THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE British Compendium: Rudiments cf Honour: CONTAINING [The Origin of the S C O T Z. and Succeffion of their . I • ' for above 2000 Years: Alfo theTitles, Defcents, Marriages,Intermarriages, Iflue, Polls and Seats of all the : : ^ : :: 5: I-r^ ::'7^'', with their Robes and Arms, exadly Engrav'd on 80 Copper Plates : To which is added An Alphabetical LIST of Second Titles, or thofe given by Courtefy to Dukes, Marqueffes, and Earls eldell Sons : Alfo a Lift of the Peers Avho have been chofeii to fervc in the feveral Pai- liainents of Great Britain iince the Union : Together with A Lift of all the Baronets, an Account of the Knights of the Thiltle and Nova Scotia, the Regalia and Arms of Scotland, and the Riding of Parliaments. Corre,(fled and Eniarg'd to the Year 1741. *' Printed for C. HiTCH, at the Red-lion in Pater- voJier-Ro'Wf and H. LiNTOT. / Mfu c 1 'wn Woa-rh, a >X'eaknefs of Conceipt, or Li- vhcjice aJl their Titles are taken ; and they, with their Armr, are found at one View in tlie 'Index. To conclude, what was farther requiflte for accomplifliing this Work, be/ides Hiftoi-y and the pubiick Records, was perfoival Infor- mation, which I had from many of the nnble and worthy Fan^ilies treated of in thisEfliy, to whom, and othei's who have favour'd mc >vith their Afliltance, I take this Opportu- nity to return my Thanks ; and as I have not fl.itter'd, fo I hope I have not difoblig'd any j for I have induflriou/ly avoided Refle£^ions, and dare be anfwerable, that this Book is «iore ufeUii and Jefs erroneous than any Thing ef To the R E A D E R. vii of the like Kind eitaiit ; iio Paiiis or Expence being fpar'd which might conduce to make it correfl, as will plainly appear by com- paring this Edition ^vith the former ; there- fore I hope it ^viJl Hnd the more candid Con- Urudlioii from ihc iiigenious Paiifcis, Francis Nichols. J/M;y/fy Sc 3''m /Af^/\a/'df ^ ^ tWrr^//^f ^/\f/ ti\ f --a /[^^^/; ^y^ e ^//^A/i^/j ^* B i> 'J/l/f/c/' Sc. y ore/on 3)uko ^r (^07-cian . U^io^r UJu/zc . Or' «N^ a am/^l^l Q)uJuL M Afxjuic^ /fc7ia/t7Jif J^'iiAt ajr cJlifee//J'l'€n'7/. "^rt'Wm^^. JO i^c/ 2. J2 C2 yoAAij^c/i ^4Uyye^ ^ .^i/io^a/f .^ ^6" ♦ '///0^i/r//iA/j)f/k/y^^rm)'//?)(^(o/rrtj C:' Cunma/tam. C.7jrf ^f ^(^/cncair-n . ^^fVV o^^^ ^ ^.^^iy^n^. ^SO u/ui^^/ 6 a?r ^ yt ^^f/^€n)(//c . <=^ 'it'a/^^it- O^//^, ?/■ IiiA//v/t . y^j^. D % crm 6a?^i ^/^ fTtT/'/z/v^x /'30 C^orc/on Oar^ o/- -^^oy/i.^^^^ fy^(iimc Cf^^ri y^ t^y^ia^cA/niTTt^. ■7{o?^^ O^r^ ^ ^J^(o7?^cr7z . ( V/ //fh/iu cf C art ^ r/ ,' n i/n^fcrX L)am/j/-^/ C^i[;^::=ai/^^ 1 ^g^^^P fa WS^ ^^pTii ■■ILA; ^U^^^'^^W ^^ l^y ^^Cn ^w^ ^ 32rRjLE.JL0 {% P -jy-^ c^// cf- S/air.^ ■ OoiA/f/ CaA of ^in/aUr-^ ^oua/af'^ Car/ ^of- 1^(7/ 6/^/^/^ Gxri 2J '-^^^ --^5 ' iiucAc/iztt Cyn yf Cr07nar^^ V oinc/air o^rf jf C ai//znxj^T) Camca/^' yrrd QatAcar^./^ K2 Jinclair't. J^ncf (Jinc/atr^ .^ 0(j7?uri't/u J'op-rf So7?unu//c 4Lic/c//cin. ,^/'^7a A-Stundj- in Atr/Aif^ . B ui BtrrvicA.^ m B u^e ■ Broao. m J^roadaZ/'ift X in Cunnin^AamXi inDum/far/on £c/in . i/t Sc/mauran . ^/(aa. in CTCaaaiiiafon ^i:.'l5^ Rothfay, after his own Name ; and tlie Tranila- tion of thefe Scotchmen into thofe Ifles was i3;j Years after the Coronation of Brechus ^ but Rothfay had not been long there, before he heard of the Death cf his Father, and thereupon returned into Ireland, to fwcceed in his PlAce, Icavini; the Stot^hmen in the Of the Kingdom of Scotland, j the Ifle, to whom others went over in great Numbers; at laft divers Companies of them got over into th* main Land, which was call'd Albion, where they be- gan to fettle, naming Argathelia, (now the County of Argyle) after the Name oi their firft Caprain and Guide, Gaothelus. At their firft coming they divided themfelves into Tribes, every one of which had a fpecial Governor, under whom they continued many Years, withouc Trouble, of Wars, or Invafion ; and in that Time, a People of Germany, who were called Pids from the painting and colouring their Faces) came and fetrled in another Part of Albion, which is now call'd rha llle of Orkneys from whence, after fome Time, they ferry'd over into Caithnefs j where, afterwards in- creafing, they poflefs'd themfelves of Rofs, Murray, Merne "and Angus, as alfo Fife and Lothian, and drove from thence the Britons. Thefe Pids enter'd Scotland about the Year of the World's Creation 5^5?, and afterwardi wanting Wives to maintain their Stock and Projieny, they requii'd of the Scotchmen a Number of Women to marry wich^ that thereby a true Alliance might be had betwix& both Nations \ and that, if Need requir'd, they mighc the better defend them from their common Enemy, the Britons. This being granted, the Affin-ty betwixt the Scots and PiSs increafed, to the Wealth of both Nations, and great Love and Fviendlhip was maintain'd amont^ them \ but at length, the Bri'ons perceiving fome Grudge, rr Envy to be between them, they fent Em- balfadors to the Picts, declaiing, that it were more honourable for th-:m t,' ioin in League with the Bri- tons, than with the Scots j which the Pids at laft agreed to, and after fought daily how to quarrel with the Scots, making Proclamation, that w^ Scotchman (hould enter rheir Bor ers upon Pain of Death. The one Natioir feeking thus to be revenged of the ether, there iHii'd open War bevvixt them ; where- upon the Scotchmen fent an Embaflador to their Kinf- men in Ireh:id,. requefting their Alfiftance aguinft the Pids and Britons, who fought their utter Deftrudion, excep; fpeedy Kemsdy was tound. A 3 fer^uharda 6 Of the Kingdom of Scotland, Ferquhard, who was then King over the Scots in Ireland, receiv'd the Embaflage kindly, and having laifed a great Army, arpoiJ^ied his Son Fergus to be General, and fent with him the Marble Stone, that he might tne better hope to reign there. When Fergus came into Albion, they aflembled a Parliament in Argyle, where it was agreed, with the whole Confent otthe People, that he ftiould be King, and was accordingly crown'd upon his Marble Stone* being the firft of the Scottifh Nation that ever rul'a in Albion, as abfolute Governor. The Form of the Stone on which King Fergus was crown'd, (and on which, as ^tis faid, the Patriarch refted his Head in the Plain of Luz,a) is fomewhat triangular, the Colour bluifh, mix'd with red Spots, and being broken, refembles a Peble. This Scone beini; firft carry'd to Brigantia, and from thence through Ireland to Scotland, as before noted, it was there, "by King Kenneth, (in the Year of Chrift 850") inclofed in a Wooden Chair, and placed in the Abbey of Scone, where the ScottU"h Kings were gene- rally crown'd in thofe Days ; but in the Year 1297, when Edward I. of England had vanquifh'd ]ohn Baliol, King of Scotland, he cairy'd the Chair, with their Crown and Scepter, into England, where he ofF^r'd them to the Shrine of King Edward the Con- fcrtnr j and ever iince, the Chair has been ufed as the accuftomed Throne, on which the Kings of England are inaugurated. This antient Coronation-Chair, which is now plac'd in the Abbey of Weftminfter, is in Form very plain and low, the Back and Sides of folid hard Wood, and under the Sear, whicl\ is fupnorted by four Lions, lies the aforefaid Stone, on wnich was engraven this Infcription, Ni fallat fatum, Scoti, quicunque locatum Inveniunt Lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem. Oi- Fates deceiv'd, and Heaven decrees in vain ; Or where they find this Stone, th; Scotch Ihall reign. OF (7) O F T H E K I N G s of Scotland^ O R, North Britain. HIS Monarchy may juftly be reckon'd rhe oldeft in the known World j his pre- fer.: MA]ESTY being the Hundred and Fourteenth Sovereign , as will be {hewn by the following Catalogue. I. King Fergus began his Reign in the Year 350, before rhe" Incarnation of our Saviour, and bore for his armorial Enfign, Sol, a Lion rampant. Mars, which has been continu'd ever fince, as the Royal Badge of that Kingdom, the double Trefllire being added in the Year 791, by Charlemain of France, as a Memorial of an Alliance between thac King and Achaius King of Scotland : And Fergus being fldpwreck'd on the Coaft of Ireland, after he had reign'd tvventy eight Years, was fucceeded by Feri- tharis his Brother, leaving two Sons under Age, Fer- legus and Mainus. 2. The Kingly Ornaments of Feritharis, were his two-edged Sword, his Scepter Royal, and his Crowa ot Gold, faftiion'd in Form of ^ R.arnpart, made fot A 4 ^^c 8 Of the Kings of Scotland. the Defence of the Town and Fortrefs j and thefe Or- riamem.s of Inveftiture remained to the Scotch Kings, *vichout being in any Point changed, ■'till the Days of the faid King Achaius ; but then On Token of the afoiefaid League) there was added to the Rim of the Crown four Fleurs de lis, and as many Crofles pattee \ and Ferithaiis being flain, after he had reign'd 15 Years, by means (^i Ferlegus, his eldeft Nephew, the faid Ferlegus was excluded, becaufe of that Murder, and Mainus his Brother fucceeded. 5. Mainus reign'd 29 Years, and to him fucceeded Dornadilla his Son ; which Dornadilla reign'd ;8 Years, and leaving a Sen under Age, was fucceeded by No- tha:us his Brother. 4. Noihatus having i-eign'd twenty Years was then Itill'd for his Tyranny, and was fucceeded by Ruther his Nephew, the' Sen of Dornadilla. 5. Ruther reign'd 26 Years, and had a Son named Thereus \ but he being under Age, Reutha, the Bro- ther of Ruther, fucceeded, and after 14 Years Reign refign'd to Tiiereus his Nephew- 6. Thereus havine thus obtain'd the Crown reign'd 12 Years, but was tTien baniih'd to York for his Ty- ranny, and there dy'd. 7. To Thereus fucceeded Jofina his Brother, who reif.n'd 24. Years, and was fucceeded by Finnanus his Soil'. 8. Finnanus reign'd 30 Years, and to him fucceeded Durftus his Son. 9. Darftus, after nine Years Reign, was flain in B.ictle by his Nobles for his Tyranny, and was fuc- ceeded by Evenus his Brother. 10. Evenus reign'd 19 Years, and then dy'd j after which, Gillas, iiis Baftard Son, ufurp'd the Crown. 11. Gi!!as, after two Years Reign, was taken in Battle, and beheaded*, and to him fucceeded Evenus the Grandfon of King Jellna, by his Son Donalius. 12. Evenus II. having; reign'd 17 Years, he then refign'd the Crcw.i to hderus the Grandfon of King Duritus, by his Son Dochamus. I?. Edeius reign'd 48 Years, and in his Time, Julius Caefar invaded Britain. 14. To King Ederus fucceeded Evenus III. his Son, v/ho was pu: in Prifon for his Lewdneii, and was there Of the Kings of ScotlaJid. ^ there kill'd by a private Perfon, in the 7th Year of his Reii,n. 15. To EvenusIII. fucceeded Metellanus, the Ne- phew of King Ederus, by his Brother Carranus; and in his Reiun our SAVIOUR was born and fuf- ferM. \6- Metelhnus having reign'd 39 Years was fuc- ceeded by Caraciacus His Nephew, by his Sifter, and Son to Cauallanus, a noble Scotch General. 17. Caradacus reign'd zi Years, and was fucceeded by Corbredus his Brother. 18. Corbredus, who dy'd in the i8ch Year of his Reign, left a Son a Mitior, and was fucceeded by Dor- danus, Nephew toKin?^ ;\lerellanus. \<)' Dordanus, after four Years Reign, was kilPd in Battle by his Subjects, and to him fucceeded Corbre- dus II. who was furnam'd Galdus. 20. Corbredus II. was Son to Corbredus I. and he having reign'd 55 Years was fucceeded by Lug»hacus his Son. ii. Lugthacus. having reign'd three Years, was then put to Death by his Nobles for his Tyranny \ and Mo- gallus. Nephew to Corbredus II. was chofen in his Stead. 22. Mogallus alfo proving a Tyrant, the Nobility took up Aims againft him, and cut him off in the 36:h Year of his Reign \ and to him fucceeded Conarus his Son. 2 J. Conarus, after 14 Years Reign, was put in Pri- fon for following his Father's Footiteps, and there dy'd ; and Ethodius I. his Sifter's Son, fucceeded. 24- Ethodius rei,n'd 53 Years, but then was mur- der'd by an Irilli Harper, whom he admitted to lie in his Chamber ^ and to him fucceeded Sarrael his Bro- ther. 25. Satrael, after four Years Reign, was kill'd by his own Courtiers, and was fucceeded by Donald I. his next Brother. 26. Donald reign'd 18 Years, and was the firft King of Scots, that eaibrac'd the Chriftian Religion, as alfo the firft that there coin'd Money of Gold and Silver. 27. To Donald fucceeded Ethodius II. the Son of BthodiusL but he, after \C Years Rei^n, being kill'd A S "» so Of the Kings of Scotland. in a Tumult by his own Servants, was fucceeded by Athricvi his Son. 28. Arhrico having reign'd 12 Years, was then flain by the Nobility, who took up Arms againft him for his Tyranny. 25?. After the Death of Athrico, Nathalcus, "Lord of Argle, and S^n to the Brother of Arhrico, ufurp'd the Crown by Force; but he being kill'd in the nth Year of his Reign, Findocus, the eldeft Son of Ath- rico, fucceeded. 30. Findocus, after ten Years Reign, being kill'd by Confpirators, Donald, his Brother, became Heir. 31. To Donald II. who dy'd in the firft Year of his Reign, fucceeded Donald 111. the Iflander- 32. Donald III. rebell'd againrt the aforefaid King, and after his Death ufurp'd the Crown, but was kill'd in a Battle by the Nobility in his 12th Year, and was fucceeded by Crathilinrhus, the Son of King Findocus. 33. Crathilinthus reign'd ia Years, and to him fuc- ceeded Fincomarcus, the Brother of Findocus. 34. Fincomarcus having reign'd 47 Years, was fuc- ceeded by the Brother's Son of King Crathilinthus, who was named Romacus. 35. Romacus afcer three Years Reign dy'd, and was fucceeded by Angufianus his Brother. 16. Angufianus having reign'd alfo three Years was then kill'd in a Battle againft the Pids 3-^. To Angufianus fucceeded Fethelniacus, another of Crathilinthus's Nephews i but he being murder'd iii his third Year by two Pifts, Eugene I. the Son of KingFincomarchus, became Heir. 38. Eugene after ten Years Reign was kill'd in Bat- tle againft the Romans, and then the Britons and Picls ioiaing with the Romans againft the Scots, the latter were exp^ll'd from the Continent, fo that there was an Interregnum for 44 Years. 50. After the Interregnum, Fergus II. fucceeded, and was Grandfon to Ethodius, the Broth-r of Eu- gene I. by the King of Denmark's Daughter. 40. King Fergus" having reign'd 16 Years was then killM in a Battle rgainft the Romans, and Eugene II. his Son fucceeded. 41. Eugene II. dying without IfTue, after he had reisn'd 32 YearSj Dongardus his Brother became Heir# 42, Dongardus J Of the Kings of Scotland, 1 1 42. Dongardus, after he had reign'd five Years, was killM in a Battle againft the Britons and Romans, and Conftantine I. his Brother, fucceeded. 43. Conftantine reicn'd ^^ Years, and then waskill'd by a Nobleman, whole Daughter he had ravifh'd. 44. To Conftantine fucceeded Congallus L who was Son to King Dongardus \ but he dying in his 22d Year, Goranus his Brother became Heir. 45. Goranus, after he had reign'd 34 Years, was killM by an Ambufti of Criminals, wnom he had profecutedj and Eugene III. the Son of Congallus, fucceeded. £f6. To Eugene III. who dy'd in his 23d Year, fuc- ceeded Congallus II. his Brother. 47. Congallus reign'd II Years, and then dying with- out Iffue, Kinnatillas his Brother fucceeded. 48. Kinnatillas reign'd two Years, and to him fuc- ceeded Aidanus, the Son of King Goranus. 49. Aidanus having reign'd 35 Years, dy'd in Peace, and was fucceeded by Kenethus 1. who was Sou to Con- gallus. 50. Kenethus, after he had reign'd four Months, rehgn'd his Crown to Eugene IV. who was Son to Aiaanus. 51. Eugene IV. reignM 15 Years, and then dying, was fucceeded by Ferquhard his Son. ^2. Ferquhard having reign'd 12 Years was then put in Prifon for his Tjranov, and there kill'd himfclf. 53. To King Ferquhard Uicceeded Donald IV. who WIS Sen to Eugene III- which Donald reign'd 15 Years, and then was unhappily drown'd, as he was a fifhing. 54. To Donald fucceeded Ferquhard his Brother , who reign'd 18 Years, and to him fucceeded Malduin, the Son of Donald IV. 5?. Malduin having reign'd 20 Years was then mur- der d by his Wife, who was jealous of him 3 for which Crime (he was burn'd alive, and he fucceeded by Eu- gene V. his Brother's Son. 56. Eugene V. after he had reign'd four Years, wa<; flain in Battle by the Pids, and Eugene VI. the Son of King Ferquha-d, fucceeded. 57- Eugene YI. having reign'd ten Years, dy'd, and was fucce"edecrby Ambirkelethus, the Son of Findanus, who WAS Sja to 'Eugene V- A<; 53. King t^ Of the Kings of Scotland. 58. -King Ambirkelethus reign'd two Yean, and being kill'd by an Affaflin, Eiil;ene VII. his Brother, was chofen. 55?. Eugene VII. having reign'd 17 Years, dy'd in Peace, and was fucceeded by Mordachus, the Son of Ambirkelethus. 60, King Mordachus reign'd \6 Years, and to him fucceeded Etfinus the Son ot Eugene VII. 6\. EtHnus having reign'd 50 Years was fucceeded by Eugene Vlil. the'^Son of King Mordachus. 6z. Eugene VlII. reign'd three Years, and to him fucceeded Fergus III. the Son of Etfinus. ^5. King Fergus having reign'd three Years was then kill'd by his Wife for his Whoredom, and Solva- thius the Son of Eugene VIII. fucceeded. ^4 Solvathius dying in Peace, after he had reign'd 20 Years, was fucceeded by Achaius, the Son of Etfinus, 65. King Achaius being a peaceableand godly Prince, made a League with Charles the Great, Emperor and King of France i and having reign'd 52 Years was fucceeded by Congallus 111. the Son of FeigusIII. his Father's Bro-her. 66. Congallus reign'd 15 Years, and then dying in Ppce, Dongallus the Son of Solvathius was chofen in his Stead. 67. Dongallus having reign'd fix Years was then diown'd as he was crofling the River Spey againft the Pids, and to h'm fucceeded Alphinus the Son of Achaius. 68. Alphinus reign'd four Years, and then being ta- ken in Eartle by th^lPids, and beheaded, was fucceeded by Kenneth II.' his Son. 61), King Kenneth infifting on his Father's Title to the Kin-^dom of the Pids, as Son of" Fergufia, the only Child ot their King Hungus, join'd it to tne Crown of Scotland, and dying in the roth Year of his Reign, Donald V. his Brother, fucceeded. 70. Donald y. being put in Prifon by the Nobility, for his ill Governinenr, there kill'd himfelf in his 6:h Year, and Conftantinell. the Son of King Kenneth II. was chofen. 71. Conftantine being defeated and kill'd by the Danes, after he had reign'd \6 Years, was fucceeded by Ethits his Brother. 72. Kins Of the Kings of Scotland. 1 5 7a. King Echus having reign'd two Years was then put in Prifon for his Tyranny, and there dying, Gre- gory, the Son of Donga'llus II. fucceeded. 73. Gregory, who was furnani'd The Great, reign'd 18 Years ; but then dying without IfTue, Donald VI. the Son of Conftantine il. was chofen. 74. Donald VI. having reign'd 11 Years, dy'd ia Peace, and Conftantine 111. the Son of King F.thus, fucceeded. 7;. Conftantine III. reign'd 50 Years, and then re- signing the Crown turn'd Monk, and was fucceeded by Malcolm I- the Son of Donald VI. 76. Kint; Malcolm having reign'd nine Years, vvas then kiird in an Ambulh oy tlic Relations of fome Robbers he had put to Death, and Indulphus the Son of Conftantine III. fucceeded. 77. Indulphus being kill'd by the Danes, in the ptii Year of his Reign, was fucceeded by Dutrus, the Soi» of King Malcolm. 78. King DufFus having reign'd five Years was then murder'd by AfTaflins, and Culenus, the Son of Indul- phus, fucceeded. 79. Culenus, af:er four Years Reicn, was kill'd bjr a Nobleman, whofe Daughter he had ravifh'd, and Kenneth III. his Brother, was chofen. 80. Kenneth III. having reign'd z\ Years, was then murder'd, for murdering of Malcolm, his Brother's bon, thereby to fettle the Crown ow his own Family, and Conftantine IV. the Son of Culenus, fucceeded. 81. Conftantine IV, in the ^d Year of his Reign,' marching againft Malcolm the Son of Kenneth, who claim'd the Crown according ro his Father's Law, was then ilain, and Gvimus the Son of King DutFus, af- fum'd the Crown. 8a. Grimus hiving reign'd nine Years was flain in Rattle by Malcolm, and Malcolm II. Son to Ken- neth III. fucceeded. 83. Malcolm II. proving a Tyrant, was cut off by Confpiracy in the 31ft Year of his Reign, and to him fucceeded Duncan I. who was Grandfon to Malcolm. 84. King Duncan being a mild Prince, it fo encou- rag'd the Highland Rebels, that he was obliged to makr t,uarrel- ling with the faid King Edward, by renouncing the Homage he had paid him, that King expell'dhim, (and Edward his Son, who had marry'd a Daughter of Charles de Valois, Brother to Philip the Fair, King nf France) and thereby obliging the Scots to own him for their Sovereign, he then fent the Marble Chair from Scoon to V^'eftminfter, where it now reaiains. 97. when Robert Bruce, the Great-crandfon of Da- vid Earl of Huntingdon, faw the Kingdom thus op- prefs'd by Edward, he gather'd a ftrong" Party, and on the 25th of March i-^o6. went to Scoon, where he was crown'd King of Scotland j and thereupon Alex- ander and Thomas, his Brothers, who were taken Pri- foners by King Edward, were, by his Command, moft barbaroviily murder'd in cool Bloodj and ia 13 15. Ed* A a ward 1 9 Of the Kings of Scotknd. ward Bruce, the other Brother of King Robert, be- ing by him fent into Ireland, at the Requeft of thofc Princes, (.hey being opprefs'd by the Bnglifh Gover- nors) he there made fuch a Progrefs, that at length he was crownM ; but after having liv'd in that Ifland about three Years, he was kill'd in Battle at Dundalk by the Englifh, who routed his Army, and repoflefs'd all the ftrong Towns in the Kingdom. King Robert I. who had fled from Edward of Eng- land into France, returning into Scotland, and pof- lelfing himfelf of the Crown, as above-mention'd, an Englifh Army was fent to oppofe him, but was entire- ly defeated at Bannockburn, with the Lofs of 10,000 Men 5 whereupon King Robert kept the Crown, and reigned 14 Years i and dying on the 9th of Tuly 1529, his Body was bury^d in Dumfermline ; but his Heart, according to his Defire, was carry'd to ]eruCalem, and bury'd there, near the Holy Grave. He marry'd to his firft Wife, Ifabella, Daughter to Donald Earl of Mar, and by her had a Daughter na- med Margery, who was marry'd to Walter Steuart, Lord High Steward of Scotland, Father of King Ro- bert II. 'and after the Death of Queen Ifabella, the ("aid King Robeit I. marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Richard de Burgo, or Bourk, Earl of Ulfter in Ire- land, who bare to him David his Succeflbr, and two Daughters ; whereof Maud dy'd young, but Margaret the eldeft was marry'd to the Earl of Sutherland, and by him had a Son. 98. David II. the Son of King Robert I. by Eliza- beth his 2d Wife, fucceeded his Father, and in ip8, was marry'd to Joan, eldeft Sifter of K. Edward III. of England ; but'he being but ei^h: Years of Age at his Father's Death, Thomas Randolph, Earl of Mur- ray, was appointed Regent of Scotland by King Ro- bert's Will \ and Edward Baliol, the Son of John who was King (but then dead^ being affifted by Edward III. laid claim to the Kingdom of Scotland, he having con- dition'd, as his Father had done, to acknowledge the King of England his "iuperior, and on the 27th of September i jji, was cr:iwn'd at Scoon. Upon this. King David (who was a weak Prince) and his Wife retir'd into France, leaving R'^bert Steuart to be Regent in Scotland ^qx ]ohn Baliol ha.- ving Of the Kings of Scotland. 1 9 ving renounced all Claim or Title to the Crown of Scotland for himfelf and his Heirs for ever, the faid King Robert I. convened the Noblemen at Cambuf- kenneth, and fettled the Succeffion on his Son Prince David (now King"! and his Heirs \ and them failing, to Robert Steuart his Grandfon by his Daughter Mar- gery, as above-mentioned. Q()' Edv/ard Baliol, the Son of John, by the Help of Edward III. King of England, having ufurped the Crown of Scotland, Anno 1331, as before obferved, the Friends of King David fent William Earl of Dou- felas, Embaflador to France, to the faid King, (who was there proteded by Philip King of that Realm) to bring him over to take Pofleflion of his Kingdom ; and upon the 3d of May 133^, he and his Queen ar- riving at Perth ; Baliol fled into England, being to- tally defeated by the Scots, after he nad reign'd over them 37 Years. King David having enter'd England on the 17th of O&ober 1546. with a numerous Army; and being \in a Battle at Nevil's Crofs in Durham, icooo of his Men were kill'd upon the Spot ; and ne being taken Prifoner by the EngliOi, with them remain'd till 1 357, when, havina; agreed to pay 100,000 Marks Sterling for his Ranfom^ left 20 Hoftages as Sureties for the Payment thereof in nine Years, and returned to Scot- land, where, after reigning 39 Years, he dy'd on the ;9th of February 1370, without Iflue, in his Caftleof Edinburgh, and was bury'd in the Abbey of Holy- Rood Houle. 100. To King David II. fucceeded Robert II. hi? Nephew, the Son of his Sifter Margery by Walter Lord High Steward of Scotland, as bv-fore-mention'd, which Robert was proclaim'd in 1370, upon the Death of the faid David II. his Uncle, being then 57 Years of Age, and was defcended from Duifus King of Scotland, taking the Surname of Steuart, as fol- lows : Duffus the 78th King of Scotland,being murder'd by Affafliins, left a Son nvccCA Grimus, who was the 82a King of Scotland, and a Daughter, who was nnrry'd to the Thaue of l.ock.ber ; and the faid Grimus ha- ving reign'd nine Years, and dying without Iiuk', tho CfO^vn cama to Malcolm II. by' the Laws made in the Keifia ao Of the Kings of Scotland. Reign of King Kenneth III. and the Sifter of King Grimui being marry'd to th: Thane of Lockaber, as aforefaid, by him had a Son named Bancho, who was a great Man of the Blood Royal of Scotland, and was General of the Army, and General Receiver of the King's Revenue cf the whole Realm in the Reign of King Duncan , which Duncan being a mild Prince, he vvas oblig'd to make his Kinfman Macbeth his Vice- roy, as in Pige 13 & 14; and the faid Mackbeth ha- ving murder'd Duncan and Banco before-mentioned, becaufe he pretended to underftandby Sorceries, that the faid Bancho's IfTue fhould enjoy the Crown of Scotland, Fleance the Son of Bancho, (to avoid the like Fate, which threatened all his Race) fled into North-Wales, where he marry'd a Daughter of Grif- fith ap Lewellin, the Prince of that Country, and by her had a Son nam'd Walter, which Son returned to Scotland after the Death of the Tyrant Macbeth, and the Reftoratinn of King Malcolm III. and by the faid Malcolm, for his Valour and good Condud againft the Rebels in Galloway, (befides his being thi neareft Branch of the Royal Family) was created Senefchal or Lord High Steward (^ Receiver of all the King's Re- venues) of Scotlan 1 5 fo that from the Name o{ his High Office deriv'd the Royal Surname of Steuart. This Walter had a Son nam'd Allan, who fucceeded him, and was Father of another Walter, who had two Sons, Alexander his SuccelTor, and Robert, which Robert was Founder of the Family of Lenox. Alexander, who lucceeded his Father in the Office of High Stewarth of March, ijyoj and was the hundredth King of Scotland, and the firft of the Name of Steuart. This King Robert II. marry'd to his firft Wife Eli- zabeth, Daughter to Sir Adam Mure of Abercorn, and by hzr had three Sons and three Daughters ; and after the Death of Elizabeth Mure, he marrying Eu- phame, the Daughter of Hugh Earl of Rofs, by her had Of the Kings of Scotland. at had two Sons, all which were born before he came to the Crown. Of the Daughters by Elizabeth Mure, the eldeft was marry'd to William Earl of Douglas, the zd to John Dunbar Earl of Murray, and the jd to ]ohn Lord Glames \ and of the Sons, John the eldeft (after his Father's Coronation) was created Earl of Carrick, and Prince of Scotland^ Robert the zd was Earl of Monteith and Fife, and Alexander was Earl ot Buchan, and Lord of Badynoch j and of the Sons by the id Marriage, Walter the eldeft was created liarl of A- tholc, and Lord of Brechin, and David was Earl of Strathcrn. ]ohn Earl of Carrick, having marry'd Annabella, Daughter to Sir John Drummond of Stob-hall, by her in \\i6. had a Son, who was baptized David, and af- terwards two more, which were John and Tames \ and on the 19th of April 1^90, Kin^; Robert dying at his Caftle of Dundonald, in the 75th Year of his Age, and the ij?rh of his Reign, was burv'd in the Abbev or Scoon, and John Earl oY Carrick, his eldeft Son, Suc- ceeded him in the Government ; but in Confideration that the Kings of France and England of that Name had been unfortunate, the Nobility conven'd at Perth, and changed the Earl's Name from John, and pro- claim'd Kim by the Name of Robert liL 101. King Robert lIL the Son of Robert II. was crown'd at^Scoon on the 15th of Auguft 1^90, and in the 7th Year of his Reign he cail'd a Parliament at Perth, where he created David his eldeft Son, Duke of Rothfay, (he being the firft that was created in Scotland) and his Brother Robert, who was Earl of Fife and Monteith, he created Duke of Albany ; or- daining at the fame Time, that the Title fliould always be given to the King's eldeft Son, and his fecond Bro- tlier. King Robert being a Prince of a mean Spirit, he leh the Government to the Care of his Brother the faid Duke of Albany ; which Duke defiling to fettle the Crown on his own Pofterity, after his Brother's Death, wis under a Neceffity of removing his Brother's Sons, which were David Duke of Rothfay, and James. As 22 Of the Kings of Scotland. As to the former, (who hadmarry'clMariory,Daugh- ter to Archibald Earl of Douglafs) he famifh^'d at Falkland ii. the Year 1401, fo that he dy'd without IlTue, and though Kinn; Robert fufpeSed who did it, vet he had not Courage enough to punilh him for it, but took Care to fecure Prince James, and for that End refolved to fend him to France. The young; Prince failing along the Englifli Coaft was fo Sea-fick, that he refolved to Land, but had no fooner fet Foot on the Shore, than he was arrefted, and carry 'd to King Henry IV. who committed him to the Tower. Upon this. King Robert dy'd of Grief, on the 15th of Auguft i4.o<$, in the 58th Year of nis Age, and the i6th of nis Reign, and was bury'd at Paifly, and the Duke of Albany continu'd Regent 'till the 20th of March 1425-4, that King James I. arriv'd at Edin- burgh from his Confinement in England, which was 18 Years, and towards his Maintenance during that Time, paid 40,000 Marks Sterling. 102. King James I. the only furviving Son of King Robert III. having marry'd (whilft he was Prifoner in England) Joan, eldeft Daughter of John Beau'nrt Earl of Somerfet, Son of John^of Gaunt, Son to King Edward III. fhe accompany'd him to Sco-land, where, on the 22d of May I4^4, they were both crown'd at Scoon. On the 1 6th of Oftober 145©, the faid Queen Joan was deliver'd at Stirling of two Sons at one Birth, who Wire baptized by the Names of Alexander and James \ and afterwards fhe having a Daughter, who was named Margaret, the faid Daughter^ on the loth of June 1435, w^ marry'd to Lewis tne Dauphin of France, Son to King Charles VII- King James I. in the 13th Year of his Reign, and 44th of his Age, being cruelly murder'd in his Bed- chamber on the 2jft of February 1437-8, (by the Faction of Walter Steuart Earl of^ Athole, his Uncle. in Hopes thereby to obtain the Crown) was buiy'd 5n the Charterhoufe at Perth, which he built, and James !!• his Son, fuccecded. 103. James II. the only Son of King James I. (Alex- ander his elder Brotlier dying young) was but fevcn Years ,of Age when his father was murder'd, y jt was frodaimed Of the Kings of Scotland. a^ proclaim'd King of Scotland the next Day, and on the z5ch of March 1438, was crown'd in the Palace of Holyrood-Houfe. In 1449. he was marry'd to Mary, Dauchter to Ar- nold Duke of Guelder, by whom he had Iflue James his .SuccefTor, Alexander Duke of Albany, John Earl of Mar, and two Daughters ; and having reign'd 25 Years, was kill'd on the ?d of Auguft 1460, in the 29th Year of his Age, by the burfting of a Gun at the Siege of Roxburgh, and James his eldeft Son fuc- ceeded. 104. James III. the Son of James IT. was immediate- ly after his Father's Death, proclaim'd King at Kelfo, and oil the nth of Auguft 1460. was crown'd, being about Seven Years of Age. On the loth of July 1470, he was marry'd to Mar- garet, Daughter to Chriftian I. King of Denmark j and on the nth of June 1488, being flain at the Battle of Bannockburn by his Nobles, who took up Arms againft him, in the 3Sth Year of his Age, ana 2j7th of his Reign, was bury'd at Cambufkenneth, leaving Ifliie Jai^es his SuccefTor, and John Earl of Mar. lof. Tames IV. the Son of Tames III. was crown'd at Edinourgh, on the 2?d of June 1485?, in the i6rh Year of his^Age \ and 011 the 25th of January 1501-1, he being marry'd to Margaret, eldeft Daughter of King Henry VII. by Elizabeth his Queen, who was Daughter to Edward IV. on that Match the Union of the two Kingdoms was founded, as will be fhewn hereafter. On the 21ft of January 1507, the faid James IV. by Margaret his Queen, had a Son named "James, who dy'd foon after \ and the Year following iTie had an- other Son nam'd Arthur, who dy'd alfo \ but in the Month of April 15 12, llie was deliver'd of her 3d Son James, who was afterwards King ; for his Father be- ing flain in the Battle of Flotiden-Field, on the 9th of September 15 13, in the 25th Year of his Reign, and ?9th of his Age, fighting againft the Englifti, was fuccecded by the faid James his Son, who v/as then an Infant. N. B. The faid Queen Margaret was afterward? marry'd 0" iSh) to Archibald Douslas, Earl of Ansusa 24 Of the Kings of Scotknd. Angus, by whom, in the Year i5i<5, fliehad a Daugh- ter of ner Name, who afterwards became the Wife of Matthew S.^uarr, Earl of Lenox, Father of_ Henry Steuart, Lord Darnley \ who taking to Wife Mary Queen of Scots, by her had James VL the firft Mo- narch of Great Britain. Note alfo, that the faid Matthew Steuart, Earl of Lenox, (and Regent of Scotland) was defceaded from Robert Steuart, fole Brother to Alexander Steuart, Great Grandfather of Robert II. King of Scots, and by the faid Margaret Douglas his Wife, (belldes the faid Henry Lord Darnley) had three other Sons, and four Daughters. lo^. James V. the Son of James IV. was crown'd at Stirling the 24th of February, 151 j-14, being tlien but ©ne Year, five Months, and ten Days old \ fo that John Duke of Albany, Son to Alexander, the Broth.-r of Kijig James III. was elefted Governor of the Realm, 'till the King's Maturity. On the Firft of January 1537, the faid K. James V. was marry'd to the Lady Magdalen, eldeft Daughter to Francis I. King of France \ but flie dying on the 7th of July followiiig, the King on the 12th o\ June \%\%y was marry'd to the Laciy Mary of Lorraii)^ Daughter to Claude Duke of Guife, by whom he had two S<">ns, James and Arthur, who dy'd in -^heir Infancy; but on the oth of Decembjr 154;, fn-i was deliver'd of a Daughter who was nam'd Mary, and after her Father's Deccafe was crown'd Queen. King Tamfs V. dying in his Caftle of Falkland,' on the 13th of December 1542, in th^ ;5d Year of his Age, and 32d ot his Reign, v/as bury'd in the Abbey of Holy-rood-Houfe, and James Ha:nilton, Earl of Arrau, his Kiafman, was cbnftituted Governor of the Realm, and Tutor to the young Queen Mary, during her Minority. This Earl denv'd giving lie'r in Mar- riage to Edward VJ. King of England, tho' it was agreed on by the chief Peers of both Realms- lo-. Queen Mary, the only Daughter of K. J^mcsV. fucceedeil her Father. Y)zc. 15. 1542? being but feven Days old at her Father's Death, and was firft mar- ry'd to Francis II. Kinc of France, by whom Ihe had no lilue i but on the 28th of July 1564, fhe being mar- ry d to Jainss Sceuan, Lord i).uru]ey, (who was ahouc J j> Years Of the Kings of Scotland. i ^ 19 Years of Age) Son and Heir of Matthew Earl of Lenox, as has been obferv'd, they were the next Day pioclaiin'd by the Names and Titles of Henry and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland \ and on the ii)th of June i5(S?, had a Son born, who was afterwards Kint; JainesVl. On the li^th of February t5^<5-7, the faid Henry Lord Darnley being murder'd by the Karl ot Murray,^ the faid Queen Mary was marry'd on the 15th ot May followinc; to James Hepburn, Farl of Bothwell, who was thereupon creared Duke of C)rkncy and Zet- land j but upon this Marriaee, the Quten being rleven Months imprifon'd by hjr own factious Nobi- lity, iTie was at Icnuth oblij^'d to reliun the Crown to her yount: Son, at 'that Time fcarce^'u Months old, \\ho five Days after was anointed and crown'd King, by the Name of James \ I. The Queen atter this, efcaping out of Prifon, fled into England for Sanduary, bur being deny'd Accefs to Quee'n Elizabeth was tofs'd from" one Prifon to aiiOther for the Space of 18 Years, and then, on the 6rh of February 1586-7, was beheaded in Fothering- hay Caftle, in the County of Northampton, for be- ing (as was pretcndedj in a Plot againrt the Queen of England. 108. James VT. the Son of Henry and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, was born in the Caftle of Edinburgh on the 19th of June 1566, and was crown'd at Stirling on the :j?ch of July 1567, by Adam F>iniop of Orkney, aflifted by the Earl of Athole, in the Royal Chapel i which Earl of Arhole cairy'd the Crown ; the Earl of Glencairn the Sword of Ho- nour j and the young King was carry'd by the Earl oi Mar. After the King was crown'd, James Earl of Mur- ray (his Father's Murderer, a natural Son of King James V.) WIS appointed Regent during his Minority; but on the i^A of January i5"0, the faid Earl being {liot through the Belly witl\ a fingle Ball, at Lijilidi- cow, by Jamjs Hamilton of Bothwell-haugh j Mat- thew Steuart tarl ot Lenox , Grandfarhcr to the ybung King, was eleded Regent; and he being flain 0.1 the 4tn of September 1^71. by Captain Calder, the Earl of Mar was ekded in bis Stead; but he dying. a: 26 Of the Kings of Scx)tlaiid. at Stirling on the 28th of Odober 157;, of Grief, for the Trouble he fuftain'd in the Place, James Dou- gUfs, Earl of Morton, became Regent, and fo conti- nu'd 'till the Year 1579, and then the King, tho' but 12 Years of Age, took upon himfelf the Adminiftra- tion of Affairs j and in Odober 158^, by the Recom- mendation of Queen Elizabeth, was marry'd to Anne, Daughter to Chriftian II. King of Denmark and Nor- way. Queen Elizabeth having a little before her Death (which happen'd on the 24th of March 1602-3, in the roth Year of her Age, and 45th of her Reign; decla- red the faid JamesVl. Kinc of Scotland, her Succef- for, he was, the fame Day that (he dy'd, proclaimed at Whitehall, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. This James VI. the ift Monarch of Great Britain, having "fettled his AiFairs in Scotland, fet forward for England on the 5th of April 1603. and arriv'd in London on the 7th of May^ after which, he fent di- vers Lords and Ladies into Scotland, to conduft his Qiieen and Children to England: who returning on tlTe ;7th of June brought with them Prince Henry, (then nine Years of Age) and the Lady Elizabeth ; leaving Charles Duke q\ Albany (about three Years old) behind them, he being then fick of a Fever^ but was brought to Windfor in Odober following. King James having created divers new Lords and Knights,' he and his Qiieen, on the 25th of July 1603, were ctown'd in VVeftniinfter-Abbey, (by Dr. John Whitgift, Archbifhop of Canterbury) where the An- tique Regal Chair oi Enthronization did happily re- -ceive, with the Perfon of his Majefty, the full Ac- complifhment of the Prophetical Prediclion of his coming to the Crown of England. In i(509, this King (who was the only Son of Queen Mary, Daughter of ]amesV. Son of James IV. and Margaret his Queen, eldeft Daughter of Henry VII. of England, as before has been obferv'd) taking into Confideration the Peace and Security of Irebnd, gran- ted the City of London the prefent PolVellion and Plantation of the Province of Ulfter \ who thereupon fent thither about 300 Perfons of all Sorts of Handi- craftfmenj tbiefly to inhabit Lon^londeriy and Cole- I Jiiin?, Of the Kings of Scotland. 27 raine, and appointed Alderman Cockain the firft Go- vernor. Now, to advance this or the like Colonies in thac Kingdom, Kinc lames, about this Time, began a new Order of Knigntuood, call'd Baronets, and appointed certain Laws to make them capable of being admitted : Firft, that they fhould maintain 30 Foot Soldiers in Ireland for three Years, at the Kate of Eight-pence per Day, and to pay down the Wages for one whole Year, at the PafTing of their Patent: that they fhoald be Gentlemen of Klood of three Delcents j and laftly, have Lands of Inheritance in PolTeflion, or immediate Reverfion, to the Value of looo Pounds per Ann. King James VI. having reign'd over Entland with £reat Prudence and Commendation 22 Years and three Days, dv'd on the 27th of March 1625, at his Houfe at Theobalds in the County of Hertford, from whence his Body being convey'd to VVeftminfter, w. s interr'd in the ChapJl of Heniy VIL where a ftately Monu- ment was eretied to his Memory, and his Iflue by Anne his Queen, were as follow : Hcnry-Fredeiick Prince of Wales, Duke of Corn- wall and Rothfay, and Earl of Chefter and Flint, born in Scotland February 19. 1595-4, and dv'd Novcmb. 6, i6\z, of a Fever at St. James's, at the Age of 18 Years, eight Months, and feven Days, and was bury'd at VVcftm'infter. Robert the 2d Son, was born in Scotland, and dy'd very young there. Charles Duke of York and Albany, 3d Son, was bcrn on the 29th of November 1600 \ and after the Death of his elder Brother Prince Henry was created Prince of \Vales ; as alfo fucceeded his Father in the Monarchy of Great Britain, by the Title of Charles I. as will be (hewn in its Place. Elixabeth, eldeft Daughter of King James VL and Anne his C^ieen, was born in Scotland on the 19th of Auguft 159^, and on the 14th of February 1612-13, was marry'd at Whitehall to Frederick the 5th of that Name, Count Palatine of the Rhine -, who in the Year 16:0. was eleded King ol Bohemia, and by him fhe had eight Sons and five Daughters \ of which, So- phia the youngeft was nomintted Succefibr to the Crowa 28 Of the Kings of Scotland. Crown of Great Bricain, &c. and was Mother cf King George I. Margaret, 2d Daughter of King James VI. and Queen Anne, was born in Scotland, December 24. i^^S, and there dy'd young. Mary of Great Britain, jd Daughter, was born at Greenwich in 1^05, and dy'd at two Years old, and Sophia ot Great Britain, the fourth and youngeft Daughter of King James VI. and Queen Anne, was bnrn at Greenwich Anno 1606, and dy'd at two Days old. , , , r r 1051. Charles J. the jd and only furvivrng Son of King James VI. fucceeded his Father at 25 Years of Age; and in 1625, (the Year of his Father's Death) on the firft of May, being marry 'd to the Princcfs Henrietta-Maria, youngeft Daughter of Henry IV. furnamed the Great, King of France, and Sifter to Lewis XIII. they, on the id of February \6z^-fy^ were crown'd at Weftminfter; as on the i8ch of June 165; 5, his Majefty was crown'd at Edinburgh, it being the 5^ch Year of his Rtign over England; but on the 50th of January 1648-j?, he was moft cruelly and unnaturally murder'd before his Palace at \Vhiti;halj, by his own Subjects, and his Boily was buried in Sc George's Chapel at Windfor. By his virtuf^us and illuftrious Princefs he had rhe following Kfuc, viz. Charles Prince of Great Britaiu, who was born, baptiz'd, and deceased, the i8th ot March \6i%. Charles Prince of Great Britain, 2d Son, brrn the 2;, and P;ft Ifliie by Nla- tlcmoifella Lnflan his Wife, mi^- Daughter. Hcnrieiiri, ^ Daughter of liiii;., James il. by the above -men-.ionjd Mrs. Churchill, was marry'd 10 Sir Henry Walgrave < f ( hcuton in the County of So- nicrfet, Kt. and L-.-.i:. who was created Lord VVald- Sravc, and .'i ivancd (iiue to be Earl and Knight of le Order of the Garter, fee Vol. 1. • , another natural Daughter of K. James II. by Mrs. Churchill, became a Nun. King James II. a Daughter by Mrs. Catha- rine Scdlev, only Child 01 Sir C harles Secilcy of Ailf- ford in the County of Kent, Bare, he, on the 2d of January 1685, created the faid Cathaiine Sedlcv, Ba- roncfs of Darlington, and Countefs of Dorcnefter, (during her nrural Life/ after which, (he became the \\'i?e of David Collier, Earl of Pcrtmorej and the faid Catharine htr Daughter, who was born in 1681, and by his Majerty furnamed Darnlcy, being hrft marry'd to James Ann;:flyJ'.3rl of Angbfea, and adly to jonn SUdlield, Duke of Buckingham for a farcher Account of rhof- Marriages, fee Vol. 1. Ki ig James having left his Kingdoms, on the ijd of I'^te.iibcr 1688, he retired into France, and was ■kindly received by Ki g Lewis XIV. who alfign'd him th; Palace of St. Germains for his Court, and ap- P'inrcd him a Royal Entertainment, fuitable to his I>iginry j where, alter above 12 Years }'.xiL-, he dy'd rn the 6th of September 1701, (.O. S) in the <;8th Year of his Age, and his Body was depofitcd in the ^U)llaftery of the Benedic'iins in Paiis, but his Heart wa. fent to tlic Nunnery of Chaliot. Th" Duke of Hamilton, upon this gr'.nd Revolution of Alf.tirs^ being at London, went a: the Head of di- veis ( f the Scots Nobility and Gentrjf who were then ill lown, and addrclTcd :he Prince ot Orange to take upon Of the Kings of Scotland, 5-7 upon him the Adminiftration o/all Affairs, Civil and Military, &c. until a Meeting of the Eftatea of the Na- tion, which they_ defired his Hii^hnefs to call to be holden the 4th of March i68j;. The Convention upon the Prince of Orange's Let- ters meeting at the Day appointed, came en the nth of April to the following remarkable Rcfolution, viz. thst Kjnj lames ths Seventh, beid^ x profefi I'jpifl, did ajjume the Kcgal Po>\'ery and a.Ud as l\J>ij, yviih- out ever taking the Osth required by La^v j aud hath, by the Advice of evil and wicked Councillors, invaded the fundjmeittai Conjlituti-jn of the Kjngd.m^ aiid al- tered it fr^m a legal limited Moh(irch\ to an arbi" traiy defp'.tick l^owey, and hjth exercifed the fame ta the S-ibverfnt of the Frotej}.u:t Keligion, .md the p^iolation oj tht Liws xid Liberties of this i\jngdomy inverting all the Ends of Government, fvhereby he hath forjaulted (forfeiL--d) the Right to the Crii)Vn,and theThrone is becotne' Hi. William III. who was born on the 24th c^^ NTo- vembev 1650, was the Son of U'illiam-Henry of Naf- fau. Prince of Orange, by Mary of Great Bri::tin his Wifc,^ eldcft Daughter of King Charles I. and on the 4th of November 1677 he was man y'd at St- James's by Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bilhop of London, to Mary of York, eldeft Daughter of James Duke^ of YojKj his Uncle, afterwards King James IT. as before has been obferved j but his faid Wiic dying of the Small-Pox on tiie 28:h of December i<5y4, his Majefty outliv'd her fomcwliat above fevcn Years, and thea dy'd at his Palace at Kenfington on the 8th of March 1701-2, by a Fall from his Horfc, in the 5;d Year ot his Age, and i4:h of his R ign, and was bury'd by hii Queen in NVcftminfter- Ai bey ; but leaving no IfTue, his Queen's bifter, the Princ.fs Anne of Den- mark, fucceeded. II J. Anne, who was 2d Daughter of Tames Duke oF York, af;crwards King Tames ll. was (as I have be- fore obfeived) born en tne 6x.\\ or February 1^(^4-5, snd on the 3ch of March 1701-2, (the Day that King Wiiiiam dy'd) procUim'd in London, Queen of Greac Britain, Sec. as oa the i2:h (he was at Edinburgh ^ 2nd on the z^A of April was crcv/n'd in Wef^minfter- Abbey by the Archbifhop of Canterbury. B \ On 3^ 0/ the Kings of Scotland. On tbe i8ch of ]uly 1683, flie was marry'd in the Chapel Royal at St. James's, (by Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bifliop of London) to his Royal Highnefs George Prince of Denmark, fecond Son to Frederick IIL and younj^er Brother to Chriftian V. King of that Coun- try, with whom fhe liv'd in matchlefs Love and Con- tent 'till the 28th of Odober 1708, at which Time he departed this Life at Kenfington j having had KTue by the faid Queen as follows : A Daughter, of whom her Royal Highnefs was deliver'd on the larh of May 1684, and being dead was privately interr'd. Laily Mary, 2d Daughter, born at Whitehall, June !i, 1585 ; but dy'd on the 8th of February i6%6. Lady Anne-Sophia, third Daughter, born at Wind- f r May 12, i<58(5, but dy"d on the 2d of February, the fame Year. William Duke of Gloucefter, born in the Royal Palace of Hampton-Couit July 24, 1689, who at the Time of his Baprifm, (the 27-n) was declared by his Majefty King William IIL Duke of Gloucefter ; hue cy'd of a Fever in the Caftle of Windfor on the jtoth of July Anno 1700, being eleven Years and five Days Lady Mary, another Daughter of the faid Princ^fs Anne and Prince George, was born at St. James's in the Month of Oclobtr 16^0, but dy'd foon after fhe was baptiz'd- Gerrge, anotlier Son of this Roval Pair, was born at Sion Houfe nc^ar Brentford in the County of Mid- dlefex, oaths 17th of April 1^92 j and dying within an Hour after he ^^as baptiz'd, was bury'd bv his Brother and Sifters in Henry VIL's Chapjl in Weft- mi ;ifter-Ab~bey. Thus tlie Iftlie of herMoft Excellent Majenv, (while Princefs) deceas'd in th;ir Minority, from whom the whole Kingdom had conceiv'd great and prcmiHng Hopes of being bljft with a Race of Princjs to con- tinue the Succeffion of ths Crown in the Protcftan: Line, and more especially in the Perfon of his Hit,h- iiefs the Duke of Gloucefter, whofe too early Death can never be too much lamented,^ In October 17C2, the Firft of Queen Anne, Cora- miifioners were appoiaied to treat of an Union be- tween Of the Royal Family. ^^ tween England and Scotland, which was concluded at Edinburgh on the i< dying in 1530, left Otho, who dy'd without IlVue, and William ^ which William alfo dying childlefs in 1565 gave his Eftate to his Kinfman Magnus Torquatus. Albert the Great, who fuccecded his Father, as above mention'd , marry'd Elizabeth , Daughter of Henry the Magnanimous, Duke of Brabant, by whom he had three Sons, William who dy'd without IfTue, Albert th^ Fat, his Succeflbr, and Henry the Admira- ble j which laft had two Sons, Henry the young, Fa- ther of Otho, who was the 4th Hui"band of Joan Queea of Jerufalem, Naples and Cicily j and Erncftes, whofe Poftericy ended in the fi:th Generation. From Albert the 2d, call'd the Fat,_ who dy'd ia 1519, are defcended all the Princes of the Houfe of Brunfwick now in being, for he marrying Ricca, Dauihcer to the Duke oT Herules and Vandals, l\y herliad Magnus the Meek, his Succeffor, whofe VVitc was Sophia, Daughter to Henry Marquefs of Branden- burgh, and by" her he had Magnus Torquatus or Chaui-Beirer, lo nam'd from a Silver Chain he wore about !iis Neck. This Magnus the id, who in X5(52 fucceeded his Father, marry'd Catharine, Daughter to Voldemar, tleilor of Brandenburgh i and he dying in 1373 by^ her left three Sons, whereof Frederick was Duke of Brunfwick, and elected Emperor j but in the Year 1400 \vas flain at Fridar by Count Waldech ; Ber- nard was Progenitor of the Dukes of Lunenburgh, and Henry was Prince of Calcmberg, and VVolfenburtel. About the Year 1428, Bernard had the Dukedom of Lunenburgh, and his Father's Right over the City of Brunfwick, by Partition made widi his Nephews ^ and dying a: Zell in 1434 left Ifliie by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Wencellaus , Elector of Saxony, B 5 CtliP '/^T. Of the Royal Family* O:ho furnamed ths Lame, who had no Iffue, and Fre- derick the Tuft; which Frederick in 1478 dy'd in a Monaffry at'Zell, leaving IfTue by Magdalen hisWife, Daughter-to Frederick, Eleftor of Brandenburgh, two Sons. Of the Sons, which were Bernard and Otho, the eldeft dyint; in 1464 without Iflue, Otho his Brother became irieir •, and he djing in 1471 lett Iffue by Anne of Nallau his Wife a Son' namd Henry, who was call'd the Young, whcfe Wife was Margaret, Daugh- ter to Erneftus Duke of Saxony \ and dying at Paris in 155a by h;r left three Sons, Otho, Francis, and Erneltus, who all uibfcrib'd the Augihurg Confellion, and Erneft, who dy'd in 1546, was the firft Proteftant I'rince of this Family. He marry'd Sophia , Daughter to Henry Duke of Mecklenburg, by whoiii he had Francis-Otho, who dy'd in 1553^, three Months after h : had marry'd Eli- zabeth , Daughter to Joachim the id Marciuefs of Brandenburgh \ Henry Earl of Dannebergh, who was Anceftor of the Houi'e of Frunfwick-Wolfembuttel, and dy'd in 1598 ; and William Duke of Lunenburgh- Zell, born in 153 > , from whom is defcended the Houfe of Hinover-Zell, of which King George is the Head. He marry'd Dorothy, Daughter to Chriftian III. King of Denmark ; and dying in ,1^92 by her left fcven Sons and feven Daughters j of which, George, ivho was born- in 1582, fucceeded him \ and he dying in 1641 left IlTue by Anne-Eleanor his Wife, Daugh- ter to Lewis Landgrave of Heffe-Darmftadt, four Sons, and a Daughter nam'd Sophi.vAmelia, who was mar- ry'd to Frederick III. King oi Denmark. ()c the Sons, which were Chriflian-Lewis, George- WilliaiTi, John-Frederick, and Erneft-Auguftus, the Jartcr, who was bo.n in n^t^, was firft Adminiftrator of the BiOioprick of Ofnabruc, for the Auglburg Confeflion, and in \66z, furfuant to the Treaty or VVeftphalia, made Anno 1648, fucceeded Count Fran- .cis of vyinenibergh in the fa'd Bilhoprick. He alfo, in 1680, became Duke of Hanover, as Heir -to his Brother John-Frederick, who dy'd without Iflue male; and in i(5yi the Empercr Leopold, in .Coi3iid;rii:ion of the Ailiftance affjrded him by ths fiid Of the Royal Family, 4^ raid Duke Erneft, for carrying on the War againft the France, made him 9th Eledor of the Empire, (viz. Elector of Brunfvvick-Lunenburgh) as alfo Arch- Standard-Bearer thereof; and the Emperor ]ofeph , the Son of Leopold, when he put the Ele£tor of Ba- varia under the Imperial Ban, gave Duke Erneft the Port of Great Treafurer of the Empire, which had belonged to the Elector Palatine. In the Year 1658, the faid Eledor Erneft marrying tlie Princefs Sophia, 5th and youngeft Daughter to Frederick V. Eleftor Palatine of the Rhine, (elefted Kinc of Bohemia November 4, i(?i9, and dy'd No- vember 19, x6yS) by Elizabeth of Great Britain, el- deft Daughter to K. James I. as before has been m:n- tion'd, by her had the following Iflue. I ft, George-Lewis, Prince Electoral of Brunfwick- Lunenburgh, born May a8, \66o\ and on Jan. 18, 1698-9, fucceeded his Father in all his Titles and Do- minions, (except that of the Bifhoprick of Ofnaburgh- \vhich fell to his Brother^ Duke Erneft, by Virtue of the Treaty of Weftphalia oefore mantion'd \ in which it is ftipulated, that the See of Ofnaburgh Ihall be al- ternately poffeis'd by a Roman-Catholick and a Prote- ftan: Prince, (the Inhabitants being a Mixture of both Religious) and tliat when it comes to the Turn of a Protcftanr to fill the Chair, it flull be given to a :vounger Son of the Houfe of Brunfwick-Lunenburgh j to that the late Bifhop being a Roman-Catholick, ic fell in Couife, as we faid before, to Duke Erneft, Bro- ther to the above- mention'd George-Lewis, late King of Great Britain. zd. Frederick-Auguftus,born Oi5tober ^, 1^61, and on the 31ft of December i($.;o was {lain in Tran- filvania, 'fighting againft the Tuiks. 3d, Miximilian-William, born December 23, (New ftile) \666, and dy'd on the 16th of June \'^^6, 4th, Charles-Philip, born Oitober 15, i<599, and was flain in the Battle of Callaneck January i, 1690, fighting againft the Turks. 5th, Chriftian born September 29, i^7ij, and was drown'd in the Danube, after the Battle of Munder- kingcn, July 51, 1703, Sophia* 44 Q/* ^^^ Royal Family, Sophia-Charlotte, only Daughter of Duke Ernefl and the Princefs Sophia, was born October 20, 1668, and on the 6i:h of Oftobsr 1684 becam^i the 2d Wife o\. Frederick III. Marquefs of Brandenburgh, who in the Year 1700 aflum'd the Title of King Prulfia. George-Lewis, eldeft Son of Duke of Erneft, and the Princefs Sophia, was on the 15th of March 1702-5, inftall'd a Knight of the Garter at VVindfor, by his Proxy Charles Lord Mohun, as on the firft of Auguft J714 he accceded to the Crown of Great Britain, and dy'd on the i ith of June 1727, after he had reign'd 12 Years, 10 Months, and u Days. On the 2ift of November 1682 he was marry 'd to Sophia Dorothea, his firft C-^ufin, only Child of his Father's Brother, Georu!-\VilliaTi, Duke of Zell, -who dy'd in 170^, and by her, (who dy'd on the 2d of November) 1726, hs hail an only Son mined George- Auguftus, born Ofliober 50, 1^83, who fucceeded him, and a Daughter Sophia-D-'rotliea, which Daughter was born on the i(5th of March i'587, and on the" 18th of November 1706 was marry'd to Frederick-William King of Prulfia. 115. Georg- IT. the Son of George I. was in a Chap- ter held at Kenfincton April 4, 1706, the 5th of Queen Anne, eleftcd a "Knight of th- Moft Noble Order of the Garter : as on the 9th of November following he was created Baron of Tewklbuiy in the County of Gloucefter, Vifcount Northallerton in the County of York, Earl of Milford-haven in the County of Pv;m- broke, and Marquefs and Duke of Cambridge ; and on the 2)th of September 1714, the firft of his Father's Reign, he was created Prince of Wales, and Earl of Chciter and Flint. On the nth of Jun: 1727 he fucceeding his Father, \vas on th^ 15th oTth^ fan- Month proclaim'd in Lon- don King ot Great Britain, France and Irelantl, as €>\\ the iprh he was in Edinburgh .ind Dublin, and on the nth of Oftober (with his Queen) was crown'd at Weftmmfter. On the 2d of September 1705, his Majefty was marry'd to WilSelniina-Caroline, (who was born on th: ift of March i58;-5, and dy'd the 20th of No- vember 1737.) Daii;:h"er to John-Frederick, Marquefs of Bra.idenburgh-Anfpach,' bv whom hs \\x$. iniie, Frtde- Of the Royal Family. 4 ^ Frederick-George, Prince of Wales, born the 19th of January 1706-7. who married Augufta, Daughter of the Duke of Sax Gotha, by whom he has Ifllie Au- pufta, born the 51ft of July 1757, George born the 34:h of May i7?8, and Edward born the i4:h of March 1755?. The Princefs Anne, born Oftober the zad 1709, married to William Prince of Orange the 14th ot March 1753. The Princefs Amelia-S'cphia-Eleanora, born May 50, 171 1. The Princefs Elizabeth-Charlotte, born May' p, 1713. William-Auguftus, Duke of Cumberland, born April 15, 1721. The Princefs Mary, born February 22, 1722-3 : And the Princefs Louifa, born December 7, 1724. A R M S. Quarterly four Grand Quarters \ ifl:. Mars, three Lions padant-guardant in Pale, Sol, the Imperial En- Cgns of England, impal'd with the Royal Arms of Scotland fince tne Union, which are, Sol, a Lion rampant within a double Treflure flory counterflory. Mars. The 2d Quarter is the Royal Arms or Francs, viz. Jupiter, three Fleurs de lis, Sol. The 3d, the Enfign of Ireland, which is, Jupiter, an Harp Sol, ftring'd Luna. And the 4th Grand Quarter is his Majerty's own Coat, viz. Mars, two Lions paflan:- guardant in Pale, Sol, for Brunfwick, empaPd wi:h Lunenburgh, which is, Sol, Semi of Hearts proper, a Lion rampant, Jupiter-. Having Saxony entre eii pcinte, viz. Mars, an Horfe current, Luna ; and in a shield Surtout- Mars, the Diadem or Crow.i of Charlemaine, (vvnich will afterwards be defcribM") the whole within a Garter, as Sovereign of thac Moft Noble Order of Knighthood. CREST. An Helmet of Gold aifiontei, fiii cable to his Ma- jtfty's Royal Jurifdidion, upon which is an Tmnjrial Crown, furmounted by a Linn of England, alfo Im- perially crown'd proper, the whole mantled wich Cloth of Gold, doubled Ermine. B 7 SUP- 4i5 Of the Royal Family, SUPPORTERS. On the dexter Side, a Lion guardant, Sol, crown'd as the Creft j on the Sinifter, an Unicorn Luna, arm'd, ciin'd, and ungulM, Sol, gorg'd with a Collar of Crofles pattee and Fleurs de lis, a Chain thereto affix'd, all Gold, both ftanding on a Compartment, from whence iOue the two Royal Badges of his Ma- ]efty's chief Dominions, a Red Rofe for England, and a Thift'.e proper for Scotland- Note J The Unicorn was the antient Supnorter of Scotland, and taken to exprefs the joining of the two Nations under King James L uhn alfo, in the Year 1614, being King of "Ireland, caufed the Harp to be marfhal'd with trie Arms of Groat Britain j fince vrhen, ic have been fet upon th;; Britifh Coin. MOTTO. DIEU ET MON DROIT. The Sayinf, of King Richard I. after he had gain'a a compleat Vidory over the French, 119^, at a Place caird Gyfors, Dieu ■Ci" mon Drcit, that is, God and our K'72ht has obtain'd i:; and ever fince, the Kings of Eiigb.nd, &c. have made it their Motto. The Motto upon the Garter, Honi foit qui mat y penje i Shame he to him that evilthiijks, was given by King Edward III. who was the Founder of that Moft Noble Order. when he claim'd the of France, in his Mother's Right, who was Ifaoel, Daughter to Philip the Fair, and J^ifterto Charles IV. that_(in ij28) dy'd without IfTue, he caufed the Arms of France to be quarter'd wirh the Lions of England, but placed the Fleurs de lis firft, to induce the French more eafily to own the Englilli Ti:le j but fince the Union with Scot- Itn.^, (Anno 1-07) they are placed in the 2G Quarter. A.;d by an Article of the faid Union, ic was agreed, that the Crofs of $:. George, which is Gules, tlie Field Argent i and the Ciofs of S:- Andrew, which is Argen-, Of the Royal Family, \j Argent, the Field Azure, be conjoinM, when ufed ia Flags, Banners, Standards, and Enfigns, both at Sea and Land, as before has been obferv'd. A Defcriptioii of Charlemaine's CROWN,' which bis MAJESTY bears in his Arms as Arch-Treafurer and Prince Eledlor of the Holy Roman Empire. nPHIS Crown which is diftinguifh'd into eight -'■ Parts, is made of pure Gold, weighing fourteen Pounds, and is ftill preferved at Nuremburgn. The foremoft Part of the Crown is adorn'd with twelve Jewels, all unpolifh'd, and is bigger than thofe on each Side, but that behind is of equal Size. On the fecond Part on the Right Hand, is our SAVIOUR ficting between two Cherubs, with each four Wines, whereof two arc upward and two down- 'ate) upnn a Prince's Ci^wn, a Lion of England, alike crown'd, proper, and gorg'd with a Label of three Points, as in the Aims. SUPPORTERS. The fame as thofe of the King, fave only, that the dexter Supporter is crown'd widi a Prince's Coronet, and both are gorg'd as the Creft. The proper and peculiar Device (corruptly call'd the Prince's Arms) is a Coronet of Fleurs de lis, and Crofles pattee, Sol, beautify'd with three Oftrich Fea- thers Luna, infcrib'd with Ich Dien, which in the German or old Saxon Language fignifies^ I ferve. This Device was born at the Battle of CrefTy, Anno 1546, by John King of Fohemia, fervinn under the French King, and there ilain by Edward the Black Prince, who took the Crown from his Head, fince worn by the Princefs of Wales, and by the Vulgar call'd the Prince's Anns. After the Re/loration of King Charles IT. viz. on the <)i\\ of February i66o-ij it v/as folemnly order'd, that the Son and Heir apparent to the Crown of Eng- land fliould ufe and bear his Coronet of Crofles pattee, and Fleurs de lis, as aforefaid, with the Ad- dition of one Arch, and in the Midft a Ball and Crofs, as hath th: Royal Diadem. At the fame Time it was alfo order'd, that the Duke of York, and all the immediate Sons and Bro- thers of the Kings of England, fhould ufe and bear their Coronets compos'd of Crofles pa';tee and Fleurs de lis only J but that all their Sons refpsiftively, ha- ving the Tide of Dukes, iTiould bear and ufe their Coronets compos'd of Crofles pattee, and Flowers, or Leaves, fuch as arc ufed in the Compofure of the Co- ronets of Dukes, who are not ot th>i Royal Family. See Vol 3. Plate 17, N« 5. Of 54 Of the Royal Fam%, Of the Duke ^/Cumberland. Majdiy King George II.) Duke of Cumberland, Mar- x^ I'^fl"^^f'"> Baron of Aldernav, and Knicht of the Moft Honourable Order of th-^ Ba'h ^ ^r^K^rn"^ ^r"^ oftheF^ath May 27, 17;.-. Baron of the Ifle of Aldernay, Vifcount oY Treniaron in t h" ry"oril''r"^"v'''fV^\^''^"i^^Sro.. in the Ccunl irH;rr77'^^'T'£'?^^%^^'"^ft«^^'^^'i tJie County lUi^ In J'^' • ^u '^ r^t'^V^^ Cumberland, July 15, J726. and Knight of the Garter. ' J J *.3 0/ < rs ) Of PFvECEDE N C Y. AFTER the KING, and the Princes of the Blood, (viz. the Sons,, Brothers, Uncles and Nephews of the Kinu) thefc Great Offi- cers of the CHURCH and CROVVN are to precede all other of the Nobility, viz- the Lord High Com- mifTionec, the Keeper oi the Great Seal, (a new Of- fice created by Virtue of the Union Treaty, Anno 1707, inftead of that of Lord Chancellor) and the Lord Privy Seal. Archbiflinps, Dukes, MarquefTes, Dukes eldeft Sons, Earls, Marquefles eldeft Sons, Dukes younger Sons, Vifcounts, Earls eldclt Sons, Marquefles younger Sons, BilTiops, Barons, Vifcounts eldeft Sons, of which fcrupl-d to give firft Liftitution thereof. Earls younger Sons, Barons eldeft Sons, Lord of Seflion, Privy Councillors, Vifcounts younger Sons, Barons younger Sons, Knights Bannerets, Kni[;hts Baronets, Knights of the Bath, Knights Bachelors, Knight Baronets eldeft Sons, Efquires or Lairds, many the Place to Baronets at the Note : The Secretaries of State, if Peers, take Place of all of that Degree, except the Great Officers afore- faid. And the Ladies take Place, or Precedency, ac- cording tojhe Degre; of Quality of their Huitands. Note alfo. That by the Articles of the Union in 1707, all the Englilh of the fame Degree at the Time of the Union, are to have Rank and Precedency before .all the Scots of the like Order and Degree, at the Time of the Union : But thofe v\ho were Peers of Scotland at the Time of the Union, are to have the Precedency before all Pe^rs of Great Erirain, cf the like Orders and Degrees, who fliould be created after the Union. DUKES. ( r«) DUKES, Hamikoiij Duke of Hamilton. HE Moft High, Puufant, and Noble Prince, Janes Hamih^n, Duke of Ha- mikon,Chac:KTauk and Brandon, Ma - quefs of Clydfdale, Earl of Arran and Lanerk, Lord Aven, Polmount, Mar- chanfnirc, Aberbrctheck and Inner- dale, baron of Dutcon. Hereditary Sheritf of the County of Lanerk, and Keeper of ths Kini;'.'. Palace in Eui'nburf;h, (call'd Holyrood Houfe) Knight of the Moft Antien: and Noble Order of the Thiille. Summon'd to Parliament in 1574, the 4th of Robert the 2d. Created Earl of Arran in the County of Bute, Auguft 10, 150.^, the 15th of James IV. Duke of Chattlerault in Poidou in France, in May 1548, by Henry II. King of that Realm, Marquefs of Ha- milton in the Comity of Lanerk, April i*?, 1559, the 33d of lames VI. Baron of Aberbrotheck, June i6o5, the 40tn of that Reign, Earl of the County bt Lanerk, Lord Mavchanfliire, and PMm-tnt, March 31, i.-^^^* the ijth of Charles I. Duke of Hamilton, April 12, jf;43, the 19th of Charles I. and Baron of Dutton and Duke of Brandon, Englifli Honours, Sept. xo, 171 1> the io:h cf Qiieen Anne. This Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton. 5-7 This Ancienr, Great and Uluftrious Family, is the fiift of Peerage in Scotland, next to the Blood Roj;al, and has been eftablilh'd by an uninterrupted SucceJlion ot" full Four Hundred Years, deriving themfelves from Sir William de Hambleden, (So call'd trom the Manor of Hambleden in the County of Bucks, in England, where he was born) who was 2d Son to Robert Earl of Leicefter. defcended from the Earl of Mellant in Flanders \ for Robert de Bellemont or Beaumont, a Norman, (after the Death of his Uncle, Hugh Earl of Mellant) was by King Heiry 1. of England, Anno no?, created Earl or Leicefter, and was the fiift Earl of that Place after the Conqueft. He marry'd Elizabech, Daughter of Hugh the Great, Earl of Vermondois, Son of Henry King of France, and by her (befides other Illlie) had Robert furnam'd BofTd, who in the Year 1118 fucceeded him, and was alfo Chief Jufticc of England. He marry'd It:a. Daughter to Roaldo de W.)cir, Earl of Eaft Ani;les,and Dy her had Robert furnam'd Bhnch- maines, who in the Year iidS, became the 3d Earl of Leicefter \ and he marryinj Pernell, or Petronilla, Daughter and Coheir to Hugh de Grentmefnel, with hir had thj Honour of Hinckley in the County of Leicefter, aid Stewardfliip of England j and by her had Robert ihe 4:h Earl of Leicefter, Sir William de Hambleden above-men:ioned, who was Founder of St. Leonard's Caftle in Leicefter, and Roger Archbi- fli^p of St. Andrews, and Chancellor of Scotland. About the Year 1323, th: faid Sir \Villiam being in fome Office in K. Edward IL's Houfe at London, and on a Time fpeaking largely in the Praife of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, commending his great Va- lour and \'ir:ue \ one ]ohn Spencer, being anotlier 0:hcer, and Familiar wich King Edward, hearing him fpeak fo, gave him a Blow, wich many reproach- ful Words j which was fuch an AtFront, that SirWil- lia n challenged the faid Spencer, and for failing to fight him, he kill'd him the next Day. The Friends of Sir William, knowing Spencer's great Inrereft and Power about King Edward, advifed him to fliun his Malice, and accordingly he fled into Scotland, where he was kindly received by King Ro- bert, who, to make him amends for Nvhat he had tor- feited 5? Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton. feiced on his Account at Home, generoufly rewarded him with the Lands ot Cadzovv in the Counrx of La- nerkg or Clydfdale, which Lands were atterwards caH'd HamiUon, he thereupon changing his Name. 'Tis ("aid, that when this Sir VVilIijm*Bed from Eng- land, he was clofe purfu'd into a Wood, where he, with his Servant, changed Coats with two Wood- cutters, and took a Vv'ood-Saw, and were cutting througn an Oak Tree when thePurfuers pafs'd by him, and tha- feeing liis Servant take Notice of them, he call'd to him haltily. Through ; which Word became the Motto of the Family, and the Saw cutting through the Oak Tree, tl.c Creft. To Sir William, who marrv'd ;he only Daughter of Gilbert F.arl of .S:r;.chern, "fucceeded Gilbert their Son -J which Giloert, in the Year 1314, was knighccd in the Field for liis Valour and good Condud in the Battle of Bannocl-burn i and he marrying Ifabel Ran- dolph, Sifter to Tliomas F.arl of Murray^ and Gover- nor of Scotland, by her had two Sons, Walter his Heir, and Sir ]ohn Hamilton of Rofs-aven, of whom fprung the Family oi Preftoun in the County of Edin- burgh, and i^s Branches. V/alter, who fucceeded, was a Man of great Fame and Character j and in the ^i\\ ol Robert I. for his Merit and acceptable Services, had a Grant of the Barony of Marcninfiiire, and wxs knighted. In 15^4, the faid King Robert beftow'd on him the Lands of Kenneil, Larber, Brimagc, and Auld Cathie in the Coun'y of Linlithgow j as alfo the Lands of Kirkinder and Kirk-owen in the County of Wigtoun ; and marryins; Ifabel, Daughter to Wiliiam Earl of Rofs, and N'lece to the King by her Mother, by her had two Sons, who were both Kniglrs, cf which the youngeft was named ]oh;i, and from him is defcended the prefent Earl of Haddington j and Sir David, who fucceeded his Father, and ferv'd KiriK David IE in l»is Wars againft ih- Englilh, was fummoned to Parlia- ment by Robert II. He msrryM Margaret, Daugliter to Walter Lefliy,. Lord Rofs, by Euphsms his Wife, Dauahter and Heir to William Earl of Rofs, and by herliad David his JucceiVor, who was knighted, and the 7chof Robeit II. bad a Grant of the Lands of Rothwefl-muje. He Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton, 5 9 He marry'd ]anet. Daughter to William Keith^ Marflial of Scotland, and by her had five Sons, where- of Sir John the eldeft continued the Line, and from Kobert the jd Son fprung the Family of Bruntwood, of which branch'd the Lord Belhaven. Sir ]ohn, who fucceeded, and was Lord of Cadzow marry ^d ]anet. Daughter to Sir James Doiir;las of Dal- keith, Anceftor to the Earl of Morton, by whom he had Sir James Hamilton of that Ilk, his Son and Heir, and another Son named Thomas^ from v\ horn is de- fcended the Lord Vifcount Limerick of the Kingdom of Ireland. Sir James, who was Heir to his Father, was fenc into F.ngland as an Hoftage for the Payment of 40,000!. Sterling, for the Ranfom of King James I. and was af- terwards knighted by the faid King, and made one of his Privy Council ; and in 1+45 all his Lands were ereSed into a Barony (by King Tames IL) call"d The Barony of Hamilton, and he created Baron thereof. la i4"us Manner, folemnize the fame ; for which the King gave him the County of Arran, and created him Earl thereof •, the Preamble of his Paten: is as follows: KNOW ye, that we (on Account of the Near- nefs of ijlood between us and our beloved Kinf- man James l,ord Hamilton, and for the voluntary Service he ha:h already pcrform'd, and is further to perform for us , alfo, for the great Pains he hath been at, and Expences he hath borne for us and the Kingdom's tlonour, .'X the Time of our Marriage- Contraft, folemn-z'd before the Face of the Church a: our Monaftery of the Holy Crofs near Edinburgh, and with the Advice of our Council, and the three Eltates of our Realm then maturely confulted) have, from our exprefs Knowledge and propc-r Mo- tion, given and granted, and by tTiis our prcfent In- (trument confirm to the faid James Lord Hamilton, the whMe and entire County of Arran, lying in the Sheritfalty of Bute, &c. In 1512. he was fent with a Fleet to France, where he was made Knijiht of the Cockle, as in 1520 he was appointed Warden of the South Marches, and was Re- gent of Scotland in the Minority of James V. Ha many'd to his firft Wife Beatrix, Daughter to John Lord Drummond, by whom he had an only Daughter named Margaret, which Daughter was mar- ry'd~ro An Irew Sreuart, Lord Evandale and Ochiltree ; and by his fecond VVi'e, who \\'?3 Janet, Dat'.gluer tr> Sir David Bca:on of Crich in th>; County of Fife, he Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton. 6i had a Son named James, and two Daughters j where- of Helen the eldeft was marrj'd to Archibald Earl of Argyle, and Jane to Alexander Earl of Gl.nicairn j and theTaid Earl of Arran dying in 1530 was fucceeded by James his Son. On the 15th of March 1543, James the 4th Lord Hamilton, and 2d Earl of Airan, was declared by the three Eftates of the Realm, Tutor to the young Queen Mary, and Governor or Regent of the Kiiir^dom du- ring her Minority, as alfo declared next immediate Heir to the Crown, failing the Queen and her lawful Iflue, and that all the Subjects of Scotland fliould ac- knowledge and obey the faid Earl, as fole Regent or Governor of the Realm, in all Things belonging to his Office, according to the Tenor of the A£t then pafs'd, (which Att is in the Cuftody of his Grace James now Duke of Hamilton) to which all the No- blemen, Prelates and CommiiTioners of Shires and Boroughs of Scotland, put their Seals, fitting then in Edinburgh. He was afterwards one of that Queen's Privy Coun- cil, and Knight of St. Michael, and by Henry II. of France created Duke of Chattlerault, the faid King at the fame Time afligning a Revenue of 30,000 Livres to be paid Yearly to Him the faid Duke, and his Heirs and Succeflbrs for ever, for the Support of that Title and Honour. This Duke, in that great and difficult Office of Re- j;ent, gain'd the GoOvl-will and Efteem of all the Sub- jects of Scotland, and of all Foreign Princes, (who knew his Deportment) by being a true Patriot ; for tho' he had been declared next Heir to the Crown, if the Queen had dy'd without Iflue, and Tutor and Re- gent during her Minority, yet he freely refign'd the Power and Regalia to the Qv.een Mother, at the Defire of the young Queen and Parliament •, fo that it ap- pcar'd, nc was not Ambitious of any Power or Com- mand, except when his Service might contribute to the P^ace and Profperity of the Kingdom, which he moft generoufly preferred to his own private Intereft. This Great Duke marry'd the Lady Margaret Dou- clas. Daughter to James the 4th Earl cf Morton, and dying on the lid of January 1575', at his Palace of Hamilton, by her left litue three bons and three Daugh- I ' tcrs, 6^ Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton; ters, whereof Margaret the eldeft was firft marry'd to Alexander Lord Gordon, Son and Heir to George Earl nt' Huntley, and 2dly to ]ames Lord Fleming, Anceftor to the Earl of Wigton ; Anne was marry'd to George Earl of Huntlev, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, Progenitor of the prefent Duke of Gordon, and Jane the y'oungeft became the Wife of Hugh Earl of Eglington. Of" the Sons of James Duke of Chattlerault, &c. which were lames, John, and Claud, the latter was Progenitor of the Earl of Abercorn, ^ and of the Lord Vifccunt Boyne, (as may be feen in the 211th and 2;6th Pages of the 3d Volume of this Work, contain- ing ths Nobility of Ireland) and lames the eldeft, fuc- ceeded his Father in the Earldom of Arran, &c. In 1555 he was, byHen. ;• of France, made Cap- tain of that King's Life-guard, and the laid King, to fupport the Dignity of his Office, gave him a Penfion of 2000 PiftoU \ but he dying without Ifliie, John his_ next Brother became Heir, and was the 4tn Earl of Arran. John the 4th Earl had his Eftate and Title of Earl of Arran forfeited for his Adherence to the aforefaid Queen Mary j and to avoid the Storm that threatned him, fled on Foot in a Seaman's Habit into England, whence he made his Efcape into France ; and not- wichftanding tiie hard Ufage his Lordfliip met with, he continued true and faithful to the Queen to the laft ; of which, her Majefty was fo fenfible, that when that fevere and unparalieli'd bentence of Death was pafs'd upon her in England, fhe took a Ring off her Finger, and gave it to one ot her Servants, and order'd him to carry it to her Coufin, Lord John Hamilton, and t^ll him, that was all llie had to witnefs her great Senfe of his Family's confrant Fidelity to her, and their Sufferings for her Intereft j and defir'd i: might be kept in the Family, as a lafting Evidence of hei" Kindnefs to i: 5 and the faine is prelerved to this Day ■with a fui:able Regard- In the Reign of King Tames VI. the faid John Lord Hamilton was reftcred to all the Titles of Honour, Eftare, and Precedency, loft either by the Attainder of IiimCeU, or of James Earl of Arran his Brother, and was alfo made one of his Majefty's Privy Council, Csptaia Hamilton, Duke of HamiltoH. 6^ Captain of the Caftle of Dumbarton, and created Marquefs of Hamilton, being the firft in Scotland that ever bore that Dignity •■, and aft?i wards his Majefty made him frequent Vifits at his Palace at Hamilton, treating him with the fame Refpedt chat the Queen his Mother had done the Duke of Chatclerault, and al- ways call'd him Father. This Noble Perfon dying in the Year 1^04, when he was in the higheft Favotir with Prince and People, left Iflue by Margaret Lion his \Vi:e, Daughter to John Lord Glames, Anceftor to the Earl ot Strath- more, James his Succefl'or, and a Dau!,hter of her Name ; which Daughter was marry'd to John Lord Maxwell, Anceftor to the Earl of NithfJale. In June 1606, in a Parliament then held at Edin- burgh, the Abbacy of Aberbrotheck was crefted into a Lordfliip, with the Dignity and Eftate of a Lord of Parliament, to be held ot his Majefty in free Lordfliip and Barony, by James the 2d Marquefs of Hamikon ; the Caufes mention'd in the Narrative .'.re. That James Marquefs of Hamilton, is nearly defcended of his Ma- jefty's Blood ; and becaufe ot the good Service of John Marquefs of Hamilton, his Father, in feveral Commiflions of Lieutenancy, and pacifying divers Commotions and Seditions in the Kingdom. On the i6th of June 1^19, the i7cn of James I. he was created Baron cf Enncrdalc in Cumberland, 2nd Eail of Cambridge in England j and was alfo cnc of the Gentlemen of his Majefty's Bedchamber, one of his Privy Council, Lord High Steward of his Maje- fty's Houfliold, and Lord High Commiflioner to the Parliament, and in \6z\ was made Kni;,ht of the Garter. He marry'd Anne Cunningham, Daughter to James Earl of Glencairn, and Widow of Gilbert Kennedy Earl ol CaHils j and dying in \6zi by her left Ifluc two Sons and three Darehrers ; v, hereof the Lady Anne was marry'd to Hugh Earl ofEglington, Mr.r- caret to Joiin Earl of Crawford, and Mary to Tnm;^ Earl of Queenlherry i and of the Sons, whichvverc ]ames and William, the eldeft fucceeded his Father. James who was third Marquefs of Hamilton, af- fifted at the Coronation of Kinc Charles I. where h€ carrj'd :he Svroid ot S:ate, and by that King was created 54 Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton. created a Duke ; as alfo made High Commiffionei' t« the General Adembly of the Church, Mafter of the Horfe to the faid King, Gentleman of his Bedchamber, Privy Councillor in both Kingdoms, and Knight ot the Garrer j and at the Baprifm of King Charles II. reprefented the King of Bohemia at the Font, as one of the Godfathers i out in i<543^ he and his Brother William, who was then Earl oi Lanerk, and Secre- tary to his Majefty, waiting upon the King at Oxford, the Marquefs of Montrofe, and others, made Com- plaint to his Majefty againft them, as blamins; their Conduft ia the King's Caufe in Scotland ; and tno' the Informations were groundlefs, yet the King was prc- vail'd with by their Enemies, that the Earl was obli- ged to make his Efcape to Edinburgh \ but the Duke was fent Prifoner to Briftol, thence to Exeter, and after to Pendennis Caftle, wnere he remained "till the 17th of July i(54ke of Hamilton, &c, is nam:!d James. The two Dauuhters are Lady Charliot, inarried to Edwin, Efcj and Lady Sufan, mar- tied to Kick, Efq^ On the i4rh of September \']z6 his Grace was eledled a Knight of the Moft Ancient and Noble Order *^f St. Andrew, or the Thifile, and on the 31ft of Oc- tober follov\ ing he was iiiftall'd in the Royal Palace of Holyrood Houie. On the ;8:h of May 1727 he was appointed one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to King George I. as on the 2d of Odober enfning he was to his p"^efent Ma- ]efty Geon;e IT. and his'' Grace marrying to his firft Wife • Dau[ih:er to John Cochran, Earl of Dun- donald, by her (\vho dy'd en the 14th of Aiiguft 17:4, ill the 18th Year of her Age) he had an only Son named James, and is now living \ and on the 12th of Auguft Hamilton, Duh ^Hamilton, ^t Auguft 1727 his Grace marryM to his 2d Wifs. Mrs. Strangeweys of the County of Dorfet, a Lady o£ a very great Fortune ; but by her had no IfTue. His Grace marry'd to his 3d Wife, Anno 1737, Mifs Spencer a rich Heirefs, who bore him a Daugh- ter named Anne, Anno 1739. ARMS: Four crand Quarters : Firft quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, three Cinquefoils pierc'd Ermine, tor Hamilton, being Part of the Arms of Robert de Bellemont ; id and 3d Pearl, a Ship with its Sails furl'd up. Diamond^ for the Earldom of Arran. The ad grand Quarter is Pearl, an Human Heart imperially crown'd proper, on a Chief Saphire, three Mullets Silver, for the Name of Douglafs. 3d grand Quarter as the ad, 4th as the ift. Creft. In a Ducal Coronet Topaz, an Oak fru(aec! and penetrated tranfverfly in the inain Stem, by a Franii Saw, proper, the Frame Gold. Supporters. Two Antelopes Silver, their Horns, Ducal Collars, Chains, and Hoofs, Topaz, Motto. Tluough. P. 6. N" I. Chief SEATS. At Hamilton in the Countv of Lanerk, eight Miles from that Town, and 34 hnm Edin'durgh ; and ac Kenniel in the County of Stirling, two Miles from Linlithgow, and 14 from Edinburgh ; but the former is the cnief, and is a noble Palace, wich a Park wall'd feven Miles round, and thti River Aven running thro' it J and in the Drawing-Room are the Pictures of Duke William and his Duchefs, with their fix Sons, viz. James the^ late Duke, Charles Earl of Selkirk, George Earl of Orkney, John Earl of Kutherglen, the Lord Bafilj and Lord Archibald, before men- tioa'd. C4 ILTHS 72 Scot, Duh £/■ Buccleiigh, ILHTHE moft high, puiflant, and noble Prince, -*■ Francis Scot, Duke of Buccleugh, Earl of Dal- kcirh, Baron Scot of Buccleugh and EfKdale, one of the i6 Peers for Scotland, Knight of St. Andrew. On the i6th of March in 1606 Sir Walter Scot, Kt. was advanced to the Dignity of Lord Scot of Buc- cleugh ', as on the i6th of March 1619, Walter his Son was created Earl of Buccleugh 3 and on the 2©:h of April in 1673, the 25ih ot Charles II. Anne Scot was created Baronefs of Efkdale, Countefs of Dalkeith, and Duchefs of Buccleugh. In the Reigns of Alexantler III- and Robert I. we find this ancient and ncble Family of Scot to be very great on the Borders tovvaids England, Avhere they were often Wardens, &c. and in the Year 126^ iir Robert Scot, Knt. (who then fwore Allegiance to King Edward I. of England, as a Baron of' Lanerk- Ihire) marrying the Heirefs of Murdifton in Clidf- dale, by her oDtain'd that Barony j and thereupon laid afide his paternal Arms, which are. Argent, three Lions Heads eras'd Gults j and took the Arms of Murdifton, as now born by her Grace of whom we arc fpeakinc. To the aTorefaid Richard fucceeded Sir Robert Scot, Knight, who was alfo of Murdifton and Ranelburn, and flourifh'd under Robert II. and he having a Sen named Walter, who was a gallant brave Man, per- formiiig many Adions of fignal Honour and Courage in the Service oi the Crown, was nobly rewarded tor the fame, for King Robert, (who never failed to rc- waid Merit,) in u^o gave him the Barf^ny of Kir- kurd, and made him a Knight. In 1426 he obrain'd a Charter from the Earl of Douglafs, of the Lands of Lemi^ethw, for his Service done to that Earl •, and afterwards, in 1446, exchan- ged his Lands of Murdifton, with 'ihemas Inglis of Maner, for the Manor Lands of Br-^xholm. In the Reign of King Janes II. he was a Perfon of that Charader, that he wjs fret^uently employ'd in Negotiations of Peace between the two Nations j and alfo exerted his Valour to a very envnent Degree, in fupprefling the Rebi^llion of the Earls of PouelaG, Murray, aiid Ormoad j for which he hid a Grant li cm Scot, Duke of Buccleugh, -7^ from the Crowo of the Lands of Abington, Fairholm, and Glendonaiy \ and left two Sons, David his Heir, and Alexander; which Alexander in 1488 was Di- redor of the Cnaiicery, and was then flain in Behalf of King James III. In the Reign of the faid James III. and that of James IV. the faid David made a very great Figure in the publick TranCaftions, and was (everal Times ap- pointed one to negotiate a Peace between the two Na- tions j and he dying in 149a, was fucceeded by Sir Walter his Grandfon. Sir Walter, who became Heir, was famous for his many excellent Qualities, under King James V. whofe great Favourite he was •, and in 152? raifing a Party agaiiift the Earl of Angus, that Earl fent an Herald to underftand, how in fuch an hoftile Manner he dared to come fo near the King's Perfon, withal charging him, under Pain of High Treafon, to retire \ to which the faid Sir Walter (who was Laird of Buc- cleugh) anfwer'd, he came to do the King Service, invire him to his Houfe, and (hew him what Forces he was able to raife, when Necefficy fhould require his Alfiftance, In 1545, the ;d of Queen Mary, he gain'd a Viftory over the Jbnglifli on the Borders, as on the loth of September 1547 he fignaliz.'d his Valour at the Battle of Pinkey, and afterwards was made Warden of the Weft Marches. He marry'd to his firft Wife a Daughter of the Fa- mily of Carmichael, and by her had Sir William Scot, Kt. and by Janet his 2d Wife, Daughter to John Bc- thune of Cnchc, he had a Daughter" named Jane, who was marry'd to Sir John Cranfton of that Ilk. Sir William (who was by the ift Wife) marry'd Grifel, Daughter to the aforefaid John Bethune ; and dying before his Father, by her left Walter, SuccelTor to his Grandfather, and three Daughters j whereof Jane was marry'd to Sir Thomas Ker of Fernihevft, Margaret to Sir John Johnfton of that Ilk, and Eliza- beth to John Carmichael of Meadowflat, Captain of Crawford. Sir Walrer, who fucceeded, was a Man of excellent Pares and Reputation, as wife, brave, ftout, and mo- dcft i and he marrying Margaret, Daughter to David C 5 Earl •74 Scot, Duke o/* Buccleiigh. Bail of Angus, by her had Walter his Heir, and a Daughter ot her Name ; which Daughter was marry'd to Robert Scot of ThirleftOn. Walter, who was Heir to his Father, being a Per- fon of very fine Parts, and in great Favour with King James VI. by him was Knighted, and made Warden ot theMarches towards England j and being alfo a Perfon of a warlike Genius from his YOuth carry'd over a Hegiment to the Netherlands, where he fervM under that famous General the Prince of Orange j and there, hn his valiant Adventures gain'd fuch Honour, that the aforefaid King, to countenance his fignal Merit, advanced him to the Dignity of Lord Scot of Bac- cleugh. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to William Ker of Cef- f(frd; and dying in 1611 by her left Walter his Sue- certbr, and two Daughters ; of which Margaret was firfl marry'd to James Lord Kofs, and aher his De- ceafe to Alexander Earl of Eglington j and Elizabeth to ]ohn, Son of William Lord Cranfton. In \6i9 Walter, who fucceeded, (and was the 2d Lord Scot) was created Eail of Buccleugh ; and he being likewife a Nobleman of a warlike Temper had the Command of a Regiment under the States of Hol- land againft the Spaniards, where he ferv'd with fin- gular Honour and Reputation, and dy'd in 1633. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to Francis Earl of Er- rol J and by her had Francis the 2d Earl of Buccleugh, and t\Vo Daughters ; Mary marry'd to John EarPof Mar, and Jane to John Marquefs of Tweedale. Francis, who fucceeded his Father in the Title of :Succleugh, was a Nobleman of very fine Pans, and of fingular Merit; and for hisLcyaltv to King Charles II. Cromwell (after his Death, which was in 1652) im- Xvi:h the King's Forces againft the Rebels, who were encamp'd near Hamil:on, to the Number of 6 or 7003, he gave them Battle at Bothwell-Bridge, and by kil- ling many, and taking about 1100 Prifoners, fupp/^fi'd that Rebellion. After his Return to England, he hiving fhewn him- felf very zealous in prolecuting a full Di.covery of the PopifTi Plot, and join'd with thofe who were the grea.eft Sticklers at that Tims againft Popery, and the Fear of a Popifh Succelfor, he bv that Means had £0 much gain'd thi Arfe^ions of the Psopb, that rome of his chiefly Cfuppos'd) Friends bsgau to invite him CO i Scot, Duke of Biicclengh,' f^j to caft an Eye upon the Crown ; and the more to flat- ter his Hopes therewith, a Report was about this Time very induftrioufly fpread through the Kingdom, that King Charles had been lawfully marry'd co Mrs. Lucy Walters, his Mother j which fo atfeS:ed tha King, that his Majefty thought himfelf obliged both in Confcience and Honour, to declare to the contrary to his Privy Council, and thereupon caus'd the follow- ing Declaration to be enter'd in the Council-Book. Whitehall, March 3, 1679,' * 'T'HAT to avoid any Difpute which may happen * ■*■ in Time to come, concerning the Succeflion ot * the Crown, he declares in the Prefsnce of Almightv * God, that he never gave nor made any Contract oT * Marriage, nor ever was marry'd to any Womau * whatever, but to his prefent Wife, Queen Catha- * rine, now living, Sign'd Charles R. With which Declaration, fome People not being fatisfy'd, and Monmouth ftill growing more Popular, his Majefty thought fit to renew his Proteftation thus : * O^ the Word of a King, and the Faith of a * ^-^ Chriftian, that he never was marry'd to Mrs. * Lucv Barlow, alias Walters, the Duke of Monmouth's * Mother, nor to any other Woman whatfoever, be- ' fides the now Queen. Which Proteftation is recorded in the Court of Chancery. Notwithftandins; thefe Declarations, the Duke of York, who was tlien at Brullels, grew at length fo jealous of his new Competitor, that in the B.-ginning of September following he prevailed wi:h the King his Brother, not only to deveit the Duke of Mon- mou-h of his Comaiiifion of Captain-General, and of all his other gr^at Otfices and Places which ne held under his Majefty, bu'. tliat he fhould likewiCe depart the Kingdom. Whereup.m he recir'd to Utrech:, and there continu'd, 'till hearing of the Duke of York's fudden Return to England, he inftantly fo]l")vv'd hi.n thithsrj and arriving at London on the 27th of No- C 7 vembii 7 8 Scot, Duke of Buccleugh. vember enfuing, the People fhew'd their Joy on that Occafion in a very extraordinary Manner. But ths popular Rejoicings of the Citizens for his Return ferv'ti only to inflame thp Duke of York's Jealouiy the more, and increafe his Enmity againft nxm; fo that by his Royal Highnefles's over prevailing Intereft with the King, Monmouth ftill remain'd in publick Difgrace with nis Majefty, tho' under hand ic was prefum'd the King had the fame natural Tender- nefs for him as ever j but in the Year i(582, having fallen anew under the King's Difpleafure, he was re- moved from being Chancellor of the Univerfity of Cambridge. After which, on the 28th of June the following Year, a Proclamation was iffu'd out for apprehending Jhim, as alfo Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armftrcns , ■and Robert Fergufon, a Fanatick Teacher^ as beiii^ concern'd in the Rye-houfe Confpiracy, lor whica Colonel Sidney, 8cc. fuffer'd : and being taken at S-atford, in his Return to London from W'alifea, was brought before Mr- Secretary Jenkins, who admitted hi.n to Bail J but the Duke, aftar his Appearance ac the King's Bench Bar in Difchaige of his Bail, ab- fconded from his Houfs, and did not furrender him- felf 'till after two feveral Letters he fent to the King, wherein he acknowledged his Folly j and promifing all due Obedience for the future, the King did at length grant him a private Interview j after which, on tnc a4:h of November enfuing he furrender'd himfelf to Mr- Secretary Jenkins ^ and that Evening being exa- inin'd before the King and the Duke of York, he there (hew'd himfelf very fenHble of his Crime in the late Confpiracy, and made a full Declaration of it ; and having made a particular Submiffion to his Royal Kighnafs, for his Mifhehaviour towards him, at the Duke's Requeft, his Majesly was pleafed to Pardon hi.n, and to order the Attorney General to flop all further Proceedings. Bur his Royal Highnefs, after this Pardon, fufpeft- ing there v/as foips^ double Deali ig in the Duke of V.on-nDuth's Ccnreiilon and StrbmiA\.'>n, grew ^o in- cons'd thereat, that he would not be content unlefs Monmouth would publifh his tv/o Letters (one or" wh ch was written before his Surrender, aad die othsr after) whica Scot, Duke of Buccleugh, y^ which he by. no Means would confent to do, and there- fore once more fell under the King's Difpleafure, and in 1683 was again bantfh'd the Court j fo that after fome fhorc Time, when he found that his Majefty could not prevail with the Duke of York, to forgive him, he retir'd to Holland, and redded at the Hague until the King's Deatli, which happened on the 6th of February 1(584-5. Before King James was well fettled on the Throne, this unhappy Duke (being perfuaied by his Friends^ invaded England in an Hoftile Manner, and failing from the Texel in Holland on the 24th of May K5853, with one Man of War and two Tenders, accompa- ny'd by Ford Lord Gray, Earl of Tankerville, a Ger- man Count, &c. and about 6 or 700 Officers and others, who had fled to Holland for Refuge in the lace Reign \ after having been 19 Days at Sea they landed at Lyme-Regis in the County of Dorfet, on the nth of June about Eight of the Clock in the Evening, whea Mr. Fletcher of Salton in Scotland, Ihoc the Mayor for ftriking him with his Whip. So foon as his Men were landed, the Duke led them by a Backway into the Town, and fet up his Standard in the Market-place, without Oppofition ; then he inufter'd his fmall Force, who were well arm'd and cloth'd ; and being atk'd whom rh^y were for, they declar'd for the Proteftant Religion and the Laws, Rights and Privileges of England, inviting all Peo- ple" to come and join with them ; after which the Duke's Declaration was publickly read at the Market- Crofs. On Saturday the 15th of June the King receiv'd an Exprefs from the Mayor of Lyme, of the Duke's Land- ing, which he iiiimediately communicated to the Parliament j whereupon both Houfes voted an Ad- drefs of Thanks to his Majefty ; and the Commons or- der'd a Bill to be brought in for attainting the Duke of High Treafon, which on the idth pafs'd the Royal AflTent i and norwithftanding the Parliament had pro- mi fed to aflift the King agaiaft the Duke and all his Adherents, yet the Country People fiock'd to him in g'-eat Numbers, fo that h; foon began to have the Show of an Army of about 6000 Horfe aiid Foot, with which he inarch'd from Lyme to Taunton, {^populous Town in So Scot, Duke of Biiccleugh. in Somerfetlhire, where he was receiv'd by the Peo- ple of boch Sexes with unufual Demonfti ations of Joy, which encouraged him. at the Requeft of his Frienis, to fuffer himfelf to be proclaim'd King. From Taunton he march'd to Bridgewater, and thence to Bath, where being deny'd Entrance, he proceeded to Phil'ps-Norton, and there by Surprize cut off Part of a Troop of the King's Horfe, the Duke of Grafton narrowly efcaping with his Life. After this Succefs he march'd within two Miles of Briftol, where a Council of a War being held, it was jefolved not to enter the City, but retreat back to Bridgewater j but the Earl of Feverftiam being en- camp'd with the King's Army at Sedgmore near that Town, the Duke refolved to make one defperate Pu(h for all, and on Monday the <$th of July about Four in the Morning attack'd the King's Troops, when he was jntirely routed, joo of his Men being kill'd on the Spot, looo ia Purfuit, and as many taken Prifoners, feveral of whom were afterwards executed. The Earl of Feverftiam having fent out feveral Par- ties in Purfuit of the Duke and his Adherents, the Lord Gray was apprehended on Tuefday Morning the 7ih of July by the Lord Lumley's Men, and the next Day the German Count and the Duke himfelf were likewife taken j fo that bein^ all three fecur'd by the Lord Lumley, they were under a ftrong Guard con- veyed to London, and committed to the Tower, where arriving the 13th of July, the Duke was brought to the King's Prefence, when he immediately threw him- felf a: his Majcfty's Feet, confefs'd that he deferved to die ; bur at the lame Time begg'd his Life, and con- cluded v.'ith thefe Words: 'Renember, Sir, I_ am * your Brother's Son, and if you take my Lire, it is * your own Blood that you will jTied.' To this the King anfwer'd. He was forry for his Misfortune ; but his Crime was fo great, that he could not let it go unpunifh'd, and therefore he muft fuffer. Upon which the Duke 'rofe up, and was convey'd back to the Tower, and on Weduefday the 15th of "(uly 1685, about eleven in the Forenoon, was behead- ed on Tower-hill, where he deliver'd the following Paper. I de- Scot, Duke ^of Biiccleugh. 8i T Declare, That the Title of King was forced upon * me, and that it was very much contrary to my Opinion when I was proclaimed. For the Satif- fadion of the World 1 do declare, That the late King told me he was never marry'd to my Mother. Having faid this, I hope the King who now is will not let my Children fuffer upon this Account : And to this I put my Hand this i5rh Day of ]uly i(58j. MONMOUTH. After the Duke was beheaded, his Body was put into a Coffin cover'd vvi:h black Velvet, and carry'd back in a Hcarfe into the Tower, where the Head being fewM to the Bo.iy,i: was privately inter'd in S.Peter's Chapel there \ and the Lord Gray foon after obtain- ing his Majefty's Pardon, confirmM many in their O- pinion, that he had betray'd him, who might once be truly faid to be the Delight of the King his Father, and the Darling of the People, but was unforrunnely cut off in the n^h Year of his Age, having had Ifliie by the Lady Ann2 his Wife four Sons and two Daugh- ters^ as follows, viz. Cnarles Eail of Doncafter, eldeft Son, born Auguft 24, 1672, and dy'd the 9th of February 1673, James Earl ot Doncafter, 2d Son, born May ;;, 1674, was after his Father's Attainder in Entland call'd Earl of Dalkeith, by v\hich Title, ow the 7th of February 1705-4, he was received by Queen Anne, into the Moft Antient and Noble Order of St. An- drew, or the Thiftle. Henry, 3d Son, was born in the Year i67(?, and is now Earl of Delorane, under which Tiile more will be faid. Francis, 4th Son, w?s born in 1^78, and dying in December 1(^79 w3s bury'd at Weftminfter on the 8ch of the faid Month. Lady Charlotte, ekiefl- Daughter, dy'd young, and was bury'd by her Brother, on the i5ch of Sep:cmber 16S3. And Lady Anne, 2d Daughter, was bcrn September 17, 1^75, but dj;'d within the Tcw^r of London in Ar.- fiuft 1685, loon after the Death of her Father, awd VVi& 8a Scot, Duke ^ Bnccleiigli* was bury'd at Weftminfter on the 13th of the faid Month. After the Death of the Duke of Monmouth and Buc- deugh, the Duchefs was (in May i6%V) marry'd to Charles Lord CornwalUs, and by him had a Son named George and two Daughters, who were Anne and Ifabella, the latter b^ing born in 1694, and is now living, but George and Anne dy'd young, and were bui^'d in Weftminfter- Abbey. James Earl of Dalkeith, who by Queen Anne was made Knight of the Thiftle, as before-mention'd, and was 2d Son of Tames Duke of Monmouth and Anne Duchefs of Buccleugh his Wife, marry'd the Lady Henrietta Hyde, zA Daughter to Laurence Earl of Rocheftar. by whom he had four Sons and two Daugh- ters j and dying on the 14th of March 1704-5 was bury'd at Weftminfter. Of the four Sons and two Daughters Francis is rK)w only alive, who fucceeded his Grandmocher in the Eftate and Honours of Buccleugh, Anno 17 j » and ekaid one of the 16 Peers laft Election. He was marry'd in 1720 to the Lady ]ane Dough- las, Sifter to Charles Duke of Queenfbury and Dover, by whom he has two Sons and three Daughters, viz. Francis Lord Dalkeith, and Charles j and the Ladies Jane, Anne and Mary ; and on the 22d of February 1724-5 his Lordfhip was mide a Knigh: ot the Moft Autient and Noble Order o\ the Thiftle. ARMS. Topax, on a Bend Saphire, a Star between two Cre- fcents Gold. Supporteis. Two Maidens richly attir'd in Antique Habits, their under Rob^ Sa-^hire, the middle one Ruby, and the upp^rmoft Emerald, and onth^ir Heads a Plume of three Feathers Pearl. Motto Amo. P. II. N" 2. Chief SEATS. At Dalkeith in the County of Lothian, 4 Miles from Edinburgh \ at s.-nsaton-Houfe, one Mile from Dal- ksith )^ Scot, Duke of Buccleugh. 83 kcith ; and at Melrofs in the County of Pebles, three Miles from Selkirk, and 21 from Edinburgh. HI.'THE Moft High, PuifTint, and Ncble Prince, -*- Charles Lenos, Duke of Richmond and Len- nox, Earl of March and Darnley, Baron of Methuen, Knight of the Moft NDble Order of the Garter, Ma- fter of the Horfe to his Majefty, and one of the Gen- tlemen of his Majefly's Bedchamber. Created Baron of Setterington, Earl of March, and Duke of Richmond in the County of York, (tng^ifh Honours) Augufl 9, 1675, the 27th of Charles 11.^ Baron of Methuen, Earl of Darnley, and Duke of Lennox, (Scotch Honours) September 9 following j and on the 16th of June i72<5 his Grace was inftall'd Knight of the Garter. The firft of this Noble Family was the Lord Charles Lenos, only natural Son of King Charles II. by Louife de Queroualle, a French Lady, (who came over into England as an Attendant on the Duchefs of Orleans, Anno 1670J which Lady, on the 19th of Auguft in the 25th of that Reign, was created a Peerefs of Eng- land for Life, by the Titles of Baronefs of Perersneld, Countefs of Farcham, and Duchefs of Portfmouth, all in the County of Southampton. The faid Charles, who was furnamed Lenos, was born on the 29th of ]ulv 1^72, and was created a Peer oi England and Scotland, as above-mention'd, entail- ing the fame Honours upon the Heirs Male of his Bo- dy foi- ever. "On the 2o:h of April 168 1 he was inftall'd a Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter ; and upoa the Removal of James Duke of Monmcuth was ap- pointed Mafter of tb.e Horfe to his Royal Father, in which Office he continu'd "till that King's Death. On the i8th of October 1714, the il\nf George I. he was appointed one of the Lords of his Majefty's Bedchamber, and afterwards Governor of the (Corpo- ration of Copper-Miners in the Principality of Wales, and dy'"d on the 27th of May 1725. He marry'd (aboutthe Beginning of January I'^^^-d) Anae, eldeft Daughter of Francis Lord Brudenel, Cwho dy'd b«fore l;is Father Rcbeit Earl of Cardigan) Widow g4 Gordon, Duke of Gordon. Widow of Henry Lord Bellaffife of Worlaby, Grand- fon and Heir to John Lord Bellaflie, by whom he had Charles the prelent Duke, and two Daughters, the Ladies Louife and Anne, whereof the youngeft is now (1728) the Wife of William-Anne Keppel, Earl of Albemarle 5 but the eldeft, who marryM to James Earl of Berkeley, is dead. Charles the prefent Duke was (in 172?) elefted Member of Parliament for the City of Chichefter j but the fame Year fucceeded his Father in his Honours, and on the 27th of May 1725 his Grace was eledted a Knight of the Moft Honourable Order of the Bath j as on the 2(5th of May 1726 he was a Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, and on the i6th of June following was inftall'd at Windfor. In 1719 his Grace was marry'd to the Lady Sarak Cadogan, eldeft of the two Daughters and Coheirs of William Earl of Cadogan, by whom ht has had fere- ral Children. ARMS. Qiiarterly, the ift and 4th Grand Quarters quar- terly France and England, the 2d Scotland, and the 3d Ireland, the Arms of King Charles II. within a Bor- der gabonee or compone, Pearl and Ruby, the Pearl charg'd with Rofes of the 2d, barb'd and feeded pro- per. Creft. On a Cap of Maintenance, a Lion of Eng- land, cr-^wnM with a Ducal Coronet Ruby, and gorg'd with a Collar compone, as the Border round the Coat. Supporters. On the Dexter Side an Unicorn Pearl, his Horn, Main, Tufts, and Hoofs, Topaz \ on the Stnifter an Antelope Pearl, attir'd and ungul'dGold; each gorg'd with a Collar, as the Creft. Motto. En la Role je flurie. P. 7. N° 3. Chief SEAT. At G-xjdwood in th', Counry of SufTex, three Miles from Chichefter, and fifty from London. IV. "THE Moft High, PuitTanc, and Noble Prince, "*■ Cofnos -George Gordon, Duke of Gordon, Marquefs and E^rl of Huntley, Earl of Enzie, Baron «»t Strath- f Gordon, Z/a^^ £/^ Gordon. 85' StrathboEy, and Hereditary Conftable of the Caftle of Invernels, and its Superiorities. Created Lord Gordon of Strathbogy in the County of Aberdeen or Mar June i^j i37<^j Earl of Huntley in the County of Berwick in 1449, Marquefs of the fame Place April 17, 1599, by James VI. and Duke of Gordon in the County of BamfF Novemb. j, 1684, the 7,6zh of Charles II. Of this antient and great Family, which took their Surname from the Barony of Gordon in the Shire of Berwick or the Mers, there are, befides thefe in Bri- tain, feveral in Mufcovy, who make a great Figure there. In the Time of King Malcolm IV. which is 7^ left Iflue by Anne his Wife, Daughter to James Hamilton Duke of Chattlerault, Gecrge his only Son, and a Daughter named Jane, which Daughter was marry'd to George Earl or Caithnsfs. George, who was the fixrh Earl of Huntley, was a Nobleman of great Spirit, Reputation and Courage, and was much ia the Favour of King James the 6th, by whom he was made Lord Lieutenant of the North, Knight of the Bath, and created Marquefs of Hunt- ley, which Title he liv'd to enjoy 315 Years. He marry'd Henrietta, Daughter to Efma Duke of Lennox, and by her had two Sons and four Daugh- ters, Anni marry'd to Earl of Murray, Eliza- beth to Alexander Earl of Linlithgow, Mary to Wil- liam MarQUifs ol Douglas, and Jane to CUud Lord Scraban cf the Kingdom of Ireland ^ and of the Sons, wliich were Geoj^e and John, the eldcll fucceedea his f athsr. Gcor£e Gordon, Duke of Gtordon. S9 George laft memionM, who was the fecond Mar- quefs of Huntley, was Cartain of the Scots Gens- d'Armes to Lewis the 13th of France, while he was only Lord Gordon \ and upon the breaking out ot the Troubles in th« Reign of King Charles the ift, he being very firm to that Prince's Intereft-, had a Com- milfion to be Lieutenant of the North, during the Rage of the Civil War j and at the End thereof, on the 30th of March 1^4?, was executed at Edinburgh for His Loaylry. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to Archibald Earl o| Argyle, by whom he had Ifliie three Sons and three Daughters j of the Sons George the eldeft was kill'd at the Battle of Aldford, in his Father's Life-time ; Lewis the 2d was Marquefs of Huntley, and Charles the youngeft was created Earl of Aboyn ; and of the three Daughters, which were Aiine, Henrietta, and Jane, the eldeft was marry'd to James Earl of Penh j the id, firft to Geoige Lord Seaton, and fecondly to John Earl of Traquhar •, and the youngeft to Thomas Earl fef Haddington. Lewis, who was the third Marcuefs of Huntley, marry'd Ifabel, Daughter to Sir ]ohn Grant of that Ilk, and by her had a Son named George, and three Daughcers 5 of which Anne was marry'd to the Counc de Crolly j Mary firft to Adam Urqohart of Meldrum, and fecondly to James Eai I of Perch \ and Jane to Charles Earl of Dumfermling j and George their Bro- ther fucceeded his Father. George, who was che 4th Marquefs of Huntley, was by King Charles the ad created Duke of Gordon j aisd by James the 7th made one of the Lords of the Treafuiy, one of the Privy Council, Governor of Edinburgh Caftle, and Knignt of che moft noble Or- der of the Thiftle ; but at the Revolution ij» 1688, holding out the faid Caftle for fome Time for his Ma- J'cfty's interef^, and feeing no Hopes of Relief froii* lis Mafter, he furrender'd it to King William's Troops and Hv'd retiredly at home till his Death 1716. He marry'd the Lady Elizabeth Howard, fecond Daughter to Henry Duke of Norfolk in England, (by the Lady Anne Somerfet his Wife, eldeft Daughter to Idward Marquefs of Worcefter) by her left Iflue one Jon and one Daughter, viz.. lane marry'd to James Lord ^o Doiiglafsj Duke of Qiieenfberry. Lord Drummond, and Alexander, who fucceeded himin his Honours \ who in 1706 nurried Henrietu Mcr- daunt. Daughter of Charles Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, and by her had four Sons and feven Daugh- ters living, of which Lady Anne the 3d is married to William tarl of Aberdeen. His Grace Alexander Duke of Gordon dying in November 1718, was fucceeded by Cofraos George his «ldeft Son, not then Nine Years of Age, who is the firft of the Family that has been educated in the Pro- ♦teftant Religion, under the Infpedion of a tender Mo- ther the prefent DucheG Dowager. ARMS. Quarterly, firft Saphire, three Boars Heads eraz'd Topaz, for Gordon j 2d, Topaz, three Lions Heads eraz'd Ruby, for Badenoch; }d. Topaz, three Cre- fcents within a double Treflure flowerM and counter- flower'd Ruby, for Seaton ; 4th, Saphire, three Cinque- foils Pearl, for Frazer. Creft. In a Marquefs's Coronet Gold, a Stag's Head guardant, proper. Supporters. Two Greyhounds Pearl, each gorgM with a plain Collar Ruby, chari^'d with three Buckles Topaz. Motto, Animo non Aftutia. P.7. N''4» Chief SEATS. At Strathbogy^Caftle, a ftately and magnificent Seat in the County of Aberdeen j and at Gordon Caftle in the County of Bamf, where there are very fine Gar- deris and a large Park, being reckoned the fineft. and nobleft Palace in aJI the North. V. npHE moft high, puiffanr, and noble Prinze, -■■ Charles Douglafs, Duke of. Queenlteny and Dover \ Marquefs of Queenlberry, Dumfries-fhire and Beverley ; Earl oi Queenlterry, Drumlanrig. San- quhar, and Solwayj Vifcount Drumlanrig, Nith-Tor- therwald, Tibers, and Rofs j Baion of Drumlanrig . and Rippon, Lord Pou^^Ufs of Hawi«k, 1 ibers, Kin- moutb Doiigkfsj Duh ^ Qiieensberiy. ^t mouthj Middlebie, and Dornock ; Lord of the Bed- chamber to the Prince of Wales. Created Lord Douglafs of Hawick and Tibers, and Vifcount Drumlanrig , April i , 1628, the 4th of Charley the firft ; Earl of Queenfberrv June 13, 1635, the 9th of that Reign j Lord Douglafs of Kinmouth, Middlebie, and Dornockj Vifcount of Nith-Tothor- wald, and Rofs, Earl ot Drumlanrig and Sanquhar, and Marquefs of Queenfberry, February 11, 1681, the 34th of Charles the id ; Marquefs of Dumfrcis-fhire, and Duke of Queeniherry February 3, 1684, the 56th of that Reign 3 Vifcount Tibers, and Earl of Solvvay in 1707, the i5:h of Queen Anne, (all Scotch Honours) and Baron of Rippon, and Marquefs of Beverley ia the County of York, and Duke of Dover in Kent, CEnclilh Honours) May z6, 1708, by the faid Queen. The Barony of Drumlanrig in Dumfreis-fliire did anciently belong to the Earls of Mar. Thomas Earl of Mar gave thefe Lands to William Lord of Douglafs, who had married his Sifter Lady Margaret, which King David the 2d did by his Royal Charter confirm to Wil- liam Lord of Douglafs, who was thereafter Earl of Douglafs, and was fucceeded by James Earl of Douglafs and Mar his Son, who by his Charter gave the Barony of Drumlanrig to William Douglafs his Son, and the lawful Heirs of his Body j whicn failing, to Archibald Douglafs another Son, and his lawful Heirs. This Sir William the firft of Drumlanrig fignalized himfclf in the Wars againft the Englifh. In the Year 141 1 he burnt and plundered the Town of Roxburgh, then in the Pofleflion of the Englifh. The 1412 he was fent Embaflador to England to foHcic the Releafe of King James the Firft, tiien Prifnner in that Realm, where he obtained from the faid King a Charter, all written fair in the King's own Hand on Vellom, in thefe Words. James, /Arow the Grace of God, l\yhige of Scottis, til all that this Lettre hereis feii, jendis Gretyn^e : Whxe^ that we have grautiti and. by this prejent Lettre £rantis a fpecial Co/ifirviation in the mafi Forme.) till our truft at.d well belofit Cofyng, Sir William of Dou- glafs of Drumlanrig, of all the Lands that is poJ]e(f^ and chxrterit of, tnthin iIk Kingdom of Scotland, that 92. Doiiglafs, Duke of Qiieeiisberry, that is to fay, the Landis cf Drumlanrig, of Hanyke, andStlWnk: The which Charter ard PoJJejfficns be this JLettre we conferm. In in>itnejs oj the -ifilk this prefent Lettres we fir ate with our proper Ha/,d, ai;d the Signet uffit in felying of our Lettresy as now at Croydon, the laji Day of November, the Teir of our Lord 1411. In all the publick Tranfafticns during the King's AbfencCj we find this Sir William a great Sharer , and in 14^0, when the Englifl: carry'd over the faid. King ]ames into France, to try if his Prefence could draw the Scots, who were in the French Service, over to the F.nglifh •, he went over to wait on his Mafter, and on the :5:h of Odober 1414 loft his Life at the Battle of Agincourt. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Robert fieuart of Durifdeer, and by her had William his Son and Heir, the fecor.d Baron of Drumlanrig, who in 14;? was one of the Hoftages fen: to England, for the Redempiion of the forefaid Ki:ig, and being (like his Father) a ^Varlike Man, fignaliz'd himfelf in moft of the Aftions between the Scots and Englifh, par- ticularly at the Battle of sark near Solway, where the Scots ob'tain'd a moft glorious Vidory under his Cou- fln, Hugh Earl of Ormond, Brother to the Earl of Douglafs. The faid Sir William, who was the fecord Baron of Dum'anrig, dying in 145^, left Iflue b> Jane his Wife, Daughter to Sir Herbeit Maxwell, Lord of Ca- laverock, Anceftor to the Earl of Nichfdale, William his Son and Heir, who gave many fignal Proofs of his Valour i.i feveral Anions, as at the Siege oi Roxburgh in 1465, where King James' the 2d loft his Life, and" an- other at Alnwick, where i;i ij6i the French Garri- fon was reiijvM by the Earl of Angus his Coudn, in the Fac3 ot a numerous Englifh Armv, which was double the Number of Troops the Earlliad under his Command. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Roger Carlile, Lor 1 of Torthorwald, and dying in 14^4 by her left William the 4rh Br.ron of Dru.nlanrig, which Wil- liam treaiing in the Steps of his heroick Anceftors was llain in the Service of his Country in the Battle of Kirkonel in Annandale. He Donglafs, Duke of Qiieensberry. ^5 He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Robert Crichton Lord of Sanquhar, Anceftor cf the Coun- tefs and Heirefs of Dumfries, and by her had three Sons, viz. James his Heir j Robert, of whom were defcended the Douglafles of Cafhogle and Daloni, and George, the Origin of the Family of the Douglaites of Pinerie j and having alfo two Daughters, Janet was marry'd to William Lord Somervile, and Margaret to Sir Robert Dalziel, Anceftor to the Earl of Carn- wath. In the Year 1470 James who fucceeded marry'd Janet, Daughter to David Scot of Eucckugh, Anceftor to her Grace Anne, now Duchefs of Monmouth and Buccleugh, and by her had a Son named William, who was the <>th Baron of Drumlanrig, and three Daughters, whereof Elizabeth was marry'd to Sir John Campbel of London, Hereditary Sheriff of Air, and Anceftor to the Earl ot Loudon, Mar aret to }ohn Lord Cathcart, and Janet to Rci,er Grierfon o£ Sir James departing this Life in 1491, William his Son fucceeded him, and was the 6rh Baron , as before mention'd, and he lofing his Life with King James the fourth at the Battle of Flodden, Sept. 9, 1513, left Tfiiie by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar, Anceftor to the Vifcount Ken- muie, James his SuccefTbr, and two Daughters, viz. Elizabeth marry'd to Robert Lord Maxwell, and Ag- nes to Andrew Cunningham of Kirkftiaw. James, who was the 7ch Baron, was one of thofe loyal Perfons who in the Year 1526 attempted to relieve King James the fifth from the Earl of Angus, who kept him in no other Condition than that of a Captive, and for chat and his Loyalty to Queen Mary, the Duke of Chattlerauh, the Governor, made him \ Knight. In 155]! the Queen mide hi,n Warden of the Faft- Marches, which Office he difcharg'd with great Wif- dom and Courage for many Years, even 'till his old Age, that he reffga'd it, and having marry'd Chri- ftiai'. Daughter to John, Son of Hugh Earl of Eg- liiigt^n, by her had a Son named William (who liv'd at Hawick) and four Daughters, of which Margaret was marry'd to Robert Lord Sanquhar, Janet to Wil- liam 94 Douglafs, Duke of Qiieenfbeny, liam Kerr of Cesford, Anceftor to the Duke of Rox- burgh, and Chriftian to Alexander Steuarr of Garlics, Anceftor to the Earl of Galloway j and the faid Wil- liam their Brother, djing before his Father, left If- fue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Sir Jonn Gor- don of Locninvar, Anceftor to the Vifcount Ken- mure, James who fucceeded his Grandfather, and a. Daughter nam'd Chriftian, which Daughter was mar- ry'd to Robert Daliiel Earl of Carnwath. Sir James who (in 157O fucceeded his Grandfather, was a Perfon both Wife and Valiant, and 'till King James the dth's Accelfion to the Englifh Crown, often exerted his Conduit and Courage in thofe unhappy Feuds and Incudions, with which the South-Eaft Parts of the Kingdom were iiifefted. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to John Lord Fleming, and Sifter to the Earl of Wigton, by whom, he had'sir U'illiam his Son and Heir, the hrft Earl of Quecnfbsrry, who in Oftober 1615 fucceeded him j which Sir William, being a Gentleman of great Parts and lingular Prudence, was particularly known and refpeded by King James the 6th, whom in the Year 1617 he had the Honour to entertain at his Houfe at Drumlanrig in his Return to England", and by King Charles the ift he was by Patent dated at Whitehall in London, April i, 162%, created Lord Douglafs of Hawick and Tibers, and Yifcount Drumlanrig, as by another Patent bearing Date at Seaton in Scotland, June J 5, 161U he was created Earl of Queenlberry. He marrya the Lady Ifabel Kerr, Daughter to Mark Earl of Lothian, and by her had James his Heir, and two Daughters, whereof Margaret was marryM to James Johnfton, Earl of Hartfield, Anceftor to the Marquefs of Annandale, and Janet to Thomas Mack- lellan Lord Kiikudbiignt. James, who was the fecond Earl of Queenfberry, and on the 8th of March 1640 fucceeded his Father, was a great Sufferer for his Loyalty to King Charles, during the Civil War, and when he endeavour'd to join tne Marquefs of Montrofe befoie the Battle of PhiHphau{.h, which was fought on the 13th of Sent. 1645 he was made Prifoner, and fined twelve thou- fand Marks Scots, which he paid, aod dying en the 15th Donglais, Duke of Queen fberry. ^ j 15th of Auguft 1671, in the 61A. Year of his Age, was buryM at Durrafdeer among his Anceftors. He marry'd to his firft Wife, the Lady Mary Ha- milton, Daughter to James Marquefs of Hamilton, by whom he had no IflUe, but taking to his fecond Wife Margaret Steuat, Daughter to John Earl of Traquhar, Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, by her had four Sons and five Daughters. Of the Sons William the eldeft fucceeded, and was the third Earl of Queenlterry \ James the 2d Son was a Lieutenant-General to King James the 7th and Wil- liam the 3d, and in 1691 dy^d at Namur, and John the 3d Son was kill'd at the Siege of Treves in 1675 ; and in 167-5 Robert the 4th was flain at the Siege cf Maeftricht. of the faid five Daughr.ars, Mary was marry'd to Alexander Steuart Earl ot Galloway, Catharine to ■Sir James Douglafs of Killhead, Bart. Henrietta to Sir Robert Grierlon of Logg, Bart. Margaret to Sir A- kxander Jerdon of Applei irth, Bart, and Ifabella to Sir William Lockart of Cori^airs, Bart. William, who was third Earl of Queenfberry, was born in the Year 16^7, and having futfered in his Fa- ther's Fortune, during the unhappy Civil Wars, he was in 166^ fworn one of the Privy Council in Scot- land to King Charles the 2d, and by a Commifficn :«nder the Great Seal, dated at Windfor-Caftle June i, 'X68o, was made Juftice General of that Kingdom. By another Patent dated at Whitehall on the nth •of Feb. 1682, he was created Lord Douglafs of Kin- mouth, Middlebie, and Dornock, Vifcount of Nirh- Torthorwald and Rofs, Earl of Drumlanrig and San- '^uhar, and Marquefs of Queenfberry ; and in April 1^82, by a Warrant under the King's Hand direc- ted to Sir Alexander Eril^ine, Lyon" King of Arms •for Scotland, he had an Addition made to his Coat ••Armorial, for him and his Heirs for ever, of the dou- "ble Trefliire, as it is in the Rcyal Atchievement. On the i2th of May the fame Year he v\as confti- ■ tuted Lord High Treafurer of Scotland ; and by two other Commiffions, dated on the 21ft cf September follovv'ing. he was made Conftable and Gov rnor of Edinburgh Caftle, and one of the Extraordinary Lords of Seflion \ and finally, that no Honours might be wanting ^6 Doiiglafsj Duh of Qiieeiifberry. wandng to him, which his Prince, King Charles the ad; could confer upon him, he was, By Letters Patent dated at Whitehall on the 3d of Feb. 1684^ created Marquefs of Dumfreis-ftiire and Duke ot Queenlherry, and afterwards made one of the Privy Council in England. As this Nobleman had been in great Favour in the Reiyn of King Charles the id, he was no lefs fo in the Beginning of that of King James the 7th, who not only continued him in his former Pofts, but by a ComrailTion in 1685 made him Lord Hith Commif- fioner to reprefent his Royal Perfon in tlie Kingdom of Scotland •, and the fame Year he, and James tarl of Drumlanrig, his Son, afterwards Duke, were ccn- ftituted his Majefty's Lieutenants in the Shires of Dum- freis and Wigtoun, and the Stewarties of Annandale and Kirkudbrighc : But the Meafures which were foon after taken at Court, not fuicing with his Tempter and Principles, he was remov'd from his other Ports, and in \6%6 mide Lord Prefldent of the Privy Coun- cil di Six Months after this, he not complying with the Piojed of taking away the Penal Laws and Teft, was laid afide from all Publick Employments, fo that from thence-foivvard he became more zealous than ever for the Good of his Country ; and being at London in the Tims of the Grand Revolution in 1688, his Grace, at the Head of divers Scotch Nobility and Gentry, who were then in Town, waited in a Body on the'vrh of January upon the Prince of Orange at St. James's, wTio was pleafed to receive them with great Refp^-d ; and foon after chufing Duke Hamilton tor their Prefident, in due Time brought Scotland to agree to accept of William and Mary for their King and Queen, as they had done before in England. This Duke of Cueenlherry, among his other (hi- ning Qualities, was a great Mafter in Oeconomy ; for having come to a Fortune much impair'd through the Iniquity of the Times, he not only retriev'd it, but acQuir a an ample F.ftate in Tweedale, which he gave his fecond Son \^■i^iam, created Earl of March. He likewife laid out a great deal of Money in_ re- building the Caftle of Drumlanrig, the Scat of his Family, which with its Gaiilens, the Work of the i Duke Doiigkfs, Duke of Qiicen/berr}^. ^j Duke his Son who fucceeded him, for Magnificence and Ex pence, yields to none in the Norcliern Parts of Dricain. In a Word, he was in all Caracities of Life one of the gieateft Men of the Age, and dy'd vvidi a Temper and Refolution that becasne a irreat Man and a good Chriftian, at Edinburgh, March 28, i6<)i, aged 58 Years, and was bury'd with much Funeral Solemnity at Durrafdeer, where there is a ftately Monument erecled for him. This illuftrious Perfon in the Year 1657 marry'd the Lady Ifabella DougUfs, Daughter to VViJlian\ Marquefs of Douglafs, by whom he had firft a Son, and then a Daughcer, who both dy'd young j Jii, Jrmes his Succellbr i 4th, William Earl of March ^ 5th, Lord George, who dy'd unmarry'd in July 16^3 y and dchly, a Daughter nam'd Anne, who in i<5y7 was marry'd to David Earl of Weems, and dv'd ia 1^99, leaving IfTue David, Lord Elcho, and Mr.']ames Weems. His Son and Succertbr, James the 2d Duke of Queenf- berry, was born at tl\e Caftle of Sanquhar on the 18th of December i66z, and after he had gone through the Courfe of his Studies at the Univerfity of Glaf- Mv, he in 1680 wear into Foreign Parts to accom- ih himfelf by Travels, and upon his Return in S4 was by King Ciiarles IL made one of che Pri- vy Council in Scotland, and Lieutenant-Colonel of a Regiment of Horfc, commanded by the Vifcount Dundee. He continued in thefe Ports 'till the Year 1^8?, about which Time he quitted them for ill Ufage at Court, and upon the Account of the Difagrcement of his Principles wi:h their Meafures. The RevoUuion happening then to come on, \\z appear'd very early in i;:, and was by the Prince of Orange, upon his Acceptance of the Government of Scotland, made Colonel of the Scots Horfe-Guards ; which Commiilion was reaew'd to him immediately after the Prince was declar'd King of that Realm', and at the fame Time he was made one of the Lords of the Privy Council and Exchequer, and one of the Gentlemen of his MajefVy's Bed-chamber. D U ^9 Donglafs, Duh of Qiieeiisberry. In 1650 King William fent him into Scotland, ta command a ("eparate Body of Troops under Lieu- tenanr-General Mackay, where, two Years after, he was made one of the Lords of the Treafury, and in i6 5. Chief SEATS. At Drumlanrig in the County of Dumfreis in Seer- land, a ftately Palace, with noble Gardens, Ave- nues and Terras-Walks, 14 Miles from Dumfries, and 51 from Edinburgh. At Middleton-Stoney in the County of Oxford ; ar Amefbury in the County of Wilts ; and at Peterlhain in the County of Surry, in England. VI. 'T'HE moft high, puiifant, and noble Prince •*■ John Cambel, Duke, Mfirquefs and Earl of Argyle, Marquefs of Kintyre and Lorn, Earl of Campbel andCowal, Vifcounc of Lochow and Gle-» nyla. Lord of Innerara, Mull, Morvern and Tyrie, Hereditary Great Mafter of the King's Houfhold, Lord Lieutenant of the Shires of Argyle and Dumbar- ton, Hereditary Admiral of the Weftern Illes in Scot- land, Hereditary Governor of Dunoon Caftle, Here- ditary High Sheriff of Argylelhire, Privy Counfellor^ Lord of the Exchequer and Trealury, Lord of his Own Lands in the Kingdom of Scotland, one of tha Privy Council in England, Knight of the Moft No- ble Order of the Garter, Baron of Chatham^ Duker and Earl of Greenwich, Mafter-Gsneral of the Ord- 102, Campbe], Duke of Argyle, nance, Colonel ot the Royal Blue Regiment of Horfa Guardi. Governor of Portfmouth, and Lord High Steward of the Borough of Malmltury in the County of Wilts. Summon'd to Parliament as Lorn of Campbel in 1445, the 8th of ]ames 11. and by the fame King in J457, created Earl of the County of Argyle, Mar- quefs of the fame, November 15, 1641, the ;7th of Charles I- Duke of Argyle, Marquefs of Kintyre and Lorn, Earl of Campbel and Covval, Vifccunt of Lo- chnw and Glenyla, Lord of Innerara, Mull, Morvern, and Tyrie, June 23, 1701, the 13th of William III. Baron of Chatham and Earl of Greenwich in Eng- land, November 26, 1705, the 4:h of Queen Anne, and Duke of Greenwich, April 50, 1719. This antient and noble Family of ( ampbel is de- riv'd from a very long Train oi: illuftrious Anceftcrs, much farther back than can be vouched by Writings or Records, and feem to* be founded upon the tradi- tional Acccunts of the Senachies and Bards, whofe Office confiftcd chiefly in recording the Adions and Atchievements of the great Men of Families to vyhom they were attach'd. The firft Appellation they ufed, was O Dubin, which according to an early Cuftcm they aflluned from Di- armcdO Dubin, one of their Anceftors, who was a brave and warlike Man, and irom h«n, in the IrilTi Language, they are caird to this Time, ScolDiarmed, that is, the Pofterity and OfF-fpring of Diarmed. From the aforeiaid Diarrned O Dubin the Bards have recorded a long Series of the Barons of Lochow, whofe Aftions they tell us were very renown'd both for Condu£t and Courage ; and to him fucceeded Paul O Dubin, who was Lord of Lochow. and was deno- minated Paul in Spuran, from his being the King's Treafurer ;, but he having no Male Iluie, his F.ftate went to his Daughter Eva; which Daughter being marry'd to Gilefpick O Dubin, a Relation of her own, they got the Name chang'd to Campbel, thereby to preferve and perpetuate the Memory of a very ncble and heroick Piece of Service perform'd by him to the Crown of France, in the Reign of King Malcolm Canmore- i5y Campbel, Duke of Argyle. 105 By Eva his Lady, the faid Gilefpick O Dubin, (af- terwards Campbel) had a Son nam'd Duncan, who was Father of Colin, and he of Archibald, the Father of another Duncan, whofe Son Sir Gilefpick Camp- bel, Knight, and Lord of Lochow, was Father of Sir Colinniorc Campbel, which Sir Colinmore was one of thofe great Men, who in ^^9^ were fummon'd to Berwick on the Part of King Robert Bruce, whea Edward L of England came there to decide the Dif- pute between the faid King Robert and John Baliol^ for the Crown of Scotland. He marry'd a Lady of the Family of Sinclair, bjr whom he had two Sons, viz. Sir Donald Campbel of Redhoufe (from whom is defcended the Earl of Lou- don) and Sir Niel his Succeflbr j which Sir Niel was honour'd with Knighthood by Alexander IIL and af- terwards in ijod ailifted at the Coronation of the aforefaid King Robert, In 1308 he entred into an A{Ti?ciation with Sir Gilbert Hay and Sir Alexander Seaton, wherein, in a moft folemn Manner, they bound themfelves to defend, till the laft Period of their Lives, the Liber- ties of their Country, and Right ©f Robert Bruce their King, againft all Enemies, French, Englil"h and Scots, to which they fubfcrib'd all their Hands and Seals, the jth of Seprember, at Cambulkenneth. In 1 3 15 he was one of the Barons in the Parlia- inent held at Air, where they made an Entail of the Crown to King Robert and his Heirs j and for that Cgnal Loyalty, and other his good Services, the King made him a Grant of feveral Lands, then in the Crown, as alfo beftow'd on him the Lady Margery Bruce, his Sifter, in Marriage. By the faid Lady he had two Sons, Colin and John, Vi^hich Jolin was dignify'd vvith the Title of Earl of Athole, and dy'd without Iflue; and Sir Colin, who fucceeded his Father, in J516, being in the Expedi- tion made into Ireland, in Behalf of Edward Bruce King of that Realm, and there behaving himfelf with exceeding Gallantry, was rewarded with a Grant of divers Lands in the County of Argyle. In the Minority of King David Bruce, he railing 400 Men for his Majefty's Service, and taking there- with th« Caftle of Dunoon, then in ih« Hands of the D 4 Englifli 104 CaiYipbel^ Duke of Argylt. EngUfti, that Pince, to reward him, made him Here- ditary Governor thereof, and gave him a yearly Pen- fion, and his Defcendanrs ftill enjoy the Honour. He marry'd a Daughter ot" the Family of Lennox, and dying in 1340, by her left Ifliie a Son nam'd Ar- chibald, who fucceeded him ; which Archibald alfo conftantly adhering to King David's Intereft, during his Captivity in England, his Majefty beftowM on him fundry Lands, which are ftill in the Family j and he marrying Mary, Daughter to Sir ]ohn Laumon:, by her had Colin his Son and Heir. Colin who fucceeded was employed by Kinc; Ro- bert II. in reftraining the Incurfions of the Hi^nlan- ders, who had then infefted the Weftern Parts of the Realm j and reducing them to his Majefty's Obedi- ence, had thereupon a Grant of divers Lands and Lordflnps. He marry'd Mary Campbel, a Lady of his owm Fa- mily, and by her had Colin his Son and Heir ; which Colin being a Perfon of great Parts arriv'd to very high Advancements, as well in Honour as Eftate j for in the Reign of King ]ames I. he was made his Ma- jefty's juftice General, one of his Privy Council, and Lieutenant within the Shire of Ar^yle ^ all which Offices he was continued in by James II. whom he help'd to fettle on the Thronq, and was thereupon made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, with the Gift of feveral Lands, and had Summons to Parlia- ment by the Title of Lord Campbel. He marry'd the Lady Margery Steuart, Daughter to Robert Duke of Albany, and by her had two Sons, Archibald from whom the Male Line of this Noble Family fprunc, and Sir Colin Campbel, Knight, An- ceftor to the Earl of Broadalbin. Archibald, who was th? elder Br rather, dying in his Father's Life-time, left IiTue by Elizabeth' his \Mte, Daughter to Sir John Somervile at Carnwath, Anceftor to the Lord Somervile, a Son nam'd Crliii, ^vho fucceeded iiis Grandfather, and was Earl of Ar- gyle i and in the Reign of King James ill. was em- ploy'd in the higheft Offices in the State, as Lord Privy-Seal, Mafter of th- HouHiold- and Lord Hith Chancellor j ail which he difchargea with great At^i- iity CHiTipbel, Duke of Argyle. loj lity and Integrity, and enjoy'd his Chancellorniip ^tiJI the Year 145?;, when he dy'd. He marry'd Ifabel, Daughter and Coheir to John Sreuart Lord Lorn, by whom he had two Sons and five Daughters, whereof Margaret was marry'd to George Lord Seaton, Ifabel to ]ohn. Son and Heir to John Lord Drummund, Helen to Hugh Earl of Eghngton. and Elizabeth to John Lord Oliphant ; and Archibald the eldeft Son fucceeded his Father. Aichibald, who was the fccond Earl of Argyle, being a Nobleman of great Parts and VVifdom, was by King James IV. promoted to be Chancellor, and Chamberlain of Scotland, and Mafter of his Majefty's Houn-iold; but on the 9th of September 151?, com- manding the Van of the Army at the Battle of Flod- den, where he behav'd himfelf witli great Valour, was there kill'd with his Royal Marter. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to John Earl of Lennox, and by her had four Sons and as nimy Daughters, Margaret marry'd to John Lord Erfkin, Ifabel to Gilbert Kenned Earl of Caflils, and Mary to John Earl of Arholc ; and of their Sons,^ Colin the eldeft fucceedtng his Father was one of the Privy Council to King James V. as alfo in his Reign made Lord Lieutenant ot the Borders, Warden ot tlie Mar- ches, Hereditary Sheritf of the County of Argyle, Juftice General of Scotland, and Hereditary Mafter of the King's Houlhold ^ and marrying the Lady Janet Gordon, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Huntley, by her had Arcjiibald his Heir, and a Daughter named Margaret, who was firft marry'd to James Earl of Muiray, and afterwards to John Earl of "Sutherland. Archibald who fucceeded, and was the fourth Earl cf Argyle, was one of the Peers who, upon the Death of King James V. enter'd into an AfTociation to op- pofe the then intended Match between Queen Mary and King Edward VI. of England, and in 1547, upon the Wars breaking out with that Kingdom, he re- markably diftinguilh'd himfelf by his Valour and Con- duft, both at thi Battle of Pinkie, and the Siege of Haddington, for his Queen and Country \ and was Lord High Chancellor of Scotland. This noble Lord was alfo the firft of his Quality who embraced the Proteftant Religion, and dying ia D S J558 jo5 Campbelj Duke of Argyle. 1558 left IflTue by Helen his Wife, Daughter to James Hamihon Earl of Arran, Archibald his Heir, and Sir Colin Campbel of Buchan. Archibald who was the fifth Earl of Argrle, and a Perfon of fingular Accomplifliments, entered into an AiTociation with the Earls of Glencairn, Morton and Others, wherein they bound thsmfelves to aflift one another in advancing the Caufe of Religion, which in \s6o they happily eftablifhed by Ad ot Parlia- menc In 1 571 he was conftiruted Lord High Chancellor cf Scotland, which Ofiice he enjoy'd with univer- fal Reputation till 1575, the Time of his Death 1 and then leaving no Kfiie Male, Sir Colin Campbel or Buchan, his Brother, became Heir to the Eftare and Honour. Sir Colin, who was the fixth Earl, wis alfo made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and one of the Privy Council to King ]imes VI. and dying in 1^84 left Ifliie by Agnes his Wife, Daughter to William Keith Earl of Marifhal, Archibald his Son and Heir, who in the'Year 1617, in Ref\^A of his g;eat Merits, obtainM a Gran: of the Country of Kintyre, which was then ratify'd by Aft of Parliament. He marry'd to his firft Wife Margaret, Daughter to William Douglas Earl of Morton, by whom he had Archibald who fucceeded him, and tour Daugh- ters, oi which Anne was married to George Gor- don Marquefs of Huntley, Annabella to Robert Kerr Earl of Lothian, and Jane to John Lord Vifcount Ken- mure ; and by his fecond Wife Anne, 4th and youn- geft Daughter to Sir William Cornwallis of Brome in the County of Suffolk, Knt. Anceftor to the Lord Cornwallis in England, by Lucy his Wife, jd Daugh- ter and Coheir tojohn Nevil Lord Latimer, he had a_ Son nam'd James, (who in \6'.z was created Baron of Kintyre, and in 1642 Earl of Irvine) as alfo a Daugh- ter Marry, marry'd to James Lord Rollo. Archibald, who was by the firft Wife, and fuc- ceeded in the Earldom, was one of the Privy Coun- cil to King Charles I. into whofe Hands in \6i% he refign'd the Jufticiary of all Scotland, (which had been in his Family for divers Ages) rcferving to him- Uli ^u^ hii Heirs only the 'till he was ordered to do fo by the King, yet was forfeited alfo j but in \66i was re-, ft'ored by the faid King to the Honours and Eftare formerly enjoy'd by his Anceftors the Earls of Ar- gyle. He was alfo by King Charles 11. appointed one of his Privy Council, and made one of the Commillioners of the Treifury, which Office for many Years he difcharg'd with great Fidelity \ but ia 1^81 he being D 6 againft io8 Campbel, Z)«if o/* Argyle. againft Popery, and the Duke of York, who was for promoting of it in Scotland, the Duke was fo enraged againft him, that all Methods imaginable were pro- pofed to ruin him, which at laft was effefted, under a Pretence of his putting his own Senfe and Interpre- tation upon the Teft when he took it, (though others had done it as well as he) and becaufe he declar'd, that he would take no Oaths to bind himfelf up from making fuch Amendments in Church and State as might be of publick Advantage ; his Enemies upon that took Opportunity to accufe him of Dilloyalty, and incenfing the King againft him, he was confin'd Prifoner to the Caftle of Edinbugh, after which, he being try'd before the ]uftice-Court, and by an Aflize found Guilty of High Treafon, was fentenced to be executed. Some Days after he was found Guilty, and his E- ftate was difpos'd of to others, he getting out of his Prifon by exchanging Cloaths with his Daughter, went over into Holland, and fo efcap'd his Deftiny at that Time, though he could not do it afterwards, but fell a Sacrifice to the fame Rage that thus firft made him miferable • for in 1^85, he having gotten about !Zooo Men together in Holland, he put them on board five Ships and fet to Sea •, and coming to the liles of Orkney, the Duke, who was then "become King James VII. hearing thereof, and that there were two Declarations publifh'd, one in the Name of all thofe in Arms there, and the other in his own j he faid in General of both, that he was charg'd in them of Ufur- pation and Tyranny, but gave no Particulars of the former, the Court contenting themfelves to put it in by Piece-meals into the Gazette, with what Ani- madverfions they pleas'd, but the laft of them he pre- feiitly communicated unto them. The Title of the firft was in thefe Words : * 'T' H E Declaration of the Proteftant People, (that * ■■- is to fay) the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, * and Commoners of all Sorts, in Arms, in the King- * dom of Scotland, with a Concurrence of true and * faithful Paftors, and of feveral Gentlemen of the * Euglifli Nation join'd with them. In Campbel, Duke of Argj^le, 109 In that publifh'd in his own Name, he declared, * He had not taken up Arms with thofe who had ap- * pointed him to be their Leader, for no private End, * nor perfonal Prejudice j nor expefted no Reward V* but the Recovery of his Eftate as ic had been before * the pretended Forfeiture of his Family : And that * as he had fuffer'd patiently for four Years in Ex- * ile, which he was ccmpell'd to by an unjuft Sen- * tence pronounced againrt: him in the Reign of the * late King, to whom he had been always Loyal and * Obedient, but he being dead, and the Duke of York ' having invaded the Religion and Liber'.i'^s ot tlie * Kingdom, he thought ic not only juft, but his Duty ' to God and his Country, to oppofe and reprefs his * Tyrannical Ufurpation j and at the fame Time he * invited all true Proceftants to concur with him ia * hi^ Undertaking. In June k^Sj the Earl, being defeated and taken by a Countryman, was fent Prifoner to the Caftle of Edinburgh, and was beheaded at the Market-Crofs there on xhz 13th of the faid Month, for his former unpardonable Crime, in requiring Care fhould be taken for the Proteftant Religion, and the explaining^ the Teft conformable thereuliro j for the Legality of which he had the Hands of the moft eminent Lawyers about the City. This Archibald Earl of Argyle marry'd the Lady Mary Steuart, Daughter to James Earl of Murray, by whom he hid four Sons and two Daughters i of which Anne was fiirft marry'd to Richard Maitland Earl of Lauderdale, and after his Deceafe to Charles Earl of Murray, and Jane to William Kerr Marquefs of Lo- thian , and of the Sons, v/hich were Archibald, John, Charles, and James, the eldeft was one of thofe few Scotch Peers that came over from Holland with the Prince of Orange, and on the 5th of November 1688 landed with him at To 1 bay. He was very inftrumental in the Revolution in Scotland, and was own'd as Earl of Argyle by the Parliament before they took off the Attainder againft his Father, wliich, by the Claim of Right was de- cUr'd to be a Reproach to the Nation, D 7 This jio Cnnipbel, Duke of Argylc* This Earl was fent fiom the Nobility, with Sir James Montgomery, and Sir lohn Dalrymple from the Barons and Boroughs, to London, to otf;r the Crown of Scotland, in the Name of the Convention of E- ftates, to their Majefties King William and Queen Mary, for whofe Service he carry'd over a Regiment to Flanders, confifting almoft all, both Officers and Centinels, of his own Name and Family. On the nth of April i685>, the Day that their Ma- ieflies were crown'd K\n^ and Queen of England, he, with the other CommilIi">aers, prefented the \tX of Settlement to their Maiefties, and taking their Oath, they v/ere alfo the fame Day proclaim'd King and Queen of Scotland j and on the i ith of May fol- lowing, the Commilfioners tender'd them the Coro- nation Oath, which was diftinaly pronounced Word by Word by the Earl, while their Majefties repeated the Sentences after him, holding up their Right Hands all the while, according to tne Cuftom of Scotland. Upon their Majefties Advancement to the Throne, he was admitted one of the Privy Council, one of the Lords of the Treafury, Colonel of the Scots Guard of Horfe, and one of the extraordinary Lords oi Sef- fion J and in 1701 he was created Duke of Argvle, &c. In 1702, the ift cf C^een Anne, he was appointed one of the Commiflioners to treat of an Union be- tween the two Nations ; and his Grace marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Lionel Talmafh of Hel- mingham, in the County of SutFolk, Bart, by Eliza- beth his Wife, Daughter and Heir to Williatn Mur- ray Earl of Dyfart, and dying in 170^, by her left John the prefent Duke, Archibald Earfof Ila, and a Daughter nam'd Anne, which Daughter was marry'd to James Steuart Earl of Bute, and fecondly to A- lexander Frafer of Strechen, one ot the Senators of the College of Juftice, her own Coufin, and had Iilue to both. When John the prefent Duke was but five Years old. he jump'd out of a Window three Stories high, wirhout receiving any Hurt, which is very remark- able, and as near as can be calculated, it happen'd iii the very Miaut* that his Grandfather luffer'd. > In Campbelj Duke of Argylc, m Til the 17th Year of his Age he was Major- General and Commanrler of a Regiment of Foot j at the Head of which, in 16^4, he charg'd at the forcing the French Lines, where he loft nis whole Company of Grenadiers, except three Men, and the beft Part of his Regiment. He likevvife greatly diftinguifh'd himfclf through the whole Courfe of the late War i as at the Battle of Ramellies, where hi was Brigadier j and at the Siege of Menin, of which he took PoltelTion ; com- manded at the taking the Fort of Plartendale ; and aflift d at the Siete of Oftend ; was active at the Bat- tle of Audenarde, and afterwards took Pofl'eflion of Lifle, (the Siege of which Town he had aflifted in) a^' alfo at Ghent 'and Bruges ; and in 1709 particularly fignalizM him'elf at the Siege of Tournay and the Battle of Blarcignes. In 1705, and the iid Year of his Ag3, he was ap- pointed by Qiieen Anne, to be her Majefty's High Commiflioner to the Parliament of Scotland, and was afterwards made General of her Armies, and Gene- ral and Commander in Chief in North Britain, Vice- roy of Minorca, Governor of Port Mahon. one of the Privy Council, Colonel and Captain or the 4th Troop of Guards, and Colonel of one of her Majefty's oldeft Regiments of Foot. He was alto by her Majefty made Baron of Chat- ham, Earl of Greenwich, one of the Privy Council in Hngland, Knighc of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, one of the extraordinary Lords of SeiTion, Embaffador Extra'udinary to King Charles III. and Coniiiiander in Chief oi the Eng'.ith Forces in Spain. Upon the DemiCe of the Queen, Auguft i, 17 14, he was made Cihoice of by his Majefty King George 1. to be one of the Lords ]uftices 'till he arriv'd from Hanover •, and on the 19th of the faid Month was appointed firft Gentleman of the Bed-chamber and Grno'.n of the Stole to his Royal Hignefs George Prince of Wales ; .as on the zjm he was appointed General of the Foo', and General and Commander in Chief of h's Majefty's Forces in Scotland. On the I ft of Odober he was appointed one of his Majefty's Privy Council ', and on the ;oth aflifting ac his Coronation, there carry'd the Scepter. About 112 Campbe], Duke of Argyle. About the Beginning of the Year 1715 he was ap- pointed Lord Lieutenant of the County of Surry, as on the Sth of June the fame Year he was made Colo- nel of the Royal Blue Regiment of Horfe Guards, and on the 31ft of Auguft following was appointed one of his Majefty's Cabinet Council. On the 7th of Tuly 1716 he was again appointed one of the Lords Juftices whilft his Majefty went to Hanover, and on th3 6th of February 1718-19 was made Steward of his Majefty's Houlhold, and after- wards Duke of Greenwich. On the 14'h of June 1720 he was a third Time made one of the Lords Juftices, as on the 3d of June 1723, he was a 4:h Time. On the ift of June 1725 he being made Mafter- General of the Ordnance, and a 5th lime one of the Lvrds juftice<^, he then refign'd his Poft of Steward of his Nlajefty's Houlhold, and was fucceeded therein by the Duke of Dcrfet. On the z6'.\\ of Auguft 1726 \\z was made Colonel of the Princefs of Wales's own Regiment of Horfe, in ihe rcom of the Lord Londonderry j as on the 31ft of May 1727 he was a 6:h Time appointed one of the Lords Juftices ; and is now Mafter-General of the Ordnance. Colonel of the above-mention'd Regi- ment to tne Queen, High Stew.ird of the Borough of Malmltury in the County of Wilts, and one of his Majefty's Privy Council, and aflifting at his Coro- nation, there carry'd the Scepter with the Dove. He marry'd to his firft Wife Mary Daughter to |ohn Brown, Efqj and Niece to Sir Charles Duncomb, Kn:. Lord May>->r of London •, but {he dving in 1716 without Iffue, 'his Grace marry'd to his lecond Wife, Mrs. Jane Warburton, one of the Maids of Honour to her Majefty Queen Anne, both when fhe was Prin- cefs of Denmark and Queen of Great Britain, as alfo to her late Majefty Queen Caroline, when Princefs of Wales, and by her he has four Daughters, the eldeft: of which is nam'd Carolina, her Majefty being her Godmother. Note ; That it is a peculiar Rii^ht of this Family, that when they marry any DaugTiter, their Vaflals are oblig'd to pay their Portion, and are tax'd in or- der to it, according co the Number of their Cattle. ARMS, Donglafsj Duke of Dong^lafj;. A R M S. Quarterly, ift and 4:h Gtrony of eight Pieces To- paz and Diamond, for Campbel j 2d and ^d Pearl, a Lymphad, or old falhion'd Ship with one Maft, her Sails clofe, and Oars in Adicn, all Diamond*;, with Flag and Pendants flying Ruby, for the Lordfiiip of Lorn. Creft. On a Wreath, a Boar's Head coup'd To- paz. Supporters. Two Lions guardanr Ruby. Motto. Ne oblivifcaris. P. 8. N'^ o. Note, That behind the Arms arc two honourable Badges in Saltire, which his Grace's Anceftors have borne a long Time, for their b-ing Great Mafters of the King's HouOiold, and Jufticiaries of Scotland : The fir/? is a Batton Top.iz, ."^emee of Thirties Eme- rald, enfign'd with an Lnperial Crown proper \ and thereon the Creft of Scotland, which is a Lion fejant- guardant Ruby, crown'd with the like Crown he fits on ; having in his dexter Paw a Sword proper, the Pummel and Hilt Topaz i and in the finifter, a Scep- ter of the laft : And the other Badge is a Sword, as that in the Lion's Paw. Chief SEATS. At Innerara in the County of Argyle, 7|f Miles froi-a Edinburgh ; at Campbel Town in the County of Kin- tyre, 60 Miles from Innerara \ at Stirling, 22 Miles from Edinburgh \ at Sudbrook in the County of Sur- ry in Enfiland, two Miles from Kingrton, and eight from London 5 and at Atterbury in the County of Ox- ford, three Miles from Banbury. VIL T^HE moft high, pui{T*ant, and noble Prince ■*• Aichibald Douglas, Duke, Marcuefs and Earl of Douglafs 5 Mirquefs and Earl of Angus, and Abernerhy j Vifcount of Jedburgh Foreft, Lord Dou- phfs of Eonckle, Preftouh, Robert oun, Bothwell and Clenbei'vy, ftnd Lord Lieucenanc of Angus. Created 1 1 4 Doiiglafs, Duke of Douglafs. Created Earl of Douglafs in the County of Clydef- dak, by King David Bruce, Anno i?57 i Earl of the County of Angus, April 9, i?8<;, by Roben III. Mar- quefs or Douglas, June 17, 1633, the pth of Charles I. and Duke ot Douglas, Marquefs of Angus, Marquefs and Earl of Abernethy, Vifcount Jedburgh, and Lord Douglafs of Bonckle, Preftoun and'Robercoun, April 18, 1703, the 2d ot Queen Anne. This great and illuftrious Family may be reckoned one of the moft renown'd of any Subje*^ Family in Europe, there not being a Kingdom but their Name is known, and fome of their great Adions recorded ; and from thefe in Scotland were defcended the Fa- mily of Scoti in Plaifance in Italy, the Riari-Scoti in Bononia, the Mari-Scoti in Mantua, the Baroni-Scoti in Florence, and the Paperoni-Sco:i in Rome ; and in St. Lawrence's Church in Plaifance, the Family have twelve Monuments. In Mufcovy and Sweden there are feveral of this Fa- mily which make a great Figure ; and the City of Dantzick in Poland, being relieved by one Douglafs a Scotchman, they ereded a triumphal Arch in Com- memoration of that glorions Action, which to this Day is call'd Douglafs-Port or Ga:e, and the Suburb without it. Little Scotland ; and they alfo enacted, that a Man born in Scotland {hould for ever be a Free- man of Dant7.ick as much as a Native. In France this Family have had very great Com- mands and Titles J for one of the Name who was Earl of Wigtoun in Scotland, v/as by Charles the 7th of France, made Duke of Turenne in that Country (for his Service in the Wars againft the Englifh) and an- other was Count de Longueville. About the Year 1329 there were in Scotland of this Name, fix Eai Is at one Time, viz.- l>ouglas, An- fus, Mor:on, Ormond, Murray and Wigtoun, (be- efore-mention'd ) and now, beddes his Grace oi whom we are fpeaking, there is the Duke of Qiieenf- berry, the Earls of M^irch and Morton, and the Lord Mordingtnn j and for their Service to their Country, this Family had three noble Privileges allow'd them Ky King and Parliament, viz. That 'they fhould have the firft Vote in the Parliament j idly, Should lead the Doiigkfs, Duke of Doiigkfs. 1 1 5- me Van of the Army ; and ;dly, Should carry the Crown, if prefear, at publick ScleiriP.icies. The Original or this illuftrious Family is deriv'd from one Sholto, a black pale Man, which, as thcfa V'xwds are faid to fignify (both in old Britifh and Irifh) was Dou glafs , and he, in the Reign of Sol- vathius King of Scotland, and the Year of Cnrift 770- being the principal Man that routed Donald Bane ana his Forces, who had invaded his Country \ the King royally rewarded his Services, and made him a Granc of large Pofleflions in the County of Lanark, which he or his Succeflbrs call'd Douglafs, and from thence took the Surname of the Family. To Sholto fucceeded Hueh his Son, who was Father or another Hugh, and William, which William was Lord of Pouglals, and Progenitor of the Fa nily o? Scoti in Italy ; and alfo Father of John Lord of i5ou- glafs, whofe Son William the next Lord of the Fa- mily, had Archibald his Heir, and Bricius Biiliop of Murray. Archibald, who was the 6nh. Lord of Douglafs, mar- ry'd one of the Coheirs of the Name and Barony of Crawford, and by her had a Son named William, which Son was Father of Hugh de Douglafs, who lived in the Time of Alexander the third, and fig- naliz'd himfelf at the Battle of Largs, where the Scots (in 1236) obtained a glorious Victory over the Norvegians. He marry'd Margery Daughter to Alexander, and Sifter to Hugh Lord of Abernethv ; but having no furviving Iflue Male, William hii Brother, call'd the Hardy, became Heir j and in che Year 12^5 was made Governor of Berwick j but eight Years after, falling int") the Enemies Hands, he there dy'd a Pri- foner, leaving Iflue by his hrft Wife, D.aughter to Keith of that Ilk, tw-"> Sons, James and Hugh ; and by his fecond Wife, who was Margaret, Daugh- ter to Ferrers Earl of Derby in England, he had Archibald Lord of Galloway, and John the Pro- genitor of the Earl of M 'rton. James, who fucceeded his Father, was commonly^ caird the Good Sir James, and laid the Foundation of the Grandeur of the Houfe of Douglafs, he being fa- nwus all che World over for his Valoiu- and glorious Anions 11 5 Douglafs, Duke of Douglafs. Anions in the Service of his Country, for which his Memorv will ftill be honour'd. In ii\t Year 13 13 he afTaulred and took the Caftle oF Roxburgh from the Englilh, for King Robert Bruce ; and the next Year cominanded the Left Wing of the Scots Army at the Battle of Bannockburn^ where he behav'd fo well as to merit the Honour ot Knighthood in the Field, under the King's difphy'd Banner i which Title, in former Times, was efteem'd more Honourable than Peerage. He was likewife by that King, made Warden of the Marches towards England, where, and in other Places, for his good Services, he had a Grant of the Caftle, Village and Foreft of Jedworth, then erefted in'o a free Foreftry ; as alfo had a noble Compart- ment of a Wreath of Stakes added to his Arms, be- caufe he wreath'd in the English in the faid Foreft, that they could not efcape, and there defeated them ; and afterwards meeting King Edward's Army at North- allerton in Yorkfhire, he there gave them Battle, and flew thyree of the moft valiant Captains in Eng- land with his own Hand. King Robert Bruce dyinc; on the 9th of July 1319, his Body was bury'd in Dumfermlinej but, accor- ding to his DeGre, his Heart was carry'd to Jerufalem by the faid Sir James Douglafs, his great Favourite, Cwho ferv'd him to the Day of his Death with con- ftant Love aad Loyalty in all Chances of Peace and War) and thereby atchiev'd the antient and paternal Coat of Arms of his Family, being Pearl, a Man's Heart Ruby, enfign'd with an Imperial Crown pro- per. This Sir James, in his Journey to Jerufalem, Anno 1:30, was accompany'd by Sir Willia n Sinclair and Sir Robert Logan, two eminent Knights, whom he took for his Companir>ns, and as they pafs'd through Spain, he ioi.i'd the King of Arragon againft the Sa- razens, and obtain'd the Viftory in feveral Battles : After which he pafs'd with his Companions to tha Holy Land, where he bury'd the King's Heart with great Solemnity and ReveVeiice at the Holy Grave, and there joia'd the Chriftians againft the Turks ancf Saraxens j but in his Return to Spain, he acain join- ia^ the King of Arragon agaiaft the In.^dels was {lain Douglafs, Duke of Daug\, 11-7 (lain on the 26t\\ of Auguft i^^ i, by a Party that lay in Ambuih for his Life, (and his Companions were flain alfo i ) and thus ended the moft Noble and Va- liant Sir James Douglas, who might ba reckon'd a- mong the moft famous Warriors of any Age ; for he is faid to hav; been in 57 Battles and Rencounters againft the Engliili, and 13 feveral Times vidorious againft the Turks and Sarazens, and all in the Space oi 24 Years. This great and illuftrious Perfon was fucceeded by Hugh his Brother ; but he having no Iflue of his own Body (in the Year 1345) refignd the Lordfhip of Douglafs in Favour of Sir William his Nephew, the Son of Archibald Earl of Galloway, who in 1335 was flain at the Battle of HallidonhiJl. In 1351 the faid Sir William, Lord of Douglafs, was fen: Embafiador by the Nobles of Scotland to King David IL who was then in France, to bring hini over to take Pofleflnn of his Kingdom, which he did the Year following ; and in 1338 Sir V\'illiam having the Comnand of an Army, he therewith took the City and Ciftle of Edinburgn, (from Edward Ba- liol) for the faid King David, and recover'd all the Lands of Tiviv^tfdale, of which hi was mide Lord. In 1339 he fought a Battle asainft Laurence Aber- nethy, the chiet Captain to Etlward Baliol, by whom he was routed ; but in a 4th Battle after that, the Scots obtain'd the Viftory, and the faid Sir William took the faid Abernethy Prifoner, with all the Men of Note of his Army, and carry'd them to Dumbar- ton Caftle to Robert Steuart then Regent, who or- der'd great Solemnity and Rejoycing for the Viftory, to the Honour and Praife of Sir William, who was much efteemM by all King David's Party. In 1346 he was Warden of the Weft Marches to- wards England j and on the 17th of Odober the fame Year, accompanying King David to the Battle of Durham, was there taken Prifoner with his Sovereign ; but w.u foon after releafed, and in 1357 was, among other Nobles, bound to King Edward III- of England, for an Hundred Thoufand Marks Sterling, for the Ranfom of the faid King David; and much about the fame Time he was dighify'd with the Title of Earl of Douglafs. He ri8 Douglafs, Duke o/* Douglass, He marry'd to his firft VVife Margaret, Sifter and fcle Heir to Thonas Earl ot Mar, by whom he had James his Succeflbr, and a Daughter Ifabel ^ which Daughter, after the Death of her Brother, became Countefs of Mar, and was marry'd to Sir Alexander Steuarc, Kt. To his id VVife, the faid William Earl of Douglafs many'd Margaret, Daughter to Patrick Earl of March, and by her had Archibald Lord of Galloway, after- wards Earl of Douglafs j and by his third and lafl: Wife Margaret, Daughter and Heir to Thomas Steu- art. Earl of Angus, (Son of Sir Alexander Steuart of Bonckle, Son of Sir John Steuart, Bro'hcr to James Lord Hii:h Steward of Scotland, Father of Walter Lord High Steward, Father of King Robert IL) he had George Douglafs the firft Earl of An-us of that Name, his Mother refigning the Earldon in his Fa- vour. To this William Earl of Douglafs fucceeded James by his firft Wife before-mcntion'd, which Jam-^s, on the 5ch of Auguft i?88, was kill'd at the'Bartle of Otterburne, (ocherwife call'd Cheviot Chace, which was the Occafion of the old Poem of that Name, much commended by the spectator) vidorioufly fightirig for his King and Country ; and his Standard and the Mace of Iron which he fought with are now in Pof- fiirion of the Family o^ Douglafs of Cavers. This Earl, in Right of his Mother, fucceeded to the Ho- nours and tftate ot Mar, to which his Sifter (Ifabel) of the whole Blood fucceeded, on his Demife, without lawful Ifllie j but in the Honours and Eftate of Dou- glafs, he was fucceeded by Archibald Lord of Gal- loway, his Half-Brother. In 1381 he was fent EmbafTador to France ; and afrerwards marrying Elizabeth, Daughter and fole Heir to Thomas Murray, Lord Bothwell, with her bad that Lordfhip ; and thereupon an Augmentation to his Arms, viz. Azure, three Stars within a double Treffure Or \ and dying in the Year 1400 left IfTue Archibald, his Succellbr, and a Daughter nam'd Mar- jory ; which Daughter was marry'd to David Prince of Scotland, eldeft Brother to King James I. Archibald, who fucceeded, was a Nobleman of {ireat Valour and Condud \ and for that and other his briuht \ Douglafs, Z)«/f^ ^ Douglafs. 119 bright Qualities he was made Captain-General of 10,000 Men, which in 1421 were tianfported into France, in Behalf of the French againft the Englilh, and did fuch fitnal Service to that Crown, that King Charles VII. of that Realm, invefted him with the Duchy of Turenns, which continued in the Family 'till after Lewis IV. and alfo made him Marflial of France ; hut on the ioth of Auguft 1425 he having the chief Command at the Batle of Vernoil, there loft his Life, as did his Son the Earl of Wigcon, and his Son-in-Law the Earl of Buchan, and their Corps were all bury'd with great Solemnity in St. Gracian's Church in lournay. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to King Robert III. and by her had Archibald Harl of Dovglafs, and Tames Lord Abercorn ; which Archibald was a Perfon of great Accompli Q-iments, cither for Peace or War, and with William Hay Conftable of Scotland, and Henry Wardlow, the Archbitbop of St. Andrews, was fent into England in the zd of Henry VI. to Ranfom James Prince of Scotland, and agreed with the Nobles of England to pay 100,000 Marks Ster- linij. He marry'd Eupheme, Daughter to Patrick Gra- ham, Earl of Strachern and dying in 1438, when he was Duke of Turenne, Earl of Douclafs, Count de Longueville, and Lord of Galloway, by her left two 8^)ns William and David, and a Daughter Margaret, who became Countefs of Athole. To Archibald Earl of Dcuclafs, &c. fucceeded William his eldeft Son, a Youth'^of great Expedation, high Spiri:, and fvveet Difpofition i but in 1441, with David his Brother, being invi.ed to the Caftle of Edinburgh, where they fa: at the King's Table, they were fuddenly csrry'd ^rf and murder'd. To Williaii la(t mentioi'd fucceedel James Lord Abercorn, his L ncle, who in the Reign of King James XL was Warden of the Marches towards Eng- land ; and he marryini^ Beatrix Sinclair, Daughter to the Earl of Orkney, by her had five Sons and tour Daughters ; wher-of Margaret was marry'd to James Earl or Morton, and Jane to Robert Lord Fleming, Anceftor to the Earl of Wigton , and of the Sons, lijlich were William, James, Hugh, John and Henry, I 20 Doiiglafs, Duke of Douglafs. the deleft fucceeded in the Earldom of Douglaf-;, lames was Earl of Murray, Hugh Earl of Ormoiid, '2nd John was Lord Balveny. In 144.1 VVillian, who fucceeded, went to Rome to the Jubilee, (and took with him Henry his Brother, appointed Billiop of Dunkeld) but after his Return, having committed many heinous Crimes, K. James H. ftabb'd him in the Breaft with a Dagger, of which he dy'd in the Month of February 145;, and leaving no Iltue, James his Brother, the Earl of Murray, became Heir. In 1455 th.; faid James went to the Court of Eng- land, and by Edward IV. was made Knight of the Garter \ but afterwards he taking Religious Orders, and dying without IfTue alfo, the Earldom of Dou- glafs expir'd in the principal Branch, and devolved on th:; Liiie of Angus, the firft whereof was Geori;e Douglafs, Son of William the firft Earl of Douglafs by Margaret his 3d Wife, Daughter and Heir to Tho- mas Steuart, Earl of Angus, as before has been ob- ferv'd. This George, in the Year 1597 marry'd the Lady Mary Sceuart, eldeft Daughter 'to King Robert III. and by her had William his SucceflSr, Sir George Douglafs, Knt. and a Daughter Elizabeth j which Daughter was marry'd to Sir William Hay of Lock- hare, Anceftor to the Marquefs of Tweedale. In the Year 1423 William, who fucceeded, and was the id Erl of AnguSj was lent into England, as one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom of Kin^ James I. his Uncle, at whofe Coronation he had been knighted ; and in the 29th of that Reign had a foecial Grant of all the Manors, Caftles and^Lands defcended to him from his Anceftors, and was Warden of the Marches towards England. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir William ^j Hay of Lockhart, and dying in 1437 by her left Iffue James his son and Heir, who marry'd. the Lady Jane Steuart, Daughter to King Jar»es I. but dying without Idlte, Sir George Douglafs, Knt. (before-mention'd) his Uncle, enjov'd his Honours and Eftate \ and was a Man riiuch elleem'd for his Wifdom, Loyalty and Valour , Donglafsj "Duhe of Doiiglafs. 121 In the 20th of King James II. he had a Grant oF the Lordfhip and Barony of Douylafs, for his fpecial Services to the Crown ^ atter which he performed many fignal Atts in Behalf of his Country againft the Englifti i and dying in 146a left Iflue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Sir Andrew Sibbald ol Bali,ony,_ Archibald his Heir, and three D.uiiihters, wher.of Jane was marry'd to William Lord Graham, and Mar- garet to Sir Duncan Campbel of Glenorchy, Anceftor to the Earl of Broadalbin. Archibald, who fucceeded, liv'd in the Reigns of James III. and IV. and made a confiderable Figure, as being Warden of the Marches, one of rhe Privy Council, and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland , and marrying to his fiift Wite Elizabeth, D ughter to Robert Lord Boyde, Lord High Chamberlain", by her had three Sons, George who dy'd in his Father's Life- time, Sir William Douglais of Braidwood, and Gavin Bifliop of Dunkeild j and the faid Archibald marry- ing to his fecond Wife Carharine, Daughter to Sir Robert Stirling of Keir, by her had three Daughters, Margery marry'd to Cuthb^rc Cunningham Earl of Glencairn, Elizabeth to Robert Lord "LvIc, luftice General of Scotland, and Janet to Robert Lord Herris, Anceftor to the Earl ^si Nuhfdale. George, who was by the firft Wife, and loft his Life in his Father's Life-tmie, at the Battle of Flod- den, Sept. 9, 1515, iwi;h zoo Gentlemen of his Name and Family) marry'd Margaret, Daughter to lohn Lord Drummand, and by her had three Sons ?jid Hx Daugh- ters j of which Elizabeth was marry'd to John Hay Lord Yefter, Anceftor to the Marquefs ot Tv/eedale ; and Jane to John Lyon Lord Glammis, Anceftor to the Earl of Strathmore ^ and of the Sons, which were Archibald, George and William, rhe eld^ft fuc- ceeded his Grandfa-her, and the fjcond was knighted; and he marrying Elizabeth, Daughter and I'cle Heir to David Doughfs of Pittendrich^ by her had two Son'^^, David and James, whereof the younpeft vv-a's Earl of Morton, and the eldeft became Earl of Angus- Archibald, who fucceeded his Grandfather, was a Perfon of great AcccmpliPnments, for whicii he wa<:, by Henry 11. of France, made a of the Order 01 St. Michael 5 and was afterwards one of the Coun- fellcrs 122 Dougkfsj Duh of Doughfs. fellors to James V. King of Scots ; and he marrying Margaret Tudor, that King's Mother, who was eldeft Daughter to Henry VII. King of England, by her had a Daughter of her Name, who in the Year 1537 was marry'd to Thomas Lord Howard, and after his De- ceafe, being marry'd to Matthew steuavt. Earl of Len- nox, by him had Henry Lord Darnley, Father of James VI. the firft Monarch of Great Britain. In 1522 he was made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, which Office he held for" fix Years j but dying without Ifllie Male, Sir David Douglafs of Pit- tendrich, his Nephew, enjoy 'd the Honour. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir John Hamil- ton of ClydefdalCj'^Brother to James Duke of Chattle- rault \ and dying in 1558 by her left Lfue Archibald his Heir, and two Daughters, Margaret marry'd to Sir Walter Scot of Buccleugh, and Elizabeth to Joha Lord Maxwel!, afterwards tarl of Morton. Archibald, who (ucceeded, was fnr his virtuous En- dowments furnam'd The Good Earl ; but he, the' thrice marry'd, dying without furviving Iflue, we return to Sir William Douglafs of Eraidwood before- msn ion'd J which Sir wriliam marrying Elizabeth, Daughter and fole Heir to; Sir James Acninleck, Kt. with her had the Barony of Glenbervy in the County of Kincardin, and by her had a Son nam'd Archibald, who fucceeded him in the Barony ; which Archibald marrying Agnes, Daughter to VVilliam Keith, Earl of Marilbal, by her had Sir V\'i]liam the third Baron, on whom devolved the Earldom of Angus, being the next Heir Male. Sir William, who thus became Earl of Angus, mar- ry'd Giles, Daughter to Sir Robert GrahanT ot Mor- phie ; and dying in 1591 by her left Ifliie four Sons and as m?.ny Danuhters ; whereof William the eldeft fucceeded in the Honour, and Robert the fecond was created a Baronet. William, who was the next Earl, marry'd Elizabeth, I>aughter to Laurence Lord Oliphant, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to George Earl of Errol, and by her had three Sons and two Daughters j Mary marry'd to Alejynder Livingfton, Earl of Linlithgow, and Margaret to Sir Alexander Campbel of Calder j and of the Sons, Francis was knighted, James was Lord Mcr- Donglafsj Duke c/* Douglafs. 125 Mordington, and William the eldeft was Earl of An- gus, &c. In the Reign of King Charles I. he was made Lord Lieutenant of the Borders, and created Marquefs of Douglafs ; and marrying to his firft Wife Margaret, Sifter to James Hamilton Earl of Abercorn, by her had two Sons and three Daughters ; of which Arclii- bald the eldeft was Lord ^ligh Chamberlain for the Day, at the Coronation of Kiny Charles IL and James was killed at the Siege of Doway ; and of the Daugh- ters, which were Jane, Margaret and Griffel, the eldeft was marry'd to WilHam Lord Alexander, Soa and Heir to William Earl of Sterling, and Margaret to Sir John Hamilton, Lord Bargeny. To his 2d Wife the faid Marquefs marry'd Mary, Daughter to George Gordon, Marcuefs ot Huntley, by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter to Efme Duke of Lennox, and by «her had three Sons and five Daugh- ters, whereof Henrietta was marry'd to James John- fton. Earl of Annandale, Ifabel ro William Douglafs Duke of Qiieenlberry, Jane to James Drummond Earl of Perth, XL^^rd Hi:-n Chancellor oi Scotland, in the Reigns of King Charles and James VII.) and Lucy to Robert Maxwel!, Eavl of Nichfdale ; and of the Sens, William was Earl cf Selkirk, and Duke if Ha.uilcon, George was Earl ofDumbarcon, and James che young- eft, who was a Colonel, dy'd uirmarry'd. Archibald, who was Lord C hamberlain as before- mention'd, marry'd to his firft Wife Anne, Daughter to Efme Steuart, Duke of Lennox i and d>ing in his Father's Life-time, by her left Ilfue James, who fuc-t ceeded his Grandfather, as Marquefs of Douglafs ; and the faid Archibald marrying to his 2d VVife Jane, Daughter to David Earl of V/eems, by her had' Ar- chibald Earl of Forfar, now cxtindt, and a Daughter nam'd Margaret, who was marry'd CO Alexander" Vi f- coun: Kingfton. James w'ho was the fecond Marquefs of Douglafs, now extind, was .one of the Pvivy Council for ?o ■^ears, viz. in ths Reians of King Charles IL lames VII. and William lll.^and marrying f^ his ift"\Vife Barbara, Daughter to Tchn Erfkine, Earl of Mar, by her had an only Son, who in 1692 (and the 21ft Year of his Age) was unfortunately uain in the Battle of Sterv- 124 Doiiglafs, 2)/^i^ o/* Dougrafs. Stenkirk ^ but his Lordfhip marrying to his fecond Wife Tv'ary, Daughter to Robert Ker, Marquefs of Lothian by her had Archibald his Survivor, a Noble- n-an of great H^ipes, whofe Honours Queen Anne (in the 5;th Year of his Age) was pleafed to augment, by creating him Duke of Douglafs, Marquefs of Angus and Abernethy, Vifcount Jedburgh, Lord Douglafs of Bonkle , and Lady Jane unmarried. ARMS. Quaiterly, firft Saphire, a Lion rampant Pearl, crown'd wi h a Ducal Oown Topax, for the Eavl- dcm of Galloway • ;d Topaz, a Lion lampant Ruby, furmounted of a Ribbon Diam';>nd, for Abernethy, as marrying the Heirefs of that Family i ^d Pearl, three Piles Ruby, for Wifhart of Brechin ; 4th Topaz, a Fefs checoue Pearl and Saphire, furmounted of a Bend Diamond, charg'd with three Ruckles of the firft, for Stuart of Bonckle j over all in Surtout the paternal Coat of Douglafs, which is Pearl, a Man's Heart Ruby, enflgn'd with an Imperial Crown pro- per J and on a Chief Saphire, three Mullets of the firft. Creft. On a Cap of Maintenance, a Salamander Em.erald, in Flames, proper. Supporters. On the dexter Side, a Savage holding a Barton over his Shoulder, and wreath'd about the VVafte with a Laurel, all proper. On the Sinifter, a Stag of the latter, attir'd and ungul'd Topaz ; both which Supporter; ftand within a Pale of Wood, wreath'd and emnal'd, for a Compartment, given for their Valour, as before has been noted. Motto. Jamais Arriere. P. 9. N" 7. Chief SEATS. At Douglafs Caftle in the County of Lanerk, (built miny hundred Years aiio, and is ftill a very noble Pile, with a large Park ancT Gardens) fix Miles from La- nerk, and 32 from Edinburgh, and at Diddup, a no- ble antient^ Pile in the Middle of a Park, one Mile from Dundee, and z6 from Edinburgh. vm. Murray, Duke of Athoie. 12 y Vm. 'THE moft high, puiflant, and noble Princej ■* James Murray, Duke, Marquefs and Earl of Athoie, Marquefs and Earl of Tullibardin, Vif- counc Glenalmond, and Lord Murray, Hereditary Sheriff of the County of Perth, Bailitt of Fife, and Hereditary Keeper of the King's Palace of Falkland, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, and Knit^ht of the Moft Nobb and Antient Order of the Thiftle, one of the fixteen Peers for Scotland 5 and now, fince the Death of the Earl of Derby, has taken his Seat as an Eng- lifh Peer, by the Title of Lord Barpn Strange, of Knokyn, Lord of Man, and Admiral of that Ifland. Created Lord Murray of Tullibardin in the County of Perth, Apiil the 25th in 1604, the 3d of James VI. Earl and Marquefs of Athoie in the County of Perth, February the 17th in 16715, the ;8th of Charles II. Vifcount Glenalmond, and Earl of Tullibardin, July the 27th in 1-597, the 9th of William HI. and Mar- quefs of Tullibardin, and Duke oi Arhole, April the 30th in 1703, the 2d of Queen Anne. This noble Family of the Murrays is of great Anti- quity vn the County of Perch, and were defcended from Sir Malcolm Murray, Kt. whofe Son Sir William, in the Year 1282, marrying Adda Moravia, Daughter to Malvfs Senefchal of Strathern, thereby became pofl'efs a of the Barony of Tullibardin, as appears by. a Charter dated that Year. In the Year 1292 he was one of the Barons fum- mon'd by King Edward 1. of England, to Berwick, when that Prince was to determine the Controverfy about the Crown of Scotland, then difputed between Robert Bruce and John Baliol j and by the faid Adda his Wife had Sir Andrew Murray, Kt. his Son and Heir, who in 1332 was joint Governor of Scotland with Sir Robert Steuart, Kt. whilft King David and his Queen went to France. Sir Andrew, who fucceeded, dying in the Year 1338 left Iflue a Son nam'd \'\'illiam, the Fathei of Sir Wal- ter Murray, whofe Son David was knighted by King James I. and founded the Collegiate Church of Tulli- bardin ; and he dying in 1446 left William his Suc- ceflor, and a Daughter'Marion ^ marry'd to Malcol.a Drummond of CargiJl, Anceftor to the Earl of Perth- Williamj 1 26 Murray, Duke of Athole. William, who was the next Heir, was knighted by King James III. made Steward of Strathern \ and he marry in?; Mary, Daughter to the Earl of Marifhal, by her had four Sons and one Daughter j whereof Sir Andrew the youngeft was Anceftor to the Vifcount of Stormont \ and John the eldeft dying without Iflue, William the ;d became Heir j and the faid Daugh- ter, whofe Name was Chriftian, was marry'd to John Lord Seaton. William the 2d Son, who fucceeded, marry'd Ca- thariiie. Daughter to Sir Duncan Campbell of Gle- nurchy, and by her had three Sons and four Daugh- ters \ of which Annabella was marry'd to John Er- fkine. Earl of Mar \ and William, who was Heir to his Father, was one ol the Privy Council :o Queen Mary, and Comptroller of her Houlliold. In 1572 he was join'd in Commiilion with Sir A- lexander Erflcin, to be joint Keeper of the Caitle of Stirling J and dying in i^8j left Iflue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter to William Graham, Earl ofMont- rofe, John his Succeffor, and a Daughter nam'd Mar- garet, marry'd to Sir Robert Y>x\\Ci of Clackmanan. Sir John, who fucceeded, was one of the Privy Council to King Jam^s VI. by whom he was created Lord Murray, and'Earl cf Tullibardin j and irjarrj- ini; the Lady Catharine, Daughcer to David Lord Drummond, by her had three Sons, William his Heir, Patrick, Knight of the Bath, and Mungo, who dy'd without Iflue, was Vifcount of Stormont \ and rne faid Earl having alfo four Daughters, Anne the eldelt was mar.'y'd to Alexander Lyon, Earl of Kinghorn. In the Year 1^00 Vvilliam, who was the fecond Earl, being the happy Refcuer of his Majcfty from a Tumult of the Citizens of Perth, when John Earl of GoLirie their Provoft waskill'd, had thereupon a fpecial Grant of the SheiiAlhip of Perthfliire, which ftill continues in his Family. He marry'd Dorothy, Daughter and Coheir to Jnhn Stenart, the 5:h EarT of Athole, by Mary his VVife, Dauditer to William the firft Earl of Gnurie ^ and by her tiad a Son nam'd John, which Son fucceeded to the Tide, Dignity and Precedency of Athole, (he then refigning the Honour of Tullibardin) being there- by related to the Crov/n, and was a faithful Adhsrcjr. to Murray, Duke of Athole. 127 to King Charles L in the Beg-nning of his Troubles, Anno 1640, when he raifed an Army of 2000 Men for his Service. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to Sir Duncan Campbel of Glenurchy^ and dying in 1*542 by her left IlTue John his Succeflbr, who in 1(553, when but eighteen Years of Age, loyally took up Arms in Defence of King Charles II. and had feveral Kncouners with the Englifh Ufurpers in the North of Scotland \ for which his Majefty, after his Reftoration, made him Jufticc General, Lord Privy Seal, Captain ot his Guards, one of the extraordinary Lords of Seffion, and created him Marquefs of Athole. On the nth of June i(58), the firft of James VII. he totally defeated a Parry of the Earl oT Argyle's Men ; after which he was conftituted Lord Lieutenant of the County of Argyle, and made Knight of the Thiftle ^ and dying in May 170J left IlVue^by Amilia his Wife, Daughter to that valiant and loyal Noble- man James Stanley, Earl of Derby in England, five Sons and one Daughter: whereof John the eldtft fucceeded, Charles the 2d was Earl of- Dunmore, and William the 4th was Lord Nairn j and the faid Daugh- ter their Sifter, who was nam'd Amilia, was marry'd to Hueh Frafer, Lord Lovat. In the Reign of King William IIL John, who fuc- ceeded his Father, was made Secretary of State, Lord High Commiflion-r to the Parliament, Chancellor of the Univerfity of St. Andrews, and Earl of Tullibar- din. On the joth of April 1703, the 2d of Queen Anne, he was created Marquefs of'TulIibardin, and Duke of Athole, as on the 7th of February following he was made a Knight of the Thiftle j and in 1707, when the 22d Article of the Treaty of Union came to be deba- ted in Relation to the Number ot Reprefentatives for Scotland, in the Parliament of Great Britain, he gave in his Proteft, which in Juftice to his Grace is in- ferted here. ' Forafmuch as the Peers of this Realm, who are hereditary Members of her Majefty's Great Council and Parliament, do hereby become eleftive, and fo * her Majcrty is depriv'd of her born Counfejlors, and s the I zS Murray, Duke of Athole. '■ the Peiis or their Birthright j and whereas at pre- ' fenr thev are one hundred and fixty in Number, they ' are by this Arcicl:; reduced to fixreen, which fixteen ' are to be join'd wi:h the Houfe of Lords inHngland^ ' whofe Number at prefent confifts of above one hun- ' dred and eit^hcy, whereby it's plain, that the Scots ' Peers Share in the Legillative and Judicative Powers ' in the Briciih Parliamentj is very unequal to that of * the Engl i Hi, tho' the one be Reprefentative of as * free and independent a Nation as the ether, and is * therefore a plain Forfaulture of the Peerage of this ' Kingdom, contrary to the Honour of the Monarchy, *■ difjiVaceiul to the Kingdom, and prejudicial to the * Barons and Burroughs of this Realm. On the 17th of April 171a he was fworn one of her Majefty's Privy Council, as on the iSch of April 171; he was appointed Lord Privy Seal, and on the io:h of April 1714 he was made Commiflioner to the General Aflembly of the Church in Scotland. This nobis Lord marri'd to his firft Wife, the Lady Catharine Hamilton, Daughter to William and Anne Duke and Duchefs of Hamilton, and by her had Cw Sons and one Daughter, who in May 171^^ was marry 'd to \\ii;iam Earl of Aberdeen. Of the fix Sons there' is only now living Wiliiamj who fhould have been Duke, bat was Attainted oi High Treafon in Anno 171(5. Tames the prefent Duke, anB Lord George, who is married to an Heirefs of his own Name, and has inlie. To his fecond Wife his Grace marrj'd Mary, Daugh- ter to William Lord Rofs, Mother of Lord John Murra j, piefent Member of Parliament for Perthfhire. and Co- lonel of the Guards, Lord Frederick in the Navy, and a Dau^;h:er Lady lane \ and dying in 1724 was lucceeded by jamei Kis third Son, to whom the H'^- nour was limited ; which James^ at the Time of his Father's Death, was Member of Parliament for the County of Pertn, and a Colonel in his Majefty's Royal Reuiment of Scotch Guards, and is now Duke of Athole, &c. and on the 28th of April 1726 was mar- ry'd to Jane, Dauur.tcr to }o\\n Frederick of the Cicy of Weftminfter, Efq-, and \\idow cf Sir Timothy La- noy Murray, Duke of Athole. 129 moy of Hammerfmith in the County of Middlefex, Knt. by whom he had Iflue a Son, who dy'd young, and two Daughters now living. ARMS. Quarterly, firfl: Saphire, three Mullets Pearl, within a double TrefTure fiowerM and counterflower'd with Fleurs de lis. Topaz, for Murray. 2d Grand Quarter is quarterly, ift and 4th Topaz, a Fefs checque. Pearl and Saphiie, for Steuart ; ad and jd pally of fix. To- paz and Diamond, for the Title of Athole. In the third Qnarter Ruble three Legs arm'd proper, con- join'd in the Centre, at the upper Part of the Thighs, flex'd in Triangle, garnifh'd and fpurrM, Topaz for Lord of the Ifle in Man. The 4th as the firft. Creft. On a Wreath, a demi Savage, vvrearh'd about the Head and Waftc, Emerald j holding in his Right Hand a Dagger proper, the Pomel and Hilt Gold \ and in his Left a Key of the latter. Suppoiters' On the Dexter Side, a Lion Ruby, gorg d with a Collar Saphire, and thereon three Mul- lets, Pearl, being the Supporter of Tullibardin. On the Sinifter, a Savage, wreath'd about the Head and Vv'afte as the Creft, his Feet in Fetters of Iron, and the Chain over his Right Arm j which Supporter and Creft, with the Mocto, was obtain'd by John Steuart, tarl of Athole, for his Service (in the Reign of King iames III.) in reducing the Rebel Donald, Lord of tJie Ides, and bringing him into Submiffion. Mocto. Furtli Fortune and fill the Fetters. P. 10. Chief SEATS. At Dunketld a noble Palace in the County of Perth, eleven Miles from that Town, and thirty-leven from Edinburgh ; at Blare-Caftle in the Shire of A- ihole, 11 Miles from Dunkeild, and 48 from Edin- burgh • at Hunringtowcr, three Miles from Duplin, where there is a fpacious Park ; and at the Caftle ot Tullibarditt in the County of Perth. VOL. IL E IX j^o Graham 5 Duke of Montrofe, IX.T^HE moft high, puiflant and noble Prince, J- James Graham, Duke, Marquefs and Earl of Montrofe, Marquefs ot Graham, Lord of Efkdale, Dundaff, Kincairn^ and Mugdock, Chancellor of tha Univerhty of Glafi^ow, Hereditary Sheriff of the Counties of Dumbarton and Stirling, Fellow of the Royal Society, and one of his Majefty's Privy Coun- cil* Created Earl of Montrofe in the County of Forfar, March the ^d in 1504, the 5th of ]ames IV. Mar- quefs the 16th of May 1644, the lorn of Charles I, and MarqueCs of Graham, and Duke of Montrofe, April the 24th in i707j the 6rh of Queen Anne. According to Hiftorians, this noble and illuftrious Jamily is defcended from no lefs Perfon than the Tencvvned Greme, that in the Year of CHKi^T 404 %vas General of King Fertus Il.'s Army •, and in 4:0 making a Breach upon the Trench or Wall, which the Emperor Severus had made berween the Scots porth and the River Clyde, as the iitmofl Bounds of the Roman Empire, to keep out the Scots from mo- leftin^ them in their PolTeflions, the faid Trench has ever fince been called Graham's Dike ; and during the Minority of Eugene IT. the Son of Fergus II. he was Governor of Scotland, and fas is agreed by moft Au- thors) was the Son of a Scotch Nobleman, who mar- ry'd a Lady of the Blooc Royal of Denmark. In the Year 1125 William de Graham was one of the Witnefles to the laying the Foundation of the Ab- bej of Holyrood Houfe, by King David I. and Sir David Graham, Kt. obtaining from King William the Lioir, a Grant of the Lands of Charleton and Eur- rowneld in the 'County of Forfar, was therein fuc- ceeded by Sir David his Son, who had alfo a Grant from Maldwiii Earl of Lennox, of the Lands of Stradiblane and Mugdock-, and from the Earl of Dun- bar got the I,ands of DundafF. To Sir David the ad fucceeded Sir David the ;d, his Son ; he obtained diftinft Charters of his whole Lands, and had them ratify'd to him under the Great Seal of Alexander III. and afterwards marrying An- nabel, Si Tier to Malyfs Earl of Strathern, with her had the Saiony of KiAiCairn in the County of Perth, Graham, Duke o/* MoJitrofe. i^t and by her Sir Patrick his Son and Heir, who was High sheriff ot the County of Stirling. \\\ the Year 12^6 Sir Patrick, ftrenuoufly aflerting the Honour and Independency of his Country againft the Englilli, was kill'd at the Battle of Dunbar, and left Iflue two Sons ; whereof Sir David fucceeded him, and Sir Nicol the youngeft, marrying the Heir of Robert de Avenel, with her had the Barony of Elkdale in the South. He was alfo the Progenitor Oi^ Sir John Graham, that renowned Patriot, who loft his Life in his Coun- try's Service at the Battle of Falkirk, and whom all the Scots Hiftorians celebrate as the braveft Scotch- man, next to Sir William Wallace, in the Age he livM. Sir David before-mention'd, who fucceeded his Fa- ther, being alfo a very great Patriot for his Country, and a zealous Loyalift in Behalf or King Robeic Bruce, he (upon that King's Accelfion to the Throne) had a Grant of divers Lands, for his good and faith- ful Services before that Time performed j and in the Year 1320 was owt of the Barons who wrote that notable Letter to the Pope, afTerting the Independency of Scotland, and exiOlHng the faid King as the Na- tion's glorious D.liverer \ to which famous Record the Seal of this noble Perfon is ftill intire. In the Year 1346, when King Dcivid was taken Pri- foncr at the Battle of Durham, Sir David Graham, the Son of the laft Sir David, was one of the Mac- nates of Scotland appcinted to treat with the tnglilli touching his Redemption i and Sir Patrick his Son, who was Lord of DundafF, was one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom \ and was Father of Sir William Gra- ham, Knt. Lord of Kincarn. Sir William laft mention'd marry'd to his firft VVife Mary, Daughter to Sir John Oliphant, and by her had a Son naaicd Alexander ; and by his feconcl VVife, the Lady T\iary Steuart, Daughter to King PvO- bcrt III. he had feveral Sons, of whom are the Gra- hams of Fintrie, Dundee, Garvcck and Balgoun. Buc having done with this Branch, we return to Alexan- der the eldeft ; which Alexander dying in the Life- time of his Father left Patrick his Son, who fuc- ceeded his Grandfather, and in the Mihwii^y cf King E a James J ^7. Grdihzmy Duke of Montiofs, James II. was one of the Regency of Scotland ; and lo him fucceeded William his Son. Wilham, who was the next Heir, marry'd Jane, Daughter to George Douj-las Bail o. Angus ; and dying in the Year 147a by her left William his Suc- ceflbr, and a Daughter named Chriftian j which Daughter was marry'd to Thomas Maule of Panmure j and the faid William her Brother, who fucceeded, was a Commander in the Army of King ]ames III. whom he often affifted in his greateft Diftrelies. He was alfo in great Favour with King James IV. by whom he was created Earl of Montrofe j but on the $)th of Senrember 151;, being wi:h his Majefty at the Battle of Flodden, rnere left his Life, leaving IfTue by his ^d Wife Andrew, who was the firft Pro- teftant Birtirp of Dumblain, and Patrick, of whcm are the Grahams of Inchl rakoe, Gorchy and New- town, and by his firft Wife Annabella, Daughter to John Lcrd Drummond, he had William his Heir, who was one of the Tutors "-o King James V. He marry'd Janet, Daughter to W'illiam Keith, Earl of Marilhal, and bv her had fc^ur Sons and three Daughters j of which M igaret was marry'd to Ro- bert Lord Erfkine j Elizabeth :o j >hn Earl of Caith- nefs j and Agnes to Sir Willi im Murray of Tullibar- din j and Robert his eldeft Son dying before him left Ilfue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Mal- colm Lord Fleming, John, who fucceeded his Grand- father. The two youngeft Sons arc reprefented by J^illern and Orchil. In the Rei ;n ot King James VI. John, who was the ad Earl, was firft made Lord High Treafurer of Scot- land, then one ot the Pi ivy Council, nex: Lord High Chancellor, and laftly Viceroy of tnat Kingdom du- ring Life j and u>t;ig in the Year 1608 left Ifliie by Jane his Wife, Dauj;hter to Da id Lord D^umniond, three Sons, and a Daughter named Lilias ; which Daughter was T»arry"d t ■ J"^hl1 Fleming, Eirl of Wig- toun j and of the Sons, which were John, Robert and 'A'illiam, the eld^jft fucceedea in his Honou--. John, who vvas the next harl, was Prefi ^e;r. of the Council to King Charles L which Office he enjoy'd tin his Death j and having marry'd Margaret, Daugh- ter Gmham, Duke of yiontTok, i^j ter to William Earl of Gourie. by her left Iflue James hts SuccelTor, and four Daughters \ whereof Marga- ret was marrvM to Archibald Lord Napier, Dorotny to James Lord Rollo, and Beatrix to David Lord Ma- derty. James, who fucceedcd, was a Nobleman much no- ted for his Adivity and Ability both in Military and State Affairs, and in i6i'] engaued to join th- Prelty- teiian Faction, being the firft^that march'd his Men over Tweed in the firft Scotch Invadon j but in 164?, when he faw his Countrymen defign'd the Ruin of the King and Monarchy, he difenga^ed irom them, and waiting upon the King at Oxtord, where he dif- cover'd the Councils and Defigns of the covenanting Rebels ; and otfering to ferve his Majefty with his Life and Fortune, and either lofe both, or bring his Enemies to due Obedience, he was thereupon made Captain-General and Commander in Chief of the Forces to be raifed in Scotland for his Majefty's Ser- vice, with which he did Feats of Wonder againft the Rebels. In \6\\. he was advanced to the Dignity of a Mar- quefsi and in the fame Year being join'd by J500 Men brought from Ireland, which were railed and commanded by Alexander^ Macdonnel, Marquefs of Antrim, he on the firft of September gave Battle to the Enemy, confifting of 6000 Foot and 700 Horfe, at Tippermoor, where he flew 2000, and took a greater Number Prifone's- In 1645 he ahriv'^ft reduced the Kingdom, gaining feveral glorious Vidories, as the Battles of AlforcL Aldearn, Aberdeen, Inveilochy, and Kilfyth and took the CitY of Edinburgh j but on the ijrh ot Sep- tember the lame Year, being unexpededly attack'd at Philiphau^h, by Major General Lefley, he was there totally defeated, and com;^eird wi h great Lofs to re- tire to the Highlands ^ wnere receiving his Majefty's pofitive Orders for laying down bis Arms by a certain I)ay prefix'd, and to' leave the Kingdom, he on the 31ft of July \64,6 brought his Army-" to a Rendezvous at Rattery in the Shire of Mearns, or Kincardin, and there made a verjr moving Speech to them, exhorting them to continue in Obedience and Duty to the King 5 and after taking leave of them in a moft atFeilionats E I Manaer, 134 Graham, Duke of Montrofe. ^4anner, he dilhanding them left Scotland, and land- ed in Norway, from whence he travelled to Holland, and trom thence to France, where, and in Germany, he continu'd ''till he heaxl of the Murder of his Royal Mafter, and then went to the Hague, and prcfented himfelr to King Charles II. by whom he was very gracioully receiv'd, and made Knight of the Garter. In tha Year 1650, he having gather'd together about 500 Soldiers and 100 Officers, Dutch and Germans, for his Majefty's Service, embark'd with them for Scotland, and on the 15th of April landed in the Ifles of Orkney, from v\ hence he came over to the Continent of the Shire of Caithnefs, and there pub- lifhM his Declaration, which was, that he came wi;h the King's Commillion, to alhft thofe his good Sub- }*erts, and to preferve them from Oppreflion j that le did not intend to give any Interruption to the Trea- ty he h-ard was enter'd into with his Majefty, but on the contrary hoped, that his being at the Head of an Army, how fmall foever, that was faithful to the King, might advance the fame. Eut the Parliam.-nr at Edinburgh, which was then fway'd by che Mar'iuefi. of Argyle (Montrofe's greatefr Enemy) and his Fac- tion, having Notice ofnis Landing and March, im- mediately ordered General David Lcllcy, with all their Standing Forces, to rendezvous at Breichen j and a: the fame Time gave CommilTion to Colonel Strachan to march with all the Hcrfe, to ftop the Marquefs of Montrofe's March, and to hinder fuch oi; the King's Friends as were in Readinefs to join him. According to which Orders, Colonel Strachan march'd North, and encounter'd the Marcjuefs's fmall Army, who gave them Battle, but were foon over- come, and moft of his fmall Party being taken Pii- fonersj the Marquefs difguifed himfell in a common Highlander's Drefs, and fled to the Laird of Arjn, in wh'ofe Houfe he remain'd fome Days in that Difauife i but ftrid Search being made for him, and a great Re- ward ofFer'd to any that fhould take him, and at the fame Time, all fuch as would llseker or alfift him, ihreaten'd with Lofs of Life and Fortune \ the laird of Artyn, either out of fear of being profecuted, or bafe Covetoufnels of the Reward, betray'd him, and Graham, Duke (t/* Montrofe. i^^ t'.eliver'd him up to Colonel Strachan, who carry'd him to General Lefley. The Parliament biiiig inform'd that the MarqueCs was taken Prifoner, and confidering that his Prefence and Behaviour might gain him Favour among the People, they thought fit to pafs their Sentence againft him before he fliould come to Edinburgh ; and upon the 17th of May they appointed a Committee to draw up his Sentence^ to which, in the fame Forenoon, they gave in their Report in Writing j wherein they determin'd, that as foon as he fhould come to Town,, he flvmld be receiv'd ajt the Watergate by the Ma- giftrates and Hangman, that he {hould be ty'd with Cords on an high Chair or Bench, bare headed, \a a Cart purpofely made for him, the Hangman to ride upon the Horfe that drew the Cart, cover'd, and to be brought through the Town to the Talbooth, froinv whence lie fhould be carry'd to the Crofs of Edin- burgh, and hang'd on a Gibbet 30 Foot high, with. his Declaration about his Neck, and fo hang tluee:. Hours in publick View. After which he Ihould be beheaded and quartered \ his Head to be fix'd upon the Talbooth of Edinburgh, and his Legs and Arms over the Gates of Aberdeen, Perth, Stirling and Glafgow ^, and in Cafe he repented, and was abfolv'd of the Sentence of Excommunication, his Body fhould be bury'd in the Gray Fryars, if not, to be bury'd in the- Borough Moor. Upon the i8:h of May he was brought t© Edin- burgh ; and being met at the Water-gate by the Ma- giftrates. Guards and Hangman of the City, the reft of the Prifoners being ty'd two and two together, walk'd bare-headed before him j and he being placed in the Cart, and the Hangman liding before him, pafs'd thro' the Streets, &c. Wh^n he came to the Talbooth, and was taken from the Cart, he gave Gold to the Hangman, telling. him, that was a Reward for driving the Cart j and being put into Prifon at Seven o'clock that Night, the^ Parliament immediately met, and fent fome of their Members with feveral Minifters to examine him ; but he refufcd to anfwer to any Thing, until he knew upon what Terms they ftood with the King ; which being, reported to th? Parliamenta they fent >k)tice to £ A'. himv 13 5 Graham, Duke of Moiitrofe, him, that the King and they were agreed j but he de- fir'd to be at Rett for that Night, laying. The Com- pliments they had made him that Day had fomewhat tatigu'd him. The next Day, being Sunday, he was conftantly at- tended by Members ol Parliament and Minifters, who ufed many threatning Arguments to prevail with him to acknowledge himielf Guilty offuch Crimes, as they had fumm'd up at^ainft him in Charge ; but his Lord- fhip gave them no Satisfafticn. On Monday in the Forenoon he was brought be- fore the Parliament, where the Earl of Loudon, the Chancellor, charg'd him with hisMifcarriagcs agaiiift the firft Covenant, as alfo his Behaviour againlt the Solemn League and Covenant, and his Invafion and joining witK^the Irilh Rebels in Blood Guihinsfs, for which GOD had then brought hira to juftPunilhment •. \^'hereupon the Marquefs defired to know, if he might be allowed to fp^iak for himfelf, which being cranted, he faid, ' biuce you declare unto me, that * you have agreed with the King \, I look upon you * as if his Majefty were fitting among you, therefore * I appear with becoming Reverence bare-headed •. ' My Care hath been always to walk as became a good ' Chriftian, and a loyal Subieft._ I engaged in the * firft Covenant, and was faithful to it, until 1 per- * ceiv'd fome private Perfons made Colour of Rel:- * gion, and intended to wring the Authority from * his Majefty. As for that term'd the Solemn League * and Covenant, I thank GOD, I never was in it, To * could not break it, but how far Religion hath been ' advanced by it, and the fad Ccnfequences that have * foUow'd it, thefe poor diftrefs'd Kingdoms can wi:- ' nefs. When his late Majefty, by theBlelTingof GOD, * had almoft fubdu'd his Enemies^ that rofe againft * him in England, and a Fadion of this Kingdom that * went to their Amftance^ hii Majefty gave me a Com- * million to divert thole Forces from going againft: * him. I acknowledge the Command moft juft, and * confider'd myfelf bound in Confcience and Duty to * obey it. Wnat my Carriage was upon that Occa- * Hon, many of you can bear VVitnefs : No Man's t Blood was ever fpilt by me but in Bartl ;, and even t then jiuny thouCand Lives 1 have prcleiv'd i and as I came Graliain, Duke of Montrofe. 137 I cams ill upon his Majefty's Warrant, fo at his Command I laid afide aH Intereftj and reueated. * And as for my coming at this Time, it was by his Majefty's Command, in order to the accelerating o£ the Treaty betwixt him and you ; his Majefty know- ing, that whenever he had ended with you, I was ready to retire at his Requeft. I may juftly fay, that never Subjeifl afted upon more honourable Grounds, nor by a more lawful Power than I did. in his Service, and therefore I defire y-^u to lay aiide all Prejudice, and confider me as a Cnriftian in Re- lation to the ]ufttce of the Quarrel, and as a Subjed: in Relation to my Royal Mafter's Commands. Be? not too ralli, but let me bo judi^ed by the Laws oF God, the Laws of Nature and Nations, and the Laws of this Land ; if you do otherwife, I appeal from you to the righteous Judge ok the World, who one D.iy maft be both your Jvidge and mine, and who always gives righteoi's Judgment.' After this Speech, the Chancellor commanded his Sentence to be read, which he heard with a fettled a;id unmov'd Countenance, and defir'd to be further heard, but was in:errupted by the Chancellor, who commanded he fhould be prefently carry'd back ta Prifon \ where being come, he was again attack'd by fome Minifters and Members of Parliament, who ag- gravated his Crimes and the Terror of his Sentence ^ but inflead of being terrify'd, he, with a moft chear- ful and undaunted Courage, ani'wer'd, * That he was extremely obliged to his Judges for the Honour they conferr'd on him, for (faid he) 1 account it a greater Honour to have my Head ftand on the Prifon Gate for my Loyaky to my King, than to have my Picture placed in his Eed-chimBr : And I willi, intfeait of having my four Limbs put up in four Cities, I had Limbs and Parts of my Body enough to fend te every City in Chriftendom, to teftify my Loyalty to my lawful Kinc;, and Lcve to my Native Counn y. Alter he was fentenced, his Friends were not per- mitted to come near him, but a Guard was always kept in his Room, 'till the next Day, May 21, 1650, when he was orderM to Execution : Whereupon he drefs'd himfelf in rich Apparel, with a Gold laced Cloak, and walk'd along the street as chearfuL'y as if E 5 he 138 Graham, ^**^^ 9f Moutrofe. he were then going to review an Army ; and coming to the Scaffold he made a Speech, wherein he ex- preCs'd his great Love to his Native Country, Loyalty to his King, and Fidelity and Atfedion to his Friends and Relations ; and having forgiven all his Enemies, he gave Gold to the Executioner, who having his De- claration and the Bock that had been publifh'd of his truly heroick Aftions whilft he crmmanded in the Kingdoni, ty'd in a Cord, he defir'd it might be hang'd to his Neck, faying, * Though it hath pleas'd ' my prefent gracious Sovereign the King to make me * one of the Kniahts of the Moft Noble Order of the * Garter, yet 1 did not think myfelf moje honour'd * by putting on that Badge, than by tying en this * Cord with my dutiful Declaration j which I hope * will be made known to the World, and remain as a * lafting Teftimony of my Obedience to the beft of * Princes.' After this was ty'd on, he defir'd to know if they had more Honour of that Kind to confer on him, and having no Anfwer, he enter'd into private Prayers ; after which, with a moft heroick C oui.age, he fuffer'd according to his Sentence. And thus dy'd James Gra- ham, the gallant Marquefs of Montrofe. whofe valiant Adions were not inferior to any of the greateft He- roes of any Age or Nation. Vide his Lite, written by the Right Rev. Dr. VVilhart, Lord Bifhop of Edin- burgh in elegant Latin. His Body being bury'd at the Place of Execution, it there refted 'till the Rcftoration of the King, and then, by his Majefty's fpecial Appointment, his" fcar- ter'd Parts were gather 'd together, and depofitcd in the Abbey-Church of Holy-Rood Houfe, where it re- main'd 'till the 14th of May i6<5i, that his Corps was, with the greateft Magnificence and Solemnity tha- could be devifed, carry \l to the Cathedral Church oi St. Giles, and interr'd in the Ifle belonging to his Fa- mily, being acconipany'd by the Lord High Commif- (loner the Earl of Middleton, and all the Members of Parliament to the Grave. This noble Marquefs marry'd Magdalen, Daughter to David Carnegy Earl of Southefk, and by her had James his Son and Heir, who, after the King's Re- turn, was reftored to his Eftate and Honours, and was Graham, Duke of Montrofe. i j^ was afterwards made one of his Majefty's Privy Council \ but dyiiij^ in 1669, with the Title of a wor- thy honeft Man, lett Ifllie by Ifabel his Wife, Daugh- ter to William Douglas Earl of Morton, and Widow of Robert Ker, Earl of RoKbur^h, James his Succeflbr and three Daughters •, whereof Anne was marry'd to Alexander Earl of Calendar, Grifel to William Son of William Lord Cochran, of whom is lineally deCcended the prefen: Earl of Dundonrdd, and Lady ]ane to Sir Jonathan Urquhart of Cromarty. .James who fucceeded, being a Nobleman of great Parts, was firft made Captain of his Majefty's Horfe- Guard, and then Prefident of the Council ; but dy'd in 1684, in the prime of his Years, to the general Regret of the whole Nation, leaving Iflue by Chri- ftian his Wife,Daughter to John LefleyDuke of Roches, James his only Son*^ now Duke of Montrofe. This iv^b'e Lord being a Perfon of very bright and diftinguifhing Parts, Queen Anne, on the 20th of May 1707, f''">n alter he came of Age, made him Prelident or her Privy Council, and afterwards Lord High Ad- miral of Scotland and Duke of Montrofe, which Ho- nour was not reftricled to the Heirs Male of his owa Body, but was to defcend to his Heirs of Entail ; and after the Conclufion of the Union in 1707, he was appoined L^rd Privy Seal, and chofe one of the Six- teen Peers for North Britain. Upon the De nife of the Queen, Aug. i, 1714, he was made Choice of by King George I. to be one of the Lords Juftices 'till he arriv'd from Hanover ; after which, on the 24'h of September, he was made Secre- tary of State, in the Room of John Erlkinc Earl of Mar J and on th^ 2$>:h of September 1714 he was fivorn one of his Majefty's Privy Council. On the 2d of March 1714-15 he was eleded one of the Sixteen Peers for North Britain, and from the Year 1714 to 1720 he was Keeper of the Great Seal in Scotland. In 1716 he was appoin'-ed Clerk Regifter, and was Chancellor of the Univerftty of Glafg >w. On the 2oth of September 1727 he was again elefted one of the Sixteen Peirs for Scotland, as on the 15th of November following he was appointed Keeper of the Great Seal there, and is Fellow of the Royal So- E 6 civty i i^o Ker, Duke of Roxburgh. ciety; and his Grace marrying the Lady Chriftian Carnegie, Daughter to David Earl of Northefk, by her has had three Sons and one Daughter, whereof the elcieft ^-j'mg in his Infancy, David the id is now Heir Apparent j and on the 6:n of May 171;, being created Baron and Earl Graham of Belford in the County of Northumberland, he on the ijpth of Ja- nuary 1726-7 was fummonedand introduced into the Houle of Lords, and took his Place as a Peer of England. Lord George is Captain of a Jirelhip in his Majefty's Navy. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Topaz, on a Chief Diamond, three Efcallop Shells of the ift, for the Name of Gra- ham j 2d and 3d Pearl, three Rofes Ruby, barb'd and feeded proper, for the Title of Montrofe. Creft. On a Wreath, an Ea^^le Gold, talloning a Stork proper. Supporters. Two Storks of the latter. Motto. Ne oublie. P. 10. N° 9. Chief SEATS. At Glafgow in the County of Lanerk, 4 Miles from Renfrew, and 52 from Edinburgh j at Kincairn in the County of Perth, 15 Miles from Dunblain, and 47 from Edinburgh ; and at Myndock Caftle in the Coun- ty of Lennox- X. T^HE moft high, puifTant and noble Prince, ■■■ John Ker, Duke, Earl, and Baron of Rox- burgh, Marquefs and Baron of Cesforl, Marquefs of Bowmont, Earl and Baron of Kelfo, Vifcount Brox- mouch. Baron Ker, and Baron of Lefmahago and A- verton, one of the Privy Council, Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk, Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, and FeUow of the Royal Society. Created Lord Ker of Cesford in k^oj. Baron of KelCo and Lefmahago in 1607, Earl of Roxburgh Sep- tember jp, i6i6i all by King Jam;;s YI. and Mar- Ker J D«/^^ o/" Roxburgh. 141 fuefs of Cesford, and Duke of Roxburgh, April 27* 1707, the 6zh of Queen Anne. Of this antient Family, which is faid to come from Normandy to England with William the Conqueror, was Ker of Ker-hall in the County of Lancafter, and from him derived two Brothers, Ralph and Robert, who became two principal Branches in the County of Roxburgh or Tivotfdale, viz. of Cesford and Far- niherft j but which of thofe Brothers were eldeft, is not determin'd, nor the preclfeTime when they came to Scotland ^ tho' it is faid to be in the Reign of King David n. and that Robert got from that King the Lands of Oultonburn, lying upon the Water of Bow- mont, and was the Original of the Houfe of Cesford, from whence is defcended the worthy Perfon of whom we are fpeaking. In the Year i $go Robert Ker of Cesford (Son and Heir oF Sir William Kor, by Janet his Wife, Dauj^li- ter to Sir James Douglafs of Drumlanrig) was knight- ed at the Coronation of Que:n Anne of Denmark, and was one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to King James VI. He was alfo honour' d wich the Title of Lord Ker of Cesford^ and was one of thofe Barons who in 160^, by his Majefty's Appointment, accompanv'd him in- to England at his firft Entrance into that Realm ; and in 1607 had a Grant of the diflolv'd Abbeys of Kelfo and Lefmahaeo, which were then ereded into temporal Baronies, by Authority of King and Par- liament, for his Service as Warden of the Middle Marches, and executing or" Commiffions for quieting the Borders, and afterwards he was created Earl ot* Roxburgh. In the Re=gn of King Charles I. he was made Lord_ Privy Seal, which Office he held for the Space of twelve Years, and dying in i6$o left IlVue by Mary his firft Wife, Daughter to Sir William Maitland of Lethington, three Daughters; Janet marryM to John Drummond Earl of Perth, Ifabel to James Vifcounc Duddop, and Mary to James Carnegy Earl of Southefk ; and by his fecond Wife Jane, Daughter to the Lord Drummond, he had a Son nam'd Henry, who dy'd before him ; which Son marrying Margaret, Daugh- ter to WilliJim Hay Earl of Errol, by her left two fc 7 Daughters*. 1 42 Xer^ Duke of Roxburgh. Daughters, Jane Hair to her Gran.ifather, Anne ry'd to Jonn Fleming Earl of Wigtoun, and Margare: \o Sir Harry Innes of Innes, Bart. The Lady Jane who was Heir (and by her Grand- father's Appointment) marrying Sir \Vi]liaxn Drum- mond, the Earl of Perth's younger Son, her Coufin- German, he thereupon became Earl of Roxburgh ; and dying in 1675 left IfTue Robert his Succellbr, John Lord Ballenden, and two Daughters ; ct which Margaret was marry'd to Sir ]ames Ballenden, Knt. and Anne to Colin Lindfay, Earl of Ballarras. Robert, who fucceeded. was one of the Privy Coun- cil to King Charles IL but in 1682, waiting' on his Royal Hiuhnefs James Duke of York from London to- wards Scotland, was drown'd at Sea; and having mar- ry'd Mary, Daughter to John Hay Marquefs of Twee- dale, by her lef: thr^e Sons Robert, John and Wil- liam ; of which the eUieft fucceeded in th^j Honour ; but h; d>ing in 16^)6 in his Travels, John the id Son became Heir, William the third Son is a Lieu- tenant-General and Colonel of a Regiment of Dra- goons. On the 27th of April 1707 he was created Mar- quefs of Cesford and Duke of Roxburgh, as in the fame Year he was eleiled one of the Sixteen Peers in the firft Parliament of Great Britain. On the loth of May 1708 he was appointed one of her Majefty's Privy Council, and afterwards made Lord Privy Seal, and Secretary of State for Scot- land. Upon the Demife of the Queen, Auguft i, 1714, he was made Choice of by King George L to be one of thv^ Lords Juftices 'till he arriv'd from Hanover^ after which, in the firft Year of his Reign,' he was made one of the Privy Council, a Colonel cf Dra- goons, and Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Rox- burgh and Selkirk. On the 24:h of September 1714 he was appointed Lord Privy Ssal in Scotland, as on the :d of March 1714-15 \\z w\s again el^tl^d one nfth^ Sixteen Peers^ and on the 31ft of Auguft 1715 he was made one ot the Cabinet Council. On the 7th of July 1716 he was a fecond Tim? ap- pointed one of the Lords Juftiges, and on the 13th of Ker, Duke of Roxburgh. 14^^ of December the fame Year was fworn Secretary of State, in the Room of James Graham Duke of Mont- rofe. Jn 1717, when his Majefty was at Cambridge, ho was made Do6lor of Law. On the 14th of June i7io hs was again made one of the Lords Juftices while his Majefty went to Ha- nover \ and on the io:h of Odobar 1722, being elecji ted a Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Gar- ter, he was on the 13th of November following in- ftaJI'd at Windfor. On the 3d of June 17^3 he was a 4th Timo made one of the Lord^ Juflices, &c. as on the ift of June 1725 he was a j:h Timcj and on the 25th of Auguft the fame Year he refign'd the Seals as one of his Ma- jefty's Principal Secretaries of State. In 1708 his Grace (whi is now Duke of Rox- burgh, &c.) was marry'd to thi: Lady Mary Finch, Daughter to Daniel F.arl of Nottingham, and Widow of William Savile_ Marquefs of Halifax, which Lady dying in 1718 left Ifllie a Son nam'd Robert^ who on the 6:)\ of May 1722 was created Baron and Earl Ker of Wakefield in the County of York. Tliis noble Lord had a Proxy from his Coufin the Countefs of Errol, and walk'd at the Coronation of the pre- fent King as High Conftable of Scotland. He was marry'd the i6r\\ r1 June 1739 to MiD Ef- fex Moyfton, eldcft Daughter to the late Sir Johr* Moyfton, Baronet, his Ccufin. ARMS. Qtiarterly, ifl and 4th Emerald, on a Chevron be- tween three Unicorns Heads eraxM Pearl, horn'd and main'd Topaz., as many Mullets Diamond, for the Name of Ker, 2d and 3d Ruby, three Mullets Topaz, for Wcapont, as being dcfceuded from chat Family. Creft. On a Wreath, a Unicorn's Head as thofe in the Coat. Supporters. Two Savages, wreath'd about their Waftes with Laurel, each holdinsi, a Batten over his Shoulder, all proper, ^Io:co 144 Ker, Duke of Roxburgh. Motto. Pro Chrifto & Patria Dulce Pei-iculum. P. 9. N" 10. Note. That this Family ufed formerly to bear the ift and 4th Quarter of their Arms Gules, 'till in the Reicn of King lames IV. one of the Lairds of Cef- forcf being kill'd, fighting valiantly againft the Eng- 4i£h in a green Field, the King ordered for the future that the Field of Arms of that Family fliould be Verc in Remembrance thereof j and it is thought that the Unicorns Heads were then given likewife. Chief SEATS. At Fleurs in the County of Tivotfdale or Roxburgh, en the River Tweed, a noble Palace •, at the Fryers in the fame County, and on the fame River ; and at Broxmouth in the County of Lothian, a delicious Seat in the Middle of a fine Park, adjoining to Dun- bar, and ^l Miles from Edinburgh. MAR' ( Mr ) MARaUESSES. ««•*«««««*« ^ft **«**«#•>«««« Hay, Marquefs of Tweedale. HE moft noble and puiiTant Prince, John Hav, Marquefs and Earl of Tv\eedale, Vi(count Pebles, Lord Lockerrit and Yefter, BailitF Ki^ Dumfermling, here- ditary Keeper of rhe King's Palace there. Created Earl of the County of Twee- December the ift in 1^45, the ^^\ of Charles 1. dale and Marquefs the 2dth of December in \6<-)af^ the 7:h of William III. This noble and moft illuftrious Family of Hay is of very antient Extratlionj r.nd are famous through- out all Europe, on Account of their Rife and Arms ; for in the Reign of King Kenneth III. and the Year of CHRIST 980, when the Danes had invaded Scotland, and prevail'd in the Battle of Lancarty, near Perth, the Scots were worfted and gave Way ; and being forced to pafs a Defile in theTr Flight, were ftcpp a by a Countryman and his tw-^ Sons, who encouraged tn.m to rally and renew the Fight; telling them, it was better and more honourable to die in the Field fighting for their King and Country, than to fly and be afterwards murder'd by rhe mercilefs Danes ; and they likewife upbraiding thofe who would fly like Cowards, when all lay at Stake \ the more daftardly ftood ftill, and many of the ftcut Men, who fled more by the deferting of their Co-nnpawicns, than want 1 45 Hajr, Marquefs of Tweedale. want of Courage, joining with the faid Old Man and his Sons, to ftop the reft, 'till there were a Number together ^ the Countrymen, who were arm'd with only what their Ploughs furnifh'd, leading them on, ana returning on the Danes, made a furious Onfet, crying aloud, Help is at Hand j which made the Danes believe that a frefli Army of Scots was falling on them, and thereby totally defeated them, and de- liver'd their Country from Servitude. The Battle being over, the Old Man, afterwards known by the Name of Hay, was brought to the King, who aflembled a Parliament at Scoon, and tavc to him the faid Hay, and his two Sons, (as a juft eward of their Valour) as much Land on the River Tay, in the Carfe of Gomy, as a Falcon from off a Man's Hand flew over, before {ho fettled ; which be- ing fix Miles in Length was afterwards call'd Errol, and is ftill p-^flefs'd by the Earl of that Name, who, and the Lord ot whom we are fpe^king, are lineally defcended from the faid valiant riay ^ and the King^ to raife the faid Hay and his Sons from the Rank ot Plebians to the Order of Nobility, hs afTign'd them a Coat of Arms, which was Argent, three tfcu:- cheons Gules, to intimi:e that the Father and the two Sons had been luckily the three Shields of Scot- land. In the Rsign of King William the Lion, John the Son of William Hay, and Brother to William Earl cf Errol, tranfplanted himfelf out of the North into the Lothians : and there marrying the Heir of Robert de Lyne, with her had the Barony of Lockerrit j and by her had Sir William Hay, Knt. Father of Hugh Hay of Lockerrit, whofe Wife was Sifter to King Robert Bruce ; and by her he had Sir G'lbert Hay, his Son and H-eir. Sir Gilbert, who fucceeded, was a Perfon much efteem'd by King Robert aforefaid j and he marrying Mary, Daughter and Coheir to Sir Simon Frazer, Lord of Oliver Caftle, with her obtain'd a fair Eftate in the Shire of Selkirk, upon which Account the Fa- mily has ufed to quarter the Arms of Frafer j and by the faid Mary his Wife he had Sir Thomas Hay, Knt. his Succertbr, the Father of Sir William Hay \ which Sir William^ on ths 17th of O^ber 1346 w^is taken Piifoner i HAy, Marqiiefs of Tweedale. 14'^ Piifoner with King David II. at the Battle of Dur- ham \, and ill 1357 Sir William Hay, Knr. his Son, was one of the tioftages for ths Ranfom of his Ma- jefty. Another Sir William Hay of Lockerrit, being a Man of Parts and Courace, was employ'd in divers F.mbafTiesto England, both in theReiiin of King Ro- bert III. and during the Regency of the Duke of Al- bany ; and he rnirrying T.i^»;, Daughter and ('oh^ir of Sir John Giftord of G"itford-Hall, and Yefter, in the County of L( thian, w;th her had thofe Lands, whereupon they quarter the Anns of GitFord j and having by l\is faid Wife four Sons, Williain, Thomas, David and Edmund, the young^fi: was Lor.i of Lin- plum and Morum ; and Sir William the eldeft dying without IlVuc, Sir Thomas his next Brother became Heir, and was one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King ]ames I. but he dying wichout Iifue alfo, David the 3d Son became Lord Yefter, and was Father of John, and ha of another John, which laft was flain on the $)th of September 1513 at the Battle of Flod- den, with King James IV. and to him fucceeded John his Son. John, who was the 4th Lord Yefter, marry'd Eliza- beth, Daughter to George Douglafs, Son of Archi- bald Earl of Angus, and by her had John rhe 5th Lord, and a Daughter ot her Name j which Daughter was firft marry'd to George Lord Seaton, and after- wards to William Lord Salton. John, who was the 5th Lord Yefter, being taken Prifoner on the loth of September 1547 at the Battle of Pinkie-Cleugh, was carry'd to the tower of Lon- don, where he continu'd till the Pacification was concluded between i-he two Nations \ and dying in the Year 1^57 left liTue by Niargarei his Wife, Daugh- ter to William Lord Livi igfton, William his Succef- for, and a Daughter Chrirtian, who was marry'd to William Steuart of Traquair. William, who fucceeded, was one of the Peers that join'd with the utmoft Zeal for the Reformation in the Reign of Queen Mary ;, and he marrying Marga- ret, Daughter to Sir John Ker ot "arniherft, by her had two Sons, whereof William rhe eldeft was rieir j buc he dyinu in jsj^i wichout IllUe Male, James his Brotiur X 4? Hay, Marquefs of Tweedale. Bro-her became Lord Yefter j and at th: Coronation of King James VI. was made Knight of the Bath. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Mark Ker, Earl of Lothian, by whom he had John his Heir, Sir Wil- liam Hay of Linplum, and a Daughter of her Name j firft marry'd to Alexander Earl of Dumfermling, and afterwards to James Earl of Callendar. John was the ji'h Lord Yefter, and a Perfon of great Pares and Induftry, he, in the Beginning of the Troubles of King Charles I. had the Command of a Royal Regiment in the Army, where, and for other his good Services, he (in 1646) was created Earl of Tweedale ^ and dying in 1654 left Ifliie by Jane his firft Wife, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Durnferm- ling, John his Son, who fucceeded him in his Ho- nours, and by Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Eglington, his ad Wife, William Hay of Dru- melzer. John who was the fecond Earl, being a Nobleman of good Parts, and of great Expenence in Affairs, King Charles II. upon his Reftoration, made him one of his Privy Council, one of the Commiflioners of the Treafury, and one of the extraordinary Lordi of Seflion, in which Ports he was continu'd bv King James VII. 'till the Revolution \ and then having comply'd with the Government under King William and Queen Mary, their Majefties had fo great an Efteem of his Wifdom and Condud, that th'jy were r>leafed to make him one of the Lords of the Trea- fury, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and (in 16^4) Marquefsof Tweedale. He marry'd Jaiie, Daughter to Walter Scot of Buccleugh, and by her had eight Sons, and feven Daughters ; whereof Mary was marry'd to Robert Ker, Earl of Roxburgh, and Jane to William Douclafs Earl of March; and of the Sons, John the eldeft luc- ceeding in the Honour was one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and William III. in which laft Reign he was alio Lord High Commiffioner to the Par- liament, and Firft Commiflioner of the Treafury. In the Reign of Queen Anne he was made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and in 1704 Lord High Commillioner to reprefent her Royal Perfon in that Selfion of Parliament, when th» Aft of Security paCs'o Kay, Marquefs of T\vee(kle. 1 49 pafs'd into a Law, and on the lath of February 1707 was eleiled one of the fixteen Peers in the firft Parlia- ment of Great Britain. He m:irry'd Anne, only Daughter to John Maitland, Duke of Lavvderdale; and dying in May 1713 by her left liTiie three Sons and two Daughters ; Anne marry'd to William Lord Rofs. and ]ane to ]ohn Lefley, Earl of Rothes ; and of the Sons, which were Charles, John and William, the zd was Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons, and Brigadier General of the Army, when he acquired immortal Honour at Schellenburgh and Ramallies •, but in 170^ he dy'd of a Fever at Courtray, univerfally lamented, and Charles the eldeft fucceeded his Father. In the firft of Kmg George I. he was made Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lothian, and Prefident of the Commiflion, and on the zd of March 17 14-15 was eleded one of the fixteen Peers for Scotland •, but dying on the 15th of December the fame Year, left Iflue by the Lady Sufanna his Wife, Daughter to Wil- liam and Anne" Duke and Duchefs of Hamilton, and Widow of John Cochran, Earl of Dun:^onald, three Sons and three Daughters ; whereaf Lord Charles in J727 was a Voluntier at Gibraltar, and on the Rhine with Prince Eugene in the Campaign 17]!^, and is Commander of a Troop of Dragoons in Ireland ; and John the eldeft, who fucceeded his Father, was on the 20th of September 1727 re-elefted one of^the fix- teen Peers for North Britain, but is not in the pre- fent Parliament. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Saphire, three Cinquefoils Pearl, for Frazer j 2d and 3d Ruby, three Bars Er- mine, for Gilford of Yefter ; and over all, by Way of Surtout, the Paternal Coat of Hay, viz. Pearl, three Efcutcheons Ruby. Creft. On a Wreath a Goat's Head eraz'd Pearl, horn'd Gold* Supporters. Two Bucks proper, attir'd and un- gul'd Topaz i each having a Collar Saphire, charg'd with three Cinquefoils as in the Coat. Motto, Spare Nought. P. 14. N° i. , ^ Chief I JO KtYj Mar-que/s of hothhn. Chief SEATS. A: Pirkie in the County of Lothian, one Mile fro.n Muiisbuigh, and four from Ed inburgbi and at Ye- fter in rh^ fai-n^ County, 18 Miles fro.n Edinburgh ; at bothvvhi.h Seats there is a fine Park, wall d rouad \ and in the Gailery of the former is a Picture of the firft Marquefs, with his eight Sons and feven Daugh- ters, as big as Lire ^ as alfo the Tree of the Family of Twcedale/irom the Year 970 to the prefent Time. n. 'T'HE mod noble and puiifant Prince, William ■*• Ker, Marquefs and Earl of Lothian, Lord Jed- burgh, and Baron of >Jjwbottle. ^ Created Baron of Newbottle in the County of Lo- thian, October 15, 1^87. Earl of that County, July 10, i6o5 i Baron of Jedburgh, a Royal B.^rough in rhe County of Tiviocfdale or Roxburgh, February 2, in 16:2, all by King James VL and Marquefs of Lo- thian, the a;d of Juhiin 1701, by William IIL In the Yjjar 1546 Mark Ker (younger Son to Sir Walter Ker of Cesford, by Agnes his \Vife, Daughter to Robert Lord Crichton of Sanquhar) was Abbx of Newbot:le ; and he marryinc Grifel, Daughter to John Lefljy, Earl of Rothes, by her had thiee S^ns and one Daughter ; whereof Mark the eldefl fuc- ceeded ; and "the Daughter, whofe Name was Catha- rine, was marry'd to" William Maxwell, Lord Har- ries* Mark, who fiicceeded, was Lord of Sefli^n, and Ma- fter of Requefts ; and in 1587, in his Favour the Ab- bacy of Newbottle was ered:d into a Temporal Ba- rony, by x\uthority of King and Parliament. In J606 he was created Earl of Lothian ; and dy- ing 11509 left Iflue by Margaret his Uife, Daughter to John Lord Harries, three Sons an.i feven Daugh- ters ; of which Ja!\e was miny'd to David Lindfay, Earl of Crawford, Tanet to William Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn, 'Margaret to James Hay, Lord Yelier, lUbelLi to William DougUfs, Earl of Queenf- bsiry Xer, Marquefs of LothiaJi. i y i berry, and Lillias to John Lord Borthwick ; and of the Sens, which were Robert, William and Mark, the eldeft fucceeded his Father in his Honours. Robert, who was tlie fecond F.arl, marry'd Anna- bella. Daughter to Archibald Campbcl Earl of Ar- gyle, by whom he had a Daughter named Anne j but having no Ifliie Male, he (with his Majefty's Appro- bation) made over his Eftate and Honour to his laid Daughter J and upon his Deceafe (which was in i<5;4) fhe fucceeded thereto accordingly \, and marrying Sir William Ker, Son to Robert Earl of Ancrum, King Charles I. conferred the fame Honour upon him. By the faid Lady Anne his Wife he had three Sons and feven Daughters ; whereof Anne was marry'd to Alexander Mafter of Salton, Elizabe'h to John Lord Borthwick, Vere to Lord Nisi Campbel, Son to the Marquefs of Argyle, and Henrietta to Sir Francis Scot of Thirleftaine ; and ot the Sons, which were Robert, William and Charles, the ad was knighted, and in \66\ made Director of the Chancery i and Robert the eldeft fucceeded his Father. Robert the 3d Earl was one of the Privy Council to King William, and by him made Juftice General of Scotland, and Marquefs o^ Lothian \ and dying in 170? left Ifiite by lane his Wife, Daughter to Archi- bald Campbel, Mafcuefs of Argyle, four Sons and a D.ughter named Mary, who was marry'd to James Marquefs of Oouglrifs. The younger Sons were Lord Charles Ker, Di- reftor of the Chancery j Lord John who has left Iflue, and Lord Mark unmarried, a Lieutenant-General and Colonel (^'i Draoons. Robert, Marquefs of Lothian, was made by Queen Anne one of the CommiiHoners appointed to treat of an Union between England and Scotland j and in November 1705 he wa's made a Knight of the Moft Antient and Noble Order of the Thiftle. On the 12th or February 1707 he was elefted one cT the fixteen Peers to fit in the firft Parliament of Great Britain j and was aftenvards made Colonel of the ?d Regiment ot" Foot Guards, and Major-General ot the Forces in Scotland, On xj2 Johiiftone, Mar^ue/s of Amuiidde. On the id of March 1714-15 he was again eleftsd one of che 16 Peers j and his Lordfhip marrying Jane, Da-igh:er to Archibald Campbel, Earl of Ar- gyle, and dying on the ift of March 1721-2 by her left UTiie William his Heir, and four Daughters ', whereof Jane was marry'd to William Lord Cran- fton, Anne to Alexander Earl of Hume, and Eliza- beth to William Lord Rofs i and the laid William their Brother, who is now Marquefs of Lothian, marrying Marearer, Daughter to Sir Thomas Nichol- fon, Bart, by her has wriliam Earl of Ancrum, who married Loui fa -Carolina, Sifter to the prefent Earl of Holdernefs, and has IfHie i and Lord Robert Ker. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Saphire, the Sun in its Splen-^ dor, (as a Coat of Augmentation, given when crea- ted Earl) 2d and jd Ruby, on a Cht^vron Pearl, three Mullets of the Field, for the Name of Ker. Creft. On a Wreath, the Sun, as in the Coat. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, an Angel, appa- rcH'd Saphire, its Hair and Wings Gold. On the Sinifter, an Unicorn Peaii, horn'd, main'd, and un- gulM, Topaz. Motto. Sero fed Serio. P. 15. N" 2. Chief SEAT. At Newbottle in the County of Lothian, one Mile from Dalkeith, and feven from Edinburgh, a noble Palace in the Middle of a Wood, in a Park encom- pafs'd with a Stone Wall. in. rpHE mnft noble and puiffant Prince, George -■■ ]ohnftone, Marquefs and Earl of Annandale, Earl of Hartfeil, Vifcount Annan, Lord Johnfton of Lcchwood, Lochmaben, Moffatdale, and Evendale , heritable Conftable and Keeper of the Caftle of L'^ch- mabcn. Johnftone, Marque/s of Annandale. i f^ maben, and Stewart principal of the Scewarty of An- iiandale and Kirkcudbrijiht. Created Lord ]ohnfton Tune 20, 1633, by Charles I, Earl of Hartfeil March 18, 1643, by the lame King ; Earl of the County of Annandale in 1661^ by Charles II. and Marquefs Tune 24, 1701, by Wil- liam III. The ]ohnftons are an antient, great, and warlike Family, and derive their Surname from the Barony of Johnfton, their Patrimony, which gives Tide of Lord to the eldeft Son of the Family, who are always Stew- ards of the County of Anuandale. Before the Union of the two Crowns, this Family were otten Wardens of the Weft Borders y and they laid the Foundation of their prefent Grandeur by their remarkable Services agzinft the Englifh, who invaded this County. Thoy did alfo great Serv'ce \a fuppiefling the Thieves, who, during the War bctwet:ii the two Na- tions, committed gre It Ravages on the Borders i and thereupon took for Device a winged Spur, to denote their Diligence, a id for their Motto, Light Thieves all, fignifying tneir Authority to command them to fur render. In the Reign of King Robert II thejohnftons were yery numerous, of which Sir John johnfton of that Ilk, upon that King's Acccffion to the Crown, Anno 1570, defeated a great Body of the Engliih invading Scotland ; and again, at the Battle of Sark near Gal- loway, this Family in 1448 did great Service to their Country. In the Reign of King James II. liv'd Sir Adam lohnfton of th t Ilk, who was alfo remarkable for his Loyahy to his Priiice and Love to his Country, and was particularly inftrumental in fupprclfiag the Rebellion of the Earl of Oouglafs ; for which emi- nent Service to the Crown, he go: a Gift nf the Lands of Pitenen in the County of Lanark, and ther,;in was fucceeded by John his Son, who in 1457 was one of the Confervators of the Peace with England. John, who fucceeded, marry'd Mary a Daughter of the Family of Maxwal, and by her had Jam^s his ileir, and John j which James liv'd in the Reign of King James IV. and had four Sons, whereof \^hn 1)4 Johnftonej Marquefs of Aiinaiidale. the eldeft fiicceeded, and was Father of another John , a Man ot" c,reat Spirit and Courage, who thereby fup- prefs'd the Inroads on the Borders, which much abounded in his Time. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir John Hamil- ton of Samuelftoun, and by her had John his Son and Heir, a Gentleman of great Sagacity and Conduft, and much in Favour wi:h King James VI. by whom he was made Warden of the Marches, and Juftice-General, and dying in 1581 left liiiie by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Sir William Scot of Buccleugh, James his Heir, and feveral Daughters. Sir James, who fucceeded, was alfo a Perfon in great Favour with the aforefaid Kinr, who likewife made him Warden of the Marches j but in \6oZ be- ing in a Family Quarrel with the Lord Maxwell, he there loft his Life, which (fays the Reverend Bifliop Spatfwocd^ was much r:gretted, being a Gentleman full of Wifdom, and very well inclin'd. He marryM Sarah, Daughter to John Lord Harries, and by her had Sir James his Son and Heir, who, by the Favour of King Charles I. was created Lord Johii- fton, and Earl of riartf.;il ; but afterwards, for his Loyalty to his Maiter and King, fuffered I.nprifon- ment and the Sequeftration of his Eftate ; and dying in 1656 left IlTiie by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to William Douglafs Earl of Qiieenlherry, James nis Suc- ceflbr, and three Daughters , whereot Mary was mar- ry'd to Sir George Graham of Netherby, Anceftor to the Vifcount Prefton, and Margaret to Sir Robert Dalziel of Glenae, Anceftor to the Earl of Carn- wath. Upon the Reftoration of King Charles II. James who was the 2d Earl, exchanged his Title of Hart- feil to Annandale, and was one of his Majefty's Privy Council •, and he marrying Henrietta, Daughter to William Earl of Douylafs, by Mary his fecond Wife, Daugnter to G=orge Gordon Marquefs of Huntley, by her 'had William his Heir, and three Daugh:ers \ of which Mary was marry'd to William Lindfay Earl of Crawford, Margaret en Sir James Montgomery, and HeP-rietta to Sir Joha Carmichaelj Baroiiets* William JohnflonCj Marquefs of Annaiiclile, 155: William, who fucceeded his Father, was one of the Privy Council to King William III. by whom, in \6^6 he was alfo made one of the Commiilioners of the Treafury, and Marquefs of Annandale. In the Reign of Queen Anne he was made Secreta- ry of State, Prefiident of the Council, one of the ex- traordinary Lords of Seilion, Knight of the Thiftle, and one of the Commiilioners to treat of an Union with England: But in the Parliament in 1706 his Lordlhip oppofed the fame, and delivered feveral Speeches and Proteftations containing the Rcafons of his Dillent, which were all enter'd in the Records of Parlia..ienc, where they will remain as lafting Monu- ments to the Honour ot his Name ; and after the Con- clufion of the Union, he on the 12th ot Febiuary 1707 was eletled owz ot the fixteen Peers for >coc- land, to fit in the firft Parliament of Great Eritain. On the iirh of Odober 17x4, the firft ot King George I. he was fvvorn one his xMajefty's Privy Council,^ and made Keeper of the Great Se.U in Scot- land ; after which he was appointed Lord Li-uteiianc ot the Counties ot Dumfries, Pebles and Kirkcud- biiuh', and continu'd Oiie of the fixteen ^Peers 'till his^Death, which happcn'd on the i4th of February 1720-21. He marry'd to his firft Wife Sophia, Dauiihter and fole Heirto lohn Fairholm of Cragie-haTi in the County of Stirling,^ F.fq; by whom he hnd two Sons, ]ames Marquefs of Annandale, and William who dy'd^on the 25th of Decagber 1722, and a Daughter namM Henrietta, whichj^aughter v/as marry d to Charles Hope, Earl o^ Hoptcn j and by his lecond Wife Charlotte, Daughter to John Van^ie Bempde of the City of Weltminfter, Efq^ he had one Son born in 1720, who was nam'd George, the King be- ing his Godfather \ and the faid Marquefs dv"'"?; on thi third of January 1724-5 left his faid Laoy with Child, who Oil the '8th of June 1725 was delivered of another Son named John.* James Marquefs of An- raadale, his Son by his firft Wife, being a VaUtudi- nary ivlan, travelled much abroad for his Health, and dying at Naples was fucceedid in the Honours by his Brother (Lord George) of the fecond Mar- liagCj who is a Youth now abroad on his Travels. A K M S. I j5 Johiiftone, Marque/s of AiuiaiidHle. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Saltire Diamond, en a Cliief Ruby, three Cufliicns Topaz, fcrjohnfton and Randolph, the Cuihions appertaining to the laft, id and jd Topaz, an Anchor in Pale Ruoy, for Fair- holm. Creft. On a Wreath, a Spur tit6t Gold, wijig'd Silver. Supporters. On the Dexter ^ide, a Lion Pearl, arm'd and langu'd Saphire, and ducally Grovvn'd To- paz. On the Sinifter, an Horfe Silver, turniih'd Ruby. Mocto. Nunquam non paratus. P. 15. N** 3. N. B. As to the Arms. George Marquefs of Annan- dale being but a Youth on his Travels, it cannot be yet known what he will carry, efpecialiy fecinjr he may keep, as a Coat of Pretenfion, (which is fre- quently to be met with in this Work) the fecond and third, which is carry'd for Fairholm of Cragie-hall, or threw them out altogether, as not being any ways related to that Family, and take in their Place chat of his Mother. Chief SEAT. At Lochwood in the Coiiiwy of Dumfries, near the famous Weils of Molfat. ^ E A H L $. ( 157 ) EARLS. 9K )K « -i- •« »• iS^ ^ « •» <• « -S- « ^ « « « « « •ft -9; •« -9^ Liiidfay, Earl of Crawford, HE moft noble and puiflant Lord, Johis lincifay. Earl of Craw'ord and Lindfay, Vifcounc Kilberney, Lord SpinzieGlenes, Fineven Down and Colu.nbfinch. Created Earl of Crawford in the Coun- ty of Clydefdale in 1399, by Robert III. Baron (jt Sptnzie in i5i;o, by James VI. and Earl of Lindfay in the County aforefaid in 1^33, by Charles the Firft. Of this antient and honourable Family of Lindfay, which camj firft v> Scotland wi:h Edaar Athling, and Margaret his Sifter, Queen to Kii g Malcolme Can- more, there were two eminent Branches, the oie defign'd of Craw'ird, and the other of Byres in the County cf Haddington. In the Reign of King David I. William de Lindfay, their Anc^ftor, a Peifm of great Note, as was David his Succeilor, who liv'd in the Time of King William the Lion; and he marrying the Daugliter ot John de Crawford, with her got the Barony of that Jame, in which he was fucceeded by David "his Son, David, who was next Heir, liv'd in the Time of Alexander II. and had two Sons, David his Succeflbr, and lohn \ which John was Chamberlain oi ireotland to Alexandei lU. David, ij-S Lindfajr, Earl of Crawford. David, who fucceeded, was a brave and magnani- mous Perfnn, and had two Sons, William, who was Chamberlain of Scotland to King Robert I. and David his Heir ^ which David marrying the Daughter and Coheir ot Alexander de Abernerhy, they fr mh thence quarter the Arms of that Family ; and by his faitl Wife having three aons, David, Alexander^ and • William j the fecond, who was ot Glenefk, and the youngcft of Byres, were knighted, and the eldeft fuc- ceeded as CrawR:)rd. David, who wis Lord of Crawford, was one of the Ccmmiiuoners of the Treaty ior the Redemption of Kiii.^ David II. who was a Piifoner in England, and was'^fucceeded by ]amjs his S.^n, whof^ "Wife was Giles, Daughter to Walter, Lord High Steward of Scotland i Du: by her having only a Daughter named Marjory, who was marry'd to Sir Henry^Douglafs of Lochlevoji, Anceftor to the Earl of Morton, the Ba- rony of Crawford, and his other Eftate, came to his roufm Sir David Lindfay of GlenelT<, who by King Robert III. was created Earl of Crawford. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to King Robert II. by whom he had ' Alexander his Heir, vvho in 1415 was one of the Hoftages for the Ranlom of King jamcs 1. who had been eighteen Years confin'd in England j and dying in 1445 left iiiue a Son of his Name ^ which Son In the Reign of King James II. made a great Fi- gure, and hid" Mae Dr^vid his SucC'^Tor, Alexander Linrtfay of Achtermonfie, and a Daughter nam'd Eli- zabeth, marry d to Sir Thomas Maul, Anceftor to the Earl of Panmure. David, who fucceeded, and was Mafter of the HouHiold, and Chamberlain to James III. was by him created Duke of Montrofe during Life 5 and hs marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to James Lord Hamil- ton, Dvher had a Son named John ; whiJi Son on the 9tn of September 1515 was'flain at the Battle of Flcdden, with King James IV. and dying without If- fue, his Eftate and floncur came to Sir Alexander Lindfay of Achtermonfie before-mention'd, his Uncle. He marry'd Marion, a Daughter of the Family ot Dunbarj and by her had David the fucceeding Eav,l j whofe hrft Wife was Catharine, Daughter to Sir V\'il- lum Sterling of Keir^ and his fecond, Eli^absth i Luridy Liiidfayj Earl of Cvt^w fox ^, ij-q Lundy of that Ilk, and had a Son nam'd Alexander, and two Daughters j Margaret marry'd to James Lord Ogilvy, and Elizabeth to John Erlkin of Dun ^ but the faid Earl their Father, being juftly provok'd, by the Folly and Infolence of his Son, to dihnherit him, he, with the Approbation of the Crown, fettled his Eftate and Title of Earl upon Sir David Lindfay of Edzle; who, upon his Deceafe, in 1562, accordiiigly fucceeded therein \ but in 1^70, he dying without Iflue, geneiouily refign'd the Eftacc and Honour in Fa- vour of >ir David Lindfay, the Son of him that was di (inherited. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Cardinal Beaton, Bilhop of St. Andrews, and by her had three Sons, David, Henry, and Alexander j whereof, the youngeft was Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King James VI. who in i5yo honour'd him with the Title of Lord Spinzie; Sir Henry Lindfay, afterwards Earl of Craw- ford \ and David the eldeA fucceeded. He marry'd Grillel, Daughter to Tohn Steward, Earl of Athole, and by her had a Son named David ; but he dying without Ifliie, his Eftate and Honour went to Sir Henry before mention'd, his Uncle ; whofe Wife was Margaret, Daughter to Sir James Shaw of Sauchie in the County of Clackmanan j and by her he had Lodowick his Heir in the Honour, who in 1643 commanded a Regiment of Holfe at the Battle of Landfdown for King Charles 1. but he dying with- out Ifllie likewife made an Entail of his Honour to John Earl of Lindfay of the Line of Byres, which in 1661 was ratify'd by Aft of Parliament. The Progenitor of the Family of Lindfay of Byres, was William de Lindfay, Son of Sir David Lindfay or Crawford, who in the Reif^n of King David I rais'd. his Fortune by marrying ot Chriftian, Daughter and fole Heir to Sir William Muir of Abercorn in the County of Linlithgow \ for with her he had that Lordlhip and feveral others '■, and thereupon added to his Arms (being Gules, a Fefs cheque Argent and Azure) the Arms of his Father-in-law j and after- wards changed his Lands of Dunnoter in the County cf Kincardin, with Sir William Keith, Marifnal of Scotland, for his Lands of Struthers in the County of i5o Lmciriy, £«;•/ ^ Crawford. Fife, which from thenceforth has been the chief an^ ancient Seat of this moft noble Family. This Sir William was fucceeded by John his Son, who the ioth of James II. was conftituted Chief ]u- fticiar North of the River of Fonh, and one of his Majeftj's Privy Council j and he marrying a Daughter of the Lord Lorn, by her had five Sons and two Daughters j whereof Chriftian was firft marry'd to John, Son to George Lord Seaton, and afterwards to Robert Lord Kilmaurs ; and of the Sons, which were David, John, Patrick, George, and Walter, the youncelt was made Lord St. ]onn, and George was knighted j and in 1480 the eldeft fucceeding his Fa- ther aflifted King James III. at the Battle of bannock- burn ; but in 1491 djing wirhout Iflue, John his Brother became Heir ; which ]ohn in 1498 dying without Ifliie likewife, Patrick the ;d Son lucceeded, and by James V- was made Sheritf of the County ot Fife 5 wTiich Office he enjoy'd 'till 1531, when it was heritably confcrr'd upon George Lefly, Earl of Rothes. H"- marryM Margaret, a Daitgh'er of the Family of Pitcairn, by whom" he had a Son named John, and a Davicihter Catharine ', which Dau£:hter was marry'd to Sir Alexander Seatoji of Pavbroarh ^ and John his Son marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Andrew Lundy of Balgony, by her had a" Son of his own Name, wh«» fuccseded his Grandfather. John, who fucceeded, marry'd Helen, Daughter to John Earl of Athole, by whom he had Patrick his Heir, and five Dauuhters \ of which Ifabel was mar- ry'd to Normon Lelly, Son to Ger>rge Earl of Rothes, and Janet to Henry, Son of Henry Lord Sinclair ; ami Patrick who fucceeded and was aftive for the Refor- mation of Religion, ana on the King's Side, in the Minority of James VI. marrying Euphcms, Daughter to Robert Douglafsof Locheven, by her had James his Heir, and a Daughter named Margaret. ]ames, who in 1585^ fucceeded nis Father, marry'd F.upheme, Daughter to Andrew Earl of Rothes, and by her had two Sons and two Daughters •, whereof Helen was marry'd to John, Son to Wiliiam Lord Cranfton ; and ot the Sons, Robert the eldeft fucceed- ed j which Robert marryinr, Anne^ Daughter to Law- icnce Lord Oliphant, by her had a Daughter, who a Wis liiidfHjr, Earl of Crwj£ox^, iSi was marry'd to Alexander Falconer of Halkercon j but having no liTue Male, John his Brother fucceeded in the Honour. He marred Chriftian, Daughter to Thomas Earl of Haddington ; and dying in 1616 by her left Ilfue John his Heir, which John, by the Special Favour of King Charles I. was created Earl ofLindfay, being then the firft Lord in the Rolls of Parliament ^ and in 1641 he was confticuted Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, which Office he enjoyed for eight Years ; but in 1^45; was laid afide by the Eftates of Parlia- ment, for his vigorous Appearance in r-iifing the Ar- my, which defign'd the King's Relief out of the lllc ol Wiglit. After the Murder of the King his Mafter, he adhe- red to the lawful Heir of the Crown. King Charles II. at whofe Coronation at Scoon, on the firlt of January 165 1, he adifting there carry'd the Scepter j "but the fame Year, he receiving a Commiflion from his Ma- jefty, to raife Forces for his Service, in order to his Reltoration, he unluckily (with feveral other Lords) was furpriz'd by the Engliib, at Eliot in Angus, and fent Prifoner to the Tower of LonJ.on, where he fuf- fer'd a long and tedious Imprifonment, 'till the Re- ftoration, 1660, which was eight Years, and then, \a Confidcration thereof, his Majefty was pleafed to re- (tore him to the Treafurer's Oihce. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to James Marquefs cf Hamilton j and dying in 1676 by her left two Sons and four Daughters \ Anne marry'd to John Lefly, Duke of Rothes i Chriftian to Thomas Hamikon Earl of Haddington ^ Elir.vbeth to David Carnegy, Earl of Northefk •, and Helen to Sir Robert Sinclair ot Scin- -er together ; the Countrymen, who were arm'd with only uhat their Ploughs furniih'd, leading them on, and returning on the Danes, made a furious Onfet, crying aloud. Help is at Hand ; which made the Danes believe that: a frefh Army of Scots was falling on them, and there- by totally defeated them, and deliver'd their Country from Servitude. The Battle being over, the Old Man, afterwards known bv the Name of Hay, was brought to the King, who aflemblcd a Parliaaienc at Scoon, and gave to the faid Hay, and his two Sons, (as a juft Reward of iheir Valour) as much Land en the River Tay, in the Carfe of Gowry, as a Falcon from off a F i Mali's (64 Hay, Countefs cf Errol. Man's Hand flew over, until flic fettled ; which be- ing fix Miles in Length was afterwards call'd Errol, and is ftill poflefs'd by the Earl of that Name, who, snd the Countefs ot whom we are fpeaking, are lineally tlefcended from the faid valiant Hay; and the King, to promote the faid Hay and his Sons from the Rank of Plebeians to th e Order of Nobility, he aflign'd them a Coat of Arms, which was Argent, three Efcut- cheons Gules, to intimate that the Father and the two Sons had been luckily the three Shields of Scot- land. The particular State of this Family, from the Reign of King Kenneth III. to that of Robert I. is not clear upon the Records ; Length of Time and Acci- dents of War, having umk tne Hiftory ; however, there arc two Charters extant, granted by King Wil- liam the Lion, of the Lands of trrol. to William dc Haya, and David de Haya, and in the Charters of Malcombe IV. and William, and Alexander II. fre- quent Mention is made of Gulielmus de Haya, and Johannes de Haya, as Witnefles j and at Berwick, in the Difpute between Robert Bruce and Tohn Baliol, before King Edward I. of England, Nocholas de la Haya is one of the Arbitrators j but fince the Begin- ning of the Reign of King Robert Bruce, Anno Jjo6, the Pedigiee is very clear and uninterrupted, as fel- lows : Pirft, Gilbert de la Haya, Lord Haya cf Errol, ad- h«^r'd to King Robert 1. whom he affifted in retrie- ving the Independency of his Native Country, then almoft fubjedi to the English, by John Baliol ; and in Confideration of that his great Loyalty and faithful Services, he had a Grant of divers Lands in the Crown i and his Majofty, being further defirous to put a lafting Mark of Efteem upon him and his Family, was pleafed, by a Charter bearing Dare November the lith in i?i5, to make him and his Heirs tor ever. Lord High Conftables of Scotland, (that OfTice, which for f:veral Generations had been held by the Family of the Quincy's, being then forfeited,) and the Countefs of Errol now enjoys the Honour-"* This Lord Gilbert dvM in the Year 1^50, and was bury'd in the Abbey Church of Coopar,' where feve- ral of his Succeflbrs were likewife ixitei'd ; and Ni- cholas Hay, Countefs of 'Errol. y$^ choUs his Son, was doe ad Great Conftable of Scot- land* On the jd of Auguft 1332 he with 280 Genilemea of his Family, were kill'd in the Service of King Da- vid Bruce, againft Edward Baliol, in the Battle of Duplin ; fo that the Family of Errol would have been quite extinguifhM, had not his Lady been withChild^ and fupported it by the Birch of a Pofthumous Son. To Nicholas Lord Hay fucceeded David his Son^ (born as above mention'd) who by Reafon of his Non- age came not into Aftion for a long Time. He left a Son Thomas, who was marry'd to the Princefs Eliza- bech, Daughter to King Robert IL in vvhofe Reign he became pofl'efs'd of the Barony of Inchcuthill in the Shire of Perth, at which Place he dy'd in the Year 1406, leaving Iflue by the faid PrinceCs his Wife William his Heir, and a Daughter of her Name ; which Dahghtcr was marry'd to Sir George Lefly, Knt. ■ William, who fucceeded, was one of the CommifTio- ners deputed by the Eftates of Scotland, to treat with the Englifh touching the Redemption of K. Tames I, who was detain'd Prifoner in that Realm \ which in 1414 being iiappily effeiied, he thereupon was knight- ed. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to the Lord Gra- ham, and dying at TurrirF in 1434 by her left Iflue two Sons, Gilbert and Willam, whereof the eldeft fuc- ceeded J and he m.irrying Alice, Daughter to Sir William Hay of Yefier, A.nceftor to the Marquefs of Tweedale, by her had V^'i^iiam his Heir, and five other Sons, and dy'd in 143^. William who fucceeded, being a Perfon of fingular Merit, he was by James IL in 1452., in Recompence of his faithful Services, created Earl oc Errol, and in 1461 dy'd at Slaines. He mairy'd Beatrix, Daughter to Douglafs- Lprd Dalkeith, and by her had Nicholas the ad Earl of Errol, who v/as one of the Privy Council to King James III. and he marrying Elizabeth Gordon, Daugh- ter to Earl oi Huntley; and dying at Killi- muir in \:\6rj by her left William the 3d Earl of Errol, and jjth Great Conftable of Scotland, F 2 He 1 66 Ht^y, Counte/s of Erroh He marr/d Jane Steuart, Daughter to ]ohn Earl of Athole i and djing in 1478 by her left William the 4th tarl of Errol. William, who was the 4th Earl, marry'd Elizabeth Lefly, Daughter to ■ Earl of Rothes *, and dying in 1495 by her leh William the srh Earl of Errol, who in the Year 1510 was Sheriff of the Shire of A- berdeen J but on the 9th of September 151J he was flain (with 87 Gentlemen of his Name) with King ]ames IV. at the Battle of Flodden. He marry'd to his firft Wife, Chriftian Lyon, Daughter to John Lord Glamis, Anceftor to the Earl of btrathmore, and by her had William his Heir, Sir Thomas Hay of Logie^ and two Daughters. W'illiam, who was the 6th Earl ot Errol, was one of the Privy Council to King James V- and his fpecial Favourite j and he marrying Helena Steuart, Daui:h- ter to John Earl of Lennox, by her had William the 7th Earl ot Errol, and a Daughter named J:ne. William, who was the 7tli Eail, dying vvfuhout IlTuc, his Eftate and Honour devolv'd upon bir Geoige Hjfy of Logic, Son and Heir of Sir Thomas Hay of the faid Place, who was ;d Son to William the 5th Earl of irrol, as above mentioned. This George, 8:h f arl of Errol, marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir Alexander Robert fui. Laird or Stra- van, and by her had four Sons and three Daughters j whereof Elizabeth was marry'd to William Keith, Earl of Marifhal, and Margaret to Laurence Lord Oliphant j and of the Sons, which were Andrew,^ John, George and Thomas j the latter was Parfon of Turriff, the 3d dwelt at Adlethun, the zd fuccecded to an antient Family of the Hays of Muchall, and Andrew the eldeft, in 1^65 fuccecding his Father, was the 9:h Earl ot Errol, and one cf the Piivy Coun- cil to Queen Mary. He marry'd to his firft Wife Jane, only Daughter to William the 6th Earl of Errol, and by her had three Sons and a Daughter nam'd Eleanor j which Daugh- ter was marry'd to Alexander Livincfton, Earl of Linlithgow j and by his ;d Wiie, who was Mary, Daughter to George Sinclair, Earl of Cauhnefs, he hid Sir George Hay of Kilour in the Couny of i^erth. Of Hay, Qomtefs of Errol. 167 Of the three Sons of Andrew Earl of Errol, by Jane his firft Wife, which were Alexander, Francis and Thomas, the eldeft dy'd without IlTue, and Fran- cis the 2d Chis Father dying ac Slaines in 1585) be- came the loth Earl of Errol. He was a Nobleman of great Courage, and a zea- lous Roman CarhoUck j upon which Account he was a great Sufferer in his Eftate and Liberty. This Lord on the ;d of Odober 1594, with the Eai 1 of Huntley, fought the Battle of Glenlivet, and with a Handful of Men defeated the numerous Forces of the Earl of Argyle. He was afterwards much in Favour With King James VI. and was one of the Scotch Noblemen, who in the Year 1604 were commillioned to treat of the Union of the two Crowns. He marry'd to his firft Wife the Lady Mary Steuart,' Sifter to ]ames Earl of Murray ; and his 2d was Anne Steuattj Daughter to the Earl of Athole , but having, no Ifliie by either, he then marry'd Elizabeth, Daugh- ter to William Douglafs, Earl of Morton, and by her had four Sons and eight Daughters \ wnereof Anne was marry'd to George'Seaton, Ea-l of Winton ; Jane to William Erfkine, Earl of Mar ; Elizabeth to Hugh Lord Semple, Mary to Walter bcot. Earl of Buc- cleugh; aiul Sophia to ]ohn Lord Vifcount Melgrum. Francis the loth Earl dying at Bownefs in Buchan,' Jn 1631, William his eldeft Son fucceeded in the Ho- nour, and aflifted at the Coronation of K. Charles I, he being in great Favour with that Prince. He marry'd Anne Lyon, Daughter to Patrick Earl of Kinghorne, Anceftor to the Earl of Strathmore^ and by her had Gilbert his Heir, and a Daughter nanied Margaret \ which Daughter was firft marry'd to Henry Lord Ker, Son of Robert Earl of Roxburgh, and afterwards to John Kennedy, Earl of Callils. Gilbert, who was the i2:h Earl, was very xealous and ferviceable in the Reftoration of King Charles H^ and in the following Parliament gave great Proofs of h'.s Loyalty and Moderation, and was afterwards one of that King's Privy Council. He marry'd Catharine Carnagie, Daughter- to James Earl of Southefk ^ but he dying at Slaines, withouc lIUic, in 1674, the Eftate and Honour came to Sir F 4 loivi 268 Hay, Counte/s of Exrol John Hay of Kilour, Son and Heir to Sir Andrew Hay, (by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Patrick Kinnaird of Inchture) Son and Heir of Sir George Hay, fecond Son of Andrew the 9th Earl of Errol, as before noted ^ which Sir John lo fucceeding in the Earldom, was the 13th Earl of Errol, and the 15th Lord High Conftable of Scotland, of this Family. He marry'd the Lady Anne Drummond, Daughter to James Earl of Perth, and by her had three Sons and four Daughters j which were Charles his Heir, James, George, Mary and Anne , and the faid Charles, who iucceeded, being one of the Peers who in the Parlia- ment in 1706 dirtcnted in every Article of the Union with Eiiglaiidj he, before the Concluflon, entered a Proteftation as follows : * T Charles Earl of Errol, Lord High Conftable of * ^ Scotland, do hereby proteft, that the Office of * High Conftable of Scotland, with all the Rights * and Priviliiges of the fame, belonging to me hereta- * bly, and depending upon the Monarchy, Sovereignty, * and antient Couftitutions of this Kingdom, may * not be weaken'd nor prejudiced by the Concluflon ' of the Treaty of Union between Scotland and Eng- * land, nor any Article, Claufe or Condition rhore- * of; but that the faid Heretable Othce, with all the * Rights and Privileges thereof, may continue and * remain to m^ and my Succeflors, hM'm and unhuit * by any Votes or Acts of Parliament, or other Pro- * ceediiigs whatfoever, relating to the laid Union j * and I crave this my Proteftation m.'.y be admitted * and recorded in the Regifters and Rolls of Parlia- * ment/ To Charles Earl of Erml fuccceded Lady Mary his Sifter, Countefs of Errol, who married Alcxaiider Falconer, Efcf, Son to the Lord Newcoun, Prcfuleiit of the b>efliom and Brother to the prcfent Lord H?.ck- erton, who nnce the Marriage with the Countefs of Errol takes the Name of Hay," but fans uruc. Lady Anne was married to James Earl of Lithgow and Calleuder, and had a Daughter of her own Name, now CounteG. of Kilmarnock, who has feveral Sons. ARMS- Keith, Earl of Marifhal, %Sf ARMS. Pearl, three Efcutcheons Ruby. Creft. On a Wreath, a Falcon proper. Supporters. Two Men in Country Habits, each hohling an Ox Yoke over his Shoulder. Motco. Serva Jugum. P. /^. N** 2. Chief SEATS. At Dalgety and Slaines, both in the County of A= berJeen. m. 'T* H E moft noble and puiflant Lord, George -■- Keich, Earl of Mariftial, Lord Keith, Lord Diinocar and AUree, Lord High Marfhal of Scotlandg. and Sheriff of the County oi Kincardin by Inheri- tance. Cieated Earl of Mari(hal in the Year 1455, by James II. and Baron of Altree, by James VI. According to Hiftory, this noble and antient Fa- mily derives its Origin from one Robert, a Chiekain among the Catci (from which 'tis faid came the Sur- name of Keich) and he and his Followers, in the Year ioo6, a: the Battle of Panbiidge, havinu join'd Mal- colm II. King of Scotland, was very inftrumental in obtaining a noble Viftory over the Danes, where Ca- mus their General was kill'd by the Hands of this Robert ; and that King Malcolm perceiving, dipped his Finger in Camus's Blood, and drew long red Strokes or Pales on the Top of Robert's Shield, which have ever fince been the armorial Figures of his De- fcendants. In the Year 1010 he v«;as advanced by the faid King to the Hereditary Dignity of Marflial of Scotland ; and afterwards, for his noble Services, rewarded with a Barony in Lothian, which was called Keith Mari- {hal, after his own Name \ as was likewife the Ifle of Inch-keich, in the Firch ot Forth, which he had then feiven him alfo. In the Reign of King William the Lion, Henry the Son of Philip de Keith, being then tlie King's Mari- F 5 Ai*U I'jo Keith, Earl of Mariftial. fhal, inS. manning Adda, Daughter to Hugo de Lo- rens, he by her had Harveus nis Heir, the Father of Sir John Keith, Knight, whofe Son Robert, having a Son of his Name, he, in i2pi, upon the AccelTion of John Baliol to the Crown, had a Charter from that Prince^ of his Lands of Keith, Michalfton, EUem and Mullenet. He was alfo a Perfon in great Efteem with King Robert Bmce, by whom, in 1325, he was fent Am- baflador to France ; but afterwards being (lain at the Battle of Duplin, in Defence of his Country, and Robert his Son fucceeding, he for his Wifdom and Valour was knighted by David II- To him fucceeded Sir Edward his Son, who in the Year 1346 was flain at the Battle of Durham, leaving Iffue by Ifabel his Wife Sir William his Heir, who was one of the Commiirioners on the Part of Scotland, that in 17,69 were appointed to treat with the Englilli, touching a Peace between the two Realms, which they concluded. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter and Heir to Sir John Frafer, with whom he had a vaft Eftate in the County of Kincardin and elfewhere j and by her had a Son named John, whofe Wife was Daughter to King Robert II. but he dying before his Father, left IlTue by his faid Wife, Robert, who was Heir appa- rent to his Grandfather ; whicn Robert dying with- out IiTue Male, his Eftate and Honour fell to Robert Keith his Uncle, a Perfon in great Favour with King Robert HI- under whom he held feveral Offices of Honour and Truft, and was fuceeeded by Sir William his Son. Sir William, the next Heir, was one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King James I. when he was a Cap- tive in England j and' marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to David Lindfay, Earl of Crawford, by her had Sir William his Son, who, by the Favour of K. James II. was created Earl of Marifhal. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to James Lord Ha- milton, by when he had a Son of his Name, whofe Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter to Alexander Gordon. Earl of Huntley , and by her he had a Son named Robert, and two Daughters, whereof Janet was mar- ry'd to William Graliam, Earl of Moacrofe, and Eli- ICeitli, Earl of MAYiih^h 171 aabeth to William Lord Sinclair , and the faid Robert their Brotlur, dying in his Fatlier's Life-time, left Iflue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to ]ohn Dou- glafs. Earl of Morton, William who fucceeded his Grandfather, and three Daui^hters j Elizabeth mar- ry'd to George Gordon, Earl of Huntley j Janet to John Lyon, Lord Glames ^ and Agnes to Sir Archi- •ald Dnuglafs of Glenbei-vy, Anceftor to the Duke ot Douglafs. William, who fueceeded his Grandfather, marry'd Elizabeth Daughter and Coheir to Sir William Keith of Inncrugy, aiid by her had two Sons and feven Daughters ; of which Alifon was marry'd to Alex- ander Lord Salton, and Agnes to Colin Campbel, Earl of Argyle j and of the Sons, who were V\{illiam and Robert, the eldeft dyinu in his Father's Lite-time left Iflue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to George Hay» Earl of Errol, George who fueceeded his Grandfa- ther i and Robert the youngeft was created Lord Al- tree, but dy'd without Iflue Male. George, who was Heir to his Grandfather, was one of the Privy Council to King ]ames VI. by whom he was fent Ambaflador to the Court of Denmark, where at his mvn Expence he efpoufed Anne, a Daughter of that Crown, in the Name of his Majefty ; and in 1595 founded the Marfhal-College in the City of. New Aberdeen. In 1609 he was High Commiflioner to the Parlia- ment \ and dying in ^1617, left Ifliie by Margaret his ift Wife, Daughter to Alexander Lord Hume, Wil- liam his Heir, and a Daughter named Anne 5 which Daughter was marrv'd to William Douglafs, Earl of Morton 5 and by his zd Wife, who was Margaret, Daughter to James Lord Ogilvy, he had Sir James Kci.!h of Eenholm. William, who fueceeded, was one of tlie Privy Council CO King Charles I. and dying in i67,< lef: lilue by Mary his Wife, Daughter to John E'rfkine, Earl of Mar, three Sons and two Daughters ; whereof Janet was marry'd to Alexander Lord Pitftigo j and of the Sons, which were William, George and John -^ the youngeft was Earl of Kiazoxcj and^the eldeft fuc- c?:d?d his Facberi V ^ In fji Keith, Earl of Mariflial, In the Time of the Civil War, he, upon his own Charge, levyM a Troop of Horfe for his Majefty's ■Service , but afterwards being taken Prifoner, and fent to the Tower of London, he there remained ten Years , and then being releafed, was made one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and Lord Privy Seal. He marry'd Elizabeth. Daughter to George Seaton, Earl of Wintoun ; and by her had three Daughters, Margaret marry'd to James Hope of Hoptoun, Mary to Robert Vifcount Arbuthne: , and Jane to George Lord BamfFi but having no IfTue Male, George his Brother became Heir;^ and he dying in 16^^ left ifiue by Mary his Wife, Daughter to George Hay, Earl of Kinoule, William the next Earl ^ who in the Keign of Queen Anne, was very oppofite to the U- nion of the two Kingdom";, and before the Contlufiou thereof enter'd a Proteftation in thefe Words. T DO hereby proteft, that whatever is contain'd in ^ any Article of the Treaty of Union betwixt Scot- land and England, fliall in no Manner of Way dero- gite from, or be prejudicial to me or my Succeflbrs, ill oar heretable Office of Great Marfhal of Scot- laud, in all Time coming, or in the full and free Enjoyment and Exercife of the wh^le Rights, Dig- nities, Titles, Honours. Powers and Privileges thereto belonging, which my Anceftors and I have noiTeffed and exercifed as Rights of Property thefe 700 Years-. And I do further protefV, that the Par- liam MU of Scotland, and Conftitutinn thereof, may remain and continue as formerly : And I defire this my Proteftation may be inferted in the Minute?, ^ and recordeti in the Bcjoks of Parliament, and there- * upon take Inftruments. In the Year 1710 he was eleded one of the fixteen Peers to ferve in the Parliament of Great Britain ; and dying about two Years after, left Iflue by Mary his VVife, Daughter to James Drummond, Earl ot Perth, two Sons and two Daughters; whereof Mary was marry'd to John Fleming, tarl of Wigtoun, and Anne married to Lord Garlis, Son and Heir io the Earl of Galloway, and both left Iflue j and of the Keith, £«/"/ ^ Marifhal. 1-75 the Sons, which were George and James, the eldeft fuc- ceecied in the Honours; and being a Nobleman of ^ military Genius, pueen Anne, to encourage and coun- tenance his promilnig Inclination, gave him, when he was Lord Keith, and only a Youth, a Troop of Horfe,. and then preferred him to be Captain of her Majofty's Guards ; but after the Acceffion of King George I. to the Crown, his Lordfhip was remov'd j and in 1715 going into the Rebellion with the Earl of Mar,. his Eftate and Honours were forfeited, and now he is in the Service of the King of Spain, where his invinci- ble Attachment to the Proteftant Religion keeps him from having any Command \ though he has the Rank of a Lieutenant-General, and the Efteem of all. James followed his Brother's Fortune, and after theij: Difappoin-^ments in Scotland, engaged in the Service of Peter the Great, Emperor of Mufcow, who well knew M311, and how to reward Merit j and accor- dingly at tirft gavi him the Rank of Brigadier-Gene- ralj'iince which Time he has advanced himfelf to be amongft the finl Generals in that Empire, or any other in Europe. To his Condud and Bravery htir Imperial Majefty owes Ockzaco. where he received 1 Wound in the Thigh, of whicli he is not yet reco- vered, being now in France for that Purpofe. A R M S. Pearl, on a Chief Ruby, three Pallets, Topaz. Creft. On a Wreath, a Stag's Head eraz.'d properg and artir'd with ten Tviies, Gold, Supporters. Two Stags proper, attir'd as the Creft. Motto. Veritas Vincit. P. 4;. N'' 3. Note, That the two Battons in Saltire, femee of Thirties, and enfigii'd on the Top with Imperial Crowns behind the Shield, his Lordfhip bears a$ Badges of the Office of High Mariihal of Scotland. Chief SEATS. At Oitnoter Caftle in the County of Kincardin, i& Miles from Moncrof^, and 60 from Edinburgh ; at Fectereffo in the fame Oiunty j and a; Inerugy and N^wburgh ia th^ County of Aberdeen. F 7 IV. 174 Sutherland, TW ^ Sutherland. IV.T'HE moft noble and puiflanc Lordjohn Suther- ■*- ^and. Earl of Sutherland, Baron of Strathna- ver and Dunrobin, Hereditary Admiral and Sheriff of the County of Sutherland, one of the Lords of Po- lice, and one of the i6 Peers for Scotland. Created Earl of the County of Sutherland in the Year 1057 by King Malcolm Canmore. Accordint; to Hiftory, this Family in the Peerage is as old as any in Scotland, if not in Europe i for in the Reign of Corbredus II. and the Year of Chrift 76, a Colony call'd Catti, coming from Germany to Scot- land, and there dividing themfelves into two Parts, from thofe of the Noith the Country was call'd Caith- nefs, and from them in the South, Sutherland ; and were Thanes thereof, before the Title of Earl was in- troduced into the Kingdom. Allan, who was Thane of Sutherland, gave a very fignal Defeat to Part of the Danifh Army, who had invaded his Country, and^ afterwards was murder'd by Mackbeth the Ufurper, for adhering to his rightful Sovereign, King Malcolm Canmore, the Son of King Duncan. To Allan fucceeded Walter his Son, who by the faid King Malcolm was made Earl of Sutherland ; and Robert his Son,^ the 2d Earl, built the Caftle of Dun Robin, which iie call'd af:er his own Name, and is ftill the principal Seat of this noble Fa.nily. Hugh (the Son of Robin) the third Earl, flew the Danith General, who had invaded his Country of Su- therland, and was fucceeded by William Kis Son ; which William was one of thofe great Men fummon'd to Berwick on the^ Part of Scotland, when the Com- petition Juppen'd about the Succellion to the Crown, between Robert Bruce and John Baliol, and was there to be derermin'd by Edward I. of England. He was alfo one of thofe Peers, who in the Year XJ20 wrote that memorable Letter to the Pope, af- feiting the Independency cf Scotland, to which all of them put their Seals : A rare Piece of Antiquity. To mm fucceeded Kenneth his Son, a Perfon very faithful to King David Bruce, in whofe Service, and that of his Country, in 13;^, he loft his Life at the Battle of Halidon-hill, leavinii liiUe two Sons, VVilliam ... his Sutherland, i'^r/ 5/^ Sutherland. 17/ his Heir, and Nicol, from which Nicol are deriv'd the Sutherlands of DufFus- William who fucceeded was one of thofe loyal Peers who accompany'd King David to the Battle of Durham, where, wicn his Majeity, ha was taken Prifoner ; but afterwards being released. Cent Alexander his Son to England as an Hoftage for the Ranfom of the King. He marry'd the Lady Margaret, Sifter to the afore- faid King David, and by her had two Sons, whereof Alexander the eldeft was the Hoftage • and the faid King oblig'd all the Nobilty to acknowledge him as his Succeflor to the Throne j but he dying in England without Iffue and under Age, John his Brother be- came Heir to the Earldom j and in the Reign of Ro- bert II. fignaliz'd his Courage during the War be- tween the two Nations, when he enter'd England, fpoil'd Cumberland, and return'd with great Booty. He marry'd Mabel, Daughter to the Earl of March i and dying in 1589 by her left Ifl'ue Nicholas the 8th Earl of Sutherland, whofe Wife was a Daughter of the Lord of the Ifles, and by her he had Robert the 9th Earl, (and John Sutherland of Berindale) which Robert, on the 14th of September 140J, being at the Battle of Homeldown in the Mers or Shire of Ber- wick, had the Happinefs to preferve his Country both from FatHon and Invafion. He marry'd the Daughter of Thomas Dunbar, Earl of Murray, and by licr had John the lorh Earl of Sutherland, whofe Wife was Daughter to Sir William Baylie of Lammington, and by her he had three Sons and two Daughters. Of the Sons, John the eldeft fucceeded, and was the nth Earl j and he marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Rofs, "by her had John his Suc- ceflor, Alexander who dy'd young, and a Daughter of her Name ; which Daughter was marry'd to Adam Gordon of Aboyn, 2d Son to George Earl of Hunt- ley. John who fucceeded his Father, and was the 12th Earl of Sutherland, dying without Iflue,^ the faid Adam Gordon before mention'd, in his Wife's Right, became Earl of Sutherland, and wis the ijth Earl thereof; and by the faid Elizabeth his Wife had a Son n^m'd Alexander ; which Son dying before his Father ijS Sutherland, ^^r/ ^ Sutherland. Father and Mother, left Iflue by Jane his Wife, Daughter to ]ohn Steuart^ Earl of Athole, a Son na- med John, who fucceeded his Grandfather and Grand- mother ill the Earldoni, and was the 14th Earl, In the Reign of Queen Mary he was made Cover* fior and Lieutenant of the Kingdom, from the River Spey Northward \ and attending the faid Queen into France, was there- by Henry III. of that Realm, made a Knight of the Order of St. Michael. He was likewife made Governor ot Murray and Rofs by the Queen Regent, and fupported Queen Mary in her Marriage with the Lord Darnley, againft her difconcented Subjefts, efpecially her Brother Mur- ray \ bnt afterwards in 1567 himfelf and his Lady had the Misfortune to be both poifon'd. By his faid Lady, who was Helena, Sifter to Mat- thew Sceuartj Earl of Lennox, he left Alexander the 15th Earl ol Sutherland, whofe Wife was Jane Gor- don, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Huntley, and Countefs of Bothwell, and by her had three Sons and two Daughters ^ whereof jane was marry'd to Hugh Mackay ; and of the Sons, John the eldeft fucceeded in the Honour, and was the i6i\\ Earl of Suther- land. This John procured a new EnfeofFm^nt of the faid Earldc^m, with feveral additional Privileges ^ and he marrying Anne, Daughter to John Lord Elphingfton, Lord High Treafurer cf Scotland, by her had John his Sticcellor, and two Daughters. John, who was the 17th Earl, in 1616 ftrenuoufly oppofing the Innovations that King James !• was in- troducing into the Church of Scotland, was, by the Party whom he join'd, made Lord Privy Seal \ and he marrying Jane Drumniond, fole Daughter and Heir to James Earl of Penli, by her had Ifl'ue John Lord Strathnaver his eldeft Son, who dy'd an Infant , idly, George his Succeffor, who was born at Dornogh November 2, 1633 ; and jdly Robert, who was born in 1634. George who fucceeded his Father, and was the 18th Earl, was a Nobleman of great Goodnefs, who through- out his whole Life had the Reputation of a Perfon of fingular Integrity, continuing the Zeal of his Father for the Prot€ftant Intereft j and dying in J703 left liTuc Sutherland, Earl of Sutherland, i-y-r Irtue by Jane his Wife, Daughter to David Earl of VVeems, tohn now Earl of Sutherland, and a Daugh- ter nam'd Anne ; which Daughter was marry'd to Robert Lord Vifcount Arbuthnet. John, the 19th Earl of Sutherland, was one of the Privy Council to King William III. during whofe Reign he had the Command of a Regiment of Foot ; and^in that of Queen Anne, was one of the Com- miflloners for the Treaty of Union, which when con- cluded, in J 707 he was one of the fixteen Peers elefted for Scotland, for the firft Parliament of Great Britain , and having at all Times ftrenuoufly and loudW maintained the Proteftant Succeffion in the Houle of Hanover, his Majefty King George I. upon his Acceflion to the Throne, made him Prefident of the Commiifion in Scotland ; and on the id of March 1714-15, the firft of his Reign, he was again chofe Due of the Hxreen Peers for North Britain. He was alfo by that King made Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Invernefs, Elgin, Nairn, Cromarty, Rofs, Sutherland and Caithnefs. and of the Ifles ot" Orkney and Zetland ; and in tne Year 171 5, for his ^ood Services in the North, when the Chevalier had invaded Scotland, his Majefty, as a further Mark of Honour, wrote him a Letter with his own Hand, as follows. St. James's, Jan. 13, 1715-15. My Lord Earl of Sutherlind, HAVING been inform'd from feveral Parts, of the Good Services you do me, and of the wife Difpoficions you have made to maintain the important Port of Invernefs ; I would not let flip the Occaflon that offers itfclf, to afliire you that I am very fenfible of fo ufeful Services, and which you may depend I fliall not forget ; I hope you will continue them v\ith more Attention than ever, now that my Army is upon the Point of marching againft the Rebels. I do not doubt but that the Ship which carries to you Arms and Money, has reach'd you by this Time' : So I pray GOD, my Lord Earl of Sutherland, to have you in his Safe and Holy Keepinij. 178 Sutherland, Ear/ 0/ Sutherland, On the 22d of June 171^ he was made a Knight of the Moft Anrient and Noble Order of the Thiftle; and his Lordrtiip marrying to his firft Wife Helen, Daughter to ^Villiam Lord Cochran, Anceftor to the Earl of Dundonald, by her had William his Heir ap- parent, and two Daughters, lane and Helen j whereof the eldeft was marry'd to John Lord Maitland, Son of ]ohn Earl of Lauderdale. To his ;d Wife, his Lordftiin marry'd Catharine TalmaCh, Sifter to Lionel Earl of Dyfart, and Widow of James Steuart Lord Down, eldeft Son to James Earl of Murray : and in Auguft 1717 was again mar- ry'd to the Widow of Sir John Travel, a Lady of a great Fortune. William, who was Heir Apparent as above-men- tion'd, dying in 1720, left Iflue by Catharine his Wife, Daughter to William Morrifon of Prefton^ Grange, two Sons, John and William j whereof the eldeft dying in the fame Year as his Father, the youngcft, who was Member of Parliament for the Shire of Sutherland, fucceeded his Grandfather. He was, at the Beginning of this Parliament, elected one of the fixJ^ecn Pccfi for Scotland, and is one of the Lords of Police. He marry'd Weems, Daughter of Da- vid Earl of Weems, by whom he has a Son Lord Strathnaver. Note ; The Family of Sutherland carried the Sur- name of Gordon, and quartcr'd their Arms ever (ince Adam Gordon married the Heirefs. but the hft Earl left out the Arms of Gordon, and took again the Surname oi Sutherland. ARMS. Ruby, three Mullets Topar., wkhin a Border of the latter, charg'd wich a double Treffure, flower'd and counterflower'd with Flcurs de lis of the firft. Crcft. On a Wreath, a Cat fejant. proper. Supporters. Two Savages, wreath'd about their Heads and Waftes with Laurel, each holding a Batcon over his Shoulder, all proper. Motto. Sans p:ur. P. 41. N° 4. Chief Erfkiiie, EarloflA^t, 1-79 Chief SEATS. At Dunrobin, a ftately Palace wkh fine Gardens, 100 Miles North from Edinburgh , and at Dornock Caftle, and the Ifland of Broraj all in the Shire of Sutherland. V. 'T' H E moft noble and puiilant Lordjohn Erfkine, ■* Earl of Mar, Lord Erfkine, Garioch and Al- loway, and hereditary Governor, Conftable and Cap- tain of the Caftle of Stirling. Created Earl of the County of Mar or Aberdeen, November the 5th, in 1457, by James II. Altho" i: is not above 500 Years fince the Erfkines (who took their Nanrie from the Caftle of Erfkine ia the Barony of Renfiew) had any Title to rhe Earldom of Mar i yet this illuftrious Eamily, confiderM in its felf, is very great and eminent j if we refpeft either its Antiquity, or the many great Employments and Preferments they have been Ivonour'd with thefe 400 Years paft. In the Reign of King Alexander IL 1226, liv'd Hen- ry de Erfkine. who was VVitnefs to a Gift, which Amelick, Brotner to Mauldwin Earl of Lennox, made to the Canons of Pailly , and to him fucceedcd Sir John Erfkine, Knt. the Father of another Sir John; uhofe Son William fucceeded in the Barony of Er- fkine, and was Father of a jd John \, and he again of William, who liv'd in the Reign of King Robert Bruce, and was a faithful Adherer to his Intereft. In the Year \y.z he was knighted for his Valour againft the Englilh, and had two Sons, Robert and lohji ; of which the eldeft fucceeded, and vvas a Per- ibn very ftedfaft and loyal to Kinc David j for in the Year 1345, when his Maiefty was taken Prifoner at the Battle of Durham, the Lord Erfkine (as he is call'd in the Record) was one of the Commillioners employed in that honourable Negotiation of his Re- demption, and gave his eldeft Son as SA Hoftags for the Performance of :hc Treaty, After i8o Erfkine, Earl of yi^. After his Majcfty^s Return to Scotland, he was made Juftice General of the North thereof, Lord High Chamberlain to the King, EmbaflTador to France, Hij^h Sheriff cf the County of Stirling, and Governor of that Caftle, and the Caftles of Edinburgh and Dun- barton ; of all which he was poflefs'd at the King's Death ; and then declaring for King Robert II. (and firft of the Name of Steuart) it much contributed to the bringing him peaceably to the Throne. He marryM to his firft Wife Beatrix, a Daughter of the Family of Lindfay j and his Second was Chriftian, the Widow of Sir Edward Keith j and dying in 1585 left Iflue two Sons, Sir Thomas his Heir, and Sir Ni- col Erfkine of Kinoul. Sir Thomas, who fucceeded, was knighted bv the faid King Robert, and afterwards fent Emballatlor to England, as he was again by Robert III. and marry- ing Janet, Daughter to Sir Edward Keith of Sinton^ Knt. (by C hriftian his Wife, Daughter and Heir to Sir John Monteith, and of Helen his Wife, Daugh- ter to Grantney Earl of Mar) by her had Robert his Succertbr in his Honour. Robert the next Lord Erfkine, in Imitation of his noble Anceftors, figiuliz'd his Loyalty to K. James 1. when a Prifoner in England j and was one of the Ho- ftages for his Ranfom ; and in 1456, upon the Death of Alexander Earl of Mar, laid Claim to the HaU of that Earldom, and alfum'd the Title (for the Reafons before-mention'd) but that the Crown oppofing, it was not ended in his Days. He marry'd a Daughter of the Lord Lorn i and dy- ing in 145^ by her left Iflue Thomas his Heir, and a Daughter Agnes j which Daughter was marry'd to Henry Dauglaf* of Lochleven, Anccftor to the Earl of Morton ; and Thomas who fucceeded, profccuting his Father's Claim to the Earldom of Mar, he iu 1457 had a final Sentence given againft him in Par- liament' This Earl Thomas miny'd Janet, Da'ithter to the Earl of Morton, and by h-r had Alexander his Heir, and two Daughters, Elixabeth marry'd to Alexander Seatort of Touch, and Mary to William Livingfton of Kilfyth ; and in the 15th of James IV. Alexander, who fucceeded, was made Governor of the Caftle of Pttxn- Erfldiie, Earl of Mar. x 8 1 Dumbarton, and one of his Majeft/s Privy Council y and he manying Chriftian, Daughter to Robert Loiw Crichtoii, by her had Robert his Heir. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir George Campbel of Loudon, Anceftor to the firft Earl of that Nami j and being flain with his Majefty at the Battle of Flodden, by her left two Sons and two Daughters ; whereof Catharine was marry'd to Alex- ander Lord Elphinfton ; and John, who was Heir to his Father, being a Nobleman of great Honour and Probity, had the Tuition of the younc King James V. in the Caftle of Stirling, ot which he was Gover- nor. In the Year 1514. when the King came of Age, he fent him Embaifador to France to propofe a Match between his Majefty and Magdalen a Daughter of that Crown j which he having perform'd to the King's Sa'isfattion, he afterwards fent him in the fame Qua- lity to Henry VIIL of England •, and in 1537 he was one of thof^ Peers who attended his Marter into France, when he efpoufed the faid Magdalen, Daugh- ter to Francis I. In 1542, upon the Death of the King, he had the Keeping of the young Queen Mary, who was aifo committed to him in Stirling Caftle; and that great Truft his Lordfhip difcharg'd with the fame Fidelity he had done in her Father's Minority ; for in ij+iJ, notwithftanding all the Endeavours of Henry VIII. of Enaland, to get her out of his Hands, he carry'd her to France. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Archibald Earl ©I Argyle, and by her had five Sons and three Daugh- ters J of which, Margaret was marry'd to Robert Douglafs of Locnleven, Anceftcr to the Earl of Mor- ton, and Elizabeth to Walter Seaton of Touch j arjd of the Sons, which were Robert, Thomas, John, A- lexander and Arthur, the eldeft being (lain at the Battle of Pinkey, witnout iHue, Thomas his Brother became Heir Aprartnt. This Thomas," being a Nobleman of great Parts, was employed in feveral Embiflies to England, where he won great Reputation by faithfully^ fervi.ig his Country \ but he dyin^ without I^Tue alfo, John the third 1^2 Erfkine, Earl of VL^ly, third Son fucceeded his Farher, and became Earl of Mar. He was a P^rfon of fuch noble Nature, generous DitpoG:ion, and o;her bright (Xualities, as render'd him very capable of afting the Part of a moft con- fummatc Stacefman, which he did afterwards in the Kigheft and moft eminent Station a Subject could at- tain to. Upon the Demife of his Father, tho' he was then but very young, the Queen Reyent iii 1553 made him Go- vernor of Edinburgh Caftle j after'wnich he was aw^ oi her Maiefry's Privy Council, and obtain'd a Grant of the Abbey of Inchmachonoc, with divers other Lands ; and then renewing his Claim to the ParMom of Mai-, it was allow'd and ratify'd by Ad of Parlia- ment. When her Majefty was happily deliver'd of the young Prince '^araes VI. fhe cominitted him to th* Tui:ion of the Earl of Mar in the Caftle of Edin- burgh; which great Tiuft he fo well difchan^'d, that when the Earl ot Bothwell had mariy'd the Queen, they could not prevail with the Loid Mar, either by Promifes or Menaces, to deliver up the Prince to them, "till he had fee the Crown upon the young In- fant's Head. This noble Earl, dying at Stirling on the. ? 8th of Oftober 1572, left behind him fo unblemifh'd a Re- putation as cannot be eafily parallell'd in the like Ciicumftances ; for by bo:h Parties he was On fpite of their mutual Heais)' cont'cfs'd to be a Nobleman of great Honefty, Integri'-y and good Senfe ; and having in i>7i been elected Regent of Scotland, during the Minority oj- the faid James VI- he, in rhe Time of his Sicknefs, (his Son being a Minoi) cppointed the Laird of Tullibardin, and his own Brother Alexander Erlkine, Governors of his Majefty, and Keepers of the Caftle of Stirling. He marry'd Annabella, Daughter to William Mur- ray of Tullibardin, Anceftor to the Duke of Atliole, and by her had lohn his Succeftcr, and a Daughter Margaret, marr>'d to Archibald Earl of Angus. ]ohn, who fucceeded his Father, was alfo in great Favour with King James VI. who committed the Tui- tiOQ Erflcine, Earlofyi-xt, 183 tion of his young Son Prince Henry to his Care, and at the fame Time with his own Hand wrote the fol- lowing Letter to his Lordlliip. My Lord of Mar, * U EC AUSE in the Security of my Son confifteth * ^ my Security, I have; concrcdited to you the * Charge of his Keepinti, upon the Truft I have in * your Honefty j this I command you out of my own * Mouth, (being in the Company of thofe I like) * othervvayftf than from any Charge that can come * from me, you fliall not deliver him : And in Cafe * GOD call me at any Time, fee that neither for the ' Queen, Eftates, their Pleafure, you deliver him, till * he be eighteen Years of Age, and then he commands ' you himfelf. Given at Serling, July 21^ I5i?5« In iCoi he was fent EmbaiTador to Qiieen Eliza- beth, where, in his Negociation, he deported himfelf with fuch Prudence and Conduft, that his Majefty gratefully own'd his peaceable AccelTion to the Crowa of England (next to the Goodnefs of GOD) he afcri- bed to the Earl of Mar i and thereupon made him Kn-ght of the Garter, one of his Privy Council in England, and Lord High Troafurer of Scodand, which Office he held for 15 Years. He marry'd to his firft Wife Anne, Daughter to David Lord Urummond, by whom he had ]ohn his Son and Heir j and by his :d (the Lady Mary Steuart, Daughter to Efme Duke of Lennox) he had feven Sons, and four Daughters j of which Alary was firft mar- ry'd to William Keith, Earl of Marifl'ial, and then to Patrick Maule, Earl of Panmure j Margaret to John Lefly, Earl of Rothes 3 Martha to John Lyon, "Earl of Kinghorn j and Catharine to John Hamikon, Earl of Haddington •, and of the Sons, Sir James the eldeft marr\ing Chriftian, Daughter and fole" Heir to Robert Douglafs, Earl of Bnchan, he in her Right became Earl thereof, the King beftowing the Title da novo upon him and his Heirs Male •, and from Henry tlis fecond Son, who was Lord Cardrofs, and Commen- dator of Dryburjjhj is defcended ths prefent Earl ot Buchan, Irk 184 Erikine, Earl of "^t^. In i^io, at the Creation of Henry Prince of Wales, John who fucceeded in the Earldom was made Knight of the Bath, and afterwards one of his Majefty's Privy Council, one of the Senators of the College of ]u- ftice, and Governor of Edinburgh-Caftle ; and when the Civil War broke out in the Reign of K.Charles I. he appl/d himfelf with great Ref-)lution and Fidelity to his Majefty's Service \ for which he was reckon'd among the firft Rank of Maligiiants, and fuifer'd ac- cordingly. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to Francis Hav, Earl of Errol, and by her had a Son of his Name, and a Daugh- ter Elizabeth ; which Daughter was maiTy'd to Ar- chibald Lord Napier j and John, who in 165A fuc- ceeded his Father, wis a P^rfon that (ignaliz d his Loyalty to the King, during the whole Courfe of the Civil War. This noble Lord marry'd to his firft Wife Mary, Daughter to Walter Scot, Earl of Buccleugh ; and by his 2d Wife, who was Mary, Daughter to George Mackenzie, Earl of Sea'orrh, he had Charles his Heir, and three l>aughrers j whereof Barbara was marry'd to Jam^s Marquefi ot Douglafs, Mary to John Cun- ningham, Earl of Glencairn \ and Sophia to Alexan- der Lord Pidligo. Charl'js, who fucceeded in the Earldom, was one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and James VII. during whofe Rei;;n he was Colonel of a Regiment of Foot; and dying in 168^ left Ifliie by Mary his Wife, Daughter to George Maule, Earl of Panmure, three •Sons and one Daughter; of which Henry the youngeft Was kiJI'd at the Battle of Almanza, James the fecond was promoted by Queen Anne, to be one of the Sena- tors of the College of Juftice, and Lord Juftice Clerk, upon paflint!, che Aft of Parliament difabling the fudges of Scotland to fit in the Parliament, he gave a formal Refignation of his Office, and was elected Member ot Parliament for the Shire of Clackmannan, where he now fits, and is Secretary to his Royal High- nefs the Prince of Wales for Scotland. And \^\v\ the eldeft was Earl of Mar, who in the Reign of the laid Queen, was made on: cf the Privy Council, Colonel of a Reg'.ment of Foot, Knight of th« Moft Ancient and Noble Order of the Tbiftle 1 ana and on the ijth of Odobev 1705, Secretary of State; as in March 1706-7 was appointed one ot the Com- miffioners to treat ot an Union between the two Na- tions ; which being concluded, he was eleded one of the fixteen Peers for Scotland, to fit in the firft Parlia- ment of Great Britain i and on the ift of September 1713 he was made jd Secretary of State. He was likewife eleded on^ of the fixteen Peers in 1708, 1710 and 1713 •, but on the i(5th of September 1715, the ift of George 1. being, join'd by feveral No- blemen and Gentlemen, and their Followers, to the Number of 600, fetting up his Standard, and proclaim- ing the Chevalier de St. George, by the Name and Ti- tle of Tames VIII. King of Scotland, and III. of Eng- land. &c. a hot Battle was fought at Sheriff- Moor near Dumblain, November 1 3, betwixt his Grace John Duke of Argyle commanding the regular Troops, and the Highlanders under the Commmand of this Earl, who. tho" he was notbroughr up inthe Artsof War,behav'd like a brave General, and both Armies withdrew, leav- ing the Viftory undetermined, the one to Sterling the other to Perth, where they paft the Winter j but feme Difcords arifing In the Earl's Army, he was obliged to withdraw to France with his King he had proclaim'd, and who had come over and join'd him fome Time after the Batde ; from thence to Italy, where he con- tinued in that Service till he was taken Prifoner at Geneva. After he was fet at Liberty he ftay'd fome Tims at Paris, but turning Valetudinary after fo much Fatigue of Body and Mind, he retired to Aix la Chapelle, where he dy'd under the Care ot his moft dutiful Daughter Lady Frances Erlkine, who fupported him during his Life , and continues to Ihew the fame Care and Duty to her Mother now living. This noble Lord was twice mari-y'd ; firft to Mar- garet, Dai'.ghter of Thomas Hay F.arl of Kinoul, by whom hi had Thomas Lord F-rllctne, who was Mem- ber in the laft Parliament for the Boroughs 0? Stir- lin;:, Dumfermliag, &c. and now he is^ in PolVef- fi'Mi of his Father's Eftare, which was purchafed from the Government by his trufty Friends the hoi^ourablc ]ames Eiikine of Grange, and Lord J:)un. His fe- ccnd i86 LQflty, Ear/ of Rothes, cond Lady was Frances Pierpoat, Sifter to Evelyn Duke of Kingfton, by whom lie had the above-nam'd Lady Fr^iaces. ARMS. C5uarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Pale Diamond, for Erfkine j 2d and jd Saphyr, a Bend between fix Crofs Croflets fitchy. Topaz for the Title of Mar. Creft. On a Wreath, a dexter Hand coup'd above the VVrift, holding a Danger ereft, proper, tne Pomel and Hilt Gold. Supporteis. Two Griphons Pearl, beak'd, wing'd, and arm'd, Topaz. Motto. Je penfe plus. P. js- N° 5. Chief SEATS. At Stirling, zS Miles from Edinburgh ; and at ADo- way near Dumblain, a noble Palace with fine Gar- dens, which confift of 4; Acres. VI. T"* HE moft noble and puiHant Lord, John Lefly, ■*- Earl of Rothes, Lord Ledey and Banibrcigh, her«ditary Sheriff of the Shire of Fife ; Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, Conftable and Governor of Stir- ling Caftle, and Brigadier-General of his Majefty's Armies. Created Earl of Rothes in the County of Murray, in 1457, the ijth of James II. The Origin of this anti^n: and noble Family is Hun- carian, taking their Na ne from the Calik of Lellcy in that Country j but are fince ditFufed into many other Nations, fo that there is fcarce any Country iij Europe, wherein fome of them have not raifed tneir Charaders, and borne confiderable Offices and Ho- nours j and the Family is now fo increafed in Number and Honour, that beildes the Title of Duke, which in King Charles ll.'s Reign was extind for want of idue Male^ there are of the Name in Scotland,^ befides the Earl of whom we are fpeaking, th:; Earl of Leveii, ths Lord Lindrofs, and ihz Lord Kev/ark. Thire Leily, Ear/ of Rothts. 187 There were alfo at one Time three General Mare- fchals of this Name, to threo feveral Princes, viz. Count Walter Lelly to theEmpnor • Alexander Earl of Leven to the King of England j and David Lelly, afterwards Lord Newark, to the moft heroick Gufta- vus Adolphus King of Sweden. In the Reign of King Charles I. there were likewife three Biflions of the Name of Lelley in Ireland ; where- of lohi) (who was firlt Bilhop of the llks in Scotland) was Bilhop of Raphoe ajid Clogher, and liv'd above 100 Years, 40 of which he was Fifliop, and dy'd 1^41, having been remarkably zealous in the Royal Cau(e ; and he leaving two Sons, John and Charles, the eldelt was Dean of Dro.r.ore, and the youngeft, who was Chancellor of the Cathedral of Conner, was Author of the Snake in the Grafs. There are at prefent feveral Counts of the Name in Germany, befides 75 Families in Scotland, France, Mufcovy, Poland, &c. aud one oi the Name iioveiu'cl the Kingdom of Hungary, as the Emperor's \iceroy, he having before marry'd the Emperor s own Daugh- ter- ihe firft of the Name in Britnin, was BarthoWus Lefly, one ot the firft Rank oi Nobility of Hungary, who in the Year 1067 attended Margaret Ethliiu,, tho Wife of King Malcolm Cammoir into Scotland \ where his Services to that PrinceCs were thought fo coiiluie- rable, that King Malcolm gave him his Sifter tn Wife j and befides many large PolVeflions which are ftill in the Family, made him Governor of Edinbargh Cafrle, as a_ peculiar Reward of HonoiM', for hav'^ng fiiR: fortify'd it, and then bravely defended it againfl the King's Enemies ;^ and foon after he was made Lord Lefly, and Earl of Rofs. In the Reign of King Robert I. Sir Andrew Lelly, the 6th in Delcent from the faid Bartholdus, marrying Mary, Daughter and Coheir to Alexander Abernethy, with her got the Baronies of Rothes and Bambreign, of which he had a Ciurter from the laid King ; and thereupon his Defcendants have quarter 'd the Coat of Abernethy with their own. In the Year 15:0 he was one of thofe Barons which fign'd that memorable Letter to the Pope, afiertirg the Independency of Scotland j and in ii^o liv'd an- other 1 88 Lefly, Ear/ of Rothes. o:her Sir Andrew, who then refign'd the Barony of Bambretgh, and others, into the Hands oi King Ro- b3rt in. and dying without Iflue Male, was fucceeded by Sir George Lefly, Knt. his Heir of Entail, the firft that aflum'd the Title of Rothes. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Thomas Hay of Errol, and by her had Norman his S*^ and Heir, which Son in the Year 1425 was one of the Barons fent to England to attend King ]ames I. in his Return from his Captivity in that Kinj^dom ; and dy- ing in i4?p left lilue by Chriftian his Wife, Daugh- ter to William Lord Seaton, Sir George his Succefior, the fii-ft Earl of Rothes. He marry'd Chriftian, Daughter to Sir William Halliburton, Lord of Direlton, and by her had a Son nam'd Andrew ; which Son dying before him, left IlTue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to William Earl of Orkney, two Sons, George and William *, whereof the eldeft (who on the 19th of January 154? was one of thcfe Nobility that attended King James V. at his Funeral) fucceeded his Grandfathei i but he dying without Ifiiie, William his Brother became Heir, and on the loth of September 1^47 was flain at the Battle of Pinkey. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Michael Balfour of Montquhany, and by her left two Sons, George his Succeflbr, and John Leily of Parkhill 5 which George, being a Nobleman of great Wifdom and Prudence, was much efteemed by King Tames V. who, in 1557 carry'd him over to France, when he efpoufed Magda- len, a Daughter of that Crown • and aftenvards he was fenr EmbafTador to Denmark. In 1557 he was one of the Commilfioners fent to France to conclude the Marriage between Mary Queen of Scots and the Dauphine of that Realm j and the next Year falling Sick of a Fever dy'd at D'.ep, in his Return for Scotland. He mar; y-*d Nicholia?, Daughter to Sir John Somer- vel of Camne:haji, and by her had Andrew his Heir in the Earldom, who >Tas a Perfon very faithful to Queen Mary, to whom he was one ot the Privy Coun- cil, and was much efteem'd by James VI* her Sen, bving a Nobleman of great Honour and Probity. This I Lefly, Earl of Rothes. 1^9 This Earl marry'd Jane, Daughter to Sir John Ha- milton of Evandale, and by her had two Sons and three Daughters j of which Andrew the youngeft was Lord Lindrofsj and James the eldeft dying before his Father, left I(!ue (by Margaret his firft Wife, Daugh- ter to Patrick Lord Lindfay) four Daughters , and by Catharine his Second, who was Daughter to Patrick Lord Drummond, he had a Son named John, who fu£ceeded his Grandfather. John, who was the next Earl, was a Nobleman of fuch excellent Parts and great Addrefs, that in 1657 he was the principal governing P.rfon in the Nation, and at the Treaty of Rippoa the firO^ Commiffioner j in which, and others, he was fo much lor redreffing his Maieny's Grievances, that dying at London in 1641, his Death (faid the King) was an irreparable Lofs. He marry^d Anne, Daughter to John Erfkine, Earl of Mar, and by her had John his Succ^flbr, and two Daughters j whereof Margaret was firft marry'd to Alexander Lord Balgony j idly, to Francis Scot, Earl of Buccleugh \ and laftly to David Earl of VVeems ; and Chriftian the voungeft was marry'd to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eglington. On the ift of January 1651 King Charles 11. being crown'd at Scoon, John who fucceeded carry'd the Sword of State ; but on the 3d of September the fame Year, being in Arms for his Majefty, was taken Pri- foner at tfie Battle of Worcefter, and by the Enemy confin'd 'till the Reftioration ; but then his Majefty, to reward his Merit and Suiterings, was pleafed to make him Prefident of the Council, and General of the Forces in Scotland j and on the 2d of June i66\ he was appointed his Majefly's High Commiffioner to the Parliament- He was alfo in that Year made Lord High Treafurer of Scotland ; and the Year after Lord High Chan- cellor, which laft Poft was during Life j and in 1680, as a farther Mark of his Majefty's Favour, he was ho- nour'd with the Titles of Duke of Rothes, Marquefs of Bambveiuh, Earl of Lefly, Vifcount Lugton, and Baron of Achmuty and Cafcuberry, and to tljs Heirs Male of his Body for ever. He 1 90 Lefly, Earl of Rothes. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to ]ohn Lindfay, Earl of Crawford, by whom he had two Daughters, Mar- garet and Chriftian ; of which the youngoft was mar- ry'd to Tames Graham, Marquefs of Montrofe ; and the eldeft (her Father having no Ifliie Male) became Countefs or Rothes ; and flie marrying Charles Ha- milton, Earl of Haddington, by him had John Earl of Rothes, and Thomas Earl of Haddington. ]ohn, who was Earl, was a Perfon ot fuch lingular Merit, that he went through moft of the great Otfices in the Kingdom j for in the Reign of Qiieen Anne he was Lord Privy Seal, as in 1707 and 1708 he was elcfted one of the fixteen Peers for North Britain. On the 2^th of November 1714, the ift of George I, he was appointed Vice-Admiral of Scc^tland, as on the ad of March 1714-15 he was a jd Time elefted one of the fixteen Peers, and on the 17th of April 1717 be was made hi< Majefty's High Commiffioner to the Ge- neral Aflembly o\ the Church. He \vas alfo a Colonel of Foot, Governor of Stir- ling Caftle, Agent for Trade, and Lord Lieutenant of the Shires of Fife, Kinrofs and Aberdeen^ and dy- ing on the 8th of May 172Z left Iflueby Jane his \V"ife, Drairhrer to John H?.y, Marquefs of Twecdale. John fucceeL.ed him in his Eftate and Honours, and is now Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, Brigadier- General, and Governor ot Stivlina Caftle : His Bro- thers are Charles, Thomas Member of Parliament for the Boroughs of Kinghorn, Kirkcaldie, &c. James one of the CommiiTa'. ies of Edinburgh, William and Andrew, Efqrs. and two Sifters, Ladies Jane and Margaret, all unmarried. ARMS, Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, on a Bend Saphire, three Buckles Topaz, for Lefly. 2d and 7,A Topaz, a Lion rampant. Ruby, fupprefs'd by a Ribband Dia- mond, for Abernethy. Creft. On a Wreath, a Demi Griphon, proper. Supporters. Two Griphons, party per Fefs, Pear, and Ruby. Motto. Grip faft. P. 18. N» 6' a Chi«£ "Dou^hCs, Ear/ o/Monon, i^z Chief SEAT. At Caftle Lefly in ths County of Fife, a noble Pa- lace in the Middle of a Park, furrounded with a Stone \ValI, fix Miles in Circumference, two Miles from Falkland, and thirteen from Edinburgh. Vn. 'T'HE mift noble and puifTant Lord, Tames "•■ Douglafs, Earl of Monon, and Lord'Aber- dour J Heredirary Admiral, Steward and Tuftice Ge- neral of the Ifle of Orkney, and Sheriff of 'the Coun- ty of Kinrofs. Created Earl of Morton in the County of Lothian, March 14 in 1457, the ioth of ]ames IL The firft of this collateral Branch of the illuflrious Family of Douglafs was Sir ]ames Douglals of Lou- den,' Knt. He obtain'd from that King a Grant of the Lands of Kincavel and Calderclear, and to his Heirs, and was fncceeded by Sir William his Son, the Lord of Lvdrdale, who for h s Eiavery was call'd. The Flower of Chivalry j but he dying without llliie. Sir Joho Douglafs, his Brother, became Heir, and was Captain of the Caftle of Lochleven, the Property of wnich was in the Family above joo Years j and in it was im- prifon'd Mary Queen of Scots, who from thence made her Efcape to England, by Means of one of the Go- vernor's Sons. Sir John, who fucceeded, marry'd Agnes Monfode, and by her had two Sons, Sir ]ames liis Heir in his paternal Eftate, and Sir Henry Douglafs of Lugtom and Lochleven, Progenitor to the Earl of whom we are fpeaking. Sir ]ames, who fucceeded his Father, fucceeded alfo his Uncle the Lord of Lydfdale in the Baromes of Dalkeith and Aberdour ; and he marrying Agnes Dun- bar, Daughter to the Earl of March, by her had a Son of his Name. y James, who was the next Heir, marry'd the L&dy Mary Sreuart, Daughter to King Robert' IIL and by her was Father of another James, whofe Wife \va.s Elizabeth Giffordj and by her had James the ne:it Heir, 191 Douglafs, Ear/ of Morton, Heir, who, by the Favour of King James 11. was created Earl of Morton, and David of whom is de- fcended the Family of TiJliquhilly, in Vici- de Kin- cardin. N.B. ]ames, who was manyd to Lady Mary, Daugh- ter to King Robert 111. had a fecond Wife, Daugh- ter to the Lord Borthwick, who had a Son ffirft of the Houfe of Whitingham, of whom was defcended Ro- bert Douglas, who went into the Service of Guftavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and had a Regiment of Horfe in nis Service in Queen Chriftiana's Time : He was Crown-General of Sweden and Governor of Riga. His Son, who was Governor of Oftro-Gath- land, married a Sifter of the Great Count Steinboecks, by whom he had three Sons, the eldeft William, the prefent Count Doualas, in Sweden was Aid de Camp to Charles XIL and taken Prifoner at the Battle of Poltowa y the fecond commanded a Regiment at that Battle under the faid Charles, was taken Prifoner, and not being ranfomed, he enter'd into the Mufco- vite Service^ where he is now a Lieutenant-General ; the thiid IS a Captain in the King of Sweden's Guards- He marry'd the Lady Jane Sreuart, Daughter to Janies L and by her had John the id Earl; who, by anet hts Wile, ^ Daughter of the Family of Chiich- lon, had- two Sens and two Dauuhters ; Elizabeth marry'd to Rbben Lord Keith, and Agnes to Alexan- der Lord Livingfton ; and of the Sons, v/hich were James and Richard, the eldeft fucceedcd his Father. James, who was the 4ch Earl, marry'd the Lady Catharine, natural Daughter to King James IV. and by her had three Daughters ; of which Elizabeth the eldeft was marry'd to James Douglafs of Pittendrich, Irorher to the Earl of Angus ; aivi the faid Earl her Father, having no Iffue Male, made a Conveyance of his Eftate and" Honour to the faid James Douglas, his Son-inLaw. James, who thus became Earl of Morton, djing without^ Ifl'ue, made an Entail of the Earldom in Fa- vour of Archibald Earl of Angus, his Nephew, and i.i Cafe of Failure of his Iflue Male, to William Dou- {:lafs of Lochleven, a Male Reladon of the jd Earl cf Morton i wh'ch SetLlemont afterwards took Place upon the Death of the Earl of Angus. lo Doiiglafs, Earl of Morton, 195 In the Reign of Queen Mary, the faid James Earl of Morton, who fucceeded his Father-in-law, was one of the Privy Council, and by her Majefcy fent Embaf- faclor into England, and made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland j but in the fame Reign, the Earl of Both- well having a Defign to murder the Lord Darnley, the Queen's Hufband, whereby to marry the Queen, and craving the Earl of Morton's Afllftance therein j the Earl, who abhor'd fuch a deteftable Enterprize, left the Court, and retir'd into the Country, during which Time, that bloody and barbarous Tragedy was a6ied, and many Years after was beheaded tor being privy thereto, tho' he had no other Hand in the Matter thaa concealing it. When the Harl of Bothwell had marry'd the Queen, it (hrewdly alarm'd the Nation, as fufpeding the Earl to be the Murderer of her former Hufband, and that by fuch a Union the young Prince was in great Dan- ger J whereupon the Earl of Morton was one of the Nobility who enter'd into an Aflbciation to preferve him j and on the 29th of July in the Year 1567, which was the Day of his Coronation, took the Oath for the Infant King. In this new Turn of Affairs, the Earl of Morton's share was very confiderable ; for he was fooa after declared Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, then made Lord High Admiral, Sheriff", Principal of the Shire of Edinburgh, and on the ift of November 1^72, Regent of the Kingdom during the King's Mi- nority ^ but that being ^\■hat was not at all acceptable to the other Party, who had the young King in their Hands, they at length brought about his Ruin 3 for by accufing him as Acceflary to the Murder of the Kind's Father, he was thereupon fent Prifonor to Dunl)arton Caftle, from whence, on the ift of June jj^ 1581 he was brought to his Trial in Edinburgh, where he was found Gu Ity, by his Peers, of Art and Part in the faid Murder, as not revealing it when the Earl of Bothwell propolcd it to him j and was fen- tenced to be hang'd, drawn and quarter'd ; but by the Favour of the King, he was the next Day beheaded at the Market- Crofs of Edinburgh, and v/hat was re- markable, by an Engine of his own inventing for VOL.11. G "^thar 1^4 Donglafsj Earl of Morton. that Ufe, call'd The Maiden, and was the firft thac fuff-er'd bv it. Upoii the Death and Forfaulture of the Regent, the Title ot Earl of Morton (by an Act of Parliament) devolv'd on Archibald Harl of Angus, the Earl's Ne- phew j but he dying wirhouc Ifliie, it then came to VViKiam Douglafs of Lochleven, before noted, as Heir of Enrail , and he marrying Agnes, Daughter to Georce Lelly, Earl of Rothes, by 'her had four Sons and five Daughters. Of the Daughters of William Earl of Morton-, Chri- ftian was firft marry' d to Laurence Mafter of Oli- phant, and afterwards to Alexander Earl of Hume j Mary to Walter Ogilvy, Lord Dcfkfcrd, Anceftor to the Earl of Finlater \ Eupheme to Thomas Lyon of Aidbar, Lord High Treafurev of Scotland j Agnes to Archibald Campbel, Earl of Argyle ; and Elizabeth to Francis Hay, Earl of Errol ; and of the Sons, Ro- bert the eldeft djing before his Father, left Iflue by fane his Wife, Daur,hter to ]ohn Lyon, Lord Glamis, Anceftor to the Earl of Stratnmore, a Son named V\'il- liam, who (in 1^06) fuCceeded liii Grandfather. William who was the next Earl, being a Nobleman of great Parts and Reputation, was by Charles I. made Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, one of his Priw Council, Captain of his Majefty's Guards, and Kuicht of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter ; and he rnarrving Agnes, Daughter to George Keith, Earl of Mariihal, by her left feveral Sons and Daughters \ \vhereof Anne was marry\i to George Hay, F^rl of Kinoul J Margaret to Archibald Campbel, Marquefs of Argyle \ Mary to Charles, E; rl of Dumfermling j Tana to James Earl of Hume \ and Ifabel, firft to Ro- bert Ker, Earl of Roxburgh, and then to James Gra- ham, MarcueCs of Montrofs ; and of the Sons, Robert the eldeft fucce ded his Father. He marryM Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Edward Vil- liers Kt. Sifter to the Vifcount Grandifon in Ireland, and Niece to George the Great Duke of Buckingham in England, and by her had V'/illiam his Son and Heir, and two Daughters ; Aniie marry 'd to William Keitn Eavl of Mariihal \ and Mary to Sir DonaJLd Mackdonald of Slate, Bait, but the faid William their Brotlier, who nurry'd Griflel, Dai:ghter to John Earl Erfkine^ Ear/ of Bnchm. tg^ of Middleton, dying without Ifllie, his Eftate and Honour devolv'd on Sir James Douglafs, his Uncle. Sir James, who thus became Earl, marry'd Jane, Daughter and Heir to Sir James Hay of Smithfteld ; and dying in 16^6 by her left three Sons, James, Ro- bert, and George, who were all three fuccelfively Earls ; the youngeft (George) was one of the 16 Peers in this prefent Parliament, and dyed i"??, leaving two Sons, James the prefent Earl, Knight of the Thiftle, newly eleScd one of the 16 Peers in the Room of the Earl of Selkrig. He marry'd in hi? Tather's Life-time Mifs Heliburton, Daughter to Pitcur, who bore him Shollo, Lord Aberdour, &c. And Robert Douglafs, Efq^ Member of Parliament for Orkney, ferv'd as Volunteer under the Emperor iii the Cai-npaign 1738, and after his Return gave up his Commidion as Ca'pcain of Foot. ARMS. Quarterly, ifi; and 4th Pearl, a Man's Heart en- (ign'd with an Imperial Crown, all proper, en a Chief Saphire. three Mullets Silver, as Iiis P.uernal Coat, zd and ^d Pearl, three Piles iduing from the Chief Ruby, the exteriors charg'd with a Mullet To- paz, for Douglafs of Dalkeith and Lochleven. Creft. On a Wreath, a wild Boai flicking between tvvo Stems of Oak, a Chain and Lock holding them to- gether. Supporters. Two Savages, wreath'd about their Heads and VVaifts, with Oak Leaves, each holding a Batton in his Hand, the great End to the Ground, all proper. Motto. Lock Sicker P, 51. N''7. Chief SEA T. At Aberdour in the County of Fife, C\x Miles from Dumfermling, and idjie horn Edinburgh. vni.'yHE moft nubie and puifTant Lo-d, David -■• Erlkine, Earl of Uuchan, Lord Oardrofs, and AuchteihoulV. G : Created 1 95 Erflcine, Earl of Buchan. Created Earl of the County of Buchan in 1469 by James III. The Defcent of this noble Family being fet forth under the Title of Earl of Mar, we fliall here only ob- ferve that ]chn Steuart, Son ot John Earl of Buchan, being kill'd in his Father's Life-cimt at the Battle of Mufleburgh, left Iflue by Beatrix his Wife, Daughter to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyne, a Daughter named Chriftian, who in i?5i fucceeded her Grandfather an the Earldom , and {he m.arrying Robert Douglas, Brother to William Earl of Morton, he in her Right became Earl ot Buchan. By the faid Chriftian his Wife, the faid William iEarl of Buchan had a Son named James, who fuc- ceeded them j and he marrying Margaret, Daughrer to Walter Ogilvy, Lord Delkford, Anceftor to the Earl of F'nlater, by her had an only Daughter Mary } which Daughrer in the Year 1601 marrying James Erfkine, eldeft Son to John Earl of Mar, Lord High Treafurer of Scotland ^ (by his ;d Wife, the Ladv Mary Steuart, 2d Daugnter to Efme Duke of Lennox) upon that Marriage, the Right of Succeflion of the Barldom of Buchan (which before had been to HeirS of either Sex) was by a Charter under the Great Seal of Scotland, made to the faid James Erfkine her Huf- band, and nis lawful Heirs Male whatfoever. Tames, who thus became Earl of Buchan, being a Perfon of great Meri: and Accomplifl^ments, was much in the" Favour of King Charles I. to whom he was a Gentleman of the Bedchamber •, and by the faid Mary his Wife, had James his Son and Heir, and a Daughter of her Name \ which Daughter was marry'd to Alexander Forbes, Lord Pitfiigo. James, who was the next Earl. marry'dMaiy, Daugh- ter to William Ramfey, Earl or Dalhoufie, and by her had William the third Earl, and five Daughters \ whereof Marjory was marry'd to Charles Lord Pra- ter \ and the faid William her Brother, who fucceeded his Father, djing a. Bachelor in 16^5, we return to the fecond Son oF the Treafurer. Henry the fecond Son of John Earl of Mar, Lord High Treafurer, by his faid 2d Wife, the Lady Mary S-reuart, was Lord Cardrofs \ and he havings Grand- fou of his Name that marrjM the Daughter and H^ir of Erfkine^ Ear/ of Buch^n, ipy of Sir James Steuart of Kirkhill, by her had David the nexc Lord Cardrofs, who is now Earl of Biichan, as neareft Heir Male to his Coufin WiJIiam, who dy'd in the Year above, unmarry'd. David the prefent Earl, having upon all Occafions, when employ 'd in the Publick Service, gain'd an uni- verfal Efteem, was appoijited by King William to be one of the Privy Council, as he was to Queen Anne, by whom he was alfo conftituted one of the Cominif- fioners of the Exchequer, and was Governor of the Caftle of Blacknefs ; and when the Treaty of Union was near the Conclufion, he was one that oppofed it in Parliament to the laft ; being of Opinion, as his Lordftiip then declar'd, that feveral of the Articles agreed upon, were inconfiftent with the Honour of his Country j and upon the Acceffion of K. George L to the Crown, he was made one of the Ccmmiflioners of Police, Lord Lieutenant of the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan, and eleded one cf the fixteen Peers for the firft Parliament of Great Britainj call'd after his Majefty's Arrival. He marry'd Frances, Daughter and at length fole Heir to Henry Fairfax of Hurft in the County of Berks, Efqi only Son of Henry, zd Son of Thomas Lord Vii'count Fairtax, by whom he had nine Sons and feven Daughters j ot which there are three Sons and two Daughters now living, but his Lady is dead. His eldeft Son Lord Cardrofs is marry'd to Mifs Steuartj Daughter to Sir James Steuart of Goodtres, Bart. The fecond George, though Deaf and Dumb, does write. Lady Catharine was married to William Frafer of Fraferneld, Son to the Lord Salcon, and left a Son, ARMS. Quarterly, ift Saphire, three Garbs Topar, for the Earldom of Buchan ; zd -Grand Quarter, ift and 4:h Saphire, a Bend between fix crofs Croflets fitchy. Topaz for the Barldom of Mar; ad and 3d Pearl, x Pale Diamond, for the Name of Erfkine; third Grand Quarter, ift and 4th Topaz, a Fefs checque, Pearl and Saphire, for the Name of Stewart , 2d and jd G 3 Buchaua 1^8 Ciuininghamj Eari of Gleiicaini ;Buchan, 4th l^earl, three Bars Gemels Ruby •. Sut- mounted of a Lion rampant, Diamond, for the Name of Fairfax ; and over all, by Way of Surtout, an Efcutcheon Ruby, charg'd with an Eagle difplay'd. Topaz, looking towards the Sun in his Splendour, placed in the dexter Chief Point, for the Tide of XZardrofs- Creft. On a Wreath, a dexter Ann coup'd below the Shoulder and ered, grafping a Batton or rage,ed .Club, both proper. Supporters. Two Oftriches of the latter^ Motto. Judge Nought. P. 28. N" 8. Chief SEAT. At Cardrofs in the County of Perch, 9 Miles frop.i Punbanon, and 44 from Edinburgh. ECyHE mnft noble and nuiflant Lord, Wiriam •*■ Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kil- maures. Created Earl of Glencairn in the County of Nitbf- dale. May 28, 1488, the 21ft of James liL This aniient Family, according to Sir George Mac- kenzie, took their Surnaaie finm the County ot Cun- ningham j and being bj Office, Mafter of the King's Stables end Horfes, took for their armoiial Figure, the Inftrumeir wh.reby Hay is thrciun up to Horfes \ which in Blazon is cali'd a Saake'Fork. In the Re gn or King William the Lion, and the Year \i6o liv'd William de Cunningham ; who then marrying the Daughter of Rowland'de Morvill, Con- ftable nj Scotland, with h:;r the i^nds cf Kil- maures in the County afcrjuiU; whereto this Tine hath been '.he chief Rchdcnce of this nolle Family. To William fucceeued Eobert de Cunningham 5 whofe Wife was Richcnda, Daughter raid Heir to Sir Humphrey Barclay, and by her he was Father of an- other Robert, trom whom d^fccnded SirWiiliarn Cui't- ningham of Kil.naures, Knt. who in 1584 purchafed the Lands of Warerftone in the Countv of Renfrew ^ aad therein was fucceeded by V\ illjani his Soij. He Ctmniiigham, Ear/ o/^GUnczlvn', r^^ He marry'd Margaret, Daughter and Coheir to Sir Robert Dennifton, with whom he had the Baronies ot' Finlafton in the County of Renfrevv, Kihnarnock ia the County of Dunbarron, and Redhall and Colling- toii in Lothian ', and ia the Year 1403 founded the Collegiate Church of Kilmaurcs. By the faid Margai-et his Wife he had two Sons, Robert his Heir, and WiJHam j which Robert was ■ one of the HofVages for the Ranloni of King ]ames I. when he was releafed from his Confinement in Eng- land, by whom he was honour'd with Knighthood i • and he marrying Janet, Daughter to Alexander Lord Montgomery, by her had Alexander Lord of Kilmaures, who was one of the Privy Council to King James III, and by him created E?.rl of Glencairn. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Patrick Lord ' Hepburn ot Hales j^aiKl Icfing his Life with the afore- faid King, at the Battle of Bannockburn, by her left Robert liis Succeflbr i,., his Honours j which Robert- marrying Marjory, Da""H:er to Archibald Earl of Angus, by her had Cuthber: the next Earl, who was " one cf the Privy Council to King James 1V» Cuthbert, who was the 3d Earl of Glencairn, mar- ry'd Marion, Daughter to John Lord Lindfay; and - by her had William his Reir, who was one of the Privy Council to King Jimes V. and in 1541, being taken Prifoner at the Batcle of Solway by the Englilh,', paid a thouG^nd Pounds for his Ranfom. In 1^43 he was one of the Commillioncrs appointed to troat with the Engliili about a Maniage oetween O.ueen Mary and King Edward VI. and marrying to hrs hrft Wife Catharine, Daugliter to W'illiam Lord Borchwick, and :dly, Elixabe:h Campbel, left Iffue five Sons and one Daughter. Of the Sons William the youngeft,- v/as Bifhop of Argyle, and Alexander tlie eldeft fucceeding his Fa-- ther m.irry'd to his firft Wife Jane, Daughter tO' James Hamilton, Er.rl of Arran, by whom he had three Sons and one Daughter^ and by his 2d, Jane, Daughter to Sir John Cunningham of Caprington, , he had a Son nam'd Alexander, and a Daughter oT her Name i which Daiu^,hter was marry'd to Archibald . Kandlcon,- Earl of Argyle. G 4 Ci§: 200 Cuiiiiinghamj Earl of Glencairn. Of the Sons by the firft Wife, William the eldefl, fucceeding in the Eaildom, marry'd Jan;, Daughter to James Gordon of Lochinvar, anti by her had James the next Earl j which James was one of the *rivy Council to King James VI. and in 1604 one of the Commiffioners appointed to treat of an Union be- tween England and Scotland j and he marrying Mar- garet, Daughter to Colin Campbel of Glenurchia, by her had William his Son and Heir. William, who fucceeded, marry'd Jane, Daughter to Mark Ker, Earl of Lothian, by whom he had a Son of his Name, and four Daughters j whereof Ma- rion was marry 'd to James Ogilvy, Eailof Finlater j and William, who fucceeded his Father, putting him- felf in Arms on Behalf of King Charles II. had a Commiffion from his Majefty to be General of all the Forces he could raife for his Service \ and upon the Refloration, was made Lord High Chancellor of Scot- land. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to James Ogiivy, Earl of Finlater, and by her had three Sons and three Dauchteis , of which Jane was marry'd to William Boyde, Earl of Kilmarnock, and Margaret to William Hamilton, Lord Bargany j and of the Sons, which were James, Alexander and John j the eldeft marry'd tUzabeth, Daughter to William Duke of Hamilton \ but he dying without Illuc, Alexancer fucceeded in the Earldom. Alexander, who was the. next Earl, marry'd Nicho- !ais. Daughter and Coheir to Sir James Steuart of Strathbrock, by whom he had a Daughter named Mar- " garer, who was marry'd to John Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale •, but dying without Iflue Male, and John the youngeft Son fucceeding in the Honour, he, upon King William's AccefTion to the Crown, was made one of his Privy Council, and Colonel of a Regiment of Foot. In the firft of Queen Anne, he was Captain and Governor of the Caftle of Dunbarton ; and marrying firfl Jane, Daughter to John Erfkine, Earl of Mar ^ and 2dly, Marg'iret, Daughter and Heir to John Na- pier of Kilmahew, ciy'd in 1703, and was fucceeded by William his Son, who was one of the Privy Coun- cil to Queen Anne, and Governor of the Caftle of Montgomery, ^^x;-/^ Egliiigton. 201 of Danbarton. Ha marry'd Henrietta, Daughter td Alexander Earl of Galloway, by whom he had feve- ral Sons and Daughters ; one marry'd to ■ Gra- ham of Gartmore^ Bfq; and another to Campbell Younger of Shawneld, Efq, and was fucceeded by William the prefent Earl, who is a Captain of Foot now at Gibraltar. ARMS. Pearl, a Shake-Fork Diamond. Creft. On a Wreath, an Unicorn*s Head coup'd. Silver, horn'd aid maia'd Gold. Supporters. Two Rabbits fejant, proper. Motto. Over Fork over. P. 19. N'* 9. Chief SEATS. At Kilmaures in the County of Cunningham ; and at Failaflon in the County of Renfrew. X. HTHE moft noble and puiilant Lord, Alexander ■■■ Montgomery, Earl of Ellington, Lord Mont- gomery, Hereditary SheritF of tne County of Renfrew, and BailitF of Cunningham. Created Earl of the Caftle ofEglington in the Coun- ty of Renfrew, in 1505, the 15th of James IV. of this noble Family, which is of French Extrac- tion, was Roger de Montgomery, the Son of Hugh de Montgomery, Kt. a near Relation to William Duke of Normandy, and was one of thofe Nobles, who in the Year 1066 accompany'd him into England ; where commanding the Body of his Army at the memorable Battle of Haftings, when King Harold was flain, for that fignal Service the Duke beftow'd on him very large Gifts, as the Territory and Honour of Arundel, with the Earldom of Salilbury, in which City he founded the Abby of St. Peter, and there dy'd. He marry'd Mabel, Daughter to William de Tal- vaife, and by her had a Son nam'd Philip, who, in the Reign of King Henry I. coming to Scotland, get a lair Inheritance in the Shire of Renfrew, and from him defcendsd Sir ]ohn MontKomsry of Bglefhani ; G s vvho "JLca Montgomery, Earl of Eglington. Avhn in 1588 being at the Battle of Otterburn took .Prifoner \vi:h his own Hand Sir Henry Piercy, Son to .the Earl ok Northumberland, and for his Ranfom oblig'd him to build the Caftle of Punoon, the chief Mefluage of the Lordfhip of Eglefham. .He many'd the Daughter and Heir to Sir Huch Eg- lington of that Ilkj (dv Giles his Wife, Dauahter to Walter, Lord Hit,h Steward of Scotland, and Sifter to King Robert III) and with her having the Baronies of I i;ling:on and Avdroflan in the County of Cun- ninj^ham, the Family from thence quarter the Arms of Eglington, which were Gules, three Aiinulets Or, Tton'd Azure. To Sir John and his faid Wife fucceeded Sir John their Son, Avho was on-.' of the Hoftages fent into Eng- land for tha Ranfom of King ]ames I. and he marry- ijig Agnes, Daughter to the Lord Maxwell, by her had Alexander hii bon and Heir j who, by the arorcfaid King, was made a Lord of Parliament, and one of his Privy Council. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Thomas Bovde of Kilmarnock, and by her had another Alexander, who dy'd before hi.n, leaving I(Tue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Patrick Hepburn ol Hales, three Sons and five DaUjihters j whereof Jane was marry'd to Sir Robert Cunningham, Anceftor to the Earl of Glencairn j and of the Sons, which were Alexander, Robert and George, from the ad, whofe Patrim.iny was the Lands of Broadftone, is deicended the Earl of Mount Alexander in Ireland, and the eldeft fucceeded iiis Grandtacher. He marry'd Catharine, Daughter to Gilbert lord Kennedy, and byher h-.d Hugh hisSucceilor j which Hugh was onz of the Pri\7 Council to K. James IV. by wh.-lphin naiant, Saphire. Supporters. Two Swans proper. Motto. AvifeLaPin. P. 43. N" ii. Chief SEAT. At Caffils in the County of Carrick, two Miles from Ayre, and 57 from Edinburgh. XII. 3.o8 Sinclair, Earl of Caithnefs. XII. 'T' HE moft noble and puiiTant Lord, Alexan- ■*■ der Sinclair, Earl of Caithne&, Lord Berein- dale. Created Earl of the County of Caithnefs, April 29 in 1566, the 14th of Queen Mary. The honourable Name of Sinclair, vyhich is origi- nally from the Family of Saint Clare in France, has been very eminent in Scotland, ol which was Sir Wil- liam Sinclair, Kt. who, in the Reign of King Alex- aiider I. got feveral Lands from that King, as the Ba- rony of Roflyn, &c. and in the Time of Alexander III. Sir William his Son was Sheriff of Edinburgh. To William fucceeded Henry his Son, who was one that fwore Allegiance to Edward L of England,^ and v/as Father of William the next Baron, one of the Subfcribers to that famous Letter fent by the Nobility^ of Scotland to the Pope, aflerting the Independency of rheir Country j and Henry his Son was made Earl of Orkney. He marry'd Giles, Daughter and Heir to William Douglafs, Earl of Nithldale, by Giles his Wife," Daughter to King Robert II. and being Governor to James Prince of Scotland, when Robert III. his Fa- ther fent him to France, they were both taken at Sea by the Englifh. To him" fucceeded William his Son, who was Eavl of Orkney, Lord Sinclair and Nithfdale, and by James IL made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland ; and he marrying to his firft Wife Margaret, Daughter to Archibald Earl of Douglafs, and Duke of Tu- renne in France, by her had William his Son and SuccefTon from whom is defcended the Lord Sinclair ; and by nis 2d Wife Margery, Daughter to Alexan- der, Son to the Earl of Sutherland, he had another William, who was created Earl of Caithnefs. William the firft Earl of Caithnefs, marry'd Mary, Daughter to Sir William Keith of Inverugy ; and on the oih. of September 151;, being {lain at the Battle of Flodden, left Iflue by his faid Wife, John his Son and Heir ; whofe-Wife was Mary, Daughter to William Sutherland of Duffus, and bjf her he had George his Succeflbr in bis Honguri G«org9 Sinclair, Earl of Cnithnefs. 20© George, who was the jd Earl, marry'd Elizabetii, Daughter to VVilliam Graham, Earl ot Montrofe, by ^vhom he had a Son named John, and four Daughters; of which Beatrix was marry'd to Alexander F.arl ot Sutherland, and Elizabeth to Hutcheon Mackay, oif Far, Anceftor to the Lord Bea; and John their Bro- hcr dying in i>77 left Iflue by Jane his Wife, Dai'.gh- ttr to Patrick Earl of Bothwell, George, Succefibr ro hi: Grandfather, James Sinclair of Murthill, and a Daughter Mary, which Daughter was marry'd to An- drew Hay, Earl ot Errol. George the next Earl mrrry'd Jane, Daughter to George Gordon, Earl of Huntley, by whcrn ha had VVilliam Lord Berrindale, whofe Wife was Mary, Danghte) to Henry Lord Sinclair •, and dying in his Father's Life-time by her left John the feconcl Lord ^ which Tohn dying in 1639 left Illite by Margaret his Vv'ife, iJauyhter to Colin Mackenzie, Earl of Seafnrth, George, who in 1(^43 fucceeded his Great-Grandfa- ther in the Earldom. George, who thus became Earl of Caithnefs, mar- ry'd Miry, Daughter to Archibald Campbel, Ivlarquefs of Argvle j but he dying wichout liTue, George Sin- clair Kis Coufin-German (in 1681) laid Claim to the Title, which was allow'd him by Aft of Parliament ; but he dying un\rany'd, John Sinclair of Murthill, fucceeded in the Honour [ and he marrying Jane, a Daughter of the Family of Carmichael, by' Her had three Sons and one Daughter-, whereof Alexander the; eldeft is now Earl of Caithnefs \ John Sinclair of Murtle, his Brother, is one of the Senators of the College of Tuftice. This Earl marry'd Lady Margaret Primrofe, Daugh- ter to the late Earl of Rofeberry. ARMS. Quarterly, ift Saphire, a Shin at Anchor within a double TreilUre Topaz, her Oars ered in Saltire, for Orkney ; 2d and 3d Topaz, a Lion rampant Ruby, fov Spar j Ath Sanhire, a Ship under Sail, Topaz, for the Title of Caithnefs j and over all, dividinc the four Cuarters, a Crofs engrail'd, Dumond, for "the Name of SintiUu', 2IO Steuartj £^r/ y* Miinray, Creft. On a Wreath, a Cock proper. Supporters. Two Griphons oF the latter, arm'd and beak'd Gold- Motto. Commit thy Work to GOD. P. 35. N° 12. Chief SEATS. At Caftle-Sinclair in the County of CaithneG, foir Miles from Wick, and 154 from Edinburgh j and at the Caftle of Thurfo in the fame County, iz Miles from the former. XIII. T* HE moft nobie and puilTant Lor<, Francis ■*• Steuar:, Earl cf Murray, Lord town and St. Colm. Created Earl of the County of Murray Pebruary the 10th in 156Z, the 2o:h of Queen Mary.' The.firft Earl of this noble Family was Jaires Steu- art natural Son of King ]ames V. by Jane, a Daugh- ter of the Lord Kennedy j and he marrying Ifal^iel, Daughter to the Earl of Argyle, by her had a Daugh- ter named Marv, who was marry'd to John Mafter of Buchan j but having no IlTue Male, ths Earldom re- turn'd again to the Crown ^ and bv Queen Mary was beftow'd on James Prior ot St. Andrew, natural Son of the aforefaid King, by Margaret, Daughrer to John Lord Erfkin3, and made him one of her Privy Coun- cil. He was alfo by her Majefty, made Lord^ Lieutenant cf the Borders towards England j and when fhe re- figa'd the Government in Favour of King James VI. her Son, he was chofen Regent of the Kingdom du- ring his Minority ; but on the rjd of January 1570, as he was riding through the Street or Linlithgow, was fhot from a Window with a Mufket Ball into the Belly, of which Wound he dy'd the fame Evening. _ He marry'd Agnes, Daughter to William Keith, tarl of Marilhal," and by her had two Daughters, Margaret and Mary ; of which the youngeft was mar- ry'd to Francis Hay, Earl of Errol ; and the eldeft who was Countefs of Murray, marrying James Steu- art. Lord Down, he in her Right enjoy'd the Honour ; but upon feme Matters of Intereft, there happening a Mifun- Steuaitj Earl of Murray. 211 Mifunderftanding between him and the Earl of Hunt- ley, he was murdeiM on the 7th of February in By his faid Lady he had two Sons and three Daugh- ters J whereof Margaret was marry'd to Charles How- ard, Earl of Nottingham in Ensiland, and Mary to Alexander Lord Salton j and of the Sons, which were James and Francis, the eldeft fuceeeding in the Earldom, he by the King's Appointment, to remove the Animoiity between the Families of Murray and Huntley, inarry'd Anne, the Marquefs of Huntley's Daughter, and by her had James his Son and Heir. James, who ia 1658 fucceeded his Father, marry'd. Margaret, Daughter and Coheir to Alexander Earl of Hume, bj whom he had three Sons and four Daugh- ters ; of which Mary was marry'd to Archibald Campbcl, Earl of Argyle, and Margaret to Alexander Sutherland, Lord Duftus i and of the Sons Alexan- der the fecond, fuceeeding in the Honour, by King Charles IL was made Juftice General. He was alfo, by that King m.adc Secretary of State, as alfo by James VIL who likewife appointed him C:ommi(rioner of the Parliament, and elefted him a Knighr of the Moft Antient and Noble Order of the Thiftlc: ; and he marrying Amilia, Daughter of Sir John Balfour of Pircujlo, bj'her had three Sons, James, Charles and Francis ; whereof the eldeft dying in his Father's Life-time, left Idhe by Catharine his Wife, Daucluer to Sir Lionel Talmafli, two Daugh- ters, Elizabeth marry'd to Brigadier Alexander Grant, and Amilia I'irft to Frafer oT Strechcn, fecondly to John Lindfay, Earl of Crawford \ but the faid James leaving no Iifue Male, Cliarles his next Brother be- came Heir, whowas a Knight of the Thiftle, and he dying without lAlie was fucceeded by Francis his Bro- ther, who, by Jane Daughter of John Lord BaLnerino his Wife, who dy'd lately, has tevcr^il Children, of which Jamds Lord Down is the eldeft i he marry'd Grace Countefs Dowager of Aboyn, and Daughter to G;:orge Lockheart of Carnwath, Ef-ii who dy'd lately^ leaving him three Sons, ARMS. 212 MaxweJl, £^^// ^ Nithrdale. ARMS. Quarterly, ift «nd 4th Topaz, a Lion rampant, ukRin a double TrefTure, (being the Arms of Scot- land) i all within a Border compone Pearl and Saphire, for Steuart of the Royal Family ; 2d Topaz, a Fefs checque Pearl and Saphire, for Steuart of Down \ id Topaz, three Culliions psndent by the Corners, with- in a double TrefTure Ruby, for Randolph Earl of Mur- ray. Creft. On a Wreath, a Pelican in her Neft, feed- ing her Young. Supporters. Two Greyhounds proper. Motto. Salus per Chriftum Redemptorem. P.45. N" 13. Chief SEATS. At Dunibirfel in the County of Fife, a noble and magnificent Palace, about two Miles Weft from Abir- doure, and lo North from Edinburgh j at Caftle-S:eu- art in the County of Invernefs, four Miles from Nairn, and 78 from Edinburgh ; and at the Caftle of Tarn- way in the County of Murray. XIV .T'HE moH: noble and puiiTant Lord, William ■^ Maxwell, Earl of Nithi'dale, Lord Maxwell, Carlifle and Heriz ; hereditary Sherijf of the Stewar- ty of Kirkcudbright in the County of Galloway. Created Earl of the County ot Nirhfdale, C^ober the 29ch in 1581, the 16th of James VI. The firft I find ufing this Surname was Herbert de Maeufwell, in the of Malcolm IV. To Herben fucceeded John de Maxwell, which John was one of the Commiflioners fent to England to treat of a Marriage be:ween Alexander II- and a Daughter of that Crown j which having concluded, he was thereupon made Lord Great Chamberlain of Scotland, an OHice he held 'till the Time of his Death, which was i6 Years ; and Eumer his Son enjoy'd the fame, and was Lord Jufticiary of Galloway. He mar- ry'd an Heircfs in Renfrewfhire, by whom he had Herbert Maxweji, £«/7 0/ Nithfdale. 215 Herbert his Succefior, and John, firft of the Maxwells of Nerher-Pollock, the Stem of the Weftern Maxwells, and of Springkell and Dalfwinton in the South. To Eumer fucceeded Sir Herbert his Son, who was Father of another Herbert, and he of Euftace • which laft was one of thofe noble Patriots that ftrenuoufly adhered to Kinc Robert Bruce; and he of his own Accord demoHThing his Caftle of Calavarock, that the Englifli I^ivaders n^ight not make it a Garrifon, thereby to annoy the Country ; his Majefty for fo noble a Piece of Service rewarded him with feveral Grants of Lands, and 22 Pounds in Money. He marry'd Agnes, a Daughter of the Family of Maxwell of Nether-Pollock, and by her had John his Son and Heir, who on the 17th of Oftober i^4<^, be- ing flain at the Battle of Durham, was fucceeded by a Son of his Name, who was Father of Robert, and he of Herbert, who in 1400 had a Grant from Archi- bald Earl of Douglafsof the Stewarty of Annandale. He was alfo one of the Barons who were fent to England as Hoftages for the Ranfom of K. James I. for which he was knighted*, and marrying the Heirefs of Balmacluchie in the Snire of Forfar, by her had Robert his Succeflov, whofe Wife was Janet, Daughter to Sir John Forrefter of Carftrophine, Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland, and by her he had Herbert his Son and Heir. Herbert who fucceeded marry'd a Daughter of the Family of Tereagles, and by her had a Son named Robert, who in 1457 was dignified with the Title of Lord Maxwell; and having a Son named John, who dy'd before him, the faid John left Iffue by Janet his WiFe, Daughter and Heir to'George Earl of Caithnefs, a Son of his Name, who fucceeded his Grandfather. He mariy'd Agnes, Daughter to Sir Alexander Steuart of Garles, by whom he had Robert the next Lord Maxwell, who on the 9th of September 1515 W.IS ilain at the Battle of Flodden with King James IV. and was fucceeded by Robert his Son, the 4th Lord, a Perfon in great Favour with King James V. by whom he was made Captain of Lochmabena and Co- lonel of his Guard. He was alfo by that King fent Embaffador to France, to treat of a Marriage between his Majefty and Mary 214 Maxwell, Ear/ of }^ithfdile. of Lorrain, Daugh:i;r ro the Dixke of Guife ; which b^ing concluded, he efpoufed the Lady in his Mafter's Name, and brought her to Scotland j and in Recom- penca thereof and other his fignal Services, the King beftow'd on him th- Lands of Eufdale, Efkdale and Wachopdale ^ and made him Gentleman of his Bed- chamber. . He marry'd Jan-t, Daughter to William Douglafs of Drumlanrig, Anceftor to the Duke of Queenlber- ry, bv whoiti lie Iiad two Sons, Robert and John ; of which the youngefl was knighted, and afterwards m.\de Lord Harries, and the eldeft fucceeded his Fa- ther ; and he marrying Beatrix, Dauchrer to James Douglafs, Earl of Morton, by her had John his Heir. John, who was the next Lord, vwis in great Favour with King James VI. by whom he was created Earl of Morton, and made Warden of the Marches ; but upon a new Turn at Court was put out of his Office, and fucceeded by the Latrd of Johnftone j upon which a great Quarrel arofe between the two Families \ and in a Scuffle between a Party of his Friends and the John- ftons he was kiJl'd. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to David Mafter of Angus, and by her left Iilue two Sons and three Daughters ; whereof Elizabeth was marry'd to Wil- liam Lord Harries 5 and of the Sons, which were John and RolTert, the eldeft fucceeded his Father j lut he having kill'd the Laird of Johnftone, in Re- venge oi Johnftone's killing his Father, was there- upon in 1^15 beheaded at the Crofs of Edinburgh, and his Honour forfeited , but in the Year i6;o, by the Favour or his Majafty,^ Robert his Brother was re- flor'd to the Lordfhip of Maxwell, and created Earl of Nithfdale with Precedency according to his Fa- ther's Creatirtn of Earl of M orcon, and was a Noble- man that futfer'd much, by Sequeftration and Impri- fonment, for his Loyalty to King Charles X. He marry'd Elizabech, Daughter to Sir Francis Beaumont, a near Relation to the Great Duke of Buc'<- ingham j and dying in 1647 by her left IlVue Ro- bert his Succeffor , bat he dying unmarry'd, his Eftate and Honour devolved to his Coufin and Heir Male, juhn Lord Harries i who, by Elijabeth his Wife, Daughter Maxwell, Ear/ of Kith^dds. ^if Dauehter to Robert Gordon of Lochinvar, Anceftor to tne Vifcounc Kenmure, had Robert his Heir in »he Earldom. Robert, who was the fourth Earl, marry'd Lucy, Daughter to William Marquefs of Douglafs ; and by her had a Son nam'd William, and a Daughter Mary, (which Daughter was marry'd to Charles Steuart. Earl of Traquh.ur) and dying in 169$ was fucceedecf by William his Son, a Perfon ally'd to moft of the Great Families in the two Kingdoms ; but on the 9th of January 1715- i?|, foon after hrs Recuni, lex Illue by_ Ifabel his Vi'ite, Daughter to Sir Wrlliam Hamilton of S'-'i n, four S'-»ns, 2n.i a Daughter name I Margaret, which Daughter was uarry'd CO ClAud Ha-inltOHj Lord P,\illy, Aikcftor to the Seaton, Earl of "^intmi, ii^ the Earl of Abercorn j and of the Son?, which were Robert, John, Alexander and William, the third was created Barl of Dumfi^rmling, and the eldeft fucceeded his Father. Robert wVvo fucceeded being a Noblenan of great Honour and Fortune, and much efteem'd by King James VI. his Majefty on the 23th of November, Anno 1600, by his fpecial Favour rais'd him to the Honour of Earl of Winton ; upon which he took a Coat of Augmentation, viz. Saphire, a Star of twelve Points Pearl, which is impal'd with the Coat of fpe- cial Conceflion before mentioned, borne over his Arms i anJ he marrying Margaret, Daughter to Hugh Montgomery, F.arl of Eglington, by her had five Sons and one Daughter , whereot Robert the eldeft, ^ying without Llue, George the 3d in 1603 fucceeded in the Honour, and was one of the Privy Council to his Majefty, He was alfo one of the Privy Council to K. Charles I. whom, and his whole Court, he enterrain'd in his Progrefs to Scotland at his Houfe of Seaton, at his own Charge, and wtch the hij:heft Splendour and Magniricence, and was very eminent in his Fidelity rd that Prince duving the Time of the Civil War. He marry'd to his fiift Wife Anne, Dau;;hter t© Francifi Hay, Earl of Errol, by whom he had two Sons- and a Daughter of her Name, wh-ch Daughter was marry'd to William Keith, Earl of Marifluli and ot the Sons, which were George and Alexander, the youngeft was crt;ated Vifcount Kingfton, and the eld- eft dying in his Father's Life-time, left lllue by Hen- rietta his Wiie, Daughter to George Gordon, Mar— ?u2fs of Huntbvj George who fucceeded his Grand- ather ; and the afcrefaid Earl, marrying to his adWife Elizabeth, Daughter to Ichn Maxweli," Lord HaiTies, by her had a Son QamedTjohn, and three Daughters j Ifabella, marry 'd to Francis Lord Semple ; Ainie, to John Earl ct Traquhair ; and Mary to James Earl or Carpwath. George, who on the 17th of December 1650 fuc-' cceded "his Grandfather, marry'd to his firft Wife Mary, Daughter^ to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eg- lington, by v/hom he had no Ifme' that furviv'd hi.Tii but by Chriftiaa his 2d Wite, who was Daugh- ter i2o Seaton, Earl of ^^inton, ter and Coheir to John Hepburn of Acidiefton, Hftji he had George Earl of Winton, his Son and Heir \ which George, on the 6ih. of March J 704, fucceeded him in the Hononr i but on January 5), 1715-16, be- ing brought Prifoiier to London, from Pre!\oa in Lancafliire, where he was taken in Rebellion againft King George I. was committed to the Tower, and on the i(5th of March following was found Guilty of High Treafon, and had Sentence of Death pafs'd upon him at VVeftminfterj but on tlie 4th of Auguft iti^ making his Efcape, is now in Exile, and his Honours and Eftate are forfeited. ARMS. Quarterly, ifl: and 4th Topaz, three Crefcents wi'.hin a double Trefline, ficwer'd and counter- flower'd with Flower-de-lis Ruby, for Seatonj 2d and 3d Saphire, three Garbs Topaz i the Arms ot Bu- chan, as having Prerenfion to that Earldom, being li- neal Heirs to John Earl of Euehan, who liv'd in the Time of King "James II. And over all, by Way of Surtout, an Elcuccheon Party per Pale Ruby and Sa- phire \ the firft charg'd witii a Sword in Pale proper, pomell'd and hiked "Topaz, fupporting an Imperial Crown within a double TreiTure of the laft, as Arms of fpecial Conceffion given by King Robert Bruce, for their Bravery and Loyalty; and the 2d is charg'd with a Star of 12 Points Pearl, for the Title of Winton. Creft. In a Ducal Coronet Topaz, a Dragon Eme- rald, fpouting Fire, his Wings elevated. Supporters. Two Mertrixes proper, collar';;! and chain'd Gold, each Collar charg'd with three Cref- cents Ruby j and upon an E'croll coming behind the Shield, and palling over the Middle of the Supportejs, are thefe V\'ords, Intaminatis fulget honoribus, rela- tive to the Surtout. , Motto. In Via Virtuti, Via nulla. P. 20. N"* 15. Chief SEATS. At Seatcn in the Shire of Haddington or Eaft Lo- thian, feven Miles from Edinburgh, a fin^ Palace in the Middle of a Plantation of Tress of iz Aoes, with fine Liviiigfton, Earl of Linlithgow, iii fine Gardens to the North and South, all in the Mid- dle of an Eftate of 5000 !• per Ann. which he could fee from his Windows j but by joining in the Rebel- lion, he forfeited all. He had alfo another Seat about two Miles from the former, call'd VVinton, and a fine Houfe in Edinburgh, which are all purchafed by the York Buildings Company. XVI. 'T' HE moft noble and puiHant Lord, James Li- ■■• vingfton. Earl oi Linlithgow and Calendar, Lord Livingfton of Almont, Hereditary Keeper of the King's Caftle at Linlithgow, Hereditary Bailiff of the Baifiwick there, belonging^ to the Crown, Heredi- tary SheriiF of the Shire of Stirling, and Hereditary Governor of the Caftle of Blacknefs. Created Earl of Linlithgow in Weft-Lothian^ or the Shire of Linlithgow, November 15, 1600, the jift of James VI. The tirft of the Name of Livingfton is faid to be one of the Gentlemen that accompany'd Queen Mar- garet, VVife of King Malcolm (^aiimore, from Hunga- ry to Scotland ; where, in the Reign of King David I. he got Lands in Weft-Lothian, which he call d Living- fton, after his own Name \ and was fucceeded There- in by Thurftan his Son, the Father of Alexander, vvhofe Pofterity enjoy'd the B.irony of Livingfton above 400 Years, which was 'till the Reign of King James IV. that Bartholomew Livinfton dying with- out KTue, with him that Family became extinft. In th- Reign of King David II. Sir William Living- fton, Kt. the immediate Ancaftor of this noble Fa- mily, marrying Chriftian, Daughter and Heir to Pa- trick de Calendar, Lord of Calendar in the County of Stirling, with her had that Barony j and afterwards obtain'd a Grant from his Majefty, to him and his Heirs, of the Lands of Kilfyth, then in tJie King's Hands. In 1346 he attended his Majefty to the Battle of Durham, where (with the King) he was taken Pri To- ner \ but afterwards being releafed was commiffion'd to treat with the Englilh about the Redemption of his Royal Mafter; and that being happily agreed to, upon the Payment of 100,000 Marks, he deliver'd Sir Wil- liam ^22 Livingflon, Earl of Linlithgow. liam his Son and Heir, as one of the Hoftages for the Security thereof. Sir William, who fucceeded his Father, had a Son named ]ohn j which being flain in the Service of his Country, at the Battle of Homildon, againft the Englilli, lett IfTue by his firft Wife, a Daughter of the Family of Monteith of Carfe, Sir Alexander his Heir, and a younger Son nam'd Robert, from whom fpiung the Liviiicftons of Weft-Quarter, Progenitors to the Earl of Newburgh j and by his fecond Wife, Agnes, Daughter to Sir James Douglafs of Dalkeith, he had Sir William Livincfton, firli of the Houfe of Kil- fyth. Alexander, who was the next Heir, was one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King James I- when he was reliev'd from his Captivity in England, and after- v/ards was knighted ^ and upon the Deceafe of his Mafter, was made Choice of by the thi ee Eftates of Scotland, to be Tutor to the young King James II. "till he was 14 Years of Age j but foon after, the Earl of Douglafs being the priiicipal Favourite at Court, and bearing no good Will to Sir Alexander, or any or his former Miniftry, prevail'd fo far with the King, as to call a Parliament, which accordingly met at Pertli, and thither he, and others of his Party, were fum- nioncd to anfwer to fuch Accufations as fhould be exhibited againft them ; and Sir Alexander being ac- cufed of having alienated the Crown Lands, wafted the Royal Revenues, feizM upon the King's Jewels, and the Furniture of his Houfes, and what elfe he could divert to his own private Ufe, was declared a Rebel, his Eftate-confifcated, and he fent Prifoner to the Ca- ftle of Dunbavtcn ^ and William his fecond Son, and Sir Robert Livingfton of Drumray, late Lord Trea- furer, were beheaded in the Caftle of Edinburt.h j but after fome Time of Imprifonment, the King was pleafed to reftore Sir Alexander to his Eft^te, and him rne of his Privy Council, and Juftice Ge- neral o\ Scotland. He marry'd a Daughter of the Family of Dundas of that I1k, by whom he'had William that was beheaded, and James his Succellrr: which James was created L'Td Livingfton ; and being a Nobleman of great Courage and Prudence, was made Captain of the Ca- ftle Livingfton, Ear/ 0/ Linlithgow. 225, ftle of Stirling, where he had the Cuftody of the young King committed to him by his Father, when he was the King's Governor ; which great Truft he faichfully difcharg'd ; and was afterwards appointed Mafter of his Majefty's Houihold, one of his Privy Council, and Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland ; and he dying in 1467 left two Sons, ]ames his Suc- ceflbr, and Alexander, and two Daughters. fames, who was the fecond^ Lord, dying without Iflue, his Efla:e and Honour of Lord Livingftcn, fell to Sir James Livingfton, Kt. his Nephew, me Son of Alexander his Brother , and he marrying Elizabeth,, Daughter to Robert Lord Fleming, by her had Wil- liam his Heir in the Honour. William, the 4th Lord, marry'd Agnes, Daughter to Patrick Lord Hales, and by her had Alexander his- SuccelTor, and two Daughters ^ whereof Margaret was marry'd to ]ohn Lord Yefter, Anceftor to the Marquefs of Tweedale j and Ifabel to Nicholas Ram-p fay of Dalhoufie, Anceftor to the Earl of that Name. Alexander, who was the 5th Lord, had the Tuition of Queen Mary committed to him in her Nonage \ and afterwards he accompany'd her Majefty into France, where he dy'd, leaving Iffue by Agnes his Wife,. Daughter to James Earl of Morton, William his Son and }{eir, and four Daughters j of which Mary was marry'd to John the Son of Robert Lord Semple. William, the 6th Lord Livingfton, was in great Fa- vour with the aforefaid Queen Mary, to uiicm hs continu'd ftedfaft and loyal to the End of the Civil War ; and he marrying Agnes, Daughter to Malcolm Lord Fleming, Anceftor to the Earl of Wigton, by her had Alexander his Heir, John and William, and two Daughters. Alexander, who fucceeded, was a Perfon mucK efteoin'd by King James VL who, in Recompence of his Care in the Education of his Daughter the Princefs Elizabeth, afterwards Queen of Bohemia, created" him Earl of Linlithgow ^ and in 1*503, when his Majefty fucceeded to the Crown of England, his Loriilhip carry'd the Piincefs from Linlithgow to London, wi:h a Retinue upon his own Char Daughter to William Ker, Marquefs of Lothian, by her had two Sons and one Daughter j William the prefent Earl, who is in the Army, Alexander Hume, Ef(]3 and Lady Jane. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Emerald, a Lion rampant Pearl, arm'd and langu'd Ruby, tor Hume •, 2d and 2d Pearl, three Pepingoes Emerald, beak'd and mem- ber'd Ruby, f-^r Pcpdie of Dunglas, as being defcen- ded of the Heirefs of that Family j and over alJ, by Way of burtout, an Efcutcheon Topar, charg'd with an Orle Saphire, for the Name of Landel. Creft. On a Cap of Dignity, a Lion's Head eraz'd. Ruby. SHpporters. Two Lions, as thofe in the Arms. Motto. True to the End. P. 52. N" 17. Chief SEATS. At Hume Cr^ftle, Faft Caftle, and Hirfel, all in the Mcrs Qr Shire of Berwick. XVIILT'HE moft noble and^ puiiTant Lord, James -■■ Drummond, Earl of Penh, Lord Drum- mond and Stobhall, and Hereditary Steward of Stra- th irn and Montei:h Created Earl of the Town of Perth, March 14 in J6C5, the ;)th of James VI. The firft of this Family, that took the Name of Drummond, was cat Maurice, (son of George, a ycunjcer Son of Andreas King of Hungary) who^quit- tc:l England wich Edgar Ath;line, the" Right Heir to that Crown, being prevented in the Succeflion, firft by Harold, and afterwards by William Duke of Nor- mmdy, wno fsiz'd the Kingdom in 1066. Miurice commanding thi Ship in which Edgar A'.h.lir.e, his Mother Agatha, and his lifters Mar- i',!: and Chriftian v/ere embarkM, and they meeting v.i-h a viol-'nt Storm at Sea, which forced them to maki for Scotland, where they put into the River Fcrrh, tluy landed at a Place which is ftill call id St. M^iiaret's Dnxmmond, Earl of Vi:nh, nj^ Margaret's Hope, or the Queen's Ferry, from Mar- garet the faid Edgar's Sifter. This Princefs marry'd Malcolm III. King of Scot- land, who rewarded Maurice Drummond with a con- fiderable Share of Wealth and Honour, and particu- cularly with a large Eftate in the Sheriffdom of Dun- barton, together with the Stewarty of Lennox, which Eftate and Office vvas enjoy'd by his Succeflbrs , and by the Queen's Recommendation (in Acknowledgment ot his Services) he marrying one of her Maids of Ho- nour by her had Iflue Malcolm Drummond, Father to Maurice the zd, who had Ifllie John, Father of a fecond Malcolm, whofe Son Malcolm the 3d, called Begg, marry'd Ada, Daughter to Maldwia Earl of Lennox, the paternal Anceftor of all our Britifli Kings of the Steuartine Line j and by her having four- Sons, John, Maurice, Thomas and Walter, the latter was the King's Secretary, Thomas was Baron of Bal- fron, Maurice mairy'd the Daughter of the Steward of Strathern, ani fucceeded him in his Poft and E- ftare, and ]ohn the eldeft fccceeded his Father, and was the 7th Steward of Lennox. Note i Maldwin Earl of Lennox having but one Son, who after his Deceafe enjoy'd the Honour, and m:irry'd the Sifter of John Mouteith, (who betray'd the famous Sir William Wallace, Viceroy of Scotland, to the Englifti) but dy'd without Iflue, Monteith fore- feeing that his Brother-in-law the Earl of Lennox would leave the Earldom to Malcolm Drummond, his Sifter's HiiOjand, advis'd the King to demand it, ho- ping that the King having gain'd it, would have given it to him 5 but therein he was miftaken, for the King made a Grant ot it to Robert Stewart, whofe Pofte- riry continued afterwards Earls cf I^nnox ; and upon that (and an old Mifunderftanding which had been between the two Families) John Drummond, who was the 7th Steward of Lennox, as above-mention'd, having begun a Feud with the faid John Monteith, this Animoficy came to an open Rupture, and being difputed in the Field, where John Monteith loft three Sons, the King oblig'd both "Parties to go no farther in the Qiiarrel, and to compleat the Pacification there was a Meeting cf the Great Men of the King- dom. K ^ The n^o Drummond, Ear/ of Perth, The Earls of Dcuglafs, Angus, Arran, and the Lord Robert, Nephew to King Robert Bruce, being Guardian: for the Performance of Articles, their Subfcriptions and Seals are ftill to be feen in the In- ftrument of the Treaty, in which the Lord Robert, the King's Nephew, owns himfelf related to both Fa- milies. Drummond, having by an Article of the Treaty loft the Lands which he held in the Sheriffdom of Lennox, xetir'd into Perthshire, where marrying of Mary, eldeft Daughter and Coheir to Sir William de Ponte- fex. Lord Treafurer of Scotland, with her had divers Lands in the faid Shire, as the Baronies of Stobhal, Cargil, &c. and by his faid Wife had feveral Sons and Daughters. Of the Daughters, the beautiful Annabella che eldeft was Queen to K. Robert III. and Mother of James I. King of Scotland, and by that Marriage the Houfes of Auftria and Burgundy, and moft crcwii'd Heads of Europe, who marrj'd the King's Daughters, are al- ly'd to the Drummonds, an Honour which few private Families can boaft of. Of the other Daughters, one was marry'd to Ar- chibald Campbel, Earl of Argyle ; another to Alex- ander Mac Donald, Lord of rne liles, eldeft Son to the Earl of Rofs, and a third to Steuart of Dually. Of the Son?, William the youngeft marrying a Daughter of the Baron of Airth, with her had the Barony of Carnock, and from that Match defcended the Branch of Athornden ; and Malcolm the eldeft fucceeding his Eather, and marrying the Lady Ifabel Douglafs, Daughter to William Earl of Douglafs by Margaret his Wife, Heirefs and Countefs of Mar, he in her Right was ftyl'd Lord of Mar, Garioch and Lvdfdale j and at the Battle of Otterburn, or Chevy- Chace, joining his own Troops with his Brother-in- law the Earl of Douglafs to fight the Englifh, he there took Ralph Percy, Earl of "Northumberland, (a General of great Reputation) Prifoner, and for that fignal Service had the Honour of a Penfion during Life ; but this Great Man dying without IlTue by his Lady, the Eftate reverted to'h-'rfelf, and his Heredi- tary DrummoncI, £«r/ ^ Perth. ^^t tary Fortune devolv'd to Sir John Drummond, his next Bi other. He marry'd Elizabeth Sinclair, Daughter to Henry Earl of Orkney and Caichnefs, a Perfon of great E- minency and Reputation both in Denmark and Scot- land y and by this Earl's Daughter he having three Sons and one Daughter, the faid Daughter was marry'd to Thomas Baron of Kinnaird ; and of the Sons, which were Walter, Robert and John, the latter fettled in the Madera Iflands, where his Pofterity make a confiderable Figure j Robert the 2d, marry'd the Heirefs of Barnbugal, and W?.lter the eldeft, who was knighted by James II. fucceeded his Father. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to the Lord Pa- trick Ruthven, chief of a noble Family •, and by her having three Sens, Walter the youngeft was Baron of Leidcrief, and from him defcended the Family of Blair-Drummond , which produced the two other Branches of Newton and Gardrum j John the 2d was Bifliop of Dumblain j and Malcolm the eldeft, mar- rying Marion, Daughter to bir David Murry of Tul- libardin, by her had four Sons, which were John, Walter, James and Thomas. From rhomas lafi: mention'd, who was Laird of Drumminerinock, defcended the Branches of Inver- may, Cultmalmdri, Comric, and Pitcairnes j James was Laird of Carrivefter, VValter was Laird of Dean- ftone, and John the eldeft, who by James III. was made one of the Lords of Sellion, Steward of Stra- thern, Juftice General of Scotland, and created Lord Drummond, fucceeded his Father. He marry'd Elizabeth^ Lindfay, Daughter to David the famous Earl of Crawford j and being a Perfon of great Genius and Capacity, and Juftice General, as above, which in thofe Days was the beft Poft in the Kingdom, he purchafed all the Eftate which his Kinf- man the Baron of Concraig was poflTefled of in the sheriffdom of Strathern \ and likewife, with the King's Approbation, the Hereditary Stewarty of thar Shire. He likewife did great Service to James IV. King of 5co;land ^ tor he routed the Earl of Lennox and the Lord Liili, as they were upon their March to join the Eirl of Marilhal ^ad the Lord Gorvicn, in order to H 4. execute 1^1 BrnmmonAy Ear/ of Venh, execute their Plot of feizing the King, and the Ai- miniftiaiionj under Pretence of revenging the Death of James III. and after that he was lent F.mbaflador into England, to conclude a Peace with Richard IIL .but after the Death of the King of Scotland, hs was outed of his Offices and Eftare, for giving a Box on the Ear to Lion King of Arms, who was fent to fum- mon him before the Parliament, to give an Account of the Queen's Marriage with the Earl of Lennox ; bi't by the Queen's Intereft, and the Inrercelhcn of the Great Men of the Kingdom, and in ConfideratJon rf his Qi'.ality and Merit, he was two Days after re- ftored to his Honour and Ellate. This Tohn Lord Drummond, by the before-men- tion'd Elizabeth Lindfay his Wife, had William his Heir apparent, and five Daughters j whereof Mavsa- ret the eldeft was privatelv marry'd to King James IV. by whom fhe had a Daughter named Jane, who was marry'd to John Gordon, Maftcr of Huntley, and a Son named James, who was Earl ot Muiray. Note i The Relation between the King and the faid Margaret Drummond, making the Pope's Difpenfation ncceliary, and the King not being willing to wait "till it c^nild be procured, was m.nry'd to her as abrvc j though, when the Difj^enfation was come, he intend- ed to marry her publickly; but a Pique, which feme of the great ones had againft the Houfe of Diummond, put them upon poifoniug this Margaret, to hinder her Family from having the Honour of giving two Queens to Scotland. Elizabeth, who was next Sifter to the f id Queen Mariaret, wa.s marry'd to George Mafter of Angus j Beatrix to ]ames Earl of Arran ; Annabella to \A'il- liam Earl of Montrofe ; and Euphe nia the ynungeft was marry'd to John Fleming, Grandfon aud Heir to Robert Lord Fleming. William DrummMid, who was Heir apparent, mar- ry'd the Lady Ifabella Cainpbel, Daughter to Colin Earl of Argyle, and by her had two Sons, Walter and Andrew ; but the faid William and his Family bei :g in oneii Defiance with that of Murray, ani-^nuft Ot'.ier Rencc^unters between them, th;re was one time fe/jral Ge.itlerien o'-" th-: Houfe of Muvrr.y baibs- roufiy burnt in a Church, by of Drummond 's Party j Dnimmoiid, Earl o/Vtith. 253 Paity ; for which Crime, notwichftanding himfelf was very innocent, yet being out of Favour with the King, he was condemned to lofe his Head, and the Sentence was executed accordingly. His Son Andrew was made Baron of Bellichlon, and made a Diftinft Branch ^ the laft Heir Male of which was Maurice Drummond, who left four Daugh- ters, who were match'd to confiderable Families'in England •, and Walter Drummond, elder Brother to the faid Andrew, marrying Elizabeth Graham, Daugh- ter to William Earl of Montrofe, and dying before his Grandfather, by her left an only Son named David, Wiio in 15 if^ fucceeded his Great Grandfather. He marry'd the Lady Mrrgaret Steuart, Daughter to the Duke of Albany, Viceroy of Scotland, by whom he had only one Daughter, who was marry'd to the Laird of Pomy-Ogilby , but by his fecond Wife, who was Lilias, Daughter to William Lord Ruthven, he had two Sons and five Daughters j whereof ]ane the eldeft was marry'd to ]ohn Graham, Earl of Mon- trofe, Chancellor and Commiflioner of Scotland ; Anne to ]ohn Earl of Mar, Lord High Treafurer of Scotland , Lilias to David Lindfay, Earl of Crawford ; Catharine to John Murray, Earl of Tullibardin ; and Margaret the youa^ier, was Lady Keir • and of the Sons, which were Patrick and James, the latter u\ the Year 1607 was created Lord Maderty by James VI. and from him the Vifcounts oi Strathalbn, and fhe B.'.rons of Marchani, deCcended ; and Patrick the eld- eft was Lord Drummond. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir David Lind- fay of Edzelj by whom he had two Sons, James his Heir, and John, and five Daughters ; whereof Ca- tharine the eldeft, was marry'd to James Mafter of Rothes i Lilias to Alexander Earl of Dumfermling, by whom fhe was Mother of the Coun:efles of Lau- derdale , Kelly, Balcarras and Caithnefs ; Jane was marry'd to Robert Ker, Earl ol Roxburgh, and was Governor to King Charles L's Children ; Anne was Lady Tonay-Barcfay j and Elizabeth, the 5th and youngeft, was marry'd to Alexander Lord Elphing- fton. James, who was Heir to his Father, being a Perion in gieac Favour with King James YI. was by hiin H s CwtcK 25 4 Drummond, EarlofVtnh, (wlrh Charles Earl of Nottingham in England) fent EmbafTadcr to Spain, and after^his Return was crqated Earl of Perth ; ancl he marrying the Lady Elizabeth Seaton, Daughter to Robert Earl ot Winton, by her had a Daughter named Jane, who was marvy'd to ■(ohn Earl of Sutherland j but having no Iflue Male, nis Honoiir and Eftate came to his Brother John, whofe Wife was the Lady Jane Kcr, Daughter to Ro- bert Earl of Roxburgh, and by her he had four Sons and two Daughters ; Jane marry'd to John Earl of Wigton, and Lilias to James Murray, Earl of Tulli- bardin \ and of the Sons, which were James, Robert, Tohn and William, the Ia:ter became Earl of Rox- burgh, the third was Head of the Kranch of Logy- Almond, the fecond (who was knighted) dy'd ia France, and the ddeft fucceeded his Father in his Honours. James, who was the third Earl, marry'd the Lady Anne Gordon, Daughter to George Marquefs oi Hunt- ley, by whom he had two Sons, and a Daughter of her Name, which Daughter was marry'd to John Hay, Earl of Errol, Hereditary Conftable of ^cot- land J and of the Sons, which were James and John, the latter was Earl of Mclfort, and Secretary of State to James II. King of Great Britain. He marry'd to" his firft Wife the Heirefs of Lundie, by whom he had three Sons, and as many Daughters ; whereof ths Lady Anne was marry'd to the Baron of Houfton J the Lady Elizabeth to the Vifcount Stra- thalbii j and thz other Lady was named Mary j and of the Sons, which were James, Robert aud Charles, the eldcft was Baron of To his fecund Wife, the faid John Earl of Melfort marryM Euphcmia, Daughter to Thomas Wallace, Baron of Craig, the Chiel" of a very antient Family, and by her had fix Sons and three Daughters, which Sons were John Laird of Torth, Thomas, William, And'ew, Reynald and Philip ; and the Daughters were Catharine, Terefa and Mary. James, who was elder Brother to John Earl of Mel- fort, in 16-js fucceeded his Father, and was the 4rh Earl of Per:h x, and by Charles II. in 1678 was made one of the Privy Council, as in 1682 he was Juftice- General, and iii 1^84 Lord High Chancellor of Scot- land ) Dnimmond, Ear/ of Verth, 23 j land I in which eni'nent Station he was continued by James VII. (whofe great Favourite he was) till the Revolution in 1688, and then following that Prince into France, was there by him made a Knight of tke Garter, (as he had been of the Thiftle before) and created a Duke. This noble Lord (who dy'd at St. Gcrmains in France, about the 5th of May 1716,^ in the^8th Yea r ci his Age) marry'd to his firft Wife, the Lady Jane Doughfs, Daughter to William Marquefs of that Name, by whom he had Jam^s his Heir Apparent, and two Daughters, the Ladies Mary and Anne, whereof die eldelt was marry'd to William Keith, Earl ot Ma- rifhal, and Hereditary Earl Marifhal of Scotland. To his fecond Wite the faid James, 4th Earl of Perth, marry'd Lilias, Daughter to Sir James Dnim- mond of Machany, by whom he had two Sons, of which John was marry'd to the Heirefs of Balegerno ; and to his ^d the faid Earl of Perth marrying the Lady Mary Gordon, Daughter to Lewis Marquefs ot Huntley, and Sifter to the Duke of Gordon, by her had alfo two Sons, of which Edward lives in Franca. James, by the firft Wife, who was Heir Apparent, was Mafter of the Horfe to Mary Queen Dowager, the Wife to King James VII. and dving in Father's Life-time left Iflue by Jane his Wife, Daughter to George Duke of Gordon, two Sons, James and Johii^ and two Daughters ^ of which Sons James the eldeft would be now Earl of Perth, were it not for the Out- lawry, ARMS. Ti)paz, three Clofets wavey, Ruby. Creft. On a Ducal Coronet Gold, a Greyhound Pearl, collar' d and leafh'd proper. Supporters. Two Savages, wreath'd about their Temples and Waftes with Oak Leaves, each holding over his exterior Shoulder a Batton, all proper • bo:h (landing on a Compartment like to a Green Hill, Semi of Galtraps. Motto, Gang Warily. P. 54, N° 18. U 6 Chief 2^5 FJemingj Eay/ of Wigton, Chief SEAT. At the Caftle of Drimmein in the Shire of Perth, a tiobk ant tent Pile, feven Miles from Dumblain, and 25? from Edinburgh. XIX ,'T' HE moft noble and puifTant Lord, Tohn Fle- ■'• ming. Earl of Wii,ton, and Lord Fleming. Created Eai 1 ol VVigton in the County of Galloway, March the lyth i:i 1606, the 37th of James VI. The Surname of this illuftrious Family, accord-ng to ths Sentiments of the moft approy'd Hiftorians ana Antiquaries, was at firft afllimed from a Perfon of Piftinftion, who, in the Days of King David I. tranf- planted himfelf from Flanders into this Realm, and took his Surname Flandrenfis, or le Fleming, from the Country of his Origin. In the Reign of King Malcolm IV. William I. and Alexander II. & III. there are feveral ot this Name found, VVitnefles ill Evidents to thofe Kings, as Bald- xvin, Jordan, William, Duncan and Simon le Fle- ming • and Sir Robert, the dire6i Anceftor to the Earl of wh:^m we are now fpcaking, being one of thofe grea: Patriots, who in i2op ftnod up for the Inte- reft ot King Robert I. and the Independency of Scot- land, and never leaving his rightful Sovereign, 'till he had fee rhe Crown upon his Head, his Maiefty, in Re- compence for that fignal Service, and other his gieat Merit, rewarded hini with the Baronies of Lenzie and Cumbernald, and feveral other Donations j in all which he was fucceeded by Malcolm his eldeft Son j and Sir Patrick the id Son, marrying the Daughter and Coheir ot Sir Simon Frazer of Oliver Caftle, with whon he had the Barony ot Biggar j his Defccndents thereupon afiumed theA'ms of Frazer into the At- chievement of their own Family, and have cominu'ii i: ever fince. MalcLlm, v/ho fucceeded, was a Pei-fon in great Favour \vi:h King Robert I. v/ho, in Memory of his Father's Services, and his own Merit, made him a Gva.nt of divers Lands in the County of Galloway y as alTo mads him She; iiS" of that Comuy, and Governor of Fleming, Earl of Wigton. z^j f>r Dunbarton Caftle j in both which Offices hz was fucceeded by aSoa of his Name ^ which Sen had ths Tuicion of the young King David and his Royal Con- fort committed to his Charge in the atorefaid Caftk, and afterwards waited on his Majefty into France. He had likewife the Honour, after his Return from France, to {belter and proted, in thofe evil Times, that illuftrious and magnanimous Prince, Robert, Lord High Steward of Scotland, (afterwards King Robert II. (whofe Blood Baliol thirfted after ^ ana when the King's Affairs took a more favourable Turn, he was fent again into France to attend his Majefty home ; who, after his Arrival, in Reward of his Loyalty and Fidelity in his Service, created him Earl of Wigton. Li 1345 he attended his Majefty to the Battle of Durham j where, with his Royal Mafter he was taken Prifoner j but being foon after releafed was one of the Commiftioners, who in 1151 were appointed to treat with the Englilh about the King's Redemption ; which being concluded, Thomas his Grandfon was one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom, and afterwards fuc- ceedcd to the Earldom of Wigton. Thomas, who fucceeded his Grandfather, and was the id F^irl, had a new Charter of the Earldom from the aforefaid King i but he having no Iffue Male of his own Body, in 1371 fold the Earldom with its Dignity, to Archibald Douglafs, Lord of Galloway j and then in his old Age rcHgn'd to Sir Malcolm Fle- ming of Biggar, the Barony of Lenzie ^ which ia 1388 was ratify'd to him by Charter under the Great Seal. Sir Malcolm who was next Heir, being a Perfon of very great Fortune, made no fmall Figure in the Time he liv'd ; and was fucceeded by David his Son, who at the Battle of Otterburn fignaliz'd his Valour in a very diftinguifliing Manner ; where the brave Gene- ral, the Earl of Douglafs, and many other gallant Men were flain. In the Year 1405 he was knighted, and fent Env baflador to England; and afterwards, for his good Services there, he had a Grant of divers Lands in the County of Carrick, with the Barony of Caver, and the Sheriffship of Roxburgh ; and hs marrying to his H 7 ^^^ 238 Fleming, ^^r/o/ Wigton. firft Wife Margaret, Daughter to Sir David Barclay Lord Brechin, by her had a Daughter iiam'd Marion, which Daughter was marry'd to William Maule of Panmurei and by Ifabel his fecond Wife, who was Heirefs of the Barony of Monycado, he had Sir Mal- colm his Succeflbr in his Honour. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Robert Duke of Albany j and after he had been one of the Hofta- fes for King ]ames I. from his Captivity in England, eing barbaroufly murdei'd, (with the Earl of Dou- glals, and his younger Brother) by the Contrivance of the Lord Chrichton, the Chancellor, in the Caftlc of Edinburgh, left Iflue, by the faid Lady Elizabeth his Wife, one Son Robert his Heir, and a Daughter Marion. Sir Robert, who fucceeded, being a Perfon much in Favour with King James IE was by him raifed to the Honour of a Lord of Parliament ; and he marry- ing Jane, l~^aughter to James Earl of Douglafs, by her had Sir Malcolm his Heir apparent, and two Daugh- ters, Beatrix and Elizabeth j of which the eldeft was marry'd to James Lord Livingfton. Sir Malcolm, who was Heir apparent, dying in his Father's Life -time, left Iflue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Jamas Lord Livingfton, John his Son, who in 1500 "fucceeded his Grandfather ; and being a Gentleman of moft accomplilh'd Parts was by Tames V. fent EmbalTador to France, and afcer his Return, made Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. He marry'd Eupheme, Daughter to John Lord Drummond, and by her had Malcolm his Son and Heir, who by the aforefaid King was alfo conftituted Lord High Chamberlain, which Office he held 'till his Deatlf j and being flain at the Battle of Pinkie, in the Service of his Country, left Iflue by Janet his Wife, natural Daughter to King James IV. two Sons and hve Daughters ; of which Janet was man::y'd to |ohn Mafter of Livingfton \ Margaret, firft to Robert Mafter of Montrofe ; idly, to Thomas Mafter of Er- fkine ; and ladly, to John Earle of Athole j Mary to Sir William Maitland of Lidington i and Elizabeth toj Robert Lord Chrichton ; and of the Sons, which were James and John, the eldeft fucceeded his Father ; Fleming, Ear! of Wigton, 23^ and by the Favour of Queen Mary was made Lord High Chamberlain during Lite. He was alfo, by that Queen, made Guardian of the Eaft and Middle Marches towards England j and when the Marriage was to be folemnized between her Ma- jefty and the Dauphin of France, he was one of the Peers whom the Parliament fent over upon that fo- lemn Occalion ; and dying foon after at Paris, left Kfue by Barbara his Wife, Daughter to James Duke of ChattlerauU, a Daughter named Jane, who was firft marry'd to John Lord Thirlftain, and afterwards to Gilbert Earl of Calfils \ but this noble Lord dying without Ifllic Male, his Eftate and Honour devolv'd to John his Brother, who by the aforefaid Queen was continu'd in the Otfice of Lord High Chamberlain, and made Governor of Dunbarton Caftle. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter and fole Heir to Robert Mailer of Rofs i and dying in ^nz by her left IlTue John his SuccefTor, and three Daughters j which John, bv the Favour of King James VL was created Earl of VVigton j and he marrying Lilias, Daughter to John Earl of Montrofe, by her nad two Sons and five Daughters ; whereof Jane was marry'd, to James Mafter of Loudon ', and ot the Sons, which were John and James, the Eldeft was Heir to his Fa- ther. John, who was the fecond Earl, and in 1^19 fuc- ceeded thereto, marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Alex- ander Earl of Linlithgow, and her had John his Heir, Sir William (wno was Gentleman Ufher to King Charles I. and Chamberlain of the Houfiiold to King Charles IL) and feveral Daughters ; of which Eleanor was marry'd to David Earl of Weems, and Anne, firft to Robert Lord Boyde, and afcerwards to George Earl of Dalhoufie. John, who in idjo fucceeded his Father, being a Perfon of intire Loyalty to King Charles I. was there- upon obliged to fly to the Highlands, where he lay conceal'd "till his Friends compounded for his Delin- quency ; and dying in x66i left Iflue by Jane his Wife, Daughter to John Earl of Perth, five Sons and two Daughters ; of which John the eldeft fucceeded. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to Henry Lord Kei', by whom he had a Daughter named Jane, who was laarry'd 240 Lyon, Earl 0^ Stn.thmorQ, - marry'd to George Earl of Panmurc j but having no IfTue Male, his Eftate and Honour came to William his Brother ; which William was one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. by whom he was alfo made Sheriff of the County of Dunbarton, and Go- vernor of that Caftle: t^nd dying in i^Si left IfTue by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter to Charles Earl of Dumfermling, two Sons, John his Heir, aiid ]amesj and a Daughter Mai7. ■John, \vho fucceeded, and is new Earl of Wigton, marrying to his firft Wife a Daughter of the Earl of Balcarras, by her had one Daughter ; to his fecond Wife, his Lordfliip marry'd the Lady Mary Keith, Daughter to William Earl of Marifhal, by whom he has one Daughter, Lady Clementina marry'd to Elphinftcn, Efq-, Son to the Lord Elphinfton ; to his third Wife he took Mifs Lockheart, Daughter of George Lockheart of Carnwath, Efy; but as yet haj no Iflue by her. ARMS. Qinrterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Cheveron, within a double Trefllire. flo-Aer'd and ccunter-flower'd with Fleurs-de-lis RuDy, for Flemings 2d and 3d Saphire, three Cinyuefoils Pearl, for Fraxer. Creft. On a Wreath, a Goat's Head eras'd. Silver arm'd Gold. Supporters. Two Stags proper, attir'd and ungul'd Topaz ^ each gorc;'d with a Cellar Saphire, charg'd fV''H rhree Cincuefoils Pearl. Motto. Let the Deed (haw. P. 44. N° 19. Chief SEATS. At Cumbernald in the SHire of Stirling, fix Miles from Linlirhg'^w, and 18 from Edinburgh ; and as Boghall in Clydfdale, or the Shire of Lanerk. XX. 'T'HE moft noble and pui^ant Lord. Thomas * L)on, Earl cf Srrathmcrc and Kinghonn, and I»c;d Ljcn and Glames, Lyon J Earl £/* Strathmore. 241 Created Earl of Kinghorn in the Shire of Fife (which Title was afterwards chang'd to Strachmore) ]uly the io:h in 1606, the 57th of lames VI. The Origin of this illuftrious Family is deriv'd from the Family of de Lyon in France, which derives icfelf from the noble Houfe of the Leones in Rome, a Branch whereof came from France into Englaiid vvi:h William the Conqueror, Anno io6<5, and from thence in 1098 to Scotland with King Edgar, the 4:h Son of King Malcolm III. This Lvon was a great Favourite with that Prince: and for the uood Services he had done againft Donald Kane, the Umrper, had a Grant of confiderable Lands in the SheritFdom of Perth, which from him were caU'd by the Name of Glen-Lyon. Afterwards Johu de Lyon obtain'd a Grant from King David II. of the Baronies of Forteviot and Fer- gundeny in the faid Sheriffdom, with Drumgawan and others in the Shire of Aberdeen, and the Grant was confirm d by King Robert II. Sir John Lyon, the Son of the faid John, was com- monly caird The White Lyon, from his Completion, and was Secretai7 to the faid King Robert II. who in the Year 1379 granted him the Tnanedom of Glames in the Shire oT Forfar, and not lons',_ after preferred him to be Lord Great Chamberlain of Scotland. He alfo advanced him to the Degree of a Lord of Parliament, by the Title of Lord Glames, and gave him in Marriage the Lady Jane Steuart, liis 3d and youngeft Daughter, by Elizabeth Mure, his firft Wife, Cas in Page 21) together with the Barony of King- horn, and trom that Match his Family had the Ho- nour to furround their Arms with a double Tref- fure. In Privilege of his Marriage, he had likewife feve- ral Grams of Lands from the Crown, to which he, a large Ad.iition by the Purchafe of many Ba- ronies, and was alfo made Governor of Edinburgh Caftle during Life, and Lord Hii;h Chancellor of Scotland ; as in 1382 he was fent Aiiibaflador to Eng- land ; but in his Return, having the Misfoitune to fall into a Quarrel wi:h Sir James Lindfay cf Craw- ford, was by him raoft barbaroully mvuder'd at th« Mo& 242 Lyon, Earl of Srrathmore, Mofs of Balhall, which was highly refented by the King, who order'd him to be bury'd in the Abby of Scone. By the faid Lady Jane his Wife, the King's Daugh- ter, he leaving an only Son of his Name, who was very young, the King his Grandfather took hin into his Care and Patronage, ftridly inhibiting any to harm him, under tlie highft Penalty the Law could inflift. This John, who was the id Lord Glames, marry'd Mary, Daughter to Patrick Graham, Earl of Stra- thcrn i and was bury'd among the Kings at Scone, leaving Iflue by the faid Mary his Wife, Patrick his Son and Heir, who was the jd Lord Glames, In 1413 he was one of the Hoftages fent to Eng- land for the Ranfom of King James L and after his Return, was mide one of the Privy Council to King James 11. and Mafter of his Houfhold ; and he mar- rying Ifabel, Daughter to Sir Alexander Ogilvy of Aucri.:erhoufe, purchafed the Barony of Backie, the Lands of Cardean and Drumgley, and lies bury'd at Glames; leaving Ifllie three Sons, of which Alexan- der the eldeft fucceeded, and was the 4th Lord. He marry'd Agnes, Daughter to William Lord Crichton, Chancellor of Scotland \ but he dviiig in 1437} without IfTue, his Eftate and Honour devolv'd on John Lyon of Coiu-teftown, his Brother, who was the 5th Lord Glames, and was one of the Privy Council to King James IV. by whom he was made luftice General of Scotland 5 and he marrying Mar- garet, Daughrer to Sir John Scrimzeor, Conftable of Dundee, purchafed the neretable Office of Crowncry^ in the Sheriffdom of Forfar and Kincardin ; and dy'd in the Year 1479, leaving IfTue by the faid Margaret his Wife, John his Heir, and David, and a Daughter nam'd Chriftian j which Daughter was marry'd to William Hay, Earl of Errol. John, the 6i\\ Lord Glames, marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Andrew Lord Grey, and Heir of the Line of the Lord Fowlis ; by whom he had tvvo Sons, and a Daughter of her Name, which Dauehter was marry'd to John Mafter of Forbes j and or the Sons, which were George and John, the eldeft, iu the Year ipo z luc- Lyoiij Ear/ of Str^thmon. 245 fucceeded his Father, and was the 7th Lord ; but he dying in i)05 unmarry'd, his Eftate and Honour canf\c to John his Brorher, who was the 8rh Lord Glames. This John marry'd Jane Douglafs, Sifter to Archi- bald Earl of Angus, (who marry'd the Queen Dowa- ger, Reli£l of King James IV.) and by her had John his Son and Heir ; vvho being a Minor at his Father's Death was (together with his Mother) wrongfully ac- cufed ot Treafon. This John, who was the 9th Lord, marry'd the Lady Jane Keith, Daughter to William Earl of Mari- fhal, by whom he had John his Succeflbr, Sir Thomas Lyon of Auldbar, who was Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, and a Daughter nam'd Margaret ; which Daughter was firft marry'd to Gilbert Kennedy, Earl of Caflils, and 2dly to John Marquefs of Hamilton ; and the faid John her Brother, vvho fucceeded his Father, and was the loth Lord, being a Nobleman of (?reat Parts and Learning, was in 1575 preferr'd to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland. He marry'd Elizabeth. Daughter to Alexander Lord Abernethy of Saltoun, by whom he had Patrick his Heir, and feveral Daughters j whereof Jane was firft marry'd to Robert Douglafs, Heir apparent to William Earl of Morton, idly, to Archibald Earl of Angus, and laftly, to Alexancier Lord Spinzie ^ and Elizabeth to Patrick Lord Gray ; and th-* faid Patrick her Bro- ther, who was Heir to his Father, beiiig a Perfon much in Favour with Kins; James VI. w.(,s'made Cap- tain of his Guard, one of his Privy Council, and Lord High Treafurer or Scotland, and in 1606 was created Earl of Kinghorn. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to John Murray, Earl of Tullibardin ; and dying at Edinburgh in i^ij by her left IlTue three Sons, and a Daughter of her Name, which Daughter was marry'd to William Hay, Earl of Errol j and of the Sons, which were John, James and Frederick, the eldeft was the 2d Earl of King- horn ; and he marrying to his firft Wife Margaret Erfkine, Daughter to the Earl of Mar, and after her teceafe, Elizabeth Maule, Daughter to Patrick Earl pi PAnmure, by the latter had Patrick the ^i Earl of 244 Lyon, Earl of Strathmore. Klnghorn, and a Daughter of her^Name, who was marry'd to Charles Gordon, Earl of Aboyne , there- after to the Lord Kiniiaird, and laftly to Captain A- lexander Grant: She dy'd in the Year 1738. Patrick, who (in 164;?) fucceeded his Father, and was the jd Earl o^ Kinghorn, with the Confent and Approbation of King Charles II. chang'd his Title from Kinghorn to Strathmore, and was one of the Privy Council both in that and the Reign of King James VII. and was alfo one of the four exnraordi- clinary Lords of Sellion j and he marrying the Lady Helen Middleton, Daughter to John Earl of Midddle- ton, by her had two Sons and two Daughters ; where- of Grifel was marry'd to David Ogilvy, Earl of Airly; and Elizabeth, firft to Charles Gordon, Earl of A- boyne, and idly, to Patrick Lord Kinnaird •, and of the Sons, which were John and Patrick, the eldeft fucceeded his Father in his Honours. This John, who (in i^s^O fucceeded his Father, and was the 2d Earl of Strathmore, &c. was one of the Privy Council to Queen Anne j and he dying in 1712- left Ifiiie by the Lady Elizabeth Stanhope, his Wife, Daughter to Philip Earl of Chefterheld in England, four Sons and two Daughters i of which the Lady Helen was marry'd to Robert Steuart^ Lord Blantyre \ and of the Sons who were John, Cnarles, Jam:s and Thomas, the eldeft being killd on the ijth of November 1715, at the Battle of Dumblaine, in Behalf o: the Chevalier de St. George, the 2d be- came Earl of Strathmore, &c. and on the 24th of July 1725 was marry'd to the Lady Sufanna Cochran, Daughter to John Earl of Dundonald •, but on the gth of May 17:8, he being accidentally kill'd at For- far, by Mr. James Carnegie of Finhaven, and djing without lifue, James his next Brother became Heir to his Eftate and Honour, who dying fome few Years after was fucceeded by Thomas his youngeft Bro- ther, then Member Oi Parliament for the Shire of Forfa.r i who marry'd Mifs Nicholfon, a rich Heirefs in the County of Durham, and has IlVue two Sons. ARM^. 4 HaiTiilton, Ear/ of Ahexcorn. 24 j ARMS. Pearl a Lion rampant, Saphire, arm'd and langu'd Ruby, within a double TrelTure, fiower'd and coun- ter-ilower'd with Fleurs-de-lis of the lacrer. Creft. On a Wreath, a Lady to the Girdle, hold- ing in her Right Hand the Royal Thiftle, and enclofed in a Circle o( Laurel, proper, in Memorv of the Honour the Family had in marrying King Robert ll.'s Daughter. Supporters. On the dexter Side, an Unicorn Pearl, arm'd, main'd, and ungurd Topaz j on the Sinifter, a Lion Ruby. Motto. In te Domine fperavi. P. ai. N^io. Chief SEATS. At Glames in the Shire of Forfar or Angus, a noble Palace, in the firfk Floor whereof are 58 fine Rooms 5 and in 1715, when the Chevalier lay there, they made 88 Beds tor him and his Retinue within the Houfe, befides the inferior Servants, who lay in the Offices out of Doors. It is three Miles from Forfar, and 34 from Edinburgh, and ftands in the Middle oi a well-planted Park. And at Caftle-Lion in the bhire of Perth, fix Miles from Dundee, and 25 from Edin- burgh ^ this is alfo a very fine Seat. XXLTTHE moft noble and puiffant Lord, ][am«$ *■ Hamilton, Earl and Baron of Abercorn, and Baron of Paiily, (Scocch Honours) and Vifcount.and Baron of Strabane in Ireland. Created Baron of Paifly in the Shire of Renfrew, in 1591, Baron of Abercorn in the Shire of Lanerk, in 1604, Earl of the fame Place, ]iily the xoth in 1^06, Baron of Strabane in the County of Tyrone, May 8, 1617, all by King James VI. of Scotland, and I. of England, and created Vifcount of Strabane in 1701, the ijthof WJJliamlil. The z^6 Hamilton, Ear/ of Abei'corn. The Defcent of this nobis Family, the Reader may find fet forth under the Title of Duke of Hamilton,^ and that Jam^s the 4!:h Lord Hamilton and Earl of Arran, (who was lawful Grandchild to Mary the Sifter of King James III. as alfo Governor of Scot- land in the Minority of Mary Queen of Scots, and by Henry II. Kine' of France, created Duke of Chattleraulr) many'ing the Lady Margaret Douglafs, Daughter to James "the 4th Earl of Morton, by her had three Sons, James, John and Claud ; whereof the eldeft dying without Idue, from John the zd dc- fcended the prefent Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, and Claud was Progenitor of the Lord of whom we are fpeaking. In 1553 ^he was promoted to be Commendator of the Abbey of Pailly, upon the Refignr.ion of John Archbifhop of St. Andrews, which was ratify'd and approv'd by Pope Julius III- and upon the breakin;; cut of the Civil VVar^ he adhering to the Intereft 0/ Queen Mary was by her conftituted one of the prin- cipal Commanders of her Army at the Battle of Lang- lide, 1568, where he perform a the Part of a brave and valiant General ; and reColutely perfifting in her Majefty's Service, his Eftate was thL-reupon forfeited, and continu'd in other Hands, 'till his Majefty King James VI. in 1585 was pleafed to reftore the long in- jur'd Family of Hamilton, and, in Teftimony of the great Senfe he had of that Gentleman's Sufferings for his Loyalty to the faid Queen, created him Lord Paifly as above. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to George Lord^ Seaton, and bv her had four Sons, and a Daughter of her Name, which Daughter was marry'd to VViJliam Marquefs of Douglafs j and of the Sons, which were James, Sir Claud'^ Sir George and Sir Frederick, the atter,^ who ferv'd under Guftavus Adolphus, and had a Regiment in the Wars of Ireland, in the Reign of King Charles II. was Progenitor of the Lord Vifcount Boyne in that Kingdom. Sir George, the ;;dSon, in 1648 perform'd many eminent Services in the faid Wars for King Charles I. as in 49 he did for Charles II. being then a Captain of Uorfsj and a Colonel and Captain of Fooc \ and J Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn. 247 Sir Claud the td, was Progenitor of the Family of Elifton, he being the firft Branch thereof. James, the eUieft Son of the faid Claud and Margaret Seaton his Wife, being a Man of great Parts, and much in Favour witli King James VI. was by him made Gentleman of his Bedchamber, and created Earl of Abercorn ; and he marrying Marion, Daugh- ter to Thomas Lord Eoyde, by her had five Sons and two Daughters j whereof Anne was marry'd to Hugh Lord Semple. Of the Sons, which were James, Claud, William, George and Alexander, the youngeft was knighted, and u as Father to Count Hamilton in Germany, who by the Emperor was dignify'd with the Honour of Prince of Newburgh ; Claud was created Baron of Strabane ; and James the eldeft, fucceeding his Father, was the 2d Earl cf Abercorn. He marry'd Catharine, Daughter and fole Heir to Sir Jervis Clifton ot Cli.'ton in the County of Not- tingham j and by her had three Sons, who were all fuccelHvely Earls of Abercorn y but they dying with- out Iflue Male, we return to Sir George Hamilton, Kt. 4rh Son of Tames the firft Earl ; which Sir George had a Son named James, who was one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to King Charles II. He marry'd Elizabecli, Daughter to John Lord Cul- pepper, and by her having a Son named James, on whom the Honour of Abercorn (by Reafon of an En- tail on the Heirs Male) devolv'd, th* faid Son is now Earl th:ireof J and in 1706, the 5th of Queen Anne, to preferve his Scotch Peerage, w^nt over from Ire- land, and fat in that Seflion of Parliament that con- cluded the Union. In the Reign of King Jam-^s VII. he had the Com- mand of a Regimen: ol Horfe, and was one of that King's Privy Council, as he was to King William and Oue.;n Aryne, and in September 1714 was appointed the fame to his Maiefty King George I- and his Lord- fhip marrying Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir to Sir Robert Reading of the City of Dublin, Bart, by her had tw:) Sons and four Daughters. of the Daughters, which are Elizabeth, Mary, Philadelphia, and Jane ; the eldeft was marry^d to William Erovvnlow of Clanbrazii in the County of Armagh, 248 Erfkine, Ear/ 0/ XQlly. Armagh^j the 2d to Henry Cooley of Caftle-Carbery^ in the County of Kildare j the jd to Dr. Prat, Dean of Down and Conner, and Jane the youngeft to the Lord Archibald Hamilton, Uncle to the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon : And of the Sons, which are Jam^s and George, the latter is marry'd to a Daughter of Colo- nel Coward of Wells in the County of Somerfet j and the eldeft, who is one of his Majefty's Privy Council, marrying Anne, Daughter to Colonel Plumber of the County 'of Hereford, by her has five Sons and one Daughter. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4-:h Ruby, three Cinquefoils pierc'd. Ermine, for Hamilton, ad and jd Pearl, a Ship with its Sails furl'd up. Diamond, for the Earl- dom of Arran. Creft. In a Ducal Coronet Topaz, an Oak fruded, and penetrated tranfverlly in the main Stem by a Frame Saw proper, the Frame Gold. SuppKJrters. Two Antelopes Silver, their Horns,. Ducal Collars, Chains and Hoofs, Topaz. Motto. Sola Nobilitac Virtus. P- 30. N'^ 2j. Chief SEAT. At Stephen's Green, near the City of Dublin. XXII. np HE moft noble and puifTant Lord, Alex- ■*■ ander Erfkine, Earl of Kelly, Vifcount Fen- ton, Lord Pecrenweem, and Baron of Dirleton. Created V>\ron of Dirleton in 1^05, Vifcount Fenrort in 160^. and Earl of Kelly in the County of Fife, March the 12th in 1*519, all by King Jam^s VI. The Defcent of this noble Family being fet forth under the Title of Eivl of Mar, we iliajf here only obferve, that Sir Alexander Erfkine of Gogar, the ift F-arl's Brother, (being intrufted with the Cuftotly of the young King ]a-r~s VI. and the Keeping of the Caftle of 'Stirling, and afterwards mad 3 one of his Majefty's Privy Council, Governor of the Caftle of Edinburgh, and Vic e-Cb.^mber lain of Scotland) mai- riing Erfkinc, Earl of KeJIj^. 249 rytng Margaret, Daughter to George Lord Hume, by Ker nad a Son nam'd Thomas , whkh Son being edu- cated with the aforefaid King James from his Child- ,hood, thereby became a great Favourite with that Prince, who firft made him a Knight, and Gentleman of his Bedchamber, and afterwards, in Regard of his fi^nal Merit, having with Sir John Ramfay in the Year \6qo refcu'd King James VI. from the Earl of Gowrj's bad Attempts, was thereupon honoured with a Coat of Augmentation, and rewarded wi:h the Lord- fhip of Dirlecon,made Captain of the Englifh Guards, Groom of the Stole, created Vifcount f en'-on, and Earl of Kelly, and made Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter. He marry 'd Anne, Daughter to Gilbert Ogiivy of Pourie, and by her had two Sons, of whicTn Tho- mas the eldeft fucceeded ; but he dying unmarry'd, the Eftate and Honour devolv'd upon Alexander his Erocher, who futfer'd much for his Loyalty during the Ufurpa:inn, biing in 1^51 taken Pri loner at the Baitle ot VVorcefter; and dying in 1677 left Ifllte by Anne his Wife, Daughter to Akxander Earl cf Dum- fermling, two Sons and three Daughters j Mary mar- ry'd to Gavin Earl of Carnwath, Sophia to Alexander Lord Salton, and Margaret to V\'illiam Lord Forbes j and of the Sons, who vv^ne Alexander and Charles, the youn!^;eft was Lyon King of Arms^ and the eldeft fucceeded in the Earldom. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to Sir John Dalziel of Glenae, by whom he had a Son of his Name, who fucceeded him j which Son marrying Anne, Daugh- ter to Colin Lindfay, F.nrl of Balcarras ^ and dying in 1710 by her left Ifllic Alexander his Heir, who is now Earl of Kelly, and a Daughter named Jane, mar- ry'd to Scot Harden, Efq; This Earl marrvM firft Mifs Murray, Daughter to • Murrav of Abercarny, fans KTue. His fecond Lady is Daughter ro xX^z leari>ed Dr. Archibald Pit- cairn of that Ilk, Ef(]j by whom he has Ilfue the Lord Pctteaweenij &c. A. RMS, 250 H-iiniltoiij i?^;-/ o/' Haddington, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, an Imperial Crown, within a double Treflure flower d and counter-flower d \vith Fleurs-de-lis Topaz, as a Coat of Augmentation, as above-mention'd i 2d and 3d Pearl, a Pale Diamond for Erfkine. Creft. On a Wreath, a demi Lion guardant. Ruby. Supporters. Two Griphons Gold, char^'d on their Brcafts with a Crefcent Diamond. Motto. D,;cori Decus Addit Avito. P. 45. N*^ 22. Chief SEAT. At the Caftle of Kelly in the Shire of Fife. XXIII. T* H E moft noble and puiflant Lord, Thomas ■'■ Hamilton, Earl of Haddington, Baron of Einny and Byris, Knight of the Thiftle, Sheriff and Lord Lieutenant of Eaft-Lothian, one of the Com- millioners of Trade, Governor of Edinburgh Caftle, and one of the 16 Peers for North Britain. Created Baron of Binny, November 30 in 1613, and Earl of Haddington in Eaft-Lothian, March lo in 1619, both by King James VI. of this Family, who was one of the firft Cadets of the noble and illuftrious Houfe of Hamilton, was Sir Thomas Hamilton of Byres, (defcended from the Ha- miltons of Innerwick) and his Son, Sir Thomas Ha- milton ot Prieftfield, marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Jamas Hariot of Trabrown, by her had a Son of his Name. J which Son being bred to the Law was by James VL. made one of the Senators of the College of Juftice, Secretary of State, Prefident of the Selfion, Lord Advocate and Regifter, and Baron of Biniiy, and Eail of Melrofs j but he afterwards difliking the Utter Title, (with his Majefty's Approbation) chang'd it to Haddington. In 1617 he was made Lord Privy, which Of- fice he held for ten Years i and then dying left liiue by his -firft Wife, Daughter to James Borthwick oi Newbuyresj a DaU£hter''namvd Chxiftian s who was til ft Hamiltoiij Eari of Haddington. 25^1 firft marry'd to Robert Lord Lindfay, and then to Ro- bert Lord Boyde j and his Lordlhip marrying to his 2d Wife a Daughter of the Family of Fovvlis of Col- lington, by her had three Sons and three Daughters ; Ifabel marry'd to John Earl of Airly, Margaret to David Lord Carnagy, and jane to John Earl of Caflils ; and of the Sons, who were Thomas, James and John, the two youngeft were knighted, and the eldeft fuc- ceeded in the Earldom. Thomas, who was the 2d Earl, joining with the Covenanters in the Beginning of the Civil War, and commanding the Caftle of Dunglafs in Weft-Lochian, when the bcots Army march'd towards England, the Caftle about Mid-day, on the 50th of Auguft 1^40, was blown up by firing thi Magazine, which was done by his own Page, and his Lordlliip and 60 Gentlemen perifh'd thereby. He marry'd to his firft Wife Catharine, Daughter to John Earl of Mar, by whom he had two Sons, Tho- mas who dy'd without Ifliie, and John his SucceiTori and by his id Wife Jane, Daughter to George Mar- quefs of Hunrly, he had a Daughter named Margaret, who was marry'd to John Earl of Kintore. John, who fucceeded his Father, marry'd Chriftian, Daughter to John Earl of Crawford, and by her had a Son named Charles, and three Daughters ; which Charles marrying Margaret Countefs of Rothes , Daughter to John Duke of that Name, by her had two Sons, John the late Earl of Rothes, and Thomas now Earl of Haddington. This noble Lord, who on the 28th of February 1715-1^, the fecond of George I. was eletled one of the 16 Peers for Scotland, (.in the room of th^ Mar- qusfs of Tweedale deceased) was on the firft of March 1716-17 made a Knight of the Moft Antient and Noble Order of the Thiftle, and on the 17th of April following he was made Governor of Edinburgh Caftle, as in March 17:^7-8 he was appointed one of the Pri- vy Council to King George II. and his Lordlliip mar- rying Helen, Daughter to John Hope of Hoptoun, by her has a Son named Charles, and two Dauglrers ; which Charles in 1722 was a Member of Parliament for the Borough ot St. Germaius in the County of Cornwall, and in 17:0 was marryd to Rachel, Daugh- ter 2 5-2 Steuartj Earl of Galloway. ter to George Bailey of Jervifwood, by whom he had two Sons and two Daughters, and dy'd before his Fa- ther. The prefent Eail of Haddington fucceeded his Grandfather, and is yet under Age t His Brother fuc- ceeds to the Eftate of Jervifwood, and takes the Name of Bailey, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, on a Chevron between three Cinquefoils Pearl, two Muchecors and a Buckle Saphire, all within a Border Topaz, chargM with t\]:\\' Thiftles Emerald, for Haniikon of Innerweek ; 2d and gd Pearl, a Fels wavey, between three Rofes Ruby, barb'd and feeded proper, as a Coat of Aug- mentation, for the Title of Melrofs. Creft. On a Wreath, two Dexter Hands join'd Fefs-ways, ifliiing out of Clouds proper, and holding between them a Branch of Laurel. Supporters. Two Talbots Pearl, each gorg'd with a plain Cellar Ruby. Motto. Prsfto et Perfto. P. 3?. N^ 23. Chief SEAT. At the Cafth of Tinintham in Eaft-lothian, or the shire of Haddinf:trn, three Miles fr«Mn DiuiDar, and 18 Irom Edinburgh, and is a noble old Seat with a Park. XXIV. T" HE mofl: noble and puilTant Lord, Tames -*• Steuart, Earl of Galloway, and Lord Giirles, one of th?. Lords of Police. Created Barnn of Gairles in the Countv of Dum- fries, April the 2d in iCon, and Earl of the Coun-^y of Galloway, September the i<;th in 1623, both by King ]ames V'l. AlcKaadcr Steuarr, Founder of Paifly, having a S^n cf his Name, he tcr his good Service agaiiift the Dai^.es at thj Battle of Largs, and for airifting in the Atrenpt to recover the lile of Man to the Crown of Scoil.yi l^ had a Grant from King Alexander lil. X in Steuart, ^W ^ GaJloway. 25-5 in iz6i of the Lands of Gairles and Glaflerton, and therein was facceeded by Walter his Son_ and Heir, who after the Death of Alexander III. joining Sir William Wallace againft the Englifiij was kill'd at the Battle of Falkirk. To him fucceeded Alexander his Son, who imme- diately, after the memorable Battle of Bannockburn, was knighted ; and in Regard of his Service to the Crown, obtain'd a Charter from King Robert I. of the Lands of Dalfwinton, in which, and the former he was fucceeded by Sir Walter his S"ing Mary, Daughter to Thomas Cranflon of Crclby, by ncr had two Sons, his Heir, .ind John ; which Wil- liam was one of tlie Privy Council to the faid Queea Mary, and by her made Secretary of State. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to Malcolm Lord Fleming, and by her had a Son nam'd James, and a Daughter Mary y but the faid James dying wichouc Iflue"^ his ElHte devolv'd upon John hisUncfe^ which John was alfo m.ide Lord Privy Seal ; uid being a Gentleman of great Parts and Learning was prefeir'ti by King lames"~VI. to be one of the Scna''~;rs of the Ccllege of^Juftice, and alfo made Secretary o't ■ tate. He was Vlkewife by that King, on tbeiyth of July 1^87, made Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and atterwards creaced Lcrd MaitUnd of Thirleftanj. i56 Maitknd, lEarl of Lauderdale. He marrj'd ]ane, Daughter to George Lord Fleming by Barbara his Wife, Daughter to |ames Hamikoii, Duke of Chattlerault, and by her had ]chn his Heir, who on. the 3d of October i55;5 fucceeded him j and a Daughter Anne, which Daughter was marry'd to Robert Lord Seaton. John, who was the 3d Lord, being alfo much in Favour with the faid Kinn ]aires, was by him created a Vifcount and Earl j and dying in 164J left Ifiue by Ifabcl his Wife, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Dum- fermliiig, two Sons, ]ohn and Charles j of which thi eldeft who Tucceeded him, bein^; taken at the Battle of Worcefter in 1650, and comiiiitted to the Tower of London, for his Loyalty to King Chailes IL he there underwent a fcvere Confinein>int for the Space of nine Years, ^till by the Reftora:ion of the King he was rcl jafed ; and then, as a Recompence for his Suf- ferings, and being remarkable for his great Learning, was made fole Secretary of State, Prefident of the Council, one^ ol the extraordinary Lords of Seflion, firfl Commillloner of the Treafury, one of the Gen- tlemen of his Majefty's Bedchamber, and High Com- milTioner to the Parliament j and on the 2d of May_ 1(572 WIS created Marquefs of March, and Duke of" Lauderdale, and to the Heirs Male of his Body. He was alio by that King on the zjrh of Jun^ 1674^ made a Peer of England, By the Titles of Baron of Pererfham and Earfof Guilford ^ and laft of all, as a further Teftimony of his Majefty's Favour, was elec- ted a Knight of the Moff Noble Orc^er of the Garter, and made one of the Privy Council for the Kiii^idoms of England, Scotland and Ireland; and he m..rr;.ing to his firft Wife Anne, Daughter and Coheir to Alex- ander Earl of Hume, by h"er had a Daughter of her Name, who was marry'd to ]chn Marqucfs of Twee- dale i but by his ;d Wife, who wa? Elizabeth, Daugh- ter and Heir to William Murray tarl of Dyfart, and Widow of Sir Lionel Talmalh oV Helmingham in the County of Suffolk in England, he had no'Succeflion ; and djing on the :14th cf Auguft in 1682, without Ifiue Male, the Dignity oi Duke became ex'.incl, and the Humour of Earl defcended to Charles his Brother, who was General of the Mini, Treafurer-Deputy, and ene of the Senators of the College of Juftice. He Maithnd, Earl of Ij^ii^xrHzlc. 2.6 1 He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir to Ri- chard Lawiier of Hacton, by whom he had five Sons, and two Daughters j Ifabel marry'd to John Lord El- phi nfton, and Mary to Charles Earl of Southefk ; and of the Sons Richard the ehleft in 1^91 fucceeding to the Earldom, marry'd Ann3, Daughter to Archi- bald Earl of Argyle j but he dying without furviving Iflue, John his next Brother became Heir. He marry'd Margarec, Daughter to Alexander Eart of Glencairn, and by her had three Sons, John, Charles and Alexander, and a Daughter Elizabeth j which Daughter was marry'd to James Earl of Hyndford ; and the faid John her elder Brother, who had marry'd Jane, Daughter to John Earl of Sutherland, dying in 1710, leaving only a Daughter of her Name, marry'd to Sir James Fergufon of Kilkerran, Bart, one of the Lords of Selfion, Charles the 2d Son fuc- ceeded in the Honour, and is now Earl of Lauder- dale ; and his Lordfhip marrying Anne, Daugl\ter to James Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater and Seafield, by her has Lord Maitland, a Daughter Lady Betty, marry'd to James Ogilvy of Rothmay, Efqj and other Chil- dren. ARMS. Topaz, a Lion rampant defliache, within a double Trefluro, flower'd and counterflower'd witli Fleufs- de-lis Ruby. Crefl-. On a Wreath, a Lion fejant-guardant Ruby, crown'd with a Ducal Crown Gold, holding in his Dexter Paw a drawn Sword, pomell'd and hiked To- paz ; and in the Siniiter, a Fleur-de-lis Saphire i which Ciert was allow'd to John Duke ot Laudcidale by Kinii Charles II. Supporters. Two Eagles proper. Motto. Condlio et Animis. P. 10. N° 2(j' Chief SEATS. At Lawder Forth near Lawder in the Mers or Shire of Berwick, 21 Miles from that Town, and 18 from Edinburuh, and is a noble Palace ; and at Halton in the Shire of Edinburgh, or Mid-Lothian. I 3 XXYII. :2.6z Cainpbeij Ear/ of Loudon, XXVII. 'T' HE moft noble and puiffant Lord, John ■*• Campbelj Earl and Baron of Loudon, Lord Machline, hereditary Bailiff of the County of Kyle, one of the \6 Peers in Parliament for North Britain, and Colonel of a Company of Foot Guards. Created Baron of Loudoii in the County_ of Air in 1604, the 31ft of James VI. and Earl of the fanie Place, May the 12th in 1633, the oth of Charles I. According to the Cuftcm of Families of the greateft Anticjuity, this of Loudon fcems to have taken its Surname from the Lordfliip of Loudon in the County of Air, where it flcurifli'd in the earlieft Ages, as one_ of the moft confiderable in that Shire •, and thereof v/as James de Loudon, whofe Daughter and Heir be- ing marry 'd to Sir Reynold Crawtord, a Branch of the Family of Crawford in the County of Lanark, fli« CO him brought the faid Bdrony, with many other Lands, and &y him had Hugh their Son and Heir, whofe only Daughter Sufanna, being marry'd to Sir Duncan Campbel of Redcaftle,_ he in her Right was Lord of Loudon, and was conhrni'd therein by King Robert I. To Sir Duncan and Sufan his VViie fucceeded Sir Andrew their Son, the Father of Sir Hugh Campbel, who Hv'd in the Reign ot King Robert TIL arid had a Son nam'd George j which Son was knighted, and w:.s one of the Hof^ages for the RanO:?m of K. James I. when he was relieved from his Captivity in Eng- land. To the aforefaid George fucceeded Sir George his Son, the Father of another George, who was alfo a Knight \ and he marrying a Daughter of the Lord Kennedy, by her had two Sons, and a Daughter na- med Eliiabeth marry'd to Robert Lord ErfkTne, An- ceftor to the Earl of Mar j and of the Sons Hugh the eldeft fucceeding was knighted by King }ar.ies IV. He mr:rry'd ifabel, a Daughter of the Family of Wallace of Craigy, and dying in 1508 by her left iniie HugFa his Succeffor, and live Dauglicers \ where- of Helen was marry'd to Sir Laurence Crawford, An- ceftor to the Lord Vifcoun: Garnock \ and the faid Hugh her Brother, who was knighted by James V. in.irrjing the Lady Elii.abetK Steuart, Daughter to Kiii-.tlicsv CHinpbel, Earl of Loudon. iS-* Matthew Eail of Lennox, by her had Sir Matthew his Son and Heir. Sir Matthew, who fucceeded, maiTy'd Ifabel, Daugh- ter to Sir John Drummond of InnerpefFery, by Janet his Wife, natural Daughter to King James IV. and by her had a Son nam'd Hugh, and feven Daughters j of which Jane was marry'd to Sir Robert Montgomery, Mafter of Eglington j and Marion to Thomas Lord Boyd i and the faid Hugh their Brother, being a Gentleman in Favour wi^h King James VI« was^by him created Lord Loudon, and made one of his Privy Council. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir John Gor- don of Lcchinvar, Anceftor to the Vifcount Ken- mure, by whom he had George his Heir apparent and three Daughters j JuHana marry'd to Sir John Campbel of Glenurchy, Bart. Ifabel to Sir John Max- well of Pollock, and Margaret to John Kennedy of Blairquhan \ and th-^ faid^George, who was tieir ap- parent, djing bef^^re his Father, left Ifi'ue by Jane his Wife, Daughter to John tari of Wigccn, a Daugh- ter named Margaret, who was Baronets of Loudon , and fhe marrying^ John Campbel, Efq^ Son to Sir Janus Campbel of Lawers, he, by King Charles I, was created an Earl, and in i(54i made Lord High Chance!!or of Scotland. In 1648, when the King was murder'd, and the Parliament met again, he was chofen Prefident of that Sellion, who by their 14th Ad proclaimed King Charts II. but when his Maj-ifty was dertjated ac Worcefrer, his Lordlliip was not only outed of his OtFiC'j, but forced, for the Security of his Perfon, to fiy to the Highlands, where he lay concealM, being by the Powers ch.-n prevailing forfeited j aiid after- wards, when Cromvvell granted an Indemniry to the People of Scotland, he, with the Loial Math'line his Son, was particularly excepted. By the faid Lady Margaret his Wife, this ncble Lord had lames hii cza\ ^x^\ Heir, and two Daughters j Jane marryM to George Maule, Earl of Panmure, and Anne to John Lord Balmarino; and the faid James their Brother, who fuccesded his Father, maripnc Mavg-.ret, Daughter to Hujih Earl of Eglington, and "dvinii in 1683 by her Ictc Iflue three Sons and fonr I 4 Daui.h- , 264 Ciunpbel, Earl of Loudon. Daughters j of which Margaret was marry'd to Colin Earl of Balcarras •, and Eleanor, ift to James Vifcount Primiofe, and adly, to John Earl of Stair ; and of the Sons James is now Colonel of the Regiment of Scots Greys, Groom of the Bedchamber to his Ma- jefty King George II. Governor of the Caftle of E- denhurgh, Major-General of his Majefty's Forces, and Member of Parliament for the Shire of Aire. He marry'd the only Daughter of thvi Earl of Glafgow, by the Heirefs of Mure of Rowallan, by whom he has an only Son. who takes the Name of Mure j and Hui-h the eldeft lucceeding in the Honour was one of tKe Privy Council to King William IIL He was alfo by that King made one of the extraor- dinary Lords ot Seflion, and on the 10th of Auguft 1706, the 5Lh of Queen Anne, was ekfted a Knight of the Moft: Antient and Noble Order of the Thiftle. In March 170^-7 he was appointed one of the Commiflioners to treat of an Union between the two Nations j which being concluded, he was elected one of the 16 Peers for Scotland, to fit in the firft Parlia- ment of Great Britain. On the i6ch of November 1714 he was made ona of the Privy Council to King George I. as on the 4th of April 1722 he was appointed his Majefty's High Commiirioner to the General Aff^mbly of the Church of Scotland j and in Oitobc:r 1727 his Majefty King George II. was pleafed to grant him a Penhon of iooo Pounds per Annum. In March 1728 he was aga'n appointed his Majefty's High Commiffioner to the Kirk of Scotland \ and his Lordihip marrying the Lady Margaret Dalrvmple, Daughter to John Earl of Stair, by her had John the prefcot Earl, who is one of the 16 Peers for Scotland, and Colonel of a Company in the Foot Guards, and two Daughters. ARMS. Gyrone of e!ght Pieces, Ruby and Ermine, (being the Field and Charge of Crawford of Loudon, who bore Gules, a Feli Eroiine.) Creft. Hay, Earl of Kinoule. 16$ Creft. On a Wreath, an Eagle difplay'd, with two Heads Ruby, in a Flame proper, looking towards a Sun with the dexter Head. Supporters. On the dexter Side, a Chevalier in connnleat Armour, plum'd on the Head with three Feathers Ruby, and holding a Spear in his Right Hand : On the finifter, a Lady richly apparell'd, Elum'd on the Head wi:h three Feathers Pearl, and olding in her Left Hand a Letter of Challenge. Motto. I bide my Time. P. 38- N** 27, Chief SEAT. At the Caftle of Loudon in the County of Air, or Kyle, a noble Palace, 10 Miles from Irwin, and 43 from Edinburgh. XXVin.y HE mofl: noble and puiflant Lord, George ■*' Hay, Earl of Kinoule, Vifcount Duplin, Baron of Kinfauns, and Baron Hay of Pedwarden. Created Lord Hay of Kinfauns, and Vifcount of Duplin in the Shtre of Perth, May the 4rh in i6%j. Earl of Kinoule in the fame County, May the z$rh. in i<^3?, h^ King Charles I. Scotch Honours j and Baron Hay of Pedwarden in the County oF Hereford in England, December the 31ft in 1711, the xoth of Queen Anne. Among the various Ways by which Men in all Times have afcended to Honour and Preferments, that of Perfoiial Merit is (without Doubt) the fairelt and mofl: eligible Way to climb by ^ and this cannot be more prfjperly faid in any Cafe, than that of the Perfon of whom we are fpaaking, viz. George Hay, a collateral Branch of the illuftrious Family or Errol, under which Tide his Defcent is fee forth at large. The faid George, who was Son of Peter Hay of Meggins, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Sir Pa- trick Ogilvy of Inchmartine •, being by the Care of his Father well brought up, and for tlie Improvement of his Education fent to France, where he fpent fome Years under the Tuition of Edmond Hay his Uncle i he, upon his Return to Scotland, (by the Time he was 21 Years of Age) was brought to the Coiut of King I s James VI. •2.66 Hay, Ear/ o/XmovUe, James VI. by his Kinfman James Earl cf Carlifle, and an a very fhort Time raifed to be one of the Gentle- men of nis Majefty's Bedchamber, and had a Gift of the Priory of the Charterhoufe at Perth. He was alfo by his faid Majefty in 1616 preferred to the Office of Clerk-Regifter, and j6zz made Lord High ChanceHor of Scorland, in which Poft he was continued by King Charles I. who look'd upon him as a wife and able Servant, worthy of the Truft repofed in him j and therefore, as a Teftimony of his gracious Efteem, advanced him to the Decrees of Vifcount Du- plin, and Earl of Kinoule ^ and his Chancellor's Place he enjoy'd till his Death, which was fouiteen Years. He marry'd Margaret, Dau^^hter to Sir Jamss Hali- burton of Pitcur, Widow of Patrick Ogilvy of Inch- martine, Anceftor to the Earl of Finlater i and dying in 1634 by h;r left Iflue Georae his Succeffor, and a Daughter of her Name marry'd to Alexander Lord Spinxie. George, who was rhe id Earl, was made Captain of his Majefty's Yeoman of the Guards, and one of th'3 Lords of his Privy Council ; and upon the break- ing out of theVVar in that R^ign, he apply'd hi.nfelf to his Majefty's Service, wi:h great Rcfolutionj Cou- rage and Conftancy, and loft moft of his Eftate in the fteady Purfnir of his Loy.ilty and Duty to the King, in which he continu'd to his Life's Ei^d. He marry'd the Lady Anne Douglafs, eldeft Daughter tot William Earl oF Morton, and by her had a Son iiani'd William, and two Daughters ; of which Mar- garet^was marry'd to William Earl of Marifhal j and the faid William her Brother, who fucceeded his Fa- ther, manving Elizabeth, Daughter to Tames Earl of ialiicury, by hsr had two Sons, George Earl of Ki- noule, who in 1687 dy'd in Hungary, and William, Succ'.flbr to George, which William in 1709 dyi ig a Bachelor, the Honour devolv'd up. n Thomas Hay, Efq; his ner.refl Heir Male. T honias, who thus became Earl, was the Son and Heir of Thomas H?j cf Balhcufie, Son of Francis Ti»y of the fime Place, arid he Sou of Thomas, the Brother of George the firft Earl of Kinoule y which li'd ihornas fo fucceedini: was, in the Reign of her late Majefty, made on$ of the Privy Council, one of / Hny, Earl of Kinoule, 267 the Commifidoners that concluded the Union, and af- terwards elefted one of the 16 Peers from Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain. He marry'd Elizabeth Daughter to William Drum- mond, Vifcount Strathallan, and by her had two Sons and two Daughters ; Margaret marry'd to John Earl of Mar, and Hlizabeth to James Lord Deikford ; John the yoiingeft Son marry'd a Daughter of David ViC- count of Stormont^ he followed the Chevalier de St. George, and by him was raifed to the Title of Earl of Invernefs, and now lives at Avignon ; George the eldeft (i'l 171 '» and in his Father's Life-time) was made one of the Tellers of the Exchequr^r,^ and crea- ted a Peer of Great Britain ; and his Lordfhip, who in 1719 fucceeded his Father in th^ Earldom, mar- rying the Lady Abigail Harley, Daughter to Robert Earf of Oxford and Harl Mortimer, by her has four Sons and five Daughters. Robert the fecond Son is % Clergyman, and Chaplain to his Majefty. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Saphire, an Unicorn ram- pant. Pearl, arm'd, rnain'd and unf.ul'ci, Topax, with- in a Pordure of thi laft, charg'd with eight half*Thi- ftles Emerald, and as many half Rofes Ruby, join'd. together by way of party per pale, given to the Fa- mily when created Earl, as a Coat of Augmentation, (the Unicorn and Border being Part of the Royal At- chievement, and the Tnii^les and Rofes conjoin'd re- prefent the Union of the two Kingdoms, in the Per- fon of King James VL) 2d and ^d Pearl, three Efcut- cheons Ruby, for the Name of Hay. Creft. On a Wreath, a Countryman coup'd at the Knees, vefted in Grey, his Wa^tcoat Ruby, and Bon- net Sanh-re j bearing 011 his Right Shoulder, an Ok Yoke proper. Su'.^porters. Twn Countrymen habited as the Creft, the Dexter holding over hi's Sh-»alder the Culter of a Plough, and th- SiniiVer the Pa-.Ule, bcth proper. Motto. Renovate AniaivS, P. 2(?. N^aS, I $ Chief J.6S Weems, Ear/ of VJ^Qms. Chief SEATS. At Duplin in the Shire of Peith, a fine Seat in a ^vall'd Park, well wooded, fix Miles from Perth, and z8 from Edinburgh ; at Balhoufie, adjoining to Perth, with a fine Plantation of Trees round ic j and at Brodefworch in the County of York in England, three Miles from Doncafter, and ii6 from London. XXIX. 'FHB moft noble and puiflant Lord, Tames ■•■ VVeems, Earl of Weems, Baron of blcho, and Baronet. C reared Baron of Elcho, April the ift in i6z8, and Earl of Weems in the County of Fife, May the 25th in 1^3^, both by Kinj; Charles !• The antient and noble Family of Weems is faid to be defcended frorn the great Macduff, Thane of Fife, (who was the chief Inftrument of fubduing the Tyrant Macbeth) for ]ohn, a younger Son of the faid Thane, being Lord of the Barony ot VVeems, from thence his Defcendanrs afliim'd their Surname , and in the Year iti^o Sir David de Weems, and Sir Michael Scot, were fent to Norway by the Lords of tlie Regency of Scotland, to bring over their young Queen Margaret, who, to the univerfal Regret of the whole Nation, dy'd at the Orkneys; and thereupon happen'd the fatal Competition between Bruce and Baliol, about the Right of fucceeding, which was at length fettled upon the latter. In the Reign of King Robert I. the aforefaid Sir David was one of thofe great Men of the Kingdom, who wrote that notable Letter to the Pope, afleiting the Independency of their Country ; fo rare a Piece of Antiquity, that it deferves to be wrote in Charac- ters of Gold, and preferv'd to all Pofterity ; and he obtaining from that Prince (by Charter) the Lands of Glaflhock, was therein fucceeded by Sir Michael his eldeft Son ; and Sir ]ohn Weems, his 2d Son, was Lord of Kincaldrom. Sir Michael, who was Heir to his Father, obtain'd a Grant from Duncan Earl of Fife, of the Lands of Monivkis and Eafter-Dron j bw his Son Sir David, filing / Veems, Ear/ ofWeems, 16^ failing of Iflue Male, gave his Eftate to Sir John Weems, his Kiiifman, the Son of Sir John before mentioned, his Uncle ; and the faid Sir John marrying Ifabel, Daughter and Coheir to Sir Allen Erfkine of Inchmartine, by her had David his Heir, and two Daughters j of which Elizabeth was marry'd to Sir Andrew Gray, Lord of Fovylis, and Eupheme to Sir William Liviagfton, Lord of Drumray. David, who fucceeded, marry'd Chi iftian, a Daughter of the Family of Douglafs, and by her had Sir John Weems, Kt. whofe Wife was Margaret, Daughter to Sir Robert Livingfton, Lord of Drumray, and by her had John his Son and Heir j which John, by Chviftian his Wife, a Daugh":er of the Family of Abernechy, was Father of Sir David Weems, who in 15 11 ob- tained a Charter from King James IV. for erectini; his Lands into the Barony of VVeems j and with the' faid King being (lain at the Battle of Flodden, left David his Son to fucceed him. This Sir David marry'd Catharine, Daughter to Heiny Loi'd Sinclair, by whom he had John his Suc- ceflbr, and James Weems of Cafkberry i, and the faid John marrying Margaret, Daughter to Sir Adam Ot- tsrburn of Reidhall, by her had David his Heir, and four Daughters ; of which Eupheme was marry^'d to David Carnegy of Colathy, Anceftor to the Earl of Southefk. David, who in 1^72 fucceeded his Father, marry'd Cecilia, Daughter to William Lord Ruthvcn, and by her had five"" Sons and feveral Daughters j whereof John the eldeft fucceeding, and marrying of Mary Steuart, Daughter to James Lord Down, by her had John his Heir, and two Daughters, Janet marry'd to Robert Lord Colvil, and IfaBel to Hugh Lord Lovat ; and the faid John their Brother, being'in great Favour with King Charles I. was by him, on the z8th of May i(5z5, created a Baronet, and afterwards Lord Elcho, and Earl of Weems- He marry'd Jane, Daughter to Patrick Lord Gray ; and dying in 1655 by her left Ifllie David his Suc- celTor, and five Daughters ^ oi which Mary was mar- ry'd to John Lord Sinclair, and Anne to Mungo Vif- count Stormont • and David who fucceeded, marrying to his firft Wife Jane, Daughter to Robert Lord Bur- ^ I 7 l^iiiH, 270 Wccms^ Earl of Weems. leigh, by her had a Daughter of her Name, who was marry'd to George Earl of Sutherland \ and by Mar- garet his ;d WiN-', Daughter to ]ohn Harl of Rothes, he had an only Daughter named Margaret ; which Daughter in 1^79 became Countefs of Weems, as Succeflbr to her Father. Margaret, who was the next Heir, and continu'd ths Honour, manying Sir lames Weems, Kt. defcended from James \\'eems of Cafkcberry bjfore-mention'd. he, by the Favour of King Charles II. was honour'a with 'the Title of Lord Burnt-lHand, during his own Life ; and dying in 168 1 left Iflue by the faid Coun- tefs his Wile, David their ll'ir, and two Daughters ; Anne raarry'd t^ David Lcfiy, F,arl of Leven, and Margaret to David Earl of Nor hcfk- David, who fucceeded his Mother, was one of the Privy Council to Que^n Anne, bv whom he v/as con- {lituted Lord High Admiral of the Kingdom, as alfo made one of the Commiflloners for the Treaty of U- nion with England ; which being concluded, he was eleded one of the \6 Peers from Scotland to the firft Parliament of Great Brirain ; and djingin 1720 left inlie by Anne his Wife, Daugh'-er to William Douglafs^ Duke of QiieenlLcrry, lames his Son and Heir, who, iii the fame Year his Father dy'd, marry'd the only^ Daughter of Colonel Chartres, and is now Earl of Weems, by whom he has three Sons and Icur Dough- ters. David, Loid Elcho, a promifing Youthj novir ow his Travels, Francis Chartres, who is to ejiioy his Grandfather's great Lftare, and James Weems, Ef^j ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4':h Topaz, a Lion rampant, "Ruby, arm'd and langu'd Saphire, for Weens; 2d and 3d Pearl, a Lion rampant Diamond, arm'd and taaguM Ruby, for the Name of Glen of Inchmar- tine. Creft. On a VVreath, a Swan proper. Supporters. Two Swans, as the Creft. WJtto. Y i'wife. P. z6, N'^ 2^. Chief / Crichtoiij Countefs of Dumfries. a^ i Chief SEATS. At the Caftle of VVeems in the Shire of Fife, a no- ble Palace, above loo Foot in Front, and has fine Gardens, with a fpacioiis Park, fix Miles from Falk- land, aid 11 from Edinburgh j and at Ekho in the Shire of Perth. XXX. y HE mofl noble and puiflant Lady, Pene- ■"• lope, Countefs of Dumfries, Vifcountef:> Air, and Baronefs of Crichton. Cieated Vifcount of Air in the County of Kyle \w i6z2, by fam-s YI. and Earl of Dumfries in the Coun- ty of Nicnfilale, June lo, 1^33, by Charles I. Tlij Family of Crich;on Harls of Dumfries were a Branch ot the Family of Crichton of Lothian, who in the Reign of King Malcolm III. came from Hun- gary, of which was Sir William Crichton, Kt. who, in the Rcij^n of Kinu Robert I. marryinu Ifabel de Rofs, Dai\f,h:er and Cohi;ir to Rofs of Sanchare, wi:li her had hdf tin: Barony ; and from that Match de- fcend^'d Sir Robert Crichton, Kt. fo made by King fanes II. to whom he was oni of the Privy Council , and he marrying Carhann^, Daughter and Heir to Sir Nichol Erikine of Kinoalti in tne County of Perth, thereby greatly enriched himfelf, and by her had Ro- bert thi^ir Heir. Robert, wh-* fucceed:d, fignaliz'd himfelf greatly in the Wars ;.gaiaft Al'-xaader Dnke of Albany, and James Fail Oi D.vaghfs, in Behalf of King James III. and had thereup'vu fe/eral of the Rebels Lands, and was digaify'd with the Title of Lord Crichton of Sanchare. He marrvM Mari mi, Daughter to John Earl of Len- nox, by whom he had a Son of hi5^ own Name, and a Daughter of hors , wUich Daughter w\s mrrryM to Malcolm Crawfor 1 y, K'.lbeny, Anc .tor to the Vif- cnunr of Gai imck ^ and the faid R yj'trt her Brother, niirrviiig a '<>'K;',;rer ot the -am'.'.y of Mnrr ly, by h'ir had William hi.; Son and 'leii^ whofe /i : was EH- 7abcth, Daughter to Malcol n T ^rd Fleming, a!.d by her he had three Sons, Robert, iidwArd sad Joan ; Vijicieot 7.^1 Crichtonj Count efs of Dumfries. whereof the eldeft fucceading, and dying without IfTue. Edward the 2d became Lord Crichcon. Eavvard, who fucceeded in the Honour, and marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir James Douglafs of Drum- ianrig, and by her had a Son named Robert \ which Son dying in i6iz wirhout Iflue Male, the Title of Lord Crichton defcended to William Crichcon of Ray- hill, the Son of John his Uncle before-mention'd ; and the faid Wilham bdinc a Perfon in great Efteem with King Charles I. was by him created a Vifcounc and Earl, and to the Heirs Male of his Dody for ever- He marry'd Eupheme, Daughter to James Seaton of Touch J ajid dying in 1641 by her left IHue three Sons and two Daughters j of which William the eldeft fucceeding in the Honour was made one of the Privy Council to King Charles 11. and he marrying Pene- lope, Daughter to Sir Robert Swift ot the County of York, Kt. by her had a Son named Charles, and a Daughter Elizabeth j which Daugliter was marry'd to Alexander Montgomery, Earl of Eglincton- In the Year 1690 the laid William, refigning his Ho- nour into the King's Hands, got a Patent to his Heirs Male and Female, with Precedency according to the former Creation \ and Charles his Son having mar- ry'd Sarah, Daughter to James Dalrymple, Vifcount of Stair, and dying before him, by her left William Succeflbr to his Grandfather, and four Daughters ; which William dying a Minor in illege of Juftice, and Enibiflador to England, and afterliis Retura v.- as knighted. He was alio by the faid Governor (in i^^\) fent E r:bafrad>r to France^ and djing in a good advanced Aae in i5(?5 left Iflue by Margaret his Wife, a Daughter ot the ramllv cf Guthry, fevea Sons and five Daughters j of which Elizabeth was marrv'd to Andrevr Arb.fhnet cF that Ilk j and of the Sons John the eldeft fucceeiiin^:, and being a firin and fted- ta'l Friend to Qy.z&v. Mary in the I'i.we of her Tro:i- Wtfs, bti Majef-y had fo gre.u an Efteem of his Fide- lity f Camcgyj Bay/ of Soiuht{k. ig^ lity and Prudence, that in 1570, when a Ceflation was cbcain'd by the Bifliop of Rofs, flie wrote to the faid ]ohn, craving his Advice therein. He marry'd to his firft Wife, Agnes, Daughter to David Wood of Craig, Comptroller of Scotland, and sdly, Margaret Keith j but Dy neither having KTue Male, his Eftate devolv'd upon David his next Bro- ther -, which David being bred to the Law, and a Per- fon of good Reputation, was by James VI. made oi^e of the Senators of the Collece of juftice, one of his Majefty's Privy Council, and one of the Commiflio- ners oi the Treafury. He majry'd Eupheme, Daughter to Sir David Weems of that Ilk, by whom he had four Sons and three Daughters i of which Agnes was marry'd to Sir Alexander Falconer of Halkerton j and of the Sons, who were David, Tohii, Robert and Alexan- der, the 2d, whofe Rehdence was at Ethic, was knighted, and was Anceftor to the Earl of NorthejGk, and David the eldeft, who fucceeded his Father, was created a Baron and Earl. David, who v/as tlie firft Earlj marry'd Margaret,. Daughter to Sir David Lindfay of Edzel, and hy her had four Sons and fix Daughters, Margaret marry'd to William Earl of Dalhoufie, Agnes "to James firft Lord Abercrombie, Catharine to John Ea'rl of Tra- quair, Marjory to Robert Vifcount Arbathner, Eli- zabeth to Andrew Lord Balvaird, and Magdalen to James Marquefs of Montrofe ; and of the Snns David the eldeft, who dy'd in his Father's Life-time, ha- ving marryM Margaret, Daughter to Thomas Earl of Haadingtcn, by her had two Daughters, Margaret marry'd to Gavin Earl of Carnwath, and Mag.talen to Sir John Crawford of Kilberny ; but the Hud Da- vid having no Iffue Male, Sir James Carnegy his next Brother became Heir to his" Father, and fucceeded him in his Honours, and Sir Alexander the youngeft was the fiift of Fittarrow. Sir James, wl>o was the next Earl, wr.s one of the Privy 'Council to King Charles II. by whom he was alfo made sheriif of the County of Forfar j and he marrying Mary, Daughter to Robert Ker, Earl o^ Roxbur>^h, by her had Robert his Heir, (who in 166^ fucceetied him) and two Daughters i Jane mar- ry'd 2^4 Carjiegy, Earl of Southefk. ry'd to David Vifcount Stormont, and Catharine t» Gilbert Hay, Earl of Errol. Robert, who was the third Earl, travelling into fo- reign Parts, as Franccj Italy, &c. was by Lewis XIV. made Captain of one ot rhe Companies of Scots Guards in that Country , and after his Return, marryin?^ the Lady Anne, eldeft Daughter to William Duke of Ha- milton, by her had a Son named Charles, who fuc- ceeded hirn •, and he marrying Mary, Daughter to Charles Mai:land,^Earl oi Lauderdale, by her had James, whofc Wife was Margaret Daughter to the prefent Earl of Galloway, and by her had a Son aii4 a Daughter, but both dead. This ]ames was attainted of High Treafon, and forfeited, 171 5. The prefent Sir James Carnegy of Pittarrow, is the Male Reprefentarive of this Family, fince the Death of the faid Earl, which happened in the Year 1729, in a Convent in France. ARMS. Tcpa7, an Eagle difplay'd, Saphire, beak'd and racmber'd Ruby. Cref^. On a Wreath, a Dexrer Hand, coup'd at the Wrift, and ered, holding a Thundeib.-^lL enflam'd at both Ends, all prop^^r j fliafted Saltirc-ways, and wing'd in Fef?, Gold. Supporteis. Two Greyhounds Pearl, each gorg'd with a plain Collar Ruby. Motto. Dread GOD. P. 4;. N° 54. Chief SEATS. At Kinna'rd in the bhire of Foifar or Angus, with bne Gar.iens and Parks, two Miles from Brecliin, and 41 from Edinburgh ; and a: Leuchers in the Shire oi Fife, with large Gardjns, and the whole moated round, three Mihs from S'. Andrews, x:-A z\ from Edinburgh; but his LcrdHiip going into the Rebel- lion in 1T1-, againft Kinc George I. forfeit? 1 both, and his whole Eftate, which were fold by the Govern- \wi\v. to the Yoik Buildings Company. XXXV. .1 Steuart, Earl of Traqiiaii\ XXXV. T' HE mofl: noble and puiiTant Lcrd, Charles -■■ Steuart, Earl and Barcii ot Traquair, and Lord Linton. Created Lord Steuart of Traquair in the County of Tvveedale, April the 19th in 16285 and Baron of Linton, and Earl of Traquair, the 2:d of Time in 1633, both by King Charles I. ihe paternal Anceftor of this noble Family was James steuart. Earl of Buchan, whofe Father was Sir jamos Steuart, Kt. commonly call'd Th^ Black Knight of Lorn, and his Mother ]ane. Daughter to John Earl of Somerfet, and Widow ot Kinj; jam-^s I. {o that the faid James, who was Earl of Euchan, being uterine Brother to King James 11. was by lames IlL mads Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland," and he obtain- ing from that Prince the Lands and Barony of Tra- quair, then in the Crown j and marrying to his 2d Wife, Margaret, a Daughter of the Family of Murray of Philiphaugh, by her had a Son of his Name, upon whom he btftow'd the faid Lands and Barony, which on the 1 8th of May 1491 was confirmed to him un- der the Great Seal of James IV. James, who fucceedad in the Lands aforefaid, mar- rying Catharine, Daughter and fule Heir to Richard Rutherfi^rd of that Elk, with her had the Barouies of Rutherford and Wells in the County of Roxburgh , and ioGng his Life with King James IV. at the Battle of Flodden, left Tiliie by theYa'id Catharine his Wife, a Son named \'\ illiam , which Son in 1511 obtain'd a Charter for erecting his Lands into the Barony of Traquair. V\z marry'd Chriftian, Daughter to John Lord Hay of Yeftei-, and by her had ?. Son of iiis Name, who was Father of four Sons, Robert, John, William and James ^ wherevif rhe three elJ.eft fucceedingeach other, and dying without Kir.e, the ycungefi: continu'd tlie Line j and he having a Son named John, that dy'd before him, the faid Tohn le.t Illue by Mary his Wife, Daughter to And;-ew, Mafter of Ochiltree, another John, who in 160O fucceeded his Grandfather, and was Knight of the Shire for the County of Twedale. He was alfo one of the Privy Council to King James VI. by whom he was knighted j and by King Charles I- 2.86 Stenart, Earl of Traquair. Charles I. made Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, and created a Baron and Earl ; and in 1647, when his Majefty was confin'd in tha llle of Wight, his Lord- fliip, upon his own Charge, levy'd a Regiment of Horle, in order to his Releafemen: j but marching at the Head of i: to the Battle of Prefton, he and his Son (the Lord Linton) were taken Prifoners, and fen: to the Caftle of Warwick, where the old Earl conti- nu'd for the Space of four Years, and his tftate was fcquefter'd. He marry'd Catharine, Daughter to David Car- negy. Earl of Sourhefk, and dying in \6^>) by her left' Illue Charles the faid Lord Linton, and four Daughters •, whereof Margaret was marry'd to James Douglafs, Earl ot Queenlterry, and Elizabeth to Pa- trick Lord Elibank , and Charles their Brother, who fucceeded his Father, marrying Aisnc, Daughter to George Searon, Earl of W'inton, by her had two Sons \ of which VVilliam the eldeft fucceeded in the Honour •, but he dying unmarry'd, Charles his Bro- ther became Heir, and is the prefent Earl j his Lcvdfnip marrying Mary, Daughter to Robeit Max- well, Earl of Nithfdale, by her has two Sons and fx Daughters \ one marry'd to Lord ]ohn Drummond^^ and another to the Lord Maxwell, Son to the Earl ct Mthfdale. ARMS. Quarterly, ift Topaz, a Fefs ch'zcque Pearl and Sa- phire, for Steuart , 2d Saphire, three Garbs Topaz, for Buchan ; 3d Diamond, a Mallet Pearl \ 4th Pearl, an Orl Ruby, and three Martlets in Chief, Diamond, for Rutherlord. Creft. 0\\ a Vv'reath, a Garb Gold, furmounted of a Crew proper. Supporters. Two Bears of the latter. Mctio. Judge Nought. P. 4^. N° 35. Chief SEAT. At Traquair in the Shire of Peebles, Selkirk, or Tvveedale, thi ;,; IViil-JS from Pcebks, and ^^ trom tdinbin^h. XXXVI. Ogiivy, Earl of Finlater. 28^ XXXVI.T" H E moft noble and puiflant Lord, James ■*■ Ogiivy, Earl of Finlater, Vifcount Red- haven, Earl ot Seafield, Lord Ogiivy of Defkford and Cullen, Sheriff of the County of Bamff^ and cne cf the z6 Peers for North Britain. Created Baron of Defkford, Oftober the 4th in \6\€^ by James VL Earl of Finlater, the 20th of Februai^ in 1638, by Charles L Vifcount of Rcdhaven, ]une the 28th in 16^8, by William III. and Earl of Sea- field, the 24th of Tune in 1701, by the fame King. The Defccnt ot this antient Family, rhe Reader will find fe: forth under the Title of tarl of Airly, and that Sir Walter Oj^ilvy of Lintrathan, Lord High 'J'reafurcr^ of Scotland, marrying Elizabeth Gle'n, Meirefs of Inchmartine, by her had John his Succeifor, and Sir Walter Ogiivy of Achyven, "the Progenitor of this noble Family j which Sir Walter marrying Mar- j'are:, only Daughter and Heir to John Sincfair of Deikiord in the County of BamfF, \\"irh her had that Barony \ and thereupon afllim'd into his Coat of Arms, Argen-:, a Crofs engrailed. Sable, which his Pofterity ftill wear. In the 18th of James II. the faid Sir Walter got Leave of the King to fortify his Caftle cf Finlater with an embattled Wall of Lime and Stone, and all orher Necellaries for a Place ot irtrength j and by the faid Margaret his V^'ife having two Sons, James and V/alttr, who were both Knights, the eldeft fucc:eded. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk, and by her had four Sons and feveral Daugh- ters ; whereof Marion was marry'd to Patrick Gor- don of Haddo, Anceftor to the Earl of Aberdeen , and Q-i the Sons, Sir Tames the eldefi faccceding his Father, and marrying Agnes, Daughter to Jamcs^Ear'l or Huntley, by her had Alexander his Meir, lames, i^irrick and George. Alexander, who fucceeded, gnt a Charter from King James V. for eret't'.ng his Lands of Deikford, Fi)i!acer, Carhmore, &:c. into one intire Barony, in all Time coming to be ca]ied :iie Barony of Ogiivy • and he marryilig Jane, Dai'.;^,hter to Alexander Lord Salton, by her had James his onW_ Son, whcfe Wire wa*; a D'^ughter of Ihe ?ar.-iily of Gordon of Loclicnvar, 1 and aS8 Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater. aud by her had a Son nam'd Alexander • which Sow living before him left IfTue by Barbara his Wife, Daughter to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyn, Walter his Son, who fucceeded his Grandfather, and by ]ames VI. was created a Baron. He marry'd to his firft Wife ]ane. Daughter to Ro- bert Lord Elphingfton, by whom he had a Daughter named Chriftian, who was marry'd to Alexander Lord Pirlligo i and by Marion his 2d Wife, to William Earl ot Morton, he had James his Son and Heir, and two Daughters ■, whereof Jane was firft marry'd to James Earl of Buchan, and 2dly to Andrew Lord Grey j and the faid James her Brochsr, wlio fucceeded his Father, was by Charles I. created Earl o/' Finlater. James, who was the firft Earl, marryM Elizabeth,^ Daughter to Andrew Earl of Rothes, and bv her had two Daughters , Mary and Anne j of which the youngeft was marry'd to William Earl of Glencairn, and the eldeft was Countefs of Finlater \ for the faid Earl her Father having no Iflue Male, he procured the faid King Charles, on Behalf of his Daugh- tn- and her Defcendants, a Patent, whereby the Dig. niry and Title o\ Earl of Finlater was conferr'd upoii her and Patrick Ogilvy her Huil^and 5 which Patrick dyinJi in 1658 left lifise by the faid Countefs his Wife, James their Son and Heir, who fucceeded in the Ho- nour. He marry'd Anne, Daughter to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eglington, by Anne his Wife, Dauglitei; to James MarqueTs of Hamilton, and by her had two Sons and one Daughter 5 whereof James the eldeft, by his perfonal Endowments, attained to great Ho- nour and Preferment •, for in his Youth, having ac- complifh'd himfelf by Travels into foreign Parts, and ftudying the Law, he in 1685, upon his Return to his native Country, was admitted tc be Advocate, and afterwards Burgefs for the Borough of Cullen, in the Convention of States, where he made an elegant Speech in Favour ot King James. In the Time of King William III. he was created Earl of Seafield, and made Secrerai^ of State, in which Olfice he was continu'd by her Majefty Queen Anne, who, on the 7th of February 1705-4, made 2 hftA Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater, aS^- him a Knight of the Moft An-.ienc and Noble Order oi the Thiftle, and in March i7o<5-7, being thert^ Lord High Chancellor of Scorland, he was appointed one of the Commiilioners to treat of an Union be- tween the two Nations i which being concluded, he was eletted one of the \6 Peers tor North Britain j. and was alfo one of her Majefty's Privy Council, one of the extraordinary Lords of Seflion, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Lord of the Exchequer and Trea- fury J and his Lordfhip in 1711 fucceeded his Fa- ther in the Honour of Finlater. On the 28th oJf March 1727 he was appointed by George L to be his Majefty's High Commiffioner to: the Kirk of Scotland, as in Octooer following, King George IL was pleafed to grant him a Penfion of 2000 Pounds per Annum j and his Lordfhip marrying. Anne, Daughter to Sir William Dunbar of Durn, Bart, by her had two Sons, and a Daughter of her Name, which Daughter is marry'd to Charles Maitland Earl of Lauderdale ; George his youngeft Son, who was a very promifing Lawyer, is dead without llVue, and' fames the eldeft fucceeded his Father j he marry'd to his firft Wife Elizabeth, Daughter to F homos Earl of Kinoul, by her has a Son and two Daughters living, whereof the eldeft is marry'd to John Lord Hope,' eldeft Son to the Earl of Hopetown, and the other tO' Lodvick Gr..nt of that Ilk, eldeft Son to Sir James- Grant, Bart. His fecond \Vife is Sophia Daughter to , Charles Earl of Hopetown. ARM S. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Lion paflant-guar-- dant. Ruby, crown'd with an Imperial Crown pro- per, for Ogilvy \ 2d and 3d Pearl, a Crofs engrail'd Diamond, for Sinclair. Creft. On a Wreath, a Lion rampant. Ruby, hold* ing between his Paws a Plumb Rule erect, proper. Supporters. Two Lions guardant. Ruby. Motto. Tout jour. P. 33. N° 16, Chief S F. A T S. At Cullen »in the Shire of Bamrt^ feven Miles frcutj: that Town, and 87 from Edinburgh i and at Defkford in the fame County, VOX. II, K XXXVII, 290 Ogilvy, Earl of Airly, XXXVIL'T'HE moft noble and puifiant Lord, James -'• Ogilvy, Earl of Airiv and Elighr, Lord Ogilvy and Len:rathan, and Bailiff of Aberbrothick. Created Lord Ugilvy of Airly, in 1495, 1 y James IV. and Earl of the fame Piace, April the 2d in i63>>, by Charles I. The Ogi Ivies, according to Hiftory, derive their Defcenc from Gt'bert, Son of Gilbert, and Brother to Gilchrift Earl c f Angus j who living in the Days of King William the Lien, obcain'd from that Monarch the Barony of Ogilvy in the County of Forfar, and from thence aflum'd a Surname. In the Reicn of King Robert \. Sir Patrick Ogilvy cf that Ilk, had a Grant from the King, of the Lands of Caithnefs, and was therein fucceeded by Sir Wal- ter his Son, who in the Time of King Robert III* was Sheriff of Angus i and Alexander his Son, nnr- rying the PauJirer and Heir of Sir William Ramfay of Auchterhoufe, with her had that Barony, and was (lain at the Battle of Harlaw. By the faid Lady his Wife he had Sir Alexander Ogilvy, sheriff of Angus, and Sir Walter Ogilvy of Lintra:han, from which Sir Walter is defcended the Earl of whom we are now fpeaking j and being a Man of Parts and Underftanding, was ^ by lames I. made one of his Privy Council, and Lord High Treafurer of Scotland. He was alfo by that King conftituted Mafter of the HoufliOld; and dying in 1441 left lifue, by Fli- zaberh Gk-n nis Wife, the Heirefs of Inchmanine, two Sons, whereof Sir John the eldeft fuccevded him j and from Sir Walter Ogilvy ot Achyven, the youngeft, is defcenned the Earl o^ Finlater. Sir lohn, who fucceevied his Father, obtain'd a Charter from King James IL for electing al) his Lands into the Barony cF Lintrathan \ and he marrying Ma- rion, Daughter to William Lord Seaton, by her had Tames his Son and Heir \ who by King James IIL wax lent Embafiador to Denmark, and by James IV. crea- ted Lord 'gilvy. He marry^d Elizabeth^ a Daughter of the Fanrilv of Kennedy, aod by her had John his Succefl' r, whofe Wife ttis Jane, Dauthter to William Loii Graham, \ and ' Ogihy, Earl of Airlj'. 29 1 and by her he had two Sons, James and Anthony 5 whereof the eldeft fucceeding married Margaret, Daughter to David Earl of Crawford, and by her was Father of another James, which laft marrying Marga- ret, Daughter to Henry Lord Sinclair, by her had four Sons, and as many Daughters. Of the Daughters Marion was marry'd to Patrick Lord Grange," and Helen to John Lord Innermeath ;, and of the Sons, who were James, Thomas, Alexan- der and Archibald, the eUlclt fucceeding his Father marry'd Catharine, Daughter to Sir John Campbel of Calder ; and dying ii'i 1554 by her left Illue Jam^s his Heir \ who hrmly adhering to Queen Mary, during the Time of her Troubles, fuffer'd a long and tedious Imprifonment i bur when Kin^ James VL took the Government to himfelf, he was releafed, and fent F.m- baiTador to Denmark. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to William Lord Forbes, by whom he had five Sons, and a Daughter nam^a Margaret ; which Daughter was marry'd to George Keith, Earl of Marifhal ^ and di the faid five Sons James the eUk-ft fucceeding, and marr ing Jane, Daughter to William Earl of Gowrie, by her was Fa- ther of another James, who for the Loyalty of hi$ noble Anceftors, and his own Merit, was by Charles I. created Earl of Airly. James, who was the firfl: Earl, marry'd Elizabeth,. Daughter to Thomas Hamilton, Earl of Haddington, and by her had two Sons \ whereor the youngeft was kin'd in his Country's Service, and James rhe eldeft, being alfo aPerfon very faithful to the Crown during the Time of the Civil War, he a: length was taken Prifoner at the Battle of Philiphaugh, and coudemn'd by the Parliament to be ex.cuted f but the Night be- fore was fo happy as to mike his Efcaps in his Sifter's Drefs, and again engag'd in the fame Service. This noble Lord marry'd Helen, Daughter to George Lord BamfV, and by her had a Son named David, and lour Dauf,hters ; whereoi' Marion was marry'd to John Lord Lindores, and Margaret to Alexander Lord. Halkerton \ and rhe faid David their Brother marry- ing GrifTel, Daughter to Patrick Lyon, Earl of Strath- more, by her had two S'~>ns, James, who when he was J-ord OfiiWie, and not twenty Years of Age, was Anno ii a 175 2^z Dalziel, £«r/ ^ Carmvath, 171? Attainted and Forfeited: The Eft ate not being in nis Perfon was fav'd, and went to ]ohn his Bro- ther. Some Time after this he obtained a Pardon for his Life, and came home and marry'd Anne Erlkine, Daughter to David Erlkine of Dun, Efqj one of the Senators of the Cojlece of ]uftic-, but falling ill of the Small-Pox, he dy'd about a Month after the Mar- riage, and was fucceedcd by John his Brother, who ntiarryM the Heirefs of Ogilvie of Clunie, by whom he has liTue. ARMS. Pearl, a Lion paflant-guardant. Ruby, crownM with an Imperial Crown proper, and gorg'd with a Ducal one Topaz. Creft. In an Earl's Coronet Gold, a Woman from her VVafle upwards, hiding in her Arms a Port- cullis. Supporters. Two Bulls Diamond, each gorg'd with a Garland of Flowers. Motto. A Fin. P. 19. N** 37. Chief SEAT. At Airly in the Shire of Forfar or Angus, four Miles from Forfar, and 36 from Edinburgh. XXXVni.yHE mofl noble and puifTant Lord, Ro- * berr Dalxiel, Earl of Carnwath, and Lord Dalziel. Created Lord Dalziel, September the 18th in ion. ARMS. Diamond, a naked Man, with his Arms extended, proper. Creft. On a Wreath, a Dagger ered, the Pomel and Hilt Gold. Supporters. Two Chevaliers in compleat Armour, each having a Target on Yas exterior Arm, proper. Motto. I Dare. P. 3ng the Knights of^ the faid Coun'y, to attend the King at Berwick, for an Expe- dition into Scotland. Sir Lionel Talmafh of the Place aforefaid, marrying Anne, Daughter and Heir of the Family of Helmingham of Helmingham-Hall in the County of Suffolk, with her had thac Inheritance, and therein was fwcceeded by Talinafh, Earl of Dyfart. 299 by John their Son, whofe Wife was Anne, Daughter and Heir to Roger de Louth of Santrj in the Couiry of Huntingdon, and by her he had five Sons and Jour Daughters \ vvhsreot Lionel the eldeft fucceeding, he in the 4th and 8th of Henr^ VIII. was Sheriif of the Counties of Norfolk and Su.iblk. He marry'd Edith, the Heirefs of Joice of Creeks- Hall in the County of Suffolk, and "dying the 7th of Edward VL by her left a Son of his Nime \ which Son was knighted by Qvieen Elizabeth; and he mar- rying Dorothy, Daughter to Richard Wcntworth of Kettlefted, by her was Father ot another Sir Lionel, who fucceeded him. Sir Lionel the next Heir, who in the 54th of Eliza- beth was Sheriff of Norfolk and SutFollc, marrying Sufanna, Daugliter to Sir Ambrofe Jermin of Rufli- brook, by her had Sir Lionel Talmalh, Bart, fo made in 1611, and he manyin<; Catharine, Daughter to George Lord Cromwell, by J>Iary his Wife, Daughter to John Paulet, Marquels of Winchefter, by her had Sir Lionel his Heir, the 2d Baronet, who was a Per- fon of great Honour and Efteem in his Country, and was a Burgefs in Parliament for the Town of Orford. He marry'd Elizabetli, Daughter to John Lord Stanhope of Harrington in the Coumy of Northamp- ton, by whom he had a Son ot his Name, and fevea Daught'-rs \ and the faid Lionel their Brother, who fucceeded his Father, marrying Elizabeth, eldeft of the two Daughters and Coheirs to William Murray, Earl of Dyfarr, and Lord Huntiiigtower in the Realm of Scotland, (whr» procur'd Leiters Patent in the jd of Charles II. whereby the Honour was conferr'd on herfelf and her Heirs) by her had Lionel Talmaih^ Earl_ of Dyfart, Thomas the famous General, and William \ and two Daughters, Elizabeth marry^d to Archibald Campbel, Duke of Argyle ; and Catharine, firft to James Steuart, Loid Down Son to the Earl of Murray, and idly to John Earl of Sutherland. In the Re'gn of King William III. th: faid Lionel, who fucceeded, was Knighr of the Shire in three fe- veral Parliaments for the County of Suffolk ; and %vhen Queen Anne afcended the Throne, he was con- ftituted L<'rd Lieutenant, CuftosRotulorum, and Vice- Admiral pf chat County, as alfo had an OtFer of a- K ^ Baron's 300 THlmafh, Earl of Dyfart. Baron's Patenr. the firft her Majefty would create; but he declining that Honour, was again eleiled to ferve his Country in Parliament ; in wnich Poft he conti- nu'd 'till the Union of the two Kingdoms, and then' in his Mother^s Right, was declar'd a Peer of North Britain, by the Titles of Lord Huntingtower, and Earl of^Dyfan, (he having obtain'd from K. Charles II. Letters Patent as before-mention'd, with Precedency according to the firft Creation ; and was ;dly marry'd to John Mattland, Duke of Lauderdale. This noble Lord, who had few Equals in GoodneCf to the Poor and his Tenants, marry'd Grace, one of the two Daughters and Coheirs to Sir Thomas Wil- braham of Woodhey in the County of Charter, Bart, and by her had a Son nam'd Lionel, and four Daugh- ters; whereof Mary and Grace dy'd unmarryM ; but of thofe that furvive, the Lady Elizabeth is marry'd to Sir Robert Cotton of Cumbermcre in the County ot Chefter, and Llanwenny in th' County of Denbigh, Bart, and the Lady Cacharine on the ift of Septem- ber 1724 was marry'd to John Bridges, Marquefs of Caernarvon, eldeft Son to James DuTce of Chandos^ by whom on the 17th of December 1725 fhe had a Daughter named Catharine ; but the faid Marquefs dving on the 8th of April 1727 left her with Child of another Daughter, who was born on the 27th of July following, and is nam'd Jane. Lionel, who was Brother to the above-mention'd ladies, and dy'd in 1712, was marry'd in 1706 to the Lady Harriot-Heneage, (who dy'd in Jan. 1717-18.) Daughter to William Cavendifh, Duke of Devonfhire, and by her left a Son named Lionel, and one Daughter ; which Son, (who in June 1728 was in the 21ft Year of his Age) on the 3d of February v^^6-q^ fucceeded his Grandfather, and is now Earl of Djfart. ARMS. Pearl, a Fret Diamond. Creft. On a Wreath, a Nag's Head coup'd Silver, t(ptween two Wings ereft. Gold. Supporters. Two Anti lopes proper, attir'd and uncul'd Topaz. MotCQ. Confido Con^uxefco* P. si>N''4o. Chief i Maule, Earl of VAnmwre, 301 Chief SEATS. At Ham in the County of Surry, a noble Palace, by the Thames side, two Miles from Kingfton, and eight from London i and at Harrington in the County of Norchampron, two Miles from Rothwell, and 61 from London i at Helmingham-Hall in the County of Sut- folk J and at Woodhey in the County of Chefter. XLI.T'HE moft noble and puiffant Lord, Harry ■■• Maule, Earl ot Panmure, Lord Maule, Bre- chin and Navarr, Lord of the Regalities of Aber- brothock, and Innerpeffer j Hereditary Conftable of the Town of Brechin, Hereditary Jufticiary of Sou- the(k and Northefk, and Bailiff of "Barry. Baron of Panmure by Tenure, in the Reign of King Alexander IL claim'd the Lordftiip and Barony of Brechin by Female Defcent, 1457 \ created Lord Bre- chin and Navarr, and Earl of Panmure in the County of Forfar, the 3d of Auguft in 16^6, by K. Charles I. and Lord Maule by King Charles IL This very antient and noble Family is originally French, and derive their Surname from the Town ana Lordfhip of Maule in France, eight Leagues from Pa- ris, upon the Confines of Normandy. Anfold, Lord of Maul, made a Donation to the Prio- ry of St. Martin des Champa at Paris, in loic, and his Son Guarin is mention'd in a Charter of Robert King of France, before 1030, and was fucceeded by another Anfold, and he by Peter Lord of Maule, who in 1076 founded a Priory of Benediftines at his Town of Maule, and was General of the French ^ rmy againft the King of England in 1008, and had IfTue Anfold his Suc- ceflbr, and Guarin de Maule, who came into England with William the Conqueror, befides feveral other Children. Anfold, Lord of Maule, was famous in the Wars of Italy and Greece, and one of the Chief of the Nor- man and French Captains under Robert Duke of Apu- lia i and was fo great at Home, that he had his Barons and Knights, whom he caufed to fwear Fealty, and do Homaee to his Son before his Death. He marry'd K 7 Odeline 3 02 Miitile, Earl of Panmiire. Odelinc, Daughter to Raoul Lord of Rony, and was fucceeded by iiis Son, Peter Lord oF Maule, who was one ot the Generals of the French Army at the Battle or Breneville, in 1119, and went with 40 Kniyhts in his Retinue to the Siege of Bretteuill in ii38. He marry'd Ade, Dau|;h- ter to the Earl of Guines, by his Wife, Sifter to the Lord of Montm.^raacy, by whom he had Ro^er Loi d of Maulc, who man y'd Idoine. Daugh- ter to the Vifcount of Chaumont j his Son RoDert went to the Holy Land \vith >t. Louis King of France, where he was taken i^rifoner by the Sarazens, and upon his Return founded the Priory of St. Leonard at his Caftlc of Panmure« This Family continued to flouriHi in France 'till another Robert, laft: Lord Maule there, whofe Anns are ftill remaini. g in th^ Church of Maule, being the very fame the it Panmure carry'd for their pa- ternal Coat to this Day. He was kill'd in Hungary, in the War agaiuft the Turks in 1398, leaving one Daughter his Ible Heir, who carry'd the Lordlliip of Maule, and many other Seigneuries, to her Hulband, Simon de Moranvilliers, Lord of Flaccourt, steward to rhe Dauphine ot France. Having done with the eldeft Branch, we return to Guarin de Maule, younger Son to Pe'er Lord of Maule, the direct Anceftor of this noble Fami'y. Which Guarin came into England v»i:h William the Conqueror, among the Names rfvvhofe Followers Maule is always found, particularly in Holingflied, and got the Lordflr.ip of Hatton de Clivcland, out of which Robert de M:nile, his Son, made a Donation to the Abbey of Whi:by, tempore Henrici primi ; from wham defcended Serlo de Maule, who was a Baron of England in the Reign of King ]ohn, and named at the Coronation of King Henry III. Of this fame Fam'ly was William de Maule, who fided with David I. King of Scotland, in the Bellum Standard!, in 1158, and continuing to follow that King's Fortunes obtain'd the Lordfhip of Foulis, out of which he made Donations to rhe Priory of St. An- drew, and is Witnefs to fome of the Charters made by King David, and his Son Prince Henry, before the Year 1152, He dying without liTue Male, Sir Richard Maiile, Earl of P;inmnre, 303 cle Maule, his Nephew, carr .'d on the Line of the Family, and was fucceeded By his Son Sir Peter de Maule, or Maulia. Which Sir Peter, about the Year 1224, tempore A- lexandri fecundi, obtain'd the Barony of Panmure, by the Marriage of Chriftian, Daughter and fole Heir of William de Valoignes, Lord Pan.riure, and Great Chamberlain of Scotland, and dying in 1254 by the faid Chriftian his Wife left Iflue Sir William his Succeflbr, and Sir Thomas, who was Governor of Brechin, whi.h he defended 40 Days againft King Ed- ward L and was there flain in ijoq. Which William, Baron of Panmure, was High She- riff of the County of Forfar at the Death ot King Alexander III. and one of the Barons of Scotland, who did Homage to King Ldward L for his Lands which he held 'of the Crown in 1292. He marry'd Echam, Daughter to J'^ihn de Vaus Lord Dirleton, High Sheriff of the County of Edinburgh, by whom he leftKTue Sir Henry his Son and Heir- Which Sir Henry da Maule was knighted by King Robert Bruce, whom he ferv'd in the Wars againft England j and marry'd Margaret, Daughter to William Hiy of Locherwert, Anceftor to the Marquefs of Tweedale, by whom he had Walter de Maale, Baron of Panmure, who was Governor of Kildrummy in the Beginning of the Reign of King David Bruce, and had "Sir William his Son and Succeilor. Which Sir William marry'd Marion, only Daughter to Sir David Fleming of Biggar, Anceft;ir tu the Earl of Wigton, by Jane h's Wife, Daughter to David Barclay Lord Brechin, and by her had Thomas his Son and Succeflbr. Which Thomas de Maule, Baron of Panmure^ was knighted by Kine Robert III. and was one ot the Commanders of tKe Governor of vcotl.ind's Army at the bloody Batde of Hairlaw, where he was ilain with all the Gentleman of his Na ne in 1411, leaving Iilue by Elizabeth his Wife, Dauuhter to Sir Andrew Gray of Foulis, Anceftor to the Lord Gray, a Son b^rn after his Death, named Thomas, who preferved the Family, that otherwife would have been quite «x;incwifh'd, , . 304 Matile, Earl of Panmure. Which Thomas, Baron of Panmure, was knighted bv King James I. and upon the Death of Walter Earl of Arhole and Lord Berchin, in 14375 laid Claim to -the Lordfhip of Brechin, in Right of nis Great Grand- mother, Daughter to David ],ord Brechin, and ob- tain'd fome Parts of the £ftate of that Familv, but was kept out of the Barony by the Miniftry of King .|ames II. which after fome Time recurn'd to the Fa- raily of the Maules. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Sir Thomas Abercromby of that Ilk in the County -of Fife, one cf the Lords of Seflion, and left IflUe Sir Thomas his Son and Succeflor. Which Sir Thomas was alfo knighted, and was very l^owerful in the Reign of King James IH. and ftileil in Re;.ords The Noble and puiflant Lord Thomas de Maule, Lord of Panmure. He marry'd the Lady Eli- zabeth 1 incifay. Daughter to Alexander Earl of Craw- ford, and Grandchild to the Lady jane. Daughter to King Robert IL by whom he had a Son named Alex- ander, who dy'd in his Life-time, leaving Ifluc by Eli/.abeth his Wife, Daughter to Sir David Guthrie of that Ilk, Knt. Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, Tho- mas, who fucceeded his Grandfather* V\'hich Thomas was BailiiF of Barry, and knighted by James IV. and marry'd (ift) Elizabeth, eldeft Daughter and Coheir to Sir David Roilo of BaJlachie. by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Andrew Lord Gray j and after her Death, Chriftian, Daughter to William Lord Graham, Anceftor to the Duke of Mont- rofe. He was kill'd with his Mafter K. James IV. at the fatal Field of Flodden in 1513, and was fucceed- ed by his eldeft Son of the firft Marriage. Robert, Baron of Panmure, who was fome lime High Sheriff" of the County of F- rfar, and Bailiff of Bairy, had a Licence from King Tames V. exempting him from Parliaments \ was at the Banle of Lithgow Bridge with the Earl oF Lennox, for that King's Li- berty in 1526 i and ii. Qiieeu Mary's Reign, with the Lord Gray ftorm'd the Town of Perth, which held out againft the Queen's Authority j was a great Op- pofer of the Union with England, and after the Battle of Piiikin-cleugh was befieg'a in his Caftle of Pan- mure by the Englilh, wounded, and carry'd Prifoner to the Tower of London. He mairj'd (fi^ft) Ifabel, Daughter Manle, Earl e^Panmwe. goy Daughter to Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie in the County of Perth ; fecondly, Ifabel, Daughter to Sir Robert Arbuthnet of that Ilk, Anceftor to the Lord Vifcount Arbuthnet, and was fucceeded by Thomas his eldeft Son by the firft Marriage. Which Thomas went over with Cardinal Beaton, EmbafTador to France in 1538, and upon his Return was taken Prifoner at the Fight of Halden-rigg i and "being releas'd was again with the Earl of Angus in the Van of the Scots Army at the bloody Battle of Pinkin-ckugh in 1547, where he efcap'd with great Difficulty, having many of his Followers kill'd. He was alfo among the Scots Nobility, who enter'd into that memorable AlTociation for the Defence of King Tames VI. upon his Inauguration. He man^'d (firft) Elizabeth, Daughter to David Earl of Crawford ; and fecondly, Margaret, Daughter to Sir George Halibur- ton of Piccur, and by the iaft he had one Son Patrick, who fucceeded him i Which Patrick was by King James VI. made Here- ditary Bailiff of Barry \ and dying in 1605 left Iflue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Sir ]ohn Erfkine of Dun, (Privy CounfeJlor, and one of the Embafla- dors to France, at the Marriage of Queen Mary) Pa- trick his only Son and Heir ; Which Patrick was a Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King James VI. and King Charles I. Keeper of the King's Houfe and Park at Eltham, High Sheriff and Vice-Admiral of the County of Forfar, and created Lord Brechin and Navarr, and Earl of Panmure, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever. This Earl was with King Charles in all the Battles in which his Royal Perfon was engag'd, and attended his Majefty in aH his Removes, after he was deliver'd up by the Scots Army to the Englifti Commillioners, and ftay'd with him 'till he was made Prifoner in Carif- brook Caftle, that all his old Sertants were forbid upon their Peril to come near him ; and after the King's Murder, Oliver Cromwell impos'd a Fine of 10000 1» Sterling on him for his Loyalty. This noble Earl marry'd (firft) Frances, Daughter to Kr Edward Stanhope, Lord Prefident of the North, and elder Brother to the Lord Stanhope, by whom he had George Lord Brechin his Succeflbx. His fecond Wife 5o5 Maule, Earl of Panmure. Wife was Mary WaUru ti, Mai>l of Honour to Queen Henrietra, ana a near Coufin to the Great Duke of Buckinghai-n j and his third Wi/e was Mavy, Daughter to John Earl of Mar, Lord High Tn.i-.furer of cot- land, and Widow of WiJIiam Earl Marifhu!. George, Earl of Panmure, was Colons' >f a R':^gi- ment of HLorfe f or tli* . and feveral other Children. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Lion rampant, Sa- phire, arm'd and langu'd Ruby^ the ancient Arms of Bruce of Skelton ^ 2d and ja Topaz, a Saltire and Chief Ruby, for Bruce of Annandale (and before they changed the Field from Pearl to Topaz, was the Arms of King Robert I.) Creft. On a Wreath, a naked Arm flexed, ifluing out of a Cloud, and holding a Man's Heart proper. Siipporters. Two Chevaliers in com pleat Armourj and each a Target on his exterior Arm. Motto. Fuimus, P. 48. N® 44. Chief 3 X 1 Lindfay, Earl of Balcarras. Chief SEAT. At Culrofs in the Shire of Kinrofs or Monreichj (a noble ancient Houfe with fine Gardens and Terras Walks, and in the great Stair-cafe there are feveral good Piftures of Knights of the Golden Fleece, Car- dinals, Bifhops, Abbots, and other eminent Men of the Name of Bruce) it is fix Miles from Stirling, and 18 from Edinburgh. XLV. THE moft noble and puiffant Lord, James ■■ Lindfay, Earl of Balcarras, Lord Lindfay and Cumbernald. Created Lord Lindfa.y June 7, kJjj, by Charles L and Earl of Balcarras in the County of Fife in 1^51, by Charles II- The firft of this Family of Lindfay of Balcarras, was John the ad Son of Sir David Lindfay of Edzel, afterwards Earl of Crawfurd, by Janet his Wife, Daughter to Sir John Campbel ot Calder •, and the faid John being a Man of great Parts and Learning was by King tames VI. made one^ of the Senators of the College oF^Juftice, Secretary of State, and one of the Commiffioners of the Treafury j all which Offices he enjoy'd with an univerfal Reputation 'till his Death, which was in the Year 1598 j and he marrying Marga- ret, a Daughter of the Family of Gurhry ot Lunen, by her left David his Son and Heir, who by Kin^ Charles L was created Lord Lindfay. He marry'd Sophia, Daughter to Alexander Earl of Dumfermling, and by her had Alexander his Heir in his Honour, who being a Perfon of great Prudence, and fiiigular AfFeftion to King Charles IL was by him created Earl of Balcarras \ and dying in 1660 left IfTue by Anne his Wife, Daughter to Colin Macken- zie, Earl of Seaforth, two Sons and three Daughters ; whereof Charles the eldeft fucceeding in the Earl- dom, and dying unmarry'd, Colin his Brother be- came Heir. Colin, who was the third Earl, was one of the Privy Council to King James VIL by whom he was alfo made one of (be Commi^Ioaers of the Treafury ; aaa Livingfton, Countefs of Ne\vburg, 313 and he marrying three Wives, by the firft, who was fane, Daughter to David Carnegy, Earl of Northefk, he had a Daughter nam'd Anne, who was marry'd to Alexander Erflcine, Earl of Kelly \ by his 2d, ]ane. Daughter to William Ker, Earl of Roxburgh, he had the late Countefs of Wigton j and by his third and laft Wife, who was Margaret, Daughter to ]ames Campbel, Earl of Loudon, he had two Sons, and two Daughters ; whereof Alexander the eldeft (in ivii) fucceeded him. He was one of the 16 Peers for Scot- land in the laft Parliament, and dying about the Be- ginning of this, he was fucceeded by his Brother the prefent Earl •, whofe Sifter Lady Eleanora was marry'd to James Frafer, Efq^ Brother to the prefent Lord Sal- ton, and has left a Son. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, a Fefs checque Pearl and Saphire, for Lindfay j zd and ?d Topaz, a Lion rampant. Ruby, debruis'd with a Ribband Diamond, for Abernethy, all within a Border of the td, femee of Stars Gold. Creft On a Wreath, a Tent proper, femee of Stars of the laft. Supporters. Two Lions feiant-guardant Ruby, each having a Collar Saphire, charg'd with three Surs Topaz. Chief SEAT. At Balcarras in the Shire of Fife, 21 Miles from Edinburgh, XLVLT'HE mof^ noble and puiflant Lady, Char- ■"■ lot Livingftone, Countefs of Newburg, and Baronefs of Kinnaird. Created Vifcount of Newburgh Sept. 15, \6an^ Earl of Newburgh and Baron of Kinnaird December ji, \66o. The firft of this Family was defcended of Living- (Ion of Weft-quarter, who was a younger Son of John Livingfton of Callender, and Brother to Sir Alexander Livingfton, Governor to King ]ames U. 314 Livingflon, Countefs of Nevvburgh. Sir James Livingfton, Bart. Son and Heir of Sir John Livingfton or Kinuaird, one of ihe Gentlemen of the Bed-chaifber to K. Charles 1. having fervM his Majefty in that Station with great Fidelity, was raifed by his faid Majefty to the Honout of Vifcount of New- bur; h the 13th of September 1647. After the Murder or his Roval M after, he was ccm- pell'd to fly out of England, by reafon of the Difco- veries that Cromwell every Day made, of his corre- fponding with the King ; fo he went to the Havue to his Majefty King Charles II. in the Year 1650, whom he attended throughout the whole of his Exile. Upon his Majefty's Reftoration, the Lord Newburgh was confticuted Captain of his Majefty's Guards, and laifed to the Honour of Earl of Newburgh the 51ft of December \660j and was ever after in great Fa- vour with his Maiefty. He married Carnarine, Daughter of TheophilusEarl of Suffolk, Widow of the Lord Aubigny, and giving way to Fate on the z6xh. of December 1670 left be- hind him the Reputation of a very fine Gentleman, as may be feen in the Earl of Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellicn, Charles Earl of Newburth, his Son, fucceeded bis Father in the Honours, and marry'd Frances, Daugh- ter of Francis Lord Brudenel, and dy'd in the Year 1694, and was fucceeded by his only Child then an Infant, Chariot, now Couirtefs of Newburgh, who marry'd, firft, Thomas Cliflf'ord, Son and Heir appa- rent of Hugh Lord Clifford, by whom Hie has two Daughters, Lady Frances and Lady Anne. She marry'd, fecondly, Charles Radclief, Son, and now Heir of Francis Earl of Darwentwatcr, and Mary Tudor, natural Daughter of King Chai les II. by whom flie has a Son, James Lord Kinaird, and other Children, all born in France. ARMS. Pearl, on a Bend betwixt three Gilly-flower* Ruby, and Anchor of the firft, all within a double Treffure flovver'd and counterflower'd Emerald. Creft. A Moor's Head couped proper, bended Ruby and Pearl, with Pendles Pearl at his £ars. Supporters* Boyde, Earl of KilmarnocJc. 31^ Supporters. On the Dexter by a Savage proper, wreach^d about the Head and Middle Emerald ;, and on the Sinifter, by a Horfe Pearl, f urnifh'd Ruby. Motto. Si Je puis. For their Seat, this Family has not refided in Scot- land fince they were Nobilitate. XLVII.'T'HE moft noble and puifTantLord, Wijliam -*■ Boyde, Earl of Kilmarnock, and Lord Boydi . Created Earl of Kilmarnock in the County of Cun- nincham, Augiift 27, 1661^ by Charles 11. The hrft oflhe Surname of Bcyde is faid to be Ro- bert the Son of Simon, third Son of Allan, Lord Hi ti,h Steward of Scotland j and a Defcendant from him was Sir Robert Boyde, who in 1263 fignalizing his Valour at the Battle of Larges, againft the Norve- gians, had thereupon a Grant of (everal Lands in the County of Cunningham, in which he was fucceeded by another air Robert, who in the id of Robert L for his Loyalty and fignal Merit, was rewarded with the Lands of Kilmarnock. To him fucceed;id Sir Thnmas his Son, the Father of another, whofe V^.'ife was one of the Daugh- ters and Coheirs to Sir John GifFoid of Yefter j and Thomas their Son, who was one ot the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King James I. marrying ]anet, a Daughter of the Family of Montgomery, by her had a Son of his Name, who was Father ol Robert Lord Boyde of Kilmarnock, and Sir Alexander Boyde of Duncow. Robert, who fucceeded his Fat'her, being a Perfori ot great Parts, was on the 25th of October i/Sf66, by Letters Patent, made Regent or Governor of Scotland, in the Minority of King James IlL and then marrying the Lady Mary Steuart, the King's eldeft Sifter, to Thomas Mafter of Boyde his eldeft Son,' (by Marion his Wife, Daughter to Sir Robert Maxwell of Calder- wood) the faid fhomas was thereupon created Earl of Arran, and afterwards fent EmbafTador to Denmark, to treat of a Marriage between the young King his Brother, and Margaret a Daughter of that Crown ^ buc during his Abfence, his Enemies contrived the Ruin ^i6 Boyde, £W ^ Kilmarnock. Ruin of his Family, as reprefenting them to be too ambitious, and too great Subjedh i and fo far prevail'd with the King, that he calling a Parliament, before ivhich the Lord Boyde, the Earl of Arran his Son, and Sir Alexander Boyde his Brother, being fum .mn'd to give an Account ot their Adminiftration i the old Man fearing the Power of his Enemies fled into Eng- land j but Sir Alexander his Brother was indided of High Trcafon, and executed j and the Earl of Arran having brought the Queen from Denmark into the Firth of Forth, and there being inform'd of the Circum- ftances he and his Friends were in, he immediately with his Wife retirM into Denmark, and thence into France, and dying at Antwerp in 1470 was honour- ably intcrr'd by Charles Duke of Burgundy, who eretted a ftately Monument with an Infcription in Teftimony of his honourable Service and Behaviour. By his faid Lady ( who in 1474 was marry'd to James Lord Hamilton) he left a Son named James, aad alfo a Daughter, who was firft marryM to Alex- ander Forbes, and idly to David Kennedy, Earl of Caflils ; and the faid ]ames her Brother dying without Ifl'ue, Sir Alexander, the Son of Sir Alexander Boyde of Duncovv, continu'd the Line, and from James IV. had a Grant of che Lands of Kilmarnock. He marry'd Janet, a Daughter of the Family of Colvilj and by ner had three Sons i whereof Robert the elcieft lucceeding marry'd Helen, Daughter to Sir John Somerville of Camnethan, and by her had Ro- bert his Heir, a Perfon very loyal to Queen Mary j and he marrying Margaret, Dauiihter and folc Heir to George Colquhoun of Glins, by her had Thomas his Succeflbr, and feveral Daughters ; of wh'ch Giles was marry'd to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eglington. Thomas, who fucceeded, marrying Marion, Daugh- ter to Matthew Ompbel of Loudon, by her had a Son named Robert, and three Daughters ; whereof Marion was marry'd to James Hamilton, Earl of A- bercorn y and the faid Robert her Brother dying before his Father, \d: Iflue by Jane his vvife. Daughter to Mark Ker, Earl of Lothian, a Son of his Name, who fucceeded his Grandfather. He Gordon, Ear/ q/" Ahoy n. 31 7 He marry'cl Chriftian, Daughter to Thomas Hamil- ton, Earl of Haddington, and dying in 1628 by her left Robert his Heir, and four Daughters ; which Ro- bert dying without Ifllie, his Eftatc and Honour de- volv'd upon James his Uncle, his Father's Brother, vvhofe Wife was Catharine, a Daughter of John Craik of the City of York, Efq; and by her he had William his Son and Heir, who by King Charles II. was crea- ted Earl of Kilmarnock. William the firft Earl marry'd Janet, Daughter to William Cunningham, Earl oi Glencairn, and dying in i6qz by her left four Sons and two Daughters j 01 which William the eldeft fucceeding, and dying in the fame Year as his Father, left IfTue by Lettice his Wife, Daughter and Heir to Thomas Koyde of the Cit^ of Dublin, Merchant, William the third Earl of Kilmarnock, and Thomas Boyde, Advocate. William, who was the 3d Earl, dying on the aid of November I7i7, left lUiie by Eupheme his Wife, Daughter to William Lord Rofs, William the 4th Eavl, who in 1724 was marryM to the Lady Anne Livingfton, Daughter to James Earl of Linlithgow and Callendar, and has Ifliie the Lord Boyde aiid two other Sons. A R M S. Saphire, a Fefs checque Pearl and Ruby. Creft. On a Wreath, a dexter Hand, coup'd at the Wrift and ered, pointing with the Thumb and the two next Fingers, the other turning down. Supporters. Two Squirrels proper. Motto. Confido. P. 29. N'' 46. Chief SEAT. At' Kilmarnock in the Shire of Renfrew or Cun- ningham, four Miles from Irwin, and 4<7 from Edin- burgh. XLVIII. ."yHE moft noble and puifTam Lord, George •*■ Gordon, Earl of Abojn, and Lord Glen- livet. Create 3 1 8 Gordoiij Earl of Aboyn. Created Earl of Aboyn in the County of Aberde:n 3 Septe.nber lo, i66iy the 13th of Charles II. The Defcent of this inhls^ ^iniily b^iag fet forth under the Title of Duke of Gordon, we fhall here only add. that Charles the third and younj^eft Son of George the fecond Marquefs of riu:i. ly, havinu highly xnanifefted his Loyalty to Kin^ Cnarles I- in the Time of the Civil War, as alfo, firmly adhering to King Charles !!• during the Ufurpari'Mi, was, in Recom- pence of thofe his acceptabl;; Services, rais'd to the Dignity of Earl of Aboyn as above ^ and he dyuig iij. 168 J left Iflue by Elizabeth his VVif-, Daughter to John Lyon, Earl of Strarhnnre, cjiree >ons, and a Daughter ,of her Name , which Daaght^.r'was mar- ry'd to ]chn Mackenzie, Son to George Earl of Crow- marry \ and of the Sens, which were Charles, George and ]ohn, the cldeft fucceeaing his Father, and dying in I7b5, left IfTue by Eliz.abetli his Wife, Daujihrer to Patrick Ljon, Earl ot Srrathmore, his Cou'n Ger- man, John his Son and Heir, who n -ry d Mrs- Grace lockhart, Daughter to Ger>rge Lockhart of Carnwath, Ef'ji by whon he lef: jfliie three >ons, all young 3 George the Earl, Lockhart Gordon, Efq^ and ]ohn. ARM ,S. Saphire, a Cheveron between three Boars Heads eraz'd. Topaz, for Gordon, within a double Trerture, flower'd with Fleurs-de-lis wirhn, adorn'd with Crefcents without, or the laft, for Sea:on. Creft. On a Wreath, a Demi Lyon Ruby, arm'd and lancu'd aaphire. Supp-^-rters. Two Chevaliers in compleat Armour, each holding an tialberd pi-'^per. Motto. Stant CiXtera Tigno. P. 23. N** 47- Chief SEAT. At Aboyn on the River Dee in the Shire of Abr;r- Attn. 15 Miles fiom Invwnaajt, and 57 from Edin- burgh. XLIX. ( Cochran, Earl of Diiiidonald. 31a XLIX. nr HE moft noble and puiflant Lord, William -■• Cochran, Earl of Dundonald, and Lord Cochran. Created Lord Cochran of Cowdon, December 17 in 1647, b) Charles I. and Earl of the Caftle of Dun- donald in the Shire of Renfrew, the lith of Ma^y in \66:)^ by Ch?.rles II. This Family, which originally took its Surname from the Barony ot Cochran in the Ccuncy of Renfrew, is •f very gieac Antiquity j and tho' none of it arriv'd to the Dii^nicy of Peerage till the Reign of King Charles L yet it's undeniable, that they were Barons cf fpeci..l Account for many Ages before, and en- dow'd with large PoflclTions in rhefe Parts, and elfe- where. In the Reign of Kijig Alexander III. Waldenus de CocKran was a Witnefs to the Grant which Dungal the Son of Suayn made to V^'aker Earl of Monteith, of fundry Lands in the County of Argyle ; and William de Cochran his Succeflbr did Homage to Edward I, of England. In the Reign of King Robert II. Gcfline de Co- chran was a Witnefs to feveral Grants made by that King, and to him fucceeded William his Son, a Per- fon in great Favour with Robert III. and was Father of Robert, whofe Son Allan was Father of another Robert, and he cf John, whofe Son of his Name mar- rying a Daughter ot the Family cf Lindfay, by her had William'^hisSon and Heir j which William eretted' from the Foundation the ancient Seat of Cochran, and adorn'd it with large Plantations. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Robert Mont- gomery of Skemurly in the County of Air, by Mary his Wife, Daughter to Robert Lord Semple, and by her had an only Daughter Eliiabeth ; which Daughter' he marrying to Alexander a younger Son to John Blair of that Ilk, the faid Alexander, Dy the Marriage Ar- ticles chang'd his Name to Cochran, and by her had feven Sons, and two Daughters ; whereof four of the Sons were Colonels in the Service of King Charles I. but John the eldeft dying without Iflue, William the 2d became Heir, and was created a Baron and Earl. He 2 io Cochran, Earl of Dundonald. He marry'd Eupheme, Daughter to Sir William Scot of Ardrofs in the County of Fife, and by her had a Son named William, and a Daughter GrilVel \ which Daughter was mairy'd to George Lord Rofs j and the faid William her Brother dying before his Father, lett Iflue by Catharine his Wife, Daughter to ]ohD Kenne- dy, Earl of Calfils, John Succeflbr to his Grandfather, and three Daughters \ Margaret nurry'd to Alexander Monteomery, Earl or Eglington, Helen to ]ohn Earl of Sutlierland, and Jane to William Lord Vifcounc Kilfith : alfo a Son, William Cochran of Kilmarnock, marry'd to Griflel, Dauf;hter of James id Marquefs of Montrofe, Anceftor to the prefent Family. John, who was the 2d Earl^ was a Nobleman of great Goodnefs and excellent Parts \ and he dying in i65>i, regretted by all that knew him, left Iflue by the Lady Sufanna his Wife, Daughter to William Duke of Ha- milton, two Sons, William and John, whereof the eldeft lucceeding, and dying unmarry'd, the youngeft became Heir, and on the 18th of Oftober 1713 was elefted one of the \6 Peers for Nonh Britain \ as in the Fiift of King George L he was made Colonel and Captain of the 4th Troop cf Horfe Guards j but he dying on the 5th of June 1720 left Iflue by Anne his firft Wife, Daughter to Charles Murray, Earl cf Dun- more. William "the 5th Earl of Dundonald, and three Daughters \ but on tne 15th of Odober 1715, taking to his id Wife the Lady Mary Ofbnrn, 2d Daughter to Peregrine Duke of Leeds, and Widow of Henry Someifet, Duke of Beaufort, by her had no Iflue. William, who was :he 5th Earl, dying on the ayth of January 1724-5, in the i7ch Year ofhis Age, the Honour devolved upon Cochran of Kilmarnot k, Efq; who was the (5th Earl. He marry'd Mifs Catha- rine Hamilton. Daughter to Lord Bafil Hamilton of Baldcon, by wnom he had the prefen: Earl, and fome more Sons, all under Age. ARMS. Pearl, a Cheveron Ruby, between three Boars Heads erai'd, Saphire. CreA* On a Wrca^b, an Horfe paflant. Silver. Supporters, Keith, Earl of Kintore. ^21 Supporters. Two Greyhounds Pearl, collar'd an4 lei(h'd Topaz. Motto. Virtute & Lahore. P. 15. No. 48. Chief SEATS. At Paifly in the Shire of Renfrew or Cunningham, two Miles from Renfrew, and j8 from Edinburgh i and at Auchins in the Shire of Kyle or Air. L.'T'HE moft nnble and puiflant Lord, John Keith. •*■ Earl of Kimore, Lord Keith of Inverury and Keith-Hall, and Knight Marlhal of Scotland. Created Earl of Kinrore in the County of Aberdeen, June ih-i 26 in 1*^77, by Ch.'.rles II. The Dcfcent of this great and illuftrious Family be- ing fet forch at large under the Title of Earl of Mari- fhal, we fliall here only obfei-ve, that William Earl Marilhal, marrying Mary, Daughter to Johii Erfkine, Earl ot" Mar, he by her had William his Succeflbr, and Sir John Keith, Kt. which Sir John, being inftioi- mental in prefcrving the Regalia of the Kingdom ti om falling into the Hands of the Enclilh during tli* Ufurpation of Oliver Cromwell, was tnereupon, after the King was reftorM, created Knight Mariihal, and. Earl of Kiatore. He was alfo, by his faid Majefty, made one of the Privy Council, and Treafurer Depute j and by Marga- ret his Wife, who was Daughter to Thomas Hamilton, Earl of Haddington, he had a Son named William, and ]two Daui,hcers j which William, marrying Ca- tharine, Daughter to David Murray, Vifcount Stor- mont, by her had John his Heir, William Keith, Efq; and two Daughters, all living ; Catharine the eldeft Daughter is marry d to David Lord Hackerton, and has Iflue. Which John Earl of Kintore marry'd Mifs Erfkine, Daughter of James Erlkine of Grange, Efq; Brother to tne late Earl of Mar, but as yet has uo lilue. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, a Scepter and Sword in Saltire^ with gn Imperial Crown in Chiefj Topaz, V o L. II, J. a^ 2^2 Campbe], Earl of Broadailnii. aJl within an Orle of eit^ht Thirties of the 2d, as a Coat ol: Augmentation, "for preferving the Regalia of the Kingdom j id and 3d Pearl, on a Chief Ruby, three Pallets Topaz, for the Name of Keith. <.reft. On a Wreath, an a^ed Lady, from the Mid- dle upwards, richly attir'd, holding in her Right Hand a Garland ot Laurel. ^ buppoiters. Two Chevaliers in compleat Armour, each holding a Pike in aCentinel's Pofture, proper. Motto. Quje Amifla Salva. P. 22. N° 51. Chief SEAT. At Keith-Hall, a good old Houfe in the Shire of Aberdeen. LLTT HE moft noble and miifant Lord, John Camp- ■*- bel, Eail of Broadalbin, Vifcount Glenurchy, one of the \6 Peers for Scorland. Created Earl of Kioadalbin in the Shire of Perth, January 28, 1677-8, by King ChailesU. The Defcent v^i this ancient and iiuble Family may be found undei the Title of Duke of Ar};vle, where it is Ihewn, that Duncan the firft Lord Cainpbel marrying Margery, a Daughter of Robert Sreuart, Dulcc of Aibauy, by h«r had Archibald, who coiitinu'd tiut Line, and Sir Colin Campbel, Kt^ from which Sir Colin fpruiig the Lord of whom we are fpeakingi and he marrying Margaret, Dau>:h:er arid Coheir to Johii Steuavt Lord Lcrn, with her had the Third of that Inlieri.Tince. \.\\ the Rei^n of Kin<; Charles 11- Sir ]chn Campbel of Glenurchy, Bart, Cwhofe Anceftcr Duncan Campbel of the fame Place, on the ;<;ih of May i<''Z5, was rai- fed to that Diuni'v) marrying Mary, Dauiihcer to V^ il- liam Earl of Airth and Mcnteith, 'by her had a Son of his Name, which Son. in Confidcia'ion r f rh/. Loyalty of his Anceftorj, and his own perfonal Merit, w.-.s created Earl of Cairhnufs^ but in lOtx that 'litle be- ing adjudged to anoilK-r, he was then created Earl of Edoadalbin with Precedency accoiding to the for- mer Parenr. ■ In \6i)^ he was appointed one of the Privy Council JO Kin^ W 111. by whom he was aifo made cne ot Campbel, Earl of Broadalbin, ^i^. of the Commiffioners of the Treafury j and dying oa the i9:h ot'March 171(5-17, in the bift Year ot hi? Age, left Ifllie by Mary his Wife, Daughter to Henry Rich, Earl of Holland ia England, two Sons, Dun- can and John, whereof the eldeft being infirm, the youngeft is the prefent Earl , and on the i4:h of ]une 1725 was appointed Lord Lieutenant of the Shire of Perth J and he marrying Henrietta, Daughter to Sir Edward Villiers, Kt. and Sifter to Edward Earl of Jerfey, by her has ]ohn his Heir apparent, who ia the Year 1720 was appointed Mafter of the Horfe to the three eldeft Princefl'^s, and his Majefty's Ambafla- dor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Denmark, in which honourable Poft he was continu'd by his Majefty King George IL for fome Years. On the 27th of May 172^, he being made a Knighc of the Bath, was initall'd in Henry Vllth's Chapel in VVeftminrter- Abbey on the i7ch of ]une following ; and his Lord{hip (who at the Coronation of King George IL OdoDerii, 1727, carry'd the Princefs Amelia's Coroner, and is now Member of Parliament for the Borough of Saltafh in the County of Corn- wall) marrying; An.iab;lla, Daughter to Henry Grey, Duke of Kent, by her (who dyM on the 2d of March 1726-7) had one Soa and one Daughter, who wcie both born in D.-nmark j but the Son (who was about fix Years of Age) dy'd oa the 12th of May, 10 Weeks afcer his Mother. ARMS. Quaiterly, ift and 4th Gyrony of eight Pieces To-J paz and Diamond, for Camjjbel \ 2d Topaz, a Fefs cheque Pearl and Saphire, tor Steuart j ^d Pearl, a Galley, or Lymphad, Diamond, her Oars in Aiition, and Sails fuil'd clofe, for the Lordftiip of Lorn. Creft. On a Wreath, a Boar's Head eraz'd proper,. ; Supporters. Two Stags ot the latter, attird and ungul'd Gold. Mono. FoJIow ms. P. 27. N°52. [I. '£■ ClucF 2 24 Gordon, £^r/ 3/^ Aberdeen. Chief SEATS. At Kilburn and Glcnorchy in the Shire of Argyk and at Finlaiiog and Taymouth in the Shire cf Perch, LII. "THE moft noble and puiflant Lord, William ■*• Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Vifcount For- roartin. Lord Haddo, Methlick, Tarves, and Kellie. Created Earl of Aberdeen in the County of Mar, November 30 in i68a, by King Chirles II. of this ancient Family who fprung from the illu- ftrious Houfe of Gordon 300 Years ago, and for many Ages poffefs'd of a large Eftate in the County of Aberdeen, was ]ohn Gordon of Haddo, who in 1641 was created a Baronet j but two Years after, for his Loyalty to King Ciiarles I. and holding out his Caftle of Haddo againft the Parliament Army, was fent Pri- foner to Edinburgh, and condemn'd and executed. He marry'd Mary, Daughter to William Forbes of Tolquhon, and by her had Sir George his Son and Heir, who being a Perfon of excellent Parrs and Learning, was by Charles II. on the 7th cf May 168;, made OiV^ of the Senators ot the College o( ]uftice, Prefident of the Council, and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland J and on the joth of November following created an tarl, &c. and he marrying Anne, Daugh- ter aiid Heir to George Lockharc of Porbreaks, by her had a Son named William, and four Daughters, where- of Anne was marry'd to Alexander Mont{:omcry Earl of Eglington, and Mary to Alexander Mafter ot- Sal- ton i and tho fatd William their Brctlrer, who is now Earl of Aberdeen, was on the ift of ]uue 1721 eleded one of the 16 Peers for North HTitain (in the Room .^f William Johnfton, Maicuefs of Annandal?, cieceas'd) and he marrying to his firft Wife Mary, Daughter to David Lefly, Earl of Leven, by her had one Da'ughter ; and by his fecond Wife, who was the Lady Sufanua Murray, eldeft Dauglrter to John Duke of Athole. he had alfo another Daughter, Lady Catharine, and his Sr>n and Heir Lord Haddo. His third Wife is Lady Anne Gordon, Daughter of Alexander Duke ot Gor- dna, by whom he has feveial Sons and Daughters iiviiig. ARMS. Murray, Earl ^Duiimore. 52^ ARMS. Saphire, three Boars Heads coup'd, within a double Trelliire of Thirties, Rofes, and Fleurs-de-lis Gold. Creft. On a Wreath, two naked Arms, holding a Bow to let fly an Arrow. Motto, Fortuna Sequatur. P.49. N'sj- Chief SEAT. At Kelly, 14 Miles from Aberdeen. LIII. T^HE moft noble and puiflanc Lord, Joh» ■■- Murray, Earl of Dunmore, Lord Blair and Fincaftle, Colonel of the 3d Regiment of Scotch Fooc Guards, iand one of the 16 Peers for North Britain, and Major General of his Majefty^s Armies. Created Earl ot Dunmore, Auguft the 1 5 in i6Z6^ by ]ames VII. The firft of this noble Family was the Lord Charles Murray, younger Brother to ]ohn Duke of Athole, under which Title his Defcent may be found at large \ and the faid Lord Charles, who was Mafter of ths Horfe to the Princefs of Denmark, (afterwards Queea Anne) and to Queen Mary, the Wife of K. ]ames VII. he was by that King created an Earl, as above. In tlie Reign of Queen Anne, he was made one of the Privy Council, and Captain of the Caftle of Black- nefs J and dyinji in 1710 left Iflue by Catharine hij Wife, Daugh:er to Robert Watts of the County of Hertford, Efq; fix Sons and three Daughters; Hen- rietta many'd to Patrick Lord Kinnaird, Anne to John Cochran, Earl of Dundcnald, and Cathaiine to John Mafter of Nairn ; and of the Sons ]ames the eldeft dying without IlTue, John the 2d is the prefent Earl, and on the 8th of Ottober 17 15 was elected on« of the 16 Peers for North Hiiciin, as at the fame Time ho was made Colonel of the ihird Regiment of Foot Guards, and on the 30th of September 1727 was again chofe one of the \6 Peers. William Murraj, Ef^j is marry'd to a Daughter of the late Lord Nairn. Robert dy'd a Brigadier of his Majefty's Armies i and 1 homa$ is a Colonel in tb« third Re^imgnt of Onards. 1-3 ARMS. 3 26 Hamilton, Counte/s of Oxkiity, ARMS. Quarterly, ift Saphire, three Stars Pearl, within a double TrelVi're fiovvcr'd and counter-fiouer'd with Fletirs-de-Hs ' op.- '-, fv'^r the Name of Murray ^ 2d quarterly, if; and 4th Topaz, a Fefs cheque Pearl and Saphire, for Steuart j 2d and ^d Pally of {\y:. Topaz, and Diamond, for Achole \ 5d Grand Quarter as the id, the 4th as iht ift j and ov.'r all, by V\ ay of Sur- tout, an Lfjutcheon Ruby, charg'd with three Legs in Triangle, coajoin'd in Fefs at the upper Part oi the Thigh, and j^aniifli'd proper, for the lile of Man, as lelated to the Earl oi Derby. Creft. On a '.N'rearh, a detni Savage, wrea'h'd about the Middle with Laurel, holding in his Right Hand a Sword erett, pr.:per, the Pomel and Hilt Gold ; and in the ],eft a Key Topaz. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Savage, wreath'd as the Creft, his Feet in Fetters cX Iron, and the Chain over his Right Arm. On the Sinifter, a Lion Ruby, having a Collar Saphire, charg,'d with three Stars Pearl. Chief SEATS. At Dunmore andFincaftle in the Shire of Athole. IIV. 'T'HE moft noble and puifiant Lady, Anne *■ Hamilton, Countefs of Orkney, and Baronefs of Shetland. Created Earl of rhe lilands of Orkney, January 10, j6j?<-6, by William III. Tne noble Lord, who laid the Foundation of the Honours of this Family, was younger Brother to James lace Duke of Hamilton, and defcended from the illu- ftrious :4oufe of Dv^uglafs, as is fct forth in the Family of Hamilton, betaking himfelf early to Arms, ana di- ftinguifhing a particular Bravery and Fortitude in the Battles of Boyne, Achrim, Stankirk, Landen, and Blenheim ; and no lefs in the feveral Seiges of Ath- lone. Limerick, and Namur j was thereupon, in Re- ward of his great Merit, on the hrft of March \6%9-<)Oy 2 mad« Hamilton, Count efs of Orkney. 027 made a Colonel, and afterwards created an Earl, as before mention'd. On the pth of March 1701, the ift of Queen Anne, he wai made a Major-Geaeral, as on the ift of January i7^3-4> he was a Lieutenant, and on the 7th ©f Fe- bruary following, a Kniehc of the moft Ancient and Noble Order of the Thiftle. On the lith of February 1705-7 he was elecied one of the \6 Peers for Scotland, to Ut in the firft Parlia- ment of Great Britain, as in \'^\o he was made one of the Privy Council, and on January i, 1710-11, General of the Foot in Flanders, where in 171 ^ he ferv'd Queen Anne, under his Grace James Butler, Duke of Ormond. On the 28th of Odober 1714 he was fwovn Gen- tleman extraordinary of the Bedchamber to King George I. being likewife on the 17th of December followine; made Governor of Virginia, and was made firft Field Marfhal by his nrefent Maiefty, and Gover- nor of the Caftle of Edinburgh. His Lordfliip mar- ry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to bir Edward Villiers, Kr, and Sifter to Edward Earl of Jerfcy, by her had three Daughters j whereot the Lady Anne the eldeft is mar- ry'd to William Obryen, Earl of Inchiquin in Ire- land \ Frances the id to Sir Thomas Saunderfon, alias Lumley, Knight of the Bath, Brother to Richard Earl of Scarborough •, and on the 18th cf April 1728, the Lady Henrietta the youngeft, w^is marry'd to John Lord Boyle, Son and Heir Apparent to Charles Earl of Orrery in Ireland. This gre.u Harl dying, was fuccceded according to the Settlement of his Eftate and Honours by Anne his eldeft Daughter, Countefs of Inchiquin, who is now Countefs of Orkney, and has Ifl'ue. A R M S. Quarterly, ift Saphire, a Ship at Anchor, within a double Treffure, flbwer'd and counterflowerM with Fleurs-de-lis Topaz, for the Earldom of Orkney ; id and 3d the quarter'd Arms of Hamilton ; and tlie 4th ii the Arms of Dcuglafs' Creft. In a Dwell Coronet Topaz, ' an Oak frufteU and penetrated tranfverfly in the main Stem by a Frame-Saw proper, the Frame Gold, L 4 Supporters. 22,8 Doiiglafs, Earl of "MTLVch, Supporters. On the Dexter Side, an Antelope Pearl, his Horns, Ducal Collar, Chain, and Hoofs, Topaz* On the Sinifter, a Stag proper, attir'd, collar'd, chained and HooPd as the Dexter. Metto. Through. P. 41. N° 55. Chief SEATS. At Clifden in the County of Bucks, a noble Palace, on a Hill by the Side of the Thames, (built by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and fold by his Execu- tors to this Earl) five 'Miles from Windfor, and 23 from London j and at Taplow-Hall in the fame Coun- ty, two Miles from Clifden. IV. T'HE moft noble and puiffant Lord, William ■*■ Douglafs, Earl of March, Lord Douglafs of Nidpath, Lynn and Mannor, and Hereditary SheriiV of the County rt Peebles. Created Earl of the County of March, commonly call'd the Mers, or Shire of Berwick, April the zoth in 1697, by 8 had the Honour to ht and vote in the Parlia- ment of Scotland as Lord High Treafurer) dy'd before his Father without Ifllie. Alexander the fecond Son, who was then a Lord of Seflion, fuccscded as Lord PoUvarch, who upon the Acceffion of this prefent Family laid down his Office as a Judge, in which he was fucceeded by his Brother Sir Andrew Hume of Kimmargham. And, On the 2jd of March 1715-16 he was appointed Envoy extraordinary to the Courts of Denmark and Piuffiaj and on the 13th of December following L 6 made 552 Humey Ear/ of "M^Tchmont, made Clerk Regifter of Scotland, in the Room of the Earl of Glafgow. In ]uly 1710 he was conftituted h's Majefty's Em- baflador to the Kingof Denmark ^ and in his Return from that EmbafTy^'hYe of his Servants were loft on the Godwin Sands. In January 1721-2 he was appointed firft Embafla- dor and Plenipotentiary to the Conurefs to be held at Cambray j and on the 2jth of March followinji made his publick Entry into caa: Ciry ^ beings likewife, on the id of February 1724-^, by Comnifhon from his Majeftv King George I. (whilft ar Cambray) inverted with tne Green Ribband, the Enfign of the moft An- cient and Noble Order of the Thiffle. On the 31ft oJ March 172'S he was fworn one of the Privy Council to George I. as on the 24rh of Ja- nuary 1727-8, he was by George 11. made Clerk of his Majefty's Regifters and Rolls of SelTion, and of the Exchequer, and of all CommifTions and Conventions of Eftate in Scotland j of all which Places his Lord- (hip was depriv'd, and dy'd Feb. zj, 17^9-. o. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter and Heirefs of Sir George Campbel, 01 Cefnock, Dy whom he had the pre- fentEarlof Marchmont, Member of Parliament for the Town of Berwick, who is married to Mifs Philips, a rich Heirefs ; and Alexander Hume Campbel, who reprefents his Mother's Family, and is Member of P:.r- liament for the Shire of Berwick j two very promifinj joung Gentlemen. ARMS. Quarterly, ift grand Qiiarter countcr-quarter'd ', ift and 4th Einerald, a Lioii rampant Pearl, for Hume ; 2d and 3d Pearl, three Pepingoes emerald, for Pep- die ; 2(1 Pearl, three Pile^ iiTuinc from the Chief in- fraiVd, Ruby, for Polwarth ; j(d Pearl, a Crofs in- trail'd. Diamond, for Sinclair ; (but the Crofs by Miftake is hatch'd Saphire) the 4th grand Quarter as thefirft; and over ail, bv way of Suvtout, an Efcut- cheon Pearl, charged witn an Orange, enfign'd with an Imperial Crown, all proper, as a Coat of Augmen- tation, given by Xing VViiliam III. Creft. Carmichael, Ear/ of Hynford, 555 Creft. On a Wreath, a Man's Heart, out of which iflues a Dexcer Arm ered, gvafping a Cymiter, all proper. Supporters. Two Lions reguardant. Pearl, arm'd and lancu\l Ruby. Motto. Fides Probata Coronat. P. 13. N° $8. Chief SEATS. In the Town of Berwick upon Tweed ; and at Red- brays, eight Miles from that Town. LVII. "y H E m">ft noble and pnifTant Lord, ]oha -*- Carmichael, Earl of Hynford, Lord Carmi- chael, and Baronet. Created Baron of Carmichael in the County of La- nark, December the 27th in 1647, by Charles I. and Earl of Hynford in the fame County, the 25th of June in 1701, by William IIL Of this ancient Family, which is faid to afllime their. Surname from the Lands of Carmichael in th« Couoty of Lan.irk, where they fttll have their chief Seat^ was Sir ]ohn Carmichael, Kc who accompany'd Archibald Earl of Douglafs to the Alhftance g^ Charles VL of France ag:{i[ift the Enalifh ; and there in the Year 1422 figiulizing his Valour at the Battle of Bauge, and breaking his Spear (wlien the French and Scotch got the Vidory) had thereupon added to his paternal Arms, a Dexter Hand ana Arm arm'd, holding a broken Spear, which is now the Creft of the Family. This Sir ]ohn marrying the Countefs Dowager of Ancus, by her had William his Son and Heir, the Father of John y which "John, in Confideration of his good Services to King James IIL had divers Lands beftow'd on him by thit Prince, and therein was fucceeded by William his Heir ; vvnofe Son John mar- lying Elizabeth, Daughter to Hugh Lord Somervil!?, by her had another John, who by Queen Mary w.ft knighted, and made Warden oi the Middle Marches towards England. In 1588 he, with Sir John Vaufe, and Peter Young, F.fli was fern Ejnbairador to Deiimaik, to Ei;opofe a L 7 Match 534 Carmichae], Earl of Hynforc. March between King James VI. and a Daughter of tha^ Croun, which being foon accomplilh'd, \\z was after- wards made Captain of his Majefty's Guard, and fenr Xmbaflador to Queen EVixabeth 5 and dying in the Year i5oo left IHue by Margaret h-s Wife, Daughter to Sir David Douglafs of Pittendrich (Sifter to David Earl of Ancus, and to James Earl of Moreron, Regent of Scotland) Sir Hugh his Succeflor, and three Daugii- ter5. Sir Hugh being a Pei-fon of great Parts was one of the Privy Council to the aforefaid King James, by whom he was alfo made Mafter of the Horfe, and fent FmbaiTador to Denmark j but John his Son dyings Avirhout IfTue, the Eftate came to James Carmichael ot Hynford, a collateral Branch of the fame Family i which James marrying Marion, Daughter to Sir Hugh Campbel of Loudon, by her had Walter his Son and Heir. Walter, who fucceeded, many'd Grifel, Daughter cf John Car;nichael of Meadowfiat, Cap'ain of Craw- ford, and dMug in 1612 by her left Ifl'ue James his Heir, and three Daughters \ which James," being a Gentleman oF excellent Parts, was firft made one of the Cup-beareis to his Majefty, and then Carver, and Advancing daily in Favour, was at leng'h appointed Chamberlain of the Principali:y, and by Charles I. created a Baronet. He was alfo by that King promoted to be Juftice, Clerk, Treafurer Deputy, and one ot the Senrttors or the College of Juftice ; and in the Time of the Civil War, lending his Majefty confiderable Sums of Money (when they \vere look'd iipoii as Enemies to the Peace of their Country, who own'd the King's Canfe) he was thereupon -created a Baron, and By Charles IL made one of the Privy Council. He marry'd Acnes. Sifter to Sir John Wilkie of Fnulton, and by her had three Sons and four Daugh- ters \ of which Sir William the eldeft was one of the Gens d'Arms to Lewis XIV. but he dyingjnhis Fa- ther's Life-time lef: Ifue by Grifel his Wife, Dai'gh- ter to William Marcuefs of Douglafs, John, who fuc- ceeded his Grandfather. a:id two Daughters. ]ohn the 2d Baron, being one of the Scotch Peers, \vho appeared moft e^rly iii the Revolution, was thereupon^ Carmichael, 5^;-/ o/* Hynford. 35 j thereupon, and for many his good Services, (when the Prince of Orange was advanced to the Throne) made one of the Conimillioners of the Privy Seal, Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons, one of the Privy Council, Comrnilficner of the General Aflembly of the Church, one of the Secretaries of State, and created an Earl j as in 1702, the ift of Queen Anne, he was made one of the Privy Council, and appointed one of the Com- miflioners to treat of an Union with England ; and his Lordiliip marrying Beatrix, Daughter to David Lord Maderty, by Beatrix his Wife, Daughter to John Graham, Earl of Montrofe, by lier had tdiree Sons and three Daughters. The eldeft of tlie Daughters was married to loKn Cockburn of Ormifton j the fecond CO John Montgomery of Gilfen j and the third to the pre Cent Sir John Maxwell of Nether- Pollock, and had all Iflue. The two younger Sons were William CarmichacT, Efq; Advocate, and Daniel Carmichael of Mauldfly, Efq: both had Iflue. James the eldeft fucceeded his Father, and marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter of John Earl of Lauderdale j by her he had a Daughter, Lady Margaret, marry'd to bir John Anftruther, Bart. aHcl had [flue j and five Sons, of which William the fecond Ts a Clergyman in the Church of England, and mar- ry'd to a rich Lady. James is Member of Parliament for the Diftrid of the Boroughs of Peebles, Lenrick, &c. and Archi- bald is a Captain at Port Mahon. John the eldeft fucceeded his Father in the Honours, and marry'd Elizabeth Lady Dowager Romney, Daugh- ter of Sir Cloudefly Shovel. He is one of the 16 Peers for Scotland, and had the Honour to reprefent his prefent Majefty as Commiflioner to the laft General Aflembly of the Kirk of Scotland. He is Colonel of a Company in the third Regiment of Guards. ARMS. Pearl, a Fefs wreathv, Saphire and Ruby. Creft. On a Wreath, an arm'd Arm ereft, holding a broken Spear. Supporters.. On the Dexter Side, a Chevalier in compleat Armour, plum'"d on the Head with three Featlieis 33^ Mackenzie, Earl of Cromarty. Feathers Pearl, and holding in his Rrght Hand a Bat- ton Roval. On the Sinifter, an Herfe Silver, furniih'd Ruby. Mocro. Tou jours prefle. P. 27. N° 59. Chief SEATS. At Carmichael in Clydfdale, or the Shire of Lanerk, iS Miles South-weft from Edinburgh; and at Wefter- -hall in the fame County. LVHL T' H E moft noble and puiflant Lord, James ■■■ Mackenzie, Earl of Cromarty, Vifcount Tarbat, Lord Macleou, and Caftle-Haven, Hereditary Sheriff of the County of Cromarty, and Baronet. Created Baron of Macleod and Caftle-Haven, and Vifcount Tarbar, Afiil ij in 168^, by ]ames VII. and Earl of the County of Cromarty Jan. i, 1702-3, by Queen Anne. The Defcent of this noble Family being fet forth luidtr the Title of Earl of Seaforth, the Reader may there find that Colin Mackenzie marrvin;: Barbara, I'auirhter to John Grant of that Ilk, by herliad three Sons j whereof Kenneth the eldtft Uicceeded, and was created Lord Kintail \ and from Roderick the fecond, who was knighted, defceaded the Lord of whom we are fpeaking. He marry'd Margaret, Dauj^hter and Heir to Tor- ^uil Macleod, of the Lewes ; and thereupon added to Bis Arais Or, a Mountain in a Flame proper \ and dy- ing in 1625 bv her left IiTue four Sons and one Daudi- ter J whereof John the eldeft fucceeding was oy Charles I. created a Baionet j and he marrying Mar- igaret. Daughter and Coheir to George Erllin of In- nertail, Brother to Thomas Earl of Kelly, by her had two Sons, Sir George his Heir, and Roderick ; which Roderick was one of the Senators oi the College of Tuftice J and he marr>ing Margaret, Daughter to A- texander Burnet, Archbiflicp of St. Andrew's, by her hui Alexander Mackenxie of Frazerdale. And the fs'd Sir John havirig alfo five Daughters, Anne was marry'd* to Hugh iTord Lovat, and Ifabel to Kenneth Mackfinziej Eari of Seaforth. Sir Mackenzie, Earl of Cromarty. 55-7 Sir George, who in 1654 fucceeded his Father, had a Commiflion from King Charles II. during his Exile, to raife what Forces he could for his Majefty's Service, in Order for his Reftoration j and for thofe his good Performances, when his Majefiy came to the Crown, he was made one of the Senators of the College of ]u- ftice, Clerk Regifter, one of the Privy Council, and Juftice General j and by James VII. was created a Baron and Vifcount. In the Reign of Queen Anne he was made Secretary of State, one of the Privy Council, and created an Earl, and was alfo continued in his Poft of Juftice General, as being a Perfon of Eminent Learning, and an able Statefman ; and his Lordfhip, who was faid to be one of the oldeft Officers in the World, dying on the i7th of Auguft 1714, in the 84th Year of his Age, left Iflue by Anne his firft Wife, Daughter to Sir ]ames Sinclair of May, three Sons and four Daugh- ters ^ whereof James the youngeft was created a Ba- ronet in 1704, and promoted to be one of the Sena- tors of the College of Juftice, Anno 1710, and has Iflue. Keneth the id was created a Baronet with Prece- dency according to his Grandfather's Patent i628» John tlie eldeft lucceeded his Father ; he was marry'd to Anne Murray, Daughter to the Lord Elibank, by whom he had IfTue George the prefent Earl, who marry'd Mifs Gordon, Daughter of Sir William Gor- don of Diliully, Bart, and' has Ifiiie. The laft Earl has feveral Children by another Marriage with one of the Daughters of the late Lord Lovar. She was Widow firft uf Mc'Load of that Ilk •, then of VV'illiam Fo - thringham Younger of Powrie j to whofe Eftates fhe gave Heirs. ARMS. Quarterly, ift Topaz, a Mountain inflam'd proper, for Macleod ^ 2d Saphire, a Buck's Head cabofs'd Topaz, for Mackenzie j jd Ruby, three Legs of a Man arm'd proper, conjoin'd in tne Cen:er at the up- per Part of the Thighs, flexed in Triangle, garnifti'd and fpurr'd Gold, (formerly belonging co the Mac- \&-j>)_ at the Battle of Tanier near Mens •, and being one of the Commifln- ners who concluded the Union between England jjid Scotland, was thereupon elected one of the 16 Peers for North Britain. On the ift of January 1709-10 he was made aLieu- tenant-General j and on the 25th of March following a Knight of the mc>ft Ancient and Noble Order of the Thiftle, (at the Siege of Doway, where he receiv'd the Enfignsof the Order upon his Knees, fuppnrted by the Earls of Orkney and Orrery, two Knights Brethreo, in Prefence oi many General Officers) by the Duke of Marlborough, who was fo commiffion'd by the Queen, and was afterwards fent Embaflador to the Court of Poland. On the 28;h of Oftober 1714, the firft of George I. he was appointed one of the of his Bedchamber, as on the t^th he was fworn one of his Maj^fty's Privy Council, and inN'ovember fallowing was made Com- mander in Chief of all the Forces in Scotland, in the Koom of |uha Campbel, Duke of Argyle. Oiv Primrofe, Earl of Rofebeny. 541 On the id of March 1714-15 he was again chofe •ne of the 16 Peers for North Britain, as on the joih of the fame Month he was made Colonel of Dragoons, and on the 12th of September following was appoint- ed to go his Majefty's Embaflador to the_ Comt of France, where he fill'd all Europe vvich his prudent and vigilant Negotiations \ but his Lorlhdip, who is marry'd to the Lady Eleanor Campbel, Daughter to ]ames Earl of Loudon, and Widow of James Vifcount Primrofe, by whom he has no luue, was dspriv'd of all his Places at Court, and now lives in Scotland. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Topaz, on a Saltire Saphire, nine Lozenges of the hrft, for Dairy mple \ 2d Pearl, a Lion rampant. Ruby, for Dundas; jd Topaz, a Che- ■vron cheque Pearl and Diamond, between thiee Water Budgets of the laft, for Rofs. Creft. On a Wreath, a Rock proper. Supporters. Two Lions of the laft. Motto. Firme. P. 32. H'^ 6i. Chief SEATS. At Caftle-Kennedy in the County of Galloway or VVigton, fix Miles from Port-Patrick j at Stair in the County of Kyle or Air, four Miles from Air ; and at Newlirton in Mid-Lothian or the Shire of Edinburgh, feven Miles from that City. LX. 'T' HE moft noble and puiflant Lord,_ Archibald Primrofe, Earl and Vifcount of Rofeberry, and Lord Dalmeny. Created Vifcount of Rofeberry in the County of Lothian, April the ifi in 1700, by Vv'illiam and Mary, and Earl of the fame Place, the loth of April in 1703, by Qiteen Anne. Of this Family, who aiTumed their Surname from the Lands of Primrofe in the County of Fife, was Dun- can Primrofe, of an ancient SciTck of that Name in the Shire of Perth : who by Janet his Wife, a Daughter or the Family of Main of Auhurhoufe, had Archibald his 2 ^"2. Primrofe, Ear/ of Ro^eherry. his Son and Heir; and he marrying Janet, a Daughter of the Family of Bleau of Caftle-hill in the County laft namedj, by hsr had two Sons, James and Davia, and a Daughter Euphemc ; ^ which Daughter was mar- ry'd to Sir^ George Bruce of Carnock, Anceftor to the Earl of Kincardin. James who fuccaedcd his Father, being bred to the Law, and a Man ol great Induftry and Sagacity in Bu- finefs, was by James VI. in i6oz made Clerk of the Council, which Port he held near 40 Years ; and by Catharine his Wife, who was Daughter to Richard Lawfon of Baghill, he had Gilbert his Son and Heir ; whofe Wife was a Daughter oi the Family of FouUs of Ravelfton. and by her he had a Son named Archi- bald •, which Son being a Perfon of excellent Parr?, was made Choice of by King Charles I. to^ be Clerk of the Council, as his Father and Grandfather had been, and by Charles II. was created a Baronet. At the TiiTie of the Reftoration, as a farther Reward of his Loyalty and Merit, he was appointed Lord Re- gifter of Scotland, and oiift of the Senators of the Col- lege of Juftice, where he fat many Years, difchargin^ the Office with great Judgment and Learning ^ and the Earl of Clarendon, who was then Lord Hirh Chancellor of England, wrote him a Letter in the following Words :" * T Cannot, my Lord, but congratulate you, for the * X meritorious Part you had in reftoring the King * and Kingdom, Qmeaning Scotland^) to its piimitive ' Honour and Intcreft.' And concluding, he Hiys, ' I * wifli the fame good Spirit may pcfTefs you to the * End, and with the fame Succefs ; while we here en- * deavour to follow your Example, which, indeed, ' hath alreaciY been of great Ufe to us. This excellent Perfon, marrrying to his firft Wife Elizabeth, Daughter to James Keith of Benholm, Son to the Earl of Marill-al, by her had Sir William Primrofe of Carrington, who was Father of James, -the firft Vifcount of Kimrofe ; and by his id Wife, Agnes, Daughter to Sir William Gray of Pittendrum, hs had a Son namad Archibald, and a Daughter Gri- feli . Boyle, Earl of Glafgow. 3 4? fel ; which Daughter was marry'd to Francis Lord Semple. Archibald, who was by the 2d Wife, being a Per- foa well educated at Schools and Colleges at Home, for his farther Improvement, travelled into foreign Parts \ and after his Return marrying a Lady of For- tune, he betook himfelf to a Country Life j 'till in 1 6^5 he was chofen Member of Parliament for the County of Edinburgh, and in 1700 was created a Vifcount. Upon the Acceflion of Queen Anne to the Crown, he was created an F.arl, made one of the Privy Coun- cil, one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to George Prince of Denrnark, and one of the Commif- fioners on the Treaty of Union j which being conclu- ded, he was elected one of the i5 Peers from Scotland to the firft Parliament of Great Britain , and his Lordfhin marrying Dorothea, Daughter and Heir to Everingliam Creflj-'of Birkin in the County of York, by her nad four Daughters, wheieof one is marry'd to thi prefent Earl of Caithnefs ; and James the prefcnt Earl, who marry'd in his 1-ather's Life -time Mifs Campbel, Daughter to John Campbel of Mamore, Ef, the lit of George I. he was made Cr.ptain and Coloiiel or the id Troop of Horfe Grenadier Guards, in which Cr.mmand (in July 1717) he was fucceedod by the Lord Forreffer. In March 1718 he was appointed one of the Gen- tlemen of the 'Bedchamber to his Royal Hi^^ibnefs George (then) Prince of Wales ^ being likcwife on the 11th of April 1724 made Colonel 01" a Regiment of Foot \ and on the r'jth of May 1725, being made a Kniiiht of the molt Honourable Order of the Barh, was 3; 2. Campbelj Earl of lU, was inftall'd in Henry VII/s Chapel in Weftminfter- Abbey, on the 17th of June following. Oa rhe isth of April 1727 he was made a Major- General, as on July 24 that Year he was appointed one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to King George II. and his Lordfhip marrying to his firft Wife Anne, Daughter to V\'illiam Duncomb of Battlefden in the County of Bedford, Efqj (fometime one of the Lords Juftices of Ireland in the Reign ot King William III. and afterwards one of the Comptrollers General of the Accounts of the Army in England, in the Rei^n of Queen Anne) by her (who dy'd in Oftober 1720) had two Sons i and on the 14th of March iiz^-6 his Lord- (hip marrying to his 2d Wife Mary, Daughter to Co- lonel Philip Howard, by her (who was then one of the Maids of Honour to her Royal Hichnefs the Priu- cefs of Wales) has one Daughter, who was bora ia February 17:7-8. ARMS. Topaz, on a Bend Saphire, a Star between t\YO Crefceats oi the ift. Creft-. On a Wreath, a Stag trippant, proper. Supporters. Two Maidens richly attir'd in antique Habits, their under Robe Emerald, the middle one Saphire, and the uppermoft Ruby, and each plumM on bev Head with three Feathers Pearl. Motto. Anw. p. 52. N'* 67. LX\^. nr H E moft noble and puifTant Lord, Archi- ^ bald Campbel, Earl and Vifcount of the I{l;-!nd of II?-, Lord Ornfay, Dunoon, and Arofs, one oi the Privy Council, Lord Lieutenant of Mid-Lothian^ Keeper of the G; eat Seal, and luftice General, and one of the \6 Peers for North Britain. Created Baron, Vifcount and Earl, Oclobcr the ipth in i70<5, the 5th of Queen Anne. This Earl, who is Brother to his Grace John Duke of Argyle, being a Nobleman of very bright Parts, was in 1705, and the 21ft Year of his Age, made Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, and in 1701^ v/as ap-^ pointed one of the Commiffioiiers for the Treaty of Unioi^ Campbelj Earl of IIi, 3 j-j Union, which being concluded, he was chofc one of the 16 Peers for Scotland to the firft Parliament o£ Great Britain, and made Governor of Dunbartont Caftle. In 171 1 he was appointed one of the Privy Council to Queen Anne, as on the lith of Odober 1714, the firft of George I. he was made Lord Regifter in Scot- land, and on the i6tb of November following was ("worn one of the Privy Council. In February 1714-15 he was again chofe one of the 16 Peers for Scotland j and on the loth of April 1721 was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal there, which Poft, in September 1727, was renew'd to him by Khif; George II. but his Lordlhip marrying the Dauglntc;,!' of Whitfield. Efq; Paymaftcr- General of the Marines, by her (who dy'd on the ift of September 1723) had no lAlic. His Lordfliip was again chofe one of the 16 Peers for Scotland at the laft General Eleftion, and is now one of his Majefty's Cabinec Council, and Keeper of the Great Seal for Scotland, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Gyron of eight Pieces To- pa?, and Diamond, for Campbol \ 2d and 3d Pearl, a Fret Diamond, tor Talmafh j and over all, by way of Suriout, Pearl, a Lympbad, or old faftiionM Ship with ooe Maft, her Sails clofe, nnd Oars in Adion, Dia- mond, for the Lorrlfliip of Lorn. Creft. On a Wreath, a Knar's Head coiip'd. Gold, S'.ipportcrs. Two Leopards proper. Motto. Me Meui. P. ^^. N^ 53, vol. II. M VISCOUNTS. 3r4 VISCOUNTS. iOf********?***-^***^^***-^*;)*?* Carey, Vijcount Falkland, HE mofl noble and right honourable Lucius-Henry Carey , Vifcounc Falk- land, and priinier Vifcount ot Scotland. Created Vifcounc ot Falkland in the County of Fife November, the io:h in 1610, by ]ames VI. Of this noble Family, which were of Berkhamfted ^n the County of Hertford in England, was David Cajey, Ef«ii who had a Son namcd"'Henry, and two T)aught:ers, whereof Anne was marrvM to Francis leak, Earl of Scarfdalt, and Frances to George Man- ners, thi 7rh Earl of Rutland, but dy'd wi.hout If- fiie ; and the faid Henry her Brother, (who was made Kuight of the Bach at the Creati./ii of Henry Prince rf V/alcfp eldeft Sen of King James YI.) being the jfirft that brouiiht the News into Scotland cf the Death cf Queen Elizabeth, was thereupon made one of the Gentlemen of his Majefty's Bedciiamber, Comptroller of his Houfliold, and created a l->ejr as aDove. He was alfo by that Kin^ made Deputy of Ireland, and was a Perfon of great Abilities and Experience, for which he was hiahTv ert?(;.n'd j and dying in \6\i VSx Ifiue "by Eliiabcch his Vvife, Daiigh er to Sit Lawrence Tanfi(;ld, Lord Chief Earon of thi F.xche- cuer. Carey, Fz/count nikhnd, 35.^ S^f'hV-I"'"] ^'* ^^^""^ ^"4 aDauj^hter nam'd Anne, which Daudicer was marry'd to James Earl of Hume/ Lucius, who fucceeded, being a Perfon of finruUr learning and other excellent Parts, was in 1641 chofe a Member of Parliament for the Borough of Newp^rl fo well of the King, that he was advanced to be one of the Privy Counctl, and Secretary of State j but after* wards, out oi his great Zeal to his Majefty's Service venturing himfelt in the Battle of Newbery, he there hVti"\aU-''ft'' '^^k- ''' '^' si'h Year of f kiT 'u^°? '}'^Llfes and his Memory is thus fee forth by the Earl ol Clarendon. ^ " « U^^Y^^ Falkland was a Man of an Immenfe Wic and Judgment, and an admirable Memory that rc- ^ tain d all K read or heard, all which he has rhetori- cally fet forth uiion all Occailons. . He vvas fuperior to all thofe PalTJons and AfFec- tions which atteiid vulgar Minds ; being of that iL ; imitable Sweetnefs and Ddight in Cunverfation of * Mo l'-'!^^ '2^ obliging Humanity and Goodned to Mankind, and ot nnmuive Simplicity and Integrity ot Lite, that It tWe were no other Brand upoa ' tl\ IT •"'^ ""T^^ Civit-VVar, than that on^ * W tu Pofterity.''' ^^i^Tmov., and execrable And another fays, * That by his Death, Learning ; had the greateft Lofs that over happened i> that Age* ^ or the Age before, he being thereof a compleat Mai Iter, and to it a glorious Beuefaaor. This noble Lord marrj-^d Lettice, Daughter ro Rr- chard Niornion ot Toley-Park in tjie CoLcy of^Le ; cefter, E.qj by uhom he had Henry his Son and Heir ' who was alio a l^ci fon of the hilheft AccompHf ! .menti, excellently verfed in Learning and good Let. -ters, and a great Ericourager of PoetTy, of which he was a principal Onument and wrote 'a Play c'U'd TheMarriug: Night, which was very well cfteem'd About th^ Tim-: ot the Rcftoration Anno ,<7. i, ^aselededtofer.. in the Hou^^'of Coron'^s'l Member forthc Borondi of A.,-,nd;i iu the Countv ^^ * of 35^ Murray, Vifcofmt Storm out. of Suffex, and was conftituted Lord Lieutenant of the County of Oxford j but four Years afrer, being cut off in his Prime, was as much mifs'd (fajs one) when dead, as lovM when living. To him fucceeded Anthony his Son, who in the Keign of King Wi]!ian> was one of the Privy Coun- cil, and one of the CommifTioners of the Admiralty ; and djing in i($94 left Lucius-Henry, whofe firft Wife was Dorothy, Daughter to Francis Molineux of the City of London, and by her he had four Sons. To his lecond Wife tie marry'd Mifs Dillon, Daughter to the Lord Dillon ot the Kingdom of Ireland, and Xieutenant General of the King of France's Armies. His Lordlhip dying in Frarxc was fucceeded by the yrefeni Lord Falkland, who marry'd the Lady Villers, Widow of the Lord Villers, Son to the Earl of Gran- ^iiion of the Kingdom of Ireland, and has IfTue. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, on a Bend Diamond, three Rofes of the firft, barb'd and feeded proper ; id Pearl, a Fefs between fix Annulets Ruby ; jd the Arms of France and England quarterly, within a Bor- tier compone Pearl and Saphire. Cieft On a Wreath, a Swan proper. Supporters. On the Dexter Side;, an Unicorn Silver, his Horn, Main, Tufts, and Hoofs, Gold. On the Sinifter, a Lion guardant proper i hii Ducal CrowJi ai\d plain Collar Topaz. Motto» lu Utroque Fidelis. P. ^6. N° j^ Chief S t A T» n.T'HF, moft nohTe and rfi,ht hcnourable David *■ Murray, Vifc^unt Stormont, lar.^n o'i Bal- vatrd and Scoon, and Hereditary Keeper of that Pa- lace. Created Baron of Sc^cn April the 7th in 1^04, and Vifcounr of Stormonr in rive Shrre or P^tih, the 26rh ef Auguft iu j6;i, both by jaaics VL The Murray, Vifcoiint Storraont. ^y^ The Defcenc of this Family the Reader may find fet forth in the i2$th Page, under the Title ot Duke of Athole \ and that William Murray of Tullibardin, marrying Mary, Daughter to the Earl of Marilhal, hy her had four Sons j of which. Sir Andrew the youngeft was Progeuitor to the Lord of whom vva are fpeaking. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter and fole Heir to Tames Barclay of Arngofk and Kippo, with whom ho had both thofe Baronies, and therein was fucceeded by Sir David their Son, whofe VViVe was Janet, Daugh- ter to the Lord Lindfay \ and by her he left Andrevv his Son and Heir. Andrew, who fucceeded, marry'd Agnes, Daughter to William Graham, Earl of Montrofe, and by herr had Sir Andrew fvlurray of Kalvaird, and Sir David Murray of Gofparty ; which Sir David, being bred from his Youth at the Court of King James VI. was firft made Cupbearer to his Majefty, and then Mafter of the Horfe, Captain of the Guard, Comptroller of Scotland, one of the Privy Council, and created a Baro)i and Vifcount. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir David Beatont of Crich \ but dying without Idue was fucceeded by his Nepheiv, Sir Mungo MuiTay, Brother to the Eark of Tullibardin \ which Mungo dying without Illue alfo, the Honour of Stormont, by Virtue of an Intail, devolv'd on James Murray, Earl of Annandale j and the faid James dying without IlTue likewife, we retura to Sir David Murray, Kt. who was Son of Sir Andrew, the elder Brother to the firft Lord Stormont, and he: in 1641 being created Lord Balvaird, and marrying Elizabeth, Dau<;hrer to David Carnegy, Earl of Sou- ihe 1<, by her Had four Sons, and a Daughter named Barlara; whereof David the eldeft fucceeding, he flfo, oy the Death of the Earl of Annandale, becama Vifcount Stormont. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to James Carnegy, Earl ©f Southefk, 3nd Widow" to the faid James Earl of An- nandale, and by her had David his Sun and Heir, and a Daughter named Catharine \ which Daughter was marry"d to VVilliam Keith, Earl of Kiatore i" and the laid Daviid her Brother, who n'urrivid Marjory .^ M 5 Dati^luex 3 5-3 Murray, Vif count Stonnonr. ^ Paughter to David Scot of Scotftarvet, by her had four Sons and ^\y. Daui;,hters. of rhe Daughters two are marry'd, Marjory to Col. John Hay of Cromlix,_vvho lives at Avignon, and goes by the Title ot Earl of Invernefs \ and itnielia to Sir Alexander Lindefay of Evelock, Bart. James the fecondSon, being Member for the Shire oF Dumfriefe in ihe laft Parliament of Queen Anne, made an uncommon Appearance for one of his Years \ he thereafter went abroad and engag'd in the Service of the Chevalier de St. George, wK;rth, three Milci from that Town, and ^o froal tdiubwiili. UI. THE 1 Gordon^ Vifcount Kciimure. ^y^j III. TTHE moft noble and riuhc honourable, Robert ■'- Gordon, Vifcount Kenmure, Baron of Lochin- var, and BAronec. Created Baron and Vifcount, May the 8th in i^jj, by King Charles I. In the loth of King Robert I. Sir Adam Gordon, Kc in Reward of hi* good Services, obtain'd from that Prince, the Barony of Stichcl in the County of" Roxburgh, and therein was fucceeded by William his Son \ from which Vv'illiam defcended John Gordon of Lochinvar, who in the Reign of King James III. mar- rying Margaret, a Daughter of the Family of Lindfay, by her had" three Sons, Alexander ilain at the Battle of Flodden, Sir Robert hii Succellor, and William Gordon of Crichlaw. Sir Robert, who fucceeded, marrying Marion, Daugh- ter to ]ohn Carfen oi Glen, by her had [arnes his bon and Heir j which Tamer, (by Margaret his Wife, Daugh- ter to Robert Ci icnton of Kilpatrick) had a Son named John, and feveral Daughters; whereof Janet was marry'd to William Cunningham, Earl o^i Glencairn j and the faid John her Brother, marrying to his hrft Wife Juliana, Daughter to Sir David Hume of Wed- derburn, by her had o\\^ Daughter ; and by his 2d Wife, who' was Elizabeth, Daughter to John Lord Harries, he had two Sojis and two Daughters ; Grifel, marry'd to Alexander Steuart, Earl of Galloway, and Elizabeth to Jamjs Lord Tortnoraldp and of the Soiis, which were Robert his Heir, and William Gordon or Penningham, the eldeft, who was knighted, and 011 the ift:"ot May \6z6 was created a Baronet, was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to Henry- Prince of Wales, eldeft Son to King James VI. He marry'd Ifabel, Daughter to U'illiam Earl of Cowrie, and by her had two Sons, John and James, and a Daughter Elizabeth ; which Daughter was mar- ry'd to John Lord Harries \ and of the Sons John the eldeft fiicceeding, he by Kinci Charles I. was created a Bavon and Vifc nmt ; and dvinr; in 16 : i was fuc- ceeded by John his Son \ which John dving young, the Title came to John Gordon his Coufin German j hut the laid John ii\ing unn-.any'd, KoDcrt his Bro- ther became Heir;' and he dying in \66i without M 4. liluc. ^6o Gwcioii, Vifcount Kenmure. IlTue, the Honour devoW'd upon Alexaniler Gordon of Penninjjhajn, defcended from VVilliaai Gordon of tl>e faiTis Place, before mention'd. He marry'd co his firft Wife Marion, a Daughter of the Family of Macullock, by whom he had a Son na- piul William, and two Daughters \ and by his fecond, v.h") was Grifel, Daughter to James Earl of Gallo- way, he had t o Sons and three Daughters \ Mary marric.l to Sir Patrick Maxwell of Springkell, Bart- and had IfTlie •, Ifabell to John Mackgie ot Balmagie, and had Iflue \ bur William the eldeft fucceeding, and bviing in the Rebellion againft King Geoigel. was taken Prifoner at Prefton in Lancalliire, and from tlience, en the pth ot January 1715-16, brought to London, where on Friday the 24th of February follow- ing he W.1S behead;!d on Tower-hill j but his Cornfe was c?.rry'd by Sea to Leith, where it was recciv'd oy his Relations in Mourning, and convey'd to his Burial- T'Ucc at Ken'«ure in Gafioway j leaving Iflue by Mary fiis Wifcp Daughter to Sir John Dalziel of Glenac, Sifter to the late Earl of Carnwath, three Sons and one Daaghrer, John and James Gordons, Efqvsj and Ro- bsrt'his Father's Heir, who is in Poflcllion of the For- tune which was recovered by the Care and Mana^e- m-nt of Lady Kenmure. ARMS. SapSire, three Boars Heads eraz'd, Topar. ^ Creft. Ui! a Wrca:h, a Demi-Savaue proper, wreath'i abou: his Temples and Middle with Laurel. SiippoiTers. Two Savages wreath'd as the Creft , each holding iu his exterior Hand, a Baccoa eie^, pror»er Motto. Dread God. P.^3. N**;. Chief SEAT. At the Ca^e_ of Kenmure in the County of Gallo- wiy,!-}. Miles fron:» Kircudbright, and 60 from Edin- biinijh. IV. THE Arbttthnetj Vifcount of Arbuthnet. 5^1 IV. 'T'HE mofl noble and righc honourable Joha ■*• Arbuthnet, Vifcount and Baron of Arbuthnet in the County of Kincardin. Created Baron and Vifcount, November the i(5th in 1(541, by Charles L In the Year 1 105, the firfl of his Family marrying a Dau>j,hter of the Family of Olinhard, Sheriff of the County of Kincardin, with her he had the Lands of Arbuthnet in that County, from whence he took his Surname, and was fucceeded by Richard de Arbuth- net, who in 1178 was Wicnefs to a Charter of the Abbey and Convent of Kelfo. In the Reign of King Alexander II. (1142) Duncan de Arbuthnet was VVitnefs to a Donation of that Prince ; and in 1:82 Hugh de Arbuthnet^ by his Grant, gave the Patronage of the Church of Garvock in pure Alms to the Monks of Aberbrothick. In 1567 Philip de Arbuthnet was a Eenefaifbor to the Church of Aberdeen \ and he marrying Margaret, Daughter to James Douglafs of Dalkeith, by her had Hugli his Son and Heir; from whom defcended Sir Robert Arbuthnet of that Ilk, who for his Loyaky to King Chailes I. was dignify'd with the Title of Earon and Vifcount. He marry'd Marion, Daughter to David Carnegy, Farl of Southelk, and by her had a Son of his Name, whofe Wife was Mary, Daughter to William Keith, Earl of Marifhal, and by her was Father of another Robert, who fucceeded him. Alfo bv Katharine his facond Wife, Daughter of ]ohn_Gorilt'n of Pitburg, E^g; he had John Arbuthnet of Fordon \ Alexander who took the Surname of Maicland upon his marrying the Heirefs of Picrichie; and Thomas Aibuthnet, F.fc-, and all had Ifiue. Alfo two Daughters, one mariie(i to Sir Th.imas Burner, of Leys, Bart, and had Iflue , and one other, firft to Mackphirlane of that Ilk, Mother of the prefent Mackpharlane, a learned Anti- quary, and thtreafc^r to Spotfwood of that Ilk, and hid 'llTuo. Robert the chird Vifcount c^'i Arbuthnet dyin.;; k^i left irilie by Anne his Wife, Daughter to George Earl of Sutherland, Robert a hopeful Youth who U'.cceeded his Father, and dyed unmar'-ied 1710, and wAi fucceeded by John his Brother the prefent Vif- ' ' M 5 XCHllt, 352 Macgil, Vif count of Oxenford. coun:, who married Jane, Daughter to William Mo* rifon of Prefton Grannie, £f(>i but has yet no IflUe. ARMS. Saphire, a Crefcent between three Stars Pearl. Crelt. On a Wreath, a Peacock's Head coup'd, proper. Supporters. Two Wyverns Emerald, flouting Fire. Motto. LausDco. P.S7. N"4. Chief SEAT. At Arbuthne: in the Shire of Kincardin, nine Miles from Montroie, and 50 trom Edinburgh. Y. TTHE mofl: noble and right honourable Rcbcr: "'■ Mac|;il, Vifcount of Oxenford. Creared Viicounr, April ii; in i6ji, by Charles 11. The tirft of this Family was David Macgil of Nilhit, Son to James Macgil, Citizen of Edinburgh ; which faid David, bting a, Lawyer of good Repucation, was preferred by Kinj^ jam^s VI. to be Advocate, and onz of the Senators or the College of Juftice j and dying in 15^76 left liTue by Elizabeth his Wile, a I)au£,hter of the Family of Forrelter of Carftorphine, David his Son and Heir. He marry 'd Mary, Daughter to Sir William Sinclair of Hermifton, and by hei^had tw.TSons, and a Daugh- ter RMJ. Ligram, Vifcaunt of Irwin. 353 ARMS. Ruby, three Martlets Topa^. Creft. Oa a Wreath, a PhcEnix in the Flames pro- per. Supporters. On the Dexter Siile, an Horfe Pearl, main'd, gorg'd with a Vifcouiit's Coronet, and chain'd Gold. On the Sinifter, a Bull Diamond, coilar'd and chain'd as the Dexter. Jvlotto. Sine Fine. P. 60, N" 6» Chief S E A T; At Cranfton-Macgil in Mid-Lothian, or Shire of Edinburgh. VI. "T* H E moft noble and right honourable Arthur ■* Ingram, Vifcount of Irwin in the County of Air. Created Vifcount May the 3d in \66i by Charles IT, The firftof this Family, that was dii^nify'd with the Title as above, was Sir H:nry Ingram of Temple- NewOiarn in the County of York, wnofe Wife was the Xady EtTex Montague, eldeft Daughter to Edward the xd Eai 1 of Manchefter, by Eflcx his third Wife, Daugh- ter to Sir Thomas Cheek, Kt. and by her had two Sons , Edsvard his Heir, and Arthur. Edward, who fucceeded, marry'd Elizabeth, Dauf^h- ter to Eennet Lord Sherrani, and Sifter to Bcniicc Earl of Harborough ; but he dying wirliouc IiTue Male, the Honour devolv'd upon Arthur his Brother j which Arthur manytnc Ifabella, Daughter to ]ohn-Rich Mit- chel of Hills' in the County of Sufiex, Efqj by her had pven Sons, and dy'd in April 1714. Of the faiti Sons Edward the eldeft fucceeding, was on the i2th of November 1714 appointed Lord Lieu- tenant ot the Eift Riding iii the County of York j but he dying unmarry'd, Rich the 2d became Heir, and by George I. on the 19th of January 1714-1?, was ap- Spmted Cuftos Rotulorum for'the Eaft Riding in York- fiire, as on the i6th of July following, he was made Colonel of his MaJ!.'fti*s Bociy Gwwds, and on the izd M 6 Gover- 3^4 Ofboriie, Viftount Dumbliin. Governor of Hull, and in 1710 was alfo appointed Governor of Barbadoes j but his Loiciiliip (vvhofe Wife was the Lady Anne Howard, Daughter to Charles Eai I of Carlifle) dying of the Small Pox in 1721, without IflLie,^ the Honour came to Arthur the 3d Son, then Member of Parliament for Horfliam in the County of SulTex, who in ]une 17;^ was appointed Lord Lieute- nant and Cuftos Rotulorum of the taft Riding in the Cr)unty of York, and of the Town and County of Kingfton upon HuH 3 but is as yet unmarry'd- Ot the other Sons, Henry fucceeded his Brother Ar- thur, as Member of Parliament for Horflum, and on May J I, i7;ii, was marry'd to Mrs. Scarborouth. George, who in 17Z4 was Chaplain to the Hon. Houfe cf Commons, was in September the fame Year made a Prebendary of Windfor. Charles, who is a Colonel ill the Army, was on the 6th of May 1727 appointed Commiflary of the Stores of War and Provihons for TJie Forces at Gibraltar \ and W illiam the joungeft, ifi a Merchant in Holland. ARMS. Ermine, on a Fefs Ruby, three Efcallop-Shells To- faz. Creft. On a Wreath, a Cock proper. Supporters* On the Dexter Side, a Griphon, quar- terly Ruby and Pearl. On the Siniftei-, an Antelope Silver, horn'd, main'd, tail'd, and hooPd, Gold, aui £^rg'd with a Ducal Crown Ruby. Motto. — P. 62. N*'7. Chief SEATS. At Hills in the County of SufTex, one Mile from Hoifham, and 57 from London \ and at Temple-Newf- ham in the County of York, 14 Miles from that City. Vil.T^HE moft noble and right honourable Thomas -■■ Olborne, Vifcount Dumblain. Created Vifcount Dumblain, July the 19th in i<>7i» by Charles II, and is alfo a Pe'er of England, as fol- lows : Created Oiborne, Vifcount Diimlkin. 5^5- Created Baron of Kiveton in the County of York, and Vifcount Latimer, Auguft the i5ch in 1673, Earl of Danby in the County of York, June the 27th ii» 1674, Marquefs of Carmarthen in the Principality of Wales, April the ;oth in 1689, and Duke of Leeds in the County of York, May the 4th in 1694, the 6th of VViJIiam and Mary. This Family, which is of good Antiquity, was for foine time feated at Afhford in the County of Kent, aiid thereof was John Ofborne, Efqj who in the xzxxt of Henry VI. was rctuni'd in the Lift of Gentry of the faid County, as alfo (afterwards) Richard Olbornei which Richard marrying Jane, Sifter and Heir to Everard Broughton of the County of VVeftmoreland, by her had Sir fidward Olborne, Knt. who in the iTith ot Elizabeth was Sh -riff of London^ and in the 27th Lord Mayor. He marry'd Anne, Daughter and Heir to Sir Wil- liam Hewett (alfo Lord Mayor of London in thac Reign) and by her had a Son named Edward, who fucceeded j which Edward, the 18th of James VL was created a Baronet ; and he marrying Anne, Daughtet to Thomas Walmdey of Dunkelhalgh in the County of Lancafterj Liq^ (by Eleanor his Wife, Daughter and Coheir to John Danvers of Dantzcv in the County of Wilts, by Elizabeth his Wife, elaeft Daughter to John Nevill Lord Latimer) by her had Thomas his Son and Heir. Thomas, who fucceeded, faithfully adhering to the Royal Intereft, and co-operating with many of his Majefty's good Subjects, in ordcr^ to the happy Refto- ratioa of King Charles IL was afterwards by that King made Treafurer of the Navy \ as on the 3d of May. 1(572 he was made one of the Privy Council, and was Vifcount Dumblain, Baron of Kiveton, Vifcount Laci- raer, and Earl of Danby i and from 1673 to 1^79 was Lord High Treafurer of England. On the 21ft of May xS-jG he was elefted a Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter ^ and being iu great Favour with the Prince of Orange, and the principal Inftrument (as owa'd by King V\illia.Ti him- telf) in procuring that prudent Match between him and the Princefs Mary, eldeft Daughter to K. James Yil. was therefor,ea upon their Acceflion to the Throne, M 7 ia ^66 OiboTM^ VifcQUMt DumblaLi. ^ in Reward of his great Merit and Affection for tkeir Majefties Perfons, made Governor of Hullj Preffdeiit of the Council, Lord of the Eaft and Weft Ridings in Yorklhire, and created a Marquefs and Duke. He marry'd the LadyBiidget Bertie, ;d Daughter CW his firft VTife) to Mqnrague Earl of Lindfay, iord Great Chamberlain of England, by whom he had three Sons and fix Daughters ; whereof Elizabeth the eldeft dy'd unmarry'd j Anne the id was firft mar- ry'd to Robert Coke of Holkham in the County of Nor- folk, tfqj and idly to Horatio Walpole, Efqj Bridget th« jd, was firft marry'd to Charles Fitz-Charles, Earl of Plymouth, natural Son of King Charles II. <^by Mrs. C:acharinc Pec, Daughter to Thomas Peg €ff Yclderfly in the County of Derby, Efqj) and idly to Dr. Philip Eifs, Biftwp of Hereford j Catharine the 4th was marry'd to James Herbert, Efqj Son and Heir to James Herbert, a younger Son of Philip Earl of Pembroke, &c. Manha the 5th was marr^-M to Charles Granville, Son and Heir to John Earl of Bath; and Sophia the youngeft was firft marry'd ro Dona- tus Lord Obryen, Grandfon and Heir to Henry Earl of Thomond, and 2dly to William Farmer, Lord Lemp- fter. of the faid three Sons of Thomas Duke of Leeds and the Lady Bridget his Wife, Edward the eldeft marry'd Elizabeth, eldeft Daughter to Simon Bennec of Beechampton in the County of Bucks, Efqj by whom he had two Children, who both dy'd young, and he is dead alfo ; and Thomas his next Brother «iying an Infant, Peregrine the youngeft became Heir, and Lord Dumblaiii, &C. being fo created in his Father's Life-time Anno 1/572, on the Surrender of his Father's Patent 5 and in \6>)o, the 2d of Wil- liam and Mary, he was fummon'd to Parliament, by the Title of Lord Ofborne of Kiveton. In 1697 he was appointed Re.u-Admiral of the Red Squadron of his Majefty's Royal Navy ; as he was again sn 1702, the firft of Queen Anne \ and on many Occa- Hons diftinguifh'd his gallant Behaviour, efpec'ially at the unfortunate Affair ef Camaret, where his Con'dud and Bravery were very remarkable , Oil Ofbonie, VifcQunt DambJain. 567 On the 3d of February 1709-10 he was made one of the Admirals and Commanders in Chief of her Maje- fty's Fleet, and was Colonel of the firft Regiment of Marines \ and h's Lordlhip, on the 26ch of July 1712, fucceediiig his Father, (who dy'd in the 81ft Year ot his Ai;e) became Duke of Leeds, Vifcount Dumblain, &c. and his Grace marrying Bridget, only Daughter and Heir to Sir Thomas Hyde of North-Mymms in the County of Hereford, Kt. by her had two Sons and two Daughters \ wliereof Mary the youngeft was firft ma*ry'd to Henry Somerfct, Duke of Beaufort, and tdly to William Cochran, Earl of Dundonald, and is dead; and the Lady Bridget, on the 15th of February 171.4-15, was married to the Reverend Mr. Williams, one of the Prebendaries of Chichefter. Of the Sons, which were Henry and Peregrine, the cldeft, who was born in July io■^ was created Lord Maderty, manying Jane, Daughter to Sir James Chifholm oi Cromlix, oy her had John his Heir, Sir lames Drummond of Machony, iiid four Daughters; whereof Li ilia s was marryM to Lawrence Lord Oliohan:, and Catharine: to Andrew Lord P.cJIo. John, who fuccceded his Father, marry'd Margaret, Da'ughtcr to Andrew Lord Lindores, and by her had David his Succeflbr, and Wijltam Drummond of Crom- lix i which William from his Youth having dedica- led himfelf co the Profelfion of Aims, was a Lieute- nant Giineral in Mufcovy ;, and upon his Return home was advanced for his Mcii: to the like Poft in Scot- land by King Charles L and in the Time or the Ufur- pation bjin£( taken Prifower at the Battle of V^'or- cefter Anno 1651, from thence made his Efcare j but feeing no farther Hop^s of 'ervinc his Mafter, ne then went into the Service of the King of Pruflia, under whom he had very hit^h Commands. Upon the Reftoration of King Charles TI. he was call'd home, and made Mitor-General of the Forces, in which Cnarader he ferv'd ^wt Crown many Years j and when King James ^TT. came to the Throne, he was made General of all the Forces in the Kingdom, one of the Lords of the Treafuiy^ and created a Vif- count. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daugh-er to Sir Archibald Johmtonc of Waiiftou.i, and 'dying in iCl% by hi--r kiC Crawford, Vifcount Gariiock, 369 left IfTue WiiHam his Heir, and a Daughter of her Name ; which Daughter was marr y'd to Thomas Hay, Eirl of Kinnoule; and the faid William marrying Eli- rabeth. Daughter to John Earl of Melfort, by her had a Son named James •, which Son dying a Ycuth ia J711, the Honour of Vifcount (which was to the Gene- ral's Heirs Male) fell to William Drummond of Mac- hcny,. defcended from Sir Tames Drummond of the fame Place, before mention'tl j and the fame William the prefeac Vifcount, who is marry'd to Margaret, Daugnter to William Lord Nairn, is alfo LordMa- derty, as SuccelTor thereto, by the Death of David th« third Loid of that Name without IlVue Male. A R M S. Quarterly, ift and 4th Topaz, three Clofets wavy Ruby, for Drummond ; 2d and ;J Topaz, a Lion's Head eras'cl, within a double TrelTure flcwer'd and counterflower'd with Fleurs-de-lis Ruby, as a Coat of Augmentation. Ci-eft. On a Wreath, a Falcon riflng proper, bell'd Gold. Supporters. Two Savages, each holdiog a Batten over his Shoulder, prnner, and wreach'd about his T^-mples and Middle wirh Laurel. Motto. Lord have Mercy. P. 60. N* 11. Chief SEAT. At InchafFery in the County of Perth, eight Miles from that Town. IX.'T'HE moft noble and right honourabh Patrick. Crawford, Vifcount Garnock, Lord Kilberny, Kinglburn, and Drumray. Created Baron and Vifcount, April the loth io 1705, the 2d of Queen Anne. The firft of this ancient Family was "Malcolm Craw- ford of Garnock, who in the Reign of Kinp, Tames III. marrying Marjory, Daughter and folc Heir of Johi* Barclay Lord of Kilberny, with her had that Bairny j ii}d Malcolm their ion marrYins Marion, Dauch-or t<\ -Robert 37° Crawfordj Vifcount Garnock. Robert Lord Sanquair, Anceftor to the Countefs o^ Dumfries, by her had two Sons, Robert his Heir, aiid John. Robert, who fucceeded, marry'd Margaret. Daui;hter to Sir Thomas Semple of Elliotfton, and by her Had a Son named Laurence, a Perfon of eminent Note for his Services to his Country, and was thereupon re- warded with fevcral Grants from King James V. He marry'd Helen, Daughter to Sir Hugh Campbel of Loudon. Anceftor to tne Earl of that Name, by whom he had fix Sons and two Daughters ; whereof Hugh the eldeft fucceeding, and marrjing to his firft Wife Margaret. Daughter to John Colquhan of Luf^, by her ha5 Malcolm his Son ajid Heir j whofe Wife was Margaret, Daughter to John Cunningham of Glen5ar)>ock, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to John Lord Fleming, and by her had two Sons, John aiKJ Alexander. Of the faid Sons the eldeft fucceeding. he marry'd Margaret, Dauuhter to John Blair of tnat Ilk, by Grifel his Wite, Daughter to Robert Lord Semple, and by her had a Son of his Name •, which Son mar- rying Mary, Daughter to James Earl of Glencairn, by her was Father of another John, who was Colonel of a Regiment under King Charles I. and by him was knighted. He marry'd Magdalen. Daughter to David Lord Carnegy, and by her had Margaret his Daughter and Heiri which Daughter being'inarry'd to Sir Patrick Lindfay, f^cond Son to John Earl of Crawford, her Father' entail'd his Eftate upon her and her Heirs Male or Female, by that Marriage, they taking the Surname and Arms of Crawford. The Ilfuc of the aforefaid Marriage being three Sons, and as many Daughters, Margaret was marry'd to David Boyle, Earl of Glafgow, and Anne to Harry Maule of Kelly, Brother to James Earl of i^anmure ; and of the Sons, who were John, Patrick, and Ar- chibald, the eUlcft fucceeding, he by Queen Anne, in 170^, was made one of the Privy Council, and crea- ted Vifcount Mcuot-Crawford, which he chang'd to the Title of Garnock ; and his Lordfliip dying in 1709 left Ifllic by Margaret his Wife, Daugnter to Jamej ilwuAit, Earl ot Jittte, fivs 5oi« and three D.iush:crs, Primrofe, Vifcount Primrofe* 371 Daughters, of which Patrick the eldeft marry'd Mifj Hume, Daughter to — -. Hume, Efq; by whom he ^had the prclcnt Vifcount, and feveral other Children, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Ruby, a Fefs Ermine ; iH and 3d Saphvre, a Chevron between throe Crofs Pat- tees Topaz. Creft. On a Wreath, an Ermine couchant, proper. Supporters. Two Greyhounds of the Lift. Motto. Sine Labe Nota. P. 58. N*^ j2. Chief SEAT. At Kiberney in thij Shire of Aire. X. "yHE moft noble and right honourable Hugh ■*■ Primrofe, Vifcount Primrofe, and Lord Prim- rofe of Caftlefield. Created Baron and Vifcount November the 30th in 1703, the ;d of Queen Anne. The Dcfcent of this ancient Family, the Reader may find under the Title of Earl of Rofeberry \ and that Sir Archibald Primrofe, Bart, marrying to his hrfl Wife Elizabeth, Dauglucrto James Xcith" of Benholm, Son to George Earl of Marillial, by her had Sir Wil- liam Primrofe of Carringcon \ which Sir ^^■illianl., marrying Mary, Daughter" to Patrick Scot of Thirle- ftaine, by her had three Daughters ; whereof Mary ivas nurry'd to \^'illiam Lord Bargeny, and Elizabeth to Charles NLafter of Elphingfton j and of the Sons, who were Jantes ajid William, the eldeft fuccecding, he by Queen Anne was created a Vifcount \ and dy- ing in 1706 left Ifliie by Eleanor his Wife, Daughter to James Hamilton, Earl of Loudon, Archibald his Succeflbr, (who dy'd on the 19th of June i7i<5, un- marry'd) Hugh the prefent Lord, William who dy'd in 1724, and a Daughter named Margaret. This Lord ferv'd as a Volunteer in the lafk War betwixt the Em- peror and France under the Great General Prince Jtugene, and was djin^croufl^ woimdcd under the Eye, ARMS. 37 2 Primrofe, Vifcount Primrofe, ARMS. Emerald, three Primrofe J within i double TrefTlire, flower'd and counterflower'd with Fleur-de-lis Topaz. Creft. On a Wreath, a Demi-L'-on Ruby, holding in his Dexter Paw, a Primrofe, ao thofe in the Arms. Suppoit'^rs. Two Leopards reguardant proper, each having a plain Collar and Chain Geld, the Ccliav cfcarg'd with three Primrofes Emerald. Motto. Hde & Fiducia. P. 38. N*» 43. Chief SEAT. At Elv^ngton in Eaft Lothian, crShircof Hadding- tenj fevcii Miles frOm Edinbui^i. BARO I?6 375 BARONS. I'or'bes, Lord Forbes. 9©^©<^^1 ^^ "^°^ noble and right honourable ^ ^^% ^j William Forbes, Lord Forbes. Created Baron by James II. and is the primier Baron of Scotland. That which will fufficiently atteft the Antiquity of this numerous and far fpreading Family, is a Grant by King Alexander IL to Fergus ch^ Son of John, of the Lauds and Tene- ments of Forbes in the Shire of Aberdeen, from whence the Surname has been originally afllimM. The firft confpicuous Perfon of this Line was one Alexander Forbes, who in the Year 1303 refolutely defended his Caftte of Urquhart in Murray, agairtft Edward I. of England ; but at length having ic ftorm'd, he and the whole Garrifon were put to the Sxvord j and by that fatal Stroke his Family would have perifh'd, had not his Wife preferv'd it by Alex- ander a pofthumous Son \ which Alexander, in Com- penfation of what his Father had loft in the Service of. nis King and Country, had a Grant from K. Robert I. of divers Lands \ but he treading the Steps of his gal- lant Father , and loyally adhering'to King David Bruce againft John Baliol, wasflaia at the Battle of Duplin. la 574 Forbes, ZW Forbes. In the Reign of King Robert II. Sir John Forbes oF thar nk, the""Son of the aforefatd Alexander, acquiring from lliomas Earl of Mar feveral Lands in the Coun- ty of Aberdeen, was therein confimied by the Char- ter of that King ; and in the 5th of Robert III. was conftituted Juftice General', and Coroner of that County. He marry'd Elizabeth Kennedy, a Daughter of the Family of Dunure, by whom he had three Sons, all Knit'hrs ; and of thofe John the youngcft was Foun- der of the Family of Tolquhon, from wTvom is branch- ed the Families of Crlloden, Watenown and Foveran. William the id was Anceftor to the Lord Pitfligo, and Sir Alexander the eldcft was Heir to his Father. He mari7'd Elizabeth, a Daughter of the Family of Douulafs i and obtaijiinu a Grant from John Earl of Bucan, to himfelf and the faid Elizabeth'his Wife, of the Lands of Milkic, Fintry, Blackton and Balcrofs, was therein fucceeded by James their Son, whole Sifter Aiinabella was marry'd to Sir Patrick Gray cf Foulis, Anccftor to the Lord Gray. James who fucceeded was knighted by King James II. in whofe Reign he was alfo called Lord Forbes ; and by Hdiga his Wife, Daughter to William Keith, Earl of Marifibal, had two Sons •, Patrick, from whom de- fcended the Family of Corfe, now reprefented by Sir Arthur Forbes of Craigivar. and of it is the prefenc Earl of Granard in Ireland j and William his Heir j which U'illiam marrying Chrifthn, Daughter to Alcx- and'^r Gordon, Earl of Huntly, by her had three Sons. Alexander, Arthur and John j of which the two eldefr fucceeding each other, and dying without Ifliie, the third became Heir to the Honour. He marry'd Chriftian, Daughter to Sir John Lundy cf that Ilk, and by her had a Son named William, and thiee Daughters ; which William beinc a Perfon ir) great Favour with King James V. was byliim made one of the Gentlemen of his Bedchamber ; and his Lordfhip marrying EJiiabeth, Daughter and Coheir to Sir William Keith of Inuerutiie, Hy her liad fix Sons, of the youngeft of which Son's is Forbes of Blacktoun, and q'xAk Daughters. Of the faidTix Sons Jolia the eldcft fucceeding, he xnariy\i Janet, Dau^ihter to Jam:s Scaton of Touch, an4 Forbesj Lord Forbes, 57^ and by her had Arthur his Son and Heir; whofe Wife was ]ane. Daughter to Alexander Lord Elphingfton, and by her he had a Son named WiJliam, and a Daugh- ter Barbara 3 which Daughter was marry'd to George Mackenzie, Earl of Seaforth ; and the faid William her Brother, being a Nobleman of a military Life, firft ferv'd under the renowned Guftavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, againft the Lnpcrialifts, where he attained to the Degree of a Lieutenant-General ; and upon the breaking out of the Civil War in Britain, returning to his native Country, was iii 11543 made a Commander in the Army that was fenr from Scotland into Ireland to fupprefs the Irifh Rebellion. He marry'd to his firft Wife Anne, Daughter to Sir John Forbes of Pitlligo, and by her had William his Son and Heir, whole Wife was Jane, Daughter to John Campbel of Calder, and by her he had three Sons and two Daughters j of which Mary was niarry'd to VA illiam Lord Duflfus j and oi the Sons, who were William, Arthur and Archibald, the eldeft fucceed- ing his Father, he was by King VVilliam IIL made oi^e of the Privy Council, Colonel of a Troop of Horfe, and of a Regiment of Dragoons. In the Reign of Queen Anne he was mide Lieute- nant-Colonel to the Horfe-Guards in Scotland, com- manded by his Grace the Duke of Argyle, and was alfo one of her Nlajefty's Privy Council \ and dying in ]uly 1716 left Ifllie by Anne his Wife, Daughter to lames Brody of that Ilk, two Sons and one Daughter; w-Jiere- of VVilliam the eldeft fucceeded his Father. He mar- ry'd Dorothy, Daughter to VVilliam Dale, Efq; and by her had one Son and two Daughters. The Son fuc- ceeded the Father in the Honours, but dying Anno 1734 was fucceeded by his Uncle James the prefenc Lord, who marry'd Mary, Sifter to the prefent Lord Pitftigo (who dy'd 1738) by whom he has an only Son James Sophia marry'd to Cummia of Kiuiiun'JUiitj^ Iltii and two other Daughters. ARMS. Saphire, three Bears Heads coup'd, Pearl, muzzl'd Ruby. Creft. On A Wreath, a Stag's Head eraz'd, proper. 37^ Frafer, Lord Salton^ Supporterj, Two Greyhounds Silver, each, having a plain Collar Rubv. Motto. Grace me Guide. P. 66, N" i. Chief SEATS. At Caftle-Foibes in the Shire of Aberdeen; j and Piftachie in the fa ne Shire. n. THE moft noble and n^ht honourable Alexan- der Frafer, Lord Frafer of Salton, and Baren of Aberne:hy. Created Baron in the Reign of King James IT' About the Year of our Lord 807, in the Reign of Achaius King of Scotland, Pierre Frafer, Seign-^ur de Troile, came in an E.-nbalfv from Charlcmain King of France into Scotland, and marry'd Euphemia, only Daughter of Raham, King Achaius's grea^ Favourite, and their Children the Frafers were fetckd in the Couiitv of Twedale. In the Reign of King Malcolm III. caD'd Malcolm Canmore, Alexander Frafer was Donaror to the Ab- bacy of Kello •, as was alf ) Simon Frafer, in the Reign of King Malcolm IV. cH'd the Maiden, about the Year 1 1 .57. But fince the Year 1 114, in the Reign of King A1ct> ander II. rhrrc is a diftinft Account of the Frafer Fa- mily from Father to Son^ and their feveral Marriages, thar IE, of the Predecellors of the Lord Saltoun, vvho, when Lairds of Philorth, were fervcd Heirs to the Thanes of Cowie, their Anccftors: For about thi$ Time John Frafer, who was call'd Sheriff of Tweedale, and Laird ol Oliver Caftle therein, had a Sm Alex- ander, who was calfd Thane of Cowie j who in the Year 124" did marry Dame Elizabeth Cuming, Daughter of bir VValter Cuming, from whom he got Lanas in ti;e North, vsi. in Mearns and Aberdeen- {hirc. This Gentleman had three heroic Sons of that Mar- riage, viz. The moft famous Sir Simon, VVil!iam and Gilbsn, amoijgft whom he divided his Lands, which raifed ctKsr Families, to the Hurt aud Prejudice of his own. _, Th« Frafef, Lord S.iltom ^^^ The cldeft of thefe three Sons, the valiant Sir Simon Frafer, was born Anno i^S^j ii» the Reign of King Alexander III. and was taken and carry 'd Prifoner in- to Ent^land by King Edward I. and in the Year 1257 he was f«t at Liberty, and returning into Scotland join'd Sir William Wallace. In the Year 1302 he commanded the Scots Army with his Coufin Sir John Cuming, and routed the Enjililh at Roflin, where he ^ain'd a notable Viftory. Tnis Sir John Cumiiig made Peace with King Edward afterwanls • which Sir Si- mon nc^leding to do, was with Sir Thomas Boys ba- nifh'd for three Years, not only Britain and Ireland, but alfo France, "till the Time of King Robert Bruce that he came home : And at the Battle of Methven, tho' he thrice faved that King's Life, yet he could not fave himfeU i but being taken Prifoner was carry'd to London and there put to Death, leaving only two Daughters, Infants, who about the Year 13:40 were marry'd, the one to Sir Gilbert Hay, and the other to 6ir Malcolm Fleming, who ftiK carry the Arms of Frafer. The other Son William Frafer never marry'd, being Archbilhop of St. Andrews ; and in K, Alexander III.'s Reign, Chancellor of Scotland, and upon his Death All no i;8) Governor of Scotland. The third Son Gilbert by thofe Means had no more Eftate than the Lauds he had \n Scirli.ii;,ihire, where he was SheririF, and fome Lands in the Country ot Mearns, and had cwo Sons, John and Andrew j which John had no Male Iffue, but left his Daughter, who was miny'd to Sir Robert Keich, Prcdeceflor to the Earls of Marifhal j from which Marriage came only a Daughter, who was marry'd to iriuntly's Predeceftor, and got thereby the Mother's Eftate \ whence it comes that the Duke of Gordon's F?niily carries ftill the Arms of Frafer. This John Frafer wa<; alfo cali'd John of Tweedale, taking' that Title in Memory of hi* >red^ce(T!irs. The afor»-mention'd Andrew, having marry'd Dame Eleonora Douglafs, Daughter to Sir Hi:gh Dniglafsby Marjory his Wife, Daughter to Wili.nn Abernechy, lord Saltoun, had Ifiue by her Alexander Fr-ifer^ 'Ihane of Cowie, who was made Lord Cha>»%bejUin ot ^jtUiui duriiig Lite. Ann» 578 Frafer, Lord Salton. Anno 13 1 5 this Alexander Frafer was a brave Man ; h« was, when young, wirh his Uncle Sir Simon Frafer at the Battle of Methven i and ftill adhering to the Intereft of King Robert Bruce was honour'd for his Seat Services with the Marriage of Lady Mary Bruce, e King's Sifter, and then Uidow of Sir Ntil Camp- bcl of Lochow, Predecellbr to the Duke of Argyle, and had two Sons bv her, vii. Alexander his Succef- for, and Andrew of Touch, whofe Son marry'd the Daughter and Heirefs of Sir John Biflet, and getting their Eftate laid the Foundation of the noble Family of Lovat. In the Year 1351 this Lord Chambevlaiiv's Son and Heir, Sir Alexander Frafer, Thane of Cowie, behav'd himielf with great Glory at the Siege of Perh, but had great Share in the Trouble of King David, and thofe^Troubles about the Baliols: For \vliich Services he got Charters granted him upon his Lands of Cowie, Doores, and others. There are yet alfo^ extant his Letters, complaining, That the Lords of Abernethy of Saltoun, had done fo much in the Intereft of King idward I. of England : And in the Year 1345 he marrv'd Dame HHzabeth Hamilton. Daughter to the Laira of Cadzow, Predeceflbr to tne Duke of Hamil- ton, and had by that Lady two Sons, Alexander and Andrew; the firft was SuccelVor, and the other Father to him that was the firft Laird of Doores. But it is not certain that DoSor Frafer, Father of Sir Peter Frafer, %vas defcended of the ancient Lairds of Doores •, how- ever, he did indeed purchafe thefe Lands, and there- by claims to it. This Thane ot" Cowie was kill'd at the Batde of Halidon-hill. In the Year 1375 Sir Alexander Frafer, Thane of Ccwie, (who was commonly call'd the 4tn Sir Alex- ander, becaulc he was in the oth Generation from the brave Sir Si;non, the Son of him who marrv'd the Cuming's Daughter, and was fo famous for his heroic A(5ions) fucceeded to the Thane of Cowie, that was Soji to the Lord Chamberlain. He was a faithful Ser- viiit to Kin:: Robert IL and obtain'd valuable Char- ters from him, which clearly ftiew the lawtul Birth of King Robert III. whofe Baftard Brother, named John, is alfo inferted with him as aVVitnefs. He Tnarry'd Jean Ro£> ,ojie of the Coheiiefles of VVilHanv Eail J Frafer, Lord Snlton, 3-^^ Earl of Rofs, and got with her the Lands of Philorth, Faithly, Pitlligo, Aberdour, and others. Walter Le- lly, Rothes's Predeceflbr, having marrj'd her Sifter, and f:ot the other Lands of that hftate. This Thane taking into his Coat armorial, the Wliite Lion, (as Arms of the laid Harl of Rol's his Father-in-law, which the Lord Saltoun frill carries thereby,) he had Ifluc his Son and Succeflbr, Sir WiJliani Frafer, who was marry'd to Lady Mary Dou- glafs, Daujihter to Archibald Earl of Dougbis, and Sifter to Marjory, who marry'd David Prince ot Scot- land, who was rtarvcd to Death at Faulkland. This Sir William had two .*>cns and a Daughter, viz. Sir Alexander his Son and Heir, and John, to whom he gave the Lands- of McaiiQ7ie, and Mary, who was mar- ry'd to Sir Wijliam Forbes, fecond Son ro Sir John Forbes of Druminor, to whom he gave the Lands of Pitiligo, which laid the Foundation of that noble Fa- mily, who ftill carry rhe Arm;; of Frafer. This Gentleman falling low in his Lftate was obli- ged Anno \.\\6 to part with his Lands of Doores, which he tWi\ fold to William Lord ilay, Predeceflor to the Family ^^ Errol, and was fucceeded by his Son and Heir, rhe above-mention'd Sir Alexander Frafer, ^aird of Philqrth, who was ferved Heir at Kincardine to his Grandfather, Sir Alexander Frafer, Thane of Cowic, and hrft Laird of Philorth \ and the Service and Retour of Date September jjth 14(51, is ftill ex- tant \ where among many others, the Frafers Lairds of Lovat, and Laird of Doores, are two Pcrfons upon the Inti'.ieft, which fwears and declares Frafer of Phi- lorth to be Heir of his Grandfather, the Thane of Cowie. The next Laird of Philorth was Sir Alexander Fra- fer his Son, who marry'd Dame Marjory, Daughter to S'r Gilbert Menzies, Predeceflor to the Lairds of Pnfoddels; whofe Son Sir Alexander Frafer of Phi- lorth, marry'd Lady Margaret Flay, Daughter of Wil- liam Earl ot Eirol. The aforcfaid Sir Alexander Frafer of Philorth, be- ing llain with King James IIL at the Battle ot Ban- nockburn, Anno i48y, w. s fucc jeded by his Son Sir ^^'illiam Frafer of Philorth, \\\\^ was marry'd to Daa^e tliiibcth Keitli, Daughter to Sir Robert Kerrh or ^8o Frafer, Lord Salton. of Inveruiggie, who was called Fat William of Phi- ior:h. To this Gentleman fucceeded another brave Gen- tleman, his Son Sir Alexander Frafer, who marry'd Dame Catharine Barclay. Daughter to the Laird of Gartly, and was fent Ambaflador into France by King ]amesV. and about the Year 1540 he dy'd there in that Charafter, and lies feurj'd in his Tomb in the Cathedral Church of Orleans, whereupon his Name and Arms are yet to be feen there. To the Ainba0ador fucceeded his Son and Heir Sir Alexaiider Frafer of Philorth, commonly call'd Glied Sandy, who Kiarry'd Lady Betty Keith, Daughter to the Earl of Marifiial, and did build the low Work of the Houfe of Cairnbuilg. He had an eminent Geiitle- jnan to his Son and Heir, viz.. Sir Alexander Frafer ol Philorth and Frafcrituig, who went twice Ambaf- fador from Kinji ]ames VL to the King of Denmark,, and convoyed him upon his Succeflion to the Crowa «>f Fngland into that Kir, gdom j and coming Home cbtain\l from that King a Charter of Regality, and of Freedom tc eieft and build a Collece at his Town of Fraferfourgh : Which Town, Harbour, and Caftle he built there", ?.ll on his own Charges. He was twice marry'd, firft to Dame Magdalen Ogilvie, Daughter to Sir Walter OLilvie of Dunlu[:afs,'Pred5Ceficr to the Lords of Ban^i^^'i and to his fecond Wife he marry'd Dame Helen Gordon, Daughter to the Laird of Lo- chinvar, Prcdecenbr to the Vifc^unts of Kenmure, and had a numerous IfTue by both Marriages. Alexander Frafer of Philorth, eldeft Son and Heir to the aforefaid Sir Alexander Frafer of Philorth and Fraferlburgh, fucceeded his Fatlu^r, and was mai ry\i to Mrs. Margaret Abernethy, Daugnrer to ]ohii Lord baltoun, who provided theHeircfs of tha: ncble and ancient Family : For tiieir Son-Sir Alexander Frafer of Ph lorth, in Right of this Lady his Mother, was fcrved Heir to his Grandfather the Lord Saltoun, and became Lord Salrcun, and had according' !y the Ho- nours and Diunity of Lord Frafer of Saf oun, and Lord Baron ni' Abtrnerhy, granted him by K. Clharles: and, upon his Majefty's Letter, ratify 'd and apptov'd by the Pailiament to him and his Hiirs whatfoevcr. Ihis AkxanUer Loid Sakcun a as a brave Man, and did Frafer, Lord Salt on. jS-i did great Services alfo for King Charles I. and II. car- ry'd a Regiment to Worcefter on his own Charges ; where after the Royal Party was defeated, he was obliged to travel home on Foot. He alfo was an emi- vient Speaker in the Parliaments and Affemblies of the Church, and had the Honour of fome Share in bring- ing about the King's happy Reftoration, and lived to the Age of ninety Years, havini^ had two Wives, firft Wrs. Forbes, Daughter to \ViHi?..n Forbes of Tol- quhoun, by whom he had no Male Iflue j and then Mrs. Elizabeth Seton, Daughter to Setcn Laird of Mel- driun, by whom he had "his Son Al-xander Fraf^r of Aberiiechy, Mafter of Saltoun- This Alenander Mafter of Saltoun died before his Father Anno 1683. He was a generous Gentlciiian, of a noble Spirit, and was frequently a Member of the Privy Council in Scotland. He marry'd three Wives, firft Lady Anne Ker, eldeft Daughcer to Wil- liam Earl of Lothian, by whom he had iiVuc, William late Lord Saltoun ^ fccondly, Lady Mary Cunninghan, Daughter of the Earl of Glencairn, and Countefs Dowager of Finlater ; and laftly. Lady Sophia Erlkine, Panghter to Alexander Earl of Kelly. This William Lord Saltoun marry'd Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Daughter to Dr. Sharp, Archbifhop of St. An- drews, and had IfTue the prefent Alexander Lord Sal- toun, and feveral other Children. The {iiid William Lord Saltoun dy'd March 1715, leaving Iffuc Willir.m Frafer of Fiaferfield, Efq, married to Lady Catharine Anne Erfkine, Daughter to rhe Earl of Buchan, and left Iflue J James Frafer of Lonmay, married to Lady Eleanor Lindfay, Daughter to the Earl of Balcarrua, and had one Son , a Daughter married to Sir James Gordon of Park ; and anothepto Dalmahoy,' Efi'; cf Cairnbee. This prefent Lord, Alexander Lord' Sal- toun, who is the 17th of this Family of that Name, is marry'd to Lady Mary Gordon. Daughter to George Earl of Aberdeen, fometi.rte Cnanccllor of Scotland, and hath Ifiue three Sons and tvvoDauuhters, viz. Alex- ander Mafter o'i Saltoun, WiJIiani Frafer, Eftj- Advo- cate, George Frafer, Ef^i Mrs. Anne and Sulan Fra- feis. ARMS. Of TUIS ci ^82 Gray J Lord Gray, ARMS. CJuaiterly, xft Saphire, three Cinquefoils Pearl, f Frafer \ id Topax, a Lion rampant, Ruby, debruis .. with a Ribband Uiannond, for Abernethy j jd Ruby, a Lion rampant. Pearl, for Rofs j 4th as the irt. Creft. On a Wreath, an Oftrich with an Horfc- {hoe in its Beak. Supporters. Two Angels. Motto. In God is all. P. 80. N** 2, Chief SEAT* At Philorth in the Shire of Aberdeen, two Miles from FraferlLurgh, and 91 from Edinburgh. IIL TTHE moft noble and right honourable John ■■■ Gray, Lord Gray. Created Baron by James II. Of this ancient and Homifliing Family, which took their Surname from the Caftle of Gray in Picaidy, was Anchital dc Gray, who coming into England with William the Conqueror, had divers Lands in the County of Oxford, and elfewhere j and from him fprang many great and illuftrious Families in England, as the Dukes of Kent and Suifolk, the Earls of Stam- ford, and the Barons Gray of VVerk and Chillingham. from which laft is defcended the worthy Peiion oF whom we are fpcakinc. Sir Andrew Gray of Chillingham in the County of Northumberland, for his goo'd and faithful Services to King Robert Bruce, obtain'd from that King the Barony of Long-Forgan in the County of Perth, witii many others in the'shire of Fortar, and had alfo a Grant of the Lands of Browfield and Broxmouth j and John his Son was one of the Hoftages for the Ran- fom of Kiiig David JI. when a Prifoner in England. To him f'uccccded Sir Patrick his Brother, whofe Wife was named Margaret, (but of what Family is no: fiaid^ and by Vizr he had Andrew his Son aiw4 Heir i which Andrew, in his old Age, had the Ho- n< ur to be one of the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King James 1. whom in 1424 he attended out of Gray, Lord Gray. 5S3 Englanci, and was knighted, and had feveral Lands given him in Angus, or Shire of Forfar. He marry'd lane. Daughter and Heir to Roger Mor- timer, Lord of Fowlis, with whom he had that Ba- rony j and Sir Andrew their Son was one of thofc great Perfons, who in the Reign of King ]ames II,, were fix'd hereditary Lords. He alfo obtain'd a Licence from that King to build the ftrong and beautiful Caftle of Huntly in the Carfe of Gowry, now call'd Caftle Lion, which his Family enjoy'd for many Ages •, and by F.lizabech his Wife, who was Daughter to Sir ]ohn VVeems^ Lord of Rires, had Andrew nis Heir, and two Daughters. Andrew, who fucceeded, marrying Elizabeth, Daugh- ter to Sir Walter Buchanan, by her had a Son nani'd Patrick, who was knighted, and was one of the Gen- tlemen of the Bedchamber to his Majefty ; but he dy- ing before his Father left Ifliie by Annabella his Wife, Daughter to Alexander Lord Forbes, Andrew Heir to his Grandfather, and three Daughters ; which. Andrew was one of the Privy Council to K. James IV. and ]uftice General of all Scotland. He marry'd to his firft Wife Agnes, Daughter to lohn Lord Keith, Son to William tarl of Mariilial, by whom he had Patrick his Heir, and by his 2d, who was Elizabeth, Daughter to John Earl of Athole, and Niece to the King, he had Patrick Gray of Buttergafk, Andrew Gray of Mureton, and feveral Daughters. Patrick, by the firft Wife, dying without lflu2 Male, his Eftate and Honour devolv'd upon Patrick Gray of Buttergalk, his Nephew, whofe Mother was Giles, Daughter to Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie j and the faid Patrick accompanying King James V. to the Bat- tle of Sqlway, was there taken Prifoner, and paid 500 Pounds for his Ranfom. He marry'd Marion, Daughter to James Lord Ogil- vy, and by her had Patrick his Heir, and fevoi Daugli- tersi which Patrick marrying Barbara, Daughter' to Patrick Lord lUithven, by her was Father ot'^ancther Patrick, who was Gentleman of the Ijedchamber, Ma- fter of the Wardrobe, and one of the Privy C:ouncil to KingJam^sVI. and he marrying Mary, Daughter to Robert Earl of Orkney, by her'had Andrew his Succcflbr, and three Daughters. And rew 3^4 Cathcart, Lord Cathcart, Andre^v, the next Heir, was Lieutenant to the Ge;f? d'Arms in France, under James Duke ot York thea Caf>taini and his Lordlhip, who had been fin'd 1500 1. for his Lojalty to King Charles I. marrying Anne Countefs ot Buchan, and Sifter to lames Ogilvy Earl of Finlater, by her had an only Daughter of her Name^ which Daughter being marry'd to William the Son ol Sir William Gray of Pittendrum, Bart, defcended from And, and Major-Gencial o'i his Majcfty's Armies. Created Baron by James U. OF Cathcart, Lord Cathcart, ^Sy Of this ancient Family, which took their Surnasne from their Lands in the County of Renfrew, was Ray- naldus de Kethcart, who in 1178 was Witnefs to a Charter of Allan the Son of Walter Dapifer, and Wil- liam de Cathcart, was one of thofe Barons that fworc Allegiance to Edward L of England. To William fucceeded Sir Allan his Son, a faithful Adherer to the Intereft of King Robert I. and he mar- rying the Sifter and Coheir to Sir Duncan Wallace of Sundrum in the County of Air, with her had that Barony j and Sir Allan their Great-Grandfon, by King James il. was dignify'd with the Title of Lord. He was likewiie in great Favour with K- ]ames III. who in 1481 appointed him Warden of the Weft Marches towards England ; and afterwards for his fpecial Services rewarded him with a Grant of tiie Barony of Dundonald, and the Lands of Tarbath in King's Kyle, and then made him Mafter of the Artil- lery. He marry'd a Daughter of the- Family of Maxwell, and by her had four Sons ^ of which Allan the eld^ft dying before him, left Idue a Soii named John, who fucceeded his Grandfather;, and he marrying Mariici- ret. Daughter to John Kennedy of Blairquhan, by Her had Allan his Son and Heir, who in 1^13 was flaia at the Battle of Flodden. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Patrick Max- well of Newark, and by her had Allan, v/ho fucceed- ed his Grandtather •, but he Icfing his Life on th: 10th of September 1547, at the Battle of Pinkey, lefc Ifllie by Helen his Wife, Daughter to William Lord Sem- ple, Allan the next Baron, a htarty Proir/Oter of the Reformation from Popery He was alfo among the finl: of th- Peers, who arm'd in Defence of King James VL (whilft in his Cradle) againft the Earl ot Bathwell, who had mar- ry'd the Queen his _ Mother •, and in Recompence thereof, when his Majcftv cams to the Crown, hi made Jiim Mafter of his Houlhold, witli fcveral beneficial Graats. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to John Wallace of Craipy, by Margaret his Wile, Councefs of Caffils j and by her had a Son nam:d Allan ; which Son ilyjn;' before him, \ui Hf.;- by Ifabel his Wile, Dai'ghter 10 VOl.U, H 'I homai 2^6 SomervUlej Lor^ Somtrville, Thomas Kennetiy of Bargany, Allan who fucceeded bis Grandfather j and he marrying two Wives, firit ■Margaret, Daughter to Francis Earl of Bothwell, and 2,dly, 3ane, Daughter to Alexander Colquhon ot LuG, ich Allan his Son an Intanc. Allan, who fucceeded his Father, marry'd Marion, Daughter to David Bofwall of Achinleck, and dying in I'joy, in the 8ift Year of his Age, by her left Allan, whofe Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter to |ames Dalrym- ple, Vifcount of Stair, and by her he had three Sons,, and a Daughter named Margaret ;, which Daui^hter was inarry'd to Sir Adam Whiteford of Blairquhan, Bart. and of the Sons, who were Allan, Charles, and James, the eldeft periflied at Sea going for Holland, and the fecond fucceeded his Father. Charles the rrefent Lord married Mrs- Shaw, Daughter to Sir Jonn Shaw of Grenock, Bart- by whom ne has Iffue Male , to his fecond Wife he married (Anno 1735?) Mrs. Sabine^ VVidow ot Sabine, Ef^j^ ARMS. Qiiarterly, ift and j^th Saphire, three Crpfs Croflets filthy, ilfuing out of as many Crefcents Pearl, for Cathcart \ 2d and 3d Ruby, a Lion rampant Pearl, for WalTate of Sundrum, as marrying the Heirefs ot that Family. Creft. On a Wreath, a Dexter Hand ccup'd above the Wiift, and ereft, proper, grafping a Crcfcent Sil- ver. Supporters. Two Parrots proper. Motto. X hop^ to (i^eed. p. 68. 2n° 4. Chief SEAT. A: Sundrum in the Shirc of Air, four Miles from that Town, and 55 fromEdinbujgh. V. 'T"'HE m-^ft noble and ri;iht honourable James ■^ SomerviKe, Lord Somcrvilie, Creatv'd Barcn by JrmcsII. The tirft of thir. fJ.unr; that we read of in Scotland, was VViKiain dc Som-.i villc, a common WicncC-. to thii I Gianrs Soi-nervillc, Lsrd Somerville. ^^j Grants of King David I. to religious Houfes, and wa* Son of Sir Guiltier dc SomerviJIe, Lord of Which- nour in the County of Stafford, who came into Eng- land with William the Conqueror. In the Time of King William the Lion (ri, and Sir Thomas theis Son was one of the Hcftages tor the Ranfom of King James I. when he was reliev'd from his Captivity ia England. Sir Thomas, who was the next Heir, marrying Mary Sinclair, Sifter to the Earl of Orkney, he by her hajd a Son named William j which Son by King James II, was created a Baron j and the fixth from him in a lineal Defcent was Hugh Lord Somerville , which lliigh marrying Helen, Daughter to George Lord Sea- ton, by her had Gilbert his Heir, and Hugh Somer- ville ot Drum, Gilbert, who vvas the eighth Lord, having by his Excefs o\ living, very mu«h wafted his Hftate, as ha- ving no KTue Male, and the Hoaour after his Deceafe devolving up«-»n Hugh his Brother, (then Page of the Bedchamber to King James VI.) who had nothing to fupport the Dignity, the Title from thence lay dor- mant for the Space of 104 Years, vvliich was' from 161% 'till 1722; but i\izn at the Eledion of i\\z \6 Peers, James Somerville of Drum, the 25th in a lineal Male Defcent from «he faid Sir Gaultier, who came iu:o EogUnd with William the Conqueror, putting in N i his 388 Montgomery, Lord Lyie. his Claim, and votin^:, he is now upon the Parliament Rolls as Lord '^omerville. He marry'd Mrs. Role, Wi- dow of -: Rolt, Efqj and by her had Iflue. ARMS. Saphire, three Stars Topaz, accompanyM witli feven Crois Crone:s ficchy Pearl, three in Chief, one in Fefs, two in the Flanks, and the laft in Bafe. Creft. On a Wreath, a Wheel Gold, furmounted of a VVyvera Einerald, fpcuting Fire before and be- hind. Supporters. Two Greyhoands proper, each gorg'd ^(vith a plain Collaj- Ruby. Mouo. Fear Gcd in Life. P. 70. N° 5. Chief SEATS. At Drum in Mid-Lothian or Shire of Edinburgh \ and at Spj-Park in the County of Wiles in England, 13 Miles trom Bath. VI. "T" H E moft noble and right honourable James •*• Montgoniery, Lord Lyle. Created Baron by James IL The fivft of this Name and Family was one WiJliam le Ifle, who in the Reign of King Malcolm IV. 11^4, was a Wirnefs to the Foundation Charter ol the Mo- naftery of Paifley, by Waller Dapifer, High Steward of Scotland. In the Rei.nn of King Alexander IL 1214, the Fa- mily was po?efs'd of :he Barony ot Duchal in the Shire of Renfrew j and at the Thpe of the Competi- tion between Bcbert Bruce and John Baliol for the Crown. Sir Allen le Ifle, or Lyle", being on Baliol's Side, ne was afterwards, by Edward the Son of that John, maJ.e Sheriff of the lile of Ba:e„ and Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. In the Time of King David II. Sfr John lyle of Duchal, who was that Kings Favouri':e, obtaining a Charter of the Baron]^ of Buchquhan in the C unty ot Stirling, was therein '.ucceeded by John his Son, whofe Wife bting Daughter and Coheir 10 the old Earls of Mar, Montgomery, Lordhyle, ^^9 Mar, he from thence quarter'd the Arms of that Earl- dom, which are continuM bj his Succeflbrs to the prc- fcnt Time j and Robert his Son fucceeded him. Roberr, who was the next Heir, was one of the Ho- . ftages for the Ranfom of King James I. when he was reliev'd from his Captivity in England, and by King James II. was created a Baron ^ and he marrying Mar- garet, a Daughter of the Family of Wallace, by her Had Robert his Son and Heir. Robert the id Lord, who was one of the Privy Council to King James III. and IV, and by the laft was made Juflice General on the South of the River Forth, having a Son of his Name, who fucceeded him : He marry'd Marion, a Daughter of the Family of Lindfay, and by her had John his Heir, and a Daughter named Agnes ; which Daughter was marry'd to John MaftcK of^Cathcart. John who was the next Lord, marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Si/ David Beaton of Crich, Lord High Treafurer of Scotland, by her had a Son named James, and a Daughter Jane ; but the faid James dying without Ifliie, and Jane his Sifter being Heir to her Father, (he marry'd Sir Neil Montgomery ot Linfliaw, whofe Father was fecond Son to Hugh the firft Earl of Eglingtcn, and by him (he had a Son of his Name, ivho Tuccceded them. He marry'd Elizabeth, a Daughter of the Family o£ Cunningham of Aiket, and by rier had two Sons, Neil his Heir, and John Montgomery of Cocklibee ; and the faid Neil, who fucceeded^ marrying Marion, Daugh- ter to Sir William Mure ot Rowajlau, by her had Neil his Heir, and four Daughters. Nei!, who fucceeded his Father, marrying Margaret, a Daughter of the Family of Lockhart of Bar, by her had a Son named John ; but he dying without Iflue, his Eftate came to Sir David Montgomery, his Coufiu and Heir Male, who was eldeft Son to John Montgo- mery ot Cocklibee before-mention'd. This David, who thus fucceeded, marrying Jane, Daughter to Captain Danniel Forrefter, of the Houfe of Carden, who in the Reign of King James VI. was Envoy to Italy and Spain j and by her having a Son of his Name, whofe Wi e was Marion, Daughter to James Dunlop of thai Ilk, be by her was Father of James ; N 3 which 59^ Sinclair, Lord Sinckir, which Xames marryM Barbary, Daughter to Tohn'Ken^ nedy ot Craig, and at the Time of the RevoUition being made Clerk to the lufticiary during Life, he in 171;, at the Eleciion of the 16 Peers, laying Claim tflr the Ti'.le ot Lord Lylc, his Claim was allow'd, and he cave his Vote \ but he dy'd on the 18th of ]uly \rz6, having ferv'd faithfully in his Station, and was very ufeful in the Country where he liv'd. ARMS. "" Quarterly, firft grand Quaiter crunter-quarter'd, ift and 4rh' Saphire, a Bend between fix Crcfs Croflets fitchy Topaz, for Mar, as marrying the Heircfs of that Family j id and 3d Tcpax, a Fret Ruby, for the Title of Lylc j 2d grand Quarter Peail, en a Fefs ba- phire, three Stars ot thi ift. for the Name of Mure ; 3d grand Quarter as the 2d, the 4th as the ift ; and ever all, by way of Surtcur, the quartered Coat of the F.arl of F.glington, v.'hich is, ifl and 4th Saphire, three Fleur-de-lis Trpax, for the Name of Montgo- mery ; :d and ^d Kuby, three Annulets Topax, fton'd JiapHire, for the Title of Eglington. Crcft. On a Wreath, a Cock proper. Supporters. Two Cats of the laft. Motto. An I may. P- rij. N"* 6. Chief SEAT. At LainfTia-vV in the Shire of Air, fix Miles from I: win. Vn.'T'HE mnft noble and right honourable Henry -*■ Sinclair, Lord Sinclair. Created Baron in 148^, the ift of James IV. The Defccnt of this ancient Family^hc Reader maj find under the Title of Earl of Cairhiiefs, where i: is fet forth, that William Farl of Orkney marrjing to his firft Wife Margare:, Daughter to Archibald Earl of Dnuclafs, and r"^uke of Turenne in France, by her had X^ iliiam his SiiccefTcr, from whence is defcend *d the noble Perfon o\ whom wc are fpeaking \ and by hisrscond, who was Marjory, Daughter to Alexander Gordorv, Sinclair, Lord Sinchdr, 3^1 Gcrdon, Son to the Earl of Sutherland, he had ano- ther William, who was created Earl oF Caichnefs. William by the firft Wife, being a protufe Man , was caird William the Wafter, and thereby the Coun- tries of Orkney and Shetland, which were'obtain'd by his Anceftor, by mariying an Hcirefs of the Surname of Speire, (to whofe Father Kiny Alexander gave the liUnd of Orkney, and fo came into this Family, of whom one carry'd the Title of Prince of Orkney^ Duke of Old^nburgh, Sec. and was ally'd to the Royal Family of Denmark) were lo(f, and the Tide of EaVl^ with the greateft Part of his other Inheritance, was given by his Father to a younger T-rother. He nwrry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to George Lefly Earl of Rothes, and by her hotl Henry Sinclair ot Pyfart, who by King James IV. was created a Baron y and he marrying Margaret, Daughter to Patrick Earl oi Bothwell, by her had V\'iLiam his Hjir, and two J')aughters, and on the yth of September 15 13 was Hain" at tlic Battle of Flodden. William, who fucceeded, marry'd Elizabeth, Daugh- ter to William Keith, Earl of Marifhal, and by her had a Son nam\l Henry, whofe Wife was Janet^ Daughter to the Lord Lindfay, and by her he had James his Heir apparent j which larnes dying before him,* left IlTue by Ifabel his Wife", Daughter to An- drew Earl of Rothes, another James, who fucceeded his Grandfather \ but he dyinc without liTue, the H^Tiour devoU'u upon Patrick nis Brother. Patrick the next Lord marry'd Margaret, Daugh- ter to Sir John Cockbum of Ormifton, and by h:v Kad lolm his Son and Heir, whofe Wife was Mary, Daugh- ter to John Earl of Weems. and by her he had Ca- tharine his only Daughter, which Lady Catharine be- ing marry'd to John Sinclair of Hermieftoun by hinir hud Henry, who by Grifel his V»'ife, Daughter to Sir lames Oxkburn of that Ilk, has had five Sons and five "Daughters i whereof John his eldeft Son (marry'd to Mar'gatec Couu:efs Dowager of Soatherfk, and Daugh- ter to the present Earl of Galloway,) was attainted Anno 1710 i James is Member of the prefcnt Parlia- mi-ut for the Shire of Sucherland, and Colonel of the fiift B-egimenc of Foot in Britain, commonly calrd Diinibartoai Runcry, before they came to the Crown, and upon that Account carry the Chevron cheque, it being the Figure of thofe Steuarts, then their Patrons and Over-Loiils. In the Timi of James High Steward of Scotland, Kvho was Grandfather to King^Rcbert II. Robert Sem- N 5 pl« 5-94 Seir.ple, Lord Semple. fie of Elliotfton, was Shertft of the Barony of Ren- rew, and to him fucceeded VVilUam h\s Son, who was Father of Sir Thomas Semple, a Pevfon in great Fa-. vour vvith the faid King, as appears by his frcyuenc witiielling that King's Donations, whillt Earl of Stra- To him fucceeded John his Son ; which John ob- rain'd from John Earl of Carrick tne Lands and I'a- irtny of Glastord, in which he was fucceeded by Joha his Heir i who b-ing a Man of Parts was particularly cmploy'd in tranfacti'ng riie Redempcion or K- James 1. rjid Robert his Son fucceeding him was knighted by Jamjs II- He had alfo a Grant from that Piince of the Lands nf Surhunnen, in which, and his ancient Patrimony of Elliotfton, he was fucceeded by William his Heir, who was alfo a Knight, and by James IlL was nude Sheriff of Renfrevr. To him fucceeded Sir Tlnmas his Son, who in the Service of his King and Counrry^ on the ;4ch of June i?i4 loft his Life at the Battle ot Bannockbum j and Sir Robert his Son beinc a Pcrfon of excellent Parts, a;id much in Favour witli King James IV. was by him created Lord Semple ; out afterwards attending his Maiefty to the Eattli nf Flodden, he there with his Royal Mifter on the pth of September 15 13 loft his Li!"e, and his Bi^dy was bury'd in the Colle?;iate Church of Semple, which he had founded. He nriirj;d Margaret, l>aughter to Sir Robert Col- V'', Lord of Ogiltree, and by Tier had twi Sons, Wil- liam his Heir, and Gabriel , which \\ illinm being a Nobleman of very good Parts and great Wifdom was by James V. made one of his Privy Council ", aiid he marrying Margaret, Daughter fo Hugh Earl of Eglington, by heV had Robert his Heir^ and two Daughters. Robert, who fucceed.-d, was a Wan of great Courage awd Magnanimity, and on the loth of Seprcmber 1547 eminently fignalii'd his Valour a: the Batrle of Pinkcy, Nvhere he ha'd the Misfortune to be taken Prifoner, and fent to 'England, and there rcmain'd till the Peace v«as concluded between the two Real-^s. H-^ marry'd to his nrft V.'ife Ifabel, a Dauth-er of rhe frtmily of i; by whom he had Robert his '^ Heir Semple, Lord Semple, 597 Heir~apparent •, and by his fecond, who was Elizabeth Carljle, an Englifh Lady, he had a Daughter named Jane, who was marry'd to James Lord Rois. Robert, who was Heir apparent, dying in his Fa- ther's Li^e-time, left Iftiie by Barbara his Wife, Daugh- ter to Archibald Prefton ot Valleyfield, Robert, who fucceeded his Grandfather, and by James VI. v/as feni Embaffador into Spain. He marry'd Annes, Daui^hter to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eglincton, and by her had Hugh his Heir, and four Daughters ; which Hugh marryinjT Elizabeth, Daughter to James Hay Earl of Errol, by Ker had four Sons and two Daughters. Of the faid four Sons, which were Francis, Robert, Archibald and James, the eldeft fucceedinc and dy- ing without Iflue, the 2d became Heir \ and he marry- ing Anne, Daughter to James Douglafs, Lord Mor- dington. Brother to William Marqtrefs of Douglafs by ner had a Sou named Francis, and fcveral Daugh- ters. Fvajicis, who fucceeded his Father, being by the Ore of his noble Relations educated in the Prcteftanc- Religion, took his Place in Parliament, where his Anceftors (who were all Roman Catholicks) had never fat from the Time of the Reformation, which was above na hundred Years \ but he dying ia \6'i^ with- out IfTue, his Eftate and Dignity cams to the Lady Aane his eldeft Sifter ; which Lady being marry-d to Francis Abercrorabie of Fctterneir, Hie by him had Francis Lord Semple \ and the faid Fraacjs her Huf- band, bv King James VIL was honour'd for his own Lite witn the Ti:le of Lord Glasford, in Regard that the Honour of Sample was to defceiid to his Ladv's ^ Heirs j and the faid Francis Lord Semple her Son dy- ' in^ on the i-ch of February i-riiS-", the Honour de- voly'd C'n the prefent Lord his Nephew, who is a Major in the Army. ARMS. Pearl, a Chevron chcqu: Ruby and Silver, accom- pany'd with three Bugle-horns Diamond, garnilja'd af the :d. Cicft. On a\Vr;arh, a Stae'vHeiad coup'd,, proper. IS i?. 8ui\porters 39^ Elphingfton, Lord Elphingftoii. Supporters. Two Greyhounds Pearl, each having a plain Collar Rubv. Motto. Keep Trull. P. 84. N° 9. Chief SEAT. At Caftle-Semple in the Shire of Renfrew, 12 Miles from Glafgow, and 44. from Edinburgh. X'TTHE moft noble and ri^ht honourable Charles Elphingfton, Lord Elphingfton. f Created Baron in 1509, by James IV. The firft of this Family is laid to be a German, who in the Reign of King Robert I. marrying Margaret Daughter to Sir Chriftopher Seaton of that Ilk, by the Lady Chriftian his Wife, Sifter to the faid King Robert, with her had Lands in Lothian, which he cali'd Elphingfton, after his own Namej and from him defcended Alexander, who in the 33d of David IL exchang'd his Lands of Kinchinbar with Alexander the Son of Sir Adam More, for the Lands of Archberg in the County of Stirling \ and thofe Lands which by him were alfo cali'd Elphingfton, became the Refidence ol his Family^ for near 300 Years. Another of this ancient Race was Sir William El- phingfton of that Ilk, whofe Son Sir Alexander, in 1435, was flain a: the Battle of Piperdain, where the Scots, by his Valour, obcain'd a glorious Victory over the Engliih •■, and he leaving an only Daughter named Agnes, who was marry'd to Gilbert the Son of Sir Auam jchnfton of that Ilk, he in hsr Right became polVefs'd of the Lands of Elphingfton in Lothian , but the reft of the Eftate in the Shire of Stirling, by a folemn Arbitration in 147 1, came to Sir Henry El- phingfton, who was Brotner to the faid Alexander, and from him the Family has been remarkably conti- nuM in a dired Male Line, down to the prefent Time. To the faid Hjnry fucceided Sir Alexander his Son, who by King James I\\ was created a Baron, and mide one of th^ Piiry Council ; and he marrying Eli- zabeth Barlo-.v, an Engliih Woman, then Maid of H)nour to Que :n Margaret, the Wire of that Kin;:, with Ixit had the D.aonV of Kildrumm:- in thi County of Elpliingftoiij Lord Elphingfton. 3^-7 •f Mar, and on the ^ch of September 1513 was (lain at the Battle of Flodden. This noble Lord, by the faid Elizabeth his Wife, left Alexander his Heir, and two Daughters j which Alexander marrying Catharine, Daughter to Jchn Lord Erfkine, by her had five Sons, Robert, John. James, Michael, and William j and of thofe, the 3d was Cupbearer to Kinc James VI. the 4rh was Mafter of his HouDiold, and the eldeft fucceeded his Father. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir John Drum- mond of InnerpefFery, by Janet his Wife, natural Daughter to King James IV. and by her had four Sons, and a Daughter named Agnes j which Daughter was marry'd to William Ogilvy, Lord Defkford, Anceftor to the Earl of Finlater \ and of the Sons who were Alexander and James, the youngeft was Lord Balma- rino, and the eldeft fucceeding his Father was made one of the Privy Council to King James VI. and Lord High Treafurer of Scotland. _ This worthy Perfon marry'd Tane Daughter to Wil- liam Lord Livingfton, and by her had four Sons and five Daughters ; whereof Jane was marry'd to Artliur Lord Forbes, and Anne to John Earl or Sutherland j and of the Sons who were Alexander, James, John, and Michael, the eldeft fucceeded his Father in die Honour. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Patrick Lord Drummond, and by her had a Daughter uam'd Lilias ; but having no Iflue Male, his Honour devolv'd upoa Alexander his Nephew, the Son of James his Brother j which Alexander marrying the faid Lilias his Uncle's Daughter, by her had two Sons, Alexander and John, and a Daughter named Anne, which Daughter was marry'd to Walter Lord Torpicnan. Of^the faid two Sons Alexander the eldeft fucceed- ing, and dying without IiTue, his Eftate and Dignity came to John his Brother, whofe Wife was Ifabel, Daughter to Charles Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, and oy her he had three Sons, and as many Daughters; of which Charles the prefent Lord marrvM Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir William Primrofe of Carrington. Bart. Sifter to the firft Vifcount Primrofe, by wliom he lias Iflue John his Son and Heir i Charles Elphingfton, Efqj n tlie Army married to Lady Clementina" Fleenvng N 7 only 598 Oliphantj Lord Oliphant. «*nly Daughter to the Earl of Wigton by Laly Mary Keirhj and feveral other Children. ARMS. Pearl, a Chevron bet\veen three Boars Heads eras'd. Ruby. Crefl:. On a Wreath, a Lady from the Girdle, lichly artir'd ; holdini; i Caftle in her Right Hand, and in her left a Branch of Laurel. Supporters. Two Savages proper , each wreath'd about his Temples and Middle with Laurel, and hold- ing, in his exnerior Hand a Dart proper. Motto. Caufe Caulit. P. 75?. N" 10. Chief SEAT. At the CaAleof Elphingfton^ a noble old Pile, in the Shire of Stirling,, five Miles horn that Town, and 20 Xl.'y H F. moft noble and riuht honourable Francis •^ Oliphant, Lord Oliphant. Created F.aron by James ly. David de Oliphant, Anc&i'tor of this ancient Familv, \vas one of thof^ F.arons who in 1142 accompany'd Kt Chief SEATS. At Pittendrich in the Shire of Bamf i and at Don in tlie Shire of Invernefs. XII.TTHE moft noble and ri^ht honourable Simon ■*■ Frafer, Lord Lovat. Created Baron b^- James IV. In the Time ot King Malcolm IV. (1151) Adam Frafer, the Anceflor of tnis ancient and fpreading Fa- mily, gave fundry Lands in perpetual Alms to the Convent oi Nevvbottle, as in the Reign of King Alex- ander III. did Gilbert and William his Succeflbrs, and the laft was Chancellor of Scotland. To the faid Gilbert fucceeded Sir Andrew his Son, and to him Sir Simon, who is the loval and eminent Patriot mentionM in the Hiftory of King Robert I. but he having only two Daughters, one marry'd to Sir Gilbert Hay of Locheret, A nceftor to the Marquefs of Tweedalej and the other to Sir Malcolm Fleming, Predeceflbr to the Earl of Wigton j thofe noble Fami- lie'i from thence quarter the Arms of Frafer. Sir Alexander, Brother to the faid Sir Simon, be- ing one of thofe worthy Men, who ftrenuoully adhe- recl to the Intcreft of King Robert I. againft ]oha iSaliot, who then laid Claim to the Crown, was by the faid King made Lord High Chamberlain of Scot- land i and he marrying the^Lady Mary Bruce, that King's Sifter, by her ha"ti fevcral Sons, of which John the eldeft dying without Ifliie, Alexander the next be- came Heir^ and fron) David II. had the Thanedom of Dorcs in the Shire cf Kincardin. of this noble Perfon was Sir Simon Frnfcr, whofa Uife, fee. being Heirefs to the Family of Eiilet, with hei he had the Barony of Lovat and many other Poflef- fions, by which he g'reatly increased his Wealth and Reputation j as in the Reign cf King Jam si. did Hugh Fialer of Lovat by marrying a Llidy of the Fa- mily of Fenton, and Huuh his Son fucceeded him. He marry'd fanet. Daughter to Thomas Dunbar Earl of Murray, an'd by her Had Thomas his Son and Heir, who in the Reign of King James IV. was created a Baion 402 Frafer, Lord Lovat. Baron and made Juftice General ; and haniavrylng Janet, Daughter to Sir Alexander Gordon of Mtdmar, and Niece to the Earl of Huntlv, by her had two Sons, Tho.nas his Heir, and Hugh. Thomas who fucceeded bein^ flain on the 9th of September 1515 at the Battle ot Flodden, and dying without Iflue, Hugh his Brother became Hc:ir, and by Janet his VVifer who was Daughter to Walter Rcfs of Ealnagown, he had a Son named Alexander ; which Son marryiny Jane, Daughter to Sir John Campbel, Thane of Calder, and Niece to the Earl cf Argyle, by K:ir had two Sons, Hugh and Thomas, of which tho eldeft fucceeded. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Jolin Earl of Athole, and dying in 1576 by-^ her left Simon his Son and Heir j which Simon marrying to his tirft Wife Margaret, Daughter to Colin Mackenzie of Kintail, Anceftor to the Earl of Seaforth. by her had a S.m named Hugh^ and by hisfecond who was Jane, Daugh- ter to James Steuart, Lord Down, he had two Sons and one Daughter. Hugh, who in iGn fucceeded his Father, marry'd Ifabel, Daughter to Sir John VVeems of that Ilk, and by h^r hadtwo Sons and three Dauchtersj of which Anne was marry'd to John Eai"! of Sutherland, and Catiiarine fivft to Robert Vifcount Arbuthner, and idly to Andrew Lord Fraferi and of the Sons who were Hugh and Thomas, the cldeft dyina before his Father left IiTue by Anne his Wife, Daughter to Alex- ander Earl of Levcn, a Son of his Name," who fucceed- ed his Grandfather. He marry'd Annfc, Daughter to Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbar, by whom he had Hugh his Heir and three Daughters j whereof Anne was mirry'd to Patrick Lord Kinaird ; and the faid Hugh her Brother mar- rying Amelia, Daughter to John^Marquefs of Athole, by her had four Daughters; whereof Anne the cKleiT aOamed the Title of Bironcfs of Lovat, and upon her Death h^r eldeft Sf^n Hugh (by Alexander Mackenzie of Fraferdale, EfqO f-'*^ Lord Lovatj upon this Simon Frafer of Bcraufort the Heir Male of the Family (and who had got PofTeffion c\ the Eftate of Lovat by a Gift from the Crown of the Live-Rcr.t Efcheat of rhe aforcfaid Alexander Mackenzie, who had bjcn attaijit- ed Rofsj Lord Rofs. 405 C(\ 1716) fixed for the Tides, and accordingly obtained a Decree of the Lords of Semen in his Favour ;^but tO confinii the fame and make fure of the t.ftate of Lova*^ to his Heirs for ever, (for he then podefs'd it by no Other Title than the Gift from the Crown of Frafer- dale's Efcheat,) he enter'd into Articles with the Fa- ther and Son, whereby they were obliged to difpnne the Eftate and confirm the Honours of Lovat to him and his Heirs for ever, he paying them a certain Sum of Money • and now he is in full Podcilion of all. He married "ftrft Mifs Grant, Daughter to the Laird of Grant, and by her had his Son "and Heir, &c. adly he married Mifs Campbell, Daughter to CampbclJ of Mamorcj Bfqi and by her"" has Ifliie. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Saphire, three Cinquefoils Pearl, for Frafer; 2d and 3d Ruby, three Haft-erq Crowns Topaz, for the Name of Billet, as marrying the Heirefs of that Family. Creft. On a Wreath, a Stag's Head eras'd proper. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Stag of the lart^ on the Sinifter, a Savage, wreath rt about his Temples and Middle with LaurcT, and holding over his ShouU der a Batton, all proper. Motto, ]e fuis pret. P. 77. N" 12. Chief SEATS. At Lovat, Beuly, and Caftle-Dun, all in the Shire of Invernefs. XIII.'T'HE mofl: noble and right honourable \'^"illiam ■■■ Rofs, Lord Rofs. Created Baron by ]ames IV. and is Lord Lieutenant of the County of Renfrew. of this ancient Family, which in the Reign of K-ng Henry I. in uio took tncir Surname from the Phca of their Relidcnce call'd Rofs . in the F.aft Riding iii Yorkfhire, was Robert Rofs, Lord of Hamlock, who by King lohn 0^ was fent to U'illiam, King 0i Scoci, and there as 'tis f^id, majrrving that Kinc> 404 Rofsj Lord Rofs. Daughter by hsr had William liis Son and Heir, from whom defcended Robert, who is often to be found a Witncfs in the Chaiters of Alexander UI. In the Reign of Robert II. Sir John Rofs of Haulk- head in the Shire of Renfrew, marrying Agnes, Daugh- ter and fole Heir to Sir John Melvil of that Ilk, with her had tlie Barony of Melvil in Mid-Lothian, or Sliire of Edinburgh i and John their Son fucceeding therein quartered the Arms of his Mother, as now born bv the prefent Lord \ whofe noble Anceftor Sir John Rofs of Haulkhead the firlt Baron, loft his Life on the 9th of September 15 ij rit the Battle of Flodden with King James IV. He marrv'd Chriflian, Daughter to Archibald Ed- monfton of Uunftreath, and by her left Ninian his Son and Heir ^ whofe firft vVite was Janet, Daughter to the Eari ot Lenox ; and his id Elizabeth, Daugh- ter to VVillia n Lord Ruthven, Dowager Countefs of Errol j and Robert his Son dying before htm, being flail) Qo. the io:h of September 1347 at the Battle of Pinkie, and leaving a Son named James to fucceed his Grandfather, he marry d Jane, Daughter to Robert Lord Semple, anJ by h-r had two Sons, Robeit his Heir, and Sir William Rofs of Muriefton, Kt. Robeit who fucceeJed marrying Jane, Daughter to Sir Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, by her had James his Son and Heir, who by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Walter Scot, Lord Buccleugh, had three Sons, James, William and Robert, fucceeding each other In the Barony •, and to the youngeft fucceeded Sir William Rofs of Muriefton, his Great Uncle before-meniion'd, who by Helen his Wife, Daughter to George Lord Forrefter, had George his Heir in the Honour. He marrjM to his firft Wife Grifel, Daughter to William Cochran Earl of Dundonald, by whom he had William his Heir, and a Daughter of her Name j and by his zd who was Jane, Dauanter to George Ram- fey, Earl of Dalhcufie, h- h:d Charles Rofs, (who in the Reign of Queen Anne was appointed Colonel-Ge- neral of her Majefty's Dragoon Forces, and Envoy Ex- traordinary to the Court of France, and in 1728 was chofe Member of Parliament for the Shire of Rofs, suid mads General of the Ho:fe to Kinj; George II.) and Rofs» Lord Rofs. 405 and a Daughter Jane, \vho was marry'd to William Ramfey, Earl of Dalnoufie. William by the firft Wife fucceeded his Father, was in the ^d of Queen Anne conimiflion'd to reprefent her Royal Perfon in the General Aflembly of the Church, and was alfo during that Reign, one of the CommiHioners of the Ticafury, and one of the Privy Council. In 1705 he was appointed one of the Commiflioners for the Treaty ot Union between the two Kingdoms j and aher the Acceflion of King George to the Crown was made Lieutenant of the Shire ot Renfrew, and elefted a Peer for Scotland to fit in the Parliament of Great Britain. This noble Lord marry'd to his firft Wife Agnes, Daughter and fole Heir to Sir John Wilkie of Foul- ton, by whom he had a Son named George, and three Daughters J Eupheme marryM to William Boyde, Earl of Kilmarnock j Mary to John Murray, Duke of Athole; and Grifcl to Sir James Lockhart of Car- ftairs j but by his fecond, who was Daughter to Philip Lord Wharton, he having no IfTue, his Lordlliip mar- ry'd to his third Anne, Daughc:r to John Hay, Mar- quefs of Tweedale, and by her had a Daughter of her Name. To William fucceeded George his Son, the pre- fent Lord, who is one of the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms \ he married in his Father's Life-time Lady Hltzabeth Ker, Daughter to the fecond Marque fs of Lothian, and has Iflue* ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4:h Tcnaz, a Chevron checque Pearl Diamond, between three Water-Budgets of the latter, for Rofs ; 2d and ;d Ruby, three Crefcenrs and a Border Pearl, the latter charg'd with eii:ht Rofes of the firft, barb'd and feeded proper, for Melvil. Creft. On a Wreath, a Hawk's Head eras'd, pro- per. Supporters. Two Gofs-hawks of the laft, arm'd, Kfs'd, and bell'd, Gold. Motto. Think on. P.78. N'^13. Chief 4o5 Sandihinds, Lord Torphichaii. Chief SEATS. At Melvil Caftle in Mid-Lothian, or Shire of F.din- -burgh ; and at Haulkhead and Sconly in the Shire of Renfrew. XIV.'T'HE moft noble and right honourable James Sandi lands, Lord Torvifiichan. Created Earon by Queen Mary in 15(^3. ^ Of this noble and ancien*: Family, who in theReisn of Kino Ma'colm III. uere drove out of England by William ths Conqueror, and then fettled in Scotland, was Sir James Sandilands, Kt. who in the Reiun of King David II. was Barfn of Sandilands and Wilton ; and he m.i.nying Eleanora, only Daughter to Alex- ander Bruce, 'Earl of Carrick, Son to Edwsrd King of Ireland, (Brother German to Robert Kinc of Scot- land) and uterine Sifter to William Earl of Douglafs, he from the lafi: Earl had the Barony of VVeft-CaUier, C3ll'd Caldcr Corr.ites i and by the faid Lady his Wife had James his Heir. James, who fucceedcd, being a Perfon of great Ho- nour and Merit, was kniuhted by King Robert II, who alfo gave him the Lady Jane his fecond Daugh- ter in Marriage, and by her he had a Son ot his Name, v/ho was one or the Hoftages for the Ranfom of King James I. when lie was releas'd from his Captivity in 'England. 10 him fucceeded Sir John his Son, the Father of another John, and he of James, whofe Wife was Mar- garet, Daughter and Heir to Sir James Scrimzeor of Duddop, and by her he had a Son' of his Name, who fucceeded his Grandfather. James who fucceeded marry'd Marion, Daughter to Archibald Forreftcr of Corftorphine, and by her had two Sons, John his SuccoObr in the Barony of Calder, and Sir James Sandilands, Kt. which Sir James being a Man ot* good Parts and bred a Scholar, was by Sir Walter Lindfav, Lord of St. John, recommend- ed to the Great Mafter of thi Order of the Knights of Malta, as a Perfon well citaliy'd to be his Succcilor iu the Prcccptory ot Tor];»liichan, Siindikiids, Lord Torphichan. 407 In 1543, upon the Death of the faid Sir Walter, Sir James Saiuiilands (who before had been receiv'd by tlie Grand Prior of the Hofpical and his Chapter, to be one of the Knij;hts of the ancient and military Or- der of Malta) was fully inverted in the Title, Power, and Jurifdiiffion of Lord Sc John of Jerufalem in Scot- land, as alfo in the Pollcirion of the Revenue thereof, which was very great, and fpread through the whole Kinf^dom. This Sir Jame?;, being look'd upon as a Man of won- flerful Gravity and VVifdom, was otten employ'd by King James V. and Queen Mary as Embaflador to England and France ; and at the Time of the Retor- mation renouncing Popery, and refigning the Lord- fhip of St. John in the Hands of the laid Queen Mary, her Maiefty was pleafed to grant it again (with the Prccepjory) to him, his Heirs and Affigns, and erecbed them into the Lordfliipof Torphichan. He marry'd Janet, a Daughter of the Family of Murray of Polmais , but dying without Ifliie, his Eflate and the Honour of Lord Torphichan devolv'd upon James Sandi lands of Caldcr his great Nephew, whofe VVife was Elizabeth, Daughter to James Heriot of Tra- brown, and by her he Had three Sons, and a Daugh- ter nam'd Ifabcl. Of the Sons who were Tames, John and Walter, the eldeft fucceeding and dying uiimarry'd, John the 2d became Heir \ and he marrying Ifabcl, Daughter to Sir Walter Dundas of that Ilk, by her had two Sons, John who fucceeded him, and Walter Succeflbr to John. Walter who was next Baron, marrying to his 4th Wife Chriftian, Daughter and fole Heir to James Primrofe, Brother to Sir Archibald Primrofe, Ancc- ftor to the Vifcount of that Name, by her had two Sons and tw.) Daughters, and dying in \6^6 was fuc- ceeded by James the ekieft the prefent Lord \, who by Jane his vVife, Daughter to Patrick Hume, Earl of Marchmont, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, has three Sous and two Daugluers, ARMS. 4oS Lcfly, Lord I.ijidores. A R M S. Quarterly, ift and 4th party per Fefs Saphire and Topaz i on the firft an Imperial Crown, and on the fecond a Thiftle, both proper, which is a Coat of Augmentation i tor as Sir ]ames Sandilands, Lord of St. John, was Great Prior of the Knights of Malta in the Kingdom of Scotland, the Crown and Thiftle is born by his Family as a Badge of that High Office; the 2d and 3d Quarters are counter-quarter'd, ift and 4th Pearl, a Bend Saphire, for the Name of Sandi- lands; and the id and jd are the Arms of Douglafs, which they bear as Arms of Patronage. Creft. On a Wreath, an Eagle dilplav^d, Topaz. Supporters. Two Savages, each wreath'd about his Temples and Middle with Laurel, and holding in his exterior Hand a Batton, all proper. Motto. Spero Meliora. P. 75. N* 14. Chief SEAT. At Calder in Mid-Lothian, or Shire of Edinburgh, feven Miles from Linlithgow, and la from Edin- burgh. XV.nrHE moft noble and right honourable David -■■ Lefly, Lord Lindores. Created Baron December the 25th in 1660 by James Vi. The Defcent of this ancient Family being fet forth under the Title of Earl of Rothes, the Reader may thevi find that Andrew Earl tliereof manning jane. Daughter to Sir ]oha Hamihon of Evandale, by her had two Soiisi of which Andrew the youngcft was Gentleman ot the Beichambc:r to King James VL and created a Baron as above. He manj'd \mQ^ Daughter to Robert Earl of Ork- ney, and by Kir had three Sons and feveral Daugh- ters \ whereof Margaret was marry 'd to John Lord Maderty •, and of the Sons who were Jam\s, Lodo- wicli s,ii.l Divid, i\\i jfoungeft was ft Lieutenant Ge- neral, Elphingfton, Lord Balmariiio. 409 neral, and created Lord Newark, and the eldeft fuc- ceeded his Father. ]ames, who was the 2d Lord, marryM Mary, Daugh- ter to Patrick Lord Gray, and by her had a Son nam'd John, whofe Wife was Marion, Daughter to James Ogilvy, Earl of Airly ; and by her he had David the next Lord, who in 1706 fucceeding him marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Archibald Steuarc of Donern, and Niece to the Earl of Murray. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, on a Bend Saphire, three Buckles Topaz, for Lelly j 2d and 3d Topaz, a Lion rampant. Ruby, debruis'd with a Ribband Dia- mond, for Abernethy ^ and over all, by Way of Sur- tout, an Efcutcheon Rub)*, charged with a Caftle Pearl, inafon'd Dia nond, as a Coat of Augmentation for the Title of Lindores. Creft. On a Wreath, a Demi-Angel,^ wing'd Topaz, holding in his dexter Hand a Griphon's Head eraz'd, proper. Supporters. Two Griphons Silver, wing'd Gold. Mocto. Stat Promifla Fides. P. 72. N°i5. Chief SEAT. At Lindores in the Shire of Fife, four Miles from Falkland, and zo from Edinburgh. XVI. 'T' HE mod noble and rtgh: honourable James ^ Elphingfton, Lord Balmavino. Created Baron April the 25th in 1604 by James VI. and is alfo Lord Cowpar. The Dcfcent of this Family the Reader may find und'tir the Title of Lord Elphin^^ftrn, and that Robert Lord thereof marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir John Drummond oi lunerpert'ei-y, pv Jauet his Wife, natural Daugh-er to Ki;ig ]anie.<; IV. by her had Alex- an.ler his Ht;ir, and Sir ja".r»>-'s Elphingrton of Bartf>a i which Sir Ja'.T».-s ilu<^yi:!g th^ Law, he in a fliort I'wv.z bccam; f? highly ertco;n'd tor his Abilities, thy: King Jamss Vi. made him one of the Sonacors of the Col- ^10 Elphingftoii, Lord Balmarino. lege of Jufticc, Secretary of State, one of the Lords of the Tveafury, Prefideat oi" the Seilion, and created him a Baron as .ibove. He nurryM to his firft Wife Sarah, Daughter to Sir John Monteich of Carfe, by whom he had John his rieir, a Pcrfon of great Parts and Learning : and by his Second, who was Marjory, Daughter to migh Max- well of TylinCj he had James Lord Cowpar, and two Daughters j ot which Anne was marryM to Andrew Lord Frafer. •John, who fucceeded, marrying Awne, Daughter to Sir Thomas Ker of Fernih^rft, and Sifter to Robert Earl of Scmerfer, by her had a Sen or his Name, winch Son dying in 1704. left IHue by Anne his Wife, Daughter to John Campbel, Larl of Loudon, John, who in the Reign of Qiieen Anne was made Geneial of the Mint, bheriif cf the County of Edinturgh, and in 1710 and 171; elocved a Peer for Scotland to (in in the Parliament of Great Britain. This worthy Lord marry'd to his firft Wife Chri- ftian, Daughter to Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Eu- lington, by wh^mhc hid two Sons and two Daugh- ters ; of wliith Hugh the e'ideft was kiird at the Siege of Lille, and his Lordflrlp marrying '.(^ his -d, Anne, Daughter to Dr. Arthur RoOi, Aichbifhop of St. Andrew/, by her hid Artiiur Elphingfton, £{q: His LorJfhip'i' eldeft D.iughrer, Margaret, was mar- ry'd to Sir John Prcfton, Bart, and had IlTuc. Jane the :d to Franci'i Stcuart, the prefeiit Varl of Murray^ and had llfue. James the piefent Lord, who \% one of the Lords of Selhons, mirry'd Ladv Eliz.abe:h Carnegy, Dauchter to the Earl r f Northerfk, but as yet lias no Illue*'. ARMS. Poarl, on a Ch-vron Diamond, between three Boars Heads eiazM, Ruby, as mnny Buckles of the hrft. Crs-'ft. On a Wreath, a Dove Pearl, with a Serpent liiik'd about its Legs, Emcnald. Suppc^ters. Two Gri^hons proper, beak'd and. iTiemocr'd Gold. Aiotto. Prudentia Fraudis Nefcia. P. 75. N° 16, ChiJ Stetiartj tor^ BhiltyrCt 411 Chief SEAT. AtEalmarino in the Shire of Fife, five Miles from Cowpar, and 25 from Edinburgh. XVII. TTHE mofi: noble and ri^ht honourable Ro* ■*- bert S:euarr« Lord Elancyre. Created Baron July tne lorh in 1606 by James VI. The Defcent or this ancient Family being fet forth under the Title of Earl of Galloway, the Reader may there find, that Sir William Steuart, Kt. having three Sons, Alexander, Thomas and Walter, Sif Thomas the 2dj was Anceftor to the worthy Perfon of whom we are fpeaking j and he marrying Ifab?:!, Daughter and Coheir to Sir Walter Steuart of Arthurlv, with her had large PolTeflions, and therein was fucceeded by ]ohn their Son. He marry'd Janet, Daughter to Malcolm Lord Flem- ing, and by her had a Son nam\l_ Robert, whofe Wife was a Daughter of the Family of Murray, and by her he had two Sons and a Daughter ; whereof John the eldeft fucceeding, he marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Captain James Steuart of Cardonald, and by her had a Son named Walter, uhich Son bting Commendator of Blantyrc, and from his Youth bred in the Court of King James VL he by that King was made Lord Privy Seal, Gentleman of his Bcdcham'jcr, Lord HighTrea- furer of Scotland, and created a Baron. This noble Lord dying in 1616 left Ifiue by Nicho- las his Wife, Daughter to Sir Tami-s Somerville of Camnethian, two Sons, and a Daughter nam'd Mar- jjaret ; which Daughter was marry'd to George Fra- fer. Lord Salton j and of the Sons, who were Wil- liam and Walter, the eldcit fucceeding, he marry'd Helen, Daughter to Sir William Scot of Ardrofs, and by her had two Sons, Walter his Succeifor, and Alex- ander who fucceeded Walter. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to John Shaw of Greenock, and by her had a Son of \v.s Name, whofe Wile ^N^s Anne, 'Daughter to Sir P..ibjrt Ham.ilton oi X*reflnienen, one oi the Senators of the College of Ju- ftice, and dying in 1704 by her lef: iilue iuur Sons and 4X2 Balfour, Lord Burleigh. and as many Daughters ; whereof Helen was marry'd to John Mafter ot Gray ^ and of the Sons, who were Walter, Robert, John and Hugh, the ?d is an Ad- yocate, and the ekleft was Heir to his Father. Walter, who lucceeded, being a Nobleman of very fine Parts, and a great Lover of his Country, was in 1710 chofe one ot the 16 Peers for Scotland to ferye in the Parliament of Great Britain •, but he dying in Tune 1713 unmarrv'd, his Honour devolv'd upon Ro- bert his next Brother, the prefent Lord, whofe Wife was Helen, Daughter to John Lyon, Earl of Strath- more, but by her there is no IfTue. To his ^a Wife he took Mifs Hay, Daughter of William "Hay of Drumelexer, Efqj Brother to the fii-ft Marquefs of Twedale, and by her has Iffuc ARMS. Topar, a Fefs cVieque Pearl and Saphire, furmount- ed of a Bend ingiail'd, and in Chief a Role Ruby. Creft. On a Wreath, a Dove with an Olive Leaf in its Mouth. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Savage, wreathM about his Tiimples and Middle witn Laurel, and hold- ing over hi >> Shoulder a Batton, all proper. On the Siuifter, a Lion Ruby. Motto. Sola ]uvai Virtus. P. 82. N° 17. Chief SEATS. At Arfkin in the Shire of Renfrew, eight Miles from Glafgow, and 46 from Edinburgh j at Cardonel in the fame County J at Liddington in Eaft-Lothian, or Shire of Haddington ; and at the Craig of Blan- tyre in Clydfdale, or Shire of Lanerk. XVIII. T" HE moft noble and right honourable Rc- bert Balfour, Lord Burleigh. Created Baron ]uly i6rh 1607, by j'ames VT. of this Family, which oru;,inaliy took irs Surnan>€ from the Caftie and Barony ot Burleich in the Shire of Eiff , was Miducl dc Balfoux of che laid County, who in Balfour, Z(?r^ Biirleigli. 413 iri 1515 was a Member of Parliaments ^nd in 1355 Michael Balfour of Pi:tencrief exchanging his Lands with Duncan Earl of Fife for the Lands and Barony of Monquhany, the fame was ra:ify'd by the Charter of King David 11. In the Reign ot Queen Mary, Sir James Balfour of Monquhany, then Clerk Regifter, marrying Margaret Daughter and Heir to Michael Balfour of Burleigh, by her had Sir Michael their Son and Heir, in whom the two Families became uni:ed ; and the faid Sir Mi- chael being in great Favour with King]amesVI. was by him fen: Ambaflador to the Dukes ot Tufcany and Lorrain, and created a Baron. This Lord whofe Honour was limited to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten, marrying a Daughter of the Family of Lundy of that Ilk, by her had Mar- §aret his Heir in his Honour j which Lady Margaret eing many'd to Robert Arnoi of Ferney, he by the Marriage Articles chang'd his Name to Balfour, and in her Right became Lord Burleigh. In 1641 he was eleded Prefident to the Parliament, and by the faid Lady his Wife, had John his Heir, and three Daughters \ of which Jane was marry^d to David Earl of Weems, ar>d Margaret to Sir John Craw- ford of Kilberney, Anceftor to the Vifcount of Gar- nock. John, who fucceeded his Father, marrying a Daugh- ter of Sir William Balfour of PitcuJIo, who in the Reign of King Charles I. was Lieutenant of the Tower of London, by her had three Sons and fix Daufihters : whereof Margaret was mavry'd to Andrew Lord Rollo i and ot the Sons, who were Robert, John and Henry, the eldeft marrying Margaret, Daughter tQ George Earl of Melvil, by her had Robert the prefenc Lord, and two Daughters. ARMS. Pearl, on a Chevron Diamond, an Otter's Head eraz'd. of the firft. Creft. On a Wreath, a Rock, and thereon a Lady, holding in her right Hand the Head of an Otter, and in her left the Head of a Swan, Supporters. 414 Cranfton, Lord Craiiftoii. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, an Otter Sejant, proper j on the Sinifter, a Swan ot the laft. Motto. Omae Solum Forti Patria* P. a3. N^ 18. Chief SEAT. At Burleigh Caftle in the Shire of Fife, feven Miles from Falkland, and fcventeen from Edinburgh. XIX.'T H E moft noble and right honourable William ■*■ Cranfton, Lord Cranlion. Created I'aron Nov. 19, 1^0^, by James VI* of this Family, which took their Name from the Lands of Cranfton in the Counties of Tiviotfdale and Lothian, was tlFric dc Cranfton, who was Witnefs in a Charter of William King of Scots to the Abbacy of Holyrood-Houfe ; and in the Reign of Alexander III. Andrew dc Cranfton was Witnefs in a Charter of Hugh de Riddle to the Abbacy of Ncwbottle. In the Reign ol King David II. (ij2o) Thomas do Cranfton obtain'd a Charter of the Lands of his Name ; and from him defcended Sir John Cranfton of that Ilk, whoie \'\'ife Margaret, Daughter to Ramfey of DalhouHc, and by her he had Sarah his Daughter and Heir j which Daughter marryM to Sir VVilliam Cranfton, Son of Sir John Cranfton cf Moriefton, a Branch of his own Family • and he marrying Barbara, a Daughter of the Family of Gray, by her had William his Son and Heir \ who being a Perfon in great Favour with King lames VI. was by him made Captain of the Guard, and created aBaion, and John his Son fucceedcd him. John, who was the 2d Baron, marrying twice, and ^ying without IlTue, his Honour devolv'd upon Wil- liam his Nephew, the Son of James his Brother, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Francis Steuait, Earl of Borhwell ; and th: faid William, attending his Ma- )efty King (harlesll. to the Battle of Worcefter, was there, on the jd of September ifiji taken Prifoner and fcnt to the Tnwov of London, where he remain'd for many Years, and his Eftate not only fequefter'd," but particularly excepted out of Ciomwcll's Indem-' This Napier^ Lord N-d^icr, 415; This noble Lord marrv'd Mary, Daughter to Alex- ander Earl of Leven, and by her had a Son named Jaines, whofe Wife was Anne, Daughtci" to Alexander Don of Newton, Bart, and by her he had two Sons, William his Heir, and James \ which V^'illiam mar- ry'd Jane, Daughter to William Marqucfs of Lothian, Father and Mother to the prefent Lord, and feveral other Children, all unmarry'd. A R M S. Ruby, three Cranes Pearl. Creit. On a Wreath, a Crane fleeping with its Head under its Wing, and holding up a Stone with the Rii^ht Foot. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Lady richly ap- parellM, holding a Branch of Strawberries towards a Stag prcpvir, cnthe Siniftcr. Mot:o. Thou fhalt want, erelwant. P. 6^. N'^ 15* Chief SEATS. At Cranflon in Eaft-Lothian, or Shire of Handing- ton, eight Miles fro;r! Edinburgh i and at Cralin^ in the County of Roxburgh. XX.'T'HE moft noble and right honourable Francis Napier, Lord Napier. Created Br.ron the 4- h of May in 1627^ by Charles T. and is alfo a Baronet. This Family is faid to be defcended from the ancienu Earls of LenncK. So created m the Kcign ot King Malcolm IIL 10^7, and to take the Surname of NapioV iVom th^ foII^"swing Event. King David IJ. in his War? with the EngliHi, coiy vocating his Subjefts tD Parrle, rhc Earl Vf Lennox fcnt Donald his 2d Son with fuch Forces rs Ki.s Duty oblii;'dhim to; and coirting to an Engagement, where the Sco"s gave Ground, this Donald fnatching his Fa.- _ther's Stanciaril from the bearer, and valian'ly en- countering the Enemy with the Lennox Men, the Frr- tun; of the Battle chang'd, anvi they obtained tiie v ic- toiv-, and thereupon every one advancing and v.-p^it- 4'. 6 Napier, Lord Napier. inj; their A£lsj (as the Cufrom was) the King dcclar'd that they had all done valiantly, but tha: there was one amonuft them who had na Pier (no Equal) j upon ^which the fiid Donald took the Name of Napier, and had in Reward for his good Services the Lands of Gof- field, and other Eftates in the County of Fife. Jn 14503 and the Reign of Kine ]am:s II. Sir Alex- ander Napier of Merchifton, Kt. Deing a Man of great Afccivity and Prudence, was made Comptroller of Scot- land, and by Jame^ III. Vice- Admiral ; and he mar- ryinii Elizal3e:h, a Daughter of the Family of Laudev of Hatton, by her had ]ohn his Son and Heir. John, who fucceeded, was Provoft of Edinburgh ; and being a Peifon of great Wealth and Reputation made a very noble and advantageous Alliance by his Marriage with Maraaret Monteith, who was Heir of Line to the Eail of Lenox. By his faid Lady he had two Sons, Archibald his Heir, and ]ohn •, which Archibald marrying Eliza- bcrh, a Daughter of th- Family of Dnuglafs of Mor- ton, by her had a Son named Alexander, who was kniglreJ, and with James IV. on the 9th of Septem- ber 151; loft his Lite at the Battle of Flodden. He marry'd Janet, Daughter to Edmund Chilholm of Cromlix, and by her left a bon of his Name, whofc Wife was Margaret, Daughter to Sir Duncan Camnbel of Glenorchj, Anceftor to the Earl of Broadalbin, and by her he left two Sons, Sir Archibald h s Heir. and Alexander ^ from whicli Alexander are defccndea the Napiers oi Lutton-hoe in the County of Bedford \\\ England. Sir Alexander, who fucceeded, was a Pei Ton much refpedtcd by King Jam^^i Vt. by whom he was knightr cd, an-.l made ?.lafter of the Mint j and he marrying to his ftfft Wife Janat, Daughter to Francis Bothw-:!!, one of the Senators ^'t'i thj Co]le£;c o{ Juftice, by her had a Son named Jfhnj and by his id, who was Eli- T-ibeth, 3 Daughtur ot th* Family ol- Moubray, h;riP.d willing to gang with us into * England, when all our Nobles and others refiis'd, ' he was ready to ftake all at our Bidding : For the * which Caufe, it is our Will, and we do fhiftly com- * man.i and charge our Lion Herauld, and his Dcpu- * tis, for the Time beand. to give and to grant to the * faid John Scot, an Border of Flower-de-lifles about * his Coat of Arms, (ike as is our Royal Bamer, and * alfvrae an Bundle of Lavinces above his Helmet, * with thif Words, Readdy, ay, Readdy, that he and * all his Aftercommers may bruick the Dmen, as a * Pledge and Taiken of our Goodwill and Kindnefs tor * his trevv Worthinefs ; and thir our Letters fecn ye * naeways falzie to do. Given at Falamuire, under * cur Hand and Piivy Cafker, the XXVII. Day of July„~ * 1541 YiaiJ. By the King's Special Ordinance, Thomas Arefkin?;, Sec." To A lairtax. Lord Jbamajr. 41 a To this worthy Perfon fucceeded John his Son, who was Warden Depute of the Weft Borders j and he marrying Margaret, Sifter to Walter Scot, Lord Buc- cleugh, by her was Father of Walter, and he of Pa- trick : which Patrick niarrying Ifabel, Dauchter to Sir John Murray of Blackbarony, by her had a Son named Francis, who in \66o was honour'd by Charles II. with the Title of Knight and Baronet ; and he marrying Henrietta, Daiu',hter to William Ker, Earl of Lothian, by her had Sir William their Sort and Heir, whofe Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter to the Lady Napier ; and he dying on the 13th of O6to- ber 1725 by her left Francis now Lord Napier, as before obferv'd, who marry'd Lady Henrietta Hope, Daughter to the Earl of Hopeton, and has Ifllie, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Saltire enc^rail'cf,' between four Rofcs Ruby, for Napier ; 2d and 3d Topaz, on a Bend Saphire, a Star between two Cref- cencs of the firft, within a double TrelTuve, flowered and counterflowevM with Fleurs-de-lis of the 2d, foe Scot of Thirlcftain. Creft. On a Wreath, a right Arm coup'd belovt the Elbow, and ered, grafping a Crefcent. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, an Eagle proper* On theSinifter, a Chevalier in a Coat of Mail, hold- ing a Launce with a Pcnon, all proper j and below the Shield, by Way of Compaitmenr, a Murial Crown^ Pear!, mafoned Diamond, out of which ilTuss (ii Launces, difpos'd in Saltire, as the former. Motto. Ready, ay, Ready. P. 75. N'* 20, Chief SEAT. At Ballenton in th^ Shire of Perth. XXI. TT H E moft^ noble and rij^ht honourable llio«i ■*- n.rts Fairfax, Lord Fairtax. Created Baron May 4 in 1627 by Charles I. At the Time of the Conqueft of England, (in \o6fi^ by William Duke ':>i Normandv) the Family of Fairt- fjx \^as^t Toi'^cfter in the Cow)ty of Northum- 4iO Fail-fay, Lord Fairfax. bcrhnd, and from thence removed into YcrkHiire ; •vhere in the 6:h of King John, Richard Fairfax v.'Ss pofl'efs d cf the Lands of A'fkham \ and to him fuc- teeded William his Son , whcfe Vvife was Alicia, Daughter and Heir to Nicholas de Bugthorp, and by her he was Father of another William, who purcha- fing the Manor of Walton, the fame has continu'd in the Family to the prefent Time. From the faid William, after ei^ht Defcents was Thomas Fairfax of Walton, and to him in 1415 fi:c- cceded Richard, whofe Wifc was Euftace, Daughter and Heir to ]ohii Cahhorp, and by her he had four Sons and three Daughters; of which blelcn was Prio- xtU of Munnunfton ; and cf th^ Sons who were U il- liam, Bryan- Sir Guy, and Nicholas, the youngeft was a Knignt of Rhodes, the lA was jufticc of the King's Bench, and Proj:eni:or cf the Lord of whom we arc fpeakinji \ the zd Dovtor cf Laws ^ and from William the eldeft deCcended ihcmas Fairfax of E- mcly in Ireland, who by King Charles J. wis created a Vifcount of that Kingdom, the Hcncur flil! remain- ing ; and the prefent Lord is the One and twentieth itj a diredMale Line, fince the faid fixth of Kin^ John, V%hich is above 500 Years. Sir Guy befoic-mentiou'd, who was Juftice of the King's Bench, being a Perfon eminent for !iii Pavrs and Learning, was by Edward IV. made Attorney General ^ and in the 17th cf that Reign built Steeion Caftle in the County of York, which afterwards bc- cairK: the Seat of his Family. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Siir William Ry- thcr cf Ryther, Kt. and by her had a Son named Wil- liam i which Son being a great Lawyer, was by Henry VIII. made Judge of tne Common Pleas from the ift to the (5ch ot his Reign ; and he marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to George Manners, Lord Rocs, and Sifter to Tnomas Earl ot Rutland, whofe Grandmother was Sifter to King Edward IV. by her had Sir William his Heir and four Daughters. Sir William who fucceeded, being High Sheriff of the County cf York the z6th and 51ft of the faid King Henry, that King fent him two Letters indors'd. To our trufty and well-beloved Sir Will. Fairfax, Kt. "which Letters are ftill extant, and to be feen at Dea- tcn F;iii^aX5 Lord Fairfax. /^i^x ton Caftle in the faid County ; which Caftle and Ma- nor he obtain'd by Ifabel his Wife, who was Daughter and Heir to John Thwaits, Lord thereof ; and to him fucceeded Thomas their Son, who in the 151th of Eli- 7abeth was knighted. He marry'd Dorothy, Daughter to George Gayle of Acham-G/anc;e, Treafurer 6t the Mint at York, and by her had aSon of his Name and a Daughter Urfula, which Daughter was Mother to Thomas Lord Faucon- berg J and the faid Thomas her Brother accompanyr- ing r|ie Earl of hfiex into France, who was then Ge- neral of the Englifli Army, fent by Queen Elizabeth to the AlTiftance of Henry IV. of tliat Kingdom, a- cainft the Spaniards and Catholick League, was therie Rnighred b> the fiid General, in the Camp before 9oan in Normandy for his Bravery in that Service, and by Charles I. was created a Baron. This noble Lord marry'd Helen, Daughter to Robeit Afk, Efq; and dying in the 80th Year of his Age by her left tive Sons and two Daughters ; of which Fer- dinand theeldcft facceeding, lie maxryM Mary, Dauglt- tcr to Edward Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, AncelW to tlie Duke of Buckingham, and by her had three Sons and fix Daughters. Of the Sons, Charles thj 2d was a Colonel of Horfe J and on the jd of ^uly 164 j was llain at the Battle of Marftoii-More ^ and Thomas the cldefV, fo fam'd in EngUni Hiftory by the Name of General Fairfax, in the fam^ Year that his Brother was flain, firft beileg'd Latham-Houfe and then defeated Colonel Bellairife. In 1(545 and the j4th Year of his Age he was made fupveme General of the Parliament Armies, the which. he commanded with great Succefs ; for in that Year he fought and totally rrutcd the King at Nafeby, re- Itook Leicefter, beat Colonel Goreing, took Brilige- water, Dartmouth, and Eriftol, and Beat the Lord Hopron 3 aslikewife forc'd the Prince to retire into SaMy, and then reduced all the Weft, and took Ox-- Iford. In 1646 he led the Prefbyterian Party in the Hcufe,, |»nd the next Year waited on the King when he v/as' brought to the Army, the which he led to London^ |wd WAS nude Conitabl-i of ths Tower j »nd aftejy. ^22 Fairfiix, Lord Fairfax. v/ards fending his Majefly his Chaplains, he thank'd him for it- In this Year he alfo fucceeded his Father and be- came Lord Fairfax j and tho' in 1648 he took Col- chefter for the Parliament, yet was againft the Mur- der of the King, and refolved to prevent it, but was (deceivM by Cromwell. In i<^49 he was continu'd General of the Army by the Rump ; but being diflatisfy'd with the Parlia- ment's rufliin^ Things too far againft the Kini;, he an 1(^50 laid down his Commiffion, and was fucceed- ed by Oliver Cromwell. In 1659 \\z entei'd into Meafures with General Monk, to whom in \\6o he uave confiderable Affiftance in the Reftoration of Charles II. and had the Honour to be one of the CommifTioners which compcfed the folemn reputation fent by the Parliament to die King upon that great Occafion j and airiving at the Hague was TeceiY'd by his Majefty with fingular Favour and Good- sieis, which he afterwards continu'd to him with Marks of Honour and Eftecm. Soon after the King was reftor'd, he retir'd to his Houfe in the Country, where be r.afs'd in Peace and Quiet the Remainder of his Life, highly belov'd and honoured by all good Men, for his many great and heroic Qiial tics and ftiining Virtues, for which he was iuftly cckbrated by the greateft Pens of that Age ; all Sides and Parties agreeing in giving due Praife to his confummrite Merits. This noble Lord marry'd Anne, Daughter and Co- heir to Horatio Lord Vere, Mafter of the Ordnance, and General of all the Bngliili Forces in the Palati- nate, Holland, and the Netherlands, and by her had a Daughter named, who was marrj'd to George Villiei';, Duk? of Buckingham, Son ot George the Great Duke of that Nimc, but dy'd without Iffue j and the 'aid Jj^rd l^er Father dving in 1671 and the C'oth Year of his Age ^' ithout Ifiiic Male, the Honour cievoiv'd upon Henry his C'^ufjn German, Son to Hen- ry the ;d Son of Thomas the firft Lord Fairfax. Henry, who thus fi'cceeded, marrv'd Frances, ]\-tUghter and Heir to Sir Robert Barwick of Tol- itovC, Kr. and by her liad four Sons and as many Daujihcers j v. hereof Thomas the eldcft fucceeaing Mackay, Lord Ray. 425 was a Colonel of the Guards, and feveral Times Member oi Parliament for the County of York j and he marrying Catharine, only Daughter and Heir to Thomas Lord Colepepper, and dying in 1710 by her left Illue three Sons, Thomas his Heir, Henry, and Robert, and four Daughters; whereof the eldeft on the 15th of November 1725 was marry'd to Dr. David Wilkins, Prebendary of Canterbury, and Archdeacoa of Suffolk. ARMS. Topaz, three Bars Gemmels Ruby, furmounted of & Lion rampant. Diamond. Creft, On a Wreath, a Lion paflant-guardant o£ the laft. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Lion guardanc. Diamond. On the Sinifter, a bay Horfe. Motto. FareFac. P. 77. N*^ 21. Chief SEAT. At Denton Caftle in the County of York. XXIL'T' HE mofl noble and right honourable George ■* Mackay, Lord Ray. Created Baron June the 20th in i5;8 by Charles I. and is alfo a Baronet, and Fellow of the Royal So-*- ciety. This Family is faid to derive their Defcent from one Alexandei-, a yoiingp.r Son of Ochonacher, who about the End or the j2th Century came from Ireland j and the 4th in Defcent from him was Donald oi Strarhna- ;ver, whofe Son was named Y More, anil from hini began the Surname ot Mackay. Angus, Great Grandfon to the faid Y More, was Father ot Y alias Odo Mackay -, which Odo being a Pcifon in great Favour with King Tames IV. he from that Prince obtaln'd Lands in the Snire of Invernefs, and therein he was fucceeded by Donald his Son, the Father ol another Donald, whofe \yife was a Daughter of the Family of Sinclair, and by h^r he had Hugh his Son and Heir. O 4 He '>|24 Mackay, Lord Riy. He marry'd Jane, Daughter to John Earl of Suther- land, and by her had a Son named Donald ; which Son being a Man of great Honour and Courage, he in 1626 by a Warrant trom King Charles I. carry'd over to Germany a Regiment of 1000 Men of his own Name and Followers, tcT the AlHftance of the Queen of Bo- hemia \ and afterwards entered into the Service of the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, where he ferv'd with lingular Valour and Succefs. In 1627 he returning to his Native Country, and engaging in his Majefty's InterefV, was taken Prifoner at the Surrender ot Newcaftle to the Scots Army, and lent to the Gaol of Edinburgh in order to be try'd 5 but being relieved by the Marquefs of Montrofe, was on the 18th of March 1627 created a Baronet, as on the 2o:h of June 1628 he was a Baron, and dy'd iu Denmark. He marry'd Barbara, Daughter to Kenneth Macken- zie, Earl of Seaforth, and by her left John his Soa ancf Heir; which John marrjing Barbara, Daughter to Donald Mackay of Scauray, by her had three Sons, Donald his Heir apparent, itneas and Robert. Donald who was Heir apparent, marrying Anne, Daughter to Sir George Munro of Culrain, and dying before his Father, by ner left George the prefent Lord, %yho is Fellow of the Rojal Society- He marry'd to his nrft Wife, Margaret, Daughter to Lieutenant General Hugh Mackay, by whom he had a Son of his Name \ and his 2d Wile is Jane, Daughter to John Sinclair of Ulbfter. His Lord(hip has a third Wife, Mother to George Mackay, Efq; Advocate, and other Children: the eldeft Son, Mafter of Rae, is married to Mifs Dalrymple, Sifter to the prefent Sir Hugh Dalrymple of North-Berwickj Bart. ARMS. Saphire, on a Chevron Topaz, accompany'd wicli three Bears Heads coup'd. Pearl, muzzl'd Ruby, a Roebuck's Head eras'd. Ruby, between two Hancis holding Daggers, all proper. Creft. On a Wreath, a Right Hand coup'd and crcftj S'^pi^S * PasS«^ *5 thofe in the Arms. i *Si'P- Aflaiij Lord Afloii. ' 425' Supporters. Two Men in a Military Drefsj wiih Mufkets in Centinels Poftures, all proper. Motto. ManuForti. P. 80. N^'iz.- Chief SEATS. At Durnefs and Tungul in the Shire of Sucherlanct. XXIII. 'T' H E moft noble and right honourable Wal- ■*• ter Afton, Lord Afton of Forfar. Created Baron Nov- 8 , 1^28 by Charles 1. Of this ancient Family, which isjof EngliHi Extrac- tion, was Ralph de Afton in the County of Stafford, to whofe Son Roger (in the Reign of King Henry III. 500 Years ago) Roger de Moland, then Bilhop of Litchfield, gave the Keeping of the Game in Kank Wood in that County, and it has continu'd to his Po- fterity ever fince. To the faid Roger, whofe Wife was Sibyl Daugh- ter to James de Launda, fucceeded Sir John their Son, who in the 7th of Edward III. was Knight of the Shire for the aforefaid County, as in the i8th and jid was Roger his Son, who was Father of John, and he of Thomas, both Knights, the laft of which often ferv'd his Country in Parliament, and in the loch of Henry XV. was High Sheriff" thereof. He marry'd Elizabeth, Sifter and Heir to Reginald de Leigh, Son of Richard^ Son of Reginald, Lord of Park-hall, with whom he had fo great an Eftate, that Sir Roger their Son in the 12th ot Henry VI. was one of the Prime Gentry return'd by the Commiflioners for the County ^ and he marrying Joyce, Sifter and Coheir to Baldwin de Frevile, whole Anceftors had been Barons of Parliament, and were Heirs General of the noble Families of Marmion and Monfort da Beaudfert, by her had Sir Roger his Son and Heir. Sir Roger who fucceeded marrying Ifabel, Daugh- ter to Sir William Brereton of the County of Chefter, by her had a Son nam'd John, which Son in the Reigns of King Edward IV. and Richard III. was High She- liff' for his County ; and^ he marrying Elizabeth, Daughter to John Delves of Doddington^ Efq-, by her . iVtis Father of another John, who at the Marriage of ^ O s Piincc 42.6 Afton, Lord Aflon. Prince Arthur, eldeft Son ot King Henry VII. was made Knight of the Bath. In the 5d of Henry VIII. he embarking in the Ex- pedition into Britany, and afllfling that King in the Siege of Terouin and Tournay, as alfo afterwards it the Battle of Spur^, was there for his Conduft and Biavery made a Knight Banneret in the open Field; and this worthy Gentleman marrying Joan, Daughter to Sir William Littleton, Kt. by Helena his Wife, Daughter and Coheir to Robert Welch, Lord of Wan- lip in the County of Leicefter, he by that Marriage became poflefs'd of the faid Manor of Wanlip, and the Lordlllip of Tixhall in the County of Stafford, the larter being purchas'd by the Littletons. Ey the faid ]jan his Wife he having two Sons, Sir Edward his Heir, and William j the eldeft who had been (cveral Times High Sheriff for his County, dy- ing in the loth of Elizabeth, left Iflue by ]oan his Wife, Daughter to Thomas Bowles one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Walter his SuccelTor and three Daughters. Of the Daughters, who were Catharine, Mary, and Frances, the eldeft was marry'd to Sir William Chet- wynd of Ingftree in the County of Stafford, Kt. the ;d to Simon Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in th2 County of Oxford, Efq; both Anceftcrs to the Vif- counts of thofe Names, and the youngeft to Robert Needham of Shenton in the County of "Leicefter, An- ceftor to the Vifcount Kylmurray. Walter, who fucceeded his Father and was knighted, flying in 1589 left Iffiie by Elizabeth his Wife, Daugh- ter to Sir lames LeY•.f^n, Edward his Heir, who was alfo a Knight, and was High Sheriff for his County, an OfHce which all his Anceftors had ferv'd from the Time of King Edward III. and he marrying Anne, Dai'.ghrer to Sir Thomas Lucy, Kt. by her had a Son nam'ed Walter who at the Coionation of K. ]amesVI. \vas made Knight of the Bath. Ha was alfo by tha: King on the izd of May i6i\. created a Baronet, and with the Earl of Briftol being fen: A Tibaitidor to Spain co.trcat of a Marriage be- tween Charles Prince of Wales an i the eldeft Daugh- ter of that Crow.i, ha th:re to fupport the Glory of Uis Couatry fpant Ua; ^reaicft Par: of an Eftate of 1 3,000 L Afton, Lord Aftoh." 42^ Jo,ooo 1. per Ann. and after his Return as a Reward for his good Services, was by Charles I. (the faid Prince of Wales) on the 8th of Nov. i6;8 created lord Afton of Forfar in the Shire of Angus, with ail Privileges belonging to a Peer of Scotland. To this noble Lord, who dy'd in 1^39, fucceeded Walter his eldeft Son by Gertrude his Wife, Daugh- ter to Sir Ralph Sadler of Standon in the County of Hertford ; and the faid Walter in the great Rebellion living in the Garrifons of the King all the Time of the VVar and at the Siege of Litchheld, which lafted 19 Weeks, being join'd in Commiirion with Sir Tho- mas Tildefly the Governor, they fent a trufty Ser- vant in the Habit of a labouring Man, with a Letter to the King at New-Caftle, the which he got fafe to his Majelty, and brought back the following An- swer. Newcaftle , 6 June, \6^6» My Lord Afton and Tildefley, * 'T' ri E grea:eft of my Misfortunes is, that I can- * •*- not reward fuch gallant and loyal Subjefts as * you are, as I ought or would ; for the prefcnt I * mufl deal freely with you, and give you my Direc- * tionsj which is, that I can give you no Relief ; buc * I dchre you to hold out ^ill Oxford be furrender'd, * which will be rank'd amongft the reft of the good * Services done by you to Your afTured Friend, CHARLES R. When Oxford was furrender'd, and no Conditions made for them in the Articles, as was exp^fted, they made the beft they could for themfelves, which was only a PermilTion to go to their own Habitations and compound for their Eftates , and there this noble Lord living retir'd ^ill 1660 the Time of the Reftora- tion, he then fucceeded in his Mother^s Brother's E- ftate at Standon aforefaid; and that, with hisMajefty's Letters Patent to him and his Heirs for a Market to be held on Friday in every Week, and two feveral Fairs every Year in the Town of Standon, each re- fpective Fair to continue for two Days, without any O 6 Account; 428 MackleJlaiij Lord Kii-kcndbrighr. Account to be render'd into the Exchequer, was all the Reward for his Services, Loyalty and Sutferings. This worthy Psrfon marrying Mary, Daughter to Richard Wefton, Earl of Portland, Lord High Trea- furer of Encland, by her had Walter his Heir and feveral Dau^iters; which VValrer dying on the ;4_:h of November 1714 left IiTue by Eleanor his Wife, Daughter to Sir Walter Blunr, Kt. Walter the pre- fent Lord, whofe Wife was the Lady Marv Howard, Sifter to Thomas Duke of Norfolk j and Dy her he has had feveral Children. And on the 29th of June 1727 one of his Daughters was marry'd to — Weld of Lulworch Caftle in the County of Dorfet, EfqS ARMS. Pearl, a Fefs, and in Chief three Lozenges Dia- mond. Creft. On a Wreath, a Bull's Head coup'd, of the Uft. Supporters. Two Roman Knights, compleatly arm'd, their Faces, Hands, and Knees bare. Motto. Numini & Patriae afto. P. 74. N°i3. Chief SEATS, At Standon in the County of Hertford, one Mile from Pnckridge, and ^6 from London ^ and at lix- hall in the County of Stafford, two Miles from that Town, and 104 from London. XXIV, '.'y H E moft noble and right honourable •■■ Macklellan, Lord Kirkcudbright. Created Baron Mav 25 in 1(^5;, by Charles I. According to Iliftory, this Family was anciently of great Author icy being Sheriffs of Galloway, 'till the Rei^n of King James II- and were then fo nume- rous in their Branches, that there were 12 Knights of the Name at one Time; but in the faid Reign Sir Patrick Macklellan of Bomby (Nephew to the Lord Gray by his Mother) happening to take Part wi:h the the Lord Harries his usar Kinfiiun a^jainft the Earl of. Macklellan, Lord KirkcndbrigJht. 419 of Douglafs, I13 was befieg'd by that Earl ia his o\f\\ Caftle of Raeberry and put to Diath \ and thcreiipoa his Relarioiib without Warrant or Authority making great Depredations on the Douglafs's Lands ia Gallo- way, their Office of Sharif and Barony of Bomby was forfeited to the Crown, and the faid Office which was erefted into the Sheriffihip of VVigton and Stevvar- ty of Kirkcudbright was given to other Families \ but the Barony (as Tradition go^s) was recover'd again in the following Manner. ■In the Reign of the faid King James !!• a Company of Saracens, or Gypfics, coming from Ireland, and infefting the Coun"y of Galloway, his Majefty pub- lifl^'d a Proclamition that whoever would difperfe thnn, and bring their Captain dead or alive, lliould have the Barony cf Bomby for his Reward \ and in this Attempt the Laird oi- Bomby's Son, being the fortunate Perfon that kiU'd him, \\z brought his Head to the King on the Point of his Sword, from whence to perpetuate the Memory of that brave and remarka- ble Action, he took the fame Figure for his Crefl, with the Motto, Think on. To this valiant Perfon, who thus regained the Baro- ny, fucceeded Thomas Macklellan of Bomby, which Thomas in the Reign of King James IV. was very ferviceable to the Cror/n on fundry Occafions^ and he marrying Agnes, Daughter to Sir James Dunbar of Mochrum, by her hid a Son named William ^ whicli Son from the faid King James obtain'd many Lands in the County of Galloway, and by him was knighted. He marry'd Eliiabeth, a Daughter of the Family of Mure ; and in 1513 being llain at the Battle of Flod- 6.QW^ by her left Thomas his Son and Heir, who by the Barons of Drumlanrig and Lochinvar, was kill'd in a Feud in the High Street of Edinburgh ; and Tho- mas his Son fucceeding, he from Queen Mary had a Charter of all his Lands. He marry'd Grifel, Daughter to John Lord Harries, and by her had three Sons, Robert, William, and John ; of which the eldefl: was knighted by James VI« CO whom and King Charles I^ he was Gentleman of the Bedchamber, and by the latter was created a Ba- ronet and Baron \ but ne dying without Ilfue Male, his Honour devolv'ci upon Thomas his Nephew, the O 7 Soft '430 Forreder, Lord Forrefter. Son of William his Brother; which Thomas marrying 3aner, Daughter to William Douglafs, Earl of Queenl- i)erry, and dying without IfTue alfo, the Title came next to John Macklellan of Bourg, Son to John, who was younger Brother to the firft Lord ; and this wor- thy Perfon in the Time of the Civil Troubles, railing a Regiment of Foot at his own proper Charge for tlie Service of King Charles II. (whofe Train at his Co- ronation at Scoon in 1651 he help'd to fupport) his iftate was evifted by his Creditors. This noble Lord marry'd Anne, Daughter to Sir Kobert MaxweJI of Orchardton, and dying in \66^ by her left William his Son to fucceed ; but he dying five Years after unmarry'd, the Dignity (for want of Sup- port) lay dormant ^ti]| 1722, when at the Election of the \6 Peers, Macklellan of Kirkcudbright put- ting in his Claim and voting, he is now upon the Par- iiiament Rolls by the Title as above. ARMS. Topaz, two Chevrons Diamond. Creft. On a Wreath, a Right Arm ered, the Hand ^rafping a Dagger with a Moor's Head on the Point thereof coup'd, proper. Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Chevalier in cnmpleat Armour, holding in his exterior Hand a Bat- ron Royal. On the Sinifter, an Horfe Pearl, furniili'd Ruby/ Motto. Think on. P. 71. N'* 24. Chief SEAT. A: Kirkcudbright in the Shire oi Galloway. XXV'T' H E moft noble and right honourable William ■^ Forrefter, Lord Forrefter. Created Baron July ^^ in 1633, and is alfo a Baro- net. The firft of this ancient Family is faid to be Sir Adam Forrefter, Citizen of Edinburgh, who in the 6th of Robert II. acquired from Six William More of Absrf Forrefter, Lord Forrefter. 43 r Abercorn the Barony of Corftorphine, and from thence his Succeflbrs took their Defignation. In the ift of Robert III. 1390 ne was confticuted Lord Privy Seal, as in 1423 was Sir John his Son ; and the next Year with the Eifliop of Glafgow, and the Earl of March, was commifTion'd to treat with the Englifh about the Redemption of King ]ames I. who was then their Prifonev. In 1424, upon his Majefty's Return Home, he was made Mafter of the Houfhold, and Lord High Cham- berlain of Scotland ; and by jane his Wife who was Sifter to Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, had Sir ]ohit his Heir and a Daughter of her Name j which Daugh- ter was marrv'd to Sir Robert Maxwell of Calavercck, Anceftor to the Earl of Nithfdale. Sir [ohn who fucceeded, being in great Favour with the faid King James I. he from" that Prince had the lands of Blackbourn in the Shire of Linlithgow ; and Archibald his Son marrying Margaret, a Daughter of the Family of Hepburn, by her had Alexander his Son and Heir, Alexander who fucceeded marry'd Margaret, Daugh- ter to Sir Duncan Forrefter of Garden, Mafter of the Houlbold to King James IV. «and by her was Father of another Alexander, whofe ^Vif^ was Janet, a Daughter of the Family of Lauder of Hacton, and by her had two Sons, James who dy'd without IlTue, and Henry SuccefTor to Jam:s. Henry, who was the next Heir maiTy'd Helena, a Daughter of the Family of Prefton of CraigmiKer in the shire of Edinburgh, and by her had "a Son na- med George j which Son by King Charles I. on the 17th of November \6z^ was created a Baronet, as on the 22d of July 1635 he was a Baron ; and he mar- rying Chriftian, Daughter to Sir William Livingftoj* of Kilfyth, by her had feveral Daughters, but no'lflue Male. of the faid Daughters who were Helena, Jane, amt- I,ilias, the eldeft being marry'd to William Lord Rofs, the 2d to James Baillie of Torwood-head in the Shire of Stirling, Son to Lieutenamt-General Baillie , and the youngift to William Baillie, Brother to James j the "Lord George their Fsther refignM his Honour in Fa- vour of the faid Jam^s Baillis and his Heirs, they ta- king 45 2 Forbes, Lord Pitfligo, king the Name of Forrefter, which Surrender and Entail was ratify'd by King Charles II. in 1651 j and he dying without HlHe, William his Brother fuc- ceeded. To William, who thus became Heir to the Honour, fucceeded William his Son, whofe Wife was Daughter to Sir Andrew Birnie of Saline, one of the Senators of the College of Juftice j antl he dying in 1705 by her left IlTue Georce Lord Forrefter \ which George in the Year 1715 iTgnaliz'd his Loyalty and Valour to King George the Firft, and the Government, at the Battle ot Preftpn in Lancafhire, and in 1717 was made Doftor of Law, as in 1718 he was appointed Captain and Colonel of the 4':h Troop of Life-Guardsj and dving on the 17th of February \'jz6-'j left Iflue by Charlotte his Wife, Daughter and Coheir to An- thony Rowe of the County of Oxford, Efqj two Sons and one Dauchtev ; whereof George the cldeft fuc- ceeded his Father, was Captain of one of his Ma- iefty's ships of War, and dying unmairied was fuc- ceeded by William the prefent Lord. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, three Bugle Horns riiinond, ihing'd Ruby, for the Name of Forrefter \ 2d and ?d Saphire, nhie' Mullets, 3, 3, 2, and i, Topar, for Bailfie. Creft. On a Wreath, a Talbot's Head eras'd. Pearl. Supporters. Two Talbots of the laft» Motto. Spero. P. 81. N^Jj. Chief SEATS. At Torwood-Head in the Shire of Stirling, three Mn*s from that Town, and 21 from Edinburgh i and at Lethtjrn in the fame County, XXVI.Tr HE moft noble and right honourable Alcx- -• ander Forbes, Lord Pitfligo. Created Baron July 24 in I^J5 by Charles Ir The Forbes, Lord Pitfligo. 4^^ The Defcent of this ancient Family being fet forth under the Title of Lord Forbes, the Reader may there find, that Sir John Forbes of that Ilk marrying Eli- ■zabeth Kennedy, a Daughter of the Family of Danure, he had three Sons who were all Knights j and thereof Sir William the 2d was Anceftor to the worthy Perfon of whom we are fpeaking. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter and Heir to Siv William Frafer of Philortb, and with her having the Barony of Pitfligo in the Shire of Buchan, Trom thence quartered the Arms of Frafer-, and from Sir Alexander the Heir of that Marriage defcended Sir John Forbes of Pitfligo, whofe Wife was Chriftian, Daughter to Walter Ogilvy, Lord Defkford, Ance- ftor to the Earl of Finlater, and by her he was Father of another Alexander, who by King Charles I. was created a Baron. Alexander, who was the firft Lord marry'd Jane, Daughter to William Keith, Earl of Marilhal, and by her had Alexander the 2d j which Alexander marry- ing Mary, Daughter to James Erfkine. Earl of Buchan, by her had Alexander *the ?d \ and ne dying in i(5j;ii left Iflue by Sophia his Wife, Daughter to John Er- fkine, Earl of Mar, Alexander th^ 4th, whofe Wife was Rebecca, Dauahter to John Norton of London, Merchant, and by her he has one Son Alexander; his fecond Lady was Daughter of Allen, Efyi but by l\er he has no IlTue. ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Saphire, three Bears Heads coup'd Pearl, and muxzl'd Ruby, for Forbes i id and 3d Saphire, three Cinquefoils Pearl, for Frafer. Creft. On a Wreath, a Faulcon Silver. Supporters. Two Bears proper, muzzl'd Ruby. Motto. Altius ibunt qui ad fumma nituntur. P. 73. N^'i^. Chief SEAT. At Pitfligo in the Shire of Aberdeen, three Miles frow Fraftriburghj and j>4 from Edinburgh. XXVIL 434 Ogiivy, Lord BamiF. XXVII.'T HE moft noble and right honourable Alex- -*- ander Ogilvy, Lord BamfF. Created Baroa Auguft 31 in x6^z by Charles I. and is alfo a Baronet. The firft of this Family was Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugafs, Son pf Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyn, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter and Coheir to Sir James Edmonfton of that Ilk j and the faid Sir Walter mar- Tying Alifon, Daughter and Coheir to Patrick Hume of Fincaftlcj he had with her a fair Eftate, and there- in was fucceeded by George their Son, whofe Wife was Beatj-ix, Daughter to George Lord Seaton, and by her he had Walter his Heir and one Daughter. Walter who fucceeded marrying Helen, Daughter to Sir John Urquhart of Cromarty, by her had a Son named George, which Son having fignaliz'd his Va- lour and Loyalty in Behalf of King Charles L in the Time of the Civil Wars, was by tliat King on the 30th of July 1627 created a Baronet, and in 1*54^ a Baroa ^s above. He marry'd to his firft Wife Helen, Daughter to Alexander Irwin of Drum, and by her had a Daughter -of her Name 3 which Daughter was marry'd to James Ogilvy, Earl of Airly ; and by his id who was Mary, Daughter to Sir Alexander Sutherland of DutFus, he had George his Heir in his Honour. George, who was the fccond Lord, marrying Agnes, Daughter to Alexander Falkner, Lord Halkerton, by her had two Sons, George his Heir and Alexander i which Alexander in the Reign of Qieen Anne was created a Baronet, and made one of the Senators of the College of Juftice ^ and the faid George his Bro- ther who was Heir to his Father, marrying a Daugh- ter of William Keith, Earl of Marilhal, by her had George, whofe Wife was Helen, Daughter to Sir John Laud-r of Fountain-HaJI, one of the Senators of the College of Juftic;, by whom he had John George who fucceeded him, who djed 1738 without liTuCi and the prcfeut Lord who is in the l^avy* ARMS. Murray, Lord Elibanlc, 43 y ARMS. Quarterly, ifl and Pearl, a Lion paflant-guar- «?ant Ruby, crown'd with an Imperial Crown proper, for Ogilvyj 2d and 3d Pearl, three Papingoes Eme- rald, tor Hume of Fincaftle. Creft. On a Wreath, a Lion's Head eras'd. Ruby Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Man in Armour, tvith a Target in his Right-Hand. On the Sinifter, a Lion Ruby. Motto. Fideliter, P.83. N°28. Chief SEAT. At Inchdrour in the Shire of BamfF. XXVIII.T* H E moft noble and right honourable Pa- "*■ trick Murray, Lord Elibank. Created Baron in 1645 by Charles L and is alfo a Baronet. The firft of this Family was Sir Gideon Murray, Kt. fo made by King James VI. to whom he was Trealurer Depute, and was 3d Son to Andrew Murray of Black- barony in the South by Grifel his Wife, Daughter to Sir John Beaton of Crich. Tnis Sir Gideon, during the Time of his Treafurer- fliin,' which was nx Years, managed that Office with fucn Advantage to the Crown, that befides the Charge of the Government, he both renair'd and enlarged the Palaces of Holyrood-Houfe, Falkland. Linlithgow, and Dumfermling, and the Caftles of Edinburgh and Dunbarton j and in 1617 at the Kings's coming to Scot- land had the Treafury fo full, that his Majefty appear'd with as much Splendor as at Whitehall, and all the Charge was defray'd by him. He marry'd Margaret, a Daughter of the Family of Pentland, and by her had two bons, Patrick his Heir and Walter-, which Patrick in Refped of his approv'd Loyalty to King Charles T. was by that Prince on tha 16th of May \6i% created a Baronet, and in 1643 a Baron w jibove j and be marryinc Elizabeth, Daugh- 43 5 Falkner, Lord Halkei'ton. ter to Sir James Dundas of Arnifton, by her had Patrick his Heir and feveral Daughters. Patrick who fucceeded marry'd Elizabeth, Daugh- ter to ]ohn Steuart, Earl of Traquair, and by her had a Son iiam'd Alexander, whofe Wife was Anne, Daugh- ter to Dr. Alexander Burnet, Archbifliop of St. An- drews, and by her he had Patrick and two Daughters \ of which Anne was marry'd to John Lord Macleod, Son to the Earl of Cromarty; and the faid Patrick, Ix)rd Elibank, marry'd a Daughter of George Stirling of the City or Edinburgh, by whom he had the prefent Lord who marry'd Mary Margaretta, Widow of Wil- liam Lord North and Grey, (an Englifh Peer) and Daughter of Monf. Ellmeet, Receiver General to the Eftates of Holland and the other Provinces. The youn- ger Brothers are William a Lieutenant in the Navy j Alexander in the Army, and Gideon Murray of , a Clergyman in Yorklnire. There are two Daughters married, one to Sir James Johnfton of Wefterhali, Bart, and the other to James Fergufon of Pitfour, Ad- vocate. ARMS. Saphire, three Stars within a double TrefTure flow- er'd and counterflower'd wich Fleurs-de-lis Pearl, and in tlie Center, a Martlet Topaz. Creft. On a Wreath, a Lion rampant, — — , holding between his Paws a Battle- Axe propsr. Supporters. Two Horfes Silver, bridl'd Ruby. Motto. Virtute Fideque. P. 7(?. N°:p. Chief SEATS. At Pitcencrief in Eaft-Lothian, or Shire of Had- cUngton, 14 Miles from E.dinburghj and at Newark in Tweedale, or the Shire of Peebles. XXIX.'p H E moft noble and right honourably David Falkner, Lord Halkerton. Created Baron July 29, 1647 by Charles I. The firft to be met with on Record of this Name aad Family was Ranulph, Son of Walter de Lenorp, Fal- F^tlkner, Lord Halkerton. 437 Falkoner to King William the Lien, and he by a Char- ter from that King obtaining the Lands of Lochra and Belbegiio in the Shire of Kincardin, which from his Office were call'd Halkerton, his Family from thence took their Defignation, and for many Years were honour'd with Knighthood. They alfo often ferv'd their Country in Parliament, and other publick Stations, with great Reputation and Fidelity 3 and in 1511 James the Son of George Falk- ner fucceeded his Father, and marrying Marion, a Daughtej- of the Family of Dunbar, by her had Alex- der his Son and Heir. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter to Sir Archibald Douglafs, Anceftor to the Duke of that Name, and by her had four Sons, of which Alexander fucceedsd ; and he marrying Marcaret, Daughter to Patrick Lord Gray, by her was Fatner of another Alexander, whofc Wife was Agnes, Daughter to David Carnegy of Colu- thie, Anceftor to the Earl of Southelk, and by her he had three Sons, Alexander his Heir, Sir David Falk- ner of Glenfarquhar, and Sir ]ohn Falkner of Bal- makeliie, Matter of the Mint. Alexander who fucceeded, being a Gentleman dt good Learning and well fkill'd in the Laws, was by Charles L made one of his Privy Council, and crea- ted a Bironet and Baron ; and he marrying Anne, Daughter to John Lord Lindfay, Anceftor to the Earl of Crawford, by her had Alexander his Heir, and^a Daughter nam'd"'Agnes ; which Daughter was marry'd to George Ogilvy, Lord RamfFi Alexander the Keir, and id Lord, marrying Marga- ret, Daughter to James Ogilvy, Earl of Airly, and dy- ing in 1684 by her left Davi'd, wlro dying unmarry'd was fucceeded in the Honours by David Falkner of Newtoun, Son of Sir David Falkner of Newtoun, Pre- fident of the Seflion \6%z. This Lord Prefidenc was fecond Son of Sir David Falkner of Glenfarquhar, who was fecond Brother to the firft Lord Halkerton ; and theprefent worthy Lord fucceeding to the Eftate of Glenfarquhar fame little Timi before the Death ot the laft Lord is the Heir Male of the Patentee. He marry'd Lady Catharine Keith, Daughter to V\^lliam Earl of Kintore, by whom he has a numerous Iflue of Sons and Daughters. ^ . ^ A R M S. 438 Hamilton, Lord Belhaveii, A R M s. Saphire, a Faulcon difplayM, Pearl, crownM with a Ducal Crown Gold, and charc'd on the Breaft with a Man's Heart Ruby, between three Stars of the 2d. CNote, th; Stars and Heart (hew his Defcent by the Mothei-'s Side from the Family of Douglafs.) Creft. On a Wreath, an Angel in a praying Pofture, within an Orle of Laurel. Supporters. Two Falcons proper. Mocco. Vive ut vivas. P. 78. N° 30. Chief SEAT. At Halkerton in the Merns, or Shire of Kincardin. XXX.T* H E moft noble and right honourable John Hamilton, Lord Belhaven. Created Baron in 1548 by Charles I. The Defcent of this great and illuftrious Family, the Reader may find under the Title of Duke of Hamilton, and in the 59th Page, that Sir David Hamilton, Kt. marrying Janet, Daughter to William Keith, Marifhal of Scotland, by her had a Son nam'd Robert, from which Robert fprung the Family of Bruntwood and Broomhill, and from thence the Lord q\ whom we are fpeaking ; for Sir James Hamilton of Broomhill, in the Time of the Civil War, taking up Arms in De- fence of King Charles L was thereupon created a Ba-»> ron, as above* He marry'd Margaret, natural Daughter to James Marquefs of Hamilton, and by her had three Daugh- ters ; of which Elizabeth was marry'd to Alexander Seaton, Vifcount of Kincfton, and Anne to Sir Robert Hamilton or Silverton-hTll ; but the faid Lord their Father having no Ifliie Male, he r^fign'd his Honour to John the Son of Sir Robert Hamilton of Pref- i-nannan. This John, who thus became Lord Belhaven, having fignaliz d himfelf at th; Revolution in 166%, by raif- ing a Troop of Horfe for promoting the fettling the Crown Oil ths PrinQS and Prioief* of Orange, was Hamilton, Lord Belhaven.^ 45^ foOn after their Acceflion'to the Throne made one of the Privy Council, and one o£ the Lords of the Ex- chequer. He was alfo one that forwarded the Reftoration of the Preityterian Government, and the Eftablifliraenc of the Scotch African Company ; as Itkewife in the Parliament in 1700 moft zealoufly promoted the Aft to prevent the Growth of Popery, and in 1704 was maHe one of the Lords of the Treafury. In 170^, when the Union came to be debated, he join'd with thofe that oppos'd it , and on this Subjed made feveral learned and elaborate Speeches, contain- ing his Reafons, for which Pofteiity will celebrate his Name with Honour as a Patriot of his Country j but he dying on the 21ft of Tune 1708, in the jid Year of his Age, left Iflue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Sir Robert Hamilton of -Silverton-HiH, by Anne his Wife, Daughter to John Lord Belhaven, as before- mention'd, two Sons, John his Heir, and James. In Feb. 1714-1?, the ift of George I. John who fuc- Ceeded was chofe one of the 1.6 Peers for North-Bri- tain, as about the 7th of November enfuing was ap- pointed Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, now King George II. and on the loth of April 172 1 was made Gcft'ernor of Eerbadoes ; but his Lcrdfhip on the loth of November following being unfortunately drown'd in the Royal Anne Gal- ley, near the Lizard Point in the County of Corn- wall, as he was going for the faid Ifland of Eerbadoes, was carry'd to Scotland to be bury'd, and left Illue by Mary his Wife, Daughter to Andrew Bruce of the City of Edinburgh, Merchant, three Sons and one Daughter j of which John the prefcnt Lord is Gene- ral of the Mint in Scotland. ARMS. Ruby, a Sword ereft in Pale, proper, the Pome! and Hilt Topaz, between three Cinquefoils Pearl. Creft. On a Wreath, a Nag's Head coup'd. Silver, bridled Ruby. Sui>porcer»i 44© Sutherland, Lord Duffris. Supporters. Two Horfes Pearl, bridled as the Creft. Motto. Ride through. P. 8i. N" 51. Chief SEAT. At the Bail iiiEaft-Lothian, or Shire of Haddington, fix Miles from Haddington, and \6 from Edinburgh. XXXI. TT HE moft noble and right honourable Erick -*■ Sutherland, Lord Duftus. Created Earon, December the 8th in 1(550 by Charles II. The Defcent of this great and noble Family being fet forth under the Title of Earl of Sutherland, the Reader may there find, that Kenneth Earl thereof, who in 1^55 loft his Life at the Battle of Halidon- hill, leavnig two Sons, from Nicol the youngeft de- fcended the Lord Duffus. This Nicol, by his Brother's Grant in ijutherland of Rorcomon. Kenneth, who in 1705 fucceeded his Father, being a Perfon of great Knowledge in Maritime Affairs, was advanced by Queen Anne to the Command of the Advice Ship of War, in which Charafter he ferv'd in feveral Expeditions, and behav'd with great Cou- rage and Bjravery. After the Year 171S his Lordfhip withdrew, and ferv'd in the Mufcovite Fleet, where he was advanc'd to be an Admiral. He marry'd Charlotta Chriftina, Daughter of Erick deSicbladhe, Governor and Admi- ral of Gottenburgh in Sn'eden, by whom he had Erick the prefent Lord, who marry'd Mifs Dunbar, Daughter to Sir William Dunbar of Hemprigs, Bart, his Coufin. ARMS. Quarterly, ifl Ruby, three Stars Topaz, for Suther- land ; zd Saphire, three Crofs Croflets fitchy, Pearl, for Chien ; 3d Saphire, a Boar's Head eras'd. Pearl, for Chifliolm • 4th as the firft. Crefl:. On a Wreath, a Cat fejant, Supporters. Two Savages proper, each' vvreath'd about nis Temples and Middle with Laurel, and arm'd with a Batton. Motto. Without Fear. P. 74. N° 32. Chief SEATS. At Skelbo in the SKire of Caithnefs j and at Elgia •Houfe, in the Shire of Murray, or Elgin. XXXII. T^ HE moft noble and right honourable Ro- ■■■ bert Rollo, Lord Rollo of Duncruib. Created B rcn January the 10th in 165 1 by Charles II. of this ancient Family, which have been long feated in the County oF Perth, was John Rcllo, who ia the Reign of King Robert II. had a Grant from David Earl of Strathern, of the Lands of Duncruib, Fyndo- ny, Pitirclethy, and fcvsral others, and therein wa? fucceeded j^^T. Ro^Io, Lor^ RoJIo. fucceeded by Duncan his Son, the Father of Andrew, and he of Robert, whofe Son named William had a Charter from King James IV. for erecting his Lands into the Barony of Duncruib. He marry'd a Daiujhter of the Family of Oliphant, and by her had Robert his Son and Heir, whofc Wife was ]anet. Daughter to William Lord Graham, and by her he was Famer of Andrew ; which Andrew marrying Marion, Daughter and Coheir to Sir David Rollo ot Ballachie, by her had two Sons, George who dy'd without Ilfue, and James Succeflbr to George. James, who was the next Heir, marry^d Agnes, Daughter to Robert Collice of Bonymcon, and by her had a Son named Andrew, and two Daughters j which Andrew was knighted by James VI. andl>y Charles II. created a Baron. He marry'd Catharine, Daughter to James Lord Madeity, and by her had five Sons, and tour Daugh- ters i of which Sir William the youngeft was be- headed at Glafgow, for his Loyalty to King Charles !• and James the eUleft fucceeded his Father. James- who was the 2d Lord marry'd Mary, Daugh- ter to Archibald Campbel, Earle of Argyle, by Anne his ad Vvife, Daughter to Sir Vv'illiam Cornwallis of Broom in the County of Suffolk, and by her had two Sons, Andrew his Heir, and George. Andrew who fucceeded marry'd Margaret, Daugh- ter to Robert Balfour, Lord Burleigh, and by her had Robert the prefent Lord, and three Daugliters j where- of one is man^'d to William Irvine cf'Boulliaw, Efq; and the fccond is Widow of Robert Johnfton of VVam- phry, Kfi J and bo:h have IfTue :, which Robert in 1700 (ucceediiig his Father, marry'd Mary, eldtft Daughter to Sir Harry Rollo of Woodfide, ar.d by her has Andrew his Heir, who marrv'd Mifs Murray, Daughter and one of the Coheirs cf Lord James Mur- ray "of DowaJly, Brother to the firft Duke of Achoie ; and feveral other Children. Harry in the Army, marry'd Mifs Johnfton, Daugh- ter of Col. Johnftrn of Gratny j John a Goldfmith in Edinburgh "iiarrj'd Mifs Johnfton, Daughter to James Johnfton, Merch;r.t iherc. A R M S. Lefley, Barone/s ofNiwark, 445 ARMS. Topa«, a Chevron between three Boars Heads eras*d Saphire. Creft. On a Wreath, a Stac's Head coup'd, proper. Supporters. Two Stags of the laft. Motto. La Fortune pafTe par tout. P. 6g, N° 55. Chief SEAT. At Duncruib in the Shire of Perth, XXXIII. "THE moft noble and right honourable ■*■ Jane Lefly, Baronefs of Newark. Created Baron Auguft 31, 1660, by Charles IT. The Defcent of this noble and ancient Family, the Reader may find under the Tide of Earl of Rothes ; and that Andrew Earl thereof, marrying Jane, Dauch- ter to Sir John Hamilton of Evendale, by her had a Son named Patrick, which Son was created Lord Lin- dores ; and he marrying Jane, Daughter to Robert Earl of Orkney, one of the natural Sons of King James V. by her had James his Heir, and David j which David in his Youth betaking himfelf to the Liie of a Soldier, ferved firft under the King; of Swe- den, in the Wars of Germany, and there Decame a Colonel of Horfe. In the Reign of King Charles I. when the Civil VVar broke out in Britain, he returning to his Native Country, and entering into the Service of the Parlia- rrtent of Scotland (who had rais'd an Army in Defence of their Liberties, and the King's Perfon, as they pretended) was made their Lieutenant General, and fo continued till the End of the War. In K'^o, when th^ Parliament declar'd for King Charles IL and his Majefty General of che Army that was to march inro England sgaia^ Oliver Cromwell, he was appointed Lieutenant-General under him 3 where, on the ?d cf September if>5i, at the Battle ot Worcefter, being taken Pr:foiier andfenr to the Tower of London, he fufFer'd a tedious Confinement ^ 'till the King's Reftoration •, but then, js a Recom- I pence 444 Lefly, Baronefs c/^Newar3r. pence for his figiial Services, was created a Baron, with a Letter from his Majefty, in thefe Words ; ' A L THOUGH we have, upon all Occafions, * ^*- both abroad, and fince our happy Reftoration, * declar'd ourfelf fully fatisfy'd with your Coiidua ' and Loyalty in our Service \ and altho' in Confidera- * tion of the fame, we have given you the Title and •^ Honour of a Lord, with other Marks of our Favour * and Efteem j yet feeing we are told, that Malice * and Slr^nder do not give over to perfccute you, we * have thought fit to give you thij farther Teftimony, * and to declare under our Hand, that while you * was our Leurenant-General of our Army of Scot- * land,, you did both in Scotland and England behave * yourfelf with as much ComUiCt, Reputation, and * Honefty, as was poflible, or could be expefted from * a Perfon cf that Truft \ and as we told you, fo we * do again repeat ir, that Jf we had Occafion to levy * an Army fit for ourfelf to command, we would * not fail to cive you an Employment in it, fit for your * Quality, &c. This noble Lord had alfo a Penfion from his Majefty of 500 Pounds por Annum, duvinc Life , and hs manying Jane, Daughter to Sir John York, Kt. by her ^ad David his Heir, and three Daughters, and by jeafon the Honour of Lord Newark v.'as limited to the Heirs of his Body, he made an Entail and Refignation of his Eftate and Honour into his Majefty's Hands, in Favour of the faid David his Sen, and the Heirs of his Eody, which f^H to th^ faid David's eldeft Daughter, Mrs. Jaiie Lef.y, and the Heirs of her, which his Maj^ifty was pleafed to accept of, and grant. David, who was the 2d Lord, dying in 1^94 left Iflue by Eliz!iberh his Wife, Daughter to Sir Thomas Steuart of Graintilly, five Daughters i of which Jane the eldcft being Baronefs of Newark, by reafon of the Refignation and Entail before-mentioned, her Ladyihip is now marry'd to Sir Alexander Anftruther, Sen of Sir Philip Anftruther of that Ilk, an ancient and knightly Family in the Shire of Fife, and by him has a Sou nam'd William, who after her Deccafe (ta- kii.'; Rutherfoordj Lord Rutheribord. 445 king the Name and Arms of Lefly) wiJI be Lov4 Newark, and feveral other Children, all unmarry'd. ARMS. Quarterly, jft and 4ch Pearl, on a Bend Saphire, three Buckles Topaz, tor Lefly \ :d Topaz, a Lioa rampant, Ruby, debruis'd with a Ribband Diamond, for Aberncthy i 3d Pearl, three Piles ilVuing from the Chief, Diamond, for Anftruther ; and overall, by way of Surcout, aa Efcutcheon Ruby, charg'd with a Caftle tripple Tower'd Pearl, mafon'd Diamond, for Lindores. Creft, On a Wreath, a demi Angel, wingM Gold, holding in his right Hand aGiiphon's Head eras'd, proper. Supporters. Two Griphons Pearl, beak'd, wing'd, and arm^d. Topaz. Motto. — P. 71. N°55. Chief SEAT. At Anftruther in the Shire of Fife. XXXIV. HTHE firft of this noble Family, who was -*■ advanced to the PeeragCj was Andrew Rutherfocrd, Sou of William Ruthenoord of Quari- holl, a Cadet of the Family of Hunthill, by his Wife Ifabe), a Dau2,h:er of the noble Family ot Traquair, This Andrew went ycung into the French Service, and' for his Valour and Conduft, Laving pafs'd thro" niany Decrees of Military Honour, came at laft to chat of Lieucenant-General of the King of France's Armies. Upon the Reftoration General Rutherfoord came over to England with a very fair Reputation and good Te- ftimouy from the French King, and for his fingular Services and Fidelity to the Crown, his Majefty King Charles II. was pleafed to create him a Peer of Scot- land, by the Title of Lord Baron of Rutherfoord, ]an. J5», 1661. Ihis Lord was thereafter raifed co the Ho- nour of Earl of Tcviot, to him and the Heirs Male of his Body J and being made Governor of Tangier was unfortunately kijl'd Dy the Moors Anno ^6(^4 without Ifjus-. 446 BaJieiiden, Lord BaJlenden. Iffue, fo that the Title of Earl died with him, buc that of Lord Rutherfoord, according to the Ap- pointment of the Patent to Sir Thomas Rutherfoord of Hunthill (of which Family he was a Cadet, as is before obferved) and his Heirs Male, this Sir Thomas Lord Rutherfoord took his Seat in Parliament accordingly, and dying 1668 likewife without Iflue, was fucceeded 5n the Honours and Title by Archibald Lord Ruther- foord his Brother, who was fucceeded by Robert Lord Rutherfoord the youngeft Brother, by whofe Death without Irtue the Title and Honours have devolved to Captain ]ohn Rutherfoord, the Heir Male of the Fa- mily of Hunthill prcfent Lord Rutherfoord, &c, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th Pearl, a Chevron ingrail'd Ruby, between three Ears of Rye, flipn'd and Bladed Emerald, for Riddle of Minto; 2d and 3d Pearl, ca a Chevron Ruby, between three Boars Heads eras'd Diamond, as nnany Cinquefoils of the firft, with a Thiftle in the Middle Chief Point, proper, for Nilbet of Dirleton \ and over all, by Way of Surtout, the Paternal Coat of Rutherfoord, which is Pearl, an Orlc Ruby ; and in Chief three Martlets Diamond. Creft. On a Wreath, a Martlet of the laft. Supporters. Two Horfes proper. Motto. Nec Sorte nee Fato. P. 84. N° \6% Chief SEAT. At Hunthill in Tivotfdale, or Shire of Roxburgli. XXXV. 'y H E moft noble and right honourable John •*- Ballenden, Lord Ballenden. Crea-ed Baron ]ine the i',th \66\ by Charles IT. and is alfo Hereditary Uflier of the Court of Exchc:- tjUer. This Family began its Rife in the Reign of King James V. at which Time Thomas Ballenden of Au- chinoule was Juftice Clerk and Diredor of the Chan- cery ; and he dying in 1545 left Iflue Sir John his Son and Heir, who was alfo Juftice Clerk" in the Rei£n« B allenden. Lord BaJlenden, 44'^ Keigns of Queen Mary and James VI. and he marr>- ing Barbara, a Daughter of the Family of Kennedy, by her had two Sons, Sir Lewis his Heir and Adam^ which Adam became Bifhop of Aberdeen. Sir Lewis, who fucceeded, v/as one of the Senators of the College of Jufticc, and by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to William Lord Livingfton, had a Son named James who v/as alfo a Knight j and he marry- ing Margaret, Daughter to William Ker of Cesford, and Sifter to Robert Earl of Roxburgh, by her had Sir William his Heir and a Daughter of her Name ^ which Daughter was marry'd to Henry Erlkine, Lord Cardrofs. Sir William who was next Heir, havhig given many fignal Teftimonies of his Loyalty to King Charles II, during the Time of the Ufurpaiion, was in Reccm- pence thereof, when his Majefty was reftored, made Treafurer Depute, one of the Privy Council, and created a Baron ; 'but he dying unmarry'd made x Conveyance ol his Eftate and Honour to John Ker, a younger Son of William Earl oF Roxburgh, who thereupon chang'd his Name to Ballenden and took the Arms; and he marrying Mary, Widow of W'il- liam Ramfey, Earl of Dalhoulle, and Daughter of Henry Moor, Earl of Drogheda in Ireland, by Alice his Wife, Daughter to William Lord Spencer, Baron of Wormleighton in the County of Warwick in Eng- land, by her had five Sons and two Daughters i of which John the eldeft is now Lord Ballenden. A R M S. Ruby, a Hart's Head coupM, attir'd wi:h tenTynes, between three CroCs Croflets fitchy. Topaz, all with- in a double Trefllire^ flower'd and counterflower'd \vi:h Fleurs-de-lis of tne laft. Creft. . Supporters. On the Dexter Side, a Woman richly apparellM, holding in her Right Hand a Sword ereft, and a Pair of Scales pendant, both proper. On the Sinifter, another Woman in the faine Habk as the Dexter, holding in her left Hand a Branch of Balm. Motto. Sic itur ad Aftra. P. 72. N° 57. Chief ^^8 Nairn, Lord Nairn, Chief SEAT. At "Braughton-Houfe ia Mid-Lothian, or Shire of Edinburgh. XXXVI.T' H£ moft noble and right honourable John ■*■ Nairn, Lord Nairn, ofthe Town of Nairn, in the Shire of Invernefs. Created Baron by Charles IL on the ayth cf Janua- ry 1681. The firft of this Name faid to be on Record was Michael de Nairn, a Wicnefs to the Grant which Ro- bert Duke of Albany made to John Earl of Buchan his Son, of the Lands of Strathern in the Shire of Air J and tlie next was Alexander, who in the Reiaa of King James II. was Comptroller of Scotland for many Years. In the Reigns of King James VI. and CJurlesI. Ro- bert Nairn of Strathurd, a Defcendant from the for- mer, being a Perfon well vers'd in the Law, and of good Reputation in the Profeilion thereof, he by his Practice and Induftry rais'd himfelf a competen: For- tune •, and by Margaret his Wife who was Daughter CO Sir John Preftoii of Pennycook, Prelulent ol the College of Juftice, had four Sons and two Daughters i of which Robert the eldeft fucceeded him j and Wil- liam the youngeft being a Captain in the KingS Ser- vice was (lain on the 3d cf September \6^i at the Battle of Worccfter. Robert, who fucceeded, and was alfo bred to the Law, he after the Murder of the King, cafting off his Gown :.nd putting himfelf in Arm? in Defence of King Charles II. was unfortunately furpri/,'d by a Paity of the Englifh, and committed to xht Tower of London, whjre he endur'd an Imprifonment of te;i Years \ but living to fee his Mafter reftor'd was then ia Rewurd of his Merit and Sufferings created a Ba- ron, and to the Heirs of his Body. He marry'd Margaret, Daughter to Patrick Graham of Inchbracki.-, and by her irad an only Daughter of her Name •, which Daughter he marrying to tne Lord William Murray, (who was ccncern'd in ths Rebel- lion KiniVAirdj Lord Kiimaird, 449 (ion in 1715 againft King George I. and was fentenc'iJ to be drawn, hang'd, and quarter'd on the i8ch of February 1715-1(5, Due pardon'd and difcharg'd on th« i7ch of December 1717) Brother to John Duke of A- thole, he by the Marriage Articles took the Name, Title, and Arms of Nairn; and by the faid Lady his Wife had four Sons and eight Daughters ; of which Margaret was marry'd to William Drummond, Vif- count Strathallan : and ]chn her elder Brother, who on the ?d of February 1725-6 fucceeded his Father, and is now Lord Nairn, marrying Catharine, Dauah- ter to Charles Murray ,Earlof Dunmore, by her na* fcveral Sons, ARMS. Quarterly, ift and 4th party per Pale Diamond and Pearl, a Cnaplct charged with four Cincuefoils, aH counter-chang'd, for the Name of Nairn \ 2d Sapnire, three Stars Pearl, within a double TrelTure, flovver'd and counterflowerM with Fleur5-de-lis Topaz , for Murray \ and the jd is counter-quarter\-i, ift and 4th Pally of fix Topaz, and Diamond, for th- Title of A- thole; 2d and 5d Topaz, a Fcfs checque Pearl ani Saphire, for Steuart Earls of Athole. Creft. Supporters. > ■•■ ■ Motto. P. 85. N"* 28. Chief SEATS. At Nairn and Strathurd in the Shire of Penh. XXXVII.'T H E moft noble and right honourable Pa- •*• trick Kinnaird, Lord Kinaaiid of Inck- fture. Created Baron Dec. 28 in 1682 by Charles IL In the Reign of King William the Lion, ii^o, Ra- dulphus Rufus obtaining from that Prince the Baroav of Kinnaird ia the Shire of Perth, (which continu'd in his Family till the Time of King Charles I.) he from that Barony took his Surname, and from him defcended Sir Richard Kinnaird of that Ilk, whofe Son liamed VOL. JL P Rt. 45ro Kinnaird, Lard Kiiinaird. Reginald marrying Marjory, Daughter and Heir to Sir John Kirkaldv of Inchltiire in the fame County, he with her had tKofe Lands in which lie was confirmed by the Charter of Robert III. and thereupon quartered the Arms of Kirkaldy. Patrick the Son oi John Kinnaird, (who was Grand- fon to Walter Kinnaird of Inchfture that livd in the Reign of King James 111.) marrying Marion, a Daugh- ter of the Fa'.Tjily of Hepburn, by her was Father of 3ohn, and he cf Patrick ^ which Parrick marrying a Daughter of the Family of Moncocur of that Ilk," by her had Patrick the next Heir, whcfe Wife was hu- phemc, Daut;,hter to James Gray of Ballegarno, by whom he had the 4':h Patrick i and he mairying Eupheme, Daughter and Coheir ro Gilber; Gray of t'allindoran. Son to the Lord Gray, by her had George his Heir and a Daughter named Margaret, wliich Daughter was Mo- ther to John Hay, Earl of Errol. George, who fucceeded his Father, being a Perfon of great Loyalty and Service to King Charles H. du- ring the Ulurpation of Oliver CvomwcJI, he by that King at his Reftorarion was nude one of his Privy Council and created a Bare n ; and his Loi drhip mar- ryiijg Margaret, Daughtei to Jan>es Chrichton o{ Ruth- "ven, bv her had three Sous j of which Patrick the cldeft fucceeding, he marrvM Anne, Daughter to Hui,h Frafer, Lord Lovat, and by her had Patrick the jd Lordi which lafl fucceeding to the Honour in 1701 iTiarty'd to his 2d_ Wife Elizabeth, Daughter to Pa- trick Lvon, Earl of Strathniore. and Widow o'^ Charles Eirl of Abovne, and by her n-><^ a Son of his Name, who on the firft of OftoSer 1727 fucceeded him, but he dying unmarryM was fucceeded by the prefent Lord, who has yet no Iflue, tailir/u ot which the Son of George Kinnaird, Efqi by Lady Betty Goi don. Daugh- ter to the tarl of Aboyne, is his Heir. ARMS. Ouarterly, ift and 4.fh Topaz, a Fefs wavey, be* tw?en three Scars Ruby, for Kirkaldy j ad and id Ruby, a ialtire between four Crefcents Topaz, for Kinnairdt Cr«ft I Creft. On a Wreath, a Cvefcen: arifing from a Cloud, with a Star between its Horns, all within two Branches of PaUn difposM Orl-ways. Supporters. Two Savages, each wreath'd about his Temples and Middle with Oak Leaves, and their Hands that fupnori the Shield, in Chains hanging dowii to their Feet, their other Hands holding each a Gar- land of Laurel. Motto. Creta Cruce Salus. P. 70. N^ 39; Chief SEAT. At Dremmy in the Shire of Perth, tvvo Miles from Caftle-Lion, and a; from Edinburjjh-- P i 7hllS Thus hatving taken a Vitnn of all the h'obility cf Scotkiid, as to their Titles^ Marriages^ hzc. it may not he improper in the next I* lace to inform the Reader of fuch J^ames cf Ho- fiour as are horn by their eldeft Sons 5 and to them fuhjoin the Veers %!cho hanje ferv d their CovMtry in Parliament f nee the Union -^ as alfo the Knights of St. Andre\v, and Bar o~ vets • «w;//^ an Account cf the Regalia^ and the kiding of Parliaments. «J>4?4' 4'4'4"^44' 4' 4^4''^4''4''4'4^4'4'4'4' 4p A ilST LIST O F StcbND Couitefy, Titles, viz. fuch as or thofe of Dukes, Mar- quefres and Earls eldeft Sons, are gene- rally llil'd by. A Berdour (Lord) eldcft Son to the Earl of Morrnn 'Y^ Morton. 1^ Almont CLord) eldeft Son to the Earl of ^^' Linlithgow. AncraVn (Earl of) Marquefs of Lothian. -rN „,.i„n. c j^j^ p^jjjg of Douglafk. Wi^^^& AncraVn (Earl of) eldeft Son to ths Anmts (Earl of) eldeft Son to B Balgony (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Leven. Berrendale (Lord) eldjft Son to the Earl of Caichnefs. liinny (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Haddington. Bo.nont (Marquefs of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Rox- burgh. Boyde (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Kilmarnock. Boyle (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Glafj;ovv. Brechin (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Panmure, Bruce (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Elgin. Bni;t (Lord) eldeft Son to th? E*rl of Kiocardin. P3 fJUtlroi* 4y4 tieeona iims c Cardrofs (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Buchan. Carmichael (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Hynd- ford. Carnegy (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Southefk- Cochran (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Dundonald. Coldringham (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Hume. Clydfdale (Marquefs of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Ha- milton. Crichton (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Dumfries. Cumbernald (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl ot Bal- D Daire (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Selkirk and Ru- therglen. Dalkeith (Earl of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Buc- cleugh. Palmeny (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Rofeberry. Dalrymple (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Stair. Dalziel (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Carnwath. Derkford (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Finlater. Down (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Murray. Drumlanrig (Earl of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Queenlberry. Drummond CLord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Perth. Duplin (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Kinoule. Elcho (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Weems. Erfkine (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Mar. F Fincaftle (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Dunmore. Fleming (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of VVicton. G Gairles (lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Galloway. Glamis CLord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Strachmore. Glenlivet (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Aboyn. Glenorchie (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Broad- albin. Graham (Marquefs of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Montrofe. H Haddo (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Aberdeen. Ha.Y (Lord) ^Ideft Son to the Earl of Errol. Second titles, 4jj^ Hope (Lord) eUeft Son to the Earl of Hopton. Huiitingtviwer (Lrrd) eldeft Sun to the Harl of Djfarr. Huntley (Marquefs oF) eldeft Son to the Dulice ot Gordon. T Inverury (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Kintore- Johnfton (Lord) eldeft Son to the Marquefs of Annan- dale. K Keith (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Mariftial. Kennedy (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Calfils- Kilmauis (Lore) eldeft Son to the Earl of Glencairn,' Kirkwall (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Orkney. L Ledy (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Rothes. Liadfay (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Crawford. Linton (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Traquair. Lorn (Marquefs of) eldelt Son to the Duke of Argyle»^ /* ^^ Machline (Lord) eldefr Son to the Earl of Loudon. Mackenzie (Lord) eldeft Son to th« Earl of Seatorth. Maitlaiid (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Lauderdale. March (Earl of) eldeft Son to the Duke of Lennox. Maxwell (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Nkhfdale. Milfington (Lord) eldeft Sen to tlie Earl of Portmore. Montgomery (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Ej^ling- ton. Mount-Sreuart (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Bute. N Nidpath (Lord) jldeft Son to the Earl of March, O Ogilvy (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Airly. Ornfay (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of 11a. P Paifly (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Abercorn. Pettenvveem (Lord eldeft Son to the Earl of Kelly. Polwarth (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Marchmont.' R Ramfay (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Dalhoulie. Rofehill (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Northsfk. S Seaton (Lord) eldeft Soi^to the Earl of Winton. Str^thnaver (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Sutherland, P 4 T. Tarbet H?« Second Titles, T Tarbet (Lord) eldeft Son to the Earl of Cromarty. Tullibardin (Marquefs of) eldcft Son to the Duke of Athole. Y Ycftcr (Lord) eldeft Son to the Marquefs of Tweedale, Note, that the eldeft Son of a Baron in Scotland i» taU'd Mafter of the fame Title with his Father, as Mafter of Forbes, &c. and that the Words Qthat Ilkl fignify the Families in Scotland, whofe Surnames and Paternal Eftatcs are the fame, as Forbes of Forbes, &c. ALIST Mfe 457 LIST O F^ THE Peers of SCOTLAND, Who have been chofe to ferve in the fevcral Parliaments of Grtaf Britei/iy fmcc the Union. The 16 Peers elfiled to the Firft PHrlinmcnt of Great Britain^ ^vhich began in 1707, \v er William Rofj, LordRofs. John Hamilton, Lod BtlhavcBr The 45a Sixteen Peers. The Sixth Parliament of Great Bnta'w, The Sixth Parliament of GteM Britain was fummon'd to meet at JFejlnnhJler on the icth Day of Mny 172.2, and wasdiflblv'd on the i5ih o( Jtiguji 172.7. The 16 Peers ele^T:ed in 1722 wer^, J Ames, Duke of Montrofe. JchnKer, Duke oF Roxburgh. iolin Hay, Marquefs of Tweckle. ohn Sutherland, Earl of Smheilar.d. ohn Le{l>, Earl ot Rothes. David Erfkine, Earl of Bnchan- Thomas Hamikon, Earl of Haddingt.^.'i. Hugh Campbel, Earlof Loat^m. Ja.nes Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater. Charles HamiltonjEarl of Selkirk. Vvi?li2m Gordon, Earlof Aber-lce:!. Georce Hamilton, Earl of Orkuey- John Dairy mplc, Pari t^f 8tair. Charles Hop?, Earl of Hopron. Kcnry Scot, Earl of Delor.iine- Archibald CaiPpbel, Earl of Ua^ The Sixteen Peers* 4^5 The Seventh Parliament of Great Britain, The Seventh Parliament of Great Britniriy was fummon'd to meet at IFeJlminJler on the 28th Day of Novemher l'J^'J, and was difTolv'd on the i8th oi Jprii, 1754. The 16 Peers eleded in 1727 ^were, TAmes Graham, Duke of Montrofe^ J John Hay, Marquefs of Tweedale, John Sutherland, Earl of Sutherland, lohn Lefly, Earl of Rothes, David Erlkine, Earl of Buchan. Thomas Hamilton, Earl of Haddhigtcn, Hugh Campbel, Earl of Loudon, lames Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater. ]ohn Dalrymple, Earl of Stair. George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney. Charles Hamilton, Earl of Selkirlii. (diaries Hope, Earl of Hopton. Henry Scot, Earl of Deloraine. Arcliibald Campbel, Earl of 11a. Alexander Hume, Earl of Marchmont, John Murray, Earl of Dunmore. The 4^4 Sixteen Peers. The Eighth Parliament of Great Britain. The Eighth Parliament of Great Britain was liinimon'd to meet at Wejlminjler on the 14th Day of jMiuary 1754-5 ^ and the Sixteen Peers eiecied thereto were, ITRaiicis Scot, Duke of Bucclnif^h. ■*■ lames Murray, Duke of Arhcle- Vv'iliiam Ker, Marquifs o: Lothian. ■^ohn Lindfaj-j Earl of Crawford. William Sutherland, Earl of Surherland. George Douglns, Earl of Mor:on. DtatU HuglfCamrbei, Earl of Loudon. Ve^d. James Ogilvy, Earl of Finlater., Charles rtaiTiilron, Earl of Selkirk. Dead. Alexander Lindfay, Earl of Kalcarra?. Dead- lohn Murray, Earl of Dutiir.ore. Ge-rJ^e Hamilton, Earl 01 Orkney. Vind- Charles Hope, Earl of H'^ptcn. Charles Collier, Earl of Pcir.nore, Archibald Ca-.Tipbel, Earl of Ila. Charles Carhcait, Lord Cathcart. FJe'Udftnce. Tohn Cnmp'oel, Earl of Loudon. John Campbcl, Eirl of 'Br^adalbin. John S ew.irr. Kail of Eu-e. Vnn Cinnicha-l, Earl of Hyiidford. ^.vai;s DoP2,las, Harl of Moncn. OF 45j O F T H E Knights of St. AND R E W, O R T H E THISTLE. HE Order of the Thiftte, by Reaf-^n of its great Antiquity, and memorable In- ftirution, is calTd, Moft Ancient arKl Noble, being founded (as feveral Hifto- rians relate) on the following Events. Athelftanc, a Danifh Prince, to whom Alfred gave Northumberland, invaded the PicSs, who •rhen inhabited the South of Scotland \ and in the Year 790, overtook King Hungus at Haddington, about 28 Miles from the Borders I but the Pids being inferior in Strength, kept Guard in the Nitht, while Hungus betook Biinf^lf to Prayer, who falling afleep after- wards, dreamed he faw Andrew the Apoftle ftanJing by him, and promidng Vi -ory j which ViGcn he de- t'Mred to his People i and the next Day, as foon as Viii F-attli bigaii, (as they add) St. Andrew's Crnfs) in F >rm cii a Saltire, whereupon he fuffer'd Martyrdom) appeirina in the Air, it io terrifyM the'ifh, and an' mated the V\Gts (and Scots, whom Acliaius King oi Scotland had fent to their AfTiftance) that the latter ob^iiu'd p Hgnal Viftory, and flew Athel- ftanc, j^66 Knights of St. Andrew. This Succefs King Hungus afcribed to St. Andre\r, and befides other Gifts, olFer'd him the Tithes of his Royal Demefnes, and went in Solemn Froceffion to the Kirk of St. Andrew in the Town now fo called, to return Thanks for the Vivlory, The Scots fucceeding the Pifts in thofe Countries, have ufed the Figure of that Crofs in their Hnfigns and Banners ever nncej and in the Year 819, Achaius inftituting an Order of Knighthood, gave the Crofs of that Saint for their Badge. This Order confifted of thirteen Perfons, alluding to our Saviour and the twelve Apoftles, (as it is now reprefented by the So« vereign and Twelve Brethren^ but was much refin'd by King James V. who being nonour'd with the Gar- ter from England, the Toifon d'Or from the Emperor, and St. Michael from France, he celebrated the Fefti- vals of them all j and fetting up their feveral Arms, with their Orders of Knighthood about them, over the Gate of his Palace of Linlithgow, he erefted his own, with the Order of St. Andrew in the midft of them. About the Time of the Reformation, this Order was fcarcely ufed, the Knights then being fo very jea- lous for the Reform'd Religion, that they left their Order, where they laid down their Popery \ and it was not refum'd till the Reign of King James VII. who created eight Knights, and for their better Regu- lation, fign'd a Body of Statures, and appninted the Royal Chapel at Holyrood Houfe, to be the C hapel of the Order, as it ftill continues, (and by his Diredion was repair'd, having a fine Organ, with the Sovereign and Knight's Brethrens Stalls, and their refpeftive Banners nunc over themj) but in 1688 the Misfor- tunes oF his Reign preventing his compleating that noble Defign, it again lay dormant, 'till her late Ma- jefry Queen Anne,^on the 51ft of December 170? was pleas'd to fign another "Body of Statutes, whereby it was reftor'd to its antient Magnificence j and on the 4th of February 1705-4, John Campbel, Duke of Argyle, John Murray, Duke of Athole, ^^'ilHam Johnfton, Marquefs or Annandale, James Scot, Earl of Dalkeith, Georfic Knights of St. Andrew. 467 George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney, and Tames Ogilvy, Earl of Seafield, were receiv'd into the laid Order. King George I. on the 17th of February 1714-iy, was pleafed to confirm the Statutes fign'd by Queen Anne, as above mencion'd, with tiie Addition of fe- veral more, amojigft which was that of adding Rays oF Glory to furround the whole Figure of St. Andrew, which hangs at the Collar j and though from the l-ima f>f the Reformation to the Year 1714-15, both Elec- tions and Inftallments had been difpensM with, his Majefty was gracioufly pleafed for the future, that Chapters of Eledion fhould be held in his Royal Prefence j to which End he orderM the Great Ward- robe, to provide the Knights Brethren, and Officers of the Order, with fuch Mantles as the Statutes of the faid Order appointed. The Enfigns of this Moft Ancient and Noble Order are, the Image of St. Andrew, vefted in Cloth of Gold, irradiated (as before has been obferv^d) by King George I. with the White Crofs of his Martyr- dom on his BreafV, and is appendant to the Collar of the faid Order, which is worn by the Knights Compa- nions on the 30th of November, the Day of their grand FeaO, and upon other extraordinary Occalions. This Collar is made of pure Gold, falliion'd into Thirties and Sprigs of Rue, link'd together, enamell'd Vert, being tne two ancient Badges or Symbols of the Scots and Pic^s, the one not to be touch'd without Hurt, and the other being an An-idote againft Poifun j hence the Motco, Nemo me impune Liceilit. The Ordinary or common Badges worn bs the Knights of this Moft Ancient Order are, ift, a Crofs fiirmLunted by a Star of four Points, all of Silver, and over them a Green Circle, border'd and Letter'd with Gold, containing the faid Motto ; and in tha Center is a Thiftle proper ; all which is embroider'd Oi\ their left Breaft and worn with the Collar, and at all Times with the other common Enfiun, which is a Green Ribband fpread over the left Snoulder, and brought under the right Arm, appendant to which is the Image of Zt> Andrew in a Purple Robe, with his Crofs on his Breaft* as before, all within an Oval of Cold, 4^8 Knights of St. Andrew. Gold, enamel'd Vert, with the former Motto ; but fometimes they wear encircled after the fame Manner, a Thiftle crown'd with an Imperial Crown. Note i King ]ames VII. appointed the Knights Bre- thren f wear the before mention'd Image of St. An- drew upon a Blue water'd Tabby Ribband, which by Queen Anne in 1703 was changed to Green, as now worn. A List of the prefent Knights, I. p- E ORGE, King of Great Britainj Soverdgii. ^^ II. James Duke of Hamilton. III. Francis Duke of Buccleugh. IV. James Duke cf Athole. V. James Earl of Morton. \1. John Earl of Stair. VII. Charles Earl of Portmore. VIII. John Earl of Bute. IX. Charles Earl of Hopron. X. William Earl cf Elfex. XI. Auguftus Earl of Berkely. XII. Ctiarlcs Earl of TankerviJIc. OF 4^9 OF BARONETS O F Nova Scotia^ AND Scotch Baronets. HIS Order of Baronets in Scotland, was firft erefted for advancing the Plan- tation of Nova Scotia in America, and for fettling a Colony there, to which the Aid of chefe Knights were appro- priated. It was intended in \6i\ by King Tames VI. but was not aftually founded 'till i6zs^ the firft of Charles I. who in the feveral Patents, dif- pofed to each of thefe Knights, a certain Portion of Land in Nova Scotia, eredting the fame into a free Barony, with great and ample Privileges j and for their iarther Encouragement, did ered, create, make, cpnftitute, and crdain, that heritable State, Degree, Dicnicy, Name, Order, Title, and Sdle of Baronet, to be enjoy 'd by every of thofe Gentlemen, (who did hazArd their tivcs for the Good and Increafe of thac Plantation) 47^ Scotch Baronets, Plantation) and their Heirs Male for everi with Place, Pre-eminency, Priority, and Precedency, in all Com- miflions. Briefs, Letters Patent, Namings, and Writs,, and in all Sellions, Conventions, Congregations, and Places, at all Tinaes and O«cafions whatfoever, before all Knights call'd Equites Aurati, all lefler Barons commonly call'd Lairds, and before all other Gentle- men, excepting Sir William Alexander, his Majefty's Lieutenant of Nova Scotia, who (with his Heirs, their Wives and Children) is not only excepted in each of thefe Letters Patent granted to the Knights his Companions ; but likewife the Charter granted to himfelf by King Charles I. Anno 1625, didbear ex- prefly this Exception and Provifion : As alio except- ing Knights Bannerets, who fhould be created under the Royal Standard in his Majefty's Army, and in open War, the King himfelf being prefent i and that during the Banneret's Lite-time only : And with Pre- cedency before all of the fame Order, whofe Patents are of a later Date. His Majefty did moreover declare and ordain, that the Wives of thofe Baronets, and of their Heirs Male, fhould have the Precedency, as well after as before the Deaths of their Hulbands, if they fhouldharpen to furvive, betore the Wives of all ofthem, of whom the Knights Baronets and their Heirs Mile had the Pre- cedency, and even before the Wives of Knights Ban- nerets before excepted (the Degree of Baronet being heritable) and alfo that the Children Male and Fe- male of the Baronets, fhould take Place before the Children Male and Female refpeftively of all Perfons of whom the Baronets and their Heirs Males had the Priority j and likewife before the Children of the Bannerets : And that the Wives of the Sons of the Baronets, and ot their Heirs Male, flioiild precede the Wives of all Perfons whom their Hulbands might have preceded, and that as well their Hulban's being dea-d as living. And farther his Majefty did declare and pro.nife,^ that whenfoever the eldeft Sons and Heirs Male of the Baronets iTiould attain to the Age of 21 Years, they Oiould be by his Majcfty and Iv.s SuccefiE^rs created Equites Aurati, or Knights Ba- chelors, without Payment of any Fines or Dues for the Ikms, proYid<;d they fliould defire ic. And that Scotch Baronets, 471 tlie Baronets and their Heirs Male Oiould in all Times cominc have Place in all his Majefty's and his Succef- fnrs Armies near ana aoout tne ivv»;;rtt oi.*uUiirQ, r«.- Defence thereof j and that they and their Heirs Male, may have two Attenders of the Kody for bearing up the Pall, one principal Mourner, and four Afliftants, at their Funerals ; and that they Ihould be always call'd, jntitled, and defign'd, by the Name and Title of Baro- nets 5 and that in all Scottifli Speeches and Writings, the Addition of Sir, and in all other Difcourfes and Writings, a Word fignifying the fame, fliould pre- cede their Names and other Titles ; and that the Stile and Title of Baronet fhould be fubjoin'd thereunto in all Letters Patent and other Writs vvhatfoever, as a neceflary Addition of Dignity, and that each of them fhould be intitled Sir A. B. Baronet ; and his eldeft Son's Wives fliould enjoy the Srile, Title, and Appel- lation of Lady, Madam, and Dame, refpeftively, ac- -cording to the ufual Phrafe in Speaking and Writing. And alfo his Majefty did thereby promife, that the Number of Baronets, as well in Scotland, as the New Colony of Nova Scotia, fhould never exceed the Number of 150 j and did likewife declare, that nei- ther he, or his Succeffors, fliould ever create or ereft in Time coming, any other Dignity, Degree, Stile, Name, Order, "Title or State, nor fliould give the Priority or Precedency to any Perfon or Perfons, tinder the Stile, Degree and Dignity of a Lord of Par- liament of Scotland, which fliould be, or fliould be prefumed to be, higher, fuperior, or equal to that of a Baronet \ and that the Baronet fliould have Liberty to take Place before any fiich who fliould happen to be created of any fuch Degree or Order \ and that their Wives, Sons, Daughters, and Sons Wives, fl'.ould have their Places accordingly : And that if any Oueftion or Doubt fliould arife about their Places and Prerogatives, the fame fliould be decided and judged according to thofe Laws and Cuftoms, by which other Degrees of heritable Dignities have their Privileges known and determined. And finally, that none fliould be created Baronets, either of Scotland or Nova Sco- tia, 'till he had firft fulfill'd the Conditions defign'd iy his Majefty^ for :h« Good and Jncreafe of that Plantation 47 i Scotch Barofttts, Plantation, and until he had ceriifvM the fame to thi King, by his Maiefty's Lieutenant there. ^ ^ -xiicft. r«v^.i^o, vvuicii were always Of this Jborm, were ratify'd in Parliament, and refiifter'd in the Baoks of Lyon King of Arms and the Heralds, there to remain ad futuram rei memoriam ; bat after the felling of Nova Scotia to the French, thty were made much (horter, and granted in general Terms, with all the Privileges, Precedencies, &C. of the former Baronets, and is now become an honourable Title in Scotland, conferr'd at the King's Pleafure, without Limication of Numbers. The Armorial Enfign, which his Majefty firft allow'd and ordain'd to be born by this Order of Baronets and their Heirs Male, was an Efcutchcon Argent, a Saltirc Azure, (the Standard-beiring of St. Andre\T councerchang'd) furcharg'd with an Inefcutcheon of the Royal Arms of Scotland, viz. Sol, a Lion ram- Sant within a double Treffure flower'd and coanter- ovver'd wich Fleurs-de-lis Mars, having an Imperial Crown above the Inefcutcheon, the whole encircled with the Motto, Fax Mentis Honefta Gloria, and was appended to an Orangc-colour'd Ribband, and worn about their Necks, as Plate 87, N" :• Afterwarc^s there was a Creft and Supporters added, viz. For Creft, a Branch of Laurel, and a Thiftle ilfuing from two Hands conjoin'd, one arm'd, the o:her naked. The Supporter on the Dexter Side was the Kny^l Unicorn ; and that on the Sinifter a Savage or Wild Man proper, as Place 87, K° z. and the Motto was, Munit hasc, & altera vincitj but by many of late the original Badge (without the Creft, Supporters, and Mocto) has been plac'd among their other Armorial Bearings, in a Canton or Shield of Pr«ttnce, as ia Plate i7, N'' 3 and 4. A L I 473 A LIST O F T H E B AR O N E T S of Nova Scotia and Scotland^ with the Dates of their Creation. ^ ^ )ft «' 4^ «^ -K •«(«»:«••«•««'.«•»>•:> •9* -Sr $«« r^ ^ KB- S.E. S.V. W S. I. fiand for Scotch Earl, Vifcomt ana Lord, A. iILLIAM Alexander of Menftrie, ai May, i6i?, S. E. Extind. Arthur Achefon of Glencairn, i Tan. 1628. John Arnot of that Ilk, 27 July, 1629, James Agnew of Lochnaw, 28 July, i6ip. James Abercrombie of Birkenboig Robert Anftruther ot Wrae, a8 Nov. 1694. John Anftruther of that Ilk. B. Thomas Burnet of Leyes, 1 April, 1626. John Blaccader of Tulliallan, 28 July, 16264 Michael Bruce of Stenhoufca 29 Sept, i^:8» James 474 Scotch Baronets, lames Balfour of Denmiln 1631. James Brown of Barbados, 17 Feb. 166^ Extinft. VVilliam Bruce of Balcafkie, 21 Oft. 1688. William Beanet of Grubbet, 18 Nov» 1670. George Bennet in the Prov. of Fife, 28 July 1^71. Es- tinft. ]ohn Baird of Newhith, 4 Feb. 1680. Alexander Bannerman of Elfick, 28 Dec. 1682. Alexander Barclay of Towie, 22 March, i685. Alexander Brown of Colftoun, 16 Feb. j686. Roberc Baird of Sauchton- Hall, 28 Feb. 1695, C. John Campbel of Glenorchie, 29 May , 1625, S. E. James Colcjuhoun, alias Grant, of Grant and Lufs, 30 July 1625. Wiliiam Cunningham of Cunningham-head, 4 July, 1627. Alexander Cockourn of Langtoun, 21 Nov. i6zj, Colin Campbel of Lundie, 51 Dec. 1627. Extintt. James Campbel of Auchinbreck, i ]an. 1628. Donald Campbel of Ardnamurchan, 12 Jan. 1^28. David Cunningham of Robertland, 25 Nov. 1630. VViillam Baillie, alias Carmichael, of Lamingtoun, 17 luly> 16-8. James' Carmichael of that Ilk, S. E. James Carnej^ie of Pittarrow, 20 Feb. \66i, James Chalmers, Son to Cults, 24 Nov. 1664. William Cunningham of Caprinton, 21 Sept. 1669. David Cuuningham of Corftiil, 26 Feb. 1672. Jamais Campbel of Ardkinlafs, 2j March, i&f^, John Clerk of Pennicook, 24 March, 1(579. Thomas Calder of Muirtoun, 5 Nov. \6%is. William Cockburn, of that Ilk, 24 May, \&]i, Janes Campbel of Aberuchyl. Robert Cujmingham of Auchinharvie, 3 Auguft, i^;. Alexander Cumming cf Culter, 28 Feb. 1695. James Cunningham of Milacraig, 3 Feb. 1702. John Cathcart of Oarletoun, 30 Nov. 1703. D. Robert Douglafs of Glenbervie, j8 May, 1^25, William Dick of Braid. Extir.^. James Dalryn^pk ©f St^ixj 2 June, 1^4. S. E. David Dsvitl Dunbar of Baldoon, 13 Oft. 166^, Extind. Robert Dalziel of Glenae, 11 April, 1666. S. E. At- tainted. Alexander Don of Newtoun, 7 June 166^, John Douglafs of Kelhead. 26 Feb. 1668. Alexander Dalmahoy of that Ilk, 12 Dec. 1(579. James Dalziel of Binns, Nov. 1685. George Dunbar of Mocnrum, 2^ March, 1694* WiHiam Dunbar of Durn, 29 Feb. 16^8. John Dalrymple of Killock, 28 April^ 1698. Hugh Dalrymple. alias Hamilton, ot North-Berwidc, 29 April, 1698. James Dalrymple of Hales, 8 May, 1700. William Dunbar of Hemprigs, 10 April, 1701. James Sutherland, alias Dumbar, of Hemprigs, 21 Dec. 1706. William Dick of Preftfield, 2 March. 1677. Robert Dickfon of Carberry, 1 March, 1695. E. Gilbert Eliot of Stobs, 3 Dec. x666. Gilbert Eliot of Minto, 19 April, 1700. James Elnhingftoun of Logic, 2 Dec. 1701. John ErfKin of Alva, ^o April, 1666. Charles Erlkin of Cambo, 20 Aug, 1666, F. George Forrefter of Caftornhin, 17 Nov. i6z$, S. L, William Forbes of Monimulk, 30 March, 1625. Arthur Forbes of Caftle -Forbes, 29 Sept. 1628. I. E. Arthur Forbes of Craigivar, ao April, 1650. Alexander Foulis of Collingcoun, 7 June, 1(534, William Flemming of Perm, 23 Sept. 1661. Archibald Primrofe, alias Foulis, of Dunipace, 15 Sept. 1661. Alexander Falconer of Glenarquhar, 30 March, 1(570. S. L. Alexander Frazer of Doors, a Auguft, K573. Extinft. James Ferguftbn of Kilkerran, 30 Nov. 1703. Alexander Forbes of Foveran, 10 April, 1700. G. Robert Gordon of Gordonftoun, 28 May, \6i$. Alexander Gordon of Clunie, 3 July, 1625, Excind, James Gordon of Lefmoir, % Sept. 1^25. i William 47© Scotch Baronets, William Grahame of Bracco, 28 Sept. kJjj. Extind. John Gordon of Haddo, 18 June, 1631. $• E. * Koberc Gordon of Lochinvar, i May, i6i6, S. V. Andrew Gilmoire of — — 16 Auguft, 1661. Extinft. William Grahame of Gartmore, 28 June, \66^. Charles Gilmoire of Craigmiller, i Feb. 1678. Pvoberr Grierfon of Lag, 28 March, 1685. John Gordon of Park, 21 Auguft, i6%6, James Graunt, Advocate. ExtinCl. Thomas Gibfon, Son to Sir John Gibfon of AldiftouOj 1702. William Gordon of Dalphollie, 8 Feb. 17O4. Archibald Gram of CuJien, 7 Dec. 1705. Thomas Gordon of Afh:oun, ip July, 170^. John Gordon of Embo. James Gray, Efq^ 5 March, 1707. H. John-Hope Bruce of Kinrofs, 19 Feb. 1^28. Francis Hamiltoun o'l Killoch, 2^ Sept. 1628. Extini^. Patrick Hums of Polworth, S. E. Thomas Hay of Park, z6 Auguft, 166^. John Henderfon of Fordel, 15 July, 16(54. Robert Hay of Lenplura, 26 March, 1667. Alexander Hamiltoun of Haccs, 11 Feb. 1670. Extinft John Houfton of that Ilk, 28 Feb. 1668. Peter Hacktt of Pitferren, 2j Jan. 1671. Alexander H'pe of Carfe, 50 May, 1672. Tares Hall of Douglafs, 8 Oct. i687« George Hamiltoun of Barntoun, i March, 1692. John "Hume of Lumfdane, 51 Dec. \C'.)'j. ir.harks Hope of Kirkliftoun, i March, 1698. S-E. Thon\as Hay of Alderftoun, 12 Feb. 1703. James Hamiltoun of Rofehall, 10 April, 1703. William Flume of Blaccader, 25 Jan. 1671. James HorDnurn of Menftrie, 2j June, 1706. Colonel Scipio Hill, 4 Feb. 1707. Extind. ' - Hume of Rcnton- I. Henry Innes o*" that Ilk, 29 May, 162?, whofc- Pa'ent bears the Privilege to his eldeft Son of the Title of Knight while the Father is alive. Wilham JokiftOHn of Cafkibcn, 51 March, i5: April, 1700. K. William Keith of Ludquhaim, 28 July, i6^i, l[ames Keith of Powburn, 4 ]une, 1667,. John Kirkaldie of Grange, 14 May, 1664. Extind. Gilbert Kennedy of Girvenmaines, 4 Aug. i^-j^, 3ohn Kennedy of Cullean, 8 Dec. 1682. Thomas Kilpatrick of Clofebuin, 26 March, 16%^. James Kinloch of that Ilk, 5 Sept. 16^^. Francis Kinlock of Gilmertoun, i<5Sept. 16Z6. John-Vere Kennedy of Clowburn, 8 June, i6';/Z. L. David Livingftoun of Dunipace, 50 May, 1^25, Extinft. Jo. Lefly of Wardis, 1 Sept. 1625. Excinci. John Livingftoun of Kinnaird, 2^ June, i527. Alexander Lindfay of Evelick, 15 April, 1666. James Lockart of Carftairs, ;8 Feb. 1677. Kobert Lavvrie of Maxwekoun, 27 March, 1^85. Alexander Livingftoun of Glentirren, 20 June, i68j. John Lauder of Idingtoun, 17 July, 1688. James Livingftoun of VVeftquarter, 20 May, 169^, Andrew Lauder of Fountainhall, 25 Jan. i(^, or Saltire, (Part of which is broken off) and in his Left Hand raifcd up, there is an open Book. On the Blefled Virgin^s Left Hand, and St. Andrew's Right, there is aiiother Statue, reprefenting St. Jamee, with the like Apoftolical Garment, in a Reading Pofture ^ upon his Head is a little Hat, like the Roman Pileum j in his Right Hand half extended a Book_ open, and in his Left a Paftoral Staff, the Head of wnich is broken off:_ And above each Statue, being two Indies and an Half (except the Virgin Ma- r>'s, which is not quite fo big) the Finifhing of a Cjothick Nich. IJetween each Statue is a Rullian, in Form of a Dolphin, very diftinft, in Length four Inches, with Foliage along the Body, thei"r Heads_ upwards, and fronted inwards, and the Turning of their Taili ending in a Rofe or Cinquefoil outward. Above thefe RuJtians and Statues ftands another Hexa- gon Button, or Nob, with Oak Leaves under ev^ry Corner; and above it a Criftal Glebe of two L.ches and a Quarter Diameter, w thin three Bars join'd above, where it is furmounted v.ith fix Rullians, and here again with an oval Globe, topp'd with an Orien- tal Pe"^arl, of half an Inch Diameter. The whole bcepter is 34 Inches in Length. Tlie S W O R D. T^HE Sword is five Foot Ion?, the Handle and Po- •*• mel arc of Silver Gilt, in Lenith 15 Inches; the Pomel is round, and fomewhat flat' on the two Sides ; ©;) the Middle of each there is a Gailand of embofsd * Vork, and in the Center there have been two.cnamcTd PUtes, which are broken off. The Traverfe or Ciofs ; of ihe Sword is Silver i^ilr, 17 Inches and an Half Ihe Regalia of Scotland. 4S j long, and half an Inch thick. The Form of it is like two' Dolphins, their Heads joining, and theiv Tails end- int^ in Acorns. The Shell hangs down towards the Point of the Sword, form'd like an Efcallop flourifh^d, (or rather like a green Oak Leaf) on the Blade ot the Sword, there's indented with Gold, Julius 11. Pope. The Scabbard is of Crimfon Velvet, cover'd witii Silver gilt, and wrought in Philagrec Work, in Bran- ches of Oak, with Leaves and Acorns. On the Scab- bard there are four round Plates of Silver gilt, two of them near the Chape, are enamel'd Elue, and thereon \n Gold Charafters, lulius IL Pon. Max. N, At the Mouth of the Scabbard, oppofite to the Hook, there is a large fquare Plate ot Silver, enamell'd Purple, in a Cartouch Azure, an Oak Tree, eradicate and frudate Or i and above the Cartouch, the Papal Enfign, viz. Two Keys in Saltire Adorfee, (their Bowls formed like Rofes or Cinqucfoils) tv'd with Trappings, and TafTcls hanging down a: each Side of the Cartouch. Above the Keys is the Papal Tiara, en- viron'd with three Crowns, and two Labels turn'd up, adornM with Crofles. _ Next to the Regalia, it is proper to give a Defcrip- tion of the Atchievement or the Sovereigns of Scot- land, and of the Reafons of that Bearing-, which according to Sir George Mackenzie, is thus ; A R M S. Or, a Lion rampajit. Gules, arm'd and langu'd A- ^'.ure, within a double Treflure flowei'd and counter- flower'd with Fleurs-de-lis of the 2d, encircled with the Order of Scotland, compos'd of Rue and Thiftles, having the Lnage of St. Andrew, with his Crofs oil his Breaft appendant to it, and this Motto round the Image, Nemo me impune laceflit. Above the Shield, a Sovereign's Helmet, with a Mantle Or, fac'd wirli Ermine, adorn'd with an Imperial Crown, beautify 'd with Croffes Floree, and Fleurs-de-lis. Surmounted on the Top for a Creft with a Lion Sejant, full fac'd. Gules, crown'd Or \ holding in his dexter Paw a nakijd Sword proper, and in" the Sinifter, a Scepter both erett. Supported by two Unicorns Argenr, d 5 crown' t'g 4^6 T^he Regalia of ScorLind. crown'J wicli Imperial, and gorg'd wich open Crown?, to the latcer Cluins affix'd, palTing between their Fore-Legs, and refiexed over their Backs, Or; he on the Dexter Side embracing and bearing up a Banner of Cloth of Gold, charg'd with the Royal Arms of Scotland ; and he on the Sinifter, another Banner A- xure, charg'd with St. Andrew^s Crofs Argent \ both (landing on a Compaitmenc, from which ifiiies two Thirties, one towards each Side oi the Efcurcheon ; and for the Sovereign's Royal Motto, in a Scroll above all. In Defence •, and under, in the Table of the Com- partmen''. Nemo me impune lacefllt. It is agreed by moft Hiftonans, that Fergus took this Lion" for his Arms, (in the Year of the World 4582, and ;;o before Cnrift) when he beat the Pids. The double TreiTiire flower'd and counterfiower'd, was ^Ac\t^^. by Charlemain, when he enter'd into a League with Achaii's Kiiig_ of Scots, to fignify that the French Lillics fliould defend and guard theScottifli Lion \ an-1 ic is faid by Hopingius, that Charlemain adcrn'd th'? Crown of Scotland, (being then Emperor as well as King of France) with tour Li Hies and foi-r Crofies, as a Symbol ff the Chriftian Religion, and of the inviolable Fidelity of the Scots. The Royal Badges, and ordinary Symbols of the Kingdom of ScotlaTid are, a ihiftle of Gold crown'd, the White Crofs of St. Andrew, in a Blue Field, the S-andard bearing of St. Andrew's Crof'., which is a l^adge deriv'd fibm the Pids, after the Scots conquer'd their Kingdom •, and the Order uhich encircles the Arms, is as on Plate N. between the Pages 466 and 4^7. O F 487 O F T H E Riding of the PARLIAMENT^ I N SCOTLAND. HEN tlie Day came on which the firft Seflion of each Parliament was to be held, the Members went to the Houfc in great State of Solemnity ; and the |.^?:^,r.pv-'STi«ii O*'^^"^ °^ ^^s ^^^^^^^"^^ (which they !Sl»^S^'^^il c^ll't^ the Riding of the Parliament) The Sword. Scepter, _ and Crown of State, (wliich have already oeen defcrib'd) were brought from the Ca(He of Edinburgh to the Palace, in a' Coach, car- ry'd by three of the ancienteft Earls bare-headed, and attended by a Guard, 'till they brought them to the King, or his Commilticner ; and as the Regalia pafs'd thro\igh the Streets, the People were obliged to un- cover. When the King, or Commlilioner was ready, the Procefilon began thus : All the Members mounted their Horfes with rich Footcloths and Trappings, in the Great Court before the Palace, the Burgefles two and two, being each al- low'd a Lackey j two Trumpets, and two Purfuivants, all in their Coats bare-headed, uiliering the Way i and Q. 4 chcjT ^4^8 RUlng of the Parliameni. they were follow'd by four Door-keepers of the Sef- lioii, or Courts of Juftice, on Horfeback. Next came the CommilTioners of Shires, two by two, each having two Lackeys, and thefaidCommiflioners and the Bur- j;e(les were allow'd to wear Cloaks i next to them came fuch of the Officers of State as were not No- blemen, and two of the Door-keepers ot the Council brought up the Rear. Next to them rode the Lords two and two in their Robes, according to their feveral Degrees \ next to them came four Tiaimpetcrs bare-headed two and two i four Purfuivants in their Coats two and two ^ fix He- ralds ill the fame Manner j then the Gentleman-Ufher bare-headed j next Lion King of Arms bare-headed, with his Coat, Robe<;, and Foot-mantle, and his Bat- ten ia his Hand , then came the Sword of State, the Scepter and the Crown, carry'd by three of the an- cienteft Nobility, who were bare-headed* On each Side the Regalia, there were three Mace-bearers with their Maces, bare-headed ; after them came a Noble- man bare-headed, with a Purfe, containing the Lord High CommifTioners Commillloii \ laft of all came the Xord High CommilFioner , with the Dukes on his Right Hand, and the Marquelles on his Left. When the King was prefent, the Mafter of the lloife rode «iear, but a little afide. tvery Duke had eight Lackeys, every Marcuefs fix, every tarl four, every Vifcount three, and every Lord three ;, and every Nobleman had a Gentleman to hold up his Train, befides his Pages. In the Time of Epifcopacy, the two Archbiftiops were allow'd the Equipage ot Duke<;, and the other Bilhops that of Lord^ When the King was prefent, the Marquertes rode after the Eiils, tne Dukes after the Marquefies \ then the Lord Chancellor immediately before the Kinc, bearing the Great Seal. The Noble- mens Lackevsliad over their Liveries fliort Velvet Coats, with their Badges, Crets, and Motto's in Plate or Embroidery, on their Back; and Breafts. The Great Officer's of State rcdi up from the Palace about half an Hour before the Cavalcade, in thiir Robes, attended by their Friends on Hor:eback, and w.mea in the Parliament Houfc, U'hcn Riding of the Parliament, ^^^ When the Commiffioner enter'd, the Lord Chan- cellor took his own Piirfe, and ulher'd him from the Bar to the Throne. When the King was prefent, the I Old Chancellor rcceiv'd his Majefty at the Door of the Parliament Houfe, and ulTierM him up to the '(hrone. All the Members of Parliament waited on the High Commiffioner, or the Kini;, in the Great Hall, the Noblemen in their Scarlet Robes, fac'd with Ermine according to then; Degree •■, the Guards follow'd the Kinc;, or Commiflioncr, and tl\e Street was lin'd with the Trained Bands. The Throne was vaifed (\^ Steps high, with a Canopy of State over it ; on the firft Step fat the Lord Chancellor, with other Officers of State on both Sides of him i on the next Step fat the ]udces ; on the Right Hand of the Throne were two Rows of Benches, upon which the Arch- billiops and Bifliops formerly fat j in the Middle ot the Floor were two Tables, one for the Regalia, and in two great Chairs by it fat the Lord High Conftable and the Earl Marlhal •, at the other Table fat the Lord Clerk-Regifier, with his Deputies the Clerks of Parliament ■, on the Right Side, the Commiflioners for Shires fat upon Forms, and on the Lef: the Commif- fioners for B'^roughs. If the King was preHnir, he fpoke to them in his Robes, with the Crown upon his Head, and all the Members frood up uncover'd ; but the Commiffioner appear'd only in a common wearing Suit, and ftood and fpoke uucoverM. The Members return'd in the fame Order back to the Palace, only the Confiable and Marilial rode on the Con;miffioner's Right and Left Hand, wi:h Caps of Permiffion. The Lord Chancellor, and Lord Privy-Seal ftaid behind, until all withdrew, and then rerurn'd in the fame State to the Palace, as they came from th-nce to the Parliament-Houfe \ and the fame Order of Riding fvas obfcrv'd the laft Day of the Parliamenr. T H E 490 THE INDEX. Pag.Ar ■ns. Pat.Arms. T^IMG 7 2 Marquefles." '^ Prince 49 4 A Duke of Cum- Annandale 15- 15 berland 5 + Lothian L 150 15 Dukes , T A Tweed ale 145 14 Arcyle 101 9.\c Athole ^-S JO A B Aberccrn 245 30 Buccleugh 7^ II Aberdeen ;24 47 D Abovii 317 23 Douglafs G 113 9 Aiil} B 2i?0 •;> Gordon 8+ 7 Balcarras 3'^- 4^ H Brna.'albin 222. 27 Ha-.nihon 5^ 6 Fuchan i?5 28 L Biice 346 37 Lennox 83 7 C M Caithnefs 208 3^ Montrofe 130 10 Carnwach 292 19 Q Cairil«: 205 4S Queenfl?en y 90 8 Crawford 157 18 R Cromarry 33^ 3> Roxburgh 140 P D Daih' ^uTie The INDEX , Pag.Arms- Pag. An-nsJ D N Dalhoufie 279 40 Newburjzh 313 Deloraine 351 52 Nirhfdale 4? Dundonald 319 25 Norchelk 2 op 47 Dumfries 271 51 Duiimore r~s 37 Orkney 326 41 Dyfarc 2y8 31 P E Pan mure >oi 24 F.glington 201 34 Perth iz8 34 Elgin ^75 30 Portmcre 349 V" Hnol 163 46 R F Rofeberry 541 ?i Fiiilater G 287 33 Roches S lU is Galloway 252 2Z Seaforrh 2^6 4^ Glan',o\v 34? 2J Selkirk :o7 3^ Glencaiin I'jH ^9 SouthcfK i82 44 H Stai r 538 31 Haddington 250 38 Stirling -73 47 Hnpton 343 -4 Strathmore 240 21 Hume * "5 52 Surhcilarul 174 41 Hyndford 353 1' I Traquaiv -8j 4i7 Ila 35^ 29 \v K Wo ems 268 26 Kelly 248 45 V^iii.ron 236 44 Kilmarnock 31? -J? VViuton 216 20 Kincardin 510 48 Kinoule 26'^ 2^ Vifcounts. Kiatcre y.i 22 A L Arbuthnet \6l 57 Laudordak 258 20 D Leven -9-} 19 Dumblain 5^4 6Z Linlithj^ow 221 46 F Loudon M 2 £^2 38 Falkland G 554 56 Mar 179 35 Garnock 3^9 58 March ?28 ,5 I Marchmonr $29 22 Irwin 3<^5 C\ Marillial Id 9 4J' K Morroh 191 •31 Kenmuve 35^ ^3 Murray 210 45 i 1 Oxenford The I N D E X. O Oxenford Pag.Arms. | L Pag-Arms* l6z 60 Ltndores 408 72- P Lovac 401 77 Primrofe 371 58 Lyle 588 79 S M Stormont 35^ 57 Mordington 592 8z Strathallaa S68 60 Nairn N 448 86 Barons. Napier 415 76 A Newark 445 71 Afton 4:5 74 B OUphaiit 398 75 Ballenden 446 V' P Balmerino 409 7S Pitfligo 45a 73 BamfF 4U «5 R Belhaven 458 81 Rae 4^? 80 Blantyre 411 82 Rollo 441 69 BurleiLh 4IX Rofs 40; 78 c Rutherforc 445 84 Cathcart 584 68 S Cranfton 414 68 Salton d'o 80 D Semple 393 84 Duftus 440 74 Sinclair 390 69 E Somcrville 586 70 EUbank 43 > 76 T Blphinfton Fairfax Forbes 5y6 79 Torphichan 406 75 419 ;7 5 66 Forrefter 430 81 Pag. G Lift of Second Titles • 45? day l2z ^7 Sixteen P ;ers 457 H Kniyhtb c f Saint Andrew Halkerton 435 78 4<5+ K Baronets 46S Kinnaird 440 70 Regalia 481 ijrkcudbrisih t 4--S 71 Riding of Pailianient .4^- BOOKS printed for C. Hitch and H. L I N T O T, I. 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