DTATh OF MISS RUBY GARDNER. Ruby Lraiuui.,i, second daughter/of r. and Mrs. Charles Gardner, died^ at her^arents' residence this (Saturday) morn- ing-, at the age of 25. Miss Gardner had been in delicate health for years, the final cause of death being heart trouble. Death has cut short a promising career. Miss Gardner had considerable literary ability, and seemed likely to make her mark if indeed she had not already done so as a writer of stories for girls. She took great interest in questions affecting the welfare of young women, and held the position of treasurer of the local branch of the Girls' Realm Guild until compelled by ill-health to resign a few months ago. She was the first local member of the Guild. Miss Card ner was a prominent member of the Method- ist Literary Union, and identified herself with varluv ircb v ork. / POEMS BY RUBY GARDNER POEMS EUBY GARDNER PRINTED BY WEBSDALE, SHOOSMITH LIMITED, SYDNKY 1909 PA In Loving Memory. RUBY GARDNER. Born 20th Sept., 1882. Died J3th June, 1908. At Rext. " Until the day break, an/I the shadows flee away." Song of Solomon ii. 17. FOREWORD. In addition to the pathos that always necessarily attaches to the carrying out of purposes planned by those who have passed away from the things of this life, there is in the case of myself, to whom has fallen the sacred task of gathering together the devotional poems written by my dear young friend, the further sadness that comes from my intimate knowledge that her undoubted gifts were hampered and her lofty aspirations curbed by her physical weakness. The wings that might have borne her through fields of literary fame were clipped indeed, and the high spirit caged within the narrowed sphere of an invalid's life. Nevertheless, her endurance and cheerful patience through years of suffering and weakness, and her buoyant courage midst "hope oft deferred" were remarkable, as was also her tender thoughtfulness for others, especially for the mother with whose daily life her own was so intimately bound, and in ivhose heart there will ever remain an empty place. Little by little the efforts to write had to be re- linquished, one by one the beloved books laid aside, as strength gradually ebbed; then there came a period of quiet waiting, till in the solemn early morning hours of 13th June, 1908, Ruby passed peacefully to the presence of the Saviour, whom here she loved unseen. For her we must be glad, though we'd fain had her stay Longer to walk with us upon our daily way. THE COMPILER. Goulburn, N.S.W., February, 1909. INDEX OF TITLES PAQK A CRY FROM THE DARKNESS - 1 TEMPTED - - 4 PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE - 9 A LITTLE CROSS TO BEAR - - 13 ONE WINTRY DAY 15 LED APART 17 WHAT A SPARROW TOLD ME 18 DEPRESSION - 21 THE TWO DESIRES - - 24 MORNING PRAYER FOR THE SOUL - 26 PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT - 28 OUR BLINDNESS - - 32 A SONG OF SPRING 35 THE LOOK THAT THRILLED - 37 CHRIST IS TRUE - 42 THE LAMP OF HOPE - 43 S. MATT. XXIII. 37 - 45 A FADED ROSE - 47 "GAVOTTE FRANCAISE" - 51 A HEART'S SONG - - 56 ON THE DEATH OF MY AUNT J. J. 58 THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW - - 60 ON THE DEATH OF E.L.D. - 62 "THE CANYON FLOWERS" - - 64 viii. INDEX OF TITLES PACK MY AUTOGRAPH - - 66 TO A FRIEND - - 68 CONFIDENCE - ... 70 A SUDDEN BEND - - -72 LITTLE VERSES - 74 "THE LITTLE TALENT" - - 76 THE CALL OF THE BUSH - - 84 THE CLOUD, THE MOON, AND THE STAR - 86 CASTING CARE - - 89 LEAKS AND RACHELS - - 91 QUIET HEROINES - - - 93 LOVES TOKEN - - - 95 BREATHED FROM THE SOUL - 96 PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY - - 98 WITH HIM ALWAY - 103 THE CLOUDS - - - 106 CHARITY - - - 111 "PEACE BE STILL" - - 114 ASK - 115 OPEN THE DOOR - - - 116 THANKSGIVING DAY - - 120 A DISAPPOINTMENT - 122 TIRED - - 123 "AT THE CROSSROADS" - - 124 A CRY FROM THE DARKNESS (Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Is. i. 18.) LORD Jesus! Help me through This trying hour of pain; For Satan seeks to win Me for his own again! Lord Jesus! Stand between Him and me in this hour! For 0, I am so weak, And great is Satan's power! I am so sorry, Lord, To have wounded Thee again To have caused my loving Friend E'en momentary pain. A CRY FROM THE DARKNESS 0, magnify to me Thy mighty strength Divine; Take Satan's thoughts away, And give me only Thine! How dare I e'en to write Thy name, so holy, clean? How dare I think of Thee Where sinful thoughts have been? I cannot for myself Make one excusing plea, But ! I ask Thee, Lord, To do it all for me : Forgive the pain I cause Lord ! Thus wounding Thee ! And make me Thine alone, Thine evermore, to be ! Forgive and wipe away Each lurking sinful stain, And grant Thy wayward child Thy smile of peace again. A CRY FROM THE DARKNESS Thy gracious promises Thy death upon the tree Are now the means whereby I dare to come to Thee. Saviour! Wash me clean, To "go and sin no more"; Unto Thyself, Lord, Thy wand'ring one restore. Direct my gaze away From unworthy self to Thee, And grant Thy spirit, Lord, To guide and strengthen me! TEMPTED COME to me, Thou Saviour dear! Bend down Thy suffering child to hear! For Satan surely draweth nigh, hear me, Saviour! Hear my cry! The tempter knows where I am weak, His evil voice to me doth speak : "Thou'rt always stumbling, wand'ring one, Think you if once in Heav'n begun The life you hope through Christ to win Can even you then keep from sin? If Christ now guides the sons of men Yet oft some fall will they not then? 1 too was once an angel bright, And yet I fell from yonder height; TEMPTED i Ev'n if you sow the seeds to reap Eternal life How can you keep?" Saviour! Answer him for me, As "it is written" down by Thee! Tho' great the human weakness mine, Infinite the power Thine ! " I am Thy Shepherd, little sheep ! s. John x. 11-14. Fear thou not, for I will keep ! s. Luke xii. 3-2. is. xxvii. 3. 1 am the way I go before ! s. John xiv. e. s. John x. 4. No man can shut my open door. s. John x. 28. I that keep thee slumber not, PS. cxxi. 3. Tho' temptation form thy lot, ( Rom. viii Tho' thou art by Satan tried! I In My shadow shalt thou hide. is. u. 16. To him that overcomes by Me, Rev m. 21. s. John xv. 5. Eternal Crown of Life shall be ; s. Matt. XXT. 46. No man can pluck from out My Hand, s. John x. 28-29. What the Father draws within His band. s. John vi. 44. I can keep thy heart in peace, is. xxvi. 3. From sin and sorrow's yoke release. Actgii. 24. GI v. 22-23 6 TEMPTED Keep thee in temptation's hour ; Rev. iii. 10. 7am thy strength, /give thee pow'r. is. xii. 2. PS. ixviii. as. The power of endless life is Mine ! s. John xvii. 2. / am thy Lord ! Arise and shine ! PS. xiv. 11. is. ix. i. For ever have I blotted out ECC. iii 14. Comp. is. xiiv. 22. Thy sinfulness ; so wherefore doubt 1 s Matt xiv. si. I have conquered Death and Sin, s. John xvii. 4. With Me no sorrow enters in ; is. li. 11. Sin and Satan are defied, , John xv. 7. )ide. f If thou wilt but in Me abide. In Heav'n all tears are wiped away, \ In glorious light of endless day ! f Thine eyes shalt surely see thy King. is. xxxiii. 17. There's rest and shelter 'neath His wing. s. Matt xi. 28. PB. ixi. s Thou dost not have to fight alone, Josh. xxm. 10. I fight for thee, thou art My own ! s. John xvii. 10. I work in thee, My will fulfil, s. John v. 17. s. John xv. 5. Rest in the Lord, and Peace be still. PS. xxxvii. 7. s. Mk. iv. 39. It is My will thou should'st not die, s. Luke xii. 32. It is My will to sanctify, i Thess. iv. 3. TEMPTED -J I gave My life on Calvary, s. John xix. so. Bought with My Blood, new life for thee ! i John v. n. The heart thou yieldest up to Me, i Mine is the power to keep for thee, I Till to My Father I present Thee faultless at the great judgment. \ And then for ever with thy Lord ! i Thes. iv. n. He cannot break His sacred word ! s John x. 36. From glory unto glory grow These things hereafter thou shalt know." i COT. xiii. 12. Saviour! Thou dost give to me Great wealth from Thine own treasury! How can I doubt? Where'er I look Are promises in Thy great Book. " Never perish ! "Thou hast said ! s. John x. 28. O Saviour dear ! I bow my head ! My soul feels full of sinful shame! never let me doubt again ! Such peace I feel within my heart, To know that none has power to part 8 TEMPTED My soul from Thee I could not live!- My life, my all, to Thee I give ! And now, Lord, I trust Thee more Than ever I have done before! My weakness is in Thee made strong, And turned my sorrow into song! PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE (For in that He Himself hath suffered, being tempted, He is able to succour them that are tempted. Heb. ii. 18.) (When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned. Isaiah xliii. 2.) ( . . . If so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans viii. 17.) THE days of deep unrest, of hungry, nameless pain, Of mystery and darkness, had come to me again! I hungered for my Lord, with hunger true and wild! I felt too faithless then, to be my Father's child ! And Oh! The agony such condemnation brought! The heartache, and the tears, combined in such a thought ! I cried to God to save, to come and comfort me ! No answer could I hear, across the troubled sea. No sudden flash of light my painful darkness thrilled, No wondrous flow of peace my raging tumult stilled! 10 PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE My Lord had other ways, my trust to educate, His answer seemed to be to simply "trust" and "wait !" All weak and tremblingly, I waited on the brink, Afraid to take a step, for fear that I should sink ! And then my Lord put forth His mighty Arm to save, He took away the fear, and stilled the troubled wave. He said : "Consider thou the lilies, how they grow ! Before ye ask of Me, your ev'ry need I know!" He pointed out to me the flowers of the field, Wherein a simple trust is faithfully revealed. I realised my pain by faithlessness was wrought ! I had not looked to Christ as fully as I ought But tried to make myself to prosper in the right, By trusting to my deeds, and not my Saviour's might. For Christ alone can save; our reading and our prayer Are but the means of grace He gives to us to share; They help us understand, and teach us to look up, But Christ alone has drunk that one full bitter cup ! PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE 11 Whereby our souls are saved, and conquered Death and sin. The Bible is His Book reveals His will therein, It shows us how to pray and ask for inward sight But Christ in God alone doth grant to us the light. He makes our souls to pass thro' Satan's trying fire, That He may bring us out another step the higher That we may realise how great our need of Him Whose love for us redeems, when faith and hope are dim! Christ's followers must drink the bitter with the sweet ; The Master knew Himself, temptations fiery heat, And sufferers with Him, with Him are glorified His strength can rescue us, if we in Him abide. And God does not condemn for Satan's whisperings, But grants the tempted one the shelter of His wings ! He does not cut us off, but overrules for good, These darksome hours of pain, by us not understood. 12 PASSING THROUGH THE FIRE For "Blessed are the poor in spirit," saith the Lord "For theirs the Kingdom is" we have it in His word ! help me always, Lord, uphold and strengthen me ! And send but what Thou wilt, for I have all in Thee! A LITTLE CROSS TO BEAR (I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. S. John xiv.) A LITTLE cross to bear, Is big if borne alone; At first a pebble bare It grows to be a stone ! A little cross to bear Is blessing in disguise When, leading unto prayer, It strengthens Holy ties. A little cross to bear Makes Heaven seem more dear! The joy of going there, Is worth the journey here ! is 14 A LITTLE CROSS TO BEAR A little cross to bear If borne with Christ will bring A Heavenly gem to wear, A Heaven-born song to sing. A little cross to bear, Is "crown" if cast on Him ! He lights with comfort rare, The eye that once was dim. Lord! Give me patience now, With faith my heart instil; And joyfully to bow Unto the Father's will. And all the while to know The burden is on Thee! Thy comfort Thou'lt bestow Because Thou lovest me! ONE WINTRY DAY ONE day I lay a-thinking, thoughts of pleasure and of pain, And I longed to feel that summer had come around again. It seemed as though too long had been the wintry days As if the sun had somehow dimmed the brightness of her rays. The trees were bare and leafless, and the little birds seemed cold! I wondered if my soul was growing weary, sad, and old! There seemed to be no beauty in the wintry scene around No song birds in the air ! no flowers above the ground ! 15 16 ONE WINTRY DAY And then my eyes looked up! And Oh! a brighter scene was there! The laughing clouds above me made a picture grand and fair! They told me many secrets as I watched them at their They cheered and entertained me, on that dreary winter's day. I felt a kind of pleasure, I had never felt before, And realised a little of the depth of Nature's store ! To think that all the time those fleecy clouds had been, While I their wondrous beauty had let pass all unseen ! A little shade of sadness unaccountable may be Yet leads us to look up till we the "silver lining" see! I watched and loved the clouds until at last they passed away! And then I found that with the clouds, had passed my wintry day! LED APART FATHER, Thou hast led me apart awhile to rest, To tread in desert places as Theu hast deemed best ! The things that I had planned are laid aside by Thee, That I might know Thy voice alone in my Gethsemane. I wonder at Thy patience with me, Thy wayward child I long to be more like Thee so gentle, meek, and mild, give to me Thy patience! that I may wait with Thee, Till the wonder of Thy healing is manifest in me. 1 often feel a gladness, and know that Thou art near, And Thou art teaching me, because Thou art more dear Since walking in the shadow, by faith, and not by sight, For I have learned the rest of trusting to Thy might ! B 17 WHAT A SPARROW TOLD TO ME I WAS watching little sparrows as they flew from tree to tree, Till at last one growing bolder settled down quite close to me ! I could see the fluffy feathers that the playful breezes stirred, Thus revealing hidden markings in God's wondrous little bird. The fawn and brown that else had reigned was turned to black upon the breast, But a shadow I had thought it, tho' 'twas more than I had guessed, For just then the playful breezes kissed aside that "shade" for me, And revealed the hidden markings that I had not thought to see. 18 WHAT A SPARROW TOLD TO ME 19 Rich and deep the colour hidden, all undreamt the wealth concealed, Tinge of shadow on the surface, all the secret depth revealed ! But-my sparrow saw me watching, so he quickly flew away For he deemed it safer resting on a distant leafy spray. There are depths where love lies burning love that lives in many a breast, Though it shows itself but faintly, though it be all unconf essed ! Waiting but a hand so gently, surface coverings to part, Hidden beauties thus revealing, sympathy and kindred heart. Come again, you wondrous sparrow, I would watch you at your play! Do not think that I would harm you or your freedom take away! Are you not of God's creation? mentioned in His Holy Book? 20 WHAT A SPARROW TOLD TO ME Come again, you dainty sparrow, I would on your beauty look! There are many things you tell me by your simple life and free; Do you know though long the winter, summer days will surely be? Do you know when spring is coming? Is that why you always sing? That to hearts oft sad and weary, you the joyful news might bring? There are many things you tell me, but you do not tell me all ! I would know your chatter's meaning, as I hear it rise and fall ! You could teach me many lessons, if awhile with me you'd stay, But you fancy I am harmful, so you up and fly away ! DEPRESSION WHAT though our soul feels sad When nothing seems the cause? What though we "feel depressed," And tired of endless pause When all things seem to stretch In dull monotony, And everything the same As far as eye can see? Our Father knows our frame He knows our strength the best ; No doubt that he will use This interval of rest. Perhaps he means to speak, While no one else is near! That we might understand How only He can cheer. How soon we tire of earth! Then joy to think of Heav'n ! 21 22 DEPRESSION The "many mansions" there That Jesus Christ hast giv'n ! No shade can enter there, The sickness, and the pain, The longing and the heartache Can never come again ! Whate'er our fitful fancies, We know that Christ is true! We feel His strength upholding, And know He'll lead us through. It is a comfort thinking How by Him we're forgiv'n It is a comfort thinking Of mansions up in Heav'n ! A little shade of sadness, That soon will pass away, It is not worth the spoiling Of this my Father's day! Then rise in prayer, soul! And open unto Him ! That he may fill with sunshine, And pour His comfort in. The lot His love appoints, We dare not to refuse; DEPRESSION 23 So let us look around, Lest we some blessing lose. And cheerfully the while, Our little lot fulfil, Which glorifies in this! It is the Master's will ! If we the "little" use, God soon will make it grow,- Maybe a little seed, Yet given us to sow. A mustard seed of faith, Sown in the Father's field, And blessed by the Lord A grand increase will yield. So let us humbly give Our pathway unto God; He knows it all, for He The selfsame pathway trod. And let us trust Him more, A God of Love is He, Of everlasting love, And He loves even me! THE TWO DESIEES MY great desire used to be For wealth and earthly fame ! But now a glorious desire Has put that one to shame ! The first wish brought a restlessness, A striving filled with pain ! A harvest full of emptiness, A reaping minus gain ! But now my great desire is this: To know I am f orgiv'n ! For Christ to make me pure and true, And lead me unto Heav'n! That even my poor service might Be God's! and by Him blessed, In all my Lord to glorify, In Him my soul to rest. 24 THE TWO DESIRES 25 This greatest wish brings strength and peace. A harvest full of joy! There is no service such as that God honours with employ! LORD, keep me near to Thee to-day, Let me not wander from the way; Direct my gaze to things above, feed my soul with Thy great love! Let not the tempter's faery dart Find resting place within my heart, But grant my thoughts, my acts, might be Directed and upheld by Thee. Yet if it be Thy will to send The trying fire that it may tend To teach me what is yet unlearned Lead on, that I may not be burned! Uphold me while the trial shall last, Uphold me still when all is past; Help me to feel Thy presence near, Instilling faith, and chasing fear. 26 MORNING PRAYER FOR THE SOUL 27 Grant that Thy holy spirit's might May reveal to me the hidden light. Teach me to love Thy word the more I search and know its boundless store. teach me all things, Lord, each day, And never let me go astray; 1 cannot comprehend alone All Thou dost offer for my own. Kill every lurking sin within, Without the camp the battles win; And then, when all is won, help me To give the glory all to Thee ! PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT (Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a right spirit within me. Fs. li. 10.) (All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. S. Matt. xxi. 22.) LORD Jesus! Pray for me! Oh wash and make me clean ! Tho' hitherto my life A sinful one has been. I want Thy spirit, Lord, I crave it more than all ! My soul is hungering To hear Thy gracious call. I thank Thee Thou hast giv'n This great desire to me To want my body cleansed From all impurity. 28 PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT 29 Saviour! Draw me nigh, And take my load from me ! With heart and soul I cry For this great gift from Thee! 1 cannot of myself Make one dark crevice clean, On Thee my Saviour, Christ, On Thee alone, I lean. I want Thy spirit, Lord, Above all other things, I feel no earthly joy Such wondrous comfort brings. Thou knowest, Lord, that I Am speaking from my heart I want my daily life Of Thine to form a part. The pure in heart see God ! Saviour ! Make me pure ! And fix my waywardness, And make me firm and sure. PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT Lord Jesus ! Pray for me ! hearken to my cry! And with Thy spirit, Lord, My spirit satisfy. Although I cannot see, 1 know that Thou art here, Tho' yet the way is dark, I know that Thou art near. If I could see Thee, Lord, And Thou did'st ask of me: "What would'st thou, little one That I should give to thee?" "Thy holy spirit, Lord," I humbly would reply, "Thy holy spirit, Lord, My soul to satisfy ! O grant my first great aim, My one great aim might be Not self alone to fill, But love to render Thee! PRAYER FOR THE SPIRIT 31 For when a soul is full "Tis joy to glorify To let another know The rest that comes from High. So make me one in Thee, To find my joy in this Obeying, serving Christ The greatest of all bliss. T know not what, Lord, To pray for as I ought, Lord Jesus pray for me Whom Thou hast dearly bought. Thou knowest all my need, My craving for the light, Saviour, lead me on, And save me by Thy might!" OUR BLINDNESS I OFTEN think how blind we are ! What marvels pass unseen ! What mystery that we let pass As if there none had been ! There is so much in life to see, So much in life to learn, That half the wonders that surround We never will discern ! Why, Nature in herself alone Is deep and fathomless! A simple moth a single wing Has beauties we would never guess! How much then, all the birds and beasts, The flowers, and the leaves? The insects in their self made homes'? The web the spider weaves? 82 OUR BLINDNESS 33 How often do we watch the clouds? Or see the sun arise? How oft in splendour watch it set, With fascinated eyes? And can we always see the stars Thro' powerful telescope? Or understand when sparrows sing Their springtide song of hope? And do we always see the waves As they beat against the shore 1 Or stoop to study in the rocks A tithe of Nature's lore? Or do we see in simple man God's workmanship revealed? Or try to find the "better self" That often lies concealed? How many different things to see The mountains and the snow! The dazzling heights, the nearer sights, The pulsing life below ! c 34 OUR BLINDNESS Ah ! truly say I in my heart How wonderful is He Who made the earth, the sky, the world! Created even me ! We know not half of what we lose, Of life and joy revealed, When, clinging to our blindness still, To Christ we will not yield ! And oh ! It often seems to me What depths we overlook, Tho' reading ev'ry day a part Of God's most Holy Book ! Oft times we come across a light We knew not there before ! A comfort or a promise giv'n To guide our path the more. Saviour ! Open Thou mine eyes, And fill my soul with praise; Keep Thou my feet to walk aright The only way of ways! A SONG OF SPRING THERE'S a joy-note in the song-bird's song, Which tells us spring will not be long! Tho' winter winds blew cold and strong Soon spring is here! Each gladsome twig sends forth its shoot, To whisper of a living root, And herald coming summer fruit For spring is here ! Altho' so keen the wintry blast, The sun is shining forth at last! The dark and dreary days are past For spring is here ! There is a winter of the soul When waves of dark temptation roll, But when kind sympathies condole Then spring is there ! 35 36 A SONG OF SPRING And when a soul to Clmst hath cried, The fountain of His Mercy tried, And sought in Him herself to hide Then spring is there! Altho' temptation comes again, Christ can keep from sinful stain And make the darkened places plain. He can remove the bitter pain, And teach with patience once again And cause to wake the glad refrain Spring is here ! (" . . . And Peter said, ' Man, I know not what thou sayest. ' And immediately while he yet spake, the cock crew. And the Lord turned and looked upon Peter. Aud Peter remembered . . and went out and wept bitterly. "-S. Luke xxii. 61, 62.) THE solemn words were spoken now, And ere the third cock crow, Saint Peter in humility And sorrow bended low! The bread He brake; the shade was cast Upon His sacred brow, For those who were to crucify Conspired even now! He prayed that those He loved might yet Within His faith abide, Although by all His followers He was to be denied ! 37 38 THE LOOK THAT THRILLED And then to dark Gethsemane, Our Saviour, Jesus, went! In mental agony, alone, In supplication bent! "0 Father! if it be Thy will, Remove this cup from me! Yet not my will but Thine alone, Nevertheless to be." He sweated blood in agony! OGod! My God .'for me! All this, and then the shame, the cross, To set a sinner free ! The angel came to strengthen Him; He prayed then turned to see If one among His followers As yet might faithful be. ... And Peter followed far away, Then lingered he outside; Before His Lord and Master there, His Saviour he denied! / THE LOOK THAT THRILLED 39 And Jesus turned and looked upon Saint Peter standing there! A look of sorrow and of love, Too great for man to bear! A look that filled a soul with shame ! Reproachful love, far more Than words could tell ! It seemed to say How great the load He bore ! And Peter then remembered how He had denied his Lord ! He turned away; in bitter tears, His sorrow he outpoured! And thus in grief unspeakable, No mortal man might know Saint Peter, fallen, lonely, sad, In sorrow bended low! (Lord, dost Thou turn and look on me, When, by an act or word, A silence, or betraying glance I, too, deny my Lord? 40 THE LOOK THAT THRILLED Is it Thy look Divine that sends That painful thrill of shame? That tells me I have wounded Thee, And honoured not Thy name? Then, Lord, I ask Thee still to guide Me by that glance Divine ! Lead on I cannot go alone And make me only Thine!) Then was the prayer our Saviour prayed For evermore to fail? The prayer for God's sustaining faith To be of no avail? Ah no ! Although the outlook seemed So hopeless, dark, and dim, The power of God was still with Christ, Forgiving might in Him. Soon pardoned, blessed, Saint Peter stands Restored triumphant now! The Pentecostal Fire of Power God's seal is on his brow. THE LOOK THAT THRILLED 41 Repented all the sinful past, The prayer of Christ fulfilled As through the veins of new born hope, The Holy Spirit thrilled ! No useless dwelling on the past, Of faithlessness and sin, Must hinder now the call Divine That bids him work and win. But trusting in Christ's precious blood To wash away the stain His faith in Jesus Peter proves, Not "looking back" again. So rise, Soul ! Nor dwell upon Repented sin forgiv'n; For Christ victoriously for all With Sin and Death hath striv'n. So prove your faith by works Divine, In thankfulness and joy Sow seed for Him who has redeemed; He'll bless a heart's employ. CHRIST IS TRUE ("Faithful is He that calleth you." 1 Thess. v. 24.) WHEN travelling through this world of care With carking sorrow everywhere Christ is true. In troublous times when trials assail, Hard duties come, and friendships fail Christ is true. When from His way we fall behind, And then return, we'll surely find Christ is true ! And when in death we close our eyes, "To fly away beyond the skies Singing gladly as we rise Christ is true! 42 THE LAMP OF HOPE I'VE thought awhile since reading of Eve's and Adam's sin How hopeless then it seemed Eternal Life to win ! When, driven out of Eden, the Tree of Life withheld. To work and live in sorrow, by God's awful will com- pelled ! what a dreadful thing to disobey our God ! To tread the path of sin that our first parents trod ! And yet we all have fallen, and shared the sin of Eve ! "We all have followed Satan, and practised to deceive! Then shall the flame-sword angels, shut out our way to Heav'n? Are there no means of grace whereby we are forgiv'n? must we always wander and never rise again? Must all our life be lived in bitterness and pain? 43 44 THE LAMP OF HOPE Ah ! No ! Our loving Father hath pity on His child ! He sends a path of Light, across the desert wild ! He gives His own Beloved! The only Way of Ways, By whom our hopeless crying is lost in wondrous praise 'Tis Jesus Christ our Saviour, who died to save the world ! His glorious flag of Peace is by His death unfurled! Believing on His name, Eternal Life have we! Our burden laid on Him forever we are free ! Christ ! I so regret I do not love Thee more ! give to me of love from out Thy gracious store ! make my soul to sing a deeper note of praise Be Thou my Guide, my Shield, thro' all remaining days ! S. MATT. XXIII. 37 ("0 Jerusalem! Jerusalem ! How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not ! ") NOTHING God hath made is common, Nothing is too small For the great Creator's notice For He made it all! the gentleness and sweetness of our Saviour's simile : As a hen her chickens shelters, I would love and shelter thee ! I call thee now to come and rest Thy weary head upon my breast! Mark you how the fond hen mother, fighting those who would intrude Screens from harmful interference all her youthful wandering brood. 46 46 S. MATT. XXIII. 37 So thy Saviour fights for thee Fights and wins for you and me ! Then with careful instinct marking time for necessary rest, Qathereth the guardian mother, helpless life within the nest. Our Father knows our frame, and so He knows the wisest length to go! All the instinct round about us in all life of careful love, All the feeble human passions are faint sunbeams from above, Sunbeams from the One great Sun, Through whom our love and life are won. All whom God hath made are bidden Seek until they find; Pardon, love, and rest are given To the humble mind. A FADED ROSE I. SYMBOL of glories past Speaking of "used to be;" why does not beauty last For an eternity? But yesterday fresh and fair Pinned in a flutt'ring breast, Or nestled in waving hair At a lover's fond request ! To-day despised, forlorn, Unheeded, tossed aside; The rose's own sharp thorn Has pierced its owner's side I 47 48 A FADED ROSE Sweet perfume flat and stale, The pink-tipped petals dead! No dainty nostrils now inhale No words in praise are said. Poor rose ! Now left to weep ; The dew no more will woo Your lips and freshly keep That withering stem for you! A rose in a garden bloomed, A rose in a garden died; Alas! that each is doomed To leave the other's side! n. Earth's glory is not all! Why think such thoughts, sad heart? The rose but shares with us Of this passing life, a part. A FADED ROSE 49 The God who made that rose, Can yet make more the same; He paints all flow'rs to speak In silence of His name. But there is joy for us Eternal life above, For we are made to live Thro' Christ's redeeming love. The glory never fades In that celestial Home Turn hither now thy feet, No more in darkness roam. The very fitfulness Of passing glories here, Makes the everlasting light Of Eternity more dear. We thank Thee, Lord, for this Bright hope that lights the way, Mid'st passing shadows here And points to Endless Day. D 50 A FADED ROSE Lord, help us evermore, Thy kingdom first to seek; In all we do and say, For Thee to act and speak! "GAVOTTE FRANC AISE" (Scotson Clark) (A Trio.) I. So ho ! For a life of freedom ! Life is not worth a tear! Sup but the "froth and bubble" During thy sojourn here ! So eat, and drink, and be merry! Enjoy ! For to-morrow we die ! Delight in frivolity's pleasure, Away with tear and sigh! For what is the use of repining? And dragging our burdens along? Cast care to the winds of Heaven, Break forth in rejoicing and song! 51 52 "GAVOTTE FRANCAISE" Live but the life of the flowers! And bask in the sunlit rays ! Chirp with the song-birds of morning, And live but the life of the fays! II. Hark! yon fairy spirit singing, What is that I hear you say? Would you have the life God-given Spent in one long summer's day? Would you always bask in sunshine? Dwell in castles made of air? Thro' enchanted windows gazing On a wondrous world and fair? Ah ! I fear your airy castle All too soon would blow away! And your soul would soon grow weary Of an endless summer's day. Hark! There comes a wind disturbing, Faint, yet surely to intrude; It will search your airy castle With another interlude! "GAVOTTE FRANCAI8E" 53 in. Tho' the soul may bask in sunshine, Tho' we give not care a thought- Still there comes a time of longing. When earth's pleasures stand at nought ! We were made for greater glory, Than this life that's passing by; We are here to learn the pathway To a greater Home on high. And we find a wondrous treasure, In our efforts for the right! Treasure fathomless abounding, Flooding all our path with light. It is Love! That gift most precious, Love that gives the truest joy; 'Tis no airy fairy castle, Then that finds a thought's employ. Tho' a sorrow then may darken, Love a wondrous comfort brings Bending softly o'er the stricken, With bright healing in His wings ! 54 "GAVOTTE FRANCAISE " Think you not, fairy spirit, That love's happiness is best? Reaping harvest sheaves of glory, Giving only real rest? Would you plant a tree of glory? Love must be its faithful root, Sunshine, trustfulness, its branches, Sympathy, its precious fruit ! Chorus. Love so surely Gently, strongly, Wins the day Feel His might, Love so softly Softly, softly Lights the way! Shed His light! Hushed the empty Love so surely Airy singing, Wins the day, Sweeter, truer, Love so softly Notes are ringing ! Lights the way ! Love is reigning! Joyful now, Love victorious! And free from care- Love triumphant, Love does all Love all-glorious ! The burden bear ! GAVOTTE FRANCAISE" 55 Eased the heart So gently wooed Softly close The Interlude! Softly, softly, Die away Strains of music Fair as day ! Softly, softly, Once again, Melts away That sweet refrain Gently, gently, Soothing pain; Love will ever More remain! A HEJART'S SONG OH ! What a joyous path it is The path that leads to God ! Oh! What a peaceful way it is The way that Jesus trod! And what a loving trust it is The trust that Jesus gives! How wonderful the light within The heart for God that lives! How thrilling is the thought of Death !- Of Death? No! Life begun! Of everlasting sinless Life The Life by Jesus won ! How glorious to think that we Will never grieve Him more ! And all because that Jesus Christ Our degradation bore ! what a safety valve it is Belonging all to God! M A HEART'S SONG 67 To think the path we daily tread Was first by Jesus trod! How comforting to think that when A SOITOW forms our lot, Our Father pours His comfort in His promise faileth not! Father! Draw us all to Thee, That we might know the joy, The rest, the peace, the voice Divine, The love in Thy employ ! grant we all may crave to have Thy spirit in our heart, To know the rest that comes when life With Thine doth form a part. Christ ! I thank Thee by Thy grace That I can "Taste and see!" Pray Thou my loved ones may receive The joy Thou givest me! 1 could not live a single day Without Thy love Divine I thank Thee Thou hast made me know That love is surely mine ! ON THE DEATH OF MY AUNT J. J. Oct. 12, 1903 "AT rest in God!" How wonderfully sweet! How far beyond our mortal ken to know The true, full bliss of these most restful words "At rest in God." We thank Thee, Lord, for this ! We thank Thee for the Royal comfort poured In that weak, stricken frame, ere life had fled! We thank Thee Thou didst take away all fear, And give Thy peace instead most precious gift ! . . . At rest in God! The sickness and the pain Are over now for her, for in that Home All tears are wiped away; and ever more The SOITOWS of this world are blotted out. No more Temptation's fiery dart can pierce ! No more to know the pain of wounding Thee! . . . "Till Death do part !" The sacred bridal vow 68 ON THE DEATH OF MY AUNT J. J. 59 Is even now fulfilled ! Lord satisfy The emptiness within those loved ones left ! For all love is of Thee! Saviour teach Each heart to look to Thee, and open Thou The ears of those in sorrow, that Thy voice May now be clearly heard! . . . Lord, pray for them! THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW ANOTHER earth link broken ! Some soul has crossed the sea, In answer to Thy summons, To tread the waves with Thee ! Mysterious unveiling Is granted unto one, And endless life of glory Eternity begun ! Imagination fails us To comprehend the bliss The mystery of Thy Home Just after leaving this! The first tremendous thrilling, In hearing of Thy voice! The happiness unfathomed That bids our soul rejoice ! 60 THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW 61 comfort the bereaved ones, Direct their gaze to Thee ! Help them in present sadness, Thy Love Divine to see. ! make me ready, Father, And all my loved ones When thro' the gath'ring silence, Thy voice of summons comes ! ON THE DEATH OF E. L. D. August 24, 1903. I STOOD amazed, and read again the words That told me how the bride of one short year That scarce had fled was so soon summoned home To meet her Lord! . . . We cannot understand The mystery of God's will! ... Or why it was That she should suffer so; for she endured The greatest agony that woman knows ! The curse of Eve, borne by her daughters all ! . . . And now the little babe remains ! But God Who took away the mother, still will watch, And care, and love the helpless infant left ! . . . . . . I knew that I was powerless to give The sympathy I felt so prayed to Him Who only can the real solace give To pour the oil and wine on wounded hearts ! 62 ON THE DEATH OF E. L. D. 63 I asked Him to remove the bitterness Of sorrow, and to let His love be felt In lonely souls. To let them understand Her suffering has won a crown. The brow That wore a wreath of pain is glorious now, As at the feet of Him she loved she stands Receiving her award at rest in Him ! The "many mansions" in her Father's Home Are grander than the one she had below ; Tho' it was greatly blessed with love and weallh of earth. Lord Jesus Christ! Thou knowest all the pain And suffering of Death's lone darksome hour! Thou didst behold Thy mother from the cross ! Oh, do Thou pray that this sad mother left Might lay her load on Thee, that Thou might'st give Thy comfort Infinite ! Oh open Thou Thy treasure-store, and shower comfort down! . . . . . Our poor words fail ! . . But Thou ! Thou art Divine ! "THE CANYON FLOWERS" (Suggested by "The Sky Pilot.") THE Master walked o'er His prairie Of waving grasses. "Where/' asked He, "Do your flowers bloom 1 ?" "0, Master, we Lack seed," it answered sorrowf'ly. The Master summoned the birds; said He "Go gather a seed of ev'ry tree And scatter it o'er the prairie." Then said the birds "Thy will, do we." And soon the plain was clothed in bloom; But the violet sweet ne'er had its room Among the flowers, but met its doom At the wind's wild breath a cruel tomb ! The Master came, His flowers to find "Why were my violets left behind?" 64 "THE CANYON FLOWERS" 65 "Alas !" the prairie said, "they pined 'Neath the fierce sun, and the fiercer wind." Then the Master spoke; and the lightning leaped And cleft the earth; and the prairie steeped In bitter pain . . . Yet in time it reaped Its harvest flowers, for clematis peeped Between the rocks, and the violets grew In this sheltered nook, and the mosses too; And the trailing vines were kissed with dew; And each had its Master's work to do. When torn by grief and pain and woe, In life's canyon the flowers will grow If we permit Love, seeds to sow, And brighten all with gentle glow. No more the ragged rocks can lower, No darkness fill the trial hour, Love reigns supreme, and by His Powei His little seedlings grow and flower. MY AUTOGRAPH "SOMETHING original," you say "In prose or poetry." How would you like it, grave, or gay? Epigram, or parody? When such a sage as Solomon Declares there's nothing new, The task you have imposed upon Poor me I cannot do ! But still I have a passing thought, That came to me one time, If you care to know the word it brought, I'll give it you in rhyme. I entered once, a long dark room That spoke of moth and rust, And all within was clothed in gloom, That hid the gathered dust. 66 MY AUTOGRAPH 67 But soon a wooing sweetness drew Me to a window, where Outside, beneath the sill there grew A pure white lily there An Elim in a thirsty land Of darkness and of sin; I opened wide the window and Welcomed the Elim in. (In her Autograph Book after reading the verses written there ) "GOOD fortune and riches Prosperity fair!" Do these really constitute "Happiness rare?" Think not I'm ungracious, If my wish to you Should hope that some sorrow May visit you too. For if without Sorrow Of some kind you live No Sympathy could you Receive, or yet give. 08 TO A FRIEND Of Sympathy, Love is The natural fruit I wish that your life may Have Love as its root. The trees in the forest Inhale the birds' song And laughter of little ones,- All the day long. But when in the winter For firewood we bring Our tree from the forest 'Tis fire makes it sing. So this illustration By chance that I've read, Helps thus to make clearer The words I have said. CONFIDENCE (For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. Frov. iii. 26.) THOU art my confidence, Lord ! I thank Thee Thou hast brought My straying feet into the way That Thou to me hast taught To tell Thee all the "little things," For confidence such comfort brings. I tell Thee much that no one else Could understand as Thou; There is so much to do, and tliey Could never tell me how! For what is hard to me might be By them accomplished easily! Or yet it may be harder still For them to understand TO CONFIDENCE 71 Supply and fit the missing link To join the broken band; So unto Thee, my God, I cry, To give, to lead, to satisfy. A sense of safety Thou dost give A rest as Thy reward, For confidence reposed in Thee My Saviour, Friend, and Lord! Help me to always tell to Thee The little things that trouble me ! help me, Lord, with Thee to share My every hope or joy, And let the thought "Thou knowest, Lord," Light great or small employ. Help me to know that Thou wilt bless. And lead me through this wilderness! A SUDDEN BEND I THANK Thee, Lord, that Thou hast been So very near to me, That Thou art still upholding now For as yet I cannot see One step ahead, nor comprehend The meaning of this "sudden bend." Lead on, and show me what to do, For all that I had thought Is altered by Thy wondrous will And now has come to nought. Where I had deemed my path to lie (As led by Thee), Thou hast passed by! I am so thankful, Lord, that Thou Hast led me unto Thee; Without Thy love, how heavy would This disappointment be! 72 A SUDDEN BEND 73 For it was burdensome before Thy faithfulness the burden bore; ^Yhen, ere I knew Thee as my Lord, My Saviour, and my Friend, A disappointment like to this Thou did'st see fit to send. The burden, then, was hard to bear, Because I gave Thee not my share. . Thou hast some other way to lead; Help me to understand, And readily to hear and love And follow Thy command. show me plainly what to do, Be Thou my Guide, my Glory too ! LITTLE VERSES JUST some little verses, To glorify my King; Tho' I am all unworthy Even these to bring! Just some little verses, But I lay them at Thy feet To show that Thou hast led Me to the mercy seat. The thoughts that here are writ, Thy Spirit teaches me! I dare to say it, for I know That all things are of Thee I 74 LITTLE VERSES 75 And if it be Thy will These simple lines to bless, That they might help a soul To find true happiness. Saviour! It would be Such untold harvest joy, For one so weak to know The blessing of employ! Oh ! Can it be to me That Thou the chance hast giv'n To sow a seed to reap A harvest up in Heav'n? 1 look not to myself, For I am weak I know! But leaning all on Thee, Is the only way to grow. I do my little "all," And leave results to Thee! It is such rest to know, Thou'rt leading even me! "THE LITTLE TALENT" (Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Ps. 37, 4 and 5.) (The Scripture cannot be broken. John x. 35.) THE Father from His throne above looked down Upon His little children here below. He held a little talent in His Hand A casket precious of which only He, The Master, Giver, held the secret key! A mother by her cosy fireside sat, And prayed the Lord, that on her little one He would some special favour then bestow, As token of His love; A talent small, With which her child might glorify her Lord! A seed to consecrate, and sow for Him, To reap a golden harvest up above. 76 "THE LITTLE TALENT" 77 The Father heard, and answered her poor prayer, And laid His talent in that tiny hand ! The mother knew not what the gift might be, But trusted that her Lord had heard and giv'n ! The Father watched his daughter grow, in love, And waited, with His patience infinite, For her to consecrate His gift to Him That He His gracious blessing might bestow! The daughter grew, and wondered oft the while If any special talent might be hers. And then, while yet in maidenhood, she knew The bliss unspeakable that lay within The secret mystery of Fancy's dream; The fascination of the flowing pen That traced with eager haste new born ideas As whispered by some mystic all unseen ! And then she dreamed a dream of worldly fame, Nor sought the blessing of the One who gave, But saw Him not, so eager were her eyes Fixed on the world, and all its vain applause! She gave not God the glory, only sought Herself to glorify. And Satan then 78 "THE LITTLE TALENT" Rejoiced, and thought he had the victory! Before the fickle heart, an idol fair Was reared, and God in silence gazed, all grieved To see His pleasant gift misused for self ! And yet He waited on, nor punished He, But gently to Himself His daughter drew! She understood it not; these feelings strange, That stirred unwelcome thoughts within her breast- The discontent that gradually grew, As still the world refused to recognise Her talent small, but cast it back again At her reluctant feet! . . . And all the time A Father's love was leading all the way, And grieving for the grief He had to give To lead her to look up, that He might bless With blessing more than all the world could give A blessing for her own eternal good ! That, when she reached her everlasting Home, She, too, would have some sheaves to reap in joy, And lay, with song, at her Beloved's feet ! But she, who in her blindness chose to walk, Thought angrily that He would take away "THE LITTLE TALENT" 79 What He had giv'n ! " What He had given !" Ah ! He gave that thought, it caused her to look up ! And then she prayed a half repentant prayer, As though to reconcile her God to her! The angels heard it, and they wept to think The child misunderstood the love of God! But He, in patience, waited still to bless The gift, when wholly given unto Him! . . . And Jesus offered intercession pure Tor He had died ! And therefore longed to save ! But still the daughter kept the talent close, Nor could she trust it even to her Lord! And all the time she lived unsatisfied! She prayed, but did not trust with all her heart But wanted still to rule her Father's will. Judged Him to be austere, and hard, and cold! The Father could not answer such a prayer, His promise was to such as owned Him Lord And loved and trusted to His gracious will! And so, in love, His blessing He withheld, That fuller consecration might be giv'n; And fuller blessings, now, and evermore, Be showered from above from God alone! 80 "THE LITTLE TALENT" And so the Daughter wandered on, and on, And halted 'twixt the roads of rest and strife; Endeavoured God and mammon both to serve, And knew the bitter pain that then ensues. The burden of her guilt she felt was great, For she had sinned, and had an idol reared, And harboured bitter thoughts against the Lord ! And oftentimes she wept to think how great The burden of her sin ; until one night The weight did crush her soul, and so she fell, Repentant, weeping, at the Saviour's feet ! "Oh Father! I have sinned! I cannot now Look up, so burdened is my guilty soul ! Saviour! I rejoice that Thou hast died, It is my only hope ! take my cross, And give me Thine ! take my load from me ! take the little talent! Use or keep, But as Thou wilt ! My justly humbled soul Will joyfully accept Thy chastening!" With incoherent words, all tremblingly, She called upon her Saviour to forgive Her years of wandering rebelliousness ! . She joyfully and thankfully laid down "THE LITTLE TALENT" 81 The little talent at the Giver's feet ! . . . . And He received it ! And the angels sang, Because another soul had found the Lord ! The Intercession prayers returned not void! "I love Thee ! I love Thee !" sang a soul, Rejoicing in the wondrous first delight, Of sin removed forgiven consciousness ! The first sweet revelation of that Love ! . . She knew not how the Holy Spirit came, But knew that it was given, by the peace, The joy of sure forgiveness in her heart ! The strength to fight the battles of the world ! Then over all there came one vast regret : "0 that I had but answered Him before! It was such rest, to let Another plan From out His wisdom what herself had tried With feeble strivings, all alone to win! And then, because she yielded all to Him, And absolutely trusted to His will He kept the little talent, and He blessed It with His blessing, and He honoured her F 82 "THE LITTLE TALENT" By giving her the doubled joy untold, Of using it for Him ! The consciousness That He would order and direct her path If she in all her ways acknowledged Him ! And so she tried again, and prayed the while That, if it was His will, to condescend And bless the little talent He had giv'n, Which, through His patient love by Him was won To render humble service in His cause ! She prayed that God would keep it for Himself, And work His will alone for Christ had died, And only on His strength, she leant for help ! The Father heard! And graciously He blessed The consecrated gift; and wondrously The cause of weakness was the cause of strength! Although there often came the darksome hour Of patience tried He helped her all the while, Till, in His own good time, He sent the day Of sweet success! which all the sweeter grew While thinking of the Giver's patient love That led the wand'ring feet unto the Throne ! This secret joy was more than all the rest ! "THE LITTLE TALENT" 83 The Daughter thanked her Lord, and prayed that she Might learn to love and trust Him more and more That it might be her all-consuming wish To glorify her Father in it all ! And now her greatest stimulus is this: To hear His glorious "Enter thou ! Well done !" To fall in silent rapture at His feet, Until He bids her rise, and sin no more, But live with Him in everlasting peace ! THE CALL OF THE BUSH INSANE, tempestuous longing For action filled niy breast; Ambition's vague disturbing Long robbed my soul of rest. "Too long the waiting time !" I cried, "The world, and Time shall be defied!''' The birds all fled affrighted; In turbulence I strode With feelings wounded, bleeding, The long bush-scented road. "Success ! come or else I die !" Nought answered save unanswering sky. In weariness I halted; Into my angry mood Was breathed a gentle healing The Bush's solitude. The old sheep cropped the herbage nigh The lambs skipped merrily close by. 84 THE CALL OF THE BUSH 85 But yonder on the ranges, The shadoAvs dark hung chill; Haunting my weary spirit Some shadows lingered still When a burst of sunshine on the plain Bade me to hope to work again. The breeze took up the chorus; With gentle sweep it bowed Th' unmurmuring waving grasses. And tossed the gum trees proud : The grasses fell but rose again, I breathed of pleasure after pain. . . . There were shadows down the ranges There was sunshine in my heart : A restfulness that Nature Had breathed while thus apart. She works in silence, working well, Henceforth work I beneath her spell : The spell of Nature trustful, Inspiring trustfulness. To fretted minds a power To comfort and to bless .... Faint heart a victor left the field, The travail God in nature healed. THE CLOUD, THE MOON, AND THE STAR A THUNDER cloud was stretched athwart the sky, And all the night was dark ! No trembling star As yet had ventured forth to light the way Of one lone traveller, who yet pressed on With weary footsteps, to his journey's end. And yet he fainted not for hope within His breast burned brightly; for he knew ere long The light would come. And so he watched the Avhile. . . . A soft sweet light rose up behind the hill, And heralded the coming of the moon That rose full gloriously, and flooded earth With gentle light . . . And then there came a change! The thunder cloud engulfed the gentle moon, And all was dark again ! It seemed as though 86 THE CLOUD, THE MOON, AND THE STAR 87 The cloud would conquer ! But the traveller watched And then joy! Victoriously the moon Arose in triumph, and flooded earth once more With softest light; and called the little stars To share her glory, and to brighten earth ! One trembling star clung nearer than the rest, All lovingly unto the mother light. A thunder cloud of sin hung o'er the earth, And darkened all the world ! Almighty God Had burst the thunder blast, and emptied doAvn The vials of His wrath upon us all Had he but chos'n! Instead He sent a Light A gentle Light, to rise upon the world! For He had promised Him. And hope had sped the earthly pilgrim's feet Ere He had come, as heralded by one A lesser light, preparing first the way. And then He came, to light the weary world A Light that passed thro' all the darksome trials Of sin and death ; to rise triumphantly 88 THE CLOUD, THE MOON, AND THE STAR And conquer all, and fill our souls with joy! A Light that calls the little lights to shine, And follow Him, that they might share a part of His great glory! The traveller sped on his way. His soul Was filled with praise and wondrous love divine ! He watched the little star, and then he prayed : "Lord Jesus! Grant my soul to Thee my Light May cling all lovingly ev'n as the star Unto its light, the gently radiant moon !" CASTING CARE (Casting all your care upon Him, for Tie careth for you.) LORD ! I am too weak to give ! So take from me my ev'ry care, The slightest burden, of myself, Is all too much for me to bear! The burden of my sinfulness My oft half-hearted love to Thee! My lack of faith and trustfulness, All cause such great regret to me ! The burden of my puny strength, In fiery temptation's hour take that tare, and still lead on, And magnify in me Thy power. 89 90 CASTING CARE The burden of my talent small, Lord, teach me how Thy gift to use, (Help me to understand Thy will), And neither waste it, nor abuse. Take ev'ry care ! Thou knowest all My great consuming need of Thee ! Strengthen, instruct, and always lead, Establish firm, and quicken me. fill my soul with Thy great Love ! That I Thy love might render Thee ! Pour out Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, come and cleanse, and dwell in mel LEAHS AND RACHELS OFTTIMES we see a family, with different talents blessed, Yet one among the number seems less gifted than the rest, Maybe a lack of beauty, shared by her sisters all But "Leah" is "not pretty," "not dignified or tall !" Maybe our Heav'nly Father has deemed it best to lend The talents to the rest, and none to Leah send! Or so it seems to her, in the sorrow of her heart, And somehow in their lives, she does not share a part. Unconsciously perhaps, the others may look down From pinnacle of fame, the seat of high renown Or merely from the throne of favour popular, Where Leah can but gaze in sadness from afar. 91 92 LEAHS AND RACHELS And often is her pillow with lonely tears wet ! And sad it is but true, the Rachels oft forget That nothing can we have, but of the Father giv'n, The Father of us all! the Lord of earth and Heav'n! Leah ! Weep thou not ! Thy outward f onn was made, Thy intellect, thy soul by God, be not afraid! There still is left a way in which e'en you can shine Most glorious of ways, because it is Divine! Give thou thy soul to Christ, and He will make it pure, With wisdom to enrich, from out His treasure store! The pure in heart see God ! What would'st thou more than this? Can any earthly joy approach this wondrous bliss? God looketh on the heart ; His glory all may share There is no glory like He gives His own to wear! And if the Leahs look, they surely then will find Some earthly blessing given which they had not divined. QUIET HEROINES WHAT quiet heroines are they The women brave and true, Who work so silently each day Each month, and year through ! Who do their daily common task, From morn till weary eve Nor seek a higher lot to ask Nor seek a slight reprieve ! But bravely do they straggle on, In doing double share, Responsibilities upon Their aching shoulders wear. In sorrow bearing little life, To poverty and sin Another soul to face the strife, Another's bread to win. 03 94 QUIET HEROINES Father! Draw them unto Thee! And teach them to look up ! That brightened their dull lives might be,- Emptied the bitter cup. Help them their burdens all to cast, Beloved Lord, on Thee, To look away from sinful past, And henceforth Thine to be. Oh grant these weary souls might know The rest that Thou dost give, The blessing that Thou can'st bestow, If they to Thee will live. O Lord! Reward their faithfulness To loved ones here below, And grant to them the peacefulness Of Love Divine to know! LOVE'S TOKEN 'Tis just a tiny token That I give unto you, Of love that's never spoken, But liveth deep and true ! BREATHED FROM THE SOUL (Jesus b^ing wearied with his journey sat thus on the well. John iv. 6.) BELOVED ! I'm so weary ! So draw me nigh to Thee! And unto God the Father, Lord Jesus, pray for me. Beloved! Thou hast invited, And I have come to Thee, The weakest of Thy daughters, But Thou hast died for me. Beloved! out of our weakness Can strength be made by Thee, To mount on wings as eagles, Lord Jesus, pray for me! 90 BREATHED FROM THE SOUL 97 Beloved, I'm so weary ! I come to Thee for rest, Thou hast forgiven, so I lay My head upon Thy breast. Beloved, I do love Thee Because Thou Jovest me And hast most surely promised Eternal rest in Thee. "HOLY Spirit! Comforter! Teach Thy child to pray That those the Lord hath given Might tread the narrow way. "Father in Heaven, I pray to Thee, That glorified Thou might'st be, Make us in Thee one family, Heavenly Father, hear Thou me. The Mother, Lord, Thy love hath given, draw her gently nearer Heaven. The prayers for me that she hath said 0, shower the blessings on her head. 0, Gentle Jesus, from above, Send Thy sweet Messenger of Love, Thy Holy Comforter Divine And take her burden, Lord, as Thine. 98 PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY 99 She loves us all but grant that she May consecrate that love to Thee, Not love us less, but Thee, the more, For fathomless Thy treasure store. Lord Jesus, wipe her tears away, And give her courage day by day, However trying things may be, Grant her that inward peace with Thee. The father, Lord who doth provide Through Thee, the shelter for Thy child, According to Thy will, may he Heavenly Father, come to Thee. Teach him to know, though great his love. 'Tis but an echo from above, Teach him to know, though great his care That Christ will all the burden bear. Though in a \vilderness being led, Providing for us, daily bread, Twas there the manna fell from Heaven, Grant he may ask what will be given. 100 PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY show Thyself Thou Bread of Life, Grant there may be no anxious strife, But day by day on Living Bread, My earthly father might be fed. The sisters, Lord, who try with me To tread the path that leads to Thee, help them, Lord, to trust Thy might And grant to them that inward sight. keep them close by Thy dear side, Make them to be Thy spiritual bride, Help them Thy Kingdom first to seek, To know Thy voice when Thou dost speak. Let them ne'er falter in the way, Until at last, in bright array, Around Thy Throne of Grace in Heaven They praise Thee for the blessing given. My brothers, Lord, Thou knowest all, Saviour, at Thy feet I fall, Imploringly I do beseech That Thou would'st touch the heart of each PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY 101 I cannot find the words to speak, So great my wish that they would seek To enter at the "wicket gate" Ere dreaded cry "Too late, too late." My only plea is, Thou hast died, Thou, for sinners crucified, Christ, I lean on Thee alone, My cry, my prayer, seems but a moan. But Thou wilt pray, I know it, Lord, For Thou hast promised in Thy Word, And if my longing is so great That these may come ere found too late, how much more must Thy soul yearn And patiently await return, Saviour, Christ, I give to Thee But humble prayers, Thou hearest me. 1 know when suits Thy gracious will That Thou wilt whisper, "Peace be still." Because Thy Spirit's Holy might Has won them for the cause of Right. 102 PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY O Lord ! I cannot now look up For filled with sorrow is my cup, Saviour, 'tis my great regret 1 somehow love not fully yet. Forgive this erring child of sin, And grant Thy Love-light's peace within, I want Thee, Lord, I cry to Thee, gracious Saviour, comfort me. THY ways are ways of pleasantness, Then why should I be sad? When Thou art with me all the way To cheer and make me glad. The thought that I shall see my Lord Doth fill my soul with joy, Though now I feel too tired to think Of pleasure in employ. But there no sickness enters in, No weakness shall we know, "Forever with my Lord" to be Ofttimes I've longed to go. And then I cannot grieve Him more With wandering and sin When once He opens wide the gate Of Heaven to let me in. 103 104 WITH HIM ALWAY And then, to see Him face to face, joy to think of this, If joy to think what will it be To realise that bliss? And now Death where is thy sting? Where, Grave, thy victory 1 ? For Jesus Christ hath trod the way, And conquered all for me. It is His will that I should here Abide a little while, He gives to me a chance to win The sunshine of His smile. I wonder when I get to Heaven If I will feel regret That I did not while here below More for my Saviour get? That I did not more exercise The privilege He gave In letting me His glory share By bringing souls to save? WITH HIM ALWAY 105 I can do nothing of myself, Saviour, pray for me! Help Thoii and show me what to do As doing imto Thee. give me patience here to wait, My spirit satisfy; Some day I'll answer to Thy call : "Rabboni, here am I." THE CLOUDS A Medley I. ONE huge dark mass, monotonous and grey So far as eye could reach, no moving scene, No spectral whiteness sped along its way, All dull, as tho' no blue had ever been ! All still, so still, no dazzling sun shines forth And sheds its rays abroad to flood with light, But all is hid, as tho' in sullen wrath, And still, so still, bespeaking hidden might. I gazed full earnestly, and yet once more Far, far away into that cloudy height; Then saw a pulsing movement, faint yet sure Convulsing all the sky with throbbing might. 106 THE CLOUDS 107 And slowly, surely, but yet silently, The movement overhead went on and on, The blue, the grey, strove each for victory, Entranced, I watched to see the battle won. II. Aha! aha! Laugh, clap your hands, The clouds obey, the wind commands; The fog has gone, the sky is clear, The sullen masses disappear. The patiently awaiting blue At last triumphantly sees thro* The fog-bound windows ; and the sun Beams down upon the victory won. Aha ! aha ! Laugh, clap your hands, The clouds obey, the wind commands; From blue dominion now the sun Smiles down upon the battle won. III. So ho, for a frolic of madness, The sky has exchanged with the sea, While gay nymphs are singing with gladness And "tripping it" merrily. 108 THE CLOUDS The clouds have gone into the river, The wavelets are up in the sky, The trees in their merriment quiver To see all the ocean so high. The sea wraiths with laughter and dancing Are lashing the waves into froth, (With graceful positions entrancing) Exciting the ocean to wrath. IV. Queen Doris, her grotto vacating Glides peacefully now into sight, The ripples her maidens in waiting Have fringed all her garments with white. And far, far away in the distance Apart from the fun and caprice, There's a clear little pool in existence, That whispers so softly of peace. The beautiful fern leaves are glancing Deep down in the looking glass pond, The picturesque beauty enhancing As mirrored each delicate frond. THE CLOUDS 109 Away! away! Here comes the wind The truant sea-nymphs all to find, And blow them back into the sea, To teach them where they ought to be. Away! away! with all the fun Back to the ocean, every one, Each tired of laughter, tired of glee, Seek peace and rest in mother sea, 'Neath Nature's surfaces revealed We little guess the wealth concealed, For under the wavelets' watchful keep A mystic world is rocked to sleep. V. All blue and calm once more, No sign to tell of all the madcap frolic that hath been. Far, far away, a little white lost sprite Still gliding on its lonely way was seen, So still, so peaceful now, in spite of all, So clear the sky impenetrably deep, Could ever such a wondrous change have been So soon? The clouds their hidden secrets keep 110 THE CLOUDS VI. Can you read the inner meaning In my simple allegory? See what I have ti-ied to picture In the telling of my story? I will leave you to discover What shall not be hard in finding, Look above and view the cloudland Of Creator still reminding. CHARITY a poor blind man," so said the world As heedlessly it hurried to and fro, Indifferent to that quiet, pleading hand Extended there in faith for charity. God looketh on the heart. He knew That here was one of His redeemed, That in this soul was shed abroad His wondrous love Divine That gave the inward light to brighten all. The Shepherd knows His sheep, He gives the faith that looks to Him for every daily need. He had enriched this quiet humble soul With gifts divine beyond the world to give A hidden treasure, priceless, lasting fair. m 112 CHARITY "Only a poor blind man," so said the world As some in passing pity paused awhile To give a trifle whence 'twould not be missed! Frivolity came tripping down the street, And lightly tossed a coin "for conscience sake" But even her small act revealed that though Her thoughts on pleasure bent, her heart remained. Then Condescension paused, and looking round To let the "left hand" see, he gave from out Of his abundance what could well be spared, And reaped his own reward from those who saw. The Mother paused, and thought of him who sailed Far, far away to do the will of God In foreign lands, and so she sacrificed A slight indulgence, in that loved one's name. 'Twas but a stepping stone, but still it led To higher things, and so had its reward. But Riches hurried past so mean a man Who had to beg for bread, nor did he give A crumb from his abundance ! Ah ! Thus he who thought he was the greatest was the least, And lacked his brother's riches in the Lord. CHARITY 113 Then Charity came softly and drew near, And lovingly bestowed her widow's mite. "It is my all," she said, "but this I give Unto my God, who gave Himself for me. For I, and all I have, are His alone !" And then the watching angels sang for joy. And this their song, rang out thro' earth and Heav'n, "For inasmuch as ye have done this deed Unto the least of mine As unto me, I bless the service that in love is wrought." Only a poor blind man ? Ah ! rich indeed, His treasure was in Heaven, and he prayed For all the sad, the rich, the poor Who had not blessings such as his, And most of all for those who had not time to pause and think A God of Love is watching all the while! (November 7th. Suggested by a limelight picture of a blind Christian forced to beg. Lecture by Rev. W. G. Taylor, November 4th, 1903.) "PEACE BE STILL" S. MARK iv. 39 (The Lord knoweth the days of the upright. Ps. xxxvii. 18) LORD, dost Thou know my days? The lightsome and the dark? Dost Thou still watch in love This wand'ring human barque? Shine out, Light and pilot Thou, I want Thy guiding power now. The dark clouds overhead The thunderings around Have tried all day to hide The "still small voice's sound." All is so dark, so cold; and sin In painful discord lurks within. I am listening for Thy voice Above the raging storm, I gaze across the waves To see my Saviour's form. Soon He will come, His word fulfil, And quieten all with "Peace be still." 114 ASK (Ak and it shall he given you. S. Luke ii. 9.) "THIS is so small a thing 1 to ask my Lord, When this request doth reach the Throne of Grace, It surely will appear small to God. Why trouble ye the Master?" said my heart, My soul replied "My want is far beyond The reach of my unaided hand; to me The granting means so much. My Father has Invited me to ask all things that He Might give and teach my soul to love and trust. He knoweth all my need before I speak, Then it is unbelief to doubt His Woi'd." So I obeyed His voice and told Him all Not long to wait ! and then the answer came. 'Tis not the only time that I have proved That if in all ways we acknowledge Him He will direct our paths. My God ! I am So glad that Thou dost know all things; and thank Thee Thou hast heard and answered me ; still keep, Still lead, still bless, and fill my soul with praise, And open Thou mine eyes and soften Thou My heart, that I might know Thy wondrous works ! HI 115 OPEN THE DOOR (" Behold I stand at the door and knock." " I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.") IP only those who wander In darkness, doubt, and sin, Would open out their souls to God To pour His love-light in, for a tongue to tell the rest That fills the heart that God hath blessed. If only those with burdens Would lay them at His feet, And listen to His words divine, So comforting, so sweet. It is such rest to know that He Will bear all things for you and me. 116 OPEN THE DOOR 117 If only those in trouble Would tell it all to Him For He has promised if we call, To pour His comfort in. Lord, is comfort such as Thine So satisfying, true, divine 1 ? If only those who hesitate, Between two paths unknown, Would seek a Father's guiding hand, They need not go alone. For He will lead His little child Past thorn and briar, through desert wild. If only those with talents Would lay them at His feet, Asking the Giver to make their souls With thankful love replete, That they might know the secret joy Of using gifts in God's employ. If only those who suffer Would bear it for His sake, And ask of Him to give the strength To conquer every ache. 118 OPEN THE DOOR From cross to crown, for you and me Christ trod to win Eternity. all ye living people, Christ died! is it nought That with the price of His own blood Thy sinful soul was bought? Look on that dark Gethsemane, All this for love ! for you and me. O all who yet may wander And deep in darkness fall, What will ye do, when thro' the gloom The voice of Death doth call? How can you claim a Saviour's love To light you to a Home above? There is no way to travel Unto the throne of God, Except the path of suffering Where Jesus Christ hath trod. He waits in love and calls to thee, grieve Him not, but taste and see. OPEN THE DOOR 119 O hasten to the portal And seek the Saviour's power, To wash and cleanse and save you now From Death's dark lonesome hour. Another time may be too late, And Satan binds you while you wait. THANKSGIVING DAY JUST one short year ago The fiery summer glow Had scorched the budding growth from stem to root; And from the wilderness, The voices of distress Bewailed, that mother earth withheld her fruit. And then a mighty cry Was raised to the sky, Unto the only Giver of our bread. He heard His people's voice And made their hearts rejoice, And sent the plenty wherewith to be fed. A year with fatness fraught, This present year hath brought, 120 THANKSGIVING DAY 121 Our God hath now fulfilled His sacred word That those who ask receive, Who in their hearts believe, That whatsoe'er their prayer 'tis surely heard. Tho' sometimes 'tis His will To keep us waiting till He makes us ready to receive the gift ; And after training time We hear the joy-bells chime, And see the shades of waiting-time uplift. O teach us, Lord, to praise Thee only all our days, And sow in us the seed of thankfulness. touch the cynic heart, And make it own Thou art Rejoicing in Thy Power to aid and bless. A DISAPPOINTMENT ("In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.") ALTHO' not yet, I know that it will be, I cannot see the way, but rest upon Thy word; Thy many words of promise given. Make Thy will mine, Lord, And keep my trust for me, that it may grow. Forgive the doubt that found short lodging place Within my breast. Search Thou my heart, and root up everything Thou findest there which glories not in Thee. Altho' not yet I know that Thou wilt give This thing I ask of Thee, for Thou hast told Me by a strange, a joyful voice within, That bids me wait as yet a little while. I know not why Lord, give me patience, Love, and trust, And let me never waver more. And when the answer comes, teach me to give The glory all to Thee and show me how To thank Thee and to praise Thee as I ought. 122 TIRED, so tired; Thou knowest, Lord, The weakness of our frame; And Thou dost care, And help to bear, For Thou hast felt the same. Tired, so tired; Lord, does it tell My journey's nearly o'er? That I shall be Called Home to Thee, Ere long to sin no more? Tired, so tired; "Rest in the Lord" Shall be my lullaby; For Thou wilt keep, Awake, asleep, Replacing joy for sigh. 123 "AT THE CROSSROADS" December 30th, 1903 GOOD-BYE, Old Year! Good-bye! The stars are growing dim, They voice me no reply From yon horizon-rim. All still, so still above, around, No pulsing life-intrusive sound. "Good-bye, Old Year. Good-bye" The secrets of a heart, The tear, and the sigh Are only known in part By those who deem they know us best, We guess but half, nor know the rest. "Good-bye, Old Year." I turn To face the unknown new, There is so much to learn, So much we must undo. Our Guide will lead where'er is best, Fear not, faint heart, but trust, and rest. 124 A 000135275 6