LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CONSTITUTION OF If/he If Ili ^T ' ttofg AND ITS pFFICEF\S AND COMMITTEES. SPRINGFIELD I8 77 CONSTITUTION fjThe l(llinois Stale iMan Jl association XUx OM ^7^ '^JP ' ^i AND ITS OFFICER^ AND COMMITTEES. SPRINGFIELD 1877 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE ASSOCIATION, WILLIAM L. GROSS, Springfield, ist July, 1877. Secretary. JOURNAL, COMPANY PRINTERS, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. ORGANIZATION OF JHmob jUinb Bar J[$$trtraKm At a Convention of Lawyers assembled in the city of Springfield, on Thursday, the 4th day of January, 1877, the Hon. Anthony Thornton, of Shelby ville, was chosen President, and the Hon. Oscar F. Price, of Galesburg, Secretary. The representatives of the Bar present, were : BROWN Co. W. ,. Vandeventer, A. A. Glenn. CHAMPAIGN Co. C. S. Swan. CLARK Co. J. W. Wilkin, S. S. Whitehead. COLES Co. O. B. Ficklin. COOK Co. Wm. Vocke, J. B. Bradwell, L. L. Bond, E. B. Sher- man, F. A. Riddle. CRAWFORD Co. E. Callahan. CUMBERLAND Co. H. B. Decius. DEWITT Co. W. M. Fuller. DuPAGE Co. H. F. Vallette. EFFINGHAM Co. W. B. Cooper. FORD Co. John R. Kinnear. FULTON Co. John A. Gray, T. A. Boyd. GALLATIN Co. R. W. Townshend. HANCOCK Co. Henry W. Draper, John D. Miller, 'Vesley H. Manier, George Edmonds, 734153 JACKSON Co. Wm. J. Allen, P. E. Albright, J. Banks Mayham. KANKAKEE Co. Stephen R. Moore, T. P. Bonfield. V KNOX Co. Oscar F. Price, A. M. Brown, H. Chrisman. LASALLE Co. Charles Blanchard. LOGAN Co. E. B. Blinn, T. T. Beach. MACON Co. John W. Smith, F. B. Tait. MADISON Co. Joseph Gillespie. MARSHALL Co. Mark Bangs. McDoNOUGH Co. John S. Bailey. McLEAN Co. James S. Ewing, E. M. Prince, A. B. Campbell, John McNulta, J. E. Pollock, T. C. Kerrick, R. E. Williams, D. B. Lu- cas, W. E^ Hughes. MERCER Co. Isaac N. Bassett, John C. Pepper, B. C. Taliaferro. MORGAN Co. H. E. Dummer, I. L. Morrison, O. A. DeLeuw, Wm. H. Barnes, J. T. Springer. PEORIA Co. J. W. Cochran, S. D. Puterbaugh, David McCulloch, H. W. Wells, J. S. Starr. RANDOLPH Co. John R. McFie. SALINE Co. James M. Gregg. SANGAMON Co. James H. Matheny, William L. Gross, A. Oren- dorff, T. C. Mather, R. L. McGuire, Wm. Prescott, R. Wolcott. Clin- ton L. Conkling, S. D. Scholes. SCOTT Co. James M. Riggs, John G. Henderson. SHELBY Co. Anthony Thornton, L. B. Stephenson, H. S. Mouser. TAZEWELL Co. John B. Cohrs. VERMILION Co. E. S. Terry, J. B. Mann, Wood F. Townsend, D. D. Evans, F. W. Penwell. WARREN Co.* John T. Morgan. WAYNE Co. James A. Creighton. WII.L Co. S. W. Munn, D. H. Pinney. Such proceedings were had as resulted in a per- manent organization, the adoption of the following CONSTITUTION, the election of Officers and the selection and appointment of the several standing Committees, that is to say : CONSTITUTION THE ILLINOIS STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. Adopted in Convention, January ,///, 1877. I. NAME. This Association shall be called THE ILLINOIS STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. II. OBJECT. The Association is formed to cultivate the science of juris- prudence, to promote reform in the law, to facilitate the administration of justice, to elevate the standard of integ- rity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, to encourage a thorough and liberal legal education, and to cherish a spirit of brotherhood among the members thereof. III. MEMBERS. The members of the bar of this State attending this conven- tion, this January 4th, 1877, are hereby declared to be mem- bers of this Association, provided they shall on or before the 6 Constitution of 1st day of April, 1877, pay the admission fee and subscribe to this constitution (or otherwise in writing notify the secretary of their acceptance of membership.) And also, all members of the bar of this State shall be admitted to membership who, before that day shall notify the secretary of their desire to become members and pay the admission fee, and receive the favorable report of the Committee on Admissions. Any member of the legal profession in good standing, resid- ing and practicing in the State of Illinois, may become a mem- ber by vote of the Association, or upon nomination, after a favorable report from the Committee on Admissions; and on subscribing to this constitution (or otherwise in writing, noti- fying the secretary of his acceptance of membership), and within the period limited by the by-laws, paying the admission fee and annual dues of the current year. IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be a President, seven Vice-Presidents, one to be chosen from each supreme judicial district, an Executive Committee, to consist of seven members, one to be chosen from each supreme judicial district, a Com- mittee on Admissions, a Committee on Grievances, a Commit- tee on Law Reform, a Committee on Legal Education, a Com- mittee on Legal Biography, a Recording Secretary, a Corres- ponding Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at the meeting at which this constitution is adopted, and hold their office until the next annual meeting of the As- sociation. V. PRESIDENT. The President, or (in his absence) one of the Vice-Presidents, or (in the absence of all of them) one of the members, shall preside at all meetings of the Association. The Illinois State Bar Association. 1 VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members, one member of whom shall reside in, and be selected from each supreme judicial district. The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. This Comuaitte shall manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the provisions of the constitution and by-laws, and shall be vested with the title to all its property, as trustees thereof, until the Association shall be incorporated ; and the Executive Committee shall make by-laws for the Association, subject to amendment by the Association. This Committee shall have power to hear and determine all charges or com- plaints received from the Committee on Grievances, subject to an appeal to the Association. VII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of seven mem- bersone from each supreme judicial district. The proceedings of this Committee shall be deemed confi- dential, and shall be kept secret, except so far as writtru or printed reports of the same shall be necessarily and officially made to the Association. VIII. COMMITTEE ON GRIEVANCES. The Committee on Grievances shall consist of one member from each judicial circuit, except the county of Cook, which shall be entitled to three members. The several members of this committee shall receive all complaints which may be made in matters affecting the interests of the legal profession within 8 Constitution of their judicial circuits, the practice of the law, and the adminis- tration of justice, and to report the same to the Executive Committee with such recommendations as they may deem advisable. The proceedings of this Committee shall be deemed confi- dential, and kept secret, except so far as written or printed reports of the same shall be necessarily and officially made to the Association. IX. COMMITTEE ON LAW REFORM. The Committee on Law Reform shall consist of one member from each judicial circuit, except the county of Cook, which shall be entitled to five members. It shall be the duty of this committee to consider and report to the Association such amendments of the law as in its opin- ion should be adopted; also to scrutinize proposed changes of the law, and when necessary report upon the same; also to observe the practical working of the judicial system of the State, and recommend by written or printed report, from time to time, any changes therein which observation or experience may suggest. X. COMMITTEE ON LEGAL EDUCATION. The Committee on Legal Education shall consist of seven members, to be appointed by the Association from year to to year. Its duty shall be to examine and report what changes it is expedient to propose in the system of legal education, and of admission to the practice of the profession in the State of Illinois. XI. COMMITTEE ON LEGAL BIOGRAPHY. The Committee on Legal Biography shall consist of so many members as the Association shall appoint from year to year. The Illinois State Bar Association. 9 It sball be its duty to provide for the preservation, among the aivhives of the Association, of suitable written or printed memorials of the lives and characters of distinguished de- ceased members of the Bar of the State. Xll. STANDING COMMITTEES. Every Standing Committee shall, at each stated annual meeting, report in writing a summary of its proceeding since its last annual report (except such matters as the constitution or by-laws require to be kept secret), together with any sug- gestions deemed suitable and appertaining to its powers, duties or business. A general summary of all such annual reports, and of the proceedings of the annual meetings, shall be prepared and printed by and under the direction of the Executive Committee, together with the constitution, by-laws (as then existing), names and residences of officers, standing committees ami members of the Association, as soon as practicable after each annual meeting. Xlll. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Itecordiug Secretary shall keep a record of the proceed- ings of all meetings of the Association, and discharge such other duties as shall be required of him by the Association. XIV. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall (with the concurrence of the President) conduct the correspondence of the Association. XV. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect and (by order of the Executive Committee) disburse the moneys of the Association, and dis- 10 Constitution of charge such other duties as shall be required of him by the Association. He shall give security in such sum and in such form, for the safe keeping and accounting for moneys of the Association coming to his hands, as shall be required by the Executive Committee. XVI. OTHER COMMITTEES. The Association may provide in its by-laws for other stand- ing committees, and no matter shall be referred to a special committee which is relevant to the function of any standing committee. XVII. MEETINGS. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association held at the city of Springfield, on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January in each year, and such adjourned meetings as the Association, by a vote of three-fourths of all present, may determine; and at any such adjourned meeting, any busi- ness of the Association may be transacted, except the election of officers. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Execu- tive Committee. At such special meeting no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the notice thereof. At every meeting of the Association, the presence of 25 members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. XVIII. FEES. The admission fee shall in all cases, be $2, to be paid on signing the constitution. The annual dues of members shall be $2, and shall be pay- able yearly on or before the first of May in each year. XIX. EXPULSION. Any member may be suspended or expelled for misconduct in his relations to the Association, or in his profession, after The Illinois State Bar Association. 11 conviction thereof, by such method of procedure as may be prescribed by the bylaws; and all interest in the property of the Association of persons ceasing to be members by expulsion, resignation, or otherwise, shall thereupon vest absolutely in the Association. XX. ELECTIONS. At the annual meeting in January, 1878, and at each annual meeting thereafter, there shall be elected by ballot the officers of the Association for the year next ensuing, and they shall hold their offices until the election of their successors. In case of a vacancy in any office, it shall be tilled by ap- pointment by the Executive Committee, which, however can appoint only a Vice-President to the office of President. XXI. AMENDMENTS. This constitution shall go into effect immediately. It can be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the members present at an annual meeting of the Association. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES THE ILLINOIS STATE BAR ASSOCIATION IF 1 O IE& 1877 President: ANTHONY THORNTON, Shelbyville. ] "ice-Pfesidents: A. J. KUYKENDALL Anna ist District JOSEPH GILLESPIE Edwardsville 2d District R. E. WILLIAMS Bloomington 3d District JOHN S. 13 A i LEV Ma'comb 4th District J. W. COCHRAN Peoria 5th District G. W. PLEASANTS Rock Island. . . 6th District STEPHEN R. MOORE Kankakee 7th District Recording and Corresponding Secretary: WILLIAM L. GROSS, Springfield. Treasurer: MILTON HAY, Springfield. Executive Committee: ISAAC CLEMENTS ist District Carbondale WILLIAM B. COOPER 2d District Effingham Tlte Illinois State Bar Association. 13 JAMES C. CONKLING 3d District GEORGE EDMONDS 4th District. JOHN C. PEPPER 5th District JAMES M. BEARDSLEY 6th District. JAMES B. BRADWKLL 7th District. . . Springfield Nauvoo Aledo .Rock Isla ... Chicago Committee on Grievances'. ]. M. BAILEY ist Circuit JESSE HILDRUP 2d " JAMES SHAW 3.! " 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9 th H. L. YALLETTE CHARLES DUNHAM CHARLES BLANCH ARD. . . S. W. ML-NN O. F. PRICE II. W. WELLS B. T. SCHOFI ELD IOth " JEFFERSON ORR nth " THOMAS M. SHAW i2th " FRANKLIN BLADES I3th " JOHN McNrLTA i4th " JOSEPH B. MANN i5th " WILLIAM E. NELSON i6th " E. A. WALLACE i7th " JAMES M. RIGGS iSth " JOHN I. RINAKER igth " S. W. MOULTON 2oth ' E. CALLAGAN 2ist " CHARLES H. THOMAS 22d " B. B . SMITH 23d " ROBERT B. HANNA 24th " F. M. YOUNGBLOOD 25th " SAMUEL P. WHEELER 26th " WILLIAM E. VOCKE, ") C. C. BONNEY, \ Cook County. E. B. SHERMAN, . . . Freeport Chicago . . Mt. Carroll Wheaton . . .Cambridge Ottawa Joliet . . Galesburg Peoria . . . . Carthage .... Pittsfield Lacon . . . Kankakee Bloomington Danville Decatur Havana . . Winchester . . . Carlinville . . Shelbyville . . . .Robinson Belleville Salem Fairfield Benton . . Cairo , Chicago 14 Officers and Committees of Committee on Law Reform: MADISON Y. JOHNSON ist Circuit CHARLES KELLUM 2d " J. K. EDSALL 3d " R. N. BOTSFORD 4th " I. N. BASSETT 5th " L. B. CROOKER 6th " C. A. HILL 7th " JOHN J. GLENN 8th ' D. McCuLLOCH gth " JOHN H. WILLIAMS xoth " WILLIAM L. VANDEVENTER nth " W.F.HENRY izth ' H. LORING I3th " J. H. ROWELL i4th " SILAS S. WHITEHEAD i5th " JOHN W. SMITH i6th "" WILLIAM FULLER i7th " JOHN G. HENDERSON i8th " JOHN A. MCCLERNAND igth " GEORGE R. WENDLING 2oth " BENSON WOOD 2ist " S. D. PHELPS 22d " . GEORGE W. WALL 23d " JAMES A. CREIGHTON 24th " A. J. DUFF. 25th " W.S.ALLEN 26th " THOMAS F. WITHROW,\ W. C. GOUDY, MARK BANGS, J. S. COOPER, W. P. BLACK, Galena . . . Sycamore Dixon Elgin Aledo .... Mendota Joliet . . Monmouth Peoria Quincy . Mt. Sterling , Danville . . . Kankakee Bloomington . . . .Marshall Decatur Clinton . . Winchester . . Springfield . . Shelbyville . . . Effingham . . .Greenville . . . . DuQuoin Fairfield . . Carbondale Cairo . . . .Cook County Chicago Committee on Legal Education: WILLIAM C. GOUDY. HENRY W. WELLS.. O. H. BROWNING. . Chicago . . Peoria . Quincy TJie Illinois State Bar Association. 15 WILLIAM E. NELSON Decatur WILLIAM H. BARNES Jacksonville JAMES A. CONNOLLY Charleston A. J. DUFF Carbondale Committee on Publication of Illinois Reports: JOHN G. HENDERSON Winchester ANTHONY L. KNAPP Springfield MELVILLE W. FULLER Chicago SABIN D. PUTERBAUGH Peona ROBERT E . WILLIAMS Bloomington The Annual Meeting, of the Association, icill be held at Springfield, on Thursday, January 3d, 1878. 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