UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PROGRESS AND POVEETY Make for thyself a definition or description of the thing which is presented to thee, so as to see distinctly what kind of a thing it is, in its sub- stance, in its nudity, in its complete entirety, and tell thyself its proper name, and the names of the things of which it has been compounded, and into which it will be resolved. For nothing is so pro- ductive of elevation of mind as to be able to ex- amine methodically and truly every object which is presented to thee in life, and always to look at things so as to see at the same time what kind of universe this is, and what kind of use everything performs in it, and what value everything has with reference to the whole, and what with refer- ence to man, who is a citizen of the highest city, of which all other cities are like families ; what each thing is, and of what it is composed, and how long it is the nature of this thing to endure. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. '// VS' . Sff ///// '/ f/- ///// . '//-ft/ft. t.> ' .1 . '//>/ /fit >>. />/. tf/tt if /////// y . '/rfyrt.t.i rtnr/ . X,vv //>/. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HENRY GEORGE PROGRESS AND POVERTY AN INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEPRESSIONS AND OF INCREASE OF WANT WITH IN- CREASE OF WEALTH THE REMEDY NEW YORK: DOUBLEDAY PAGE & COMPANY 3 1904 Copyright, 1891, by HENRY GEORGE _,**'j*' ' * ** \., , ' M TO THOSE WHO, SEEING THE VICE AND MISERY THAT SPRING FROM TTTTC SAN FBANCISCO, March, 1878. OF WEALTH AND to FEEL THE POSSIKQJTJ O^ HIGHER SOCIAL STATE o o M J -. 3 uu O There must be refuge ! Men Perished in winter winds till one smote fire Prom flint stones coldly hiding what they held, The red spark treasured from the kindling sun ; They gorged on flesh like wolves, till one sowed corn, Which grew a weed, yet makes the life of man ; They mowed and babbled till some tongue struck speech, And patient fingers framed the lettered sound. What good gift have my brothers, but it came From search and strife and loving sacrifice f Edwin Arnold. Never yet Share of Truth was vainly set In the world's wide fallow; After hands shall sow the seed, After hands, from hill and mead, Reap the harvests yellow. Whittier. PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION. THE views herein set forth were in the main briefly stated in a pamphlet entitled " Our Land and Land Policy," published in San Francisco in 1871. I then intended, as soon as I could, to present them more fully, but the opportunity did not for a long time occur. In the meanwhile I became even more firmly convinced of their truth, and saw more completely and clearly their relations; and I also saw how many false ideas and erroneous habits of thought stood in the way of their recognition, and how necessary it was to go over the whole ground. This I have here tried to do, as thoroughly as space would permit. It has been necessary for me to clear away before I could build up, and to write at once for those who have made no previous study of such subjects, and for those who are familiar with economic reason- ings; and, so great is the scope of the argument that it has been impossible to treat with the fullness they deserve many of the ques- tions raised. What I have most endeavored to do is to establish general principles, trusting to my readers to carry further their applications where this is needed. In certain respects this book will be best appreciated by those who have some knowledge of economic literature; but no previous read- ing is necessary to the understanding of the argument or the passing of judgment upon its conclusions. The facts upon which I have relied are not facts which can be verified only by a search through libraries. They are facts of common observation and common knowledge, which every reader can verify for himself, just as he can decide whether the reasoning from them is or is not valid. Beginning with a brief statement of facts which suggest this in- quiry, I proceed to examine the explanation currently given in the name of political economy of the reason why, in spite of the increase of productive power, wages tend to the minimum of a bare living. This examination shows that the current doctrine of wages is founded upon a misconception; that, in truth, wages are produced by the labor for which they are paid, and should, other things being equal, increase with the number of laborers. Here the inquiry meets a Ylll PREFACE. doctrine which Is the foundation and center of most important economic theories, and which has powerfully influenced thought in all directions the Malthusian doctrine, that population tends to increase faster than subsistence. Examination, however, shows that - this doctrine has no real support either in fact or in analogy, and that when brought to a decisive test it is utterly disproved. Thus far the results of the inquiry, though extremely important, are mainly negative. They show that current theories do not satis- factorily explain the connection of poverty with material progress, but throw no light upon the problem itself, beyond showing that its solution must be sought in the laws which govern the distribution of wealth. It therefore becomes necessary to carry the inquiry into this field. A preliminary review shows that the three laws of dis- tribution must necessarily correlate with each other, which as laid down by the current political economy they fail to do, and an ex- amination of the terminology in use reveals the confusion of thought by which this discrepancy has been slurred over. Proceeding then to work out the laws of distribution, I first take up the law of rent. This, it is readily seen, is correctly apprehended by the current political economy. But it is also seen that the full scope of this law has not been appreciated, and that it involves as corollaries the laws of wages and interest the cause which determines what part of the produce shall go to the land owner necessarily determining what part shall be left for labor and capital. Without resting here, I pro- ceed to an independent deduction of the laws of interest and wages. I have stopped to determine the real cause and justification of in- terest, and to point out a source of much misconception the con- founding of what are really the profits of monopoly with the legiti- mate earnings of capital. Then returning to the main inquiry, investigation shows that interest must rise and fall with wages, and depends ultimately upon the same thing as rent the margin of cultivation or point in production where rent begins. A similar but independent investigation of the law of wages yields similar har- monious results. Thus the three laws of distribution are brought into mutual support and harmony, and the fact that with material progress rent everywhere advances is seen to explain the fact that wages and interest do not advance. What causes this advance of rent is the next question that arises, and it necessitates an examination of the effect of material progress upon the distribution of wealth. Separating the factors of material progress Into increase of population and improvements In the arts, it is first seen that increase In population tends constantly! not merely PREFACE. UC by reducing the margin of cultivation, but by localizing the econ- omies and powers which come with increased population, to increase the proportion of the aggregate produce which is taken in rent, and to reduce that which goes as wages and interest. Then eliminating increase of population, it is seen that improvement in the methods and powers of production tends in the same direction, and, land being held as private property, would produce in a stationary population all the effects attributed by the Malthusian doctrine to pressure of population. And then a consideration of the effects of the continuous increase in land values which thus spring from material progress reveals in the speculative advance inevitably begotten when land is private property a derivative but most powerful cause of the increase of rent and the crowding down of wages. Deduction shows that this cause must necessarily produce periodical industrial depressions, and induction proves the conclusion; while from the analysis which has thus been made it is seen that the necessary result of material progress, land being private property, is, no matter what the in- crease in population, to force laborers to wages which give but a bare living. This identification of the cause that associates poverty with prog- ress points to the remedy, but it is to so radical a remedy that I have next deemed it necessary to inquire whether there is any other remedy. Beginning the investigation again from another starting point, I have passed in examination the measures and tendencies currently advocated or trusted in for the improvement of the condi- tion of the laboring masses. The result of this investigation is to prove the preceding one, as it shows that nothing short of making land common property can permanently relieve poverty and check the tendency of wages to the starvation point. The question of justice now naturally arises, and the inquiry passes into the field of ethics. An investigation of the nature and basis of property shows that there is a fundamental and irreconcil- able difference between property in things which are the product of labor and property in land; that the one has a natural basis and sanction while the other has none, and that the recognition of ex- clusive property in land is necessarily a denial of the right of prop- erty in the products of labor. Further investigation shows that private property in land always has, and always must, as develop- ment proceeds, lead to the enslavement of the laboring class; that land owners can make no just claim to compensation if society choose to resume its right; that so far from private property in land being in accordance with the natural perceptions of men, the very reverse X PREFACE. is true, and that in the United States we are already beginning to feel the effects of having admitted this erroneous and destructive principle. The inquiry then passes to the field of practical statesmanship. It is seen that private property in land, instead of being necessary to its improvement and use, stands in the way of improvement and use, and entails an enormous waste of productive forces; that the recog- nition of the common right to land involves no shock or dispossession, but is to be reached by the simple and easy method of abolishing &11 taxation save that upon land values. And this an inquiry into the principles of taxation shows to be, in all respects, the best subject of taxation. A consideration of the effects of the change proposed then shows that it would enormously increase production; would secure justice in distribution; would benefit all classes; and would make possible an advance to a higher and nobler civilization. The inquiry now rises to a wider field, and recommences from another starting point. For not only do the hopes which have been raised come into collision with the widespread idea that social prog- ress is possible only by slow race improvement, but the conclusions we have arrived at assert certain laws which, if they are really nat- ural laws, must be manifest in universal history. As a final test, it therefore becomes necessary to work out the law of human progress, for certain great facts which force themselves on our attention, as soon as we begin to consider this subject, seem utterly inconsistent with what is now the current theory. This inquiry shows that dif- ferences in civilization are not due to differences hi individuals, but rather to differences in social organization ; that progress, always kindled by association, always passes into retrogression as inequality is developed; and that even now, in modern civilization, the causes which have destroyed all previous civilizations are beginning to manifest themselves, and that mere political democracy is running its course toward anarchy and despotism. But it also identifies the law of social life with the great moral law of justice, and, proving previous conclusions, shows how retrogression may be prevented and a grander advance begun. This ends the inquiry. The final chapter will explain itself. The great importance of this inquiry will be obvious. If it has been carefully and logically pursued, its conclusions completely change the character of political economy, give it the coherence and certitude of a true science, and bring it into full sympathy with the aspirations of the masses of men, from which it has long been es- PREFACE. XI tranged. What I have done In this book, if I have correctly solved the great problem I have sought to investigate, is, to unite the truth perceived by the school of Smith and Ricardo to the truth perceived by the schools of Proudhon and Lasalle; to show that laissez faire (in its full true meaning) opens the way to a realization of the noble dreams of socialism; to identify social law with moral law, and to disprove ideas which in the minds of many cloud grand and elevat- ing perceptions. This work was written between August, 1877, and March, 1879, and the plates finished by September of that year. Since that tune new illustrations have been given of the correctness of the views herein advanced, and the march of events and especially that great movement which has begun in Great Britain hi the Irish land agita- tion shows still more clearly the pressing nature of the problem I have endeavored to solve. But there has been nothing in the criticisms they have received to induce the change or modification of these views in fact, I have yet to see an objection not answered in advance in the book itself. And except that some verbal errors have been corrected and a preface added, this edition is the same aa previous ones. HENRY GEOBGE. NEW YORK, November, 1880. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE The Problem 3 BOOK I. WAGES AND CAPITAL. Chapter I. The current doctrine of wages its insufficiency 17 IL The meaning of the terms 80 IIL Wages not drawn from capital, but produced by the labor 49 IV. The maintenance of laborers not drawn from capital 70 V. The real functions of capital 79 BOOK II. POPULATION AND SUBSISTENCE. Chapter L The Malthusian theory, its genesis and support 91 II. Inferences from facts 103 IIL Inferences from analogy 129 IV. Disproof of the Malthusian theory 140 BOOK in. THE LAWS OF DISTRIBUTION. Chapter I. The inquiry narrowed to the laws of distribution necessary relation of these laws 153 n. Rent and the law of rent 165 III. Interest and the cause of interest 173 IV. Of spurious capital and of profits often mistaken for interest. . 189 V. The law of interest 195 VI. Wages and the law of wages 904 VII. Correlation and co-ordination of these laws 217 VIII. The statics of the problem thus explained 219 BOOK IV. EFFECT OF MATERIAL PROGRESS UPON THE DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. Chapter I. The dynamics of the problem yet to seek 225 II. Effect of increase of population upon the distribution of wealth 228 in. Effect of improvements in the arts upon the distribution of wealth 242 IV. Effect of the expectation raised by material progress 253 BOOK V. THE PROBLEM SOLVED. Chapter I. The primary cause of recurring paroxysms of industrial depression 261 II. The persistence of poverty amid advancing wealth. . . . , 280 xiy CONTENTS. BOOK VI. THE REMEDY. Chapter I. Insufficiency of remedies currently advocated MT II. The true remedy. 890 BOOK VII. JUSTICE OF TRX REMEDY. Chapter I. Injustice of private property In land 381 n. Enslavement of laborers the ultimate result of private property inland 845 HI. Claim of land owners to compensation 356 IV. Property in land historically considered 366 V. Property in land in the United States 883 BOOK VIII.- APPLICATION or TBS REMEDY. Chapter I. Private property in land inconsistent with the best use of land. 895 n. How equal rights to the land may be asserted and secured 401 III. The proposition tried by the canons of taxation 406 IV. Indorsements and objections 420 BOOK IX. EFFECTS OF THE REMEDY. Chapter I. Of the effect upon the production of wealth 431 n. Of the effect upon distribution and thence upon production. ... 438 III. Of the effect upon individuals and classes 445 IV. Of the changes that would be wrought in social organization and social life 452 BOOK X. THE LAW OF HUMAN PROGRESS. Chapter I. The current theory of human progress Ita insufficiency 478 II. Differences in civilization to what due 487 m. The law of human progress 508 IV. How modern civilization may decline 524 V. The central truth 541 CONCLUSION. The problem of individual life 658 INTRODUCTORY. THE PKOBLEM. Ye build! ye build! but ye enter not in, Like the tribes whom the desert devoured in their sin; From the land of promise ye fade and die, Ere its verdure gleams forth on your wearied eye. Mrs. Sigourney. INTRODUCTORY. THE PEOBLEM. The present century has been marked by a prodigious increase in wealth-producing power. The utilization of steam and electricity, the introduction of improved proc- esses and labor-saving machinery, the greater subdivision and grander scale of production, the wonderful facilita- tion of exchanges, have multiplied enormously the effect- iveness of labor. At the beginning of this marvelous era it was natural to expect, and it was expected, that labor-saving inven- tions would lighten the toil and improve the condition of the laborer; that the enormous increase in the power of producing wealth would make real poverty a thing of the past. Could a man of the last century a Franklin or a Priestley have seen, in a vision of the future, the steamship taking the place of the sailing vessel, the rail- road train of the wagon, the reaping machine of the scythe, the threshing machine of the flail; could he have heard the throb of the engines that in obedience to human will, and for the satisfaction of human desire, exert a power greater than that of all the men and all the beasts of burden of the earth combined; could he have seen the forest tree transformed into finished lumber into doors, sashes, blinds, boxes or barrels, with hardly the touch of a human hand; the great work- shops where boots and shoes are turned out by the case with less labor than the old-fashioned cobbler could have 4 INTRODUCTORY. put on a sole; the factories where, under the eye of a girl, cotton becomes cloth faster than hundreds of stal- wart weavers could have turned it out with their hand- looms; could he have seen steam hammers shaping mam- moth shafts and mighty anchors, and delicate machinery making tiny watches; the diamond drill cutting through the heart of the rocks, and coal oil sparing the whale; could he have realized the enormous saving of labor resulting from improved facilities of exchange and com- munication sheep killed in Australia eaten fresh in England, and the order given by the London banker in the afternoon executed in San Francisco in the morning of the same day; could he have conceived of the hundred thousand improvements which these only suggest, what would he have inferred as to the social condition of man- kind? It would not have seemed like an inference; further than the vision went it would have seemed as though he saw; and his heart would have leaped and his nerves would have thrilled, as one who from a height beholds just ahead of the thirst-stricken caravan the living gleam of rustling woods and the glint of laughing waters. Plainly, in the sight of the imagination, he would have beheld these new forces elevating society from its very foundations, lifting the very poorest above the possibility of want, exempting the very lowest from anxiety for the material needs of life; he would have seen these slaves of the lamp of knowledge taking on themselves the tradi- tional curse, these muscles of iron and sinews of steel making the poorest laborer's life a holiday, in which every high quality and noble impulse could have scope to grow. And out of these bounteous material conditions he would have seen arising, as necessary sequences, moral conditions realizing the golden age of which mankind have always dreamed. Youth no longer stunted and THE PKOBLEM. 5 starved; age no longer harried by avarice; the child at play with the tiger; the man with the muck-rake drink- ing in the glory of the stars: Foul things fled, fierce things tame; discord turned to harmony! For how could there be greed where all had enough ? How could the vice, the crime, the ignorance, the brutality, that spring from poverty and the fear of poverty, exist where pov- erty had vanished? Who should crouch where all were freemen; who oppress where all were peers? More or less vague or clear, these have been the hopes, these the dreams born of the improvements which give this wonderful century its preeminence. They have sunk so deeply into the popular mind as radically to change the currents of thought, to recast creeds and displace the most fundamental conceptions. The haunting visions of higher possibilities have not merely gathered splendor and vividness, but their direction has changed instead of seeing behind the faint tinges of an expiring sunset, all the glory of the daybreak has decked the skies before. It is true that disappointment has followed disappoint- ment, and that discovery upon discovery, and invention after invention, have neither lessened the toil of those who most need respite, nor brought plenty to the poor. But there have been so many things to which it seemed this failure could be laid, that up to our time the new faith has hardly weakened. We have better appreciated the difficulties to be overcome; but not the less trusted that the tendency of the times was to overcome them. Now, however, we are coming into collision with facts which there can be no mistaking. From all parts of the civilized world come complaints of industrial depression; of labor condemned to involuntary idleness; of capital massed and wasting; of pecuniary distress among busi- ness men; of want and suffering and anxiety among the working classes. All the dull, deadening pain, all the keen, maddening anguish, that to great masses of men 6 IHTBODCCTOBT. re involved in the words