University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Berlreley, California STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TIE ANNUAL AVERAGE F.O.B. PRICES OF CANNED ASPARaGUS, 1925-26 TO 1940-41 by G. M. Kuznets and 11, R* Wellnan April, 1942 Contribution frori the annini Foundation of agricultural Economics Llimoographed Report No. 80 UN|VBf»»tTY OF CALIFORNIA J.IBRARY OOL.LF.GS OF q mewl tm&imteesmmn *ir 1 :' :' . - ! . • -." : • - ■ : - ' • ■ ~J i rjj ... . ., .., ^ , . i »,j >ljy : ■•■ ( .\. . ; - ; 3. TABLE 1 Annual Average F.o.b. Prices of California Canned Asparagus and Important Factors Affecting Them, 1925-26 to 1940-41 Domestic r • U • u « pi J. ot? c Vi t ran o n "f- c? Ilarch of California of California Index of asparagus through canned canned nonagricul- pack of February asparagus asparagus tural income other state JS 1 2 3 4 dollars 10,000 per cent 1,000 pel LdSU /•% f*> ri s*\ CciSCS cases 1925-26 6.01 134 97 48 1926-27 5.69 171 101 37* 1927-28 5.44 172 102 26 1928-29 5.63 193 105 40* X J C-i Zl — xj \J o .oy xyo -LU / Do 1930-31 5.64 159 97 100* 1931-32 5.54 130 82 142 1932-33 4.10 159 65 20 1933-34 3.49 183 64 184 1934-35 4.30 145 72 235 1935-36 4.55 158 78 281 1936-37 4.75 160 89 438 1937-38 5.22 159 93 631 1938-39 4.48 158 88 607 1939-40 4.44 179 95 671 1940-41 4.68 184 102 927 1941-42 5.52 161 1 120i~ 1,449 * Estimated. ■f Preliminary, subject to revision. Sources of data: Col. 1: Years 1925-26 to 1935-36 compiled from records of canners. Years 1936-37 to 1941-42 compiled from reports of asparagus Advisory Board. Col. 2: From table 4, col. 6. Col. 3: Simple average of monthly indexes of national income, excluding agricultural income, average 1924-1929 equals 100, compiled from the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics, The Agricultural Situation, current issues. Col. 4: Years 1925-26 to 1932-33 from United States Department of Commerce, Biennial Census of lianufactures; years 1933-34 to 1941-42 compiled from Canned Food Pack Statistics, national Canners Association. / ' . " .h < ,! ■^gr US*** i 1 «$* ' : . .'.'*»■- ' •■ . ■ ■ ! ! ; i3 Si! 'it so-:: TABLE 2 California Canned Asparagus: Regression Coefficients and Auxiliary Constants (Figures in parentheses are standard errors) Dependent Constant Net regression coefficients* Adjusted coefficient Period Equation variable term X l X 2 X 3 X 4 t t 2 of multiple correlation R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1925-26 to 1939-40 1 h 3.3404 -0.0169 (0.0024) 0.0517 (0.0045) -0.0479 (0.0109) -0.0094 (0.0031) 0.9776 2 h 180.5229 -48 ,9039 (7.0887) 2.6661 (0.3456) -2.1924 (0.7235) -0.5207 (0.1621) 0.8968 1925-26 to 1940-41 3 h 3.4561 -0.0167 (0.0027) 0.0507 (0.0037) -0,0010 (0.0002) 0.9680 4 x g : 186,0118 -45.8683 (7.3448) 2.4452 (0.3560) -0.0445 (0.0117) 0.8668 * X^ = Annual average f.o.b. price of California canned asparagus in dollars per case. Xg = Domestic shipments of California canned asparagus in units of 10,000 cases. X 3 = Index of nonagricultural income payments, 1924-1929 = 100. X 4 = Canned asparagus pack of states other than California in units of 1,000 cases, t = Time in years, origin at 1932-33. T" : . ... ! \ \ : ' I I 1 ! - - * ,-Jr ! 1 smm j 1 jf~ ""^^^^^^S^S&tfiv — i "~ ~ — "4 . ...r^;™..:r^.~;-^.:.„r. i Fig. 1.— Net Regression of F.o.b. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 to 1940-41, on: A, Domestic Shipments of California Canned Asparagus; B, Index of Nonagricul tural Income Payments; C, Pack of Asparagus Canned! Outside of California. 5. 5.90 5.50 CD CO (d o k 0) D. CO 3 5.00 CD O Q 4.50 13 6.00 - 5.50 5.00 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 California domestic shipments - 100,000 cases 5.50,- 5.00 - 4.50 4.20 70 80 90 100 110 Nonagricul tural income index 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pack of other states - 100,000 cases 15 — 6 • 3 3S> Go.O- 8S 03 y j OS. I / #0 ■ / 02. £ 8| 000,001 01 J KU3LE 3 Actual and Estimated F.o.b. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 through 1940-41 Year Residuals COX . X "fell TTinrh K/i-Ll I J Lit—XL ijs ujuccwsu price minus COX. C " "1 ' ■ JL 0 dollars per dollars per dollars case case per case 1925-26 U • UX —u.uo 1926-27 ^ RQ O • OJ o »oo u.ux 1927-28 □ . f o — u.iiy 1928-29 5.63 5.52 0.11 1929-30 5.69 5.57 0.12 1930-31 5.64 5.62 0.02 1931-32 5.54 5.30 0.24 1932-33 4.10 4.08 0.02 1933-34 3.49 3.46 0.03 1934-35 4.30 4.45 -0.15 1935-36 4.55 4.49 0.06 1936-37 4.75 4.86 -0.11 1937-38 5.22 4.89 0.33 1938-39 4.48 4.67 -0.19 1939-40 4.44 4.61 -0.17 1940-41 4.68 4.63 0.05 1941-42 5.52 5.40 0.12 Sources of data: Col. 1: From table 1, col. 1. Col* 2: Based on equation 3, table 2. c. T 550.' BfetfF v : • I:...:- JOB 7. IA.BLE 4 Pack, Carryover, Shipments, and Domestic Movement of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 to 1941-42 California Year Carryover March X I Vlil A TTQ "1 1 O V» I /—> ji Vui ± tx 0 — e i o tax United Calij ?ornia through Pack preceding for shipments dom< jstic February year shipment exports shipments 1 2 3 4 5 ( 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 cases cases cases cases cases cases 1925-26 1,745 170 1,915 1,664 325 1,339 1926-27 2,236 251 2 487 (J , uou 367 1,713 1927-28 2,190 407 2 .^97 474 1,721 1928-29 2,338 402 2 .740 ? 471 540 1,931 1929-50 2,673 269 c , OX 671 i#J 348 1930-31 2,663 323 2,986 2,028 435 Id 593 1951-32 1,747 958 2 .70^ x , o*±o 350 1,296 1932-33 1,313 1,059 2,372 1,918 326 1,592 1933-34 2,135 454 2,589 2,313 485 1,828 1934-35 1,914 276 2,190 1,980 533 1,447 1935-36 2,238 210 2,448 2,143 568 M 575 1936-37 2,350 305 2,655 2,133 530 M .03 1937-38 2,072 522 2,594 2,018 431 87 1938-39 1,796 576 2,372 1,922 340 .82 1939-40 1,849 450 2,299 2,126 338 M r 88 ; 1940-41 2,182 173 2,355 1,956 116 140 | 1941-42 1,578 399 1,977 1,670 57* 1,613 f * March through September, 1941* •f Preliminary, subject to revision. Sources of data: Cols. 1-4: Canners League of California and Asparagus Advisory Boards. The carryover figures are total stocks on hand sold and unsold. Col. 5: Compiled from reports of United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Pounds converted to cases on the basis of 34 pounds per case. Col. 6: Col. 4 minus col, 5,