v ^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA oY .. Received /r&sv^ ...., 190 1 . Accession No. % % i-f, I Class No. THE REVISED ORDINANCES 1892 OF THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE As AMENDED TO NOVEMBER 8, 1899 PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL BOSTON : J. A CUMMINGS PRINTING CO. 172 OLIVER STREET 1899 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE CHAPTER 364, ACTS OF 1891, As AMENDED BY CHAPTER 173, ACTS OF 1896 1. Municipal powers continued. 2. Administration of affairs and govern- ment vested in mayor and city council. Each branch to sit separ- ately. Mayor and aldermen, how chosen. Common council, appor- tionment of members. How elected. 3. Number ami boundaries of wards. Present apportionment of council- men. Members of common council to be reapportioned every five years. 4. Annual municipal election. Term of office. Election of assessors and school committee. Term of office. Vacancies. 5. Elections to be held in pursuance of warrants. General meetings of qualified voters. 6. In case of non-election of the mayor or members of the city council. Vacancies, how filled. Removal from one ward to another shall not create a vacancy. 7. Mayor, aldermen and common coun- cilmen to be sworn. Certificate of oath to be entered in record. 8. Executive powers, vested in the mayor. Surveyors of highways. Mayor to have control of police force. Special meetings of city council. Shall communicate such information as the interests of city require. Shall be ex-officio chairman of school committee. General du- ties. May summ on heads of depart- in ents for consultation. 9 Officers shall be resident citizens. Mayor shall appoint officers. Ap- pointment of assistant assessors. Appointments by mayor shall not be acted upon for one week, except, etc. 10. Removal of officers. 11. Ordinances, orders, etc., to be pre- sented to the mayor for approval. He may veto votes of the city coun- cil. If not returned by mayor within ten days, order, etc., to be in force. Partial veto. May veto orders and votes of the aldermen. 12. Mayor to execute deeds, leases, etc. 13. Mayor shall keep record of official acts, may appoint a clerk. Salary. 14. Existing powers vested in city council. Quorum. No member shall receive compensation. Sittings to be pub- lic, except, etc. 15. City council may make ordinances- a'nd fix penalties. 16. Laying out, altering, etc., streets, and taking land for sewers. Damages- and appeal. 17. Fire department. Powers of en- gineers. 18. Money not to be paid out unless ap- propriated. Report of receipts and expenditures. 19. Election of city clerk and assistant. May be removed. Duties. Election of city messenger and clerk of com- mittees. 20. Election of city treasurer and city auditor. Treasurer to be collector of taxes. May be removed. Elec- tion of city solicitor. May be re- moved. 21. Election of overseers of the poor. 22. Treasurer may appoint deputy col- lectors of taxes. Special powers of treasurer. 23. Fees and commissions to be paid into- city treasury. 24. Vacancies in board of assessors. 25. Members of city council shall not take part in the employment of labor. Nor, be appointed to any office of emolument. 26. Board of aldermen to be final judge of election of its members, and the members of school committee. President of board of aldermen. Special meetings. Mayor not to preside or appoint committees. 27. Board of aldermen may authorize the construction of sidewalks and assess for expense. 28. May fix number and compensation of police force. May grant licenses. General duties of aldermen. 29. President and clerk of common coun- cil. Duties of clerk. To be final judge of election of its members. 30. Vacancies in either branch. 31. School committee and overseers of poor, powers and duties. Superin- tendent of schools. Janitors of school-houses. Overseers of the poor to organize. 32. City council, etc., may employ clerks and attendants. 33. Officers to continue until successors are qualified. CITY CHARTER. 34. Heads of departments to appoint subordinates, except chief of police and engineer of fire depart- ment. 35. Contracts for labor and material. Care of public works and buildings. Executive officers to be accountable to mayor. Contracts exceeding $300 to be approved by the mayor. No enditures in excess of appro- exp pria ation to be made. Heads of departments to furnish estimates to mayor. Mayor to sub- mit them, with recommendations, to the city council. City council to make appropriations. 37. Ordinances to remain in force unless inconsistent. 38. Not to affect the licensing of railway drivers, etc., the appointment o'f registrar of voters, metropolitan sewerage system, or the civil ser- vice laws. Or the tenure of ollice of officers now in position. Water board and Cambridge cemetery com- missioners. 39. Repeal of original charter and amend- ments, etc., etc. Repeal not to re- vive any act before repealed. 40. Act to be submitted to people for acceptance. 41. When to take effect. J$e it enacted, etc., as follows : ISECTIOX 1. The inhabitants of the city of Cambridge, in the 'county of Middlesex, shall continue to be a body corporate and politic under the name of the city of Cambridge, and as such, .shall have, exercise and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties and obliga- tions provided for herein, or otherwise pertaining to said city as a municipal corporation. SECT. 2. The administration of the fiscal, prudential and municipal affairs of said city, and the government thereof, shall be vested in a mayor and a city council, which shall consist of a board of aldermen consisting, until the municipal year beginning on the first Monday in January in the year eighteen hundred and .ninety-three, of ten members, and thereafter of eleven members, and a common council consisting of twenty members. Each branch shall sit separately, except when required to meet in joint convention by the provisions of this charter or by a concurrent vote. The qualified voters of the whole city shall elect from among their number the mayor and aldermen. The city council shall apportion the members of the common council among the several wards as nearly as may be on the basis of population, and the qualified voters of each ward shall elect from among their number the members of the common council to which it shall be entitled on such apportionment. SECT. 3. The city shall continue to be divided into five wards, which shall retain their present boundaries until the same shall be changed under the general law relating thereto. The present apportionment of councilnien shall be retained until October in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five. The city council shall, in the month of October in the year eighteen hundred and ninety- five and every fifth year thereafter, apportion the members of the common council to the several wards, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section. SECT. 4. An annual election for the choice of city officers shall be holden on the Tuesday next following the second Monday in CITY CHARTER. December, and all officers who are chosen by the qualified voters shall be chosen by ballot ; and such officers, except the assessors and the members of the school committee, shall hold their respec- tive offices for the succeeding municipal year ; to wit, beginning with the first Monday in January succeeding the annual election and continuing till the first Monday in January of the year fol- lowing and until others shall be chosen and qualified to act in their stead. The qualified voters of the city shall at each annual election choose one of their number to be assessor for the term of three years, and one person from each ward as a member of the school committee for the term of three years, and shall, at such election, fill for the unexpired term such vacancies as occur at the end of the municipal year. SECT. T). All meetings of the qualified voters, for the purpose of voting at elections or for the transaction of municipal affairs, whether in city or in ward meetings, shall be holden in pursuance of warrants for that purpose, which shall be issued by the board of aldermen and shall be in such form and served and returned in such manner and at such time as the city council by ordinance shall direct. The board of aldermen shall issue their warrant for a general meeting of the qualified voters, for any constitu- tional or legal purpose, whenever requested to do so, in writing, by thirty such voters. SECT. 6. If at the annual election a mayor or the required number of members of the city council shall not have been elected, or if any person elected shall refuse to accept the office to which he was chosen, the board of aldermen shall make a record of the fact and forthwith issue their warrant for another election ; and the same proceedings shall be had as are provided by law for the original election ; and the same shall be repeated from time to time until a mayor and the required number of members of the city council shall have been chosen. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either office by death, resignation or otherwise, the board of aldermen may, and if such vacancy occur prior to the first of July in any year shall, forthwith issue their warrant for a new election. The removal of a person holding office from one ward to another shall not create a vacancy in such office, nor shall a change of ward boundaries create a, vacancy in any office. SECT. 7. The mayor, aldermen and members of the common council shall, before entering upon their offices, be sworn to the faithful performance of their respective duties ; and for that purpose shall meet in convention on the first Monday in January in each year at ten of the clock in the forenoon, when such oath may be administered to the mayor elect by any judge of any 6 CITY CHARTER. court of record in the Commonwealth or by any justice of the peace, and to the aldermen elect and common councilmen elect by the mayor, he being first sworn as aforesaid, or by any justice of the peace. A certificate that such oath has been taken shall be entered in the journals of the board of aldermen and of the common council by their respective clerks. If the mayor or any one or more of the aldermen or common councilmen shall not be present on the first Monday in January to take the oath required of them, the same may be administered to the mayor or aldermen at any meeting of the board of aldermen, and to the common councilmen at any meeting of the common council, thereafter, before entering upon office. A certificte that such oath has been taken shall be entered in the journal of the board at the meeting at which it was administered. SECT. 8. The executive powers of said city and all the execu- tive powers now vested in the mayor and in the board of aldermen, and in the surveyors of highways, shall be and hereby are, vested in the mayor, to be exercised through the several officers and boards of the city in their respective departments, under his general supervision and control. He shall at all times have the control and direction of the police force. He may call special meetings of the board of aldermen and of the common council, or either of them, when in his opinion the interests of the city require it, by causing the notification to be left at the usual dwelling place of each member of the board or boards to be convened. He shall from time to time communicate to said boards respectively such information, and recommend such meas- ures, as the interests of the city shall in his judgment require. He shall be ex officio chairman of the school committee, but shall have no right to vote. The mayor shall cause the laws, ordi- nances, orders and regulations of the city to be executed and enforced. He shall exercise a general supervision and control over the official acts and conduct of all officers, and take proper action to cause every violation or neglect of duty to be punished. It shall be his duty to secure an honest, efficient, and economical conduct of the entire executive and administrative business of the city and the harmonious and concerted action of the different departments. The mayor may at any time summon heads of departments or subordinate officers for information, consultation, or advice upon the affairs of the city. SECT. 9. All officers of the city not elected by the qualified voters shall be resident citizens of the city of Cambridge, and shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, and for such terms respectively as are or may be fixed by law or ordinance, CITY CHARTER. or, in case of an appointment to fill a vacancy, for the unexpired term. Subject to confirmation, as aforesaid, the mayor shall annually in the month of February appoint one person from each ward to be an assistant assessor for the term of one year, beginning with the first day of March of that year. No appoint- ment made by the mayor shall be acted upon by the board of aldermen until the expiration of one week after such appointment is transmitted to said board, except by unanimous consent of said board. SECT. 10. The mayor after due hearing may, with the approval of a majority of the board of aldermen, remove any member of the board of overseers of the poor or the board of health, any assistant assessor, any member of the police force or fire depart- ment, and any other officer of the city, except the members of the city council and school committee and their clerks and attendants, the principal assessors, the city clerk, the assistant city clerk, the city treasurer, the city auditor, the city messenger, clerk of committees, and city solicitor, for cause assigned by him. SECT. 11. Every ordinance, order, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of the board of aldermen and of the common council may be necessary, except on a question of the convention of the two branches, and every order of either branch involving expenditure of money, shall be presented to the mayor. If he approve thereof, he shall signify his approval by signing the same, but if not, he shall return the same with his objections to the branch in which it originated, which shall enter the objec- tions of the mayor, at length, upon its records and proceed to reconsider said ordinance, order, resolution, or vote, and if after such reconsideration two-thirds of the board of aldermen or common council, notwithstanding such objections, vote to pass the same, it shall be in force, unless it originally required con- current action, in which case it shall, together with the objections, be sent to the other branch of the city council, where it shall also be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of such other branch, it shall likewise be in force. In all cases the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays. If such ordinance, order, resolution or vote shall not be returned within ten days after it shall have been presented to the mayor, the same shall be in force. He may except from his approval of any ordinance, order, resolution or vote of which he has the power to vote, any portion involving a distinct item of expenditure ; in such case instead of returning the original he shall transmit a copy of such portion not approved, which portion shall be reconsidered in the manner and with the effect above provided. The mayor's approval shall likewise be required to, and he shall have a similar power of CITY CHARTER. veto, and with like limitations, over any order or vote of the board of aldermen which involves the exercise of any of the powers conferred by law upon the mayor and aldermen, or upon the board of aldermen as a separate board, but nothing herein contained shall affect the powers of said board in relation to votes cast at elections, nor shall the veto power of the mayor extend to elections. SECT. 12. The mayor shall have sole power to sign, seal, execute and deliver, in behalf of the city, deeds and leases of land sold or leased by the city, and other deeds, agreements, con- tracts, leases, indentures and assurances on behalf of the city, except as herein otherwise provided. SECT. 13. The mayor shall cause to be kept a record of all his official acts, and may, without confirmation by the board of aldermen, appoint a clerk, whose compensation shall be fixed by the city council. The mayor shall receive for his services such salary as the city council shall determine, payable at stated periods, and shall receive no other compensation ; but such salary shall not be increased or diminished during his term of office. SECT. 14. All the powers now vested by law in the city of Cambridge, or in the inhabitants thereof as a municipal corpora- tion, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be vested in the city council and shall be exercised by a concurrent vote, each branch having a negative on the other. A majority of each branch shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No member of either branch shall receive any compensation for his services. All sittings of the city council, or of either branch thereof, except for the consideration of candidates for election and except the sittings of the board of aldermen for consideration of appointments by the mayor, shall be public. But all votes on elections and on confirmations shall be taker in public. SECT. 15. The city council shall have power to make ordi- nances and to fix penalties therein, as provided herein and by general law, which shall take effect from the time therein limited, without the sanction or confirmation of any court or justice thereof. All city ordinances shall be duly published, and in such newspaper or newspapers in said city as the city council shall direct. The city council may also by ordinance regulate the loads of vehicles using the streets of said city, and provide for the appointment, in accordance with the provisions of section nine, of public weighers, measurers and surveyors, surveyors of mechanics' work, inspectors of junk shops and of junk collectors, inspectors of pawnbrokers and of dealers in second-hand articles, and other needful officers, and define their powers and duties, and fix their compensation. CITY CHARTER. SECT. 16. The city council shall have exclusive authority, subject to the veto power of the mayor, to lay out, alter, discon- tinue or fix the grade of any highway, street or town way, and to take land therefor and for the construction of public drains and common sewers, and to estimate the damage which any person shall sustain thereby, but action upon said matters shall be first taken by the board of aldermen. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the city council in the estimate of damages ma} r , within one year thereafter, make complaint and application for a jury to the superior court in the county of Middlesex, upon which application the same proceedings shall be had as are or may be provided in sections one hundred and five, one hundred and six, one hundred and seven and one hundred and eight, of chapter forty-nine of the Public Statutes, or any acts in amend- ment thereof. SECT. 17. The city council may establish a fire department, with such officers, apparatus and regulations for the government thereof as shall from time to time be prescribed by ordinance not inconsistent with this act. The engineers of the fire department shall have the powers of fire wards and all powers conferred by section four of chapter thirty-five of the Public Statutes, in like manner as if said city had accepted said section. SECT. 18. The city council shall take care that no money shall be paid out from the city treasury unless previously granted and appropriated, and shall secure a just and proper accounting, in such manner as they may direct, from all boards and officers intrusted with the receipt, custody or disbursement of the moneys or funds of the city. The city council shall publish, once in every year at least, for the use and information of the inhabitants, a particular account of the receipts and expenditures of the city and a schedule of the property and debts of the city ; the mayor and all officers and boards of the city shall make for such purpose such reports as the city council may request. SECT. 19. The city council shall annually in the month of February by concurrent vote, the board of aldermen acting first, elect by a ballot a city clerk and assistant city clerk, each of whom shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties and shall hold his office for one year from the first day of March of that year, and until another shall be chosen and qualified, but may be removed, however, at the pleasure of the city council. The city clerk shall be ex offido clerk of the board of aldermen. He shall keep a journal of the votes and proceedings of the aldermen, and also of the city council when sitting in convention, and shall perform such other duties as the aldermen and the city council 10 CITY CHARTER. may prescribe. He shall also perform all the duties and exercise all the powers usually pertaining to said office. He shall deliver up to his successor in office, as soon as chosen and qualified, all journals, records, record books, papers, documents or other things kept or held by him in his capacity of city clerk. The city council shall also annually in the month of April, by concurrent vote, the board of aldermen acting first, elect by ballot a city messenger and clerk of committees, each of whom shall hold office for one year from the first day of May of that year, and until another is chosen in his place, subject to removal at any time, by the city council. SECT. 20. The city council shall also annually in the month of February, by concurrent vote, the board of aldermen acting first, elect by ballot a city treasurer, who shall be the collector of taxes, and a city auditor, each of whom shall be sworn to a faithful discharge of his duties, and shall hold his office for one year from the first day of March of that year, and until another shall be chosen and qualified, but may be removed, however, at the pleasure of the city council. The treasurer and auditor shall deliver up to their respective successors in office as soon as chosen and qualified, or to any person designated by the city council, on their ceasing to fill such office, all books, funds, papers or other things kept or held by them as such officers. The city council shall also annually in the month of April, by concurrent vote, the board of aldermen acting first, elect a solicitor for the city of Cambridge, who shall be a resident citizen of Cambridge and an attorney and counsellor of the courts of the Common- wealth, and who shall hold office for one year, but may be removed, however, at the pleasure of the city council. SECT. 21. The city council shall annually in the month of March elect one person to be a member of the board of overseers of the poor, for the term of five years beginning with the first Monday in May of that year. SECT. 22. The city treasurer of the city of Cambridge may, as collector of taxes, appoint such deputy collectors of taxes as he may from time to time deem expedient, who shall give bonds with sufficient sureties for the faithful discharge of their duties, in such sums as the board of aldermen of said city shall from time to time prescribe, and such deputies shall have the same powers as collector of taxes of towns. He shall as such collector have all special powers conferred on a treasurer appointed col- lector by vote of a city council. SECT. 23. All fees, charges and commissions of every kind and description allowed by law for the collection of taxes, better- ments, rates and assessments of every kind, to any person or CITY CHARTER. 11 persons authorized to collect the same, upon any warrant or other command hereafter directed to the treasurer and collector of the City of Cambridge, in his capacity as treasurer or as collector, or as both treasurer and collector, shall be collected and paid into the treasury of said city and shall be the property of said city. The city may pay to such persons such compensation for services as the city council shall from time to time determine. SKCT. 24. The city council shall, in joint convention, fill for the remainder of the municipal year all vacancies which shall at any time arise in the board of assessors. SECT. 25. Neither the city council nor either branch thereof, nor any member or committee thereof, or of either branch thereof, nor the board of aldermen acting in any capacity in which said board may act separately under special powers con- ferred upon it, nor any member or committee of said board acting in any such capacity, shall directly or indirectly take part in the employment of labor, nor, except as otherwise provided in this act, in the appointment or removal of any officers or subordinates for whose appointment and removal provision is herein made. No person shall be eligible for election or appointment to any municipal office by the mayor or city council, or either branch thereof, the salary of which office is payable from the city treas- ury, during the term for which such person was chosen as member of the city council. SECT. 26. The board of aldermen shall be the final judge of the election and qualification of its members and of the members of the school committee. The board of aldermen shall choose one of its members as president, who shall president the meetings of the board and at joint conventions of the two branches of the city council. He may at any time call a special meeting of the board of aldermen by causing a notice to be left at the usual dwelling place of each member. The mayor shall not be a member of, nor preside at any of the meetings, nor appoint any of the committees of the board of aldermen. SECT. 27. The board of aldermen may authorize the construc- tion of sidewalks or the completion of any partially constructed sidewalk in said city. Such sidewalks may be with or without edgestones, and covered with brick, flat stones or concrete ; and the expense of such edgestones and covering materials shall be assessed upon the abutting lands in just proportions, and shall constitute a lien thereon and be collected in the same manner as taxes on real estate. Such sidewalks when constructed and cov- ered with brick, flat stones or concrete, as aforesaid, shall after- wards be maintained at the expense of the city. SECT. 28. The board of aldermen shall from time to time fix 12 CITY CHARTER. the number and compensation of the members of the police force, and establish general regulations for its government. They shall , have power to grant licenses to innholders, victuallers and retail- ers, and to grant other licenses for which provision is or shall be made by general law or ordinance, and may at any time revoke any license granted by them. They shall do all acts and perform all the duties which the selectmen of towns or the boards of aldermen of cities are by law required to do and perform, unless otherwise provided by general law or in this act. SECT. 29. The common council shall choose one of its members as president, who shall preside at its meetings, and shall choose a clerk, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of his office and shall hold office during the pleasure of the council. The clerk so chosen and qualified shall attend the common ' council when in session and keep a journal of its acts, votes and proceedings, and perform such other service in such office as the council may require. The common council shall be the final judge of the election and qualification of its members. SECT. 30. The city council, the board of aldermen, and the common council may respectively fill for the unexpired term any vacancy arising by reason of the death, resignation or removal of any officer elected by them. SECT. 31. The school committee and overseers of the poor shall respectively perform all such duties as the school committee and overseers of the poor in towns are required by law to perform. The school committee shall annually elect a superin- tendent of schools and the teachers of the public schools, any of whom shall be removable by vote of the committee. The mayor shall appoint the janitors of school-houses, subject to confirma- tion by the school committee, and may remove them at pleasure for cause assigned ; and such janitors shall perform their duties under the direction of the school committee. The overseers of the poor shall annually on the first Monday of May meet and organize and shall choose such subordinate officers and agents as they may deem expedient, and define their duties and fix their salaries ; but no members of the board shall be eligible to be chosen by said board to any position of emolument. SECT. 32. The city council, the board of aldermen, the common council, and the school committee, may severally employ such clerks and attendants as they may deem proper for the suitable conduct of their business, and may remove the same at pleasure. SECT. 33. Every officer of the city shall, unless sooner removed, continue after the expiration of his term of service to hold his office until his successor is appointed or elected and duly qualified. CITT CHARTER. 13 SKCT. 34. All heads of departments and boards of the city, except the chief of police and the chief engineer of the fire department, shall appoint their respective subordinates, for such term of service, respectively, as are or may be fixed by law or ordinance, which appointments shall be forthwith certified by them to the mayor ; the said officers and boards may remove such subordinates for such cause as they shall assign in writing in the order for removal, which order shall be forthwith communicated to the mayor. SKCT. 3~>. The several executive boards of the city and officers at the head of departments shall in their respective departments make and execute all necessary contracts for the employment of labor, the supply of materials, and the construction, alteration and repair of all public works and buildings, and have the entire care, custody and management of all public works, institutions and buildings, and other property, and the direction and control of all the executive and administrative business of said city. All executive boards and officers shall be at all times accountable for the proper discharge of their duties to the mayor as the chief executive officer. They and all subordinate officers shall at all times furnish such information as to matters under their control as the mayor or the city council may request. Every contract made in behalf of the city, in which the amount involved exceeds three hundred dollars, shall require the approval of the mayor before going into effect. No expenditures shall be made and no liability shall be incurred or be binding upon the city for any purpose beyond the appropriation previously made therefor. This section shall in no wise be construed as limiting or restricting the powers given to the school committee by the Public Statutes or any amendments thereto. SKCT. 36. The heads of departments and all other officers and boards having authority to . expend money shall annually before the twentieth day of January, furnish an estimate to the mayor of the money required for their respective departments and offices for one year beginning with the first day of December preceding, and the mayor shall examine such estimates and sub- mit the same with his recommendations thereon to the city council on or before the first day of February. The city council shall thereupon make the appropriation for the financial year beginning with the first day of December preceding. SKCT. 37. All ordinances of the city of Cambridge, or portions thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this act are annulled, but such portions as are not inconsistent herewith are continued in force until amended or repealed by the city council. SECT. 38. Nothing contained herein shall affect the provisions 14 CITY CHARTER. of chapter one hundred and eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, of chapter seventy of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty -eight, of chapter four hundred and thirty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty -nine, or the enforcement of the provisions of chapter three hundred and twenty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four or of acts in amendment thereof, or of the rules made by the commissioners appointed thereunder, and none of the provisions of this act, except those relating to the power of removal, shall affect the tenure of office of any person now holding any office or position in the city, or the present powers of the board of health therein. Except as herein provided, the Cambridge water board and the commissioners of the Cambridge cemetery shall continue to have and exercise all powers, and be subject to all duties now conferred or imposed upon them by law or ordinance until the same shall be modified or repealed. SECT. 39. Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter eighty-seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and thirty -five, chapter one hundred and nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and forty-six, chapter ninety-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-one, chapter one hundred and fifty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, the provisions of section one of chapter forty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty -five relating to method of appointment and removal of cemetery commissioners, and of section three of said chapter relating to execution of deeds by the city clerk, chapter one hundred and twelve of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six, chapter seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, chapter one hundred and thirty- seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, chapter one hundred and ninety-one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, chapter sixty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty -seven, chapter three hundred and thirty-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, chapter two hundred and twenty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen- hundred and seventy, chapters three hundred and thirty-seven and three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, chapter forty-one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, chapter one hundred and two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, chapter one hundred and ninety of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, chapters one hundred and three, one hundred and ninety-three, and two hundred and thirteen of the acts of the year eighteen hundred CITY CHARTER: 15 and eighty-six, and chapter two hundred and sixty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety are hereby repealed ; but such repeal shall not revive any act heretofore repealed, nor shall the repeal of said acts or the annulling of ordinances inconsistent herewith affect any act done, liability incurred, or any right accrued or established, or any suit or prosecution, civil or crim- inal, to enforce any right or penalty or punish any offence under the authority of said acts or ordinances. SECT. 40. This act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the city of Cambridge for acceptance at the next annual municipal election held therein, and the affirmative votes of a majority of the voters present and voting thereon shall be required for its acceptance. SECT. 41. So much of this act as authorizes the submission of the question of its acceptance to the voters of said city shall take effect upon its passage, but it shall not further take effect unless accepted by the voters of said city as herein provided. REVISED ORDINANCES 1892. CITY OP CAMBRIDGE Ix THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUXDKED AND JBe it ordained In/ the City Council of the city of Cambridge, as- follows : CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PKOVISIOXS. SECTION 1. All by-laws of the city shall be termed orcli- nances ; and the enacting style shall be, " Be, it ordained by the p f- s c 3 3 city council of the city of Cambridge, as follows." p.'s?'c.27, 15. SECT. 2. All ordinances hereafter passed shall be recorded in p>s c - 28 6 - the order of passage by the city clerk, in a book kept for that be recorded* ' purpose, with proper margins and index, to be lettered, " Record of Ordinances of the City of Cambridge ; " which book shall be kept in the office of the city clerk, subject to the inspection of the citizens. SECT. 3. All ordinances hereafter passed shall be published by the city clerk by inserting the same once in some newspaper published in the city, and shall be printed with the City Docu- ments of the year next subsequent to the date of their adoption ; but this section and section two of this chapter are directory only, and a failure to comply with the same shall not affect the validity of any ordinance. SECT. 4. This ordinance shall be known as the " Revised Ordinances of 1892," and, so far as its provisions are the same in effect as those of previously existing ordinances, it shall be construed as a continuation of those ordinances ; but, subject to the said limitation and to the provisions of the next session, all ordinances of the city heretofore in force are hereby repealed ; 20 REVISED ORDINANCES. [ClIAP. 1. Not to affect ordinances accepting statutes. Not to affect certain rights, penalties, etc. Not to affect certain pro- ceedings, tenureof office, etc. Power to license.. Employers and other persons liable to penalty. Construction of the words " street" and " streets." Construction of the words "public grounds." Construction of the word " owner." Construction of the word "tenant" or " occupant." The word " person." Words giving joint authority. Fines and penalties shall inure to use of city. P. S. c.27,19, 130. P. S. c. 28, 26. but this repeal shall not apply to or affect any ordinance hereto- fore adopted accepting or adopting the provisions of any statute of the commonwealth. SECT. 5. This ordinance shall not affect any act done, any right accrued, any penalty incurred, any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending, or the tenure of office of any person holding office, at the time when it takes effect, nor shall the repeal of any ordinance have the effect of reviving an ordinance theretofore re- pealed or superseded, or the effect of preventing any punishment or penalty incurred before the repeal took effect, or of interfering with any suit, prosecution or proceeding pending at the time of the repeal, for an offence committed under the ordinance repealed. SECT. 6. When in an ordinance anything is prohibited from being done without the license or permission of a certain officer, officers or board, such officer, officers or board, shall have the power to license or permit such thing to be done. SECT. 7. When anything is prohibited in an ordinance, not only the persons actually doing the prohibited thing, but also the employers and all other persons concerned therein shall be liable to the penalty prescribed. SECT. 8. The words " street " and " streets," when used in an ordinance, shall be construed as including public ways, alleys, lanes, courts, public squares, public places and side-walks, unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the ordinance. SECT. 9. The words " public grounds " shall include the com- mon and all public lands placed by the city council under the charge of the 1 Park Commissioners or the Water Board, and those parts of public places which do not form travelled parts of highways. SECT. 10. The word " owner " applied to a building or land, shall include any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, or joint tenant, of the whole or of a part of such building or land. SECT. 11. The word "tenant" or "occupant," applied to a building or land shall include any person who occupies the whole or a part of such building or land either alone or with others. SECT. 12. The word " person " shall include corporations. SECT. 13. Words purporting to give a joint authority to three or more officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such officers or persons. SECT. 14. All fines and penalties for the violation of any ordinance, or any order of the board of alderman, shall, when re- covered, inure to the use of the city, and be paid into the city treasury, unless it be otherwise directed by the laws of the com- monwealth, or the ordinances of the city. i Amended March 13, 1894. CHAP. 1.] GENERAL PROVISIONS. 21 SKCT. 15. Whoever violates a provision of any ordinance of General the city, whether included in these Revised Ordinances or those breaches of ordinances. which may be hereafter enacted, shall, unless other provision is p : s. c. 27, is, expressly made, be liable to a penalty of not less than one nor more than twenty dollars for each offence. SECT. 16. The following departments are hereby created, ^vera fthe ncnnplv departments Le V of the city. Assessors department. n?w Auditing department. Bridge department. Cemetery department. City clerk department. City messenger department. Clerk of committees department. Engineering department. Fire department. Health department. Inspection and construction of buildings department. Inspection and supervision of electric wires department. Inspection of milk and vinegar department. 1 Inspection of provisions and animals intended for slaughter or kept for the production of milk. Lamp department. Law department. Overseers of the poor department. 2 Park department. Police department. Public library department. Sealer of weights and measures department. Sewer department. Sinking fund department. Street department. Treasury department. Water works department. Each of the several departments shall be under the charge and Departments to be under management of the officers or boards designated in the respective charge of, etc., mayor to chapters relating thereto, all to be under the general supervision have general and control of the mayor. 1891 > c - 3 64 8 - 1 Amended May 10, 1893. 2 Amended July 11, 1893. 22 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 2. Mayor to en- force the laws and ordin- ances, etc. 1891, c. 364, 8, May summon heads of departments. 1891, c. 364, 8. May call special meet- ings of the city council. Shall give in- formation to city council etc. 1891, c 364, 8. Shall make appointments to fill vacan- cies.temporary and otherwise. 1891, c. 364, 9. Shall approve all bonds of city officers. All deeds, etc., given by the city to be signed, etc., by the mayor. 1891, c. 364, 12. Other officers may sign certain instruments. CHAPTER 2. THE EXECUTIVE. SECTION 1. The mayor shall at all times cause the laws of the Commonwealth and the ordinances, orders and regulations of the city to be executed and enforced by the proper officers ; shall exercise general supervision and control over the official acts and conduct of all officers, and shall take proper action to cause every violation and neglect of duty on their part to be punished. He may, at any time, summon the heads of departments and subor- dinate officers before him for information, consultation and ad- vice upon the affairs of the city. SECT. 2. He may call special meetings of the board of alder- men and of the common council, or either, whenever in his opinion the interests of the city so require, by causing a written notice to be left at the usual dwelling-place of each member of the board or boards to be convened. SECT. 3. He shall, from time to time, communicate to said boards, respectively, such information concerning the affairs of the city, together with his suggestions and recommendations re- lating thereto, as the interests of the city shall in his judgment require. SECT. 4. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in an office filled by the appointment of the mayor with the confirmation of the board of aldermen, the mayor shall appoint some person, subject to such confirmation, to hold the office for the remainder of the unexpired term and until his successor is appointed and confirmed, and whenever any person holding such office shall be temporarily disabled from discharging the duties of his office the mayor shall designate some other officer or person to perform the duties of such office during the period of such disability. SECT. 5. The bond of every city officer of whom a bond is required, and the sureties offered upon the same, shall be approved by the mayor before the officer enters upon the performance of his duties. SECT. 6. All deeds, conveyances, leases and other' instruments, which shall be given by the city, and which must be signed, sealed and acknowledged, shall be signed and acknowledged and delivered on behalf of the city, by the mayor, who shall affix thereto the city seal. But this provision shall not be construed to prevent any officer from executing any conveyance, lease, contract or other instrument in performing the duties devolving upon him. HAP. 2.] THE EXECUTIVE. 23 SECT. 7. Whenever the amount due and payable on any mort- Mayor shall J discharge and gage belonging to the city is paid to the treasurer, he shall certify assign the same to the mayor, who shall thereupon discharge the mort- gage ; or he may assign the same, without liability of or recourse to the city, and for that purpose shall execute and deliver all necessary papers. SECT. 8. When a person entitled to redeem an estate sold for Mayor may release tax nonpayment of taxes or assessments and purchased by the city, titles, makes application for such redemption, the mayor may, on the payment to the treasurer of the amount due to the city on such estate, execute in behalf of the city any and all legal instruments that may be necessary to transfer the city's title to such estate. SECT. 9. The mayor shall approve all drafts drawn by the Shall approve city auditor upon the city treasurer ; and with the treasurer and drafts, auditor shall sign all bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness Shall sign ail issued for loans to the city authorized by the city council. city, etc. SECT. 10. The mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by Shall appoint the board of aldermen, for the terms hereinafter specified and officers. ..,.,. .. . t , , ~ , ., Appointments until their respective successors are appointed and confirmed, the shall be P ,, ., confirmed by following officers, to wit : board of aldermen. 1891, c. 364, 9. In January. (For one year from the first Monday in January.) One or more measurers of wood and bark. what officers are to be Two or more fence viewers. appointed by the mayor in Two or more field drivers. January. One pound-keeper for each pound in the city. Three persons as a committee for the preservation of fish. A superintendent of public buildings. A keeper of lock-ups. A person to receive information of damage done by dogs. Two or more policemen without pay. Two or more constables. Two or more inspectors of junk shops, pawn-brokers' shops and second hand clothing stores and dealers. One or more weighers of hay. One or more weighers of coal. One or more public weighers. One or more weighers of boilers and heavy machinery. One or more persons to seize illegal charcoal baskets, measures and vessels. An inspector of milk and vinegar. One or more measurers of grain. One or more measurers and surveyors. One or more surveyors of mechanics' work. REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 2. Officers appointed by the Mayor in January. In February. In March. In March or April. In April. In June. One or more auctioneers. Two or more undertakers. 2 One member of the school committee as a trustee of the public library. (For i three years from the first Monday in February.) A member of the board of health. (For three years from the first Monday in February.) Two cemetery commissioners. (For three years from the third Monday in January.) Two trustees of the public library. In February. (For one year from the first day in March.) Five assistant assessors, one from each ward. In March. (For one year from the first Monday in May.) A bridge commissioner. In March or April. (For one year from the first day of April.) A sealer of weights and measures. (For four years from the first day of May.) A registrar of voters. In April. (For one year from the first day of May.) A superintendent of streets. A superintendent of lamps. A city engineer. One or more inspectors of provisions and of animals intended for slaughter, or kept for the production of milk. (For three years from the first Wednesday in May.) Two commissioners on the sinking funds of the city. In June. (For five years from the thirtieth day of June.) One member of the water board. (In January of every third year, beginning with the year 1892, for three years from the first Monday in February.) A city physician. 1 Amended April 1, 1896. 2 Amended Dec. 22, 1892. CHAP. 2.] THE EXECUTIVE. 25 SKroriiw\ that the treasurer may pay, before such order is drawn, any sum of money due on the principal or interest of any note, bond or other security of the city, or on any judgment against the city, and also refunds certified by the water registrar. SECT. 7. The auditor shall require complete identification of all persons seeking to receive settlement of bills and claims due from the city, and he shall give his certificate to no person other than the one named, in the bill, or order transmitted to him, or his duly authorized agent or attorney. SECT. 8. The auditor shall keep his accounts in such form and in such detail as may be necessary to a clear exhibit of all expenditures and receipts. He shall credit each city account with its appropriation for the financial year, and with all revenue re- ceived on account of the same, and charge against the same the expenditures as they shall, from time to time be allowed. When- ever an appropriation for any account is expended he shall immediately give notice thereof to the mayor and the city council, and he shall not pass or allow any claim or account chargeable against such appropriation, until the city council provides the means of paying the same. The auditor shall once in each month prepare a statement, and furnish the mayor and each member of the city council a printed copy thereof, showing the condition of each city account, giving amount of appropriations and receipts, expenditures, and unexpended balances under the same. SECT. 9. The auditor shall countersign all the bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness issued for loans to the city, authorized by the city council, and also all orders drawn by the mayor on the treasurer, as provided in section five of this chapter. He shall report to the city council during the month of December in each year, the expenditures and receipts during the preceding financial year, giving in detail the amount of appropriations and expenditures, and the receipts from each source of* income ; and the whole shall be arranged, as far as practicable, so as to con- form to the accounts of the treasurer. He shall include in said report a statement of the funded and temporary loans, and the rate of interest thereon, and shall exhibit all the liabilities and assets as shown on the books in his office at the close of the financial year. The financial year shall begin on the first day of December, and the auditor shall make up his accounts to include the last day of November annually. SECT. 10. Whenever any order is drawn upon the city treas- CHAP. 4.] AUDITING. 35 urer by the mayor, the auditor shall charge it under the appro- Auditor shall priate head of expenditure, and report the same and the amount to P comnmfee thereof to the committee on accounts at its next meeting. SECT. 11. The pay-rolls of city employees shall be made up Pay-roils of each Saturday for the whole week, including that day, and the pay-days at the city hall for such employees shall be every Thursday, except in case such day occurs upon a legal holiday, when the next preceding day shall be the pay-day. Other pay- other rolls shall be made up to include the last day of each month ; pa> " r and the pay-day for the same and for bills shall be on the tenth of each month, or the day following if such occurs on Sunday or a legal holiday ; and all executive boards shall hold regular Meetings of meetings within the last seven days of each month for the boards!^ examination and approval of bills, including pay-rolls certified as provided in section five of this chapter. SECT. 12. Executive boards and heads of departments shall Executive . . boards and approve all accounts and claims in their respective departments, heads of . departments shall keep a record of all contracts and obligations entered into to approve by them, the dates of the same, with the names of the parties and the amounts of such contracts and obligations, when the same are known, and also of the names of the persons whose bills are approved, and of the dates and amounts of said bills. Heads of departments and a majority of each of said boards, except the school committee, shall certify, by their signatures upon such shall certify bills, their approval of the same, present them to the appropriate approval, committee of the city council for inspection, and pass them to the auditor on or before the morning of the first day of each month. All bills approved by the school committee shall be certi- Approval of fied by the secretary, and at least three members of that board, school 7 No bill shall be approved by any board l except the school com- mittee, except at a meeting of which all the members have been notified, and at which there is a majority present. \Vhen any committee of the city council has any doubt concern- ing the propriety or correctness of a bill presented to it for inspec- tion, it - shall, if the same be not satisfactorily explained, indorse its disapproval thereon, and report the fact of such disapproval, with the reasons therefor, to the city council at the next meeting. SECT. 13. The auditor may, with the approval of the mayor, sub-auditor, in a writing deposited with the treasurer, designate a subordinate of his department who shall for such time, not exceeding thirty days from the date thereof, as shall be set forth in the designa- tion, perform all the duties of the auditor, who shall be respon- sible for all acts performed by such subordinate while performing such duties. i Amended April 20, 1899. 36 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 5. Bridge depart- ment in charge of the commis- sioner of bridges. Term of office. Removal. Vacancy. Powers and duties. Shall make annual report to the city council. CHAPTER 5. BRIDGE. SECTION 1. The bridge department shall be under the charge of the commissioner of bridges, who shall have the care and management on the part of this city of the West Boston, Craigie's, Harvard and Prison Point bridges. He shall hold office for the term of one year from the first Monday in May in the year of his appointment and until his successor is appointed. He may be removed by the mayor, after due hearing, with the approval of a majority of the board of aldermen. A vacancy may be filled for the unexpired term at any time in the same manner as provided for the original appointment. SECT. 2. He shall have and exercise all the powers in relation to the care and management of the bridges, conferred by the three hundredth and three hundred and second chapters of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and chapter one hundred and fifty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and of any and all other bridges which may at any time be placed in his charge by the city council. SECT. 3. He shall annually, in December, report to the city council a particular account of all expenditures, the property on hand, the number of times the draws have been opened, and other matters of general interest in relation to said bridges, for the previous year, with an estimate of the amount required of the city for the care and maintenance of said bridges for the year ensuing. CHAI>. 6.] CEMETERY. 37 CHAPTER 6. CEMETERY. SECTION 1. The cemetery department shall be under the charge Cemetery , . department ot a board or six commissioners to be styled cemetery commis- in charge of sioners, two of whom shall be appointed in the month of January cpmmis- of each year, by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of SS? c44. aldermen, to hold their office for the term of three years from the 1891 c. 364, 38. first Monday of the February following their appointment. A Term of office, vacancy in said board may be filled for the unexpired term at any vacancies, time in the same manner as provided for the original appointment. SECT. 2. Said board shall have the care, superintendence, and Duties, management of the Cambridge cemetery, so called, and also of the burial ground on Garden street. SECT. 3. Said board of commissioners shall have authority to Authority. sell rights of burial in the Cambridge cemetery, but all deeds Deeds0 f Iot8 and conveyances shall be executed by the mayor in the name of the city, and recorded by the city clerk in a book kept for that purpose. SECT. 4. The commissioners shall annually, in the month of Annual report. December, make and render to the city council a report of all their acts, doings and proceedings, and of the condition of the said cemetery and burial ground, and an account of their receipts and expenditures for the year ending November thirtieth. SECT. 5. Whenever the board of commissioners of the Cam- perpetual care . . , , . , , , of lots in the bridge cemetery, or any person or persons authorized by that Cambridge board, shall certify in writing to the treasurer that a certain sum p. s. c. 82, 17. of money, not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, is sufficient to warrant the board in assuming the preservation and care of any lot or grave in the Cambridge cemetery, the treas- urer shall receive such amount, if offered by the person or persons owning such lot or grave, and pay the interest thereof to the said board for the preservation and care of the same^ as provided by section four of chapter twenty-five of the ordinances of the city. SECT. 6. All sums of money which the board of commissioners Money paid of the Cambridge cemetery shall receive from the city treasurer care? of lots, as interest upon sums which have been paid by owners for the perpetual care of lots and graves in the Cambridge cemetery, shall be faithfully applied by said board in accordance with the notices of the city treasurer designating the particular lots and graves on account of which the several payments have been made. 38 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. G. Fund for SECT. 7. The f und so created shall be denominated the " ceme- perpetual care o f lots. tery fund for the perpetual care of lots." Deeds in trust. l SECT. 8. Proprietors of lots may, upon forms prescribed by the board of cemetery commissioners, reconvey said lot or lots to the city of Cambridge ; and the board of , cemetery commis- sioners may accept the same, for and in behalf of the city of Cambridge, upon certain trusts in said deed of reconveyance to be expressly mentioned. But in no event shall any such deed of reconveyance be accepted as aforesaid, unless and until there shall be deposited with and held by the city treasurer, in accordance with section 4 of chapter 25 of the revised ordinances, a sum sufficient, in the opinion of the board of cemetery commissioners, to provide for the perpetual preservation and care of such lot or lots and their several respective appurtenances, including the care of the grass, resodding, erecting, placing, keeping in repair, and the renewal of any tomb, curb, monument, headstone, and fence now or hereafter to be placed on said lot or lots. . Any proprietor, so reconveying any lot or lots as aforesaid to the city, may in said deed reserve to himself and to such as may be beneficiaries thereunder the right of admission and such super- vision as to the board of cemetery commissioners may seem proper, and as may not be inconsistent with the rights which have vested in said city of Cambridge. i Amended March 29, 1894. CHAP. 7.] CITY CLERK. CHAPTER 7. CITY CLERK. SECTION 1. The city clerk department shall be under the city clerk department in charge of the city clerk, who shall hold his office for the term of c j ia r ^ e of cit ^ one year from the first day of March in the year of his election p - s - c - 2 ?> ^ 8 - and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall have Term of o ffi ce. the care and custody of the city records and of all documents, p u g ie ^ 28 2 maps, plans and papers of the city, respecting the care and 1891, c. 364, 19. custody of which no other provision is made. He shall attend all meetings of the board of aldermen, and all meetings of both branches of the city council, when met in convention, and he shall keep records of the proceedings at all such meetings. SKCT. 2. The city clerk shall give to the city a bond, with shaiigivea sufficient sureties, in the sum of three thousand dollars, in such S>nd. ac ry form as shall be satisfactory to the city solicitor, and subject to the approval of the mayor, which bond shall be executed, approved and delivered before he enters upon the duties of his office, and within ten days after his election. Should he fail to Election to be give such bond within the time herein required, the election shall not given, be void, and a new election shall be had forthwith. In case of New bond, the death or insolvency of any of the sureties upon any bond so given, given, the city clerk shall immediately notify the mayor and give a new bond, with sufficient sureties, as hereinbefore provided ; and if he fails to give such new bond within a reasonable time after notice to do so, it shall be sufficient cause for his removal from office. SECT. 3. The city clerk shall notify the auditor of all orders Shaiigive passed by the city council or board of aldermen, authorizing auditor of . . ,., . money orders, appropriations, expenditures, assessments, apportionments or etc. abatements, immediately after such orders are approved. He shall also report to him daily all amounts received by him, and paid to the treasurer, on account of licenses or fees of any description. He shall pay over to the treasurer daily all moneys shall pay daily , , , . ,. ... to treasurer all received by him on account or licenses or lees ot any description, moneys He shall report to the treasurer all orders for sewer and sidewalk shall Wort assessments, and all apportionments and abatements thereof, sidewalk immediately after such orders are approved. 1 Six months before the expiration of the time when an assessment of better- ments for any street improvement must be made, he shall notify the city council of the date of said expiration. i Amended May 26, 1898. 40 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 7. Assistant city clerk. 1891. c. 364, 19. Duties. Sh-.llgive ti bond Election void if bond not given. New bond given, when. SECT. 4. The assistant city clerk shall assist the city clerk in recording, indexing and certifying all documents and papers required by law to be filed in the office of, or recorded by. the city clerk, and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office of city clerk when thereto requested by the city clerk, or when from any cause the office of city clerk shall be vacant. SECT. 5. The assistant city clerk shall give a bond in such form as the city solicitor shall approve, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the mayor, in the sum of three thousand dol- lars, which bond shall be executed, approved and delivered before he enters upon the duties of his office, and within ten days after his election. Should he fail to give such bond within the time herein required, the election shall be void, and a new election shall be had forthwith. In case of the. death or insolvency of any of the sureties on any bond so given, he shall immediately notify the mayor and give a new bond, with sufficient sureties, as herein- before provided ; and if he fails to give such new bond within a reasonable time after notice to do so, it shall be sufficient cause for his removal from office. CHAP. 8.] CITY MESSENGER. CHAPTER 8. CITY MESSENGEK. SECTION 1. The city messenger department shall be under city messenger the charge of the city messenger, who shall hold office for one charge? 1 ^ 1 ? year from the first day of May, in the year of his election and Ssfi^Sfif 19. until another is chosen in his place, subject to removal, at any time, by the city council. SECT. 2. The city messenger shall attend to the opening and Duties, closing of the rooms in the city hall, and have the care and charge of the same ; shall attend all meetings of the board of aldermen and of the common council ; shall wait upon all committees and boards when in session at the city hall, and, in general, shall perform all services required by the mayor, by either branch of the city council, or by such committees or boards, and shall receive such compensation as the city council may determine. SECT. 3. The city messenger shall purchase all supplies of shall purchase stationery, etc. stationery required for the use of the city council and depart- ments acting thereunder. He shall keep a detailed account of all such purchases and deliveries from the same, and shall furnish each department only upon a requisition signed by the head of such department, and take a receipt for all articles delivered. He shall make monthly reports to the city auditor Monthly of all stationery furnished by him to each of the several depart- auduor. . ments of the city. He shall have charge of all printed matter, bound volumes and books of reference belonging to the city and not delivered to the departments, and shall distribute the same, or keep them in convenient form for reference, according to such rules as the committee on printing shall adopt. He shall report Annual report . . t to the city to the city council annually, in December, giving a general state- council. ment of purchases, deliveries and stock on hand, with a catalogue of all additions to the reference library. 42 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 9. Clerk of committees, department in charge of. 1891, c. 364, 19. Duties. Shall keep books of record, etc. Assistant clerk of committees, how appointed. His duties. 1891,c.364, 34. CHAPTER 9. CLERK OF COMMITTEES. SECTION 1. The clerk of committees department shall be under the charge of the clerk of committees, who shall hold his office for the term of one year from the first day of May in the year of his election and until his successor is elected. He shall act as clerk of all committees, standing or special, of either branch, and of both branches of the city council, not otherwise provided for by ordinance or order, and shall receive such com- pensation as the city council shall determine. SECT. 2. He shall make a proper record, in books kept for the purpose, of all proceedings and transactions, and keep a calendar of all meetings of the committees of which he is clerk, and, when requested by the chairman, notify the members thereof. He shall perform such other duties and services, in making estimates and computations, drawing orders and reports, and rendering assistance, as such committees shall require. SECT. 3. The clerk of committees shall appoint an assistant clerk, who shall assist him in the performance of the duties of his office, and shall discharge the duties of the clerk of com- mittees when that officer is absent, and whenever there is a vacancy in his office. CHAP. 10.] ENGINEERING. ' 43 CHAPTER 10. ENGINEERING. SECTION 1. The engineering department shall be under the Engineering charge of the city engineer, who shall hold his office for the term cbarge of the of one year from the first day of May in the year of his appoint- is9i, c!?64. ment and until his successor is chosen. He shall receive such compensation as the city council may determine. SECT. 2. The city engineer shall exercise a general supervision Duties . of all matters within said department ; he shall be consulted in relation to public improvements of every kind where the advice of a civil engineer would be of service. He shall have the Charo . e of an charge of all plans of streets, drains, sewers and structures of P la118 - every kind, not especially belonging to other departments, and shall keep the same properly classified and indexed ; and he may make such rules and regulations, concerning the taking of plans from his office, as he may deem necessary to insure their safety. SECT. 3. Unless otherwise specially provided, he shall take charge of the charge of the construction of all public works of the city which properly come under the direction of a civil engineer ; shall perform all engineering services and make all examinations and prepare all statements, plans, specifications and contracts which any department may need in the discharge of its duties ; shall, upon being notified by the mayor, supervise all repairs on the brld s es - bridges used as highways, which affect the safety of the struct- ures, and when required by the mayor, or by any officer or board in charge of a department, shall measure the work done by con- Shall me asure tract for the city, and certify to the results of such measurement. Sntract! 16 by SECT. 4. He shall, either by himself or his assistants, make ghall make such surveys, plans, profiles, estimates and descriptions as may be required of him by the mayor, the board of aldermen, the city council or any committee thereof : and he shall perform all other required of mm. such services for the city, which properly come under the direc- tion of a civil engineer, as may be required of him by the mayor, the board of aldermen, the city council or any committee thereof, the city solicitor, the water board, or the board of cemetery com- missioners. SECT. 5. He shall take charge of all plans and surveys relating pi ans and to the laying out, widening, extending, and grading of streets, and the establishing of correct lines for the same, and of all such structures and public works of the city as the city council may direct ; provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed 44 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 10. Shall not inter- as to authorize him to interfere with existing: departments or fere with other departments, boards oi omcers, or with any which may be hereafter estab- lished, whose duties may be clearly defined. SSd JfSdt^Sr SECT - 6 - He sha11 g ive to a11 applicants, so far as the files charge! fiee f an( ^ recoi 'ds of his office will permit, any information as to the lines and grades of streets on which their estates are situated, or upon which they intend to build. And all information of this character furnished to owners of estates, or persons representing them, or to those intending to build, shall be without charge. l It Foundation shall be his duty to ascertain the proper foundation grade for the superstructure of every building to be erected by the city, and immediately thereafter to furnish all necessary information in relation thereto to the superintendent of public buildings. Shall notify the SECT. 7. Whenever he shall ascertain that any building: or mayor of encroachments structure has been placed within the lines of a public street, on the public . . streets or so that it may cause injury or inconvenience to a public street, he shall immediately give notice thereof in writing to the mayor. Shall annually SECT. 8. He shall annually, or oftener if required, carefully examine the bridges, etc. examine all the bridges within the city limits, and make such reports respecting their condition as to safety, need of renewal or repairs, as the case may require. Annual report SECT. 9. He shall annually, in the month of December, to the city J ' council. present to the city council a report in relation to his department, showing the number of persons employed, the detailed expenses of the department, the general nature of the work, the property under his charge, the condition of all structures that come under his supervision that are in process of construction, or that have been completed during the previous year, and such other general information, in relation to the same, as he may deem expedient. i Amended Dec. 29, 1897. (HAP. 11.] FIRE. 45 CHAPTER 11. FIRE. SK< TIOX 1. The fire department shall be under the charge of Fire depart- ment in charge .the chief engineer. The department shall consist of a chief j 'jj^jj. 11 ** engineer, two l engineers, who shall be styled call district chiefs, Qther officerg and of as many enginemen, assistant enginemen, hosemen, and etc., of the hook and ladder men, to be divided into companies, as the p - s - c - 35 28 - number of engines and other fire apparatus belonging to the city shall require. SKCT. 2. The chief engineer, call district chiefs, and all Terms of office, officers and members of the fire department shall hold their respective offices and places until they are removed, or their offices or places are otherwise vacated. The mayor, for cause Removals. assigned by him, and after due hearing by him may, with the approval of a majority of the board of aldermen, at any time remove from office or place, the chief engineer, any call district chief, any officer and any member of the department. In the vacancies. case of a vacancy in the offices of the chief engineer and the call district chiefs, such vacancy shall, within thirty days after it is created, be filled by appointment by the mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen. SKCT. 3. The chief and the call district chiefs, on their Warrants of appointment. appointment, shall each receive a warrant, in the words follow- ing : " This certifies that - - is appointed chief engineer (or call district chief) of the fire department of the city of Cambridge; and is entitled to all the immunities, and invested with all the powers belonging to said office. Given under my hand, this - day of - , A. D., 18 . , Mayor, , City Clerk." SECT. 4. The chief engineer shall engage in no other business Duties of or occupation. The call district chiefs shall report their absences from fires in their respective districts, with the reasons therefor, to the chief engineer, who shall keep a record thereof, and of his own absences from fires. They shall also report to him when- ever they intend to leave the city. 2 There shall be appointed one more driver than those required for the existing engine and hook and ladder companies. The chief engineer may designate one of the drivers in the fire department to act as driver of his wagon. i Amended Dec. 9, 1896. -^ A mended May 4, 1893. 46 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 11. Such person shall be constantly employed, and shall at all times be in or about the engine house except when on duty elsewhere, unavoidably absent, or excused from duty by the chief engineer. Duties of SECT. 5. The call district chiefs shall, whenever a fire breaks out in their respective districts, immediately repair to the fire, wearing the badge of their office ; shall require and compel assistance from all persons in extinguishing the fire, removing furniture, goods, or other merchandise from any building on fire or in danger thereof, and in pulling down any building, if occa- sion require, and shall suppress all tumults and disorders at fires. Chief engineer SECT. 6. The chief engineer shall have the sole command at command at fires over all persons, whether members of the fire department or not. He shall direct all proper measures for extinguishing fires, protecting property, preserving order, and enforcing the laws, ordinances and regulations respecting fires ; and shall examine into the condition of the fire engines and all other fire apparatus, and of the fire-engine houses and other houses belong- ing to the city, and used for the department and by the companies thereto attached, as often as once a week, and whenever directed Shall certify all s to do by the mayor. He shall certify all bills, and submit the submit "them to same for inspection monthly to the joint standing committee on ^ ne ^ re department. He shall report to the city council, annually, / in the month of December, a statement of the receipts and Annual report, expenditures of his department, the condition of the fire engines and all other fire apparatus, a schedule of the property in his charge, the names of the officers and members, and all other Fire facts in relation to the department. Whenever the fire engines apparatus, public and or other fire apparatus require repairs, he shall cause the same to be made, under the direction of the mayor, and, as far as practicable, shall examine into the location and condition of fire apparatus belonging to corporations or private individuals within the limits Direction of of tne G ^Y- He shall require the permanent men,, when not otherwise engaged, to perform such other duties and do such other work as, in his judgment, may be deemed proper. He shall Transmit also receive and transmit to the city council all returns of officers, comicii. tOClty members, and fire apparatus, made by the respective companies as hereinafter prescribed, and all other communications relating to the affairs of the fire department; shall keep fair and exact rolls of the respective companies, specifying the time of admis- oV^n fires P rt sion and discharge and the age of each member, and shall report p. s. c. 85, 10. amma ;Qy ? or oftener if directed, all accidents by fire which may happen within the city, with the cause thereof, the number and description of the buildings destroyed or injured, and the amount of loss and insurance on the same, together with the names of the owners or occupants. CHAP. 11.] FIRE. 47 SKCT. 7. In case of the absence of the chief engineer, a call Can district chief to act in district chief, designated by him, shall execute the duties of his absence of office with full powers, except that each call district chief shall have full control within his district during a fire. SECT. 8. No person who is not a legal voter in the city, and Qualifications no person whose daily occupation is carried on outside of the department, city, shall be appointed, or continue an officer or member of the fire department. l Whoever is appointed hereafter to any Retire from position in the fire department may be retired from the service at any time after he reaches the age of sixty years, at the dis- cretion of the mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen. - Whoever is appointed hereafter as a member of the fire depart- Physical . . examination. ment snail, beiore receiving such appointment, be subjected to a satisfactory physical examination. SKCT. 9. Each steam fire-engine company shall consist of a captain, lieutenant, engineman, assistant engineman, driver of the steam fire engine, driver of the hose carriage, and six hosemen. The captain and lieutenant shall be nominated by the chief en- gineer for appointment by the mayor and aldermen. The engine- Which to be man, assistant engineman and the drivers shall be constantly men. employed, and shall at all times be in or about the engine house, except when unavoidably absent, or excused from duty by the chief engineer. The captain of each steam fire-engine company shall have Duties of ... * captains and charge and direction 01 his company at fires. lieutenants. The lieutenant of each steam fire-engine company shall assist the captain in the discharge of his duties, and act as clerk of the company. Each chemical engine company shall consist of a lieutenant, 3 j^emicai an engineman 3 and driver. The lieutenant 3 of each chemical companies, engine company shall have charge and direction of his company at fires. 4 In addition to the permanent force before mentioned, there Addition to permanent shall also be appointed 5 six men who shall be constantly force, employed, and who shall be assigned as the chief engineer may direct. 5 provided, however, that the number of members of the department other than those permanently employed shall be reduced by three. 3 There shall also be appointed from the permanent force one permanent lieutenant of hook and ladder truck companies, whose duty shall be the same as that now performed by the call lieu- 1 Amended Oct. 12, 1898. 2 Amended Dec. 22, 1898. 3 Amended July 27, 1898. 4 Amended Oct. 28, 1896. 5 Amended Sept. 30, 1898. 48 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP, ll. Permanent lieutenant of chemical engine companies. Additional permanent man to each steam fire engine. Duties of enginemen. P. S. c. 35, 34. Duties of drivers. Members of hook-and- ladder companies. Company in charge of Hayes truck. tenants of said truck companies, and in the absence of the captain he shall have the care of the engine house and all city property therein. There shall also be created the position of permanent lieutenant of chemical engine companies, who shall be chosen from the permanent force, whose duty shall be the same as that now performed by the engineman of said chemical com- panies. Such permanent lieutenants to be assigned as the chief engineer may direct. The assistant engineman shall be desig- nated and known as engineman, and in the absence of the perma- nent lieutenant, he shall have charge of the chemical engine house and all city property therein. 4 There shall also be appointed one additional permanent man to each steam fire engine, making seven additional permanent men ; and the number of the call men to each steam fire engine shall be correspondingly reduced. SECT. 10. The engineman of each fire-engine company shall, under the direction of the chief engineer, have the immediate care of the engine house and all the property therein belonging to the city. He shall make requisitions on the chief engineer for all supplies required for his company. He shall be held per- sonally responsible for the care and condition of the fire engine, and have it at all times ready for immediate use. He shall be accountable for the discipline of his company, and report to the chief engineer any breach of the same. l In the absence of the engineman the assistant engineman shall have the care of the engine house and all city property therein. SECT. 11. The driver of each fire engine, and the driver of the hose carriage, shall drive and have charge of the horses of the fire engine and hose carriage, respectively, and have the same at all times ready for immediate use, and the stable kept neat and clean. They and the assistant enginemen shall assist the engine- men in keeping the house and apparatus clean, and all shall perform such other duty as may be required of them by the chief engineer. SECT. 12. Each hook-and-ladder company 2 except the company in charge of the Hayes truck, so called, shall consist of a captain, lieutenant, driver, and 3 nine laddermen. 2 The company in charge of the Hayes truck, so called, shall consist of a captain, lieutenant, driver, tillerman, and not more than four laddermen. The captain and lieutenant shall be nominated by the chief engi- neer for appointment by the mayor and aldermen. The captain shall, at all fires, have charge and direction of his company. The 1 Amended Feb. 26, 1898. 2 Amended Feb. 23, 1894. 3 Amended Dec. 9, 1896. 4 Amended Oct. 12, 1899. CHAP, ll.] FIRE. 49 lieutenant shall assist the captain in the discharge of his duties, and also act as clerk of the company. The driver l and tiller- Duties of ,, , . , . driver and man shall be constantly employed, and at all times be in or tiiierman. about the hook-and-ladder house, except when unavoidably absent, or excused from duty by the chief engineer. l The driver shall drive and have charge of the horses, shall keep the stable neat and clean, and perform such other duty as may be required of him by the chief engineer. l The tiiierman shall operate the tiller of the Hayes truck, so called, and shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to and required of him by the chief engineer. SECT. 13. The captain of each hook-and-ladder company shall The captains of hook and be constantly employed, and at all times be in and about the ladder com- hook-and-ladder house, except when unavoidably absent, or permanent excused from duty by the chief engineer. He shall, under the direction of the chief engineer, have the sole care of the hook- and-ladder house and all the property therein belonging to the Duties and re- sponsibilities, city, and shall be held personally responsible for the care and condition of the same. He shall be accountable for the disci- pline of his company and report to the chief engineer any breach of the same. SECT. 14. Whenever any vacancy occurs in any fire-engine, vacancies in hose, or hook-and-ladder company, the vacancy shall be filled by how sued!' appointment by the mayor with the approval of the board of aldermen. The members of such companies shall continue in Terms of service of service until removed by the mayor and aldermen, or until their members, positions are otherwise vacated, provided, however, that the chief engineer or any call district chief may suspend any member of a company for such cause as he may deem sufficient, and the call district chiefs shall each immediately report any case of suspen- sion by him to the chief engineer, and the chief engineer shall, as soon as possible, report any case of suspension to the mayor. SECT. 15. The captains shall keep, or cause to be kept by the captainsishaii cause to be clerks of their respective companies, lair and exact rolls, speci- kept roils of fyiiig the time of admission, discharge and age of each member, companies, and accounts of all city property intrusted to the care of the several members, and of all cases of absence and tardiness, in a book provided for that purpose by the city, which rolls or record books are always to be subject to the order of the chief engineer and the mayor. They shall also make, or cause to be made, to the chief engineer, true and accurate returns, of all the members, with their ages, and of the apparatus intrusted to their care, whenever called upon so to do. SKCT. 16. The officers and members of the several companies, i Amended Feb. 23, 1894. 50 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 11. In case of fire, duty of officers and members. Transfer of members. Copy of records of transfers and suspensions to be sent to the mayor. Duty of captains at fires. Duty of other officers in the absence of captain. No fines to be imposed on members. Deductions from pay permitted. Uniforms for permanent members. Badges to be worn at all fires. Refreshments. whenever a fire breaks out in the city, shall repair forthwith to their respective fire engines, hose, and hook-and-ladder carriages, and obey the directions of the chief or the call district chief in charge, and in the absence of all the call district chiefs, the directions of their respective captains. SECT. 17. The chief engineer shall have power to transfer members from one company to another, whenever the interests of the department may require it. SECT. 18. In all cases of transfer, or suspension of the mem- bers of the fire department by the chief engineer or call district chiefs, the name of the person transferred or suspended, with a statement of the reasons thereof, shall be entered by the chief engineer on his records, and a copy of the same shall be trans- mitted at once to the mayor. SECT. 19. The captain of each steam fire-engine and hook-and- ladder company, and the engineman of each chemical engine company, immediately on his arrival at any fire, shall report to the chief engineer, or the call district chief in charge, and shall remain by his company and the apparatus of which he has charge, during the fire, preserve order, direct their operations, and protect them from being interrupted in the discharge of their duty. SECT. 20. In the absence of the captain of any company, the officer next in rank, who is present, shall take the command, and have all the powers and responsibilities of captain. SECT. 21. No company shall be allowed to impose fines upon its members ; but it shall be the duty of the clerk of each com- pany to enter in the roll book provided by the city, all absences of each officer or member of said company from all fires and alarms of fire, and from the monthly and special meetings author- ized by the chief engineer, and to make a monthly return of the same to the chief engineer. And for every such absence, except in case of sickness, there shall be deducted from the pay of such officer or member the sum of fifty cents. SECT. 22. The permanent men of the department shall be required to furnish themselves with a suitable uniform, the same to consist of a cap, overcoat, undercoat, vest, and pantaloons, and to be of such materials, quality of goods, and pattern, as the chief engineer may prescribe. SECT. 23. Every member of the department shall wear at all fires, such badge as the chief engineer shall prescribe ; and no person without such badge, excepting members of the city council, shall enter within the lines formed at any fire. SECT. 24. It shall be the duty of the chief engineer as far as possible, to prevent refreshments being furnished at fires to any CHAP. 11.] PENSIONING OF FIREMEN. 51 persons, except members of the fire department. No intoxicating intoxicating liquors of any kind shall be carried into any of the houses used J Gambling. by the fire department ; nor shall any gambling be permitted therein. SECT. 25. No company shall leave the city in case of fire in companies not the neighboring towns, except by the consent of the chief c?t/ a except. engineer ; and no company shall leave the city on an excursion, unless by the permission of the mayor, and such permission shall in no case be deemed to include the apparatus. SECT. 26. The chief engineer and call district chiefs shall Combustibles. thoroughly examine into all places where shavings and other combustible materials are deposited or collected, and cause the same to be removed by and at the expense of the owners or other occupants of any such places, whenever the security of the city against fire requires it. SECT. 27. The chief engineer shall make rules for giving Rules for fire- alarms of fire by telegraph, and may alter the same ; and he tefe^aph. shall make such rules and regulations for the better government, 7 Rules for discipline, and good order of the department, and for the extin- discipline, etc. guishing of fires, as he may deem expedient, the same not being repugnant to the laws of this commonwealth, or to any ordinance of the city, but subject to the approval of the city council ; such rules shall be placed on file in the office of the chief engineer. FIRE LINES. SECTION 1. At any place or places in this city at which a fire No person is or has been in progress no person other than firemen, policemen and other parties duly authorized shall advance, enter or remain within or beyond any barrier, line or limit of approach to said J[J. thln barrier place or places which barrier, line or limit has been established or located by roping off or otherwise by order of the chief of the fire department, during the time and at the place at which said barrier, line or limit of approach is maintained. SECT. 2. Said barrier, line or limit of approach so established Barrier, line, or located as provided in section one, shall be known as and SS'l^^" 1 called a " fire line." SECT. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this penalty. ordinance shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. PENSIONING OF FIREMEN. SECTION 1. Upon the recommendation of the chief engineer petition for of the fire department to the city council or upon his own petition peE therefor, any fireman in the employ of the city, who, by reason of permanent disability incurred while in the discharge of his 52 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 11. Shall receive pension for such a time, etc. Pension granted under restrictions, etc. City physician shall examine, and furnish written state- ment, etc. Chief engineer shall furnish written state- ment, etc. Amount of pension not to exceed, etc. duty as fireman, is no longer able to perform active service as such, fireman, shall receive such a pension for such a time and to such an amount as upon hearing he may be found entitled thereto. SECT. 2. Every pension granted to a fireman shall be under the following restrictions and subject to the following provisions, viz. : 1. It shall be payable monthly. 2. It may be increased, diminished or revoked at any time after due notice to the pen- sioner and a hearing before a committee of the city council. SECT. 3. The city physician shall examine every person rec- ommended for or applying for such pension, and shall furnish to the city council a written statement in regard to his physical condition so far as it affects permanently his ability to perform active service as a fireman. SECT. 4. The chief engineer of the fire department shall fur- nish to the city council a written statement of the circumstances under which his disability was incurred, and the sources of his information in regard to the same. SECT. 5. The pension granted to the chief engineer of the fire department shall not exceed one-half of the amount of his salary. The pension granted* to any other member of the department shall not exceed forty-three dollars per month in any case. CHAP. 12.] HEALTH. 53 CHAPTER 12. HEALTH. 1 SECTTOX 1. The health department shall be under the charge Health depart- of the board of health, which shall consist of three persons not S^thVboa^dlf members of the city council, one of whom shall be a doctor of p^c'. so, 8. medicine. One of them shall be appointed by the mayor subject Term O f office, to the confirmation by the board of aldermen, some time during the month of January of each year, to hold office for the term of three years from the first Monday in February, in the year of his appointment. SECT. 2. The members of the board of health shall serve with- Shan serve without pay. out compensation. Suitable accommodations and conveniences shall be furnished the "board at the expense of the city, under the direction of the superintendent of public buildings. SECT. 3. The board shall annually, in the month of January, Annual report report to the city council an accurate account in detail of all *' receipts and disbursements during the past financial year, and before the twentieth day of January of each year shall submit to the mayor an estimate in detail of the appropriations required by the health department for that financial year. SECT. 4. The board shall be vigilant and active in protecting Duties of the the public health; shall see that the laws and ordinances in relation to the same are enforced ; shall communicate its views to the city council from time to time, as it may deem expedient, and may call upon the police department and the various city officers to aid it in the performance of these duties. SECT. 5. The board shall make all contracts and regulations shall make for the cleaning of private cesspools, vaults and privies, and all contracts and contracts for such work shall contain the- condition that such work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the board of health. SECT. 6. Whenever the board of health does, or causes to be shall send bills done, work for any person, it shall enter in books kept for that purpose, all such work done, with the price thereof, and shall forthwith make out bills for the same, and deliver them to the treasurer for collection, who shall at once demand payment of the same ; and the board shall, on the first day of every month, Monthly report in writing, to the auditor, a list of the bills so delivered, auditor. i Amended April 1, 1896. 54 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 12. and, in case any such bills or dues remain unpaid at the expira- tion of thirty days after demand for payment as aforesaid, the treasurer shall collect the same according to law. Permits for SECT. 7. The city engineer, under the direction of the board vaults. of health, is authorized to permit, under such restrictions as they may deem expedient, the construction of sufficient passage ways or conduits under ground for the purpose of conveying the liquid contents of any vault into any common sewer. CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 55 CHAPTER 13. COXSTRUCTIOX, MAIXTEXAXCE AND IXSPECTIOX OF BUILDIXGS. SECTION 1. The superintendent of public buildings shall be Requirements an able and experienced architect, builder or mechanic. He ten 8 djmtof~ shall have the sole charge of the construction, inspection, repair, buildings, alteration, care and custody of all the public buildings of the Duties, city not constructed for or by any other special department, and shaj.1 supervise and direct the construction of buildings of other departments whenever so requested by any such department, and shall have the control of the enforcement of the plumbing ordi- nance. He shall receive such compensation for his services as the city council may from time to time determine. SECT. 2. In the month of December of each year he shall Annual report to city council, present to the city council a written report, showing the number and condition of all buildings under his care, and what repairs, in his opinion, may be needed upon each for the next twelve months, and the probable cost of such repairs. SECT. 3. As often as practicable he shall examine and inspect shall examine . , *. ,. . ,, and inspect the the materials, construction, alteration, repair and use 01 all material, buildings and other structures erected and in the process of etc.. of build- erection, alteration or repair within the city limits, excepting such buildings and structures as are used and occupied by the United States or the commonwealth, also excepting bridges, quays and wharves, and as far as may be necessary for the per- formance of his duties enter any such building or premises. For other than department buildings and structures he shall 3^ ofany require plans and specifications or a description of any proposed P

to each other every ten feet in their height by tie anchors, made of at least one and a quarter inch by three-eighths inch wrought iron. All w r alls of a brick building on which the ends of beams rest straps for shall be anchored at each tier of beams, at intervals of not more than ten feet apart, with good strong, wrought iron anchors, at least three-eighths inch by one and one-quarter inch, well built into the walls and fastened at the top of the beams ; and, where the beams are supported by girders, the ends of the beams resting 011 the girders shall be butted together, end to end, and strapped by wrought iron straps or tie-irons, at the same distance apart, and in the same beams as the wall anchors, and shall be well fastened. SK< T. 44. All brickwork shall be of merchantable, well-shaped Brickwork, bricks, well laid and bedded, with well filled joints, in mortar, as required by section thirty-seven, and well flushed up at every course with mortar. Bricks when laid shall be wet or dry, as the superintendent may direct. SKCT. 4r>. All piers shall be built of good quality merchantable, piers. well-burnt hard brick, laid in cement and sand mortar, and well 68 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Party and bearing partition walls. External and party walls of buildings. External and party walls of buildings other than dwellings. wet when laid in warm weather. Brick piers under lintels, girders or columns of brick buildings shall have an iron cap at least two inches thick, the full size of the pier. Brick piers and buttresses shall be bonded, every seventh course with through courses, levelled and bedded, each course, and, where their foundations rest upon piles, a sufficient number of piles shall be driven to insure a proper support. Piles and walls shall have caps or plates, when needed, sufficient to distribute the load properly. Said piers shall not be more than eight times higher than the width of their base, unless otherwise permitted by the superintendent. SECT. 46. In first-class buildings all party and bearing parti- tion walls above the foundation shall be of brick or its equivalent. SECT. 47. The external and party walls of all dwellings of the first and second-class shall be as follows : Twenty feet wide by forty feet deep, twelve feet high, shall not be less than eight inches thick ; twelve feet to sixty feet high, twelve inches ; sixty feet to seventy feet high, sixteen inches to second floor, twelve inches above ; seventy feet to eighty feet high, twenty inches to second floor, sixteen inches to upper floor, and twelve inches above ; all walls of dwellings over eighty feet in height shall have fpr the upper eighty feet, the thickness required for building between seventy and eighty feet in height, and every section of twenty -five feet thereof below such upper eighty feet shall have a thickness of four inches more than is required for the section next above it. 1 SECT. 48. The external and party walls of all buildings of the first and second class other than dwellings shall be as follows : Above the foundations of every such building, twenty- five feet or less in height, such walls shall be not less than twelve inches thick. Between twenty -five and forty feet in height such walls shall be sixteen inches thick to the top of the second floor, and twelve inches for the remaining height. Such walls of such buildings of forty feet or over, but not over sixty feet in height, twenty inches to the top of second floor ; sixteen inches to the top of the upper floor and twelve inches for the remaining height. Such walls of such buildings of sixty feet or over, but not over eighty feet high, twenty-four inches to the top of the first floor, twenty inches to the top of the upper floor, and to within fifteen feet of the roof and sixteen inches above. Such walls of such buildings of eighty feet or more in height shall have for the upper eighty feet the thickness required for build- ings between seventy feet and eighty feet in height and every section of twenty-five feet or part thereof below such eighty feet i Amended Oct. 20, 1897. CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF -BUILDINGS. 69 shall have a thickness of four inches more than is required for the section next above it. SK< T. 49. External walls may, with the consent of the super- External wails intendent, be built in part of iron or steel, and when so built may Slnrnw* 11 * be of less thickness than is above required for external walls, 8tee1 ' provided such walls meet the requirements of this ordinance as to strength, and provided that all constructional parts are wholly protected from heat by brick or terra cotta, or by plastering three- quarters of an inch thick, with iron furring and wiring. SKCT. 50. All buildings hereafter erected, except buildings of Brick the first class l buildings, the external frame work and walls of which consist of incombustible materials satisfactory to the superintendent, buildings of one story in height not exceeding twenty feet to the apex of the roof thereof, and buildings in whole or in part two stories in height not exceeding twenty feet to the apex of the roof of the one-story portion, and thirty feet to the apex of the roof of the two-story portion, exclusive of such cupolas or towers as may be approved by the superintendent, shall be so divided by brick partition walls, of the thickness prescribed for bearing partition walls and carried thirty inches above thereof, that no space inside any such building shall exceed in area five thousand square feet, except upon the recommendation of the superintendent of public buildings, and the approval of the city council, and in 110 case to exceed seven thousand square feet ; and no existing wall in any building, except a building of the first class, shall be removed so as to leave an area not so enclosed of more than five thousand square feet, except upon the recom- mendation of the superintendent and the approval of the city council, and in no case to exceed seven thousand square feet ; provided, that in buildings having a height of not over thirty-five feet, the height above the roof of the said brick partition walls need not exceed twelve inches. Openings or doorways in parti- Openings or doorways in tion walls referred to in this section shall not exceed two in partition wails, number for each floor, and the combined area of such openings on each floor shall not exceed ' one hundred square feet. Each opening must be provided with two sets of metal-covered doors, separated by the thickness of the walls, hung to rabbeted iron frames, or to iron hinges in brick or iron rabbets ; provided, this section shall not apply to churches, stables, depots or school- houses ; and, provided, also, that no part of any such one-story or two-story building shall be placed or maintained within fifteen feet of any other building or within fifteen feet of the line or lines of the adjoining lot or lots ; that the exterior walls of every such one-story or two-story building in whole or in part, except i A mended Oct. 12, 1898. 70 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Vaulted walls. Anchors for walls. Party and partition walls. External and party walls. brick and stone buildings, shall be covered with corrugated iron or slate ; the roof shall be covered with tar and gravel, corru- gated iron or slate, or any other incombustible material satis- factory to the superintendent ; and all window openings thereof shall be supplied with tinned or iron shutters ; that no space inside any such two-story portion of any such building shall exceed in area five thousand square feet, except upon the recom- mendation of the superintendent and the approval of the city council, and in no case to exceed seven thousand square feet ; that every such area shall be separated from the one-story portion of such building by a brick partition of the thickness prescribed for bearing partition walls, and carried to the roof of the two-story portion of such building ; that openings or doorways between the two-story and one-story portions of such buildings shall not exceed two in number for each floor, and the combined area of such openings on each floor shall not exceed four hundred and fifty square feet, each opening or doorway to be furnished with two sets of metal-covered doors set and hung as hereinbefore specified; and, provided, also, that the total area of any such one-story building shall not exceed twenty-five thousand square feet, except upon the recommendation of the superintendent and the approval of the city council. SECT. 51. Vaulted walls shall contain, exclusive of withes, the same amount of material as is required for solid walls, and the walls on either side of the air space in a wall carrying a floor shall be not less than eight inches thick and shall be securely tied together with ties not more than two feet apart. SECT. 52. All walls of a first or second-class building meeting at an angle shall be united every ten feet of their height by anchors made of at least two inches by half an inch wrought iron securely built into the side or partition walls not less than thirty- six inches, and into the front and rear walls at least one-half the thickness of such walls. SECT. 53. Party walls and partition walls of brick in all buildings other than dwelling houses hereafter erected in this city with external walls not exceeding thirty feet in height shall be not less than twelve inches thick ; and in buildings having external walls exceeding fifty feet in height said walls shall be not less than twenty inches thick to the top of the second floor, nor less than sixteen inches thick to the top of the third floor, and not less than twelve inches thick for the remaining height. Partitions supporting floors shall rest upon girders, trusses, walls, or partition caps. SECT. 54. In all brick buildings other than dwellings thirty feet in width, not having either brick partition walls or girders CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 71 supported by columns and running from front to rear, and the entire height of the building, the external and party walls shall be increased four inches in thickness for every additional twenty- five feet or fractional part thereof in the width of said building. SKCT. 55. All roof or floor timbers entering the same party Roof or floor wall from opposite sides shall have at least four inches solid brickwork between the ends of said timbers. SECT. 56. All gas piping shall be done in accordance with the Gas piping, following scale : Size of Tubing. Greatest Length Allowed. Greatest No. of Burners. | in. 20 ft. 3 burners, i 30 6 I 50 20 1 70 35 1J 100 60 \\ 150 100 2 200 200 No greater length of pipe of each size shall be allowed than that specified in the scale ; and no more burners shall be taken from any size than the number above stated, even if the length of pipe is diminished. Xo deviation from the above shall be allowed except in certain cases (as for instance, stables or cellars where a small number of burners are to be used in a large space), upon the written approval of the superintendent. Xo work shall be approved in which 'copper pipe is used. Xo cement shall be allowed in any joints or upon any fittings. Xo black varnished pipe shall be allowed. AVhere the construction of the building will permit, all piping running under the flooring of the building shall be laid on top of the floor timbers. In all cases the rising pipe shall be left projecting below the floor timber at least three inches, and with threaded end. In all cases the location of meters shall be determined by the superintendent and shall be as near as possible to the end of service pipe as it enters from the street. SECT. 57. The ends of all wooden floor or roof beams in first Wooden floor or roof beam ;. and second-class buildings shall enter the wall to a depth of at least four inches, unless the wall is properly corbelled so as to give a bearing of at least four inches, and the ends of all such beams shall be so shaped or arranged that in case of fire they may fall without injury to the wall. SECT. 58. The ends of all floor beams and rafters of a brick splayed floor building entering a wall shall be cut on a splay of three inches in their width. 72 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Timbers not to be cut without license. Construction of floors. Floor-bearing supports. Weight- bearing capacity of floors. Certificate weight- bearing capacity of floors. Headers and tail beams. License to cut openings and doorways in partition walls. SECT. 59. No floor timber, header or trimmer of a brick building shall be cut into more than two inches in depth for piping without a license from the superintendent, and no cutting shall be made in any timber at a greater distance than three feet from its support. SECT. 60. Each floor in first or second-class buildings shall have its beams so tied to the walls and to each other with wrought iron straps or anchors at least three-eighths of an inch thick by one and one-half inches wide, as to form continuous ties across the building, not more than ten feet apart. Walls running parallel or nearly parallel with floor beams shall be properly tied once in ten feet to the floor beams by iron straps or anchors of the size above specified. SECT. 61. First and second-class buildings hereafter built shall have floor-bearing supports not over thirty feet apart. These supports may be brick walls, trusses or columns and girders. Such brick walls may be four inches less in thickness than is required by this ordinance for external and party walls of the same height, provided they comply with the provisions of this ordinance as to the strength of materials, but in no case less than twelve inches thick. When trusses are used, the walls upon which they rest shall be at least four inches thicker than is otherwise required by sections forty-eight and forty-nine, and for every addition of twenty-five feet or part thereof to the length of the truss over thirty feet. SECT. 62. All floors shall be constructed to bear a safe weight, per superficial foot, exclusive of materials, as follows : For dwell- ings, tenements or lodging houses, seventy -five pounds ; for stores and office buildings for light mechanical purposes and for public buildings, one hundred and fifty pounds ; for storehouses, ware- houses, machine shops, armories, drill rooms and riding schools, not less than two hundred and fifty pounds. The requirements shall apply to all buildings altered as well as to new buildings. SECT. 63. In every building hereafter built or altered, there shall be posted and maintained in every room used for mechanical or mercantile purposes, the superintendent's certificate of the weight-bearing capacity of the floor. No part of any floor of such room shall be loaded beyond its capacity as certified. SECT. 64. Every header more than four feet long used in any building, except a dwelling, shall be hung in stirrup irons of suitable dimensions for the size of the timbers and securely joint-bolted. All tail beams shall be properly framed or hung to headers. SECT. 65. No opening or doorway shall be cut through or formed in a party or partition wall of any building without a CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 73 license from the superintendent of public buildings, and every such doorway shall have a top, bottom and sides of stone, brick or iron, and shall be closed by two doors, or sets of doors, of wrought iron, or of wood, covered with metal, with an air space between them of at least four inches, and said doors shall be hung in rabbeted iron frames, or in wooden frames, entirely covered with metal, or to iron hinges, in brick or stone rabbets, except as otherwise permitted by section twenty-six. SKCT. (}(J. When openings or recesses, or both, occur in an openings or external wall, or when buttresses are used, the piers shall be of external wails, sufficient strength to comply with the provisions of this ordinance prescribing strength of materials, and not less in thickness than is above specified, and no other portion of the wall shall be less than twelve inches thick in buildings under seventy feet in height, or less than sixteen inches thick in buildings seventy feet or over in height. SECT. 67. Xo recess, chase or flue shall be made in any party Recess, chase wall so deep that it will leave the thickness at the back less than party e waiis. eight inches at any point, and no recess, chase or flue not verti- cal shall be made without the special permit of the superin- tendent. Xo vertical recess other than flues, in stacks, shall be nearer than seven feet to any other recess, unless by special permit of the superintendent. SKCT. 68. Every metal column in a brick biiilding shall rest Columns, on an iron plate of not less thickness than two inches. Wooden columns supporting girders and floors in such buildings shall rest on one and one-half inch iron plates, with sockets to receive the foot of the columns. Metal columns, placed one on top of another, shall have a plate at the top of each column, with pro- jections on both sides to fit into cap and base of columns, to prevent slipping ; and all columns shall have holes bored, where directed by the superintendent, into and through the shell at right angles to the shalft, so as to show the thickness of shell. All bearing parts of columns and plates shall be turned or planed to true surfaces. SECT. 09. Where a wall is finished with a stone cornice, the stone cornice, greatest weight of material of such cornice shall be on the inside of the face of the wall. SECT. 70. All buildings hereafter erected within eight feet conductors of of any street or travelled way, shall be provided with suitable leaders for conducting the water from the roof to the ground, and, in no case shall such water be allowed to flow upon or across the surface of the sidewalk to the street, gutter, or sewer, and no person shall permit a leader or conductor from the roof of a building owned by him to be so placed or maintained as to direct a volume of water upon or across the surface of a sidewalk. 74 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Leaders. Construction of roofs. Roof coverings. Structure, etc on roof. Weight- bearing metals. Upright supports. Chimneys. SECT. 71. All buildings over forty-five feet high shall have suitable water-tight metallic leaders, and all buildings shall have leaders sufficient to carry all the water -to the street, gutter or sewer, in such a manner as not to overflow upon the sidewalk or to cause dampness on any wall, yard or area. SECT. 72. No part of the roof of any first or second-class building hereafter built over sixty feet high, to be used for mercantile, manufacturing or storage purposes, or as a theatre, hotel, apartment house or office building, shall have a pitch of over twenty degrees. All new or renewed roofs shall be so con- structed as to bear safely, in addition to the weight of the material, twenty -five pounds per superficial foot of area, covered with proper additional allowance for a horizontal wind pressure of thirty pounds per square foot. All thin glass skylights upon roofs shall be covered by a wire netting, when, in the opinion of the superintendent, such protection is needed. SECT. 78. The roof of every second-class building hereafter built within the fire limits shall be covered with tin, iron, slate, gravel, composition or like substantial roofing material not readily inflammable. No structure or stand for observation purposes shall be con- structed or occupied upon the roof of any building within the city. SECT. 74. All weight-bearing metal in first and second-class buildings hereafter built shall be protected by brick, terra cotta or plastering on metal laths and furring, or other incombustible material approved by the superintendent. SECT. 75. Upright supports in first-class buildings hereafter erected or altered, of other material than brick below the first floor, shall be protected by a jacket of brick or terra cotta, at least four inches thick, or by a coatmg of plaster one inch thick, on wire or metal lathing, or other substantial fire-proof material. SECT. 76. All chimneys hereafter erected shall be built from the ground, of hard-burnt brick, stone or other fire-proof, non- conducting materials, and shall be built plumb, or nearly so, so as to be self-sustaining ; provided, however, that brick flues may be securely built into the brickwork of the walls of the build- ing to which they are hung, when the walls are not less than twelve inches thick ; and provided, also, that upon special per- mission first obtained from the city council, chimneys may be built upon cast iron or hard pine columns set upon iron plates at least one and one-half inches thick, with sockets and capped at their upper ends with a metal plate at least two inches thick, and not more than two inches shorter upon either side than the CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 75 corresponding sides of the chimney ; or, upon permission being obtained as above, chimneys may be built upon a flooring of masonry supported by iron beams which have secure bearings on masonry or iron at each end, the same to be constructed in all respects to the satisfaction of the superintendent ; and pro- vided, also, that the matter of the construction of chimneys in small wooden buildings, other than dwelling houses, not more than one story and a half in height, shall be left to the decision of the superintendent ; but such chimneys must be constructed in accordance with his instructions and to his satisfaction. SECT. 77. Every chimney flue in which soft coal or wood is chimney burned shall be carried to a height sufficient to protect neighbor- ing buildings from fire and smoke. SECT. 78. All brick chimney flues shall be smoothly plastered inside with mortar from top to bottom during the course of con- struction, and also outside below the roofing, after having been examined and approved by the superintendent; except that exposed portions of said chimneys when the walls of the flues are eight inches thick may be left uiiplastered upon the outside. All chimneys shall be topped out at least four feet above the highest point of contact with the roof with brick or stones laid in cement, and the topping out shall not have more than a two- inch projection, unless the bricks are covered by a cap of stone or other non-combustible material in one piece, properly secured and approved by the superintendent ; and in no case shall a nail be driven into the masonry of any flue. SECT. 79. The shell of all flues for boilers, ovens and ranges shells for set in brick shall hereafter be of brickwork eight inches thick, etc. 6 ' U6S> or its equivalent, to the top of the first floor above said boilers, ovens or ranges. Ranges set in brick and boilers shall have the outside of their flues exposed without covering, except by plaster- ing directly upon the bricks up to the ceiling of the room, and no woodwork shall be placed on the outside of the same. SECT. 80. No woodwork of any kind, except the roof cover- NO woodwork ing, shall be placed at a less distance than one inch from the or sfeampipe? 6 outside of the brickwork of any flue. No woodwork shall be placed at a less distance than one inch from any tin or other metal flue or pipe used or intended to be used to convey heated air, hot water or steam in any building, unless such flue or pipe be cased with a metal sleeve of one inch larger diameter than said flue or pipe, so as to permit a free circulation of air all around the same. No part of any floor timber shall be within less than two inches of any chimney. No studding or furring shall be within less than one inch of any chimney. SECT. 81. No smoke pipe shall project through any external Smoke pipes. 76 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. wall or window. No smoke pipe shall pass through any wooden partition without a soapstone ring of the thickness of the parti- tion and extending four inches from the pipe, or a double metal collar of the thickness of the partition, with a ventilated air space of not less than four inches around the pipe: nor shall be placed within eight inches of any wood unless such wood is plastered and protected by a metal shield two inches distant from the wood, in which case the smoke pipe shall not be less than six inches from the wood. The tops of all heating furnaces set in brick shall be covered with brick, supported by iron bars, and so constructed as to be perfectly tight ; said covering to be in addition to and not less than six inches from the ordinary cover- ing of the hot air chamber. All hot air register boxes hereafter placed in the floors or partitions of buildings shall be set in soap- stone or equally incombustible borders not less than two inches in width, and shall be made of tin plate, and have double pipes and boxes properly fitted to the soapstone. Hot air-pipes and register boxes shall be at least one inch from any woodwork, and register boxes fifteen inches by twenty-five inches, or larger, and their connecting pipes shall be two inches from any wood- work. The requirements of this section may be modified or dispensed with by the superintendent in first-class buildings. Hearths. SECT. 82. All hearths shall be supported by trimmer arches of brick or stone, or be of single stones at least six inches thick, built into the chimney and supported by iron beams, one end of which shall be securely built into the masonry of a chimney or an adjoining wall, or which shall otherwise rest upon incom- bustible support. The brick jambs of every fireplace, range or grate opening shall be at least eight inches wide each, and the backs of such openings shall be at least eight inches thick. All hearths and trimmer arches shall be at least twelve inches longer 011 either side than the width of such openings, and at least eigh- teen inches wide in front of the chimney breast. Brickwork over fireplaces and grate openings shall be supported by proper iron bars or brick or stone arches. Boilers. SECT. 83. No boiler to be used for steam motive power and no furnace for melting metal or making glass shall be placed on any floor above the cellar or basement, unless the same is set upon masonry built up from the ground, or upon iron beams supported upon masonry ; and in no case without a permit from the superintendent ; and all woodwork and timbers shall be re- moved from the floor under the same ; provided, however, that furnaces for melting such metals only as fuse at a temperature not exceeding eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and that are connected with the chimney by a sheet metal pipe exposed CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 77 to view, may be placed upon hollow brick or stone hearths, sup- ported by the wooden floor of the first story or basement, the air spaces in which hearths shall not be less than three inches in perpendicular height and connected by suitable air passages with the atmosphere of the room. SECT. S4. Xo stationary boiler, furnace or range set in masonry stationary shall hereafter be placed or its location changed in any building without a license from the superintendent, who shall prescribe such regulations for the setting or placing thereof as in his judg- ment the public safety may require. SECT. So. The top of every heating furnace not set in brick Tops of shall be kept at least sixteen inches below the beams or ceiling, with a shield of tin plate, made tight, suspended not less than two inches below the said beams or ceiling, and extending at least one foot beyond the top of the furnace on all sides. If the furnace is set in brick and the ceiling is plastered or the beams are covered with metal, the top of the brickwork may be kept within not less than six inches of the ceiling or beams without the intervention of the tin plate shield. SECT. 86. No woodwork shall be placed within one inch of NO woodwork *- to be near any metal pipe to be used to convey heated air or steam, unless metal P 1 ? 6 - such pipe is protected by a soapstone or earthen ring or tube or a metal casing, with proper air space around the same satis- factory to the superintendent. SECT. 87. Every story above the second of a building subject Means of to the provisions of section nine of this ordinance shall be sup- fire, plied with means of extinguishing fire, consisting either of pails of water or other portable apparatus, or of a hose attached to a suitable water supply, and capable of reaching any part of such story ; and such means of extinguishing fire shall be kept at all times ready for use and in good condition. SECT. 88. ISTo wooden flue or air duct for heating or ventilat- NO wooden ine purposes shall hereafter be placed in any building .subject to duct to be near ,, 1 , . , . woodwork. the provision 01 section nine 01 this ordinance, and no pipe tor conveying hot air or steam in such building shall be placed, or shall remain placed, nearer than one inch to any woodwork, un- less protected to the satisfaction of the superintendent by suitable guards or casings of incombustible material. SECT. 89. No steam or hot-water heating apparatus shall be License to set placed in any building now or hereafter built without a license etc!*" 1 Br8 ' from the superintendent, who shall prescribe such regulations for the setting or placing of the same as in his judgment the public safety may require. SECT. 90. All floor timbers, headers and trimmers of every Floor timbers, brick building hereafter erected or altered in which a chimney near fluVs? be UNIVERSITY 78 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Chimneys, etc, how set. Hot air registers, how made and set. Fire belts and stops. is built in a brick wall shall be placed distant at least two inches from the outside of every chimney flue, and the space between such timbers and the brickwork of the chimney shall be enclosed by a proper fire stop of incombustible material. SECT. 91. Every chimney, flue, furnace, boiler or any heating apparatus on any premises shall be so placed and constructed as in the opinion of the superintendent shall not be unsafe or dan- gerous to life and limb. SECT. 92. All hot air register boxes hereafter placed in the floors or partitions of buildings shall be set in soapstone borders not less than two inches in width, firmly set in plaster of paris or guaged mortar, or in such other protection as shall in the judgment of the superintendent be equivalent to soapstone ; shall be made of tin plate, with a flange on the top to the rabbet in the soapstone, and shall have an open space of one inch on all sides, extending from the under side of the ceiling below the register, or the back side of the partition to the soapstone in the floor or partition ; the outside of said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate, tight on all sides, and extending from the under side of said ceiling or back side of said parti- tion to and turning under the said soapstone ; but register boxes of fifteen by twenty-five inches or more in size shall have a space as above of two inches. SECT. 93. The insides of all furred brick walls of every build- ing hereafter erected shall have a fire belt or stop composed of some fire-proof material, at least six inches wide, and thoroughly set up between furrings at the top and bottom of each floor, and in each story in which stud walls or partitions are constructed, and rest on walls or other partitions ; said stud walls and parti- tions shall have the spaces between the floor joists immediately under such walls or partitions, and between studs from the under sides of said floor joists, to a line six inches above the tops of said joists, filled solid and flush with the plastering on both sides with mortar, cement, plaster or other incombustible material ; and, if such studs or partitions shall rest upon solid timber or joists for the whole length thereof, such filling, as above de- scribed, shall be placed from the top of such timber or joists to the same height as above specified ; or a strip of tin or gal- vanized iron, at least one inch wider than the width of said stud- ding, and continuing under the footing of said walls or partitions, may be substituted for the filling above specified where there is no partition or wall beneath. The exterior and interior walls of all wooden buildings hereafter erected shall have the space be- tween the studding at the top and bottom of each story divided or separated by a fire stop, so as to check effectually the draft CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 79 from one story to another, and from the vertical spaces in the walls to the horizontal passages between the floor timbers. The Wooden spaces between stringers or carriages of all wooden staircases, nonprotected, unless said stringers or carriages are left exposed, shall be closed at intervals not exceeding three feet by substantial stops of incom- bustible material. SKCT. 94. The various forms of construction tending to create Fire and or form air passages from one story to another, such as spaces around pipes, ventilating shafts, or chimneys furred off to form breasts, in every building hereafter erected or altered, shall have a fire and smoke stop at each floor, approved by the superin- tendent, which fire and smoke stop in all brick buildings shall be of incombustible material. All ventilation ducts shall be of incombustible material. SECT. 95. Every building hereafter erected upon the line, or snow barriers, within five feet of the line of any street and having a slated ?oofsf r pitch roof, sloping towards said street, shall be provided with suitable snow barriers or guards upon said roof, to prevent the snow sliding therefrom, the same to be constructed and applied to the satisfaction of the superintendent. SECT. 96. In every second-class building hereafter erected Exterior parts within the fire limits all exterior parts more than forty-five feet within fire above the sidewalk, except window frame sashes and blinds, shall be made of metal, stone, brick or other incombustible material. SECT. 97. Whenever any person is about to erect, alter or Fence to remove the exterior walls of a building, within five feet or on buncUngT the line of a street, he shall cause the portion of the site of the building bordering upon the street to be closed by a proper fence, no less than four feet high ; and the fence shall be made as much higher as the superintendent shall direct, and the same shall be maintained until all liability to accident from falling material ceases. SECT. 98. For the better protection of the lives and property Line of fire of the inhabitants and other persons, it is hereby ordained that ; limit ' The territory at and within the distance of three miles from the present city hall be and is hereby established as a fire limit. SECT. 99. Within the fire limit, so established, no structure Distance or building of more than three stories in height, designed to be buildings used in whole or in part as a public building, public or private Smits" re institution, a public hotel, family hotel, apartment house, lodging house, tenement house, schoolhouse, church, theatre, public hall, place of assembly or place of public resort, shall be erected within twenty feet of any other structure or building, unless the exterior walls of such structure or building to be erected are made of or covered with some incombustible material. 80 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Dwelling houses within fire limits. Elevators, etc. Shafts. SECT. 100. Within the fire limit, as established, all dwelling houses of more than two stories in height, now or hereafter erected, and within the distance of ten feet from any other building or structure, shall be furnished with a front and rear stairway, or some equally safe means of egress. SECT. 101. Elevators or hoists for freight which do not pass the ceiling of the first story may be constructed without fireproof enclosures above the basement. In existing buildings or in buildings hereafter erected in compliance with this ordinance, freight and passenger elevators without fireproof enclosures may be placed in areas or hallways which are continuous and unbroken, no part being separated from another part by an intervening floor ; provided, that no additional draft of air is thereby created. In such buildings such elevators may pass through the first floor of any area or hallway ; provided, a fireproof enclosure be carried up to the first floor. Except as above provided, all shafts here- after built for elevators, hoists, dumb-waiters, lifts, light and ventilating shafts or other air ducts, shall be constructed of, and if they do not pass the upper floor, their tops shall be covered with some substantial material not inflammable. All such shafts which pass the top floor shall be carried at least eighteen inches above the roof and be covered with a skylight. Such shafts already constructed, except lifts of twenty-eight inches square, or of less area, and except in dwelling houses to- be occupied by not more than one family, shall be lined with tin or plastered on wire lathing, or otherwise rendered non-inflam- mable on the inside. Such shafts hereafter built for freight and passenger elevators shall be of brick at least eight inches thick, or of metal covered on both sides with at least one inch of plaster applied immediately to the metal, or with some other equally substantial, non-inflammable, non-conducting, material. Every entrance opening in a shaft or hoistway within two and one-half feet above the floor shall be protected by sufficient rails, gates, trapdoors or such other device as shall be equivalent thereto. Every elevator shall be provided with some sufficient arrangement to prevent the falling of the car in case of acci- dent. Overhead elevator machinery shall have underneath it a grille sufficient to protect the car from falling material. Every opening into an elevator shaft or hoistway, and every opening through a floor, other than a stairway, shall be closed when not in use. All inside elevator shaft openings, other than openings in passenger elevator shafts, shall be furnished with metal- covered doors hung to rabbeted iron frames, and shall have iron thresholds, and said doors shall be kept closed when not in use. Outside windows or openings of every elevator shaft shall have CfcAP.13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. SI three vertical iron bars painted red, equally dividing the open- ing. Kvrry part of any elevator not enclosed in a shaft shall be protected by a wire grille. SKCT. 10-. No elevator shall be used in any building until after written approval by the superintendent. SECT. 1(K>. In case any freight or passenger elevator is not Defective elevators, constructed and furnished in compliance with this Ordinance, or has become unsafe, the superintendent shall post a conspicuous warning and prohibition at each entrance to such elevator. It shall, thereafter, until a new written license is given by the superintendent, be a penal offence hereunder to operate said ele- vator, or remove or deface said notice. No freight or passenger elevator shall be operated for more than six months after the date of the superintendent's license, unless a certificate signed by some elevator builder that the elevator is safe and in good order has been furnished within six months, and is posted in the car or at the entrance. SECT. 104. No explosive or inflammable compound or com- storage of bustible material shall be stored or placed under any stairway of any building, or used in any such place or manner as to obstruct or render egress hazardous in case of fire. SP:CT. 105. Every building, except churches and schoolhouses, Audiencehaiis, hereafter built or altered as to contain an audience or assembly tion. hall capable of holding eight hundred persons or more, and every theatre hereafter built, shall be a first or second-class building. In all theatres hereafter erected the level of the stage above the street level shall not exceed five feet. The audience hall and each compartment, division and gallery of every such building shall respectively have at least two independent exits, as far apart as may be. Every such exit shall have a width of at least twenty inches for every hundred persons which the hall, com- partment, division or gallery from which it leads is capable of containing ; provided, that two or more exits of the same aggre- gate width may be substituted for either of the two exits above required. None of the exits above required shall be less than five feet wide. SK< T. 106. Every building of the classes referred to in section Audience hails, one hundred and five hereafter built shall have a frontage as wide etc ' : F as the widest part of the auditorium or assembly hall, including side passages or lobbies, the whole width and height of which frontage shall be upon a street, court, passageway or area open to the sky, and at least thirty feet wide opposite the entire front- age. Such court, passageway or area shall have an unobstructed way at least thirty feet wide, either through a first-class build- ing without openings into any second or third-class building, or 82 UK VISED ORDINANCES. [CHAI-. 13. wholly open to the sky, connecting it with a public street at least Exits, thirty feet wide. There shall be at least one exit on this front which shall be in no case less than five feet in width, and of such greater width as an allowance of twenty inches for each one hun- dred persons which the building may at any time contain will in the aggregate require. There shall be another independent exit of the same capacity, or independent exits of the same aggregate capacity, either through a first-class building without openings into any second or third-class building, or through a passageway open to the sky. All doors shall open outward, and shall not be so placed as to reduce the width of the passage above required. Aisles. All aisles, stairways and passages in such buildings shall be of even or increasing width toward the exit, at least seven feet high throughout, without obstruction below that height properly ar- ranged for the easy egress of the audience, and of a width in respect of each division, gallery or compartment, computed ac- cording to the above rule. No aisle or passage in such buildings, rising toward its exit, except stairways from story to story and necessary steps in galleries and balconies, shall have a gradient within the auditorium of more than two in ten, nor elsewhere of more than one in ten. Audiencehaiis, SECT. 107. In buildings of the classes referred to in section stringers, one hundred and five hereafter built, the cut of the stair stringers shall not exceed seven and one-half inches' rise, nor be less than ten and one-half inches' tread. No winders shall be less than seven inches wide at the narrowest part. There shall be no flights of more than fifteen or less than three steps between landings. Every landing shall be at least four feet wide from step to step. Audiencehaiis, SECT. 108. All stairs and landings of all buildings of the landings!* * classes referred to in section one hundred and five hereafter built shall have throughout proper hand rails on both sides firmly secured to walls, or to strong posts or balusters. Stair- ways twelve feet or more wide shall have one or more inter- mediate rails not more than eight feet apart and properly sup- ported. Audiencehaiis, SECT. 109. No boiler, furnace, engine or heating apparatus, etc! except steam or hot air pipes and radiators, shall be located under the auditorium nor under any passage or stairway of any exit of any building of the classes referred to in section one hundred and five. Audiencehaiis, SECT. 110. The lights for the rear of the auditorium, and for all passage and stairways of exits of every building of the classes referred to in section one hundred and five hereafter built, shall be independent of the lights of the rest of the auditorium and of CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. S."5 the platform or stage, and shall be so arranged that they cannot be turned down or off from the platform or stage. SECT. 111. All exits from every building of the classes referred Audience hails, etc. : Exits to in section one hundred and hye shall be opened for the use of every departing audience, and shall have fastenings on the inside only. SECT. 112. No temporary seats or other obstructions shall be Audiencehaiis, 11 -] i .. pi'iT ,' i etc.: Obstruc- allowed in any aisle, passageway or stairway of a building of the tions, etc., in classes referred to in section one hundred and five, and no person shall be allowed to remain in any aisle, passageway or stairway of any such building during any performance. SECT. 113. The stage of every theatre hereafter built shall Theatres: be separated from the auditorium by a brick wall sixteen inches thick, which wall shall extend the entire width and height of the building, and two feet six inches above the roof, like a party wall. There shall be no openings through this wall except the curtain opening, and not more than two others, which shall be located at or below the level of the stage ; these latter openings shall not exceed twenty-one superficial feet each, and shall have tinned wood self-closing doors securely hung to rabbeted iron frames or rabbets in the brickwork. The finish or decorative features around the curtain opening of every theatre shall be of incombustible materials, well secured to masonry. All scenery, curtains and woodwork of the stage of every theatre shall be thoroughly covered, and, if practicable, saturated with fire-resist- ing material. No fixed portion of the stage shall be of wood. SECT. 114. There shall be lobbies adjoining each division of the auditorium of every theatre hereafter built, separated there- from by a partition of brick or other equally incombustible mate- rial, and sufficiently large to furnish standing room for all per- sons that such division may at any time contain. There shall be no openings in such partition except such as are required in section one hundred and five, and such openings shall not be more than eight feet high. SECT. 115. The proscenium or curtain of every theatre shall have a fire-resisting curtain of incombustible material, reinforced curtain by wire netting, or otherwise strengthened. If of iron, or similar heavy material, and made to lower from the top, it shall be so contrived as to be stopped securely at a height of seven feet above the stage floor ; the remaining opening being closed by a curtain or valance of fire-resisting fabric. Such curtain shall be raised at the beginning and lowered at the end of each and every performance, and shall be of proper material, construction and mechanism. SECT. 116. All scene docks, carpenter or property shops and REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAi. I.".. Theatres : Scene docks, Theatres . Employees' rooms, gas lights. Theatres : Ventilators. Theatres : High-service standpipes. Halls, etc. : Ventilation Tenements, etc. : Ventila- tion. wardrobes of every theatre hereafter built shall be separated from the stage, auditorium and dressing-room divisions by solid brick walls, not less than twelve inches thick, with no openings to the auditorium or dressing-room divisions ; and all openings to the stage shall have tinned wood self-closing doors, securely hung to rabbets in the brickwork. SECT. 117. All rooms in theatres for the use of persons em- ployed therein shall have at least two independent exits. All stage gas lights shall be protected by proper nettings. SECT. 118. There shall be one or more ventilators near the centre and above the highest portion of the stage of every theatre, equal in combined area of opening to one-tenth of the area of stage floor. Every such ventilator shall have a valve or louver so counterbalanced as to open automatically, and shall be kept closed, when not in use, by a cord reaching to the prompter's desk, and readily operated therefrom. Such cord shall be of combustible material and so arranged that if it is severed, the ventilator will open automatically. SECT. 119. There shall be at least two two-inch high-service standpipes on the stage of every theatre, with ample provision of hose and nozzles at each level of the stage on each side, and the water shall be kept turned on during the occupation of the building by any audience. The said pipes shall have two gates, one above the other, with a proper test or waste valve ; the lower gate to be kept open at all times. The proscenium open- ing of every theatre shall be provided with a two and one-half inch perforated iron pipe, or equivalent equipment of automatic or open sprinklers, as the superintendent may direct, so con- structed as to form when in operation a complete water curtain for the entire proscenium opening, and there shall be for the rest of the stage a complete system of fire apparatus and per- forated iron pipes, automatic or open sprinklers. Said pipes or sprinklers shall be supplied with water by high-pressure service, and be at all times ready for use. Every hall, auditorium or room of every building hereafter erected for or converted to use as a schoolhouse, factory, theatre or place of public assembly or entertainment, shall have in con- tinuous operation while occupied a system of ventilation so con- trived as to provide fifty cubic feet per minute of outer air for each light other than an electric light for each occupant. SECT. 120. Every existing tenement or lodging house shall have in every sleeping room not communicating directly with the external air two ventilating or transom windows of not less than six square feet area each, one opening into another room or passage having an external window of not less than six (ii A I-. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 85 square feet area, with movable sashes. No transom window shall be placed in a partition wall enclosing a main stairway. SECT. 121. Every room in every tenement or lodging house Tenements, hereafter built, and in every building hereafter altered to be rooms, ami used as such, shall be not less than eight feet in height in the clear in every story, except that in the attic it may be less than eight feet high for one-half of the area of the room. Every such room shall have one or more windows on an open air space with an area at least one-tenth as great as that of the room. The top of at least one window on such air space in each room shall be at least seven feet six inches from the floor, and the upper sash of the same window shall be movable. SECT. 122. No building of which any part is used for storage Buildings used or sale of hay, straw, hemp, flax, shavings, burning fluid, turpen- tine, camphene or any inflammable oil, or other highly combust- ible substance, shall be occupied in any part as a dwelling, tenement or lodging house, except that rooms for coachmen or grooms may be allowed in private stables authorized by this act, upon special permit from the superintendent. SKCT. 12.3. All stationary receptacles in a building for ashes, Receptacles waste and other substances, liable, by spontaneous combustion, or otherwise, to cause a fire in a building, shall be made of incombustible material satisfactory to the superintendent. SKCT. 124. Every lodging house containing over fifty rooms Lodging above the first floor, and every tenement house containing more Nght watch- than fifty sleeping rooms above the first floor, shall have at least one night watchman exclusively so employed on duty every night from nine o'clock at night until six o'clock in the morning ; and every lodging house of the second or third class containing more than one hundred rooms above the first floor, and every tenement house containing more than one hundred sleeping rooms above the first floor, shall have at least two night watchmen exclusively so employed on duty every night from nine o'clock at night until six o'clock in the morning. But in the latter class of Automatic lodging and tenement houses a proper system of thermostats or automatic fire alarms, approved in writing by the superintendent, may be substituted for one of the watchmen. In all lodging or tenement houses of either of the above classes a red light shall be kept burning at night at the head and foot of every flight of stairs, and one or more gongs shall be so placed and be of such size and number as to give the alarm throughout the house in case of fire ; and in every sleeping room there shall be con- spicuously posted directions for escape in case of fire. The superintendent may make such other or further requirements for prevention of and escape from fire as may be reasonably neces- 86 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Lodging- houses, etc. : Water-closets. Storage or manufacture of combusti- bles, or explo- License required. Application for license. Application to be published. Objections. Notice of hearing. sary under the conditions of each case. Any innholder who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall thereby forfeit his license. SECT. 125. Every dwelling, tenement or lodging house, every schoolhonse and every building where operatives are employed shall have at least one water-closet or privy, and if more than twenty persons therein live, attend or are employed, there shall be an additional water-closet or privy for every twenty persons or fraction thereof ; and in buildings where operatives of both sexes are employed separate accommodations shall be furnished for men and women. Privies or cesspools shall not be allowed where a sewer makes water-closets practicable. Every water- closet in . every building hereafter erected for or converted to use as a tenement house, family hotel or apartment house shall have a window opening to the outer air. SECT. 126. No grain elevator or building for the storing or manufacture of high combustibles or explosives, or for chemical or rendering works, shall be erected, and no engine, dynamo, boiler or furnace, except exclusively for the heating of or to raise elevators in the building in which it is shall be placed in any building without a license issued under the provisions of sections one hundred and twenty-seven, one hundred and twenty- eight and one hundred and twenty-nine. SECT. 127. Every application for a license required by section one hundred and twenty-six shall be filed with the superintendent in writing, and shall set forth the location and character of the building, the size, power and purpose of the apparatus, with such further information as the superintendent may require. SECT. 128. Every such application shall be published in at least two weekly papers published in Cambridge ; and the appli- cant shall also, if so directed by the superintendent, conspicuously post on the premises a copy of an application, and deliver copies thereof to such persons as the superintendent may direct, and shall file an affidavit with the superintendent that the notice required has been duly given. If no objection is filed with the superintendent before the expiration of ten days from the time of the first publication of notice, or within ten days of the delivery and first posting notice if required, the superintendent shall, if the arrangement, location and construction of the pro- posed apparatus is proper, and in accordance with the terms of this ordinance, issue a permit for the same. But if such objec- tion is filed, the application shall be returned to the superintend- ent for further consideration. SECT. 129. The superintendent shall in each case cause due notice to be given to all parties of the time and place of hearing. CHAP. 13.] CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 87 and after hearing the parties he shall issue a license under such conditions as may be prescribed, or may withhold the same. SECT. 130. Within the following described districts of the Fire limit fire limits no building other than the first, second and third Mass. av'e. classes shall hereafter be erected : First. Starting from the westerly end of Harvard bridge on Massachusetts avenue and running continuously therefrom on both sides of Massachusetts avenue to Waterhouse street, in- cluding Lafayette, Central, Putnam, Quincy and Harvard squares and within the area included between the city building lines wherever established on said Massachusetts avenue and squares and where such building lines are not established, within the area included between the lines of private ownership adjacent to the lines of said Massachusetts avenue and squares and a line distant one hundred feet to the right and left at right angles from each and every point of said building lines and said street lines of private ownership on both sides of said Massachusetts avenue and all sides of said squares between the westerly end of Harvard bridge and said Waterhouse street as aforesaid. Second. Starting from the westerly end of Craigie bridge and f. 11 ^. 11 ? 11 * running continuously therefrom on both sides of Bridge street to Cambridge st. and including Lechmere square, and thence running continuously westerly on both sides of Cambridge street to and including Imnan square, and within the area included between the city building lines wherever established on said Bridge and Cam- bridge streets and said squares and where building lines are not so established, within the area included between the lines of private ownership adjacent to the lines of said Bridge and Cambridge streets and said squares and a line distant one hun- dred feet to the right and left at right angles from each and every point of said building lines and said street lines of private ownership on both sides of said Bridge and Cambridge streets and all sides of said squares between the westerly end of Craigie bridge and Imnan square as aforesaid. Third. Starting from the harbor commissioners' line on. the westerly side of Charles river on the westerly end of West Boston bridge, and running continuously on both sides of Main street to and including Kendall square and Smith square, and thence running continuously westerly on both sides of said Main street to its intersection with Massachusetts avenue at Lafayette square and within the area included between the city building lines wherever established in said Main street and said squares and where building lines are not so established within the area included between the lines of private ownership adjacent to the 88 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 13. Fire limit districts : Brattle st. Fire limit districts : Broadway. Fire limit districts : Broadway. lines of said Main street and said squares and a line distant one hundred feet to the right and left at right angles from each and every point of said building lines and said street lines of private ownership on both sides of said Main street and all sides of said squares between the harbor commissioners' line on the westerly end of West Boston bridge to Lafayette square as aforesaid. Fourth. All that territory which lies south and west and is bounded northerly and easterly by the first fire district above described, and is included on all its other sides within and is bounded westerly and southerly by the following lines : Com- mencing at a point in the westerly limit of said first fire district one hundred feet northerly from the northerly line of Church street, thence running continuously southwesterly and southerly on a line distant one hundred feet at right angles from each and every point of the northerly or westerly line of said Church street to Brattle street, and thence across said Brattle street, at right angles therewith, and then continuing in the same line to a point on property of private persons distant one hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Brattle street ; thence run- ning easterly continuously on a line distant one hundred feet, at right angles, from each and every point of the southerly line of said Brattle street, across Brattle square to the intersection of the southerly line of Mt. Auburn street with said Brattle square ; thence northeasterly continuously along and bounded by the southerly line of Mt. Auburn street to Putnam square and the southerly boundary line of the first fire district above mentioned. Fifth. Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Broadway with the westerly line of Sixth street and running continuously westerly therefrom on the southerly side of Broad- way to Clark street and within the area included between the lines of private ownership adjacent to^the southerly Kne of said Broadway and a line distant one hundred feet to the left at right angles from each and every point of said street lines of private ownership on the southerly side of Broadway, between said Sixth street and said Clark street. Sixth. All that territory which is included between the fol- lowing lines : Commencing at the intersection of the westerly line of Third street with the southerly line of Broad Canal ; thence running continuously northwesterly along and bounded by the southerly line of said Broad Canal and the division line between Ward two and three to the southerly line of said Potter street ; thence running continuously westerly along and bounded by the southerly line of said Potter street to the easterly line of Portland street j then running continuously southerly along and CHAP. 13.] CONSTKUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS. 89 bounded by said easterly line of Portland street to the northerly line of Broadway ; thence running continuously easterly along across Mechanics' square and bounded by the northerly line of said Mechanics' square and said Broadway to the westerly line of said Third street ; thence running continuously northerly along and bounded by the westerly line of said Third street to the point of beginning. Seventh. All that territory which lies south and is bounded JJ^etsr northerly by the second fire district, above described, and is Fir stst. included on all its other sides within and is bounded easterly, southerly and westerly by the following lines : Commencing at a point in the southerly limit of said second fire district on the westerly side of First street one hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Cambridge street ; thence running con- tinously southerly along and bounded by said westerly line of First street to the northerly line of Spring street ; thence running continuously westerly along and bounded by said northerly line of said Spring street across said Third street to a point distant one hundred feet westerly from the westerly line of said Third street ; thence running northerly continuously therefrom on a line distant one hundred feet to the left at right angles from each and every point of the street lines of private ownership on said westerly side of Third street to the southerly line of Cam- bridge street and the second fire district above described. Eighth. Starting from the westerly side of the location of the Fire limit Fitchburg Railroad Company on Massachusetts avenue and run- Mass. ave. ning westerly continuously therefrom on both sides of Massa- chusetts avenue to Bindge avenue and within the area included between the lines of said Massachusetts avenue and a line dis- tant one hundred feet to the right and left at right angles from each and every point of said street lines of private ownership on both sides of said Massachusetts avenue between the westerly side of said railroad location and said Bindge avenue as aforesaid. In this ordinance the titles Lafayette square, Central square Putnam square, Quincy square and Harvard square, Lechmere square, Inman square, Kendall square and Smith square shall mean the respective areas included within the following bound- aries, viz : Lafayette S SKw support or contain wires and lines for the transmission of elec- tricity, shall be changed and altered whenever deemed necessary by said board by the owner or person using the same at his expense without any unnecessary delay, and if not so changed or Expense of altered, it shall be done by the city electrician at the expense of 6 said owner or person. SECT. 24. Whenever the board of aldermen shall deem it wires to be put , . , . ,, H P . , . in ferial cable, proper, all persons or corporations, mentioned m section 11 01 this when. ordinance, shall gather and place in serial cable, lines and wires to the number of fifty or more in any public way, within such time, at such height and in such manner as said board may designate. SECT. 25. No public way or bridge shall be torn up or dis- streets, etc., , . . , . . not to be torn turbed for the purpose of laying, repairing, changing or removing U p without a license. 110 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 14. Streets, etc , to be restored after opening, etc. Wires and conduits to be removed, when. Not to be removed, etc. without per- mission. City to have space in underground conduits. Bond to be given. Condition of bond. lines, wires, ducts, conduits or manholes, or erecting, altering or removing poles or other fixtures used for carrying electric lines or wires, without a license first obtained therefor. No formal license shall be necessary to sanction the temporary removal of covers to manholes for the purpose of removing or repairing lines, wires and cables. Whenever a manhole is opened, the person or corporation by whose authority the same is done shall place a suitable metallic guard rail around the opening, with a signal flag, at least one foot square, displayed therefrom. Whenever any opening or disturbance is made in any public way or bridge for any purpose, such public way or bridge shall be promptly restored by the person or corporation owning or operating the lines, wires, ducts, conduits, or manholes, or making such repairs, to a condition satisfactory to the superintendent of streets, and shall be kept and maintained in such condition by such person or corporation for two years thereafter ; and, if not immediately so restored, kept and maintained, the same may be done by the city at the expense of such person or corporation. SECT. 26. Whenever the city shall construct, enlarge, relocate, repair, or alter the streets, sewers, water pipes or other public works, in streets, ways and bridges where conduits and wires are laid, which in the opinion of the board of aldermen may require the removing or changing the location of said conduits and the fixtures appertaining thereto, or the repairing thereof, said removing, changing and repair shall be done without delay at the expense of the person or corporation owning or operating the same. SECT. 27. Whenever underground conduits have once been laid in the streets and ways of the city, they shall not be removed, relocated or changed, without permission from the board of aldermen. SECT. 28. In all underground conduits and manholes sufficient and necessary space shall be reserved, free of expense, for wires belonging to or to be used by the city, and said conduits shall at all times be accessible to the city for the purpose of putting in, taking out and repairing its wires. SECT. 29. Every person or corporation constructing, main- taining or operating a telegraphic, telephonic, or other electrical line in the city, shall execute a bond, with satisfactory surety, in a penal sum of not less .than ten thousand dollars, and of form satisfactory to the city solicitor, conditioned to indemnify and save harmless the city against all damages, costs, expenses and losses whatsoever, to which it may be subjected in consequence of the acts and neglects of such person and corporation, their agents, officers and servants, and any and all persons acting by, CHAP. 14.] CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. HI through, or under such person or corporation, and in any manner arising from, or growing out of the use and transmission of electricity, the privileges permitted by the city, and the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, and use of lines, wires, cables, conduits, poles, structures, constructions, fixtures and apparatus ; and also, to fulfil all their agreements with the city, all the orders, conditions and obligations imposed by the board of aldermen, and all obligations and duties required by law, and by this chapter and every other ordinance, and all additions and amend- ments relating thereto. A new bond of like import, and with new surety, may at any Ne w bon(1 m ay . J be required. time be required by the city, which new bond shall be a strength- ening bond, unless the surety on former bonds is expressly released from further liability by vote of the board of aldermen. SECT. 30. All locations hereafter granted shall be subject to use of poles, J etc., by other the condition that any person or corporation to whom locations corporations, shall be granted, shall give any other person or corporation per- mission to use it poles, ducts,, conduits, manholes or other elec- trical appliances or apparatus whenever ordered so to do by the board of aldermen on payment of a reasonable rental. SECT. 31. Except as otherwise provided by law, any person Penalty, violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every offence. SECT. 32. This ordinance, so far as its provisions are the same Continuation '.'.. of previously in effect as those of previously existing ordinances, shall be con- existing J ordinances, strued as a continuation of those ordinances ; it shall not affect any act done, any right accruing, any penalty incurred or any suit, prosecution, or proceeding pending. Subject to the afore- said -limitations, chapters 14 and 16 of the revised ordinances of 1892, all ordinances amendatory thereof, and supplementary thereto, are hereby repealed. Provided, hoicevet', that the tenure of office of the inspector of JJJJJ^ * wires and of the superintendent of lamps shall continue until the ^g^ g' tor of appointment and confirmation of the city electrician, (and that until such appointment and confirmation said inspector of wires and superintendent of lamps shall have all the powers, perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of said city electrician, as defined in this ordinance). 112 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 15. n?iikand n0f ue'lSment to I' ' O. C. His term of ffice. Duties. Annual report. CHAPTER 15. INSPECTION OF MILK AND VINEGAR. SECTION 1. The inspection of milk and vinegar department charge of the inspector of milk and vinegar, who lis ffice for tlle terln f One y ear from tlie first Monday of January in the year of his appointment. He shall ^ e sworn to the faithful performance of the duties of the office ^ i ns P ector ^ m ilk, and of inspector of vinegar ; and shall have and exercise all the power and authority, and be subject to all tn e duties and limitations, which the statute imposes upon and requires of inspectors of milk, and inspectors of vinegar. SECT. 2. He shall annually, in the month of December, make a full report of all matters pertaining to his department, with an inventory of all the apparatus and property of the city belonging thereto, which shall be in his charge. CHAP. 16.] INSPECTION OF PROVISIONS, ETC. 1 CHAPTER 16. INSPECTION OF PROVISIONS AND OF ANIMALS INTENDED FOR SLAUGHTER OR KEPT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF MILK. SECTION 1. The department of the inspection of provisions inspection of and of animals intended for slaughter or kept for the production SfaSimSs' a of milk shall be under the charge of the inspector of provisions be in charge of . and animals intended for slaughter or kept for the production of milk. He shall be a skilled veterinary physician, shall be sworn to discharge faithfully the duties of his office, and shall hold his Term of office, office for the term of one year from the first day of May in the year of his appointment, subject to removal at any time by the mayor and aldermen. SECT. 2. In addition to the duties required of him by the Duties. public statutes, and acts in amendment thereof, he shall profes- sionally visit, attend and treat, whenever necessary or whenever requested by the mayor, any and all of the horses owned by the city in the several departments thereof, and shall physic- ally examine and report upon all horses offered for sale to said city. SECT. 3. He shall annually, in the month of December, and Annual whenever requested by the mayor and city council, make a full and detailed report of all matters pertaining to his department, with such suggestions as he may deem proper. i Chapter 16 of the revised ordinances of 1892, being the ordinance in relation to lamps, was repealed Oct. 24, 1899; said ordinance being included in ordinance in relation to City Electrical Department approved Oct. 24, 1899. 114 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 17. CHAPTER 17. Law department to be iii charge of the city solicitor. Stat. 1891, c. 364, 20. Term of office. Vacancy. He shall draft all legal instruments. Shall prosecute all actions for the city. Shall defend the city in all actions. Shall represent the city before legislative committees. Shall furnish legal opinions, etc. LAW. SECTION 1. The law department shall be in charge 'of the city solicitor, who shall be a citizen of Cambridge and an attorney and counsellor of the courts of the commonwealth, and who shall hold no other office under the city government during the period for which he is elected. He shall hold his office for one year from the first Monday of May in the year in which he is elected, and until his successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed ; and he shall be removable at the pleasure of the city council. A vacancy may be filled at any time for the unexpired term. SECT. 2. He shall by himself, or by some person by him duly authorized, for whose conduct, skill and faithfulness he shall be accountable, draft all legal instruments, of whatever nature, which may be required of him by any ordinance, or order of the board of aldermen or of the city council, or which may be requisite to be done and made by the city and any person con- tracting with the city, and which, by law, usage or agreement, the city is to be at the expense of drawing. SECT. 3. He shall commence and prosecute all actions and suits to be commenced by the city, before any tribunal in this commonwealth, whether in law or equity, and also appear in, defend and advocate the rights and interests of the city, or any of the officers of the city, in any suit or prosecution, for any act or omission in the discharge of their official duties, wherein any estate, right, privilege, ordinance or act of the city government, or any breach of any ordinance, may be brought in question. He shall also appear before the legislature of the commonwealth, or any committee thereof, and there, in behalf of the city, represent, answer for, defend and advocate the interests and welfare of the city, whenever the same may be directly or incidentally affected. He shall, in all matters, do every professional act incident to the office, which may be required of him by the city government, or by any committee thereof, or by any ordinance or order. He shall furnish legal opinions on such subjects or questions as may be submitted to him by the mayor, the board of aldermen, the common council or the school committee ; by any committee of the city council, or either branch thereof, or any sub-committee CHAP. 17.] LAW. of the school committee or by any board or department of the city government who may require advice in regard to the dis- charge of their duties. SECT. 4. He shall receive such salary as the city council salary, may determine. In all cases when his attendance is required Travelling out of the city, his reasonable travelling expenses shall be expen * es ' etc * allowed him. 11G REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 18. CHAPTER 18. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Overseers of SECTION 1. The overseers of the poor department shall be the poor department to under the charge of the board of overseers of the poor consisting the overseers of five persons, one of whom shall be elected annually by the city of the poor. 1891, c. 364, 21. council in joint convention in the month of March, for the term of five years beginning the first Monday in May of that year. Election of Vacancies may be filled for the unexpired term in the same vacancies. manner. TO have SECT. 2. The board shall have charge of the almshouse and aimshouse and may make and enforce all such rules and regulations as they P. 8. 0.8*. ' deem expedient in relation thereto. They shall preserve all books, papers, property, evidences of property, vouchers and other things intrusted to, kept by or deposited with them. i i Sections 3 to 8 inclusive repealed Oct. 22, 1896. CHAP. 19.] PARK. CHAPTEE 19. PARK. SECTIOX 1. The park department shall be under the charge Park of a board of three persons, to be styled park commissioners, who shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to the confirmation cpm r ims f par of the board of aldermen, and they shall hold their offices until 8 the expiration of terms of one, two and three years respectively, Term of office. from the first day of May, 1893. The mayor shall, subject to like confirmation, before the first day of May in each year after the year 1893, appoint a commissioner to continue in office for the term of three years from said day. No person shall be a commissioner who is at the same time a member of the city council. Any vacancy occurring in the said board shall be filled vacancy. for the residue of the term of the commissioner whose place is to be filled, in the same manner in which such commissioner was originally appointed. Said commissioners shall, in addition to the above term, hold office until others are appointed in their respective places. SECT. 2. The president of the park commissioners shall be President elected by the board, and shall be one of the persons appointed cpmmis- >y as provided in the first section of this chapter. The board may make such rules and regulations for its own government, and in Rules and relation to its officers, as may be deemed expedient. SECT. 3. The board so constituted shall have and exercise shall exercise all the rights, powers, and authority given to it and to the city glfhy' e council by the legislature, by the three hundred and forty-first leglsli chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and by the three hundred and thirty -seventh chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety -three, and by any acts in addition to either of said acts which may hereafter be enacted, so far as the same can be legally delegated by the city, subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions in said last named chapter contained. Said commissioners may in their discretion annually appoint a superintendent, a clerk, and all other subor- dinate agents and assistants, who shall be removable at their intendeut etc - pleasure, and shall fix their compensation subject to the approval of the committee on finance. SECT. 4. The board, on or before the fifteenth day of Decem- Annua i ber in each year, shall present to the city council a report con- re P ort - taining a statement of the condition of all the parks and lands under its control or supervision, and of other property connected 118 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 19. therewith, with an account of all receipts and expenditures, to- gether with any information or suggestions which it may deem important ; and if a superintendent has been appointed, it shall at the same time transmit to the city council his report. Sale of SECT. 5. The board may sell such of the personal property property. connected with said parks or lands as it may deem expedient. subject to the approval of the mayor. Duties of SECT. 6. The president of the board shall exercise a general president. supervision over all said parks and lands, and the materials and property connected therewith, and over all subordinate officers and agents. In case of his absence or disability, his duties may be performed by a president pro tempore, to be chosen by the board. NO member of SECT. 7. No member of the board, and no person appointed to the board to be . interested in an y office or employed by virtue of this chapter or of the acts of any contract, etc. the legislature mentioned in the third section of this chapter, shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, bar- gain, sale, or agreement, in relation to said parks or lands, or any matter or thing connected therewith, wherein the city is in- terested ; and any and all contracts, bargains, sales or agreements, made in violation of this section, shall be void as to the city. Duties of SECT. 8. The superintendent shall perform all such services superintend- ent, in relation to the trees in the public streets and l said parks and lands as may be required of him by the board, and he shall annually, during the first week of December, present to the board a report of the general condition of said parks and lands, city engineer SECT. 9. The board may require the city engineer, either bv to perform all . work within himself or by his assistants, to perform all work which properly province of . . . ._ civil engineer, comes within, the province and under the direction of a civil engineer, including the making of examinations and surveys, the preparation of statements, plans, profiles, estimates, descriptions, specifications and contracts, and the measuring of the work done by contract and certifying to the results of such measurement. TO have the SECT. 10. The park commissioners, in addition to the general commons, etc., care and charge of parks and public grounds imposed upon them general care of by the foregoing provisions, shall have the general care and charge of all the other commons, public grounds, and enclosures now belonging, and as the same may hereafter belong to the city, and not under the general care of the water board. TO have the SECT. 11. The park commissioners shall have the care of the trees fJ trees in the public streets. They shall cause all statutes and ordinances made for the protection of said trees, the commons, and other public grounds and enclosures not under the general care and charge of the water board, to be strictly enforced, and shall institute legal proceedings against all persons violating such statutes and ordinances. i Amended March 13, 1894. CHAP. 20.] POLICE. CHAPTER 20. POLICE. SECTIOX 1. The police department shall be under the charge Police of the chief of police, who shall hold his office during the be in charge of pleasure of the mayor and aldermen. He shall have, under, the police. direction of the mayor, the care and custody of the patrol His term of wagons, 1 emergency ambulances, police vans and other vehicles, p. s. c. 27, 85. harnesses and horses used by the police force, and all the furni- 9,' 16. ture and other property of the city at the several police stations? Duties. except that the apparatus of the police signal system shall be under the supervision of the inspector of wires. The chief of police shall also have the charge of all the police stations. SECT. 2. The chief of police shall keep a correct and complete shall keep a record of the business of the department, and shall make such report to the reports to the mayor from time to time, as he shall require, con- ma>01 cerning all matters relating to the police department, and to the property of the city used by the police force. 1 SECT. 3. The chief of police shall within the city limits shall direct direct and control the transportation of all injured persons who transportation require immediate care, relief and assistance, 2 and shall respond to all calls made upon him, for the use of the emergency ambu- Emergency lance, by the overseers of the poor for all cases except cases of contagious disease. SECT. 4. The chief of police shall employ suitable persons to Employment assist, and shall provide and contract, under the ordinances, for suitable materials, appliances, and means to carry out and accom- plish the provisions of this ordinance, and shall be responsible for the faithful and complete execution of the same. 1 SECT. 5. The chief of police shall make a report to the Annual report. city council annually, in the month of December, of all the receipts and expenditures of his department, the organization and efficiency of the force, and an itemized statement of all the materials, tools and property of every kind belonging to the city, on hand December first, with their estimated value. He shall also at the same time make a return of the fees and Shall report perquisites received by him and other members of the police force. 1 Amended July 15, 1896. 2 Amended Dec. 30, 1896. 120 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 21. CHAPTER 21. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Public library department to be in charge of trustees. P. S. c. 40, 9, 10, 11. Trustees. Appointment of. Vacancv. Trustees may elect a chairman and secretary. Quorum. Shall choose a librarian. Trustees may expend moneys, establish fees and make by-laws. A 11 fees to be paid into the treasury. Annual report of trustees. Money, how paid on account of library. SECTION 1. The public library department shall be under the charge of a board of seven trustees, to consist of one member of the school committee and six citizens at large to be chosen as hereinafter provided. SECT. 2. There shall be appointed by the mayor subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, annually, in the month of January, or whenever a vacancy may occur, one member of the school committee, to serve as trustee for the municipal year. Also in January, of each year, two citizens at large shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, as trustees as aforesaid, to hold office for the term of three years from the third Monday of January of the year in which they are appointed, and in case of a vacancy, for the un- expired portion of the term. SECT. 3. Said trustees may elect from their number a chair- man and secretary, and four members of the board shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business : they shall choose annually, in the month of January, a suitable person to be libra- rian, who shall be removable at the pleasure of the board, and shall receive such compensation as the trustees may determine. SECT. 4. The trustees shall expend all moneys presented to the library, or appropriated by the city council, for the purchase of books, the improvement of the library, its care, custody, main- tenance for usefulness, and its preservation, and the care and repairs of the building. They may establish such fees for the use of the library, and shall make and publish needful 'by-laws and regulations, to extend the benefits of the institution as widely as practicable throughout the community. All moneys received for the use of the library shall be paid quarterly into the city treasury. SECT. 5. The trustees shall present to the city council annu- ally, in the month of December, a report of their proceedings, and a statement of the condition of the library, the number of books added during the year, with an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, together with any other information or suggestions which they may deem desirable. SECT. 6. No money shall be paid from the city treasury on account of the library, except by order of the trustees, and in pursuance of an order signed by the mayor; and in no case shall the amount drawn exceed the amount appropriated for the library. CHAP. 22.] SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 121 CHAPTER 22. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AXD MEASURES. SECTIOX 1. The sealer of weights and measures department Sealer of shall be under the charge of the sealer of weights and measures, measures who shall hold his office for the term of one year from the first be in charge of day of April in the year of his appointment, subject to removal weights and , Yl measures. at any time by the mayor and aldermen. p. s. c. 65, SECT. 2. He shall have general control and supervision of all the public scales of the city, and annually, in the month of December, he shall make a full report of all matters pertaining to his department, with' an inventory of all the property of the city in his charge. 122 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 23. CHAPTER 23. Sewer department to he in charge of the city engineer. Common sewer defined P. S. c. 50, 1. S. 1890, c. 124. Laying of pipes, etc.., not to interfere with sewer. Pipes, etc , interfering with sewer, to be removed by owner. Citv engineer and superin- tendent of water-works to consult. Superintend- ent of sewers to be appointed. His term of office. SEWER. SECTION. 1. The sewer department shall be under the charge of the city engineer. In any street opened, or proposed to be opened, for public travel and accommodation, every sewer or drain laid for the purpose of draining more than one estate, shall be deemed to be a common sewer, and no such common sewer shall be laid or connected with any existing common sewer except by the city, as provided in section three of this chapter. SECT. 2. Whenever any street is opened for the laying of pipes for water, gas or other purposes, or for the prosecution of any work of construction, such laying of pipes and the work connected therewith, or such work of construction, shall be so executed as not to obstruct, in any way, the course, capacity or construction of a common sewer, and whenever pipes for any purpose, or any work of construction, are found to exist at such a depth or in such location as to interfere with any existing sewer, or with the building of any common sewer of the required size, and at the proper depth and grades, the department, cor- poration or person maintaining the same, shall, upon notice thereof, at once remove, change or alter said pipe or pipes or other works, in such a manner as the city engineer may direct. If such department, corporation or person neglects to comply immediately with the terms of such notification, the city engineer may make such removal, change or alteration, and the cost thereof shall be paid by such department, corporation or person. Provided, that whenever any sewer is to be constructed, or any water pipe to be laid, in any street or way, the city engineer and superintendent of water works shall consult with each other in regard to the location of any existing pipes. SECT. 3. The city engineer shall have the general superin- tendence of all common sewers built or owned by the city, and of all connections built under the provisions of this chapter ; and he shall annually, in the month of June, appoint some competent person to take charge of such work of building, repairing and keeping the same in order, as may be required by the city engineer, to whom he shall be subordinate. The person so appointed shall be styled "the superintendent of sewers," shall hold office for one year from the time of his appointment, or until his successor is chosen, and receive such compensation CHAP. 23.] SEWERS. 123 as the board of aldermen may determine. Whenever the office of vacancy, superintendent of sewers becomes vacant it shall be filled in like manner. SKCT. 4. The city engineer shall make and hie in his office, Plans of accurate plans of all common sewers, showing all entrances thereto, when made as hereinafter provided. He shall have constant care of, and keep clean and in proper order and repair, all street catch-basins and connecting drains within the limits of Catch-basins, any street : yy/v,/vV/W. however, that the superintendent of streets shall keep the entrances to the catch-basins open and clear of ice in cold weather, so as to permit the flow of surface water into them. SKCT. ">. He shall keep, and whenever requested, report to Shall keep an either branch of the city council, an accurate account of the cost account of the , , in cost of each and all other expenses upon each common sewer : and he shall sewer, annually, in December, submit a report of all work performed in Annual report, the sewer department during the year, the property under his charge, including the total length and original cost of existing sewers, and the amount of all expenditures from the appropria- tion for sewers. SECT. 6. Three-fourths of the average cost of a system of Amount to be assessed upon sewers, already determined and found to equal two dollars per abutters. . p. s. c. so, running foot, shall be assessed according to law: provided, that 4, n. no estate shall be assessed until it can be drained into the sewer ; and no estate shall be assessed more than once for the same benefit. The remainder of the cost of such sewers shall be borne by the city. SECT. 7. The city engineer shall prepare and submit to the city engineer board of aldermen plans of the estates to be assessed, showing pians^f the owners' names, frontages and areas, together with a schedule assessed, showing the assessment on the estates abutting and benefited. Such assessment to be determined as follows: four-tenths of the Method of determining benefit according to the relative frontage, and six-tenths according assessment. f . S. C oOj 7. to the area of the estates, within one hundred feet of the street in which the common sewer has been constructed; the area of corner lots being measured to the line bisecting the angle formed by the lines of the streets. The said four-tenths having been standard rate. ascertained to be twenty eight cents per front foot, and the said six-tenths having been ascertained to be five and two- tenths mills per square foot, said sums are hereby adopted as the standard rate of assessment. SECT. 8. The amounts assessed and certified by the board of Amounts J assessed to be aldermen shall be entered upon the plan prepared for assess- entered on nient. SECT. 9. Annually, in the month of January, and at other 124 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 23. Drain layers. Size of private drains. Drain layers to give bond. Conditions of bond. No private drain shall be entered into sewer without permit. times whenever necessary, the city engineer shall license such drain layers as apply, and are found competent, who alone shall be authorized to make all openings or excavations in any street for the purpose of constructing and repairing private drains, and who shall construct all entrances into the common sewers. Such persons shall hold their license for one year, unless sooner re- voked by the city engineer. No such private drain, if of vitrified pipe, shall be laid of a less size than six inches interior diameter, and if of iron, it shall be not less than five inches internal di- ameter, and of extra heavy pipe, and the work shall be done as directed by the city engineer. SECT. 10. Every person licensed as provided in the preceding section shall, before performing any work authorized thereby, execute a bond to the city in the sum of two thousand dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the city engineer conditioned that he shall comply with the terms of the permit under which entrance is made ; that he will cause the excavation to be properly fenced during the whole time the street is obstructed ; that he will, when necessary, maintain one or more lighted lanterns in a conspicuous place over such obstruction from twilight in the evening and through the whole night ; that he will properly make all entrances to the sewers, and will leave no obstruction of any description in the sewer which he may open ; that he will properly close the excavation, restore the earth and pavements taken up, and re-grade and re-pave that part of the street which has been excavated, and keep it in a good and satisfactory condition for a period of one year thereafter, and that if he fails to do so, the street may be repaired by the street department and the expense thereof charged to him ; and that he will repay the city such expense, and that he will in- demnify and hold harmless the city from any damage or cost to which it may be put by reason of injuries resulting to any one from neglect or carelessnes in making or repairing such drain, or in properly fencing or lighting any excavation or obstruction, or in performing any other work connected therewith. SECT. 11. No private drain shall be entered into any com- mon sewer, or into any private drain connected with any common sewer, without a permit in writing from the city engineer ; and on the completion of the work, the permit shall be returned to the office of the city engineer, indorsed by the layer of the drain, with a statement of his proceedings thereunder. The city engineer is authorized to grant such permits for estates which abut on the sewer into which an entrance is desired. Each per- mit shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, and shall state in detail the premises to which it applies, and the time, CHAP. 23.] SEWERS. 125 place, manner and construction of such entrance. Each permit Permit may be subject to may, at the discretion of the city engineer, be subject to the conditions. condition that such entrance be made in the presence of any inspector appointed by the city engineer. No private drain from any estate or part of an estate not already assessed, or not liable to assessment for the cost of the sewer, shall be entered into such sewer, except by the consent of the board of aldermen. SECT. 12. The city engineer, under the direction of the board City engineer . . authorized to of health, is authorized to permit, under such restrictions as permit, under direction of said board may deem expedient, the construction of sufficient the board of health, passage ways or conduits under ground for the purpose of con- conduits from ,,-,.., any vault to a veymg the liquid contents oi any vault into any common sewer, sewer. SECT. lo. No drain connecting with a common sewer, subject Plug, etc., to to the action of tide-water, shall be constructed without a plug of tide water. or clapper to prevent completely the reflux of drainage matter, and storm or tide-waters. SECT. 14. All drains not now built in accordance with the Drains shall be requirements herein, shall be reconstructed so as to conform etc. m /ed> thereto, whenever, in the opinion of the board of aldermen, it may be necessary. SECT. If). No exhaust from a steam-engine and no blow-off Exhausts from from a steam boiler, shall be connected with any common sewer or private drain. SECT. 16. Whoever cuts into, interferes with or obstructs a Penalty for common sewer, or enters a private drain therein, except as ^{fh f o" ng herein provided, or places or deposits in any street catch-basin g^ ctmg a any animal or vegetable matter, solid or liquid, or any other filthy substance, or violates any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one dollar, and not more than twenty dollars. SECT. 17. Plans and descriptions of all common sewers be- p ]ans of longing to the city, with a true record of the charges for making to V be r kept here and- repairing the same, and all assessments therefor, shall be p - s - c - 50 ' u - kept in the rooms occupied by the city engineer. Said rooms shall be, for the purposes of this chapter, a part of the office of the city clerk 126 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 24. Sinking fund department to be in charge of the'commis- sioners of the sinking funds. How chosen. P. S. C. 2, 10. 1891, c. 264, 9. Vacancy. No member of city council to be appointed. Duties. P. S. c. 29, 10, 11. Loans for what time negotiated. P. S. c. 29, 8. S. 1882, c. 155. Bonds to state for what Kurpose ssued. Amount of appropriation s for sinking funds. P. S. c. 29, 9. CHAPTER 24. SINKING FUND. SECTION 1. The sinking fund department shall be under the charge of a board of six commissioners to be styled commissioners of the sinking funds, two of whom shall be appointed in the month of April of each year by the mayor, subject to confirma- tion by the board of aldermen, to hold their office for the term of three years from the first Wednesday of the May following their appointment. A vacancy in said board may be filled for the unexpired term at any time in the manner provided for the original appointment. ~No member of the city council shall be a member of such board. SECT. 2. The commissioners of the sinking funds shall have the care and control of all funds created for the payment or redemption of the city debt, except those pertaining to the water loan. They shall receive all moneys paid to them on account of the sinking funds, and shall invest the same in some safe manner for the benefit of the sinking funds. SECT. 3. All loans for public buildings and lands therefor, for constructing and improving bridges except for Harvard bridge, for taking, raising and improving low lands, for laying out and paving streets, purchasing public lands and widening streets, 1 other than for park and water purposes shall be nego- tiated for ten years. 1 or for such other periods of time as may hereafter be authorized. All loans for constructing sewers shall be negotiated for not exceeding twenty years. The Harvard bridge loan shall be negotiated for not exceeding thirty years. 1 A11 other loans for park and other purposes now and that may hereafter be authorized shall be negotiated for such periods of time as shall not exceed the time or times designated respec- tively in the act or acts authorizing the same. Bonds issued for all loans shall bear upon their face the purpose for which they were issued. For sinking funds to redeem at maturity such several author- ized loans of the city, there shall be annually appropriated and raised by taxation, on account of loans made for ten years, a sum equal to eight and one-half per cent thereof ; on account of loans made for twenty years, a sum equal to three and one-half per cent thereof ; and on account of 1 any such loans and any and all i Amended March 7, 1894. CHAP. 24.] SINKING FUND. 127 other loans that are now and may hereafter be made for thirty years, a sum equal to two per cent thereof ; l and on account of loans that may hereafter be made for forty years, a sum equal to one and one-eighth per cent thereof ; and all amounts so when to be raised by taxation shall annually, on or before the thirtieth day p ai s.' c . 29, n. of November, be paid by the city treasurer to such board. And whenever any payment is so made before the thirtieth day of November, interest shall be paid theron, by the commissioners of the sinking funds, from the time of said payment until said thirtieth day of November, at such rates as the committee on finance shall, from time to time, determine. SECT. 4. The board shall, at the close of each financial year. Board to certify to the auditor the amounts hereunder required to be raised amounts by taxation for the several funds, which amounts shall be put p 6 /^. 1 ^,^. into the yearly appropriation the next succeeding year. SECT. 5. When a debt to be paid from a sinking fund becomes Board to due, the board shall furnish the city treasurer from the funds in treasurer 1 sums its care for such payment the sum required, taking his receipt P ty U St 8 t0 due. therefor. SECT. 6. The board shall annually, in December, report to the Annual report, city council the exact condition of the several funds under its p ' Sp c * 29 ' * n ' control to the first day of said month. NOTE. By authority of section eight, chapter one hundred and fifty-three of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, the mayor, city treasurer, and president of the common council, for the time being, are trustees of the sinking fund of the water works. i Amended March 7, 1894. 128 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 25. CHAPTER 25. Street department to be in charge of the superin- tendent of streets. 1891, c. 364, 9, 10. His powers and duties. Obstruction of street. Shall hire and control em poly es, etc. Shall make all contracts. Highways, etc., when unsafe shall be fenced off. STREET. SECTION 1. The street department shall be under the charge of the superintendent of streets, who shall hold his office for the term of one year from the first day of May in the year of his appointment and until his successor shall be appointed. SECT. 2. The superintendent of streets shall, under the direc- tion and control of the mayor, have the general care and charge of the highways, streets, bridges, 1 and public squares l belonging to the city, and shall attend to the making, mending and alteration thereof, and cause the same to be kept in good repair, so as to be safe and convenient for travellers with their horses and car- riages, at all seasons of the year. He shall place suitable street signs on each street at convenient distances apart. He shall keep the entrances to the catch-basins open and clear of ice in cold weather, so as to permit the flow of surface water into them. He shall see that the highways, streets and sidewalks are kept in good order, and that all nuisances and obstructions therein are forthwith removed, or give notice thereof to the mayor or chief of police. And in case of the blockade or obstruction of any street, the person causing such blockade or obstruction shall forthwith notify the superintendent of streets and the chief of police thereof. 1 SECT. 4. He shall have the right to hire, and the general control of, all persons employed in his department, and shall have the custody and management of the horses, carts, stables, shops, sheds and all other property connected with the street department, and shall keep the same in good condition and repair ; and he may make all authorized contracts for the supply of any labor or materials required in the discharge of his official duty. He shall annually, in the month of December, present to the city council a report showing the detailed expenses, the material and other property on hand, a detailed account of work done, and other facts in relation to his department. 2 SECT. 6. Whenever any highway, street or bridge is from any cause unsafe or inconvenient for travellers, he shall forthwith put up a suitable fence across such highway, street or bridge, and exclude all travellers from passing over the same ; or cause the parts thereof, so rendered unsafe and inconvenient, to be i Amended March 13, 1894. 1 Section 3 repealed March 13, 1894. 2 Section 5 repealed May 1, 1895. CHAP. 23.] STREET. 129 enclosed by a sufficient fence, which shall be kept standing so long as the same remains unsafe and inconvenient ; and he shall Sha ! ] J> e lighted also fix one or more lighted lanterns to such fence, or in some other proper manner, to be there kept every night, from twilight in the evening through the night, so long as such fence is kept standing. SKCT. 7. Whenever the superintendent of streets is about to Superin- construct a new street, or to break up the surf ace of any street, notify other he shall, at least two weeks before beginning work, notify the etc?, of proposed con- City engineer, as head ot the sewer department, the superin- structionof tendent of lamps and the water board, the Cambridge Gas Light streets? Company and the West End Street Railway Company. If either of these departments or corporations has any work to be done in the street so designated, it shall consult and arrange with the superintendent of streets, in order that such work may be done before the surface of such street is again prepared for and open to public travel. After such notice and opportunity have been given, neither of the three departments of sewers, lamps or water, nor said corporations, shall, for the space of six months, break up such street within the area of such previous disturbance, except in case of obvious necessity, to be certified to and approved by the mayor. 1 (.mil X n in IK' i:^. SKCT. 8. The several streets in the city shall continue to be Names of called and known by the names heretofore given to them, until such names are altered by the city council. The city council shall give names to all streets hereafter laid out, and may change the name of a street at any time. SKCT. 9. The board of aldermen may order numbers in regular street series, at the expense of the owner or occupant, of such form, size and material, and in such mode, place, succession and order, as it may determine, to be affixed to or inscribed upon, all build- ings on any street. Any owner or person having the control of any such building, refusing or neglecting so to affix to, or inscribe upon the same, the number designated by the board, or allowing any other number to remain thereon more than one week after notice so to affix or inscribe, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one dollar and not more than twenty dollars. Excavations, Obstructions 88 ' every such owner, and every owner maintaining a post, pole or other structure in or over a street, or a wire, pipe, conduit or other structure under a street, shall do so only on the condi- tion that such maintenance shall be considered as an agreement on his part to keep the same and the covers thereof in good repair and condition, at all times during his ownership, and to indemnify and save harmless the city against any and all dam- ages, costs, expenses or compensation which it may sustain, or 1 Amended June 16, L898. 2 Amended June 30, 1893. 138 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 25. be required to pay by reason of such excavation or structure being over, under, or in the street, or being out of repair during his ownership, or by reason of any cover of the same being out of repair or unfastened during his ownership. Powers of Surveyor of Highways. Surveyor of SECT. 35. The provisions of this chapter shall not be taken or construed as limiting in any manner the legal rights and duties of the surveyor of highways to order such alterations and repairs in streets as he may deem that the safety and con- venience of the inhabitants require. CH.\P. 26.] TREASURE. 139 CHAPTER 26. TREASURY. SECTION 1. The treasury department and the collection of department to taxes shall be under the charge of the city treasurer, who shall city treasurer, be ex oMcio the collector of taxes. He shall hold his office for Appointment, ,10,1 P i ,1 o S. 1891, c. 364, the term of one year, from the first day ot March in the year 01 20. his election and until his successor is appointed and qualified. General He shall receive, receipt for and have the care and custody of the p u s?c. 27, current funds of the city, and also of all moneys, property and securities which may be in his charge by virtue of any statute or ordinance, or by virtue of any gift, devise, bequest or deposit. He shall negotiate all loans authorized by the city council, and shall sign all bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness issued for loans to the city, authorized by the city council. As collector of taxes he shall have all special powers conferred on a treasurer appointed collector by a vote of the city council. He may be He may be elected by the board of commissioners of sinking funds, to serve treasurer of ... , in commissioners as the treasurer of said board, and in such case shall receive in of sinking addition to his salary, the salary fixed for said office. p m s.'c. 29, 10. Whenever the office of city treasurer shall be vacant, the city vacancy, council shall fill the vacancy in the same manner as provided for the annual election. SECT. 2. The treasurer shall pay all drafts, checks and orders Shall pay ail . . l -iii drafts, etc. directed to him from the auditing department as provided by ordinance, for the payment of demands against the city ; shall, on presentation pay all executions against the city duly certified as correct by the city solicitor ; also, all bonds issued by the city, and the interest on the same as they or it becomes due ; shall ainlondT 61 cancel all bonds and coupons and immediately transmit to the city auditor the bonds, coupons and executions so paid. SECT. 3. The treasurer shall use and apply in such manner as property, etc., the city council may direct, all property, money and securities in possession his possession at the close of each financial year. The financial year shall begin with the first day of December in each year. year. nci SECT. 4. The treasurer shall receive and have the care and 3(5. >c ' custody of all sums of money paid by persons for the perpetual shall receive care of lots in the Cambridge cemetery, and give the vouchers of the city therefor. He shall notify the superintendent of the cemetery of all such payments together with a description of the lots and graves on account of which such payments are made, 140 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 26. Interest on cemetery fund. Receipts from dog licenses. Such moneys to be added to appropriation. Bond. P. S. c. 27, 91, 92, 105. In case of death, etc., new bond. Failure to give new bond. Shall collect all rents, water- rates, etc. Shall report daily receipts to water registrar. Shall keep a record of receipts and payments. and annually, at such times as the board of commissioners of the Cambridge cemetery requests, shall pay over to them six per centum as interest upon all sums so paid to and receipted for by him previous to December thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- five, and four per centum upon all sums paid to and receipted for by him thereafter. He shall invest such moneys in some safe manner, and pay the amount of interest realized thereon into the city treasury. The fund created by such payments shall be denominated " the cemetery fund for the perpetual care of lots.'' SECT. 5. The treasurer shall receive all sums of money paid under the provisions of the one hundred and seventh section of chapter one hundred and two of the public statutes of the Com- monwealth, and shall forthwith credit the amount of such money to the appropriation for the public library. SECT. 6. The treasurer shall give a bond in such form as the city solicitor shall approve, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the mayor in a sum not less than forty thousand dollars, which bond shall be executed, approved and delivered before he enters upon the duties of his office, and within ten days after his elec- tion. Should he fail to give such bond within the time herein required, the election shall be void and a new election shall be had forthwith. In case of the death or insolvency of any of the sureties on any bond so given, the treasurer shall immediately notify the mayor and give a new bond with sufficient sureties or surety, which new bond shall be a strengthening bond, unless the sureties on former bond are expressly released from further lia- bility by order of the city council ; and if he fails to give such new bond within a reasonable time after notice to do so, it shall be sufficient cause for removal from office. SECT. 7. The treasurer shall be the collector of all rents, water-rates and other sums payable to the city, not otherwise specially provided for. He shall, in the month of April in each year, notify all persons assessed for the use of water that the annual bills for water-rates are due and payable at his office 011 the first day of May ; and he shall give notice of and collect all other bills on account of the water-works, which may, from time to time, be placed in his hands by the water registrar. He shall supply to the water registrar daily, a true record of his receipts 011 account of the water-works, with the number and amount of each bill collected. SECT. 8. He shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, an accurate and true account of all his receipts and payments as city treasurer and collector of taxes, making the same conform as nearly as may be with the accounts kept by the city auditor. He shall credit each department or account with all sums (/HAP. 26.] TREASURY. ' 141 received on its account, and shall charge to each all sums paid out on such accounts. He shall not pay any money out of the Shall not pay treasury except upon orders of the mayor drawn in the form JXreasmy* prescribed in chapter four section three, or except for special purposes as provided in the fifth and sixth sections of that chapter. He shall annually, in December, report to the city Annual council a written statement, in detail, of receipts and expendi- re P rt - tures for the year ending November thirtieth, arid submit a copy thereof to the mayor and the finance committee. SK. He shall, on the first day of every month, report fco shall report to the auditor a written statement, in detail, of all his collections, monthly^ receipts and disbursements during the preceding month, with the names of the persons of, or to whom and on what account the same were received or paid. It shall be sufficient, in reporting the receipts for taxes, assessments and water-rates, to state the amount received, and the particular warrant, assessment or account upon which the collection was made. He shall also report a true record of all discounts, abatements and repayments allowed during the month on taxes, assessments, water-rates or other accounts. SECT. 10. Whenever any assessments for defraying the ex- sewerand penses of constructing or repairing common sewers, or of com- assessments. pleting sidewalks, are delivered to the treasurer for collection, '-?,'ii. 50 ' he shall forthwith make a demand in writing for the payment of said assessments ; and, if any such assessments remain unpaid for three months after such demand, and no notice of apportion- ments, or request therefor be filed in his office, he shall collect the same according to law. Whenever the amount due and Payments on payable on any mortgage belonging to the city is paid to the treasurer, he shall certify the same forthwith to the mayor. SECT. 11. After heads of departments shall have furnished Pay.roiisof weekly pay-rolls of such employees in their respective depart- ments as are entitled by law to be paid weekly, and shall have furnished monthly pay-rolls for all other employees, stating the name and residence of each employee, the time for which pay- ment is to be made, the rate of wages and the amount due him, and after such pay-rolls shall have been properly approved and certified, the treasurer shall, in person, or by his clerk, make payment to such employee, his authorized agent or attorney, and shall take therefor the receipt of no other person than such employee, agent or attorney. The treasurer shall pay all em- where paid, ployees of the city, whose names are borne upon such pay-rolls, either in person at the city hall, or by sending a clerk or pay- master to pay such persons at the place where they are em- Transporta- ployed. He may also make the necessary arrangements for paymaster. 142 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 26. Salary of treasurer. Fees, etc., to be paid into the treasury. Shall report monthly to the auditor all fees, etc., received. To be reimbursed for expenses incurred in collecting taxes. Collection of taxes. S. 1892, c. 168, S. 1888, c. 390. Collection of poll tax. P. S. c. 12, 2. Rates of interest on unpaid taxes. P. S. c. 11, 67 Summonses for unpaid taxes. the transportation of such clerk or pay-master to the place as aforesaid. SECT. 12. The treasurer shall receive such salary as the city council shall from time to time determine, which shall be in full compensation for all services rendered in his official capacity as city treasurer and collector of taxes. All fees, charges and com- missions of every kind allowed by law, for the collection of taxes, betterments, rates and assessments of every kind, to the treasurer and collector of taxes shall be collected and paid by him into the treasury, and shall become the property of the city. At the end of each month he shall make and give to the auditor a written statement, subscribed by him, of all fees, charges, costs and com- missions of every kind and description, allowed by law and received by him or any deputy collector acting under authority of law by his appointment, for collection of taxes, rates, better- ments, assessments or otherwise, during that month ; and shall certify thereon that all moneys so received by him or them have been paid into the treasury. He shall be allowed such reason- able sums, from time to time, as will reimburse him for expenses necessarily incurred in the employment of deputy collectors, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs or constables, in the collection of poll or personal taxes. SECT. 13. The treasurer shall, as soon as possible after re- ceiving any tax list and warrant, send a notice to each person assessed, resident and non-resident, of the amount of his tax. If he shall send such notice through the mail, he shall postpay and direct the same to the city or town which was the place of residence of such person on the first day of May of the year in which the tax was assessed, and if to a resident of this city, shall direct it to the street and number of his residence, if possible. SECT. 14. When the treasurer receives from the assessors tax lists for poll taxes assessed on persons who are assessed for a poll tax only, he shall immediately send a notice to each person so assessed, and if he shall send such notice through the mail he shall postpay and direct the same as in the case of the notice provided for in the preceding section. If such poll tax be not paid at once, the treasurer shall forthwith proceed to collect the same in the manner provided by the laws of the commonwealth for the collection of taxes from delinquents. SECT. 15. Upon all taxes remaining unpaid upon the tenth day of October, interest shall be charged at the rate of six per cent per annum, and on the first day of November, the treasurer shall issue his summons to all delinquents, that, if their taxes are not paid within ten days from the date thereof, with twenty cents for said summons, he will then proceed to collect the same CHAP. 26.] TREASURY. 143 according to law ; and he shall give notice by attaching this section to all tax bills. SECT. 16. The treasurer shall, during the first week of each shall render a month, render to the mayor a statement of his receipts and pay- Statement to ments for the month preceding, together with a summary of the items of his receipts and payments for the current financial year up to the close of the preceding month. 144 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 27. Water- work s department to be in charge of the water board. 1891, c. 364, 9, 10. Appointment and term of office. President. Clerk. Powers of board. Annual report. CHAPTER 27. WATER-WORKS. SECTION 1. The water-works department shall be under the charge of the Cambridge Water Board, which shall consist of five persons, to be appointed by the mayor, subject to the confirmation the board of alderman. The mayor shall annually, in the month of June, appoint, sub- ject to the confirmation of the board of aldermen, one person to be a member of the water board, who shall hold office for the term of five years from the thirtieth day of June in the year of his appointment. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner, and the person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was appointed. Said members shall, in addition to the above term, hold office until others are appointed in their places. No member of the city council shall be appointed a member of this board. SECT. 2. The president of the water board shall be elected by the board, and shall be one of the persons appointed as provided in the first section of this chapter. The board may choose a clerk, and make' such rules and regulations for its own government and in relation to all its officers as may be deemed expedient. SECT. 3. The board, so constituted and organized, shall have and exercise all the powers vested in the city council by the legis- lature, by the one hundred and fifty-third chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and by the one hundred and sixty -fifth chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and by the two hundred and fifty-sixth chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty -four, and by the one hundred and thirty-seventh chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty -eight, and by any acts in addi- tion to any of said acts, so far as the same can be legally dele- gated ; and it may appoint a superintendent, water registrar, and all other subordinate agents and assistants, and fix their compen- sation and that of the clerk before mentioned subject to the approval of the committee on finance. SECT. 4. The board, on or before the fifteenth day of Decem- ber in each year, shall present to the city council a report con- taining a statement of the condition of all the water-works and of the lands and other property connected therewith, with an account of all receipts and expenditures and a schedule of pro- CHAP. 27. ] WATER-WORKS. 145 perty 011 hand, together with any information or suggestions which it may deem important ; and shall at the same time trans- mit to the city council the reports of the superintendent and water registrar. SECT. 5. The board may sell such of the personal property May sen connected with the water-works as it may deem expedient, subject property, to the approval of the mayor. SECT. 6. The president of the board shall exercise a general Duties of president. supervision over all the water-works, and the materials and prop- erty connected therewith, and over all subordinate officers and agents. In case of his absence or inability, his duties may be performed by a president jtrn 1<>ni}>ore, to be chosen by the board. SECT. 7. The board shall have full power to make all necessary Repairs, etc., . , of water- repairs, extensions or improvements on said works, and to provide works. new supply-pipes. All hydrants, stand-pipes and drinking fount- Hydrants of ains, established by the city, shall be constructed, and all repairs Clty * upon such hydrants, stand-pipes and drinking fountains made, and the streets, when broken up, shall be again put in good order, to the satisfaction of the superintendent of streets, by and under the direction of the water-board. The board shall have no power to expend any money, or to incur any debt, beyond the amount of appropriations made by the city council. SECT. 8. Xo member of the board, and no person appointed to Members of any office or employed by virtue of this chapter, or of the acts of Sot to'b? 6 '' the legislature mentioned in the third section of this chapter, ISnTracts? shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, bargain, sale or agreement, in relation to the water-works, or any matter or thing connected therewith, wherein the city is interested ; and any and all contracts, bargains, sales or agreements, made in violation of this section, shall be void as to the city. SECT. 9. The board shall determine and assess the water-rates water-rates . according to the tariff of rates adopted by the city council, and shall have poAver to establish such regulations as it may deem expedient for the introduction and use of water ; and the water shall not be supplied to any building unless the pipes and fixtures are made conformable to such regulations. SECT. 10. The board shall annually elect a superintendent of Superintend- the water-works, who shall be a citizen of Cambridge. He shall take charge of the aqueducts, lands, reservoirs and other works and property connected with the water-works, as the water board may from time to time direct ; and he shall perform all such services in relation thereto as may be required of him by the board, and shall annually, during the first week of December, present to the board a report of the general condition of the works. He may at any time be removed by the board. 146 KEVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 27. Water registrar. Duties. Further duties of registrar. Receipts. Interest. Water rates, when to be paid. Penalty for non-payment. SECT. 11. The board shall annually elect a water registrar who may at any time be removed by the board. He shall per- form all such services as may be required of him by the board, and shall annually, during the first week of December, present to the board a detailed statement of all receipts and expenditures in his department for the year ending November thirtieth; a statement of the number of water-takers ; the number of cases in which the water has been cut off ; the number and amount of abatements ; and such other matters as he or the board may deem expedient. SECT. 12. The registrar, under the direction of the board, shall cause to be visited, once in each year, all premises where the water is taken, and shall exercise a constant supervision over the use of the water. SECT. 13. All moneys paid into the treasury on account of said works shall be placed to the credit of the water works, and shall not be paid out except under the provisions of this section and chapter four. The mayor may draw his draft for all sums of money becoming due for interest on the Cambridge water loan, and the amounts so paid shall be charged to the water-works. The treasurer shall annually, on or before the thirtieth day of November, pay over to the trustees of the sinking funds, provided in the first act named in the third section of this chapter, a sum not less than three and one half per cent, of the par value of the then outstanding water bonds. SECT. 14. The annual rent for the use of the water shall be payable in advance on the first day of May in each year. All charges for specific supplies, or for fractional parts of the year to May first, shall be payable in advance and before the water is let on. SECT. 15. In all cases of non-payment of the water rent in thirty days after the same is due, the registrar shall cut off the supply ; and the water shall not again be let on, except upon the payment of the sum of two dollars, and not for the same occupant or owner, except upon the payment also of the whole amount due ; and every person whose water rent is unpaid 011 the fifteenth day of June, shall be liable to said penalty of two dollars, though the supply may not have been actually cut off ; provided, that in case of specific supplies or for fractional parts of the year, when the water has been let on, it may be cut off immediately after notice given at the place that the rent is not paid, and may be let on again upon the conditions before mentioned. And the foregoing provisions shall apply when two or more parties take the water through the same service pipes, although one or more may have paid the proportion due from him or them. CHAP. 27.] WATER- WORKS. 14J All bills for water furnished by meter shall be payable quar- terly ; and if the same be not paid within twenty days after the end of the quarter, the registrar shall cut off the supply after sending a special notice that the water will be so cut off for non-payment. SECT. 16. The registrar, under the direction of the board, may Abatements- make abatements in the water rents in all proper cases. SECT. 17. The registrar shall keep suitable books in which Records.. shall be entered the names of all persons who take the water, the kind of building, the name and number of the street, the nature of the use, the number of takers and the amount charged, and amounts of abatements, which shall always be open to the inspec- tion of the board, and any committee of the city council. The registrar shall, at the end of each year, report to the Registrar's- report. board, 1. The amount of the bills sent to the treasurer. 2. The amount of the abatements. 3. The amount of the uncollected bills. SECT. 18. No person shall injure any public pipe, reservoir or injuries to fire hydrant connected with the water-works, or shall break and reservoirs, etc. enter the same, or draw off or cause to be removed, any of the water therefrom ; or shall turn on or off the water in any such water pipe, reservoir or fire hydrant, or shall make any opening or connection with such pipe, reservoir or fire hydrant, or remove the cover of any hydrant, except in case of fire, without the license or permit of the water board, or by authority of the mayor, and then only under the direction of the superintendent of the water-works, who shall provide competent men to perform the same ; and the expense thereof shall be charged to the person or department applying for such license or permit. SECT. 19. The following regulations shall be considered a part Regulations relative to use- of the contract with every person who takes the water ; and every of water, such person, by taking the water, shall be considered to express ft 16, 17. ' his consent to be bound thereby. These regulations shall be printed upon every bill for water rent, and whenever any one of them is violated (notwithstanding two or more parties may receive the water through the same pipe), the registrar shall cause the water to be cut off, and it shall not be let on again except upon payment of two dollars and all chargeable rates ; and further in case of any such violation, the board may declare forfeited any payment made for the water^ by the person committing such violation, and the same shall thereupon be forfeited. The regulations are as follows : 1. All persons taking the water shall, at their own expense. Takers to keep service pipes in repair, etc-. 148 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CiiAP. 27. To prevent waste, etc. Pipes inserted by city not to be altered, except, etc. Water not to be supplied to other parties. Fountain. Abatements for vacancy or non-use. keep the service-pipes within their premises in good repair and protected from frost, and they will be held liable for all damage which may result from their failure to do so. 2. They shall prevent all unnecessary waste of water, and there shall be no concealment of the purposes for which it is used. 3. No alteration shall be made in any of the pipes or fixtures inserted by the city, except by its agents, who shall be allowed to enter the premises supplied, to examine the apparatus, and to ascertain if there is any unnecessary waste ; and no plumber or other person shall make any alteration or extension of the pipes in any house or on any premises without first giving notice to the registrar, and procuring a written permit from him. which shall be returned to the registrar within ten days after the completion of the work, endorsed with a statement of all fixtures added or removed. Any person violating this regulation shall be fined not more than twenty dollars. 4. No water shall be supplied to parties not entitled to the use of it under the city ordinances, unless by special permission. 5. Except as hereinafter provided, no connection of a fountain shall be made, directly or indirectly, with the water pipes of the city. Persons desiring water for fountain purposes, shall make application in writing to the board, stating the number and size of the jets to be used, and the hours of the day and the months during which it is proposed to use the same. Upon such applica- tion the board shall fix the rate to be charged to the applicant, and the connection with the water pipes shall be made by and under the direction of the superintendent; it being understood and agreed that the water shall be employed exclusively for fountain purposes, unless supplied through a meter. 6. Whenever on account of non-occupancy of premises or non- use of water an abatement is desired, and notice thereof is given at the office of the registrar, while the person liable for the water- rates is in possession of the premises, the water shall be cut off by an employee of the board and an abatement made, less the charge of one dollar for cutting off; provided, that such seal-locks as may be adopted by the board may be placed upon faucets in tenements so connected with other tenements that they cannot be separately shut off in the street ; but they shall not be put on in any house that can be so shut off from the street, except for particular fixtures. The charge for putting on such seal-locks shall be established by the board. Such seal-locks shall not be taken off by any one except an employee of the board, pn penalty of forfeiting all claims for allowance, and having the water shut off from the premises. CiiAi'. 27.] WATER-WORKS. 149 7. The registrar, with the necessary agents and assistants, Right of entry, may enter the premises of any water-taker to examine the quan- tity used, and the manner of use, and to cut off the water for non- payment of rents or fines, or for any violation of these regulations- The registrar shall make all water-rate charges, excepting water-rates to charges for metered water, to the owner of the property, and in owSSJf 8 * every case the owner shall be liable for the water-rates, except where the ownership is changed after water is shut off for non- payment, in which case the new owner shall be liable for the water-rates from the time when the water is again let on. SECT. 20. An owner or occupant of premises in which water penalty for furnished by the city is used, who fails to keep his service-pipes Si not and fixtures in good order, and neglects to repair the same within service? pipes, three days after they have, from any cause, become defective, or order! 1 g who neglects to shut off the water after using it, so that it runs to \vaste, shall be liable to a fine of two dollars ; and if such fine is not paid within two days from the time when the person incur- ring it receives notice that he is liable thereto, the water shall be cut off from his premises, and shall not be let on again until the waste is stopped and the fine paid, together with an additional sum of two dollars for cutting off and letting on the water ; and in case of a second offence during the same year, a fine of four dollars shall be imposed, and if it is not paid within two days, as aforesaid, the water shall be cut off. and shall not be let on again until the cause of complaint is removed and the fine paid, together with two dollars for cutting off and letting on the water ; and in case^of a third offence, the water shall be cut off, and shall not be let on again except by a vote of the board and the payment of such fine, not exceeding ten dollars, as the board may impose. SECT. 21. The board shall have the power to decide what shall Board to decide what is be considered a waste or improper use of water, and to restrict waste, etc. the use thereof when it may deem it necessary ; and if the water- taker refuses or neglects to comply with any order of the board, after notice given to him, the water may be cut off, and shall not again be let on, except by a vote of the board, and the payment of such fine, not exceeding ten dollars, as the board may impose. ' SECT. 22. The board shall have the power to restrict the use Board may of hand-hose to such hours of the day as it may deem necessary ; Sd-hose 6 1 and for any violation of such restriction the occupant of the premises shall be liable to the penalties imposed in the preceding section for a waste or improper use of water. SECT. 23. The water registrar shall, under the direction of the Registrar to water board, make out the annual bills for water-rates, and deliver wa ter bills, the same to the treasurer on or before the tenth day of April in each .year, and shall make out bills for all other amounts payable 150 REVISED ORDINANCES. Bills to be numbered. Abatements and refunds. Registrar to report to auditor, etc. to the city on account of the water-works, and deliver the same to the treasurer, from time to time, as they may become due. All the bills so delivered by the water registrar shall be numbered to correspond with the number of the charge on his books. A certificate of each and every abatement and refund shall be furnished by the registrar, which certificate shall be addressed to the treasurer, and shall state the account on which it is allowed, and the number of the bill. The registrar shall, on the first day of every month, report in writing to the auditor the amount of the bills of each class placed in the hands of the treasurer for collection, and also the amount abated or ordered to be refunded, during the preceding month. 1 Whenever it shall appear to the water registrar that an error has been made in the rates charged for any house or tenement whereby a larger amount has been charged than is required by section 24 of this chapter, he shall cause an abatement certificate to \>e made for the amount of the excess charged, and forthwith transmit the same to the city treasurer, who shall send a corrected notice to the owner or the person to whom the rates are charged. 2 SECT. 24. The following rates shall be charged annually for the use of the water, namely : Kates to be charged for water. Dwelling- houses. Dwelling-Houses. Occupied by one family, for the first faucet For each additional faucet, to be used by the same family . Each wash basin Each set washtub, with faucet ..... When a house is occupied by more than one family, one faucet only being used by all, for each family . When a house is occupied by more than one family, the highest rates will be charged for each family having the water carried into their part of the house. For the first bathtub When used by more than one family, for each family, For each additional bathtub For the first water-closet, self-regulating . When used by more than one family, for each family, For each additional water-closet, self-regulating For each water-closet, not self-regulating . When used by more than one family, for each family, Each slop-closet 1 Amended April 4, 1895. 2 Amended March 29, 1&94. Per Year. $4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 2 00 10 00 8 00 3 00 CHAP. 27.] WATER-WORKS. 151 Per Year. When two faucets are used, one for hot and one for cold water, both emptying into one vessel, but one charge will be made for both, and the same rule applies to boarding-houses. Frni'tded, That in no case shall the charge for the use of water by a private family, exclusive of water closet, not self-regulating, hose and stable, be more than $15 00 And including stable for not more than four animals, more than 22 00 And including use of hose for stable for not more than four animals, and for garden not exceeding five thousand feet 27 00 Apartment Houses or Family Hotels. For the use of water in apartment houses or family hotels Apartment which are arranged in suites of rooms for different families, the family hotels, charge to each tenement, exclusive of water-closet not self-closing, shall not exceed $14. [Apartment houses or family hotels, so-called, shall be taken to mean and include dwellings constructed especially for and occupied by three or more families, each tenement being arranged in flats or suites of rooms connected, and having the conveniences of a distinct house, without regard to the location of the water fixtures. All other dwellings occupied by one or more families shall be classed under the head of dwelling-houses.] i Stores, Etc. Per Year, stores, etc. For each tenement occupied as a store, warehouse, or office $3 00 Where two or more such tenements are supplied from the same faucet, each ...... 2 50 For markets, saloons, workshops, or for purposes not included in any other classification, and not requir- ing more than an ordinary supply of water taken from one faucet, from . . . . . 5 00 to 25 00 For the first self-regulating water-closet or urinal used by the occupants of one tenement only . 3 00 (Explanation : When a self -regulating water-closet and urinal are in one room, but one charge for each tenant shall be made for both fixtures.) When used by occupant of more than one tenement, for each ......... 2 50 i Amended March 13, 1895. Private stables. Livery stables, etc. Car and omnibus stables. 152 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 27. Per Year. For water-closet, not self-regulating, for single tene- ment .... $10 00 Each slop-closet .... . 3 00 For water-closet, not self-regulating, used by occupant of more than one tenement, for each ... 6 00 For each additional fixture, one half of the above charges shall be added. Private Stables. For first horse . . 4 00 Each additional horse 2 00 Each cow 2 00 Livery, Club, and Boarding Stables. For not exceeding five horses, the same as private stables. Each additional horse . . . . . . 2 00 Car and Omnibus Stables. For not exceeding five horses, the same as private stables. Each additional horse 2 00 Truck and Cart Stables. Truck and cart For each horse, if two or more 2 00 The above includes water for washing carriages, omni- buses and cars, without hose. No stable less than ....... 4 00 Where hose is used in any stable, an addition will be made to the above charges, as follows : For the first horse 5 00 For each additional horse ...... 50 Hose. Hose. For washing windows and other similar uses, includ- ing watering gardens of less than 5,000 feet . 5 00 For above purposes and for private stable . . . 10 00 For other cases arrangements may be made with the Water Board. Hotels. Hotels. For each bed for boarders and lodgers. ... 3 50 Or special arrangements may be made with the water board. Baths. Baths. For public bath, and for each bath in ,any hotel . . 10 00 Water-closets in public bath-houses . . . . 10 00 CHAP. 27.] WATER-WORKS. 153 Steam-Engines . Per Year. For each engine, working not over twelve hours a d'ay r steam-engine*, for each horse-power $6 00 1 The Water Board shall have power to ascertain by meter the Metered water, quantity of water used in any case, and a meter shall be applied whenever, in the judgment of the board, it is expedient. The charge for metered water shall be based on annual consumption r as follows : For the first 50,000 cubic feet, 15c. per 100 cubic feet. From 50,000 to 200,000 cubic feet, 12c. per 100 cubic feet. From 200,000 to 500,000 cubic feet. lie. per 100 cubic feet. From 500,000 cubic feet to 5,000,000 cubic feet, 8c. per 100 cubic feet. When the water used by any one taker shall amount to more than five million cubic feet in any one year, commencing the first day of July, then the charge shall be at the rate of seven and one-half cents for each hundred cubic feet of the excess over that quantity. In no case, however, shall the minimum charge for metered water be less than fifteen dollars per annum. In addition to the charge for water used, an annual rental of two dollars for each meter shall be assessed, commencing: April 1, 1898. All water passing through a meter will be charged for, whether used or wasted. If a meter gets out of order and fails to register, the consumer shall be charged at the average daily consumption as shown by the meter when in order. All charges for metered water shall be made to the owners of the property. All bills for water furnished by meters shall be payable quar- B nis for terly at the office of the city treasurer; and if the same be not metered water ' paid within twenty days after the end of the quarter, the regis- trar is instructed to cut off the supply, after sending a special notice that the water will be cut off for non-payment. When water is required for purposes which are not specified Water for in the foregoing tariff, the rate shall be fixed by the board. purposes. The board shall have power to prevent the erection of yard Yard hydrants, hydrants, and water shall not be supplied to any water-closets unless such water-closets are constructed to conform/ to the plumbing ordinances. SECT. 25. All water required by the city in its various depart- water used by ments, shall be furnished free of charge. SECT. 26. The police shall report to the registrar all cases of 1 Amended February 12, 1898. 154 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 27. Police to re- leakage, waste or unnecessary prof usion in the use of the water, port waste, etc. * and all violations of this chapter that may be brought to their Salary of treasurer of sinking fund -of water- works. notice. SECT. 27. There shall be paid to the person chosen by the trustees of the sinking fund of the water works, as their secretary and treasurer, an annual salary of two hundred dollars. Said salary to be charged to the maintenance account of the water- works. CHAP. 28.] DUTIES AND SALARIES. 155 CHAPTER 28. DUTIES AXD SALARIES. SECTION 1. The various boards and city officers, who shall in Boards and n i i, i i -ir? o-i -j. officers to keep their omcial capacity receive any money on behali ot tne city, an account of whether for payment of fees, for services rendered or otherwise, received for shall enter, in a book kept for the purpose, a detailed record of all same to money so received, and the several purposes for which said money was paid, which book shall at all times be open to the inspection of the committee on accounts, and all such boards and city officers having offices in the city hall, shall pay to the treasurer daily all money so received, and all other boards and city officers except the city weighers shall pay over to said treasurer weekly all money so received by them. All such boards and city officers shall, before making such payment, make a true return to the auditor, stating the account upon which said moneys were received. All other persons, who shall at any time have money in their possession belonging to the city, shall forthwith pay the same to the treasurer. SECT. 2. The city clerk and the treasurer and collector shall Measurer and annually, on the thirtieth day of November, make to the city to Report fees 06 council a written detailed statement of all fees and perquisites received by each of them for the year ending with that date. The chief of police shall make a similiar return of the fees and perquisites received by himself and other members of the police force. SECT. 3. All fees, penalties, witness fees, moneys or compensa- Fees received J by police to tion received by any members of the police force, other than the paid into the salary fixed by ordinance, for any services rendered in their official capacity, except moneys or compensation received by them for special services, and except witness fees for testimony in courts without the limits of the city, shall be paid weekly into the city treasury by the officers receiving the same. SECT. 4. The offices hereinafter named shall be open to the office hours of public for the transaction of business daily, except on Sundays and legal holidays, and as hereinafter provided, during the following hours : viz., The treasurer's and the auditor's from eight o'clock A. M. to two o'clock P. M. The city clerk's from eight o'clock A. M. to three o'clock p. M. The city engineer's from eight o'clock A. M. to five o'clock p. M. lice to be nto 156 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 28, Office hours on Saturdays. Treasurer shall appoint the clerks in his office. S. 1891, c. 364, 34. Removal of clerks. Compensation of clerks. Non-residents not to be employed as laborers. Working day for laborers. S. 1890, c. 375. Boards and heads of departments to control appropria- tions. Contracts to be approved by the mayor except, etc. S. 1891, c. 364. 35. The superintendent of streets from eight o'clock A. M. to four o'clock p. M. The chief engineer's, from nine to ten o'clock A. M. The office hours for city employees shall be fixed by the board, or head of department authorized to employ them. SECT. 5. On Saturdays the various offices at the city hall shall be closed at two o'clock in the afternoon ; provided, however, that, in case of necessity, any office may be left open until a later hour, at the discretion of the head of the department occupying such office, or the board having charge of such department. SECT. 6. The treasurer and collector shall appoint the clerks in his office and shall be answerable for their conduct in the discharge of their duties. Such appointments shall be forth- with certified to the mayor. Such clerks shall receive such compensation as the committee -011 finance may, from time to time, determine and they may be removed by the treasurer and collector for such cause as he shall assign in writing in the order of removal, which order shall be forthwith communicated to the mayor. The compensation of all clerks in the several departments of the city, both permanent and temporary, shall be determined by said committee, subject however to change at any time by order of the city council. SECT. 7. No person who is not a resident of Cambridge shall be employed as a laborer in any department of the city ; and in the employment of laborers in any department of the city, pref- erence shall be given to efficient and steady men who have families or minor children dependent upon them for support; provided, that no competent and faithful laborer, who is a resi- dent of Cambridge, shall be discharged to make place for another. Nine hours shall constitute a working day for laborers and mechanics in the several city departments, 1 and eight hours for brick layers in the sewer department, for each working day throughout the year. SECT. i8. The several boards and heads of departments shall have the general supervision and control of the appropriations made to meet the expenditures of their respective departments '> 2irovided, that no board or head of department, authorized to purchase materials or supplies, or to contract for labor to be performed, shall have the power to expend more than three hundred dollars for any one specific purpose, whether settlement for the same shall be made in one or more payments, unless it be first approved by the mayor. But nothing in this proviso shall be held to apply to the consumption of water or gas, nor to con- tracts made with such laborers or other persons as are ordinarily i Amended July 12, 1891. CHAP. 28.] DUTIES AND SALARIES. 157 employed in the various departments, in the performance of the regular work or labor thereof, whether such contracts be by the day, month or year. SECT. 9. All boards and officers shall be governed in their Purchases to be made in purchases by the provisions of this chapter. accordance SECT. 10. All advertisements for proposals and purchases chapter. shall be published in one or more papers of the city, not exceed- Advertising. for proposals. ing lour, and elsewhere 11 necessary, and a copy 01 such adver- tisement shall be sent to the auditor for preservation. SKCT. 11. AVhenever advertisements for proposals for any Plans, etc., to work to be done for the city, or for any materials or supplies bidders. to be furnished, are made, the board or officer in charge of the work to be done shall cause suitable plans and specifications, and schedules of materials or supplies, to be prepared and shown to parties proposing to bid. SK< T. 12. Every officer and board authorized to purchase, on TO advertise behalf of the city, materials or supplies, shall advertise for pro- f or purchases , , , of more than posals for the same, whenever the cost may reasonably be $300. expected to exceed the sum of three hundred dollars, unless otherwise specially directed by the city council. SECT. 13. Every contract exceeding three hundred dollars for contracts to any work to be done for the city, or for any materials or supplies accompanied to be furnished the city, shall be accompanied by a suitable 5 bond for the performance of the same, or by the deposit of money or security to the amount of such bond. ]STo proposal shall be accepted from or for any person who shall have broken a contract with the city during the three years preceding. All Contracts to written contracts shall be executed in triplicate, and one of said triplicate. copies shall be deposited with the auditor. SECT. 14. No proposal shall be received from any person Proposals to , n . be sealed and offering to contract for such work, unless the same is enclosed in kept in a a sealed envelope or wrapper. Such proposals shall be at once placed in a sealed box in the department calling for the proposals, and the clerk of committees shall hold the only key to such box. Key of the box. All proposals shall be opened, read and recorded in the city hall, opening at the hour and place designated in the advertisement, in the p presence of the mayor or such person as he may designate. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder complying with lowest bidder, the terms ; provided, however, if any such proposals shall be offered by persons who, in the judgment of the board, or officer issuing the advertisement, shall be incompetent to preform their contracts in a workmanlike manner, or irresponsible in respect to their means of faithfully executing the same, such proposals may be rejected, notwithstanding the same be at a lower rate than other proposals offered for the same work, and the next higher loS REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 28. Bids to be preserved. Contracts to be in writing. Extra work on contracts. Alteration of contract. Payment on contract. Contracts for more than one year not to be made. Contracts shall provide for the retention of a sufficient amount to pay mechanics' claims for labor. Removals of subordinates. Cause to be recorded. Officers and boards not to expend money until appropriated. bidder shall be substituted ; and provided, also, in all cases, that the board or officer may reject all bids and issue new advertise- ments. All bids shall be preserved by the board or officer issuing the advertisement on the records of its department, and shall be open to public inspection after the contract has been awarded, -and accepted by the bidder. SECT. 15. In all cases where the amount of any contract shall exceed the sum of three hundred dollars, the contract shall be in writing ; and, after being signed by the parties, no such contract shall be altered, in any particular, without the consent of the con- tractor, and of the board or officer making the contract, indorsed thereon. And all payments for extra work shall be made at the time of the final payment on such contract. SECT. 16. Every contract shall provide that, in case of any alteration, so much of such contract as is not necessarily affected by the change shall remain in force upon all parties thereto. It shall also provide that no payment for work done under such alterations shall be made until the completion of the whole con- tract, and also that the adjustment and payment of the bill then rendered for such work shall release and discharge the city from any and all claims or liability on account of any work performed under such contract, or any alteration thereof. SECT. 17. No board or officer shall make any contract in behalf of the city the execution of which shall necessarily extend beyond one year from the date thereof, unless special permission so to do has been given by vote of the city council, or of the branch having authority therein, or by the statutes of the commonwealth. SECT. 18. In every contract entered into on behalf of the city, and involving the employment of mechanics or laborers by the contractor, a provision shall be inserted to the effect that the board, or other authority making such contract, may, if it deems it expedient to do so, retain out of any amounts due to such con- tractor sums sufficient to cover any unpaid claims of mechanics or laborers for work or labor performed under such contract for thirty-five days after the completion of the work under the contract. SECT. 19. Whenever any officer or board in charge of a depart- ment shall remove any subordinate, the order of removal and the cause assigned therefor shall be entered in full on the records of the department in which he served. Every such officer and board shall to the best of his ability cause 'all statutes, ordinances, regulations and orders relating to the duties of his department to be observed and enforced. SECT. 20. No officer or board in charge of a department shall, unless specially authorized thereto by statute, make any expendi- CHAP. 28.] DUTIES AND SALARIES. 159- ture or incur any liability on behalf of the city for any purpose or object, until an appropriation sufficient to meet such expendi- ture or liability, together with all other expenditures and liabilities which he or it proposes to make, and which are properly charge- able to the same appropriation, has been made therefor ; nor Expenditure ' ' . shall not shall he or it exceed any specific appropriation made tor his exceed appro- department, l nor shall any officer or member of a board, unless thereto authorized by the mayor or city council, apply for, object to, or advocate before the legislature any special act relating to the city of Cambridge. SECT. 21. Every officer and board in charge of a department {JJJ^J 8 Jjft shall keep records of the acts and doings of the departments, in keep records, books kept specially for the purpose. All records and files, Tobe< shall, under the supervision of the officer in charge of the depart- public 1 inspections, ment, be open to public inspection, and any person may take etc. notes therefrom ; but this shall not apply to matters on which final action has not been taken, which the mayor is of opinion should not be made public, or to the records of the proceedings of the various committees kept by the clerk of committees. SECT. 22. Every officer or board in charge of a department Licenses to contain issuing a license or permit, shall insert therein a condition that conditions, etc.. the person accepting the same shall conform to all statutes and ordinances, and also to the specifications in the license or permit ; that the license or permit may be revoked at any time by the authority issuing it ; that the violation of any of its specifications shall work an immediate revocation of the license or permit; and that such person shall indemnify and save harmless the city from any damage it may sustain, or be required to pay, by \ reason of the doing of the work licensed or permitted, or by reason of any act or neglect of himself or of any of his employees relat- ing to such work, or by reason of any violation of any specifica- tion; jH'on'di'd that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the insertion of any other conditions and limitations deemed advisable by the authority issuing such license or permit. SECT. 23. Every officer and board in charge of a department Officers and boards to send: shall, annually, before the twentieth day of January, send to the estimates for annual appro- mayor an estimate in detail of the appropriations which will be priations to required to enable the department to perform its duties and s i89i,c. 364, works during the next financial year, and also an estimate of all income to be received from any source by the department during the said year. SECT. 24. Every officer required to give a bond to the city Bonds of city J officers, shall furnish sureties upon the same, and whenever the mayor shall demand shall furnish a new bond or surety. 1 Amended June 6, 1894. 160 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 28. -Committee on finance. Appointment Duties of. -Carriages, how furnished. All boards, *tc., shall report annually. S. 1891, c. 364, 18. Report of the superintend ent of public buildings. SECT. 25, There shall be appointed, at the commencement of each municipal year, a committee on finance, consisting of the president and three members of the board of aldermen, the presi- dent and five members of the common council. SECT. 26. The committee on finance shall, at the close of each municipal year, and as much ofteiier as they deem it expedient, examine and audit the accounts of the treasurer : and for that purpose shall have access to all books and vouchers in his pos- session, or in possession of the auditor or any other officer of the city. They shall also examine all notes and securities in his hands belonging to the city, and make report thereof to the city council. SECT. 27. No carriage shall be furnished at the expense of the city, except upon an order therefor signed by the mayor, 1 presi- dent of the board of aldermen, the president of the common coun- cil, or the acting chairman of any committee of the city council ; and such order shall state the purpose for which the carriage is required, and shall accompany the bill therefor as a voucher. SECT. 28. All boards, commissioners, trustees, and officials having charge of city property or the expenditure of appropria- tions, unless otherwise provided in these revised ordinances, shall report to the city council annually in December. The report shall contain a statement of receipts and expendi- tures for the year ending November thirtieth, a schedule of materials, tools and property of all kinds on hand December first, and their estimated value. The report of the superintendent of public buildings shall con- tain a description of all real estate belonging to the city, with the estimated value of each parcel of land and of each building. Salaries of certain city .jofficers. SECT. 30. The officers of the city, hereinafter named, shall receive the following salaries, which are annual and to be paid monthly unless otherwise stated : Mayor .......... $3,600 00 City treasurer and collector ...... 3,000 00 City clerk . . 3,000 00 Assistant city clerk ........ 8 1,400 00 Clerk of common council ..... 300 00 City auditor 2,100 00 Assessors, each . . * 2,000 00 i- Amended Dec. 28, 1892. 2 Sectfon 29 repealed April 27, 1893. 3 Repealed March 22, 1893. 4 Repealed Dec. 19, 1894. (JHAP. 28.J DUTIES AND SALARIES. 161 Assistant assessors, each (per day) . . . $4 00 City engineer ....... 3,000 00 Treasurer of commissioners of sinking funds . 300 00 City solicitor ^3,500 00 Clerk of committees ...... 2,400 0.0 Superintendent of streets 2,000 00 Chief engineer of lire department .... 2 1,800 00 ( 'all district chiefs of fire department, each . . :)"/) 00 ^Captains of hook and ladder companies : First twelve months of service . . . 880 00 Second twelve months of service . . . 980 00 After two years of service .... 1,080 00 Captains of steam fire-engine companies, each . 220 00 Lieutenants of steam tire-engine and hook-and-ladder companies, each 210 00 4 Enginemen of steam fire engines : First twelve months of service . . . . 5 1,020 00 Second twelve months of service . . . 1,100 00 After two years of service 1,200 00 Assistant enginemen of steam fire-engines and tillerman of the Hayes truck : For first twelve months of service . . . 820 00 For second twelve months of service . . . 920 00 For third twelve months of service , . . 1,020 00 7 Drivers in Fire Department and enginemen of chemical engines : First twelve months of service .... 820 00 Second twelve months of service . . . 920 00 After two years of service 1,020 00 "Call members of the Fire Department : Captains ... .... 245 00 Lieutenants 235 00 Members 225 00 9 Permanent lieutenants of hook-and-ladder truck companies in Fire Department : For first twelve months of service . . . 1,020 .00 For second twelve months of service . . . 1,035 00 After two years of service 1,050 00 1 Amended Sept. 4, 1895. 2 Amended March 6, 1895. Amended May 24, 1893. 4 Amended May 24, 1893. 5 Amended June 13, 1895. 6 Amended March 28, 1894. 7 Amended May 24, 1893. 8 Amended May 23, 1895. 9 Amended Oct. 19, 1898. 162 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 28. Salaries to be in full. Compensation of janitors. Janitors of school-houses. Inspector of wires ....... 1,000 00 City messenger 1,800 00 Superintendent of lamps ..... 1,000 00 1 Inspector of milk and vinegar .... 900 00 2 Inspector of provisions and of animals intended for slaughter, etc. . . . . . . TOO 00 3 Sealer of weights and measures . . . . 1,000 00 4 City physician 1,500 00 4 Superintendent of public buildings . v . . 2,000 00 5 Commissioner of bridges . . . . . 700 00 6 Election officers : Wardens, clerks and inspectors, for each day's actual service, each, per day .... 8 00 Deputy officers, who shall be in attendance at the opening of the polls, each, per day. . . 1 T>0 Registrars of voters, each . . . . 500 00 Clerk of the board of registrars of voters . . 100 00 SECT. 31. The above-mentioned salaries shall be in full for all services rendered by such officers in their official capacities. SECT. 32. Janitors of public buildings other than school- houses shall receive such compensation as may be recommended by the superintendent of public buildings and approved by the city council, or by some committee by it authorized. Janitors of school houses shall receive such compensation as may be recommended by the mayor and approved by the city council, or by some committee by it authorized. 7 SECT. 33. Whenever, by reason of his length of service, the pay of any member of the fire department is to be increased, notice thereof shall be sent to the mayor by the chief engineer, before placing the name of such member upon the pay roll at the increased rate of compensation. 1 Amended April 27, 1893. 2 A mended March 30, 1893. 3 Amended Feb. 21, 1896. 4 Amended Dec. 30, 1896. 5 Amended Dec. 28, 1892. e Amended Oct. 16, 1895. 7 Amended April 6, 1898. GENERAL ORDINANCES CHAP. 29.] SALE AND DELIVERY OF ICE. 165 CHAPTER 29. SALE AXD DELIVERY OF ICE. 1 SECTION 1. Every person, firm or corporation before selling Sale and 3 delivery of ice. or delivering ice in this city after the first day of February, A. D. 1898, shall prior to such sale or delivery register at the office of the board of health the name and location of the body or bodies of water from which said ice so to be sold or delivered has been cut, or from which the water has been taken for its manufacture. Such registration shall be subscribed and sworn to by the person so proposing to sell or cause to be delivered said ice, or in the case of a firm, by one of the members of the firm, or in the case of a corporation by the president, general manager, or one of the board of directors of the corporation. SECT. 2. Every person, firm or corporation who sells, delivers inspection of or causes to be delivered ice in this city after the first day of e heaith. ar of February, A. 1). 1898, shall permit the board of health and its inspectors at" all reasonable times to have access to and freely examine the ice intended for such sale or delivery, and shall permit samples to be taken by said board or its inspectors for the purpose of analysis. SECT. 3., The board of health shall investigate the sources of Sources of supply of ice. supply of ice so sold or delivered and cause inspection and analysis to be made of the ice from said sources. And if upon such investigation, inspection and analysis and upon hearing, it shall deem and adjudge ice derived from any source to be impure and injurious to the public health, it may prohibit the sale or delivery in this city of such ice or of any other ice which has been intermingled with ice from such source. Xotice of such prohibition shall be given in the manner provided by law for giving notice of the regulations of the board of health, and such notice shall be deemed legal notice to all persons. SECT. 4. Any person, firm or corporation after the first day of Penalty. February, A. D. 1898, who shall sell or deliver or cause to be sold or delivered or shall have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell or deliver in this city ice the source of which has not been registered as above provided, or ice the sale and delivery of Avhich has been prohibited and notice thereof given as above provided, or who shall violate any of the provisions of section two of this ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. i Approved Dec. 29, 1897. 166 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 30. Licenses and permits, issuing of. Bond. Additional sureties to be furnished. Premises to be restored at licensees cost. Examination of sureties. Repeal. CHAPTER 30. 1 LICENSES AND PERMITS AND BONDS FOR THE SAME, SECTION 1. All licenses and permits hereinafter issued to any person, persons, firm or corporation, under any ordinance or order of the city council or either branch thereof, shall be issued sub- ject to the condition that the same may be revoked at any time, at the option of the department or body from which the same were issued, or at the option of any future department or body. SECT. 2. Such licenses and permits shall have no force in- validity, until a bond or other satisfactory security shall be given to the city indemnying and saving harmless the city from all liability, loss and expense whatsoever which the city may incur and suffer arising out of the issuing of such license or permit with such surety or sureties and in such amounts as may be satisfactory to the city auditor and approved by the mayor. SECT. 3. Additional sureties shall be furnished on all such bonds mentioned in section 2 of this ordinance, as well as on all bonds heretofore given under any ordinance or order of the city council or either branch thereof whenever, in the manner and as often as in the opinion of the department or body from which the licenses and permits were issued, or any such future depart- ment or body, it seems to be for the best interests of the city to require the same. SECT. 4. In addition to and as a further condition of the bond so as aforesaid to be given, the person or persons so licensed or permitted, by an agreement satisfactory to the city solicitor, for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns shall agree to restore at their own expense and cost the premises, concerning which the license or permit was originally given, to the same condition in which the premises were at the time of the granting of such license or permit. SECT. 5. The sufficiency of all sureties upon all bonds here- after given to the city shall be examined at least once every year under the direction of the city auditor who shall report the result of such examination to the respective department or other body which issued the license or permit, or any succeeding department or body. SECT. 6. All existing ordinances and parts thereof, in so far as they are inconsistent with this ordinance, are to that extent hereby modified or repealed, otherwise this ordinance shall be in addition to all existing ordinances having reference to the matters herein contained. Approved July 2, 1896. CHAP. 31.] CITY SEAL. 1 (>7 CHAPTER .".1. CITY SEAL. 1 SECTION 1. The following shall be the device of the seal of g e j ice - t jf . &. C Oj o, the city, to wit : In the centre thereof a shield bearing upon it a cL 19. view, on the right the towers of Gore Hall, and on the left the Washington elm; under the shield the inscription shall be. (' . r llie city clerk shall be the custodian of the city seal, gjjodian of SECT. 3. This ordinance shall take effect on the first day of P.s.c.205, 26. January, A. I). 1897. 1 Amended Dec. 4, 1896. 168 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 32. CHAPTER 32. Public scales to be established and erected. P. S. c. 60, 32. Weighers to be appointed. Weighers' oath. Duties of weigher. P. S. c. 60, 33. Form of certificate. Weigher to keep record. Fees for weighing P. S. c. 6( 33, 39. Weighers to keep scales clear of snow, etc. Compensation of weighers. CITY SCALES AXD WEIGHERS. SECTION 1. The board of aldermen shall, from time to time, establish as many scales for the weighing of hay and other arti- cles as the public good may require, and cause the same to be erected and furnished with decimal weights, which shall be used in all cases ; and the mayor, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen shall appoint suitable persons to weigh hay and other articles thereon according to law. SECT. 2. The persons so appointed shall be sworn to the faith- ful performance of their duties. . SECT. 3. Every such weigher shall be at or near the scales of which he has the charge at all reasonable times, ready to weigh all articles offered for that purpose. He shall deliver to the driver or owner of every load weighed a certificate under his hand, specifying the name of the driver or owner, his place of residence, the name of the article weighed, the-weight thereof, and the tare, the date and the fees charged. He shall keep a true account of all articles weighed by him, and record the same in a book kept for the purpose, which shall at all times be open for public inspection, and, when filled, be delivered to the city clerk. The said record shall contain the same particulars that are required to be stated in the certificate described in this section. SECT. 4. The fees for weighing to be received by the weighers, which they shall pay to the treasurer quarterly, shall be as follows, to wit : One cent and a half for every hundred pounds of hay or straw ; one-half of a cent for every hundred pounds of coal, pig iron, ice or sand ; and one cent for every hundred pounds of any other article : provided, however, that the fees for weighing any article other than hay or straw shall never be less than ten cents ; and provided., further, that the fees for weighing stone shall be ten cents for a single load, and fifteen cents for a double load. The vehicle containing the same, and other tare, shall be weighed without charge, and no fees shall be taken for weighing done on account of the city. SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of the weighers to keep the scales under their care clear of snow and ice, so that they shall be in good condition for use at all times, and the sealer of weights and measures shall have the general control and super- vision of all such scales. SKCT. (>. Each weigher shall receive as full compensation for his services a sum equal to one-half of the fees received by him. CHAP. 33.] WARDS. 169 CHAPTER 33. WARDS. SECTION 1. The five wards of the city shall be constituted Five wards, and known as follows : \V<>>'. Beginning at the water, at the mouth of Broad Wardiii. canal ; thence by the centre of Broad canal to North canal ? 170 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 33. thence by the centre of North canal and northerly, in a line con- tinued therefrom, to the boundary line between Cambridge and Somerville ; thence by said boundary line to the waters of Charles River ; thence by the water to the point begun at. Ward iv. Ward Four. Beginning at the boundary line between Cam- bridge and that part of Boston formerly Brighton, on Western avenue ; thence through the centre of Western avenue to Putnam avenue ; thence through the centre of Putnam avenue to Mount Auburn street ; thence through the centre of Mount Auburn street to Main street ; thence through the centre of Main street to Norfolk street ; thence through the centre of Norfolk street to Washington street ; thence through the centre of Washington street to the junction of Washington and Main streets ; thence by a line ai a right angle southerly to the water ; thence by the water to the point begun at. Wardv. Ward Five. Beginning at the boundary line between (Jam- bridge and Belinont, on Concord avenue ; thence by the centre of Concord avenue to Bond street ; thence by the centre of Bond street to Garden street ; thence by the centre of Garden street to Shepard street ; thence by the centre of Shepard street to North avenue ; thence by the centre of North avenue to Sacramento street ; thence by the centre of Sacramento street to the boundary line between Cambridge and Somerville : thence by said boundary line to the boundary line between Cambridge and Arlington ; thence by the said last-mentioned boundary line and the boundary line between Cambridge and Belmont to the point begun at. Number of SECT. 2. The ward herein designated as ward one shall elect Jhe'common four members of the common council: the ward designated as eteSed by each ward two shall elect five members of the common council ; the 8ui89i, o. 364, ward designated as ward three shall elect four members of the common council ; the ward designated as ward four shall elect live members of the common council ; the ward designated as ward five shall elect two members of the common council. CHAP. 34.] WARRANTS AND ELECTIONS. 171 CHAPTER 34. WARRANTS AND ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. The form of warrants for calling meetings of the warrants. .,, . .. '. , . 7. S. 1891. c. 364. citizens of the several wards within their respective voting pre- 5. cincts, shall be as follows, to wit : City of Caw l> ri. 37.] TRUANTS. 175 CHAPTER 37. TIM" ANTS. 1 SKCTIOX 1. Any minor, between the ages of seven and fifteen Truants, etc. years, convicted of being an habitual truant, or wandering about in the streets or public places of Cambridge, having no lawful occupation or business, not attending school, and growing up in ignorance, and such children as persistently violate the reasonable rules and regulations of the public schools, shall be committed to the Middlesex Truant School for a term not exceeding two years. The Middlesex County Truant School is the place provided for the confinement, discipline, and instruction of such children. 1 Amended Dec. 19, 1894. 176 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 38. Workhouse established for employment and support of, various classes. P. S. c.33, 1. Almshouse to be the workhouse. CHAPTER 38. WORK HO USE, SECTIOX 1. There shall be established in the city of Cam- bridge a workhouse for the employment and support of the following description of persons, that is to say, poor and indigent persons that are maintained by. or receive alms from, the city ; persons who, being able of body to work, and not having estate or means otherwise to maintain themselves, refuse or neglect to work ; persons who live a dissolute, vagrant life, and exercise no ordinary calling or lawful business ; and persons who spend their time and property in public houses, to the neglect of their proper business, or who, by otherwise misspending what they earn, to the impoverishment of themselves and their families, are likely to become chargeable to the city. SECT. 2. The present almshouse is hereby constituted and declared the workhouse of the city, as set forth in the first section of this chapter. CHAP. 39.] DOGS. 177 CHAPTER 39. DOGS. SECTION- 1. No person shall own or keep in the city any clog r . s . c. 102, which by barking, biting, howling or in any other manner, dis- 109 ' 110 - turbs the quiet of any person. Whoever violates this provision shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. 178 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 40. CHAPTER 40. SHUT-OFFS IN GAS SUPPLY PIPES. Gas furnished Whenever gas is furnished to any public building hereafter building. constructed and used as a church, public school, or public hall, or as an apartment or tenement house containing four or more suites of rooms, or as a manufactory when supplied by service pipe of not less than one inch in diameter, there shall be placed a proper shut-off in the supply pipe outside of such building, the expense thereof to be borne by the person or company supplying the gas. CHAP. 41.] GUNPOWDER AND EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS. 179 CHAPTER 41. GUNPOWDER AND EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS. SECTION 1. No gunpowder shall be kept within the city, unless Gunpowder, .. . , . ,. , . , -,, how to be kept. it is well secured in tight casks or canisters, and no person shall P. s. c. 112, store or keep for sale gunpowder or any other explosive compound in any building other than described in section seven of this ordinance. SECT. 2. No gunpowder above the quantity of fifty pounds Above fifty shall be kept or deposited in any shop, store or other building, be 'kept within or in a ship or vessel, which is within the distance of twenty-five rods from any other building or from a wharf. ff|' c " 102> SECT. 3. No gunpowder above the quantity of twenty -five Above twenty- pounds shall be kept or deposited in any shop, store or other ? V bekept 8r building within ten rods of any other building. rods!^ SECT. 4. No gunpowder above the quantity of one pound shall *-||' c * 102> be kept or deposited in any shop, store or other building within Above one ten rods of any other building, unless the same be well secured Ee^eptwithin in copper, tin or brass canisters, holding not exceeding five pounds SSe^ etc! " each, and closely covered with copper, tin or brass covers, accord- g*j^* c ' 102> ing to the fifty-sixth section of the one hundred and second chapter of the Public Statutes. SECT. 5. No gunpowder exceeding the quantity of one hundred Above one pounds shall be conveyed through the city, unless the same be pounds not to enclosed in tight casks, boxes or canisters, that shall prevent the th e rough e ci?y, escape of any particle of their contents, and conveyed in a vehicle p. s. c! io&,' closely and entirely covered with leather or painted canvas, the bottom and sides of which vehicle shall be lined with leather, or felt, or some other soft substance, so as to prevent friction ; nor vehicles shall any two or more vehicles, containing gunpowder in any gunpowder. quantity, be allowed within sixty rods of each other ; nor shall any vehicle containing gunpowder be allowed to remain in the city over night, nor to stand more than ten minutes within two hundred yards of any dwelling-house ; nor shall any team convey- ing gunpowder be driven at a speed greater than a walk. SECT. 6. Every vehicle, for the conveying of gunpowder in or inspection of through the city, shall be subject, at all times, to the inspection containing of the mayor, any alderman, police officer, or engineer of the fire department. SECT. 7. All persons who shall store or keep for sale gun- powder or any other explosive compound above the quantity of 180 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 41. Persons keeping explosive compounds in any building shall notify chief engineer of fire department. S. 1882, c. 269. one pound in any building shall, immediately on the receipt of such gunpowder or other explosive compound, deliver to the chief engineer of the fire department a statement in writing of the amount of such gunpowder or other explosive compound kept or proposed to be kept, together with an accurate description of the building and of the room or roooms of the building in which the same is kept, or is proposed to be kept. CHAP. 42.] JUNK, OLD METALS, ETC. 1 CHAPTER 42. JUNK, OLD METALS AND SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. SECTION 1. No person, corporation, member of a co-partner- Dealers in ship or firm shall be a dealer in or keeper of a shop for the licensed.'' purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second-hand articles, or collect or be a dealer in rags in this city unless duly licensed therefor by the board of aldermen, and unless such person, corporation, co-partnership or firm complies with all lawful ordinances and laws now and hereafter enacted and passed in reference and applicable to junk, old metals and second-hand articles. SECT. 2. Each license issued to such dealers in junk, old Form of ' license. metals and second-hand articles and collector and dealer in rags shall set forth the name of the party licensed, the nature of the business, and the building or place in which it is carried on, and shall continue in force until the first day of May next ensuing, unless sooner revoked. The place of business shall not be changed during the continuance of the license except by special consent of the board of aldermen to removal is obtained. The fee for such license shall be two dollars. No such license Fee. shall be transferable. SECT. 3. Every such dealer in or keeper of a shop for the TO keep record purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals, or second-hand r articles, shall keep a book in which shall be legibly written in the English language at the time of every purchase of any such article, a description thereof, the name, age and residence, giving street and number, when possible, of the person from whom and the day and hour when such purchase was made. No entry in such book shall be changed, erased, obliterated or defaced. Such book, any such shop and all articles of merchandise therein shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor and aldermen, or either of them, and of any person by them or either of them respectively authorized in writing to make such inspection upon exhibiting such written authority to such dealer or keeper. SECT. 4. Every keeper of such shop as is mentioned in the TO put signs on preceding section shall put in some suitable and conspicuous place on his shop a sign having his name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon in large letters, so that the same may be dis- tinctly seen. i Amended Dec. 28, 1898. 182 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAr. 42. Not to make purchases, etc., from minors, etc. Not to sell arti- cles within one week. Hours when shops may be kept open. Vehicles shall be subject to inspection, etc. Revocation of license. Penalty. SECT. 5. No keeper of such shop shall, directly or indirectly, either purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange any junk, rags, old metals or second-hand articles of a minor or apprentice, knowing or having reason to believe him to be such, without the consent in writing of the parent or guardian of such minor or master of such apprentice. SECT. 6. No article purchased or received by any such dealer or keeper of such shop shall he sold until a period of at least one week from the date of its purchase or receipt has elapsed. SECT. 7. No keeper of any such shop shall have his shop open for the transaction of business nor shall he purchase or sell or barter any junk, old metals or second-hand articles except between sunrise and ten o'clock in the evening of any week day. SECT. 8. Every vehicle used in the collection of junk, old metals, rags or second-hand articles shall be at all times subject to the inspection of the mayor or board of aldermen, or either of them, or of any person by them or either of them respectively authorized in writing to make such an inspection upon exhibiting such written authority to the person driving or having charge of such vehicle. Every such vehicle shall have the name of the owner and the number of his license placed upon the outside of each side of his vehicle, in plain, legible letters and figures of not less than one and one-half inches in height, and so that the same may be distinctly seen. SECT. 9. A violation of any provision of this or any subse- quent ordinance that may be passed in the premises shall of itself be sufficient cause and reason to revoke any such license. The board of aldermen reserves the right at any time for any other cause sufficient to them to revoke any such license. SECT. 10. Whoever not being so licensed keeps such shop or is such collector, dealer or being licensed, keeps such shop or is such dealer in any other place or manner than that designated in the license shall forfeit twenty dollars for each offence ; and whoever violates any provision of this ordinance or any rule, regulation or restriction contained in his license, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. CHAP. 43.] PETROLEUM., 183 CHAPTER 43. PETROLEUM. SECTION 1. Any person desiring to manufacture, refine, mix, License for T a -i i -i -M manufacture store, or keep for sale any oil or fluid, composed wholly or in and storage of f . i petroleum to part of any of the products of petroleum, in any place, except as be obtained of provided in the seventy-second section of chapter one hundred aldermen. and two of the public statutes, shall apply in writing for a license 73,75. ' therefor, to the board of aldermen ; and shall state in his applica- tion the place, building, or part of a building, for which he desires a license, and whether he desires a license for manufactur- ing, refining and mixing said articles, or any of them, or a license for storing or keeping them, or both. Such application shall' be referred to the chief engineer of the fire department, who shall, within one week from the time of such reference, examine, or cause to be examined by one of the call district chiefs, the place or building described in such application, and report in writing to the board of aldermen his opinion of the propriety of granting the license : but this section shall not apply to quantities not exceeding fifty gallons kept by families for their private use, nor to quantities not exceeding one hundred gallons kept in manufac- tories for use on the premises. SECT. 2. No license shall be granted for manufacturing, refin- No license to ing, mixing, storing or keeping said articles, or any of them, upon any alley, sidewalk, street or wharf, nor upon any floor of a building above the first floor. SECT. 3. No license shall be granted for mixing, storing or petroleum to keeping crude petroleum, naptha, or gasoline, in any part of a building above the cellar, unless said articles are contained in certain cases . metallic vessels securely closed. SECT. 4. No license shall be granted for, and no person shall NO license to sell or keep for sale at retail, for illuminating purposes, refined unless inspected. petroleum, or any product of petroleum, unless the same has been s. 1885, c. 122. inspected and approved by an inspector duly authorized by some city or town in this Commonwealth. SECT. 5. Except as hereinbefore prpvided, licenses may be Licenses may granted for manufacturing, refining, mixing, storing and keeping u n |e?certain said articles, or any of them, in cellars, or upon the first floor of restrlctlons - buildings, or in other suitable localities, in such quantities over one hundred gallons, and in such a manner as the board of alder- men may determine, except that no license shall be granted for 184 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 43. manufacturing, refining, mixing, storing or keeping said articles, or any of them, upon the first floor of any building in a greater quantity than four hundred gallons, unless the same be contained in metallic vessels securely closed, or the foundations and walls of said building be of brick, stone or iron, and the sills or walls of said building be built without apertures for a space of at least one foot above the floor. License to SECT. 6. There shall be expressed in said license the name of express certain facts, the person to whom -the license is granted, and whether he is permitted to manufacture, refine and mix said articles, or any of them, or to store or keep them, or both ; and a description of the place, building or part of a building licensed, and any limitations upon the quantity of said articles, or any of them, which may be manufactured, refined, mixed, stored or kept therein, or upon the manner of manufacturing, refining, mixing, storing or keeping the same, which the board of aldermen may in each case see fit to impose ; and any person so licensed may manufacture, refine, mix, store or keep said articles, or any of them, according to the terms of his license, either on his own account or on account of any other person. Premises to be SECT. 7. Any person holding such a license shall allow the inspection of chief engineer of the fire department, or any of the call district certain officers. . . -,11^11 chiefs, or any inspector appointed by the board 01 aldermen, to enter the premises described in the license, and take such sam- ples of oils, and make such examinations of the premises, as said violation. engineers or inspectors deem expedient. Any violation of the terms of said license shall work a revocation of the same, and the board of aldermen may revoke such license at any time. Chief engineer SECT. 8. The chief engineer of the fire department shall make complaints complaint to the third district court of Eastern Middlesex of all and bring suits. violations of the provisions of section seven of chapter fifty -nine or of sections sixty-nine to seventy-five, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and two of the public statutes, and bring suits in the name of the mayor of the city against all persons who manufact- ure, refine, mix, store or keep for sale any oil or fluid, composed wholly or in part of the products of petroleum, without the license required by this chapter. CHAP. 44.] UNDERTAKERS, 185 CHAPTER 44. UNDERTAKERS. SECTION 1. Annually, in the month of January, or within undertakers, sixty days thereafter, the mayor, subject to confirmation by the of P board of aldermen, shall appoint a suitable number of undertakers, who shall hold office for one year from the first Monday in Febru- ary in the year of their appointment, unless sooner removed. !STo person, except such undertaker, or one appointed by him NO other acting in his place, shall bury or remove the body of any deceased or remove Ury person, or undertake the management of any funeral. SECT. 2. Whenever any person dies within the limits of the Notice of death to be given to city, the nearest relative, or the person in whose house the death an undertaker, occurred, or any other person who has first become informed of the event, shall cause the same to be made known to an under- taker as soon as practicable. Any undertaker informed of the Duties of decease of any person within the limits of his district, shall take p. s. c. 207, the personal charge of all necessary arrangements for the removal and burial of the body of the deceased, and shall be responsible for the decent, orderly and faithful management of the funeral undertaken by him, and for a strict compliance with the ordi- nances of the city in this behalf. SECT. 3. Each undertaker may employ porters of a discreet undertakers and sober character to assist him, and he shall be accountable porters, for their conduct. Said undertakers and porters may be removed at the pleasure of the mayor and aldermen. No person not Opening of appointed as aforesaid shall open any tomb or grave for the purpose of depositing or removing a dead body, without the permission of the board of health. SECT. 4. For services rendered in accordance with the provi- Fees of undertakers. sions ot this chapter, an undertaker shall be entitled to receive the following fees, and no more, to wit : For a hearse with one horse, five dollars. For a hearse with two horses, six dollars. For services of himself and of his assistants at the house, and in carrying the body from the house to the grave or tomb, for a person twelve years of age and upwards, four dollars ; for a person less than twelve years of age, two dollars and fifty cents. REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 44. For carrying a body out of the city, he shall be allowed, in addition, fifty cents for every mile which he shall carry the same beyond the limits of the city. The foregoing table of fees shall be printed upon the license issued to an undertaker. Fees for The compensation required by law to be paid for obtaining and deaths. returning the information required by statute concerning persons deceased, shall be understood as included in the foregoing fees. CHAP. 45.] GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, ETC. 187 CHAPTER 45. GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, COMMONS, RESERVOIRS, AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES. Streets. SECTION 1. No person shall remain for a longer time than p. s. c. 27, 15. T> C f O c O twenty minutes upon a sidewalk in such a manner as to obstruct ci'.is. the free passage of foot travellers, or upon any dodrstep, portico. Remaining on or other projection from any building, to the annoyance or dis- to d oSruct a turbance of any person, nor shall any person habitually loiter and remain upon a sidewalk in said manner, after having been within p three months previously requested by a police officer to cease so doing, nor shall any person remain on a sidewalk in said manner for more than five minutes after being requested by a police officer to move on. SECT. 2. No person shall climb a tree in any street, or fasten climbing or tie a horse or other animal to, or post a bill upon, any such tree, or allow any horse or other animal owned by him, or under his control to stand so near any such tree, that such tree may be p. s. c. 54, gnawed or otherwise injured by such horse or other animal so allowed to stand, and no person shall place a sign upon or around any tree on any street of the city. SECT. 3. No owner or person having the care of any domestic Grazing . animals, etc., fowls, or any goats, sheep, swine, horses, oxen, cows, or other feeding and grazing animals, shall permit or suffer the same to go at large, or forbfdden. to graze on any street ; l and no person shall publicly exhibit any animal in the streets or public places of the city except in accord- ance with a permit from the superintendent of the streets or a license from the board of aldermen. SECT. 4. No person having the care or use of a horse or other Fast driving beast of burden, carriage, or draught, shall ride, drive or permit penalty. such horse or other beast to go at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour in any street. SECT. 5. No person shall stop his team or carriage, or unneces- Teams not to sarily place any other obstruction, on any flagging-stones or other gmg stones. footways laid in or across any street, nor suffer his wagon or other vehicle to remain an unnecessary length of time in any street. SECT. 6. No person shall, by any noise, gestures, words or Frightening other means, wantonly and designedly frighten or drive any forbidden. horse in any street. l Amended June 30, 1893. 188 KEVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 45. Carriages and horses not to be cleaned in streets, etc. Gaming, or exposing ievices forbidden. No tables, stalls, etc., in street without permission. Discharge of fire-arms forbidden. No bonfires allowed. P. S. c. 206, 12. Injuring guide-boards, lamp-posts and trees forbidden. See P. S. c. 203, 76. Defacing property forbidden. Also playing ball, throwing stones, etc. Also using bow and arrow. Also coasting, except, etc. P. S. c. 53, 15. Riding bicycle and tricycle. Use of veloci- pedes. SECT. 7. The owners and occupants of stables shall not wash or clean carriages or horses in the streets, or cause them to be there washed or cleaned, nor shall they otherwise encumber the streets. SECT. 8. No person shall expose, in or upon any street, public ground or common, any table or device of any kind, by or upon which any game of hazard or chance can be played ; nor shall any person play any such game at such table or device, in or upon any street, public ground or common. SECT. 9. No person shall place or keep any table, stall, booth or other erection, in any street, public place or any sidewalk, for the sale of fruit or other things, without permission from the mayor. SECT. 10. No person shall, except in the performance of some legal duty, discharge any gun, pistol or other fire-arm, within the city limits. SECT. 11. No person shall make a bonfire in any street. SECT. 12. No person shall injure, deface or destroy any guide- post or guide-board, any lamp-post, or lamp or lantern thereon ; or any tree, building, fence, post or other thing, set, erected or made for the use or ornament of the city. SECT. 13. No person shall paint or draw any words or figures, or post any written or printed matter, upon the property of any private person or corporation, without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof, nor upon any property of the city, without the consent of the mayor. SECT. 14. No person shall play ball, or throw a stone, or a snow ball, or other missile in any street, or upon or from any bridge. SECT. 15. No person shall shoot with or use a bow and arrow or air-gun in a street, or upon or from any bridge. 1 SECT. 16. No person shall coast upon a sled on any street of this city without the written permission of the mayor ; and without such written permission no person, in any public street or square of this city, shall ride a bicycle or tricycle at a rate of speed exceeding ten miles an hour, and only for the time, and upon such portions of the public ways, streets, or squares afore- said as may be specified in said permit. Such reasonable con- ditions shall be attached to such permits as the mayor may deem proper, and in accord with the circumstances and for the occasion for which the permits may respectively be granted. Between the hours of eight o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon, children under the age of fourteen years may use velocipedes on any sidewalk in any public way, i Amended Dec. 5, 1894, CHAP. 45.] GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, ETC. 189 street, or square of this city. In no part of any public grounds, commons, enclosures, and parks, now or that hereafter may be under the general charge of the park commissioners, shall children use a velocipede without the written permit of the park commissioners. SECT. 17. No person in a nude state shall swim or bathe in Also bathing any of the waters within or surrounding the city, so as to be spectators, exposed to the view of passengers or other persons in any street or house within the city. SECT. 18. No person shall shake or otherwise clean a carpet Also cleaning in any street. carpet8 ' SECT. 19. No person shall have in his possession a club or possession of bludgeon, on any street, with intent to use the same in a sport, forbidden'. sham-fight or strife, or to intimidate any person or horse. SECT. 20. No person shall have in his possession a toy-pistol, Also toy . . , pistols, rubber crotch, rubber sling, or other device tor throwing missiles of slings, etc ^ any kind, with intent to use the same to the injury of persons or property, or to the annoyance or discomfort of any person, upon any street. SECT. 21. No person shall behave himself in a rude or dis- A iso orderly manner, or use any indecent, profane or insulting Ian- conducton guage, in any street or public place. street. SECT. 22. No person shall place in any drinking fountain, jro dirt, etc., trough, or basin of water, set up or established in any street in lny e drinking n the city, for the use of man or beast, any dirt, stone, ashes, fountain etc - rubbish, offal, filth or any other foreign matter, 1 or unnecessarily waste or use the water thereof. SECT. 23. No person shall light or extinguish, without au- Lighting, etc., ,, ., i T i street lamps thority, any public lamp 111 any street. without SECT. 24. No person shall, without authority from the mayor, forbidden, place or carry, or cause to be placed or carried, on a sidewalk, a show-boards, show-board, placard, or sign for the purpose of there displaying carried on , . , . ,- sidewalk. or attracting attention to the same. SECT. 25. No person shall drive, 2 ride, wheel, or draw any vehicles, coach, cart or other carriage, or permit any horse, cattle, swine pr'ohibitlS on or sheep, under his care, to go upon any sidewalk, except for the p. s. c 53 S ,' 15. purpose of crossing as nearly as may be at right angles to such sidewalk in order to go into or out of some adjoining enclosure ; provided, that this section shall not apply to children's carriages or sleds containing children and drawn by hand ; nor shall he otherwise occupy, obstruct, injure, or encumber any such side- walk so as to interfere with the convenient use of the same by travellers. 1 Amended June 29, 1899. 2 Amended Sept. 21, 1893. 190 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 45. Obstruction of sidewalks by lumber, boxes, etc. Tipping over of ash-barrels, etc., forbidden. Bridges, regulations concerning. SECT. 26. No person shall place, or cause to be placed, upon any sidewalk, any lumber, iron, coal, trunk, bale, box, crate, cask, package, article or thing whatsoever, whether of the same descrip- tion or not, so as to obstruct a free passage for travellers for more than fifteen minutes. No person shall wilfully and maliciously tip over and spill out the contents of any box or barrel containing ashes or other house dirt set upon the sidewalk. No person shall throw or place upon any sidewalk or cross-walk any banana skin, orange peel or other slippery substance. Bridges. SECT. 27. No person shall deface or injure any public bridge or any wharf connected therewith, or unnecessarily open the draw of any such bridge, or obstruct the passage of the same ; nor shall any person, without the consent of the draw-tender, make fast to any public bridge, or draw, or guard, or pier thereof, any vessel, scow, raft, or float, or remain inside of the draw- gates, or on any pier, wharf, fender, or appurtenance of such draw while such gates are closed ; nor shall any person, having under his charge a vessel passing through the draw of any such bridge, refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of a draw- tender relating to such passing. Trees, climbing, tying animals to, and posting bills on, forbidden. Horses not allowed on, except, etc. Grazing animals not allowed on. Turf, etc., not to be dug, etc. Filth, dirt, etc. not to be placed on. C ominous and Public Grounds. SECT. 28. No person shall climb a tree on any common or other public ground, nor tie a horse or other animal to, nor post a bill, nor place a sign upon or around any tree on any common or other public ground of the city. SECT. 29. No person, except by permission of the mayor, shall ride, lead, or drive a horse, in or upon the commons or other public grounds, except that on occasion of a military exercise, parade or review, horses necssary for the purposes thereof may be allowed upon any common, or other public grounds, used for such exercise, parade or review. SECT. 30. No owner or keeper of a horse or other grazing animal shall suffer the same to go at large or feed upon any common or other public grounds. SECT. 31. No person, except by permission of the mayor, and for some public use. shall dig or carry away any sward, gravel, sand, turf, or earth from, nor carry or caused to be carried upon any common or other public grounds, any carcass, ordure, filth, dirt, stones or any offensive matter whatever, or throw or place thereon any stones, sand, gravel, tan, earth, rubbish or other substance. CHAP. 45.] GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, ETC. 191 SECT. 32. No person shall carry or cause to be carried upon wheel- any common or other public grounds, a wheelbarrow, handcart, l S>taitowe1fon. or other vehicle, for the conveyance of burdens, or for pleasure, except children's carriages. SECT. 33. No person shall shake or otherwise clean a carpet on cleaning any common or other public grounds ; and no person shall commit a nuisance thereon ; 2 and no person other than an employee of the city engaged in its work shall pick over or otherwise disturb any refuse material, house dirt, or ashes set out in the streets or side- walks for collection by the city, or deposited by the city on any dumping-place, except in accordance with a permit from the board of health. SECT. 34. No person, except by permission of the mayor, shall engage in a game of ball, boot-ball, or base-ball, or other athletic except, etc. sports upon any common, or other public grounds, except upon such portions thereof as may be set apart for such purposes. SECT. 35. No person, except by permission of the mayor, shall deliver a sermon, lecture, address, or discourse on any common or other public grounds. SECT. 30. No person, except by permission of the mayor, shall Nor sales of _. J goods, etc , nor expose tor sale or sell any goods, wares or merchandise on any booths, tents, common or other public grounds, nor erect nor maintain a booth, stand, tent or apparatus of any kind, for purposes of amusement or show thereon. SECT. 37. No person shall pull up, break, cut or deface any of injury to J seats, fences, the seats, fences, or railing upon or around any common or other etc. .forbidden. public grounds, nor deface any monument or statue on any com- mon, nor interfere with any of the hydrants upon any common or other public ground. SECT. 38. No person shall walk, stand, sit, or lie down in or walking, etc., upon, or pull a flower or plant out of a flower-bed on any common forbidden. e( or other public grounds, nor suffer a dog or other animal belong- ing to him, or in his charge, to stand or walk upon such flower-bed. SECT. 39. No person shall walk, stand, or lie upon the grass Also walking, , , . ,, . etc., on grass, upon any common or other public grounds where such walking, standing or lying has been prohibited, and notice of such prohibi- tion given to the public by legible notices placed on such common or public ground. SECT. 40. No person shall -throw a stone, snowball or other Also throwing .. .... missiles, etc. missile on any common or public grounds. SECT. 41. Whoever violates any provision of the preceding Penalty, sections of this chapter shall be liable to a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each offence. 1 A mended Dec. 5, 1894. 2 Amended June 30, 1893. 192 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 45. Fishing, swimming, bathing, etc., forbidden. P. S. c. 27, 18. Going upon the ice, etc. forbidden. Skating permitted. Heavy teaming forbidden on driveway. Also funeral processions. Also fast driving. Injury to trees, etc., forbidden. Also climbing trees, etc. Also posting bills, etc. Penalty. P. S. c. 27, 18. Reservoirs for Water Supply, SECT. 42. Fresh Pond is hereby constituted a reservoir, stor- age basin and water supply for the use of the city. No person shall fish, or swim, or bathe, or permit any animal under his con- trol to swim or bathe in Fresh Fond, or other reservoir of the water-works, or enter into the waters thereof, or place or use a boat in the same, or throw dirt, -rubbish, filth, offensive or other foreign matter, or commit a nuisance therein, or on the land and driveways of the city connected therewith and appurtenant there- to. 1 Provided, however, that the water board may permit fishing in Fresh Pond Reservoir between the hours of four and eight o'clock A. M., under such rules and restrictions as it may estab- lish from time to time, to control the same. SECT. 43. No person shall go upon the ice of Fresh Pond, or any other reservoir of the water-works, or place or use a sled, ice-boat, sleigh or vehicle thereon ; provided, that skating shall be permitted during the daytime on those parts of Fresh Pond where the ice is of sufficient thickness for safety, under such regulations as the water board may prescribe to prevent loss of life. SECT. 44. No person shall drive a team, cart, wagon or other vehicle, for the conveyance of burdens, upon the land and drive- way connected with, and appurtenant to, Fresh Pond. SECT. 45. No person shall drive or conduct a funeral, or a hearse or carriage connected with a funeral, on the driveway of Fresh Pond. SECT. 46. No owner or other person having for the time being the charge or use of a horse or other animal, shall drive or per- mit such horse or other animal to go at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour upon the driveway or within the enclos- ure of Fresh Pond. SECT. 47. No person shall injure, deface or destroy any tree, shrub, grass, path, fence, building or wall on the land and driveway connected with, and appurtenant to, Fresh Pond, or other reser- voir of the water-works, or dig or carry away the sward, gravel, rock, stones, sand, turf or earth on such land and driveway. SECT. 48. No person shall climb a tree on the land connected with, and appurtenant to, Fresh Pond or other reservoir of the water-works, or tie a horse or other animal to a tree or fence on such land. SECT. 49. No person shall post a bill, placard or advertise- ment within the grounds connected with Fresh Pond or other reservoir of the water-works. SECT. 50. Whoever violates any provision of the preceding eight sections of this chapter shall be liable to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars for each offence. i Amended April 3, 1895. CHAP. 46.] RINGING OF BELLS, ETC. 193 CHAPTER 46. RINGING OF BELLS AND GONGS IN THE PUBLIC STREETS. SECTION 1. No person in any public street of the city shall Ringing of ring a bell or gong, between the hours of ten o'clock p. M., and prohibited, etc. six o'clock A. M., except as a warning of danger. SECT. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this ordinance penalty. shall be liable to a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each offence. i Approved July 28, 1897. 194 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 47. Disposal of litter, etc., in streets. Penalty. 1 CHAPTER 47. DISPOSAL OF LITTER AND RUBBISH. IN STREETS, COMMONS, PUBLIC PLACES AND SQUARES. SECTION 1. Except as heretofore otherwise provided by ordi- nance, no person shall deposit, drop, place, put, sweep or throw into or upon any street, common, public place or square in this city any ashes, board, bottles, bricks, card, cinders, house dirt, iron or steel filings, glass, hand-bill, hair, piece of hoop, noxious or refuse liquor, manure, nail, offal, waste paper, sawdust, shavings, shells of any kind, shreds, soot, stones, animal or vegetable sub- stance, solid matter or substance, sweepings, tin cans, wood, or filth, or rubbish of any kind. SECT. 2. Whoever violates, causes, assists in or procures the violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. i Approved May 5, 1897. CHAP. 48.] CHILDREN, ETC. 195 1 CHAPTER 48. CHILDREN UXDER SIXTEEX YEARS OF AGE. SECTION 1. No child under sixteen years of age. shall be, Children under , .. . , -i i IT sixteen years loiter or remain upon any street, highway, park or other public of age not to way or place in this city after the hour of half past nine o'clock e'tc., after r in the afternoon of any day, unless accompanied by, or under the control or care of a parent, guardian or other adult person, or performing or returning from employment or from the perform- ance of some duty, directed in writing by said parent, guardian or other adult person, and no such child, while performing such duty, or returning from the performance thereof, or from em- ployment, shall loiter upon any such street, highway, park or other public way or place. SECT. 2. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this penalty, ordinance shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each offence. i Approved July 27, 1898. 196 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 49. Employee, injured, to petition city council, etc. Petition referred to committee on claims. City physician and city solicitor noti- fied of injuries. Investigation relative to injury. Hearing. Report of committee. Certificate from head of department before pay- ment is made. 1 CHAPTER 49. CONTINUANCE OF PAY OF CITY EMPLOYEES. SECTION 1. Every employee of the city injured while in the performance of his duty without fault 011 his part, in order to entitle him to compensation under chapter 364 of the acts of 1894 and any and all acts that may be enacted in addition thereof and supplementary thereto, shall petition the city council upon blanks to be prepared by the city solicitor, in which petition shall be set forth the time, place, and cause of the injury and his will- ingness to communicate and disclose all facts and circumstances relating and appertaining to said injury. SECT. 2. Said petition shall be forthwith referred to the commit- tee on claims, who shall investigate and report upon the same with such recommendations as to the length of time, if any, for the continuance of the pay of the injured employee thereon as to the committee may seem proper. SECT. 3. Upon the happening of any accident to any employee, the city physician and city solicitor shall be forthwith notified by the department in which the injured person was then employed. SECT. 4. After an investigation of the facts relating to the injury and an examination from time to time of the injured person by the city physician as to the extent of the injuries, all of which shall be under the direction of the city solicitor, a report shall be made by the latter in which shall be annexed a certificate of the city physician in a form satisfactory and as the city solicitor may deem to be in accordance with the statutes in such cases now and hereafter provided. SECT. 5. The committee on claims, in addition to the report of the city solicitor, may hear such other facts as they may deem proper and shall report thereon to the city council. If the com- mittee is in favor of the continuance of pay of such employee, and if their report is adopted by the council and approved by the mayor, the amount so allowed shall be entered upon the books of and verified by the department in which the injured was employed at the time the injury was sustained. SECT. 6. Upon a certificate of and verification by the superin- tendent or head of department in which the injured was employed that the time allowed by the committee is correct, the amount of wages shall be forthwith paid upon the draft of the mayor upon i Approved July 2, 1896. CHAP. 49.] CITY EMPLOYEES. 197 the execution by the injured person of a receipt and release in full of all demands against the city for any and all injuries arising out of or in any way connected with said injury. SECT. 7. Should the disability continue beyond the time of the Further pay- first payment or thereafterwards appear, further payments may SSbiiity U r be had and made from time to time upon other petitions of the injured, after investigation and report thereupon by the committee on claims, upon the certificate of the city physician, the adoption of the same by the city council and approval of the mayor, under the general forms, provisions and conditions as are hereinbefore provided. 198 REVISED ORDINANCES. [CHAP. 50. City appointment of. Duties. 1 CHAPTER 50. CITY PHYSICIAN. SECTION 1. The city physician at the time of his appointment shall be a resident of Cambridge, a graduate of a legally incor- porated medical school and have practised as such physician for at least five years continuously prior to his appointment. SECT. 2. It shall be the duty of the city physician to attend, under the general direction of the overseers of the poor, upon all sick and insane paupers and other patients under the care of the city authorities at the almshouse or elsewhere ; to vaccinate, free of charge, all persons sent to him by the overseers of the poor, and such scholars of the public schools as the school committee shall direct, and all other needy residents of the city who may apply to him ; to give certificates of examination to such children of the public schools as he shall have effectually vaccinated ; to examine all candidates for appointment to the police force and fire department ; under the direction of the city solicitor to examine the condition of all officers upon the police force and fire department and all employees of the city incapacitated from the performance of their several duties and all cases of injuries upon the highway or elsewhere whereby the city may become liable, and render written report thereon to the city solicitor as and when required by the latter, together with such certificates as the law and ordinances may require ; upon application to sign the certificate of the cause of death to the best of his knowledge and belief, if there has been no physician in attendance ; at the request of the officers in charge upon the police stations and lockups to attend and give, free of charge, the necessary medical and surgical treatment to the prisoners therein ; at the request of the city solicitor to render such professional aid in court or other- wise as the latter may designate, in all suits and matters wherein the city is or may be interested ; in case of an alarm of any infec- tious or contagious disease, or other cause of nuisance, to give to either branch of the city council or any committee thereof all such professional advice, service and counsel as they may require ; and in general, to perform all the duties and render all the ser- vices now and that hereafter may be incumbent upon him by the laws of the commonwealth or the ordinances of the city now or that hereafter may be in force, 1 Approved Oct. 22, 1896, CHAP. 50.] CITF PHYSICIAN 199 SECT. 3. The city physician shall receive such salary as the salary, city council may by ordinance from time to time determine, which shall be in full of all services performed by him. He may expend to an amount not exceeding appropriations made for that purpose such sums as he may necessarily expend in the administration of the affairs of his office. He shall keep Account of an account of his expenditures and certify by his signature upon ex P enditures - all bills his approval of the same, and the same shall be audited, charged and paid in the manner as now provided by ordinance for bills of executive boards and heads of departments. SECT. 4. The city physician may employ such permanent Employment . . of assistants. assistant or assistants tor such tune and compensation as the city council may from time to time determine, and in all cases he shall be responsible for the conduct of such assistant or assistants. SECT. 5. Annually in the month of December the city phy- Annual report, sician shall make report to the city council of the professional services rendered by him, with such suggestionas as he may deem proper. STANDING REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN 203 REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. STREET RAILWAYS. SECTION 1. No person having control of the speed of a street railway car shall allow the same to go in any street at a rate of speed greater than eight miles an hour, except that on l Massachu- setts avenue, north of Harvard square, Garden street, Concord avenue, Huron avenue, Mt. Auburn street, west of Brattle street, and on Massachusetts avenue, southeast of Lafayette square, the rate of speed shall not be greater than twelve miles an hour, nor shall he allow such car while passing over a switch or a turn out, or in turning a corner to go faster than four miles an hour. SECT. 2. No driver, conductor or other person having the care and ordering of a street railway car shall allow such car to stop on a cross-walk nor in front of an intersecting street, except to avoid collisions or to prevent danger to persons in the street. SECT. 3. When the driver, conductor or other person having the care and ordering of a street railway car is required to stop his car at the intersection of two streets to receive or land pas- sengers, the car shall be stopped so as to leave the rear platform of the car or train slightly over the farther crossing. SECT. 4. Except to prevent accident or injury, no street car, or any horse or horses attached thereto, shall be run or placed in the public streets within twenty-five feet of another street car in front thereof. SECT. 5. There shall be two men in charge of each car at all times when the cars are in use. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. SECTION 1. The chief of police shall have the general super- intelligence vision of all matters pertaining to the licensing, regulating and c restraining of intelligence offices. He shall keep a book, in which he shall register, alphabetically, the names of all persons licensed to keep intelligence or employment offices, together with the name and number of the street and the portion of the build- ing which they occupy. And he shall see that each person licensed is furnished with a copy of the statutes and the rules and regulations of the board of aldermen, relating to the estab- i Amended March 20, 1895. 204 REVISED ORDINANCES. lishment and keeping of intelligence offices. He shall see that all persons licensed to keep the requisite books, and in all things conform to the requirements of the statutes and the rules and regulations. He shall be entitled to inspect, at any time, the books kept at licensed places as required by the rules of the board. SECT. 2. All persons making applications for license to keep intelligence offices shall state in their petitions the place which they propose to occupy ; and no person licensed shall occupy any other place without leave first obtained of the board of aldermen. SECT. 3. All persons licensed as aforesaid shall place in some conspicuous place on the premises occupied by them, a sign, with their names and the word " licensed " thereon ; and shall produce their license on the demand of any person doing business with them. SECT. 4. They shall keep a book, in which shall be entered, at the time of application, the name and residence of any person who may apply for employment, and the name and residence of any person who may make application to be supplied with male or female domestics, servants, clerks or other laborers, and also any and all sums of money which may be received of any person for such services ; and such books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the board of aldermen, or any person by them authorized. SECT. 5. Intelligence offices may be kept open for business between the hours of seven A. M. and eight P. M., Sundays ex- cepted, and at no- other hours. SECT. 6. Every licensed keeper of an intelligence office shall be entitled to receive of each female, at the time of application for a place, a sum not exceeding fifty cents ; and of each male who shall make such application a sum not exceeding one dol- lar ; and of each person making application for female servants a sum not exceeding fifty cents ; and for a male servant a sum not exceeding one dollar, for which a receipt shall be given at the time ; and in case no servant or place of employment is obtained within six days from the date of payment, the money shall be refunded, except as follows : If either male or female shall be sent to a situation, and make an engagement, and go to work, and for any reason shall not remain at the place, neither party shall be entitled to have the pay returned. SECT. 7. Any person licensed to keep an intelligence office, who shall violate any of the provisions of the preceding sections, or any other rules and regulations that may be hereafter passed by the board of aldermen, shall be liable to have his license revoked ; and any license may at any time be revoked for causes other than those specified. MOVING BUILDINGS. 20/5 MOVING BUILDINGS. No license for the removal of any building through any pub- Moving lie street, square or place shall be authorized until certificates have been presented to the board of aldermen from the superin- tendent of streets certifying the general conditions with regard to the streets, squares or places through which it is proposed to remove the bulling, from the inspector of buildings as to the safety of the structure to be moved, l - z from the superintendent of parks of general conditions with reference to trees and the possibility of injury thereto, from the inspector of wires as to the conditions respecting electric wires on said route, 1 and, whenever it is proposed to move any building over and across any bridge which may be under the care of the commissioners of bridges, from the commissioner on the part of Cambridge, certifying the general condition of said bridge, and when the granting of such license is authorized it shall be upon the following conditions, viz. : First. Each and every chimney on said building shall be taken down even with the roof before the building is started. Second. The licensee shall give the chief engineer of the fire department and the inspector of wires notice of such removal, at least twenty-four hours before the building shall be placed in the street. Third. The licensee shall file with the superintendent of streets, before the building is placed in the street, a bond, the amount of which shall be satisfactory to the mayor, with sufficient surety to imdemnify the city from all loss and damage by reason of such removal. Fourth. The licensee shall reimburse the city for any ex- penses incurred by it by reason of labor by any department of the city in cutting and replacing wires, trimming trees, or in any other way, by reason of said removal, 8 and before receiving a license the licensee shall deposit with the superintendent of streets, the sum of twenty-five dollars, which sum shall be re- turned to the licensee when he has reimbursed the city for such expenses. The above conditions shall be printed upon and become a part of each and every license issued. 4 MINORS' LICENSES. SECTION 1. No minor shall sell or offer for sale upon the Minors' streets of this city any article named in said section 1, chapter 68, public statutes, unless licensed so to do in accordance with the provisions of this order. 1 Amended Sept. 10, 1898. 2 Amended March 24, 1898. 3 Amended April 23, 1895. 4 Amended Jan. 28, 1897. 206 REVISED ORDINANCES. SECT. 2. The licenses herein provided for shall be granted by the chief of police on application to him, to minors residing in the City of Cambridge. He shall keep a record of the name, age and residence of every person so licensed. No license shall be granted to a minor except upon application of his parent, guardian or next friend. The chief of police shall be entitled to receive the sum of eighty-five cents for issuing a license required by these rules and regulations, and shall furnish the licensee with a badge in conformity with the requirements of section 6 of this order. Said licensee may return such badge at any time upon the expiration or surrender of his license, and the person returning the badge shall be entitled to receive the sum of sixty cents therefor, pro- vided such badge is in a reasonably good condition. SECT. 3. No license shall be granted to any minor under the age of ten years, and every minor under the age of fifteen years so licensed shall each (school) day during the school year attend some school approved by the school committee. SECT. 4. No sale of such articles shall be made by any minor under the age of fifteen years, between fifteen minutes before the opening and fifteen minutes after the closing of the school on any day in which said school which he .is obliged to attend may be in session; nor shall the licensee offer such articles for sale on Sundays within two hundred feet of any place of worship. SECT. 5. No license shall be granted to any minor who has at the time of his application permission to sell newspapers or periodicals on the street railway cars in this city, and the subse- quent obtaining of this permission shall be a revocation of the license granted under the provisions of this order. SECT. 6. While engaged in sale of any of the articles named in section 1, chapter 68, public statutes, every person so licensed shall wear in plain sight a badge with the words "Cambridge License," and the number thereon, and shall upon request of any city officer exhibit his license for inspection. No more than two licensees, and none other, shall be with, or accompany, or trade from any vehicle used in carrying or holding such article or products, and they shall at all times deport themselves in a respectful, orderly and quiet manner, and shall observe and follow any further orders or directions that may be given them by the board of aldermen, or any member of the police department, acting by the direction of that board. SECT. 7. All such licenses shall expire on the 31st day of December in each year, and any of them may be suspended or revoked by the chief of police. Cruel treatment of animals, racing, or driving through the streets faster than allowed by law, profanity, impudent, indecent or violent language, or intemper- ance, one or all will be cause for revocation of the licenses. USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES. 207 OF STREETS BY VEHICLES. SECTION 1. Every vehicle, except street cars, bicycles and tricycles, which shall be used within the city of Cambridge for the conveyance of persons or goods of any description for hire from place to place within the city, before being so used, shall be licensed by the board of aldermen, and every vehicle so used for the conveyance of goods shall have placed upon the outside and upon each side of the same the name of the owner and the number of the license in plain, legible letters and figures, of not less than one and one-half inches in size, and so that the same may be distinctly seen. SECT. 2. Upon each side of each hackney carriage so licensed there shall be fitted a lamp, which lamp shall always be kept lighted at night when the carriage is in use or waiting for passengers, and upon the glass covering of each of said lamps there shall be painted in black the number of the license in Arabic characters not less than one inch in size, and such numbers shall be preceded by the letter C, not less than one inch in size. SECT. 3. Every hackney carriage shall carry its license so that it shall be accessible to passengers. SECT. 4. No person shall set up and use or have charge of any hackney carriage which shall be used within the city of Cambridge for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within the city unless he is licensed thereto by the board of aldermen, nor unless the carriage is licensed, marked and numbered as provided in sections one and two, and carries its license as provided in section three. SECT. 5. No person having charge of a hackney carriage shall solicit passengers, except by a motion of the hand, unless he is on or within ten feet of such vehicle. SECT. 6. No person having charge of a hackney carriage shall solicit passengers in any public way or place within the city, unless he is licensed by the board of aldermen. SECT. 7. The board of aldermen reserves the right to revoke any license at its discretion. If any person other than the owner or lessee shall take out a license for any such vehicle, he shall be liable to have his license revoked, and if any licensee shall cease to be an owner or lessee, he shall immediately surrender his license to the board of aldermen. SECT. 8. The city clerk shall receive for the use of the city the fee of one dollar for every license so granted and for every license granted for a wagon stand, and shall keep a record of the same and of all licenses granted. i Amended May 5, 1898. 208 REVISED ORDINANCES. SECT. 9. Each license so granted shall expire on the first day of May next, after the date thereof, and no license shall be sold, as- signed or transferred without the consent of the board of aldermen. SECT. 10. No vehicle shall be set up in front of any premises without the written consent of the owner or the agent of the owner, and the occupant of said premises. SECT. 11. The person in whose name the license is taken out for any such vehicle shall for all the purposes of this rule be considered as the owner of the same, and liable to all the for- feitures and penalties herein contained, unless, upon the sale of such vehicle, written notice be given to the city clerk and the license returned to him forthwith. SECT. 12. No owner, driver or other person having charge of any such vehicle shall suffer the same when attached to a horse to stop in a street without some proper person to take care of the same unless said horse is properly and securely fastened; but no person shall be deemed to have violated this provision who is a physician visiting the sick or who is delivering goods, or taking orders at any house, store, building or tenement. SECT. 13. Each person who uses or sets up a vehicle from which fruit or other merchandise is sold, shall keep the space at and around his stand free and clear from all rubbish, filth and deposits of every name and nature coming from or in any way related to his business and in a manner satisfactory to the super- intendent of streets. SECT. 14. No person having charge of any hackney carriage shall receive or permit to be placed therein, or convey in or upon the same any person sick with any contagious disease, or the body of any person deceased from such disease. SECT. 15. Every vehicle used, or to be used, for the convey- ance of persons, except electric cars, bicycles and tricycles shall be deemed a hackney carriage within the meaning of the pre- ceding sections. SECT. 16. Whoever violates any of the aforesaid provisions contained in these rules shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. 1 BILLIARD AND OTHER, AMUSEMENT LICENSES. All licenses granted for keeping billiard, pool and sippio tables, and bowling alleys, shall be subject to the condition that the licensed premises may be kept open only between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock p. M., Sundays excepted, and at no other hours. Provided, that on Saturdays such licensed premises shall be closed at eleven and a half o'clock p. M. i Amended April 27, 1898. PAWNBROKERS, DEALERS IN JUNK, ETC. 209 PAWNBROKERS, DEALERS IN JUNK, OLD METALS AND SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. KULE 1. No person, corporation, member of a co-partnership, or firm shall, in this city, engage in or carry on the business of loaning money upon mortgages, deposits or pledges of wearing apparel, jewelry, ornaments, household furniture or other per- sonal property (excepting, however, stocks, bonds, notes or other written or printed evidence of ownership of property or of in- debtedness to the holder or owner of any such securities) or of purchasing such property on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, unless such person, corporation, co- partnership or firm is licensed therefor by the board of aldermen of this city as pawnbroker, and unless such person, corporation, co-partnership or firm complies with all lawful rules, regulations and laws now and hereafter adopted, passed and enacted in refer- ence and applicable to pawnbrokers. KULE 2. No person, corporation, co-partnership or firm licensed as a pawnbroker in this city shall therein make any loan secured by mortgage or pledge of household furniture or any other personal property exempt from attachment or by as- signment of wages for personal service, for less than two hun- dred dollars, and at a rate of interest greater than twelve per cent, without first having obtained a license from the board of aldermen of this city for carrying on such business. RULE 3. Each license issued to a pawnbroker shall set forth the name of the party licensed, the nature of the business, and the building or place in which it is to be carried on ; and shall continue in force one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked. The place of business shall not be changed during the continuance of the license except special consent of the board of aldermen to removal is obtained. The fee for such license shall be fifty dollars. No such license shall be transferable. E-ULE 4. No pawnbroker shall charge upon loans made by them a greater rate of interest than as follows, to wit : On the sum of $ 1.00 or less, first week, 1 5 cents ; each week after, 2 cents. On a sum of $1.00 to $ 3.00, first week, 1 4 per cent ; each week after, 1 2 per cent. On a sum of $3.00 to $10.00, first week, 1 3 per cent ; each week after, 1 2 per cent. On a sum of $10.00 to $25.00, first week, 1 2* per cent; each week after, 1 2 per cent. i Amended July 8, 1899. 210 REVISED ORDINANCES. On a sum of $25.00 to $50.00, first week, 1 2 per cent; each week after, 1 1 per cent. On a sum of $50.00 to $100.00, first week, f per cent ; each week after, ^ per cent. On a sum of $100.00 to $200.00, first week, per cent; each week after, i per cent. KULE 5. Every pawnbroker shall keep at his place of busi- ness a book in which shall be legibly written in the English language at the time of making every such loan a minute and accurate account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or pledged, particularly mentioning any prominent or descriptive marks on the same, the amount of money loaned thereon, the day and hour of pledging the same, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan, with the name, age and resi- dence, giving street and number when possible, of the person pawning or pledging such goods, articles or things. No entry in said book shall be changed, erased, obliterated or defaced. RULE 6. Every such pawnbroker shall at the time of making such loan deliver to the person pawning or pledging any goods, article or thing, a memorandum or note numbered and signed by him, in a form satisfactory to the chief of police, containing the substance of the entry required to be made in his book by the preceding rule, and no charge shall be made or required by any pawnbroker for any such entry, memorandum or note. KULE 7. Said book mentioned in rule 5 and the premises at which the business is carried on, all things pawned or pledged and stored therein, shall at all reasonable times be opened to the full inspection of the mayor, chief, deputy chief, captains, chief inspector of police, any member of the district police, or any person who shall be duly authorized in writing for that purpose by any or either of them, upon exhibiting such written authority to the pawnbroker. KULE 8. Every such pawnbroker shall each day, before twelve o'clock M., cause to be made out and delivered to the police cap- tain of the district in which his business is conducted, a substan- tial copy of the entry required to be made in his book during the preceding twenty-four hours, and the number of the note or memorandum given by him. KULE 9. Every such pawnbroker shall post in his office or in some conspicuous way at his place of business a printed copy of chapter 497 of the acts of 1895, and sections seven, eight, ten, eleven and twelve of chapter 192, of all acts since passed and as they may hereafter be passed in amendment, supplementary or in repeal of the chapter and several sections just enumerated. i Amended July 8, 1899. CONCERNING SMALL LOANS. 211 EULE 10. No such pawnbroker shall directly or indirectly receive any article in pawn or pledge of any minor, knowing, or having reasonable cause to believe him to be such, without the consent in writing of the parent or guardian of such minor. KULE 11. A violation of any of these rules or of any subse- quent rules that may be adopted in the premises shall of itself be sufficient cause and reason to revoke any such license. The board of aldermen reserves the right at any time for any other cause sufficient to them to revoke any license issued to any such pawnbroker. RULE 12. Every such pawnbroker shall at the time of receiv- ing his license file with the city clerk a bond to the city with two responsible sureties, to be approved by the mayor in the penal sum of three hundred dollars, which bond shall be condi- tioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the business so licensed. CONCERNING SMALL LOANS. 1. The board of aldermen, upon petition in form by them prescribed, will license such persons as to them may seem suit, able to make loans secured by mortgage or pledge of household furniture or other personal property exempt from attachment, or by assignment of wages for personal service, for less than two hundred dollars, and at a rate of interest greater than 12 per cent, pursuant to and subject to the provisions of chapter 577 of the acts of the legislature of Massachusetts of the year 1898. All such licenses shall continue in force for one year from the date thereof. 2. Applications for such licenses shall be made at least one month before the same are to be issued, and shall be published at the expense of the applicant to be paid in advance, by the board of aldermen, in two or more daily newspapers published in the city of Cambridge. Applications for such licenses shall be examined into and reported on by the chief of police. A fee of twenty dollars shall be paid for each such license at the time the same is issued. . 3. Interest may be charged by persons licensed under this rule as follows : On loans not exceeding fifty dollars, at the rate of 24 per centum per annum ; on loans of over fifty dollars, at the rate of 18 per centum per annum. 4. . All persons licensed under this rule shall make a report to the said board in writing, of every suit brought upon any bond given by such licensee pursuant to the provisions of statute 1898, chapter 577, not later than ten days from the entry of the writ or other process by which such suit was commenced, which 212 REVISED ORDINANCES. statement shall set forth the ad damnum of the writ and the names and residences of the parties to such suit, the court in which it was brought and the docket number thereof, if any. And when any such suit is finally disposed of, either by judg- ment or decree, or by order of the court, or by settlement, such licensee shall, within twenty-four hours thereof, give notice to said board, in writing, setting forth the result of such suit or settlement, and the amount and terms of such judgment, order or decree, and the terms of such settlement, and the amount or other consideration given or promised therefor. 5. All persons licensed under this rule shall keep at their places of business a book in which shall be legibly written in the English language, at the time of making every such loan, a min- ute and accurate account and description of the goods, articles and things pawned or pledged (particularly mentioning promi- nent or descriptive marks on the same) or specifying the wages assigned, the amount of money loaned thereon, the day and hour when the mortgage or assignment was made, the date on which the debt is to become due, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, calculated at an annual rate of percentage, together with the name, age, residence, giving street and number, when possible, of the person pawning or pledging such goods, articles or things, or assigning such wages. Every licensee shall enter in such book at the time of each payment by the borrower, the date of such payment, the amount then paid, a statement whether it is interest or a payment on ac- count of principal, a statement of the total amount, both prin- cipal and interest, previously paid on such loan, and a statement of the amount still due on the principal after such payment. There shall be a separate page or a separate portion of a page in such book for each loan, numbered consecutively, in which shall be entered all the entries and transactions relating to such loan and the number on such page or portion of a page shall correspond with the number on the memorandum or note to be furnished to the borrower as hereinafter specified. No entry in said book shall be changed, erased, obliterated or defaced. 6. Every such licensee shall at the time of making such loan deliver to the person pawning or pledging any goods, article or thing, a memorandum or note numbered and signed by him, in a form satisfactory to the chief of police, containing the substance of the entry required to be made in his book by the preceding rule, and no charge shall be made or required by any such licensee for any such entry, memorandum or note. Whenever any payment is made on account of any such loan the person receiving the payment, or his principal, shall, when CONCERNING SMALL LOANS. 213 payment is taken, endorse on the back of such memorandum or note the date of such payment, the amount then paid, a state- ment whether it is interest or a payment on account of principal, a statement of the total amount, both principal and interest pre- viously paid on such loan, and a statement of the amount still due on the principal after such payment. And the person re- ceiving such payment, or his principal, shall sign such endorse- ment. If such memorandum or note is lost or destroyed, the lender shall furnish the borrower, on demand, a duplicate of the same free of charge, setting forth all the endorsements that were or ought to have been upon the original or upon any duplicate thereof, at the time of its loss. 7. Said book mentioned in rule 5 and the premises at which the business is carried on, all things pawned or pledged and stored therein, shall at all reasonable times be open to the full inspection of the mayor, chief, deputy chief, captains, chief in- spector of police, any member of the district police or any per- son who shall be duly authorized, in writing, for that purpose by any or either of them, upon exhibiting such written authority to the licensee. 8. Every such licensee shall each day, before twelve o'clock M., cause to be made out and delivered to the police captain of the district in which his business is conducted, a substantial copy of the entry required to be made in his book during the preceding twenty-four hours and the number of the note or memorandum given by him. The information so received by the chief of police shall not be divulged by him except when he is required so to do by law or by order of the board of aldermen. 9. No such licensee shall directly or indirectly receive any article in pawn or pledge of any minor, knowing or having reason- able cause to believe him to be such, without the consent in writ- ing of the parent or guardian of such minor. 10. A violation of any of these rules or of any subsequent rules that may be adopted in the premises, shall of itself be suf- ficient cause and reason to revoke any such license. The board of aldermen reserves the right at any time for any other cause sufficient to them, to revoke any license issued to any such licensee. 11. Every such licensee shall, at the time of receiving his license, file with the city clerk a bond to the city with two respon- sible sureties, to be approved by the mayor, in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the business so licensed. 214 REVISED ORDINANCES. SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. ceitain S c?t f ^ ie sa ^ ai 'i es ^ officers which are fixed by the board of alder- officers, men are hereby fixed and established as follows, to wit : Superintendent of sewers . . . $1700 00 per year Soldiers' aid clerk . . . . 900 00 per year Chief -of police . . . . 7 2000 00 per year deputy chief of police . . . 1500 00 per year 2 Captains of police ' . . . . 1400 00 per year Chief inspector (captain) of police . 1400 00 per year Assistant inspector (lieutenant) of police 3 1200 00 per year Sergeants of police .... 4 1186 25 per year Patrolmen, first two years of service . 4 912 50 per year Patrolmen, after two years of service 4 1042 86 per year 5 Patrolmen, after five years of service 1095 00 per year 4 Members of reserve police force, each 730 00 per year 4 In estimating the years of service, the time spent as a reserve police officer shall be considered service as a patrolman within the meaning of this regulation. 6 Whenever by reason of length of service the pay of a patrol- man is to be increased, notice thereof shall be sent to the mayor by the chief of police, before placing the name of such patrolman upon the pay roll at the increased rate of compensation. 1 Amended April 14, 1897. 2 Amended April 16, 1895. 3 Amended Dec. 19, 1893. 4 Amended May 18, 1898. 5 Amended May 25, 1899. 6 Amended March 31, 1898. 7 Amended Oct. 10, 1899. 215 List of Public Statutes and Parts of Statutes requiring accept- ance which have been accepted by the City of Cambridge and the dates of such acceptances PUBLIC STATUTES CHAPTER 28. Sections 17 to 22 inclusive : Relating to vacancies in the offices of mayor, alderman, mem- ber of common council, or any other office to be filled by popular election. Duties of ward officers, and the removal of officers from one ward to another ward in the city, after election. Corresponding provisions of chapter 19, General Statutes, to wit : Sections 6 to 11 inclusive, were accepted October 81, 1860, Section 23 : - Providing that the mayor or any alderman or member of the common council may at the same time hold any other office under the city government except one of emolument. Accepted December 27, 1888. CHAPTER 50. Section 25. Apportionment of sewer and sidewalk assessments : The provisions of chapter 249. of the acts of the year 1878, which correspond to the provisions of the above-named chapter were accepted by an ordinance passed November 19, 1879. CHAPTER 51. Sections 1 to 10 inclusive : Authorizing the assessment of betterments on account of public improvements. Accepted December 28, 1887. 216 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER r>8. The inspection and sale of provisions and animals intended for slaughter. Awjrfwl Fdn-uary 5, 1890. CHAPTER (>(). Sections 32, 33 and 34. Authorizing the appointment of weighers of hay : The provisions of sections 72, 73, 74 and 75, of chapter 49, General Statutes, which correspond to the provisions of the above- named sections were accepted January 9, 1861. CHAPTER 80. Sections 8 to 12 inclusive. Authorizing the appointment of a board of health : The provisions of chapter 133, of the acts of 1877, which correspond to the provisions of the above-named sections, were accepted November 6, 1877. CHAPTER 101. Sections 1 to 5 inclusive : Burnt or dangerous buildings, adjudged nuisances and how such nuisances may be abated. Accepted June 19, 1884. CHAPTER 102. Sections 40 to 48 inclusive : Regulating the erection and maintenance of steam engines, furnaces and boilers. Accepted January 29, 1890. Chapter 197, of the acts of the year 1845. Accepted May 12, 1845. CHAPTER 104. Section 1. Cities may make by-laws for the prevention of fires : The provisions of chapter 243 of the acts of 1872, which correspond with the provisions of the above-named section, were accepted May 17, 1872. Sections 4 to 11 inclusive : The inspection of buildings. Accepted January 23, 1885. CHAPTER 74. ACTS OF 1890. In relation to the preservation of the public health in cities. Accepted May 15, 1890. CHAPTER 341. ACTS OF 1892. In relation to public parks. Accepted June 15, 1892. LIST OF STATUTES, ETC. 217 CHAPTER 462. ACTS OF 1893. In relation to establishing a building line on public ways. Accepted July 28, 1893. CHAPTER 337. ACTS OF 1893. In relation to public parks. Accepted June 7, 1893. CHAPTER 364. ACTS OF 1894. Authorizing the city to continue the pay of disabled officers and employees in certain cases. Accepted May 31. 1894- CHAPTER 481. ACTS OF 1894. Sections 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22:- Relative to the regulation and inspection of buildings. Ac- cepted November 21, 1894. CHAPTER 99. ACTS OF 1895. Authorizing the city to establish hospitals for contagious diseases. Accepted March 20, 1895. CHAPTER 71. ACTS OF 1895. Authorizing city to establish fire limits. Accepted March 27, 1895. CHAPTER 236. ACTS OF 1895. Authorizing the placing of parks and commons under the charge of the park commissioners. Accepted May 8, 1895. CHAPTER 173. ACTS OF 1896. Amending Charter, etc. Accepted April 1, 1896. CHAPTER 175. ACTS OF 1896. Clay pits. Accepted April 16, 1896. CHAPTER 238. ACTS OF 1896. Building sewers by Cambridge and Somerville. Accepted May 12. 1896. CHAPTER 455. ACTS OF 1894. Plumbing : Supervision and licensing. Accepted November 12, 1896. CHAPTER 314. ACTS OF 1896. Reserve police force. Accepted November 17, 1897. UNIVERSITY 218 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 462. ACTS OF 1893. Building line on public ways. Accepted. April 13, 1898. CHAPTER 313. ACTS OF 1896. As amended by chapter 379, acts of 1897. Building line and height of buildings on parkways, etc. Accepted April 13, 1898. CHAPTER 179. ACTS OF 1899. To vacate certain sewer assessments. Accepted April 13. 1899. CHAPTER 275. ACTS OF 1899. Drain by city of Somerville. Accepted August 4, 1899. INDEX. . City Charter was approved by the Governor on May 29, 1891, and accepted by the voters at the annual election held December 8, 1891. 221 INDEX. PAGE ABATEMENTS certificates of abatement of taxes, etc., to be addressed to treasurer 29 a copy thereof to be sent to the auditor .... 29 of water-rates. See WATEK WORKS DEPARTMENT. ACCOUNTS. See AUDITOR'S DEPARTMENT, also ACCOUNTS, COMMITTEE ON. ACCOUNTS, COMMITTEE ON appointment of 32 of whom to consist 32-33 duties of . ... 33 when to meet 33 to examine monthly bills -32 to accept form of auditor's books 32-33 to determine manner of keeping books, etc., of officers and heads of departments . 32-33 to make annual report 33 to have right to inspect records of boards and officers show- ing moneys received for city 33 to examine all accounts and claims and compare with record 33 shall receive monthly report of drafts from auditor . . 35 ACTS done not affected by these ordinances 19 ADMINISTRATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT .... 4 ADVERTISEMENTS for proposals and purchases, how published .... 157 ALDERMEN, BOARD OF to consist of ten, and after 1892 of eleven persons ... 4 with board of common council, to compose city council . 4 majority of, to constitute quorum 8 no member of, to receive compensation 8 election of 4-5 failure to elect 5 refusal to accept office 5 to be sworn 5 certificate of oath 6 vacancy in 5 quorum 8 special meetings of, how called 22 shall confirm or reject all nominations for appointments made by mayor 23 shall have the power of selectmen of towns .... 12 general duties of 11-12 annual convention with mayor and common council . . 5 shall sit separately, except ....... 4 sittings of, to be public except, etc 8 222 INDEX. PAGE ALDERMEN, BOARD OF Continued. votes on elections and confirmations to be public ... 8 board of, to judge of election and qualification of its mem- bers 11 and of the school committee 11 mayor shall not be a member of or preside at meetings . 11 mayor shall not appoint any committees of .... 11 members of, not to hold offices of emolument ... 11 president of, how elected 11 his duties 11 president of, may call special meetings 11 shall take no part in the employment of labor ... 11 or the appointment or removal of officers except ... 11 may authorize construction, etc., of sidewalks ... 11 to fix the number and compensation of the police force . 12 to make regulations for its government 12 may grant licenses to innholders, etc 12 may grant licenses for manufacture of petroleum . . 183 may grant and revoke other licenses 12 may employ and remove clerks and attendants ... 12 shall locate poles, conduits, etc 107-109 may give authority to license the removal of buildings through streets 133 public notice and hearing to be given before license is granted 133 may authorize the superintendent of streets to license plank sidewalks . . . . . . . . . 134 may give authority to erect awnings 137 shall establish public scales . 168 to issue warrants for elections, etc 171 shall fix the time for opening and closing the poles . . 171 shall designate place for holding general meetings . . 172 standing regulations of 203 street railways, relating to 203 intelligence offices 203 moving buildings ......... 205 minors' licenses 205 use of streets by vehicles ....;.. 207 billiard and other amusement licenses .... 208 pawnbrokers, dealers in junk, etc. . . . . . 209 concerning small loans . . . . . . . 211 salaries of certain officers 214 may designate numbers to be affixed to buildings . . 129 not to act on mayor's appointments for one week . . 7 to fix amount of bonds of deputy collectors of taxes . . 10 may fill vacancies in offices filled by them .... 12 may call for information from officers and subordinates . 13 city clerk shall attend all meeting 39 records of, to be kept by city clerk 39 city messenger shall attend all meetings ...... 41 ALMSHOUSE. See OVERSEERS OF THE POOR DEPARTMENT. to be the workhouse of the city . . . . . . . 176 AMBULANCE, Emergency. See POLICE OFFICERS. AMENDED CHARTER 4 AMUSEMENT LICENSES regulations concerning . 208 INDEX. 223 ANIMALS not to be allowed to go at large, or feed in the streets. See DOG, HORSE. intended for slaughter, etc. . kept for the production of milk . A \\TJAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION for choice of city officers, when holden . . ANNUAL appointments of officers APPEAL from estimate of damages sustained by laying out streets . APPOINTMENT of officers by the mayor confirmation of PAGE 24-113 24-113 APPROPRIATIONS must be made by the city council 9-13 when expended, auditor to give notice to the mayor, city council, etc 34 monthly and annual statements of auditor in regard to . 34 notice of, to be furnished to auditor by the city clerk . . 39 for different departments, to be under supervision and con- trol of certain boards and officers 156 estimates for . . 13 on account of sinking funds . . . . . . . 127 no contract to exceed 13 expenditures not to exceed . 13-159 city council shall direct proper accounting for .... 9 heads of departments shall furnish estimates of, to mayor . 13 mayor to examine estimates and submit to city council . 13 ARROWS shooting with bow and, in streets forbidden .... 188 ASHES AND OTHER RUBBISH how removed 135 barrels containing, not to be maliciously tipped over . . 190 not to interfere with travel 136 if out at night to be lighted 136 disposal of, in streets ..." 194 ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 21-29 under control of mayor 21 election of assessors 5 their term of office 5 their duties 29 salary of 160 vacancies in, how filled 5-11-29 ordinance in relation to 29 to give whole time to their duties 29 to make returns to auditor of amount of tax warrant and other assessments 29 warrants to collector . 29 apportionment of sewer and sidewalk assessments . . 30 224 INDEX. PAGE ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT Continued. to keep a record of abatements 29 to address certificates of abatements to treasurer ... 29 to send copies of such certificates to auditor .... 29 assessments by, when to be made 29 list of assessments, when to be given to treasurer . . 29 ASSISTANT ASSESSORS to be appointed by mayor . . 7-24 confirmation of appointment 7 term of office 7 salary of . ... * 161 may be removed, how 7 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK election of 9 See CITY CLEKK DEPARTMENT. ASSISTANT CLERK OF COMMITTEES appointment of 42 See CLERK OF COMMITTEES DEPARTMENT. AUCTIONEERS appointment of 24 AUDITING DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21-31 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 31 election of auditor . 10 tenure of office 10-31 removal 10 salary, how fixed 31 vacancy in office of, how filled ....... 31 bond . 31 new bond, when required . 31 general duties 31 salary of 160 to deliver property of city to successor, etc 10 auditor to be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties . 10 office hours of 155 requisition for money to be paid out of treasury to be made upon 31 to examine requisitions 31 shall pass no claim without appropriation therefor . . 34 to keep book of accounts and claims allowed .... 32 to countersign drafts and orders on treasurer . . . 23-34 to give treasurer certificates signed by him for all approved bills 32 form of such certificates 32 to require identification of persons seeking settlement of bills . 34 to keep books stating amount of appropriations and ex- penditures 34 to give notice of expenditure of any appropriation to mayor 34 to furnish monthly statement to members of the city coun- cil and mayor 34 to countersign bonds, notes, etc., of city 23-34 to examine sureties on bonds annually 166 INDEX. 225 PAGE AUDITING DEPARTMENT Continued. to countersign certain orders drawn by the mayor on the treasurer 32-34 to report drafts to committee on accounts .... 35 to make annual report 34 to charge mayor's orders on treasurer to proper account . 32 to have custody of all bonds but his own .... 31 to receive notice from city clerk of all orders for expendi- tures, etc 39 to receive daily reports of fees, etc., from the city clerk . 39 his bond to be in custody of treasurer 31 assessors to make return to, of amount of tax warrant and other assessments 29 assessors to send to, copies of certificates of abatements . 29 water registrar to make monthly report of bills and abate- ments to 150 treasurer to make monthly report to 141 treasurer to make monthly statement of fees, etc., received, to 142 to make up his accounts to include November 30 ... 34 mayor shall approve all his drafts 23 shall keep a register of all bonds of city officers ... 31 shall notify mayor when such bond expires or security is impaired - ; * 31 shall refer doubtful accounts to mayor 32 shall have custody of bonds, notes, executions, etc., which have been paid 32 shall keep a registry thereof 32 shall give treasurer order for payment of same ... 32 shall keep books acceptable to the committee on accounts . 32-34 shall receive, examine, and record all claims and accounts . 31 accounts and claims to be approved by heads of departments 33-35 committee on accounts to be appointed 32 duties of committee on accounts 33 mayor may draw orders for advances on contracts . . 33 or for any sum or order of city council for weekly payment of employees 33 for salaries of school teachers 33 for state and military aid 33 to meet emergencies ... 33 financial year to begin December I ...... 34 sub-auditor may be designated by auditor .... 35 officers and boards to make statement to, of all moneys received . . . . . 155 AWNINGS, SHADES, ETC. not to be erected within limits of street, except . . . 137 BALCONY. See BAY-WINDOWS. BALL playing on commons, etc., forbidden except, etc. . . . 191 playing in streets forbidden 188 BANANA SKINS, ETC., not to be thrown on sidewalk 190 BASE BALL. See BALL. BASEMENTS regulations relating to doorsteps and entrances to 133 226 INDEX. BATHING in a nude state so as to be exposed to view of persons in streets, forbidden 189 BAY-WINDOWS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. BICYCLES riding at rate of speed exceeding, forbidden .... 188 BELLS ringing of 193 BILLIARD AND OTHER AMUSEMENT LICENSES regulations concerning! 208 BILLS against the city, how approved 35 approval of, to be certified to auditor by a majority of board or head of department 35 pay-day for 35 boards to hold regular monthly meetings for approval of and send to the auditor, etc 35 boards to keep record of dates and amounts of bills, and . names of persons whose bills are approved ... 35 for the use of water, committed to treasurer .... 149 standing regulations for the use of water to be printed on certain 147 BLOW-OFFS from steam boilers not to be connected with sewers or drains 125 BOARD of health. See HEALTH DEPARTMENT. of commissioners of sinking funds. See SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT. of assessors. See ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT. of trustees of Public Library. See PUBLIC LIBRARY DE- PARTMENT. of trustees of the Bridge Charitable Fund. See BRIDGE CHARITABLE FUND. of trustees of Sanders Temperance Fund. * See SANDERS TEMPERANCE FUND. BOARDS, EXECUTIVE to have charge of certain departments 21 to be under control of mayor 21 may license or permit anything prohibited to be done with- out their license or permission 20 certain, to hold monthly meetings, for approval of bills . 35 to keep a record of contracts and bills approved by them . 35 shall make contracts in their departments .... 13 shall have care, etc., of public works, etc 13 shall control executive business 13 shall be accountable to mayor . 13 shall furnish information to mayor and city council . . 13 shall make no expenditure beyond appropriations . . 13-159 shall furnish annual estimates to mayor in January . . 13-159 to keep account of moneys received by them .... 9 when to pay treasurer such moneys 9 certain, to make annual reports 9 intrusted with public money, to account to city council . 9 INDEX. 227 PAGE BOARDS, EXECUTIVE Continued. shall designate officer to certify payrolls of employees . 33 shall approve all bills in their departments .... 35 shall present bills to appropriate committee and auditor . 35 other duties of 35 shall certify all bills 35 shall keep records of moneys received 155 shall pay moneys received to treasurer daily .... 155 certain boards to pay weekly . . 155 shall make returns to auditor 155 shall have control of their appropriation 156 not to expend more than $300 for one purpose without approval of mayor, except 156 shall be governed in their purchases by the provisions of chapter 27 157 shall advertise for proposals . . . . . . . 157 shall send copy of advertisement to auditor .... 157 plan to be shown to bidders . 157 bond required of contractor . . . . . . 157 See OFFICERS See CONTRACTS to appoint and remove subordinates . . . ... 13 cause of removal of subordinates to be entered on record '. 158 terms of service of subordinates 13 appointments and removals to be certified to mayor . . 13 causes of removals to be assigned in writing .... 13 not to expend money until appropriated 159 what records to be kept and open to public .... 159 licenses to contain certain condition 159 shall not advocate or object to any act before the legislature 159 BOILERS. See INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. BONDS. See the Various DEPARTMENTS. of city, how signed and countersigned 7-34-139 issued for certain loans, how long to run . . . ' . 126 to have on their face the purpose of their issue . . . 126 may be paid by treasurer without an order .... 34 when paid shall be cancelled by city treasurer ... 139 and transmitted to city auditor 139 custody of bonds of city officers 31 of city officers to be approved by mayor t 22 of various city officers. See the DIFFERENT TITLES. officers, shall have sureties 159 of corporation or person constructing, etc., a telegraphic or other electrical line in the city ..... 110 of person licensed to move building through street . . 133 of person licensed to construct, etc., drains connecting with sewers 124 licenses and permits not to be valid without .... 166 contracts to be accompanied by 157 BONFIRES not to be made in the streets . . 188 BOOTHS not to be erected on commons or public grounds without a permit 191 or on streets without a permit 188 228 INDEX. PAGE BOUNDARIES OF WARDS may be altered by city council 4 BOW shooting with, forbidden in streets 188 BRIDGE CHARITABLE FUND how to be applied 173 trustees of, who shall be 173 trustees to have care of fund and^make annual report . . 173 BRIDGES. See STKEET DEPARTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. BRIDGES. See STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. persons shall not deface . . . . . . . 188-190 shall not obstruct draw 190 shall not fasten vessels, etc., to 190 shall obey drawtender when using the draw .... 190 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT creation of ' 21 under charge of what officer 21-36 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 36 West Boston, Craigie, Prison Point, and Harvard Bridges 36 commissioner of 36 how and when appointed 24-36 tenure of office 36 salary of 162 powers and duties 36 removal 36 to make annual report with estimate of expenses for next year 36 vacancy 36 city engineer to make annual examination of 44 Harvard bridge loans to be for not over thirty years . 126 loans for other bridges to be for not over ten years . 126 BUILDINGS removal of, through streets 133 license how obtained 133 regulations of board of aldermen 205 bond to be given 133 chimneys to be taken down 133 defective, causing injury to sidewalk 134 See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS (SPECIAL INDEX). BURIALS. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT; ALSO UNDER- TAKERS. BY-LAWS to be termed ordinances 19 See ORDINANCES. CAMBRIDGE city of, a corporate body with certain powers .... 4 powers of, vested in the city council 8 CAMBRIDGE CEMETERY. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT. CANOPIES provisions as to, when erected within limits of streets. . 137 INDEX. 229 PAGE CARPETS not to be shaken or cleaned in streets 189 CARRIAGES. when furnished at expense of city 160 not to be washed or cleaned in streets 188 not to be stopped on flagging stones, etc 187 not to be driven on sidewalks' 189 regulations concerning use of streets by 207 See VEHICLES. CARTS. See VEHICLES. CATCH-BASINS to be kept clean and in repair by city engineer . . . 123 the entrances of, to be kept open and clear of ice by the superintendent of streets 123 See SEWER DEPARTMENT. CATTLE not to be allowed on sidewalks 189 CELLARS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. regulations relative to doorsteps and entrances to . . 133 under sidewalk, conditions of maintaining .... 137 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT creation of . 21 under charge of what officers 21-37 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 37 commissioners of, to continue in power 14 appointment of commissioners 24-37 former method of appointment and removal of commis- sioners repealed 14 tenure of office 37 vacancy 37 powers and duties 37 shall have charge of Cambridge cemetery .... 37 shall have charge of burying ground on Garden street . 37 may sell rights of burial 37 deeds of lots to be executed by mayor 37 execution of deeds by city clerk repealed .... 14 when money is to be received by treasurer for perpetual care of lots in 37-1 39 interest of such money to be applied to care of lot . . 37 treasurer to receive such sums of money 37-139 treasurer to send to superintendent of, notice, etc. . . 139 treasurer to pay to board of commissioners of, interest on such sums 37-140 application of money received for care of lots in ... 37-140 name of fund 38-140 annual report of commissioners 37 reconveyance of lots in, to the city 38 acceptance of deed of reconveyance 38 sum to be deposited sufficient to provide, etc. ... 38 proprietor may reserve the right of admission ... 38 deeds in trust 38 CERTIFICATES for payment of money out of the treasury, form of 32 of weighing hay, etc 168 230 INDEX. CESSPOOLS, VAULTS, AND PRIVIES board of health shall make contracts for cleaning CHARCOAL MEASURES inspector of . CHARTER. SEE CITY CHAKTER. CHIEF ENGINEER. See FIKE DEPARTMENT. CHIEF OF POLICE. See POLICE DEPARTMENT. CHILDREN under sixteen years of age shall not loiter upon any street after 9.30 P. M. shall be accompanied by parent, etc. returning from employment, etc performing some duty, directed in writing violation of provisions of ordinance .... CHIMNEYS how to be taken down before building is moved . CITY to be divided into five wards .... boundaries of wards . CITY AUDITOR. See AUDITING DEPARTMENT. CITY CHARTER new charter new, when accepted by the voters (Note) . when approved (Note) acts inconsistent with, repealed . . . . . submitted to voters when when in operation . municipal powers . ordinances inconsisent with, annulled not inconsistent with, to be in force . laws not repealed by rules of civil service commissioner not repealed by tenure of city officers not affected by ... powers of board of health not affected by water board to continue in power cemetery commissioners to continue in power repeal of original charter and amendments CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT creation of under charge of what officer ..... under control of mayor . . . ordinance in relation to . . . . CITY CLERK to be elected by ballot to be sworn term of office of may be removed bond .... new bond, when to be given powers and duties of office hours of PAGE 53-125 23 195 195 195 195 195 195 133 4 4 4 219 219 14 15 15 4 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 21 21-39 21 39 9-39 9-39 39 39 9-39 155 INDEX. . 231 PAGE CITY CLERK Continued. salary of 160 to be custodian of city seal 167 to have care of city records and documents, etc. ... 39 to receive records of weighers, when 168 to record and publish ordinances ...... 19 to keep record of streets and sidewalks accepted ... 134 to be clerk of board of aldermen 9 of city council in convention 9 to deliver journals, etc., to his successor 10 to notify auditor of orders authorizing expenditures, etc. . 39 to report daily to auditor money received .... 39 to pay to treasurer daily money received .... 39 to notifiy city council six months before, of expiration of time for assessment of betterments, etc. ... 39 to report to treasurer orders for sewers and sidewalk assess- ments, apportionments and abatements .... 39 to attend all meetings of board of aldermen, of both branches of the city council when met in convention 39 to keep record of proceedings in such cases .... 39 to make annual statement to the city council of fees, etc., received 155 may issue licenses to use and drive vehicles for conveyance for persons, etc., for hire ' . 207 to keep record of licenses granted for stands and vehicles, and of persons to use and drive vehicles for hire . 207 to sign warrants for calling meetings in the several precincts, 171 duties of, at general meetings of inhabitants .... 172 to keep record of proceedings at such general meetings . 172 shall sign warrants of members of fire department . 45 power of execution of cemetery deeds by, repealed . 14 shall record deeds of lots in Cambridge cemetery . . 37 engineer's office to be a part of clerk's office, etc. . . 125 assistant city clerk to be elected by ballot .... 9 to be sworn 9 term of office of ' . 9 may be removed 9-40 duties and powers . . 40 salary of 160 shall give bond ......... 40 election void if bond not given . . ...... 40 new bond when 40 CITY COUNCIL to consist of board of aldermen and common council . 4 failure to elect members of ......'.- 5 refusal to accept office . . ..... 5 vacancy 5 removal from ward, not to effect, etc 5 change of ward boundaries not to effect, etc. ... 5 shall be sworn 5 shall meet mayor in convention in January ... 5 special meetings, how called 6 powers of municipal corporation vested in ... 8 quorum of 8 members shall receive no compensation .... 8 all sittings to be public except, etc. ..... 8 shall apportion the members of common council among the several wards 4 232 INDEX. CITY COUNCIL Continued. shall reapportion the common council every five years from 1895 ..,....,. 5 by by-law, to direct form, service, and return of warrants for all meetings of inhabitants .... 5 shall determine salary of mayor 8 may make ordinances and annex penalties ... 8 shall direct how ordinances shall be published . . 8 shall take no part in employment of labor ... 11 shall take no part in appointment or removal of officers, except ......... 11 to publish accounts of receipts and expenditures . . 9 to publish schedule of property and debts of city . ' . 9 may lay out new streets or ways ..... 9 may estimate damage sustained 9 may provide for appointment and compensation of certain needful officers ........ 8 ineligible to offices of emolument 11 to elect city clerk and assistant city clerk .... 9 to elect treasurer, and collector of taxes .... 10 to elect city solicitor 10 to elect city messenger ....... 9 to elect a clerk of committees 9 to elect a city auditor 10 to elect an overseer of the poor . . . . . 10-116 to fill vacancies in overseers of poor . . . . 116 to fill vacancies in board of assessors .... 11 may establish a fire department ...... 9 may make rules and regulations 9 boards and officers intrusted with public money to ac- count to 9 appropriations by, not to be exceeded .... 9 may regulate loads of vehicles ...... 8 may take land for streets and sewers .... 9 appeal from estimate of damages . 9 may request mayor, etc., to make reports ... 9 shall direct a proper accounting for moneys ... 9 may fill vacancies in offices filled by them ... 12 may employ and remove clerks and attendants ... 12 may call for information from officers and subordinates . 13 shall make annual appropriations , 13 city clerk shall attend all meetings ..... 39 city clerk shall keep records of the proceedings . . 39 city messenger shall wait upon ..... 41 no member to be commissioner of sinking funds . . 126 shall give names to streets 129 no members of, shall be a member of water board . 144 water board shall have certain powers of . . . . 1 44 contracts for more than one year not to be made, without vote of 158 CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT under charge of what officer 104 ordinance in relation to 104 INDEX. 233 PAGE CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Continued. tenure of office of inspector of wires . . . . Ill duties of city electrician 104 shall have supervision of all wires, poles, conduits, etc. 104 shall inspect condition of poles, wires, etc. . . 104 shall order poles, etc., unsafe, to be replaced . . 104 shall inspect wires in buildings in process of con- truction ........ 105 shall enforce all laws, etc., relative to wires, etc. . 105 shall have supervision of fire alarm telegraph, police signal system, etc 105 shall purchase wires, apparatus, machinery, etc. . 105 shall cause to be erected all appliances, etc. . . 105 shall have care and oversight of all street lamps, except 105 shall contract for all materials, lighting, etc. . 105 shall keep account of lamps, men employed, etc. . 106 shall examine all meters for gas, except . . . 106 shall make examinations and tests when requested by certain departments 106 shall have access to all places when necessary . . 106 annual report to city council ..... 106 wires to be suitable and strong 104 to be attached to strong and sufficient poles . . . 104 entering buildings to be attached to appliances, etc. 105 within buildings to be suitably insulated . . . . 105 to be cut in case of fire, etc. ...... 105 placing, insulation, etc., of ...... 106 shall not be attached to poles by means of brackets . 107 of more than one party to be attached on same cross-arm 107 additional wires shall not be Affixed except . . . 107 unused wire, etc. , not to be left on street . . . 107 wires, etc., not to be attached to tree without consent . 107 wires, etc , not to be attached to buildings, etc., except by order 108 wires not to be attached to poles without order of board of aldermen 109 wires to be put in aerial cable, when .... 109 wires and conduits to be removed, when . . . . 110 poles to be painted and insulated ..... 104 poles, etc., erected only by order of board of aldermen . 107 poles for telegraph, etc , to be of hard pine, etc . . 108 poles for wires of street railway to be of iron, etc. . 108 location of poles in sidew r alks ...... 108 petitions for, must contain exact location of pole . . 109 must be accompanied with duplicate plans . . . 1C9 hearing to be given 109 notice to be served upon owners, etc. .... 109 removal of poles, ducts, conduits, etc .... 109 use of poles by other corporations . . . . . Ill electric current to be shut oft' in case of fire, etc. . . 105 detailed plan of number and location of poles to be furnished 107 signal boxes, police and fire alarm, not to be opened, except 107 not to be interfered with 107 city may attach wires to all poles, for its own use . . 109 234 INDEX. CITY ELECTKICAL DEPARTMENT Continued. streets, etc., not to be torn up without a license . . 109 streets, etc., to be restored after opening ... 110 cross-arms, supports, etc., to have tags affixed to designate owner, except 104 conduit not to be removed without permission ... 110 city to have space in underground conduits . . . no guard rail to be around manhole, when opened . 110 city electrician to have notice of intended placing, etc. . 106 city electrician to give permission for affixing additional wires 107 person or corporation owning, to comply with rules, etc. , with respect to quality of poles, etc. . . . 106 person or corporation constructing or operating lines to give bond 110 condition of bond 110 new bond may be required . ill acceptance of locations of poles, etc., to be filed . . 108 location void if acceptance is not filed .... 108 location void if work is not completed within six months 108 locations, etc., may be revoked by board of aldermen . 108 locations to be changed, when 109 CITY ENGINEER. See ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CITY GOVERNMENT administration of 4 CITY MESSENGER DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer . . . . . 21-41 under control of mayor . . . . . . . 21 ordinance in relation to 41 city messenger, election of ....... 10 tenure of office 10-41 salary of 162 removal 10-41 powers and duties 41 to purchase stationery 41 to have charge of printed matter, etc. ... 41 shall look after City Hall 41 shall make report of stationery, to auditor, monthly . 41 shall make annual report ...... 41 CITY MONEYS. See AUDITING DEPARTMENT, OFFICERS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. CITY OFFICERS. See OFFICERS. CITY OFFICERS when elected 5 chosen by people, to be chosen by ballot .... 5 term of office of 5 accountability of .13 CITY PHYSICIAN. See PHYSICIAN, CITY. INDEX. CITY DEBT. See SINKING FUND. PAGE 235 CITY SEAL to what instruments to be affixed, and by whom device of custodian of 22 167 167 CITY SOLICITOR. See LAW DEPARTMENT. CITY TREASURER. See TREASURY DEPARTMENT. CITY SCALES AND WEIGHERS board of aldermen to establish 168 shall be furnished with decimal weights .... 168 weighers shall be appointed by mayor .... 168 to be sworn .......... 168 duties of weighers 168 shall deliver certificate of every load weighed . . . 168 shall keep a record open to public inspection . . . 168 record book when filled to be delivered to city clerk . 168 fees for weighing ........ 168 fees to be paid in quarterly ', to treasurer . . . 168 weighers shall keep scales clear of snow, etc. . . . 168 sealer of weights and measures to have general control of public scales . . . . . . . 121 compensation of weighers 168 CLAIMS against the city, how to be approved ..... 35 See ACCOUNTS. CLERK OF WATER BOARD how chosen . 144 CLERKS AND ATTENDANTS. See SUBORDINATES. the several boards may employ and remove ... 12 compensation of clerks in the several departments to be determined by the finance committee . . . 156 CLERK OF COMMITTEES DEPARTMENT creation of . 21 under charge of what officer ...... 21-42 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 42 clerk of committees, election of 10 tenure of office 10-42 duties of 42 salary of 161 shall be clerk of all committees 42 shall keep books of record 42 shall keep a calendar of committee meetings . . 42 shall notify members of meetings .... 42 assistant clerk how appointed 42 duties of 42 236 INDEX. CLERK OF COMMON COUNCIL election of 12 to be sworn ......... 12 to record certificate of oath of common councilmen . 6 other duties 12 CLUBS possession of, on streets forbidden 189 COAL weighers of 23 COAL HOLES in sidewalks, regulations relative to 135 condition of maintaining ....... 137 covers to have iron rods or legs .... 135 COASTING in streets prohibited without permission .... 188 COLLECTOR OF TAXES. See TREASURY DEPARTMENT. treasurer to be ex-officio 10-139 COMMISSIONERS. See THE VARIOUS TITLES. COMMISSIONERS OF CAMBRIDGE CEMETERY. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUNDS how constituted 126 appointment of ......... 24 term of office 126 no member of city council to be a member of . . . 126 to have control of all funds for payment of the city debt, except the water loan 126 to certify to auditor annually the amounts required for sinking funds 127 debts due, how paid by board from fund .... 127 annual report ......... 127 loans, for what time to be negotiated .... 126 bonds for loans to bear on their face the purpose for which they were issued . . . . . . 126 annual appropriations for sinking funds, amount of . 126 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE See FINANCE, COMMITTEE ON. COMMITTEES, CLERK OF. See CLERK OF COMMITTEES DEPARTMENT. COMMITTEES regular meetings of various, for examination of bills . 35-46 clerk of 42 to keep records of proceedings 42 to be notified of meetings ....... 42 shall take no part in the employment of labor or in ap- pointment and removal of officers .... 11 mayor shall not appoint, of the aldermen ... 11 when in doubt concerning correctness of bill, to report to city council ........ 35 on accounts. See ACCOUNTS, COMMITTEE ON. INDEX. UNIVERSITY COMMON COUNCIL to consist of twenty persons . . with board of aldermen, to compose city council majority of, to constitute a quorum . no member of, to receive compensation .... members of, how apportioned to be residents in the ward election of members ...... present apportionment to hold until 1895 .... new apportionment to be made every five years failure to elect refusal to accept removal from ward not to affect, etc. .... change of ward boundaries not to affect, etc. shall meet mayor and aldermen in convention in January may employ and remove clerks and attendants may fill vacancies in offices filled by them city messenger shall attend all meetings .... to be sworn . . . . . . . . . certificate of oath ........ shall sit separately, except to choose a president his duties .......... to choose a clerk . . . . ... salary of clerk to be sworn ..." his duties sittings of, to be public except . . . to judge of election and qualification of its members vacancy in special meetings of, how called members of, not to hold offices of emolument . may call for information from officers and subordinates shall take no part in employment of labor or ia appoint- ment and removal of officers, etc COMMON SEWERS. See SEWERS. COMMONS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. MENT. COMPENSATION. See SALARIES. See STREET DEPART- COMPENSATION no member of city council to receive . of clerk fixed by committee on finance ....... concerning small loans, regulations . . . , CONDUCTORS, also see CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPART- MENT. not to direct water upon a sidewalk CONDUITS. See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. CONSTABLES warrants for elections to be served by warrants for general meetings to be served by . appointed by mayor 4 4 8 8 4-170 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 41 o 6 4 12 12 12 160 12 12 8 12 5 6 11 13 11 8 156 211 135 171 172 23 238 INDEX. PAGE CONSTRUCTION OF WORDS AND TERMS .... 20 CONTINUANCE of pay of city employees ....... 196 employee injured shall petition city council . . . 196 petition shall give time and place, etc 196 petition referred to committee on claims .... 196 city physician and city solicitor to be notified . . . 196 investigation relative to injury 196 hearing before committee on claims ..... 196 report of committee, if in favor, etc. .... 196 amount to be recorded and verified by department . . 196 certificate from head of department before payment is made 196 injured person to give receipt and release in full . . 196 further payment should disability continue . . . 196 CONTRACTS - by whom made 13 to be accompanied by bond . . . . . 157 to be executed in triplicate and one copy deposited with the auditor . . . . . . . 157 not to be made for more than one year, except . . . 158 advertisements for proposals, etc 157 plans, specifications, and schedules to be prepared when advertisements are made ...... 157 above $300 in amount to be in writing .... 158 above $300 in amount to be approved by mayor . . 13-156 no proposals for, to be accepted from certain parties . 157 proposals for, to be under seal, and placed in a sealed box of which the clerk of committees shall hold the key 157 proposals for, how opened, etc. ..... 157 to be awarded to the lowest bidder 157 proposals for, may be rejected 157 bids to be preserved and open to public inspection , . 158 not to be altered without consent 158 payments for extra work, when made .... 158 to provide that in case of alteration, portion not affected shall remain in force . . ... . . 158 payment for work under alterations not to be made until completion of whole contract, etc. . . . 158 involving employment of labor to contain certain provisions 158 not to exceed appropriations 159 three-fourths of amount of, may be advanced how . . 33 CONVENTION city clerk to attend all meetings of both branches of city council in ......... 39 to keep records of such meetings ..... 39 for organizing city government 5 of mayor and city council to be held first Monday in Jan- uary 5 oath to be administered at ....... 5 certificate of oath 6 members not present, to be sworn subsequently . . 6 INDEX. 239 CONVEYANCES, See DEEDS. COUNCIL, CITY. See CITY COUNCIL. COWS not to be allowed to feed or go at large in the streets . 187 CROTCH possession of, on streets forbidden .... 189 DEAD. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT. UNDERTAKERS. DEATHS to be reported to undertakers ...... 185 fees of undertakers for making returns of, how paid . 185 DEBTS. See SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT. DECEASED SOLDIERS. See SOLDIERS. DEEDS, ETC. given by the city to be executed by mayor . . . 8-22 of cemetery lots, etc., how executed and recorded . . 37 DEEDS IN TRUST OF LOTS IN CEMETERY. See CEME- TERY DEPARTMENT. DEFINITIONS OF WORDS AND TERMS .... 20 DEFACING property, forbidden 188 DEPARTMENTS, also see UNDER the VARIOUS TITLES. creation of the several ....... 21 mayor may summon heads of, for consultation ... 6 shall account to city council for moneys .... 9 shall make reports 9- heads of, etc., to appoint subordinates, except, etc. . 13 such appointments and removals to be certified to mayor . 13 causes of removal to be assigned in writing ... 13 officers at head of, to make contracts .... 13 shall have care, etc., of public works, etc. ... 13 shall control executive business ...... 13 shall be accountable to mayor 13 shall furnish information to mayor and city council . . 13 shall make no expenditure beyond appropriation . . 13-159 not to expend money until appropriated .... 158 not to expend more than $300 for one purpose without approval of mayor, except . . . . - . 156 shall furnish annual estimates to mayor in January . . 13-159 may license anything prohibited from being done without their permission * , 20 each to be under charge of boards and officers designated, 21 all to be under control of mayor ..... 21 method of book-keeping to be determined by the com- mittee on accounts ....... 33 shall certify pay-rolls of employees ..... 33 240 INDEX. DEPARTMENTS Continued. heads of, shall approve bills in their departments . . 35 shall keep records of all contracts, etc. .... 35 duties of .......... 35 shall certify all bills 35 to be held responsible for damages for one year after opening 131 heads of, to have control of their appropriation . . 156 shall be governed in their purchases by the provisions of chapter 27 ........ 157 shall advertise for proposals 157 shall send copy of advertisement to auditor ... 157 plans to be shown to bidder ...... 157 bond required ....... . 157 See CONTRACTS. cause of removal of subordinates to be entered in record 158 what records to be kept and open to public ... 159 licenses to contain certain conditions .... 159 shall give certificate before payment is made to city em- ployees injured in performance of duty . . . 196 amount shall be recorded and verified by heads of . . 196 See BOAHDS, OFFICERS. DEPUTY COLLECTORS OF TAXES. See TREASURY DEPARTMENT. DIRT not to be placed in drinking fountains, etc., in streets . 189 house dirt, how removed ....... 135 DISORDERLY CONDUCT in streets forbidden . . . . . . . 189 DOGS license fees to be received by treasurer . . . . 140 how credited 140 appointment of person to receive information of damage done by 23 not to be allowed to walk, etc., on flower-beds on com- mons, etc. . . . . . . . . 191 barking, etc., not to be kept in the city, and penalty for keeping 177 DOORS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. not to swing over sidewalks 132 DRAIN LAYERS. See SEWER DEPARTMENT. DOCUMENTS AND PRINTED MATTER to be kept by city messenger ...... 41 DRAINS See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. See SEWER DEPARTMENT. DRIVING fast, prohibited on drivew r ay of Fresh Pond . . . 192 in streets 187 INDEX. 241 DWELLING-HOUSES. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. DUTIES AND SALARIES ordinance relating to . ... . . . . . 155 ELECTIONS warrants for 3-171 aldermen to fix time for opening and closing polls at . 171 day of holding city election ...... 4 of mayor .......... 5 of aldermen ......'... 5 of common councilmen ....... 5 to be holden in pursuance of warrants .... 5 failure to elect mayor or aldermen 5 vacancy in city council ....... 5 city council may provide for election of necessary officers 12 votes on elections and confirmation of city officers to be public 8 members of city council ineligible to offices of emolument 1 1 if person elected refuses to accept ...... 5 for choice of city officers. See UNDER THEIR DIFFER- ENT TITLES. See WARRANTS AND ELECTIONS. election officers, salary of 162 ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES. See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. EMERGENCY FUND payments from ' . 33 EMPLOYEES payment of 33-35-141 office hours of, how fixed . . . . . ' . . 156 weekly pay rolls ........ 36 non-residents not to be employed . . . . . 156 continuance of pay of . . . . . . . 196 EMPLOYERS liable for penalty if their employees violate an ordinance 20 ENGINE COMPANIES. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Also see SEWER DEPART- MENT. creation of ......... 21 under charge of what officer ...... 21-43 under control of mayor . . . . . . . 21 ordinance in relation to 43 appointment of city engineer 24 tenure of office of ... .... 43 duties of ...... ... 43 salary of .......... 161 office hours of ......... 155 to furnish lines and grades of streets when parties intend- ing to build 44 242 INDEX. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Continued. to notify mayor when street is encroached upon . . 25 to make and have charge of plans of streets, etc . . 43 to examine all bridges annually ..... 44 shall supervise repairs of bridges ..... 43 to make annual reports 44 may permit construction of conduits from vaults into common sewers ....... 54 to have charge of construction of public works . . 43 shall measure work done by contract when required . 43 shall make such surveys, plans, etc., as may be required . 43 shall not interfere with existing departments ... 44 shall give information of lines and grades of streets with- out charge 44 shall notify mayor of encroachments on streets . . 44 engineer shall have charge of sewer department . . 122 shall consult and arrange with superintendent of streets when openings are to be made for sewers . 129 shall ascertain proper foundation grade for superstructure of buildings erected by the city .... 44 shall perform work within province of civil engineer, required by board of park commissioners . . 118 shall issue permits, under direction of board of health, for construction of connections of vaults with sewers . 54-125 ENGINEERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. ENGINEMEN. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. ESTIMATES FROM HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS of the amount of money necessary to be raised for annual expenditures of the city, furnished the mayor . 13 mayor to examine the same and submit them to the city council ......... 13 city council thereupon to make appropriations ... 13 EXECUTIVE ordinance in relation to 22 chief executive officer to be the mayor .... 6-21 he shall cause laws, ordinances, etc., to be enforced . 22 shall exercise supervision and control over officers . . 6-22 shall cause violations and neglect of duty to be punished . 6-22 may summon heads of departments, etc., before him . 6-22 may call special meetings of city council or of either board 22 shall communicate to both boards information concerning the city 22 shall fill vacancies for unexpired term .... 22 shall designate temporary officers ..... 22 shall approve bonds of city officers 22 shall execute deeds, etc., on behalf of city . . . 8-22 shall execute deeds of burial lots 37 shall discharge mortgages, etc 23 may assign mortgages, when . .... 23 INDEX. PAGE EXECUTIVE Continued. may release tax titles 23 shall approve auditor's drafts 23 shall sign all bonds, notes, etc., of city .... 8-23 shall designate stations for detention of women under arrest 25 shall designate persons to cause to be interred indigent deceased soldiers . 25 shall fill vacancies in police and fire departments . . 25 shall direct the removal of buildings encroaching upon the streets ........ 25 may draw order for payment of money .... 33 may draw order for money due in advance on contracts . 33 his written order on treasurer required for payment of money, except in certain cases .... 33 with aldermen and common council, to have government of city 4 election of mayor 5 failure to elect . ...... 5 refusal to accept ........ 5 vacancy in office of ........ 5 to be sworn 5 certificate of oath 6 pow r ers and duties of ........ 4-22 shall nominate for all appointments made by mayor and aldermen ex-officio, chairman of school committee .... 6 salary of 8-16Q salary not to be increased or diminished during contin- uance in office 8 general duties ......... G chief engineer to notify of increase of pay of members of fire department ....... 162 surveyor of highways ....... 0-138 powers to be exercised through whom .... 6 to have general supervision and control .... 6 to have control of police force ...... 6 may call'special meetings of either branch ... 6 may call special meetings of both branches ... 6 shall communicate information to city council . . 6 shall recommend measures to city council ... 6 shall appoint certain officers ...... 23-24-25 appointment of officers to be confirmed .... 6 appointment of officers not to be acted on for one week . 7 may remove certain officers with approval, etc. . . 7 shall assign cause of removal of officers .... 25 shall record causes of removal of officers .... 25 shall meet with the city council in convention at first meeting ......... 5 shall approve ordinances, orders, etc. .... 7 veto power 7 partial veto 7 shall keep a record of official acts ..... 8 may appoint a clerk 8 244 INDEX. EXECUTIVE Continued. shall make reports to city council on request . shall not be a member of the board of aldermen nor pre- side at any meeting nor appoint any committee shall call for information from officers and subordinates . shall approve contracts exceeding $300 .... shall examine estimates of departments and submit them to the city council to have control of the several departments shall finally decide doubtful accounts .... may draw orders for weekly payments of wages may draw orders for payment of school teachers may draw orders for payment of state and military aid . may draw orders for payment of emergencies . may approve of sub auditor shall sign warrants of officers and members of fire de- partment ......... 45 shall be a trustee of the Bridge Charitable Fund and chairman 173 shall be a trustee of the Sanders Temperance Fund and chairman 174 may draw draft for sum due for interest on Cambridge Water Loan . 146 EXECUTIVE POWERS vested in mayor 6 to be exercised through whom 6 EXHAUSTS, STEAM 125 EXPENDITURES not to be incurred in excess of appropriations ... 13 annual account of, to be published ..... 9 exceeding $300 to be approved by mayor .... 13 FAST DRIVING prohibited on driveway of Fresh Pond .... 192 in streets ... . .... 187 ; FEES received by city officers on behalf of the city to be paid daily to treasurer, and reported to the auditor 10-39-142-155 received by police officers, except, etc., to be paid weekly to treasurer 155 treasurer shall report fees to auditor, monthly . . . 142 officers and boards receiving, shall keep record of . . 155 city clerk and treasurer to make annual statement to the city council of all fees and perquisites received by them 155 chief of police to make similar return of the fees and perquisites received by members of the police force 155 of weighers of hay, etc 168 of undertakers 185-186 FENCE required in certain cases while building .... 130-133 when street is unsafe, etc. . . 128-130-133 INDEX. 245 PAGE FENCE VIEWERS appointment of 23 FIELD DRIVERS appointment of ......... 23 FINANCE, COMMITTEE ON of whom to consist ........ 160 when appointed 160 duties of 160 to fix compensation of clerks 156 to approve compensation of janitors 162 to approve pay of officers, etc. , of water works department 144 to prescribe the amount of interest to be paid by the com- missioners on sinking funds ..... 127 FINANCIAL YEAR. See YEAR. to begin December 1 13-34-139 FINES for violation of ordinances, etc., to inure to use of city . 20 See PENALTIES. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPART- MENT. in charge of city electrician ...... 105 rules concerning, how made . . . . . . 51 rules for giving alarms of fire ' 51 FIRE ARMS not to be discharged in city limits 188 FIRE DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 9-21-45 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 45 how constituted ....... 45 appointment of 25 chief engineer, powers and duties of . . . . 45-46 salary of chief engineer . . ... . . . 161 salaries of members of . . . . . . 161 chief engineer to certify all bills monthly .... 46 shall make an annual report 46 shall supervise and repair fire apparatus .... 46 shall have direction of firemen 46 shall transit returns of officers, apparatus, etc., to city council 46 shall keep rolls of the several fire companies ... 46 shall report all accidents by fire, annually ... 46 warrants of engineers and call district chiefs ... 45 engineers, shall have powers, of fire wards, etc. . . 9 duties of engineers and call district chiefs . . . 45-46 in absence of chief engineer, next in rank to act . 47 qualifications of members 47 steam fire-engine companies, of what to consist . . 47 246 INDEX. PAGE FIRE DEPARTMENT Continued. duties of enginemen and drivers of engine companies . 47-48 hook and ladder companies, of what to consist . . 48 duties of companies in case of fire 50 removal of officers and members ..... 7-45-49 transfer of members and record thereof .... 50 suspension of officers and members 50 terms of service ........ 45-49 vacancies 45-49 duty of captains at fires 50 member may retire from service after age of sixty years is reached ........ 47 members before receiving appointment to be subjected to physical examination 47 in absence of engineman, ass't engineman to have care of engine house, etc 48 company in charge of Hayes truck to consist of 48 duties of driver and tillerman ...... 49 mayor to be notified of increase of pay of members 162 who shall act in captain's absence 50 companies not to impose fines 50 clerk of companies to record absences .... 49-50 deduction to be made from pay for unexcused absences 50 absence of members, etc., from fires to be recorded . 49-50 permanent men to wear uniform 50 members to wear badges at fires 50 no intoxicating liquors or gambling allowed in houses . 51 companies not to leave city without permission . . 51 refreshments, rules as to 50 fire-alarm telegraph, rules of 51 signal-boxes and poles of fire-alarm telegraph not to be interfered with, etc. 107 regulations for government of fire department . . 9 office hours of chief ........ 156 chief engineer shall examine buildings where petroleum, etc , is kept 183 shall report in writing 183 shall make complaint for violation of ordinance . . 184 apparatus .......... what officers to have command at fires .... 46-47 permanent men 47-48 captains and lieutenants, their duties 47 chemical engine companies how constituted ... 47 duties of officers and members of hook and ladder companies 48-49 captains to keep rolls of companies 49 shall make returns to chief 49 transfers and suspensions to be forwarded to mayor 49 combustible materials, rules as to general rules and regulations, respecting, to be subject to approval of city council 51 absences from meetings to be recorded .... 50 fire-alarm telegraph in charge of inspector of wires candidates to be examined by city physician . . . 108 INDEX. 247 PAGE FIRE DEPARTMENT Continued. pensions for members of lire department ... 51 petitions for ......... 51 restrictions on ........ 52 city physician shall examine, etc. ..... 52 chief engineer shall furnish statement ... 52 amount of pension not to exceed, etc. ... 52 FIRE BELTS. See FIRE STOPS. FIRE GUARDS. See FIRE STOPS. FIRE LINES 51 no person other than tiremen> etc., allowed within . . -51 FIREMEN, PENSIONS FOR. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE STOPS when required .....*... FISH, COMMITTEE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF appointment of . . . . . . . . . 23 FLOORS construction of ......... FLUES regulations as to . . . . . . . . . FOOT BALL. See BALL. FOUNDATIONS. See CONSTRUCTION OP BUILDINGS. FOUNDATION WALLS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. FOUNTAINS for drinking, not to be contaminated . . . . . 189 for private fountains, see WATER WOKKS DEPARTMENT FOWLS not to go at large in streets . * . _ . . 187 FRESH POND constituted a reservoir, storage basin, and water supply for city . . . . . . . . 192 fishing, swimming, bathing, boating, etc , in, forbidden . 192 throwing dirt, etc., in, or on land, etc., appurtenant to, forbidden 192 going upon the ice of, except to skate, forbidden . . 192 using sleds, ice boats, etc , on the ice of, forbidden . -. 192 skating allowed on, under regulations of the water board 192 teams conveying burdens not to be driven upon the drive- way of 192 funeral processions not to be driven upon the driveway of 192 fast driving on driveway of, prohibited .... 192 trees, etc., on land and driveway appurtenant thereto not to be injured 192 sward, gravel, etc., on such land and driveway not to be dug or carried away ....... 192 248 INDEX. FRESH POND Continued. climbing, or tying horses to trees, etc., on such land for- bidden . 192 posting bills, etc., within grounds of, prohibited . . 192 penalty for violating provisions relating to . . . 192' FUEL not to remain unnecessarily in the streets over night . 134 if in street over night to be lighted 134 FUNERALS. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT, ALSO UNDER- TAKERS. FURNACES. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. GAMING forbidden 188 GAS shut-oft' in supply pipes outside of building ... 178 when furnished to public building, etc., must have shut-off 178 expense of shut-off to be borne by person or company supplying . 178 GATES not to swing over streets ....... 132 GENERAL MEETINGS OF VOTERS when to be held 172 form of warrants for 172 warrants for, how served . . . . . . . 172 proceedings at 172 duties of city clerk at 172 record of proceedings of, to be kept . . 172 GENERAL PROVISIONS CONCERNING BY-LAWS . . 19 GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. 187 GOATS not to go at large on sidewalks 187 GONGS ringing of prohibited, except 193 violation of ordinance ....... 193 GRADE. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. to be furnished by city engineer 44 GRATES in streets regulated . . 133 GRAVES. See CEMETERY DEPARTMENT. GUARD-RAIL to be placed round manhole, when opened ... 110 GUIDE-BOARDS not to be injured, etc. ....... 188 INDEX. 249 GUIDE-POSTS not to be injured, etc. 188 GUNPOWDER AND EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS regulations for keeping 179 transportation of 179 regulations concerning vehicles containing . . . 179 inspection of vehicles containing 179 chief engineer of fire department to be notified of place of keeping 179-180 GUNS not to be discharged in city limits 188 HACKNEY CARRIAGES regulations concerning use of streets by . . . . 207 HARBOR MASTER appointment of 25 HAND CARTS. See VEHICLES. HAY WEIGHERS appointment of 23 HEALTH DEPARTMENT creation of ......... ; 21 under charge of what officers 21-53 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to ........ 53 HEALTH, BOARD OF appointment of . . . . . . . . . 24-53 may be removed, how 7 of whom to consist .... ... 53 term of office 53 duties and powers of . . . . . 53 may call upon officers of. and departments to aid it . . 53 present powers continued 14 members to serve without compensation .... 53 suitable accommodations to be furnished to . . 53 to make annual report to city council .... 53 to make contracts and regulations for cleaning cesspools, vaults, etc 53 all such contracts to be conditioned that work be done to its satisfaction ........ 53 to keep account of work done by it and deliver bills for same to treasurer 53 to report list of such bills to auditor monthly ... 53 to direct city engineer as to permits for construction of connections of vaults with sewers .... 54-125 dealers in ice to register at office of . . . . . 165 to examine ice . 165 shall investigate sources of supply 165 shall prohibit sale if impure 165 250 INDEX. HEARSES not to be driven on driveway of Fresh Fond . See UNDERTAKERS. HEARTHS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS HEATING APPARATUS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. HIGHWAYS. See STREET DEPARTMENT. HORSE-RAILROADS. See STREET RAILWAYS AND STREET DEPARTMENT. HORSES not to be tied to trees upon commons, etc. not to be permitted on commons, etc., except, etc . . not to be allowed ti go at large or feed on commons, etc. fast driving of, forbidden on driveway of Fresh Pond not to be tied to trees, etc., on grounds appurtenant to Fresh Pond not to be allowed to go at large or graze on streets . fast driving of, forbidden in streets ..... not to be stopped on flagging stones ..... not to be wantonly frightened in streets .... not to be cleaned in streets .... . not to be tied to trees in streets not to be allowed to stand near trees in streets See VEHICLES. STREET DEPARTMENT. HOSE water board may restrict the use of HOSEMEN. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. HOT-AIR REGISTERS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. HOURS office, at the city hall ........ HOURS OF LABOR for laborers and mechanics, nine hours .... HYDRANTS to be constructed by water board ..... to be repaired by water board injury to. prohibited opening of, except in case of fire, prohibited . yard hydrants PAGE 102 ICE not to be thrown into street without being broken up sidewalks encumbered with, to be made safe who responsible for removal of ..... penalty sale and delivery of, regulations for sale and delivery of dealers, etc. to register sources of supply registration to be subscribed and sworn to board of health to examine ice samples to be taken for analysis .... 11)0 190 190 192 192 187 187 187 187 188 187 187 149 155 156 145 145 147 147 153 134 136 136 136-137 165 165 1(55 165 165 INDEX. . 251 PAGE ICE Continued. board of health to prohibit sale, if impure . . . 165 notice to be given of such prohibiton .... 165 penalty .......... 165 INAUGURATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT to be in convention ........ 5 members to be sworn ........ 5 record of oaths to be made ...... 6 INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DE- PARTMENT. See SPECIAL INDEX following. INSPECTION AND SUPERVISION OF ELECTRIC WIRE DEPARTMENT. See also CITY ELECTRICAL DE- PARTMENT. creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21 under control of mayor 21 inspector or wires, appointment of ..... 25 INSPECTOR OF MILK AND VINEGAR DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21-1 12 under control of mayor ....... 21 ordinance in relation to . . . . . 112 appointment of inspector . . . . . . . 23 shall be sworn 112 term of office ......... 112 salary of . 162 powers and duties of inspector 112 shall make annual report and inventory .... 112 INSPECTORS of buildings, appoinment 23 junk, etc . 23 milk and vinegar ........ 23 provisions, etc '-. . 24 charcoal measures 23 of wires , . 25 INSPECTOR OF JUNK SHOPS, ETC. appointment of 23 of pawnbrokers, etc. ........ 23 INSPECTION OF PROVISIONS AND ANIMALS INTENDED FOR SLAUGHTER OR KEPT FOR THE PRO- DUCTION OF MILK creation of 21 under charge of what officer . . . . . . 21-113 under control of mayor ....... 21 ordinance in relation . . . . . . . . 113 appointment of inspector ....... 24 qualification of inspector ....... 113 shall be sw r orn 113 term of office 113 salary of 162 powers and duties 113 shall make annual report ....... 113 252 INDEX. PAGE INTEREST due on notes of the city may be paid without mayor's order 34 on certain payments to commissioners of the sinking funds, 127 due on Cambridge Water Loans, mayor may draw draft for 146 INTERMENT OF THE DEAD. See UNDERTAKERS. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES regulations concerning 203 JANITORS of school-houses, how appointed and removed . . 12 duties of 12 compensation 162 of public buildings other than school-houses ... 162 JOINT CONVENTION. See CONVENTION. JUDGMENTS against the city may be paid without mayor's order . 34 JUNK AND SECOND-HAND ARTICLES appointment of inspectors of dealers in .... 23 dealers in, etc., to be licensed 181 term of licenses 181 fee of licenses 181 to keep records of purchases made by them . . 181 to have signs on their shops with their names . 181 shops of, subject to inspection .... 181 not to purchase from minors ..... 182 articles purchased, etc., not to be sold within one week, unless, etc 182 at what hours shops of, to be kept open . . 182 collectors of junk to be licensed .... 181 fee for collector's license ..... 181 vehicle used in collection of, to be inspected . 182 to have name and number on ontside . . . 182 revocation of license ...... 182 penalty 182 KEEPER OF LOCK-UPS appointment of ......... 23 LABORERS who shall be employed as ....... 156 working day for, what constitutes ..... 156 contracts for employment of 13 no member of city council to take part in employment of 11 LAMP DEPARTMENT. See also CITY ELECTRICAL DEPART- MENT. creation of .......... 21 under charge of what officer 21 under control of mayor . ... 21 INDEX. 253 LAMP DEPARTMENT Continued. appointment of superintendent 24 shall consult Supt. of Streets when street is to be dug up 129 lamps not to be injured, etc. ...... 188 public lamps in streets, not to be extinguished without authority 189 LANES. See STREET DEPARTMENT. LANGUAGE indecent, etc., not to be used in streets .... 189 LAW DEPARTMENT creation of .......... 21 under charge of what officer ...... 21-114 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 114 election of city solicitor ....... 10 his qualifications ........ 10-114 tenure of office ......... 10-114 salary of 161 duties and powers 114 travelling expenses allowed . . . . . . 115 to approve form of bond for auditor .... 31 to approve form of treasurer's bond 140 to approve form of bonds of city clerk and assistant city clerk 39-40 to approve form of bond of persons operating, etc., tele- graphic, etc., lines ....... vacancy 114 shall hold no other office under city 114 shall draft all legal instruments ..... 114 shall prosecute all actions for city ..... 114 shall defend the city, etc 114 shall represent the city before the legislature ... 114 shall furnish legal opinions 114 city physician shall examine parties claiming to be injured 198 city physician shall render professional aid in court and otherwise 198 city solicitor shall certify all executions to treasurer city solicitor to prepare petition for injuries of city employees ........ 196 city solitor to direct investigation .... 196 city solicitor to make report 196 LEASES given by city, how executed 8 LIBRARY, PUBLIC. SEE PUBLIC LIBRARY DEPARTMENT. LICENSES when act is prohibited by ordinance without license of certain officer or board, such officer or board to have power to grant 20 for stands for hackney carriages, etc 207 254 INDEX. LICENSES Continued. to persons to use and drive vehicles for conveyance of persons or property for hire ..... dealing, etc., in junk, etc., prohibited without . for carrying on business of a pawnbroker to manufacture, etc., petroleum of drain layers ......... to dig up, etc., streets 109-124- to obstruct streets to exhibit animals in street ...... to move buildings through streets ..... to put plank walks on sidewalks to construct coal-holes, etc., in sidewalks to innholders,, etc., granted by aldermen . . . also other licenses , licenses may be revoked by aldermen .... no private drain shall enter sewer without a license . licenses shall contain certain conditions .... intelligence offices, regulations concerning sales by minors, regulations concerning .... billiard and other amusement, regulations concerning pawnbrokers, dealers in junk, etc., regulations concerning concerning small loans, regulations . . . issuing of subject to conditions ..... not to be valid if bond is not given additional sureties to be given ...... premises to be restored at licensee's cost . sureties to be examined annually by author repeal of ordinances inconsistent with .... LIGHTS. See STREET DEPARTMENT. to be put up in streets when unsafe ..... penalty for extinguishing, etc., such .... LINE. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. of street to be obtained before building .... city engineer to furnish LITTER disposal of in streets and commons LOANS small, regulations concerning LOANS, VARIOUS for what time to be negotiated treasurer shall negotiate all . ... See SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT. LOCKUPS, KEEPER OF appointment of ......... LUMBER. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. MATERIALS contracts for ......... schedules of, to be shown to parties proposing to bid or supplies, proposals for furnishing .... PAGE 207 181 209 183 124 129-130 130 187 133-205 134 135 12 12 12 124 124-159 203 205 208 209 211 166 166 166 166 166 166 129-30 132 44 44 194 211 126 139 23 13 157 157 MAYOR. See EXECUTIVE. INDEX. 255 PAGE MEASURERS, PUBLIC appointment of 6-8-23 MEASURERS OF WOOD AND BARK appointment of 23 MECHANICS' WORK surveyors of - ... 23 MEASURERS OF GRAIN appointment of 23 MEASURERS AND SURVEYORS appointment of 23 MEETINGS annual, for election, when holden 4 all general and ward, to be holden in pursuance of warrants 5 warrant for general 5 for meetings to fill vacancies 5 precinct, warrants for 171 how issued and served 171 general, shall be called at request of thirty voters . . 5 how served 172 proceedings at 172 of aldermen to be presided over by its president ... 11 of common council to be presided over by its president . 12 in joint convention by president of board of aldermen . 11 special, of either board may be called by mayor ... 6 special, of board of aldermen may be called by president of aldermen 11 MESSENGER, CITY. See CITY MESSENGER DEPARTMENT. METERS. See WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. MILITARY AID. See STATE AID. MILK, INSPECTOR OF. See INSPECTION OF MILK AND VINEGAR DEPARTMENT. appointment of 23 MINORS dealers in junk not to purchase from 182 pawnbrokers not to receive articles in pawn from, except, etc 211 licenses, regulations concerning 205 MONEY care and custody of, by treasurer 139 payment of, out of treasury 34 of city in hands of city officers . . . . . . 155 to be accounted for by boards and officers .... 9 not to be expended in excess of appropriation ... 9 officers and boards reciving, shall keep record of . . 155 all persons having money of city shall pay it forthwith to treasurer 155 256 INDEX. MORTGAGES treasurer shall certify payments of, to mayor . . . 141 mayor may discharge 23 mayor may assign 23 MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. See OFFICERS. MUNICIPAL POWERS 4 MONTHLY MEETINGS OF EXECUTIVE BOARDS . . 35 of aldermen and common council to be attended by the city clerk 39 of aldermen and common council to be attended by the city messenger 41 MOVING BUILDINGS. See BUILDINGS. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. See ELECTIONS. MUNICIPAL REGISTER MUNICIPAL YEAR relating to terms of office, beginning and end of ... 5 NAPHTHA. See PETROLEUM. NON-ELECTION OF ELECTIVE OFFICERS or refusal to accept office 5 NOTES of the city may be paid without mayor's order ... 34 See AUDITING DEPARTMENT. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE tenure of, under previous ordinances not affected by these ordinaces 20 OFFICE HOURS at the city hall . 155 OFFICERS powers of, continued by new charter 14 election of, by the people 5 term of office of elective officers 5 vacancies, how filled 5 removal from ward 5 mayor to have general control of 6 mayor shall cause to be punished for neglect ... 6 may be summoned by mayor for consultation ... 6 shall be resident citizens 6 non-elective to be appointed by mayor, except ... 6 terms of office of non-elective officers 6 appointed officers to be confirmed ...... 6 appointment not to be acted on by aldermen for one week . 7 certain, how removed ' . . 7 shall account to city council for moneys .... 9 shall hold offices until successors are chosen, etc. . . 12 mayor may designate other officer to perform duties . . 22 when to execute conveyances, etc 22 list of, to be appointed by the mayor 23-24-25 may license or permit anything prohibited from being done without their license or permission .... 20 to keep records as directed by committee on accounts . 33 INDEX. 257 OFFICERS Continued. shall keep a record of moneys received 155 shall pay moneys received to treasurer, daily . . . 155 certain officers shall pay weekly 155 shall make returns to the auditor 155 shall have control of appropriations of their departments . 15(5 not to expend money until appropriated 159 shall not expend more than $300 for one purpose without approval of mayor, except 157 shall be governed in their purchases |by the provisions of chapter 27 157 shall advertise for proposals 157 shall send copy of advertisement to auditor .... 157 shall prepare plans to be shown to bidders "... 157 bond required of 157 See CONTRACTS. cause of removals of subordinates to be entered on record 158 what records to be kept, and open to public .... 159 licenses to contain certain conditions 159 shall send annual estimates to mayor 13-159 shall furnish sureties on their bonds 159 shall not object to or advocate before the legislature any act 159 at headsv)f departments. See DEPARTMENTS. OFFICES. of emolument, members of city council ineligible to 11 of emolument under overseers of poor, members of board ineligible to 12 certain offices, hours for business 155 shall be closed t 2 o'clock Saturdays 156 OIL. See PETROLEUM. OLD METALS. See JUNK. ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS by-laws shall be denominated ordinances .... 19 enacting style of 19 mayor shall enforce 6-22 shall be approved by mayor 7 how recorded and published 19 what to be known as the revised ordinances of 1892 . . 19 what previously existing continued by the revised ordinances 19 what repealed by the revised ordinances 19 repealed or suspended, how affected by the revised ordinances 20 what shall continue in force 13 inconsistent with new charter annulled 13 general penalty for violation of 21 penalties for violation of particular. See PENALTIES. penalty for violation of, when not specified .... 20 on health to be enforced by board of health .... 53 city council may make, and annex penalties .... 8 shall be published in newspaper 8-19 fines and forfeitures for violation of, shall inure to the city 20 if not vetoed in ten days, to be in force 7 partial veto 7 to regulate the loads of vehicles 8 to provide for needful officers 8 258 INDEX. PAGE ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS Continued. style of book to record ordinances 19 record book, where to be kept 19 repeal of ordinance shall not revive pre-existing ordinance 20 nor affect penalties incurred 20 nor interfere with pending suit or prosecution ... 20 when anything is prohibited by,'such thing may be licensed 20 construction of various words and terms used in ... 20 creating the several departments 21 who to have charge and management of departments . . 21 ORDERS shall be approved by mayor 7 if not vetoed in ten days shall be in force .... 7 partial veto 7 OVERSEERS OF THE POOR DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 21-116 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 116 shall have charge of the almshouse 116 shall make rules for the government of the same ... 116 shall keep books, vouchers, etc 116 election of overseers 116 overseers, of whom to consist 116 term of office 116 may be removed by the mayor, subject, etc 7 vacancies in board 116 organization, powers and duties of board .... 12-116 no member eligible to office of emolument under the board 12 annual meeting and organization of 12 choice of officers and agents 12 fixing their duties and salaries 12 to report to city council 8 OXEN not to go at large or graze 011 streets 187 PARK DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 21-117 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 117 appointment of commissioners 117 term of office 117 vacancy in board 117 election of president of board : 117 shall make rules and regulations 117 powers and duties 117 shall appoint superintendent, etc 117 shall make annual report 117 may sell personal property connected with parks ... 118 duties of president of board 118 no member to be interested in any contract, etc. . . . 118 duties of superintendent 118 city engineer to perform work within province of civil engineer 118 shall have general care of commons, etc 118 shall have care of trees, etc. 118 loans for parks not to exceed time designated in act . . 126 INDEX. 259 PARTITION AND PARTY WALLS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. PAWNBROKERS regulations concerning 209 appointment of inspectors of 23 PAY OF CITY EMPLOYEES INJURED WHILE ON DUTY. See CONTINUANCE. ETC. PAY-DAYS for employees 35 for other persons, and bills 35 PAY-ROLLS of employees, when made up 33-35-141 of other persons 35 PENALTIES. (See chapter 44.) to be fixed by ordinance 8 incurred under previous ordinance not affected by these ordinances 20 for violation of ordinances, generally 21 for violation of ordinances, etc., to inure to use of city . 20 for sale and delivery of impure ice 165 for keeping barking, biting, etc., dogs in the city . . . 177 for violating provisions of ordinances relating to Fresh Pond 192 for cutting into, etc., a common sewer 125 for entering a private drain into a common sewer . . 125 for placing filthy substance, etc., in street catch-basin . 125 for violating the provisions of the ordinances relating to sewers 125 for fast driving in street 191 for not affixing legal street numbers 129 for extinguishing, etc., lights put up in streets in certain cases 132-191 for being in possession of clubs, bludgeons, toy pistols, rubber slings, etc 191 for remaining on sidewalk so as to obstruct the same . . 191 for tipping over ash-barrels, etc 191 for not removing snow from sidewalk 136 for not removing, etc., ice from sidewalk .... 136 for violation of ordinance relating to the City Electrical Department Ill for violation of ordinance in relation to ringing of gongs, etc. 193 for violation of ordinance in relation to disposal of rubbish in streets 194 for violation of ordinance in relation to children under sixteen 195 employers liable for acts of employees ...... 20 PENSIONS FOR FIREMEN. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. PERPETUAL CARE OF LOTS IN CEMETERY. TARY DEPARTMENT. PERMITS issuing of, subject to conditions not to be valid if bond is not given . additional sureties to be given .... premises to be restored at licensee's cost repeal of ordinances inconsistent with . See CEME- 166 166 166 166 2f>0 INDEX. PAGE PETROLEUM proceedings on application for license to manufacture, store, etc 183 licenses to be granted by aldermen 183 licenses to manufacture, etc., to contain certain statements 184 premises of licensee to be open to inspection .... 184 violation of terms of license to work a revocation . . 184 license not to be granted for manufacturing, storing, etc., in certain places 183 to be kept in metallic vessels, when 183 license, how revoked 184 complaints for manufacturing, etc., without license, how made 184 PHYSICIAN, CITY. appointment of 24 shall examine city employees injured, etc 196 shall give certificates, in form satisfactory to city solicitor 196 qualifications of 198 duties of 198 salary of 162-199 shall not expend amount exceeding appropriation . . 199 shall keep account of expenditures 199 shall employ assistants 199 shall make annual report 199 PIERS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. PISTOLS. See FIRE ARMS. PLACARDS. See SIGNS. PLANK WALKS. See STREET DEPARTMENT. PLANS belonging to the city, the city clerk to have custody of . 39 of common sewers, how made 123 of common sewers, to be kept in rooms of city engineer . 125 PLATFORM of entrance to cellar, etc., regulations in regard to . . 133 PLUMBING. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. POLICE DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21-119 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 119 members of, to pay to treasurer weekly all fees, etc., received, except, etc. 155 salaries of 214 to give notice of blockade, etc., of streets .... 128 to report waste, etc., of water 153-154 chief of, to make annual returns to the city councils, of all fees, etc., received by members of police force . . 119-155 salary 214 administration of police, vested in mayor .... 119 station for confinement of women to be designated . . 25 INDEX. 261 PAGE POLICE OFFICERS appointment of 25 tenure of office 119 without pay, appointment of 23 shall report waste to water registrar 153 shall aid board of health if required 53 members may be removed, how 7 number and compensation fixed by board of aldermen . 12 also regulations for its government 12 chief to have care and custody of certain property . . 119 his duties 119 shall keep a record of business of the department . . . 119 shall make reports to mayor 119 shall make annual report to city council .... 119 police signal system in charge of the city electrician . . 105 candidates to be examined by city physician .... 198 city physician shall attend prisoners in police stations . 198 shall control transportation of injured persons, etc. . . 119 shall respond to calls for use of emergency ambulance . 1J9 reserve police officer, estimating years of service of . . 214 notice to be sent to mayor of increase of pay of ... 214 POLICE MATRONS appointment of 25 POLL TAXES. See TAXES. PORCHES AND PORTICOS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILD- IXGS DEPARTMENT, ALSO STREET DEPARTMENT. persons not to loiter on 187 POST, POLE, OR OTHER STRUCTURE IN STREET condition of maintaining 137 POUND KEEPER appointment of 23 PRECINCTS. See WARRANTS AND ELECTIONS. PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN how elected 11 his duties 11 he may call special meetings 11 shall be a member of the committee on finance . . . 160 shall be a trustee of Bridge charitable fund .... 173 shall be a trustee of Sanders temperance fund ... 174 mayor shall not preside, nor appoint committees ... 11 PRESIDENT OF COMMON COUNCIL election of 12 duties of 12 shall be a member of the committee on finance . . . 160 shall be a trustee of the Bridge charitable fund ... 173 shall be a trustee of the Sanders temperance fund . . 174 PRESIDENT OF WATER BOARD to be elected by water board 144 duties of 145 PRIVIES. See CESSPOOLS. 262 INDEX. PAGE PROCEEDINGS pending, not affected by these ordinances .... 19 PROPOSALS for materials and supplies 157 for contracts, how solicited, received and opened . . . 157 See CONTRACTS. PROSECUTIONS pending, not affected by these ordinances .... 19 PROVISIONS, INSPECTORS OF. See INSPECTOR OF PRO- VISIONS, ETC. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. See CON- STRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC GROUNDS. See STREETS. construction of term 20 PUBLIC LIBRARY DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 21-120 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 120 board of trustees, how constituted 120 organization of the board 120 appointment of board of trustees 24-120 trustees to choose librarian 120 duties of trustees 120 trustees to expend moneys, how 120 to establish fees for use of 120 to make by-laws 120 trustees to make annual report 120 moneys received to be paid into city treasury, quarterly . 120 moneys for use of, when to be paid out of treasury . . 120 PUBLIC STATUTES. See STATUTES. accepted by the city, list of 215 PUBLIC MONEY. See MONEY, AUDITING DEPARTMENT, OFFICERS, AND TREASURY DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC PLACES. See STREET DEPARTMENT, ALSO PUBLIC GROUNDS. PUBLIC PROPERTY care and custody of 13 annual statement of, to be published by city council . . 9 PUBLIC SQUARES. See STREET DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC WORKS. See PUBLIC PROPERTY. engineer shall have charge of construction of ... 43 PUBLIC WEIGHERS. See CITY SCALES AND WEIGHERS. QUORUM of board of aldermen, a majority of common council, a majority RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES auditor's monthly and annual statements of .... 34 treasurer's statements of 141-143 monthly statement of 143 annual statements of 9 INDEX. 263 PAGE RECORDS, ETC. to be transferred by city clerk to his successor . . 10 of the city, city clerk to have custody of .... 39 shall be kept by officers and boards in charge of depart- ments 159 shall be open to public inspection , 159 of committees not to be so open 159 REGULATIONS OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN ... 203 REGULATIONS general, for streets, commons and other public places . 187 REFUSE See ASHES. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS 24 salary of . . 162 salary of clerk 162 REPEAL not to revive any act theretofore repealed , 15 of original charter, etc , and other acts . . 14 not to affect any right or penalty 15 REPORTS. See under VARIOUS BOARDS AND HEADS OK DE- PARTMENTS. RESERVOIRS to be in charge of superintendent of water works . . 145 for water supply, general regulations as to . . . 192 injury to public, prohibited 192 REMOVAL of municipal officers from one ward to another .... 5 REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS. See BUILDING REMOVALS, and STREET DEPARTMENT. RESOLUTIONS shall be approved by mayor ...... 7 if not vetoed in ten days shall be in force ... 7 partial veto . 7 REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1892 what ordinances to be known as .-'..-. . 19 what repealed by ........ 19 construed as continuations of previously existing ordi- nances, when 19 not to affect any act done, right accrued, penalty incurred, etc 20 not to affect the tenure of any person's holding office, etc. 20 repeal by, not to affect any ordinance adopted, accepting provisions of any statute 20 repeal of any ordinance by, not to revive any ordinance repealed or suspended ...... 20 general penalty for violation of ...... 21 264 INDEX. HIGIITS accrued, not affected by these ordinances .... 20 ROADS AND BRIDGES. See STREET DEPARTMENT. RUBBISH not to be placed in streets, unless, etc. .... 134 disposal of litter, etc , in streets and commons . . 194 SALARIES. See DUTIES AND SALARIES. of city officers . . 8-160 to be in full for all official services 162 established by aldermen, what ...... 214 teachers of public schools how to be paid ... 33 of janitors 162 SALT not to be used by street railway corporations to remove snow from rails, etc 133 SANDERS TEMPERANCE FUND what is 174 trustees of fund 174 duties of trustees ..... . 1 74 to appoint agent ......... 174 chairman of 174 to keep record ......... 174 to make annual report ....... 174 SCALES. See CITY SCALES AND WEIGHERS. for weighing hay, etc., to be established, etc. . . 168 to be under control of sealer of weights and measures . 121 SCHOOL COMMITTEE election of 5 their term of office 5 shall be inhabitants of ward ...... 5 mayor, ex-officio chairman of bills approved by, how certified vacancies 5 Public Statutes, Chapter 44, 22 duties of to elect a superintendent of schools ..... also teachers of public schools ...... may employ clerks and attendants .... power not to be restricted ....... majority to be present when bills are approved removals by ......... janitor of schoolhouses, how appointed and removed duties of janitors SCHOOL TEACHERS to be elected annually SEAL OF THE CITY. See CITY SEAL. INDEX. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21-121 under control of mayor . . 21 ordinance in relation to ....... 121 appointment of ......... 24-121 salary of .......... 162 duties 121 annual report and inventory ...... 121 removal .......... 121 to have control of public scales 121 SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. See JUNK. SEWER DEPARTMENT creation of . 21 under charge of what officer 21-122 under control of mayor . . . . . . . 21 ordinance in relation to . . . . . . 122 city council may take land for sewers . ... 9 damages for taking land 9 appeal from estimate of damages . . . ... 9 what to be deemed common sewers ... . 122 common sewers to be laid only by city . . ... 122 water pipes, etc , to be laid so as not to interfere with . 122 if interfering, to be removed, etc. . . . . 122 city engineer and superintendent of water works to con- sult , 122-129 superintendent of, how appointed . . . ... 122 tenure of office of . 122 compensation . 122-214 city engineer to make plans of ...... 123 to have care of catch basins, etc. .... 123 to keep account of cost of 123 to make annual report of work done on . . . " 123 what part of cost of, to be assessed -. 123 plans of estate to be assessed, to be prepared . . . 123 assessments, how determined . . . . . 123 standard rate of assessment . 123 apportionment of assessments ...... 30 amounts assessed to be entered on plans . . . . 123 drain-layers to be licensed . . . . . ; . 124 drains entering, to be constructed by persons licensed therefor 124 drains entering, how laid and built . . . . -. 124 bond of drain-layers . 124 private drain, not to enter without a permit . / 124 permits to be granted by city engineer .... 124 private drain from estate not already assessed not to enter without consent of aldermen ..... 125 plugs, etc., when required in drains . . . . . 125 reconstruction of drains already built, when to be made . 125 exhausts from steam engines, etc , not to be connected with common sewer or private drain .... 125 265 266 INDEX. SEWER DEPARTMENT Continued. penalty for cutting into, etc. . . . 125 for entering a private drain into .... 125 for placing, etc., any substance, etc., in catch basins ........ 125 for violation of provisions of ordinance relating to 125 plans of, to be kept in rooms of city engineer . . . 125 such rooms to be a part of the office of city clerk . . 125 drains when opened to be fenced and lighted . . . 133 treasurer to collect assessments 141 loans for construction not to exceed twenty years . . 126 SEWERS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. See SEWER DEPART- MENT. appointment ......... 122 to be subordinate to city engineer . . . . . 122 term of office 122 compensation, how fixed 122 SHOWBOARDS. See SIGNS. SHUT-OFFS in gas supply pipes 178 SIDEWALKS. See STREET DEPARTMENT. aldermen may authorize construction, etc., of ... 11 material of sidewalks 11 expense of sidewalks and edgestones . . . . 11 expense of sidewalks, etc. , how assessed .... 11 expense shall constitute a lien, etc. ..... 11 shall be maintained at expense of city .... 11-134 apportionment of assessments ...... 30 SIGNS street, to be maintained by city 128 not to be placed on trees on commons, etc. . . . 190 dealers in junk, etc., to have certain, on their shops, etc. 181 not to be placed or carried on sidewalk without, etc. . 189 not to be inserted in sidewalk without a permit . 135 SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT creation of .......... 21 under charge of what officers 21-126 under control of mayor . . . . . . . 21 ordinance in relation to ....... 126 commissioners, how appointed 24-126 term of office ......... 126 vacancies .......... 126 no member of city council to be 126 duties of commissioners ....... 126 loans for public buildings to be for ten years ... 126 loans for construction of sewers to be for not more than twenty years ........ 126 loans for Harvard Bridge to be for not more than thirty years 126 INDEX. 267 PAGE SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT Continued. loans for parks and other purposes not to exceed time designated in act 126 bonds for loans to state purpose of issue . . 126 appropriations for sinking fund 126 when to be paid to commissioners 127 concerning interest . . . ' 127 commissioners to certify to auditor the sums required for sinking fund 127 city treasurer to be furnished with money to pay debts of 127 annual report of board 127 sinking fund of water works 127 treasurer may be elected treasurer of . 139 salary of treasurer of fund 154-161 SKATING. See FRESH POND. SLINGS rubber, possession of, on steets forbidden . . . 189 SMALL LOANS regulations concerning 211 SNOW. See STREETS. city scales to be kept clear of . ... 168 removal of, by street railway corporations . . . 133 salt, etc. , not to be used on street railway tracks to remove 133 not to be thrown into street without being broken up . 134 removal of, from sidewalks, and penalty .... 136 who responsible for removal of 136 penalty 136-137 SNOW GUARDS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPART- MENT. SNOW BALLS not to be thrown in the streets ...... 188 SOLDIERS. Also see STATE AID. persons to cause to be interred bodies of indigent . . 25 soldiers' aid clerk, salary of 214 SOLICITOR, CITY. See LAW DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL MEETINGS. See MEETINGS. SPECIFICATIONS for any work to be done, to be prepared and shown to bidders .... 157 SQUARES. See STREET DEPARTMENT. STANDS for vehicles See CARRIAGES, ETC. STATIONERY to be furnished by the city messenger .... 41 STATUTES list of public statutes accepted by the city . . . 215 268 INDEX. STATE AID PAGK how certified and paid 33 compensation of clerk .... 214 STEAM BOILERS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPART- MENT. blow off from, not to be connected with sewers or drains 125 STEAM ENGINES. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DE- PARTMENT. exhausts from, not to be connected with sewers or drains 125 STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. STEPS persons not to loiter on 187 provisions as to, when projecting into streets . 133 STONES not to be thrown in streets 188 STREET DEPARTMENT. See STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. creation of 21 under charge of what officer 21-128 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 1 28 STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. See also CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. streets, construction of the word 20 to be laid out, etc. , by city council 9 damages, by whom estimated 9 petitions for laying out, altering, etc , to be first acted upon by board of aldermen 9 appeal from decision concerning laying out, etc. . . 9 from estimate of damages ..... 9 water from roof not to be allowed to flow across side- walk to not to be torn up after notice by superintendent of streets, except, etc 129 to be known by names heretofore given them . . . 129 names of to be given and changed by the city council . 129 board of aldermen may number buildings on . . 129 penalty for not fixing legal numbers on buildings on . 129 aldermen may authorize, etc., the construction of side- walks 11 material of sidewalks 11 expense of sidewalks and edgestones . . . . 11 expense of sidewalk how assessed ..... 11 treasurer to collect sidewalk assessments ... 141 expense shall constitute a lien, etc. ..... 11 mayor to direct the removal of obstructions . . 25 all plans of, to be under charge of city engineer . .' 43 engineer shall notify mayor of encroachments in . . 44 engineer shall give lines and grades 44 INDEX. 269 PAGE STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. Continued. engineer shall supervise repairs on certain bridges . 43 engineer shall annunally examine certain bridges . 44 fence to enclose while building ...... 79 not to be opened for six months after previous openings 129 excavations, obstructions, and projections, in . . . 129 not to be dug up, etc., without license .... 109-129 superintendent may grant license . . . . 130 bond to be given 130-131 if dug up, obstructed, etc., fence and lights to be put up 124-130 footpath to be maintained . . . . . . . 130 restoration of, after they have been dug up under a license 110-124-130 openings in, manner of repair 122-130-131 notice of opening or obstruction of, to be given to super- intendent of streets 128 requiring repairing and resurfacing within one year from time of excavation 130 department or corporation responsible for damages within one year from opening or obstruction ... 131 violation of conditions of license 132 defects in public ways 132 licenses to person repairing water pipes .... 132 licenses for raising and lowering goods, etc. . . . 132 penalty for extinguishing, etc., certain lights . . . 132 gates, etc., not to swing over sidewalk 132 doorsteps, porticos, porches, entrances or passage-ways to cellars, etc., regulations in regard to . . . . 133 if cavity dug near, fence to be put up 133 use of streets 133 buildings not to be moved through, without license . . 133 license to move buildings through, to be granted only sifter public notice 133 licensee to give bond 133 chimneys of such building to be taken down . . 133 animals, fowls, etc., not to be allowed to go at large, etc., in 187 animals not to be exhibited in, without license . . . 187 fast driving in, prohibited 187 carriages not to stop on flagging stones 187 frightening horses in, forbidden 187 carriages and horses not to be cleaned in .... 188 gaming and exposing gaming devices in, forbidden . . 188 tables, stalls, etc., for sale of merchandise in, forbidden . 188 fire-arms, discharge of in, forbidden 188 bonfires in, prohibited 188 injuring guide-boards, lamp-posts, trees, etc., in, prohibited 188 defacing property forbidden 188 playing ball in, prohibited 188 throwing missiles in, prohibited . . . . ' . . 188 shooting with bows and arrows in, forbidden . . . 188 coasting without permission forbidden 188 bathing in view, forbidden 189 carpets not to be shaken or cleaned in 189 possession of clubs, etc., in, forbidden 189 possession of toy pistols, rubber slings, etc., prohibited . 189 rude and disorderly conduct and indecent language in, forbidden 189 270 INDEX. PAGE STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. Continued. dirt, etc., not to be placed in drinking troughs, etc. . . 189 riding a bicycle, etc., at rate of speed exceeding ... 188 use of velocipedes restricted 188 lamps in, not to be lighted or extinguished without authority . 189 disposal of litter and rubbish in 194 children under sixteen not to loiter on, except . . . 195 rubbish, etc., not to be placed in 134 dead trees, etc., not to be deposited in, except ... 134 rubbish, shrubs, etc., to be removed by superintendent during certain months 134 fuel not to remain unnecessarily in, if it remains after dark to be lighted 134 snow and ice not to be thrown into, without being broken up 134 snow and ice not to be thrown into street contrary to orders of superintendent 134 snow, removal of, by street railway companies, regulated 133 salt, etc., not to be used on tracks, etc., of street railways 133 use of brine, etc., on street railway tracks forbidden 134 trees, climbing, tying horses to, etc., prohibited . . . 187 posting bills on, forbidden 187 records of streets to be kept by city clerk .... 134 ashes and other house dirt, how removed .... 135 such not to obstruct use of sidewalk 136 when city may remove from yard 13(3 if ashes, etc., are left on, after dark, lighted lantern to be placed on 136 ash-barrels, etc., tipping over, forbidden .... 190 regulations as to canopies, awnings, etc 137 streets not to be torn up, etc., for laying telegraph wires, etc., without license 109 when repaired, removal, etc., of conduits to be at expense of owners, etc 110 loads of vehicles to be regulated by ordinance ... 8 streets to be properly restored 110 no wire to be attached to pole of another company except 109 petitions for poles shall state exact location .... 109 public hearing shall be given 109 persons shall not deface public bridge or wharf ... 190 or unnecessarily open or obstruct the draw .... 190 shall not fasten vessels, etc., to bridge 190 in passing through draw to comply with directions of drawtender 190 horses forbidden on commons, or public grounds ... 190 earth not to be removed from commons, etc. ... 190 filth, dirt, etc., not to be placed on commons, etc. . . 190 wheelbarrows, bicycles, etc., forbidden on public ground 191 carpets not to be cleaned on . 191 refuse, etc., not to be disturbed by other than an employee 191 athletic sports not permitted on 191 public speaking on, forbidden 191 sale of goods on, forbidden ...... 191 erection of booths, etc., on, forbidden 191 injury to seats, fences, etc., on, forbidden ... 191 defacing of monuments or statues on, forbidden 191 interference with hydrants forbidden .... 191 INDEX. 271 STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. Continued. disturbance of flower-beds forbidden .... 191 dogs and other animals not permitted on . . . . 191 throwing of stones, etc., forbidden ..... 191 loans for laying out and widening streets to be for ten years 126 See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. See STREETS, COM- MONS, ETC. appointment of ......... 24 term of office . 128 salary of 161 powers and duties 128 to keep streets, etc , in good repair 128 if opened, superintendent to prevent unnecessary obstruc- tion, and see to the repair ..... 124-131 to put up street signs ........ 128 to hire and control persons in his department . . . 128 to have custody of all property connected therewith . 128 to make contracts for labor and materials .... 128 office hours of superintendent 156 annual report ......... 128 when street is unsafe, etc., to put up fence and lights . 128 sewer, lamp, and water departments, etc., to be notified by, when he is about to construct or break up sur- face of street 129 removal of snow from streets by street railway to be under direction of 133 to keep entrances to catch-basins open, etc. . . . 123-128 shall keep a record of notices of defects .... 132 SIDEWALKS. See STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. shall be maintained at expense of city .... 11-134 when owner to make repairs 134 record of to be kept by city clerk ..... 134 plank walks not to be laid without license . . . 134 to be constructed in accordance with plan of city engineer 135 to be removed on order of board of aldermen . . . 135 shall be taken up by owners on order of superintendent of streets 135 coal holes not to be constructed without license . . 135 size and use of coal holes 135 covers to have legs, etc ....... 135 signs not to be placed in sidewalk . . . . 135 conductor not to direct water across ..... 135 snow and ice to be removed by tenant .... 136 penalty 136 owner to remove snow and ice if no tenant . . . 136 penalty 136 temporary, to be maintained when building . . . 137 awnings, etc., not to be erected without permission . . 137 conditions relative to maintaining coal holes, posts, poles, conduits, etc., in street 137 272 INDEX. SIDEWALKS Continued. owner shall indemnify city against damages persons not to loiter more than twenty minutes on side- walk .......... nor more than five minutes after being requested to move no person shall place or carry a sign on a sidewalk with- out authority ........ vehicles on sidewalks prohibited ..... obstructions on sidewalk prohibited ... banana skin, orange peel, etc., not to be thrown on side- walk .......... STREET RAILWAYS snow not to be removed from tracks except . salt, etc., not to be put on tracks regulations concerning SUB-AUDITOR. See AUDITING DEPARTMENT. how may be designated term of service duties auditor to be responsible for SUBORDINATES. how appointed and removed terms of service causes for removal to be assigned in writing . appointments and removals to be certified to mayor . shall furnish information to mayor and city council may be summoned by mayor for advice, etc. . SUITS pending, not affected by these ordinances SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. See CON- STRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS to be anually elected PAGE 137 187 187 189 189 189-190 190 133 133 203 35 35 35 35 12-13 13 13 13 13 22 20 12 SUPERINTENDENT OF SEWERS. MENT. See SEWER DEPART- SUPER1NTENDENT OF WATER WORKS. WORKS DEPARTMENT. See WATER SURVEYOR OF HIGHWAYS. See EXECUTIVE. the mayor to be power not limited by certain ordinances SURVEYORS OF MECHANICS' WORK appointment of SURVEYORS, PUBLIC appointment of SWIMMING so as to be exposed to view of persons in streets, forbidden SWINE not to go at large in streets . 6 138 23 6-8 189 187 INDEX. 273 TAXES. See ASSESSORS' DEPARTMENT AND TREASURY DEPARTMENT. list of, when to be placed in the hands of collector . . 29 record of abatement of 29 collection of sewer and sidewalk assessment ... 141 apportionment of sewer and sidewalk assessments . . 30-141 treasurer to be collector of taxes . . . . . . 10-139 deputy collectors of taxes . 10-142 treasurer may issue warrants 10 disposal of fees for collection of 10-142 list of assessments, when to be placed in treasurer's hands 29 record of abatement of, to be made 29 on polls, how collected 142 summons to delinquents 142 treasurer to give notice on tax-bills 143 interest on, when unpaid October 10th 142 TAX TITLES mayor may release, when 23 TAXES, ABATEMENTS OF certificate of 29 TELEPHONE COMPANIES. See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. TERMS OF OFFICE of officers elected by the people ..... 5 TOY-PISTOL possesson of, on streets forbidden 189 TREES. See STREET DEPARTMENT. on commons, etc., not to be climbed, nor horses tied to, nor bills posted on, etc 190 on land appurtenant to Fresh Pond not to be climbed, nor horses tied to ........ 192 in streets not to be climbed, nor horses tied to, nor bills posted on, etc. 187 TROUGHS for drinking, not to be contaminated .... 189 TRUANTS provisions relative to ........ 175 Middlesex County Truant School provided for confine- ment of ... 175 TREASURY DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officer . ... 21-139 under control of mayor ....... 21 ordinance in relation to . . . . . 139 election of treasurer ........ 10 to be sworn ......... 10 tenure of office 10-139 salary of ' - 160 his general duties 139 274 INDEX. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Continued. to make annual report to city council . . . 141-155 to make monthly report to auditor ..... 141 removal from office ...... 10 vacancy 139 shall deliver property of city to successor, etc. . . 10 treasurer to be collector of taxes ..... 10 powers as collector of taxes 10-139 as such may issue warrant for collection of taxes . 10 may appoint deputy collectors of taxes .... 10 bonds of deputies ........ 10 powers of deputies 10 fees for collection of taxes, etc., how disposed of . . 10-11 shall negotiate all loans ....... 139 assessments for construction of sewers, etc . to be reported to 30 to be notified of designation of sub-auditor ... 35 shall receive daily, amount of fees, etc., received by city officers 39 to have custody of auditor's bond ..... 31 assessors, to address certificates of abatement to 29 treasurer to be collector of rents, water rates, etc. . 140 to give notice that bills for water rates are due . . 140 to collect bills due for water, etc 140 to make daily reports of receipts on account of water works to water registrar 140 water registrar to deliver bill for water rates to . . 149 water registrar to furnish certificates of abatements and refund to 150 to keep account of receipts and payments . . . 140 to pay to commissioners of sinking funds, certain sums annually 127 to receive from commissioners of sinking fumds, sums of money required to pay city debts .... 127 accounts of to conform with auditor's ...... r . .., 140 to keep a separate account for each department . . 140 to pay out money only on mayor's order, except, etc. . 141 to collect assessments for sewers and sidewalks . 141 bond of treasurer . . . . . . . . 140 heads of departments to furnish weekly pay-rolls of em- ployees to 141 fees, charges, etc , to be property of city .... 10-11-142 to make monthly statement of fees, etc., to auditor . 141-142 necessary expense of deputy collectors, etc., may be allowed 142 clerks in office of, how appointed . . . . . 156 salary and removal of such clerks ..... 156 to make up his accounts to include November 30 . 141 to sign bonds, etc., for the payment of money . . 139 collection of poll-taxes by . . . . . . . 142 demand of payment of other taxes by .... 142 to issue summons to delinquents when .... 142 to give notice on tax bills 143 to receive money for perpetual care of lots in cemetery . 37-139 INDEX. 275 PAGE TREASURY DEPARTMENT Continued. shall notify superintendent of cemetery of such payments 139 to pay interest on such moneys to cemetery commissioners 37-140 shall invest cemetery fund 140 to certify to mayor the payment of mortgages . . . 23-141 to make annual statement to the city council of all fees, etc., received by him 141-155 to collect bills delivered him by board of health . . 53 office hours of treasurer . . , . . . . 155 all drafts upon to be signed by mayor and countersigned by auditor 32 auditor shall certify all bills to 32 certificates signed by auditor shall be paid by . . . 32 form of certificate of auditor ...... 32 shall give to auditor j notes, bonds, executions, etc., which are paid ......... 32 committee on accounts to determine method of book- keeping 33 mayor authorized to draw orders on, when certified . 33 mayor authorized to draw orders on, when not certified, for what 33 treasurer may pay judgments against the city ... 34 treasurer may pay principal or interest of bonds, notes, etc. 34 1 treasurer may pay refunds certified to water board . . 34 no money to be paid, unless previously granted and ap- propriated 9 proceedings before money is paid out of treasury . . 120 fees from public library to be paid quarterly into the treasury ......... 120 shall use money and property of city, as directed by city council 139 financial year to begin December 1 139 treasurer may be elected treasurer of sinking funds . . 139 shall pay all drafts, checks and orders .... 139 shall pay all executions against the city .... 139 shall pay all bonds and interest 139 shall cancel all bonds, etc., and transmit to the auditor . 139 shall receive money for dog licenses ..... 140 shall credit the same to the appropriation for the public library 140 his election void if bond not given 140 new election to be had forthwith if bond not given . . 140 he shall notify mayor of death or insolvency of sureties on bond . . . . . , . 140 shall give a strengthening bond ...... 140 failure to give new bond, consequence 140 shall make weekly payments to employes . 141 may send clerk or pay-master to pay employes ... 141 may transport pay-master to place of payment . . 141-142 shall render monthly statements to mayor . . . 143 officers and boards to pay into, daily all money received . 155 certain officers and boards to pay into, weekly, all money received . . . . . . . . . 155 committee on finance to examine and audit .accounts of . 160 276 INDEX. UNDERTAKERS appointment of term of office ...*..... no person except, to bury bodies of deceased persons all deaths to be reported to duties and powers ........ may employ porters . . . - . removal of undertakers and porters by mayor and aldermen opening of graves ........ fees fees to be printed upon licenses ...... VACANCIES certain, may be filled by mayor VAULTS. See CESSPOOLS. VEHICLES. See CARRIAGES. conveying gunpowder, regulations as to . used in collecting junk not to be driven on sidewalk ...... regulation concerning use of streets by VELOCIPEDES use of on sidewalks restricted . . VETO POWER of mayor objections to be entered upon records . reconsideration of matters objected to two-thirds vote required to pass over veto yea and nay vote required . . . . . . matters not returned in ten days to be in force . partial veto ........ VINEGAR. See INSPECTION OF MILK AND VINEGAR DEPART- MENT. VOTERS meetings of, to be called by warrant . . . . to elect mayor, aldermen and common councilmen . to elect assessors and school committee . thirty voters may request a general meeting VOTES OF EITHER BRANCH when to be approved by mayor WALLS. See CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. WARDS number and boundaries of . . . . . city council may alter boundaries of . number of members of common council in the several removal of officers from, not to affect, etc. change of boundaries not to create vacancies . warrants for calling meetings of citizens of PAGE 24-185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 186 22 179 182 189 207 188 4-169 4 4-170 5 5 171 INDEX. 277 WARRANTS AND ELECTIONS ordinance concerning 171 all meetings of inhabitants to be holden in pursuance of . 5 to be issued by aldermen 5-171 form, service, and return of 5-171-172 new, on failure to elect mayor or members of city council 5 for general meeting of qualified voters .... 5-172 for elections to till vacancies ...... 5 WATER BOARD. See WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. WATER LOAN. See SINKING FUND DEPARTMENT. WATER RATES. See WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. WATER .REGISTRAR. See WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. WATER WORKS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. See WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT creation of 21 under charge of what officers 21-144 under control of mayor 21 ordinance in relation to 144 water board to be continued in power 14 how constituted 144 appointment of 24-144 term of office 144 member of city council not to be member of ... 144 vacancies 144 president of, how elected . . . . . . . . 144 duties of president . 145 may choose a clerk 144 powers of board 144 may appoint a superintendent, water registrar, etc. . 144 annual report of water board 144 may sell personal property of the water department . 145 shall elect superintendent of water works . . 145 duties of superintendent 145 members of, not to be interested in contracts, etc. . . 145 to determine water rates 145 may make regulations as to introduction and use of water 145 to decide what is a waste of water 149 may restrict the use of water 149 may cut off water and impose fines for neglect to comply with its orders 149 may restrict use of hand-hose to certain hours . . . 149 may ascertain by meter the quantity of water used . . 153 may fix rates for water used for purposes not specified in tariff fixed by ordinance 153 may prevent erection of yard hydrants .... 153 may prevent supply to water-closets not conforming to plumbing ordinance 153 may prescribe regulations for skating on Fresh Pond . 192 registrar to keep a record 147 to make annual report to water board in full . . 147 shall cut off water for violation of regulations . 147-149 to grant permits for alteration, etc., of water pipes in houses, etc. 148 278 INDEX. WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT Continued, registrar continued. may enter premises of water takers .... to make out bills for water, etc to deliver same to treasurer bills to be numbered to furnish certificates of abatements and refunds . to make montly reports of bills and abatements to auditor abatement for error made in rates charged election of registrar his terms of office duties annual report of abatements, bills, etc. to visit annually all premises w r here water is taken when water rates are not paid, etc., to cut off supply may make abatements in water rates shall certify refunds to treasurer .... water rates, when payable penalty for non-payment of for water supplied through meter .... may be abated by registrar to be charged to owner of the property for dwelling-houses for apartment houses or family hotels for stores, etc for private stables for livery stables, etc for car and omnibus stables for truck and cart stables for hose in a stable for hose for hotels for baths for steam engines for water used through meter for water supplied for other purposes, how fixed to be collected by treasurer treasurer to notify all persons of . discounts and abatements to be reported monthly to auditor ....".... water used by city to be free of charge receipts for, to be paid into treasury .... money not to be paid out except water loan salary of treasurer of sinking fund .... water for fountains interfering with pipes, reservoirs, etc., forbidden . regulations relative to the use of to be printed on bill for water rates persons taking, to keep service pipes in repair not to be wasted pipes, etc., inserted by city, not to be altered, etc. . not to be supplied to parties not entitled to its use, except by special permission . abatement for non-use of 149 149 14!) 150 150 150 150 I4fi 146 146 146 146 146-147 147 150 146 146 147 148 149 150 151 151 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 140 140 141 153 146 146 154 148 147 147 147 147-148 148 148 148 148 INDEX. 270 WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT Continued. water continued. seal locks on faucets ....... penalty for waste of water, etc ...... for not keeping :service pipes, etc., in good order ........ to consult with superintendent of streets, etc., when street is to be opened .... injuries to pipes, reservoirs, etc ...... police to report waste ....... to consult with city engineer in regard to location of water pipes ....... opening of water pipe, fire hydrant, etc., prohibited, except ......... WAYS. See STREET DEPARTMENT. WEIGHERS, PUBLIC appointment of ......... to be sworn ........... of hay, of coal, of boilers and heavy machinery . duties of ........... certificate to be given by ........ accounts to be kept by ........ fees of ........ . to keep scales clear of snow, etc ....... compensation .......... WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SEE SEALER OF WEIGHTS MEASURES DEPARTMENT. 148 149 149 129 147 153-154 122 147 6-8-23-168 168 23 168 168 168 168 168 168 WHEEL-BARROWS. See VEHICLES. WIRES. See CITY ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. conditions of maintaining under street . WHARVES. See STREETS, COMMONS, ETC. persons not to injure WEEKLY PAYMENTS of employees WOMEN police stations designated for confinement of WORKHOUSE for what persons almshouse to be . WORKING DAY for laborers and mechanics to be nine hours YEAR financial, when it begins . municipal, relating to terms of office 137 190 33-35 25 176 176 156 13-34 5 SPECIAL INDEX CONSTRUCTION, ETC., OF BUILDINGS SPECIAL INDEX 283 CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT creation of ........ under charge of what officer .... under control of mayor .... ordinance in relation to appointment of inspector ..... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to be given by superintendent of request for certificate of egress ......... AIR DUCTS not to be placed in certain buildings ..... or unless protected . . ..... AIR PASSAGES shall have a fire and smoke stop at each floor . See FIRE STOP. AIR PIPES for water closet traps, how made ..... how connected with drain pipe . . AIR (HOT) PIPES how placed in connection with wood work register boxes, how made and placed .... See HOT AIR REGISTER BOXES. AIR SPACE in buildings of first-class, how limited .... ALTERATIONS. (See REPAIRS.) change of egress in case of ...... effect upon certificate as to egress given .... height of exterior walls of certain buildings when altered in buildings in which lathing or plastering is to be done, fire stops required, or gas pipes and meters to be placed owners to be notified ready for inspection . in buildings used for mechanical or mercantile purposes superintendents certificate of weight bearing capacity of floor to be posted in buildings used for stable purposes, how placed as to other land and buildings ...... in locations of stationary boiler, furnace, or range set in masonry none without license of superintendent . meaning of word ' ' alteration " of exterior walls of buildings within five feet of line of street, fence required of buildings to assembly halls ...... PAGE 21 21-55 21 55 23 61 60 77 79 100 100 60 78 93 61 63 72 63 77 95 79 81 284 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE ALTERATIONS Continued. of air in theatres 84 of buildings into tenement or lodging houses, height of rooms 85 of buildings to more than seventy feet in height shall be first-class buildings 93 of wooden buildings wall or structure not without license of superintendent 94 of buildings within fire limits, not without license of superintendent 94 of buildings within fire limits to conform to that ordi- nance for a new structure ..... 94 of third-class buildings within fire limits, none without permit from superintendent and to comply with conditions of permit ....... 95 license for ........... 57 notice to be given superintendent 61 notice of changes affecting certificate as to egress to be given superintendent 61 supports required in case of 57-74 thickness of walls of buildings other than brick and stone altered 63 under charge of superintendent 55-56 weight of floor to be maintained 84 ANCHORS for brick walls 67 for first-class and second-class buildings .... 70 APARTMENT HOUSES certain shall have proper means of egress .... 57 meaning of word ......... 95 not to be erected until plans of same submitted to super- intendent 59 penalty for erecting without submitting such plans . . 60 pitch of roof limited . 74 shall have in certain cases two stairways .... 58 within fire limits, none to be built within twenty feet of another structure ...."... 79 APPLICATION acknowledgment of and effect of same .... 61 conditions required in 61 for certificate as to means of egress 60 for injunction by superintendent 60 for license for grain elevator, buildings for storage of combustibles or explosives, chemical or rendering works 86 last name to be published ....... 86 renewals of 61 to build 59 AREA limit of partition walls 69 of one and two-story buildings without partition walls . 69 SPECIAL INDEX. 285 ARCHITECT to deposit plans 59-60 ASHES AND WASTE RECEPTACLE to be made of incombustible substance .... 85 ASSISTANT OR DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT appointed by superintendent ...... 56 powers of .......... 56 AUDIENCE OR ASSEMBLY HALLS exits from 57-58-82-83 plans of same to be erected to be submitted to superin- tendent ......... 59 lights in 82 no temporary seats or obstruction in 83 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. ..... 79 AUTHORITY OF SUPERINTENDENT. See SUPERINTENDENT. BASEMENT thickness of, in wooden buildings ...... 63 BEARINGS for wooden floor or roof beams in first and second class buildings . 71 BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS consists of what 97 organization of ......... 97 powers and duties ........ 97-98 BOARD OF HEALTH license issued by in another locality ..... 98 may order connection of drain with common sewer . . 98 may order reconstruction of cesspool .... 98 may approve fixtures for water closets .... 100 BOILERS above cellar or basement to be set in masonry ... 76 flues outside, if exposed, and no woodwork on same . 75 except for heating not to be erected without license . 86 not to be placed or location changed without license of superintendent. ....... 77-86 not to be placed under auditorium, or passage or stairway of any exit of first or second class building . . 82 protection from fire from 59 shells of flues of to be brick work ..... 75 so placed as not to be unsafe or dangerous ... 78 BRICK WALLS how built and anchored ....... 67 inside of all furred shall have fire stop .... 78 brick walls, how anchored ....... 67 how built 67 shall have fire belt or stop . 78 brick piers, how bonded 67 286 SPECIAL IJSTDEX. BRICK WALLS Continued. brick work consists of what of floor timbers in party walls . of party and partition walls of piers over fire places, how supported . of chimney enclosed by fire stop BUILDINGS access to roof of and openings for same .... boarding house, egress from ...... plans before erection of ....... stairways in brick building more'than fifty feet in width to have parti- tion walls thickness of external and party walls .... end of floor beams and rafters, how cut .... floor timbers, headers or trimmers, how cut foundations of ......... walls of more than two stories in height partition walls in ........ BUTTRESSES shall be bonded strength of piers when used CELLARS how protected ......... cellar, how, ventilated . of stables, deviations as togas piping allowed . to be connected with sewer in manner as superintendent may approve CELLARS OF at what grade constructed foundation walls to be below ventilation of . . CEMENT not allowed in joints or fittings . CENTRAL SQUARE area included within .... CERTAIN BUILDINGS placed with reference to adjoining lots and to other buildings CERTIFICATES of superintendent as to files of plans, etc. of weight bearing capacity to be posted in certain buildings to plumbers by superintendent to superintendent by board of examiners .... CESSPOOLS not allowed when PAGE 67 71 68 68 76 78 63 57-58-59 59 58 94 70 71 72 64-65-66 67 58-59 62 73 64 64 71 10 i 64 66 64 71 90 69 79 59-61 72 97 97 86 SPECIAL INDEX. 287 CHANGE in premises .......... 61 notice of 56-61-62 CHASE if used in partition wall, depth limited .... 73 none to be used in partition wall without .... 73 CHURCHES egress from 57-59 conductors from ....... 74 stairways in ......... 58 CHIMNEYS how topped out , 75 furring not used against 75 headers and trimmers, how placed ..... 77 how constructed ......... 74-78 license .......... 73 nails not to be driven into . . . . 75 flues for soft fuel 75 plastering of . ' 75 not to be used as a ventilator for a trap or drain pipe . 100 CITY COUNCIL recommendation of increase of area of one or two story buildings, etc 69 permission as to building certain kind of .... 74 CITY ENGINEER to furnish grades ........ 56 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION shall examine persons desiring appointment as inspectors of plumbing ........ 98 COLUMNS placing and bearings of ....... 73 COMBUSTIBLES buildings for storage of, not to be erected without license 86 CONNECTIONS of iron and lead pipes, how made 99 CONDENSER to be provided for steam exhaust pipe when connected with drain, sewer or waste pipe .... 101 CONDUCTORS not to be placed so as to cause water to flow across side- walks 73-74 COPPER PIPE in gas piping not to be used ...... 71 CORNICES projection over highways by license 64 w r hen wall finished with same, weight of to be inside . 73 288 SPECIAL INDEX. CORPORATION how examined and licensed as a plumber .... 97 DEFINITIONS of terms 95-96 DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT how appointed and duties 56 DISTRICT POLICE FORCE. CHIEF OF renewal of, acknowledgement for application for certifi- cate 61 notice of change in premises to be given to ... 61 DOORWAYS in partition walls ........ 69 not to be cut through without permit .... 72 DRAINS house drains outside, construction of .... 99 house drains inside, construction of 99 and connections, how constructed . . . . 99 how packed 100 wiped cup joints, what deemed 100 to be connected with sewer when ordered by board of health . 98 water leaders to be separately trapped .... 101 DRIP AND OVERFLOW PIPE shall not be connected with drain or sewer pipe . . 101 DWELLING HOUSES. See BUILDINGS. DYNAMO except for heating, not to be erected without license . 86 DEPOTS doors and windows of certain to open outwards . . 57 provisions as to openings in party and partition walls, do not apply to 69 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of an- other structure, unless, etc. ..... 79 requirements as to partition wall, not applicable to . . 94 DORMITORIES of the first and second class, requirements as to partition walls, not applicable to ...... 94 DWELLING HOUSES ordinance in general, apply to, egress from if more than two stories in height 80 foundation walls of 64 of wooden structure for dwellings not exceeding two stories in height 67 not to be used for storage of inflammable material . . 85 weight of floors of 72 sanitary arrangements for 86 cellar of, how protected 64 SPECIAL INDEX. DWELLING HOUSES Continued. cellar of, how ventilated 64 egress from, means of 57-58-59-80-81 aisles, not to be obstructed 58-83 certificate as to proper means of, from .... 58-59-60 certificate of, not to be in force longer than license . 61 copy to be posted 60 in case of theatres and public assembly halls . . . 81-83 notice of additional ways of ...... 61 ways of. may be applied to outside of building . . 59 ways of, may project over highways .... 59 weight and effect of certificate of ..'... 60 examination of materials, construction, alteration, repair, and use of by the superintendent .... 55-60 erected within eight feet of a street to be furnished with conductors ........ 73 extinguishing fire, means for 77 EGRESS. See also BUILDINGS. proper means to be provided 57-58-80-81 certificate of, to owner or lessee 58 change of superintendent, and chief of district police to have written notice of 61 occupants of buildings may apply for certificates . . 59 superintendent to give written notice of required change . 61 shall have a ventilating skylight 58 ELEVATORS construction of 64-80 license for erecting and operating same .... 86-81 not to be used until approval of superintendent . 81 how long to be operated upon license .... 81 ENGINE except for heating not to be erected without license . 86 not to be placed under auditorium or stairways of certain buildings ......... 82 EXCAVATIONS how supported ... . ... 57-64 EXITS of certain buildings shall be opened for every audience . 83 EXPLOSIVES buildings for storing same, not to be erected without license ......... 86 not to be placed under stairways 81 not to be stored so as to render egress hazardous . . 81 EXTERNAL PARTS of all structures of third class, how covered ... 93 EXTERNAL WALLS how built ....... . 68-69 of one and two story buildings, how covered ... 69 of brick buildings 70 openings in, strength of piers 73 289 290 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGK FENCE ENCLOSURES to be erected in case of erection, renewal, or alteration of buildings within five feet of line of a public, street 79 FACTORIES egress from 57-58-59 plans of before erection 59 FAMILY HOTEL egress from 57-59 plans of before erection 59 stairways in 58 within fire limits, not to be built within twenty feet of another structure 79 FIRST CLASS air space limited in 93 anchors for 70 ends of floor beams in, how to enter wall .... 71 containing more than fifty rooms above first floor shall be 93 floors, how tied 72 foundation walls 68 mortars in . 64 over seventy feet high shall be 93 party walls in other than dwellings 68 party walls to be of brick 68 pitch of roof of certain 74 shall have supports and kind of same 72 weight bearing, metal to be protected 74 what constitutes 93 what shall be ........... 81-93 upright supports for 74 FOUNDATIONS OF 64-65-66 piles for 66 FRAME of certain height, how constructed 62-63 grade of floor of basement 57 FIRE ESCAPES means of 59 strength of platform of . 59 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 77 FIRE LIMITS established 79 description of buildings to be erected in .... 79-87 means of egress required in 80 FIRE STOPS provisions for 59 notice to be given superintendent before placed in buildings 62 to be placed inside of furred brick wall .... 78-79 to be located by superintendent ...... 62 FIRM, EXAMINATION OF for certificate as a plumber ....... 97 FLIGHTS extent of, in assembly halls, etc 82 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE FLOOR area of 69-70 limit to recommendation 71 of superintendent and city council 71 beams of, how tied 72 beams, how to enter wall, and how cut .... 71 hot-air register boxes placed in 76 timber, how cut for piping 72 how supported by brickwork 71 piping to be laid on top of as far as possible ... 71 how far placed from chimney 77 walls, how tied 72 safe weight of 72 FLUES none in party wall without license, depth of, in wall . 73 height where soft fuel used 75 shall be plastered 75 shall be set in brick 75 requirements for woodwork around assured ... 75 how placed near woodwork 77-78 FOUNDATIONS OF FRAME OR WOODEN BUILDINGS. See BUILDINGS. FRONTAGE for exits for certain buildings 81 FURNACES above basement to be set in masonry 76 stationary, not to be changed without permit ... 77 top of, how far set from ceiling 77 to be covered with brick 75 shall be placed so as to be safe 78 except for heating, not to be erected without license . 86 not to be located under auditorium or stairways of certain buildings 82 furring, how near to chimney placed 75 GAS LIGHTS in theatres, how protected 84 GAS PIPES before placed in buildings, notice to be given to super- intendent for inspection 62 to be located by superintendent 62 requirements for 71 GRADE of cellar or basement 64 of basement floor to be given by superintendent . . 57 to be furnished by city engineer 56 GRAIN ELEVATOR not to be erected without license 86 GREASE TRAP to be constructed in certain buildings 102 HARVARD SQUARE area included within 91 291 292 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE HEADERS how cut for piping 72 how hung 72-77 HEARTHS how constructed . 76 HEATING APPARATUS shall be set so as to be safe 78 not to be placed under auditorium or stairways of certain buildings, except steam or hot air pipes and radiator 82 HEIGHT of buildings 57 of exterior walls in tenement or lodging houses . ' . 63 HOT AIR PIPES in certain buildings, not to be placed nearer than one inch to the woodwork 60 HOT AIR REGISTER BOXES how set 78 in partitions . 76 HOT WATER HEATING not to be put in without license of superintendent . . 77 HOUSES. See BUILDINGS. HEIGHT OF . 57 of exterior walls of buildings used for tenement or lodg- ing houses 63 over seventy feet shall be a first class 93 containing more than fifty rooms above first fioor shall be first class 93 HOTELS certain, shall be in first class 93 egress from 57-58-59 pitch of roof of 74 plan of proposed erection to be made 59 stairways in 58 requirements as to partition, not applicable thereto . 94 INSPECTION of ~. . . . 62 INFLAMMABLE MATERIALS not to be placed under stairways 81 not to be stored so as to render egress hazardous . 81 buildings for storage of, not to be occupied as dwellings . 85 not to be erected without license .... 86 INJUNCTION obtained at instance of superintendent . . 60 INMAN SQUARE area included within 92 INNHOLDER who fails to comply with provisions of ordinance as to exits, red lights, and night w r atchmen, shall forfeit his license ........ 85 SPECIAL INDEX. 293 PAGE JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER meaning of word 96 KENDALL SQUARE area included within , 92 LEDGER BOARDS not to be used when 62 LECHMERE SQUARE area included within 91 LICENSE application for, to be filed with superintendent . 86 application for, to be published 86 before building, every person shall have .... 56 issued by Board of Health or Superintendent in another locality may be renewed by superintendent . . 98 cutting for piping, not more than two inches without . 59 one of a firm sufficient 97 no opening in party or partition wall without ... 72 no recess, chase or flue, not vertical, shall be made with- out special license ....... 73 for steam heating apparatus 77 no engine, boiler, dynamo or furnace, except for heating, without license 86 notice of hearing on application for .... 86 required by law a municipal ordinance, person applying must have certificate of superintendent ... 61 special for grain elevators, buildings for storage of com- bustibles or explosives, for chemical and rendering works 86 special license for cornice 66 special license for piles for wooden buildings ... 67 superintendent may revoke ...... 102 to inspectors of plumbers by Superintendent ... 98 wall, structure, damaged by fire, repaired without license 94 within fire limits, no building or structure to be erected or altered without 94 wooden building, wall or structure, not to be moved within fire limits without 94 LIGHT SHAFTS shall be filled between studs with fire-proef material . 64 LIGHTS for rear of auditorium and for passageways, stairways, and exits of certain buildings, shall be independent of others 82 LODGING HOUSES. See BUILDINGS. LATHED OR PLASTERED 62 294 SPECIAL INDEX. LODGING HOUSES. brick partitions in 62 egress from . . . 57, 58, 59 plan of before erection . .... 59 safe weight of floors in 72 stairway in 58 ventilation or transom windows in ..... 84 sanitary requirements of . 86 watchmen for 84 height of room in 84-85 not to contain inflammables 85 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure 79 LAFAYETTE SQUARE area included within 89 LATHED OR PLASTERED BUILDING. See BUILDING. LEADERS traps to be provided with brass clean-outs ... 101 for buildings within eight feet of a public street . . 73 for buildings over forty-five feet high ... 74 MANUFACTURING wooden structures, upon what foundations built . . 67 pitch of roof of 74 MERCANTILE certificate of weight-bearing capacity of floor to be posted in 72 egress from 57-59 height roofs ......... 74 plans of before erection ....... 59 safe weight of floors in ....... 72 sanitary requirements of 86 MATERIALS quality of 56-63 strength of '..-... 56 METAL-COVERED DOORS in wooden buildings to the satisfaction of superintendent 62 METAL weight-bearing, protection of 74 columns, foundations for 73 METERS to be located by superintendent 62-71 MORTARS how made . 64 NIGHT WATCHMAN for lodging and tenement houses 85 NOTICE of change of premises by owner 61 when change ordered by superintendent 61 of intentions to build . 56 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE NOTICE Continued. of proper means of egress to be given 57 of lathing and plastering 62 to superintendent of plumbing to be inspected . . . 102 on prohibition of use of elevator 81 OBSERVATION structure, or stand not to be erected on roofs ... 74 OFFICE pitch of roof of 74 weight of floors 72 OPENINGS in partition walls 69 must be provided \vitli doors ..... 69 ORDINANCES prior repealed . . 102 penalty for violations of 60-102 OBSTRUCTIONS not to be allowed in aisles or passageways of certain buildings 83 OVENS shells of flues for, how set 75 OWNER entitled to certificate as to safety of appliances for egress 58 entitled to notice when changes ordered by superintendent 61 to connect premises with sewer ...... 98 to pay expenses of supporting structure in process of erection 57 to provide proper means of egress ..... 57 OPENINGS at floor 62 in partition walls of other than first class buildings . 69-73 ONE AND TWO STORY exterior walls and roof how covered .... 69 line covered ......... 69 PLANS OF before alteration, construction, or repair to be filed with superintendent 55-56-59-98 PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS within fire limit not to be built within twenty feet of another structure unless, etc. .... 79 projection of egress of, over highways .... 59 PUBLIC BUILDINGS construction, inspection, repair, alteration, care and cus- tody of, under sold charge of superintendent . . 55 partition walls requirements not applicable to . . . 94 egress from ......... 57-58-59 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure . 79 295 296 SPECIAL INDEX. PUBLIC HALL egress from . . ..... 57-59 plan of before construction ...... 69 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. . . 79 PUBLIC HOTEL within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. .... 79 PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. .... 79 PARTITIONS AND PARTY WALLS in wooden buildings where two or more families reside . 62 more than two stories high, how thick .... 62 between buildings nearer than three feet .... 63 of first class dwellings 68 of dwellings of the first and second class .... 68 of buildings of the first and second class other than dwellings 68 of other buildings ........ 69 of brick buildings other than dwellings, thirty feet in width 70 thickness of latter 70-71 no openings to be cut through without permit of super- intendent ......... roof and floor timber entering same to have brickwork between ends 71 of recess, chase or flue in depth limited .... 73 no recess, chase or flue in without license hot air register boxes placed in, how set . . . . 76 separating lobbies in theatres ...... PENAL OFFENSE. to operate elevator or remove or deface notice of prohibi- tion of use of same . 81 PENALTY for violation of ordinances 60-102 PERMIT. See LICENSE. PIERS requirements for 67 thickness of, in case of openings in external walls or where buttresses are used .... 73 PILING how 7 driven . grade of same requirements for shall have caps 66-67 66 66 67 SPECIAL INDEX. 2<)7 PIPES no black varnish allowed drain pipes and connections, construction of ... to be put in buildings according to plans approved by superintendent ........ house drains outside of buildings to be of vitrified drain pipe .... inside drains of iron pipe and weight of same . high service pipes provided for stages for theatres . iron soil pipes, joints and how packed . lead pipes, joints in soil pipes waste pipes furnished with traps drip or overflow pipes not to be connected with sewer . steam exhaust pipe to be supplied with a condenser . water pipe to be protected from frost . to be put to water test PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. See BUILDINGS. PLUMBERS must be licensed ......... must register must be examined PLUMBING none done without permit inspection of testing of ... PRACTICAL PLUMBER meaning of . PRIVY for certain kind of houses not allowed when PROSCENIUM in theatres, how protected against fire shall be provided with sprinklers PROJECTION of egress over highways . PUTNAM SQUARE area included within ........ QUINCY SQUARE area included within RANGES shells of flues of, how set outside of flues exposed . not placed or changed without permit of superintendent RECESSES depth of when used, strength of piers PAGE 71 99 98 99 99 84 99 100 101 100 101 101 101 101 96 96 97 98 102 101 96 86 86 83 84 59 90 91 75 75 77 73 73 298 SPECIAL INDEX. REGISTER BOXES how set and of what made 78 REPAIRS. See ALTERATIONS. of egress 58 of buildings burnt by fire 94 ROOFS of certain one and two-story buildings, how covered . 70-74 no observation stand on 74 pitch of 74 weight bearing capacity of 74 timber in party walls, how supported .... 71 bearings of 71 how cut, entering a wall ....... 71 how cut for piping 72 STEAM HEATING not to be placed in a building without a license . . 77 STEAM PIPE how near to woodwork 60 STIRRUP IRONS to be provided for headers ....... 72 all furred brickwork shall have 78 before putting in notice to be given superintendent . . 55-62 STOPS fire brick required by superintendent 60 STRUCTURES none within fire limits to be repaired except upon license of superintendent 94 SUPPORTS required by every structure 57 upright, how protected ....... 74 floor bearing for first and second class buildings . . 72 SUPERIM TEN DENT application for license to be filed with .... 86 area for partition walls, as recommended by ... 69 bow vents to be constructed to his satisfaction . . 100 cellar to be connected with sewer as he approves . . 101 certain buildings not to be altered or repaired without license of 94 certain buildings not to be altered or repaired without his approval ......... 94 certificate to be given as to ways of egress by ... 59 certificate as to building by 61 certificate of weight bearing capacity to be posted in certain buildings built or altered by ... 72 chimneys plastered as approved by 75 chimneys to be constructed to his satisfaction ... 74 compensation of 55 SPECIAL INDEX. 290 PAGE SUPERINTENDENT Continued. control of enforcement of plumbing ordinances by . 55 fence enclosures for protection against accidents in build- ing near line of street, to be to his satisfaction . 79 entitled to notice of change in premises .... 61 his permit necessary before any plumbing work can be done 98 joints shall be wiped solder unless he otherwise permits . 99 license for chase, recess of flue in party wall by 73 materials to be subject to his approval . 56 may prevent employment of persons in certain buildings . 57 may enter premises where fire has occurred ... 56 may direct construction of stairways .... 58 may compel proper supports to be given to structures . 57 may give and revoke certificate as to sufficiency of means of egress 58-60 may require fire stops 60 may require protection for hot air and steam pipes . . 60 may give license to lathe and plaster ..... 62 may require applicant to ascertain by boring whether or not piling is necessary 66 may permit modern buildings for manufacturing purposes to be built on certain foundations .... 67 may permit use of rooms in private stables ... 85 may permit external walls to be built partly of iron and steel 69 may permit erection of cupolas and towers without party walls 69 may prescribe automatic fire alarms in certain lodging and tenement houses ....... 85 may prescribe method of notifying under application . 86 may prescribe material of covering of walls and roofs of one and two story buildings 69 may require automatic sprinklers for stages of theatres . 84 may prohibit use of certain elevators .... 81 may give certificate of plumbing 97 may renew license of plumbing issued in another locality 98 may revoke license to plumber ...... 102 may require nettings for skylight ..... 74 may require protection for weight bearing metal . . 74 may require proper supports to be given all structures . 57 notice to be given to, of buildings to be lathed and plastered 62 no openings in party walls without license of ... 72 no boiler erected without license of 76 no boiler changed without license of . . . . . 77 no elevator used until his approval 81 no wooden buildings within fire limits to be moved with- out his permission 94 no alterations on third class buildings except with his permission . 05 notice of change in place of business of plumber to be given him ......... 97 notice of proposed water test to be sent him . . . 101 300 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE SUPERINTENDENT Continued. one of board of examiners of plumbers .... 97 plans and specifications of buildings to be constructed to be filed with . 59 partitions and metal covered doors in wooden buildings to be to his satisfaction 62 protection of woodwork to his satisfaction ... 77 plans for pipes, tanks, faucets, valves and other fixtures subject to his approval ...... 98 report annually to city council 55 requirements as to smoke pipes and setting of hot air register boxes, under control of . . 76-78 repairs upon soil and vent pipes submitted to water test at his discretion 102 shall give notice to owner to provide proper means of egress 57-61 shall direct means of egress from fire .... 58 shall be an architect, builder or mechanic .... 55 shall examine and inspect buildings 56-60 shall make records of violations of ordinances ... 55 shall have sole charge of public buildings .... 56 shall appoint an assistant 56 shall supervise construction of buildings for other de- partments when requested ..... 55 shall have authority of inspector of buildings ... 56 shall receive notice of intention to build .... 56 shall have power to direct notice to be given others . . 56 shall issue licenses to build 56 shall designate grade of basement 57 shall locate gas pipes and meters ..... 62-7 1 shall approve thickness of wall and method of construc- tion of buildings in whole or in part of other than brick, stone or wood 63 shall provide for protection of wooden buildings erected near others ........ 63 shall provide for protection of elevator wells and light shafts 64 shall condemn all improper mortars ..... 64 shall determine depth to which floor timber headers or trimmers of brick buildings shall be cut ... 72 shall direct where holes are to be bored in columns . . 73 shall determine construction of chimneys, flues, furnaces, boilers and heating apparatus .... 77-78 shall determine fire stops for air passages .... 79 snow guards shall be erected to his satisfaction . . 79 shall approve method of covering of external parts of third class buildings 93 shall give notice for hearing under applications for license 86 shall receive applications for appointment of persons as plumbers ......... 96-97 shall appoint one or more inspectors of plumbers . . 98 upon application for a certificate of egress, shall give ac- knowledgment of the same 61 ways of egress as specified by, may be placed outside of buildings and over highways 59 SPECIAL INDEX. 301 SUPERINTENDENT Continued. water closets to have fixtures satisfactory to . . . 100 water closets shall be vented as he deems practicable . 101 when pipes, etc., are ready for inspection, notice to be given to 102 STABLES. See BUILDINGS. provisions as to openings in partition walls, not appli- cable to ......... 69 requirements as to partition walls not applicable to . 94 how located w T ith reference to adjoining lots ... 63 STORAGE pitch of roof of 74 SCHOOL HOUSES egress from 57-58 partition walls not requisite in ...... 94 sanitary arrangements for ....... 86 provisions as to openings in party walls, not applicable to 69 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. .... 79 SECOND CLASS anchors 70 ends of floor beams in, how to enter wall ... 71 exterior parts in more than forty-five feet above side- walk, how made 79 floors, how tied 72 foundation walls of 68 mortars in .......... 64-68 party walls in other than in dwellings .... 68 party walls to be of brick 68 pitch of roof of certain 74 roof of, within fire limits, how covered .... 74 shall have supports and kind of same .... 72 walls, how tied . 72 weight-bearing metal to be protected .... 74 what constitutes 93 SCALE for gas piping ......... 71 SEWAGE to be connected with sewer ...... 98 SEATS no temporary in aisles or passageways of certain buildings 83 SMOKE PIPES requirements for ...... . 75-76 SNOW GUARDS buildings within five feet or less of line of a street to have 79 SMITH SQUARE area included within 92 SIDEWALKS water not to be run over from leaders or conductors . 73-74 302 SPECIAL INDEX. SHEET PILING to protect excavations ....... 64 SILLS OF WOODEN BUILDINGS distance above ground 63 SKYLIGHTS netting required for 74 STAIR STRINGERS cut of same 82 SPRINKLERS for theatres ......... 84 STAIRWAYS required for certain buildings 58 construction of, may be directed by superintendent . . 58 no temporary seats or obstructions in certain buildings . 83 STAIRS AND LANDINGS shall have railings 82 STEAM EXHAUST PIPE 101 not to be connected with sewer 101 TAIL BEAMS how framed or hung 72 TENANTS entitled to what information as to egress .... 58 notice as to means of egress may be given to ... 61 TRANSOM WINDOWS for ventilation . 84 TRAPS construction of . 100 grease traps, when constructed 102 how protected 100-101 superintendent to be notified when ready for inspection . 102 TRIMMERS arches, construction of ....... 76 depth to be cut . 72 how far from chimney flue . .... 61 TRUSSES use of 72 TENEMENT HOUSES. See BUILDINGS. egress from . . 57-58-59 height of rooms in . 85 night watchman for ........ 85 red light at head of stairs, to be kept burning ... 85 shall not be used for storage of inflammable or combus- tible substance 85 stairways in ......... 58 to have partition walls 62 transom windows for . 84 water closets for 86 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of another structure, unless, etc. .... 79 weight bearing capacity of floors of ..... 72 SPECIAL INDEX 30 5 TENEMENT HOUSES Continued. safe weight of floors 72 support of excavations for 57-64 three or more stories in height 57-59 elevator and light shafts in 64 no openings to be cut through without permit ... 72 depths of flue in party wall of 73 THEATRES. See BUILDINGS. egress from 57-58-59-81-84 pitch of roof of 74 lobbies in . 83 plans of before erection ....... 59 proscenium in, material of . ..... 57-58-83 shall be a first or second class ...... 81 within fire limits not to be built within twenty feet of an- other structure, unless, etc 79 scene docks, carpenter shops, etc , separated from rest of stage 83 shall have independent exits 81 passages in, and aisles 84 shall not be obstructed ....... 81 service standpipes for ....... 84 sprinklers for ......... 84 stage, how constructed and protected .... 83 ventilation for 84 walls to be built around same ...... 83 THIRD CLASS alteration or repair of without permit .... 95 what is 93 within fire limits not to be moved without license of superintendent 94 URINALS. See WATER CLOSETS. VENTILATION apparatus to be satisfactory to superintendent ... 77 air-space in buildings for 85 of space between floor and cellar bottom .... 64 in tenement and lodging-houses, transom windows for . 84 for water-closets in tenement and lodging-houses . . 86 VAULTED WALLS materials for 70 weight of cornice to 73 VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES. See PENALTY. . . . 60-81-102 WALLS EXTERIOR may be in part of iron and steel 69 of certain brick buildings other than dwellings ... 70 of first or second-class buildings 68-70 of certain tenement and lodging-houses .... 63 of one and two-story buildings, how covered ... 69 how tied 72 thickness of same 63-73 not to be moved without license 94 not to be repaired without license 94 party walls. See PARTITIONS. piers of 73 304 SPECIAL INDEX. PAGE WASTE-PIPES how trapped ........... 100 WASTE WATER to be carried off as approved by superintendent ... 98 WATER CLOSET for different kind of buildings ....... 86 how supplied with water. ....... 100 how ventilated .......... 86-101 Drip or overflow pipes from, not to be connected with sewer, etc ........... '101 WATER LEADER to be trapped .......... 101 WATER PIPES in exposed places, how protected ...... 101 WATER TEST when used ........... 101-102 WATCHMAN night, in certain buildings ....... 85 WEIGHT-BEARING MATERIAL in first and second class buildings, how protected . . 74 WINDERS width of ........... 82 WOODEN COLUMNS how supported .......... 73 WOODEN FLUE not to be placed in certain buildings ..... 60-77 WOODWORK proximity to brickwork of flue ...... 75-77 WOODEN BUILDINGS. See BUILDINGS. to be of certain height, construction of .... 62-63 foundations and pilings for ...... 64-65-66-67 partition walls in ..... . . 62 not to be moved or altered unless ...... 94 to be lathed and plastered, notice to be given to superin- tendent of same ........ 62 occupied by two or more families on same floor to have partition walls ......... 62 certain may be altered or repaired with approval of super- intendent within limits ...... 94 sills of, how placed above ground ..... . 63 thickness of basement walls of ....... 63 exterior and interior walls, separated by fire stops . . 78-79 in which operatives are employed, sanitary arrangements for ........... 86 within fire limits, not to be erected, altered, repaired or moved without license of superintendent ... 94 YC 09286 H i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY