1 1 1 1 1 1 II ! I CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY T: RN'IA CALIFORNIA COLLE; : Ci ; MEDICINI L!S" SEP 13 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92664 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX n i ,,_,^ S'3' III I - .G t' CS C -~ > S'S a .2 <-5 c 55 > a. CJ _ -' O :_ a; '^3 in . rj." O t-3 MH^- S -833 j: g j -^ e S B 8 o -8 S -2 .2 - !=" I THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX \N^ \l J r. F. R: RBY ICKETTS M.D., B.Sc. (Lend.), M.R.C.P., D.P.H. Medical Superintendent of the Smallpox Hospitals and of the River Ambulance Service of the Metropolitan Asylums Board ILLUSTRATED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS BY J. B. BYLES M.H., B.C. (Cantab.). F.R.C.S. Eng., D.P.H. Senior Assistant Medical Officer at the Smallpox Hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board WITH 12 COLOURED PLATES, IIO BLACK-AND-WHITE PLATES, AND 14 CHARTS NEW YORK FUNK AND WAGNALLS COMPANY 1910 ? PREFACE IT is ten years or more since the author conceived the notion of writing this book. He was deterred by the consideration that it would have but little value unless adequately illustrated, and to the execution of that part of the task he did not see the way. Some years later the project was revived at the suggestion of Mr. E. L. Meinertzhagen, chairman of sub- committee of the metropolitan smallpox-hospitals, who urged the author to under- take the preparation of the work and secured the co-operation of the Metropolitan Asylums Board. It is owing to the facilities extended to us by the Board that the realisation of the project has become possible. As to the importance of the subject and the need for its exhaustive treatment there will probably not be two opinions, though there may be several opinions about the value of this result. Perhaps the most noteworthy difference from the teaching of previous writers on the subject resides in the importance attributed to the distribution of the eruption : a diagnostic criterion which has been lifted from a subordinate to a leading position. This doctrine may sound more novel elsewhere vi PREFACE than in London, where it has been taught by the author to his colleagues and pupils for the last fifteen years. It has been abundantly justified by the experience gained in the diagnosis of many thousands of cases. In spite of the number of illustrations, there are still some gaps which remain unfilled or are filled imperfectly. This circumstance is due to the fact that while the work has been in preparation smallpox has not attained epidemic proportions in London, and certain subjects of infrequent occur- rence have not been available for record. Thus it would have been an advantage to present some further illustrations of haemorrhagic or toxic small- pox. In compensation, we are so fortunate as to have several of the illustrations in colour. These, we think, will be of particular value in conveying accurate and life-like impressions of the subjects treated. It may be of interest to state that, with the exception of the frontispiece, these colour- plates are produced from triple negatives obtained by the Sanger - Shepherd process of colour - photography. We believe this to be the first medical work which has been freely illustrated by means of colour- photographs taken from life. Very obvious is the advantage in point of fidelity over the coloured illustrations of medical subjects ordinarily obtained by means of water-colour drawings. Among the half - tone plates are a number of stereoscopic subjects. Readers are advised to PREFACE vii examine these through one of the cheap pocket- stereoscopes which may now be obtained at many opticians'. In spite of the fact that the cross- hatching of the process - screen becomes unduly obvious when magnified by the stereoscope, con- siderable assistance will be derived from its use. But these stereoscopic prints are, of course, by no means valueless when viewed by the naked eye. With one exception (Plate XXXIIL, Fig. 2), all the prints are from photographs taken of patients with smallpox or of patients whose illness had been mistaken for smallpox. For the photographic original of Plate xxxni., Fig. 2, we are indebted to Dr. A. F. Cameron, of the South-Eastern Metro- politan Fever Hospital. We take this opportunity of expressing our great indebtedness to Dr. Frederick Thomson, medical superintendent of the North-Eastern Metro- politan Fever Hospital, and at one time acting medical officer of the Metropolitan River- Ambulance Service for smallpox. To his co-operation we owe opportunities of securing records of several of the cases of mistaken diagnosis illustrated in the plates and of some cases of smallpox which, without his assistance, would have come under our notice too late to be of value. T. F. R. J. B. B. October, 1908. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAOB I. INTRODUCTORY ....... 1 II. DISTRIBUTION ........ 6 III. DISTRIBUTION (continued) . . . . . 14 IV. DIAGNOSIS BY DISTRIBUTION 21 V. THE LESION 26 VI. THE ERUPTION AND THE ERUPTIVE FEVER . . 33 VII. MODIFIED SMALLPOX ...... 43 VIII. SECONDARY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ERUPTION . 51 IX. THE TOX/EMIC FEVER 58 X. TOX.EMIC RASHES 66 X I. ELEMORRHAGIC SYMPTOMS 73 XII. H^MORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX . . . 85 XIII. H.EMORRHAGIC OR Toxic SMALLPOX (concluded) . 95 XIV. ERYTHEMATA : SIMPLE AND SYMPTOMATIC . . 104 XV. CHICKENPOX 117 XVI. SYPHILIS VACCINIA 125 XVII. DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES . . . 132 XVIII. VACCINATION AS A FACTOR IN DIAGNOSIS . . 141 INDEX . - .149 2141 LIST OF PLATES FRONTISPIECE (in colour) : Histological section of a variolous lesion. PLATE FACING PAGE I. Irritation-patches . .12 II. Irritation-patches . . III. Distribution influenced by attire . . ,, IV. Fig. 1, Garter mark; Fig. 2, Friction of the trouser- end ..... > V. Fig. 1, Friction of the collar ; Fig. 2, The etfect of inflammation . . . . > VI. Protection from irritation . . VII. Tendinous ridges .......,, VIII. Distribution on the foot ....... IX. Distribution on the foot ......,, X. Distribution on the foot and on the hand . . ,, XI. Distribution on the hand and wrist XII. Distribution on the upper part of the body . . 20 XIII. Distribution on the back ....... X I V. Distribution on the back ....... XV. Distribution in the case of a child . . XVI. Fig. 1, Distribution on the chest and abdomen; Fig. 2, The popliteal space . . . ,, XVII. Distribution on the arm ....... XVIII. Distribution on the upper part of the body . . ,, XIX. Distribution on the upper part of the body . . X X. Distribution on the legs ....... X XL Distribution on the face ......,, XXII. Fig. 1, Distribution on the face; Fig. 2, Distri- bution on the chest and abdomen . . . XXIII. Distribution on the neck ...... XXIV. Distribution in the case of a child XXV. Distribution in the case of a woman . . . XXVI. Distribution on the arm . ...... XXVII. Pustular dermatitis 24 xii LIST OF PLATES PLATC FACING PAGE XXVIII. Pustular dermatitis 24 XXIX. Chickenpox . . . . . . ., XXX. Erytheraa multiforme .....,, XXXI. Erythema papulatum . . . . . ,, XXXII. Erythema rnultifortne ...... XXXIII. Fig. 1, Erythema multiforme ; Fig. 2, Measles . XXXIV. Acute pemphigus . . . . . ,, XXXV. Fig. 1, Urticarial lesions on the hand ; Fig. 2, Meagre variolous eruption . . . . ., XXXVI. Chickenpox . . . . . . ,, XXXVII. Evolution of the lesions 32 XXXVIII. Evolution of the lesions .....,, XXXIX. (Stereoscopic.) Evolution of the lesions . . XL. (In colour.) Early variolous vesicles . . . ., XLL (In colour.) Advanced variolous vesicles . . ,, XLII. (In colour.) Early variolous pustules . . ., XLIIL (hi colour.) Advanced variolous pustules . . XLIV. (Stereoscopic.) Variolous pustules ,, XLV. (Stereoscopic.) Fig. 1, Variolous crusts; Fig. _'. Spurious umbilication ...... XLVI. Umbilication ... XLVII. Method of outcrop 40 XLVIII. Severe confluent smallpox papular stage . . XLIX. Severe confluent smallpox pustular stage . . ., L. (Stereoscopic.) Confluent smallpox papular stage .......... LI. (Stereoscojnc.) Confluent smallpox vesicular stage . LII. (Stereoscopic.) Confluent smallpox pustular stage and stage of incrustation LIII. (Stereoscopic.) Confluent smallpox . . . ,, LIV. (Stereoscopic.) Confluent smallpox LV. (Stereoscopic.) Fig. 1, Mild confluent smallpox; Fig. 2, Discrete smallpox . . . ,, LVI. Fig. 1, Confluent papular eruption ; Fig. 2, Con- fluent eruption of virulent type LVII. Fig. 1, Discrete smallpox modified; Fig. 2, Con- fluent smallpox modified papular sta.ge . ,, LVIII. Confluent smallpox modified vesicular stage . ., LIX. Confluent smallpox modified pustular stage . ,, LX. (Stereoscopic.) Incompletely modified eruption . LIST OF PLATES xiii PLATE FACIXQ PAGE LXI. (In colour.} Modified vesicular eruption . 40 LXII. Lesions of modified smallpox . LXIII. (Stereoscopic.} Lesions of modified smallpox . ,, LXIV. (Stereoscopic.) Lesions of modified smallpox . ,, LXV. Granulomata . . . . . . ,, LXVI. A pustular syphilide ..... 56 LXVII. Variolous blebs . . . . . ., LXVIII. Fig. 1, Lesions of inoculation ; Fig. 2, Crusts in the soles . ...... LXIX. (Stereoscopic.) Cicatrices on the face . . ,, I . X X. Disfigurement caused by confluent modified smallpox .......,, LXXI. Fig. 1, Desquamation ; Fig. 2, Cicatrices and pigmentation . . . . . ,, LXXII. (In colour.) Obsolescent variolous eruption . ,, LXXIII. Fig. 1, Pigmentation ; Fig. 2, Septic rash . LXXIV. (Stereoscopic.) Septic rash ....,, LXXV. Toxsemic rash, purpuric ..... 72 LXXVI. Toxa?mic rash, purpuric ...... LXXVII. Toxaemic rose-rash, scarlatiniform ,, LXXVIII. Toxsemic rose-rash, morbilliforni, on forearm . LXXIX. (Stereoscopic.) Fig. 1, Toxaemic rash, purpuric; Fig. 2, Toxaemic rose-rash, morbilliform, on forearm ......,, I.XXX. (In colour.) Toxaemic rose-rash, morbilliform, on buttocks and thighs LXXXI. (Stereoscopic.) Toxsemic rose-rash, morbilliform, generalised .......,, LXXX1I. Toxaunic rose-rash, morbilliform, generalised . LXXXIII. Post-toxfemic haemorrhage .... 84 LXXXIV. Fig. 1, Post-toxaemic haemorrhage ; Fig. 2, cir- cumscribed cutaneous hajmorrhagic extra- vasations .......,, LXXXV. Subvesicular and perivesicular haemorrhage . ,, LX XX VI. Toxic smallpox . .... 92 LXXXYII. (Stereoscopic.) Toxic smallpox ,, LX XX VIII. (Stereoscopic.) Toxic smallpox ,, LXXXIX. (Stereoscopic.) Vesicular eruption of toxic smallpox . . . . . . .100 XC. Blood-stained vesicular eruption of toxic small- pox xiv LIST OF PLATES PLATE FACIXO PAGE XCI. (In colour.} Blood-stained papular eruption of toxic smallpox . . . . . . 100 XCII. Measles 116 XCIII. (In colour.) Measles ......,, XCIV. Papular variolous eruption mistaken for measles. ,, XCY. Head and shoulders of a woman with measles . ,, XCVL Erythema nummulare ....... XCVII. Fig. 1, Erythema rheumaticum ; Fig. 2, Vesicu- lar eruption in *a case of erythema multi- forme ........,, XCVIII. Fig. 1, Erythema multiforme ; Fig. 2, Erythema papulatum .......,, XCIX. (In colour.) Lesions of erythema papulatum . ,, C. Erythema papulatum . . . . . . > CL Fig. 1, Erythema multiforme; Fig. 2, Acute urticaria ........, OIL Acute urticaria . . . . . . >i CHI. (In colour.) Lesions of acute urticaria . . ,, CIV. Acute febrile erythema . . . . . ,, CV. Acute febrile erythema . . . . . i CVI. Acute febrile erythema . . . . ,, CVII. Acute febrile erythema . . . . . ,, CVIII. Fig. 1, Lesions of smallpox, superficial in position; Fig. 2, Lesions of chickenpox . . . .124 CIX. Chickenpox ........,, CX. Chickenpox ........,, CXI. Chickenpox . . . . . . . ,, CXII. Chickenpox ........,, CXIII. Chickenpox of unusual distribution CXIV. Fig. 1, Head and shoulders of a woman with chickenpox ; Fig. 2, A papular syphilide . . CXV. A papular syphilide . .... 128 CXVI. A papular syphilide ....... CXV IT. A pustular syphilide . . . . . CXVIIL (Stereoscopic.) Acne 140 CXIX. Fig. 1, Acne; Fig. 2, Acute eczema CXX. Impetigo ......... CXXI. Fig. 1, Lesions of impetigo ; Fig. 2, Pustular dermatitis LIST OF CHARTS CHART PACK I. Confluent smallpox with severe suppurative fever . ' 4 II. Discrete smallpox with severe suppurative fever . 34 III. Confluent smallpox with moderate suppurutive fever . 35 IV. Severe discrete smallpox with moderate secoiMnry fever ......... 37 V. Confluent smallpox modified. Severe toxjemic fever . 38 V I . Discrete smallpox with long pre-eruptive period . . 62 VII. Discrete smallpox without secondary fever ... 64 VIII. Variola sine eruptione . .... .65 I X. Toxic smallpox. Temperature low .... 88 X. Toxic smallpox. Temperature high .... 88 XI. Toxic smallpox. Low terminal temperature . . 89 XII. Ti >xic smallpox. High terminal temperature . . 89 XIII. Toxic smallpox. Toxremic pyrexia distinct from sup- purative ........ 90 XIV. Statistical chart to show that immunity to vaccinia is acquired coincidently with the onset of smallpox . 146 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY THE times have changed since the days of Jenner. Besides that we have less practice in the art, several circumstances cause the diagnosis of smallpox to present to us more difficulties than to our forefathers. To Jenner we owe the chief of these difficulties. Through him, smallpox has become a different disease, easier to suffer but harder to distinguish ; and the simple rules which were once enough are now sometimes apt to fail us. Two- thirds of the errors in the diagnosis of smallpox arise from its confusion with chickenpox. Only a little before Jenner's time did chickenpox come to be distinguished clearly from the graver disease. Indeed, it was not until well into the nineteenth century that the identity of the two disorders ceased finally to be a matter of serious, controversy. Even at the latter end of the century Hebra appeared, like a modern Nestor, maintaining still the ancient heresy. That the two diseases are clinically distinct, that they are distinct pathologically, that one protects in no degree against the other, that there is no such thing as a hybrid between the two, these now are fundamental axioms. When the two things were accepted as the same and no necessity arose for their distinction, half the difficulties of diagnosis had not begun to exist. 2 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX The > impDrtftQ'cel of- 1 thtr 'problem, too, has immensely in^reaise&V Once 1 it was^evetybbSv^s lot to get smallpox, and tjherc .wa&\4ittie^) A M iliill c g a * -S 8.S 3 -S ^ "* 3 a a 5 * .a js c. c: ~ K 0> O " C3 60 g 1 -2 'S Ml S-3 en -O bo U) f- 8 o ] ^ K ] If S. O "w f?' X C CS (C C ~ la s SJ2 O ^7 > c .2 ^> *3 3 73 ^- PLATE IV. Fig. 1. The ring of pustules below the knee was caused by the pressure of a garter. Such an effect is not very infrequent. Fig. 2. The patient was a street urchin. The attack was not severe. The clustering of pustules above the ankle was brought about by the flapping of his ragged trouser- ends against the bare leg. The case furnished a good example of the method of distribution on a well-shaped foot. It will be noticed that on the inner side of the sole, where the arch was most pronounced, the rash was very scanty. It was thickest on the balls of the toes and on the heels; but in those situations, on account of the thickness of the cuticle, the eruption is not very clearly indicated. g - - -K = . = is i_ = 2 r e r l .= ~ * - i o -S ~ a - C & 2 - :< - _ ~ = .s E - * -^ -S ci 3 = be o .- i r. -- _: . o 9 a c /. .- u > ^ r. ~ - o |ii < ^ C = . - i - - C o X C i s 'r. S-5'?^-^ 5 = . rt - . .g ^ ^ 5 = ~ ^ PLATE VII. The figures show the lesions arranged along the extensor tendons of the foot and hand. PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Rash disposed characteristically on the back of the foot. The lesions were strewn thickest over the tendons in front of the ankle-joint. The cluster ( to S 73 .C +* ^** X t ^3 fco (D > ^3 p-r fi 5 ^ 3 O 03 ^ x fe a> w - C, - *** O 50 - T 1 PLATE XVIII. This figure and Plate xix. are from the same case. The figure illustrates the immunity the armpit, and the greater incidence of the rash on the outer side of the arm. ..ompanng one limb with the other and one plate with the other, it will be seen that e extensor surface of the forearm was more affected than the flexor surface, ough the rash was distributed on the upper extremity much in the usual fashion the case was exceptional from the relative immunity of the hand. PLATK XIX. Comparing this plate with the last, it will be noticed that the rash had a greater incidence over the deltoid and on the outer surface of the arm than on the inner surface. The figure shows the rash characteristically disposed upon the back ; it illustrates the gradation in density from above down- wards, and the exaggeration of the eruption on the shoulder-blade. In the groin a thick crop of pustules had been evoked by a boil. .2 P 9 - "^ r o w S , -2 .b<3 g ~ | toO- J>! CS^JS^rr-^ P ~3 ^ 'x *s ~ : '' S "^Jjcsg^:"^ ,,., 'Sooi^ !- - i o X i PLATE XXI. The rash was most pronounced, us is customary, on the forehead and nose. A line (/>) has been drawn from the ear to the nose, and above this line the spots lay thicker than below. The immunity of the orbit is distinct, and, to a less degree, that of the temple (a). PLATE XXII. Fig- 1. The rash was distributed characteristically on the face and ear. It pre- dominated on the forehead and nose and cheek-bone, and was sparse in the orbit and on the temple (a). On the ear the lesions chose the edges and convexities of the shell and the lobule, and spared the sub-lobular groove (&). On the neck the rash was more pronounced behind than in front. Fig. 2. The illustration shows the immunity of the armpit, and of the flank, and of the groove over the sternum (a). 5 c .2 cs o o N c e extraordinarily close; yet when the details are scrutinised the similarity disappears. Some of the most difficult casos which fall to be distinguished are cases of measles or of generalised erythema, in which the rash is so closely mimetic merely because it is immature. With smallpox, the rash begins at the top and spreads downwards; on the legs efflorescence is often still in- complete after the lapse of forty-eight hours. (See Chap. VI., p. 33, and Plate XLVII.) A similar order of development occurs with measles, and may happen in a case of erythema. The observer, therefore, may be required to classify a papular rash occupying only the upper part of the body, 24 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX and for that reason presenting no distinctive features in its salient lines of distribution. And what makes the task harder is that a variolous rash, so immature, may itself display in its order of incidence some apparent anomalies which will disappear as efflorescence advances. In such cases as these, when the common rules of distribution go by the board, its finer details become our mainstay. If the rash comes equally and indifferently in the orbits and on the forehead, on the lower part of the face and on the upper, below and above the chin, on both surfaces of the ear, on the lobule and in the groove beneath it, if it spreads indifferently over the hollows and ridges of the neck and into the armpit, then with some confidence the further development of the case may be awaited. (Plates xxxni. and xcv.) Factitious exaltation of density in exotic eruptions. To exclude smallpox, what is material is to establish the indiffer- ence of the rash not only to exposed but also to sheltered places, not only to the prominences but also to the depressions of the surface. It is not pathognomonic that the rash picks out a ridge, or is exaggerated on a part exposed to pressure or irritation. Of such facts, a conspicuous or manifold in- stance, like some of those depicted in the preceding plates, may clinch the diagnosis which other evidence suggests. But it is important to remember that similar phenomena may be displayed by other diseases. In a case of dermatitis it would not be unusual to find the pustules clustering where the skin had been subject to irritation. In a case of erythema the rash is sometimes accented on a prominence, or in a place exposed to pressure. (Plate xxxv., Fig. 1.) A drug-rash, even, such as that caused by an iodide salt, may furnish an illustration of the same order of fact. And now and then a case of chickenpox will display a garter-mark or the like. (Plate xxxvi., Fig. 1.) Yet, in each instance, in spite of the local idiosyncrasy the rash will preserve a general indiffer- ence to the contours of the surface -, near the very part, even, which has suffered with peculiar intensity there may be a sheltered nook where the rash, instead of being deficient, is just as pronounced as on most of the neighbouring skin. PLATE XXVII. The patient hail symmetrical pustular dermatitis of the legs, the lesions of which bore a close resemblance to the pustules of smallpox. The only other lesions present were a few impetiginoas spots on the chin. PLATE XXVIII. The patient had an attack of acute pustular eczema, the incidence of the rash being limited to the face, neck, shoulders and arms. The gradation of density on the arms was the reverse of that commonly encountered in cases of smallpox. The eruption, besides, was too patchy in its incidence. I'l.ATK X\IX. In this case of chickenpox the rash was most abundant on the trunk, and on the face it was more scanty than on the chest. The lineal gradation of density on the arms was what is frequent with chickenpox, unusual with smallpox. The gradation on the trunk was such as is usual with smallpox, but the distribution was too random in detail. It will be noticed, particularly, that the rash showed a complete indifference to the armpit. PLATE XXX. In this case the patient was attacked with generalised erythema, and some of the lesions on the arms became vesicular. The rash was concentrated on the limbs and was meagre on the face. The trunk also was attacked ; but it will be observed that the incidence was on the lower part of the trunk rather than on the upper part. . BJS a y ^ s = b c C = 5^ < I c o =-= III! r ~ ^ tt-- " I 8 - - ^ "" -8 * .2 2 - i ! 3 2 c.r o - Jill x 5 * = r. J= c* c * *- j ^ & > g i-gi-s xl J3 a bi-o E, > P w ^c i o SM 3 III f 7"- " -a C O> tO CT 1 - -= . o i ~~ o *!l I fa . H, fcc - C S JH c o O - 5 1^ 1 - 0,, fli "*^ $3 5 3 ^N Cw -^H ^*" 4-3 ^-< OH'C *- x --a a ^* $S J-7 2-5.2 o H C ^ = ^ " I c- O ^ 2 I -o .5 hS ,: o o O -la B 8 a >H W U.S O) tn 55 s_ > O i^i O "V .*3 "a 3 rt^j o - 53 ' 1*1 ""o | ^2-1 | *g a -^ s = o aj IS PLATE XXXV. Fit;. 1. The affection in this case was acute urticaria. The rash was disposed on the hand not unlike a variolous eruption. It was accented over the knuckles and over the head of the radius. Fig. 2. This figure makes a companion picture to Fig. 2 of the next plate. This was smallpox, that chickenpox. In each case the rash was exceedingly meagre ; but the evidence from distribution was of value. In this instance the few spots which were developed came on the face and limbs, situations favoured by smallpox ; in the other, with the exception of three spots which came on the face, all were on the trunk and thighs. fll o o ) ri "~? ~ S S ^ a -s S' a 2 2 ilia - -^ < to 73 5 -r Cw ^ * 2 S is. C -S a ^ S 3 DIAGNOSIS BY DISTRIBUTION 25 Meagre eruptions. When the rash is scanty these in- differences of distribution are more difficult to establish. The hardest problems arise when the rash is both scanty and widespread, for only the broader features of distribution can then be taken account of, and they may happen to be uncon- vincing. In such cases, to map out the spots on a chart helps in deciding how lies the balance of evidence. Should the lesions be very few in number, it may be that no valid evidence against smallpox would lie even in a limitation of their area of diffusion ; but for such evidence to be invalid they must be so few that they may be counted in a figure approaching a single number. And it will be still true that, if they are variolous, they will be most apt to come on those parts which suffer most when the rash is in plenty. They should be found on the upper part of the body ; though there may be no more than a dozen spots, the evidence would be against smallpox if none were found upon the face. (Plates xxxv., Fig. 2, and xxxvr., Fig. 2.) The faith must never be pinned to one part of the evidence only. There are exceptions to all the rules, and it is not always that the disturbing cause can be detected. A patient may still have smallpox though the rash come on the arm more than on the forearm, or on the flexor surface of a limb more than on the extensor surface, or on the abdomen more than on the chest, or even though the groins be filled. (See Chapter X., p. 69.) Yet all the exceptions will not occur in the same case, and if there is no dearth of evidence and all of it is weighed there will be little risk of a faulty judgment. CHAPTER V THE LESION Life-history. Counting to the time of incrustration, the evolution of the lesion in a case of natural smallpox occupies about eight days. The exact duration of the period depends upon the character of the lesion and upon the nature of the case. Some of the lesions of modified smallpox hurry through their life in three or four days, while in the severest cases of confluent smallpox even the normal period may be prolonged. In the evolution of a typical lesion the time occupied by the several stages is about two days for the papule, two for the vesicle, and four more until the pustule begins to incrust. Relatively to the other, the duration of the papular or of the vesicular stage is inconstant. A day may be taken from the first and added to the second, four days still measuring their combined duration. At its birth the spot is very small, about as big as a pin's head. (Plates XXXVIL, xxxvm., and xxxix.) It is just a fleck in the skin, flush with the surface and imperceptible to the touch. In a few hours it swells up into a raised, hard, solid-feeling, pink mass, the papule. In the course of a day or two the small round-topped papule begins to get vacuolated at the top. This change spreads throughout the lesion, which at the same time gets bigger and by the fourth day of its life has become grey and translucent. The smaller vesicles are generally hemispherical, the larger flat- topped, and the crown of the vesicle is sometimes indented. At this stage, if it is pricked or incised, the fluid contents are not wholly emptied ; the cavity is loculated. The vesicle remains clear for about twenty-four hours only ; its covering then becomes dull and whitish, and, following this change, its contents become turbid. This metamorphosis into the li THE LESION 27 pustule is a gradual process and, if the lesion be not too small, can be plainly detected to begin at the periphery and to proceed towards the centre. In the intermediate state between the vesicle and the pustule, a white or yellow ring at the periphery of the crown encircles, iris-like, the grey translucent centre, imparting to the lesion a characteristic ringed appearance. (Plate XLIV.) By the sixth day the lesion has turned yellow throughout and contains thin pus ; the crown has become dome-shaped and the pustule has arrived at maturity. Size. From its birth to its maturity the lesion grows as it ages. The largest papule is no bigger than the head of a bee ; the largest vesicle may reach the size of the top of a cedar pencil ; and a full-sized pustule is about three-eighths of an inch across. But many of the lesions do not attain these dimensions even in cases of natural smallpox. The areola. These statements of size take no account of the areola. (Plates XL., XLI., XLII., and XLIII.) This is seen first during the papular stage. As the papule gains in prominence it becomes encircled by a narrow erythematous zone, which gets broader with the change into the vesicle. The areola is biggest and brightest at the height of the vesicular stage and begins .to wane with the onset of sup- puration ; the pustule, when mature, has no areola. The colour is light red and, under ordinary] conditions, is dis- charged readily by pressure. The breadth of the zone is very variable. It seems to be determined by the intensity of the inflammatory reaction of the skin rather than by the virulence of the destructive process. A broad areola, therefore, is a good sign rather than otherwise. The biggest are seen in some cases of modified smallpox, encircling diminutive vesicles. In such cases the area covered may be as big as a shilling, and the small vesicles so surrounded look very like those met with in some cases of chickenpox. Involnfioi). About the ninth day of efflorescence the crust begins to form. In ordinary circumstances the whole lesion undergoes inspissation and, in the course of a few days, a solid brown disc-shaped scab is left embedded in the skin. 28 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX (Plate XLV., Fig. 1.) This falls off. in cases of unmodified smallpox, about the fourteenth day of efflorescence. The con- dition left after the fall of the scab will be referred to in Chapter VIII. Critical signs. The characteristics held traditionally to be distinctive of variolous lesions are the loculation of the cavity of the vesicle, its umbilication, and the solidity and hardness of the papule. As reliable guides in diagnosis these signs must be accepted with some qualification. It is obvious that the tests with which they furnish us can be applied only during a certain part of the illness. And, in general, though the demonstration of the signs may be good evidence in favour of smallpox, failure to demonstrate them does not necessarily tell against that diagnosis. Their meaning and the limits of their usefulness will be better understood by reference to the histology of the lesion. The frontispiece represents a section of a portion of a variolous lesion in which vacuolation was beginning. The lesion occupied the whole depth of the epidermis, had the deeper layers for its floor, and was roofed by the cuticle. At the centre the floor was thin, and by the further growth of the lesion even the deep layer of cylindrical cells would have been worn away and the corium invaded. It is owing to this erosion of the regenerative cells that smallpox leaves scars. Yet, though the corium suffers, it is its upper fringe only, the papillary layer, which is commonly involved in the area of destruction. The inflammation crowds within sharp limits and does not encroach sensibly upon the true skin. Loculation. When fluid is effused rapidly into a solid tissue, the tissue splits, and splits along the line of least resistance. With chickenpox the focus of activity is just below the surface, and nothing confines the flow of serum but the overlying sheet of horny epidermis. This the fluid strips up, the natural plane of cleavage lying parallel to the cutaneous surface. But with smallpox the effusion takes place more deeply among the epidermal cells, where there are no natural lines of parting. The columns of cells are forced apart irregularly and the fissures, for the most part, THE LESION 29 are perpendicular to the surface. (See Frontispiece.) This irregular splitting of the epithelial cells has the effect of dividing the vesicle into many compartments. With the onset of suppuration the walls which separate the compart- ments break down ; the pustule is not loculated. That the cavity is loculated, is determined by piercing the vesicle and observing that all the fluid contents cannot be emptied through the wound. There are many cases of smallpox in which this test can be applied satisfactorily, and many cases of chickenpox in which, with equal readiness, the vesicles can be shown to be unilocular. Nevertheless, the practical value of the test is inconsiderable ; for the cases, in which the reaction is unambiguous are those which can be distinguished even more readily by other means. When the vesicles are small or flaccid, as may happen in cases of either disease, it is so difficult to judge of the completeness of the evacuation of the fluid that it is easy to form an unwarranted opinion. Moreover, there are cases in which the reaction to the test would really warrant a wrong conclusion. Vesicles are sometimes loculated in cases of chickenpox, though perhaps imperfectly loculated. On the other hand, unilocular vesicles may be observed not infrequently in cases of smallpox. The circumstances pro- ductive of these ambiguities will be discussed presently. The f -7 f. - i - f '. - - - : (?i .-. *^ g e r ^ : > I = ^ ~ ','-- > ~, ~ - - - ' ^z F Z ? ~ J: -i- . /. / ~ '' o 3 0' , ~ -r "*^. x s z* r\L. "^ i ~~ M a w O ^ '" j: ^ -E * > -" -r 7 tb 11 Is? IJ s.S B? ^ o C. c u *a w 5 ^ #rv, ' tf c S 2 sj S * *i O I I e-i " ce ^= a u rt ce _ .2 = - ' ~ oa I* / . - 2 g-o o *^ ^1 8 .a " K l III c I M 1 3 g~ 9 i a . gjS 1 * 2 "3 "5 M X 2 ^S 8 CD 0) i*Hil JS 9 o fl O tC 43-5 W 5 2 O J3 * e -2 E " s- ^ 3 *i a c fe 1 ^ be" - " c 2 o S ' " 'S H S ~ * ^ -S -g o 3 1^ S 'll"|! < S Ic" * o a, 5 -E J o gsjrl o s^ -c - , r- = t <*- G S ^ c o "- 1 5 I g 5" I 8 - 5 . - 2 .2 ' *+4 } ' ~ 3 si t. s - :, _ * = r 7 - 5 *g S < J J= 5 r 1 = *- '-7 E. -.= - =, ii. s'cJj; = b/* = *"" " ^ ~ ~ '7 H O "T C = ^5 'I. ' - z ;-_- -'-?'= * A e & ^ 52 ; 1 1 1 i = iloil is-gi - ' CS *- *J ~ '/. >-> -3 !> ti ^ = - * o-=^o S . _> III c ~ s .. x" O -^ x . - .i = P 2"S^ ^^n^! - ~ ~r S _^ -i a ~ > ^r c s. J3 g s > r- ?c - o r: = s a 5 CHAPTER VI THE ERUPTION AND THE ERUPTIVE FEVER ALIKE in its outcrop and in its subsequent evolution, the eruption maintains a certain order of precedence. . The first papule may come on the face, or on the wrist, or perhaps on the trunk of the body. Yet, in broad terms, the rash begins at the top and travels downwards, and invades the legs some twenty-four hours after its first appearance higher up. The lead so secured by the lesions on the face is maintained in their further development. In the milder sorts of cases the whole rash may be out within twenty-four hours from the birth of the first papules. On the other hand, in severe cases even the lapse of forty- eight hours may hardly see the last arrivals. That is to say, the outcrop is a gradual process not only over the whole body but also on any one particular part. The papules first to come on the face are not only twenty-four hours in advance of those on the legs, but are also twenty-four hours in advance of the laggards on the face itself. Under such circumstances, the patient may exhibit on the first day of efflorescence a scanty rash on the face and upper part of the body only, on the second day a profuse rash on the face and a scanty rash on the legs, and not until the third day a rash of normal proportions in its incidence. (Plates XLVII. and xciv.) As mentioned in Chapter IV., this consideration must not be lost sight of in determining the distribution of a papular eruption. Confluent smallpox. During the outcrop the toxa?mic fever culminates. Between that time and the time of maturation there is, in a case of confluent smallpox, a striking metamorphosis of the patient. (Plates XLVIII. and XLIX.) At first he wears his normal aspect, altered only by the operation D 33 34 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX of the poison that is working in him. The papules of small- pox seldom itch much or cause appreciable discomfort, and in their size and appearance they bear no promise of the events which are in train. The rash, therefore, like the 103' DAY OF DISEASE DAY OF CMUMtSCIICt Tox/c IIC FpVER 3 FEVER OF 7 CHART IL DISCRETE SMALLPOX WITH SEVERE SUPPUHATIVE FEVER. No PRE- ERUPTIVE FEVER. rash of measles, causes no symptoms and but little dis- figurement ; as yet it is itself but a symptom. If the transition were not seen, the subject of the early illness would not presently be recognised. In the period of suppu- ration the rash, which was once a symptom, has become the disease. It clogs the features, hampers the movements, and 35 enfolds the patient like a parasite. The difference in the symptoms and the aspect agrees with the double sweep of the temperature curve, and it is where the curve breaks that the character of the symptoms changes. (See Chart I., p. 4.) 106 105' 10+ 103 102 101 100 93 98 97 TOXCEMIC FEVER SUPIURAT'VE FIVER CHART in. CONFLUENT SMALLI-OX ^VITH MODERATE SUPPUHATIVE FEVER. Evolution. From the first state the patient passes by easy stages in which, bit by bit, the fever loosens its hold, while the rash gains more in prominence and begins to assert its domination, (Plates L., LI., and LII.) TJie lesions grow 36 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX and about the fifth day of efflorescence, when the patient feels at his best and may even have a normal temperature, his face and bod}'' are covered with large flat vesicles. Already the skin has begun to swell and feels stiff. The face looks as if covered with a grey caul, tight-fitting, with a broken surface, which partly hides but does not yet obscure the shape and play of features. The patient has freed him- self from the symptoms of his first illness, but has not begun to taste the poison of the second, or yet to realise the obsession of the rash which will engender it. It is variable to what extent the temperature falls in the stage of vesiculation, and on what day it is lowest. Most often, the lowest point on the curve is reached on the fifth day of efflorescence ; but, nearly as frequently, on the sixth day or the fourth. (Charts i., n., and in.) Commonly, even in cases of confluent smallpox, at this dip in the curve the thermometer does not register more than 99. But in some of the severer cases the recession is not so evident, and the temperature does not fall below 101 or 102. With the progress of suppuration the curve of temperature again ascends and attains its acme on the ninth or tenth day of efflorescence or, it may be, earlier or later according to the severity of the case. Maturation. In most cases suppuration begins on the face on the fifth day of efflorescence, but is not fully developed there until the sixth. And it is not until nearer the eighth that the rash attains its maturity over the whole body. At that time a patient with severe confluent smallpox presents a very striking picture. (Plates XLIX., LII., Fig. 1, LIII., and LIV., Fig. 1.) The natural features are obliterated, partly by the rank growth of pustules, partly by the swelling of the skin below them. The face is bigger and broader, and the patient looks unnaturally aged. His orbits swell up, and the eyelids, and he peers out through the slits between them. The nose is thick and squat, like a bottle-nose ; the lips are like a negro's, but immobile, dough-like. The cheeks are puffed out, and the ears are thickened. The play of features is paralysed by the mass which clogs their movements. The patient THE ERUPTION AND THE ERUPTIVE FEVER 37 mumbles when he speaks, and his voice is hoarse or whispering from the swelling of his larynx. The hands are swollen, and he moves his tingers like pegs. To this loathsome, all-pervading rash the patient's fever CHART iv. SEVERE DISCRETE SMALLPOX WITH MODERATE SECONDARY FKVBR. and all his symptoms are due. The secondary fever is purely a suppurative fever, caused by the absorption of septic products from the pustules, and proportional to the amount of that absorption. Partly because the rash is most in plenty on the face, and partly on account of its greater vascularity, it is from the face that the absorption is greatest 38 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX It is an observation of Sydenham, as true as it is old, that the patient's fever and his prospects of recovery are measured by the amount of suppuration which the face sustains. The sweep of the curve of temperature of the secondary 106' 105' 104' 103' 102' 101' 100' 98' 97 DAY OF DISEASE DAY OF moRtsctict TOX/EMI A SECONDAPJY FE fER Y. CHAHT v. COXFLTTEST SMALLPOX MODIFIED. SEVERE TOX;EMIC FEVEK WITH A PUKPUHIC BASH. fever is not so bold as of the primary. In the worst cases the temperature may exceed 105. Yet in most cases of severity, including many fatal cases, it does not much exceed 103 ; and in the great bulk of milder cases, whether the rash is discrete or confluent, it does not attain that limit. Smallpox in its sup- THE ERUPTION AND THE ERUPTIVE FEVER 39 purative stage is not, in fact, a highly febrile disorder; and the skin may suffer much disturbance and cause but a trifling pyrexia. With the milder sorts of discrete smallpox, febrile symptoms are hardly to be looked for ; and with confluent smallpox, if the suppurative process is incomplete, as it is so often among vaccinated persons, the fever may be almost as insignificant. (Charts iv. and v.) Involution and termination. From about the ninth day of efflorescence, in the more favourable cases, the pustules dry up and scab over and, following this involution of the rash, defervescence sets in quickly. (Plate LIV., Fig. 2.) In the more serious cases pus, stained brown by altered blood, collects below the crusts formed on the surface and may exude from the broken pustules. (Plate LIL, Fig. 2.) In the latter cases this period is the most critical ; for the absorption of septic matter continues, the temperature remains high, and there is apt to be delirium which is often violent. In some of the worst cases of all, before there is time for incrus- tation to occur, there is extensive shedding of the cuticle. In these cases the rash is unusually profuse and the denuded parts, it may be the face, or the limbs, or the back, are such as are covered by a confluent eruption. Raw, weeping surfaces are thereby left exposed, and the cases are nearly always fatal. When death occurs during the suppurative fever the fatal day is, generally, between the eleventh and fifteenth of efflorescence. The fatal result is due, as a rule, either to septic absorption or to broncho-pneumonia set up by the affection of the air-passages. Discrete smallpox. Cases depart from the type which has been described in being either less or more serious. With confluent smallpox of the milder sorts, and with discrete smallpox, the domination of the rash is less pro- nounced and less sustained. (Plate LV., Figs. 1 and 2.) Dis- crete smallpox, unless by accident and except in infants, is not a fatal disease, and in cases of no more than moderate severity the secondary symptoms are insignificant. (Chart iv. and Chart vn., p. 64.) This is true of the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. It must not be forgotten that even 40 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX among imvaccinated patients the eruption, though generally unmodified, more often than not is discrete. In such cases the individual lesions may be every bit as virulent as in a case of unmodified confluent smallpox ; but they fail in their effect from lack of numbers. The peculiarities of modified smallpox are described in the next chapter. ABERRANT ERUPTIONS OF CONFLUENT SMALLPOX Confluent papular eruptions* Cases of unmodified dis- crete smallpox, perhaps, give the least trouble of all in diagnosis. On the other hand, in cases of confluent smallpox the diagnosis is sometimes obscured by the very intensity of the attack. In most cases the epithet " confluent " does not apply until the stage of suppuration. Yet the rash is conflu- ent, sometimes, even in the papular stage. The pustule may be taken to be of more than twice the diameter of the largest papule. The area occupied by the rash, therefore, increases more than fourfold. For that reason, to be confluent in the papular stage the lesions must be brought forth in great multitude, and such cases are almost always fatal. (Plates XLVIII. and LVL, Fig. 1.) The small red papules, each surrounded by its narrow areola and projecting but slightly above the surface of the skin, crowd into one another and lose their identity. The face looks fiery red, and shows an unbroken surface. The skin is thickened, but the par- ticulate nature of the rash can hardly be perceived. The surface is but roughened, and feels like russian leather. This absence of discontinuity in the rash gives it a superficial likeness to that of measles. And the resemblance is not impaired by the fact that with smallpox the papules, though confluent on the face, may be distinct on the rest of the body ; for that may be the case with measles also. In many cases a careful examination of the lesions on the trunk and limbs will disclose their proper character. Yet it often happens that the individual papules depart from the type so much that their nature is liable to be mistaken. The character of these aberrant lesions is very important < 2 4 PLATE XLVMI. A patient with severe confluent smallpox. The face was covered with a profuse papular eruption. It will be noticed that in this state there was little alteration of the natural features. The point is not very well shown in the print, but the rash displayed an abrupt transition of density on the neck at the collar-line (compare Plate LIV., Fig. 1). PLATE XI. IX. In this case the attack was of a severity comparable to that of the last. The eruption here depicted was pustular. The natural features were obliterated, and the patient, who was a young woman, looked unnaturally old. II 5 ' 4> f bo JSf o 3 > _: c 3 1 - to a g II g 3 if o o - _= ,O -u JS | i 58s o p a, . *r i c o.. u 1 rg = P , u .= * C O O ,35 8 a . _ , _ a ^ _ _ r. :! /. h 11 ).)A.I.)S< I'crcnc = ; C Z _0 - - -^ z: - ; "= = 9.-? r - - ,_ i -^ g ^ ii :, ~ J z _: " = .~ a -^ 5 . ' - r ^ T o ^ - a X :. tt- ^ ;; - - H E L. i " ^ c ^ " ~ ~. H X r / >. >, 1 s. ri " 9 :i ~ ~ r^ _ s. r r- 7 -= ^r ^ i _ r - r r ^ L -" _ "o g -L n~ I - v - " < r -~ I a "^3 ^ 5 3 d [ o ^ g, ;; "rr 0) CJ ^ o '^ ~ .- ~ X! _6f A S 3 11 O * i 8> 3 bb S o o '5 ^ - - u PLATE LVI. Fig. 1. From a case of confluent smallpox of the severest kind. The rash was wholly papular, but was already confluent on all parts of the face. Fig. 2. A confluent pustular eruption, virulent in type. On the face the inflammatory reaction was feeble, and the lesions were flat and flaccid. Compare the pustules on the face with those on the hand. f o a Ed .3 5 -="8 S 3 -^ o> P* ct tn O 3 CH .= a PLATE LIX. In this print tlie last of the series, the eruption, which should have been reaching its maturity, is shown to have already become incrusted. Even the swelling of the features depicted in the last print had subsided. In this case the lesions on the face were of a kind very common with modified smallpox. They were small, but had fleshy, deep-seated bases. Suppuration was confined to their crowns, or they failed whollv to suppurate (compare Plates LXIII., Fig. 2, and LX1V., Fig. 1). 1 a. 5 q T3 O _; E - X c w l i PLATE LX1I. Fig. i. Vesicles of modified smallpox. The lesions were small and had rounded summits, but otherwise displayed the ordinary characteristics of vesicles of smallpox. Fig. 2. In this case the lesions were minute and superficial. Many of them were no bigger than the head of a pin, and became incrusted without suppurating. i * s -a a. s o . " '= i J J SJ - 7^? g'5^ gJ IIS* IsiSJllf M B z s a s B.S 9 S o| 2 l^l-bS^ * ^ r* " < ^) " V ' tc o sa j S's-S'S^a S j fr| =; 7. I- . - - u * - S s t; J * -/3 M *" M 4> S ~ ~ ~" ^ *if uiiig - -^ X T~~ "^ "- ^ - ^ _* W /- s^ -^ c -5 ^-^ " ~ r o ~\g o> tc ^ 2 > cS -^ 8 ^Hl-5 IITI I K I ~ ee "y rr = 5 "~ 3 " -w ~ O C a) .c s 3 -c ' - .5 E ~ w ^: - *" rr a 5 ^ g _S -S -2 ^1 1 ^ 1 1 * o x *- *j c ,5 > M ~ * J a. x 8 ? a J4 8*a S .lg->..9 a ^S^co-s 5 '^.SoSlg P! ssjtili ^ CD c ~ O) C O-~ i - I -S ^ | a 1 H 1 1 1 ll^flll c^^ *i !- C3^ o s- 12 ISgfaf I fc s E t 9 2 3.2 -i o -S ^ "S '*" - ^ " ? t3 ^ = ' S c u "~ J o r BOOt OC ; d -w o _n - <- 2 s o r o I- *" 1. 0> . _e * 33 * a> 5 $ d s s S. ! S "eS h3 > g n. ^ Ht . O ^ ^" *J if is fe _ o HI O J3 o - 5 => III! w e 5 S rt o g.S 2C3 O PLATE LXXVII. A toxaemic variolous erythema, scarlatiniform in type and generalised in distribu- tion. The dark spots represent the focal lesions. PLATE LXXVIII. The figures represent the extensor and flexor surfaces of a forearm bearing a toxEemic variolous erythema, and illustrate the characteristic disposition and appearance of a rash of this type. X 53 H 2 II s 1 ** 2 a- t; x - 5 1 C J 1-1 o> * a S 5 S c Oi ~ "S , 8.1 Si * T < c < aT Ss a - :~ -r ~ = - c K c > 5.- QJ r- *> ' s r-i * -* ** O .X O ^ ''- - -= J5 Ls H g c -s . = " O CHAPTER XI H^MORRHAGIC SYMPTOMS THE key to a clear conception of this phase of the disease is to remember that hemorrhage from smallpox is not synony- mous with hsemorrhagic smallpox. A patient may be said to suffer from toxic or hsemor- rhagic smallpox when his life is menaced by the toxaemia.* An analogy is furnished by scarlet fever. Cases of that disease are encountered, which are dominated by the constitutional rather than by the local symptoms. Such cases are called toxic cases. They are signalised by a rash which shows a marked aptitude for blood-staining, and they go on rapidly to a fatal issue. They are in contrast with cases in which the angina is pronounced, and death, if it occurs, follows from septic absorption. Those two groups are analogues of hsemorrhagic and confluent smallpox. Haemorrhagic small- pox is toxic smallpox, and in this volume the terms are used indifferently. In separating for convenience of description a group of cases which conform to an imaginary type, it must be remembered that the practice is arbitrary. Hsemorrhagic or toxic smallpox has no peculiarity which is essential. No fixed line separates the toxic from the less serious cases, but there is a gradation from the milder cases up to those in which death descends with relentless rapidity. It follows that symptoms of haemorrhage cannot be regarded, as the name hsemorrhagic smallpox would seem to imply, as the * It is sometimes convenient, for statistical purposes for example, to use a definition which is more exact. It is then, perhaps, best, in the present state of our therapeutics, to restrict the terms to those cases which are fatal from the toxaemia, or from some condition (such as oedema of the lungs) which the toxaemia has induced. 73 74 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX hall-mark of a peculiar type of disease ; and it will be under- stood that this chapter is devoted to the description, not of a type of disease, but of a group of symptoms. Hsemorrhagic symptoms are due, doubtless, to the circu- lation of a specific poison or toxin. The sequence is not peculiar to smallpox; it occurs in cases of haemorrhagic diphtheria, of toxic scarlet fever, of pneumonic plague, and from some kinds of snake-bite poisoning. The toxins inci- dental to those different maladies differ in their ability to cause haemorrhage ; that of smallpox is peculiarly apt, and death from the variolous toxaemia is almost always preceded by haemorrhagic manifestations. The haemorrhage itself is seldom dangerous. It is im- portant as an expression of the operation of the toxin. Yet, from case to case, the toxin operates with unequal effects. Its precise action will depend, not only upon the dose, but also upon the patient and his vital weaknesses. In one case the bleeding will be chiefly from the air-passages, in a second there will be haematuria, in a third cutaneous haemorrhage only. Moreover, of two patients equally severely poisoned, in one case the haemorrhagic symptoms will be masked, in the other they will be pronounced. The significance of the different haemorrhagic symptoms will depend, therefore, not only upon the kind and degree of haemorrhage, but equally upon the other symptoms with which they are associated. Many patients, not desperately ill, exhibit haemorrhagic symptoms of a sort ; and, indeed, in almost all cases of smallpox there can be discerned the trail of the special faculty to bleed. Post-toxaemic haemorrhage. -- The extravasations are secondary, it may be supposed, to some damage suffered by the vascular endothelium or to some injurious action of the toxin on the vascular mechanism. Such damage can be effected only while the toxin is circulating in the blood ; that is to say, during the toxaemic fever. Yet the effect of the damage, the liability to haemorrhage, may remain with the patient even after the elimination of the toxin has been fulfilled. Patients, therefore, who have passed through the toxaemia H.EMORRHAGIC SYMPTOMS 75 and entered upon the separate hazards of the secondary fever, may still exhibit signs of the haemorrhagic tendency. A slight injury, which would be innocuous in health, may cause a blood-effusion in a patient whose vessels are already weakened by the disease. Thus patients with smallpox are exceptionally liable to bruises, even during the period of suppuration. Another sign is so common that it may be observed in almost every case. The focal lesion, it will be seen presently, is an injury so potent that in the severer cases it may determine a bloody extravasation about itself long before its maturity. When the patient is less severely poisoned, a premature lesion does not have that effect ; but as the lesion ages, and grows, and suppurates, and destroys the tissue about it, the stimulus gathers force ; and at last, even in the milder cases, excites an extrusion of haemocytes from the vessels, which may be unnoticed at the time, but leaves its record hi the pigmented area which surrounds the scar. (Plates LXXL, Fig. 2, and LXXIIL, Fig. 1.) In some cases the extravasation is obvious before the pustule has become encrusted. It is not uncommon in cases of confluent smallpox, more especially on the arms and legs where the stimulus of the lesion is supplemented by the movements of the limb, to see some of the pustules with blood-stained contents. (Plates LXXXIII. and LXXXIV., Fig. 1.) Occasionally these haemorrhagic pustules are dis- played, even in cases of discrete smallpox, over a considerable area of the body. Yet all these tardy evidences of the tendency to bleed are wholly devoid of significance. They are but the foot-prints of an illness which has passed. Toxaemic haemorrhage. Other factors being equal, the greater the dose of the toxin, the earlier and the more readily will become manifest its capacity to provoke haemorrhage. Therefore a haBinorrhagic symptom, developed during the course of the toxaernic fever, assumes at once a certain clinical significance. Yet many of these manifestations are not of serious omen. 76 It is a general rule that bleeding from internal structures or surfaces is more serious than external extravasations. Some kinds of cutaneous haemorrhage are, in fact, so common that they may be regarded as ordinary symptoms of the toxaemia One such symptom is the exhibition of the purpuric or petechial rash, which was described in Chapter X. and will be referred to also in a later chapter. Petechiaa, again, not specially grouped, but scattered fortuitously and often sparsely over the surface, are apt to appear on the skin of the trunk and upper parts of the limbs with all the severer sorts of toxaemia, especially in the cases of children. A graver, but not necessarily a fatal sign is the develop- ment of small round or oval extravasations, clear-cut and counter-sunk (Plate LXXXIV., Fig. 2.) In this instance, also, children are the favourite subjects. These spots are seldom bigger than a split pea. Their colour ranges from violet to black, according to the depth of tissue occupied. Usually they are sparingly developed. They choose the parts most apt to display petechise, with which they are often associated. Of more serious omen still are cutaneous extravasations occurring in streaks and patches. Such blotches are irregular in outline, and inconstant in depth of tint. They may appear on any part of the skin, and may attain a considerable size. If, in a case of toxic smallpox, an erythematous rash' is developed, it very readily becomes streaked or mottled by such areas of discoloration. Yet a toxaemic rash, present- ing such a character, is not necessarily of the most serious significance unless the colour is very dark, that is to say, deep purple or black. (See also Chapter XIII., p. 98.) Haemor- rhage of this sort is to be regarded the more seriously when not excited by a coincident erythema. Toxic smallpox causes the blood to coagulate imperfectly. Hence a scratch, or a trifling abrasion of the skin, is very apt to be marked by a continuous or interrupted oozing of blood from the broken surface. Extravasations about the vesicles or papules are among the most frequent of hseinorrhagic symptoms. ILEMORRHAGIC SYMPTOMS 77 The areola is more prone to be affected than the lesion itself. Sometimes it is only to be observed that the colour of the areola is immobile ; and when it has faded, that it has left its record in blood-pigment. But when the vessels are more impaired, the areola acquires a violet or purple tint from the excessive effusion of blood. (Plate LXXXV.) Blood- stained areolse may be developed over the greater part of the cutaneous surface, but are seen most often on those parts of the body, such as the shins, where the circulation is slow. Either alone, or in conjunction with the staining of the areola, an extravasation may occur into the vesicle itself; and the latter is the more serious sign of the two. The effusion may be directly into the cavity of the vesicle, which turns black from the blood which distends it. But that event is relatively uncommon > and at the most but few of the vesicles are so affected. Generally the effusion takes place into the tissue at the base of the vesicle. The colour and ocular definition of the effused blood are then obscured by the superjacent lesion; and unless the extravasation is very pro- nounced, it looks indistinct, as though seen through a bluish haze, like a stained object out of focus in the microscope. (Plate LXXXV., Fig. 2.) These subvesicular effusions are among the commonest of the hfemorrhagic signs of the toxemia. In some cases and in many of these the toxsemic fever is not especially serious only a few vesicles are affected ; but at the worst the extravasations are very prominent and cover the patient from head to foot, obscuring the whole character of the rash. It must be remembered that the number and prominence of these extravasations are not sure guides to the probable issue, and that in many cases of toxic smallpox, fatal in the vesicular stage, the sign is relatively inconspicuous. The papules are not so liable as the vesicles to become the foci of haemorrhagic extravasation. The papule and the papular areola sometimes become blood-stained ; less fre- quently, the papule becomes capped with blood. (Plate xci.) 78 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX The significance of a hemorrhagic effusion varies in pro- portion as it is spontaneous, and not accidental or factitious. Subcutaneous haemorrhage is, therefore, not necessarily of serious omen. Not infrequently a bruise can be traced to some injury, and all patients with smallpox bruise easily. But the significance of the bruise increases with the dispro- portion between cause and effect ; and multiple bruise-like effusions are sometimes the most prominent feature of a case of toxic smallpox. In many cases subcutaneous extravasa- tions occur which are not so pronounced as to cause dis- coloration of the skin ; but they can be discerned beneath the surface as indistinct vein-like markings. A favourite situation for effusion of blood is the orbit. The effusion may even be so extensive as to cause distinct proptosis of the eyeball. Still more common is extravasation into the ocular conjunctiva. The effusion assumes a tri- angular shape, the base of the triangle lying against the cornea. Conjunctival haemorrhage may be one-sided or double. It may be developed both on the inner and on the outer side of the cornea, and in the worst cases the whole of the conjunctiva becomes filled with blood. Conjunctival hemorrhage, unless very pronounced, is not to be regarded with despondence. It is among the least serious of the hemorrhagic symptoms. While hemorrhage from within is, in the main, to be regarded more seriously than extravasations on the surface, the evidence must still be used with discrimination. Perhaps the most common of these symptoms is uterine hemorrhage. But all forms of the toxemia have a tendency to induce prematurely the menstrual flow ; and if the patient is preg- nant, a toxemia of even moderate severity is capable of causing abortion. It is not surprising, therefore, that when women get toxic smallpox, repeated or continuous uterine hemorrhage should be the rule. Again, epistaxis is a common symptom of toxic smallpox. But when the patient is subject to epistaxis, or is a child, the symptom is to be regarded differently from repeated or continuous bleeding from the nose when the patient is a H.EMORRHAGIC SYMPTOMS 79 stranger to that symptom. Similarly, a little oozing from the gums need not be taken very seriously ; but a dark bloody extravasation into the mucous membrane of the fauces, the palate, and the root of the tongue, is a common and character- istic symptom in toxic cases. With rare exceptions, only in toxic cases do other kinds of internal haemorrhage become prominent. Haemoptysis is common ; generally it comes on late in the toxaemia, and is a sign of congestion or oedema of the lungs. Haeinatemesis occurs with frequency in cases in which it cannot be ascribed to the swallowing of blood poured out from .the nose, or throat, or lungs. Melaena is less common, but by no means rare. A symptom, one of the most frequent of all, is haema- turia. In this connection the word does not imply merely the passage of " smoky " urine, but the voiding of fluid of the colour of port wine. Prognosis. Extravasation into the faucial mucous membrane, severe or continuous haemoptysis, hsematemesis, haematuria, continuous epistaxis, multiple spontaneous bruises, purple cutaneous extravasations, numerous extravasa- tions about the focal lesions, when there is a combination of some of these symptoms, the patient very seldom recovers. But the significance of any one of them is much reduced if it stands alone, and it is seldom safe to forecast the issue from the hsemorrhagic symptoms only. This is still more true if the haemorrhage is less pronounced, or of the less serious kinds ; in such cases, and they are many, all hangs upon the nature of the coincident symptoms. CASES WITH SYMPTOMS OF HEMORRHAGE The following cases have been selected to illustrate the variety of haemorrhagic symptoms which may be displayed, the variety in the course of the illness, and the variety of result. The collection does not reflect the frequency with which cases of different degrees of severity occur in practice, but indicates a scale of severity, any note of which may be struck by a particular case. 80 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX Case I. Confluent smallpox tctf/t snbvesicular haemorrhage Recovery. A. H., a man aged 38, was stated to have been vaccinated in infancy but had no cicatrices. During the first two days of illness the symptoms were of so moderate a character that the patient kept his bed against his inclination. The outcrop of the papular rash occurred on the third day. Thereafter, there was a great deal of prostration and considerable toxsemic pyrexia ; by the sixth day of illness the patient was very ill and highly delirious. The rash was confluent on the face, but not of excessive numerical severity. The lesions were soft, and slow in evolution ; the areolae were of a dull red colour and sluggish in reaction, and on the legs were for the most part altogether immobile. When the rash had become vesicular, it was very noticeable that haemorrhage had occurred in the bases of a large number of the vesicles. The purplish staining of the lesions, so caused, was apparent on the face, but was more conspicuous on other parts of the body. It occurred on the trunk, arms, wrists, and legs, but was worst on the feet. In some parts only at intervals was a vesicle stained, but in other places a large proportion of them. The general effect was that, especially on the limbs, the rash was extensively discoloured. There were no other haemorrhagic symptoms, and on the eighth day of illness the other symptoms abated. The succeeding fever of suppuration was not very severe, and the patient made a good recovery. Case II. Toxic smallpox Subvesicular haemorrhage Death from oedema of the lungs. C. W., a man aged 32, was vaccinated in infancy and had two cicatrices. He died on the eleventh day of illness. The toxaemic symptoms were pronounced, but not of the first severity. Towards the close of the illness the patient became delirious. The out- crop occurred on the fourth day. The rash was extremely profuse, and on the face was superconfluent. In its earliest stage it was of a vivid red colour, which could be discharged only imperfectly by pressure and on the legs was quite immobile. The papules were soft ; and when the lesions became vesicular, they were still limp and were slow in evolution. On the legs subvesicular haemorrhage developed extensively ; the backs of the feet and the shins were covered with plum-coloured vesicles. The ulnar sides of the forearms became similarly affected, though the colour in those situations was not quite so deep as on the legs. There were no other hiemorrhagic symptoms. On the ninth day of illness the rash on the face had become pustular, the pustules being small and distinctly modified. But on other parts of the body the vesicles showed no sign of modification, and presented the same flat, limp character as before. In some places the cuticle had peeled off, and large raw surfaces were so exposed. Towards the close of the illness the patient developed oedema of the bases of both lungs, and rapidly became cyanosed and died. Case III. Toxic smallpox Death on the tenth day of illm. -X P 5,- '"C r^ *"^ n O C M 2 g a & 1 aglifSg i> , o -rt p be 5 1 jC en SS * S C rH ^ "^ |l i> ?1 ''S o-2 ^ U T >-5 " ^ o> oj c *^ p t/j O o ^ TJ ?"* P -S "^ 5' o *H ^ F-^ "i W 4) 3 > CS M Q. o> ST: =H "" rt 1 ^ ' '> "-2 g|5n| S| I a S - - be ^ c ^ 8 .2 -g SfooiS^Ojj ^ _C -r- ^ "^ *-. f^ EX* PLATE LXXXIV. Fig. 1. This is a reproduction on a large scale of a part of the photograph rendered in the last print. The intrapustular and the extramural extravasations are more clearly distinguished (i and a). In many instances the distinction was displayed by the same lesion, a lighter ring separating the black centre from the peripheral zone. Fig. 2. The thighs of a patient dead of haemorrhagic smallpox. Death occurred before the outcrop of the focal rash. The black spots seen in the print represent circumscribed bloody extravasations into the skin, black, purple, or violet in colour. Above the left knee was a thin black line encircling the thigh. This was a linear extravasation, and was cvi >kcd by the pressure of a garter. PLATE I.XXXIV. :: r ., _ = g 3, -i _ ^ 11 = -'-'- = '- / ~ ~~ y ^ o /-v S-S^JH -^^^ "^ *- -r*" ^ ^- - -^ > cs^oga.-j x ^ T -' ^ '^ S ^ 0) ,_ 5 -'- ~ X - O tn - -2 a K a> a ^ . ^i e w .2 o " "= * ^ | c g r "^^-s^-s ^ i ? C I- W I- ;- . O C -. - _r. =--- CHAPTER XII H^MORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX So protean is the disease, and especially this graver phase ot it, that but for the teaching of experience some of its manifold types might be taken for distinct disorders. But the types merge into one another. Toxic smallpox is of one kind though of many degrees ; and perhaps there is more to be lost in clearness than can be gained in convenience by attempting a classification which shall lock off sections in the stream of cases. The features common to all cases, or peculiar to some, will therefore be grouped together and discussed under appropriate headings.* Constitutional symptoms. The description of the tox- rcmic symptoms, given in Chapter IX., would lack vigour if applied to these graver cases. The onset may be more * Many authors follow Curschmann (Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia) in his classifi- cation or terminology. In descriptions of smallpox it is a common practice to distinguish, under the names of " initial illness " or " prodromal stage," that part of the toxaemic fever which occupies the interval between the onset of illness and the outcrop of the focal rash. That such a distinction is arbitrary is of little moment in the description of ordinary cases. But Curschmann pursues it in the discussion of toxic smallpox, when- it becomes the source of some confusion. He divides toxic cases into two groups, the first of which he calls " purpura variolosa," and defines as ' the initial stage of variola which has become haemorrhagic," and the second " variola haemorrhagica pustulosa," under which head he includes cases in which the focal lesions become foci of haemorrhage. Unfortunately these divisions are neither all-embracing nor mutually exclusive. And the terms themselves are liable to be misunderstood. For on account of the modern limitation in meaning of the English word "pustule," the term "variola haemorrhagica pustulosa" is apt to be taken to refer to cases in which haemorrhage occurs during the pustular stage of the disease ; cases which, though falling strictly within Curschmann' s definition, are not cases of toxic smallpox (see p. 75). Neither is the term "purpura variolosa " free from objection, because it is liable to be applied to cases in which a purpuric toxaemic rash is developed ; and such cases, again, are not in general toxic cases. 83 86 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX sudden, the pains more acute ; and the collapse is more profound. Yet it would be a great mistake to suppose that a fatal toxaemia is always, or even generally, ushered in very suddenly and by symptoms of unwonted severity. Perhaps in most cases one is not led at first to suspect the gravity ot the illness which is about to develop ; and it is not until the second or third or even fourth day of illness that the full severity of the symptoms becomes unmasked. On the other hand, it must be remembered that alarming symptoms are not necessarily the prelude to a fatal, or even to a serious, illness. It will be understood that the description of an illness of the more serious kind will fit some cases in which the issue is never in serious doubt ; and at the same time will mark a standard to which some cases of toxic smallpox never attain. Pain. The pains, in some of these cases, are of extra- ordinary severity. The head may feel as though the skull were opening and shutting; the lumbar pain may be com- pared to a sensation as of the grinding together of the bones of the pelvis. These pains are an early developed and a persistent symptom, so that a patient may not be free ot them until the natural end of the toxsemic fever, if death be delayed so long. Prostration. An impressive feature of these cases, though one shared by all cases marked by a severe toxaemia, is the excessive prostration of the patient. The prostration develops with a rapidity corresponding to the more or less sudden onset of the illness, but is not at its height until the lapse of the first two or three days. It is then marked by a loss of tone of the whole muscular system. On the face this symptom impresses a very characteristic appearance which, once observed, is not difficult to recognise. (Plates LXXXVI. and LXXXVII.) The relaxation of the muscles of expression makes the patient look dull and apathetic. The features are immobile, the lines of expression obliterated, the cheeks relaxed. The lips are full and parted, dry, with sordes on them, or perhaps encrusted with dry clouts of blood. The skin may be flushed or pale. The eyelids droop, H^MORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 87 and it seems to be an effort to lift them ; yet, when the lids are raised, the eyes look bright and shining. (Plate LXXXVIII. and LXXXIX., Fig. 1.) The ocular muscles share in the symptoms, and the patient is apt to follow a moving object by a movement of the head rather than of the eyes. When he is addressed, it is seen that his faculties are clear ; but he rouses himself with an effort, answers with deliberation, and relapses into apathy. Except that he breathes easily, he looks like a man who has just undergone a great and sustained physical exer- tion ; like a runner after the race, self-centred, absorbed in the attempt to renew his exhausted powers. With a prostration so profound, it is not surprising that the course of the illness may be interrupted by attacks of collapse, during which the patient displays a clammy skin, cold extremities, a feeble pulse, and perhaps some cyanosis. Such a condition is liable to be -brought about by some effort, little enough in itself, perhaps, but disproportionate to his enfeebled powers. Even the less serious forms of toxsemic fever are not infrequently marked by symptoms of collapse when the patient has overtaxed his capacity for exertion. Sometimes the heart-failure is still more profound, and is signalised by cardiac pain and a fluttering pulse. From such an attack of syncope the patient may rally, or it may prove rapidly fatal. In exceptional cases the aspect which has been described is concealed by the anxiety and distress caused by the intensity of the poisoning. (Plate LXXXVIII.) The stimulus of an excessive dose may, indeed, be such as to mask all the pros- tration on which that aspect depends ; and the patient may exhibit a deceptive capacity for exertion, until he collapses upon the brink of death. Mental symptoms. The usual mental symptoms are persistent sleeplessness and an unnatural clearness of the intellect, so that the patient shall miss nothing of his suffer- ings. In some cases the mind becomes clouded, or there is delirium ; but generally only towards the close. Yet, with children, nocturnal delirium is common earlier in the illness. Pyrexia. From case to case the curve of temperature 88 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX presents considerable variation. In some cases, and those generally the worst, a low temperature prevails, and the thermometer may never record 100. In other cases, especi- ally those in which life is most prolonged, a high temperature is the rule. (Charts ix. and x.) This inverse proportion between the height of the temperature and the severity of the 104 103' 102* 101' ioo 99' 98' 9T> UNRECORDED CHART ix. Toxic SMALLPOX. TEMPERATURE Low. CHART x. Toxic SMALLPOX. TEMPERATURE HIGH. attack is common both to toxic smallpox and to toxic scarlet fever, though with toxic scarlet fever the low temperature is very much less common. With smallpox, besides, discrepancies are common in similar cases, so that the thermometer is not of much use in forecasting the probable course of the ill- ness. Even when the fever runs high, the end may be H.EMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 89 preceded by a fall of temperature. On the other hand there may be terminal hyperpyrexia. (Charts XL and xn.) When the illness is protracted, it may happen that the 107' 106' 105' 10+' 103' 102' 101' 100' 99' 98' 97 UNR CHART xi. Toxic SMALLPOX. Low TERMINAL TEMPEHATVHE. CHART xn. Toxic SMALLPOX. HIGH TERMINAL TEMPERATURE. patient will survive the onset of the eruptive fever. In such a case, as in most cases of confluent smallpox, the distinction between the two febrile states may be indicated on the chart by a dip in the curve of temperature. (Chart xm.) But 90 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX frequently this break in the curve is obliterated, either by the febrile effect of some complication, or else by the blending of the two fevers. CHART xm. Toxic SMALLPOX. TOXJ-:MIC PYREXIA DISTINCT FKOM SUPPCRATIYE. Factor. There are a few other symptoms of which it is necessary to take account. The most easily observed is a fetid odour of the breath. This sign is very commonly, though not invariably, met with in toxic cases ; on the other hand it is occasionally to be observed in cases which hardly attain to the toxic standard. The symptom will not be con- fused with the foul odour encountered in certain cases of confluent smallpox, which is merely an emanation from the suppurating skin. And the fetor, probably, does not arise ILEMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 91 from the foul condition of the throat which occurs in some cases of toxic smallpox owing to extravasation of blood into the mucous membrane; for the foetor may be observed in cases in which the throat is unaffected. The odour seems to be an exhalation from the lungs, arising from certain changes in the blood. It is a sickly odour, unique in the catalogue ot nasty smells, and a breath of it, once inhaled, will dwell for ever in the recollection. The sign is often the first danger signal displayed in the course of the illness. Albuminuria. Albuminuria may occur as an early and transient symptom of more than one of the specific fevers, and it is met with very frequently in cases of confluent smallpox. In toxic cases it is especially common and con- spicuous, even when unassociated with hiernaturia. Enlargement of the liver. A less constant symptom than the last is a rapid and painless enlargement of the liver. Like albuminuria, this symptom is liable to attend, not only the toxic, but also all the severer forms of smallpox. The enlargement becomes perceptible towards the end of the toxsemic fever, and continues its progress during the first part of the fever of suppuration. But in toxic cases the symptom may be apparent earlier in the illness and become very pronounced. Therefore, when other signs are indistinc- tive, some importance attaches to the perception of the liver's edge, one or two fingers' breadth below the cartilages, moving downwards from day to day. Sometimes the spleen is enlarged and perceptible to the touch, but far less frequently than the liver. Termination. Patients who die of hsemorrhagic small- pox do not die of haemorrhage. The prostration which they suffer is evidence of a disturbance of the heart which is often so profound as to be fatal. Those who are killed by the toxaemia die, almost invariably, either from heart-failure, or from a common and fateful complication, oedema of the lungs. (Edema of the lungs takes time to develop and to kill. Heart-failure, therefore, is the cause of death when the disease kills quickly. The end may be sudden from syn- 92 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX cope ; or its approach may be more gradual, and marked by a failing pulse, increasing pallor, and cyanosis. (Cases vi. and vii., Chapter XL) In the more protracted cases heart-failure may be still the cause of death. But more often the lungs become en- gorged and sodden, and the patient is likely to expectorate quantities of clear or blood-stained fluid and to die water- logged, drowned in his own secretion. Even though the patient survive this condition, it may be only to die of pneumonia. (Cases IL, in. and v., Chapter XL) Recovery. The frequency of recovery from toxic small- pox will depend upon the definition of the term. If the condition is defined by reference, not only to the haainor- rhagic, but also to the other symptoms, cases of recovery are very exceptional. A patient, for instance, may develop haeinaturia together with certain other less important symp- toms of haemorrhage ; yet he may suffer so little prostration that the issue will be hardly in serious doubt. 'Such cases are met with occasionally, and it would be a misuse of terms to instance them as cases of recovery from toxic or hsemor- rhagic smallpox. Though recovery is so exceptional when the patient ex- hibits, not only pronounced hsemorrhagic symptoms, but also excessive prostration, the characteristic facies, or the f cot or oris, yet as a matter of fact such patients often survive the toxaemia. And the termination of that stage of the illness is sometimes very well defined. The pains disappear, if they have lasted so long, the symptoms of collapse pass off, and the patient loses the facies and the sense of prostration which the collapse provoked. But these omens are generally illusory. Death, probably, will soon be brought about by redema of the lungs, which the toxaemia has already en- gendered, or by pneumonia arising out of it. If the patient escape those dangers, the focal rash will be likely to prove fatal. In most of these cases the rash is profuse and is sufficient to kill, in the earliest stage of its suppuration, a patient already worn out by the previous illness. Some- times, however, the patient does not succumb until late - - x.2 .;: o 1 1 i W X bC-2 X C O a -~' H |. S =u 9 o a J: " - 5, f. p O -S u (S 2 C ^C 2 gjg 1 1 ~ O "o3 0) C fo lfl ' a 5^.^S I c ^ 3?*{ ^ o c M J 'x '3 *~ c - -S C3 O "" cS ei H^EMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 93 in the secondary fever, and occasionally recovers com- pletely. Complete recovery from toxic smallpox is generally attributable to the fact that the rash is of moderate severity only, or is partly modified. It has been pointed out (Chapter IX., p. 63) that a severe toxtemia is not necessarily the prelude to an abundant focal rash ; and that a total loss of immunity to the toxaemia may co-exist with the reten- tion of some immunity to the eruptive fever. It follows that, though with toxic smallpox it is the rule for the rash to be excessive if the patient lives long enough for it to develop, yet in some cases the rash will not be very abundant, and in others will display some degree of modification. (Plate LXXXV., Fig. 1.) It is usually in such circumstances that recovery from toxic smallpox occurs. Duration and course. In exceptional cases, which there is no hesitation to class as toxic, life is prolonged far into the secondary fever. But as a rule the patient does not survive beyond the eighth day of efflorescence ; a date which would correspond, in most cases, with the tenth or eleventh day of illness. With natural smallpox the onset of suppuration occurs on the fifth day of efflorescence, and by the eighth the eruption has completely matured. With toxic smallpox, also, the course of events in that respect may be not materially different ; that is to say, a patient, dying on the eighth day of efflor- escence, may display a pustular eruption. (Cases n. and in., Chapter XL, and Chart XIIL, p. 90.) But in many other instances life may be prolonged to the same extent, and yet suppuration may hardly become evident. Such delay in the advent of suppuration is occasioned by the undue severity and duration of the toxcemic fever. In most cases of toxic smallpox the outcrop occurs at the usual time, that is to say, on the third or fourth day of illness. Yet, as was pointed out in Chapter VI. (p. 42), an excessively severe toxaemia is capable of retarding all stages of the subsequent evolution of the eruption. (Cases v. and vi., Chapter XL, and Chart XL, p. 89.) 94 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX The toxaemic fever may be prolonged, also, by a protracted interval between the onset of the illness and the outcrop of the rash (see Chapter IX., p. 62). The outcrop may be post- poned until after the fourth, or fifth, or even the sixth day of illness. A delayed outcrop is a feature of some of the worst cases. (Case vn., Chapter XL) On account of this variety in the possible course of the ill- ness, there is no uniformity of clinical aspect about patients who have been ill for the same length of time. Patients even, whose eruptions are of the same age may display con- siderable variety in the character of the rash. The worst forms of an illness are generally the least common, and cases of toxic smallpox occur with a frequency which is in inverse proportion to the rapidity of the fatal issue. Most cases are fatal after the seventh day of illness ; and in such, whatever its precise character may be, a pronounced eruption is almost always developed before the end of the illness. When the date of death falls between the fifth and seventh day of illness, there is much more inconstancy as to the prominence which the eruption attains. A well-developed vesicular rash may be seen in a case fatal on the fifth day, and but a few scanty papules in a case fatal on the seventh. Patients sometimes die before the outcrop. In such cases, for the reasons already set forth, it by no means follows that the illness is of the briefest. (Case viu., Chapter XI.) In the majority of instances the patient does not die before the fourth day. Indeed, death earlier than the fourth day is altogether exceptional ; yet it is possible for the toxaemia to kill in little more than twenty -four hours. CHAPTER XIII H^MORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX (concluded) The focal rash. The clinical character of a case depends chiefly upon the prominence attained by the focal rash. If the eruption is absent or inconspicuous, the case is dominated by the constitutional and hseinorrhagic symptoms; but in most cases, however the illness commenced, the skin affection ultimately usurps the attention, and the disease seems to be almost as much a dermatosis as a constitutional disorder. The kind of rash met with in the commonest sort of case has already been described in Chapter YL (p. 40). The rash is profuse ; on the face it is confluent or superconfluent. In its earlier stage it is generally bright red ; occasionally the colour tends to a dusky tint ; it is pale only when the pros- tration is extreme. The papules are soft, and often incon- spicuous individually. The vesicles are flat, flaccid, and slug- gish in evolution. (Plate LXXXIX.) In some cases the cuticle becomes detached, here and there, and blebs are formed con- taming blood-stained serum. The capacity of the lesion to provoke effusion of blood increases with its progress in evolution. Many cases in which the rash becomes vesicular are, therefore, distinguished by pronounced hsemorrhagic extravasations about the lesions. (Plate xc.) Yet it must be remembered that the promi- nence which this symptom attains is governed very much by individual idiosyncrasy. In many cases of confluent small- pox, approximating to the malignant type but sustaining no claim to be called toxic, the lesions exhibit, here and there, more especially on the limbs, purplish subvesicular staining or violet-tinted areolae. And there are cases of toxic smallpox in plenty, with well-developed focal rashes, which display hsemorrhagic extravasations of no greater prominence. 95 96 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX When death occurs before the rash has passed beyond the papular stage, even though the papules may have been developed in abundance, haemorrhage about them is generally absent or inconspicuous. Yet of some such cases these extra- vasations form a prominent feature. (Plate xci.) When the patient dies before the efflorescence is completed the rash is likely to be still more anomalous than in the cases already considered. The papules are soft, pale, and almost flush with the surface of the skin. If hardly perceptible to the eye, they are still less obvious to the touch. And what makes the case still more puzzling is that the suppression of the development of papules is apt to be more complete on the face than elsewhere, because the face, being naturally best supplied with blood, suffers most from the depression of the circulation. Under these circumstances, when the observer is confronted with an eruption, anomalous both in the character of its lesions and in their apparent distribution, it is not surprising that the nature of the case is easy to mistake. Cases in which death wholly anticipates the efflorescence are, in reality, very exceptional. More often, when cases of that repute occur, it is possible to detect a few papules if they are sought, not on the face, but on some part of the body where the circulation is less impaired. The symptoms of haemorrhage. Even when these symp- toms are pronounced, no patient runs up the whole gamut of expression of the hsemorrhagic tendency. There are, therefore, many possible combinations of the symptoms and corresponding variety in the aspect of the case. Such dif- ferences are determined by no sort of rule. Whether death comes early or late, whether the focal rash is well or ill de- veloped, the food or air-passages, the lungs, the kidneys, or the cutaneous surface may be the seat of the dominating hsemorrhagic symptom, or any combination may fall to be endured. It must not be assumed that the nature of the attack is always advertised boldly in symbols of blood. Even if the hsemorrhagic symptoms do ultimately become conspicuous, H^EMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 97 in most cases they are not of very early development. In the action of the toxin on the blood-vessels, time seems to be an element of importance ; and, as a rule, the haeinorrhagic symptoms do not appear until late in the illness, and perhaps not until near its close. In a minority of cases the symptoms of haemorrhage never become very prominent. Most of such cases are near the borderland of the class. Yet these symptoms are not necessarily pronounced when the attack is of the first severity. New-born babies are especially susceptible to the operation of the toxin, and occasionally die of toxic smallpox with the hsemorrhagic symptoms wholly suppressed. A child, 10 days after birth, developed a very scanty variolous rash, the papules being very soft and inconspicuous even at the time of death, which occurred four days later. Death was sudden. No haemorrhage was observed during life, but at the autopsy a few trivial internal extravasations were found. Such cases suggest that, in excessive doses or in highly susceptible subjects, the toxin may sometimes paralyse the heart before it can injure the vessels. Toxic rashes. Petechi* and such small cutaneous ex- travasations are exceptional in often making their appearance earlier in the illness than most other hsemorrhagic signs. That circumstance is of service to the observer when the petechiffl are components of a purpuric rash. The purpuric rash. The purpuric rash, described in Chapter X., is seen in a considerable proportion of toxic cases. But it is sometimes so vivid and extensive, and the tendency to blood-staining is so much exaggerated, that its identity is apt to be obscured and its real nature to escape recognition. In such cases the surface affected is packed densely with small petechia? and pricked out with larger shot - like extravasations ; while the erythematous matrix in which these are embedded may appear as a broad sheet of dark-red or violet discoloration. (Case VIIL, Chapter XI.) Sometimes the change goes further, and the surface is splashed with irregular patches of purple in which the finer markings are H 98 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX lost. First seen thus, the best part of the skin of the trunk all claret-stained, it may never suggest itself that the rash is generically the same as the familiar stippled erythema limited to the region about the groins. There is another reason which, in toxic cases, is apt to make this rash more difficult of recognition. It has been mentioned that in some cases the erythematous basis of the purpuric rash encroaches beyond its normal limits. (Chapter X., p. 68.) This is most likely to happen when the patient has toxic smallpox; the back and limbs may be then ex- tensively invaded by the erythema, and even the whole body covered. But whereas, ordinarily, such an overflowing of the erythema is likely to be fugitive and not to obscure the characteristic distribution of the rash, in toxic cases there is the difficulty that any kind of erythema is liable to take on a special character and to exhibit blood-stasis and some degree of blood-staining. Nevertheless, even under such confusing circumstances the identity of the rash is seldom lost, because of the special aggregation of purpuric elements in its peculiar area of choice. This exact identification of the purpuric rash is of no little importance, because in some cases of toxic smallpox the diagnosis turns upon its recognition. Though in many instances the rash presents the striking effects which have been described, it must be remembered that even in toxic cases it more commonly displays the usual characters of tint and distribution described in Chapter X. It is risky to found a prognosis on the character of the rash. Its association with extensive diffuse violet or purple discoloration is generally portentous. Yet an unusually vivid and deeply-stained rash is sometimes the occasion of a mis-diagnosis of hsemorrhagic smallpox in the case of a patient who makes a good recovery and, perhaps, never develops more than an abortive focal eruption and a trifling secondary fever. Toxic erythema. In some cases of toxic smallpox another kind of rash is encountered which, unlike the purpuric rash, is devoid of any striking peculiarity of character or distribu- tion. It occurs as a patchy or uniform erythema, sometimes H.EMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 99 limited to the trunk, sometimes extending to the limbs or to the whole body. In many cases the erythema, like the erythema of the purpuric rash, becomes the seat of diffuse or blotchy blood-stains, especially when it persists until near the fatal termination ; or, again, its uniformity may be relieved by petechise. But the display of haemorrhage is an accidental, not an essential attribute. In character, the rash may resemble closely some of those benign toxsemic erythernata Avhich are most prone to affect the trunk of the body. (See Chapter X., p. 70.) The points of distinction are that the toxic erythema is less fugitive, is of deeper tint, is liable to exhibit blood-stasis or blood-staining, and is apt to produce a leather-like stiffening or thickening of the skin which it. occupies, so that the rash can be felt as well as seen. But, in fact, the two kinds of rash are little likely to be confused, because they are encountered in cases of so different a character. There is more risk of the toxic erythema being attributed to another exanthem. The interrupted character which it frequently displays may be the occasion of confusion with measles, as is often the case with the rose rashes described in Chapter X. The severity of the constitutional symptoms, the insignificance of any symptoms of catarrh which may be present, and the absence of pulmonary symptoms are a combination which forms an important distinguishing feature. Though oedema of the lungs is common with toxic smallpox, this complication is not of early onset, and its advent would be accompanied by other less ambiguous signs The development of symptoms of haemorrhage, though not absolutely precluding a diagnosis of measles, should suggest an attitude of extreme caution. A diagnosis of scarlet fever may be suggested either by the toxic erythema or by the petechial rash. The mistake is not very frequent, and there may be no facts to justify it except the presence of the rash itself. Nevertheless the con- dition of the throat may give colour to the mis-diagnosis. A not infrequent symptom of toxic smallpox is a deep congestion of the fauces, palate and root of the tongue, which gives place 100 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX quickly to a bloody extravasation into those tissues. (Chapter XL, p. 79.) There is, however, no ulceration of the throat, no exudation, no enlargement of the tonsils, no swelling of the lymphatic glands or of the cellular tissue below the jaw. Though the temperature may be high with toxic smallpox, not infrequently it is low ; whereas with scarlet fever the fever is high except with intensely malignant cases. And vomit- ing, which is an extremely frequent and prominent symptom of scarlet fever, is generally not very pronounced, and is often absent even in the worst cases of smallpox. Post-mortem signs. The results of the autopsy will correspond with the signs of haemorrhage observed before death ; extravasations of blood along the urinary tract will be found when there has been haematuria, congested lungs when there has been haemoptysis, gastric or intestinal extravasations when there has been bleeding from the stomach or bowel. Certain internal extravasations produce no symptoms, and in their enumeration it will be presumed that only some ol them will be detected in a particular case. Lungs and air -passages. The structures along the respiratory tract are liable to considerable damage. The pharynx, tonsils, palate, the root of the tongue and the epiglottis may be stained black by the effusion of blood. The larynx and trachea, also, are often deeply stained. In many instances the lungs are deeply congested throughout ; but sometimes the congestion is limited to their bases. In certain cases distinct extravasations are found scattered about the lung tissue, and sometimes wedge-shaped pulmonary "apoplexies" may be seen on the surface. In most cases the tissue is not only congested but also cedematous ; yet, as a rule, there is no pneumonic consolidation. Pleuritic effusion is uncommon and always slight ; but recent pleural adhesions are met with with some frequency. Alimentary tract. The intestinal canal is much less frequently affected. Violet petechise and larger purple extravasations may be found scattered about the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. Occasionally the whole circumference of the gut for a few inches is black from extensive extravasation beneath the mucous membrane. Urinary organs. Haematuria is associated with extravasations in the kidney or, less frequently, in the bladder. In the bladder these appear as black plaques upon the internal surface. In the kidney the extravasation takes place beneath the lining of the pelvis. Small ^ 4J 'C*J'C >> r* ~ a o >3 t- v. i >: 5 5 . & S S p "i ^ TT O Xt is <-* ! tn bCo &..< ; ee ^ ^ .2 ^ o i.~$o$:rt>Sir C ' 01 1. CS -w iS-r a -= ^3 5 S 9 03 0.2 "~ S 73 o c ' 33 .2 x"a to 4) '%,. Mill t- S i cS j a. c llll o5 v eg - T3 '- S* C M - * S Tc c* 3 .-2 03 cS G *o rt S " CJ O c .'O S .S c C J3 v. .2 "" *> Is c c 2 'E H g C ce p3 o ^ /,; o c S M * g .2 | ;fl.g ^ijl &c K"t? a 12 o J3 H H.EMORRHAGIC OR TOXIC SMALLPOX 101 extravasations are met with sometimes on the surface of the kidney beneath the capsule. Less commonly the whole organ is enlarged and congested. Liver and spleen. The condition of the liver is singularly variable. It is a remarkable fact that an illness of about a week in duration should be capable of increasing so greatly the weight of the organ. In the absence of any morbid change except those found after smallpox, the weight attained may be anything up to 6 Ibs. But in most cases the weight does not exceed 4 3 Ibs., and not infrequently it is within the normal limits. In some cases the organ is much congested and, when cut, drips with blood ; in other cases the tissue is pale. The liver exhibits sometimes an early stage of " nutmeg " degeneration. In many cases the tissue is unnaturally yellow in colour. This colour is probably due, in most instances, to altered blood-pigment ; for, tbough fatty degeneration is found occasionally, such a change is not very common. Indeed, the tissue is so far from being soft, that in most cases an unusual toughness is its main characteristic. As often as not the spleen is within the normal limits of size ; and when it is enlarged the weight seldom exceeds 12 ozs. The colour and consistency are very variable. Serou* is a ri', ices and connective tissue. The serous surfaces nearly always exhibit a certain number of petechi;e and small circular extrava- sations, but these are seldom very abundant. They occur in the pleura, in the pericardium (chiefly in the visceral layer near the base of the heart), and in the peritoneum. In the last situation the favourite places are along the gut and in the mesentery. Extravasations often occur in the areolar tissue in various situations. Such effusions are most apt to come in the tissue about the kidneys and along the attachment of the mesentery, and in those situations are not infrequently rather extensive ; but smaller extravasations are liable to be found almost anywhere, from the interrnuscular spaces to the fissures of the brain. \''i., r- fc * fr-S .8 f l^-^ * g w fe C - - C ^ g C c o o -S .s r= * t: -- ^ - ^^ bbg o 5e ^'ll 8 -! i;i=P 1?1^1 o c = ""O 59 ->J CD gg !s a ^ ^ i aj ci 'o "" O -^ 73 -u -< c3 So = S^S|.i: : \r^ v w. y * . ? 5 $ I *&! ' i~ .g o gf so - s.5 5 5.^25^ /3 * -^ 13 T3 o c ^ s '* *~" * > - ^ s 1^-sl - 8 -111 I IS 81 1>n S.|| 8 b w PLATE C. Erythema papulatum of extensive distribution. The rash covered the trunk, limbs, and face. Tliere were apparent many differences from the distribution of smallpox, but these were displayed chiefly in points of detail. PLATE CI- Fig. 1. Erythema multiforme. The rash was confluent on the hands, and simulated closely a profuse papular variolous eruption. But in places, as the print shows, the individuality of the papules was wholly lost. The general distribution of the rash was very nnlike that of smallpox. Fig. 2. Acute urticaria. This print and the next (Plate en.) are from the same patient. The rash was generalised, but, in distribution, showed wide departures from the variolous pattern. The face was not much affected, the incidence being greater on the limbs. The rash was thicker on the back than on the front of the trunk, but its disposition was somewhat patchy. The flexor surfaces of the limbs suffered equally with the extensor, and the rash invaded the armpits. PLATE CI. 59 H O s2 - C s o o -s J o c c s a w o sis. te - s 2 u |l |s i .2 ~ ^2 1 o^J ' .c -S 2 * oo o sgc^ c ,g ;r _ _^ oT x 'c J |-l- s 1 iilft r ^i-5^ 2 s3 * 3 -2 < c ~* ~ ,11 o-S c - cl 8^*8 00 c ' = IHll , - cS o ^T o o X ~ v C u , O > O ~ ID ) - a j= :- o> o a) *> . -a = c -^ O ^ *a .S o - >. o >. o 5 - ^ PLATK CVI1. Acute febrile erythema in the case of a child. The rash was confluent on the face, and" elsewhere its elements were coherent. The resemblance to smallpox was closer at an earlier stage of the illness. In the state depicted the affinity was rather to measles, from which the case was distinguished by the absence of symptoms of catarrh, by the irregular and splash-like character of the rash, and by the large size of its elements. CHAPTER XV CHICKENPOX CHICKEXPOX is mistaken for smallpox about half as frequently as all other diseases combined. In the majority of cases the resemblance is superficial only ; but there are some in which the lesions approximate in character so closely to those met with in many cases of the graver disease that the distinction would be very difficult, did it turn only upon the symptoms and upon the character of the spots. Fortunately the eruption of each disease has so much individuality of dis- tribution that it is only when the rash is scanty, and when there is a dearth of evidence of any kind, that the judgment need be seriously in doubt. Chickenpox is a disease of childhood, and smallpox, at the present day, a disease of adults. That to this rule there are many exceptions is, perhaps, not fully realised, for many adult patients are wrongly certified. Chickenpox is not uncommon among adults, and occurs up to middle age ; and adults get by no means sparse eruptions. (Plates xxix., ex., and cxi.) The disease is as easy of recognition in their cases as in the cases of children ; but not infrequently the decision has rested, it would appear, not upon the evidence, which was unambiguous, but just upon the mathematical probability. Contrariwise, smallpox is sometimes mistaken for chickenpox, not so much from the inherent difficulty of the case, as because the patient happens to be a child, and chickenpox a disease of childhood. The method of onset of the illness is as insecure a guide as the age of the patient. The eruption of smallpox is usually preceded by a period of fever, and the fever of chickenpox is generally coincident with the outcrop of the rash. Not infrequently, however, the eruption of chicken- in 118 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX pox is preceded by fever and malaise ; indeed, in rare cases there is, as is so often the case with smallpox, a prodromal or a coincident erythema.* On the other hand, in cases of smallpox of the milder sort the outcrop of the rash may be the first symptom to be displayed. The presence or absence of precedent febrile symptoms is, in fact, not of much account in the class of cases which fall to be distinguished. Nor is there much significance in the amount of fever which accompanies or succeeds the efflorescence. The eruption. Much weight should not be attached to the mere density of the eruption. Though confluent chicken- pox is highly exceptional, the rash, not infrequently, is de- veloped in surprising quantity, and vesicles, here and there, may be coherent. In most cases the lesions of chickenpox seem to begin as vesicles ; yet, probably, such is not really the case. If the rash be seen early enough, there may generally be observed among the vesicles some small papules, soft, hardly raised above the surface for the most part mere flecks. These papules are so evanescent that the vesicles seem to start, ready made, from the skin. Yet in some cases the papules are larger, better formed, and longer lived. The rash then may be said to pass through a distinct papular stage; and if the patient be seen on the day of outcrop he may exhibit a rash wholly papular, and have an exceptional opportunity of earning a certificate of smallpox. Character of the lesions. The differential diagnosis of the two diseases must almost always be determined by the evidence presented by the eruption, and the trend of cus- tom, perhaps, is to give undue weight to the character of the lesions, or rather to certain traits of character. This body of evidence, certainly, is of the greatest moment, but it is necessary to keep the component features in perspec- tive. Just as with smallpox the salient feature is that the * For an account of the accidental rashes of chickenpox, see J. D..Rolleston, British Medical Journal, May 4th, 1907. CHICKENPOX 119 focus of the lesion lies deep among the epidermal cells, so with chickenpox it is that the focus lies immediately be- neath the cuticle. And by as much as either disease de- parts from that rule, by so much do its lesions approximate in character to those of the other. That the lesions of chickenpox are rooted near the sur- face can generally be made out best by inspection and manipulation. The exceedingly superficial and fragile-look- ing vesicles which doubtless suggested such names as glass- pox and Windpocken, though common enough in practice, are not often seen in cases which are likely to be misinterpreted. Yet, even though the vesicles be somewhat more deeply placed, the distinction in position between the lesions of the two diseases is generally very easy to appreciate. (Plate cvni.) Even when the spots have dried up the difference can generally be perceived between the scabs of chickenpox adhering to the surface and the counter-sunk scabs of small- pox. Interpreted, not as a specific sign, but merely as additional evidence of the position of the lesion, there is no objection to regarding the absence of loculation in the vesicle as a feature of the disease. But it must be remembered that a few multilocular vesicles are met with sometimes in cases of chickenpox, and that unilocular vesicles are not an uncommon feature of smallpox. An interesting characteristic of the disease is the oval outline which some of the vesicles are apt to assume. The vesicle is formed by the effusion of fluid beneath the horny cuticle. Where the skin is thrown habitually into folds or wrinkles the cuticle is stripped more easily in the direction of the fold than across it, and the vesicle tends to increase in the one direction more than in the other. Vesicles of this shape, therefore, are most likely to be met with in situations where the creasing is pronounced ; that is to say, in the neigh- bourhood of the flexures; and the long diameter of the vesicle will lie in the direction of the crease. (Plate cix.) A peculiarity which may be observed still more fre- quently is that many of the vesicles have not so much an 120 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX oval as a jagged or irregular outline. (Plate CVIIL, Fig. 2.) The same explanation holds good, probably, tor all these deviations from the circular shape : the resistance to the expansion of the vesicle is different in different directions, on account of the criss-cross of lines and wrinkles into which the skin habitually falls. That an oval or irregular outline is less frequently displayed by the vesicles of smallpox is due, doubtless, to the circumstance that among the deeper strata of the skin the wrinkling of the surface would have less influence in modify- ing the equal expansion of the vesicle. Yariolous vesicles, at any rate, are more liable to depart from the circular outline when they are unusually superficial (Plate CVIIL, Fig. 1.) For the reason that sometimes they do so depart, the evidence irom outline must not be pressed too far ; such evidence, indeed, is merely additional evidence of position. Yet an elongated outline to some of the lesions is evidence of chickenpox which is especially useful when the patient has not come under observation until the lesions have become encrusted and the other characteristics have become obscure. With regard to all these signs it must be remembered that the extent to which they can be relied upon depends upon the prominence which they may attain. Cases of modified smallpox occur, exceptionally, in which all the lesions, or most of them, display a character more appropriate to chickenpox. On the other hand, lesions of chickenpox are to be encountered which are every bit as deep as those seen in very many cases of smallpox. Chickenpox often leaves scars, and what better proof could there be of the depth to which its lesions may penetrate ? But in cases of each disease it happens generally that, though in places the character of the lesions may be discordant, yet on the whole the trend of evidence is in the right direction. Two other minor characteristics distinguish the eruption of chickenpox : the absence of umbilication of the vesicles and the efflorescence of vesicles in successive crops, or, in other words, the presence of lesions in different stages of evolution. A lack of homogeneity among the lesions must CHICKENPOX 121 not always be expected of chickenpox ; and, when it exists, is not necessarily valid evidence against smallpox. The aggregation of lesions of a different age tells against the latter only under the conditions detailed in Chapter VIII. (p. 51). Indentation of a number of vesicles is good evidence against chickenpox, but not the dimpling of a few. The absence of this sign counts nothing either way. Distribution. As there is no part of the body on which the lesions of smallpox may not appear, so there is no part which is incapable of developing the vesicles of chickenpox. They may come on any part of the trunk, limbs, and head, on the palms and the soles, the scalp and the ears, the palate and the buccal mucous membrane. Nevertheless, the rash, hardly less than that of smallpox, shows its individuality by the choice of favourite situations. The seat of election is the trunk of the body, and the rash may be limited to that part almost entirely. More often it comes also on the face ; and sometimes is as dense there as on the trunk. (Plates ex., cxi., cxn.) Smallpox chooses the face before all, next the arms, thirdly the back or legs. While smallpox least affects the front of the trunk, the eruption of chickenpox is often as abundant there as on the back, or more abundant. While the variolous rash is more abundant on the shoulders than over the loins, and more abundant on the chest than on the abdomen, that of chicken- pox displays no such constant difference. Unlike smallpox, chickenpox tends to avoid the limbs, and if the rash affects them, it shows no preference for the extensor surfaces. Its density, besides, increases from below upwards the distri- bution is centripetal ; whereas with smallpox the density increases, from above downwards the distribution is centri- fugal. The larger and better developed variolous spots come at the ends of the limbs where the rash is densest ; with chickenpox, on the contrary, vesicles which occur at the ends of the limbs tend not only to be sparse, but also to be small and ill developed. In applying these considerations to a particular case, it is necessary to weigh the evidence as a whole and not to seize 122 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX upon one part of it as being essential. Both diseases have anomalies of distribution. In the milder and more modified cases of smallpox, for instance, it happens sometimes that the upper limbs or the lower carry less than their wonted share of the rash, and that it is disposed after a fashion which is centripetal rather than centrifugal. Yet the disposition of the rash over the rest of the body will conform to the usual law. A case of chickenpox may be remarkable because the rash is unusually abundant on the limbs (Plate CXIIL); or because, although the rash is scanty on the limbs, a few well-developed vesicles or pustules are seen at their extremities, for example on the hands or soles. But the presence of a rash of some density on the limbs, or of a few fat pustules on the hands or soles, is by no means inconsistent with chickenpox. Again, it is unusual in cases of chickenpox for the rash to be much denser on the face than on the trunk of the body, or for it to be much denser on the back than on the front of the trunk, or denser on the shoulders or on the chest than over the loins or on the abdomen. (Plates xxix. and cxn.) Yet those events, happening singly, would not upset the balance of evidence. Similarly, smallpox is more apt than chickenpox to affect the buccal mucous membrane ; but with chickenpox a few vesicles are to be encountered very commonly in that situation, and occasionally they are present in some abundance. It is to be remembered that the eruption of chickenpox is more liable than that of smallpox to be unstable or capri- cious in distribution. The rash has affinities, but the bonds are readily stretched or broken. It is less unusual, therefore, for chickenpox to deviate so far from the type as to mimic the distribution of smallpox than for a variolous rash to approach closely to the common pattern of chickenpox. (Plate CXIIL) Occasionally chickenpox imitates smallpox even by responding to cutaneous irritation. (Plate xxxvi., Fig. 1.) Yet, however specious may be the general similarity displayed by such anomalous cases, there will be material outstanding differ- ences. The gradations in density, for instance, though right in kind may be insufficient in degree ; the rash will not be shy of the armpits and groins ; nor will it map out the con- CHICKENPOX 123 tours of the surface on the face, the neck, the bust, or on other parts of the body. (Plates xxix., CXIL, and cxiv., Fig. 1.) All these points, which are .of great importance to the differentiation of the two diseases, have been fully dis- cussed in earlier chapters. When the eruption is scanty, difficulties in diagnosis begin to arise ; for then the evidence from distribution is less com- plete. If, at the same time, the lesions should be small and should have become encrusted, circumstances under which their character may be difficult to appreciate, the trouble then may be formidable. In such event, it is probably safer to be guided by the disposition of the few spots that can be seen, than by the character which they may be assumed to possess. (Plate xxxvi., Fig. 2.) It is only in such cases that it is right to be much influenced by that circumstantial evidence from which it is so difficult to turn the mind the presence or absence of either disease in the neighbourhood, the age of the patient, and his state in respect of vaccination. Summary. To conclude this account, the chief points of difference between the two diseases are enumerated in the following summary : SMALLPOX CHICKENPOX 1. The rash is most abundant on 1. The abdomen and chest are the face ; most scanty on the covered as thickly as the face, abdomen and chest. or more thickly. 2. The rash is much more - The abdomen is covered abundant on the back than on the equally with the back, abdomen. 3. The rash is more abundant 3. The distribution is indif- on the shoulders than across the ferent. loins, and on the chest than on the abdomen. 4. The rash favours the limbs ; 4. The rash tends to avoid the and, generally, the arms next to limbs. the face. 5. The distribution on the limbs 5. The distribution on the limbs is centrifugal. is centripetal. 6. The rash favours prominences, 6. The rash behaves indiffer- and surfaces exposed to irritation ; ently. it tends to avoid protected sur- faces, flexures, and depressions. 124 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX SMALLPOX continued. 7. The lesions are deep-seated, and have an infiltrated base. 8. The lesions are generally circular in outline. 9. The lesions are homogeneous in character ; or, if they are heterogeneous, they are hetero- geneous by law (Chapter YIIL, p. 52). 10. The vesicles, generally, are multilocular. 11. Frequently some of the vesicles are indented. CHICKEXPOX continued. 7. The lesions are superficial, and the base is not infiltrated. 8. The lesions frequently have an irregular outline ; when they lie near a flexure, they are apt to be oval or elongated. 9. The lesions, often, are not homogeneous ; and the want of homogeneity bears no relation to the sizes of the lesions and to their situation. 10. The vesicles, generally, are unilocular. 11. The vesicles are never in- dented and seldom dimpled. PLATE CVIII. In Fig. 1 the lesions represented were those of smallpox, in Fig. 2 of cbickenpox. The variolous lesions were very superficial, and comparable in that respect with vesicles of chickenpox. Evidence of this shallowness of position is indicated in the print by the steep edges, and by the elongated or irregular outline of many of the vesicles. Those appearances were displayed still more distinctly by the lesions depicted in Fig. 2. The print illustrates a very characteristic feature of the vesicles of chicken- pox, their outline being very irregular, or sinuous, or jagged. 5 ~ :; - . a ,-. .s 2 = ~ = gi|si "s 9 s 1s tec a o to O ., C o I- .* JJ s PH! g o.S 2 G "to o *^ sf-2 g G HJs* K = gSa O - ^ > G v fl * 3 O O O '.3 .3 * -S o S-^^ G - ' '^ c = s s s g Uai- **s g,d "- 1 Q) X 3 55.2 - 2 9 ci ^ S 5 93 g I-* 8 o > 3 cs 2 c 1 a. ~ QJ C) o s c a & JsJi .i". ^ : "8 = E |~ 1'lj *x _^ *3 B^^ PLATE CXI. This illustration and the next are from photographs of the same patient. He had chickenpox, and the rash was particularly abundant. It was dis- tributed uniformly and indifferently on the face, back, flanks, chest, and abdomen ; a plan of distribution in striking contrast with that followed by smallpox. The upper extremities were unusually well provided, but the rash diminished in density from above downwards, and was as abundant on the flexor surfaces of the limbs as on the extensor surfaces. PLATE CXII. From the same case as Plate cxi. It will be noticed that the rash was distributed indifferently on the face and invaded the orbit. It invaded also the arm- pit, the suprasternal notch, and the posterior triangle of the neck. ee x C ** C3 * .-X .T- itlil * O-T- Wj= = *G r "G - x c 5 *" * o w - a ^ o S^-c a*j a s o (ft :- d p^ > ^ Cu . a s p ^3 Or^J & a o> c *a -a g ^ B. CC 'C j^ o -" fi> "? " a> c 5 q>J= B tn L I fi c S^- a H "^ *-C ff ^ sl-iS .2 IS ^i?S5 fi IH n ;r - 52 . a o - O -5 -Z rt i; i is C/ ;r , i ., .. - C 2 "^ .= >> __ eS s = - c o .s .;i o a? - J3 J2 05 rfi 11 I s "So jj" 3 ^ 0, o 3 = =. =- I s l J. ~^> CS O &. 4* ^ c p i-e s .2 c ) O 0) = 2 .S i o /; " ^ > 03 ce ^1 s ^^2 g . n o u < -S c 2 II 1885 CHAPTER XVI SYPHILIS VACCINIA Syphilis. This disease, which mimics all things, mimics smallpox ; and though it furnishes some of the easiest, furnishes also the most difficult cases to distinguish. In most cases the patient presents a papular or a pustular eruption. The syphilitic roseola, as might be supposed, is not often mimetic. Vesicular syphilides, though uncommon, might reasonably be expected, when they do occur, sometimes to pass themselves off as variolous eruptions; the more so as one variety has been distinguished by the epithet "varioli- form." Yet such a tendency does not appear to exist, or is exhibited but rarely. The roseola, the earliest of the secondary syphilides, con- sists of macules or erythematous blotches scattered, mostly, over the front part of the trunk and the flexor surfaces of the limbs. In that guise it is, therefore, wholly unlike a papular variolous rash, either in character or in distribution. Yet there are cases in which the macules are smaller, more prominent, profusely developed and covering almost the whole surface of the body including the face. If such an eruption be ushered in or accompanied by fever and febrile symptoms, as may very well be the case, a precipitate observer might suppose that he had to do with an acute specific fever, and make a diagnosis of measles or of smallpox. With syphilis in the mind, it is not difficult to detect the imposture. The chancre, it may be, has only to be looked for ; and commonly there are not wanting other characteristic signs. Smallpox, at any rate, can be readily eliminated by the softness of the lesions, if not by their size, by their lack of uniformity of character, and by the anomalies of distribution which are no less obvious when the rash is profuse than when it is scanty. 125 126 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX With many examples of papular and pustular syphilo- derms the rash is of sudden development, and, if abundant, its outcrop is not infrequently attended by noteworthy consti- tutional symptoms. It may happen, therefore, with these eruptions, as with the roseola, that the general character of the illness may be something after the style of an acute specific fever. In other cases the facts are not so ; and in all cases the sequel differs from the after-history of a case of smallpox. Yet, for reasons which will be discussed in the next chapter, such considerations may be of little practical value at the moment ; and though they may find their application in suit- able circumstances, it will not be worth while to be occupied with them here. Of the papular syphilides some examples figure in the illustrations. (Plates cxiv., Fig. 2, cxv. and cxvi.) The rash may be profuse and may cover almost the whole body, but its incidence is frequently limited and it is apt to be disposed in patches. Unlike the roseola, the papular syphilide frequently affects the face, and in that respect resembles smallpox ; but there is never a close resemblance in the incidence of the eruptions of the two diseases. In some cases the individual papules approximate in character to the variolous papule ; and if attention be concentrated on that circumstance to the exclusion of other evidence, the fact may be found deceptive. Yet in most cases distinguishing characteristics are not want- ing to the lesions ; such as their size or their shape syphilitic papules are apt to be eccentric in outline and flat- topped the presence of scales, the colour, or the association with such exotic lesions as nodules or tubercles or squames. Most frequently the syphiloderm to be distinguished con- sists chiefly or entirely of pustular lesions. (Plates cxvu. and LXVI.) As with the papular syphilides, so with the pustular, the discrimination is easy in proportion as the lesions are polymorphous. Sometimes a few discordant lesions, like ulcers or rupial crusts, may be detected among the rest ; and though such pronounced polymorphism may be absent, still there may be too much diversity of character. The lesions of smallpox are not always homogeneous; but it would be SYPHILIS 127 against such a diagnosis to find pustules and well-developed papules co-existing, or small pustules lying side by side with large crusts. Again, some of the pustules may be too large, or there may be too much diversity of size, or some of them may be too irregular in outline. The position in the skin which the lesion occupies is important to determine, and may be a valuable distinguishing feature. A syphilitic sore, especially if it is not lacking in size, may dip down deeply into the corium or even to the subcutaneous tissue, and may be distinguished by its bulging shape and by the induration about its base. The presence ot even a few lesions of such a character might be distinctive. Less frequently, the pustule is too superficial, being little more than a bleb or crust upon the surface. But most of the lesions of secondary syphiloderms, whether papular or pustular, occupy the papillary layer of the skin or are embedded deeply among the epidermal cells. They occupy, that is to say, a position indistinguishable from that of the variolous lesion. And though, because the inflammatory process is less acute, they may lack resistance to the touch and feel softer than do the papules and pustules of smallpox, yet of such small differences of resistance it is very difficult to make sure. The circumstance that the lesions may occupy an in- different position in the skin causes some cases of syphilis to be extraordinarily difficult to distinguish ; but for the difficulty to arise the rash must be scanty. When the eruption is profuse, not only may telling differences of character be found among the lesions, but abundant evidence will be furnished also by their distribution. If, instead of being, as is frequently the case, patchy or elliptical in its incidence, the rash is broad-cast and uniformly indiscriminate in its choice of situation, that lack of discrimination should betray it. And should it happen, as occasionally it must, that the distribution bears in outline a specious resemblance to the variolous pattern, yet even then, unless the rash be scanty, it will be very easy to find discrepancies in points of detail Scanty pustular syphilides may be encountered, whose lesions are of uniform character and do not differ materially 128 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX from those of many cases of modified smallpox. To distin- guish such cases by the evidence furnished by the eruption alone, it would therefore be necessary to rely wholly upon the distribution. Commonly the rash is either of limited extent or else faulty in its order of choice. But it is clear that occasionally the characteristics of the eruption will be indecisive, and that it will be necessary to cast about for other evidence. The patient may exhibit other symptoms of syphilis, or there may be signs of previous syphilitic eruptions, such as small scars or pigment-marks. An analysis of the personal history may help, but whether the disease be syphilis or smallpox it will be equally unlikely for the constitutional symptoms to have been prominent ; and should the history suggest, or should the patient admit, a past attack of syphilis, it will not follow necessarily that because he has once had syphilis he has not now got smallpox. Fortunately the cases are very exceptional of which the difficulties of diagnosis are so profound. Vaccinia. It is more from the difficulty than the fre- quency of the problems to which they give rise that vaccinal eruptions derive their importance. It would seem that there is no temptation to attribute a vaccinal rash to smallpox unless the patient has been exposed to infection from that disease. The usual train of events is that a case of smallpox occurs in a house and that the inmates are successfully re- vaccinated ; after an interval one of them develops an eruption, and the question then arises, is the rash variolous or vaccinal ? Before passing to the generalised vaccinal eruptions, the conditions produced by supernumerary vaccine-pustules and the pustules of auto-inoculation deserve a word. It has been shown (Plate I., Fig. 2) that the irritation of a successful vaccine-inoculation, done during the period of incubation of smallpox, is capable of producing a condition which resembles closely that caused by the development of supplementary vaccine-pustules round the place of original inoculation. The event may happen in a case of smallpox even when the eruption is elsewhere so scanty as to concentrate attention j PLATE CXV. A papular syphilide. The rash covered the whole body, and the most distinctive feature of its distribution was that all parts were equally affected face, limbs, back, chest, and abdomen. On individual parts of the body, too, there was an absence of those contrasts in density which are to be expected in cases of smallpox. All parts of the back, for instance, were equally affected, and the abdomen equally with the chest. I 8} g-5 -Q o 2 o *- ! . *S . tK S w frt 4 / PLATE CXVII. The print represents a pustular syphilide, and is from the same case as Plate LXVI. The rash invaded all parts of the body, and had a distribution not unlike that of smallpox. The two plates show the resemblance in distribution which was presented by the eruption on the trunk. On the arms, however, the rash had a centripetal distribution, and the flexor surface was affected equally with the extensor. The rash, too, was present in the groins and armpits. The distinction from smallpox was easily made also from the character of the lesions. Many of them were too large, and too irregular in outline, and were heterogeneous in character. VACCINIA 129 almost exclusively on the arm. There may be some simi- larity, therefore, between a condition caused by the conjunc- tion of the two causes, smallpox and vaccination, and that caused by vaccination only ; but it is more likely for the former to be mistaken for the latter than the reverse. Vac- cinal pustules of accidental inoculation, occurring elsewhere than in the neighbourhood of the original sore, may be dis- tinguished from ordinary variolous pustules by their irregu- larity of shape and of distribution ; but it may be recalled that smallpox itself may be conveyed accidentally by inocula- tion, for example, from a mother to the child. (Chapter VIII., p. 53.) The accidental and unspecific eruptions which occur after vaccination need not be discussed, nor the erythematous rashes of general distribution which are doubtless caused by the circulation in the blood-stream of the secondary products of inflammation absorbed from the vaccine-pustule. But there are to be encountered other generalised eruptions which are composed of distinct elements, and occasionally set problems in diagnosis which are almost insoluble. One difficulty of the matter is occasioned by the rarity of such rashes. It is, at least, to be supposed that they are rare. Public vaccinators appear to have little experience of them, and the accounts in the text-books and periodicals are meagre and unsatisfying. It would not be expected that vaccinal rashes should often be seen in the receiving-room of a small- pox hospital, but they are seen by no means so rarely as the general experience would lead one to suppose. Perhaps the truth is that the rash is so inconspicuous that it escapes attention except when the fear arises that it may, be infectious. Wanting better information, generalised particulate vac- cinal rashes may be divided into two groups. In the first may be placed those which are composed of small superficial papules (vaccinal licehn), or of minute vesicles, or of a mixture of these elements. It is probable that these lesions are tox- a3mic, and are not evidence of a generalisation of the specific virus. The subject is generally a child, and the rash may be 130 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX quite profuse. The lesions are too small and superficial to be variolous, and there is no tendency to imitate smallpox in distribution. In the second group may be placed eruptions whose elements have a closer resemblance to variolous lesions. Ordinarily the rash is sparse. The lesion may be described as a small pimple with a vesicular or pustular head, superficial in position, but not more so than the more superficial of the lesions which may be encountered in cases of modified small- pox. There is this difference, that with modified smallpox, even with the cases which are exceptionally mild, some of the lesions will be more deeply placed, whereas with vaccinia all are superficial. Yet there remains a difficulty : it cannot be denied that it is possible for a variolous eruption to occur, very scanty and modified to an exceptional degree, all of whose lesions shall be as atypical as those of vaccinia. And assuming a particular case to be an example of smallpox and not of vaccinia, a highly modified eruption would be expected, since the patient, by hypothesis, would have been successfully vaccinated during the period of incubation. Vaccinal eruptions have been recorded which were more abundant, and whose lesions were larger and nearer in character to those of the modified variolous rashes more commonly encountered. There is no reason to question the occurrence of such eruptions ; indeed, their occurrence might be expected ; but they are undoubtedly of the utmost rarity, and the author has had no experience of them. Under such circumstances, how can it be decided that the patient has not got smallpox ? Since he must be immune both to smallpox and to vaccinia, no crucial test can be applied. But in some, at least, of these cases the arrangement of the lesions is not such as might be expected if the patient had smallpox. They are prone to affect the trunk, and their distribution is less akin to that of smallpox than to that of chickenpox. It is curious that this should be so, since it seems probable that the vaccinal and variolous eruptions have the same pathology. Should no such distinct difference appear, the case would be best treated as one of the graver disease. VACCINIA 131 It may happen that circumstantial evidence opposes a diagnosis of smallpox. If the date of exposure to variolous infection is known, that diagnosis might have to assume too long a period of incubation. If the interval between the exposure and the outcrop were more than sixteen or less than twelve days, the rash would be more likely to be vac- cinal. Or assistance may be derived from the duration of the period between vaccination and the outcrop of the rash. If the outcrop occurred as late as ten days after the date of first reaction to the vaccinal inoculation, the odds against smallpox would be considerable. But the vaccinal eruption is developed, generally, when the local reaction is at its height, that is to say, at the end of the first week after inoc- ulation ; and such an interval is too short to preclude the possibility of the eruption being the bloom of a variolous infection previously ingrained. CHAPTER XVII DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES The less frequent misinterpretations. Besides those der- inatoses, to be noticed presently, which are capable of assuming at least a superficial resemblance to the eruption of smallpox, there are many others which are mistaken rarely, or through accidental circumstances, yet are of considerable importance in the aggregate. In many of these cases the patient suffers really from a constitutional disorder. Such a misapprehension, as might be expected, occurs chiefly when smallpox is rife. It may happen, indeed, and often does happen, that the patient has symptoms of illness but never any eruption ; he is certified on suspicion, because he is known to have been exposed to variolous contagion. But we are concerned rather with the patient who is certified in good faith because he suffers from some disorder which is associated with a skin-eruption, but associated by accident. It may seem strange that such diseases as acute rheumatism, acute tuberculosis, or pneumonia should be mistaken for smallpox. Yet to every- one in practice it occurs, at the onset of an acute disease, to have to debate the alternative diagnosis of an acute specific fever. Suppose, then, that a close examination reveals the presence even of a few pimples, freshly developed or not previously noticed ; is it surprising, smallpox being about, that smallpox should sometimes be suspected ? In some instances the eruption is really a consequence of the constitutional disorder, though the disease is one which is not usually signalised by an eruption. The affection of the skin will be due, probably, to some contamination of the blood-stream. Thus the patient may be suffering from Bright's disease, complicated, perhaps, by uraemia ; or he may 132 DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES 133 be a victim of ulcerative endocarditis or of some other form of pyaemia. It should not be forgotten that a disease which is peculiarly liable to evoke a pustular skin-eruption is diabetes. Occasionally the patient is the subject of a disease of the nervous system, such as acute mania, or cerebral abcess, or meningitis, and the associated eruption may be toxsemic or may possibly be trophic. The mention of the last disease suggests that were epidemic meningitis commoner the eruptions which are a feature of it might sometimes cause it to be mistaken. Another eruptive fever which perhaps owes to its rarity its immunity from a similar misapprehen- sion is glanders. On the other hand, the patient may suffer from a skin- disease, uncomplicated, one which in general bears no resem- blance to smallpox and owes its misapprehension to accidental features of its own rather than to its associations. An erup- tion of small boils may be associated with another malady ; but sometimes the patient has no other disorder, and suspicion was aroused by the suddenness of the attack, the presence of febrile disturbance, and the wide dissemination of the lesions. Though herpes zoster is unsymmetrical in distribution, and therefore wholly alien in character, yet it appears with some constancy in a long series of cases of mistaken diagnosis ; in the deceptive cases the eruption is generally of unusual extent and unusual distribution. Another disease occasionally mistaken is pemphigus, the accident being more likely to occur when the bullse are abnormally small. The catalogue is not exhaustive, but there would be no object in extending it. In none of the instances is there a close resemblance to smallpox, and no great art is required for the distinction. The diagnosis has often been arrived at by the process of exclusion. But not all the eruptions to which the race is subject are systematised in the text-books or are within the experience of any physician ; and while it may be easy to assert that the patient has not got smallpox, it may be impossible to tell the real disease from which he suffers. Antecedent symptoms. In some of the cases suggested 134 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX above, the observer has been misled by the associated symptoms. It is not well that, with a pustular eruption, much weight should be attached to these. When an eruption is nascent, or when it is erythematous or hsemorrhagic in character, the associated symptoms, because of the dearth of evidence, may be of importance. But a pustular eruption furnishes evidence which far outweighs that which may be derived from other sources, and, unless they are such as to lift smallpox clean out of the category of possible diseases, the associated or antecedent symptoms are of insignificant value. Even the absence of antecedent symptoms counts for little. It will be observed that many of the dermatoses presently to be noticed are afebrile. But in most of those instances the eruption is not very profuse ; and it is by no means un- common for scanty variolous eruptions to be preceded by toxaBmic symptoms which have been evanescent or wholly disregarded. Of what use, then, would it be to instance as a distinguishing feature between smallpox and impetigo, that the eruption is preceded in one case by fever and con- stitutional disturbance but not in the other? Besides, as mentioned before, the association with constitutional disturb- ance of an eruption, ordinarily afebrile, may be accidental. A pustular syphilide may'acquire a specious resemblance to small- pox from the onset of an attack of influenza, or a drug-rash from the symptoms of the disease for which the drug was pre- scribed. Still more is it the case that merely the reputed absence of antecedent symptoms is of little moment. The observer, often, has not seen the patient until after the development of the rash and, for the antecedent symptoms, has to rely upon hearsay evidence. Hearsay evidence may be involuntarily deceptive, or it may be, even, that there is a deliberate attempt to deceive. It matters little whether the history relates to the absence of constitutional symptoms or to the duration of the eruption itself. It happens, not infrequently, that it is not sufficient to exclude smallpox that the eruption is of chronic course. A chronic disease must have a begin- ning, and may have a sudden outset ; but the patient, often, DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES 135 has been in possession of the rash long enough, if all were known, to put smallpox out of count. The fact is that the circumstantial evidence may be too strong. When smallpox breaks out in a house or institution everyone with a blemished skin is apt to be looked upon with suspicion. That is an attitude which cannot very well be condemned ; but it follows that, in the last resort, everyone must be prepared to distinguish smallpox wholly by the character of the rash. Acne. This malady furnishes a striking illustration of some of the preceding remarks. It is chronic, afebrile, de- void of symptoms. Yet, next to chickenpox, it is perhaps the commonest disorder to be mistaken for smallpox. Acne, as a rule, is easy to identify by the character of certain of the lesions, and by their limitation to the upper part of the body the face, shoulders, back and chest. (Plate cxix., Fig. 1.) The characteristic acne-spot is deeply rooted in the skin and its base is infiltrated and cedematous, so that the contour of the lesion is that of a broad and shallow cone. (Plate cxvin.) Such lesions are most frequent on the upper part of the back, where they are often associated with black- heads and old scars. But most of the spots, especially those which occur on the face, are more superficial and less characteristic, and they may give a passable rendering of some of the pustules to be found in certain cases of modi- fied smallpox. The worst cases are the least likely to be mistaken. The diagnosis may be in doubt, either because no charac- teristic acne-spots and scars are present, or because it is not certain that the patient has not got smallpox as well A close examination may reveal, indeed, certain lesions which could not possibly be produced by acne ; such as vesicles, however small, for acne does not produce vesicles ; flat- topped or hemispherical pustules; or disc-like scabs. Even if no such elements can be detected, the presence of spots on the legs or forearms or hands would be a highly sus- picious circumstance. On the other hand, if the rash had the usual limitation of acne, the presence of a few undoubted acne-spots would almost certainly exclude smallpox; and if 136 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX the character of the lesions were wholly in doubt, such a limitation would justify the exclusion unless the rash were of the scantiest proportions, that is to say, composed of a dozen or so of spots. Dermatitis. Acute eczema.: In the instances in which this disease is misinterpreted the attack is of sudden onset and involves simultaneously a large portion of the skin. (Plate cxix., Fig. 2.) The patient may be a child or an adult, and may or may not have been previously subject to the malady. It may be, even, that the disease was already present in a chronic form on a part of the skin affected by the fresh attack. (Plate XXVIIL) It more often happens, however, that the disease has appeared for the first time, and has been ushered in by fever and febrile symptoms. In some cases there is the further resemblance to smallpox that the eruption begins with the profuse development of small papules, which rapidly become vesi- cular and pustular. It takes but a short time for the disap- pearance of any resemblance which once existed, and at no stage of the illness can the likeness be considered close. The small size of the lesions in the majority of cases, their superficial position, and the oedema and infiltration of the skin below them, are common distinguishing features. Impetigo. It is not always as easy as might be supposed to tell an impetiginous eruption. An eruption of typical character, with wax-like vesicles and amber-coloured adherent crusts, this there is little temptation to confuse. In the more troublesome cases there has been a secondary infection of the follicles producing an eruption of mixed character, of which some of the pustules are deep-seated and may have some resemblance to the less typical variolous pustules. Another cause which tends to increase the difficulty of ultimate classification is that the impetiginous rash may be secondary to another form of dermatitis. Yet the diversity of character among the lesions which may be produced by these causes is a valuable means of distinction from smallpox. Some of the lesions may be obviously exotic, and a common feature is that they are too heterogeneous. (Plate cxxi., Fig. 1.) The most DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES 137 difficult cases are those in which the rash is obsolescent and consists only of crusts. Something may still be told by their shape, size, and position in the skin, but the best guide will be their distribution. (Plate cxx.) Scabies. The vesicular and pustular eruptions which are secondary to scabies may be puzzling if their cause has been overlooked or put aside. In exceptional cases the eruption is profuse and widely disseminated, and when the subject is very young may even affect the face. The burrows may be difficult to find, but the exact identification of the disease is not of much importance to the issue, since it is seldom difficult to exclude smallpox by the more salient features of the rash. The vesicles evoked by the irritation of the parasite are much more superficial than those of smallpox ; and the inherent eruption is often engrafted with a secondary dermatitis which may cause, as was mentioned in considering impetigo, considerable diversity of character among the lesions, and add to the ease of the distinction. Traumatic dermatitis and dermatitis of obscure' origin. A variety of cases may be grouped into this section. As with scabies, the rash may be due to the depredations of parasites or insects, such as mosquitoes or lice. With suscept- ible subjects the bites of mosquitoes sometimes cause a very notable eruption, which may be attended by the formation of vesicles as big as a split pea. In other cases the rash is an occupation dermatitis, or is caused by some form of mechan- ical or chemical irritation. In some instances, though the rash may be suspected to be of traumatic origin, it may be impossible to ascertain the precise cause ; and the observer must be prepared to encounter examples of pustular dermatitis the cause of which completely baffles him. (Plates xxvil. and cxxi., Fig. 2.) It by no means follows that with these unusual or anomalous forms of dermatitis the eruption is always insignificant. It may be profuse or even confluent. Such cases, though disconcerting, are the easiest to distinguish from smallpox. But commonly the rash is scanty, and its only importance lies in the fear that it may be infectious. Each case must be judged on its merits, but it is very seldom 138 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX that a variolous origin of the eruption cannot be excluded by the peculiarities of distribution. Lichen urticatus. Though this disorder is essentially an urticaria, it may be appropriately mentioned here, since the cases which simulate smallpox do so on account of the secondary eruption of papules or vesicles to which the urti- caria gives rise. The development of vesicles is a very conspicuous feature of certain exceptional cases, and the eruption may be very profuse and widely disseminated. Lichen urticatus occurs chiefly among young children, and it might therefore be held to simulate a highly modified variolous eruption. But the lesions are almost too small and superficial to support that hypothesis, and it is very seldom that they have sufficient uniformity of character. The dis- tribution is wholly unlike, and the malady, of course, is chronic. Papular dermatitis. Just as cases of pustular dermatitis are sometimes encountered which cannot be classified, so also may the event be similar when the eruption is papular and never advances beyond the papular stage of development. The eruption may be subacute or chronic. The papules are generally larger than those commonly seen in cases of papular eczema, and are not collected in groups, as with that disease, but are scattered broadcast over the surface as a discrete and somewhat scanty eruption. The incidence of the rash is seldom universal. Some of these cases are prob- ably examples of syphilis, though no evidence of that disease may be forthcoming. Yet sometimes the subjects are children in whose cases syphilis may almost certainly be excluded. Occasionally a patient is certified for smallpox who is found, after a close examination, to be suffering from psoriasis. The mistake is possible only when the rash is in the earliest stage of its development and shows few of its special characteristics. With these cases of papular der- matitis it is evident that time would speedily demonstrate the difference, but it is generally possible to exclude smallpox, without delay, by the incompleteness of the diffusion of the rash and the comparative softness of the lesions. DERMATITIS PUSTULAR DERMATOSES 139 Distribution. The enumeration of the members of this group might excite surprise that confusion with smallpox should often be possible. Yet the facts are so ; and it must be remembered that exceptional cases and exceptional cir- cumstances may deceive even practised observers. What makes the discrimination easy is not that the eruptions are alien in the character of their elements, but that their dis- tribution is so seldom consonant with that of the variolous rash. The whole group of eruptions is characterised by a partial, elliptic, or patchy incidence. Acute eczema does not affect the whole cutaneous surface, but certain portions of it suffer for the rest ; the trunk, or the face, or the flexor aspects of the limbs, or a combination of these parts. Impetigo is often limited to the face and extremities, and, when it affects the trunk, the front part suffers rather than the back, the but- tocks rather than the shoulders. Scabies is most likely to affect the forearms, buttocks and legs ; or if the rash comes on the trunk, the lower parts suffer rather than the upper ; the face is rarely affected, and only with children. The favourite situation of lichen urticatus is the lower part of the back and the buttocks ; though the limbs are frequently involved, the face is not so liable to be attacked. Dermatitis from lice is an affection of the covered parts of the body ; from mosquitoes of the uncovered. Psoriasis is a disease of the limbs, not of the face. Such broad distinctions are apparent in almost every case, and, even when the order of incidence is not dissonant, discrepancies in points of detail are not far to seek. Drug-rashes. The only drugs which need be considered are the bromide and iodide salts, both of which produce eruptions having similar characteristics. The lesion begins as a soft papule or as an erythematous macule or blotch. Presently a vesicle is formed, which rapidly becomes pustular and then encrusts. Though alike pathologically, the eruptions encountered in different cases may be of very dissimilar appearance. The lesions may be of almost uniform size, and may not differ materially in size and shape and in their course of evolution from those of smallpox or of chickenpox ; but disparity of size is sometimes a conspicuous feature, and most 140 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX or all of the pustules may be a good deal larger than those of smallpox and may bear a closer resemblance to those of pemphigus. Another cause which contributes to the diversity of character among different cases is that the tendency to suppurate is not always so manifest; the evolution of the lesions is then more protracted, and they display an incli- nation to the development of weak granulation-tissue, so that lesions of an acneiform or fungoid character are produced. Such lesions are more characteristic of bromide rashes. Whatever may be their precise character, the pustules are generally superficial in situation and occupy a position in the skin nearer to that of the lesions of chickenpox or of im- petigo ; but that characteristic is not invariably pronounced. The rash is symmetrical, but is apt to be elliptic in distribution and is very frequently patchy, so that it may be confluent in one place and sparse in another. It may be profuse or altogether scanty. These variable characteristics conduce, on the whole, to facility of discrimination from smallpox, and the majority of cases cannot very well be confused with that disease. But it is not always so. Plate xxvn., Fig. 1, gives a good idea of the kind of lesion which may have to be distinguished, though in that particular case there was no evidence to show that the rash was produced by the administration of drugs. An eruption composed of lesions of such a character, but more widely diffused, might require for its separation an intimate knowledge of the characteristics of variolous lesions and of the manner of their arrangement. Given such knowledge, drug- rashes can be differentiated from smallpox nearly always with ease and certainty. In point of fact they are not confused so frequently as might be supposed ; but that circumstance is probably due less to inherent dissimilarity than to the fact that the connection between cause and effect is in most cases known to the observer. If it is not known what drugs, or that any drugs, have been administered, the exact identifi- cation of the rash may be impossible and there may be some scope for the exercise of the imagination. .25 > u ?1 ct * ~ g es g H H S^ 5 g ^ i tc bo x 5 o = > - * |-= x 1-1 s ;..2 y >. - - | 111 g sj| ~ ^ o 7T ^: 2 ~~ 'T o 3 r 1111 - -~ -r PLATE CXXI. Fig. 1. Pustules of impetigo. The print shows that the lesions were irregular in outline and heterogeneous in kind. On the arm small pustules could be seen lying among larger lesions which had become incrusted. Fig. 2. Pustular dermatitis in the case of a cachectic boy. The rash was uneven in its incidence. The bulk of it was on the buttocks ; a few spots were scattered on the legs, arms, and elsewhere. CHAPTER XVIII VACCINATION AS A FACTOR IN DIAGNOSIS THE last piece of evidence to collect is the condition of the patient relative to vaccination. This should seldom be allowed to outweigh direct evidence as to the nature of the disease, but there are times when it is very pertinent. The common tendency is both to underestimate, and to exaggerate the capacity of vaccination to protect against smallpox. Within limits that capacity is incapable of exaggeration. A person successfully vaccinated or re- vaccinated acquires for a time an immunity so complete that a deliberate attempt to acquire smallpox would surely fail. But with some persons such an absolute immunity is rela- tively fleeting, and within a few years will have become sufficiently attenuated for an attack of smallpox to be acquired, though generally but an insignificant attack. The briefest possible duration of absolute immunity after vaccination or revaccination may be taken, for practical purposes, to be two years. If a patient, suspected of having smallpox, could furnish undoubted evidence of a successful vaccination within such a period, the evidence against small- pox would be overwhelming. With most persons the duration of absolute immunity is more protracted. A few people acquire a life-long immunity after infantile vaccination ; many persons after one successful revaccination. In rare instances immunity is still impermanent after several success- ful revaccinations. Should the patient display conclusive evidence of successful vaccination within five years, or of successful revaccination within ten, the weight of that evidence would be against his having smallpox. It need hardly be said that unsuccessful vaccinations do not count.* * The fact would be difficult of proof, but it is probable that the duration of his vaccinal immunity bears some relation to the subject's inborn susceptibility, 141 142 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX In the application of these considerations much import- ance will attach to the kind of rash which the patient exhibits. With a child of five, vaccinated in infancy, supposing the diagnosis to lie between chickenpox and smallpox, the evidence would tell against smallpox if the pustules were fat and the rash abundant : if the rash were scanty and the pustules small, the evidence would be more equally balanced, even assuming on other grounds an equal probability of either disease ; for though on the one hand a variolous eruption in the case of a young vaccinated child would almost necessarily be scanty and modified, on the other hand the probability of complete immunity to smallpox would be considerable. If the child were unvaccinated, the fact that the rash was abundant and the lesions well formed would count nothing either way unless the rash were actually confluent ; but if the spots were small and scanty the disease would probably be chickenpox. Exceptions will occur now and then in both directions. An unvaccinated child may be insusceptible by nature, and may get an attack of modified smallpox. On the other hand, in rare cases the protection of vaccination or of revaccination suffers complete erosion within five years, and the subject might then be vulnerable even to an attack of confluent or of toxic smallpox. In such inquiries it is important to have authentic evidence of the success of the vaccination and of its date. With children the matter is simple enough. The scars of primary vaccination never become obliterated until after the lapse of a good many years. The success of a reputed revac- cination is more difficult to determine. The statements of patients are unreliable to the last degree. Scars of suc- cessful revaccination are often transitory, and sometimes the inoculation, though undoubtedly successful, leaves no scar. It may be difficult to decide, also, whether the existing scars are all infantile or are in part due to revaccination. If the vaccination was recent, the scars will be pigmented. But it must be remembered that a pigmented area, though and that a person naturally resistant to smallpox would be likely to acquire by vaccination complete immunity of long duration ; and so conversely. VACCINATION IN DIAGNOSIS 143 not a scar, may remain for months after an unsuccessful inoculation. A pigmented or a pink scar may be taken as good evidence that a successful vaccination has been done within two years, and therefore that the patient is in- susceptible. Even at the time of vaccination it is often difficult for the operator to decide whether or not he has obtained a success- ful reaction. In cases of primary vaccination it is different, but everyone is familiar with the atypical reactions which may be obtained after revaccination. Operators are some- times too easily satisfied. Though a typical vesicle, or indeed a vesicle of any kind, must not always be expected, it is a great mistake to accept as valid evidence of success an ambiguous inflammatory reaction. Localised redness and swelling of the skin under the seat of inoculation frequently follow an unsuccessful operation, and unfortunately such reactions are sometimes accepted as vaccinal. Such an erroneous assumption may be productive of the most serious risk to the subject. It has happened many times that a person, certified to have acquired protection from recent vaccination, has been proved shortly afterwards to be sus- ceptible to a characteristic vaccinal reaction, a result which would have been impossible had the first operation been successful. When the operation is undertaken on account of exposure to infection of smallpox, a similar mistake may cost the patient dearly. Short of a definite vesicle, the only evidence which should be accepted as indicative of success is a circumscribed, deep-seated, indurated swelling of the skin under the seat of inoculation, developing about three days after the operation ; and such a result should be confirmed by at least one subsequent inoculation. If a person has been shown to be really insusceptible to vaccinia, that fact is proof positive that he is insusceptible to smallpox* The test is of importance when there is a suspicion that a mild and unrecognised attack of smallpox * The converse proposition does not necessarily hold good, that susceptibility to vaccinia proves previous susceptibility to the infection of smallpox conveyed through the usual channels. 144 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX has been sustained by a person who has not previously been vaccinated. The validity of the deduction rests upon the assumption, which for practical purposes may be accepted as true, that no one is born insusceptible to vaccinia.* Vaccination after exposure. Germane to this subject is the effect of vaccination done after exposure to infection. Vaccination, done within a day or two after exposure and followed by a normal reaction, is a certain preventive. If postponed until the latter part of the period of incubation it will be ineffectual. The duration of the period of incubation, counting to the outcrop of the rash, may be taken as fourteen days. If this period be divided into three intervals comprising seven days, three days, and four days, then it will be accurate, in the main, to say that a successful vaccination done in the first interval will wholly prevent the attack, done in the second will have more or less effect in modifying the eruption, and done in the last will merely add to the patient's troubles. But to this rule there are occasional exceptions. A patient may be vaccinated successfully as early as the fourteenth, or even fifteenth, day before the outcrop and yet not escape the disease ; or during the first half of the incubation-period and yet develop an unmodified attack. The fact is, that the pertinent date is not when the subject is vaccinated, but when the reaction begins. Sometimes, through a peculiarity either of the lymph or of the subject, the reaction which should be manifest on the third or fourth day does not begin to arise, it may be, until a week or more after inoculation. In such a case the rise of immunity will be correspondingly deferred. It is for this reason that protection against small- pox can never be promised confidently if its acquisition be postponed until after exposure. In another class of cases the exception is more apparent than real. Infants, newly born of variolous mothers, may * Infants born of variolous mothers are sometimes insusceptible to vaccinia, and possibly the successful vaccination of the mother shortly before the birth of the child may have, occasionally, a similar effect. But there is reason to suppose that in either case the immunity conferred upon the child is fugitive. VACCINATION 145 develop smallpox even though vaccinated immediately after birth. This circumstance is due to the fact that the infection has been derived from the mother in utero. The rash in such cases is developed within ten days of birth, and the vaccination has in reality been done during the period of incubation. Except by reason of accidental failure, vaccination can be performed successfully at any time during the greater part of the period of incubation. But after the onset of illness immunity develops rapidly, and after the efflorescence is completed the patient is wholly insusceptible to vaccinia. There is, however, a fallacy to beware of in determining the success of a vaccinal reaction when the operation has been done during the period of incubation. The irritation of the inoculation, even though the operation be unsuccessful, may be sufficient to evoke presently a small cluster of variolous vesicles over the seat of inoculation. The appearance pro- duced is then very similar to that of a successful vaccinal re- action, and may be by no means easy to distinguish from it. A chart is reproduced to show how immunity to vaccinia is acquired coincidently with the onset of an attack of small- pox.* For its construction the records were collated of a large number of patients who suffered from smallpox, and had been vaccinated either .during the period of incubation or during the first few days of the illness. The percentage of successful results was then plotted on verticals, corresponding to the intervals which elapsed between the dates of vaccination and of outcrop. (Chart xiv.) From this chart it is clear that a very good final test against smallpox would be furnished by the successful vacci- nation of a patient with an eruption of doubtful character. If the eruption were three days old or more, the evidence might be regarded as conclusive. But it will be observed that a successful vaccination done on the day of outcrop would not be entirely convincing. * Compiled from the hospital records by the author's former colleague, Dr. R. M. Freer. K 146 THE DIAGNOSIS OF SMALLPOX 9* SO? 70)1 ** o* J0> PEKCENTA EACT CHAKT xiv. IMMUNITY TO VACCINIA ACQUIRED COINCIDENTLY WITH THE ONSET OF SMALLPOX. The data used for the construction of the beginning and of the end of the chart are not completely accurate. Done during the first few days of the period of incubation, successful vaccination generally prevents the attack, and there- fore would eliminate from the records the cases of persons so protected. In effect, the proportion of successful results among inoculations done during the first two-thirds of the period of incubation may be assumed to be uniform and to approach closely to one hundred percent., the few unsuccessful results being due merely to accident. On the other hand, after the outcrop of the rash the percentage of successful results obtained was really much less than would appear from the chart. This fact is due to the circumstance that the records were not made for the purpose of these deductions. Unsuccessful vaccination after the outcrop, in an undoubted case of smallpox, is of no clinical interest, and in many cases the fact was not recorded. The line of susceptibility should fall near to the base-line on the first day of efflorescence, and become extinguished on the third. One successful reaction was recorded for the fourth day, but was open to question. SMALLPOX AFTER A PREVIOUS ATTACK A patient who has once had smallpox is generally insus- ceptible to a second attack. But second attacks are not rare, SECOND ATTACKS 147 though they are much more uncommon than reputed second attacks. Many patients with smallpox assert a previous attack, but furnish no evidence in support of the statement. In most of such cases the historical illness was probably chickenpox. Even when the patient is scarred, there is often no more than a presumption that the scars are variolous. When the evidence of the first attack is trustworthy, it will be found almost invariably that the interval between the two arracks has been a long one and that the second attack is mild. Instances in which a patient, displaying undoubted evidence of a previous attack, dies of confluent or of toxic smallpox are excessively rare. If reputed second attacks are to be looked upon with a critical eye, what of relapses and recurrences ? Many such are on record. But the burden of proof which is on the recorder is a little too lightly borne. Nature is not prodigal of her prodigies ; and each of us may with confidence regard such an incident in his practice as furnishing presumptive evidence of one error of diagnosis. INDEX Abortion, 78. Abscesses, a sequela of smallpox, 56. Acne, 13f> : lesions of, 31, 135. Acute febrile erythema, 113. Adenitis, 100, 108. Air-passages, haemorrhage affecting, 78, 79 ; morbid pathology of, 100 ; the eruption in, 20. Albuminuria, 91. Alimentary tract, morbid anatomy of, 100. Areola of lesion, 27. Anns, distribution on, 13, 15, 16, 19. Attire, influence of, on distribution, 6. Birdwood on the pathology of small- pox, 8. Blebs, surrounding variolous lesions, 53. Blood, changes with toxic smallpox, 101. Blood-poisoning, a mis-diagnosis in cases of toxic smallpox, 103. Boils, a sequela of smallpox, 56 ; mis- taken for smallpox, 133. Boot, irritative effect of, 7, 11. Bright's disease, 103, 132. Broncho-pneumonia, a cause of death, 39. Bruises, 75, 78. Catarrh, 60, 71 ; with acute febrile erythema, 114, 116; with measles, 105. Cerebral disease, mistaken for smallpox, 133. Chickenpox, 117 et seq. ; age-inci- dence of, 117 ; distribution in the case of, 121 ; irritation-patches with, 24, 122 ; lack of homogeneity among lesions of, 51, 120 ; papules of, 118 ; position in skin of lesions of, 31, 119, 120 ; pre-emptive period of, 117; prodromal rashes with, 118 ; shape of vesicles of, 53, 119. Clinical cases with symptoms of haemorrhage, 79. Collapse, with toxic smallpox, 87, 91. Collar, irritative effect of, 7. Confluent eruptions modified, 45. papular eruption, 40 ; measles mistaken for, 106. smallpox, 33 et seq. ; aspect of patient with, 36; recession of pyrexia with, 36 ; suppura- tive fever with, 38 ; termina- tion in cases of, 39 ; toxsernic fever with, 33, 63. vesicular eruption, 41, 42. Conjunctiva, haemorrhage into, 78 ; injection of, 60, 71, 105. Connective tissue, extravasations in, with toxic smallpox, 101. Corsets, effect of, on distribution, 7, 19. Crusts, 27, 54; of chickenpox, 119; of impetigo, 136 ; rupial, 126. Curschmann on toxic smallpox, 85. Cutaneous stimulation, effect on dis- tribution of exposure to and pro- tection from, 9, 10 ; with chicken- pox, 122. 119 150 INDEX Delirium, with the secondary fever, 39 ; with the toxaemia, 60 ; with toxic smallpox, 87. Dermatitis, a medicament is, 139 ; papular, 138 ; traumatic, 137. Desquamation, 55. Diabetes, 133. Diarrhoea, with acute febrile erythema, 114. Diphtheria, 103. Discrete smallpox, 39. Distribution, 6 et seq. ; anomalies of, 18 ; faulty, or lack of gradation in, 22 ; general scheme of, 14 ; in- fluence of attire on, 6 ; influence of exposure to or protection from cutaneous stimulation on, 9, 10 ; of acne lesions, 135 ; of chicken- pox rashes, 121 ; of drug-rashes, 140 ; of eruption of measles, 107 ; of eruption of typhus, 109 ; of immature rash, 23, 33 ; of meagre rashes, 25 ; of pustular dermatoses, 139; of simple erythemata, 111, 113, 115 ; of syphilitic rashes, 125 ; of toxaemic petechial rashes, 67 ; of toxaemic rose-rashes, 70 ; of vaccinal rashes, 130 ; on the ear, 17 ; on the face, 14, 16 ; on the foot and hand, 11 ; on the neck, 17 ; on the trunk and limbs, 15, 18, 19 ; on the scalp and air- passages, 20. Ear, distribution on, 17. Eczema, acute, 136. Endocarditis, nlcerative, 103, 132. Enteric fever, 108 ; purpura with, 103, 108. Epistaxis, 78. Eruption, see " Rash." Eruptions, see " Rashes." Eruptive fever, 33 et seq. Erythema, acute febrile, see " Acute febrile erythema." bullosum, 110. iris, 111. Erythema multiforme, 111 ; and acute febrile erythema, 113; with formation of vesicles, 112; with urticarial lesions, 112. nummulare, 110. papulatum, 112. rheumaticum, 110. Erythematous toxaemic rashes, see " Toxaemic rose-rashes." Eyes, affections of, complicating small- pox, 56; suffusion of, 60. Face, distribution on, 14, 16. Facial expression, with confluent smallpox, 36 ; with toxic smallpox, 86. Fauces, congestion of, with toxic smallpox, 79, 99, 103. Felix on the pathology of smallpox, 8. Focal lesion, definition of, 2 ; of smallpox, see " Lesion." rashes, see " Rashes." Fcetor with toxic smallpox, 90. Foot, distribution on, 11. Freer on immunity to vaccinia developing with the onset of small- pox, 145. Garter, irritative effect of, 7. Glanders, 133. Gramilomata, 48, 55. Haematemesis, 79. Haematuria, 79. Haemoptysis, 79, 92. Haemorrhage, post-toxaemic, 74 ; af- fecting the pustules, 75. , toxaemic, 75 ; about the lesions, 76, 77, 95 ; conjunctiva!, 78 ; cutaneous, 76 ; from the gums, 79 ; from the kidneys, 79 ; from the lungs, 79, 92 ; from the stomach and bowel, 79 ; nasal, 78 ; orbital, 78 ; symptoms of, with toxic smallpox, 96 ; uterine, 78. INDEX 151 Haemorrhagic smallpox, see " Toxic smallpox." symptoms of smallpox, 73 et seq. ; cases illustrative of, 79 ; I pathology of, 74. Hand, distribution on, 12, 19. Headache, of toxaemia, 59 ; with acute febrile erythema, 114; with toxic smallpox, 86. Heart -failure, 87, 91. Hebra on the alleged identity of small- pox and chickenpox, 1. Herpes zoster, 133. Heterogeneous eruptions, 51 ; of chickenpox, 51, 120 ; of impetigo, 136; of scabies, 137; of syphilis, 126. Hyperpyrexia, with toxic smallpox, 89. Immunity, due to previous attack of smallpox, 146 ; due to vaccination, 44, 63, 141 ; natural and acquired, 43 ; to vaccinia acquired coinci- dently with the onset of smallpox, 1 4f> ; to vaccinia implying insus- ceptibility to smallpox, 143. Impetigo, 136. Incubation-period, 61. Influenza, 59. Initial rashes, see " Toxaemic rashes." Intrapustular haemorrhage, 7">. Intrauterine infection, 84, 97, 145. Intravesicular haemorrhage, 77. Irritation-patches, 6 ; pathology of, 7 ; with chickenpox, 24, 122 ; with other exotic eruptions, 24. Kidneys, morbid anatomy of, 100. Koplik's spots in diagnosis, 106, 116. Lacrymation, 60. Leg, distribution on, 15, 19. Lesions (variolous), aberrant, 30, 41, 95 ; areola of, 27 ; blebs surround- ing, 53 ; characteristics of modified, 47 : evolution of, retarded by tox- aemia, 42, 94 ; granuloma-like, 48, 55 ; histology of, 28 ; in cases of toxic smallpox, 41, 95; involution of, 27 ; life-history of, 26 ; of in- oculation, 53 ; obsolescent, 54 ; position of, 31 ; shape of, 31, 52 ; size of, 27, 52. Lichen, vaccinal, 129 ; urticatus, 138. Limbs, distribution on, 15, 19. Liver, enlargement of, 91, 103 ; morbid anatomy of, 101. Loculation of vesicle, 28 ; absence of, with chickenpox, 119. Lumbar pain, 59, 86. Lungs and air-passages, morbid anatomy of, 100. Malleoli, distribution on, 12. Mania, 60 ; acute, mistaken for small- pox, 133. Measles, 104 et seq. ; catarrhal symp- toms of, 60, 105, 116 ; diagnosis of, from acute febrile erythema, 115; distribution of immature rash of, 23, 107 ; rash of, resembling papular variolous eruption, 40, 106, 107 ; resembling toxaemic erythema, 71, 107 ; resembling toxic erythema, 99, 107. Melaena, 79. Melancholia, 60. Meningitis, 59, 133. Menstruation, in cases of smallpox, 78. Mental symptoms, with the toxaemia, 60 ; with toxic smallpox, 87. Modified smallpox, 43 et seq. ; char- acteristics of lesions of, 47 ; defin- ition of, 43 ; diagnosis of, 48 ; diagnosis of, from vaccinia, 130 ; influence of vaccination in relation to, 44, 144 ; in mild epidemics, 49 ; in toxic cases, 93 ; pathology, 43, 44 ; suppurative fever of, 39, 46 ; with confluent eruption, 45 ; with eruption incompletely modified, 46. Morbid anatomy, 100. Morbillif orm toxaemic rash, see " Tox- aemic rashes.'* Mucous membrane of mouth and air- 152 INDEX passages, distribution on, 20 ; haem- orrhage affecting, 78, 79 ; morbid anatomy of, 100. Muscular atony with toxic smallpox, 86. Mustard-leaf, irritative effect of, 6. Neck, distribution on, 17. Nephritis, 103, 132. Odour of toxic smallpox, 90. (Edema of the lungs, 79, 91, 100. Outcrop of eruption, 23, 33, 61 ; delayed in toxic cases, 94. Outline of lesions, of smallpox, ~r2, 120 ; of chickenpox, 52, 119. Pain, with acute febrile erythema, 114; with the toxaemia, 59 ; with toxic smallpox, 86. Papules, formation of, 26 ; of chicken- pox, 1 18 ; size of, 27 ; tactile im- pression of, 29 ; see also under " Lesions." Pathology of smallpox, 7. Pemphigus, 133. Period of incubation, 61. Petechiae, 76 ; with enteric fever, 108 ; with toxic smallpox, 97. Petechial or purpuric toxaemic rash, see under " Toxaemic." Pigmentation, 55, 75. Pleurisy with toxic smallpox, 100. Pneumonia, mistaken for smallpox, 59, 132 ; with toxic smallpox, 92. Post-mortem signs of toxic smallpox, 100. Post-toxaemic haemorrhage, 74. Pre-emptive period, 61, 94 ; with chickenpox, 117. Prodromal rashes, see " Toxaemic rashes." Proptosis of eyeball, 78. Prostration, 59 ; with acute febrile erythema, 1 14 ; with toxic small- pox, 86. Protopapules, 53. Psoriasis, 138. Purpura, simple, 110: with enteric fever, 103, 108. variolosa, 85, footnote. Pustular dermatoses associated with certain constitutional disorders, 132, 133. Pustules, formation of, 27 ; size of, 27; see also under "Lesions." Pyaemia, 133. Pyrexia, with acute febrile erythema, 114; with chickenpox, 117; with scarlet fever, 100 ; with smallpox, 33 et seq. ; with the toxaemia, 59 ; with toxic smallpox, 87. Rash, focal (of smallpox), confluent, see " Confluent smallpox " and . " Confluent eruptions " ; desqua- mation caused by, 55 ; diagnosis of when meagre, 25 ; discrete, see " Discrete smallpox " ; distribu- tion of, see " Distribution " ; evolu- tion of, 35, 52; in toxic cases, 41, 77, 95 ; involution of, 39 ; matura- tion of, 36; modified, see "Modi- fied smallpox " ; obsolescence of, .~>4 : of aberrant character, 30, 41, 95 ; of heterogeneous character, 51 ; outcrop of, see " Outcrop " ; pigmentation following, "'"-. 76 : scars caused by, 54 ; see also under " Lesions." Rashes, exotic, irritation-patches with, 24 ; their distinction from smallpox, by distribution. 2\ et seq., when immature, _U, when lacking in gradation, ^2. when meagre, 25. , focal and toxaemic, definition of, 2 ; occurring with small- pox, 3. , septic, 56. , toxaemic, of smallpox, see " Toxaemic rashes." , toxic, 97 ; see also " Toxic erythema." Relapses and recurrences, 147. Revaccination, evidence of successful INDEX 153 142, 143 ; immunity acquired by, 141. Rheumatism, acute, 59, 132. Rolleston on accidental rashes of chic ken pox, 118. Rose rashes, of smallpox, see "Tox- aemic rashes." it-, of enteric fever, 108. Roseola, syphilitic, 12.">. Rubella, 108. Salivation, 60. Scabies, 137, Scabs, 27, .")4 : of chickenpox, 119 ; of impetigo, 136; of syphilis, 12<>. Scalp, distribution on, 20. Scarlatiniform toxaemia rash, see " Toxu'inic rashes." Scarlet fever, 69, 71, 99, 108. Scars, 54. Second attacks of smallpox, 146. Secondary fever, 4, 37. Seeds, 64. Septic absorption, a cause of death, 39. rashes, 56. Serous surfaces, morbid anatomy of, 101. Sleeplessness with the toxaemia, 60. Spleen, enlargement of, 91 ; morbid anatomy of, 101. Subcutaneous haemorrhage, 75, 78. Subvesicular haemorrhage, 77. Suffusion of eyes, 60. Swr.it, influence of, on distribution, 7. Syncope with toxic smallpox, 87, 91, 92. Syphilis, 125 et seq. ; distribution in the case of, 125, 126 ; papular and pustular rashes of, 126, 127 ; poly- morphic character of lesions of, 51, 1 26 ; position in skin of lesions of, 31, 127 ; roseola of, 125 ; vesicular rashes of, 12.~>. Temperature, see " Pyrexia." Toxaemia, variolous, symptoms of, 3, 53 ; temperature with, 59. Toxaemic and suppurative fevers, inter-relation of, 63. ha?morrhage, 75. petechial or purpuric rash, 67, 97 ; diagnosis of, 69 ; diag- nostic value of, in cases of toxic smallpox, 102 ; dis- tinction of, from rash of scarlet fever, 69, 99, 108 ; effect of, on incidence of focal rash, 69. rashes, definition, 2 ; variolous, 3, 66 et seq. rose-rashes, 70 ; distinction from rash of measles, 71, 107, from rash of scarlet fever, 71, 108, from rubella, 108, from toxic erythema, 99. Toxic erythema, 98 ; distinction from measles, 99, 107, from scarlet fever, 99, 108, from toxaemic rose-rash, 99. rashes, 97. smallpox, albuminuria with, 91 ; cases illustrative of, 80 ; character of focal rash of, 41, 77, 95 ; constitutional symp- toms of, 85 ; date of death from, 94 ; definition of, 73 ; diagnosis of, 101 ; distinction from enteric fever, 109, from measles, 99, 107, from scarlet fever, 99, 108, from typhus, 109 ; duration and course of, 93 ; enlargement of the liver with, 91, 103; evolution of eruption delayed with, 93 ; facies of, 86 ; fcetor with, 90 ; haemorrhagic symptoms of, 76, 96; heart-failure with, 87, 91 ; in the case of a new-born infant, 84, 97 ; mental symp- toms of, 87 ; morbid anatomy of, 100 ; oedema of the lungs with, 79, 91 ; outcrop post- poned with, 94 ; pyrexia with, 87 ; recovery from, 92 ; termination of, 91 ; with modified focal rash, 93. 154 INDEX Trunk and limbs, distribution on, 15, 18, 19 ; with chickenpox, 121. Tuberculosis, acute, 132. Typhus, 109. Ulcerative endocarditis, 103, 132. Umbilication of vesicle, 32 ; spurious, 32 ; with chickenpox, 120. Underclothing, irritative effect of, 7. Uraemia, 132. Urinary organs, morbid anatomy of, 100. Urticaria, acute, 113 ; with erythema multiforme, 112. Uterine haemorrhage, 78. Vaccination after exposure to infec- tion, 144 ; after the onset, 145 ; as a factor in diagnosis, 141 et seq. ; effect of, in modifying the eruption, ' 45, 144 ; evidence of successful, 142 ; influence of, on numerical severity of attack, 44 ; provocative of irritation-patch, 6, 128, 145. Vaccinia, 128 et seq. ; auto-inoculation of, 129 ; distribution in the case of, 130 ; generalised, 129 ; resembling modified smallpox, 130 ; super- numerary pustules of, 128. Varicella, see " Chickenpox." Variola haemorrhagica pustulosa, 85, footnote. sine eruptione, 63. Vascular system, morbid anatomy of, 101. Vesicles, formation of, 26 ; loculation of, 28 ; of chickenpox, 31, 53, 119 ; size of, 27 ; umbilication of, 32. Virulence of strain, variation of, 49. Vomiting, with acute febrile erythema, 114; with the toxaemia, 60; with toxic smallpox, 100. Washbourne on the pathology of smallpox, 8. FEINTED BY CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, LA BELLE SALVAGE, LONDON, E.C. Date Due IN U. S. A. :AL SCHOOL LIBRARY A 000421 816 WC585 R539d 1910 Ricketts, Thomas F The diagnosis of smallpox MEDICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92664