Dost thou account faith for naught ? I have heard there were brothers of deep piety in Limburg. Fa- ther Johan, who perished in defence of thy altars, may go near to be canonized — to say nothing of the excellent Prior, who is here among us on this pilgrimage." " I count faith for much, excellent Brother ; and happy is he who can satisfy uneasy scruples by so pleasant an expedient. Brother Johan may be canonized, if our Father of Rome shall see fit, hereafter, and the fallen Limburg will have reason to exult in its member. Still I do not see THE HEIDENMAUER, 305 that the unhappy Johan proveth aught against the nature of doctrine, for, had he been possessed of less pertinacity in certain of liis opinions, he would have escaped the fate which befell him." *' Is martyrdom a lot to displease a Christian ? Bethink thee of the Fathers, and of their ends ! " *' Had Johan bethought him more of their fortunes, his own might have been different. Reverend Abbot, Johan hath long ceased to be a riddle to me ; — though I deny not his utility with the peasant and the fervent. But him thou hast last mentioned" — here Bonifacius leaned a cheek on liis hand, and spoke like one that was seriously perplexed — " him thou namcdst last — ihe sincere, and wise, and simple Arnolph, have I never truly comprehended ! That man appeareth equally contented in his cell or in his stall ; honored equally in his office, and on this weary pilgrimage ; whether in prosperity or in misfortune, he is ever at peace with himself and with others. Here is truly a man that no reasoning of mine hath been able to fathom. He is not ambitious, for thrice hath he refused the mitre ! He is sustained by no wild visions or deceitful fantasies, like the iinhappv Johan ; nor yet is he indifferent to any of the more severe practices of his profession, all of which are observed quietly, and seemingly with satisfaction. He is learned, without the desire of discussion ; meek, amid a firmness that would despise the stake ; and forgiving to a degree that might lead us to call him easy, but for a con- sistency that never seemeth to yield to any influence of season, events, or hopes. Truly, tliis is a man that bafffeth all my knowledge ! " Bonifacius, in despite of his acquirements, his masculine intellect, and his acquaintance with men, did not perceive how much he admitted against himself, by expressing his own inability t(j fatliom the motives of the Prior. Nor did tlie enigma appear to be perfectly intelligible to his com- panion, wluWistened curiously to the other's description of their brotlier ; mucli as we hearken to a history of inex- pHcable or supernatural incidents. " I have heard nuicli of Arnolpli," observed the latter, " though nev(M- matter so strange as tliis ; — and yet most seem to love liiin ! " "Therein is his ])()wer ! — tliougli often most ojiposed to me, I cannot say tliat I myself am indifferent to the man — By our patron saint ! I sometimes fain believe I love 20 3o6 THE IIEIDENMAUER. him ! He was among the last to desert our altars, when pressed by this rapacious noble, and his credulous and silly burghers ; and yet was he foremost to forgive the in- jury Avhcn committed. But for him, and his high influence with the Bishops, there might have been blows for blows spite of this schism that hath turned so many in Germany from our support." "And since thou speakest of the schism, in what man- ner dost thou account for an innovation so hardy in a re- gion that is usually esteemed reasonable ! There must have been relaxation of authority ; for there is no expedient so certain to prevent heresies, or errors of doctrine, as a Church well established, and which is maintained by fitting autliority." Bonifacius smiled, for even in that early age, his pen- etrating mind saw the fallacy to which the other was a dupe. " This is well when there is right ; but when there is error. Brother, your established authority does but uphold it. The provisions that are made in thy comfortable abode to keep the cold air out, may be the means of keeping foul air within." '• In this manner of reasoning, truth can have no ex- istence ! — Thou dreadest doctrine, and thou wilt naught of discipline ! " " Nay, holy Rudiger, in the latter thou greatly miscon- ceiveth me. Of discipline I would have all that is possi- ble ; I merely deny that it is any pledge of truth. We are apt to say that a well-ordained and established Church is the buttress of truth, when experience plainly showeth that this discipline doeth more harm to trutli than it can ever serve it, and that simply because there can be but one truth, while tliere are many modes of discipline ; many es- tablishments therefore uphold many errors, or truth hath no identity with itself." "Thou surprisest me! — Whatever may come of this heresy, as yet, I know of but one assault on our supremacy ; and tliat cometh of error, as we come of right." " This is well for Christendom, but what sayeth it for your Moslem — your ii re-worshipper — your Hindoo — your Pagan, and all the rest ; any one of whom is just as ready to keep out error by discipline, as we of Rome? Until now, certainly among Christians this evil hath not often happened, though even we are not without our differences : THE HEIDENMAUER. 7P1 but looking- to this advance of the printing art, and of the variety of opinions that are its fruits, I foresee that we are to have many opposing expedients, all of which will be equally well pondered and concocted to keep in truth, and to exclude error. This pretensicm of high authority, and of close exactions to maintain purity of doctrine, and what we deem truth, is well, as tlie jurists say, quoad hoc ; but touching the general question, I do not see its virtue. Now that men enlist with passion in these spiritual dis- cussions, we may look to see various modifications of the Cluu-ch, all of which will be more or less buttressed by human expedients, as so many preservatives of truth ; but when the time shall come that countries and communities are divided among themselves on these subtleties, look you, excellent Rudiger, we may expect to shut in as much error by our laws and establishments, as we shall shut out. I fear heaven is a goal that must be reached by a general mediation, leaving each to give faith to the minor points of doctrine, according to his habits and abilities." "This savors more of the houseless Abbot than of him who lately had an obedient and flourishing brotherhood!" Rudiger somewhat piquantly rejoined, Bonifacius was unmoved by the evident allusion, regard- ing his companion coolly, and like a man who too well knew his own superiority easily to take offence. His re- ply, however, would probably have been a retort, notwith- standing this seeming moderation, had not a door opened, and Arnolph quietly entered the room. The reception of the Prior, by his two mitred brethren, proved the deep respect which had so universally been won by his self-denying qualities. In the great struggle of the contlicting egotism which composes, in a great degree, the principle of most of the actions of this uneasy world, no one is so likely to command universal esteem, as he who ayjpears willing to bear the burden of life, with as little as possible of its visible benefits, by withdrawing himself from the arena of its contentions. In the great mass, an occasional retreat from the struggle, on the part of those who have few means of success, creates but little feeling of any sort, perhaps ; but when he that liath un- deniable pretensions exhibits this forbearance, he may be certain of obtaining full credit for all that he possesses, and more, even to the admission of qualifications that would be vehenienliy denied had he taken a different atti- 3o8 TlIK IIl'lIDKNMAUEl^. tudc in respect to his rivals. Such was, in some measure, the position of Fatlier Arnolph ; and Bonifacius Iiimself never struggled to resist his natural impulses towards the pious monk, having a secret persuasion that none of his virtues, however publicly proclaimed, were likely to mili- tate against his own interests. "Thou art much wearied, holy Prior," said the Abbot of Einsiedlen, offering a seat to his visitor, with assiduous and flattering attention. ** I count it not, princely Rudiger ; having lightened the way with much good discourse, and many prayers ; my pilgrims are faint, but, happily arrived, they are now fair- ly committed to the convent's hospitality." "Thou hast with thee, reverend Arnolph, a noble of high esteem in thy German country ? " " Of ancient blood, and of great worldly credit," re- turned the Prior, with reserve. "What thinkest thou, Brother Bonifacius? — It may not be prudent to make any very public manifestations of a difference of treatment, between those \\\\o seek our shrine ; but do not hospitality and such courtesy as mark- etli our own breeding, demand some private greetings. Is my opinion suitable, worthy Arnolph?" "God is no respecter of persons. Abbot of Einsiedlen." *' Can any know this better than ourselves ? But we pretend not to perfection, nor can our judgments be setup as decisive of men's merits, farther than belongs to our office. Ours is an hospitable order, and we are privileged to earn esteem, and therefore doth it appear to me not only becoming but politic to show a noble of this repute, and at a moment when heresy runs mad, that we do not overlook the nature of his sacrifices. Thou art silent, Brother Abbot ! " Tlie Abbot of Limburg listened with secret satisfaction, for he had views of his own that the proposal favored. He was therefore about to give a ready assent, when Ar- nolph interrupted him. " I have nobles among my followers, right reverend Ab- bot," said the latter, earnestly; ''and I have those that deserve to be more than noble, if deep Christian humility can claim to be so esteemed. I did not come to speak of Emich of Hartenburg, but of spirits sorely bruised, and to beg of thee, in their behalf, a boon of churchly offices." " Name it, Father, and make certain of its fair reception. THE TFETDENMAUER. 309 But it is now late, and no rites of the morrow need defeat our intentions of honest hospitality." "They in whose behalf I would speak," said Arnolph, with apparent mortification, *' are already without ; if ad- mitted, they may best explain their own desires." The Abbot signified a ready assent to receive these vis- itors, and the Prior hastened to admit them, anticipating a wholesome effect on tlie minds of his superiors from the interview. When he reappeared, he was followed by Ul- rike, Lottchen, and Meta, who came after him in the or- der named. Both the Abbots seemed surprised, for it ex- ceeded their confidence in themselves to admit visitors of that sex, at an hour so equivocal, in the more retired parts of the buildings, and they counted little on the bold- ness of innocence. " This exceedeth usage !" exclaimed the superior of Ein- siedlen. " It is true, we have our privileges, pious Ar- nolph, but they are resorted to with great discretion." " Fear not, holy Abbot," Arnolph calmly answered, **this visit may at least claim to be as harmless as that of those thou hast just named. Speak, virtuous Ulrike, that thy wishes may be known." Ulrike crossed herself, first casting a tearful eye on the pallid and depressed countenances of her daughter and of her friend. "We are come to your favored shrine, princely and pious Abbot," she slowly commenced, like one who feared the effects of her own words, "penitents, pilgrims, and ac- knowledging our sins, in order to expiate a great wrong, and to implore Heaven's pardon. The accomplishment of our wishes hath been promised by the Church, and by one greater than the Church, should we bring with us contrite hearts. In this behalf, then, we have now little to offer, since our pious guide, the Ijeloved and instructed Arnt)lph, hath taught us to omit no observance, nor hath he, iu any particular, left us ignorant of the slate of mind that best befitteth our present undertaking. But, right rever- end Al)b(jt " "Proceed, daugliter; tliou wilt find all here ready to listen," said Rudiger, kindly, obseiving that her words became choked, and that she continued to cast uneasy looks at Lottchen and Meta. The voice of the speaker sank, but her tones were still more earnest, as she con- tinued. 3IO THE HEIDT'INATAUF.R. '* Holy Benedictine, aided by Heaven's kindness, I will. In all that toucheth our pilgrimage and its duties, we con- fide entirely to the pious counsel of the learned and godly Arnolph, and he will tell you that naught material hath by us been neglected. We have prayed, and confessed, and fasted, and done the needed expiations, in a meek mood, and with contrite hearts. We come then to ask a service of this favored community, which, we trust, may not be refused to the Christian." The Abbot looked surprised, but he awaited her own time to continue. "It hath pleased Heaven to call away one dear to us, at a short summons," proceeded Ulrike, not without casting another fearful glance at her companions ; "and we would ask the powerful prayers of the community of Our Lady of the Hermits, in behalf of his soul." " Of what age was the deceased ? " *' God summoned him, reverend Abbot, in early youth." " By what means did he come to his end ? " '* By a sudden display of Heaven's power." "Died he at peace with God and the Church?" "Father, his end was sudden and calamitous. None can know the temper of the mind at that awful moment." ^* But did he live in the practices of our faith? Thou comest of a region in whicli there is much heresy, and this is an hour in whicli the shepherd cannot desert the fold." Ulrike paused, for the breathing of her friend was thick and audible. "Princely Abbot, he was a Christian. I held him myself at the font. This humble penitent and pilgrim gave him birth, and to this holy Prior hath he often confessed." The Abbot greatly disliked the manner of the answers. His brow drew over the eyes, and he turned jealous glances from Arnolph to the females, " Canst thou vouch for thy penitent ? " he demanded abruptly of the Prior. " His soul hath need of masses." "Was he tainted with the heresy of the times ? " Arnolph paused. His mind luiderwent a severe strug- gle, for, while he distrusted the opinions of Berchthold, he knew nothing that a scrupidous and conscientious judge could fairly construe into unequivocal evidence of his dere- liction from the Church, " Thou dost not answer, Prior ! " THE HEIDENMAUER. 311 ** God hath not gifted mc with knowledge to judge the secret heart." " Ha ! this grows plainer. Reverend Bonifacius, canst thou say aught of this ? " The dethroned Abbot of Limburg had, at first, listened to the dialogue with indifference. There had even been an ironical smile on his lips while Ulrike was speaking, but when Arnolph was questioned, it disappeared in an active and a curious desire to know in what manner a man so conscientious would extricate himself from the dilemma. Thus directly questioned, however, he found himself obliged to become a party in the discourse. '* I well know, princely and pious Rudiger, that heresy is rife in our misguided Palatinate," he answered; "else would not the Abbot of Limburg be a houseless guest in Einsiedlen." '"Thou hearest, daughter! The youth is suspected of having died an enemy of the Church." " The greater the errors, if this be true, the greater the need that prayers be offered for his soul." " This would be truly aiding Lucifer in his designs to overturn our tabernacles, and a weakness not to be in- dulged. I am grieved to be compelled to show this disci- pline to one of thy seeming zeal, but our altars cannot be defiled by sacrifices in behalf of those who despise them. Was the youth connected with the fall of Limburg? " " Father, he died in the crush of its roofs," said Ulrike, in nearly inaudible syllables ; "and we deem the manner of his end another reason why extraordinary masses should be said in his behalf" " Thou askest an impossibility. Were we to yield to our pity, in these cases of desperate heresies, it would dis- courage the faithful, and embolden th(jse who are already too independent." " Father ! " said a tremulous and low, but eager voice. " What wouldest thou, daughter ? " asked the Abbot, turning to Lottchen. " Listen to a mother's prayer. The boy was born and educated in the bosom of the Church. For reasons at which I do not repine, Heaven early showed its displcas- in-e on his father and on me. We were rich, and we be- came poor ; we were esteemed of men, and we learned how much better is tiie support of God. We submitted ; and when we saw those who had once looked up to us in 3T2 THE HEIDENMAUER. respect, looking down upon us in scorn, we kissed the child, were grateful, and did not repine. Even this trial was not sufficient — the father was taken from his pains and mortifications, and my son put on the livery of a baron. I will not say — I cannot say — my strength would have been equal to all this of itself. An angel, in the form of this constant and excellent woman, was sent to sustain me. Until the late wrong to Limburg, we had our hopes and our hours of happiness — but that crime defeated all. My boy hath perished by a just anger, and I remain to im- plore Heaven in his behalf. Wilt thou refuse the Churcli's succor to a childless mother, who, this favor obtained, will be ready to bless God and die ?" " Thou troublest me, daughter ; but I beg thee to re- member I am but the guardian of a high and sacred trust." " Father ! " said a second and still more thrilling appeal. " Thou too, child ! What wouldest thou of one but too ready to yield, were it not for duty ?" Meta had kneeled, and throwing back the hood of her pilgrim's mantle, the change left her bloodless face ex- posed to the Abbot's viev/. The girl seemed severely struggling w^th herself ; then, finding encouragement in her mother's eye, she was able to continue. '* I know^, most holy and very reverend Abbot," she com- menced, with an evidently regulated phraseology, like one who had been instructed how to make the appeal, " that the Church hath need of much discipline ; without which there would be neither duration nor order in its existence. This hath my mother taught me ; and we both admit it, and prize the truth. For this reason have we submitted ourselves to all its ordinances, never failing to confess and worship, or to observe fasts and saints' days. Even the mitred Bonifacius, there, will not deny this, as respects either of us " Meta delayed, as if inviting the Abbot to gainsay her words if he could ; but Bonifacius was silent. '' As for him that hath died," resumed Meta, whose voice sounded like plaintive music, " this is the truth. He was born a Christian, and he never said aught in my presence against the Church. Thou canst not think, father, that he who sought my esteem, would strive to gain it by means that no Christian girl could respect ? Tliat he was often at the Abbey confessionals I know; and that he was in fa- vor with this holy Prior, thou hast but to ask, to learn. THR IFEIDEMMAUER. 313 In going against Limburg, lie did but obey his lord, as others have often done before ; and surely all that fall in battle are not to be hopelessly condemned. If there is heresy in Germany, is it not enough of itself to endure so great a danger in life, that the dead must be abandoned to their past acts, without succor from the Church, or thought from their friends ? Oh ! thou wilt think better, holy but cruel Rudiger, of thy hasty decision. Give us then masses for poor Berchtliold ! I know not what Boni- facius may have said to thee in secret, concerning the youth, but this much would I say in his favor, in presence of the assembled earth — more pious son, more faithful fol- lower, a braver at need, a more gentle in intercourse, a truer or kinder heart than his, does not now beat in the Palati- nate ! I know not but I exceed the limits of a maiden's speech, in what I say," continued the girl ardently, a bright spot shining on each cheek amid her tears, " but the dead are mute, and if those they loved are cold to their wants, in what manner is Heaven to know their cruel need ?" "Good daughter," interrupted the Abbot, who began to feel distressed, **we \\\\\ think of this. Go thou to thy rest, — and may G(3d bless thee ! " " Nay, I cannot sleep wdiile the soul of Berchtliold en- dures this jeopardy ! Perhaps the Church will demand penance in his behalf. My mother Lottchen is no longer young and strong, as formerly ; but thou seest, father, what I am ! Name what thou w^ilt — pilgrimages, fasts, stripes, prayers, or vigils, are alike to me. Nay, think not that I regard them ! Thou canst not bestow more happiness than to give this task for poor Berchthold's sake. Oh ! hadst thou known him, holy monk, so kind with the weak, so gentle with us maidens, and so true, thou wouldst not, nay, thou couldst not need another prayer to grant the masses !" *' Bonifacius, is tliere no means of justifying the conces- sion ? " "I would speak t(j thee. Brother," answered he of Lim- burg, who, with a thoughtful countenance, awaited his companion a little apart from the others. The conference of the t\v(j jjix'lates was short, but it was decisive. "Take away the child," said the Abbot Rudiger, to Ul- rike ; " the weight of Heaven's displeasure must be borne." The Prior sighed heavily ; but he signed for the females to obey, like one who saw the uselessness of further en- 314 THE HEIDENMAUER. treaties. Leading the way, he left the Abbot's abode, his companions following ; nor did a murmur escape either while giving this proof of patient submission. It was only when Ulrike and Lottchen had reached the open air that they found the helpless girl they supported was without sensibility. As fits of fainting had been common of late, her mother felt no great alarm, nor was it long before all the female pilgrims sought the pillows they so much needed. CHAPTER XXVII. ** Fy, uncle Beaufort ! I have heard you preach, That malice was a great and grievous sin;" — King Henry PV. The social character of a Benedictine community has been mentioned in one of the earlier chapters. That of Einsiedlen, tliougli charged with the worship of altars es- pecially favored, formed no exception to the general rule. If anything, the number of distinguished j^ilgrims that frequented its shrine, rendered it liable to more than usual demands on its hospitality ; demands that were met by a suitable attention to the rules of the brotherhood. Even Loretto has its palace for the entertainment of such princes as can descend from their thrones to kneel in the " santacasa ; " for policy, not to speak of a more generous motive, requires that the path should be smoothed to those devotees who are unaccustomed to encounter difficulties. In conformity with a rule of their order, then, though dwelling in the secluded and wild region already described, the fraternity of our Lady of the Hermits, had their Ab- bot's abode, their lodgings for the stranger, and their stores of cheer, as well as their cells and their religious rites. It Avas about three hours after the interview related in the last chapter — a time that brings us near the turn of the night— that we shall return to the narrative. The scene is a banqueting-hall, or, to speak in more meas- ured phrase, a private refectory, in which the princely Abbot was wont to entertain those in whose behalf he saw sufficient reasons to exercise more than ordinary attention and favor. There was no great show of luxury in the ordinajy decorations of the place, for a useless display of THE HEinENMAUER. 315 its mcnns formed no part of the system of a community that cliiclly existed by the liberaUty of the pious. Still the hall was as well arranged as comported with the rude habits Oi the age, in tiiat secluded region — habits that con- suited the substantial portion of human enjoynients far more than those elaborate and effeminate inventions, which use has since rendered nearly indispensable to later gener- ations. The floor was of tile, not very nicely polished ; the walls were wainscoted in dark oak ; and the ceiling had a rude attempt to represent the supper given at the marriage of Cana, and the miracle of the wine. Notwith- standing it was midsummer, a ciieerful fire blazed in a chimney of huge dimensions ; the size of the apartment and the keen air of the mountains rendering such an aux- iliary ncjt only agreeable, but necessary. The board was spacious and well covered, offering a generous display of those healthful and warm liquors, which have so long given the Rhine additional estimation with every traveller of taste. Around the table were placed the Abbot, and his un- housed peer, Bonifacius ; a favorite or two of the commu- nity of Einsiedlen ; with Emich, the Knight of Rhodes, the Abbe, Heinrich Frey, and the smith. The former were in their usual conventual robes ; while the latter were confounded, so far as externals were concerned, in their dresses of pilgrims. Deitrich owed his present ad- vantage altogether to the fortuitous circumstance of being found in so good company, divested of the usual distin- guishing marks of his rank. If Bonifacius was at all aware of his character, indifference or policy prevented its exposure. Had (jue been suddenly introduced to this midnight scene, lie woidd scarce have recognized the weary pen- itent and the reproving churchman, in the jovial clieer and bo(m companionshij) of tlie hour. The appetite was already more than satisfied, and many a glass had been quaffed in honor of btjth h(jsts and guests, ere the precise moment to which we transfer the action of the tale. The jirincely prelate occupied the seat of honor, as be- came his high rank, while Bcjnifacius was seated at one elbow, and the ('ottchen and Meta, before the great crucifix of the ancient court of the convent. In the twinkling of an eye, Emich re- occupied his place on the wall, which shook with the im- petus of his heavy rush. " What meaneth this disrespectful tumult ? " angrily demanded the baron. "The hounds! — mein Herr Graf! — the hounds!" an- swered fifty breathless peasants. " Explain this outcry, Gottlob." "My Lord Count, we have seen the dogs leaping past yonder margin of the hill — here — just in a line with the spot where the Tuefelstein lies. I know the dear animals THE HEIDENMAUER. 343 well, Hcrr Emicli, and believe me, they arc truly the old favorites of Berchthold ! " " And Berchthold ! " continued one or two of the more decided lovers of the marvellous — " we saw the late For- ester, jrreat Emich, bounding after the dogs, an' he had wings ! " The matter grew serious, and the Count slowly de- scended to the court, determined to bring the affair to some speedy explanation. CHAPTER XXX. *' By the Apostle Paul, shadows to-niglit ilave struck more terror to the soul of Richard, Than can tlie substance of ten thousand soldiers." — Richard III. The consultation that now took place was between the principal laymen. The connection which the Church had so long maintained wnth supernatural agencies determined Emich, who was jealous of its again obtaining its lost as- cendency in that country, to excliide the ofliciating priests altogether from the decision he was about to take. Were we to say that the Coinit of Hartenburg gave full faith to the rumors concerning the spirit of his late Forester, having been seen engaged in the chase, as when in the llesh, we sliould probably not do entire credit to his intelligence and habits of thinking ; but were we to say that he was alto- gether free from superstition and alarm on this diflicult point, we should attribute to him a degree of philoso])hy and a mental independence wliich in that age was the property only of the learned and retlecting, and not always even of them. Astrology, in particidar, had taken strong hold of the imaginations of those who even pretended to general science ; and when the mind once admits of the- ories of a character so little in accordance with homely reason, it opens the avenues to a multitude of collateral weaknesses of the same natin-e, which seem to follow as the necessarv corollaries of the main proposition. '{'he necessitv of a ]:)rompt solution (jf the question was admitted by all of those whom the Count consulted. Many had begun to whisi)er that the extraordinary visita- tion was a consetiuence of the sacrilege, and that it was 344 "^^^ HEIDENMAUER. hopeless to expect peace, or exemption from supernatural plagues, until the Benedictines were restored to their Ab- bey and their former rights. Though Emich felt con- vinced that this idea came originally from the monks, through some of their secret and paid agents, he saw no manner of defeating it so effectually as that of demon- strating the falsity of the rumor. In our time, and in this land, a weapon that was forged by a miracle would be apt to become useless of itself ; but in the other hemisphere there still exist entire countries that are yet partially gov- erned by agents of tliis description. At the period of the tale, the public mind was so uninstructed and dependent that the very men who were most interested in defeating the popular delirium of the hour, had great difficulty in over- coming their own doubts. It has been seen that Emich, though much disposed to throw off the dominion of the Church, so far clung to his ancient prejudices as secretly to distrust the very power he was about to defy, and to en- tertain grave scruples not only of the policy, but of the lawfulness of the step his ambition had urged him to adopt. In this manner does man become the instrument of the various passions and motives that beset him, now yielding, or now struggling to resist, as a stronger inducement is presented to his mind ; ahvays professing to be governed by reason and constrained by principles, while in truth he rarely consents to consult the one, or to respect the other, until both are offered through the direct medium of some engrossing interest that requires an immediate and active attention. Then indeed his faculties become suddenly en- lightened, and he eagerly presses into his service every ar- gument that offers, the plausible as well as the sound ; and thus it happens that we frequently see whole commu- nities making a moral pirouette in a breath, adopting this year a set of principles that are quite in opposition to all they had ever before professed. Fortunately, all that is thus gained on sound principles is apt to continue, since whatever may be the waywardness of those who profess them, principles themselves are immutable, and when once fairly admitted, are not easily dispossessed by the bas- tard doctrines of expediency and error. These changes are gradual as respect those avant-couriers of thought, who prepare the way for the advance of nations, but who, in general, so far precede their contemporaries, as to be ut- terly out of view at the effectual moment of the reformat THE HErDEN-MAUER. 345 tion, or revolution, or bywliatevcr name these sudden sum- mersets are styled ; but as respects the mass, they often occur by a coup-de-main ; an entire people awakening, as it were, by magic, to the virtues of a new set of maxims, much as the eye turns from the view of one scenic repre- sentation to that of its successor. Our object in tliis tale is to represent society, under its or- dinary faces, in the act of passing from the intluence of one set of governing princi]:)lcs to that of another. Had our ef- forts been con lined to the workings of a single and a master mind, the picture, however true as regards the individual, would have been false in reference to a community; since such a studv would have been no more than foUowins: out the deductions of philosophy and reason — something the worse, perhaps, for its connccticjn with humanitv ; where- as, he that would represent the world, or any material por- tion of the world, must draw the passions and the more vidgar interests in the boldest colors, and be content with portraying the intellectual part in a very subdued back- ground. We know not that any will be disposed to make the rcllection tliat our labors are intended to suggest, and without which they w'ill scarcely be useful ; but, while we admit the imperfection of what has been here done, we feel satisfied that he who does consider it coolly and in candor, will be disposed to allow that our picture is sufficiently true for its (object. We have written in vain, should it now be necessary to dwell on the nature of the misgivings that harassed the minds of the Count and Ileinrich, as they descended the hill of Limburg at the head of tlie new procession. Policy, and the determination to secure advantages that had been so dearly obtained, urged them on; while doubt and all the progeny of ancient prejudices contrib- uted to their distrust. The people advanced much in tlie same order as that ii\ which they had ascended tcj the ruins cjf the Abbey, The pilgrims were in front, followed closely by the parochial priests and their choirs; while the rest succeeded in an eager, treml)ling, curious, and devout crowd. Religious change existed, as yet, ratlier in doctrine, and among the few, than in the practices of the many; and all the rites, it will be remembered, were those usually observed by the Church of Rome on an occasion of exorcism, or of an especial supplication to be released from a niysteriuus dis' 346 THE HEIDENMAUER. play of Heaven's displeasure. The Count and Heinrich, as became their stations, walked boldly in advance ; for, whatever might have been the extent and nature of their distrust, it was wisely and successfully concealed from all but themselves — even the worthy Burgomaster entertained a respectful opinion of the noble's firmness, and the latter much wondering at a man of Heinrich's education and habits of life being able to show a resolution that he thought more properly belonged to philosophy. They passed up towards the plain of the Heidenmauer, by the hollow way that has already been twice mentioned in these pages — once in the Introduction, and again as the path by which Ulrike descended on her way to the Abbey, on the night of its destruction. Until near the summit, nothing occurred to create new uneasiness ; and as the choristers increased the depth of their chant, the leaders began to feel a vague hope of escaping from farther interruption. As the moments passed, the Count breathed freer, and he already fancied that he had proved the Heidenmauer to be a spot as 'harmless as any other in the Palatinate. "You have often pricked courser over this wild com- mon of the Devil, noble and fearless Count," said Hein- rich, when they drew near the margin of the superior plain. '* One so accustomed to its view is not easily troub- led by the cries and vagaries of a leash of uneasy dogs, though they might be kennelled beneath the shades of the Teufelstein ! " "Thou mayest well say often, good Heinrich. When but an urchin, my excellent father was wont to train his chargers on this height, and it was often my pleasure to be of the party. Then our hunts frequently drove the deer from the cover of the chases to this open ground " The Count paused, for a swift, pattering rush, like that of the feet of hounds beating the ground, was audible, just above their heads, though the ^Ci^^ of the mountain still kept the face of the level ground from being seen. Spite of their resolution, the two leaders came to a dead halt — a delay which those in the rear were compelled to imitate. "The common hath its tenants, Herr Frey," said Emich, gravely, but in a tone of a man resolute to struggle for his rights ; " it will soon be seen if they are disposed to admit the sovereignty of their feudal lord." Without waiting for an answer, the Count spite of him* THE HEIDENMAUER. 347 self muttered an avc, and mounted with sturdy limbs to the summit. The first glance was rapid, uneasy and dis- trustful ; but nothing rewarded the look. The naked rock of the Teufelstein lay in the ancient bed — where it had probably been left, by some revolution of the earth's crust, tiiree thousand years before — gray, solitary, and weather- worn as at this hour ; the grassy common had not a hoof or foot over the whole of its surface ; and the cedars of the deserted camp sighed in the breeze, as usual, dark, melancholy, and suited to the traditions which had given them interest. " Here is nothing!" said the Count, drawing a heavy breath, wdiich he would fain ascribe to the difficult}' of the ascent. *' Herr von Hartenburg, God is here, as he is among the hills we have lately quitted — on that fair and wide plain below— and in thy hold " "Prithee, good Ulrike, we will of this another time. We touch now on the destruction of a silly legend, and of some recent alarms." At a wave of his hand the procession proceeded, taking the direction of the ancient gateway of the camp, the choir renewing its chant, and the same leaders always in advance. It is not necessary to say that the Hcidenmauer was ap- proached on this solemn occasion with beating hearts. No man of reflection and proper feeling can ever visit a spot like tills without fancying a picture tliat is fraught with pleasing melancholy. The certainty that he has before his eyes the remains of a work, raised by the hands of be- ings who existed so many centuries before him in that great chain of events which unites the past with the pres- ent, and that his feet tread earth that has been trodden equally by the Roman and the Hun, is sufficient of itself to raise a train of thought allied to the wc^nderful and grand. But to these certain and natural sensations was now added a dread of omnipotence and tlie apprehension of instantly witnessing some supernatural effect. Not a word was uttered, until Emich and the Burgo- master turned to pass the pile of stones which mark the position of the ancient wall, by means of tlie gateway already named, when the former, encouraged by the trau quill ity, again spoke. " The ear is often a treacherous companion, friend Bur- 348 THE HEIDENMAUER, gomaster," he said, ''and like the tongue, unless duly watched, may lead to misunderstandings. No doubt we both thought, at the moment, that we heard the feet of hounds beating the earth, as on a hunt ; thou now seest, by means of one sense, that the other hath served us false. But we approach the end of our little pilgrimage, and w^e will halt, while I speak the people in explanation of our opinions and intentions." Heinrich gave the signal, and the choir ceased its chant, while the crowd drew near to listen. The Count both saw and felt that he touched the real crisis, in the further- ance of his own views, as opposed to those of the brother- hood, and he determined, by a severe effort, not only to overcome his enemies, but himself. In this mood, he spoke. "Ye are here, my honest friends and vassals," he com* menced, " both as the faithful who respect the usefulness of the altar when rightly served, and as men who are dis- posed to see and judge for themselves. This camp, as ye witness by its remains, was once occupied by armed bands of warriors who, in their day, fought and fortified, suffered and were happy, bled and died, conquered or were van- quished, nuich as we see those who carry arms in our own time, perform these several acts, or submit to these several misfortunes. The report that their spirits frequent this spot, is as little likely to be true, as that the spirits of all who have fallen with arms in their hands remain near the earth that hath swallowed their blood ; a belief that would leave no place in our fair Palatinate without its ghostly tenant. As for this late alarm, concerning my forester, poor Berchthold Hintermayer, it is the less probable from the character of the youth, who well knew when living the disrelish I have for all such tales, and my particular desire to banish them altogether from the Jaegerthal, as well as from his known modesty and dutiful obedience. You see plainly that here are no dogs " Emich met with a startling contradiction. Just as his tongue, which was getting fluent with the impunity that had so far attended his declarations, uttered the latter word, the long drawn cries of hounds were heard. Fifty strong German exclamations escaped the crowd, which waved like a troubled sea. The sounds came from among the trees in the very centre of the dreaded Heidenmauer, and seemed only the more unearthly from rising beneath that gloomy canopy of cedars. Tllii IIEIDENMAUER. 345 ** Let us go on ! " cried tlic Count, excited nearly to mad- ness, and seizing the handle of his s\V(jrd with iron grasp. '* 'Tis but a hound! Some miscreant hath loosened the dog from his leash, and he scents the footsteps of his late master, who had the habit of visiting the holy hermit that dwelt here of late " "Hush!" interrupted Lottchen, advancing hurriedly, and with a wild eye, from the throng of females. " God is about to reveal his power for some great end I I know — I know — that footstep " She was fearfully interrupted, for while speaking, the hounds rushed out of the grove, in the swift, mad manner common to the animal, and made a rapid circuit around the form of the dazzled and giddy woman. In the next moment, a tottering wall gave way to the powerful leap of a human foot, and Lottchen lay senseless on the bosom of her son ! We draw a veil before the sudden fear, the general sur- prise, the tears, the delight, and the more regulated joy of the next hour. At the end of that period, the scene had altogether changed. The chant was ended, the order (;f the proces- sion was forgotten, and a burning curiosity had taken place of all sensations of superstitious dread. But the au- thority of Emich had driven the crowd back upon the common of the Teufelstein, where it was compelled to con- tent itself, for the moment, with conjectures, and with tales of similar sudden changes from the incarnate to the carnate, that were reputed to have taken place in the eventful his- tory of the borders of the Rhine. The principal group of actors had retired a little within the cover of the cedars, where, favoied bv the walls and the trees, they remained unseen from without. Young Berchthold was seated on a fragment oi fallen wall, suj)- porting his still half-increduhnis mother in his arms, a position which he had received the Count's j^eremptorv, but kind orders to occupy. Mcta was kneeling before Lottchen, whose liand she held in hei- own, though the bright eye and glowing face of the girl follov.ed, wilii un- disguised and ingenuous interest, every glance and move- ment of tiie countenance of the youth. The emotions of that hour were tc^o powerful for concealment, and had there been any secret concerning her sentiments, surprise and the sudden burst of feeling that was its consequence, 3SO THE IIEIDENMAUER. would have wrung it from her heart. Uh-ikc kneeled too, supporting the head of her friend, but smiling and happy. The Knight of Rhodes, the Abbe, Heinrich, and the smith, paced back and forth, as sentinels, to keep the curious at a distance, though occasionally stopping to catch sentences of the discourse. Emich leaned on his sword, rejoicing that his apprehensions were groundless, and we should do injustice to his rude but not ungenerous feelings, did we not say, glad to find that Berchthold was still in the flesh. When we add that the dogs played their frisky gambols around the crowd on the common, which could hardly yet believe in their earthly character, our picture is finislied. The deserving of this world may be divided into two great classes ; the actively and the passively good. Uhike belonged to the former, for tliough she felt as strongly as most others, an instinctive rectitude rarely failed to sug- gest some affirmative duty for every crisis that arrived. It was she, then (and we here beg to tell the reader plainly, she is our heroine), that gave such a direction to the dis- course as was most likely to explain what was unknov»m, without harassing anew feelings that had been so long and so sorely tried. " And thou art now absolved from thy vow, Berchthold !" she asked, after one of those short interrupticms, in which the exquisite happiness of such a meeting was best ex- pressed by silent sympathy. " The Benedictines have no longer any claim to thy silence ? " " They set the return of the pilgrims as their own period, and, as I first learned the agreeable tidings by seeing you all in the procession, I had called in the hounds, who were scouring the chase, and was about to hurry down to pre- sent myself, when 1 met you all at the gateway of the camp. Our meeting would have taken place in the valley, but that duty required me first to visit the Herr Odo Von Ritterstein^ — " ''The Herr Von Ritterstein !" exclaimed Ulrike, turn- ing pale. " What of my ancient comrade, the Herr Odo, boy ? " demanded Emich. " This is the first we have heard of him since the night the Abbey fell." " I have told my tale badly," returned Berchthold, laugh- ing and blushing, for he was neither too old nor too prac- tised to blush, '' since I have forgotten to name the Herr Odo." THE IIEIDEXMAUEK. 351 ** Thou told us of a companion," rejoined his mother, glancing a look at Ulrike, and raising herself from tiie sup- port of her son, instinctively aliv^e to her friend's embar- rassment, " but thou called him merely a religious." " I should have said the holy Hermit, whom all now • know to be the Baron Von Ritterstein. When obliged to fly from the falling roof, I met the Herr Odo kneeUng be- fore an altar, and recalling the form of one who had shown me much favor, it was he that I dragged with me to the crypt. — I surely spoke of our wounds and helpless- ness !" "True ; but without naming tliy companion." "It was the Herr Odo, Heaven l)e praised ! When the monks found us, on the following day, unable to resist, and weakened with hunger and loss of blood, we were secretly removed together, as ye have heard, and cared for in a manner to restore us both, in go(Kl time, to our strength and to the use of our limbs. Why tlie Benedictines chose to keep us secret, I know not ; but this silly tale of the su- pernatural huntsman, and of dogs loosened from their leash, would seem to prove that they liad hopes of still working on the superstition of the country." " Wilhelm of Venloo had nought to do wMth this ! " ex- claimed Emich, who had been musing deeply. " The un- derlings have continued the game after it was abandoned by their betters." " This may be so, my good Lord ; for I thought Father Bonifacius more than disposed to let us depart. But we were kept until the matters of the compensation and of the pilgrimage were settled. They found us easy abettors in their plot, if plot to work upon the fears of Duerckheim was in their policy ; for when they pledged their faith that my two mothers and dearest Meta had been let into the secret of ouv safety, I felt no extraordinary haste to quit leeches so skilful, and so likely to make a speedy cure of our hurts." "And did Bonifacius afllrm this lie ? " " I say not the Ablx^t, my Lord Count, but most cer- tainly the Brothers Cuno and Siegfried said all this and more — the malediction of a wronged son, and of a most foully treated mother " His mouth was stopped by the hand of Meta. " We will forgive past sorrow for the present joy," mur- mured the weeping girl. 352 THE HEIDENMAUER. The angry and flushed brow of Berchthold grew more cahii, and the discourse continued in a gentler strain. Emich now walked away to join the Burgomaster, and together they endeavored to penetrate the motives which had led the monks to practise their deception. In the possession of so effectual a key, the solution of the prob- lem was not difficult. The meeting of Bonifacius and the Count of Einsiedlen had been maturely planned, and the uncertain state of the public mind in the valley and town was encouraged as so much make-weight in the final settlement of the Convent's claims ; for in that age, the men of the cloisters knew well how to turn every weak- ness of humanity to good purpose, so far as their own in- terests were concerned. CHAPTER XXXI. 'Tis over, and her lovely cheek is now On her hard pillow." — Rogers. On the following morning the Count of Hartenburg took horse at an early hour. His train, however, showed that the journey was to be short. But Monsieur Latouche, who mounted in company, wore the attire and furniture of a traveller. It was in truth the moment when Emich, having used this quasi churchman for his own ends, w^as about to dismiss him, with as much courtesy and grace as the circumstances seemed to require. Perhaps no picture of the different faces presented by a Church that had so long enjoyed an undisputed monopoly in Christendom, and which, as a consequence, betrayed so strong a tendency to abuses, would have been complete without some notice of such characters as the Knight of the Cross and the Abbe ; and it was, moreover, our duty, as faithful chroniclers, to speak of things as they existed, although the accessories might not have a very capital connection with the interest of the principal subject. But here our slight relations with the Abbe are to cease altogether, his host having treated him, as many politic rulers treat others of his pro- fession, purely as the instrument of his own views. Al- brecht of Viederbach was. prepared to accompany his boon associate far as Manheim, but with the intention to return, THE HEIDEiYMAUER. 353 the unsettled state of liis order, and liis consanjiTuinity with the Count, renderini^ such a course both expedient and agreeable. Young Berchthold, too, was in the saddle, his lord having, by especial favor, commanded the Forester to keep at his crupper. The cavalcade ambled slowly down the Jaegerthal, the Count courteously endeavoring to show tlie departing Abbe, by a species of misty logic that appears to be the poetical atmosphere of diplomacy, that he was fully justi- fied by circumstances for effecting all that had been done, and the latter acquiescing as readily in his conclu- sions as if he did not feel that he had been an egregious dupe. " Thou wilt see this matter rightly represented among thy friends, Master Latouche," concluded the Baron — *• should there be question of it, at the court of thy Fran- cis : — whom may Heaven quickly restore to his longing people — the right valiant and loyal Prince and gentle- man !" " I will take upon myself, high-bo«rn and ingenuous Emich, to see thee fully justified, whenever there shall be discussion of thy great warfare and exquisite policy at the court of France. Nay — by the mass ! should our jurists, or our statesmen take upon themselves to prove to the world that thy house hath been wrong in this immortal enterprise, I pledge thee my faith to answer their reasons, both logically and politically, to their eternal shame and confusion." As Monsieur Latouche uttered this promise with an un- equivocal sneer, he thought himself fully avenged for tiie silly part he had been made to act in the Count's intrigues. At a later day he often told the tale, always concluding with a recital of this bold and ironical allusion to the petty history of the Jaegerthal, which not only he, but a certain portion of his listeners, seemed to think gave him alto- gether the best of the affair. Satisfied with his success, the Abbe pricked on, to repeat it to the knight, who laughed in his sleeve at his friend wliile he most extt^llcd his wit, the two riding ahead in a matuicr to leave Emich an occasion to speak in confidence with liis Forester. "Hast treated of this affair with llciniicli, as 1 bid thee, boy ?" demanded the Count, in a manner between author- ity and affection, that he was much accustomed to use with Berchthold. 23 354 * ^^^^ IIEIDENMAUER. '* I have, my Lord Count, and right pressingly, as my heart urged, but with little hope of benefit." "How? — Doth the silly burgher still count upon his marks, after what hath passed ! Didst tell him of the in- terest I take in the marriage, and of my intent to name thee to higher duties, in my villages ? " " None of these favors were forgotten, or aught else that a keen desire could suggest, or a willing memory re- call." " What answer had the burgher ? " Berchthold colored, hesitating to reply. It was only when Emich sternly repeated the question, that the truth was extorted from him : for naus^ht but truth would one SO loyal consent to use. "He said, Herr Count, that if it was your pleasure to name a husband for his child, it should also be your pleas- ure to see that he was not a beggar. I do but give the words of the Herr Frey ; for which liberty, I beg my lord to hold me free of all disrespect." " The niggardly, miser ! These hounds of Duerckheim shall be made to know their master — But be of cheer, boy ; our tears and pilgrimages shall not be wasted, and thou shalt soon wive with a fairer and better, as becometh him I love." " Nay, Herr Emich, I do beseech and implore " " Ha ! Yon is the drivelling Heinrich seated on a rock of this ravine, like a vidette watching the marauders ! Prick forward, Berchthold, and desire my noble friends to tarry at the Town-Hall making their compliments ; — as for thee, thou mayest humor thy folly, and greet the smiling 'face of the pretty Meta the while." The Forester dashed ahead like an arrow : while the Count reined his own courser aside, turning into that ra- vine by which the path led to the Heidenmauer, when the ascent was made from the side of the valley. Emich was soon at the Burgomaster's side, having thrown his bridle to a servitor that followed. " How is this, brother Heinrich ! " he cried, displeasure disappearing in habitual policy and well practised manage- ment — "art still bent on exorcism, or hast neglected some offices, in yester's pilgrimage ?" " Praised be St. Benedict, or Brother Luther ! — for I know not fairly to which the merit is most due — our Duerckheim is in a thrice happy disposition, as touching THE IIEIDEN-MAUER. 355 all witchcraft, and devilry, or even churchly miracles. Tliis mystery of the hounds being so happily settled, the public mind seemcth to have taken a sudden change, and from sweating in broad daylight at the nestling oi a mouse, or the hop of a cricket, our crones are ready to set demon- ology and Lucifer himself at defiance." "The lucky clearing up of that difficulty will, in sooth, do much to favor the late Saxon opinions and may go near to set the monk of Wittenberg firmly upon his feet, in our country. Thou seest, Heinrich, that a dilemma so unriddled is worth a library of musty Latin maxims." '^ That is it, Ilcrr Emich, and the more especially as we are a reasoning town. Our minds once fairly enlightened, it is no easy matter to throw them into the shade again. It was seen how sorely the best of us were troubled with a couple of vagrant dogs so lately as yesterday, and now I much question if the whole of the gallant pack would so much as raise a doubt ! We have had a lucky escape, Lord Count, for another day of uncertainty would have gone nigh to set up Limburg church again, and that without the masonry of the devil. There is naught so potent in an argument, as a little apprehension of losses or of plagues throw^n into the scale. Wisdom weighs light against profit or fear." '* It is well as it is, though Limburg roof will never again cover Limburg wall, friend Heinrich, while an Emich rules in Ilartenburg and Duerckhcim." — The Count saw the cloud on the Burgomaster's brow as he uttered the latter word, and slapping him familiarly on a shoulder, he added so quickly as to prevent reflection : — " But how now, Ilerr Frey ; why art at watch in this solitary ravine ?" Heinrich was flattered by the noble's condescension, and not displeased to have a listener io his tale. First looking about him to see that no one could overhear their discourse, he answered on a lower kev, in the manner in which com- munications that need confidence are usuailv made. "You know, llerr Emich, this weakness of Ulrike, con- cerning hermitages and monks, altarsand saints' days, witli all those other practices of which we mav now reasonably expect to be quit, sinc(! late rumors sp<'ak niarv(^ls of Lu- ther's success. Well, the good woman would have a wish to come upon the Heidenmauc^r this morning, and as there liad been some warm argument between us, and the poor wife had wept much concerning marrying our child with 3S6 THE IIEIDENMAUER. young Berchthold, a measure out of all prudence and reason, as you must see, nobly-born Count, I was fain wil- ling to escort her thus far, that she might give vent to her sorrow in godly discourse with the hermit." " And Ulrike is above, in the cedars, with the anchorite ? " *' As sure as I am here waiting her return. Lord Count." ** Thou art a gallant husband, Master Frey ! — Wert wont of old to resort much with the Herr Odo Von Ritterstein — he who playeth this masquerade of penitence and seclu- sion ? " " Sapperment ! — I never could endure the arrogant ! Bat Ulrike fancieth he hath qualities that are not so evil, and a woman's taste, like a child's humors, is easiest altered by giving it scope." Emich laid both hands on the shoulders of his companion, looking him full and earnestly in the face. The glances that were exchanged in this attitude, were pregnant with meaning. That of the Count expressed the distrust, tlie contempt, and the wonder of a man of loose life, while that of the Burgomaster, by appearing to reflect tlie character of the woman who had so long been his wife, expressed volumes in her favor. No language could have said more for Ulrike's principles and purity, than the simple, hearty, and unalterable confidence of the man who necessarily had so many opportunities of knowing her. Neither spoke, until the Count, releasing his grasp, walked slowly up the mountain, saying in a voice which proved how strongly he felt— " I would thy consort had been noble, Heinrich ! " " Nay, my good lord," answered the Burgomaster, " the wish were scarcely kind to a friend ! In that case, I could not have wived the Frau." "Tell me, good Heinrich — for I never heard the history of thy love — wert thou and thy proposal well received, when first offered to the viro^in heart of Herr Hailtzineer's daughter?" The Burgomaster was not displeased with an opportu- nity of alluding to a success that had made him the envy of his equals. "The end must speak for the means, Herr Count," he answered chuckling. " Ulrike is none of your free and froward spirits to jump out of a window, or to meet a youth more than half-way, but such encouragement as be- cometh maiden diffidence was not wanting, or mine own THE HEIDENMA UER. 357 ill opinion of myself might have kept me a bachelor to this hour." Eniich chafed to hear such language coming from one he so little respected, and applied to one he had really loved. The effort to swallow his spleen produced a short silence, of which we shall avail ourselves to transfer this scene to the hut of the lieriuit, where there was an interview that proved decisive of the future fortunes of several of the characters of our tale. The day which sticceeded the restoration of Berchthold had been one of general joy and felicitation in Duerck- heim. There was an end to the doubts of the timid and superstitious, concerning an especial and an angry visita- tion from Heaven, as a merited punishment for overturn- ing the altars of the Abbey, and few were so destitute of good feeling, not to sympathize in the happiness of those who had so bitterly mourned the fancied death of the For- ester. As is usual in cases of violent transitions, the reac- tion helped to lessen the influence of the monks, and even those most inclined to doubt \vere now encouraged to hope that the religious change, which was so fast gaining ground, might not produce all the horrors that had been dreaded. Heinrich has revealed the nature of the discussion that took place between himself and his wife. The latter liad endeavored in vain to seize the favorable moment to work upon the feelings of the Burgomaster, in the interests uf the lovers ; but though sincerely glad that a youth who had shown such mettle in danger was not the victim of his courage, Heinrich was not of a temperament to let any admiration of generous deeds affect the settled policy of a •whole life. It was at the close of this useless and painful conference, that the mother suddenly demanded jicrmis- sion of her husband to visit the hermit, who had been left, as before the recent events, in undisturbed possession of the dreaded Heidenmauer. Any other than a man constituted like Heinrich migli(. at such a moment, have heard this request witli distrust. Hut strong in his opinifm of himself, and acrustomed to c-oiilidc in his wife, the obstinate Burgomaster haiK-d the applica- tion as a means of relieving him from a discussion, in which, while he scarce knew how ]:)lausil)ly to defend his opinion, he was resolutely determined not to yield. The manner in which he volunteered tw accompany his wife, 358 THE HEIDEiYMAUER. and in which he remained patiently awaiting her return, and the commencement of his dialogue with Emich are known. With this short explanation, we shall shift the scene to the hut of the anchorite. Odo of Ritterstein was pale with loss of blood from the w^ounds received from a fragment of the falling roof, but paler still by the force of that inward fire which con- sumed him. The features of his fair and gentle compan- ion were not bright, as usual, though naught could rob Ulrike of that winning beauty which owed so much of its charm to expression. Both appeared agitated with what had already passed between them, and perhaps still rriore by those feelings, which each had struggled to conceal. '' Thou hast indeed had many moving passages in thy life, Odo," said the gentle Ulrike, who was seemingly listen- ing to some recital from the other's lips ; "and this last mi- raculous escape from death is among the most wonderful." " That I should have perished beneath the roof of Lim- burg, on the anniversary of my crime, and with the fall of those altars I violated, would have been so just a manifes- tation of Heaven's displeasure, Ulrike, that even now I can scarce believe I am permitted to live ! Thou then thought in common with others, that I had been released from this life of woe ? " " Thou lookest with an unthankful eye at what thou hast of hope and favor, or thou wouldst not use a term so un- grateful in speaking of thy sorrows. Remember, Odo, that our joys, in this being, are tainted with mortality, and that thy unhappiness does not surpass that of thousands who still struggle with their duties." " This is the difference between the unquiet ocean and tranquil waters — between the oak and the reed ! The cur- rent of thy calm existence may be ruffled by the casual in- terruption of some trifling obstacle, but the gentle surface soon subsides, leaving the element limpid and without stain ! Thy course is that of the flowing and pure spring, while m|ne is the torrent's mad and turbulent leaps. Thou Jiast indeed well said, Ulrike, God did not form us for each other!'' " Whatever nature rnay have done towards suiting our dispositions and desires, Odo, Providence and the world's usages ha,ve interpose^ to defeat." The hermit gazed at the piild speaker with eyes so fixed and dazzling, that she bowed her gvvn look to the earth. THE IIEIDEN'MAUER. 359 "No," he murmured rapidly, " Heaven and earth have different destinies — the lion and the lamb different in- stincts ! " " Nay, I will none of this disreputable depreciation of thyself, poor Odo. That thou hast been erring, we shall not deny — for wlio is without reproach ? — but that thou meritest these harsh epithets, none but thyself would vent- ure to affirm." " I have met with many enigmas, Ulrikc, in an eventful and busy life — I have seen those who worked both good and evil — encountered those who have defeated their own ends by their own wayward means — but never have I known one so devoted to the right, that seemed so dis- posed to extenuate the sinner's faults ! " " Then hast thou never met the true lover of God or known a Christian. It matters not, Odo, whether we ad- mit of this or that form of faith — the fruit of the right tree is charity and self-abasement, and these teach us to think humbly of ourselves and kindly of others." *'Thou began early to practise these golden rules, or surely thou never wouldst have forgotten thine own excel- lence, or have been ready to sacrifice it to the heedless im- pulses of one so reckless as him to whom thou wast be- trothed!" The eye of Ulrike grew brighter, but it was merely be- cause a tinge of color diffused itself on her features. *' I know not for what good purpose, Herr Von Ritter- stein," she said, "that these allusions are now made. Vou know that I have come to make a last effort to secure the peace of Meta. Berchthold spoke to me of your intcntit)n to reward the service he did your life, and I have now to say, that if in aught you can do the youth favor, the mo- ment when it will be most acceptable, hath come — for T.ott- chen has been too sorely stricken to bear up long against further grief." The hermit was reproved. He turned slowly to one of his receptacles of worldly stores, and drew forth a ]')ack{-t. The rattling told his companion tliat it was of parchment, and she waited the resuh with ciu'ious interest. " I will scarce say, Ulrike," he replied, " that this deed is the price of a life that is scarce worth the gift. Karly in my acquaintance witli young Herciithold and Meta, I wrung their secret from tliem ; and from tiiat moment it hath been my greatest pleasure to devise means to secure 360 THE HEIDENMAUER. the happiness of one so dear to thee. I found in the child, the simple, ingenuous faith which was so admirable in the mother, and shall I say that reverence for the latter quick- ened the desire to serve her offspring?" "I certainly owe thee thanks, Herr Von Ritterstein, for the constancy of this good opinion," returned Ulrike, showing sensibility. ** Thank me not, but rather deem the desire to serve thy child a tribute that repentant error gladly pays to virtue. Thou knowest that I am the last of my race, and there re- mained naught but to endow some religious house, to let my estate and gold pass to the feudal prince, or to do this." " I could not have thought it easy to effect this change, in opposition to the Elector's interests ! " " Those have been looked to ; a present fine has smoothed the way, and these parchments contain all that is neces- sary to install young Berchthold as my substitute and heir." "Friend! — dear, generous friend!" exclaimed the mother, moved to tears, for, at that moment, Ulrike saw nothing but the future happiness of her child assured, and Berchthold restored to more than his former hopes — "generous and noble Odo ! " The hermit arose, and placed the parchment in her hand, in the manner of one long prepared to perform the act. "And now, Ulrike," he said with a forced calm, "this solemn and imperative duty done, there remaineth but the last leave-taking." " Leave-taking! — Thou wilt live with Meta and Bercht- hold, — the castle of Ritterstein will be thy resting-place, after so much sorrow and suffering ! " " This may not be — my vow — my duties — Ulrike, I fear, my prudence forbids." "Thy prudence ! — Thou art no longer young, dear Odo, privations thou hast hitherto despised will overload thy in- creasing years, and we shall not be happy with the knowl- edge that thou art suffering for the very conveniences which thine own liberality hath conferred on others. " " Habit hath taken nature's place, and the hermitage and the camp are no longer strangers to me. If thou wouldst secure not only my peace, but my salvation, Ulrike, let me depart. I have already lingered too long near a scene which is filled with recollections that prove dread enemies to the penitent." THE HEJDEI^MAURR. 361 Ulrike recoiled, and her cheek blanched to paleness. Every limb trembled, for that quick sympathy, wiiich neither time nor duty had entirely extinguished, silently admonished her of his meaning. There was a fervor in his voice, too, that thrilled on her ear like tones which, spite of all her care, the truant imagination would some- times recall ; for, in no subsequent condition of life, can a woman entirely forget the long cherished sounds with which true love first greets the maiden ear. "Odo," said a voice so gentle that it caused the heart of the anchorite to beat, ''when dost thou think to depart ?" "This day — this hour — this minute.* "I believe — yes — thou art right to go !" " Ulrike, God will keep thee in mind. Pray often for me." " Farewell, dear Odo." " God bless thee — may He have mercy on me ! " There was then a short pause. The hermit approached and lifted his hands in the attitude of benediction ; twice he seemed about to clasp the unresisting Ulrike to his bosom, but her meek, tearful countenance repressed the act, and, muttering a prayer, he rushed from the hut. Left to herself, Ulrike sank on a stool, and remained like an image of woe, tears flowing in streams down her cheeks. Some minutes elapsed before the wife of Heinrich Frcy was aroused from her forgetfulness. Then the approacii of footsteps told her that she was no longer alone. For the first time in her life, Ulrike endeavored to conceal her emotion with a sentiment of shame ; but ere this could be effected, the Count and Heinrich entered. " Wiiat hast done with p(Jor Odo \ox\ Ritterstein, g(Kjd Frau ; that man of sin and sorrow ?" dcnuuKlcd the lalier, in his hearty, unsuspecting manner. "He has left us, IJeinrich." " For his castle ! — well, the man hatli had his share of sorrow, and ease mav not yet come tcjo late. The life of Odo, Lord Count, hath not been, like our own liistories, of a nature to make him ( t)ntciit. Had that affair of ihc Host, though at the Ix.'st but an irreverent nnd unwanant- able act, happened in these days, less might have been thought of it ; and then, (tapping his wife's check) to lose Ulrike's favor was no slight calauiily of itself. — But what have we here ? " 362 THE HEIDENMAUER. " 'Tis a deed, by which the Herr Von Ritterstein invests Berchthold with his worldly effects." The Burgomaster hastily unfolded the ample parch- ment. At a glance, though unable to comprehend the Latin of the instrument, his accustomed eye saw that all the usual appliances were there. Turning suddenly to Emich, for he was not slow to comprehend the cause of the gift, he exclaimed — '•'' Here is manna in the wilderness ! Our differences are all happily settled, nobly-born Count, and next to accord- ing the hand of Meta to the owner of the lands of Ritter- stein, I hold it a pleasure to oblige an illustrious friend and patron. Henceforth, Herr Emich, let there be nought but fair words between us." Since entering the hut, the Count had not spoken. His look had studied the tearful eyes, and colorless cheeks of Ulrike, and he put his own constructions on the scene. Still he did the fair wife of the burgher justice, for, though less credulous than Heinrich on the subject of his con- sort's affections, he too well knew the spotless character of her mind, to change the opinion her virtue had extorted from him, in early youth. He accepted the conditions of his friend, with as much apparent frankness as they were offered, and, after a few short explanations, the whole party left the Heidenmauer together. Our task is ended. On the following day Berchthold and Meta were united. The Castle and the Town vied with each other in doing honor to the nuptials, and Ulrike and Lottchen endeavored to forget their own permanent causes of sorrow in the happiness of their children. In due time Berchthold took possession of his lands, re- moving with his bride and mother to the Castle of Ritter- stein, which he always affected to hold merely as the trustee of its absent owner. Gottlob was promoted in his service, and having succeeded in persuading Gisela to for- get the gay cavalier who had frequented Hartenburg, these two wayward spirits settled down into a half-loving, half-wrangling couple, for the rest of their lives. Duerckheim, as is commonly the case with the second- ary actors in most great changes, shared the fate of the frogs in tlie fable ; it got rid of the Benedictines for a new master, and though the Burgomaster and Dietrich, in after-life, had many wise discourses concerning the nature of the revolution of Limburg, as the first affected to call THE IIKIDENMAUER. 363 the destruction of the Abbey, he never could very clearly explain to the understanding of the latter, the great prin- cij'ilcs of its merits. Still the smith was not the less an ad- mirer of the Count, and to this day his descendants show the figure of a marble cherub, as a trophy brouglit away by their ancestor on that occasion, Bonifacius and his monks found shelter in other con- vents, each endeavoring to lessen the blow, by such ex- pedients as best suited his tastes and character. The pious Arnolph persevered to the end, and, believing charity to be the fairest attribute of the Christian, he never ceased to pray for the enemies of the Church, or to toil that they might have the benefit of his intercession. As for Odo Von Ritterstein, the country was long moved by different talcs of his fate. One rumor — and it had much currency — said he was serving in compan}- with Albrecht of Viederbach, who rejoined his brother knights, and that he died on the sands of Africa. But there is another tradition extant in the Jaegethal, touching his end. It is said, that, thirty years later, after Heinrich, and Emich of Leiningen, and most of the other actors of this legend, had been called to their great accounts, an aged wanderer came to the gate of Ritterstein, demanding shelter for the night. He is re- ported to have been well received by Meta, her husband and son being then absent in the wars, and to have greatly interested his hostess by the histories he gave of customs and events in distant regions. Pleased with her guest, the Madame Von Ritterstein (for Berchthold had purchased this appellation by his courage) urged him to rest himself another day within her walls. From comnnuiicating, the stranger began to inquire ; and he so knew how to put his questions, that he soon obtained the history of the family, Ulrike was the last he named ; and the younger female in- mates of the castle fancied that his manner changed as he listened to the account of the close of her life, and of hcr peaceful and pious end. The stranger departed that very day, nor would his visit probably have been rememberetl, had not his body been shortly after found in the hut of tlic Ileidenmaut'r, stiffened bv death. Those who love to throw a coloring of romance over the; affect ions, are fond of be- lieving this was the hermit, who had found a secret satis- faction, even at the close of S{j long a life, in breathini^ his last on the sjxjt where he had finally separated from the woman he had so long and fruitlessly loved. 364 THE HEIDENMAUER, To this tradition — true or false — we attach no impor- tance. Our object has been to show, by a rapidly-traced picture of life, the reluctant manner in which the mind o\ man abandons old, to receive new impressions — the incon- sistencies between profession and practice — the error in confounding the good with the bad, in any sect or per- suasion — the common and governing principles that control the selfish, under every shade and degree of existence — • and the high and immutable qualities of the good, the virt- uous and of the really noble. THE END. y 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed hopks %se subject to immediate recall. REG D LP FEB 27 1959 i.- JX R EC'D LD ui;i:i4'63-6 REC'D LD MAR 3 1962 27Ai«'62A£ REC'D LD AFR IS mo 17feb'64Mp RFCn LD X^ m"^ FEB12'b4-^PM pmr^^ XJ5 g 1QM joy D LD 't:: -r." JJ^Sft