Lf58r 1899 A <~ A 1 o o s 21 1 7 1 g 55 6 Ta 8 ^ 1 7 5 IM TT. OR. ! ;ion ' itlon ( 55tii Congress, ) SENATE. ( Document 3d Session. I \ No. I'O. A REPORT OK THE TOTAL COST AND LABOR COST OF TRANSFORMATION IN THE PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, AND BELGIUM. MADE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE OF JUNE 26, 1897, BY CARROLL D. WRIGHT, COMMISSIONEE OF L^BOR. December 7, 18y8. — Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered to be printed. 4ft> « » ***** WASHINGTON: T y GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 18 9 9. U,5 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. Department of Labor, Washington, I). C, December 7, 1898. Sir: I have the liouor to submit herewith a report upon the total cost and labor cost of producing certain articles in the leading branches of industry in the United States. Great Britain, and Belgium. This report has been prepared in compliance with the following* resolution of the Senate: In the Senate of the United States, June 26, 1897. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Labor be, and is bereby, directed to collect from official sources, or otherwise if necessary, information relating to total cost and labor cost of production iu fifteen of the leading industries common to this country, Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Germany and report the results of his inquiries to the Senate as soon alter the meeting of the second session of the Fifty- fifth Congress as possible: Provided, That the inquiries hereby authorized shall be carried on under the regular appropriations made for the Department of Labor. Wm. R. Cox, Secretary. Examination having shown that the information called for by this resolution could not be obtained from official reports, it became neces- sary to secure it directly from the manufacturers, and experts from the Department were therefore detailed for this purpose. The provision -, that the investigation should be carried on under the regular appro- a priations for the Department has necessarily limited the scope of the s inquiry to some extent. The great expense and difficulty of finding ! manufacturers in foreign countries able and willing to give the inforina- \tion sought thus made it necessary to restrict the investigation as regards European data to the two countries of Great Britain and Bel- gium. These two countries, however, are thoroughly representative as showing Old World conditions, and the information obtained in regard to the cost of production .there, taken in connection with the data for the United States, it is believed, furnishes material substantially k corresponding to that called for by the resolution. This material is presented in the form of 44<> separate statements of ^he cost of producing certain articles representative of the products of the great industries of agricultural implements, boots and shoes, brick, ^ men's clothing, cotton goods, cutlery, furniture, glass, men's hats, iron and steel, leather, pottery products, and woolen goods. In the selection of the units for investigation, the effort was made to make a choice of those which were as simple in construction as possible, both because it is practically impossible to secure accurate information concerning more complicated articles, and because, if obtained, in but rare instances could the products of different establishments or countries be compared. In making use of the information here presented it is important to understand the exact significance of the terms "cost of production" and "labor cost of production" as here employed, as both are expres- sions which are often used to relate to quite different statements of facts. In the present report by total cost, or cost of production, is 3 f&1& 4 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. meant the total expenditure necessary for the production of the articles considered, or, in other words, that amount at which, if the articles were sold, neither a profit nor loss to the manufacturer would result. By cost of labor is meant that part of this total amount which is expended directly for labor in the establishments making the articles considered in transforming the materials into the finished products. li thus does not include the labor expended in the previous production of these materials. An examination of the data furnished by different establishments iu the I 'idled States, as well as in Great Britain and Belgium, occasion- ally shows striking and apparently inexplicable differences in the labor costs and total cost of producing articles appearing from their descrip- tion to be substantially alike. In some cases the divergence is such as to suggest that inaccurate figures were given by the manufacturers. This, however, is not believed to be the case. Differences as great as those shown in this report undoubtedly exist both in the total cost of producing the articles considered, and particularly in respect to the relative proportion going for labor. Theoretically, the establishments producing the cheapest will drive other establishments out of the business. Practically, however, this is true only as a general statement, and mills producing at widely dif- ferent costs are found in operation in almost all industries. Moreover, when not merely the whole product of establishments, but particular articles are considered, it is evident that the possibilities for these dif- ferences in costs become still greater. There is a great difference in various establishments in respect both to their equipment and the effi- ciency with which they are managed. One establishment may be com- pletely supplied with the latest improved labor saving machinery and be so arranged as to secure the handling of materials and their conver- sion into finished products with the least possible expenditure for labor, while another establishment producing the same line of goods may use old machinery, and its efficiency as regards its ability to produce cheaply be far inferior to that of the former. Again, the general expenses may be much greater in one establish- ment than in another, owing to lax management, the employment of a large number of administrative officers, the payment of high salaries to officials, etc. Other determining factors are the opportunity or skill possessed in buying the raw materials used at an advantageous rate, the success with which the fluctuations in the prices of these materials are foreseen, and the wages paid to employees and their relative efficiency. It is unnecessary to carry this discussion of the elements determin- ing cost further, it only remains to mention that special care should be used in determining whether the articles compared are iu reality identical. In many cases no amount of description will insure that the articles are alike in all particulars. The raw materials, though desig- nated the same, may be of different qualities, the workmanship may vary, and, finally, there may be quite a difference as regards the item of finish, discoverable only after a personal examination by experts. The more complicated the article, the greater the opportunity for variation in these respects. It is for this reason that every effort was made to secure information for simple units. As regards the important point of the proportion of the total cost ascribable to labor, it is also apparent that great possibilities for differ- ences exist. Here the most important determining factors are not only the rates of wages paid and the efficiency of the employees, but the character of the equipment which has just been considered. The choice COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. O between the production of an article largely by manual labor, or by the use of machinery, the introduction of which requires the expenditure of a large sum of money, is often a difficult one. One manufacturer may decide upon the former method of production and another upon the latter, with the result that, though the total cost of production in the two may be nearly the same, the proportion of the cost going for labor will be widely different. Chief interest in the present investigation attaches to the opportunity afforded of making comparisons between the conditions in this country and in Great Britain and Belgium as regards the total cost of produc- tion and the part for which the remuneration of labor is responsible. The problem of securing comparable units — that is, of finding estab- lishments in the different countries making exactly the same articles — has been a difficult one, and complete success has not always been obtained. In practically all cases, however, information concerning substantially similar articles was secured, and au opportunity is there- fore afforded of making a general comparison of the cost of production of the articles considered in the different countries. It is of course to be understood that, owing to the wide range of costs existing withui each country as regards many articles, it is impossible, no matter how elaborate an investigation may be made, to give any one figure as rep- resenting the cost of production in a particular country. The informa- tion here given, therefore, must be considered only as showing the conditions obtaining in representative establishments. At the same time it is believed that the figures here given do represent in this gen- eral way the conditions as they exist in the countries considered as regards the total cost of production, and the proportion of this total going for labor. With these explanations, a brief analysis of the data collected is now entered upon, in which the effort is made to indicate those units in the United States, Great Britain, and Belgium, which are the most similar, and for which a comparison can therefore be the more legitimately made. Agricultural implements. — Taking up the various articles for which costs are given in the order of their presentation, it will be seen that quotations of costs obtained for planters' eye hoes in Great Britain, units Nos. 12 and 13, correspond almost exactly in description with units Nos. 4 and 5 for the United States. In the United States, the total cost of producing one dozen hoes of the character described was $1.91 and $1.96, of which the labor cost in transforming the materials was $0.01 and $0.03, respectively. Similar returns for the Great Britain units were: Total cost, $2.27 and $2.31; labor cost in trans- forming the materials, $0.89 and $0.91, respectively. For spades, the second article under agricultural implements, infor- mation concerning products of practically identical descriptions in the United States, Belgium, and Great Britain was obtained in units Nos. 23, 24, 25, 27, and 28. The first three units are for the United States, and refer to the same spade, with the exception that different kinds of steel and qualities of handles were used in their manufacture. The total cost of producing one dozen of these spades was $5.50, $5.07, and $4.57, respectively. The labor cost in transforming the materials was in all three cases the same, $0.70, or 12.73, L3.81, and 15.32 per cent of the total cost. In Belgium, unit No. 27, the total cost was $4.35, of which the labor cost in transforming the materials was $1.27, or 29.20 percent; and in (heat Britain, unit No. 28, $4.50, of which the labor cost in transforming the materials was $1.70, or 37.78 per cent. b COST OF PRODIXTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. Boots and shoes. — In boots aiid shoes, the product is one giving room for great differences as regards workmanship and finish, and it was necessary, therefore, to secure information lor a large number of units. The fact that American machinery is largely used in this industry in both Great Britain and Belgium insures that the process of manufac- ture can not be greatly different in the three countries, and thus pre- supposes a favorable basis tor a comparison of conditions. Selecting from among the numerous units those most nearly corre- sponding in description, the following ((notations may be placed in comparison: Unit No. 0'.>, Belgium, with units Nos. 56, 57, 58, and 59, representing the products of one establishment, and Nos. 63, (54, and 65, representing the products of a second establishment in the United States. The character of the unit here considered is that of cheap pegged workingmen's shoes. The total cost of producing one dozen pairs of shoes, as here reported, was $10.81 in Belgium, $11.58, $11.22, $10.50, and $10.20 in the first establishment in the United States, and $10.50, $9.90, and $9.18 in the second. The different returns for the same establishment represent different costs according as different qualities of materials were employed. The labor cost in transforming the materials in Belgium was $2.70, or 24.98 per cent of the total cost, a figure both absolutely and relatively higher than that for any of the United States units. Other comparisons are those of the Great Britain unit No. 70 with units No. 43, 47, and 52 for the United States; Great Britian unit No. 71 with the United States units Nos. 29, 38, 39, 40, 45, and 54; and Great Britain unit No. 72 with United States units Nos. 30, 41, and 42. A considerable variation in the costs of production, which can be seen by reference to the detailed statements, is here seen. This is due to the fact that the information relates to shoes of a higher grade, and there is therefore greater opportunity for differences in the quality of the material and workmanship employed which can not be shown by a technical discription. In the case of ladies' shoes, those units having the most similar descriptions are the Belgian unit No. 90, the Great Britain unit No. 93, and the United States units Nos. 83, 84, and 85; and the Great Britain units Nos. 91 and 92, and the United States units Nos. 73 and 82. Bricli. — The fact that the sizes of brick ordinarily used in the differ- ent countries vary makes any absolute Comparisons of costs difficult. Considering those sizes which are the nearest alike, however, as units Nos. 99 and 100 for Belgium, and Nos. 95, 90, and 97 for the United States; and Nos. 101 and 102 for Great Britain and No. 98 for the United States, the figures would seem to indicate a considerably lower cost in Belgium than in the United States, or $1.3 J and $1.40 per 1,000 brick against $4.95, $5.10, and $5; while the costs in Great Britain approximated those in the United States, or $3.77 and $4.87 per 1,000 brick against $4.35 in the United States. A general examination of all of the units shows that the proportion of the total cost ascribable to labor for the most part varies between the limits of 40 and 00 per cent. Men's clothing. — Data in regard to men's clothing were obtained with exceptional completeness. The great variation in the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of clothing and the character of the workmanship employed render it impossible to select particular units for comparison. The general range of costs and the proportion going for labor can be seen by examining the 75 units concerning which information was obtained. COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 7 Cotton goods. — In the industry of cotton goods, information was obtained concerning tbe costs of various kinds of standard cloths. Here, too, the nature of the units is such as to make it extremely diffi- cult to secure comparable units. The instance in which success was more nearly secured is that of unit No. 194 for the United States and unit No. 198 for Great Britain. The cost of producing one yard of the cloth described, in the United States, was $ 0.0348, of which $0.0108 was for labor in transforming the materials, and in Great Britain $0.0397, of which $0.(!ll9 was for labor in transforming the materials. The relative importance of the item of labor cost in the two countries was therefore nearly the same, being 31.03 per cent in the United States, and 29.97 per cent in Great Britain. A fairly approximate similarity as regards description also exists in the case of the Great Britain unit No. 19'J and the United States unit No. 180, the number of picks per inch being the same, 70x76, in both cases, and the number of yarn being 30 and 38 in the case of the Great Britain unit, and 28 and 40 in that of the United States. The total cost of producing one yard of this cloth in the United States was $0.0385, of which $0.0129 was for labor in transforming the materials, and in Great Britain $0.0308, of which $0,013 was for labor in trans- forming the materials. The greater cost in the United States is offset by the fact that the cloth in the case of the United States unit was 39 inches wide, while that for the Great Britain unit was but 36 inches. Cutlery. — In the cutlery industry units were obtained for pocket- knives, table knives, and table knife blades. As there is greater oppor- tunity in pocketknives for differences as regards workmanship and finish that can not be brought out by a verbal description, the best units for comparison are the simpler articles of table knives and table-knife blades. Units Nos. 242 to 249 represent data from four firms in the United States, and show the cost of manufacture of one dozen ivory- handled table knives of medium size to be $6.11, $5.55, and $4.96 in the first establishment; $6.04 in the second; $5.51, $4.73, and $2.94 in the third, and $8.12 in the fourth establishment. The different quotations of cost in the same establishment are due chiefly to the different grades of ivory used, as shown in the descriptions of the units. In contrast with these, units Nos. 2D9 and 270 show the cost of producing very similar articles in Great Britain to be $4.50 and $4.50, according to whether the blades were machine or hand made. Of this the labor cost in trans- forming, the materials was $0.85 and $0.91, respectively. In the United States the labor cost in transforming the materials was $2,035, $1.30, $1.35, and $0.94 in the different establishments, respectively. Probably the best basis for comparison, however, is to eliminate the item of the handle and consider the cost of making the blade alone. This is done in units Nos. 271 to 282 representing the United States; No. 283, Belgium, and Nos. 284 and 285, Great Britain. The last four units for the United States represent blades of the most ordinary quality intended for fitting into redwood handles, and therefore arc not suitable for comparison with the Belgian and Great Britain products. The other units, however, represent blades closely approximating in character the Belgian and Great Britain units. The total cost of pro- ducing one dozen blades as described is shown by these units to be, in the United States, $0,875, $0.94, $1.28, $1.18, $1.00, $0.70, $0.84, and $0.80, respectively; in Belgium $0.4825, and in Great Britain $0.8510 and $0.9125 according to whether they were machine or hand made. The labor cost in transforming the materials was, in the United Slates, $0.70, $0.62, $1.02, $0.63, $0.55, $0.48, $0.60, and $0.57, respectively; in Belgium $0,380, and in Great Britain $0.4401 and $0,507. 8 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. Furniture. — In furniture units were secured for plain tables, dining tables, and bent-wood chairs. In regard to the tirst two articles a comparison of the Great Britain units, Nos. 290 and 294, with the units for the United States, Nos. 280 to 2S9 and 291 to 293, shows the cost of production to be materially less in the United States than in Great Britain. This smaller cost is found in both labor and other items. The cost of producing a plain oak table 42x42 inches in Great Britain was $3.07, as against $1.00 for a similar but somewhat smaller table, 24x42 inches in the United States, $1.72 for one 32x40 inches and $1.04 for a third 30x40 inches. The cost of the labor in trans- forming the materials was in the case of the Great Britain unit $1.14, and for the United States units $0.70, $0.03, and $0.49, respectively. In the case of dining tables the total cost was $6.67 in Great Britain, and for a similarly described table in the United States $3.99 in one case, $2.14 in a second, and $2.03 in a third. As regards bent- wood chairs without arms, the cost of producing one dozen in Belgium was reported, unit No. 299, as $9.20, and in the United States, unit No. 290, as $8.54. Glass. — In glass information concerning the cost of production of practically identical units in the United States and Great Britain was secured in the case of green glass pickle and green-glass spirit bottles. As regards the tirst article, unit No. 304 shows the cost of producing one gross of bottles in Great Britain to have been $2.49, of which $1.03 was for labor in transforming the materials. Returns from four firms in the United States for the same article, units Nos. 300 to 303, showed the total cost to have been $3.93, $2.97, $3.04, and $3.13, respectively, in which the cost of labor in transforming the materials figured for $1.03, $1,005, $1.00, and $1.88. For green-glass spirit bottles the cost in Great Britain of one gross, unit No. 308, was $3.06, of which $1.15 was for labor in transforming the materials, while units Nos. 305, 300, and 307 give the total cost in the United States as $5.40, $4.13, and $3.75, of which $1.97, $1.88, and $2.20 was for labor in transforming the materials. Men's hats. — Owing to the variety of styles and qualities of men's hats, a-' medium" hat representative of each of the main classes of hats fur- nishes the best basis of comparison that can be obtained. This is due to the fact that the products of different establishments may describe the same and yet differ materially as regards the quality of material used or care with which they are finished. For stiff, or derby, fur hats, units Nos. 317, 318, and 319, representing the cost of manufacture of cheap, medium, and fine grades of hats in Belgium, and units Nos. 320 and 321, representing the cost of medium and cheap grades of hats in Great Britain, may be placed in comparison with units Nos. 309 to 310 for the United States, care being taken to compare the same grades of hats in each case. The cost of the medium grade of hats in Belgium is given as $11.58 per dozen, of which $3,474 was for labor in transforming the materials; in Great Britain as from $8.52 to $9.73, of which from $2.92 to $3.24 was for labor in transform- ing the materials; and in the United States, in different establishments as $13.50, $14.75, and $11.22, of which $0.77, $8.2.1, and $G.03, respec- tively, was for labor in transforming the materials. In like manner a somewhat similar comparison can be made as regards the cost of soft fur, soft wool r and flexible wool hats in the United States and in one or both of the foreign countries considered. It is, of course, understood that the average hat of one establishment may not be exactly the same as the average hat of another, and that COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 9 the figures liere given can only be considered as showing the general conditions as regards cost sin the different establishments. It is believed, however, that the showing made is typical of conditions as they actually exist. Iron and .steel. — Information concerning the cost of representative products in the iron and steel industry was obtained for Great Britain and the United States only. The articles for which a comparison as regards their cost of production in the two countries can be made are cast-iron pipe, pig iron, and steel rails. Unit No. 347 shows the aver- age cost of producing various sizes of cast iron pipe in Great Britain to have been $21.29 per ton, of which $7.30 was for labor in transforming the materials. Units Nos. 344, 345, and 346 show the cost of producing an average size pipe, of 6, 4, and 3 inches in diameter, respectively, in the United States to have been $18.17, 610.17, and $20.17, respectively, of whieh $4.22, $5.22, and $6.22 was for labor in transforming the materials. The cost of producing different kinds of pig iron in the United States is given, in units Hos. 348 to 355, as $0.60, $9.60, $10, $10.20, $9.21, $9.75, $8.87, $8.39, and $10.66, and in Great Britain, in units Nos. 357 and 358, as $9.73 and $12.04. In the United States the labor cost in transforming the materials was $0.60, $1.18, $0.80, $0.(50, $0.73, $1, $0.60, $1.28, and $1.23, and in Great Britain $0.73 and 30.19. As regards steel rails, the cost of producing 1 ton of this product was reported by two firms in Great Britain, units Nos. 361 and 362, to be $23.83 and $19.47, respectively, and by one firm in the United States, unit No. 359, as $18. It should be stated that the data for unit No. 361 represents an average for the five years 1890 to 1894, which probably accounts for its cost being shown as considerably greater than that given by the other Great Britain unit. In these two units the labor cost in transforming the materials is given as $3.67 and $1.95, and in the case of the United States unit as $2.70. Leather. — The information for leather, particularly as regards those products other than sole leather, in Great Britain and Belgium was not obtained yi a very satisfactory shape. The only comparison between conditions in the different countries that is feasible is, therefore, that of the tanning of sole leather from rawhide. Unit No. 364 gives the cost of tanning 1 hide, producing an average of 36 pounds of finished leather, in the United States as $10. 14, of which $0.73 was for labor. Unit No. 36S gives the cost of tanning a hide, producing the same amount of finished sole leather, in Great Britain as $9.71, of which $1 was for labor. The Belgian unit No. 367, while not stating the amount of leather produced, gives the cost of tanning 1 hide at from $7.14 to $10.71, of which from $0.42 to $0.50 was for labor. Reference can be made to units Nos. 363, 365, and 306 as showing the cost of pro- ducing sole leather in other establishments in the United States. Pottery products. — As representative products of the pottery industry information was obtained concerning the cost of producing ironstone china plates of different sizes and cups and saucers of the same mate- rial. As regards the figures of costs here given it should be stated that the manufacturers giving them said that, owing to the large variety of products manufactured at the same time, it was impossible to state accurately the cost of particular articles. The figures given, though based in each case upon a careful calculation, can not, therefore, be considered as other than estimates. The fact that there is shown a wide divergence between the estimates of two manufacturers in the United States doing business in the same city as regards the cost of 10 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. substantially the same articles, would seem to indicate that a very close approximation to accuracy was uot obtained. The two figures taken together, however, may represent the general range of costs. For the S-incli plate, units Nos. 381 and 382, this cost for 1 dozen plates in the United States is given as $0.3801 and $0.4057, of which the labor cost in transforming the materials was $0.1233 and $0.2208. The returns for 1 dozen similar plates in Belgium and Great Britain, units Nos. 383 and 384, were, total cost, $0.0218 and $0.3040; labor cost in trans- forming the materials, $0,205 and $0,152. The extent to which these figures can be compared with those for the United States is subject to the limitations suggested by the observations given above. Woolen (/ood.s. — There is probably no other important industry in which greater difficulties are experienced in the effort to secure information con- cerning the cost of producing particular articles, and especially of secur- ing it in such a way that the products of different mills can be compared. The results of the present inquiry are given in units Nos. 390 to 440, inclusive, which show the cost of production of various kinds and grades of blankets, cloths, and yarns. As success in obtaining infor- mation for identical articles in the different countries was not attained, no effort is here made to place particular units in comparison. The general information concerning costs, however, is of value, but can best be obtained by consulting the detailed statements that follow. In interpreting this information as regards the United States, it is of great importance to take into consideration the element of time to which the figures of cost refer. The variations in the prices of raw wool and the scale of wages paid, due to tariff legislation and other causes, have necessarily affected materially the cost of production. Thus in the case of units Nos. 403, 40'), and 421, representing the cost of producing the articles mentioned during the six. months ending October 31, 1897, at one mill, it was reported by the official giving the information that subsequent to that period there had been an advance of 10 per cent in the cost of labor and 30 per cent in the cost of wool. In the same way for unit No. 414 the cost per yard is reported for November, 1897, as $0.1088 for labor in transforming the materials, $0.58 L2 for other items, and $0.75 as the total cost. The advance in the cost of labor and materials subsequent to November increased this cost on March 3, 1898, to the following figures: Labor in transforming the materials, $0.1857; other items, $0.7308; total cost, $0.9225, a very material increase. A similar increase was also reported in regard to unit No. 424, the total cost at the later date being stated as $0,193, as against but $0.14 in November, 1897. While the other items in the detailed statement which follows can not be brought into very close comparison, they have an individual value in the study of the cost of production. They are, therefore, pre- sented for what they are worth. The difficulty of securing exact descriptions of units, or so exact as to admit of comparison, has already been pointed out. In submitting this report I take pleasure in acknowledging the valuable services, both in securing original data and in formulating comparisons, of Messrs. William F. Willoughby and Victor H. Olmsted, experts in the Department of Labor. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner. Hou. Garret A. Hobart, Vice-President. DETAILED STATEMENT OP THE LABOR COST IN TRANSFORMING MA- TERIALS AND TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, AND BELGIUM. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. No. 1. — Planters' eye hoe* : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 2, 7x8 inches; weight, 21j pounds per dozen; made in one solid piece of crucible hoe steel; polished halfway up the blade; eye and rib lacquered blue. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. 35.76 lit. 21 100. 00 No. 2. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 0, 6£x7 inches ; weigbt, 19 pounds per dozen ; made of soft steel, faced with hardening steel halfway upfront of blade; polished halfway up the blade; balance of hoe japanned black. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0 59 1.21 1.80 32.78 67.22 100. 00 No. 3. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 1, 6 Jx7i inches; weight, 22 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 2. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . $0. 01 1.24 Total cost. 32.97 07. 00 No. 4. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 2, 7x8 inches; weight, 25 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 2. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.61 1.30 Per cent of total. 1.91 31.94 08.06 11 12 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 5. — Planter? eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 3, 74x8i inches; weight, 28 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 2. Co.-t of labor in transforming materials . $0. (>:; Cost of materials and nil other items except labor j 1.33 Total cost 1.96 Per cent of total. 32.14 67.80 100.00 No. 6. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 4, 8x9 inches; weight, 31 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 2. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0. 63 1.38 Per cent of total. 31.34 68.66 No. 7. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 0, Iijx7 inches; weight, 18 pounds per dozen; made entirely of high-car- hon steel, hardened and tempered; polished halfway up the hlade; balance of hoe japanned black. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.45 1.08 Per cent of total. 29.41 70.59 1. 53 100. 00 I No. 8.— Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 1, 6ix7| inches; weight, 20 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 7. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 47 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 1. 11 Total cost I 1.58 29.75 70.25 100.00 No. 9. — Planters' eye hoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 2, 7x8 inches; weight, 21 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 7. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0. 47 1.17 Per cent of total. 28.66 71.34 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 13 No. 10. — Planters' eye hoes: Uuited States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 3, 7|x8i inches; weight, 214 pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 7. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 11. — Planters' eye hoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. i, 8x9 inches; weight, 22} pounds per dozen; of the same material and finish as product No. 7. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 12. — Planters' eye hoes : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size, No. 2, 7x8 inches; weight, 27 to 30 pounds per dozen; made of cheap hasic steel, faced with hardening cast steel halfway up front of blade; entire blade polished; eye and rib japanned black. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost , $0.89 I 39.21 1.38 | 60.79 2.27 No. 13. — Planters' eye hoes : Great Britain ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same size, weight, and finish as product No. 12, but made entirely of good Bessemer steel, hardened. Amount. Per cent of total. $0. 91 1.40 39.39 60.61 2.31 100.00 No. 14. — Spades: Fnited States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, 7fxl2f inches; weight 5 J pounds; made of high-grade carbon steel, with double riveted D handles of best ash timber; blades treaded and polished on both sides. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except laboi Total cost Amount. $1.85 2.85 Per cent of total. 39.36 60.64 Kin. imi 14 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 15. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 14, but weighing 5 pounds, and made of lower grade of steel and poorer quality of timber. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1. 85 2.50 42.53 57.47 100. 00 No. 16. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, 7, :1 „xl2 inches; weight, 4f pounds; made of Bessemer steel, with double riveted D handles of cheap grade asli timber; blades treaded and pol- ished on both sides. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost , Amount. $1.50 2.00 Per cent of total. 42.86 57.14 100.00 No. 17. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, 7fxl2 inches; weight, 5 pounds; solid steel; smooth back pattern ; made of high carbon Bessemer steel; tempered; with double riveted D handles of best ash timber; blades treaded or stepped, and full polished on both sides. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost A mount. $1.74 3.50 Per cent of total. 33.21 60.79 No. 18. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of same general description as product No. 17, but weighing 4-J pounds; made of lower grade Bessemer steel, and with poorer quality of ash handles, and of less ex- pensive finish. Amount. Per cent of total. $1. 68 2.68 38 53 61.47 4.36 100. 00 No. 19. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, 7^x12 inches; back strap spade having front and back strap riveted to the blade; made of low grade Bessemer steel, with double riveted D handles of low grade ash timber; black finish. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.61 1.09 Per cent of total. 59.63 40.37 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 15 No. 20. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. size of blade, 7^x12 inches; hollow back or socket pattern spades, having the handle inserted into a socket formed from a portion of the blade and extending 9 inches above its top; made of low carbon Bessemer steel, with double riveted D handles of common ash timber; black finish. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. 1.62 Per cent of total. 32.50 67.50 100. 00 No. 21. — Spades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 20, but made of high carbon Bes- semer steel, with good selected ash handles, and of better general finish. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor T. a al cost 3.71 21.02 78.98 100. 00 No. 22. — Sjjades : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 20, but made of crucible cast steel. with handles of the best selected ash timber. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. $0.84 4.71 15.14 84.86 5. 55 No. 23 — Spades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, edge, 7-J- inches; shoulder, 7^ inches; length, 12 inches; weight, 5 pounds: "hollow back" or "open back" pattern, having the blade and socket for handle formed from one piece of steel, the handle being fitted into the socket thus formed ; the top of the blade is bent back to form the tread ; made of crucible steel, with double riveted D handles of ash timber. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 24.— Spades: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 23, but made of open-hearth steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost (if labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.70 4.37 13.81 86. 19 100. 00 16 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 25. — Spades: United states; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 23, but made of high-carbon Bes- semer steel, and with a cheaper grade of ash handles. Amount. Per cent of total. i "i»st of l.ilior in transforming materials $0.70 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 3. 87 Total cost i 4.57 15. 32 84.68 No. 26.— Spades; United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 23, but made of ordinary Bessemer steel, and with a cheaper grade of ash handles. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost JO. 70 3. 50 16.67 83.33 No. 27. — Spades: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade, 7^x12 inches; "hollow-back" pattern, bavins blade and socket for handle formed from one piece of steel, handles being fitted into the socket thus formed; made of hard steel: handles of ash. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.27 3.08 Per cent of total. 29.20 70.80 No. 28. — Spades: Great Britain ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Size of blade No. 2, 7^x12 inches; weight, oh to 5J pounds; treaded; made of cheap basic steel, faced with hardened cast steel; polished from 3 to 4 inches up both sides; with double-riveted D handles of best ash timber. Amount. Per cent of total. $1.70 2.80 37.78 62.22 Total cost 4.50 100. 00 BOOTS AND SHOES. No. 29. — Men's shoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; all glazed, or vioi, kid; leather lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt. Amount. ( 'list of labor in transforming materials : $11. 82 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 28.68 Total cost 40.50 Per cent of total. 20. 19 70. SI COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 17 No. 30. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; French calf vamp : kid top; cap toe; Goodyear welt. I Amount. **$»* Cost of labor in transforming materials $11.82 27. 1, Cost of materials and all other items except labor 31.68 72.83 Total cost 43. 50 100. 00 No. 31. — Men's shot*: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen pairs. Lace; wax calf vamp ; kangaroo top ; cloth lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials Coat of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. No. 32. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; was calf vamp; katgarootop; leather lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt. . .. Per cent I Amount. q{ totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 24 29. 24 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 22. 36 70. 76 Total cost 31. GO 100. 00 No. 33. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lac«; Russia calf top and vamp; leather lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt: Cost of labor in transforming materials $11. 64 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 30. 66 Total cost | 42. 30 Per ceiit of total. 72.48 No. 34. — Men'8 shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; Russia calf top and vamp; cloth lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. $11. G4 29. 06 28. 60 71.40 100.00 No. 35. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; willow calf vamp and top; leather lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt; very heavy double sole from heel to toe. Amount. Per cent ■ I total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $11. 94 27. 14 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 32. 00 72. 80 Total cost 44. 00 100. 00 S. Doc. 20 2 ~ COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 36. — Men's shoes: United .States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; patent calf vamp; kid top; cloth lined; cap toe; Goodyear welt. Amount. Per cent of total. $12. 72 29. 16 30 37 69.63 41.88 100 00 No. 37. — Men's shoes : United States; 1S97-98; nnit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed or vici kid, top and vamp; straight cap; cloth lined; hand lasted; Goodyear welt. ('t>-t of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $10. 04 20.68 30.72 Per ceut of total. 32.68 67.32 No. 38. — Men's shoe*: United States; 1897-98; nnit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed or vici kid, top and vamp; straight cap; leather lined; hand lasted; Goodyear welt. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $10. 04 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 22. 96 Total cost 33. 00 30.42 69.58 No. 39. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 37; but made of cheaper material and machine lasted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $7. 62 18.42 26.04 29.26 70.74 No. 40. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 38; but made of cheaper material and machine lasted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $7. 62 19. 62 Total cost. 27. 24 27.97 72. 03 No. 41. — Men's shoes : United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; kid top; calf vamp; straight cap; cloth lined; machine lasted; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cos1 of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $9. OS 20.80 29.88 Per cent of total. 30. 39 69.61 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 19 No. 42. — Men's shoes: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 41; but made of cheaper materials. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $6. 96 Cost of materials and all other items except labor j 16. 44 Total cost 23. 40 29.74 70. 26 No. 43. — Men's shoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top ; split vamp; leather lined; half double sole; McKay sewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials $6. 30 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 12. 60 Total cost 18. 90 Per cent of total. 33.33 66.67 10 I. 00 No. 44. — Men's shoes : United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top; calf vamp; canvas liued; half double sole; McKaysewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $5.90 11.80 17.70 Per cent of total. 33. 33 66.67 100.00 No. 45. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed kid top and vamp; leather lined; Goodyear welt. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $7. 20 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 17. 40 Total cost 24. 60 Per cent of total. 29.27 70. 73 No. 46. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. k Lace; kangaroo top; calf vamp; canvas lined; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. $7. 20 14.70 32.88 67.12 No. 47. — Men's shoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top; split vamp; half double sole; McKay sewed. Allium:! . Per '( ill of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $4.44 7. 56 37.00 63.00 20 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 48. — Men's shoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top ; call' vamp; canvas lined; half double sole; McKay sewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cos1 of materials and all other items except labor, Total cost $5.16 13.38 18.48 Per cent of total. 27. 02 72.08 No. 49. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top; calf vamp; canvas lined; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials i !os1 of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. $7. 20 13. 92 21. 12 Per cent Of total. 34. 09 65.91 100.00 No. 50. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top; satin (grain split) vamp; canvas lined; half double sole; McKay sewed. Amount. Cost of labor iu transforming materials Cost of materials ami all other items except labor. $4.44 9.48 Total cost Per cent of total. 31.90 68.10 100. 00 No. 51. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top; satin (grain split) vamp; canvas lined; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. $6.48 10.08 Per cent of total. 39. 13 60.87 Total cost 16.56 100. 00 No. 52. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top: split vamp; leather lined; half double sole; McKay sewed. Amount. Per cent of total. $3. 48 13. 32 20.71 79.29 Total cost , 16.80 100. 00 No.53. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top ; calf vamp; canvas lined; half double sole; McKay sewed. ins: ,it' laborin transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $4.56 14.28 18. S4 Per cent of total. 21.20 75.80 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 21 No. 54. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed kid top and vamp; straight cap; leather lined; Goodyear welt. A-HmJjftSS $7.08 25.11 21.12 74.89 28. 20 100. 00 No. 55. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dongola kid top ; calf vamp; canvas lined; Goodyear welt. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $6.00 15.48 22.08 29.89 70.11 100. 00 No. 56. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; split upper; double sole; pegged; ordinary workiugmen's shoes. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. 2.52 | 21.76 9. 06 78. 24 No. 57. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description and quality as product No. 56. Amount. $2.16 9.06 Per cent of total. 1!). 25 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 80.75 11.22 100. 00 No. 58. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, I dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 56, but made of cheaper materials. Cost of labor in transforming materials : $2. 16 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ' 8. 34 Total cost 10.50 Per cent of total. 20. 57 79 43 100. 00 No. 59. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 56, but made of cheaper materials. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. 8.34 Per cent of total. 18.24 81.76 10. 20 •).) COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 60. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; heavy split first quality upper ; half double sole; bellows tongue; pegged; workingmen'e shoes kmnvn as "Western'' tie. Cos! of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items excepl labor. Total cost $2.37 8.67 Per cent of total. 21.47 78.53 No. 61. — Men's shoes: United States; 1807; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 60, but made of cheaper materials. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost <>t materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2. 37 8.07 22.70 77.30 No. 62. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product' No. 60, but made of cheaper materials. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Amount. $2. 37 7.47 9.84 Per cent of total. 24. 09 75.91 No. 63. — Men's shoes: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; pegged; split upper; heavy workingmen's shoes. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost . Per cent Amount. of total . $2. 28 8.22 10.50 21.71 78.29 No. 64. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 63, but made of cheaper materials. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $2. 28 7.62 23.03 76.97 No. 65. — Men's shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 63, but made of cheaper materials. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $2. 28 6.90 9.18 Per cent of total. 24.84 75.16 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 23 No. G6. — Men' 8 shoes : United States; 1898; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; pegged; split upper; double sole; ordinary workingmen's shoes. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2. 70 9.00 23.08 76.92 No. 67. — Men's shoes: United States; 1898; unit. 1 dozen pairs. Lace; pegged; kip upper; double sole; ordinary workingmen's shoes. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials , j $2. 70 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ; 10. 44 Total cost ! 13.14 Per cent of total. 20.55 79.45 No. 68. — Men's shoes: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; dressed calf top; waxed calf vamp; sewed. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $3. 09 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 12. 74 Total cost 15.83 Per cent of total. 19.52 80.48 No. 69. — Men's shoes : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; waxed split calf tipper; pegged; ordinary workingmen's shoes. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $2. 70 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 8. 11 Total cost 10.81 24.98 75.02 No. 70. — Men's shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; kid top; split vamp; leather lined; McKay sewed. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost. $6.14 9.79 38.54 61.46 No. 71. — Men's shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed kid top and vamp ; straight cap; leather lined; Goodyear welt. . Per cent Amount, of , ot . |K Cost of labor in transforming materials $14. 48 39. 54 Cost of materials and all other items ov C ept labor 22. 1 I 60. 46 Total cost. 36. 6'J 100. 00 24 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 72. — Men's shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; kid top; French calf vamp ; cap; Goodyear welt. Cost of labor in transforming materials '. $13. 18 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 'JO. 50 Total cost I 33. 68 Per cent of total. 39.13 60.87 No. 73. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glare kid; plain top and vamp; cloth and leather lined; Goodyear welt. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all otlier items except labor Total cost $6. 54 13.50 32.63 67.37 No. 74. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glace kid; plain top and vamp; cloth and leather lined; McKay sewed. Amount. Per cent of total. $4.14 15.33 21.26 78.74 Total cost 19. 47 100. 00 No. 75. — Ladies' shoes : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glace kid; cloth and leather lined; McKay sewed. a ... „„» Per cent Amount. of totaL $4.55 i 35.27 8.35 i 64.73 12.00 i 100.00 No. 76. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 75, but made of better materials. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all otlier items except labor Amount. $4.90 9.73 Total cost . 14. 03 Per cent of total. 33.49 66. 51 No. 77. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 75, but made of better materials. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $5. 50 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ! 11. 67 Total cost 17.17 32.03 67.97 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 25 No. 78. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98: unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed dongola (or glace) kid: plain vamp and top: square kid tip; drill lined; leather top piece and insole; McKay sewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 20 26. 97 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 11. 37 73. 03 Total cost 15.57 100.00 No. 79. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glazed dongola (or glace) kid; plain vamp and top; square kid tip; drill lined; leather top piece and insole; Goodyear welt. i „.„.,„* Percent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $5. 49 20. 09 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 13. 3S 70. 91 Total cost 18. 87 100. 00 No. 80. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; bright dongola (or glace) kid; cloth and leather lined; patent-leather tip; McKay sewed. , i Per cent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $4. 08 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 15. 20 Total cost 19.28 21.16 7S.84 100.00 No. 81. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 80, but made of cheaper materials. . t Per cent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $3. 90 24. 15 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 12.25 75. 85 Totalcost 16.15 100.00 No. 82. — Ladies' shoes: United States ; 1897-98: unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; glace kid; plain vamp and top; cloth and leather lined; Goodyear welt. Per cent id' total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $6. 72 : 31. 55 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 14. 5s 68. 45 Totalcost 21.::i' 100. 00 No. 83. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; glace kid; plain vamp and top; cloth and leather lined; McKay sewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials $4.32 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 16.41 Per cent of total. 20. 84 79. 16 26 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 84. — Ladies' shoe*: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; glace" kid; cloth and leather lined ; McKay sewed. Per cent of total. ( "i.si of labor in transforming materials $4. 80 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 8. 22 Total cost 13.02 36.87 63.13 loo. oo No. 85. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 84, but made of better materials. . i i Per cent Amount. „,. „ it:|1 $5. 06 35. 48 9. 20 64. 52 14. 26 100. 00 No. 86. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Of the same general description as product No. 84, but made of better materials. Amount. Per cent of total- Cost of labor in transforming materials $5. 70 Cost of materials and all other items except labor I 11. 38 | Total cost ! 17. 08 33.37 66.63 No. 87. — Ladies' shoes. — United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; glazed dongola (or glace) kid; plain vamp and top; square kid tip; drill lined; leather top piece and insole; McKay sewed. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost . m .__i. Per cent Amonnt., of totaL $4.35 11.04 15.39 28.27 71.73 100.00 No. 88. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; glazed dongola (or glace) kid; plain vamp and top; square kid tip; drill lined; leather top piece and insole; Goodyear welt. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $5.55 13.47 29.18 70.82 100. 00 No. 89. — Ladies' shoes: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; bright dongola (or glace") kid; cloth and leather lined; patent-leather tip ; McKay sewed. . Per cent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $4.32 12.00 26.47 73.53 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 27 No. 90. — Ladies 1 shots: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; dressed-calf top and vamp; sewed; an average quality of shoe. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost . Amount. Per cent of total. $3.47 9.85 26.05 73.95 No. 91. — Ladies' shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Lace; glace kid top and vamp; worked lace holes; Goodyear welt. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials | $12. 02 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ; 14. 99 Total cost 27. 01 Per cent of total. 44.50 55. 50 100. 00 No. 92. — Ladies' shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button ; glace kid top and vamp ; average quality of shoe. , . . Per cent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $8. 76 Cost of materials and all other items except, labor ! 17. 52 Total cost ! 26. 28 33.33 66.67 No. 93. — Ladies' shoes: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen pairs. Button; fancy vamp; poor quality kid ; leather lined; McKay sewed. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials ! $5. 43 Cost of materials and all other items except labor. ! 8. 76 Total cost i 14.19 38.27 61.73 BRICK. No. 94. — Common red building trick : United States; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 8x4x2^ inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2. 33 1.91 Per cent of total. 54. 95 45.05 No. 95.— Common red building brick: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1,000. Size, 7fx3fx2± inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.93 3.02 l'i'i cent, of total. R8. 09 61.01 28 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 96. — Common red building brick' : United States; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 7fx3fx2i inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other Items except labor . Total cost Amount. $1.98 3.12 Per cent of total. 38. 82 61.18 100. 00 No. 97. — Common red building brick: United States; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 7fx3fx2i inches. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $2. 00 3.00 xotal cost. 40.00 00. 00 No. 98. — Common red building brick: United States; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 8ix3|x2f inches. . 1 Vr lent Amount, | of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost. $2.35 2.00 54.02 45.98 No. 99. — Common red building brick : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 7.874x3.937x2.756 inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.66 .69 48.89 51.11 1.85 100. 00 No. 100. — Common red building brick : Belgium; 1897; unit. 1,000. Size, 7.874x3.937x2.756 inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. Amount. $0.78 .62 Per cent of total. 55.71 44.29 No. 101. — Common red building brick : Great Britain; 1897; unit. 1,000. Size, 9x4ix3 inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. $2.19 1.58 3.77 Per cent of total. 58.09 41.91 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 29 No. 102. — Common red building brick: Great Iiritain; 1897; unit, 1,000. Size, 9x44x3 inches. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2.03 2.84 Per cent of total. 41. Gg 58.32 MEN'S CLOTHING. No. 103. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheap quality cheviot. Cost of labor in transforming materials i $0. 92 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 2. 84 Total cost ! 3. 70 | No. 101. — Hen's sack suits : United States ; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot. Per cent of total. 24.47 75.53 Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 17 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 3. 58 Total cost 4. 75 No. 105. — Hen's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Black cheviot. 24.63 75. 37 Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 05 Cost of materials and all other items except labor : 2. GO Total cost 3. 65 No. 106. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy all-wool cheviot. Per cent of total. 28.77 71.23 Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 107. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit Fancy all wool cheviot. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.25 26. 48 73.52 4. 72 100. 00 Amount. $1.30 4.17 Per lent uf total. 23. 77 70.23 30 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 108. — Men's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheap worsted. Per cent of total. Cost of Labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $1.20 4.10 22.64 77.36 100.00 No. 109. — Men's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Mc(lium-»rade worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. $1.90 5.04 6.94 Per cent of total. 27. 38 72. 62 100. 00 No. 110. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Good worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. $2.05 (i. 03 25.37 74.63 8.08 • 100. 00 No. 111. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheap clay worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. Amount. $1. 28 3.75 Per cent of total. 25.45 74.55 No. 112. — Men's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Clay worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $1. 93 6.03 24.25 75.75 No. 113. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fine clav worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2. 36 8.78 Per cent of total. 21. 18 78.82 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 31 No. 114. — Men' 8 sack suits : United States ; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy worsted. Amount. Per cent (.1 total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.54 5.53 21.78 78.22 No. 115. — Men's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy worsted. Per cent Of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1. 83 5.91 23. 64 76.36 No. 116. — Men' 8 sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy worsted. , Per cent Amount, of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.95 7.15 21.43 78.57 No. 117. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Faucy worsted. A '" oTtoTaL Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.14 7.54 22.11 77.89 9.68 No. 118. — Men's sack suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost . $1.73 4.98 25.78 74. 22 6.71 No. 119. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy plaid worsted. Cos! of Labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. Per i i hi ol total. $1.95 6.53 8.48 23.00 77.HII Ion. mi 32 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 120. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Mixed cassiiuere. Coal of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. £0. 82 1.67 Per cent of total. 32. 93 67.07 100. 00 No. 121. — Men's suck suits : United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Mixed cassiiuere. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. ^0. 91 1.99 31.38 68.62 100. 00 No. 122. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Mixed cassiiuere. Cost of labor in transforming materials i 'ist of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. 2.29 29.54 70.46 100. 00 No. 123. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy cassiiuere. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. $1.51 4.62 24.63 75.37 6.13 100. 00 No. 124. — Men 8 sack suits: Uuited States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy all-wool cassimere. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $1.48 4.25 Per cent of total. 25.83 74.17 5.73 100. 00 No. 125. — Men 8 sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Low-j-rade tweed. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $0.90 2.06 2.96 Per cent of total. 30.41 69.59 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 33 No. 126.— Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Medium-grade tweed. *™~™+ i Per cent Amount, j of tofal $1.00 25.71 2. 89 ! 74. 29 3.89 1 100.00 No. 127. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Good-grade tweed. . + i Per cent Amount. | of toM $1.45 i 27.67 3.79 1 72.33 5.24 ' 100.00 No. 128. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheap serge. Cost of labor in transforming materials Costbf materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. $1.45 3.60 5.05 Per cent of total. 28.71 71.29 No. 129. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Medium serge. \ „„ ...* Per cent Amount, of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 90 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 5.02 Total cost 6. 92 No. 130. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Good serge. 27.46 72.54 100. 00 Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $2. 00 Cost of materials and all other items except labor i 6. 13 Total cost 8.13 No. 131. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. 151 ue flannel. Per cent of total. 24.60 75.40 100. 00 a .. „„, * Per cent Amount of total. $1.49 22. 17 5. 14 77. 53 6. 63 100. 00 34 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 132. — Men's sack suits: United States; 1897; unit, 1 suit. French diagonal. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.20 7.58 22.49 77.51 No. 133. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Plain or fancy cheviot. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost £0.34 1.61 1.95 Per cent of total. 17.44 82.56 No. 134. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. 16.95 83.05 No. 135. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. JO. 48 2.42 2.90 Per cent of total. 16.55 83.45 100.00 No. 136. — Men' 8 sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.51 2.88 3.39 15.04 84.96 100. 00 No. 137. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Fancy cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.58 3.25 15.14 84.86 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 35 No. 138. — Men's sack suits : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.60 3.69 13.99 86.01 No. 139. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. ^•^srtSffi $0. 65 13. 71 4. 09 86. 29 4.74 100.00 No. 110. — Men's sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials I $0.72 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 4.48 Total cost ' 5.20 13.85 86.15 No. 141. — Men's sack suits : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.82 4.85 14.46 85.54 5.67 100. 00 No. 142. — Men' 8 sack suits : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 92 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 5.25 Total cost 6.17 14.91 85.09 100. 00 No. 143. — Men' 8 sack suits: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Cheviot or worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.00 5.83 Per cent of total. 14.64 85.36 6.83 36 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 144. — Men's such- suits: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. WOrsted; poor quality of trimmings and low-grade labor. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all Other items except labor Total cost $1.56 3.18 32.91 67.09 No. 145. — Men's sack suits: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Worsted; medium quality of trimmings and medium-grade labor. Cos! of labor iii transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor Total cost $2.05 4.88 Per cent of total. 29.58 70.42 No. 146. — Men's sack suits: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Worsted; good quality of trimmings and high-grade labor. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2. 82 6.67 29.72 70.28 100. 00 No. 147. — Men's sack suits : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Serge; poor quality of trimmings and low-grade labor. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.56 3.18 Per cent of total. 32.91 67.09 100. 00 No. 148. — Men's sack suits: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Serge; medium quality of trimmings and medium-grade labor. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2. 05 4.88 Per cent of total. 29. 58 70.42 No. 149. — Men's sack suits : Great Britain ; 1897 ; unit, 1 suit. Serge; good quality of trimmings and high-grade labor. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2.82 6.67 Per cent of total. 9.49 29.72 70. 28 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 37 No. 150. — Men's sack suits : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Tweed; poor quality of trimmings and low-grade labor. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost i Amount. $1. 5(i 3.18 4.74 Per cent of total. 32.91 67.09 No. 151. — Men's sack suits : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 suit. Tweed; medium quality of trimmings and medium-grade labor. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.05 4.88 29.58 70.42 No. 152. — Men's sack suits : Great Britain; 1897; unit,. 1 suit. Tweed; good quality of trimmings and higb-grade labor. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.82 0.67 29.72 70.28 No. 153. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Blue kersev. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.90 2.61 3.51 Per cent of total. 25.64 74.36 100. 00 No. 154. — Men's overcoats : United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Good quality kersey. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.40 7.14 25.16 74.84 100. 00 No. 155. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. All-wool blue kersey. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 50 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 3. 73 Total cost 5.23 28.68 71.32 100.00 448782 38 COST OP PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 156. — Men' s overcoats : United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Fine brown kersey. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 157. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Cheap black beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 158. — Men's overcoats: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Blue beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 159. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Union beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 160. — Men's overcoats: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Patent beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 161. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Patent beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.85 6.38 8.23 Per cent of total. 22.48 77.52 100. 00 $1.10 2.41 Per cent of total. 31.34 68.66 100. 00 $1.00 3.75 4.75 Per cent of total. 21.05 78.95 100.00 Amount. Per cent of total. $0.82 3.27 20.05 79.95 1011.00 Amount. $2.10 8.04 Per cent of total. 20.71 79.29 100. 00 Amount. $2. 40 11.34 Per cent of total. 17.47 82.53 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 31* No. 162. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Chinchilla. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1„15 3^)3 Per cent of total. 22.64 77.36 100. 00 No. 163. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Blue chinchilla. Amount. Per cent of totaL. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1.90 i 21.71 Cost of materials and all other items except labor '. 6.85 j 78-. 29 Totalcost I 8.75 I 100. 00 No. 164. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Cheap chinchilla. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials I $0. 62 24.31 Cost of materials and all other items except labor I 1. 93 j 75. 69 Totalcost 2.55 100. 00 No. 165. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Fine chinchilla. 'Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $2. 70 Cost of materials and all other items except labor j 8.96 Totalcost 11.66 23.16 76.84 100.00 No. 166. — Men's overcoats : United States ; 1897 ; unit, 1 coat. Blue melton. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials .$1.40 22. 26 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 4.89 | 77. 74 Totalcost 6.29 I 100. 00 No. 167. — Men's overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Blue melton. Amount. Per cent hi' totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.50 5.02 21.07 78. 93 40 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 1G8. — Men's overcoats : United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Shoddy satinet. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materrals and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. JO. 55 1.48 Per cent of total. 27.09 72. 91 100. 00 No. 169. — Men' 8 overcoats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Fine montagnac. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.40 9.08 11.48 20.91 79.09 No. 170. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver or cheviot. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.39 1.46 1.85 Per cent of total. No. 171. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver. Cost of labor in transforming materials ( lost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.53 1.75 Per cent of total. No. 172. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. JO. 63 2.05 No. 173. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver or worsted. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES 41 No. 174. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver, cheviot, or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $0.72 2.90 19.89 80.11 100.00 No. 175. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver, worsted, or covert cloth. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.82 3.13 20.76 79.24 100. 00 No. 176. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver or worsted. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $0.82 3.36 19.62 80.38 4.18 100. 00 No. 177. — Men's overcoats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 coat. Beaver or i'ancv worsted. . i Per cent Amount. ; of total $1. 01 1 20. 08 4.02 79.92 5. 03 100. 00 COTTON GOODS. No. 178.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Twills; 37 incites wide; picks per inch, 80x60; warp yarn, No. 12; weft yarn, No. 13; 1.73 yards per pound. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0162 Cost of materials and all other items except labor I . 0520 Total cost. .0682 Per cent of total. 23.75 76.25 100.00 No. 179.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Twills; 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 96x101; warp yarn. No. 34; weft yarn, No. 45; 3.80 yards per pound. t Per cent Amount. ott „ t;ll . Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost D. 0257 .0401 . 005K 39.06 60.94 100.00 42 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 180.— Cloth: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Four-leaf twills; 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 76x76; warp yarn, No. 28; weft yarn, No. 40; 4.25 yards per pound. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost . 0129 .0250 33.51 66.49 No. 181.— Cloth : United States; 1898; unit, 1 yard. Four-leaf twills; 43 inches wide; picks per inch, 68x68; warp yarn, average num- ber, 28.05; weft yarn, average number, 37.78; 4.30 yards per pound. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost .0134 . 0242 35. 64 04.36 No. 182.— Cloth ,: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Five harvers Albert twills; 36 inches wide; picks per inch, 76x68; warp yarn, No. 30; weft yarn, No. 40; 5 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost. $0.0115 .0195 Per cent of total. 37.10 62.90 .0310 100.00 No. 183.— Cloth .; United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Twills or drills; 29 inches wide; picks per inch, 72x48; warp yarn, No. 12; weft yarn, No. 18; 2.85 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total co9t. Amount. .0114 . 0333 Per cent of total. 25.50 74.50 100.00 No. 184.— Cloth: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Twills or drills; 30 inches wide; picks per inch, 68x48; warp yarn, No. 14; weft yarn, No. 14; 2.85 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.0113 .0287 Total cost. 28.25 71.75 100. 00 No. 185.— Cloth: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Percale; 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 72x62; warp yarn, No. 28 ; weft yarn, No. 46; 4.75 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost L Per cent Amount. of total _ $0. 0158 .0210 .0368 42.93 57.07 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 43 No. 186.— Cloth : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Percale; 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 80x88; warp yarn, No. 40; weft yarn, No. 50; 4.75 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost. Amount. .0180 . 0235 Per cent of total. 43.37 56.63 No. 187.— Cloth: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Percale; 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 88x92; warp yarn, No. 40; weft yarn, No. 64 ; 5 yards per pound. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost oi labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor . $0. 0199 .0236 45.75 54. 25 Total cost. 100.00 No. 188.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Plain; 40 inches wide; picks per inch, 80x80; warp yarn, No. 60; weft yarn, No. 85 ; 8 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. .0275 .0334 Per cent of total. 45.16 54.84 100. 00 No. 189.— Cloth : United States; 1898; unit, 1 yard. Plain ; 35 inches wide ; picks per inch, 68x72 ; warp yarn, No. 27-k ; weft yarn, No. 37|; 5 yards per pound. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials I $0. 0116 Cost of materials and all other items except labor j . 0209 Total cost. .0325 35.69 64.31 100. 00 No. 190.— Cloth: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. 38+ inches wide; picks per inch, 64x64; warp yarn, No. 30; weft yarn, No. 36; 5.15 yards per pound. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost .0093 .0185 33.45 66.55 . 0278 100. 00 No. 191.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 39 inches wide; picks per inch, 68x72; warp yarn, No. 28; weft yarn, No. 40; 4.75 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0137 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .0216 Amount. Total cost. Per cent of total. 38.81 61.19 100. 00 44 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 192.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 28 inches wide; picks per inch, 64x64; warp yarn, No. 28; weft yam, No. 36; 7 yards per pound. Amount ' Per cent Amount. | of total _ ( 'iisi of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $0. 0089 . 0144 38. 20 61.80 Total cost. 100. 00 No. 193.— Cloth : United States; 1898; unit, 1 yard. 28 inches wide; picks per inch, 64x64; warp yarn, No. 28; weft yarn, No. 38; 7 yards per pound. 1 Amount. $0. 0079 .0164 Per cent of total. 32.51 67.49 . 0243 100 00 No. 194.— Cloth: United States; 1898; unit, 1 yard. 35 inches wide; picks per inch, 76x72; average number of yarn used in warp and weft, 30; 4.42 yards per pound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost . Amount. . 0108 .0240 Per cent of total. 31.03 68.97 100. 00 No. 195.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 40 inches wide; picks per inch, 80x84; warp yarn, No. 28; weft yarn, No. 43; 3.90 yards per pound. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $0.0182 . 0331 35.48 64.52 Total cost. 100. 00 No. 196.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 40 inches wide; picks per inch, 64x68; warp yarn, No. 19^; weft yarn, No. 24i; 3.50 yards per pound. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0136 Cost of materials and all other items except labor I . 0348 28.10 71.90 Total cost. . 0484 100. 00 No. 197.— Cloth : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 yard. Sheeting; 36 inches wide; picks per inch, 62x62; warp yarn, No. 20; weft yarn, No. 22; 3.50 yards per pound. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials | $0. 0130 34. 85 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 0243 65. 15 Total COBl . .0373 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 45 No. 198.— Clolh : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 35 inches wide; picks per inch, 76x72; warp yarn, No. 30; weft yarn. Xo. 30. Amount. of totaL $0. 0119 29 97 . 0278 70 03 . 0397 100 00 No. 199.— Cloth: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 yard. 36 inches wide; picks per inch, 76x76; warp yarn, No. 36; weft yarn, Xo. 38. AmoiiDt. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0130 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 0178 Total cost 0308 42. 21 57.79 100. 00 CUTLERY. No. 200. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle; Congress pattern ; 3£ inches long; medium German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of English Wardlow steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost P3.41 3.00 53.20 46.80 No. 201. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same^eneral description as product Xo. 200, but having 1 blades. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials i $4.95 61. C4 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 3. 16 I 38. 96 Total cost 8. 11' 100.00 Xo. 202. — Pocketknives: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle; Senator pattern; 3+ inches long; ^-incli German-silver bolsters; German-silver lined ; 4 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons English blade steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $5. 36 Cost of materials and all other items except labor i. 98 Total cost 10.34 51.84 48.16 100.00 No. 203. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle; Senator pattern; 3^ inches long; i-inch German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons English blade steel. a »t !;-;,;;;;• Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $2.42 48.50 2. 57 51. 50 4.99 1 100.00 46 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 204. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 203, but having 4 blades. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. R 98 3.23 Per cent of total. 55.20 44.80 100. 00 No. 205. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle; Senator pattern; 3^ inches long; i-inch German-silver bolsters; brass liued; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Amount. Per cent of total. $3.98 2.65 00.03 39.97 6. 63 100.00 No. 206.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 205, but having 4 blades. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $4.63 3.63 8.26 56.05 43.95 No. 207. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle; Senator pattern; 3 inches long; medium German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of English Wardlow steel. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2. 36 .71 3.07 76.87 23.13 No. 208. — Pocketknives : United States ; 1897 ; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 207, but having 4 blades. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $4.18 Per cent of total. 82.45 17.55 100. 00 No. 209. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle; Senator pattern ; 3 inches long; ^-inch German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons' English blade steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $2.21 1.36 3.57 61.90 38.10 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 47 No. 210. — Pocketknive8 : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 209, but having 4 blades. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $3. 60 67. 54 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 1. 73 32.46 Total cost 5.33 100.00 No. 211. — Pocketknires : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle; Senator pattern; 3 inches long; i-inch German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Amount. Per cent of total. $2.89 1.10 72. 43 27.57 3.99 100. 00 No. 212.— Pocketknires: United States ; 1897-98: unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 211, but having 4 blades. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $3. 49 66. 73 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 1. 74 33. 27 Total cost 5. 23 100. 00 No. 213.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle; Congress pattern; 3J inches long; i-inch German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Amount. oftotal $1. 89 57. 80 1. 38 42. 20 3. 27 , IOC. 00 No. 214. — Pocketknires: United States; 189J-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 213, but having 4 blades. . . Per cent Amount. oftota , $2. 53 57. 24 1. 89 42. 76 4.42 ' 100 00 No. 215. — Pocketknires: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Stag handle; Senator pattern; 3| inches long; medium German-silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of English Wardlow steel. *™ ^„„t I >e r cent Amount. of totaL Cost of labor in transforming materials $2. 56 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .52 Total cost 3. 08 83. 12 16. 8S 100.00 48 COST OP PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 216. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 215, but having 4 blades. Amount. Per rent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total eost 1.25 .08 86.21 13.79 4.93 100. 00 No. 217. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Stag handle; Congress pattern; 3J- inches long; f-inch iron bolsters; iron lined; 2 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons' English blade steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials i $1. 93 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .96 Total cost I 2. 89 Per cent of total. G6.78 33. 22 No. 218. — Pochetknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 217, but having 4 blades. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $3. 21 1.37 Per cent of total. 70. 09 29.91 No: 219.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Stag handle; Congress pattern ; 3£ inches long; i-inch iron bolsters; iron lined; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.67 1.11 2.78 Per cent of total. 60. 07 39.93 No. 220.— Pocket knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 219, but having 4 blades. • Amount. rf fotal $2.89 65.38 1.53 1 34.62 4. 42 100. 00 No. 221.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Stag handle; bolster pattern; 3^ inches long; i-inch German-silver bolsters; brass Lined; 3 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost - Amount. Per cent of total. $1. 79 1.53 3.32 53. 92 46.08 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 49 No. 222. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ebony handle; Senator pattern; 3£ inches long; i-ineh German-silver holsters; brass lined; 2 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons' English blade steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . $2.10 .94 Total cost. I'll- cent of total. 69.08 30. 92 100. 00 No. 223. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 222, but having 3 blades. Amount Per cent • Of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $3. 13 1.25 71.46 20. 54 No. 224.— Pocketknives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ebony handle; bolster pattern; 3-j: inches long; 4-inch German silver bolsters; brass lined; 3 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost $1.74 1.17 59.79 40. 21 2.91 loo. oo No. 225. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ebony handle; 3± inches long; i-inch German silver bolster on one end; brass lined ; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. A-ount. 5»g $1.54 1.05 59.46 40.54 No. 226.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 225, but having lighter handle and blades. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Amount. $1.44 .95 Total cost. lVr rent of total. 60.25 39.75 100. 00 No. 227. — Pocketknives : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ebony handle; jackknife; 3$ inches long; medium German silver bolsters; brass lined; 2 blades of best English steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Amount. Total cost. S. Doc. 20- Per '-'''it of total. 77. 78 100. 00 50 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 228. — Pocketknives : United States: 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 227, but 3J inches long. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. is2.ll .78 Per cent of total. 73. 01 26 99 No. 229. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 227, but 3| inches long, and having 3 blades. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of matt-rials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.54 .114 Per cent of total. 72.99 27.01 100.00 No. 230.— Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit. 1 dozen. Ebony handle; straight jackkuife; 3* inches long; medium iron bolster; iron lined ; 2 blades of English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. 1.79 .41 Per cent of total. 81.36 18.64 No. 231.— Pocketknives: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle; jackkuife; 3| inches long; £-inch German silver bolster on one end; brass lined; 2 blades of Thos. Firths & Sons' English blade steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost l Per cent Amount. oftotal . $1.43 .85 62.72 37.28 100. 00 No. 232. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 231, but 3i inches lout . Per cent Amount. of tota] . Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. $1.54 .97 Total cost 2.51 61 . 35 38. 65 100. 00 No. 233. — Pocket-knives : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 231, but 3f inches long. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1.71 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 1. 13 Total cost 2. 84 60. 21 39.79 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 51 No. 234. — Pocketknives: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 231, but with iron bolster and iron lined. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor $1.18 .61 Total cost. C5.92 34.08 No. 235. — Pocketknives* United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle; jackknife; 3| inches long; 1-inch iron bolster on one end; iron lined ; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.75 1.08 61.84 38.16 100. 00 No. 236. — Pocketknives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle; jackknife; 3^ inches long; ^-inch iron bolsters; iron lined; 2 blades of forged English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0. 89 .87 Per cent of total. 50.57 49.43 No. 237. — Pocketknives: United States ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle; straight jackknife; 3£ inches long; medium iron bolster; iron lined ; 2 blades of English Wardlow steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. 83.03 16.07 100. 00 No. 238. — Pocketknives : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle; average size; metal bolsters and shield; 2 blades of good quality steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. I'll' . rill of total. $1.38 .20 87.34 12. 66 1.58 52 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 239.— Table knives: United States; 1*97-98; unit, 1 dozen. Pear] handle, 3| inches long; sterling silver ferrule, : ; inch long; Hush plain bol- ster; blade, 5| tot! inches long; drawn and forged of line grade American crucible steel. ( 'nst of labor in transforming materials Coat of materials ami all other items < xcepl labor Total cost Per cent of total. 36.59 G3.41 10(1.011 No. 240.— Table knives: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle, 2| inches long; sterling silver ferrule, 1 inch long; } inch Hush bol- ster; blade, 5Jr to 5 J incites long; drawn and forged of line grade American crucible steel and silver plated. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2.40 8.30 Per cent of total. 22.43 77.57 No. 241.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Pearl handle, 2f inches long; sterling silver ferrule, £ inch long; plain ^-inch bol- ster; blade, 5J to 6J inches long; forged of high grade American crucible steel and silver plated. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2.28 7.26 Per cent of total. 23.90 76.10 No. 242.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle of best grade, 3i inches long; plain |-inch bolster; blade, 5f to 6 inches long; drawn and forged of fine grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $2. o:',r> 4.075 15.11 Per cent of total. 33.31 66.09 100. 00 No. 243.— Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 242, but second quality of ivory is used in the handle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost \ Amount. Per cent of total. $2. 035 3.515 36.67 63.33 5.55 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 53 No. 244. — Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 212, but third quality of ivory is used in the handle. . . Percent Amount. of tota , ■— ■ Cost of laborlrj transforming materials $2,035 • Cost in' materials and all other items except labor -• '■>-'> 58. 97 Total eost 4. 96 100. 00 No. 245. — Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. ivory handle of medium grade, 3| incites long; plain A-inch bolster; blade, 5; to 6^ inches long; drawn and forged of ordinary grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor i ~ transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.30 4.74 Per cent of total. 21.52 78. 18 No. 246.— Table knives: United States: 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle of best grade, 3i inches long; plain J-inch bolster; blade, 5£ to 6£ inches long; forged of fine made American crucible steel. Amount. Percent of total. Cost of labor in transforming' materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.35 4.16 24. 50 75. 50 100. 00 No. 247. — Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 246, but a lower grade of ivory is used in the handle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1. 35 3.38 Per cent of total. 28.54 71. 4G No. 248.— Table knires: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozeu. Of the same general description as product No. 246, but a low grade of ivory is used in the handle. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 35 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 1. 59 Total cost I 2. 94 Tii- cent of total. 45.92 54.08 No. 249.— Table knives: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle, 4 inches long; |-inch bolster; blade, 6 inches long, of best English steel. , Per cent Amount of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all ol her items except Labor Total cost $0.94 7.18 ■ 11.58 88.42 8.12 L00. 00 54 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 250.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Celluloid handle, 3i inches long; plain |-inch bolster; blade, 5f- to 6 inches long; drawn and forged of tine grade American crucible steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1,555 1.255 Per cent of total. 55.34 44.66 100. 00 No. 251. — Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Celluloid handle, 4 inches long; plain J-inch bolster; blade, 5£ to 6 inches long; drawn and forged of ordinary grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.02 1.00 Per cent of total. 50.50 49.50 2.02 100. 00 No. 252.— Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Celluloid handle, 3f inches long; plain |-ineh bolster; blade, 5J to 64 inches long; forged of high grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.28 1.43 2.71 Per cent of total. 47.23 52.77 No. 253. — Table knives : United States ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Celluloid handle, 3A inches long; it-inch bolster; blade, 6 inches long, of best Eng- lish steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except laboi Total cost $0.77 1.25 Per cent of total. 38.12 61.88 100. 00 No. 254. — Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Rubber handle, 3^ inches long; plain 4-inch bolster; blade, 5f to 6 inches long, drawn and forged, of fine grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1. 395 .555 Per cent of total. 71. 54 28.46 No. 255.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Rubber handle, 4 inches long; plain 4-inch bolster; blade, 54_ to 6 inches long, drawn and forged, of ordinary grade American crucible steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost r . Per cent Amount, of total . $1.02 .86 54.26 45.74 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 55 No. 256. — Table knives : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Rubber handle, 3.1 inches long; A-inch bolster; blade, 6 inches long, of best English steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except Labor Total cost Amount. $0.75 .98 Per cent of total. 43.35 56. 65 No. 257. — Table knives : United States; 1897-98; uuit, 1 dozen. White bone handle, 3i inches long; J-inch metal bolster; blade, 5J inches long, machine made and ground, of cheap open-hearth steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. 3 .2208 66. 16 33.84 . 6525 100. 00 No. 258.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen. White bone handle, 3f inches long; plain i-inch bolster; blade, 5 J- to 6 inches long, drawn and forged, of best open-hearth steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost D.87 .68 Per cent of total. 56.13 43.87 1.55 100. 00 No. 259. — Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. White bone handle. 3} inches long; plain |-inch bolster: blade, 5J to 6J inches long; forged, of high-grade American crucible steel. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $1. 28 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .48 Total cost 1. 7G 72.73 100. 00 No. 260.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle, 31- inches long; no bolster; blade, 5J inches long, machine made and ground, of cheap open-hearth steel. Amount. I\ r C( ill of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 2883 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 0817 Total cost 37 77.92 22. 08 100.00 No. 261.— Table knives : United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 260, but having J-inch metal bolster. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost * »'■ jra* .11 . 4483 75.46 24. 54 100.00 56 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. TSo. 262.— Table knives: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood or cocobolo handle, :'•'. inches long; no bolster; blade, 5| inches long, machine cut, of low-grade open-hearth steel. i Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items excepl labor Total cost Per cenl of total. .162 .09 04. 29 35.71 No. 263.— Table knives: United stales; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood or cocobolo handle, 'Si inches long; plain J-inch holster; blade, 6 inches long, machine cut, of low-grade open-hearth steel, curved, and of slightly better finish than in product No. 262. A mount. Per cenl of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 223 Cost of materials anil all other items except labor . 125 Total cost 348 04.08 35. 92 No. 264.— Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Redwood handle, 3i inches long; no holster; blade, 51 inches long, forged, of cheap grade American crucible steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost D.21 .1224 . 3324 Per cent el' total. 63. IS 30.82 No. 265.— Table knives: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Solid steel; handle and blade in one piece; handle, 3i inches long; plain .V-inch bolster; blade, 5h inches long, drawn and forged, of best grade open-hearth steel. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 415 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 293 Total cost .708 Per cent of total. 58. 62 41.38 100. 00 No. 266.— Table knives : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Solid steel; handle and blade in one piece; handle, 3| inches long; blade, 5^ to 6 inches long, forged, of cheap grade American crucible steel. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items excepl labor Total cost 79. 28 20. 72 No. 267. — Table knives : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Solid steel; handle and blade in one piece; handle, 3{ inches long; i-inch bolster; blade, 5£ inches long; of best English steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all oilier items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 57 No. 268.— Table knives: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ebony handle; medium length; blade, of Siemens refined bar steel; an ordinary restaurant knife; handle bought already formed. \ » ,„*- Per cent Amount. rf t(ihi , $0,386 33. 33 . 772 66. G7 1. 158 ! 100.00 No. 269. — Table knives : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Ivory handle, 4 inches long; i-inch bolster; blade, 6£ inches long, machine made, of good ordinary steel. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. £0.85 3.65 Per cent of total. 18.89 81. 11 No. 270. — Table knives : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 269, but having handmade blade. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except laboi Total cost $0.91 3.65 Per cent of total. 19.96 80. 04 4.56 100.00 No. 271.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5| to 6 inches long; drawn and forged of fine grade American crucible steel; used in product No. 242. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost .70 .175 80.00 20.00 No. 272.— Table-knife blades: United Slates; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5 J- to of inches long; drawn and forged of fine grade American crucible steel; used in product No. 240. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost . Per cent Amount. oftotal> 3.62 .32 05.96 34.04 No. 213.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. •V} to 6J inches long; forged of fine grade American crucible steel ; used in product No. 246. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.02 .26 1 . 2S l'i v cent of total. 79. 69 20. 31 58 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 274. — Table-knife blades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 6 im-hes long; of best English steel ; used in product No. 249. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.63 .55 53. 39 46.61 1.18 100. 00 No. 275. — Table-knife blades: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 6 inches long; of best English steel; used in product No. 253. Cost of labor in transforming materials. Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Tot al cost $0.55 .51 Per cent of total. 51.89 48.11 1.06 No. 276.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5£ to 6 iuches long; drawn and forged of best grade open-hearth steel; used in product No. 258. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Per cent of total. 68.57 31.43 100. 00 No. 277.— Table-Jcnife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. oi to Gi incites long; drawn and forged of ordinary grade American crucible steel; used in product No. 245. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost , $0. 60 .24 .84 71.43 28.57 No. 278.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5i to 6 iuches loug; drawn and forged of ordinary grade American crucible steel; used in product No. 251. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other Items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. 71.25 28.75 100. 00 No. 279.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozeu. 5£ inches long; forged of cheap grade American crucible steel; used in product No. 264. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Tot cost .179 .074 70.75 29.25 .253 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 59 No. 280.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5£ inches long; machine made and ground; of cheap open-hearth steel; used in product No. 260. Per cent of' total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 1942 .0333 85.36 14.64 100. 00 No. 281.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 5| inches long; machine cut; of low grade open-hearth steel; used in product No. 262. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 078 .078 ,156 50.00 50.00 No. 282.— Table-knife blades: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. 6 inches long; machine cut; of low-grade open-hearth steel; curved; of slightly better finish than product No. 281; used in product No. 263. Cost of labor in transforming materials : $0. 0912 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ' . 0900 Per cent of total. Total cost . . 1812 50.33 49.67 No. 283. — Table-knife blades: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium size; of Siemens refined bar steel; used in product No. 268. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0. 3860 . 0965 I'd' cint of total. 80.00 20.00 No. 284. — Table-knife blades: Great Britain; 1897.; unit, 1 dozen. 6J inches long; machine made; of good ordinary steel; used in product No. 269. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.4461 .4055 52.38 47.62 .8516 100. 00 No. 285. — Table-knife blades : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 6£ inches long; baud made; of good ordinary steel; used in product No. 270. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost I). 5070 . 4055 .9125 Per cent Of total. 55. 56 44.44 60 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. FURNITURE. No. 286.— Plaintables: United States; 1897; unit, 1 table. Oak; turned legs, 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 24x42 inches. Amount. Cosl lit' Labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except Labor. $0. 70 .96 Per rent of total. Total cosl 1.66 12. 17 57.83 100. 00 No. 287.— Plain tables: United States; 1898; unit, 1 table. Oak; turned legs, 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 32x40 inches; made in lots of 100 or more Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost ill materials ami all other items except labor. Total cost £0.63 1.09 1.72 36.63 63.37 100.00 No. 288. —Plain tables: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 table. Oak; turned legs, 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 30x40 inches; made in lots of 100 or more. i Per cent Amount. of tofa] _ Cost of labor in transforming materials ( 'ust of materials and all other items except labor Total cost f0.49 1.15 1.64 29. 88 70.12 100.00 No. 289.— Plain tables: United States; 1897; unit, 1 table. Poplar top and rails; maple legs, turned, 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 24x42 inches. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.50 . .66 43. 10 56.90 100. 00 No. 290.— Plain tables: Great Britain ; 1897; unit, 1 table. Oak; turned legs, 4 inches in diameter; size of top, 42x42 inches. . . Per cent Amount. of t()taL Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.14 2.53 31.06 68.94 100.00 No.291.— Dining tables: United States; 1897; unit, 1 table. Oak ; extension top ; turned legs, 3A inches in diameter; size of top, 6 feet 6 inches long and 3 feet (> inches wide. . Per cent Amount. of total . Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.76 2.23 44.11 55.89 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 61 No. 292.— Dining tables : United States: 1898; unit, 1 table. Oak; extension top; turned legs, 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 6 feet 6 inches long and 3 feet 6 inches wide ; made in lots of 100 or more. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except laboi Total cost fO. 81 1.33 37. 85 62. 15 2.14 No.293.— Dining tables: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 table. Oak; extension top ; turned legs. 3 inches in diameter; size of top, 6 feet 6 inches long and 3 feet 6 inches wide; made in lots of 100 or more. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor Total cost $0. 075 1. '.C'i, 25. 67 74.33 No. 294.— Dining tables "Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 table. Oak; extension top; turned legs. 4 inches in diameter; size of top, 6 feet 6 inches long and 3 feet 6 inches wide. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.66 4.01 39. 88 60. 12 No. 295. — Benticood dining chairs: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Plain; varnished; without arms; caned seat. Cost of labor in transforming materials a Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Amount. $3.85 4.65 Per cent of total. 45.29 54.71 a A large proportion of convict labor is employed in the production of these chairs. No. 296. — Benticood dining chairs: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Plain; varnished; without arms; caned seat. Amount. Per cent of total. $2. 82 5.72 33 02 06 98 8. 54 100 00 No. 297. — Benticood library chair* : United States; 1N07; unit, 1 dozen. Plain ; varnished ; with arms; caned seat; larger and heavier than product No. 295. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials a. .*. Cost of materials and all other items except labor. $6.25 6.25 Total cost. Per cent of total. B0. 00 50. 00 100.00 a A large proportion of convict labor is employed in the production of these chairs. 62 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 298. — Bentivood library chairs: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Plain; varnished; with anus ; caned seat; larger and heavier than, product No. 296. ( lost <>f labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all o1 tier items excepl labor Total cost $4.62 7.70 Per cent of total. 37.50 62.50 No. 299. — Bentivood dining chairs: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Plain; varnished; without arms; caned seat. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials ami all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $4. 63 4.63 Per cent of total. 50.00 50.00 9.26 GLASS. No. 300. — Green (/lass pickle bottles: United States; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Crosse & Blackwell style; holding 20 ounces, and weighing 16^ ounces per bottle Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all otber items except labor Total cost $1. 63 2.30 41.48 • 58.52 3.03 100. 00 No. 301. — Green • (jlass pickle bottles : United States ; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Crosse & Blackwell style; holding 20 ounces, and weighing 16 ounces per bottle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1. 605 1.365 Per cent of total. 54.04 45.96 No. 302. — Green t/lass pickle bottles : United States; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Crosse &- Blackwell style; holding 20 ounces, and weighing 16 ounces per bottle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.00 1.44 Per cent of total. 52.63 47.37 No. 303. — Green glass pickle bottles: United States; 1898; unit, 1 gross. Holding 20 ounces, and weighing 17 ounces per bottle. Amount Per cent L of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials ami all other items except labor. $1.88 1.25 Total cost 60.06 39. 94 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 63 No. 304. — Green glass-pickle bottles : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Crosse & Blackwell stj T le; holding 20 ounces, and weighing 10 to 17 ounces per bottle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.03 1.46 Per cent of total. 41.37 58.63 No. 305. — Green glass spirit bottles: United States; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Holding 26j ounces, and weighing 25 ounces per bottle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1. 97 3.49 Per cent of total. 36.08 63.92 No. 306. — Green glass spirit bottles: United States; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Holding 26§- ounces, and weighing 25 ounces per bottle. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $1.88 2.25 45.52 54.48 No. 307. — Green glass spirit bottles: United States; 1898; unit, 1 gross. Holding 26 ounces, and weighing 26 ounces per bottle. • + Percent Amount. oftotal- Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $2.26 1.49 3.75 60.27 39.73 100. 00 No. 308. — Green glass spirit bottles : Great Britain ; 1897; unit, 1 gross. Holding 26§- ounces, and weighing 25 ounces per bottle. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1.15 1.91 Pi r cent of total. 3.06 37. 58 62. 42 MEN'S HATS. No. 309. — Stiff fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Cheap grade; made of coney fur; crown, 5-J inches deep; brim, 2 inches wide; unlined; bound edge; union band, 2 inches wide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $5. 535 4.815 10.35 Per cent of total. 53. 48 46. 52 64 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 310. — Stiff fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of coney fur; crown, 5J inches deep; brim, 2 inches wide; unlined; bound edge; union hand, 2 inches wide. ( 'us I of labor in transforming materials ( 'cist ill materials ami all either items except labor Total cost ft;. 77 0. 73 Per cent of total. 50.15 49. so 13. 50 100.00 No. 311. — Stiff fur hats: United States; -1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Fine grade; made of coney fur; crown, 5£ inches deep; brim, 2 inches wide; unlined; bound edge; silk band, 1 inch wide. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $8. 015 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 9. 495 Total cost 17.51 Per cent of total. 45. 77 54. 23 100.00 No. 312.— Stiff fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of mixed fur; crown, 54 inches deep; brim, 2\ inches wide; unlined; bound edge; uuion band, 1 inch wide. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $8. 25 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 6. 50 I Total cost 14. 75 55.93 44.07 No. 313.— Stiff fur huts: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 312, but having silk binding and band, liner trimmings, and made of liner fur. ^^•l^oTaL* $9. 60 48. 48 10.20 51.52 Cost of materials and all other iteni9 except labor 19. 80 , 100 00 No. 314.— Stiff fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product 312, but having silk binding and band, extra fine quality of trimmings, and made of extra fine quality of fur. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost $10.60 11.25 48.51 51.49 21.85 No. 315.— Stiff fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of mixed fur; (Town, bi inches deep; brim, 2-J- inches wide; unlined; bound edge; union band, 1 inch wide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Amount. $6.63 4.59 Per cent of total. 59.09 40.91 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 65 No. 316. — Stiff fur lints: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 315, but having finer trimmings, and made of finer fur. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost 3.84 7.85 Per cent of total. 55.62 44.38 No. 317.— Stiff fur hats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Cheap grade; average size; poor quality of finishings. Amount. Percent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials ■ $3. 13 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 4. 98 Total cost 8. 1 1 38.59 61.41 No. 318. — Stiff fur hats : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; average size; average quality of finishings. Amount. Percent <>f total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $3. 474 8. 106 30.00 70.00 No. 319.— Stiff fur hats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Fine grade; average size; good quality of finishings. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $4. 93 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 13. 60 Total cost 18. 53 26.61 73.39 No. 320. — stiff fur hats: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; average size; average quality of finishings. Amount. Per cent of total. $2.92 to $3.24 .'..'in to 6.49 34.27 to :::; 30 05. ?:: to ot;. 7ii Total cost 8. 52 to 9. 73 loo.oo loo oo No. 321.— Stiff fur hats: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Cheap grade; average size: poor quality of linishings. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost S. Doc. 20—5 Amount. Percent of total. $2.92 3.16 6.08 48.03 51.117 66 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 322. — Soft fur hats : United States ; 1897; unit, one dozen. Cheap grade; made of rabbit far; various shapes and sizes; unbound; unlined. Percent of total. Cost of Labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except Labor Tot;tl coat $1.89 4.48 29. 67 70.33 100. 00 No. 323. — Soft fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Cheap grade; made of coney fur; crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 3 inches wide; unlined; bonjid edge; wide union band ; tourist shape. Cost of labor in transforming materials $2. 517 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 5. 250 Total cost Percent of total. 32.41 67.59 7.7G7 No. 324.— Soft fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of coney fur; crown, 4£ inches deep if square, or 6 inches deep if round; brim, '6% inches wide; unlined; unbound; narrow union band. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. .772 .740 Percent of total. 29.14 70.86 100. 00 No. 325.— Soft fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of coney fur; crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 4 inches wide; unlined; unbound; narrow union band. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $3. 027 Cost of materials and all other items except labor I 8. 210 Total cost I 11.237 26.94 73.06 100. 00 No. 326.— Soft fur hats : United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; made of mixed fur; crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 3 inches wide; unlined; bound edge; union band, 2 inches wide. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . $5.43 7.81 Total cost. 41.01 58. 99 100. 00 No. 327.— Soft fur hats: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 dozen. Of the same general description as product No. 326, but having finer trimmings and made of finer fur. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $7.60 10.23 17.83 Per cent of total. 42.62 57.38 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 67 No. 328. — Soft fur hats : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Cheap grade; average size; average quality of finishings. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items exeept labor Total cost $1.85 2. 97 38. 38 61. 62 No. 329. — Soft fur hats : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; average size; average quality of finishings. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost ol materials and all other items except labor Total cost $3. 474 8.106 11. 580 Per cent of total. 30.00 70.00 No. 330. — Soft fur hats: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Fine grade; average size; good quality of hnishings. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost U. 632 12.738 17. 370 Per cent of total. 26.67 73.33 No. 331. — Soft fur It ais : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; average size; average quality of finishings. Amount. Per cent of total. $3. 41 to $3. 89 5. 11 to 5.84 40 02 to 39 98 59 98 to 60 02 Total cost 8. 52 to 9.73 100 00 100 00 No. 332. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium quality ; crown f>\ inches deep ; brim, 3i inches wide; lined; unbound. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except lahor Total cost Amount. K>. 82 3.21 Per cent of total. 20. 35 79.65 100. 00 No. 333. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium quality; crowu, o± inches deep; brim, 2§ inches wide; tinlined; bound edge. Ai nl. Cost of labor in transforming materials | $0.78 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 'J. 23 Total cost 3.01 Per cent of total. 25.91 74. 09 100. 00 68 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 334. — Soft irool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Crown, 5^ inches deep; brim, 2 J inches wide; unlined; bound edge; wide union band ; fedora shape. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor. Total cost. $1.58 3.16 Per cent of total. 33.33 06. 07 '" No. 335. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Crown,.") inches deep; brim, 2^ inches wide; unlined; unbound; narrow union band; crusher shape. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials anil all other items except labor - $1.10 2.20 33. 33 60.67 Total cost No. 336.— Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 3 inches wide; lined; raw edge; narrow union band. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost. Amount. $1.05 3.38 Per cent of total. 2::. 70 76.30 No. 337. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Crown, 5f inches deep; brim, 2f inches wide ; unlined; unbound; welt edge; wide union band. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost 1.12 J. 73 Per cent Of total. 29. 00 70. 91 100. 00 No. 338. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 3 inches wide; lined; bound edge; very wide union band; fedora shape. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials ( !osl of mail-rials and all other items except labor. Total cost No. 339. — Soft wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Unlined; raw edge; narrow union band; fedora shape. pi. 26 4.07 23.64 76.36 5.33 100. 00 ■ Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cosl of materials anil all other items except labor . Total cost $1.02 2.60 3.62 28.18 71.82 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 69 No. 340. — Soft wool hats: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade ; average size ; lined. Amount. Pit cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost .$1.52 2.86 34.70 65. 30 No. 341. — Soft ivool hats: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade ; average size ; unlined. Amount. Cost of labor m transforming materials $1. 703 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 3. 163 Total cost 4. 866 Per cent of total. 35.00 65.00 No. 342. — Flexible wool hats: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; crown, 6 inches deep; brim, 2| inches wide; unlined; bound edge; tourist or fedora shape. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 90 •J. 62 25.57 74.43 No. 343. — Flexible wool hats: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Medium grade; average size; unlined. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $1. 64 2.25 l'ri- ii nt of total. 42.16 57.84 IRON AND STEEL. No. 311. — Cast-iron pipe: United States; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Diameter, 6 inches; thickness, /„- inch; weight, 30i pounds per loot. a Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost , Amount. $4. 22 13.95 Per cent of total. 23.23 7H. 77 a This is the average size of cast-iron pipe produced by the establishment furnishing the informa- tion. Its cost represents the average cost of producing all sizes of cast-iron pipe from 3 inches to 18 inches in diameter. 70 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 345. — Cast-iron pipe: United States; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Diameter, 4 inches; thickness, -,;, inch; weight, 16£ pounds per foot. Cost nl' labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $5. 22 13.95 1'it mil of total. 27.23 72.77 No. 346. — Cast-iron pipe : United States; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Diameter, 3 inches; thickness, ,';, inch; weight, 11 pounds per foot. ( 'ost of labor in transforming' materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Amount. $6. 22 L3.95 Per rt hi of total. 30. 84 09. 16 1011.00 No. 347. — Cast-Iron pipe : Great Britain; i897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Average of various sizes. Cost of labor m transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Per cent of total. $7. 30 13. 99 34.29 65. 71 21.29 100. 00 No. 348. — Basic pig iron : United States: 1897-98; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. 6.25 93.75 Total cost. 9.60 No. 349. — Bessemer pig iron: United States; 1898; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost. Amount. $1.18 8.42 Per cent of total. 12.29 87.71 100. 00 No. 350. — Bessemer pig iron: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total rust $11. 80 9. 20 8.00 92.00 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 71 No. 351. — Bessemer pig iron: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost. Amount. $0.60 9.60 Per cent of total. 5.88 94.12 No. 352. — Foundry pig iron : United State's; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,210 pounds). Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost. Amount. Per cent of total. 7.93 92.07 100. 00 No. 353. — Foundry pig iron: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 ton (2,210 pounds). Amount. Per cent of total. $1.01) 8.75 in 26 89 74 9.75 100 00 No. 354. — Gray forge pig iron: United States; 1898; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. GO 8.27 6.76 93. 24 8.87 No. 355. — Gray forge pig iron : United States; 1898; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Amount. ! *?. <; ent of total. $1.28 15.26 7 11 B4 74 Total cost 8 39 100 00 No. 356. — Hematite pig iron: United States; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Amount. Per cent Of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost. $1.2:'. 11.54 9. 43 88. 46 10. 66 100.00 No. 357. — Cleveland pig iron: Great Britain ; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Amount, $o. 73 9. on I'd' cent of total. 7. 50 92.50 Total cost 9. 73 100. 00 72 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 358. — Hematite pig iron: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,2-10 pounds ). Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor is transforming materials ( '<»t of materials ami all other items except labor . Total cost $0.79 .. 25 6.56 9:1 44 12.04 No. 359. — Standard steel Trail*: United States; 1897; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Cost of labor in transforming materials. ...■ Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost- $2.70 15.30 Per cent, of total. 15.00 85.00 100. 00 No. 360.— Light steel Trails: United States: 1897-98; unit, 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost Amount. $3. 40 18.60 Per cent of total. 15.45 84.55 100. 00 No. 361.— Steel rails: Great Britain; 1890-94; unit, 1 ton, (2,240 pounds). Amount. Per cent of total. $3.67 20.16 15.40 84.60 23.83 100. 00 No. 362.— Steel rails: Great Britain; 1897; 1 ton (2,240 pounds). Basie Bessemer process. Amount. Per cent of total. ( lost of labor in transforming materials $1.95 17.52 10. 02 89.98 19.47 100. 00 LEATHER. No. 363. — Sole leather: United States; December, 1897; unit, 1 hide. Oak tanned; tanned from raw hides producing' an average of 42 pounds of finished leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . Total cost , $0. 52 9.26 Per cent of total. 5.32 94.68 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 73 No. 364. — Sole leather: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 bide. Oak tanned; best quality; tanned from tirst quality native rawhides, free from brands and without heads, producing an average of 36 pounds of finished leather per hide. A — »*■ S'tffl Cost of labor in transforming materials I $0. 73 Cost of materials and all other items except labor i 9. 71 Total cost 10. 44 6.99 93. 01 No. 365.— Sole leather: United States; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Oak tanned; tanned from Texas green-salted packed hides, producing an average of 47^ pounds of finished leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. £0. 93 8.17 Per cent of total. In. 22 89.78 No. 366.— Sole leather: United States; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Texas oak ; tanned from raw hides, producing an average of 51.54 pounds of finished leather per hide. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0.70 8.60 7.53 92.47 No. 367.— Sole leather: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw hide. Amount. Per cent of total. $0.42 to $0.50 5. 88 to 4.67 6. 72 to 10. 21 94. 12 to 95. 33 7. 14 to 10. 71 100.00 No. 368. — Sole leather: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw hides, producing on an average 36 pounds of leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. $1.00 10.30 8.71 89.70 No. 369. — Beltinf) leather: United States; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Untrimmed belting butts; tanned from native green-salted packer hides, produc- ing an average of 40.2 pounds of untrimrned butts per hide. , , l I'er cenl Al11 '"""' oftotal. $0. 93 9. 69 8.67 90.31 9.60 1110. OH 74 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 370.— Belting leather: United States; April, 1898; unit, 1 hide. Same as product No. 369, but at the diti'ereut date indicated. •Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total (••■si Amount. $0.96 9.40 Per cent of total. 9.27 90.73 No. 371— Belting leather: Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw hide. Amount. Per cent of total. 11.2H to 7.56 -Cost of materials and all other items except labor 7.93tol3.20 88. 80 to 92. 44 8. 93 to 14. 28 100 00 No. 372. — Harness leather: United States; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw hides, producing an average of 41 pounds of finished leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials •Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost. $1. CI! 9.82 Per cent of total. 14.24 85.76 100. 00 No. 313.— Harness leather: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw hides, producing an average of 40 pounds of finished leather per hide. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items ex.ce.pt labor. $1.90 8.40 18.45 81.55 Total cost. 100. 00 No. 374. — Harness leather: United Stages; 1897; unit, 1 hide Oak tanned from raw hides, producing an average of 37.2 pounds of finished leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials < lost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost Per cent of total. $1.54 9.32 14.18 85. 82 No. 375. — Harness leather: United States; 1897; unit, 1 hide. Oak tanned from green salted native steer hides, producing an average of 40.4 pounds of finished leather per hide. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost . $1.29 8.37 Per cent of total. 13.35 86.65 COST OF PRODUCTION" OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 75 No. 376. — Harness leather : Belgium; 1897: unit, 1 hide. Tanned from raw bides. Amount. Percent of Cost of labor in transforming materials $0.91 to $0.98 14. 56 to 12.20 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 5. 34 to 7. a". 85. 44 to 87. 80 Total cost 6. 25 to 8. 03 10U. 00 POTTERY PRODUCTS. No. 377. — Ironstone china plates : United States: 1897; unit. 1 i\ozen. 6-inch (actual diameter, 8 inches); plain: undecorated; weight, 12 ounces per plate. Amount. Pei cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost . 1076 .1929 35.81 64. 19 No. 378. — Ironstont china plates: United States; 1*97; uuit, 1 dozen. 6-inch (actual diameter, 7; inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 12 ounces per plate. Amount. Per cenl of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 14t>0 40. 00 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 2190 00. 00 Total cost. No. 379. — Ironstone china plates : United States: 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 7-inch (actual diameter, 9 inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 15.V ounces per plate. Amount. Per cenl of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 1139 ' 33. 6] Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 2250 06. 39 Tot ll cost . . 3389 l.io. ut; No. 380. — Ironstone china plates: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 7-inch (actual diameter, 8^ inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 15 (unices per plate. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. .1924 ,2351 Per cent of total. 45. 01 76 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 381. — Iron stone china plates : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 8-inch (actual diameter, 9£ inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 18i ounces per plate. Cost of Labor in transforming materials Cos! of materials and all other items except labor Total test $0. 1233 . 2568 Per cent of total. 32.44 67.56 100. 00 No. 382. — Ironstone china plates : United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 8-inch (actual diameter, 9£ inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 20 ounces per plate. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials ajfl all other items except labor Total cost $0. 2208 .2449 Per cent of total. .4657 47.41 52.59 100. 00 No. 383. — Ironstone china plates : Belgium; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 8^-iuch; plaiu; undecorated; I strength; average quality. Total cost. A-unf 5«2 Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 2050 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 4168 .6218 32.97 67.03 100. 00 No. 384. — Ironstone china plates : Great. Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 8-inch (actual diameter, 9J inches); plain; undecorated; weight, 19J ounces per plate ; average quality. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all otber items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent of total. .1520 .2129 , 3049 41. C6 58.34 100. 00 No. 385. — Ironstone china plates : Great Britaiu ; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. 7-inch (actual diameter, 9 inches) ; plain; undecorated; weight, 14 ounces per plate; average quality. Amount. Cost of labor in 1 ransforming materials $0. 1014 Cost of materials and all Other items except labor . 2028 Total cost Per cent of total. 33. 33 66.67 100. 00 No. 386. — Ironstone china cups and saucers: United States; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Cups with handles; plain; undecorated; style, "London teas" or "large teas." ( 'ust of labor in transforming materials Cosl of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 2295 . 2563 . 4858 Per cent of total. 47.24 52.76 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. < < No. 387. — Iron stone china cups and saucer s : United States; lSS'T: unit. 1 dozen. Of same general description as product N<>. 386. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 2171 46. 99 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 2449 bZ. 01 Total cost 4620 No. 388. — Ironstone china cups: Belgium; 1897; unit. 1 dozen. With handles; plain; undecorated; average quality; capacity, 5.4 ounces. Amount. ii. lr.iC. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor . _ 85 58. US 41.92 Total cost 3590 100. 00 No. 389. — Ironstone china cups axil saucers: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 dozen. Cups with bandies; plain; undecorated; style, "London teas" or "large teas.'' * »«'• ::s: Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 1217 25.01 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 3650 74. 99 Total cost 4807 WOOLEN GOODS. No. 390. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. White; best grade; all wool; warp,16cut; filling, 10 cut ; 46 threads of warp and 38 picks of filling per inch; size, 72x80 inches; weight, 6 pounds. Pet cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0,145 15.50 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .781 84. 44 Total cost 9^2 100. 00 No. 391. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. White; navy; all wool; warp, 7^ cut; filling, 6^ cut; 24 threads of warp and 24 picks of rilling per inch; size, 58x78 incbes; weight, 3J- pounds. Amount Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0978 Cost of materials and all Other items except labor • 3422 84. 72 Total cost 04d0 100. 00 No. 392.— Blankets: United states; 1897; unit, 1 pound. White; medium grade ; all wool; same general description as producl No. 390, bu1 made of cheaper quality wool. Cost, of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor .57 Per cent of total. 81. 13 Totalcost .70 100.00 78 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 393.— Blankets: United states; 1897; unit, 1 pound. All wool: warps, 11 cut; tilling, 9 cut ; 23$ threads of warp and 27 picks of filling per inch; size, 58x76 inches; weight, 2 pounds. Per cent lit' total. Cost of labor in transforming materials ('osi of materials and all other items except labor Total cost No. 394. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. White; best grade; cotton warp and wool tilling; warp, No. 16; filling, 10 cut; 52 threads of warp ami L2 picks of filling per inch ; size, 60x72 inches; weight, 5 pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. . 125 .608 Per lent of total. 15.76 84. 24 No. 395. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. White; mixed cotton and wool; warp, 10 cut; rilling, 10 cut; 36 threads of warp and 36 picks of filling per inch; size, 60x72 inches; weight, 5 pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. .135 .673 Per cent of total. ,808 10.71 83. 29 100. 00 No. 396. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Brown-gray; low grade; cotton warp and wool tilling; warp, No. 10; tilling, 4 cut; 24 threads of warp and 22 picks of tilling per inch; size, 50x72 inches; weight, 5 pounds. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 0825 .1714 48.13 51.87 100. 00 No. 397.— Blankets : United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Blue-gray; cotton warp and wool tilling; warp, No. 10; tilling, 6 cut; 34 threads of warp and 32 picks of filling per inch; size, 60x72 inches; weight, 6 pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. . 0750 .1758 Per cent of total. 29.90 70.10 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 79 No. 398. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Blue; cotton warp and wool tilling; warp, No. 10; tilling, 4 cut; 33£ threads of warp and 38 picks of filling per inch; size, (50x76 inches; weight, Si pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials ....' Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 0892 . 2146 Per cent of total. 29.36 70. 04 No. 399.— Blankets : United States ; 1897; unit. 1 pound. Horse; best grade; all wool; warp and tilling, both 5-cut ; 24 threads of warp and 24 picks of tilling per inch; size, 84x90 inches; weight, li pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. .1050 .4144 I'l-r cent ot total. 20.22 79. 78 100. 00 No. 400. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Horse; medium grade; all wool; warp and filling, both 5-cut; 22 threads of warp and 22 picks of tilling per inch ; size, 84x90 inches ; weight, 7 pounds. Amount. Per cent Of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0850 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .3607 Total cost ; .4157 19.07 80.93 No. 401. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Horse; plaid; all wool; warp and filling, both 4i-cut; 21+ threads of warp and 17 picks of tilling per inch; size, 78x80 inches; weight, 5 pounds. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials i $0.1000 I 21.42 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .3669 ' 78. 58 Total cost. No. 402. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Horse; low grade; mixed wool and cotton; warp and filling, both 4-cut; 20 threads of warp and 20 picks of tilling per inch; size, 84x90 inches; weight, 7 pounds. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost .0550 .1164 32. 09 07. ill 100.00 No 403. — Blankets: United States; 1897; unit, 1 pound. Horse; blue; cotton warp and wool filling; warp, No. 10; filling, 4-cut; :ii' threads of warp and 48 picks of filling per inch; size, 84x90 inches ; weight, 7 pounds. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except laboi Total cost .* Amount. $0,071-1 . 2209 Per cenl of total. 24.43 75. 57 80 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. N<>. 4(>4.. — Blankets: Belgium ; 1SH7; unit, 1 pound. White; all wool; medium quality. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0.0525 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 2977 Total cost . Per cent of total. 14.99 85. Ul No. 405.— Cloth: United States ; March, 1898; unit, 1 yard. Beaver; .">1 inches wide; weight, 29 ounces per yard; warp yarn, No. 16 colored col ion ; weft yarn, J of 2| run and J of 1 run shoddy ; 85 ends of warp and 62 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 240 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .Gil Total cost ! .851 Per cent of total. 28. 20 71.80 No. 406.— Cloth : United States; March, 1898; unit. 1 yard. Cassimere: 54 inches wide ; weight, 20£ ounces per yard ; warp yarn, 2£-run ; weft yarn, 2|-run ; 50 ends of warp and 36 picks of weft per iuch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.20 .64 23.81 76.19 100. 00 No. 407.— Cloth : United States; March. 1898; unit, 1 yard. Cassimere; 54 inches wide; weight, 22 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 2-ruu; weft yarn, 2^-run ; 50 euds of warp and 36 picks of tilling per inch. ( lost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. . 2100 .6725 . 8825 Per cent of total. 21!. 80 76. 20 No. 408.— Cloth : United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cassimere; 54 inches wide; weight, 26 ounces per yard: warp yarn, 4-run ; weft yarn, 5-run ; 75 ends of warp and 64 picks of weft per inch. a«„ sa $0.3654 i 28 31 .9252 71.69 1 2906 100 00 No. 409.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cassimere; 51 inches wide; weight, 20 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 4-run; weft yarn, 5-run ; 60 ends of war]) and 52 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Cost of labor in t ransl'orniing materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost $0. 2801 .7172 Per cent of total. 28.09 71.91 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 81 No. 410.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cassimere; 55 inches wide; weight, 22 ounces j>er yard; 44-run yarn, single, doubled, and twisted, is used in both warp and weft; 38 ends of warp and 38 picks of weft per inch. \«^„«f Per oenl Amount, of total. $0.2163 i 17.30 1. 0337 82. 70 1. 2500 | 100 00 No. 411. — Clot h : United States; November. 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cheviot; 56 inches wide; weight, 32 ounces per yard; warp yarn, two-ply No. 24 worsted face and 2^-run wool; back weft-yarn, 2f-run face and 2-run back; 80 ends of warp and 60 picks of weft per inch. Cost of labor iii transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0. 42 1.08 Per eent of total. 28.00 72.00 No. 412.— Cloth: United States ; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cheviot; 55 inches wide; weight, 28 ounces per yard; V ( run yarn used in both warp and weft; 38 ends of warp and 32 picks of weft per inch. Cost of labor in transforming materials ( lost of materials anil all other items except labor Total cost $0. Per eent of total. 22. 45 77.55 No. 413.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cheviot; half shoddy; 56 inches wide; weight. 22 ounces per yard; If run yarn is used in both warp and weft; 28 ends of warp and 26 ends of weft per inch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.15 .38 Per cent Of total. 28.30 71.70 No. 414. — Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cheviot; piece dyed; 55 inches wide; weight. 20 ounces per yard; 2 threads of 3| runs each, doubled and twisted, used in both warp and weft; 10 ends of warp and 30 picks of weft per inch. ( 'ost of labor in transforming materials < !os1 of materials and all other items excepl labor Total COSl Amount. ... $0.1688 . . .5812 7500 Pel' eenl of total. 22.51 77.49 100.00 S. Doc. 20- 82 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 415.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Kersey; high grade; finely finished; 55 inches wide: weight, 20 ounces per yard; 4$ run yarn is used in both warp and" weft: 18 ends of warp and 48 picks of weft per inch. Co8l of labor in transforming materials I !os1 of materials and all oilier items except labor Total cost HO. 54 1.21 Per cent of total. 30. 86 09. 14 1.75 100. 00 No. Uli. -chilli: United States ; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Kersey; 55 inches wide; weight, 27 ounces per yard ; warp yarn, 4 run ; weftyarn, 4.1 run lace and 2 run back; 76 ends of warp and 60 picks of weft per inch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.38 .81 Per cent of total. 31.93 68.07 No. 417. — Cloth: United States: November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Kersey; piece dyed; 55 inches wide; weight, 32 ounces per yard; warp yarn, §• of 7 run and i ; of 2f run ; weft yarn, j of 5 run and -} of 2+ run ; 88 ends of warp and 66 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials [ $0. 4202 Cost of materials and all other items except labor ! 1. 4498 Total cost 1. 8700 Per cent of total. 22.47 77.53 100. 00 No. 418.— Cloth : United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Kersey ; one-third shoddy ; 56 inches wide ; weight, 28 ounces per yard ; warp yarn, 20 ends of 3} run and 20 ends of H run per inch; weft yarn, 2 run; 40 ends of warp and 40 picks of weft per inch. ( lost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total (tost Amount. Per cent of total. 25.09 74.91 No. 419.— Cloth : United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Kersey; half shoddy; piece dyed; 55 inches wide; weight, 32 ounces per yard; warp yarn, f of 3 run and £ of 1 run ; weft yarn, 2£ run ; 54 ends of warp and 40 picks of weft per inch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Pen . 2388 .6112 . K500 of total. 28.09 71.91 COST OP PRODUCTION OP CERTAIN ARTICLES. 83 No. 420 — Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Frieze; 55 inches wide; weight, 32 ounces per yard; war]) yarn, 3{ run: weft yarn, H run ; 44 ends of warp and 44 picks of weft perinch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. Per cent "i total. $0. 26 25. 49 . 7li 74. 51 No. 421.— Cloth: United States; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Melton; 54 inches wide; weight, 28 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 3 run; weft yarn, 3| run; 58 ends of warp and 54 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Per cent cii' total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $U. 2549 25. 67 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 7281 [ 74. 33 Total cost 9930 100. 00 . I 1 No. 422. — Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Thibet; 55 inches wide; weight, 23 ounces per yard; 3.} run yarn used in both warp and weft; 95 ends of warp and 46 picks of weft per inch. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor Total cost Amount. $0.32 .80 Per cent of total. 28.57 71.43 1.12 No. 423. — Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Thibet; piece dyed; 55 inches wide; weight, 22 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 5 run; weft yarn, 11 run ; 46 ends of warp and 32 picks of weft per inch. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 1825 Cost of materials and all other items except labor .4675 Total cost i . 6500 28.08 71.92 100.00 No. 424.— Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Tricot; piece dyed; 32 inches wide; weight, ?>\ ounces per yard ; V>\ ran yarn used in both warp and weft; 35 ends of warp and 26 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 035 i 25. oo Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 105 J 7."'. 00 Total cost 100. 00 No. 425. — Cloth: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Whip cord; 55 inches wide; weight, 22 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 5f run and 9 run, twisted; weft yarn. 4 run; 98 ends of warp and 40 picks of weft per inch. Amount. Per cent of total. 1.18 24.86 75. 64 Total cost 1.56 100. 00 84 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 426.— Cloth : United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 yard. Woolen cloth ; 55 inches wide; weight, 23 to 24 ounces per yard; warp yarn, 2-ply 31 run wool; weft yarn, 2-ply ,-',, worsted; 30 picks per inch. Amount, Per cent of total. Cosl of labor in transforming materials (Just of materials and all other items excepl labor. Total rost $0.24 16.44 1.22 83.56 1.46 100. 00 No. 1:27.— Cloth : Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Cheviot; 54 inches wide; worsted warp and woolen weft; warp 2 fold No. 10 worsted; weft No. 9^ and No. 30 twist; 20 picks per inch. Amount. Per cent of total. Cosl of labor in transforming materials $0.2233 29.45 • ust of materials and all other items except labor . 5349 ' 70.55 Total cost. 100. 00 No. 428. — Cloth: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Melton; 54 inches wide; woolen warp and weft; warp No. 12; weft No. 12; 32 picks per inch. Per cenl of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials ' $0. 2020 29. 89 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 4752 i 70. 1 1 Total cost .0778 No. 429.— Cloth: Great Britain; 1897; unit, 1 yard. Undress worsted; 56 inches wide; woolen. warp and weft; warp No. IS; weft No. 18; 50 picks per inch. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 2-107 25.15 Cost of materials anil all other items except labor .7102 74. 85 Total cost . 9509 No. 430.— Woolen yam: United States; 1897-98; unit. 1 pound. No. 1 yarn. 100.00 Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 0200 5.44 Cosl of materials and all other items except labor I . 4522 ] 94.56 'filial COSl 100.00 No. 431. — Woolen yarn : United States; December, 1897; unit, 1 pound. No. 2 yarn. Cost of labor in transforming materials Cost of materials and all other items except labor. Total cost '. Per cent of total. $0. 0287 . 5773 . 6060 4.74 95. 26 100. 00 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. 8f> No. 432. — Woolen yarn: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 pound. No. 2 yarn. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials : $0.0800 21.82 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 2866 78. 18 Total cost I .3666 100. 00 . I No. 433. — Woolen yarn: United States; 1897-98; unit, 1 pound. No. 3 yarn. Amount. Per cent of total. $0. 0382 .4987 7 11 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 92.89 Total cost. .5369 No. 434. — Woolen yarn: United States; December, 1897: unit, 1 pound. No. 3 yarn. ^°unt. Sffi Cost of labor in transforming materials $0.0337 5.50 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 5788 94. 50 Total cost 6125 100.00 No. 435. — Woolen yarn: United States; November, 1897; unit, 1 pound. Xo. 3+ yarn. Amount. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0. 1000 23. 12 Cosl of materials and all other items except labor 3325 | 76.88 Total cost 100.00 No. 436. — Woolen yarn: United States; December, 1897; unit, 1 pound. No. 4 varn. Amount. Per cent of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0 6.49 Cost of materials and all other items except labor . 5938 | 93. 51 Total cosl . . 6350 100.00 No. 137.— Woolen yarn: United States ; 1897-98; unit, 1 pound. No. 5 yarn. . . Per cent A """ n " of total. Cost of labor in transforming materials $0.0640 1<>. 48 Cost of materials and all other items except labor 89. 52 Total cost 10(1.00 86 COST OF PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES. No. 438. — Woolen yam: United States; December, 1897; unit, 1 pound. No. 5 yarn. Cost of labor in transforming materials