^Q IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA QJ/^D LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF 1 > \ /\~y ^ n A v\ r$ _^-^r^.. Cx a ^^m| >^j fit Govuitot/R and JUDGES, in their Lt- gifldthc Capacity. at a Se/ff/t b*gv* *n. Fridaf, the xxix &ay of M one t1w/fand,/evtn bvndrtd and ending on fuef&uy thttivtntjjiflb day WITH AH APPENDIX OP RESOLUTIONS AMD TliE OADJKA.HCE THE GOVERNMENT OF TERRITORY By Authority. C I N C I N N AT I : PRINTED. BY W. MAXWELl* M,DCC,XCV1. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT or THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES, NORTH- WEST OF THE RIVER OHIO. T> E IT ORDAINED by the United States mCon- gress assembled, thatthe said territory, for the N purposes of temporary government, begone dis- ry * to b ' c trict; subject, however, to be divided into two tria, but districts, as future circumstances may, in the to become two opinion of Congress, maieit expedient. Be itordained by the authority aforesaid, that theestates both of resident and non-resident pro- prietors in the said territory, dyingin testate, shall descen4 to, and be distributed among their chil- Howlnteflates* dren, and the descendants of a deceased child in peJfoat" equal parts ; the descendants of a deceased child defccnd/ or grand -child, to take the share of their deceased parent in equal parts among them ; and where there shall be no children or descendants, then, in equal parts to the next of kin, in equal degree ; and among collaterals; the children of a deceased brother' or sister of the intestate, shall have in e- qual parts among them their deceased parents' share ; and there shall in no case be a distinction between kindred of the whole and half blood ; sav- ing in all cases to the widow of the intestate, her Dower third part of the real estate for life, and one third part of the personal estate ; and this law relative to descents and dower, shall remain in full force until altered by the legislature of the district. And until the governor and judges shall adopt f^cs laws as hereinafter mentioned, estates in the said till laws adopt- territory may be devised or bequeathed hy wills *d B 285003 iv* in writing^ signed and sealed by him or her, ra ' r ^ d c wb-om theestate may be (being of full age) and attested by three witnesses ; and real estates may te conveyed by lease and release., or bargain and. Wills to be pro- $ale*signed, sealed and delivered by the person be- **d, and deed^ing of full age, in whom the estate maybe, and Recorded. attested by two witnesses, provided ' such wiibbe duly proved, and sirch/ conveyances- be. acknorc* ledged, or the execution thereof duly proved, and be recorded within one year after proper magis- _ trates, co urts^and registers shall be appointed for pr^ert^maU ^at,purpose; and personal, property may be transferred: transferred by delivery, saving however, to the to cer- French and Canadian inhabitants, and other ser> lire'" tiers of the Kaskaskies^ .Saint Vincents, and the & c'ufloma,. neighbouring villages, who have here to fore pro* astothedefcent fessed thems.elves i citizens of Virginia, their law) o d aTefP* 1 "* an d customs now in force among them, relative to descent and conveyance of pro^e&ty. . Beit ordained by the authority aforesaid 'that Governor, for & era shall be appointed from time to ^time, by *hat term tt be Congress, a governor,, whose commission shall ommi(fioned -. contmueiaforce for the term of three years, un- ii ^ualffican } ess S00nerre ^ j ie d : by Congress;. he sbaUjreside in the distrkt, and havea freehold estate therein, & f in one thousand acres .of land i while" in the &tet~ *ht**J?m com! c ^ se .f bis office.. There shall be appointed from jniifioned. time to tinie^ by Congress, .a secretary, tohose commission shall eon tinue in force for four years, unless sooner revoked, he shal! reside 1 in the His i qnalifirati* dislricJ:,. and have a freehold estate therein,, in five 1 on & duties*, hundred acres of land ^whifeJn thie exercise of his, office ; itshalf behisduty to keep and preserve the acts and laws passed by; the legilature, and the public records of the district, and the proceedings, of the governor in -his executive and transmit authentic copies ol such acts and proceedings, every six months, to the secretary ^ of Congress : There shall also be appoin ted a court fafyigu io consist of three judges, any two of Whom* to form a court, who shall have a common law jurisdicti- the * r P wer on, and reside in the district, and have each there- . in a freehold estate in five hundred acres of land, ^ a T? hile in the exercise bf their offices ; and their commissions shall continue in farce during, good behaviour. The governor and judges, or a majority of them, shall adopt and publish in the district, j^ such laws of the original states, criminal and & |>Bbli(h tht civil, as may be necessary, and best snited to the iaws **"f circumstances of the district, and report them to * ft Congress, from lime to time, which laws shall be in force in the district until the organization of the general assembly* therein, unless disapproved of by Congress y but afterwards Hie legislature shall have authority to alter them as they shall think fit The governor for the time befng, shall be term- Powcps of tnander in chief of the militia, appoint and com- gpternor. mission all officers in the same, below the rank of general officers ; all 'general dfficers shall 'be*ap- pointed and commissioned by Congress. Previonsrto the organization of the general as- semWy, the governor shall appoint such magis- Farther trates and other civil pfticers, in each couiitybr of the township, as he snaH find necessary for the pffe- or- servation of the peace and good order in the samfe : after the general assembly shall be organi ed, fhe powers and duties of magistrales aricl other civfl fk^S officers shall be regulated and defined ty the tr^e, bow said assembly ; bu tall magistrates and other civil be repil^te officers, not herein otherwise direc^ shadl da- aad defiaed - vi ring the continuance of this temporary govern- ment, be appointed by the governor. For the prevention of crimes and injuries, L , 3XV ! a^P^d the laws to be adopted or made shall have force in " ' r all parts ol the district, and for the execution of process, criminal and civil, the governor shall make proper divisions thereofand he shall pro- The goverjiar ceed fiom time to lime, as circumstances may re- to lay out coun- quire, to lay out the parts of ihe district in which tics and town, h j jj j , shall j fc cxtiimiiblietl, ilups, \>here Jn- . . , . O titles ex- into comities aiici townships , subject, however, tosticli alterations as may thereafter be made by thelegislaturCt So soon as there shall be five thousand free male 5000 free males inhabitants, of full nc, in the distiict, upon may cleft repre- . . r . r \ i feniat'nes to a giving proof thereof to the governor, they shall gen. aflembly ; receive authority, with time and place, to elect representatives fiom their coun lies or townships, to represent them in the general assembly: pro- vided that for every five hundred free male inha- In whatpropor- bitants there shall be one representative, and so on progressively with ihe number of free male inhabitants, shall the right of repiesentafu on increase, until the number of representatives shall amount to twenty five, after which the num- ber and proportion of representatives shall be regulated by the legislature ; Provided that no Qualifications i i- -LI IT i of reprefenta- P erso11 bc eligible or qualified to act as a repre- xives. sentative, unless he shall have been a citizen of one ofthe United States three years and be a resident in the district, or unless he shall have resided in the district there years, and in either case shall likewise hold in his own right, in fee simple, two hundred acres of land within the Trovifo, forfur- same ? Pro videdalso, that a freehold in fifty acres - of land in thedistiict, having been a citizen o; one of the states, and being resident in the district ; or the like freehold and I wo years residence in the s . f re P rc - district shall be necessary to qualify a man as an " elector of a repiesentative* The representative thus elected, shall serve for lhe - r term of ttjfetermof two years, and in case of the death of f cr vicf,&c. a representative, or removal from office, the go- vernor shall issue a writ to the county or township for which he was a member, to elect another in liis stead, to serve for the residue-of the term. The general assembly, or legislature, shall con- The general a(V sist of the governor, legislative council and a fembiy how- house of representatives. The legislative council com P * ee of whom Congress shall appoint and commission TP olBied * c - r o . , Ci , and vacant ie. to serve as aforesaid ; and whenever a vacancy to t, % shall happen in the council, by death or removal from office,^ the 'house of representatives shall nominate two persons, qualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their names to Con- gress ; one of whom Congress shall appoint and commission for the residue of the term ; and every five years, four months at least before the expira- tion of the time of service of the members of council, the said house shall nominate len pei cons, qualified as aforesaid, and return thjeir names to Congress, five of whom Congress shall appoin and commission to serve as members of the coun- cil five years, unless sooner removed* And the The gov. le.2,if- governor, legislative council, and house of re lVd V Lufcof n re! presenlatives, shall have authority to make laws ^~ Tentative* in. all cases for the good government ofthedis- to make Uws. trict, not repugnant to the principles and articles ;in , this ordinance established.and declared. And all bills having passed by ,a majority in the house, and by a majority in the council shall be referred /flent of the j. Q fae governor for his assent ; but no bill or le- foIil lawT-^Hc gislative act whatever > shall be of.any force with- may convene, o.ut his asserit. .The governor shall have power to prorogue & dif- fconvene, prorogue and dissolve the general as- ohre th am-s^mbly, when in his opinion it shall be expedient, * 9 The governor, judges, legislative council, se* cretary, and .such other officers as Congress shall Oattsof fideiity appoint in the district, shall take an oath or af- to be taken by firmation pf fidelity, and of office, the govern-* officers of go- O r before tbe president of Congress, and all other vcrnment. officers before the governor. As soon as a le- . . gisla tu re shall be. formed in the district, lite coun covfncil and re- ciland house, assembled in one room, shall have prefentative* authority by joiiitbajlot to elect a delegate to Con- to ele# a deU- grcss, who shall hav.e a^seatin Congress, with a gr!fs, Ind who" "g nt Pf debating, but not of voting, during this may debate but Jc in pouary government, not vote. ^ nc } for .extending the fundamental principles of civil .and ^religious If berty, which form the ba- Preamble to- sis whereon these republics, their laws and con* ^vards stitutions are, erected; to fix and establish those the bafi* o f .principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions and afuturcgvern- overnin ejits, which for ever hereafter shall be meat. formed in the said territory/ to provide also for die establishment of states, and permanent go- vernment therein, and for their admission to a share In the federal councils on an equal footing with the original states, at as early peiiods as may be consistent with the general interest. It is hereby ordained and declared, by the au- thority aforesaid, that the following, articles shall Claofc be considered as articles of compact between the J or y of *he foU . . i i i lowing artlcl** original states and the people and states- in the of , co Sip a a ; said territory, and for ever remain unalterable, unless by comrooiivconsentv lo wit:* ARTICLE I. No person, demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be Art. i . For reK molested -on accouufc'ofhU mode of worship or gious liberty* religious sentiments in the said territory.. ART. If. The inhabitants of the said territo- ry shall always-be en-titled tfr the benefit-of the * rt - * s " ar< ' ii jfi_ i i * 16 bene -writ of habeas corpus, and of the tnal by jury; g t O f hab. cor. of a proportionate representation of the people trial by jury, re- in the legislature, and 1 of judicial proceedings presentation of according tothe-course'of the common law-, all ^roMedings"- persens shall be bailable unless for capital offences, cording to the where the proof sfell be evident or the presumpti- common Jaw. on great; allfinefrshall bemoderare, and no cru- Bailable * el or unusual punishments shall be inflicted 4 no Fines tt"be mo- man shall be deprived -of his liberty or property derate; nocru- but by the'judginent of his peers, or the law- of el r onufual P"'* the land; and should the public exigencies make inaia it necessary- for the-common preservation to take any person's* property, or to demand his parti- cular services/ full compensation shall be made for the same ;_and*in the just preservation of rights and property it is understood and. declared, that no law ought ever to be made, or have force: in the said territory^, that shall in any manner/'No expoft whatever interfere with j or affect private con tracts laws to or engagements, bona fide and without fraud previously formed* ART. Ill, Pe!Jgicn r Tr:oralfly ancllmcwleclge> .Art. 3. rjuca- being necessary to good government and the hap, 10 be en- piness of mankind, schools and the means of and education shall for. ever be encouraged. The n* O b utmost good faith -shall always be -observed to- &r ved. " -wards the Indians ; their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent^ and in their property, rights and. liberty, they never shall be invaded or disturbed, unless in just .and lawful wars authorized by -Congress ; but laws founded in justice and humanity shall from time to time be made, for preventing wrongs being done to them, an.d for preserving peace and friendship with them. Art. 4.Tb*ter- ART. IV. The said territory, and the states ritoryand ftates \vHich may be formed therein, shall for ever re- to be formed j t of lllis con f e deracy of the United therein, to re 1 . , , . i_ i t r main a part of Mates or America, subject to the articles of confe- deration, and to such alteration' therein as shall be constitutionally made; -and to all ihe acts and ordinances of the United States in Congress a- jc.a t pro- sembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants portion of the , , . i .1 . i n i i federal debts. an< ^ settlers in the said territory, -shall be subject *to pay a part of the federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of tjie ex- penses of government, to be apportioned orf them by Congress according to the same common rule and measure by which apportionments therof shall be made on the other states ; and the taxes for paying their proportion, shall be laid and. levied by the authority and direction ofthelegislaturesofthe district or districts or new states as in the original states, within the'time agreed upon by the United Kottointcrfere States in Congress assembled. The legislatures ^^of f lh ? e districts > or new states slia11 never inter - fere with the primary disposal of the soil by the xi. United Stares in Congress assembled, nor with t f, e f j] any regulations Congress may find necessary for United States, securing the title in such soil to the bona fide pur- chasers. No tax shall be imposed ori lands the u * Su * Un ^ s property of the United States; and in no case shall noV'thoft^of, jnon-resident proprietors be taxed higher than non-reGdents residents. Toe navigable, waters leading into higher than av the MissUippi and St. Lawrence, and \ the carry ing patera Dor I slates /and the boundaries of the states, as soon j^/g^^f",,^ I as Virginia shall alter her, act of session and ron- anc west line drawn through the south- two i'tatcj more, erly bend or extreme of lake* Michigan: and! ^ v . whenever any of the said state* shall have sixty inhabitants ina thousand free inhabi tan is therein, such state shall! itate, it /hail be be admitted by its delegates into the Congress off admitted into the United States, on an equal footing with tin original states in all'respects whatsoever*, ^i sKali be at liberty to form a -permanent^ ' rstit f Fro\iro. The tion and state- government :. prowded llc. con. confutation and stilution and government so to be form edf* shall government o ^ re p u blican, and in confcfhnity to the princi- juch new Itate j^ ' v * * r to be republi- pies contained' in these -articles and so far as il can But an u can be-coiisistent with the gen era! interest, of . the] niou >v4th the confederacy, such admission shall be allowed a-t: u . o; may b al- .. * j i i i i_ i lowed at an ear- an earlier period, and when ihere may be a. less; period. number ot free inhabitants in thastate. thansixty^ thousand*. 6. Nofiuve- ART, VI,. TKere^shall bVneitEer slavery rroi permuted, ihvoluntary^servitudein the said^territoiy, other- wise, than in punishment of crimes whereof the 1 CT Q Oilier p art y shall have been duly convicted : provided may be^lways, that any person escaping into the same, from .whom labom; or service is v Jaw fully claimed' in any one of the. original stat&s, such fugitive may be-lawfully reclaimed and conve) ed to the person claiming, his or, hei; labour or sjRivica as afoiesaid.. Be n ordhined\>v llie authority aforesaid, that? ^ resolutions of the aSd, of April, 1784, relative-' repealed'. 16 the subject ot ihis ordinance, be, and the same are liereby repealed and declared null and void. DONE by the United States itt Congress assembled, the i3th. day of July, in the year of our Lord 1787, and of their sovereignty and independence the 1 2th. CHA. THOMSON, Secy. LAWS O F T H E TERRITORY of the UNITED STATES N O R T H-W E S T of the O H I O. M. ST. CLAIR, JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES 7 NORTH-WEST OF THE OHIO. 5 A LAW subjecting Real Estate to execution for debt. Adopted from the Pennsy Iranian codc^ and published at Cincinnati > the first day of June, one thou- sand^ seven bundled and nine* ty;(ive> by Arthur St. Glair, governor \ and John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, judges, in and over the said Territory. Sect. !. '"TO THE END, that no creditors may be defrauded of debts justly due to them, from pei sons who have sufficient real, if not persona], estates to satisfy the same; all lands, tenements and hereditaments, whatsoever, where no sufficient personal estate can be/ound, shall be liable to be seized and sold, upon judgment and execution obtained, II, Piovided akv&ys, That when any debt is iereafter recovered, and damages awarded ; or when any debt is acknowledged before such as have, or shall have, power to take cognizance there- of, and executions are awarded thereupon, to. be levied upon iheiands, tenements or hereditaments Preamble.- Real e'tate may be taken in exe~ ciuiqa for debt, where DO per- j fonal eftatc be found : Bat otlierwjfe> where the prcx firs will pay debt and cofrs fivkhin. oFany person or persons, whatsoever; be law! ul for any sheriff, or other officer, by virtue of such executions, or of any writer writs there- upon, to sell, or expose to sale, any such lands, tenements or hereditaments, wliicli shall ormay ( yield yearly rents or profits, beyond all'reptizes, sufficient within the space of seven years, to pay, or satisfy such debts or damages, wi th costs of suit : but all those lands, tenements- and hereditaments, shall, by virtue of the writer writs of execution, be delivered to the party obtaining the same, until the debt, or damages be levied by a ''reasonable extent* in the same manner and method as lands are delivered upon writs of elegit in England. Ill* Provided nevertheless^ That if the cleat If not, then the profits of such lands or tenements shall not be lands,' &c. ma> found, by inquest of twelve men, to be sufficient, be fold. within seven years, to satisfy the debt or damages in such executions; or, if before the extent be out, any other debts or damages shall be recovered against the same debtor or defendant, his heirs, executors or administrators, which, with what remains due upon such extent, cannot all be sa~ tisfied out of the yearly profits of the lands or tenements, so extended within seven years ; then, and in every such case, the sheriff or other offi- Cf cer shal1 ' accordin gty> certify the same upon the return of such executions; whereupon a writ or writs of vendiliorii exponas shall issue forth, to sell such lands and tenements, for and towards satisfaction of what shall remain due upon such extent; as also, towards satisfaction of all therest of the said debts or damages, in manner as is hereinafter directed, concerning the sale of other lands. IVy It shall and may be lawful for the sheriff. or oilier officer, by a writ of Icvsri facias, to seire and take all other lands, tenements and heredita- !;, before and ments 4n execution ; and thereupon, with all con- after falc. venient speed, either wither without any writ of rendition! exponas, to make public sale there- of, f9r the most they will yield ; and pay the price or value of the same to the party towards* satisfaction of his debt, damages and costs. But before any such sale be inade,' the sheriff, or other officer, shall cause 'SQ many writings to be made upon parc'hment, or good paper, as the debt- or or defendant shall reasonably desire or request; or so many, without such request, as may be sufficient to- signify and give notieebr such sales orvcndues, andof the day and hour- when, and thp-place where the same will be, and what lands or tenements are to beso sold, and'vyhere they lie: which notice shall be given to thedefendant, and the said parchments or papers fixed by the ^ ot , ice r ,*2 . r , -.. . * U J,,. fenidant at lead. sheriff, or other ofticers; in the mast public J0 days before- places of the county, at least ten days -before sale, i'*le. And upon -iuch sale, the sheriff,. or other officer, shall make return theieof, endorsed or* annexed to the said levatl facias ; and give the buy era deed, duly executed and acknowledged, in: court, for vihat is sold. But in case the said lands and where tb ef* h'eridilaments, so to beexposed, cannot be sold ; tare cannot be then the officer shall make retuin upon the \\rit, fold for want that heexposed^s^rli lands or tenements to sale, a rT^raViai* to. and ihe same remained in his hands- unsold^ for want of buyers: 'which .return shall not make the officer liable to answer the debt or damages con- tained in such writ/ but the writ of Icvari facias shall, forlhwilli, be awarded and directed to the proper officer, commanding him to deliver to the- party such part or parts of those lands, tenements; and hered.' Laments, a^, shall satisfy his debt, da- mages and interest, from the time of the jud .mentgiven, with costs of suit, according to the valuation of twelve men ; to hold to him as hia free tenement, insatishclion of his debt, damag- es and costs, or so much thereof as those lands, by the valuation thereof, as aforesaid, shall amot?nt unto : and if it fall short, the party .niay after- wards have execution for fhe residue against the defendant's body, lands or goods, as the laws of ihisjerritory shall direct and appoint, fiom time to time, concerning other executions. All which said lands, tenements, hereditamen Is and premi- ses, so as aforesaid to be sold or delivered oy the sheriff, or officer aforesaid, with all their appur- tenances, shall or may be quietly and peaceably held and enjoyed by the person or persons, or bodies politic, to whom the same shall be sold or delivered, and by his and their heirs, successors and assigns, as fully and amply, and for such estate and estates, and under such rentsand services, as he or they, for whose debt or duty the same shall be sola or delivered, jnight, could or ought to do, at, or before, the takingthereof in execution. Xzetptaitod*-.. V ' Pr ided olmn That the messuage, fendant's chief lands or tenements upon which the defendant is feat. chiefly seated, shall not be exposed to sale, be- fore the expiration of one whole year, after judg- ment is given; to the intent, that the defen- dant, or any other for him, may redeem the same. fVI. v \Vheredefaultordefaults have been, or Proceedings in shall be, made or suffered by any mortgagor -or mortgages mortgagors of lands, tenements, or other heredi- made. dcfaolt taments within this Territory ; or by his, her or their, heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs, of or in payment of the mortgage-money, or performance or the condition or conditions which they, or any of them, should -have paid or performed, or ought to pay or perform, in suck inanner and form, and according to the 'purport, ten or and -e fleet of fehe respective provisoes, condi- tions or covenants, compri/ed-in their deeds of mortgage or defeazance, and at the days, times and places, in the same deeds, respectively, mentioned and contained ; in every such case, it shall and maybe lawful to and for the mortgagee or mort- gagees, and him, her or them that grant the said deeds of cle/eazance, and his or their heirs, exe- cutors, administrators or assigns, -any time alter llie expiration of twelve months, next ensuing the last day whereon the said mortgage-money ought Mortgagee may to be paid, or other conditions performe'd, as a- fue out a fci.fa. ioresaid ; to sue forth a writ or writs ofscire facias; withia twelve \%hich theclerkofthe court of common pleas, for " the county where the said mortgaged lands or here- ditaments lie, is hereby empowered and required to make out and dispatch, directed to the proper officer; requiring him, by honest and lawful men of the neighbourhood, -to make known to the mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors or administrators, that he or they beand appear before the magistrates, judges or justices of the said court or courts* to shew, if any thing he or they have to say, wherefore the said mort- gaged premises ought not to be seized and taken in execution, for payment of the said mortgage-mo- ney, with interest; or to satisfy the damages which the plan tiff in such scire facias, shall, up- on the record, suggest for the breach or non-per- formance of the said conditions. And if the de fendant in such scire facias appear, he or she may plead satisfaction or pay meat of part, or alt,, 'mortgage-money, or any oilier lawful plea T in a- voidance of the deedordebj;, as the case may re. ^ ire : bnt ^ tlje Defendants in such sore facias will not appear on the day whereon the same writ shall be made returnable, ( then, if the case be suck as damages, only, are to be- recovered, an ^l 11 ^ stall be forthwith charged to, enquire levari thereof; and the definitive judgment therein, as well as all other judgments to. be given upon suchscire facias, shall be fentered=, that the plain*- tiff in the scire facias shall have execution, by le? vari facias, directed to the proper officer: by vir- tue whereof, the said mortgaged premises shall be- taken in execution, and exposed to. sale, in man* Her aforesaid, and, upon sale, conveyed to the buyer or buyers thereof, and the money, or pricfc of the same, rendered to the mortgagee or credi* tor; but, for waiat ofbuyers, to be delivered to* the mortgagee, or creditor, in manner and form as is herein above directed, concerning other lands and hereditaments to be sold, or delivered upon executions, for other debts or damages* And when the said lands and hereditaments shall be sold-, or delivered, asaforesaid,. the person oc persons to whom they shall be sold oc deJLveredJ shall and may hold and enjoy thesame, with their appurtenances, for such estate or estates as they \veie sold or delivered,, clearly discharged and (reed from allequily and benefit of redqmption, and all other incumbrances. made orsuffered by: th'e mortgagors, their heiisor assigns : and such sales shall be available in law : and the respec- tive Vendees, mortgagees, or creditors, their heirs andassigris, shall hold and enjoy the same, freed and discharged, as aforesaid B.uL- before sue h v C 3T 1 sales be made, notice shall be given, In writing, In manner and form as is herein' above directed, eoncerningjhe sales of lands upon executions ; any law or usage, to fhe contrary, notwithstand- ing^ VIL Provided also. That when any of the. Sheriff to said lands, tenements or hereditaments which, by. the direction and authority of this law, are to be "otfce Sold for tie payment of debts and damages, in gor, or manner aforesaid, shall be sold for more than will dant * satisfy the same debts, or damages, and. reasonable costs ; .then the sheriff, or other officer who shall make the sale, must render the overplus to the debtor or defendant; and then, and not before, the said officer shall be discharged thereof, upon record, in the same court wUer6 he shall makflr return of his proceedings concerning the said sales. Vffl, Provided also, That no sale or delive- No new rv which shall be made, by virtue of this law, cfta j C h to fce shall be extended to create any" further term 'or (^\^ estate to the vendees, mortgagees or creditors, than the lands or hereditaments, so sold or delivered, shall appear lo be mortgaged for, by the said re- spective mortgages or defeazible. deeds. IX* Provided also, That if any of the.. said If judgmenVon judgments, which do or sliall warran t the 'award- whi . c ^ executi" ing of the said writ's of execution whereupon any be r"vcHed*for lands, tenements or hereditaments, have oeen or error, tne land? shall be sold , shall, at any time hereafter, be re* ^ ; c. fold, not to versed for any error or errors i; them and in every J 16 r ! ftoreJ T r , J ~ i .111 * but iTJ'epnr chafe such case, none or the said lands, tenements of mo ^ C y to be hereditaments, so, as aforesaid, taken or sold> paid over to the or to be taken or sold upon executions, nor Pit ' 5n crror * any part thereof, shall be reslored, nor live sheriffs sale or delivery thereof avoided ; but restitution, in such cases, shall bemade only of the money or pice lor which such lands ware or shall be sold. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the fifteenth day o/ August^ next ensuing; IN TES- TIMONY whereof, we Arthur St. Clafr, John Cleves Syinmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST. CLAJR, JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES } NORTH-WEST OF THE OHIO. J A LAW allowing Domestic At- tachments. Adopted from the Pennsylvania n code, and published at Cincinnati, the first day of June, one thou- sand, seven- hundi ed and nine- ty-five-, by Arthur St. Clair, A*. ST. CLAIR, governour, and John Cleves Syinmes and George Turner, judges, in and over the said Territory* Sect. L '"THE judges and justices of the respec- tive county courts within this Ter- ritory, shall and are hereby empowered to grant writs of attachment; which aUacliments, so gran t- ritsof attach- ed, shall be duly served, by the jespective sheriffs - nc VV 1 ) or coroners, as> ihe case may require, upon the goods and chattels of such person or persons a- [23] gainst whom the same shall be awarded, In ; whose hands or possession the same shall be iafcrl ^ c orts ' fonnd,returnable to the next succeeding court, re- spectively/where the party may proceed to trial, and shall have judgment granted the third court after the etfects are seized. II, The- person or persons, whose goods or ef- fects aieso attached, shall be defendant in the at- tachment ; and the person in whose hands, or pos- :.-in, the same goods or effects are attached, j^ e garnifhee i be called thegarnishee; and shall be obliged toanfweratre- Lo appear in court, at the return of the attachment, turn of attach and answer what shall be objected against him, and abide the judgment of court; and shall be bie allowed, out of the effects attached, reasonable * r satisfaction for his attendance, III, The manner of executing writs shall be bv the officer's going to the house, or to the per- How tlie i i \\ i i j r , (hall be c&ecut* son in whose hands, orpossession, thedefendant s j^. goods, of effects^ are supposed to be, and then and there declaring, in the presence of one or more credible persons of theneighbourhood, that lie at- lacheth the same goods, or other effects. From and after which declaration, the goods, money or ef- fects, so attached, shall remain in the officer's power, and be b) him secured, in order to answer and abide the judgment of court, in that case, un- les's the garnishee will give security therefor. And if the plainti/F in the attachment obtain a verdict, judgment and execution, for the money and goods in the garnishee's possession ; yet the defendant in the attachment may, at any time, before the money be paid, put in bail to theplain- tiffsartion, uponwhich theattachmentis ground ed ; whereby thegarnishee will and shall bo im- mediately discharged. And il an attachment [24] j sliall be ma3e for goods or effects, and the gar* nisliee plead he had no goods or effects in his hands, at the time of the attachment, or at any time after, and the plaintiff prove the contrary; the jury, in such case, being satisfied that the proof is plaiir and hill, shall find for the plaintiff, and say, v.'hat goods or effects they find in the gar- Judgment, Low n j s i iee < s nau( ] s; whereupon judgment shall be enter*d : and ap- i i i r i praifcmcnt to entered, thatappiaisemeiit may be made ot the be made. said goods or effects, so found by the jury ; and a precept shall be granted, requiring the sheriff to on C to P thc 1C fhe* 8 el the same appraised : and if thegarnishee will riff; and, on not produce them, then execution shall be forth- faiiure of gar- with awarded for the value thereof, according to tion"' xecu " appraisement, to be levied upon the lands, tene- ments, goods and chattels of thegarnishee. IV. Provided always, That no attachment shall hereafter be granted against any person or per- No attachment sons' effects, but such, only, as, .at the time of cffeks U , C buf aiDft g rant i n g such writs, are not resident or resid- -where'the own- ing within this Territory ; or are about to re- cr is non-rcfi- move or make their escape out of the same, and dent, about to ^\\ refuse to >ive sufficient security to thecom- elcape, or fhall ,. r t_ & J i i a ii_r i refafe to give p^inant, for his debt or other demand, before be fccurity. depart the said Territory. V. Provided also, That after judgment ob- tained by the plaintiff, upon -any attachments How plaintiff to against non-residents, the plaintiff shall, before judgment af b r - sa l ean ^ a f ter execution is awarded, find security ; taincd. who sliall undertake for the plaintiff, that if llie defendant in the attachment shall, within a year and a day next following, by himself, or attorney, come into court, and disprove or avoid the debt recovered by the plaintiff against him, or shall discharge the same, with costs; that then the plaintiff shall restore, to the defendant, the goods or effects, orvalue thereof, by the plaintiff at- tached and condemned, or so much thereof as shall be disproved or discharged; or else they shall and will do it for him* THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the fif- teenth day of August, next ensuing: IN TES* TJMONf whereof, we- Arthur St. Clui/\ John Clcves Sym?nes and George Turner \ havo caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST, CLAIR, JOHN C. SYMMES* G, TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES 7 .NORTH-WST Off THE OJB1CL A LAW regulating Domestic Attachments. Adopted from l ^ le Penns y^ vanian code, and published at Cincinnati, the first, day of June, one thou- sand, seven hundred and nine* . CLALR, ty-five I ty Arthur St. Clair^ JOHN.C. J^YMMES, governour^ and lohu Cleves C. TvRNt*. i>) mmes and George Turner, judges, in and over tJie said Territory r T roceengs a. . U p any person shall absent him or her- gaioft abscond- sell out ot this Territory, or abscond g debtors, fioin his or h^r usual place of abode (not rakin^ care to satisfy his or her just debts) it shall ami may be lawful for any justice of tho peace, ot tho county where such person's estate inav be found, to "rant a writ of attachment, for any debt not exceeding the sum of twelve dollars, directed to any constable of the same county, to attach the goods and chattels,*orofcher effects ^oF such person to answer the creditor: but befote the granting any such, attachment, the -person or persons re- questing the same, or some other credible per- son or persons, for 'him -or them, shall, upon oaih 01 .affirmation, declare, that the 'defend- ant in -such-attachment is indebted to the plaintiff, therein,, named, in a sum -not -exceed- ing twehe -dollars; .and that the defendant 3 -and has been absconded from the place of his u stial abode, for (he space of six days, with a de sign to defraud his creditors, as is -believed ; anc that ihedelendant Jias not left a clear, fee-simple estate, in lands or tenements within thisTernlo- ry, sufficient to pay his debts-, so far as the plain tiff, or deponent 1 , knows or believes. Which oath, or affirmation, the justice of the peace, ihat! grants such wri.t^ is hereby empowered and re- quired to administer. And if any attachment be granted otherwise, or contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, t'he justice of the peace, so granting the same, shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of twelve dollars, for the use of him or her that will sue for same. II. As soon as the justice of the peace, before ? r " whom the'writof attachment is returnable, ao haxL*" 6 "* cepts the constable's return thereof, the said jus* lice shallimmediately appoint two substantial free* holders, to take into their -custody all the goods and chattels attached : for which they shall be accountable, until they shall dispose of the same, as hereinafter is directed ; and snail, also, fortho with publish his said proceedings, by advertise- to ex- . r<2 d : l [ ar ** I -fr )ce of the f, egce to cta f e in the most public places, neai the late dwelling place of the person so, as aforesaid; ab- senting^, and likewise in one, or more, of tliepub- lic news-papers within this Territory ; appoint" ing the time and place for all the creditors of the person, against whose effects and estate the at- tachment is granted, to appear, then and there to discover and make proof of their demands : and it, after a full ancl careful examination, it shall appear, that there is a just debt due to any one when the person from the said defendant, exceeding the appear sum of twelve dollars ; then, and in every such oise, the said justice -of the peace, shall no fur. ther proceed ; but shall deliver and certify to farther p oc ti- the prothonotary of the co:irt of common pleas, isv fflM ^ errif 7 jor me same cou-nty, the saiJ attachment, and all proceedings thereon had before him : Vv here- upon, itshalland may be lawful, for the Justices Proceeding," of or the said court, to grant and issue one writ the Common ofattachnrent, only, to the personx>r persons who lMeas tbcrcu P it * i t on s obtained the said attachment from the said jus- tice of the peace (if he demand the same) or, if not, then to any other creditor of die defendant, ! to the sheriff of ttie same county directed, re- quiring him to attach all the goods, chattels rights and credits, lands, tenements and lieredi- I laments of the said defendant, Vvitlnn liis baiii- '\\ic. By virtue of v\hich writ, thesaid sheriff, shall, together with the residue of tlm s"aid de- fendant's real and personal estate in the same county, attach, and take into his custody, all the i goods and chattels of the said defendant (or the product o- such part of them, as may be sold, ac- cording to the direction of this law) then in the hands and possession of the said freeholders t and, upon the return of the said wilt of at- on and of the fee* C 28 3 lachment, by the said sheriff, the justices of the said court or Con.mon Pleas, and all olher per- sons acting Tinder their authority, shall proceed ihereon, in like manner, and shall have the same jurisdiction and powers, for the discovering, sel- ling, collecting, compelling payment of, receiv-j ingand distiibuttn^ the estate, real and personal, ol the defendant among his creditors, as they might or could have had, if the said ^writ ofattach- j menthad, according to the laws of this Territory, issued out ol the same court. When one at- jj[j. When any attachment shall be granted by tachment is if- / ./ . b / / fued, <> fecond an 7 justice of the peace, or a*iy writ of attach-j writ of that na- ment shall issue out of any inferior court, accor-I ture foal] be ding to the directions of this law, no second orj former be* Ac other attachment, or writ of attachment, granted] ter m i ne d ODt orissued by the said justice, or any other justice! within the same county, or by the justices of thei same interior court, against the real or personal! estate of the same defendant, or the execution ofj them, or any of them, shall bind or affect the; right, title, interest or property of, or in, the; real or personal estate of the same defendant, ] within the same county, or any part thereof,' while the proceedings on the said first attach- ment, or writ of attachment, remain undeter- mined : any law, usage or custom, to the contra- ry, notwithstanding, w . . IV. When the said justice of the peace shall chattels, or pe- accept of the return of an attachment, from the ri/hable goods constable, as above directed ; if it shall appear to are attached, thesame justice, that any cattle or other chattels, fo'/ t within ten necessary to be maintained at expense, or any day*. perishable goods, have been attached, by virtue Proceedings of the same attachment ; it shall and may be law* hcreiu, ful for the same justice, to order sale of them to C 29! be marie, by the said freeholders, within fen days : of which public notice shall be given, at least six days before the sale thereof, by advertise- ments to be set up at the most public places, near the place of *aic; and that the money arising therefrom shall be lodged in the hands of the freeholder, aforesaid, to be attached or distri- buted amone the creditors, in the mannerherein- before or hereafter directed and appointed," V. If no such debt exceeding twelve dollars shall, to the said justice of the peace, appear to HOW juftices of be due from the said defendant; then the said the peace, &c.' goods, chattels and other effects, in the hands of *7 no""* the said freeholders, shall be brought to an ap a b ve 12 dol- praisement, but not sold (except as is herein be- lara (hall ap fore excepted) until the expiration of thiee P ear * months, next after the granting the attachments to the end, that the debtor may have time to re- deem them, if he see cause. And if, after the expiration of three months, as aforesaid, the deb- tor shall not appear and redeem them; on notice thereof, given to the justice of the peace, he shall forthwith order and direct the said freeholders to make sale thereof/ and out of the money arising therefrom, and all other money then in their hands, from any part of the defendant's estate ari- sing (reasonable charges first deducted) to make payment to t*he creditors, who shall appear and make pioof of .their debts, within the said three months, in proportion of their respective debts; and the overplus, if any, to be returned to the owner. But, before any such saleis made, the freeholders aforesaid shall give, at least, ten days notice thereof, by advertising in the most pub'-, lie places, the time and place of such sale) and the constable shall receive fifty cents, for serving to 3 attach menf^and twenty-five cents for serv- ng execution. VI, The freeholders, aforesaid, v\ ithin six days* " ext a ' termil l ;in ri sllcnsa l e anc * distribution, as is herein befoje directed, shall render a true ao property, to countol their proceedings ro the justice of he put on re. peace, who granted the attachment lobe by 1por- * kept as a record of their proceedings therein* THE foregoing is hereby. declared {o te a lawn o! the Territory ; to take effect on and from the fifteenth day of August, next ensuing: /A 7T-S- TJMORY vke*ef; V^e jfnLur Si. flair, Jof.n CUvcs Sj'u.mes and George 7nrzer 9 have caused the seal of rhe Territory to Le tlrncunio afiixed, and signed the .same^ilh cur AK. ST. JOHN C. SYMMES, C. TUUNKR, TERBTTCKYCF THE UNITED STATES NOR) H-WLST OF THE OMO A LAW foii the easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debls. A- dop led from the Pcr*B$jrtvaiiM an code, and published al Cm* cinnali, the third day rfJttne^ t>ne thousand* seven hundisd and ninety-five; by Aithur Ax. ST. CLAIR* gt, Clair, governour* and)* hn Clcves S ) WHies and Geor Be Turner, judges^ in end over the said Territory* SecU L TJ^^^ ccwplaiwt made lo any }siico of a couit ofcoiuiLon ple*$i or jus- 13* 3 rice of the peace, asams-t any person for any i r / if .. i ii I debt, or demand, under live dollars, it shall and may be lawful for surh justice, and he is heieby empowered and required to issire forth his warrant in the nature ofasuminpBS, capias or attachment, as the case may require, directed to the consta- ble of the township, OF district where the defen- dant dwells, or can be found; commanding him to bring such defendant, or causirg him to come with the plaintiff, before him or the next justice, forthwith; and when such justice hath? heard the proofs, by the oaths c-r affirmations of one or more witnesses, and the allegations of boll* parties, or such ef them as will be present, he- shall, forthwith, give judgment in the matter; which shall be final and conclusive to both com- plainant ane issued, then on some certain day therein to be expressed, notless than five, npr exceeding eight days, from the date of such process, And at the time ap- pointed, for the hearing of any such cause, the said justice, having heard and examined the parties, with their proofs and allegations, shall give judgment thereupon, as the true merits and right of the cause shall appear to him; or, at the request of the parties, auditors or referrees shall Refcrrees may be named by them* and being approved of by b * the Justice, snail-proceed to hear ana examine the- proofs and allegations of the plaintiff arid defen- dant: and, upon the return of such auditors, the said justice shall give judgment thereupon, ac- cordingiy ; with such costs, only, in either case, as by law are allowed in debts under five dollars. V. Provided always, That the process against p . t .. a freeholder shall be by summons, only ; and ser- gH^a freehold- vice thereof. shall be made on the person, or a ers. copy thereof left at the house of the defendant, in the presence of one or more of his family, or neighbours, at least four days before the time ap- pointed for a hearing. And if the defendant do 'hot apppearat the time appointed^ then r onoath or affirmation, made by the con stable, that the said summons was duly served, in manner aforesaid, the justice who granted the same summons, may, either then, or on such further day as he shall deem consistent* with reason and the nature of the case, to appoint (and not otherwise) proceed to hear and determine such cause, or causes, in the defendant's absence; and give judgment, and awarJ execution thereupon, as if the defea- danthad been personally present. VI. After judgment given, in any of tfie cases . aforesaid, the justice who pronounced the same f u *h C cafes, & shall grant execution thereupon, directed to the proceedings a- constable aforesaid ; commanding him to levy the g*i n it ibe goods, debt or damages and costs of the defendants goods and chattels who, by vktuc thereof, shal within t!i3sp.ice of tendays next afterwards, ex pose the same to sale by public vendue, re turning the overplus, if any be, to the clefen dant: and, for want of sufficient distress, to tal \trie body. o4 such defendant into custody, an him or her to carry and convey to the commo Jail of the. ronnly. And the ssheriff, or keepe of such jail, is hereby required to receive th peison or persons, -so 'taken in -execution, an liim, her, or th tin, saiely to keep, until the sum recovered, -with costs, be fully paid. And i ./default of such safe- keeping, to be liablefoanswi fwef 1 fur cU * ne damages to the party grieved, in -such man capes. ner as, bylaw, is provided in case of escapes but in case no assets "belonging to the defendan sufficient to pay the debt and costs, can be/ound it shall and may be lawful for The plaintiff to a\ ply to the justice who pronounced the judgmenl lor a transcript theieof; and on- 'filing the sam in theprolhonotary's office of the court of Con inon Pleas, in that county in which the recbver shallbehad, it shall and may be lawful for th plaintiff to levy the sum recovered, vvi'h costs o IWbentheUiuU suit, on the lands and tenements of the defendan and i tenements e j t ] ier by fieri facias., Venditloni exponas, or Stay Ve^ic vied liberari facias , as the case may require, in lik oil. wanner as, bylaw, isprovideJin oth-cr cases/ VIK Provided always, Jhat no such exccutio shall be issued against any freeholder, in less than Execution a- thespare oi tinee months, next after the .entry gioft fwbold O f Suc j 1 judo^ent, u-nless tlie plaintiff, or some ers not to inue i j r i i in *'ithHi;rt;ont.i8 b dy ror linn or her, shall, on oath, or afhrirsa- ooiefs, &.c. tion dedaie* that lieor she hath good reason to believe that the debt will, by such delay, be lost; for that at the end ol die said term, or before it t w ] V! he or she believes the defendant will not havesut- ficiont assets in the county, on which the said debt may be levied / :andif any judgment to be given, as aforesaid, shall be against a person, not a Freeholder, such person shall hare the execution against him or her respited for the like term of three months, on his or her entering into recog- nizance to the plaintiff with one sufficient securi- ty, in the nature of special bail; on condition to deliver the body of ,tne defendant to the sheriffof the county, at or any time before the expiration of the time so tobt allowed ; or that the money adjudged to be due, shall then 'be paid. And in default of giving such security, shall be commit- ted to the common jail of the county ; thereto remain until the debt and costs shall be paid ; or such defendanbotherwise legally discharged. VIII. Provided also, That where the plaintiff, cofts to dcfen- in any case, shall become nonsuit, or judgment da n* shall pass .against him, then the justice is hereby required to assess the defendant his reasonable costs,, to be levied -in manner aforesaid* IX. Providedalso,Tha.lil any person or persons shall conceive him her or themselves aggrieved A PPaI allow- by any such judgment, so to be given, (cases de- terminedon the return of auditors or referrees, i as aforesaid, only exeepted) it shall and may be lawful for such person or persons, at any time within the space of six days next following the giving ofsuck judgment, but not after, toappeal therefrom, to the court of Core-mon Pleas, next to beholden for. the county in which such suit shall be commenced ; he, she or they first ente- ring into recognizance with at least one sufficient security, at least in double value of the debt or damages sued for (and sufficient to answer all r C36] costs) to prosecute the said appeal, with effect, and to abide the order of the said court / or in default thereof to be senr, by mittimus, to the she- riff of the county, by him to be kept, until he t she or they, shall give such security, or be o* thfcrwrse legally, discharged. lattices tokcen ^ . The sai ) ustices h a11 cause fair en tries tobe dockets, and made in boote, by them to be provided, for that how. purpose, of the names of the plaintiff and defen- dant, in all such cases as may come before them ; with, the debt and costs adjudged, and the time when the same judgment was given. And upon any appeal made from. any such judgment, the Juftlces duty Jo justice, who pronounced the same, shall send a cafe of a?pl. transcript thereof to the prothonolary of the court of Common Pleas for the county in which such appeal is^made, on or before the -first ddy of tha term next following any such appeal : for which transcript, or any other, obtained by virtue of this law, the justice shall be allowed, in the costs to be taxed, eighteen cents and no more* Proceedings in & At the court to which any such- appeal the court ap* shall be made, the person so appealing, shall pealed to. cause an entry of his suit to be made by rhe pro* thcrnotary of such court; and shall either have his appearance entered, or give bail to the action, as the nature of the case may require ? or on ne- glect thereof, and application ofrlhe appellee to the court, for that end, the appellant's default shall be recorded^ the first judgment? affirmed^ with reasonable oostsv and execution shall be issu- ed out, of the saidicourt against the defendant's body , goods, or chattels* as is usual in oth^r cases. And in case the defendant shall appeal, or give tail, asraforesaid, tb.e plaintiff or defendant in the appeal, as the ca5e may require, shall file his oc [373 her declaration, and the adverse party plead to. issue, in such time as shall be directed by the court; so always that the cause be tried by a ju- jy of the country, m the usual manner, either at the court to which such appeal is made, or the next terra at farthest , unless me court, on cause to them shewn, shall think fit to give tbe parties a farther day : and as the verdict shall be render- ed in any or tkesaid causes, the court shall give judgment thereupon as the mature of the case may require, with cost of suit. XI L ProvideU always. That if the parties, ap- pellant and appellee, oreither of them, shall ne-< gleet or reFuse'to file fc his or her declaration, or fo plead to 'issue, in such time as shall be directed by court, a nonsuit or a judgment, by default, may be entered, for want mereofas usual. Xllf. Providedalso, That the costs to be tax- ed in sutfh suit, *to the several officers -and others What cods to concerned for the services by them respectively to ba uxcd * be done, shall be two third parts only of the costs now usually taken in the said courts of Com- -on Pleas. XIF. Provided also > That none of the justices, not to 'fit -v/ho, by virtue 6f this law, shall hear and da- the fame caufc j-iermine any of fhe causes, aforesaid, out ofcourt> itt cdul * c * shall afterwards, sit* on the faring, and deter- mining the same 'cause, t>n an appeal made to any of the courts of Common Pleas, aforfesaicL Jf^. li any person or persons, whomsoever, shall commence, sue or pro-cute any suit or suits, lor any djebts or demands made cdgnk- able, as aforesaid, in other manner than is direct- ed by this law, and shall obtain a verdict or judgment therein, for debt or damges, which, without costs of suit, shafl not amount to moie than twelve dollars, (not having caused an oath or affirmation to be made, before the obtaining 'of the writ of summons or capias and tiled tlis same in the protho notary's office, respectively, 'that he, she or they, so making oath or affirmati- on, did Iriily believe the debt due, or damage sustained exceeded the sum of twelve dollars) he she or they, so prosecuting, shall not recover any costs; in such suit: any law, usage or cus- tom, lathe contrary, notwithstanding. 'XVI. Provided also, TKat this law, nor any Particular thing herein contained, shall be deemed, con- debededar NORTH-WEST OF TH OHIO* 5 A LAW concerning defalcation, Adopted from the Pennsylva- ' nian code^ and published at Cincinnati, the third day "of June^ one thousand* seven hnndfedand ninety-five', by Arthur:* St. Clair, governour* Aa. ST. CLAIR, ^ and John Cleves Symmes-aud George Turner, judges, in and over I fie said Territory. Sect. L IF twa, or more, dealing together, be indebted to each olher upon ing together, & bonds, bills, bargains, promises, accounts, or onefue out aa the like, and one of tliem commence aa action* "' h hi any court,- if the defendant cannot gainsay plea d. the deed, baigain or assumption, upon winch he is sued, it shall be lawful tor such defendant to plead paynaentef all, or part of die debt, or siimv demancled ; and give any bond, bill, receipt, ac- count or bargain-in evidence s and if it shall pear, that the defendant hath fully paid-y or salis- lied, tho debtor sum demanded, the hiry shall find for the defendant; and iudgment shall be entered, that the plaintiff shall take nathing'by his writ, and shall pay the costs. And Hit shall Fart j icr appear, ^at any part of the sum demanded be paid, then so muchasis found to be paidsbaU-l e defalkecl; a^id ihe plaintiff hc*ll have j^idgmene for th^-residHe, only, wkh costs of suit. But if it appear to the j:ry, that the , lain tiff is overpaid, Inen they shall give in-then verdict for the de- fendant, and, withal, certify to the court, how much, they find the plaiutilf to be indebted, or E401 in arrear, to the defendant, .mare .than \will aiH swer thedebt or sum demanded 7 and the sum or sums, so certified, sliall'be recorded with the ver- dict, and shall be deemed as a debt oi "record; and if the plain tiff^refuse^o pay thesanrej the de- fendant, for recovery thereof, shall ha^e.a scire ft * facias against the plaintiff in the said action, and toave.execution lor thfj same, with the costs of that ac&on. tender? H 'Provided always, That In all cases where a tender shall be made, and full payment be of- fered by discount, or otherwise, in such specie as the party, by conttaet or agreement, ought to do, and the party to whom such tender shall fee made doth refuse thesasne, and yet -afterwards will sue for the debt or goods, so tendered ; the plaintiff shall not recover any costs in such suit, 111. Provided and pub- lished at Cincinnati, the fifth day of June, one thousand^ AR ST. CLALR, seven h undred and nine- iy-five ; JOHN'C. SYMMES, ty Arthur St. Clair, cover- C. TURNfiK. ^ T T i ^7 A, nour, and John Clevis by mmes and George Turner, judges, in and over the said Territory. Sect, I. ADHERE any issue-is or shall be join- ed, in any action or suit at law, in any of the courts of this Territory and the Plaintiff ne- plaintiff or plaintiffs' in any such action or suit, g'^'ng to hath or have neglected or shall neglect to bring in^^courTe such issue on to be tried, according to the course to fuller anon and practice of the said courts, respectively ; it futt shall and may by lawful for the judges, or justices, of- the said courts, respectively, at any time af court; ler such neglect, upon motion made in open court (due notice thereof having been given, in open court, the preceding term) to give the like judgment for thed^fendant or defendants, in every such action or suit, as in cases of non-suit ; un- less the said judges or mstices shall, upon just cause and reasonable terms, allow any further time or times, for the trial of snch issue, And if And, for the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall neglect to try such ?"' ne & issue within the time or times so allowed; then, ^ * and in every -such ca^, the said judges, or justic- es, shall proceed to give judgment, as aforesaid. .11. JProvidcd always i That all judgments given r G 7hifc?to be ty virtue of this law, shall be of the like Force a? judgment* on and effect as judgments upon non suit, and of no jion-folt. ol her force or effect, III. Provided also, That the defendant or de- Defendant to. fendants shall, upon such judgment, be awarded have coils. his, her or their costs, in any action or suit, \vherehe, sheer they would, upon non-suit, be entitled to the same ; and in no other action o suit whatsoever. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from th< fifteenth day of August next ensuing : 1NTES TIMONY whereof,, we Arthur St.- Clair John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST. CLAfR, JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES 7 NORTH-WEST OF THE QlilO, 3 A LAW establishing Courts o' Judicature. Adopted from the Pennsylvanian code, and pub- lisJied at Cincinnati^ the sixth day of June, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety- five ; by Arthur St. CAair,gcn>cmou/< avid John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, fudges, in and over the said Territory. Sect. I. TTHERE shall be a court stiled The, peace, holden and keptiour time? in every year, An. ST. CLAIR, [45] in every county, viz'. In the county of Wash* ington, at the town of Marietta... on the third Tuesdays of March and June, aud the first Tues- days of September and December, yearly and every year; in, the county of Hamilton, at the m Hamilton t town of Cincinnati, on the first Tusdays of Fe- bruary, May, Augnst and November, yearly every year; in the county of St. Glair, to behold- la St. Clair* en as follow eth, (to wit) in the district cf Kaskas- iia; on the first Tuesdays of January, March, June and August; in the district of Kahokia, on ihe first Tuesdays of February, April, July and October ; and in the district of Prairie-du Rocher, on the Ci;st Tuesdays of May, August. Novem- ber and February, yearly and every year: and in - n Kno . the county of Knox, on the first Tuesdays of Fe- bruary, May, August and November, yearly and every year, II. There shall be a competent number of jus- tices in every county, nominated and authorized a | ufl j cs to by the Governour, by commission under the seal form ibis bench, of the Territory c which said justices, -or any three of them, shall and may hold the said Gene- ral sessions of the peace, according to law! III. The said justices of the peace, or any three of them, may, pursuant to their said com- May bold Cpe- niissions. hold special ajid private sessions, when, clal feffions - and as often *s occasion shall require. And the J^^ saidjustices,,and every of them, shall have full to recognlzak- power and authority, in orout of sessions, to take ces : all manner of recognizances and obligations, as any justices of the peace, in any of- thctJnired States, may* can, or usually do: which saidrc- cognizanrcsand obligations, shall be made to the United States. And all recognizance,? for the peace, behaviour, or for appeal auce, N Inch shall [46] I be' taken* by any of the said justices, out of ses- sions, shall be certified into their said General sessions, of the peace, to be holden next after the ccr * taking thereof : and: every recognizance, taken before any of them*, for suspicions of any manner of felony,, or other crime riot- triable in the said court of Barter-sessions of thepeace, shall be cer- tified before the judges of the General court, or court of Oyer and -Termiiier, at their next succeed- ing court to beholden next after the taking there- of, without concealment of, or detaining or em- bezzling the same. But in case any person or per- sons shall forfeit his or their recognizances of the peace, behaviour or appearance, for any cause whatsoever; then the said lecognizancey so for- feited, with the record of the default ' er cause ol forfeiture, shall be sent and* certified,, without de< lay, by the justices of the peace, into the said General Court, or court of Oyer and Terminer, as bhecase may require; that thence piocess may issue against the said- parties, according to law. AIL which forfeitures shalr be levied by the pro- per officers and go to the Tenitory. IV. All fines and amerciaments, which shall How finct (Ball fo e j^jj before the justices of the said courts of be let, and cf- ^ , . I r i i n i treated. General quarter-sessions or the peace, shall b6 tax- ed, afferred arid'set, duly and truly, according to, ihe quality of the offence, without partiality or affection ; and shall be yearly estreated by the clerksof the said courts, respectively, into the said General Court or court of Oycr and Terminer : l-o the intent, thatprocess may be awarded to the sheriff of every county, as the case may require, for lev) ing such of their fines and amerciamenls, as shall be unpaid, to the uses for which they aie, or shall be appropriated. C 47 3 V.' Provided always, That the said courts of the General quarter-sessions of 'the peace, may be kept and continued for the space of three le- gal days, or seventy-two hours, in every of the said counties, respectively, at any of- the said times hereinbefore appointed to hold and keep the said court and sessions there-' VI, To the end, that persons indicted or out- The ; r proc eeodi&d, or be received, into another county, or town an ^ renting corporate; may be brought to justice; it is here- into other coua by directed; that the justices^ or any of them, lies - shall and may direct, their writs, or precepts, to all or any of the sheriffs, or. other ofticers of the said counties, (where need.shall be) to take such; persons indicted or out lawed: And it shall and may be lawful to and for the said -justices, and e- very of them, to issue" forth subpoenas, and other warrants, under their respective hands and seal of the county, into any county or place of this Ter- ritory,, for summoning or bringing any person, or persons* to give evidence in and upon any matter or cause whatsoever* now. or hereafter ex- aminablc, or in any ways triable by or before them, or any of them ; under such pains and: penalties as subpoenas, or warrants of that kind, usually are orought, by law-,, to be granted er a warded. VIL If any person or persons shall find him or , ,. . i i yr . i i r i i r <* Appeal given Jj> themselves aggrieved by the judgment of any of r i le oeueral the said courts of general quarter sessions of the peace, or any other courts of record, within tins Territory ; it shall and mny be lawful to and for the party or parties so aggrieved, to have his or their, writ or writs of error, which shall be ( The general court cfUbliflr cd. It fittings i:i \Vafliiugton and in Hamilton ; Supreme pow- er* of this courc. M'here iflTue joined therein Ihull be tried. Circuit courts cftablifhed in St. Clair, Knox, and other couu- ti'-s to be erect- ed One judge to form the bench Terms dit'crciiouary, C 4? J granled, of course, in manner as other writs are* to. be granted and made returnable to the General! court. fill. There shall be holden and kept, twice in every year, a Supreme court of record, whichi shall be called and stiled, The General court ;: the sittings of which court to commence at Mari- etta, in the county of Washington, on the third! Tuesday of October, yearly and every year; and' on the third Tuesday of March, at the town ofi Cincinnati, in the county of Hamilton, yearly and every year. And the judges of the said court, and every of them, shall have power and autho- rity, when and as often as there may be occasion, to issue forth writs of habeas corpus, certiorari, and writs of error, and all remedial and otliei writs and process, returnable to the said court, and grantableby the said judges, by virtue of their office. IX. Provided always^ That upon any issue Join- ed iu the said General-court, such issue shall be tried in the county whence the cause was remov- ed, before the judges aforesaid, qr any one of them, assicjrcuit courts who are hereby empow- eied and required, if occasion require, to go the circuit, twice in every year, into the counties of St. Clair and Knox, and such other counties as may hereafter be erected, to try such issues in fact as shall be depending in the aid General court, and removed outof either the counties aforesaid ; (when and where they may try all Issues joined) ; or to be joined, in the same General court, and'to do, generally, all those things that shall be ne- ccSciy (or the trial of any issue, as fully as justices of nisi jnius in any of the United States may or can do. r 493 X. The said judges, or any two of them, shall,. Mot left than 2 in their said couit, hear and determine all causes, J ur power* moved, or brought there, from the respective Ge- *J" iall "^vVe'a neral quarter-sessions of the peace, and courts of the errors of common pleas, or from any other court to be i -fcrior courts.- holden for the respective counties: and to exa- mineand correct all andall manner of errors of the justices of the inferior courts, in their judgments, process and proceedings in the said courts ; as well in all pleas of the United States, as in all pleas real, personal and mixed : and thereupon to reverse or affirm, thesaid judgments, as the -and pan:(h the law doth or shall direct* And also to examine, contempts, co- . i , . . motions, &c- correct and punish the contempts, omissions O f j u (ij ce s (he- ,and neglects-, favours, corruptions and defaults riffs, coroners, of all or any of the justices of the peace, sheriffs, and ther &* coroners, clerks and other officers, within the c said respective counties*- And also, shall award' process for levying, as- .well of such fines, forfeitures andamerciaments, Further pow- as shall be estreated into the said General court, ers and duties as of the fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, of the Territo- which'shall be lost, taxed andset there, and not Fl a ge8 'paid to the -uses to which they are, or shall be, appropriated* and, generally, shall minister ample justice toallpersons, and amp^y exercise the juris- dictions and powers herein mentioned, concern- .ing-all and singular the premises, according to 'law. A7. All the said writs shall run in the name , . . . . & style or the United Stales of America, and bear a nd how test in the name of the presiding judge: but if he be plaintiff or dclendau't, then, in the name of C 50] one of the. other judges ; and shall be sealed wit) the Judicial seal of the said court, and made re- turnable to the next court after the date of such writs. General Court XII. The judges of the general court hav to deliver the power, from time to time, to deliver the jails of al jail* of perfons p er sons.who now are, -or hereafter shall be com com mi trd for ' . i i i i capital often- uuUedrpr tieasons, murdersa-nusacji other cnmes ;es. as, by /he laws of this Territory, now are, or here- after shall be, rmade- capital, or -felonies oi death, as aforesaid : and for thatend/from time to time, *lo issue forth such necessary. precepts and pro- cess, and force obedience thereto, as justices, of assize, justices of Over and Ter miner, and of jail delivery, may, or can do within the.Uni ted States. XII L The c barges a n d ex pe n ces o f t he j u dge s , Travelling ex- a ltorney-gerreral, and clerk of the General-Court, pence of the vvilh their servants, in travelling their circuits, anc S g arneVaTa r d while h W in S the General and Circuit-Courts, cirrk, &c. to shall be paid 4n niiinnerfollovving, thai is to say be paid by .the a ll such expericcs *JS shall happen in their cir* ? ubllc : cults through .anyof the counties, where they shal "When by the n ot hold their said court, shall be paid by the ; Territory; and all such expences as shall accrue from the time rol their. coming into, and durinj their continuance fin the county where they shal hold their said.-court, by the U*easurer of the same by county, out..of the county stock. And they the the county. sa jj judges, ^ttort>cy-general, .and clerk, .v\ilh iheir servanls, shall pass and repass,.apd shal To pafs ferries be conveyed.'by the. ferry-men over a-11 the.seve ral ferries /within this Territoi;y, without pay ini any ferriage, fee or reward for the same.. XIV. In order to .compel the due attendance n to he f j ur y.njen on the said Circuit and nisi print for. non- > J , ,. , i i n- . courts, and all other courts within this Territory, Tn ] ills hereby declared, that It any person shall be du- ly summoned to attend any court of judicature, to serve on a jury, or on any inq uest required by law, ami shall neglect or refuse togive hisattenclance, lf j n tlie Gend * on the day, and during the time his service is nc- exccedhig 8 dol cessary; every such person, so offendiiig r shallbe Ura, lined, for every such offence in the General court, and court of Over and Terminer, by the judges thereof, any sum not exceeding eight dollars : Iflo the info and for every such offence, in thecourt of Com. ri c r c ej" n rts ' 01 >rnon Pleas, or court of quarter-sessions of the doliVral * * peace for any county of the Territory, by the justices thereof, any sum, not exceeding five dollars : unless such delinquent shall, at the same or next succeeding court, render to the judges or justices thereof, a reasonable excuse for such neglect or refusal, to be allowed by such of them as shall be present; which said judg- es or justices are hereby empowered and requir* ied. on failure of such delinquent, to render such D P .' i -C "rocefa to com- reasonable excuse, to issue a writ to the sheriff pe j payment of the county, to levy the said fines on the thereof ; goodsand chattels of every such delinquent ; to Such fines to go be paid to the overseers of the poor of the town- to the poor. sh;;\ where he shall reside, to the use of the poor thereof. Xf. A competent number. of persons shall be Juftic*s and .commissioned by the governour, under the seal ^o^ of the Territory, as justices of the Common bjifoc Pleas ; who shall hold and keep a court of Jte- cord, in every county 1 and which shall bestiled and called, the court of Common Pleas &i (nam- ing the particular county) and shall be holden To beheld foof four times in every year, in each county, at the , tirn > place where the General quaricr-scssions of the |" CVCI 7 peace shall be respectively kept. Which said * H justices, or any three of them, according to m.ke "bench.. lenor anc ' direction of their comrnisMons, shall hold pleas of as s size, scire facias, replevins, and Their powers hear and determine all and all manner of pleas, 1 actions, suits and causes, civil, personal, real and mixed, according to law, XfL Every of the said ustices shall and ares hereby empowered to era u tun tier the seal of iheir: Farther powers , r c of this court* respective courts, replevins, writs or partition, writs of view, and all other writs arid process^ upon the said pleas and actions, cognizable in the said respective Courts, as occasion may require. XV1I+ The said justices of the said respective* M&.V hibpana. courts, last mentioned, shall and are hereby em- eat at its cuun- powered to issue forth subpoenas,' under theirs *J- respective hands and seal of the court, into ny county or place within this Territory, for stun-* moning or bringing any person or persons to give evidence in, 01 upon, the trial of any niatter or cause, whatsoever, depending before th$tn, oq| any of them; under such pains and penalties as, by the rulesTbf the common law, and course oil the practice ^ofithe J3ener-al court, are . usually appointed, Xf^Ill. Upon any' judgment obtai^edinany o the said'courts of Common Pleas, and execution EtSSSZF* returned b Y the sheriff^ or cOronor r of the pro [county, in ccr- per county, where such judgment was obtained (tain cafes. that the party is not to be found, or hath no land or tenements, goods or chattels, in that county and thereupon it is testified, that the party skulks or lies hid, or hath lands, tenements, goods or chattels in another county, in this Territory ; i shall and may be lawful to and for the court tha issued outrsuch execution, to grant, and they are _ required to grant an, alias execution, to C JO wrh a lestalnm, directed to the sheriff, or cord* nor^ of the county or place where such person lies hid, or where hislands'or effects are; com- manding him to execute the same, according to [fhe tenor of such vmt or writs, and make return [thereof to the court of Common Pleas where $uch recovery is had or judgment given. And if the sheriff, or coroner, to v\rrom such writ or writs shall be diiected, shad reruse or neglect to execute and return the same accordingly, he shall b6 amerced in the county where he ought to return it, and he liable to the action of the par- Penalty on (he. |ty grieved .*. and the said amerciameuts shall be rtf r coroner buly and duly set, according to the quality oF * le f l * g - ' . ; , ill execute iach (the ofrence, and estreated, by the prothonota- p ro cef> .- fries pf the respective courts of Common Pleas, :into the next succeeding General court, or court How lt \ bc of Oyer and Terminer, in course ; that thence [process may issue against the offenders, for levy- ing such fines and ainerciaments as shall be un- tpaid, to the uses for which they are, or shall be (appropriated. XIX. All suits, actions ana cause's before the [General court, or the courts of Common Pleas and general quarter-sessions of the peace, that shall [remain undetermined, shall be continued over the new (to the next respective term, ensuing under the [authority of this la>v. THK foregoing is hereby declared to he a Jaw jof the Territory ; to take effect on and from the [fifteenth day ot August, next ensuing; //V TLS- lT/MOi\r thereof, y\e Arthur St. CIn/r, \Jolin Cleves Synnncs and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto kfiixud, and signed the same with onr names. AR. Sr. CLAIR, JOHN C\ SYMMES, TCRUJTOHY OF THE UNITED STATES 7 NORTH-WEST OF THE OHIO. A. LAW for the Llmi^afion o Actions. Adapted from I/to Ptnnsyl'saiiian. code, iher than, &c.) oK debt for rent, of tref. pafs, afliult, nicn-ice, battr ry, wounding and iuiprifon- xuegic. A* Sr. CLAIR, by Arthur St. Clair, goiw- JoH* C. SY.UUSS, nour, and John Cleves S) mines ^_1___^ c.W George Turner, /W^ers, //i /;<:/ oi>er ///2 said Territory. Sect. I. A LL actions of trespass quareclausuru *:* fregit, detinue, troverand replevin for tahing away goads and cattle; of accountant upon thscase (other than such accounlsas con- cern the- trade of merchandise between merchani and merclKint, their fac.lors or set van ts) all ac- tions ot debt, grounded upon any lending or con tract, vyUhout specialty ; of debt for arrearages o rent, oi trespass, assault, menace, battery, wound ing and imprisonment, or any of them, whicl shall be sued or bi ought at any lime, hereafter shall be commenced and sued within the lime anc limitation bereft ft er expressed, and not after (tha is to say) actions upon the case, other than fo slander, actions for account, and actions for tres pass, debt, detinue, replevin for goods or catile and actions of trespass qua re cLiusiim fiegit, with in three years ; omilhin six) ears, next afier th cause of such actions, or suit, and not afterwards and actions of trespass, of assault, menace, bat' tery, wounding, imprisonment, or any of them, within one year, nextafter the takingeffect heie- of ; or within two yeais, next after the cause of such actions or suit, ami -not afterwards; and ao upon the case, for words* within one year, next alter the wonlsspokoil, and not afterwards, II. If, in any of llio *a'ul actions or niitftt1u' r - men the liven lor the plain tlfl, and the same be re- 1 { j' r e . . . .. tarrcmi he rcfi veiscd by error; or a verdict pass f nr thft- |>Jai;Uiir, VtH v d f or v P . and, upon mailer alledged'in arrest ofjud^mentjthe ror. piai.inif jn-I'Mncnt bo riven aVmst the plainlifr, that lie "^y^ing frcfli i v i ? L vi I It. i f' J t i" ' a fa to nothing by Ins plaint, writ or bell; taen,^nci nionl hs. i:i every such cae or claim to the land in ^p Betide " which the trespass is, by the declaration, snppos- tUc land, tic. cd to be done (asid the trespass be by negligence, he ma . y len plaintiff* or plaintiffs shall be enforced to oin issue rand if the said issue be found- for the defendant or defendants* or if th*, pi aim iff or plain tiffs s ha 11 be non^stiired, the plain tiff or plaintiffs shall be clearly barred Irom the said action or actions, and all other Suits concerning the same. IV. In all actions upon the case, for slanderous woids, to be sued or prosecuted by any person Where, in a* or persons, in any court, if the jury upon rri* j lot| * foi . llan - al of the issue,, in such action, or tta jury under 5 dal- fhat shall enquire of the damages, do find or asses* larb, plantirt . ^ . r , , , > lharrt recover the damages, under five- doliais ; V en the plamti;f no more coiU. or piaintilfs, in such action, shall have and ie- coveronly so much costs as the damages so gJv- en, or assessed, do amount unto, without any further increase of the same; any law or usage, to the contrary, notwithstanding. Pro vifo favour- V. Provided nevertheless, That if any person ing minors, fe- or persons, who is or shall be entitled loanv such me coverts, un- '. f i .. , . J found minds, or -action or trespass, detinue, trover, reple* in , acu- pcrfo.is beyocLd ons ofaceoun t,or debt actions for trespass, for as- feav or impri- S ault, menac-e, battery, wounding or Imprison- ment, or actions upon the rasfe lor words, be, or at the timeofany causeofsuch aciion, given or accrued, fallen or come, shall be, within the age of twenty one years, .feme-covert nou com- pos mentis, irnpiisoned or beyond sea; lhat, then,' such person or persons shall be at liberty to binig the same actions, so as they take die same with- in such rimes as hereby before limited, after their coming to, or bein^ of full age, discovert ure, of sound memory, at large, or ie turning into this Territory .as other persons-. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law , ,ef the Territory ; to take effect on and froM the j first day of October, next ensuing : h\ TES* } \ TYMO'Vr whereof, we Arthur St. tlair, 'John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the &YMMS> G. TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES ? NORTH-WEST OF THE OU1O. J A LAW for the recovery of Fines and Forfeitures, and directing how the same are to be es^ treated. Adopted from the 'Pennsrlvanian code, and pub- lished at Cincinnati, the ele- venth day of June, one thou- sand, seven hundred and nine- AR. ST. CLAIR, ty-five\ by Arthur St. Clair, JOH* c. SYMMES, governout% and l ohn Cleves G. TURNER. . _ -, ____ Symmes and George Turner, judges, in and over the said Territory* Sect. I. A -LL fines, issues, amerciaments for- ^^ feited recognizances, sum and Fi-eg, &c. ^- sums of money to be paid in lieu and satisfaction f b< " of them, or any of them, and all other forfeitures, ra | C ow-t to whatsoever, which, after the twenty fifth day ot held in August one thousand, seven hundred and nine- * ln g ton ana ria * V- i 11 i 11 r r t milton next | ty hve, shall be set, imposed, lost or forfeited Ierra 3. i in the General or circuit courts, "or in any o ( the ! coiirtsof common pleas-, courts of General quar- ter sessions of the peace, or before any special commissioners ofOyer and Terminer, in any ' county of the Territory, shall, by the ;udges, 'justices, pro t ho notaries and- clerks of the said courts, respectively, be certified, and estreated in and into the said General court (vix,) at the term of November next, in the county of Wash- t ington, and of October next, in the county of i Hamilton, expressing the cause of the loss, the court, rhe nature of the writ, and names- of the parties between whom the said issues and amer- ckmeuts are lost. I IT. All fines r issues, amerciam>3nts, forfeit J * recognizances, surn< and sumo of money to be paid in lieu or satisfaction of them, or any of them, and all other forfeitures, whatsoevei, a- rising in any of the said courts, from the said Oc- tober and November terms of the y ear one thou- sand, seven hundred and'iiinety five; shall be, and are hereby orcjained and required to be cer- tified and estreated, in\ and into, thesaid Gene- ral court, vrz. at Cincinnati; oil the fiist day of the teim of the said court, there to be held, 0*1 the third Tuesday of March, in every year; and from the said term of March; to the first day of the term of the said court, tote held at Maiietta, on the third Tuesday of- October; yearly and e- very year; on pain thatevery officer or minister of or belonging to the said courts, or a,ny oflhem, who, by 'this or any other law ought to make certificates or estreats of any of the said fines, is- n de sues, amerciaments and forfeitures, making de* fault, or offending therein,, shall forfeit and pay eighty dollars for every such default that shall be made, in certifying and estreating, as aforesaid; the one moiety to the Territory, and the other moiety to such person, orpeisons, as will sue for the same ; to be recovered in any court of re- Cord, by action of debt, bill or information, wherein no essoin, protection or wager of law, arid but one imparlance shall be allowed, III.. All the clerks of the peace shall make Duty jerei* of anc j ^ e \[ ver yearly, to the sheriff of the respec- cievksofthe . } < , ' , . r ., r . p eaoe . live county, where the sessions of -the peace is or shall be kept, within ten days, after me twen- ty filth day or August, in every year, a true and perfect estreat, or schedule, of all fines, issues, amerciaments, forfeited recognizances, sum and [< X sums of money, smoother forfeitures, whatsoe !ver, which shall happen tobe imposed, set, lost, or forfeited, in any of the said sessions 'of ihe peace, respectively; which shall beheld before the first day^of September, by or upon any per-? son orpersons, whatsoever, due to ihe Territory. IV. And also, shall yearly and every year, on, or before the third Tuesday of October, make' and ;deliver into the said General court, or cir- cuit ^burt* (which shall first sk) a true and per*! feet duplicate, certificate and estreat of all the 1 schedules so delivered to the said respective she- jiffs 5 that so they may be charged with the mo- ney levied and received by them, respectively^ upon such schedules, delivered as aforesaid -5 on pain that every person and persons, offending herein, for every such default or failure made shall forfeit and pay the sum of eighty dollars; the one moiety to the Territory, and the othei moie- ty to such person or persons as will sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid. V. The judges of the said General court shall ^Territorial award process for levying, as well of such fines, judges to award forfeitures, issues and amerciamentsas shall be P roccfs for l- f cstreated into the General court, as of all the v * in S e fines, forfeitures, issuesand amerciaments which shall belost, taxed and set there, and notpaid^tQ. the uses to which they shall be appropriated. VI. No judge, justice, officer or minister oft.. ^ ffi or belonging to any of the said courts, nor any -^bftcvcr /hall' prothonolary or clerk of the said general or other fparc. conceal, courts, clerk of the peace, nor any officer or mi- &c.indiaments nister under them,, or any of thorn/ nor other J^'I' cllre * ts > person or persons, whatsoever, shall spare, take off, discharge, or, wittingly or willingly, conceal any* indictment, fine, issue, amgrciatncnt, felted recognizance, or other forfeiture, whatsoe- ver, exhibited, set, imposed, lost or forleiled r in any of the courts above mentioned, or before any of the judges, justices or commissioners, of or belonging to the same; or any sum or sums ofuionev paid, or to be paid to any officer or of- ficers,, in lieu or satisfaction of any fine or- forfeit- ures; tulles* it be by rule, or order of court, where such indictment, fine, issue, amerciament, forfeited recogni/ance, or other forfeiture, is or shall be exhibited, set, imposed^ lost or forfeited: nor shall an.) of the said judges, justices, oihcers or minisLeis, aforesaid, or any other, wittingly or Kr-mTrVertify will inglv, miscertify orestrealiaorin.ro anyofthe fcte feme; sa id General courts, or circui courts, any A'ne, is- sue, amerciament, foi felted iecogn;zarie, or other hrremue whaisoever, whereby tlie process of the said General court, or circuit court, for the levy- ing thereof, may be made invalid and of none ef- fect : but every such, judge-, justice, officer or mi- Op p*Tn of f oi\, nister,aad all & every other, person and persons, ok fending herein, shall, for every such offence, for- feit and pay treble the value of such fine, issue, amerciament^ forfeited recognizance, sum or sums of money, or Oliver forfeiture, so spared, taken off, discharged, concealed, not certified or es r reated,or miscertified or estreated, as afore- said: the one moiety thereof to the Territory, and the other moiety to such person or persons as will sue for. the same* to. oe recovered as a- ioresaid. VIL All cterls andprollionataries of the said court, rleiks> of the peace, ajid crthers r to whom it belongs to- make return ef estieats, inlo ihe Sdid General court, shall deliver in all and ever aucliesti.eat and estieats^ upon their oaths, or fi fmalions lo be administered by one or moreo rhe jud'jes. or justices i-f llit sainexourt, to the ef- a*ti*rito ef! fee t lo' owing-; that is losay: jo A. /?. dedaie, trea iuto ///#// *se estreats* now by you delivered, are truly court. e/;<7 CL. re/ ullY made up and examined ; and that all fines, issues^ din ere laments, recognizances and forfeitures, which were set, lost, imposed or Jorfeiled, and* in right and due course of Iaw 9 ought lo beestrealed in the General court, ot circuit court (as the rase may be) are^ to the best of your knowledge and understanding, he/ein contained; and that in the same estreats, are al- so contained and expressed all FUC/I fines and a- mercianienls as have been paid into the court from which the said estreats are made ; without any wilful or fraudulent discharge, omission, mis- TerrUorial^ nomer or defect, tc lciso< c er.. du^Vs to ef! VIII' Any of the judges of the said general or tre7tr*iiVic circuit courts, e may require) against such officers-and .other persons, to wnnm fines, sum orsums of money, or other forfeiture is or shallbe.so paid,* for levy ing arid receiving the same; that SD it may appear on' je turn- of such process or citation, when,' to wh6m, and hoyv jEftreatt to' be suc \ l aion ies are received, answered 4 aiad paid, paid to the -v AII i j * ' r treafurer of the -* All and every the said lines, sums or ,*no- Tcrrhory, (ex- ney,or other forfeitures (except such as may, by ccpt &c.) who l av y 9 be appropriated to other purpose^) which, th* governor; ^ rom henceforth, shall be levied or Deceived', ac- and judges. cording to the 'intent and directions of ..this law, shall be paid by the sheriff (or other pfiieer, or minister, who levied or received the same) to such person a-s the governour shall, from time to linie, appoint treasurer .of the Territory : N \vho shall pay the same to the uses to which tney are, or shall oe, appropriated : and* the said treasur- er shall, from time to time, lay an account there* of before the governour and judges in their legis- Perfoni ap- lative capacity, at their next session; and shall pointed to iflue deduct five per centum, for his trouble in paying licenies, to ccr- a d rece ivin the same, tify thofe they vr ,* , iflue to the A! ifhe person, or persons, \vhoareor may trcafurcr. be.empowered to issue liccnses,'/or keeping publi^ J Jioqse.s.and selling wine, and other liquors, in^i- ny town or place of the Territory, shall 'keep a true and just account of all the said licenses, ex- pressing the time when the person's names to cm ne- whom the same were granted, and where they live: and shall certify the same to the said trea- ' surer, once, in every half year, yearly and eve- jry year; upon pain of forfeiting and paying the sum of fifty dollars, for every such default, or neg- lect, in that behalf; the one moiety thereof to the Territory, and the other moiety to hir? pr that will sufe for the saine; to be recovered as aforesaid. THE fofegoing is hereby declared to be a law,- of the Territory ; to take effect accoidingly : /jV TfLSTlMUhf whereof, we Arthur Sf. Clair John Cleses Symmes and George Turner, havfc caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same wilhour names. AR. ^ Tj JOHN C. SYMtffiS G. TURNER. TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES > NORTH-WEST OF THE OHIO.- f A LAW ascertaining and regu- lating the Fees or the several Officers and persons therein named. Adopted from the Sie\i-York and Penny Iranian __ codes \ and published at Cmcin- AR. s T ; CL A t R,- na li , th e sixteenth day ofJiui e, JOHNC. SYMMBS/ one thousand, seven hundred - TuRNSa ' - an d ninety-five; by Arthur St, Clair, governour,* and' John Gleves Symmes and George Turner, judges, in and aver the said Territory. Sect, I. TVT O officer or person shall* at any time, ^ exact or demand, for .services Hereafter to be rendered, any larger, or other lee than as hereinafter is provided, other than such as may, by any future law, be allowed, viz. 1L Itu'uedetieral coutt\ judges Jees\ for allow- Judges' fees in "?6 a Wr *t ^ error < s * xt Y tvvo an ^ a half the General for every supersedea-s, thirty seven and a half court. cents, taking bail, thirty seven arid a half cents: filing every ^bail-piece, or recognizan.ee, twelve and a half cents: signing every writ of habeas, corpus, procedendo, certiorari or prohibition, thirty seven and a .half cents: confession of a judgment, out of court, thirty seven and a half cents: takingan affidavit, twelve and a half cents;! admitting a consellor at law oran attorney, one dollar and twenty five cents ; to be paid to the judge or judges, present at the admission', the judge licensing a counsellor at law, or an attor* ney, three dollars and seventy Jive cents: fax-' in* a bill of. costs, seventy five cents : signing judgment, twenty five cents: in every cause, to be paid on the firstmotion, unless criminal, sixty two and a half cents; to be divided among the judges : attending on ballatting or striking a ju-j ry, or both, sixty two and a. half cents: every at-; tendance, on motion or argument, or special mat- ier, at his chambers, and on examining a witness, sixty two and a half cervts : every certificate, or order, upon a law for relief of insolvent debtors, thirty seven and a half cents: every warrant, or- der, report or certificate upon the law relative to absconding lebtors, thirty seven and a half cents if] every appointment of trustees, thirty seven and a half cen ts ; taking the acknowledgment of a deed, fifty.cents : every justification or allowance of bail, thirty seven and a half cents. ^* ^ ie af ^ orne y"g erier al t ^ fees in the Gene- ral court. Entering every cessat processus or nolo prosequi, for each de/endant, sixty two and a half cents : 'every process or indictment, or olher common wit,, per sheet, eighteen cents; C 67 ] > drawing every indictment or information gene- Iral, seventy five cents: copying and engrossing fthe same, fifty cents: drawingall special indict- Inients and pleadings, per sheet, seventy two fwords to a sheet, eighteen cents: a copy thereof jper sheet, as aforesaid, ten cents: every .motion I in court, sixty two and a halfcenls: fee on trial, I demurrer, special verdict, or in error, or in pleas [confessed, tnree dollars: every warrant, to ac- fknowtedge satisfaction on record, seventy five [cents: for the trialofevery capital cause where [life is concerned, eight dollars : for the whole pro- secution, except drawing the indictment or in- formation, for the trialofevery other matter by bill of indictment or information, five dollars: and if the defendant shall, by habeas corpus, cer- fciorari, or otherwise, remove any indictment or [information from any court of General quarter* I sessions before the judges of the General court, I the attorney general shall, for his services in draw- ing the indictment and prosecuting the same, have the sum of eight dollars : on all other pro- ceedings, the like fees as are, hereinafter, allov/ed for the like services to practitioners in the General court. IIL Counsellors' *r allornies* feesin the General Counfel and at-1 court. For retaining fee, tliree dollars and fifty orn ' es ' fce * ia cents; but, where several suits are brought upon one bond, or note, no more than CRC retaining fee srvall be allowed: warrant of at'oniey, twenty eight cents : drawing all processes and returns, Iwelve and a~half cents : every term fee, seventy five cents : bnt, no more than three to be allow- ed, unless the parry caused that term's delay, for which il is charged : drawing bonds to prosecute, affidavits, pleading*, Adjournment*, suggestions, K 68] and other necessary en tries, each sheet of seven- ty two words, eighteen cenls :';copies on paper* six rents, per sheet: every motion, sixly two and a half cents > arguing every special motion, one dollar and twenty live cents : fee on trial, or inquest in error, one dollar and fifty cents : serj vice of a declaration in ejectment, the same as ser- vice of process by sheriff", fee for arguing of de-j jnurrer, or special verdict', stieh sum as shall be j allowed in the discretion, of. the judge who shall laxcosts: a brief and copy, or copies thereof, one .dollar and twelve cents: drawing up the judg- ment, seventy five cents: every continuance, eighteen cents: drawing- a nolo prosequi, or re-j Iraxit, thirty seven and a half cents : entry thereof, eighteen cents: every notice and copy, thirty cents : attendance on ballotting or strikinga juH ry, or both^.sixty twoand a half cenls: oh exa- mining a witness, fifty cents : on taxing a bill, twenty five cents: on giving or excepting to bail, twenty five cents : attending-a.judge,* on other ordinary servicej twenty five cents : service of no- lice, every notice or rule; eighteen cents : 'service of copy of the declaration and. rule to plead, eigh- teen cents: copy bill of costs to be taxed, deli- vered to the opposite party, thirty seven and a half cenls, if before issue joined. or judgement; but if afterwards, seventy fivecentsv IV The clerk- of the GeneraUourt's'/ee-s in ci- vil causes: For sealinga wiit^ enlering the same, CODS fees, in civil filing ticket and entering on the' docket, twenty caofcs. e\g\it ccn t s! filinga declaration, twelveanda half cents: enlering an appearance, twelve and a half cents filing all oilier pleadings, each, twelve and a half cents: entering every rule, eighteen cenls: swearing and cingannelinga jury, twenty eight cents: the return of a writ and filing the same, twelve and a half cents; swearing each witness, six cents: swearing a constable, six cents : read- ing each writing, ^on'evidence, twelve and a half cents: filing the roll, twelve and a half cents: taking the jury's verdict, and entering the same in the minutes, eighteen cents;- special verdict, drawing or engrossing, twelve and a half cents, per sheet: entering judgment, twenty eight cents; a retraxit or discontinuance, twelve and a half cents-:- copies of records, or the pleadings, per sheet, each sheet containing seventy two words, twelve and a half cents: al tending and striking a special jury, and delivering a copy thereof to each party, seventy five cents: filing an affidavit, or other paper on request, ninecents: entering satisfaction on record, eighteen cents 14 searching the records within a year, eighteen cents ; and for every year back, sixcents- V.. In criminal causes ^ where the services are done at the request of the defendant; or where he enters a nolo contendere ; or, on voluntary composition, has his fine mitigated; or where the service is for the case and ad -/an tage of the de- fendant, or prisoner; or by order ot the court ij for every appearance, twelve and a half cents: the discharge oftfnyperson upon bail, twelve and a half cents : every imparlance to an indictment, twelve and a half cents : drawing process against any person upon an information or other pro- cess, forty fourscents: the plea to an indictment or information, six cents: reading the indict- ment, information or record, six cents: swear- ing every witness, on trial, six cents: engrossing Judgment on information, eighteen cent 5 1 res- piting every recognizance, nine cents: raking a recognizance, fiity six cents, and entering there- of: copies of all indictments, informations and pleadings, per sheet, each sheet seventy two words, twelve and a half cents: relinquishing, a plea, twelve and a half cents: a submission, twelve -and a half- cents: judgment thereon, twelve and a half cents : a copy of the traverse, twelve and a half cents : every subpoenafor four witnesses, or under, twenty eight cents: every witness more, six cents; every order or rule of court, eighteen cents ; a copy of a rule of court, twelve and a half cents: taking and copying eve- ry special verdict, per sheet, each sheet' contain- ing seventy two words, eighteen cents: for the allowance and recording a warrant of nolo pro- sequi, or cessat process us, fifty cents, Clerk of the * Fees for the clerkof the circuit courts. For circuit court's entering in the judge's book, every cause to be fees, in civil tried, thirty seven and a halfcents: filing every ni- caufe*. s j p r j us record, thirty seven and a halfcents: en- tering every rule, eighteen cents : swearing, and empannehnga jury, twenty eight cents; enter- ing confession of lease, entry and ouster, eighteen ceri ts : swearing each witness and swearing a con- stable, each, six cents: reading eyerydeed or piece of written evidence, tw el ve and a half Cents: filing a bill of exceptions, or demurrer, each, twelve and a half cents: copies thereof, nine cents per sheet; calling plaintiff and entering his default or appearance, twelve and a half cents: taking a verdict and entering it 1 in minutes' twenty eight cents : returning every pbs tea, se- venty five cents: entering every nonsuit, eigh- teen cents; entering default cf juror, and dis- charge of others, eighteen cents. HI fees in cri- WI In criminal causes; the same fees as are nr.nai caufcs. before allowed to I lie clerk of the General couxt, C 7i T and under the same restrictions : and if he .pro secute for the United States, the like fees as are before allowed to the attorney general. court. The sheriffs' fees in the General court: Sheriff** feei la serving a writ, fifty six cents ; every mile, six r cents, to be computed from the place of holding the court : bail- bond, thirty seven and a half cents: returning a Writ, twelve and a half cents : summoning a jury, one dollar and twenty five cents : serving an execution for or under three hundred dollars, per each three dollars, six cents; and for every three dollars more, three cents: the allowance to the sheriff on fieri fa- cias, or other writs for levying, monies, to be taken only on the sum levied (that where any sheriff shall levy or receive any debt or damages and costs, actually previous to, or without, an actual sale of the lands, goods or chattels seized or. taken, he shall be entitled to no more than one half of the allowance, on each three dollars mentioned in this law, in, all cases where such debt or damages and costs shall exceed the sum of- three , hundred dollars) ; serving a writ of possession, without the aid of the pos- se cbinitalus* one dollar and twenty five cents; with the aid of the poss<2 comilatus, three dollars and seventy five cents: ev^ry mile from: the court-house, six cents: forsum- moninga grand jury, three dollars : executing a criminal, seven dollars and fifty cents : making a list of freeholders to strike a jury, three dollars and seventy five cental ^serving a sciie facias, and return, sixty eight cents : every person committed to prison, thirty seven and* a ^ half cents; the discharge of every person out of pri- son, being committed, thirty seven aii'd a hal [72] cents : bringing up a prisoner by naoeas corpirs, in civil cases, one dollar rnd iifty cents :] every mile from the place of taking him, six cents: executing a \vrit of enquiry, and re- tsirning, one dollar and fifty cents: attend-' ing a view in the same county, per day, 0113 dollar and eighty seven and a half cents: the like in a foreign county, one dollar and seventy- five cents, per day r attending with a prisoner before a judge, on his being surrendered by his bail, ajid for receiving the prisoner into custody, or. e dollar : for summoning a jury, on forcible entry and detainer, tluee dollars and seventy live cents: serving a. writ of restitution, besides a milage fee of six cents, per mile, one dollar and eighty seven and a half cents : copy -of every writ, eighteen cents: serving warrant of at- tachment, taking into custody, &c. so much as the judge who issued the warrant &hall cer- tify, fees in ^- The Cryers fees in the General court. -General co*rt. For calling every action, nine cents; calling a- jury, twelve and a half cents ; swearing la wit : ness, six cents; calling every verdict, nine cents: dischaiging every person, by proclamation, nine cents : calling the plaintiff, on nonsuit, nine cents '-calling a defendant, on recognizance, nine rents calling a default nine cents : ringing the bell, each action hi com t, twelve and a half cents,! X. Jury fees In- the General court. Every ju- Juror s tfes in / J \ ,. i i i court. ryman, for each action on which he is sworn as a juror, twenty five cents., every juror coin- ing to and attending a view, and reluming, per day, seventy five rents-, every juror atlending court from a foreign county, coming and return* ing, per day, fifty six cents, t 733 The fees to be allowed Jor witnesses sum p fcs w itnef- moncdin I lie severel courts , and charges foi sum' f e , i n th feve- moning them. Each witness attending in his ral tourts, anH oWn county, on trial, twenty live cents, per ^JummoniDg day : attending ftom a foreign county, and coin- ing and returning, per day, fifty six cents r eath witness subposna'd in the county, and de- tained from a foreign county, per day, fifty six , cents: serving subpoena on each witness, twelve and a half cents : to a witness on a du- ces tecurn, coining from a foreign county, at- lending, and returning per clay, fifty six cents :/. except for the judge of probate or clerk of a court, attending in a foreign county, with wills, records, or other paper evidence* on subpoena, one dollar and sixty six cents, per day.. XII. Surveyors' fees* For going to and retuin- s ur vevor's fee* ing from a view, per day, one dollar and twenty five cents, thirty miles per. day: his actual service, per day, on the view, one dollar and fifty cents :. for going to, attending the court, on trial, and returning, per day, one dol- lar and twenty fiye cents, XIII,, The justices' fees in the court of com- . monpleas. rorall actionsin thecourtof common their icc. pleas, thirty seven and a half c^nts : signingeve- ry judgment of. court, twelve and a half cents : I taking bail, twenty five cents i acknowledging satisfaction, on record, nine ceaxs; taxing and signing a hill of costs, t wen ty fiv.t cents ; proof or acknowledgment of a deed before the judges of the coin t of common plea?, ihiny seven and la half Cen h ; for admitting and licensing an at- torney, \iM (he fees in f.ucii cases allowed io the- judges ot the (J en eral court C 74 j XI F. Fees of justices of the peace, in or out of sessions* For every warrant in criminal cases, eighteen cents : on every trial of forcible en try or detainer, two dollars and fifty cents : every pre- cept in forcible entry or detainer, thirty seven and & half cents ; every bond, or recognizance twenty five cents: administering an oath, twelve and a half cents: every certificate, -or order up- on att for relief .of insolvent debtors, thirty seven and a half cents.: every warrant, order, report, or certificate, upon an absconding act, thirty se- ven and a half cents : every appointment of trus- tees, thirty seven and a half cents., . Atlornies' fees in the court of common pleas. Attomies* fees Warrant of attorney, twelve and a half cents: in common r lcas every necessary motion, twenty rive ceiUs : draw- ing every declaration and all other pleadings, per sheet, each sheet containing seventy two words, at twelve and a half cents : every copy thereof, six cents, per sheet: drawing every notice of trial, copy and serving, twenty eightcents : co- py for the judge, and serving, fifteen cents v brief for trial and copy, seventy five cents rat- tending a judge, on taxing costs, or other ne cessary business, twenty five cents. XP. Fees for the clerk of the sessions. For CVrk of ief. taking a recognizance, and drawing it up in form, fiuns, bis Tees, thirty seven and a half cents; to be paid to the clerk, or oilier person who does .the service : drawing every indictment, and engrossing ih.e same, fifty six cents : receiving, filing and reading the same, eighteen cenls: subpoena for each witness, six cents : a venire, or other writ, eighteen cents : entering defendant's appear "ance, nine cenls : an execution, tweuly live cents; innLing up the record, twelve and a TiaH cents, perslieet : copy thereof, six cenfe, per sheet, at seventy two words : every order on rule of court, nine cents: entering aoolo prosequi, or cessat processus, eighteen, cents : & venire for a jury to enquire of riots, forcible en- tries, detaineis/&c. twenty five cents ; drawing and engrossing inquisition, and returning the same, six cents: filing record, twelve and a half cents; entering the panel and swearing the ji>- ry, twenty five cents: swearing witness and constable, each, six cents: reading each evidence or petition in court, six cents : uking and en- tering verdict, twelve and a half cents : enter- ing judgment, and the line, fifteen cents: ca- tering defendant's confession, fifteen cents: co- pies of indictments and pleadings, if required, each sheet of seventy two words, six cents: re- ceiving, reading and filing every order, brought to be allowed at the court of sessions, and en- tering the confirmation and recording the same,, as in other cases, per sheet of seventy two words, twelve and a halt cents. XV L Fees of the Pro tho notaries of the court of common pleas. For every writ of ca- fees i tt common pias, entering action., and seal, twenty eight P leas - ' cents : a bond given by the plaintiff, when he is not a freeholder, thirty seven and a half cents : Ming declaration, six cents : copy of a declara- J lion or oilier pleadings, if required, per sheet, each sheet containing seventy two words, six cents: a discontinuance, orretraxit^ twelve and a half cents: altering the dcclararion, in eject- , inent, and admitting a defendant, fifteen cenrls 5 . entering every motion and rule thereon, twelve and a half ccats: copy of every rule, when re- quired, twelve and a half cents; bringing a par- [76] ticukr record' in to court, twenty five cents: ceiving and entering verdict, twelve and & .halfi cents: en taring a.satisfoc tier*, oa record, twenty- five cents- : entering-.^ judgment,, fifteen cents n reading and entering..allowa.n<:e 'oi every habeas* corpus, writ. of error or cartiorarr, ana the re- turn^ twenty five cents : an execution, twenty eight cents: transmit ofahe. record in, error, and returning it with the writ, every sheet o seventy' two words, Six cents-: every wrib of enquiry,. six cents per sheet: entering defendan fs appear- ance,, six cents >r drawing and filing : special bail in. or out of court, eighteen cents :'fding every plea,. replication,, rejoinder OB other, pleading, six. cents : a venire, twenty, eight eents :. receiving and entering, the- panel,? and. swearing: the jury, eighteen cenis- : a^. habeas corpora -juratorum, twenty eight cents :. subpoena for each, witness, six cents ' Veading every evidence in court, six cents; swearing each witness, six. cents \ swear- ing. constable,- -six^cenls: making up and enter- ing a recoid of- a judgment* twelve and a ha|f cents ; per sheet r engrossing,. six cents : copy of a-recordofa judgment* when required j six cents, per sheet of seventy two-words: searching the reoordswi thin one year, twelve^ and a half cents.:; and every year, back, .six cents : copies ofTecoids, per sheet of seventy.two words-, each* six cents. XWl. The Sheriffs fees -in the- courts of com- eomnion'pi'ftas ', mon i n i- Frobate office sler ; ng an oat h, eighteen cents : for all copies f^r each folio eonsistingof cue hundred and I wend eight words, eighteen cents; for seal, seventy fv$ cents: for filing, eighteen cents: fora citation, exclusive of seal, fifty cents r for a letter of admi lustration > two dollars and! fifty cents : taking and filing a renunciation, and taking proof of re- nunciation (and which proof the judge of pro- Kate is hereby authorized and required to take) fifty cents* where a will, or administration, is contested, for hearing and determining, two dollars : for proving a will, endcr^n** certificate thereon, recording the same, and filing it, two] dollars and fifty cents : for qualifying adminis- trator taking bond, and "writing certificate, one dollar and fifty cents: loracitaL'on, when issued, fifty cents : for filhig caveat, eighteen cents :j for proving a codicil, improved separately, en- dorsing certificate, recording the same and filing it, one dollar and fifty cents: for examining and proving an inventory or account, one dollar: for granting administration, *with the will annex- ed, two dollars and fifty cents: for a .search. eighteen cents, C 79] 'XXII. Recorders' fees. For recording morr- Recor( [ eri . gnges, sixteen cents, per sheet of one hundred \vords; and the like fees for recording all other cleeds and instruments in writing: for copies of all records anddeeds twelve ceuts and a half, per. slieet. XXUL To the person keeping the seal. For Kc e r r O f rt0 making out and affixing the seal to the cominis- feal, his ice*, sion or appointments of the attorney-general, ihe treasuier of the Territory, the sheriffs, prolho- notaries and recorders, three dollars ; tor each and svery such commission, or appointment, one third part thereof to be to tbegovernour's use: forth commission of ajustice ofthe common pleas one dollar: for every justice of the peace, named in a commission, fifty cents (one third whereof to ihe governour's use) and lor affixing the seal to any other instrument in writing, except original laws and military commission*, seventy five cents, to his own. use, XXI 'V. To the secretary. Forcopiesor exem- c .. r , . - / , , - secretary s plihcations or records, twelve cents, per sheet or f ee8ft one hundred words.. XXV This law shall be cons trued "to extend id all suits or actions already commenced and This Taw & F . depending in any courts of record, -in this Terri- P nes to fD i r tory,and wherein the bills of costs are not al- dc P eidi ready taxed.' XXfL The judges and justices of their res, . f i i9 n 11 i .11 No otner Fec peclive courts, shall allow all bills of costs, a- to be t- ^ en . rising within their courts, according to ihe table of fees, herein established, and not otherwise. XXylL All and cveiy person and persons shall be allowed to carry on, defend and try his, her and their suit, or ac tion, iu any court of record, in p> where c C 80] Coam toiiio^ xxr *H- For any services actually per formal t:otnpenf*iion and not enumerated in this law, the judges nnd for fen kes ^ justices, respectively sh all certify, or lax somuc^ ML ere none. jp or s uch services, as the same are really worth, and no more, Coanfeliors fc XXJX. jsj o counsellor, nor attornev.at law, attorn ie, how shall be admitted to make any plea at t-ne bar ol ptald!* 410 anv coart (except in his own case} without tak- ing the following oath,' or affirmation, in open court; nor -until he shall Jiave been examined, touching his legal abilities, by a judge of the Ge- neral court, -and obtained from him a .certificate, ^ at tne P ar ty examined hath sufficient legal abi- lities, and had produced one or mope certificates, in writing, to prove the goodness of. liis. moral character: You f hail behave yourself in the bf free of coitn- Oatl1 sellorat law (or attorney, as the case may be) w/VA- in this court, according to the best of your learn" ing, and with all good fidelity, as well to the court, as to the client. You shall use no falsehood, nor delay any persons cause for lucre or malice: (So help you Go^ THE' foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the first day > of October, -next ensuing : 1NTES- TIMONY -whereof, "we Arthur St. Clair, John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST. CLAIR, JOHN C. ia and Terntory. Sect* L 'TUIE justices- of the cmirt of General" . , quarter-sessions of the peace, in e-. ^buac/. very county, or so many of them, as are or shall tc, from time to time, enableds to hold those courts, shall have full power, and a re hereby- em powered, in die- same week that they are or shall Jaftices of the: be, by law, directed to hold the same courts (or P eat:e to hald: at such 'other times as they shall see occasion)^ l hold and 'keep a -court of rccord r i;i each c4 the said counties i which shall be stiled, The Orphans' court ; and ta award process^ aad cause - to come T^JIJ. powei . s before them, alland every sueh person- and per- and d.uies o. sons who, as gua-rdians, trustees, 1 tutors, exe- vcr / guardians, cutors, administrators, ror-otherwise^ -are or shall (or the time being, A ffo over- tTi'Pj shall aa?e the po^ver cf probates of wills, and judfe of pr/ granting lelters ofdJrninistration, in this ternto- balc -c. - ry, ur 4 iieir deputies, upon apjplicatiou made in that behalf, to bring or transmit into the said Or- phans' court, true copies or duplicates of all such bonds; inventories, accounts, actings and proceed- ings, whatsoever, now or hereafter remaining or being in the respective offices, or elsewhere with iti the limits of their authority, as do orshal concern or relate to the said .estates, or any o May order pay. them : and to order the payinen,#of such reasona- wear of cbajg [^ fc es f QJ . t j ie sa ^ CO pi eS) an( | f or a }[ other charg- ecuYion^t^h^s es ' trouble -and attendance, which any -officer or law, according other person 'shall necessarily 'be put upon, in to ditcrcti^n. t j ie execution of this law, as they shall think c quitable a.nd just. And if, upon hearing or exa- mination thereof, it appears to the justices of ihc OScers milbs- sa jj court that any of the said officers ha\e mis having as to , , , , , ' .. r minors, &c. behaved tiieinselves, to the prejudice or any miuor, how 'accounta- or others concerned for them, as aforesaid, thd Wc * said justices are hereby required to cerlily the same, accordingly; which i>hall be good evi- ( deuce, for the -party grieved, to recover his da- iiiages at common law. II. And where any letters of administration * .?, rs f. a " shall be granted, and no bend with sureties civen. luiniit rat ioi>, o f o ' gran-cd \vitVi as-thclawni tha t case requires, such letters of ad- uutfurety> to niinistration shall be, and are hereby declared lo be void 5 be void and of no'ne effect rand the officer or person that grants the same, and his sureties, shall be, ip- Y so facto, liable to pay all such damages as. shall The officer To 1 ; L ' trraoting ihcm, accruclo any person or persons, uy occasion oc TO be liable to granting such administration: And thcparlylo any damages n- -whoj^ [| 1C same slial'l bc,so ziaiired, may he : suedj ' as. executor in his own wrong ; and shall be so- And the party taken and deemed, in any MI it lo be brought tHe^ 11 deemed a g a ^ nst n ^ m foror by reason of his said admini- cxecuVor in his stration; or, if upon such examination it appears] own wrong. fazi an y o f fac uiid ofliccrs -liave net Laten sufit* cient sureties, where the administrators may not Po^r be of ability to answer, or make good, the va 5J7JJ lue of what the decedent's estate doth or shall a- ea ruj is mount to ; then the said Justices of the Orphans' court are hereby required and empowered, lo cause all such administrators to give better securi- ty to the judge of probate, by bonds, in 'manner and form as the law prescribes, and under such .penalties, and with such suretiesas the said jus- tices shall approve of, aftr they have heard ihe olrections of creditors, or persons concerned, if any such be made during the sittingofthe court. And if it appear ihar any of rhe s.iid administra. tors have embezzled, wasted or misapplied, or suffered so to be, any part of the dece-'lent's 6s- AH* U *ie df tates, or shall neglect or refuse to give bonds, waft*re- with sureties, as aforesaid; then, and in every such ke * xfc| " B - case, the said justices shall, forthwith, by their sentence, revoke or repeal the letters of admini- stration granted them; and thereupon the said jud^e of probate, or other person then empow- ered to grant administrations, as aforeiaid, where terj e ^ jj ^ such occasion happens, is hereby required lo g*-*atc lca\c oi the guardians or trustees, may, by the leave and direc- ifcitV^V 1 * 1 tion - f the Orphans' court, put out their minors' r^^eir no* money to interest, upon such, security, as that to be accounta. court shall 'allow of : and if such secuiity, so ta- ble ia cafe of k en ^ i ona f[d e>t and without fraud, shall happen to pro /e insufficient, it shall be -the. minors' loss. But if no person who may be willing to take the said money at interest with such security as can be found by the person .so, as aforesaid, conx:enu eel for the minors, nor by any others; then the But atitl executors, administrators, snardians or trus- whl! ! ! ln l iii* i i ! i /~ i CWQ nanus. tecs, shall, in such cases, be responsible for the principal money, only, until it can be put out at Quietest, as aforesaid. V Provided always, That" the day of payment Term ofmoulc9 of the money, so to be put out to interest, at a- f lent, n&t to ny one time, shall not exceed twelve months, exceed ra from the dateof the oblation, or other securi- moluhs ly give 11 for the same; and so toties quoties, when and so off en as the said money shall be paid in, or come to the hands 'of the Said executors, guar- dians or tj us fees. VI. Provided a/so, That no executors, admi- nistrators or guardians, shall be liable to pay in- Exfca . to i r i s ** i L t i i i i * i * 1 " ONV Iwble to terest, but for the surplusage of the decedent ses' i ulc rett. tale, remaining in their hands or power, and be- longing to the minors, when the accounts of their administration are, or ought to be, settleil and adjusted before the said Orphans' 1 courts, or judge of probate respectively. VII, The justices of the said Orphans' court, ih the said respective counties, shall have full pow- rand authority to exercise all the powers, autho- rities and jurisdictions granted, or mentioned or intended to be granted, to the Orphans' court, in r urther and by a law of this Territory, entituled, "a law of ihe court. 'for the better settling of intestates' estates.," and to do, execute and perform, all such matters and 1 things as the Orphans' court, in the said law, or in any other law of this Territory mentioned, \ might or ought to have done or performed, ac- cording to the true intent and meaning thereof; 'with power, also, to admit orphans or minors, May appoint when, andas often as there may be occasion, to gaHiani tu make choice of guardians or tutors and to ap- tors * ^ 6 - [86] point guardians, next friends or tutors, over such as the said court shall judge too young, or incapa- ble, according to the rules of the common law> to make choice themselves: and, at the instance and lequest of thesaid executors, administrators, guardians or tutors, to order and direct the bind- ing or putting outof minors, apprentices to trade*, husbandry, or other employments, as shall be DOTS tojgradcs, thought hi. And all guardians and prochein a- * mis, who shall be appointed- by any of the said Orphans' courts shall be allowed and received, without further admittance, to prosecute and de- lend all actions and suits relating to the orphans or minors, as the case may require, in any court Or courts of this Territory. YI1I. Jr. any person or persons, being duly summoned to appear in any of the said Orphans' Power of tlic courts, ten days before the time appointed for in cafe of their appearance, shall make default, the jus- tices may send their attachments for con tempts, and may force obedience to their warrants, sen* lences and orders, concerning any matter or thing cognizable in the same courts, by impri- sonment of body, or sequestration of lands or goods. JX, Provided always, That if any person or l to the persons shall F/c aggrieved, by any defmiiivje '. 5enrcnce or Judgment of the said Orphans' court, it shall be lawful for themlo appeal from the same to the General or circuit courts : which appeal, upon secnrify given; as is usualin such cases, shall be gran ted accordingly, X, If any of ihe said executors* ad minis I ra- or * orSf g, tiar( M*. ns or Imslee*, did or hall receive &veo an ^ 6^ discharges for any sums of money* dehts rents or duiicS| belonging to any o;phaD f 3 or minor for whom they arc or were ialrustcJ ; * * a U b j fli it is hereby declared, that all such discharges or "Jj^ 1 * ud or receipts shall be binding to, and upon, the orphan or minor, when he or she attains to full age ; and shall be effectual in law todisclm^e- the person or persons that fate the same. XL When any of the said minors attain to M ^ norfi atra ? n . their full a^e, and thq person or persons so, asingfuilage, aforesaid, intrusted or concerned for them, hav- how they (bail in^rendered their accounts to theOrphans' court, aurt, in the respective counties shall and E 92 3 Orphans* court rrray, ami are hereby enabled to proceed and may oblige ad- ca \i suca administrators to account, /or and touch! wUj4ntort to . t j ie 00 d s O f any person dyine. intestate; and- account. , . l / , r 'j i r uport, hearing, and due consideration thereof, to Further power order and make just and- equal; distribution oi ana dory of ^hat jemainelh clear after all debts,, funeral and that cou.j't i ,- 11 i i just expenses or every sort, first allowed and de- ducted according to the ordinance of Congress, for the government of the Territory, and to the rules anil limitations hereafter set down : and the same distributions to declare and settle, and to compel such administrators to observe and pay* ihe same, by the due course of the laws of this Territory ; saving to every one supposing him or themselves aggrieved, their right of appeal to the General or circuit courts*. IV * Prm ' ided always, That in case any child vrlio shall ha ^e any estate by settlement, from the intestate, or shall be advanced by the said intestate, in hislife time, by portion, not equal to the share which will be due to the other children, by such distribution as afortsaid; then &o much of the surplusage of the estate of such intestates, to be distributed lo-such child or chil- dren asshall have any land, by -settlement from the intestate, or were advanced in- the life time f the intestate. a,s shall make the eslate of all the said childien to be equal, as nearly as can be es* Wben no legal timated. And in case there be no children, nor any Jegal representatives f then*/ then one inoiety of the said estate to be allotted to the wife ^ t ' ie intestate ; and the residue o the aid es- equally, feo every of the next kindred, ot the intestate, who are in equafc degree, and those who legally represent theiru. Concerning Provided^ That there bs up .i-epiesentaliyos adf equally eiute. the reprefcnta tires, ' the oter to otVmdxed. Ute, t-o be dUuibu te [93] milled among collaterals, after brothers' and sislers' cliiMien : and in cautiaa to of oruntoihe in legate, and their legal represen'' 1}C Utives, as aforesaid ; and in no oilier manner \vhitsocver*. V. fVwwfarffcvW, And !o the end, iliat adub nerloti 1 e.tate record be had to cioclitors, that no such dist ilm- L ** n of f i it i . lion oftlieg,oods of any person d) ing intestate, be made, till afier one year be fully expired, ah- wilh 'n ter the intestate's death ; and that such and eve- }ear * ry one lowhom any distribution andshaie shall be allotted, shall give bond, with sufficient sure lies, in the said Orphans' court: that if any debtor debts, truly owins by I he in I estate, shall r g ef7 a dL '"a be afterwards sued for and recovered, or other- Orphans' court v/iseduly made to appear; that then, and in every such ca^e, he or she shall respective!) refund and pay back to the administrator, his or her ratea- ble part of that debt or debts, and of the costs of suit and charges of the administrator, by reason of such debts, out of flic part and share so, as aforesaid, allotted to him or her; thereby to en- able the said administrator to pay and satisfy the said debtor debts so discovered, after the disMv bution made, as aforesaid. *Vl. Provided always lhat Jn all ca.^es where, f ^ cafe by law, administration wit-h the will annexed JO< jg C of pro- ought to be granted, the judge of probate shall bare may grant grant administration accordingly. adminitlmion. Vil, If any person or persons shall die intes- tate, being owners of lands or tenements with- in this Territory at the time of their death, and leave la^wiul issue losurvive them, but uota suf- 1943 , Cerent personal estate, topay their just debts and Wbere perfcn- maintain llieir cluldien; in such case, it shall Vor " belavvftinortheadmimstratGror administrators . court ol SUG deceased t sell and convey such part or order uhe- parts el the said Janthor teiiesnen is, for defraying : M,?f ttlf \ iriUSt clebls.jnaintaLiancc of their children^ meat of debts, and W putting them apprentices, and teaching education an d them to read and write, and for impiovement of tiSSS^ F the resid r ! Ul f wte ^-^ny be,- to iheir ad van. fcage, as the Orphans' court of ihe county, whem such estate lies, shall think fit to aUow, order and^ direct, from time to tiir.e. Except efhrc VUL Prided always, Ihat HO- Ian-els or fo- under maniage nements, contained in any marriage settlement fciUemear. shall, by viitue of this law be sold or disposed of, contrary to the form and effect of such settle- x nient : nor shall any Orphans 1 court, allow or or- Inventory to kr 7 V^^te's lands cr tenements to be sold, fee firft eihibit. ,?' * ^f. ^iiiiH^trator, requesting the same, and other do1 / 1 exhioit twoor more true and perfect inven lories and conscionable apprakement ofall the intestate '& personal estate v^hatsoevetr; as also a just and true account, upon his or her solemn- oath or affirmation, ef all the intestate's debts ^hich shall be iheii come to his or her know, ledge; and if thereupon it shall appear to ihe *onrt, that the intestate's personal osta4ewillnot be sufficient to pay ihe "debts and maintain the ihlldicn, t4utilthc eldest et tlieirt attains the oge of twenty one \ears, or to pu-t them out to be apprentices, and teach them to read and write then & in every swli case, and not otherwise, lha Cpurtshali allow such administrator to make pub lie sale of so much ofthe said lands, as the comt r upon the best computation they can make of the" value thereof: shall judge necessary for the pur- [9*1 poses aforesaid; reserving the mansion 'house and most profitable part ohbe* estate till the last. But before any such sale be made, the court shall order so imny writings to-be made by the clerk, upon parchment or good pa per, as the court shall thiukfit, to signify and give notice of such sales, and of the day and hour when, and the place where the sa.ne \\illbfc, and what lands are to be *oU, and where they lie : which notice shall be lie) i ye reel to the sheriff or constables, in "order to be fixe'lin the most public pkccsof the coun- tv or city, at least ten days be(ore sale ; and the- sheriffs or constables are hereby required Jo make publication accordingly : and the administrator that makes such sale sh^ll bring his or her pro- ceedings therein to the next Orphans' court, af- ter the sale made. And if it snail happen that any lands be sold, by virtue of this law for more than the court's computation of the value there- of: then the administrator shall be accountable for the same, as by this law is required for intes- tate^' personal estates.. THE foregoing is hereby declared lo be a law of the. Territory ; to take effect on aud from the fifteenth day or August, next ensuing: IN TES T1MONY ' whereof, we Arthur St. Clair, John Cleves Symmcs ana George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AH. Sr. CT.41R, JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TURNED OF THE UNITED STATES NO?vTH-W2ST Ofr' THii OHIO. A LAW to License and Reu- 1 ii re Tavern ., sJ(*+>p fed I lie P e nn sy Iranian ro/&v < publish ed a I . CV// c /fcy* ati^ seven I cent It day of Jun y him granted, pursuant to this law, Fe?t on every H- lo any person, to sell wine and other liquors^ the cnfc, four dol- iStim of four dollars. And the person obtaining larsto lbe * ;; such license shall further pay to the clerk of the ^"" General quarter sessions, rii open court, oir re- county ceiving the recommendation required by law., the sum of twelve dollars, for the use of the county : andit shall beuhe duty of the said clerk to mate, in coiiFt, a fair and accurate entry in a feflbos herein*, jbook or books, to be kept for that purpose, of every sum so received ; and shall pay the coun- ( ty's part thereof, iato die county treasury, wilii T983 in twenty days after Hie rising of the said court, , taking ibe treasurer's receipt, as his voucher for such payment. V. Provided always* That where tie govern- our, or the person or persons, he may choose to appoint, for issuing $uch licenses, shall in any case, secfrt La refuse the same, the party so paying for such license shall have his, her or their mo- nies returned by the clerk or treasurer, as the case may /^Y. No recommendation shall be issued by the justices pf the respective counties in order to obtain license fxom. the governour, for the keep- ing a public house, as directed by this law, be fore the person or persons desiring such recom- , Bond to the jnendation, shall become bound lo thegovernour governour. of the Territory, with security, if required, in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars ? that he, she or they, on obtaining such license, shall, at all times, be of good behaviour, and ob- serve all the law and ordinances which are or shall be made, or be in force, relating to inn-keepers or tavern-keepers within the Territory. And whoever shall keep a tavern, inn or public house of entertainment, before he or she hath given bond, as aforesaid, such person shall suffe the same penalty, as U the same had been don \vithoutlicense. Koperfoyn. y jjm No peisoq or persons, -other than such a leu qualified by , ,, vr 1 i i i i i this law (hall are or shall be qualified so lo do, by this law fell liquor*, shall presume under any. colour or pretence, t se ^' barter with, or deliver any wine, rum, bran dy or other spirits, or strong water, beer, cyde or any mixed or strong liquors, to be used or within his, her or their houses, yards or sheds, or to be, with his, her or their knowledge, prir C993 vity or consent, used or drank in any shelters, places or woods, near or adjacent to them, \yj companies of servants, slaves or others; nor to retail or sell, to any person or persons, any rum brandy orother spirits, or strong water, by less cjuantifyttf measure than one quart; nor aiiy-wine* by less quantity or measure than one quart; nor any beer, ale or cyder, by any quantity less than Iwo^allons ; thesariie liquors being respec lively delivered to one person and at one time, with- out any coll usiotrdr fraud, contrary 'to the true intent and meaning of this law. Every person.. Penalty there- offending herein, shall pay a fine of twelve dol- OB - lars, on conviction by indictment, -to the use of the proper county. VIII. No person or persons, keeping a publi6 bouse or inn, shall trust or give credit to any person, for liquors, orany other inn or tavern Tnn *M>'4er* sot reckonings, in any sum exceeding three dollars; ibw 3 dollars. tinder the penalty of forfeiting and losing such debt. And if any inn-holder or keeper of pub* lie house, orany retailer ol liquors, shall receive, Retailer* and harbour, entertain or trust, any minor under pMcaus not | the age 'of twenty one .years, or any servant, knowing them or either^ of them to be such ; or after having been cautioned or warned to the oil contrary by (he parent, guardian, master ormis- & tress, of such minor or -servant, in the presence of one or more credible witnesses, such inn- holder, keeper of public house, or retailer of li- quors, 50 offending, shall, for the hrst or second offence, being duly convicted thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of three dollars, for every such of- fence, over and above the loss and forfeiture of any debt such minor or servant shall or mar contract for liquors or entertainment ; and up- C TOO ] on conviction for t!ie third offence, tlie license obtained 'oy&uch offender is hereby declared null and void; and the person so repeatedly offend- ing, shall foifeit and pay the sum of twelve dol- dar.s on conviction by indictment, to ihe use of ihe counlyj, and be forever after incapable of Itee^inj* a public house or inn within this Territory, /.\". No p3rso*i, sh il! by any means presume pomlry n ft to f, lfn i s h sno )ly or sell to any I) >r 11 \'t t. IjCJUu- . * ' I ferranu *iid Of slave, any run, briMd/, spirits, o'* ,uy strong liquors or stio i^ w.iter, mixeJor u cd, either within or without doors; nor receive, harboui or entertain any slave or in or abont his, her or l!i-ir ho-i-ps; wilho t special license had and obtained under the han 1 ot the master or mistiess of sucli s'ave or f>o 1 1 servant respectively; under the poialiy, for ilia first ofrence,of three dollars, an:l for every su^'* eesding offence, four dollars; to b^ recovered before any one justice of the peace of the county \vhere the offence is couimittad, on the pro* it of one or more credible witnesses; or upon the vieA- of any justice within the respective coun- ties, where the fact shall be co.mmtred. X+ If any person or persons,' keeping a public nouseor inn, or retailing liquor^, as aforesaid, shall trust or credit any person forliqnors retail- under e( \ f or ol j ier eKpen^es, above three dollars, as aforesaid; or shall presume to sueany such per* son; of sltnll ariest or attach any bond servant, for a:iy debt contracted for liquorsor acconvmo- djtio.is, knowing such persoti to be a servant, and after he, she or they have been warned of cautioned not to entertain such bend servant, as aforesaid/ all such actions aid suits shallabate? [TOT] andthepersonsn^d, and the master or rnisrress* in behalf of such bond servant, or il^e servant, lim or herself being sued as aforesaid, shall and rnayplea.^ this law in bar; and iheieppnn, ihe plaintiff iri such suit shall become non suit, and piy double cost XI* The scveial fines imposed by tins law shall, on conviction, be lev ltd by execution on Cifpofinon of the offender's goods ; or his, her or ll;eir per- the /evcra ^ sons shall be ccihii.ilted to li e coimly jail, un- fiue *' ill rhesa 7e be paid. And ail lines and forfeit- ures recovered by virtue hereof, whirl) are not e appropriated by law, shall be applied in manner following, That is IO say; the me irioieiy (heieuf, shyiibepaid lo the father, mother, guardian, niasler or mistiess, of the minor or 6uvant entejlained, as aforesaid, or to the ser- vant himseH as the justice of the peace iray di- lect: the oilier moiety shall be paid lo the over- seers o I the pooi ot the low nt hip or place, \vheie the offence is committed, for the use ol such poor. XII. Nothing herein contained shall extend lo Perfon? holding persons now Jro,diiig licenses under the existing liccnie* no* laws, tmiii ike expiration of such licenses. now expired, are not^vithtn " ". um;r>ragu^:~nrrnr mim , tlie pur\iew hereof. THE forrgcing is hereby declared to be a law cf rl:e Territory ; to take effect on and from the fcfimj th day of August, next ensuing; /A TES. T/AtQKr wheieof, \\-e Arthur Si. Clair, Jo fin Cleves Syrnmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with onr names. AR. ST. CLAIR, JOHN f . S^ MMJiS. G. [102] TERRITORY OF TH UNITED STATES OF A LAW establishing clefs Cftice sldnpted /nun the Pennsylvarunn cde* avl \ / ft* ] published at Cin^lnnall^llte 'i day of 'tin,*^ n/is ./ .' t./, ssvefilutn hr-f an / si by Arilinr St. Glair, gwertinur* and J c) liii M ST, Cm*, C.leves S> mines and Geonie 1^. ikA^CvAt^ca & /// express words contained in sucli deed , and that lh<; grantee, his heirs, executors, ad.n'ni-tra'ors and aligns, may, in any action, a^i'^n breache, as if Mich covenants were ex- press!.) i.iseited. Provided always, that ibis law Provifo. sh.ilUiut e\rend Jo leases at rack rent, orlo leas- es not e rder ofhciatr . . . . . . . oikerwifc. g lv '* n SIIC -" security, as aioiesaid; upon pain or forfeiting the sum of three huiidi eddollais \ ojie Lalf to UieTenitory, and the other half to i im or them that shall sue for the same, to be reco- vered as aforesaid. VIII* All deeds and conveyances, which shall be made and executed within this 1 errriiory, of ac ^ or concerning any lands, tenements or heiedi- and laments therein, or whereby the same may be how./ any way effected, in law or equity, shall be ac- knowledged by one of the granlorsor bargoiirors, or proved by one or more of the subsc libing wit- nesses to such deed, before one of the judj**fc of the General-court, or be lore one ol the >usUvcif4 the court of Co turn on pleas of the county where the lands conveyed do lie: and shall be record- ed in the Recorder's. Oftif e oPrhe county, w her such laud's or hereditaments are lying and being, within twelve monlhs after ihe execution of sue a deeds or conveyances I and eveiy such deed and tMiveyanance be rccdniecl, as afoiesaid, before the c pioving and rrcorjlin^ of I he deed or convey- t aure, nntl1 penalty of six dollars a piece, to administer when called upon : And the said qualifications -shall be put in writing, and signed by those who take them, and certified by the justices, and filed by the clerks of the sessions, along with the return of the persons elected, as aforesaid, as assessors. V, Piovided always. That when the inhabi- w ^.^ g tanls of any of thesaid townships refuse or ne- in fefllon majr gleet, for the lirst year, to choose assessors ac- appoint aflcf- cording to the directions of this law ; then and in fcrs- every such case, the justices of the peace, in the General court of quarter sessions, shall ap- point an assessor, or assessors, for the delinquent township or townships; and, m every year after the first, the assessor who officiated the year next precedingsuch neglect, shall continue to officiate in their respective stations, until another election, be made, according to the directions of this law. VI. The said commissioners and assessors, or a majority o( them, as soon as conveniently they ^7flflr 7s7 can alter they are qualified as aforesaid, shall an- fcaii^dit ^ nually meet at the place where the quarter sessi- county ac* ons, and other cor.rts are usually held ; and then counts, and there, oral such other times and places as the [no] commissioners, or a majority of them, may then after appoint, shall calculate the public debts and charges of the said respective counties, al- lowing all just debts and demands which now are, or hereafter shall be, chargeable upon the said respective counties; and shail r from time lo time* adjust and settle the demands and sums of money, -which justice and public convenience 8Tefc iro- require should be raised, yearly r to defray the] Bie for build* charges of building and repairing of eaurt-hous- pafriug d P bUc es ' P rsons ' work-houses, bridges,, and cause-; work*, aud the wa ys at the e.nd of budges, or for destroying wolves, foxes and wild- ca Is, with such olher us- es as |rja y rec | oun d to |h e public service and he* iiefitafthe said counties,, respectively r And shall,, also, ascertain and set down such com pe- lentsum and sums of money as shall be, yearly, applied towards any of the said services^ lage- iherwilli smhsums, as may benecdful, to make good deficiencies in county rates assessed, and not then (and which probably could not be) eol~ lected ; and to enforce the collection thereof, as occasion may 'require* VII. The said commissioners or two of them, to ^ n evei 7 county, shall within six days after their certify, yearly said annual meetings, issue forth their piecepls, 10 the comiifi- directed to the constables ofevery township, re* c**of e rr" 1 ' 1 9 u ^" n g them to bring lo ihe said assessors, with, fons & eftmates in. six weeks next alter the da.te of such precepts^ 'with in their lair and true certificates, in willing,, upon their oaths or affij matrons, of the names and sur name* of all and every the free persons dwelling, or re- tiding within the limits of those townships or places, with which they shall be charged: & ihe names of all free men, in males, hired servants (be ing twenty one years ofa^e) ^ whether DiofiuhleQ [ III ] chargeable to theemployeTS, and all persons re- sidin^ or sojourn Ingni every of the said townships/ to2>eihei? with ait account ot what tracts di par- cels of land and tenements, houses, eabbins or other buildings wherein. people d welJ r with their peculiar advantages^ as more or less valuable, vvhich they hold in such townships ;; and how many andwhat parts of those tracts f land Chou- ses and cabbins r are settled en, or rented,, im- proved or cultivated; and how much of the same, tartd is sowed^ planted or improved ; find all wa- rerrn Life,, whether for grinding or sawing ; and all fulling- mills and oil- nulls; and 'all keel and batteau-btult boats, of the burthen of twenty bar- rels and upwards ; and every ferry, and other species of property, producing a yearly income ,- and Uow many bound servants, and of what sex, rath theirages, arid what stock of cattle, horses and mares, each rising three years old, they pos-| sesG without concealment, fear, malice, favouror affection, upon- pain of forfeiting any sum not exceeding twelve dollars ;. to be levied as by this law is appointed and directed.. And every of the said cons fables shall,, by au order horn- one or more of the said commissioners, haveandreceive P enfatum * !from thetieasurersof the said counties, five cents for,evety three dollars assessed, for their care and trouble in executing and 1 returning the said pre- cepts, in manner aJoresaid* And' the assessors for the said respective townships, or a majority or ifietn^ meet at the day and place where- the AiTeffiTrt, en rr> oomtuisMDfief?* precepts^ to the constables ^are.ceiving 'ci.ntta^ jnaderelaniabla, and then and there receiveltha b s :ti> returns, cansrables^ returns, and shall, thereupon, Jb^^S. & the oaths or affnma.tioris of the said eons^bL-s,. i cv u/, & how, or other credible persons, or by any olher lawiul ways or means, inform themselves what persons and estates, in their respective tow lu hips, are rateable by virtue of this law : and tlie yearly va- Itie and profit accruing from the same : and shall forthwith, equally and impartially, assess them* selves and all others rateable, as aforesaid : hav- ing regard to the said yearly value or profit, and exempting out ot such assessments, all unsettled and unimproved tracts or parcels of land : and having due regard to such as are poor and indi- gent, And no single man who at the time of assessment, is under twenty one years of age, or lurh not been out of his servitude or apprentice- ship six months, shall berated by this law. But as to those single men whose estates shall not be rated at one hundred dollars, they shall be assess- ed after the rate of fifty cents a head, upon a tax of twelve and a half cents, per two hundred dollars; both for poor rates and county le- vies. . VIII. Provided always^ That no assessments p.ot to exceed t 111* / i i 7> cent per P* county rates, to be made by virtue of this law, toodoliars and in any oneyear, shall exceed thevalue of seven- one -dollar per f y f ive ceil i s i n every two hundied dollars, in c * tlie estimate ; and one dollar per head, on single men, not having visible propeity to the amount or one hundred dollars, real value. Duties of juf. /^ Whenever any Wolves, Poxes or wild-cats tice A a to wild are killed within the inhabited parts of any coun- aninuli killed. tv> by the citizens thereof, he or they who kill such wolves, foxes or wild'cats, may bring the Iieads of them to some justice ofthe peace for the Cvjimty where they are killed; who is hereby empowered and required, to examine the parties producing such head or heads/ or, at the dis- cretion oi die said justice, to charge him or them., iipon oath, or affirmation, to declarer here those vvolves, foxes or wild-cats, whose heads they so produce, were killed and by. whom : and if it shall clearly appear, to the satisfaction of such, justice, that those heads were severed frcm wolves, foxes or wild cats, so, as aforesaid, pro- ducing the same; & wilhin the inhabited parts of the county; the justices, before whom suchexami- Tiation is taken, shall cause the tongues and cars of such heads to be cut off, and upon proof trade as aforesaid, and not before, sl'all gran tan order upon the treasurer of the county, where such wolves, foxes or wild-cats aie killed, reciting therein, the si.bslanceof the proof, and requiring the treasurer to pay the paity after the rates here- in after appointed, for each head; that is lo say : For every grown dog or bitch-wolf, two dol- R att9 e f lars : ment for their For every wolf puppy, or whelp, one dollar; head$ - For every grown fox, or wild-cat, twenty five cents i For every young fox, or young wild-cat, twelve r i i ,r 7 ; ' Treafurers -to and a half cents. ro .ke entries The said respective sums of money, with the thereof, names of the persons to whom payable, and ihe particular uses to which they are appropriated, shall be entered in a book to be kept by ihetrca eurers of the respective counties, tor that pur- pose : who are hereby required at their own charges to provide books wherein they shall c * r tifiby make such en tries accordingly. X. All accounts of debts and demandsjustly chargeable upon the said respective counties, shall be allowed by a majority of thecoinmisson- ers and assessors of the same counties , who shall C M4] certify sncn allowance, accordingly, by indorse* ment on the accounts ; and shall cause the n am eft of the creditors, and the sums so allowed them,, to be entered. in a book, which the said commis- sioners shall prepare and keep for that purpose, atfc to^bcTYpporot-'the charge of thesaid respective counties. ed. XL The said commissioners and assessors at$ their firstannual meeting, shall appoint pome fitt person, in evry township, to be collectors oft thesaid assessments, from time to limo: and! shall cause fair duplicates ofihe assessment of eacht township to be drawn one part thereof shall,, Thei r duties, by the clerk who writes the same, be deliveiedl to one of the said commissioners of the proper county, and the other part, to the collector off each township, -with directions from the saidi commissioners to every such collector, indorsed on his duplicate, or annexed thereunto, requiring; him to demand of the parties, the respective sums* of money wherewith they are charged ; and ac- '-quaint them of the day of appeal, which shall be ap> .pointed, by the commissioners, within one month ) after thesaid assessments are made. But, where: Uny of the said collectors cannot meet with the: 'party, of whom demand is to be made, as afore- said, he or they shall. leave notice, in writing, , \vith some of the family, or at the place of the: .party's last abode; signifying, also, the day o(! appeal: at which day every of the said collec- tois shall 'return their said duplicates with the Partle aggrtev ' na mesof such persons and value of such esralesi may appeal ^\ be concealed, undervalued, or omitted; to the . . oneri. in the constable s return. XLL If any person or persons find him or Cbert*. themselves aggrieved with any ofthe said assess* ments, supposing the same to be unequal, he or * tkey may appeal to Hie said commissioners ofllie a proper county who are hereby required to meet on the-* said clay of appeal; arid then and there > theV^sessors., shall attend and lay before ihe I 1 commissioners', all the written certificates of the names of the persons'subject to the tax: with the ^account of their several estates returned by the^ ! constables,^ as this law requires ; together wkh ! the particular valuations set, by the assessor, up4 I on the persons and estates., so returned. WhereH i upon, the commissioners shall take due notice. . thereof, and strictly examine the persons appealA i iug upon * iheir oaths, * affirmations or other- [ wise, concerning the cause of their appeal: and 1 upon such examination, orproof of others, they. 1 are hereby empowered to diminish or add to such ^ persons' rale or assessment, as to lhe. % n shall seem, 5 just and reasonable; with power, also to call be- $ fore them such persons, and to take notice of ' such estates as they find are omitted in the said 1 assessment, in order loiecliry it. If the persons 1 so omitted, refuse or npglect to appear and give 1 an account of the. value of iheir estates, they, I shall pay double the suiti they shoulder ought ' to have been rated at by this law. ;V Xllf* The said commissioners, upon hearing v^ ^ f. i . ! -i i 11 ' r i- " rurtner pro> ofthesaid appeals, shall rectify and adjust ihe cccdiocs.^" ij said assessments, by abating on, oradding to the sums contained in the said respective duplicates;, and cause their clerks to give the parlies concern*' ! cd, where omissions are supplied, or additions 1 made to their assessments, five days notice, lo ' appear before the commissioners and make their objections thereunto: and the said clerks shall, within ten days next after the said clay of appeal, deliver to the treasurer of ihe said respective o Dottct in ee~ eo'.mties a true accountof the sums total thatev ry collector shall be charged with, pursuant I this law. XIV. The said commissioners snail cause tftei clerks to draw fair duplicates, of the assesmentso the said townships, so rectified as aforesaid, an deliver them to Uie collectors ol those townships where they belong, within twenty days after the said day of appeal, with a warrant annexed there- unto, under tne hand -and seal of one or more of the; commissioners who signed the assessment?, lequiring them forthwith to collect and receive, from ihe persons assessed, the several sums in the said duplicates respectively mentioned, either in ready money, orders of the commissioners on ihe county treasurers for services rendered, la boue done or materials furnished to and for the use of the counties respectively, or orders of the Justices of the peace for wolves, foxes or wild-cats* heads, warranted by this law. xr. The said collectors shall, once in every six weeks, at least, render* just and true account of, and bring in and pay unto the respective conty treasurers, all such sums of money, and orders on the said trea*urers,as they^ shall have ihen received ; and shall pay the whole and e- very of the suras f money assessed in their res- pective duplicates, within ihree months next af* ter the said days of appeal; and the treasiuers shall give receipts to I he collectors for \\hat ihey shall so bring in, and pay Ironi lime to lime* Whieh receipts shall be the collectors' discharge for so much* X^/. The said treasurers shall, from rime lo certify the fame t j me? signify, in writing to the said commissioner?, mujh every collector brings in and paj s> as C*!tedorf to - pay, e-vtry fix- 'weeks, public monies, &c. to the county tteafuricft* to aforesaid. And, when any of the said collectors tfce ntle&8 of .-are negligent, or refuse to do their duty in the pre- celled*., jnises, the treasurers are hereby required forth- with to signify the same, by way of complaint lo thecommissioneri, where such neglect or refuc : sal shall happen. XVU. If any person or persons, so rated or as* Pc " r ^<>' afTefled :isessedby virtue of this law, shall refuse or ne- * fc^"* ^ loot to pay the sum orsums so assessed, in ready proceeded ;money, or in orders on the treasurers, warrant- a ed b) this law, by the space of thirty days after demand made, as aforesaid ; it shall be lawful for the said collectors respectively, by virtue of a ::special warrant forthat purpose, signed and seal- : ed by two or more of the said commissioners (who shall forthwith grant the same) and shall thereby empower the said collectors to call to their as- sistance, if occasion be, any constable or other person/and iacase of resistance, to break open, in , the day time, any house, trunk, box, chest, closet, ^cupboard or other thing where any such offend- ers goods, chattels or effects are supposed lo be ; ;; and make distress and sale thereof, after adver- ;; tising thesarne fivedays; rendering the overplus," u if any be, to the owners, after reasonable charges 'deducted. But, if no distress can be found by :: the collectors, and the party refuses or neg- lecls to shew them goods or chattels of his own; i forthwith to satisfy the money then due, with i reasonable charges; then the collectors shall ?i. rake the body ot every such person, and him de- H|liver to the sheriff or his keeper of the county jail, who shall detain him, in safe custody, with- 1 out bail or inaiuprise, until payment be made : < : the nroof of which being made, shall, to the she- *i rifr, be the collector's receipt. tit*] be Provided always. That wKcrc UcTjT cannot be found, sufficient to answer the whole; sum inarrear, with charges as aforesaid ; them distress shall be made for so much as the effects* extend to, and the party to 'be imprisoned only? for the residue thereof, with incident charges:: all which charges of distress, assistance and! bringing to prison, shall be adjusted and settledl by any two or more of the said commissioners,, when such occasion shall happen, XIX. If upon complaint of the treasurers to& ib?eb $ '.fi!ie l al!d l . h . e commissioners, as before directed to be made,, tafc oJf.JE. i l s ^ a U happen that any of the collectors refuse or neglect to pay the said sums of money, or o- ther effects, which he pi they shall respectively,, be charged to collect; or to produce receipts, tes- tifying the payment or delivery thereof, as afore- said; or to deliver the money or orders on the treasurers, by them received and required ol them; by this law (first retainingsuch sums as are here- by allowed far collecting and paying the same) then the commissioners of the proper county, or any two of them, shall fine every such delinquent collector in any sum not exceeding double tha sum in which they are delinquent, and appoint others in his or their stead,. as collectors. Thcif bodies XX % It shall be lawful for the said commissi- wud eftat r . - ners f tri e proper county, or/any two of them, hl f , " and they are hereby required^ to meet and issue* their warrants, under their hands and seals di- rected to the sheriff or coroner of the proper county, requiring him to take the body, and! seize and secure the estate, real, arid personal*, belonging to. such delinquent collectors, on: which shall come to the hands or possession of] his or their heirs, executors or administrar r "9i rors, whereby the same can be discovered or ; found in the Territory * and make return ofliis proceedings therein, at such time aud place as the commissioners shall appoint. XXL The said commissioners who shall cause j ?ow the said lands and estates to- be seized and se- tatei (ball be .cured, as aforesaid, shall, and are hereby cm- Md powere 1 to appoint a time tor a general meeting of the commissioners .of each county; and to cause public notice to be given, where such meeting shall be appointed* six days, at least t before such general meeting : and l|e cominii- sioners, then, present at such meeting, or tbenia* jor part of them, in case the money detained by such delinquent collector be not then .pai'4> or satisfied, shall, and are hereby empowered and required to issue forth, their warrants, or pre- cepts., to the sheriff or coroner of the proper county / requiring and commanding him to sell aud dispose of all such estates as shall, for the cause aforesaid, be seized and secured, or any part thereof; and to bring the money, arising, oysuch sale, to .the commissioners who granted such warrant ; in order tosatisfy and pay.uuto the respective'county treasurers, for the time being, the sum or sums of money tliakshall be so un- paid, or detained, in the hands of the said col- lectors or other 'persons, their heirs, executor* or administrators, respectively; with damages for what shall be so unpaid ; returning the over- pins, if any be, to the owner, .after all necessary .charges deducted* XXII, When any sale of lands, tenements or An ^ t l)e flerUf hereditaments shall be inade by such sheiiff or convey coroner, respectively, the title and conveyance thereof shall be by deed, signed, sealedand de- veyance of his eiUte, while Jslinquenc, deemed void as to the pub- lie. * liveredby the sheriff or coroner to such persou or persons as shall purchase the same, in fee. simple, or otherwise,: which shall be most ab- solute and avertable, in law, against the said de- linquents and their heirs and assigns, and all claiming under them. XXI 1L All gifts, grants and sales which shall Calif Aor's con- be made by any of the said delinquent collectors, or other officers, respectively, of any of their said estates, after the time they should have paid the money or efiec ts arising from the said as- sessments, unless the estate, so seized, be suf- ficient to answer what they shall be in arrear, are hereby declared to be fraudulent, and shall not prevent or avoid the seizure and sales, here- by appointed, to bs made thereof, as aforesaid. Perfom having JCXIF. All freemen, not being householders, neither houfes nor having a certain place of abode, and all the said hired male-servants; shall be taxed at the place where they reside at the time of the con- stable's taking their names, as aforesaid ; and eve- ry householder shall, at the request of the said constables of the respective townships, give an Penalty on per* account of the names, qualifications and estates of such persons as shall sojourn, lodge or dwell in their respective houses/ under the penalty of five dollars, to be levied, charged, and paid in jmanner aforesaid. XX.V. If any such freemen shall not be found at such place of residence, nor within the same township where their names were taken, as afore f or said, at the time when such respective collectors others : shall come to receive such householder's assess- ment; then, .unless such freemen or servant hath, by himself or friend, paid; or, unless such householder or employer doth pay the same oor certain a. bodes, how to be taxed : fons keeping and ne- to turn their Barnes. Householders in what cafes [ I" J for him, upon demand made thereof by the lector? it shall and may be lawful, for every such collector, to make distress and sale ofthenouse- holders or employers -goods and chattels, for the same ; rendering the overplus to the owner, as aforesaid: and every- such householder, or em- plover, shall recover the same from every such freeman, .with charges, by warrant from any jus- lice of the peace in the proper county, as in the case of debts under twelve dollars*. XXW t If any of the said commissioners shall refuse or neglect to do his or their duly, in ^bufing their rhe premises, he or. they, so offending, shill be "^'dtrhVfi fined by. the justices of the peace of the proper "ndloU of office* county, for the time being,, at their court of General quarter sessions of the peace, next after the said offence is committed, in any sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars* for every offence, which, by virtue of a warrant under the hands Proceeding! and seals of the said justices, or any two of them, herein. directed to the sheriff or coroner of the county where such offender, or his estate, is, at the lime of issuing such warrant, shall be levied by seizure and sale of lands, distress and sale of goods or imprisonment ol body, as the case shall require: and from and after such refusal or ne- glect, or if any of the said commissioners shall misbehave themselves,, or happen- to die during Commiffioner* the time lor which they are appointed, the jus- ^eh^ve! to b^' lices of the peace, at their General quarter ses replaced by the sions next after each death, refusal, Biisbehavi. juices, our or neglect shall, in every such case, aonoint others to act in their stead. XXV1L If any of the said' treasurers shall re- r , / *i i i 1*1 * reaiurer* c luse or neglect Lo do his duty, as by I his law* is bijhg thoir required, he shall beluied, by two or uioie of trail," to be fined* ** P i( (Tcii'rt. t on bnf- Hie commissioners for the county where lie iff * deficient in his duty, in any sum not exceeding ihrre bundled dollars, (or every offence : whicuj shall be Jeviod, as aforesaid, by virtue of a war-] rant under ihe'liands and seals of -Iwo'onnore ol ihe nn:c commissioners, directed as aforesaid. YAV'7//. If any of the stfid assessors shall re-1 fuse nr ncg-ecl: 16 do their duly, as this law re-i ihcir uuft. quires, the commissioners of the proper oouutyJ .or any two of them, stall fine -every such asses-] 'Sor, in ai:y s:nn not -excc*-eding -one Jumdiecl -dollars, which shall be levied by one of the same commissioners warrant, in mann-er .aroiesaid. All which hues and foireirnres mentioned in i[,[$ lavv^ shall be levied as aforesaid, and shall be] paid and added to the public itock, or fund, ol the respective counties where they slvall happen. XX l-^ The said commissioners shall be al lowed seventy live cents for every clays atten- dance, besides twelve cents and a half for every 'preceptor warrant they are to sign by direction oflhislaw; which, with reasonable charges to be allowed their clerks, for delivering the dupli- cates and for other services, besides writing, as jth.e said commissioners in their respective conn- lies, by order under the han'ds of two of them shall think fit to allovy, shall be paid by the res peelive county treasurers. XXX. The said assessors, for their time and la* bour in the premises, shall be allowed three per centum on fhe whole sum contained in the rates of their respective counties, after the assessment is rectified and adjusted by the commissioners and assessors, according to the directions* of tfais law, to be paid by the treasurer ot the proper county, upoa sight of ihe co-minmissioner's order /11 fin** to go to the county Compnf*t"on to ers. * for tli e satne,-; and to be equally divided among them i which, said three psc cent it in slull be to llie assessors, iorlhe time being in full satis- faction for all the service and attendance requir- ed of them by this law. }>XI, The said^ol!ectoTs shall refain ia ihoir To eol!e b jr^ before they the enter upon tin? execution of ih:ir offices, rcspec- $ tively,' they shall become bound to ihe i^u/er- Ciyoo nour, aa'Vhis successors, v/iii one or more su iicieiit sureties, in an obli^.uioa in the sum of one thousand dollars ; ctxiJllioae'l for the true execution of their respective ofiices, and punctu- al observation of their d.!!.y } as requiro-j by this Lt'A". And in case of the death or removal out of the county, of any of the said treasurers ;. then llu com imssiori errs and assessors of the proper county, for- the time 'b6ing % or a- majority of them, shiH appoint others to supply the places erf such as shall die, or so remove, from time to time ; .who shall, forthwith, signify such ap- pointments to the govern our for -his" approbation, ,or further appointment,* and 'give secnrUy L.i they re- manner aforesaid. The sajil treasurers shail keep adishiictbooK, in every county, con lain- to ing a particular account of all the rales and as- otberu sessments- ur-ide, or to be mado, as aforesaid/ as also of all disbursements and payments, maci** by order of the coinmbsioners, by virtue of this law. XXXFJ1 The county treasurers shall, yearly, and asjesiors, a majority of whom- gjve altend^ace lor that purpose j and shaij* [ "5 1 lave power io adjoura, from tline to tune, rill ihesaid accounts aresetded. And the said trea- surers shall be allowed lor their trouble in re- ceiving and paying all such monies as sliall come into their hands respectively, bylavv, so much as Cora P n cf Ihe said" respective counties, shall bedeliveiedJ back, safely and willidut alteration, lo the re- spective treasurers ; and the accounts shall be filed, and kept among the records and .proceedings? of the said courts ot General qnarter sessions oil the peace for such counties, XL. The grand juries, commissioners and! grand j* assessors, 01 a ma only of them, v\irh the con*- 77, co)mifflon currence of thn Justices of the General quarfer* e Von*, sessions of the peace, shall beahe solefndges of of the the place wlieie any 'Bridge ^liall be built and to fee maintained over any ureek, or rivulet, within the' r!d 6 eJ re9 l rectivle counties ' to whic hthey belong: andi be buift : ^he commissioners and assessors, or a majority of them, with the concurrence ofthe justices of: ihe said respective counties, at their rgrpectivJj Geneial quarter-sessions or the peace! shall agred fnvrcrs enH a f- with workmen for building, repatringand mdin*' fi P rn W cr. *' tairlin fi an T M.gfeor bridges ordered to be built: tcnce nreio a- or repaired, as aforesaid, within their respective !r with the countries : and the commissioners, for the time being, shall allow of, and order rhe monies be*> C'*7 3 looming "due for fhe same, to be paid by iliere-'be mpecliye county treasurers, accoidingly. *'* % I * >. foregoing is hereby declared to be a law cfthe Teiritory ; to take effect on and from rhe first day ct October, next ensuing : IN 7 F.S- TiMONY whereof, ws Arthur St. C/nlr, John C/sves Sy-mmzs anJ George Turners have cau^erfthe ical Oi llie 'I'enltory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AH. Sr. CL/ l, JOilNC. TEPRlTORYCFTHEUNmD^TATkS NOB T H-WEST Of THE OFHO. A LAW for the relief of trie Poor. Adopted from the Pennsyivanian code, and pub- lish&l at Cincinnati^ the nineteenth day of June \ one llionsandt seven hundred and ninety- fiuei by Arthur \St. /a TT. CtAia, Clair, governoui* and Joha JOHN c. SYMMES, Qeves Svmmes and George O. ICKLt. rv . i - f urner, judges^ in, and over. the said Territory. Sect. I. *TT HE justices of the pparc of the re- I spective counties at this Territory, orany three ohhem, eace, 5 earl) and every \ear, alier thelirst day of lanu- &iiall iK)rainate and appoint I VYO substantial oi every towii^Lip ? -wrthia tlitii lot specttve jurisdictions, to be overseers of the Pallet of oter- p Oor o fsuch iQwnships : for which purpose, ihe oat * i rr i it A . ' , overseers going outer office, shall, on the day aforesaid, jehmi to the said justices, the names of two, or more, .substantial inhabitants, for e- \ery township ;out of which number, successors in the said office sliall.be appointed by the said justices,- forlhe ensuing year. And if any over- seer shall refuse or neglect to make such return, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay any sum, of-exceeding twenty five do!la#& 1L Provided always^ That tlie overseer os overseers, making such return, shall give notice thereof,- in writing,' at least six days before the first session of the court aforesaid, to the person or persons, -whose name or names are so !o be returned % or leave the same at his or iheir dwel- ling-house, or place of abode, Power of ju?U- '^- And if any overseer shall dire, fail to make ces on ovci feer's a proper return, remove, or become iurolvent, or in- beioie : the.-expiraUon of his office, tv\o of the ga jj j ust i ces .respectively, on due proof being thereof made belore them, sh ill appoint another ill his stead. Every overseer, so nominated' a. id appointed, shall, before he -enters upon the ex ecution of-his -office, takean oath .or affirmation, respectively, according u< law ; (wSrich any jus- lice in the county .respectively is^hereby autho- oath r j se( j an j empowered to administer) that he will- discharge the office of overseeroHhe poor, truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best, of his knowledge and ability. IV. It shall and may be lawful to aiivl for the Power and doty overseers of the poor, of the several townships, SiV having first obtained the approbation of any two for relieving justices of the peacsr in the same county, to xbc poor. jmake and lay a rate, or assessment, not ing two cents, in the dollar, on the estimated value of all the real and personal estates within the said townships, respectively, a: one time, an 1 severity five cents per head, on every free- man not otiierwise rated for his estate, in every tax ol two cents in the dollar f and so in pro- portion for any less rate or assessment: wmch said assessments may be repeated, by the autho- rity aforesaid, as often-, in. one year, as shall be found necessary for. the support of the poor; to be em ployed, in. -providing proper houses and places, and a convenient stock of hemp, flax, thread and other ware and stuff, for setting to worksuch poor persons', -as- apply for relief, and are capable of working; and also for relieving such poor,' old, blind, impotent andlame per- sons, or other persons not able to work, within, the said townships;* respectively; who shall, therewith be maintained andproyidedfor. V. It shall and may be lawful to and for the overseers of the -poor of.the said township, to relieve .the contract with any person or jperson=s- for a house poor, and haw. or lodging, for keeping,, maintaining and em- ploy ing any or alt such poor in their respective townships, as shall be adjudged proper objects- rf relief * andthei* to keep, maintain and em- poyalisuch poor persons, an A take the benefit >r their ;work, labour and scrcice, for and 'to- wards their main taiiianoe and- support - and if BSn P taHed er5Cm shalLrei ? se - to Dodged, kept? %F^rt hnl '* lLmt }* eillitled ^cdv8reT v, lomffie overseers during such refusal In Tfc oy . c p cets of ^e said lownsiiips, ia. ' the said rates, shall be guided by the C no! Other duties of county assessment, on other occasions; having oicf&trs; d uc regard to every man's estate v.ilhin the /township so to be rated and 'assessed ; and shall enlcr such rales 'fairly in a book, of which a fair duplicate, signed by them, shall be delivered to the Justices, v\'lio shall allow the same, if they; find it just and reaspnable, without lee or re- ward; and shall permit a ay i ah a hi tan I to inspect the rates, at all seasonable riin-es, without auy fee or reward ; and shall give copies, on de.mud; being paid at the, rate of six cents, lor every twenty /our* iraroesi and if any overseers shall Pets airy on ne- not permit any inhabitant to inspect, or shall re- glcft- fuse to give copies, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit three dollars to the part} grieved, to be recovered .as debt under five dollars, are^diiectedby law, to be. recovered* Vll. Ifany person or 'persons, so rated or as- Rateabl P cr " sGssed in the said township, shall refuse to pay ^ Ua> S i g be lhe 3um or s ums on them cnarged, it shall and cwupcllc4. iway be .lawful to and for the said overseer, or overfce'rs (having lirst obtained a warrant under the hand and seal of any justice of the peace of ihe county respectively,^ \vhere the said assess- ineiitisraacle, and who is hereby empowered to grant such warrarit)'io levy thesameon the goods and chattels of the person-or persons so refusing: And in case such person shall not, within five days next after such distress-made, pay'the sura or sums on rirm assessed, together with the charge of such dislress t the said overseer, or ov'eiseers, may proceed to the sale of the goods cHslrained ; rendering to theownerthe overplus, if any, that shall remain on such sales,- reason able charges being first deducted. But where- such person or persons have no goods and cuaw tels, Whereby they may be distrained. It shall be lawful for the said justices, respectively fo commit the offenders to prison, there to remain, without bail or mainprize, until they have paid the same' VL1U Provided always, That if any person or persons be aggrieved with sikh rate or assessment, it shall be lawful for the justices of the peace, at iheir next Generate] uarter-sessions for trie coun- ty respectively, upon petition of the party, to lake such order therein as to them shall be thought convenient; and the same to conclude and bind all parties , and the overseers slull forbear to pro ceed in sucli sale, 'till the same be determined in the quarter-sevsions, IX* It shall and may be'lawful For the overseers of the poor of the townships, aforesaid, by the p. 00 r children, approbation and consent ot two justices of the peace of the county, to putout, as apprentices, all such poor children, vx hose parents are dead, or shall be by the saidjusiices found unable to maintain them, males till the age of twenty one, andfemaks till the age of eighteen years, X. No person orpersoris shall be admitted or Regulations a8 Entered in the poor book of any of the said town- t\> the poor, ships, or receive relief before such person or per- sons shall have procured an order from two justices of the peace for the same. And in cass the said overseers shall enter in their books, or relieve, any such poor Jperson or persons, with* out such- order, they shall forfeit all such money or goods so paid or distributed, unless such en- try and relief shall be approved of, as aforesaid. XL The free male inhabitants of every tow a- OveHeers' tc- ship shall, on the day of their annual election lo counts, how t* choose assessors, .yearly and every year, choose e e} * nd fey tickets in writing, three capable and dis- . c *" eet freeholders, to settle and adjust the accounts ri. of the overseers of the poor or' the respective townships, for the preceding year : and the per- son who shall have served the office of overseer, shall, on the said day, or any other day, which the said freeholders, so chosen, shall appoint, within fifteen days next after, deliver a:id render to the said freeholders a just a ccoujii- in writing, entered ia a book, to he kept for that purpose, and signed by him, of all sums by him received ; and also of all materials i hat have come lo his hinds, during his onice or ihitsiull bsiu his hands, or in the hands of any of the poor, tj be wrought / dnJ of the prod :u:e of the labour of the poor under hi care, and of ail money paid by such overseers, and of all other things con- cerning kis off! :e . which accounts, vvhen settled, shall be signed by the said freeholders, orany two of them, who shall have full power lo allow Coach parts thereof oaly, as to. them .shall aooear just and reasonable* The poor to be XII. The said overseers shall make fair en entered in ovr- tries, in a, book, of the names of all the poor witl.e f * L 1 ~" baok. in their respective towns-hips; with'heUme when each of them became chargeable; and ofall cer- tificates delivered to ihem, ami by wlio:n % wirli the times when the s.nme' were delivered: f v >r - f . which . lrouble,lhe said ireeholdcis, or any two vfunprrtation . i 11 i i ' t oveireers, or them, shall on settling their account*, make haw made. such allowances as they shall jjiJge reasonable. And if any of thesaid overseer* appeal to ilie next court of General quarter-sessions ; who shall, on petition of the party, take such Older lUcieio,and give such relief as to them shall ai^pear justiaud teasonable, & ike same shall conclude all Dailies. The overseers of the poor of tlie town Duty of over- ships within the several counties, respectively, feer a * r th - shall, at least five days before the day of the an- nual election to choose assessors, yearly andevery year, durinr; the continuance of this law, give public notice, in writing (by affixing r.liesamein four, or moie, of the most public placet in iheir respective townships) of the place where the in- habitants and freehclders of the several townships shall meet, to elec' the freeholders aforesr.id, lor each ~.nd every of the said townships, according to the diierticns of this law; wliichplace. so appoint eel lor the said elcclion, shall be at or Gear the center of the inhabited parts of the rcspectivo townships. Uany person appointed as overseer i . ! l . i, Penalty on n* township, snail refuse or nee- i e a. lect to lake upon him the said office, lie shall oi the poor of any forfeit tv\ehe dollars, to the oveisecrs of the foor of the said townships, for the use of the poor thereof; which s lull refuse or neglect to male and yield up such books and accounts, within Delinquent or the time as aforesaid ; or if any such, whose of- verfeert haw fice shaii expire, shall icfu^s or neglect to pay o- P uaifliabl0 * \erthe money, and deliver up ihe books afore- said, and every other thing in his hands, con- cerning his said ofb'ce, to his successors ; or shall refuse or neglect to collect and pay to such successors, all such sunis-of money, as are col- lected on llie rate, or assessment, at the expirati- on of his ulfice ^vshich he is hereby emponered to collect, by warrant to be issued under the hand & seal of any one justice of thr peace in and for his respective county) within tMriy clays after his going out of oHice ; it shall and may be lawful Powentf^ to and for any justice of the peace of the said juftice bcr?ia ' county to commit such overseer to the commorf the ^freehold.* re- moving, how enjoined. : tutors &c. io cafe of their Cm] jail, ihercro remain wiibout bail or 'main prize, till such overseer shaJl^ive such accounts, anvl pay and deliver up such money, books and other tiiings r a* he ought in manner aforesaid., llany person shall think himself aggrieved by the set- tlement of his account by the said freeholders, he may. (havingfirstpaiJ over tolas successors the balance found in his hands, if any such 'here be) forfeiture shall be levied by \\ananl from any two justices of the county, or of the townships, respectively, under their hands ?n;l sed!$, on the goods and chattels of such jeison 01 person* so neglectingor refusing, and sold within iiiee) the List will ami testa* ment of any person or persons 01 otherwise howsoever, shall begood aiil available in law, and shall pass such houses, lands, tenements, rent* f goods and chattel* to the ovcrsers of the poor of such township for ihe use ot their poor respeo lively i Xf^L Theoverseers of the poor for the seve- n ,,*.r4W, ~* .. .. ,*. .. ral townships for the tune being, respectively, th poor, in shall forever hereafter, in name and in fact, be, ev-ery t and they are hereby declared to be bodies poli- * * . i i i i *AlC tic and corporate in law, to all intents and purpo- ses, andshall have perpetual succession, and may by the name of the overseers of the poor of the said townships, sueand be sued, and plead aud be impleaded in all courts of judicature ; and by that name shall and may purchase, take or receive any lauds, tenements or hereditaments,, goods, chattels, sum. or sums of-money, not ex- ceeding in the whole, including all gifts, grants f devises and bequests, heretofore mace, the afore* said yearly value of twelve hundred dollars,, to- and for the use/ and benefit of the poor of the respective- townships, of the gift, alienation or'j devise-of any person or persons whomsoever, to* hold to them the said overseers, and their suc- cessors in tte said trust, for the use oi the said poor forever y [136 1 XVIL If any person who shall come to inha- bit in any township or place wii bin this Territo- meat. lory, shall for himself and onhUown account, execute any public office, being legally placed iherein, iru the said township or place, during one whole year; or ir any person shall be charg- ed with and pay his or her share towards the pub- lic taxes or levies for the poor of such township or place, for two years, successively, or if any person shall reall/and bona fide take a lease of any lands or tenements in thesiid townshipor placeoUhe yearly value of twenty five dollars, an 1 shall dwell in or upon the same for one v;hole year, and pay the said rent, or shall be- come seized o^ any freehold estate, in an\ lands or tenements in such township or place and shall dwell in or upon the same for one whole \ e.ir ; or, if ai*y unmarried person, not lu\ing chil- dren or child, shall be lawfully bound or hiied as a seivant in any township or place aforesaid, and shall continue, and abide in such servire during one whole year ; 01 it any person shall be duly bound an apprentice by indenture, and shall inhabit in such townsluo or pLic^, vvi'h his or her master or mistress, for one whole yeari such person in any of these cases, shall be ad- judged and deetned to gain a legal settlement in in the same township or place, uheie such per* son shall so execute an oitice, be charged wiih and pay taxes, take such lease, or own any such freehold estate, and dwell thereon, as aforesaid : or being, hired or bound, shall continue and inhabit in a place for one whole year, as afore- .said- Eveiy indented servant legally bi ought u\ to this Territory shall obtain a legal settlement La the township or place in which such servanr [ '37 > shall have first served with his or her master or mistress, ihe space of sixty days, and if after- wards snch servant shall duly serve, in anv other. pJWe for the space of six months, such. servant shall obta.n a legal settle meat in the conn- ly, township or place where such service was last performed* either with his or her first master or mistress, or cm an assign men U \yill. Every married woman shall be deem- As to married ed during .coverture, 1 and after her husband's wnme-i and death; to be* legally settled in the place where he was Ustlegalty> settled ; but if he shall have no known tegalsettlemerrr; therr she shall be deemed, whether he-is living or dead, to be legal- ly seitledin I he place where she was last legally settled before the marriage. }*IX.' If any person or persons shall come out of any of ihe United Slates into a !ownsfip or place within this Territory;, or shall come ^ut ** e . rs " to *' r i . ,'.,.. , . . to*nli>ipsor or any township or place wil run this territory t ue Terrhorr into any other township V>r place thereof, lliere foinhabtf and reside, and shall. aJ .the same time procure, bring and deliver unto the oTerseersof the poof ol the- township or place where he, she or they shall come to inhabit, a certificate, Un- der the hands and seals of the overseers of the poor of I he low nship or place, from whence lie, sheor-th'ey removed, ta be allowed by iwo or tnorecredible witiresses, thereby a ok now legging thepersonnrpersoas mentioned in the said cer- tificate, to beaji inhabilant or inhabitants, legal- ly settled in thai township or place, every such cWtificale having been allowed or, and su-bscrib ed by one-orrmore justices of the peace of the county wheteVsudr township or pjace dolh lie,. shall oblige the said township or place, to pro- vide for the persons men rioned in the said certifi- cate, together with his or her family as inhabi- tants ot that place, whenever he, shs or they happen to become chargeable to, or be obliged to ask relief oft be township or place, to which such certificate was giv-en, and into which he, she or they were received by virtue of the said cerufica!e:a^d then, and nol before, it shall and may be lawful for any such person, and his, beror their children, tho' born in the township or place, and his or her servants or apprentices, not having otherwise acquired a legal settlement, thereto be removed, convex ec! and settled in the township or place, from whence such ceitificato "was brought, And the witnesses who atle^t theexecuiion of the certificate by the overseers, or one of the said witnesses shall make oath or affirmation, according to^iaw, before the justices who are to allow tl:e same, that such witness or witnesses did see the overseerss of the poor, whose names and seals are thereunto subscribed and set, severally sign and seal the said certifi- cate; and that the names-of each witnesses at- testing the said certificate are of their own pro* per hand writing; which said .justices shall also certify that such oath or -affirmation was made before them ; and every such certificate so allow- ed, and oath or affirmation of ihe-execulion there- of so certified, by the said justices, shall be lalen and received as evidence without proof {.hereof, and no peison so coming by certificate into any township orplace, nor an apprentice or servant lo such person, shall be deemed or adjudged, by any law whatsoever, to bavegainecl a legalselHe] inent therein unless such peison shall, after the date of such certificate execute some public aa- [ '39 1 nual ofScc, being legally placed therein, in such township or place, 'XIX. No person whomsoever coming into any township or place without such certificate, as a- foresaid, shall gain a legal settlement therein', unless such person shall give security, if required, at his or hercoming into the same, for indemni- fy ing and discharging such township or place, to be allowed by any one Justice of the peace respectively^ XXI. Upon any complaint being made by the overseers of the poor of the proper township or p er roo* likely place to any one or more of the justices of the said to be..n>e county, wherein such township or place is situ- chargeable to 5,0, it shall and may be lawful .to and for any ^^^1^ c.vo just ices of thesaid county, respectively, where moved. any person or persons is or are likely to become chargeable to the .said township or place, where, lie, she. or they shall come to inhabit, by their warrantor order, directed to the said overseers to remove N and convey such person, or persons to lite county, township, place or stale, where he, she or they was or were last legally settled, un- less such person or persons shall give sufficient security to discharge and indemnify the said town- ship or place, to which he, she, or they is, or are likely to become chargeable, as aforesaid. XX/f. jf any person orpersona shall think him cr themselves a "grieved, by any order of re- fc .. ii 66 r i ' i - i A'pn^al from the inoval made by any or the saiu jiuuce*, such p [rty fo re- person or persons may appeal lo the justices of moved. the peace, at .heir next General quarter-sessions of the peace, for the county from whence such poor persons shall be removed, and not eKe- vvhere, which said court shall determine the : and if there be any defects of form in such T ' tkcrccc. /gain ft vexati ouft removals and frivolous appeals, order, the justices in .the said sessions shall cs\\*i the same lo be rectified said araendcd, without any costs lo the party ; and after such amend- ment, shall proceed to hear the truth and merit* of the cause ; bu-t no such order of removal shall be proceeded upon, unless reasonable notice b* given by the- overseers of the lownspip or place, appealing, unto the overseers of the township or place, from which the removal . shall be; the reasonableness of which no lice shall be deter- mined by the justices, at the quarter sessions to which the appeal is made: and if it shall appear to them that reasonable time of notice was not given, then they shall adjourn the. appeal, to the next quarter-sessions, and there determine the same. XXtJI. For the more effectual prevention of * vexatious removals and frivolous appeals, the justices in sessions, upon any appeal concerning the settlement of any poor person,' or upon any proof before them, then to be made, of notice of any such appeal to have been given by the proper officer, to the overseers of any tovuuhip or place (though they did not. afterwards pro- secute such appeal) shall, v at the same sessions, border lo the party, in whose behalf .such appeal ^shall be determined, or to whom. such tiotice did appear to have been given,, such. cos t&aitfi charg- es, as by the said justices, in their: tliscretiun, shall be thought most -reasonable and jnst, lo be psid by the overseers, or any other person, a- gainst whom? such appeal shall be determined, or by the person that did give 3-uch notice. And If the person ordered to pay such, costs and charg- es, shall live out of the jurisdiction of said court, any justice, where such person shall inhabit? shall, on request to him made, and & true copy ol the order tor payment of such costs and charg- es, certified under the hand of the clerk of the court, by his warrant, cause the same to be le- vied by distress ; and if no such distress can be had, shall commit such person to the common jail, thereto remain without bail or mainprize, until he pays the said costs and charges. XXIV. But if the said justices on such appeal judgment f of shall determine in favour of the appellant, that appellant. such poor person was unduly removed, they shall, at the same Quarter-sessions, order and a- ward to such appellant, so much money as shall appear to the said justices to have been reasona- bly paid by the county, township or place, on whose behalfsuch appeal was made, towards the relief of such poor person between the time of such undue removal, and the -determination of such appeal with the costs aforesaid, the said money so awarded, and the costs to be recover- ed, in the same manner as costs and charges, awarded against an appellant, are to be recover- ed by virtue of this law, as aforesaid, XXV. \i any housekeeper or : nbabitant of PtfITaUr on . cr the Territory shall lake into, receive or ei ter- fons entertSia- tain in his or tar house or houses, any perse n or ia ? M persons whatsoever, not being persons who hay ,5 * gained a legal settlement, in some townsh : p, or place within this Territory, and shall not ti/e notice thereof in writing, to the proper overseer's of the poor, within ten days next after so receiv- g or entertaining such. person or persons, such nhabitant orhouse-keeper being thereof legally evicted, by testimony of one crcdibJe witness, on oath or affirmation, before any one justice of peace of the county where such person dwelb> crs EM'] l forfeit amTpny I lie sum of lliree doll; rs for every, such offence'; the one moiety to the use of the po.or.of the said township or place, respoo. lively, and the other moiety to the informer, IQ be levied on the goods and chattels- of the delin- f|iients, in the manner hereinafter directed, and for want of sufficient distress, the offender to be committed la the work-house ot the township, or the;ailof the said county, there to remain without bail or mainpri^e,. fox, the space of ten days, per*!* XX ^ And mpreover, in case the person or in cafe of persons so en trained or concealed shall become 's deatl . poor and'unable to maintain him or herself or themselves and.cannol be removed to the place of his or her or theirJast legal settlement in any o- ther-jslateif any;sucru lie, she or they have or shall happen to\clie T .and not have wherewithal lode/ray ike charges of his, her or their fiineial, ihen, and' in such case, the houscrLeeper or per. son convicted arentertairiing or concealin.gsuch poor person, against th.e tenor of this law, .shall DC obliged to provide for and maintain such poor and indigent person or persons : and 'in case of such poor persons death, sjiail, pay the oveiseeri of the poor, so much niojey, v as shall l>e ex- pended, on the burying of such popr and indi t^ent person or persons; and upon refusal so to do, it shall be lawful for "the cverseers of the ]joor oflhesaid township or place, respectively, and they are hereby required, to .assess .a sum of money on the person or persons so convicted, from lime to lime,- by a weekly assessment, for rpflintaiiiihg such poor andindigent person or ]>ersons, or assess a sum of 'money for defraying JIG charges otsuch poor person's funeral, as the C M3 1 cnsc maybe : and in case the party convicted, shall refuse lo pay the sum of money, so s^s or cha'-ge-'l, to t he overseers of ibc poor, for the us- es a fores aid, the same 5 hall be levied on the oods aiu) chattels of the offender, in the manner heie- aller direc-ted. But if sueli persons, so con vie fed, have ao goods or chattels to satisfy the money, so as- sessed tor him or them to pay, then thesaid justic- es sl:all ( r nun it the offender Lo prison, there lo re- [inain without bail or mainpme,- until he or they have paid the same, or unul'he or, they shall be discharged by due course of law,. X\fal.. If any person b reifioved, by virtue Orerfwt of this law, from one township or place to ano- iher, -by warrant, or order; under the hands and r^ seals of two justices of tlie peace as aforesaid, tli3 overseers of the poorbf the township or place, lo which- the said .person s^hall be- "so removed, are hereby required to receive said person, and, if any of the said -overseers shall neglect or" refuse so to do, he or they so offending, upon proof thereof by one or more credible witnesses, upon oath or affirmation Before one or more of the justi- ces o I the peace of the county where the oficndcr Pcnaitt- on dolh reside, shall forfeit for every such ofieuce Ie ^* the sum of twelve dollars, to the use of (be poor of the tovvrislupor-pLic^, from which such person was removed to 'be. levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods, by , warrant, under the hand and seal ot thesaid justice of peace, which lie is hereby required and empowered to make, directed to the, constable of the % township or place, where such offender or offenders dwell, returning' the overplus, if ny there be, Jo the owner or owners, and for want of sufficient distress, then the. offender lo be committed to* r 144 3 flic fail of the coiinlv where he dwells, thereto remain without bailonnainprize for the space of forty day. . X V/7//, Ifany poor person shall come to any Proceedings township or place within this Territory and shall of orie'pUee 00 * happen to fail sick or die, before he or she have Jicken : <>r die in gained a legal settlement in the 'town ship, or aaioiher. place, to which he or sheshaH'coine so that such person cannot be removed, the oveiseers of ihe poor of the township, or place,, into which such person is come, or one of them, shall, as soon as conveniently may be, give notice to the overseers of the poor of the township or place, where such peison had last gained a legal settlernentor to one of them, of the name, circumstances and condi* fion of such person ; and -if the overseers ol the poor, to whom -such notice shall be given, shall neglect or refuse to pay the monies expended for the use of such poor person, and to take order for relieving* jyid maintaining such poor person, r in case of his or her death, before notice can be given, as aforesaid, shall, on request being jtiade, neglect or refuse to pay the monies ex- pended in main lain ing' and burying such poor per- son, then, and in every such case, it shall be lawful for any two justices of the peace of the county where such poor person was last legally set- tled, and they are hen- by authorized and required, upon complaint made to them, localise all sljch sums of money, as were necessarily expended for the maintains nee of such poor person, during the whole tixnc-of his or her sickness, and in case lie or she die, /or his or her burial, by -warrant under their hands and seals, to be directed to some conslable oi the county, respectively to be lev led Ly distress ar*d sale oi the ^occis and chat- of the sate! overseer or overseers of (he pnsr; $o neglecting or refusing lo be jviid to tlio rwer- e'M or overseers of ihe township or pUhe payment. cf such Mjms as they shall iLiukreasouab'e, for the "maintainance of any wife or children sone;g r ected and com nut such husiband, father or mo ther to the comrnori jail, there lo remain, i&ilii he or. she comply with the said-order, give security for the perform- ance thereof or be otherwise discharged by the said jusiices ; ami o-n complaint made to any justice of thepeace in any county, o.f any wife orcliifdren being so uecjected, such jus lice shall [M7l take security from the husband, father or mother neglecting, as aforesaid, lor his or her appear- ance, at the next General quarter-sessions, there fo abide the determination of the said court, and for want of security to coimnit such' person to jail. XXXI. The several fines, forfeitures and pe- nalties, sum *nd sums of money imposed or di- _. reeled to be paid by this law and not herein coverableT otherwise directed to be recovered, the same and every of. them, shall be levied and recover- ed by digress and sale of the goods and chattels of the titlirit|ue Ihe peace, i-or the county where sentence was given (except in cases iri removal and cases of poor persons becoming charitable in one place, wboare l^H : ly ssriied in anolh^r, c^sis olherwi^e provided b\: this law) whose trcwLiun, iuallsucli cases shall! te conclusive. XXXI 1L If any action shall be brought against any overseer or other person who in his aid and by his conjuiaiid,5)hall do any thing concerning [I 4 8] w Ills of fire, he may plead the general issue, nj Vive this law, and any special matter in '^'-- -ff shall fai-i in his acti or become nonsuit, he i * ' J' P lciV Felice ; and if rhepUinliff shall fail in his action jj di continue tii6 same, shall pay double costs, THE foregoing is hereby declared robe a law, of the Territory ; lo take effect on and from the first day of October, next ensuing : L\l .TES- TIMONY vfbereof, we Arthur St. C/n/r, John Cleves Symmes and George 7 urner* have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. * AH. ST. CLA'U, JOHNC. YMME5, G. TURNLR. TEBBITOR Y OF THE UNITED STATES 7 NOKTH-WhST OF THE OHIO. J A LAW concerning the Probate of Wills, written 01 nuncupative. Adopted- /com the P ennsylvanian code* and published at Cincinnati ', in* nineteenth day of June, one ' thousand^ seven hundred Qn -governaur,' and John Cleves 'Sy mines and George Turner judges* in and over fftfic said Territory. g . ALT, twills 'in T wriring, wherein o, ^ .whereby any lands, tenements or hereditaments have beeo, are or shalll be divided An. ST. CLAFR, ' C. SYMMES, (being proved by two or more credible witnes- ancefi ses, upo;i their solemn oath, or affirmation, or eihtes dcvifed by oilier legal proof in tills Territory ; or being and bequeathed, proved before such as have, or shall have, power in any of the United States, or elsewhere, to take probates of wills, and crant letters of ad minis- " ow P ro f 1 , *-> *ir .!_ i DC made or tration, and a copy or such will with Ihe pro- fucll w in s . bare thereof annexed or endorsed, being trans- mitted hither, under the public or common seal of the courts, or olfices, where the same have been or shall be taken or granted, and recorded or entered in the judge of probate's office, in this Territory) shall be good, and available, in law, for the granting, conveying and assuring of the lands or hereditaments, thereby given or devised, as well as of the goods and chattels thereby bequeathed :arid the copies of all wills . J , ' , i ,r * c i rrobate or will* and probates, under (he public seals or the d ec i are a Ilvat- courts, or offices, where the same have been or ter f record, shall be tiken or granted, respectively, other and ni fy be . i r i -ii i 11 ft'ven in CTl than copies or probates of such wills as shall ap- jeac. pear to be annulled, disproved or revoked, shall be judged and deemed, and are hereby de- clared to bo matter of record. ; and shall be good evidence, to .prove the gift or devise thereby made. And all such probates, as well as all letters of p ro t, atfs an ^ administration, granted out of this Territory, Utters of ad- being produced here, under the seals of the miniftration, courts, or offices, granting the same, shall be as fij*" Territory, sufficient to enable ihe executors or administra- to have full tors, by themselves at attornies, to bring their force within id actions in any court within this Territory, as if tl'e same probates, or letters testamentary, or adminisf latmns were gran led here, and produced tmder the seal of the uul^e of probate's ofhce, in any county of ihis Territory. [If*] IT. Ptovhled always* That If. any of the wills; whereof copies, or probates, shall b so, as afore- trveu said, produced and: given in evidence, shall; remedy within seven \ ears afler the testator's (ipu-h,ap*- to the rear to be disproved or annul-ed, bcimc any. p*~*y agency* f , tr i i c 54-.. judge or officer, having rom-.sanrc Infreor; or shall appear v lo bo revoked or aileied. bv il-,3 testator, either by a latter will, or codicil'ia \\iiting, duly proved asafoie>a,d / iht-n, au{ kin. V> ium- the widow, cr next ot kindred to the deceased ; mo&e j. . to the end, they may contest the same if they please.. VI. Notwithstanding this law, any manner or This law not to person being at sea, or soldier being in actual affect manners, ' military service, may dispose of his moveables, ^j f ^*ate i-s^ fa -wages and personal estate, as he might have done *aual fcrvice. , before the making hereof. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of* the Territory ; to take effect on and from the hist day of October, next ensuing: /A TES* r JlMON Y whereof, we Arthur Si. Clair, John Clcves Symmes and George Turner^ have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto afuxed, and signed the same with our names.' AR. ST. CLAIR, JOHN C. SYMMfiS* G. TUKNfcR, C 1*2 3 TERRITORY OF THE UN1TFD STATES'? NORTH WEST OF THE OHIO 3 A LAW regulating Enclosures. Adopted from the Pennsyl* vanian code, and pub- lished at Cincinnati, ihe twenty -fifth day oj June, one tJiousand, seven hnndied and ninety-five-* by Arthur St. A*. ST. CLAIR, Clair, goveniont , and foha JOHN c. SYMM*I, Qeves Symmes and George O. TURNER. rp J . , , I urner, judges, in and over the said Territory. En'clofej Sect. I. * LL corn-fields and grounds, kept grounds to /"\ for enclosures, shall be well en- ha \ e "^clofe cient rail ot logs, and close at the bottom, orat any rate, not more than three inches from the ground: and whosoever, not having their grounds enclosed With such sufficient fence, as aforesaid, Owners of s j la ]| hurt, till or do damage to any horse, mare, ground f, not fa i. t i i i * ( i faffed, to be colt cattle, sheep, lamb or hog of any oihci *c. person, by hunting or driving them out of, or from the said grounds, thali be liable so make good all damages, sustained thereby, ro the own- to er of the said creatures, But if any horse, mare, colt, cattle, sheep, lain b or hog, or a^iy kind of cattle shall break into any anan'^ rndosuie, the fence being of the afoiesaid height and sufficien- cy, and by the view of two persons, for that purpose appointed by the court of General cpiar ter- sessions ol the peace, found and approved to be such ; then the owner of such creatuie, .^hall be liable to make good all damages (o he own* or of the enclosures lor the lir&t otfcncc, single ^ I r in ] tUm.iges only, and ev*r after, double the da-na^ sunuined. And all persons havingany unruly horses, mares, colts, cattle, sheep, iambs or ho 3 s, lhatarenuttobekcpt off by such ten- ces, as aforesaid, are ordered, and shall oe oblig- redraia them. ed to take effectual care to restiain the same iromjres passing on their neigbow's enclosures. If. And, for the better ascertaining and regu- *Ur,t ir ;, l; lating of partition fen res, it is hereby directed, nc p e arthionv thai vvhere any neighbours shall, improve lands adjacent lo eacholher, or where any person shall enclose any land adjoining roariolher's land, alrea* Quarter dy fenced in, so thatany part' of the first person's to appoint fence becomes the partition-fence between them , viewers at in both these cases, the charge of such division CC8 > ** fence (so Jaraser.closed on both skies,/ shall be equally borned and maintained by bolh parties, To which and other ends, in this law mentioned, each court or General quarter sessions of the peace, shall nominate, and is hereby required to Dominate and appoint, so many honest and able men as they shall think fit,, for each county res- pectively"; to- view all such feace and fences, a- Doiil which any difference may "happen or arise, Haw and the ,ak>resaid-persons i each county, res hc to pectively, shall be the sule judges of the charge to be borne by the delinquent, or by bord or ei* ther party, and of the sufficiency or all fences, whether paitirion -fences or others. And where- they judge any'fence to be insufficient, they slull fuJficU n give notice thereof to the owners or possessors: nl and if any one of the said owners or possesors, lo upon iherequcst of the other T and due noiive gi- ven by the said viewers, shall refuse to ? make or icpjir the sai 1 fence or fences, or to pay the moi. 1 ety of the c.Lr.r^a of any fence, before made lo bc (belaga division-fence) within ten clays after lice given, then, upon proof thereof, before l>wo justices of the peace of the respective county, it shall be lawful, for the said justices, to order the person aggrieved and suffering thereby, to repair the said fence or fences ; who s:ha!l be reimburs- ed his cost and charges from the person so re fusing to make good the said partition .fence or fences ; and the said costs and c'harges .shall be levied upoi/the offender's goods and chattels, nn- titer wan ant f/orri the a id justice, by disci ess anxl sale theieof; the overplus if ally i>e, to be le" turned to the party offending. 111. P.'ouifled, That nothing herein contained Prevlfo. that s ] la |] j. )e i. nleiu led to prevent or debar anv person. - an\ peo- . i t i I c-,\ ni*U o- or pei sons, from enclosing tus or ilieir grounaf t cr cncufsircs with fujfu ient wall or paiiisadofs, or bv dikes, xiitfe'n n^n/fo- . fcedgos 3ii(J*clil( lies ; all sue h walls and p^l'isadoos ?be ""ne fit ^of to ^! height, at. least, five feel frrtm ihe ^roun-J; tbitUw. and all dikes to be, arlea-t, Jh-ee bet in height from the bottom of ilie difclu aud planlrd 01 set Vvilh thorn or quickset ; vo that siich eurlosures slitill fully answer and sccme ihe sevrra! purpo- se^ meant to be aiisv\*eied and seemed by tins law. &ich tneUftircft f P- 'Provided cko, ' That srOb v\i11s a?:d pal- bf^^vrr. to \>* lisadocs, aiul dikes, fcedge5-ai:c! (tilche?., sh.!lhe fwbj.fl ' V;.^' subjecNo ali pi-ovUions-H iii-pecii(.n si-d jesiiic- " tions. respective]}, jxvv>hi(ii. by Hi.s law, anv Qlhet 'endofeure or fence is udde Jiable, accord- in io the true intent and uicaaing hereof. 'TT1F ffrprolng is r-erebv c'e^rec' !o o n of tlie Territory ; io tale e fleet of and horn first day of October, nc.ecl v Adopted from llie Pcunsylwnfan code, and published al Cincinnati, the j.vcnty sixth day of June, A* ^T CLATR, one thousand^ seven hundred "^ n '' nc (r-f lvs ' b f Arthur St, Clriir, goi'rrnnur 9 and John Clevcs S)mmes and George Turner, judges, in and over said Territory. Sec. 1, A LL debfs owing by any person wltlv ** in this Territory, at the time of his debts/viz. or. her decease, shall be paid by his or hof' ex-, ec'.itors or administrators, so far as theyhave as-^. sets, in manner and order following, that is to T * ^ uncral ^*] 6ay, First funeral expenses and physic. Second- fie" ly, debts and duties to the Territory. Thirdly^ 2. Public debts"? judgments. Fourthly, debts due by recogni.^3- Judgmmm .* zauces. Fifthly, rents. Sixthly, obligations, '+*; iu * ui bills penal, and protested 1)iils of exchange. 5. Rents.* Seventhly, single bill*. Ei^dtly, servants' and 6 - Bond, &'c.\^ wages. Ninthly, merchants' and J''*^ ' buck debts', and promises by word._ar- n. rears of accounts, and such lite, WMrh said pa>menrs shall be good ;n.id available- iii law, a- gainst all pel sons whomsoever. C " c, C ^" Nothing herein contained, sliall prevent or damnify any executor or &d minis I rat or for discharging the decedents' just debts, as the same shall come to his, her or their knowledge, without regard to tlie priority of ihe same, in payment, after the expiration of twelve months from the time of the said decedents' decease. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the twenty sixth day of June next ensuing : IJ\ 7-ES- T1MONY whereof, we Arthur St Clair, John Cleves Syjnrnes and George 7 urtier* have caused the seal of ihe Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST. CLAW, JOHN C. YMMESL G. TURNER, OF THE UN1TFD STATES ? or Tilt OHIO A LAW concerning trespas- sing \iiim.-ils. Adopted Jrtjin the Prfinsi Ivnnian Ci)lc, and puiilslied al Cin- cinnati, il.e frv>cniy -sixth, dcy oj limit, one thousand^ seven Lund ted and ninety- fwc; by Aithiir St. Clair, ST. CLAIR, fwcntoiit* and John Cleves SYMXH, <7m/ George Tur D O. 1 UftAfcft. . , . _ n*r t judges* in and over the said Territory, Sec. 1. IFanyhorso, mare, colt, caltle. sheep, 1 lamb or hoas (aller the publication Tre raffing a nl- \ i it i i .1 inal? iray nr de* r i t \ i it i i .1 ray n Or this law) shall trespass, by brealunginto the ta - UK( j (\\\ la\\ ful enclosure o| any person or persons ; ^ihe same being made) every such person being in- jured by such trespass, may seize and distrain surh trespassing creature (horse mare, colt, cat- lie or sheep) and il.e sa'iie, so se^zedand distrain- eJ, may retain, until lie, she or they shall recover and receive Me damages sustained by sue h trespass, together with the costs of adver- tising, and reasonable charges (or keeping such distress, in manner hereinafter directed. 11. Every person or persons, making such dis- v . . , T . 7 1 . . . , 1 '. c D . , , Notice thereof tress, shall, within the space of forty eight hours to be given and altei the sameshalibe made, give notice thereof how. lo the owner or owners of such horse, mare, colt, cattle, sheep Iamb or hog, if he, she or they can be conveniently found; but il not, then such person or-persons, seizing or dUlrain- ing such trespassing creature, shall, within three b after the distress taken, as aforesaid, cause an advertisement of the marks, brands, sfacure and colour thereof, and of the place where the same may be found, to be atfixed in a conspicu- ous manner, at the most frequented and public place of his, her or their townships: and if, upon such notice or advertiseiiie.it, such owner or owners shall appear, but neglect or refuse to make or tender a reasonable satisfaction to the party injured, for the damages sustained by such Haw fatlsfac* trespass, and in keeping the said creature ; or if tioato be made. i nc sa id person or -person 5, so making I he dis- Ijess, shall .not accept the said satisfaction, it shall and may be lawful for either of the parlies aforesaid,' to complain and apply to any justice of the peace of the county, where such creature shall be seized and distrained, ys afo/c^aid, who shall, upon such complaint and appluatio-i, isjiie his warrant, directed to- two repuuMe and ho- nest freeholders of the neighbourhood, com- manding and enjoining them forllwilh to view ihe said trespass and to value, appraise an. 1 "as- certain the injury or damage done to or wiihin the enclosure, aforesaid, having regaid to the lawfulness of said fence, with the expense and costs of keeping the creature, and to make report thereof to them, the said justice, with all con- venient speed ; which said valuation and ap- praisement, and return, they, lliesaid freehold- ers, aie hereby required and- enjoined to make accordingly, And if the said valuation and appraisement, shall not amount to more than the sum of money tendered to the party injured, as a recompense for the damage done, as afore- said, before such complaint made, then the said justice shall give judgment for the same only, Jo the party, refusing such tender, and award reasonable costs and charges to the other party, for the unjust vexation ; but i/lhc sa : d valua- tion shall amount to more than thesum tendered, or if nosttch reader bo made, then, and in that c*ic, the said justice shall award -and give judg- ment for th.2 valuation afoiesaid, to thepaity in- jured; with reasonable costs and charges, or keeping the said creature so trespassing against t!ie oilier party, and shall awaid execution up- on *very such judgment, with costs of suit ac*'. cordingly, 1 1. vVhoever .shall hurt, kill or do damage to Oaniieref 00 any horse, kiue, sheep, Iamb or hog, by hunt- burtir,^ orkil- ing or driving them out of or from the said enclo- 1105 sires or by neglecting to provide them with suf- &c * ikieiit food and water, after they may have been distrained, shall be liable to make good all damag- es MI slain ed there b.y, to the. owner ot such crea- ture or creatures.. iy* If no owner or owners appear and make out his or their property in (he said creatures, witliiu two weeks aHer such advertisements shall appear. be published in the township, as aforesaid, the person or persons making such distress, shall, fuiihwith, under the penalty of twelve dollars, cause the like advei tisement to be published three times successively, in one or more newspapers or gazettes printed & published within this Tenitc- jy, p?-o\ide-J, tlieie is a gazette or newspaper then printed and published within the county, wherein the tiespass shall happen; but incase of no such pubhc paper then, such advertisement shall be- pMt upin, a conspicuous mannerat the court house- dooroUhe county: and the party distraining, shall make application, at the expiration of two- months after the publication of the same advertise- If party clif- training ne- gltftto give owner rnents, to tlie said justice of the peace, who Is hereby authorised and requiied lo issue Jiis war- rant lo two honest and respectable freeholders, and cause tliom upon their oaih or affirmation, winch lie is hereby empowered and required lo admini- ster to them, to view, value and appraise l lie creature or creatures, so distrained, and (o ascer- tain the dama^ so done, as afoicsaid. wiili rea- sonable charges for keeping the said crealme, and to make return tlieieo/, to him, as aforesaid, up- on which' valuation and return, I he pioperty of and inlhe said creatures, so valued, shall become and be held and taken to be, and is hereb) vest- ed in the person" so making such distress ; but so, nevertheless, that he shall be answerable and ac- countable to the owner or owners aforesaid, for tlie valuation money aforesaid, at any time afterwards within the space of one year, next after the pub- lication or. such advertisements, last aforesaid, having first deducted thereout, the costs of such proceedings, advertisements and charges of keep* ing the said creature with the damages so ascer- tained; but if the said owner or owners shall not appear and demand the same, within the time limited last aforesaid, then, the said person or persons^ so making such distress, shall, upon demand made, pay all such overplus money to the overseers of the poor of the township, where he, she or they shall reside, for the use of the poor thereof, under the penalty of double the sumdi$traind, in his,, her or their hands, con- trary to the direction of this law. V. If any such person or persons, so distrain- ing, shall neglect to give such notice, as herein before directed, or shall neglect to set up and pub- lish such adveitisernents, iu the most public [ * w * 1 place of his, her or their township, he. she or to Jure they shall forfeit and lose all right, or ti. "IURNLE. ' TERRITORY OF THE UNIT&D STATES 7 NORTH- WST OF THE OlIIO. 3 A LAW for the speedy assign- ment of Dower, Adopied, from iho MjJsachuseMQ code, and published at Cin cinnati, the four tee nh dayoj Jnly one thousand, seven hundred and ni/iety- five; by Arthur.- St. 1 Clair, overnouf, and John CJeves ^ymmes and George Tnr- nerj judges, in and over the said. Territory. SecL 1. ^l^HEN the heir, or ol-er person hav- Yy ing the. -next irmnediale e.Mate of ^^0^ or inheritance, shall iioi, wiihin^ oi>e month, other- . . wife the widow month next after demand made, assign' an-a set nw^ JUc for it. out to the widow of the deceased her dower, or just third part of and in all lands, tenements and hereditaments whereof, by law, she is or may be AA. ST. Cma, G H TuRN S E Y R MMES> Terrtofetoot doner in ene frf* ] dowable, to her satisfaction according to true intendment of law , then such widow may' sue for and recover,, the same, by writ of dower, to be brought against the tenant in possession, or such persons as have or claim right or inheri- tance in the same estate, in manner and forci as the law prescribes. II, Upon rendering judgment for any woman orTjuagmentl to recover her dower in any lands, tenements or had/a* writ of hereditaments, reasonable damages shall also be -feizia ir 3 in the same, as against -ihoje vbo, Having a hwiiil and Peaceable . entry into lands or tenement^ ,. n . lawfully and by force hold the same : and LTit be / ~ 7 -wj tivau luc *ifie ; ana u it ce nponsuch enquiry, that an unlawful and e. entry hath been nmfe ; and that the same landsor tenements are held and detained .with force and strong handler that the same af- tcr a lawful entry, are held unlawfully, andVith force and strong hand, then that rb 'justices shall cause the party complaining to have restitu- tion thereof. . II. When complain t shall be formally made, in writing lo any two justices of the peace, o/a- ny unlawful and forcible entry into any lands or tenements, and detainer, 3S aforesaid; or if any unlawful and forcible detainer of the same, after a peaceable entry, they shall mate out their war- rant, under their hands and seals, directed t the sheriff or (as the case may be) the coroner of the same county, commanding him to cause to come before them twelve good and lawful men of the same county, each one of whom having freeliokl lands ortenements ; and they shall be impanelled to enquire into the entry p forcible detainer complained of : which warrant shall be iu the form following. Mutatis mutandis, viz, H. sc, j4. B. and C. D. Esquires, two of the (L, S.) iustices assigned to keep the peace wiihin Form of the and for ike said county; lo the of warr *&t* (L. $.) H* Greeting* Whereas complaint is made lo us by E. F. of in the county afore* said that G. H. of yeoman, upon the dar of at aforesaid^ with fo'r.e and ar:ns t and with a strong hand^ did un~ ld : v- c nlly ond forcibly enter into and upon a tract of land, of him the said E. F. in aforesaid containing acres ^ bounded as followS)Viz (or into the messuage and tenement ol him the said E* F. as the case may be) and him the said E. F. with force and a strong hand, as aforesaid* did expel and ttnlawjully put out* oj the possession oj the same ^ For, it it is a for- cible detainer, only, then the entry shall be de- scribed, and the detainer inserted, as follows) and him the said E. F. does unlawfully^ unjustly, an I with a strong hand deforce and still keep out of the possession, of the same : you are therefore, command,!*, on behalf of the United S fates* lo cause to coins before us, upon the - doy of a t in the sa id conn ly , twelve good and lawful men of your count) , each one of wliom Icing a freeholder , /o Iclmpanflled, and ^rorn lo ^inquire i.iict the fatciblc entry* and de- *a In cr ( o r . I h e d e t a i n e r only) b efo re d esc rib ed. Gircn under our hands and scats the day of in the year 4. B. ) Justices of the C. D, S pence. TIL And the said jus rices shall make out their summons to the party complained against, in the form following, viz. H sc. Form of Cam- (L. S.) A. B. and C. D. two of the justices mnn* to the P *r /[^ S.) assigned to keep the peace within and y wapUiociU for ^^ ^^ ^ f g ^ of Greeting : summon G. H, of io appear before us at in in the srad county at o'clock in the noon,, iheirand there to answer to and defend against the complaint of E. F. to us exhibited; where- in he complains that [here the complaint shall be recited] and you are to make to us a re- turn of this summons with your proceedings therein on or before the said day Witness our hands and seals the day of in the year of A T> ) At i Justices. C D \ Semtnoas, how ___, , , ' ^ to be fcrvd. W'fejch summons shall be served upon the par- ty complained against or a copy thereof left at his usual place of abode, seven days exclusively before the day appointed by -the.fuitices for the trial. And if after the service of such sommons the party do not appear to "defend, the justice* shall proceed to the enquiry, in the same man- as If he were present. And when lh,t Jury; . '71 7 shall appear, llie justices sliall lay before the jury the exhibited complaint and shall ad minister the following oath to them, viz : foreman's Oath. Oathi of You as foreman of this jury do solemnly swear jurorit (or affirm) that you will well and truly try whe- ther the complaint of E. F. now laid before you is true according to your evidence, so help you God (if swearing) or, j ou will [when affirming] The oilier jurors' Oath, vr/, The same oath which your foreman hath taken on his part you and every of you shall well and truly observe and keep : so help you God ; or ,, you will" And if the jury shall find the same true, then they shall~return their veidict in 'form following, n't a court of enquiry hell before A- B. form of and C- D Esquires, two .of the justices as- v^o t form. alores^ld; otherwise the defendajit shall to ejblrifp, & allowed- his legal cos Island,, have, liis execution thereof. II the juryshair return their verdict,- signed by the \xho'e panel, that th e com plaint -is su itl*x>Ti ! AA. . ^ . * 1 . r the Justices shall eater up judgment far the com- plainant to have restitution of the premises , and filiall award their writ of restitution accordingly ; and no-appeal'shall be allowed:, fiom the iudg- mentof the-jus'ticd;*- IV. P.ravidedneverthetcssi That the proceed- ings may be remo.vedby, certiorari, into, the Ge- iiieral 1 court* or circuit courts holdeir* in such< icounty and be -there quashed for-irregularity if any such tt^re may be : nor shall sueh judgment be a bar to any a*ter action brought by .either party, ^ wluchyvTitofres4itution,shallbeiuloj;jnfolJowin5. A'k B. and CD* hro of the justices reiUto* signed to keep the- peace ia and. for UNI.. ^. S.), ^ wid county, . to-the - of K\ Greeting ; (L,S .)' Whereas at a -court" of enquiry of -fore-* iblfc entry* an.d detainecheld before us at iaihe jsaid caun ty ofr. , up.pn .the ^ijr of in-theyearr the jurors impaneled and sworn according ^lo law did. return . their. veidictinL writin^sig^edT^y each C 175 ] of themthatE. F, was upon the day or in the righful possession of a certain messuage or tract of Jand (as in- ihe verdict returned) and that &c (as in the verdict) whereupbn it was considered by us that the said E, F. should have restitution of the same- We therefore requireyou that taking withyou the force of the county, if necessar), you cause thesaidG. H. to be forth with remov.ed from the premises and rhesaid E. F. to have the peaceable restitution of ihe same : and also thai you levy of the goods, chattels, or lauds of the said G. H. the sum of being costs taxed against him ou tne trial aforesaid together with more for this writ, and your own fees: and for want of such goods, chattels or lands of the said G. H. by you fount] you- are commanded, to take the body of the said G. H. and him com- mit tp the common jail of the said count/ there lo remain until he shall pay the sum aforesaid, together with all fees . arbingon' the service of tliis writ; or until he be deliverec!" by due course of law. And make return of this writ.witb your proceedings thereon within twenty days next COW ing. Witness our hands and seals at aforesaid, the of - in the vear A. B. C. D. Provided, nevertheless. That this law shall not extend unto any person who hath had the oc. o\ w t " ot xupationor beeninlhe quiet possession of any ' lands or 'tenements by the space of three whole years^ together, next before; and whose cslale therein is not ended or determined. C 174] THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a Invr- of the Territory ; to take effect on. a.nd fiorn the- first day of September, next' ensuirg : //V TES- TIMONY whereof,, we drllius Sf-.. Clair* John Cleves Sy mines and George Turner , Ka vo- calised the seal of the Territory lo be thereunto affixed, aud signed the. same with our naines. Ali ST 4 /CLAm JOHN c, sr\i jii?. An. ST. CLAIR/ . Jo HN-C. SYMLMXS, G.. TURNER. OIT THE UNITED STATES-7 CF THE OHIO. j LAW annulling'tlic d is tino -tiori between Pelit Treason and M'II r d en Adopted . from the 'M&ssachusettA code, arid published at Gin-- cinnatii the fourteen h day of July one thousand + seven himdfed : and*hinety~ five', by Arthur' St. Glair* governouj) a/z^/Jahn Cleves Symmes and George Tur- ner, judges, in and over ihe said Peik'treafon to be punifli'.d SOLI as murder. T;N all cases wherein, hereto/ore, any person- would have been deemed and taken to have committed the crime of petit treason, such per- son- shall be deemed ana taken to have commit- ted the criore. of murder, only, and be indicted aad ^prosecuted. ta fiBaLmdgment accordingly: C 177 ] and the same punishment, only, shall be fiicted, as in the case of murder, 77/ZT foregoing is hereby declared to be a bw ot the Territory ; to take effect on and froaiihe jfenrteenih-day. of july> next ensuing :/V 7"* : T1MOMX: whereof, v;e Arthur &. C/tf/iy. John ClevesSvmrrecs arrd George Turner-, have caused the seal' of 4he Territory to be thereufllo affixed, .and signed the. saac with aur iKi*Hes AH. ST. CLAiK, JOHN C. TEimrORYOF THE UNITED S TATEST' NORTHWEST Ob 1 THE OHIO. 5 A LAW declaring- what shall be in force. from the Virginia and published at Cincinnati, the fourteenth day- of July, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety -five ; by Arthur St, A*. ST. CLAT*, Clair, governour, and Joh'n SYM*E&* Cleves Symmes and George . Turner, judges, in and^cver the said Territory. HE cominoti law of England, all statutes or aets of the British parliament made in aid of the common law, prior to th fourth year of The common the reign of fving. James th firsfc (and wliich are law, BritiUf ofa general nature, not local to that kingdom) * ct * P r or to \ and also the several laws in force in this Territo- 4lh J am - r * * C ry, shall be the rule of decision, aad shall be [174] considered, as of full force, uulil repealed by le- legisklive authority, or disapproved of by con- gress. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the first day of October, next ensuing : IN r fES- TfMOXr whereof, we Arthur St. Clair, John C * eves S)' mines and George Turner* have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto alxed, and signed the same with oi.r names. AH. ST. t L/UH. JOHN C. 'YMMES, -AR. ST. CLAJR, JOHN C. SYMMBS C. TURNER. OF TPF UNITFP STATES 7 OF THE OHIO. $ A LAW to prevent rrespas- sing by cutting of limber. Adopted from the Pcnnsyl- vanian cori the several counties \" A a C 1*0 ] So much of the tc -atlo authorize an JYerpjfre V A * tr> c ^ rfe -tlie courts o-f General quarter-sessions of the Ji tO VV'llfliiP*. - 1.- t I I . peaoe, to dl'/ide-tne- counties into** townships* and to altej; the- bsHiadaries ok Hje;san?ev. when. necessary ;:an-d also.* to appoint constables, over- seers- oblhe poor,, ancL clerks- of the -townships, arid for other^ purposes* therein- ne-iitK>ned ;" a* ihe.same sia.y relate to llie-appmntiuen* of derk of townships, and their dut\ with respect toest~n s The *' act creating i-he-oiliai oi^ie-r.k i the legislature ;'' v ' ^rAyoclcrks The-'-acl abolishing. the ditir,:llon between. ^T^tltiiVit iBecrirncs of -murder.. and petit Ir-a^on /' treafn. The ' ' act i-e^ilatii/jthe ewclo-iuros pJgrQ^nrls;* 1 As !to cflolo*- g naurh of the.* 4 aot to alter aru.1 aiuc.ifi His Is t x o*imli nrifitia laws/'^as requires persoas a>sfcrlin* at atte n ' an act crealui^ t lie. of lice, of clerk ot a*. Arto-^ihtf?" The *' act. to regulate the* axluiission of attor- fion 24 Aito j-idffe "art empowering ihe if'jfls of -probate int nardiaas to luiiior^, auj olUers^;" of probate aud to appoint miners. . The '* act prescribing the forms' of -writs, in civil causes, and cliiecting the mode of pro- 25 " ceeding therein i " snd, The " act establishing arid regulating *he a6> rhc foe fees of the several officers, and other persons bi c . therein mentioned/' THE foregoing is hereby declared lo be a law of the Territory ; to tai.e effect on and from the fourteenth day of August, next ensuing: /A' TES- TIMONY wheredf, we Arthur St* Clair, John Cleves Syrnmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names* AH. Si. CLAIH, JOHN C. SYMMES, . -A l hundred a ;i^L ninety -Jive *. by Arthur Si Ciair,. ^enionf^ . S*. CLA-m< and jolin- Clevea- S\imnes C-rf-t r_. . A ^ r\~\ ^ / e * r i- ; e 1 1 j r n e r, /// dgi s , ir^* A^t? said Territory* SeoU L ryVORCES Pram llie Banns of mafn- m on y,. shall be decreed, where ei for di- t l ier o ^tlie parties liad afonner wife or husband alive, at the tiine o[ soleiunizing the second marriage ; or. iaijjoteucy or adultery ia either of Idie parlies.. lit Divorce fi*0mb(*Jatid bbar.d* shall be grant* ed for the cause.of extreme cruelty iu. either of Ihe parties.. lil, Wienever a- divorce-shall He decreed' om ajlmony, cause or-aggrebsion Fron^ the husband, the wo- n.l how man, if no is.sue ot the marriagp be- living- at the be. aliowcJ. ^ ine o f the di-vorce; sliaii be -restored, to all hor laiidri, tnemii&.and heHcJitamcnlas and be 4!- lowed oaf of tlie ma j i. s- personal, estate- suchi. ali- mony as tKo couttmay Lhiiikie>ooaS-c^ havii r^ liC^ard. to the- persoiiiAl [jrojiftny.. I hat;- came t > lu.'ii-.b. thq .marrihgei -mil, lu*-. aoiritv,.:- but ifr e.i.ssaeliyihg'it the-, rime* of,' 5 !in* divor(?ej t iiit he- court; inueg-irJ tootdenug'/estoradon,, r-i'^nr; aliinon/, mny d as- r ircum-t incej, 5CLLU1 tj re juiic/ auJ oa a^UcaUoo. eitfcerparty, may, from time to Kmev tail; e v at* iscretion,. siutlLalteratii)u& therein, as nuy IV- tttbe divorce arie from- 1 fie rain^e or ag- ae-ft'mtinn *, e^simv of llie- wife, wiiet her i hare bo living is ^jFe's e;t .t* .e. er> n, -oi*>l be (Carriage, the* Point may or' aK\ii-.t.i->,.-ioQ to her thafTesto-aiiou ofllie.Vviioie^rpa'tt, - r ^opa^tv-of her-land*y tmieineui^ aad ker?tiit>- fc f : j. ts ail cf may assign s u t;li. a li mon y as si i a I i be thovgli^ proper-, and ma-jf also make: such clfs- trlbution be twee ii>lhe parties ok their chiitlreii:- (i? any) as the court shall think proper*. V- 1 beGeiieral court an/} circuit courts shall liHve the sole cognizance of all divorces applied for or made; and the judges thereof may use such land of process to cany their kidgjnenH4ij3> eHect^ as toihetn sliall sei:m expedient* Where* ever they may think it-proper-, they may com^ pel the husband todisriosev. oaoadi, what person us! estate he hath received in right of his -wile-t how the same liath been disposed of, and what proportion of itNreinained iiu lus hands^ at., the bme of the divbr< e.v VJ. N 5 o cause .of divorce; or alimony, slialL be bi ought, beiorc the same courts, unless tho-party suir.g or caufipkiuing shali^file.his.or. her libel in life proper cleik s ohice, spe'-ially set tijig., forth ihetcui the cause-, of his or her:> torn plaint. aiiA sha'L raij;e ihe-othcr party 1 1 In thtss^ Ter^ito* j^ lo/'-e- ervedvvith.,au. a! tested' Coi>y tlfereoK aii'i'"\L r li .T^iinmoiis-' comrnandin'g.hiut! .or her fe* a-^pear. ai. tiie-cnnrt whcre^ the:Gatisc*is to be IfKiiti.fottrfeen? dkys> afrleasr : , bofore the sitUugt t>. 1/e ^aid' rorf otherwise in: such manner as -:>:irt sin^ldir-Jct \1 wh.^c the party li.: 0*4] lies* wsvtal residence then such' snrr.mons shall be published af least once a week for twenty weeks in some public Mews Paper wil bin such county ; or, where no such News Paper is print- ed, ihe summons shalUhen.be published :in orre of the Territorial News Papers, and a copy there- of stuckupat the court-house door of the pro- per county. >But where .the party complained of shall' happen to be without the Territory, then notice shall be given, by publishing such summons in one of the said Territorial papers; at least once a.week, fo^the term of. forty weeks. The said courts shall liave. all the powers neces < saiy to thecoriducting and finally tissuing such causes according to the true intent of ihislaw. 7 HE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect. on and from the first day of October, next ensuing : IN TES- TIMONY whereof, we Arthur St. Glair, John Cleves Symmes and George Turner , hare caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. AR. ST, CLAIR JOHN C. SYMMES. C. TURNER. OF THE UNITED STATES > NOR r-H*v&sT OF, THE 01110, 5 A LAW for the Parti lion- of bands, Adopted fmm tlt& New York code* and pub- lished at Cinci/uutt/i the sevsnteenh-dfrp of' Juljrone, thousand, seven hund'cd. arid ninety- five'T-ty Arthur St. Clair t govcrnoiiH- and A*- ST. Ct AIR* John Cleves Svmrnes and n^r*" George Turaer,/W^, in, __ and over, lac. said. fcffi~ **}& Sect. 1. A NY orreOT more of the proprietors n xrceks p ^* of any tract or tracts, parcel on 1 '* noti " (0 ,- . , * . . < i i /- tL\\ er.''ot any parcels of land which now are, or hereafter may f ntepd< i parv be undivided, incline to have partition theror, tuiun of may subscribe a-wnlina, and publ&t.lhe same^ivi(kd in one or more ot the public Now ^papers printed in the Territory* it in- terested in ; such iractor par-eel oUaucl< ^ rraming tii ein.auJ their; places o f. abode, are appoin.ted io ra ike sivch partuioar atid that th=ey will ^reel at^ a certamuby* atul ^lace to be-also therein ' men- tioae.i,' anJ to bs within* teriidays^aftef^ the sai^l' twelve weeks are expired,; to-proceed to life pariitionof the said laud:, and requiring all pert* suas interested tkerein, to attend tlica and' C i86] ill crc Tor Hi a I purpose, eilhcrby themselves or {L : cir aitornics --andifsUo objection to any of the .* . . cr I <- objection and ^notice be ma'de and given, the jeded to, ano^ j < lR ]p e to whom it was o/fcrcd sliall appoint the ther'niav be n . * ' j i -.1 - it, ajpwoted ato pailiesnday and place wirliin ten dajs after rune weeks from the lirst piiblication or* tlic notice are expired, and then and th-ere hear and de'er- mine such -objections, and appoint other fit and uninterested persons in the room of .'hose he may think proper to remove as unlit, and such persons so appointed shall ihencefonh l>e the couirnissioners for executing the powers given to cornmissroners by virtue of' this act, aid shall before they proceed -to execute iheir offices, be severally- sworn, or (if the people call- ed Quakers) affirmed, be/ore one of the jijcl*ri of the said General court, or before any of the justices of any. inferior court of common pleas to perform the trust and services requiied of a commissioner by this act,* fairly and impartially, according to the direction thereof, and the best of hisskiil and judgment s and a certificate erf ihftii being sosworii or a/firmed from ihe person administering the oath, shall be filed with the rest oi the proceedings as hei eaiter directed. H. Of all survey s an r I allotment to be made l>y virtue of this act, two true field books and maps specif) ing the bounds of every allotment and lot shall be made, and the several allotments I and lots laid down and numbered on. the said I, map, and then signed by the said commissioners^ I cue of v\hich said field books and maps shall be I filed in the office of the clerk of the 'county I where the greatestpart of the lands lay, and tlie other in the sen clary's office of the Territory; [ v. im:h when done, thesaicj commissioner*) shall I cause an advertisement lo be published forat least six weeks in one or more of the New^-pa- PTS printed in the Territory, in ihe state of Kenhickv and a* the seat of government of the United S/a.'es, nftifving the filing ofthe field books and mapsjn t lie office, and appointing a , particular timesnd place on a day within twen- [ t) djys af-ei the e;e hoUin^ under them ; and the receipt of the said patentees or proprietors as aforesaid, or of any person holding under & patentee shall be a sufficient discharge to the said commissioners foi' the share of such paten- tees or proprietors. V. And whereas joint tenants, tenants ia common, and coparceners of particular lots or parcels of land so divided, or of other hinds held in joint tenancy, coparcenary, or in common may be inclined to have partition thereof; that partition inay be made thereof-, and be as valid, and the expepce- of rhe same defrayed in the same manner *s the partition of other lands are before directed ; the proprietor, in such further or other partition bring considered as the paten- tees are tit tire partition above prescribed* VI. In case o! (he partition of any pa- tents or tracts of 13 nd on which improvements have heretofore been made by any owner or pro- prietor, or by any person^or persotis, by consent of any owner or owner s-/ prop rfc bar or proprie- ^ tors of any such patents or tracts oMand; the person or persons to whose shares such parrels of Improved lands shall fail i>pon a partition of snch patents or tracts of land, shall before Be or they pe permitted to the possession of the same, pay rhe respective possessor or possessors thereof, rhe value of (he improvements made thereon r and in rder lo settle and ascertain the-valne of such improvements, I he-said commission ers are hereby fully authorised, empowered and direct- ed, at the request of the party or parties Eo whom such parcel or parcels of improved lands shall, upon such partition as aforesaid, appertain* issue their precepZ to the sheriff or the county l in which the lands lie, commanding, him to sum- mon tw el ve freeholders having i'he proper and legal qualifications of jurois, to attend the said commissioners 01 the premises, at a dajr fo be Ippolnled in the said pxeoept, not exceeding thirty days after *he due (hereof la assess rim value of such improvements; at w4flch ck>y and place tha said commissioners >hall $\vear the said 'freeholders;, well- aiKkrwh- to*, instate- into and assess t If fc, value of the said 4ftf prove m cots, and then shall proceed vyithF-tbekf asaisiaaee in a suinrirary manner, to inquire into an(l assess Ihe sarns, and make Ju^ieaies of such ihe-tr iijcjuisi lions and assessnvenrte imder their hand and seals, and the>ha-nds anj .seals oi the said ftex> holders; otie-of which. saw] duplicates shall be delivered to each of- the pa/ tic*- And in case die possessor or posses&ots of ucli improved lands shall no! -within thirty da/s next after a tender to him or them made of theassessed valuo by I he person or -persons to whotit the said ha* pi oved lands shall upo such partiuon as^ afore^ said belongpeaceable and quietly deliver up to him or thein^ the posse3sion of the same, the said commissioners or any or either of them shall upon proof o.such tender r made before him or them or any or either of them, by the oath of one or more credible witnesses, i^sue a precept in writing under the band* and seals of themihe said co in missi oners OP- the hands and seals or hand and seal of any or either o^ them, to thesheriif of the courUy in which such im- proved lands respectively lie, commanding him to put ther person or persons to whonr sudi im- proved lands shall upon such partition Belong, into full and peaceable possession ot the same. Ptovided always, That the eosls, charges and expences attending, as well on such assessment a&aloresaid as on the gulling of the party or into the possession of such improved IdncJs, 'hall be estimated according lo ihe re guUtions herein after prescribed, and shall be paid b) the respeclive possessor or possessors of su< h improved lands, arid on his, her or ihcir icfusal to pay the same, shall be levied on liis, her or their goods and chattels by warrant under the hands- and seals of the said commissi- oner*, or the hand anH seal of any one or more of them, diiected to die said-sheriff o! the coun- ty wherein such improved lands icspectively lie, \\hois hereby required to perform that service. VII- And inasmuch as the said commissioners, in such futther or other partition, may, through, 'ihe great number orpiopnetors and lights, pro- ceed upon a mistake, either by supposing them too few or too many : thr reforr if any lot or lots shall be set oft and drawn for any peison having no title to thelandsfo be divided, such lot or lots shall be considered as lands still undi- vided ; and if no lot or lots shall be set off and drawn for any peison having title, nothing herein shall be construct} to defeat such title. Fiovided nevertheless that the partition shall be considered as fully complex ted, lo all intents and purposes, between all and every the other pro- prietors of the said lands. VIII. .If any of the commissioners so to be ap- pointee! to make any partition by virtue of this act, shall die before the same is compleared, their powers shall vest in, and be exercised by the survivors or survivor of them. IX. One of the said commissioners shall be sworn as surveyor, previous to the said survey to be performed (or if the people called Quakers, kali maise affirmation) to perform the same trul/ and impartially, and accordingly execute fhe duties of surveyor : which said oath or affirma- tion, either of the- other two commissumerr are hereby empowered to administer,* and* which- oath or affirmation shall he entered in the mi autes of their proceedings, and ceriilied by* the- other two commissioners, and tliatone other of the said commissioners shall act as cl?rk, and as such shall take minutes oP all their proceedings* X In cause the said; conrr.nisskmer, being a surveyor as aforesaid % shall die before the* suj^ vej be completed* or throngH'sickness or some other cause be rendered incipable to cotupleat: the same, that in siich case the surviving com- missioner oreooimissioners-shall^nd may there- upon nominate, appoint and qualify another surveyor to carry on *and com^leat the same* Grin caseeirher of the said commissioners be a surveyor,, -he shall and may be qualified and act- j as survey ore and compteat the survey in like man-* !ner: which* saidi surveyor shall have twenty ei^ht shillings per day for his services. The said com mUsioner" acting as surveyor, shall s have twenty etghfshiliing* pfer day ; the com- (inUsifHier acting as clerk* twenty eight shillings per day ;-arrd the other of the said commissioa- lers, twenty four shillings per day, whilo actu* (ally etn^lo'Ved in the said service ; and each of f the chain bearers, and the flag^bearer and mark- er (whenever the commissioners shall think such hflag bearer -OP- marker necessary) shall ''Have ten shillings/ per day ; and tlie persons who audit their accounts- twenty 3-biJIings per day for their services : whicH allowances shall be in ftrll for their services, and all expenses attending the said survey 5 but the auditors may allow a rear '94 1 son able sum for (lefra)ing the expence attendance of the judges, the advertising a*4 balloting herein before d'uected. XI.' Whereas many small estates held in com. mon require a more, easy and less expensive mode for the division thereof, than that which is here- .j la before provided ; where any such lands, ; lenemenls, or hereditaments shah be held in common, it shall and may be lawful for I he court of common pleas in the county where such] 3ands shall be, upon the application of one or more of the owners or proprietors of such lands,! tenements and hereditaments, lor partition thereof, it being proved to the satisfaction of the court that the value of the said lands, te-1 nements and hereditaments do not exceed twolvei .1 ho usa ad dollars, to appoint three reputable freeholders of the county -commissioners /orl that 'purpose, affidavit being fust made before the court, by the person or persons making such application, that the other owners or propiietors] jesiding. within the State, or the guardians of' such ow nets or proprietors as are minors, have' had thirty days previous notice or his or their; intention of making such application; and the commissioners; so to be appointed, after they shall liave been duly sworn before one of the justices of the court of common pleas in such county, honestly and impartially to execute the trust reposed in them respectively as commissi- oners for mating partition of the lands, tene- ments and hereditattuenrs as directed by the conrt, shall proceed lo make partition of the said lands, tenements a'nd hereclitatnents 1 among the owners and proprietors thereof, according to their respective rights therein: which par ti- '- Cw'J litlon being made by the said commissioners, or any (wo oPlhem, and a leturn being made thereof in writing, under their hands and seals, to the court, particularly describing the lots al- lotied to eacn jespective owner or proprietor, and mentioning which of the owners or pro- pri^iors are manors, if any such there shall be; which return, being acknowledged by the said commissioners, or any two of them, before on-e o* the justices of such court, and accepted by the court, and entered of record in the clerk's office, shall be a partition of such lands, tene meats and hereditaments as are therein men- tioned. XII. Provided always^ That whore any iouses and lots are so circumstanced that a sion theieof cannot be made without great pre- judice to the owners or proprietors of the same> and the commissioners appointed to make par- tition onhe same shall so report to the e allowed by the court; anrl ffo? M f-f Sioners, on a division ot land-?, Jerte- roentsand hereditaments, by order of tha court as aforesaid, shall be allows! such sum as the fourt shall award for their services and -expeiices, to bo paid b/ the owners or p-opsiei.or.s oP ih& lands, tenements and hcj'edi'.un'^irs so divided, in proportion to their respective righto therein/ and in cise o 1 iheno^loct or rcfh&jl oray of the owners or propriety's to pay his, her, or their proportion of tliusuin s-> a \-iMleJ, 1 the court shall order so much of the lands Icueaients and hereditaments u totted" to suoh owner or pro- prie'orso refusing or neglecting, to be sold at public vendue as will be sufficient to pay his or ter proportioa of the sum awarded by the court, together with the costs of such sale And provided also, that no division or salcshd'l be nude by o/e and hereby are respectively authorised and empowered* on behalf of the respective minors whose ^uardiansntiey are, to do and perform any act, matter, or thing jespecting the division of any lands, tenements and hereditaments as is directed in the above preceding clause, which shall be binding on such minor, and' be deemed as valid to every purpose as it the same had been done by such minor alter he 'should have ar- rived at full age* THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory , to take effect on and fioin the r 197 ] first day of October, ore thousand, seven hundred and ninety rive:' JN TLSTlMUhY Where- of, we Arthur 6'/. Cla/r. John Cleves Symmrs and George Turner , have caused the seal of the Territory lo be thereunto affixed, aud signed the same with our names. Aft vr, CLAIR JOHNl C. bYMMES. G. TURNER. r IK UNITED STATES 7 OK 1 llfc OHIO- 3 A LAW allowing Foreign At* lac hmeuts. Adopted from the A ew Jersey code^ and published at Cincinnati, the fifteen tli day oj July one thousand, seven hundred and ninety- fiue-, by Arthur St. Clair, governour* and John Cleves Symmes and, Georce Turner, judges, in . ' 7 . jO and over the said terri- tory. AR. ST. CLAIR, JOHN c. SYMMES, G. TURNtR. Sect. I. HTIIE lands and tenement*, chattels and effects, rights and credits of every person or persons non-resident in this Territory, shall and may be attached, for the payment of any just debtor oilier demand, by a writ or writs to be issued out ot the General court, or any 'CMC nit court, or couitof com mort pleas . and, as eaily a? ma> be, shall and m a) be pnueedrd against in ihe same manner as is di. rectfc! against thelands, tenements hereditaments and esta:es orabsronding debtors,- exceptwhere otherwise herein diieeted* [T 9 8] II. Provided, Tha I" every person orpe estate; or estates, lha application is mule, is, or are not, at tliat time, resident within the- Terri- tory ; and that such person or persons is,, or are, justly, indebted nnto the said plaintiff, or plain* tiffs, iiva. certain sum, or sums of money, as nearly as maybe, to the amount of the debt or other demand of such plaintiff, or plaintiffs, as the case may admit; and as he, she or tluy ,can lawfully swear or affirm to-. 'III. Where two or more persons are jointly 'indebted, either a* Joint obligors, partners, or otherwise; then the writ or will* of attachment shall and may be ixsued ag.-uhst the^seperaJe ani estate of such joint deb tors-, 01 any oi them, either by their proper pauies-,. or by or in the name or style of tne partnership; 01 by white- ^ver. other name ar names sui:h joint debtors shall 'be generally reputed^ known or distinguished 'within this. Territory v or against the heiis, ex- lecutors or adoxinislrator^ of. ihemv- or eiiHer or :any of them.. And the land> tenements, gpods % Xihaltelis and: effects, or any of tjiein, shall be li* ;able to be seized and taken for the satisfaction of any just debt, or. other deauand ; and may be sold to- satisfy the same;- IV. Ko judgment shall Be entered In any at- tachment hereby. directed; to>b ( issued; until the expiradoivoilwelVe inoaili^;: diirihg.wUicli! term the'parfy suing out ihe attachment shall, and he is hereby te^uued to cause notice thereof to be C '9* 3 [ advertised In one of the puBlic Newspapers ^f this Territory, al least three times ; and shall, in like manner, eause the-sa-me to be advertised in one of the News- papers, at the seat of the -United Stales - government, wherever it may then be; and also in one of the news papers, published in Kentucky : which adve^tisetrreat slulhset forth, that a foreign attachment or attachments have been issued, at who>e suit, and against whose es- tate orestires the same so issued'; an J' that un- less the debtor or d^btors^ whose estate or estates are so seized, shall* appear* by himseff or attor- ney, to give special bail to answer such suit; that, then, judgment vviU be- entered gainst s-urJi-deb* tor oHibtoi-sbv default, aud the estate or es ates attached, be- sold for the satisfaction. of all credi- tors i\hn shall appear to be fustlv entitled to a 5 demand thereon., auzd. shall agoly for that pur- pose. V, No cre^Ii>or or creditors, entitled to any share ot estates, sold under this law, shall re* ceive the same, until he, she or they shall enter into bondtoihe defendant or defendant with good and sufficient security, to* be approved of by the court, and also* to be hied in (he office a- i foresaid, in double the sum so to be received ; with condition thereunder written, that the par* ty. so receiving, shall appear to any suit or suits that shall or may be brought by such defendant, or defendants, within the space *f twelve months, then next ensuing; and shall pay unto suchde- Jendantor defendants all sums of money which, on tiialtobe had thereon, shall appear to have been received, aud not justly due and owing to E 2003 such creditor or credilors; together with costs of suit. THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a Inw of the Territory ; to take eirect on and firm ilie first day of Oc to her, next ensuing: 7^7/6'- TEMUNr whereof, we Arthur St. OW, John CI eves $y nit ncs and. George I tuner. heve caused the seal of the Territory" lo be theiPin.;o affixed, and signed the same with our names* A . s . ! ,M jo:'N t. SYV. G. TUKNLR. JsOUTfl-WESi; CKTHh Of JO. A LAW concerning the duty arid povfrol < oronfis. 'Jt4 d op ted IKW //< J\ cttatl u setts (ode, and fitffifltf* cl Cincinnati, the six! ((it tit day of*uly t one lliruiand, seven h u n dred and ninety -Jii * e ; by Arthur St. Clair, governor r % . ST. CLAIR, a nd foh'n Cloves S}rnmes and fleorce Turner, judges, in andovci t-ie said Territory. Sect. I, 17VITY crrcrer will.in lie county Ccronor ta *-^ IcT v\hicb he is a|pcinicd, shall lervepiocff* serv e all \i riband piecepls, Vvluu il.e fheiirf, or r tarty? Yr ID* any of his deputies, shall tea pirf> lo ihesame; tcreiied. ' and shall return juiois, in all causes, uhere the sheriff shall be inreresred, 01 relaled lociiher , ftf> parly. The corouei* shall lake hujuests ot \io- ttty . , f ^ discharge thereof; and give\sediiity ialhesama j^-jYu' manner a* sheriffs are oblige^ to d^. 11, ftver/ cpi oner shall, as soon as he shall be cei tilled of the dead body 'of aay person, sup- Eo-e'.l to have come tQ hUor her death, by vio- iiice or casualty, found or l)ing within his county, iiid&e our his warrant, directed to the constable of the township \\heie the dead body n ,. . , r i i i i i i is found or lying, requiring him forth with to ^ro ceding* F summon a jury of good and lawful men ofthetac coroucr- same fortra^hip, not le>s than eighteen, in all, (so that twelve may be present) to appear before su'-h coroner, at the time and place in bis war- rant expressed, arid to enquire, upon a view of the body of^n^me here the person deceased, if known) there lying dead, how, in what- man- ner, and by whom he, or she came by his or her death. And every constable, to TV bom sue fl -warrant shall be dhected and delivered, shall, forthwith, execute f he -same; and shall repair to the place where the dead: body is, ai the rime meiirioued, and make return of the warrant, with his proceedings thereo-n, unto the coro- ner who gi an ted ihe same, Lvery constable, failing, unnecessarily, of executing such war p- eoff cmf- rant, orof returning the same, as aforesaid, shall ft.ti>fe failing forfeit and pay the sum of eight dollars: and ia * duty, every person summoned as a juror, as aforesaid, that shall fail of appearance, without having a reasonable excuse* shall forfeit live dollars. ib*ir*? Which fines shall be recovered, .by' action of debt, before any jurisdiction riij,t eaii uke co"ai- Foreman's oath. r yanre of die-same, and be applied to ttie use of the county. III. The coroner shall administer an oath (or affirmation) to twelve of the uiors that shall appear; to the foreman, Iin>U iu the follow ing form ; "i OU do solemnly swear (or solemnly, sin- cerely and truly declareand afhrm, as the case is) that you .will diligently enquire, and true presentment make, how, in what manner, and ]>y whom A. B. w ho here lies 'dead, came to his death : and) on shall delirei to me. one of the coroners for this county a true inquest thereof, according to such evidence as shall be laid before you and -according to your . knowledge : So help you God. IV. The other IUFOFS shall sweai, or affirm (as the case may be ) in the following lonn : SUCH -oath (or affirmation) as your foreman jcror's oath, hath taken ) on and each and every of yon shall well and truly-observe and keep: So help } on fh^r "' f be '! ^' The jurors being sviorn the coroner shall c large jej ^.^ t j iem a c |, a ,-g e upon their oaths to declare of the death of the peis(^n ; whether he or she di e'l of feli^m , or mischance or accident ; and if of felony, \\fao were pinci|>als and who were accessaries . with what instrument he or s'he was struck or wounded and so 'of all pievailing circumstances which rnaj come by pre umption: and. if by mischance or accident, whether by the act of man and whether by hurt fall stroke, drowning or otherwise : also to enquire if the thepersons. who (ifany) were-present, the hnd- ^ersof [he body, his or her relations and neigh- bours J whether he or she was killed iu the same r 203 "i where f neV>dy was found , and, if else- e, by whom, and how the body was brought tlieuce ; and of all other circumstances, relating to the said dearh. And if he or she died of his or her own felony, then to enquire or. the. manner, means or instrument, and of all circumstances concerning it. VI. The jury being charged, shall stand toge- ther ; and proclamation shall be made lor any' persons, who can give evidence, to draw near, and they shall be heard. VII. Every coroner is further empowered 1o send out his warrantor witnesses, commanding them to come before him to be examined, and to tendTnceof * declare their knowledge concerning the matter in witoeffcs. question. He shall administer an-oath (or affir- mation) to them in form following ; YOU do solemnly swear (or solemnly* sin- cerely and truly declare and affirm) that thejevi- den'reynu shall give to this inquest, concerning the deaih of A B, here lying dead,, shall be the truth, the whole tunh, and nothing but the truth: So help you God. Vlll The evidence of such witnesses shall be in writing, subscribed by them : and if it relate WihiefV r*gto to the trial of any person concerned in thedeath, d fig* **> then shall the coroner bind such witnesses, by \^ e ^ reooofiizance, in a reasonable sum, for their per- sonal appearance at the next General, or circuit court, to be holden within the same county, there o give-evidence accordingly ; and commit to the common fail of ihe county, 'any witness, O r, or witnesses,- refusing to enter into such recog- be conunutecL nizance; and shall return to the same court the inquisition, written evidence *and re ognizance by liiia taken. And U:c jury D d C 204] the body, hsarJ -the e/idence, and made all eiiifiiiry within their power, shall draw up and. deliver "ito ths coroner, their veidicl upon the- the Jem h uuJer consideration, ia writing, under their- hands and seals. /AT. Upon an Inquisition found before any.' ^- coroner, of the death of any person* by thefelo- Offenders, how - t L ' t. i! n 1-1 iobe fecureJi n ^ r or misfortune ot anorher T ho .shall speedily.- ' inform one or more of the just Fees of the sa.ne* county thereof : to theinteiu, that the persoa* killing, or being any way instrumental to the? death, may be appreluendjeJ, examined aad secure ed, ia order for tiial. THE Foregoing Ls hereby declared to be a law of the Territ'ory ; to take effect on and from ihe .fifteenth, day of August, ne ct ensuing: /.V TESTI- jV/QiVTwhereof, we Arthur Sf. Glair* John Cleves Symmes and George Turner^ hatre caused the Seal of the Territory Co be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names* All. S^ CLAIR JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TUENER* r 205 3 OF THE UNITFD'TATTS? or THE onto. A LAW for continuing suite General and Ciicnit Courts. Adopted from the ginia code, and published at Cincinnati, the eighteenth day of July, one thousand, seven, hun dred and nine ty-Jive ; by Arthur St. Oair, governour^ An. ST. CiMt, and rohn Cleves h mines '/ ^eorge Turner,' /feri, in andovei the said Territory. ,V HENEVER a iiu'ge ot tlie Territorv may " not be able to attend, to hold the General court, or circuit couit, at thestdiei term to \\hirh ^jch court stands amounted, all sui(s de- i^enJing in the said courts, or either of them, slull stand wuutiiiued over to the next succeed court, THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law O J the 1 Terrirory ; to take effect on and from ihe first day of October, nex.t ensuing: IN T&S* 7/MOVr \vhereof, we Arthur St. Clair, John Cleves Sf /times and George Turner, ha\e caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto . and gkned the same with our nam9. : AK. Sr. CLA1P, JOHN C. SYMMES, G. TURNER* [ 20* OFT-r- UMITED STATES') NORTH-WEST. OE THE. OHIO. > A LAW to Suppress Gam- ing;. Adopted I mm the Virginia* code, and pub- lished. at< Ci/icrnnali y the sixteenth day of july one thnusin-1* seven* hmi'lmi and ninety OF obtained by playing it cards, dice^. tables^., tennis bowls orothergafnes ; or by betiing or- laying on the Kinds andaidesof any person who shall play at such games, or be won on ob aiiied by betting or laying on any- horse race or/ cock.fjgbting, or at any other sport or pastime ; or on any wager whatever, or to repay OF secure money, or otlier thing lent or advanced) lor- that*.purpc>se; or lent or advanced at the time.ofsuch'-g^min^, sporting,, or wager, loa person Jhen s> r-tually -playing, betting, laying or adventuring^ II. 1 Any conveyance* or lease tif lands, teue* mentsjor hereditaments, sold,' de.nised, orm-)rN gaged!; and any sale, mortgage or other." trans* ier o< personal estate, to any person; or for his use > to satisfy or secure money, or other thing. by him won of, or lent or advanced to the seller, lessor* or nmrigagor ; or w.iiere;>F money or o- ther thing sowon, lout, cr advanced he parr or ail otilieconsideialMii, shall enure to ibe-useofihe htirol such mortgagor,, lessor, bargain or or ven- dor , and bhallvest the whole estate and interest of sucH peisonin the lands tenements or heie- diia merits-' so leased; mortgaged; bargained of sold, and in the personal estate so sold, mort g.i^ed, or other AJse transferred, to ail intents and p. -posoi in ilie heir of such lessor; bargainer, Bf. tgigor or vendor, as if suc/fr lessor, bargaia* or moi:gagor or veirdor had dkd intestate.. 111. No tavern keeper,- or innh'oldcr; shall* permit 01 suffer iirds dice, bHliards, or any in- suinnent of gam nig to be made use of in his dwel- ling bou'-e or in any^ outhouse- or under any* booth, ai bowi or othnr pkce upon the messuagTZ tract, whatsoever, an I the waanl or owaer of e a whea .. the aoods 90 distraine.1; shall n-->t, wahui Era P u*jr. days Tacit after such di.ires* taken' (and notice AM, with th3 cause of *-wh taking left at the d>vellin- h > e, or other m.nl n Jtoric place oiths 3iUe, diujjl mth ths reat Distrained for) re ? tery the same, with sufticieat secnritv to be r to th3 ilnritf, according tr kw ttatlh- I i-il insachunse, after sach dis- prhinrlfr. th* ess and notice, aafsaie or shall be clue for J-enl lor the premises,' at the time of talcing such good? and chattels by virtue ot such execution. And the said sheriff shall, after sale of the said S t, e ..:, or tenements, upon Hie demise whereof any rents are or shall be reserve* f, or T^naut made payahle T shall, fraudulently, or clarides df'Hael^re. tinely, convev or carry off, from such deiiiiserl inov '"g^ '. , * ', ... . gi^d* land* prcaiises, aisguoas or cnattels, w:::i latent to e prevent Iceland-lord, or lessor, from distraining frunrfw^ibin l ' ie sainc ior aneais ' il3C h Ien t. so leserved, as y> t ensuing such conveying, away, 01 carrying off suchgoods, or chattels asaloie^aid, to Lsie and seize such goods and chattel 6 , wherever the same- may be found, as a dimness for the s*id ar- rears or; such rent, and the same to-sell or ollier- wise dispose of, in such manner, as it the said goods and chattels, had actually been distrained by such lessor, or land lord, in 01 upon sue), de- mised premises, for stir h arrears of rent ; any law, custom or usage to the contrary, notwith- standing. PJ.PtaviJeJ nevertheless, Thafnothfric herein Provided fach . j i n j LI i renot contained shall extend, or be deemed 01 cons ru- >ona ed to extend*- to impower such lessor, or land- to an. lord; to takeorse z.3 any such goods or chattels, as a distress for arrears of rent, which shall be- bcna S.le, and for a valuable consideration, sold before such -seizure made to**any person -or pcr^ sons not privy to such Iraud, as* aforesaid: any thins herein to the contrary notwithstanding- yil. Ifskall and may bq-lawfiil to and for every lessor or Und-lcrd. lessors or land lor&ls or his her or their bailifls receives or other person or per- sons, itfipovcrcd -by him, her, or them. to* tale and sci e as a distress lor arrears of rent, any to lamK ca I lie OP stock of their respective* tenant or- ten f . c<1 /*atUs* feedinffor pfrarin<; upon all 'or any part ol ***"* i i i it! 11 i ,ttock, corn, the premise.s ceiius-ed or holcleii f anq*al>o lo lake and xcvizc ail so: ts of 'corn and grass hops, loots, ftuits, puLcGi-c-llier froducl whaisotver, which shall be growing on any part of the estate or es tares, so demised or holden, as a distress for ar- rears of rent; and to appraise, sell or otherwise dispose of the same towards satisfaction of the rent for which such distress shall have been taken, and of the charges of such distress, ap- praisement and sale, in the same manner as other foods and chattels may be seized, distrained and Upo ed of ; and the purchaser of any such corn. grus, hops, rooU fruits, pulse or other product, With snail have free egress and regress to and from the of e * r ' 19 same, where growing, to repair the fences from 1'fJuK^Tt and time to time, and when ripe to cut, gather make perfctfc die cure, and lay up and thrash, and after to carry crcrps. the same away, in the same manner as the tenant might, legally have done , hadsuch distress never been made Vlll. Whereas great rnconveniencies may freq tently happen to land-lords by their tenants secreting declarations in ejectments which may- be delivered to them; or by refusing to appear to such ejectment; or to suffer their land, lords to take upon them the defence thereof. Every tenant, therefore, to whom any declaration T cnallt ct>Q . in ejeciment shall be delivered for any land, te- crying jiements or hereditaments, within the Territory shall, forthwith give notice thereof to his or her land lord, or laad lords oT-his her or their bailiffs receivers-agent or attorney ; under penalty oi forfei.'ing ^the value of two ycafs rent ot the premises so demised, or hoiden in the possessioa of such tenant to the person of whom lie or she holds; to be recovered by aclio-n*of debt to be brought in any court where the same may be cogni able whereto no essoiu, protection or wa- r 214 1 geroflaw shall be aUo-wed, nor any more than cm e impair lance,, XL it shall andinay be lawful for the co-art Goart way fuT ^ hero such ejectment shall be brought to suffer the l nj -l rrforlanil larjs to make him, her, or them- selves dependent or d'efendents, by joiiiing with ihc tenant or tenants to whom- such- declaration. in ejectment shall be delivered*, in case fee or they shall appear: but in case sutfi tenant or tenants On non aj- shall refuse or neglect to appeir, judgment shall be signed against the casuei ejector, fpr want ol to gj 9 such appeaiance, but if the land-lord or land- lords apatnA the ca. of any part of the lauds, tenements or heredlu- iualj-aor. m ents tor v\ Inch such ejectment v^as brought, Lajfa -lord wy shall desire to appear by hhiiselfor themselves, by-fcifor atior. and consent to enter into the like rule that, by ne) and enter thecourse of the court, the tenant in possession, 3 roic, &c. j u casc j ie Qr s j ie ^j a pp eare ] s ought to- ha\e dona; then the co-urt, where such ejectment shall be brought r shall and may permit sLeh land- lords so to do, and older a stay of execution, upon such judgment against the casual e ector, until they shall make further order therein. X. Whereas great difficulties, often arise itt making avowries, orconniuance, upon distress, f orre nt: it shall and may be lawful, for all de fendantsin replevin to avow or make connuzancos gene* generally, that the plantilf in replevin, or other tenant of the lands, and tenements, vdieieon. such distress was made, enjoyed the same under a grant or dem-ise, at such a certain, rent or ser- vice, during the time wherein the rent or service distrained For incurred; which rent or service \vaslhen, and still remains, due > without further setting forth the grant, tenure, demise or title of such laud- lord or Ian W or ds^ lessor or lessors,- *con" any law or usage to the contrary, notwithstand- ing and if the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such lf . r 11 L i- i non-lJJt, al action snail become nonsuit, discontinue his, Cenr -, nu< , or her or theiraciion, or have judgment given a lofe gainst-hhn, heror them, the defendant or defend- b * ants, in such replevin, shall recover double costs dottule C a8 of suit. XI And to prevent vexations replevins, or digresses, taken For rent, all sheriffs and other officers, having authority to serve replevins, may and shall, in every replevin of c distress for rent, sberifF&f* take in their own names, from the plaintiff and fcrvingrc- one responsible person, as surety, a bond in p*jisjo'iake double the value of the goods distrained (such fJJjJ M *|% f e . value to be ascertained by the oath, or aftirmati- c riry tf to proc on, of one or more credible person or poisons, ~ cu re w*k not interested in thegoods or distress,- and which * ffect; oath- or affirmation, the person serving such replevin is hereby aulhorzied and required to -administer) and conditioned for prosecuting the suit with er'ect and without delay,and for duly returning the goods and chattels distrained iri case a return shall be awarded before any deliver- ance be made of the disuess. And such sheriff* or other officer as afoiesaid; taking any sucli bonds, shall, at the request and costs of the avow*/ ant or person making connu ance assign such bond to the avcv\ ant. or person a.'oiesaid, by Sheriff way endorsing the same^ and attestingit under his hand and seal in the presence of two credible witnesses. And if the bond so taken and assign- ed, be forfeited theavo-vvant, or person making connuzance, may bring an acction, and recover thereupon, itt his own name ; and the court where such action shall t>3 brought may by a rule of the same court give sucii relief to the parlies* atferentro, .upon sucli bon<3 as may be agreeable fcct justice may role and reason : and such rule shall have ihe nature T r and eflect of a de ^asancelo such bpnd. Xll. Wher-e any pei son or persons have leased .erdemised any lands, or tenements loany person orpersons lor a term of one or more '} ears, or at will, paying certain rents, andheor they, pr his cr their, heirs or assigns shalli be Desirous, upon : jhe determination of the Jease to have again, and repossess his or their estate O demised and for lngs * na \ purpose shall demand and require his or jenants , jheif lessee r f ^enant-^o remove /rom and leave lhe same ;' F if-che lessee- or Xenant shall refuse to -comply-*, therewith, in ihi-cc, months after such .rccjuest^lo'lwni .jnade, it shall and may be. lawful /lo'and'lor sjadilessoi or lessors,, his or their heirs to and assigns, to complain theicof, to any two i. justices of the peace, in the county wheie tho fach Jenjis^J premises are situate : and upon duo .proot made before ibe. said justices, that the said lessor, or lessors '-hatl been quietly and peaceably possessed of the lands or teneroenis,.so demanded lo bedelivered up : that he or they demised the *sanie, under certain rents to the then tena-nt in po^sc^ion, or some person or persons under whom svch tenant claims, or came into posses*, sioti ; and that the teim. for which the sa-wie wa$ ,cljeniised, is/full^ ended ; then andinsucfo case f ;Jl shall and may belawful for tliesaid two justice /cs lo wliom complaint shall be made as aforesaid, ,-aiid ibcy .are hereby enjoined and required* lorlhwiln to -.issue their 'warran-U Directed to \hQ slieriff of the couuty^ thereby commandipg the to sheriff to summon twelve free holders /to appear i)c hd before before the said justices within four days pext th.iths bsffore sncti applicati^ i to th3 slid justices ; thsu 'and in evei-y such cise itshillan.l miy be-, lawful for the said t>v<) u.s-tica^, t-> in'i'C'j a. re^Ox"J of 'such fin ling by the ti thl sai-l'ju aice^aa 1 fra^^olJsrs ; artd tlia ;nd freeli iMsn shall a/>53>^ su^li da;n i;j-, C5, as they think, right? ajiin^t thd tciint, or other person in p^s-session, as atorcs'.iid. far the utt]\ist deteiitioa of the demised: premises* for whirh Gatnag.es, aad -rersonable costs v judgment ^b tenant shall be encored, by the s.-ii-I -juotices and shall lui Jingo v in the manner Jierein before enjoined and directed, XV* It shall and may be lawful for any person or persons, having any rent in arrear, or due upon lease for life, or liv/es, or for one or more years, or at will, ended or determined, to distrain for such .arreas after thedeterminalion of the said respective leases, in the same manner as they might have done, if such lease or leases had iioE been ended or determined: provided that such distress be made during the continuance of such lessor's title or interest* THE foregoing is hereby declared to be a law of the Territory ; to take effect on and from the first day of October, next ensuing: INTES~ TlMONf whereof, we Arthur St. Clair, John Cleves Symmes and George Turner, have caused the seal of the Territory to be thereunto affixed, and signed the same with our names. Aft. Sr. CLAIK, JOHN C. SYMMES; O. OF THE UNITED STATES 7 NOiiTH WEST OKTHt OHIO. 3 A LAW Limiting Imprisonment for debt, and subjecting certain debtors andrtclim|ucrrts to ser- vitucFe. Adopted ]ron* flie Pennsylvania n code, and pit b~ lished at Cincinnati, the ///- t tenth day August, one thou* AR. Sr. CLAJ*, sand, seven hundred and ninc jofl*c.SYMs .ty-fw; by Arthur St. Clair, ^ govcrnour, and john Cleves S) mines and (George Turner, judgc*\ in and over the said Territory.. jV^O'person slrallbe kept in prison, for debt or TmpHfonment fines, longer than the second day of the ses- Utn'aed 1 - unkfs s ^ ons next after his or her commitment ; unless lc c . the plain tiff shall make it appear, ihat the person imprisoned hath some estate that he will not dis- close.: then, and in every such case, the court shall examine all persons suspected to be privy to Concealment of 'the concealment of such estate ; and if no suffi- eftates, cient. estate be found, the debtor shall make sa- . t is faction; by personal and reasonable servitude, tndeof debtor* accor< ^i n & to the judgmentof the court where such to pay the ' action is tried (but only il the plaintiff require it) pot exceeding seven years-, where such debtor is unmarried, and under the age of forty years; unless it be the request of the debtor, who may be above that age : but if the debtor be manied, tinder wbat anc j UTlc ] er the ags of thirty six, the servitude shall be for five years, only ; and with which thi married man, upwards of thirty six shall be p T vileged, if it be his reo t uest. Should the plr titf refuse to accept such satisfaction? accor 221 to the judgment of the court, as aforesaid, ttiea the prisoner shall be dischaged, in open court f and the plain tiff be forever barred from any fur* ther or other action for the same debt. foregoing ishereby declared to'be a of the Territory ; to take immediate effect, and continue in force until and to the end of the next session of the governouj and judges, in their le- gisktive capacity : IN TkS riM-OJM whereof, We Arthur 6Y. Clair. John Cleves Symrnes and Georgs Turner, have caused the seal of the Ter- ritory to be thereunto affixed, and signed die same with our names. ^K ST, CLAIR, JOHN C. SYMMES, G~ TURNER. APPENDIX. F/IIDAT, Auguft 7, 1795. On Motion of Judge Tutner, RESOLVED, the minutes of the Legislature, together with tfce exhibited accounts of the Public Treafurers, may be published, from time to, time, by any Printer willing to print and pablifh the fame, for. bis own emolument^ but at bit- own private expenie. THURSDAY, Aaguft 13. RESOLVED, That public convenience requires, that the Govercoar fhould caafe Public Ferries to be ettabliflied. And whereas no la vvs concerning Ferries can be found for adoption, but foch as are of * local, not general nature t Ana it bfii-g effenlial that Ferries fhould immediately be eftablifbed thro aghout the Territory, and a. mode directed for fixing the rates of Ferriage. RESOLVED therefore, Thar the Gevernour be requefted to declare by proclaraa* tioo, or otherwife, from time to time, what Ferriet fhalL be ereded by whom to be kept, and where. RiibOLVEDalfo, That the federal i oart of Quarter SefGons be empower* ed, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to fix, from time to time, the rates ro be demanded atthe Ftr* ries now or herraifer to be eftablifhed in their refpeclivc coanties, having regard to the diftance which the Kerry- boats have to travel, and the danger or di&uihies iaci*. dent to the fame. TUESDAY, Aogufl 18* RESOLVED, That w'icre perfons fafficiently learned'in the law can be foonJ to fill the benches of the courts of Common Pleas, it wojjd be the fafer way to coainiifiion them during good be* baviour. RESOLVED, That con nilH 703 iflj-d by the Governour, and creating no cxrsis coaJicloa or lijiiutio.! as to the duration oft ffee office, are in lli* dature of a grin*/ and muft be taken iuoP. favourable for the grantor, RESOLVED therefore, That ail fucb cominifiijns may, by expreft revocation, be avoided or revoked, THURSDAY, Auguft 20. On Motion of the Covet nour. 'Whereas it hat'been' reprefented to the Legiflatnre, that from a change in she prrpuUcio'i of the county of it. Clair, the/diitri-.'l of Prairie da Hocher, \9 become incdn- and that the couits therein cannot be kept up. That the Govenmorcfray, if he-fliall find the cadf to be as has l?eu re^relcn-el didoU-e, by proclamation, fire faJd dtftricT: of Prairie du Rocher. and fupprefs the fevemi Courts directed to be held tliereiii and divide the i'aid dit- trict in* the mod convenient manner for the inhabitants : adding -one part to, and incorporating the fame with the of Kahokia, and the other part trith the dillrict of* Tn Page r66, in the foot of the Law, for the Speedy fignment o* I3cJwr,for u Sixth day of June,*' read, firfc day of TABLE of the LAWS, J. A LAW fubjecYmg ReaT Kftate to Execution far Debt, 2 allowing Domett ic Attatchments. 22 .3 __ regulating Domettic Attachments 55 4 __ lor the eaij and f'peedy recovery of fmall Debts. 30 5 concerning Defalcation. 39 6 for the trial and punifliment of Larceny under a collar and a half. 41 7 to prevent unneceflarj delays in trial, atttr jffuc jointd 4$ 8 edabli/hing Courts of Ju3icaturc 44 9 for the 'Limitation of nations. 5.4 IO for the relief ot perfons confclentioufly fcrupulous to teke an Oath in the common form. 57 IX <- for the recover) of fines and forfeitures ; and directing how the fame are to be 12 TegClating an^ afcertaiDii g the FeesoftKc i'ev^ral officers and perfous therein named. 6; 13 . for elta-blifliiag Orphan fc r<"ourt. 8t 14 for the ieuUmeut of inte(la.tes* t^latef. ye> 15 ^ to licenfe and regulate Taverns. ^6 j6 eUubldhing thq K6order"s o'ffices. 101 17 for raiting County Kales and LevieVt 10^ J8 for the (relief of the Poor. 127 19 concerning the Hrobale of Wills written or nuncupative. 148 20 regnlaiiiig linclofures. 1^3 21 as ^:o the order of paying debts of jperfons deceafed. 157 32 - concerning I'refpaffing Animals. 157 23 directing how hinfbaad and \\ife may convey their ^ftate8. 162 f 24 for the fpeedy alignment df Dower. 164 25 giving Remedies in quiry, in certain cafes r66 26 . againit forcible J.-ntry and Detainer 168 57 annulling the Diftinftion between 1'etic Irealbn and Murder. 174 38 oeclarin^ what Laws (hall be in force. 175 39 to prevent ircfpaflin^g, by tuning of Timber. 176 C 22; ] $0 AN ACT, repealing certtin Laws and As, and ' parts of Laws and Acts, j^g 31 A LAW refperting Divorce, ,g 2 32 for the p-ai thion of Lano*. 185- 33 allowing Foreign Attachments, 197 34 concerning the Du-y and Power of Coroners. 200 gj -. for continuing ->uiis in the General and Circuit Courts. 20 j ^6 to fupprefs Gamfng. 206 ^ 7 as to proceedings in Ejeclment, Diftrefs for rent, and Tenants at will holding over. 209 38 : limiting imprifonraent for Debt, and fubjeft jg certain Debtors and Delinquents to ferviiude. 22O JO. 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