V. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CAL1FO&K1A SAN 01 EGO 3 O^h* 3lf \£\\. The Revision of 1906 C. The Rights and Duties of Neutrals a. The Conference of 1899 l>. The Conference of 1907 1. The Rights and Duties of Neutral States 2. Neutrals within Belligerent Territory L "9, *34> 135. i3 8 , J 39> 144, 159, 177, 179, 182, 212, 230, 236, 259, 260, 261, 264, 277, 290, 323, 324, 325, 334, 338, 345, 346, 349, 369, 370, 403, 404, 438, 444, 463. See also Gieslingen, Khuepach, Lammasch, Merey, Soltyk, Welsersheimb. Austro-Prussian War, 139. Barbosa, Ruy (1907), 15; com- missions of inquiry, 290; obliga- tory arbitration, 319, 323; forci- ble collection of debts, 361-362, 366-367; Court of Arbitral Justice, 420, 424, 425-426; In- ternational Prize Court, 429, 436, 440-441, 444-446, 448. Bartholdt, Richard, 4. Basily, M., 4. Bayard, Secretary, 356. Beaufort, W. H. de. In i8qq: ad- dress at opening session, 36; and at closing session, 39. In igoy: address at closing session, 43: commissions of inquiry, 289. Beernaert, Auguste. InlSgg: 13, ^t, ; armaments, 54-55 ; bullets, 183; neutral rights and duties on land, 211; belligerents, 216- 217,219; prisoners of war, 224; spies, 238 ; occupation of hostile territory, 243-248, 254; Perma- nent Court, 418. In igoj: 15, 33; public opinion, 25, 499; ex- emption of private property, 136-137; laws and customs of naval war, 167; bullets, 187- 188, 189-190; belligerents, 222; bombardment on land, 237; occupation of hostile territory, 260; Court of Arbitral Justice, 418-419. Behring Fisheries, 398, 405. Beldiman, M. In l8gg: arma- 5°5 506 THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES ments, 67 ; Geneva Convention, 191 ; commissions of inquiry, 280, 283-284; obligatory arbi- tration, 302, 304, 306, 331, 339. In igoy : commissions of in- quiry, 290, 295-297; Court of Arbitral Justice, 426. Belgium, 79-80, 103, 138, 139, 144, 162, 175, 234, 265, 323, 325, 334, 33 8 , 339, 345, 348, 370, 384, 408.. 422, 425, 444, 447. See also Beernaert, Descamps, Heu- vel. Berlin, Act of, 1885, 268; Labor Conference, 377. Bieberstein, Baron Marschall von (1907), 15; submarine mines, 99-100; exemption of private property, 135; neutral rights and duties on land, 207, 209; opening of hostilities, 263; com- missions of inquiry, 290 ; obliga- tory arbitration, 312-314, 333- 335, 337-342, 346, 455-45 6 ; arbitral procedure, 408; Court of Arbitral Justice, 411-412, 417; International Prize Court, 427, 428-429, 429-430, 441. Bildt, Baron de (1899), arma- ments, 63-64; obligatory arbi- tration, 303; Permanent Court, 381, 384- Bille, M. de (1899), rams, 92; oc- cupation of hostile territory, 255. Bismarck, Prince, 52, 53. Blaine, James G., 356. Bolivia, 49, 138, 363. Bonfils, 356. Borel, Colonel (1907), occupation of hostile territory, 257; Inter- national Prize Court, 431. Bourgeois, Leon. In iSgg: 13, 33; armaments, 62, 64—65, 66; occupation of hostile territory, 251 ; good offices and mediation, 268; commissions of inquiry, 280, 283 ; obligatory arbitration, 305,308-310; Permanent Court of Arbitration, 372-373, 380. In igoj : 15, 33; armaments, 74 ; commissions of inquiry, 292 ; obligatory arbitration, 311— 3 I2 > 339, 343-344, 347; Court of Arbitral Justice, 420-421. Brandstrom, Captain (1899), ar- maments, 62. Brazil, 11, 95, 105, 134, i35- I 3 6 » 138. 139, I 5 I , 159. l62 > 26 3, 3 I 9, 334, 37°. 4o8, 419, 425, 447, 459- 460. See also Barbosa. Brewer, Justice, 391. British Delegation in 1899, war- fare in the air, 79 ; asphyxiating gases, 87, 89, 90, 464; torpedo boats, 91; rams, 92; naval bombardment, 100; Red Cross refugees, 123, 124; exemption of private property, 127, 129, 133; muskets, 179; bullets, 182, 184, 185, 187, 464, 468 [Geneva Convention, 1906, 198, 199]; belligerents, 219-220; obliga- tory arbitration, 330; forcible collection of debts, 349, 350; Permanent Court, 385. See also Ardagh, Fisher, Paunce- fote. British Delegation in 1907, arma- ments, 49, 70-75 ; programme, 49, 50-51; warfare in the air, 80; submarine mines, 94, 96, 98-99, 481-482 ; naval bom- bardment, 102 ; merchant ships transformed into cruisers. 105, 107 ; hospital ships, 118 ; exemp- tion of private property, 135, 138, 139 ; delay of favor to mer- chant ships, 141, 142, 143; cap- tured merchant crews, 144; bel- ligerents in neutral waters, 152- 157; blockade, 159, 459; con- traband, 160-162, 459-460; neutral prizes, 163; bullets 187, 188; asphyxiating gases, 188; neutral rights and duties on land, 204, 209 ; prisoners of war, 230; occupation of hostile terri- tory, 259, 261 ; special media- tion, 277; commissions of in- quiry, 288, 292, 296; obligatory INDEX 507 arbitration, 331, 334, 345; forci- ble collection of debts, 350, 351, 370; arbitral procedure, 404; Court of Arbitral Justice, 421; International Prize Court, 42, 427, 438, 442. See also Crowe, Fry, Howard, Ottley, Reay, Sat w. Broglie, Due de, 496. Brussels, Conference and Declara- tion of, 1874, 213-218, 225- 228, 233, 238-242, 244-247, 254- 255. 467. Bryce, Dr. James, 341. Bulgaria, 11, 14, 93, 138, 172, 174, 175, 259, 282 345, 368, 419, 420. See also Standoff. Btilow, Count and Chancellor von, 5°, 7 r > 387- Bustamente, M. (1907), Inter- national Prize Court, 431. Caesar, Julius, 499. California Pious Funds, 405. Candamo, M. (1907), obligatory arbitration, 320-321,323; for- cible collection of debts, 359- 360. Carnegie, Andrew, 19, 41,411, 412, 500. Castro, M. (1907), obligatory ar- bitration, 317, 318; forcible col- lection of debts, 359. Chili, 74, 80, 97, 103, 138, 162, 222, 311, 322, 323, 325, 425, 445, 447, 450, 457, 458. See also Gana, Matte. China, 80, 94, 102, 108, 138, 143, 175, 26 4, 339, 403, 425, 464- See also Foster. Chino-Japanese War, 120. Choate, Joseph H. (1907), 15; exemption of private property, 134-135. I37- 1 3 8 > M0-141, 45 8 ; exemption of certain ships, 145 ; mediation, 275; obligatory ar- bitration, 3i4-3 T 7> 3 22 -3 2 3, 339, 341-342, 346, 348, 455; arbitral procedure, 408; Court of Arbi- . tral Justice, 412-415, 418, 423, 424, 426, 495 ; International Prize Court, 430-437, 496. Coanda, Colonel (1899), arma- ments, 62. Cobden, Richard, 134. Collins, Lord Justice, 391. Columbia, 80, 108, 138, 360, 363, 370. See also Perez Triana. Conference of 1899, forerunners, 1 ; origin, 1-3 ; place of meeting, 6-8; members, 10-13; leaders, 13; festivities and ceremonies, 17-18; publicity and public opinion, 21-24; organization, 28; commissions and sub-com- missions, 28-30; method of work, 29-30; officers, 30-31; meetings, 35-40 ; programme, 45-47; results, 449-456, 463- 476, 496-500; armaments, 35, 46, 52-69, 449-450; warfare in the air, 76-79, 465 ; warfare on the sea : 465-466 ; new arms and methods, 83-85 ; marine can- non, 85-86, 451 ; explosives and asphyxiating gases, 87-90, 466; torpedo boats and rams, 91-92, 451; bombardment, 100, 234, 452-453; Geneva Convention, 109-124, 466-467 (hospital ships, 109-116; Red Cross officials and refugees, 118-124); ex- emption of private property, 126-133, 451-452; neutral rights and duties, 146-147, 452; laws and customs, 166, 452- 453; warfare on land : 467; new arms and methods, 169-170, 453 (explosives, 1 70-1 71, 453 J field guns, 1 71-172, 453; mus- kets, 1 72-181, 453; bullets, 181- 187, 468) ; Geneva Convention, 190-193, [Revision of 1906, 193- 199 J, 468-469 ; neutral rights and duties, 199-201, 453 ; laws and customs, 35, 213-215 (bel- ligerents, 215-220, 469; prison- ers of war, 222-228, 469; means of injuring the enemy, 232-234, 469; bombardment, 234, 469- 5 o8 THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES 470; spies, 238-239, 470; of truce, 239-240, 470; armis- tice, 241-242, 470; capitula- tions, 242-243, 470; occupation of hostile territory, 243-256, 470); arbitration: 36, 46, 454— 456, 470-476; good offices and mediation, 267-275, 472-473; commissions of inquiry, 277- 288, 474; obligatory, 297-311, 454-456; specific cases, 326- 331 ; forcible collection of debts, 349-350, 456; Permanent Court, 23. *99, 3°4-3 o6 > 33°, 33 x ..3 6 9. 370-387, 474-476; International Bureau, 379-381, 385-386; Per- manent Administrative Council, 381-382; arbitral procedure, 390-402. Conference of 1907, origin, 3-5; place of meeting, 8-9 ; members, 13-16; leaders, 15-16; festivi- ties and ceremonies, 18-20; publicity and public opinion, 24-27; organization, 31-32; commissions and sub-commis- sions, 32-33; method of work, 33; officers, 33-34; meetings, 40-44; programme, 47-51; re- sults, 449, 456-464, 477-503; Third Peace Conference, 500— 503; armaments, 42, 49, 69-75, 315, 456-457; warfare in the air, 79-82, 236-237, 478; war- fare on the sea: 479-480; new arms and methods, 93 ; sub- marine mines, 93-100, 480-482 ; bombardment, 100-104, 482- 483; merchant ships trans- formed into cruisers, 104-108, 483-484 ; Geneva Convention, 116-118, 124-126 (hospital ships, 116-118; Red Cross offi- cials and refugees, 124-126); exemption of private property, 133-141, 458-459; delay of favor to merchant ships, 141- 144, 484; captured merchant crews, 144, 485; exemption of certain ships, 144-146, 485 ; ex- emption of mail, 146, 485 ; neu- tral rights and duties, 148-166, 459-460,485-487 (belligerents in neutral waters, 149-157, 485- 487; blockade, 157-159, 459; contraband, 160-163, 459-460; destruction of neutral prizes, 163-166, 460) ; laws and customs, 166-168, 460—461 ; warfare on land : 487 ; bullets, 187-190, 468; neutral rights and duties, 201— 213, 487-488; laws and customs (belligerents, 220-222, 489 ; pris- oners of war, 228-232, 489; means of injuring the enemy, 235-236, 489; bombardment, 236-237, 489 ; capitulations, 243 ; occupation of hostile territory, 256-262, 489-490; opening of hostilities, 262-266, 488-489) ; arbitration: 43, 490-491; good offices and mediation, 275-277; commissions of inquiry, 288- 297, 461; obligatory, 311-326, 369, 461-463; specific cases, 331-348; forcible collection of debts, 350-370, 456, 491-492; Permanent Court, 387-390; ar- bitral procedure, 402-409, 492- 493; Court of Arbitral Justice, 410-426, 493-495, 496; Inter- national Prize Court, 427-448, 480, 495-496. Corea, 14, 27, 199. Costa Rica, 14. Crimean War, 139. Crowe, Mr. (1907), arbitral pro- cedure, 406; International Prize Court, 442-443, 445. Crozier, Captain W. (1899), arma- ments, 62, 67-68; warfare in the air, 77-79, 82, 465 ; exemp- tion of private property, 166, 233; explosives, 170, 180; bul- lets, 185-186, 190; belligerents, 220; occupation of hostile terri- tory, 247. Cuba, 138, 222, 230, 232, 237 263-264, 266. See also Busta- mente. INDEX 509 Davis, General G. B. (1007), bul- lets, 187, 189; neutral rights and duties on land, 207-208; opening of hostilities, 265. "Deerhound," The, 123. De Floecker, 356. Denmark, 49, 87, 91, 93, 138, 171, 175. 2 55> 261, 3 11 , 3*9, 339. 422, 425, 447. See also Bilk. Descamps, Chevalier (1899), 13; occupation of hostile territory, 248-249, 251; good offices and mediation, 267 ; special me- diation, 274; commissions of inquiry, 282; obligatory arbi- tration, 300-301, 303, 328; Permanent Court, 37i-375> 37 6 > 47 6 - Despagnet, 356. D'Estournelles de Constant. In l8gg: 13; address at closing session, 39 ; warfare in the air, 76; commissions of inquiry, 279-280, 287 ; obligatory arbi- tration, 305, 306; Permanent Court, 372, 471. In igoy: 15; Peace Palace resolution, 20, 43; obligatory arbitration, 322, 325, 342 ; Court of Arbitral Justice, 412. Dogger Bank (Hull Fishermen), 292, 296-297, 474, 492. D'Oliviera, M. (1907), obligatory arbitration, 334. Dominican Republic, 97, 108, 138, 263, 3*9, 3 6 3, 3 68 . 3 6 9, 37°, 425, 461-462. Drago, Dr. Luis M. (1907), 15; belligerents in neutral waters, 151 ; obligatory arbitration, 320, 333, 339, 340-34I ; forcible col- lection of debts, 357, 358-364. Drago Doctrine, 358-367, 370. Ecuador, 108, 138, 359, 370. Esteva, M. (1907), International Prize Court, 444, 445, 446. Eyschen, M. It! i8gg: 13; neutral rights on land, 199-200; com- missions of inquiry, 285. In igoy: neutral rights on land, 211-212. Fish, Hamilton, 356. Fisher, Admiral (1899), new arms and methods, 84; explosives, 87. Foster, John W. (1907), exemp- tion of private property, 137. France, 71, 74, 78, 80, 82, 87, 91, 93, 97, 102, 107, 112, 116, 119., 124, 126, 127, 129, 135, 138, 139, 142. 161, 162, 171, 174, 175, 179, 201, 237, 263-265, 288, 292, 295, 29 6 » 334, 345, 349, 3 6 9, 37°, 408, 411, 438, 442, 460. See also Amourel, Bourgeois, D'Estour- nelles, Fromageot, Mounter, Pe- phau, Renault. Francis I, 178. Frederick II, 411. Fromageot, M. (1907), Perma- nent Court, 388; arbitral pro- cedure, 405. Fry, Sir Edward (1907), 15; ad- dress at closing session, 44; armaments, 71-75; asphyxiat- ing gases, 90; commissions of inquiry, 289-290, 292, 294; obligatory arbitration, 314, 323, 334, 339, 342-343, 346, 348; forcible collection of debts, 367 ; arbitral procedure, 405, 406, 409; Court of Arbitral Justice, 417, 420, 424; International Prize Court, 427, 429, 430, 432- 433, 437, 44i, 443, 480. Fusinato, Professor (1907), com- missions of inquiry, 292. Gana, M. (1907), obligatory arbi- tration, 321-322. Germany, 176, 342, 377, 417. German Delegation in 1899, pub- licity, 22; public opinion, 23- 24; marine cannon, 86; tor- pedo boats, 91; rams, 93; Red Cross refugees, 123, 124; mus- kets, 179; bullets, 182; Geneva Convention, 191; belligerents, 5«> THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES 220; obligatory arbitration, 307 ; forcible collection of debts, 349, 350; Permanent Court, 23, 199, 33o, 33 1 , 374, 3&3, 386-387, 455- See also Miinster, Schwarzhoff, Siegel, Zorti. German Delegation in 1907, pro- gramme, 50; armaments, 71; warfare in the air, 80, 82 ; sub- marine mines, 96, 97, 99-100, 481-482 ; naval bombardment, 102 ; merchant ships trans- formed into cruisers, 106, 107; hospital ships, 116; exemption of private property, 138; delay of favor to merchant ships, 141, 142, 143; exemption of mail, 146; belligerents in neutral ports, ^S 2 - l 55l blockade, 135, 159; contraband, 135, 161, 162, 460; neutral prizes, 165; neutral rights and duties on land, 203, 207, 208, 209; belligerents, 220- 221; prisoners of war, 230; means of injuring the enemy, 235-236; occupation of hostile territory, 256, 259 ; opening of hostilities, 264, 265; special mediation, 277; obligatory ar- bitration, 312-313, 323, 325, 334, 335, 33 8 , 345, 463; forcible col- lection of debts, 369, 370; Per- manent Court, 389 ; arbitral procedure, 403-405, 408; Court of Arbitral Justice, 421; Inter- national Prize Court, 40, 427, 438, 442, 445. See also Bieber- stein, Giindell, Kriege, Siegel. Gieslingen, Baron von (1907), oc- cupation of hostile territory, 257, 259- Gilinsky, Colonel (1899), arma- ments, 56-60, 62 ; warfare in the air, 77, 79 ; new arms and meth- ods, 169; explosives, 170, 171; field guns, 171, 172; muskets, 172-173, 180; bullets, 182; prisoners of war, 226; spies, 238-239; occupation of hostile territory, 246, 247, 248. Gortschakof, Prince, 135. Greco-Turkish War, 120. Greece, 49, 80, 93, 138, 159, 175, 237, 280, 282, 283, 284, 290, 296, 3 2 3, 325, 334, 33%, 339, 345, 3 6 3, 422, 425, 447. Grotius, Hugo, 18, 476, 500. Guatemala, 108, 138, 359, 360, 370, 425- Guiana Arbitration, 392. Giindell, General von (1907), neu- tral rights and duties on land, 212; belligerents, 221. Haarlem, 17. Hagerup, Francis (1907), 16, 34; International Prize Court, 431, 434, J35, 442, 444-445- Hague, The, 6-9, 17, 19, 101, 380, 3 8 J, 3 8 5> 394, 4I7- Haiti, 103, 138, 210, 276, 288-289, 348, 3 68 , 3 6 9, 419, 420, 425. Hale, Chandler (1907), 495. Hall of the Knights (Ridderzaal), 8-9. Hamilton, Alexander, 356, 359. Hammarskjold, M. (1907), Inter- national Prize Court, 430,. 443. Hav, Secretary, 5, 8, 133, 464, 476. Heffter, A. W., 356. Henry IV, 495. Heuvel, M. van den (1907), naval bombardment, 103. Hill, David J. (1907), Fourth of July Reception, 18; obligatory arbitration, 326. Hjulhammar, Captain (1899), rams, 92. Hohenlohe, Chancellor von, 23, 387. Holls, F. W. (1899), 13; special mediation, 272-274. 276; com- missions of inquiry, 277, 2S6; obligatory arbitration, 308, 310, 329 ; Permanent Court, 372, 376-37 8 ,379,38o,384,387,388; arbitral procedure, 394, 395, 399, 4oo, 401, 403. Honduras, 14. House in the Woods (Huis ten Bosch), 7-8, 36, 39. INDEX 511 Howard, Sir Henry (1907), Inter- national Prize Court, 435, 437, 43 8 , 439- Hull Fishermen (Dogger Bank), 292, 296-297, 474, 492. Institute of International Law, 200. International Peace Bureau, 457. International Peace Congresses, 1, 457. Interparliamentary Union, 4, 27, 71, 331, 500. Italy, 43, 71, 80, 86, 91, 92, 94, 106, 132, 134, 13S, 145-146, i53> I S 6 , 158, 159, 179, 191, 229, 234, 237, 264, 277, 288, 311, 319, 330, 334, 407, 408, 438, 451-452. See also Fusinato, Nigra, Tornielli, Zuccari. Japan, 49, 71, 80, 81, 86, 91, 92, 95, 96, 102, 105, 107, 119, 120, 121, 138, 141, 152, 153, 155, 159, 162, 164, 179, 191, 199, 203, 204, 228-232, 259, 264, 325, 326, 345, 348, 368, 438, 447, 460, 473. See also Sakomoto, Tsudzuki. Jomini, Baron, 177. Journalists. In iSgg, 21-23. ? n IQOJ, 25-26. Karnebeek, A. P. C. van (1899), 13; armaments, 60-61, 67; as- phyxiating gases, 89 ; muskets, 180; occupation of hostile ter- ritory, 249-250. Peace Palace address, 1907, 19-20. Karnebeek, H. A. van (1907), laws and customs of naval war, 167- 168. Khuepach, Lieut. Col. von (1899), armaments, 62; muskets, 173; prisoners of war, 227. Kriege, Dr. (1907), obligatory ar- bitration, 335-336, 337; Per- manent Court, 387-388; arbi- tral procedure, 403, 405, 406; International Prize Court, 427, 431-433, 435, 437, 43 8 - Kiinzli, Colonel (1899), bullets, 181, 182; belligerents, 218. Kuropatkin, General, 2. La Barra, M. (1907), forcible col- lection of debts, 359 ; Court of Arbitral Justice, 417. Lammasch, Professor. In i8gg: prisoners of war, 226; occupa- tion of hostile territory, 251; commissions of inquiry, 277; obligatory arbitration, 303 ; Permanent Court, 372, 376, 38^. In igoy : Permanent Court, 389; arbitral procedure, 404 ; Inter- national Prize Court, 445. "La Perouse," 145. Larreta, M. (1907), International Prize Court, 446. Lieber, Professor, 215. Lincoln, President, 214, 377, 401. Liszt, F. von, 356. Loeff, M. (1907), arbitral proced- ure, 406. London, Treaty of, 200. Low, Seth (1899), Hugo Grotius address, 18; arbitral procedure, 395- Luxemburg, 10, 97, 138, 175, 187, 200, 325, 345, 384. See also Eyschen. Macedo, Count (1899), arbitra- tion, 379. Mahan, Captain A. T. (1899), armaments, 68; new naval arms and methods, 85; marine cannon, 85, 86; asphyxiating gases, 88-90; torpedo boats, 91; rams, 92; hospital ships, 112-113, 114, 115, 117; Red Cross officials, 119; Red Cross refugees, 123-124; bullets, 186; Geneva Convention, 192. Marshall, Chief Justice, 434. Martens, Professor Fedor de. In iSgg: 13, 34; exemption of private property, 127-128; Geneva Convention, 191, 199; neutrals on land, 200; laws 5i2 THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES and customs of warfare on land, 214-215, 470; belliger- ents, 217-219; occupation of hostile territory, 244-245 ; spe- cial mediation, 275; commis- sions of inquiry, 277-278, 282- 283, 287 ; obligatory arbitra- tion, 305 ; forcible collection of debts, 349, 350; Permanent Court, 199, 372, 375, 379, 385- 386, 416; arbitral procedure, 391,394,398,400,401. Inigoy: 16, 34, 479-480, 499-500; ori- gin of conference, 50; exemp- tion of private property, 135, 139; delay of favor, 141; ex- emption of certain ships, 144; neutrals on the sea, 148; block- ade, 157-158; contraband, 160; neutral prizes, 163; laws and customs of naval war, 167; special mediation, 276-277; commissions of inquiry, 289- 292, 296-297; obligatory arbi- tration, 320, 323, 328, 330, 339; forcible collection of debts, 356-357 ; Permanent Court, 389-390 ; arbitral procedure, 404, 407 ; Court of Arbitral Justice, 416-417, 418; Inter- national Prize Court, 437, 439. Matte, M. (1907), forcible col- lection of debts, 362. Merey, M. de (1907), obligatory arbitration, 314, 324, 325, 337- 339, 343-346; International Prize Court, 439. Merignac, 356. Mexico, 80, 97, 106, 108, 138, 175, 222, 334, 359, 4i8, 419, 425, 464. See also Esteva, La Barra, Zenil. Mexico, Treaty of, 362. Michelson, Colonel (1907), belliger- ents, 222 ; opening of hostilities, 263, 264. Mill, John Stuart, 135. Milovanovitch, M. (1907), obliga- tory arbitration, 317, 318; forci- ble collection of debts, 362, 367. Mirza Riza Khan (1899), occu- pation of hostile territory, 253- 254- Monaco, 11. Monroe Doctrine, 311, 362, 491. Montenegro, 10, 11, 14, 80, 97, i3 8 , J 43, 162, 175, 222, 259, 3 2 5, 345, 447- Mortera, Count (1907), Inter- national Prize Court, 444. Mounier, General (1899), arma- ments, 62 ; warfare in the air, 77; bullets, 182; spies, 239; flags of truce, 240. Mouravieff, Count, 2, 3, 6, 45, 53-54, 3*5- Minister, Count (1899), 13; ad- dress at closing session, 39 ; Permanent Court, 387 ; public opinion, 499. Napoleon I, 1, 499. National Educational Association, v. Nelidow, M. (1907), 16; Peace Palace address, 20; president of the conference, 7,7,, 41 ; address at opening session, 41-42; ad- dress at closing session, 43 ; programme, 51; armaments, 70, 74-75 ; exemption of private property, 134; obligatory arbi- tration, 346, 347, 348; Court of Arbitral Justice, 425, 426; In- ternational Prize Court, 441- 442 ; warfare on the sea, 479- 480. Nesselrode, Count, 130, 135. Netherlands, 6, 7, 8, 11, 17-19, 34, 37, 39, 49, 86, 91, 92, 95, i3 6 , x 3 8 , 142. 159, J 74, 175, l86 > 220, 243, 256, 264, 282-283, 288-290, 311, 319, 334, 37 1 , 408, 438, 501. See also Asser, Beaufort, Kaniebeek, Loeff, Poor- tugael, Rahusen, Tets. New York Peace Congress, 412, 4i5- New York State Bar Association, 141, 458. INDEX 513 Nicaragua, 97, 108, 138, 143, 359, 360, 363, 370. Nigra, Count (1899), 13; exemp- tion of private property, 132; naval bombardment, 166; flags of truce, 240; good offices and mediation, 268-270; commis- sions of inquiry, 284; obliga- tory arbitration, 303, 309, 328; Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion, 372, 375, 386. Norway, 14, 135, 138, 162, 334, 368, 425, 438, 445, 447. See also Hagerup. Nys, 356. Odier, M. (1899), Geneva Con- vention, 1907, 192; commis- sions of inquiry, 288 ; obligatory arbitration, 307-308 ; Perma- nent Court, 372, 375-376. Ottley, Captain C. L. (1907), 15; submarine mines, 94; naval bombardment, 101-102, 103; delay of favor to merchant ships, 141. Palmerston, Lord, 134, 356. Panama, 97, 138, 162, 230, 420. Pan-American Conferences, 5, 3i6-3i7» 3*9- Papiniu, M. (1899), arbitral pro- cedure, 393. Paraguay, 97, 108, 138, 143, 359, 3 6 °, 3 6 3, 37o- Paris, Declaration of, 1856, 105, 108, 133, 157-158, 430, 432, 466, 479, 483. Paris, Treaty of, 1856, 268. Pauncefote, Sir Julian (1899), 13; exemption of private prop- erty, 128, 133; Geneva Con- vention, 191 ; occupation of hostile territory, 255; good offices and mediation, 268 commissions of inquiry, 284 forcible collection of debts, 349 Permanent Court, 371-373, 379, 382, 385, 386, 387. Peace Palace, 19-20, 41, 43. Penn, William, 417, 495. Pephau, Admiral (1899), new arms and methods, 83; marine cannon, 86; explosives, 87. Perez Triana, M. (1907), address at closing session, 44; exemp- tion of private property, 136; forcible collection of debts, 364-366. Persia, 80, 92, 108, 115, 116, 118, 138, 174, 175, 339, 368, 408, 420, 425, 439, 447. See also Mirza, Samad. Peru, 80, 138, 320, 322, 324, 325, 359, 360, 370. See also Can- damo. Poortugael, General den Beer. In i8qq: armaments, 55-56, 61; warfare in the air, 77; new arms and methods, 84 ; naval bombardment, 234; muskets, 175-179; bullets, 181. Inigoy: 16; naval bombardment, 101 ; exemption of mail, 146; occu- pation of hostile territory, 256- 257, 259-260; opening of hos- tilities, 263-264; International Prize Court, 434. Porter, General Horace (1907), 15; merchant ships transformed into cruisers, 108; delay of favor to merchant ships, 143; blockade, 158-159; opening of hostilities, 266; forcible collection of debts, 352-370; International Prize Court, 427. Porter Proposition, 351-352, 358- 370, 491-492. Portsmouth, N.H., Peace of, 5, 473- Portugal, 80, 87, 93, 135, 138, 144-145. I 53. I02 . !79, 185, 187, 188, 259, 319, 334, 369, 419, 444, 462, 468. See also D'Oliveira, Macedo, Sovcral, Vasconcellos. Programme, 45-51. Publicity, 21-26. Public Opinion, 23-27, 464, 498- 499. 5i4 THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES RafTalovich, M. (1899), bullets, 183. Rahusen, M. (1899), exemption of private property, 129. Reay, Lord (1907), warfare in the air, 80; merchant ships transformed into cruisers, 105; contraband, 1 60-1 61, 162; as- phyxiating gases, 188; neutral rights and duties on land, 204, 207, 209 ; occupation of hostile territory, 261. Renault, Professor Louis. In i8qq: hospital ships, 112; Per- manent Court, 386. In igoj: 15; warfare in the air, 82, 237; hospital ships, 117; exemption of private property, 135; oblig- atory arbitration, 339, 341, 344; arbitral procedure, 408; International Prize Court, 427. Rivier, A., 356. Rolin, M. (1899) [and 1907], ex- plosives, 87 ; prisoners of war, 227; armistice, 241; capitula- tions, 242-243. Roman Papacy, 11, 39. Roosevelt, President, 5, 8, 13, 40- 4i, 133, 35 6 , 412, 417. 473. 494- Root, Secretary, 415, 457, 472, 500-501, 502-503. Rotterdam, 19. Roumania, 80, 86, 92, 138, 162, 171, 174, 175, 176, 182, 230, 259, 280, 283, 284, 295, 296, 3° 2 . 3°3, 3 2 5, 345. 348, 369, 370, 408, 419, 422, 425, 444, 447- See also Beldiman, Coanda, Papiniu, Sturdza. Russia, 2, 3, 5, ^3, 3 6 > 3 8 , 45. 47. 5°, 55, 69-70, 71, 76, 80, 86, 87, 91, 93, 97, 106, 112, 118, 124, 127, 129, 133, 134, 135, 138, 141, 142, 143, 152-155, 162, 164, 171-176, 179, 186, 205, 220, 235, 237, 259, 260, 261, 264, 277, 286, 288-291, 293, 297-300, 326-328, 330, 33 1 . 334, 345. 349, 35°, 37°. 404, 410, 420, 439, 447, 45 6 > 473, 474, 501. See also Gi~ Husky, Martens, Michelson, Neli- dow, Rajfalovich, Scheine, Staal, Yermolow. Russo-Japanese War, 4, 5, 93, 94, 126, 203, 473, 479. Saenz Pefia, M. (1907), address at closing session, 44. St. Petersburg, Declaration of, 89, 169-170, 185, 453, 468. Sakomoto, Captain (1899), new arms and methods, 83. Salisbury, Lord, 356, 415. Salvador, 108, 138. Samad Khan (1907), address at closing session, 44; obligatory arbitration, 317, 318-319. San Marino, n. Satow, Sir Ernest (1907), sub- marine mines, 98-99 ; blockade, 158; neutral prizes, 164-165; laws and customs of naval war, 168. Scheine, Captain (1899), arma- ments, 56-57, 65-66; new arms and methods, 83, 84; marine cannon, 85 ; explosives and asphyxiating gases, 87; rams, 92; hospital ships, 112; Red Cross refugees, 120; ex- emption of private property, 128; neutral rights and duties, 147. Scheveningen, 17. Schwarzhoff, Colonel von (1899), armaments, 58-59, 60-62 ; mus- kets, 174, 175, 178, 179, 181; belligerents, 221-222; prisoners of war, 224; spies, 238; flags of truce, 240; armistice, 241, 242 ; occupation of hostile territory, 245, 248-251. Scott, Sir Charles, 53. Scott, Dr. J. B. (1907), commis- sions of inquiry, 294; obliga- tory arbitration, 338, 339, 344; Court of Arbitral Justice, 415- 416, 421, 422, 423, 495. Servia, 138, 272, 280, 283, 284, 290, 296, 308, 310, 332, 334, INDEX 515 339. 3 6 °, 3 6 3, 3 68 , 4iQ, 444, 147. See also Milovanovitch, Veljkovitch. Siam, 10, 11, 86, gi, 93, 97, 115, 116, 121, 138, 175, 282, 33Q, 425. See also Rolin. Siegel, Captain and Admiral. In iSqq: hospital ships, 114. In IQOJ: submarine mines, 05; hospital ships, 1 1 7. Soltyk, Count (1899), asphyxi- ating gases, 87. South African Republic, 10, 11. Soveral, Marquis de (1907), 16; contraband, 162; obligatory arbitration, 317-318, 331, 339. Spain, 49, 71, 74, 80, 93, 102, 103-104, 108, 137, 138, 153, 171, 175, 230, 368, 464. See also Mortera. Sperrv, Admiral Charles S. (1007), submarine mines, 95; delay of favor to merchant ships, 142; belligerents in neutral ports, 157. Staal, Baron de (18)0), 13; presi- dent of the conference, 28; address at opening sessions, 36-38 46, 47 ; address at closing session, 39; armaments, 55; warfare on land, 169; arbitration, 298; forcible col- lection of debts, 349; Perma- nent Court, 372, 47(1. Stancioff, Dr. (1899), armaments, 61-62; commissions of inquiry, 287-2S8. Stead, Win. T., vii. Story, Justice, 434. Stowell, Lord Justice, 434. Sturdza, Captain (1007), occupa- tion of hostile territory, 258. Suttner, Baroness von, 24. Sweden, 67, 80 86, 01, 03, 135, [38, [62, 171, 175, 176, 237, 323, 3 2 5, 332, 334, W, 363, 370, 438 See also Bildt, Brand- strum, Hammarskjold, II 'mi- lium mar. Switzerland, 109, 138, 162, 175, 179, 191-193, 210, 219-220, 221, 222, 252, 323, 334, 338, 33'). 345- 359, 369, 37°- 3' s 4- 408, 422, 425, 426, 444, ]d|. See also Borel, Kiinzli, Odirr. Tennyson, Alfred, 497. Tets van Goudriaan, Jonkheer (1907), address at opening session, 40-41; address at closing session, 44. Third Peace Conference, 43, 500- 5° 3- Tocqueville, M. de, 341. Tornielli, Count (1907), 16, 34; address at closing session, 44; exemption of certain ships, 145; neutral prizes, 165; pris- oners of war, 228; obligatory arbitration, 338, 347; forcible collection of debts, 369. Tsudzuki, M. (1907), address at closing session, 44; obligatory arbitration, 324; International Prize Court, 429. Turkey, 11, 67, 80, 93, 97, 104, 108, 115, 116, 118, 120, 123, 138, 159, 162, 171, 179, 203, 237> 290, 325, 326, 330, 345. 348, 369, 447. See also Turk- litin. Turkhan Pacha (1899) [and 1907], capitulations, 243. United States: Civil War, 133; Congress, 133, 434; Constitu- tion, 350, 361, 404; General Order No. 100, 227, 228, 233, 248, 254, 255, 467; Senate, 329, 335, 337- 33^ 34 1 ■ 3 68 , 464, 485, 486, 496; Supreme Court, 433, 434. United States Delegation in 1899, seats, 12; Delft celebration. 18; armaments, 68-69; new naval arms and methods, 84- 85; marine cannon, 86; as- phyxiating gases, 88-90; tor- pedo boats, 01 ; rams, 92 ; 5i6 THE TWO HAGUE CONFERENCES Red Cross refugees, 122, 123, 124; exemption of private property, 126-132, 451-452; muskets, [79, 180, bullets, 182 185, 1S7, 468; Geneva Con- vention, [92; belligerents, 220; obligators- arbitration, 310-31 1, 329, 330; forcible collection of debts, 349, 350; Permanent Court, 376, 383; arbitral pro- cedure, 401, 404; signature, 463-464. See also Crozier, Halls, Low, Mahan, White. United States Delegation in 1907, seats, 15; honorary offices, 34; forcible collection of debts, 42, 49, 50; armaments, 49, 7 1 - 73-74; programme, 50; warfare in the air, 82; sub- marine mines, 95, 96; naval bombardment, 100-101 ; mer- chant ships transformed into cruisers, 108; exemption of private property, 133-141, 458- 450; delay of favor to merchant ships, 143-144, 485; belliger- ents in neutral ports, 157, 486; blockade, 159, 459; contra- band, t6i, 162, 460; neutral prizes, 163-164, 165; bullets, 1S8-189; neutral rights and duties on land, 20S ; prisoners of war, 230, 231; occupation of hostile territory, 259; open- ing of hostilities, 264, 266; special mediation, 277; com- missions of inquiry, 293 ; oblig- atory arbitration, 315-317, 326, 332,' 334, 336-338- 345,. 348, 462-463 ; forcible collection of debts, 352, 354-355; arbitral procedure, 404; Court of Arbi- tral Justice, 410, 421, 425-426, 403; International Prize Court, 438, 442, 445; signature, 464; Third Peace Conference, 501. See also Choate, Davis, Hill, Porter, Scatt, Spcrry. Universal Postal Union, 382. Uruguay, 108, 138, 359, 360, 370, 419, 422, 425. See also Castro. Vasconcellos, M. (1899), media- tion, 275. Yeljkovitch, Professor (1899), oc- cupation of hostile territory, 247; good offices and media- tion, 270; commissions of in- quiry, 281-282; obligatory arbi- tration, 306, 331. Venezuela, 80, 138, 278, 359, 363, 370, 419, 420, 425, 447, 499. Venezuela Arbitration, 390, 391, 417. Walker, T. A., 356. Washington, Treaty of, 157. Welsersheimb, Count (1899), arbi- tration, 382. White, Andrew D. (1899), 13; Hugo Grotius address at Delft, 18; asphyxiating gases, go; exemption of private property, 127-132, 106, 451-452; bullets, 186; Geneva Convention, 192; Permanent Court, 387. Wilson and Tucker, 356. Witte, M., 2. Woolsey, T. D., 356. Yermolow, General (1907), occu- pation of hostile territory, 257; opening of hostilities, 263. Zenil, M. (1899), capitulations, 243- Zorn, Professor (189c/) [and 1007], 13; obligatory arbitration, 307, 311, 312, 328, 330; Permanent Court, 372, 374-37 6 , 37 s , 380, 382, 386, 387 ; laws and customs of warfare on land, 470. Zuccari, General (1899), arma- ments, 62; muskets, 173; ar- mistice, 241-242. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. uJi c« . Ot £* ?..'■ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 993 250 o • BSE ■:■ '■■ BaBJi Sf 111 Hi ISil Ersity of ( )uthern R* 'Library Fa | ; -. : mm - ■ ■ - •• HI