.^-'^'x ■ ■ [• i ': , 3 7 %oi\mi^'^ i^^ ■< ^lOSMfl^^ ^OFCAIIFO% ^OF-CALIFOff^ ^ ■^AaaAiNd-iwv^ '^OAnvaan^' *^&Aavaaiii'^ AWEUNIVERJ/a. o ^^MEUNIVER% %13DNVS01^ ^lOSMElfj-^ > so "^/iaJAINfl 3l\V^ A^VOSANCElfj-;* o %a3AiNn3ttv^ ^tllBRARYO^ ^^11 ^OF-CALIFOff^ ^.^ ^>&Aavaaii-^v^ "^&Aavaan-5^ >&Aavaaiii^'^ <^i]30Nvso1>^ I ^lOSANC[lfj> '^/Ja3AIN(l-3l\V' ^t-UBRARY<7/^ ^t-llBRARYQ/-^ .^WEUNIVERJ/A ^2 ^lOSANCElfX;^ o " ^OJIIVJ-JO"^ ■, ^ jAcOFCALIFOftfc, M;OFCAIIFO% i i "^ .5yEUHIVERy/A ^ ^lOSANCElfjy. ^•OFCAIIFOP^ ^OfC aXACK CATALOGUE OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS INCLUDING BEETHOVEN, HAYDN, SCHUBERT, GOETHE, ROUSSEAU, SCHILLER A UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT OF FREDERIC THE GREAT. -oOo- ON SALE BY PAUL GOTTSCHALK BERLIN W. 64 UNTER DEN LINDEN 13. PAUL GOTTSCHALK BERLIN W. 64 UNTER DEN LINDEN 13. RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS AMERICANA FIRST EDITIONS AUTOGRAPHS FINE BINDINGS ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS BOOKS OF HOURS ON VELLUM EARLY PRINTED BOOKS WOODCUTS AND ENGRAVINGS. Plate I. ®®@@@OaiQ)@®Si@®®@®®®@®@@@99®®®S)®®SS!®3®S@®®®S>®®@®®®®® r ^-^. ./'■ C' /., .. , ■ M- ■V •< ./> • « » f ®^&© ^^^ b/^^^ft^^^^—-/^ caA^^^. ^£L, ^^^/^^ ^ No. 4. Philipp II. Part of page 2. v4 Plate III. I T No, 11. Beetlioven. Page 1. 1 ABT, FRANCIS, German composer. Manuscript A. S. (signed on the head). 4 pp. folio. M. 38. — The manuscript contains three songs: „Love's confession", ,, Forget-me-not" and ,,tlie Robin's song". Edward Oxenford a former owner of the manuscript added the engUsh translation. 2 ADELHEID, Queen of England, 1792 — 1849. A. P. i p. 8vo. obi. With seal." M. 2. — Addressed to Graf Beust. 3 ALFONSO II. OF ESTE, Duke of Ferrara, the famous protector of Tasso, Titian a. o. 1533 — 1597. L. S. Ferrara, June 29. 1581. i p. folio. With seal. M. 50.— Fine specimen of a very rare autograph. 4 AMERICA. PHILIPP II., King of Spain, 1556— 1598. A. L. (Madrid 1573.) 2 pp. foho. M. 300. — Very fine letter of unusually historical interest, extremely rare and valuable. It contains besides many notes referring to Spanish History a short passage on America, named India (Indios) — as always in this period. A d d e d A. D. S. o f P h i 1 i p p II. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE II. 5 AUGUSTA, German Empress, wife of William I. A. L. S. Berlin, April 13. 1867. 2V4 pp. 8vo. M. 45. — 6 BEETHOVEN-MANUSCRIPT. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, 1770— 1827. Gran Trio per Violino, Viola e Violoncello. Del Sigr. Luigi van Beethoven. Opera 4. Copy of the original manuscript with AN AR- RANGEMENT FOR PIANO AND VIOLONCELLO IN BEETHO- VEN'S AUTOGRAPH AND SOME CORRECTIONS. THIS ARRAN- GEMENT IS UNEDITED AND UNKNOWN. 62 pages oblong folio, 18 pages of which are covered by Beethoven's arrangement. (Part, i complete and the beginning of the second part.) Each page embraces 16 systems. Sewed. In very fine condition. Sold. In the seventh series of the complete edition of the works of Beethoven published by Breitkopf and Haertel is to be found as No. 1 a Trio for violins in E-flat major, which at first has been announced by Artaria & Co. in the ,, Wiener Zeitung" of 8th February 1797 as ,, Great Trio for Violin, Viola and Violoncello, opus 3. Like many others of Beethoven's earUest compositions also this Trio shows the influence of Mozart, which the wellknown Beethoven-biographer Notte- hohm says to have found at first about 1785. It is a Ught entertaining music in the best meaning and does not yet contain such boldnesses as for instance the third trio for piano. After ,,Wegeler's notes on Beethoven" (Pages 37 — 38 in Kalischer's reprint of the rare german edition) this trio has been caused by an attempt of Beethoven, to compose a quartetto for Count Appony, a mistake dis- prouved by Thayer in his fundamental Beethoven-biography through the following PAUL GOTTSCHALK, Berlin W. 64, Unter dei Linden 13. Beethoven — Berlioz. note: In December of 1792 Abb6 Dobbeler left Bonn for Hambourg and England. HE TOOK WITH HIM A WRITTEN COPY OF THIS TRIO, and yet in the summer of the following year 1793 the work has been played at Leicester in Eng- land. The trio has been composed only a short time before Dobbeler left Bonn, consequently Beethoven composed it in the last time he lived at Bonn, only a few weeks before he removed to Vienna, where he was under the influence of Haydn (November 1792). With the above mentioned copy our manuscript is identical. But the value of it is also a verygreat one, because afterwards Beethoven has formed a duo from this trio, entitled ,,A great sonata for piano and violoncello in E-flat major" annovmced by Artaria & Co. in the ,, Wiener Zeitung" of 27th of May 1807, being nothing else than an arrangement of this sanae trio. This sonata is not to be found amongst the cello-sonatas in the above mentioned complete edition of the works of Beethoven, but there have been published the single scores for the both instruments by Artaria & Co, a copy of which is owned for instance by the Royal Library of Berlin. THE FIRST TWO PARTS OF THIS MANUSCRIPT. THE „ALLBGRO CON BRIO" AND THE „A N D A N T E", CONTAIN EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS IN BEETHOVEN'S AUTOGRAPH, WHICH MAY BE CONSIDERED AS SKETCHES FOR THE MENTIONED GREAT SONATA COMPOSED ABOUT 15 YEARS LATER. These sketches are of course of the highest importance for the history of the musical development of Beethoven, being composed at an age of about 22 years, and the tact, that many passages have not been alterated in the great sonata, a work of such a later period, prouves that Beethoven himself seems to have been rather satis- fied of this composition of his first time. The arrangement in this manuscript shows the striving Genius, the sonata the reached perfection. Comparing the both arrangements we find very characteristic variations, a very interesting one for instance just at the beginning: „The violoncellist is requested to pause the first bar" {„Der Herr Violoncellist ist gebeten den ersten Tact zu pausieren") says a note of Beethoven in the manuscript, whilst in the sonata the cellist has to intonate together with the pianist. There are also many other instructions of Beethoven apparently later disapproved and not contained in the sonata, and of course there cannot be any doubt, that the sonata has to be considered as a more perfect production. BEETHOVEN-MANUSCRIPTS FROM THIS EAR- LIEST PERIOD RANGE AMONGST THE HIGHEST RA- RITIES AND MOST DESIRABLE VALUABLES. A SO EXTENSIVE AND EARLY BEETHOVEN-MANUSCRIPT HAS NOT BEEN OFFERED FOR SALE SINCE MANY YEARS. Description by Doctor James Simon. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE III. 7 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, A. L. S. (Vienna, July 3. 1811.) 4 pp. 8vo. M. 900. — Abeautiful specimen of a very extensive and in teresting Beethoven letter, addressed to Friedrich Treitschke. Regards the melodram ,,the ruins of Baby- lon"; Beethoven, wishing to use the same libretto for a great opera, he intended to compose, asked Treitschke, to write the text for ii. In this letter he explains his ideas to Treitschke. 8 BERLIOZ, HECTOR, famous French composer. A. P. S. March 6. 1843. i p. obi. 4to. M. 100. — Contains ,, Phrase de I'ouverture de Benvenuto Cellini", his most celebrated opera. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE IV. PAUL GOTTSCHALK, Berlin W. 64, Unter den Linden 13. //V^ 'ihff, I 1 Plate IV. \lH:. ^^^ ^g ^: I T , ^t!^^^^-fSt-p ik^^^-k^^^^ _\j± S:^ ^}2yii^^h^^ ^ tz ^^^^^^ rr^ ElliU fe 44:^S ?;4 ^^^ ^^^= Nn. IS. nerli.iz. Plate V. N". 3r)a. Elisabeth Chariot t.-. Pa^;.- 2. Brahms — Eleonore. g 9 BRAHMS, JOHANNES, the great German composer. A. L. S. (February, 1882.) 2iy4 PP- 8vo. M. 65. — 10 CANNING, GEORGE, Statesman, P. S. London, June 24. 1825. Passeport. M. i. — 11 CANOVA, ANTONIO, the Italian sculptor. A. L. S. Rome, Oct. 12. 1811. I p. 4to. M. 18.— A nice closely written letter with address. 12 CHARLES, v., German emperor. 1519 — 1556. D. S. Genova, Oct. 18. 1536. I p. Large obi. folio. M. 40. — Fine document written on vellum. 13 CAROLINE, Queen of Denmark. A. L. S. July 21. 1841. 2 pp. 8vo. ~ M. 10. — 14 CASANOVA, JEAN JACQUES DE SEINGALT, the f a m o u s a d - venturer and author. A. L. S. Dux, i p. 4to. M. 60. — Very rare. Nice letter written to a lady. „La nature m'a condamnd k une mort lente . . ." 15 CROKER, JOHN WILSON, Essayist and Politician, 1780 — 1857. A. L. S. London, August 31. 1849. i p. 8vo. M. 1.50 16 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. A. L. S. Cooperstown 1816. i p. 4to. M. 33.50 17 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE, Illustrations of Time. London. W. Kent & Co. S. D. Obi. folio. Illustrated original wrappers, half-cloth. M. 45. — PRESENTATION COPY with the following dedication in Cruikshank's autograph: „R ichard Frankum Esq. with the regards of Geo C r u i k s h a n k". 18 DAMER, ANNE SEYMOUR, Sculptress. 1779— 1828. A. L. S. Upper- Brook-Street, June 10. 1805. I p. 4to. M. 10. — Very rare; nice specimen. 19 DANNECKER, JOHANN HEINRICH, the celebrated Sculp- tor. A. P. S Stuttgart, August 3. 1820. 14 p. 4to. M. 12. — Rare. 20 DARWIN, CHARLES, Naturalist. A. P. S. March 2. 1875. i p. 8vo. M. 4.— 21 DUMAS, ALEXANDER, the famous Author. Original Manuscript of the wellknown novel: ,,La terreur prussienne a Francfort". about 250 pp. 4to. halfcalf. M. 150. — A very fine and desirable Dumas-Manuscript; a few interesting letters inserted. Very rare. 22 DURHENN (SIR PHILIPP). 2 A. L. S. to Admiral Wormeley. 2 pp. 8vo. M. 2. — 23 ELEONORE D'AUSTRIA. German Empress, wifeofLeo- p o 1 d I. A. L. S. Vienna, January 29. 1709. 414 PP- folio. With seal and address. M. 50. — A very fine and interesting letter addressed to Kardinal Grimani, the viceking of Napel, written in Italian. PAUL GOTTSCHALK, Berlin W. 04, Unter den Linden 13. 6 Elisabeth — Goethe. 24 ELISABETH CHARLOTTE, Duchess of Orleans, known as „Liselotte", „la Palatine". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. M. 200.— Extremely rare. A very fine letter addressed to the Pope. SEE REPBODUCTION PLATE V. 25 EUGEN, PRINCE OF SAVOY, the celebrated General. 1683 — 1736. L. S. Vienna, February 27. 1727. i p. Folio. With portrait. M. 12.— 26 FERDINAND III. German Emperor. Vienna, Nov. 14. 1651. 2 pp. foho. With seal and address. M. 7.50 27 FICHTE, JOHANN GOTTFRIED, German philosopher. A. L. S. Berlin, Nov. 19. 1803. 11/2 PP- 4to. M. 36.— 28 FRANCIS II., German Empei4br, 1792— 1806. A. L. S. Laxen- burg, August 2. 1806. 3!/^ pp. 4to. M. 100. — UNUSUALLY FINE AND LONG LETTER TO HIS BROTHER FER- DINAND OF WttRZBURG, MOSTLY ON NAPOLEON. 29 FREDERIC THE GREAT, King of Prussia. Autograph Manuscript signed on the head containing acon- certo for flute composed by the king himself. "Solo per il flauto" (B-dur). 4 pp. Great-Folio. M. 2000. — UNIQUE! NO OTHER ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF A COMPO- SITION OF FREDERIC THE GREAT IN PRIVATE POSSESSION IS KNOWN, ALL OTHER MANUSCRIPTS ARE OWNED BY THE GERMAN EMPEROR OB GERMAN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS. This ma n\i script contains the "C a n t a b i 1 e" "Allegro" and "Presto" of the concert, with many corrections. From the Aloys Fuchs- Collection, probably the finest collection of musical autographs ever brought together. AN UNUSUALLY FINE AND DESIRABLE AUTOGRAPH FOR EVERY COLLECTOR OF AUTOGRAPHS. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE VI. 30 GADE, NIELS W., Danish composer. A. L. S. Paris, January 30. 1862. 2 pp. 8vo. With address. M. 18. — 31 GLADSTONE, WILLIAM EDWART. A. P. S. January 1876. i p. 8vo. M. 10. — 32 GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG. A. P. S. 1/2 P- 8vo. M. 85.— The manuscript of the title of a book edited by Goethe. 33 A. P. S. (signed "G.") Jena, March 29. 1817. i p. M. 90. — UNPUBLISHED. Partly in German, partly in French. 34 A. L. S. (signed "G.") i page, small 8vo. M. 75. — UNPUBLISHED. A very nice specimen of a Goethe- autograph. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE I. 35 Autograph Manuscript, i p. 4to. (Nov. 7. 1825.) M. 700. — A VERY BEAUTIFUL AND MOST DESIRABLE GOETHE-AUTO- GRAPH, CONTAINING THE COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT OF A VERY CELE- PAUL GOTTSCHALK, BerUn W. 64, Unter den Linden 13. Goethe — Leoncavallo. Plate VI. Qa^^mUc- qJJ^ P^ U ^/^ ^•' O^jt/i^ ^ ir^ii^i-ii^i^ i'r^r'^ Ki;|M)//i y No. 42. Frieilrich der Grosso. Pail of page I. Goethe — Leoncavallo. 7 BBATED POEM OF GOETHE TO IVIARIANNE VON WIL LEMEB, . EXTRE-. Plate VII. J) 'j'l ''»- ^' ^ tr mm^g ^ ^^^' ^ :^^g^ ^ <> i - y U> rj ' "^r^ 5:^ ^^ >v: -^ T- t> Nu. 111. Joseph llaj'ihi. I'art uf |ingi' i;. Goethe — Leoncavallo. 7 BRATED POEM OF GOETHE TO MARIANNE VON WILLEMER. EXTRE- MELY RARE. 36 GOETHE JOHANN WOLFGANG. Charlotte Kestner, known as Charlotte of W e r t h e r, A. P. S. Hannover, January 13. 1823. 14 p. 4to. obi. " Sold. OP UTMOST RARITY. 37 — LEWES (G. H.) The Life and Works of Goethe, with Sketches of his age and contemporaries from published and unpublished sources, 2 vol. first edition, 2 portraits of Goethe, uncut. 1855. M. 100. — B. DOCKRAY'S COPY, the author of the Egeria Series, who, while perusing it from Dec. 5, 1857 to March 10, 1859, surrounded the text throughout with most valuable manuscript additions; having had the advantage of Goe- the's personal acquaintance and being on intimate terms with Carlyle, these notes would fill a volume, instructive and diverting alike to Goethe admirers. Thackeray's long and interesting letter to Lewes has also a few notes of an elucidating nature by Mr. Dockray. 38 HALEVY, JACQUES. French composer. A. L. S. Paris, August 22. 1836. I p. 8vo. M. 12. — Interesting letter written to Cherubini. 39 HAYDN, JOSEPH. AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT SIGNED. 2 pp. Folio, obi. cloth, nice gilt ornaments. Sold. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE AND PRECIOUS AUTOGRAPH, CON- TAINING AN UNPUBLISHED AND UNKNOWN COMPOSITION FOR THE CHIMING-CLOCK, FULL SIGNED. This valuable manuscript was given to Alfred von Frank by Hayd n's publisher Artaria as might be learned from a dedication written by Artaria. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE VII. 40 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, 2I/2 PP- Folio, obi. M. 700.— A most interesting specimen, containing partly unpublished sketches for his wellknown symphony D-major. From the collection of Julius Alsleben. 41 A. L. S. Estory (Esterhass). September 36. 1785. i p. 4to. With seal and address. M. 425. — 42 HENRY III., King of France, 1551 — 1589. Doc. s. o n v e 1 1 u m. 1584. I p. Folio, obi. M. 20. — 43 HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED, the German Poet. A. L. S. (Weimar, 25. 1800). i p. 4to. With seal and address. M. 28. — 44 ISRAELS, JOSEPH, the celebrated Dutch painter. A. L. S. The Hague, Nov. 6. 1880. 2 pp. 8vo. M. 10. — 45 LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM, the great Philosopher. A. L. S. Hannover, March 2. 1697. i p. 4to. With seal and address. M. 65. — Very rare. Interesting letter in Latin. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE VIII. 46 LEONCAVALLO, RUGGIERO, the famous Italian com- poser. A. L. S. Riccione, 3 pp. 8vo. Sold. A nice letter, regarding his opera "la B o h g m e". PAUL GOTTSCHALK, BerUn W. 64, Unter den Linden 13. 8 Leopold — Napier. 47 LEOPOLD, I., GermanEmperor, 1670 — 1705. L. S. Jena, March 31. 1672. I p. Folio. With seal. M. 6. — 48 LIND, JENNY, known as "the Swedish Nightingale" 1829 — 1887. A. L. S. 10 pp. 8vo. M. 45. — Unusually long and interesting letter in English, addressed to Fitzgerald (the translator of "Omar Kh a y y a m"). 49 LISZT, FRANZ, the famous composer, 1811 — 1886. A. L. S. Nov. 21. 1843. 2^li pp. 8vo. M. 18. — Nice letter in French. 50 LOEWE, CHARLES, German Composer, 1796 — 1869. A. M. S. I p. FoHo. obi. M. 75. — Nice specimen. The original manuscript of his song "Dream light" (T r a u m 1 i c h t). 51 MARIA THERESIA, Empress of Austria, 1717— 1780. L. S. June, 13. 1766. I p. 4to. M. 50. — Addressed to Graf Esterhazy with a note of about 6 long lines IN MAEIA THERESIA' S OWN HANDWRITING. 52 MAXIMILAIN II., German Emperor, 1527 — 1576. L. S. 214 PP- Folio. With address. M. 8.— 53 MAZARIN, GIULIO, the celebrated Cardinal and States- m a n, 1603 — 1661. A. L. S. Rome, August 26. 1633. i p. foHo. M 60. — Very rare. Holograph letter in Italian to Cardinal Antonio Santa Croce. 54 MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP, 1497— 1560. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. (Wittenberg, 1551.) i p. 4to. M. 275.— IN GERMAN ! WHILST LATIN LETTERS OF MELANCHTHON RATHER OFTEN OCCUR FOR SALE, GERMAN LETTERS ARE OF UTMOST RARITY. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE IX. 55 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, FELIX, Thegreatcom poser, 1809 — 1847. A. L. S. Berlin, August 24. 1835. i p. 8vo. M. 50. — 56 MEYERBEER, GIACOMO, the celebrated Composer, 1791 — 1864. A. L. S. Berlin, Nov. 16. 1841. i p. 4to. M. 12. — 57 A. P. S. Schwalbach, August 1858. i p. 8vo. obi. M. 20. — Nice specimen. Leaf ofanAlbum, containing a musi- cal score: "Prelude pour 1 ' o r g u e". 58 NAPIER, CHARLES JAMES, A d m i r a 1. 6 A. L. S. to Admiral Wor- meley. 1842 — 1851. 13 pp. 8vo. M. 12. — Private letters, but partly of political interest. 59 2 L. S. Beyrut, August 30. and 31. 1840. Her Majesty's ship Power- ful. 2 pp. Folio. M. 4. — Addressed to Captain Latimer, commanding the United States ship Cyane (on the blockade). PAUL GOTTSCHALK, Berlin W. 64, Unter den Linden 13. Plate VIII. /yyV^x^ r ■ l^Ju fJ^H ^'A^--^ ^^^ .t*^ ^ ^^^ 5v^^^ /^W.^ ^«/J^ fW Nil. "S. Leibniz, Nicolai — Schiller. L— Li'brv h-ri^J ''^ - ( ¥VA.' l^* It* \C *-# \,y,^H'h ^■' f^-P ']"•'; ^lli ^bcr^ Ou^ «^-S 1 1 t V ^ . 1 1 1 i/e»ci '^-vi^ro uCI/?«^^ No. Plate IX. No. 92. MeluDchthou. Niccdai — Schiller. 9 60 NICOLAI, OTTO, Composer, (The merry wives of Wind- so r a. o.) A. P. S. Vienna, June 19. 1841. i p. 8vo. obi. M. 28. — A m .s t c h a !■ rn i n g 1 e a f o f a n a 1 b n m , c o n t a i n i n K t h e b e - ginning part of an Italian aria. 61 PALMERSTON, HENRY JOHN TEMPLE, Statesman, 1784— 1865. A. L. S. May 14. 1839. 2 pp. 4to. M. 18.— Nice letter to the Baron de Bentinck in French. 62 PEEL, SIR ROBERT, Statesman, 1788— 1850. A. L. S. Whitehall, August I. 1833. y^ p. 8vo. M. 1.50 63 PELLICO, SILVIO, the great Italian Poet. A. P. S. Rom, February 5. 1846. i p. 8vo. M. 25. — Very nice autograph: "Soltanto alcuni uomini niandano gran luce di virtii ma tutti potrebbero mandarla." 64 PORTLAND, WILLIAM HENRY, Cavendish Bentinck, third duke of. Premier. A. L. S. Whitehall, January, 24. 1764. i p. 4to. M. 12. — Nice specimen. 65 RISTORI, ADELAIDE, The famous Actress, 1822— 1906. A. L. S. Casa, March, 29. 1896. 2 pp. 8vo. M. 7. — 66 ROUGET DE LTSLE, C.-J., Autor of the "Marseillaise", 1760— 1836. A. L. S. Choisy-le-Roi, July 18. 1832. 2 pp. 4to. With ad- dress. " M. 40.— VERY RARE. 67 ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. Holograph manuscript, his signature on the head: ,, Giuseppe Farsetti, Patricio Veneto, a Giov. Giacomo Rousseau, Citadino Ginevrino, Sermone." 3 pages. 4to. M. 200.^ AN UNUSUALLY FINE SPECIMEN OF AN ROUS- SEAU AUTOGRAPH, very clearly written, containing anitalian poem of fi5 lines byFarselti inRousseau's hand- writing and at the end a note to the printer in French. Farsetti, a Venetian patrician, was a poet and a collector of autographs; he wrote to the celebrities of his time asking for autographs. 68 RUSKIN, JOHN. A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. M. 48.— A very long and interesting letter to Dallas: "the real controversy is not so much between English and foreign glasspainting as between the thirteenth century and mo- dern Grermanisme " Refers to the Differences of English, French and German glass-painting, from the thirteenth century to the modern time. 69 RUBINSTEIN, ANTON, The great Russian composer, 1829— 1894. A. P. S. Hamburg, January 18. 1856. i p. 4to obi. Sold. Leaf of an album, containing the beginning of one of his most estimate songs, ,,0 wenn es doch immerso bliebe . . . ." 70 SCHILLER, FRIEDRICH VON, 1759— 1805. A. L. S. (signed "Ihr S.") Volkstadt, bey Rudolstadt, July 10. 1788. 3 full pp. 8vo. M. 750. — AN EXTREMELY FINE AND UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF SCHILLER TO HENRIETTE VON WOLZOGEN. PAUL GOTTSCHALK, Berlin W. 64, Unter den Linden 13. lO Schubert — York. 71 SCHUBERT, FRANZ, The great composer, 1797— 1828. ORI- GINAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED. March 1816. 2 full pp. Folio, cbl. M. 1250. — THIS SPLENDID iVIANUSCRIPT CONTAINS 2 SONGS BY SCHUBERT, ONE OP WHICH "HEEBSTNACHT" IS UNKNOWN AND UNPUBLISHED. ON THE HEAD OF EACH SCHUBERT HAS WRITTEN HIS SIGNATURE. MANUSCRIPTS BY SCHUBERT ARE EXCEEDINGLY RARE. SEE REPRODUCTION, PLATE X. 72 SCHUMANN, ROBERT, The celebrated composer, 1810— 1856. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED. April 28. 1838. 2 full pp. 4to. obi. ■ M. 600. — A MOST PRECIOUS AND RARE AUTOGRAPH, THE COMPLETE FIRST PART OF THE "KREISLERIANA", PERHAPS THE FINEST AND MOST ESTIjMATED COIMPOSITION OF SCHUMANN FOR THE PIANO. OF HIGHEST INTEREST ARE SOME VERY CHARAC- TERISTIC VARIATIONS FROM THE PRINTED EDI- TION, WHICH ARE ALL UNKNOWN AND UNPUBLISHED. 73 Three poems for a voice and piano, dedicated toMathilde Hartmann. Hannover, (1853). Folio, cloth. M. 70. — THIS IS THE PRESENTATION COPY OF SCHUMANN TO FRAU- LEIN HART]\LVNN WITH A VERY NICE INSCRIPTION OF THE COM- POSER, WITH HIS SIGNATURE. 74 — SCHUMANN, CLARA. A. L. S. June, 2. 1894. 2 pp. 8vo. With ad- dress. M. 3. — 75 — Album of the composer Julius Tausch, 1846 — 1852. 8vo. obi. Boards. M. 100. — Robert Schumann, Hauptmann, Wasielewski and other composers and musicians inscribed musical scores. 76 SEMBRICH, MARCELLA, the celebrated Singer. A. P. S. Francfort, February 25. 1887. i p. folio, obi. M. 36. — A charming autograph containing the beginning of an aria from „Lucia di Lammermoor" and of the cava tine from the „Barbiere di Sevill a". With a dedication to Goi- ter m a n n. 77 VERNON, Minister. L. S. Whitehall, January 13. 1701. i p. 4to. M. 2.— 78 YORK, FREDERIC AUGUSTUS, Duke of, Son of George III. L. S. Horseguards, March 5. 1812. 4to. M. 3. — PL ^<^=^u^vz::?^ 6^4"^^^^»^-^'^-«^ -,--'A.-Z» No. 123 ^^. ; * .) — 1^ ppi ^ R >^VJ=^"'^ ^ V v' i^' I .--' , '^ : ^^^ ^ f! 22: S 1 f 1 ^Si V- i ^-v A-^iy/ % >v '^ r- 4^ k:v ^^'/.^ / llklj^^' ^^ ' j^ ^^^^^^ ^^ f ^- L^ i ^///^^/. ^i -^ ^1 / TT ^ I ^ ?y^^ ^y, ^j-^j<^ . / V ^?^^ uitawv€if# igu^at^Lg-a— .ggygggi fj/-/y A^-*^^ /^ty^'e^^ l^t-^ ^l^^jry^'^^^t-iovA.^.^-*^ ^;p^-tl,^H.9^-iJ'^^^^/^ hul)ert. ) HBV sS ^aOJIlV3JO>' l-^l l^^l tv^y^i i^, "<(?130NVS01^ v/ia3AINIl-3Wi> ^- iinlversltv of Calitornia _, southern"»nalubrarvfac^^^^^^ from whtahUwasborrowed^ INfl-JViv ^5 =3 JO'? J. cr/«miaiii^^' .^\\EUNIVER% =3 _J/ > O .5MEUNIVER% ^ i a ■^/sajAl = .-< •