fUi » ' '?-' :}\ii ;*>':' «■>' f*, >' b'- ^;f. >>■>.• ' I 1 > ) > ? y t i t « , 5oIlaer-t3 intiq. S.^Ammca. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CHIMU. KINO OT MANSERICHE OR TILUJILLO, PER.U. \ ANTIQUARIAN, ETHNOLOGICAL AND OTIEK EESEAECHES IN ■ ^' NEW GRANADA, EQUADOE, PEEU AND CHILE, WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRE-INCAEIAL, INCAEIAL, AND OTHEE MONUMENTS OF PEEUVIAN NATIONS. V »• f By WILLIAM BOLLAEET, RE. O.S. / COBR. MEM. OF THB UNIV. OF CHILE, BXC. ETC. WITH PLATES. LONDON : TEUBNEE & CO., PATEENOSTEE EOAY. 1860. [The Right of translation is reserved.] /- :? ^Lj o 3^ D. la>:e, pri:>*tei?, 43, lamb's coxduit street, wx. • t t tt c c ^ . . . . • • DEDICATION I\) SIR EODEEICK IMPEY MURCHISON, G. C. St. S., M.A., . D.C.L., V.P.E-.S., Director-Gexeeal op the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Trust. Brit. Mus., CoRii. Ins. Ee., etc. etc. etc. Dear Sir, — The distinction to whick yon haye attained in the scientific •'orld, and the interest you have ever evinced in all matters anv ray appertaining to geological, geographical and kindred pursuits, rove that I could not dedicate this volume k) one more orthy of honor and respect than yourself. Proud of the permission, and sincerely wishing the present ork were more worthy of your iicceptance, I remain. Dear Sir, Your obliged and faithful servant, W. BOLLAERT, fC^A m *M}^ ANTIQUARIAN, ETHNOLOGrlCAL, AND OTHEK EESEAKCHES IN NEW GRANADA, EQUADOR, PERU, & CHILE. NEW GEAKADA. West Indies — New G-ranada — Santa Marta — History of Chibchas, or Muiscas — Emeralds — Carthagena— Isthmus of Darien — Panama — Antiquities of New Gi'anada— Chibcha Calendar— Ciiibcha language and Aocabularies. The publication of the "Manual of Ethnological Inquiry," by the British Association, in 1S52, gave me methodical instruction on the subject of ethnology in particular, and was of great use to me during my second visit to the New World, in 1853-4. The following passage — " Any amount of knowledge, however trifling it may appear in itself, may be of great value inconnexion with other knowledge, and, therefore, will be welcomed " — leads me to hope that my researches and observa- tions on some of the South American races, and their peculiar civilization, may not prove uninterestiug.^ At present, one gets to the West Indies from Europe by steamer, in about twelve days, and to the shores of Terra Firma in three or four more. "VVe look about and inquire for the aboriginal race of the Antilles, once so populous. AYe are told that none are left — that they have long since been exterminated by the ruthless Spanish invader. AYe make some research and find that of the millions who at the discovery of Americapeopled Santo Domingo, not one pure descendant uowexists; that there are only a few Carib families in the islands of St. Vincent and Trinidad, — that they are an indolent and harmless race, fast verging on extinction — intermai-rying with jS"egroes and producing the Zambo, or with the Whites giving rise to the Mustee. ' Abstract of these observations read at the Dublin meeting of the British Asso- ciation, 1857. — Sec Transactions of sections X21. U 2 4 !Sehomburgli thinks that some ol" the luoimments in Santo Domingo are the work of an earlier race than those discovered by the Spaniards, Having sailed over the Caribbean Sea, we alight upon the bold shores of Colombia, covered with dense tropical vegetation. In the back ground are seen the icy peaks of the Sierras of Santa Marta, 20,000 feet or more above the ocean, and, amongst other great rivers, the Mag- dalena, where the magnificent Victoria liegia is found in such abund- ance as to be a troublesome weed.^ The first point 1 visited was Santa Marta, 11° 15' JN"., one of the principal ports of New Granada. Near to the town are a few Tanganga Indians, who are fishermen. At the period of the conquest this district was called Citarme, and with the Tangangas were other tribes, particularly the Gairas and Dorsinos. Acosta^ mentions that the Indians of this district had much gold and copper, also (/Hi copper — and the copper was gilt by the use of the juice of a plant rubbed over it, then put into the fire, when it took the gold colour. This author gives a drawing of an altar (destroyed by a Komish priest) of the Arauco Indians who inhabited the mountains of Santa Marta ; also a curious terra totta figure, the work of the ancient inhabitants of this part of the country. New Granada produces cocoa, tobacco, cotton, indigo, rice, and sugar, in its fruitful vallies or savannas ; also timber, dye woods, and cinchonas. There are pearl fisheries on its coasts. Its mountains and streams yield gold, silver, platina, and other metals ; the mines of rock salt, coal, and emeralds are important. The natives of the coast of the Atlantic, from Chiriqui to Goajira are of the Carib race,^ and very like the Brasilo-Guarani ; so are the Mocoas, Sebondoyes, Pastuzos, and others. Those of the country of Tuqueres correspond to the An do-Peruvian race. The tribes of Clioco,'^ Antioquia,^ Cauca, Popayan,^ and Neiva have rather an ^ Down the Parana drift Camilofes, or large water lilies, and in the lagoons are anchored islands of the Victoria Regia, or Maiz del Agua (corn of the water); for its seeds are powdered into meal, from which is made excellent and nutritious bread. — La Plata, &c., by Page, U.S. Navy. " Compendio Historico de la Nueva Granada, por J. Acosta, Paris, 1 vol. 8vo. — Eesumen de la Historia de N. Granada, por C. Lopez, Bogota. ^ Memoria de la Nueva Granada, por Mosquera, New York, 1852. ■* Choco or Cholo, Indians of N, Granada, from the gulf of San Miguel to the Bay of Chocd, and thence, with a few interruptions, to the northern parts of Equador. — " Literature of the American Aboriginal Languages," by Herman E. Lude- wig, Trlibner, London. ^ Some gold ornaments from Antioquia, 6'^ 50 N., are described further on a- havintj something of an Aztec or Toltec character. 5 Aztec character.^ The Chibchas or iMuiscas have analogies witli tlie , Ando-Periivians. --. Some nations are still in a savage state, as the Mesayos, Caquetes, Choques, Mocoas, Omaguas, Goajiras, and others. Those on the li\o Kacha are stubborn, have long faces, their noses rising in the centre, gives them a stern look. Many of the wild tribes preserve their languages, but the Chibchas and allied nations have nearly lost theirs and now speak Spanish. The Mesayos and some others are said to be cannibals and hardly recognise a Supreme Being ; good and evil they attribute to the sun and moon ; their ideas as to the immortality of the soul are very imperfect, and they believe in transmigration. The Pubenanos and Coconucos were ruled, at the time of the conquest, hj the chief Payan, and the Paeses and Pijaos by Calambas. In early times these tribes were united with those of Pasto, 1" 15' iS"., to defend themselves against the nations of Quito ; with the latter were those Peruvians brouglit in by Huayna-Capac, and who, after his death remained with Atahualpa. The Coconucos cultivated maize, also other plants, including the potato, (Turma)^ and patata (sweet potato). The potato grows wild in the mountains of Paletera. They counted by sevens, and as well as the Chibchas used and still use the Quipo or knotted coloured strings ^fosquera says, there is no evidence to show that the Chibchas had the Quipu-" from the Peruvians. ^ Yelasco, His. del -/eyno de Quito III, 38. — The Indians of Popayan aro descendants of the Caribs of the Antilles. J. Aeosta, 161<, speaks of the powerful chief of Popayan — of a fortress capable of holding 3000 men — a city, tlie houses of which were large and covered with straw — and of a temple consecrated to their Bacclins. - There is a valley in the interior once called Tnrmas, where the potato grew in abundance. In the Chibcha language the potato is Yorai ; in Peru this root is known as Papa. Tschudi says, there is no word in Quichua for potato, but in the Chinchay- suyo it is Acsu. The patata is called camote in Peru, but its Quichua name is Apicliu. ^ Humboldt observes : That before the introduction of hieroglyphical painting the Mexicans used the Quipu (this Prescott doubts) and which is not only found among the Canadians, but in remote times amongst the Chinese, a.d. 554, the rviin of the Tsin dynasty occasioned great disturbances in Eastern Asia, and about this period the Toltecs were coming south ; a.d. 6i8 is given as the change from the Quipu to painting in Mexico. The Scyris, or kings of Quito, were between the Chibchas and Peruvians, and the Quipu does not appear to have been known to the Scyris. It seems to me that the Chibchas obtained the Quipu at the time of the conquest of Quito by the Peruvians. The leaves of the Ki is used among the women of tlie Sandwich islands as the Quipu. They had stone instruments for tilling the land ; they masticated the narcotic hayo (the coca of the Peruvians) with Pic or Mambi (an . alcaline ash). Inde, a word of affirmation, was similar to the English word indeed. The Coconucos still believe in evil spirits. Evil is Puil, likewise the name of the moon. Pansig, another term for the devil. Good they expect from Puitcher, also the name for the sun ; the stars Sil, the pleiades site-silg ; the word site may come from the Spanish word siete ; the planets, Silg or Sull ; the month Canapuil, or a moon. The wild Indians are generally polygamists, and some — as the Groijeros — have a wife for household affairs : another, who is the superior, for hunting and war. The fierce and unsubdued Groajiros^ inhabit the base of the mountains of Santa Marta. When arms have failed against the savages, the Spaniards have resorted to missionaries to subjugate them. Even these have failed with the Goajiros, who would make a priest load his own shoulders with the things his peons had brought, and thus conduct him to their borders. Amongst the Goajiros a maternal uncle was counted a nearer relative than the father, " the child of a man's wife may be his, or it may not ; but beyond a peradventure the son of the daughter of his mother must be his nephew." Eor interesting statistics^ of New Granada I refer to G. MoUien,'^ who observes, that documents of every kind are scarce ; the journals, the memoirs of the viceroys, in which such valuable materials for American Statistics were to be found, have all been carried off or burnt ; the members of the government (the Eepublican) are themselves in a great degree ignorant of the details of administration. In 1817,-'^ the Spanish General, Murillo, was successful against the Republicans. His entry into Bogota was the signal for the most sanguinary executions ; he immolated more than 600 persons, including the men of talent : he caused their books and manuscripts to be brought to the public square and burnt. When the botanist, Caldas, was called upon to deliver up his precious papers, he exclaimed : " Take my life, but leave the manuscripts, they are treasures indeed ; they have been the work of my entire life ; there are things there, discoveries, never to be found again if you destroy my writings. Eor the love of God, save those papers ! take them — if you like — to the King of Spain, for they belong to my country ; better that this treasure sliould be in the 1 Ilolton's N. Granada, 27. 2 Colombia, in 1822-3. '■* La Creation et ses Mysteres Depoiles, ]iar A. Snider, iOl. — Paris, 8vo, 1858. hands of an enemy, than destroyed ; posterity will bless you." Murillo ordered the execution of Caldas, and burnt twelve cart-loads of his manuscripts and books ! Caldas was born in Popayan, 1771. Shot in 1816.1 There was published in Bogota, the " Papal Periodico de Santa Fe de Bogota,"'- and alluded toby the"Mercurio Peruano," in its lirst number, of 1791. The " Mercurio" hoped, that before 1800 similar journals would appear in Buenos Ayres and Chile. The " Mercurio " went on for a few years, but was stopped by order of the Spanish government. However such periodical works gave much information relative to the ancient and modern history of the country and were important movers in the revolution which caused the colonies to separate from the mother country. Before entering into details of the history of the Chibchas, I may mention that the principal city of that nation was Santa Fe de Bogota, then called Theusaquillo, in 4° 36' N., 74° 14' W. Its mean tempera- ture is 58° Fahr., is 8650 feet above the sea. Present population, 50,000 souls ; and, situated on a plateau surrounded by mountains, the country is subject to frequent earthquakes. The present population of the Republic is as follows : Whites ..... 450,000 ) Intelligent and Whites, as Quaterones and Mestizos . 1,029.000 S active. Indians, civilized . 310,000 . ,^^ ^^^ "^ Patient, suspi- Tndians, uncivilized . 120,000 4wi,uuu ^ ^.^^^^ frugal. Mulattos and Zambos . . 383,000 Strong, intelli- gent, brave. Negroes, Ethiopic race . . 80,000 Patient, distrustful. In 1843. — The census gave a popiJation of 1,932,279 " 1851.— Ditto ditto 2,243,730 " 1858.— Estimated at . . 2,500,000 M. Reclus-'^ states, that before the Conquest, N. Grranada had a population of eight millions.^ 1 Holton 265. Biography of Caldas, 2 See Seminario Granadino, Paris edition, 1859— was commenced in 1808 by Caldas, called by Holton the G-ranadan Frankhn. 3 Bulletin de la Soc : de Geographic de Paris, Jan. et Eev., 1859. ** See Chronological Table of N. Granada, Holton 593. 8 HISTOET OF THE CHIBCITAS OE MUISCAS.i The country of the Chibchas- comprehended the table-Lands of Eogota and Tunja, the vallies of Fusagasuga, Pacho, Caqueza, and Tensa, the territories of Ubate, Chiquinquini, Moniquira, and Leyva, and then by Santa Eosa and Sogomoso to the highest jjart of the Cordillera, from whence are seen the plains of Casanare. Its most extreme point to the N. is about Serinza in 6° N., and in the S. Suma Paz in 4°. Its length is near 45 leagues, the width from 12 to 15. The greater portion of the population living in a cold climate without cattle, had to be careful and industrious, and had such abundance, that they sent to neighbouring districts gold in barter for fish and fruits of the hot countries. The Chibchas were bounded on the "W. by the Musos, Colimas, and Panches, warrior and ferocious tribes, with whom they were in continual hostility. On the N. were the Laches^ Agataes, and Guanes, and on the E. by small tribes, who inhabited the country towards the plains, or in the slopes of the eastern cordillera. Three principal chiefs governed the Chibchas with absolute power, and were blindly obeyed. The Zipa lived at Muequeta (Funza) ; the country then was surrounded by lakes and arms of the river that watered the beautiful plain, in the centre of which was the city. The Zaque first resided at Eamiriqui,^ afterwards at Hunsa or Tunja ; lastly, the chief of Iraca, who represented the theocratic element, as the successor of Nemterequetaba, the first civiliser of these regions, and who came to them from the East, by Pasca, and disappeared at Suamos or Sogomoso ; from which point, towards the plains, the natives made a broad road, which was to be seen at the end of the 17th century. The Usaques, or chiefs of the towns of Ebaque, Guasca, Guatavita, Zipiquira, Fusagasuga, and Ebate, had only, in later times, lost their independence. The Zipa subjected them, but they preserved their juris- diction and succession to the caciqueship, reserving to himself the power of nomination when there was no heir, in which case he generally chose from amongst the Guechas or military chiefs who commanded on his frontiers. 1 Translated from " Compendio Historico del Descubrimiento j Colonization de laNueva Granada, por el Coronel Joaquin Acosta, 8o. Paris, 1848. - Sometimes called Muiscas, and was, after the Mexican and Peruvian nations> the next or third group of aborigines, who had claims to civilization. 3 See Velez further on, for Pre^Chibcha remains. The country of the Zaque was called Quimi-Zaque, E'er v as. —Stevenson I., 399. Ilunca or Hunsa may mean, Jwl^ citi/.—'F\inzsi, said to have been the C apital of the Muiseas, the most powerful of the Chibcha nations in N. Granada.— Holton, 202. The Zaque of Hunsa had likewise some tributary chiefs, ])iit tiie Zipa continued to enlarge his dominions to the N. at the expense of liis neighbour. Had the Spaniards not arrived when they did it is probable that the Zipa of Bogota would have been the master of the whole of the Chibcha^ territory, if we may judge from the rapid conquests he had made. The Zipa we have some notice of was Saguanmachica, who began to govern about 1470. He conquered the Sutagaos, and their chief, Usathama, who, assisted by the cacique Tibacui, came to defend the valley of Eusagasuga near Pazca, where the open country commences. The Sutagaos made but little resistance, and Tibacui being wounded, advised Usathana to submit to the Zipa, so as to preserve his state from devastation. Saguanmachica descended with his army from the paramo or elevated plains of Tusinga to Pasca, which had then a well-beaten road to the valley of the Magdalena, he marched over the pleasant country of the valley of Fusagasuga, and returned to the table-land of Bogota by the mountains of Subya. The Zipa then prepared to extend his dominions towards the E. and N. He had many encounters with the cacique Ebaque (blood IDf wood) now Ubaque, to w^hom all the towns of the valley of Caqueza jdelded obedience. He then went towards Choconta, where Michua, the Zaque of Hunza, awaited him wdth his army. The battle was fought xith. such obstinacy that both chiefs fell, and the two armies retired to )ury their dead and indulge in prolonged drunkenness, which was the justom when celebrating joy or grief. Saguanmachica reigned twenty years, and was succeeded by Neme- [uene (bone of lion), he sent his nephew and heir, Thisquezuza^, to shastise the Sutagoas, who had rebelled, and for which end he made k wide road by the mountains of Subya, portions of which was seen for Qany years after the conquest. To subject the cacique Guatavita (end of the mountains), jSTemequene lad recourse not only to force but to cunning, and taking advantage of mandate of Gruatavitas, which ordained that none of his people, who vere celebrated for their industry and ability in the working of gold and ^ Chibcha may have been the name given by the Spaniards to the inhabitants, 'om the divinity Chibchachum, to protect or support. Muisca, means a man. Cim- inimarca, from Cundi-rumarca, seems rather an imaginary name for a portion ■f this country. Yelez lias but httle behef that the people of this part of IS". Granada ailed themselves either Muiscas or Chibchas. Muisca comes from Mu, the body ; sea, five, or body of five extremities. - In the province of Tarapaca, South Peru, is a family named Quispe-Sugso, laiming descent from the Incas, 10 jewels, that they should not absent themselves to any neighbouring country without two from thence taking their place to work and i pay tribute : thus Nemequene filled Guatavita with his adherents ; he also gained over to his side the cacique Gruasca,^ and approaching cautiously one night by the neighbouring heights, and at a pre-concerted , signal, by means of fires, the Bogotans surprised the unprepared chief, ' killing his best soldiers, and in this way was Gruatavita added to the dominions of the Zipa. He then went against Ubaque, who ruled over the temperate valley situated behind the mountains to the E. of Bogota, now known j as Caqueza, in which conquest he passed some months. Proceeding to Zipiquira he prepared to enter the territory of Ebate (spilt blood). Although this cacique was the most powerful, he did not rule : neither in Susa (white straw), nor in Simijaca (owl's beak). The chiefs of these places joined the forces of XJbate, and prepared to defend a narrow pass — the Boqueron of Tausa — a position easily defended, had these three chiefs been of one mind ; but it was taken by the Bogotans in consequence of the discord amongst them ; and the country was soon conquered to Savoya.- The Zipa now believed that he could revenge old quarrels, resolved to march upon Tunja with more than 40,000 men. The Zaque, assisted by the chief of Suamoz, went out to meet the Zipa near Choconta, and proposed to settle the question by single combat with the Zipa, so as to spare the blood of his people. The Zipas ofiicers would not accede to this ofier, telling him that it was beneath his dignity to measure arms with an inferior. A bloody battle then ensued near the stream of the Yueltas. There were 100,000 combatants, and although they had only macanas (a wooden weapon like a sword) darts, tiraderas de carrizo (sort of arrows), and slings, the fight was a terrible one. The Zipa, seriously wounded, was taken from the field, leaving Hunsa victorious. Nemequene was borne on a litter to Muequeta, but five ^ Tin's is a Quicheua word for rope ; also the name of the last Inca, and spelt Guasca or Huasca. 2 There was a very ancient Aymara chief in the P. of Tarapaca, S. Peru, named Taita or father Savaya ; he was the rival of Taita Jaehura for the hand of Mama Huanapa. The rivals fought, and Savaya's head was taken as a trophy to Huanapa. There are three high mountains in Tarapaca named after these worthies ; the mountain of Taita Jaehura is 17,000 feet above the level of the sea, and was ascended by Mr. Smith and myself when surveying the province, Taita Sayava is 20,000 feet. There is the Indian town of Sibaya to the S. of T. Jaehura. — Geogra- phical Soc. Journal, 121, 1851. I 11 (lays after his arrival he died, leaving as hia successor Thisquezuza, wbom the Spaniards found ruling the country.^ Thisquezuza, after having re-organised his army, subjected the Caciques of Cucunuba, Tibirita, and Garagoa, and was on the point of going to war with the Zaque of Hunsa ; but, for the intervention of Nompaneme, of Suamoz, who, in consequence of his religious influence, induced tliem to conclude a, truce for twenty moons. It would appear that at an early period the Chibcha territory was subject to the Zaque of Hunsa, but to prevent civil war he nominated Hunsahua, the pontif of Iraca, to be the great chief, and who was succeeded by his descendants to Thomagata, a great wizard, known under t]ie name of the great tailed chief, because he dragged a tail under his dress, and said he had the power of changing men into animals. Thomagata had no children, and his brother, Tutasua, ucceeded him. By degrees his successors lost power in the IST. until their lands were threatened under their last Zaque Quemunchatocha, to be incorporated into those of the Zipa of Bogota. At the time of the conquest, the jurisdiction of Hunsa or Tunja in the E. was to the Cordillera ; to the W. to Sachica and Tinjaca ; in the S. to Turmeque ; but in the N. was the cacique of Tundama, who was independent ; and the sacred lands of Iraca or Sugamuxi (the disappeared). This last ehief and priest, alternately elected from the people of the towns of Tobaza and Firibitoba, by the four neighbouring chiefs, Cameza, Busbanza, Pesca, and Toca, so ordained by Nemterequetaba or Idacanza, the instructor of the Chibchas at his death, which he purposely hid from the people, so that his words might have a holy sanction ; this law was in force for centuries, when, on a certain occasion, a bold chief of Firibitoba wished to usurp the sacerdotal power, he was abandoned by his people, and perislied in a miserable manner. The Heaveis" oe the Chibcuas ais^d Mythological TRAOiTioifs. -At the beginning of the world the light was enclosed in a very large something the Chibchas know not how to describe, but they called it Chiminigagua or the Creator ; the first things that came from it were ;ome black birds, which, flvino^ about the world, threw from their beaks a resplendaut air, that ilkimined the earth. After Chiminigagua, the ^ In 1538 or 9, died near Bogota, Zaqueszipa, the last Zipa of the Muiseas, I'' witli extraordinary fevers ;" these fevers — burnings — are supposed to have referred ;o the applications of heated horse-shoes to his feet, and other similar torments y Quesada. The object was to make him tell what had become of the treasures of lis cousin Tisquesusa, whose kingdom he had usurped, when Quesada murdered him- -Holton, 248. I 12 objects most venerated were the suu and moon, its companion. ^ The world was peopled in the following manner : Shortly after early morn of the first day, there came forth from the lake of Iguaque, four leagues JN". of Tunja, a beautiful female, named Bachue or Euzachogua, (meaning a good woman), with a boy three years of age. They descended to the plain, where they resided until the boy was grown up, when Bachue became his wife ; and in them commenced the peopling of the world, which went on with great rapidity. Many years having passed, and seeing that the land was populated, they returned to the same lake, and, turning themselves into serpents, disappeared in its waters. The Chibchas venerated Bachue, and statues of gold and wood are still to be seen representing her and the boy at various ages. The natives believed that the souls left the bodies of the dead, went to the centre of the earth by yellow and black roads and precipices ; first passing a great river on floats made of cobwebs, for which reason it was not permitted to kill the spider. In the future state, each nation had its particular location, so that they could cultivate the ground. Bochica was adored as their beneficent Deity, and Chibchacum as the particular Deity of the Chibchas, and especially the one who assisted in the cultivation of the soil, had care of traders and workers in silver. Bochica was the particu- lar Deity of the Ubsaques, Neucatocoa was the Deity of the painters of mantles and weavers, he presided over the customary drunken revels, and the hauling of timber from the woods. He was represented as a bear covered with a mantle and dragging his tail along. To him was not made offerings of gold, beads, &c., as to the others, because they said it was enough that he dra-nk his fill of chicha- with them. This Chib- cha Bacchus was a slow, dull, and indecorous Deity ; he was not held in veneration, and they said he danced and sang with them. They called Eo or Sorro, the Deity who had charge of the boundaries of their fields, and his place in the processions and feasts was called Chaquen ; to liim was oftered the feathers and diadems with which they adorned them- selves for battle, or for their feasts. The goddess Bachue, mother of the human race, had charge also of the fields and their produce, and they burnt moque, and other incense to her honour. ^ In the Chibcha language, Zue, Xue, Sua, Zupa, or Gagua, was the Sun, or the clay ; Chia, the Moon or Za night ; these were adored as the representatives of the Supreme Power, called Ullco, Chibia or Hibia. In the Quichua, Inti was the Sun, QuiUa the Moon. Pacha-camae, he who gives life to the Universe, was tlie Invisible God of the coast nations of Peru, and not that of lacas ; and Viracocha is a later idea of God. - Chiclia was called in N. Granada, Aba. i:-] They adored the rainbow, under the name of Ciichavira, and was he Deity in particular of those wko suffered from agues, and was invoked )y women in labour. The offerings made to this Deity were small meralds, grains of gold, of low standard, and beads, of various colours, jrocured by barter from the natives of the coast. It is said that Chib- ;hacum, angry at the excesses of the inhabitants of the table-land of ogotii, resolved to punish them. He caused the waters of the Sapo ind Tibito (principal affluents of the Funza, which formerly ran towards )ther regions, but were transformed into a lake) to deluge the coun- ry. The Chibchas fled to the mountains, and implored Bochica, who ippeared at sun-set on a rainbow ; he convoked the nation, promised to emedy their ills, by not damming up their rivers, so that their lands night be properly watered. Then, throwing the rod of gold he had in lis hands, he opened a breach at Tequendama ; the waters fell down he precipice, discovering to them the plain, and more fertile than before^. ochica did not limit his power to tliis act, and to chastise Chibchacum or having thus afflicted man, he obliged him to bear the burthen of arth, which was previously supported by pillars of guayacan wood.^ Jnfortunately, this measure has brought with it its inconvenience, for ince then, at times, there are severe earthquakes, which the Indians say re caused by Chibchacum, tired of being in one position, shifts the veight of earth from one shoulder to the other, and, according to the are with which he does this hoisting, so is the intensity of the earth- luake. Observation leads to the belief that the Andes is one of the last )rotuberances formed on our planet, and, at the same time, in few tra- itions is it so plainly seen the geological explanation of a deluge as in ;his of the Chibchas. Temples ais^d Priests. — Their temples were not in general of I sumptuous character, for the reason that they preferred making heir offerings in the open air, as to lakes, cascades, and elevated rocks, .n these temples, were large buildings, near to which resided the jreques or priests ; there were vases of various forms to receive the )fferings, or figures of clay, with a hole in the upper part, or plain jars ^ The Indians had a tradition that Chia, Yubecayguaya, or Huitaca, a beautiful ut maHcious divinity, flooded the country, driving the inhabitants to the mountains, Jotschica, her husband, called also Zuhe and Is emquetaba, transformed her into the noon, strack the barrier ridge with his staff, made the falls of Tequendama, drained he plains, and then retired to Sogomoso, where he reigned 2000 years. — Holton, 126. - Huayacan, or holy wood, is a large tree ; its wood does not rot under wattr, mt even becomes liarder, may be a Gruayacum. This same wood was used in Peru, lid preferred for their arms and idob, it resisted tools of copper. 14 buried up to the mouth ; these remaiued open until filled with beads, bars, or tiles of j^old, and figures of the same metal, representing animals, and other valuable articles, ofiered in times of their necessities, preparing themselves previously by severe fasting, the devout, as well as the Geques.^ These last had a college called Cuca, where those who dedicated themselves to the priesthood, entered w^hen very young; here tliey submitted for ten or twelve years to a rigorous diet, eating only once a day, and that food a small portion of ground maze with water, and rarely fish, the quapucha. During this period they were taught various ceremonies: the computation of time, the tradition of which, as ■ well as all the others, were preserved by the Geques, who were the " depositories of the abstract knowdedge of the Chibchas, which was lost ji immediately after the conquests, because this class of men were the most persecuted by the Spaniards. They had celebrated temples ; such a one was that of Sumaoz, burnt by the Spaniards the night they took the town. WoESHiP OF THE SuN. — This w^as the only Deity to whom they ofiered sacrifices of human blood, killing young prisoners, and sprinkling with their blood the stones on which the first rays of the sun shone. These sacrifices, the processions, and solemn dances they performed on the sunas or roads, from the door of the habitation of the Cacique to some particular spot, generally some neighbouring ridge or height ; and, lastly, the care with which the Guesa-^ was educated : a victim whose heart was torn from his body, every fifteen years, all had a direct and sym- bolic relation with the division of time, the calendar, and the ingenious | and necessary intercalations, so as to make coincide exactly the course of the heavenly bodies, W'hich directed their times of sowing and j harvest.^ The sanguinary and dramatic character of the sacrifices was ; calculated upon by the legislator of the Chibcha's to call the attention \ of the peopde, in such a w^ay, that they should never forget w^hat so much interested them to know, and was a substitute for the Quipos of the Peruvians. The principal places of adoration of the Chibchas were lakes, where they could make off"erings of the most precious things, without fear of ; ^ The Muiscas had a great many idols, rudely sculptured, in gold, silver, wood, and ' wax. A male idol was placed by the side of a female idol. — T. Compans, Cundina- i marca, 38. - The sacrifice of a beautiful yovith to the god Tezcatlepoca, or soul of the world, is of this character. — Prescott, Con. Mex. i., 62. Here the tragic story of the prisoner was expounded by the priests as the type of human destiny, which brilliant in its commencement, too often closes in sorrow and disaster. 3 I have made a translation of the memoir by Duquesue on the calendar of the ; Muiscas, as it stands in J. Acosta's work, which will be found further on. i 15 Mtliers profiting by them ; for ulthough they had confideiu-e in their pi'iests, and knew that they carefully buried the offerings in tlie vases destined to receive them, they were naturally more secure when they tiirew these objects themselves into lakes and rivers. The lake of Guatavita was the most celebrated of these sanctuaries ; and each town had its path to go down to the lake and offer its sacrifices. Two cords were stretched across the lake so as to form ri^ht anirles, and to the intersection went the raft with the G-eques. Here the mira- culous Cacica and her daughter were invoked, whom, they said, lived at the bottom in a delicious i*etreat, from the period, when in a moment of anger with another chief, her husband threw her into the lake ; and here they made her offerings. Each lake had its tradition ; and pilgrimages to these sanctuaries were common amongst the Chibchas. At the period when the chief of Guatavita^ was an independent one, ' he made, annually, a solemn sacrifice, which for its singularity contributed to give celebrity to this lake, even to distant lands, and was the origin of the belief in the El Dorado^ ; in search of which, so many years and so much money was thrown away. On the appointed day, he anointed his body with turpentine (resin), then rolled himself up in gold-dust; thus gilded and resplendent, he embarked on the raft, surrounded by the Xeques, and in the midst of music and singing of the crowds cover- ing the declivities, arrived at the centre. The chief deposited the jofterings of gold, emeralds, and other precious objects, and he, at the |same time, threw himself into the waters to bathe. At this moment [the neighbouring hills resounded with acclamations. This religious ■eremony being over, they commenced dancing, singing, and drinking. Lu their monotonous songs they repeated the ancient history of their country, and what they knew of its deities, heroes, battles, and other memorable events, which were thus transmitted to posterity. At the loor of the chiefs dwelling, who presided at the feasts, sat two naked ^ On the edge of the conical summit in which Lake Guatavita is situated, are two tombs of chiefs, hewn in the sandstone.— Cochraue's Travels, ii., 253. La Creation et ses Mysteres Devoiles, j^ar A. Snider, 395. The Lake of Guatavita IS 3000 feet above the sea. At the conquest, the natives were persecuted for then- treasures, when they threw their gold and precious stones into the lake. The agents of Capt. Cochrane drained it partially, and found a few small golden ligures. Guatavita is said to mean fire of the mountains, or volcanic fire. I have it elsewhere, end of the moimtains. In 1562, gold figures were taken out of the lake, consisting of an alligator, tliirteen toads or frogs, and three monkeys. In 1750, another search was made. Also in 1818, by A. M. Joseph, Paris.— T. Com pans, 50. 2 Account of expeditions in search of El Dorado, supposed by some to be near Lake Parima, 3° N. and 36° W. Paris.— Depons iii., 275. 16 Indians, playing upon the chirimia,^ a wind instrument, sad and shrill, covered only with a fishing net, which was the symbol of death, for, they said, we should never lose sight of death, especially in times of rejoicing. They had, besides, races and betting amongst the young men, the Chief rewarding the more swift. Civil GtOyernment. — The government of the Zipa was despotic, as was that of the Zaque of Hunsa. The Zipa made the laws, adminis- tered justice, and commanded the troops, and so profound was the veneration in which he was held that no one dared to look him straight in the face.^ All who approached the Zipa had to bring a present according to his means, but he accepted nothing from those who came to be judged ; he had hundreds of concubines called Thiguyes, but one woman only was recognised as his wife. It was considered an honour for the Zipa to ask for the daughter or sister of any one to place amongst the number of his Thiguyes. Illicit aftairs with these was severely punished ; moreover, the heavy fines imposed upon the culpable one to save him from death, was a considerable item of the re- venue of the Zipa. The Zipa's heir was the eldest son of his sister, who, at ten years of age, was sent to a dwelling at Chia, where he had to undergo a series of fastings, and where he was instructed for some years. This one, as well as all the other chiefs, were inducted into their offices by the Zipa, and the nephew was the chief of Chia until the death of the Zipa. The cercado, or palace of the Zipa, in Muequeta, had many depart- ments for habitations, and warehouses for clothing and food. He' had a country residence and gardens in Tabio, where he went to batht in tepid waters. He had another dwelling in Tinansuca, a temperate climate, on the descent of the Cordillera, where he passed some months and finally, in Theusaquillo, a place of pleasure, and where, afterwards the capital of N. Granada was founded ; here he retired after the harvest ceremonies were over, and when the plain was dry and burnt bj the summer sun. Crimes A.ND Punishments. — Homicide, rape, and incest werepunishec by death ; the incestuous one was put into a subterranean place witb venemous creatures, where he died of starvation. Those convicted o1 unnatural crimes were empaled. He who paid not his contributions or debts, the Usaque sent a messenger with a small tiger (jagua) oi similar animals, bred for this purpose, which was tied to the door of the ^ Probably a sort of flute. The Tata was a wooden trumpet. - The Ineas of Peru exacted the same observance. 17 debtor, who had to feed it as well as the messenger, until the debt was paid. He who showed co^rdice in war was dressed as a woman and employed for a time in female occupations. Eobberies and other offences were punished by flogging in men ; women had their hair cut off. When a woman was suspected of inconstancy, they forced her to eat a large quantity of red pepper, if she confessed, she had water given to her, and then she was killed ; if she resisted this mode of torment for some hours, she was declared innocent, and an apology made to her. Othee Laws. — Only the Zipa was carried on men's shoulders, on a litter, by his subjects, or by such Usaques whose great services in the field entitled them to this privilege. Permission was necessary to have the nose and ears pierced, so as to wear ornaments, except by the Xeques and Usaques who had this right when they took possession of their office. The Indians generally painted themselves with achote (bixia) ; also clothed themselves with new and clean mantles, but the mantle with figures and lines made with a brush in black and red, could only be worn by order of the Zipa. Only by permission of the Zipa could game be eaten, except by the Usaques. Various Customs. — "When a man wished to be married lie sent a mantle to the parents of his intended bride, and if after eight days it was not returned, he sent another : then, con- sidering himself accepted, he seated himself, at night, at the 3oor of his future bride, and indirectly made it known he was :here. The maiden opened the door, holding a totuma^ or gourd, 'ull of chicha, and having sipped, she gave to her lover to drink. Marriage was celebrated before the Xeque, and the couple being mited by their arms, the priest asked the maiden whether she preferred Bochicha to her husband, — her husband to her children — if she oved her children more than herself — and if she would abstain from -Ibod whilst her husband was hungry. Then directing himself to the usbaud, told him to say, with a loud voice, if he wished to ave the woman for his wife, and this ended the ceremony. But a man might have as many women as he could maintain, articularly if he were a Usaque, but only one was the legitimate ife. The matrimonial rites varied in the several Chibcha tribes. The Zipa being dead, the Xeques abstracted his entrails, filling ' Tuluma, op the coast of Esmgraldas (Equador). 18 the cavities with melted resin ■} the body was then laid in a cofEn of palm-tree wood, lined inside and out with sheets of gold ; it was then secretly taken and buried in a cave, made from the day he commenced his reign, in a distant and secret place : these regal and rich tombs have never yet been met with. "With the Usaqnes and other principal Indians were buried their favourite wives and a number of their retainers, who were previously made to take the juice of a narcotic plant ; food was put into the tombs, jewels of gold, arms, and chicha made of fermented maize, of which they were very fond. Six days were allotted for mourning, and the anniversary was also solemnized. At this period they repeated, in a singing tone, the life and actions of the departed. T!ie mass of the people were buried with their jewels, arms and food, in the open country, without Jfny other sign than planting a tree to protect the grave ; not naked, but clothed in their best robes. There were also tumuli which served as cemeteries, from whence human ! bones, objects of gold and deers* horns have been taken, proving that the Indians were buried with trophies of the chase, or, probably, with deer, as provision in the other world. The most considerable cemeteries known, are those of the Hill of the Sanctuary, near the Puente Grande, four leagues W. of Bogota, and the hills of Caqueza, from w^hence, on one occasion, 24,000 ducats worth of gold was extracted. In the Province of Tunja, in caverns, are found many mummies, well preserved : some witK | fine painted mantles, such as were used by the principal Indians, all these bodies are seated, the forefingers tied with cotton strings. j AGRictrLTURE, Iis^DTJSTEY AND CoMMEEOE. — It has already been observed that the Chibchas had no cattle ; neither did they know the use of iron, and that their instruments for tilling the land were of wood or stone. The potato, sweet potato, maize and quinua, were the< principal vegetables cultivated ; indeed, they may be called essentially an agricultural people, to whom the frog or toad, as an emblem! of humidity, served as a base for their system of numeration, audi for their calendar ; they had two harvests of potatoes and one oi' maize, in the colder portions, and it was there the greater number of thei people dwelt. '| "With respect to the cultivation of the quinua, now abandoned, w(j have no particulars. The seed of the plant is very nutritious, and it i: probable it was eaten in the form of a porridge, such as they madij with maize, seasoning it with salt, red pepper and savoury herbs. In thi| hot vallies they had the yuca (jatropha) ; the arracache (oxalis cremata)j in the temperate regions, and some vegetables ; but we do not know if the; ' lie iiiitii ^ Velez says black bees-wax. 1 19 used the fecula of the choco bianco (lupinus) as they did in Quito. We are ignorant if they, as the. Mexicans, extracted sugar from the maize-cane, not having the sugar-cane, which was brought from the Old World; or, if they only used honey, found abundantly amongst the declivities of the Cordillera. The plantain, now so abundant in N. Grranada, that it may be said to form half the food of the population, was not cultivated in olden times or known, excepting in the province of Choco. It is calculated that ground, yielding wheat for the sustenance of one man, would grow plantains for twenty-five men.^ The most important production, which served these Chibchas to barter with, and for which they obtained gold, was the salt of Zipiquira and Nemocon ; this they prepared from brine springs, by boiling in earthen vessels. At present, rock salt is extracted from these localities. They had also cotton mantles, woven by the women, when their other domestic affairs were finished.- The natives of Gruatavita were celebrated for their ability in working grain gold (extracted from the sands of the Magdalena, or from the province of Guane, Griron, &c.), into figures of animals, the inlaying of shells for cups, used at their feasts, and thin plates of gold which served for belts and bracelets. The painters of mantles, which article Avas taken to all the markets, were jChibchas. They worked figures in relief,"^ on hard stone, (but we are not informed by what means). ^ The weather affects national character directly, by means of dress, and indirectly lirough i>.gricultural products, the most important of them in this respect is thj Watano, or plantain. The plantain saves man more labour than steam. It gives hiin he greatest amount of food fx*om a given piece of ground, and with a labour so small ^lliat that of raising it to the mouth, after roasting, is a material point of it. " ]S'ew O'K-ranada would be something" says my neighbour Caldas, " if we could exterminate 16 platano and the cane : this is the parent of drunkenness and idleness." — Holton, 23. 2 The apparatus for spinning is a stick, with a potato or other weight stuck t the other end.— llolton, 289. The loom for weaving is a square frame ; threads of warp, wound aa on reel, (this is for a ruana, or mantle) the colour being changed so as to |roduce the requisite stripes. The woof simply inserted by their industry, without hy apparatus to separate tlie threads of the warp, and, of course, without a proper Uttle.— Holton, 533. ^ J. Acosta gives a drawing of one of the symbolic stones or calendar engraved by le Chibchas, of which a copy is given further on. It is of very hard black Lydian one. I do not find any mention of instruments for cutting or boring hard stones, it for boring a sort of drill must have been used ; for cutting some harder stone, icli as corundum ; the smoothing and polishing would be easy. The Chibchas ) not appear to have used copper, tin, lead or iron ; their working and war ptruraents were of hard wood or stone : gold seems to have been the only metal ed bj them. C 2 20 The Chibcha was probably the only nation of the New World who used gold coin in their exchanges,^ this consisted of discs cast in a mould ; they had no weights, and for measures they only had that which served for measuring maize, called aba, the name also of the grain. The measures of length were the hand and step. The most important fair or market of the Chibchas was at Coyaima. in the territory of the Poincas, called by the Spaniards Taporogos, the name of one of its chiefs. These inhabited both sides of the Magdalena from the entrance of the E;. Cuello to Neyva. There was taken salt, emeralds, painted mantles, works in gold, also grain gold. The Chibchas brought from the fairs of the hot countries guacamayas^ or macaws and parrots, and when they had learnt a few words they were sacrificed to their deities ; believing they were a better substitute than human ones. There was another large fair in the country of the cacique Zorocok\, where, subsequently, was founded Puente Eeal on the river, then called Sarabita, to which came the Northern Chibchas, the Agataes, Chipetaes and the industrious Guanes : here they obtained salt for gold, mantles, and woven cotton cloth of various qualities and colours. In the central point of this fair was a large isolated stone, subsequently broken up, and turned out to be silver ore, from which was extracted some 60 marcs,-" (8 oz. to the marc), but the spot from whence this mass of silver ore came has never been known. There was another fair in Turmeque, every three days ; and there was seen, independent of other articles, a large quantity of emeralds from Somondoco,* although, at the period of the conquest, the mine was almost worked out (qy ?). ■" ^ The ancient Mexicans used quills filled with gold dust, pieces of tm in the form of the letter T ; also balls of cotton and bags of cacao as medium of exchange. The Peruvians used extensively the pod of the capsicum or aji. — See Numismatics or the New World, by W. Bollaert, Numis. Soc, 1837. ' Jameson calls El Guacamayo the sacred river. Huaca means sacred in Quichua. Geoirraphical Trans., 1859. The Poinciana Pulcherrima, the yellow and scarlet variety, 13 called Mahnche (the name of Cortez's Indian mistress) and Gruacamayo, in Hon- duras, the latter being the name given to the large red parrot, called Ara and Lapa, in other parts of South and Central America, a bird the Maya Indians of Yucatan seems to have considered sacred, and dedicated to the sun. At Itzamal, there was a temple to Kinich Kakme, an idol fashioned like the sun, Avith the beak of a bu'd : he is sur- rounded with rays of fire, and descended to burn the offered sacrifice at mid-day, as the Vacamayu — a bright-feathered parrot— descends in its flight. Froebel's Central America, 181. 3 This must mean 60 mares, the cajon of 50 cwt. S * Emeealds. — The green varieties are found at Muzo, N. of Bogota, 5° 28' N. A specimen from Peru (probably Quito) silica, 68"50, alumina 15'75, glucina 12"50, red 21 Neither the edifices nor the furniture of the Chibchas were in propor- tion with their other conveni^ces. The dwellings were of wood and day, with conical roof, covered with mats of sedge and rushes, some beaches and couches, doors of cane entertwined with cords and locks of wood, which form is still used in some places. The strong cercadoa (enclosures) and vast court-yards flanked by those round buildings, which, in the distance; looked like towers, was the origin of the name of the valley of the Alcazares, given by Quesada to the plain of Bogota. The only Chibcha chief who projected the building of a temple, was Garanchaca ; he usurped the dominions of the Zaque, pretending to be a child of the sun by the damsel Gracheta. She gave birth to a huaca (something sacred), which was converted into a human being, who was brought up with veneration until he was a man, when he killed Hunsa and put himself in his place. This fabulous Graranchaea pretended, as they say, to build a sumptuous temple to his father, the sun ; to which effect he ordered that stones and columns should be brought from the most distant parts of his dominions, but he died ere the building was commenced. The mysterious personage, who in remote ages was the legislator of the Chibchas, was not venerated as a deity, but as a holy anvl oxide iron 1, hme 0-25, oxide chrome OSO. Tantahc acid and Columbium occur iu some varieties. Fine emeralds can be seen at Carthagena, extracted from the mines of Muzo, by a. French company. This gem is found in attached and imbedded crystals in alluvium. The finest are from veins, in a blue slate, of the age of our lower chalk iu the Yalley of Muzo. One statue of the Virgin, in the Cathedral at Bogota, besides 1358 diamonds and other precious stones, has 12J5 emeralds. Xot far from the mountain of Itoco, in the country of the Muzos, was found in 1555 two emeralds, weighing 24,000 castellanos, the castellano is 1,415 grs. Three leagues from Itoco is Abipi, where emeralds are found. Tile foLlo^viug was a bi'iba oITarel to a Chiboba chief: twenty maidens, a hundred loads cf cotton, a large quantity of emeralds, idols and figures of animals in gold and silver. The rainbow was worshipped by pregnant women among the Chibchas, and emeralds offered. In the East Indies medicinal and tahsmanic virtues are ascribed to this gem. The heir to Chibcha power, when received as such, was placed on a throne of gold and emeralds. Tlie litter of the Zipa was ornamented with emeralds. In the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and navel of the dead Zipa, emeralds were placed. The Great Exhibition of 1851 contained the finest known emerald, 2 inches lonn^. weighing 8 oz. 18 dwts. It came from Muzo, supposed to have been brought to England by Don Pedro, who sold it to the Duke of Devonshire. We are not informed how the Chibchas worked emeralds and otlier hard stones ; but the Mexicans, with tools made of copper and tin, fashioned emeralds into flowers, fish, &c. Cortez sent an emerald to Spain, the base of which was as broad as the palm of the hand. — See Quito Section, for emeralds also. 22 beneficent man. He is sometimes confounded with Bochica. He is known under the names of Nemterequetaba, Xue, Chuizapagua (or the envoy of God). This ancient individual came, as before-mentioned, from the east ; he wore a long beard, and his hair was tied witli a lillet ; his dress was a tunic without a collar, and a mantle secured by the ends at the shoulders, a dress used by the Cliibchas at the time of the « » ' > > ) • •* > > 1 1 ■» O » J o H CO p M p^ «^ »-> d ^ rt K^ 'J) t> ^ d f^ ^ S CO •^^ P4 ^ ^"*, _ od M l-J ^ <; 13 H o ^ 1 — 1 "^ f=^ -< F< Q tJ P-! r r r c c t t* r « ( t f * '•c I * f c *. <^ «• r I 31 balls Occasionally, round agates, with a bole in the centre, and small eagles have been met with. It^^eems to have been customary among tbe Doracho tribe^to wear these eagles around the neck by way of ornament. Ferdinand Columbus frequently mentions them when speaking of Veraguas and the adjacent Mosquito shore. Several have been found in the last few years; most of them measure from wing to wing, about four inches. Tombs ot the second class are more frequent, they consist of a heap of large pebbles, from three to four feet in height, and descending as much below the surface ; no vases or ornaments are found in these graves, but always one or more stones for grinding Indian corn, made like most of the vessels, with three legs. Bodies have been met with, which, at the slightest touch, crumbled into dust. The in- habitants of Alenje speak of other remarkable remains in the northern Cordillera, one of which is said to be a rocking-stone. Eecent Discovert of Huacas, Contai^'i:n^g Various Objects IN GrOLD, IN Chiriqxji^.— Much excitement w^as lately occasioned at Panama- by the accidental opening of Indian graves in the Chiriqui district, 150 miles distant, and the discovery therein of large quan- tities of golden images. As there are supposed to be many thousands of these graves equally wealthy, hundreds of persons had gone thither, and thousands of dollars worth had been taken out and sent to Panama. Description oe Gtold Images erom the Chiriqui Huacas. — 1. A bat, with outspread wings and legs, having a dragon-like head, Isurraounted by four horns, curling inwards, of the purest gold, and weighed six ounces. 2. A frog'^ with large protruding eyes, the |eye-balls being enclosed in the sockets like the balls in sleigh bells ; » See " Obs. on Cliiriqui," by J. H. Smith, " Geogr, Soc. Journal," p. 257, 1855. [The aborigines never failed to leave valuable remains in their burial places or ;uacalis. This region contains a great number of such old gi-aves, the burial-places lof a once powerful tribe, not migratory. Many of these guacalis have been opened and found to contain images of birds, beasts and trinkets of gold. I had the pleasure to assist ]Mr. Smith and Dr. McDowall to draw up this paper, and we laid down the district in which these recent discoveries have been made, in a line running east from the Bay of Guanabano to the CordiUera, and call it a region abounding in Indian [antiquities. We also place Las Breiias, old Indian gold mines, in a quartz formation, ;16 geo. miles W. of the ancient graves. At Charco Azul, on the coast, are indications |of gold and copper at Punta Banco. David, the capital of Chiriqui, is in about 8° 17' N., 82° 30' W. - Times, August 11, 1859, Panama and American papers. ^ The existence of the frog here shows an alliance to the Chibcha race of X. Granada. 32 this is alloved with copper.^ and weighed about two-and-a-hatf ounces. 3. H^is the bodv and legs of an alligator, with the head and ears of a luob,' only with an ^iottdous mouth . and dragon-Hke teeth, and weighed about two ounces. 4. An idol of hideous and obscene conception, with legs and arms eiitended ; the head flat, having a fan-like crown at the back, a wide open mouth, and a' hooked nose, under which curls something like the latest fcMin (^| moustache. This weighed about two ounces, and was of pure gold. Besides these, thoe were a fircr. sn es^le.* rerv siii!i!l twin &t3gs. an^ anBadfllo. and a small bell. *nie account we continue to receive of the weaitii of the huaeas, in golden images, are every dar growing more wonderfiiL A bat has be«i found of verv 5nr r : l ^. md great weight ; alao a ~ gold wcHnan,"' It is the pcv?:f' :-- : - who are turning up the grave? s:ii sdling the gc i _ irom 3 to 4 dollars the ounce. rifse tom' - -^ of iFc^; exTciii, some of t'lr^i having contained : ;zv hunoreas ot bodies. The g:M is e;j.' in earTZrz vrsse's. zj ize side <^ the body. The jt v^i — " r:f - ne is covered ~::z trees, and it was by rif : . _ rge rre^. g~ ~--g out of tne ropj of a moond. that the depcts:^ r r f -ered. Ihe roots of the tree] took with tb^ the r r: i - ^ : k of one of the mounds, leavmo-j tike geld exposed, ~ _ ~ - r :\ ^^ seen by a man when dose to it. Many of rhrs e r . : _ t ;ts reached Ixmdon, but found their way into the meitmg ; : : . In November, this vear. Messrs. PixleT i Co. allc - f : r : five thin circular gold plates, irom C-i i. weighing 7 ozs. ^ _ _ f had seven ::: : . .: :.. — rurs Tzesf .: . ^ -t:__ ."t^^t^ l.. f^-jres that may have t-ffL ::f ~f:f : _::ed). :z^ —is 7t - in diameter : two were 6t inc-if ? ii. _ .nifrer : rjie :Tier rwo 4^^ : — vlain. The plates 1 :: :e i—j- - -^ . r. m. . :ly used as breast plates. Irving* — ~ Yoyag-e a:oT5ir Costa Eica and Temgua," ssys : — ** Here ; for the first time on : :. the Spaniards met -^^'^ - of pure gold: t l.e nir. es r jng large plates of i: s - t their necks by eorto_i As zey had, likewise, oin: _: r _ :s : of g::iar±rL its speofie graxiix ii_6c. - Bitiier say: igsgr"^ r'- r ' ':. nscKC profaai^ a'deear. as t^f Tiffy • T-- ^^- — ^ of i_ : . __; : think tbe5>e thst be rem— r >r^ Se ToT_. i. _ 1S4S:. ■ :_;. .: - .. IL, ITS- Eollaert's Aritig;-. S. America. Hiiaca Mayo, or Sacred Parrot. Idol Idol Thy&- focfwree half' pTie. origvruiol svi^/. -■■^^'Oj-in/f,., P-miLa, o£ Gnianin. ( Gold &. Copper) Oij ects m Gold from. Chiriqiii . •« • ft t * tc*^ * « i 3 gold of lev standard, an alloy with copper, or a natural metal, nide-lv shaped like eagles. -r— "They met with canoes of Indians, their heads decorated with garlands of flowers, and coronets formed of the claws of beasts and the quills of birds; most of them had plates of gold about their necks. An Indian had an eagle (in gold) worth twenty-two ducats. Seeing the great value which the strangers set upon the metal, they assured them it was to be had in abundance within two days journey." The eagle here spoken of may be a representation of the Guacamayo, sacred macaw or parrot, so known to the Chibchas. Thirteen leagues from the Gulf of Nicoya is Carabizi, where the same language was spoken as at Chiriqui. The country on the Pacific, in the same latitude with Chiriqui, was called Cabiores, and next to it was the province of Durucaca.^ Mr. Squire," in his elaborate paper on Nicaragua, says, upon the low alluviums, and amongst the dense dark forests of the Atlantic coat»t, there existed a few scanty and wandering tribes, generally correspond- ing with the Caribs of the islands. A portion of their descendants may yet be found in the wretched Moscos or Mosquitos, (little Moscos), " who, by a brazen fraud, are attempted to be passed off upon the world as a sovereign nation." The few ISIelchoras, in the river San Juan, are of the Carib stock, and it is more than probable that the same is true of the Wool was, Kamas and Poyas, and also all the other tribes on the Atlantic coast, further south, towards Chiriqui, Lagoon, and col- lectively denominated Bravos. As there are Carib affinities with the Moscas or Muiscas of Bogota, these, I think, may have, in early times, come to the coast of N. Granada, and have been the conquerors of the nations, who built at Tunja, or the more ancient Timana.^ Some of the names of places and natural objects within the Nagradan (Nicaragua) area, seem to have a relationt;hip to certaiii Peruvian names. Thus Momobacho Momotombo and others, sound wonderfully like Moyobamba (mud plain) in Chachapoyas, Tarabo- bamba, Guambacho, &c. It would be interesting to take up the sug- ^ Oviedo and Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc. 106. 1853. ' Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc, 94, 1853. ' The present Moscos of Central America are said by Ludewig to be a mixed tribe, the issue of aboriginal Indians with Negroes, shipwrecked oa the coast, or escaped from the Spanish settlements of the interior. 34 gestion, and inquire whether tliere is really any relationship between the languages of Peru and Central America. ^ Herrera says, among the people of Nicaragua, those speaking Cholu- tecan were the original and most ancient, they held the estates, and had cocoa-nuts which were the money and wealth of the country. The Eagle, in Chorotegan, is called Mooncayo. ANTIQUITIES OF NEW GEANADA. I am rather surprised that larc^er numbers of monuments, some of more ancient nations than those first seen by the Spaniards, have not been met w^ith. Perhaps dense tropical forests cover many such re- mains, and are awaiting the footsteps of the emigrant or the enthusias- tic antiquarian explorer.^ We have to thank Humboldt for much that we know about this re- f'ion of the New World, for his examination of the Muisca or Chibcha calendar, to T. Compans, for his " Essai sur I'ancien Cundinimarca," also to Colonel J. Acosta. liivero and Tchudi, " Antiguedades Peruanas," (plate xli.) gives representation of two animals, carved on a slab of stone, from Timana (about 2° N. 75° 15* W.) w^bich, they think, may have some connexion with the Muisca calendar. Plate xxxiii. is a club from Tunja (5° 80' N., 73° 50' W.), in it are some marks Avhich, 1 think, may be hieroglyphics of the name of the owner ; the second figure from the top has a slight resemblance to Cuphupqua : seven, or the ears of the Muisca calendar, always listening.'^ In Brantz Mayer* the sculptured stone at Mapilca, in Mexico, has something of this character, Humboldt gives a head engraved on green quartz (coloured by oxide of nickel) of the Muiscas. It is perforated, and probably done 1 Squire in Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc. 99, 1853. - See " Les Antiquites Americaines au point de vue des progres dela Greographie," par M. Jomard, in Bulletin de la Societe de Greographie, Paris, 1847. 3 Rivero and Tsehudi, Antiq. Amer., Plate xli, is an engraved stone, from Junin, in Peru, seems to have analogy with the figure 7, or Cuphupqua, the ear. If such be the case, it would be interesting. From what I can learn, the department of Junin, in Peru, deserves careful investigation. ' II., 198. 35 by a tool of copper and tin, as iron was unknown to them ; this must be looked upon as a fine specimen of work in stone. ^ In the country of Antioquia lived the Catios : they were a su- perior people, well clothed, lively and intelligent, wrote their history in hieroglyphics, and painted on mantles. I have noticed something of this sort on the skin mantles of the Comanches in Texas, The following, on the antiquities of New Granada, is from the "Bulletin de la Societe de Greographie," Paris, 1847. The researches were made by Seiior Velez de Barrientos. Velez was informed that there existed in the Canton of Leiva,^ in Tunja, ruins of a temple and palace of the ancient Indians. He went in search of them in June, 1846. He got to Moniquira (about 6° N, 73° 45' W)., and fir^ fell in with stone columns ; one, 4 to 5 yards in length, by 3i in diameter. He then found 13 large columns, arranged in a circle of 50 yards in circumference, appearing to him as if designed for a temple^ or palace. Some of these columns were oval, like those of Eamiriqui (see further on), and had notches at the ends, showing they had been dragged from a quarry. Four hundred yards from the 13 columns he found the main ruins, composed of cylindrical columns, sQme 29 in number, well finished, fixed in the earth, and occupying 45 yards in length E. and W., by 22 broad. The columns were 1^ yards in circumference ; their original length cannot be determined, as they are so worn, the highest not being . more than one yard above the ground, others are hardly visible. These are, by their lightness and elegance, a great contrast with the 13 columns before mentioned ; some of these looked as if they had been worked on their sides. One hundred yards distant he found amongst dense underwood a considerable number of stones, which appeared as if they had been^ wrought ; no mortar or cement was observed. The ground on which these ruins stand may be about two miles in extent, and had been the site of a city, and, in all probability, of a nation much more ancient than the Muiscas.* > Vues, plate 66. ' Probably named after Andres Venero de Leiva, who entered Bogota, 1564. ^ See J. Acosta : The Muiscas had temples to the sun with stone columns, remains of which have been discovered in the valley of Leiva. Humboldt, Aspects, 11., 309. * Velez says he believes it to be an error to call the ancient inhabitants of the country by the name of Muiscas. Muisca is said to mean man, and it is a compound ; word. Mu signifies the body, isca five, or body of five points or extremities (as legs, [arms, head). It is probable the Spaniards understood by the word Muisca, that D 2 36 The natives now call these ruins of Moniquira, whether temple, palace, &c., " Little Hell," and ifc is Velez's opinion that these have afforded materials in the building of the towns of Moniquira, Leiva, and of a convent ; in the Church of Moniquira he thought he observed columns and other stones similar to those of the ruins. The beginning of 1846, Velez saw, at Tunja (5° 30' S, 73° 50' W.), the two stones known as the " Devil's Cushions ;" they are on a hill six CLiadras (the cuadra is GOO yards) from the town to the W. ; the rock is wroui^ht, surmounted by two stones in the form of mill-stones, but a little larger and something like cushions. At this spot the ancient inhabitants may have adored the rising sun. Our explorer then went by Boyaca to Eamiriqui to examine the large columns (Boyaca is a few miles S. of Tunja) known as the "Devil's Stone-beams" (Vigas del Diablo). At a short distance from the river of Ramiriqui, he found three large eliptical columns laying on the ground, one 7i yards in length ; at their extremities were notches to aid in hauling them from the quarry. Another column was 4^ yards long, not cylindrical, but with several sides. The curate of Ramiriqui took Velez to another part of the parish were there are five or six similar columns. J. Acosta wrote to Yelez that it was said the great stones, four leagues from Raquira (between Moni- quira and G-achantiva) had been taken at the time of the conquest to the plain of Tunja, where the Indians were constructing a temple. This Velez does not believe. The stones seen at Leiva and Ramiriqui are of Asperon, a sort of whet -stone. Velez's opinion is, that this country was anciently inhabited by a more civilized people than those found by the Spaniards. As a proof, in the district of San Augustin, in the elevated parts of Nieva, 3° 15 ' N"., are found monuments, such as the great stone table, said to be of sacrifice, supported by cariatides, statues of large dimensions, and numberless other objects, artistically wrought. At the conquest the Spaniards only found hereabouts the Pijados, Pantagosos and other tribes, who, al- though brave, were barbarous. We cannot attribute to these the construc- which may liave been the name of a particidar family or tribe, or the expression for a body of five parts, and they concluded that all the people of the country bore the name of Muisca. He observes that he does not find the country in question was called by a generic name, Tunja only was known as the country of Yravaca, but in the plain now called Bogota there did not exist a common name, because the Zip:is who had been subjected to the chief of Tunja, had thrown off the yoke about sixly vears before the conquest, during which time the Zipas had extended their dominion:^ by force of arms. 37 tion of the works now in riiius, such are of more ancient and civilized times. Another proof of ancient origin, and that this part of the country- was well populated, in Antioquia, in the Canton of Santa Eosa, Velez's parents had occasion to dig ; it was through granitic debris, and, at eight yards depth, a thick bed of well preserved trees was met with, particularly the oaks, and like the forest above. Under this bed of trees, buried by inundations, was discovered an ancient weapon, the Tnacana, of palm wood, two yards long, one end like a lance, the other a narrow blade like a sword, with curious carvings : this was given to a Dr. Jervis, who sent it to England. Velez describes a cavern used as a burial place. It is situated in the direction of Gachantiva, Canton of Leiva, near the copper mines of Moniquira. Not long since a man belonging to the smelting works, while chasing a fox with a little dog, the fox and the dog disappeared through a hole. The man began to enlarge the opening to rescue his dog ; some stones being cleared away, a cavern was discovered full (jf mummies, clothing and other objects. At the entrance of the cavern one of these mummies was sitting on a low wooden seat, with a bow and arrow, in the attitude of defending the place ; it was said that this mummy, when first seen, had a crown of gold on its head. The cavern was explored ; many objects in gold were taken from the mummies, also cloths of fine cotton, in a good state of preservation ; some of these were worn by the present inhabitants, and used for their mules. Velez arrived there in June, 1846 ; at the mouth of the cavern he saw bones of the mummies that had been thrown outside. The cavern had been dug in a calcareous rock He saw, taken from this tomb, in the possession of Dr. Garcia, curate of Guateque, emeralds ; one large, and in the rough, the others somewhat worked. He succeeded in getting the low wooden seat, a bust in terra cotta, pieces of mantles, a bone collar artistically worked, two little figures of animals in gold, ear-rings of tombag,^ in good taste, the skull of a deer, its horns covered with black beeswax, which led him to suppose that this wax was used as a preservative, and it was possible that this wax was also used to embalm the bodies.^ The museum of Bogota has lost the rare pentagonal calendar stone investigated by Humboldt. Since then was found in the ravine of San Diego, near Bogota, another calendar, now in the possession of Yelez ; it is small, long, squared, and of basalt, with similar signs to ' A mixture of gold with copper, probably guanin. - Melted resin was used as an embalming material by the Muiscas. 38 those described by Humboldt. Velez mentions, that his collection eon- tains five such pentagonal stones, idols, collars and other ornaments, in hard stone and gold, mummy cloth, printed in colours and rich in design, probably from Lieva.^ My esteemed friend, General Jose Hilario Lopez, late President of New Granada, when I had the pleasure of meeting him in Paris, in 1857, informed me that on one of his estates near Nieba, S. of Bogota, are some very ancient monuments and promised to procure details of them. General Lopez, during his presidency (1852), was most instru- mental in giving freedom to the negro, also causing all religious sects the public use of their rites and ceremonies. My old fellow traveller in Texas, A. Snider, also knew General Lopez in Paris. He gives the following from conversations with him.^ In New Granada, near Neyba, is a cavern, at the entrance of which stood, as a CTuardian, a colossal tiger (jagua). A short distance from this cavern General Lopez has made excavations, and from the depth of two to five metres has extracted colossal statues, of great beauty, representing liorses ! (rather say of the Llama, or deer tribe), ^ monkeys, toads, and of men and women. Near to this spot was discovered a large stone table, which fifty men could scarcely lift : this table was well polished, on four feet in the form of paws, coming from a central pillar. Upon some of these monuments are still to be seen remains of inscriptions (hieroglyphics). T. Compans'^ states, that the Sutagaos, which comprehended the Neybas and others, lived between the rivers Pazca and Suma Paz. The Indians had idols of gold and silver. Velasco^ says, the province of Nieva, in 3° 10' N., was only in part conquered by Hospina, one of Belalcaza's officers, in 1543. It was a hot and unhealthy place. He speaks of the Nieva nation, the Anatagoimas and Coyamas, as principal tribes, numerous, alert, and brave ; they, however, became violent enemies of the Spaniards, and even dictated terms to them. ' 111 the British Museum is the body of a female mummy, from the cavern near Gaehantiva, or Gachansipa ; also a head. There are specimens of pottery, from N. Granada, in the Museum of Practical Geology. ' La Creation et ses Mysteres Devoiles, &c., 299. Paris, 1858. •* The Cervus Peronei, similar to the C. Yirgmian, but smaller, is common in N. Granada. ^ Essai sur I'ancien Cundinamarca, 4. ^ III. Vol., His. de Quito. 39 I have lately examined, through the kindness of Mrs. Harrison Smith, late of Panama, four figures in gold from Tumuli, in the vallev of Antioquia, 6° 45' N. 75*^ W., near the river Cauca, found by General Herrera ;^ a shark three inches long, a toad one inch, a head of an animal, and a deity. The gold of these figures is of low standard, containing copper, and probably some silver. Is this a natural form of the gold, or has it been alloyed by the natives ? Columbus procured, at Paria, plates of gold, of low standard, called guanin, or gianin, which class of metal was known as far as Honduras. It was assayed in Spain, and found to consist of sixty-three gold, fourteen silver, nine copper.- A recent analysis of gold from Titiribi, in Colombia, gave gold 76'41, silver 23-12, copper 0*3. My friend, Don Liboi'io Duran, of N. Granada, tells me that near Nieva, 3° 10' N., (Old Nieva is in 4° 43'), there is a locality called *' La Cindad de la Plata," where very rich silver mines were worked by the first settlers, who enjoyed but for a short period their prize. The settlement was destroyed-^ by the Paes, Pijaos, Andaquis,^ &c., ^ Cauea, sometimes called Guaea (sacred in Quichua), this last name probably given to it by the Spaniards, some of whom had been in Peru. Tliis country was well peopled at the period of the conquest. The natives clothed in cotton mantles, were rich and industrious, and the Chief was borne on a litter covered with gold. — J. Acosta, 144. On the Cauca, about Cali and Vijges, Holton, 569, describes huacas or graves. Some are square pits, excavated in the ground, covered over first with logs and then with earth. Others have side excavations, and very often small passages running from one to another. Bones and relics are found in them ; but I find very few of these in the hands of people liere. They are diligently hunted for gold. A man who has a passion for this (and it very naturally becomes a mental infirmity), is called a guaquero, or Indian grave hunter. - Yelasco, i. 31. Tumbaga, or pucacuri (bad gold), is an alloy of gold and copper. It is found in a natural state in the mines of Patia de Popayan and Tillonaco de Loja. This Guanin is first mentioned bf Columbus as forming the ornament of a chief, when coasting along the south side of Jamaica, in 1494. • "Life of Columbus," by Irving, ii., 177. In 1503, Columbus, when on the Mosquito coast : " there was no pure gold to be met with here, aU their ornaments were of guanin ; but the natives assured the Adelantado that in proceeding along the coast, the ships would soon arrive at a country where gold was in abundance," p. 178. On the coast of Veragua pure gold was met with for the first time. ^ See J. Acosta, 349. Yelasco, iii. 22. When the destruction of the Spaniards is detailed. 4 I mention as one of the confederated tribes with the Cherokees, the Tnataquas, or Andarcos, as existing in Texas. See my Obs. on Indians of Texas, " Ethno. Soc. Jour- nal," 1850. 40 and, in lapse of time, the position of the mines were forgotten, except by a few Indians, who taught their children that it would be criminal eyer again to impart to their sanguinary conquerors the knowledge of the site, and if they did so, they would die. Duran's father became com- padre, or godfather to the daughter of a chief, in whose family it was be- lieved the secret was known. Tlie child was induced to become an inmate of the Duran family, and on being questioned, promised, but unwillingly, to lead her friends to the spot. The journey was commenced, and on arriving, as it is supposed, near to the place, the child became sad and deaf to further entreaties to proceed ; she refused food for several days, and the party, fearing the child would be starved, returned, but the little girl died not long afterwards. 1 find a " La Plata," in 2° 20' N. 75° 45' W., and to the N.E. some 15', a spot called " Carniceria," or the butchery. Yelasco^ gives the latitude of San Sebastian de la Plata, 2° 20', and the " Asiento," pro- bably the mines, in same lat. and long. 3° E. of Quito. He also says, that the ancient Indians, of Nieva,^ used hieroglyphics and characters, cut in relief on stone, many of which monuments are still to be seen, especially at Piedra Pintada (the engraved stone), and that he himself saw there large stones, full of hieroglyphics, figures of animals, branches of flowers, and other strange characters of various angles, figures that appeared to be numerals ; these, as well as those at Timana, are in the old country of Popayan, but Velasco says nothing about the ruins of Timana. On the route from Puerto Cabello to Valencia, about 10° 15^ N. 68° 30'' W. (in Venezuela), is a large rock, covered with hieroglyphics,^ In the plains of Varihas, 7° IS., are tumuli, found between Mijagual and the Cano de la Hacha. Humboldt*, informs us, that near the southern entrance of the Eaudal of Atures, about 1° 30^ N. 68° "W., is the celebrated cave ceme- tery of Ataruipe, the burial place of an extinct nation, the Atures, pressed hard and destroyed by Cannibal Caribs. Here skeletons were preserved in mapires, or baskets of palm leaves. Besides the mapires were found urns of half-burnt clay, which appeared to contain the bones of entire families. The larger of these urns were about three feet high and nearly six feet long, of a pleasing oval fcrm ' His. de Quito. 2 This Neiva, Nieba, or Neyva, south of Bogota, must not be confounded with Leiva, which is near Tunja, and iN. of Bogota. 2 Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Paris, 1847. * Aspects^, I., 227. ' ) ■> f < < t r f 41 and greenish colour, having handles shaped like snakes and crocodiles, and meandering or labyrinthine ornaments round the upper margin. These ornaments are similar to those that cover the walls of the Mexican Palaces at Mitla. Tlie following on the antiquities of N. Granada, I have trans- lated from the beautiful work of K,ivero and Tschudi, '■ Antiguedades Peruanas," published at Vienna, 1851. In Dr. Ila\^k's English trans- lation of this work, 1854, he has omitted what appertains to N (xranada. In the frontispiece of the Spanish edition are figures in gold, said to be of the Muiscas, found at Timana, one represents an owl with a serpent in its mouth, another a face with large canine teeth, like the canine teeth in the statues of Timana, of much better workmanship (though apparently of an earlier date) than those 1 have described from Antioquia. In reference to plate xxxix, they observe, as but few examples of the antiquities of the Muiscas have been published, these are offered, say of the times of Bochica. They have a distinct type compared with the Incarial.i The stone idols are found near Timana : these monuments, of which there is a large collection, are in the interior of a dense forest. There is no tradition as to the history of these statues. Fig. 1 is a statue, one yard eight inches in height ; the characters marked on the cap have been placed by the Spaniards. Fig. 2 (A) is one and a half yards high, and has a pleasing face (both these have long canine teeth). ^ Plate xlii., two stone statues, (B) is one of them. Plate xl., a stone statue, also form of an animal. Plate iiil., a square table of stone, the feet composed of four columns and one in the centre, which is not cylindrical as the rest; its height is nearly two yards. Upon the central column are two stones. On the two front columns are engraved figures of the sun and moon. The table appears to have been used by the Muiscas for the sacrifice of ofterings to their deities, and is found among the ruins of Timana. ' M. E. Rivero wrote a small work, '' Antiguedades Peruanas," published in Lima, 1841, at p. 51 of this work, and plate xxxiii. of Atlas of Rivero and Tschudi, Antig. Peruv., in alluding to the hieroglyphics on the club, it is said that Dn. M. E. "Rivero obtained it at Tunja. Thus I cannot but suppose that he was also at Timana, and made sketches of the stone statues, as well as the sacrificial table. At San Augustin, and in the forest of Laboyas and Timana, there are columns, idols, altars, images of the sun, and other evidences of the former existence there of a great nation now extinct. — S. American Go's pamphlet, London, 1859. - The gold ornament 1 describe further on, as coming from Cuenca, in Quito, has these canine teetli, of large proportion. 42 I find tliat Timana, foanded by the Spaniards, in 1540, was in the jurisdiction of Popayan, and in the country of the Timanaes, and ac- cording to Velasco, in 2° 15' N. 3° 30' E , of Quito, but in J. Acosta's map, 1° 45 ' JST. 78° 45 ' W., of Paris, a woody, mountainous and hot country. Yelasco does not advert to these important remains, but he does to those of Nieva. The ruins at Timana are more than 2° S. of the territory of the Chibchas, and are in all probability of an earlier date than Chibcha or Muisca^ remains, and of another nation. Besides the Timanaes there were many other nations, who cultivated the land, as the Talcones, 5000 warriors strong, the Apima, Pinaos, Guanacas, Paeces, &c. MUISCA CALENDAR. Account of tJie Muisca Calendar^ of tlie Indians of New Granada* Dedicated, in 1795, to Don Jose Celestino de Mutis, hy Don Jose Domingo Duquesne, Curate of Gachancipd. I now communicate some observations in regard to the history of the Muiscas, to explain what concern their computation of time, by in- terpreting certain signs which I have investigated. This interpretation is founded on a knowledge of the customs, history, idolatry and language of the Muiscas. The language, although it has been of use to me, has given me much trouble ; for, at the present time, it is not spoken, and I have been obliged to work it out from the cartapacios (small books, probably MSS.), where it was reduced to the Latin form, but with which it has no analogy. The Muiscas counted witli their fingers.^ They only had names for numbers up to 10, and the number 20, viz., 1, ata ; 2, bosa ; 3, mica ; 4, muyhica ; 5. hisca ; 6, ta ; 7, cuhupcua ; 8, sahuza ; 9, aca ; 10, ubchihica ; 20, gueta, concluding these, they turned their hands, went to their feet, repeating the same words, putting before them the ^ These ruins appear to have some analogy with the eai*lier ones of Tia-Hnanacu as compared with Incai'ial. The monuments of N. Grranada require detailed examina- tion. - Translated from J. Acosta's " Compendio, &c., de la N. Granada," Paris, 1848. 3 The word expressing the number 5, in the Carib of Essiquibo, the Moscan of Nicaragua, and some others, means one hand ; tliat expressing 10, two hands ; that expressing 20, a man : i.e., both hands and feet. The Peruvians and Cunacunas had a purely decimal system. Trans. Amer. Ethiio. Soc. iii., 1853. 43 word quihicha, as, thus says the foot ; quihicha ata, 11 ; quihicba bosa, 12, &c. — The number 20, expressed by the word gueta (house, or the time of sowing), included all the property and happiness of this nation, and here ended their numbers. Thus having finished with one 20, they com- menced counting another 20, uniting it to the first until 20 twenties were obtained. Thus as mathematicians have given to the circle 360° to facilitate its subdivision, the Muiscas divided their accounts into four parts, and again subdivided each part into fives : thus their prime numbers were 5, 10, 15, 20, which served them in the arrangements of their affairs. The moon was the object of their observations and religion. This planet, on which they gazed with adoration, gave to them the idea or model for their habitations, enclosures, temples, fields, in a word, was connected with all their doings. They fixed a pole in the earth for a centre, and with a cord from it described a circle ;^ this pole and the cord, if we carefully examine the characters and symbols described, "will be seen to be the principal elements for instructing. The various meanings of the numbers in their language, alludes to the phases of the moon, agricultural operations, and the superstitions of idolatry ; and in this way we are conducted to the formation of a calendar.- The Indians had mentally in their hands these symbols, as we have the notes of music ; and thus, by merely giving a turn to the fingers, they knew the state of the moon, and the position of their agricultural and other affairs. The year consisted of twenty moons, and a century of twenty years ;^ ^ The Bakwains have a curious inability to make or put things square ; like all Bechuanas, their dwelHngs are made round. "Livingstone's Africa," 40. ^ M. Duquesne has made various etymological researches on the words which de- note numbers in the Chibcha language. He asserts, " that aU these words are signi- ficant ; that all depend on roots which relate either to phases of the moon, in its increase or wane, or to objects of agricultural worship." As no dictionary of the Chibcha language exists, we cannot verify the justness of the assertion ; we cannot be too mistrustful of etymological researches, and shall satisfy ourselves with here presenting the significations of the numbers from one to twenty, as given in the MSS. which I brought from Santa Fe. Humboldt, Views, IL, 118. The late Colonel Joaquin Acosta, author of the " Compendio," &c., had a " Diccionario y Grammatica de la Langua Mosca Chibcha," MSS., in 12mo., which, I think, he gave to the Greographical Soc. of Paris. See Ludewig, p. 128. ^ Among the Muiscas, the day was divided into four parts ; three days made a week, and ten weeks a limation or month. The rural year was composed of twelve Sunas, and, at the end of the third year, another month was added, a method similar to one 44 they commenced a moiit'h iVom the full-moon in tlie sign of Ubchihica? which signified brilliant moon : counting seven days on the fingers, be- ginning at Ata, which follows Ubchihica, they found the quadrature in Cuhupcua ; counting from this, seven, they found the next immersion of the moon in Muyhica, which meant anything black ; and the following day, the coujunction symbolized in Hisca, which, in their idea, was the uuion of the moon with the sun, represented the nuptials of theses planets, which was the capital dogma of their belief, and the object of their execrable rites ; then counting eight days, they found the other quadrature in Mica, which meant a changing object, thus denoting the continual variation of its phases. The first aspect of the first phase was signified in Cuhupcua, and as in this symbol fell the quadrature, they gave it two ears, calling it deaf. * These same symbols served to count the years, and contained a gene- ral doctrine, in regard to the sowing season. Ata,^ and Aca represented the waters in the sign of the toad,^ for when this animal most loudly croaked it was a signal showing that the time for sowing was near. used in China. The civil year, or zocam, consisted of twenty sunas and the ritual, or sacred year of thirty- seven sunas. Five ritual years made a small cycle, and four of these a great age, equal to a real solar cycle of sixty years, an astronomical period of the same duration as one used in Oriental Asia. His. of China, by Davis, I., 282 The Mexican week was of four days, as was also that of Java. See Calendar of Nicaragua and Mexico, which was of this character. Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc, 153, 1853. ' Atl, water, in Mexican. - Frogs are very common in N. G-ranada, and very large ones are to be seen parti- cularly at Baranquilla, near the mouth of the R. Magdalena. The frogs or matlametlo of Africa are of enormous size, when cooked look like chickens, and are supposed by the natives to fall fi'oni thunder clouds, because after a heavy thunder storm the pools, which ai'e filled and retam water a few days, become instantly alive with this loud-croaking pugnacious jrame. It would no doubt tend to perpetuate the present alliance, if we made a gift of it to France. " Livingstone's Africa," 42. The Maopityans or Frog Indians are a small tribe in Gruiana, from mao, a fx'Og, and pityan, people or tribe. Schomburgh on Natives of Guiana in Ethno. Journal, i. p. 2G5. On the Oronoko were Indians, who rendered lionours of divinity to toads in order to obtain rain or fair weather ; but the animals were beaten if the prayers were not promptly complied with. Depons, I. 198. The Creeks and Chcrokees, indeed, amongst all the Floridian nations, had a gi'ear annual festival in July or August, called Boos-ke-tau, at which they danced the Toc- co-yule-gan, or Tadpole dance, by four men and four women. Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc, 1853. The rana arunco, or land toad is called by the Araucanos of Chile, Genco, or lord of the waters. Molina, I., 179. 45 Eosa, an enclosure for sowing, made round their grounds to preserve them from injury. r— Mica, to look for, find, choose small things, means the care they should have in choosing seeds for sowing. Muyhica, black object, represented dark and tempestuous weather. Its root signified that plants grew, for with the benefit of rains, the seeds gave out plants. Hisca, green things, as the rains made the fields look beautiful and gay. It likewise meant to rejoice, make merry. The most forward plants in their fields, they praised in hope of their fruitfulness. Ta, enclosure for sowing. The sixth month of the season ; this corresponded to the harvest. Cuhupcua, theft* granaries, have a snail shape or winding like tlie ear. Cuhutana, has the same root, signifies the corners of the house where the grain is deposited, the harvest. Sahuza, tail, the month, or the end of the sowings ; Has allusion to the pole fixed in their (calzadas) the ground for describing the circle where they had their solemnities at harvest time. Aca, two frogs, coupled. Ubchihica may allude to their feasts. Grueta, house and field, marked with a toad at full length, the emblem of felicity. The Muiscas looked upon these things, as so many oracles ; thev taught their children with great care the doctrine of their forefatliers, and not content with these precautions, not to lose the plan for the go- vernment of the year, they marked the period by the sacrifice of many victims. They did not repeat the word Zocam (the year) without its corres- ponding number, as zocam ata, zocam bosa, &c. In the same way with the word suna (calzada or platform), where, at sowing and harvest time, their feasts and sacrifices were held, as suna ata, suna bosa, one platform, two platforms, and thus it was that these places were like books in which were registered their doings. Twenty moons, then, made a year ; these ended, they counted another twenty, and then successively going round a circle, continuously, until concluding a twenty of twenties. To intercalate a moon, which is requisite after the thirty-sixth moon, so that the lunar year shall cor- respond with the solar, and to guard the regularity of the seasons, was easily done. As they had in their hands the whole of the calendar : they sowed two enclosures successively, with a sign between them, and the third with two. Upon this principle was conducted their 46 astronomy, idolatry, politics, economy and what is not less interesting, their surveying. We will now distribute these Muisea signs with the fingers, and this digitated table will give us all the combinations. Let us suppose that ata, which is made with the first finger, corresponds with January, the proper month for sowing. Continuing with the fingers we come to the second enclosure in Mica, intercepting Bos a, which is between Ata and Mica. So that this enclosure is made in the thirteenth moon in respect to Ata. Proceeding with the fingers from Mica, the enclosure corresponds in Hisca, intercepting Muyhica, which is between Mica and Hisca, so that the enclosure is in the thirteenth moon. Lastly, let us run the fingers from Hisca, then the enclosure will be in Suhuza, intercepting two signs, Ta and Cuhupuca, which are be tween Hisca and Suhuza ; this is in the fourteenth moon in respect to Hisca. This moon Cuhupcua (deaf) is that which is intercalated, because it is the seventeenth of the second Muisea year, which number, added to the twenty moons of the first year, produces 37, making the lunar and solar years equal, and Suhuza, becomes a true year. This intercalation, which is perpetually verified, leaving aside 37, or deaf moon, leads to a belief that between the two ordinary years, of twenty moons each, there is another hidden astronomical one of 37 moons, so that moon 38 is the true year. The Muiscas, without under- standing the theory of this proposition, which has embarrassed many learned nations, found it necessary to add this moon at the end of each three lunar years, in consequence of the twelve anterior ones being of twelve moons, and the third of thirteen. They had thus a great faci- lity in the intercalation, following this method, and preserving the astronomical year, so that the people noted no difference in the ordi- nary years of twenty moons. The ordinary year of twenty moons served for the period of truces in their 'wars, for purchases, sales, &c. But the astronomical year and the intercalated of 37 moons, which counted for three sowings, served principally for agriculture and religion. The account was kept by their Xeques noting the epochs by particular sacrifices and en- graving them on stones, by means of symbols and figures, as is seen in a pentagon in my possession, which I will presently explain. The Muisea century consisted of twenty intercalated years of 37 moons each year, which correspond to 60 of our years, composed of four revolutions, counting five in five, each one of which was of ten 47 Muisca years, and fifteen of ours, until twenty were completed, in which the sign Ata returned to where it had first commenced. The first revolution was closed in Hisca, the second in Ubchihica, the third in Quihicha Hisca, and the fourth in Gueta. The week was of three days, and was signalised by a market on the first day at Turmeque, a most important one, as may be seen by re- ference to Father Zamora. They divided the day Sua and the night Za thus : Sua-mena, the morning, from sun-rise to noon ; Sua-meca, noon till sunset ; Zasca, time for food, sunset to midnight; Cagui, midnight to sunrise, morning meal. The founder of the Muiscas did not make the working of the calendar easy for the nation. He ordered that they should consult their chiefs ; thus the people believed the chiefs had command over the stars, and were absolute masters over good and evil. jSTothing was done without the advice of the Xeques, for which they received large presents, and thus it was that these calendars were highly paid for. Care was taken to signalise the annual revolutions by notable acts. Sowing time and harvest had their sacrifices. Each town had a causeway (calzada), level and broad, commencing at the cercado, or house of the Tithua or chief, of half a mile in length, at the end of which there was a pole like a mast, to which was tied the unfortunate creature to be offered to the sun or the moon, so as to obtain an abundant harvest. The Indians came in troops, adorned with jewels, figures of moons and halfmoons of gold, some disguised in the skins of bears, jaguars and pumas : some with masks of gold, having tears imitated on them ; others followed whooping and laughing, dancing and jumping wdldly ; others w^ore long tails, and arriving at the end of the causeway, sent a shower of arrows at the victim, causing a lingering death, the blood was received in various vessels, and the barbarous proceeding termi- nated with the accustomed scenes of drunkenness. It appears that this procession was symbolic of the calendar, and had it been depicted, it would have aided inquiry or a better knowledge of the signs and the characters attributed to them. But the victim destined to solemnize the four intercalated moons at the commencement of the century, underwent a peculiar induction. He was a youth taken from a particular town, situated in the plains, now known as those of San Juan. His ears were pierced, and he was brought up in the Temple of the Sun ; at the age of ten years (our) he was led out to walk, in memory of the perigrinations of Bochica, the founder, who, they believed, resided 48 ill the sun, living tliere, in an eternal happy state of marriage with the moon, and having a brilliant family. The youth was bought at a high price, and deposited in the Temple of the Sun until he was fifteen, at which age he was sacrificed, when his heart and entrails were torn out, and offered to that deity. The youth was called Guesa,^ this means without home. Again, he was named Quihica, or door, as was Janus, or the beginning of the year, among the Romans. Guesa signifies also month, because he in- terceded for the nation with the intercalated and deaf moon, which heard his lamentations from the earth. The people believed that the victims implored for them from within their habitations, so they sa- crificed many parrots and macaws, sometimes as many as two hundred of these birds were offered up at a time on the altars, but not before they could repeat their Muisca language. Notwithstanding all the sacrifices, the intercalated and deaf moon went on its way without any alteration in the calendar. The many precautions taken by the Muisca legislator for the govern- ment of the year, made the people very attentive in its observance. It was looked upon as a divine invention, and its author as a god, who dwelt amongst the stars. Thus Bochica was placed in the sun, and his wife, Chia, in the moon, that they might protect their descendants. To Bochica was given two companions or brothers, symbolised by one body and three heads, and one heart and one soul. Bochica, from the sun, directed their agricultural operations. The toad or frog had its place in the heavens, as a companion to tlie scorpion and the rest of the Egyptian animals. Not content with having deified their first legislator, they worshipped another of their heroes in the same calendar. This was the powerful Tomagata, one of the oldest Zaques. He had only one eye, but four ears, and a long tail, like a lion. The sun had taken from him all pro- creative power the night before his marriage, so that his brother, Tutasua should succeed him. He was, however, so light of foot that every night he made ten journeys to Scgomosa from Tunja, visi- ting his hermits. He lived a hundred years, but the Muiscas say he lived much longer. The sun gave him the power to turn those who offended him into snakes, tii^ers, lizards. &c. The Indians called iiim the cacique rabon (great tailf^d). His luune, Tomagata, means fire that boils. They passed this strange creature into their astrological heaven, ' See Prescott Conq. Mex. I. 62. On the Sacriiice of a beautiful youllito Tezcat- lepoca, the soul of the world. 1)11 > 1 • 1 ) > ( ° pq <^ o \r-- N^: •\c> ^-V--'<^i^ , ci-r v" 'r-\ "■-. /'' <'l"9[\"'^') <\ ;^ ■^-^-^ */-. "i^~'-^r-^' .-'% .-\ ,--i--^ 49 and, I think, he may be considered rather as the eunuch to tlie virgin gleaner, than as the compauiaii to Sagittarius. Such was the heaven of the Muiscas, full of animals, like that of the Egyptians. AVe see introduced into it Bochica and Cliia, like Osiris and Isis, the transformation of these into the ram, the bull and other animals, and imitated in the transformation of Tomagata, &c. Ata is a toad in the position of springing, which well characterises the beginning of the year. Aca is a toad from whose tail another is forming, symbol of that moon in which these animals begun existence, and their croaking announced the rainy season, and was the sign that sowing must commence. Here is an allusion to the sign Pisces. Gueta is the toad, laying at full length, meaning abundance and felicity. To other signs they gave human characters, as we ourselves sometimes picture the sun and moon with eyes and nose. Bosa represented a nose ; mica, two open eyes ; muyhica, two closed eyes ; cuhupcua, two ears ; ubchihica, one ear. They probably wished here to give an idea of the moon's phases. Cuhupcua looks like a basket, to signify the harvest. Ta and Suhuzaare figured by the pole and cord, by which they made the circle for the plan and foundation of their houses and fields. Hisca, the union of two figures, was the symbol of fecundity, as Gemini. They had various other significations. AYe have seen the Muisca calendar by means of the fingers, also en- graved on stones, by means of symbolic figures. In this country (New Granada), up to the present time no one has occupied himself in working on the iconography of the Muiscas, and these few observations are the first elements of this study. The toad is, without doubt, the symbol of the first moon of the year and century. The Indians put it amongst their divinities, and repre- sented it in various ways. When springing it corresponded to the first sign, Ati, and is thus engraved on many stones. 1 have observed it on the other stones engraved with a tail, which, I suppose, represents quihicha ata, or the number 12 ; for, continuing the springs or jumps, so as to denote future months, he designates, with his tail, those he leaves behind. On some stones, the toad is seen without feet, which appears to me to represent Gueta, a sign of quietude or rest, not in- fluencing agricultural operations. Sometimes the head of the toad is united to the head of a man ; at others the body without feet, turned into an idol, with a tunic, also the tailed toad without feet. The figure I am now about to describe is a pentagon (a)} (a) is a toad on a plain surface, in the act of jumping. 1 Of Petro-Silex, of a green colour. E ^ 50 (b) is a sort of finger, having three lines. (c) is the same, but is outside the centre of the line, followed by the others. (d) is the same, preserving its (neutral position. (e) is the body of the toad, without feet. (f) is a snake. (g) is a circle on the plain part of the stone, in the segment of which is the figure (h). (b) is the reverse of the same stone. (i) is a circle with two segments formed by a cord and a radius. (h) is a snake, &c. Interpret ATiOiSr. — On this stone^ (at a) is symbolised the revolution of the first Muisca year, commencing in ata and ending in hisca ; this includes nine years and five Muisca moons. The Indians, who for all things used the circle, here preferred the pentagon to signify that they spoke of five intercalated years. (a) The toad in the act of springing begins the year and centnry. (b) This species of finger" signalises by the three thick lines, three years. Omitting, then, the finger (c) which is on one side, they count on the finger (d) another three years, which, together with those of finger (b) produce six. This denotes the intercalation of quihicha ata, which succeeds the six Muisca years, as is seen in the table ; and is of much moment among the Indians, as belonging to the toad, which regulates the whole of the calendar. (e) is the body of a toad without tail and feet : symbol of quihicha ata, and wanting the feet, properly expresses its intercalation. The inter- calary month is not computed for the sowing, and thus they imagined it without action or movements. There is seen, on the plain part, the toad ata, which appears to signify that in both places the toad is meant. (f) this serpent represents the sign suhuza, which is intercalated after ^ Refee, Also to this poe, Further Explanation. — (a) Toad or frog without head, sign of ata, emblem of water. (b c d). — Three small pieces of wood, each marked by tbree transverse lines. (e). — Tadpole, with long tail, and without feet ; frog in repose ; useless. (f ) indicates by eight transverse lines, divided into five and three, that at the 8th Muisca year, the moon governed by Suhuza is intercalated ; this is represented at (i) by a circle, traced by means of a cord round a column. (f h) represent serpents — emblems of time. (g). — The sign hisca, alludes to the nuptials of Bochica and Chia. (b c d). — The nine strokes are the nine Muisca years. (h) the lock which closes the temple. " Humboldt calls these figures pieces of wood, marked by transverse lines. I 51 quihicha ata, at the two Muisca years, represented by tlie two thick lines on the back, corresponding to the eighth year, as is seen on the table. We now go to the plain or flat part (b). The serpent (h) is a repro- duction of suhuza, and as it is laying on a sort of triangle, is the symbol of hisca, signifying that it is intercalated immediately after suhuza, in the second year, which is also figured by the two thick lines it has on the back. As the principal end of this chronological stone is to signalise the intercalation of the sign hisca, as being the end of the first revolution of the Muisca century. For greater clearness, these years are counted in the three fingers (b c d), together producing nine years, which give, punctually, this notable intercalation, happening at nine years and five months, as is seen in the table. (g) at (a) is a closed temple, (h) is a wooden lock of the same form as used by the Indians of the present day. The holes of the two ears serve for the stakes they use, and the two interior hooks to fasten the door, signifies the first revolution of the century, closed in hisca. To continue the time it was necessary to imagine that Guesa opened the door with the sacrifice already alluded to, the circumstances of which were symbolical, and related to these revolutions of the century. The serpent has been the symbol of time with all nations. This first revolution of the century was consecrated principally to the nuptials of the sun and moon, symbolised in the triangle, not only by the In- dians but by other nations. Explanation of the diagram of circles of tlie Muisca year (c) : The first or interior circle represents the twenty moons of the vulgar Muisca year, all of which signs are intercalated in the space of a cen- tury. The second circle expresses the Muisca years corresponding to the intercalation of each sign. The third circle expresses the order of this intercalation. Example : I wish to know in which Muisca year the sign mica (the third year of twenty moons) is intercalated. I see in the diagram the number 3 (which represents mica) in the inner circle ; I find that in the second circle it corresponds to number 3G^, this is the year sought for ; I see in the third circle that it corresponds to ^ Duquesne gave the arrangement of the numbers in tables as at p. 55, and in tliree circles, one inside the other. See J. Acosta and Humboldt. In the diagram of circles, given by Humboldt and by J. Acosta, by some error the number 30 is given instead of 36. The numbers in the diagram stand thus : 3, 36, 19. E 2 52 number 19 ; aud thus the intercalation of mica is in order or the 19th of tlie century. The intercalation of Gueta 20, is the last of the Muisca year 37. This is after the vulgar Muisca century of twenty moons, aud seventeen years more, so that, the century ending with the astronomical revolutions of twenty intercalated years of thirty-seven moons each, three vulgar years are required to complete two vulgar centuries. A.rriving at this point, they took no account of those three vulgar years ; they did not require, for agriculture, religion, or history, begin- ning again in ata (which had been arrived at in its turn), a vulgar year, the beginning of a fresh century, like the last already described.^ Note by J. Acosta : I have wished to preserve this document without addition or correction. Note by W. B. I have omitted such observations as have but little to do with the document. In a note, J. Acosta^ says : That this calendar of Duquesne is lost. (d). Is the representation of another stone calendar, showing all its sides, of the original size, procured by Dr. E.oulin, in IS". Granada. It is larger and more perfect than that of Duquesne, not of petro-silex, but of Lydian Stone. J. Acosta gives no explanation of this engraved stone calendar. "What I call the upper surface has a pointed figure with male human head : it may represent gueta, 20, quietude or rest, or zue, the sun. The upper side has an oblong figure with seven angular marks : may be the tail of a serpent, emblem of time. The lower side is a toad or frog, probably the symbol of the first moon of the year and century. The right hand side has a half female figure, may be za, the moon : under the figure an oblong with six straight lines, may be tail of ser- pent. The left hand side has two complex oblong figures, both alike, each having six straight lines, two sets (six each) of angular marks, a circle with three lines drawn from top to bottom, and two very small circles, I cannot ofler any explanation to this last, but it has to do with computation of time. The underneath part (e) has three figures of toads or frogs, one has two sets of six angular lines, may be the first sign, ata. In another i is traced nine large angular lines and two smaller, may mean gueta or 20. • J. Acosta says of this green stone calendar, " supposed to be of the Chibchas." 2 418. J 53 NoTE.^ — On some Muisca stones bv M. Jomard. The ool- lection I purchased in 184iQ, which came Irom the table-laml an- ciently known as Cundinamarca, contains six stones analogous to that published by Humboldt as tlie Muisca calendar, in his " A'iews of tlie Cordilleras," &c. There appear always the same figures, viz. — the human head, the frog, instruments, a fish or a part of one, insects, crustacfi?, the carcaj or arrows, the rencunjo (spawn of frogs or }oung frogs), Dot the perfect animal, a sort of rectangular tambor, witli a Grecian border (Grra^caJ, which has always one of these figures, alone or repeated, seen scul])tured in relief on the upper and lower portions, and on the facets of the ancient stones alluded to. Humboldt, founding his opinion on the numeration of the Muiscas, subject to the number five and its multiples, as well as the Muisca calendar, and observing that the pentagonal stones had 10 sculptured figures on its facets, considers that it is a calendar, thereby adopting the opinion of Duquesne. The particulars of the six stones in my cabinet are as follows : 1. Stone irregular pentagon, "with nineteen figures. It is possible that the twentieth has been rubbed out. 2. Another pentagon rather regular, ten figures, two facets empty, or only marked, with two cross lines. 3. Another trapezoidal, regular, has five figures. 4. Another stone (esqusito verde) is bro'cen ; appears to have been a pentagon ; seven figures remain, but adding the three facets there would be ten. 5 — 6. Two stones much worn ; their original form cannot be made out ; in these are seen some figures like those on the first described. This examination confirms the conjecture of Humboldt, but only in ]'eiation to the jN^o. 5 and its multiples ; but if these stones are calen- dars, how is it that similar figures represent difterent days of the week ? Then the Muisca week of three days does not agree with the numbers 5 or 10, and it would only be from the number 15 and its multiples, where the divisions in 3 or in 5 could be considered. In regard to 20, we should have to go to 60 to have at one time a multiple ^ M. Jomard has prepared this note : it contains the description of the objects in his cabinet connected with the Chibchas. This collection is the most complete I have seen in Knrope or America ; for, indepciident of tlie stone calendar I post^ess, which is the most perfect known (tlio drawing D in plate) I only know of one other in N. Granada, very much used, belongnig to Dr. M. M. Quijano, of Bogota. 54 of 20 and 3, then 60 days do not correspond to any of the divisions of the solar or lunar year, although on the other side, according to Duquesne, the Muiscas had a division or period of 60 rural years, or 20 great years of the xeques or priests, each of which embraced 37 moons but the civil year had only 20 (signed) — Jomard. Besides these stones, the cabinet of M. Jomard contains various drawings of idols and ornaments, vases and other utensils of the nations of N. Granada, especially from Antioquia (some 200), which being of gold and heavy were drawn before they were melted down. (Signed) J. Acosta. (f) from 1 to 20 are the only hieroglyphics I have found of the Muiscas. ^1 I 'Jf LUNAR DAYS OF THE SUNA OF THE MUISCA INDIANS, DIVIDED INTO TEN SMALL PERIODS OF THREE DAYS.l Ata Bosa Mica Ata Bosa Mica FIEST SEIilES. Muyliica Cuhupqim* last Aca Hisca — quarter L'bchihica Ta Suhuza SECOND SERIES. Muyhica Ta Aca Eisca* conjunc- Cuhupqua Ubchihica tion SaJtuza TFIED SERIES. Mvyhica Cuhupqua Hisca Sahuza Ta Aca Ubchihica* full moon yita Eosa Mica* 1st quarter, THREE FORMS OF ZOCAMS OF THE CALENDAR OF THE CHIBCHAS OF MUI8CAS EUKAL YE^R OF TWELVE AND THIRTEEN MONTHS. 1. Ata r Common year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 YEARS OF THE PRIESTS OF THIRTY-SEVEN MOONS. L II. Mica. Common year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 III. Hisca. Embolismic year <} Deaf month. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IV. Suhuza Humbolt' Suhuza Aca Ubchi Ata '' Views," 126, 130. Ata. . . Bosca Mica Muyhica Hisca Ta . . . Cuhupqua Suhuza Aca Cbchihica Ata Bosa Mica Muyhica Hisca Ta Cuhupqua Suhuza Aca Ubchica Ata Bosa Misca Muyhica Hisca Ta Cuhupqua Suhuza Aca Ubchihica Ata Bosa Mica Muyhica Hisca Ta Cuhupqua II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 VULGAR YEARS OF TWENTY MOONS. I. Ala Harvest Harvest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11. Ata Harvest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 15 16 18 19 20 ill. Ata 1 56 Panama. — The approach to this city from the Atlantic is by tracks .through the most dense tropical forests ; here and there the scorching sun's rays dart through openings, and teach one how to appreciate the shade. As Panama is neared and the low mountains of the Isthmus left behind, a pleasant grassy savanna is entered. "Who can help musing in such a locality on the discovery of the New World by Columbus, his sorrows and sufferings ; the proud feelings of Balboa, his melancholy fate ; and the history of the bold but cruel Pizarro, the conqueror of Peru ? I was still north of the equator in 8° 56', it was the winter month of this region, the sultry atmosphere of the woods was somewhat tem- pered by the sea breeze, and a good bit of road presented itself ; on either side were the huts of the half-Indian people, some swinging in their hammocks and very lightly clad. Their cabins were shaded by bauanas and palms, orange and pomegranate groves, and the beautiful maize waved gracefully in the plantations. On entering Panama, black clouds rose from the horizon spreading themselves rapidly. A thunder-storm succeeded with torrents of rain, when the weary traveller drenched to the skin found shelter in the " Louisiana Hotel." After such a soaking, it is customary to rub the body w^ith brandy, comforting also the inner man with a portion : this is said oftimes to prevent an attack of fever. I had a letter of introduction from Mrs. Harrison Smith (then in England) to her brother-in-law, who located me in, perhaps, the best house in the city, for which I was most thankful. I did not find any ancient ruins here ; there are, however, some interesting modern ones ; the Jesuits' college, destroyed by fire, mo- nasteries, convents, and churches, the walls of which are covered with trees and shrubs, their descending roots breaking out the masonry. Worthy of note also is the cathedral and some of the churches, the upper portions are studded w4th pearl shells, giving them a quaint and sparkling appearance. Since the discovery of the gold regions of California, from a lifeless place, Panama has sprung into activity and opulence, added to which is the circumstance of its being the point of transit to the w^est coast of South America. There are here many interesting views, amongst which may be men- tioned, that of a portion of the city from the ramparts, on which there were some brass guns off" their carriages, and it was said that a couple of stout lads Mith sticks would have no difficulty in taking the arsenal ; another good view is that of Playa Prieta, with its luxuriant 57 vegetation rising from the shores of the Pacific ; a third is from oppo- site the cathedral, witli the Caiiildo and busy Calle de la Merced to the left, and a group of buildings to the right. Although Panama is a New Granadian city, Brother Jonathan really rules here ; it is a lively commercial place, and its residents most obliging and hospitable, with a population of 20,000 souls. I saw the arrival of a large party of diggers from California and their departure for the Atlantic side ; they enjoyed themselves much after a sojourn in the gold regions. The " difficulties" that occasionally arise are amongst gamblers, row- dies, and loafers, when the revolver and bowie knife comes into phiy oftimes with fatal consequences. Panama ought to be kept cleaner, for there is abundance of rain to wash it. After the white population, principally foreigners, the negro element preponderates amongst the work-people and servants, who are a gay and saucy set ; they are very fond of dancing, and on moonlight nights they assemble and dance till morning, accompanied by singing, their music being on a drum made of the hollow trunk of a tree, and an instrument of bamboo filled with pebbles. This is an expensive place, washing is charged from twelve to sixteen shillings a dozen. Formerly, when in the tropics, I wore linen clothing, but I found it more pleasant to dress in a very thin woollen shirt, trousers, and blouse of same material. If a Panama straw hat and white leather boots be added to the above, these form a most enjoyable costume, being more conducive to health than either linen or cotton, particularly if there be much rain. As I was lame in the foot from the bite of some venemous reptile,^ the night I slept at Cruces, I could not conveniently go abroad. INIy kind host, Mr. Gr. 8mith, invited an evening party to meet me, consist- ing of the principal merchants, consuls, gentlemen connected with the railway, editors of eight newspapers, and other notables, including Mr. Joy, well known for his energy and activity in affairs connected with the Isthmus ; he has now steamers on the river Magdalena, and a great boon they must be to the country. I visited El Sefior Piece, the Panama pearl merchant. His pretty treasures were kept in little bags ; one beautiful pearl he showed me, pear-shaped, nearly an inch and a half long, by an inch broad in the thickest part ; he hoped, in time, to fall in with another to match, when his price would be £4000 ; he intended to ofler the pair for purchase or refusal to the Queen of England. ! The blood-sucking vampire bat is common in the Isthmus. 58 Mother-of-pearl shell was selling at £7 per ton. One of the interesting sights of Panama is the patio or court-yard of the British consulate, piled up with bars of silver from Peru and Chile, on their way across the Isthmus. From January 1st, to September 30th, 1853, specie, gold-dust, and silver in bars from California, Mexico, Peru, and Chile, amounting to nearly 43,000,000 of dollars crossed the Isthmus. Of passengers there arrived 7,041, and sailed 7,447. My friends made a party on horseback to show me something of the surrounding country. Having trotted over the grassy plain, we reached the hills, from the tops of which we enjoyed exquisite views of moun- tain scenery, particularly at the Losaria, where there are many country seats ; forming, with the Pacific on the west, an interesting panorama. One mile from Panama is the Cerro de Ancon, 500 feet high : from its summit is seen the city, the islands in the bay, the neighbouring plantations, the range between Panama and Porto-Bello, the Rio Grande, the low lands towards Old Panama, and the Chepo and Pecora rivers^ 20th of December. As I was to be at sea on the 25th, my good friends Mr. and Mrs. Jones kept this as Christmas-day. I had passed a Tery happy time of it, and when retiring to bed, I heard bitter lamentations in an adjoining room. I enquired the cause, and found that a young lady had just died of fever, after a very short illness. I could not rest, so sallied forth, lit my cigar, found a billiard-room open, sipped some iced drinks, and, at 3, a.m., the temperature being 86°, I went home. Col. Lloyd, in his observations on the Isthmus of Darien,^ says, Porto-Bello is one of the hottest and most unhealthy places in the world. It is a beautiful locality, but so fatal to human life as to be called the white man's grave ; at Panama, on the contrary, it is healthy, the thermometer in the rainy season does not rise higher at night than 82° to 87°, in summer 90° to 93°. Water. — The supply is limited for the city, and it is slightly saline, 2d. to 3d. per gallon is paid for drinking water. It was pro- posed in 1850, by a company that required a capital of a million dollars, to bring good water, by pipes, from the river Pecora, but as yet this has not been effected ; 15 to 20 per cent, dividend was promised. Panama, its environs, and Taboga expend for water of indifferent quality nearly £56,000 annually. Old Paijtama is distant five miles by water from the present city ; it ^ Greogr. Soc. Journal, i., 69. 59 was destroyed by ISforgan, the Buccaneer, in 1673. It had once 20,000 inhabitants. The Spaniards say they had been weary of the place, and determined to leave it on account of its having no harbour. The spot is now deserted, and it requires a practico or guide to find it. Some watch-towers, solidly built, an arch, two or three piers of a bridge, fragments of church and convent walls are now the only remains to be found. On the top of the convent walls trees and shrubs grow from thirty to forty feet high, their roots running like wedges into the walls, and starting the masonry. A few" negroes live in the vicinity. Seemann, the naturalist, describes Old Panama as sur- rounded by flat hills, copses of wood, savannas ; grassy slopes lose themselves in wild thickets or wooded glens, and the trees stand as in a park. Eoads are wanting, and in the wet season, which comprises nearly three-fourths of the year, the country is almost impassable. December the 22nd, got on board the " Bogota" steamer, commanded by that excellent skipper, Captain Bloomfield, on my way south. We ran over to the island of Taboga, twelve miles distant, in search of a ship's cook, we got a black boy, for whose services we paid six pounds a month. This densely wooded island is two miles long, its highest parts 935 feet. It is an interesting bustling place, with its habitations, hotels, cafes and huts picturesquely scattered about. Sup- plies of beef, pigs, fowls, eggs, yams, bananas, pine-apples, sweet potatoes, &c. are daily taken from hence to Panama. Here the Pacific Steam Navigation Company have a gridiron and depot. At Taboga has resided, for forty years, a most benevolent individual well known as Dona Ana, and called the Queen of the Island ; she is a Jamaica Creole of tall and commanding appearance, and reputed to be the daughter of an English nobleman. Her attendance on sick sailors and others is above all praise, and from her knowledge of the medicinal herbs of the country she effects many a cure. She resides with her black husband in a small hut like any other on the island. By dint of industry she had saved rather a considerable sum of money, which she enti'usted to an Englishman at Panama to invest for her, but he like a scoundrel ran off" with her hard earnings ; she has, however, the blessings of many a sailor who, having been prostrated with fever, but for her care would perhaps have found a grave in Taboga. A story is told of the land crabs of Taboga, who, about the latter part of Lent, are observed descending the hills in great numbers, they even climb over any huts that may be in their way " and join the religious procession on Grood-Eriday." 60 BAROMETRICAL AND THERMOMETRICAL OBSERVATION'S FROM THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL'S REGISTER FOR 1853. THE BAROMETER WAS FIFTY FEET ABOVE LOW WATER. WINDS. MONTHS . DATE 1 6, A.M. NOON. 30.00 6, P.M. 30.00 6a.m. 78 NOON 78 6 p.m. 77 January. . 30.00 • . nugiiete • • • . trusaso, transolico, puda campanucho saglaga quiru quejunbue, juu asagua itai, ji tida caguig nugula quirame quevati, jur^ ju, bi ou a jupatu jiqua,jua jevachaque arcana cacua jeremumuli macartl F 1' c.^ Sacaucric. sera jivita chi lavi es-que bla chugapa Jb'iiQliiih. Foot Fire Water Earth Silver Sugar-cawe Plaintain Tree Pine-apple Calabash' tree Maize Guayavo Another plant Vegetable ivory Wood Cock Hen Egg Turkey Parrot Dog Pig Hour Ladder Pot Knife Canoe Flask Shut Sun Moon Stars I have I had You (instead; Good-day Yes No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 See Dr. Cullen's vocabulary of the Journal. The Bajano or the Yule Darien, from the Atrato to the coast antana cog cojquigiia t6 chunchi' uu singoni chuhi datu behugupa chacri baguiche Cholo. jeru quebuejiue qiicbue, itro paito c'haso pat a panijo chijo giatahu nepe, near a pamiso bija (bixia?) ant a pajnra tupa necomu charau iari china tee dum^ ecohuru neco jampa mamasand- becia, bichia jedec6 chintahu, eocohi iru vuma yuru ira basima confero nano seva ab^ ume umpea quiramani guasoma guaquiranamba Hc,JJ(fU.O. naca manila noc» quenchique povuar pavuar paqueyuar state nercua cugle pavaque I^aquerae ambuc ambuc-ambuc Bayano language, in the Geographical Society's or Tule is sj^read along the northern shore of of San Bias. ^ Chancho, Spanish. - Mama-Juana, Spanish. m (59 PANAMA. From Berthoid Seemann's Popular Noui«nclat ura of the Ameriuau Flor; Acabii Achote Agalla' Aji Amaosifr Aniistay Anamu Anona Anil Aqui Bala Balsa Bejuco de estrolla Bejueo de sajino Cabuga Cacique Cadilla Catfo Caimitillo Cairn it o Cainillo Calabazu Calahuala Camaron Caoba Caracuoha Caucbuc Ceiba Chamico Chiriqui Chonta Cliuiiiico Chunga Ciqua Cocla Coco Cocobolo Cope Corozo Corotii Corpache Cubit a Cuipo Culautra zanthoxylum spino- sum. bixia orcllana. caesilpina coriacea capsicum, Chile pep- per, busera gunimifera. impatiens balsauiiua. petiveria alliacea. anona laurifolia. indigofera anil, cupaniasapida. gliricidia mcaulata. achroma lagopus. arstolochia. dioscorea. agave tuberosa. diphysa carthag. amaranthacea. colFea arabica " racemosa. miconia myriantha. chrysophyllum cari- niito. cremanium comprea- sum. creceutia cunefolia. goniophlebium atte- nautum. hirtclla racemosa. swietenia mah. pluiveria. india rubber, eriodendron saumau- ma. chamico D. stram. composita. palma. curatella amer. palma cauela, lauriuea. bauhinia uiultinervia. cocus nucitera. olusia. bactris. enterolobium tin- bova. croton pseudo-cliina. carloduviea palmata. sterculiacea. erviigium foptidum. Guanabano blanca Guanabano de terete Guandu Guaruma Guatatuca Guateguate Guava real Guayacan " (Mox.) Guazuma Giicpero Guineo Icaco Ichu (Peru.) Iguana Jagua Jercaeo Jipejapa Jobito Jobo Macano Maguey Mammey Mangle ]\[ango Mani Maquenque Maronon Marfiiyeg.(rog. ivory.) Matapalo Malamba Monca xSanco Naju de c.lcbra Or Usui Otd Pa cay Paica Panama. Papayo Pava Pijibaya Pitajaya Pialano Pot'opopo Quira Sajino annona muricata. " obstrusifolia. cajanus bircolor. cecropia peltata. gesneriu. passiflora fetida. inga spectabilis. Teeoma ilavesecn*. gUHJacum off. guazuma. bro^innlm namagua. musa sapientum. clu'vi^obalims icaco. etipa icliu. maclia.jrdim triste. genipa caruto. ocimum basilicum. carloduviea paiiniata. spondias. dipliysa Carthag. agave. niammea, mangrove. rhizophora M. majiirifcra indica. aracliiri hypo^aea. palma. anacardium off. pliytolephus. fieus sp. desmoncus. cypliomandra betai-'-a brisonima coiuinuiu- lia peire.-icia bleo. lippia dulcis. arum esculent um. palma. sterculia Carthag. carica papaya, pan ax. l)nlma cerens pitay.i. musa paradisica. cochlospenm:m hibis coides. iriachiierium pchomb. rhopala diver 1 Looks as if of African origin. 70 Culen psoraralea glandulosa Sandilla citrullus vulg. Cutarro suartzia pinnata. Sapallo curcubita melopepo Dividivi caesalpina coriacea. Sumbo' cucm-bitacea. Espave anacardium rhin. Te2 corchorus mom- Guachapali sehizolobium excel- poxensig. sum. Tula graiide cucurbitacea. Guaco tree cratevia tapioides. Yerba de Chiva hydrolea spinosa. Guagra de Pu- aroslichum aureiini. Zanora Iriartea exhoriza. erco Zaneo sambucis Mex. FROM LLOYD'S NOTES ON THE ISTHMUS OF DARIEN Trans. Geogr. Soc. I., 69, and Dr. CuUen. Bongo' cork-wood tree, " no- ble Bongo tree," canoes made from Carraesa Corutu species of bamboo, like elm. Carati hard wood. Ciquarri Cucuma Guacliapali bastard mahogany, for making mats, &c. like walnut. Guayavite asey- white wood. jan Guallavo Juasimo Majagu Siti Tangare Totumo Yalla Caucbuc de Vaca) (Palo infested by ants, hard wood, for making ropes, hard wood, like mahogany, calabash tree, like box. milk or Indian rubbe.i tree. Lloyd gives the following Indian names of places in the district of Panama, Pecora, Chepo, Cheman, Gorgona, Taboga, Areyjan, Capira, Chame, Pere, Pocri, Macoiacas, Ocu, Penonome, Ola, Chagres, Palenque, Fichichi, Pinogana, Fucuti, Cana, Chipigana, Punaga, Colobre, Sona, Alange, Gualaca, Biyaba, Dolega. ^ Looks as if of African origin. * Spanish for tea, 2 Looks as if of African origin. EQUADOK OK QUITO. Pizarro. — Ouayaquil. — Puna. — Coal. — The Historian Velasco. Villavicencio. — The Patriotic Bishop CaJama. — Description of JEguador. — Canelo- Cinchona. — Cedron. — Roads to Quito. — Quito. — Chimhorazo. Quitus. — Invadiiig Caras. — Manta. — Fossil Bones. — Malabas. — Torto- las. — Negroes. — Conquest of Quito by the Caras. — Emeralds. — Conquest of Quito by the Incas. — Antiquities. — Gold Mash from Cuenca. — Chrono- logical Table. — Population. — Ethnology. — Popayan. — Ecuador Land Company. — Vocabularies. After leaving Panama, many classic spots were passed, one in par- ticular, the island of Grallo, in 2° N., where Pizarro, when about to be forced back to Panama, drew his sword, and traced a line with it on the sand from east to west. Then turning towards the south, " Friends and comrades," he said, " on that side are toil, hunger, nakedness, the drenching storm, desertion, and death ; on this side, ease and pleasure. There lies Peru, with riches : here Panama and its poverty. Choose each man, what best becomes a brave Castillian. Por my part, I ^o south." So saying, he stepped across the line.^ Eunning along the steep coast, with high mountains in the rear, we steamed between the island of La Plata and the main. This island was so called by Pizarro, on seeing silver in the hands of its inhabitants. The bucaniers of old used this spot as a rendezvous to share their booty. We now entered the bay of Gruayaquil. The island of Puna, twenty-four miles in length by twelve broad, is of recent sandstone, and thickly woodp.rl . The sky was cloudy, so we could not see the colossal mountains to the east, including Chimhorazo which shows itself from February to June. The river Gruayaquil is thickly lined with mangroves, other trees, and canes. The anchorage is before the city, which is built at the base of some hills, and has a population of 20,000 souls. The great business part of the city is the Malecon in front of the river, and, as evening draws on, the population makes for that spot to Prescott, Conq. Peru, I., 172. 72 walk or trade, where, among other objects offered for sale, is th@ famed Panamd hat. When the lamps are lighted on the Maleeon, in the streets and houses the effect is very good. Some of the streets and buildings would delight the artist. There are many fine looking men and women, but the majority of the population is a mixed race of White, Negro, and Indian. Gruayaquil, formerly known as Culanta, is in 2° 12^ S., on the river G-uayas, fifty miles from its mouth, and the principal port of Equador. It takes its name from G-uayas, a chief, who was feudatory to Atahualpa (Oviedo spells it Atabaliva) ; he was accidentally killed by one of the Spanish conquerors. The natives of this district were called Guan- cavilcas or Guayaquiles. The island of Puna, when first visited by the Spaniards, had a temple, dedicated to the god of war, Tumbal, a frightful figure ; at its feet were military arms bathed in the blood of prisoners who had been sacrificed on an altar in the centre of the temple, which was dark, and its walls covered with horrible looking paintings and sculptures. The > islanders were nearly all destroyed in the defence they made against the Incas and the Spaniards. When first visited by Pizarro, in 1530, it is said there were 20,000 inhabitants ; in 1734, only 96 remained. Val- verBB,~the priest and co-murderer with Pizarro of Atahualpa, was killed with forty-two Spaniards, by the Indians of Puna, flying from the partizans of Almagro, after the latter had assassinated Pizarro.^ The first account we have of the nations south of Panama, is by Pizarro. The Indians abandoned their dwellings, leaving food and ornaments of gold; and human flesh was found roasting. At Point Quemada,i 7° N., the natives ^re described as warlike, armed with bows and arrows and other weapons. Near the equator, in the open sea, was dis- I ^-covered a balsa or raft (huampu), with two masts and square cotter fjails,^ with men and women ; two of the persons were from Tumbez At Tacames or Tacumez, 1° N., a toT\Ti was visited containing 200( habitations ; the people were warlike and had canoes ; one of which hac a gold mask as a flag. The island of Santa Clara^ was uninhabited, bui Benzoni, 246, translated by Admiral Smyth, Hakluyt, Soc. 2 Cotton grew in abundance on the coast of Quito, white, brown and dark violet I do not find that the seal- skin balsa was known to the natives before the conquest only those of light- wood, reeds and calabashes. ■■' Coal. — On the island of Amortajado, Mr. Peacock noticed, in 1841, the exist! ence of coal, but no geological description is given, and it is supposed that a simiia j coal is to be found on the islands of Puna and Santa Clai'a, at S. Elena and the coas of Choc(5. Mr. P. also found orchilla weed and guano on these coasts. Official coi yespondence, testimonials, &c., of Mi*. Geo. Peacock, 1859. 73 ►ccasionaliy visited by the people of Puna for purposes of sacrifice md worship. The Spaniards fenind in this spot some pieces of ^old, udely wrought into various shapes, and probably designed as offerings ;o the Indian deity .^ At Carapoto, in O^M' S., Benzoni saw one of heir temples containing an idol made of clay shaped like a tiger ( jagua), Iso two peacocks with other birds intended for sacrifice. I may emark that the peacock is an eastern bird, and was not then knowTi in he New AYorld, those seen were turkeys. The turkey was introduced into Europe from Mexico, called by the Spaniards gallopavo, from its resemblance to the peacock. Tumbez, 3° 30' S., was first visited by the Spaniards in 152G. Ulloa nentions that this toAvn was built of stone. It is likely that adobe or sun- Lried brick was also used, for he adds, when he passed through the dace, about 1736, no vestiges were remaining. Prescott- says, the own was built of stone and plaster, and a Curaca ruled the district. iLere Pizarro met with an Inca noble or orejon. The fortress was built )f rough stone, surrounded by a triple wall. The Temple of the Sun vas blazing with gold and silver. The convent appropriated to the !nea's destined brides, the garden of which glowed with imitations of i'uit and vegetables in gold and silver. Tupac-Tupanqui had built the fortress, and peopled the place with aitimaes, colonists forced by the Inca to settle there. The Temple^ and he House of the Virgins of the Sun had been erected by Huayna-Capac. •n less than half a century Tumbez was to be traced only by the mass ■f ruins that encumbered the ground. Much that I have to say about ancient Quito, I am indebted to he interesting work of the Jesuit, Juan de Yelasco, a native of ^uito. He retired to Italy after the expulsion of his order from the panish colonies, and composed his " Historia del Eeino de Quito." A IS. copy, written in 1789, was taken from Europe by Don M. Larrea, nd printed in Quito 1841-4. The first volume contains the Natural [istory ; second. Ancient History ; third, Modern History. A portion this work has been translated by Ternaux-Compans, vol. 19, *aris, 1840. I have also freely used the " G-eografia de la Eepublica del Ecuador." or Manuel Yillavicencio, New York, 1858 ; wlio says that Yelasco's 1 Conq. of Peru, I., 178. 2 Prescott Conq. Peru, i., 178. •'' Accordiug to Beuzoni, at the gate of the temple of the Sun were tame animals £6 lions (pumas), and two tigers (jaguars). i work is the richest touutain from which can be di'awn materials for th@ history of Quito. Villavicencio's volume is a standard authority for the geography of Equador, and deserves to be translated. Quito, ^ in consequence of the productiveness of its commerce, was : formerly one of the most opulent provinces of S. America. At the commencement of the 18th century, it fell into so sensible a decay, that its plantations, manufactories, &c., were reduced to a fifth part of what it had heretofore been. To give it new vigour, Count Casa-Griron, after having, at great expense, procured from Europe skilful artists to re-establish manu- factures, set on foot a patriotic society in 1789 — "the School ofi Concord," consisting of twenty-six associates and twenty-two cor- responding members. In 1791, the patriotic Bishop of Quito, Calama, undertook the direction of this society. In 1792, its secretary, Xavier, commenced the publication of a periodical, " The Eirst Fruits of the Culture of Quito." Bishop Calama, in his pastoral edicts, which are utterly divested of bigotry, displays the most benevolent views. Being at Ambato, inj his edict he says, " Seeing that in this department there is abundance ' of flour, we offer a premium of fifty dollars to the baker who shall make and present to us a specimen of wheaten bread well fermented, well kneaded, and well baked." ,^M An interesting project of this prelate, was to establish a communi- cation between Ibarra and Otabalo, also with the provinces of Asquande, Choco, and Barbacoas, the want of which prevented the exportation of the productions and manufactures, reducing the in- habitants to a state of extreme misery. One of the beneficent results was the discovery of several gold mines. I Bishop Calama's discourse at the opening of the Economical Society, displayed sound policy and masterly eloquence. It finishes with this sentence : — " We are all poor, but we shall all be rich, if we propose to ourselves, as our guide, to be loving friends of our country. I amfi aware of the superior obligation which the character of bishop imposes on me ; and it is full in my remembrance, that one of the five vo^^s 1 made was, that all my income, all my books, and all my voice and pen. although weak, should be employed for the benefit and succour of my, beloved diocess." I The Republic of Equador^ is divided into three natural parts by twc 1 ( ' Mercuric Peniaiio." and Skinner's " Present State of Peru," J 805. Explorations in Equador, bv G. J. Pritchett, Grcogr. Soc. Proc, 1859. I" V V5 parallel chains of the Andes. The centre division being on an avera'^e level, much more elevated than: the others, from 5000 to 11,000 teet, possesses an equal and agreeable climate, a clear bright atmosphere, and is the seat of the chief cities. The eastern and western slopes of the Cordilleras are densely covered with every species of timber, including a large mahogany, out of which the Indian scoops his canoe. The cotton and india-rubber plants grow wild, as also cocoa, canelo^ (called by some cinnamon), coft'ee, the guav'usa or tea plant, vanilla, tobacco, indigo, orchilla, wax palms, copal, storax, spices, dyes, sugar-cane, rice, maize, quina or cinchona bark,- cedron,^ &c. — indeed, a paradise for the botanist. In the more temperate parts, there are large grazing and arable firms. As to mineral productions, they are in abundance ; the entire range * Canelo, translated, is the cinnamon tree, but is a very diiferent plant to the oriental. The native name was annawon. Fine cinnamon is C. verum, class ix., order 1 flourishing in Ceylon. Canelo or canella. is canela alba, laurifolia, and other varieties growing in Equador in particular ; class ii., order 1. Pritchett says, " Cinnamon (canelo), the bark of a species of laurel ; and ishpingo is the calyx of the flower : three to four thousand pounds are annually gathered of it." The canelo of N. Granada is called bvHolton drymis winteri or winters bark. Seemann mentions canela de Cliile, drymis Chilensis — (this is the boighe of the araucanos, a sacred tree) C. de Chiero Brazil), Oredaphne opifera ; C. de Ermi (Brazil). See expedition of Gonzalo. ■Pizarro, A.D., 1539-42, to the land of Cinnamon, by Markham, Hakluyt Coll., 1859. Prescott Conq., Peru ii., 97. 2 Cinchona. — See UUoa's " Koticias Secretas," and " Narrative" on the destruction of this tree. The bark known as quina- quina was used in the time of the Incas ; lit takes its present name from Chinchon, a viceroy of Peru. I The following is from Markham's Notes on the Culture of Cinchonas. The mean temperature of the Cinchona region is about 62° F ; from 4000 to 10,000 feet above jthe level of the sea ; and the region extends from 10° N. to 19° S. lat. I Cinchonas of Equadoe. — C. Condaminea, is found in the forests near Loxa and jCuenca, growing to the height of thirty to forty feet, in a formation composed of gneiss or micaceons shists, on the declivities of mountains, between 3° 42' and 4° 40' S. lat. ; 5000 to 9000 feet above the level of the sea. Mean temperature 64° to 68° F. it flowers in May, June, and July. C. Cond. (var. lancifolia) a variety, growing as high as 10,000 feet, on the declivities 3f the Andes, and is sometimes exposed to frost at night. C. Succirubra, " the red Ibark," growing near Huaranda, between Quito and Guayaquil, in a formation of mi- jaceous shists, 2° 16' S. lat. — a very valuable species, as yet little known. B. Seemann calls the C, cond : Cascarilla, fma ; C, humb : Cascarilla, peluda. ' Cedron.— Seemann, Voy. of " Herald," II. 74, mentions that the kernel of the ?imaba Cedron is intensely bitter. It is used in fevers aud snake bites. May not its lotive principle be as important as the alcaloidcs of the Cinchonas ? 76^ of the Cordilleras abound with gold, silver, and copper. Gold is also found on the banks and in the channel of every river which has its source in the high lands. The mountain range of Llanganate (beautiful mountain), S. S. E. of Quito, in Canelos, is known as the mother of the gold found in the streams that run from it. Quicksilver is seen to ooze out of the ground in Cuenca ; and the district of Esmeraldas only requires searching in its streams and rocks for the beautiful gem that gives name to that part of the country. The Caras, on their way from the coast of the Pacific to the conquest of the capital of the Quitu (Quito), ascended the river Esmeraldas. The port of Tacamez is at its mouth, and to the river Silanche, thirty-five leagues, is navigable for small vessels, then by land to Mguas, Mindo, and Cotocallo. There is another and a much shorter route to Quito fr^om the port of Pailon, 1°21']N'., crossing numberless ravines and streams that flow into the Mira, then along its banks to Ibarra,^ a distance of only forty-five leagues to Quito, whereas, from Gruayaquil it is nearly ninety. The route to Quito from G-uayquil is, first, twenty leagues by the river to Bodegas, but in the rainy season seven leagues further to Sabanetta. To arrive at the vicinity of Chimborazo, a series of lower mountains are traversed, presenting the most beautiful variety of undulation and colour, and of ?^n extent that gives boundless room for every kind of atmospheric eftect. At Huaranda,^ the mules of the traveller are changed for others of harder hoofs and surer tread, to climb the rough incline of the mountain. From Huaranda, after a steep ascent of four hours, the highest point of the road is reached, which traverses round Chimborazo. Passing the tambo of Chuquipoyo, a few leagues further is Mocha. Eive leagues more is the large town of Hambato. Here ^ Near this is Salinas, where there is much salt and some nitrate of potash. A few miles jS". E. of Ibarra is Yaguarcocha or Lake of Blood. The Oanares having been traitorous or rebellious, the Inca, Iluayna-Capac, ordered the execution; of 30,000 of them. Their bodies were thrown into the lake, the water of which be-, came reddened with blood. 2 A beautiful oil-painting, by F. E. Church, was exhibited in London, in July, .. 1859, called " The Heart of the Andes." The view is taken from near Huaranda, when the sun is descending in the west, and under the shadow of Chimborazo. " Here! is a picture of the grandest design, singularly original, simple and perspicuous, of J quiet purpose and intention, fully carried out. One beholds Italian landscape in morjBij than Italian perfection, and in grandeur cannot bei^urpassed." ' > 1 1 I ' > I , 111, » t ' 1 > » > > « , O cm \en they have avoided connections with Whites and Xegroes ; for this, after all, ap- ars to be the great secret to preserve them from destruction. 70 „ 1,300 to 1,370 60 „ 1,370 to 1,430 33 „ 1,430 to 1,463 24 „ 1,463 to 1,487 38 „ 1,487 to 1,525 8 „ 1,525 to 1,533 0.2mo 1533 94 rOUKTH EPOCH. TEAES 12tli Scyri, Toatlie Caran, aud Duchicela tlie Purulia ...... 13t]i Scvri, Autachi Duchicela 14th Scyri, Hiialcopo Duchicela . 15th Scyri, Cacha Duchicela FIFTH EPOCH. 16th Scyri, Paccha and Huayna-Capac, 13th Inca of Peru ..... 17th Atahualpa, son of the above 18th Hualpa-Capac, his son . 19th Euminahui, the Usurper, from December, 1533 to May 1,533 SIXTH EPOCH. The Spanish Conquest, about 300 years. j SEVENTH EPOCH. ■ The present Eepublican form of Grovernment. • l| The coast of Equador was discovered by Pizarro, in 1526. I| In 1812, the country declared against Spain, and the battle of || Ayacucho, 9th of December, 1824, closed the war of Independence. m^^ Population" of Equador. — "Whites, descendants of m Europeans . * 601,21911 Indians, descendants of the Conquerors . . . 462,40011 Negroes . . 7,831 1 Mixture of Negroes with "Whites and Indians, as Mulattos, l| Zambos, Mestizos or Cholos . . . . 36,592 ftj,' 1,108,042 1 ^ Eastern savages from Chinchipe to the Putamayo . . 200,000l> , 1,308,0421'' According to an official report, the population in January, 1858, was! ,. 1,010,371, having augmented, since the previous year, 19,919 ; bornMi 41,008, deaths, 21,089. Ij The revenue of Equador in 1856 was 1,372.000 dollars ; expenditure.Jj , 1,358,498. ' 1* Ethnology of Equadoe.^ — The races are, the European, NegrcJ^j, ' Translated principally from Greogralia de la Eepublica del Ecuador, por Yillavi ceneio, New York, 1858. % 95 and American. The mixture of these three, form sub-races, distin- guished by the names of mulatos, zambos, mestizos or cholos. The first are from the union of the ^egro and Indian ; the second, the Negro and White ; and the third of the White and Indian. The American race is subdivided into families. QuiTU Family.^ — These Indians constitute the greater portion of the native population, and have been improperly called Peruvians. The Quitus were powerful and organised, when they were conquered by Huayna-Capac, Inca of Peru, who governed them thirty-eight years. The language of the Quitus (Cara-Quitus) had affinities with the Quichua. Thus Huayna-Capac said, " These kingdoms must have been established by two brothers ;" but he had little foundation for thia opinion. I have said, at p. 79, that it was probable the Caras came originally from the coast of Peru; if so, they may have brought a language having some connexion with Quichua, and would account for the Cara — Quitu being understood by the Incarial invaders. Now this Cara language introduced the o, which was a prominent vowel in the Quichua, into the Quitu. The Puruha's and other nations south of Quito j became allied to the Scyris of Quito, but of their languages we knew I very little. Yelasco,^ says, at the period of the Conquest of Quito 'by the Incas, in the intermediate country the Quichua was not spoken ; thus I suppose that the Quichua, which formed a part of the Cara- Quitu, was brought by the Caras from the coast of Peru in early times. Still, as the Incas had been advancing north for a long period, the Quichua of Cuzco, which was rigorously imposed on the conquered nations, crept onwards and also communicated by them to the Cara- Quitus, who had been extending their dominions towards the south. The general character of the Quitu family is, that of having the ^heek-bones large, narrow forehead, large ears, hair straight and thick, )f a copper colour, and but little beard. Those Indians who are free Tom consecutive labour are better made than the gananes, conciertos, )r hired persons, such are nearly black ; they include shepherds, &c., rho are exposed to the burning sun of the tropics, or to the frozen emperature of the Paramos or Andean regions, and who go about aked. It is generally said that the Indian is astute aud suspicious ; ut, if so, let us do him the justice to say, that we have, in many ases, abused his confidence. * See Ludewig 159. Mr., 52. 96 The Lojanos are as bronzed as the Canazea, but the latter are more intrepid, robust and taller, and generally have large cheek- bones, and bent (roman) nose ; the Puruhas or Chimborazos are somewhat whiter than the preceding, more robust, and the American type is strongly marked in them ; the Tacungas are rather white, active, and their physiognomy approaches the Caucasian ; the Quitus proper, are distinguished from the Tacungas by their acti- vity and liveliness ; they are generally enterprising and brave : the Imbaburenos are as white as the Europeans, their females, particu- larly those of the Cotacaches, have expressive and beautiful features. The Napos, Canelos, Santo Domingo, Intags, JSTanegales and G-ualeas speak the same language as the Quitu, which we will add to this family ; specifying that these tribes are distinguished from the Quitus, in being taller, more agile and muscular, of agreeable countenance, bent nosed, and the cheek-bone not much developed. These Indians are generally known as Tumbos, adding to this the name of the province they live in, as those of the Napo ; they are called Tumbos of the Napo. Capata Eamilt. — These differ but little from the Tumbos ; they are not so tall, but have the cheek-bones somewhat larger. They pre- serve their primitive idiom, which is guttural, but they all speak the \ general language or Quitu ; they live in a state of liberty and indepen- dence, and only allow the Romish priests and whites to be amongst them during their feasts, and for trade. CoLOEADOS Family, are to be found in the forests to the east of j Quito ; their language is nasal, but the greater portion speak the Quitu. Mu These three had settlements, but they have begun to disperse and formjjf others, as Palenque-alto, &c. JiVAEO Eamilt. — This great nation is found between the rivers J J"' Chinchipe and Pastassa ; composed of numerous and large tribes, taking the names of the rivers on the shores of which they live, as Moronas, Pautes, Zamoras, Grualaquisas, Upanos, Pindos, Pastassas, Agapicos,i" ° Achuales, Cotapasas, &e. All these speak the Jivaro language, which) is clear and harmonious ; easy to learn and energetic. This last quality J* emanates from the warlike and proud character of the Jivaros. TheJ Incas of Peru tried in vain to conquer tliem ; the Spaniards succeededij in reducing them, founding cities in their country ; but a rising in one day destroyed the work of many years. Since then, some attempts have been made to subdue them, but without success. 97 They are active and muscular, have black eyes, small aud very animated ; they show a bold front, are bent nosed, thin lips, and have teeth as white as ivory. — Many of them are whitish and bearded : it is believed this comes from the Spanish women they stole when they rebelled in 1599. They use the lance with great dexterity and manage the shield well. Although the Jivaros are of so unbending a character, some of the tribes approach the conquered settlements, entering into relations with them, as has occurred in Canelos, with some of the Jivaros of the Pas- tassa, and they have even learnt the Quitu language. Other tribes have crossed the Cordillera, and have entered the towns, seeking peace and trade, inviting them to open roads. Zapara Family.^ — This is less numerous than the Jivara, and in- habit the upper waters of the Pastassa and Xapo ; they are divided into many independent tribes, taking their names from the rivers near to which they live, as the Mueganos, Curarayes, Tupitinis, Matagenes, Yasunies, Mautas, Shiri-punos, Nushinos, Andoas, Eotunos, &c. All speak the same language, which is simple in its grammatical con- struction — nasal, guttural, and abundant in burlesque phrases. This family is more pacific than the Jivara, less cunning in war, but more skilful with the lance. They are particularly active, attached to the whij^e man, and hospitable to him. Their civilization would be easy. Between the Zaparo and the Jivaro, there is a great difference in their customs. The Zaparo is generally indolent ; thus only a few of ! the tribes have small plantations of maize and yuca; the majority sup- I porting themselves by the chase, fish and wild fruits, their only dress , being the bark of trees. The Jivaro, on the contrary, has a fixed resi- i dence, cultivating with care large portions of land with plantains, I yuca, maize, mani, mandi, potatoes, beans, vegetables, &c. ; they also , breed large numbers of swine, trading them in Canelos, Macas, and with I tribes on the Amazon ; they weave cotton clothing, which they dye with pleasing colours. The Zaparo live in well-constructed assemblages of ranches, where only are found hammocks, serving them for beds and seats, whilst the ! Jivaro build strong houses with doors, closed inside at night by an 1 upright bar on an angle ; he sleeps on a bedstead, and his principal i apartment has wooden chairs around it. ' See Ludewig, 207. 98 In appearance the Zaparo is somewhat like the Chinese : of middle stature, robust, round face, small eyes placed angularly, and very knowing ; nose flat and broad at the end, lips rather thick, and slightly bearded. Those who live on the margins of the rivers maintain them- selves by fishing : they are copper coloured ; but those who reside in the interior and in the shades of the forest, are lighter coloured, and the women have an agreeable and expressive countenance Angutera Family. — Inhabits the central and lower portions of the Napo. They appear to be a branch of the Putumayo Indians, with whom they have identity in language, customs and appearance, and live in friendship with them. The Anguteros have fixed residences, cultivate the plantain and yuca, also the yuca-brava, a poisonous root, this property it loses by fermentation, into which they put it to make bread, their principal food, as well as chicha, from the same root : both are pleasant and nntritious. The countenance of the Angutero is not an agreeable one, being rather ferocious ; he has black eyes and large eye-brows, his nose bent and broad, hair thick and long, of dark copper colour, and many have a blueish complexion. Their arm is the lance. These Putumayos are those Indians dreaded by travellers, who, when coming up stream, attack them at night, robbing them of their tools of iron ; but their most frequent frays are with the collectors of sarsaparilla -iJChey are beginning to sell provisions, hammocks and sarsaparilla. EisrcABELLADA Familt. — This is a small one, and is found on the lower part of the river Aguarico. Their numbers are much reduced, and, although wild, have lost their former ferocity. They are in ap- pearance somewhat like the Anguteros, but difierent in their customs, and much given to fishing for the manati (sea-cow), charapas or tor- toises, with which their river and lakes abound. They supply travellers flj| with meat and fat. Oeejon Pamilt^. These join the Anguteros, and inhabit the country at the mouth of the JSTapo. The name of Orejones (big-eared) comes from the custom they have, after having bored their ears, to in- troduce daily pieces of wood, one larger than the other, until thej size of a foot in diameter is attained, the size of the wheel that is;] within the lobe of the ear.^ ' See Ludewig, 139. 2 This was a form of an order of chivalry of the Incas, or, perhaps, the custom „ existed even before their time. fl , 99 Their language is guttural and nasal, somewhat confused by its pre- cipitate utterance ; it differs from that of the Anguteros, as these latter, independently of theirs being very nasal, accent the last syllable with a peculiar and unpleasant sound. The Orejones have broad faces, which are almost square, large cheek- bones and thick lips ; they are in communication with the Ticunas, aud prepare the Orejou poison for their arrow^s. They are not so wild as the Ticunas, and trade in poisons, hammocks and provisious, bartering for iron implements, &c. Atijera Family. — This family inhabits the southern shores of the Napo, at its mouth, and in front of the Orejones or Payaguas.^ They appear to be allied to the Tquitos and Mazanes, for their language and customs are the same ; they consist of many tribes, speaking the same language, but with different accentuation. They are like the Anguteros in feature, but are darker, the nose wider, very large faces, and the cheek-bone well developed. These tribes live by fishing and the chase ; they have some plantations, and supply provisions to the traveller. Next to the Avijeros, and in front of the Anguteros, are the Santa Marias, formerly a branch of the Anguteros. These are pacific and more industrious than the Anguteros ; they cultivate large portions of land with maize and yuca-brava, collect sarsaparilla, and make ham- mocks for sale. The Santa Marias di-ess as the Anguteros, in a long narrow tunic, very clean, painted with various colours and fanciful figures. CoFANES Family. — These tribes live on the head waters of the river Aguarico, between it and the Azuela, and near to the foot of Cayambe. This family, once so dreaded by the Spaniards for the blood they shed of the missionaries, have much diminished, and are losing their wildness ; they now leave their forests and visit the neighbouring settle- ments. The Cofaues speak a guttural rough language ; they are very united amongst themselves, and occupy an advantageous position for defence, in case of being attacked. Independently of the families already described, each one speaking a different language, there are small tribes of savages living between the Amazons and the territory of the Jivaros, each having a par- ticular dialect. There are also other inhabitants, as the Mulattos^ of ^ See Ludewig, 78. - These have their origin from ruu-away negroes, who appear to have killed the male Indians of tliis district, taking possession of their women. n 2 100 Esmeraldas, and the Mangaches of Palenque-alto, who, although they speak Spanish badly, have a particular language, which appears to be a dialect of the Colorados de Santo Domingo. The wild nations of Equador, as the Jivaros, Zaparos, Angu- teros, &c., believe in a good and evil principle : this faith somewhat governs them. They suppose that the good principle is more powerful than the evil, the former being shared in by the virtuous. All the savages of the eastern districts believe in the metempsychosis, and sup- pose that the brave are transformed into the most beautiful birds ; cowards and traitors, into unclean reptiles. PoPATAiS", now a portion of New Granada, was so called from a great chief of that name, and who ruled over many large tribes. The first Spaniards, in a very short period, founded twenty-one cities, seven towns, villages and settlements. These were furiously attacked by the natives. Yelasco^ thinks that nearly all these na- tions of Popayan were descendants of Caribs of the Antilles, on account of their barbarous proceedings and analogous vices, particularly that of eating human flesh. There were, however, some tribes who appear to have had other and more noble origin. If there were ferocious and inhuman ones, as the Pachanchicas, Masteles and Abades, there were others kind, sociable and humane, as the Tancales and San- quampiies : if there were stolid, brutal and rude, as the Guanacas and Paes, there were others clever and of noble ideas, as the Antagaimas and Coyaimas. If there were weak, cowardly and unwarlike, as the Timanaes and Nievas, there were others formidable for their valour and military spirit, as the Noannamaes, Chocoes, Andaquies, Pijaos, and particularly the Barbacoas. The continuous and sanguinary wars of the Spaniards, destroyed, in a short space of time, so large a portion of the native population, that, for working the gold mines, Negro slaves had to be imported. It is difficult to give a correct list of the various nations that inhabited Popayan. In the N.W. there were fourteen, including the Chocoes ; in the N.E. there were twenty-three, including the Anata- gaimas and Pijaos ; in the W. there were five, including the Barbacoas ; in the E. there were eight, including the Andaquies, Coconucos, Nievas, and Timanaes ; in the S. W. there were eighteen. in., 37. 101 lu the S. and S.E. there were twenty-six, including the Mocods. Quito. — This great kingdom^ comprised the following nations, said to have had each a different langi±age, with the number of dependent tribes who spoke dialects. The Alausi, eight ; Angamarca, two ; Canar, twenty- five ; Canelo, one ; Cara, seven ; Caran-quin, eight ; Cayambe, two Chacayungo or Jaen, ten ; Chimbo, five ; Cofan, five ; Esmeralda (Tacamez), twenty ; Guancavelica, sixteen ; Hambato, four ; Huaca. three ; Hamboya, two ; Lapuna, two ; Latacunga, sixteen ; Maca, eight ; Manta, ten ; Mocha, five ; Mocoa, five ; Otavolo, nine ; Paca- mores, twelve ; Palta, four ; Pimampiros, five ; Poritaco, two ; Pnru- hay or Eiobamba, thirty ; Quitu, twenty-nine ; Quijo or Canela, twelve ; Lucumbio, five ; Tiquizambiz, one ; Tijanes, one ; Jibar.o, thirteen ; Yaguarzongo, twelve ; Tumbos, Zarza or Lonja, eighteen ; besides others the names of which are not known. Thus we see that there were about forty nations who spoke distinct languages, and more than 300 tribes who had dialects. Of the tribes more than forty were extinct before 1789. The greater portion of the forty mother tongues are lost, and the dominant ones are Peru- Quiteiio and Spanish. The Huancavilca, Jibaro and Pacamoro nations, for their indomitable valour, may be classed with the Araucanos of Chile. Tlie Huancavilca and Cofan nations had a well-regulated government, the more so that of the monarchial Pacomores. The Chimbos and Mocoas were weak and cowardly. Some were well inclined, pacific and friendly to the Spaniards, as the jMocoas, Tumbos, Macos, Huamboyas and Canelos ; and others indomitable, as the Tortolas, Jivaros and Lapunas, Some 100 nations are spoken of as having inhabited the Maranon, and 110 more on its tributaries ; many of these nations and tribes are extinct. 2 Equadoe La^^d Company. — Being anxious to support every under- taking calculated to develop the inexhaustible resources of S. America, I readily co-operated in the formation of the Equadc.r Land Company, being invited thereto by the Chairman, Mr. Gerstenberg. . The Equador government had issued land warrants to the amount of £560,000 to British creditors in part payment of arrears of interest at the conversion of their debt in 1855. The committee of bondholders commissioned Mr. Greorge Pritchett to proceed to that country, to ^ Yelasco, iii., 175. 2 See Yalley of the Amazons by Markham, Ilakluyt Soc, 1859, for principal tribes of the Amazons. 102 choose lands suited to European immigrants and for commercial pur- poses. He selected five districts : the Pailon, Atacames, Molletura, Gualaquiza, and Canelos, in all about four and a half millions of acres, at the average price of 2s. 5d. per acre. The laud warrant of £100 being however only worth £5, the marketable value of the acre is little more than one penny. The holders resolved, upon Mr. Pritchett's favourable report, to form a company under limited liability, subscribing one share of £2 in re- spect of every laud warrant they hold, thus furnishing the means of sending out a first expedition to the port of Pailon. The promoters agree to surrender £1000 land warrants each to the company, to enable the same to take immediate possession of the Pailon. The amount required for that purpose is £60,000, but it has been considerably exceeded, and the subscriptions now amount to nearly £100,000. On the 25th of March of 1859, the company was duly incorpo- rated, under limited liability, after a unanimous resolution of support and co-operation on the part of the land warrant holders, passed by a public meeting at the London Tavern on the preceding day. The allotment of the two eastern districts, the Canelos and Gua- laquiza, being made the pretext for hostilities on the part of Peru, the Equador Land Company took a warm interest in the unprovoked quarrel, pleading the just cause of Equador, not only by the press, but also in a memorial presented by a deputation to Lord John Eussell. The Secretary of State for Eoreign Affairs at that interview made the important statement that the blockade was irregular and should be en- quired into. Shortly afterwards Lord John Russell sent a reply to the directors conveying the gratifying announcement that his lordship was fully alive to the great importance of the question involved, and had requested the naval officers stationed on the west coast of S. America to obtain the fullest information on the subject ; meanwhile a British man-of-war being ordered to the coast of Equador to watch British interests. The Equador Land Company have proceeded vigorously with their preparations. Being possessed not only of a large amount of land war- rants but also of sufficient funds, they purchased the yacht "Kittiwake" of 250 tons, to convey to Equador, as pioneers, a commercial repre- sentative and his staft' ; the important post of geologist and engineer, has been confided to the well-known Australian and Californian 103 explorer, Mr. J. S. "Wilson, whilst the offices of surgeon, botanist, agriculturalist, &c., are filled up by practical individuals. The immediate objects of the expedition will be to establish a small colony at the Pailon, and make arrangements for future immigrants. Erom the paucity of serviceable ports on the west coast, the new port of Pailon will be useful to navigation generally. The next step will be to construct a road to Ibarra and Quito, as the landholders on the line and the government of Equador have offered their assistance and co-operation, volunteering labourers and a pecuniary guarantee of 10 to 15 per cent, on the outlay of capital. Along the road, the most favourable spots on the rising ground and table-lands will be selected for settlement^f European immigrants and the cultivation of the various products best adapted to the different zones, such as cocoa, cinchona, caoutchouc, coffee, sugar, cotton, maize, wheat, &c., and for the exploration of the varied mineral riches of the country. This road will enable the rich provinces of Esmeraldas, Imbabura, and Quito to send their abundant supplies of valuable produce to the Pailon for shipment, whilst they are at present almost entirely lost, owing to the difficulty and great expense of transporting them first to Quito, and thence round Chimborazo to Guyaquil. Afterwards the road from Ibarra is to be continued to the Canelos, thus reaching, by the river Napo, the Amazons, and establishing a prac- ticable and inexpensive route for merchandize from the Atlantic to the Pacific.^ Not only colonization and commercial establishments are the objects of the company, but also scientific researches, and they will represent various scientific societies in England and on the Continent. In September, 1859, Peru declared war against Equador ; one com- plaint is, that Equador has given up lands to the British bond-holders, belonging to Peru. A few words on the boundary question may not be uninteresting. ^ It is stated by a Belgian paper, that M. T. Lois has accepted the invitation of the Brazilian government to navigate the whole of the Amazon river with sixtj-four com- panions. 104 BOrNDAEY QUESTION. Yillavicencio^ says " Equador is bounded on the N. by New Granada, on the S. by Peru ; on the E. by Brazil ; and on the "W. by the Pacific. The exact limits with neighbouring nations are not yet determined. Those I have given on my map appear to me to be the most natural ones, although Equador has rights over the province of Mainas, situated S. of the Maranon, and the space between the rivers Putumayo and Caqueta, and where foreign maps generally run the boundaries." Herrera states that the old coast line was from Buenaventura (3° 45' N.) to Paita (5° 10' S.), or about 200 leagues. Seemann,^ in his route fnpm Piura north, came to the B.. Ana-cara, in about 4° 30' S, 80^00' W., which, he says, is the south boundary line of the two Bepublics, and that the Biver Mira is the north boundary with N. Grranada ; but which of the mouths to take is the question. Those who wish fco join N. Grauada say the channel flowing south of Point Mangles is the one intended ; while the Equadorians maintain the Tumaco branch, about twenty miles to the northward, is the true one. In a late map, the boundary line is moved to the Biver Patia, sixty miles north of Tumaco, falling into the sea, just north of Point Guascamo. The latter end of 1859, Castilla, the president of Peru, sailed from Callao with a large force, making himself master of Guayaquil ; and, as civil war was raging in Equador, this precluded any opposition. Castilla, od taking possession of Guayaquil, placed General Pranco in power there. However, the disturbed state of Peru, coupled with the approach of the rainy season, obliged Castilla to make his way back to Lima to watch the movements of the Eclienique party, which he had turned out, and the chance of a difiiculty with Bolivia. Castilla concluded a treaty of peace with Franco, who only commands in Guayaquil* Peru not to be identified for cost of Castilla's expe- dition, estimated at seven millions of dollars. Two years from date of treaty allowed for Equador to prove her right to the provinces of Quijos and Canelas, and, failing this, to surrender them at the expira- tion of that time to Peru. British bond-holders to have lands assigned to them in exchange for lands in the above mentioned provinces. The head government in Quito refused to ratify this treaty, and Eranco, aided by Castilla, proposed to march against Quito to compel its recognition. ^ Geografia de la Republica del Ecuador, 27. 2 Voy. of Herald 1., 60, 72. ■H M 105 Translation of Names in the Work and Map of " Geogrofa de la Hejyuhlica del Ecuador^'' hy Villavicencio. The names of plains, monntains, rivers, lakes, &c., some of which have their origin in the ancient idiom of the Quitus — of these we are ignorant of their etymology — others are of the times of the Schyris and the Incas ; of these some have been preserved in their purity, as Allapaca, caqui-bamba, chuqui-pata ; others have been altered, as cajas-bamba (cajabamba), chimbu-razu (chimborazo) ; others have been trans- lated, half in Spanish, half in Quichua, or Yerde-cocha, Limpio-pungu, Frances-nrcu ; and others into Spanish, as Kioblanco, Laguna- grande, Monte-negros ; but the Indians still call these Turac-yacu, Hutun-cocha, Yana-urcu. "We give a list of some of the words met with in our work and map, so as to facilitate a knowledge of places, inasmuch as the names given to localities by the Indians, signify the relation as to figure, colour, the abundance of animals or fruits in the mountains or forests, rivers, lakes, and places. Allcu-chaca Allcu-chupa Allcu-cocha Allcu-quiro Allpa-chaca Allpa-rupahsca Augas-cocha Angas-quingrai Anango-yacu Ata-hualpa Balsa-yacu Balsa-urcu Caballo-guanusca Cachi-loma Cachi-llacta Cachi-yacu Cajas-bamba Cajas-cocha Cajas-nan Cajas-urcu Calla: na- yacu bridge of the dog tail of the dog lake of the dog tooth of the dog bridge of earth earth, burnt lake of An con vuelta (turns) of Ancon river of ants chicken, handsome river of the balsa (float) mountain or forest of the balsa dead horse hill of salt land of salt river of salt elevated plain lake on elevated plain road on elevated plain mountain or forest on elevated plain river of Callana (also earthen vase) Caniro-cocha Casha-yacu^ Casha-urcu Caspi-cocha^ Chaca-yacu Chaca-yungas Chalhua-cccha Chalhua-bamba Chahuar-urcu Chambira-jacu Chaqui-bamba Chaqui-maillana yacu Chaqui-nan Charapa-cocha Chonta-yacu Chonta-cocha Chonta-urcu river of the Canero (a little dog, very car- nivorous river of thorns mountain of thorns lake of poles or sticks river of the bridge bridge of the warm country lake of fish plain of the fish mountain of the cabuyos river of the chambira (palm) plain of the feet river to wash the feet footpath lake of the charapas, (tortuguilla) river of the chonta (palm) lake of the chonta forest of the chonta ' Caparurar (or snow mount.), the mountain of El Altar. — Stevenson. - Caspi-cara was the name of an Indian sculptor in Stevenson's time. 106 cold river cold mountain river in front foot of the lake foot of the hill of the chuquis (dancers) snovr of Chimbo (the province of Chini- borazo) river of the lake springs of chuqui mountain of the shells shore (or dry sides of a river) of Ortiga meeting of the cundures (condor) Cundur-huachana the condor's nest Chiri-yacu Chiri-urcu Chimba-yacu Cocha-pata Chuqui-pata Chimbu-razu Cocha-yacu Chuqui- poyo Churu-urcu Chini-playa Cundur-hatu Cunchi-bamba Cunuc-pata Cunuc-yacu Curi-urcu Curi-yacu^ Cusni-tambu Cusu-bamba Cuy-cocha Danta-yacu Huacamayo-urcu Huachi-yucu Huachi-cocha Huaicu-huasi Huaicu-yacu Huahua-lluma plain of the swine foot of the hot hill hot river gold mountain gold river cottage of smoke plain of the cusu (larva of the beetle) lake of the cuy (a spe- cies of hare) river of the danta (the great beast) torrent of the parrots (a species) river of the huachi (flower of the cane) lake of the huachis house of the ravine river of the ravine[name bald-headed boy, a nick- Huahua.Pichincha young Pichincha Huahua-yacu Huagra-uma Huagra-urcu Huagra-yacu Huaira-pungo Huaira-urcu Hatim-cocha Hatun-taqui Hatun-yacu river of the boy head (herd) of cattle mountain of the cattle river of the cattle door of the wind mountain of the wind large lake largre drum or tambor large river Hatun,chalpi-yacu large river of chalpi Huarmi apac- river that takes the wo- yacu men Huama-urcu Huama-yacu Huasca-yacu'^ Jahua-urcu Llusca-loma Lulun-bamba Imba-bura Maillana-yacu Manduro-3^acu Mapa-yacu Mapa-cocha Mauca llacta Mulli-pungu Limpio-pungu Libro-urcu Morete-urcu Nina-caspi Nina-yacu Paccha Paccha-yacu Pacha-maraa Pacay-yacu Palanda-yacu Palu-uruu Palta-urcu Paiia-cocha Paushy-yacu Papa-urcu Papa-Uacta^ Pasu-urcu Pindu-urcu Pindu-yacu Piscu-urcu Puca-allpa Puca-cocha forest of the huama (lai'ge cane) river of the huama river of cords or ropes forest of the jahua (fruit of a palm) a slippery mountain plain of eggs the fish prenadilla, breediug-place (a spe- cies of small vagre) river to wash in river of achiote dirty river dirty lake ancient country easy narrow pass clean narrow pass mountain like a book mountain or forest of morete (fruit of a palm) wood used as a candle, fix*e river of the candle or fire cascade river of the cascade cobija madre"^ river of the huaba (fruit of the mimosa indica) river of the plantain forest of serpents forest of the paltas or ahuaeates (a fruit) lake of the paiias (a little fish with strong teeUi) river of the pauji mountain of the potatoes country of tlie potato forest of the pasos (fruit) forest of the pindos (flower of the wild cane) river of the pindos forest of the birds red earth red lake ^ Curi-urcu, golden male. — Jameson. 2 Cimpu-chaca, bi'idge of ropes, or rather tresses (cimpu). — Stevenson T. 421. 3 Mundiyacu (water). — Jameson. ^ Probably Head- waters. 5 Papa-llacta, papa, potatoe; llacta, village. — Jameson. 107 Puca-liuaico Puca-loma Puca-rumi Puca-urcu Puca-yacu Pucara Pucara-coclia Puma-cliaca Puma-cocha Puma-llacta Puma-yacu Pungu-cocha Quinua-loma Quingrai-iian Rio-bamba, Eic- baraba Kucvi-pichincha ]Rumi-chaca Rumi-iiagui Sara-yacu Sara-urcu Sigse-yacu Sigsi-bamba Supai-urcu Supai-cocha Supai-yacu Suru-bamba Tiu-cajas Tiu-bamba Tiu-cocha Tiu-loDia ' red ravine red hill red stone red mountain red river fortress lake of the fortress bridge of the lion lake of the lion country of the lion river of lions ravine of the lake hill of the Quinua (chenopodium) zig-zag road plain on the journey old pichincha stone bridge face of stone river of maize mountain of maize river of the sigsi (flower of a grass) plain of the sigsi mountain of the devil lake of the devil devil's river plain of the Suru (canes that entwine with each other) sandy heights sandy plain sandy lake sandy hill ^ Tiu-pullu Timi-curi Turu-bamba Turu-yacu Tuta-pishco-yacu Uchuc-cocha Ucsha-tambu Ucsha-huasi Uma-urcu Uma-cocha Uma-yacu Upia-yacu Urcu-siqui-yacu Urpi-urcu Inga-chaca Inga-nan Inga-pirca Inga-chungana Yahuar-cocha Yana-cocha Yana-urcu Yana-yacu Ichu-bamba Yahuar-Zongo, Yunta-pungu Yurac-yacu Yurac-campania Yerde-yacu Verde-cocha Zapota-yacu sand, fine as mist nugget gold plain of mud river of mud river of the bat small lake thatched resting place thatched house mountain of head waters lake of the head waters river of the head waters river, or water to drink river at footof mountain forest of pigeons (pa- lomas) bridge of the Tnca road of the Inca walls of the Inca play of the Inca lake of blood black lake black mountain black river or Uchuc-bamba, little lake a heart of blood ravine of the Yuntas white river white country green river green lake river of the Zapota (a fruit) "When Quito was conquered by the Incas their language, the Quichua, became the general only in those provinces subjected by them. A mixed language was spoken in Quito of Quitu, Cara, or that of the Scyris and Puruhua. When the Incas took Quito more Quichua was introduced, changing in that of Quito the g for the c ; b for p ; u for o ; and sometimes o for u. In Pastes, to the N. Quitu is not spoken, neither in Guayaquil, excepting a few words of old Schyri. The pure Cuzco Quichua was introduced into Maynas by the missionaries COLLECTED FROM YELASCO. Here we have a mixture of Quitu, Cara, Puruah, &c., and Quichua. Rumi-nahui Colta-cocha Colay-cocha Pugilii Quispi face of stone lake of wild ducks lake of punishment red potter's earth rock crystal Lamina Inga-x'irpo Quillay the emerald, goddess of healtli, a deity looking glass stone of the Inca iron ore Tiu-puyo, springs in the sandy deserts. 108 Titi lead Chuya-cullqui mercury Cullqui silver Tumbaga, puca- alloy of gold and copper curi Curl gold Llambo-cullqui tin Cope mineral pitch, used as building cement Cui, chuncliulli intestines of the cui or guinea pig Huayacan holy wood Machacui-huasca rope of the serpent bejuco Saire tobacco Supai-huasca, devil's rope shilento Sinchi-caspi, wood that gives ehinvilto strength, or its infu- sion Uttcu or ucuiba cotton Macnu cochineal insect, the grain Indaco, anil indigo Maguaei, cabuyo yelds, the pidqui Mate,vingos, pil- calabash dies Ruini saffron Cauchuc India rubber : in the Esmeraldas it is called jebe Cungi gum arable tree Alquintara dragon's blood tree Ispingo flower of the Canelo tree (cinamon) Lulam ( Quito ), cocos of the palms Ruru (Peru) Chonta, ruro^ palm tree (Euterpe, Spruce) Angas, chonta date tree Anana pine apple Cacao chocolate tree Chirimuyu, chir- fruit of the cold pips imoya Inchic mani Palta ahuacate Tanda plantain Tanda-asua plantain cliicha Tocte Quito almond Batata camote, or sweet potato Papa potatoe Sara maize Caspi caracha itch tree^ Ahuara, vagra danta, a great beast, tapir Llama (Quichua), animal, beast, is tame Llausa (Quito) Paco alpaca, is tame Guanaco is wild Vicuiia is wild Puma, pagi lion Puca-puma leopard Yana oryacu-puma water lion Otorongo tiger Vinchinche large tiger Ucumari, izuache bear Atuc wolf Yuca-atuc red wolf Yana-atuc black wolf Yacu-atuc sea wolf or seal Allcu dog Yuray-taruga deer, white Puzuc-taruga deer, coloured Rucu (old), Uui- deer with small horns oho This yields the Bez- oar stone TJcuhuc-lluicho small deer Zoche, chita wild goat Tumla hares, rabbits Cushillo monkey Aiiango fox Quiriqui armadillo Quillac the sloth, lazy Ucucha rat Mashu bat Cuntur condor Llecaraa royal eagle Huanga common eagle Huaman falcon Ullahuanga Gallinazo Curi-quingui thelnca's bird, spotted with gold Rinavi crow Atallpa peacock Urpi pigeon Cullcu-urpai dove Mama-yuta large partridge Tucan the preacher Shicunga, guaca- parrot^ mayo H^ ^ Chonta, 'pnlp or fruit of a palm. Jameson. 2 Mandi, root of arum. Jameson. ^ Iluaca-mayu (El Guacamayo), the sacred river. There is a mountain ealled El GuacamayOj covered by an impenetrable forest, aud clothed in mist. Jameson. 109 Tuyuya pelican Coniapuyara amazons or good women Cay ma cayman, crocodile Quitu chief of tlie Quitus Apashiru iguana Caran Scyri chief of the Caras Uculhicuy lizard Iluai'acu sling Hambatu frog Condorazo chief of Puruha Picupicu toad Tumbala chief of Puni\ TucUiu small frog, spawn frog of Iluanca-liatun, taqui' war drum, gong Machac, amatu serpent Tola a tomb Huancoyru bee Taravita a swinging bridge Cucuyos firefly Barbacoa ditto ditto Inti-inama motherof the sun,fii'e fly Larcas aqueducts Pilluntu, taparoco butterfly Vircus secret aqueduct Clmspi % Inti-cusi joy of the sun Tan cay Uu horse fly HuaUpa young turkey cock SuUacura species of horse fly Atahuallpa turkey cock Uru, paccha spider family: cochineal Eumi-iuhahui face of stone names insect belongs to this Quisquis barbarian ► of family chiefs Anall ant Popayan name of chief Isnli large ant Calarca chief of the pijaos Pilis head lice Imbabura from the fish, imba, or Usa body lice prenadillas Nina-euros glow worms Ina- Quito plain north of Quito Manati, lamatin manati, sea cow Cara-huiraso volcano of Cuchi, chalhua pig fish Cuspi-pamba beautiful plain Harmi-machacuy the serpent's mother ,a Chandui S.W. wind, name of a river fish mountain ; tliis may Punuy-sigui sleeping fish be an old Quitu word Eumi- chalhua stone fish Yaguar zongo heart of blood Toa black fish Paititi, or Yurac . Char a pa small tortoise guasi palace, or white house. Churu shell or shell fish Paitite, a fabulous Galapagd land turtle, terrapin kingdom in Peru Tumba fresh water shell Tio-puyo (Tiu) springs in the sand or i Tumba-Uimpi mother of pearl desert Tumba-maru pearl Huampu balsa, or raft Cui guinea pig species rabbit one inthree, three ino of Paccha- chire waterfalls Tarigatanga ne Curi,mulhnvinc >- Chambo small copper axe maca snake, shining, spotted Jungada balsa, float or raft NAMES OF ANIMALS INTE( like a tiger DDU CED BY THE SPANIAEDS INTO QUITO, FEC ►M VELASCO. Horse huihua, or domestic Goat chita, as being like a animal native animal Ass huihua Pig chuchi BuU Uagra.as having hor ns Dog Allcu Sheep Uama Cat Misi L, . Perecote, Eat Uchuca ^ The warriors of the Incas were armed with estoUcas ; these are flattened poles, a yard long and three fingers broad. In the upper end a bone is fixed, to which an arrow is fastened. At fifty paces they never miss. " "Valley of the Amazons," 80. Hakluyt, Soc, 1859. no WOBDS USED BY THE COCAMAS ON THE UCAYLI, from Yelasco. Caquire tanu Papa, caquere ura Dios ica, totonare. God be with courageous man, God protect thee and give thee long hfe. FEOM JAMESON. The Indians of Archidona call Agami . Pauxi (crax alector) do. associated with (psophia crepitans) a bird domesticated | the poultry by them 1 The Zaparos call the blowpipe Bodaquera, made of chonta, five yards in length, and three quarters of an inch in diameter. FROM STEYENSON. Words used about the coast. Achote small tree (bixa orella- PHcay cochineal insects, from na) gives a red dye, cochinilla or old sow used as a spice or Kiebla the fermented liquor of colouring matter for the yuca food Puichin the spirits of this Ceibo balsa wood liquor Huachapeii cedar (?) Caoba mahogany Sorbetana, bode- Ahi sloth, ahi from the jera thehollow tube through noise it makes which is blown the AlluUas cakes poisoned pva or dart Capulies wild cherries Chautisa small fish, resembling Huasi-cama house servant a shrimp Huadhuas bamboo, contains be- Moracumba Avild cocoa tween the notches Jebe Indian rubber, caout- sometimes as much chouc astwoquarts of water ADELITNG III, I 322. From Hervas. Quiteuo. Quichua. Quiteuo. Quichua. Hair accha chuccha Leg changa chaki Soul aya sougo Below urae urapi Animal uausa Dama Eye amsa tulayasca Light ancha illan G. Osculati, Explorazione delle Hegioni Equatoriale, &c., MUano, 1850, gives lists of the Quichua of the Incas and Quiteno, but not the date of the vocabulary from which he extracts, as — The Banana, gives the Palandra, ayii, or chicha The yuca, do. Lumo, ayu do. The yuca, do. Tziaspha do., blanca or white Wito, gives a black colour Eoucou, red dye of the bixia orellaua. Gives Zapara grammar and vocabulary Ill FROM SEEMANN. Achira Arcihtecta Canclialagua Capuli Chuqui-ragua Cliussalonga Contra de vivora rauuolfia Cuichunchuilla jonidiun Joyapa maclenia canna discolor composita gentianea prunus capulin cliuquiraguer eupatorium glutinosum Matapolo loranthus destvucta Matico piper " (riobamba)eupatorium glutinosum Melloea idlcus tubcrosus Pigonil festuca quadrientata Quinquina de loja cinchona cond. Seraja sonchus Ullco ullcus tuberosus Zauco cestrum PEEU AND BOLIVIA. War between Atahualpa and Suasca — Conquest of Peru hy JPizarro — Fate of tlie Oonquisi adores — Viceroys and present rulers — Origin of name of Peru— Geography of Peru and Bolivia — Cinchona — Tradi- tions of the Ineas — lacarial history — Lima — Population — Pizarro — General Castilla — Literature — " Mercurio Pe?^uano^' — " Litna por dentro y fuera^^ — Zodiac of the Incas — Chincha Islands — Guano — Arica, tombs, cave in the Morro — Pintados — Pisagua — Province of Tarapacd — Iquique — Nitrate of Soda — Huacas — Journey into the interior — Pintados — La Noria, Nitrate of Soda ivorJcs — Discovery of Porate — Matilla — Engraved roclcs — Condors — Andes, and Volcano of Isluga — Mamina, Aymara town — Quichua — Aymara — Indian revel, Sfc. We left Francisco Pizarro at Tumbez, where he became impressed with the certainty that his conquest of the country was not far distant. He marched south in 1532, and erected the fort of San Miguel at Piura. The fratricidal war then raging between Atahualpa, the Scyri or King of Quito and his brother, Huasca, Inca or Emperor of Peru, was most favourable for the invaders. In 1531, the armies of Atahualpa and Huasca met at Huamachuco, 7° 40' S., 78° 10' W. The battle was against Huasca. In 1532, Huasca was made prisoner near Cuzco, and was killed, it is said, when attempt- ing his escape. Pizarro marched upon Cajamarca, 7°5'S., 78°30' AY., seized Atahualpa and executed him. Cuzco, the capital of Peru, was far away in the interior to the S.E. ; the city of Quito, next in importance, was in the N., and the coast region to the S. w^as densely populated, particularly at Pacha-camac, near to which Lima was founded. 112 Peru, the long looked-for prize, being attained, dissensions com- menced amongst the conquerors. The first dispute was in consequence of Pizarro dealing ungenerously with Ahnagro, who, however, went to the conquest of Chile, but returned abruptly to Cuzco, where he met with his death by order of Pizarro. In 1541, the conqueror of Peru was assassinated in Lima by the Almagro party, on Sunday, the 26th of June ; he was sixty-five years old. Touug Almagro was declared governor, but his power was of short duration : he was beheaded in Cuzco. Gonzalo Pizarro elected himself to supreme power, when Spain appointed, as viceroy of Peru, Nunez Vela. Gonzalo Pizarro gave him battle in Quito in 1546, where Yela was slain. Gonzalo Pizarro was now absolute master of Peru, but considered by the king of Spain as a rebel. The politic La Gasca was now sent from Spain to arrange matters in Peru as he thought best ; he fought Gon- zalo Pizarro at Huariiia, on the eastern shores of Lake Titicaca, which was fatal to the rebel, who was beheaded and buried in the convent of La Merced, at Cuzco, where lay the bodies of the two Almagros. Perdinand Pizarro was imprisoned in Spain for twenty-three years ; and, when released, was completely broken down by advanced age and suffering. Prom Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of Peru and first viceroy in 1530, to La Serna, the last, in 1821, there were forty-four viceroys. Prom 1821 to 1860, there have been twenty-one rulers of the [Republic, the present one being General Castilla. These have taken the following titles : — Protectors, Presidents, Supreme Delegates, Dictators, Supreme Chiefs, &c. Peru was formerly divided into Upper and Lower : the former is now known as Bolivia. The origin of the name of Peru is involved in obscurity.^ On Pizarro's first journey across the Isthmus of Darien, the name of Biru, a chief, is mentioned. Andagoya, one of the Conquistadores, on asking an Indian the name of a spot not far from Panama, received the word Biru as the answer. Garcilasso says pelu means a river ; this is denied by Montesinos : mayu and yacu is river in Quichua. The capital of the Puru-hua nation was, where now stands Eio- bamba, 1°40'S. ^ Yucatan comes from tectetan, oi* I do not understand you, the answer given to | the Spaniards, when asking the name of the country. 113 There is a Yiru, Birii or Biriic, in 8° 35' S. on the coast, and the district is sometimes called Biruquete, which in ancient times was ruled over by the chief Bird, 1 UnTIer the lucas, however, Cuzco was their capital and called Tiuhaati-ntin Siiyu, or th feoiir parts of the empire — that to the South Colla-suyu, colla south ; suyu, district ; that to the north, Chincha-suyu, from the great Chincha nations of the coast — this is sometimes called Tahua, four, suyu ; that to the east Anti-suyu, anti from a nation of that name on the eastern slopes of the Andes, and not from anta, copper — neither from Andes, which comes from tlie Spanish word andenes, steps. The first Spaniards called the terraced gardens and plantations in the mountainous regions Andenes; to the west, Cunti-suyu — cunti may mean west. Cuzco, or Ccuzco, probably means centre or navel, or from Coscos heaps of earth which had to be levelled before the capital could be built. G-EOGEArsr of Peru.- — Under the Incas the line of coast was from about 2° JN". to theriver Maule, 35° 30' S., in Chile. During the Spanish domination, several territorial changes were made, but at present the former possessions of the Incas are divided into the I'epublics of Peru, Equador, Bolivia, Chile and a porlion of the Argentine Provinces. A sandy desert runs along the whole extent of coast from Tumbez to Loa. Although generally barren, this desert is crossed by valleys watered by streams that rise in the western cordillera. The sandy waste on the coast is from thirty to sixty miles in width, forming extensive plains and arid ranges. The Andine portion, or Sierra, suc- ceeds the western Cordillera. The western Cordillera is ascended by rugged paths to an elevation where the frozen Andean plains or paramos are found, out of which rise the colossal peaks of the Andes, many covered with eternal glaciers. The territory between the western and eastern Cordilleras is varied in aspect, climate and productions. It contains considerable ranges of the Andes, many paramos, the table lands of Titicaca and Bombon, ravines and valleys, some hot, others temperate. Prom the eastern Cordillera extends the transandine country, or Montana, where run innumerable rivers, some of the largest in the world. A^egetation is most prolific in the impenetrable forests. These and the extensive grassy plains are inhabited by wild Indians. The mighty Cordillera of the Andes traverses Peru and Bolivia with ^ Yelasco, His. Quito, ii., 73, the river Biru origin of name. ^ See Ledesma's Geografia del Peru, translated by nie, Geogr. Soc. Journal, 1856, Mercurio Peruano, i. 1, 290, iv. 9, 19, Lima 1791. Skinner's "Present State of Pern,'' London, is a translation of the more important papers of the " Mercurio Peruano." I 114 its mountain knots. There are many lakes, that of Titicaca being the principal one. The rivers belong to three hydrographical regions — the Pacific, that of Titicaca, and the Amazons. There is every gradation of climate, from the burning beat of Egypt to the icy cold of Siberia. Earthquakes are disastrous, particularly on the coast. As to natural productions, it is one of the richest countries' in the world. In the valleys of the coast, and those of the interior, all the species of quadi'u- peds and domestic birds known in Europe are now bred. The plains and mountains of the interior are covered with herds of oxen, sheep, llamas and alpacas. In the Cordilleras are large herds of vicunas and guanacos. The transandine territory is distinguished by the great variety and number of its birds, many of beautiful plumage ; also of animals, rep- tiles, and curious insects ; the rivers afford many species of fish. Peru produces, in its various climates, all the fruits, grain and vegetables cultivated in different countries, independently of those which are indigenous ; the latter including many of exquisite flavour, such as the chirimoya pine and falta. The transandine region is most interesting for the abundance of its productions. In its immense forests are ornamental woods in great variety, also the Peruvian-bark tree,^ cocoa, coffee of fine flavour, coca, sarsaparilla, vainilla, &c. The mineral kingdom of Peru is celebrated for placeres and mines of 1 Cinchona. — From Markham's Notes on the Culture of Cinchonas. — I have ah-eady alluded to the species found in New Grranada and Equador. i From Caeavata. — 1, C. Calisaya (var. Vera), the most Taluable and richest in quinine. It grows on declivities and steep rugged places of the forest-covered moun- tains, 5000 to 6000 feet above the level of the sea. The tree grows best where there are heaps of fallen trees, forming layers of manure, one to three feet thick, and between 13° to 16° 30' S. It flowes in April and May. 2. C. Calisaya (var. Josephina), a shrub six. and a half to ten feet high, with a slender branched trunk, from one to two inches thick. It grows in the warm pajonales, or open spaces at the edge of the forests, and at a greater height than the tree calisaya. Weddell is of opinion that, under favourable circumstances, the shrub might grow equally well with the tree, as its appearance varies very much according to the situation in which it grows . 3. C. Ovata (var. Yulgaris), foimd between 9° to 11° S., from 6000 to 7000 feet above the sea. It grows in warm forests, and is often found at the outer margins of the woods. It flowers in May and June. 4. C. Ovata (var. Ruflnervis), a valuable species; found with the above. Flowers later than calisaya. 5. C. Micrantha ; grows in the moist forests of Caravaya, not unfrequently near the banks pf torrents. Flowers in May and June. The other cinchonas of Caravaya are the scrobiculata, pubescens, amygdalifolia, Boliviana and caravayensis : but they are of inferior quality. 115 gold, mines silver, mercury and copper : some lead, sulphur and coal is met with, as well as quarries of various marbles. Important are the gold washings of Carabaya, the silver mines of Pasco, Puno, Gualgayoc and Gruautajaya ;^ the mercury mines of Guancavelica and Chonta ; the salt, nitrate of soda and borax beds of Tarapaca ;- the salt pits of Huacho and Sechura. The guano deposits on the coast is a source of considerable revenue. The population of the republic is about 2,200,000. Lima, its capital, is one of the most opulent and beautiful cities in Spanish America, containing more than 80,000 souls. Lima is in 12° 3^ S. ; but from the recent observations of Moesta, of the Chilian observatory, Lima is 6h. 8. 8. 6, and Callao 5h. 8. 37. 3 of Greenwich.^ Amongst the other cities, besides Lima, remarkable for population and importance, are Cuzco, Cajamarca and Arequipa. Its principal ports are Callao, Payta, Trujillo, Cailete, Pisco, Camana, Islay, Ilo, Arica and Iquique. The population is a mixed one, including the descendants of the old Spaniards. The aborigines are numerous ; the Mestizos also, who are a mixed race, unitiug the aboriginal with more or less Spanish blood. There are Negroes also, their descendants mixed with the other races. The number of each class is thus estimated : Whites, 240,000 ; Mes- tizos and dark, 300,000 ; Indians. 1,620,000 ; Negroes, 40,000, includ- ing 12,000 Negroes who have lately been given their freedom.* The Spanish language is principally spoken : the Quichua and Aymara in the mountains. The Indians of the transandine territory speak various dialects.^ From HUANUCO. — C. Nitida, found in about 10° S. It grows in exposed situations. C Glandulifera, one of the finest kinds of cinchonas. Flowers in March. C. Uritusinga, found at Chicoplaya ; another valuable species, known as hoja de oliva ; probably the C. Nitida of Pavon. Flowers in May. Mr. Hni, in his " Peru and Mexico," i. 301, when on his way from Cuzco to Puno, gives some account of the Chvmchos Indians and the cinchona bark country of the Macapata mountains. Tery little is known of these Indians ; they were neither con- quered by the Incas or by the Spaniards. They were formerly the terror of the Peruvian bark collectors, and used to shoot them down witli poisoned arrows. Friendly relations have at last been entered into with them, and they now assist to discover the position of the bark trees. ^ Proceedings of Greological Soc, ii., 1838, on these mines, by me. ^ W. Bollaert's papers, Geographical Soc, on Southern Peru (first series), 1851. Essay Soc. Arts, 1853. British Association, Aberdeen, 1859, (second series). Geogra- phy, &c., of Peru. ^ Geographical Soc. Journal, 1858, for Moesta's paper, Avhich I translated. * A new element is being introduced — viz., Chinese as labourers. ^ W, Bollaert's Obs. on the His. of the Incas and Indians of Peru, Ethnological Soc, III., 1854. i2 116 The republic is divided into thirteen depjirtments : Piara, Amazons, Libertad, Ancas, Lima, Junin, Gruaneayelica, Ajacuclio, Cuzco, Are- quipa, Puno, Moquegua. Tlie religion of the State is Poman Catholic. The government of Peru is republican, founded on the principle that the sovereignty resides in the people, its power delegated to the legislative, executive, and judicial bodies. Geography of Bolivia. — This Eepublic^, anciently Charcas, known formerly as Upper Peru, lies between 6° 46' E. and 6° 16' AV. of Chuiquisaca, La Plata, or Sucre, is in 19° 14' 50^'' S., 6Q° 46^ 30^' W. of Paris. Pentland makes it 19° 3' S., 64° 47' W. of G-reenwich. Of this vast territory, seven hundred miles in length by five hundred broad, three-fourths of a most fertile land, is still a wilderness. Bolivia is bounded by Chile on the S.W., on the S. by the Argentine provinces ; S. E., by Paraguay ; E. and N., by Brazil ; N., by Peru ; and on the W., by the Pacific. The divisional line, between Bolivia and Chile, is said to begin at the 'Rio Salado, in 25° 39' S. Dalence says the line was formerly more to the S. The Chilians are encroaching on Bolivia.^ f The divisional line with Peru begins at the river Loa, then by the Cordillera, and in a N. direction across the Lake Titicaca, then by a curved line to the E. of the snowy range of Apolobamba, up to 9° 30' S. The Government is republican, the religion of the State is Eoman Catholic. The Cordillera enters Bolivia on the "W., in 25° 89' S. ; in the interior in 27° 38'. Between 21° and 22° it divides into two great systems: the Avestern approaching the Pacific, the eastern declining towards the E. The elevated peaks begin between 17° and 19° S., where arise, including Tata-Sabaya, Cancoso, and Choja, about 20,000 feet (on the boundary with Peru), and Sajama, 22,350 feet. The eastern, or Cor- dillera real, is composed of five parallel chains. E.S.E. of La Paz, 16° I 37' S., is seen the peak of Ilimani, forty leagues round ; the S. peak I 21,149 feet above the sea. The great table land is 180 leagues in length, j and thirty to thirty-five broad, and about 13,000 feet above the sea. J Bolivia has every modification of climate ; as Puna-brava, the region ' See Geografia de Bohyia, de Jose Maria Dalence, Chuquisaca, 1851. Delence died 1851. 2 It is not easy to discover the course of this river Salado, of Dalence, or where it enters the sea, for 25° 39' S. is ahout Lavata, Bay of Fitzroy ; and, when I came along the coast, I saw no stream or valley in that latitude. Hueso Parado, in 25° 39', was shown me as the boundary. Moesta makes the river Salado enter the' Pacific in 26° 2' S. at Chanaral. 117 of perpetual snow, about 17,000 feet. Here are found plants, as the resinous yareta, valerians, and gentians ; the vicuna, huanaco, llama, and alpaca, the viscacha, chinchilla, and condor. Puna region, here potatoes, ocas, quinua, caiiagua, barley, and pastures grow, between 11,000 and 13,000 feet. Cabezera de valle, from 9,000 to 11,000, wheat, and some maize, also European vegetables. Medio Yunga or Valley, between 6,000 and 9,000 feet, maize, wheat, and European fruits yield in abundance. Yunga, commencing at sea-level to 6,000 feet, where the coca, cocoa, sugar cane, plantain, and pine apple grow. Bolivia is divided into nine departments : 1. Atacama, having Cobija as its port, in 22° 23' S. The Cordilleras are not difficult to pass, and contain many Potreros or farms, where cattle are reared. The country to the west forms the great desert of Atacama. The valley of San Pedro yields maize, wheat, and fruit. The rich copper mines (barilla, or native copper) of San Bartolo are to the north of San Pedro. Tliere are also the villages of Chiuchiu, Calama, Tocanao. In the desert of Atacama, at Imilac, in 23° 49' S., 69° 14' W., Dr. Philippi places the position of the Meteoric Iron of Atacama.^ Near E-osario, are ancient gold mines ; at Olarios, nuggets have been found of eighteen to thirty- seven ounces. Copper and gold is worked at Conche ; silver, iron, alum, sulphur, salt, some borate of lime, and probably some nitrate of soda, Gruano is found particularly at Angamos, Port San Eranscisco, 21° 51' S., on the coast. D'Orbigny says : the natives of Atacama were called Olipes or Llipes. Philippi estimated the population of San Pedro de Atacama from 5,000 to 6,000. The greater number are Indians, who speak a peculiar lan- guage, very harsh and gutteral. Don Vicente Pasos, in his letters on Euenos Ayres and Peru, in 1819, observes that the higher portion of Atacama is cold, and its productions peculiar to such a climate, as farinaceous grains and roots. The pro- vince had nine small towns, the population being 30,000. The mines of Conche supplied Potosi with copper hammers for the miners. 2. Potosi: the city is in 19° 35' S., 13,330 feet above the sea. The summit of the Silver mountain is 15,200 feet ; its population, as early as 1611, was 170,000 souls. Up to 1816, the quantity of silver extracted from its mines was £330,511 311.^ Lipes is a cold climate, has rich silver mines ; gold and copper veins are numerous ; also large ^ See my " Southern Peru :" Geogr. Jouvn"al, 1851-5 ; also my paper to Meteor. See. 1859. 2 See my translations from M.S.S. " Anales de Potosi, ' Belle Assemblee, Oct., 1851. 118 salt plains and lakes. It is said that the emerald, topaz, opal, lapis- lazuli, jaspers, and marbles are also found. Chichas is also a mineral region, but a more fertile soil than Lipes. Porco : from its mines the Incas drew much silver, and wines are produced in this province. Chayanta, or Charcas, has abundance of timber and pastures. Gold, silver and tin mines are scattered about. The silver mines of Aullagas, after having been abandoned sixty years, are again being profitably worked. 3. Tarija : is divided into the provinces of the Cercado, Concepcoin, and Salinas. The territory is fertile and climate fine. The Coca and Paraguay tea tree grows here. Possil bones of Mastodon and Mam- moth are found in various places. Gold and silver is said to be met with in the mountain of PoUa, which district has not been explored on account of the wild Chirihuano Indians. It would seem that the Jesuits, in former times, extracted much gold from this part of the country. 4. Chuquisaca : Dalence says, is from Chuqui-caca — bridge of gold. It was called La Plata by Pizzaro. However, in Qaichua, ccuri, is gold, cullqui is silver, bridge is chaca, and chuqui is a lance. This place is celebrated for its universities, colleges, and the nimiber of persons enriched by the neighbouring mines. Yampara has a fruitful soil. There are silver mines at Huallas ; copper and tin exists ; Cinti, wines are produced ; also rum from sugar cane. The gold lavaderos on the river San Juan, it is supposed, if worked properly, would yield equal to those of Tipuani. 5. Cochabamba : this department was formerly called the granary of Peru. Its mineral and vegetable productions are in great variety. Choquecamata yielded much gold. 6. Santa- Cruz : in 20° S.; rice, cotton, honey, indigo, cochineal, sugar, coffee, cocoa, and tobacco are produced. The precious metals are said to exist. Chiquitos is a tropical country, but little inhabited. Gold, mercury, and iron, have been met with, Guarayos, in the mountain of Caparrus, there are veins of fine gold. 7. Beni : an extensive and fertile district ; its three provinces are Oaupolican or Apolobamba, Turacare, and Mojos. In olden times this region was called Gran Paititi, Gran Mojo, and Empire of Enin. It has every sort of climate and production. In the warm portions varieties of cinchonas grow. Twenty-six leagues north of the confluence of the Itenes commence the cachuelas or falls ; they are seventeen in number, five in the Mamore, the remainder in the Madera. The last fall is in 8° 48' S., distant from Tamandua thirty leagues. Prom this point to the Atlantic there is no obstruction for navigation. 119 8. La Paz :^ In 16° 35', is in a deep ravine. TVTien the Indians rose, in 1780, fourteen thousand strong, the city suffered a siege of 140 days. The Cercado has every variety of climate, and in short distances. Chuquiaguillo is famed for gold washings, a nugget of 172 ounces was once found. In 1681, lightning struck and dismembered a portion of the summit of Ilimani, when large quantities of gold was collected. Yungus de Chulimani : Of this province, D'Orbigny says "the mag- nificent vegetation of Eio Janeiro is reproduced here, but in greater luxuriance and splendour," including the calisaya cinchona. In the sands of the rivers gold is found ; but the climate is prejudicial to human life. In the province of Larecaja, are the famous gold washings of Tipuani. In Munecas, at Curba and Charansis, live the Indian herbalists, or travelling doctors of Peru.- Omasuyos,^ in this province, tradition makes Manco-Capac first appear. Its climate is cold. How- ever it produces some potatoes, ocas, beans, quinua, canagua, barley, vegetables, and a few flowers. There is mountain pasture for sheep and the llama family. There we have great Lake Titicaca. Gold and silver mines were formerly worked in this district ; and at Gruarina or Carbiza, one of mercury. In the province of Pacajes, many silver mines were worked, in Berenguela alone 700 ; these are now abandoned, on account of their being in water. Much native copper (barilla) occurs at Coro- coro. In the mountain of Ancora, green stones, like emeralds, are said to be found. The mines of Sicasica have produced much silver, as have those of Inquisivi of gold and silver. 9. Oruro : has a cold climate, its capital, of samename, is in 17*^ 57' S. So opulent was this place, that it competed with Potosi. In 1678, it had a population of 76,000. It has ten districts of mines, princi- pally of gold, silver and tin ; copper, iron, lead, bismuth, antimony, &c., are met with. Carangas has silver mines ; Paria also, including one of gold, another of bismuth. The population of Bolivia is estimated as follows : whites and others, 1,373,896 ; wHd Indians, 760,000. The races inhabiting Bolivia are the Spanish, Indian, some few African, and many Gruarani,^ who have come from the other side of the Paraguay and settled in the Cordilleras of Caiza. 1 La Paz. I have deposited in the British Museum what I suppose to be a very ancient Aymara stone idol, from this district ; it is about ten inches long, much like one figured at p. 197, Trans. Amer. Ethno. Soc. III., part 1., from the West Indies. " See my account of these in Medico-Botanical Soc. Journal, 1831, ^ Uma, or water, in Quichua, country of waters, or Lake Titicaca. The province is on the east shores of the lake. Markham says, water is pronounced Unu iu Cuzco, Yacu in Ayacucho. * Ludewig 75. The most extended nation of Southern Brazil, Argentine Kepublic, Paraguay, and L^rnguay. 120 Dalence observes : it appears to him that America has been peopled from various sources, and at several periods ; the ancient monuments the variety of human figures, represented in stone, and the difference in architecture seems to justify this opinion. Indeed, those who knew the Chirihuanos^ or Guaranis, cannot believe them to belong to the Quichua or Aymara races, or to class the latter with the North American tribes. The Guarani family are comparatively w^hite, robust and intel- ligent. The Guarayos^ and Sirones'^ are descendants of those Spaniards who, deserting from their chiefs, went in search of the kingdoms of Patiti and Mojo ; some are dark, others white and bearded ; the former hos- pitable and kind, the latter wild and ferocious. The Quichua and Aymara races preponderate, and are in about equal numbers. Then follow the Guaranis, Mojos,* Chiquitos ;^ Turacares,^ the latter say they are the only men in the world, the rest are men-lice. Turaccari is a quichua word, said to mean white man. Their imports, in 1846, of foreign goods, amounted to 2,457,781 dollars; articles from Peru, Chile, and the Argentine provinces, 1,315, 030. The exports were Peruvian bark, copper, tin, wool, chinchilla, viciuia skins, &c., 491,767 dollars ; the difference, 3,281,114, was paid in gold and silver, the produce of the Bolivian mines. The roads from the interior to the coast of the Pacific are very bad, and over deserts. Advantage might easily be taken of two great out- lets, one by the Pilcomayo, Paraguay, and thus to the river Plate also by the Mam ore, Madera, and Amazons. TuADiTioisrs AS TO THE Oeigijs" OF THE Incas. — 1. A man appeared at Tia-Huanacu ; the mention of this most ancient spot induces me to think that the Incarial race may have sprung from one of the old Aymara nations. I have sometimes thought that the first Inca may have come from one of the great nations to the east of Bolivia : perhaps there is as much foundation for the opinion that the first 1 Ludewig 75, 162, 418. Bollaert's Incas of Peru. Ethno. Soc. Journal, 161, 1854. 2 Ludewig 75, 77. 3 Ludewig 77. T have deposited in the British Museum an idol of the wandering Siriones, found to the north of Santa Cruz. It is merely an upright pillar about ten inches long and nearly three inches at the base. The label I had with it was as follows: — "This object is composed of the dung of fish, and a particidar sort of eai'th." It appears to me to be of stone, ^ Ludewig 126. Moxa, Mossa, their language allied to the Maipure Indians of the Upper Orinoco. ^ Ludewig, tribes on the Upper Paraguay. ^ Ludewig, inhabit the eastern slopes of the Andes. 121 Inca may have come from some of the nations of the coast of the Pacific. Tschudi, in Eivero and Tschudi,^ says it would appear that three distinct races d\N'^t in Peru before the foundation of the empire of the Incas, as the Chinchas of the coast, those of the vast Peru-Bolivian elevations, which D'Orbigny distinguishes by the name of Aymaraes; and the Iluaucas, who inhabited the country between the Cordillera and the Andes, 9° and 14° S. This man divided the land into four parts amongst the chiefs, Manco, Colla, Tocay and Pinuah : this name of Manco appears early on the threshold of Incarial history, but its meaning is very obscure. Manco went to the north and founded Cuzco. Colla may have gone south. Of the other two we know nothing. 2. In the beginning of the world, four men and four women, brothers and sisters, appeared at Paucartambo, 13° 25 S., 70° 35 W. : they came out of openings in some rocks. The men were Manco, Ayar Cachi, Ayar Uchu, and Ayar Sauca. Manco founded Cuzco. Paucar signifies beauty, Ayar a corpse, Cachi anything white or resplendent, Uchu the andean pastures. 3. At Pavec-tampu, shining dormitory or house of veneration, eight leagues south of Cuzco, appeared three men — Ayarache, Ayaranca and Ayramanco, — and three women — Mama-coya, Mama-cuna and Mama- i jraiia. Mama I believe to be the Spanish word for mother; for woman I in Qtiichua is Huarmi, old woman paya. Coya is queen or empress. These persons were clothed so beautifully that they w^ere called tocabo, or royal. They had a golden sling, which was endowed with peculiar virtues. They had abundance of wrought silver, assumed the govern- ment of the country, and built Pavec-tempu. Ayarache having got possession of the sling, overturned by its power mountains and gained such a superiority that his brothers became jealous and sought to destroy bim. They persuaded him to enter a cave for a precious vessel which fchey had left there and pray to their father, the sun, to assist them in blie conquest of the country. Ayarache entered the cave, when his brothers blocked up the mouth wdth stones ; upon which a violent sarthquake was felt, overturning mountains, entombing hills, woods and "ocks in the bowels of the earth. Ayarache was then seen flying in the lir with painted wings, and a voice was heard telling the two brothers lot to be afraid, for Ayarache was going to found the empire of the [ucas. Ayarache then discovered himself to his brothers, desiring them build a temple where Cuzco now stands, in which the sun should be vorshipped. Ayra-maneo was chosen Inca or emperor, from Inti, the am ; Intip-churi, child of the sun ; the sun is also called Ppunchau. • Antiguedades Peruanas, 26. 122 After which Ayarache and Ayranca were converted into stone statues. Ayra-mano and the women founded Cuzco, the man taking the name of Manco-Capac. Capac or supreme chief — Capac-apu, master, lord, ruler. 4. The following is a clumsy and modern piece of invention, first found in Stevenson,^ also in Miller's Memoires. E-ivero and Tschudi,^ however, observe that the traditions of the Indians and the opinions of historians relative to the origin of the Incas differ much ; some there are which by their simplicity and verisimilitude, cannot fail to satisfy, while there are others, which, by their silliness, arbitrary assertions and historical improbability, do not deserve the slightest credit. Such as, for instance, the one which makes an English sailor the legislator of Peru. A Peruvian prince, Cocapac, who chanced to be on the sea-coast, met a white sailor. On asking him who he was, he replied " an Englishman," a word the prince repeated Ingasman. Cocapac took the white man to his home, where he had a daughter, and she became the wife of the stranger. They had two children, a boy and a girl, and then the Englishman died. The boy was called Ingasman- Cocopac, the girl Ocllo^. From accounts given by the stranger of the manner in which other people lived, and how they were governed, Cocopac determined on exalting his family. He took the boy and girl to Cuzco (some 4° from the coast ! through sandy deserts and over the Cordillera !) where one of the largest tribes of Indians resided, and informed them that their god, the Sun, had sent them two children to make them happy, and to govern them. He requested them to go to a certain mountain on the following morning at sunrise and search for the children. He moreover told them that the Huiracochas children of the sun (sometimes spelt Viracocha ; Montesinos says, this means on account of extraordin- ary actions, but Yira or Huira is fat or scum, or such like matter that floats on water, also sacrificial oil, cocha is a lake or sea, or that these children came from the sea) had hair like the rays of the sun. In the morning the Indians went to the mountain Condor-urcu and found the young man and woman, but, surprised at their colour and features, they declared the couple were a wizard and a witch. They sent them to | Eimac-Malca, the plain oi^'which Lima stands, (only 6° of distance !) but the old man followed them, and next took them to the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, or among the Aymaras, (8° back again !) where another powerful tribe resided ; Cocopac told these Indians the same tale, and requested them to search for the Yiracochas at the edge of the lake at Sunrise; they did so, and found them there, and immediatly declared j 1 I. 394. mk 2 Antiguedades Peruanas, 6S. 'H'lt ^ Mav be from AcUa, a maiden. 123 them to be children of their god, and their supreme governors. Cocopac to be revenged on the Indians of Cuzco (probably Quichuas,) privately instructed his grand- chiidren~Sn what he intended to do, and then informed the tribe that the Viracocha Ingasman Cocopac had deter- mined to search for the place, where he was to reside ; he requested they would take their arms and follow him, saying that wherever he struck his golden rod or sceptre into the ground, that was the spot he chose to remain at. The young man and woman directed their course to the plain of Cuzco, and the Indians surprised by the re-appearance of the Viracocha and overawed by the number of Indians that accompanied them acknowledged them as their lords and the children of their God. Stevenson thinks there is an analogy between this and a story he heard in Brazils, in 1828, that before the discovery of that country by the Portuguese, an Englishman who had been shipwrecked fell into the hands of the Coboculo Indians. He had preserved from the wreck a musket and some amunition, with which he both terrified and pleased the Indians, who called him Camaruru, the man of fire. He was alive I at the conquest of the country, and was carried to Portugal, when King Emanuel granted him a valley near Bahia. I He then alludes to the white man with a beard, who appeared in the i plains of Cundinamarca, called Bochica, with his wife, Chia. This has as little foundation as Quatzalcoatl, of Mexico, having been a bearded white man. Of the same negative value is the reported tradition that Manco Capac, Bochica and Quatzalcoatl having predicted the arrival of bearded men, and the conquest of the different countries by them. 5. The " Memoiras Peruanas " of Montesinos^ is worth referring to by the student of ancient Peruvian history. He visited Peru a hundred years after the conquest, travelling fifteen years through the viceroyalty. His favourite idea was that Peru was the Ophir of Solomon, and that America was peopled from Armenia. Eive hundred years after the Deluge (4004 B.C.) begins the catalogue Df the monarchs, whose names are quoted by Montesinos, amounting to 101, previous to the conquest of the country by the Spaniards. I have 3een unable to learn how or in what manner he obtained his materials ^ Rivero and Tschucli, 51. Also T. Compans, translation of Montesino's Ancient lis. of Peru. The Anales Peruanas, by Montesinos, are in MSS. and devoted to the onquest. Dalence, in his Greografia de Bolivia, says — " Bolivia formerly Charcas, v&a a populoiis country existing before the empire of the Incas." According to lontesinos, the historian of the Gran Colla, was equal in civilization to Tlascala Mexico). At present Charcas, the capital of that ancient state, is only a miserable illage annexed to the parish of Chayanta. 124 for the " Memorias."^ With the learned reviewer of Eawlinson'a " Herodotus," (in the January volume, 1S60, of the " Edinburgh E-eview,") as applicable to the Montesinos Memoirs, I think that we ouijht to be curious to learn how much truth is hidden under romantic disguise. But for this the student in Peruvian history has no hierogly- phics or written language. There were the Quipos, but the Quipo- camayos, or readers of the knotted strings, have passed away and left but a very small key to their wonderful art. It would be worth while to ascertain, if possible, the real meauings of the names of the Incas as given by Montesinos, as also of the names of the months given in brackets by Rivero and Tschudi ; for instance, Raymi. in Quichua, stands for December — also, a solemn dance. But we have also Sassip- punchau, not very clear ; sassi may have some relation to huasi, a house and the sun is sometimes called Ppunchau — thus it may mean the sun's place or house in December. A critical examination and comparison of the first Quichua, Aymara, Chincha-suyo, Quitu, Gruarani, and other vocabularies and grammars would be of service. I give a few extracts which may be found useful as far as some of the names of Incas, things and places are concerned : His 1st Peruvian ruler was Pishua-Manca. Pishu is a bird in Quichua ; macana is a sort of sword, also the morning star. 2. Mauco-Capac. Capac is lord, ruler, emperor. People came from the side of Arica and Colla (probably Aymaraes) to beg land from this chief, which he gave them in the north. 3. Huaina-evi-Pishua (huayna, handsome youth). During this reign the use of letters was known and the art of writing on plantain leaves. 5. Inti- Capac- Yupanqui (ynpanqui, capable of great deeds.) He gave them the institution of the year of 365 daye. 6. Manco-Capac II. caused the priests of the sun to live in cloisters, and edifices to be constructed for the virgins of the sun. During his reign appeared two comets and two eclipses of the sun. Can this be verified ? 12. Ayartaco-Cupo. Giants entered Peru settling at Iluaytara Quinoa, Punta de Santa Helena and Puerto Viejo, and built a sumptuous temple at Pachacamac, near Lima. These places are princi-; pally on the coast of Equador, thus they came by sea. As to their being; giants, that is fabulous ; but doubtless there came, invading nations by^ sea from the north, others retreating from their enemies. Here we see! that the temple of Pacha-camac (maker of the earth, sometimes j 1 Prescott, Conq. Peru, for observations on Montesinos, ii. 50. 125 called the unseen god, is not of Incarial origin, and appears very early in Peruvian history.) 13. Huascar-Titu (Iluasca, a rope or chain; Titu, liberal) died at the period when it was proposed to make war upon the Chimus (Kings) of Trujillo, on the coast. 21. Manco-Capac-Amauta (amauta, learned) was addicted to astronomy. He convened a scientific meeting, when it was agreed to that the sun was at a greater distance from the earth than the moon, and that both followed different courses. He fixed the beginning of the year at the summer equinox.^ 31. Manco-Avito-Pacha-cuti, (Pacha, earth or the world ; cuti to change or " change -world,") began the rear with the winter equinox. 32, Sinchi-Apusqui, (Sinchi, valiant; Apu, lord; died 2070 aft tr the Deluge. He ordered that the Piruha (tlie Parulia was one of the southern nations of Quito) gods should be called, lUatici-Huiracocha; 34. Ayar-manco, divided the month into thirty days, and the week into ten days, calling the five days at the end of the year, a small week. He collected the years into decades, or of one hundred years, which formed one sun or century. 38. Capac-Raymi- Amauta. (Raymi, a solemn dance ; December the first month.) He knew which was the longest and the shortest day of the year, and when the sun reached the tropics His people, in honor of him, gave the month of December the name of Capac Eaymi. 42. Toca-Corca-Apu-Capac, founded the university of Cuzco. (Toca may mean regal.) 44. Hina-ChiuUa-Amauta-Pachacuti, the 5th year of his reign corresponds with the year 2500 of the deluge. (Nina, fire.) It is observed by the authors of the " Indigenous Races" (p. 197) that the rock-caves with their fantastic relief are of Buddhust origin, more chaste a style than the idols of the pi-esent worshippers of Shiva ; and belong to a period of Indian history classical for art and poetry, from 500 B.C. to about 300 A.D. By a strange coincidence, it is the same period in which Phidias Praxiteles and Lysippus, and the Eoman artists of Agustus and Trajan, flourished in Europe. If we follow Montesinos, this was about the period of Peruvian history. 51. Tahuar-Huiquiz, (Tahuar, blood ; Huiquiz, to weep.) he intercalated a year at the end of four centuries. 55. Huillca-Nota-Amauta. He gained a victory at Huilca-Xota (Vilcanota) over hordes from Tucuman, who had invaded his country. ' See further on for Peruvian Zodiac. 126 (The eighth Inca Yiracocha, according to Garcilasso went to Charcas, where he received an embassy from the King of Tucma or Tucuman^.) 60. Manco-Capac III.^ reigned in the year 2950 after the Deluge, consequently at the time of the birth of Christ. 64. Titu-Tupanqui-Pachacuti V. Irruptions of hordes from Brazil and the Andes. He was killed in battle. Ludewig says, the Brazilians, or rather Tupis, were once a numerous and mighty people. Eight different dialects are enumerated by Yater. Martins divides the Tupis into north, south-east, west, and central, naming, besides these, 245 different tribes as living within the Brazilian Empire. 65. Titu. Civil wars caused the loss of letters. 77. Topa-Cauri-Pachacuti VI., the ninth of his reign, corresponds with the year 3,500 after the Deluge. He prohibited the use of the quellca, a species of parchment of plantain leaves to write upon, but i introduced the use of the quippos. 79. Arantial-Cassi. He commanded that in the tomb of his father I should be buried his wife and favourite concubines. j 82. Tocosque- During his reign the country was invaded by savage ' hordes from Panama, some from the Andes, and some from the port of 1 Buena Esperauza. These nations were cannibals and lived like brutes. : (were these of the widely-diffused Carib race ?) f 86. Chinchirocca. They began to make golden idols (Sinchi, valiant ; rucu, aged. In Garcilasso's list, this, his second Inca, is said to have been the first to be served in vessels of gold and silver). 90. Inti-Capac-Maita-Pachacuti YII. During his reign, was com- ; pleted the fourth millenary cycle since the Deluge. Mama Ciboca, by artifice, raised to the throne her son, Hocca, so handsome and brave, that he was called Inca, which means cid or lord. This title of Inca j was adopted by the successors to the throne of Peru. i 91. Inca Kocca, came from the ridge of Chingana, near Cuzco, and presented himself as a child of the sun. He married his sister, Mama : Cora (coya, empress). On the day after his marriage, more than 6000 ' were married. He declared war against neighbouring princes, who refused him obedience and would not acknowledge him as a child of the sun. He conquered the king of Huillcas. He commanded that the sun should be the principal god. 94. Inca-Capac-Tupanqui. His brother, Putano-Uman, formed a conspiracy against him, but the Inca, forewarned of it, caused the ^ Ludewig, 243 for Catecismos, Gramaticas, &c,, of the various languages of !^i Tueuman. ' The first luca, Manco-Capac, according to Garcilasso, begar to reign A.D. 1021. 127 traitor to be interred alive, and threw the other conspirators into a ditch filled with serpents, jaguas and pumas. 97. Inca-Huiracocha. He~made a campaign to Chile, conquered the Canar Indians, those of Quito, the Chonos of Guayaquil, the chiefs of Puna, and those of Chimu. He repaired the temple of Pachacamac. During his reign there were two great earthquakes, and two irruptions of the volcanos of Quito. 98. Inca-Topa-Yupanqni II, He reduced the Chimus to obedience, who had rebelled anew, forbidding the use of water for the irrigation of their fields. 99. Inca-Inticusi-Huallpa, called also Huayna-Capac, on account of his beauty and prudence. He almost annihilated the nation of Palcas. He reduced to obedience the Indians of the river Quispe, commanded by a woman called Quilago. After a severe battle, he routed the Prince Coyamba CCayambe) on the banks of Lake Tahuarcocha. 100. Inca-Inticusi-Huallpa-Huasca. Montesinos says, that the name of Huasca was given to this Inca by his foster-mother, and declares to be apocryphal the story of Garcilasso and other historians, touching the chain of gold, made in honour of his birth. 101. Inca-Huaypar-Titu-Tupanqui-Atahuallpa. Montesinos deduces the surname from atahu, virtue or strength ; and alpa, good, gentle. It has always appeared to me, that the small number of twelve to fourteen Incas, given by Grarcilasso and some others, were too few in number to have built the edifices attributed to them ; at the same time, the list of 101 rulers and Incas, according to Montesinos, is most questionable. I offer the following as the least defective or the more probable history of the Incas who commenced their dynasty at Cuzco. I 1. Inca-Manco-Capac (capac, emperor), the ninety-first Inca-Eocca, according to Montesinos, reigned forty years, died 1062, a.d.. His wife was Oclo, Ocallo (virgin), Huaca (sacred), Capac- Coya (royal lady, '3mpress). He is said to have appeared on the shores of Lake Titicaca. ;[ have supposed that the Incas may have been of Aymara origin ; if so, :he said to be secret language of the first Incas was probably a dialect i)f the Aymara, and not known to the early Quichuas. Cuzco then, it is said, was commenced by Manco ; his dominions jjxtending on the north to the river Paucartambo, on the east eight eagues, on the west to the river Apurimac, and nine leagues on the outh to Quequesama. Manco was called Huac-chacuyac, the friend and )rotector of the poor; Tntip-churni, child of the sun. He gave to his people laws, brought them into communities, and then ascended to his iiather, the sun. 2. Inca-Siuchi-Eoca, son of Manco, reigned thirty years, died 128 1091, A.D. Herrera says, Chinche : can this have an}^ relation with the Chinche nations of the north ? His wife was Oello Coya. He was the first to be served in vessels of gold and silver. 3 luca-Lloqui-Tnpanqui. (Lloqui, left-handed ; Tnpanqui, capable of great deeds ) He was the son of E-oca ; reigned thirty-five years, died 1126, A.D. Coya Cava or Anavarqui was his queen. He subjected the Canas and Ayaviri, and built fortresses. The Collas (mountaineers), a nation composed of many tribes, were conquered by him, as well as the Chucuytua ; then towards the Lake Titicaca, the Hillari, Challu, Pamata and Cipita nations were joined to his kingdom. He was the first Inca who invaded the coast territory belongiug to the Chimu or Chincu, whose capital was at Trujillo ; but it was only under the ninth Inca, Pachacutec, that the Chimu of his day was induced to yield alle- giance to him, at the Chimus palace and fortress of Paramonga, five miles from Patavilca, 10° 50' S. He conquered the populous country of Hurin-Pacaca (this may be about Pachacamac; Lurin is there also). 4. Mayta-Capac, son of the preceding, reigned thirty years, died 1156, A.D. His wife was Coya-Cuca or Coca, the name of a graceful plant, the leaves of which are still chewed by the Peruvians. He w^ent to the south of Lake Titicaca, and subjected the people of Tia-Hua- nacu. In the village of Tia-Huanacu are the ruins of a palace of Mayta-Capac ; also walls built by the Incas thirty miles long, reaching from the top of the Cordillera to the Lake of Titicaca. These ruins must not be confounded with the very ancient ones i there. The name of Tia-Huanacu is comparatively modern (the original name of the sj)ot is lost, and we are ignorant as to who were the build- ! ers of these wonderful remains), and was so called in consequence of I one of the Incas being there and receiving important news brought by a messenger who had travelled with great speed, when the Inca said to him, in praise of his exertion, "Tia-Huanacu; rest thou, Huanacu ;" thus comparing his celerity to the fleetness of that animal. Mayta conquered the Cacyaviri, Mallanca, and Huarina, 16° 45' S. 69° 30' W., on the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca. In the west his army w^as victorious, particularly over the Cuchuna. Having made himself master of the districts of Llaricassa, Sancavan, Sella, and all the tribes from Huaycha to Callamarca, 17° 48' S., 68° 35' W., Mayta went twenty-four leagues further to Caracollo and the lake of Parca (Paria 19° 20' S.), through the country of the Chaccas ; thence, turn- ing east, entered the lands of the Antis, a nation remarkable for cruelty to their prisoners. Yalera says : they were cannibals, and never \ 129 conquered by the Iiicas. Ludewig^ calls the Antis, " Brazilian Indians on the eastern slopes of the Andes." Some nations in this direction submitted to the Tnca, even to the valley of Chuquiapa. He threw a swinging bridge over the Apurimac to the west of Cuzco, and having traversed the desert of Conti-suyu, he subjected the peaceful people of Tanima, Grotahuaci, Parihuana-cocha, Puma-tampa, Arum-Callahua, unto the valley of Arcypa or Arequipa-, 16^ 17' S., 72° "W. Mayta was succeeded by his son. 5. Inca-Capac-Tupanqui, reigned 41 years, died 1197, a.d. His wife was Curyllpay. His first conquests were over the Yanahuara. The extended country of the Aymara nations about Lake Titicaca fell under his sway, where eighty tribes in vain assembled to oppose him. The Aymara country was called by the Incas Uma-Suyo, land of waters, that is, of Lake Titicaca and its rivers. He sent an army, under his brother Auqui-(prince)-Titu, to Cola- tampa and Colana, south-west of Cuzco, inhabited by a portion of the Quichua nation, which was conquered. This same army entered the country of the Huamanpalpa, and the lands of these tribes on both sides of the river Amancay, also of Quichua origin, and conquered them. The valleys of Huacari, Uvina^, Camana, 16'^ 12' S., Cariville, Pieta- quellca, as well as the valleys of the Pacific, submitted to his arms. The Inca went himself against the people of Lake Paria. He tra- versed the districts of Tapac-ric and Cocha-pampa, 18° 20' S., and entered the country of Chayanta, 18° 55' S., 67° 30' W., where the curacas, or chiefs, hastened to do homage. Covered with glory, the I Inca returned to Cuzco, whilst his son, Eoca, conquered the countries of Curahuari, Amancay, Sura, Apucara, Runcana, and Hatunrucasca ; from whence he descended to the coast, subjecting the valley of Man- saca, as well as the country between it and Arequipa. Capac Yupanqui [made a statue of gold, and called it Inti-lapi. 6. Inca Eoca, reigned fifty-one years, died 1249, a.d. His wife was iCoya Micay. He went against Chinchasuya, Tacmara, QuinuUai, [Cochacaca, and Curumpa. He was also successful in Anta-hualla, ihabited by the Chancas. He went to the east of Cuzco, reducing ^ Langue des Antis (Echoratos), vocab. 16, pp. 290, 291, of Castelnau, vol. v. Lppendice. ^ Arequipa is at the foot of its volcanic mountain. Earthquakes are severe and requent. ^ In 1600, occurred the very great irruption of the volcano of Guaynaputina, in i;he curacy of Ornate (probably the Uvinas of Pentlaud) ; ashes fell more than ninety liles distant. The earthquakes were very severe. E 130 the small nation of Challapampa, and took possession of Havisca and Tuna. His last expedition was into Charcas, where he reduced the Picunca, Muyamaya, Misqni, . This Inca added to his empire Quito, and lands to the north ; the country between the Chimus and Tmpris (Tumbez) ; the neighbouring tribes of Chunana, Chintuy, Collonche and others, became his vassals, as well as those of the island of Puna, Avhose chief was Tumpalla. Lastly, he turned his arms against the country of Manta, inhabited by the Apechique, Pichusi, Sava, Pampahuaci, Saramisa, and Passau. In the Equador section, I have noticed some of the more salient points of the history of this Inca, as connected with his conquest of Quito. Huayna-Capac, being at Tumipampa, in Quito, the news was brought to him of the appearance of the Spaniards on his coasts. He died shortly afterwards. The kingdom of Quito was given to Ata- hualpa; the empire of Peru to Huasca. 13. Inca Inti-Cusi-Huallpa, or Huasca, — this last word means a chain or rope. Tradition relates that to commemorate his coming of age, a golden chain was made long enough to go round the great square Cuzco. He reigned eight years, when he became the prisoner of his brother Atahualpa, by whose order, it is supposed, he was killed, in 1533, at Andamarca. 14. Inca Atahualpa. He reigned eight years, including one year and four months over the empire of Peru ; and was strangled by order of Pizarro, the 29th of August, 1533. Like most of the incarial famil}', he is said to have been handsome. His manners were elegant, and his perception remarkably quick and clear. Brave and active in war ; he was also sagacious in politics. 15. Manco Capac II., brother of Huasca, killed by some of Alma- gro's followers, about 1544. 133 16. Inca Toparpa, brother of Atahualpa, died on bis way from Cuzco to Cajamarca. Manco-Capac II. was succeeded by his three sons, Sayri-Tupac, Cusi- Titu-Yupanqui, and Tupac- Amaru, who reigned with a slight sliadow of royal dignity. The last was beheaded, in 1571, by order of Toledo, fifth viceroy of Peru. The most eminent period of the dynasty of the Incas is the reign of Huayna-Capac.^ The warlike and civil works of so noted a sovereign deserves to be recorded by an eloquent pen ; and his biography,- com- piled with the necessary circumspection, would throw more light upon the ancient Peruvian history, than all the memorials, relations, and commentaries, w^iich embrace so many indigestible folios tilled with contradictions, errors, and fables. Under the dominion of Huayna-Capac, the empire attained its greatest height and prosperity ; extending from the river Andasmayo, north of Quito, to the river Maule, in Chile, embracing a distance of eight hundred leagues (which surpassed by some degrees the greatest extent of Europe), and, bounded in all its western extent by the Pacific Ocean, extended to the pampas of Tucuman, on the south-east, and to the rivers Ucayali and Maranon on the north-east. This vast empire contained ten or eleven millions of inhabitants, a number which rapidly diminished after the conquest, as, in the year 1580, the census, made by order of Philip II., by the Archbishop Loaiza, does not show more than 8,280,000 souls. The population diminished in the course of time to less than one half; and, in the main, we may admit, that the valleys of the Peruvian coast contain positively but the tenth part, or even less, of what they contained in tlie time of the Incas. The valley of Santa, for instance, held 700,000 souls ; and, at the present day, the number of its inha- bitants does not amount to 1,200. According to Father Melendez, there were found, shortly after the conquest, in the parish of Ancullama, of the province of Chancay, 30,000 individuals paying tribute, that is, men of more than eighteen or twenty years. At present they number 425 inhabitants, and among them 320 negroes. For a period of three centuries Spain received hoards of gold and silver from her American possessions, produced principally by forced Indian labour. During suchalapse of time, some progress, we might expect, would have been made in the position of the native inhabitants of the ^ Eivero and Tschudi. ' Some good materials for this history of Huayna-Capac will be found in Yelasco's His. de Quito. 13 i soil, if only in tlie more useful arts ; but no such change occurred ; all was stultified by the tyrannous, cruel, and exacting character of the Spanish rulers, the gloom of the cloister, and the wickedness of the Inquisition. With the distracted political position of Spain at the commencement of the present century, the South Americans, aided by the Indians, also assisted from England principally with loans of money and men, threw off the yoke of the Spanish tyranny, erecting the vice-royalties into republics. There have been occasional risings of the Indians in Peru. That of Tupac-amaru, in 1780 ; he wrote from Tinta a long letter to the Yisi- tador Areche, in which the sufferings of the Indians are stated in a calm, manly way, and remedies suggested ; but no ear was given to the appeal of humanity. Tupac-amaru was betrayed and cruelly butchered with his family, and the greater part of his followers. There was another rising under Puma-cagua, in 1814 ; the Indians were beaten, and their chief shot, 11th March, 1815. If the origin of the Incas is involved in fables and traditions, still more difficult is it to give an idea of the Pre-Incarial, and of contemporary nations with the Incas, The Inca Peruvians, or those of Cuzco, were taught by their regal and theocratic rulers, that the first Inca and his ' sister wife, had been sent from the sun to govern them. We are told that, before the arrival of these children of the sun, Peru was divided among several nations, wandering and fixed, rude and ferocious, ignorant of all industry and culture, more resembling brutes than the human race. This character may have been that of some of the nations ; bnt there were others who lived in large cities, and had a civilisation, religion, and language different from that of the Incas. I will only instance here tliat there must have been a very ancient nation, the builders of Tia-Huanacu, of whom we know nothing. There are ruins on the shores and islands of Lake Titicaca as old perhaps as those of Tia-Huanacu ; and the lucaiial city of Cuzco may have been built on the ruins of a nation passed away ere the Incas appeared. There is another gpot in this direction, that which holds the considerable ruins of Ollantay- tambo ; by some it is supposed that a chief who ruled here, was con- tempory with the Inca Pachacutec who reigned in Cuzco in 1400, a.d., but the date goes farther back than this, not for the builders, but for the last independent occupiers. Tradition has preserved the circumstances connected with a precious dramatic composition, said to have been performed before the court of Huayna-Capac, of the play of " Apu Ollanta," the lord of Ollantay, whose ancestors, probably, built Ollantay-tambo. The story of M 135 Ollauiay's love for Cusi-Collur (joyful star), the daughter of tlie Inca, Pachacutec, bears the title of " Ollanta, or the severity of a Father and the generosity of a King." ""A portion has been elegantly translated from the Quichua by Mr. Markham,^ in his interesting work, the pages of which shed fresh charms over the history of the worsliippers of the brilliant Inti. Allied to OUantay is the Usca-Paucar, or the loves of the golden flowers ; the Taravies or melodies, and the Cachuas or songs, we may look upon as Incarial. Turn we to old and enigmatic lluanuco, in 9° 'N., with its six stone portals, one inside the other ; said to have been conquered by the Inca Tupac- Yupanqui. Descend we to the coast, to the country of the Chimu-Canchus, whose principal city was in the valley of Trujillo. It took the ninth Inca a long period, and with large armies, to make them his allies. In this region is found a peculiar civilisation, architecture and language. Coming south along the coast, we find other nations, such as tliose governed by the Cuiz or Curys-Mancus, rulers of Euna-huanac (the present Lunahuana), about where Lima now stands ; their ancestors, the originators of the celebrated temple to Pachacamac, the creator of the world, which, vdieu the later Incas conquered that part of Peru, lound it'prudeut not to demolish, but rather to erect a temple to the sun by its side. South again of these were the Chincha nations, the Chuqui-Mancu rulers, living about the vicinity of Caiiete. Between these and the commencement of the nations of Chile, were some Aymara tribes, who appear to have descended from the Andean regions, the pres^^nt province of Tarapaca being still inhabited by them. In my paper to the Ethnological Society,- in May, 1852, I entered into an examination of some points of Peruvian history. I opposed such writers as Marco Polo in olden, and Eankin in modern times, and who have spoken so decidedly as to the Asiatic origin of the Peruvians in the thirteenth century ; they asserting that Manco-Capac was the son of Ghengis Khan, and came with elephants !'^ and that the term Inca comes from the Mongol word Ungut ! also, that Montezuma was the grandson of Askam, a noble of Tangut ! More than one author has written on the identity of the people of America with the Tyrians.'* ^ Cuzco and Lima, London, 1856. 2 Obs. on the History of the Incas, &c., vol. iii., 1854, in Ethno. Journal. •* 1 have already, at p. 80, adverted to the supposed elephant's bones (which are fossil) found in various parts of America. •* Ancient American History, by George Jones, London, 1824. See European Colonization of America in Ante-Historic Times, by Zestermann, of Leipsic, with Critical Obs. by E. G. Squire, Amer. Ethno. Soc, April, 1851. 136 I also dwelt on the view that the Inca dynasty was rather modern, and adverted to the Pintados or Indian Pictography observed by me, in the province of Tarapaca, South Peru, in 1827. The reader will now please to go with me south, along the coast of the Pacific from the green shores of Equador, and in sight of the sandy desert of Sechura. In about 8° S. we pass the country of the Chimus ; Lima and the ruins of Pachacamac in 12°, where the Curys-mancus were the rulers ; and in 14° S., the Chincha country, formerly governed by their Chuqui-Mancus, which region has become so interestiug, as yieldiug such vast quantities of guano. I have to make a few observations on Lima, the Gruano Islands, &c. ; I shall then explore the Indian tombs of Arica, proceed to Tarapaca, in South Peru, examining into its antiquarian, ethnological and other matters. Lima is in about 12° S., six miles from the port of Callao, from which there is a railway to the capital. It has a population of some 55,000, composed of descendants of the Spaniards, Indians, Mestizos, Negroes, Mulattos, Quarterones, Quinterones, Zambos, &c. Since the separation of Peru from Old Spain, foreigners of all nations have settled in the country ; there are many Chinese as servants and labourers. In ioOO, there were 14,262 souls ; 1700, 37,259 ; 1790, '52,627 ; 1820, 64,000 ; 1836, 54,618. The first good account we have of Lima and Callao, its port, is by Prezier, 1712-1714. Lima is built on a plain in the valley of Rimac, the name of a noted Indian oracle, whence by corruption, says Prezier, and through the difficulty those people found in pronouncing the letter li as harshly as the Spaniards, came the name of Lima. I would ob- serve, that it is more likely that the Inca or Quichua people found a difficulty in pronouncing the li of the nation they subdued here, ruled over by the Curys-mancus. Pizarro, when he founded Lima, called it the City of the Kings, from the King and Queen of Spain. In 1682, when the Dake de la Palata made his entry as viceroy, one of the prin- cipal streets he had to pass through was paved with iugots of silver, valued at £16,000,000. The Inquisition was established in 1569, its name giving terror everywhere. First, the informer was reckoned as a witness ; second, the accused knew not their accusers ; third, they were not confronted with witnesses. In 1735-40 we have, in the " Brothers Ulloa's Voyage to South America," another good description of Lima. Stevenson also gives interesting details. A small annual volume, the " Calendario y Guia de Torasteros," is a useful reference. In 1839 appeared the " Estadistica de Lima," by IJrrutia, in whicli there is much recent information given 137 by a native. The last is that by Mr. Markham, in his " Cuzco and Lima," published in 185G, to which work I must refer my readers who wish to be initiated into particulars as~To the present political and social charac- ter of Peru. It will be seen that Lima has often been well described ; still I will mention a laconic idea of it, that it is the heaven of women, purgatory of men, and hell of jackasses — or that the Limefias are beautiful, the men enslaved by them, and the donkeys are cruelly cud- gelled by the negroes. In "^Heylin's Cosmographie," 1654, England is called the paradise of women, purgatory of servants, and hell of horses. 1 must confess that I was struck with the peculiar, fascinating I appearance of the Limenas, added to which were feet of from 4^ to 5^ ; inches ! ^ Let the unsuspecting youth, particularly if he be a foreigner, beware ; in particular of the Calle del Peligro, the street of danger — not from the i stilletto, but from sparkling eyes, beautiful figures, and small feet ; and, ! if he understands Spanish, he will be enchanted with the Syren song of ! the Limeiia, i Stevenson - says that portion of the Plaza allotted to the flower sellers is appropriately called the Calle del Peligro ; for here the gentle fair 1; resort, and their gallant swains watch the favourable opportunity of 1 presenting to them the choicest gifts of Flora. This locality, at an early hour in the morning, is truly enchanting. The fragrance of the flowers, their beauty and quantity, aud the concourse of lovely women, persuade a stranger that he has found the muses wandering in gardens of delight! The charming climate near the coast '^, the vicinity to the mountains, where all climates maybe found, from the ever-during snow to perpetual sunshine, send their abundant and rich produce to this cornucopia of Ceres aud Pomona.. II here found the famed chirimoya in its greatest perfection. It takes its name from chiri, cold, and muhu, seed — or cold-seeded. It is a species of anona. They may be seen at times weighing as much as two pounds, and contain about seventy black seeds. This is called the queen of fruits by some ; by others as having that happy mixture of sweetness and acidity, with delightful scent, which forms the perfection of fruits. Mr. Markham denominates it as " spiritualised strawberries." The flowers most in use by the Limeiias are those of the chirimoya, the scent being exquisite. ^ The very small feet (in Chile) are sometimes attributed to mixture with Indian blood. " Smith's Chile and the Auracanians," 245. 2 I. 227. ^ Maximum temp. 78^, minimiun 62°, 188 PizARRO founded Lima on Monday, January IStb, 1535, which pro- ceeding was confirmed by Charles Y. 7th December, 1537. The con- queror of Peru built himself a residence about two hundred yards from the river E-imac, opposite to where the Palace of the Viceroys was built. The remains may yet be seen in the Callejon de Petateros, mat-maker's alley. Prescott ^, who follows the Spanish writers, says, Pizarro received a wound in his throat, and reeling sunk on the floor, when a stroke more friendly than the rest put an end to his existence, and, in a note, Borre- gon struck him on the back of the head with a water-jar. In the "Estadistica de Lima," p. 140, 1839, it is mentioned: it appeared to Juan Sanchez Borregon, that Pizarro was not dead, so he smashed his face in (desbaratd la cara) with a water-jar that stood on a table. His body, begged as a favour, was wrapped in a coarse frieze, and after having been tied it was carried on the back of a negro, by the false door, known as that of the fish-market, to that spot in the cathedral called the Naranjos (where criminals were buried), when he was deposited in a hole, and covered with earth. Tears afterwards his bones were put into a vault, and subsequently placed under the high altar in the cathedral. At page 68 of the Estadistica, when describing the cathedral, it savs : " Under the choir is the Panteon where are preserved the re- mains of archbishops, canons, and the head o^ the conquistador Pizarro." When in Lima, I failed to get admittance to what is called Pizarro's tomb, a larger sum of money being demanded by the sacristan than I cared to give, particularly as it was very uncertain that the hodi/ was there. However, parties are made up to visit the said tomb, and a friend of mine told me that he explored the vaults, and saw the so- called body of Pizarro, dressed in Spanish costume, when one of the visitors purloined a button from the vest ; at another period, among other things taken from this body, was one of the little fingers. It is admitted on some authority, that the head is there, but as to the body, '. \ it is most questionable. !|li In the Museum of New G-ranada, is the banner with which Pizarro \ led on his band^ when he entered Cajamarca. ^t In June, 1859, General O'Brien (who had been aide-de-camp to ^ ^' General San Martin) showed me in London, the large and rich umbrella- i'^' formed canopy, which was held over Pizarro when he went abroad in ^ state ; this was given to O'Brien when the patriots entered Lima as conquerors. 1 Conq. Peru ii., 117. ' Holtou's New Granada, 159. 139 Perlmps a few lines may not be out of place regarding the present ruler of Peru, General Don Ramon Castilla. He is the son of Pedro Castilla, of Tarapaca, who ]ive"dr principally at the amalgamating works of La Tirana, and worked the llampos and gransos (refuse silver ores) of the mines of El Carmen. He discovered the class of ore called lecheador (chloro-bromide of silver). Tesqueros, a sort of tinder-box, were not in general use, and, as Pedro Castilla was a great smoker, he used to carry a lighted piece of dried mule dung from La Tirana to the mines. The present president of Peru was his father's leiiatero or wood-cutter ; he enlisted in the royalist army and attained the rank of sergeant. When the war of independ- ence broke out, he received a commission from the patriots. In 182G I found Don Eamon Castilla as Intendente of his native province of Tarapaca, and under his auspices Mr. Greorge Smith and myself sur- Teyed the province.^ I did not again see him until 1854, in Lima, when he was on the eve of upsetting President Echenique. In 1846 Castilla was elected president of Peru, and restored peace after a long period of anarchy and civil w^ar. He retained power until 1851, when General Echenique became president. In 1854 Castilla, assisted principally by Elias, after several encounters and extensive marchings, beat Echenique at the battle of La Palma, near Chorillos, entering Lima in triumph in January, 1855. Castilla abolished the capi- tation tax on the Indians, and put an end to slavery. LiTERATUEE. — Of modern Peruvian authorship, I will first allude to an extraordinary work " A Defence of Governments against the pretensions of the Court of Rome," in six volumes ; there is also a " Compendio,"^ in one volume, both by the priest Dr. Erancisco de Paula Vigil ; he was excommunicated for this, by Pius Xono, in 1851 ; but the Peruvian government ignored the papal document, " Ad perpe- tuam rei memoriam." Vigil had been in ill health for some time, however, when the excommunication was fulminated against him, he regained his ealth and answered the " Beatissimo Patri," in a most temperate manner : is reply is a fine specimen of sound reasoning, and most eloquent are his ords. I had the pleasure of Dr. Vigil's acquaintance, in Lima, where e quietly superintends the national library, beloved by all who know im. In the chapter " Proyectos y Decretos," among the latter are the PoUowing : ^ See my Southern Peru, Geographical See. Journal, 1851. " " Defeusa de la Autoridad de los Gobiernos, contra las pretensiones dc la Curia )mana, por Franscisco de Paula G. Vigil." Lima, 1852. 140 Sundays only to be recognized as feast days. No ostentation at funerals. Bishops not to publish their edicts or pastorals without per- mission of the gov^ernment, nor ordain more priests than absolutely necessary. A bishop's income to be two hundred pounds, paid by the State ; as also that of the priests. Charges for marriages and burials, one half the present prices. No ecclesiastical immunities. Those lead- ing a monastic life, not to vote at elections. Monastic life, conditional only. Neither monasteries or convents to inherit property. Marriage to be a civil contract. Married men and widowers to be preferred for public employment. The father who has six children, to pay half taxes ; he who has nine, a third ; he who has twelve, none. In mixed marriages, or between Catholics and Christians not Catholics, should the Ordinary object to give permission, the marriage can take place before the civil authorities. The nation recognizes as lawful the marriage of priests. A Father, requiring the assistance of a son, such not to enter monastic life. Third article of the Constitution to be thus read : — The religion of the State is that professed by the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church ; the public profession of other religions not to be excluded. The dead to be buried in one burial ground, which in future need not to be consecrated. Colonel Espinosa is the author of an interesting political work, published in Lima, 1851, " La Herencia Espanola," or what Spain has bequeathed to its colonies, namely, indolence, pride, and love of show ; The origin of bad government in South America is, that Spain is the worst governed country in the world — that the Spanish Americans believe themselves to be a very superior people, and will not acknow- ledge their sad inferiority in comparison with the people of Europe. The legal works of J. S. Santistevan,^ particularly his " Derecho Peru- ano," have earned for him the name of the Peruvian Blackstone. Mariano Paz Soldan published, in New York, in 1853, an important report on the penitentiaries of the United States, as applicable to Peru. Manuel Bilbao has most eloquently written the biography of the unfortunate General Salaverry, who became a victim of civil war in 1836. Bustamante- must not be forgotten, his contribution is a literary curiosity ; the record of his wanderings in various parts of the world, and rather original observations thereon. The Peruvians are much given to pamphleteering and verse making ; but the poetry of Marquez, particularly the " Flor de Abel," is much prized. It is in defence of innocence and charity, in a heroic combat 1 Derecho Pernano, Piura, 1853. - Apuntes y observaciones, &c. Paris 1849. 141 against the worldly selfishness that devours us. A brother poet is Althaus ; his most important composition is in prose, " To a Mother," many poems, including the '^anto Biblico," said to resemble some of the Hebrew melodies of Byron, and has the advantage that the Spanish is a more suitable language than the English for the lamenta- tions of the Captives of Babylon. In 1851, was published, at Vienna, the very imj3ortant " Antigiie- dades Peruanas," by M. E. de Eivero and Dr. Tschudi, in folio, with a large atlas of coloured plates. This work has been translated into English by Dr. Hawks, of New York. It is indeed a most Taluable acquisition to ancient Peruvian history ; and truly, they say, in their dedication to the Sovereign Congress of Peru, " centuries have passed without the possession by Peru of a collection of such of her ancient architectural monuments, as have escaped the ravages of time, avarice, and superstition. These silent, yet eloquent, witnesses reveal the history of past successes, and demonstrate the intelligence, power, and grandeur of the nation once ruled by the Incas.*' I will now make a few observations on the " Mercurio Peruano " and " Lima por dentro yfuera." One of the first newspapers that appeared in Lima was the " Diario Economico," by Jayme Bausate ; but, in 1791, commenced the publication of an important periodical, the " Mercurio Peruano." About the same time was established the Academical Society, which ofi'ered gold and silver medals for various researches. The Mercurio was only allowed to continue some three years, issuing three volumes annually. This learned work met with great opposition, more especially from the church, on account of the freedom it intro- duced into the discussions of the variety of subjects of polity, &c. By the capture of the Spanish galleon, " Santiago," in 1793, from Lima to Cadiz, by the English, a collection of the Mercurio came into the possession of a Mr. Skinner, of Tottenham, who gave extracts in the Monthly Magazine, 1797-8. In 1805, he translated the more important papers in a quarto volume, with plates, entitled " The present state of Peru," from which I here give the heads only of the principal subject matter. Greneral idea of Peru, including produce of the mines. Ancient monuments, where it is stated that the ruins of Tia-Huanacu are un- questionably anterior to the times of the Incas ; in Chachapoyas is a stone building with unwieldly busts. Geography. Botany. Zoology, describes the Llama family. Alludes to the fossil bones at Manta, Tarija, and Chichas. Account of a giant in New Granada, Pedro Cano, over seven feet five inches. Basilio Huaylas, a Peruvian giant, more than seven feet two inches, his limbs out of all due proportion (a draw- 142 ing is given). Mineralogy, condition of the miners. Commerce, in 1780, including the galleons, 16,375 tons of shipping belonged to the port of Callao ; 2000 quintals of cinchona bark annually exported. Contraband trade. Description of Lima, statistics, coffeehouses estab- lished in 1771, mate or paraguay tea had previously been used. Customs End manners. Calle del Peligro, or the promenade of beauty. Com- plaint of a husband of his wife, and hers also, shows what were the peculiar domestic relations. Indians, their ideas of religion. Indians of the Pampa del Sacramento and of the Andes. Negroes of Lima. Province of Guamalies. Yalley of Yitoc. Biographies, that of Father Menacho, born in Lima, 1565 ; at six he could read, write, cipher, and draw ; his statue was prodigious ; at seven he appeared to have attained his fifteenth year ; at five and twenty he had grown to such proportion that there was no person in Peru whom he did not, like Saul, exceed from the shoulder upwards ; at seventeen he entered the Jesuits' college ; he became professor of theology at Cuzco ; he had a wonderful memory, he died in 1626. Antonio L. Piuelo, an indefatigable writer on jurisprudence and history ; he was appointed principal chro- nologist of the Indies. Pray Castillo, a poet : one of his modes of ver- sifying was to touch a guitar, and at the close of the day to recapitulate what he had done, heard, or discussed, without omitting any of the circumstances, which he constantly realized with grace and ingenuity. Lopez : he possessed more than a common share of mathematical knowledge, and having heard that the Paris Academy had offered a considerable premium to him who should discover, for the benefit of the longitudes at sea, the quadrature of the circle, he began to draw lines, make calculations, forming tables, circles, and filling reams upon reams of paper with figures — in a word, he became crazy. He died in 1790, after having toiled uselessly for fifty years. Castro-Monte, of Pluaraz, died at 133 years of age. He had never tasted wine or strong liquors. Earthquakes ; Missions of Caxamarquilla ; Explorations of the Huallaga to the lake of the Gran Cocama, with a map ; Of the IMarafion and Ucayali to the tribes of Manoa ; from Huanuco into the mountains, 1631 ; from Jauja by Andamarca, 1673 ; from Huanta, 1671 ; from Chachapoyas to the junction of the rivers Mayobamba and Huallaga, 1560 to 1685 ; Descent of the Maranon from Tomependa to the town and lake of Cocama ; Descent by the Maranon to Tefe, a Portuguese colony ; entrance into the mountains of Huamalies ; from Pataz to Caxamarquilla ; Itinerary from Chavin to Chicoplaya — these explorations appear to be worthy the attention of modern i geographers. 143 Some years since a copy of the curious sarcastic poem " Lima por dentro y fuera," by Simon A;^\inque (a fictitious name), fell into my bands. I intended at that period to have given some account of it, but my copy was stolen. When lately in Peru I procured another copy, printed in Madrid, 1836. On making inquiries as to the author I was informed that his real name was Ataraya an Andalucian. He was a lawyer, and had visited all the Spanish colonies. Having made money in Mexico, he went to Lima, but, in the over-enjoyment of pleasure in the luxurious capital of Peru, became poor, and, suffering for his past conduct, wrote the work about 1790-5. My informant's father procured a MS. copy of the work, taking it to Spain about that period. It is thought the poet died about 1795, and it is said that after his death in Lima, his A'oluminous MSS., principally severe critiques upon manners and customs in the Spanish colonies were destroyed by order of tlie then viceroy of Peru. The only notice I have met with of this work is in the " Estadistica de Lima," 1839 — ''that Taralla occupies himself in pourtraying vicious people, a class he probably belonged to, if one may judge from his observations." This is not quite fair : what he did was to draw Lima and its people too true to life ; and as he had been victimised and ruined, surely retaliation was no more than could be expected from poor human nature. The following is the title : " Lima inside and out, being economical, salutary, politic and moral ; which one friend offers to another, the latter having decided to leave the city of Mexico for that of Lima. A jocose and diverting work, in which, with witty conceits are described, with other things, customs, usages and artifices there and in other parts, by Simon Ayanque, for the warning of some and the amusement of all. Madrid, 1836 ; with an amusing address to the reader, in which, among other observations, it is stated, that if the pernicious customs of the New World are satirised, similar cases occur in the Old." The work is divided into eighteen parts ; containing the will of the author, made fifteen days before his death ; his epitaph and notes, 144 pages, 16mo. He begins by asking his friend what his country has offended him in, why he leaves beautiful Mexico for Lima, an absurdity, most notable excess ; to leave a glory for a well known hell, light for darkness, life for death, joy for torments, or Por una sombra, una luz, Por un eclipse, un lucero. Por una muerte, una vicla, Y un gusto, por un tormento- 144 The voyage from Acapulco to Paita is described, also the burning desert of Sechura; that he will see many nobles in Trujillo, and alludes to their Quixotic character ; that in the market flour and meat are bartered for eggs and bread ; also, cats for dogs. Now you are in Lima at last ; I tell thee no falsehood, here will be the last of you, like unto many others. Speaks of the tambo (inn) of the Sun, where the sun (its sign) can be seen at all seasons ; for in winter the atmosphere is so misty, that the sun is seldom observed. Of the Calle del Peligro, in a note it is said, in front of the cathedral is a path, on each side of which are Indian women who sell fruit and flowers, called the path or street of danger, on account of the risk the unguarded run from the beautiful women who promenade there. Que pasas por un cafe Y dices aca fe ? niego ; Porque aca fe no se halla Ni en uno ni otro sexo. You pass a cafe (coffee-house), and you say, aca fe (is there good faith here) ? I deny it ; because aca fe (good faith here) is not to be found in man or woman. Lima is described as a dirty city ; the gutters in the streets pesti- ferous, broken conduits, dunghills, heaps of mud, myriads of flies, wet mist, the people pale and melancholy, fleas in abundance in summer ; the dogs so lazy, that they will not get out of the way of carriage \: wheels. Senas or tokens were used at shops. The puchero or bunch of flowers, wrapped in a plantain lealf, is alluded to, as the gift of the Tapada, who has her face covered, one eye only seen ; the ^codeo, or self-invitation to take ices, &c. — El artificioso meneo Que de voluntades Conquista, the artful wagging walk, the cause of many a conquest. Describes the want of domestic management. The young miss wishes for roast meat for her breakfast, another, criadillas ; another, pigs'-feet : ^ this boy asks for nuts, another cakes, pastry ; the Negress for panal, < the Negro, brandy ; the Mulatto, meat ; the coachman, bread and | sweets ; the lady of the house demands milk, the master, toast. This system goes on for awhile, but the day arrives when bread is^wanted, | and their goods are pawned or sold. ! The stranger gives a supper to the family who had invited him to f dinner. This is a codeo, or loafing on a grand scale. The said family \ invite their relation, friends, acquaintances and hangers-on ; as, their I cousin, the priest ; the collegian, a relative ; the officer, a brother ; the 145 tradesman, a brotLer-in-law ; the lawyer, an uncle ; the father-in-law, a notary; the captain, a godfather; the doctor, a grandfather; tlie pro- fessor, a relative ; the minerT^ comrade ; tlie neighbour, a musician ; the priest, a relative; the landlord of the house, the stepfather; and the stranger is the host. Then follows what all these ask for at the cafe, after which, they take their victim to the fonda or hotel, where they sup, and, having got all they can out of him, they quarrel with him, c ' ' ' ' 1 t ^ } ' 1 , > 1 , , 147 (astrolog-er or learned man). There are apparently twenty-four compartments, large and small, including three at the top, a triangular gateway, on its right a small space with two circles and three lines ; on the left three lines, and two upright ones joined. At the hottom are two spaces ; figures were probably here, but looks as if worn awa3\ I will advert to the centre portion first. It is sunnounted by the prongs of a trident, (our Aquarius is sometimes represented with a trident) ; on each side are four small circles ; there are other four on the nose, and two more on the sides, at the base of what may be intended as pillars or ears ; the circles may represent the bases of the stone pillars used as gnomons by the Incas for detennining the solstices. Two large eyes, teeth showing the canines, and eight angular points ; the last may be intended for the sun's rays ; the whole figure represents the face of the sun. Underneath the eyes are two faces ; these may represent the first Inca and his sister- wife, the reputed children of the sun. Description of the Zodiac in connexion with the Lunar Months of the Incarial Calendar. 1. Decemher. (Raymi, a solemn dance.) The first month ; it began with the winter solstice. In the space is a face or sun, a small diamond-shaped figure underneath it, and another to the right. In this month was held one of the four principal feasts of the 3'ear. The Inca Peruvians counted the montlis from the 20th, 21st, or 22nd, according to the solstices, until the same day of the following month, so that December included twelve days of January, or from one new moon, to another. 2. January. (Huchhuy-poccoy, from small, and to ripen, because the corn began, to form small ears.) Here is a space with an oblong figure, a quarter of a moon, and four small circles. 3. February. (Hatun-poccoy, from liatun, great.) The corn began to increase in size. There is a ladder-like figure, two straight and two waved lines. 4. March. (Paucar-huaray : paucar, beauty of flowers; huaray, figuratively, to unfold a carpet of flowers.) Here are two small spaces, one with three strokes, a half-moon figure and two circles : in the other, a square oblong and two circular ones. 5. April. (Ary-huay, or an ear of corn Avith grains of various colours.) In this month began the grain harvest ; there was dancing, and deep libations of chicha. Here is a face with an angular projection, and aiv oblong figure difficult to describe. 6. May. (Aymuray, because of the conveyance of the corn to the public granaries.) Here we have the sun's face and two diamond-shaped figures. 7. June. (Inti-Raymi, from inti, the sun, and raymi, dance.) In this month was the third solemn feast. They rested from labour, giving themselves up to pleasure aud enjoyment. Here is a sun, diamond underneath it, a diamond on Ifift side ; a square in the corner enclosing two small circles. 8. July. (Anta-asitua : anta, copper ; asitua, great dance.) This began the summer solstice ; thej^ cultivated the land and prepared it for sowing. Here is a pear-shaped figure, a curved line, and an angular one. and three strokes. l2 148 9. August. (Capac-asitua : capac, powerful.) They sowed corn, potatoes, &c. Here are two longitudinal lines, and two cross lines ; also, a pear-shaped figure, a curved line, an angular one, and three strokes. 10. Sejptemher. (Umu-Raymi : umu, head.) In this month took place the enrolling of those liable to be taxed, and the verification of the prior register. It was also called Coya-raymi, for now the C03'as, or princesses, and others married. Here are two small space.^, one with two diamond-shaped figures, the otlier with a diamond, quarter of a moon, and two curved lines. 11. Ocioher. (Aya-marca : aya, a corpse, and marca, to carry in arms.) Now was celebrated the feast of the dead. The potters made large vessels for the chica. In each house this beverage was made and drunk at the feasts of the following months. Here is a different sort of face of the sun, and a quarter of the moon. 12. November. (Capac-raymi : capac, rich; ra3-mi, to dance.) This space is similar to the first month. Dancing and drinking were carried to great excess. They represented tragedies and comedies composed by the Amautas. The Haravec or poet composed the haravi or melodies, and cachuas, songs. One of the dramas has been preserved ; A portion will be found translated by Mr. Markham, It is called " Ollanta, or the Severity of a Father and the Gene- rosity of a King," composed in Quichua about the beginning of the fourteenth century. The following is part of a speech by the Huillac-Umu, or high-priest of the Sun : — " O living Sun ! I watch thy course, As it moves downwards in the heavens ; Por you are now preparing A thousand sacrificial Llamas. Their blood shall flow for thy glory. For you, too, is gathered the herbs of tlie field. Glory to thee, O living sun ! " The small compartments on either side of the triangular gateway at the top, ' as well as those at the bottom of the Zodiac, composed of a diamond and two lines, and two lines and two circles, may be intended for the Puchucquilla, or fourths of a moon, remaining. We know that the Inca Peruvians divided the year into months, or quilla-huata, ' (moon -year) ; the solar being called inti-huata, (sun-year). As their lunar year fell short of the true time, they verified their calendar by solar observations, made by means of a number of cylindrical columns raised on the high land round Cuzco, which served them for taking azimuths ; and by measuring their shadows, they ascertained the exact time of the solstices. The period of the equinoxes they determined by help of a solitary pillar or gnomon placed in the centre of a circle, which was described in the area of the great Temple of the Sun, and traversed by a diameter drawn east and west. The constellation Hyades in Tauras they called the jaw-bone of the Tapir. The Pleiades and Southern Cross v.ere kno-.vn to them. The Mexican? had an elaborate Zodiac ; the Muyscas of Bogota had a curioug ^ Cuzco and Liiua, 174. Hi M I— I w o 149 lunar calendar; of the other nations of America I have been unable to find that thej had any such astronomical representation except this of the Inca Peruvians, and the first I have seen or heard of. The learned in ancient Peruvian history may be able to give other information regarding this, to me, curious monument of antiquity. It has been suggested to me, that what I consider to be a zodiac may be a talisman. The Peruvian Indian had his piripiri or charms, equal to the talisman. They consisted of the Bezoar stone (biliary calculi ol the llama family) ; yairuvies, or small black and red seeds, worn as pre- ventives against colds and coughs ; loadstone, worn by either sex, to attract lovers and keep off evil spirits ; there were charms against wizards, and witches, also against poisons. The idea that this object is a talisman I do not consider of much, value, but rather think that it was attached to the breast of an Inca, or principal priest of the sun, when performing his sacred duties. GrUAXO. — The most important deposits are on the Chincha islands; these lay in 13° to 14° S., and twelve miles from the land. Its extrac- tion and sale is a government monopoly, and a most ready-money source of revenue. The political party who may have possession has the command of almost any amount of funds ; thus guano has become a curious political element. As an instance, in 1853-4, when General Castilla, Elias, and others succeeded in turning out President Echenique and his party, this revolutionary state of things was known as the Gruano War, and the possession of the Chincha islands was the prize. Guano, or huanu, means dung, as huanacu-huanu, excrement of the huanaco; pishu-huanu, birds' dung. Tschudi kept one of the guano birds, the sula variegata. and found its daily weight of excrement to be 3|^ to 5 ounces. Formerly, the great flights of sea birds on the coast of Peru used to astonish me ; since 1841, when the first cargo of guano Avas sent to England from Paquique, in the " Charles Eyes," the haunts of the birds have been so disturbed by the collectors, that their numbers have much diminished. When I lately visited the Chincha islands, there were more than two hundred vessels lading guano ; the work of excavating and loading the ships was done by Chinese, said to be smuggled out of China, and brought to Peru as labourers. Some say there is guano only for a few years ; others, for a hundred years. In an article on the " guano diggings," in " Household Words," 1853, the writer estimated there were 250,000,000 tons on the Chincha islands alone, and that it would take one hundred and eighty years to clear them ; so that, at the present selling price in England, £12 per ton, would give £3,000,000,000 ! 150 Mr. Geo. Peacock^, well known on the west coast in connection with the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, his researches in the Chile coal districts, also for his surveys of the islands and coast containing the Huaneras, reported, in 1846, the following as to quantity : On the Chincha group 18,250,000 At Chipana 280,000 Punta de Lohos ......... 1,460,790 Huanillos 1,912,505 Pabellon de Pica 2,975,000 Puerto Ingles , . • 1,292,500 Lohos Islands, Gluanapes, &c. . . . . . 7,000,000 Tons . . 33,170,795 This at £4 profit per ton to the Peruvian government, shows a sum of £132,683,984. Prom the commencement in 1841, to June, 1858, it is estimated that 2,608,659 tons had been shipped from Peru, which at £4 per ton gives £10,600,000. Gruanos are divided into three great varieties : those w^hich have suffered little by exposure to atmospheric action, as the Peruvian ; those which have lost a considerable portion of their soluble ingre- dients, Chile, some of the Bolivian, and the Ichaboe ; and those which have lost all their ammonia. The early shipments of Bolivian guano were about equal to the Peru- vian, and were collected from near the surface. I am informed that recently very large quantities of a hard rocky material have been met with on the Bolivian coast, containing much less organic matter than the surface guano, but a great increase of phosphate. This we may look upon as the result of very old deposits. In 1847, a curious stone slab- was discovered in the N. Chincha, under eighteen feet of guano ; now, if we suppose this stone had been buried two hundred years, this would give a deposit by the birds of about one inch per year. It is said that guano is found from thirty to one hundred feet thick ; and the general opinion is, that it has been accumulating for thousands of years. Tropical Sunset. — In the region of the Chincha islands, even at sea, it is very hot during the calm portions of the day ; this is tempered by the daily cool south winds, and by the cooler land breezes at night. The sky is deep blue and clear, and hereabouts is the real Pacific Ocean. ^ Official correspondence of Service, &c. Exeter, 1859. 2 1 have given a drawing of the Chincha Islands, and of this stone to " Illus- trated Times," March 5th, 1859. J J J J • > • < • • • * • • • - • o ^t. /-//p 'Kym'-^y iiiirlP'-^'iv ^-i ^it- I ifc,.:7'' ^iMj rAU'; ,i«!i' ?^ ,'fc ;f^f \ .j,! 3- /^:\r:.#■^ £. w Jkl M/^5, MK W' if^y ;w^ mw& ^'j , f ii kS'< ■4 M \W4 v.; -fK 15^ 151 The sunsets at times are maguificent, and the colours so brilliant. On one occasion, in particulai:^ the day had been cloudless, and the sun shining vividly ; from a gentle breeze it became calm ; and it now re- quired, but a slight stretch of imagination, to fancy that we were sailing through a sea of the most glistening idtramarine ; and, as the sun was setting, the western sky was as if on tire, causing the sea to glow with its glorious reflections. The other half of the heavens was composed of light rose and lavender colours, blending harmoniously into one another ; then the change was so rapid. One sees all this wonderful beauty — in a moment it is gone, and one has to call upon a traitorous recollection for a faint description. Aeica is in 18° 20' S. Frezier, who visited the coast in 1712, thus describes the Huacas, or ancient tombs at Hilo and Arica their bodies are entire, Avith cloths on, and often found with gold and silver vessels. The graves are dug in the sand the depth of a man, and enclosed with a wall of dry stones, covered with wattles of cane, on which there is a layer of earth and sand ; such I saw during my first visits to Arica, in 1825. In 1854, 1 again came here, when a railway was in construction to Tacna, and a portion of the Morro or headland was being excavated to fill up ground on the shore ; by this operation, as the loose ground on the side of the Morro was broken up, an ancient cemetery was discovered in the debris, resulting from the rock of the ! Morro. The graves were near the surface, lined with stone, and some I closed with a stone slab. The bodies were in a sitting position, com- ; pletely dessicated (not embalmed), and wrapt in woollen and cotton 1 mantles: sometimes a dog is found in the graves. The weather was I extremely hot, and, whilst examining these tombs, I became ill with fever and ague, very common here, and of a bad sort, so that I could I not continue my researches with the care and attention I had antici- : pated. Wherever a stream of water from the Cordillera comes to the I coast, dense vegetation is seen just were the water may run ; the decomposition of this vegetable matter produces terciana or ague. I made a collection from these tombs, the objects are now in the : British Museum ; they consist of cotton and woollen cloth of various i colours and patterns, ordinary pottery, small wooden idols (some gold ' figm'es of men, animals, and ornaments, I saw in the possession of a I native), double pandean pipes (huayra-puhura) of cane, some other I articles, and a golden coloured semi-transparent object, Avhich has been : at last determined to be the eye of the cuttle-fish ; these eyes were not I introduced into the head of the mummy, but deposited in the gi'ave as i something rare, beautiful, or as a huaca (sacred). I f ' Eivero found in other parts of Peru thin plates of gold and silver li 152 painted of different colours to represent the eye, and introduced. I may here advert to what E^ivero and Tschudi state, that in the mouths of some Peruvian mummies is found a rodaja (round disk) of gold, silver or copper ; had we any information respecting the existence of a Peruvian Charon, we might suppose this disk was intended for the obol. Mr. Fariss, who lately returned from the north of Peru with a col- lection of antiquities, informs me that, at Atequipa, 15^ 35' S., he has seen such disks of gold, with a human face on them, in the mouths, ears, and nostrils. At Huamanchuco, he found these rounded pieces of metal loose in the graves. Stevenson says, any small piece of gold which was huried with the bodies, at Huara, is generally found in their mouths. The Crania, at Arica, were generally like those described by Tschudi, as Aymaras ; but I saw two, one with a deep hollow across the centre,^ the other nearly square. The Morro, or headland, of Arica, is five hundred feet above the sea ; its base is of gneiss, succeeded by porphyries, then horizontal layers like basalt, its flanks deeply covered with debris. An interesting fea- ture about the Morro is the existence of fissure caves, probably formed by earthquakes. Mr. Geo. Taylor, an old resident, informs me that, in 1827, he was accompanied by a friend on a treasure trove expedition into the great cave El Infierno or hell. They were inside a long time, and travelled about one thousand fathoms ; the air was bad, and their lights would go out ; at times very cold, with gusts of wind. They did not get to the end. They found large numbers of gallinazos, or tiirkey buzzards' nests, and much of their ordure. There is a smaller cave, which can be traversed in an hour ; in this, people, when in " difficulties," political or otherwise, hide themselves. I examined another cave at the sea-level, known as the ' Infernillos' or little hell ; this is a frightful looking place, and may communicate with the others in the Morro. There is an account of a balsa being upset her6 by the heavy surf; the balsa was washed into "little hell," and never seen again ; the man who was paddling managed to escape by clinging to the rocks. It is probable that the great cave may have been used anciently as a place of burial, for at its mouth are painted small red figures of men, animals, &c.; and I think I observed the " Mano Colorado," or red hand : 1 Ethno. Soc. Feb. 1860. " On the deformed skulk found at Wroxeter." It was thought that the general deformity of some Peruvian skulls had been produced by '^ some outward cause after interment. What I obsei'ved at Arica may have been |l thus caused, as the Peruvians generally buried their dead in a sitting position. ' ' > , > ■> •, 1 y 1 ) 163 the colouring matter of these is either oxide of iron or cinnibar. Mr. Miles,^ iu his paper on " Demigods," and in the chapter devoted to the "Mano Colorado," says, it is found in caves in Australia, in other parts of the world ; and that Stevens found it in Yucutan, not drawn or painted, but stamped by the living hand. Gilliss- observes, that ten miles from Arica is a place supposed to be full of Huacas. A friend wrote to him, that near Tacna is an old Indian cemetery, on the bare face of the sloping mountain, at whose base these tombs are ; he noticed huge characters traced in t he sand • they can be perceived and could be read Avith the unassisted eye, if one understood them, at a distance of ten to fifteen miles. The whole side of the mountain is covered with them. They appear to be written as are Chinese characters, in vertical lines. Some must be ten to twelve hundred feet in length, that is, each character is of that size, and looks as fresh as if just made ; they are ancient Indian records, gigantic picture writing, and probably allied to the Pintados of Tarapaca. PEOYIXCE OP TAEAPACA. Camarones is one of those deep and narrow ravines running from the Cordillera to the coast : this is the north boundary of the province of Tarapaca. Indian tombs are met with here, near the sea. Pisagua is another of these ravines ; the stream is found generally a league from the port ; but, during the rainy seasons, or the melting of snow in the Andes, it occasionally reaches the Pacific. Here, and at Alcaparosa, two leagues north, are tombs and Indian ruins. Much nitrate of soda is shipped from Pisagua. Iquique, 20^2' S., 70°30' W., var. 11° 20' E., iu the department of Moquegua (Moqiiingoa). This district, in the twelPch ceuturv, was included in Coya-Suyu, probably CoUa-Suyu, and was starved into sub- jection by Malta Capac, fourth Inca. The Incarial armies, when going south to Atacama and Chile, passed through the province, and knew of its mineral riches. In 1538, the following was communicated by Pizarro to the court of Spain : " Its inhabitants are the Cacique of Tarapaca, whose name is Sanga, including the fishermen of the coast. There are villages, called Pachica, Pinchuca and Guavina, which are in the valley of Cato, under the Cacique, Opo. In the valley of Carvisa is the village of Camina, ^ Ethno. Soc. Journal. London, ITT., vol. United States AstronoDiical Expedition to Chile, I., 144. 154 where Ayvire and Taucari are the Caciques. There is another town called Comagnata under Ayvire ; another town, Diayapo, under the Cacique, Chuqui-Chambi, with 900 Indians." Almagro having seen the greater number of his follow-ers on their way from Chile, across the desert of Atacama (when Tarapaca was dis- covered), he went by water along the coast in a vessel commanded by Nogueral de Ulluoa, and took Cuzco by surprise in 1538. Iquique is the principal port for the shipment of nitrate of soda. It is dug up and refined some leagues distant in the interior. In 1830 only 900 tons were exported, but in 1859, 78,700 tons. The present population of the province is about 18000, the greater portion occupied in the manufacture of nitrate of soda ; then follows the agricultural, which is but limited, in consequence of the general arid character of the country ; still some alfalfa or lucern, as food for cattle, conveying the nitrate to the coast, produces 100,000 dollars ; the wine of Pica, 84,000 ; some figs, other fruit, and a little wheat are grown ; how^ever, provisions are principally brought from Chile and other parts of Peru. The mercantile portion, including many foreigners residing at Iquique, pay 200,000 dollars or more annually to the Customs, mainly on flour. About 84,000 dollars duty were paid on wines and spirits in 1858. The Post Office of Iquique yielded in 1859, 3,130 dollars. From 1st January to August Ist, 1859, 281 vessels entered Iquique ; in all 74,420 tons. Tarapaca, far away in the interior, is the capital, and the residence of the authorities. The climate on the coast is temperate, owing to the cool southerly winds. In the nitrate districts the heat is great during the day, cool at night in summer, but cold in winter. In the Cordilleras, to the east, there is every gradation of temperature. Pica and Tarapaca are very hot during the day, and agues common, but generally the province is healthy. This province was first celebrated for the rich silver mines of Huantajaya ;^ the LaPuentes alone paid in duties to the Spanish crown more than a million sterling. They sent a mass of native silver, weighing nearly thirty-three hundred weight, as a present to the king of Spain ; it was rolled by hand from the mines and then allowed to fall by its own weight down the sandy side of the mountain range to Iquique ; a portion of the track it made is seen to this day. At present the province of Tarapaca is well known as producing vast quantities of nitrate of soda. In 1827, at the request of Greneral Cas- tilla, then Intendente of the province, Mr. George Smith and myself ^ See my paper to Geological Societv, 1838. !Or'h'\ii;i,' m >i.t ^ ti'iivifiifif ■<::\ ') m g 'imj 1,1^ '•■■ ■■-■ V- ■•,; • r ■ „■ " '-^ K ■^i!/. if' mk i ■ y\. il^ ;' ''¥ V'i,;> '■, ''ill* 'm \Gi. WJMi l\iA' S^ ^^ r-' V 1**.^ / \ r y mm Oj > 1 i i I > • . ' t I > J > J J > I > > 'io ?>- %^: iOM WM. BOLLAERT, '*- c- Tainarugal. * Panipix de Tiita Jackuru, Volcano of Islu^a, I7,0l0. ir.ooo. C I 165 examined the district, presenting survey and report to the Peruvian government ; this I extended in my Observations on the Geography of Southern Peru,^ with map. Ii\ the notes reference is made to further information by myself and others. Whilst these pages were going through the press, my friend, Mr. George Smith, has forwarded to me the most recent account about nitrate, printed on an elaborate plan, published in Lima, of the localities in the province of Tarapaca, where the nitrate of soda and borate of lime are found, with the positions of the principal oficinas or works, and the ports the nitrate is shipped from.^ I translate the following from his observations on the plan : — The Pampa de Tamarugal is a plain, having a rise of about one per cent, from east to west. There is great abundance of salitre or caliche (native nitrate of soda) on the north, about Tana ; also in the south to the river Loa. In the far north it is not worked, there being no water ; neither in the south, on account of the distance from the coast. It is generally considered that the nitrate of soda producing ground does not extend beyond the ravine of Camarones on the north, nor south of the river Loa ; however, some say it is found in Bolivia, south of the river Loa, far in the interior and distant from water. Mr. Smith gives all the positions whence the nitrate is extracted, and also where very large quantities are pretty well known to exist ; he likewise notes the spots where the borate of lime is met \yiih. He calculates that the nitrate ground covers fifty square leagues. There have been single square yards of ground that have produced nearly a ton weight of nitrate, the layer being three yards thick. If we allow only one hun- dred pounds weight of nitrate for each square yard, we shall have the enormous quantity of 63,000,000 tons ; so that, at its present rate of consumption, there is sufficient for 1,393 years. The opinion in the country is, that the nitrate is formed from the waters that come from the Cordilleras. ^ Geographical Soc. Journal, 1851 ; " Southern Peru," United Service Journal, 1848; " Essay on the Origin of Salt, &c.," Journal Soc. Arts, 1854 ; " Examination of the Nitrate of Soda and Borate Districts," British Association, 1859 ; P. of Tara- ipaca, by J. H. Blake, Silliman's Journal, 1818; "Darwin's Geological Obs. on South America ;" " Source and Supply of Nitrate of Soda," by P. Pusey, Journal Agricul- jtural Soc, 1853, map; "Williamson Obs. sobre la Industria de Tarapaca," Lima, Il859 ; " Trade in Nitrate of Soda," Steam Shipping Gazette, Sept. 19, 1859 ; " Obs. Ion P. of Tarapaca," by Don M. B. de la Fuente, Geographical Soc. Journal, 1856. ' Piano de las locaHdades de la P. de Tarapaca en el Departamento de Moquegua idonde se encuentra Nitrate de Soda y Borato de cal con las oficinas principalcs y sus caminos a los Puertos habilitados para su embarque, por Jorge Smith, F.R.G.S- Dedicado a S. E. El Gran Mariscal Dn Eamon Castilla, Prcsidente del Peru. 156 There are about forty nitrate works and nine shipping ports, including Iquique At the Soronal (its lowest position), the nitrate is found at 2,593 feet above the sea, and thirteen miles inland ; its most elevated is 3,724 feet, and at twenty-three miles. The borate is found as high as about 3,600 feet, and as low as 3,211, at the Noria. In 1826, when I first lived at Iquique, it had a population of fisher- men, in all about one hundred souls ; subsequently my friend, Mr. Greorge Smith, became one of the principal nitrate of soda refiners and exporters ; and now Iquique boasts of a well-built and flourishing town. Water for drinking is distilled from sea-water, and sells for about three halfpence the gallon, at which price £40,000 worth is used. Its importance as a port is only second to that of Callao, its population being about 5,000. There is one amalgamating establishment for separating the silver from the ores of Huantajaya, two iron foundries, a candle manufactory, steam bread making machines, and gas is projected. Gruano was taken from its island in ancient times ; in modern, the deposit was 800 yards in length, 1,200 in breadth, and was cleared in twenty-five years. Iquique has always been a fishing place, and will account for the number of Huacas found here, as also at Molle, a few miles oft", and other points of the coast. In this district, as it seldom or ever rains, the bodies would soon be dessicated and remain so for ages ; also, being preserved by the saline and very dry surface soil which covers the whole country, plain and mountain, up into the very Andes. I think, with Itivero and Tschudi,^ that if embalming was practised in Peru, it was a very uncommon proceeding, and only used for the Incas and principal chiefs, and, as I have observed, the heated saline soil of the coast was sufticient to dessicate the bodies ;^ they observe, that in- the interior the pure cold air and dry winds would do the same thing ; they note that in the tracks, such as from Islay to Arequipa, and from the latter to Lima, there are numbers of mummies of animals, which serve, as land-marks to show the road. I may also state that Iquique, La | Noria and other nitrate works are perfect Golgothas, and the tracks over the province are densely strewed with mummies of mules and asses ; these are brought principally from the Pampas of Buenos Ayres, some 8000 annually ; one-half die on the desert tracks for want of food ^ Peruvian Antiquities, 208,9. ' E. M. Kirero Antiguedades Peruanas, 1841 ; Tschudi, Travels in Peru, 504. 157 and water ; whilst tbey can work, they are mainly feci on barley from Chile. __ I have placed in the British Museum articles from the Huacas of Iquique and Mclle, consisting of wooden combs, bones used as awls, spines of the cactus, pierced at the thick end for needles, copper fish- hooks, stone arrow-heads, coloured woollen cloth, yellow, brown and red miueral pigments, heads of indian corn (a rare species, zoa ros- trata), &c.,^ and the crania of Aymara type, with the Ethnological Society of London. Morton- gives four forms of crania among the old Peruvians, produced by artificial means : first, the horizontally elongated ; second, conical ; third, flatteniug the forehead ; fourth, ver- tical elevation of the occiput : these had their names, as Caito, Oma, Opalla, &c. ; and describes a very conical head from Chuichuic or Atacama baja, on the western edge of the desert. When I was last at Iquique, a Huaca, containing some 500 bodies, Tvas discovered a short distance from the town : the bodies were in a sitting posture, wrapped in Avoollen mantles of various colours. There were found pieces of ordinary pottery, fishing utensils, mummies of dogs and birds, maize and coca in the hualqui or long bags. Not long since, in cutting a water-course in the valley of Quilliagua, on the river Loa, images of gold were found, one in the shape of a heart, weighing 1^ ounces, with a hole through it, so as to be worn ; huacas ■were then discovered with their mummies, also finely wrought reed baskets, in various colours, capable of holding water ; arrows of tama- rugo (acacia), bows, slings, vessels filled with coca and maize, some chicha in a jar, mantles of various colours, netting, and some small granaries. In my papers to the Geographical Society, and the Ethnolo- gical, in 1852, I gave some account of those curious ancient Indian remains called " Pintados," or Indian Pictography, found in the province of Tarapaca ; and I described those I had examined in 1826 in the T^lley of Pintados, in 21° S., at the foot of the Andes, consisting of representations of Indians, llamas, dogs, and other forms, on the side of the desert ravine, some of the figures being thirty feet or more in height, cut, or rather scraped out in the sandy soil, the lines being twelve to eighteen inches broad, and six to eight inches deep. I was then informed they were the work of " Indies Gentiles," or old pagan Indians, and I [thought that the Pintados had been done by ancient and modern Indians ' Tsehudi say?, he found ears of maize in tombs, belonging to a period anterior to the Incas, and of two kinds. ' American Joui'nal of Science, 1846. 158 for amusement ; but I have now reason to believe, that some of them mark burial places, places of worship, and to preserve memorials of the past. At Las E.ayas, south of the mines of Huantajaya and Sauta Kosa Mr. George Seymour gives me the following description of one : the sides of one of the barren mountains is laid out, as if for a garden, with a large double circle in the centre, and paths branching off dividing the ground into compartments. The loose stones having been picked off the paths, which are rendered hard apparently by the feet of people, it is supposed that rites and ceremonies were and are still per- formed here. Long after the conquest the Indian continued secretly to render homage to his religion on the summit of mountains in particular. In some provinces they had the custom of taking their dead into the rocky fastnesses, and among the snows, burying with them food, gold and rich apparel : thus I think it most probable that many of the Pintados of Tarapaca mark the position of Indian tombs, as weR as of places of worship. We will now make an excursion easterly towards the Andes. The western chain is the Cordillera, the eastern the Andes. Mounted on a sure-footed mule, the saddle-bags well stored with provend, booted, spurred, and ponchoed according to the fashion of the country — no turnpike to pay, or hotel-keeper with heavy charges to annoy — having generally for one's resting place at nights the sand of the desert^, the bright, starry heavens for a cj^opy, with generally for my companion my old friend, Don Jorge Smitji. And a better desert traveller cannot possibly exist, he wending his way calmly and stoically over the burning^ sandy, saline, desert plains, when I would fain have been elsewhere ; and the fearless manner he would go up and down the Andean laderas, or steep places, was rather astonishing. Leaving Iquique and its sandy, shelly, and saline plain, the escarped porphyritic coast range is ascended by a steep cuesta, its summit 1,761 feet, when undulating de&ert land in the mountains is traversed. To the left are the Pintados of Las Rayas, already described; to the right, on the side of a barren mountain, are others, consisting of 1 Grarcilasso, Book ii. How to make a horse fast in the sandy desert. Dig a hole, fill a bag with sand, put it into the hole, and press down ; to the end of the bag attach the cabresto or rope. 2 On one of our trips in January, 1854, the thermometer stood as follows : at La I^oria, 3213 feet above the sea, 5 a.m., 64°, 1 p.m. 83°, 10 p.m. 63°. In the sun at . noon 92«; on a heap of sand 128*^ Faht. •> ' ) 1 SOUTH PERU. c < f r A, Bol]a£T't.s ^ti q : S . Aid erica . ■ . —r: 3/ /^=^ / On Roa.cL from Iguiq^ue to la. Noxia/. B. ^ On 'KodA from La. l\[oria to tJie P.l D. l^orth of La.s fisas or the B-orajc Towns. ITear La Pe£a,. 159 four paralellograms, a cross-like figure, the commencement of another parallel form and a zig-zag track running down the mountain (c). These figures are of large size, and well seen from the road below, formed by the disintegrated pieces of rock and sand having been scraped and picked off inside the outline. At the salitre or nitrate of soda works of Cocina, huacas have been found containing mummies, arrow heads of silicious stones, stone clubs, or huactana, 14 inches long by 5 broad; also a dozen globular olyects of black stone, inserted into the quills of condors, the use of which I do not know. Among the mountains of the coast are many huacas of the " Grentiles," where, independent of other objects, weaving apparatus and small perforated stones, have been met with. Having rested at La Xoria, a town built of salt, and the largest nitrate of soda quarry and refining works, our track is now S.E. towards the Pampa de Tamarugal, and one league on this track to the S., on the side of a mountain, is another pintado (a), consisting of a large circle, with a smaller one in the centre ; then four oblong spaces, and three more underneath. The desert mountains about here are very wild and rocky. The track leads into the Pampa de Tamarugal, over grounds con- taining nitrate of soda and much common salt. AYe now come upon two small towns, Las Tisas, the origin of which is interesting. Some years since a chalky-looking substance was met with, which was called Tisa. On examination it was found to be a mineral of Borax. Subsequently a box of minerals was sent to me by Mr. Smith, in which was enclosed some small specimens of the tisa. This was examined, and proved to be a new boracic-acid mineral.^ Mr. Smith came to England, and on his return I begged of him to examine the locality for borate. This he did, and found the district to be very rich in the mineral, as well as various other parts of the Pampa de Tamarugal, It has also been found in the northern part of the desert of Atacama. Preparations were made to work the borate grounds, but the Peruvian government having been led to believe that it was too valuable an article to be exported, except under similar conditions as the guano — viz., a government monopoly — the working of it is interdicted. Some portion has been extracted, and the greater part smuggled out of the country. Permission has occasionally been given to a favoured few to export small parcels, which brings about £30 per ton in the English market. If allowed to be exported under favourable circumstances, there would ^ Hydi'oborocalcite or hayescine. A specimen examiBcd at the Museum of Prac. tical Geology, gave water, 27-22 : sul. acid, I'lO ; lime, 14-32 ; soda, 822 ; potash, 0-51 ; chlo. sodium, 1-65; sand, 0-32; bovaeic acid, 45-66 j nit, acid, 1 = 100, with traces of iodiue'and phos, acid. 160 be a good demand, and it would be applied to numberless uses in tlie arts. I have deposited in tbe Museum of Practical Geology in London, a large nodule of this new boracic-acid mineral ; also specimens in the British Museum. Pickeringite and Glauberite occur with the borate. Iodic and chromic salts are found with the native nitrate or soda. In my second series of observations on " Southern Peru," read at British Association, 1859, I have given details of this borate formation, and its connection with the nitrate of soda deposits in the province of Tarapaca. The first series on this subject will be found in Journal of the Geographical Society for 1851. South of the Tisas five leagues, are the mountains of Pintados where, for the space of a league, it is covered with figures of llamas, squares, circles, and other forms ; and farther south still, is the Pintado of a large Puma ; indeed, these peculiar remains are met with in many other places in the province. There is the " Cerrito Pintado," three leagues south-west, from Messrs. Geo. Smith's Salitres at the Soronal. North of Las Tisas, on the road from Iqique to Tarapaca, is another collection of Pintados ; the principal one composed of irregular designs, a puma, a llama, and two Indians, (b). The most interesting Pintado is east of the Salitre works of Zavala, and near La Peiia (n). There is a straight line, a calle or street ; but the main figure is made up of fourteen compartments, joined by their edges of a rhombic form ; one of these compartments my friend, Don Lorenzo Zeballos found to be a huaca or grave, paved with stones ; in the grave was a mummy of an Indian female in a dress of feathers, with a well-made straw helmet on, under her head a jar containing two small bones.^ Here we have an instance that some of these Pintados are ancient graves. A few years since a huaca was found near Quilli- aga, the body was in a horizontal position, dressed in penguins' skins neatly sewed together ; at its side was a bow and quiver full of arrows, the arrow heads of cornelian. JSTear La Pena is the hill of Unita, where there is a colossal pintado of an Indian, the guardian of some supposed hidden treasure ; and, it is said, the Indians of Atacama, taking treasure for the ransom of Atahualpa, when they heard of his death, buried it here. There are also figures of llamas, birds, arches, circles, and other forms. ^ Eivero and Tschudi, 205. In imitation of tbe Egyptians, the Peruvians drew out the brains through the nostrils, thus explaining the want of the small bones which separates the eyes, and the fracture made in the suture. The bones mentioned as found in the Pintado, could they have been of this character? IGl An old Indian road runs from the hill of lliiara (which also has Pin- tados) to the town of Tarapaca, the stones having been merely picked off the track. ~^ The desert hill of Iluara is a Bramador, roarer or bellower, some- times called the musical mountain ; also Eetumba de los eerros, rumb- ling of the mountains. Darwin describes such a one near Copiapo. The mountain of the Bell, in Arabia, is of this character. Mysterious sounds are heard in the morning at the statue of Memnon, " a low, sad monotone — the music of Memnon, in harmony with the chan<^eles8 sun- shine and the stagnant life of Egypt." Mr. Seymour gives me the following which may have been a Pintado, at Pisco,^ it is on the north side of the peninsula of Parracas, 13° 52' S. It is of considerable dimensions, and most probably the work of the natives before the conquest. The central prong of this trident looking figure is two hundred feet long, and the lines ten yards bn^>ad. It is annually visited by Indians, who " scour " away the sand that may have accumulated, having a Piesta or holiday ; the lower portion I suppose to be a huaca or grave. I find that Gilliss says, it is appa- rently made of white stones set in the face of the rock, by whom, or for what object this huge emblem of the Christian truth (?) was con- structed, no one can tell. A Priest said that Christ had wrought it in one night, during the rule of Pazarro, and as a warning to the sun worshippers ; also, that, annually, the devoutly inclined go with the priests from Pisco to the cross, its conclusion smacking more of " earth earthly " than " heaven heavenly." Sculptures on rocks, and of various periods, are not uncommon throughout America ;- but the existence of this class, viz., the Pintados of Tarapaca, I do not find noticed, except in England — in Berks, Wilts, and Bucks — the " White Horses " in the two first counties, and the "White Leaf Cross" in the latter is one himdred feet high. JS'ear Oldbury Castle, in Wilts, is a w^hite horse, carved out on the slope of a hill, supposed to be a memorial of Alfred the Great's victory over the Danes at Eddington, or may even be of higher antiquity, as the white horse of the Celts, which was of religious origin. Triennially the people assemble to " scour the horse," or clean away the turf.'^ A huaca was discovered, in 1830, at the entrance of the valley of Tarapaca ; it was surrounded with stones ; in the centre was buried an ^ Pisco and Fichui, bird. 2 For drawings of some, see L'Univers Pittoresque, Bresil, 1837; Wallace, travels on the Amazon, 1853 ; see also Humboldt, Seliomburgh. ^ See my Antiquarian researches in Tarapaca, Pei'u, Antiq. See. Lond., 1857. M 162 Indian female under tliese stones ; at the four corners, under a pile of three stones, were male Indians. Amongst other articles deposited was a stone figure of a female, the face of silver. Two leao-ues from Mamina is the cross of St. Marcos; here is a gigantic Pintado of an Indian idol. Starting from La Noria, entering the great Pampa of Tamarugal, and resting at La Tirana, where good water is procured from wells, and where formerly much silver ore of Huantajaya and Santa Eosa was amalgamated, either by being trod out by the feet of men or subjected to heat in boilers. The journey is continued in an easterly direction to the foot of the Andes. In the summer it is intensely hot daring the day, and oftimes clouds of saline dust and sand envelope the explorer. There is no shade to protect from the ever scorching sun, and the mirage or delusive appearance of water, the espejo or looking glass of the Spaniards, is most tantalizing to the thirsty traveller. This very arid district is a portion of a great desert which, with little intermis- sion, extends 1,500 geographical miles, from Coquimbo in Chile, to Payta in Peru. About south-east are the rather large towns of Pica and Matilla, where the vineyards are nourished by waters of irrigation. The church of Matilla is an imposing building, erected by an Indian architect. We now progress by Tambillo and the pretty Indian farm of Manuel Cruz, with its gigantic algarobo tree (Prosopis horrida) and its andenes or step-like hanging fields and gardens ; we ascended a very rough, dangerous cuesta and laderas, to some 10,000 feet above the sea. We soon descended to the Indian village of Macaya, 6,278 feet, which is in a deep ravine. Near Macaya, are the " Minas del Inca," yielding copper, formerly worked for the use of the Incas. On the way to the rich copper moiuitain of Tabricoya, and one league from Macaya, I observed an interesting monument in the Pampa del Leon. It is a large, isolated block of granite, 12 feet square, called the *' Piedra del Leon," it is covered with very old Indian sculptures. The centre group consists of a man wrestling with a puma, holding the animal with one hand ; in the other is a stone as if defending himself. There is a smaller puma ; also figures of llamas, guanacos, circles, ser- pents, &c. These figures are not chiselled, but picked out with some pointed instrument. A cross has been cut subsequently on this stone. I suppose this to be very ancient Aymara work. In this region the docile llama and alpaca flourish, droves of wild vicunas and guanacos are seen, also many chinchillas and biscachas. This animal I have seen as high as 14,000 feet in the Andes. The puma occasionally roves about here, as well as the ostrich. Parinas, or 168 flamingos^, and then the mighty condor that builds its nest higlier than 15,000 feet, and was seen by-JIumboldt wheeling in circles at an eleva- tion of 22,000. Condor, cuntur, called huitre by the Spaniards. The English Cyclopedia says the condors are to be seen in groups of three or four, but never in large companies, like the vultures. This is hardly the case. My friend, Mr. George Smith, and myself were attacked by rather a large flock of condors, on the heights of Iquique, in 1S2G. i saw, in 1854, a group of fifty condors, near the cuesta of Icjuique. They are to be seen at times, as many as a hundred or more, hovering over the farms in Chile. In 1820-3, when there was whale fishing at Coquimbo, the offal would float on shore, when as many as two to three hundred condors were to be seen in company ready to gorge on dead whales. I once was exploring with Mr. Smith the Mountain of Molle, above the Noria nitrate w orks, on the summit of which is an abandoned silver mine. Having entered it to rest and get out of the heat of a scorching sun, we very soon had to make our exit in consequence of be- ing covered with condor lice. Such a spot is called the " Alojamiento," or resting place. On another occasion, exploring some high mountains overlooking the Pampa de Tamaragual, on a rocky crag we found a deposit of their excrement. Erom such a spot the condor watches for dead and dying mules and asses in the tracks, particularly to and from the nitrate works. The condor was an object of worship by some of the Peruvian nations. I am informed that at Mani, in the south, there are, sculptured stones with the sun, moon, and stars, Indians, and animals ; and that, at Huatacondo, are many huacas, in which have been found objects in gold and silver ; that in the valley of Sipuca, 7 leagues S. of Mani, in the huacas there, small stone figures were found. Between Arequipa and Uchumayo are sculptured stones ; the spot is known as the " Campanas del Diablo." The Indians of the province of Tarapaca are Aymaras, and speak that language. They may be said to be partially Christianised ; some, how- ever, still practise ancient ceremonies, such as bowing to the rising sun and certain mountains. In the Pass or Abra of Pichuta, I noticed a pile of stones with quids of coca on it. It would appear that the mastication of coca when going to great elevations facilitates the ascent, and these piles of stones are called apachitas or cotorayarumi. The Mercurio Peruano for 1794 says these piles of stones were adored as deities, they are found in all the ' A specimen of this bird, a new species, I have deposited in the British Museum. 2m 164 niountalu roads, and appear to have had their origin among the early Indians ; for, when they ascended a mountain, or passed over a dangerous track laden, they put the load down, and, as a sign of grati- tude offered the first thing they got hold of (which was generally a stone) to Pacha-camac, saying •' Apachecta," which means " To him who has given me strength." In the pass of Pacheta I found a pile of stones which takes its name from the Apachitas. Ascending the ravine of Pisagua, which runs through the mountains of the coast and northern part of the Pampa de Tamarugal, the large Indian town of Camiua is attained, where maize, alfalfa, olives, grapes, and other fruits grow. The llama and alpaca are also reared. This may be called one of the entrances to the Cordillera. Ancient Indian graves are met with containing objects in gold and silver, also pottery with designs in alto-relievo. The track now goes easterly up the cuesta of Parasuya to the pass of Pichuta. Maymaga is near a marsh ; at sunrise in November the thermometer was at 26°. This is one of the many solitary spots in the Andes called estancias or llama farms. We come next to the pass of Pichuta, 15,000 feet at least, where it generally blows a piercing gale of wind from the S.E. From here the Volcano of Isluga is seen, as well as many snow-capped peaks and ridges ; from Anquaje five openings in the volcano are observed. Isluga is an Indian village 14,000 or more above the sea, with a stream coming from the colossal mountain of Carabaya, 18,000 feet high, which runs into the lake of Isluga, where there is an ugly-looking fish, the suchi. In the hollows among the mountains a few potatoes and quinua are with difficulty grown. The volcano of Isluga is not very conical, but occupies some extent. In winter it is covered with snow to its base. Loud rumbling uoises are heard in its vicinity and earthquakes often felt. I give as the height of the volcano, the approximate elevation of seventeen to eighteen thousand feet above the sea. Mr. Smith and myself were the first, I believe, to describe this volcano. To the east of Ishiga com- mences a salt plain, extending to near Potosi, varying in breadth from three to eight leagues, the salt being from five to ten inches thick. South-west from Isluga is Chiapa, 9000 feet above the sea. From this Indian town Mr. Smith and myself ascended the beautiful looking mountain of Tata Jachura (see p. 10 for tradition) in the month of June. We left Chiapa at noon, by ridges, stony cuestas, and at sun- down camped for the night under the lee of some huge rocks. The following morning, at sun-rise, it blew strongly from the east and very cold. We travelled onwards with our mules as lone: as the rugged track 105 permitted, when our ludian guides begged to be left bebind in cbarge oftbem. To this we were obliged to agree, and continued our ascent on foot. We soon left tbe large cactus below us, and the only plants seen were tbe ichu pasture, stunted tola bushes, and the resinous yareta (Bolax). Our ascent was over steep broken rock (probably por- phyry), until we came upon thick ice. We bled a little at the nose, had an unpleasant singing in the ears, headache, dimness of the eyes, caused by the puna, soroche, or attenuated state of the atmosphere ; the body was benumbed by the extreme cold. However, at one p.m., after a painful and laborious struggle, we reached the summit over broken rock and ice, there being glaciers below us. I give the elevation of this peak over 17,000 above the sea. It blew a piercing gale from the east, and so cold was it, that the water in a gourd was frozen, and a piece of roasted meat was as hard as a brick. Our fingers were so stiii* and cold that we could scarcely use our surveying instruments ; there was not sufficient power in them to strike fire wherewith to light a cigar, and we could scarcely hear each other speak. From the summit there was a glorious view of the Andes ; many peaks must have been from three to six thousand feet higher. AVe saw to the north some high mountains, most probably the volcanic group, sixty to seventy miles ofi", containing the Gualtieri, 22,000 ; Parinacota, 22,030; and the Sehama, 22,350 (Pentland). The cloudless sky was of a very dark indigo colour, and the icy peaks and ridges showed a bold and well defined outline. Humboldt observes, that in the Andes tbe azure is less blended with white, because there the air is constantly of extreme dryness. I am informed that the Andes of Atacama is so dry, that picture frames are made of salt An interesting phenomenon was, that stars were visible as if it were night. I am told that at Copiapo, the sk}^ is so clear, that a planet has been seen at one p.m. Our descent did not occupy much time ; we soon regained our guides, and entering Chiapa at sun-set, the bells of the church were set ringing, and a good meal awaited us, including the callapurca, a savoury stew, kept hot by large heated pebbles put into it, and old oily chicha, in honour of our having been the first, in all probability, who had ever gained the summit of Tata Jachura. Mamina is a large Indian town, and where the Aymara only is spoken. Above the town are seen several tiers of small doors ; they look like the port-holes of a ship-of-war. These are the doors to caves in the rock, and used by the Indians as store-houses, and are probably of aboriginal origin. The doors are fastened by wooden padlocks, opened and shut by a skewer-like key. According to D'Orbigny, the Quichua is spoken from the equator to 166 28° S. (interrupted at 15° S. by the Aymara people), consisting of 934,707 pure, and 458,572 mixed. The Aymaras are from 15° to 20° S., round Lake Titicaca and ruins of Tia Huanacu (surrounded by Quichuas) 372,397 pure, and 188,237 mixed. QuiCHUA. — We are told that the Incas had a secret language of their own, and the general tradition is they first appeared about the Lake of Titicaca; if so, it would be very old Aymara. If they came from the country to the E. it might have been the Calchaqui ; or, if from the coast of the Pacific, the Chinchasuyu. However, the language spoken by the early Incas is lost ; but it is said that a few words have been spared. I have not seen them particularised. In that admirable work of Ludewig's on the literature of the American aboriginal languages, it is stated that the Quichua is the lan- guage of the Peruvians. I will admit that the Quichua was spoken by people inhabiting Cuzco and its vicinity ; but to have so fine a language, they could not have been the barbarous tribes so stated by historians. They were most probably the remains of a once powerful nation, brought again together by the Incas. That Quichua was spoken by the nations the Incas first conquered is easily understood ; also, that it subsequently got mixed with the language of the Chimus of Trujillo, sometimes called the Lamano, with the Chincha about Lima, the Calchaqui of Tucuman, with the Cara-Quitu, Aymara, &c., &c., which has given rise to the idea that these and other languages are dialects of the Quichua. Before the conquest of the various nations by the Incas, each most probably had its separate language, and when in proximity, affinities with each other ; and, ere the Incas over-ran the country, I conceive that each nation had its own language, and even at the present time they should not be called dialects exactly, but corrupted by the Qui- chua, the language of their Incarial invaders. To get at any knowledge, and of, perhaps, only a few words of the various pure languages spoken from Quito to the Chile, we mast go back to the earliest MS3. and printed vocabularies and grammars arranged by the Spaniards. Atmaea. — Ludewig classes the Aymara race as Indians of Bolivia, the N.W. provinces of the Argentine Hepublic, and Southern Peru. I found the Aymaras to be of a brown olive colour, but darker in the Andes ; the hair black and straight, sparely made, and may be called a small race of people. The Aymara Indian population of Tarapaca is about 6,000. La Paz, in Bolivia, is about the centre of the Aymara country, which anciently included, among others, the Canchis, Casnas, Collas, Lupacas, Pacases, Carancas, and Charcas. The following may not be deemed uninteresting to philologists. It 167 is from the Spanish preface to the Gospel of St. Luke, translated into Aymara by the late Don Y. Pazos. The Ayniara language lias a labial dental and guttural pronunciation peculiar to it. The first is designated as pp, being pronounced by emitting the respiration with force against the lips united as ppia, a hole ; ppampana, to bury. The second, with tt, is done by the tongue being placed against the teeth, as ttanta, head, but which, if pronounced with force, w^ould mean something knavish. The third, ck or k, are pronounced in the throat, with this difference, that the first is more guttural, as choka, tree ; kollke, money. The w has been introduced because the Spanish v and u do not give the sound of w, but which in Aymara is the same as in English — thus : acawa, this ; acanwa, here. The other letters have the same value and sound as those in Spanish. Eivero and Tschudi say, the Aymara language is very much like Quichua, and doubtless came from the same root. Very many words in the two idioms are identical, and even in the grammatical structure there is a striking resemblance. Under Yahuar-Huacac YIII. Inca, Colla-suyu, or the country be- tween Arequipa and Atacama, was brought under his rule ; this would include the province of Tarapaca. At Mocha resided, in 1826, a noble Indian family named Quispe Sugso, descended from the Incas. Being at Macaya diu-ing the feast of " our lady of Candelaria," there being no priest, the cacique read prayers in the chapel, and as the sun w^as setting and throwing its rich golden light on the mountains, just under the cacique's house, on a dais, a cloth w^as spread. To the sound of the merry Cachua songs, of tambourines, pan-pipes, and pipes, women brought earthen vessels containing rich stews, condimented with aji or red pepper. The cacique and the men seated themselves at the dais, being served by the women with savoury dishes, potatoes, beans, maize, &c. The women afterwards sat on the ground in groups to their meal. The young girls now handed about the chicha to the men, who drank copiously, after which, and as night approached, the festal party retired to a large building to sing haravis^, or mournful and other melodies, dance, laugh, and Avhoop as the Indian can when under the influence of his beloved chicha-, recite traditions as that of Tata Jachura (p. 10), or recall scenes from the play of the Death of Inca Atahualpa. Could there then be any good feeling for the Spanish invaders ? The times of ^ From Harivicus, the Indian poet, who composed dramas, wrote idyls and odes in particular. j, ' See my paper on " Indian Corn," Hogg's Instructor, July, 1852. IGS Tiipac-Amaro, Piima-cagua, and other Indian patriots would be recalled. There were a few pretty girls, and when the excitement of the dance chased away the usual melancholy that pervaded their features, they then looked interesting. For the matrons I cannot say so much, for the coca- chewing does not add to fading beauty. In the middle of the carousing there occurred a sharp shock of an earthquake, commencing with its rumb- ling noise, then an undulatory movement, and then the shake. This broke up the Indian revel. It is at such times the Indian plays the game of pasa. It is one of great antiquity, and seems to be the only one of this sort. Pasa meaus a hundred, as lie v^dns who first gets that number. They play at it with two instruments : one a spread eagle of wood with ten holes on each side, being tens, and are marked with pegs to denote every man's gettings ; the other is a bone in the manner of a die, cut with seven faces, one of which has aparticular mark, called guayaro (huyaru) . The other five tell according to the number of them, and the last is a blank. The way of playing is to toss up the bone, and the marks on the upper surface are so many got. Eut the guayro goes for ten, and the like number is lost, if the blank side appears. In UUoa's time the Indian had the reputation of a belief in fortune- telling, and that they employed artifices, supposed charms, and strange compositions, in order to obtain some visionary happiness. In Southern Peru I found no ghost stories ; however, now and then one hears of sayings approaching superstitious belief. On asking why the silver mines of El Carmen, near Iquique, are not worked, the answer was that a white mule had foaled there, which caused the mines to stop yielding. CHILE. Geograpliy — CTiango Indians— Atacama — Iluacas — Huins of Lasana — Copiapo — Iluacas — Antiquities — Musical Fish — Iliiasco — Coquimho — Valparaiso — Santiaqo — Antiquities — Supposed existence of Nitrate of Soda and of Gold in Copper from Atacama — Nitrate of Potash in Equador — Valparaiso and Santiago Railway — Coal mines of Lota and Coronet — Araucanos — Indians of Tierra del Fuego. Chile^ is a beautiful and fertile country, situated between the Andes and the Pacific. It extends from the desert of Atacama to Cape Horn ; in some parts it is thirty, in others seventy leagues wide. It is bounded on the north by Bolivia, on the east by the Argentine Confederation, on the south by the Southern Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific. This country, it is said, w^as called Chile by the aborigines, and to have originated from the notes of a species of thrush, or from the Quichua word chiri, cold ; as being a colder land than Peru. Its population in 1854 w^as 1,439,120 ; foreigners, 19,669, and thirty-one Negroes. In 1843 there were about 15,000 Araucanos, but in the middle of the last century Superunda gave 50,000. The inhabitants consist of Chilenos and Indians ; the first occupy the greater portion of the territory, and are descendants of the Spaniards ; the latter are divided into independent tribes, speaking the same language, which is abundant and harmonious. Some reside in the Andes, to the south of 33°, as the Pehuenches, Puelchesand Iluillches ; these are wild and barbarous. The brave Araucanos occupy the lovely country south of the river Biobio. Chile may be called a rugged inclined plain from the foot of the Andes to the Pacific. This space has three chains of mountains parallel to the Cordillera with their fruitful valleys, particularly in the southern portion. The mighty Cordilleras run north and south through Chile, being 120 miles or more in width, with its numberless icy peaks and volcanos, the mountain of Aconcagua being, according to a recent calcu- lation, 23,910 feet above the sea. There are many rivers and torrents ; they rise in the Andes and run into the Pacific, about 120 in number. Some are navigable, as the Sinfondo, Bueno, Chaivia, Yaldivia, Cauten, Tolten, Biobio, and Maule 1 See Lastarrias Jeografia de Chile, Valparaiso, 1857. Gaye, His. de Chile, maps. Essai sur le Chile, par Y. Perez, Kosales, Hamburg, 1851, maps. 170 Many hot springs are found in the Cordilleras, as Colina, Cauquenes, Panimavida, and Chillian. There are salt lakes towards the sea, as those of Biicalemu, Cohuel, Yicuquen, and BoUeruca. Lakes of fresh water, as those of Eauco, Yillarica, and Llanquihue. i Very many are the ports on its long line of coast, the principal ones being Valparaiso, Talcahuano, Huasco, Coquimbo, and Caldera. j There are several islands, including those of Juan Pernandez, Quiri- quina, Santa Maria, Mocha, Chiloe, and Chonos. ■ The greater portion of the year the atmosphere is fine and clear. ' Meteors are often seen traversing the heavens in various directions. Southern auroras are occasionally observed. ' The climate is healthy and benign. The more northern portion ' partakes of the arid character of the desert of Atacama. The principal productions are silver, copper and some gold ; wheat and other grain, I also much timber. Silver and copper are found in the rich mines of Copiapo, Huasco, ! Coquimbo and Aconcagua.^. Wheat is produced in all the territory, from the valley of Aconcagua to Arauco. Timber for building comes ; from the banks of the Maule, also from Valdivia and Chiloe. The ; principal vegetable productions are w^heat, barley, maize, beans, ■. potatoes, and other vegetables. Amongst the fruits are some chiri- ' moyas and lucumas ; pear, apple, peach, figs, oranges, melons, water- ; melons, almonds, nuts, and a small species of coco-nut in abundance. ; "Wheat yields a hundred for one, maize and barley the same. The hemp ■ and flax are very good in quality. The vine flourishes and yields good ; wine. The maju, yuca, potatoes, quinua and madi are indigenous i aliments ; the frigol or bean, and aji or pimenta is grown in abundance ; i silk can be produced, also tobacco of good quality ; herbs of various sorts, including medicinal ones, and others useful in the arts. Some portions of the Chilian soil will produce cotton, pine-apple and sugar- cane. Of trees, its magnificent forests produce, pines, cypresses, : alerces, laurels, cedars, oaks, lumas, litres, &c. CoaP also has become ! an important article of extraction and export. The animals imported from Europe have increased extraordinarily, as . the horse, horned cattle, sheep, pigs, &c. There are indigenous animals, as the vicuna, the chillihueque (llama), huanaco and huemul (a deer), the Chilian lion (puma), and a species of jagua ; the cunning fox, the terror of the hen-roost. No serpents or venemous animals have been * See E. A. Alison's admirable observations on the Greology of Chile, Mining Journal, Aug. and Sept. 1859. ' See my paper on Chile coal, Geogr. Soc. Journal, 1855. 171 observed in Chile. Among birds is the gigantic condor. Fish and shell-fish is abundant on its coasts. Chile has been free from Spanish domination since 1818, when it became a republic, and is most prosperous. In 1855 the amount of imports and exports were more than 37.^ mil- lions of dollars. 841,842 tons of shipping entered its ports, 820,024 left. In 1857, exports and imports were nearly forty millions of dollars. General instruction is spreading rapidly. At Santigo is the university and national institute ; there are schools all over the country ; also schools of arts and agriculture. The territory of the republic is divided into thirteen provinces and two territories: Atacama, Coquimbo, Aconcagua, Santiago, Valparaiso, Colchagua, Talca, Maule, Nuble, Concepcion, Arauco, Valdivia ; colonies of Llanquigiie and Magellan. I Ckaistgo Indians. — In 1828, when at the Eolivian port of Cobija, ' 22° 28' S., on my way along the coast of the desert of Atacama,^ I first saw a few Chango fishermen. I left Cobija in an open boat, bound south for Paposo, sailing during the day (beating to windward), rowing at night, along a most wretched, sterile and mountainous coast. On the ninth day I saw a few Chango fishermen on shore ; they understood a little Spanish, but their own language is probably a mixture of Atacama and Aymara. The following day, three came off in a seal-skin balsa out of Caleta de Cordon, bartering their dried congrio fish for flour and coca. On the twelfth day, three more Changes came off from El Rincon (a fishing cove), and on that day I anchored in Paposo, where I found a j j few families, people of Copiapo, who were here to barter for dried fish with the Changes. At Punta Grande were three or four families of Changos, and at Agua Dulce half a dozen more, who had a few goats and asses. Having ( j traversed the dangerous Mai Paso, I came to Hueso Parado, 25° 30' (this spot was shown to me as the divisional point with Bolivia). At Salinas I found four or five families of Changos ; and as they had just then been supplied with w^ine by the purchasers of their dried fish, wild dancing and singing continued all night. It was a sort of wake, in consequence of the death of two children : the bodies (angelitos) were about being taken to Copiapo for interment. Thus some of these Indians may be called partially Christianized. The Changos move from one cove to another ; they told me they belonged to the district of Copiapo, but paid no tribute. They go ^ See my trans, of Philippi's Researches in the Desert of Atacajna, Geogr. Soc. Journal, 1855. .72 occasionally with asses laden with their dried fish (charquicillo) to San Pedro de Atacama, across a long angle of the desert, also to Copiapo. They are called Changes, hut I could not discover that they constituted a distinct trihe ; and I look upon the term Chango (given to them probably by the Spaniards) rather as something to do with their miser- able condition and occupation. I saw about one hundred, I allow fifty more fishing north of Cobija, and another hundred travelling in the interior, would make two hundred and fifty souls. Acosta speaks of a nation of Changos north of Cuzco. In 12° 20^ S. in the interior, in some maps, is a spot marked Changos. D'Orbigny says these are a distinct tribe, and gives their population at 1000 souls. Erom having visited them, I gave at most 250. He speaks of a " Chango nation," and says they were " once powerful" — • if they lived on the desert coast of Atacama, they had no means of becoming powerful ; he also says that Cobija w^as the centre of this family, but nothing is known of their government and religion. Their huacas opened at Cobija, in 1830, the sexes were found buried separately and lengthways ; that they may be a transition from the Aymaras and Quichuas towards the Chilian races, for, long after the conquest, there was a large Indian population in the valley of Copiapo. Their huts, I observed, w^ere generally made of whales bones covered with seal-skins. Fish is their principal food, and their dried fish, the congrio, they bartered with the Indians of the interior for maize, coca and stufiT for clothing. They generally congregate a league or so from streams, so as to avoid ague and mosquitos ; they oftimes supply them- selves with water from springs in the mountains. On asking them about their history, their reply was merely, " Si, seiior, "and " No, sehor" — Yes, sir, — no, sir. They fish in the seal-skin balsa, which is safe in any surf. A few years ago the Changos suffered severely from small I pox and measles. They can imitate the bark or cry of the seal, by \ which means they get them to approach, and easily spear them. In my " Southern Peru," ^ I give some particulars of the coast of Atacama and presumed positions of the Atacama meteoric iron. Since then, Dr. Philippi, by order of the Chilian govern- ment, has examined the great desert of Atacama,^ and determined one of the positions of the said meteoric iron to be at Imilac, in 23° 49' S., (59° 14' W.^ He speaks of the Changos as inhabiting the coast from Huasco to Cobija, and as being an indigenous population. The men fish, the women tend small flocks *of goats. This sort of life requires * Geogr. Soc. Journal, 1851. 2 Greogr. Soc, Journal, 1855. 3 See my paper on the Meteoric Iron of Atacama, Meteor. Soc. Journal, 1858. fe o '/. ^ o o 21 > li't 5; > :^ Cr. t-j '^w^' 1 — "A ] — • t^ '^ -^, p: n > 2; ^ > H G c 3 173 that they should frequently eliange their abodes as fish is scarce or plentiful, or as the desert pastures are abundant or not. They live in miserable huts formed of the bones of whale or cacti, covered with seal- skins, rags or sea-weed ; and, as the occupation of the men is dilVerent from that of the women, they live but seldom together. Atacama.. — D'Orbigny says, " the natives of Atacama were called Olipes or Llipis, and inhabit the western declivity of the Cordillera, from the 19° to the 22° S. — viz., Tarapaca and Atacama." My observa- tions show, that Tarapaca has been, and is still inhabited by Aymaras. Philippi estimated the population of San Pedro de Atacama, from five to six thousand ; the greater number are Indians, who speak a peculiar language, very harsh and guttural, but they understand Spanish. Four days journey from the port of Cobija is Calama, and two days' more is Chiu-Chiu, in the desert of Atacama, an ancient Peruvian burial place. Here Dr. Beid^ found in an extensive half-moon, in a sitting position, men, women and children, five to six hundred in number,- all in the same attitude and gazing vacantly before them. They still sit immoveable in the dreary desert, and like dried mummies by the effect of the hot air. There are cooking vessels beside them full of maize. Near here is the old Peruvian fortress of Lasana," built on a tongue of land, between the two arms of a small river. The style of building is similar to that of old G-erman fortresses, the walls being of coarse masonry, and the small rooms, holes, and hiding places, endless and indescribable. No room is more than eight feet square, many scarcely five ; door, two feet in height ; windows few in number, and those not larger than one's fist ; and with all the whole town (a hundred or a hundred and fifty families might have dwelt here) built like one room, in which the greater part had to pass through from ten to fifteen rooms to get to their own apartment,* we literally stand and walk on skulls and bones. Every corner is full of them. Capiapo. — Molina says, according to Indian tradition, owes its name to the great quantity of turquoises found in its mountains. 1 have already mentioned the existence of antiquities near this district, viz., those of Lasana, in the desert of Atacama, which are Incarial. I now come to the valley of Copiapo, which rises in the Cordillera, crosses nearly the whole breadth of Chile and runs into the Pacific a little to the south of the now flourishing port of Caldera, from which so much silver and copper is shipped. 1 Chamber's Eclin. Journal, March 8, 1851. " A male and female, is now in the museum at Katisbon. ^ Probably Caspana, and south-east of Chiu-chiu. * Such as__the Inga-pirca or palace at Caiiar, in Equadoi*. 174 From Caldera there is a railway to the city of Copiapo, and branches even farther in the interior. It is in contemplation to carry this line over the Andes into the Pampas, from whence there will be but little difficulty in reaching Buenos Ayres and Europe J As to the antiquities of Chile, I am not able to say much ; but on the Ethnology there is something more to communicate, particularly as regards the Araucanos. Erom what we know of the Indians of Chile, they appear to have been, and in the south still continue a roving race rather than a fixed i one. Those tribes who anciently inhabited the valleys of Copiapo, Guasco, ; Coquimbo, Quillota, and the beautiful country where now stands the ■ capital of Chile, cultivated the land, and had their habitations. I i find no account of ancient temples or other buildings of stone among ' the Indians ; they had a fine climate and prolific soil, and scarcely i required such, as did the Incarial nations of the elevated plateaus of ( Peru ; and this may be one reason why we do not fiud monuments of ' antiquity among them. ; Tupanqui, tenth Inca of Peru, projected the conquest of Chile. He ; organized an army of ten thousand men, about 1400, a.d., which i passed the desert of Atacama ; he gave the command of this army to | Chinchi-cura. The Incarial force came to the country of Copayapu (Copiapo), but there met with determined resistance. The Inca re- inforced Chinchi-cura with ten thousand men, when the Copayapenicas found it prudent to obey his laws, and receive the religion of Inti. The Peruvians descended into the valley of Copiapo by the ravine of; Paipote, where now is seen a rill of water, with a little vegetation, and ; even a few algaroba trees. ^ The Peruvians, reinforced by a third army, then traversed tSe desert track to Huasco and Cuquimpu (Coquimbo), conquering to the river Maulli (Maule), but at this line the Araucanos successfully opposed them. When Almagro arrived at the valley of Copiapo, the Indians gave him vessels of gold valued at 2,000,000 ducats, equal to £400,000. "When I first visited Copiapo, in 1828, I sought for ancient ruins and huacas ; I heard of the existence of some of the latter, but could find no one to further my view^s of exploration. Being in Valparaiso, in 1854, my old friend Mr. Bridges, the bota- nist, handed me several pieces of huaca pottery, from Peru and Chile, to bring to England ; amongst these were six specimens from Copiapo, now in the British Museum ; one of them, a painted drinking cup. ^ Proposed railway across the Andes from Caldera to Rosario, viz., Cordova. By | W. Wheelwright, Esq., F.R.G-.S., read to G-eogr. Soc., January, 1860. ^ Darwin Nat. voy. 359. 175 Mr. Abbott, of Copiapo, gives me the following account of liuacas opened in 1843 : In consequence of the great development of mineral wealth in Copiapo, it was necessary to build houses and amalgamating works, and in doing so, many Indian tombs of the Copayapenicas were cut into. These huacas were large and small, built up from the surface like a mound, some twelve feet high and twenty to thirty in length. One examined contained the skeletons of a man and a woman, no clothin"- was found, as in. the Peruvian mummies ; and the skulls were of good form. "With the skeletons were several pieces of pottery, as large jars for holding water, others for chicha, and others for boiling water in; also, ornamented vessels for holding and carrying water or chicha, silicious arrow^ heads, copper pins, upper and low^er stones for grinding maize, and maize in earthen pots. An interesting object was found about 1832 at Copiapo, in a huaca, by Dr. Adrian Mandiola. It was of fine gold, as thin as paper, in the form of a small coco-nut shell, and open at top ; when blown into gave a whooping sound ; it bent on being pressed by the hand, but resumed its shape, the pressure being removed. This was presented by Mandiola to the National Museum. So much was this gift valued by the govern- ment, that he was sent a colonel's commission. At the time of the Peruvian inroads into Chile, the district of Copiapo must have been well populated, as huacas are found throughout the valley. Dr. Echeveria, when building on the hill at the old port of Copiapo, found many huacas containing skeletons. For such a state of things, there must have been more land under cultivation, by reason of , there being more water in the river, and, perhaps, more frequent rains. ,, iAt present the stream is insignificant and rain uncommon ; indeed, it . jmay be called a desert country. To account for so dry an atmosphere jat 'present, there must have been some change in the carrying power of ■ the vapour of water and duration of winds. About 1544, Yaldivia sent emissaries from Chile to Peru by land, to ^ive an account of his doings, which were not successful, Monroy, Miranda, six companions and an escort of thirty horse, they were attacked 3y the chief of Copiapo and killed, excepting ]Monroy and Miranda, vhose lives were begged by the chiefs wife, to teach her sons Ihe nanagement of the horse. Being out one day with one of their pupils, \lonroy fell suddenly on the young chief, mortally wounding him, vliilst Miranda, turning upon the officer in command of the guard, vrenched from his hand a lance, and, breaking from the Indians, hey escaped and fled to Cuzco. il 176 In 1548, the Indians of Copiapo rose on the Spaniards settled in the valley of Coquimbo and destroyed the city of La Serena. Towards the Cordillera from Copiapo, and near Punta Grorda, are some old Indian ruins. Darwin^ says, he observed Indian ruins in several parts of the Cordillera : the most perfect were the Euinas de Tambillos (or little Tambo or Tampu, a resting place), in the Uspallata pass. Tradition says they were used as halting places by the Incas, when they crossed the mountains. At first, Darwin supposed these buildings had been places of refuge, built by the Indians on the arrival of the Spaniards. He is inclined to speculate on the probability of a small change of climate. In the northern part of Chile, within the Cordillera, old Indian houses are said to be especially numerous. By digging amongst the ruins, bits of w^oollen articles, instruments of precious metals, and beads of Indian corn, are not unfrequently discovered : an arrow-head of : agate was found, and of precisely the same form as those now used in ',. Tierra del Fuego. In the valley of Punta Grorda, the remains consisted of seven or eight j square little rooms, which were of a similar form with those at Tam- billos, but chiefly of mud, which the present inhabitants cannot, either \ here, or, according to Ulloa, in Peru, imitate in durability. Silver mines of Tres Puntas. Grilliss (1, 2, 8, plate viii) gives a;|. description of Indian antiquities found near the Incas road, including a cast copper axe, weighing about 3^ lbs. He observes, that the old Chilian Indians do not appear to have w orked in metal. Pottery was also met with, two specimens being glazed. I may observe, that salts of borax exist in the desert of Atacama, which may have been used for glazing. In the atlas to Gaye's large work on Chile," are two plates of Chilian antiquities, consisting of a sort of chopper in metal, a quiver for- arrows, metal star-like war implements, &c. li Musical Fish. — Gilliss (i., 270) speaks from report, of musical fish in the bay of Caldera ; they w^ere heard from January to March, 1852, but not since then. His informant says, he went out in a boat, and lay with his ear to the bottom of the boat, when he heard certain well defined sounds, which he calls musical. Singing shells are mentioned as existing at Ceylon, and a species of snail at Corfu is said to emit a; audible and not unmusical sound. Ilt| My friend, Mr. J. S. Wilson, late Geologist to the North AustraliaQ| | Expedition, gives the following on the subject of musical fish, in hi ' Nat. Toy. 356. ' Historia jEisica y politica de Chile. P 177 paper to the Geographical Society (vol. xxviii., 1858, 149). The cat-fii*h in the Victoria Kiver makes a singular trumpeting noise, while it is in the water and after it is lauded. It is armed with a strong sharp spine, 2 to 2^, inches in length, standing perpendicularly from tlie back ; and if the fingers get pricked with this, it causes a stinging sensation. I think I have heard this trumpeting sound when fishing in some of the rivers of Texas, where the cat-fish abounds. !?raturalists observe, that to some fish is accorded the faculty of rumi- nating, which is an error ; that they possess a voice — another mistake. It is possible they may make some noise with their movements. HuASCO. — At the conquest this valley had a chief named Marcandie, who, with the ruler of Copiapo and twenty-eight Indians, were burnt by Almagro for the killing of three Spaniards : this was the first Chilian and Spanish blood spilt in Chile. CoQUiMBO. — At the time of the conquest, the name of the nation who occupied this pretty and fruitful valley, was called the Cuquimpu. Whilst I was there in 1828, the guest of the hospitable and kind David !Ross, who for many years has been Her Majesty's Consul at Coquinibo, he had occasion to repair a wall, when a huaca was met with, containing bones of its ancient people and a painted vase. My friend, Mr. Alison, informs me, that in the port of Coquimbo, huacas with bodies have been found; also at Herradura, under a block of sienite of some five tons weight, three bodies were found. In the vicinity was much broken pottery. At Andacollo, huacas have been met with, also a bronze chisel, fourteen to fifteen inches long. There are gold mines here. Leaving the rich mining districts of the north, I remained some time in Valparaiso, the emporium of the west coast. The best idea I can give of its rapid progress is, that in 1825 the population was under 10,000, in 1854 more than 80,000, including a large number of English, Americans, Grermans, French, &c., as merchants, shopkeepers and artizans. Independent of its theatres, other places of amusement, colleges, hospitals, it has scientific and literary institutions ; indeed, when perambulating its gay streets, lined with fine shops and houses, aud examining its picturesque bay full of ships, an Englishman can scarcely realise the idea that he is so far distant from home, and in a locality, not long since possessed by the jealous Spaniard. A beautiful ride of thirty leagues brings one to the capital. One ascends (formerly on horseback, now in a gig) the granitic mountains of the coast, covered with shrubs, cacti and palmetto, and, in the season, multitudes of pretty plants, including the calceolaria. A gallop 178 of a few leagues brings the traveller to Casa Blanea ; then over the interesting scenery of the mountain ranges of Zapata and Prado, where the pass is 2,394 above the sea. The descent is to the table-land of Mapocho, on which stands Santiago de Chile, founded by Yal- divia in 1541. P'rom the hill of Santa Lucia, there are commanding, extensive and lovely views, comprising not only the large and populous city, with its suburbs and promenades, but the fertile valley, broken here and there by detached hills, and bounded on the east by a long line of Cordillera, clothed in perpetual snow. On the hill of Santa Lucia we fiud the National Observatory ably conducted by Moesta. The city is well built, many of its houses may be called palaces ; its population is hospitable and refined. I became the guest of my old friend Mr. Greorge Bingley, unto whom I am under great obligations for his unremitting attentions. Santiago now boasts of a good University, one of its professors being the learned and amiable Domeyko, who is a considerable contributor to the scientific " Anales de la Universidad," and has a very fine collection of the minerals of the country, including a huge mass of the meteoric iron of Atacama; whilst the Museum is ably superintended by Philippi, the explorer of tlie desert of Atacama. I had not the pleasure to see Senor Pissis, who is conducting an elaborate survey of the country. The National Library is extensive, containing several thousand volumes formerly belonging to the Jesuits, also curious manuscripts relating to the Indians. There are some antiquities in the Museum, most probably the handy-work of the Peruvians during their ingressions, and a few Auracano weapons. An interesting relic of the conquerors is Yaldivia's house. Some old Indian ruins appear to exist near the gold mines of Taquil, south of Santiago. On the Cerro de los Incas, near Lake Taguatagua,^ are the remains, probably, of a fortress, said to be erected by the Promaucaes, the tribe which drove Almagro from the country. On the Maipu, at San Jose, ancient human remains have been found, also implements of pure copper, as chisels ; also a knife like the modern one of the leather-cutter. Darwin saw one of the perforated stones used by the old Indians ; these were fixed on the ends of sticks, and formed a rude agricultural instrument. These stones are of a circular flattened form, five to six inches in diameter. 1 Mr. Smith, II. M. Consul at Santiago, gave me specimens of mastodon's bones from this spot ; Professor Domeyko has lately sent to the Paris Museum similar spe- cimens, also large horns of fossil deer. 179 To the north of Valparaiso is tlie port of Zapallar, and a few miles inland is the hacienda of Catapilco ; between these places tliei-c is a considerable Indian cemetery. About 1850, these huacas, or ancient tombs, were discovered, and found to contain very large quantities of sea-shells ; they were extracted, burnt into lime, and sent to yal|)araiso. I have not been able to obtain particulars as to tlie state in which the bodies were found, or as to the objects buried with them. "Whilst in Peru, I was invited by my esteemed friend, Henry F. Fox, of the firm of Messrs. Eavenscroft, to visit him in Chile, and examine some saline bodies from the desert of Atacama, said to contain nitrate of soda, with a view of establishing nitrate works in that district. I went to Chile, examined the minerals, but they turned out to be merely common salt and sulphate of lime, and useless. I do not wish it to be understood that nitrate of soda does not exist in the desert of Atacama : I think that in the northern part it will be met with. I am aware that the borate of lime has been found in this direction. I assisted Mr, Oxley, of Valparaiso, in the careful assay of native copper from San Bartolo, in Atacama, purporting to contain a large j per-centage of gold ; we did not find the slightest trace. I On my way from Guayaquil to Lima, I made the acquaintance of Senor Moncayo, then going from Equador to Peru as minister, ho I kindly ordered a copy of Velasco's Historia de Quito to be sent to me, also samples of the saline products of Imbabura, in Equador ; I found these to be nitrate of potash, in various stages of purity, extracted from surface soil. There is much salt in the vicinity of this nitrate forma- I tion. Were there a direct road from Imbabura to the coast — say to the port of the Pailon, where it is the intention of the Equador Land • Company of London to commence a settlement (see p. 103) — this nitrate might become a valuable export. During my stay in Chile, a serious question arose, as to the direction the line of railway ought to take from Valparaiso to Santiago. Allan Campbell projected it, along the coast to Concon, Quillota, &c. To Vina de la Mar there was no objection, but from thence by the coast, it was soon discovered, that in consequence of very light sandy soil and iback water at times, from rather heavy rains, it would be difiicult to ihave a permanent way ; thus it was necessary to look for another line. iMr. Lloyd, the engineer, requested me to accompany him and his staft'; my department was to examine the country gone over for lime, as this substance would be required in large quantities. After due investigation, Mr. Lloyd decided upon altering Campbell's ine, and go up the valley of Vina de la Mar to Limache, and thus avoid ;he almost quicksands of the coast. From Limache we crossed the >- 2 II ISO pass of the Dormida, 4,526 feet (July), where we found Snow, to the gold mines of Tiltil. We returned to Limache by the copper mines and pass of Caleo : near to the pass are some gold mines and washings ; lower down are the gold mines and washings of Ocoa. The rock of the country is granitic with quartz veins, coloured with oxide of iron resulting from the decomposition of the sulphuret. On this trip, I only met with granite yielding sand, and rocks yielding sandy clays ; except near the village of Alvarado, there is a silico-calcareous rock, which may be useful. A similar formation exists at the Calera, near to Santiago, and in some few other localities. _ At the request of Messrs. Cousiiio and Garland, of Valparaiso, I went and reported on the coal mines of Lota and Coronel. My observations were read before the University of Chile, and will be found also m the Journal of the Geographical Society of London for 1855. Ihis coal belongs to the tertiary formation, and appears to be m abundance. There are thirty-four mines at Lota, employing nearly 3000 workmen. In 1859, Lota alone extracted 39,807 tons. After examining this coal district, I could not resist another visit to Arauco, celebrated by ErciUa, in his poem, " La Araucana," and by Ona, inhis " Arauco Domado." , ^r n q -4-1, As early as 1828, 1 had been in this region, with Mr. George bmith, of Iquique, on a survey of the Island of Quinquina and vicinity for coal. Accompanied by a friend, both well mounted, with our thick woollen ponchos to protect against rain, we went by the cuestas of Colcura and YiUa-ran ; on the summit of the latter, there is an interesting view ot Colcura and the country of the coal mines of Lota and Coronel AVe forded the river Chivilingo, but had to swim our horses over that ot Laraquete, whilst we crossed on foot over the bridge-namely a long pole There had been heavy rains, so the tracks were perfect quag- mires, generally obliterated ; we were lost for awhile, but came up with a rancho, the mother and daughter only within ; the latter, a little giri, at our request, jumped up behind my friend, who was very tall, his large tarpauling hat, long Indian poncho, huge boots all over mud, with the descendant of the Lautaros and Guacoldas in half-Indian costume- her good-natured lace, and long black hair, flowing freely m the wind- made a good picture. Onwards we went, through mud and streams, to another rancho, where we procm-ed a guide in his picturesque guaso costume, who conducted us over the Vegas, down the river Carampangui, which we crossed in a launch, and, after a smart gallop, arrived at the famed lort of Arauco, at the entrance of which I was shown a hole that held the pole on which had been placed the head of one Zuiiiga ; he was ot 181 the rebel party, headed by General Cruz, and thus disposed of just before the bloody battle of Longomillo. I found a considerable town in formation outside the walls ; on a former visit there were only a few huts within. Now coal mines are being opened, corn and timber mills established ; indeed, a busy and increasing population. At the house in which I stopped, I saw some Araucano women ; tl)oy were of small stature, the head large and covered with thick black hair, round features, a red tinge on the cheeks, seen through the copper colour ; nose flat, eyes bright, small feet and hands, and habited some- what like the Indian women of Peru, with the choiii or blue sliifts, without sleeves ; theyquella or mantle, fastened by the large silver topo or pin, broad girdle, the end having tubular tin ornaments ; round the neck a silver-mounted collar, from which hung a breastplate of beads, the neck part studded with two-rial pieces, and in the ears large silver rings or oupelles. Subsequently I saw parties of Araucanos on horseback ; they were thick-set men, had large heads, broad faces, their black hair bound by the red Uautu or fillet ; the under clothing or macun, then a sort of waistcoat and short trousers, and the never-failing poncho. They were armed with the lance and some had sabres, and men who looked as if they were not to be trifled with ; they also use pikes, axes, darts, arrows, slings and lassos. The favourite and death-dealing weapon of the Araucanos, at the time of their terrible wars with the Conquis- tadores, was the macana, said by some to be shaped like a long sword, by others, a club. They still paint their faces with red and black pigments. The earliest notice we possess of the aborigines of Chile, have descended to us from the Peruvians. Ercilla and Oiia follow, IMolina copies from them. Stevenson, in 1825, gives his observations. English and American missionaries have made reports, particularly the late Captain Grardener; much is to be found in Gaye's History of Chile ; and, lastly, E. E. Smith's " Araucanians," published in New York, 1855, is the most recent account we have of a tour amongst them. Erom this work I make some extracts. The aborigines of Chile and of a portion of the present Argentine Bepublic, were of one race, and spoke but one language ; they called themselves Alapu-che, children of the land. They were distinguished as Pehuenche, people of the east ; Morache, people of the west ; and Huillche, far-off people living in the south. Thes(^ were divided ino provinces, as the Purumancians ; and then into districts, and lived as 182 separate tribes ; the most important was the so-called Araucano, a name given to them by the Spaniards. Mr. Smith tried to discover whether the Araucanos retained any traditions of times anterior to the Spanish conquest, especially of the encroachments of the Peruvian Incas, but he was surprised to find that their historical recollections did not extend farther back than the wars of South American Independence. The Mapuches appear to have no idea of their origin, but assert that they always lived in the same place and manner as at present ; nor have they any traditions respecting a deluge. Valdivia is said to have met with certain rudely-carved figures on the Cauten, at its confluence with the Damas, bearing some resemblance to the double-headed eagle. Mr. Smith observed, between Cholchol and Cautin, graves marked with a single post, rudely fashioned and ornamented at the top ; some by a figure resembling the European hat ; others, by what might by one so predisposed, be constructed into a double-headed eagle. What this latter carving was intended to represent we know not. Mr» Smith thus describes the grave of the Huilyiches : over each is planted an upright log, ten or twelve feet high, rudely carved to represent the human figure. The chief — for such he must have been — stood in the centre of the group with a hat on and a sword ; while on either hand were ranged his wives. These were the only carved representations of the human figure, or of any other animate object met with among the Mapuches ; for they have no idols, neither do they mould earthenware vessels into forms of men and animals, as was customary among the Peruvians. There appears to be an Araucano Charon, sometimes a few beads or money deposited in the grave, as was done at the burial of the Mapuche chief, Cari-coyan (the green oak). Tempulagy is their She- Charon. They dread magic and are very superstitious. I have already referred to the custom of the ancient and modern Peruvian Indians — that of making oflJerings of apachitas, being a stone, coca or other object, when they had arrived at the summit of a mountain or elevated pass. I find that the Araucanos have something similar. At the entrance to one of the narrow defiles in the Cordilleras, in which they are often overtaken by violent storms, there has been observed a large mass of rock with small cavities upon its surface, into which the Indians, when about to enter the pass, generally deposit a few glass beads, a handful of meal, or some other propitiatory ofiering to the genius supposed to preside over the spot and rule the storm. As to the language of the Araucanos, I must refer to Ludewig, who gives copious lists of grammars and vocabularies of Chile. He says 183 the aborigines call themselves Auca, IMoluche, or Chilidugii, and are divided into Pikunehe or Puelche ; Pehuenche, to which the Auca or Moliiches proper belong, and Huilliche. D'Orbigny distinguishes them by the sedentary (Araucanian) and roving (Auca) tribes. 1 trace in the Chilian language some almost pure Quichua words, probably left by their Peruvian invaders ; as, Anti, the sun ; Anti-cheo, Albatross of the Sun, the name of a chief; Epu-namun, god of war — this is from Apu, lord or master; Apo-ulmenes, chiefs or lords ; Piri- mapu, Andes : Chiri would be the frozen Andes in Quichua. Yquella, mantle, lliclia ; topo, ])m, from tupu ; llantu, fillet round the head, same in Quichna ; also macana, a club ; &c. The Guarani,^ to Avhich the Chilian attaches itself, and which manifests a great grammatical development, was spread throughout the south and east of South America. The Pampean or Moxo belongs to the Carib family. Araucania- formerly extended from about the river Biobio, in SC^ 44i' S., to Yaldivia, in 39^ 38' ; Concepcion bounded it on the nortji, the Llanos or plains of Yaldivia, on the south. The Cordillera formed its eastern limits, and the Pacific its western. It was divided into four parallel strips or nthal-mapus : first, Laugen-mapu, the maritime country, including Arauco, Tucapel, Ilicura, and Boroa : Second, Lel- bun-mapu, the plain country containing Eucol, Puren, Kepoura, Maquegua, and Mariquina : Third, Mapire-mapu, the foot of the Cordilleras, as Malsen, Colhue, Chacaico, Quecheriqua, and Guanague : Pourth, Pire-mapu, the valleys of the Andes. These were again divided into allareques provinces, and reques districts. This form of division existed before the arrival of the Spaniards. Each uthal-mapu was governed by a Toqui, who had under him Apo-ulmenes and Ulmenes. There was also the Grande Toqui, the head of all, and who presided at their councils. The Supreme Being was called Pillian, or the invisible Toqui. Epu- namum, the god of war; Alooc, the devil. No Temples, idols, or religious rites were observed by Stevenson ; but they believed in witch- craft, divination, omens, flights of birds, and dreams. The following I obtained regarding the present position of the Ai-ancanos. They are divided into Costenos, or those of the coast who trade with the Chilians, exchanging cattle and horses, principally fur ^ " Indigenouii Races," 83. . 2 See Stevenson, I., 47. Uistorical and Des. ^^arr. of Residence in S. America, London, 1825. 184 silver, indigo and beads : gold they call copper.^ These Costenos trade with other Indians inhabiting the country between the coast and the Cordillera, and these latter with those of the Andean valleys, who cross the mountains to rob or barter with the Indians on the Mendoza side, passing their booty of horses and cattle to the Costenos, who sell to the Chilians. The Araucano of the interior will not part with his land, but the Costenos are sometimes induced to let land ; and such, when near the Chilian frontier, is considered as sold. Captain Grardener says,^ although frequently confederated, they are not strictly federal, each tribe being independent of the rest and distin- guished by a particular name, as Huillches, Moluches, and Picimtos, on the western ; Pehuenches, Puelches,^ and Chuelches, on the eastern side of the Andes. "With the exception of the Chuelches, who are reported as distinct in language from the rest, but one common tongue is said to be spoken by all. Their habitations are generally oval. At Piligen, in every house was observed two spears hung up to the beams across the roof, with their points directed towards the entrance ready for use ; they are sixteen feet long, and headed with a narrow steel point. They manufacture a coarse woollen fabric, make reins for bridles, stirrup leathers and saddle girths. Indigo is in general demand for dyeing ; other dyes are also employed, and some that are peculiar to the country, which are chiefly required for the bordering of their ponchos ; each tribe, like the Scotch clans, have a distinctive colour. The Picuntos are distinguished by a red bordering to their ponchos ; the Huillches, by a party-coloured fringe, yellow, red, blue, white and green. They have neither whiskers nor beard. The heads and feet of both men and women are always uncovered. Infants, when put to ^ Smith, " Araucanians," 181. GTold is not seen in their possession, in all proba- bility from the difficulty of procuring it by their own labour. Silver, which they use in large quantities for their spurs, bits, stirrups, head-stalls, saddle ornaments, ear- rings, breast-pins, &c., is drawn from the currency of the country, probably to the amount of £40,000 annually. According to Molina, the copper mines of Payen, in the Puelche country, furnished pure copper containing half its weight in gold. The mines of Curico yielded a similar alloy. 2 « Indians of Chile," London, 1840. 3 Puenche or Puelche, is applied to those Araucanos living east of the Cordillera, or, perhaps, amongst the mountains east of the plain (of Chile). Tiie name signifies pepuen, pines and che, people ; probably from the forests of the Araucano pine, found at the foot of the mountains. Puelche, in the sense of east, or wind fi*om the east. — Smith's " Auracanians," 64. 185 sleep, are confined by bandages to a sort of wooden troiigli. The women are employed in cultivating the ground, preparing the food, and otlier family offices. The men attend to the cattle, fell timber, train horses, and prepare their weapons, and have as many wives as they can maintain. The present frontier system of the Chilenos is based upon the ephemeral principle of expediency : the peace they cannot ensure by their arms, they maintain by bribes ; especially by the introduction of cider, to effect unequal sales, and thus by gradually intermixing witli them whenever allowed, to push forward their frontier to an indefinite extent. Their form of government is patriarchal, each community acknow- ledging a chief of the particular district, who is styled Ulmen ; all the chieftains are hereditary, and although they differ in power, according to the strength of their respective tribe, none are permitted to exercise independent control over the whole tribe, excepting in time of war ; but even this temporary dictatorship of the Toqui is elective. They have neither priesthood, temples, nor idols, but regard the sun, under the name of Anti, as the supreme being ; some pay a veneration to (kayan) the moon ; and their devotions do not amount to anything more than occasional offerings to propitiate their favour in cases of sickness, or on the approach of war. Frezier informs us, that the Araucanos, to keep account of their flocks and preserve the memory of particular affairs, make use of the Quipo, the science and secret of which parents do not reveal to their sons until they are about dying. Stevenson gives the following as regards the Quipo : in 1792, a revolt took place near Yaldivia, and, on the trial of the accomplices, Marican, one of them, declared that the signal sent by Lepitrarn was a piece of wood, that it was split and found to contain the linger of a Spaniard ; that it was wrapped round w^th thread having a fringe at one end, made of red, black, blue and white worsted ; that on the black were tied by Lepitrarn, four knots, to intimate that it was the fourth day after the full moon when the bearer left Paquipilli ; that on the white were ten knots, indicating that ten days after that date the revolt would take place ; that on the red was to be tied, by the person who received it, a knot, if he assisted in the revolt, but if he refused, he was to tie a knot of the blue and red joined together ; so that, according to the route enjoined by Lepitrarn, he would be able to discover on the return of the messenger, how many friends would join him ; and if he dissented, he would know who it was by the place where the knot uniting the two threads was tied. Thus it would appear that the 186 Toquis of Arauco may preserve records by means of a sort of Quipo, which they may have had originally from Peru. Their important meetings wind up with a lengthened scene of drink- ing, called Cahouin Touhan, their beverage being chicha of maize, apples, and from the berries of the huinan (schinus moUe) ; from this last is prepared a sort of honey and vinegar ; the gum of it is used medicinally, and a decoction of the bark dyes a brown colour. The apple tree has been said to be indigenous : I have always had my doubts on this point ; and Smith,^ in speaking of an apple orchard, judging from the age of the trees and the regularity with which they were set out, says they must have been planted by the Jesuit mis- sionaries. The apple abounds in Southern Chile, and found growing wild throughout the Indian country ; yet, that it is not indigenous, but owes its introduction to the Spaniards, seems proved also by the fact that the Indians call the fruit manchana, a corruption of the Spanish manzana or apple. Three leagues south of the fort of Arauco, is the river Tubul. The bills of Colocolo are of recent sandstone, and bear evidence that their bases were not long since washed by the sea, althoiigh now half a mile inland. The river Tubul is a tidal stream, and at its mouth is a bar ; the port was formerly two miles inland, and there are the remains of an old ship-yard there ; this would show that the elevatory process is going on rather rapidly. The shores are thickly strewed with large mussel and other shells. Sea birds, flamingos and green parrots are in abundance ; the hills and valleys covered with pastures, shrubs, trees, and flowers, including the Copique (Lapageria rosea), gorgeous with its crimson blossoms ; the Indian revelling in the more secluded forests and where grows the beautiful Araucano pine or pehuen. This tree is said to grow to the height of two hundred and sixty feet ; the seeds are called pinones ; they are nutritious, and in flavour resembling the roasted chesnuts ; when boiled, they are eaten hot or cold. Mr. Greorge Smith, of Iquique, made an elaborate drawing of the tree in 1828 (the first accurate one), which the late Mr. Lambert introduced into his great work on pines. In the beginning of 1859, some of the Araucauos were induced to aid the movement headed by the Gallos ; however, the Montt govern- ment was the strongest, and the Gallos were beaten after some san- guinary fights in the north and south. The government seriously propose to attempt the settlement, even by force of arms, of that portion of Arauco near the Chilian frontiers. In August, 1859, the Araucano chief, Maguil, organised a force of ' The Araucanians, 267. 187 13.000 Indians. In December the Chilcnos pushed forward, when Mariiian, with sixty Mocetougs, came to the city of Arauco, sent by Lepin and other chiefs, asking wliy the Chilenos were attacking their frontiers ; the answer was, because the Indians were assisting the enemies of the government, and for this must be punislied. A few days afterwards, the Chilenos went in search of stolen cattle, when several Indians were killed. This has been followed by other fights ; but the conquest, or even pacification of the Araucanos is a very serious question. On a late occasion an Indian, mounted and with his lance, came out on the plain and challenged any Chilian to single combat, when Casi- miro xlnquita accepted the defiance with sword in hand. The fight was of some duration and severe, when at length the Indian's lance was dexterously parried by the sword of the Chileno, and he with his other hand seized the Indian by the hair of his head, cutting his throat with his sword, when the victim fell to the ground. A Grerman colony has been established near Yaldivia, and appears to be progressing. I visited the island of Juan Fernandez, but found no indication of native inhabitants. The island was discovered by a Spanish pilot named I Juan Fernandez ; it was occasionally occupied by the buccaneers, and ! immortalised by Defoe in his Robinson Crusoe. Indians of Tieera del Fuego. — In 1825, whilst chemical assistant in the laboratory of the Royal Institution, I accepted an appointment ; connected with mining operations in Peru. I proceeded to Buenos : Ayres, but the passes of the Andes to Chile being closed by winter snow, I took my passage round Cape Horn. j I had to remain some days in Buenos Ayres ; and, amongst many others, I have to thank Sir AV^oodbine Parish, then our representative there, for much kindness. I was informed that a large mass of the ■meteoric iron of Otumpa was deposited in the arsenal, and obtained 'permission to inspect it, and even to cut a small piece oS, which 1 sent to my friend, Professor Brande. Years afterwards, when going through I the British Museum, I was indeed gratified to see the same mass pre- isented by Sir W. Parish. It weighs about 1,400 Ibs,^ and the largest specimen of meteoric iron in any collection. I sailed the 1st of July in the brig " Cherub," bound to Valparaiso ; we had bad weather, but having got to 58° S., 69° W., hoped to have [weathered Cape Horn. However, on the 6th of August at noon land was seen. We thoue^ht ourselves to have been farther to the west. It came on to blow hard from the S. W., when, at eight p.m., we found 1 See Buenos Ayres, &c., by Sir W. Parish. 188 ourselves among the rocky inlets of York Minster, wliere we passed a fearful niglit. From two a.m. the following morning to daylight, we were prepared to be dashed upon a lee-shore. At this critical moment the gale abated, and, by judicious management, we rounded False Cape Horn, and got into Nassau Bay. Here we intended to wood and water, and the time thus employed, gave me an opportunity of examining this but seldom visited portion of South America. 8th. Landed up a sound, probably that of Tekenika, when a native and a dog was first observed ; the man hallooed and beckoned us to approach ; he kindled a fire on the beach ; other natives appeared, saw some canoes on the shore, and a grass-covered hut and females peeping at us through the bushes. We landed, approaching the men, who had squatted round the fire, and whose shoulders only were covered with a seal-skin. They rose to receive us, when we gave them some presents ; ■ we proceeded to the wigwam, but found that our visit was not wanted in that direction. In rambling about, piles of dead whale flesh were ! found ; this was the winter stock of food of the natives, who, from our \ charts, were called the Red Magellans : on the other side of the bay | was placed the Black Magellans. On the pile of whale flesh was a trap of whalebone for catching birds. I gave a young Indian boy a red > " comforter;" in return^ he stripped himself of all he had on and gave , me, namely, a seal-skin, and a bracelet made of pieces of small birds' : bones. The tallest man here was not above 5 feet 4 inches ; they i appeared in good condition and well greased with whale fat, to protect \ themselves somewhat from the cold. One of the men had three streaks I of red paint across the face, others two. They repeated what we said i to them correctly, but rapidly ; we danced and sang to them, in which f they joined. One of them had a strip of a check shirt round his head, showing that such had been received from whalers or sealers, who came into these waters. 9th. Blowing a heavy gale from south-west. The mountains at the head of the bay seen, very well defined. 11th. The Indians procure fire by rubbing iron pyrites with hard stone, letting the sparks fall on dry moss. I tried to gain admittance to their principal wigwam, but was refused. I gave them salt beef and i biscuit ; the biscuit only was liked. The canoes were of bark of trees, j fastened by thin strips of whalebone. About the shore were ferns and many pretty sorts of trees ; the rock of the country granitic. 12th. "Went up the bay on foot ; wood is in abundance, including . the winter's bark. Saw much wild celery : it would appear that this ; useful anti-scorbutic was introduced by early navigators ; we procured ! a quantity of the seed for our pea-soup. Few land birds, but sea fowl 189 in abundance, including penguins. Eeturned to the wigwam, and was allowed to enter. "What a scene of misery ! a small rude grass liut, four feet high, sunk two feet in the ground, filthily dirty. Tliere sat an old man and w^oman in tears, the smoke from the fire of green wood giving them much pain ; the party consisted of fourteen men, two women, and three children ; their only clotliing a small piece of seal or other skin. The day was fine, the small birds were chirping, the sun was bright, clouds clearing away, so that we could see well the majestic scenery of this region. They had some rude cutting instruments of iron, doubtless made from iron hoop given to them by w^ialers. They make neatly-platted baskets, skin bags tor holding water, food and fat ; their arms are the bow and arrow and sling. 14th. We got under weigh, when a canoe came off to bid us farewell. 15th. Passed Ealse Cape Horn at noon. Three p.m., the south point of Cape Horn seen. We now ran to more than 60'^ S. ; the lowest \ temperature observed w^as 20"^ F. We reached A^alparaiso on the 24th of September. I found no vestige of carving in wood or stone, or monu- i ment of any kind in Nassau Bay. The occupation of the natives is in fishing, catching seals and otters for food, using the skins as raiment ; I and when a dead whale might float on shore, they would remain at the spot until it was consumed. They may have a few edible roots, but they have several varieties of wild fruits. I thought if the potato was introduced, it would be a great boon. Doubtless the scattered popula- ! tion of the archipelago of Tierra del Puego communicate with each other, and originally have come from the main land. I have again to advert to this people when on my passage through the straits of Magellan. Having concluded my engagement at the mines in Peru, I returned ' to Chile on my way to England. On the 11th of February, 1830, I embarked on board H. M. survey- ing vessel, " Adventure," Captain P. P. King, who kindly allowed me a passage.^ On the 16th we arrived at Juan Fernandez ; Dr. Bertero, the bota- nist, had come with us ; he found many new plants. The Chilian , family of Larrain was renting the island from the government, for j breeding cattle. Large quantities of fish, langosta or lobster and seals 1 caught in these waters. 17th. Made one of a party to go goat hunting, had some good sport. I The highest spot on the island is the Yunque or anvil, about 3000 feet. ^ See Narrative of Surveying Yoyages of the "Adventure" and "Beagle," 1826-36. 190 It was supposed that sandal-wood grew on this island, which does not appear to be the case. We sailed on the 22nd for Taleahuano, arriving the 3rd of March. On the 6th T started for the fort of Arauco, saw Indians there making purchases ; returned to Concepcion by the Molino delas Cruzes, so called from stones found here, having a cruciform appearance. Captain King had an interview with the Araucano chief, Pinoleo. 15th. Left Talcahauno for the straits of Magellan. In 45° S. is the Chonos archipelago, inhabited by rude tribes, who maintain themselves by fishing. "We had rough weather on the voyage south, but having passed Cape Pillar and entered the straits on the 1st of April, we had smooth water. 2nd. Anchored at Playa Parda, on our route passed much rocky scenery, and some glaciers. Guanacos have been seen on the Puegian side. 5th. Got under weigh ; noon off snowy Sound, some glaciers seen. A canoe came along side with two men and two women. The painter or boat rope, was of platted reeds, the fishing spears had bone barbs, knives of obsidian, had supply of iron pyrites for obtaining fire. 6th. Canoes with Indians came from Port Gallant, and nearly naked, and in this cold climate ; we bartered for spears, bows and arrows, obsidian, pyrites, slings, combs (of the jaw-bone of the seal), necklaces of small pearly-looking shells, cups made of the bark of trees, baskets, red paint, (oxide of iron.) Went on shore to wigwams. There can be no doubt that some of the whalers and sealers treat the natives badly. The Indians of Port Gallant are like those I had seen in Nassau Pay. They object much to part with a lock of their hair ; a lock of hair i having been cut from a woman, half of it was returned, which they 1 immediately burned ; an old man held his hands over the smoke, when ' they all uttered " Picheray," and looking upwards. Pitzroy thinks it ! may mean "give me." They were anxious to possess the other half; ■ I halved it again ; one of the men warmed his hands, rolled the hair up \ and swallowed it : they cut some of our hair, going through the same ; ceremony. 7th Accompanied a party from the " Adventure" to replace Bour- ganville's papers on the summit of the mountain of Santa Cruz, left by him there in 1766 ; they had been examined by Cordova in 1786, and by the " Beagle." The papers, with some by Captain King, were put up in a lead case ; two metal plates were deposited also, containing the names of the officers of the " Adventure." We began the ascent at 9.20, a.m., through fallen trees, then over 191 mossy ground, and throuo-h shrubs, arriving at second peak, 2,300 feet, at 12.15, p.m. We dug a hole a yard deep, depositing the papers. 8th. Many canoes came ofL to us. Here I picked up the lb]h)wing words : yab-skooler, probably means to eat, or something to eat ; sherro, ship, boat or canoe ; kaib, no, or if disappointed ; chox-pitit, little child ; jar, jar, yes ; uxchuca, water, probably from the Spanish, agua. They use some few Spanish words, as capitan, perro (dog), canoa, huanaco, cuchino for cuchillo, knife. ^ For some trifliug offence, one of the men nearly laid open his squaw's skull. They have no fish-hooks, but pull the fish up when the bait is dovni its throat ; also spear them. At times the men are painted from head to foot, red, white and black : we had seventy to eighty Indians about us. 11th. Off Cape Froward; anchored in French Frigate harbour, where there is a creek, and much celery. 12th. Went to Port Famine. The berberries in season, and very good. 14th. Visited the Sedger river, saw a fuschia in flower. 15th. Walked into the interior : grass in abundance. 16th. The transit instrument put up. 18th. Day fine, breezes from south-east ; nights beautiful and clear. The comet, though now small, is near to the Magellan clouds. 20th. Went to Port Piedra : there have been Patagonians here lately. 21st. Fine and clear : saw peaks of the celebrated Mount Sarmiento seventy miles distant, 6,800 feet high. Nine canoes full of Fuegians took up their quarters near us. On Captain King's landing, found an old man with stones in his mantle, as if ready for the sling. Captain King showed him a musket, the Indian threw the stones down. I went on shore to live in the marquee, where the transit instrument was. 22nd. Indians bartered with us. As we had clothes out drying, and the instrument up, a line was drawn round us and a sentry stationed ; the Indians pretended they did not understand us. At noon I went on board, and returning at one, p.m., heard a musket fired down at the meridian board, and learnt that Captain King, when showing his telescope to the Indians at the lines, one pulled and broke it ; he ordered them to go away, this they did, but getting near the meridian board, broke it down, and prepared their slings, putting themselves on the offensive ; a musket was fired, and the Fuegians made oft' round St. Ann's Point. Two boats went to see what they were about, and when returning, a volley of stones from the slings were directed against our men, who fired a few shots, just to frighten them. ^ See Vocabularies in Voyage of "Adventure" and "Beagle," in 4tli vol. j also in Weddell, Snow. 192 23rd. Indians very saucy to us, but kept their distance. 27th. The Indians came near the watering place, shouting " Osa, osa." 2nd of May. Broke up our camp and went on board. 3rd. Our tender, the " Adelaide," arrived. 6th. Left Port Famine ; 7th, noon, near Cape Grregory, saw a party of Patagonians on shore with their horses; arrived at Monte A^ideo 23rd May. Many attempts have been made to civilise tlie inhabitants of Tierra del Tuego, but they have failed ; the last information is up to March, 1860, and as follows : The " Allen G-ardner" (Patagonian missionary schooner), Captain Pall, which sailed from the Falkland Islandsfor Woolga, Tierra del Puego, Octo- ber 7th, was taken by the natives at Woolga, Beagle Channel, on the 6th of November, and the master, mate, five seamen, and Mr. Garland Phillips, the catechist, murdered, one man only escaping. The " Nancy Smyley," with extra hands and weapons on board, had sailed from the Falkland Islands to recover the schooner. Captain Snow, in his Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, 1857, says the Fue- gians are divided into seven tribes : 1. Oensmen; 2. Tapoo; 3. Tekee- nica ; 4. Alikhoolip ; 5. Chonos ; 6. Pecherey ; 7. Irees. June 2nd. Invited to accompany the officers of the tender, "Adelaide," to Bio de Janeiro, the "Adventure" in company. 25th. Arrived at Eio, and in England 14th of October, 1830. Patagoisia is that country south of the frontiers of the Eiver Plate and Chile, and of a most uninviting aspect ; the principal trees are a few willows on the banks of the streams. Mineral matters have not been met with. Some guano has been found on the coast; huanacosj and pole cats are the principal animals. Among the Patagonian tribes are sometimes included the Molucos, \ Puelches, Puenches, Araucanos, Tehuelches, and others ; but they may be divided into three classes, as Araucanos, Indians of the Pampas and the Patagonians to the south ; these last are a dirty, indolent race ;f they are wanderers, and go where they may meet with food and good climate ; they clothe in guanaco and pole-cat skins in winter, and also use the poncho. The Patagonians or Pehuenches are tall men. Pampa Indians are not so rude as the Patagonians ; they have someWi permanent tolderias or villages, have property and ideas of traffic ; theyi obey a chief and clothe themselves ; the horse is their companion in peace or war. The territory occupied by them may be considered as^ belonging to the Argentine provinces. Lately Urquiza went agains Buenos Ay res, having as his allies some 2000 of these Indians, anci mainly for fear of their pillaging Buenos Ayres, the inhabitants came tc terms with Urquiza. PRE-INCARIAL, INCAllIAL, AND OTHER MOISUIMEXTS OF PERUVIAN NATIONS. I'S preceding pages I have brought together particulnra concerniDg the antiquities of New Granada, Quito and Chile. Popayan and Pasto, to the north of Quito, were once well populated lands, but I find littlo as to the existence of ancient ruins in these districts ; should any be discovered, they may partake of the Muysca character, or even that of an older period. Grenerally speaking, the antiquities met with in Peru are assigned to the Incas ; however, the Conquistadores were told that some ruins were much older than the Incarial times. Then come the pure Inca remains, and, lastly, the contemporaneous. It is not my object to describe the antiquities of Peru in detail, but rather to separate them somewhat into their particular periods, adding, at times, new matter ; regarding them. Pee-IjS'CARIal Monumexts. — I will commence with the very ancient ruins of Tia-Huanacu,i in 16° 42' S., 68° 42' W., 12,930 feet above the sea, and near to Lake Titicaca. The principal remains are the sculp- ; tured monolythic doorways, one ten feet high and thirteen wide ; pillars seven yards high, partly cut, partly rough, placed in lines at regular distances ; it is thought that these were never finished ; masses of hewn stone, some thirty-eight feet long by eighteen broad, whilst at ; Cuzco there were none nearly so large. Gigantic idols of stone and fj various sculptures are alluded to by old writers; Cieza de Leon parti- Ijcularly describes some stone figures, the length of the head of one, ' from the point of the beard to the top, being three feet six inches ; in the upper part were wide vertical bands, in the lower, symbolical figures 'Iwith human faces; from the eyes descended a band terminating 'in a serpent. In 1842, an idol was excavated and taken to La Paz, 3^ yards in ! length and half a yard in width. In 1846, further excavations were made, when some idols were met s !with, and some sculptured masses of large dimensions ; some were ten ^ Syards in length, six in width, and more than two yards thick, and were »• ^80 cut, that when resting on each other, their junction formed a ' See Eivci'o sr.d Tschudi, Antig. Peru. M 194 channel between them. One proof to me that these statues are not Incarial is, that their ears are not enlarged like the Inca Orejones. It would seem that two different sorts of sculpture are met with : one example is the portion of a statue, the face in particular naturally designed ; others, as the centre figure in the large monolythic doorway, which is grotesque and of a much older date, but neither have the enlarged ears. The 4th Inca, Mayta Capae, w^as at this spot, but we do not know if he lived here for any time ; if he did, the naturally- designed work may be attributed to him ; if not to him, then there is the probability of there having been two pre-Incarial epochs at Tia- Huanacu. I have sometimes considered the remains in this locality to be very old Aymara, but, in truth, no date can be assigned to them. In plate xlyi. of Eivero and Tschudi, is a drawing of the great broken monolyth doorway ; on the right, in the upper part, are nine lines of heads, six of these have five heads each, three have four heads ; the same number on the left, also tw^o more heads, under the large figure, in all eighty-six heads. Can this collection of heads represent the number of chiefs who may have ruled here, belonging to a particular dynasty ? if so, then the number of one hundred and one chiefs and Incas of Peru, according to Montesinos, may be worthy of further investigation. In the frontispiece to the " Antiguedades Peruanas," containing the large figure in the centre, there are ten human figures to the right at top, and as many on the left ; then a similar number with heads of l! birds ; then follow below the same number of heads as above ; in all, forty human figures, and twenty with heads of birds. No explanation is given by Hivero and Tschudi. *^ Dr. Latham observes, as to the ancient skulls found in this region, 1. that they are flattened in front, behind or laterally, with the surture obliterated ; 2. the present inhabitants are not in the habit of flattening the skull ; 3. the old race of the flattened skulls, is the race which appears to have been the executors of the oldest portion of the Peru- yian architectural antiquities, and as such, civilised or semi-civilised. Neither tradition or history have handed down the original name of|l|, this most ancient site. Grarcilasso sometimes calls these ruins Chiqui- vitu, but under the Incas the western border of the Lake of Titicaca was called Chucuito, the eastern IJmasuyu : this latter word meana land of waters. The origin of the term Tia-Huanacu is as follows : One of the IncasJ probably Mayta Capac, being here, and receiving important news' brought by a rapid foot messenger, who had travelled with great speed,* %ta 10 r said to him, in praise of his exertions, " Tia-ITuanucu," sit or rest thee, Huanaco," comparing his celerity to that of the fleet ITuanaco. In Incarial times, this portion of Peru was also known as Colla, or the mountain region, and was inhabited by various tribes called Collas, or mountaineers, including the most populous one, the Aymani ; but these were not the builders of Tia-Huanacu. When Cieza de Leon examined these monuments, he asked of those who dwelt there, if the Incas had built them ; the Indians smiled at such a question, and told him they Avere centuries older than the Incas, that they had once the idea of residing there, so as to take advantage of the buildings, but changed their mind, went to Cuzco and built it, something after the style of Tia-Huanacu. Latham, in his " Migrations of Man," says — " the present occupants of the country of Tia-Huanacu and Titicaca wonder at the ruins around them, just as a modern Greek thinks of the Phidian Jupiter and despairs." I believe that the Incas also looked with wonder on these monuments ; and it is more than 700 years since Mayta Capac beheld Tia-Huanacu with astonishment. Humboldt thus generalises : " Throughout Mexico and Peru the traces of a great degree of civilisation are confined to the elevated ! plateaux. It can only have been men of a northern race, who, migrating from the north towards the south, could find delight in such a climate." I may observe, that old and enigmatical Tia-Huanacu is 12.930 feet above the sea ; but there were great nations on the tropical coasts of '■ the Pacific, as the Caras, governed by their Scyris ; the country of Trujillo, by the Chimus, at Lima, and to the south the powerful Curys- mancus and Chuquiz-mancus ruling the Chincha nations. The latitude of Tia-Huanacu is about 16^ S., but what surprises, is the fact of its height of 12,930 feet above the sea. Prom my own experience of this sort of region, such an elevation is not propitious to the respiratory organs for man or animal ; very few trees or shrubs grow, maize and wheat in any quantity is out of the question. In the summer months, some quinua or millet may grow, but this last would hardly give sustenance to the builders of Tia- Huanacu. The Collas had no maize to make their chicha from, but used the qninua for this purpose, and gave llamas in exchange for fuel brought from the lower country. This elevated region, in summer, may have fed on its rough pastures the domestic llama and alpaca (but these did not yield milk), also the wild huanaco and vicuna. AVe mav also include a few deer, biscachas, chinchillas, and guinea pigs ; there was also water fowl and some species of fish in the Andean lakes and streams. Maize and other .vegetable productions may have been provided from the valleys below. o2 / 196 I have already referred to the quiuua plant as affording grain ; and Tschudi speaks of the maca, a tuberose root (probably a Tropseolum). It was in such a region the potato maf have grown in the summer, but was frozen in winter ; then it was called chuiio and pagi, the starchy part being changed into saccharine^. Still it is a matter for wonder to find so large a collection of ruins in now a generally frozen desert. Similar and other monuments are also met with around Lake Titicaca, which is only 135 feet lower than Tia-Huanacu. Buckle" is not quite correct in stating that the original civilisation of Peru was seated in a hot country. Tia-Huanacu, the site of some of the earliest architecture, is almost in a continual frozen region. Weddell^ went from La Paz (which is in a ravine, 12,226 feet, its upper part, or alto, 13,560 feet above the sea), by Tia-Huanacu, to Arequipa ; he first traversed a stony desert ; there were some spots, here and there, capable of cultivation, but without verdure. Innu- merable piles of stones, formed by clearing the ground of them, show the difficulty the Indian has to put it into a state of cultivation, say for quiuua and the maca. After passing Laja, the stony plain was covered with a more recent soil, and another plain, on which stands the ruins of Tia-Huanacu, is of a similar formation : the ruins are on an eminence, which formerly may have been a small island. Other heights about here show lines of water level, and this same appearance is per- ceived even to the shores of Lake Titicaca. Pentland tells us that the extent of the great lake is decreasing even within the historical period, that its w'aters washed the walls of Tia- Huanacu in 1634 ; whereas, it is now 135 feet above the level of the lalj:e, and twelve miles from it. It is 30 to 60 miles broad by 400 miles in circumference. We now come to the valley of the Desaguadero : it drains Lake Titi- caca, in a south-easterly direction, into the Lake Auilagas. It w^ould seem that the waters of Lake Auilagas are kept at lower level than the Desaguadero by atmospheric evaporation, and the probable filtration through the earth and by fissures ; for as yet no outlet, either to the east or west, has been discovered. The Desaguadero valley, in the south, is cold and unproductive, there are no trees, rushes only are seen ; in the north some barley and potatoes are grown, but only in sheltered s.it nations. Lake Titicaca is, according to G-eneral O'Brien, 160 miles in length, and 50 to 80 broad. Pentland gives it an elevation above the sea of 1 Buckle's His. CiTilisation in England, I., 100. 2 His. Civilisation, i., 86. ^ Vov. dans le ]S^ord de la Boiivie, 1853, 197 12,81G feet : he sounded iu 120 fathouid, but supposes it deeper. Much tortora or rush grows on its shores, there is water fowl and seveu or eight sorts of lisli. PentlauH says its shores are cultivated, producing corn, barley, potatoes, and even Indian corn, and this at an elevation of 12,84!6 feet ! Later travellers add, that around Lake Titicaca, for eight or nine months of the year, the sky is cloudless and the earth arid : in winter it is cold, but the months of September, October and November are temperate. General O'Brien says the west side of the lake is navi- gable for IGO miles, but barren of all productions, excepting silver and copper and tlie gold washings of Carabaya. Parts of the east side has corn, fruits and timber, and round the lake alone the population exceeds a million. As to the position of Tia-Huanacu and its elevation, we see that the waters of Lake Titicaca have retired from its walls not more than 220 years since ; this appears to show, that at that period there must have been more rain and other systems of winds tlian at present, and thus the climate has changed in this respect. Stiil the rarity of the air would be about the same, but the temperature may have been higher. The wonder, however, remains, that the seat of an ancient legislation should have been placed at such an elevation, and is a subject of specu- lation and inquiry, as to what was then the nature of the climate and soil, to have produced sustenance for the builders of these extensive and interesting monuments. I do not think we can bring to our assist- ance the upheaval of the country, to cause this cold and arid character. Darwin tells us, that at Valparaiso, within the last 220 years, there has been a rise of 19 feet, and Lima has been upheaved 80 to 90 feet within the Indio-human period ; but such small elevations could have but little power in deflecting the moisture bringing atmospheric currents. Mr. A. Taylor has computed that all existing causes would produce an elevation of only three inches in ten thousand years. Cuzco is in 13^ 30' S. The building of this city, I will suppose, originated with the 1st Inca, 1100, a.d. ; its elevation is 11,378 feet. Sometimes the soil is called moderately fertile : the little stream of Guatani is dry for nine months in the year. The Spanish conquerors found it very cold, but well supplied with provisions, the vegetable por- tions of which must have been brought from such temperate valleys as Tucay ; for there pomegranates and other European fruits grow ; it was one of the country retreats of the Incas : indeed, the first Spanish settlers wished to remove from Cuzco to Yucay, in consequence of the inclement climate of the capital of the Incas. Cajamarca, in 7° 8' S., and 8,840 feet above the sea ; its name implies, place of frost, but Humboldt calls it a lovely and fertile plateau. This 198 portion of Peru was conquered by the Inca Pacliacutec about 1400, a.d., and became the second city of the empire, and must have been much enjoyed by the Incas, for its fine climate ; and we can easily conceive the love Huayna Capac had for Quito, in 12' S. at about 10,000 feet above the sea, its mean temperature being about 60° F. There is no cause for surprise to find the Muisca seat of civilisation at Bogota, in 4° 36' JN"., at an elevation of 8,190 feet, and wbere the mean temperature is 58° F. Continuing onwards, we find climate propitious : Yucatan had a table-land little elevated above the sea, and Guatemala at 5000 feet. The city of Mexico, in 19° 25' N., is at 7,468 feet above the sea on the table-land of Tenochtitlan, one-tenth of its surface covered with lakes, and its mean temperature 62° E. It had its mountains or cold countries, and its lower or tropical, and was thus supplied with pro- ductions of every climate. Many of the ruins on the islands and shores of Lake Titicaca may be as old as those of Tia-Huanacu. On the island of Titicaca, or of the Sun, are very ancient terraces and ruins. Dalence^ speaks of ruins like those of Tia-Huanacu at El Puerte, in the province of Chuquitu, where there are statues and sculptures. Cieza de Leon alludes to ruins of very ancient and large edifices, also stones with writing on them, on the banks of the river Yinaque, near Humanga, which, according to tradition, was built by a bearded people, long- before the Incas came here and made this their home : Herrera says " white and bearded." In Chachapoyas, to the east of the Maraiion, are very ancient ruins, too far from Cuzco, and too old to be Incarial. Chacha means brave. The people of this country worshipped the condor in particular, and bowed down before reptiles. Llavantu was the name of their capital. Some of these monuments are of a conical form, with large statues, and may have been the tombs of chiefs : the ruins of Cuelap, in this direction, appear to be extensive, consisting of chambers, tombs, and walls. At Concon, half-a-day's journey from Lima towards Pasco, are ruins of an ancient place, surrounded by walls : nothing is known of its history. Ciu-umba, seven leagues from Andaguaylas, is an old square fortress, sometimes called a pyramid ; it is of solid masonry, and was probably erected by an independent nation previous to the conquest of this part of the country by the Incas. The Chulpas are seen on the hill bathed by the lake of Clustoni, in Puno : they may be tombs, they have sculp- tures of lizards, serpents, and other objects. Here also are the ruina i Estadistica de Bolivia. 199 of Hatuu-Colla, said to have been the residence of a chief, the Gran Ceoya, whose palace aud to^\-n was covered by the waters of the lake ; also that this was the capital of the old CoUas (most probably Aymara's), who lived principally around Lake Titicaca, and who courageously opposed the Incas. l)'Orbigny mentions the existence of a colossal statue at the entrance of the cemetery of Santiago de Gruato. Ollantay-tambo, 1S° 15' S., 72° 18 MV. This strong position, aud the singular construction of its edifices, induce the supposition, that it dates its origin from remote centuries ; that some of the later chiefs of this territory were independent and contemporaneous with the first Incas, and was only conquered by them in later times. Here are the remains of a strong fortress, palace, walls, and galleries or terraces. Mr. Markham,^ who visited this place in 1852, speaks of them as remarkable for their enormous size, and the accuracy with which the stones are cut ; some at various angles, to receive the dove-tailings of their neighbours. Bustamante- supposes there were three periods of architecture at Ollantay-tambo. The construction of the first appears most perfect, the stones are large and built with taste and symmetrv. In the second the same care is not observed, the stones are smaller aud unequal : the third inferior to the second, and may be of a period not long before the Spanish conquest. Guaraconda is in the vicinity, and has similar ruins. Hill,^ a recent visitor to this place, calls it Ottantaitambo and Attan- taitambo, and composed of ruins of dwellings cut in the solid rock, at the height of fourteen or seven hundred feet ; there are also numerous terraces formed of irregular stones, which once supported a productive soil, where now all is barren. Innumerable stone buildings are seen everywhere in the most thorough confusion, as if an earthquake had distributed them. Osery, the companion of Castelnaii, observed on the top of a mountain near Ollantay-tambo, a monument, supposed to be for astronomical pui'poses, composed of a square building, each side having three win- dows : unfortunately his murder on the Maraiion by his guides prevents us deciding if the position of the twelve windows corresponded with the sun's risings, during the twelve months of the year. Old Huanuco, in 9° 58' S., 75° 40' W. : these ruins are interesting, from the six stone portals one within the other. Another object there is called the " look out," but may have been a place of sacrifice. The ^ Cuzco and Lima. ' Apuntes, &c.j Paris, lSi9. 3 Peru and Mexico, i., 286, 1860. 200 architecture here is singularly distinct from other edifices built in the time of the Incas ; but as this place was taken by the Incas, some of their works are also found. In Huaytara, province of Castro-Yireyna, is •an edifice similar to old Huanuco, also sculptured stones. In Grua-- malies it is reported there are ancient ruins. I will now come to the monuments of the coast nations, commencing with the very extensive ruins of the Chimus or Chincus ; their capital was at Trujillo, 8° 8' S. We know very little concerning the history of the Chimus : the first mention of them is by Montesinos, who states that Huasca-Titu, his 13th chief of Peru, died when he was about, to make war upon this nation. Tlie next account is by Garcilasso : that the 9th Inca, Pacha- cutec, sent an army of 30,000 men to conquer the Chimu-Canchu or Canchu, known also as the Grran-Chimu, or king of Manseriche. Ste- venson states that at Eten, 6° 50' S., the Indians speak Chimu, which is the original language of (this part) of the coast of Peru, and so difiJerent from the Quichua. Eivero and Tschudi inform us, that the works of art of the Chimus, and those found in Cuzco, are much more perfect and correct than those which are seen in the Sierra and on the coast of Central Peru. Don Mariano E. P-ivero visited Trujillo, and described the ruins in a work published in Lima in 1841, and subsequently re-published in London.^ They are found in the valley, but there is no data to fix with certainty the period they were erected. When the last Chimu was conquered by the Inca's troops, by the advice of his chiefs, he offered to worship the sun and abandon the idols of his country, which con- sisted of the representations of fish and other animals. The ruins covered a space of three-quarters of a mile, exclusive of the great squares, the walls of which are of small stones joined together with mortar, and were probably used as fields. Prom the village of Mansiche or Manseriche, we begin to see the walls of adobe, and the vestiges of this once great city. The dimensions of the great squares vary from 200 to 270 yards in length, and from 100 to 160 in breadth ; their number may be seven or eight. The walls which surround these edifices are formed of adobes, often of twelve yards long and five or six broad in the lower part of the waU, but diminishing until they terminate in a breadth of one yard at the top. Some of the squares contain huacas or tombs, and the walls of large apartments or halls. Each of the palaces was surrounded by an exterior wall of stone and mortar and adobes. ^ See Rivcro and Tscliudi for drawings, &c. Tiollaert\s Antiq. S Aiuerica FROM jV DOoit ^VAY PI ) . L AK WIT FT EIG-KT UE Al; S FROM THFj pillar KEAD S (y.3 iiatUTal Size of CTanite') from HUAIIAN C H. U C O -h-.. ft,c„.„ r-,+h'^-'t/> TTiP.O-.A.eeTU 201 In the first palace there is a square, in which are found apartments made of small stones and mortar ; it ia supposed these were tombs, or, perhaps, apartments for the'~coucubines of the Chimu. The buildin"- of the walls is simple and elegant, consisting principallv of sciil])tured panels and ornaments. The second palace contains various squares and buildings. At one end is the huaca of Misa ; this tomb is traversed by small alleys and has some large chambers. Mummies, cloths, pieces of gold and silver, iron? (if so, probably meteoric), an idol of stone, with small pieces of mother-of pearl, were found. Among these ruins are many artificial eminences ; these are huacas, and frequently curiosities have been taken from them illustrative of the ancient inhabitants. In 1563 and 1592, the king's fifth of the o-old found amounted to nearly £61,000. In 1550, Don Antonio Chayque, a legitimate descendant of the Chimu-Canchu, showed to the Spaniards a huaca called Llomayoahuan, upon condition that they should give a part of the treasure obtained for the relief of the Indians ; but after having taken from it much wealth, the agreement was violated by the Spaniards. It is certain that there have been obtained from the huaca of Concha much gold, also some fetters supposed to be of copper. The huaca of the bishop is the largest, but as yet has yielded nothing-. In the " Mercuric Peruano," til, 80, is a notice of various curiosities taken from the huaca of Toledo ; one was the body of an Indian with a veil and a crown with four tassels ; on the neck was a sort of broad cravat ; in one hand was something like a nail, in the other a symbol which was unintelligible ; the outer robe was a tunic. A Temple of the Sun is described as existing near here, which is most probably of Incarial origin. I have deposited in the British Museum specimens of red pottery from Trujillo, including a vase representing the head of an animal, a whistling jug, also a beautiful specimen of modelling, perhaps one of the finest produced from South America, and as seen in the frontispiece to this work.^ It is a vase, being the head, most probably, of a Chimu ruler ; it has the lobes of the ears enlarged by the insertion of a wheel of gold, silver or wood, ornamented with small circles, and would ^ The authors of the " Indigenous Races of the Earth" say, that Tochudi I'm \ Hivero and Tschudi) compares his Peruvian vase to any Etruscan pottery ; but if we must dissent from his view, we may study the high proficiency of Peruvian art, when we behold two exquisite heads in the British Museum, found at Titicaca : the male head compares advantageously with the Egyptian and Etruscan. 202 be called in Peru an Orejon or great ears, indicative of high rank.^ The head here has not the Llautu or Incarial fillet, but a cap or casque with, seemingly, a bat's head in front, and two circular ornaments at the side. The Otolicnians had " such very large ears, that they do sleep upon one, and cover themselves with the other. "^ If we refer to the size of the metal or wooden wheels introduced into the gristle of the ear of the Orejones, or large-eared chiefs, among the Peruvians, we have an approach to these Otolicinians. At Pativirca or Pati-Huillca, near the coast, are to be seen large walls of adobe, the remains of an ancient structure of the Chimus. Pive miles distant are the ruins of Paramanca, probably of a fortress and palace ; and it is the general opinion that the Chimus erected the fortress as a frontier post against the Peruvians. Sculptures in por- phyry and basalt are said to have been met with here. Chaix^ states, that from Lima to Piura was inhabited by Chimus, sometimes called Yungas, and are of foreign origin ; that they came to Peru on rafts, bringing with them a green idol,^ called Llampellec, from which Lambayeque : their language is distinct from the Quichua. In. 1644, forty thousand Indians spoke this language, but in 1791 it was nearly extinct. After their establishment, they had their Chimu rulers, who were as powerful in the plains, as the Incas in the mountains. Their country extended 200 leagues in length : their civilisation was probably of an older date than that of the Incas, and their monuments are first seen at Supe, in 11° S. Mr. Parris lately returned to England from this part of the country with an interesting collection of antiquities extracted from huacas : a portion has been purchased by the British Museum. A brief notice may not be out of place. Prom Trujillo, pottery with figures of men, ^ The reigning Inca pierced the ears of those of royal blood with pius of gold, which they wore until the aperture was large enough to hold enormous pendents, j peculiar to their order, which consisted of wheels of gold or silver. j The Botucudos of Brazil enlarge the ear and under lip. The Apangis of same I country have the ears pierced and loaded like the Peruvian Orejon. The inhabitants f of Easter Island, when Captain Cook visited it, men and women, had an oblong sht j in the ear. The statues on Easter Island show no ear perforation, and were probably the work of another race. 2 See RawHnson's Herodotus, Edin. Review, Jan. 1860. 3 His. Amer. Merid. i., 213. ■* The natives of Manta had the goddess of health, Umiila; the face was of an emerald. I 1^ ^ Vfl 203 women, animals, and plants ; mantles, large silver breast-plates, with embossed figures of men, animals, fish, and plants. The tombs of Huarman, Manseriche, Ascope and Chocope have yielded pottery witli various figures. Berue or Viru, much ornamented aud painted pottery; one in particular is a globular vase (a.) Ctbis is in the British Museum), with a circular handle, at the top of which was the spout. It has paintings of two figures with wrings, probably the god of war of the Chimus (b.) : it holds a club in one hand, a sliield and arrows in the other. There are four compartments in the body of the figure, con- taining something like hieroglyphs. The figures are painted red on a yellow ground (in the drawing they are in black), and the first I have seen with wings. The painting on this vase is Etruscan-like, and may be considered unique. I cannot make anything out of the hieroglyphs, but as to the figures, y they may represent the god of war, and probably flying over a wooded mountain : there is an insect flying, something like a figure on the Athenian vase of Electra at the tomb of Agamemnon.^ Santiago de Cao ornamented and figured pottery. Iluamanchuco, 7° 50' S., 78° 10^ W. : this country w^as conquered by the 9th Inca, Pachacutec ; pottery aud a fine collection of copper and stone axes and other implements of war, copper chisels, ornaments and tupus or pins, nippers for extracting hair from the face, also two stone heads, called " ornaments from the palace of the great chief, Marco Huamanchuco," ]\ir. Parris tells me, that one of these was one of eight heads set round a stone pillar, in the centre of a large apartment of the palace, which •was also a fortress ; the other head is of an old man, and has the ears enlarged like the Orejon ; it is from a doorway. An oracle existed in the province of Huamanchuco, called the Iluaca Catequilla, which predicted to Tupac-Tupanqui the result of the cam- paign which he was going to undertaiie against a brother, who had rebelled, that he, Tupanqui, should die in battle ; and this was Terified. The son of Tupac, irritated at the death of his father, destroyed the temple of the oracle ; but the priests resolved to place the idol in safety, and carried it to Cahuana, where they built another temple and continued its worship. A monk of the Augustine order, in describing the superstitions of Huamanchuco, alludes to a custom, that does not appear to have found j imitators in other countries : when a young man asked for a young I woman to be his wife, her father told him all her defects, so that he might not be dissatisfied afterwards, should she turn ont wanton or 1 Birch's Ancient Pottery, ii., 124. 204 lazy: "Take her," the father would say, " and if she is good-for-nothing, do not blame me, for I have told you the truth about her."i Yiracocha-pampa : pottery, implements of war in copper and stone. Amaro : pottery and stone hammers, round at both ends. Tayabamba : east of the Maranon, 8° S., 77*^ 25' W. : pottery and other objects. From Buldebure, Parcoi, Pataz, Amaro, Tuscan, Nanac, various descrip- tions of potterj^ One of these pieces of terra-cotta pottery is that of an Indian bearing a small load, as they had to do in the presence of the Inca, so as to show their humility. In this collection were many objects like spindle twirls of stone and clay. From Sacrificios, in Mexico, many such have been taken from tombs ; it|ias been thought that they served as buttons. Chancay, a league from the sea : the huacas have yielded household gods of terra cotta, different from that of the Chimus, or similar works of art from the interior of Peru : for specimens, see plates xyi., liivero and Tschudi. "VYhat I have to say of Supe and Huacho, I am indebted to Steven- son.^ Supe is south of Pativirca, and between it and Huara is the extensive plain or pampa del medio mundo (of half the world), which before the conquest was under irrigation: vestiges of old canals are visible, and bear witness of the enormous labour of the ancient inhabitants, as well as of their skill in conveying water to great dis- tances. The principal canal here, took its water from the Huara river, and winding round the foot of the mountains, conveyed it to the distance of ten leagues, irrigating in its course some very beautiful plains, which are now sandy deserts. Near Supe are the remains of Indian towns, one built on the side of a rock, galleries being dug out of it, one above another, for the purpose of making room for their houses. Stevenson says, he was fully convinced that the Indians buried their dead in the houses where they had resided, as he dug up many of them ; they were buried with whatever belonged to them at the time of | their death : he found bodies of women with their pots, pans and jars of earthenware, some of which were curious ; one had two Indians upon ^ Huamanchuco is between tlie Nevada of Huaylillas and the River Maranon, from Maran-i-obbo or river of the ]\Iarans. Tlie Maran tree jields the balsam of Copiaba. — Schomburgh. Yelasco says, the Maraiion derives its name from the circumstance of a soldier, vrho was sent by Pizarro to discover the sources of the Piura river, who, beholding the mighty stream, and astonished at a sea of fresh w^ater, exclaimed, " Hac mare an non." At p. 414 of the Arauco Domado, the Licentiate Maraiion, visitador | and oidor of Quito, is spoken of. - Narrative, i. vol. I 205 it, carrying a corpse on their shoulders, laid on a hollow bier ; wlien the vase was inclined backwards and forwards, a plaintive cry was heard resembling that made by the Indians at a funeral. Long pieces of cotton cloth, calabashes, maize, qiiinua, beans, leaves of plantains, ostrich feathers, dresses, spades of palm wood, lances, clubs, jars of chicha, small dolls of cotton ; their dress similar to that worn at present by the females of Cajatambo, rings and small cups of gold, the latter beat out very thin, and their size that of half a hen's egf^-shell ; it is supposed they were worn in the ears, for a small shank is attached to them ; slips of silver, about two inches broad and ten long, as thin as paper, also frequently dug up. The body of a man was found whose hair grew from his eye-brows, or rather he had no vi.^ible forehead ; a great quantity of dried herbs had been buried with him, some small pots and several dolls : the Indians who saw him, said that he had been a wizard, diviner, or a doctor. Huacho is an Indian village in the valley watered by the Huara. It contained in 1815, four thousand Indians, who cultivated their farms, cut salt at the salinas, caught fish, and mnde straw hats of fine rushes, or of macora, the produce of a palm tree. They v/ere kind and hospitable, but timidity and diffidence made them appear reserved and sullen. The Indians on this part of the coast of Peru are of a copper colour, with small forehead, the hair growing on each side from the extremities of the eye-brows ; they have small black eyes, small nose, the nostrils protruding like those of the African ; a moderately-sized mouth, beautiful teeth, beardless chin, except in old age, and a round face; their hair is black, coarse and sleek, without any inclination to curl ; the body is well proportioned, and the limbs well turned, and they have small feet ; their stature is rather diminutive, and they are inclined to corpulency : the perspiration from their bodies is acetous, which some have supposed to be caused by a vegetable diet. In the colder climates, although in the sameT latitude, the complexion of the Indian is lighter ; however, the Araucanos, who live in a much colder climate, are of a dark copper colour. At Huacho, Stevenson saw one of the ancient Indian rites — the naca feast. A child never has his hair cut till it is a vear old : the friends assemble, and, one by one, take a small lock and cut it off, at the same time presenting something to the child. This ceremony among the Peruvians, was practised at the naming of the child, and the name was generally appropriate to some circumstance which occurred to the child on that day. The Tth Inca was called Yahuar Huacar, weeper of blood, because on that day drops of blood were observed falling from his eves : and Huasca, the 13th Inca, was so named, because the 206 nobles on this day presented bim witb a golden cbain or buasca, after the ceremony of the iiacas. Near Chancay are ruins of subterranean depositories for food, called colcas, built by the Chimus during their wars with the Incas, Shortly after the Spanish conquest, in the parish of Ancallama, a population of 30,000 paid tribute, at present there are only 425 inhabitants, 320 of whom are JSTegroes. Guarmey, 10° S.: here is an old Indian fortress. Lima, 12° S., six miles from the port of Callao : in 1740,^ there were two Indian suburbs at Callao called old and new Pitipiti. The great number of Indians who inhabited this valley before and at the time of the conquest, w^ere reduced to the few inhabitants of Pitipiti, and had only two caciques, and these in such low circumstances as to teach music at Lima for subsistence. Lima is built on the river E-imac, the banks of which are covered with ruins of ancient towns and tombs. One tomb, 1^ miles south of Lima, is nearly 200 feet high. Three leao-ues from Lima, Darwin- visited the ruins of one of the old Indian villages, with its mound-like or natural hill in the centre. He observes, the remains of houses, enclosures, irrigating streams, and burial mounds, scattered over this plain, cannot fail to give one a high idea of the condition and number of the ancient population. The burial mounds or huacas, are really stupendous ; although in some places they appear to be natural hills incased and modelled.. Eimac comes from the word rimay, to speak, from an oracle that was here. Stevenson states that its ancient inhabitants called the valley Eimac Malca, or the place of witches ; it being the custom among the Indians who lived in its vicinity before they were conquered by the Incas, to banish to this valley those who were accused of witchcraft. Its climate was bad, having marshy ground ; thus fevers generally destroyed in a short time such individuals as were the objects of this superstitious persecution. It is said, that when Manco Capac and his sister, Ocollo, were pre- sented by their grandfather to the Indians living at Cuzco, and were informed by him, that they were the children of the Sun, the fair com- plexion of the strangers, and their light-coloured hair, induced the Indians to consider them as Eimacs, and they were exiled to this spot. This territory was anciently governed by various powerful chiefs, the principal one being the Curys-mancu, his dominions extending from Pachacamac to Barranca. We know but little of these coast rulers or their origin. The Incas, particularly the 8th and 9th, descended from the Andes as conquerors to the country of the Curys-mancu, who had 1 Ulloa, II., 43. 2 Nat. Toy. 368. 207 a temple erected to the invisible god, Pacliacamac ; he was incorporated into the Incarial family of Pachacutee, whilst other chiefs were severely punished for their opposition to the Incas. Three leagues north-east of Lima, in the valley of Guachipa, are standing walls of a large town ; the streets are narrow, tlie houses of mud, and each house consists of three small apartments. There is one house larger than the rest, probably that of a chief. This spot is know^n as " Old Cajamarca." The walls, as well as similar ones in the district, have no foundations, and have withstood those violent earth- quakes which overthrew the more solid buildings of Lima and other towns. The ruins of the great temple to Pachacamac (Pacha, the earth ; Camac, participle of Camani, I create) and city of the Curys-mancus, are some seven leagues south of Lima. There are many descriptions of this celebrated locality, but I will only briefly refer to the observa- tions in Wilkes' United States Exploring Expedition, to Eivero and Tschudi, and Markham. According to "Wilkes, the temple is on the summit of a hill having three terraces ; some of the walls are of unhewn blocks of rock ; these were cased with adobes or sun-dried bricks, then covered with plaster and painted red. A range of square pilasters projected from the upper wall, evidently belonging to the interior of a large apartment : no trace's are found of doors or windows. Some graves were observed south of the temple, but the principal burial ground was between the temple and the town. The skulls were of various characters, the majority presented the vertical or raised occiput, the usual characteristic of the old Peruvians, while others had the forehead and top of the head depressed. The bodies were wrapped in cloths of various qualities and colours: various utensils and other articles were found which seemed to denote the occupation of the individual, as wooden needles and weaving utensils, netting, slings, cordage, baskets, fragments of pot- tery, maize, cotton seeds, wool, gourds, shells, &c. Eivero and Tschudi give a large drawing of the ruins, and describe them as much dilapidated. On a conical hill, 458 feet above the sea, are the ruins of the Temple of Pachacamac ; at the foot of the hill are the decayed walls of the edifices intended for strangers who came on pilgrimage ; the w^hole was surrounded by a wall of adobes, nine feet in width. The material of the fabric is not of stone, as in Cuzco, bnt of sun-dried bricks, easily crumbled. In the most elevated part is the temple, which, when first visited by the Spaniards, they found the door to be of gold, inlaid w^th precious stones ; the interior was obscure ; this being the spot where the priests had their bloody sacrifices before 208 an idol of wood, the vrorship of which succeeded the pure abstract adoration of the invisible Pachacamac. At present there remain of this temple some niches, which, according to Cieza de Leon, contained representations of wild animals : frngments of painting of animals are observed on the walls. Outside of this edifice there was a temple to the Sun, palace and house of Virgins of the Sun ; monuments erected by the Incas, Pacha- cutec and Yupanqui, after their conquest of this great coast nation. Kuins of vast extent still remain, with saloons twenty to twenty-five yards in length, and six to eight in width, of mud walls, forming narrow streets, all indicating that here was once a large population. Two miles off* shore, are three barren islands, supposed to have formed part of the continent, but separated by the terrible earthquake of 1586.^ Mr. Markham, in his " Cuzco and Lima," speaks of Pachacamac as a city of the dead : the roofs of the habitations are gone and the dwell- ings filled with sand. The ruins of the temple consist of three broad terraces, twenty feet high, in parts of which the vermillion paint, that once coated the whole, is still seen. Above the terraces there is a level platform, where once a splendid fane arose in honour of Pachacamac, the creator of the world, the supreme god. The great silent city, which does not contain ,one solitary inhabitant, is spread out immediately beneath the hill. The valleys of Pachacamac, Eimac-Malca, Chancay and Huaman composed the state of the Curys-mancus or Quis-mancus.^ Montesinos observes, that under the Peruvian Emperor, Ayartaco-Cupo XII, the giants that came to Peru and populated Port Santa Elena, built a ^ A very severe earthquake commenced in the morning of the 19th of April, 1860 ; one shock lasted eighty seconds, the heaviest since old Callao was submerged. On the 22nd the ground shook violently for fifty seconds, doing great damage to Lima and its vicinity, also destroying several estates at Cauete. In Manta trees were rooted up, and one of the mountains close by was rent in two, and produced a volcano of hot fetid water. Up to the 27th, twenty-eight shocks had been counted ; they com- menced with oscillation of the ground, then heaving, followed by subterranean noise. A chasm, nearly a mile long and several feet wide, has been opened in the ground near Lima. 2 The Estadistica of Lima, 1839, mentions, that the department of Lima in ancient times was governed by many chiefs, the principal ones being the Curys-mancus, whose dominions extended from Pachacamac to the town of Barranca. The origin of this nation is so remote that it is not known whether it v/as not older even than the Incas : history only tells us that the conquering arms of the Incas, having arrived at the frontiers, and discovering that the Curys-mancu had a temple erected to the invisible god, Pachacutec, the 10th Inca, confederated with and incorporated him into the Incai'ial family- 209 sumptuous temple at Pacliacaraac. It is sometimes said tliat tlio Yuncas (another name for thej)eople of a portion of this country) built this temple. There must have been various buildings farther south ; but as these were most probably composed of adobe, they have moul- dered down level with the earth ; however, the huacas or graves are abundant as at Cailete, in 13° S. (founded in 1559, near an ancient fortress and palace), formerly the country of the Chuqui-mancus, who ruled over the beautiful valleys of the Guarcu, and may have been occupied by one of the great Chincha nations of the coast. At Chincha-baja there is a fortress called the Inca's palace. Caiiete, in the province of Yauyos, extends from the coast towards the Cordillera. The inhabitants are distinguishable by their faces and figures, and also by their language, from other Indians of the coast and mountains ; their language, the Cauqui, contains many radical words of the Quichua. Here rich huacas have been opened. I have placed in the British Museum, from this spot, large silver-gilt ear-rings, a pair of scales, the beam of bone and netted bags to serve as scales, and some very thin pieces of silver, an inch square, each having holes at the corners, probably to attach to dresses-; a sling of very fine workman- ship, and some sweet-smelling resin, probably used as incense. Eivero and Tschudi say that, under the collective names of Canopa or Chanca, the Peruvians designated their minor deities, and they men- tion in a note that the Quichua word, Canopa, deserves the attention of antiquarians ; for, by the word Canopus or Conobas, the Egyptians denominated a beneficent spirit or tutelar god, representing it under the form of a bird or human head. Chanca, I can understand to be a Quichua word, but Canopa looks to one as if it had been introduced by some Spanish antiquary. In the " Extirpation of the Indians of Peru," Lima, 16-12, by the Jesuit, Arriaga, who travelled in that country from Eebruary, 1617, to July, 1618 ; he says he confessed 5,624 people, imposed penance on 679 ministers of idolatry, removed 603 principal huacas, 3,418 Canopas (household gods), 45 Mamazaras, deities of Indian corn ; 189 huancas, masters of the field ; and 617 mallquis or bodies of ancestors. The Chincha coast race, with the Aymards and ITuncas, appear to have been the three great nations of Peru existing before the Incarial times. In an interesting paper in " Eraser's Magazine," 1844, on the state of the Peruvian Empire previous to the arrival of the Spaniard, by General Miller, is the following : — " To the summons of Capac Yupanqui, brother to the Inca, Pachacutec, who died 1400, the chiefs of the densely peopled country of the Chinchas gave the following \ 210 reply : ■ We do not want to have the Inca for a king, nor the sun for a god ; we ah^eady have a god whom we adore, and a king whom we serve. Our god is the ocean, and every body may see that it is greater than the sun, and that it besides yields to us an abundance of food ; whereas the sun does us no good whatever : on the contrary, he oppresses us with too much heat in our sultry region, and we have no occasion for it, as they who live amidst cold mountains, where it may be right to worship him, because he is useful there . . . The Inca had better return homewards without entering into war wdth the lord and king of Chincha, who is a most puissant ruler.' " ^ Arequipa, 16° 50' S. Under Mayta Capac, 4th Inca, the country of Arequipa or Arceypa, was subjected. Plate xxix., E;ivero and Tschudi, is a head of red pottery, very different from the figures from the coast and the interior, being so much more perfect : the eyes are apparently of gold. In the province of Canas there is a fortress on the mountain of Mol- loccahua, where the Canenos defended themselves successfully against Huayna Capac, who, being unable to subject them by force of arms, w^ent to the court of the Ccana or ruler of the country, asking for his daughter to be the Inca's wife, and thus the Ccana was allied. In the district of Chota are many subterranean works and tombs and in the court-yard of the farm of Mamoy there formerly stood high stone tower that had sculptures in basso-relief of various figures! of animals. This monument has been destroyed.^ Peeuyian Potteet. — I do not find any account of the employmen of the potter's wheel or table, in Peru ; still, as they made globular! and circular vessels, they may have had some approach to this useful invention. The Maypures of Colombia form the clay into cylinders.; and mould the largest vases with their hands. The American Indian^ appears to have been unacquainted with the potter's wheel (which wast familiar to the nations of the east in the remotest antiquity) ; and sal they did not use the oven, they generally placed twigs around the pots! baking them in the open air. Several sorts of terra- cotta pottery are found in the Peruvian tombs black, various tints of red, yellow, brown, and some of a blue colour the black is generally modelled, the red modelled and painted : as t( moulding, this requires further examination. None of the old Peruviai pottery I have seen is glazed. Mr. Squier, in his Archaeology o JN^icaragua, states, that the pottery made there is formed by the handijjl without the aid of the potter's wheel, baked, and when intended fo: Gruia de Fore^teros, 1819. 211 purposes requiring it, is partially glazed ; and in a note alludes to Edwards' Voyage up the Amazon, who says that the glazing (varnishing rather) there is produced by a resinous gum, gently rubbed over the vessels, previously warmed over a bed of coals : this description applied equally to the modes practised in Nicaragua. I have seen no glaziu" on ancient Peruvian pottery. I have supposed that the Huaqueros or sacred vases, found in the Inca Peruvian tombs, were made under the superintendence of the priests. The household pottery was made by working potters, who were called Sanu-camayoc, the earthen vessels, Manca ; stone vases were used, also vessels of gold, silver, and copper. The greater portion of Peruvian pottery may be called terra-cotta ; many hold water, and liquids can be boiled in them. From the north of Peru I have seen clay figures, " characterised by a prurient indecency." Mr. Birch,^ alluding to ancient vases of the old world, with white ornaments, mseanders, &c., says, they much resemble those found in tlie tombs of the early Peruvians, and may be regarded as displaying the first attempts at decoration. He gives a drawing^ of a double cruze of glazed ware from Egypt, united by a band : many of the Peruvian vessels are double, quadruple, sextuple, and octuple. Some of the double ones, when filled with liquid, the air escaping througli the opening left for that purpose, produce musical sounds, or as that of birds and animals. After the conquest, Spain supplied earthenware to its colonies; China a considerable quantity by way of the Philippine Islands ; and in our own times, England principally manufactures for South America. At p. 89, I mentioned the existence of potter's clay in Quito, having a delicate fragrance. Molina^ gives the folloA\'ing of a similar clay found in Chile, near the capital, called Buccari ; it is fine and light, of an agreeable smell, of a brown colour spotted vrith yellow. In many of the convents they manufacture from this clay, jars, bottles, cups, &c., which they paint, gild, and varnish. These vessels com- municate a pleasant smell and flavour to the water put into them, which proceeds from some bituminous body in the clay. I have some of this pottery, and it appears to me that the fragrance has been given to it by cloves, vanilla, or such like bodies. ' Ancient Pottery, ii., 253. ^ Ancient Pottery, i., 55. 3 His. ChHe, i., 53- p 2 INCAEIAL MONUMENTS. G-enerally speaking, the formation of those wonderful roads in Peru have been awarded to the Incas : still I consider that before their times many were in existence, but were extended by them. Those travellers who have examined these roads say that, even in the existing state of our knowledge, and with modern instruments of labour, they would be deemed worthy of the most civilised nation. According to Sarmiento, some of these roads passed over terrific sierras, while the only means for their construction were fire and a tool for picking. Cieza de Leon describes roads, some over the Andes, with their tambos or lodging places and depositories, also one along the coast, probably commenced by the IX. Inca and completed by Huyana Capac XII. This was a broad road. On each side it had a wall, while in parts the road was shaded by trees. Velasco notices well preserved spaces in Quito twenty-one feet wide, parts cut out of rock, and, to equalise the surface, it was covered with a cement of | bitumen. Humboldt examined some of these roads, and states that they do not fall behind the most imposing Roman ways. Eivero and Tschudi tell us that the upper road from Cuzco to Quito was from eighteen to twenty feet wide and about twelve hundred miles in length; the lower road a foot wider and nearlv 1600 miles. Almagro, when going from Cuzco to the Conquest of Chile, during the first part of the way profited by the great road of the Incas, which stretched across the table land far towards the south. On his return, his army crossed the desert of Atacama and through the province of ; Tarapaca. Here I observed broad tracks cleared of loose stones, so as to allow of easy transit : these are considered as ancient roads. I will here only allude to the bridges, some of stone, others swinging or sus- pension : their acqueducts, one made by the Inca Yiracocha, 450 miles in length along the steepest sierras, nourishing the andeneria or terraced gardens ; tunnels, quarries, fortresses, arsenals, obelisks, theatres, schools, temples to the sun in particular, houses for the virgins of the sun, and as to palaces there were above two himdred from Cuzco to Quito. These and other forms of building, combined with their peculiar form of government, render the Incarial race a most interesting people. 213 The Incarial monumeuts are square, oblong and cyclopean ; of granite, porphyry and other ^one : at Lunatambo stones of spherical form are seen, but adobes or sun-dried bricks were used in the more rainless portions of the empire. The lintel is sometimes narrower than the threshold, but the architecture characterised by simplicity, sym- metry and solidity. The present houses of Cuzco are built of stone, the lower part being usually constructed of the massive and imposing buildings of the time of the Incas, while the upper, roofed witli red tiles, is a modern superstructure. The principal ruins in Cuzco are the following : the great temple to the sun, on the site of which the church of Santo Dominiro is built • the Sacsahuaman,^ or great fortress, with underground communications, which took fifty years to build ; Colcampata, the palace of ]\Ianco- Capac ; palace of Inca Roca ; Ab. Uahuan, or residence of the Virgins of the sun ; palaces of the Incas Yupauqui and Huasca ; ruins within the Convent of Santa Teresa and monastery of San Francisco ; Cyclo- pean constructions in the street of Marquez-Intipampa or square of the sun ; gardens of the temple of the sun ; Coricaucha or square of gold. In the Tacha-huasi, or schools founded by the Inca Eoca, are ser- pents carved in relief on stones, and the same designs are to be seen on a stone lintel on the walls of the palace of Iluayna Capac, and on other Incarial buildings. There are four figures in relief on large slabs in a house occupied by the Inca Grarcilasso de la Vega : on the two upper slabs are the figures of two monsters with the heads of women and bodies of birds, resemb- ling the harpies of Virgil, and on the lower slabs are monsters with scales and long tails coiled up behind their backs. The walls generally were built of huge stones, -s^-ith recesses and doors at certain intervals, the sides of the doors approaching each other at the top and supporting stone lintels. The side walls were pierced with small square windows, and the whole was thatched M'itli Ichu or mountain grass. The inte- riors consisted of spacious halls, with smaller rooms adjoining, and the interior walls were adorned with animals and flowers in gold and silver; mirrors of hard stone hung on stone pegs ; while in the numerous recesses were utensils and household gods in gold, silver or terra cotta. The couches were of vicmia cloth, and the tianas or seats used by the Incas were covered \\rith gold. The temple of Cacha, on the banks of the Vilcamaya, built by ^ Bustamante, in his apuntes, says Sacsay-Guaman means, gloat thyself, eagle, and it the Peruvians buried much treasure here, to save it from the Spaniards. 214 Viracocha, is described as having been something very beautiful; it was square with a door on each side, and in the centre was the statue of a spirit in long flowing robes, leading some strange animal by a chain. In the valley of Tucay, four leagues from Cuzco, is Tambo-toco, where there are considerable ruins, said to have been built by Manco Capac: still it is generally believed they are of greater antiquity. Garcillasso says that it is not known who built the great walls of Cuzco. Although I have given a list of Inca ruins, there are many more, as at Cajamarca, 7° 8' S. 78° 32' W.: this was the second city of the empire, built in all probability on the ruins of the capital of the Chimus, of Chicama, the last being subjected by the Inca PachacuteCj,^ The approach to Cajamarca from the coast was guarded by fortresses of masonry. The Spanish conquerors describe the city, with its white houses glittering in the sun like a sparkling gem on the dark skirts of the Cordillera : it was a league in length, and contained 10,000 people ; the houses were t generally built of clay hardened in the sun, the roofs thatched or with timber. Some of the buildings were of hewn stone. There was a house for the virgins of the sun and a temple to the same, hidden in a deep grove ; there was a square of large size, containing capacious halls of stone and dried brick, with wide doors, probably used as barracks. At the end of the square was a stone fortress ; there was another fortress commanding the town, with spiral winding walls, this was of great strength. The Inca Atahualpa's quarters was an open court-yard, a light building with galleries was around it ; the walls were covered vnth shining plates, white and coloured, (red) and before the edifice was a bath fed with hot and cold water. There was a large stone building with a serpent sculptured on its walls (the hall of the serpent) . Benzoni states that when Pizarro first saw Atahualpa, he was adorned with golden wreaths and beautiful feathers of various colours, dressed in a shirt without sleeves, and a band of cotton round his middle, a tassel of fine red wool on the left side of his head shaded his brow, and his shoes were almost apostolical. He was of moderate stature, wise, energetic, and desirous of empire : his sister Pagha (Pacha) was his wife. The Peruvian nobles had a fillet round the head, and a woolen tassel hanging from the left ear. Atahualpa's palace^ was built of large sun-dried bricks, containing many large apartments ; on its site was afterwards built the cabildo, chapel and prison. Only one unroofed room of the Inca's palace ' Guia de Forasteros, 195, Lima 1858. 215 remains, twelve yards long by eight wide, and wliere Atalnialpa wna imprisoned ; until lately could be seen the mark the Inea made on the wall of the height the treasure-should be piled for his liberation- The stone on which the Inca received his death was one and a-half varas in length and two thirds of a vara wide, called peana, and is now used in the altar of the chapel. The rapacious Spanish invaders disorganized a })<)pulntion of ten millions of people, who had a length of more than a tliousand leagues of coast, and from thirty-live to ninety in width ; they robbed their palaces temples and tombs, polluted their altars, and committed every species of enormity upon an unoifending race. We have sketches and plans of some of the Peruvian monuments but these have not generally much architectural value, as few are to scale ; thus, no very critical comparison can be made with the ruins of such other countries as we have truthful views and plans of. However, let us hope that the period is not distant when the monuments I hate referred to, will be more carefully examined and properly described. HiEEOGLTPHs A^B Quippus OF THE PERUVIANS. — Some early writers tell us that the ancient Peruvians used a specie of hieroglyph engraved on stone and preserved in their temples, and that there appeared to be a similarity between them and those found in Mexico and Brazil. Tschudi states, that among the Indians of the river Ucayali, on the birth of a child the name of an animal is given it ; the witnesses of the ceremony mark with a wooden pencil some hieroglyphical charact^M's on two leaves, which are carefully preserved, and, on the death of the Indian, deposited in the grave with him. The Peruvians had no manuscript characters for simple sounds, but they had a method by which they composed vrords and incorporated ideas, which consisted in the dexterous intertwining of knots and strings so as to render them auxiliaries to the memory, namely, the Quipu. It was generally of twisted wool, consisting of a string or cord as the base of the document, and of threads, more or less fine, fastened by knots to it. These threads include the contents of the Quipu, expressed by single knots or intertwinings. The size of the Quipu is very different, sometimes the base cord is five or six yards long, at others, it is not more than a foot : the pendant strings or branches rarely exceed a yard in length. The different colours of the threads have different meanings ; thus, the red signifies a soldier or war; the yellow, gold ; the white, silver or peace ; the green, wheat or maize, &c. In the arithmetical system, a single knot means ten ; two single knots joined, twenty ; a knot doubly 21G intertwined, one hundred ; triply, one thousand : two of the last united, two thousand, &c. Not only is the colour and mode of intertwining the knots to he considered, hut even the mode of twisting the thread, and particularly the distance of the knot from the junction of the thread with the hase of the cord, are of great importance to a proper understanding of the Quipu. It is probable that these knots were at first applied to purposes of enumeration only ; but, in course of time, this science was so much perfected that those skilled in it attained to the art of expressing by knots historical relations, laws and decrees, so that they could transmit to their descendants the most striking events of the empire ; and thus the Quipu might supply the place of documents and chronicles. "Whenever a Quipu came from a distant part it was accompanied by a verbal commentary to indicate the subject matter of which it treated- The officials had certain signs at the commencement of the mother thread, or base cord, which had a meaning intelligible to them only. Eepeated attempts made in our day to read the quipus have proved failures, because of the great difficulty of deciphering them. In effect, each single knot represents some notion or thought, while there is wanting (for a meaning) a quantity of conjunctions or links. Besides there is another greater impediment in the interpretation of the Quipus found in the huacas, and that is the want of a verbal commen- tary to explain the subject matter of the document. Hivero andTschudi think there are still, in the south of Peru, Indians who know very well liow to decipher these intricate memorials, but they guard their know- ledjre as a sacred secret, inherited from their ancestors. The " Mercurio Peruano I., 206," observes, that the Peruvian letters, of Madame Grafigny, caused Prince de S. Severino, a member of the Acadamy of La Crusca, as well as an Italian duchess, to write on the quipus ; after detailing what Garcilasso had said on the subject, the authors describe, with too much assurance, the grammar and dictionary of the Quipus, and would lead one to believe that they were Quipu- Camayus, (record readers) of the Incas ! In the " Westminster Eeview," XI, 1829, there is an article by T. Perryonet Thompson, on " A prospectus of the Quipola, or an explana- tion of the Quipoes, now open for public opinion, London, printed by J. Phair, 69, Great Peter Street, "Westminster, 1827, 64-mo. p.p. 18." It would appear that a ship carpenter, Alexander Strong, purchased this Quipo in a box from the mate of a merchant brig, Eobert Baker, for £10. Baker said the Quipo had come into the possession of a native of Lyons named Eosenberg Yestus, who got it from the family 217 of a chief in Chile of the Q-uarcos, who considered himself a descendant of the Incas, who had fled from Peru to avoid the Spaniards. Vestus was married to one of the chief's daiigliters, but after a time he left the Indians, came to Buenos Ayres and sold the Quipo and box to Baker. It would be interesting to know where the Quipo may be now de- posited. The secret language of the Incas is lost. They conquered the Quichuas, and the language and dialects of these nations, were the more general ones spoken in Peru ;i however, the Aymani, witli its dialects, was extensively knowTi. I have sometimes tliought that the Incas were of Aymara^ origin, or from one of the great nations to the East of the Andes, such as the Guarani, Tupi or Brazilians. Montesinos (not a good authority) says, that during the reign of the III. sovereign of Peru (according to his list of 101) the use of letters was known, and the Amautas or learned men taught astrology and the arts of writing on leaves of the plantain ; that under Titu-Yupanqui, the 64th sovereign, civil disturbances caused the loss of letters, and that the 78th sovereign, 3,500 years after the deluge, proliibitcd his people from making use of the Quillca, (a species of parchment of plantain leaves) but introduced the Quipo, or knotted coloured strings. According to Acosta, p. 51, the Peruvians had symbolic paintings, for, at the Conquest, the Indians made their confessions by paintijigs and characters, which indicated the Ten Commandments, &c. In many parts of Peru, chiefly in situations greatly above the level of the sea, are vestiges of inscriptions on stone very much obliterated by time ; one Tschudi found near Huara ; also other engravings on granite, representing animals, flowers and fortifications on the lieights of Caldera near Arequipa, and he says, these may tell of events anterior to the dynasty of the Incas. On another stone he found engraved a flower, a fortress, and what may be a river ; the Cross looks as if placed after Christianity had been introduced. Ancient Indian sculptures are figured in liivero and Tschudi. In Huaytaca, province of Castro Yireyna, Bradford notices that in ' Dialects of the Quichua. — 1. Of Cuzco, or Quicliua proper. 2. Lamano or Lamissa, round Trujillo. 3. Cliincliaisuju. 4. Calchaqui in Tucumau. 5. Quito. ij — Ludewig. 2 Aymara, spoken in Bolivia, the N.W. provinces of the Argentine R<>public, , ; and in Southern Peru bears a close resemblance to Quichua. Dialects otlhe Avmara, spoken hj^he Xanchis, Kasnas, Kollaguas, Karankas, Charcas, I'acascs and Lupakas. — Ludewig. 218 an edifice similar to Old Huanuco, are coarse engravings on a mass of granite, — also a stone pillar with marks and inscriptions. At end of Vol. I of Molina, are supplementary Notes from an anonymous work on Chile, printed at Bologna, 1776. In the description of the province of Cuyo, it is stated that, between Mendoza and La Punta, upon a low range of hills, is a large stone pillar, one hundred and fifty feet high, and twelve feet in diameter. It is^ called the Giant, and contains certain marks or inscriptions, resembling Chinese characters. Near the Diamond river is also another stone, containing some marks which appear to be ciphers or characters and the impression of a man's feet with the figures of several animals. The Spaniards call it the stone of St. Thomas, from an account which they pretend the first settlers received from the Indians, that a w^hite man, with a long beard, formerly preached to their ancestors a new religion from that stone, and, as a proof of its sanctity, left upon it the impression of his feet and the figures of the animals that came to hear him. This man they suppose to have been St. Thomas, from a tradition of his having preached in America. Cuyo was peopled by the Guarpes, thin, brown and of lofty stature ; they were subdued by the Peruvians after they had conquered northern Chile. On the road over the Andes, from Cuvo to Chile, are still to be seen some small stone edifices, erected for the accommodation of the officers and messengers of that empire. The Allentiac and Milcocayac, (Chilian languages) are spoken by the Guarpes Indians of the province of Cuyo, which word means sand ; the general character of the soil is arid. There is an extensive succession of valley's running north from Uspallata, through which it is said,^ that an ancient road of the Peruvians is to be traced at the present day, nearly to Potosi. The Inca's bridge is on the road from Mendoza to Chile, which, according to Darwin, is composed of a crust of stratified shingle, cemented by deposits from neighbouring hot springs. In Southern Peru, there are the Pintados of Tarapaca ; some of these may be of hieroglyphic character. The engraved granite stones, particularly that of the Pampa del Leon, are pictorial at least. In Rivero and Tschudi, (plate xli) is represented a stone two feet broad, from Huara in the department of Junin, the country of the ancient Huancas. A portion of the engraving may have some analogy to No. 7, or Cuhupqua, the ear or snail-shaped granaries of the Chibchas ; there is a figure of this character on a slab of stone, from Timana, New Granada, supposed to represent some astronomical subject. <* In plate xxyi is a Canopa, or sacred vessel, in shape of the human 219 figure, they suppose to be a priest offering sacrifice, which has on a mystic belt ; they do not give the locality from whence this was obtained. It looks to me like the pottery from Pachacamac, in latitude 12° S. The belt is curious, but we know not what is meant by the hieroglyphic writing. The priest may be drinking the sacred chicha and imploring a good harvest. Plate xx. is a double vase, with symbolical signification of sun, moon, &c. Plate xxi. are two vases, one with mystic figures. There is a female figure from Peru, in the British Museum, something like the one described above, witli hieroglyphs above its head, composed of angles principally. I may add, that on the head of a statue found at Tia-Huanacu, are some hiero- glyphical characters, a drawing of which is given in " L'Univers Pitto- resque." — Bolivie, 1843. Gilliss (ii. 138) gives a drawing of an approach to the hieroglyph, worked in a coca bag or chuspa. Con, Pacha-camac, the Stjjt. — As there is some confusion in regard to the history of the Peruvian deities, I will here oflTer a few remarks thereon : — Con, is first heard of as the Supreme power, — the invisible and omnipotent spirit in Quito, under the Scyris, and in Peru, long before the times of the Incas. Con was a spirit without bones or flesh ; he made the world, and flying rapidly from north to south in America, caused the mountains and valleys to appear ; he then formed man, giving him every species of food and pleasure. Man offended Con and was chastised by having the previous abundance of food taken from him ; the land became a desert and the human race was changed into ugly cats, and other black animals. Pacha-Camac is generally looked upon as the son of Con ; he had 1 pity for the degraded position of the human race, took the government of the world into his hands and created all things anew, including that ' of the present form of man and woman. We then find that temples were raised to this new power, one particularly on the coast of Peru, south of Lima, called after him Pacha-camac. Montesinos informs us, that under Ayartaco-Cupo, his XII ruler of Peru, giants came to the coast and built a temple to Pacha-camac, using instruments of iron (?) As they were very wicked, divine wrath I annihilated them with a rain of fire, although a part of them were i enabled to escape by going to Cuzco. Ayartaco-Cupo went out to imeet them, dispersing them about Lima-tambo. He also states that the 97th ruler of Peru, the Inca, Topa-Tupanqui, also called II ui- racocha and Yiracocha, repaired the temple of Pacha-camac. This Inca is the 8th, according to Garcilaso, and died about 13-10, a. p. 220 It would appear that many nations, even from distant parts of Pern, came to this temple, making rich offerings : their sacrifices on the altar and adoration were simple and pure, to this great deity. They entered the sacred place barefooted ; in invoking his name, they prostrated themselves to the earth. There was no image to represent this deity, as he was considered to be there in spirit only. This idea of supreme power, and preserved for a very lengthened period, w^as corrupted by the Incas and his cushipatas or priests. The Suis". — The history of the worship to this luminary is as follows : Montesinos calls his 1st ruler of Peru, Pishua-Manca ; he was the youngest of four brothers, he shut one up in a cave, threw another into | a deep hole, and caused the third to fly to a distant country. The fratricide consoled his four sisters, telling them that they must con- sider him as the only child or son of the Sun, and obey him as such ; he is said to have built Cuzco. Following JMontesinos, his 5th ruler, luti-Capac-Tupanqui, was ver)'- zealous for religion and the w^orship of the supreme gods, lllatici-Huiracocha, and the sun. Tf we follow Garcilaso, the 1st Inca, Manco Capac, only appeared about 1022, a.d., telling the people that he was a child of the sun ; also that Con and Pachacamac had been children of the sun like himself; that the sun had sent him on earth to teach and govern them ; that he was the offspring of the sun and moon. It must be admitted that the worship of Con and Pachacamac was widely extended long before the Incarial times, and it was only under the 9th Inca, that the country of the Curys-mancus, whose capital was at Pachacamac, was conquered by the Incas of Cuzco, and the intrusive religion of the sun was in danger from the older and purer one of Pachacamac ; however, after much negociation, it was arranged that Pachacamac should retain his temple, and that another should be built there to the sun, as the father of the 1st Inca and Pachacamac. After a time the Incarial priests erected a statue of wood to represent the formerly-invisible Pachacamac, and invented oracles. Paith in the immortality of the soul was one of the fundamental ideas among all the Peruvian nations ; and, first. Con, then Pachacamac, and, lastly, the Sun, were the judges of the human race. Supay, the evil spirit, is found early amongst this people, and in some places children were sacrificed to it. Questionable Traditioj^s as to a General Deluge. — Tierra Pirme had a tradition that their progenitors, with some animals, had ' been saved in a vessel ; of having sent a bird out to see if the rains had ceased, which did not return, and then another bird, which did 221 return with a green branch ; and then the people came out and settled on the earth for a second tini^ Quito.- The tradition there was of a very ancient deluge, that a few were saved in a liouse of wood on the top of Pichincha. This deluge was for the puuishment of three of the sons of the first man or god, called Pacha ; these not having whom to subdue, went to war with a great serpent, who, being wounded by arrows, revenged itself by vomiting so much water as to deluge the earth : that Pacha, with his three sons and their wives, built a dwelling on the summit of Pichincha, wherein was put animals and food : after many days, a ullaguanga (a bird like a raven) was put out, which did not return, having remained behind to feed on dead animals : another bird was sent, which returned with green leaves : that Pacha descended from the mountain with his family to where Quito now stands, and whilst building a home, they could not understand each other's language ; they separated with their wives, locating in different parts of the country. The history of the same tradition is also said to have occurred in another place from w^hence their fathers came, which was by sea to Cara ; and they explain this, that some of them were descendants of the primitive Quitus, others from the strangers who first established themselves in Cara. Cuzco. — The tradition of the Inca tribes or Peruvians, of a dehifre, was as follows : all mankind was drowned, except a few whom the sun hid on an island in lake Titicaca, or in the cave of Pacaritambo ; after a time a Yiracocha or grand personage, came forth with his family, when, after having built Tiaguanaco, went to Cuzco, and then the human race multiplied again. PACHACAiiAC (Lima). Those of this district (the subjects of the Curys-mancu) and neighbouring ones, many centuries ere they were conquered by the Incas, had the tradition that there had been a deluge of rain and the earth was submerged, except the top of a high moun- tain, where a few people built a house, with windows high above the ground, and well secured, storing it with animals and food : after it had rained for a long time, two dogs were put out, these returning wet and not covered with mud, showed that the waters had not subsided : some time afterwards, two other dogs were sent, these returned dry ; this showed that the waters had subsided. The inmates of the house on the mountain descended and commenced re-peopling the earth. There is a general idea that nearly all the nations of South America have traditions of a deluge. An examination of the various accounts leads me to think that the hand of the Spanish priests can be seen in the arrangement of these deluges, taking as the original that of Noah, or, as Prescott says, the story of the deluge is told by different writers 222 with many variations, in some of which it is not difficult to detect the plastic hand of the Christian convert. CONCLUSIOIS". I now offer some remarks upon what is likely to be the fate of the Ked man of the new world, which does not present anything cheering ; also, some observations on the present populations of the South American republics, and their system of government. Mexico. — Yon Tempsky^ speaks thus of the Indians of Mitla (vale of the dead) and its ruins : The faces of the idols are true types of the spirit of Indian religion, — awful, terrible, and hideous countenances, calculated to influence their worshippers with fear, the only feeling an Indian acknowledges. Nearly all the American Indians sacrifice but to power of darkness ; the good spirits, they think, need not be propitiated, so they pay reverence but to the one they fear. Unhappy, ill-fated America ! how all thy children seem to have been doomed to fall, until they are fast disappearing from the face of the earth. They first built altars to their own bloody gods, and were afterwards dragged before similar tribunals the white man brought from the east ; and now the powerful vices and diseases of Europe are raging amongst these helpless creatures. Such fate befalling whole races, nations that were numbered by millions ! is awful to contemplate. Squier- tell us that the conquest of Nicaragua was effected with no less violence than that of Mexico and Peru ; ship loads were annually taken to Panama and Peru, and sold there. Las Casas says, half a million Indians perished in the wars of the conquest. . . . The present quiet of the Indian may be that of the slumbering volcano, and its continuance may depend very much on the judicious encouragement of white emigration from the United States and Europe. The foregoing remarks, which express my own feelings, and over which I have often pondered, with some experience of the Indian both in North and in South America, open a painful field of enquiry. "We are accustomed to brand the name of the Conquistadores as murderers and robbers, but had the handful of men who made these wonderful conquests been of any other nation, the chances are that history would have had to chronicle very nearly the same results. Oppression causes » " Mitla," in 1843-55. - Trans. Amer. Ethno, Soc, 1853: I 223 resistence ; and this is met by fresh efforts of power ; and, as the white man, although numerically so far inferior to the red, yet he had arms of steel and the commaud^of gunpowder, moreover, well trained warriors in the science of European warfare. The Eed man in the United States is still an enemy to be feared ; and should political difficulties occur between the North and South, the Indian might join one side or the other, or even oppose both ; the slave might even join the Eed man ; for awhile the scalping knife and toma- hawk would have severe vengeance ; then would come the retaliation of the white man, and the unerring rifle would take fearful retribution, and the consequences be fatal to the Indian and negro. It is very difficult to even semi-civilize the Eed Man ; you may modify his religious and moral ideas to some extent, but he is adverse to change from the hunter to the farmer ; he loves to roam over his prairies, he hates the subjection of cities ; he has occupation enough for his wants in the wilderness, and he becomes bewildered and uneasy in community with the white man. Thus he remains in the savage state, warring with his own race or revenging himself on the white in- truder. The mixed population of Spaniard, Indian and Xegro, in Mexico, drove the old Spanish government from that country : since then, civil wars have succeeded. Not long since, we saw citizens of the United States, "revelling in the halls of the Montezumas ;" and ere long, the more judicious of the Mexican people may find it suit them to federate with the United States Another point. It is well known that in the Eepublic of Guate- mala, although the European press eulogized the important and scho- lastic work of Don M. M. de Morentin, " Estudios Eilologicos ; Dificultades Principales de la Lengua Espanola." This work has been declared by the Padres Jesuitas there, " to be prejudicial to youth and highly scandalous and heretical." This censure was given in consequence, that in the said work they found the celebrated compo- sition, in verse, of the " Ejercicios de San Ignacio, 6 la Penitencia de los Teatinos," and other select pieces which gave some particulars of the history of the " meek" followers of Loyola. Yeistezuela AiSTD New Gtea^stada. — In this region much of the Indian element is subjected ; still there is a large proportion in the savage state, but broken up into small tribes ; thus there is but little union, and, whilst they remain so, they are powerless. The Spaniards did what the English and some other nations refrained from: namely, that he married the native woman, and subsequently 224 the negro was introduced,^ producing mixed races ; these assisted in upsetting Spanish despotism in several of the colonies. Hepublics have been the result, but these have generally been governed by military chiefs, and with few exceptions civil war has continued to rage in these States — thus putting themselves in the position of becoming a prey to any powerful foreign invader ; and, secondly, the Indians might join such to revenge themselves on their present rulers ; then the Indian in his turn would in all probability get into difficulties with the foreigners. Komanism is the religion of New Granada (as in all the South American States), but a late President there confessed to me his bias for Protestantism — his enmity to the Jesuits — and his wish to have the religion of the Bible in his country. Eqtjadoe.^ — The Indians of Cuenca and all those of Equador speaking Quichua, have changed but little since Pizarro's invasion. They are aware that they have been the lords of the country ; and they are often heard to say, that if they steal anything belonging to a w^hite man they are not guilty of theft, because they are taking what originally belonged to them. That the Indians entertain a hope of freeing themselves from their oppressors, by " driving them into the sea," seems to be a well-established fact. "Whether they are sufficiently united to act in concert for carrying out their plan is difficult to determine ; but it has been ascertained that there is an alliance between all the Indians speaking Quichua, called Los Gentiles by the Spaniards, and the more barbarous tribes living in the fastnesses of the primeval forests. Should they persevere in their intention, they will find it every day more easy, unless the face of the interior of Equador and P-sru is greatly altered ; for the white and mixed population since immigration has ceased, or at least been less numerous, is decreasing ; while the Indians, wherever they have kept themselves free from in- termixture with other races, are steadily increasing. Equador presents a vast field for enterprise, and if the tide of emigration which has now set in with such force towards North America and Australia, could be directed somewhat to Equador, the political and social condition of the country would be altei-ed in a short space of time. It is now so thinly peopled, and inhabited by so limited a number of whites, that about 12,000 immigrants would effect surprising changes. They would not only exercise a most salutary influence npon the elections, by 1 In 1859, there were fearful negro insurrections in Yenezuela, a war of race and colour. A judge was assassinated, " Seemann Yojage of " Herakl." 225 placing the Supreme power in the hands of superior men, and they would have no difficulty in^keeping in order the negroes and Zainboes of Guayaquil, the chief promoters of most of the revolutions that have disgraced the annals ef this republic. Peru. — Here civil war has repeatedly been on an extensive scale ; also serious doings with its neighbours, Quito and Bolivia. Tlie mixed element of White, Indian and Negro, has great difficulty in settling down. Should the Anglo-American element in particular find it at any time convenient to locate — say on the Amazons — ami get the Indian to assist, the result is not very problematical as to who will become masters of the country. The following is from the " Spirit of the Times," New York paper, of August 1851;, as regards Huacho in Peru. In no better place can be studied the various traces of the Spani>h, Indian, and negro admixtures, for although the Indian trace predomi- nates, the cunning mestizo, and zambo occupy a marked proportion. The head belongs to the pyramidal type, somewhat rounded by the oval of the European, or distorted by the maxillary peculiarity of the African. A pretty mestiza face may sometimes be seen — the hair is ever black, the eye ever soft and melancholy, the skin pleasingly bronzed, and the teeth as perfect as health and assiduous care can make them. A single drop of Indian blood contains the elements of all that is, ossifically, perfect, so that our pretty creole girl will have the smallest hand and foot, the neatest figure, if not too adipose, and among the crania that fell to my lot (taken from an Indian huaca), I have yet to find caries of a single tooth. Many huacas (the ancient receptacles for the s}Tnbols of life and death, rather than the mere graves of the dead), are scattered over the vale. It is said that the Indians object to opening them. And it is thought — moving fact — that even after so many years of captivity, the patient Quichuas still indulge the hope of an ultimate political regeneration — hence, their sacred care and jealousy of relics. Bolivia. — This is a very rich country, the seat of gold and silver mountains, with mighty streams wending their way to the Atlantic. I have heard from the lips of an ex-president, that he had quelled more than thirty revolutions in seven years.i Here the romanized Indian is almost the slave still. The Indian is still powerful in this country ; aad he has not forgotten the bloody acts of the times of the Pizarros, or the 1 In 1859, the repubhc of Mexico had been in existence thii-ty-cight years ; during which time there had been fifty-six changes of government, nearly all produced by revolutions. 226 severe punishments inflicted both in this country and Peru, when he has risen against the Spaniards. It would not require a large foreign force to steam up the Amazons and its tributaries, and " settle " most advantageously portions of Equador, Peru and Bolivia. Aegeittine Peoyinces. — Here we have the old story of civil war, and the unfortunate consequences of the facility of arriviog at supreme power. Lately one of the republican chiefs was assisted by a large body of Pampa Indians to settle his differences with Buenos Ayres. Chile. — Has had its civil wars and turmoils ; but here we have an industrious people much given to agriculture and mining ; the great majority being occupied with more important affairs than the eternal and fatal " politic a," and are progressing in a wonderful manner. The European element has increased very much in Chile — not the Spanish, but English, G-erman, Erench, also North American, many of whom have married Chilenas. The son of an Englishman, by a Chilian mother, has been a minister of finance ; many others of such descent, having government appointments, are in the army and navy ; others occupied in commerce, mining, &c.; and it is a curious question to speculate upon the part this new race may play. In the south of Chile, the Araucanos and confederated tribes require to be cautiously dwelt with. It is in contemplation to invite European emigration on a large scale into Arauco, which, if accomplished with sufficient numbers, as it must to protect itself against the Indians, who will oppose as long as possible, but his weakened numbers in the end will be driven into the Andean fastnesses, where it will not rapidly increase ; and, if they attempt to descend into the Pampas, they will meet with fresh enemies in the Buenos Ayrians. Looking at the various forms of government (as an Englishman), I see no better, for the practical afiairs of life, than a constitutional monarchy, such as Britain may boast of, " Liberte, fraternite, egalite," is a mere banner, unfurled to suit the artful demagogue; who, when placed in power, becomes the despot, as we see if we look about us. Ear be it from me to recommend monarchy to republican South America ; but perhaps the best political move they can make is to patronize for their presidents civilians, and not military men. I>. Lane, Printer, 43, Lamb's Conduit-street, W.C. APPENDIX. Abstract of First Series of observations on the Oeograpliy of SoufJiern Peru^ including Sitrvey of the Province of Tarapacd and route to Chile by the coast of the Desert of Atacama. By \V. Bollaert, r.R.Gr.S. (^From Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. XXI., 1S51, with Map.) Leatin'G England, visiting Buenos Ayres, being some days with the Indians of Tierra del Fuego, and rounding Cape liorii, I made an inter- esting tour through some of the Gold, Silver and Copper ]\rining districts of Chile; including an examination of the coast of Concepciou for coal, which was found at various spots and is of a tertiary formation. In concert with my friend Mr. George Smith of Iquique, the island of Quiriquina was carefully surveyed ; its geological formation at surface is sandstone debris containing coal ; then follow shistose rocks. I then steered my course north to Peru in the month of December (the summer of this region), with the usual southerly wind, which, during the night, veers towards the land, forming the terral or cool breeze from the Andes ; thus, depressing the temperature of the air, dew is formed, and, as but little falls on the land, will account in some measure for the arid and desert character of the coast of Peru. In winter, namely from May to July, the winds are from the north, the air is charged with much vapour, called garua, camauchaca, cerazon, and Llovizna, enveloping the mountains of the coast, and where an occasional cactus and a few bulbous plants appear. This period is known as the Tiempo de Plores, when Ihuanacos may be seen roaming about these elevated flower spots in the desert. A residence of some years in Southern Peru, particularly in the province of Tarapaca, commencing in 1826, during which time I was engaged at the celebrated mines of Huantajaya, afforded me the opportunity of examining this but little frequented portion of Peru. As Arica is approached, barren undulating land is seen, and in the rear, ranges of rocky sterile mountains, and further east, in the back ground, peaks of the Andes towering majestically above all. Aeica.— Allaround is a desert, save where the stream may run ; this gives rise to vegetation, increased by irrigation and guano; the principal productions are cotton, wine, aji or red pepper, oil, maize, fruits and vegetables. The rock of the country is porphyritic ; in the hollows and plains there is much debris and saliferous matters. As to its ancient history, Acosta says, " lea and Arica sailed westward thither upon sea-wolves skins, blown up like bladders." A desert route of thirty-five miles brings one to Tacua, a pleasant and pretty town, 1800 feet above the sea, and supplied with water by a 234 fair stream, originating In the Andes. Earthquakes are common In this district, and the ruins of houses and walls bear witness to this agency. As it seldom or ever rains in these latitudes, and there being no vege- tation, the surface of the country has remained desert, and may do so for ages, in the same state. The mean temperature of Tacua is 64° F. Tacora, east of this, is volcanic, capped with snow and 19,000 feet above the sea. At Santa E,osa de Chaca, gray copper is found in abun- dance. I ^jIsLAT. — This port is about 100 miles north of Arica, and, although in a desert, has, since 1827, superseded Quilca, being free from terciana or ague, in consequence of there being no water in the vicinity but that which is conveyed to it by an aqueduct. • The track, from Islay to Arequipa is, first, over stones mixed with sand and white volcanic ashes ; water is met vvdth, at the olive grove of Guerrero : then, up a ravine which runs through the mountains of the coast, to the great Pampa, an elevated desert plain, 3000 feet above the sea, covered with sand and volcanic dust ; bounded on the west by the mountains of tlie coast, and on the east, by the Andes, with the volcano of Arequipa as a landmark, generally emitting smoke. In these desert plains are seen the Medanos, or moving semi-circular sand hills, the concavity generally towards the north, on account of the winds being from the south. In case of heavy winds these Medanos shift and are blown about, and travellers have been overwhelmed and lost in them. They are of all sizes, from that of an ant-hill, to hundreds of feet. Here the mirage is seen in great perfection. It is burning hot during the day, and at times very cold at night. Having passed the Pampa, a distance of thirty miles is gone over, composed of volcanic rocks, sandstone, and here and there a little dark granite, and their debris, when the vineyards of Tiabaya appear ; and a few miles further is Arequipa, at the base of the volcano anciently called Misti. Arequipa is a most picturesque city, first visited by the Spaniards in 1533, and founded by Pizarro in 1539. It is some sixty miles from the sea, and may contain 50,000 inhabi- tants. According to Haenke, who visited the summit of the volcano in 1794, the circumference of the principal crater was about 1380 English feet ; a second crater was 440 feet in its largest part, and 120 in its least. Mr. Peutland makes the elevation of the volcano of Arequipa 18,300 feet, and the city 7,788 feet above the sea. JSTearly the whole of the year, the summit of the volcano is covered with snow. All around is composed of lava and ashes. Arequipa has often been visited by earthquakes ; those of 1582, 1600, 1604, 1660, 1667, 1687, 1715, 1725," 1738, 1784, 1785, may be particu- larised from their ruinous efiects. In 1667 there was a violent eruption of the volcano of Arequipa. (xarcilasso speaks of an eruption (probably of the volcano of Are- quipa), when it rained ashes for twenty days, the ashes being found in places one-and-a-half yards thick. 235 In February, 1600, there was a great eruption of tlio volcano of Ornate, south-east of Are^iipa (probably the Uvinas of Pentlaiul), accompaiiied b}^ severe earthquakes, whicli destroyed many villa<^n'S witli their inhabitants ; ashes were carried to 'd its manu- facture INTO Kefined. — Section of Nitrate ground at La Noria, descending, I. Costra, or crust, composed of earthy matters, angular pieces of rock, salt, and other saline matters, about two feet thick. II. Caliche, granular layers of Nitrate of Soda, containing salt, other saline and earthy substances, and angular pieces of stone, to live feet thick, often accompanied w^ith much Grlauberite, (Sulphate of Soda) some Pickeringite (magnesian alum) mixed with earthy matters, as silica, alumina, carbonate and sulphate of lime ; also. Iodine, Bromine, Chrome and Boracic acid mineral. III. Coba is the general loose earthy covering to the Silico-calcareous and porphyritic rocks, and here at the Noria the Borate is found in nodules, from the size of a pea, to two feet in diameter. In some parts of the Coba the borate is seen in thin striaB with sulphate of lime. In this region, it appears to me, that salt and other saline matters, including boracic salts, have been formed in the Andes, and brought down by streams and percolation. (The almost pure chloride of sodium on the mountains of the coast, I have supposed to be mainly indebted to the salt-vapours of the ocean) There is scarcely a trace of organic matter in the soil, to afford nitrogen to change the salt into nitrate. Ought we not rather look to the atmosphere for nitrogen, and the various chemical changes resulting from solar heat, dews, and occa- sional slight rains. The salt of the Salares is a mixture of various saline substances; and, as there is abundance of calcareous minerals, the nitrogen of the air may give rise to nitrate of lime, then the change v.ill be as follows : 266 Nitrate of Soda. Nit. Acid. Sodium Oxygen. Nitrate of Lime. Lime. Chlorine. Hydrogen. Chloride of Sodium. Water, Chloride of Calcium, or Muriate of Lime. The Saliteros say that one may almost see the salt of the Salares transformed into nitrate- A Salitero observed to me that he could not tell where the salt came from, but he believed the nitrate was formed by light rains trickling through saline and earthy matters, turning the salt into nitrate. Some caliches when quarried are called green, and on exposure to the air ripens, yielding the nitrate more easily. Sometimes the salt and caliche has a yellow, pink or green colour, caused, I think, from chrome, iodine and bromine. Manueactuee of Nitrate trom Caliche. — The nitrate grounds are known to be on the edges of the salares and rising ground : at the Woria water is within a foot of the salar. There are some nitrate grounds without any apparent salar, and where water is now thirty to forty yards deep, and even deeper ; but salt has been there to form the nitrate. Having Cateado, hunted for, and found the nitrate ground, habitations are built of salt from the salar, wells are dug, the water being extracted by Norias ; paradas or iron boilers in pairs are fixed ; depositos or settling tubs ; bateas of iron or wood as crystallizers ; tubs for mother liquor ; provisions for the people and food for animals. The salitero or refiner can now commence operations, having, however, previously obtained legally his estacas of 200 square yards. Some manage to become possessors of very large tracks of nitrate grounds. The Salitero now directs his barretero or quarryman to make open- ings with a heavy iron bar, increasing in width at bottom, through the costra and caliche to the coba ; this is the tasa or cup into which is put from one to fifteen hundred weight of very rough powder (made from nitrate of soda, and sulphur from the volcano of Isluga), the upper part being well rammed with loose earth ; these are called Bombones, and are exploded, which loosens the earth and turns it up. The irregular masses of caliche are broken into large lumps, collected out of the loose mass and conveyed in panniers by asses to the oficina or refinery ; here the large pieces are broken into smaller by the Asen- drador and thrown into the boiler, to which, when nearly full, water is added, and the boiling commences, more caliche being added at inter- 267 vals. In about seven or eight hours the saturated ])oiling point of tlie liquid has attained a temperature of 2-10' F., when the mother-waters are added. The boiler-man now removes with a shovel the borra or salt that has been precipitated, aud earthy matters separated and sub- sided to the bottom of the boiler. The sohition is bucketed out into the deposito, where a further quantity of earthy matter, the liipia, goes down, leaving a clear solution, which is then run into coolers, wli(?re crystallization takes place, producing salitre or reiincd nitrate of soda, which is shovelled out of the bateas, and the sun's heat soon dries it. It is now bagged and sent to the coast for shipment The best relined nitrate was found to be composed of water, 0.11 ; salt, 1.84 ; sulphate of soda, 0.35 ; nitrate of soda, 97.70=100,00. This nitrate trade employs nearly all the people in the province, about 12,000, exclusive of foreigners and Chinese labourers. The exports are now 01,000 tons annually, and could be increased to any extent, as the nitrate grounds are inexhaustible. Messrs. George Smith and Co. have been using large boilers, and of more scientific construction, with advantage, they also have conmienced boiling by steam. The fuel used is the tamarugo and algarobo trees, these are getting very scarce, thus much English and Chile coal is also resorted to. This nitrate of soda has been known about a century. It was dis- covered by a woodcutter, named Negreros, in the Pampa de Tamarugal, by his having made a fire at the spot that still preserves his name, the ground began to melt and run like a stream, the melted substance was examined and found to be nitrate of soda. About 1794, the German mineralogist, Haenke, was sent to the pro- vince to teach the method of its extraction and turn it into nitrate of potash for gunpow^der, which it is said he did, by adding to it a solution or ley prepared from burnt cactus, which contains 8 per cent, of pot- ash. Caliche was subsequently sent to Concepcion, in Chile, to be turned into nitre, but wdth little success. In my first series I have given some particulars as to the history of nitrate and its varieties, also that it contained chrome and iodine. Of chrome it is in very small quantities, but as to the iodine, Ulex, of Hamburg, got six-tenths per cent, out of a mixture of caliches. Hayes, of New York, the same. Ulex obtained one-half to one per cent, from the mother-waters. 1 suspect that in some varieties the per centage of iodine is greater than given by Ulex. Sea-water only contains one-millionth part of iodine ; that found in the nitrate has its origin, I conceive, from mineral iodides and iodates. When the caliche has a yellow or orange colour, it is called azufrado and canario. The mother-waters at Negreros are some- times blood red. I once supposed that this colour was owing to iodine, 1 now think it is from Chrome. Bromine has been found in the caliches. About 1853, several vessels were sent to the west coast of Africa, in the hope of being able to ship nitrate of soda, but the saliue matter t2 268 met with there proved to be salt. The vicinity of the Dead Sea has been examined for nitrates, but none as vet found. -Nitrate of soda is well known as a fertilizer, and is used extensively in the arts. It has been converted into nitrate of potash for the gun- powder makers, but its employment has not been patronised in con- sequence, it is said, of its deliquescence. I am informed that pure nitrate of soda is not deliquescent— is it that such property is owing to chloride of calcium, the imported nitrate always contains ? Test foe Nitrate of Soda. — The cateador or caliche-hunter easily distinguishes nitrate by the taste, which is bitter and cooling ; salt is merely saline. A delicate test is the following, which will show if there be only 2 per cent. : — i\.dd sulphuric acid to a portion in a tube, when, if nitrate be present, red fumes will appear. Salts of soda are distin- guished from salts of potash, the soda giving no precipitate with muriate of platina. Hofstetter is said to have found 0.43 nitrate of potash in a sample of refined nitrate from Tarapaca. Nitrate of Potash. Ecuador or Quito. — In the province of Imbabura, at Ibarra, thirty leagues from the port of Pailon, I examined from this locality saline matters extracted from surface soil containing much nitrate of potash. I am not prepared to say if this nitrate of potash exists in great quantities ; and, until a road is made from Ibarra to the Pailon, it could not be exported. Salts of potash, it would seem ,are rare in South America ; and the principal reason why nitrate of potash is not found in any quantity, as in India, is the scarcity, I suppose, of potash-^delding rocks. It is a practical remark, that the production of nitrate of potash is greatest during the prevalence of hot winds. There are continual scorching winds blowing over the great nitrate of soda region in Peru. ; and, without entering into the question of nitrification, I may observe, that salts of lime are generally present in the surface formations of nitrate of potash in India, and in the nitrate of soda of Peru. Near Lima, a small portion of nitrate of potash is procured, by washing the earth from ancient Indian graves. New Boracic Acid Mineral. — I have already said, that Mr. George Smith may be called the discoverer of this valuable substance. I give further on a resume of Professor Raimundi's report, with his analysis of several varieties. I will now give some details of my own examina- tion of the Pampa de Tamarugal, where it principally exists, and in large quantities. At page 159 of this work, I make general reference to the borate. Visit to the Borate Towis^s. — Mr. Grirdwood, formerly a pupil of Br. Percy, and chemist to Mr. Smith's establishment, accompanied me on this trip, and to whom I am indebted for valuable suggestions and assistance. Leaving the Noria and ascending the steep side of its hollow, our course lay east by south, over undulating country, between high moun- tains, some giving off very large quantities of detritus : descending a ravine, and approaching the Pampa de Tamarugal, we came upon nitrate 2Gi) caliches at the Rinconada, and descendhig a little lower, an extensive sakr is entered, having on its west margin considerable tracts of nitrate caliches. A IW. taniarugo^ and algarbo- trees are seen ; but, excepting these, a salt desert and arid plain occupies the fore ground, and far away to the east are the mighty Andes. On the eastern margin of the Salar in particular, as well as in it, and where the ground is free from salt, there the borate is first met with, in some places, from the surface to three feet below it. We progressed along an old dry watercourse (free from salt) into the Tisas or borate towns, at 3,200 feet ; the sky was very clear and blue, and the sun intensely hot. We visited the two small villages, built of salt ; around them excavating and collecting the borate was going on to some extent, -although against the orders of government, and conveyed by unfre- quented tracks to the coast, and smuggled ofl". Some few persons have been allowed occasionally to ship small parcels, but up to the present time (1860), the extraction of the borate has not been permitted, although its exportation would be beneficial to the province, and the substance of great use in the Arts in Europe. The borate ground is generally flat, and the surface free from salt, the mineral making its appearance in uneven nodules of all sizes, but generally that of a large potato (one was found at the Xoria weighing fifty pounds) . The nodules are sparely or plentifully imbedded in a now dry saline mud ; however, in some places, this saline mud is damp and even wet, from its proximity to the water of percolation of the Pampa. This water doubtless plays an important part in the forma tion of the borate. Much glauberite, in large and small crystals, is found at times combined with the borate, as well as separate.'^ Some- times the ground or strati is made up entirely of borate. This is the general position of the mineral, having water not far ofl' below ; and 1 cannot help thinking that surface waters in particular have brought saline matlers from the Andes into the IPampa, and with boracic salts ; in the Pampa they have found lime and soda, which has given rise to the present borate of lime and soda formation. Independently of the surface water, brought down from the Andes through the numberless ravines that run into the Pampa, there is always some portion percolating into and through the Pampa, as seen in the hollows of the mountains of the coast, near the surface at Cocina, and found at 700 feet deep in the mines of Huantajaya. ^ Raimundi says it is a Prosopis, or it may be a new genus. 2 Prosopis dulois. Seemaun calls the algarobo of Panama, Hymenaea splondida ; that of Peru, Prosopis horrida ; that of Chile, P. siliquastrum. In Tarapaca the Tamarugo is sometimes called AlgarobiUa ; its pods are rouud, one to two inclies long. The pods of tlie Algarobo are eight to nine inches long, and contain saccharine matter. The Tara is of the family of Mimosa, it yields much tannin, tlie pods are flat. 3 Millo or Pickeringite, (raagnesian alum,) is found in the mountains of the Pintados, in veins traversing the rocks there, the vohis from throe to live ftfct thick, white and some pale yellow (probably froju chrome). 270 In working the borate grounds, the boratero has merely to open a hole iu the soft surface of the ground, and commence immediately picking out the nodules of borate and bag them, the substance being ready for transit to the coast and exportation. This requires little or no capital, whereas quarrying and refining nitrate of soda is a serious matter on the score of outlay. Up to March, 1854, some 10,000 quintals had been extracted, selling in England for about £30 per ton. Dr. Philippi, during his investigations in the desert of Atacama, in 1853, did not observe any borate, but much salt and a little carbonate of soda ; a friend of mine gave me a specimen said to have come from near Calama, in the northern part of the desert. I have examined several saline materials from that region, but salt and sulphate of lime have predominated : no nitrate of soda has yet been brought from there, although it is said by some to exist. Absteact of Peofessoes Eaimtjndi at^d Maeiani's Eepoet to THE Peetjvian GovEENMEisT. — The result of our labours is, that the pure borate of lime is found in only few places, as in the E-inconada, Cabreria, Tronco, and between the oficinas of Independencia and Colombia. The borate found under the salitres is accompanied by glauberite. The white pasty substance found in many places, particu- larly at the Pascana del Tronco, as also in nearly all the spots covered with grama grass, is not borate, but a mixture of sulphates of lime and soda and salt.. The substance collected near the Aguada del Sur, has no value. Borate from Cabreria and Einconada, gave 42.20 per cent, boracic acid. From the Pascana of Pedro Castro, 21.25, is of a yellowish colour (probably from chrome) ; a white matter from Tronco, Challa- pozo, and Challapozito, borate of lime, 5 per cent. White matter from Aguada del Sur, no borate, principally sulphate of lime ; but, one league distant, good borate is met with. At the Puquios of Quilliagulf is a Poly halite, composed of sulphates of lime, magnesia and potash, with salt. The salt found near Matilla, called San Sebastian, is Thenardite. Under the calichales of ChaUa, there is much glauberite. In Zapiga, under the nitrate, borate is met with, containing borate of lime, 35.17 ; borate of soda, 20.21. Borate, between Independencia and Colombia, contains 43.139 boracic acid. At page 159 I give Mr. Dick's analysis of a fine specimen of borate. Mr. Greorge Smith made borax from it in Iquique. He sent borate to the United States, where it was examined by Hayes, and obtained the name of Hayescine. Test foe Boeate : — When in small quantities, macerate in alcohol, adding a little sulphuric acid ; evaporate the solution, in firing it, and, if there be the merest trace of boracic acid, it will colour the flame green. Notes of journey from La Noria, in the months of January and February, to the mines of Tabricoya, in the Andes. Towards the east-north-east, in the mountains of the Noria, are some small water-courses, caused by garuas, which play a part iu forming nitrate from salts. 271 There is an old silver mine at summit of ravine of Los Pasos. An algarobo was planted in the amalgamating works of Kivero, at La Tirana, about 1828. It is now a fine tree, 25 feet higli and U yards in circumference, and has its pods. I took some resin from it. ("in the patio of Dr. Bokenham's house, in Tarapaca, is a very old algaroljo, GO to 70 feet high, measuring 6 feet in girth ; a light pinkish juice exudes, which, on exposure, becomes black ; this is a gum, bitter and wholly soluble in water ; sulphate of iron discolours the solution, showing it to contain tannin.) La Tirana is pestered with the viuchuca (Conorhinus, sex turburculatus), or black bug of the Pampas. Not long since, an Indian was laid out for dead and put into a vard, during the night, the vinchucas sucked a large quantity of blood out of the body, he revived, and was living in 1854. In 1827, I found the water of the wells at La Tirana to be s.g. 1,001G5 temperature 70° ; in 1854, 1000,92, temperature 76°. February 6th, the air at 6 a.m., 47°, exposed in the belfry of the church to the cold terral from the east ; in the village, 52° : water in the wells, 68° : soil alluvial and in layers. Three leagues east-south-east from La Tirana, is Digoy's farm of Challa ; the track is through trees and salt calichales ; the salt looks as if a foaming saturated sea had been suddenly stopped. This appearance has been produced by capillary action, as water is near the surface. The water at present is but slightly saline, but increases in saltness to the west. Juri and Santana are similar farms in this salt desert ; they are known as Chacras sin riego, and the manner of bringing them into cultivation is curious. The saline matters, two feet thick, are removed and used as walls, this brings the soil down to within a foot or so of water, when maize, wheat, vegetables, &c. are grown. Macata, 6270 feet — Here is much pink and white mesotype. 6 a.m., air, 50° ; 7 p.m., 59°. Hot springs, 100°. Chuca, or carbonate of soda on the margin of streams. G-ypsum abundant, but no salt. Passed the silver mines of Jauja,i on the way to the mines of Tabri- coya. 5 a.m., February 1, air, 42° ; 6 a.m., 41° ; noon, 55°. In the sun, 70° ; 1 p.m. in the sun, 75°. These mines were first worked for silver, but at present only copper is sought for. The ores consist of oxides, arsenurets and sulphurets. The arsenuret gave copper, 20.70. The summit of the mountain of Tabricoya is 13,480 feet. Mamika, 5,980 feet ; the hot springs, 130° to 131°, containing much sulphureted hydrogen, s. g. 999*95, temp. 78°. Visited copper mines of the Inca, they are about 11,000 feet above the sea. Prom Mamiiiia are seen the silver mines of Quinquina. JoTJENEY FEOM Iquique TO Tarapaca, Ij^ Pebruaet. — At the La Pena Oficina, 8452 feet, some of the nitrate grounds are free from salt. Tarapaca, February 26th, 6 a.m., 58°; 9 a.m., 73°; noon 77°; in ^ The name of l^hia mine has inadvertently been placed in the large Map (Gcogr. Soc. Journal, 1851,) in the valley of Mani. 272 the Sim, 98°; 4 p.m., 80° in a room, with stronjy breeze blowing from S.W. ; midnight, 71°, and calm. Tarapacd is 4796 feet above the sea, and up to the top of the ravine, 3000 feet more ; the latter part hope- lessly barren, and where, perhaps, vegetation has never existed ; the rock is porphyritic. March 9. — llebellion in the town. The Outs turned the Ins out ; two killed, some wounded, many imprisoned; others fled. In the midst of the firing and killing at 5.27 p.m., severe shock of an earth- quake, continued at intervals seven minutes. Some days afterwards, the party in power entered Iquique, when there was a repetition of killing, wounding, imprisoning and running away. The earthquake above mentioned was felt all over the province. And the fight in Tarapaca was called " La Batalla del Temblor ;" that of Iquique, " Batalla de los Asesinos," when a fellow, named Legay, shot the Grovernor, Don Isidro Marquez, and took command of the place. Chile. — When I first wrote on matters connected with Peru and Chile, I intimated that when readier means of transit presented themselves, the desert coast of Peru and the northern portion of the coasts of Chile would be carefully examined, valuable mines, &c. discovered. We see what a considerable trade the nitrate of soda is, and that of borax must soon be important ; old mines will be re-worked and new ones opened. The coast of Bolivia begins to share in this march of progress, it has its copper mines. Continuing south we come to the Bay of Mejillones, to which of late the Chilenos assert their right of terri- tory. Here is a locality known as the Chimba, in the centre of the Peninsula, formed by Morro Mejillones and Morro Moreno, worthy of a visit by the Cateadores for gold in particular. Since I journied along this coast in 1828-9, important copper mines have been discovered and worked ; at that period I was benighted and lost with a tired mule, and had to lay myself down on a sandy solitary plain till day-light ; that desolate spot now boasts of the flourishing port and town of Cai.dera in 27° 20' S. The port is secure and almost land-locked. It has a mole, to which steamers and vessels come alongside. The town is built on sandy ridges ; there is no water except that produced by distillation from the ocean or brought by rail from Copiapo. The river is but a small stream (anciently called Mamoas) used for irrigation, which consumes all the water at about ten miles from the town of Copiapo ; the whole stream could be contained in a channel five or six yards wide to two deep. A railway connects Copiapo with the port of Caldera, its length is 50 miles, and an electric telegraph is forming ; beyond Copiapo it extends 25 miles further to Pabellon ; another railwav is in course of construction to the mines of Tres Puntas, about 75 miles in lenerth ; 273 and Mr. AVheelwright is now projecting a railway from Copiapo across the Andes into the pampas of Bueuos Ayres. CopiAro, the capital ofThe Province of Atacama, in Chile, is 1213 feet above the sea. In the town, its vicinity, and valley, there are fifteen large amalgamating establishments worked by water power, each extracting silver from five tons of ore every twenty-four hours. At Copiapo and within a distance of twelve miles above it, there are four copper smelting works, with fourteen furnaces ; and in the port of Caldera there are four works, with twenty-six furnaces. These smelt with English coal principally. There is a German establishment at Copiapo, with five furnaces for smelting silver Relaves, or the earthy matter remaining from the silver ores after amalgamation ; this refuse always contains a portion of silver which has escaped amalgamation, particularly the sulphuret. Copiapo has four churches, a hospital and theatre. The town is lighted with gas. The Protestants have a cemetery adjoining the Catholic burial-place, in the latter are some good marble monuments, executed in Europe. In the principal square is a fountain, with a statue of Juan Godoy, the discoverer of the great mineral wealth of Chanarcillo, in 1832, which produced, in ten years, twelve millions of dollars. The town is situated in a narrow valley, surrounded by arid mountains, in which abound mines of gold, silver and copper ; lead, iron, bismuth, antimony, cobalt, arsenic and quicksilver are also met with. There are 235 mines of silver, 14 of copper and 6 of gold in this department. There is a promenade near the town, planted with sauces, (willow) and where a band of Italian musicians occasionally perform. Earthquakes are of common occurrence; the town has been destroyed several times, and the inhabitants are always prepared to witness a similar visitation. October 5th, 1859, at 8 a.m., commenced a series of violent shocks, continuing for some days; there were 116 shocks in twenty-four hours, and the sea receded twenty-three feet at Caldera. The valley of Copiapo has rather an inconvenient neighbour, viz. : the valley of Paypote, which comes direct from the Cordillera ; in its run of sixty leagues, it takes in the waters of man>*ravines, and, were rain at all continuous, Copiapo would be washed away ; in 1S32, the water of Aveuidas reached the sea. Copiapo is healthy ; in summer it is ver}'' hot during the day, but cool after sun-set ; in winter there is a dry bracing air, and a slight frost has been seen early in the morning. Eain falls once or twice a-year in the winter, but for a few hours only. The want of rain prevents the growth of vegetation, and, except on lands watered by the river, not a tree, bush, or blade of grass is to be seen. The hills are bare rocks, having occasional patches of fine sand. The atmosphere is clear and the sky cloudless the greater part of the year. A planet has been seen shining brightly at 1 p.m. 274 The houses are mostly built of adobe ; (mud and straw sun-dried) the roofs of same material. The Intendente La Euente, in his "Memoria," 1854, says, the Province of Atacama in Chile is composed of the departments of Copiapo and Huasco. HuASCO has the city of same name and district of Ballinary,^ and the town of Freirina ; the former is divided into eight sub-delegations, with 15,000 inhabitants. Ereirina has six sub-delegations and 10,000 inhabitants. Copiapo has seventeen sub-delegations, and 40,000 inhabitants. In 1828, there were 4000 souls in the valley of Copiapo. In 1712, only 900 souls. Copiapo and Huasco exported from 1851 to 1853, or two years and four months, 14,120,548 dollars in silver and copper. The mine of Buena Esperanza, in Tres Puntas, produced in six months, (in 1852), 495,151 dollars. The establishment at Piedra Colgada that had been in operation since November, 1852, to October, 1853, had operated on 8422 quintals of relaves, the lowest ley being 14 marcs ; the highest, 70 marcs, the cajon. Exports of Metal and Mineral from the Port of Caldera in 1853 : Marcs of gold . .• 560f at 25 dols. m. 70,094 09 silver . 328,197 « 9 dols. 75c. „ 3,199,920 75 Quintals of sulphu- ret of silver . . 116,961| " 15 dols. q^u. 1,754,427 00 Quintals of copper in bar . . . . 894^ " 16 dols. „ 14,816,800 00 Copper ore, quintals 144,546| " 2 dols. 50 „ 361,367 00 Dollars . 5,400,125 64c. = £1,080,025 Colonel Lloyd says : that 10,000,000 dollars worth of metals were exported in 1853^ if this was so, then nearly one-half was smuggled off into Bolivia and across the Andes. CoQTJiMBo shipped, in the months of June, July and August of 1859, from the copper mines of Tortoralillo, Coquimbo, Guayacan, Herradura and Tongoy, value 758,358 dollars. The silver mines of Arqueros, Higuera, Brillador, Tambillos, Tamaya, Laja, &c., doing but little. ^Don Demetrio O'Higgins, now in London, gives me the substance of the following note : Ballenary was founded by his grandfather, the Captain- General of Chile, Don Ambrosio O'Higgins, after his native place in Ireland. Don Ambrosio became Viceroy of Peru, and his son, the gallant and patriotic Don Bernardo, was the first President of Chile. Ballenary is a well-built city, its streets are at right angles, and it is a thriving place. 275 Chile exported in 1857, value 19,778,150 dollars. " imported " _ " 2(),10(),1)G8 " exported in 1858 " 18,3.35. 1-22 " " imported " " 18,18(),21)2 England imported in 1858, 6,418,751 dollars, and exports to, were 9,460,966. The principal Chilian exports are, copper in rep;iilus, bars and ore ; silver in bar and ores ; guano ; coal ; wool ; gold ; gold and silver coin ; and plata pina.^ Longitude or Valparaiso. -In Geographical Society's Journal, 1858, are the Observations relative to the Geographical position of the "West Coast of South America, by Carlos Moesta, Director of the National Observatory of Chile. The longitudes of Callao and Valparaiso served to determine inter- mediate points between these two ports, also the coast of Equador and Panama. During the last few years, the port of Valparaiso has been in contact with Santiago, by means of the Electric telegraph, which has given the most correct means of knowing the diilerence of meridian of the two places. Thus, it has been proved, that the difference of longitude between Santiago and Valparaiso, is 3 m. 56.5 s. Erom various results, the longitude of Santiago de Chile is deduced to be West of Greenwich 4 h. 42 m. 32.4 s., and that of Valparaiso,, and compared with Paris, This value differs 17 s. 1, from that adopted by the English expe- ditions for the longitude of Valparaiso ; and ly this said quantify, in nearly all the maps, the tvhole of the West Coast of South America is placed too far to the West. THE SEVERAL LONGITUDES, COMPARED WITH THAT OF GREENWICH. H. M. S. Santiago . . 4. 42. 32,4 Valparaiso 4. 46. 28,9 Callao 5. 8. 37,3 Lima 5. 8. 8,6 Humboldt gave for Callao, 5.18.18 ; Eitzroy, 5.18.15 At p. 257 I mention that accurate levellings through the coast ranges would be interesting. I am informed, whilst the last sheet of this work is going through the press, that a line of railway is projected from Iquique to the principal Nitrate works : thus we may soon expect to get a section through the coast range. "^' ' » Mr. Griffin, in his Prospectus of a line-of-screw Steamers from Kurope to Chile, says, during 1855, upwards of 5000 tons of valuable silver ore was shipi>ed to Eurojx- ; of Bar Silver a Million sterling. 276 REGISTER OF EARTHQUAKES, BAROMETER AND THERMOME- TER, KEPT AT THE BOLSA, TALPARAISO, 1853. 8 A.M. KOON. 4 P.M. January 1st . 62° 29.83 64° 29.90 65° 29.86 15tli . 65 29.86 67 29.90 68 29.86 " 30th. 64 29.88 65 29.90 66 29.91 .February 1st . 64 29.83 67 29.85 69 29.83 15th . 68 29.58 67 29.87 72 29.83 ** 28th . 6Q 29.85 66 29.88 69 29.88 March 1st . 64 29.85 6Q 29.87 66 29.83 15th . 6o 29.95 71 29 dS 73 29.90 " 30th . 62 30.00 64 30.01 63 30.01 April 1st. 62 30.02 69 30.05 70 30.07 15th . 60 30.06 61 30.08 64 30.07 « 30th . 68 30.18 62 30.18 67 30.16 May 1st . 68 30.09 62 30.10 64 30.08 " 15th . 58 30.05 56 30.05 64 30.06 June 1st . 60 30.09 62 30.10 64 3008 | " 15th. 59 29.91 6L 29.96 62 29.94 Julv Ist . 56 30.06 60 30.04 63 30.97 "" 15th . 56 29.95 58 29.97 62 29.96 August 1st . 58 29.88 58 29.26 60 29.95 15th . 52 30.05 58 29.97 62 29.96 | September 1st . 58 30.08 64 30.10 66 30.06 15th . 58 29.80 62 29.92 64 29.91 October 1st . 63 29.90 66 29.97 70 29.93 15th . 64 29.94 66 29.97 70 29.93 November, 1st . 62 29.88 70 29.91 72 29.91 15th . 64 29.85 68 29 85 70 29.81 December 1st . 68 29.92 74 29.92 76 29.91 15th . 70 29.84 74 29.82 74 29.84 31st. 63 29.72 G6 29.70 70 29.70 May 6th, 1854. Very strong Norther, with rain ; many vessels driven on shore ; at 4 p.m., 29.62 ; temp., 60°. UJiere is but little variation in the climate. During what is called th^'inter, the thermometer occasionally falls for a few hours to 52° ; but the mean throughout the year, at noon, is about 65°. In the evening and morning it is 60°. 277 Earthquakes Observed at Valparaiso is 1853: — January 6 . 2.29 p.m. , stronsf earthquake. February 28 . 7.38 (( earthquake. INIarcli IS . 1.42 (( (( April 4 . 5.40 a u May 16 . 11.20 a a June 19 . 2.48 li u • July 5 . lightning, thunder and hai] (( 18 . 5.20 11 earthquake. <( 22 . 12.48 a (( September 18 . 6.00 a u October 15 . 10.15 ii (( December 10 . 2.15 (C very strong. <( 22 . 1.30 a.m. li It is worthy of remark that only one shook is noted as occurring at a.m. — all the rest p.m. I am told, that during the Spanish rule in Chile, a postman, named Molina, going across the Cordillera to Uspallata, an earthquake caused a large mass of rock to fall on him, and he and his mule were flattened under it. There is now an inscription on tlie stone : " Aqui estii aplastado el correo Molina." 278 CUEEENT BOTTLES. In Xovcmber, 1853, on my way to South America, I had as a fellow- passenger, Lieutenant Hooper, E-.N., lately returned from the Arctic region ; his constitution was broken, but it was hoped that a trip to the West Indies might re-establish him. This did occur, and I heard that he died shortly afterwards. On his voyage from Southampton to St. Thomas's, he threw over sealed bottles containing the Admiralty papers, with the view of fur- thering our knowledge of oceanic currents. During my passage across the Carribean Sea, along the Pacific, and round Cape Horn to Europe, I followed his example. 1853. : Mark. Lat. Long. Dec. 5 I. 15°48']S'.^ 67° 55' W., on board Steamer, " Teviot," • Capt. Sawyer. 6 II. 13.45 70.51 99 ?? 23 III. 5.50 79.50 " Lima," Capt. Bloomfield. 24 ly. 2.31 80.45 it 11 25 y. 0. 40 S. 81.05 11 11 1854 Dec, 22 A 26.50 82.00 J> bark " Pickwick," Capt. Graves. 1855. Jan. 1 B 29.52 80.00 11 4 c 32.40 76.20 5) 23 D 33.26 79.40 running between Juan Fer- nandez and Mas Afuera. 26 E 36. 52 84.05 11 29 E 41.08 79.55 91 31 a 44.17 79.16 11 Eeb. 2 H 47.00 11 3 I 49.39 80.25 19 5 J 54. 23 79.17 11 7 K 57.02 72. 13 11 8 L 57.30 68.00 >» off Cape Horn. 9 'M 56.31 63. 04 19 10 N 56.02 60.00 It 11 54.53 59.00 19 12 P 52.51 56.00 11 13 Q 5L10 52.45 11 14 E 49.10 52. 30 11 16 S 47.38 48 40 11 18 T 45.23 43. 39 11 • 279 1853. Mark. Lat. Lonjx. 20 U 41. 21, is:^ 43. 15, W. on board bnrk " Pickwitk" 22 Y 38.41 41.15 yt 24 W 36. 22 37.19 tt 26 X 34.54 31. 4i )} 28 T 33.50 26.36 }} Mar. 2 Z 33.20 22.48 )* 4 Zi 31.45 21.40 )) 6 Z2 29.50 19.20 }) 8 Z3 28.30 19.10 tt 10 Z* 26.37 16.45 t1 12 z^ 25.49 18 19 )» 14 Z6 20.13 18.30 )} 16 Z7 14.10 22.00 }) 18 Z8 8 43 23.00 tt 20 Z9 3 37 23.51 V 22 Zio 03 24.28 On the Equator. 24 212 3 52 N. 24. 33 it 26 213 6 08 25.50 it 28 213 9 16 28. 39 if 30 2U 13.07 31.43 ** A April 1 Z15 17.25 34.30 if 3 216 21.27 35.44 >» 6 217 24.11 36.50 ti 8 218 29.40 37.06 11 10 219 34. 03 37.00 »> 13 220 36.38 36. 48 • it 14 231 40.54 31.24 » 16 232 42.32 28.00 } 19 233 42.29 25.30 9 22 234 42.34 21.30 1 24 235 44.15 19.30 tt 28 226 44.28 15.26 • The following is communicated hy the Adjniralty. — Z 7. — Bottle thrown over-board, March 16, 1855, in latitude 14° 10' S. ; longitude 22° W., from " Pickwick," from Valparaiso to Liver- pool, T. Graves, Comr., in strong S.E. trades, course !N. Found about 25th November, 1855, at Inhambupe, 60 miles N. of Bahia, Brazil. Z 21. — Bottle thrown over-board, April 14th, 1855, in latitude 40°, 54' N. ; longitude 31°, 24' W., from " Pickwick," from Valparaiso to Liverpool, T. Graves, Comr., in S. & S.S.AV. breezes. Found 26th May, 1855, 1^ leagues W. of St. Matthew's, in Terceira. Influenced by a N.W. wind, which had thrown it in a S. direction 200 miles in 42 days, or nearly 5 miles per day. \ V i RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD I 2 3 4 5 6 LIBRARY USE This book is due before closing time on the last date stamped below DUE AS STAMPED BELOW UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6A BERKELEY, CA 94720 P..,C BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDM7flM^flSfl mi^tzyi 66 .• ;.** THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY