IN CONGRESS, .,*,5tote of^Xnuwo UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS - it. /^ -f THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE JOHN DIVINE JONES FUND SERIES OF HISTORIES AND MEMOIRS III Edition of Two Hundred Copies OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY PRESIDENT JOHN ABEEL WEEKES FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT WALTER LISPENARD SUYDAM THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT GERARD BEEKMAN FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY JAMES BENEDICT RECORDING SECRETARY FANCHER NICOLL TREASURER FREDERIC DELANO WEEKES LIBRARIAN ROBERT HENDRE KELBY COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS GERARD BEEKMAN R. HORACE GALLATIN ROBERT H. KELBY ORDERLY BOOK OF THE THREE BATTALIONS OF LOYALISTS COMMANDED BY BRIGADIER - GENERAL OLIVER DE LANCEY 1776-1778 TO WHICH IS APPENDED A LIST OF NEW YORK LOYALISTS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK DURING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION COMPILED BY WILLIAM KELBY NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1917 THE JOHN DIVINE JONES FUND THE John Divine Jones Fund Series " has been so named by The New York Historical Society in honor of their enlightened and generous fellow-member, the late John Divine Jones, whose great interest in the history of his native State has led him to endow the Society with a fund of six thousand dollars for publish ing works of an historical nature which may not fall within the scope of its ordinary " Publication Fund." The object of the Series is fully set forth in the Plan and Declaration of Trust on which the Society formally accepted the gift of the Fund for its establishment. It is to print, publish, and sell, under the direction of the Publication Committee of the Society: First, Such manuscript historical and biographical writings, memoirs, documents and records, private or public, official or not official, ecclesiastical or secular, civil or military, which shall relate to, or illustrate, the history of New York as a Colony or a State, or the his tory of any of the Dutch, English, or French colonies in America, and which shall have been written prior to the year 1800. Second^ Such historical works or documents relating to the history of New York, or that of the United States, or of either of them, which shall treat of, or relate to, events of persons, which shall have happened, or who shall have died, at least fifty years prior to the publication of the same. Third, That the cost of the volumes be paid out of the Fund; the volumes so printed to be sold under the Vlii THE JOHN DIVINE JONES FUND direction of the Publication Committee; and when the proceeds have been received, the same to be employed in the printing of other volumes, which in their turn are to be sold, and thus permanently to continue the issue of the Series. Fourth, That under no circumstances shall any new volume or volumes be put to press until the proceeds of the sales of the preceding volume or volumes shall be in the possession of the Society, to an amount which shall in the judgment of the Executive Committee be equal to the cost of producing such new volume or volumes. PUBLICATIONS OF THE JOHN DIVINE JONES FUND SERIES OF HISTORIES AND MEMOIRS I. History of New York During the Revolutionary War. By Thomas Jones. Edited by Edward F. De Lancey. With Notes, Contemporary Documents, Maps, and Portraits. 8vo. Two Volumes. New York, 1879. Price, $15.00. II. The Journal of a Voyage from Charlestown, S.C., to London, Undertaken during the American Revolution. By a Daughter of an Eminent American Loyalist (Louisa Susannah Wells). 8vo, pp. 132. Portrait and Facsimile page. New York, 1906. Price $2.00. III. Orderly Book, 1776-1778, of the Three Battalions of Loyalists Commanded by Brigadier General Oliver De Lancey. List of New York City Loyalists, 1775-1783, by William Kelby. New York, 1917. Price $2.50. PREFACE THIS volume, the third of the series of the publi cations of "The John Divine Jones Fund," contains an Orderly Book, 1776-1778, relating to the Battalions of Loyalists or Provincial Troops, raised for the defence of Long Island, and commanded by Briga dier General Oliver De Lancey, and mentions several regiments of the British Army and other provincial troops. Upon the submission of Long Island to the British in 1776, Sir William Howe, Commander in Chief of the British Forces made the following appointments which were announced at Headquarters, New York Island, September 29, 1776, viz.: Oliver De Lancey, Esq., Brigadier General and Colonel of the 1st Battalion; John Harris Cruger, Esq., Lieut. Colonel; Captain Joseph Greene, late of the 4 3i> 32, 33 INNIS, ALEXANDER, appointed Inspec tor General of Provincial Troops, 5 Innis, Col., mentioned, 34 Innis, Col. Alexander, 107 Inspector-General, to review 1st Bat talion, 3-4; Alexander Innis ap pointed, of Provincial troops, 5; re turns twice each month to, 5; re turn of size of men to be made for the, 6; to receive orders preventing the recruiting of negroes, 6; a re turn of recruiting officers and men to be sent to, 6; return of recruits to be regularly transmitted to the, 7; officers on duty in town to call upon the, to receive orders, 7; to countersign discharges, 9; moved from Duke street to Broadway, 10; a return of officers recommended for commissions to be made to the, 14; a return of arms, etc., kettles and, canteens, to be made to the, 15; return of prisoners with the rebels, etc., to be made to the, 23, 45; to review troops at Hunting- ton, 30; return of the camp equip age to be made to, 79 142 INDEX JAMAICA, L. I., troops at, very com fortably quartered, 34, 35, men tioned, 37, 80 Jericho, L. L, mentioned, 73 Jewell, Sergt. John, 107 Jews' Burying Ground, N. Y. City, mentioned, 70, 81 Joel, Lieut, of the Queens Rangers, tried by a court martial, 85 Jones, Dering, 108 Jones, Mr., house of, mentioned, 78 Jones, Gen. [Valentine], orders that none discharge their pieces in or near the camp, 20; to command troops on New York Island, etc., 65, 66, 69; mentioned 67, 74 Julian, Lieut. Richard, 105 KEMBLE, MR., 106 Kemble, Stephen, Deputy Adjutant General, 76, 80, 8 1, 82 Kerr, Ensign, in quarrels with Ensign Old, 58 Kerr, Capt. [George], ist Battalion, mentioned, 35, 43, 62, 100 Kettles, mentioned, 12, 15 Kings Brewery, N. Y. City, spruce beer to be issued at the, 38 Kingsbridge, N. Y., troops to march to, 15; camp at, mentioned, 18, 29; headquarters at, mentioned, 20, 26; horses to be inspected at, 69; men tioned, 30, 65, 69 Knapsacks, mentioned, 102 Knight, Capt. Henry, 106 Knight, Mr., 106 LAWRENCE, ENSIGN JOHN, mentioned, 15 Leeche, Ensign, court-martialed and cashiered, 34 Leggett, Mrs. Catherine, victim of robbery, 66, 67 Leggett, John, victim of robbery, 66, 67 Lent, Jacob, victim of robbery, 66, 67 Lescomb, Nehemiah, death of, 86, 93 Lloyds Neck, L. L, mentioned, 72, 78; detachment of ist Battalion to march to, 87 Locke, Lieut. Robert, 108 London, Eng., a mail to be made up for, 51 Long Island, foraging party to the East end of, mentioned, 13, 14; places on, for flags of truce to be received to be appointed, 30; Gen. Jones in command of troops on, 65 Long Island, camp at, 88, 90; head quarters, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, no, in Lucas, Mr., 105 Ludlow, Gabriel, appointed Colonel of the 3d Battalion, 17 Luttrell, Ensign William H., 108 MCARTHUR, MAJOR, presides at a court martial, 60 McCarter, Sergt. Allen, tried by a court martial, 52 McDonald, Lieut. Alexander, of the Kings Orange Rangers, tried by a court martial, 36, 37, 53, 54, 60; mentioned, 105 McDonald, Duncan, 105 McDowell, Alexander, death of, 52 McGowns, redoubts of, mentioned, 78, 87 McGowan's Pass, mentioned, 93, 95 McLean, Ensign Hector, 105 McLortel, Major Evan, 107 McNeal, Hector, tried by a court martial, 65 McNeil, (Mr.) Surgeon's Mate, 108 McPherson, Lieut., mentioned, 99, 100, 102 McPherson, Major [Duncan], pre sides at a court martial, 49 McQuarrie, Donald, 105 McSwain, Angus, tried by a court martial, 66 Mail, to be forwarded to London, 51 Martin, Lt. Col., presides at a court martial, 57 Martin, Major, presides at a court martial, 51 Mathews, David, mayor of New York, 69 INDEX Maxwell, Capt. [Hamilton], to sit at a court martial, 38 Menzies, A., appointed Major of the 3d Battalion, 17; mentioned, 90 100, III Mercer, Capt. [Abraham], orders of, to be obeyed, 34 Merrill, John, tried by a court martial, 49,58 Mitzner, Cornet, 108 Moffitt, Lieut., mentioned, 70 Moore, Capt., paymaster, 6 Moore, Robert, tried by a court mar tial, 61 Morrel, John, tried by a court mar tial, 49, 58 Morris, Col., mentioned, 55 Morris House, headquarters, 29, 32, 33 Morrisania, N. Y., troops to land at, 15, 16, 17; mentioned, 30 Mostyn, Ensign Samuel, 109 Munchausen, Capt., 107 Murray, Lieut. Col., 107 NAPIER, SIR JAMES, Superintendent of all hospitals, 108 Navy, soldiers transferred to the, 10, 12 Negroes, admitted to the corps, to be discharged, 6 New Jersey, expedition in, mentioned, 33 Newtown, L. I., mentioned, 15, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 86 New York City, mentioned, 5, 6, 30, 34, 55; an improper place for re cruiting, 6 New York City Headquarters, men tioned, 15, 19, 20, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89. 93, 95, 96, 101, 1 10, in; a court martial to sit in the City Hall at, 38; fort at, mentioned, 84 Nicholas, John, tried by a court mar tial, 59 Norman, Charles, 108 North River, expedition against the forts on the, mentioned, 33, 34, 56 OCHELTREE, Mr., mentioned, 41; Dep uty Commissary of Forage at Flushing, 64 Officers, a return ordered of those recommended for commissions, 14; regulation of rank between regular and provincial troops, 18; to be allowed additional forage money, 54, 55 Old, Ensign [Nicholas E. ], tried by a court martial, 58 Oyster Bay, L. L, mentioned, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21; return of provisions at, ordered, 21; a guard of the ist Battalion to be left at, to protect the provision store, 22 PAROLES: Saltsburgh, 76; Halifax, 77; Waldkirk, 77; Oxford, 78; Ham burg, 81; Chatham, 82; Rumney, 98; Francford, 99; Guilford, 100; Osnabrug, 100; Woolwich, 101; Eberberg, 102; Antwerp, 103; Ross, 103; Helberstad, 109; Had- ley, 109; Mittau, 109; Dublin, no; Hertzberg, in; Monmouth, in Pascall, Ensign, 106 Paterson, James, Adjt. Gen., orders detachment to cover foraging party, 13; orders strict obedience to all regulations, 15; orders movements of provincial troops, 15, 16 Patterson, Deputy Commissary to furnish sick with fresh provisions, 4; to acquaint the Commissary General with the quantity of pro visions in the magazine, 17 Patterson, Mr., mentioned, 41 Paulus Hook, N. J., mentioned, 30, 51, 65, 74, 75 Philadelphia, Pa., baggage to be sent to, 46, 49; ship of war to sail for, 76; mentioned, 51, 55, 84; head quarters at, mentioned, 55, 64, 102 144 INDEX 104; sick and wounded from, to land as soon as convenient, 101 Philips, Capt. [Nathaniel], appointed Secretary to General Jones, 69; mail for Philadelphia to be sent to, 76 Pickets, to visit the Advance guard and sentinals three times in the night, 17 Platt, ZefF, robbed while a prisoner, 42 Police, Superintendent General of, 69 Pratt, William, tried by a court mar tial, 57 Prescott, Col. Richard, 108 Prescott, Maj. Gen. Richard, to serve under Gen. Vaughan, 76 Prisoners, taken into custody for breach of parole, 16; to be kept in the room with the men of the guard, 17; strict care and attention to be paid to, 42; taken in irons in a waggon, 93 Provincial corps, in an engagement on Staten Island, 30 Provincial Troops, regulation of rank between the regular and, 18 Provisions, return of, by the Deputy Commissary to be made, 12, 17; commissary to make a return of, 21 QUARTERMASTER, to collect three pence for each coat and trousers delivered, 8; to receive the cloth ing, arms, etc., of the men trans ferred to sea service, and make a re turn of the same, 10; a return of camp kettles to be made to the, 19; to find quarters for the tailors of the Battalion, 40; to attend at parade and find farmers who have hay to dispose of, 45; complained against for not delivering provisions, 48; to deliver the regimental clothing, 63 Queens Street, N. Y. City, mentioned, RANK, regulation of, between regular and provincal troops, 18 Rappalie, Abraham, mentioned, 42 Rawdon, Capt. Lord, 106, 107 Raymond, Capt., to command the foraging party to the east end of Long Island, 14; charged with dis obeying an order, 54; mentioned, 62,63 Raymond [Jacob]], Capt. ist Bat talion, mentioned, 35, 81, 99, 101, 109; presides at a court martial, 100 Razors, mentioned, 8 Recruiting, of negroes censured, 6; New York an improper place for, 6; no one to recruit without a war rant, 9 Recruits, not to be inveigled to serve in any particular corps, 7; must be fit for immediate service, 7; re turn of, to be sent to Inspector General, 7; not to mount guard or put in roster until properly trained, 41 Redoubt, inhabitants to assist in building No. 5 mentioned, 66, 67 No. 7 mentioned, 66 Redoubt, Reservoir, N. Y. City, men tioned, 82 Regiments mentioned: British: 4th Foot, 106 7th Foot, 106, 107, 108 loth Foot, 106 i6th Dragoons, 108 1 6th Foot, 13 1 7th Light Dragoons, 38, 69, 107, 108 2Oth Foot, 105 2 ist Foot, 109 26th Foot, 38 3 ist Foot, 85 35th Foot, 38, 59, 68, 70, 98, 101, 106, 107 37th Foot, 106, 107 38th Foot, 38, 57, 68, 69, 75, 82, 101 40th Foot, 13, 105 43rd Foot, 106 44th Foot, 105 45th Foot, 38, 68, 101, 105 INDEX 46th Foot, 85 49th Foot, 106, 108, 109 52d Foot, in an engagement on Staten Island, 29, 30, men tioned, 38, 58, 68, 70, 76, 77, 101, 104, 106 55th Foot, 105, 107 57th Foot, 38, 68, 81, 101 63d Foot, 106, 107 7ist Foot, 38, 49, 68, 72, 73, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 87, 93, 94, 95, 101 Invalid's Corps, to take charge of baggage at New York, 20 Royal Artillery, 37, 38, 55, 59, 72, 75 107 Royal Highland Emigrants, 52, 64, 105 Hessian: Anspach, to land at Hallet's Cove, 101 Kohlers, 38 Losberg, 107 Mirback, 78, 81 Prince Charles, 38, 95, 107 Prince Hereditary, 38, 81 Stein, 38, 8 1, 95 Trumbach, 38, 81, 95 Waldeck, 38, in an engagement on Staten Island, 29, 30 Wissenbach, 38, 78 Provincials: Emmericks Chasseurs, 52, 69 Fannings Corp, 59 Kings American, 65, 66, 80 ordered to Newtown, 78; to Flushing, 82; to Hallet's Cove, 87; mentioned, 90, 91, 98, 100, 101, 103, 109, no Kings Orange Rangers, 36, 53, 60, 70 Loyal American, 38, 58 New Jersey Volunteers, 49, 60, 61; 2d Battalion to embark for Philadelphia, 55 New York Volunteers, 51, 57, 68 Prince of Wales American Vol unteers, 15, 34, 64; four com panies to embark at Flushing for Morrisania, 15 Queens American Rangers, 20, 85, 106, 107 Roman Catholic Volunteers, 107 Royal Fencible, 59 Skinners, 68 South Carolina Royalists, 107 Volunteers of Ireland, 107 Reservoir redoubt, N. Y. City, men tioned, 82 Rhode Island, Gen Robertson to com- mand troops at, 65; mentioned, 69 Riverton, Ensign, 106 Rivington, Mr., mentioned, 57 Robbery, committed against a pris oner, 42; mentioned, 57, 59, 66, 74, 86, in Roberson, Lieut. Col. James, 107 Roberts, Sergt. Robert, 107 Robertson, Maj. Gen. Qames], to command troops at Rhode Island, 6S Robinson, Col., mentioned, 79 Rochester, Sergt., deserted, 43 Rogers, William, tried by a court martial 61 Rooney, Lieut., mentioned, 99, 100, 101, 102 Roorback, Capt. [Barnet], men tioned, 62, 63 Roorback, Capt. [Barnet], ist Battal ion, mentioned, 35, 8 1 Ross, Lieut., 108 Rum, not to be sold to the soldiers, 8, 23; for the sick, 25 Rum puntions, mentioned, in Russell, Joseph, victim of a robbery, 59 Ryers, Michael, victim of robbery, 66, 67 SASHES, officers on duty to wear, 25 Saunderson, Ensign Alexander, 106 Scott, George, 108 Seamen, not allowed to serve in pro vincial corps, 50; reward offered for apprehension of, who deserted, 103 Seatalket, L. I., return of provisions at, ordered, 21; defence of the re doubt at, 29 146 INDEX Seaton, Christopher, 105 Servants, to attend the Field Exer cises, 12; no front rank man to act as, 65 Shannon, Michael, tried by a court martial, 52 Shelly, Capt., to act as major of Brigade, 81 Sheriff, Lieut. Col. [William], Dep. Quartermaster-General, 38, 46, 49, to pay additional forage money, 54 Shoe brushes, mentioned, 8 Short, William, of the King's American Regiment, tried by a court martial, 37 Simcoe, Major, 106 Skinner, Brig. Gen. [Cortland], 49, 75, 84 Small, Capt. John, 109 Smith, Capt., mentioned, 13, charged with disobeying an order, 54 Smith, Capt. ist Battalion, mentioned, 35,81, no Smith, Christopher, tried by a court martial, 52 Smith, Capt. [Jacob], mentioned, 62, 63 Smith, Capt. John, 109 Smith, Peter, tried by a court martial, 61 Snow, Capt., 105 Sodden, Ambrose, 106 Spruce beer, to be issued at the King's Brewery, 38, mentioned, in Stanley, Thomas, tried by a court martial, 52 Stack, Major, his corp to march to Kings Bridge, 15 Staten Island, an engagement on, 29; mentioned, 30, 49, 55, 58, 65, 74, 84 Steward, Sergt. John, 107 Stewart, Sergt., mentioned, 70 Stopford, Maj. Joseph, 108 Supple, Ensign, mentioned, 99, 100, 103 Surgeons, to make reports of the sick and medicines, 12, 25; to approve of the sick who leave the hospital, 68,69 Sutherland, Capt. William, 107 Swan, ship, mentioned, 103 TAILORS, mentioned, 8, 40, 47, 74, 109 Talbot, Lieut., 108 Talbot, Lieut., William H., 108 Taylor, Peter A., Capt. Joel Wil liams acquitted of the murder of, 20 Tea Water Pump, N. Y. City, men tioned, 32 Tents, to be repaired, 63 one to each five men, 80 to be lettered and numbered, 90 Thomas, Ensign, 106 Thomas, William, tried by a court martial, 57 Thompson, Lieut., appointed Asst. Quartermaster-General, 76 Townsend, Rev. Mr., appointed Chap lain to King's Orange Rangers, 71 Tryon, Gov. William, appointed Ma jor General of Provincial forces, 12, 13; mentioned, 25, 29, 36, 74, 78, 89, 90, 97; Orders of, 80, 82, 83, 101; praised by Gen. Clinton, 33; to command troops on Long Island, 75 Turnbull, Lieut., Col. [George], men tioned, 71, 75 UNDERWOOD, ENSIGN CALEB, 106 Uniforms, see Clothing VALENTINES HILL, N. Y. City, part of the picket at, carried off, 29 Vaughan, Maj. Gen. [John], praised by Gen. Clinton, 33; his expedition up the North River approved by His Majesty, 56; to command troops at Kingsbridge, 66; men tioned, 71, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 94, 95, 96 WADMAN, CAPT. [ARTHUR], to sit at a court martial, 38 Waggons, to be marked with No. and name of regiment, 93 Wall Street, N. Y. City, mentioned, 77 Waller, Lt. John, appointed Brigade Major of provincial forces, 19, 20 INDEX Waller, John, Brigade Major, to serve under Gen. Tryon, 82; to join Brigade at Flushing Bay, 82; or ders of, 91, 98 Wallington, John, Aid de Camp to Maj. Gen Tryon, 80 Webb, Samuel, tried by a court mar tial, 59 Wemys, Capt. [James^]* appointed Aid de Camp to Gen. Tryon, 13 West Farms, N. Y. City, mentioned, 66 Wilkins, Mr., smoke house of, robbed, 75 Willard, Col., mentioned, 32 Willet, John, victim of assault, 95 Williams, Capt. Joel, acquitted of the murder of Peter Augustus Taylor, 20 Williams, Mr., mentioned, 58 Willington, James, Aid de Camp, 82, 83 Willmouskey, Capt. William, 107 Wilson, Mr., to act as an Asst. Engi neer, 79 Wood cutters, equipment of, 72; pro tection of, 73 Wormeley, John appointed Ensign in the Colonel's Company, 46 Wormley, Ensign John, mentioned 100, 103, 109 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 3 1994 OCT 031995 20,000 (4/94) I 20,000 N9 708824 E277.6 De Lancey's brigade D3 (loyalist) 1776-1778. D3 Orderly book of the three battalions of loyalists. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS