UNIVERSITY OF CAL5FORNIA LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF THE CENSUS E. DANA DURAND, DIRECTOR \ INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF SICKNESS AND DEATH REVISED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION AT THE SESSION OF PARIS, JULY 1 TO 3, 1909, FOR USE BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1910, AND UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1919 &:< 2 5 ii WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF THE CENSUS E. DANA DURAND, DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF SICKNESS AND DEATH REVISED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION AT THE SESSION OF PARIS, JULY 1 TO 3, 1909, FOR USE BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1910, AND UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1919 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 CONTENTS. LETTER OF TBANSMITTAL 5 INTRODUCTION 7-12 Scope of the present pamphlet 9-11 Its purpose and practical use 11,12 TRANSLATION OF FRENCH TABULAR LIST 13-69 TRANSLATION OF FRENCH INDEX 71-146 443047 LKTTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, BUBEAU OF THE CENSUS, Washington, D. C., February 25, 1910. SIB : This pamphlet consists mainly of a translation of the official French edition of the Second Decennial Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death as adopted by the International Commission at Paris, July 1 to 3, 1909, for use during the decade beginning January 1, 1910. It is intended for the temporary use of American registration officials until a new edition of the Manual of the International Classification shall be available, and has been prepared under the direction of Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur, chief statistician for vital statistics of the Bureau of the Census. Very respectfully, Director of the Census. Hon. CHARLES NAGEL, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 5 INTRODUCTION. The Manual of International Classification of Causes of Death issued by the Bureau of the Census in 1902 * has been employed very generally by those state and city registration officials of the United States who are charged with the compilation of mortality statistics. By its use a much greater degree of com- parability has been brought about in the statistics of causes of death. The Second Decennial Revision of the International Classification, which took place at Paris, July 1 to 3, 1909, at the invitation and under the auspices of the French Government, will make necessary a new edition of the Manual so that it may serve as a guide to American registration officials for the ten years beginning January 1, 1910. The revised Manual, it is expected, will be a work of far more useful and authoritative character for the purposes of American physicians and registra- tion officials than the old one. It will contain (1) the terms of the French list, or at least as many of them as may be used properly in English, and (2) the terms found upon medical certificates of causes of death as reported by American physicians, and in addition (3) the terms of the Nomenclature of Diseases of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 2 for over forty years the authoritative guide of English physicians in regard to the proper desig- nation of diseases and causes of death, and also (4) those of the Bellevue Hos- pital Nomenclature of Diseases and Conditions. 3 In its preparation the assist- ance of the Committee on Nomenclature of the American Medical Association 1 Manual of International Classification of Causes of Death, adopted by the United States Census Office for the compilation of mortality statistics, for use beginning with the year 1900. Prepared under the supervision of William A. King, chief statistician for vital statistics. Washington : Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1902. 8 The Nomenclature of Diseases, drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London. (Subject to decennial revision.) Fourth edition, being the third revision. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Darling & Son (Limited), 34-40, Bacon Street, B. The Bellevue Hospital Nomenclature of Diseases and Conditions. First Edition, 1903. First Revision, 1909. Compiled by the Committee on Clinical Records, composed of Robert J. Carlisle, War- ren Coleman, Thomas A. Smith, and Edmund L. Dow. Reprinted from the New York Medical Journal, May 15, 22, 29, and June 5, 1909. A new edition, with references to the International Classification, is now in preparation (1910). 8 will be of special value. The members of this committee are Dr. Frank P. Foster, chairman, New York, N. Y. ; Dr. J. Chalmers Da Costa, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. W. A. Newman Dorland, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Alexander Duane, New York, N. Y. ; and Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, Ann Arbor, Mich. The com- mittee is operating under the following resolutions unanimously adopted by the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association on June 3, 1908 : l Resolved, By the American Medical Association : 1. That the International Classification of Diseases and Causes of Death be recom- mended for all official mortality and morbidity statistical reports. **** 5. That after the revision of the International Classification in 1910 [date subsequently changed to 1909] the Nomenclature of Diseases be recast in corresponding form, so that there will be available under a uniform arrangement and with precise agreement in the meaning of terms (1) International Classification of Causes of Death; (2) International Classification of Sickness and Disability; (3) International Nomenclature of Diseases and Injuries. The advancement of the date of the meeting of the International Commis- sion from 1910 to 1909, which change was made by the French Government primarily at the request of the Bureau of the Census, so that the revised classifi- cation would be available for use in connection with the mortality statistics of the United States for the calendar year corresponding to the decennial enumera- tion of 1910, necessarily resulted in some changes in the general plan of pro- cedure proposed by the committee of the American Medical Association. It was intended originally to take up the question of the nomenclature of diseases before proceeding to the subject of their statistical classification, but the earlier meeting of the International Commission rendered it necessary to formulate the suggestions relative to the revision of the International Classification before questions of nomenclature could be considered. A full statement of the work performed by the committee, with the cooperation of committees of other national medical organizations and sections of the association and with various departments of the Government, may be found in the text of the annual report on Mortality Statistics, 1907, beginning on page 18. The preliminary report of the Census Commission to the International Commission of Revision was presented in Census Bulletin 104, Mortality Statistics, 1908, pages 25-32, and may also be found as Appendix II of the annual report on Mortality Statistics, 1908. It contains the official list of English titles which was adopted so that the International Classification might appear in precisely the same form when used by different English-speaking offices. 1 See Jonrnal of the American Medical Association, June 13, 1908, p. 2005, or Mortality Statistics, 1907, p. 19. Sections 2, 3, and 4, which relate to the preliminary work of the revision of the Inter- national Classification, are omitted. 9 SCOPE OP THE PRESENT PAMPHLET. The present pamphlet is by no means equivalent to the former Manual, much less to the revised Manual now in preparation, in the completeness of the terms included under the various titles of the International Classification. It is merely a translation, as nearly literal as practicable, of the first official publica- tion of the results of the International Commission's work as given in the orig- inal French edition prepared by the secretary-general, Dr. Jacques Bertillon. 1 It is neither a complete nomenclature of diseases, like the Nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians of London, which provides a complete list of definite terms and accepted synonyms for the naming of all diseases, nor a sci- entific classification of diseases, in the sense of presenting a logical arrangement of morbid conditions. It is nothing more or less than a list of statistical titles, under which individual terms designating diseases or morbid conditions as reported by physicians may be more or less satisfactorily grouped for statistical purposes. The peculiar use of the word " classification," as applied to works of this character and as understood in the practical work of a registration office, was mentioned in a recent report, 2 and it is only necessary to say that the process of " classifying " a cause of death under the International " Classification," relates only to its assignment to the specific title which includes it ; it has nothing to do with the theoretical arrangement of these titles under the general classes, such as "Diseases of the Nervous System and of the Organs of Special Sense," " Diseases of the Circulatory System," etc. Such groups of diseases, coordinated upon a theoretical basis, are becoming of less and less practical importance. It was very nearly resolved by the International Commission to do away with them, and the Registrar-General of England and Wales has for some years dis- continued the use of similar " classes " formerly employed in the English mor- tality reports. The sole purpose of the so-called " Classification " at present is to exhibit a list of uniform and comparable titles of diseases, or groups of dis- eases, and of other causes of death, each with a precise inclusion of individual terms as reported by physicians in different countries, so that the international statistics of morbidity and mortality will be as nearly comparable as possible. The word " nomenclature " will be employed in the translation only as indicat- ing a statistical list or " classification " and not a true nomenclature in the English sense. 1 Nomenclature des maladies (Statlstique de morbidity Statlstique des causes de deces) arrfite'e par la Commission Internationale charge'e de la revision d^cennale de la Nomenclature noso- logique Internationale (Nomenclature Bertillon) dans sa deuxieme session, 1909 : Paris, 1909. A second French edition of the revised classification, with some minor changes, is now in preparation (1910). Mortality Statistics, 1907, p. 22. 10 The usefulness of the International Classification for the purpose of facili- tating comparison of the mortality statistics of various countries has been recognized generally, and the extensive list of countries that have employed this system during the past decade is an assurance that the movement for uniformity, which has attained so high a measure of success, will never be abandoned. The great convenience that attends comparisons of data for countries using the International Classification is well shown in the interna- tional tables of causes of death arranged by M. Lucien March in the Statis- tiqite Internationale du mouvement de la. population, 1905. The International Classification in its origin was intended to represent the most desirable methods in use in the various registration offices of the world and has therefore been readily adopted with little loss of continuity of statis- tics by the countries using it. It should be noted that not all the countries now using the International Classification were represented in the Interna- tional Commission of Revision, whose constitution is given on page 14. For example, no delegate for Canada was present, although the Canadian Province of Quebec was perhaps the first of any state or province in the Western Hemisphere to adopt the International Classification. Argentina, Japan, and other countries making prominent use of it were not actually represented, so that the present extension of the International Classification is much greater than that indicated by the list of delegates. Moreover, it is extremely gratifying that the Registrar-General of England and Wales has decided to approximate the English classification to the Inter- national, as shown by the following extract from his last report : 1 The necessity for agreement as to classification, as well as the progress of medical science since the last revision of the present classification in 1901, will probably be found to entail some further modifications, and it is proposed to take advantage of this oppor- tunity to approximate the English classification to the International System so far as may be found possible without destroying the valuable continuity of our records. The latter system, which is based upon the work of Dr. Farr, is in use in Canada and Australia and in many foreign countries. The advantages, for the purpose of international com- parison, which would attend this course, are therefore obvious, and there is reason to believe that a great deal can be done in this direction without any serious sacrifice of continuity. An instance of this is to be found in Dr. Stevenson's treatment of diarrhoeal diseases in his letter on the causes of death ; and it is hoped that this preliminary statement of what is proposed will promote expression of responsible opinion upon the various points to be decided. It will be gathered from the above statement of the difficulties involved that the change could not be introduced without some increase of staff and expenditure, and that this Department has, therefore, not a free hand in the matter. In view, however, of the representations which have reached me and with which I have reason to believe your 1 Seventy-flrst Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages In England and Wales (1908), p. Izxr. 11 Board is in sympathy, I have thought it right to refer to the question, and to mention that I am carefully investigating it with a view to determining whether the practical difficulties can be surmounted without such a disproportionate increase of the cost of providing these statistics as would make it useless to put forward the proposal for sanction. The change, I may add, could not in any case be introduced before the preparation of the Report for the year 1911 owing to the requirements of the Decennial Supplement. ITS PURPOSE AND PRACTICAL USE. The present pamphlet, except for the introductory portion, is a translation of the original French presentation of the revised classification, showing (1) the Tabular List, or the titles of the revised classification as finally arranged by the International Commission and numbered in order from 1 (Typhoid fever) to 189 (Cause of death not specified or ill-defined) ; and (2) the Index of Diseases (Dictionnaire des maladies], in which each term designating a disease, symp- tom, lesion, complication, or mode of injury, which appears either as a title or a contained term under any title in the Tabular List, is referred to its appropriate number in that list. The Tabular List is preceded by a comparison of the detailed and abridged lists of titles of causes of sickness and causes of death, and also of causes of stillbirths. The lists used for morbidity and mortality statistics are presented in parallel columns (not in the original) for the purpose of bringing out the distinctive differences of the classification as used for returns of sickness and for returns of causes of death. The subdivisions of titles given in the Tabular List, and referred to in the Index, such as " 75A," " 75B," etc., are for use in connection with statistics of morbidity only; no attention whatever need be paid to them by registration offices engaged in the compilation of causes of death. References in the Index are double: (1) To the titles of the detailed list of causes of sickness or death, and (2) to the abridged classification. For the main statistical tables of states and cities of considerable size, the data relative to causes of death should always be given in the detailed form, so that there will probably be little or no use for the references to the abridged classification. Moreover, the abridged or other condensed lists of causes can be obtained readily from selection of the titles of the detailed classification, so that it will not be necessary to make use of them except for special purposes or by offices whose data will not warrant the use of more detailed analysis. It is important, for the purpose of international comparisons, that at least the abridged list of causes be used by all offices. Some differences will be found in the official English titles and the literal translations of the French titles, as indicated in brackets in the Tabular List. Thus the French form of title No. 1 is " Fievre typhoide (Typhus abdominal)." This is rendered into English simply as " Typhoid fever," and the literal trans- 12 lation, " Typhoid fever (abdominal typhus)," is bracketed for reference merely and because this form of presentation makes it unnecessary to add any of the omitted terms as inclusions under the title. "Abdominal typhus" is not an English expression at all and adds nothing to the precision of the statement " Typhoid fever." It is highly undesirable to cumber the English titles with objectionable or unnecessary terms, and hence "Typhoid fever," "Typhus fever," " Malaria," etc., are given in the approved form without qualification. Many terms that frequently occur in the usage of American physicians will not be found in the Index or Tabular List. It was recognized by the Inter- national Commission that a special list would have to be prepared for each language, as there are many expressions in English, for example, for which no equivalents exist in French medical nomenclature, and vice versa. Until a com- plete and thoroughly comprehensive Index can be prepared, in connection with the revised edition of the Manual, it will be necessary to use the present Index in conjunction with that of the old edition of the Manual. This can be done readily in most cases by comparing the assignments of similar terms and by noting the general inclusions of the revised titles. The Tabular List and Index were translated separately, and no effort was made to compare them systematically or to see that all terms contained in the one were given correctly in the other. Some differences have been noted and corrected, and others will doubtless be found in practical use. As a change may require reference to the detailed proceedings, which are not yet at hand, it was thought inexpedient to attempt more at the present time. In the spelling of the names of diseases the recommendations * of the Com- mittee on Nomenclature and Classification of Diseases of the American Medical Association have been followed, except that, with the full approval of the chair- man, Dr. Frank P. Foster, who has kindly examined the proofs of this trans- lation, it seemed expedient to employ diphthongs in the form of ligatures rather than the parenthetical forms suggested. l Your committee recommend that in all names of diseases involving anatomical terms the nomenclature adopted by the German Anatomical Society, generally known as the Basel'sche Nomina Anatomica (BNA), be adhered to. While we do not assert that that nomenclature is faultless, we believe that it is far superior to anything of the sort that has been proposed before, and we realize that it is sure to be employed extensively in text-books of anatomy. It involves the retention of all diphthongs in Latin words, though not in the form of ligatures. The London Nomenclature gives the diphthongs in separate letters in its Latin list, but as ligatures in its English list. We recom- mend printing them all in separate letters, but in the English list it seems proper to make a con- cession to those who look on certain Latin words as " Anglicized " who, for example, write anemia instead of ansemia and diarrhea Instead of diarrhoea. In such words we propose to inclose the first letter of the diphthong in parenthesis marks thus, an(a)emia and diarrh(o)ea. Adherence to the Basel'sche Nomina Anatomica requires also the substitution of thyreoid for thyroid, chorioid for choroid, Falloppian for Fallopian, etc. In the interest of uniformity we recommend that such sub- stitution be made. We also recommend certain spellings which, though now uncommon, have received dictionary recognition in the past and are made prominent in the London Nomenclature, such as leuchsemia and septichsemia Instead of leucaemia and septicaemia. We believe that no other spelling is defensible. Journal of the American Medical Association, June 19, 1909, Vol. Lit, p. 058. NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES (STATISTICS OF MORBIDIT I STATISTICS OF CAUSES OF DEATH) AGREED UPON BY THE COMMISSION CHARGED WITH THE DECENNIAL REVISION OF THE INTERNATIONAL NOSOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE (IJertilloii Nomenclature) IN ITS SECOND SESSION -1909 (Paris, July 1, 2, and 3, 1909Y 1 The above is the translation of the cover (no title-page) of the first official publication of the detailed results of the Second Decennial Revision by Dr. Jacques Bertillon, secretary-general. Tike Articles of Agreement (Convention) follow immediately, on page 1, there being no introductory mat- ter. This is, therefore, a complete translation of the entire document and one which follows, as far as possible, the exact order and arrangement of the original. For statement as to the use of the word " nomenclature " In English, see Introduction, p. 9. 13 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT SIGNED BY THE DELEGATES OF THE TWENTY GOVERNMENTS LISTED BELOW. The delegates agree to recommend to their respective governments the adoption of the nomenclatures of causes of death which follow this agree- ment in order to insure the uniformity and comparability of statistics of causes of death beginning January 1, 1910. They recognize that it is desirable that this nomenclature should be revised every ten years, the next revision to take place in the course of the year 1919. In default of any different arrangement, the Government of France will assume the duty of convoking, for that object and on that date, a new International Commission. The countries which were not represented on the commission or which have not signed the present agreement may become parties thereto upon their request. In testimony whereof, the delegates have signed their names. Done at Paris, July 3, 1909. For Australia G. H. KNIBBS. For Austria and the City of Vienna Dr. Franz vow JUBASCHEK. For Belgium F. FDTZEYS. For Brazil Dr. SAMPAIO-VIANNA. For Bulgaria Dr. M. IVANOFF. For China LI-CHETCHONG. For Colombia Dr. J.-E. MANBIQUE. For Costa Rica Dr. A. Alvarez CANAS. For Spain JDr. Alberto BANDELAC DE PABIENTE. Wilmer R. BATT. For the United States. H. D. GEDDINGS. Wm. H. GTJILFOY. Frank L. PLEADWELL. Cressy L. WDLBUB. Walter F. Wnxcox. 14 15 Dr. Jacques BEBTILLON. For France Dr . POTTEVIN. Paul Roux. For Greece .Phocion BABBATIS. R. LIVI. For Italy LUTBABIO. BABUL For Mexico Dr. Manuel BAREEIRO. For Monaco Dr. MAESAN. For Montenegro BBUNET. Dr. Ch.-A. All COHEN. For The Netherlands -- For Russia. H.-W. METHOBST. Dr. H. G. RINQELING. For Roumania Dr. L. COLESCO. Arthur RAFFALOVICH (ad referendum). J. DE SCHOKALSKY (ad ref- erendum). For Switzerland Dr. GUILLAUME (with res- ervations attached). Certified to conform to the original. JACQUES BERTILLON. F. PUTZEYS. Secretary-General. President. NOSOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURES. ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION. GENERAL OBSERVATION. Statistics of the sick and of deaths by causes should be prepared by ages in as detailed a manner as possible, and should show the following age groups at least: From, Otol year; From 1 to 19 years; From W to 39 years; From 40 to 59 years; Over 60 years. It seems necessary to divide, if possible, the second age group as follows: From 1 to 9 years; from 10 to 19 years. 1 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK. 2 I. GENERAL DISEASES. *1. Typhoid fever. *2. Typhus fever. *3. Relapsing fever. 2. DETAILED NOMENCLATIVE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS. I. GENERAL DISEASES. *1. Typhoid fever. *2. Typhus fever. *3. Relapsing fever. 1 Special committees of the American Public Health Association (Section on Vital Statistics) and of the American Statistical Association are now cooperating with the Bureau of the Census for the purpose of preparing standard forms of tables for the presentation of vital statistics in state and municipal reports and bulletins. Except for the smallest cities and for special purposes, the age groups suggested as a minimum above are not sufficient and are undesirable because they do not permit comparisons with such age groups as 15 to 44 years, 65 years and over, etc. It is prob- ably more advisable to state separately each year under 5, and five-year groups above that age, as 5 to 9 years, 10 to 14 years, etc. Of course this is not in contradiction to the Observation, but there is danger that the too condensed grouping indicated may be followed when it is quite possible to give the more complete data. * The titles preceded by an asterisk have not been changed since 1900. This classification, which closely resembles the one opposite it, is especially applicable to statistics of civil and military hospitals and other institutions which record both diseases and deaths. The numbers of the titles are the same in this classification and the one opposite. Hence the special titles for statistics of diseases do not have a special number, but have the number of the title to which they are related most closely (which is the title following), and are distinguished by a letter. These titles are printed in italics. The titles followed by a small letter a after the number, are optional. 16 17 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. I. GENERAL DISEASES Continued. *4. Malaria. *4a. Including: Malarial cachexia. *5. Smallpox. *6. Measles. *7. Scarlet fever. *8. Whooping cough. *9. Diphtheria and croup. *9a. Including: Croup. *10. Influenza. *11. Miliary fever. *12. Asiatic cholera. *13. Cholera nostras. *14. Dysentery. *15. Plague. *16. Yellow fever. *17. Leprosy. *18. Erysipelas. *19. Other epidemic diseases. *20. Purulent infection and septichsemia. *21. Glanders. *22. Anthrax. *23. Rabies. 24. Tetanus. 25. Mycoses. 26. Pellagra. 27. Beriberi. 28. Tuberculosis of the lungs. 29. Acute miliary tuberculosis. 30. Tuberculous meningitis. 31. Abdominal tuberculosis. 32. Pott's disease. 33. White swelling. 34. Tuberculosis of other organs. 35. Disseminated tuberculosis. 36. Rickets. 37. Syphilis: A. Primary. B. Secondary. C. Tertiary. D. Hereditary. B. Period not stated. 38A. Soft chancre. 4604110 2 a. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. I. GENERAL DISEASES Continued. *4. Malaria. *4a. Including: Malarial cachexia. *5. Smallpox. *6. Measles. *7. Scarlet fever. *8. Whooping cough. *9. Diphtheria and croup. *9a. Including: Croup. *10. Influenza. *11. Miliary fever. *12. Asiatic cholera. *13. Cholera nostras. *14. Dysentery. *15. Plague. *16. Yellow fever. *17. Leprosy. *18. Erysipelas. *19. Other epidemic diseases. *20. Purulent infection and septichaeuiia. *21. Glanders. *22. Anthrax. *23. Rabies. 24. Tetanus. 25. Mycoses. 26. Pellagra. 27. Beriberi. 28. Tuberculosis of the lungs. 29. Acute miliary tuberculosis. 30. Tuberculous meningitis. 31. Abdominal tuberculosis. 32. Pott's disease. 33. White swelling. 34. Tuberculosis of other organs. 35. Disseminated tuberculosis. 36. Rickets. 37. Syphilis. 18 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOB STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued . I. GENERAL DISEASES Continued. 38B. Gonococcus infection. *39. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the buccal cavity. *40. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the stomach, liver. *41. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the peritonaeum, intestines, rectum. *42. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the female genital organs. *43. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the breast. *44. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the skin. *45. Cancer and other malignant tumors of other organs and of organs not specified. *46. Other tumors (tumors of the female genital organs excepted). *47. Acute articular rheumatism. *48. Chronic rheumatism and gout. *49. Scurvy. *60. Diabetes. *61. Exophthalmic goitre. *52. Addison's disease. *53. Leuchaemia. *54. Anaemia, chlorosis. *55. Other general diseases. *56. Alcoholism (acute or chronic). *57. Chronic lead poisoning. *58. Other chronic occupation poisonings. *59. Other chronic poisonings. II. DISEASES OF THE NEBVOTJS SYSTEM AND OF THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. *60. Encephalitis. *61. Simple meningitis. *61a. Including: Cerebrospinal fever. *62. Locomotor ataxia. *63. Other diseases of the spinal cord. *64. Cerebral haemorrhage, apoplexy. *65. Softening of the brain. NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. I. GENERAL DISEASES Continued. 38. Gonococcus infection. *39. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the buccal cavity. *40. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the stomach, liver. *41. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the peritonaeum, intestines, rectum. *42. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the female genital organs. *43. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the breast. *44. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the skin. *45. Cancer and other malignant tumors of other organs and of organs not specified. *46. Other tumors (tumors of the female genital organs excepted). *47. Acute articular rheumatism. *48. Chronic rheumatism and gout. *49. Scurvy. *50. Diabetes. *51. Exophthalmic goitre. *52. Addison's disease. *53. Leuchaemia. *54. Anaemia, chlorosis. *55. Other general diseases. *56. Alcoholism (acute or chronic). *57. Chronic lead poisoning. *58. Other chronic occupation poisonings. *59. Other chronic poisonings. II. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND OF THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. *60. Encephalitia *61. Simple meningitis. *61a. Including: Cerebrospinal fever. *62. Locomotor ataxia. *63. Other diseases of the spinal cord. *64. Cerebral haemorrhage, apoplexy. *65. Softening of the brain. 19 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. II. DISEASES OF THE NEBVOUS SYSTEM AND OF THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE Continued. *66. Paralysis without specified cause. *67. General paralysis of the insane. *68. Other forms of mental alienation. *69. Epilepsy. *70. Convulsions (nonpuerperal). *71. Convulsions of infants. 72. Chorea. 73A. Hysteria. 73B. Neuralgia and neuritis. *74. Other diseases of the nervous system. *75A. Follicular conjunctivitis. *75B. Trachoma. *75C. Other diseases of the eyes and their annexa. *76. Diseases of the ears. III. DISEASES OF THE CIBCULATOBY SYSTEM. *77. Pericarditis. *78. Acute endocarditis. *79. Organic diseases of the heart. *80. Angina pectoris. *81. Diseases of the arteries, atheroma, aneurysm, etc. *82. Embolism and thrombosis. *83. Diseases of the veins (varices, haemor- rhoids, phlebitis, etc.). *84. Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.). 85. Haemorrhage; other diseases of the circulatory system. IV. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATOBY SYSTEM. 86. Diseases of the nasal fossae. 87. Diseases of the larynx. 88. Diseases of the thyreoid body. 89. Acute bronchitis. 90. Chronic bronchitis. 91. Bronchopneumonia. 92. Pneumonia. 93. Pleurisy. 2. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. II. DISEASES OF THE NEBVOUS SYSTEM AND OF THE OBGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE Continued. *66. Paralysis without specified cause. *67. General paralysis of the insane. *68. Other forms of mental alienation. *69. Epilepsy. *70. Convulsions (nonpuerperal). *71. Convulsions of infants. 72. Chorea. 73. Neuralgia and neuritis. *74. Other diseases of the nervous system. *75. Diseases of the eyes and their anuexa. *76. Diseases of the ears. III. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. *77. Pericarditis. *78. Acute endocarditis. *79. Organic diseases of the heart. *80. Angina pectoris. *81. Diseases of the arteries, atheroma, aneurysm, etc. *82. Embolism and thrombosis. *83. Diseases of the veins (varices, haemor- rhoids, phlebitis, etc.). *84. Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.). 85. Haemorrhage; other diseases of the circulatory system. IV. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 86. Diseases of the nasal fossae. 87. Diseases of the larynx. 88. Diseases of the thyreoid body. 89. Acute bronchitis. 90. Chronic bronchitis. 91. Bronchopneumonia. 92. Pneumonia. 93. Pleurisy. 20 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOB STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. IV. DISEASES or THE RESPIHATOBY SYS- TEM Continued. 94. Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary apo- plexy. 95. Gangrene of the lung. 96. Asthma. 97. Pulmonary emphysema. 98. Other diseases of the respiratory sys- tem (tuberculosis excepted). V. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 99A. Diseases of the teeth and gums. 99B. Other diseases of the mouth and annexa. 100. Diseases of the pharynx. 101. Diseases of the esophagus. 102. Ulcer of the stomach. 103. Other diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted). 104. Diarrhoea and enteritis (under 2 years). 105. Diarrhoea and enteritis (2 years and over). 105a. Including: Due to alcoholism. 106. Ankylostomiasis. *107. Intestinal parasites. 108. Appendicitis and typhlitis. 109. Hernias, intestinal obstructions. 110A. Diseases of the anus and f&cal fistulas. HOB. Other diseases of the intestines. 111. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. 112. Hydatid tumor of the liver. 113. Cirrhosis of the liver. 113a. Including: Due to alcoholism. 114. Biliary calculi. 115. Other diseases of the liver. 116. Diseases of the spleen. 117. Simple peritonitis (nonpuerperal). 118. Other diseases of the digestive sys- tem (cancer and tuberculosis ex- cepted). 2. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. IV. DISEASES OF THE BESPIBATOBY SYS- TEM Continued. 94. Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary apo- plexy. 95. Gangrene of the lung. 96. Asthma. 97. Pulmonary emphysema. 98. Other diseases of the respiratory sys- tem (tuberculosis excepted). V. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 99. Diseases of the mouth and annexa. 100. Diseases of the pharynx. 101. Diseases of the oesophagus. 102. Ulcer of the stomach. 103. Other diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted). 104. Diarrhoea and enteritis (under 2 years). 105. Diarrhoea and enteritis (2 years and over). 105a. Including: Due to alcoholism. 106. Ankylostomiasis. *107. Intestinal parasites. 108. Appendicitis and typhlitis. 109. Hernias, intestinal obstructions. 110. Diseases of the intestines. 111. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. 112. Hydatid tumor of the liver. 113. Cirrhosis of the liver. 113a. Including: Due to alcoholism. 114. Biliary calculi. 115. Other diseases of the liver. 116. Diseases of the spleen. 117. Simple peritonitis (nonpuerperal). 118. Other diseases of the digestive sys- tem (cancer and tuberculosis ex- cepted). 21 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. VI. NONVENEREAL DISEASES OF THE GENITO- UBINABY SYSTEM AND ANNEXA. *119. Acute nephritis. *120. Bright's disease. 121. Chyluria. 122. Other diseases of the kidneys and annexa. 123. Calculi of the urinary passages. 124. Diseases of the bladder. 125. Diseases of the urethra, urinary ab- scess, etc. 126. Diseases of the prostate. 127. Nonvenereal diseases of the male gen- ital organs. *128. Uterine haemorrhage (nonpuerperal). *129. Uterine tumor (noncancerous). *130A. Metritis. *130B. Other diseases of the uterus. *131. Cysts and other tumors of the ovary. *132. Salpingitis and other diseases of the female genital organs. *133. Nonpuerperal diseases of the breast (cancer excepted). VII. THE PUEEPEEAL STATE, *134A. Normal labor. *134B. Accidents of pregnancy. *135. Puerperal haemorrhage. *136. Other accidents of labor. *137. Puerperal septichsemia. *138. Puerperal albuminuria and convul- sions. *139. Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens, embolus, sudden death. *140. Following childbirth (not otherwise defined). *141. Puerperal diseases of the breast. VIII. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND OF THE CELLTJLAB TISSUE. *142. Gangrene. *143. Furuncle. 8. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. VI. NONVENEREAL DISEASES OF THE GENITO- UBINABY SYSTEM AND ANNEXA. *119. Acute nephritis. *120. Bright's disease. 121. Chyluria. 122. Other diseases of the kidneys and annexa. 123. Calculi of the urinary passages. 124. Diseases of the bladder. 125. Diseases of the urethra, urinary ab- scess, etc. 126. Diseases of the prostate. 127. Nonvenereal diseases of the male gen- ital organs. *128. Uterine hemorrhage (nonpuerperal). *129. Uterine tumor (noncancerous). *130. Other diseases of the uterus. *131. Cysts and other tumors of the ovary. *332. Salpingitis and other diseases of the female genital organs. *133. Nonpuerperal diseases of the breast (cancer excepted). VII. THE PUERPERAL STATE. *134. Accidents of pregnancy. *135. Puerperal haemorrhage. *136. Other accidents of labor. *137. Puerperal septichsemia. *138. Puerperal albuminuria and convul- sions. *139. Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens, embolus, sudden death. *140. Following childbirth (not otherwise defined). *141. Puerperal diseases of the breast. VIII. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND OF THE CELLULAR TISSUE. *142. Gangrene. "143. Furuncle. 22 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. VIII. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND OF THE CELLULAR TISSUE Continued. *144. Acute abscess. *145A. Trichophytosis. *145B. Scabies. *145C. Other diseases of the skin and an- neza. IX. DISEASES OF THE BONES AND OF THE OEGANS OF LOCOMOTION. *146. Diseases of the bones (tuberculosis excepted). *147. Diseases of the joints (tuberculosis and rheumatism excepted). *148. Amputations. *149. Other diseases of the organs of loco- motion. X. MALFORMATIONS. *150. Congenital malformations (stillbirths not included). XI. DISEASES OF EARLY INFANCY. *151A. Nurslings discharged from hospitals without disease. *151B. Congenital debility, icterus, and sclerema. *152. Other diseases peculiar to early In- fancy. *153. Lack of care. XII. OLD AGE. *154. Senility. XIII. AFFECTIONS PRODUCED BY EXTERNAL CAUSES. *155. Suicide by poison. *156. Suicide by asphyxia. *157. Suicide by hanging or strangulation. *158. Suicide by drowning. *159. Suicide by firearms. 2. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOB. STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. VIII. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND OF THE CELLULAR TISSUE Continued. *144. Acute abscess. *145. Other diseases of the skin and an- nexa. IX. DISEASES OF THE BONES AND OF THE ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. *146. Diseases of the bones (tuberculosis excepted). '147. Diseases of the joints (tuberculosis and rheumatism excepted). *148. Amputations. *149. Other diseases of the organs of loco- motion. X. MALFORMATION s. *150. Congenital malformations (stillbirths not included). XI. DISEASES OF EARLY INFANCY. *151. Congenital debility, icterus, and sclerema. *152. Other diseases peculiar to early In- fancy. *153. Lack of care. XII. OLD AGE. *154. Senility. XIII. AFFECTIONS PRODUCED BY EXTERNAL CAUSES. *155. Suicide by poison. *156. Suicide by asphyxia. *157. Suicide by hanging or strangulation. *158. Suicide by drowning. *159. Suicide by firearms. 23 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 1. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. XIII. AFFECTIONS PRODUCED BY EXTERNAL CAUSES Continued. *160. Suicide by cutting or piercing instru- ments. *161. Suicide by jumping from high places. *162. Suicide by crushing. *163. Other suicides. 164. Poisoning by food. 165A. Venomous bites and stings. 165B. Other acute poisonings. 166. Conflagration. "167. Burns (conflagration excepted). 168. Absorption of deleterious gases (con- flagration excepted). 169. Accidental drowning. 170. Traumatism by firearms. 171. Traumatism by cutting or piercing instruments. 172. Traumatism by fall. 173. Traumatism in mines and quarries. 174. Traumatism by machines. 175. Traumatism by other crushing (ve- hicles, railroad, landslides, etc.). 176. Injuries by animals. 177A. Overexertion. 177B. Starvation. 178. Excessive cold. 179. Effects of heat. 180. Lightning. 181. Electricity (lightning excepted). 182. Homicide by firearms. 183. Homicide by cutting or piercing in- struments. 184. Homicide by other means. 185A. Dislocations. 185B. Sprains. 185C. Fractures (cause not specified). 186. Other external violence. XIV. ILL DEFINED DISEASES. 187. Ill defined organic disease. 188. Sudden death. 189A. Disease not specified or ill defined. 189B. No disease, feigned disease. 2. DETAILED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. XIII. AFFECTIONS PRODUCED BY EXTERNAL CAUSES Continued. *160. Suicide by cutting or piercing instru- ments. *161. Suicide by jumping from high places. *162. Suicide by crushing. *163. Other suicides. 164. Poisoning by food. 165. Other acute poisonings. 166. Conflagration. *167. Burns (conflagration excepted). 168. Absorption of deleterious gases (con- flagration excepted). 169. Accidental drowning. 170. Traumatism by firearms. 171. Traumatism by cutting or piercing instruments. 172. Traumatism by fall. 173. Traumatism in mines and quarries. 174. Traumatism by machines. 175. Traumatism by other crushing (ve- hicles, railroad, landslides, etc.). 176. Injuries by animals. 177. Starvation. 178. Excessive cold. 179. Effects of heat. 180. Lightning. 181. Electricity (lightning excepted). 182. Homicide by firearms. 183. Homicide by cutting or piercing in- struments. 184. Homicide by other means. 185. Fractures (cause not specified). 186. Other external violence. XIV. ILL DEFINED DISEASES. 187. Ill defined organic disease. 188. Sudden death. 189. Cause of death not specified or defined. 24 A. DETAILED NOMENCLATURES Continued. 3. NOMENCLATURE OF INTRAUTERINE CAUSES OF DEATH. 1. Syphilis. 2. Other general diseases of the mother. 3. Predisposition of the mother to abor- tion. 4. Albuminuria and other diseases incident to pregnancy. 5. Traumatism and overwork. 6. Diseases of the placenta and of the membranes. 7. Malformations of the infant. 8. Premature birth. 9. Difficult labor. 10. Prolapse and compression of the cord. 11. Asphyxia of the child. 12. Other and unclassified causes. 13. Causes not specified or unknown. B. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURES. 4. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THE SICK. Corresponding numbers of the detailed nomenclature. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 1. Typhoid fever__ 2. Typhus fever 3. Malaria 4. Smallpox 5. Measles 6. Scarlet fever 7. Whooping cough 8. Diphtheria and croup 9. Influenza 10. Asiatic cholera 11. Cholera nostras 12. Other epidemic diseases.- 3, 11, 14 to 19 13. Tuberculosis of the lungs 28, 29 14. Tuberculous meningitis 30 15. Other forms of tuberculosis 31 to 35 15o. Syphilis 37 15b. Soft chancre 38A 15c. Gonococcus infection 38B 5. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS. Corresponding numbers of the detailed nomenclature. 1. Typhoid fever 1 2. Typhus fever 2 3. Malaria 4 4. Smallpox 5 5. Measles 6 6. Scarlet fever 7 7. Whooping cough 8 8. Diphtheria and croup 9 9. Influenza 10 10. Asiatic cholera 12 11. Cholera uostras 13 12. Other epidemic diseases.- 3, 11, 14 to 19 13. Tuberculosis of the lungs 28, 29 14. Tuberculous meningitis 30 15. Other forms of tuberculosis 31 to 35 25 B. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATTJBES Continued. 4. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOB STATISTICS OF THE SICK Continued. Corresponding numbers of the detailed nomenclature. 16. Cancer and other malignant tu- mors 39 to 45 16o. Rheumatism 47,48 17. Simple meningitis 61 18. Cerebral haemorrhage and soften- ing 64, 65 18a. Diseases of the eyes and their annexa 75 19. Organic diseases of the heart 79 20. Acute bronchitis 89 21. Chronic bronchitis 90 22. Pneumonia 92 23. Other diseases of the respiratory system ( tuberculosis excepted)_ 86, 87, 88, 91, 93 to 98 24. Diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted) 102,103 25. Diarrhoea and enteritis (under 2 years of age) 104 26. Appendicitis and typhlitis 108 27. Hernia, intestinal obstruction 109 28. Cirrhosis of the liver 113 29. Acute nephritis and Bright's dis- ease 119, 120 30. Noncancerous tumors and other diseases of the female genital organs 128 to 132 30o. Normal labor 134A 31. Puerperal septichaemia (puerperal fever, peritonitis, phlebitis) ___ 137 32. Other puerperal accidents of preg- nancy and labor 134, 135, 136, 138 to 141 32a. Diseases of the skin 145 32&. Nurslings discharged from hos- pitals without disease 151A 33. Cougeuital debility and malforma- tions 150,151 34. Senile debility 154 35. Violent deaths (suicides excepted) 164 to 186 36. Suicides. _ 155 to 163 6. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. Corresponding numbers of the detailed nomenclature. 16. Cancer and other malignant tu- mors . ._ 39 to 45 17. Simple meningitis 61 18. Cerebral haemorrhage and soften- ing _ 64,65 19. Organic diseases of the heart 79 20. Acute bronchitis 89 21. Chronic bronchitis 90 22. Pneumonia 92 23. Other diseases of the respiratory system ( tuberculosis excepted ) _ 86. 87, 88, 91, 93 to 98 24. Diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted) 102,103 25. Diarrhoea and enteritis (under 2 years of age) 104 26. Appendicitis and typhlitis 108 27. Hernia, intestinal obstruction. 109 28. Cirrhosis of the liver 113 29. Acute nephritis and Bright's dis- ease 119, 120 30. Noncancerous tumors and other diseases of the female genital organs 128 to 132 31. Puerperal septichsemia (puerperal fever, peritonitis, phlebitis) 137 32. Other puerperal accidents of preg- nancy and labor 134. 135, 136, 138 to 141 33. Congenital debility and malforma- tions 150,151 34. Senile debility 154 35. Violent deaths (suicides excepted) 164 to 18H 36. Suicides _ 155 to 163 26 B. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATI7BES Continued. 4. ABRIDGED NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF THH SICK Continued. Corresponding numbers of the detailed nomenclature. 37. Other diseases 20 to 27, 36, 46, 49 to 60, 62, 63, 66 to 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 114 to 118, 121 to 127, 133, 142, 143, 144, 146 to 149, 152, 153 38. Unknown or ill defined diseases. 187, 188, 189A 38o. No disease, feigned disease 189B 5. ABRIDOKD NOMENCLATURE INTENDED FOR STATISTICS OF DEATHS Continued. Corresponding numbers of tbe detailed nomenclature. 37. Other diseases 20 to 27, 36, 37, 38, 46 to 60, 62, 63, 66 to 78, 80 to 85, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 114 to 118, 121 to 127, 133, 142 to 149, 152, 153 38. Unknown or ill defined diseases. 187 to 189 EXPLANATION OF THE TITLES OF THE NOMENCLATURE OF DISEASES ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION. TABULAR LIST showing the synonyms and the related diseases grouped under each title, with statement of the diseases which should be considered as complications of the principal diseases. In the explanation of the titles, the sign " : " Indicates that each of the expressions which precede may be combined with each of the expressions which follow. For example, the words "Abscess, or ulcer: scrofulous or strumous" may be read thus: Scrofulous abscess; strumous abscess; scrofulous ulcer; strumous ulcer. I.-GENERAL DISEASES. 1. Typhoid fever. [Typhoid fever (Abdominal typhus).] This title in- cludes: (a) Dothienenteria. Fever: mucous, or enteric. Ileotyphus. (b) Fever : continued, or ataxic, or adynamic, or adynamoataxic, or paratyphoid. Paratyphus. This title does not include: Adynamia (189). Ataxoadynamia (189). Frequent complications: Pneumonia. Pulmonary congestion. Intesti- nal perforation. Peritonitis. Haemorrhage. Sloughing. Albuminuria. The following were added in 1909 : Paratyphus and ileotyphus. 2. Typhns fever. [Exan thematic typhus.] This title includes: Petechial fever. Petechial typhus. This title does not include: Abdominal typhus (1). REMARK. The word "typhus," unqualified, will be taken in the sense in which it is ordinarily understood in each country, for example, as " abdominal typhus " in German-speaking countries and as " exanthematic typhus " in French [and English] speaking countries. 27 28 3. Relapsing fever. [Recurrent fever.] This title includes : Relapsing fever. Recurrent typhus. Malta fever. Frequent complications : Haemorrhages. Abscess. Furuncles. Parot- iditis. Sloughing. Malta fever was added In 1900. 4. Malaria. [Malarial fever and cachexia.] This title includes: Fever: intermittent, or maremmatic, or marsh, or tertian, or quartan, or perni- cious. Pernicious attack. Acute malaria or paludism. Remittent fever. Paludal cachexia: Impaludism (unqualified) or chronic. Pernicious cachexia. Marsh cachexia or marsh anaemia. REMARK. The word "malaria," unqualified, will be considered, accord- ing to usage in the different countries, as a synonym of " acute malaria " or of " chronic malaria." Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was Intermittent fever and malarial cachexia. The remark was added in 1909. In 1909 there were added: Fever: intermittent or maremmatic or marsh. Acute paludism. 4a. Including: Malarial cachexia. This title includes: Impaludism, chronic or unqualified. Pernicious cachexia. Marsh cachexia or marsh anaemia. Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Marsh cachexia. 5. Smallpox. [Variola.] This title includes : Smallpox. Varioloid. This title does not include: Varicella (19). Frequent complications : Meningitis. Endocarditis. Suppuration. Albuminuria. 8. Measles. This title includes : Morbillous eruption. Most frequent complications : Bronchitis. Bronchopneumonia, etc. This title does not include: Rubeola (19). Rubeolar eruption (19). Rubeolar eruption was removed from this title in 1909 and transferred to title 19. 7. Scarlet fever. This title includes: (a) Scarlatina. Scarlatinal angina. All diseases qualified as scarlatinal. (b) Puerperal scarlatina. Frequent complications: Albuminuria. Eclampsia. CEdema of the glottis. Haemorrhage. Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Paralysis. Diph- theria. Convulsions. 29 8. Whooping cough. Frequent complications : Bronchitis. Convulsions. 9. Diphtheria and croup. This title includes: (a) Diphtheria. Croup. Angina: diphtheritic, or buffy, or pseudomembranous, or infectious, or ma- lignant, or toxic. Pseudomembranous bronchitis. Pseudomembranous laryn- gitis. Malignant laryngitis. Diphtheritic paralysis. (&) Diphtheria in all its other forms and especially diphtheria of wounds, cutaneous diphtheria, diphtheria of the conjunctiva, diphtheria of the mouth, etc. This title does not include: Stridulous croup (87). Spasmodic croup (87) . False croup (87) . Frequent complications: Pneumonia. Albuminuria. Paralysis. 9a. Including: Croup. 1 Prior to 1909 the beading of this title was: Including: Diphtheria. 1 10. Influenza. [Grippe.] This title includes: Grippal pneumonia. Grippal bronchitis or grippal bronchopneumonia. 11. Miliary fever. This title includes: Sweating fever. Miliary fever. Frequent complications: Anaemia. Convulsions. Haemorrhages. - Pneumonia. Enteritis. 12. Asiatic cholera. This title includes : Indian cholera. Epidemic cholera. Cholera (unqualified). 2 1 " 9 6is. Dont: Croup." This expression Is not readily translated into English. Its purpose is to indicate that in addition to the regular statement of deaths from diphtheria and croup, a supple- mental statement may be made, if desired, of the deaths reported from croup. All the deaths included in the supplemental statement, which in the translation is designated as " 9a," are, of course, included in the total represented by title No. 9. The purpose of the supplemental statement is to show, when such a showing is of importance, how many of the total number of deaths returned from the aggregate diphtheria and croup were reported by physicians under the somewhat doubtful and indefinite term " croup." Prior to the revision of 1909 the directly opposite plan of showing how many of the deaths from diphtheria and croup were reported from " diphtheria " was in use. The Bureau of the Census will follow the same plan as formerly, which is much more readily under- stood by English readers, of showing both constituents of title No. 9, as follows : 9. Diphtheria and croup : (1) Diphtheria. (2) Croup. * See remark on following title. SO- lS. Cholera nostras. This title includes: Sporadic cholera. Cholerine. Choleriform diarrhoea or enteritis. This title does not include: Cholera infantum (104). Antimonial cholera (165 B). Hernial cholera (109). REMARK. The term cholera -morbus will be interpreted according to its ordinary significance in each country; for example, as the equivalent of " cholera nostras " in North America and of " Asiatic cholera " in France and in other countries. 14. Dysentery. This title includes: Dysentery: bacillary, or amoebic, or malarial, or choleriform, or chronic, or catarrhal, or Cochin-China, or trop- ical. Diarrhoea : tropical or dysenteric. In 1909 the following were added: Bacillary, amoebic, malarial, chronic, and catarrhal dysentery and tropical and dysenteric diarrhoea. In 1909 the title 14a (14 bis), epidemic dysentery, was discarded. 15. Plague. This title includes: Bubonic plague. Climatic bubo. Plague pneumonia. Plague (pulmonary form). In 1909 the following were added: Climatic bubo. Plague pneumonia. Plague (pulmonary form). 16. Yellow fever. This title includes : Black vomit. Amarilla fever. This title does not include: Amarellao (106). 17. Leprosy. This title includes : Elephantiasis Grsecorum. This title does not include: Elephantiasis Arabum (145C). Morvan's disease (63). Syringomyelia (63). 18. Erysipelas. This title includes: All forms of surgical or medical ery- sipelas regardless of location. Gangrenous, or phlegmonous, erysipelas. Erysipelatous phlegmon. This title does not include: Erysipelatous laryngitis (87). Erysipelatous angina (100). Frequent complications: Purulent otitis. Meningitis. Diffuse phleg- mon. Phlegmon and gangrene of the eyelids. Keratitis. Conjuncti- vitis. -- Parotiditis. -- Endocarditis. Myocarditis. -- Nephritis. Albu- minuria. 31 19. Other epidemic diseases. This title includes: (a) Mumps. Rubeola. Rubeolar eruption. Acrodynia. Varicella. Other epidemic diseases which are ordinarily of a benign character. (&) All serious epidemic diseases which are not specified in the nomenclature. This title does not include: Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (61a). REMARK. In the event that one of the epidemic diseases included under title 19 should become prevalent, it would be necessary to provide for it here by making a special provisional title. In 1909 Beriberi was separated from title 19 and now becomes title 27. 20. Purulent infection and septichaemia. This title includes: Pyaemia. Absorption, or infection: purulent, or septic, or putrid. Putrid fever. Anatomical wound. Infection: staphylococcus, or streptococcus, or vacci- nal. Streptococchsemia. REMARK. When an adult woman is reported as having died of septi- chaemia with no further explanation, the certificate should be returned to the physician with the request for a statement as to whether or not the disease was puerperal. 21. Glanders. [Glanders and farcy.] 22. Anthrax. [Malignant pustule and charbon.] REMARK. See note on title 143 relative to " anthrax." 23. Babies. This title includes: Hydrophobia. This title does not include: Sitiophobia (68). 24. Tetanus. This title includes: Opisthotonos. Emprosthotonos. Pleurosthotonos. Trismus neonatorum. This title does not include: Tetany (74). In 1909 the position of this title was changed. It was, until now, located between Nos. 71 and 72. 25. Mycoses. This title includes: Actinomycosis. Pneumomycosis. - Fungoid mycosis. This title does not include : Hydatid cyst or hydatid tumor : of the liver (112), or of the lung (98). Intestinal parasites (107). Distoma hepaticum (107). Cysticerci (107). Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Actinomycosis, trichiniasis, etc. In 1909 the following were removed : Distoma hepaticum, cysticerci, in order to change them to title 107, Intestinal parasites. 32 26. Pellagra. Frequent complications : Cachexia. Diarrhoea. Insanity. Suicide. 27. Beriberi. This title includes : Kakke. Neuritis multiplex endem- ica. Panneuritis endemica. In 1909 the title Tuberculosis of the larynai was abolished. It is included in the following title. 28. Tuberculosis of the lungs. T 'his title includes: Pulmonary tubercu- losis or phthisis. Phthisis (unqualified). Phymia. 1 Phymatosis. Pneu- mophymia. Pneumonia or bronchitis: tuberculous, or bacillary, or neo- plastic, or heteroplastic, or caseous, or granular, or specific. Bacillosis. Pul- monary cavities. Consumption. Tuberculosis, or phthisis, of the larynx. Laryngitis : tuberculous or specific. Laryngeal phthisis. Pleurisy, or pneu- mothorax, or hydropneumothorax : tuberculous. Tuberculous haemoptysis. Tuberculosis ( unqualified ) . This title does not include: Haemoptysis (unqualified) (98). Pulmonary haemorrhage (98). Bronchorrhagia (unqualified) (98). Apical pneumonia (92). Pulmonary anthracosis (98). Frequent complications: Haemorrhage. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Diarrhoea. 8 REMARK. See note on title No. 92 in regard to apical pneumonia. The expressions Consumption, Schwindsucht, Abzehrung, etc., are to be included according to the custom of each country. 29. Acute miliary tuberculosis. This title includes: Tuberculosis or phthisis : acute, or galloping, or miliary. Granulia. 8 In 1909 this title was separated from former title No. 27 (present title No. 28). 30. Tuberculous meningitis. [Tuberculosis of meninges.] This title in- cludes: Meningeal tuberculosis. Meningitis: tuberculous, or granular, or miliary, or caseous, or bacillary, or specific, or neoplastic, or heteroplastic. Tuberculosis of the brain or of the cerebellum. This title does not include: Meningitis (unqualified), even among very young children (61). *PAymfo. DiarrMe incoercible. Qranulie. 33 31. Abdominal tuberculosis. This title includes: (a) Peritonitis: tubercu- lous, or granular, or bacillary, or specific. Peritoneal tuberculosis. Tabes niesenterica. Bacillary ascites. (b) Tuberculous enteritis. Tuberculosis: intestinal or rectal. 32. Pott's disease. This title includes: Caries, or necrosis: vertebral. Vertebral disease. Vertebral polyarthritis. Frequent complications: Cold abscess, or abscess by congestion. Para- plegia. In 1909 title 31, Cold abscess and abscess by congestion, was united with present title 34. 33. White swellings. This title includes: Fungous growths of the joints. Coxalgia. Scapulalgia. Tuberculous arthritis. Tuberculous arthritis was added in 1909. 34. Tuberculosis of other organs. This title includes : Tuberculosis of the skin. Lupus. Esthiomene. Abscess or ulcer : bacillary or tuberculous. Tuberculous nephritis. Osseous tuberculosis. Abscess: cold, or ossifluent. or by congestion. Tuberculosis of the testicle. Epididymitis : caseous or tuberculous. Tuberculosis of the prostate, etc. Ganglionic tuberculosis. Lymphangitis or adenitis: tuberculous. Lymphatism. Scrofula. Abscess, or adenitis, or ulcer : scrofulous or strumous. After 1909 this title conjoins the former titles 31, Cold abscess and abscess by con- gestion, 33, Tuberculosis of other organs, and 35, Scrofula. 35. Disseminated tuberculosis. This title includes: Tuberculosis manifest- ing itself simultaneously in two or in several organs. However, if one of the organs attacked is the lung, classify under 28 (tuberculosis of the lungs). 36. Rickets. [Rhachitis.] This title includes: Osteomalacia. Soften- ing of the bones. Scoliosis. Lordosis. Kyphosis. Hypertrophic osteo- arthropathy. In 1909 this title was separated from title No. 146 (former and present number). 37. Syphilis. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity sta- tistics.] 4604110 3 34 37. Syphilis. Including: (A) Primary; (B) Secondary; (C) Tertiary; (D) Hereditary; (E) Period not stated. (These divisions are for use in morbidity statistics only.) This title includes: A. Chancre: indurated, or infecting, or of the mouth, or of the face. Primary lesion. B. Secondary lesions. Mucous patches. Amygdalitis, or angina, or laryngitis, or coryza, or iritis : syphilitic. Syphilides. C. Tertiary lesions. Specific symptoms. Gummas. Ulcerations, exo- stosis, etc., syphilitic. All other diseases defined as " syphilitic." D. Congenital syphilis. Syphilis in children, unless otherwise defined. E. Period not indicated. Syphilis or pox (unqualified). (In case of death classify according to age under titles 37 C or 37 D.) 38. Gonococcus infection. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for mor- bidity statistics.] 38 A. Soft chancre. This title includes: (a) Chancrelle. Chancroid. Simple chancre. Bubo of soft chancre. Bubo: venereal, or virulent, or from absorption. Inguinal bubo. Venereal adenitis. (&) Chancre, or bubo, or abscess : phagedenic. This title does not include: Chancre, or bubo: infecting or syphilitic (37). Chancre of the mouth (37). Scrofulous bubo (34). Suppurating bubo (84). Bubo of plague (15). Bubo (unqualified) (84). (This title becomes a part of the following one for mortality statistics.) 38 B. Gonococcus infection. This title includes: Blennorrhcea. Gonor- rhea. Clap. Urethritis. Gleet. Balanitis. Balanorrhagia. Balano- posthitis. Vaginitis (unqualified). Cystitis, or orchitis, or epididymitis, or metritis, or metrovaginitis, or vaginitis, or buboes: gonorrhceal, or gonococ- cic. Arthritis, or rheumatism: gonorrhceal, or gonococcic. Conjunctivitis, or ophthalmia : gonorrhceal, or gonococcic, or purulent. Vulvitis : gonorrhceal, or gonococcic. This title does not include: Vaginismus (132). Vaginalitis (127). 35 Frequent complications: Bubo. Adenitis. Cystitis. Orchitis. - Arthritis. Ophthalmia. Previous to 1909 there were two titles : Gonorrhoea of the adult and Oonorrhocal diseases of children. The following were added in 1909: Epididymitis, metritis, or metrovaginitis : blennorrhagic, or gonorrhoeal, as well as gonor- rhoeal diseases of children (former title 38). 39. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the buccal cavity. This title in- cludes: Cancer: of the mouth, or of the lips, or of the tongue, or of the roof of the mouth, or of the soft palate, or of the tonsils. Cancer of the maxilla. Epithelioma, or carcinoma, or cancroid, or heteromorphic tumor, or neoplastic tumor: of these organs. Smokers' cancer. 40. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the stomach, liver. This title includes: Cancer: of the pharynx, or of the oesophagus, or of the cardiac orifice of the stomach, or of the pylorus. Carcinoma, or scirrhus, or colloid tumor, or heteromorphic tumor, or neoplastic tumor, or encephaloid: of these organs. Gastric carcinoma. Tumor of the stomach. This title does not include: Haematemesis (103). REMARK. In countries where the term " organic lesion of the stomach '" is always synonymous with " cancer of the stomach," assign reports with this diagnosis under title 40. On the other hand, in countries where such is not always the case, classify under title 103. 41. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the peritonaeum, intestines, rectum. This title includes: Cancer of the colon. Cancer of the anus. Carcinoma, or scirrhus, or encephaloid, or cancroid, or epithelioma : of those organs. Cancer of the peritonaeum. Cancerous peritonitis. 42. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the female genital organs. This title includes: Cancer: of the uterus, or of the womb. Cancer of the ovary. Cancer of the vagina. Cancer of the vulva. -Carcinoma, or scirrhus. or encephaloid, or colloid tumor, or heteromorphic tumor, or neoplastic tumor. or cancroid, or sarcoma, or epithelioma : of these organs. 43. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the breast. This title incliuhs: Carcinoma, or scirrhus, or encephaloid, or colloid tumor, or heteromorphic tumor, or neoplastic tumor, or cancroid, or epithelioma : of the breast, or of the mammary gland. Cancer en cuirasse. 36 44. Cancer and other malignant tumors of the skin. This title includes: Cancroid (unqualified). Epithelioma, or epithelial tumor (without indica- tion of seat). Cancer: of the head, or of the ear, or of the face, or cervico- facial. Noli me tangere. This title does not include: Esthiomene (34). Lupus (34). 45. Cancer and other malignant tumors of other organs or of organs not speci- fied. This title includes: Cancerous goitre. Thyreosarcoma. Cancerous tumor, or sarcoma: of the parotid, or of the neck. Abdominal cancer. Pelvic cancer. Cancer: of the lung, or of the pancreas, or of the kidney, or of the bladder, or of the prostate. Sarcohydrocele. Cancer of the bones. Osteosarcoma. Carcinoma, or scirrhus, or encephaloid, or cancerous ulcer, or malignant tumor, or sarcoma, or malignant fungus: of these organs, or of organs not specified. Sarcomatosis. Lymphosarcoma. This title does not include: Cancer of oesophagus (40). Cancer of the anus (41). Cancer: of the ovary, of the vagina, of the vulva (42). 46. Other tumors (tumors of the female genital organs excepted) . This title includes: (a) Tumor (unqualified). - - Abdominal tumor. - - Intestinal tumor. (&) Tumor: vascular, or erectile. Angioma. Heematoma. ( aure Iceso. Meniere's disease or Meniere's vertigo. III. -DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 77. Pericarditis. This title includes: Cardiopericarditis. Hydroperi- carditis. Hydropneumopericarditis. Adhesion, or symphysis: cardiac. Dropsy of the heart. This title does not include: Rheumatic pericarditis (47). Endopericardi- tis (78). Pleuropericarditis (93). Pneumopericarditis (92). 78. Acute endocarditis. This title includes: Endocarditis (unqualified, under 60 years). Ulcerative endocarditis. Myocarditis: acute or unquali- fied. Endopericarditis. 44 This title does not include: Rheumatic endocarditis, nor the other acute cardiac affections which follow during the course of a rheumatic attack (47). Chronic endocarditis (79). REMARK. Return to the physician certificates on which the words " endo- carditis" or "myocarditis" are not followed by some qualification describing whether these diseases were acute or chronic. When no reply is received from the physician, classify under title 78, cases in which decedents were under 60 years of age, and under title 79 cases in which they were over that age. The remark was added in 1909. 79. Organic diseases of the heart. This title includes: (a) Affection, or lesion, or insufficiency, or stricture: aortic, or mitral, or tricuspid, or cardiac, or valvular, or of the orifices of the heart. Cardiostenosis. Endocarditis, or myocarditis: chronic or sclerous. Endocarditis (unqualified, over 60 years). Pancarditis. Corrigan's disease. Disease, or lesion: valvular. (b) Hy- pertrophy of the heart. Dilatation of the heart. Cardiectasis. (c) De- generation, or steatosis, of the heart. Cardiomalacia. Rupture of the heart. Cardiorrhexis. Labored heart. (d) Cardiosclerosis. Cardio- vascular sclerosis. Calcification, or ossification, of the heart. (e) Asystole. Cachexia, or albuminuria, or asthma : cardiac. Cardiopathy. This title does not include: Cardiac symptoms (indeterminate) (85). Persistence of the foramen of Botallo (150). Paralysis of the heart (189). Frequent complications: Dropsy. Bronchitis and pneumonia. Albu- minuria. Embolism. Thrombosis. 80. Angina pectoris. This title includes: Cardialgia. 1 Sternalgia. Neuralgia of the heart. 81. Diseases of the arteries, atheroma, anenrysm, etc. This title includes: (a) Aneurysm. Aneurysmal tumor. Arteriectasis. Aortic ectasis. Rup- ture of arteries (nontraumatic). Arteritis. Aortitis. Endarteritis. (b) Fatty degeneration of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis. Sclerotic cachexia. Arterial atheroma. Hodgson's disease. Stricture of the pulmonary artery. This title does not include: Aortic affection (79). In 1909 the following were added: Endarteritis. Rupture of arteries (non- tranmatic). Aortic disease was dropped. 1 Cardialgia In English usually means heartburn (103). 45 82. Embolism and thrombosis. This title includes: Thrombosis (nonpuer- peral). Phlegmasia alba dolens (nonpuerperal). This title does not include: Embolism (puerperal) (139). 83. Diseases of the veins (varices, haemorrhoids, phlebitis, etc.). This title includes: (a) Varices. Varicose tumor. Aneurysmal varices. Varicose ulcer. Haemorrhoids. Varicocele. ( b } Phlebitis. Py ophlebitis. Phle- bitis of the cavernous sinus. Pneumophlebitis. This title does not include: Puerperal phlebitis (139). Tumor: vascular, or erectile (46). Angioma (46). In 1909 the following were added : Aneurysmal varices. Pyophlebitis. 84. Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.). 2" his title in- cludes: Angioleucitis. Lymphangitis. Abscess: lymphangitic, or of the axilla, or of the groin. Adenophlegmon. Bubo : suppurating or unquali- fied. Adenitis: infectious, or suppurating, or axillary, or inguinal, or of the ganglia, or unqualified. Adenopathy. This title does not include: Leuchaemic adenia (53) . Lymphatism (34) . Adenoma (46). Lymphoma (46). Lymphadenoma (46). In 1909 the following were added: Adenitis: infectious, or inguinal, or of the ganglia, or unqualified. Bubo: suppurating or unqualified. 85. Haemorrhage; other diseases of the circulatory system. This title in- cludes : (a) Haemorrhage (unqualified) . Internal haemorrhage. Epistaxis. Stomatorrhagia. Haemorrhage of the suprarenal glands, etc. (b} Cardiac accidents (undetermined character). Permanently slow pulse. Bradycar- dia. Stokes- Adams disease. Cardiac palpitation. Tachycardia. An- giectasis. Angiectopia. Diseases of the great vessels (without further qualification). This title does not include: Haemorrhage: cerebral, or cerebellar, or bulbar (64) . Meningeal haemorrhage (64) . Pulmonary haemorrhage (98) . Haem- optysis (98). Haematemesis (103). Intestinal haemorrhage (HOB). Haematuria of warm countries (121). Haematuria (unqualified) (122). Uterine haemorrhage (135 or 128, according to whether puerperal or nonpuer- peral). Metrorrhagia (135 or 128). Umbilical haemorrhage (152). Trau- matic haemorrhage (from 155 to 186, according to the nature of the trauma- tism) ; if not given (186). Vascular naevus (150). This title conjoins the old titles 85 and 86 from 1909 on. Bradycardia was added in 1909. Purpura hcemorrhagica aud cutaneous hcemor- rhage were changed to title 55, Other general diseases. 46 IV.-DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 86. Diseases of the nasal fossae. This title includes: (a) Polypus, or fibroma: of the nasal fossa?, or nasopharyngeal. (5) Coryza. Rheum. Rhinitis. Ozaena. Rhinoscleroma. Adenoid vegetations of the nasal fos- sae. (c) Abscess of the nasal fossae. This title does not include: Epistaxis (85). Syphilitic coryza (37). In 1909 the following were added: Rhinitis. Rhinoscleroma. 87. Diseases of the larynx. This title (a) Laryngitis: acute, or chronic, or erysipelatous, or oedematous, or phlegmonous, etc. (b) Apho- nia. Loss of voice. (c) False croup. Spasmodic croup. Stridulous croup. Stridulous laryngitis. Spasm, or paralysis : of the glottis. (d) (Edema of the glottis. (e) Polypus of the larynx. (/) Stricture of the larynx. (g) Laryngotomy. This title does not include: Tuberculous laryngitis (28). Laryngeal tu- berculosis (28). Croup (9). Diphtheritic laryngitis and its synonyms (9). Foreign body in the larynx (186). 88. Diseases of the thyreoid body. This title includes: (a) Goitre. Plunging goitre. Thyreocele. (b) Myxoedema. Pachydennic cachexia. 89. Acute bronchitis. This title includes : Capillary bronchitis. Ca- tarrhal bronchitis (under 60 years). Bronchoalveolitis. Tracheobronchi- tis. Tracheitis, catarrhal, or unqualified. This title does not include: Bronchopneumonia (91). Specific bronchi- tis, or any other synonym of tuberculosis of the lungs. (See this word under title 28.} Summer bronchitis (98). (See comment on title 90.) In 1909 the following were added: Catarrhal bronchitis (under 60 years). Tracheitis, catarrhal, or unqualified. 90. Chronic bronchitis. This title includes: Pituitous bronchitis. Ca- tarrhal bronchitis (60 years and over). Phlegm. Catarrh (unqualified). Catarrh: bronchial, or pituitous, or pulmonary, or suffocating. Bronchor- rhoea. Dilatation of bronchi. Bronchiectasis. Foetid bronchitis. This title does not include: Tuberculous bronchitis (28). REMARK. Return to the physician certificates on which the word bronchi- tis is not followed by any qualification and request him to state whether the disease was acute or chronic. If the physician fails to reply, classify under 47 title 89 the certificates of children under 5 years of age, and under title 90 those of older persons. In 1909 was added: Foetid bronchitis, formerly classified under title 95 (gangrene of the lung). 91. Bronchopneumonia. This title includes : Catarrhal pneumonia. This title does not include: Capillary bronchitis (89). 92. Pneumonia. This title includes: Pneumonia: croupous, or fibrinous, or traumatic. Inflammation of the lungs. Pleuropneumonia. Pneumo- pleurisy. Splenopneumonia. Peripneumonia. Pneumococchsemia. Api- cal pneumonia. This title does not include: Pneumonia: caseous (28), or specific (28), or bacillary (28), or any other synonym of tuberculosis of the lungs (see title 28). Catarrhal pneumonia (91). Interstitial pneumonia (98). Pulmo- nary congestion (94). Hypostatic pneumonia (94). Pneumatosis (189). REMARK. In countries where the words "apical pneumonia" are always synonymous with " phthisis," classify certificates bearing this diagnosis under title 28. In countries where, on the contrary, this is not constantly the case, classify under 92. 93. Pleurisy. This title includes: (a) Pleurisy (unqualified). Pleu- ritis. Pulmonary adhesion. Pleuropericarditis. Effusion : pleuritic, or thoracic. Thoracentesis. Pneumothorax. -- Hydropneumothorax. -- (b] Purulent pleurisy. Pyothorax. Pleura! vomica. -- Pneumopyothorax. Haemothorax. Empyema. Thoracic or intercostal fistula. This title does not include: Pleurodynia (98). In 1909 thoracic or intercostal fistula was added. 94. Pulmonary congestion, pulmonary apoplexy. This title includes: Pul- monary infarction. CEdema of the lungs. Congestion, or pneumonia: hy- postatic. Collapse of the lungs. 95. Gangrene of the lungs. In 1909 foetid bronchitis was removed and made an inclusion of title 90. 96. Asthma. This title includes : Bronchial asthma. This title does not include: Cardiac asthma (79). Suffocating catarrh (90). Hay fever (98). In 1909 bronchial asthma was added. -4R- TT\_/ 97. Pulmonary emphysema. This title includes: Emphysema (unquali- fied). This title does not include: Subcutaneous emphysema (145 C). 98. Other diseases of the respiratory system (tuberculosis excepted). This title includes : (a) Tracheostenosis. Pleurodynia. Pneumopathy. (b ) Hydatids of the lung. Pulmonary calculi. Pneumoconiosis fibrosis. Pul- monary anthracosis. Pulmonary silicosis. (c) Pneumonia: interstitial or chronic. Cirrhosis of the lung. Pulmonary sclerosis. Abscess of the lung. (d) Hay fever (summer bronchitis or summer catarrh). Include here also the following diseases when their nature is not shown: (e) Organic lesion of the lung. Pulmonary lesions. Haemoptysis. Spit- ting of blood. Pulmonary haemorrhage. Pneumorrhagia. Bronchor- rhagia. (/) Tracheotomy. This title does not include: Cancer of the lung (45). In 1909 the following were added: Pneumoconiosis fibrosis. Pulmonary sili- cosis. Chronic pneumonia. V.-DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 99. Diseases of the mouth and annexa. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 99 A. Diseases of the teeth and gums. T his title includes: Odontalgia. Caries of the teeth. Gingivitis. Epulis. Ulorrhagia. (Morbidity statistics only.) In 1909 this title was separated from the following one. 99 B. Other diseases of the mouth and annexa. This title includes: (a) Stomatitis. Thrush. Ulceration of the mouth. (b) Diseases of the tongue (cancer excepted) . Glossitis. Macroglossia. (c) Parotiditis. Tumor of the parotid. Salivary fistula. Tumor under the tongue. Ranula. (d) Staphyloplasty. Staphylorrhaphy. This title does not include: Cancer: of the lips or tongue (39). Chancre of the mouth (37). Noma (142). Mumps (19). Gangrene of the mouth (142). Diseases of the palate (146). Fracture of the maxilla (185). Necrosis of the maxilla (146). Paralysis of the soft palate (100). In 1909 ranula was added. - 4Q- TV 100. Diseases of the pharynx. [Angina and other affections of the pharynx.] This title includes: Anginas of all kinds (except diphtheritic angina and its synonyms; see the term diphtheria, title 9). Ludwig's angina or disease. Streptococcus angina. Tonsillitis. Amygdalitis. Quinsy. Abscess, or gangrene : of the pharynx, or of the throat, or retropharyngeal. Hypertrophy of the tonsils. Paralysis of the soft palate. Pharyngitis. This title does not include: Angina pectoris (80). Cardiac angina (80). Scarlatinal angina (7). Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was: Diseases of the pharynx. In 1909 the following were added : Tonsillitis. Hypertrophy of the tonsils. 101. Diseases of the oesophagus. T his title includes: Foreign bodies in the oesophagus. Wound of the oesophagus. Spasm of the oesophagus. Stric- ture of the oesophagus (except cancer). CEsophagotomy. This title does not include: Cancer of the oesophagus (40). Syphilitic stricture of the oesophagus (37). 102. TTlcer of the stomach. This title includes : Round ulcer. Frequent complications: Hrematemesis. Perforation of the stomach. Peritonitis. 103. Other diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted). This title includes: (a) Dilatation, or paresis: of the stomach. Gastrectasis. Hyperchlor- hydria. Hypochlorhydria. (b) Nontraumatic perforation of the stomach. (c) Foreign body in the stomach. Gastrotomy. (d) Gastritis. Gastro- hepatitis. Linitis. Dyspepsia. Apepsia. Gastralgia. Catarrh of the stomach. Gastrorrhcea. Uncontrollable vomiting (except in cases of women between 15 and 45 years of age). Indigestion. Vertigo a stomacho la-so.- Stricture of the pylorus. Include in this title also the following diseases when their nature is not specified: Gastrorrhagia. Hsematemesis. Haemorrhage of the stomach. REMARK. See the note under title 40 on " Organic lesion of the stomach." This title does not include: Gastroenteritis (104 or 105 according to age). Uncontrollable vomiting in cases of women between 15 and 45 years of age (134 B). In 1909 the following were added: Hypcrchlorhydria. Hypochlorlrydria. 104. Diarrhoea and enteritis (under 2 years). This title includes: Gas- troenteritis, or gastrocolitis, or enterocolitis : of infants. Infection or Tox- 4604110 4 50 infection : gastrointestinal. - - Infantile enteritis. - - Cholera infantum. Athrepsia. Intestinal catarrh. Dyspepsia (under 2 years). REMARK. This title pertains to children under 2 years of age only. For those over this age title 105 must be used. In 1909 dyspepsia (under 2 years) was added. The title Including: chronic was abolished in 1909. 105. Diarrhoea and enteritis (2 years and over). This title includes: Ente- ritis: acute, or chronic. Gastroenteritis, or gastrocolitis : in adults. In- testinal catarrh. Uncontrollable diarrhoea. Infection by the colon bacil- lus. Lientery. Intestinal ulceration. Duodenitis. Colitis. Intestinal colic. Flatulent colic. Inflammatory colic. This title does not include: Tuberculous enteritis (31). 105a. (Optional title) Including: Due to alcoholism. This optional title was added in 1909. 106. Ankylostomiasis. This title includes: Uncinariasis. Anaemia or chlorosis: miners' or Egyptian. Epidemic anaemia. Ansemasia. Inter- tropical hyphaemia. Tun-tun. Amarellao. This title was created in 1909. 107. Intestinal parasites. This title includes : Taenia. Solitary worm. Bothriocephalus. Cestodes. Ascaris lumbricoides. Helminths. Oxy- uris. Coenurus. Trematodes. Trichocephalus. Worm colic. Trichi- niasis. Distoma hepaticum. Cysticerci (unqualified) . In 1909 the following were added : Trichiniasis. Distoma hepaticum. These were formerly included under title 24 of the old classification. 108. Appendicitis and typhlitis. This title includes : Phlegmon, or abscess : iliac, or of the iliac fossa. Inflammation of the caecum. Perityphlitis. Typhlodicliditis. This title does not include: Abscess of the pelvis in the male (144). Abscess of the pelvis in the female (130B). Periuterine abscess (130B). Pelvic suppuration in the male (144). Pelvic suppuration in the female (130B). In 1909 the position of this title was changed: it was, up to that time, between titles 117 and 119 (old titles). 51 109. Hernia, intestinal obstruction. This title includes: (a) Strangulated hernia. Hernia (unqualified). Enterocele. Epiplocele. Sarcoepiplo- cele. Sarcoepiplomphalitis. Merocele. Hernial gangrene. Colic, or cholera: hernial. (b) Intestinal obstruction. Volvulus. Ileus. Occlu- sion, or invagination : intestinal. Internal strangulation. C cliques de mis- erere. Stercoral tumor. Include here also the diseases and operations noted below when their nature is not stated. (c) Unnatural anus. Artificial anus. Kelotomy. Herni- otomy. (d) Vomiting: stercoral, or of faecal matter. This title does not include: Laparotomy (unqualified) (189). Frequent complication: Peritonitis. 110. Other diseases of the intestine. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 110 A. Diseases of the anus and faecal fistulas. This title includes: (a) Abscess of the margin of the anus. (b) Proctitis. Periproctitis. Procto- cele. Proctoptosis. Fissure of the anus. Fistula: of the anus, or stercoral. or rectovaginal, or uterofaecal. This title does not include: Urinary fistulas even when they affect the rectum (125). Artificial anus (109). Unnatural anus (109). Imperforate anus (150). (Morbidity statistics only.) 110 B. Other diseases of the intestine. This title includes: (a) Paralysis or paresis: intestinal. Enteroptosis. Constipation. Stercoraemia. Coli- bacillosis. Intestinal infection. Pseudomembranous enteritis. Psilosis. - (b) Intestinal perforation (nontraumatic). (c) Foreign bodies: in the intestine, or in the rectum. Faecal impaction. Intestinal calculus. Include here also the diseases noted below when their nature is not specified, and also the following operations when the primary cause is not given specifically : Enterotomy. Intestinal resection. (d) Enterorrhagia. Intestinal haemorrhage. -- Melaena. -- (e) Stricture of the rectum. -- (/) Prolapse of the rectum. Rectitis. This title does not include: Stercoral tumor (109). Intestinal invagina- tion or its synonyms (109). Typhlitis (108). Perityphlitis (108). In 1909 the following were added : Colibacillosia. Intestinal infection. Pseudo- membranous enteritis. Psilosix. Fcrcal impact ion. 52 111. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. [Icterus gravis.] This title in- cludes: Pernicious icterus. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. Paren- chymatous hepatitis. Weil's disease. This title does not include: Icterus (unqualified) (115). Chronic icterus (115). Icterus of the newborn (151 B). 112. Hydatid tumor of the liver. Include here the following diseases even when their location is not stated. Hydatid cyst. Hydatids. Echinococci. 113. Cirrhosis of the liver. This title includes: Cirrhosis (unqualified). Cirrhosis: alcoholic, or malarial, or interstitial, or biliary, or of Laennec. Degeneration: amyloid, or fatty, of the liver. Steatosis of the liver. Liver: indurated, or alcoholic. Slow atrophy of the liver. Hepatitis : alcoholic, or interstitial, or chronic. This title does not include: Organic lesion of the liver (115). Hyper- trophy of the liver (115). Frequent complications : Dropsy. Haemorrhage. Pneumonia. Tuber- culosis. 113a. (Optional title) Including: Due to alcoholism. This optional title was added in 1909. 114. Biliary calculi. This title includes: Hepatic calculi. Biliary lithia- sis. Hepatic colic. 115. Other diseases of the liver. This title includes: (a) Abscess of the liver. Suppurative hepatitis. (b) Hepatitis. Acute hepatitis. Angio- cholitis. Cholecystitis. Angiocholecystitis. Hepatocystitis. Include also the following diseases when their nature is not given: (c) Organic lesion of the liver. Tumor of the liver. Hypertrophy of the liver. (d) Icterus. - - Chronic icterus. - - Jaundice. - - Hepatic congestion. Acholia. Cholremia. -- Biliary absorption. Choluria. This title does not include: Icterus gravis (111). Icterus of the new- born (151 B). 116. Diseases of the spleen. This title includes: Splenitis. Splenop- athy. Megalosplenia. Hypertrophy of the spleen. Splenocele. Tumor of the spleen. Splenic infarction. 53 This title does not include: Diseases of the spleen due to leuchaemia (53) or to malarial cachexia (4a) : Banti's disease (54). Tuberculosis (34), or cancer (45) : of the spleen. In 1909 the following were added : Hypertrophy of the spleen. Tumor of the spleen. Splenic infarction. 117. Simple peritonitis (nonpuerperal) . This title includes: Peritonitis (unqualified). Peritonitis: acute, or traumatic, or pelvic, or chronic. Peri- tonitis from perforation. Peritoneal infection. Peritoneal adhesion. Epiploitis. Metroperitonitis. Pelvic peritonitis. Abscess of Douglas's cul- de-sac. This title does not include: Tuberculous peritonitis (31). Cancer of the peritoneum (41). Puerperal peritonitis (137). Rheumatic peritonitis (47). REMARK. When an adult woman [in the childbearing period] is said to have died of " peritonitis," without qualification, the certificate should be sent back and the physician asked to state whether or not the disease was puerperal. The following were added in 1909 : Traumatic peritonitis. Peritoneal injection. Abscess of Douglas's cul-de-sac. 118. Other diseases of the digestive system (cancer and tuberculosis excepted) . This title includes: Disease of the pancreas (cancer excepted). Abscess: subphrenic, or abdominal. In 1909 the following were added: Abscess: ftubphrc-nic, or abdominal. VI.-NONVENEREAL DISEASES OF THE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM AND ANNEXA. 119. Acute nephritis. This title includes: Nephritis: subacute, or of in- fants, or infectious. This title does not include: Scarlatinal nephritis (7). Chronic nephritis (120). Tuberculous nephritis (34). Puerperal nephritis (138). Nephritis from lead poisoning (57). The following were added in 1909 : Nephritis: subacute, or of infants, or infectious. 120. Blight's disease. This title includes: (a) Bright's disease. Nephri- tis: chronic, or albuminous, or interstitial, or parenchymatous, or alcoholic. Degeneration : amyloid, or fatty, of the kidneys. Kidney : amyloid, or granu- lar. Cirrhosis, or steatosis: of the kidneys. Renal sclerosis. 54 Also include here the following diseases when their nature is not shown: (b) Albuminuria. Uraemia. Absorption, or intoxication: uraemic.- Eclampsia, or convulsions : uraemic. Ursemic delirium. Uraemic coma. This title does not include: Organic lesion of the kidneys (122). Puer- peral uraemia (138). Cardiac albuminuria (79). Frequent complications: Anasarca. Dropsy. Convulsions. Haemor- rhages. Cerebral apoplexy. Pneumonia. The following were added In 1909 : Granular kidney. Alcoholic nephritis. Cirrhosis of the kidneys. 121. Chyluria. This title includes: Haematochyluria. Tropical haema- turia. Milky urine. Galacturia. Lipuria. Piarrhaemia. Lipaemia. This title does not include: Haematuria (unqualified) (122). This title was created in 1909. 122. Other diseases of the kidneys and annexa. This title includes: (a) Pyelitis. Perinephritis. Pyelonephritis. Nephropyosis. ( b ) Abscess, or phlegmon : perinephric. Septic kidney. (c) Renal ectopia. Nephropto- sis. Kidney: floating, or movable, or displaced. Mobility of a kidney. Organic lesion of the kidney. Nephrorrhagia. Nephrectomy. (d) Renal cyst. Poly cystic kidney. (e) Hydronephrosis. Renal congestion. Renal insufficiency. Anuria. Haematuria. Haemoglobinuric fever. This title does not include: Diseases of the suprarenal glands (52). 123. Calculi of the urinary passages. This title includes: Calculus: renal, or ureteral, or nephritic, or vesical, or urinary. Pyonephrosis from calculus. Nephrolithiasis. Nephritic colic. Gravel. Stone. Calculous disease. Urinary lithiasis. Lithotrity. Lithoclasty. This title does not include: Prostatic calculi (126). 124. Diseases of the bladder. This title includes: (a) Cystitis: acute, or chronic. Vesical infection. Catarrh: vesical, or urethral. Cystorrhagia. (b) Tumor of the bladder. Papilloma of the bladder. Cystocele. Cys- toptosis. (c) Foreign bodies in the bladder. Cystotomy. Rupture of the bladder. (d) Retention of urine. Dysuria. Paralysis, or paresis: of the bladder. Vesical inertia. Incontinence of urine. Tenesmus, or spasm: of the bladder. This title does not include: Haematuria (unqualified) (122). Urinary fistulas even when they involve the bladder (125). Cystosarcoma (45). In 1909 the following were added : Vesical infection. Papilloma of the Madder. Spasm of the bladder. 55 125. Diseases of the urethra, urinary abscess, etc. This title includes: (a) Stricture of the urethra. Urethrostenosis. Ankylurethria. Stricture: of urethra (or unqualified) . Urethroplasty. Urethrorrhaphy. Urethrot- omy. Urethrorrhagia. Rupture of the urethra. (5) Foreign body in the urethra. (c) Urinary fistula: urethral, or urethrorectal, or rectovesical, or vesicovaginal, or vesicometrorectal, or of the perinseum, or uterovesical. Urinary abscess. Periurethral phlegmon. Urinary infiltration. Urinary intoxication. Urinsemia. This title does not include: Urethral catarrh (124). Retention of urine (124). Uremia (120). In 1909 the following were added: Stricture of the urethra (or unqualified). Fistula of the perinwum. 126. Diseases of the prostate. This title includes: Hypertrophy of the prostate. Prostatitis. Abscess of the prostate. Prostatic calculi. This title does not include: Cancer of the prostate (45). Tuberculosis of the prostate (34). 127. Nonvenereal diseases of the male genital organs. This title includes : Orchitis: traumatic, or unqualified. Epididymitis. Funiculitis. Vaginal- itis. Hydrocele. Hsematocele: of the testicle, or of the cord, or of the scrotum. Castration (in the male) . Ulcer of the penis. Granuloma puden- dorum (in the male) . (&) Paraphimosis. Amputation of the penis. Semi- nal losses. Spermatorrho3a. This title does not include: Cancer of the testicle (45). Tuberculosis of the testicle (34). Sarcohydrocele (45). Syphilitic sarcocele (37). Varico- cele (83). In 1909 the following were added : Traumatic orchitis. Ulcer of the penis. Granuloma pudendorum (in the male). In 1909 phimosis was removed from this title and placed under title 150 (con- genital malformations). 128. TJterine haemorrhage (nonpuerperal) . This title includes: Metror- rhagia. Menorrhagia. Ha3morrhagic metritis. Tamponing : of the vagina. of the uterus. In 1909 hcemorrhagic metritis was added. 129. TJterine tumor (noncancerous). This title includes: Fibroma: (un- qualified), or uterine. Fibroid tumor, or fibroid body: of the uterus. Hys- teromyoma. Uterine polypus. Fungus, or fungosity: of the uterus. De- ciduoma. Huguier's disease. 56 130. Other diseases of the uterus. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 130 A. Metritis. This title includes: Endometritis (nonpuerperal). Metritis: catarrhal, or cervical. Ulcer of the uterus. Ulceration of the cervix. (Morbidity statistics only.) In 1909 the following were added : Metritis: catarrhal, or cervical. Prior to 1909 this title had a place among the causes of death; it was between present titles 127 and 128. 130 B. Other diseases of the uterus. This title includes: (a) Deviation, or anteflexion, or retroflexion, or anteversion, or retroversion, Or prolapse, or falling: of the uterus, or of the womb. Prolapse of the vagina. Elongation of the uterus. Hypertrophy of the neck of the uterus. Atrophy of the uterus. Uterine fistula (nonurinary and nonfaical). Amenorrhoea. Dys- menorrhcea. 'Whites. Catarrh: uterine, or vaginal. Uterine colic. Leucorrhcea. White flux. Vaginal flow. Curetting of the uterus. (b} Organic lesion of the uterus. Hysterectomy. Hysterotomy. Metrot- omy. Rupture of the uterus (nonpuerperal). Ecrisis (nonpuerperal). Ablation of the uterus. (c) Abscess of the pelvis (in the female). Abscess, or phlegmon : periuterine, or retrouterine, or perimetritic. Pelvic suppuration (in the female). This title does not include: Puerperal diseases (134 to 141). Pelvic peri- tonitis (117). Abscess of the iliac fossa (108). Uterovesical fistula (125). Uterofa?cal fistula (110 A). In 1909 the following were added: Atrophy of the uterus. Uterine fistula (non- urinary and nonf fecal). Rupture of the uterus (nonpuerperal). Ecrisis (nonpuerperal). Perimetritic abscess. 131. Cysts and other tumors of the ovary. This title includes: Dropsy of the ovary. Ovariotomy. Castration (in the female). 132. Salpingitis and other diseases of the female genital organs. This title includes: (a} Abscess and cyst of the vulvovaginal glands. Vulvitis. Vaginismus. Metro vaginitis. Colpocele. -- Tumor of the vagina. Ab- scess, or ulceration: of the labia majora, or labia minora. Bartholinitis : suppurating, or unqualified. (b) Ovaritis. Ovarian cirrhosis. Metrosal- pingitis. Haematosalpinx. Pyosalpinx. Annexitis : simple, or suppurat- 57 ing. Phlegmon of the broad ligament: nonpuerperal, or unqualified. Tuboovarian abscess. Granuloma pudendorum (in the female). Dropsy: of the Falloppian tube, or of the broad ligament. Hsematocele: periuterine, or retrouterine. This title does not include: Urinary fistulas (125) and stercoral fistulas (110 A) even when they involve the genital organs. Gangrene of the vulva (142). In 1909 the following were added : Metrovaginitis. Colpocele. Abscess, or ulceration: of the labia majora, or labia minora. Bartholinitis, suppurating or unqualified. Tuboovarian abscess. Granuloma pudendorum (in the female). 133. Nonpuerperal diseases of the breast (cancer excepted). This title in- cludes: Mammitis. Mastitis, or galactophoritis: nonpuerperal, or unquali- fied. Abscess of the breast (nonpuerperal). Cyst of the breast. Cystic disease of Reclus. Tumor of the breast: noncancerous, or unqualified. Amputation of the breast. Disease of the breast (in the male). This title does not include: Fistula of the breast: puerperal, or unqualified (141). Cancerous tumor of the breast (43). In 1909 disease of the breast (in the male) was added. VII. -THE PUERPERAL STATE. REMARK. It frequently happens that physicians neglect to state the puer- peral character of a disease. Hence the following rule is for the guidance of employees engaged in preparing statistics: "Whenever an adult woman [in the childbearing period] is reported to have died from a disease which might have been puerperal, the certificate should be sent back to the signer in order that he may state explicitly whether or not the disease was puerperal in character. The following diseases are of this class: "Peritonitis. Pelviperitonitis. -- Metroperitonitis. -- Septicha3mia. - Haemorrhage. Metrorrhagia. Eclampsia. Phlegmasia alba dolens. - Phlebitis. Lymphangitis. Embolism. Sudden death. Abscess of the breast." 134. Accidents of pregnancy, [This is the form of title as used for mor- tality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 58 134 A. Normal Labor. (Morbidity statistics only.) 134 B. Accidents of pregnancy. This title includes: Miscarriage (death of mother). Abortion (death of mother). Haemorrhage: of pregnancy or ante partum. Uncontrollable vomiting (in a woman 15 to 45 years of age). Pregnancy: ectopic, or extrauterine, or tubal. Rupture of tubal preg- nancy. Ablation of the gravid tube. Complications and hardships during the course of pregnancy. This title does not include: Puerperal septichaemia during the course of pregnancy (137). Nephritis of pregnancy (138). 135. Puerperal haemorrhage. This title includes : Puerperal metror- rhagia. Placenta praevia. Vicious insertion, or retention, or detachment, or apoplexy : of the placenta. Prior to 1909 Placenta prcevia, vicious insertion, retention, detachment, and apoplexy of the placenta were classed under No. 136. 136. Other accidents of labor. This title includes: (a) Caesarean opera- tion. Cephalotripsy. Embryotomy (adult female). Symphyseotomy. Version. Forceps application. Dystocia. Difficult labor (death of the mother). Faulty presentation (death of the mother). (b) Laceration, or rupture: of the perinacum. Perinaeorrhaphy. (c) Rupture of the uterus. Metrorrhexis or ecrisis: puerperal. In 1909 were added: Difficult labor (death of the mother). Faulty presentation (death of the mother). Puerperal ecrisis. See also No. 135. 137. Puerperal septichsemia. This title includes: Puerperal fever. Puer- peral infection. Puerperal endometritis. Puerperal salpingitis. Perime- trosalpingitis. Phlegmon of the broad ligament (puerperal) . Diffuse pel- vic cellulitis (puerperal). Peritonitis, or metroperitonitis, or peritoneal infection, or abscess, or lymphangitis, or pyaemia: puerperal. Milk fever. Septichsemia, the result of abortion. This title does not include: Septichaemia (unqualified) (20). Puerperal scarlatina (7). In 1909 Peritoneal infection or abscess: puerperal, was added. 138. Puerperal albuminuria and convulsions. [Puerperal albuminuria and eclampsia.] This title includes : Nephritis : of pregnancy, or puerperal. 59 Puerperal uraemia. Eclampsia of women in labor. Epileptoid convulsions of women in labor. Puerperal tetanus. Puerperal coma. This title does not include: Puerperal scarlatina (7). In 1909 the following were added : Puerperal nephritis. Puerperal coma. 139. Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens, embolus, sudden death. This title includes: Phlebitis, or embolism, or thrombosis, or syncope: puerperal. This title does not include: Phlegmasia alba dolens (nonpuerperal) (82). Frequent complications : Gangrene. Embolism. Prior to 1909 this title was divided into two titles : " 139. Phlegmasia alba dolen (puerperal)" and "140. Other puerperal accidents; sudden death." 140. Following childbirth (not otherwise defined). Puerperal insanity. This title does not include: Nonpuerperal sudden death (188). Puer- peral scarlatina (7). This title was established in 1909. 141. Puerperal diseases of the breast. This title includes: Puerperal mas- titis. Puerperal galactophoritis. Fissure of the nipple (puerperal). Ab- scess of the breast (puerperal). Shirt-stud abscess. Fistula of the breast: puerperal, or unqualified. VIII. -DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND OF THE CELLULAR TISSUE. 142. Gangrene. This title includes: Eschar. Sphacelus. Gangrene : dry, or senile, or of the extremities. Gangrene of the mouth. Gangrene of the vulva, etc. Noma. Kaynaud's disease. This title does not include: Gangrene of the throat (100). Gangrene of the lung (95). Hernial gangrene (109). Gangrenous erysipelas (18). 143. Furuncle. This title does not include: Aleppo, or Biskra, or Medina : boil or button (145 C). Cochin-China or Penjdeh ulcer (145 C). REMARK. The word " anthrax " will be taken in the sense in which it is ordinarily used in the different countries; for example, in French-speaking countries, in the sense of " an aggregation of furuncles" (143) ; in Russia and other countries, in the sense of "malignant pustule" (22). 60 144. Acute abscess. [Phlegmon, acute abscess.] T his title includes: Ab- scess: fistulous or pernicious (or unqualified). Phlegmonous tumor. Dif- fuse phlegmon. Panaris. Whitlow. Abscess of the mediastinum. Abscess: of the arm, or of other members, or of the buttock, or scapular, or of the abdominal walls. Vomica (unqualified). Abscess of the pelvis (in males). Suppuration: pelvic, or intraabdominal (males). T his title does not include: Abscess: cold, or bacillary, or ossifluent, or by congestion (34). Adenophlegmon (84). Suppurating adenitis (84). Bubo: suppurating, or unqualified (84). Abscess: lymphangitic, or of the groin, or of the axilla (84). Abscess: of the pharynx, or of the throat, or retropharyngeal (100). Abscess of the liver (115). Abscess of the iliac fossa (108). Abscess of the pelvis in females (130 B). Periuterine abscess (130 B). Abscess of the prostate (126). Perinephric abscess (122). Abscess: urinary, or periurethral or permeal (125). Abscess of the breast (nonpuerperal) (133). Abscess of the breast (puerperal) (141). Angio- leucitis (84). Phlegmonous erysipelas (18). Erysipelatous phlegmon (18). Abscess: of the frontal sinus, or of the maxillary sinus, etc. (146). In 1909 the following were added : Fisttilous or pernicious abscess. Abscess: of the arm, or of other members, or of the buttock, or scapular, or of the abdominal walls. Perineal abscess. In 1909 the following were abolished : Suppurating adenitis; adenophlegmon; bubo; abscess: lymphangitic, or of the axilla, or of the groin. These terms were placed under title No. 84 (Diseases of the lymphatic system, lymphangitis, etc.). 145. Other diseases of the skin and annexa. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 145 A. Trichophytosis. [Tineas and peladas.] (Morbidity statistics only.) This title unites, after 1909, Nos. 145 A, 145 B, and 145 C of the old classification. 145 B. Scabies. (Morbidity statistics only.) 145 C. Other diseases of the skin and annexa. This title includes: Ery- thema. -- Urticaria. -- Prurigo. -- Phtheiriasis. -- Lichen. -- Pityriasis. Psoriasis. Dermatitis. Eczema. Intertrigo. Impetigo. Aphtha. Herpes. - - Ecthyma. - - Elephantiasis Arabum. - - Pachydermia. - - Polysar- 61 cia. Sclerodermia. Cheloid. Seborrhcea. Trophoneurosis. Zona. - Wardrop's disease. Ulcer (unqualified). Biskra, or Aleppo, or Medina: boil or button. - - Pendjeh ulcer. - - Cochin-China ulcer. - - Pemphigus. - Myiasis. Autoplasty. Vicious cicatrix. Dartre. Derma tosis. Sub- cutaneous emphysema. Emphysema of the cellular tissue. Exanthema. - Fcetid sweat. Grusta lactea. Perforating disease. - - Ingrowing nail. - Onyxis. Papules (unqualified). Sycosis (mentagra). Fistulous ulcer. Serpiginous ulcer. Wart. This title does not include: Pachydermic cachexia (88). Elephantiasis Grsecorum (17). In 1909 were added: Intertrigo. Ulcer (unqualified). In 1909 Fungoid mycosis was taken from this title and placed under title No. 25 (Mycoses). IX. -DISEASES OF THE BONES AND OF THE ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. 146. Diseases of the bones (tuberculosis excepted). This title includes: Periostitis. Periostosis. Osteitis. Osteoperiostitis. Osteomyelitis. - Caries. Necrosis. -- Sequestrum. -- Perforation of the palatine vault. - Necrosis of the maxilla (nonphosphoric or unqualified). Exostosis (unquali- fied). Osteoma. Osseous tumor. Tumor of the cranium. Foreign body in the frontal sinus and other sinuses. Mastoiditis. Abscess: of the frontal sinus, or of the maxillary sinus, or of the sphenoidal sinus. This title does not include: Abscess: ossifluent, or by congestion (34). Osteocopic pains (37). Osteosarcoma (45). Phosphoric necrosis (58).-- Caries of the petrous bone (76). Dental caries (99 A). Fractures (185). Prior to 1909 this title included rhachitts, which now forms a special title (see No. 36). 147. Diseases of the joints (tuberculosis and rheumatism excepted). -This title includes: Arthritis. - - Polyarthritis (nonvertebral). - - Synovitis. - Hydrarthrosis. Foreign body in the joints. Arthrodynia. -Arthropyo- sis. Arthrophyte. - - Ankylosis. - - Arthralgia. - - Arthrocele. - - Genii valgum. This title does not include: Rheumatic arthritis (47). 148. Amputations. This title includes only those cases in which the lesion causing the amputation is not indicated. 62 This title includes: Disarticulation. Resection. This title does not include: Amputation of the breast (133) . Amputation of the penis (127). Complications: Septichsemia. Erysipelas. Tetanus. Haemorrhage. 149. Other diseases of the organs of locomotion. [Other diseases of the bones and the organs of locomotion.] This title includes: Hygroma. Crepitating synovitis. Perichondritis. Tarsalgia. Painful flatf oot. Retraction : of the fingers or the palmar fascia. Dupuytren's disease. Nontraumatic muscu- lar rupture. Diastasis of a muscle. Myodiastasis. Nontraumatic rupture of a tendon. Disease of the tendons. - - Tenophytes. - - Tenosynovitis. Tenotomy. Tenorrhaphy. Torticollis. Lumbago. Lassitude (muscular pains) . Psoitis. Myositis. Polymyositis : unqualified or haemorrhagic. Dermatomyositis. Neuromyositis. In 1909 the following were added: Psoitis. Myositis. Polymyositis: unqualified or hamorrhagic. Dermatomyositis. Neuromyositis. X.- MALFORMATIONS. 150. Congenital malformations (stillbirths not included). This title in- cludes : Malformation. Monster. Anomaly. Arrest of development. Congenital hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus (unqualified). Megaloceph- alus. Hydrorrhachis. Spina bifida. Encephalocele. Podencephalus. Congenital eventration. Omphalocele. Exomphalos. Ectopia. Ectopia of the bladder. Congenital stenosis : of the aorta, or of the pylorus, or of the intestines. Imperf orate anus. Congenital malformation: of the teeth, or of the palate, or of the palatine vault, or of the tonsils. Adenoid vegeta- tions. Hare lip. Wolf's jaw. Phimosis. Anaspadias. Hypospadias. Cryptorchidism. Vascular nsevus. Polydactylism. Syndactylism. Club- foot: congenital or valgus, or varus, or equinus. Persistence of foramen of Botallo. Malformation of the auricle. Intrauterine malformations: of the heart, or of the septum. This title does not include: Coloboma (75 C). Painful valgus flatf oot (149). Acquired hydrocephalus (74). In 1909 the following were added: Ectopia of the bladder. Congenital stenosis: of the aorta, or of the pylorus, or of the intestines. Congenital malforma- tion: of the teeth, or of the palate, or of the palatine vault, or of the tonsils. Adenoid vegetations. Phimosis. Malformation of the auricle. Intrauter- ine malformations: of the heart or of the septum. 63 XI. -DISEASES OF EARLY INFANCY. 151. Congenital debility, icterus, and sclerema. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are em- ployed only for morbidity statistics.] 151 A. Nurslings discharged from hospital without disease. (Morbidity statistics only.) 151 B. Congenital debility, icterus, and sclerema. This title includes: Pre- mature birth. Atrophy (of infants). Icterus or hepatitis: of the new- born. CEdema of the newborn. Prior to 1909 this title applied only to children not over three months of age. 152. Other diseases peculiar to early infancy. This title includes: Umbili- cal haemorrhage. Inflammation of the umbilicus. Infectious omphalitis. Cyanosis neonatorum. Atelectasis of the lungs in the newborn. Various consequences of labor 1 (fracture of the cranium by forceps, etc.). REMARK. This title applies only to children not over three months of age. 153. lack of care. This title includes: Cold. Lack of clothing. Un- cleanliness. Bad treatment. Desertion. REMARK. This title applies only to children not over three months of age. In 1909 the terms : Inanition. Nonmilk diet, were taken from this title and placed under title No. 177 B (Starvation). XII. - OLD AGE. 154. Senility. This title includes : Senile debility. Old age. Cachexia (old persons). Marasmus or exhaustion: senile. Senile dementia. This title does not include: Senile gangrene (142) . Senile paralysis (66) . Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Senile debility. 1 This term may be taken to represent all those direct consequences of traumatism during labor as affecting the life of the child which have heretofore been classified by the Bureau of the Census under the title " Injuries at birth," as a subdivision of the title " Other external violence." The number of deaths so compiled is quite considerable, amounting for the registration area of the United States during the year 1908 to no less than 3,003, or 5.72 per cent of the total number (52,421) compiled from violent causes. No provision was formerly made under the International Classification for deaths of this kind, owing, probably, to the fact that deaths of infants are, in France and some other European countries, returned as stillbirths if they occur prior to the date of registration. While there was some reason for including such deaths under external causes, the change to title No. 152, of which " Injuries at birth " will be made a subdivision, will probably on the whole commend Itself to American registrars, and moreover is in full agreement with the classification In use by the Registrar-General of England and Wales. 64 XIII. - AFFECTIONS PRODUCED BY EXTERNAL CAUSES. Only those individuals should be classed as suicides in whose cases suicide or attempted suicide has been proved. Among collective suicides only adults should be counted. Minors should be considered as the victims of murder. 155. Suicide by poison. This title includes: Voluntary poisoning. Vol- untary ingestion of sulphuric acid (or any other corrosive substance). This title does not include: Morphinism (59). Cocainism (59). 156. Suicide by asphyxia. This title includes: Suicide: by coal gas, or by carbon monoxide, or carbonic acid gas, or illuminating gas, or chloroform, etc. 157. Suicide by hanging or strangulation. 158. Suicide by drowning. 159. Suicide by firearms. 160. Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments. 161. Suicide by jumping from high place. 162. Suicide by crushing. 163. Other suicides. 164. Poisoning by food. This title includes: Acute food poisoning. Sausage poisoning. Poisoning: by mushrooms, or by damaged meat, or by mussels, or by pork. This title was established in 1909. 165. Other acute poisonings. [This is the form of title as used for mor- tality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 165 A. Venomous bites and stings. [Attacks of venomous animals.] This title includes: Snake bite. Absorption of venom. Insect stings. (Morbidity statistics only.) This tittle was established in 1909. 65 165 B. Other acute poisonings. This title includes: All nonalimentary poisoning (suicides excepted). Antimonial cholera. Acute ergotism. Acci- dental ingestion : of sulphuric acid or other corrosive substances. This title does not include: Saturnism (57). Hydrargyrism, etc. (58 or 59, according to circumstances). Morphinism, Chronic ergotism, etc. (59). Intoxication by ptomaines (autointoxication) (55). Autointoxication (55). Urinary intoxication (125). Ursemic intoxication (120). Prior to 1909 this title included the two preceding ones. 166. Conflagration. This title was established in 1909 ; it was formerly included under title 168. 167. Burns (conflagration excepted). This title includes: Burning: by boiling water, steam, petroleum. Effects: of x rays, of radium. Burning by vitriol. This title does not include: Conflagration (166). In 1909 the following were added: Effects of x rays, of radium. Burning by vitriol. 168. Absorption of deleterious gases (conflagration excepted). [Absorption of deleterious gases (conflagration and suicide excepted).] This title in- cludes: Accidental asphyxia (except pathological asphyxia and suicide). Poisoning: by sewer gas, or cacodyl, or sulphurous acid gas, or hydrogen sul- phide, or carbon disulphide, or vapors of alcohol, or of methyl alcohol. As- phyxia by suffocation (smoke, etc.). Asplwxia by illuminating gas. As- phyxia by a stove (fixed or portable). Absorption of carbon monoxide. Absorption of ammonium hydrosulphide. Absorption of: chloroform, or ether, or nitrous oxide. This title does not include: Asphyxia of an adult (without further state- ment) (189). Chronic etherism (59). In 1909 the following were added: Poisoning by: sewer gas, cacodyl, sulphurous acid gas, hydrogen sulphide, carbon disulphide, vapor of alcohol or methyl alcohol. Asphyxia by suffocation (smoke, etc.). 169. Accidental drowning. This title includes: Drowned (suicide not proved). Lost at sea. 170. Traumatism by firearms. This title includes : Wounds by firearms. This title was established in 1909. 4604110 5 66 171. Traumatism by cutting or piercing instruments. This title includes: Wound by cutting instruments (suicide not proved). Knife cuts. This title was established in 1909. 172. Traumatism by fall. This title includes: Accidental fall. This title was established in 1909. 173. Traumatism in mines and quarries. This title was established in 1909. 174. Traumatism by machines. This title was established in 1909. 175. Traumatism by other crushing (vehicles, railroad, landslides, etc.). This title was established in 1909. 176. Injuries by animals. This title includes: Bites (not venomous or virulent) . Kick. Goring. 177. Starvation. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 177 A. Overexertion. This title includes: Fatigue. (Morbidity statistics only.) 177 B. Starvation. This title includes: Inanition (unqualified). 1 Insuf- ficient food (newborn infants excepted). Misery. Thirst. This title does not include: Lack of care (newborn infants) (153). In- sufficient nourishment (newborn infants) (153). Sitiophobia (68). Hys- terical anorexia (73 A). Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Inanition. In 1909 thirst was added. 1 A death from " inanition " should be Included here only when It Implies actual starvation by deprivation of food. When the word Is used, as It frequently is In the United States, to denote exhaustion from defective nourishment, due to disease or congenital or senile debility, it should not be compiled under title 177 B. The term Is indefinite and otherwise objectionable, and the dis- ease causing inanition should be given. 67 178. Excessive cold. This title includes: Freezing. Cold. This title does not include: Cold (of the newborn) (153). Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Freezing. 179. Effects of heat. [Thermonosus.] This title includes: Sunstroke. Heat stroke. Insolation. Heat fever. Hyperthermia. Thermoplegia. Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was : Insolation. In 1909 the following were added : H eat fever. Hyperthermia. Thermoplegia. 180. Lightning. This title was established in 1909. 181. Electricity (lightning excepted). [Other electric disturbances.] This title includes: Accidental electrocution. Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was: Electric disturbance; it contained the previous title. 182. Homicide by firearms. This title was established in 1909. 183. Homicide by cutting or piercing instruments. This title was established in 1909. 184. Homicide by other means. This title includes: Assassination or homi- cide, or infanticide, or killed in fight, or duel : without further explanation. Bite of a man. This title was established in 1909. 185. Fractures (cause not specified). [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 185 A. Dislocations. This title includes: Subluxation. (Morbidity statistics only.) 185 B. Sprains. This title includes: Strains. Distention of the liga- ments. (Morbidity statistics only.) -68 185 C. Fractures (cause not specified). This title includes: Detachment of the epiphyses. Fracture of the skull. Fracture of the neck. 186. Other external violence. This title includes: Accident or traumatism (unqualified). Bad treatment (of a child). Capital punishment. Foreign body in the larynx. Foreign body: in the trachea, in the mediastinum. Traumatic eventration (cause not indicated). Perforation of the skull (cause not indicated). Concussion of brain (cause not indicated). Traumatic haemorrhage (cause not indicated). Traumatic fever (cause not indicated). Prior to 1909 this title and another, with the heading : Other accidental trauma- tisms, contained the present titles Nos. 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 182, 183, 184. XIV. - ILL DEFINED DISEASES. The following titles pertain only to diseases not well defined by the physi- cian, either because his means of information were not sufficient, or because the disease was lacking in distinctive features, or, perhaps, because he failed to make a complete diagnosis. 187. Ill defined organic disease. This title includes: Dropsy. Anasarca. Ascites. (Edema of the extremities, or general oedema. This title does not include: (Edema of the newborn (151 B). (Edema of the glottis (87). (Edema of the lungs (94). CEdema of the brain (64). Prior to 1909 the heading of this title was: Dropsy. The term Organic lesion (undefined) appeared in the development of the title. 188. Sudden death. This title includes: Syncope (followed by death). This title does not include: Puerperal sudden death (139), nor "sudden death" with an explanatory expression, such as "diabetic sudden death" (50), or "apoplectic sudden death" (64), etc. 189. Cause of death not specified or ill defined. [This is the form of title as used for mortality statistics. It includes the subdivisions below, which are employed only for morbidity statistics.] 189 A. Cause of death not specified or ill defined. [Disease not specified or ill defined.] This title includes: Exhaustion, or cachexia, or collapse, or de- 69 bility (adults) . Asthenia. Adynamia. Ataxoadynamia. Distention of the abdomen. Carphology. Surgical shock. Collapse. Delirium. - Dyspnrea. Coma. Exhaustion (adults). Fever: algid, or asthenic, or hectic, or colliquative, or synochal, or gastric, or bilious, or catarrhal, or pitui- tous, or purple, or hectic. Embarras gastrique. Sore. Pneumatosis. Fever of dentition. Congestion (unqualified). Hectic condition. Transfu- sion of blood. Abdominal disease. Laparotomy. Paralysis of the heart (in German: Herzlahmung or Herzschlag, etc.; in English: Heart failure, etc.). Asphyxia, Cyanosis (cause not indicated, newborn infants excepted) or any other incomplete diagnosis. Marasmus. Suppuration. Trephin- ing. Pyrexia. Hyp^^exia. This title does not include: Congenital debility (151 B). Exhaustion, cachexia, or debility: in old persons (154). Fever: ataxoadynamic (1), or continued (1), or summer (98), or hay (98). Asphyxia from external cause (156 or 168). Cyanosis of the newborn (152). 189 B. No disease, feigned disease. (Morbidity statistics only.) This title was established in 1909. INDEX OF DISEASES. With statement of the number of the title under which each should be assigned: (1} in the detailed nomenclature; (2) in the abridged nomenclature, as determined by the International Commission. NOTE. The numbers given below in the columns headed " Detailed nomenclature" are more particularly those of the nomenclature of diseases and of incapacity for labor (morbidity statistics). These numbers are exactly the same as those of the nomenclature of causes of death except for the occasional addition of a letter. DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Abdomen, penetrating wound of 186 186 45 189 A 47 31 46 144 1 134 B 130 B Stillbirth. 144 144 132 34 34 34 144 108 84 144 144 84 60 133 141 144 35 35 16 38 37 15 37 37 1 30 30 Stillbirth. 37 37 30 15 15 15 37 26 37 37 37 37 37 37 32 37 perforation of Abdominal cancer disease rheumatism tuberculosis . tumor Abdominal walls, abscess of Abdominalis, typhus Ablation (of an organ). (Classify according to organ removed.) of gravid tube uterus Abortion (associated with stillbirth) Abscess (unqualified) acute and cysts of vulvo vaginal glands bacillary by congestion cold fistulous iliac lymphangitic of abdominal walls arm axilla brain breast (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) buttock.. 71 72 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Abscess of Douglas's cul-de-sac ear frontal sinus groin iliac fossa labia majora or labia minora liver lung mammary gland (puerperal) margin of anus maxillary sinus mediastinum nasal fossae pelvis (female) (male) pharynx pons Varolii prostate throat ossifluent pelvic (female) (male) perimetritic perineal perinephric periuterine pernicious phagedenic retropharyngeal retrouterine scapular scrofulous shirt-stud strumous subphrenic tuboovarian urinary Absinthsemia Absinthism Absorption, biliary of ammonium hydrosulphide carbon dioxide, accidental monoxide chloroform involuntary voluntary corrosive substance (accidental) (voluntary) deleterious gas (except suicide and conflagration), (suicide) 117 76 146 84 108 132 115 98 141 110 A 146 144 86 130 B 144 100 60 126 100 34 130 B 144 130 B 144 122 130 B 144 38 A 100 130 B 144 34 141 34 118 132 125 56 56 115 168 168 168 168 168 156 165 B 155 168 156 37 37 37 37 26 30 37 23 32 37 37 37 23 30 37 37 37 37 37 15 30 37 30 37 37 30 37 37 37 30 37 15 32 15 37 30 37 37 37 37 35 35 35 35 35 36 35 36 35 36 73 DISEASES. Absorption of nitrous oxide 1G8 venom 165 A purulent 20 putrid 20 septic. 20 ursemic 120 Accident 186 of pregnancy 134 B puerperal 140 railroad 175 Accidental absorption of carbon dioxide 168 asphyxia (except pathological asphyxia and suicide) 168 drowning 169 electrocution 181 poisoning 165 B submersion 169 wound by firearms 170 Acetonaemia 50 Acholia 115 Acid, sulphuric (involuntary absorption) 165 B (throwing of) 167 (voluntary absorption) 155 Acquired hydrocephalus 74 Acrodynia 19 Acromegaly 55 Actinomycosis 25 Acute abscess 144 bronchitis 89 cystitis 124 endocarditis 78 enteritis 104 or 105 ergotism 165 B etherism 168 food poisoning 164 hepatitis 115 laryngitis 87 myocarditis (or unqualified) 78 nephritis 119 paludism 4 parenchymatous hepatitis Ill phthisis 29 tuberculosis 29 yellow atrophy of liver Ill Addison, bronze disease of Addison's disease Adenia (leuchsemia) Adenitis (unqualified) axillary infectious j inguinal 1 84 CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. 74 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Adenitis of ganglia scrofulous strumous suppurating tuberculous venereal Adenoid vegetations Adenoma Adenopathy Adenophlegmon Adhesion, cardiac of peritonaeum peritoneal pulmonary Adynamia Adynamic fever pneumonia Adynamoataxic fever Affection. (See Disease.) Age, old Air passages, foreign body in Alba dolens, phlegmasia (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) Albuminous nephritis Albuminuria (unqualified) cardiac of pregnancy puerperal scarlatinal Alcohol or methyl alcohol, poisoning by vapors of. . Alcoholic cerebral apoplexy congestion cirrhosis of liver lungs (interstitial pneumonia). delirium dementia hepatitis intoxication liver paralysis general polyneuntis Alcoholism Aleppo, boil of filaria of or Biskra or Medina button Algid fever Alienation, mental AmarellAo . . 84 34 34 84 34 38 150 46 84 84 77 117 117 93 189 A 1 92 1 154 186 82 139 120 120 79 138 138 7 168 64 64 113 113 98 56 56 113 56 113 67 67 73 B 56 1450 145 C 145 C 189 A 68 106 37 15 15 37 15 37 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 38 1 22 1 34 35 37 32 29 29 19 32 32 6 35 18 18 28 28 23 37 37 28 37 28 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 37 37 75 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Amarilla fever Amaurosis Amblyopia from intoxication Amenorrhcea Ammonium hydrosulphide, absorption of. Amnesia Amcebic dysentery Amputation of breast penis Amygdalitis Amyloid degeneration, general of arteries heart kidneys liver muscles nervous system. spinal cord kidney Amyotrophia Amyotrophic paralysis sclerosis Ansemasia Anaemia Egyptian epidemic marsh or paludal miners' of brain pernicious progressive splenic Anaesthesia Anasarca Anaspadias Anatomical wound Anemia. (See Anaemia.) Aneurysm arteriovenous cirsoid of aorta, of an artery Aneurysmal tumor varices Angiectasis Angiectopia Angina aphthous buffy 16 75 75 75 130 B 168 74 14 148 133 127 100 55 81 79 120 113 63 74 63 120 63 63 63 106 54 106 106 4 a 106 74 54 54 54 74 187 150 20 81 81 81 81 81 83 85 85 100 100 9 12 37 37 37 30 35 37 12 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 29 28 37 37 37 29 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 3 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 76 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Angina cardiac catarr hal chronic diphtheritic erysipelatous erythematous gangrenous glandular granular herpetic infectious Ludwig's malignant papillary pectoris phlegmonous pseudomembranous pultaceous scarlatinal simple streptococcus stridulous syphilitic tonsillar toxic Angiocholecystitis Angiocholitis Angioleucitis Angioma Ankylosis Ankylostoma Ankylostomiasis Ankylurethria Annexitis Anomaly Anorexia hysterical Anteflexion or anteversion , uterine. Anteversion of uterus Anthracosis, pulmonary Anthrax Antimonial cholera Anuria Anus, abscess of margin of artificial cancer of fissure or fistula of imperforate unnatural Aorta, aneurysm of 80 100 100 9 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 100 9 100 80 100 9 100 7 100 100 100 37 B 100 9 115 115 84 46 147 106 106 125 132 150 189 73 A 130 B 130 B 98 22 165 B 122 110 A 109 41 110 A 150 109 81 37 37 37 8 37 37 37 37 37 37 8 37 8 37 37 37 8 37 6 37 37 37 37 37 8 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 33 38 37 30 30 23 37 35 37 37 27 16 37 33 27 37 77 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Aortic disease ectasis insufficiency stenosis [congenital] stricture (lesion, stricture, insufficiency, etc.). Aortitis Apepsia Aphasia Aphonia Aphtha Aphthous angina Apical pneumonia Apoplectic dementia Apoplexy and congestion, pulmonary cerebral alcoholic meningeal cerebral of placenta pulmonary serous Appendicitis Application of forceps Arm, abscess of Arrest of development Arsenical oedema Arterial atheroma cardiopathy Arteriectasis Arteries, amyloid degeneration of disease of fatty degeneration of rupture of (nontraumatic) Arteriosclerosis Arteriovenous aneurysm Arteritis Artery, aneurysm of ligature of pulmonary, stricture of Arthralgia Arthritis def ormans gonorrhceal rheumatic tuberculous Arthrocele Arthrodynia Arthrophyte Arthropypsis Articulations, foreign body in 79 81 79 150 79 79 81 103 74 87 145 C 100 92 64 64 94 64 64 135 94 64 108 136 144 150 59 81 79 81 81. 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 85 81 147 147 48 38 B 47 33 147 147 147 147 147 19 37 19 33 19 19 37 24 37 23 37 37 22 18 18 23 18 18 32 23 18 26 32 37 33 37 37 19 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 15 37 37 37 37 37 78 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Artificial anus Ascarides Ascaris lumbricoides Ascending paralysis Ascites bacillary Asiatic cholera Asphyxia ('suicide) (violence) (without violent death) accidental (except pathological asphyxia and suicide) . by fixed or movable stove illuminating gas suffocation, from smoke, etc Asphyxiation by portable stove Assassination (without further explanation) by cutting or piercing instruments firearms other methods Asthenia Asthenic fever Asthma bronchial cardiac catarrhal Asystole: cardiac asystole Ataxia, general cerebral progressive locomotor Ataxic fever Ataxoadynamia Atelectasis of lungs in newborn Atheroma arterial cerebral Athetosis Athrepsia, infantile diarrhoea Atrophic muscular paralysis paralysis Atrophy (of infants) of liver acute yellow optic nerve uterus progressive muscular slow, of liver Attack, pernicious Auditory canal, foreign body in obstruction of Autointoxication Autoplasty 109 107 107 63 187 31 12 156 168 189 A 168 168 168 168 168 184 183 182 184 189 A 189 A 96 96 79 96 79 74 62 1 189 A 152 81 81 64 74 104 63 63 151 115 111 75 C 130 B 63 113 4 76 76 55 145 C 79 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed Abridged nomencla- nomencla- ture, ture. Autumnal fever Axilla, abscess of Axillary adenitis Bacillary abscess ascites bronchitis dysentery meningitis peritonitis pneumonia, bronchitis Bacillosis Bad treatment (of a child) Balanitis Balanoposthitis Balanorrhagia Banti's disease Barlow's disease Bartholinitis suppurating Basedow's disease Benign tumor Bergeron's disease Beriberi Biliary absorption calculi cirrhosis lithiasis Bilious fever Birth, premature or before term Biskra, boil of filaria of or Aleppo or Medina button. Bite, not venomous or virulent of venomous serpent viper Bladder, cancer of catarrh of ectopia of foreign body in papilloma of paralysis of rupture of spasm of tumor of Blennorrhagia Blennorrhagic conjunctivitis Blennorrhoaa... 189 A 84 84 34 31 28 14 30 31 28 28 186 38 B 38 B 38 B 54 49 132 132 51 46 72 27 115 114 113 114 189 A 151 B 145 C 145 C 145 C 176 165 A 165 A 45 124 150 124 124 124 124 124 124 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 37 37 15 15 13 12 14 15 13 13 35 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 28 37 38 33 37 37 37 35 35 35 16 37 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 80 DISEASES. Blepharitis lymphatic scrofulous Blepharophimosis Blepharoplasty Blood, spitting of transfusion of Body, fibroid, of uterus foreign, in air passages articulations auditory canal bladder conjunctiva cornea frontal sinus and other sinuses. intestine joints larynx oesophagus rectum . stomach trachea urethra thyreoid, disease of Boil of Biskra, or Aleppo, or Medina Boiling water, burning by Bone, cancer of caries of petrous disease of (except tuberculosis) softening of tubercles of tuberculosis of Botallo, cyanosis from nonclosure of foramen of. nonclosure of foramen of Bothriocephalus Boulimia Bradycardia Brain, abscess of anaemia of concussion of hydatid of inflammation of oedema of Breast, abscess of (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) amputation of cancer of cyst of disease of (males) fistula of . . CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. 75 75 750 75 75 98 189 A 129 186 147 76 124 75 C 75 C 146 HOB 147 186 101 HOB 103 186 125 88 145 C 167 45 76 146 36 34 34 150 150 107 74 85 60 74 186 74 60 64 133 141 133 43 133 133 141 Abridged nomencla- ture. 37 37 37 37 37 23 38 30 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 35 37 37 24 35 37 23 37 35 16 37 37 37 15 15 33 33 37 37 37 37 37 35 37 37 18 37 32 37 16 37 37 32 81 DISEASES. COREE8PONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Breast, heteromorphic tumor of. (See Cancer.) neoplastic tumor of. (See Cancer.) nonpuerperal diseases of puerperal diseases of , tumor of (noncancerous or unqualified) I Bright's disease Broad ligament, dropsy of phlegmon of (nonpuerperal or unqualified) (puerperal) Bronchi, dilatation of Bronchial asthma catarrh Bronchiectasis Bronchitis, acute bacillary capillary catarrhal (under 60 years) (60 years and over) chronic foetid granular grippal heteroplastic inflammatory neoplastic pituitous pseudomembranous simple specific suffocating summer tuberculous Bronchoalveolitis Bronchopneumonia grippal Bronchorrhagia Bronchorrhcea Bronze disease of Addison Bubo (unqualified) climatic. gonorrhoeal inguinal of soft chancre phagedenic , scrofulous suppurating syphilitic venereal virulent 4604110 6 133 141 133 120 132 132 137 90 96 90 90 89 28 89 89 90 90 90 28 10 28 89 28 90 9 89 28 89 98 28 89 91 10 98 90 52 52 84 15 38 B 38 A 38 A 38 A 34 84 37 A 38 A 38 A 37 32 37 29 30 30 31 21 23 21 21 20 13 20 20 21 21 21 13 9 13 20 13 21 8 20 13 20 23 13 20 23 9 23 21 37 37 37 12 37 37 37 37 15 37 37 37 37 82 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed j Abridged nomencla- nomencla- ture, ture. Buccal diphtheria ulceration Buffy angina Bulb, disease of Bulbar haemorrhage paralysis Burning by boiling water, steam, petroleum corrosive substance fire Buttock, abscess of Button, Biskra or Aleppo or Medina Cachectic pachydermia Cachexia (old people) (under 60 years) cardiac exophthalmic malarial nervous pachydennic paralytic pernicious sclerotic senile Cacodyl, poisoning by Caecum, inflammation of Caesarean operation Calcification of heart Calculi, biliary hepatic intestinal nephritic of urinary passages prostatic pulmonary renal ureteral urinary vesical '. Calculous disease pyelitis pyonephroeis Cancer (location not indicated) abdominal cervicofacial Cancer en cuirasse Cancer of anus bladder... 9 99 B 9 63 64 63 167 167 167 144 145 C 154 189 A 79 51 4a 189 A 88 67 4a 81 154 168 108 136 79 114 114 110 B 123 123 126 98 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 45 45 44 43 41 45 8 37 8 37 18 37 35 35 35 37 37 23 34 38 19 37 3 38 23 37 3 37 34 35 26 32 19 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 16 16 16 16 16 83 DISEASES. COREE8PONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Cancer of bones breast colon ear face ganglia intestines jaw kidney larynx lips liver lung mammary gland mouth neck oesophagus orbit ovary pancreas parotid gland pelvis peritonaeum pharynx prostate pylorus rectum skin soft palate stomach testicle tongue tonsils uterus vagina vulva womb smokers' Cancerous goitre peritonitis tumor. (See Cancer.) ulcer Cancroid (according to location). (See Cancer.) (unqualified) Capillary bronchitis Capital punishment Capsules, disease of suprarenal Carbon dioxide, accidental absorption of disulphide, poisoning by monoxide, absorption of 45 43 41 44 44 45 41 39 45 45 39 40 45 43 39 45 40 45 42 45 45 45 41 40 45 40 41 44 39 40 45 39 39 42 42 42 42 39 45 41 45 44 89 186 52 168 168 168 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 35 37 35 35 35 84 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Carcinoma. (See Cancer.) Cardiac adhesion 77 albuminuria 79 angina 80 asthma 79 asystole 79 cachexia 79 disease 79 palpitation 85 Cardialgia 103 Cardiectasis 79 Cardiomalacia 79 Cardiopathy, arterial 79 Cardiopericarditis 77 Cardiorenal sclerosis 120 Cardiorrhexis 79 Cardiosclerosis .- 79 Cardiostenosis 79 Cardiovascular sclerosis 79 Carditis 79 Care, lack of (infants) 153 Caries 146 dental 99 A of petrous bone 76 syphilitic 37 vertebral 32 Carphology 189 A Caseous epididymitis 34 meningitis 30 pneumonia 28 Castration (female) 131 (male) 127 Catalepsy 74 Cataplexy 64 Cataract 75 Catarrh (unqualified) 90 bronchial 90 guttural 87 intestinal 104 or 105 laryngeal 87 of bladder 124 stomach 103 pituitous 90 pulmonary 90 suffocating 90 Bummer (hay) 98 urethral 124 uterine 130 B vaginal 130 B vesical, etc 124 37 19 37 19 19 19 19 37 24 19 19 19 37 29 19 19 19 19 19 37 37 37 37 37 15 38 15 14 13 30 37 37 18 37 21 21 23 25 or 37 23 37 24 21 21 21 23 37 30 30 37 85 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Catarrhal angina 100 37 asthma ! 96 23 bronchitis (under 60 years) I 89 20 (60 years and over) 90 21 dysentery 14 12 fever 189 A 38 metritis 130 A 30 pneumonia 91 23 tracheitis 89 20 Cavernous sinus, phlebitis of j 83 37 Cavities, pulmonary ! 28 13 Cecum. (See Csecum.) Cellular tissue, emphysema of i 145 C 37 Cellulitis, pelvic, diffuse puerperal i 137 31 Cephalotripsy (adult female) j 136 32 cephalotomy (fcetus) Stillbirth, j Stillbirth. Cerebellar haemorrhage 64 18 Cerebellum, tuberculosis of ! 30 14 Cerebral alcoholic apoplexy j 64 apoplexy, meningeal 64 18 ataxia : 74 37 atheroma 64 18 compression , 74 37 congestion, alcoholic 64 18 effusion 64 18 embolism 82 37 fever i 60 haemorrhage i 64 18 lesion 74 necrobiosis 65 18 or chronic paralysis 66 37 rheumatism 47 37 softening 65 18 tuberculosis 30 14 tumor 74 37 Cerebritis 60 Cerebrospinal meningitis 61 epidemic I 61a 17 sclerosis I 63 37 Cervical metritis 130 A Cervicofacial cancer 44 16 Cervix uteri, hypertrophy of 130 B 30 Cestode 107 Chalazion 75 Chancre (unqualified) 37 bubo of soft 38 A indurated ' infecting 37 37 of face 37 37 mouth.., 37 37 86 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Chancre, phagedenic 38 A simple 38 A soft 38 A syphilitic 37 Chancroid, chancrelle 38 A Charbon 22 Charcoal (voluntary asphyxia) 156 gas 168 Charcot's disease 63 Cheloid 145 C Chest, fluxion of penetrating wound of 186 perforation of 186 Childbirth (following) 140 Chloroform, absorption of 168 involuntary absorption of 168 voluntary absorption of 156 Chlorosis 54 Cholsemia 115 Cholecystitis I 115 Cholecystotomy i 115 Cholera (unqualified) 12 antimonial 165 B Asiatic 12 epidemic 12 hernial 109 Indian 12 infantum ^. . . 104 morbus. (Classify according to the usage of the country.) nostras 13 sporadic 13 Choleriform diarrhoea (adults) 13 (infants) 104 dysentery 14 enteritis, diarrhoea (adults) 13 (infants) 104 Cholerine 13 Choluria 115 Chondroma 46 Chorea 72 Choreic dementia 72 Chorioid, disease of 75 Choribiditis 75 Chronic angina 100 bronchitis 90 cystitis 124 dysentery 14 endocarditis 79 enteritis 104 or 105 37 37 37 37 37 37 36 35 37 37 22 35 35 32 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 10 35 10 10 27 10 25 11 11 11 25 12 11 25 11 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 21 37 12 19 25 or 37 87 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Chronic ergotism 59 etherism 59 hepatitis 113 icterus 115 impaludism 4a intoxication (other than occupational) 59 laryngitis 87 myocarditis 79 nephritis 120 occupational intoxication 58 or cerebral paralysis 66 peritonitis 117 pneumonia 98 poisoning 59 rheumatism 48 Chyluria 121 Cicatrix, vicious 145 C Cirrhosis. (Classify according to location.) (unqualified) alcoholic 113 of liver 113 lungs (interstitial pneumonia) 98 biliary malarial 113 of kidney 120 Laennec 113 liver 113 lungs stomach 103 ovarian 132 Cirsoid aneurysm 81 Clap 38 B Climatic bubo 15 Clubfoot, congenital 150 Coal gas, suicide by 156 Cocainism 59 Cochin-China dysentery 14 ulcer 145 C Crenurus 107 Cold (adults) (newborn) (temperature) 178 abscess 34 Colibacillosis 110 B Colic 10407-105 dry (unqualified) 105 flatulent i 105 hepatic hysterical. 73 A inflammatory 105 intestinal. . . 105 37 37 28 37 3 37 23 19 29 37 37 37 23 37 37 37 37 28 28 28 23 28 28 29 28 28 23 24 30 37 37 12 33 36 37 12 37 37 35 37 35 15 37 25 or 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 88 DISEASES. CORRE8PONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Colic, lead 57 123 57 57 130 B 107 109 105 189 A 94 189 A 75 104 or 105 41 132 189 A 138 74 63 63 186 186 166 150 150 151 B 150 150 55 150 150 150 150 150 151 B 189 A 64 34 64 94 115 94 63 94 122 64 37 37 37 37 30 37 27 37 38 23 38 37 25 or 37 16 30 38 32 37 37 37 35 35 35 33 33 33 33 33 37 33 33 33 33 33 33 38 18 15 18 23 37 23 37 23 37 18 nephritic painters' saturnine . uterine worm Colique de miserere Colitis Collapse (unqualified). ... .. of lungs Colliquative fever Colloid tumor. (See Cancer.) Coloboma Colon bacilli, infection by cancer of Colpocele Coma puerperal . . Compression, cerebral medullary of spinal cord Concussion of brain spine Conflagration Congenital clubf oot deaf-mutism debility eventration hydrocephalus infection malformation (not including stillbirths) stenosis talipes equinus valgus varus weakness Congestion (without further qualification) (sudden death) abscess by alcoholic cerebral and apoplexy, pulmonary hepatic hypostatic medullary pulmonary renal sudden death bv.- 89 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Conjunctiva, diphtheria of foreign body in Conjunctivitis, blennorrhagic diphtheritic follicular gonorrhoaal granular infantile inflammatory palpebral papular, pustular purulent scrofulous simple Consumption (hectic fever) pulmonary Continued fever Contusion Convulsions, epileptoid epileptoid, of women in labor infantile ursemic Convulsive tic Cord, haematocele of haemorrhage of spinal, amyloid or fatty degeneration of. compression of disease of haemorrhage of ' Cornea, diseases of foreign body in opacity of perforation of ulcer of Corneal sclerosis Corrigan's disease Corrosive substance, absorption of (accidental) . (voluntary).. burning by Coryza of newborn syphilitic Cough, whooping Coxalgia Cracked nipple Cranium, fracture of perforation of tumor of Crepitating synovitis Cretinism... 9 75 C 38 B 9 75 A 38 B 75 C 38 B 75 C 75 C 75 C 38 B 75 C 75 C 189 A 28 1 186 70 138 71 120 74 127 152 63 63 63 63 75 75 C 75 C 75 C 75 C 75 C 79 165 B 155 167 86 86 37 8 33 141 185 C 186 146 149 74 37 37 8 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 13 1 35 37 32 37 29 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 35 36 35 23 23 37 7 15 32 35 35 37 37 37 90 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Croup spasmodic, false, stridulous Crouppus pneumonia Crusting suicide by traumatism by wound by Crusta lactea Cryptorchidism Crystalline lens, diseases of filaria of opacity of Curetting of uterus Cutaneous diphtheria haemorrhage Cuts, knife Cutting instruments, homicide by suicide by wound by or piercing instruments, assassination by. traumatism by.. Cyanosis (without further qualification) from nonclosure of foramen of Botallo... of newborn Cyphosis Cyst dermoid hydatid of breast neck ovary vulvovaginal glands renal sebaceous Cystic disease, Reclus's Cysticerci (unqualified) of liver lung other organs Cystitis, acute chronic gonorrhoeal Cystocele Cystoptosis Cystorrhagia Cystosarcoma Cystotomy Cysts and abscess of vulvovaginal glands 87 92 175 162 175 175 145 C 150 75 75 C 75 C 130 B 9 55 171 171 183 160 171 183 171 189 A 150 152 36 46 46 112 133 46 131 132 122 46 133 107 112 98 107 124 124 38 B 124 124 124 45 124 132 8 23 22 35 36 35 35 37 33 37 37 37 30 8 37 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 38 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 30 91 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. DacryadenitU! Dacryocystitis Dacryolithiasis Dacryoma Damaged meat, poisoning by Dance, St. Guy's Dartre Deaf-mutism, congenital Deafness Death, sudden by congestion nonpuerperal puerperal violent, in mines and quarries Debility (adults) congenital senile Deciduoma malignum Degeneration, amyloid or fatty, general of arteries heart kidneys liver muscles nervous system spinal cord Deleterious gas, absorption of (except suicide and conflagration). (suicide) Delirium (unqualified) alcoholic tremens ursemic Delusions of persecution Dementia alcoholic apoplectic chpreic epileptic paralytic senile ursemic Dental caries Dentition, fever of Dermatitis Dermatomyositis Dermatosis Dermoid cyst 75 75 75 75 164 72 145 C 150 76 188 64 188 139 173 189 A 151 B 154 129 42 55 81 79 120 113 63 74 63 168 156 189 A 56 56 120 68 68 56 64 72 69 67 154 120 99 A 189 A 145 C 149 145 C 46 37 37 37 37 35 37 37 33 37 38 18 38 32 35 38 33 34 30 16 37 37 19 29 28 37 37 37 35 36 38 37 37 29 37 37 37 18 37 37 37 34 29 37 38 37 37 37 37 92 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Descent of uterus 130 B 185 C 75 135 75 150 130 B 50 55 50 105 13 104 14 104 14 104 or 105 149 136 67 67 144 137 90 79 101 103 168 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 56 148 189 A 52 79 54 49 51 72 120 52 52 30 35 37 32 37 33 30 37 37 37 37 11 25 12 25 12 25 or 37 37 32 37 37 37 31 21 19 37 24 35 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 37 37 38 37 19 37 37 37 37 29 37 37 Detachment of epiphyses ins placenta . retina Development, arrest of Deviation of uterus Diabetes insipidus . Diabetic gangrene Diarrhoea and enteritis (adults) cholerif orm (adults) (infants) . . . . dysenteric infantile (athrepsia) tropical uncontrollable Diastasis of muscles Difficult labor (death of mother) Diffuse meningoencephalitis periencephalitis phlegmon puerperal pelvic cellulitis Dilatation of bronchi heart oesophagus stomach Dioxide, carbon, accidental absorption of Diphtheria buccal cutaneous of conjunctiva wounds Diphtheritic angina conjunctivitis ophthalmia.... paralysis Dipsomania Disarticulation Disease, abdominal Addison's aortic Banti's Barlow's Basedow's Bergeron's Bright's bronze of Addison . . 93 DISEASES. COBHE8PONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Disease, calculous cardiac Charcot's Corrigan's Duchenne's Dupuytren's Friedreich's Graves's Hercules's Hodgkin's Hodgson's Huguier's Landry's Little's Ludwig's Malassez's M6niere's mental mitral Morvan's no of arteries bones (except tuberculosis) . breast (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) males bulb chorioid cornea crystalline lens ear ganglia great vessels gums iris lacry mal glands larynx lymphatic system nasal fossae oesophagus orbit (except cancer) pancreas pharynx placenta retina sclerotic scrotum spinal cord spine spleen, organic 123 79 63 79 62 149 63 51 69 53 81 129 74 74 100 127 76 68 79 63 189 B 81 146 133 141 133 63 75 75 75 76 84 85 99 A 75 C 75 C 87 84 86 101 75 C 118 100 136 75 C 75 C 127 63 63 116 37 19 37 19 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 37 38 37 37 37 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 23 37 37 37 37 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 94 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Disease of suprarenal capsu teeth. les 52 99 A 149 88 99 B 76 130 B 79 83 63 145 C 32 142 133 85 79 189 A 79 37 32 55 145 C 111 49 122 66 117 63 35 189 A 185 B 107 181 1 117 73 B 187 132 132 77 131 169 158 56 105 142 62 184 104 or 105 37 37 37 23 37 37 30 19 37 37 37 15 37 37 37 19 38 19 37 15 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 15 38 35 37 35 1 37 37 38 30 30 37 30 35 36 37 37 37 37 35 25 or 37 tendons thyreoid body. . tongue tympanum. . uterus valves of heart . . veins organic. (See Lesion.) Parkinson's - - perforating. . . . Pott's Raynaud's Reclus's cystic. Stokes- Adams . . . . tricuspid unknown valvular venereal vertebral virulent (uiiqualilu Wardrop's td).. Weil's Werlhoff's Displaced kidney Disseminated paralysis peritonitis sclerosis tuberculosis. . Distention of abdomen ligaments Distoma hepaticum Disturbance, electrical Dothienenteria Douglas's cul-de-sac, abscess Douloureux, tic of Dropsy (unqualified) of broad ligament. . . Falloppian tube.. heart ovary Drowning (accidental) (suicide) DmnkfinnASfl Dry colic (unqualified) gangrene Diirhftnnfi's disease Duel (unqualified) Duodenitis... DISEASES. COREESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Dupuytren's disease Dysenteric diarrhoea Dysentery amoebic bacillary catarrhal choleriform chronic Cochin-China epidemic malarial Dysmenorrhcea Dyspepsia (under 2 years) Dyspnoea Dystocia Dysuria Ear, abscess of cancer of disease of Echinococci Eclampsia (nonpuerperal) of women in labor young infants puerperal scarlatinal uraemic Ecrisis. nonpuerperal puerperal Ectasis, aortic Ecthyma Ectopia of bladder renal Ectopic pregnancy Ectropion Eczema Edema. (See (Edema.) Edematous. (See (Edematous.) Effects of radium x rays Effusion, cerebral pleuritic thoracic Egyptian anaemia Electrical disturbance Electrocution, accidental 149 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 130 B 103 104 189 A 136 124 76 44 76 112 70 138 71 138 7 120 130 B 136 81 145 C 150 150 122 134 B 75 145 C 167 167 64 93 93 106 181 181 37 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 30 24 25 38 32 37 37 16 37 37 37 32 37 32 6 29 30 32 37 37 33 33 37 32 37 37 35 35 18 23 23 37 35 35 96 DISEASES. COEEESPONDING NUMBEE OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Elephantiasis Arabum 145 C Grsecorum 17 Elongation of uterus 130 B Embarras gastrique 189 A Embolism cerebral 82 puerperal 139 pulmonary 82 Embryotomy (adult female) 136 Emissions, seminal 127 Emphysema 97 of cellular tissue 145 C pulmonary 97 subcutaneous 145 G vesicular 97 Emprosthotonos 24 Empyema 93 Encephalitis 60 traumatic 60 Encephalocele 150 Encephaloid. (See Cancer.) tumor. (Classify according to location). (See Cancer.) (location not indicated) 45 Encephalopathy (unqualified) 74 saturnine 57 syphilitic Enchondroma 46 Endarteritis 81 Endemic multiple neuritis 27 Endocarditis (unqualified) acute 78 chronic 79 rheumatic 47 ulcerative 78 Endometritis, nonpuerperal 130 A puerperal 137 Endopericarditis. (See Endocarditis) 78 Enteric fever I 1 Enteritis and diarrhoea (adults) 105 acute or chronic 104 or 105 choleriform (adults) ! 13 (infants) 104 infantile ! 104 pseudomembranous 110 B tuberculous 31 Enterocolitis j 104 or 105 Enteroptosis j 110 B Enterorrhagia j 110 B Enterotomy I 110 B 37 12 30 38 37 37 32 37 32 37 23 37 23 37 23 37 23 37 37 33 16 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 37 37 30 31 37 1 37 25 or 37 11 25 26 37 15 25 or 37 37 37 37 97 DISEASES. Entropion Epicauma Epidemic anaemia cerebrospinal meningitis cholera dysentery Epididymitis gonorrhceal tuberculous or caseous Epilepsy symptomatic or Jacksonian Epileptic dementia Epileptoid convulsions of women in labor Epiphora Epiphyses, detachment of Epiploitis Epispadias Epistaxis Epithelial tumor (classify according to location). (See Cancer.) (location not indicated) Epithelioma (classify according to location). (See Cancer.) (unqualified) Epulis Erectile tumor Ergotism, acute chronic Eruption, morbillous rubeolar Eruptive fever Erysipelas gangrenous or phlegmonous medical or surgical of face Erysipelatous angina laryngitis phlegmon Erythema Erythematous angina Eschar Esophagus. (See (Esophagus.) Essential paralysis of infancy Esthiomene Etherism, acute chronic Ethylism Eventration (unqualified) congenital traumatic Exanthema 4604110 7 CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. 75 75 106 61a 12 14 127 38 B 34 69 74 69 70 138 75 185 C 117 150 85 44 44 99 A 46 165 B 59 6 19 55 18 18 18 18 100 87 18 145 C 100 142 63 34 168 59 56 109 150 186 145 C Abridged nomencla- ture. 37 37 37 17 10 12 37 37 15 37 37 37 37 32 37 35 37 33 37 16 16 37 37 35 37 5 12 37 12 12 12 12 37 23 12 37 37 37 37 15 35 37 37 27 33 35 37 98 DISEASES. COREE8PONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Exanthematic typhus Execution Exhaustion (adults) senile Exomphalos Exophthalmic cachexia goitre Exostosis syphilitic Extrauterine pregnancy Extremities, gangrene of oedema of Eye, internal haemorrhage of Face, cancer of chancre of erysipelas of Facial paralysis Faecal impaction Failure, heart Fall (accident) Falling of rectum uterus vagina womb traumatism by Falloppian tube, dropsy of False croup Farcy Fatigue Fatty degeneration, general of arteries heart kidneys liver muscles nervous system spine Faulty presentation (death of mother) Febrile rheumatism Fecal. (See Faecal.) Female genital organs, fibroid tumor of fibroplastic tumor of Fever adynamic adynamoataxic algid amarilla.. 2 186 189 A 154 150 51 51 146 37 134 B 142 187 750 44 37 18 66 110 B 189 A 172 HOB 130 B 130 B 130 B 172 132 87 21 177 A 55 81 79 120 113 63 74 63 136 47 129 129 189 A 1 1 189 A 16 2 35 38 34 33 37 37 37 37 32 37 38 37 16 37 12 37 37 38 35 37 30 30 30 35 30 23 37 35 37 37 19 29 28 37 37 37 32 37 30 30 38 1 1 38 12 99 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Fever, asthenic ataxic autumnal bilious catarrhal cerebral colliquative continued enteric eruptive gastric hsemoglobinuric hay hectic infectious inflammatory intermittent Malta maremmatic miliary milk mucous of dentition paludal paratyphoid pernicious petechial pituitous puerperal purple putrid recurrent relapsing remittent stercoral sweating synochal traumatic typhoid violent yellow Fibrinous pneumonia Fibroid body of uterus tumor of female genital organs. uterus Fibroma (females) (males) nasopharyngeal uterine Fibroplastic tumor 189 A 1 189 A 189 A 189 A 60 189 A 1 1 55 189 A 122 98 189 A 55 189 A 4 3 4 11 137 1 189 4 1 4 2 189 A 137 189 A 20 3 3 4 HOB 11 189 186 1 189 A 16 92 129 129 129 129 46 86 129 46 38 1 38 38 38 37 38 1 1 37 38 37 23 38 37 38 3 12 3 12 31 1 38 3 1 3 2 38 31 38 37 12 12 3 37 12 38 35 1 38 12 22 30 30 30 30 37 23 30 37 100 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Fibroplastic tumor of female genital organs 129 Fibrosis, pneumoconiosis 98 Fibrous body of uterus 129 tumor 46 Filaria of Aleppo, of Biskra, or of Medina 145 C crystalline lens 75 C Fingers, retraction of 149 Fire, burning by 167 Firearms, accidental wound by 170 assassination by 182 homicide by 182 suicide by 159 traumatism by 170 wounds by 159, 170 or 182 Fissure. (Classify according to location.) of nipple (puerperal) 141 or fistula 01 anus 110 A Fistula, intercostal 93 lacrymal 75 C mammary 141 of perinaeum 125 or fissure of anus 110 A rectovaginal 110 A rectovesical 125 salivary 99 B stercoral 110 A thoracic 93 urethral 125 urethrorectal 125 urinary 125 uterine (nonurinary and nonfgecal) 130 B uterofsecal 110 A uterovesical , 125 vesicometrorectal 125 vesicovaginal 125 Fistulous abscess 144 ulcer 145 C Flatfoot, painful 149 Flatulent colic 105 Floating kidney 122 Flow, vaginal 130 B Flux, white (females) 130 B Fluxion of chest 92 Foetid bronchitis 90 sweat 145 C Follicular conjunctivitis 75 A Following childbirth 140 Food poisoning, acute 164 Foot, Madura 145 C 30 23 30 37 37 37 37 35 35 35 35 36 35 36 or 35 32 37 23 37 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 37 37 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 22 21 37 37 32 35 37 101 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Foramen of Botallo, cyanosis from nonclosure of. nonclosure of ovale, patent Forceps, application of Foreign body in air passages articulations auditory canal bladder conjunctiva cornea frontal sinus and other sinuses. . intestine joints larynx mediastinum oesophagus rectum stomach trachea urethra Fossa, iliac, abscess of Fossae, nasal, abscess of disease of polypus of Fracture of cranium neck Freezing Friedreich's disease Frontal sinus, abscess of and other sinuses, foreign body in Fungoid mycosis Fungosities. (Classify according to location.) of uterus Fungous growths of joints tumor Fungus (fungous tumor of knee) malignant. (See Cancer.) of uterus Funiculitis Furuncle Galactophoritis puerperal Galacturia Galloping phthisis tuberculosis. . . 150 150 150 136 186 147 76 124 75 C 75 C 146 HOB 147 186 186 101 HOB 103 186 125 108 86 86 86 185 C 185 C 185 C 178 63 146 146 25 129 33 46 129 33 129 127 143 133 141 121 29 29 33 33 33 32 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 35 35 37 37 24 35 37 26 23 23 23 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 30 15 37 30 15 30 37 37 37 32 37 13 13 102 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Ganglia, adenitis of cancer of disease of Ganglionic tuberculosis Gangrene diabetic dry hernial hospital of extremities lung mouth throat vulva senile Gangrenous angina erysipelas lympnangitis Gas, absorption of deleterious (except suicide) (suicide) charcoal coal, suicide by deleterious, absorption of (except suicide and conflagration) (suicide) illuminating, asphyxia by noxious, intoxication by sewer, poisoning by Gastralgia Gastrectasis Gastric fever Gastritis Gastrocarcinoma Gastrocolitis (adults) ^infants) Gastroenteritis (adults) (infants) Gastrohepatitis Gastrointestinal infection (under 2 years) (2 years and over) Gastrorrhagia Gastrorrhcea Gastrotomy, gastrostomy Gatism senile General alcoholic paralysis amyloid degeneration ataxia fatty degeneration infection paralysis 84 45 84 34 142 50 142 109 20 142 95 142 100 142 142 100 18 84 168 156 168 156 168 156 168 168 168 103 103 189 A 103 40 105 104 105 104 103 104 105 103 103 103 74 154 67 55 74 55 55 67 37 16 37 15 37 37 37 27 37 37 23 37 37 37 37 37 12 37 35 36 35 36 35 36 35 35 35 24 24 38 24 16 37 25 37 25 24 25 37 24 24 24 37 34 37 37 37 37 37 37 103 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Genital organs, female, fibroid tumor of fibroplastic tumor of. Genu valgum Gerontpxon Gingivitis Gland, cancer of mammary parotid lacrymal, disease of vulvovaginal, abscess and cysts of . . . cyst of Glanders Glandular angina Glaucoma Gleet Glossitis Glottis, oedema of paralysis of spasm of Glycosuna Goitre cancerous exophthalmic pulsating Gonococcic infection ophthalmia vulvitis Gonorrhoea Gonorrhceal arthritis bubo conjunctivitis cystitis epididymitis metritis ophthalmia orchitis rheumatism vulvitis Gout saturnine Granular angina bronchitis conjunctivitis kidney meningitis peritonitis pneumonia Granulia Granuloma pudendorum (females) (males) Gravel.., 129 129 147 75 C 99 A 43 45 75 C 132 132 21 100 75 C 38 B 99 B 87 87 87 50 88 45 51 88 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 38 B 48 57 100 28 75 C 120 30 31 28 29 132 127 123 30 30 37 37 37 16 16 37 30 30 37 37 37 37 37 23 23 23 37 23 16 37 23 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 13 37 29 14 15 13 13 30 37 37 104 CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Graves's disease Gravid tube, ablation of Gravidism Great vessels, disease of Grippal bronchitis bronchopneumonia . pneumonia Grippe Groin, abscess of Growths, fungous, of joints. Grub Gumma Gums, disease of Guttural catarrh Hsematemesis Haematocele (females) (males) of cord scrotum testicle periuterine retrouterine Hsematochyluria Haematoma of meninges Haematomyelia Haematorrhachis Hsematosalpinx Hsematuria tropical Haemoglobinuric fever Haemophilia Haemophthalmia Haemoptysis (unqualified). . tuberculous Haemorrhage (unqualified).. bulbar cerebellar cerebral cutaneous internal of eye. intestinal meningeal of cord pregnancy., spinal cord.. 51 134 B 134 B 85 10 10 10 10 84 33 46 37 99 A 87 103 132 127 127 127 127 132 132 121 46 64 63 63 132 122 121 122 55 75 C 98 28 85 64 64 64 55 85 75 C HOB 64 152 134 B 63 37 32 32 37 9 9 9 9 37 15 37 37 37 23 24 30 37 37 37 37 30 30 37 37 18 37 37 30 37 37 37 37 37 23 13 37 18 18 18 37 37 37 37 18 37 32 37 105 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Haemorrhage of stomach uterus (nonpuerperal) . (puerperal) puerperal pulmonary suprarenal traumatic ulcerous umbilical uterine (nonpuerperal).. (puerperal) ventricular Haemorrhagica, purpura Haemorrhoidal tumor Haemorrhoids Haemothorax Hallucination Hanging or strangulation, suicide by . . Harelip Haul mal Hay fever Heart (all chronic diseases of) amyloid degeneration of calcification of dilatation of dropsy of failure fatty degeneration of hypertrophy of labored malformation of, intrauterine . . . neuralgia of organic lesion of ossification of paralysis of rupture of steatosis of stricture of valves of valves, disease of Heat stroke or sunstroke Hectic condition fever Helminths Hematocele. (See Hsematocele.) Hemeralopia Hemicrama Hemiopia Hemiplegia Hemorrhage. (See Haemorrhage.) 103 128 135 135 98 85 186 85 152 128 135 64 55 83 83 93 68 157 157 150 69 98 79 79 79 79 77 189 A 79 79 79 150 80 79 79 189 A 79 79 79 79 179 189 A 189 A 107 75 C 74 750 66 24 30 32 32 23 37 35 37 37 30 32 18 37 37 37 23 37 36 36 33 37 23 19 19 19 19 37 38 19 19 19 33 37 19 19 38 19 19 19 19 35 38 38 37 37 37 37 37 106 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Hepatic calculi 114 colic 114 congestion 115 Hepatitis 115 acute 115 parenchymatous Ill alcoholic 113 chronic 113 interstitial 113 of newborn 151 B syphilitic 37 C Hepatocystitis 115 Hercules's disease 69 Hereditary syphilis 37 Hernia 109 strangulated 109 Hernial cholera 109 gangrene 109 Herniotomy 109 Herpes 145 C Herpetic angina 100 Heteromorphic tumor, of stomach, uterus, breast. (See Cancer.) Heteroplastic bronchitis 28 meningitis 30 pneumonia 28 High places, suicide by jumping from 161 Hodgkin's disease 53 Hodgson's disease 81 Homesickness 68 Homicide (unqualified) 184 by cutting or piercing instruments 183 firearms 182 other methods 184 Hospital gangrene 20 Huguier's disease 129 Hunger 177B Hydatid (unqualified) 112 cyst 112 of brain 74 liver 112 lungs 98 tumor of liver 112 Hydrargyrism 58 or 59 Hydrarthrosis 147 Hydrocele 127 Hydrocephalus (unqualified) 150 acquired 74 congenital 150 Hydrogen sulphide, poisoning by 168 Hydronephrosis 122 37 37 37 37 37 37 28 28 28 33 37 37 37 37 27 27 27 27 27 37 37 13 14 13 36 37 37 37 35 35 35 35 37 30 35 37 37 37 37 23 37 37 37 37 33 37 33 35 37 107 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Hydropericardium Hydrophobia Hydropneumopericardium Hy dropneumothorax Hydrophthalmia Hydrorrhachis Hydrothorax Hydrotis Hygroma Hyperchlorhydria Hyperpyrexia Hyperthermia Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Hypertrophy of cervix uteri heart liver prostate spleen tonsils Hyphaemia, intertropical Hypochlorhydria Hypochondria Hypopyon Hypospadias Hypostatic congestion pneumonia Hysterectomy Hysteria Hysterical anorexia colic spasm Hysteromyoma Hysterotomy Icterus chronic gravis of newborn pernicious , Idiocy Ileotyphus Ileus Iliac abscess fossa, abscess of phlegmon of phlegmon Illuminating gas, asphyxia by. . Imbecility 77 23 77 93 75 C 150 93 76 149 103 189 A 179 36 130 B 79 115 126 116 100 106 103 68 75 C 150 94 94 130 B 73 A 73 A 73 A 73 A 129 130 B 115 115 111 151 B 111 74 1 109 108 108 108 108 168 74 108 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Impaction, faecal 110 B 4a 4a 150 1450 177 B 124 12 103 37 113 103 124 63 184 104 38 B 71 104 104 119 71 94 116 37 104 or 105 55 20 104 105 55 38 B HOB 117 or 137 137 20 20 20 20 125 20 124 84 9 55 119 152 92 55 110 B 37 3 3 33 37 37 37 10 24 37 28 24 37 37 35 25 37 37 25 25 29 37 23 37 37 25 or 37 37 37 25 37 37 37 37 31 or 37 31 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 8 37 29 37 22 37 37 Impaludism (unqualified) chronic Imperforate anus Impetigo Inanition Incontinence of urine Indian cholera Indigestion Indurated chancre liver Inertia of stomach vesical Infancy, essential paralysis of Infanticide (unqualified) Infantile cholera conjunctivitis convulsions diarrhoea, athrepsia enteritis nephritis . ... . . spasm Infarction, pulmonary splenic Infecting chancre Infection by colon bacilli congenital from vaccination gastrointestinal (under 2 yrs. ) (2 yrs. and over) general gonococcic intestinal peritoneal puerperal purulent putrid septic staphylococcus urinary vaccinal vesical Infectious adenitis angina fever nephritis omphalitis pneumonia purpura Infiltration, stercoral.. 109 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed Abridged nomencla- nomencla- ture, ture. Infiltration urinary 125 37 60 37 108 26 92 22 152 37 89 20 105 37 75 C 37 189 A 38 10 9 145 C 37 84 37 38 A 37 68 37 67 37 140 32 165 A 35 135 32 179 35 171 35 79 19 79 19 122 37 79 19 177 B 35 153 37 93 23 4 3 85 37 75 C 37 109 37 113 28 120 29 98 23 145 C 37 106 37 110 B 37 104 or 105 25 or 37 105 37 HOB 37 110 B 37 109 27 109 27 109 27 110 B 37 107 37 110 B 37 110 B 37 110B 37 104 or 105 25 or 37 Inflammation of brain caecum lungs umbilicus Inflammatory bronchitis colic conjunctivitis fever Influenza Ingrowing nail Inguinal adenitis bubo Insanity paralytic puerperal Insect sting Insertion vicious of placenta Insolation Instruments cutting wound by ... . ... Insufficiency, aortic mitral renal tricuspid Insufficient nourishment (adults) (newborn) Intercostal fistula Intermittent fever Internal haemorrhage of eye . . strangulation Interstitial hepatitis nephritis pneumonia Intertrigo Intertropical hyphaemia Intestinal calculi . ... . catarrh . . . colic . . haemorrhage . . infection invagination obstruction occlusion paralysis . . parasites . paresis perforation (see Rupture) . . resection toxinfection.. 110 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Intestinal tuberculosis 31 tumor 46 ulceration 105 worms 107 Intestine, cancer of 41 foreign body in 110 B organic lesion of 110 B perforation of (see Rupture) 110 B stenosis of [congenital] 150 Intoxication [Poisoning] 165 B alcoholic 56 amblyopia from 75 by morphine 59 noxious gases 168 chronic (other than occupational) 59 occupational 58 mercurial 58 or 59 saturnine 57 ursemic 120 urinary 125 Intraabdominal suppuration. (See Pelvic.) Intrauterine malformation of heart 150 septum 150 Invagination, intestinal 109 Inversion, uterine 136 Iridochorioiditis. 75 C Iris, detachment of 75 disease of 75 C Iritis, rheumatic 75 C specific 37 B syphilitic 37B Ischeemia. (Classify according to location.) Jacksonian epilepsy 74 Jaundice 115 Jaw, cancer of 39 necrosis of (unqualified) 146 Joints, foreign body in 147 fungous growths of 33 Jumping from high places, suicide by 161 Kakke" 27 Kala-Azar 54 Kelotomy 109 Keratitis 75 C scrofulous 75 C 15 37 37 37 16 37 37 37 33 35 37 37 37 35 37 37 37 37 29 37 33 33 27 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 37 15 36 37 37 27 37 37 Ill DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Keratocele Keratomalacia Keratotomy Kidney, amyloid degeneration of cancer of cirrhosis of displaced fatty degeneration of floating granular movable organic lesion of polycystic septic steatosis of Knife cuts Kyphosis Labia majora or labia minora, abscess of ulceration of minora, ulceration of Labioglossolaryngeal paralysis Labor (without further explanation and followed by recovery). (unqualified) (death of mother) difficult (death of mother) eclampsia of women in epileptoid convulsions of women in normal result of (unqualified) Labored heart Laceration of perinseum Lack of care (infants) Lacrymal fistula glands, disease of Laennec, cirrhosis of Landry's disease paralysis Laparotomy Laryngeal catarrh phthisis Laryngitis acute chronic erysipelatous malignant cedematous phlegmonous 75 C 75 C 75 C 120 120 45 120 122 120 122 120 122 122 122 122 120 171 36 132 132 132 63 134 A 136 136 138 138 134 A 140 79 136 153 75 C 75 C 113 74 63 189 87 28 87 87 87 87 9 87 87 37 37 37 29 29 16 29 37 29 37 29 37 37 37 37 29 35 37 30 30 30 37 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 19 32 37 37 37 28 37 37 38 23 13 23 23 23 23 8 23 23 112 DISEASES. ~9 CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Laryngitis pseudomembranous 9 28 87 37 28 87 45 87 186 87 87 28 28 149 63 59 57 17 79 74 74 186 187 79 HOB 122 115 98 40 or 103 130 B 37 A 98 37 B 37 C 37 C 79 53 53 130 B 145 C 37 105 132 132 137 185 B 85 180 186 103 121 8 13 23 37 13 23 16 23 35 23 23 13 13 37 37 37 37 12 19 37 37 35 38 19 37 37 37 23 16 or 24 30 37 23 37 37 37 19 37 37 30 37 37 37 30 30 31 35 37 35 35 24 37 specific stridulous syphilitic tuberculous Laryngotomy Larynx cancer of disease of . foreign body in polypus of stricture of tubercles of tuberculosis of . Lassitude (muscular paresis) Lateral sclerosis Lathyrism Lead colic Leprosv - - . Lesion, aortic cerebral nervous of palate, traumatic organic (unqualified) of heart intestines kidneys liver lungs stomach uterus primary pulmonary secondary specific tertiary valvular Leuchsemia Leucocythsemia Leucorrhoaa Lichen syphilitic or specific Lientery Ligament, broad, dropsy of phlegmon of (nonpuerperal or unqualified) (puerperal) . . distention of Ligature of artery Lightning Limbs, wound of Linitis Lipsemia... 113 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Lipoma Lipomatosis Lips, cancer of Lipuria Lithiasis, biliary urinary Lithotrity, lithoclasty Little's disease Liver, abscess of acute yellow atrophy of alcoholic cirrhosis of amyloid degeneration of or fatty degeneration of atrophy of cancer of cirrhosis of cysticerci of fatty degeneration of hydatid tumor of hypertrophy of indurated organic lesion of sclerosis of slow atrophy of steatosis of tumor of (without further explanation) Locomptor ataxia, progressive Lordosis Loss of speech voice Losses, seminal Lost at sea Ludwig's angina disease Lumbago Lumbricoides, ascaris Lung, abscess of alcoholic cirrhosis of (interstitial pneumonia) . cancer of cirrhosis of collapse of cysticerci of gangrene of hydatid of inflammation of oedema of organic lesion of Lupus Luxation 4604110 8 46 46 39 121 114 123 123 74 115 111 113 113 113 113 115 40 113 112 113 112 115 113 115 113 113 113 115 62 36 74 87 127 169 100 100 149 107 98 98 45 98 94 98 95 98 92 94 98 34 185 A 37 37 16 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 28 28 28 28 37 16 28 37 28 37 37 28 37 28 28 28 37 37 37 37 23 37 35 37 37 37 37 23 23 16 23 23 23 23 23 22 23 23 15 35 114 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Lycanthropy Lymphadenia Lymphadenoma Lymphangitic abscess Lymphangitis, gangrenous puerperal strumous tuberculous Lymphatic blepharitis system, disease of Lymphatism Lymphatocele Lymphocythsemia Lymphoma Lymphosarcoma Lypemania Machinery, traumatism by Macroglossia Madura foot Malaria Malarial cachexia cirrhosis dysentery Malassez's disease Malformation congenital (not including stillbirths) . of heart, intrauterine septum, intrauterine Malignant angina fungus. (See Cancer.) laryngitis pustule .-. . tumor. (See Cancer.) Malta fever Mammary fistula gland, abscess of (puerperal) cancer of Mammitis puerperal Mania Marasmus paralytic senile Maremmatic fever Margin of anus, abscess of Marsh or paludal anaemia Mastitis (unqualified) 68 53 46 84 84 137 34 34 75 84 34 46 53 46 45 68 37 37 37 37 37 31 15 15 37 37 15 37 37 37 16 37 35 37 37 3 3 28 12 37 33 33 33 33 8 8 37 12 32 32 16 37 32 37 38 37 34 3 37 3 37 115 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Mastitis, puerperal 141 Mastoiditis 146 Masturbation 74 Maxillary necrosis (unqualified) 146 (phosphorus) 58 sinus, abscess of i 146 Measles 6 Meat, damaged, poisoning by 164 Mediastinum, abscess of 144 foreign body in 186 tumor of 46 Medical erysipelas 18 Medina, boil of I 145 C filaria of ! 145 C or Biskra or Aleppo button , 145 C Medullary compression 63 congestion 63 Megalocephalus 150 Megalomania 68 Megalosplenia 116 Melaena or melena 110 B Melancholia 68 M6niere's disease 76 vertigo 76 Meningeal cerebral apoplexy 64 haemorrhage 64 Meninges, hsematoma of '. 64 tuberculosis of 30 Meningitis 61 bacillary 30 caseous 30 cerebrospinal 61 epidemic 61a granular 30 heteroplastic miliary 30 neoplastic rheumatic 47 simple 61 specific tuberculous 30 Meningoencephalitis 61 diffuse 67 Meningomyelitis Menorrhagia Mentagra (sycosis) 145 C Mental alienation 68 disease Mercurial intoxication i 58 or 59 stomatitis. . : 58 or 59 Abridged nomencla- ture. 32 37 37 37 37 37 5 35 37 35 37 12 37 37 37 37 37 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 18 18 18 14 17 14 14 17 17 14 14 14 14 37 17 14 14 17 37 17 30 37 37 37 37 37 116 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Merocele 109 130 A 130 A 38 B 117 137 128 135 136 132 130 B / 38 B \ and 132 37 11 30 29 137 121 106 173 Stillbirth. Stillbirth. 134 B 177 B 79 79 79 68 150 6 69 59 59 63 39 37 142 99 B 122 1 37 19 186 149 63 149 63 63 63 27 30 30 37 37 31 30 32 32 30 30 | 37 and 30 37 12 14 13 31 37 37 35 Stillbirth. Stillbirth. 32 35 19 19 19 37 33 5 37 37 37 37 16 37 37 37 37 1 37 12 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 Metritis . . . . catarrhal or cervical gonorrhoeal Metre-peritonitis (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) Metrorrhagia puerperal . . Metrorrhexis Metrosalpingitis Metrotomy Metrovaginitis Migraine Miliary fever meningitis tuberculosis Milk fever Milky urine Miners' ansemia Mines and quarries, violent death in Miscarriage (death of child before birth) (foetus; stillbirth) (death of mother) Misery Mitral disease insufficiency stricture Monomania Monster Morbillou? eruption Morbus comitialis Morphine, intoxication by Morphinism Morvan's disease Mouth, cancer of chancre of gangrene of (all other diseases of) Movable kidney Mucous fever patches Mumps Murder (unqualified) Muscle, rupture of Muscles, amvloid degeneration of diastasis of fatty degeneration of Muscular atrophy, progressive paralysis, atrophic... 117 DISEASES. Muscular rupture (nontraumatic) spasm Mushrooms, poisoning by Mussels, poisoning by Myasthenia Mycosis, fungoid Myelitis Myocarditis, acute or unqualified chronic or sclerous Myodiastasis Myoma. (Classify according to location.) (location not indicated) uterine Myopathy, progressive Myositis Myxcedema Nsevus, vascular Nail, ingrowing Nasal fossae, abscess of disease of polypus of tamponing of Nasopharyngeal fibroma polypus Neck, cancer of cyst of fracture of Necrobiosis, cerebral Necrophobia Necrosis , maxillary (unqualified) of jaw (unqualified) phosphorous Neonatorum, trismus Neoplasm of stomach, uterus, breast. (See Cancer.) Neoplastic bronchitis meningitis pneumonia tumor of stomach, uterus, breast. (See Cancer.) Nephrectomy Nephritic calculi colic Nephritis acute albuminous chronic . . CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. 149 74 164 164 63 25 63 78 79 149 46 129 63 149 88 150 145 C 86 86 86 85 86 86 45 46 1S5 C 65 68 146 146 146 58 24 46 122 123 123 120 119 120 120 Abridged nomencla- ture. 37 37 35 35 37 37 37 37 19 37 37 30 37 37 i 14 29 29 29 118 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Nephritis, infantile infectious interstitial of pregnancy parenchymatous puerperal saturnine scarlatinal subacute tuberculous Nephrolithiasis Nephroptosis Nephropyosis Nephrorrhagia Nervous cachexia lesions system, amyloid degeneration of fatty degeneration of Neuralgia of heart Neurasthenia Neuritis multiplex endemica Neuroma Neuromyositis Neurosis Newborn, atelectasis of lungs in coryza of cyanosis of hepatitis of icterus of nurslings oedema of syphilides^of Nicotinism Nipple, cracked fissure of (puerperal) Nitrous oxide, absorption of No disease Nodose rheumatism Noli me tangere Noma Nonclosure of foramen of Botallo cyanosis from. Normal labor Nosomania Nosophobia Nostalgia Nourishment, insufficient (adults) (newborn) 119 119 120 138 120 138 57 7 119 34 123 122 122 122 189 A 74 74 74 73 B 80 74 73 B 27 74 149 74 152 86 152 151 B 151 B 151 A 151 B 37 59 141 141 168 189 B 48 44 142 150 150 134 68 68 68 177 B 153 29 29 29 32 29 32 37 6 29 15 37 37 37 37 38 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 33 33 33 33 37 37 32 32 35 38 37 16 37 33 33 32 37 37 37 35 37 119- DISEASES. Noxious gases, intoxication by Nurslings, newborn Nyctalopia Nystagmus Obstruction, intestinal of auditory canal Occlusion, intestinal Occupational intoxication, chronic Odontalgia (Edema arsenical general of brain extremities glottis lungs newborn (Edematous laryngitis CEsophagismus (Esophagitis (Esophagotomy (Esophagus, cancer of dilatation of disease of foreign body in spasm of stricture of (except cancer and syphilis) . syphilitic stricture of wound of Old age Omphalitis, infectious Omphalocele Onanism Onyxis syphilitic Opacity of cornea crystalline lens Operation, Caesarean Ophthalmia diphtheritic gonococcic gonorrhoeal purulent Ophthalmozoa Opisthotonos Optic nerve, atrophy of Orbit, cancer of CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. 168 151 A 75 C 75 C 109 76 109 58 99 A 187 59 187 64 187 87 94 151 B 87 101 101 101 40 101 101 101 101 101 37 101 154 152 150 74 145 C 37 75 C 75 C 136 75 C 9 38 B 38 B 38 B 75 C 24 75 C 45 Abridged nomencla- ture. 35 33 37 37 120 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Orbit, disease and tumor of (except cancer) 75 C 75 C 127 38 B 127 116 187 79 110 B 122 115 98 40 or 103 130 B 146 79 34 146 36 37 146 146 36 146 146 146 45 76 76 76 150 132 131 132 42 131 131 177 A 168 107 86 145 C 88 88 61 149 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 19 37 37 37 23 16 or 24 30 37 19 15 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 37 37 33 30 30 30 16 30 30 35 35 37 23 37 23 23 17 37 37 tumor of Orchitis gonorrhceal traumatic Organic disease of spleen lesion (unqualified) of heart intestines kidneys . liver lungs. . stomach uterus Osseous tumor Ossification of heart Ossifluent abscess Osteitis . .. Osteoarthropathy hypertrophic. Osteocopic pains Osteodynia Osteoma Osteornalacia Osteomyelitis Osteoperiostitis of palate Osteosarcoma Otalgia Otitis Otorrhoea Ovale, patent foramen Ovarian cirrhosis Ovariotomy Ovaritis Ovary, cancer of cyst of dropsy of O verexertion Oxide, nitrous, absorption of Oxyuris Ozsena Pachydermia cachectic Pachydermic cachexia Pachymeningitis Painful flatf oot Pains, osteocopic . . 121 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Painters' colic Palate, cancer of soft osteoperiostitis of paralysis of soft traumatic lesion of Palatine vault, paralysis of perforation of Palpebral conjunctivitis Palpitation, cardiac Paludal cachexia , fever or marsh anaemia Paludism, acute Panaris Pancarditis (unqualified) rheumatic Pancreas, cancer of disease of Panneuritis endemica Panophthalmitis Papillary angina Papilloma of bladder Papular conjunctivitis Papules (without further qualification) . syphilitic Paralysis (unqualified) agitans alcoholic amyotrophic ascending atrophic muscular bulbar cerebral or chronic diphtheritic disseminated essential, of infancy facial general alcoholic intestinal labioglossolaryngeal Landry's of bladder glottis heart soft palate pseudohypertrophic saturnine... 57 39 146 100 186 100 146 75 C 85 4a 4 4a 4 144 79 47 45 118 27 75 C 100 46 124 75 C 145 C 37 66 63 67 63 63 63 63 63 66 9 66 63 66 67 67 HOB 63 63 124 87 189 A 100 63 57 37 16 37 37 35 37 37 37 37 3 3 3 3 37 19 37 16 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 8 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 38 37 37 37 122 CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Paralysis, senile spinal trembling Paralytic cachexia dementia insanity, dementia , marasmus Paramnesia Paraphimosis Paraplegia Parasites, intestinal Paratyphoid fever Parencnymatous hepatitis, acute nephritis Paresis, intestinal of stomach vesical Parkinson's disease Parotid gland, cancer of tumor of Parotiditis Patches, mucous Patent foramen ovale Pectoris, angina Pelada Pellagra Pelvic abscess (females) (males) cellulitis, diffuse puerperal peritonitis suppuration (females) (males) Pelviperitonitis (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) Pelvis, abscess of (females) (males) cancer of Pemphigus syphilitic Penetrating wound of abdomen chest Penis, amputation of ulcer of Pendjeh ulcer Perforating disease Perforation, intestinal (see Rupture)... non trauma tic, of stomach. of abdomen chest cornea... 66 63 63 67 67 67 67 74 127 66 107 1 111 120 HOB 103 124 63 45 99 B 99 B 37 150 80 145 A 26 130 B 144 137 117 130 B 144 117 137 130 B 144 45 145 C 37 186 186 127 127 145 C 145 C HOB 103 186 186 75 C 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 1 37 29 37 24 37 37 16 37 37 37 33 37 37 37 30 37 31 37 30 37 37 31 30 37 16 37 37 35 35 37 37 37 37 37 24 35 35 37 123 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Perforation of cranium 186 HOB 146 103 186 117 37 186 77 47 149 67 130 B 137 136 125 136 136 144 122 122 122 146 146 92 110 A 117 41 31 117 117 or 137 117 31 41 117 117 117 31 117 137 47 117 31 117 31 108 125 130 B 132 130 B 35 37 37 24 35 37 37 35 37 37 37 37 30 31 32 37 32 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 22 37 37 16 15 37 31 or 37 37 15 16 37 37 37 15 37 31 37 37 15 37 15 26 37 30 30 30 intestine (see Rupture) palatine vault stomach thorax peritonitis from syphilitic (of any organ) traumatic (of any organ) Pericarditis rheumatic ~. Perichrondritis Periencephalitis, diffuse Perimetntic abscess Perimetrosalpingitis, puerperal Perinseorrhaphy Perinseum fistula of ^ laceration of rupture of . . Perineal abscess Perinephric abscess phlegmon Perinephritis Periostitis . ... . Periostosis .. .... Peripneumonia Periproctitis Peritonaeum, adhesion of ........ cancer of . . . tuberculosis of . ... Peritoneal adhesion infection Peritonitis (unqualified) . bacillary cancerous chronic disseminated from perforation srranuiar pelvic . . puerperal . . rhfiiiTna.t.if . . simple (except puerperal) . specific . . . traumatic .. tuberculous . . . . Perityphlitis .. . Periurethral phlegmon Periuterine abscess hsematocele Dhlearmon.. 124 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Permanently slow pulse Pernicious abscess anaemia attack cachexia fever icterus progressive anaemia Persecution, delusions of Pest Petechial fever Petroleum, burning by Petrous bone, caries of ._ Phagedenic abscess bubo chancre Pharyngitis Pharynx, abscess of cancer of disease of Phimosis Phlebitis of cavernous sinus puerperal Phlegmasia. (When equivalent to inflammation, classify according to location.) alba dolens (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) Phlegmon diffuse erysipelatous iliac of broad ligament (nonpuerperal or unqualified) (puerperal) iliac fossa perinephric periurethral periuterine Phlegmonous angina erysipelas laryngitis tumor Phosphorous maxillary necrosis necrosis Phtheiriasis Phthisis acute galloping laryngeal pulmonary Phyma 85 144 54 4 4a 4 111 54 68 15 2 167 76 38 A 38 A 38 A 100 100 40 100 150 83 83 139 82 139 144 144 18 108 132 137 108 122 125 130 B 100 18 87 144 58 58 145 C 28 29 29 28 28 28 37 37 37 3 3 3 37 37 37 12 2 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 33 37 37 32 37 32 37 37 12 26 30 31 26 37 37 30 37 12 23 37 37 37 37 13 13 13 13 13 13 125 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Phymatosis Piarrhsemia Piercing instruments, homicide by suicide by or cutting instruments, assassination by. traumatism by.. Pinguicula Pituita Pituitous bronchitis catarrh fever Pityriasis Placenta, apoplexy of detachment of disease of praevia retention of vicious insertion of Plague pneumonia (pulmonary form) , Pleural vomica Pleurisy rheumatic tuberculous Pleuritic effusion Pleuritis Pleurodynia Pleuropericarditis Pleuropneumonia Pleurosthotonos Pneumatosis Pneumococchaemia Pneumoconiosis fibrosis Pneumomycosis Pneumonia adynamic apical bacillary caseous catarrhal chronic croupous fibrinous granular grippal heteroplastic hypostatic infectious interstitial. . 28 121 183 160 183 171 75 C 90 90 90 189 A 145 C 135 135 136 135 135 135 15 15 15 93 93 47 28 93 93 98 93 92 24 189 A 92 98 25 92 92 92 28 28 91 98 92 92 28 10 28 94 92 98 13 37 35 36 35 35 37 21 21 21 38 37 32 32 32 32 32 32 12 12 12 23 23 37 13 23 23 23 23 oo 13 13 23 23 92 22 13 9 13 23 22 23 126 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Pneumonia, neoplastic plague specific traumatic Pneumopathy Pneumopericarditis Pneumophlebitis Pneumophymia Pneumopleurisy Pneumopyothorax Pneumorrhagia Pneumothorax tuberculous Podencephalus Poisoning accidental acute food by cacodyl carbon disulphide damaged meat hydrogen sulphide mushrooms mussels pork sewer gas sulphurous acid gas tobacco vapors of alcohol or methyl alcohol. chronic sausage suicide by voluntary Pollakiuria Polyarthritis vertebral Polycystic kidney Polydactylia Polydipsia Polymyositis Polyneuritis, alcoholic Polypus. (Classify according to location.) (unqualified) nasopharyngeal of larynx nasal fossae uterus uterine Polysarcia Polyuria Pons Varolii, abscess of 28 15 28 92 98 92 83 28 92 93 98 93 28 150 165 B 165 B 164 168 168 164 168 164 164 164 168 168 59 168 59 164 155 155 189 147 32 122 150 189 149 73 B 46 86 87 86 129 129 145 C 189 60 13 12 13 22 23 22 37 13 22 23 23 23 13 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 37 35 37 35 36 36 38 37 15 37 33 38 37 37 37 23 23 23 30 30 37 38 37 127 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Pork, poisoning by Portable stove, asphyxiation by Pott's disease Pox Pregnancy accidents of albuminuria of ectopic extrauterine haemorrhage of nephritis of rupture of tubal tubal Premature birth Presentation, faulty (death of mother). Primary lesion Procidentia recti uteri Proctalgia Proctitis Proctocele, proctoptosis Progressive anaemia, pernicious locomotor ataxia muscular atrophy myopathy Prolapse of rectum uterus Prostate, abscess of cancer of hypertrophy of tuberculosis of Prostatic calculi Prostatitis Prurigo Pseudohypertrophic paralysis Pseudoleuchsemia Pseudomembranous angina bronchitis enteritis Psilosis Psoitis Psoriasis Pterygium Ptomaine poisoning Puerperal abscess of breast mammary gland. . accidents albuminuria coma diseases of breast. . . 164 168 32 37 134 B 134 B 138 134 B 134 B 134 B 138 134 B 134 B 151 B 136 37 A HOB 130 B 110 A 110 A 110 A 54 62 63 63 110 B 130 B 126 45 126 34 126 126 145 C 63 53 9 9 HOB HOB 149 145 C 75 C 55 141 141 140 138 138 141 35 35 15 37 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 32 37 37 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 37 16 37 15 37 37 37 37 37 8 8 37 37 37 37 37 37 32 32 32 32 32 32 128 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Puerperal eclampsia ecrisis embolism endometritis fever fissure of nipple galactophoritis haemorrhage of uterus , infection insanity lymphangitis mammitis mastitis metroperitonitis metrorrhagia nephritis pelvic cellulitis, diffuse.. pelyiperitonitis perimetrosalpingitis , peritonitis phlebitis phlegmasia alba dolens. . . pyaemia salpingitis scarlatina septichsemia sudden death syncope tetanus thrombosis uraemia Pulmonary adhesion anthracosis apoplexy and congestion. artery, stricture of calculi catarrh cavities congestion consumption embolism emphysema haemorrhage infarction lesions phthisis sclerosis silicosis. . . 138 136 139 137 137 141 141 135 135 137 140 137 141 141 137 135 138 137 137 137 137 139 139 137 137 7 137 139 139 138 139 138 93 98 94 94 81 98 90 28 94 28 82 97 98 94 98 28 98 32 32 32 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 32 31 32 32 31 32 32 31 31 31 31 32 32 31 31 6 31 32 32 32 32 32 23 23 23 23 37 23 21 13 23 13 37 23 23 23 23 13 23 23 129 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Pulmonary tuberculosis Pulsating goitre Pulse, permanently slow Pultaceous angina Punishment, capital Purple fever Purpura hsemorrhagica infectious Purulent absorption conjunctivitis infection ophthalmia Pustular conjunctivitis Pustule, malignant Putrid absorption fever infection Pyaemia puerperal Pyelitis calculous Pyelonephritis Pylorus, cancer of stenosis of [congenital] stricture of Pyonephrpsis, calculous Pyophlebitis Pyosalpinx Pyothorax Pyrexia Quarries and mines, violent death in. Quinsy Rabies Radium, effects of Railroad accident Ranula Raynaud's disease Reclus's cystic disease Rectitis Rectovaginal fistula Rectovesical fistula Rectum, cancer of falling of foreign body in 4604110 9 28 88 85 100 186 189 A 55 55 20 38 B 20 38 B 75 C 22 20 20 20 20 137 122 123 122 40 150 103 123 83 132 93 189 A 173 100 23 167 175 99 B 142 133 HOB 110 A 125 41 110 B HOB 13 23 37 37 35 38 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 31 37 37 37 16 33 24 37 37 30 23 38 35 37 37 35 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 37 130 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Rectum, prolapse of stricture of tuberculosis of Recurrent fever typhus Relapsing fever Remittent fever Renal calculi congestion cyst ectopia insufficiency sclerosis Resection (unqualified) intestinal Result of labor (without further explanation). Retention of placenta urine Retina, detachment of diseaae of Retinitis Retraction of fingers Retropharyngeal abscess Retrouterine abscess hsematocele Retroversion of uterus or retroflexion, uterine Rheum Rheumatic arthritis endocarditis iritis meningitis pancarditis pericarditis peritonitis pleurisy vertigo Rheumatism abdominal cerebral chronic febrile gonorrhoeal nodose visceral Rhinitis Rhinoscleroma Rickets Round ulcer of stomach Rubeola. . . HOB 110 B 31 3 3 3 4 123 122 122 122 122 120 148 HOB 140 135 124 75 750 75 C 149 100 130 B 132 130 B 130 B 86 47 47 75 C 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 47 38 B 48 47 86 86 36 102 19 37 37 15 12 12 12 3 37 37 37 37 37 29 37 37 32 32 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 30 30 23 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 23 37 24 12 131 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Rubeolar eruption Rupture, muscular (non traumatic) . of arteries (non traumatic). bladder heart muscle perinaeum spleen tendon (non traumatic) . urethra uterus (nonpuerperal).. tubal, of pregnancy St. Guy's dance Salivary fistula Salpingitis puerperal Sarcepiplocele Sarcepiplomphalocele Sarcocele. (See Cancer.) syphilitic Sarcohydrocele Sarcoma. (See Cancer.) Sarcomatosis. (See Cancer.) Saturnine colic encephalopathy gout intoxication nephritis paralysis Saturnism Sausage poisoning Scabies Scapulalgia Scapular abscess Scarlatina puerperal Scarlatinal albuminuria angina eclampsia nephritis Sciatica Scirrhus. (See Cancer.) Sclerema (newborn) Scleritis Sclerochorioiditis Scleroconjunctivitis 19 149 81 124 79 149 136 116 149 125 136 130 B 134 B 72 99 B 132 137 109 109 37 45 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 164 145 B 33 144 7 7 7 7 7 7 73 B 151'B* 75 C 75 C 75 C 12 37 37 37 19 37 32 37 37 37 32 30 32 37 37 30 31 27 27 37 16 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 35 37 15 37 6 6 6 6 6 6 37 33 37 37 37 132 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Sclerodermia Sclerokeratitis Sclerophthalmia Sclerosis (unqualified) . . . amyptrophic cardiorenal . cardiovascular . cerebrospinal . . corneal disseminated . . in plaques lateral of liver pulmonary renal symmetrical Sclerotic cachexia disease of Sclerous myocarditis Scoliosis Scrofula or scrofulosis Scrof ulide Scrofulous abscess adenitis , blepharitis bubo conjunctivitis keratitis , ulcer Scrotum, disease of haematocele of. . Scurvy Sea, lost at Sebaceous cyst tumor , Seborrhoea Secondary lesions Seminal emissions losses Senile cachexia debility dementia exhaustion gangrene , gatism marasmus paralysis weakness Senility Septic absorption , 145 C 75 C 75 C 63 63 120 79 63 750 63 63 63 113 98 120 63 81 75 C 79 36 34 34 34 34 75 C 34 75 C 75 C 34 127 127 49 169 46 46 145 C 37 B 127 127 154 154 154 154 142 154 154 66 154 154 20 37 37 37 37 37 29 19 37 37 37 37 37 28 23 29 37 37 37 19 37 15 15 15 15 37 15 37 37 15 37 37 37 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 34 34 34 34 37 34 34 37 34 34 37 133 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Septic infection kidney Septichaemia (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) following abortion Septum, malformation of, intrauterine. Sequestrum Serous apoplexy Serpent, venomous, bite of Serpiginous ulcer Sewer gas, poisoning by Shirt-stud abscess Shock, surgical traumatic Sickness, sleeping Silicosis, pulmonary Simple angina bronchitis chancre conjunctivitis meningitis peritonitis (except puerperal).. Simulation Sinus, abscess of frontal maxillary phlebitis of cavernous Sinusitis Sitiophobia Skin, cancer of Sleeping sickness Slow atrophy of liver pulse, permanently Smallpox Smokers' cancer Soft chancre bubo of palate, cancer of paralysis of Softening, cerebral of bones Solitary worm Somnambulism Spasm, hysterical infantile muscular of bladder glottis oesophagus Spasmodic croup dorsal tabes. . . 20 122 20 137 137 150 146 64 165 A 145 C 168 141 189 A 175 55 98 100 89 38 A 750 61 117 189 B 146 146 83 146 68 44 55 113 85 5 39 38 A 38 A 39 100 65 36 107 74 73 A 71 74 124 87 101 87 63 37 37 37 31 31 33 37 18 35 37 35 32 38 35 37 23 37 20 37 37 17 37 38 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 28 37 4 16 37 37 16 37 18 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 23 37 134 DISEASES. Specific bronchitis iritis laryngitis lesions lichen meningitis peritonitis pneumonia Speech, loss of Spermatorrhoea Sphacelus Spina bifida Spinal cord, amyloid or fatty degeneration of compression of disease of haemorrhage of paralysis tumor Spine, compression of concussion of disease of Spitting of blood Spleen hypertrophy of organic disease of rupture of tumor of Splenic anaemia infarction Splenitis Splenocele Splenopathy Splenopneumonia Splenotomy Sporadic cholera Sprain Staphylitis Staphylococcus infection Staphyloma Staphyloplasty Staphylorrhaphy Steam, burning by Steatosis of heart kidneys liver other organs visceral Stenosis, aortic [congenital] congenital 1 Assignment according to the organ affected. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. 28 37 B 28 37 C 37 30 31 28 74 127 142 150 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 186 63 98 68 116 116 116 116 54 116 116 116 116 92 116 13 185 B 99 B 20 75 C 99 B 99 B 167 79 120 113 0) 55 150 150 Abridged nomencla- ture. 13 37 13 37 37 14 15 13 37 37 37 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 35 37 23 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 22 37 11 35 37 37 37 37 37 35 19 29 28 37 33 33 135 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Stenosis of intestines [congenital] 150 pylorus [congenital] 150 Stercorsemia 110 B Stercoral fever 110 B fistula 110 A infiltration 110 B tumor 109 vomiting 109 Sternalgia 80 Sting, insect 165 A Stokes-Adams disease 85 Stomach, cancer of 40 catarrh of cirrhosis of 103 dilatation of 103 foreign body in 103 haemorrhage of 103 heteromorphic tumor of. (See Cancer.) inertia of 103 neoplastic tumor of. (See Cancer.) nontraumatic perforation of 103 organic lesion of 40 or 103 paresis of 103 perforation of 103 round ulcer of 102 tumor of ulcer of 102 Stomatitis mercurial 58 or 59 Stomatorrhagia 85 Stone Stove, portable, asphyxiation by Strabismus Strabotomy Strain 185 B Strangulated hernia 109 Strangulation 157 or 184 or 186 internal 109 or hanging, suicide by Streptococchaemia Streptococcus angina Stricture (unqualified) aortic mitral or aortic of larynx oesophagus (except cancer and syphilis) syphilitic pulmonary artery pylorus 33 33 37 37 37 37 27 27 37 35 37 16 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 or 24 24 24 24 16 24 37 37 37 37 35 37 37 35 27 35 or 36 37 36 37 37 37 1!) 1!) 23 37 37 37 24 136 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Stricture of rectum urethra valves of heart Stridulous angina croup laryngitis Strumous abscess adenitis lymphangitis ulcer Stye Subacute nephritis Subcutaneous emphysema Subdelirium Subluxation Submersion, accidental voluntary Subphrenic abscess Sudden death (nonpuerperal) by congestion puerperal Suffocating bronchitis catarrh Suffocation, from smoke, etc., asphyxia by.. Suicide (unqualified) by asphyxia coal gas crushing cutting or piercing instruments.. drowning firearms hanging or strangulation jumping from high places poisoning other Sulphuric acid (involuntary absorption) (throwing of) (voluntary absorption) Sulphurous acid gas, poisoning by Summer bronchitis catarrh (hay) Sunstroke or heat stroke Suppurating adenitis bartholinitis bubo Suppuration intraabdominal. (See Pelvic.) pelvic (females) (males) 110 B 125 79 100 87 87 34 34 34 34 75 C 119 145 C 189 185 A 169 158 118 188 64 139 89 90 168 163 156 156 162 160 158 159 157 161 155 163 165 B 167 155 168 98 98 179 84 132 84 189 A 130 B 144 37 37 19 37 23 23 15 15 15 15 37 29 37 38 35 35 36 37 38 18 32 20 21 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 35 35 36 35 23 23 35 37 30 37 38 30 37 137 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Suprarenal capsules, disease of 52 tuberculosis of 52 haemorrhage 85 Surgical erysipelas j 18 shock 189 A Sweat, fretid 145 C Sweating fever 11 Swelling, white j 33 Sycosis (mentagra) 145 C Symblepharon 75 C Symmetrical sclerosis ] 63 Symphyseotomy 136 Symptomatic epilepsy 74 Synchisis | 75 C Syncope (fatal) ! puerperal 139 Syndactylia j 150 Synochal fever 189 A Synovitis 147 crepitating 149 Syphilide I of newborn j .Syphilis I hereditary i Syphilitic angina 37B bubo 37 A caries chancre I 37 coryza encephalopathy exostqsis j hepatitis ' 37 C iritis '' 37 B laryngitis i lichen ! onyxis papules pemphigus perforation (of any organ) sarcocele stricture of oesophagus tubercles ulcer Syringomyelia 63 Tabes, dorsal spasmodic, dorsalis (or unqualified) mesenterica . . 15 138 DISEASES. CORKESPONDING NUMBEH OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Tachycardia Taenia Talipes yalgus, or varus, or equinus, congenital . Tamponing of nasal fossae uterus vagina Tarsalgia Teeth, diseases of Tendon, disease of rupture of (non traumatic) Tenia Tenophyte Tenorrhaphy Tenosynovitis Tenotomy Tertiary lesions Testicle, cancer of hsematocele of tubercles of Tetanus puerperal Tetany Thermonosus Thermoplegia Thirst Thoracentesis Thoracic effusion fistula Thorax, perforation of Throat, abscess of gangrene of Thrombosis, nonpuerperal puerperal Throwing of sulphuric acid Thrush Thunderbolt Thyreocele Thyreoid body, disease of Thyreosarcoma Tic convulsive douloureux Tinea favosa tonsurans Tobacco, poisoning by Tongue, cancer of disease of tumor under Tonsillar angina 85 107 150 85 128 128 149 99 A 149 149 107 149 149 149 149 37 C 45 127 34 24 138 74 179 179 177 B 93 93 93 186 100 100 82 139 167 99 B 180 45 74 74 73 B 145 A 145 A 145 A 59 39 99 B 99 B 100 37 37 33 37 30 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 15 37 32 37 35 35 35 23 23 23 35 37 37 37 32 35 37 35 23 23 16 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 37 37 37 139 DISEASES. COERE8PONDINQ NUMBER OF THE Detailed Abridged nomencla- I nomencla- ture, ture. Tonsillitis 100 37 Tonsils, cancer of 39 16 hypertrophy of 100 37 Toothache I 99 A 37 Torticollis j 149 37 Toxaemia 55 37 Toxic angina j 9 8 Toxinfection i 55 37 intestinal 104 or 105 25 or 37 Trachea, foreign body in i 186 35 Tracheitis (unqualified) : 89 20 catarrhal 89 20 Tracheobronchitis | 89 20 Tracheotomy i 98 23 Trachoma 75 B 37 Transfusion of blood 189 A Traumatic encephalitis 60 eventration 186 35 fever 186 haemorrhage 186 lesion of palate 186 35 orchitis perforation (of any organ) 186 peritonitis 117 37 pneumonia 92 shock 175 35 Traumatism by crushing 175 cutting or piercing instruments 171 35 falling : 35 firearms ; 170 machinery ! 174 35 Trematodes 107 Trembling paralysis 63 Trepanation ! 189 A Trichiasis ! 75 C Tnchiniasis 107 Trichocephalus 107 Trichophytosis 145 A Trichosis Tricuspid disease insufficiency Trismus neonatorum Trophoneurosis 145 C Tropical diarrhoea haematuria Trypanosomiasis 55 Tubal pregnancy rupture of sac in Tube, ablation of gravid 140 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Tube, Falloppian, dropsy of Tubercles of bones larynx testicle syphilitic Tuberculosis (unqualified) abdominal acute cerebral disseminated galloping ganglionic intestinal miliary of bones cerebellum larynx meninges peritonaeum prostate rectum suprarenal capsules pulmonary Tuberculous adenitis arthritis bronchitis enteritis epididymitis haemoptysis laryngitis lymphangitis meningitis nephritis peritonitis pleurisy pneumothorax tumor ulcer Tuboovarian abscess Tumor abdominal aneurysmal benign cancerous. (See Cancer.) cerebral colloid. (See Cancer.) encephaloid (classify according to location). (See Cancer.) (location not indicated) epithelial (classify according to location). (See Cancer.) 132 28 34 28 34 37 28 31 29 30 35 29 34 31 29 34 30 28 30 31 34 31 52 28 34 33 28 31 34 28 28 34 30 34 31 28 28 28-34 34 132 46 46 81 46 74 45 30 13 15 13 15 37 15 13 13 14 15 13 15 15 13 15 14 13 14 15 15 15 37 13 15 15 13 15 15 13 13 15 14 15 15 13 13 13-15 15 30 37 37 37 37 37 16 141 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Tumor, epithelial (location not indicated) 44 erectile 46 fibroid 46 of female genital organs 129 of uterus 129 fibroplastic 46 of female genital organs 129 fungous " 46 haemorrhoidal 83 heteromorphic, of stomach, uterus, breast. (See Cancer.) hydatid, of liver 112 intestinal 46 malignant. (See Cancer.) neoplastic, of stomach, uterus, breast. (See Cancer.) of bladder 124 breast (noncancerous or unqualified) 133 cranium 146 liver (without further explanation) 115 mediastinum 46 orbit (except cancer) 75 C parotid^gland 99 B spleen 116 stomach 40 uterus 129 vagina j 132 osseous 146 phlegmonous 144 sebaceous 46 spinal 63 stercoral j 109 tuberculous 28-34 under tongue 99 B uterine (noncancerous) 129 vascular 46 varicose 83 Tun-tun 106 Tympanum, disease of 76 Typhlitis I 108 Typhlodicliditis j 108 Typhoid fever ; 1 Typhus (unqualified ; according to the custom of the country) 1 or 2 abdominalis 1 exanthematic recurrent Ulcer (without further qualification) '. 145 C cancerous 45 Cochin-China. . ' 145 C Abridged nomencla- ture. 16 37 37 30 30 37 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 16 30 30 37 37 37 37 27 13-15 37 30 37 37 37 37 26 26 1 lor 2 1 9 12 37 16 37 142 DISEASES. COEBESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Ulcer, fistulous 145 C 75 C 127 102 102 130 A 145 C 34 145 C 34 37 34 83 99 B 105 132 78 85 102 99 A 152 152 106 153 104 or 105 134 B 103 189 A 109 120 138 120 120 120 120 120 120 123 125 125 125 124 125 125 38 B 125 125 125 125 125 37 37 37 24 24 30 37 15 37 15 37 15 37 37 37 30 37 37 24 37 37 37 37 37 25 or 37 32 24 38 27 29 32 29 29 29 29 29 29 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 of cornea Denis . . stomach round uterus Pendjeh scrofulous serpiginous strumous syphilitic tuberculous varicose Ulceration, buccal intestinal of labia majora and labia minora Ulcerative endocarditis Ulcerous haemorrhage Ulcus rotundum Ulorrhagia Umbilical haemorrhage Umbilicus, inflammation of Uncinariasis Uncleanliness (newborn) Uncontrollable diarrhoea vomiting (adult female 15 to 45 years) (all other cases) Unknown disease Unnatural anus Uraemia puerperal Ursemic absorption convulsions delirium dementia eclampsia intoxication Ureteral calculi Urethra, foreign body in rupture of stricture of Urethral catarrh fistula Urethralgia Urethritis Urethroplasty Urethrorectal fistula Urethrorrhagia .. . Urethrorrhaphy Urethrostenosis. . . 143 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Urethrotomy Urinsemia Urinary abscess calculi fistula infection infiltration intoxication lithiasis passages, calculi of. .................... Urine, incontinence of milky retention of Urticaria Uterine ante version or anteflexion catarrh colic deviation fibroma fistula (nonurinary and nonfsecal) haemorrhage (nonpuerperal) (puerperal) inversion myoma polypus retroflexion retroversion tumor (noncancerous) Uterofaecal fistula Uterovesical fistula Uterus, ablation of anteversion of atrophy of cancer of curetting of descent of deviation of elongation of falling of fibroid body of tumor of fibrous body of fungosities of fungus of haemorrhage of (nonpuerperal) heteromorphic tumor of. (See Cancer.) neoplastic tumor of. (See Cancer.) organic lesion of other diseases of polypus of 125 125 125 123 125 125 125 125 123 123 124 121 124 145 C 130 B 130 B 130 B 130 B 129 130 B 128 135 136 129 129 130 B 130 B 129 110 A 125 130 B 130 B 130 B 42 130 B 130 B 130 B 130 B 130 B 129 129 129 129 129 128 130 B 130 B 129 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 30 30 30 30 30 37 37 30 30 30 16 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 144 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. bridged nomencla- ture. Uterus, prolapse of puerperal haemorrhage of retroversion of rupture of (nonpuerperal) tamponing of tumor of ulcer of Vaccinal infection Vaccination, infection from Vagina, cancer of falling of tamponing of tumor of Vaginal catarrh flow Vaginalitis Vaginismus Vaginitis Valgum, genu Valgus. (See Talipes.) Valves of heart, disease of stricture of Valvular disease I lesion Vapors of alcohol or methyl alcohol, poisoning by Varicella Varices aneurysmal Varicocele Varicose tumor ulcer Variola Varioloid Varus. (See Talipes.) Vascular nsevus tumor Vault, palatine, perforation of Vegetations, adenoid Veins, disease of Venereal adenitis bubo disease Venom, absorption of Venomous serpent, bite of Ventricular haemorrhage 130 B 135 130 B 136 130 B 128 129 130 A 20 20 42 130 B 128 132 130 B 130 B 127 132 38 B 147 79 79 79 79 168 19 83 83 83 83 83 5 5 150 46 146 150 83 38 38 A 37 165 A 165 A 64 30 32 30 32 30 30 30 30 37 37 16 30 30 30 30 30 37 30 37 37 19 19 19 19 35 12 37 37 37 37 37 4 4 33 37 37 33 37 37 37 37 35 35 18 145 DISEASES. CORRESPONDING NUMBER OP THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Verruca Version Vertebral caries disease polyarthritis Vertigo Vertigo ab awe laeso a stomacho laeso Vertigo, Meniere's rheumatic Vesania Vesical calculi catarrh, etc inertia infection paresis Vesicometrorectal fistula Vesicovaginal fistula Vesicular emphysema Vicious cicatrix insertion of placenta Violent death in mines and quarries fever Viper, bite of Virulent bubo disease (unqualified) Visceral rheumatism steatosis Vitriol. (See Sulphuric acid.) Voice, loss of Voluntary absorption of chloroform poisoning submersion Volvulus Vomica (without further qualification) pleural Vomiting, stercoral uncontrollable (adult female 15 to 45 years). (all other cases) Vomito negro Vulva, cancer of gangrene of Vulvitis gonococcic gonorrhoeal Vulvovaginal glands, abscess and cysts of cyst of 4604110 10 145 C 136 32 32 32 74 76 103 76 47 68 123 124 124 124 124 125 125 97 145 C 135 173 189 A 165 A 38 A 55 47 55 87 156 155 158 109 144 93 109 134 B 103 16 42 142 132 38 B 38 B 132 132 37 32 15 15 15 37 37 24 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 23 37 32 35 38 35 37 37 37 37 23 30 36 36 27 37 23 27 32 24 12 16 37 30 37 37 30 30 146 DI8BA8E8. CORRESPONDING NUMBEB OF THE Detailed nomencla- ture. Abridged nomencla- ture. Wardrop's disease . 1450 151 B 154 111 46 49 130 B 33 130 B 144 8 150 42 130 B 107 107 107 189 A 20 175 171 159, 170 or 182 170 186 101 186 186 9 167 750 750 111 16 1450 37 33 34 37 37 37 30 15 30 37 7 33 16 30 37 37 37 38 37 35 35 36 or 35 35 35 37 35 35 8 35 37 37 37 12 37 Weakness, congenital senile Weil's disease Wen Werlhof 's disease White flux (females) swelling Whites Whitlow . .. . Whooping cough Wolf's jaw Womb, cancer of falling of Worm colic solitary Worms, intestinal Wound anatomical by crushing cutting instruments firearms accidental of limbs oesophagus penetrating, of abdomen chest Wounds, diphtheria of X rays, effect of Xerophthalmia Xerosis Yellow atrophy of liver, acute fever Zoster 6725 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES TUT? u^iiT7r:r>^TT^r T wrr A 3 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA "EC 9 16 19 \ 3 1158 00372 3383 A 000371 712 1