$ ^ > ^OF-CA1!FO% ,^OFCA1!FO% ^ ^ . S < 4? ^4 X--X '' *)g jCV 7 0? m s g ^ 5." L .,? 5 . ' '.. ,V\U/J /VMil g x-v~ > sfoC dOS-AN'GHfr., ^E-l'NIVERS/^ S ^ i i JJ ^ 4SS y Fleet Street, and 07, Old Bailey, three Doors from Ludgate Hill. 1817. Price Two-pence. Printed by J. Barbican. StacK rtiliW* T E D E U M, &c. H There shall be read distinctly, with an audible voice, the Leading Article of the Courier, (except there be other LESSONS appointed by the Treasury for that Day :) he that readeth, so standing and turning himself, as he may best be heard of all such as are present. And after that, shall be said or sung, in English, daily throughout the week, asfolloweth : Te Deum Laudamus. ~WW^"E praise thee O Stone : we acknowledge thee to be a Bullet. All the Corruptionists doth worship thee : the Place- giver everlasting, 2015164 To thee all Placemen cry aloud : the Treasury, and all the Clerks therein. To thee Pensioners and Sinecurists : continually do cry, Bullet, Bullet, Bullet : from thee our power floweth. Borough-mongers and Lords in waiting :' are full of thy two holes a quarter of an inch apart. The glorious company of the Chinese Eating Room: praise thee. The goodly fellowship of the Pavilion : praise thee. The noble army of Tax Commissioners: praise thee. The pure Legitimates throughout all the world: doth acknowledge thee, The Saviour of an expiring Ministry. Thou art the Trick of Tricks : O Bullet. Thou art the everlasting prop : of the Ministry. When they took upon them to call thee a Bullet: they did not abhor the public shame. When they had failed to overcome the sharpness of Truth : thou didst open the Kingdom to the leaven of new deceivers. We believe that thou .art a pretext: for rejecting Reform. We therefore pray thee help the Lord of the Bed- chamber: but appear not unto him for his memory's jpke. O Bullet, save the tyUm'stry : for thou alone art their heritage. Keep them in place: and they will call thee Bullet for ever. Day by day : the Courier doth magnify thee ; And it worshippeth thy name: every night without end. Vouchsafe, O Bullet: to keep us this year without Reform. O Bullet, have mercy upon us : have mercy upon us. O Bullet, keep Reform afar from us : as our trust is in thee. O Bullet, in thee have we trusted : let the Reformists for ever be confounded. [Here endeth the Bullet Te Dcum.'] THE CANTICLE OF THE STONE, Which tp.ay, or may not, be sung or said immediately after Te Deum Laudamus. Benedicite omnia, ALL ye vr orkere of Corruption, bless ye the Stone : praise it, and magnify it as a Bullet for ever. most chaste, most pious, most magnificent, and gracious Prince, who alone workest great marvels : mag- nify it for ever. O thou Private Secretary, Secretary Extraordinary, and Privy Seal : magnify it for ever. O thou Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal of the Duchy : magnify it for crcr. O thou Vice Admiral, Lord Warden of the Stannaries, and Steward of the Duchy : magnify it for ever. O ye Lords and Grooms of the Bedchamber : magnify it for ever. O ye Sticks in waiting : magnify it for ever. O ye Lords of the Treasury : magnify it for ever. O ye Solicitors to the Treasury: magnify it for ever. O ye Tailors and Accoutrement Makers to the House- hold Troops, whose dress hath not been altered during ten entire days last past : magnify it for ever. O ye Sword Cutlers, Helmet Makers, Epaulette Makers, Feather Makers, Buttonhole Stitchers, and cunning Work- men in Embroidery : magnify it for ever* O ye Dames of Hertford and Jersey, and Mother St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins: magnify it for ever. ye One Hundred and Nine Chaplains in Ordinary, lose names are written in the Royal Kalendar : magnify ityor ever. ye Makers and Manufacturers of Sham Plots : mag- t for ever. thou eldest Son of Impudence, George Cunning;, whoVlidst transform the foot of an old Stocking with a iew gullets, into a waggon load of Ammunition: mag- nify i for ever. O Old Cabbage Dog Rose, and the Managers and Direcors of Saving Banks: magnify it for ever. O thou Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, the Sucking- mother of the Treasury : magnify it for ever. O ye Borough-brokers, and Money-jobbers : magnify it for ever. O ye admirers of Louis the Desired, and Ferdinand the Beloved : magnify it for ever. O ye who believe the People have nothing to do w * ^^ s~^\