1 GIFT OF 7) y*" V^ /" 77/CL S 1 UUGUMtrMS DEPT. REVISED ACCOUNTING METHODS FOR ILLINOIS STATE CHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS ADOPTED BY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE August 31, 1918 APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE August 31, 1918 ^> STATE OF ILLINOIS THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE SPRINGFIELD, AUG. 31, 1918 GENERAL ORDERS NO. 218. TO Managing Officers, Wardens and General Superintendent of all in- stitutional divisions in the Department of Public Wvelfare: SUBJECT Uniform Accounting Methods. Effective October i, 1918. 1 Under the Civil Administrative Code, effective July i, 1917, the De- partment of Finance is vested with powers of prescribing a uniform system. of bookkeeping and accounting for the several departments. 2 In accordance with this provision the Department of Finance has pre- scribed the system outlined on the pages to follow and it is hereby ordered in- stalled by all of the institutional divisions of this department. 3 The instructions promulgated herewith shall be strictly followed anc complied with, and any changes from the system of accounting outlined must be prescribed by the Department of Finance through instructions issued by the De- partment of Public Welfare. No institution official or employee will have au- thority to change or deviate from these instructions unless definite written au- thority is issued as stated. 4 Each division will take an inventory of all property and supplies on the 30th day of September of each year on blanks prescribed by the State Auditor of Public Accounts. This inventory is to be used the first time in making the opening entries on the books and each year thereafter in making up the state- ment of loss and gain. 5 Accountants inspecting books are not authorized to give instructions for changes in methods and forms, but their hearty co-operation is desired, and it is requested that they assist in carrying out the methods prescribed herein, and that they report to the Department of Finance, and also to the Department of Public Welfare, any deviation from this procedure. Fiscal Supervisor. ADOPTED: APPROVED : Director of Public Welfare. Director of Finance. INTRODUCTORY A perfect system of accounts is an aid and a protec- tion to the management of a State institution division, and it enables the officers in charge to show the true con- Perfect dition of affairs. Institution officials should welcome a Accounting verification of the accounts at all times, and the account- ing work must be up to date, so these inspections can be intelligently made at any time. The chief clerk is charged with the accounting of every nature concerning the business activities of the di- vision. He will require all bookkeepers, clerks and ste- nographers in the business department to perform their duties promptly and accurately. He is to maintain an Chief Clerk effective supervision over the store and is to be kept con- stantly advised of the receipt and issuance of supplies of every nature, and at least once a month he shall inspect and verify the storeroom accounts. All heads of depart- ments are to furnish him reports of their activities, so that it will enable him to keep a comprehensive system of accounting with these departments. The storekeeper, or any other officer or empyoye acting in this capacity, will be in immediate charge of the store. He will be held responsible for the receipt, safe- keeping and proper issue of supplies of every nature. Nothing whatever shall be issued from the store except by requisition approved in writing by the managing storekeeper officer, warden or general superintendent, drawn on Form - No. 8, and he will keep accounts in the form and manner prescribed herein. In case there is a custodian of supplies for the engineering department or other department, the record of receipts and issues shall be kept in a like manner. It is important that the bookkeeper be well versed in double entry bookkeeping and that he strictly follow the rules prescribed. In his duties he must be prompt, sys- tematic and accurate, and must not allow his work to lag Bookkeeper or get behind. He should have no duties to perform that will interfere with the discharge of his bookkeeping func- tions. Dilatoriness and carelessness on the part of book- keepers will not be tolerated. Trial balances must be taken monthly and they must show the true condition of the books. If a bookkeeper is unable to get a correct balance within a reasonable time, he will notify the Department of Public Welfare through fiances the head of the division, so that assistance can be furn- ished him. The form prescribed is a cut-leaf book, where the names of the accounts are only written once, with Bank Reconciliations Surety Bonds Cash Received Official Receipt Remittances to State Treasury Cross Entries Individual Accounts Transfers New Forms Requisitions twelve columns of debit and credit, so that it will last for one year without re-writing. See Form No. 10. Reconciliation of bank accounts must be made at the end of each month. All officers and employes handling money must be under bond. Cash on behalf of the institution division or inmates will only be received at the general office of the institu- tion division and handled by an authorized representative of the managing officer, warden or general superintendent. No other officer or employe of an institution division will receive money for the State or for the inmates of the institutions. For all cash received a receipt is to be furnished on the official form prescribed (see Form No. 27) and en- tered on the autographic machine furnished for that pur-- pose. No other form of receipt will be recognized in set- tling the accounts of the institution officials or employes. Lump sum entries and receipts in the name of officers or employes will not be allowed. All receipts and entries must be made in detail, showing the name of the person paying the money and the purpose for which it is paid. As provided by law, all cash received which is to be remitted to the State Treasurer is to be forwarded to the Department of Public Welfare every ten days and a de- tailed report made to the State Auditor of Public Ac- counts every three months. No cross entries are to be made from one account to another other than is outlined by this system of book- keeping, unless they are authorized in writing by the De- partment of Public Welfare. This authorization will be in the form of a journal voucher similar to the transfer vouchers now used. These vouchers are to be placed in the files of the general office of the institution division in the same manner as other vouchers are filed. Vouchers from the reimbursing investigator for in- dividual accounts are also to be filed with the institution division for reference. No cross entries are to be made on the individual accounts without the reimbursing offi- cer's approval in writing. Where transfers of merchandise or articles are made from one department to another, within the institution division, the journal entry is to be made and the depart- ment receiving the goods is to be debited and the depart- ment transferring credited. This will be authorized in writing by the institution head. Each institution division not keeping its records in accordance with the forms prescribed herein will forth- with make requisition for the necessary books and the Accounting Sections General Books Section blanks, and upon receipt of these will discontinue keep- ing the old records. ACCOUNTING SECTIONS In order to meet the special requirements of the dif- ferent classes of institutions, the accounting will be di- vided into six sections : 1. General Books. 2. Clothing and Individual Accounts. 3. Industrial Activities. 4. Farm, Garden and Dairy Activities. 5. Receiving and Issuing Supplies. 6. Inmate's Trust Fund Accounts, Bequests and Amusement Funds. GENERAL BOOKS SECTION The general books to be kept are : 1. Journal (bound book). 2. Invoice Journal (bound book). 3. Voucher Register (loose leaf), (Finance Dept. Form F 14). 4. Cash Book (bound book). 5. General Ledger (bound book). 6. Firm's Ledger (loose leaf). JOURNAL (Form No. 1) This book is to be used for making entries that can- not be handled in the other books. Some of these entries are to cover produce furnished from the farm, garden and dairy to the kitchen, institutional transfers, etc. On the first day of July of each year the appropriations made by - Tournal the General Assembly which are available on that date must be journalized. The Department of Public Welfare will furnish full information on this subject. Two-col- umn journals are to be furnished all except the penal in- stitutions, and they are to use six-column journals. INVOICE JOURNAL (Form No. 2) When invoices are received they are to be handled in the manner outlined in Bulletin No. 5 from the Finance Department. Before the invoices are filed in Bills Hold- ing the footings and extensions will be verified, and then they will be entered in the invoice journal. Before any invoice is entered on the invoice journal it must bear the signature of the receiving officer, showing that the mer- chandise has been received, also signature of chief clerk, showing same has been verified. The invoice (see Form No. 2) journal is to be used as a record of all invoices re- ceived by the institution. It is to show, first, the date ; second, firm name ; third, .articles ; fourth, total amount of invoice; fifth, in the columns show what department each invoice or part of an invoice has received the merchan- dise. In order to show that the invoice has been entered on the invoice journal the page number will be written on the triplicate invoices as "I. J. No. 26." At the end of the month after the pay-roll has been approved it is to be en- tered on the invoice journal, apportioning to each depart- ment of the division the amount for salaries and wages belonging to it. The invoice journal is to be totaled at the end of each month and each department debited in the general ledger with the total shown in the several col- umns. The account kept with the managing officer, war- den or general superintendent for the pay-rolls is to be credited with the total amount of the pay-roll the same as each department has been debited. VOUCHER REGISTER (Form No. 3. Finance Department Form No. 14) This book is to be used for keeping a record of all vouchers forwarded to Springfield for payment and for vouchers covering trust funds, amusement funds and all other expenditures. The vouchers, when they are made up, are to be given a consecutive number and are to be en- tered on the voucher register, showing the voucher num- ber, date, in whose favor drawn, the amount of the voucher and the appropriation to which it was charged. voucher At the end of the month the voucher register is to be closed, the totals brought down and postings made to the general ledger, Vouchers covering expenditures for trust fund bequests and other funds, not represented by See page 60 appropriations made by the General Assembly, shall be entered in a separate column on the voucher register, and these vouchers are not to be included in the schedule sent to the Finance Department with the other vouchers or in the monthly report, Form F-4. Separate schedules shall be made for the trust fund and other special funds. The numbers of all vouchers are to be consecutive, and in the schedule of vouchers the numbers representing the trust fund are to be left blank, with a notation "Trust Fund Bequest," etc. CASH BOOK (Form 4) The cash book is to- be used to keep a record of all cash received from any source and also all remittances to Cash Book the State Treasurer. When cash is received an official receipt must be furnished in each case, and this receipt must be made on the autographic machine in use at the Cash Entries Inmates' Trust Fund Entries institution division. The receipt will show the name of the person paying the cash or making the remittance and for what purpose. Receipts must be entered separately in the cash book in consecutive order, showing the receipt number and the total of the column credited to the proper account. Money received from the State treasury for pay-rolls should be entered in the cash book in column headed "State Treasurer Pay-roll" and each item should be cred- ited to this account in the general ledger as "Treasurer's Warrant No. - - ." Inmate's trust fund are to be entered in total in the cash book at the end of each month. This information will be obtained from the employe in charge of the trust fund from the books showing the detailed entries. At the end of the month the cash book is to be ruled, the totals brought down and the total footings posted to the proper accounts in the general ledger. Each day, as receipts are entered on the cash book, postings will be made to the credit of the clothing and individual accounts in the led- ger kept for that purpose. GENERAL LEDGER (Form No. 5) The general ledger is to be in the form of a bound book. Loose leaf general ledgers will not be allowed. General The ledger is to contain only the controlling accounts. Led s er The titles of accounts in this ledger are explained as follows : "State of Illinois," representing the concern or pro- prietor. "Buildings," representing the inventory value of the buildings owned by the institution. "Lands," representing the inventory value. - Buildings," representing a building in process of construction. "Storekeeper," representing the value of all supplies Titles of received, issued and on hand for which the Storekeeper is responsible. "Clothing and Individual Ledger," representing ac- counts with inmates for clothing and incidental expenses, etc. "County Ledgers," (if the law permits charges against counties). This represents accounts for clothing and incidental expenses. "Inmates Trust and Amusement Fund," represent- ing money deposited in trust by or for inmates. - Bequest," representing bequest made. - Department," representing the ex- pense and profit, if any, of the department. 8 "Pay-roll," representing the pay-rolls of the institu- tion division. - Appropriation," representing a spe- cific amount appropriated by the General Assembly. "Loss and Gain," representing loss and gain by de- partments ; also total net loss. Ledger accounts will be closed into the account as of September 30th of each year, the date fixed by the State Auditor for filing annual inventory. "Accounts Payable," representing the individual ac- counts of firms contained in firms' ledger, Form No. 6. This account is to be credited with the total amount of the invoices shown in the invoice journal and debited with the total amount of vouchers issued, as shown by the voucher register for the month. (Trust fund vouch- ers not to be included.) The balance shown in this ac- count should agree with the amount reported to the Fi- nance Department as bills holding on Form F 4. As soon as other books are closed for the month the postings are to be made to the general ledger. "Accounts Receivable," representing sales made by the industries. This account is to be charged with the sales made during the month and credited with the re- mittances received from the industries. The sales are to Ledger f be journalized from the sales journal. Accounts "Discount Account." The debit side of this account represents discount allowed on sales made by institutions having industrial activities ; the credit side of the account represents the discount received on purchases. "Managing Officer, Warden or General Superin- tendent - Fund," representing the amount of cash in his custody. "Institutional Transfers." Entries to this account are only to be made upon receipt of transfer vouchers from the Department of Public Welfare and by special instruction from the Department. - Industry," representing the opera- tions of the industry. A controlling account with the books kept by the industry. This account should show loss or profit. Each industry is to furnish general book- keeper copy of report showing operation. "Farm Accounts," representing activities of the dif- ferent farm departments of the division. See special instructions in farm, garden and dairy section. - Inmates' Kitchen," representing the expense of operating the kitchen. A separate account to be kept for each inmates' kitchen. All labor, and supplies issued .from the store-room, from the farm and other departments to each kitchen is to be charged to the re- spective account. - Officers' Kitchen," representing the expense of operating the kitchen. A separate account to be kept for each officers' kitchen. All labor, and supplies issued from the store-room, from the farm and other departments to each kitchen is to be charged to the re- Titles of spective account. Accounts - Quarters," representing supplies and labor furnished the officers' or employes' quarters. These accounts are to be kept separate from inmates' accounts. All labor, and supplies furnished from the store-room, farm, garden or other departments are to be charged to these departments. A separate account is to be kept with the managing officer, warden or general superintendent. FIRMS' LEDGER (Form No. 6) The firms' ledger is to contain the accounts with firms or individuals covering all purchases and indebted- ness incurred. Postings are to be made from the invoice journal and voucher register. The postings to this book from the invoice journal will be made each day and each invoice posted separately. This must be done each day in order to avoid duplication in payments and so that the accounts can be readily looked up. The postings from the voucher register are to be made to the debit side of the account, showing date, voucher number and amount of the voucher. If any bill remains unpaid or not vouchered, the amount, with the firm's name, is to be shown in the bal- ance of outstanding accounts, the total of which must outstanding agree with the controlling account in the general ledger. Accounts A list is to be made of such outstanding accounts at the close of each month and total must agree with balance in the general ledger and with Bills Holding shown on F4. CLOTHING AND INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS SECTION Where relatives, friends and others are to pay for clothing and other articles furnished the inmates requisi- tion on the standard form of patients' clothing requisi- tion are to originate in the wards. (See Form No. 9.) Section These requisitions are to be made at regular intervals, not oftener than once a month, except in extreme cases, or when new patients or inmates enter the institution, and in such cases requisitions should not be made oftener than once a week. At the time the patient is received the clinical clerk Pay or shall mark the ward card as "pay" or "bond" patient. Institutions Charging for Clothing Clothing and Bonding Act No Charges to Counties Clothing Requisitions Handling Cost Burial Expenstes Transportation 10 Requisitions for "pay" patients are to be made out separ- ately for each patient, but requisitions covering "non-pay" patients may be made out by issuing one to cover several patients. The procedure outlined in Special Orders 904, dated Oct. 15, 1917, is corrected to read as follows: "The following instructions will be observed by the officers and employes of the Elgin State Hospital, Kanka- kee State Hospital, Jacksonville State Hospital, Anna State Hospital, Watertown State Hospital, Peoria State Hospital, Chicago State Hospital, Alton State Hospital, Lincoln State School and Colony and Dixon State Colony. "The accounts necessary to be kept covering clothing and incidentals charged to patients are to be handled as follows : "Sections 15 and 16 of the 1893 Clothing and Bond- ing Act reads as follows : ' 'It shall be the duty of the county judge, at the time of each inquest in lunacy, to .in- quire into the pecuniary condition of the person alleged to be insane and that of the relatives who are bound by law to maintain him.* * * * All insane persons admitted to any State hospital or asylum for the insane shall be maintained and treated while in the institution at the expense of the State, but the cost of clothing, transportation and other incidental expenses, not constituting any part of the maintenance or treatment, shall be defrayed at their own expense or that of the County from which they were admitted.' "Counties have been released from paying bills ren- dered by hospitals for the insane and no charges are to be made against them. "Requisitions for clothing shall originate in the wards of the hospital, in the customary manner, at regular in- tervals. At the time clothing is issued to bonded patients a requisition shall be made, on a printed form, attached herewith. (See Form No. 8.) The storekeeper or book- keeper will make statement in triplicate on Form No. 9. "The original and duplicate shall be sent to the of- fice of the chief clerk, and they shall show number, amount, cost and a charge to cover cost of handling of ten per cent. Charges for items not issued from the store are, also, to be made to these accounts. A flat charge is to be made for mending and repairs to clothing and shoes at the rate of $1.00 quarterly or $2.00 semi- annually. Inmates in the institutions for a fractional part of the period are only to be charged proportionately. Inmates' accounts are, also, to be charged with transpor- tation, extra dentist bills, burial expenses, etc. 11 "A ledger account is to be opened only with each bonded or pay patient. "The statements issued by the storekeeper are to be numbered consecutively and posted to the ledger by date, number and amount. The original copies are to be filed numerically and duplicates mailed quarterly as itemized statements. "The copy mailed should not show cost of handling as a separate item. One amount shown to include both charges on each item. A loose leaf ledger is recom- mended, with sheets ruled with columns for date, ex- planatory data (about one inch), folio, debit, credit and balance sheets to be of about 9 x 12 dimension, with vertical dividing line in center and only one patient's name on each sheet for convenience in arranging sheets for in- dexing and transferring. (See Ledger Form No. 7.) "A controlling account shall be opened in the general ledger for the clothing ledger and a trial balance shall be drawn from the latter quarterly, showing their agree- ment. Credits other than cash on clothing ledger must be supported by a voucher on Form No. 11, certified to by the chief clerk and approved by the reimbursing in- vestigator. The details of debits and credits must be maintained in an available manner for verification at any time. "Journal entries will be made covering the clothing- accounts in the general journal by listing clothing requisi- tion statements, giving date, number and amount, and making the total at the end of the period, showing the total value of the articles which will be charged to the individual or County ledger. The corresponding credit will be made to the departments furnishing the articles and to an account to be known as 'Cost of Handling/ "Individual postings to the clothing accounts are to be made direct from the requisitions to the clothing ledger and the ledger account must show the requisition number. The postings to the individual ledger account are to be made from the total amount of the requisition and not by item. The cost for handling the goods is not to be credited to the account kept with the storekeeper. "Credits to controlling account will be made of cash and approved voucher credits. "Samples for guidance in preparation of forms for requisitions, ledger sheets and vouchers for credits other than cash are given and are made a part of this order. (See Forms No. 9, 7 and 11 respectively.)" In the event that clothing or other articles are fur- nished from the sewing room or other department, then that department is to be treated just the same as the Ledger Mailing Statements Loose Leaf Ledger Controlling Account Journal Entries Postings Approved Credits Form Samples Information to General Bookkeeper Industrial Section Cost System Controlling Accounts Industrial Books Accounts Titles of Ledger Accounts 12 storekeeper, and the department will furnish the general bookkeeper kill information, so that he may keep account of the articles manufactured and the cost of handling. INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES The institutional divisions having industrial activities will adopt the manufacturing cost system herein out- lined. The purpose of this system is to keep a cost record of each kind of article manufactured, to be able to main- tain a proper selling price over the cost of production, and to maintain in the general office of the institution controlling accounts for these operations, which should at any period show a true condition of factory operations without the taking of a physical inventory. The books in the general office should approximately agree with a physical inventory. Books to be kept in addition to general books are : 1. Operating Ledger, Form No. 5. 2. Sales Ledger (customers), Form No. 6. 3. Sales Journal for each department (or in- voice book), Form No. 12. The department accounts to be kept in the general ledger are : Plant and Equipment. Depreciation Reserve. Manufactoring Account. Finished Stock. Overhead Expense. Cost of Sales. Sales. Returned Goods. Allowances on Sales. Operating Account. Labor Earned. "Plant and Equipment," representing appraised value of all machinery and equipment. "Depreciation Reserve," representing a percentage of depreciation charged cff in the operating expenses as part of the production costs and as a credit to Depreciation Reserve. "Manufacturing Account," representing the debits of all materials purchased and the credits of materials used in the manufactured article. To this account is charged the value of raw material on hand, as well as the labor and material value of partially finished stock or work in progress at time of taking inventory. Further charges will be made to this account monthly as follows : For the value of materials purchased during the month 13 as shown by the total of the Manufacturing Account col- umn for each department in the invoice journal. "Finished Stock." To this account is charged at the manufacturing cost (material and labor) the value of all finished stock on hand, ready for shipment at the time of taking the inventory. Further charges will be made to the above account monthly, representing the factory cost (materials and labor values) of all finished stock produced. At the close of the month each department will render to the general office a report of all goods manufactured during the month, made out in detail, showing the number of pieces of each kind of article manufactured, the amount of ma- terial, the amount of labor and the rate for each finished article at the manufacturing cost (material and labor) and the total extension. The total of this extension column will be charged to finished stock and the totals of the material and labor col- umns will be credited to manufacturing account and labor earned respectively. (See Form No. 29.) The sum so charged by journal entry will be credited to Manufac- turing Account for the value of material used and to the Labor Earned Account for labor at the rate of fifty cents a day per each man. Further charges will be made to the above account at the manufacturing cost (material and Titles of labor) for the value of all goods returned in a salable con- Ledger dition. The sum so charged will be credited to the Cost * of Sale. Account. The information necessary to make the above charge and credit will be obtained from a re- capitulation of the cost of each article so returned as en- tered on the office copy of the credit memoranda. Credit to this account will be made monthly, representing the material and labor costs of all shipments made to cus- tomers. The sum so credited will be charged to the Cost of Sales Account. The information necessary to make the above charge and credit will be obtained from the re- capitulation of the costs of each article shipped as en- tered on the office copy of the invoices rendered to cus- tomers. As each invoice is prepared the original will be forwarded to the customer and the duplicate, or carbon copy, is retained in the invoice book. On the duplicate opposite each item will be recorded the manufacturing cost thereof. This information will be obtained from a recapitulation of the manufacturing cost sheets estab- lished, showing the estimated material and labor cost of each article produced. These estimates are compiled by the heads of the different industrial departments. (See Form No. 13.) "Overhead Expense." To this account is charged 14 at the time of taking the inventory the amount of over- head expense" or burden applicable to the partially finished stock or work in progress and then finished stock on hand ready for shipment. The information necessary to make this charge is obtained from applying the percentage esti- mated to be sufficient to cover the overhead expense to the productive or convict labor consumed in the manufac- ture of each finished part. No further charges will be made to this account during the year, as it is assumed that there will be on hand at all times throughout the year about as much work in progress in the department and about as much finished stock therein as there is in the inventory. However, should the inventory increase or decrease to any extent throughout the year, then this account should be increased or decreased by the same per- centage. The sum so charged or credited should be charged or credited to Loss and Gain Account. "Cost of Sales." To this account is charged monthly the labor and material costs of all sales (shipments billed) to customers. The sum so charged is credited to the Fin- ished Stock Account of the department. The information necessary to make the above charge and credit will be obtained from a recapitulation of the cost of each ship- ment as recorded on the duplicate copies of each invoice Led|er 0f as previously described. Accounts "Sales." To this account is credited monthly the total sales of the department. This is obtained from a recapitulation of the sales record or book of duplicate in- voices of shipments to customers. In cases, where goods are sold delivered this account is charged the amount of the freight on the shipment. This charge is made through the invoice journal when the freight bill has been audited and passed for payment. The total sales are charged to the Accounts Receivable Account in the general ledger, which is the controlling account of the accounts receivable or customers' ledger. Charges to the customers' accounts will be made direct from the duplicate copy of each in- voice (Form No. 12.) "Returned Goods." To this account is charged monthly, at the sale price, the value of all goods returned by customers. The sum so charged is credited to the Accounts Receivable Account in the general ledger and to the respective customers' account in the accounts re- ceivable ledger. The information necessary to make this charge and credit will be obtained from a recapitulation of the total credit memoranda issued in respect to re- turned goods, applicable to the department at the selling price. (Form No. 14.) "Allowances on Sales." To this account will be 15 charged monthly the total allowance made to customers in respect to damaged goods, etc. The sum so charged will be credited in the general ledger to Accounts Re- Titles of ceivable Account, and also credited to the respective cus- Accounts tomer's account in the sales ledger. The information necessary to make the above charge and credit will be ob- tained from the recapitulation of the credit memoranda issued for allowance made to customers. (Form No. 14.) "Operating Account." This account represents the total operating expenses of the department. The charges are made monthly from the invoice journal and represent the total distribution to the department. The above ac- count controls the operating ledger, in which the details Ledger 1 " 8 are kept, which will be classified as follows : Salaries of Employes 1 Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment. 2 Operating Supplies 3 Light, Heat and Power 4 Etc., Etc., The different departments w r ill use a key letter to properly designate them as follows : Furniture Department "A" Reed and Rattan Department "B" ' Shoe Department "C" Etc., The details of expense will be by number, as follows Key Letters DR. "A" FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Salaries of employes Maintenance item Waste, sand- paper, etc., supplies Footing posted to controlling account in General Ledger Manufacturing A'cct Operating Folio Materials No. Accounts i 250.00 182 2 7-50 184 3 8.. oo 188 These items posted in detail in Operating Ledger 265-SO 16 . STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS A statement of the department operations or profit and loss and income at the close of each month is compiled by taking the balances of the accounts affecting profit and loss from the ledgers, as follows : Sales $ Less: Returns ar. I : i 3H w 53 K J 32 33 34 35 36 15 ^ mi JN 37 38 a; 39 it ^ 40 41 .HI I ^ ^ lyj JJ 42 44 45 1 * JL o < *) < f -&> -A- s ! \\Ll I I < { i '! M 46 47 V * ! >^; -^' I .x. " \ v\ 'i\ V A T ^O V ^ 1 1 48 FORM No. 9 Patients' Clothing Requisition (Male) ORIGINAL LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL <& COLONY LINCOLN, ILLINOIS xr. N R W (1 ^ ^ am? \Ltt*sfsS^? Wi*/' te / /* / rf ^ / /J ^ 1 / ^j' / ^ Caps Handkerchiefs 3 Socks ^^ ^ 6 ^ tL ^^ -Suspenders / Shoes /^ 1>' l t f'l/' 7*1* 2: 7^ if is ^^ Slippers Boots, Leather Boots, Rubber Boots, Felt . Total // ft) /3 *1 / W Managing Officer, Received the above N OTE- Ma^e remittanr > Payable to No. / Managing Officer, Lincoln State School & Colony, .Lincoln, Illinois 49 Name Regist Ward f \ FORM No. 9 Ov^Mje-t--' U>3^ls0^i^r,, m ^r PRIVATE ^ -2X -^t^-r^O r,v :urity N sme Address Number ARTICLES Size Amount Cost Ten per cent v_ BILLS RENDERED: Undershirts ^ ^ %A / 00 .>: f6 ^/ ^f ~y Underdrawcrs /^ ^/^ 3b / of 3 Shirts <^ S'T/ /6" / 7o / cT^ // 1 Night Shirts <^ ^ ^ to <^ 0<* Suits Pants 1 Hats P^l.tf 6% / W / /,r 1 Caps Handkerchiefs 3 Socks <>,.<}& to // OTs i Suspenders /Z~)^ y -jX til /z/ 03 / Shoes ^. rflS 7 I/ 7o 2 /I/ n Slippers Boots, Leather Boots, Rubber / Boots, Felt ^D/ 2;/ 3 00 /6 Yj // If ^ 7/ / of Receiv NOTE: I, L Total No ^ Managing Officer ?d the ahnvf Make remittance Payable to fanaging Officer, Lincoln State School & Colony, incoln, Illinois 50 FORM No. 10 TRIAL BALANCE NAME OF ACCOUNT MONTH Dr. Cr. 1 1 MONTH Dr. Cr. MONTH Dr. Cr. MONTH Dr. Cr. FORM No. 11 JOURNAL VOUCHER Date. Vouchers for clothing ledger credits other than cash: No. 191 The following credits are submitted for approval: Name Folio Amount 1 certify that the above credits are correct and just and should be allowed. Chief Clerk Reimbursing Investigator FORM No. 8 Requisition for Supplies No. (Name of Institution) REQUISITION TO STOREKEEPER 191 Deliver to . For (Department) ARTICLE When this requisition is receipted by the party in whose favor it is drawn it will be a voucher for the storekeeper. Approved; Managing Officer Received the above TT 51 FORM No. 13 Estimate of Manufacturing Cost INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Joliet, 111. Department Style Number Estimated Cost of , Estimated Cost Each Name of Article Size Give full description of material, with cost and quantity used, time required in each operation and cost of the total labor. Description of Material Quantity Unit Cost Cost Labor Hours Order No. Reg. No. FORM No. 12 Sales Journal Department ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Joliet, 111 No. 191 Sold to Date Remarks: SUMMARY Total Material Cost __ Total Labor Cost Total Material and Labor Cost ...................... Add % of Labor Cost .... Total Estimated Coat . 52 6 INVOICES FORM No. 18 RECORD OF INVOICES 6 Page No. Date Invoice No. Name Amount | - | Article FORM No. 19 STOCK CARD Unit Page Received Issued Dt ite Invoice No. j; : -: v ! - j CR1 Department FORM No. 14 SDIT MEMORANDA 1C (Division) Dr. _ Order No Invoice I 1 Terms . To Cr. - k>. Quantity Measure Style Description of Article _; [ 53 FUKM NO. li> FARM AND GARDEN, DAIRY, HOGS AND POULTRY ACCOUNTS FARM AND GARDEN LIVE STOCK Colts 3 <& /00\ Joo 00 Driving Horses jr <_ /OO 00 FARM MACHINERY Gasoline Engine / ^ 2-OoZZ ?-00 ^A Motor / (S> / 00^ / o c -^A Self-Bindcr 1 <&- / fj~ // O Silage Cutter / <& /^~0-2- /^ a o Tractors, Large / <& i<^ ~o /. ^ .fo ^0 11 Potatoes 3 oo (g / 3oo a o Straw >3~Q'too TOTAL VALUE SUPPLIES 3^o O DAIRY Bulls I/ (&. 1^& O 2f ^00 **_ Cows, Dry and in Milk +0 /00?2. tf O o Calves, Under 6 Months T,0 (^ r^< J~&0 oo 2- Year-Old Steers and Heifers 1 (^ Jtot* $00 If Yearling Steers and Heifers J5(Q, 4o-L d) O O O o TOTAL DAIRY CATTLE (0300 00 54 FORM No. 15 DAIRY (CONTINUED) Alfalfa Hay J~C ^i&W-! / O o O Bran *~ " & Jo '-5 **e O Corn and Oats, Ground foo# Qfo'S- ^ 00 i^ ^0* jL4L^^~i^<&(^~<-i ^yvtt- 55 To Poultry For Supplies Delivered as Follows ; ===== Amount 56 FORM No. 16 REPORT OF FARM PRODUCE FURNISHED 191 ___ ______ Department By. To Hogs For Supplies Delivered as Follows: Fresh Pork, Ibs. Livers and Hearts, Ibs. . Soap Grease, Ibs To Farm and Garden For Supplies Delivered as Follows : Amount Alfalfa, tons Apples, bu. Beans, bu. Beets, bu. Blackberries, qts. Cabbage, Ibs. Chard, bu. Cherries, qts. Currants, qts. Cucumbers, ba. Cauliflower, bu. Celery, bunches Clover, tens Eggs, doz. Gooseberries, qts. Lettuce, bu. Mangoes, tons Potatoes, bu. Peas, bu. Pears, bu. Poultry, Ibs. Raspberries, qts. Rye, bu. Spinach, bu. Straw, tons Silage, tons Sweet Potatoes, bu. Sweet Corn, bu. Timothy, bu. Turnips, bu. Tomatoes, bu. Wheat, bu, Dr. Price Cr. Cost FORM No. 17 REPORT OF HOGS FURNISHED Department Dr. Cr. Amount Price Cost Received the above, Head of Department FORM No. 17 REPORT OF DAIRY . Department Dr. To Dairy For Supplies Delivered as Follows : Cr. Butter, Ibs. Milk, lbs._ Buttermilk, Ibs.. Beef. Ibs Veal, Ibs Hides, Ibs Amount Price Cost Received the above, Head of Department 57 58 STATE OF ILLINOIS FORM No. 22 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TRUST FUND DISBURSEMENT BOOK No WELFARE. SOLDIERS' WIDOWS' HOME OF ILLINOIS WILMINGTON, ILLINOIS TRUST FUND ACCOUNT FOR THE MONTH OF (L^.^^.^ ^"^J^^T' DISBURSEMENTS (J V _ 191 Jt DATE PAID TO PURPOSE REC'D BY T Vr^ ORCHECK CHARGE TO NO. FOLIC n 1 ~~~~ "~ J AMOUNT m JL&*x f J+z^, /\Js&~yi^& ^^^. /t-z^s^. /tf 3 Q C,a^ ' f /%&*-<>*'& nz~ ftl/lsf , l/-***i-4 T^-J / 3 2 'fotst^^fa^tf*^ C^t^iC >^t /^f^^^X /^^ / ^^ Si ^^~^- ^/I^^Cd^, y-' (2^ , <^s&<^^ c ^ fpt/lrf* ; $~#h&f$~& / ^*7 ^ : ;;^3 ( -V;*t3iW. < H^. sZ//li2 s}f~$L t t\**~*\s 3*j / ' ~6 ,. /T&'t^**' k<** /i^^:^ /3/ ^p xt^2.D -;;>< '. V ;?'" X& -x. : ^,: 6^f W ! [5l j^^. ^,-..2^^ ttM,*, &} . jf^f/ ^v. ^^t^^ec /rf 33 ^r**' c^^^^c %$i // ^^M^ |pt2 1| /Jl^ .*- 4>./^^U; 2p ^ ^ 7^ :S| : 2^^i : : ^ : /^^ osi /^ ; ; :wfo?.. !/7>!Sl ^^^^^^ ^_ ; : " : ^ ; .'^" # -7&-'f-'\ }k^4 . S^^Mit f^ 4>3, -i^^U_ /7f /j^.sH^ - J>7 7/ i *fJ'7? : 7f ^>'l /^f ^3 __ Total f/ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS {or Am BALANCE DUE INMATES LAST REPORT RECEIPTS (AUTOGRAPHIC NO, / d To /'j BALANCE DUE INM/ ount Forwarded) i: 7 i? ."? f. A"6 j^H "J INCLj TRANSMITTED ;| ~TZ~T, HEREWITH LTES TOTAL !!//Yf,s3> IjS: DATR OF LAST TRIAL BALANCE, TRUST FUND LEDGER fy^ f //f } CONDmON c ^ /LjL~~-<^ . u ,j Send carbon copv monthly to Department of Public Welfare as trust fund voucher, together with triplicate receipt roll from Autographic Register. 59 De To C Jl FORM ORDER TO DISPOSE OF UNSEI ORIG STATE OF No. 23 C J No. *VK [NAL IL E E ,EABLE STATE PROPERTY LINOIS ivision of >afp You are hereby appointed Surveying Officer to appraise and recommend the disposition of the following described personal property: No. ARTICLES AND DESCRIPTION Each Inventory Value No. ARTICLES AND DESCRIPTION Each Inventory Value Amount For'd. Total Amt. Head of Division Relative to the above described property, I make the following recommendation. Surveying Officer The above recommendation of the Surveying Officer approved: Head of Division Director of 60 Name FORM No. 24 Time Sheet KANKAKEE STATE HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES Entered Service Occupation ')Re8$dent Address Department Street City County Left Service Rate Change in Rate Due Amount Reason for Leaving^ Commutation 191 1 6 ii ill II d fc < w 191 | 1 1 1 \ '5 g 5 g i ijj s ^ g : II 1 1 2 2 3 3 ..:#- : il 4 : - 1 ' ' ' ' '"I" ' ' 1 'I II :!< > 1 -| | | [ | | | FORM No. 25 EMPLOYEES TIME RECORD KANKAKEE STATE HOSPITAL ^5^"- -Entered Sen^ Occupation 1 * I t| Department Rate. otreet ^ fry Left Servir* Change in Rate Due County Amount I MONTH" Dy Worked Hate Day or Month I A] nount Coi i. nmutation DEC. ~ JAN. APR. OCT. NOV. DEC. . 1 i JUNS "JULY AUG. SEPT. Total " 1 _ 39 - - = - ~ = ===== ' = = '*?" (. ^j MAY JUNE AUG. SEPT. Total ls>cf FT~ -~ ===== ^ - -_ mmm '. -^ ===== =- ' |. I { r 1 30 ^ 30 j 31 i 31 Time Time _/~NAmt. 1 Anat. 1 *^***X- sl^fa^^JL^d^ -4f~L^ Signature of Employee ^- . : y V| _ I I, " i ! 1 - : i : f 1:V i - i- i- i i ' : ; f 1 , . : ij ' | |::/ 111 !" :i ': 1 i ^ : ; IJ [J.j ; . :' ' 1 i j :' ! SWTf ' : - 3 1 i : ' 1 -:-: i IS '- : -' :: I-' '.,.:: -H" --I; ' : ' v j :-' i i !i"~l FORM No. 27 OFFICIAL RECEIPT MISCELLANEOUS L STATE OF ILLINOIS Na 927698 191 ^ THE EHSPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY M* "1 // 100 Dollars 1 3 jn Give Weights, Quantities and Description of all Articles Sold j-j H Warden H 21 t Authorized Agent M OU O Farm Products Rags and Junk Hides and Tallow Articles Manufactured Live Stock Other Sources The Authorized Agent Must Deliver Receipt to Payee in Person or by Mail. No State Property Can Legally Be Sold to Any Officer or Employee of Any State Institution PAYROLL CHECK FORM No,i STATE OF ILLINOIS NO, PAY TO TH ORDER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE LINCOLN 1 __ DOLLARS LINCOLN STATE BANK \ THE UPKJOLN STATE SCHOOL AND CCLC'I^I LINCOLN, ILL. j BY 63 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BULLETIN No. 5 October 1, 1918 Superseding and cancelling all conflicting instructions in former Bulletins. Procedure to be followed in the actual work of hand- ling the following : Abbreviations will be used NAMES in the Bulletin as follows : Requisition Req. Form F 5 Authorization Auth. Purchase Order .P. O. Form F 6 Names and Order for Delivery O. F. D. Form F 7 Invoice Inv. Voucher Vo. Form F 9-10 Schedule Sch. Form F 11 Bulletins heretofore issued by this Department gave instructions as to above, but it appears that more simpli- fied handling can be followed. 1st. To insure uniform procedure everywhere as far as this part of the clerical work is concerned. 2nd. To reduce the work now being done and do away with handling of various kinds of papers when only one or two are necessary. REQUISITIONS (Form F-5) These are requests for supplies and materials, and should be made out for a period of one month or more, and in charitable or penal divisions should be made out for three months in advance, in order that the superintendent of purchases and supplies may buy from bids, as provided by law. No division should send in Req. 3 mo. daily or even weekly requisitions unless for unforseen needs or in case of accident and when unavoidable. One division sent to their department office twenty-one requisitions in triplicate, each one bearing the same date and naming the same fund. One requisition, with list of items attached, would have been sufficient and would have served the purpose, saving sixty sheets of the printed form, besides reducing the shipping weight, and would have made considerably less work for the division and all others concerned. 64 Page guarterly eq. Assemble Req. sheets File Index Other Req. Auth. and P. O. Auth. in extreme cases QUARTERLY REQUISITIONS In making out Quarterly Req. those Divisions which do so have always numbered them by quarters, (as "Q No. 1"). To make it easier to locate a certain sheet of any Quarterly Req. it will help everyone who must handle them if the pages of the Quarterly Req. are also num- bered, beginning with Page 1 on each Quarterly Req. Do this, therefore, on each Quarterly Req. in same way from Page 1 up. Reference can then always be made to ''Quart. Req. No. 4, Pg. 69," etc., etc. It has been the custom to make out a Quarterly Req. and then assemble the sheets belonging to the same kind of articles together, such as all foods, all drugs, all engi- neering supplies, etc. It will doubtless be more convenient to continue this plan, and after the sheets are so sorted, number them at the bottom right hand corner. When these Quart. Req. ha\e been properly approved and re- turned to the Div. they will be filed on the binder now being used. Put an index sheet on top of the top sheet and mark it "Quarterly Req. No. 4", etc. Then later Quart. Reqs. can be filed on top and marked in same way until binder is full, when the old, used-up Quart. Req. can be taken ofT, wrapped up and filed where they can be found if needed. OTHER REQUISITIONS Those Div. which make Quart. Reqs. and then must make supplementary Req. are now numbering these so each page carries a number, and this numbering should be continued. When they are received approved, they should be filed on another binder, in a similar way. These should be filed with the last number on top. Those Div. which make Req. other than Quarterly should page their sheets and file them in the same way, with last number on top. AUTHORIZATION-PURCHASE ORDER All divisions will receive from the superintendent of purchases and supplies, after having their Req. (Quar- terly or others) approved, one or both of the following: 1. Auth. 2. Copy of "P. O." or AUTHORIZATION When an Auth. is received (and this will be only in extreme cases, and where it is impossible for the super- intendent of purchases and supplies to arrange to pur- chase direct) it should be checked on the Req. and its 65 number put on the Req. and the Req. page number put on the Auth. An O. F. D. (Form F 7) should then be made out and the number entered on the Auth. and the Auth. num- ber put on the O. F. D. The Auth. can be filed on the same binder next above the Req. to which it belongs, and remain there. When making out the O. F. D. the amount in dollars and cents should be figured as nearly as pos- sible and entered plainly on the triplicate, or office copy, so at close of month the Orders and Contracts Outstand- ing can be determined. When this O. F. D. is made out the Req. and the Auth. are dead, and should not be again referred to unless for some unusual reason. Heretofore the superintendent of purchases and sup- plies, after awarding contracts, has sent each charitable and penal division, and doubtless some others, a Contract Award Notice, which was a notification to the division that the goods or materials had been contracted for, and the division was expected to make out an O. F. D. as the goods were needed. This Contract Award Notice some- times showed a number of contractors and articles. This will now be changed, and if you do not receive an Auth. you will receive only a copy of a P. O., which the super- intendent of purchases and supplies will send to every one to whom he awards a contract or from whom he or- ders anything. This P. O. will either direct the 'persons from whom the goods are bought to ship at once, ship at some specified date, or NOT to ship until advised to do so by the division. The P. O. will show what instructions are given to the firm to which the order is sent. Each division will, upon receipt of a copy of the P. O., check it up with the Req. (either Quart, or other), and enter the number of the P. O. on the Req. and the number and page of the Req. on the P. O. If the P. O. does not give full shipping instructions, Div. will notify the firm to whom the order has been sent by the superintendent of purchases and supplies as to dates shipments are to be made to them, and enter on the P. O. a notation to such effect, also keep a copy of the letter. Divisions will not make out any O. F. D. for articles shown as bought by the superintendent of purchases and supplies, only in cas~s of Ar.th. as shcr.yi abov . Th^y will also figure out the amount of the order as exactly as possible and put down the amount in plain figures, to be easily checked at end of a month. It is possible the division may receive both an Auth. and a P. O. for one Req. In such case indicate under or beside each item on the Req. the number and name of the o. F. D. amounts to be figured P. O. shows when shipment to be made Check up with Req. No O. F. D. only on Auth. Both Auth. and P. O. may be received 66 Req. Auth. P. O. Filing Printing Req. Separate from others Supt. of Printing Pink slips form received. If there are items left on a Req. for some time (which you need), write your director, making in- quiry about them, or, if changes in conditions make them unnecessary, so state, with a date on the Req., and con- sider it as dead. We have now treated Req. Auth. P. O. Such items as were authorized the division has trans- ferred to an O. F. D. If the Req. has been completed it is, as stated, dead, and need not be again referred to. The Auth. is also dead and there now remains only 1. A possible Req. which has not been completed. 2. P. O. covering nearly all you will receive from shippers. 3. O. F. D. A very few and constantly de- creasing number. The P. O. and O. F. D. are one and the same thing in reality, only different in name. When the P. O. is received or the O. F. D. is made out, and they have both been figured to give the amount, they will be filed in the Contracts and Orders Outstanding File (See Bulletin No. 3, page 3, Par. 4.) This is the vertical file, which all divisions have. A place in one of the drawers will be used. An index showing all the standard accounts from which you will pay bills should be used, and in the section, ''Operating Supplies and Expenses", and perhaps in some other section, should be an alphabetical index. The or- ders, both P. O. and O. F. D., should be placed in this file under the letter of the firm name, in the proper stand- ard account. (An order to Durand & Kasper for 100 bbls. flour, payable from Operating Supplies and Ex- penses would be placed in the letter "D" in that Standard Account Division of the file.) PRINTING REQUISITIONS (Form F 5 P) When Printing Reqs. are made they should be sent to your department office for approval. The Reqs. should always ask for an estimate of the cost of the job. These Reqs. are separate entirely from the regular or supplementary Req. for materials or supplies, and the totals of Printing Req. should never be included in the summary sheet of any regular or Quarterly Req. When the Printing Req. is properly approved and sent to the superintendent of printing he will send you a pink slip, which is a copy of the order he has placed, and it should show the estimate of cost. 67 When charitable and penal institutions, State normal schools and Geological Survey receive a pink order slip, and if the order is not placed with another State institu- tion, they should immediately make a copy of it and place How Charitab i e an estimate of the cost on it and file it in the vertical file, Penal and marked '"Contracts and Orders Outstanding," as this now is a part of their Outstanding Obligations. If print- handle ing order is placed with Pontiac (etc.), then no estimate need be included in Outstanding Obligations. If the nor- mal schools order printing from Pontiac, they will treat the order as an obligation and pay for it the same as for any other bill. Hold the pink slip, and when the goods are received sign the pink slip and return it to the superintendent of printing. Invoices will be received and they must be checked up with the copy in the Contracts and Orders Outstanding file, vouchered and paid the same as all other invoices. In divisions other than those named above the pink slips should be checked with Printing Reqs. and held until supplies are received. When the supplies have been re- ceived the pink slip should be signed and returned to the handle these superintendent of printing. He will pay the bill from his appropriation. These Printing Reqs. can be filed on same binder Fi i in g with the other Req. (not quarterly Req., however), keep- P rin t in R eq- ing them separated by an index sheet. All of the Outstanding Orders are now in the file to- gether as anticipated by the original Bulletin, and no fur- ther checking or handling of Reqs. or Auth. will have to be done. INVOICES When an invoice is received it should be compared with the P. O. or O. F. D. to see that quantity and price are correct. Shippers have been and will continue to be requested to place number of the order on invoice, and if jmpaX and they do not do so the division should put it on when they p he Q k <* check it with the order. They should also show any F! D'. classification number or other means of identifying the shipment that may be needed by the department office. The invoice should show' date goods are received and be show date signed by receiving officer, and the order should be again g c checked to show goods received and marked with the date of the invoice. Invoices must be secured on billheads of the firms. They should show each article purchased so one without technical training may be able to tell what is being paid for. (The use of other invoices, such as are made out at the institutions, should be avoided as much as possible.) 63 Receiving officer's stamp If Inv. fills order how to file If Inv. partly completes order Vo. Discount coal, freight emergency Send all Vo. at once not later than 15th Each Vo. to carry as many Inv. as possible General terms such as "Repairs," "Service," "Work Done," etc., are unsatisfactory, as same should be item- ized to enable the party auditing the bill to pass upon the reasonableness of the charge. Receiving Officer's Stamp : ( Form 28. ) Every invoice should bear stamp showing signature of Receiving Officer and chief clerk. The old stamps in use at the various institutions will be discarded and requisition made for one like sample shown, Form No. 28, at once. If the invoice completes the order, it should be taken out of its place in the Contracts and Orders Outstanding, and now filed numerically in front of the Orders Filled and Bills Holding File, and the Invoice itself should be filed in that file in exactly the same way the orders were filed in the "Contracts and Orders Outstanding file." If an invoice only partly completes an order, enter on the order form the date of the Invoice and its amount, and deduct it from the amount already figured as the total cost of the entire order. Leave the order in the Contracts and Orders Outstanding File until it is entirely filled. As an example, if the division ordered a long bill of groceries from Campbell Holton and estimated it to cost $1000.00 and invoice was received for . 500.00 deduct, and leave order showing and still un- filled $500.00 The invoice will have gone to either Bills Holding or Bills Passed file, and the unfilled portion will remain in the Contracts and Orders Outstanding. VOUCHEL' (Forms 9 and 10) Vouchers should be made for all purchases subject to discount just as quickly as possible also for coal and freights and sent forward with pink slip attached. Other invoices should be vouchered and sent in one bunch to the Department of Public Welfare, to reach them not later than the 15th of the month, but no others than the three named above and pay-roll vouchers should be sent from your office between the 15th of one month and the 1st of the next. This will enable most of those vouchers sent from your office up to the 15th to be actually paid by the, last day of the month. To avoid extravagant use of voucher forms and extra work, one voucher only, cover- ing several invoices, should be used in favor of any one firm. C9 Pay-rolls Vo. to be corrected Do not roll Vo. Signatures of certification Holding invoices of a firm until all can be vouchered together will help to avoid duplication. This does not apply when discount can be taken. Pay-rolls should be sent direct to the Department of Public Welfare and not to the Civil Service. When vouchers are returned to a division for correc- tion, even though they have an error slip attached or carry other communications from another department, they should be forwarded direct to the Department of Public Welfare office, with new schedule. Such voucher should not be entered on a schedule with vouchers of a different month. Any notations or explanations should be made on the voucher and not on the slip. When sending in vouchers do not send them in rolls, as it takes considerable time and bother to straighten them out and it makes them difficult to handle in auditing. This refers to rolls and not to folding once or twice when only two or three vouchers are sent. Signatures purporting to carry with them the author- ization or approval of the managing officer, warden or general superintendent should be accompanied by the name or initials of the party using such signature, to in- cate who is using it. A name set up in type is not suffi- cient, and when a signature stamp is used the name or initials of the party should appear therezvith. The same rules apply to the signatures of other officers and em- ployes when not in their own Handwriting. It is neces- sary that only bonded employes sign vouchers or requisi- tions. SCHEDULES (Form F 11) As heretofore, Sch. will be sent with vouchers, and it is requested that just as many Vo. be put on each Sch. as possible, but not typewritten closer than double space and as few Sch. sent through with only one or two Vo. as possible. Separate schedules are only required when vouchers are drawn on different funds. Sch. should be carefully filed on their proper binder, each standard account separated from the other by index sheets. Totals under each standard account should be carried forward on Sch. so a check may be had on the voucher register to know whether all Vo. are entered on the register in the proper standard account. Some divisions have made no use of the Sch. and have needed help to keep their registers straight. By keeping the totals of the schedules, they can simplify their work. Discount Slips: Pink discount It is not necessary to attach discount slips to sched- slips ides and also to original and duplicate vouchers. They Sch. Double space Carry forward total of Sch. 70 Discount Vo. on separate Sch. Vo. Register Monthly totals To correct mistakes follow these instructions Monthly report F 4 File Date to make should be attached to the original voucher, one slip to- each voucher. They should be attached so the end will show beyond one edge of the voucher, so they can be seen. Do not put discount vouchers on schedule with other vouchers. VOUCHEE REGISTER (Form F 14) Probably all divisions are using a voucher register in the way to get the most out of it, and to get from it the correct and exact amount of Bills Passed for any period. A few cases have been found where reports on Form F-4 were made up from vouchers, and the reports were not verified by making the exact totals of the standard ac- count column in the register agree. The register should be used and totaled each month for the month's business,, and for the period from July 1st of the biennium to the close of the month covered by the report. If this is done, and the schedules are totaled, mistakes will happen less frequently and everyone will get their work done more easily. If later it is found that any error has been made, and some invoice is wrong, correct voucher register as follows : Show in red ink on line of original entry, "See next line after Voucher No. ," meaning the last voucher entered in the book. On next line after last voucher entered show the voucher number of the voucher to be corrected and write in red ink explanation of correction. If amount of original entry was too small enter in total column and in proper distribution column the additional amount in black ink, and at close of month include it in total. If original entry was too large an amount enter in total column and in proper distribution column the AMOUNT TO BE DEDUCTED in RED INK and DE- DUCT at close of month, when totals are determined. REPORTS (Form F 4) This must be an exact record of the details of the financial affairs of the divisions and should be of absorb- ing interest to the managing officers, showing the exact financial condition of their institution. A binder was furnished each division on which the Bulletins should be filed and all the F-4 reports on top of them, and each chief clerk should see that the managing officer has a good opportunity to look over all the reports for the year at the close of each month. On the first working day of each month this report can be made out. The Voucher Register and Schedules should be totaled and should agree and the expenditure transferred to Column 3. 71 The "Unpaid Bills Holding," column 5, can be quickly and easily determined by taking such invoices from the Orders Filled and Bills Holding file from one Standard Account section at a time and adding them up. keeping the list for later reference and using the amounts so determined for Col. 5. The "Contracts and Orders Outstanding" can be just as quickly and easily determined if you have com- puted the amounts of the orders (both P. O. and O. F. ordS ct out n - d D.) when they are filed, and if the invoice amounts that standin s partly filled these orders were deducted when invoices were received. Do not use Req. for this work, or any other papers simply the two order blanks (P. O. and O. F. D.V (In cases where divisions pay their own printing bills the pink copy from the Division of Printing, with the estimate on it.) Many accounting officers have made too much of the work needed to get out these items of Bills Holding and Contracts and Orders Outstanding. This likely has been because they have failed to study the Bulletins. Now, if they do not study and put these suggestions into opera- tion, they will still work as hard and make as many extra moves to get the same results. Study bulletins 73 INDEX Abbreviations .__ 63 Abstract of Supplies __ ._ig, 57 Accountants not Authorized to Charge Forms __ _ 2 Accounting Sections 5 Accounts, Industrial ._ 12 Assemble Requisition Sheets 64 Assets and Liabilities, Industrial 17 Authorization and Purchase Order 64 Authorization Extreme Cases 64 Bank Reconciliations 4 Bonding Act 10 Bookkeeper 3 Bookkeeping Set, Mode" 21 Books and Blanks 23 Burial Expenses .__.__. 10 Cash Books 6,28 Cash Entries 7 Cash Received 4 Checks, Pay-roll, Etc . 20,61 Chief Clerk 3 Clothing Account Section 9,47-49 Clothing, Charging for 10 Clothing Requisitions 10, 48, 49, 50 Coal 68 Condemnation of Property 19, 59 Contracts and Orders Outstanding 68 Controlling Account n Controlling Accounts, Industrial 12 Corrections 70 Cost System ._I2, 51 Counties, No Charges 10 Credit Memorandum .__ 52 Credits, Approved IT Cross Entries 4 Dairy Accourti ^7-53-54 Discounts .. .__ 68 Discount Slips .__ 69 Emergency Vouchers 68 Farm Accounts 17, 53-54 Farm, Garden and Dairy Inventory .__I7, 54 Farm, Garden yrd D^iry Section __ .._ -- _. 17 Fi'e Index __ .._ __ _. , ___ 64 Filing 67,68 74 Finance Department Approval ._ 2 Finished Stock Report 57 Firms Ledger '. 9, 43-46 Forms, Clothing Blanks : 11 Freight 68 Garden Accounts 17, 53-54 General Bookkeeper, Information for 11 General Books Section . . 5 General Ledger 7, 29-42 General Orders No. 218 2 Individual Accounts 4 Individual Ledger 61 Industrial Books 12 Industrial Section 12 Inmates Trust Fund 7,58 Inmates Trust Fund Section __ __ .. 19 Inventories, Sept. 30th 2 Inventory, Industrial __ ... 16 Invoice Journal 5,^6 Invoice Record, Storekeepers 18,52 Invoices Attached to Vouchers .__ 67 Journal Entries, Clothing n Journal (General) 5,25 Journal Voucher Clothing 50 Key Letters 15 Ledger, Clothing n Ledger, Loose Leaf : n Monthly Report 70 Monthly Totals 70 No Changes Without Approval ._ 2 Official Receipt _ 4.61 Operating Ledger, Industrial 15 Order for Delivery : 64 Outstanding Accounts 9 Patients, Pay or Non-Pay ... 9 Pay-rolls . 69 Perfect Accounting System -_ __ - 3 Pink Slips 66 Postings, Clothing n Poultry Accounts 17 Printing Requisitions 66 Products Furnished Reported 17, 55, 56 Purchase Order 64-66 Receiving Officer's Stamp - 57> 68 Remittances to State Treasury 4 Requisitions, New Forms 4.63 Requisitions, Purchase -o Requisitions, Storekeepers 18, 50 75 Sales Journal 51 Schedules __ 69 Signatures on Vouchers 69 Statement Operation of Industries 16 Statements, Mailing n Stock Cards ^ 19, 52 Storekeeper 3 Storekeeper's Report 19,58 Storekeeper's Section 18 Superintendent of Printing 66 Surety Bonds 4 Time Records 20, 60 Titles of Accounts Industrial 12-15 Titles of Ledger Accounts 7-8-9 Transfers 4 Transportation 10 Trial Balances 3 Uniform System ' 2 Voucher Forms 68 Voucher Register 6, 27, 70 Vouchers, Corrections 69 Vouchers, Date Forwarding 68 Vouchers, Do Not Roll 69 Welfare Department Approval . 2 (CLASS IN PRINTING, STATE REFORMATORY, PONTIAC, ILLINOIS.) 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