'' • I . :* • ... I . • •,,•..•.•'•>' I'Z *.». ...... •.'... •'» ' • • Copyright, 188S, By S. C.GRIGGS AND COMPANY. Copyright, 1889, By S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY. CONTENTS PAGE. Preface, ------ v Introduction, - - - - - - vii Abbreviation, ----- ix Primitive Words, ----- i Supplement, - - - - - 235 Prefixes, __.--- 247 Suffixes, ------ 273 ,. Commercial Terms, ----- 293 1 Railway Terms, ----- 299 Insurance Terms, ----- 305 ^^ Law Terms, . _ _ - - 309 t Terminations of Medical Terms, - - - 327 Medical Terms, - - - - - 335 iii 4485G7 PREFACE The text-book of Eclectic Shorthand was designed to be a complete instructor. The lists of words and illustrations it con- tains were supposed to be sufficient to enable the thoughtful student to acquire a practical knowledge of the art. For some time, however, there has been a growing conviction in the mind of the author that a dictionary, similar to those used in other systems, would be very helpful. This- conviction, strengthened by the frequent inquiry from Eclectic writers for the authoritative writing of some word, and by friendly sugges- tions of some of the most intelligent teachers and writers of the system, has led to the preparation of this volume. It is believed by the author that it will be of great advan- tage in three ways: 1. It will aid teachers, students and writers of Eclectic Shorthand to a prompt settlement of questions that are con- stantly arising. 2. It will greatly lessen the length of time required to master the art, both of the private learner and of the student in school. 3. It will give a stability to the system, and a uniformity m the application of its principles that can be secured in no other way. It is intended for writers of all grades of proficiency. Not only the beginner, but also the most practiced writer is liable VI PREFACE. to feel uncertain and perplexed as to the best expression of a new or unfamiliar word; hence the importance of having at hand a dictionary of phonetic and shorthand words. To write through this work will be equivalent to writing the entire language ; hence it should be written through repeatedly by all who wish to become expert in the use of Eclectic Shorthand. A few words unavoidably omitted from the list of primitive words are given in a supplement. That the work will prove invaluable to both learners and practical writers is the belief of The Author INTRODUCTORY. Primitive words are those which can be reduced to no fewer letters and still remain significant English words; as, boy, good, firm. Derivative words are those which are formed by prefixing, or adding other letters or syllables to primitives; as, boyish, goodness, goodly, firmness, infirm. There are some words of Latin origin; as, abdicate, con- vene, adhere, etc., which, although derivatives in the language to which they belong, are generally treated as primitives in English, because they not only have no English root word, but the root which they have is generally, in English, employed as a prefix or suffix. Compound words are such as are formed from two or more primitive words; as, car-load, type-writer. It will be seen from these facts that the primitives are the root words from which other words are derived, and that to be- come a proficient shorthand writer requires perfect familiarity with all the primitive words, and with the prefixes and suffixes which are used with the primitives in producing the derivative words. In the writing of primitive words the initial part of each is fully expressed, with enough of its termination to clearly indicate the intended word. In writing derivatives, occasionally a short prefix may be safely omitted, while terminations are either written or clearly viii INTRODUCTORY. indicated, and vice versa, when the initial part of a derivative is fully written, short, uncharacteristic terminations may be omitted. The student who has thoroughly learned the principles of Eclectic Shorthand, as embodied in the text-book of instruc- tions and the chapter on abbreviations in this work, is prepared to write this dictionary systematically and repeatedly through. Placing this and the practice book side by side, a word should be written, first, carefully and thoughtfully, and then rapidly, but as nearly perfect as possible, as many times as may be on a line, or more, of the practice book. Each word is accompanied by a skeleton word which indi- cates exactly what is written in the shorthand outline following it. The shorthand words are written without ruled lines to indicate their position, but the italic character used in each skeleton word is the positional letter of the word; thus, in the first primitive word, aback, the outline a/;c, having the italic b, indicates that a is to be written on the b, or first position, to ex- press the b and then c added. This means of expressing the position of the first part of a word renders unnecessary the use of ruled lines in this work, yet indicating clearly to the learner the positions of the first letter as well as the character to be ex- pressed by position. Of course the learner will use ruled paper in practice, because he cannot dispense with the ruled lines safely until very proficient in the use of the system, when his familiarity with the outlines of wards will enable him to write with perfect confidence on unruled paper. In the skeleton word a prefix or suffix is indicated by sepa- rating the letter which represents it from the rest of the word by a short dash, as in the words, abbreviate, abdicate and accommodate, which see. ABBREVIATION. Abbreviation in Eclectic Shorthand is accomplished by the following means: I. An alphabet of simple characters representing the Eng- lish alphabet of twenty-six letters, each letter being expressed by a single line. II. The representation of each diphthong, digraph, tri- graph and coalescent compound of the language by a simple, distinct character. III. A positional alphabet representing each letter of the entire alphabet by a definite position with reference to the line of writing, in which position each character representing a letter, digraph or trigraph may be written to express the letter following it, represented by the position. IV. The representation of uncoalescent consonant com- pounds of frequent occurrence by a single character. V. The lengthening of the long alphabetic characters and the p and ^ to express a following in or n, and enlarging the surface characters, viz., /, g, h, r. I, s/i, c/i, zvh, sp, st, ns, pcli and retraced i', to express a following / or d. VI. The shortening the short alphabetic characters to ex- press a following / or d ; also diminishing tliem to mere ticks to express a following vi, n ox y, and diminishing the surface characters to express a following /, ly, ling, fl, fly, fling. VII. The representation of frequent lengthy and com- pound prefixes and suffixes by a single character. VIII. The representation of a few frequent words, each by a single character called a word sign. IX. The representation of frequent simple phrases and phrase words, each by a simple character of one line. X ABBREVIATION. By these principles, singly and combined, are produced an almost endless number of two, three, four and five letter sylla- bles, each expressed by a single simple character, affording ample means of brevity for verbatim writing, probably un- equaled in the history of practical shorthand. ABACK. 1 ABROAD A an /' Abject a/'j ^ Aback a/'c K Abjure a/'jr cy Abacus a/'cs ^ Ablative abl-t ^ Abaft aMt A-. Able ab\ r Abandon a6nn Abase a<^as f Ablution ab-\ Abnegation C r Abash a^sh u Abnormal ab-va ( Abate aiJat f- Aboard a/'rd Abatis ai^ts c Abode a/'d r Abba a*a i^ Abolish a/'lsh ^ Abbess a^s / Abolition a,?-! f Abbey ady Abbot aif'ot ( Abominable abm-n Aboriginal a^^rgnl Abbreviate ai>T-v Abdicate a/;d-c Abdomen a/'dmn ^ ^ tL Aborigines a/'rjns Abortion a/'rshn Abortive a^r-t / Abduct a*-d ^ Abound a/'nd Abed a/'d c About aZ't r Aberrant a^rnt Abet a/;t Abeyance a/^ns Above a/'v Abrade aiJrad Abreast a/'rst 0^ ( C 6 Abbor ■ a/'hr Abide ai^id Abridge a/'rj Abroach a^rch Ability am / Abroad a/'rd akk4><.;ate ACCUSE AbroKfttc Abrupt a^rpt Absccst* ai''ss Abscind a/'snd Abi^c'isision ab-s Abscond afiscnd Ab8«'ncc afens Absent a/'snt Absolute a^slt A1)solve a^-sl Absorb a/'srb Abstain a^stn A bsteniions a/^stms Absterge ai^strj Abstinence ai^stnns Abstract a<^-str Abstruse a^striis Absurd a/'srd Abundant ai^nnt Abuse ai^us Abut a3ut Abyss Academy acdniy Accede atrsd Accelerate acslrt Accent acsnt Accept Sispt Access atss Accident arsdnt Acclaim aclm Acclivity aclv-t Accommodate a-dt Accompany a-pny Accomplice a-pls Accomplish. a-plsh Accord acrd Accost acst Account acnt Accouter a^rtr Accredit arrdt Accretion at-cr Accrue acTu Accumbent armbnt Accumulate acni-1 Accurate ac-r Accurse acrs Accusant acusnt Accuse aois 1^ / ( I i i f ACCrSTOM 3 AI>1>1J€E Aecnstoni acstm Ace a^ Acephalous a^fls Acerbety a.frb-t Acescent a^snt Acetify axtfi Acetimetry astni-tr Acetous aiets Ache zc Achieve ac/iv Achromatic ac-rm Acid aj-d AcknoAvledge a.cnl Acme ai;m Acorn acrn Acoustic acstc Acquaint qiu?nt Acquiesce qu/3 Acquii'e qu/r Acquit qiu't Acre acr Acrid cLcrd Acrimony a^rmny Acritude acrtd r ( (_ L C / < Acrobat atrbt Acronycal arrncl Acropolis airropls Across arros Acrostic airrstc Act act Action at-shn Active ac-l Actuary actry Aculeate ac'iilat Acumen acumn Acuminate arum-n Acute anit Adage a;/j Adagio at/jo Adamant art^mnt Adapt dnpt Add ad Addendum a^/ndm Adder adx Addict ad-\ Addle ad\ Address arfrs Adduce art'us c c^ r AOEPT ADYXAJnC Adept ^^ Ado ajfo Adequate ai/-q ^/' Adore at/r Adhere y^ Adorn a^'m Adieu Adrift a_"a /^^^ a^rft Adipose ^ Adroit alat Appellant a/lnt Appellee a/le Appellor a/lr Append a/nd Appertain a/rtn Appetence a/tns Appetite a/tt Applaud a/Id Applause a/ls Apple a/1 Apply apli, pi/ Apportion a/r-shn Apposite a/st Appraise- a/ras Appreciate (shi) a/r-sh Apprehend a/rnd Apprentice a/rnts Apprise a/ris Approach a/rch. proch Appr«»bation a/r-b / / 7 o { APPROPRIATE 13 ARDUOUS Appropriate a/rprt Approve a/rv Approximate a/rxmt Appulse a/pls Appurtenance a/rtnns Apricot a/rct ^ ^ ly^ April a/rl i Apron a/rn / Apropos a/rpo Ay Apt a/t ( Apterous a/trus Aptitude a/t-t r Aptly a/tly ( Aptness a/tns Aquafortis acfrts i Aquatic, a-q Aqueduct aiTw-d ^- Aquiline acwln u Arab a;b ^^-\ Arabesque (besk) arbsk Arable arbl J Arbiter arbtr Arbitrary arbtry ^^ Arbitrate a?-b-tr 4 Ai'bor arbr Arc arc Arcade a/rad Arcanum arcnni Arcli arch Ai'chaeology arc-o Archaic arc-i Archangel arcngl Archbisliop archbshp Arched (ai-clit) archt Archer archr Ai'chery archry Archetype archtp Archfiend archfnd Ai-chipelago arcpl Ai'chitect arc-t Architrave arctrv Ai'chives arcvs Archness archns Ai'ch-\vay archw Arctic arc-t Ardent a/dnt Ardor ardr Arduous ardus ^^ /^ AREA 14 ARSOX Area area Arena a/na Argal argl Argent argnt Argil laeeous arg-1 Argosy argosy Argue arg Arian arjn Arid a.rd Aright arit Arise aris Aristoerat arstcrt Arithmetic arth Ark ark Arm arm Armada aniiada Ai*ni anient armmnt Armature amiatr Armful aniiri Armillary ami-1 Armenian (yan) annnyn Armipotent a/iiiptnt Armistice armsts Armlet arinlt y^^ c^ .-^ Armor amir Armpit aniipt Arms arms Army army Aroma arma Aromatic arm-a Arose aros Around amd Arouse arous Arquebuse arqbs Arrack aric Arraign (ran) aran Arrange arng Arrant amt Arras arrs Array arra Arrears arrrs Arrest arst Arrive ar\' Arrogate ar-g Arrow aro Arsenal arsnl Arsenic arsnc Arson arsn ^ /^-^ ART 15 ASQLIXT Art art Arterial a?trl Artery artry Artful artfl Arthritic arthrtc Artiohoke artchk Artiolf> a/-tcl Artieulate a?-tclt Artifice atris Artificer ar/fsr Artificial art-f Artillery artlry Artisan artsn Artist artst Artless artls As Asafetitla aj-ftd Asbestos a^bsts Ascenrt aj'nd Ascent asnt Ascertain ajrtn Ascetic a^-e Ascribe ajcrb Ash ash /^ ^ /^^ ^^ /e ^ f / Ashamed shi/ind Aslies aj'hs Ashore S/JOT Ashy ashy Aside ajid Asinine a-i-nn Ask ask Askance a.fkns Askant asknt Askew (sku) a^'kew Asleep as\p Asp ajp Asparagus a.fprgs Aspect ajpct Aspen aj-pn Asperity ai-prt Asperse a-fprs Aspersion ajpr-shn Asphalt a.s-flt Asphyxia a^fxa Aspirant ajprnt Aspirate aj^prt Aspire aj-pr Asquint ajqnt ^ ASSAIIi 16 ATL.AXTIC Assail as\ Assassin a^asn Assault ajralt Assay aj^a Assemble a^nibl Assent ajnt Assert a.trt Asse;ss ajss Assets ajsts Asseverate aj'vrat Assiduity ajdu-t Assiduous a^idus Assign ajn Assimilate airnlt Assist ajst Assize ajsis Associate a^-s Assonant ajonnt Assort a^rt Assuage aj-sw Assume ajuiu Assure HSUT Aster a.ftr Asterisk a^trsk Astern attrn Asteroid a.ttroid Asthma (az) ajrma Astonish aj-tnsli Astound aj-tound Astral antral Astray asira Astride a.strid Astringent ajtrnjnt Astrology ajtrlj Astronomy ajtronmy Astute ajtut Asunder a.nidr Asylum a^lm At a/ Ate af Atheism a//nsm Atheist a//ast Atlieneum a/hnm Athirst a//irst Athlete aMlt Athwart aMrt Atlantean a/lntn Atlantic a/lntc . ^ ■^-^ BAL,L,AST »o BABE Ballast hiAst Ballet halet Balloon btiln Ballot halt Balm (1>ani) b(7m Balaam b^zlsm Baluster balstr Balustrade b(7lstrd Bamboo binnboo Bamboozle brtiiibzl Ban bffn Banana bi:7nana Band band Bandage b(7ndi Bandana b^rndna Bandit bandt Bandy b(7ndy Bane b(7n Bang hang Banian brznyn Banisli b^nsh Banister biznstr Bank brtnk Bank-bill b'7nkbl ) Bank-note b^nknt Bankrupt b(7nkrpt Bank-stock D<7nkstc Banner brtnr Banquet bi7nqt Bans hans Bantam b(7ntm Banter brtntr Bantling bi7ntl-ing Banyan banyn Baptism b^7ptsm Baptist b(7ptst Baptize b(7ptz Bar bar Barb b(7rb Barbarian b<7rbrn Barbaric b(7rbrc Bai-Itarism b(7rbsm Barbarous b(7rbrs Barbecue b(7rbcu Bai'ber brtrbr Barberry b(7rbry Bard hard Bare bar "^ BAK(]^AI]V ^1 BATTEN Bargain b(?rgn Barge bi^rj Barilla brtrla Bark bark Barley b^rly Barm brtrm Barn b(7rn Barnacle b^rucl Barometer b(7rmtr Baron brtrii Baronial barnl Barouche (rooshj barush Barrack haic Barrator bsratr Barratry brtra-tr Barrel harl Barren harn Barricade bar-c Barrier haryr Barrister bjrrstr BarroAv baro Barter b«rtr Barytone b(7rtn Basalt baslt V "> o J ^"c) ^ / ■^^ Base brts Bashful bizshfl Basic bas-i Basilisk baslsk Basin (sn) basn Basis (ses) bass Bask bask Basket baskt Bass bas Bass bas Bassoon basn Bastard bastrd Baste bast Bastile bastl Bastinade bastnd Bastion (yuii) bastyn Bat bat Batch bach Bate bat Batteau (batto) bato Bath bath Baton (tong) br/tng Battalion batlyn Batten batn \ h V \ \ h BATTER 83 BE1>1M Batter brtttr BattinsT bflt-ing Battle brttl Bawble b«M'bl Bawd baud Bawl hau-\ Bay ha Baylterry b(/bry Bayonet brtnt Bayou b«oo Bay-i'iiin b«rni Bazar bffzr Be he Beaoli bfch Beacon hccn Bead bed Beadle bfdl Beagle bfgl Beak btfk Beam bfiii Bean ben Bear b^r Beard brrd Bearer bair >, >:> ^^ ^^ ^ ^J. "V Beast bt'st Beat bd-t Beaten bt-tn Beatiflc hctfc Beatitude bt-at-t Beau (bo) ho Beauteous bdv/tus Beautiful beitth Beauty be'^rty Beaver bifvr Becalm btxm Became bccm Because bfcs Bechance bcchns Beck bdx Beckon been Bed b. ^ Begrime b(grm Begrudge bigrj Beguile bd-gil Begun b<;gn Behalf b^hf Behave bt'hv Behead bi^hd Beheld bchld Behemoth bthmth Behest bd'hst Behind brhnd Behold b.hld Behoof b.hf Behoove bt (nit) b(?-nt Benign (nin) b<-~nn V Benignant bc~ng Beni<4on btfnsn Bent b^nt Benumb (nnm) bt'nm Benzoin btnzoin Bepraise bt'pras Bequeath bd-qth Berate b^rat Bereave br\- Bereft bt-rft Bergamot btrrgmt Berth berth Beryl hcn\ Beseech bfsh Beseem bt-sm Beset bfset Beshrew bfshru Beside bfsid Besiege b«j Besmear bfsmr Besom bt'sm Besot btTSot Besought bt'saut Bespatter bfsptr ^^ \ V \ \ 1/ \ BKSPEAK. iia BKiiOT Bespeak bcspc Besprinkle bfsprnkl Best best Bestial (yal) bfstl Bestir bcstr Bestow bfsto Bestrew (stru) btstru Bestride bt-strid Bet btft Betake b.tk Betel hcil Bethink bfthnk Betide betid Betinie bttm Betook b.tk Betray bdtra Betroth bftrth Better betr Betty bi'-ty Between twt'n Betwixt t\v/xt Bevel bcvl Beverage bfvrj Bevy bevy "^ \_ ^'^ ^ Bewail btwl Beware btwr Bewilder bfwldr Be^vitch be-\VCll Bey (ba) ha Beyond bfTyn Bezel bfzl Bias bias Bib b/b Bibber hihi Bible b/bl Bicker b/cr Bid b/d Bide hid Biennial b/nl Bier hcT Bifarions b/-fr Bifld b/fd Biforni b/frm Bifurcate b/frct «iS b/g Bigamy b/gmy Biggin b/gn Bigot higt "^o "^ ^ BILBERRY a« BL.ADI: Bilberry b;lbry Bilbo b/lbo BUe b/1 Bilge b/lj Biliary b/lary Bilingual b/'lngl Bilious (yus) b/lys Bilk b/lk Bill b/1 Billet b/let Billet-doux (doo) b/ldoo Billiards b/lyrs Billingsgate b/1-insgt Billion b^lyn BUlow b/lo Bin b/n Binary bi-n Binate b/nat Bind b/nd Binnacle b/ncl Binoeular b/n-o Binomial b/nnil Biographer bio-g Biology b/'-o -/ ^ Bipartite b/prtit Biped b/pd Biquadrate b/-q Bii-eU b/rch Bii-d b/rd Birtli b/rth Biscuit b/sct Bisect b/s-e Bishop b/shp Bismuth bismth Bison b/'sn Bissextile b/sxtl Bister b/str Bit b/t Bite b/t Bitter b^tr Bittern b/trn Bitumen b/tumn Bivalve b/vlv Bivouac (wak) b/vc Blab bl X) > Blink blmk Bliss bhs Blister bl/str Blithe bbth Bloat blot Bloek hloc Blood blt7cid Bloom bL'cJin Blossom blo^m Blot blot Blotch bloch Blouse bloits Blow bb BloAvze blowz Bluhber bl»br Bludg;eon bh^jn Blue hlu Bluff bb^f Blunder bl«ndr Blunt bbmt Blur hluv Blurt bhcrt Blush bl«sh Bluster bl«str ^^ > > ^ V) ^ "7 ^-3 ROA 38 BOltDER Boa hoa. Boar hoi Board bi^rd Boast host Boat hot Bob bob Bobbin hohn Booking boc-ing Bode hod Bodice bfdis Bodily bcdly Bodkin b()dkn Body body Bog hog Boggle hog\ Bohea bohe Boil hoi\ Boisterous boistrs Bold hold Bole ho\ Bolt holt Bolns hols Bomb (bum) hunt Bombard bwmbrd \ 7 >. V Bombazine b^mbzn Bombast b?/mbst Bombaauette b«mbzt Bonibketcli b?niikch Bond bd^nd Bone ben Bonfire bonfr Bonnet hont Bonny btmny Bony b()ny Bonus btms Booby b(?<)by Book b(wk Bookcase bookks Book-keeping bftJkp-ing Boom hoom Boon boon Boor hoar Boosy hoo-s Boot boot Booth booth Booty boo-t Borax borx Border bordr '~Z) > ^^ ■>-^ BORR a» BItAI\' Bore boT Boreas bores Born born Borne born Borough (o) hllTO Borrow boro Bos!^ bos ■ Bo$«oni (boozum) boosm Botanic botnc Botany botny Botch boch Both both Bother bothr Bots bots Bottle botl Bottom botm Boudoir (booclwor) boodwr Bough (bou) bou Bought (bawt) haul Bounce houns Bound bo?md Bounty bo«n-t Bouquet (booka) hooka Bourgeois (burjois) b;(rjs N ■-^ Bourn born Bourse bors Bout Bovine bovn Bow (bou) how Bow bo Bo^vel bowel Bower boTrer Bowie-knife iboe; bonf Bowl bol Bo'wlder boldr Bowsprit bosprt Box box Boy hoy Brace b/as Brachygraphy brrtc-gr Bracket brr7cet Brackish br(?csh Bract bract Brad b^-ad Brag brag Brahmin br(7mn Braid brrzd Brain bn^n ^^ ^ BRAKE 30 BR13I Brake br(7k Bramble brambl Bran br(?n Branch branch Brand brand Brandy br«n-d Brasier (zhur) brrtzr Brass bras Brat brat Bravado bra-v Brave brrtv Bravo bravo Bra^vl brawl Bra^vn bratf'n Bra^vny brait'ny Bray bra Braze braz Breach brcch Bread brtd Breadth bffdth Break brak Bream brtrm Breast brijst Breath brt-th O ^>^ ^ Breathe brd'th Bred brfd Breech brfch Breed br^d Breeze brd?z Brethren brtrthrn Brevet brrvt Breviary bri?vry Brevier br^vr Brevity brrv-t Brew (bru) hrtc Bre'wer br«r Bre^vis hniis Bribe br/b Brick hric Bride br/d Bridge br;'j Bridle br/dl Brief brt'f Brier br/r Brig br/g Bright (brit) br/t Brilliant br/lynt Brim br/m ^ ^5 BRIXOIiE 31 BIXOLIC Itrindle br/ndl Brine br/n Bring bring Brink brmk Brisk br/sk Brisket br/'skt Bristle (brisl) br/sl Britannia br/tny British br/tsh Briton br/tn Brittle br/tl Broach brtjch Broad bri^d Brooade bribed Broccoli br<7cli Bros:an brogn Brogue hrog Broil hrofl Broke brok Broker brokr Bronchial broncl Bronchitis brt^ncts Bronze brimz Brooch br(7och "^ -^ ^ ^ V^ ^ Brood brood Brook brdok Broom broom Broth bn^th Brother br/cthr Brought (.brawt) br«K't BroAV hrow Bro'W'n brown Bro^vse hro7vz BroMse' brows Bruin br//n Bruise brz^z Bruit hntt Brunette br;^net Brunt br?/nt Brush br«sh Brutal br«tl Brute br/ct Bubble b/^bl Buccaneer b/ccnr Buck Bucket b/?ct Buckle (1) b?/cl Bucolic huc\c ^ ■^ \ \ \ ^ ■>!» BID sa BrRL.Y Bu«l Budge Budget b«it Buff* b//f Buffalo b?/flo Buffet b«ft Buffoon hidn Bug bz/g Buggy hitgy Bugle b;fgl Buhl (bul) b«l Bulir8tone b«rstn Build b/ld Built b/lt Bulb b/(lb Bulge hitV] Bulk bidk Bull hid Bullet b^let Bulletin b«ltn Bullion b//lyn Bulwark b;/l\vrk Bumblebee bz^mblb Bump b/V Burn b//rn Burnt b//rnt Burro >v b//ro Bursar b//rsr Burst hilTSt Burthen b«^hn Bury (bery) b(7ry Bush b;/sh Bushel bz/shl Busily b/sly Business b/sns Busk b?«k Busliin b^/skn Buss hits Bust b7/st Bustard b^strd Bustle (1) husl Busy bzsy But bwt Buteher b//chr Butler b//tlr Butnient bu/mnt Butt b/^t Butter b?^tr \^ \ \ I ^ Buttock b«tc Button b//tn Buttress b«trs BoAom b//xni Buy fbi) b^- Buyer hh Buzz b//z Buzzard b/czrd By hi Byzantine bizntn c. Cab cab Cabal . c> Cell Cellar S6-lr Cellular sclylr Celt Sflt Celtic SfltC Cement semnt Cemetery s£m-tr Cenoblte senbt Cenotaph Sfntf Censer sfnsr Censor s^nsr Censure S6'nshr Census s^nss Cent Si;nt Centaur srntaur Centennial scntnl Center scntr Centigrade srntgrd Centiped srntpd Cento s^nto Central srntrl Centric Sfiitrc Centricity s^ntrst Centrifugal st-ntrfgl ^^ ^ CEXTRIPETALi 40 CHAX«E Centripetal scntrptl Centuple Si^ntpl Centurion Si-ntrn Century Sfntry Cephalic sfflc Cerate Sfrat Cere Cerebral Si?rbrl Ceremonial scrmnl Certain scrtn Certilicate Sd?rtfct Certifj' S6Ttf Certitude scrt-t Cerulean s^rlyn Ceruse s^rus Cervical ■ S(?rvcl Ceiiisation sfsashn Cession sfslin Cesura stfsra Cetacean Chafe ch^f Chaff Chagreen shffgren Chagrin sh(7grn -,£_- Chain chan Chair char Chaise sh(7Z Chalcedony calsdny Chaldron Cffldrn Chalice chals Chalk chflk Challenge ch«lnj Chalybeate c«-scrb Cii'cumspect sw-spt Cii'cumstance s;«-tns Circumvallation s;«-vlshn CircHuivent stn-xnt Cii'cus s;rcs Cisalpine s/salpn Cisatlantic s/satlntc CISTERIV 44 CL.EF Cisteru s/strn Cit s/t Citadel s/'tdl Citation sz-t Cite sit Citizen s/'tzn Citric sitTC Citron s/trn City sf-t Civet SA'et Civic s/'v-i Civil s/vl Clack clrtC Clatl clad Claim cl(7m Clairvoyant clrtrvnt Clam clam Clamber clrtmbr i'lamniy clijmy Clamor clrtmr Clamp clr:mp Clandestine clandstn Clang clang Clangor cl(7ngr 'C c o Clank cLznk Clap cl<;p Clapboard chzpbrd Clapper cl(7pr Claptrap cl(7ptrp Claret clart Clarify clarf Clarinet cl(zrnt Clarion cl(zrn Clash clash Clasp clasp Class clas Classic clas-i Classify clasf . Clatter clatr Clause claus Claw claw Clay cla Clean ckn Cleanse cit'ns Clear ck-r Cleat ck-t Cleave ckv Clef clrf c 3) tr CL.EFT 45 CLiL'STER Cleft Clfft Clement clcmnt Clergy cli-TJy Clerk cU-rk Clever ckvr Clevis cli^vis Clew clu Click cl/c Client cl/nt Cliff cl/f Climacteric cl/mctr-i Climate ch'mt Climax cl/mx Climb cl/m Clime dim Clinch chnch Cling cling Clinic clm-i Clink cl/nk Clinker clinkr Clip cl/p Cloak Clock cloc Clod clod ^^ CLiUTrH 46 COHABIT Clutch cbrch Clutter ch^tr Clyster clistr Coaoh coch Coadjutor CO-] Coagent cij-agnt Coagulate coaglt Coal col Coalesce coles Coalition coa-1 Coarse cors Coast cost Coat cot Coax cox Cob cob Cobalt coblt Cobble cobl Cobweb cobwb CocliiiieaC cochnl Cochleary coclry Cock coc Cockle cocl Cocoa (koko) coco Cocoon cocn c^ Cod cod Code cod Codger cwjr Codicil Ct'disl Codify codf Coddle codl Coefficient Cd'e-f Coeq.ual coekl Coerce coers Coessential ct)-sn Coeternal co-tr Coeval coevi Coexist coxst Coextend coxtnd CoflFee cofe C'offer cofr Collin cofn Cog cog Cogent CiJJnt Cogitate coj-t Cognate c<)g-n Cognac (konyak) conyc Cognition cog-n Cohabit cohbt ^/^ /-^ COHEIR 47 COMELY Coheir (^ar) ci'ar Cohere ct>hr Cohort cohrt Coir coii Coil coil Coin com Coineide ciJnsd Coke cok Colander (kill) c/(lndr Cold cold Colic cole Collapse CtllpS Collar C()lar Collate c^-1 Collateral C()-l Collation co-\ Colleague c.-'lg Collect col-e Collect' colct College C(jIj, col Collide colid Collier (yer) Cfilyr Collision co\-\ Collocate Ci^l-C /-^^ Collop C'lp Colloquy C(;l-q Collude cylud Colon C()ln Colonel (kurncl) c/rrnl Colonial co\i\\ Colony cc^lny Color cti\r Colossal cdosl Collossus CciloSS Colt co\t Coulter coltr Columbine Cc'lmbn Column (kolum) Ci)lm Colure colur Coma crtma Comatose comts Comb com Combat comba-t Combine conib/'-n Combustion comb«-stn Come (kum) c//ni Comedy com^-dy Comely c//mly ^^ ^ >^^ ^^ COMET 48 Cf^IPIIiE Comet coniiT-t Comfit conif/-t Comfort (kum) cumioT-t Comfroy cumfre-y Comic conii-c Coming cumi-ng Comity com/-ty Comma coma Command comnu7-nd Commemorate commf-mrat Commence comm^-ns Commend comrndT-nd Commensurate conimt'-nsrt Comment comm(?-nt Commerce coninifr-s Commingle comm/'-ngl Comminute comm;-nut Commiserate comm/-srt Commissary comm/'-sry Commission commi-shn Commissure (yur) conimi-sr Commit conini/-t Committee commi-te Commix commi-x — D C Commode commo-d Commodore commo-dr Common conimo-n Commons cdiiimo-ns Commotion commo-sn Commune comni//-n Communicate conini/i'-nct Communion comm«-nn Community comni?/-nt Commutation conim7/-tsn Commute conim/^-t Compact comp<7-ct Companion conip(7-nn Compare compa-r Compass compa-s Compassion comp(7-sn Comjiatiblc comp77t-bl Compatriot comprtt-rt Compeer compc-T Comi>el comp^r-l Compend comp^-nd €"ompete compf-t Competent comprt-nt Compile cunip/-l COMPL.ACEAT 49 COXl>14>;^ Coniplacent ■ Comrade compLz-snt "-- — 1 coinrad Complain Con compl<;-n n- cen Complaisant Concatenate compLz-snt ^. — ^ conc«t-nat Complement Concave complf-mnt "-7 conc«-v Complete Conceal compk-t n/ coni-e-1 Complex Conceit compk-x '^'-^^ const?-t Comply ^^^ Concentrate pl; ^ consi?n-trt Component Concentric compf-nnt n-, consfn-trc Comport Concern compo-rt ^^9 cons^r-n Compose Concession comp(;-s ^ n-^ consiJS-sn Compost Concli (konk) comp£i-st n^ zowz Composure Conciliate compt)-shr ^9 consil-at Compotation Concise cfinpo-tsn ^c^ ^ consi-s Compound Conclude compo;<-nd n conch^-d Compound' Concoct compo^-nd O — conc(7-ct Comprehend Concord compr(;-nd n— concor-d Compress Concourse compri?-s ^- , concurs Compress' Concrete comprtf-s z?-^ - ct»ncr6'-t Comprise Concubine compr/-s n/ conc?/-bn Compromise Concur comprii-ms '^ concr Comptroller (kon) Concussion contrt)-lr '$■ conc?^-sn Compulsory Condeiun comp«l-sry ^- — V. condt'-m Compunction t/ Condense comp2^-ncshn ^-^ cond^n-s Compute Condign comp«-t O/ cond/-n '^ -/ >/^ COXDITIO]V 50 tOXJOIX Condition c<7ndz-sn Condole condo-1 Condor condo-T Conduce condz/-s Conduct condz^-ct Conducf cond//-rt Conduit (dit) cond/'-t Cone con Confaliulate confa-blt Confect conf^-ct Confederate confed-rt Confer conie-T Confess Confessor Confidant conf/-dnt Conlide itd Confident conf/-dnt Configuration confzg-rsn Confine confi-n Confirm conf/r-m Confiscate conf/'-sct <'onflai;ratiou confl(/-grsn Conflict flict Confluent confl«-nt 'O ^ Conform confflr-m Confound confoz^-nd Confront confrz/-nt Confuse coViiii-% Confute confo-t Conge ct^nj Congeal ct)njl Congener conje-nr Congenial conjd'-nl Congenital conji^-ntl Congeries conjfr-es Congestion conjp-sn Conglobate congb-bt Conglomerate congI(?-mrat Congratulate congrrtt-lt Congregate congrr-gt Congregation congri'-gshn Congress congrf-s Congruent congr?^-nt Conic conz'-c Conies con/'-x Coniferous con/-frs Conjecture conjs-ctr Conjoin conit^/'-n ^■ ^^ COXJrOAL. 51 COXSTRIJCT Conjugal conj?/-gl Conjugate conj«-gt t Conjunct conj»-nct Conjure conyi-T Connate conn«-t Connect connf-ct Connive conn?-v Counoii^seur (nissur) connz'-sr Conoid conoi-d Connubial conn//-bl Conquer (conker) conk^-r Consanguinity consan-gAvnty Conscience conshns Conscientious cons/-nshs Conscionable conshi-nbl Conscious conshs Conscrijit C(7nscri-pt Consecrate consf-crt ConsecutiA'e cons(?c-tv Consent consf-nt Consentaneous consfn-tns Consequent consi^-qnt Conserve conser-v Consider cons2-dr ■"IT j>- o^ Consign cons/-n Consist consi-st Consociation conso-sshn Consolable consol-bl Consolation cons(7-lashn Console consf-I Consolidate consol-dt Consols consol-s Consonance cons()-nns Consort cunsor-t Consort consor-t Conspicuous conspz'-cs Conspire consp/-r Constable constrt-bl Constant consta-nt Constellation constt'-lashn Consternation const^r-nshn Constipate const/-pt Constitute const/-tut Constitution st//shn Constrain constrfl-n Constrict constr/'-ct Constringent constr/'-njnt Construct constr«-ct ^ c o yf^ ^^ y1 COXSTRUE 5!e COXTROL. Constrne Constiipratioii const?/ -prshn Consul) »itantial conswb-stnshl Consubstantiation consz/b-stnshn ConsuetiKlinal consff-tdnl Consul conszM Consult cons2<-lt Consume cons?/-m Consummate consz/-mt Consummate'' cons?mi-t Consumption s«mshn Contact cont(?-ct Contagion conta-jn Contain cont(7-n Contaminate cont(7ni-nt Contemn (tern) cont«-m Contemplate contcm-plt Contemporary contfm-pry Contempt contem-t Contend conti'n-d Content contfn-t Contention cont^n-sn Conterminous cont^r-nins Contest contf-st /^ '1 Contest cont^-st Context conti'-xt Contiguity cont/-gty Continence contz-nns Continent contz'-nnt Contingent cont/'-njnt Continue contz'-n Continuity cont/'-nt Contort cont(7r-t Contour Contraband contr(7-bn Contract contrrt-ct Contracf contnz-ct Contradistinction contr(7-stnkshn Contralto contr(7l-to Contrary tiv/ry Contrast contri:z-st Contrast'' contrrt-st Coutravallation contr«-vlshn Contravene contriz-vn Contribute contrz-bt Contrite contrz-t Contrive contrz-v Control contro-l 'C^ 6/ rOXTROVERSY 53 COPIOUS Controversy contrti-vrs Coiitiiniacy cont;/-ms Contiiiiioly cont«-mly Contusion cont;<-sn Coniinclruni conn?/n-drm Convalescence conva-lsns Convene V6-n Convenient vennt Convent vfnt Convention vfnshn Conventual v^ntl Converge Vfrj Converse vers Conversion vfrshn Convert vtfrt Convert' vfrt Convex VifX Convey \a Convict v?ct Convict'- vz'ct Convince v/ns ConA'ivial conv/-vl Convocation convo-cshn Convoke convo-c / = Convolve convol-v Convoy Convulse convz CoAvard cowrd Co'iver cowl Cowl C07V\ Coxoomb ci?cscni Coy coy Cozy cos Crab crab Craek CTac Cradle cradl Craft crrtft Crag crag Cram cram Crambo crambo Cramp cr«mp Crampoons crampns Cranberry cranbry Crane cran Cranium cranym Crank crank Cranny crany Crape crap Crash crash Crate crat Craunch cra«nch Cravat cravt Crave crav Craven cravn Craw cratf Cra^vftsli cra?rfsh Crawl craTfl Crayon craon Craze craz Crazy craz Creak cr^k Cream crfra Crease Cre'S Create cr^at Creator cri?atr Creature cri?tr c-^ c — ^ C~~v cTlD CllEDEXCE 57 IRONIER Credence crfdns Credentials crtdnshls Credible crtdbl Creditor crt'dtr Credulous crtdls Creed crifd Creek crek Creel crd Creole cr^ol Creosote crdTost Crepitate crfp-t Crept cr^pt Crepuscular crt-psclr Crescent crfsnt Cress CTCS Crest cr(?st Cretaceous cr CLJLVERT 59 CUT1CL,E Culvert CulVTt Cumber c2/mbr Cumin c«min Cumulate c;mi-l Cuueiform c^mefrm Ciiniilng czm-ing Cup C7tp Cupel ci^pel Cupellation cz/p-1 Cupidity c?/pd-t Cupola cwpla Cuppiut; cz^p-ing Cur Ct/T Curable c?'mbl Cynic syn-i Cynosure sjnshr Cj-press s^prs Cyst SJ'St Czar (zar) zar D. Dab Dace das Dactyl dactl Dad dad Daff dai -T-V Daffodil drtfdl --KI.r^IOX Defame dffani Default dcht Defeasance dd'fsns Defeat dtft Defecate del-c Defect di-fct Defence dt-fns Defend drfnd Defendant def Defense dffns Defer deh Defiant dd:fnt Deficit deist Defile dffl Define d^fn Deflagrate dd-fl-gr Deflect dd-'flct Defiour dfflr Defoliation dffo-1 Deform dffrm Defraud diffraud Defy dt'fi Degenerate dt-jnrat Deglutition dfRl-t cy —^ —^ / Degrade dt'grd Degree dfgr Deify dfif Deign (dan) dan Deism d^ism Deist dt'ist Deity d^-t Deject de-\ Delay d.la Delectable dd-e Delegate dfl-g Delf de\i Deliberate ddbrt Delicacy dflc-s Delicious d6'-l Delight dflit Delineate ddnat Deliquesce ddqs Delirious dflrs Deliver ddvr Dell dfl Delude ddud Deluge ddj Delusion d^•-l ^ K Ly ^ ^-^ DEMAM> 64 DKPOKT Demand dnnnd Deniain dfiim Demarcation dcmr-c Demean d^mn Demented dfmntd Demerit di-nirit Demiii^od dt-mgd Demijoliu dtnijn Demise drmis Democrat dcmcrt Demolisk d^rmlih Demon dfmn Demonstrate dt'mnstrt Demoralize dt'inrlis Demulcent dt'-ml Demur dd^mr Demure dfmr Demurrage dtmrj Demurrer dirnrr Demy d«?my Den d^n Dendrology dcndrlj Denial dd'nil Denizen di'nzn -P/ u 1 "7 oi -vO ^^ JOenominate de-nm Denote dfnt Denounce d^nns Dense d^rns Dent dtrnt Dentil dfntl Dentist d^ntst Dentition dtn-t Denude dfnud Deuuuciate d«nn^sh Deny dfni Deodand dfdud Deontology d«nt-o Depart di-prt Depend dfpnd Depict depct Depilatory di-pl-ti- Depletion d6--pl Deplore di?plr Deploy deploy Deplume drplm Deponent dtrpnnt Depopulate drpp-1 Deport d!;-prt "^ o —) ^ DEPOSE «5 WESTRUCTIOX Depose dcpos Depot dc'po Deprave dt-prv Depreeate di-pr-c Depredate dt'pr-d Depress dtprs Deprive dfprv Depth d^pth Depute dfput Derange dtrng Dereliet dtrrl-i Deride dd^rid Derisive dfiri-s Derive dcTV Derogate d6T-g Derrick dcT-i Dervis dt'rvs Descant dcscnt Descend desnd Descent d:. ^^ DESUETUDE 66 DIAMETER Desuetude dfsw-t Desultory dfsltry Detacli dftch Detail dftl Detail! dftn Detect drt-e Deter dftr Deteriorate dctr-T Detemiiiie detrmn Detersive detr-s Detest dftst Dethrone detlirn Detinue dftnu Detonate dft-n Detoi't detTt Detract dftr-a Detriment dctrmnt Detruncate dftrn-c Detrusion dtf-tr Deuce d?/s Devastate dcvs-t Develop Vflp Deviate d^ V Devil dfvl De\^se dd?vs Devisee di?vse Devisor devsT Devoid ddTvoid Devoir (devivor) dt'vwr Devolve dt'vlv Devote de-w Devour dt'v Devout ddiVout Dew (du) dew Dexter d^xtr Diabetes d/bts Diabolical diblcl Diacritical d/crtcl Diadem didm Diaereses dz'rss Diagonal d?gnl Diagram d/grm Dial dil Dialect d/l-e Dialing d/l-ing Dialogue di-1 Diameter d/amtr m l>IAMOXI> 67 I>1XGV Diamond d/'mnd Diapason d/psn Diaper d/apr Diaphanous d/fns Diaphragrm d/frm Diarrhea direa Diary d/ry Diatonic ditn-i Diatribe ditrb Dibble d/bl Dice d/s Dicky dzcy Diction dicshn Dictum dz'ctm Did did Bie di Dieresis d/rss Diet d/et Differ d/fr Difficult d/fclt Diffidence difdns Diffuse d/fus Dig dig Digest d/'jst -^ V -^ .^ Digit d/jt Dignify d/gnf Dignitary d/gn-tr Dignity d/gn-t Digraph d/-gr Digress d/grs Dike d/k Dilapidate d/lp-d Dilate d/-l Dilatory d/l-try Dilemma d/lma Diligent d/'ljnt Dilute diA Diluvial dilvl Dim dz'm Dime d/na Dimension d/mnshn Diminish d/mnsh l>imissory d/msry Dimity d/m-t Dimness d/mns Dimple d;mpl Din dm Dingy dinj Cy —t/ — ^ -->■ '-Ty l>I^'^£lt 68 l>IS.COXSOIiATE Dinner dinr Dint d/nt Diocese diss Diorama dirma Dip d/p Diphtheria d/fthra Diphthong d/fthng Diploma d/plma Dipper d/'pr Dire dir Direct d/r-e I>irge d/rj Dirk d/'rk Dirt d/rt Disable disa/51 I>isabuse disaiJus Disaltect disa/ct JDisatl vantage disa(/ Disagree disa^ Disallo^v disa/ Disannul disa«l Disappear disa/r Disappoint disa/nt Disapprove disa/rv 03 o /^ y Disarm disarm Disarrange disarnj Disarray disara Disaster disajtr Disavow disavow Disband disbfznd DisbeUef disbkf Disburden disb?rrdn Disburse disbos Disconcert d-srt Disconnect d-nct Disconsolate d-slt ^^ ^ y^ "13"^ DISCOXTEKT 69 DISPUTK Discontent d-tnt Discontinue d-tnu Discord discord Discount disctf//nt Discourage disc?/rj Discourse discors Discourteous disc«rts Discover discwvr Discredit discrfdt Disci'eet discrft Discrepant discn-pnt Discrete discrct Discretion dis-crfshn Discriminate discr/'m-n Discursion disc//rshn Discursive disc?OVE 7'i DROMEDARY I>ove d«v Do^vager dow]r DoAv«ly doifdy Do'wel d07l'\ I>ower dowT DoAvn dawn Dowry dowry Doxology dox-o Doze daz Dozen diizn Dozy do-s Drab dT<7h Draohni dr(?m Draff draf Draft draft Drag dn?^ Dragoman drrtginn ' Dragon dragn Dragoon dragn Drain dran Drake drak Dram dram Drama drama Dramatic dram-a Dramatist dramtst Drank drank Di-ape drap Di'astif drast-i Draught (di-aft) draft Draw- draw Dray dra Dread dr.'d Dream dre-m Drear dr,fr Dredge drej Dregs drt-gs Drencli drench Dress dri?s Dribble dr/bl Drift dr/ft Drill dr/'l Drink drink Drip dr/p Drive driv Drivel drivl Drizzle dr/zl Droll dr^l Dromedary drumdry DROXE 73 DUO Drone drt^n Drooi) droop Drop drop Dropsy drops Dross dros Droiitli (drowt) dro7tt Di'OA'e drcJV DrowTi drou'n DroTTse drou'z Drub Drudge dm] Di'ug dr?/g Drugget dr;/get Druid druid Drum drz/m Drunii drimk Drupe dr?^p Dry dr;* Dryad drji'ad Dryly drj'ly Dryness drjns Dual d;/al Dub dz/b Dubious d?cbs uuib d/nn Dumpish dz/mpsh Dun d.vn Dunce d.'/ns Dungeon di/njn Duo d?'o --JI V J" u DUODECIMAL. 74 ECIiOGLE Diiortecinial dwdsml Dnodeoinio d«dsmo Dupe d«p Duplicate d;^%'indle dwmdl Dye dy Dynamics djnm-i Dynasty djns-t Dysentery dj'sn-tr Dyspepsy d^'spp-s ^^ v^ -y c^Z E. Each ^ Eager Vc Eagle V. Ear er V Earl er/ V --, Early erly V ^ Earn em ^ Earth urth --. . Ease es V Easel eil ^ East est V Eat ei ^ Eaves el's Ebb ed Ebon V e/'n V. Ebriety e/T-t Ebullition efi-\ Eccentric V x^ntrc ~r^ Ecclesiastic Cfcist "^^ Echo ceo \y Eclectic ec-lc V Eclipse etrlips ^- Eclogue \ ec-1 ECOXOMY 75 EliECTUARY Economy Effuse etnmy eAis Ecstaoy Eft ecsts V e/t Ecnmenical V Egg ecmncl V es- Eddy Eglantine edy ^■--^ e^lntn Edge Egotism e;' ^^ — e^ism Edible Egregious edbX ^ N e°TJs Edict Egret ed-\ ^^y e^et Edify Egypt Qdi v^ ^ e/pt Edlle Eider-down (ider) td\ Vczi i e/'-e Effect I Eke e/-e V-^ e,^ Effeminate Elaborate e/hi-n V e/brt Effervesce Elapse e/rvs V e/ps Effete / Elastic e/et V e/stc Efficacy e/csy Ky^ Elate e/at Effigy Elbow e/j V e/bo Effloresce t-*^ ^ Elder e/lrs e/dr Effluence V5- Elect e/lns e/-e Effort Electric e/rt ^ e/-e Effrontery v^ Electrotype e/rntry e/ctr-t Effulgent e/ljnt ^^ Electuary e/-etry V \ vr> -S EtEEMOSYXARY 76 EMBOM'EL. Eleemosynary e/msnry Eleganee e/gns Elegiac e/eg-a Elegy e/jy Element e/mnt Elepliant e/fnt Elevate e/-v Eleven e/vn Elf e/f Elicit e/ist Eligible e/jbl Eliminate e/m-n Elision e/shn Elixir e/xr Elk e/k Ell e/ Ellipse e/ps Elm e/m Elocution e/-c Elongate e/n-g Elope e/p Eloquence e/-q Else e/s Elucidate e/us-d Elude e/iid Elvisli e/vsh Elysian e/shn Emaciate e?«a-sh Emanate e;;/-n Emancipate e;«nspt Embalm e;«bm Embank e;«bnk Embargo e;«brgo Embark ewbrk Embarrass e;«brs Embassador ewbsdr Embed e;«bd Embellisli e;«blsh Embers ewbrs Embezzle emhzl Emblazon e;«blzn Emblem ew/blm Embody ewzbdy Embolden ewbldn Embonpoint o;zgbnp\vng Emboss ew/bs Embouchure o;;gbshr Embo^vel e;«bl R:fIBOWEIC 77 EMXITIC Embower ewbor Embrace ewbrs Embrai^ure e;«brsr Embrocate ewbr-c Embroider ewbrdr Embroil ewbrl Embryo e;«bro Emendation e;«n-d Emerald ewrld Emerge e;«rj Emersion ewrshn Emery ewry Emetic ew-e Emigrant e;«grnt Eminence e;;mns Emissary ewsry Emit ewt Emmet ewet Emolliate e;«lat Emolument ewilmnt Emotion e-m Empale ewpl Emperil e;«prl Emperor e;«prr V -V ^ \ \ Emphasis ewfss Empire ewpr Empiric e;«prc Employ e;«pl Emporium e;«prm Empower e;«pr Empress e;«prs Emprise e;«pris Empty e>n-t Empyreal ewpral Emulate eiii-l Emulous e;«ls Emulsion em\shn Enable e^zabl Enact e«-a Enamel e/nnl En am or e«mr Encamp e«cmp Encaustic e«cstc Eucliain oichn Enchant e«chnt Enchase e«chas Encii'cle e«srcl Enclitic ewcltc BXCLiOSi: 78 EXIilVEX Enclose e«clos Encomium e«cmym Encompass e«cmps Encore (ongkor) o«gcr Encounter e«cntr Encourage encT} Encroach e//crch Encumber e«cmbr Encyclical ewsclcl Encyclopedia e«sclpd Encysted ewsstd End e«d Endanger e«dngr Endear e«dr Endeavor e«dvr Endemic e;?dm-i Ending e/id-mg Endless e«dls Endorse e«drs Endow e«dow Endue e«du Endure e«dur Enemy e«my Energy e«rj .<:> v.^ Enervate e«r-v Enfeeble e«fbl Enfeoff e;;ff Enlilade e;;fld Enforce ewfrs Enfranchise e«frnchs Engage eng] Engender ewgndr Engine e«jn Engird ewgrd English (ing) i;/glsh Engrain e;/grn Engrave e«grv Engross eiigrs Engulf e«glf Enhance e«hns Enigma e;;gm Enjoin e«jn Enjoy Enkindle e«kndl Enlarge e«lrj Enlighten e«ltn Enlist e>i\st Enliven ewlvn vr EXMITY 79 Kxvmox Enmity e«m-t Ennoble e«obl Ennui (ongnwee) o/igw Enormity e;;rm-t Enongli (nuf) e«f Enquire qinr Enrage e;/rj Enrapture e«rptr EnraTish e;/rvsh Enricli e;?rch Enroll e«rl Ensample ewsmpl Ensconce ewscns Enshrine e«shrn Ensiform e«sfrm Ensign e«sn Enslave ewslv Ensue e;/su Ensure (shur) ewshr Entablature e«tbltr Entail e«tl Entangle e;;tngl Enter e«tr Enterprise e;;trprs Entertain t«ntrtn Enthrone e«thrn Enthusiasm e«-ths Entice e«ts Entire e«tr Entitle e«ttl Entity Entomb (toom) e«tni Entomology e«tm-o Entrails e«trls Entrance e/itins Entrance eiitrns Entrap ewtrp Entreat e«trt Entry e^/try Entivine e«twn Ent«ist e«t\vst Enumerate n«mrat Enunciate n«n-sh Envelop e«vlp Envenom envnm Enviable ewvbl Envious e«vs EnA-iron tv/vrn V ) V V ^CL_/ ^ V ^ -tT > JEXVOV 84 Envoy envoy y Envy e;/vy V Epaet e/-a Epaulet e/lt Ephemeral e/mrl ^-^ Ephod e/od V Epic e/-i Vy Epicui*e e/cr Vy^ Epiileiuic e/dm-i ^J Epidermis e/drnis V Epiglottis ^^"^ e/glts V . Epigram e/-gr V -* Epilepsy e/lp-s }^ Epileptic e/l-e ^v Epilogue (log) e/-l k Epiphany e/fny ^ — ^ Episcopacy e/scps ^ Episode e/sd V—' Epistle (epistl) e/sl v^ Epitaph e/tf V_ Epithet e/tht V^ Epitome e/tniy V Epoch e/-o Epode / e/od Ky ElttjiOT Equal eX-1 Equation e-q Equator q«(Ztr Equery e/J'wry Equestrian Equilateral e/'-ltrl Equitlistant e/!'-dstnt Equilibrium e,4--Ibini Equine e.kn Equinox eX'-nx Equip etp Equipoise e/?--ps Equity e/^-t Equivalent e//-lnt Equivocal e^'-cl Equivoke e/t'-vk Era Eradiation eradshn Eradicate erd-c Erase Ere (ar) ar Erect er-e Erelong eHng Ergot ergt ^ ^ k- / EKMIXE 81 KTHIOI» Ermine e/inn Ei'osion e-r Err ar Errand enid Eri'ant emt Erratum Erring er~ing Erroneous erons Erst erst Erubescent erbsnt Eructation erc-t Erudite eni-d Eruption er-u Eruptive er-u Erysipelas erspls Escalade eicld Escape ej'cp Escharotic e5cr-o Escheat e5cht Eschew ejchu Escort ejcrt Escritoir (twor) e^crtwr Esculent e.fclnt Escutcheon e^cchn V^ Esoteric. ejotr-i Espalier ejpler Especial ej-pshl, spcshl Espionage e^pnj Esplanade ejplnd Espouse ejpous Espy ej-pi Esq.uire sq^nr Essay Essence ej'ns Establisli ertblsh Estate eitat Esteem e^tm Estimate ejtnit Estop ej'tp Estrange ejtrnj Estray ejtra Estuary estry Etch eth Eternal e/rnl Eternity e/rn-t Ether eihr Ethic eth-i Ethiop e/Aop \ D ^ V v^ -J ETIIXIC Hii EXCITE Ethnic eiAnc Ethnography e/Zm-gr Ethnology et/m-o Etiolate eiolt Etiquette (ket) e/ct Etymology e/m-o Etymon e/ymn Eulogy eu/j Eunuch GU/IC Euphony eu/ny European eurpn Euthanasy eu//^nsy Evacuate evc-v/ Evade ei'iid Evanescent evnsnt Evangelist ez'njlst Evaporate et'prat Evasion e-v Eve ev Even evn Event ez'nt Ever e»r Every ei'ry Evict ev-i ^ T^ s Evident et'dnt Evil evl Evince et'ns Evoke ei'-o Evolution ei'-l Ewe (y u ) y« Ewer ewr Exacerbate x(7srbt Exact xact Exaggerate x«jrt Exalt xalt Examine xamn £xami)le xampl Exasperate xasprat Excavate xca-v Exceed Excel Except xcpt Excerpt x^rpt Excess xes Exchange xchang Exchequer xch^kr Excise x/s Excite xzt ^ \ V V / ^ '■V EXCIiAIM 83 EXPENSK Exclaim xcl^zm Exclude xclwd Excogitate xccj-t Excomniuuicat e xct;mn-ct Excoriate xcorat Excrement xcwmnt Excrescence xcrcsns Excrete XCIiTt Excruciate xcr«-sh Exculpate xczdpt Excursion xcz^rshn Excuse XCi Famous iams Fan fan Fanatic fan-a Fancy ian-s Fandango fizndngo Fane • ian Fang iang Fantasy fant-s Far far Fai'ce iars Fare far Farewell farwl Farina farna Farm farm Faro faro Farrago fargo Farrier farr Farro^v faro Farthing farthing Fascinate fasnt Fashion fashn Fast fast Fat fat Fatal fatl "~:> -8^ 1 Fate fat Father fathr Fathom iathm Fatigue fatg Fatuity fatu-t Faucet faz/set Fault faz^lt Faun fa^^n Fauna fa«na Favor favr FawTi fawn Fay fa Fealty ie\-t Fear Feasible ieshl Feast iest Feat in Feather ft-thr Feature fd'tr Febrifuge fcbrfj Febrile f6'brl February f.b Fecundate frcn-d Fed ied F£DERALi 87 FIBER Federal ffdrl Fee ie Feeble ffbl Feed ied Feel ie\ Feet fft Feign (fan) fan Feint fant Felicitate ffls-t Feline feln Fell ie\ Fello^fv ielo Felly f6'ly Felodese ftflodse Felonious telons Felt felt Female ieml Fen fen Fence fens Fend fend Fennel fenl Fenny feny Feoff (fef) fef Ferment fermnt X. ■^ Fern fern Ferocious feroshs Ferreous ferus Ferret feret Ferruginous ferujns Ferrule (ril) feril Ferry fery Fertile fertl Ferule ferul Fervent fervnt Fervor fervr Festive festv Fetch fech Fete (fat) iat Fetid fetd Fetlock fetlk Fetter fetr Fetus fetus Feud iiid Fever fevr FCTV iew Fiat f/at Fib feb Fiber f/br ^— ^ FIBRIL 88 FIXIS Fibril f/brl Fickle f/kl Fiction f/cshn Fiddle f/dl Fidelity iidl-t Fidget f/jt Fiducial f/-d Fie fi Fief iei Field ffld Fiend Fierce f^rs Fiery f/ry Fife f/f Fifteen fiftn Fifth f/th Fifty f/f-t Fig Fight f?t Figment f/gmiit Figure f/gr Filanieut f/'lmnt Filature f/latr Filbert filbrt Filch filch File fil Filial f/lyl Filigi'ee iilgT Filings f/lings Fill fil Fillet fzlet Fillilmster f/'lbstr Fillip f/lp Filly f/ly Film f/lm Filter f/l-tr Filth f/lth Filtrate f/ltr Fin f/n Final fml Finance f/nns Fincli f/nch Find find Fine fin Finesse fines Finger fingr Finical f/ncl Finis finis d ~^ FIKIi^H 89 FLEAM Finish finsh Finite fmit Finny fmy Fir {?eT Fire flT Fii-kin f/rkn Fii'm f/rm Fii-nianient fzrmmnt First f?'rst Fiscal fiscl Fish f/sh Fissile f/sl Fissure fisr Fist f/st Fistula f/stla Fit f/t Five f/v Fix Fizz f/z Flabby flr7by Flaecicl fl<7sid Flag f/ag Flageolet fl(7J0lt Flagitious -^ ^^ ^ ^ Flagon flfl'gn Flagrant flt^grnt Flail flal Flake flak Flam Flambeau fltzmbo Flame Ham Flamingo flizmngo Flange flanj Flank flank Flannel Hani Flap flap Flare riar Flash flash Flask flask Flat flat Flatulent flatlnt Flaunt flaz/nt Flavor flavr Flaw flaw Flax flax Flay fla Flea fle Fleam -^ ^ ^ FL.ECH. 90 FliUSTEK Fleck flfC Fled Fledge Flee Fleece fles Fleer flcr Fleet net Flesli flt-sh Fle^v fl« Flex Rex Flicker fl/cr Flier flir Flight (flit) fln Flimsy fl/m-s Flinch fl/nch Fling fi/ng Flint flint Flip flip Flirt flirt Flitch flich Float flot Flock floe Floe Flog Hog J 8 P O a Flood fiooA Floor flor Flora fltira Floret fld^ret Florin fltirn Flotage fl(7tj Flotilla fltJtla Flotsam flotsni Flounce 'A.oims Flounder fl(7zmdr Flour fiottr Flout flout Flow Flo«'er floMT Fluctuate fl«ct-w Flue fill Fluent fl«nt Fluid fl/nd Fluke fl«k Flume fl«m Flung fl//ng Flurry fli/ry Flush fl/«h Fluster fl«str d— r s> ? s FLUTE 91 FORaniut gamt ^ Gander gandr ir^ Gang (/" gang 4^ax€;l.iox 96 «EL.AT1XE Ganglion g«ngln Gangrene gangrn Gangue (gang) grtng Gantlet grtntlt Gaol (jal) Gap gap Gape g«P Garb garb Garble grtrbl Garden gardn Garget g«rgt Gargle g«rgl Garland grtrlnd Garlic g,jrl-i Garment g(?rmnt Garner garnr Garnet ^ garnt Garnish grtrnsh Garniture garntr Garret gaiet Garrison grtrsn Garrote garot Garrulons g«ruls Garter gartT o Gas gas Gasconade gascnd Gasli gash Gasonieter gasmtr Gasp g«sp Gastric gffstrc Gastronomer gastrnmr Gate gai Gatlier ga\x Gaudiness gauditii Gange (gaj) g"j Gaunt gauwl Gauntlet ga//ntlt Gauze gaiiz Gave g'Z Gavel ga\\ Gawk gazt'k Gay Gaze gaz Gazelle gaz\ Gazette gflZt Geai- gcx Geese gfS Gelatine jeltn UD u L/ ^~-\ (J Gi:iii> 97 QIBB£T «eld geld Geli V w GlilSTEN 99 C>iOKGOIV^ Glisten (glisn) gl/sn Glitter ghtr Gloat slot Globose glcbos Globule gbbl Gloom gloom Glory glory Gloss glos Glottis gl'Jts Glover glovr Glow glo Gloze g\oz Glue g\u Glum gh- gra/f Gratis gratis Gratitude grrttud Gratulation gratu-l Grave grav Gravel gr«vl Gravitation grav-t Gravy gravy Gray gra Graze graz Grease gres Grease' grez Great grat Grecian gri?shn Greedy gr^dy Green gren Greet grft Gregarious gr^-g Grenade grfnad Grew (gru) gru Griddle grzdl Gridiron gr/drn Grieve gr KKUC'II I K F 4,;uttle (liuttiiral g"trl B)' Ouzzle g"zl Oyiniiastios jilHllStX Gypsum j/psni <^ypsy j/psy Gyral jirl Gyration j'-r Gyve M, Ha Habeas ha/'S Haberclaslier ha^'rdshr Ilabiliiiieiit ha/'lmnt Habit ha/;t Hack hare\v o o O o K o o V Hecatomb het'tm Hectic licctc Hedg:e he/ Heed hed Heel he\ Hegira he/ra Heifer he/r Height h/t Heinous (ha) ha;/ us Heir (ar) ar Held held Heliotrope ht'ltrop Hell ht-l Helm hflin Helmet hflmt Helot helot Help help Helve helv Hem he-// Hemisphere hewspr Hemlock Iiewlc Hemorrhage he;«r-a Hemp hewp Hen he;/ V o o ( ^^ O 7 C/^VO V HCX'CE 106 HIIiARlTY' Hence he«s Hepatic he/atc Heptagon he/tgn Heptarchy he/trcy Her Herald hfrld Herbaceous hfr-b Herbage erbj Heroivorous hcrbvrs Herculean herein Herd herd Here hdT Hereditament hrrdtment Hereditary hcrd-tr Herein h7f'itzr Howl howl Hoy hoy O o / i o HUB lOU HYDROGRAPHY Hub hud ^ HunkM hu;/ks \^ Hubbub Hunt hu^b V hu«t > Huckster Hurdle hucstr • V; h^.rdl (P Huddle Hull h?
IMPOSITIfO 113 IXDUSTKY Iiuposingr iwpos-ing Imposition iwp-s Impost iwpost Impostor iwpostr Impotence i;«ptns Imprecate i;«pr-c Impregnate i;;/prg-n Impress iwprs Imprint iwprnt Imprint^ i;«prnt Impromptu iw/prmtu Improve iwprv Improvise iw/prvs Impudence i;«pdns Impugn iwpn Impulse i;;/pls Impunity vmpn-t Impute iwput Inane iwan Inarch i;?rch Inaugurate iwaugrt Incarnate incTTit Incense i«sns Incentive i«sn-t I IT' A- )^^ Inception i^/sp.shn Inch i«ch Inchoate i«coat Incident i«sdnt Incipient i«spnt Incisive iwssv Incite i;/sit Incline i«cln Inclose i«clos Include iwcld Incog iwcg Income i/vcm Increase lucres Incubate i«cbt Indeed Indent i«dnt Indicate i«d-c Indigent i«djnt Indigo iwdgo Indorse iwdrs Induce i«dus Indulge i;;dlj Indurate i«d-r Industry i«ds-tr l^ > IXEBRIATE 114 IKOCrtATE Inebriate i;?ebrt Ineffable i;«fbl Inert i«rt Inevitable iwvtbl Infaniy inlmy Infant i;zfnt Infect i«fct Inferior inirr Infernal i;zfrnl Infest i«fst Infidel infdl Inflame iwfliri Inflate i«flt Inflect iwfl-e Influence i«flns Influx iwflx Inform iwfrm Infringe i«frnj Infuse i«fs Ingenious bi-j Ingot vigt Ingrate iwgrt Ingredient iwgrdnt Ingress i«grs ^ l^ /- Ingulf i;2glf Inhabit iwhbt Inhale i«hl Inhere i«hr Inherit i;^hrit Inhibit i«hbt Inhume \n\ra\ Inimical hi mcl Iniquity iwiqt Initial i«shl Initiate i«-sh Inject Injure \n\x Ink i«k Inland iwlnd Inlay i«la Inlet i«lt Inmate i;nnt Inmost i;zmst Inner iwr Innocent i;zsnt Innovate i«o-v Innuendo :;mdo Inoculate IXORDIXATE 115 INTIMATE Inordinate iwrdiit Inquest i«qst Inquire iquT Inroad ■iuTd Insert iwsrt Insipid i«spd Insist i«sst Insnare visriT Insobriety i«sbr-t Insolent i;zslnt Inspire i«spr Install i«stl Instant i;zstnt Instep i«stp Instill i«stl Instinct i«stnct Institute i«st-t Instruct i«-str Insular i«slr Insult i«slt Insure i«shur Intaglio (tal) iiitlyo Integer U!t]T Integrate int-gT h i I, I I A i. Intellect i/itl-e Intend i«tnd Intense i«tns Intent i«tnt Inter i«ter Interest iwtrst Interfere i;/tr{r Interim i«trm Interior i«trr Interline i;;trln Intermit i«trmt Internal i«trnl Interpolate i;2trp-l Interpose mtrpos Interpret iwtrprt Interrogate i«trogt Interrupt i«tr-u Intersect i^trsct Intersperse intrsprs Interval i;ztrvl Intervene i«trvn Intestate i«tstt Intestine i;ztstn Intimate i«tmt L IXTO 116 ITCH Into i7Zt Intoxicate iwtxct Intrench iwtrnch Intrepid i«trpd Intricate i«trct Intrigue unrg Intrinsic iwtrnsk Introduce i«trds Introvert i«trvrt Intrude i^trud Intrust intrust Intuitive i;ztu-t Intn'ine i«t\vn Inundate i;m-d Inure i;mr Invade i«vd Invalid i;;vld Invalid' i;/vld Invasion Invective i«v-e Invent btvnt Inverse i«vrs Invest i;zvst Inveterate iwvtrat / J^- Invidious i;/vds Invite iwvt Invocate inv-c Invoice i?tvs Invoke in-vc Involve volv Iota iota Irascible irsbl Ire ir Iris iHs Irish irsh Irksome irksm Iron irn Irrigate irgt Irritate ir-t Isinglass ijngls Island (i) i/nd Isolate iso-\ Israelite i^rlit Issue isu Isthmus (is) i5ms It ii Italian i/lyn Itch ich ITEM 117 JIXGIiE Item Iterate i/rat Itinerate i/nrat Itself iisl Ivory ix'ry Ivy iz'y J. Jabber jrtbr Jacinth jrtsnth Jack jac Jackal i«ci Jade Jag jag Jaguar jaguT Jail ja\ Jalap jalap Jam jam Jangle j«ngl Janitoi' jantr January }an Jar jar Japan i«pn Jargon j«rgn Jasmine jasmn >^. J- Jasper jaspr Jaundice jatinds Jaunt jaunt Javelin javln Jaw- jaw Jay ja Jealous ji^lS Jean jtfn Jeer j'fr Jehovah j^ova Jejune jejn Jelly jdy Jeopard j^prd Jerk jerk Jessamine j(?smn Jest jfSt Jesuit jffSUt Jet jet JcTvel jeu'l Jewish jeivsh Jib j^-b Jig lis Jiff Jingle jingl JOB 118 JUVEXESCEXT Job job Jockey joey Jocose jocos Jog Join ioin Joiut joint Joist joist Joke joe Jolly jo\y Jostle (1) j(/Sl Journal jz/rnl Journey jiirny Joust joust Jovial jov\ JOT»'l jowl Joy joy Jubilee j//ble Judaism jz^dism Judge j"j Judicature jzcd-c Judicial jwdshl Judicious j//dshs Jug Juggle jugl Juice Julep jtilp July Jumble jzzmbl Jump j«mp Junction jzzncshn June j/zn Jungle jzzngl Junior jzznr Juniper jzznpr Junk jzznc Junket jzznct Junto jzznto Juridical jzzrdcl Jui*isdiction jzzrs-d Jurisprudence jzzrs-pr Jui-ist jzzrst Juror jzzrr Jury jzzr Just jz^st Justice jzzsts Justify jzzstf Jut jzzt Juvenescent jzzvnsnt ~D jrVEHfII.E 119 KXAVE Juvenile j«vnl Juxtaposition jwxtshn K. Kale cal Kaleidoscope C(7ldskop Kangi^aroo Crtngroo Kedg:e ce] Keel ce\ Keen cm Keep cep Keg Cf-g Kelp Ciflp Ken Cfn Kennel cenl Kept Cfpt Kerchief csrchf Kernel c^rnl Kersey C(?rsy Kettle Cftl Key ce Kick cz'c Kid c/d Kidnap c/dnp Kidney cidny ^ y^ Kilderkin cildrcn KUl ca KUn czl Kilt c/lt Kimbo czmbo Kin cin Kind c/nd Kindle cindl Kindi-cd cindrd Kine czn King cing Kink c?nc Kinsman c/'nsmn Kipskin c/pskin Kirk cz'rc Kirtle czrtl Kiss cis Kit cit Kitchen cfchn Kite czt Kitten c?tn Knack r\ac Knapsack napsc Knave now ■.^ KXGAU ISO IiAK£ Knead n^d Knee ne Kneel ne\ Knell Kne^v new Knife (nif ) nii Knight (nit) nit Knit (nit) nit Knob (nob) nob Knock (uok) noc Knoll (nol) no\ Knot (not) not KnOTV (no) no KnoTvledge (nolej) nol Knuckle (nukl) nuc\ Knurl (nurl) mnl Koran coran L. La la Label lahl Labial labal Labor l^br Laboratory Iflbr-tr Labyrinth labrnth ^ ^ Vi ^ Lac lac Lace las Lacerate liTsrt Lachrymal Iffcrml Lack Lackadaisical lac-d Lackey lacy Laconic lacn-i Lacquer (laker) lacr Lacteal Lad lad Ladder ladr Lade lad Ladle ladl Lady li7dy Lag lag Lagoon l(7goon Laic la-i Laid lad Lain Ian Lair lor Laird l^rd Laity laty Lake lac ^r- ^ ^ ^J liAMB VZl liATIX liamb (lam) l«m lianibent l«mbnt Liauie lam liamellate Irtmlat Lament lamnt liamina lamna Ijamp Irtmp Lampoon lampn IJamprey lampry Lance l(7ns Laneh lanch Landau Ifzndo Landed landd Landing: land-ing Lane Ian Language Irtng Languid Irtngd Lank. lane Lantern lantrn Lanyard lanrd Lap lap Lapel lap\ Lapidary lapdry Lappet lapt y y ~:> Lapse laps LapHtone lapstn Larboard larbrd Larceny larsny Larch larch Lard lard Large larj, larg Lark larc Larva larva Larynx larnx Lascivious lasvs Lasli Irtsh Lass las Lassitude las-t Lasso laso Last last Latcli lach Late lat Latent latnt Lateral latrl Lath lath Lathe lath Lather lathr Latin latin 6 60 era / liATlTL'DE ISS ]J££R liatitiide l(7t-t Liatten Irttn liatter Lztr Liattioe lats liaud hri/d Liaudaiiuni \andnm liaugh (laf) liaunoh \anch Liaundry Irtndry liaureate Ifl/creat liaurel liava lava liave 1(7V liavender Iffvndr Liavisli lavsh Lia^v \aw Lia^vii latin Lia^vyer lauyr liax lax lay \a ILazar lazT Liazy laz lica Leach kch /^ ^ licad kd licad' led Leaf kf League leg Leak lee Lean \en Leap lep Learn km Lease les Leash lesh Least lest Leather lethr Leave lev Leaven lefn Leaves Lecher lechr Lection lecshn Lecture lectr Led led Ledge lej Ledger lejr Leech lech Leek lek Leer let e ^ -/- ^?^D liEES l'^3 lilABLE Lees \es lieeward le-wrd Left left Leg leg Legacy kg-s Legal legl Legate kgt Legator kgtr Legend kjnd Leggin ]egn Legible kjbl Legion kjn Legislate kjslt Legitimate kjtmt Legume Ifgm Leisnre leshr Lemon ]cmn Lend lend Length knth Lenient lenynt Lens lens Lent lent Lentil lentl Leonine lenn y 6 & > ^ F Leopard leprd Leper lepr Lesion leshn Less les Lessor lesr Lest lest Let let Lethargy lethrj Lethe lethe Letter letr Lettuce let us Levant levnt Levee leve Leveret levret Level levl Lever levr Leviathan levthn Levigate levgt Levite levt Levy levy LcAvd (lud) l;^d Lexicography lex-gj Lexicon lexcn Liable 1/abl ^ P ^ "c/ ^ lilAK 1$S4 I.IXXET liiar 1/r liibation h-b liibel 1/bl Liiberal 1/brl liiberate librat liiberty bbr-t Library l/btry liibrate Izbrat Liicense 1/sns Iiicentious lisnshs liichen hen liick 1/c liickerish h'crsh liicorice h'cris liid liie 1/ Oef Id liiege kj liien (len) kn liieu lew liieiitenant bitnnt liieve lev liife lit liift h'ft ^ ^ "~7 liiganieut b'gmnt liiglit Ligneous 1/gnus Lignum vitse 1/gnmvta Like lik Lilac 1/lc LUy lily Limb 1/m Lime lim Limit 1/mt Limn limn Limp l/'mp Limpet 1/mpt Limpsy 1/nip-s Lincli-pin 1/nchpn Linden lindn Line Im Lineage lin-a Linen knn Linger I/ngr Linguiiiit l/'ngst Lining 1/ning Link Imk Linnet Imet _D _o -z^ ^ lilXSEED 1*^5 £.OGOMA<^IIY liinseed 1/nsd liiiit lint Lintel lintl liion lion Lip lip Liquefy liqf Liquidate 1/qdt Liquor licr Lisp lisp List list Litany litny Literal litrl Literary litry Litharge lithrj Lithe lith Lithograph 1/th-g Lithotomy lithotmy Litigate 1/t-g Litigant lit-g Litter litr Little 1/ Liturgy litrj Live liv Live liv ^^ ''nt. Liver livr Livid hvd Lizard lizrd Lo \o Load kd Loaf \oi Loam Xovix Loath \oX\\ Loaves 1<7VS Lobe lob Lobby bby Lobster l()bstr Loeal bcl Loeate loct Loch be Lock \oz Locomotion lt>c-ni Locust locst Lode lod Lodge \o\ Loft bft Log l(?g Logic \o\-\ Logomachy Icgmcy ^ ff / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L.01X 126 liTIMP liOiu loin liOiter loitT Loll hi Lone Ion long Loiii^itucle lojij-t liOO loo Look look Loom loom Loon loon Loop loop Loose l005 Lop lop Loquacious lo-q Lord lord Lore lOT Lose looz Loss los Lot lot Lotion Itfishn Lottery lotry Loutl loted Lon;:li (lok) be Lounge loten] / ^ ^ r ^ Lout \ovX Love \uv LOAV \o Lower lor Loyal lo>'l Lozenge loznj Lubber luhr Lubricate 1/cbr-c Lucid h^sid Luck \uz Lucrative h/cr-t Lucre liccx Lucubrate lii-hr Luculent hcclnt Ludicrous l«dcrs Luff liii Lus lug Luggage Lukewarm h^cwrm Lull liil Lumbago l«mbgo Lumber liivCihr Luminary bnnnry Lump ^ liUKACY 127 mai>kic;al. Iiiinacy \im-s liiinar l«nr XiUiicli 1/cnch liunette l«net Idling htng l«nj liUpine i«pn liUrclL lurch liiire Ijured h^rd liiirid htrid liurk lure liuscious hty mffjst -^ T "^ Major ni«ir Make mak Maladministration m«ldinn-str Malady maldy Malapert m«laprt Malaria nirtlra Malcontent malcntnt Male ma\ Malediction niffl-dc Malefactor malfctr Malevolent nifllvlnt Malfeasance malfsns Malice m«lis Malign main Malison (zn) malzn Mall mrtl Malleahle nifllbl Mallet mrtlet Malmsey malmsy Malt nirtlt Mamma mi^znia Mammal 111(7 ml Mammon ni«mn Mammoth manith -jy ■^i ^ ■^ MAX 1S9 MARAUD Man man Manacle mi^ncl Manage man] Mandamus miTiidms Mandarin mandrn Mandate mi?ndt Mandible mizndbl Mandrel nifzndrl Mane nirtn Manege (nazh) m<7nzh Manes manes Maneuver nirtnvr Manful m^nfl Manganese m^rngnes Mange man] Mangel wnrzel m(7nghvrzl Mangel* man]r Mangle mangl Mango mango Mangrove mangry Mangy m(7njy Mania many a Manifest manfst Manifold manfld ~L/ O X/ -zy -iy^ Manikin man en Maniac man-a Manipulate manplat Mankind mancnd Manly manly Manner manr Manoeuvre (nu) manvr Manor manor Manse mans Mansion manshn Mantel mantl Mantua mantua Manual manl Manufacture manfctr Manumit manmt Manui-e manur Manuscript manscrt Many (nieny) mrny Map map Maple mapl Mar mar Maranatha marntha Marasmus marsms Maraud maraud y "C "D :}IAKBL.B 130 MASTER Marble marbl March march Marchioness m«rshnes Mare mar Margiii marjn Marigol«l nirtTgld Marine mffrn Mariner mi7rnr Marital niffrital Mai'joram mffrjrm Mark marc Market m^rct Marl m<7rl Marline nirtrln Marmalade m^rmld Marmorean m(7rmrn Marmoset marmset Maroon marn Marque marc Marquee (ke) marce Marquetry mi^rqtry Marquis marqs Marriage m^rj MarroAV maro -o •^^^ 7' -c — P o_ D TT -cr ~cr "3 -rT Marry nirtry Marsh marsh Marshal marshl Mart mart Marten martn Martial marshl Martin martn Martinet martnt Martinmas martnms Martingal martngl Martlet martlt Martyr martr Marvel marvl Masculine mascln Mash mash Mask masc Maslin ma sin Mason masn Masquerade masqrad Mass mas Massacre mascr Massive ma-s Mast mast Master mastr 7 ■Q MASTICATE 131 MEASURE Masticate m«stct Mastic mastc Mastlir mastf Mastodon mastdn Mat mat Matcb mach Mate mat Material matrl Maternal matrnl Mathematics math-m Matin matn Matrass matrs Matrix m^trx Matricide matrsid Matriculate mrttrc-1 Matron m«trn Matter m«tr Matting mat-ing Mattock mat-o Mattress m«trs Mature mrttur Maudlin mffudln Maul raattl Maunder mazmdr -7 TJ "3 "-A Mausoleum mn? -Q "^ -; 7^ Mince m/ns Mind mind Mine mm Mineral mmrl Mingle m/ngl Miniature mintur Minim ni/'nm Minimum mm mm Minion m/nyn Minister mmistr Mink mznk MinnOAV mino Minor m/nr Minotaur m/notaur Minster mznstr Minstrel mmstrl Mint mmt iTlinuend m/nuiid Minuet mznet Minute (minit) mint Minute minut Minx minx Miracle m.ircl Mire niir "C o r T MIKKOR 135 M01>KUX Mirror m/rr Mirth mirth Miry m/ry Misanthrope m/snthrp Misapply m/spli Misapprehend m/sprnd Misbecome misbecm Misbehave m/sbhv Misbelief m/sblf Misealeulate m/sclclt Miscall miscl Miscarry miscr>' Miscellaneous mislns Mischance mischns Mischief m/schf Mischoose m/schs Miscite missit Miscreant miscrnt Miser in;sr Misery mn'sry Misle misl Miss mis Missal misl Missi 1 c ■o -V. y^') v-^ .^?' Mission m/'shn Missive mi-s Mist mist Mistle m/sl Mistress mz'strs Misty misty Mite mit Mitigate mit-g Mitten m/tn Mix m/x Mizzen mizn Mizzle m/'zl Mnemonics (ne) nt'mn-i Moan mon Moat mot Mob mob Jlobility mtjblt Moccasin mccsn Mock RIOC Modal m6Xli Mode mod Model n\i)dl Moderate nwdrt Modern mtfdrn <= —p J> -J —f MOI>EST 136 IIOOX 3Iodest modst ^tlodiouiii nic^dcni Modify modi ModiNli niodsh Modisto .mcdst Modulate mod-\ Moll air mohr Moliaininedan niyhmdn Moiety inai-t Moil moil Moist moist Molar moh Molasses molss Mole moi Molecule mtilcl Molest moist Mollify moUy Molt molt Molten moltn Moment mi/mnt Momentous momnts Momentum momntni 31 on act) ism nioncsm Monad monad ---X^ ^ -^ /^ ■y Monareli miJnrc Monastery nicnastry Monday mond Money mony Mongrel mongrl Monitor montr Monk monc Monkej- mtJncy Monody monody Monogamy mongmy Monogram nii-n-gr Monologue nion-1 Monomaniac monmn a Monopoly monply Monosyllaltle monslbl Monotheism monthsm Monotone ni^'ntn Monotony nit'ntny Monsoon monsn Monster monstr Month month Monument monmnt Mood mood Moon moon -^ 7 ~D -^^y -€^ -1 MOOR 137 MUCH KIOOF mooT Moose moos Moot moot Mop mop Mope mop Moral Morbid mc:irbd Mordant mtrdnt More mor Moreen moren Moresque morse Morn morn Morocco more Morose moros Morris moris Morroiiv moro Morse mors Morsel morsl Mortal mortl Mortar mortr Mortgage (morgej) niorgj Mortify mortf Mortise morts Mortmain mortmn Tj O 7 -d^ -o Mosaic mosa-i Mosque (mosk) mosc Mosquito (ke) raoseto Moss mos Most most Mote mot Moth moth Mother mothr Motion moshn Motive mo-t Motley motly Motor motr Motto moto Mould mold Moult molt Mound mo«nd Mount mo?/nt Mourn morn Mouse mo2es Mouth moteth Move mov Mow mo Mom- (mou) mow Much m? Mumble m«mbl Mummer m«mr Mummy m«my Mumpish m/rmpsh Mumps m;/mps Munch m?^nch Mundane m?^ -/- XETHEK 141 ^Oli^OlIE Kethor rii'thr Netting: noting Nettle Neuraljfia Neiitei" n«tr NeA^er nevr XCAV new News news Newt (nut) newt Next nex Nib nzb Nice n/s Niche nich Nick n/c Nickel nicl Nick-nacks n/cncs Nickname n/cnm Nictate nict-t Niece nfs Niggard n?grd Nigh (ni) ni Night (nit) n/t Nightingale n/tngl Niliility n/hl-t ~7 J Nimble n/'inbl NimbuH n/'mbs Nine nin Ninny n/ny Nip nip Nipple n/pl Nit nzt Nitid nitd Niter nitr Nitrate n/trat Nitrogen n/trjn No ni? Noble nobl Nobleman nyblmn Nobody nt^bd Nocturnal nfctrnl Nod n(7d Noddle nt^dl Noddy nody Node nijd Nodule nc)dul Nog nog Noise nois Noisome noisni -\ 1 XOMAD 142 XrCATOBY Skouiad nomad Nomenclature nomncltr Xoniiiial nomnl Xoiuiiiate nom-n Sfommee nome X oil age nonj IVontlesoript nond-scr Xone mm Xoiieiitity nonn-t Kones nons Xonpareil nonpri Xoiiplus ncnpls Xook nook Noon n<7?n Noose noos Noose' noos Nor nor Normal norml North north Nose nos Nosology nos-o Nostril nostrl Nostrum nostrm Not not ~1> _£> -7^ Notable notbl Notary iiot-ry Notation no-t Notch noch Note not Noted notd Nothing nz^th-ing Notice notis Notify notf Notion noshn Notorious notors Notwithstanding notstnd-ing- Nought (uawt) nazi't Noun no?^n Nourish n«rsh Novel novl November nov Novice novs NoAV now Noxious (nokshus) nocshs Nozzle nozl Nucleus n;^cls Nude mtd Nugatory migtry -o 7 -Q 1 "^ IVUGGET 143 OBLOqUV STusget n«gt Xwisance n/«ns mil Xumber n//mbr Xiiiiierator n^mratr Xuiiierous n//mrs IkiiiuiMinatics n/nns-m Xiiii Kuneio (slii) n^nsho ]Vun eiipative lumcp-t Xiiiinery nz^nry Xuptial n«pshl Uurse nitrs Xiirture n/iTtr \ut md Nutation nu-i Xut-gali n/^tgl Xh till eg n.vtmg Xutriniout Xymph n/mf n>'s Xyssa nysa. Xjstagmus nj'stoms -^ ^5". -iS ~e- O. o Oak oc Oar or Oasis ojs Oat Oath Obdurate o(^drt Obedienee o/'dns Obeisanee o/'sns Obelisk oiJlsk Obese Obey Obriisoation o/^fs-c Obituary oiJtry Object Objurgatory o/'jr-g Obligate ol>l-g Oblige Oblique o/'lc Obliterate o/51trat Oblivious Oi^JlvS Oblong o/'lng Obloquy o^lq / / c '(/ OBXOXIOL'S Obnoxious o/mcshs Oboe Oi!'o Obovate Of^Vt Obsceue o^sn Obscure o/^scr Obsequies o/'SqS Obsequious Oi^sqs Observe o^srv Obsession Obsolescent OiJslsnt Obsolete o/;slt Obstacle Obstetrics Oi^sttr-i Obstinate Oi^stnt Obstreperous Oi^strprs Obstruct od-stT Obtain 0(5tn Obtest Oi^tSt Obtrude o<5-tr Obtuse o/'tus Obverse o/^vrs Obvert OiJvrt Obviate ofiva.t Obvious Q^VS 144 ^ / / ODIUM Occasion / oc-c Occident / OiTsdnt C Occiput / : Oc-Spt Occlusion / oc-cl c Occult oclt /^ Occupy A o^p Occur / o^r o Ocean oshn / Ocher / OCT Octachord ^^~ octcrd r Octagon &— ottgn Octahedral otthdrl 4^ Octangular ^ o<;tnglr Octave .^^^ octv ^■'^"^ Octavo ottvo '""'^ October @ct 1 Octogenarian oct]-n lJ Ocular otlr / Oculist otlst /' Odd _^^ od Odds ^ ods Ode od Odeon ^ odn Odium odym ODOR 145 OXSL,Al%;iIT Odor odr O'er or Of (ov) Of Off 0/ Offal 0/1 Offence o/ns Offer Office o/s Officer o/sr Official o/-f Offing o/-ing Offscouriug o/scr-ng Offset o/st Offspring o/spring Oft o/t Often (ofn) o/n Ogee o;'e Ogle 0^1 Ogre Oh ok Oil oil Oint . oint Old o/d Oleaginous o/agns -^ Olfactory o/fctry Olibanuni o/bnm Oligarchy o/grcy Olio o/io Olive o/v Olympiad o/mpd Omega o;«ga Omelet owlet Omen own Omission o-m Omnibus ownbs Omit Omnipotent omnp-tnt Omnipresent omni-prsnt Omniscient omns-nt Omnivorous omnv-ors On on One (^vun) wun Once wuns Onerary o«rary Onion o;?yn Only o«ly Onset oiisi Onslaught o«slt ^- OXTOL,0«Y 146 ORE Ontology o;zt-o Onward owrd Onyx onx Ooze ooz Opacity o/ast Opal o/l Open o/n Opera o/ra Operate o/rat Operose o/ros Ophicleide o/clid Oplithalniy o/thlmy Opiate o/at Opinion o/nn Opium o/ni Opodeldoc o/dldc Opossum o/sm Opponent o/nnt Opportune o/rtn Oppose o/s Oppress o/rs Opprobrium o/robrum Oppu;s^n o/un Optative o/t-t / /^ A, Optic o/tc Optimism o/ till ism Option o/shn Opulent o/lnt Or or Oracle Orel Oral or\ Orange om] Orang-outang omgtng Oration o-r Orb orb Orbicular orbclr Orbit orht Orchard orchrd Orchestra orcstr Orchis (kis) ores Ordain ordn Ordeal ordl Order ordr Ordinal ordnl Ordinary ordnry Ordination orj-n Ordnance onlnns Ore or ^^ OR<^A»f 147 OVAL. Organ orgn Org:aiiisin o/'gnism Orgies orjs Oriel or el Orient ornt Orifice oris Origin or]n Oriole orol Orion onn Orison orsn Orlop orlp Ormolu ornilu Ornament ommnt Ornate om Ornithology omth-o Orology or-o Orphan oH^n Orphic orfc Orrery orrry Orthodox orthdx Orthoepy orthp Orthography orth-gr Ortolan ortln Oscillate QS-l ,-^y yV J-^ T ^ ^ Osculate OJClt Osier Osprey ojpry Osseous Oi^US Ossify osl Ossivorous ojvrs Ostensible OJ'tnsbl Ostentation OJtn-t Osteology oite-o Ostiary OJtary Ostracism 05trssm Ostrich OJtrch Other o/hr Otter otx Ottoman o/'mn Ouch oufh Ought (awt) 2av\. Ounce ouws Ours ours Onrselves oiirsl Oust ou^t Out ou/ Out\»'arIip Polypus polips Polyscope poliscp Polysyllable pt'lislbl Polytechnic politcnc Polytheism pc)lthsm Pomace pom as Pomade pomad Pomatum ptfmtni Pomegranate ptniigrnt Pommel pom\ Pommeliou ptmilj II Pomology pom-o Pomp pomp Pond pond Ponder pondr r o- ^ ^^. ^ /o 7 o- ,-^ :> ^^ POXCiEE 161 rOSSET Pongee ponj Poniar«l (yard) p(7nrd Poiitiflf pontf Pontoon pontn Pony pony Poodle poodl Pool pool Poor POOT Pop pop Pope pop Poplar poplr Poplin popln Populace popls Populate poplt Popular pijplr Porcelain porsln Porch P(?rch Porcine ptJrsn Porcupine porcpn Pore pat Pork pcrc Porous POTUS Porphyry pc'rfry Porpoise p^rps /!_ -v- ^ Porridge pcrj Porringer pornjr Port port Portable portbl Portage port} Portal portl Portcullis portclis Porte port Porte-monnaie portmna Poi'tcnd portnd Portent portnt Porter portr Portfolio portflo Portico portco Portion porshn Portly portly Portmanteau (to) portmnto Portrait portrt Pose pos Poser posr Position po-s Positive postv Possess poss Posset poset -^ PO!i^!!^lBL.Ii: 16a PKEC£1>E Possible posbl Post post Postage p^stj Posterior pOStTT Postern postrn Postflx postfx Postillion postlyn Posture postur Posy posy Pot pot Potable potbl Potasli potsh Potato potato Potent potnt Potentate potntat Potential potBshl Pother pothr Potion poshn Potsherd potshrd Pottage p<7tj Potter potr Poueh pouch Poultry peltry Pounce pouns /I •7 n— /7/ 2 9 Pound pound Pour por Pout pout Poverty povrt Powder pozi'dr Power potvr Pox pox Practice practs Pragmatic pr«gmtc Prairie prary Praise prfls Prance prans Pi*ank pr«nc Prate prat Prattle pratl Prawn prawn Pray pra Prayer prar Preach prt'ch Preamble prt'mbl Prebend prfbnd Precarious pr^crs Precaution prf-c Precede pr^'sd /9 'Z/- PRECEXTOR 163 PRESERVE Precentor prifsntr Precept pr<-spt Precinct prrsnct Precious prcshs Precipice prfsps Precipitate pr^-sp-t Precise pr^ss Preclude pr^cld Precocity prfcost Pre dace ous pr^-d Predatory prfd-tr Predestinate prtfdstnt Predetermine prcdtrmn Predial prtdl Predicate prc-dct Predict prfd-i Pre-emption pr(?mshn Preface prefs Prefect prrfct Prefer preir Prefigure prefsr Pregnant prfgnnt Prehension prAnshn Prejudice pr^jds ^ -i. rQ Prelate prclat Prelection prclcshn Preliminary prd'lninry Prelude prdud Premature prc-nitur Premeditate prt'md-t Premier prfmr Premise pr^mis Premises pri'mss Premium prtnnm Premonish prcmnsh Pi'epare prfpr Prepay pr^pa Prepense prfpns Preposition pr.-p-s Preposterous prt-pstrs Prerogative pr^rrgtv Presage prfsj Presbyter prrsbtr Presbyterian prt'sbtrn Prescience (Shi) prfshns Present pr^snt Present' prfsnt Preserve prfsrv n- ^ 7 /2 / fV /7^ FR£!!ilDK 164 PRIZE Preside prfsid President prfs Press prfS Presume prfsm Pretend prftnd Pretense prftns Preterit pr^trit Pretext priTtxt Pretor pr^tr Pretty prz'ty Prevail pnvl Prevaricate prfvrct Prevent prifvnt Previous prexs Prey pra. Price pns Prick pr/c Pride pr/d Priest prfst Prig prig' Prim pr/m Primage pr/mj Primary pr/mry Primate primat .7^ /> ^?^ ./2_ ; /9 /Z- ''^ -\ Prime przm /2_ Primer pr/mr ^^ Primeval pr/mvl /2_ Priming pn'm-ing ^^ Primitive prnii-t /2_- Primogeniture pr/mjntr Primordial prnnrdl Primrose pr/mros Prince pnns Principal pr/nspl Principle prinspl Prink prmc Print prmt Prior prior /g Priory przry /3_ Prism pr;sm /? Prison pr/sn Pristine przstn /"><— Prithee przthe Private pr/vt Privation pri-v Privet pr/vet Privilege prhlj Prize pr/z ^7^^ PROBABLE 14i5 PROXCi Probable pr(?bbl Probate pro-h Probation prti-b Probe prob Problem problm Proboscis probss Proceed prosd Process pross Proclaim prciclm Proclivity proclv-t Proconsul prtjcnsl Pi'ocrastiiiate procrstnt Profane proin Profess profs Proffer profr Proficient pro-f Profile profl Profit prfft Profligate profl-g Profound prijfnd Profundity profnd-t Profuse profus Prog prog Progeny projny n «\ a --Z- o^ /9_ O Prognosis prognoss Program progrm Progress progrs Progress' progrs Prohibit pr^ihbt Project prc-j Project' pro-j Prolate prf>-l Prolicide prolisd Prolific prolfc Prolix proix Prolocutor prolctr Prologue (log) prolg Prolong prolng Promenade pronind Prominent promnnt Promiscuous promscs Promise pronise Promissory promsry Promote pro-ni Prompt promt Promulgate proml-g Prone pron Prong prt)ng ^ly or ?-^ ^-2 . n^ /? ^ Of PROXOUW 166 PKOVEXDEK Pronoun pr^nn Pronounce pri'nns Proof ptool Prop pr(7p Propagate prop-g Propel propl Prepense propns Proper prf^pr Property pr(7pr-t Prophecy prof-s Prophet proft Propinquity prtjpnqt Pi'opitiate pro-p Propitious pn;-p Propolis prt^polis Proportion pro-pr Propose prtipos Propound prcpnd Proprietor propritr Propriety propri-t Propulsion pro- pi Prorogue prorg Prosaic prosa-i Proscenium prosnm 7 n^ Proscribe pr^scrb Prose pros Prosecute pr(7s-c Proselyte proslit Prosody prosdy Prospect prfspt Prosper prospr Prostitute prt>st-t Prostrate pros-tr Prostyle prostl Prosy pro-s Protect pr()tct Protege (tazha) protsha Protest prtJtst Protestant protstnt Prothonotary prothn-tr Protocol pr^ftcl Prototype prtJttp Protract protrct Protrude pn'trud Protuberance protbrns Proud Prove \\xov Provender provndr ^ /T-- /2_ PKOVKKB 16; I'L'LiPlT Proverb provrb Provide provid Providence provdns ProAision pro-v Proviso prfvso Provoke prov-o Provost provo Provost-inarshal provomrshl ProAv prow Prowess proTt'S Prowl prcml Proximate proxmat Proximity pToxmt Proximo prox Proxy proxy Prude prz^d Prudence prz^dns Prudish prz^dsh Prune Prunella prz^nla Prurience pTiirns Prussic prus-i Pry pri Psalm (sam) sam ■/ /? ^ /?y n Psalter (sawl) saltr Pshaw (shaw) ■&\\aw Psychology (si; s/clj Ptolemaic (tol) tolma-i Puberty p;/brt Public pu\Az Publish pz^blsh Pucker puzx Pudding p«d-ing Puddle pnA\ Puerile p;^ril Puerperal piixpxX Pug P"g Pugilist p«jlst Pugnacious P"g-n Puisne (pune) p//ne Puissance p//sns Puke p«c Pnle p«l Pull piA Pullet p//lt Pulley p«iy Pulp P"lp Pulpit p?dpt • P r\ n Hi J^ PULPY 168 PURVIEW Pulpy p«lpy Pulsate p//lsat Pulverize p«lvrs Pulverulent pwlvrlnt Pumice pt/ms, Punip p/imp Pumpkin p;/mcn Puucli pz/nch Puncheon (un) pz/nchn Punchinello pwnchnlo Punctilio p//nctlo Puncto pz^ncto Punctual p?/nctl Punctuate p«nctat Puncture pz^nctr Pundit pz^ndt Pungent p?/njnt Punic p/m-i Punish p;/nsh Punk punc Punt p«nt Puny p?/ny Pup P«P Pupa p«pa /T^ Pupil p«pl Puppet P"Pt Purhlind p//rblnd Purchase p//rchs Pure pill Purge pin\ Purify puxi Purism p//rism Puritan p«rtn Purity pinX Purl pui\ Purlieu (lu) pcrhi Purlin pt-rln Purloin p«rln Purple p«rpl Purport p«rprt Purpose p«rps Purse p«rs Pursue pilX'iW Pursuivant (swi) pz^rswvnt Pursy pz^rsy Purulenee p«rlns Purvey p//rva Purview p.vrveu c\ /3- rv ^^^ ^ — ' ^^ /^ PUS 1G9 HI ARKKIi Pus P7ts Push p«sh Pusillaiiiiiioiis p/^slnms Puss p«s Pustule P2/Stlll Put p«t Putative pjit-i Putrefy p;/trf Putrid p«trid Putty pitty Puzzle p«zl Pygniy pigmy Pyramid phmd Pyre p/r Pyriforni pirfrm Pyrites p;rites Pyroligneous pzrolgnes Pjrometer p/rmtr Pyrotechnics p/rotcn-i Pyrotechnist pirotcnst Pyx p/x /V Q. <(nack Quadragesima q-jsma c /7^ ^ ^ ^ ^—3 '^-^ /^ y' (Quadrangle q-rngl Quadrant q-nt Quadrat q-t Quadrate q-t Quadrennial q-ns Quadrille (dril) q-1 Quadripartite q-prtt Quadrunianous q-mns Quadruped q-pd Quadruple q-pl Quatr qrtf Quagmii'e q(7gmr Quaggj q'jgy Quail q(7l Quaint qant Quake qac Quaker qacr Qualify qalf Quality qr7lt Qualm (kiram; qam Quandary q(7ndry Quantity q(7nty Quarantine qi'7rntn Quarrel q(7rl < ( qiARRY 170 i^rip Quarry qary Quart q^rt Quartan q^zrtn Quarter qrtrtr Quartet qartt Quarto q«rto Quartz qartz Quasli qash Quassation qrt's-s Quassia q^rsa Quateruion qatrnn Quaver q<7vr Quay (ke) ce Quean qtn Queasy qi'-S Queen q^n Queer qt'T Quell qc\ Quench qench Querist qcrst Quern qfrn Querulous qtrls Query qtrry Quest qffst i i Question q Questioned qd Quibble q/bl Quick q/V Quicksilver q/'cslr Quiddity q/d-t Quidnunc q/dnnc Quiescence qisns Quiet q/t Quietus qits Quill q/1 Quilt q/lt Quinary qmry Quince qzns Quinine q/nn Quinquagesinia qu/ncjsm Quinquangular q/nqanglr Quinquennial q/nqnl Quinsy q/nsy Quintal q/ntl Quintan q/iitn Quintessence q/ntsns Quintuple q/ntpl Quip q/p (1, / quiRE 171 RAISIX q/r <^uirk q/rc Quit qit quite q/t Quiver q/vr Quixotism qicstsni Qui2 q/z Quoin (k.AVoiu) qoin Quoit qoit Quondam qt'iidm Quorum qarm Quota qota Quoth qoth Quotidian qotdn Quotient qoshnt K- Rabbet rrtbt Rabbi r<;bi Rabbit r^rbt Rabble robl Rabid rabd Raccoon Tacn Race Tas Raceme lasm Rack rac Raey rasy Radiance rizdns Radiate nrdat Radical radcl Radicle r«dcl Radisli rrtdsh Radius radus Rair Tai Raffle rafl Raft raft Rafter raftr Rag Rage raj Ragout (goo) r(7goo Rail ral Railing rrtl-ing Railroad ralrd RaiHvay Raiment Tamnt Rainbo^v r^nbo Rainy rany Raise Tas Raisin rasn & oJ 0' ^ RAKE 172 KATTAK Rake Tac Rally raly Ram ram Ramble r«mbl Ramify r(?mf Rammer r(?mr Ramo»«e Tiimos Rampant Tampnt Ramrod ramrd Ran Tan Raneho rantsho Ranch r^znch Rancliero (cha) rantsharo Rancid r<7nsd Rancor TancT Random ran dm Rang; Tang Range ranj Rank ranc Ransack Tansc Ransom ransm Rant rant Rap Tap Rapacity Taps-t r ^ ^ TD 7 o o_ y^ Q 6) Rape Tap Rapid rapd Rapier raper Rapine r(7pn Rappee rape Rapt rapt Rapture raptur Rare rar Rarefy rarf Rarity rarty Rascal rascl Base ras Rash rash Rasp rasp Rasnre rasur Rat rat Ratchet rachet Rate rat Rather rathr Ratify ratf Ratio rasho Ratiocination rashosh-n Ratsbane ratsbn Rattan ratn <^-^ c-^ © ^— RATTIXG 173 RECEIVE Rat tin;; Tat-mg Rattle rati Raueity Ta ns-t Ravage rrtvj Rave rav Ravel Ii2\l Raven r(7vn Ravine nzvn Raviii^h r^vsh Raw raw Ray la Raze ras Razee rase Razor razi Reach rfch React rtact Read rfd Readmit r^admt Ready Tedy Real rfl Realize rflis Realm Te\m Ream riTn Reanimate Tca.n-n\ C^^ a^^ o^ 6^ (T Reap xc-p Reappear r^apr Reai)point rfapnt Rear rtrr Reason rfsn Reassume r^asm Reassure r^asur Rebate rfbt Rebec rfbc Rebel rd-bl Rebel' rtbl Rebound rcbnd Rebuir rchi Rebuke rcbc Rebus rtbs Rebut r^bt Recall xez\ Recant rrcnt Recaption rrcpshn Recapture r^-cptr Recast rrcst Recede rtfsed Receipt rfset ReceiA'e r^sv tf7 r ^ Q. RECEXCY 174 RECTITUDE Recency rfsn-s Recent rfsnt Recension r«nshn Receptacle rcsptcl Reception liTspshn - Recess ress Recession rc-s Recharge Tc-chrg Recherclie ( rusliar- Q^ o, r;/shrsha Recipe rfsp Recipient rfspnt Reciprocal rfsprcl Reciprocation r<;spr-c Recital rt'sitl Recitative r^si-t Recite ri?sit Reckless rfcls Reckon r^cn Reclaim rrclm Recline r^cln Recluse r^clus Recognize recgns Recoil rfcl Recollect rfclct slia) Recommend rccmnd Recommit rfcniit Recompense r(?cmpns Recompose rtcmpos Reconcile rfcnsl Recondite r^cndt Reconnoissance rd'cnsns Reconnoiter rccntr Reconquer r^cncr Reconsider rfcnsdr Recoi'd rt'crd Record' Tecrd Recount Tccnt Recourse Tecrs Recover .r^'cvr Recreant r RE3IKU1AL. 177 REPltlEVE Remedial renifdl Remedy nmdy Remember remtmbr Reuiiiid rem/nd Remiss rem/s Reiuit rem/t Remnant rfmnnt Remonstrate renionstrt Remorse remors Remote remot Remove remi'v Remunerate remzmrat Renal rrnl Renard ri^nrd Renaseent renasnt Rend r^nd Render rtndr Rendezvous (de- r^ndv VOO) Rendition rcn-d Renegade Tl'Tigd Renew remi Rennet ri^net Renounee reno?^ns Renovate ren-v o o / 178 RESTITLTIOIV Reprimand rcprmnd Reprisal rfprsl Reproach rffprcli Reprobate r^prbt Reproof r^prf Reprove Teprv Reptile r(?ptl Republic rcpblc Repudiate rijpdat Repugnant r^pgnnt Repulse r^pls Reputable r«?ptbl Repute r^pt Request r^qst Requiem r^qm Require Teqr Requisite r^qsit Requite Tcqt Rescind res/nd Rescript rd?scrpt Rescue rsscu Research r(?.srch Resemble res^rnbl Resent resent (SI. 6-U^ ayy Reserve resiTV Reservoir (vwor) resiTvr Reset reset Reside res/d Residue rtSUu Resign (zin) resfn Resilience rt'silns Resin resn Resist resst Resolute rt'slt Resolve rcslv Resonant rifsnnt Resort resyrt Resound resound Resource resors Respect rt'spt Respire r^-spr Respite respt Resplendent rd'splnnt Respond respnd Rest rest Restaurant (to) restrnt Restive rcs-t Restitution rest-t v- RESTL. !:»!»$!• iy» KHYTHM Restless r^stls Restore restr Restrain r^strn Restrict restrct Result resz^lt Resume Resunie^(razuina) rffzma Resurrection resT-e Resuscitate Retail retal Retain retan Retake ret(7c Retreat retrft Retrench retrirnch Retribution retn'-b Retrieve retrfv Retrocession retro-s Retrograde retrogrd Retrospect retro-sp Reveal revel Revel rrvl Revenge rcvnj Revenue r^vnu Reverberate revtfrbrt ^^ Revere rev^r Reverie r^vry Re Averse rev^rs Revert revert Review (vu) rev« Revile rev/1 Revise revis Revive reviv Revoke revoc Revolt revolt Revolution revo-l Revolve revolv Revulsion revz^lshn RevvaiHl r^wrd Rhapsody (rap) r^psdy Rhenish rensh Rhetoric r^trc Rheum (rum) Rheumatism rz/mtsm Rhinoceros r/nosros Rhomb (romb) Tomh Rhubarb (ru) r?^brb Rhyme (rim) rzni Rhythm r/thm ^ cr^ y ■\ ^, RIB 180 KOAB Rib Tth Ribald r/bld Ribbed r/bd Ribbon r/'bn Rice lis Rich rich Rick r/c Rickets r/cts Ricochet riccha Rid r/d Riddle r/dl Ride r/d Ridge r;j Ridicule ridel Rire r/f Riffraflf rifrf Rifle r/fl Rift r/ft Rig «ight r/t Righteous (richus; r/'chs Rigid r/jd Rigor rigr KUl ril ^L^ Rim r/'m Rime r/m Rind rznd Ring ring Rinse Tins Riot r/ot Rip r/p Ripe r/p Ripple r/pl Rise rz'z Risk r/sc Rite rit Ritual r/tul Rival rzvl Rive riv Rivei' rivr Rivet r/vt Rivulet rivlt Rix-dollar r/'xdlr Roach Road rdd Roam Roan ron Roar TOT o^ © ROAST 181 KOrSE Roamt rest Rob rob Robe rob Robin robn Robust robst Rochet rochet Rock roc Rocket roct Rod rod Rode rod Rodent Todnt Rodomontade rc)dmntad Roe TO Roebuck robe Rogation ro-g Rogue rog Roil roil Roll rol Roman rdmn Romance romns Romp romp Rood rood Roof roof Rook rooc W Q Q XL <^_- Room room Roost roost Root root Rope rop Roquelaur (roke- ? roclr lor) Rosary rozry Rose roz Rosemary rosmry Rosette rozet Rosin rozn Roster rostr Rostrum rostrm Rot rot Rotate rotat Rote rot Rotten rotn Rotunda rotnda Rouge (roozh) roozli Rough (ruf) mi Roulette r//let ^V Rounce Touns Round round '-^ — Roundelay rouudXa. Q /\ Rouse ro«z cy (J— ^ 0^ 9 ? 2 ROUT 18iS RUSSET Rout TO lit Route (root) Toot Routine Tootn Rove rov Ro^v TO Row' TO Rowel rowel Roiven To-weTi Royal loyl Rub T!lh Rubbish r;/bsh Rubicund r«bcnd Ruble r;/bl Rubric r/(brc Ruby Tirhy Ruddy Tudy Rude TZtd Rue T!t Ruff Tid Ruffian rz^fn Ruffle Tiin Rufous rz/fs Rug n'g Rugised TUgd (2/ Ruin TllTl Rule TUl Rum Tura Rumble rzmibl Ruminate Tiim-n Rummage Ti/Tnj Rumor TumT Rump r//mp Rumple r/mibl Run Tim Runagate Tungt Rundle TtCTldl Rung rwng Runlet r«nlt Runner TUnT Run net rz^net Rupee T2/pe Rupture Tl/ptT Rural r«rl Ruse TUZ Rush T!tsh Rusk rz^sk Russ Ties Russet Ti/set o Q :> T) "V (Td RL'SSIAX 183 !!^AL.AR\' Russian r//shn Rust Rustic TllStC Rustle (1) ricsi Rut TUt Rutabajs^a rz/tbga Ruth r«th Ruthless r?^thls Rye (ri) ri s. t^abaoth Si7bath Sabbatai'ian sabtrn 8abbath sabth Saber sahi f$able sah\ Sac sac Saccharine sacrn Sacerdotal Srtsrdtl Sachem sachm Sack sac Sacrament sacrmnt Sacred Sfircrd Sacrifice S(7crfs Sacrilege Srtcrlj C^^ -o Xo Sacristan S«crstii Sacristy sacrst Sad S<7d Saddle siidl Sadducee sadsc Sad-iron (urn) Sfldrn Safe sai Saffron srtfrn Sag sag Sagacity sags-t Sagamore sagmr Sage S(7J Sagittal srtgitl Sago sago Said (sed) Si?d Sail sal Sailor salr Saint sant Sake sac Salable s«lbl Salacious sa-\ Salad said Salamander Sf/lmndr Salary sfllry r" ^. SAL.1: 184 tf^AXClAREE Sale sal Saleratns S(7lrts Salic salA Salient si^lynt Salify salfy Saline sain Saliva s«lva Sallow salo Sally sflly Salmagundi salmgndy Salmon (samun) samn Saloon sain Salsify Sfllsfi Salt salt Saltation sal-t Salt-cellar saltslr Saltpeter saltptr Salt-rlienm (rum) saltrm Salubrity salbr-t Salutation sal-t Salutatorian saltutrn Salute salut Salvable salvbl Salvage salvj -^ -%. Salvation sal-v Salve (sav) sav Salver savr Salvo savo Same sam Samiel sanil Samp samp Samphire samfr Sample sampl Sanative san-t Sanctify sanctf Sanctimony sanctmny Sanction sancshn Sanctity sanct-t Sanctuary sanctry Sanctiim sanctm Sand sand Sandal sandl Sandiver sandvr Sandstone sandstn Sand^vicli sanwch Sandy sandy Sane san Sangaree sangre .j^ _^ SAXOFKOIU 185 SArSA«E Sang-froid (song- S(7ngfrau frwa) i^ang-iiilVroiis Siinghs Sang-iiiiie Srtngn Sanhedrim Sfinhdrm SauiouM stfiiius Sanitary san-tr Sanity S(7n-t Sank s^nc Sanskrit srtnscrt Sap sap Sapid sapid Sapience sapns Saponaceons sap-n Saponify sapnf Sapor S(7por Sapphic sai-i Sapphire sah Sarahand S(7rbnd Sarcasm sar-c Sarcenet s^rsnt Sarcophagous S(7rcfgs Sardins s^rdus Sardonic S(7rdn-i Sardonyx sardnx Sarsai)arilla sirrsprla Sash sash Sassafras sasfrs Sat sat Satan satn Satchel sachl Sate sat Satellite satlit Satiate (shi) sa-sh Satin satn Satinet satnt Satire satr Satisfy st-f Satrap satrp Saturate saturt Saturday satrd Saturn satrn v Saturnine satrnn Satyr s-rtr Saucer sa?^sr Saucy sau-s Saunter sarmtT Saurian sa«rn Sansasre sausj _5> o ^ i^AVABIiE 186 scexo«j;kaphv Savable Stfvbl SaA'age S(ZVJ ^avauua savna i»a\aut (savoug) savng Save saw Savor savi Savior sa\yr Sa^v saTc Saxifrage sizxfrj Saxon sflxn Say sa Scab scab Scabbard scrtbrd Scabrous scrtbrs ScafTolil scrtfld Scagliola (^sklyo) sC(?lyo Scalartc scrtlad Scald scrtld Scald' scald Scale SCffl Scalene sc<7ln Scallion scalyn Scallop SCrtlop Scalp scalp >9 Scaly scaly Scaniuiony scamny Scamp scamp Scampex' scampr Scan scan Scandal scandl Scansorial scansrl Scant scant Scantling scanting Scape scap Scapula scapla Scar scar Scarce scars Scare scar Scarf scarf Scarify scarfi Scarlatina scarltna Scarlet scarlt Scarp scarp Scath scath Scatter scatr Scavenger scavnjr Scene sen Scenography S£?n-gr ^ ^ ■^ -^ ~) o ■? a. Z' P ^^/ SCEXT 187 i!»€KEAH. Scent Sfnt Scepter S(?ptr Schedule tsked) scfdl Scheme sctin Schism (sism) s/sm Scholar sc-'lr Scholastic SCc)lstC Scholiast scolst Scholiam sct)lni School SCuOl Schooner scoonr Sciatica s/atc Science s/ns Scintillate s/ntlt Sciolism s/lism Scion s/'on Scirrhosity sc/rost Scirrhous sc/'rous Scirrhus scirus Scissors s/srs Sclerotic sclfr-o Scoff scof Scold scold Sconce scons 3 2_^ V 2 /- Scoop scoop Scope scop Scoi'butic scwrbt-i Scorch sc'jrch Score scor Scoria scoria Scorn scorn Scoi'pion scorpn Scot scot Scotch scoch Scoundrel scoz/ndrl Scour scoz^r Scourge scz^rj Scout SCOi^t Scow SCOZf Scowl scowl Scrabble scrabl Scrag scrag Scrap scrap Scrape scrap Scratch scrach Scrawl scraii'l Scra'vvny scraTt'ny Screak "^crec ^ y 5^ SCKEAM 188 SECRETE Scream scr^m Screech screch Screed scr^d Screen scrrn Screw (skru) screii' Scribe scr/b Scrimp scr?mp Scrip scr/p Script scrz'pt Scripture scrzptr Scrivener scr/vnr Scrofula scrofla Scroll scrol Scrub scrz/b Scruple scrz^pl Scrutiny scrz^tny Scrutoire (twor) scrzrtwr Scud satd Scuffle Sciill Scullery scz/lry Sculpture scz^lptr Scum sarm Scupper scz y I SKTTEE 191 SHARP Settee sfte Settle Sftl Set-to s^tt Seven strvn Seventeen Sfvntn Seventy s^vn-t Sever sevT Several sfvrl Severe Silver Sew (so) so Sewer (sner) Sex Sexagenarian sexg-n Sexagesinia st^xjsma Sexennial s SHATTJEK 193 ^HOK£ Shatter shatr Shave shav Shawl shawl Shawiu sliawm She Sheaf shiff Shear shirr Sheath shcth Sheathe shfth Sheave shfv Shed sh^d Sheen shfn Sheep shrp Sheer shcr Sheet shft Shekel shccl Sheldrake shddrc Shelf shflf Shell shel Shelter shdtr Shelve shflv Shepherd sb^'prd Sherbert shfrbrt Sheriff sh^rf P 9- P 9 ^ Sherry shfiy Shibboleth shzblth Shield shcld Shift sh/ft Shilliiig- shilng Shin sh/'n Shine shm Shingle sh/ngl Shining sh/n-ing Ship sh/p Shire Shirk sh/'rk Shirt sh/rt Shive sh/v Shiver sh/vr Shoal shol Shoek shoe Shod shod Shoe shz« Shone shon Shook shooc Shoot shoot Shop shop Shore shor 9- > SHORT io» Sl<,;iVATUJ«K Short slwrt Shortened shcrtnd Shorthand shcrtnd Shot shot Shote shot Should shttd Shoulder shtfldr Shout shont Shove sh«v Shovel shzA'l Show ShOT^er sh07VT Shred shrjd Shrew (shru) shr y^ J2> P ^^-^ Shrug shrz/g Shrunk shr«nc Shuck sh^^c Shudder shz^dr Shuffle shzifl Shun s\\im Shunt shz^nt Shut sh«t Shy shj' Sibilation szb-l Sibyl szTdI Sick szc Side szd Sidereal s/drl Sidle sidl Siege Si"] Siesta siesta Sieve s/v Sift sift Sigli (si) sz Sight sit Sign s/n Signal s/gTll Signature s/gntr Si/ SIOIVATURE!^ 194 SIT Sig^natures s/gntrs Signer (sin) sinr Signet signt Signify s/nf Silence Silns Silent szlnt Silica sz'lca Silk s/lc Sill s/1 Sillabub s/lbb Silly sily Silt s/lt Silver sih Similar snnlr Simile simly Simmer s/mr Simony s?mny Simoon simoon Simper szmpr Simple s/mpl Simulate s/mit Simultaneous s/ml-t Sin s/n Sinapism s/npsm _^ .-i::^ / Since sins Sincere smsr Sine sin Sinecure sincr Sine^v (yu) sinew Sing smg Singe sinj Single singl Singular singl r Sinister sinistr Sinistrous sinistrs Sink sine Sinuation sin-w Sip sip Siplion sifn Sir sir Sire sir Siren sirn Sirloin sirln Sirocco sir-o Sirrah sira Sirup s;rp Sister sistr Sit sit -^ SITE 195 i^LiEEK. Site sz't Situation s/t-\v Six six Sixteen sixtn Sixty szx-t Size siz Skate scat Skein scan Skeleton sceltn Skeptic sc^ptc Sketch seech Skewer (sku) sc2^r Skid scz'd Skiff scz'f Skill sczl Skillet sczlet Skim sczm Skin scm Skip sc/p Skirmish sc/rmsh Skirt sc/rt Skittish scz'tsh Skittles scz'tls Skulk sc«lc ->_ ->r> Skull sczd Skunk sczmc Sky acy Slab slab Slack slac Slag slag Slain slan Slake slac Slam slam Slander slandr Slang slang Slant slant Slap slop Slash slash Slat slat Slate slat Slattern slatrn Slaughter slaz/tr Slave slav Slay sla Sleazy skz Sled skd Sledge s\e'] Sleek s/iJC ^tx y ? i*»Ii££P 196 !!«MA!!»H Sleep Sleet sift Sleeve skv Sleigh Sleight bin Slender slfndr Slept skpt Slew slit Sley s\a Slice &\is Slide sl/d Slight sl/t Slily sl/ly Slim slim Slime slim Sling sling Slink slinc Slip slip Slipper slipr Slit slit Sliver slivr Slobher slobr Sloe slo Sloop sloop ^ ^ -^^ ^ Slop slop Slope slop Slot slot Sloth sloth Slouch sloz/ch Slough (slou) slou Slough (sluf) sh/f Sloven slovn Slow slo Slue Sluggard slz/grd Sluice ' sl//s Slumber sl«mr Slump sh/nip Slung sl?/ng Slunk sh/nc Slur sh/r Slut sl«t Sly sl^ Smack sm«c Small sm^l Smalt smalt Smart smart Smash smash ty ^o -^ j:> SMATTER 197 i!»OAK !!»inatter smatr Smear smer Smell smd Smelt sindt Smile smz'l Smirch sm/rch Smirk sm/rc Smite smit Smith sm/th Smock smoc Smoke smoc Smolder smoldr Smooth smooth Smote smot Smother smcithr Smuggle smz^gl Smut sirntt Smutch smitch Snack snac Snaffle snafl Snag snag Snail snal Snake snac Snap snap .^^ ^:^ _i==' Snare snar Snarl snarl Snatch snach Snath snath Sneak sn^c Sneer sn^r Sneeze snez Sniff snzf Snicker snzcr Snip snip Snipe snzp Snivel snivl Snob snob Snooze snooz Snore snor Snort snort Snot snot Snout snout Snow sno Snuli sn«b Snuff sn?^f Snug snwg So so Soak sok S> ^ — -^ O SOAP 198 SOXATA Sociability sosh-b Society sos-t Sociuian sosnn Sock soc Socket soct Sod sod Soda soda Solder sodr Sofa sofa Soffit sofit Soft soft Soggy sogy Soil soil Soiree (swara) swara. Sojourn sojrn Sol sol Solace solas Sold sold Soldier soldr Sole sol Solecism solssm Solicit solst SoUd solid Soliloquy sollq Solitary soltry Solitude sol-t Solo solo Solstice solsts Soluble solbl Solvable solvbl Solve solv Somber sombr Some s«ni Somebody S2 yl ~) -n O o ^ static stat-i Station stashn Stationery sti/shnry Stati!!>tics statst-i Statue statu Stature statur Statute statut Stave Slav Stay sta Stead stfd Steak stac Steal std Steam stirm Steatite stifa-t Steed st^d Steel stel Steep st^p Steeple StfTpl Steer st^r Stellar sttflr Stem st^m Stench stanch Stencil stfnsl Stenosraphy sttn-gr 1 yi — /I. "^ -^ /- STEXTORIAX »04 STORAGE Stentorian stfntrn Step st^p Steppe st^pe Stereoscope SttTSCp Stereotype SttTtp Sterile st^rl Sterling storing Stern st^rn Sternutation stt'rn-t Stei'torous st^Ttrs Stethoscope st^thscp Stevedore stifvdr Stew stew Stick Stic Stickle st/cl Stiff stzf stifle st/fl Stigma st/gma Stiletto stilto Still stil Stilt st?lt Stimulate st/mlt Stimulus stimlus Sting st/ng '^ W 4 Stingy stmj Stink stinc Stint stint Stipend stipnd Stipple st/pl Stipulate stip-1 Stir stir Stirrup stirp Stitcli stich Stive stiv Stiver stivr Stoat s/ot Stock sioc Stoic sto-i Stole stol Stolid stolid Stomach st«mc Stone ston Stood stood Stool stool stoop stoop stop stop stopple stopl storage storj !!$TOR£ '^05 STR01££ Store StOT Stork store Storui storm Stoiip stz^p story story Stout stout stove stov stow sto strabismus strrtbsms Straddle strrtdl Sti-aggle stragl Straight strrtt Strain stran Strait strrtt Strake strrtc Strainl strrtnd Strange stranj Strangle stnrngl Strangury str(7ngry Strap strap Strata str^rta Stratagem stratjm Strategy strict] Stratify stratf /? ^t. ^?^ Stratum stratni Stra^v straw Strawberry stxazihxy Stray stra Streak stride Stream strfin Street strft Strength strcnth Sti'enuous stri?nus Stress strips Stretch strifch Stre^v (stru) stxeiv Striated str/atd Stricken str/cn Strict str/ct Stride str/d Strife strif Strike str/c String str/ng Stringent str/ngnt Strip str/p Stripe str/p Strive str/v Stroke stroc yi- ^ '^ y] 1 !i^TROL.Li *406 SUBJECT Stroll strcl Strong strurg Strop strop Stroplie strofe Strove strov Stro^v stro Struck striic Structure strwctr Struggle str?/gl S trunious str/cms Strumpet str/cmpt Strung strz^ng Strut str//t Strychnine str/'cnn Stub sUih Stubble st?/bl Stubborn st//brn Stucco stz^co stuck sUec Stuil stz/d Student stz/dnt Studied st?/dd Studio st^^do Study stwdy i -T) ^ 4^^ ^L I) -1 Stuff stwf Stultify st«ltf stumble st/^mbl Stump st«mp Stun st;/n Stung stzmg Stunt st?'l Styptic stj'ptc Suasion (swa S7C'«shn Suavity S7f'(7V-t Subaltern s/i'bltrn Subdue s;^bdu Subject f- ^ ~) ^ ^ J SUBJOIN 3«7 SUCK. Subjoin s«bjn Subjiig;ate s«bj-g Subjunctive sz/bjnctv Sublet Sublime stiblm Sublunary sz^blnry Submarine s.vbmin Submerse s/'bmrs Sublimity S7/blm-t Sublingual s/^blngl Submerge s;/bmri Submissive s?1>£]V 20H SUPEKIiATIVJ^ Suds sitds Sue Suet sziet Suffer sz/fr Suffice (fiz) s«fis Suffieieut sii-i Suffix snix Suffocate s;/fct Suffragan suirgn Suffrage sz/frj Suffuse siihis Sugai- (sliug) Suggest sz/jst Suicide sz/sd Suitable sidhl Suite (sweet) swct Suitor S2/tl Sulliy sirlcy Sullen sidn Sully sz^ly Sulphate s//lft Sulpliur s^lfr Sultan sz^ltn Sultry Sul-tT Sum Sinn Sumac si/mc Summary sz^mry Summer s«mr Summit sznnit Sumuion Sumpter s//niptr Sumptuous sz/mpts Sun s«n Sunday simd Sunder szzndr Sundry s/mdry Sung s//ng Sunk sz^nc Sup szzp Superannuate szcpran-w Superb sz/prb Supercilious szzprslus Supererogation sz^prro-g Superficial szzpr-f Superfluous s/zprfls Superior szzprr Superlative szzprl-t -^, -A, SlJPERXAIi 550» SIJSPICIOK Supernal s«prnl Supersede s//prsd Superstition s«pr-st Supervene s«prvn Supervise s?^prvs Supine s«pin Supine' s? Surface " sz^rfs Surfeit Surge s?crj Surgeon szzrjn Surloin s«rln Surly sz^rly Surmise s/^rmis Surmount s«riiint Surname swrnm Surpass sz^rps Surplus szzrpls Surprise szzrprs Surrender sz/rndr Surreptitious s/zrep-t Surrogate S7/ro-g Surround szcrnd Surtout (toot) s/i-rtut Survey sz/rv Survey szzrv Survive szzrvv Susceptible sz/s-e Suspect sz/spt Suspend szzspnd Suspicion sz«-p 'mbl Symmetry s;'m-tr Sympathy sj'inpth Symphony s^'mfny Symptom sj'mptm Syneresis sjnrss Synagogue (gog) s;'ngg Synchronal sj'ncrnl Syncopate sjncpt Syncope s>'ncp Syndic sjndc Syneclidoche sjinecdc Synod s>'nd Synonym synnm Synopsis sjcnopss Syntax sj'ntx Synthesis s>'nthss Syphilis sj'fls Syriac syi-a. Syringa s>Tnga Syringe s^rnj System sjstm Systole systl T. Tab tab Tabby t(zby Tabernacle t«brncl Tablature tflbltr Table tah\ Tableau (lo) trtblo Tablet tablt Taboo taboo Tabor tabr Tacit trtsit Tack tack Tackle trtCl Tact t<7Ct Tactics t«ct-i Sr-, ^^ TACTUAL ma TARDY Tactual trtCtul Tadpole trtdpl Taffiail trtfrl Taffeta t«fta Tag tag Tail tal Tailor talr Taint tant Take tac Talc (o) tolc Tale ta\ Talent trtlnt Talisman talsinn Talk tak Tall tal Tallow talo Tally t^ly Talmud tfflmd Talon trtln Tamarind trtmrnd Tambour trtmbr Tame tflm Tammy t«my Tamp tamp 6- L IT- "^ c TAKE ms TEL,E«RAM Tare t(7r Target tflrgt Tariff tarf Tarlatan tarltn Tarnish t«rnsh Tarpaulin tizrpln Tarry tary Tart tart Tartan trtrtn Tartarean tartrn Tartareous tartTS Task task Tassel tas\ Taste tast Tatter t«tr Tatterdemalion t^trdmln Tattle tat\ Tattoo t(7tOO Taught tattt Taunt tarint Taut ta!/t Tautology ta!tt-o Tavern tai'Tii Tawdry tawdry 6 "0 ^--^ ^ Tax tax Taxidermy taxdrmy Tea te Teach Teal u\ Team Tear t^r Tease t(?S Teat tft Technical t^cncl Technology tfcn-o Techy tfcy Tectonic \.ccin-\ Tedder tfdr Te Deum tfdm Tedious tt'dus Teem tirm Teens ti?ns Teeter tftr Teeth trth Teetotal td-ttl Teetotum trttm Tegument trKumnt Telegram tfl-gr 6 ) • — D THRRi: 316 THREW There th^r Thermal thfrml Thermometer th^'rmmtr Thereat therat Thereby thcrb Therefore th^rfr Therein thijrin Thereof tht-ro Thereon th^ron Thereupon thfrpn Therewith th^rw Thesaurus th^srs These thfs Thesis thess They tha Thick thic Thief thei Thieve thfiv Thigh thi Thills tlu'ls Thimble thzmbl Thin thin Thine thm Thing thing ' — D ^n Think th/nc Third th/rd Thirst th/rst Thirteen th/rtn Thirty th/r-t Thistle thisl Thither thithr Thole tho\ Thong thong Thorax thorx Thorn thorn Thorough th(?ro Those thos Though (tho) tho Thought thot Thousand thotisn Thralldom thr(7ldm Thrash thrash Thread thr«d Threat thrf-t Three thr^ Thresh thresh Threshold threshold Threw thiew --^ ^D THRICE ai7 TIMBRK Thrice thr/s Thriil thr/d Thrift thr/'ft Thrill thr/1 ThrlA-e thr/v Throat throt Throb throb Throe thr() Throne thrcn Throng throng Throttle throtl Through (thr«»o^ Throve throv Throw thro Thrum thr«m Thrust thr^cst Thrush thr?/sh Thug th;/g Thumb th//m Thumi) th«nip Thunder th?mr Thursday th^asd Thus th;/s Thwaok thwac ^"O '-0 Thwart thwrtrt Thy thy Thyme (tim) t/m Thyself thjsl Tiara t/ara Tick t/c Ticket t/ct Tickle t/cl Tide t/d Tidings t/d-s Tidy t/dy Tie t! Tier td?r Tierce t4?rs Tiff Tiffany t/fny Tiger t/gr Tight t/t Tilbury t/'lbry Tile t/1 Till t/1 Tilt t/lt Tilt-hammer t/lthmr Timber t/mbr ^ ,^' ^^ / / 6 & ^ ^ ^ ^ i"^ TIME ai8 TOIiERATE Time tim Timid tmid Tin tin Tiiioal t?ncl Tincture tznctr Tinder tmdr Tine tin Tin-foil tmfl Tins ting Tinge tmj Tingle t/ngl Tinker tincr Tinny tmy Tinsel tmsl Tint tint Tiny tmy Tip tip Tippet tzpt Tipple tipl Tipstaff tipsti Tipsy tfp-s Tirade tzrad Tire tfr Tissue tisu h 6 Tit tit Titbit tnbt Tithe t/th Titillate tit-l Title titl To to Toad tod Toast test Tobacco tobco Tocsin tcjcsn Tod tod To-day tod Toddle todl Toddy tody Toe to Together togtr Toil to/1 Toilet toilet Tokay toca Token tocn Told told Tole tol Tolerable tolrbl Tolerate tolrat TOLL. S19 TOTAL Toll ta\ Tomaliaivk tomhc Tomato t()mto Tomb (toom) toom Tomboy ttJiiiboy Tome torn To-morrow tomro Ton ton Ton' Tongs tongs Tongue (tung) t«ng Tonic ton-i To-niglit tont Tonnage Um] Tonsil t6»nsl Tonsure ti'iishr Tontine tcmtn Too too Took tooc Tool tool Toot toot Tooth tooth Top top Topaz topz / ^ ^ ^J 6 -L/ T) >--? Toper topr Tophet to{t Topic tope Topography top-gr Topple topi Torch torch Tore tor Torment tormnt Torn torn Tornado torndo Torpedo torpdo Torpid torpd Torpor torpr Torrefy torf Torrent tornt Torrid torid Torsion torshn Tort tort Tortoise torts Tortuous tortus Torture tortur Tory tory Toss tos Total totl '^ ^^ TOTTER aao TKAXSFIX Totter totr Toucli t«ch Tongli (tuf) Uii Toupee iiipe To III- tin Touriiaiuent t«rninnt Tourniquet t/^rncet Touse tous Tow to ToAvard t6>rd Towel towl Tower taifT Tow-line t()lin Town t(;w'n Toxicology tcxc-o Toy toy Trace tras Trachea tr^i'ca Track trac Tract tract Tractate tr^ctat Tractile tractl Trade tmd Traclition tn;-d 6^ d 6 Traduce tradus Traffic tnrfc Tragedy trajdy Trail tral Train tran Traipse traps Trait trat Traitor trrttr Traject tr^z-j Tram tram Trammel tnnnl Tramontane tiizmntn Tramp tramp Trample tram pi Trance tranc Tranquil tranql Transact trans-a Transalpine translpn Transcend t-nd Transcript t-crpt Transept t-ept Transfer t-fr Transfigure t-fgr Transfix t-fx --^-T? ^ ^ ^ /^ TRAXSFL'SK 2'il TRESPASS Transfuse t-fs Transgi-ess grrs Transient t-nt Transit t-it Transitory t-try Translate t-lt Translucent t-lsnt Transmit t-mt Transmute t-mut Transom t-m Transparent t-prnt Transpire t-pr Transplant t-plnt Transport t-prt Transpose t-pos Transuhstantiation t-bstnshn Transu«le t-ud Transverse t-vrs Trap trap Trapan trapn Trapezium trrrpzm Trapezoid tr^pzd Trappings tr^p-s Trash tr(7sh '\vt Truant tri^nt Truce tr«s Truck tr«c Truculence tr«clns Trudge trwj True tnt Truffle tr«fl Truism trziism Trull tr//l Trump tr/niip Truncate tr//nct Truncheon (shun) tr?rnshn Trundle tr^ndl Trunk tr«nc Trunnion trwnyn Truss tr«s Trust tr«st Trustee tr?/ste Truth trz/th Try try / 'O- TUB 224 TUTOR Tub tub Tube tub Tubercle twbrcl Tuberose twbros Tubular Tueli Tuesday Tuft Ueit Tug Utg Tuition Tulip Tumble t«mbl Tumbrel twmbrl Tumefy t^nnf Tumid t?/md Tumor t«mr Tumulous t«mlus Tumult t«mlt Tuu Tune tun Tunic t^n-i Tunicle twncl Tunnel t?ml Turban tuihn ^ ^ ^ i Tynipaii tj/inpn Tampan uni t;'mpnm Type tJ'P Typhoid tj'fd Typhoon tjfn Typhus tjfs Typify tipf Typography tipo-gr Tyranny t;'rny Tyrant tjrnt Tyro tyro u. Ubiquity Ui^qt TJdder udr Ugly u^ly Ulcer u/sr Ullage Ulterior u/trr Ultimate u/tmt Ultra uitra Umbel Umber u;;/br Umbilical uwzblcl Umbles u;«bls t^ jy 6- ~^ rMBRAi > WHOiSE ess WITHY Whose hus Whur Why Wick v/ic Wicked w?'ced Wicker wicr Wicket wict Wide w/'d Widgeon \\7jn Widow wido Width width Wield weld Wife wif Wig wig Wight w/t WigAvam w/gwm Wild w/ld Wilderness wzldrns Wile wfl Will Willow \\i\o Wilt wzlt Wily wily Wimble wimbl ^ Win win Wince wins Winch winch Wind wind W^ind' wind Winding wind-ing Window windo Wine win Wing wing Mink wine Winnow wino Winter wintr AVipe wip Wire w/r W^i^doni wisdm Wise wis Wish wish l»'isp wisp W^it wit Witch wich AVith wi Wither withr Withers withrs W^ithy Withy WITIiESS 236 IVRIXJKJLE Witless witls Witness w/tns AVitty wi-t AVives w/vs AVizard wv'zrd AVizeii wizn AVoacI wod Woe wo AVofiil Wt)fl Wolf wolf IVoiiiaii womn Won won AVonder wondr AVont wont AVoo woo Wood wood AVoof woof AVoolen wooln A^ord word Wore wor AVork (wiirk) wz/rc World world AVorni worm Worry wory ^^ Worse wors AVorsliip worshp Worst worst Worsted worstd Wort (wurt) w«rt AVoi-th worth AVould AVound wo73IlRABIiE «41 WKOAT Admirable a(/mrbl Adolescent ai/lsnt Adopt dopt Ahead a/id Aid Ad Agent a/nt Alcaid a/cd Alms a;«s Alum a/m Among a;«ng Appoint a/nt Ass aj Attract a/rct Augment au^mnt Augur angr Bathe bath Becloud bdxloud Become btrcm Bequest b(r-q Cesura Sfsra Chasm C(?sm Chaste chrtst Clan clan Corporal C(3rprl C f c c Cozen C2(sn Cubit c«bt Cuddle c«dl Currier c//rr Decalogue d6'c-l Decrial d<:'Cril Defamation dt-f~ni Devious dt'vs Devotee d^vte Dictate d/c-t Dine d/n Discontinue d-tn Diverse d/vrs Dote d^t Egress eoTS Fare^vell f.zrwl Flit fl/t Fortune fcirtn Frigid fr/jd Galloon gain Glad glad Grey grrt Grip gr/p Groat grot V / GL'AKAUTBB 24a FIX AFORE Oiiaraiitee grtin-t CJiiise giz Hail Handle handl Hart hrtrt Imperfect iw/prfct Jacket jrtCt Land land leaver l(zvr liuuihar l«nibr Meat met Mold mtfld Myrmidon mj'rmdn Oakum otin Obit o6t Offset o/st Orgasm orgsm Paleontology prtlnt-o Pant pant Peerage P^TJ Pellicle pflcl Pendency pfndnsy Pepper prpr Perforate prrfrat o o C:^—D / Perforce p^rfrs Perform piTrfrm Perfume ptTfum Perfunctory piTtnctry Perhaps pr«ps Pheasant ft'snt Physic O'SC Physics O'SCS Physiognomy fj'S-Og Physiology f)'S-0 Pianoforte pmfrt Piazza piaza Piece Pick p/'c Picket p/'ct Pickle p/cl Picnic p/c-n Pictorial p/ctrl Picture p/ctr Pie pz Piebald p/bld Pied p/d Pier prr Pinafore p/nfr ^9— zT CX' '>- i PRY '443 WIHTTJLE Pry pry Puflf pid Pulmonary pwlmnry Pulse p;ds Pun p«n Pur p/cr <(uotatioii qo-t ijHote qt;t Rampart ri7mprt Ration ra^hn Savior Si7vr Slough s\o Solemn solm Soothe sooth *ipill spz'l Subjacent s?/b-j Tamper tampr Tardy t^rdy Tartar tOTtr Tawdry trtM'dry Teak tfk Telegraph te\-g Ten ten Tense tens ^-^ ^ Tension tfnshn Terrestrial terstrl Tetter tctr Thee the Therapeutic therptc Thou i\\02e Tone tt)n Tuber \.uhx Turbine tz/rbn Turbot tz/rbt Twin twzn Vale \'a\ Vassal vrtsl Vineyard vmrd Virtue vvru Weapon wepn Mhittle whztl 6-^ COMA 244 €OXCIiUDE fOXCOCT ^45 Ly COX^TABLE Ly -J -Z.iJ' -V, 'V y ^ c -r COXSTAXT 246 COXVrL,SE -v-/ PI^EFIXES These are treated of in two classes: I. Pages 249 to 263, inclusive, prefixes which are not expressed by arbitrary signs. II. Those arbitrarily represented, 264 to 271, inclusive. 247 ABEJD 249 AliliS^PICE Abed aM Above ai^v Abound a/'nd About Afoot a/t Amend a.innd Abbey ai^y Abduet a/^-dc Abhor Abnormal a/mrml Abrupt a/'rpt Abseind a/'sind Academie a^rdm-i Aceede a^sd Aeeelerate ai;slrt Accent acsnt Accept aiTspt Accuse acus Addict ad A Addition arf-d Address a(/rs Adduce arfus Adipose a(/pos Adjoin ac/jn r C H3 — ^ -J ^. Aifaltle ayi.1 Affair a/r Affect a/-e Affiant a/int Afflict a/lct Affirm a/rm Aggravate a^T-v Aggregate Aggrieve a^v Agitate ay-t Agonize a^rns Agnostic a^stc Albeit a/bet Albino a/bno Alderman a/drnm Allege a/ej Alleviate a/e-v Always a/ws All-abandoned a/bnnd All-clieering a/chrng All-important a/mprtnt All-saints-day a/sntsd All-souls-day a/slsd Allspice a/spis t /^ AFTER€Llli:R Asphyxia aj^fxa Assails nsls Atheiieuiii aMneni Athletic a//Htc Athlete a/// It Atlantic a/lnt-i Atlas a/Is Atmosphere a/msfr Attain a/an Attempt a/mt Attribute a/rbt Astrolo^^ieal ajtro-1 Astronomy ajtrnmy Astronomical a^trnmd Autocrat au/crt Autobiography au/b-gr Antodafe au/dfa Autograph au/-gr Automatic au/mt-i Aphorism a/rsm Aphorist a/rst Apogee a/j Apologue a/-l Apoplexy a/plxy /- Apothegm a/tlim ApotlM'osis a/Uiss Aristocrat arstcit Bedeck bfdc Itecause hcca Become b^cm Beget b^'gt Beguile b<-gl Behold b^hld Bene lit ben ft Benefactor bd-nfctr Benefice bcnfs Benediction b^n-dc Benevolent brnvlnt Bicephalous b«fls Biennial b/nl Biform b/frm Bifurcated b/fr-c Itilingual b/lngl Itinociilar b/n ij Biped Ij/'pd Biography b/-gr Biographer b/ gr Bibliographer b/bl-gr ^^ ^-^ ^^ BIBIilOliiKAPHV ;«53 CORPUIiEXT Bibliography b/bl-gr Bibliographical b/bl-gr Bibliomaniac b/blmn-a By-en'w By-^vord bj'wrd Cisalpine s/salpn Cisatlantic sisatlntc Cispartane sz'spdn Century Si?ntry Centennial S6Titnyl Centigrade st'ntgrd Centiped Sfntpd Centuplicate sentplct Co-operate Cfoprt Cohesion co-h Colaborer cclbrr Coexist coxst Coextend coxtnd ^73 -I ^^ Cogitate coj-t Cognate cog-n Cognition cog-n Collate col-1 Colleague ccleg Collect ccl-e Collide Ccjlid Collocate col-c Colonize colnis Combat zoxwhX Combine combn Combustion combshn Comment comnt Commune cfiiin Compact cc^mpct Concave concv Conceal consl Concei'n consrn Concise conss Concoct cow-z Condign condn Corporal c<7rprl Corporate corprt Corpulent ccrplnt .r- COKRfiliATIVK S33 l>lA(,ilC.V:Vl Correlative C(;rl-t Corresi)on(l ccrspnd Corroborate Ci'rbrat Contradict cointrdct Contradistinction Cimtrstncshn Contravallatioii Ctmtr-vl Contravention C(7ntr-vn Contraposition C(;ntrp-s Controvert contrvrt Controversy cyntrvr-s Controversial COntT-XT Controvertible Cimtr-vrt Contumacious Ci)ntu-m Contumacy ccntm-s Contumely cimtmly Contusion con-t Counteract countr-a Countercurrent countrcrnt Counterfeit Cduntrft Conntei*mand C()untrmnd Countermarch csuntrmrch Countersign countrsn Catacomb catcra Catalepsy C(;tlp-s CataIoj;ue cat-l Catamount C(zt-mnt Cataplasm crttplsm Cataract catrct Cliorograpliy coro-gr Cliirography c/'ro-gr Chiromancy c/romn-s Chiropodist c/ropdst C'hronology cr(?n-o Chronometer cronmtr Chronicle ci7;ncl Chronic crjn-i Cosmography cosm-gr Cosmogony cc'smgny Cosmopolite cipsmplt Deduce dt'dus JOegrade dfgrd l>ebark de-brc Dejected d<--j Defraud dffrd Departure drprtr Diameter d/nitr Diagonal d/gnl Diagram d/'grni, d/-g ^^ W V -^^^ I>lAL.OGUE »54 £MBKOILi Dialogue d/-l Diapaison d/psn Diatribe d?trb Diatonic d/tn-i Dillereiit d/frnt Diflicult difclt Diffldeut d^fdnt Dilfiise d/fus Disarm disarm Disaster disftstr Disband disbi7nd Disburse disb//rs Discipline displ/n Dyspepsy dispd-ps Duplicate dz/pl-c Duplicity d//pls-t Durable d«rbl Durance d/crns Duration d/i-r Duodecimo d'cdsnio Duodenum d7/dnm Educe edna Elapse e/ps Elect e/-e -^ ■ — -; ^ V tm^ ^-Jl -V Emerge e;«rj Evade e:'ad Evict ei'ct Eccentric xfntrc Ecclesiastic e^rlstc Eclectic eiT-lc Ecstatic er-stt Ecumenical et'mncl ElTace e/as Effectual e/-fc Effeminate e/-fm Effervesce e/rvs Effulgent e/-ti Effusive e/u-s Elegance e/gns Elegist e/jst Element e/mnt Elevate e/-v Embody ew/bdy Embolden ew/bldn Embrace e;;/brs Embassador ew?bsdr Embroider ewbrdr Embroil ewbrl S £]\ABL.E 2S5 hkhotkoim: Enable e«abl Enact e/tct JGndoi'se e«drs Enforce e^ifrs Engage Enjoy e«joy, joy Envelop e«velp Epicure e/cr Epidemic e/dm-i Epigram e/-gr Epilepsj- e/lp-s Epilogue e/-l Episode e/sd Equidistant qu/dsnt Equilateral qu/'ltrl Equilibrium qu/lbrm Equisonance qu/snns Equivocal quA'cl EquiA'ocate quiv-c Entoinology e«tm-o Entoniolite e«tmlit Eucliarist euirrst Eulogize eu/js Eupathy eu/thy V^ V^ ■/- Eupeptic eu/ptc Euphony eu/ny Exclude xcl«d Excess xes Exhaust xaust Exhale Xill Extend xtfnd Extreme xtrnn Extradition xtrrt-d Extrajudicial xtr(7-jd Extraordinary xtrt'rnry Extravagant xtrav Forearm ftirrm Forecast forest Foreknoivledge iornl Forepart forprt Foresho^v fi7rsho Foretell fortl Geography jeo-gr Geology je--0 Geometry jd'm-tr Heliocentric hclosntrc Helionieter ht'lonitr Heliotrope hflotrp \5 --CD --lO O C^^ HEPTAtiOX »56 INTERMIX He'ptag^oii he/tgn Heptarchy he/trcy Septennial Sfptnl Septuple st-ptpl Septangnlar st-ptnglr Honiogeneousx ho>n]ns Homologous howlgus Hydrant Inxlrnt Hjilrology h.rdrlj Hydrophobia lij'drfba Hydropathy h.vdrpthy Hydrostatic lij'drsttc Hyperbole Hypercritical hi/rcrtcl Hyperoxyd h i/ rxd Hypocrite li i/crt Hypothesis hi/thss Hypochondria hi/cndry Ichthyology irth-o Igneous i^nes Ignite Ignoble Ignominy i;?nniny Ignorant ijP-nrnt L Illation Illegal i/gl Illegible i/jbl Illiberal i/bil Illegitimate i/jtmt Illuminate i/m-n Illustrate i/strat Imagine niizjn Imbibe iwbb Imbosom iwbsni Imitate iw-t Immaterial iwtrl Immeasurable iwshrbl Inaugurate i«-au Incarcerate i;/crsrat Incarnate i;;crnt Incident i;/sdnt Inclusive \nc\-s Indecorus i«dcrs Intelligent iwtljnt Invalid i;/vld Interchange i;/trchnj Interfere i;/trfr Intermix i//trinx ^xy- -l/}^ ^^ o- p^ IXTKKPOSJi 257 XOXKXTITV Interpose iwtrpos Interrupt i«tr-u Interval i,7trvl Introduee i;/tr-d Introgression i«tro-gr Introversion i«tro-vr Infraniundane i«frmndn Infraposition i«frp-s Irrational Irredeemable irdmbl Irreligion irljn Irreligious iHjs Ii'reparable i/prbl Irresolute irslt IrreA'erent in-rnt Juriseonsnlt j;/rscnslt Jurisdietion j/;rs-dc Jurisprudence jz/rsprdns Juxtaposition j«xtp-s llaleontent malcntnt llaledietion m^l-dc Malefactor m^lfctr Slalpraetice m^lprcts Maltreat maltrt y I ^ -^~D ■9=' Malfeasance m(?lfsus Malleable nirtlabl Malversation m(7lvr-s Manual m(?nl Manufactory mcnifctry Manumit mirnmt Manuscript nii^?n-scr Metabasis nirtbass Metamorpliose m^tmrfs Metaphorical mrtfrcl Metaphysics m^-tfscs Misanthropy m/snthrpy Misapply m/spli Misbecome ni/sbcm Misbelieve m/sblv Misbehave m/sbhv Misemploy m/smploy Misgive rmsg necessity nfsst Nefarious nrfars IVegation nf-g negotiate ne-g Neology nr-o Nonentity n^n-en ■^ a^ -^ X OCTAMBUIilST 358 OUTWEAR IVoctaiiibulist noctmblst S^octi vacant noctvgnt IVocturiial noctrnl ]Von-eoiiforniity n-frm-t Xondesoript rif^nd-scr Kon -juror n<>njrr 9fon-resistance iKmrsstns Xoiifiieiise ncnsns Obdurate OiJdrt Obelisk Of^lsc Object Obligation OlJl-g Obnoxious o/'nxshs Obtainable Oi^tnbl Occur OCT Occupant ocpnt Occupy ocp Octagon otrtgn Octahedral octhdrl October oi;tbr Octavo octvo Offer o/r Offense o/ns Ollicious ofshs U Omnibus Omnipotent o-tnt Omnipresent o-prsnt Omniscient o-nt Omnivorous o-vrs Opera o/ra Operose o/ros Opponent o/nt Opportune o/rtn Oppose o/pos, o/s Optical o/tcl Orthodox orthdx Orthoepy orthpy ■ Orthography orth-gr Orthology orth-o Ornithology onith-o Osteogeny ojtogny Osteology OJt-O Outdo ou/d Outgo ou/g Outlaw ou/la Outreach outxc\\ Outrun oui'rn Outwear ouAvr /^ 4 .^-^ OUT wo Kit Outwork ou/vvrc Overanxious ovranshs Overestimate OiTStmt Overflo^v orrflo Overhead oi'rhd Overhaul OJThl Overjoy orrjy Overland Oi'rlnd Perambulate pcrmblt Percentage p£;rsntj Peremptory P6?rm-tr Perfection p^rfcshn Peri phrase p.frfras Permanent pcrmnt Plenipotence plcnptns Plenipotentiary pknptnshry Plenitude pkn-t Postfix postfx Posthumous postums Postmeridian postmrdn Postpone pospn Postscript pos-scr Preliminary prelmnry Prelude prclud ^^^-^ -^-^ ^ ^ /T;H0us amg-us Ambiguity am-gt Amphibious am-bs Amphibian am-bn Amphibology am-b-o Amphitheatre am-thtr Amplifj' amplf Amplitude awpltd Amplification awpl-c Amputation awp-t Amputate a;;/ptt Command com^7-nd Commend comf-nd Comminute com/-nt Community com?/-n-t Company compff-ny Compeiid comp^-nd Component compci-nnt Computed conipz^-td Complainant compla-nnt Complement complt'-mnt Complicity conipl/-st Compulsory comp;/l-sry Contagion cont(7-jn Contends contr-nds Continent cont/'-nnt Contortion cont(7r-sn Controversy contr(j-vrs Contusion cont?/-sn Consanguinity cons«-ngnt Concentrate consf-ntrt n- n — 'C< COXCEIVABI.K 363 EQl'ATOR Conceivable consf-vbl Consider cons/-dr Consolatory const?-ltry Cons 11 ni mate cons//-mt Conflagration confl«-grshn Conflicted confl/-ctd Concoiuitance €01106)111-1113 Circumjacent sm-jsnt Circumlocution sml-q Circumnavigate sm-nv-g Circumpolar sm-plr Circumscribe sm-scrb Circumspect sni-spt Circumstance sm-tns Circumvallation sm-vlshn Circumvention sm-vnshn Disclaim d/sclm Disclose d?scls Disbni'se disb?rrs Disastrous disastrs Disarm d'narm Disorder dis^rdr Dismay dism« Disqualify di-ii,?lf "^ _/5J^ Distant d/'stnt Distress d/strs Disrepute disrp«t Disi'espect disrcspt Disregard disR-grd Disreputable disrrptbl Dissatisfied dst-fd Dissatisfaction dst-fshn Distemper d^stnipr Distribute d/strbt Distrustful d/strstfl Disturb d/strb Discomfit d-ft Discommode d-d Discomposure d-posr Disconcert d-srt Disconnect d-ct Discontinue d-tn Discounted d-td Discourage dr-i Discouragement dr-jmnt Discourtesy dr-tsy Equanimity e-nnit Equator e-tr c- liromislng ii«pr-msng Vnconcern u«-srn 1'nconditional u«-dshnl I'nconquerable u;/-qrbl Unconscionable u«-shnbl -i 7 ^ (^ Unreconciled u«r-sld Unreconcilablc u;;r-slbl Unreconcilalily u«r-slbly Vice-admiral v/sadnirl A'ice-cliaiicellor vz'schnslr Vicegerent v/sjrnt Vice-king v/scng Vice-legate v/slgt Vice-man v/smn Vice-president v/sprs Viceroy v/sroy Withhold w/hld Withholden \v/hldn Withholder w^'hldr IVithholdment wvhldmnt Within wvin Withinforth wiinfrth Withinside w/insd Without Vv/OUt Witliouten \v/outn Withoutforth w/outfrth ^Vifhstand w/stnd Withstood w'isid ^ Note.— The above method of expressing the words satisfy, satisfied, satisfaction and satisfactory may be written across any preceding word in a similar manner. SUFFIXES. REMARKS ON THE USE OF SUFFIX SIGNS. In general a single suffix- sign will serve to express an entire class of suffixes; as, the words sub-tract, sub-tracts, sub-tractcd, sub-tracting, sub-traction, may all be represented hy sub, with /r written near it, rch'ing on the context to determine the part of speech, tense or participle. That this is not only possible but safe, is evident from the following illustrative sentence, in which the same form is used for the various forms of subtract, and the learner will readily supply the correct word : Can you sub-tr this? Have you sub-tr this? Are you sub-tr this? Can you perform this sub-tr? Take the various forms of indicate: Can you ind-c (indicate) it? Will you ind-c (indicate) it? Have you ind-c (indicated) it? This clearly ind-c (indicates) that. What is the ind-c (indication)? What are the ind-c (indications)? There is no ind-c (indication) that it will. There are ind-c (indications) of it. The signs are all ind-c (indicative) of a storm. The signs ind-c (indicate) a storm. There is every ind-c (indication) of a storm. Take elect in its various forms: We will el-e him. We have el-e our ticket. We can el-e our ticket. The el-e is in pro- gress. We are el-e our ticket. The independent exercise of the el-e franchise. He was el-e to serve as one of the presi- dential el-e. Take adapt \\\\h. its various forms: It is not ad-a to him. It is very well ad-a. With ad-a facility. A perfect ad-a of the means to the end. We are ad-a it, or trying to ad-a it. 273 HOPEFUIi ays ALPHABETIC Hopeful ho/fl Hopefully ho/fl Hopefulness ho/fl Hopeless ho/Is Hopelessly ho/ls Hopelessness ho/Is Faithful f Angelically a«jl-i Alphabetic a/fbt-i -^O AliPHABETICALi 276 MIFFISIVE Alphabetical a/fbt-i Alphabetically a/fbt-i Changeable ch /?- \ Conipressibleness pr(?-sbl Compressibility prt--sbl defensible dtfnsbl Defensibleness dangerous d(?njrs I>angeronsly drtnjrs I>angerousness drtnjrs liilorioiis glors Gloriously glors Ciloriousness glors Slanderous shrndrs Slanderously slandrs Slanderousness slrtndrs Ruinous rims Ruinously r?ms Ruinousness r;/nsns Attractive a/rc-t Atti'actively a/rc-t Attractiveness a/rc-t Diffusive d/f-s / /— t^ -^- ^^ DIFFUSIVELY 377 REAIilZATIOX Diffusively d/f-s Diffusiveness dii-s Oppressive Oppressively o/r-s Oppressiveness o/r-s CoereiA'e C()er-s Coercively coer-s Dependence dfpndns Dependent dfpndnt Dependently d^pndnt Indulj^ence iwdljns Indulgent i«dljnt Indulgently i«dljnt Confidence f/-dns Confident f/-dnt Confidently f/'-dntly Difference d/fr Different d/frnt Differently difrnt Muffle Muffled Muffler m/^flr Muffling Ramble rambl / ■-b -^ Kanil>led rflmbl Rambler rfliiibl Rambling r(zmbl Swindle swindl S^vindled sw/ndl Swindler swvndlr Swindling svv/ndl Cirumble grz^mbl Ciirunibled gr«mbl ♦jirumbler grz^mblr Grumbling gr«mbl Aliment a/mnt Alimental a/mnt Alimentary a/mnt Elemental e/mnt Elementary e/mnt Supplement s^/plmnt Supplemental s//plmnt Snpplementarj s//plmnt Realize rrlis Realized rrlisd Realizes r^lis Realizing rflis Realization rt'l-z c Q_ ^ ^ A CIVIIilZE «78 SAXCTIFIED Civilize s/vlis Civilized SA'liS Civilizes SA'liS Civilizing s/vlis Civilization s/\iis Moralize Moralized nit^rlis Moralizes nic^rlis Moralizing morlis Moralization morlis Obligate Obligated Obligating OiJl-g Obligation ol>\-g Indicate i«d-c Indicated i«d-c Indicating i«d-c Indication i«d-c Accelerate ac-slrt Accelerated aiT-slrt Accelerating ar-slrt Acceleration a^r-slrt Confuse conf?^-s Confused confz<-s o Confusedly conf//-sdly Conceit cons«'-t Conceited consf-t Conceitedly cons^-t Content contd'-nt Contented contf-nt Contentedly contf-nt Kellne Tcln Beflued rtffnd Keflnedly xcln Clarify cl«rf Clarified c\ari Clarifying Clrtlf Clarification clrtrf-c Gratify grotf Gratified gr(7tf Gratifying gratf Gratification grrtt-c Modify mod-f Modified mod-f Modifying nirtd-f Modification mcd-c Sanctify s^nctf Sanctified S(7nctf SAXCTIFY'INO; •^7t> i:xLiAK<^i:w4.i !!$aiictifyiiig; SiTIlCtf Sanctilieatioii sinict-c Xational n^jshn Nationality nrtbhn Constitutional con-st Constitutionality C(m-st Formal ft^rml Formality fi)rmlt Contratlictory contrrt-dctry Contradictorily contra-dctrJy Interrogate iwtrogt Interrogatory VlU-g Interrogatorily iiiU-g Derogatory dtTgrty l>erogatorily dtrgtrly Troublesome tTitMsm Troublesomely tr^blsmly Troublesomeness tr«blsmns Delightsome difltsm Deliglitsomely d^Itsmly Deliglitsomeness dt'ltsmns Methodist methdst Methodism mt'thdsm Federalist f^/drlst '-2 Federalism fcdrlism Formalist ttiniilist Sharpen sharp (Sharpened sharpnd Sharpening shtfrpu Quicken q^cn Quickened qicn Quickening q/cn Hardening h«rdn Active ac-t Actively ac-t Activity ac-t Receptive resifp-t Receptivity res^p-t Receptively res^p-t Adaptive a(/p-t Adaptively aj ^ ^ Q INVESTED 280 JDESTROYEK Invested ini'st Investing in I St Investment i«vst Allure a/r Allured a^rd Alluring a/r-ing Allurement a/imnt Entombed ewtmd Entombing e«tm-ing Entombment e/;tmnt Helped help Helper h<-lp Helping li^'lp Helpful h.'lp Helpless h^lp Taxed taxt Taxer trtxr Taxing tax "Wished \v/shd Wisher w/shr "Wishing w/sh Traded tr^rdd Tradei- tr«dr Trading ti-,/d ^_J? Obeyed o/'ad Obeying oba Delayed ddad Delaying dtla Envious e«vs Enviously e/As Melodious mfldus Melodiously nu-ldus Penurious pt'iuirs Penuriously pt-nurs Piteous p^tus Piteously pztus Beauteous bc/zts Beauteously bdV/tsly Mortifying niiJrtf 3Iortifyingly movtl Satisfying st-f-ing Satisfyingly st-f Healthy hflthy Healthily hdthly Healthiness hj-lthns Destroy di'str Destroyed d^-str Destroyer d^'strr T ^ en ^~-& .1IAXL.V asi IXFEKEXCES Manly Maiiliiioss niinilns Easy e-fy Easily e^ly Easiness Wcai'y Wi'ry Wearily Wi-rly "Weariness WiTIlS ;Noisy nc/-s Ifoisily no is Noisiness nc'/'-s Handy hirnd Handily hrtiidly Handiness li(7ndns Cosey co-s Cosily cos Cosiness Commerce conirs Intense i«tns Suspense s/cspns Suspends s;cspnds Decadence di-cdns Confidence confdns Pretence prt-tns TT 2 Immense iwns Conveyance C()n-v Annoyance niyns, a«-oy Finance fmns Penance p^-nns Permanency pt-rmnns Fluency fiim-s Competency comptnsy Potency pc^tnsy Impotency iwptnsy Expectancy xpsctnsy Pliancy pl/nsy Pretends prrtnds OlTends o/nds LiCgends It'jnds Frequents ire-q Expends xp^nds Viands v/nds Amends awnds Portends p(7rtnds Extends xtcnds Intends iwtnds Inference i/tirns Inferences iwfrnss ^ / ^ ^ /^ 2 FAIXTS ft8» WISl>OM Faints iants i^aints sants Paints prtnts Senses sfnss Census s^nss Dances drrnss Evince et'ns Events e:nts Evinces e: nss Agents a/nts Agencies a/nss Exigencies x/jnss Accents aiTsnts Accidents aiTsdnts Pencil pcnsl Tensile tfnsl Utensil utnsl Utensils u/nsls Prehensile piTIlsl Immensely iwiisly Immensity u«nst Immenseness i;«snns Intenseness i«tnsns Diffei'cnce d^frns e J Diflferences d/friiss Incendiary i«sndry Commentary Cf^mn-tr Country cotin-Xr Momentary momn-tr Sedentary sfdn-tr Promontory pr(;mn-tr Elementary e/mn-tr Exclamatory xcUnii-tr Inflammatory i;/flm- tr Parliamentary p<7rlmn-tr Voluntary V(rssm Realism rtlism Solecism st'lsism Syllogism sj'ljsm Puerile Pi'o.jectile Dactyl dffctl Ductile d«ctl Volatile \vltl Versatile VdTrstl Bombast biimbst Iconoclast iirnclst L ^ BAIil-AST »84 PARTISAN Balla«!it brflst Debas^etl dtbst Canvassed Cimvst Fuller f«lr l>roUer droh Oreater gratr- Xearer ncrr Purer p7/rr Kedder rfdr Sooner soonr Truer tnn Address Undress u;/drs Caress crtrs Digress d/grs Express xprfs Ingress i«grs Duress d//rs Baptist b<7ptst Casuist Cr7SUSt Dramatist drrtnitst Duelist d?/lst Fatalist f^rtlst Formalist ftirmlst ■>i 6 V -^^ ^ ^^ Jurist j/lTSt Endorsee e/zdrse Fianeee IV use Komiuee nc^nie Payee pae Engineer • e«jnr Finaneier fmnsr ♦iJazetteer g(zztr Muleteer nn/ltr Privateer pr/vtr Pioneer p/'iir Bipartite b/prtt Expedite xpfdt Hematite hcmtt Theodolite thfdlit Auditor aiu/tr Editor adtx Exterior xt(Tr Interior i//trr Inferior \ii\xx Superior S7^prr Imitator iwttr Artisan artsn Partisan p^rrtsn ^ lA V VJ3 tlTlZEX 285 ADDICTED Citizen s/tzn Deiiizoii d.nzn Horizon borzn Barrister bfzrstr Minister m/nstr Registrar rt-jstrr Forester iorstr Chorister COTStT Potentate piHntat Magistrate m(7Jstrt lianreate Magnate ni(7gnat Magnet m(7gnt Catliin Ci7tcn lianihkin Lrnicn Bantling b<7ntl-ing; Fatling f(7tl-ing Yonnglin^; u«gl-ing Ciauntlet g(777ntlt Mristlet r/slt Corselet ClTslt Globnle globl Ferrule f.Tul Enact e«-a -^ iT^ '^ V / Enaeted e;7-a Enat'tnient e«-a Enaets e«-a Inapt i;7-a Inaptly i;7-a Inaptness i«-a Atlapt arf-a Adapting ai/-a Adapted a(/-a Adaptation a(/-a Adaptive a(/-a Elect e/-e Elected e/-e Electing e/-e Election e/-e Elective e/-e Elects e/-e Except xt'pt Excepting xrpting Excepted xt-ptd Excepts XifptS Exception xfpshn Addict :i.d-\ Addicted 2id-\ EVICT 286 EXECKATES Evict et'-i Evicted ei'-i EAicts e;'-i Evicting e:'-i Eviction ei'-i Evictment er-i Tuition t//-i Intuition Adopt a.d-0 Adopts Adopted ad-o Adopting a^-o Adoption a.d-0 Induct i;;d-u Induction i«d-u Inductive i»d-u Product prod-u Production prod-u Products prod-u Productive prod-u Interrupt luir-u Interrupts i;?tr-u Interrupted i«tr-u Interruption i«tr-u <2^ J Abate a-b Abated a-b Abating a-b Abatement a-b Ambition a;«-b Ambitious aw-b Ambitiously ivii-h Retribution retr/-b Ketributive retri-b Abrade a-br Abraded a-br Abrading a-br Abrasion a-br Indicate i;;d-c Indicates i;/d-c Indicating i«d-c Indication i«d-c Indicative i«d-c Occasion Oi--C Occasions Ot"-C Occasional Ot'-C Occasionally oc-c Execrate x^-cr Execrates Xf-cr ( P P EXECRATIOIV 287 PKOFGSS Execration xf-cr Execute xe-c Executes xe-c Executed xc-c Executing xe-c Execution xe-c Executive xe-c Exclude xch/d Excludes xclwd Exclusive xch/-s Excluding xcl;/d-ing Exclusion xcb/shn Incur i«cr Incurred i«cr Incurs i)fCT Incurring i«-cr Incursion \>t-CT In cursive i;;-cr Succeed s?/sd Succeeds si/sd Succeeded s?/sd Succeeding s/«d Success Succession Recite res/t Recited res/td Reciting res/ting Recites res/ts Recitation res/-t Recitations res;-t Antedate a«t-d Antedates a«t-d Antedated a«t-d Antedating a«t-d Edition Ci/shn Indite i/i-d Indited i«-d Indites i;;-d Inditing iw-d Indictment i;/-d Antidote a«t-d Antidotes a«t-d Forfeit f^rft Forfeits f-)rfts Forfeited f<;rftd Forfeiting fjrfting Forfeiture ft^rftr Profess profs ( PKOFESSIOX !£88 SUBJECTS Profession prtz-t n Professor prt!-f n Professors pri'-f n- — - Profuse pr()-f a — ^ Profusion pro-f Inflate Inflates J if J. i«-fl Inflated ^ i«-fl Inflating i«-fl Inflation i«-fl Aggregate a^T-g Aggregates a^r-g 'a J / Aggregated a^-g c Aggregation i a^r-g Congregation congT'g .^^^ ^ Congregational congv-g Congregational ists congr-g ^ Integrated O J i«t-gr Integrating i«t-gr Integration int-gr Anniliilate ( a«-hl Annihilates a«-hl Annihilated { a«-hl Annihilation r a«-hl Apprehend ap/'-h Apprehended ap;--h Apprehensive ap;--h Apprehension ap/-h Prohibit pro-h Prohibited pro-h Prohibits pro-h Prohibiting pro-h Prohibition pio-h Inject Injected Injectnient if!-i Injection 1)1-] Object Objected Objection O/'-j Objectionable o/'-j Objective o/'-j Objects o/'js Subject s«b Subjected s«-j Subjection s?^-j Subjective s?/-j Subjects s?^-j / o o o o o /? o ^^\rMJJLd.t».M.-K:j fwC Collate /^ c.^-1 /^ Collation c<;-l ^ Collates £/ co-\ ^^'^ Collide co-\ ^ Collided /^ Collision ^ Collude co-l ' ^ Collusion C(7-l /^ Evolute e:-l Evolution et'-l Intimate V \ i«t-m J Intimated i«t-m J Intimates i/tt-m ) — Intimation i;/t-m ; Commit cc'm-m /^'^ Commission ^ com-m ^ Commute Ct)m-m /^^"^^ Commuted ^- com-m /^ Terminate term-n 6 Terminates tB€IS1VE »91 IiATITri>lAAKlAN Decisive d^'-s Precision prt'-s Insulate Insulated i«s-l Insulating i«s-l Insulation ' i/is-\ Devastate diTvs-t Devastated dfvs-t Devastating dt'vs-t Devastation dtfvs-t Devastates dt-vs-t Dentition dcn-t Restitution rfst-t Penetrate pni-tr Penetrated pfn-tr Penetrates pcn-tT Penetration pt'ii-tr Penetrative ptn-tr Distort d/'strt Distorted d/strtd ]>istortion d/strshn Intend i;/tnd Intended iwtndd Intention iwtnshn -^ ^. ^ /n__ / / /!_ z_ ^L^ Persuade pcr-svv Persuaded PA1IA<^ES Abatement a/'tmnt Acoeptaiice at'sptns Aoeeptor afsptr Aeoount a<;nt Aceountaiit a6'ntnt Aeeount ourrent a6Titcrnt Aeconiiiiotlation afm-d Adjiistnieiit j//stmnt Administrate ad-trt All valorem a(Alrm Annually a«ly Appraisement a/rsmnt Arbitration a^b-tr Articles of agreement artclsgrmnt Articles of copartner- a/^clscprtnrshp [sliii> Assessment sesmnt Assignment s/nnint Association SOS Assurance a^rns Average an-j Balance-sheet brtlnsht Bank-book b(?nkbk Bank -draft b(7nkdift Bank-note b(7nknt Bank discount brtnkdscnt Bill-book b/lbc Bills of exchange b/lsxchnj Bills of lading b/lsldng Bills of parcels b/Isprsls Bills payable bp Bills receivable br Blotter blotr Board of brokers bord brokrs Borroiv bi'ro Breakage br^rkj Business paper b/sns p(7pr Cashier's statement c^shrs st^tmnt Certified Sfrtfd Certificate of deposit Sfrtfctdp Certificate of member- sertfctmmbrstip [ship Certificate of stock SiTtfctstC Charged ch^rgd Check-book chc'cbc Circulars s/rclrs Circulation snx-l Collaterals cyltrls Collections col-e Collection register colrjstr Commercial Crtmrshl Commission com-m Company CO Compensate Ci;inpn^t Compensation C()iiipn-s Compound interest cympnd i;arst Comptroller Cc^ntrlr Computations comp-t Concern consrn Contributory C6intrb-tr Consignee consne Consignment consnmt Consignor consnr Consideration consd-r Conveyance cc^nvns Corrected bill cor-eh\ Correspondence cor-sp Coupons coupns Credit cTcdt Currency c«rn-s Current C7/riit Customers cwstmrs Custom-house c.vstmhs Damages drtmjs I>AY-BOOK 3t>G PER CEXT Day-book d(rbk Days of grace dasgrs Debited de-btd Debits and credits dfbtscrdts Delivery di'lvry Demurrage d^-mrj Depositors dt'pstrs Directors dirctrs Disbursements disbz^rsmnts Discrepancy discrcpn-s Dishonored disowrd DiA'idend d/'vdnd Dollars dolrs Domestic domestc Drawee drawe Drawer dTawT Due bill d«bl Excliange xcli«ng Exhibit Export xport Expectation xpetshn Express order xprr.irdr Equation e-q Estimate e^tmt Fictitious f/c-t Financial f/'nnshl Fixtures f/xtrs Foreign bill i(>rnh\ Foreign draft ffrndift Foreign exchange ffriixchng Foreign money fornmny Furniture fz/rntr Guarantee gizrnt Hazardous hasrds Held for collection h^ldfrcl-e Imaginarj' iwjnry Imi>ort iwprt Importation iwpr-t Incorporation i;7crprslin Indebtedness i/vdtdni Indemnify i«dmnf Indemnity i«dmiit Indorsee i«drse Indorser i«drsr Industries i«dstrs Inland bill iwlndbl Installment i«stlmnt Installment receipts iwstlmntrsts Instructions i«-str Insurance iwshrns Inventions i«-vn Investment i«vsnint Invoice i;n'S Journal j.vrnl Judgment note jz/inntnt licakage k-kj liCdger I'jr Legacy Iiiquidations 1/q-d Offerings q/"r-iugs Offlcers o/srs Orders ordrs Outstanding ou/stnd-ing Overplus otrpls Package p;?cj Partial payment Pizrshl piziniit Partnership partnrshp Payee prte Payer pa I Payment pamnt Pecuniary PiTcnry Per cent ptTsnt POWER OF ATTOKXKV 297 WUlUliTSi Power of attorney pL)a'rtrny Pre 111 ill 111 pri;nmi President prdTS Products prod-u Profit and loss prcftndls Promissory note prtimsrnt Property pr^pr-t Proprietary propr-tr Proprietor proprtr Protect protct Protest protst Protest book prctsbc Purchase pz^rchs ISebate reb(7t Iteceipts resifts Receivable rest'vbl Received resfvd Receiving; book restrv-ingbk Recourse reC£7rs Redemption redtinslin Re-exchange re'schang Refunded ref;/ndd Reimburse reiw/tirs Reniittance rrmr'tns Resources resoTss Resources and liabili- resyrssndlblts [ties Railroad rahd Rates of interest rrttsntrst Real estate rrlstt Remainder reuirtndr Revenue rt'VJiu Schedule sct'dl Secretary sec Security sccv~t Set of exchange setxchng Share-holder shrtrhldr Signature f/gntr Solvent Siilvnt Speculation spcc-1 Statement st(?tnuit Statutory st<7tu-tr Storage storj Stocks stocs stock -broker sti'cbrcr Stock-exchange stocxchng Stockholder stcickhldr Stock investment st(3cvsnint Sundries s?rndrs Surplus s«rpls Trade-mark tradmrc Trade price trrtdprs Trade sale tmd^l Trades union trfldsunn Trade Avind trrtdwnd Traffic trafc Trafflcless traicli Transact t-ct Transaction t-cshn Transcribe t-scrb Transfer t-fr Transfer-book t-frbc Transmission t-mshn Transmit t-mt Transportation t-portshn IVarden W(7rdn IVarehouse W(7rous M'arehoiiseman \\77rousmn ^Varcliousiiig \\77r011sing Warrantee \V(7rnte Warrantor \V(7rntr IVarranty \V(7rnty height s \Y(7tS RAILWAY TERMS. Acting president Accommodation train Advance cliarges v.:nchr_is Air line 2. 'in Ash pau Asst. gen. auditor s.-sntjiiaudtr Assistant siiperin- 5:;ntipt [teiirtent Assistant secret aij szsntsc Auditor's office a.-.'drs c/i And. of j)assenger a.'.'dpsrsts [receipts And. of transportation au(/trt-rsts [receipts Auditor of disburse- aua'dsbrsmnts [ments Automatic brakes au/mtcbrks Axles acsls Axle box a^rslbx Axle guard ai;slgrd Back eccentric hac ecsntrc Bad order badrdr Ballasting b<7lst-ing Baggajie b.-gi Baggage ear Ikigjcr Basing rates b<^^-ingrts Belt line bd'An Bill of lading b 1 Board of transporta- buTd t-prtshn [tion Box car b. xcr Boiler I hoih Brakes braes Bridges br.'js Broad gauge brodgj Buffet smoking car b;/ftsnic-iiigcr BuiTer spring b«frspr-ing Bumpers bz/mprs Car accountant Cffrcntnt Car service agent Crtrsrvs-a Cattle car Cfltlcr Car wheel Crtrwhl Chair car charcr Chain brakes ch.;nbrcs Charges Check value chi'cvlu Chief surgeon chi-lsrjn Claiui agent cL:iii-a Claim department cLniiprtmnt Second-class car Si'ciuiclscr Close car cbscr Coaches Collision Collect on delivery cod Commercial fi-eisiiit comrshlfrt n fa^-ent Commutation ti«'Uet coni-t t/'ct Conductor Ci'ndctr Connecting rod C('n-crd Connections cn-o Coud. time table C(;ndnstnitbls Construction train Ci)n-str tr.ni Consignment consTtmnt 2Q9 I'OXTRACTOKS KAILi 300 FREIt>iHT DEPARTMENT C'ontraotor's rail C(m-tr rrtl Corrected hill ccr-ebl Contractor C()n-tr Coupling c//p-ling Coupons cvpns Culverts c;?lvrts Cylinder s/lndr Day coach di?ch Depot check di7pchc Depot connections dapcn-e Derailed d^rld Dispatches sp^chs Ditches d/chs Demoralization of drnir!-zrts ["'ates Distributing points d/strbtng piiints Dining car d/n-ingcr Directors d/r-e Director's car d/r-ecnr Direct route d/r-ert Disaster disc7Str Dividends d/vdnds Division superin- d/'-vspt [tendent Domestic rates df'iii-erts Down grade d(77£'ngrd Drag bolts drrtgblts I>rag link drffglnk Drag bar dr(?gbr DraAv head drawhed Draw link drrt7{'lnk Draw spring drrtTcsprng Driving boxes driv-ingbxs Driving shaft dr/v-ingslift Drawing room cars dr(7Ti'-ingrmcrs Driving ^vheel dr/v-ing\vhl Earnings em-ings Eastern division e^trn-v East bound freight e^bnfrt West bound freight vvfsbnfrt Elevated road eAvrd Emigrant cars ewgrnt-crs Emigrant agent e;;/grnt-a Empty cars e;«-tcrs Engine e«jn Engineer e/ijnr Engine crank ewjncrnc Eiinitable ecthl Equalizing beam eclis-ingbm Excavation xca-v Excess baggage xffsbgj Exchange coupon xchrtiig c;/pn Executive dcpart- X6x-tprtmnt [nient Excursion train xc//rtrn Expedition xpc-d Export traffic xpfirt tr(7fc Express train xprfstrn Express messenger xprrsnjr Express car xprfscr Export rates xportrts Extra xtra Fast mail f(7stml Fast freight f^stfrt Fed and « atered Feed pipe ftdpp First-class car frsclscr Flange fl(7nj Flat car flincr Fluctuating rates fl//ct-\vrts Foreman fi'rmn Fore eccentric f(!r ersntrc Free on board fob Freight frrtt Freight department frr7tprtmnt FKEKiiHT B1L.L. 3U1 I'ASSEXOEK CAU Freight bill fn7tbl Freight ear fritter Freight depot fnrtdpo Freight traflie iiiaii'gr frat trrtfcmnjr Freight eoiidiietor frE Switoliins swich-ing Switcli lights swv'ch l/'ts Tt' If gram tc\-g Telegraph t6-l-g Tender tt-ndr Through bill thriM Through freight thr//frt Through ear arraiige- thr?/crnjmnt [liieiit Through ear servtee thr/ccrsrvs Through train thr//trn Through traffic thr//trfc Trafllc manager trrtfcninjr Train dispatcher trrtn-spchr Traveling passenger tn?vlingps-a [agent Trip sliaft trzpshft Truck frame trz/cfrm Trainmen ti<7nmn Trailing driver trirl-ingdrvr Timnsshipment t-shpmnt Trans-continental t-cntntl Transportation t-prtslm Transportation facili- t-fslts [ties TraAcling auditor tri7vl-audtr Trucks tr//cs Tunnel t//nl Tui'n table t//rntbl Unloading station lu/ld-ingstshn United States express u s xprs Up grade u/grd ValAc gear \a\ygr Valve rod Vrtlvrd Vice-president v/'sprs Ventilators vrnt-1 Wagner dr'Av'ng room \V(7gnrdr-ingrnicr [car Wagner sleeping car \V(7gnr-slcpcr W^ater tank \V(7trtnk Way freight wrtfrt W ay bill wrtbl W^are house warous W^ai'ehouse receipts Wrtrousrpts Weighmaster wamstT Westward bound wrstrdbnd W'estern division wfstrn-v W'ipers ■\v/prs Whistle \vh/sl PROMINENT RAILWAY LINES* Albert Lica Route air Atchison. Tojieka Jt Santa Fe a t s f r [Kailivay Baltimore «& Ohio IC. K. b & o r r Burlington Koutc br t'anadian Paeilie Itailway c p r Chicago A: Alton Itailroad c & a r Chicago. Kock Island & Pacific c r i & p r [Ry- <'incinnati, Indianapolis. St. Touis c i St 1 & c r [A Chicago By. <£'mntsliriis [ance Endo^vment premium dt^tcnintprmm Equalized e<:lisd Equitable ertbl Examiner xamnv Examination x^mnshn Examining physician xrt'ningf-s Expectancy xp(-ctiisy Expectation of life xpectlf Experience table xptrnstbl FACE VALUE 306 RE»^ERV£ Face value f«svl Fifteen payment life fzftnpmnlf Fii'e iiij^uranoe f/'rshrns Five payment life fA'pmnli Fluctuations f/uc-t Forfeited fyrftd Forfeiture ioriir Full value fz^vl Oeneral solicitor j^nrlslstr 4xratluate;uaranty fund gi?rn-tfnd Healthy hflthy Heirs Home office homfs Income i;/cm Inspection i«-sp Insures i;/shrs Insured i«shrd Insurer i;;shrr Insurable i«shrbl Insurance com- i«shrn-cm [mission Investment i«vsmnt Kind of insurance c/nshrns Lapse laps Legal claim l(gl cUmi » Lci^al reserve h-glrsrv Lim't'd pay 'nt endorse- l?mtdpnintdrsmnt[ment Level premium k'vlprmm Liabilities Life companies hfcmpns Life insurance l/fshrns Life policy 1/fplsy Loading; lod-ing Long: lived longlvd LoAver average lorvrj Marine ntavn Matured endoMinents nirtturd dt77i'mnts Medical examination mcdclxninsliii Misappropriated misproprtd Mixed companies ni?xtcnipris Mortuary payments myr-trpnmts Mortality tables mortlt tffbls Mutual benefits m;/tlbnfts Mutual reserve fund m/^tlrsrvfnd IVatural premium n(?trlprmm Xet annual payment nt't a«lpnint Xon- ton tine iwntntn Xon-forfeiture iwnfrtr Old line o/dln Ordinary endowmeiit ordnry dcTfiiint Option o/sbn Ordinary life ordnrlf Participating p^rrtsptng Policy pels Policy-holders polshldrs Practical advantage pr(7clvntj Probable cost problcst Probability of life pnibl-t 1/f Progressive premium pr(igr-s prfmm Prohibitions pro-bb Proportional prp-pr Quarterly prcRiiums qffrprmms Receiver resfvr Reduction re-dc Re-examination Tcxamnshn Reinsured rei«shrd Rene^vable rencivhl Renewable term life reiu'Tcbl tfrmlf Representations rfpsn-t Reserve r^srv RESERVES 307 VEARIiY REXEWABLE Reserves r^srvs Reversionary divi- revrshn d?vdnds [(lends Risks r/sks Safety fund Srtf-tfnd Semi-annual premi- s,cm a«lprmms [unis Semi- tontine insnr- scm-tntnshrns [ance Short lived short l/vd Single payment life snigl pamnlf iiources of dividends sorssdvdnds Special reserve sp.?shl rcsrv Splendid investment spknddvsmnt Stock companies stocmpns Suicide siisld Surrender value sinndTvl Surplus s//rpls Tabulated trzb-l Ten payment life ttfnpmnlf Term life Term insurance tfrmshrns Term policy t^rmpls Tontine insurance tcntnshrns Tontine plan tontnpln Total premiums totlprmms Twenty payment life twfntpmnlf AVarrantees \V(?rn-ts Working expenses work-i xpss Y'early renewable y^rlnbl pels [policy LAW TERMS. A. I Abaudoument aiJinnmnt Abtluction a^-dc Abeyance ai^ans Abidiu;; by a(?d-ingb Abnormal a^irirml Absolute a/Jslt Absolute conveyance a^sltcn-v Absolute estate aiJsltstt Abuttals a^utls Accordant airrdnt Acceptance supra pro- acsptns s«prprtst [test Acceptor acsptr Accessory airssry Acconiiilice a-pls Account atTit Account current airntcrnt Account stated arntsttd Accretion ac-cr Accroach acTch Acknowledgment at'nlmntmny [money Acquest ar-q Acquittance a^-qt Action a<;shn Actor a.ctr Addition a(/-d Adeem a.dm Ademi>tion ai/mshn Adherence arfhrns Adjective law ay-el aw Adjudication ayd-c Adjustment jz/smnt Admeasurement of a(/mshrmntdo\vr [dower Admeasurement of a^/msrmntpstr [pasture Adminicle art'mncl Administration a-trshn Administration suit a-trshnsut Administrator a-trtr Admiralty a(/mrl-t Admittance a^/mtns Adult a(/lt Advancement varnsmnt Adventure arfvntr Advisement a(/vsmnt Advocate a (/vet Advocation arfv-c AdvoAvee a(/vo\ve Advowson affvowsn Advo'wtry a^/vow-tr Affiant a/nt Affiliation a/lashn Affirmant a/rmnt Affirmation a/r-m Affray a/ra Aftermath a/trmth Age V Agent and patient ayntpshnt 309 AGGKAVATIOX 310 ATTEX1>AXT TER]»1S Aggravation a^r-v Agrarian a^rrn Aid Aids Aider by verdict ai/rbvrdct Alibi a/ib Alien a/yn Aliment a/imnt Alimony a/mny Allegation a/-g Alleging diminution a/j-ingdm-n AIIi8ion a/syn AUoeatiou a/o-c Allodial a/odl Allotment note lotmntnt Alnage a/nj Altarage a/tr-a Alternative a/trn-t Anialpliitan eode aw/lftncd Ambiguity a;«b-g Amenable a;«nbl Amercement a7«rsmnt Amicable action a7;zcbl-a Amotion a-m Ancestor a«sstr Ancestral action a«sstil~a Anchoi'age a«cr-a Ancieut domain a«shntdmn Ancillary a«blry Annuity a«u-t Answer a//sr Apostles a/sls Apparent heir a/rnt ar Appeal a/1 Appearance a/rns Appellate a/lat Appendant a/ndnt Appointment a/ntmnt Apprentice a/rnts Appropriation a^r-pr Appro A'cr a/rvr Appnrtenant a/rtnnt Appurtenances a/rtnnss Arbiti'anient and arbtrmntndvvrd [a'»vard Archdeacon archdcn Argumentative argrmntv Arraign aran Ai'ray Arrest of judgment arstjmnt Ai'i'estment arstmnt Ai'son arsn Article artel Assault a^lt Assay er ajar Assembly unlawful ajmbly u/dfl Assets ajts Assignee asnt Assign 3511 Assignment aj'nmt Assistance sistns Association so-s Assumpsit a^mpst Assurance ajrns Astitution a.n-t At arm's length az'rmslnth At bar a/br At large a/lrj Attach a/cli Attachment a/'chmnt Attainder a/ndr Attaint a/ant Attendant terms a^'ndnt tt'rms ATTJiSJTATlOX 311 UIL.L1 !!»i\4;L.E Attestation a/s-t Attorney a/rny Attorney general a/rnyjnrl Audience court au(/nscrt Auditor aui/tr Augmentation auo-mn-t Adventure amnjry Common law comnlaw Common nuisance Ci'mn n«sns Common pleas Ct)mnpls Commonable ccmnbl Commonality ctnnnalt Commons C'jnins Compensation c(7mpn-s Composition comp-s Compound larce«y ccmpndlrsny Conclude concld Condition compnl- Cim-d complsry [sory Condition expressed con-dxpnt Condition inherent con-dhrnt Condition insensible con-dsnsbl Condition precedent con-dprsdnt Contlition subsequent C(7n-dsbsqnt Conditional fee C()n-dfe Conditional liniita- con-dlm-t [tion Conduct money condctmny Cone and kej- con a«d cc Confession andavoid- con-fndvoidns [ance Confirmation ci?nfr-m Conformity C6>nfrni-t Consanguinity Ct)nsngn-t Conscience Cijnshns Consensual consnshl Consent rule Cimsntrul Consideration consdrshn Consistory C(;nss-tr Consolidation rule consl-drul Consols consls Conspiracy ctJnspr-s Constructive ctm-strc Contentions contnshs Contingency i^'ith a [double aspect c^ntn-sdblaspct Contingent contnjnt Continual claim C(7ntnl cl«m Continuance CiJiitnns Contra contra Contract ccntrct Aleatory contract a/-trcntrct Bilateral contract b/'ltrlcntrct Unilateral contract u;Htrlcntrct Consensual contract consnslcntrct Executed contract xc7^tdcntrct Executory contract xc?U»T Parol contract pizrlcntrct t^iiuple contract s/mplcntrct Special contract speshlcntrct Contract of heneti- cyn-trbnfsns Lociice Contracts of record. Ctin-tncrd Contribution C6intr-b Contributory ct)ntrb-tr Contumacy C()ntm-s Conversion con-\r Convey conva Conveyance ci'nvans Conveyance by reeorcl ccmvansrcrd Coparcenary Ci-prsnry Copyhold Ci'pyhld Co-respondent corspndnt Corody Ctirody Coroner Ct'rnr Corporal oath C(7rprl o//i Corporation C()I•pr^hn Corruption of blood C[)r-ubld Corsepresent ccirsprsnt Cotland cotlnd Count C()//nt Counterplea co!.'ntTp\e Counter-roll coimtT vol County corporate ct)//n-tcrprt Court of appeals cortapls Court of chancery Cfrtchnsry County courts C(»m-tcrts County sessions coim-t-s Coroner's court ccionrscrt Court of sessions ctirt-s Courts-martial cortsmrshl American courts aw/rcncrts Courts of the Fnited certs u s [States Circuit court s/rctcrt District court d/'strcit Court of claims Cc'rt clrtins Supreme court s;/prmcrt Supreme court of ap- s«pniicrtapls [pcalS Supreme judici.'il s«prnij-dcrt [court Court of errors corterrs Court of common ccrtcmnpls [pleas County court cc/cn-tcrt Court of probate ccrtprbt Surrostate's court s^rgtscrt Court of oyer an«l cortoyrtrmnr [terminer City court si-tcrt Municipal court m/msplcrt Court lauds cortlnds Covenant c«vnnt Covert cz/vrt Coverture c?/vrtr Covin cz^vn Creditor's hill crcdtrsbl Crim con crnn con Criminal inforiization crminlinfr-m Croft croft Cross-bill crosbl Crown land croTfnlnd Cumulative c//ml-t Cure of souls cwrsls Custom of merchants cz/stin m^rchnts Customary estate cwstmry estt D, I>ama;?es d«mjs I>ative d(7-t I>cad freight di-dfrat Death's part dcthsprt Dead pledge drdplj Dean and chapter d^nndchptr Debt dft DUBUXTUKES^ 313 OOKMAXT PAKTXEIJS Debentures dd'bntrs Debtor ddTtr Debt of record dd'trcrd Debt by specialty dt-t spf shl-t Decedent dfsdnt Deceit de-St Declaration of iiiten- dccl-rintnshn [tion Declaration of trust dfcl-rtrst Declare dcclr Declinatory plea dtxlntryple Decree arc re Decretal order dfcrtl o;t Deed d6-d Defeasance diffsns Defend dcfnd Defensive allegation d(-fn-s a/-g Degree of relation- dcgr rc-\ [ship Deliverance dclvrns Demandant dd-mndnt Demise denies Demonstrative d<.-mnstr-t legs [legacy Demurrage dcmr--3. Demurrer devarr Denizen dfnsn Deodand dtodnd Departure dcprtr Depone dt-pn Deposit dd'pst Deposition dt'p-s Deputy d(-p-t Determine dftrmn Derelict dijrlct Dernier ressort drrnr resort Descent dd'snt Detainer ddTtnr Determine dt-trmn Devise dcxiz Dictum dictm Dignity d/gn-t Dilapidation d/lp-d ! Dilatory plea I dil-tr pie Diligence d/ljns Diminution of the d/m-nrcrd [record Diocese dzss Diriment impedl- d/rmntimpdmnts [nients ]>lsablllty d/sbl-t Disbar disb(7r Discharge discharj Disclaimer dz'sclmr Discontinuance d-tnuns Discontinuous servi- d-tnussrv-t [tude Discovery discc'vry Disentailing deed disfntl-ingdd Dlsgavel disgavl Dishonor diso^r Disjunction disj//nshn Disparagement disp(7rjmnt Disseisin dissfzn Distrain distrn Distress d/strs l>istributlon d/str-b Disturbance d/strbns Diversity d/vrs-t Divest divst Divorce divrs Divorce courts d/'vrscrts Docket dc;ct Doctor's commons doctrscmns Doom di)(;in Donilcll of origin diuiislorjii Dominant tenement d(7mnnttnmnt Dormant partners dcrmntprtnrs DOUBLE BO]KD 316 EXEC I TORY ISE Double bond diib\ bnd Double eost d«blcst Double damages dwbldmjs Double line d//blfn Double plea dnh\ p\c' Double voucher dwblvchr Double waste d«bl\vst Dower dij7vr Dower by the eoin- dfTiTcmnlaw [nion laiv Dower by custom dtJMTCStm Do ■wry doii'Ty Dry exchange drj'xchng Dry rent do'rnt Due bill duhl Duplicity d«pls-t Dying %vithout issue dy-ing\voutisu E. Easement e^mnt Ecclesiastical cor- cl^sclcrp-r [porations Ecclesiastical courts cld'sclcrts Ecclesiastical law ckscl \a7t' Ejectment e/-e Eleemosynary e/enisnry Elisors e/isrz Embezzlement of ew/bslmntgdz [goods Emblements e;«blmnts Embracery ewbrsry Encroach ewcrch Endorsement ewdrsmnt Endowment do7vme'nt Enfeoff eufi Enfranchisement e«frnchsmnt Engross e«grs Enlarge e«lrj Enroll e;/rl Entail e;?tl Entry en-tr Right of entry r/to e«-tr Equitable assets eijtbl aj-ts Equitable estate ectbl ejtt Equitable mortgage ectbl moTgg Equitable plea eiftbl p\c Equitable defence ectbldfns Equity Equity of a statute e^r-tsttu Equity of redemption ef-trdmshn Error err Escape warrant e^cpwrnt Escheat e5cht ^ Escheator efchtr Escrow ejcro Estate for life e-fttfrlf Estate in possession e.fttinp-s Estate in remainder ejttinrmndr Estate for jears e^-ttfryrs Estate at will ej-ttatwl Estate at sufferance ej-ttatsfrns Estate from year to eyttfrmyryr [year Estoppel by deed eitplbdd Estoppel by record e^tplbrcrd Estray ei'tra Estreat estrt Eviction ev-i Exaction xrt'cslin Exceptions xfpshns Exchange xch(7nj Exchequer xchrcr Excusable homicide xc/csbl h();«sd Executed estate xc//tdstt Executed trust xcwtdtrst Executed use xcwtdus Executory use xC7/tryus EXECUTORY' DEVISE 317 FURTHEK ASSURAXCE Executory devise xfCtrydvs Execution xc«shn Executory xtxtr Exemplary xcmplry Exeniplificatiou xi-mpl-c Expire xp/r Extend xtiTnd Extent xtfnt Extortion xtcJrshn K. Eactor frtctr Factorizing process factrisingpross Failing of recoi'tl ftzl-ingorcrd Faint action iant-a. Faint pleading fi?ntpld-ing False imprisonment falsprsnmt False judgment falsjjmnt Fealty f6'l-t Fee simple f^smpl Feigned issue frtnd i^u Felony ft'lny Feoffment firfmnt Feudal system f«dlsstm Fiat in bankruptcy f?atbkrpt-s Fides f/des Filiation filashn Fiduciary ii-d Fine for alienation f/nfral-H Fine of lands f/nolnds First fruits f/rstfrts Fixture f/xtr Flotsam flotsm Folio {j\o Forcible entry fijrsbln-tr Foreclosure forclsr Foreign attachment ft^cntchmnt Foreign bill fornbl Forejudge fori] Forestall forstl Forgavel fcjrgvl Forgery fcJrjry Forisfamiliated fiTsfmlatd Formed action fc)rnid-a Formedon formdn Forprise fiirpris Forthcoming bond fiirthcm-ingbnd Forum fi:)rm Franchise fninchs Francus li«»nio tfiincs homo Frank bank francbnc Frank fee frirncfe Frank law fr^nclaw Frank tenant friznctnnt Free alms frt'ams Free bench frtbnch Freehold frfhld Free services frt'srvss Free ships frt'shps Free tenure fr(?tnyr Fresh disseisin frfshdsszn Fresh fine fr^shfin Fresh force fr^rshfrs Fresh suit frrshsut Full age iid-a. Full blood f/rlbld Half blood hflfbld Full court f«lcrt Full life Full right f«lrt Fungible f^njbl Further assurance f;-s [session Regrating regrating Rejoinder jc/ndr Relator rt-ltr Release Teles Remainder rem^ndr Remitter rem/tr Remoteness remotns Renounce probate lenoifns prt?bt Rent services rt'ntsrvs Repleader repkdr Replevin repkvn Replication repl/-c REqiESTS 3>^4 SUFFllA<,JAHif Requests qufsts Resoeit resft Residuary res?dry Resolutive rfsl-t Respondent r^spndnt Respondentia respndnsh Restitution rrst-t Resulting trust res?/lt-ingtrst Return letiiTii Reversion revershn Revie^v revcw Rhodian laAV rodnla Riot act r/ot act Roman la^v Toninla. Royal court roylcrt Running 'tvitli the r«n-ingwlncl [land Sacrilege sacrlj Safeguard saigrd Salvage Srtlvj Sanctuary S(7nctry Scienter scintr Scot scot Scroll SCTol Sea letter St.- liftr Section setshn Seigniory Si-nyry Seized Sfzd Senate Sfnat Sequestration s^qs-tr Serjeant StTJnt Service scr\s Settlement sstlmnt Sev^eral st^vrl Severance scvrns Shifting iise shzft-ingus Ship's husband sh/pshsbn Shire-mote shrr mat Sign manual smmnl Simony s/mny Simple s/mpl Single hill s/nglbl Slander sli/ndr Sold note Si4dut Sovereign sovrn Special agent spc-slil ajnt Special issue spcshl ijru Special pleading speshl pkdng Special property spd'shl prtjprty Special traverse spt'shl-tnjvrs Specialty sp!7shl-t Specific legacy sptfsfc Ifgsy Specific performance spijslc pcrfrmns Spiritualities spirit alts Stallage st«lj Standing mute st(?nding miit Star chamber strtrchmbr State's evidence strtts et'dns Statute merchant stiztumrchnt Statutory release st«tu-tr rcls Stipulation st/p-1 Stoppage in transitu stop] tr(?nstu Strict settlement str/ct s^tlmnt Striking a jury str/c-ingjr Subletting s«blt-hig Subornation s;^br-n Subrogation s«br-g Subsequent s«bs-q Substantive law s;;bstn-t \cjw Subtraction s/cb-trc Sufterance s//frns Sulfragan sz^frgn SUOCkESTIO]*? 3»5 VKKOOR i^uggestion sn-}S s«t Suitor's fund s/ctrsfnd i^uuiniary siimry Superior sz/pr Superstitious uses s?1IE 320 WRIT OF IXqUIRY Vendue vrndu Vendor's lien wndrsln Vendee's lien v^ndsln Verdict vfrdct Verification veri-c Vested use VtfStd MS Vested legacy vfstdlgsy Vested remainder vfstdrnindr Vesting order v^st-ingordr Vicar v/cr Vice-cliancellor \7schnslr View vew Villanous judgment v/lnsjmnt Violent presumption v/lntprsmshn Violent profits v/Intprfts Void Voidable vo/dbl Voidance V6i/dns Voluntary vt)ln-tr Volunteer volntr Vouch wouch Voucher voiichi ^^. IV age W(7J "Wage law Wager of law Wager- policy wrtjr pol-s Waif •wal AValnable W(mbl Wainage w^n-a Waive wav AVard-holding Wizrdhldng Ward-mote wrtrdmt "Warden v/ardn AVarrant \V(7rnt AVarranty deed w^zrn-tdd Warren waTTn Whole blood h^^lbld Widoiv's chamber w/doschmbr AVithdrawing a juror \v/dr-ingjrr "Without day w/outd AVithout recourse wioutrcrs AVitness w/tns Writ of inquiry rz'toqry TERMINATIONS OF MEDICAL TERMS. The regular formation of this class of words makes it pos- sible to greatly abbreviate their shorthand representation by adopting signs for the more common terminations. The signs consist of one or more of the initial letters of the terminations and are hence very suggestive and easily memorized. On the following five pages is a list of terminations with their signs, given in both Roman and shorthand characters, alphabetically arranged for ready reference. In practice the sign is drawn across the last character of the initial part of the word, except in words having terminations common to other words, as sationjation, fusion, etc., which signs are to be written under or over the previous characters, as in other words. 327 ^MATOMA 3S» DRITI»ii ^niatoma emt remia em reresis er aceoiis ass asosiic ag ag;ra agr algia al alysis al aiispsthesia ans apliysis af as III as as athosis ath atrophy atr blepliavon blf bleparos bl blepsis blp biosis bos bracliial br oaiithropy en oai'clium cr oele si cephalouia sflo oephaliis sf eepbalites sfli V v^ cephalocele sflsl chroses crss chysis CSS cinia sn citis c clitis clt oognosis eg oology • cl ooiiiplialiis cm coniiis CO copreia ce eopathy cp ooses cs ootomy ct cranium crn crisis cr crotoniy crt clectoniy dc denitc dc dcriuotomy drot (lisia d disiac dis driniia drill dritis drt Y ^ DKOSEiii 330 ::»ioi{i>i drosses graphy dros dynamics V gr lioenila dnam Y h dyiiia Iiexia dn .__^ X ectasia iferous ec s ifrs ectasy inia ects ^ in ectasis iparous ectss ^ ip ectopia itis ecto ^"^^-^^..^^ i eiiiea isis em ^ i enery V lactia e Ic facieiit lepsy f .^-^ ~-^ Ip fugue lescence is :> Is ganic lites, litis gn (/ li gastrea lises gs lT li gastrocele litliiases gsl (_/ — ^ Iths genesis jss ^ lithic 1th genetic in J^ logy li genous J lophagous If gensia 9 — ' losis jns ^ los gesea is J- losity lo gismus lysis gs LT ^ lis gitis ii J^ uialacia mlc globous mania gib 6----^^ m glottis ^ mopathy glo inp gotamy got ^ morpliosis mr J) / ^ 3IOKPHOP»$lS$ 3»1 PATH I A luorphopsis mrp moses mos niyclites ml naniia n naiitliropy nn neniiies nnes nervia nr nesia ns neuiuonia neu neurosis nrss nitis nt iiooular nclr uology nl noma nma nosis ' ns nucleated. ncl octoniy oc odyne odn odynia odn ography og ogenes oj onietei* or omphalocele omsl omphalos om 7 1 onomy on ontriptic ontr opathy op opathic ope opexia ox ophobia ufo ophynia of opolypns opls opsy OS opthalniia opth opliyta oft orexia orx orniia orm orrhsea orh ositis osi osmose osms ossious OSS osteatoma ostt ostosis ost otica etc otomy ot ofraphy ctrf otrophy otrf path la pth ^ PJECTORIAL 33S TAIilTY / peetorial pc pepsia pps pliogia fj pliasia fas pliatic fat phobia lb phoea fe plionia fn pilosis fss pliralsia frl pliritic frt phritis fri phyasis fs physis fi physemia fsm plasniatica pism plastic plst plejfia Plj pitis pi prosis prss ptysis tss pyrotic prtc raplii, raphy rf raphe rf rv rastheina rasth resis rss rexia rx rhcea re riferous rfrs litis ri ronia rm ropathy rop rostheinia rosth rotica re riigiiioiis rj sarca sr sarcoma src scope sc scopo SCO scopy scy section sc septic sp splanchnia spine spasmus spi spastic spst stases stss stoma stm tality tl cJ^ D ^ _^ TASTASIS 333 VITIS tastasis tas t atrophy ttr terg'oiit tri tesoence ts thopiiiia them thaliuia thl thalmity thlmt tliema thm tliermal thr tliesia thes thesis this thiasis thas thopia thp thoses thos thotoiios thtns thvitis thri thro!i)is thros throlis thro tiouliis tc titliiim td tisis tss titis ti tology to tolysis tlss r ■"^ 7 h toMtia tm tomosis tmss tomy tmy tone a tn tonos tns topia tp tozoa tz tripsy trps tritis tri ti'opia trp trophic trfc trophes trfs trophy trf iiria ur A'areni vrm vesica vitis V h ^ MEDICAL TERMS. A. AlKlomen a/;dmn Aluluotioii aiJi-dc Abductor a^dctr Aberration a/'r-r Abiosis aiioss Ablation Ablution a/'-l Abnormal a^-nr Abnormity a^-nr Abortion a/'rtion Abortipidiuifli a/rtsdm Abortives a(^r-t Abrasion a6-t Abrosia a/^rosha Abruptio a^rpto Abscess a/'ss Abscission Absorption ad-STp Abstemious ai^stmys Abstinence ai^stnns Abstergent a/'strjnt Abulia ai^ula Abvacuatio a/'-vc Acamsia \ armsia Acautha a<:ntha Acardia acrda Acardiohiemia ac'rd-h Acardionervia airrd-nr Acarus a<:ars Acatalepsy aift-Ip Acclimation acl-m Accouchement ai'chmnt Acephalous a.ffls Acephalocyst aj'flsst Aeephalopedia a^flpda Acephalorrhac ilia ai'flrca Acescency ai'ssn-s Acetated a^ttd Acheilia atela Acheiria areria Acholia acola Achor a.cT Achoristus ai'rsts Achroma acrma Achromatopsia acrmtpsa Acinesia a^rnesa Acinus acins Acne mentag^ra acn nifntgra Acnemia ar-ne Acology ar-o Acopria aropra Acraipala arrapla Acralea arrala Acrasia aiTasia Acratia acrrata Acraturesis acrtrss 335 A€KII> iiHi AXACATIIAIITIC Acrid Acriiiia atrnia Aorisia arrisia Acritical a^rrtcl Aeroiiiion acTonin Acrotliecium atTthsm At'upressure a^-uprsr Aoupuncture arupnctr Acyesis ajicss Adacrya ai/acria Aden ai/n Adeiialgya af/n-al Adenectopia ai/n-ecto Adenitis a:»i Anreuiia a«-em Anrcinotrophy a^/ni-otrt Ansi>stliesia a«s-thes Aiiaiepsy a«-lp Analgesia a.n\-]s Aiiaplirodisia a;.'fr-d Aiiapicratic a«apcrtc Aiiaplasuiatic a;M-pls Aiiai^area awsrca Anastomosis a«as-tm Anatomy a«atmy Anconeus a«cons Aneonal a«conl Aneueephalous ann-si Aneurism a«rsm Anenrismal varix awrsmlvrx Anfractuous awfrctus Angeiectasia a«j-ec Angeileucitis a«jl-c Angeiograpliy a«j-og Angeitis a«j-i Angina a^jna Angiocarditis a«jcrdts Augionoma a;2J-nma Angioscope a^/j-sc Aniielation a«h-l Anhydriniia a«h-drm Anhydrosis a«hdross Anliydrous a«hdrs Aninia a«ima Aniridia a«rdia Ankyloblepharon a«cl-blf Ankylosis a«c-los Anodyne a«odn An opli t halmia ani-tU Anopsia a;/-op Anorganic a;/r-gn Anortliopia a«r-th Anosmia a«osma Anotos a«ots Antacid a«tasd Ant aphrodisiac a;/tfr-dis Anthelmintic a//thlmntc Anthracosis a;zthr-cs Anthrax a«thrx > Antidote a«tdt Antigalactic a«tg-lc Antilithic a«t-lth Anti|)hlogistic a^ttljstc Antiplastic a«t-pl.st Antipyic a«tpic Antipyrotic a«t-prt Antiseptic a;a-sp Antrum a«tnii Anuria a«-ur Aperient a/rint Aphagia a/aj Aphasia a/asa Aphthce a/the Apnoea a/nca Apoplexy a/plxy Apostasis a/stss Apostax a/stx Apsethyria a/sthria Apyretic a/rtc Apyrexia a/-rx Aqua capsulitis ac^wcps-li Aqueous humor a^rvvshmr Arachnoid arcnoid Arhores a/'bres Areotic anstc Arsenicism arsnssni ARTKRIAC 338 BtJTYRACEOrS* Ai'teriac artrac Artpriotomy artr-ot Arteritis ar-ri Aithritis ar-thri Arthrodynia arthr-dn Arthropathy arth-rop Articulation artc-1 Ascaris ajcrs Ascites a.fcits Asphyxia a^fxa Assimilation asm-] Asthenia a,?thna Asthenology ajthn-o Asthenopia ajthnopa Asthma a. mi a Astigmatism ajtgmtism Astriction ajtrcslin Astrini^ent a.ctrinjnt Atavism a/visni Atheroma aM-rm Athetosis a//;toss Atrabiliary a/rblry Atrichia a/rca Atropliy a/rfy Atropia a/ropa Attenuation az'n-w Audition a;c-d Aura a.ura. Auriscalp aursclp Auscultation a-fcl-t Autophony a«t-f Axilla atsila Azote asot Azygos azgos B. Bacillus brtslus Bacteria b(7Ctra Balneotherapia bfdnthrapa Bantiiigism b^nitnc^ism Baryphonia har-i Bdellometer dt'l-or Bechics brchcs Binocular b/-nc Bittos b/tos Biventral bi-v Blennogenons b/en-oj Blennophthalniia b/en-op Blennorrhoea b/en-orr Blennoes blc-noes Blepharitis bld-f-ri Blepharadenitis bld-frdn-i Blepharoncosis bL'frn-cs Blepharopyorrhopa blffrf-orr Blepharospasm blt'frspsm Bothriocephalus b(7thro-sf Boulimia Bromism briuiiism Bronchia brrtiica Bronchiectasis bronc-ec Bronchitis br(>n-c Bronchocele bronc-sl Bronchophony bron-cf Bronclioplasty bri'nc-pls Bronchorrhoea bron-crr Broncho tomy bron-ct Brygnia br/gnia Buho b/cbo Bubonalgia b/cbn-al Bunion b«nyn Bursa b;/rsa Bursa mucosa bwrsmcosa Butyraceous hut-i CAC.EMIA 339 €EPlIAL.AIi€ilA c. I Ca<*.a>iiiia c«c-e!n Caoation ca-c Cachexia cizchxa Caoogalactia C(?c-lc Cacohyiiiia Crtchma Cacophony CrtC-f Cacori'hachitis cacrc-i Cacofi^plaiichuia Ci7C-spln Cacothanasia crtc-thn Caffeiii Crtfn Calcilicatiou Crtlsf-C Calcigerous Crtlsjrs Calculus vesicae crtlcls-vs Calenture c«liitur CaIls;atiou Crtli-g Calisthenics C(Tlsthn-i Calippers crtlprs Callus calus Calmative calm-t Calorimeter Crtlrmtr Campsis Crtmpss Canaliculus Crtnliclus Cancelll cansli Cancer cel-al Colitis C('l-i Collapse culaps Colliquative Ci>liq-t Colly riuui cclirm Coloboma colbma Colostrum colostrni Colostration colos-tr Colotomy col-ot Coma coma. Comatose comtos Condyloma C(7ndlonia Congenital C(;njntl Conjunctivitis C£;njnct-vi Constipation cimst-p Consumption ccnsmshn Contagion con-t Contusion ccn-t Convalescence conv-ls €0\VU1.SI0X 341 I>E€A£.CIFIKI» Convulsion Ci3n-vl Coplios ct^fos Cophosis co-is Coreclisis corc-lis Cor<'etoniia corec-tm Corectopia COTC-tp Corectosis corc-tss Coredialysis Ct7red-al Corelysis C(»re-lis Coremorplio8is core-mr Coreplasty CfT-pls Coretoniia C(5r-tm Coriaceous c^r-a Coi'iuin corium Cornea C(7rnea Corona corona Corpuscle C(7rpscl Corrigent corijnt Corroborant corobrnt Corrosive corosv Corjza corza Costal costl Coxalg^ia C(3x-al Coxitis cox-i Cranial crrtiial Craniaclasni cnrnclsm Cranionieter cran-or Craniotomy cr«n-ot Crassanientuni crrtsmntm Crepitation crt'pi-t Crisis cr/'ss Crypt a cr/pta Cyanhydrosis s/nh-drss Cyanosis sfanoss Cyclitis s/-clt Cylindroma s/'lndrma Cylitls Cynanche s/nnke Cj nantliropy s/-nn Cyotrophy sz'-otr Cystic s/st Cystic sarcoma s/stcsrcma Cystirrhagia sjst-rj Cystitis sj'S-ti Cystocele s/st-sl Cystodynia s/st-dn Cysto-litliiasis s/sto-lths Cystoma s/stma Cystoplegic sistpljc Cystosarcoma s/stsrcma Cystotomy s?st-ot Cystovarem s/'st-vrm Cytohlast sitoblst Cytogenetic sit-jn D. Dacryadenalgia drtcradn-al l>acry adenitis drtcrad-iit l>acryallososis dacr-lss Dacryoblennorrlioea dacrbln-orr I>acryocystalgia drtcrosst-al Dacryocystitis dacTSS-t'i Dacryolite d(?cryolt Dacryolitliiasis drtcrol-lths Dacrops drt'crps Dacryopyorrlioea d(?crp-orr Dacryosoleneotis drtcrslnts Dactylitis dact-Vi Daltonian d(7ltonin Dartoid drtrtoid Dartos d(7rtos Debilitants dfbltnts l»ecal«ified dfclsfid DECAPITATION 343 DISsCUTIJEXT Decapitation dfcp-t Decollation d.-cl-l Detlentition dirdn-t Defecation dei-c Defluxation d£-flx Deglutition dd-gl-t Deliiscenee dehsns Dejection de-] Deligation ddi-g Delirium dfirm Delitescence ddi-ts Dementia dt-mnsha Demepliitization dfmft-z Demomania drnl-m Demulcents dfmlsnts Dengue dengwe Dentition dd-n-t Deobstruent deobstrnt Deodorizer deodrzr Depilation dfp-1 Depletion dc-p\ Deradenitis difrad-nt Dermal dfrml Dermatology d^rm-to Dei'uiatoscs dsrm-tss Dermatozoa dfrm-t; Dermoplij te d6"rm-lt Dermotoniy dtrm-ot Desmitis dcs-mt Desniodynia dt^sm-dn Desmopatliy dfs-mp Desudation dfsu-d Detergent dd--trj Detruncation dftrn-c Deuteropatliy dt!/tT-Op Diabetes d/'bts Diacrises d/a-cr Diagnosis d/agnss Diapedesis d?pdess Diaphoresis dif-rss Diaphragm d;frani Diaphragm algia d/frgmlj Diaphragmitis d/frg-mi Diaphysis d/a-fs Diai-rh?emia d/r-h Diarrhoea direa Diarth'rosis d/r-thros Diastaltic d/astltc Diastasa^mia dz'asts-em Diastematencephalia d/asmtn-sfl Diastematia distinta Diastematocaulia d/stmt-cl Diasteinatocheilia d/stmt-chl Diastematocrania d;stmt-crn Diastematocystia distmt-sst Diastematogastria d/stmt-gs Diastematoglossia distmt-gls Diastematoguathia distmtg-n Diastematontetria d/stmtnitra Diastematopyeleia d/stmtpela Diastole d/astl Diathesis d/-atli Digestion d/-js Diluents d/lunts Dimyary d/mary I>iplitheria d/fthra Diplomyelia d/plmla Di)>somania d;ps-mn Dipsopathy d/ps-op Disarticulation d/rtc-1 Discission d/s-s Discutient d/'sctnt 1>1S!»1XFE€TAXT 343 K.IIKTIC; I>iMiiifi'<*taiit disn-ic Dislocation d;sl-c Dispensary d/spnsry Dispensatory d/spns-tr ]>istocia d/stosia Distonia d/'stma Diuresis dm-rss Doloriftc dc-lr-i ]>orsaI dorsl Dorsum dcrsm Dnotlenum d//dnm Durauiater d;/rmtr Dysieiuia d/s-em Dyselir«ea discrca Dyserasy d/'scr-s Dysentery dise«-tr Dysnienorrlioea disnu-n-or Dysopsy d/'s-os Dyspepsia dj's-pps Dysphagia d/s-fj Dysplionia d/s-fn Dysthetic d/stht-i Dystocia d/'s-to Dysnria d/s-ur E. Ecblepliaros e<:-blf £cbolic ecbl-i !Ecchinococcus eirchnccs Eeclionilronia etcndrma Eechyniosis ecchmss Eccoprotic etcprt-i Eccrisionosis etxris-ns Eedeniinionoinaiiia e(:dmno-m Eelioscope e^oscp Eclampsia eflmpsa Eephylsis etrflss Ecstaltie ecstltc Ecthyma etthma Ectoparasites e^rtprsits Ectophyte e,?tfit Ectopia ertpa Ectozoa Ectropion ec-trp Ectrotic ertrtc Eczema eczma Eczematoses etzm-tss Edentate ert'ntat Effluvinm e/lvm Egesta e/'sta Egophony Eisaiithema cjan-thin Elaboration elab-r Elcosis e/-cs Electrolysis e/ctro-lss Electropunctiire e/ctrpnctr Eloiles e/ods Elytritis e/-tri Elytropasty e/-trp Elytrorrhaphy e/trrfy Emasculation em<7sc-l Emboly ewbly Embolus e;«bls Embrocation ewbr-c Embryalcia ew«bral-s Embryo ewbro Embryoctoniy ewbr-oc Embryography emhr-og Embryotomy ewbr-ot Embr.votrophy ew/br-otr Embryulcia ewbr-ul Eniesis e;//ess Emetic ew.'ctc EMETISE 344 EPICHROSI!^ £iuetise ewetis EMietology ewe-tol Emictioii ewcbhn Euieiiulog'ia Emollients e;;/lnts Eiui>a!>tin e;«psni Eiuphylsis e;«f-li Eiii|»liratic ewfrtc Emiihraxis ewfrxs Emphyina em-im Eniplijsoiiia e;«-fsni Eiupirloisiii ewpirssm Empyema emp-tin\ Empyesis e;;/-ess Emulgent ewljnt Enantiopathic e7?ant-op Enarthrosis e;?r-thrs Eneantliis e;?cr)ths Encephalitij^ e«s-li Eiiceplialoeele Eiiceplialoicl e;?sfloid Enceplialoma e«-sflo Enelioiidroma e»cndrnia EnctBlitis e«se-li Eiicolpitis e;zcl-pi Encysted e«sstd Endangium e«dnjm Enderniatie e//drmtc En dermic e;/drmc Eiidermism e;;drmsni Endoarteritis e«dort-ri Endocardinm e«d-crd Endodontitis e7;don-ti Endoenteritis e;/dont-ri Endogastritis e«dogs-tri Endolympli e«do-lm Endometritis e«dom-tri Endosteitis e«dos-ti Enema ewenia Enepidermic e;/ep-dr Enervation e>n-v Enostosis e«s-tss Entasia e^/tasa Enteraigia e;/tr-al Enterica e«trca Enteritis e;/tr-i Enterobrosia cv/trbrosa Enteroeele e«tro-sl Enterocolitis e«trc-lt Enterocystocele e«tross-sl Enteroepiplocele e«trosppl-sl Enterography e«tero-g Entero hydrocele e«trohd-sl EnterolitU e;/trolth Enterology ejitr-o Enteromplialoeele e«tr-oinsl Enteroplasty e«tro-pls Enteroses e;!tross Enterostenosis e«trostnss Enterotomy e«tr-ot Euterozoa e«tr-oz Entopliyte ewtfit Entoptics ewtoptcs Entorrliagia e«tr-ri Entozoa e«-tz Entropion e;/tropn Enucleation e;/u-cl Enuresis e«u-rss Epliidrosis e/-drjs Epicantliis e/cnthis Epicystitis e/ss-ti Epiclirosis e/cross EPIDEMIC 343 EXTROVEIt!<[0!V Epitloniic e/-dc E])ideriiiata e/drmata Epitlid) luitis e/dd-mt Epigastralgia e/gs-tral Epigastrium e/gstrm Epigastrocele e/gstr-sl Epiglottis e/-glo Epilation e/-l Epiglottitis e/glt-ti Epilepsy e/-lp Epipliora e/-fr Epiphysis e/-fi Epiphyte e/fit Epiploeele e/pl-sl Epiploic e/plo-i Epiploischiooele e/ploischo-sl Epiploitis e/pl-i Epiploiiicrooele e/plomr-sl Epiploon e/pln Epiplosehiooele e/plos-sl EpisiohH>niatonia e/isohm-t Episioitis e/so-i Episiorraphy e/sr-ra Epispadias e/spds Episplenitis e/sp-nt Epistaxis e^stxs Epithelioma e/thlma Epithelium e/ithlm Epizoa e/pza Epulis e/uls Epulotic e/ul-o Equina efwna Ergotism ergtism Eructation emc-t Erysipelas e?-spls Erythema e/lhnia Eschar e^cr Escharotic ejcr-o Etherization e^'hr-z Eupeptic u/ptc Eventration e:'n-tr Exacerbation xrtcr-b Exangia x^nja Exauimation xany-m Exarticulat ion X(7rtc-1 Excarnation xcar-n Excoriation xco-r Excreation xcr^-a Excrement xcrcmnt Excrescence xcrfsns Exenterismus xt'ntrsins Exftetation xie-t Exfoliation Exhalation X<7-1 Exinanition x/na-n Exitial x/tial Exocardial x(7crdl Exodic xod-i Exolution xo-\ Exomphalos e^rs-om Exophthalmia ecs-of Exormia ei;s-or Exosmose ecs-os Exosseous ecs-oss Exostosis e^ XIA Extiiberaiice xt^/brns Exudation Exulcoratioii x«l-sr Fallopian fidopn Fascicle fizsicl Fauces iaiiss Febricity fcbrs-t Febricula ft-brcla Febriculosity f^brc-los Febrifacient fd-bri-f Febriferous kbrfrs Febrifugal ffbrfgl Febrile ft-brl Fellifluous fflflus Femur fcmr Ferine ierin Ferrein ftTrin Ferruginous ier-TJ Fester festr Fibril f^brl Fibrin fibrn Fibrination f/br-n Fibro-cartilage f/'brcrtlj Fibroma iib-im Fibronncleated fz'br-ncl Fibro-plastic f/br-pls Fibrous fibrus Fibula fibla Filaria f/lara Fistula f/stla Flatulence fl<7tlns Floccilation Fluxion f/uxn Fwtation Foeticide ftftsid Foetus f^tus Fomentation fcmin-t Fontanel fimtanl Fonticulus ton-tc Formication ioim-c Foyer ioyer Fracture fr^ctr Frontal frcntl Fundament f;nidmnt Fungoid fz^ngoid Fungosity f«ngs-t Fungus f«ngs Furunculoid f«rncloid G. Oala g(7la Galactremia galct-em Oalactia gaAc Galactirrlioea gfzlctrea Oalactocele g«lct-sl Oalactophoritis gizlctf-ri Cwalactosis galc-tss <)ianglionitis g«nglo-nt Gangrene g«ngrn Gargarism g(7rgrsm Gastralgia grtst-rl Gastric gizstrc Gastritis g(7s-tri Gastrobrosis grtstrbrss Gastrocele g(7str-sl Gastrocnemius g<7Strc-nnis Gastrodynia g77str-dn Gastrolitli gizstrlth Gastromalaxia g(7Strnilxy Gastromenia g77Str-mn Gastropatby g(7Str-pth Gastroperiodynia gi7Strpro-dn «ASTKOUAPHY 347 II.KMATO I'll VTA ♦jJastrorapliy g(7Str-rf (itast roses g(7Strss ^jJastrostomy gijstrstmy Ccastrotoiiie gastr-tm Ciastrotoiiiy g(7S-trt tJeiieratioii jfn-r tjcenesial jd-nesl CSeiiesiology jcnes-o Cienetioa jfnetca Geniculated jenc-1 Clenioplasty jmo-pls tienital jtfntl lienyaiitritis J£:nan-tri Genyoplastic jrno-pls Genyoplasty jfnio-pls Gestation jfs-t Gingivitis g/nj-vi Glandule gl(7ndul Glandulosity gland-los Glaiicina gl(?//sina Glaucoma Glioma gl/'oma Globulin glcbln Glossalgia glt^s-al Glossitis gbs-i Glossoceie gIt)S-sl Glottis gbts Glucolia'niia gh/c-h Gluoosuria gl«cs-ur Glutitis g\n-ti Gly oogenesis gl/co-jn Glyeorrlioea gl/c-re Glycosuria gl/cs-ur Gnatlialgia n«th-al Gnathitis n«th-i Gnatlioplasty nrtth-pls Goitre goitr Goniphiasis gi)mf-ft Gom|>]iosis gcUll-lO Gonarthritis gt)nr-thr Granulation grimu-1 Granule Grapliospasmus gr(zf-sps Gravel gra\\ Gi-avidin griA'dn Gravidus gr^zvds Gum mat a o-/cmata Gustation Gustatory g//sla-try Gyiuecology g/ne-col Gj'rus g/rus H. Ha* ma lunia Ha'macliroses hcm-crss Ha^niadynaniics h^m-dym Ha'magogue lu-mgj Ha'mal ht-ml Haiuiantlion h(?mntln Ha'inapliiein hfinafn Hicmarthron lu-nirthrn Hpemastatic.s hcm-stt Ha'matela'uni hrmtlm Ha'mateniesis lit-mtniss Ha'uiatica lu-matc Ha'matiiie lu'matn Ila'matottium ht'iiitobin Hrematoccle hcmto-sl Ha'matocliizia hniitchza HaMuatograpliy luni-tog Ha'matolyses ht-mtlss HaMnatoplithorc hc-nitfthrs Ha'niatopliyta lifiiitfto H.EMATOSIS 348 IIYDKOTIS Hjemato^iis h^m-tss Hseinatotliorax hfiiitthrx H^iiiatozoa lifni-tz Hreniitis hfm-i H?eiiio$rIobin lu-mglbn Haemoptysis lumiop-tss H^einorrliage h£'m-rj Hpeniorrlioea hem-re Hs¥niospastic hf'mspstc Hseniostatic hemsttc Hapoiitisniiis h(?pntsms Haphonosi h(7fonos Haptogen hrrptjn Hectisis hfc-tss Heloology h.l-cl Heleoplasty hd?lc-pls Helienceplialitis hfln-sfli Heliosis hdioss Helinintliagoguc hflmth-gj Heliuintliiasis lit'lmn-thi Helosis hfloss Heiniaiiiestliesia hemi-ans Heniianalgesia hfmi-anal Heniicraiiia hfmi-crn Hemiopia hcmopa Heiniphalaerosis li6-mti-cr Hemiplegia hfni-plj Hemorrhage ht'm-rj Hepatalgia ht-p-tal Hepatic hcpatc Hepatica hfpatc Hepatorrlioea lid-pt-orr Hepatitis hfpa-ti Hepatization hi?pt-z Hepatocele hrpt-sl Hepatolitli hcpatUli Hepatolithiasis hfpt-lths Hepatomplialus ht'p-tom Hepatopliyma hcp-toi Hernia hfrna Heterocliymeusis hrtrchmeuss Hiccough h/cp Hidrosis h/-drss Hippocampus h/pcmps Histogeny h/s-toj Histology his-tol Histolysis li/'stlss Histrionic h/s-trn Humerus li;/mrus Humor h?/mr Hyalitis hi-\{ Hydatid h/datid Hydradinitis h/dr-ni Hydragogue hidrg] Hydrargism h/drrjsm Hydrarthrosis li_)'dr-thrs Hydrenoephalocele hj'drn-sflsl Hydrenteroeele h;'drntr-sl Hydroa lydroa Hydroppmia h/dr-em Hydrocephalus hji'dr-sf Hydrochyes h.vdroces Hydrohymenitis lu'drmen-i Hydromeningitis h/drmn-ji Hydronephrosis h/drn-frss Hydropericardium h/drprcrdni Hydrophobia h/dr-fb Hydropic h/drpc Hydropneumothorax h/drnmthrx Hjdropyretic h/drprtc Hydrothorax h/'drthrx Hydrotis h/drots HYWKOJLOGY" 34tf IXTlMJiSCKXCJb: Hysrology higr-o Hygroma h;grma llyineiiitis hnnn-i Hyperinosis h/pr-nos Hypernietropia h/prm-trp Hyperoitis h;pro-i Hyperostosis h/'pros-tss Hypertrophy h/prtrfy Hyplipeniia h?f-em Hypinosis h/p-nos Hypnagogic h/pn-gj Hypnic lu'pnc Hypnotism h/pntism Hypochontlriac h/'p-cn Hypoehondrinm h/pcndnii Hypoclerniatomy hf'p-drot Hypodinia h/p-dn Hypogastriiim h^p-gs Hypogastrooele h/p-gsl H.i poliH^niia h/p-h Hypostasis h/p-ost Hysteria h/stera Hysteroeele h/ster-sl Hysterotrisinus hi^tro-trs I. latraleptic a/rlptc Ichor Ichthyoisis ic'thoiss Ichthyosis icthoss Ileitis Ileus i/es Immedicahle iwmdcbl Imposthumation iwposth-m Impotence i;«ptns Imputrescible iwp-trs Inanitiatiou i;/ani-sh Incarnation i/icT-n Inconcoction i«cn-cc Indigestion iitd-js Infection i«-fc Inflammation i/;flm-m Influenza i;;flnza Infusoria i«fsra Ingesta i«jsta Ingravidation i«grv-d Inhalation i«h-l Inhumation iwhu-m Initis in-i Injection i/i- j Innervation i;/r-v Innomiiinta i«nm II Inoculablc i«-ocbl Inoculation Inohynicnitis i«hmn-i Inoma iiioma. Inopexia i«-px Inopolypus i«-plps Inosite i«osit Inosteatoma i«-ostm Insalivation i«sl-v Insalubrious i«salbrs lusaniferoHS i«sn-iirs Insanitary i;/sn-tr Insomnia i«sniiia Inspiration i«sp-r Ins]>issant i«spsnt Insufflation i«sf-fl Intention Intertrigo i«trtrgo Intestine iwtstn Introccssion i/itro-s, Intumescence i«tumsns IXTLSSUSCEPTIOX 35U liEUCOCYTOSIS Intussusception i«tsss-sp Inunction i«-unc luverniination i;zvrm-n Invertebral i;n'rtbrl InA'oIuntary i;;vln-tr lotlined iodnd lodisni iodsm lodonietlie wdmth Iridectoniedialysis irdctmd-al Iridectomy ird-ec Iridocele ird-sl Ii'ido-eyclitis irds-cli Iridoplagia ird-plj Iritis ir-i Iscliieniia ijch-em Iscliiagra uch-agr Ischialgia ijch-al Iscliiocele ijcho-sl Ischuretic ij-chr-e Ischuria i5ch-ur Isoniorphous ijmrfs Isophathy ij-op Isthniitis ij>th-mi Itis i/is Jaundice }aimds Jecoral jt-crl Jugular Junientous j//nintus K. Kelis C6-lis Keloid Cfloid Keratitis c«ra-ti Keratocele c^rat-sl Keratoconus C6'rat-co Keratoglobus csrto-glo I Keratoplasty Cfrto-pls I Kerion Cfrin Kiesteine c/estin Kinesipathy c/nsipthy Kyllosis c/loss KyniographiOM c/mo-gT L. liactifuge Iiaparo-enterotomy Lrproentr-ot Liaparotoniy L?pr-ot Iiaryngisnius lizrin-js Laryngitis Irtrn-ji liaryngoplioiiy Irtrng-f liaryngoscopy L2rng gos Liaryngotomy larng-got Iiarynx LiTIlX liatihuluni l(7tblm liatica l(?tca Irt-c Mucitis m«-c Mucocele niz/c-s) Ml Mrs 353 XOiSiOXOMY Mumps m/mips Mtindiflcaiit m//ndfcnt Myalgia m/'-al Mydriasis m/'drass Myelitis m/'e-li Myeloma m/-lo Myodynia m/-dn Myolemma m/o-le Myoma m/oma Myopathic m/pthc Myopia m/opa Myosalgia m/os-ul Myosarooma mio-src Myosis mioss Myositis m/os-i Myotility mitl-t Myringitis m/'rn-ji Myringoplasty m/'rng-pls Myxoma m/xma Myxosarcoma m.v-src N. Xacra n(7cra Xarcotic narctc Xarcotism niTrctism Xasitis ni;s-i Xausea Xausiosis natisoss Blebulosity nrbls-t Siccrfemia nfcr-em Xecropsy nt'crpsy Kecrosis n^-cr Xecrotic ntxrtc Xecrotomy nt--crt Xecusia nccusa Xekrobiosis nfcr-bo Xeogala nt'ogla Nephralgia nei-il Xephralmintie nt'frlmntc Xephria iitfria Bfephritic ntfrtc Nephritis rii'-fri Xephrolithiasis ntfr-lths Xephrolithic n^fr-lth Nephrology ntf-rl Nepliropyic ntfropic Nephrospastic ntffro-spst Nephrotomy nt-frot Nervine ntrvn NervousnesH nervsns Ncursemia ntv^-icm Neural nwral Neuralgia nt'«-ral Neurasthenia nt-«-rasth Neuricity n6'«rs-ty Neurilcmmitis neiir\m-i Neurine n6'«rn Neurodynia nt'//ro-dn Neuritis Neuroglia r\t'!tT-og Neuroma nf.Y-rm Neuropathy ni:;/-rop Neuroses neiiToss Neurosthenia nc/i-Tosth Neurotica nt-«-rtc Neurotrasis nf«-rtrss Neurotomy nt«-rot Nodosity nodos-t Non compos mentis n-psmnts Xosogenj' nc'sogny Nosograph)' n(;so-gr Nosology nos-o Nosonomy XOSOPIIY'TA 354 OSTEOMAL.ACIA Hfosophyta nos-oft Xosopoetie. n(7spo-e Xosotaxy nostxy Nostalgia nos-tal Xostrum nfstrm S^otalgia no-tal Kutatiou mt-t Xiitrition mi-tr o. Obesity o^es-t Obstetric Oi^sttrc Obstipation 0<5'St-p Obtundents o^tndnts Odontagra oa'n-tag Odontalgia oOItlPAlCOlS Salivation sali-v ^alitin^itis Srtlpn-ji Saltation Srtl-t San able Siznabl Sanatory san-tT Sanative san-t Sanguiferous SiMigfrs Sanies sanes Sanitarium s^rntrm Saroooele Si7rcsl Saroonia Stfrcma Scabies scrtbes Sciatica s/'atc Scirrlsus sc/'rus Scirrlioid sc/roid Sclerencephalit sckrnsfla Scleroderma scl^rdrma Sclerosarcoma sckr-src Sclerotitis scltr-ti Scoliosis sci-ioss Scorbutus scorbuts Scotomy sctitmy Scrofula scrofla Scrotocele scr(7tsl Semeio^raphy Seminiferous s;«nfrs Septieniia sept- em Sequestrum Sd-qstrm Serocolitis scrc-li Serolin Stfroln Serum strm Silacea si-la Sibbens s/bns Singultus s/'nglts Skoliosis scoloss Smegma swegma Spansemia sp(;n-em Sparalliuni sprtralm Specific spesfc Spermatocele spermatsl Spermatozoa sperm-tz Sphacelism sfaclsm Spi»ys»*jic sf/gmc SpirilliuGi sp/rilm Splanclinica splanchnca Splenenipraxis splt'nniprxs Splenitis spl^-ni Spleuizatiou splcn-z Splenoliieniiii SpLll ll Spondylitis spond-li Spondylolisthesis spondlolsthss Sputum sp«tiu Squinancy S(/inii-s Staphyloplasty str?fl pis Stapliylorraphy sti/flr-ra Steatocele sttat-sl Steatoma stea-to Steatosis stt'a-tss Stegnotic sttgnotc Stereotica ster-otc Sterility Sti:ril-t Sternntative stcrnt-t Stertor steitT Stomatitis stom-ti Stomatomykoses st(;mtmcss Stomatoplasty st(7mt-pls Strabotomy strabtmy Strangury sUangry Strophulus Stryfls Styptic st/'ptc Subsultus swbslts Sudoriparous s^dripars SU««lLiATIOX 3«0 titi:batio.\ Susgilation swgj-1 Superfuetatioii sz/prf-t i^iipiEiator s//pnatr Siipposiioi'y s/cpstry Suppression s«p-pr Suppuration s/^pu-r Sural sz/rl Surdity s?/rd-t Surdoniu ti ty Suture s//tr STvelling swfl-ing Syconia s/cnia Sycosis s/'css Sympliyotomj- siml-ot Symptom s/mptin Synchysis s/'ncss Syncope s/ncp Syndcctomy s/n-dc Sjndesmitis s;nds-nii Syndesmosis sinds-ins Syndcsmotomy s/nds-mot Synizesis s;nzss Synneurosis s?nross Synoclia Synosteosis s/nstss Synovia s/'nova Synovitis s/n-vi Syntosis s/a-tS3 f*yplii!idos s/fiids Syi>]»ilis s/fls Syphllizatioji sifl-z Syphiloderma s/fl-dr SypUilOKcny s/fl-oj 1 Syi)liiloid s/floid Syring^itis s/rn-ji Syspasia s/spasa Sysarcosis s/srcss Systaltic s/'staltc Systole s/stl T. Tabefaction trtb-fc Tabes-dorsalis t(?bsdi"sls Tabcs-mesent erica t(;bsmsntrc Ta^nicide te-nsid Ta»iiifuge tcnl] Tarsorrhaphy t(zrsr-rf Tarsotomy t<7rstmy Taurine t(?//rn Taxis taxis Tegument tfgmiit Tenesmus t^nesms Tenosynitis tfns-ni Tensor td^nsr Tentorium t<:ntorm Tergal t.Tgl Tertian ttTtn Tetanus tt'tans Tetter td-tr Thanatology than-tol Thecitis th^-s-i Thelitis thf-li Therapeutics thfrptcs Thoracentesis thorsentss Thoracic th()rsc Thromliosis thrtJnibss Thrombus thrcmbs Thymiatechny th/matcny Thymitis thj'-mi Tic-douloureux t/cdlreu Tiaiea t/nea Tisane t/'san Titubation t/tu-b TOCOLOGY 361 I VIMTIS Tocology Tonicity tOTiis-t Tophus tofs Torniina tjrmiia Torpent torpnt Torpor torpr Torporiflc torprfc Torticollis tortcls Toxfeiiiia tfx-em Toxicoha'niia tt;xc-h Toxicoses toxcss Trachea trrtcea Trachelisnius tri^7clisnis Tracheotomy trrtc-ot Trachitis triZ-ci Trachoma trrtcnia Transfusion trans-f Transpiration transp-r Trauma tr;7;/nia Traumatism tTai/mtsm Trichinosis tr/c-no Trichogenons tr/c-oj Trismus trisms Trophoneuroses trofnrss Tubercle t/^brcl Tuherculitis tz/brc-li Tuberculosis t//brc-la Tumefaction tnm-ic Turgidness t«rjdns Tussicular twbiclr Tussive tzcs-s Tyloma t/loma Tympanic t/mpnc Tympanites t/inpn-i Typliinia tzfna Typhoid. tifoid Typhomia t/to-m Typhous t/fs Tyroma t/roma Tyrosin t/rosn u. Ulatropia u/a-trp Ulcer u/sr Ulceration u/s-r Ulcuscule u/cscl Ulitis u/its Umbilical uwblcl Unction Ungual lu-gul S'poderniie ii/-dr Ursemia ur-em Uraniseoplasty unisc-pls Ureteritis urtr-i Urethritis u/'-thri Urethroplasty uretlir-pi3 I'retlfrotoniy ur-thrt I'retica urctca Urination ur-n Uriniferous umfrs Urodialysis urod-al X'roncus u/oncs Urophanie urofanc Urorhodine urorlidn Uroscopy uroscpy Ureses uross Urticaria lutcra Ustion ii-*tn Utertis u/rs Utricle Ui'rcl I'vea uza Uvula ufla Uvulitis ui'-Ii VACCINAL, 36^ ZY'3IOTlC V. Vesical i VY'SCl Vaccinal Vesicant vacsnl \cscnt Vaccination Vesiculae Vi7cs-n Vtsicle Vaccinia Viable Vrtcsiia \7bl Varicella Virilescence vrtrsla virlsns Varicoblepharon Virulent vi^,wJ ii»; mm: