Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE OF 6424 STARS FOR THE EPOCH 1890. FORMED FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RADCLTFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD, DURING THE TEARS 1880-1893. UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF EDWAKD JAMES STONE, M.A. (CANTAB. ET OXON.), F.R.S., F.R.A.S., DR. NAT. PHIL. UNIVERSITATIS PATAVINAE C. M. DE LA SOClT NATIONALE DBS SCIENCES NATUBELLES DE CHERBOURG, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE LIT. AND PHIL. SOCIETY, MANCHESTER, HONORARY FELLOW OP QDEENS* COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND BADCLIFFE OBSERVER, OXFORD. OXFORD: JAMES PARKER AND CO. 1894. i It k -" * V,*-* ; v.- r '*'* >:' ; - THE RADCLIFFE TRUSTEES, 1894. THE MOST HON. R. A. T. GASCOIGNE-CECIL, MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G., D.C.L., Chancellor of the University of Oxford. THE RIGHT HON. VICTOR A. G. C. VILLIERS, EARL OF JERSEY, G.C.M.G., Lord-Lieut, of Oxfordshire. THE RIGHT HON. ROUNDELL PALMER, EARL OF SELBORNE, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., High Steward. THE RIGHT HON. ARTHUR WELLESLEY PEEL, M.A., Speaker. THE RIGHT HON. SIR JOHN MOWBRAY, Bart., M.A., Hon. D.C.L. SIE W. R. ANSON, Bart., D.C.L. INTRODUCTION. THE present work owes its existence to the liberality of the Radcliffe Trustees. The positions of the stars which are given in this Catalogue have been deduced from observations made with the Transit-Circle of the Radcliffe Observatory between 1880 January I, and 1893 December 31. A description of the Transit-Circle will be found in the Introduction to Carrington's " Red Hill Catalogue, 1855." But the divisions of the Circle under the microscopes, the clock-face, and the field of view of the telescope are now illuminated by a single electric carbon lamp ; and two additional microscopes, which can be shifted over several divisions of the Circle, have been mounted for the determination of the division-errors. The stability of the instrument, and the constancy of the horizontal-flexure have been very- satisfactory during the whole period over which the observations extend, as will be seen on reference to the corrections for instrumental errors and flexure which are given in the Amraal Volumes of Results. A considerable number of stars were observed, directly and by reflexion, more particularly during the years 1880-1887, to check the freedom of the results from systematic errors; and a number of observations above and below the pole, some at very low altitudes, beside those of low southern stars, were made to test the accuracy with which Bessel's Refractions represent the Oxford observations with the exterior thermometer placed in a well-screened crib on the North side of the Transit-Circle room, and for a re- determination of the Latitude of the Observatory. A preliminary discussion of these results appeared to show that the systematic errors of the Instrument, and the errors of the Refraction- tables were small ; and the observing has since been more exclusively directed to obtaining positions of stars for well-distributed zero-points between the Equator and North Polar Distance 115, in continuation and completion of the work carried out under my direction at the Cape of Good Hope between the years 1870-1879. The present Catalogue should contain the positions of all the stars to the seventh magnitude from the Equator to 115 N. P.D., except those in clusters; of fainter stars to fill existing lacunae ; and of many stars of greater N. P.D. than 115 for comparison with the corresponding results of the Cape Catalogue, 1880. The positions of stars of greater N.P. D. than 115 which are given in this Catalogue are, from atmospheric causes connected with a low altitude, not comparable in accuracy, either in R.A. or N.P.D., with the corresponding results in the Cape Catalogue, 1880; and these stars have been observed at Oxford chiefly as a check upon the accuracy of the Refractions used in the reductions. The Cape Catalogue, 1880, and the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890, in combination give a series of well- distributed zero-points for the whole Southern hemisphere ; and from the facilities which photography affords for the rapid filling in of the positions of the fainter stars on a photographic plate, when those of a sufficient number of zero-points on the plate have been otherwise fixed, it would appear that the efforts of meridian observers will, for the future, be most advantageously directed to this class of stellar work. Star Corrections, Precessions, and Secular Variations. The Constants which have been adopted are those of Professor Peters' " Numerus Constans Nutationis." The Precessions and Secular Variations have been given to four places of decimals in Right Ascension and three places of decimals in North Polar Distance ; but no special precautions have been 133495 VI INTRODUCTION TO THE taken to secure perfect accuracy in the last decimal places. The accuracy aimed at has been such that the Precessions computed from the given data, for other epochs than 1880, should be correct in R.A. and N. P. D. to the third and second decimal places respectively. The R.A.'s have been given in the present, as in most recent Catalogues, to the third place of decimals ; but I attach no importance to the last places given either in R.A. or N.P.D. The calculations of the star-corrections, of the precessions, and of the secular variations, have been made by the aid of my " Tables, Appendix to the Cape Observations, 1874," and have in all cases been independently computed for this Catalogue. The expense of printing star-constants for every star included in this Catalogue would have been very great indeed, and the facility with which the star-corrections, or, if required, the star-constants, can be computed by the aid of these tables, appeared to render it unnecessary to incur the expense. I append examples of the computation of star-corrections in Eight Ascension and North Polar Distance. The advantages afforded by the use of the tables are, however, only fully realised when a considerable number of stars have been observed on the same day. The logarithms which depend upon the right ascension can then be entered without any loss of time in turning over the pages of the tables. and the term sc x C is sensibly constant for all observations of the night. The construction and use of the tables will be understood from what follows. I put a = sec 8 . cos a. 15 n c = tan 8 . sin a. 6 = sec 8 . sin a. 15 d = tan 8 . cos a. 15 sc = , & constant for the epoch. a' = sin S . sin a. V = sin 8 . cos a. c' = n . cos a. d' = sin a. sa' tan =+o The value da=+o s -oi4 has been adopted and applied, in the formation of the Catalogue, to all the Eight Ascensions as directly found from observation. The smallness of the correction <2A= o"-oi5 will be referred to in the following section which treats of the observed North Polar Distances. North Polar Distance Observations. No corrections for errors of screws have been applied during the period over which the observations. whose results are contained in the present Catalogue, extend. That screws wear with use is certain. But the wear of the threads which are constantly used in making observations relatively to those which are not employed is a point of no practical importance : and the relative wear of the Declination- screw, and Circle-microscope screws for the threads which have been in regular use at Oxford have been examined from time to time, and found too small to render attempts at correction desirable. On 1889 January 15 a new eye-piece with new screws was supplied by Mr. Simms. The North Polar Distance of the Zenith of the Transit-Circle used in the formation of the places given in the present Catalogue is 38 14' 2^"-6i. The division-errors have been carefully examined and the necessary corrections applied. The horizontal-flexure has been found from observations of the horizontal Collimators ; and it has remained remarkably steady since the re-cutting, in 1880, of the screw by which the object-glass is attached to the Telescope-tube. The corrections found, from time to time, and applied 1880-1893, have been confined within the limits i"-25 Sin Z.D. and i"-io Sin Z.D. ,y b INTRODUCTION TO THE The Zenith-point corrections used in the reductions have been determined exclusively by observa- tions of the coincidence of the declination wire and its image in a Bohnenberger's reflecting eye-piece. But a considerable number of observations of stars by reflexion have been made, more particularly during the years 1880-1887, t * es ^ * ne freedom of the results from residual systematic errors. The diiferences which have been found to exist between the direct and reflected observations are so small that they hardly, if at all, exceed the probable errors of their determination, and no attempts therefore have been made to apply any corrections to the results for such residual discordances. The actual differences between the direct and reflected observations given by the observations will be found in the Annual Volumes. But in comparing these differences with those given for other observatories it is necessary to bear in mind that the direct and reflexion observations have not been reduced with Zenith-points which have been partially deduced from the observations themselves, but that, in order to bring prominently under view any existing systematic errors, they have been purposely reduced with Zenith-points which are quite independent of the results compared. The Refractions used in the reductions have been computed from Bessel's Tabulae Begiomontanae to Zenith-distance 85, but no breaks of continuity have been admitted in the computations, and the refractions for Zenith distances greater than 85 have been obtained by multiplying the mean refractions of the Fundamenta by the factor 1-003282, which is that used by Bessel to obtain the mean refractions of the Tabulae Regiomontanae from those of the Fundamenta for Zenith-distances less than 85. The barometer which has been used for the computations of the refractions is a Standard barometer by Newman, with its cistern placed at a height of 2| feet above the floor in the Transit-Circle room. The exterior thermometer used for the reductions is Hicks 576; it is placed in a well screened, ventilated, and large crib on the North side of the Observatory, and it is the thermometer used to reduce to scale the photographic changes of the temperature of the air. A second thermometer, mounted near the south shutter opening in the Transit-Circle room, has been frequently read for comparison with the exterior thermometer, but no use has been made of these readings in the computations of the refractions. The same exterior thermometer has been used in the computations of the refractions for the reduction of the observations of stars above and below the pole, for the planets, and for the Sun. The following Table gives the differences between the N.P.D.'s of stars deduced from observations above and below pole, divided into groups, with the weights and mean values of the refraction affecting each group. N.P.D. Weight. Mean effects of Refraction for groups. N.P.D. above pole minus N.P.D. below pole. Of Of o. o 5 . o 66-26 91-8 0-002 5- 015. o 35-66 97-6 0-364 15. o 25 . o 60-35 112-7 0-433 2 5- 038.14 54'3<> 169-5 0-900 38. 14 47.16 43-27 38i7 1-119 These differences would be directly affected by twice the amount of any alteration in the adopted North Polar Distance of the Zenith ; by any alterations of the refractions, due either to the adoption of different mean refractions, or alterations of the circumstances of the exposure of the exterior thermometer which systematically changed its readings ; and from the existence of systematic errors due to any source which depended upon the Zenith distance. The results show that the differences sensibly increase as the refraction-factors become greater ; and if these differences are thrown upon the mean refractions they would indicate that the N.P.D. of the Zenith requires a small correction of about -t-o"-O23, and that Bessel's mean refractions require to be diminished by about 0-0035, a res ult which is closely accordant with those which I have previously obtained from discussions of observations above and below the pole made at Greenwich and the Cape. A comparison between the results of the Eadcliffe RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890. XI observations and those contained in the Cape Catalogue 1880, leads to a very similar result; and I believe it is an established fact that Bessel's refractions require to be slightly diminished. But the corrections indicated are so small for moderate Zenith distances, and the theory upon which our Eefraction Tables rest so imperfect (see my paper, Monthly Notices, April, 1880), that I have thought it undesirable to introduce any changes whatever in the tabular refractions. The correction on the adopted N.P.D. of the Zenith 38.i 4 '. 24 ".6i given by the groups o 15, which are least affected by refraction errors, is only o"-o66, and is practically insensible. The smallness of the residual differences for the N.P.D. above and below pole for moderate Zenith distances would appear to indicate that the Eadcliffe circle observations cannot be affected with any serious systematic errors ; and this view is remarkably confirmed by the smallness of the mean correction dA= - "-oi5 which results from the discussion of the Solar observations mentioned in the previous Section. It is to be understood that no empirical corrections whatever have been introduced to secure the accordance between the results to which attention has been called ; but these agreements may, of course, to some small extent, be accidental. Constellations. In the division of the sky into constellations the nomenclature and boundaries adopted by Francis Baily with the sanction of Sir John Herschel have been generally followed : but no especial importance has been attached to this part of the work. Coloured Stars. The remarks of the observers on such stars will be found in the foot-notes of the Catalogue. Magnitudes. Considerable attention has been bestowed by the observers on the estimations of the magnitudes of the stars on Argelander's scale. The magnitudes given in the Catalogue which depend upon observations made at this Observatory are followed by the number of estimations upon which the adopted magnitudes are based. In other cases the magnitudes have been extracted from published results. The magnitudes of the brighter stars have been generally adopted from Argelander's Uranometria Nova, and these are distinguished by an asterisk. The information given in the notes on the Variable Stars observed, has been generally directly extracted from Chandler's Second Catalogue of Variable Stars. In the case of Variable Stars, when a number is given for the estimations made at Oxford, reference must be made to the Annual Volumes for detailed information. Proper Motions. A considerable number of the stars contained in the present Catalogue have been previously observed: and in such cases the observations have been generally compared for the detection of proper motions. But the resulting proper motions have not generally been used unless they are of sufficient magnitude to give rise, in a few years, to differences of practical importance, and their reality has been confirmed by comparisons between observations made at three or more well separated epochs. These proper motions cannot, of course, pretend to be definitive values ; and make no pretensions to accuracy in the third places of decimals ; but they will certainly serve to bring up the positions of the stars with far greater accuracy than would be possible without their application. The following Catalogues, and lists of Proper Motions, have been more or less consulted and used during the progress of the work. Xll INTRODUCTION TO THE AIKY. Catalogue of 2,156 Stars, formed from observations made during twelve years from 1836 to 1847, at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich. Epochs 1840 and 1845. London, 1849. AIRY. Catalogue of 1,576 Stars, formed from the observations made during six years, from 1848 to 1853, at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, and reduced to the epoch 1850. London, 1856. AIEY. Seven-year Catalogue of 2,022 Stars, deduced from observations, extending from 1854 to 1860, at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, and reduced to the epoch 1860. London, 1864. AIRY. New Seven-year Catalogue of 2,760 Stars, deduced from observations extending from 1861 to 1867, at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, and reduced to the epoch 1864. London, 1870. AIEY. Nine-year Catalogue of 2,263 Stars, deduced from observations extending from 1868 to 1876, at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and reduced to the epoch 1872. London, 1878. AIEY and CHEISTIE. Ten-year Catalogue of 4,059 Stars, deduced from observations extending from 1877 to 1886, at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, reduced to the epoch 1880-0. London, 1889. ARGELANDER. DLX Stellarum Fixarum Positiones Medue Ineunte Anno 1830. Helsingforsise, 1835. ARGELANDER und SCHONFELD. Durchmusterung des Himmels, zwischen +90 und -23. Ast. Beob., Bande III, IV, V, VIII. Bonn, 1859-1886 . AEGELANDER. Mittlere Oerter von 33,811 Sternen, abgeleitet aus den am Meridiankreise der Bonner Sternwarte, 1845-1867. Ast. Beob., Band VI. Bonn, 1867. AEGELANDEE. Zusammenstellung der Positionen und eigenen Bewegungen der untersuchten 250 Sterne fUr 1855. Ast. Beob., Band VII. Bonn. ARGELANDER. Untersuchungen tiber die Eigenbewegung des Sonnensystems auf Grund von 480 Arge- lander'schen teleskopischen Fixsternen. Inaugural-Dissertation von Johann Bischof. Bonn, 1884. ARGELANDEE und WEISS. Katalog der Argelander'schen Zonen vom 15. bis 31. Grade Stidlicher Declination in Mittleren Positionen fur 1850-0. Herausgegeben von Dr. Edmund Weiss. Wien. 1890. BESSEL et WEISSE. Positiones Mediae Stellarum Fixarum in Zonis Eegiomontanis a Besselio inter 15 et + 15 Declinationis Observatarum, ad annum 1825 reductae auctore M. Weisse. Petropoli, 1846. BOSSEET. Supplement a 1'Histoire Celeste de Lalande. Catalogue de 3,950 Etoiles pour 1800. Paris, 1892. BEADLEY und AUWEES. Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1750 bis 1762. St. Petersburg, 1888. BEISBANE. A Catalogue of 7,385 Stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere. London, 1835. CHALLIS. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge, 1849 to 1860. Cambridge, 1857-1864. CHANDLEE. Second Catalogue of Variable Stars. Lynn, Mass., 1893. COPELAND und BOBGEN. Mittlere Oerter der in den Zonen o und 1 der Bonner Durchmusterung enthaltenen Sterne bis zu 9 m -o Grosse beobachtet und auf 1875-0 reducirt von Copeland und Borgen. Astronomische Mittheilungen von der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Gottingen. Gottingen, 1869. ELLEEY. First Melbourne General Catalogue of 1,227 Stars, for the epoch 1870. Melbourne, 1874. ELLEEY. Second Melbourne General Catalogue of 1,211 Stars, for the epoch 1880. Melbourne, 1889. GILL1SS. A Catalogue of 1,963 stars for the epoch 1850. Washington observations for 1868, Appendix I. Washington, 1870. GOULD. Uranometria Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1879. GOULD. The Argentine General Catalogue. Mean Positions of Southern Stars determined at the National Observatory. Cordoba, 1886. GEANT. Catalogue of 6,415 Stars for the epoch 1870, deduced from observations made at the Glasgow University Observatory during the years 1860 to 1881. Glasgow, 1883. GEANT. Second Glasgow Catalogue of 2,156 Stars for the epoch 1890, deduced from observations made at the Glasgow University Observatory during the years 1886 to 1892. Glasgow, 1892. JOHNSON. The Eadcliffe Catalogue of 6,317 stars, chiefly circumpolar, reduced to the epoch 1845-0; formed from observations made at the Eadcliffe Observatory. Oxford, 1860. LALANDE and BAILY. A catalogue of those Stars in the Histoire Celeste Fran9aise of Jerome de Lalande, for which tables of reduction to the epoch 1800 have bejn published by Professor Schumacher. London, 1847. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890. xui LAMONT und SEELIGEE. Erstes Mtinchener Sternverzeichniss, enthaltend die Mittleren Oerter von 33,082 Sternen. Miinchen, 1890. Lament's observations have been combined and reduced to the epoch 1880. LE VEREIEK, MOUCHEZ, et TISSERAND. Catalogue de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Etoiles observees aux Instruments Meridiens de 1837 a 1881. Tome I. (o h ii 6 h ). Paris, 1887. Tome II. (6 h a i2 h ). Paris, 1891. Epochs 1845, 1860, and 1875. Annales (i2 h - 24 h ). LITTROW und WEISS. Annalen der K. K. Universitats-Sternwarte in Wien (Wahring . LUTHER. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Universitats-Sternwarte zu Konigsberg, von Dr. Eduard Luther. Konigsberg, 1886. Contains meridian observations of 750 Piazzi Stars made at Konigsberg between the years 1820 and 1859. Epoch 1835-0. MACLEAR and STONE. The Cape Catalogue of 1159 Stars for 1860. Cape Town, 1873. MACLEAR and STONE. Cape Catalogue of Stars for 1840. Cape Town, 1878. MACLEAR and GILL. Catalogue of 4,810 Stars for the epoch 1850 ; from observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, during the years 1849 to 1852. London, 1884. MAIN. Second Radcliffe Catalogue containing 2,386 Stars; deduced from observations extending from 1854 to 1861, at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford ; and reduced to the epoch 1860. Oxford, 1870., MAYER and BAILY. Catalogue of 998 Stars. Reduced to 1756. Vol. IV, Memoirs E.A.S. London, 1831. MOESTA. Observaciones Astronomicas hechas en el Observatorio Nacional de Santiago de Chile, en los anos de 1853, 1854, 1855. Santiago de Chile, 1859. PIAZZI. Praecipuarum Stellarum Inerrantium Positiones Mediae ineunte sseculo XIX. Panormi, 1814. For Mean Times of observation the separate volumes of the "Storia Celeste, 1792-1813," have been consulted. PICKERING. Observations with the Meridian Photometer during the years 1879-1882. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Cambridge, U.S.A., 1884. PORTER. Zone Catalogue of 4.050 Stars for the epoch 1885, observed with the three-inch Transit of the Cincinnati Observatory. Cincinnati, 1887. QUETELET. Catalogue de 10,792 Etoiles observees a 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles de 1857 a 1878, et reduites a 1'epoque 1865-00. Bruxelles, 1887. RAMBAUT. Mean places of 1,012 Southern Stars, and a few others ; deduced from observations made with the Meridian Circle at Dunsink. Epoch, 1885. Dublin, 1887. RAYET. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Bordeaux. Paris, 1887, 1889. ROBINSON. Places of 5,345 Stars observed from 1828 to 1854 at the Armagh Observatory, reduced to 1840. Dublin, 1859. ROBINSON and DREYER. Second Armagh Catalogue of 3,300 Stars for the epoch 1875. Dublin, 1886. ROMBERG. Vergleichsterne, bestimrnt am Berliner Meridiankreis. Astronomischc Nachrichten, No. 1637. Altona, 1867. ROMBERG. Catalog von 5,634 Sternen fiir die Epoche 1875-0 aus den Beobachtungen am Pulkowaer Meridian - kreise wahrend der Jahre 1874-1880. St. Petersburg, 1891. RUMKER. Mittlere Oerter von 12,000 Fixsternen fiir den Anfang von 1836. Hamburg, 1843. SANDS. Zones of Stars observed at the United States Naval Observatory with the Meridian Circle, Mural Circle, and Meridian Transit Instrument in the years 1846-1849. Washington, 1872-3. SANTINI. Posizioni Medie delle Stelle I'isse, disposte in zone di 2 in 2, dedotte dalle osservazioni fatte nell' I. R. Osservatorio di Padova. Epoch 1840. o to 10 Declination. SANTINI. Posizioni Medie di 2,706 Stelle pel i Gennaio 1860. Venezia, 1858. 10 to 12 30' Declination. SANTINI. Posizioni Medie di 2,246 Stelle. Venezia, 1862. 12 30' to 1 5 Declination. Epoch 1860. SANTINI. Posizioni Medie di 1,425 Stelle pel principio del 1860. Venezia, 1870. o to 3 Declination. SCHJELLERUP. Stjernefortegnelse indenholdende 10,000 Positioner af teleskopiske Fixstjerner imellom ~ J 5S + J 5 Graders Deklination. Kjobenhavn, 1864. Observations made 1861-1863. Epoch of Catalogue, 1865. XIV INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHUE und KLINKERFUES. Gottinger Stern-Catalog fiir 1860 nach Beobachtungen von W. Klinkerfues. Astronomische Mittheilungen von der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Gottingen, herausgegeben von Dr. Wilholm Schur. Gottingen, 1891. SEELIGER und BAUSCHINGER. (i) Zweites Munchener Sternverzeichniss, enthaltend die Mittleren Oerter von 13,200 Sternen, fur das Aequinoctium 1880. (2) Ableitung der Eigenbewegung von 90 telescopischeii Sternen, welche in den Munchener Zonen vorkommen. Neue Annalen der K. Sternwarte in Bogenhausen bei Milnchen. Mtinchen, 1891. STONE. Catalogue of 12,441 Stars for the epoch 1880 ; from observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, during the years 1871 to 1879. London, 1881. STONE. Proper Motions of Stars in the Cape Catalogue for 1880. (In MSS.) STRUVE. Positiones Mediae pro epocha 1830-0. Petropoli, 1852. STRUVE. Observations de Poulkova, Vol. VIII. Catalogues d'etoiles deduites des observations publiees dans les Volumes VI et VII. Epoch 1855. St. Petersbourg, 1889. TACCHINI. A Catalogue of 1,001 Southern Stars for 1850-0, from observations by Signor P. Tacchini, at Palermo, in the years 1867, 1868, 1869. By Rev. Father Hagen, S.J., and Edward S. Holden. Publications of the Washburn Observatory. Madison, Wisconsin, 1885. TAYLOR. A General Catalogue of the Principal Fixed Stars. Madras, 1844. Epoch 1835. TAYLOR. A Catalogueof 1,440 Stars selected from the British Association Catalogue, reduced to 1850, January i. Madras, 1854. VALENTINER. Veroffentlichungen der Grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe. Mittlere Oerter der in den Jahren 1882-1891 am Meridiankreis beobachteten Sterne siidlich vom Aequator reducirt auf 1885-0. Karlsruhe, 1884-1892. YARNALL and FRISBY. Catalogue of Stars observed at the United States Naval Observatory during the years 1845 to 1877. Revised, corrected and re-numbered by Prof. E. Frisby. Epoch 1860. Washington, 1889. Personal, The observations whose results are included in the present Catalogue have been chiefly made by Messrs. W. "Wickham, "W. H. Eobinson, and F. A. Bellamy. Mr. "Wickham has filled the office of First Assistant of the Observatory since 1880, November. The work of the First Assistant has been of a miscellaneous character. Mr. Wickham has taken an active part in the observations. He has assisted in the computations and in the examination of the reductions ; and he has rendered valuable assistance in the preparation of copy for press and in the reading of proof sheets. In my absence the First Assistant has had general charge of the Observatory. Mr. Eobinson, the Second Assistant, was appointed 1879 October, soon after I took charge of the Observatory : and I have had the advantage of his assistance during the whole period occupied in the completion of the present Catalogue. Besides taking a leading part in the observations, Mr. Eobinson has performed nearly the whole of the heavy work of the Transit-Eeductions with a skill and accuracy which call for my warmest acknowledgements. He has also executed for me a large number of miscellaneous computations which I have required in the preparation of the present Catalogue, and the arithmetical work required for the determination of the Proper Motions. Mr. F. A. Bellamy filled the office of Third Assistant from 1881 August, to 1892 August 31, during which time he took an active part in the observing. Mr. Bellamy resigned, on his appointment to an Assistantship at the University Observatory, and was succeeded by Mr. E. E. M c Clellau. The Third Assistant shares in the Astronomical observations ; but he has general charge of the Meteorological observations and of the photography, and his services are not, therefore, largely available for the Astronomical-Eeductions. Besides the three Assistants one Computer has usually been attached to the staff. This post was held by Mr. Luff for more than forty years, during many of which his services were given gratuitously. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890. XV The value of Mr. Luff's services has been warmly acknowledged by two of my predecessors, Manuel Johnson and Robert Main, under whom he served, and I can most cordially join in the opinions which they expressed. Mr. Luff was a computer of rare skill and great accuracy, until his eyesight and other faculties began gradually to fail from old age. Mr. Luff finally ceased to compute in 1889 June, and died 1893 November 19. Besides the observations contained in the present Catalogue, a considerable number of Heliometer observations of the planet Iris, and of miscellaneous Equatorial observations of Double Stars, Comets, Variable Stars, &c., have been secured at this Observatory since 1880. I have thought it only fair to the staff to enter into these details. The output of an Observatory like the Radcliffe cannot be fairly estimated without taking into consideration that it is not only an Astronomical Observatory, but also a Meteorological Observatory, and that the staff is a small one. In conclusion, I will only say that no means of securing accuracy in the results which experience has suggested to me have been neglected ; and that I hope, and believe, that the present Catalogue will compare not unfavourably with those which have been issued from other Public Observatories. E. J. STONE. STONE. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOB 1890, FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD, 1880 TO 1893. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. h. m. s. Preoess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 Ceti 6-7 6-7 8-7 6-7 6 8 7-6 7 6-7 2 8-7 7-6 7 7-8 7 7-8 7-8 5-6* 6 6 7 5 7 7 6-5 7-8 I 2 4 2 3 3 I i 3 2 4 I i 1 i 2 2 | I I 84-82 90-09 91-75 84-86 88-53 91-88 85-'3 90-13 8774 85-63 91-60 85-26 86-25 90-14 92-68 9' '5 84-94 91-53 82-86 86-23 90-08 81-83 85-18 84-56 90-45 9'39 91-14 90-43 85-58 85-88 90-48 90-75 90-89 86-85 9' '45 84-26 85-16 87-56 90-13 81-91 88-83 90-46 91-83 82-56 91-18 4 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 4 3 5 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 o l 12-174 o I 41-050 o i 45-794 o 2 5-926 2 9-501 O 2 22-266 2 34-074 2 39-153 O 2 40-194 O 2 42-089 2 52-941 2 56-404 o 3 4-858 o 3 14-099 o 3 22-365 o 4 17-141 o 4 25-404 o 4 36-I59 o 4 40-932 o 5 4-694 o 5 3''73i o 5 39-9 11 o 5 58-670 o 6 26-400 o 6 33-327 o 7 1-781 o 7 7-239 o 7 17-431 o 7 28-511 o 7 34-284 o 7 42-256 o 8 9-349 o 8 24-634 o 8 46-143 o 8 46-707 o 8 50-050 o 8 52-440 o 9 3-046 o 9 3'449 o 9 12-631 o 9 17-530 o 9 18-447 o 9 40-452 o 9 59-586 o 10 14-292 + 3-0694 + 3-0693 + 3-07 3 + 3-07I8 + 3-067I + 3-0677 + 3-07I7 + 3-0682 + 3'0699 + 3-08IO + 3-0703 + 3-0669 + 3-07I6 + 3-0725 + 3-0646 + 3-07II + 3-068I + 3-0998 + 3-0697 + 3-0656 + 3-0703 + 3'0630 + 3-0603 + 3-0628 + 3^597 + 3-07I2 + 3-I039 + 3-0695 + 3-0539 + 3-0840 + 3-0551 + 3-05I5 + 3-062I + 3-0520 + 3-0/00 + 3-0649 + 3-0586 + 3-OS38 + 3-0579 + 3-0583 + 3-0628 + 3-069I + 3-0549 + 3'3 I2 4 + 3-0660 O'OIII 0-0077 0-0045 + 0-0004 0-0107 0-0083 + 0-0004 0-006 1 0-0030 + 0-0184 0-0018 0-0077 + 0-0006 + 0-0021 O-OOgS + 0'O004 0-0028 + 0-0330 O-OOO9 O'OO48 + o-ooo i 0-0064 0-0081 0-0054 0-0077 + 0-0013 + 0-0253 + O'OOOi 0-0103 + O-OIO2 O-OOgi 0-0106 0-0039 0-0094 + 0-0009 O-OO2O 0-0056 o-ooSo 0-0057 0-0053 0-0028 + 0-0005 0-0068 + 0-1444 0-0007 + 0-0006 0-0013 + 0-0095 + 0-0015 0-0077 0-0007 0-0033 0-0190 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 >3 '4 IS 16 i? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 .V 33 34 35 .36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 Ceti Ceti 4 Ceti Ceti Ceti is Ceti . Ceti Ceti 21 Andromedee ... a Ceti Ceti Ceti Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 6 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Andromedse Ceti Ceti ..... 6-7 7-8 7 3-2* 8-7 7 8 7 7-8 5-6 7 4 7 7 6 7-6 8-7 6 7-8 I 2 2 2 3 I I 3 2 2 j 2 I I 2 2 88 Pegasi y Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 7 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Cephei Ceti 21. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 10 too great. 25. Beddish star. 37. A star of the 9-8 magnitude precedes about 12', and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of I Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. it Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. U) W5 r- f & 8 OO "S 1 K Lalande, 1 800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O -o 61 31 0-45 20-052 + 0-014 + 0-156 3215 281 47319 '9 5 10 ii 91-60 3 97 24 16-81 20-052 + 0-014 47330 ii 12 85-26 3 108 ii 20-89 20-051 + 0-014 47332 6 12 '3 86-25 3 93 50 5-71 20-051 + 0-015 282 47333 "55 7 '3 H 90-14 3 8 9 55 I0 '63 20-051 + 0-015 47342 1267 '4 >5 92-68 3 in 49 4-28 20-051 + 0-015 '5 16 90-15 3 93 10 22-77 20-049 + 0-017 286 47374 23 '3 16 i? 84-94 3 99 35 "i' 8 4 20-049 + 0-017 47385 28 i? 18 89-47 4 44 3* 23-78 20-049 + 0-018 + 0-016 3220 288 47387 IS 18 19 82-86 3 95 5' 34H8 20-049 + 0-018 I i 32 33 19 20 86-23 3 103 ii 27-54 20-048 + O'Olg '9 46 16 20 21 90-08 3 93 55 59-54 20-047 + O-OI9 4 32 53 11 22 81-83 3 106 4 18-24 20-047 + O-O2O + 0-261 3222 5 37 4' '7 22 23 85-18 3 109 H 47-04 20-046 + 0-020 48 23 24 84-56 3 104 25 28-06 20-045 + O-O21 6? 72 24 25 9'45 3 '08 32 59-51 20-045 + 0-O2I 72 22 25 26 90-39 3 91 50 20-91 20-044 + O-022 87 81 26 27 91-14 3 52 55 5 %I 3 20-043 + 0-023 89 23 27 28 9 01 43 3 93 59 35^5 20-043 + 0-023 99 86 28 29 85-58 3 "3 4 57-6i 20-042 + 0-023 103 55 29 30 81-52 3 75 25 40-42 20-042 + 0-023 + 0-013 I 9 107 92 56 24 30 3> 90-48 3 in 13 55-66 20-041 + 0-024 124 3' 32 91-26 6 113 49 28-20 20-040 + 0*024 135 62 32 33 90-89 3 '' 55 3-37 20-040 + 0-025 102 33 34 86-85 3 in 48 4-72 20-038 + O-O26 156 34 35 9 '-45 3 92 48 32-31 20-038 + O-O26 '55 I0 9 35 36 84-26 | 98 23 32-41 20-038 + O-026 158 26 36 37 85-16 3 105 2 22-88 20-038 + 0-026 162 37 38 87-56 3 109 32 3^59 20-037 + O-O26 + 0-062 4 IS 169 7o 38 39 90-13 3 105 24 57-06 20-037 + 0-026 167 39 40 81-91 3 104 47 16-15 20-037 + 0-027 179 II? 40 4' 88-83 3 100 10 51-81 20-036 + 0-027 183 73 29 4' 42 90-46 3 93 38 17-88 20-036 + 0-027 122 42 43 9' 'S3 3 107 22 2-30 20-035 + 0-02? '95 43 44 82-60 7 '3 39 38-49 20-034 + 0-030 + 0-021 6 197 33 44 45 91-18 3 96 12 45-32 20-033 + 0-029 204 135 45 10, 18, 30, 44, are respectively I, 10, 27, 42 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 10, 18, 22, 30, are respectively I, 6, 7, 8 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean K.A. h. m. 8. Process. a. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 46 47 48 49 50 5 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 6? 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Ceti 7 7 7 7-6 7 6* 7 4-5* 6-7 6 7-6 8 3-4 7 7 7 6 I 2 3 2 I I 3 3 2 7 2 3 89-40 85-5I 84-59 86-20 90-15 88-20 90-12 91-10 82-49 91-83 84-53 90-78 86-44 85-55 86-93 90-42 89-84 90-85 86-53 84-60 90-39 80-89 82-43 89-16 84-23 84-94 89-83 87-5S 89-45 81-86 88-34 89-78 85-78 82-57 90-16 84-16 84-92 83-90 90-80 84-05 90-84 85-81 89-73 86-92 83-84 3 3 | 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 i 39 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 24 3 3 8 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 o 10 58-203 o II 7-493 o ii 57-680 12 8-682 O 12 IO-6OO 12 20-058 12 25-476 o 12 34-781 o 12 42-651 12 54-323 o 13 1-916 o 13 11-444 o 13 49-332 '3 59-40 ' o 14 13-366 o 14 27-972 o 14 34-623 o 15 11-884 o '5 15-476 o 15 26-163 o 15 3S-4 8 3 o 15 59'467 o 1 6 12-061 o 16 37-422 o 17 I3-5I7 o 17 29-388 o 17 51-150 o 18 14-227 o 18 27-669 o 18 52-447 o 19 45-782 o 19 49-169 20 1-545 20 4-667 o 20 10-067 20 14-847 20 48-675 O 20 58-902 21 2-844 21 28-602 21 32'094 O 22 4*904 22 25-458 22 50-091 22 57-676 + 3-0565 + 3-0478 + 3-0476 + 3-0738 + 3-0694 + 3-0545 + 3-0725 + 3-1261 + 3-0429 + 3-1430 + 3-0609 + 3-0568 + .V059I + 3-0613 + 3-0680 + 3-044 6 + 3-0518 + 3-0702 + 3-0325 + 3-0670 + 3-0663 + 3-0196 + 3-0369 + 3-0627 + 3-0497 + 3-0422 + 3-0357 + 3-I739 + 3-0536 + 3-0671 + 3-0752 + 3-0349 + 3-0870 + 3-7003 + 3-0245 + 3-0089 + 3-0300 + 3-0711 + 3-0405 + 3-0602 + 3-0538 + 3-0238 + 3-044' + 3-0216 + 3-0444 0-0048 0-0087 0-0079 + 0-0032 + 0-0013 0-0048 + 0-0026 + 0-0252 0-0091 + 0-0318 0-0018 0-0034 0-OO22 O-OOI4 + O'OOII 0-OO70 0-0044 + O'OO2O 0-O103 + 0-0010 + O'OOOS 0-0135 O-0082 O-0002 0-0038 0-0058 0-0074 + 0-0331 0-0022 + 0-0015 + 0-0037 0-0065 + 0-0067 + 0-2277 0-0088 0-0123 0-007 ' + 0-0028 0-0045 + O'OOO2 o-oo 1 3 0-0078 0-0032 0-0078 0-0029 + 0-0250 0-0051 + O-OO22 0-0032 + O-0262 O-OO28 + 0-0002 + o 0099 + 0-0038 46 47 48 49 5 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7' 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 7 88 89 90 Ceti Ceti . ... Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti 25 Andromedse ... S 8 , 73, are respectively 57, 6 1, 83 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 50, 58, 70, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, are respectively 19, 21, 24, 25, 27, 26, 29, 30 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 51. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STAES, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. B. No. 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 IO2 103 I0 4 105 106 107 108 109 no in 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 9 120 121 122 '23 I2 4 125 126 127 128 129 '30 13' 132 IJJ '34 '35 Ceti 7-8 7 7-8 6-7 6 6-5 7-6 8 8-9 7-6 7 8-9 4-5* 7 7-8 6-5 7 7-6 6 8 6 8 7-6 7-6 6-7 6* 4-3 4* 8-7 8 7-6 4 7 7-8 8 7 Var. 8-9 7-6 6 6 7 7-6 Var. 8-7 3 2 I 6 2 I 4 2 | I I 2 2 2 2 2 5 I I 2 3 2 2 a 4 I 5 a i 2 3 a 2 2 I 2 I 86-23 85-28 89-80 89-82 87-65 82-22 84-88 9';'5 9 ''39 81-83 87-20 9-iS 85-66 87-88 88-89 86-78 84-64 82-83 86-83 91-25 84-59 90-77 84-19 82-18 8.V6? 86-6 1 8rs5 89-74 92-12 9''58 84-05 88-37 85M6 87-21 9I-I3 82-15 85-52 91-19 84-95 81-88 84-23 88-91 86-86 85-74 89-75 3 3 3 a 30 a 3 3 4 3 a 3 a a 3 3 4 a 4 a 5 3 a a 4 3 5 a a a 5 18 4 a 3 3 3 a 3 5 a a 3 4 a o 23 52-063 o 24 1-171 o 24 16-514 o 24 17-297 o 24 25-477 o 24 52-603 o 25 25-342 o 25 40-760 o 25 44-361 o 26 3-218 o 26 32-500 o 26 32-772 o 26 44-986 2? 34764 o 27 51-442 o 28 14-397 o 28 51-917 o 28 52-762 29 35' 12 5 o 29 48-230 o 29 54-005 o 30 11-834 o 30 24-193 o 3 31-345 o 30 38-442 o 30 47-887 o 30 50-595 o 31 0-314 o 31 17-644 o 32 3-173 o 32 26-988 o 32 44-5/4 o 33 2-54 o 33 8-723 33 4I-599 o 34 10-712 o 34 15-859 34 3 ''83 7 o 34 57-394 o 35 0-401 35 6-334 35 '2-543 o 36 41-100 o 36 42-869 o 37 " 1-934 + 3-0626 + 3-0641 + 3-0682 + 3-0334 + 3-06U + 3-0068 + 3-0446 + 3-0122 + 3-0256 + 3-066I + 3-OI98 + 3-0371 + 3-3693 + 3-0600 + 3-069I + 2-9770 + 3-05I6 + 3-0573 + 3^599 + 3-0122 + 3-069I + 3^462 + 3-0534 + 3-0230 + 2 -9952 + 3-2448 + 3-3I3I + 3-'90I + .V0347 + .V0407 + 3-0688 + 3-1768 + 2-9992 + 2 9859 + 3-0637 + 3-03I2 + 3^670 + 3-0206 + 3-0099 + 2-9803 + 3-054 8 + 3'443 + 3-0256 + 3-2557 + 2-9904 + O-OOI2 + 0-0015 + O-OO24 0-0047 + O'OOOg 0-0096 O-OO22 0-008 1 0-0057 + 0-0022 0-0063 0-0032 + 0-0708 + 0-0012 + 0-0029 0-OI27 O-OOO2 + 0-0008 + 0-0014 0-0063 + 0-0030 0-0008 + 0-0004 0-0044 0-0086 + 0-0352 + 0-0494 + 0-0243 0-0024 0-0013 + 0-003 ' + 0-0209 0-0070 _ 0-0088 + 0-0025 O'OO22 + 0-0558 0-0035 0-0049 0-0087 + O-OOI4 o-ooo i 0-0024 + 0-0322 0-0066 + 0-0096 0-0003 + 0-0004 + 0-0265 + 0-0083 + 0-0017 0-0004 0-0056 0-0184 + 0-0035 + 0-0430 9' 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 1 06 107 1 08 109 no III 112 H3 1I 4 5 116 "7 118 119 120 121 122 123 I2 4 "5 126 127 128 I2 9 13 131 132 133 134 '35 Ceti ii Ceti Ceti 12 Ceti Ceti Ceti ... , Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 15 Cassiopeia ... K Ceti Ceti Sculptoris Ceti Ceti ... 13 Ceti Ceti 14 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Andromeda 17 Cassiopeia ... 29 Andromeda ... TT Ceti Ceti 15 Ceti 30 Andromeda ... f Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 18 Cassiopeia ... a Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Andromedse Nova Ceti 97. A tar of the 9-8 magnitude follows about 6 ', and has nearly the same N. P. D. 108. Double: Companion of the 8-7 magnitude. 127. The limits of magnitude are 2-2 and 2-8: the period is irregular. 131. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes, and is slightly north. 134. The new star in the nebula of Andromeda ; estimated magnitudes from 8-O on 1885 September 9, to 14-0 on 1885 December 10. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of . Observations. I Mean N.P.D. / // Process. Sec. Var. ft Proper Motion. uft 1 & o o oo s Lalande, I Soo. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 -I c - 1 S oT 03 CL, 6 Greenwich, 1 1880. No. 9i 86-23 3 94 4 40-43 19-944 + 0-055 83 364 9' 92 85-20 4 93 26 49-93 I9-943 + 0-055 366 92 93 89-80 3 9 1 43 24-37 I9-94I + 0-056 + 0-063 36 87 664 369 175 93 94 89-82 3 105 28 17-31 19-9-ti + 0-055 88 666 176 94 95 82-64 8 94 33 53-54 19-939 + 0-056 + 0-009 38 89 669 37i 1/8 69 95 96 82-22 3 114 23 46-19 I9-935 + 0-056 91 698 '79 70 96 97 84-88 3 loo 41 30-44 I9-930 + 0-058 - 96 7'8 387 97 98 9'-'5 3 "i 57 3I-30 19-927 + 0-058 98 99 91-57 3 107 24 4-07 19-927 + 0-058 734 99 IOO 81-83 3 92 24 3-10 19-923 + 0-059 398 IOO IOI 87-20 3 108 49 43-07 19-919 + 0-060 IOO 759 101 1O2 9'''5 3 102 54 7-50 19-919 + 0-060 756 410 IO2 103 8i-73 16 27 40 31-16 19-917 + 0-066 + 0-019 43 99 73 103 I0 4 87-88 3 94 27 17-76 19-908 + 0-062 1 06 797 434 104 105 88-89 3 9' '2 53-9I 19-905 + 0-063 107 806 439 105 1 06 86-78 1 120 9 51-73 19-901 + 0-062 109 826 '97 1 06 107 84-64 4 97 6 26-81 19-894 + 0-065 840 460 107 1 08 82-83 3 95 9 I'- 66 19-894 + 0-065 "3 837 461 206 1 08 IO9 86-63 5 94 " 54 - 29 19-886 + 0-066 + 0-021 50 7 865 472 213 109 IIO 91-25 3 109 10 6-76 - 19-884 + o'o66 no III 84-59 5 9' 6 35'99 19-882 + 0-067 + 0-090 5' 120 880 479 2'5 in 112 90-77 3 98 30 27-25 19-879 + 0-067 112 113 84-19 3 96 10 23-24 I9-877 + 0-067 488 "3 "4 82-18 3 '05 34 37-83 19-876 + 0-067 9 "4 '15 83-67 4 113 26 48-05 19-874 + 0-067 916 220 "5 116 88-18 3 46 7 6-07 19-872 + 0-072 124 907 83 116 "7 81-71 6 36 42 29-94 19-872 + 0-073 + 0-012 52 123 902 84 "7 118 8.V30 4 56 53 10-01 19-870 + 0-071 O'OOO 53 I2 5 920 85 118 "9 92-12 3 101 44 0-16 19-866 + 0-069 498 "9 120 9f58 3 99 40 43-39 - 19-857 + 0-070 961 1 20 121 84-05 5 91 6 30-39 19-852 + 0-072 + 0-025 55 S3 972 5'5 231 9' 121 122 84-99 4 6 1 17 7-83 19-849 + 0-075 + 0-251 56 '34 976 233 92 122 123 85-36 4 no 54 6-74 I9-845 + 0-071 987 123 I2 4 87-21 3 114 12 9-93 19-844 + 0-071 997 124 '25 9I-13 3 92 34 19-81 I9-837 + 0-074 535 125 126 82-15 3 ioi 45 4'97 19-831 + 0-074 142 1031 548 126 127 83-80 6 34 3 57-30 19-829 + 0-082 + 0-038 59 '39 1017 95 12? 128 91-19 3 104 29 20-59 19-826 + 0-075 553 128 129 84-95 3 107 7 11-63 19-820 + 0-075 144 1064 129 130 8r6o 4 "4 23 54'75 19-820 + 0-075 + 0-350 1065 249 '30 131 84-23 3 94 57 20-28 19-819 + 0-077 146 1069 565 25' 131 132 88-91 3 97 50 0-69 19-817 + 0-076 1073 568 132 '33 86-86 3 IO2 24 26-65 I9-797 + 0-079 152 1119 260 133 '34 85-74 6 49 20 6-79 '9'79 6 + 0-084 98 '34 '35 S9-75 3 no 47 47-80 19-789 + 0-079 '55 '135 267 '35 95, 103, 109, 116, 117, 127, are respectively 107, 126, 148, 158, 157, 176 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 93. 94. 95. 105, 108, 109, in, 122, 127, 131, are respectively 34, 35, 37, 45, 48, 51, 53, 58, 64, 06 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 130. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 8 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process. 8. Seo. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 136 Ceti 7 i 84-19 3 o 37 17-419 + 3-0323 0-0014 136 '37 I ;S 20 Cassiopeice ... ir Ceti 5 7 2 2 8 1 -60 87-21 6 a o 37 22-871 o 37 25-084 + 3-3007 + 3-0556 + 0-0395 + 0-0017 O-OO27 137 138 I 3.0 Ceti 7-8 2 90-12 a o 37 43-478 + 3-0458 + 0-0004 139 140 I4.I 16 Ceti /3 Ceti 2 6 t I 86-22 89-22 45 a 38 3'987 o 38 17-589 + 2-9982 + 3-0228 0-0054 0-0024 + 0-0147 140 141 142 IJI 17 Ceti <' Ceti 5-6 8-7 3 2 86-18 91-22 3 a o 38 38-392 o 38 39-154 + 3-0281 4-3-0390 0-0016 0-0002 O-OO27 142 '43 144. Ceti 9-8 3 Q''S6 2 o 38 47-082 + 3-0129 0-0034 144 14? Ceti 5 I 88-76 a o 39 17-713 + 2 "9775 0-0074 145 146 Ceti 7-6 I QO'IS a o 39 30-911 + 3-071 1 + 0-0039 146 147 Ceti 6-7 I 82-92 a o 39 48-064 + 3'OS 1 3 + 0-0014 147 148 18 Ceti 6-7 3 84-94 a, o 39 57-151 + 3-0169 0-0027 O-0047 148 j 4.0 Ceti 7-6 2 82-49 a o 40 11-718 + 3-0011 0-0045 149 I ^O Ceti 6-| 2 84-92 3 o 40 43-595 + 2-9716 0-0076 150 I ^ 1 7-6 87-21 a o 41 15-759 + 2-9298 0-0117 151 1 *2 Ceti 7-8 00-43 a o 41 59-941 + 3-0601 + 0-0027 152 1 S3 Ceti Q-IO | 90-48 a o 42 9-330 + 3-0392 + 0-0003 153 I S4. Ceti 6 2 83-87 3 o 42 14-284 + 2-9898 0-0052 154 jcr Ceti 8 4 87-61 3 o 42 22-617 + 3-0689 + 0-0038 155 i;6 Ceti 8 i 00-48 3 o 42 22-690 + 3-0294 0-0008 156 is? 158 i ;o Piscium Piscium Ceti 8-7 8-9 6 i I i 90-13 90-50 87-20 3 3 3 o 42 28-397 o 42 34-112 o 42 34-405 + 3-1098 + 3-II45 + 2-9711 + 0-0088 + 0-0094 0-0070 157 158 159 1 60 c* 84-83 4 o 42 36-100 + 3-3708 + 0-0465 + 0-OO22 1 60 161 162 63 Piscium Ceti 5-4 7-8 5 i 85-'7 90-55 26 3 o 42 58-487 o 43 39-785 + 3''030 + 2-9715 + 0-0079 0-0066 + 0-0035 161 162 iAa Ceti 6 3 82-62 3 o 4, 48-499 + 2 '9555 0-0082 163 164 Ceti 6 I 84-28 3 o 43 53-95 + 3-0083 0-0027 164 165 Ceti 7-6 3 QO*47 3 o 44 8-370 + 2-9588 0-0078 165 166 Ceti 7 3 86-23 3 O 44 l6'Q2I + 3-0688 + 0-0039 1 66 167 168 l6o Piscium 19 Ceti $ Ceti 9-8 6-5 8-7 i i i 90-87 87-88 OO'TS 3 1 3 44 27-504 o 44 36-939 o 44 46-914 + 3-'237 + 3'021I + 2-9957 + 0-0104 0-0012 0-0039 0-OI78 67 168 169 170 171 Piscium Ceti 9-8 7 2 2 90-78 81-83 3 3- o 44 49-830 o 45 33'8n + 3-1174 + 3-0464 + 0-0096 + 0-0015 + 0-0220 170 171 172 Ceti 7 3 84-0; 3 o 4, 47-208 + 3-0257 0-0006 172 173 174 Piscium Ceti 7 7 I I 90-55 82-90 3 3 o 45 49'274 o 45 56-284 + 3-1298 + 3-0551 + 0-0109 + 0-0025 '73 '74 '75 176 Piecium 8-9 7-8 2 90-76 9O'4 c. 3 3 o 46 23-514 o 46 43-206 + 3-1199 + VH5* + 0-0097 + 0-0115 '75 176 m 178 Piscium Ceti 8-9 8-7 I 9' '43 00-78 3 3 o 47 .r75o O 47 4"QI4 + 3-1167 + 2-9706 + 0-0094 0-0057 177 178 179 Ceti 6-5 2 8890 3 o 47 16-398 + 2-9471 0-0078 '79 i So 20 Ceti 87-10 14 o 47 23-122 + 3-0641 + 0-0036 O-OO22 1 80 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N. P.D. 9 Mean *! 8 1 O 00 d ^3* No. Time of Observa- tion. Number < Observatio Mean N.P.D. 1 tl Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. B 00 M 'A Lalande, I " OO l" % I 3 oT "S 1 (J Greenwic 1880. No. 36 84-19 | ioo 31 26-79 19-788 + 0-080 "37 613 136 -37 8 1 -60 8 43 34 37-43 19787 + 0-087 + 0-024 67 '54 1126 -37 138 87-21 3 94 2 7 3.V44 19-786 + 0-08 1 '57 1138 6, 4 270 138 '39 90-12 3 96 56 22-72 19-782 + 0-08 1 1148 619 -39 140 82-64 12 108 35 25-48 '9'777 + 0-08 1 0-034 70 -59 "55 277 IOO 140 141 89-22 3 102 36 29-47 - I9-774 + 0-082 161 1168 630 -4- 142 86-18 3 101 12 31-09 19-769 + 0-083 + 0-113 "' -63 "74 637 282 -05 142 '43 91-22 3 98 29 35-79 19-769 + 0-083 "75 633 -43 -44 91-56 3 104 50 11-21 19-767 + 0-083 '44 '45 88-76 3 112 36 39-12 I9-759 + 0-083 166 1196 286 108 -45 146 90--5 3 90 20 49-38 I9-756 + 0-085 167 "99 291 146 -47 82-92 3 95 '3 55-6o '9-752 + 0-085 '?' 1215 654 294 -47 148 84-94 3 '03 28 35-33 19-749 + 0-085 + O-2I2 73 172 1 220 659 295 148 149 82-49 3 107 i 32-78 19-746 + 0-085 "74 1227 149 150 84-92 3 "3 7 23-17 -9737 + 0-085 '245 306 in -50 IS' 87-21 3 120 47 31-48 19-729 + 0-085 307 '5- 152 90-43 3 92 55 22-62 19-717 + 0-090 1285 -52 -53 90-48 3 97 45 I7-94 19-7I5 + 0-090 -53 -54 83-87 3 108 39 47-69 I9-7I4 + 0-088 1294 '54 -55 87-61 3 90 50 32-92 -97" + 0-091 1296 '55 -56 90-48 3 99 57 '2-51 19-711 + 0-090 1297 73 '56 -57 90-13 3 81 22 43-13 19-710 + 0-092 704 157 -58 90-50 3 80 20 28-45 19-708 + 0-092 707 -58 '59 87-20 3 112 19 21-71 19-708 + 0-089 1304 3-5 119 -59 1 60 85-I5 4 39 37 55-39 -9-707 + 0-099 + 0-015 83 187 1288 118 1 60 161 81-86 '3 83 o 48-33 19-702 + 0-093 + 0-037 85 192 1312 7'4 3'8 120 161 162 90-55 3 in 45 0-48 19-690 + 0-091 '344 162 -63 82-62 3 "4 44 5'39 19-688 + 0-090 1348 322 -63 164 84-28 3 104 9 28-87 19-687 + 0-092 198 1349 729 324 '23 164 -6S 90-47 3 "3 57 41-43 19-682 + 0-091 1363 326 '65 166 86-23 3 90 49 24-40 19-680 + 0-094 1361 732 1 66 167 90-87 3 78 46 4-27 -9-677 + 0-096 734 167 1 68 87-88 3 101 14 12-19 19-674 + 0-094 + 0-225 89 201 1374 740 328 1 68 169 90-78 3 106 28 40-12 19-672 + 0-093 -385 169 170 90-78 3 80 ii 15-05 19-671 + 0-097 1378 743 170 '7- 8-83 3 95 38 3-72 19-658 + 0-096 + O'IOO '45 759 171 172 84-95 3 ioo o 15-84 19-654 + 0-096 210 1421 767 172 -73 90-55 3 77 48 48-34 '9-654 + 0-099 208 1416 764 -73 '74 82-93 4 93 44 29-34 19-652 + 0-097 -424 771 '74 '75 90-76 3 79 59 47-76 19-644 + OMOO 1432 75 -76 90-45 3 76 56 56-46 19-638 + o-ioi '447 78' 176 -77 9I-43 3 8 47 34-99 19-632 + O'IOI -459 789 -77 178 90-78 3 "o 29 33-37 19-631 + 0-097 '78 '79 88-90 3 "4 36 17-13 19-628 + 0-096 -477 342 -32 '79 1 80 84-37 4 91 44 30-49 19-626 + o-ioo + 0-009 93 213 -474 343 '33 1 80 137, 140, 160, 161, 180, are respectively 190, 194, 217, 221, 240 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 138, 140, 142, 146. 148, 161, 164, 168, 180, are respectively 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 84, 89, 91, 92 of the RadclifFe Catalogue, 1860. 171. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 10 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Dbserva- tion. Number of Observations. Mean K.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 181 182 "83 184 185 186 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 193 194 '95 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 2o6 207 208 20 9 2IO 211 212 2'3 214 Ml 216 217 218 219 22O 221 222 223 22 4 22 5 Ceti 7-8 6-7 7-6 8 6-5* 6-7 8-9 8 8 2* 6 7-6 7-8 6-5 7-8 4* 9 8-9 7 7-8 8-9 6 7 7-6 8-7 Var. 8 8-7 7-6 6 7 9-8 6 7-8 7 7 7 7 7-8 8 8-7 8 7 7-6 6-5 2 2 4 I 2 2 I 2 I 4 2 I 2 2 2 I 3 2 19 2 2 3 2 I I I I 3 2 4 I 2 7 i i i 3 90-92 81-61 84-23 91-04 86-58 8r88 91-46 91-22 90-77 87-78 82-92 89-80 90-18 84-68 88-87 87-42 91-48 91-21 84-27 89-5S 90-77 89-73 86-92 84-95 85-91 Si-35 90-84 90-12 84-23 82-89 90-74 91-42 86-21 90-50 90-84 82-17 90-30 90-50 86-85 83-33 91-49 91-44 90-50 83-87 9" i 5 3 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 17 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 4 o 47 40-I33 o 47 48-426 o 48 5'I94 o 48 6-053 o 48 28-495 o 48 44-561 o 49 15-088 o 49 54-543 49 59' '94 o 50 4-194 o 50 8-760 o 50 22-896 o 50 26-214 o 50 30-429 o 5 SS'lo? o So 38-795 jo 43-584 o 51 3-857 o 51 10-685 o 5 1 34' 8 95 o 5 1 36-077 o 52 8-167 o 52 11-725 o 52 13-184 o 52 16-069 o 52 32-576 o 52 41-099 o 52 41-416 o 53 11-461 o 53 I3-339 o 53 18-154 o 53 5 6 ' 8 9 o 54 7-524 o 54 17-742 o 54 26-507 o 55 3-5 2 9 o 55 !5-4 2 3 o 55 18-183 o 55 26-816 o 55 27-665 o 55 28-756 o 55 35-979 o 56 0-781 o 56 10-994 o 57 io-994 + 2-98I5 + 2-94I2 + 3-0475 + 3-I242 + 3-5284 + 3-026I + 3' '344 + 2-9527 + 3-0049 + 3-5768 + 3-0320 + 3-I4I7 + 3-0504 + 3-0111 + 3-0281 + 3-3007 + 3-1355 + 2-9919 + 3-0553 + 3-0712 + 3-I350 + 3-1426 + 2-9651 + 3-0601 + 2-9836 + 5-0535 + 2-9835 + 2-9836 + 3-0376 + 3-0073 + 2-9590 + 3-!53 + 3-1048 + 3-0233 + 3-0582 + 3-0600 + 2-9520 + 3-0164 + 3-0431 + 5-1831 + 3-1324 + 3-1368 + 3-0305 + 2-9742 + 2-8651 0'0046 O-OO82 + O'OO2O + O'OIOI + 0-0659 O'OOOO + 0-OIJ2 0-0065 O-OOjg + 0-0719 + O-OOO? + 0-OII8 + 0-0025 0-OOI2 + 0-0003 + 0-0307 + O-OII2 0-0028 + 0-0030 + 0-0046 + 0-OIII + 0-OII7 0-0049 + 0-0036 0-0033 + 0-4383 0-0032 0-0033 + 0-0015 O'OOIl 0-005 1 + 0-0123 + 0-0079 + 0-0004 + 0-0036 + 0-0038 0-0052 O'OOOO + 0-0023 + 0-4577 + 0-0105 + o-ouo + 0-0013 0-0633 0-0107 0-0089 + 0-0003 + 0-0013 0-0045 + 0-0005 0-0046 0-OOI2 181 182 183 184 185 1 86 187 188 189 190 191 192 J 93 194 98 196 i97 198 199 200 201 2O2 203 204 205 206 20; 208 209 2IO 211 212 213 214 2'5 216 217 218 2I(J 220 221 222 223 22 4 22, Ceti . ... Ceti Piscium 26 Cassiopeia: ... v 1 21 Ceti Piscium Ceti Ceti 27 Cassiopeia: ... y Ceti Piscium Ceti 22 Ceti 3 Ceti 37 Andromedse ... ju. Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti Piscium Fiscium Ceti Ceti Ceti Cephei . ... U Ceti Ceti Ceti 23 Ceti ' Ceti Pisciurn Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Cephei Piscium Piscium Ceti Ceti Sculptoris a 195. The R. A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is i m too small. 203. The magnitude and R. A. of this star agree closely with those of Lalande 1645, but the N. P. D. is 1 smaller. 206. A variable of the Algol type. The limits of magnitude are 7-1 and 9^2 : the period is 2 d I3 h . 224. A star of the 8-9 magnitude precedes 18", and is 2' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 11 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. H U} in i^ j? *3 i pq 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o fc oo oToo If 02 a, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 181 90-92 3 108 14 59-44 19-621 + 0-098 1489 181 182 81-61 4 "5 22 33-29 19-618 + 0-097 1496 346 182 183 84-23 3 95 7 22-57 19-613 + O-IOI 1499 '83 184 91-04 3 79 28 28-15 >9-6i3 + 0-103 '497 807 184 '85 87-39 7 31 37 22-90 19-606 + 0-116 + 0-080 94 217 M90 '85 1 86 8r88 3 99 20 10-07 19-601 + 0-102 + 0-042 98 222 1523 816 352 186 187 91-46 3 77 44 SSHO 19-592 + O-1O6 810 187 188 91-22 3 "2 31 43-63 I9-579 + o-ioi 188 189 90-77 3 i3 8 57-61 - I9-578 + 0-103 1568 833 189 190 84-47 9 29 52 44-64 19-576 + OM22 + 0-015 99 225 1548 138 190 191 82-92 a 97 5 6 30-77 '9-575 + 0-104 230 1575 837 360 141 191 192 89-80 3 ?6 38 38-36 19"57 + 0-108 231 "5?6 839 192 193 90-18 3 94 20 3-15 19-570 + 0-106 1584 845 '93 194 84-68 5 101 51 44-76 - 19-568 + 0-104 + 0-019 103 235 1589 847 364 194 '95 88-87 3 9 s 37 6-74 19-566 + 0-105 J594 830 '95 196 91-17 3 5* 5 50-23 19-565 + 0-114 0-049 IOI 232 '578 '45 196 '97 91-48 3 77 52 56-09 19-564 + o- 1 09 849 '97 198 91-21 3 105 15 42-99 I9'557 + 0-105 198 199 84-27 3 93 19 27-42 '9-555 + 0-107 1617 199 200 89-55 3 90 15 9-40 '9-547 + 0-108 1626 86 1 200 201 90-77 3 ?8 9 54'34 I9-547 + O'lIO 201 2O2 89-73 3 ?6 53 55-73 '9-536 + 0-II2 243 1640 873 '49 202 203 86-92 3 '9 35 37-54 I9-535 + 0-106 203 20 4 84-95 3 92 21 38-61 19-535 + 0-109 1643 880 204 205 85-91 3 Io6 22 52-68 I9-534 + 0-107 1648 205 2O6 8 ''45 "7 8 43 3-48 '9'529 + 0-176 206 207 90-12 4 106 16 45-62 i9-5 2 5 + 0-108 1 66 1 207 208 90-84 3 106 16 40-27 19-525 + 0-108 1661 208 209 84-23 3 96 28 28-23 19-516 + O'HO 1681 890 3O9 210 82-89 3 101 58 25-29 '9'5'S + 0-109 + 0-024 1 06 249 1684 892 376 210 211 90-74 3 no 13 34-83 19-513 + 0-108 1691 '5' 211 212 91-42 3 75 59 2-61 19-500 + 0-116 95 212 213 86-21 3 84 6 36-80 19-497 + 0-114 o-ooo 107 252 1708 911 383 '55 2'3 2I 4 90-50 1 98 55 4-02 19-493 + O- 1 I 2 1718 9'3 2I 4 215 91-14 3 92 36 40-15 19-490 + 0-113 '725 9'9 2'5 216 82-17 3 92 15 3-16 I9-477 + o'"5 1741 926 216 217 90-77 a no 41 1-49 '9"473 + o-ni '754 217 2l8 90-50 3 99 58 0-36 19-472 + 0-114 '753 933 218 2I 9 86-85 a 95 '4 21-59 19-469 + 0-115 1759 935 219 22O 83-86 8 8 37 46-85 19-469 + 0-190 a 20 221 91-49 3 79 24 4183 19-468 + 0-118 255 221 222 91-44 3 78 40 49-50 19-466 + 0-118 257 1760 938 222 223 90-50 3 97 23 30-48 I9-457 + 0-115 '779 948 223 22 4 83-87 a 106 51 19-38 '9'454 + 0-114 1787 224 225 9 2 '54 3 122 8 40-46 19-432 + 0-II2 265 399 225 185, 190, are respectively 242, 257 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 185, 186, 190, 194, 196, are respectively 94, 95, 97, 99, 98 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 12 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Piscium 71 Piscium f Piscium 25 Ceti 8-9 4 8-7 6-5 9-8 8-9 6-7 6 8-9 8-7 I 6 i i i i 2 I I 91-52 85-62 90-88 82-21 91-92 91-46 86-57 91-02 9 I- 54 91-17 84-9S 91-81 9 I- 57 9 I-I 5 84-23 91-22 86-52 90-90 83-14 8578 85-54 91-60 82-86 88-89 88-29 91-44 9'-55 9 -53 87-20 87-00 82-88 9i'55 91-59 86-54 91-12 86-85 82-51 87-52 88-45 92-29 83-86 89-77 88-43 9" '93 83-85 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 10 3 3 3 20 3 3 3 3 o 57 12-913 o 57 14-013 o 57 19-548 o 57 28-597 o 58 3-648 o 59 5-285 o 59 10-632 o 59 16-963 o 59 17-687 o 59 26-641 o 59 35-622 o 59 48-059 59 56-041 i o 0-187 i o 6-132 i o 7'453 i o 7-725 i o 32-807 i o 33-950 i o 36-169 i o 46-413 i o 47-810 i o 47-892 i o 57-167 I I 17-682 I I 24-015 1 I 32-501 I I 33-586 I 33-779 I I 42-011 I I 52-521 I 2 2-737 I 2 5-350 I 2 14-229 I 2 38-093 I 2 42-054 I 2 47-088 i 3 3-260 I 3 7-133 i 3 25-662 i 3 34-408 i 4 21-546 i 4 24-337 i 4 29-530 i 4 40-858 + 3-I644 + 3-II48 + .VM56 + 3-04IO + 3-I5 2 + 3^230 + 3-I028 + 3-1600 + 2-9553 + 2-9387 + 2-9846 + 3-0485 + 2-9896 + 3-I6I3 + 3-0078 + 3-I64I + 3-0987 + 3- .708 + 3-0082 + 3-0009 + 3-I493 + 3-0643 + 2-9122 + 3-5629 + 2-9/05 + 3-0385 + 2-9229 + 3-0581 + 3-0580 + 3-4082 + 2-9094 + 3-1702 + 3-1807 + 3-0069 + 3->833 + 3-1045 + 4-9484 + 3-0034 + 3-4577 + 3-4850 + 3-3292 + 3-'/ 2 4 + 3-5935 + 2-9741 + 3-0103 + 0-0135 + 0-0088 + 0-0116 + 0-0023 + 0-012 I + 0-0011 + 0-0077 + 0-0128 0-0040 0-0052 0-0019 + 0-0032 0-0014 + 0-0129 O'OOOO + 0-0131 + 0-0074 + 0-0137 + o-ooot 0-0005 + 0-0117 + 0-0045 0-0066 + 0-0581 0-0025 + 0-0025 0-0058 + 0-0040 + 0-0040 + 0-0382 0-0066 + 0-0135 + 0-0145 + 0-0002 + 0-0146 + 0-0079 + 0-3359 + O'OOOI + 0-0432 + 0-0463 + 0-0287 + 0-0135 + 0-0592 0-0018 + 0-0008 O-OO7O O-OOgi + 0-0008 + 0-0013 0-0032 O'OOOS O-OOOj + 0-0003 + 0-3860 + 0-0137 + 0-0090 0-0195 + 0-0299 + 0-0125 0-0034 + 0-OI44 + 0-0233 O-O03O 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 25? 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Piscium Ceti 73 Piscium 72 Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 7 9-8 8-7 9-10 6-7 8-7 7 8-9 6 7-8 6* 8-9 6-7 5 7-8 8-7 8 9-8 7-8 5* 6-7 8 8 6 9-8 6 6 3* 4-5* 7-8 2-3 6-7 4-5* 8 6-7 2 I I I 3 i i 2 2 3 I 2 2 I 2 3 2 3 t 4 i 2 2 Ceti Piscium 2j Ceti Piscium 77 Piscium Piscium 28 Ceti Ceti 75 Piscium Ceti Ceti 30 Cassiopeiae /* Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 41 Andromedee Ceti Piscium Piscium 30 Ceti Piscium 80 Piscium e Cephei 31 Ceti rj 42 Andromedae ... Cassiopeise 43 Andromedse ... (3 Piscium 33 Cassiopeia . . . Ceti 32 Ceti 242. A star of the 8 magnitude follows 2 '-5, and is 5" north. 253 and 254. These stars were also observed as one mass, 83.82 I I h I m 33"'9O9 92 19' I2"-5I. 266. Red star. I Jtv AJJU-LilJ: X Hi \_/A J.^i.ljWVJi U-d *-/JC O-L-il-iXOj j.i_i*yv/j r*.i,u. J_ U No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // n o x^. & 1 fl 8 do IE Lalande, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. O oo aToo if CG B. Greenwich, 1880. No. 226 91-52 3 74 27 12-88 I9H32 + 0-122 1818 226 227 83-08 10 82 42 7-12 I9-43I + 0-I2I 0-039 H3 264 1819 970 400 162 227 228 90-88 3 77 32 30-40 19-429 + O-I22 1822 97' 228 229 82-21 3 95 25 29-25 19-426 + 0-II9 + 0-090 US 266 1833 977 404 ,64 229 230 91-92 3 76 39 i.V3i '9-4I3 + 0-124 984 230 231 91-46 3 98 16 3-76 I9-390 + O-I2I 1004 231 232 85-'7 4 84 56 roo 19-388 + 0-124 + 0-004 -MO- 273 1005 417 1 68 232 233 91-02 3 75 38 43-98 19-386 + O-I26 0-046 119 274 1881 170 233 234 9'-54 3 1 08 54 38-36 19-386 + 0-II9 234 235 91-17 3 in 19 21-64 19-382 + 0-II8 >895 235 236 84-9S 3 104 20 53-76 19-379 + 0-120 1897 236 237 91-81 3 93 58 20-90 '9-374 + 0-123 1018 237 2.58 9 I- 57 3 103 29 41-66 '9'37 ' + O- 1 2 I 19 3 1021 238 239 9'-i5 3 75 36 24-75 I9-370 + 0-128 239 240 84-23 3 100 34 4-40 19-367 + 0-122 + 0-028 126 284 1909 1025 422 240 241 91-22 3 75 12 16-27 19-367 + 0-128 1902 1022 241 242 86-52 3 85 40 38-40 19-367 + 0-I26 + 0-119 124 280 I9 5 174 242 243 90-90 3 74 16 29-86 !9'357 + 0-129 1916 243 244 83-14 4 100 25 43-14 - I9-357 + 0-123 O-O2O 128 286 1931 1035 426 ,76 244 245 8578 3 101 34 26-03 19-356 + 0-123 1037 245 246 85-54 3 77 38 0-97 19-352 + 0-129 0-036 12? 287 1930 1038 177 246 247 91-60 3 91 20 15-27 19-352 + O-I26 1934 104! 247 248 83-21 6 114 34 48-86 '9'35' + 0-120 1947 427 248 249 88-89 1 35 37 10-15 I9-348 + 0-145 + 1-580 118 277 178 249 250 88-29 3 106 5 54-21 19-340 + o- 1 23 1961 250 251 91-44 3 95 29 37-89 i9-3.',7 + 0-I26 1962 "053 251 252 9''55 3 112 52 22-14 '9'334 + 0-I2I 1972 252 253 90-53 3 92 19 n-Cio - 19-334 + 0-127 >9 6 5 I57 253 254 87-20 3 92 19 I5'06 '9-334 + 0-127 ! 9 6 5 1057 254 255 88-94 3 46 38 39-12 19-331 + 0-I4I + 0-065 129 290 ! 956 '79 255 256 82-88 4 4 35 i"47 19-326 + 0-122 1982 435 256 257 9''55 a 74 43 25-71 19-322 + 0-132 '974 257 258 9I-59 3 73 10 29-64 19-321 + 0-I32 1976 258 259 86-54 3 IOO 22 26-64 19-318 + 0-I26 O'OII '35 296 1994 1072 438 259 260 91-12 3 72 55 58-9 6 19-309 + 0-134 1999 260 261 86-85 5 84 55 56-26 19-307 + 0-131 + 0-174 136 299 2005 441 ,84 261 262 82-52 9 10 54 42-92 19-305 + 0-204 + 0-015 117 283 1906 182 262 263 87-52 3 too 45 54-66 19-299 + 0-127 + 0-124 I 4 I 300 2023 1086 444 263 264 89-94 3 43 20 41-16 19-297 + 0-145 + O-O12 '34 298 2003 185 264 265 92-29 3 4' 31 56-57 19-290 + 0-147 201 1 265 266 8i-43 6 54 57 45'24 19-286 + 0-I4I + 0-084 140 301 2029 447 188 266 267 89-77 3 74 54 41-46 19-267 + 0-137 3" 2068 H 192 267 268 89-22 3 35 2 6 7-43 19-266 + o'!54 + 0-024 142 307 2049 190 268 269 9i-93 3 104 50 24-66 19-264 + 0-129 2084 269 270 83-85 3 99 29 27-31 19-260 + o- i 31 + 0-047 147 2 2090 2 4 452 270 227, 249, 255, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, are respectively 314, 329, 338, 341, 337, 345, 347, 350, 354 of the RadclifFe Catalogue. 1845. 227, 229, 242, 249, 255. 259, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 270, are respectively 109, no, 117, 119, 120, 124, 126, 122, 117, 128, 131, 129, 132 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 14 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 29? 298 299 300 301 302 303 34 305 306 307 308 309 3>o 3" 3" 313 3H 3'5 Ceti 7-8 7-8 9-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 6 8-7 7-8 9-8 7-8 7-6 7-8 5 8 6* 7-8 7 8-9 6-5 8-7 6* 7-8 8-7 7 8 8-9 7 7-8 6-5 7 8-9 7-6 8 7 6-7 7-6 7 7-8 6-7 76 7 7-8 7 7-6 3 2 I I 2 3 4 4 2 3 I 2 I I I 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 I 2 2 I a i i 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 90-47 9 I- 5S 91-50 90-47 90-5 1 86-92 85-04 85-20 90-84 90-83 91-40 84-91 90-16 86-47 91-26 90-81 90-49 85-92 84-24 84-24 91-84 91-88 89-60 91-29 91-19 90-81 9f57 90-47 90-12 84-23 90-49 g'-S' 85-18 89-81 90-48 84-87 87-80 86-25 90-79 83-84 85-78 86-57 89-26 84-25 85-89 3 3 i 3 3 3 $ | 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 S7'047 i 4 57-988 i 5 7-168 i 5 37-887 1 5 49-703 i 6 4-321 i 6 7-693 i 6 9-705 i 6 46-504 i 6 55-313 i 7 13-298 i 7 15-469 i 7 46-721 i 7 59-001 i 8 5-397 i 8 17-132 i 8 17-479 ' 8 33-703 i 8 49-832 i 8 51-421 i 9 9-292 i 9 12-088 i 9 28-487 1 9 55^95 i 9 56-762 i 10 19-050 i 10 20-014 i 10 36-520 I 10 55-225 I II 1-184 I II 21-038 ' "I 37-535 I 12 10-736 I 12 29-292 I 13 7-677 I 14 10-794 I 14 33-204 I '4 33-39I I 14 45 - SI4 I H 59-55 I 15 0-024 1 15 14-610 I 15 16-035 I 15 44-822 i 16 57-181 + 3-0288 + 2-9590 + 3-I929 + 2-9396 + 2-9774 + 2-9818 + .V0537 + 3''55 + 2-9942 + 3-5386 + 2-9238 + 3-0225 + 3-0512 + 3-1204 + 3-5203 + 3-1817 + 3-0352 + 2-9738 + 3-oi34 + 3' "33 + 2-9985 + 3-0617 + 2-955I + 2-9030 + 3-0748 + 3-1964 + 2-9335 + 2-8873 + 2-9809 + 3-0506 + 3-0521 + 3-1886 + 3-0125 + 3-2076 + 2-8893 + 3-0644 + 2-9468 + 2-9936 + 2-9076 + 3-0438 + 2-9826 + 2-9613 + 3-0583 + 3-0213 + 3' 6 4 6 + 0-0021 0-0027 + 0-0153 O'OO37 O-OOI3 O-OOIO + 0-0041 + 0-0013 o-oooi + 0-0504 0-0045 + 0-0019 + 0-0039 + 0-0092 + 0-0475 + 0-0139 + 0-0029 O'OOII + 0-0015 + 0-0015 + 0-0005 + 0-0048 O'OO22 O-OO5O + 0-0058 + 0-OI50 0-0033 0-0057 O-OOO3 + 0-0042 + 0-0043 + 0-OI42 + O'OOlS + 0-0156 O-OO5O + 0-0053 O'OOlS + O-OOO9 O-OO39 + 0-0040 + 0-0003 O-OOO9 + O-OO5O + O-OO26 + 0-0054 0-0066 0-0059 + 0-0075 0-0047 + 0-0055 + 0-0055 0-0063 0-0092 + 0-0140 0-0004 O'OOIO 0-0013 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 35 306 30? 308 309 3io 31' 312 3'3 3M 315 Ceti Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti 34 Ceti Ceti Ceti Cassiopeise Ceti 36 Ceti Ceti 86 Piscium Andromedse 87 Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti 37 Ceti Ceti 38 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Piscium Ceti Sculptoris Ceti 39 Ceti 40 Ceti Piscium 41 Ceti Piscinm Ceti 42 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti ... Ceti Ceti Ceti 43 Ceti 284. The companion was estimated of the 6-7 magnitude on 1882 September 27. 306. The K. A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is I too small. 311. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 15 Mean "* No. tion. *J Q t ft /, . 1 1 a ^ 1 m 6 M O 271 90-47 3 96 40 15-47 19-253 + 0-132 31 271 272 91-55 3 106 53 32-64 I9-253 + 0-129 2106 272 273 9I-50 3 72 ii 33-9 [ 19-249 + 0*139 2/3 274 90-47 3 109 23 24-74 19-236 + 0-129 274 2/5 90-51 3 104 5 19-82 19-231 + 0*131 275 276 86-92 3 103 25 3361 19-226 + 0*132 2138 276 277 85-04 5 92 50 7-19 19-224 + 0-135 + 0-014 52 10 2136 49 459 277 278 85-20 3 98 30 49*57 19-223 + 0-134 5 1 2/8 279 90-84 3 101 31 28-09 19-208 + 0-134 2164 60 279 280 90-83 3 39 32 41-13 19-204 + 0-157 280 281 91-40 3 in 2 30-93 19-197 + 0*132 2178 281 282 84-91 3 97 22 1-30 19-196 + 0-136 + 0-008 156 '4 2176 67 464 282 283 90-16 3 93 8 1-62 19-182 + 0-138 2184 73 283 284 88-81 3 83 o 22-77 19-177 + 0-141 + 0-051 158 It 2187 75 468 199 284 285 91-26 3 41 9 11-71 -I9-I75 + 0-159 2'77 285 286 90-81 3 74 26 55-50 19-169 + 0-144 + 0-018 161 9 2197 81 201 286 287 90-49 3 95 25 4.V53 - 19-169 + 0-138 86 287 288 85-92 3 104 3 34-49 19-162 + 0*136 2209 92 288 289 84-24 3 98 30 6-84 19* i ^5 + 0-138 0-279 22 2215 93 289 290 84-24 3 98 30 50-17 19*^55 + 0-138 0-279 164 24 2220 95 472 202 290 291 91-84 3 too 33 6-04 19-147 + 0-138 2229 105 291 292 91-88 3 9 1 33 45-88 19-146 + 0-141 O'22O 165 25 2226 104 475 292 293 89-60 3 106 24 1-62 19-139 + 0*137 2238 293 294 91-29 3 112 52 46-93 19-127 + 0-135 2265 294 295 91-1 9 3 89 40 10-32 19-126 + 0-143 2258 ii i 295 296 90-81 3 72 56 47-00 19-117 + 0-149 296 297 91-57 3 108 59 49-07 19-116 + 0*137 297 298 90-47 3 i'4 33 17-31 19-109 + 0-136 229O 486 298 299 90-12 3 102 40 40-38 19*101 + 0*141 2297 127 299 300 84-23 3 93 4 46-10 19-098 + 0*144 + 0-060 -67 32 2300 129 300 301 90-49 3 92 51 2O-IO 19-089 + 0*145 + 0-122 1 68 33 2308 -34 490 301 302 9i-5i 3 74 '3 33-o6 19-081 + 0-151 302 303 85-18 3 98 14 25-00 19-067 + 0*144 0-042 172 38 2338 153 495 303 304 89-81 3 72 o 8-69 19-059 + o*' 54 2339 304 305 90-48 3 "3 35 29-51 19-041 + 0-140 2374 305 306 84-87 3 91 5 12-17 19-012 + 0-150 0-O02 '75 47 2397 164 507 306 307 87-80 3 106 23 20-67 19-002 + 0-146 2416 307 308 86-25 3 100 27 34-45 19-002 + 0-148 2408 196 308 309 90-79 3 III 2 56-25 - '8-995 + 0-144 2422 309 310 83-84 3 93 49 28-35 18*989 + 0-151 2424 202 310 3'J 85-78 6 101 48 51-46 18-989 + 0-148 2426 203 3" .V2 86-57 3 104 28 3-87 18-982 + 0-148 2436 207 3" 3'3 89-26 3 9 1 53 -7 -I 7 18-981 + 0-152 2431 206 313 3H 84-25 3 96 44 6-48 18-967 + 0-151 2 44 I 214 3H 3'5 85-89 3 91 i 30-36 18-933 + -'55 0-002 181 58 2484 523 .V5 284, 285, 300, 301, are respectively 380, 379, 393, 394 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 284, 289, 290, 292, 300, 301, 306, are respectively 142, 144, 145, 147, 151, 152, 157 of the RadclifFe Catalogue, 1860. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A No. Constellation. a 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Mean E.A. h. m. s. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 316 3i7 318 3'9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 32? 328 329 33 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35 35 i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ursee Minoris Ceti . Sculptoris ... Ceti 44 Ceti Ursse Minoris 45 Ceti 37 Cassiopeise... Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti . 46 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 47 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 49 Andromedse Ceti Ceti Ceti 48 Ceti Ceti 98 Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti . 99 Piscium Ceti ... Ceti ... Ceti ... Ceti . 7-0 7-6 7-8 9 7-8 7 8-9 6-7 2-1 3 3* 6-7 6 6-7 7-6 5-6 7-6 7-6 7 7-6 6* 7 7 7-8 7-6 6-7 7-8 6-7 7-8 7 6* 7 7 7 5 -6* 7-6 5* 8-9 8 7 4-3 8-7 7 7 8 87-95 85-55 90-75 82-68 89-55 90-78 91-56 86-23 85-98 87-29 88-76 91-83 85-17 86-93 84-58 87-80 84-89 86-93 90-79 84-21 85-82 90-40 84-89 90-46 88-15 87-83 85-26 9 I- 47 90-89 86-57 88-40 87-96 85-91 91-21 90-76 86-6 1 88-60 9 r -55 91-92 86-22 85-16 9f55 84-24 90-48 88-85 3 3 3 5 2 3 33 3 3 3 t I 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 3 3 3 3 i 16 58-840 i 17 10-370 i 17 38-984 i 17 58-982 i '7 59-885 i 18 20-134 i 18 21-980 i 18 30-474 I 1 8 30-881 i 18 31-458 i 18 37-241 i 18 48-656 i 19 13-214 i 19 16-293 i 19 28-000 i 20 12-582 I 20 17-558 I 2O 24*940 I 20 48-924 I 20 49-541 I 21 25-862 I 21 45-362 I 21 58-904 I 22 6-878 I 22 7-259 I 22 17-585 I 22 25-146 I 22 43-I9I I 22 44-214 I 22 49-596 I 23 30-254 I 23 36-598 I 24 3-331 I 24 15-933 I 24 I9-353 I 24 20-766 I 24 25-256 I 24 56-787 I 25 14-852 I 25 26-496 I 25 35-835 I 25 39-700 I 26 10-892 I 26 15-407 I 26 20-336 + 3-0388 + 2-9148 + 2-9355 + 23-0061 + 2-9231 + 2-8642 + 2-9774 + 3-0047 + 23-1988 + 3-0034 + 3-OI32 + 3-0454 + 2-9405 + 3-0206 + 2-9482 + 3-0364 + 2-9991 + 2-8730 + 3-0647 + 2-9597 + 2-8927 + 2-9911 + 2-8932 + 2-8744 + 2-9771 + 3-05II + 2-8759 + 2-9206 + 2-9650 + 3-5734 + 2-9128 + 2-9875 + 2-9545 + 2-8763 + 3-0206 3-0606 2-9987 3-0254 3-2012 3-0074 2-9607 2-8977 2-8974 + 0-0039 0-0030 O-OOI9 + '7-5758 0-0026 O-0052 + O-OOO4 + o-ooig + 17-7771 + 0-0019 + 0-0777 + 0-0025 + 0-0044 0-0014 + 0-0029 0-0009 + 0-0039 + 0-0018 0-0043 + 0-0056 O'OOOl 0-0033 + 0-0016 0-0032 0-0041 + 0-0009 + 0-0049 0-0039 0-0019 + 0-0003 + 0-0449 O-OO22 + 0-OOI5 o-oooi 0-0035 + 0-0033 + 0-0091 + 0-0056 + 0-0023 + 0-0037 + 0-0141 + 0-0028 + 0-0005 0-0023 0-0023 + 0-0082 4-0-1138 0-0068 + 0-0384 + 0-0013 + 0-0006 0-0003 0-0009 + 0-0017 + 0-0177 335. A star of the 8 magnitude precedes by about 3', and is 3' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 17 No. Mean lime of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t It Process. // Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. n >o >o r^ $ 1 8 00 5 Lalande, 1800. I Ml m d o) 3 2 4> 3 2 5 326, 34 6 > 352, 356, are respectively 364, 366, 426, 424, 444, 452, 455 of the Raclcliffe Catalogue, :S45. 3'9) 3 21 , 324. 325, 326, 352, 356, are respectively 146, 164, 148, 165, 163, 172, 175 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 319. There are 34 observations in N.P.I), above pole, and 46 below pole. The seconds of N.P.D are 56"-45 and 56"-88 respectively. 324. There are 183 observations in N.P.D. above pole, and 264 below pole. The seconds of N.P.D. are 4i"-55 and 4i"-77 respectively. D 18 EADCLIFFB CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 3d 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 37 37' 37 2 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 38 38i 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 39 39 l 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 43 404 45 Ceti 7 8 7 8-9 8-7 7 7-8 6 6 7-6 7-8 6-7 6 7 9-10 7-8 6* 6 7-6 8 7 3 i i 3 3 i 3 3 i 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 i 3 2 I 2 3 i 3 2 2 4 4 84-88 91-40 88-78 92-29 86-56 85-89 89-49 84-56 86-62 84-16 88-22 82-55 84-17 90-43 91-84 89-54 84-24 82-57 82-88 91-22 85-92 83-59 84-94 84-61 89-24 91-19 88-90 84-60 91-26 87-49 86-88 89-49 87-80 91-61 84-93 87-51 86-69 91-36 89-83 85-91 82-55 89-17 84-68 87-91 89-52 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 3 I 26 29-609 I 26 49-404 I 26 54-164 I 27 9-074 I 27 17-811 I 27 34-529 I 28 1-152 I 28 10-560 I 29 15-347 I 29 16-917 I 29 30-605 I 29 38-692 1 29 49-379 I 3 0-439 I 30 23-470 i 3 3I-347 i 30 36-925 i 31 16-013 i 31 38-696 i 31 56-459 i 32 3-281 i 32 7-683 i 32 17-618 i 32 45-231 i 33 4-39 i 33 7-67I i 33 13-852 i 33 36-211 i 33 39'554 i 33 40-125 i 33 44-758 i 34 11-843 i 34 29-329 i 34 41-615 i 35 n-339 i 35 42-388 i 36 18-865 i 36 45^73 i 36 52-770 i 37 3-I9 1 i 37 9-7i6 i 37 20-717 i 38 22-417 i 38 57-333 i 38 59-611 + 3-0095 + 2-9395 + 2-8500 + 2-9301 + 2-8961 + 2-9884 + 2-8417 + 3-0057 + 2-9247 + 3-0362 + 3-0467 + 2-8428 + 2-7478 + 2-9455 + 2-9703 + 2-9045 + 2-9252 + 3-1787 + 3-0642 + 2-8832 + 3-0054 + 2-9806 + 3-0359 + 3-5777 + 2-9168 + 2-9881 + 3-0142 + 2-8598 + 2-9353 + 2-8182 + 3-2234 + 4-3611 + 3-0650 + 2-8394 + 3-0426 + 3-1193 + 2-9579 + 2-8758 + 2-8896 + 2-9834 + 3'03i7 + 2-8640 + 3-0207 + 2-9066 + 2-9550 + O-OO29 O-OOO4 0-0042 0-0009 O-OO23 + O'OO2O 0-0043 + O-OO29 0-0008 + 0-0046 + 0-0051 0-0040 0-0073 + O-OOO2 + 0-0014 0-0014 0-0006 + 0-0124 + 0-0062 O'OO2I + 0-0032 + O-OO2O + 0-0047 + 0-0414 0-0007 + 0-0024 + 0-0037 0-0027 + 0-O002 0-0042 + 0-0151 + 0-1276 + 0-0063 0-0033 + 0-0052 + 0-0092 + 0-0015 0-0017 O'OOII + 0-0026 + 0-0048 O-O02O + 0-0044 O-OOO2 + 0-OOI6 + 0-0180 + 0-0040 + 0-0144 0-0006 0-0064 + 0-0150 0-0039 + 0-0032 + 0-0068 0-0034 O'OOOO + 0-0380 0-1223 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 3?o 3/1 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 38 38i 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 39' 392 39.3 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 45 Ceti Sculptoris Ceti Ceti Ceti Sculptoris Ceti 49 Ceti Ceti Ceti Sculptoris Sculptoris Ceti Ceti Ceti 50 Ceti 102 Piscium TT Ceti Ceti ... Ceti 8-7 6-7 6-7 6 7-8 8-9 7-8 6 9-8 7-6 6 6* 7-8 8-7 7 4-5 7-6 8-7 Ceti Ceti 52 Andromedse ... x Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Sculptoris 105 Pisciurn 43 Cassiopeia ... T5 1^ 1 m 8 oo 'fi Lalande, 1800. I Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 6 _OO 3j OO li & Q-i 6 Greenwich, 1 1880. No. 361 84-88 3 97 17 7-49 18-641 + 0-170 2798 422 361 362 91-40 3 i5 3 30-73 18-631 + 0-167 2811 362 363 88-78 3 IH 12 44-33 18-629 + 0-162 103 2818 605 363 364 92-29 3 1 06 o 57-64 18-620 + 0-167 364 365 86-56 3 J9 32 31-77 18-616 + 0-165 365 366 85-89 3 99 34 49-08 18-607 + 0-171 1 08 2834 442 366 367 89-49 3 114 44 18-67 18-593 + 0-163 + 0-180 2851 614 367 368 84-56 3 97 35 r 5-oi 18-587 + 0-173 2848 453 238 368 369 86-62 3 106 14 25-04 18-552 + 0-170 0-007 210 "7 21)01 620 369 37 84-16 4 94 5 "A? -18-551 + 0-176 2897 37 3/i 88-22 3 92 53 55-95 18-543 + 0-177 29O2 478 37i 372 82-55 3 U4 15 49'3i - 18-538 + 0-166 2921 622 372 373 84-17 3 122 27 16-35 - 18-533 + 0-161 625 373 374 9'43 3 I0 3 56 43-69 -18-527 + 0-172 122 2926 487 374 375 91-84 3 101 15 25-87 -18-514 + 0-174 375 376 89-54 3 108 5 J 9'5 '8-509 + 0-171 + 0-204 29 4 2 3?6 377 84-24 3 105 57 48-04 18-506 + 0-172 0-016 213 125 2 944 630 377 378 82-57 3 78 25 15-80 18-484 + 0-188 0-054 2I 4 126 2951 Soi 248 3/8 379 82-90 3 9 54 33-38 -18-471 + 0-182 2974 5" 379 380 91-22 3 i9 55 57-93 18-461 + 0-172 380 38i 85-92 3 97 19 4-72 -18-457 + 0-179 2994 Si? 38i 382 83-59 3 99 5 s 2-95 18-454 + 0-178 0-070 131 2999 522 640 249 382 383 84-94 3 94 o 2-51 18-449 + 0-181 3OS 525 383 384 86-96 8 46 10 25-25 18-433 + 0-213 + 0-003 218 129 2989 384 385 89-24 3 106 25 51-76 18-422 + 0-176 3.? 2 385 386 91-19 3 99 4 8-85 18-420 + 0-180 542 386 387 88-90 3 96 I? 35-38 18-416 + 0-182 3036 545 387 388 84-60 3 i" 5 9'57 18-404 + 0-174 3047 252 388 389 91-26 3 104 28 47-58 18-402 + 0-178 389 39 87-49 3 "5 34 5.V25 18-401 + 0-171 140 305' 651 39 391 86-88 3 74 9 8'54 18-399 + 0-195 + 0-008 223 138 3041 253 39i 39- 88 14 6 22 3 49'32 -18-383 + 0-262 + 0-005 216 133 3003 254 392 393 87-80 3 90 48 0-85 -18-373 + 0-187 3062 574 393 394 91-61 3 113 28 14-87 18-365 + 0-174 3086 394 395 84-93 3 93 1 39"77 18-348 + 0-187 3091 594 395 39<> 82-85 16 85 4 8-85 18-33 + 0-192 0-005 228 ISO 3111 609 66 5 260 396 397 86-69 4 101 52 6-29 18-308 + 0-184 + 0-420 3137 625 263 397 398 91-36 3 109 44 50-98 18-292 + 0-180 315! 398 399 89-83 3 108 26 43-59 18-288 + 0-181 + 0-030 3153 399 400 85-91 3 99 12 56-21 18-282 + 0-187 3157 643 400 401 82-55 3 94 14 39-24 -18-277 + 0-190 3159 266 401 402 89-17 3 no 43 38-52 18-271 + 0-180 3168 402 43 84-68 4 95 19 S'73 18-234 + 0-191 1 60 3186 6/1 43 404 87-91 6 1 06 31 1-19 18-212 + 0-185 -0-857 233 163 3207 685 267 404 4 5 89-52 3 101 51 9-79 18-211 + 0-188 3202 682 45 384, 392, 396, are respectively 489, 494, 506 of the EadclifTe Catalogue, 1845. 378, 382, 390, 396, 404, are respectively 188, 190, 192, 203, 209 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 36?! 3/6> 38 2 > 397, 399- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 20 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precesa. s. Sec. Var. 6. Proper Motion. 8. No. 406 Ceti 7-6 86'Si 407 408 noPiscium Ceti 4* 7-8 2 87-96 87-70 43 i 39 35'o6o I 3n 46'Q2I +3-1576 -f O'OIII -j- O*OO29 407 408 400 Ceti 6-15 2 8ro2 I 4O 2 7 'DA 3 4:0 411 Sculptoris Ceti 6 7-8 90-44 3 I 40 55-664 I 41 r-,'2.24 + 2-7708 0^0045 410 41 2 Ceti 7-6 84*3.3 I 41 36*2OI 4 1 ? Ceti 8-7 I I 41 7-878 _L 2-o68f; 414 Ceti 7-8 SS'S^ I 41 *i8'4f;4 -L 2-88,2 AlA 41 $ Ceti 2 I 42 IO/Q28 41 ? 416 Ceti 7-6 I I 42 25'KI? _(_ 2*8461 417 Ceti q-8 2 I 42 46*742 418 Ceti 8 3 I 43 33'7s2 4- 2'8O7C 4l8 4IQ Ceti 8-Q 2 I 43 4Q'IQ7 + 2-8708 420 Ceti 7 8l*89 I 45 CO' II 7 42 r 422 423 S3 Ceti x Fornacis Ceti 5 6-7 7 4 I I 8l'89 87-86 3 3 I 44 10-771 i 44 20-607 I 44 4V757 + 2< 9559 + 2-7106 + 0*0022 0-0055 O*OI30 421 422 424 Ceti 7 a 82-64 I 44 53*195 42J. 425 54 Ceti 6-7 I 86*47 I 45 1*689 4- vi82i J.2C 426 Ceti 7-8 2 I 4"i "-4-060 _j_ 3-0228 427 Ceti 7-8 e 88-14 I 46 I*2l6 428 420 55 Ceti Ceti 4-3 7-6 2 86-21 88-06 3 I 46 1-655 I 46 8*092 + 2-9578 + 0-0024 + 0*0003 428 43 Ceti 7 2 86'or* I 46 18*167 4.31 Ceti 6-7 8K'S7 I 46 27*013 _|_ 2-8986 432 433 45 Cassiopeise ... e Ceti 3-4* 6 83-90 84' 24 6 I 46 29-053 I 47 2.4*61 fC + 4-2546 _|_ 3-8822 + 0-0999 + O'OO36 432 434 Ceti 8-7 QO'88 i 47 36*6";o 4- 2-8r-i8 435 6 Arietis ft 22 7 87'*7 I 48 3V786 -\- o'oo-*o 43C 4^6 Ceti 8 I 48 5I'36O 43.6 437 Ceti 8-0 I 48 52'O38 438 Ceti 8-7 i 40 6-8-; s 43.8 4^0 Ceti 8-q oi'sS I 5O c'lei 4?n 44O Ceti 8 i co ^7-?8; 4- 28331 441 Ceti g 44 1 442 56 Ceti R^-AA j_ 3-8063 442 443 Ceti 6-7 8j.-r;8 i *ii 47*28"; 443 444 Ceti 8 91-28 I ft 2 O*4Q7 _(_ 2-8660 44? 58 Ceti 7-6 85-3,4 I 52 23-866 44. C 446 48 Cassiopeise c-4* 86-58 I K2 e*!*7OQ 4- 4*8460 4- o*i6*;-; 0*01 37 446 447 Ceti 7-8 3 i C2 c8**;75 447 448 Ceti 7-6 I f% ^ 21'OCI 448 449 450 Arietis Fornacis 6-7 7-6 I 87-19 8S-i8 I i 53 32'5i i *-^ ^5*162 + 3-2048 + 2'6''OI + 0-0132 449 4 "iO RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 21 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. it *n fi *--. M I *o 1 <3 Lalaude, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 d - o> oo If 03 a, a Greenwich, 1880. No. 406 86-54 3 97 19 8-48 18-203 + 0-191 3205 683 406 47 83-95 8 81 23 45-62 18-189 + O-2O2 0-058 232 i6 4 3212 688 688 268 407 408 8779 3 93 43 17-36 18-182 + 0-'95 3220 690 408 409 83-92 3 96 17 1-83 -18-157 + 0-194 167 3244 696 6 95 271 409 410 88-04 4 "7 53 55-29 18-141 + 0-180 3234 697 410 411 89-93 3 101 8 54-52 - 18-134 + 0-I92 3262 710 411 412 84-33 3 104 26 21-70 18-115 + 0-191 719 412 413 90-89 3 9 23 39-63 18-101 + O-3OO 724 4'3 414 88-85 3 1 08 i 58-97 18-101 + 0-189 3288 414 415 9 I-I 5 3 91 30 18-14 18-087 + O'2OO 3289 729 415 416 85'94 3 i" 23 35-45 18-084 + 0-187 3301 416 417 91-22 | 99 47 20-39 18-070 + 0-196 738 4'7 418 91-26 3 114 25 5-86 18-040 + 0-I87 3342 418 419 91-26 3 109 i 28-92 18-031 + 0-I9I 3363 419 420 81-90 4 101 14 51-76 18-024 + 0-197 182 3352 753 420 411 81-90 4 101 13 50-04 18-016 + 0-197 + 0-085 242 83 3358 754 719 421 422 87-86 3 121 37 10-24 18-010 + 0-I82 721 422 423 84-95 1 97 15 6 '7 ^TWS + 0-201 3379 765 423 424 82-56 3 J 3 25 59-45 17-990 + 0-197 3385 77! 424 425 86-47 3 79 3 4-7 17-984 + 0-213 + 0-031 243 185 338o 767 281 425 426 90-89 3 94 45 47-43 I7-949 + 0-204 34io 788 426 427 88-14 3 93 10 53-92 '7-945 + O-2o6 3413 790 427 428 86-21 3 too 52 43-29 '7-945 + O-2OO + 0-028 247 192 34 l6 794 734 283 428 429 88-06 4 97 25 6-51 17-941 + 0-203 34 ! 9 795 429 43 86-95 3 103 46 42-47 I7-935 + 0-199 3427 798 430 431 85-S7 3 106 ii 31-24 17-929 + 0-197 3436 43i 432 82-24 12 26 52 19-57 17-928 + 0-286 + 0-022 239 184 3375 284 432 433 84-24 3 107 28 13-77 - 17-884 + 0-198 3479 289 433 434 90-88 3 IIO 2 49-29 -17-883 + 0-196 3480 434 435 82-47 13 6 9 43 47'4 6 -17-846 + 0-227 + 0-102 252 202 3494 749 290 435 436 91-56 3 102 IO 8'73 -17-833 + O-2O4 3528 844 436 437 9' 54 3 91 44 29-47 -17-833 + O-2II 3523 843 437 438 9 I> 57 3 96 48 49-02 17-823 + 0-208 848 438 439 9f58 3 99 8 23-12 - '7-784 + 0-208 866 439 440 9r*l 3 in 5 58-91 17-762 + 0-199 359 44 441 91-62 3 94 43 1-63 17-756 + 0-212 3583 875 44' 442 82-60 3 IJ 3 3 51-46 17-726 + 0-199 + 0-030 267 218 36'8 763 442 443 84-58 3 IOO 46 22"OO i7'7"5 + 0-209 + 0-265 3620 886 443 444 91-28 3 1 08 12 51-93 17-705 + 0-204 3631 444 445 83-34 3 92 35 46-36 17-689 + 0-217 O-02O 268 3636 894 7/2 445 446 85-01 6 19 37 36-84 17-667 + 0-342 + O-OO? 258 210 302 446 447 85-94 3 97 36 55-69 17-665 + 0-214 95 447 448 84-94 3 101 50 0-95 17-649 + 0-2II 3667 9'3 448 449 87-19 3 78 14 19-79 17-643 + 0-230 223 3663 912 78, 33 449 45 88-18 3 123 36 9-02 17-641 + 0-igi 783 45 407, 432, 435, 446, are respectively 520, 540, 555, 576 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 407, 428, 432, 435, are respectively 211, 222, 210, 228 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 443. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue, 22 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. a. Proper Motion. B. No. 45i 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495' Ceti 8 8-7 7-8 4-5 7 6-5 7 4 5-6 7 7-6 7 6 6 6 6-7 5-6 7-8 6 9-8 7 7-6 8-9 8-7 7-8 7-6 6 2* 7 8-9 8-7 7 7-6 8 7-8 8 7 8-9 7 9 8 7-6 6 7 7-8 3 4 3 I I 3 I 2 2 2 2 3 3 i i i 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 I 1 2 I I 3 I i i i 3 i i 88-92 87-84 90-10 83-09 86-57 87-79 85-26 88-05 85-19 88-97 83-95 90-47 85-63 88-89 81-92 90-25 86-64 9'57 82-91 91-24 90-59 85-23 91-60 91-21 90-19 84-94 82-90 85-47 91-60 91-99 91-56 90-93 85-61 90-26 87-78 92-03 85-24 9' "93 86-23 91-94 91-40 88-97 81-90 90-60 91-28 3 3 5 10 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 | 3 3 3 I 53 51-806 i 53 5 2 -332 i 53 SS' 1 .? i 54 2-705 i 54 10-717 i 54 35-535 i 54 41-609 i 54 49 -I 92 i 54 59'H 6 i 55 21-831 i 57 17-097 i 57 27-171 i 57 33-I38 i 57 40-569 i 57 40-711 i 57 46-860 I 58 8-020 I 58 9-901 I 58 10-199 I 58 24-705 i 5 s 39-56i i 58 49-878 i 59 "-73I 2 o 10-579 2 O 42-964 2 O 46-254 2 50-996 2 58-363 2 I 3-27I 2 I 11-383 2 I 3O-O28 2 I 35-926 2 I 39-528 2 I 43-571 2 I 59^70 2 2 5I-304 2 2 55-092 2 2 57-616 2 3 2-923 2 3 5-293 2 3 S'553 2 3 20-540 2 3 32-6/3 2 3 3."I94 2 3 36-491 + 2-7960 + 2-7960 + 2-8938 + 5-0235 + 2-9084 + 2-8218 + 3-0287 + 2-8181 + 2-9700 + 2-9703 + 3-0392 + 2-8010 + 3-0679 + 3-2824 + 2-8863 + 2-7742 + 3-0191 + 2-9564 + 3-0625 + 2-8432 + 2-8570 + 2-9270 + 2-9026 + 3-317 + 3-0150 + 2-9442 + 3-0667 + .T3575 + 2-8797 + 2-9980 + 3" ol6 4 + 2-9638 + 2-8307 + 3-2861 + 3-059 1 + 2-7984 + 2-9451 + 2-9887 + 2-9861 + 3-0610 + 3"o6 1 1 + 3-2782 + 2-8455 + 3-0383 + 3-3201 0-0019 0-0019 + o-ooio + 0-1886 + 0-0014 O'OOII + 0-0056 0-0012 + 0-0035 + 0-0035 + 0-0062 0-0013 + 0-0073 + 0-0168 + o-oon 0-0020 + 0-0054 + 0-0032 + 0-0071 o-oooo + 0-0003 + 0-0024 + 0-0017 + 0-0184 + 0-0054 + 0-0031 + 0-0074 + 0-0204 + 0-0012 + 0-0048 + 0-0055 + 0-0037 o-oooi + 0-0167 + 0-0071 0-0008 + 0-0032 + 0-0046 + 0-0045 + 0-0072 + 0-0072 + 0-0162 + 0-0005 + 0-0063 + 0-0183 O'OIIO 0-0019 + 0-0065 + 0-0034 + 0-0038 + 0-0127 0-0185 0-0051 45i 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 Ceti Ceti 50 Cassiopeia Ceti ... 57 Ceti Ceti . ... 59 Ceti v Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 60 Ceti Arietis Ceti Fornacis Ceti Ceti 61 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis Ceti 62 Ceti Arietis 456. A red star. 464. A red star. 468. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is I m too small. W. B. I. 1049. No seventh magnitude star was visible near R.A. 2 1 ' o m 42' and N.P.D. 96 24' on 1890 October 30, and 1891 December 31. 495. Double star: the companion is of the 10-9 magnitude. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 23 Mean "" IQ o" o 8 CO DO ^ rS 43" No. Time of Observa- 1 s Me^n N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. - H oT 1 ~ GO oTco 1 "" li Q) IH No. tion. *! O t li 1 ffi 3 *J | C O 45i 88-68 4 113 27 16-05 17-629 + 0-202 3684 784 45i 452 88-37 4 113 27 21-03 17-629 + O-2O2 3684 785 452 453 90-10 5 105 39 23-74 17-626 + O-2O9 453 454 82-73 10 18 6 41-15 17-621 + 0-357 0-017 260 215 304 454 455 86-57 3 104 24 26-84 17-615 + 0-210 3692 93 455 456 87-79 3 in 21 32-90 -I7-598 + 0-205 0-005 272 231 3710 789 456 457 85-26 3 93 54 6-22 I7-594 + 0-220 3704 942 457 458 88-05 5 111 36 39'49 17-589 + 0-205 + 0-018 273 232 3721 790 309 458 459 85-19 4 99 3 24-18 -17-582 + 0-216 3717 947 310 459 460 88-97 3 99 o 10-22 -I7-565 + 0-216 3731 952 3'3 460 461 83-95 3 92 54 26-01 -I7H84 + 0-225 3788 990 461 462 90-47 3 112 29 46-25 I7H77 + 0-208 3798 462 463 85-63 3 90 24 6-66 ! 7H73 + 0-227 0-032 280 244 3793 994 Sio 463 464 88-89 3 72 16 31-76 17-467 + 0-243 243 379 321 464 465 81-92 3 105 50 9-84 17-467 + 0-214 812 322 465 466 90-25 3 114 24 56-65 -I7-463 + 0-206 3813 813 466 467 86-64 3 94 37 50-94 -I7-448 + 0-225 3811 323 4 6 7 468 90-57 3 99 59 21-66 -17-446 + 0-220 3818 989 468 469 82-91 3 9 52 4-51 17-446 + 0-228 + 0-058 281 247 3808 1 002 816 469 470 91-24 3 109 8 51-42 - I7-435 + O-2I2 470 47' 90-59 3 108 2 30-89 I7H24 + 0-214 3833 47' 472 85-23 4 IO2 23 17-12 I7-4I7 + O-2I9 3837 1017 472 473 91-60 3 104 20 30-69 I7-40I + 0-2I8 1021 473 474 91-21 3 69 55 59-03 > 7^58 + 0-250 3853 474 475 90-19 3 94 53 25-98 I7-335 + 0-229 3886 1048 475 476 477 478 479 84-94 82-90 81-79 91-60 3 3 12 3 too 48 4-58 90 29 24-25 67 3 28-28 105 58 15-15 I7-333 I7-329 I7-324 I7-320 + 0-223 + 0-233 + 0-254 + 0-219 + 0-134 287 253 3890 3888 3870 392 1054 153 830 326 476 477 478 479 480 91-99 3 96 1 8 9-44 I7-3IS + 0-228 1063 480 481 91-56 3 94 44 30-75 17-301 + 0-230 3907 1069 481 482 90-93 3 99 7 49-42 17-296 + 0-226 482 483 85-61 3 109 39 45-32 17-293 + 0-216 3921 483 484 89-93 4 72 29 40-89 17-290 + 0-250 257 3904 484 485 87-78 3 9' 7 5i"!5 17-279 + 0-234 + 0-374 3922 1075 485 486 92-03 3 "i 52 15-55 I7-2 4 I + 0-216 486 487 85-24 3 'oo 33 52-01 I7-237 + 0-227 3953 1097 48? 488 9 1- 93 3 96 59 29-47 -I7-235 + 0-230 1098 488 489 86-23 3 97 12 3-00 I7-23I + 0-230 3957 I 102 489 490 91-94 3 90 57 34-21 17-230 + 0-236 3954 MOO 490 491 91-61 3 9 57 32-05 17-229 + 0-236 3954 1 101 491 492 88-96 4 73 i? 29-14 I7-2I8 + 0-253 395 492 493 81-90 3 108 18 1-25 I7-209 + 0-220 3979 330 493 494 90-45 4 92 51 8-77 I7-207 + 0-235 + 0-017 295 265 3973 4 844 494 495 90-65 4 70 10 22-91 17-206 + 0-256 3959 495 454, 478, are respectively 580, 615 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 478 is 257 of the Kadclili'e Catalogue, 1860. 485. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. tn. s. Precess. B. See. Var. 8. Proper Motion. a. No. 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 5' 5" 5" 5 '3 5M 515 5'6 517 5i8 5i9 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 53' 532 533 534 535 536 537 S38 539 540 Ceti 8-9 8-7 6-7 6-7 8-7 7-8 7-6 7-6 6 6 8-9 5-6* 7-6 7-6 6-5 6-5 8-7 5 6 7 6-5 7-8 7-6 8-7 I I I I 3 2 2 I I I 2 2 I 2 I 3 91-30 9 I- 54 90-26 91-29 90-27 90-49 89-28 8i'9S 84-57 82-60 91-27 85'37 86-62 86-24 88-94 86-14 93-02 86-70 84-64 go'6o 85-58 89-85 81-92 91-60 91-86 91-67 86-89 91-67 90-41 87-00 9 I- 59 9"55 85-28 88-86 85-80 89-27 88-89 89-98 89-89 86-90 91-42 89-26 82-25 85-48 84-25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 28 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3i 3 6 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 59-5I9 2 4 6-480 2 4 31-766 2 4 32-276 2 5 12-765 2 5 25-706 2 5 45' o8 S 2 5 47-478 2 5 58-524 2 6 0-603 2 6 9-652 2 6 19-467 2 6 20-360 2 6 21-642 2 6 38-589 2 7 3-308 2 7 9-482 2 7 10-152 2 7 10-360 2 7 45-554 2 7 53-158 2 8 9-638 2 8 28-544 2 8 46-359 2 8 51-747 2 8 56-920 2 9 30-724 2 9 34-673 2 9 5" -338 2 10 4-073 2 10 13-011 2 10 46-536 2 10 50-038 2 II 29-055 2 II 29-749 2 II 32-911 2 12 0-439 2 12 23-562 2 12 45-3I3 2 13 3*846 2 13 12-544 2 13 45-506 2 13 47-334 2 14 2-794 2 H 9"35 + 2-7729 + 2-8205 + 3-3102 + 2-7522 + 3-3372 + 2-9062 + 2-6901 + 2-8779 + 2-9422 + 3-0439 + .r3475 + 3-74I9 + 2-8415 + 2-8246 + 3-337 6 + 3-2580 + 3-0367 + 3-I75 6 + 3-0367 + 3-3I74 + 2-7934 + 2-7658 + 2-9525 + 3-3619 + 3-0003 + 3-0512 + 3-075I + 2-9708 + 2-9126 + 2-9460 + 2-8596 + 3-5476 + 2-9408 + 2-9056 + 2-9843 + 3-368o + 3-3288 + 3-3S85 + 3-378o + 4-I356 + 4' 1334 + 2-8038 + 3-0277 + 2-7050 + 3-0098 O-OOI3 o-oooi + 0-0177 0-0016 + 0-0190 + 0-0023 0-0027 + 0-0015 + 0-0034 + 0-0067 + 0-0194 + 0-0423 + 0-0006 + O-OOO2 + 0-0188 + 0-OI5I + 0-0064 + 0-OII5 + 0-0064 + o-oi 78 0-0004 o-ooio + 0-0038 + 0-0198 + 0-0053 + 0-0070 + 0-0079 + 0-0044 + 0-0028 + 0-0038 + 0-0015 + 0-0293 + 0-0036 + 0-0027 + 0-0049 + 0-0199 + 0-0181 + 0-0194 + 0-0202 + 0-0686 + 0-0683 + 0-0005 + 0-0064 O-OOI4 + 0-0058 + 0-005I + O-O2OO 0-0030 0-0015 0-0046 + 0-0092 + 0-0049 + 0-0237 0-0032 + 0-0237 + O-OOO8 + 0-0650 + 0-0024 + 0-0036 0-0023 0-0022 0-0200 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 53 504 505 506 507 508 509 5io 5 512 513 5H 515 5i6 Si? 5i8 519 520 521 522 5 2 3 524 525 526 527 528 529 53 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 Ceti 15 Arietis Fornacis Arietis Ceti Fornacis Ceti Ceti 63 Ceti Arietis 60 Andromeda ... b Ceti Ceti 1 7 \rietis fj 19 Arietis 66 Ceti (ist star) 65 Ceti ' 66 Ceti ... (2nd star) Arietis Ceti Fornacis Ceti Ceti 8-7 8-9 7 8 8-7 7 8-9 4-5* 7 8-7 6-5 9-8 -6 8 6 7-6 8-9 *> 1 Var. 6 7-6 2 2 2 I I I 2 2 3 4 I 3 2 I 3 I 2 3 2 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 9 Trianguli y Ceti Ceti 67 Ceti Arietis 22 Arietis 6 Arietis Arietis Persei Persei Ceti 68 Ceti o Fornacis Ceti 538. The limits of magnitude are 1-7 and 9-5 : the period is 332 days. RABCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 25 Mean -s| ra o f 8 8 00 A a " o' ,4* No. Time of Observa- 1! s 3 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. | 00 *H oT d a "o> *oJ *o3 at S ~co '54 3 no 5 29-17 17-184 + 0-219 4005 497 498 90-26 3 71 i 8-26 -17-164 + 0-257 + 0-031 296 267 3988 331 498 499 91-29 3 "4 Si 55-82 17-164 + 0-215 4023 855 499 500 90-27 3 69 8 29-04 !7 -I 34 + 0-260 o-ooo I 4014 500 501 90-49 3 103 26 44-44 17-124 + 0-228 4042 33 501 502 89-62 3 1 18 44 20-21 17-109 + 0-212 4065 86 S 502 53 8'-95 3 105 35 18-02 17-108 + 0-226 457 53 54 84-57 3 '0 33 557 2 17-099 + 0-232 + O-2OO 4060 48 337 504 55 82-60 3 92 20 34-07 17-097 + 0-239 + 0-034 34 9 4055 43 868 505 506 91-27 3 68 31 59-74 17-090 + 0-263 56 507 88-48 4 46 17 5-07 17-083 + 0-293 + 0-019 300 4 4028 507 508 86-62 3 108 15 40-79 - 17-083 + 0-224 4085 58 S9 86-24 3 109 29 40-04 17-081 + 0-223 4089 509 M 88-94 3 69 18 20-87 17-068 + 0-263 0-016 303 II 4063 339 5'o 5 86-14 3 75 '4 8-83 17-050 + 0-257 + 0-016 305 15 4091 62 340 1" Si 2 89-98 3 92 54 40-00 - 17-045 + 0-24I + 0-051 "7 4098 67 343 5 12 5"3 84-68 7 8 1 40 9-98 17-044 + 0-25I + O'OOI 306 16 474 6s 872 342 5'3 5H 84-64 1 92 54 28-95 17-044 + 0-24I + 0-051 308 18 499 68 874 344 5H lg 90-60 3 70 54 4-00 17-017 + 0-263 O-020 309 20 4106 5i5 5i6 85-58 3 in 31 1-39 17-011 + 0-223 4'33 5i6 S'7 89-85 3 113 23 14-66 16-998 + 0-221 4142 Si? 5'S 519 52 $ 522 523 81-92 91-60 91-86 91-67 86-89 91-67 3 3 3 3 3 3 99 34 48-"3 67 53 0-67 95 46 59-52 91 42 47-11 89 47 3.V82 98 5 2-29 16-984 16-970 16-966 16-962 16-935 16-932 + 0-236 + 0-269 + 0-24I + 0-245 + 0-248 + 0-239 + 0-050 4M5 4*36 4i5 6 4'74 89 98 95 1 06 108 5i8 5'9 520 521 522 523 5 2 4 90-41 3 102 33 52-96 16-920 + 0-235 4196 "5 524 525 87-00 3 99 58 44-36 16-909 + 0-238 4202 118 525 526 9''59 3 106 29 21-50 16-902 + 0-232 526 527 82-19 H 56 39 42-37 16-876 + 0-287 + 0-034 3'8 37 4192 527 528 85-28 3 100 19 52-84 - '6-873 + 0-239 4224 131 528 529 88-86 3 102 57 7-77 - 16-843 + 0-237 4255 141 5 2 9 53 82-97 10 9 6 55 45'55 16-842 + 0-243 + O-lOg 321 47 4250 140 94 349 530 S3' 89-27 3 67 5 52-44 16-840 + 0-274 53i 532 88-89 6 70 36 28-20 16-818 + 0-272 o-oio 320 49 4243 350 532 533 89-98 3 68 36 36-89 16-799 + 0-275 533 534 8989 3 67 20 23-60 16-782 + 0-277 4271 354 534 535 88-31 6 34 35 50-44 16-767 + 0-338 535 536 91-62 3 34 40 50-20 16-760 + 0-338 536 537 89-26 3 no 2 28-14 16-734 + 0-233 4328 537 53 82-25 3 93 28 37-39 16-732 + 0-251 + 0-230 329 56 4321 9'7 538 539 85-48 3 116 27 58-99 16-720 + 0-225 0-420 59 4338 919 539 54 84-25 3 94 5' 7-79 16-715 + 0-250 58 4330 184 920 540 57> 5'3> 53 2 > are respectively 640, 643, 680 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5. 5 IO > 512, 5M> 53, 532? 538, 539, are respectively 265, 272, 274, 275, 280, 283, 284, 285 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 500, 504, 521, 539. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. E 26 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. B. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 55i 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 56i 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 57 5?i 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 S8i 582 583 584 585 Arietis 9 Persei Ceti 9 S 8-7 7-8 8-9 6-7 7-8 6-5 7-8 6 5-6 6-5 8-7 5-6 9-8 6-7 7 7 7-6 7 6-7 2 I I I 3 i I I 3 2 I 2 I 2 2 I I I 89-22 87-66 90-42 88-84 86-26 87-01 90-43 84-98 87-79 84-58 86-28 86-92 86-32 81-66 90-65 88-84 86-56 82-89 84-3 90-66 84-20 85-28 88-59 87-66 90-91 91-01 84-27 89-24 86-98 89-80 86-92 9'57 88-55 87-66 88-86 89-50 88-26 85-22 9 1- 95 88-90 88-87 86-89 91-64 82-28 91-69 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 14 24*601 2 14 41-356 2 14 51-662 2 15 0-717 2 15 20-762 2 1 6 6-307 2 16 14-123 2 16 18-462 2 >6 33-328 2 1 6 36-049 2 16 38-5/4 2 16 53-957 2 17 20-273 2 I? 30-481 2 17 36-744 2 I? 46-883 2 I? 53-9 z 8 2 18 49-728 2 18 56-841 2 19 10-879 2 19 23-443 2 ig 24-365 2 19 24-820 2 20 0-431 2 2O 24-764 2 20 32-440 2 20 38-018 2 20 44-724 2 20 46-629 2 21 28-307 2 21 52-716 2 22 0-234 2 22 II-29O 2 22 iS'fuo 2 22 57-411 2 23 4-436 2 23 22-250 2 23 25-70J 2 23 43-700 2 2 4 5-913 2 24 12-682 2 2 4 13-572 2 24 30-101 2 24 53-906 2 2 4 55-081 + 3-3362 + 4-1446 + 2-8747 + 3-3866 + 2-7623 + 2-7940 + 2-9667 + 3-07II + 2-8745 + 3-0543 + 2-9228 + 2-8258 + 3-2100 + 2-7314 + 3-36i2 + 2-8143 + 2-9837 + 3-0246 + 2-8432 + 2-8852 + 2-6942 + 3-0139 + 3-0287 + 4-8708 + 3-0634 + 2-9405 + 2-8978 + 3-3898 + 2-8539 + 2-7826 + 3-0556 + 3-4204 + 2-9713 + 3-1814 + 3-4036 + 3'374' + 2-5384 + 2-9084 + 2-8007 + 2-8852 + 3-4352 + 2-7621 + 3-0328 + 2-7343 + 2-8239 + 0-0181 + 0-0684 + O-OO22 + 0-O204 0-0003 + O-OOO^ + 0-0047 + 0-0079 + 0-0024 + 0-0073 + 0-0035 + 0-0013 + O-OI27 O-OO06 + O-OlgO + O'OOI I + 0-0052 + 0-0065 + 0-0018 + 0-0028 o-ooio + 0-0062 + 0-0066 + 0-1318 + 0-0077 + 0-0042 + 0-0032 + 0-02OO + 0-0022 + 0-0007 + 0-0075 + O-O2I2 + 0-005I + O"on6 + 0-0204 + 0-0191 0-0026 + 0-0035 + 0-0013 + 0-0031 + 0-0217 + 0-0006 + 0-0069 + o-oooi + 0-0018 0-0024 0-0015 0-0026 + 0-0150 0-0009 0-0046 0-0029 + 0-00 1 1 54i 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 55i 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 56i 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 5 6 9 5?o 57i 5/2 573 574 575 576 577 57 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 Arietis Fornacis Ceti Ceti 69 Ceti Ceti 70 Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis Fornacis K Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Fornacis Ceti 7 6-7 4* Var. 8 5 8-7 6-5 6-7 7 9-8 7 4 6 8 5-6 7 8-7 *T 6-5 7 8 6-7 8-9 2 I 3 2 I 2 I 1 2 3 5 i 3 i i 2 I I I 2 2 71 Ceti Cassiopeiae Ceti R Ceti 72 Ceti p Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis Ceti 73 Ceti ? Arietis Arietis Fornacis Ceti Ceti Ceti Arietis ., Ceti Ceti Fornacis Ceti 560. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is i m too small. 562. A star of the 8 magnitude follows I2 S '5, and is i' north. 565. The limits of magnitude are 7.5 and 13-5 : the period is 240 days. 566. A star of the 8-9 magnitude precedes 10'. 580. A star of the 9 magnitude follows about I I s , and is 2' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 27 Mean "o 1 10 I--. o o 8 CO W 0} CQ a. ID " tion. ^0 o , n 1 K 3 1 6 1 54' 89-22 3 70 22 51-03 16-702 + 0-277 54i 542 87-54 4 34 39 2 9'9 6 16-689 + 0-341 + O'OII 326 55 4301 355 542 543 90-42 3 104 55 21-02 16-680 + 0-240 4350 2O2 543 544 88-84 3 67 4 37-70 16-673 + 0-282 544 545 86-26 3 112 37 26-88 16-656 + 0-232 93 545 546 87-01 3 no 25 9-01 16-620 + 0-235 546 547 90-43 3 98 2 46-69 16-613 + 0-249 4386 547 548 84-98 3 90 6 24-95 16-610 + 0-258 + 0-015 333 69 221 934 548 549 87-79 3 104 47 10-66 16-598 + 0-242 4397 230 549 550 84-58 3 9i 23 9'93 '6-595 + 0-257 + 0-052 335 ?o 4394 22 4 937 550 5Si 86-28 3 101 16 39-76 '6-593 + 0-247 4396 23' 357 IS 1 552 86-92 3 108 9 47-41 - 16-581 + 0-239 4410 358 552 553 86-32 3 79 39 54-3I 16-559 + 0-271 447 240 359 553 554 81-80 3 114 18 58-77 16-551 + 0-232 + 0-060 73 4426 942 360 554 555 90-65 3 69 5 8-85 '6-545 + 0-284 555 556 88-84 3 108 51 8-30 '6-537 + 0-239 4436 556 557 86-56 3 96 41 32-51 16-531 + 0-253 4430 250 557 558 82-89 3 93 35 5 8 -75 - 16-485 + 0-258 4452 270 558 559 84-31 3 106 45 13-83 '6-479 + 0-243 4466 559 560 90-66 3 103 47 29-74 16-468 + 0-247 4473 258 560 561 84-20 3 116 20 49-25 16-457 + 0-232 4487 957 561 562 85-28 3 94 23 20-83 '6-457 + 0-258 4476 562 563 564 565 566 567 88-59 84-08 90-91 91-01 84-27 3 10 3 3 3 93 16 41-86 23 5 33-30 90 40 30-44 99 44 15-01 102 47 12-56 16-456 16-426 16-406 16-400 '6-395 + 0-260 + 0-415 + 0-264 + 0-254 + 0-250 0-007 O'OOO 0-003 339 332 343 80 72 87 4475 4412 457 45'5 283 34 307 956 968 365 563 564 565 566 567 568 89-24 3 67 37 0-07 16-389 + 0-292 568 569 86-98 3 105 50 10-25 16-387 + 0-247 569 570 89-80 3 no 32 27-91 16-352 + 0-242 4552 367 5?o 57 1 86-92 3 91 14 46-28 16-333 + 0-266 4553 324 57i 572 90-13 4 65 5 1 41-96 16-326 + 0-297 4536 572 573 88-55 3 97 25 17-25 16-316 + 0-259 45 6 9 332 573 574 84-83 8 82 I 59-56 16-309 + 0-277 + O'OOI 347 94 4557 329 973 369 574 575 88-86 4 6? i 19-55 16-277 + 0-297 4572 37i 575 576 89-50 3 68 53 48-93 16-271 + 0-295 576 577 88-26 3 124 18 16-48 16-255 + 0-224 99 981 577 5/8 85-22 3 101 50 14-38 16-252 + 0-256 4607 578 579 9I-95 3 109 6 41-56 16-237 + 0-247 579 580 88-90 3 103 24 9-23 16-218 + 0-255 4635 371 580 581 88-85 4 65 '5 9'73 16-212 + 0-302 96 4608 372 581 582 86-89 3 in 31 40-03 16-211 + 0-244 582 583 91-64 3 92 52 55-98 16-198 + 0-268 4644 377 583 584 82-28 3 113 10 23-04 -16-177 + 0-243 104 4670 995 584 585 91-69 3 107 28 1-85 16-176 + 0-250 4668 585 542, 564, 574, are respectively 689, 706, 721 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 554, 574, are respectively 289, 301 of the Kadclifi'e Catalogue, 1860. 5-4. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue, 28 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. H. Proper Motion. 8. No. 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 60 1 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 6,4 6'5 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 Ceti 8-7 7-6 7-6 7 6 7-8 8-7 5-6 5-4 8-9 6-5 8 8^ Var. 7-6 7-6 8 8-7 6 6-5 7 7 6-7 7-8 7-6 5-4 7-8 8 6-5 6* 7 7 7-8 7-6 7-8 7 8-9 7-8 7-8 6 7-6 8-7 7 7 7-6 2 2 3 3 a I 2 I 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 I 2 I 2 I 3 2 2 I t I 3 I I 2 87-5S 85-63 84-30 81-64 90-18 88-88 86-27 85-95 91-01 82-50 88-95 88-89 91-94 90-44 86-89 87-58 89-63 88-36 84-26 80-89 90-36 86-94 90-41 87-30 88-10 90-85 9'54 85-27 9' '95 90-58 90-27 90-90 91-04 91-56 86-94 90-22 90-91 90-93 86-01 84-62 89-63 90-54 86-96 82-95 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 II 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 24 36-672 2 25 7-479 2 25 3I-8II 2 25 34-836 2 25 46-502 2 25 50-I54 2 26 8-567 2 26 33-512 2 26 52-286 2 27 3I-3"5 2 27 34-969 2 28 18-721 2 28 23-466 2 28 26-86I 2 28 35-554 2 28 37-279 2 28 38-352 2 28 38-423 2 29 1-506 2 29 16-900 2 29 30-379 2 29 34-851 2 29 49-074 2 29 54-508 2 30 1-618 2 30 6'o6o 2 30 25-208 2 30 25-574 2 30 35-029 2 30 3r938 2 30 39-969 2 30 48-239 2 30 56-676 2 30 57-435 2 31 3-422 2 31 20-447 2 31 32-221 2 31 33-75I 2 31 46-300 2 32 9- 2 38 2 32 45-802 2 33 8-065 2 33 30-352 2 33 35'594 2 33 47 - 434 + 2-9961 + 3-0693 + 2-7354 + 2-5455 + 4-0824 + 2-8503 + .V39 16 + 3-0513 + 2-8474 + 2-9428 + 5-5929 + 3-4383 + 3-4063 + 2-8769 + 2-7709 + 2-8888 + 2-9859 + 2-9859 + 2-6291 + 2-9537 + 2-5334 + 2-7377 + 3-0152 + 2-8118 + 2-9314 + 3-I453 + 2-8474 + .V4H6 + 2-9532 + 3-2457 + 3-439 1 + 2-8051 + 2-9039 + 2-7438 + 2-8778 + 2-8507 + 3'4 I 5 I + 3-0321 + 2-7635 4-3-0167 + 2-7136 + 3-2210 + 2-7551 + 2 9350 + 2-9214 + 0-0059 + O'OOSO + O-OOO2 O-OO22 + 0-0583 + 0-0025 + 0-0195 + 0-0075 + 0-0025 + 0-0046 + 0-2052 + 0-0213 + O-Oigg + O-OO32 + 0-0011 + 0-0035 + 0-0057 + 0-0057 0-0009 + 0-0050 0-0019 + 0-0006 + 0-0066 + 0-0019 + 0-0045 + 0-0103 + 0-0028 + 0-0200 + 0-0050 + 0-0137 + O-Q2I2 + 0-0019 + 0^0040 + 0-0008 + 0-0033 + 0-0029 + 0-0200 + 0-0071 + O'OOI2 + 0-0066 + 0-0005 + 0-0127 + 0-0013 + 0-0047 + 0-0044 0-0020 0-0062 0-0045 + 0-0039 0-0130 0-0051 0-0040 + 0-0177 + 0-0087 + O'OO22 586 587 588 589 59 59i 592 593 594 595 59 6 597 598 599 600 60 1 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 6.5 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 Ceti Fornacis Fornacis Ceti Arietis 75 Ceti . 76 Ceti to M d, tion. *0 O / // n 1 3 * g a o 586 87-55 3 95 3i '3'oi 16-174 + 0-265 4658 388 586 587 85-63 3 9 '3 53-87 16166 + 0-272 4661 389 587 588 84-30 3 "3 i 59-53 16-144 + 0-244 107 4692 998 588 589 80-96 I 123 35 52-79 16-141 + 0-227 999 589 590 81-74 4 38 10 38-41 16-132 + 0-361 100 4631 590 591 90-18 3 105 37 23-42 16-128 + 0-254 1 08 4696 IOOI 59' 59 2 88-88 3 68 9 1 0-06 16-111 + 0-301 - - 4679 592 593 86-27 3 91 31 14-71 16-091 + 0-273 + 0-032 354 110 47o8 411 1006 379 593 594 85-95 3 105 43 39-62 16-075 + 0-255 + 0-108 356 "3 4731 1009 594 595 91-01 3 99 ii 8-36 16-041 + 0-264 595 596 82-53 7 17 39 48-94 16-037 + 0-497 O'OI I 348 97 380 596 597 88-96 4 65 35 22-69 15-998 + 0-309 4748 597 598 88-89 3 6? 30 51-41 I5-995 + 0-307 598 599 91-94 3 103 37 56-02 15-991 + 0-260 599 600 90-44 3 no 29 1-68 15-983 + 0-251 4779 600 60 1 86-89 3 102 49 11-63 15-982 + 0-261 4774 445 60 1 602 88-66 4 96 7 8-00 15-982 + 0-270 4773 442 602 603 88-92 5 96 1 11-93 15-982 + 0-270 4773 443 603 604 88-36 3 118 42 56-49 "5-960 + 0-239 122 4836 1024 384 604 605 84-26 3 98 20 24-37 - I5-947 + 0-268 + 0-071 359 121 4800 457 1027 605 606 80-89 4 123 35 52-54 15-936 + 0-231 1028 606 607 90-36 3 112 24 38-29 15-931 + 0-249 4817 1030 607 608 609 610 611 86-94 90-41 87-30 86-26 3 3 3 3 94 i 44-80 107 46 17-70 99 49 55-54 84 53 i.n5 15-914 15-907 15-904 + 0-274 + 0-256 + 0-267 + 0-286 + 0-427 + 0-028 363 362 124 4810 4826 468 476 472 1032 1034 387 608 609 610 III 612 90-85 3 105 25 25-93 -15-887 + 0-260 4837 612 6'3 90-10 4 67 25 38-83 15-886 + 0-310 4808 613 6,4 616 6,7 618 619 9' '95 90-58 90-27 90-90 91-04 3 3 3 3 3 3 98 18 36-62 78 I 46-68 65 49 54-21 108 6 46-56 101 38 46-59 i" 53 3-45 - 15-878 -I5-875 -I5-873 15-866 -15-858 -15-858 + 0-270 + 0-296 + 0-313 + 0-257 + 0-266 + 0-252 + 0-064 + 0-075 + 0-007 365 364 361 129 128 4838 4828 4818 4850 4849 4860 487 492 1037 39 6,4 616 6,7 618 619 620 91-56 3 103 22 35-67 -'5-853 + 0-264 4856 497 620 621 86-94 3 105 8 8-18 15-838 + 0-262 4873 621 622 90-22 3 67 20 53-87 - 15-827 + 0-313 4846 622 623 90-91 3 92 48 48-80 '5-825 + 0-278 4872 502 623 624 90-93 3 "o 35 58-72 -15-815 + 0-255 624 625 86-01 3 93 a 2 21-15 -'5'794 + 0-278 + 0-028 368 138 4893 516 1047 625 626 84-62 3 113 28 13-99 15-761 + 0-252 49'S 1053 626 627 90-83 3 79 50 13-10 15-741 + 0-298 I 4 4909 528 627 628 90-54 3 no 55 50-40 15-721 + 0-256 4934 628 629 86-96 3 99 24 6-32 i5-7'6 + 0-273 544 629 630 82-94 3 100 18 18-79 15-706 + 0-272 630 59. 593. 594. 59 6 - 6 5> 611, are respectively 732, 736, 739, 735, 748, 753 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 593i 594> 605, 608, 611, 615, 616, 627, are respectively 305, 306, 309, 311, 313, 317, 315, 321 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 30 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, B. A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 66 1 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 82 Ceti 8 Ceti 4-3 8-7 5-4* 7-8 6-5 8-9 7-6 6 8 9-8 8-9 7-6 8 6 4-5 7-8 3 7-6 6-7 7 5-4 5* 4* 6 5-4 7-8 7-8 8-9 7-8 8 7-6 8-9 7 6 7-6 8 7-8 7-8 4 8 7-8 7 7-8 7 7-8 i I 3 i i 2 I I 3 i 2 I 3 i i 1 I i 3 i i 2 I 2 4 i i I I 3 3 i i 2 I I 2 I I 3 8733 91-24 87-81 90-56 84-96 91-99 86-92 85-95 91-67 91-90 9''37 89-49 86-25 89-83 86-95 84-60 89-64 82-94 88-92 86-77 88-62 87-96 87-26 9''33 86-57 9>'33 89-20 91-66 83-72 85-80 85-92 89-92 89-92 86-87 88-57 91-68 9'43 91-69 84-28 91-66 21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 27 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 33 50-638 2 34 9'493 2 34 14-563 2 34 50*107 2 34 5'-38 2 34 58-769 2 35 12-451 2 35 35-7 '7 2 35 37-I54 2 35 43-979 2 36 4-402 2 36 15-963 2 36 17-138 2 36 20-877 2 36 41-219 2 37 7-666 2 37 36-004 2 37 55''95 2 38 30-874 2 38 32-171 2 38 53*097 2 38 57'9 10 2 38 59-647 2 39 43-509 2 39 57'99 2 2 40 2-789 2 40 16-326 2 40 18-651 2 40 29-797 2 41 41-065 2 41 45-068 2 42 6-337 2 42 13-690 2 42 21-984 2 42 39-606 2 4 2 5I-555 2 4 2 53*>04 2 43 1-434 2 43 30*5 '6 2 43 3i - 476 2 43 32-056 2 43 37-438 2 43 58-448 2 44 52-340 2 44 54-134 + 3^704 + 2-853I + 2-8902 + 2-8204 + 2-9262 + 2-8493 + 3-0554 + 2 '9954 + 2-7943 + 3-0183 + 2-8377 + 2*8463 + 4-0358 + 2-8219 + 3-0280 + 2-9757 + 2-8543 + 3' 2 539 + 3-2178 + 2-5155 + 2-7760 + 2-7142 + 2-7445 + 2-8963 + 2-9908 + 2-8281 + 2-7204 + 2-9278 + 2-7045 + 2-8727 + 2-9910 + 2-9904 + 2-9777 + 3-5H6 + 2-8005 + 3-0008 + 2-7316 + 3-0796 + 2-9886 + 2-9602 + 0-008 1 + 0-0031 + 0-0038 + 0-0024 + 0-0045 + 0-0053 + 0-0031 + 0-0078 + O'OOIO + 0-0062 + 0*002 1 + 0-0068 + 0-0029 + 0-0030 + 0*0508 + 0-0026 + 0-0094 + 0-0071 + 0-0051 + 0-0059 + 0-0033 + 0-0137 + 0-0125 O'OOIO + O'O02I + O'OOI I + 0-0015 + 0-0043 + 0-0063 + 0-0030 + 0-0013 + 0-0049 + O'OOII + 0-0169 + 0-0039 + 0-0063 + 0-0063 + 0-0060 + 0-0229 + 0-0027 + 0-0066 + 0-0016 + 0-0085 + 0-0063 + 0-0056 + 0-0004 + 0*008 1 + 0-0043 + 0-0330 0-0114 0-0028 + 0-0073 + 0-0164 + 0-0218 + 0-0018 + 0-0032 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 6/3 6/4 675 83 Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 84 Ceti Eridani Ceti . . Eridani Ceti Ceti Ceti 13 Persei 6 Ceti 86 Ceti y Ceti ... ... Ceti Ceti 89 Ceti TT 38 Arietis 87 Ceti ft, Fornacis i Eridani T Fornacis Eridani Ceti Ceti Ceti Eridani Ceti Fornacis 40 Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti Ceti 41 Arietis Eridani Ceti Eridani Ceti Ceti Ceti 647. A companion of the 7-8 magnitude precedes, and ia north. 661. A star of the y-S magnitude precedes, and is south. 662. Lalande's R.A. is i ra too great. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 31 Mean si O 8 o' o 00 H o j I No. Time of Observa o 11 1 & Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var Proper Motion. 5? X oT a I "D H I- t^ 3 00 of oo o -. 02 cL 1 C oo . j 3~ i E Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" oo p S o- W 3- O Greenwich, 1880. No. 676 8.riz 6 75 22 17-61 I5-053 + 0-325 + 0-039 400 192 5280 744 1161 425 676 677 91-41 3 91 8 31-71 15-029 + 0-301 5304 760 677 678 91-72 3 93 2? 5-i5 15-029 + 0-298 53o6 763 678 679 86-93 3 in 27 27-46 15-016 + 0-270 + 0-023 404 202 5321 1164 426 679 680 87-67 4 37 4' 18-51 I4-993 + 0-415 + 0-009 399 190 5268 427 680 68 1 87-80 3 9 8 43 7-83 14-969 + 0-291 5333 777 68 1 682 91-28 3 1 08 48 50-31 14-966 + 0-275 682 683 8S-9S 3 103 12 5673 I4-947 + 0-285 + 0-170 5340 784 683 684 82-60 3 99 53 36-97 I4-932 + 0-290 5499 788 684 685 9'34 4 107 4 12-49 - I4-923 + 0-279 5355 685 686 86-82 3 95 41 58-03 14-918 + 0-297 5351 793 686 687 89-83 3 98 n 53-83 14-892 + 0-294 5374 804 687 688 88-59 3 112 32 25-09 14-882 + 0-270 5383 "79 688 689 90-08 5 112 49 24-36 - 14-865 + 0-270 5399 1183 689 690 85-32 1 loo 53 28-09 14-856 + 0-291 5387 814 690 691 86-99 3 90 29 50-39 - I4-835 + 0-307 5397 820 691 692 87-86 3 95 46 41-88 I4-834 + 0-299 5404 821 692 64'723 + 0-296 + 0-215 4i3 219 545' 863 1204 436 699 700 86-66 3 94 9 19-87 14-719 + 0-304 5449 86 1 437 700 701 82-62 8 ii I 1-51 14-697 + 0-775 0-015 392 191 5271 435 701 702 86-92 3 8 9 59 44-30 14-694 + 0-311 5464 872 702 703 89-52 3 91 i 6-46 14-692 + 0-310 5465 873 703 704 89-84 3 95 9 59-29 - 14-638 + 0-304 887 704 70S 87-57 3 114 18 13-17 14-636 + 0-272 + 0-033 418 225 55" 1219 44i 70S 706 91-64 3 1 06 17 2-94 14-614 + 0-286 5519 706 707 8i-73 12 (>9 S 59-85 14-611 + 0-348 + 0-006 4i5 224 5486 444 707 708 86-20 3 102 26 47-97 14-610 + 0-293 55i8 892 708 709 84'3i 3 93 13 17-60 14-596 + 0-308 55H 895 446 709 710 9'57 3 114 2 56-38 '4-594 + 0-273 0-063 421 22 9 5539 1226 710 711 89-20 4 100 12 58-30 I4-579 + 0-297 5532 902 711 712 90-67 3 95 13 22-84 14-567 + 0-306 907 712 713 90-53 5 81 31 52-63 I4-557 + 0-328 + 0-006 419 228 5529 94 7'3 714 86-91 4 92 54 11-64 14-538 + 0-310 + 0-003 423 231 5546 916 1229 449 7i4 715 82-66 3 97 37 2-54 H'534 + 0-303 5550 920 7iS 716 85-28 3 104 7 18-48 14-503 + 0-292 557 934 716 717 88-61 3 122 56 41-86 14-479 + 0-256 243 1239 717 718 88-51 3 93 18 55-88 14-467 + 0-311 0-009 426 240 5583 945 1240 .718 719 85-94 3 98 5 47-50 14-440 + 0-304 + 0-075 427 242 5591 953 1243 7i9 720 90-61 3 in 7 48-12 M'436 + 0-281 5612 720 679, 680, 70:, 707, 710, 713, are respectively 820, 816, 832, 852, 853, 854 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 676, 679, 699, 707, 710, 719, are respectively 345, 346, 352, 356, 357, 361 of the Radclitfe Catalogue, 1860. 683. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. See. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 721 722 Ceti 8-7 2-3 I 2 90-99 87-17 3 37 2 56 16-547 2 56 31-718 + 3-0505 + 3-1320 + 0-0079 + O-OOgS O-O029 721 722 92 Ceti a 723 Eridani 6-7 I 90-22 3 2 5 6 36-245 + 2-9017 + 0'0050 723 724 Eridani 6-7 2 87-71 4 2 56 42-717 + 2-9594 + 0-0060 724 725 23 Persei y 3* 88-47 3 2 56 49-860 + 4-3129 + 0-0593 0-OOI5 725 726 Eridani 7 ... 91-20 3 2 56 59-205 + 3-7578 + 0-OO27 726 727 Eridani 9-8 I 91-70 3 2 57 2-119 + 2-8561 + O-O042 727 728 729 730 9 Eridani /f Ceti 6-5 8-7 4 I 2 86-92 91-56 83-47 3 3 4 2 57 '8-272 2 57 27-076 2 57 32-418 + 2-9392 + 3-0314 + 2-6551 + 0-0056 + 0-0075 + o-ooi 7 + O'OOOS O-OI24 728 729 730 II Eridani T 73i Eridani 7-8 2 91-40 3 2 58 14-740 + 2-8833 + 0-0048 + O-OO20 73i 732 Eridani 7-8 2 86-96 3 2 58 38-I50 + 2-9791 + 0-0065 732 733 Eridani 8 ... 91-62 3 2 58 42-045 + 2-9943 + 0-0067 733 734 Eridani 8-7 I 91-89 3 2 58 48-647 + 2-6965 + O-OO2I 734 735 736 10 Eridani p* 5-6 7 3 2 82-31 86-56 3 j 2 58 52-225 2 59 48-455 + 2-9398 + 2-9279 + 0-0056 + O-OOJS + O-OO29 735 736 Eridani 737 Cassiopeia 5-4* ... 91-27 3 3 o 1-330 + 6-3640 + 0-238I O-OO3O 737 738 Eridani 7-8 I 88-00 3 3 o 11-578 + 2-7373 + O-OO26 738 739 Eridani 7-8 2 88-89 3 3 o 25-289 + 2-7823 + 0-0033 739 740 Eridani 6-5 I 83-98 i 3 i 6-988 + 2-9640 + O-0062 740 74" 742 743 Eridani Ceti 7-6 7 4-5* 3 3 8S-27 87-82 87H3 3 3 4 3 I 14-639 3 i 38-621 3 2 4-659 + 2-8933 + 3-0355 + 4-00/9 + 0-0050 + 0-0076 + 0-O410 + O-015I 74i 742 743 27 Persei K 744 745 746 747 748 Eridani 7 6 2 85-97 87-23 89-19 89-86 86-62 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 6-820 3 3 8-742 3 3 5.V044 3 4 57-973 3 5 i 9-450 + 2-8315 + 2-5576 + 2-7342 + 3-0690 + 3-2892 + 0-004O + O-OOI 2 + 0-O028 + 0-0083 + 0-0135 O-OO2O 744 745 746 747 748 Eridani Ceti 7-8 7-8 6-7 3 i Arietis 749 57 Arietis 8 4-5 5 85-97 26 3 5 20-340 + 3-4113 + 0-0170 + 0-0095 749 750 Eridani 9-8 2 91-68 3 3 5 22-908 + 2-6795 + 0-0023 75 75i Eridani 7-8 3 89-42 4 3 5 34-077 + 2-8749 + 0-0049 75' 752 Eridani 7-6 3 86-97 3 3 5 44-493 + 2-6380 + O'OO2O 752 753 Eridani 6-7 3 85-98 3 3 5 48-314 + 3-0009 + 0-0069 753 754 Eridani 7 I 87-78 3 3 5 52-754 + 2-8366 + 0-0043 754 755 756 757 Eridani Ceti 9-8 7-8 7-6 I 3 91-03 88-29 84-92 3 3 3 3 5 53-838 3 6 3-710 3 6 10-160 + 2-9140 + 3-057 1 + 2-7861 + 0-0054 + 0-008I + 0-0036 755 756 757 Eridani 758 Eridani 8 2 91-16 3 3 6 37-492 + 2-7754 + 0-0034 758 759 Arietis 8-7 I 90-27 3 3 6 5T77 8 + 3-4507 + O-Ol8l 759 760 94 Ceti 5-6 3 88- SI 3 3 7 9-54I + 3-0452 + 0-0078 + 0-0123 760 761 Eridani 7 i 82-62 3 3 7 18-274 + 2-6976 + 0-0025 761 762 Eridani 6-7 2 87-3I 3 3 8 0-874 + 2-7081 + O-0027 762 7 6 3 Eridani 7-8 I 89-49 1 3 8 25-441 + 2-8274 + O-OO42 763 764 58 Arietis ... ... 4-5* 84-64 3 3 8 34-757 + 3-44i6 + 0-0177 O-0032 764 765 Eridani 7-8 ... 89-91 3 3 9 2-870 + 3-0255 + O-0074 765 722. Yellowish-red star. 731. The N. P.D. of this star in Lalande is 10' too Email. 740. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 12' too small. 750. A star of the 9 magnitude follows 1 1*, and is 3' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 35 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of ; Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. it Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. >rj wi l>. j? T3 s Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 A oToo 1 m S. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 721 90-99 3 91 21 11-14 I4'409 + 0-316 5609 962 721 722 86-16 3 86 20 31-94 I4-393 + 0-324 + 0-073 428 244 5613 9 6 3 1250 455 722 723 90-22 3 100 23 44-49 14-388 + 0-301 5625 968 723 7H 8771 4 96 55 27-72 14-381 + 0-307 5626 9/0 724 725 88-87 3 36 55 29-41 '4-374 + 0-445 + O'OO2 422 234 5565 725 726 91-20 3 1 08 38 26-48 14-363 + 0-287 5647 726 727 91-70 3 103 3 38-25 14-362 + 0-297 977 727 728 86-92 3 98 7 6-60 14-346 + 0-306 0-005 432 247 565 1 979 1257 728 729 91-56 3 92 31 8-84 I4-336 + 0-315 5654 981 729 73 82-96 5 "4 3 21-35 14-33I + 0-277 + 0-037 434 249 5672 1258 458 730 73i 9140 3 101 24 11-75 14-287 + 0-301 + 0-160 5683 997 73i 732 86-96 3 95 40 26-40 14-264 + 0-312 1002 732 733 91-62 3 94 45 33'S 1 14-260 + 0-313 5692 1003 733 734 91-89 3 in 47 28-16 I4-253 + 0-283 576 734 735 82-31 3 98 I 51-88 14-250 + 0-308 0-009 435 252 5699 IOI I 1262 46, 735 736 86-56 3 98 42 11-62 14-192 + 0-308 5722 1030 736 737 81-90 4 16 i 30-87 14-179 + 0-662 + 0-078 41? 237 462 737 738 88-00 3 109 30 27-08 14-168 + 0-289 5738 738 739 88-89 4 107 2 5-69 I4 -I 54 + 0-294 5745 739 740 83-98 3 96 30 50-46 14-110 + 0-313 5759 1054 466 740 741 85-23 4 loo 40 37-89 14-102 + 0-306 5770 10(11 74' 742 87-82 3 92 13 36-58 H-o?? + 0-321 5776 1062 742 743 88-61 4 45 33 36-25 14-050 + 0-423 + 0-160 438 256 5737 1280 468 743 744 85-97 4 104 10 40-50 14-048 + 0-301 + 0-260 5799 1077 744 745 87-23 3 118 15 9-96 >3'9 8 3 + 0-274 267 5854 1288 745 746 89-19 3 109 23 24-10 13-937 + 0-293 5866 746 747 89-86 | 90 12 16-75 13-869 + 0-329 5891 33 747 748 86-62 I 77 22 11-12 13-846 + 0-353 4 5893 36 476 748 749 83-12 6 70 41 23-04 - 13-846 + 0-366 0-005 446 2 5884 1295 475 749 75 91-68 3 112 6 46-21 13 - 843 + 0-289 750 75' 89-42 4 ioi 32 20-39 -13-831 + 0-310 5922 49 75i 752 86-97 3 114 9 25-01 13-820 + 0-285 5935 1298 752 753 85-98 I 94 '3 39-20 13-816 + 0-323 5925 50 753 754 87-78 3 !3 4 53"H 13-811 + 0-306 5931 57 754 755 91-03 3 99 !7 18-58 13-810 + 0-314 54 755 756 88-29 3 9 54 32-7 13-799 + 0-329 5927 55 756 757 84-92 3 106 26 26-72 - 13793 + 0-301 5941 757 758 91-16 3 I 6 59 33-9 13-764 + 0-300 5949 758 759 90-27 3 68 46 4-06 13-746 + 0-372 759 760 88-51 3 91 36 26-98 13-729 + 0-330 + 0-073 450 8 82 13" 483 760 761 82-62 3 in 2 1-58 13-721 + 0-293 5979 761 762 87-31 3 no 26 30-70 13-675 + 0-295 5996 762 7 6 3 89-49 3 104 3 6-07 13-650 + 0-308 6002 5 763 764 84-64 3 69 21 48-59 13-639 + 0-374 + 0-070 451 n 5983 488 764 765 89-91 3 92 44 36-00 13-609 + 0-330 6010 121 765 722, 725, 728, 730, 737, 743, 749, 760, 764, are respectively 862, 858, 864, 867, 866, 884, 898, 906, 913 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 723, 728, 730, 737, 743, 749, 760, 764, are respectively 362, 364, 366, 367, 372, 375, 376, 378 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 73I 744* The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 36 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. *. a Mean ? 1 No. Constellation. a J II Time of fci *.** Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper ~\f . ? No. 3 a J Observa- 1 Motion. 8 *H tion. O h. m. s. 8. a. 8. 766 Eridani 7-8 2 89-34 3 3 9 16*567 + 2-9499 + 0*0061 766 767 Eridani 7 4 83-34 3 3 10 10-912 + 2-9I3I + 0-0054 0*0005 767 768 Eridani 7 3 87-29 3 3 10 17-124 + 2-7050 + 0-0028 768 769 Cassiopeia? . . 5 ... 87-83 4 3 10 18-866 + 5-2I3I + O-II21 O-OO4O 769 770 Eridani 7-8 i 89-94 3 3 10 27-744 + 2-7405 + 0-0032 770 77i 13 Eridani 5 3 82-67 3 3 10 29-383 + 2-9I20 + O*OO54 O-OO2I 771 772 Eridani 7-6 3 85-39 3 3 10 34-55I + 2-9630 + 0*0063 772 773 Eridani 8 2 89-29 3 3 10 44-103 + 2-8039 + 0*0039 773 774 Eridani 7-6 2 84*63 3 3 10 54-840 + 2-966l + 0-0063 774 775 Eridani 7 3 86-23 3 3 10 58-070 + 2-99I3 + 0-0068 775 776 Eridani 7 4 89-80 3 3 ii 0-859 + 2-855I + 0-0047 7/6 777 14 Eridani 6-7 i 86-93 3 3 it 15-846 + 2-9056 + 0-0055 777 778 Eridani t i 89-97 3 3 12 27-705 + 2-6309 + O*OO22 778 779 Eridani 7-8 i 90-19 3 3 12 41-219 + 2-8817 + 0-005I 779 780 95 Ceti 6* 89-63 j 3 12 44-659 + 3*0493 + O'OO79 + o*oi -;6 780 781 Eridani 7-8 2 8892 3 3 13 27-741 + 3-OI59 + 0-0073 w w * s t 782 15 Eridani 5 I 88-27 3 3 13 30-293 + 2-650I + 0-0025 0*0004 782 783 96 Ceti K I 5-6 I 81-77 4 3 13 35-526 + 3-'243 + 0-0094 + 0*0164 783 784 Eridani 7-6 3 85-35 3 3 13 39'695 + 2-7290 + 0-0032 784 785 Eridani 8-7 2 88-89 3 3 13 42-317 + 2-7866 + 0-0039 785 786 16 Eridani r 4 4-3* ... 82-99 3 3 14 37-36i + 2-6638 + 0-0026 + 0-0013 786 787 61 Arietis T' 5* ... 88-85 9 3 14 52-565 + 3-453I + 0-0175 + 0-0008 787 788 33 Pereei a 2* ... 82-50 4 3 16 28-198 + 4-2546 + 0-0483 + 0-0015 788 789 Eridani 5-6 2 88-52 3 3 16 35-531 + 2-62I7 + O-OO24 789 790 Eridani 7 1 89-29 3 3 16 45-497 + 2-6897 + O-OO28 790 79 i Eridani 8-9 I 91-62 3 3 1 6 48-695 + 2-9636 + o 0064 791 792 Eridani 7-8 I 90-63 3 3 16 51-906 + 2-7850 + 0-0039 792 793 Eridani 9-8 I 91-63 3 3 16 55-024 + 2-8263 + 0-0044 793 794 Eridani 9-8 2 91-40 3 3 i? 2-575 + 2-90I7 + 0-0055 794 795 Eridani 7-6 2 89*28 I 3 17 22-189 + 2-6732 + O-OO28 795 706 Ceti 8-9 QI*72 a 2 17 37-75Q + 3"39 T + O"OO77 706 j yv 797 Eridani y 7-6 3 y i 86*oi 3 .' / .' / / oy 3 '7 55-48o + 2-9264 w / / + 0*0058 O'OOOO /y*-* 797 798 Eridani 8-7 i 91-61 3 3 18 0-329 + 2-8612 + 0*0049 798 799 65 Arietis 6-7 I 88*25 3 3 18 5-413 + 3-4509 + 0-OI7I 0-0003 799 800 Eridani 7 3 87-81 3 3 18 15-260 + 2-7452 + 0-0035 800 80 1 Eridani 7-8 02'0't \ 3 18 17*22-; 4- 2*7047 J- O*OOJ.I 801 802 I Tauri o 4-3 2 I yO O 26 O t * *i) 3 '8 53-6.-J7 i i j^ t + 3-2275 -]- w.^* + 0-0115 0-0052 802 803 Eridani 7-8 2 88-28 3 3 19 15*059 + 2*8106 + 0*0043 803 804 Eridani 7 3 89-97 3 3 19 17-103 + 2*7788 + 0*0039 804 805 Eridani 7-8 i 90-23 3 3 19 40-54 1 + 2-9854 + 0*0067 805 806 Eridani 7 3 90-25 3 3 19 51-805 + 2-9822 + 0*0068 806 807 Camelopardali 5-4* ... 87-55 4 3 20 9-879 + 4*8161 + 0*0772 807 808 Ceti 7-8 2 86-82 , 3 21 11-288 + 3*0661 + 0*0082 808 809 Eridani / 9-8 I 91-89 3 3 21 16-413 + 2*7127 + 0*0033 809 810 Eridani ... 7-6 3 83-77 3 3 21 17-788 + 2*7823 + 0*0040 810 766. A star of nearly the same magnitude, Lalande 5998, precedes about 45', and is north. 774. Reddish star. 784. Double : the companion is of the 9 magnitude, follows, and is south. 808. Red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 37 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precesa. Sec. Var. t Proper Motion. 3 n .t-*. M f 1 8 GO s Lalande, 1800. n i"2 f 1 ' ffi s - 02 c, 6 Greenwich, 1 880. No. 766 89-34 3 97 6 44-44 I 3'594 + 0-322 6018 124 766 767 83-34 3 99 ' 39'97 13-536 + 0-319 + 0-060 456 20 6048 i 44 1341 767 768 87-29 I no 25 38-91 13-529 + 0-297 6067 768 769 83-79 6 24 45 3-44 -'3-527 + 0-567 + 0-012 448 7 5954 494 769 770 89-94 3 108 34 54-45 -13-518 + 0-301 6073 77 77' 82-67 3 99 '3 43'32 I3'5'6 + 0-320 0-042 457 22 6056 i 4 6 1345 497 771 772 85-31 4 96 19 32-58 i3-5 + 0-325 M7 772 773 89-29 3 105 12 10-28 13-50 + 0-308 6080 773 774 84-63 3 96 8 10-63 13-488 + 0-326 152 774 775 86-23 3 94 4' 33-6o - 13-485 + 0-329 6077 153 775 776 89-80 3 102 23 32-11 13-482 + 0-314 6085 158 7/6 777 86-93 1 99 33 43-93 13-466 + 0-319 26 6091 164 1350 498 777 7/8 89-97 3 113 55 28-06 - I3-388 + 0-291 6126 1362 7/8 779 90-19 3 100 30 42-47 13-373 + 0-319 6123 190 779 780 89-63 3 91 19 52-65 13-369 + 0-337 + 0-066 46, 3 1 6117 ise 1365 500 780 781 88-92 3 93 14 30-16 13-322 + 0-334 6138 203 781 782 88-27 3 112 54 48-45 '3-320 + 0-295 0-008 466 39 6146 137' 503 782 783 81-77 4 8 7 2 0-55 13'3'S + 0-346 o-ilo 463 36 6136 1372 783 784 85-35 3 i 8 57 33'2o 13'309 + 0-303 6160 55 784 785 88-89 I i5 57 9'" 13-307 + 0-310 785 786 82-99 3 112 9 30-54 - 13-247 + 0-297 0-037 469 43 6189 1377 506 J86 787 89-18 5 69 14 59-15 '3-23 + 0-384 + 0-030 465 40 1378 508 787 788 81-70 4 40 31 51-56 i3''2S + 0-474 + 0-033 464 4' 1392 5'3 788 789 88-52 3 114 i 48-04 '.V7 + 0-295 6248 '395 515 789 790 89-29 3 1 10 43 10-04 13-105 + 0-303 6252 790 791 91-62 3 96 8 25-86 13-102 + 0-333 79' 792 90-63 3 105 51 13-29 13-099 + 0-313 6251 792 793 91-63 3 103 40 4-24 '3-095 + 0-318 6250 265 793 794 91-40 3 99 34 22-98 13-086 + 0-326 266 794 795 89-28 3 in 29 35-98 13-066 + 0-301 6271 795 796 91-72 3 9 1 53 4'5 13-048 + 0-342 271 796 797 85-77 4 98 10 46-99 13-029 + 0-330 + O'2OO 6275 278 797 798 91-61 3 101 44 22-98 13-023 + 0-323 280 798 799 88-25 3 69 35 H'JS 13-018 + 0-388 O'OOI 474 50 6257 520 799 800 87-81 3 I0 7 49 57" 6 5 13-007 + 0-310 6292 800 801 92-93 3 105 1 6 14-90 13-004 + 0-316 6291 KOI 802 83-02 4 81 21 31-02 12-963 + 0-365 + 0-068 477 55 6287 294 1407 523 802 803 88-28 3 104 22 59-41 12-940 + 0-319 6312 308 803 804 89-97 3 106 2 25-82 12-938 + 0-315 804 805 90-23 3 94 52 8-02 12-911 + Q-339 6324 312 805 806 90-25 3 95 2 38-38 12-899 + 0-339 6330 318 806 807 83-90 8 30 26 37-29 -12-879 + 0-544 5t 6264 807 808 86-82 3 90 21 33-22 12-810 + 0-350 6372 339 808 809 91-89 3 109 16 35-26 12-805 + 0-310 6388 809 810 83-77 3 105 44 56-21 12-803 + 0-318 6386 810 769, 771, 777, 787, 788, 802, 807, are respectively 914, 921, 923, 936, 937, 955, 956 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 769, 771, 777, 780, 783, 787, 788, 802, arc respectively 379, 380, 381, 382, 385, 387, 389, 393 of the Kadclifle Catalogue, 1860. 797. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 38 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, E.A. d *O S Mean O S No. Constellation. s t. -2 Time of ** O 11 Mean E.A. Process. Sec. Var. Proper No. i S . Observa- S | Motion. s ^H tion. !?- h. m. s. 8. S. B. 811 Eridani 6-7 89*27 4 3 21 43-793 + 2-53I3 + 0-0020 811 812 Eridani 8 91*06 i 3 21 49-125 + 3-0093 + O-OO72 812 813 Eridani 7 i 84*69 3 3 22 33-I08 + 2-8004 + 0-0043 813 814 Eridani 6 3 83-07 3 3 22 46-185 + 2-8589 + O-OO49 814 815 35 Persei or :* 8V78 1 3 22 49-245 + 4-2061 + 0-0438 0*0000 8ic 816 Eridani B 6 i 3 i 85-24 o 4 3 24 15-848 + 2-94I5 + 0-006 1 816 817 6-7 88-ic 1 3 24 22-236 + 4-2136 + 0-0436 0*0009 817 818 Eridani 6 2 3 85-62 3 3 24 24-190 + 2-8313 + 0-0047 1 818 819 Eridani 8 7 O1--2 3 3 24 24-596 + 2-6574 + 0-0030 810 820 Eridani 7 2 87-87 3 3 24 28-749 + 2-6951 + 0-0032 ? 820 821 Eridani 7 I 88-62 3 3 24 46-788 + 2-6118 + 0-0027 821 822 5 Tauri / 4* ... 88-69 '4 3 24 47-979 + 3-3046 + 0-0130 O-OO02 822 823 Eridani 7 I 86-57 3 3 24 58*716 + 2-8505 + o 0049 823 824 Eridani 7 I 89-65 3 3 24 59-233 + 2-6324 + 0-0028 824 . 825 17 Eridani 5 2 86-95 4 3 25 9-497 + 2-9729 + 0-0066 0-OO06 825 826 Eridani 7 3 89-23 3 3 25 22-441 + 2-8864 + 0-0054 826 827 Ceti 2 87-24 , ), 25 27-276 + vo-;6Q + 0*0070 827 828 Eridani 7-8 2 t T- 88-78 3 .1 ~j " f l 3 26 22-149 i j *j y + 2-749I i y 4" O'OO^S "I 828 829 Eridani 7 8 QI'*"t2 3 3 26 41-027 + 2*9211 + O'OO"-Q 820 830 Eridani ... 7-8 I y D 90-99 D 3 3 27 38-283 + 3-03I5 i sy + 0*0075 v~y 830 831 18 Eridani c 4-3 2 88-12 39 3 27 44-819 + 2*8901 + 0*0055 0-0675 831 Ml Tauri 6-7 88-60 a 3 27 52-339 + 3*4040 + 0*0152 + O'Oo6o 832 833 Eridani w / 8-9 2 90-96 3 3 28 7-567 + 2*7719 + 0*0041 833 834 Eridani 7-8 3 86-99 3 3 28 39-593 + 2-7798 + 0*0042 834 835 37 Persei ift 5* ... 88-15 3 3 28 40-449 + 4-2380 + 0-0433 + 0-0023 835 836 19 Eridani -f 4* ... 82-64 3 3 28 55-617 + 2-6455 + 0-0030 + O-OOI4 836 837 Eridani 6-7 2 86-19 3 3 29 20-066 + 2-8814 + 0-0054 837 838 Eridani 7 88-91 3 3 29 22-985 + 3-0026 + 0*0070 838 839 Eridani 7-8 I 88-90 3 3 30 19^83 + 2-5847 + 0-0027 839 840 Eridani 7-6 2 85-06 3 3 30 30-092 + 2-9704 + 0-0065 840 841 Eridani 6-7 I 86-05 3 3 30 43-064 + 2-8550 + 0-0051 841 842 Tauri 7-6 2 87-85 3 3 31 8-671 + 3-0767 + 0-0083 O-OOI4 842 843 10 Tauri / I 85-57 4 3 31 '5'499 + 3-0735 + 0-0082 O-OI59 843 844 20 Eridani 5* 86-34 3 3 31 16*663 + 2-7299 + 0-0037 O'OOOI 844 845 Eridani 8-7 I 90-24 3 3 31 28-761 + 2-6900 + 0-0034 845 846 Eridani 8-7 QO-q6 3 3 31 39-691 + 2 '7975 + O-OOA; 846 847 Eridani 7 3 y y 83-10 3 3 32 40-635 + 2-7688 TO 847 848 Eridani 6-7 3 86-95 3 3 33 6-980 + 2-9267 + 0-0059 848 849 Tauri 6 87-ec 4 3 33 12-416 + 3-3835 + O-OI43 840 Vffy 850 Eridani 7-8 3 t DO 87-87 3 3 33 I9-740 + 3-0372 + 0*0075 ^y 850 851 2t Eridani 6-7 2 86-04 3 3 33 35-207 + 2-9601 + O-O064 0-0035 851 852 Eridani 6-7 3 83-04 3 3 34 7-807 + 3-0021 + O*OO7O 852 853 Eridani 6-7 2 88-94 3 3 34 9-719 + 2-8675 + 0-0052 853 854 II Tauri 6 88-95 4 3 34 I2'o86 + 3-5733 + O-OI89 O-OOO2 854 855 Eridani 7 2 90-55 3 3 34 2.V333 + 2-9378 + O-OO6 I 855 833. The magnitude given in the Argentine General Catalogue for this star is 7. 842. Double : the companion is of the 9 magnitude, precedes, and is south. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 39 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. n W5 O *-. f I 8 oo 'A Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 & 4) OO B ** cT 02 0. O Greenwich, 1880. No. 811 9I-37 3 117 42 15-96 "773 + 0-290 1429 Sn 812 91-06 3 93 30 21-72 12-768 + 0-344 351 812 813 84-69 3 "4 44 57'9 Z 12-718 + 0-321 6415 367 813 814 83-07 3 101 40 2-59 I2-703 + 0-328 6420 37 533 814 8iS 87-3I 5 42 23 6-22 12-700 + 0-480 0-019 479 6 4 815 816 86-01 3 97 ' 5 -99 12-602 + 0-339 6462 396 535 816 817 89-58 3 42 21 7-93 12-595 + 0-484 + O"OIO 483 68 817 818 85-62 3 !03 3 I4-39 I2-59 2 + 0-327 6476 397 536 818 819 91-32 3 HI 45 1-85 12-592 + 0-307 6485 819 820 87-87 3 109 56 6-04 -12-587 + 0-311 6486 820 821 88-62 3 113 51 21-06 12-566 + 0-302 6499 1451 821 822 86-41 3 77 26 26-14 12-565 + 0-381 O'OII 486 77 6461 1450 539 822 823 86-57 3 102 i 17-49 12-553 + 0-330 6492 54i 823 824 89-65 3 112 53 3-25 "'553 + 0-305 6503 1452 824 825 86-95 4 95 27 10-40 12-540 + 0-344 0-OO2 487 80 6493 4'3 1453 543 825 826 89-23 1 100 6 29-15 -12-527 -f 0-334 6504 418 826 827 87-24 3 90 51 24-84 12-521 + 0-354 6500 416 827 828 88-78 3 107 9 17-29 12-458 + 0-320 6539 828 829 91-32 3 98 12 50-87 12-437 + 0-340 6544 442 829 830 90-99 3 92 13 56-42 12-371 + 353 6570 466 830 831 82-34 4 99 49 50-80 12-363 f 0-337 o-oi I 493 89 6581 470 1467 547 83' 832 88-60 3 72 31 42-06 12-355 + 0-396 + 0-300 87 6565 548 832 833 90-96 3 105 55 12-42 12-337 + 0-324 833 834 8699 3 105 29 39*94 12-300 + 0-326 6611 834 835 88-92 4 42 10 26-45 - 12-299 + o-494 + 0-038 488 84 6545 551 835 836 82-64 3 112 o 6-54 12-281 + 0-310 + 0-040 495 95 6631 1471 SS 2 836 837 86-19 3 100 14 13-26 12-254 + 0338 6634 506 837 838 88-63 4 93 46 4 6 '37 12-250 + 0-352 6626 502 838 839 88-90 3 114 40 31-79 I2 'i85 + 0-305 6662 I 839 840 841 842 843 85-06 86-05 87-85 8.V57 3 3 3 4 95 2 9 2 7-38 ioi 33 43-67 89 46 17-52 89 56 5!-95 12-173 12-158 12-127 12-119 + 0-349 + 0-336 + 0-363 + 0-362 + 0-160 + 0-501 496 497 98 100 6657 6661 6663 6665 528 536 54i 542 1489 554 840 841 842 843 844 86-34 3 107 49 53-28 12-119 + 0-322 + 0-001 498 IOI 6675 1490 555 844 845 90-24 3 109 44 29-49 12-104 + 0-318 6687 845 846 90-96 3 104 27 32-54 12-091 + 0-331 554 846 847 83-09 4 105 50 44-07 I2'020 + 0-328 6720 847 848 86-95 3 97 45 o'87 II-990 + 0-347 6726 585 558 848 849 87-55 4 73 49 17-21 11-984 + 0-401 103 6705 559 849 850 87-87 3 91 53 4-60 JI-975 + 0-360 6730 589 850 851 86-04 3 95 58 44-94 -"957 + 0-352 + 0-2O2 502 109 6742 595 iS'i 851 852 83-04 3 93 44 54-67 II-9I9 + 0-357 604 852 853 88-94 | 100 47 31-70 11-916 + 0-341 6761 609 853 854 88-62 3 65 i 36-37 I1-9I4 + 0-424 + O'OI I 500 107 6732 1515 562 854 1 855 90-S5 3 97 8 7-64 Il-gOI + 0-350 6768 612 855 815, 817, 822, 831, 835, 836, 851, are respectively 981, 991, 999, 1012, ion, 1016, 1036 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 81 1, 822, 831, 832, 836, 842, 843, 851, 854, are respectively 397, 399, 403, 402, 404, 407, 408, 411, 412 of the liadclifle Catalogue, 1860. 832. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of tlie present Catalogue. 40 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. i <+- W C Mean "3 1 No. Constellation. 1 *a *s l| Time of !' Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. 1 l-s Observa- H _ 3 8 Motion. i fc| tion. *J h. m. s. 8. 8. s. 856 Eridani 6-7 3 85-62 3 3 34 24-067 + 3-0447 + O-OO76 856 857 Eridani 8-9 t 91-78 4 3 34 26-790 + 2-6228 + O'OO3 1 857 858 Eridani 7-6 i 90-67 3 3 34 36-39 8 + 2-7284 + 0-0038 858 859 Eridani 7 i 90-95 3 3 34 37-939 + 2-8573 + 0-0052 859 Mo Eridani 7-8 i 87-28 3 3 34 5'-644 + 2-8942 + 0-0056 860 861 39 Persei 8 3* ... 86-66 4 3 35 S'534 + 4-2467 + 0-0415 + O"OOI2 861 862 Eridani 7-6 2 89-24 3 3 35 6-207 + 2-7717 + 0-0043 862 863 22 Eridani 6 I 84-71 3 3 35 "-53I + 2-9674 + 0-0065 0-0027 863 864 Eridani 7-8 ... 90-93 3 3 35 11-841 + 3-0220 + 0-0073 + 0-0250 864 865 Eridani 7 2 91-36 3 3 35 I7-346 + 2-6808 + 0-0034 865 866 Eridani 7-8 2 9170 3 3 35 39'9'9 + 2-8236 + 0-0048 866 867 13 Tauri 6--;* 89-26 3 3 35 58-228 + 3*45 2 2 4- 0*01 ; <", 0*001 3 867 868 Eridani S 7-6 2 86-28 a 3 36 0-562 + 2-8395 7T ju + 0-0050 868 869 Camelopardali 6-5* 92-04 3 3 36 25-173 +5-1976 + 0-0890 869 870 Eridani 7-6 4 87-32 a 3 36 27-513 + 2-6796 + 0-0035 870 871 Eridani 7 i 90-73 3 3 36 47-422 + 2-7877 + 0-0044 871 872 Eridani 8-7 i 9''35 3 3 37 15-526 + 2-9783 + 0-0066 872 873 23 Eridani 8 3-4 2 89-31 14 3 37 58-654 + 3-8779 + 0-0054 0-008 1 873 874 Eridani 6 I 89-15 3 3 38 18-524 + 2-8640 + 0-0053 874 875 Camelopardali ... y 4-5* 82-63 10 3 38 45-I93 + 6-2393 + 0-1601 0-0016 875 876 24 Eridani 6-5 I 85-09 3 3 38 55-256 + 3-0437 + 0-0075 0-0031 876 877 Eridani 7-8 3 87-02 3 3 38 57-010 + 2-6867 + 0-0036 + 0-0150 877 878 25 Eridani 6 3 83-08 S 3 39 I8-997 + 3-0602 + 0-0078 + O-OO2O 878 879 Camelopardali 5* ... 90-90 3 3 39 27-166 + 5-437 + 0-1015 879 880 8 7 QI'QO a 3 2O 30-^83 +2-6428 4- O'OO 1A. 880 88 1 Eridani 7-8 i y y v 89-55 3 O 3y O v S O 3 40 27-038 i u^*-j + 2-7639 |- *-* UV -'J*T + 0-0043 88 1 882 Eridani 8 2 91-72 3 3 40 38-761 +2-8918 + 0-0057 882 883 26 Eridani TT 4-5 3 85-69 3 3 4 56-435 + 2-8301 + 0-0049 + 0-OOO2 883 884 Eridani 7 3 86-82 3 3 40 56-721 + 2-8744 + 0-0054 884 885 25 Tauri ij 3* 86-84 '7 3 40 56-747 +3-5560 + 0-0177 0-0004 885 886 Eridani 7-8 2 87-78 3 3 4' 49-907 + 2-7811 + 0-0044 886 887 27 Eridani T' 4-5 I 86-36 a 3 42 6-854 +2-5916 + 0-0031 0-0127 887 888 Eridani 8-7 3 88-91 3 3 42 26-764 + 2-9299 + o'oo6o 888 889 Eridani 7 3 87-08 3 3 42 27-446 +3-0108 + 0-0071 889 890 Eridani 8-7 01-^4. 3 3 42 31*456 + 2-7160 4- O'OO^Q 8qo 891 28 Eridani ? 6 i 7 i>^ 87-90 3 3 42 55-632 i " t y + 2-5756 v v^.}y + 0-003I + 0-0014 "7 89! 892 Eridani 6-7 2 83-72 3 3 43 0-312 + 3-0704 + O-OO79 892 893 Eridani 7-8 3 88-90 3 3 43 24-864 + 2-9298 + 0-0059 893 894 Eridani 7 2 84-08 3 3 43 43' 8 33 + 3-0379 + 0-00/4 O'OOOO 894 895 Eridani 6 1 82-96 3 3 43 44-975 + 2-6420 + 0-0034 895 896 Eridani 8-7 2 89-30 3 3 44 6-285 + 3-0209 + O-OO7I 896 897 Eridani 7 4 84-06 3 3 44 40-908 + 3-0364 + 0-0074 897 898 Eridani 7-8 i 86-96 3 3 44 48-956 + 2-9905 + 0-0067 898 899 Eridani 7-8 i 87- 9 8 3 3 45 '8-125 + 2-6877 + 0-0037 899 900 Eridani 7-6 i 84-37 a 3 46 33-466 + .V0437 + 0-0075 O-OI2O 9OO 866. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes ?*, and is south. 871. A star of equal magnitude precedes about 20", and is 4' north. BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 41 Mean 8 U} 8 I . No. Time of Observa- 11 ^ Mean N.P.D. Precesa. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. I 00 4 1 || aToo a -* | I '> o" No. tion. *0 , /, M s i 1 O O 856 85-62 3 91 28 42-15 11-900 + 0-363 6760 611 856 857 91-78 4 112 40 47-25 11-896 + 0-313 6784 857 858 90-67 a '0? 43 I9-34 11-886 + 0-326 6781 858 859 90-95 a 101 18 12-12 11-883 + 0-34' 6777 619 859 860 87-28 3 99 2 3 45-95 11-867 + 0-345 6783 623 860 861 89-14 I 42 33 53-I3 11-851 + 0-505 + 0-037 499 106 6728 563 861 862 89-24 3 '5 34 58-02 11-851 + 0-331 6801 862 863 84-71 3 95 33 59-I4 11-843 + 0-354 0-009 55 116 6792 630 1524 863 864 90-93 3 92 40 54-28 11-843 + 0-361 + O-20O 6788 627 864 865 91-36 3 "09 5 6 59-69 11-838 + 0-321 6809 865 866 9I-70 | 102 58 20-25 11-811 + 0-338 642 866 867 89-26 3 70 39 9-04 11-789 + 0-412 + 0-007 54 US 6795 565 867 868 86-28 3 102 9 28-99 11-786 + 0-340 6832 649 868 869 88-03 4 27 o 11-48 "'757 + 0-619 105 6723 566 869 870 87-32 a 109 56 17-31 II- 755 + 0-322 6861 870 871 90-73 3 104 42 56-97 11-731 + 0-335 6868 667 87' 872 91-35 3 94 57 25-73 11-697 + 0-358 6870 673 872 873 89-43 4 100 8 IQ-OI 11-646 + 0-347 0-743 5'5 '34 6899 687 1548 574 873 874 89-I5 3 100 50 3-56 11-622 + 0-345 138 6912 698 '552 874 875 82-27 12 19 o 27-84 11-591 + 0-748 + 0-051 in 6746 575 875 876 85-09 3 9' 3 37-37 11-580 + 0-367 0-003 517 '43 706 1558 876 877 87-02 3 109 27 49-96 "'577 + 0-325 0-160 6938 877 878 83-08 3 90 38 34-97 ii-SS' + 0-370 O'OI2 5'8 '45 6934 7'4 1561 580 878 879 87-89 3 24 48 54-20 ii-54i + 0-653 121 6817 578 879 880 91-90 3 in 27 12-14 "-538 + 0-320 880 88 1 89-55 3 '05 43 3-12 1 1-470 + 0-336 6985 881 882 91-79 4 99 21 9-52 "455 + 0-351 746 882 883 85-69 3 102 26 48-87 "435 + 0-344 0-071 526 '54 6998 753 1574 585 883 884 86-82 a loo 13 35-12 n'434 + 0-349 6994 884 885 81-83 6 66 14 7-28 "434 + 0-431 + 0-040 Si' '52 6965 '571 584 885 886 87-78 a 104 49 12-07 11-370 + 0-339 7024 768 886 887 86-36 3 "3 34 30-59 "350 + o-3'7 + 0-530 530 1 68 7049 1591 588 887 888 88-91 3 97 21 56-10 11-326 + 0-358 7040 782 888 889 87-08 3 93 12 4'55 11-326 + 0-367 7037 889 890 9I-34 3 107 51 48-13 11-321 + 0-332 7052 890 891 87-90 3 114 12 57-14 11-291 + 0-315 0-049 532 173 7078 1598 593 891 892 83-72 a 90 6 36-17 11-286 + 0-375 70S' 790 892 893 88-90 a 97 21 6-26 11-256 + 0-358 7077 805 893 894 84-08 3 91 47 20-17 "-233 + 0-372 + 0-045 S3' 810 1603 597 894 895 82-96 3 in 14 24-83 11-232 + 0-324 7098 895 896 89-30 a 92 39 49-63 11-206 + 0-370 7091 817 896 897 84-06 3 91 51 29-03 11-164 + 0-373 7109 830 897 898 86-96 a 94 13 21-93 ""54 + 0-367 7120 833 898 899 87-98 a 109 4 47-62 11-119 + 0-331 7140 899 900 84-37 3 91 28 44-25 11-027 + 0-375 + 0'02 4 536 7'57 861 '633 900 861, 863, 869, 875, 879, 883, 885, 887, are respectively 1038, 1040, 1039, 1044, 1053, 1074, 1070, 1081 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 861, 863, 873, 875, 883, 885, 887, 900, are respectively 414, 415, 419, 416, 427, 426, 429, 436 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 864, 877. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 875. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." G 42 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 901 Eridani 7-8 I 90-27 3 3 46 33-5 11 + 2-7205 + 0-0040 901 902 Eridani 7 2 86-55 3 3 46 40-507 + 3-0533 + 0-0076 902 93 Eridani 7 2 89-78 3 3 46 41-594 + 2-6300 + 0-0034 903 904 95 906 Eridani Tauri 7-8 6-7 7 I 2 91-70 87-46 86-36 3 4 3 3 46 43-666 3 46 52-633 3 47 4-031 + 2-8289 + SHH 2 + 2-9671 + 0-0049 + 0-0138 + 0-0064 0-0030 904 905 906 29 Eridani 907 908 909 910 911 30 Eridani Eridani 6 7-8 3 85-38 89-71 91-66 87-5I 89-62 3 3 I 4 3 3 47 I5-558 3 47 3I-455 3 47 3I-944 3 47 43-246 3 47 45-108 + 2-9610 + 2-9805 + 2-7499 + 5-2475 + 2-9357 + 0-0063 + 0-0066 + 0-0042 + 0-0833 + 0-0060 0-0022 907 908 909 910 911 Eridani Camelopardali 7-8 6-5* 7-6 2 2 Eridani 912 Eridani 7 3 87-32 3 3 48 3-081 + 2-6056 + 0-0034 912 9 r 3 9:4 9 r 5 Eridani Eridani 7-6 7-6 i 87-24 91-64 91-76 3 3 3 3 48 16-549 3 48 26-022 3 48 45-838 + 2-6914 + 2-7654 + 3-oo8i + 0-0038 + 0-0044 + 0-0069 + 0-0019 913 914 915 Eridani 7 2 916 32 Eridani 5-6 2 85-95 3 3 48 46-056 + 3-0081 + 0-0069 + 0-0019 916 917 33 Eridani r s 4* 91-67 3 3 49 1-709 -f 2-5496 + 0-0031 + O-OOI2 917 918 Eridani 7 I 91-39 3 3 49 J2-I55 + 2-5844 + 0-0032 + O'O2OO 918 919 Eridani 7-8 I 90-92 3 3 49 18-166 + 2-8772 + 0-0055 919 920 Eridani 7-8 3 89-25 3 3 49 54-003 + 2-7656 + 0-0044 920 921 922 923 924 925 Eridani 32 Tauri 7-6 6* 3-4* 8-7 2 83-07 92-29 92-03 92-04 92-05 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5702 3 50 22-050 3 50 28-343 3 50 44-880 3 5 50-578 + 2-8241 + .r5322 + 4-0097 + 2-9144 + 2-6177 + 0-0050 + 0-0161 + 0-0287 + 0-0058 + 0-0034 + O-0004 921 922 923 924 925 45 Persei ... (. Eridani Eridani 8-9 I 926 Eridani 7-8 2 90-96 3 3 5o 52-742 + 2-6666 + 0-0037 926 927 Cassiopeise 8 2 89-31 | 3 5 54795 + 9-0606 + 0-4191 927 928 Eridani 8 2 91-76 3 3 51 8-792 + 3-0351 + 0-0073 928 929 Eridani 7 3 89-72 3 3 5 1 I7-383 + 2-8490 + 0-0052 929 930 Eridani 7-6 i 87-04 3 3 51 20-095 + 2-7921 + 0-0046 O'OOOS 930 931 Eridani 7-6 3 86-28 3 3 51 21-360 + 2-8715 + 0-0054 931 932 Cassiopeia 6 i 82-55 7 3 5 39'oi9 + 97659 + 0-5072 932 933 934 935 46 Persei f 34 Eridani y l 4* 3 7-8 5 2 92-34 86-26 89-93 3 43 3 3 5i 49-495 3 52 53-7i8 3 53 6-168 + 3-8800 + 2-7929 + 3-0136 + 0-0246 + 0-0047 + 0-0069 0-0006 + 0-O029 933 934 935 Eridani 936 Eridani 6 3 85-03 3 3 53 27-067 + 2-9573 + 0-0063 O'OO3O 936 937 Eridani 6-5 i 87-63 3 3 54 20-585 + 2-8115 + 0-0048 937 938 Eridani 7-8 90-31 3 3 54 34'39 r + 2-6424 + 0-0037 938 939 35 Tauri X Var. 86-39 3 3 54 35-I78 + 3-3189 + Q-OI 14 0-0014 939 940 Eridani 8-7 i 91-97 3 3 54 49'S 1 ? + 2-6963 + 0-0039 940 941 942 943 944 945 Eridani Tauri 8 9-8 7-8 5 8 2 2 I 9'75 92-35 87-06 86-66 92-22 3 | 3 3 3 3 54 49-946 3 55 5-769 3 55 6-513 3 55 T 4-oi6 3 55 45'68o + 2-7209 + 3-5407 + 2-6664 + 2-5555 + 3-5379 + 0-0041 + 0-0157 + 0-0038 + 0-0032 + 0-0156 o'oooi 94 1 942 943 944 945 . Eridani 36 Eridani T* Tauri 915. Blue star. 916. Reddish-yellow star. 930. Red star. 934. Reddish star. 939. A variable of the Algol type : the limits of magnitude are 3*4 and 4' 2 : the period is 3"* 23*. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. Mean *- a 10 U) " o o A o No. Time of Observa- g |'| Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 5 00 "3 "o3 *"3 ^ 00 aj-oo Ic 1" 1" No. tion. i!g 1 '& 1 *3 U & Off, " " " ff h-1 901 90-27 3 107 29 45-21 11-027 + 0-336 7 "73 901 902 86-55 3 90 59 9-06 11-019 + 0-377 7'59 866 902 903 89-78 3 "i 36 36-35 11-017 + 0-325 903 904 91-70 3 102 17 58-08 11-014 + 0-349 7175 871 904 905 87-46 4 73 o 2-97 11-003 + 0-421 187 7153 6O2 95 906 86-36 3 95 23 4-92 10-990 + 0-367 0-030 537 190 7177 875 1640 906 97 85-38 3 95 4i 24-41 io-975 + 0-366 + 0-007 538 191 7183 880 1641 97 908 89-71 3 94 4 1 5I-33 to'957 + 0-369 7191 908 909 91-66 3 1 06 4 14-42 10-956 + 0-341 7202 909 910 87-92 4 27 15 3-86 10-942 + 0-646 177 7103 604 910 911 89-62 3 96 57 4I-59 10-940 + 0-364 7201 892 911 912 87-32 3 112 36 20-54 10-918 + 0-323 7217 1644 912 9'3 87-24 3 108 45 43-10 10-902 + 0-334 7222 913 914 91-64 3 105 17 50-85 10-890 + 0-343 7226 914 9i5 90-36 3 93 16 42-34 10-866 + 0-373 + 0-003 909 606 9i5 916 85-95 3 93 16 49-47 10-866 + 0-373 + 0-003 540 195 7224 908 1648 607 916 9 1 ? 91-67 3 114 56 17-72 10-846 + 0-317 + 0-006 543 198 7241 1649 9 1 / 918 91-39 3 113 27 12-43 10-834 + 0-322 + 0-310 7260 1651 918 919 90-92 3 99 So 41-30 10-826 + 0-358 7245 924 919 920 89-25 3 105 13 44-72 10-782 + 0-345 7272 920 921 83-07 3 102 25 15-05 10-767 + 0-352 7273 935 921 922 92-29 3 67 50 22-33 10-747 + 0-440 197 7248 922 923 87-67 3 50 1 8 30-44 10-740 + 0-499 + 0-01 6 539 196 7231 610 923 924 92-04 I 97 57 46-89 10-719 + 0-364 7289 945 924 925 92-05 3 in 55 6-81 10-712 + 0-327 7298 925 926 90-96 3 109 45 2i-ii 10-709 + o-333 7306 926 927 89-31 3 10 41 20-66 10-708 + 1-122 927 928 91-76 3 9i 53 30-41 10-690 + 0-379 7297 951 928 929 89-72 1 101 10 26-42 10-679 + 0-356 7316 963 929 930 87-04 3 103 55 5-04 10-676 + 0-349 0-015 544 205 7.P4 967 1672 930 93i 86-28 3 100 4 15-80 10-675 + 0-359 965 931 932 82-56 7 9 36 20-52 10-652 + I-2II 1 60 7012 611 932 933 89-66 3 54 3i 33-oo 10-639 + 0-484 + 0-013 542 201 7279 613 933 934 82-73 14 103 49 19-04 10-560 + 0-35I + 0-106 546 210 7376 1009 1683 616 9.H 935 89-93 3 92 58 i -02 : 0-545 + 0-378 7372 1008 935 936 85-03 3 95 46 46-04 10-519 + 0-372 + 0-150 7384 1018 617 936 937 87-63 3 102 53 12-40 10-453 + 0-354 7422 1039 937 938 90-31 3 no 38 42-67 10-435 + 0-334 7437 938 939 87-69 3 77 49 US' 18 10-434 + 0-418 + 0-009 548 218 7406 1029 620 939 940 91-97 3 108 13 31-42 10-415 + 0-341 7442 94 941 9'-75 I 107 6 15-40 10-415 + 0-344 941 942 92-35 3 67 43 44-03 10-396 + 0-446 942 943 87-06 3 109 33 29-25 10-396 + 0-337 7450 943 944 86-66 3 "4 19 43-59 10-386 + 0-323 O'O2O 55i 221 7456 1693 622 944 945 92-43 4 67 53 4-65 10-345 + 0-447 219 7434 945 907, 910, 916, 917, 923, 930, 932, 934, 939, 944, are respectively 1099, 1089, 1103, 1105, 1106, 1113, 1096, 1118, 1122, 1127 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 97, 9' 5, 9 l6 > 9' 7, 930, 934, 939, 944, are respectively 437, 439, 440, 441,443, 444,445, 447 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860 927 isOioof Fedorenko's Lalande. 918, 936. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 44 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. B. Proper Motion. a. No. 946 Eridani 8-9 2 92-03 4 3 55 49-440 + 2-8728 + 0-0054 946 947 35 Eridani 6 2 84-40 3 3 55 57-691 + 3-0353 + O-007 I 0-0009 947 948 Eridani 7-8 2 89-94 3 3 56 26-304 + 2-5953 + 0-0034 948 949 Eridani 7-8 3 87-58 3 3 56 54-5I7 + 2-6843 + 0-0039 949 95 Eridani 6-5 I 85-93 4 3 56 58-530 + 3-0611 + 0-0074 + 0-0095 950 95i Eridani 7-8 2 89-67 3 3 57 6-468 + 2-6238 + O-OO36 95' 952 Eridani 8 2 92-01 4 3 57 58-239 + 2-9266 + 0-0059 952 953 Eridani 7-8 2 89-33 I 3 58 2-333 + 2-5860 + 0-0034 953 954 37 Tauri A 1 5-4 I 85-07 20 3 5 8 11-507 + .V5330 + 0-0153 + 0-0053 954 955 47 Persei X 4-5* ... 87-20 3 3 53 23-447 + 4-449 1 + 0-04I2 0-0024 955 9S6 Eridani 7-6 2 85-04 5 3 58 33-724 + 2-6424 + O-0038 956 957 Eridani 7-8 I 90-27 3 3 58 34-645 + 2-9735 + 0-0063 957 95 Eridani 7 2 86-39 3 3 58 45-772 + 2-6419 + 0-0038 958 959 Eridani 8-7 I 90-98 3 3 58 49' 10 4 + 2-5400 + 0-0033 959 960 Eridani 7-6 2 91-59 3 3 59 8-285 + 2-7218 + 0-0042 960 961 Eridani 6 2 84-69 3 3 59 I3-877 + 2-8037 + 0-0048 961 962 Eridani 7 I 90-02 3 3 59 21-182 + 3-OI74 + 0-0069 962 963 Eridani 8 9 I- 75 3 3 59 4.V073 + 2-8244 + 0-0050 963 964 Eridani 6-7 2 91-04 3 3 59 50-587 + 2-6356 + 0-0037 964 9 6 5 Eridani 6-7 2 85-65 3 4 o 38-591 + 2-8856 + 0-0056 965 966 Eridani 7-8 I 90-45 5 4 o 39-395 + 2-8556 + 0-0052 966 967 48 Pereei c 4* 87-47 3 4 o 40-675 + 4-3345 + 0-0364 + 0-002O 967 968 Eridani 8 I 92-01 3 4 o 56-I59 + 2-7610 + 0-0044 968 969 Eridani 7 I 84-74 3 4 o 57-161 + 2-6314 + 0-0037 969 97 Eridani 6 ... 89-29 4 4 i 5-334 + 2-4564 + 0-0030 + 0-0135 970 97i Eridani 7 ... 82-38 3 4 i 40-988 + 2-6869 + 0-0039 971 972 Eridani 7 3 86-65 3 4 ' 46-509 + 2-8613 + 0-0053 972 973 Eridani 7 4 87-06 | 4 2 0-211 + 2-8662 + 0-0053 973 974 Eridani 7 2 84-43 3 4 2 5-089 + 2-9440 + 0-0059 974 975 Eridani 7 3 87-31 3 4 2 12-310 + 2-5953 + 0-0035 975 976 43 Tauri to 1 5-6 i 89-05 13 4 2 45-473 + 3-4811 + 0-0137 + 0-OO6 1 976 977 Eridani 7-8 4 88-35 4 4 3 28-607 + 2-8883 + 0-0055 977 978 Eridani 7 4 83-08 3 4 4 0-868 + 2-9036 + 0-0056 978 979 Eridani 8-9 2 91-60 3 4 4 i'9 12 + 3-0322 + 0-0069 979 980 Eridani 6 I 84-69 3 4 4 18-121 + 2-7220 + O-0042 980 981 Eridani 7 I 89-91 3 4 4 I9-407 + 2-9935 + 0-0064 981 981 Eridani 7-6 3 82-38 3 4 4 20-836 + 2-9042 + 0-0056 982 983 Eridani 7-6 2 90-35 3 4 5 o-oo i + 2-6557 + 0-0039 983 984 37 Eridani 6-5 2 86-67 3 4 5 0-520 + 2-9242 + O-OO58 0-OOI7 984 985 Eridani 7-8 ... 91-03 3 4 5 5-7I9 + 2-6622 + 0-0038 985 986 Eridani 7-6 ... 90-27 4 4 5 21-368 + 2-5172 + O-OO32 986 987 Eridani 8-7 I 91-72 3 4 5 26-086 + 2-7511 + 0-0044 987 988 Eridani 6 2 85-41 3 4 5 29-734 + 2-8844 + 0-0057 988 989 Eridani 8-7 2 91-73 3 4 5 32-316 + 2-8312 + 0-0050 989 990 Eridani 7 I 89-97 3 4 5 54-796 + 3-0580 + 0-0072 990 963. A fainter star precedes 10', and is south. 970. The N. P. D. of this star in Lalaude is l' too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 45 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. O / H Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. O o 1^. t-t J? n3 e H 8 BO M 'A Lalande, 1800. 1 > no M "8" -53 -3 t- ~f. ** <8 W o" 00 o?oo fl " 3. 03 0, Greenwich, 1880. No. 946 9I'73 3 99 53 31-69 10-342 + 0-363 1058 946 947 84-40 3 91 51 29-98 10-331 + 0-384 + 0-025 550 222 7457 1056 1697 626 947 948 89-94 a 112 35 6-10 10-296 + 0-329 7492 948 949 87-58 3 1 08 40 33-01 10-261 + 0-341 7499 949 95 85-93 4 90 34 4-76 10-256 + 0-386 + 0-250 226 7484 1072 1702 627 950 95i 89-67 3 in 19 40-48 10-245 + 0-333 7521 95i 95 2 91-96 3 97 J 3 8-66 10-180 + 0-372 7538 952 953 89-33 3 112 53 48-83 10-175 + 0-329 7559 953 954 82-71 8 68 13 8-79 10-164 + 0-449 + 0-058 554 232 750i J 7!3 630 954 955 88-04 3 39 56 52-34 10-149 + 0-564 + 0-032 549 224 955 956 85-04 5 no 26 50-97 10-135 + 0-337 7579 632 956 957 90-27 3 94 54 I3'S3 10-134 + '379 7555 957 958 85-84 5 no 27 40-62 10-120 + 0-337 7590 635 958 959 90-98 3 114 45 46-84 10-116 + 0-324 7598 959 960 9 J "59 3 106 53 21-54 10-092 + o-347 7601 960 961 84-69 3 103 5 42-I5 10-084 + 0-358 7600 1 1 20 636 961 962 90-02 3 92 43 41-57 10-076 + 0-385 7592 962 9 6 3 9I-75 3 102 5 59-73 10-045 + 0-361 7623 1131 963 964 91-04 3 no 40 57-90 10-038 + 0-337 7632 964 9 6 5 85-65 3 99 9 t5'59 9-977 + 0-369 "49 965 966 90-88 6 100 35 39'7 6 9-977 + 0-366 7643 966 967 88-78 3 42 34 53-84 9-975 + 0-553 + 0-033 557 2 4 7562 640 967 968 92-01 3 105 i 30-96 9-956 + 0-354 7658 968 969 84-74 3 1 10 48 38-35 9-954 + 0-337 7666 969 970 91-40 3 117 57 11-58 9-944 + 0-315 o-ioo 251 7676 1744 970 97i 82-38 1 108 20 48-78 9-899 + 0-345 7685 645 971 972 86-65 3 joo 17 30-74 9-892 + 0-367 7682 972 973 87-06 3 100 3 10-34 - 9-875 + 0-368 7689 1176 973 974 84-43 3 96 18 11-51 9-868 + 0-378 7687 "77 974 975 976 977 978 87-31 90-96 88-51 83-08 3 3 3 3 112 17 20-69 70 40 55-41 98 57 43-02 98 13 8-05 9-859 9-8i7 9-762 9-72' + 0-334 + 0-447 + 0-372 + 0-375 + 0-033 562 252 77" 7684 7737 7756 8 25 646 975 976 977 978 979 91-60 3 91 58 25-41 9-7I9 + 0-391 775 22 979 980 84-69 3 106 40 34-55 9-699 + 0-352 7776 650 980 981 89-91 3 93 5' 47-75 9-698 + 0-386 262 7762 29 1761 981 982 82-38 3 98 ii 9-62 9' 6 95 + 0-375 7768 32 982 983 9-35 3 109 34 33-I3 9-645 + 0-344 983 984 86-67 I 97 12 43-18 9-645 + 0-578 + 0-018 567 3 7794 45 1766 65 984 985 91-03 3 109 17 27-37 9-638 + 0-345 78i5 985 986 92-70 3 115 19 51-80 9-618 + 0-326 7831 1769 986 987 91-72 3 105 19 3-55 9-612 + 0-356 987 988 85-41 3 99 6 25-22 9-607 + 0-373 7819 652 988 989 9I-73 3 101 37 7-08 9-604 + 0-367 7823 58 989 990 89-97 3 90 4 2 29-43 9-575 + 0-396 7826 60 99 954> 955. 967> 97) are respectively 1137, 1 135, 1147, 1150 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 954, 970, 976, 984, are respectively 452, 460, 461, 462 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 95 97- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 46 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 991 Eridani 7 2 90-27 3 4 6 24-980 + 2-7296 + O-OO42 991 992 38 Eridani 6 ' 4-5 4 86-62 31 4 6 29-729 + 2-9255 + 0-0057 0-0006 992 993 Eridani 7-6 i 86-35 4 4 6 38-122 + 2-8836 + 0-0055 993 994 Eridani 8-9 5 92-12 3 4 6 44-465 + 2-6295 + 0-0037 994 995 Eridani 6-7 3 89-37 3 4 6 46-273 + 2-629I + 0-0037 995 996 51 Persei / 4-5* ... 87-47 3 4 6 49-314 + 4-3857 + 0-036I 0-0009 996 997 Eridani 7 i 91-29 3 4 6 52-763 + 2-9758 + 0-0063 997 998 Eridani 8 i 91-98 3 4 6 58-191 + 2-7896 + 0-0046 998 999 Eridani 8-7 ... 91-94 3 4 7 0-646 + 3' 01 49 + 0-0066 999 1000 Eridani 7-6 2 89-30 3 4 7 2-864 + 2-6999 + 0-0041 IOOO 1001 52 Persei f S* ... 91-69 3 4 7 24-122 + 4-0688 + 0-0266 + 0-0002 1 001 1002 1003 IO04 Eridani 7 7-8 3 87-08 82-94 90-71 3 3 3 4 7 32-958 4 8 2-966 4 8 7-919 + 2-9347 + 3-0430 + 2-5442 + 0-0058 + 0-0070 + 0-0034 IO02 1003 1004 Eridani 7-6 2 1005 Eridani 7-6 I 87-64 3 4 8 21-537 + 2-5611 + 0-0034 1005 1006 lOO? I008 Eridani 7-8 5-6 8-9 3 3 2 86-95 83-11 9 I- 39 3 3 3 4 9 3-232 4 9 9-644 4 9 26-299 + 2-7271 + 0-0042 + 0-0051 + 0-0060 0-0025 1006 1007 1008 Eridani 1009 Persei b 5* ... 86-14 3 4 9 58-39 1 + 4-4869 + 0-0382 1009 IOIO IOII IOI2 Eridani 40 Eridani ^ 7 5-4 9-10 I I I 84-66 92-33 3 4 3 4 10 0-805 4 10 12-551 4 10 17-773 + 2-9095 + 2-9093 + 0-0042 + 0-0055 0-1442 0-1442 IOIO IOII IOI2 Eridani 1013 Eridani 7-6 ... 84-36 3 4 I0 27-745 + 2-7159 + 0-0042 1013 1014 50 Tauri 3 3 4 14 43-43I + 3-0119 + 0-0064 1031 1032 Eridani 7-6 3 90-04 3 4 14 44-758 + 2-8032 + 0-0047 IO32 1033 Eridani 7 2 91-33 3 4 '4 54-355 + 3-0394 + 0-0067 1033 1034 Eridani 6 88-69 3 4 J 5 6-367 + 2-5059 + 0-0033 I0 34 1035 Eridani 7 2 86-03 3 4 '5 I0 "305 + 27126 + 0-0041 i35 997. The magnitude and R. A. of this star agree closely with those of Lalande 7858, but the N. P. D. is 20' greater. loio. A star of the 8-9 magnitude follows 12', and is i' south, ion, 1012. These stars have a very large common Proper Motion. RADCLIFFK CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 47 Mean <+. w} o' 8 >n o ^ No. Time of Observa- |! 11 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. i-*. IH *"O o GO CO -* 00 s , n o r~ J? 'S 1 8 oo Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" oo -->- + 2*720-; + 0-0038 1 180 1181 63 Eridani 6-5 2 3 4 54 37-97I * / "yd + 2-8365 + 0-0042 + 0-0009 1181 1182 64 Eridani 6-5 3 86-80 3 4 54 49'029 + 2-7833 + 0-0040 + 0-0003 1182 1183 Orionis 7-6 3 88-92 3 4 55 7-io6 + 3-0225 + 0-0051 1183 1184 Eridani 7-6 2 85-39 3 4 55 21-278 + 2-9402 + 0-0046 + 0-0400 1184 "85 Tauri 8-9 I 91-00 3 4 55 4-"972 + 3-6533 + O-OIO2 "85 1186 Orionis 7-6 3 87-11 3 4 55 49H74 + 3^533 + 0-0053 1186 1187 Eridani 7-8 2 90-09 3 4 55 53-091 + 2-8I4I + 0-004! 1187 1188 65 Eridani ... ... i// 5-6 2 84-45 3 4 56 6*348 + 2-9071 + 0-0045 O'OO22 1188 1189 Eridani 7 I 90-07 3 4 56 36-633 + 2-9450 + 0-0045 1189 1190 Eridani 7 2 90-81 3 4 56 37'-74 + 2-8203 + 0-0040 1190 1191 Leporis 5-6* ... 89-72 3 4 56 39-I44 + 2-5990 + 0-0035 1191 1192 Tauri 9-8 2 89-75 3 4 56 40-138 + 3-6538 + O-OIOI 1192 "93 Eridani 6-7 2 85-I3 3 4 57 17-604 + 2-9742 + 0-0047 "93 "94 Leporis 5* ... 88-40 3 4 57 4I-398 + 2-4324 + 0-0032 "94 "95 Eridani 7-8 2 90-33 3 4 57 45-744 + 2-8727 + 0-0042 H95 1196 s* 88-22 3 g g + 4-6804 -I_ Q'O2 *il _ Q . I IQ6 "97 I Leporis 6-7 I 87-38 O 3 4 5 8 6-343 i T vw y*t + 2-5268 -J- w ^*J 1 + 0-0032 + 0*0034 "97 1198 Eridani 7 I 87-40 3 4 58 "-049 + 3-OII8 + 0-0048 1198 "99 10 Aurigse f) 4-3* ... 9" '45 3 4 58 47-972 + 4-1968 + 0-0166 + O-OO22 "99 1200 Leporis 7-6 I 90-06 3 4 58 50-574 + 2-7384 + 0-0037 1 200 1 201 Eridaui 7 I 90-46 3 4 58 55-I70 + 2-9327 + 0-0044 I2OI 1202 Leporis 7 2 86-78 3 4 58 55-344 + 2-7339 + 0-0037 I2O2 1203 Leporis 6 2 90-02 3 4 59 J 9'632 + 2-4834 + O-OO32 1203 1204 Eridani 6-7 I 82-10 3 4 59 24-256 + 3-0005 + 0-0048 1204 1205 Leporis 8 I 92-01 3 4 59 45-267 + 2-6521 + 0-0035 1205 1206 Leporis 7 I 92-04 3 4 59 59-052 + 2-5671 + 0-0034 1206 1207 Leporis 7 2 86-44 3 5 o 4-074 + 2-5922 + 0-0034 1207 1208 2 Leporis 3-2 3 86-73 30 5 o 48-187 + 2-5366 + 0*0033 + 0-0004 1208 . 1209 104 Tauri m 5-4 I 84-43 3 5 o 56-997 + 3-5050 + O-OO82 + 0-0375 1209 1210 Eridani 8 ... 91-78 3 5 o 59-599 + 2-8312 + 0*0040 I2IO III I Eridani 8 3 "Q*7 3 3 5 i 16-619 + 2-9675 + 0-0045 I2II 1212 66 Eridani 5-6 i QO* 57 4 5 i 19-220 + 2-9638 + 0-0045 O'OOI I 1212 1213 Leporis 7-8 ... 93-03 3 5 ! 21-635 + 2-7297 + 0-OO36 1213 I2I 4 Leporis 6-7 i 87-12 3 5 ' 31-956 + 2-7674 + 0-0038 1214 1215 Eridani 7-8 3 87-09 4 5 2 10*220 + 2-8721 + 0-004I 1215 1176. The magnitude assigned to this star in Lalande's Catalogue is 7, but it is stated by the Observers at Oxford to be of a less magnitude than Lalande 9405 which followed 10", and was about 6' south. 1178. The limits of magnitude are 3-0 and 4-5. n8o. Hind's crimson variable: the limits of magnitude are 6 and 8-5 : the period is 436 d . i r 95- Double : companion of about the 10-9 magnitude. 1 198. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes 2 s , and is north. 1208. Reddish star. 1211. Red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 55 Mean "s a o Ml I v d ^ Time *H -3 !> IH 00 i- -*cc CO CJ CO w No. of Q> -*5 !> Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. & .-" oT T3 1-3 > o a <*> No. Observa- II ii 8 > a & , " tion. *S / // " n m K 3 1 O 1171 91-06 3 93 54 I2 '53 -5-783 + 0-419 1171 1172 87-01 3 106 56 59-47 -5-758 + 0-377 1172 "73 92-01 6 112 II 20-86 5-746 + 0-359 9394 "73 1174 89-99 3 92 18 17-59 5-733 + 0-425 9375 "38 1174 "75 86-06 6 29 43 10-31 5-726 + 0-746 + 0-014 68 1 2 44 9263 813 "75 1176 90-98 3 !3 7 31-87 5-708 + 0-390 9402 "45 1176 "77 90-23 3 107 58 32-26 5-707 + 0-374 268 9406 "77 1178 88-75 3 46 20 25-01 - 5-688 + 0-603 + 0-014 690 256 9337 1178 "79 82-06 3 1 06 32 52-32 -5-687 + 0-379 9420 814 "79 1180 88-43 5 104 58 20-76 5-645 + 0-384 817 1 1 80 u8i 89-53 3 100 25 29-11 5-642 + 0-399 + O'I2I 697 271 9429 "73 2170 818 1181 1182 86-80 3 102 41 59-98 5-627 + 0-392 + 0-095 699 272 9435 1180 2172 821 1182 1183 88-92 3 93 13 47-71 5-602 + 0-426 9434 1181 "83 1184 85-39 3 95 53 0-34 -5-582 + 0-414 + I'lOO 1189 1184 1185 91-00 3 65 40 11-52 5-553 + 0-514 "85 1 1 86 87-11 3 90 51 29-87 5-543 + 0-430 9457 1186 1187 90-09 3 IOI 22 13-62 5-537 + 0-397 9467 1206 1187 1 1 88 84-45 3 97 20 8-10 5'5!9 + 0-410 O-O2I 701 280 9476 1214 2182 822 1188 1189 90-07 3 95 39 37-6 1 5'47 6 + 0-416 9485 1226 1189 1190 90-81 3 loi 5 41-48 5H76 + 0-398 9491 1230 1190 1191 89-72 3 IIO 12 44-82 5H73 + 0-367 285 9506 2190 825 1191 1192 89-75 3 65 40 41-54 5-471 + 0-515 1192 "93 85-13 3 94 22 6-17 5-418 + 0-420 9508 1238 "93 "94 88-40 3 116 25 53-95 -5-386 + 0-344 289 9542 2197 827 "94 "95 90-33 3 98 49 12-89 5-379 + 0-406 9528 1249 "95 1196 88-39 4 38 32 58-10 5-353 + 0-661 + 0-I66 696 273 9449 1196 "97 87-38 3 112 57 10-46 5-351 + 0-357 0-039 704 290 9552 2202 "97 1198 87-40 3 92 4i 47'73 5-343 + 0-426 9535 1259 1198 "99 8579 7 48 54 54H3 5-29 1 + o-593 + 0-061 700 283 9500 828 "99 1200 90-06 3 104 31 31-07 -5-287 + 0-388 9571 1283 1200 1201 90-46 3 96 ii 8-06 5-282 + 0-415 9558 1277 I 201 1202 86-78 3 104 42 40-09 5-282 + 0-387 9573 1284 1202 I20 3 90-02 3 "4 32 27-73 5-246 + 0-352 221 1 832 1203 I20 4 82-10 3 93 " 32-93 5-241 + 0-425 9579 831 1204 I20J 92-01 3 IOS 2 17-91 5-211 + 0-376 9603 1205 1206 92-04 3 III 22 22-13 5-192 + 0-364 9620 1206 1207 86-44 3 110 24 2-14 -5-185 + 0-367 9622 1207 1208 8.V47 12 112 31 8-79 5-123 + 0-360 + 0-068 7i3 303 964? 2225 834 1208 1209 84-11 4 71 30 II-O? 5-110 + o-497 O-O22 705 293 9599 833 1309 1210 91-78 3 ioo 34 12-62 5-106 + 0-402 9634 1340 I2IO I2II 89-73 3 94 38 35-63 5-082 + 0-421 9636 1211 1212 90-59 3 94 48 11-43 5-079 + 0-420 + 0-015 712 302 9639 1345 2228 837 1212 1213 92-98 3 104 50 43-84 5-075 + 0-387 1355 1213 I2I 4 87-12 3 103 16 15-79 5-060 + o-393 959 1361 I2I 4 I2I S 87-09 4 9 8 47 58-27 5-007 + 0-408 9667 1374 1215 1175, 1178, 1182, 1196, 1197, 1199, 1208, are respectively 1367, 1372, 1381, 1391, 1400, 1396, 1408 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1178, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1196, 1197, 1208, 1209, are respectively 560, 564, 563, 565, 569, 572, 574, 573 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1184. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 56 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. 1 imber of timations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- imber of lervations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1 SH tion. K s h. m. s. s. s. 8. 1216 Leporis 7-6 ... 90-44 3 5 2 15*105 + 2*6657 + 0-0035 0-O03O 1216 1217 Leporis 6-7 ... 89-43 3 5 2 17-665 + 2-7823 + 0-0038 1217 1218 Leporis 7-6 ... 90-43 3 5 2 22-406 + 2*6128 + 0*0034 O'OOOO 1218 1219 67 Eridani /8 3* ... 87-I5 3 5 2 26-467 + 2-9540 + 0-0044 O*OO66 1219 I22O 1221 1222 Leporis 7-6 7 6 3 85-11 89-39 3 3 5 2 44*003 5 2 48-838 5 3 4-128 + 2*7798 + 2-8717 + 0-0038 + 0*0035 + 0*0041 0*0013 1220 1221 1222 Eridani 6 i 1223 Leporis 6-7 i 86-39 3 5 3 13-871 + 2-7194 + 0*0035 "23 1224 68 Eridani 5-6 3 87-85 3 5 3 16-527 + 2-9682 + 0*0044 O'OOIO 1224 1225 Eridani 9-8 2 9I-74 3 5 3 38-"4 + 2-9062 + 0*0041 I22 5 1226 69 Eridani X 4* ... 88-12 3 5 3 52-923 + 2*8695 + 0-0040 O*0002 1226 1227 Orionis 7-6 2 84-79 3 5 3 57-iSS + 3-0209 + 0*0047 1227 1228 Camelopardali 5 I 91-09 3 5 4 26*037 + 9-8134 + 0*2028 0*0365 1228 1229 Orionis 6-7 3 83-12 3 5 4 26-779 + 3-0566 + 0*0048 1229 1230 Leporis 7 i 91-65 3 5 4 48*445 + 2*5145 + 0*0032 "30 "3i Orionis 7-6 2 86*03 2 5 5 25-187 + 3-0183 + 0*0046 1231 1232 Leporis 8 2 91*68 3 5 5 43H57 + 2-6301 + 0*0034 1232 1233 Orionis 6-7 3 85-08 3 5 5 46-959 + 3*0129 + 0-0046 "33 "34 Leporia 8 i 9I-74 3 5 5 59-786 + 2-5765 + 0*0033 "34 "35 Leporia 6 3 82-15 3 5 6 14*806 + 2*7964 + 0-0038 + 0*0003 "35 1236 Leporis 8-7 i 92-38 3 5 6 37-374 + 2*4801 + 0*0031 1236 "37 3 Leporis i 5 3 82-11 3 5 7 9-901 + 2*7958 + 0-0037 + O*OOO2 "37 1238 Orionis 6 i 87-69 3 5 7 25-368 + 2*9313 + 0-0041 1238 "39 Leporis 7-8 4 88-87 3 5 7 36-207 + 2-7215 + 0-0035 "39 1240 5 Leporis /i 3-4 2 87-07 3 5 7 59-296 + 2-6907 + 0-0034 + O'OOOI 1240 1241 1242 "43 "44 "45 1246 "47 4 Leporis K 4-5* 8-7 ... 88-72 9I-33 86-80 82-26 90*13 91-77 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 5 8 8*934 5 8 10*287 5 8 15*951 5 8 33*694 5 8 59*380 5 9 0*357 5 9 14-8" + 2*7700 + 2-9871 + 2*8829 + 4*4167 + 2-7296 + 3-0568 + 2-8815 + 0-0036 + 0-0044 + 0-0040 + 0*0170 + 0*0035 + 0*0046 + 0*0039 0*O023 O'OOlS + O-OO79 1241 1242 "43 "44 "4S 1246 "47 Orionis 7-6 i 6-7 I I 3 Leporis Orionia 8 i 1248 19 Orionia )8 i* ... 86*84 36 5 9 15-033 + 2-8816 + 0*0039 O'OOI 2 1248 "49 Leporis 8-7 i 91-74 3 5 9 16-305 + 2-8297 + 0*0038 "49 1250 Orionis 7 2 90-97 3 5 9 21*277 + 2*9078 + o 0039 1250 1251 Leporis 8-7 I 92*05 3 5 9 23*418 + 2-5513 + 0-003I "Si 1252 Orionis 7-6 2 86*09 3 5 9 44-479 + 3-0375 + 0-0045 "52 "53 Orionia 7 I 91-76 3 5 10 18*764 + 2-9600 + 0-0042 "53 "54 Leporia 8 I 91-65 3 5 10 36*083 + 2*6181 + 0*0032 "54 "55 Leporis 7-6 5 86-83 4 5 ii 1-585 + 2*8073 + 0-0036 "55 1256 Leporis 7-8 i 89-76 3 5 ii 6*850 + 2*5174 + 0-003I "56 "57 Leporis 8-7 4 87-76 3 5 ii 22*849 + 2*8093 + 0-0036 "57 1258 15 Auriga; X 5-4 i 89-36 3 5 ii 24-235 + 4-1691 + 0-0132 + 0-0447 "58 "59 Leporis 7-6 3 82-38 3 5 ii 54-763 + 2-6662 + 0-0033 "59 1260 20 Orionis T 4 2 84-73 3 5 12 15*911 + 2-9128 + 0-0039 O-0024 1260 1225. The magnitude 7*5 is assigned to this star in Schonfeld. 1226. Green star: (Smyth's No. 2 green). 1228. A star of the 9 magnitude, of nearly the same R. A., follows, and is north. 1244. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by 0*8 than the unit magnitude. 1248. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by 0*7 than the unit magnitude. 1 250. Reddish. A companion star of the 9-8 magnitude precedes, and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 57 Mean *- g O g 8 1 >o 0, M o' pa Time -2 _ GO - qT0 No. of Observa- !! Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ^3 i oT 1 -C- 9 ^J 1" -"* '77 3 + 2-6406 + 0-0032 + 0-0250 1265 1266 Orionis 7-6 I 84-78 3 5 H 0-967 + 3-0376 + 0-0042 1266 1267 Orionis 8 I 91-06 3 5 "4 2I-I93 + 2-8458 + 0-0037 1267 1268 Leporis 7-6 2 86-78 3 5 14 27-806 + 2-6306 + 0-0032 1268 1269 Leporis 7-6 2 86-71 3 5 14 28-680 + 2-6309 + 0-0032 1269 1270 6 Leporis A 4-5* ... 8S-75 3 5 14 30-415 + 2-7629 + 0-0034 0-0014 1270 1271 1272 "73 Orionis 7-8 6-5 7 2 2 I 88-68 83-11 87-11 3 3 3 5 H 38-48i 5 H 52-705 5 15 2-134 + 2-9504 + 2-7836 + 2-9467 + 0-0039 + 0-0034 + 0-0039 0-0019 1271 1272 1273 Orionis 1274 Leporis 5-6 I 85-12 3 5 '5 45-055 + 2-5596 + 0-0030 1274 "75 Orionis 7-6 ... 89-48 4 5 'S 55-075 + 3-0605 + 0-0042 0-0004 I2 7S 1276 22 Orionis o 5* ... 90-33 4 5 '6 8-751 + 3-0612 + 0-0043 0-0009 1276 1277 Leporis 8-7 ... 91-47 3 5 16 19-375 + 2-7143 + 0-0032 1277 1278 Orionis 8 ... 91-47 3 5 16 27-865 + 3-0020 + 0-0040 1278 "79 Leporis 7-8 2 87-45 3 5 1 6 48-466 + 2-7484 + 0-0033 1279 1280 Orionis 7-6 I 90-11 3 5 i? 2-397 + 2-8698 + 0-0036 1280 1281 Leporis 7-6 4 83-15 4 5 i? 3-234 + 2-6530 + 0-0032 1281 1282 Leporis 6-7 ... 90-08 3 5 17 15-178 + 2-4633 + 0-0029 1282 1283 1284 1285 Leporis ill Tauri 8 6-5* 7-6 2 2 9 I- 3S 88-44 89-79 3 3 3 5 i? 49-576 5 18 0-290 5 18 1-989 + 2-5945 + 3-4814 + 2-8756 + 0-0030 + 0-0062 + 0-0036 + 0-0157 1283 1284 1285 Orionis 1286 Orionis 6-7 2 84-76 3 5 18 4-757 + 3-0664 + 0-004 ^ 1286 1287 Orionis 8-7 I 87-59 2 5 18 15-531 + 3-0502 + 0-0041 0-0060 1287 1288 Orionis 7-6 2 87-03 2 5 18 iS'59 1 + 3-0502 + 0-0041 0-0060 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 8 Leporis 6* 5-4 6-5 8-9 3-4* 8-7 I I I I 89-43 84-43 85-79 91-78 87-06 92-03 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 18 28-045 5 18 38-863 5 l8 5.V376 5 18 55-642 5 18 56-755 5 1 8 59-58i + 2-7439 + 2-8898 + 3-0496 + 2-9131 + 3-0151 + 2-5300 + 0-0032 + 0-0036 + 0-0041 + 0-0036 + 0-0040 + 0-0030 0-0030 O'OOII 0-0014 0-0015 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 Orionis Leporis 1295 112 Tauri /2 2* ... 87H5 23 5 19 20-305 + 3-7874 + 0-0080 + 0-0013 1295 1296 Leporis 6-7 2 83-09 3 5 19 34-528 + 2-6682 + 0-0032 1296 1297 Orionis 6 I 88-75 3 5 19 50-211 + 2-8302 + 0-0034 1297 1298 Leporis 7 2 90-66 3 5 20 12-978 + 2-6069 + 0-0031 1298 1299 Leporis 7 I 90-80 3 5 20 14-523 + 2-7769 + 0-0033 1299 1300 Orionis 7-8 I 91-45 3 5 20 27-129 + 2-8485 + 0-0035 1300 1301 Orionis 7-6 2 86-40 3 5 20 38-415 + 2-9430 + 0-0036 1301 1302 ii4Tauri o 6* 89-96 3 5 21 1-755 + 3-6006 + 0-0066 O'OOII 1302 1303 30 Orionis \l/ 5* 81-13 2 5 2I 4M46 + 3-1415 + 0-0043 O'OOIO 1303 1304 Leporis 8 2 93-08 3 5 21 12-468 + 2-5985 + 0-0030 1304 1305 Leporis 7-6 2 86-74 1 5 21 13-751 + 2-5983 + 0-0030 i3 5 1262. A star of the 9-10 magnitude (Lalande 9949) precedes I s , and is about 10" north. 1267. A fainter star (Schiinfeld, 9, 1124) precedes 1 6', and is about 4' south. 1282. Close double : the companion is south, and follows. 1285. Double : the companion is of the 9-8 magnitude, and follows south. 1287, 1 288. A very close double star : the components are both of the 8-7 magnitude : 1287 gives the position of the north star, and 1 288 of the common mass. 1297. Yellowish-red star. 1301. A star of 9 magnitude follows 3*, and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 59 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. t tl Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ii O fi r-. 1-1 1 8 CO s Lalande, 1800. -sf "<5 '7> I 7 53 40-69 4-125 + 0-380 1261 1262 86-66 i 105 20 20-50 4-116 + 0-389 9950 1262 1263 85-I5 3 103 38 14-76 4-116 + 0-395 + 0-032 743 9946 2 44 2322 878 1263 1264 89-16 3 95 46 32'44 4-081 + 0-422 9951 1264 1265 87-32 4 !8 H 53'58 4-002 + o-379 O'OOO 9986 880 1265 1266 84-78 3 91 31 35-26 3-997 + 0-436 9972 261 881 1266 1267 91-06 3 99 4 8 54-69 3-968 + 0-409 1267 1268 86-78 3 108 38 5-75 -3-958 + 0-378 10020 1268 1269 86-81 4 108 37 27-42 -3-958 + 0-378 IOO2I 1269 1270 85-75 3 103 17 26-85 3-955 + o-397 + 0-004 748 2 10009 2343 883 1270 1271 88-68 3 95 19 I7'54 3-944 + 0-424 IOOOO 283 1271 1272 83-11 3 102 25 4377 3-922 + 0-400 0-024 749 54 10024 2345 1272 1273 87-11 3 95 28 48-08 3'99 + 0-423 J0023 296 1273 1274 85-12 3 m 21 3'33 - 3-848 + 0-368 10063 885 1274 "75 89-48 4 9 31 33H6 -3-833 + 0-440 0-016 75o 58 IOO42 315 2351 886 "75 1276 90-42 3 90 29 29-82 3-813 4-0-440 0-009 75i 60 I005I 322 2352 887 1276 1277 91-47 3 I0 5 15 39-5 2 3 - 799 + 0-390 10083 1277 1278 9I-47 3 93 4 19-4 -3-786 + 0-432 10068 334 1278 1279 87-45 3 103 51 51-04 -3-758 + 0-395 10095 347 "79 1280 90-11 3 98 46 23-65 3-737 + 0-413 35 1280 1281 83-15 4 107 42 40-69 3-736 + 0-382 IOIO4 1281 1282 90-08 3 114 52 49-28 3-7I9 + 0-355 70 2362 1282 '283 9I-35 3 i9 59 3'37 3-669 + 0-374 IOI26 1283 1284 88-44 1 72 43 9" 1 ? 3-654 + 0-501 0-006 754 66 10097 892 1284 1285 89-79 3 98 31 11-56 3-652 + 0-414 IOI25 36? 893 1285 1286 84-76 3 90 15 50-21 3-647 + 0-441 IOIII 1286 1287 87-59 2 90 58 12-38 3-631 + o-439 + O-O2O 1287 1288 87-03 2 90 58 13-29 3-631 + 0-439 + O-O2O 757 10124 369 2367 1288 1289 89M3 3 104 i 52-13 3-614 + o-395 0-006 766 77 10144 387 2372 894 1289 1290 84-43 3 97 54 34'9i - 3-598 + 0-416 + 0-025 764 75 10139 2373 895 1290 1291 85-79 3 90 59 49-86 -3-578 + 0-439 0-136 762 76 10138 390 2377 1291 1292 91-78 3 9 6 54 39-34 3-574 + 0-420 394 1292 1293 87-06 3 92 29 56-52 3-573 + 0-434 O'OIO 765 81 10152 3378 896 1293 1294 92-03 3 112 24 36-23 -3-568 + 0-365 10169 1294 1295 82-13 *7 61 29 9-66 3-54 + 0-545 + 0-180 756 72 10114 2382 898 1295 1296 83-09 3 i7 4 33-94 -3-5I8 + 0-385 10182 900 1296 1297 88-75 3 100 25 41-33 3-497 -f- 0-408 10184 413 901 1297 1298 90-66 3 109 28 23-69 3-464 + 0-376 10206 1298 1299 90-80 3 102 39 7-95 3-461 + 0-400 432 1299 1300 9 I- 45 3 99 39 i '93 S'443 + 0-411 10200 436 1300 1301 86-40 3 95 3& 58-38 - 3-428 + 0-424 10203 438 1301 1302 89-96 3 68 9 27-90 S'393 + 0-519 0-006 768 88 IOI85 902 1302 '303 81-13 2 87 o 1-25 3'39 + o-453 + 0-006 773 9i I02I2 2402 1303 1304 90-76 3 109 47 9-62 -3-378 + 0-375 10253 93 1304 1305 86-74 3 109 47 29-28 3-376 + 0-375 10254 904 1305 1290, 1293, 1295, 1302, 1303, are respectively 1468, 1472, 1469, 1481, 1483 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1282, 1284, 1288, 1290, 1291, 1293, 1295, 1302, 1303, are respectively 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 604, 605 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1265. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 1303. The N.P.D. of this star in the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845, is about 50" too small. 60 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. a. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1306 1307 7-8 89-40 83-I4 3 4 5 21 27-168 5 21 57-300 + 3-0160 + 2-7924 + 0-0038 + 0-0032 1306 1307 Leporis 7-6 3 1308 Leporis 7-8 1 92-01 3 5 22 I5-25 2 + 2-6790 + 0-0030 1308 1309 Orionis 8-9 2 92-38 3 5 22 26-116 + 2-8772 + 0-0034 1309 1310 Leporis 8-7 I 87-I3 3 5 22 29-179 + 2-7518 + 0-0031 1310 I.?" Orionis 7-8 I 87-17 3 5 22 47-897 + 3-0709 + 0-0040 Wi 1312 Leporis 7-6 I 8.V4S 3 5 22 55-320 + 2-5536 + 0-0029 1312 J3I3 Leporis 8-7 I 92-07 3 5 23 6-228 + 2-6413 + 0-0031 1313 I3H Orionis S Var. 91-76 3 5 23 7-261 + 2-9620 + 0-0036 1314 '3'S Orionis 7-8 2 89-77 3 5 23 27-432 + 2-9941 + 0-0036 1315 1316 9 Leporis /3 3-4* ii 85-4S 3 5 23 31-799 + 2-5698 + 0-0029 0-0015 1316 i3'7 1318 319 Leporis 7 6 7 I I 3 90-03 85-I5 84-45 3 3 3 5 23 44-156 5 23 54-74 8 5 24 6-052 + 2-5249 + 2-9909 + 2-9022 + 0-0029 + 0-0036 + 0-0034 1317 1318 1319 Orionis 1320 31 Orionis 5* 87-95 3 5 24 8-769 + 3-0453 + 0-0038 0-0017 1320 1321 Aurigse Nova Var. 92-12 4 5 24 55-6' + 3-8465 + 0-0074 1321 13" Aurigce IO-II 8 92-58 4 5 24 58-928 + 3-8472 + 0-0074 1322 13*3 Camelopardali 5 ... 91-11 3 5 25 0-893 + 7-993I + 0-0728 + 0-0004 1323 1324 Orionis ... 7-6 4 84-81 3 5 25 1-807 + 2-8981 + 0-0034 1324 13*5 Leporis 8 2 91-13 3 5 25 2-644 + 2-5169 + 0'0028 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 Leporis 119 Tauri 8-9 6-5* 7 7-6 2 I 91-78 87-78 90-70 90-16 88-48 3 3 3 3 3 5 25 8-149 5 25 45-79I 5 25 46-649 5 26 o-ooi 5 26 13-938 + 2-7711 + .V5 I 5 I + 2-8357 + 2-9150 + 2-9963 + 0-0031 + 0-0055 + 0-0033 + 0-0033 + 0-0036 0-0003 + 0-0070 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 Orionis Orionis 7 I i33i 34 Orionia 8 3-2 I 85-94 29 5 26 23-182 + 3-0637 + 0-0038 0-0014 1331 1332 10 Leporis 6 ... 91-62 4 5 26 25-057 + 2-5663 + 0-0029 0'001 1 1332 1333 36 Orionis v 5-6 2 86-31 4 5 26 36-575 + 2-9011 + 0-0034 O-OOO2 1333 '334 Leporis 8-9 2 92-41 | 5 26 42-195 + 2-7110 + 0-0030 1334 1335 Orionis 6-7 3 88-10 3 5 26 59-882 + 3-0709 + 0-0037 1335 1336 Leporis 7-8 2 89-69 3 5 27 1-267 + 2-6743 + 0-0029 1336 1337 Orionis 6 2 87-04 3 5 27 7-486 + 3-0339 + 0-0036 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 Leporis 7-6 3-2 6-7 7-8 I 2 I 91-29 86-81 86-49 91-14 91-46 90-68 3 it 3 3 3 3 5 27 46-441 5 27 52-655 5 2? 56-485 5 28 28-634 5 28 29-908 5 28 42-648 + 2-6829 + 2-6449 + 3-0440 + 3-0468 + 3-0368 + 2-9076 + 0-0029 + 0-0029 + 0-0036 + 0-0036 + 0-0036 + 0-0032 O'OOI I 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 Orionis Orionis 7-6 Orionis 7 ... J344 Orionis 7 S 86-43 3 5 28 51-456 + 3-0705 + 0-0036 1344 1345 Leporis 8 2 92-08 3 5 28 58-248 + 2-47I3 + 0-0027 1345 1346 Orionis 7 I 9'77 3 S 28 58-295 + 2-9594 + 0-0034 1346 1347 Orionis 7-8 3 91-09 3 5 29 I7-777 + 2-8251 + 0-0031 1347 1348 Orionis 7 I 9 I- 73 3 5 29 26-531 + 2-9756 + 0-0033 1348 349 Leporis 7 I 91-15 3 5 29 27-578 + 2-6192 + 0-0028 >349 1350 Orionis 7-6 i 91-08 3 5 29 28-415 + 2-9034 + 0-0032 1.35 1314. The limits of magnitude are 8-3 and 13-0 : the period is 412 days. 1320. Yellowish-red star. 1321. The estimated magnitudes in 1892 varied from 4-5 to below 14: but in 1893 the estimations were all about 10-9. 1329. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 30' too great. 1330. Reddish star. 1335. Yellowish-i-ed star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1890, N.P.D. 61 Mean *- - 8 8 OO . - o" No. of Observa- 1! 3 & Mean N.P.D. Preceas. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. f 00 of i~~ u So c ** S cT 00 &. !' s" No. tion. "I , ,/ 1 m 1 a *j a o 1306 89-40 3 92 27 21-26 3-357 + 0-435 97 10230 468 2406 1306 'SO? 83-14 4 ioi 59 37-o6 3-314 + 0-403 102 10269 485 2410 1307 1308 92-01 3 106 36 50-69 -3-288 + 0-387 1308 1309 92-38 3 98 25 12-81 3-272 + 0-415 I0 4 10279 49 8 1309 1310 87-I3 3 103 39 53-86 -3-268 + 0-397 10283 503 1310 I3H 87-17 3 90 4 '5-26 3-241 + 0-443 10288 1311 1312 83-45 3 in 28 10-06 3-231 + 0-369 10313 1312 1313 92-07 3 108 5 45-35 3-215 + 0-382 10315 1313 I3H 91-76 3 94 47 15-64 3-213 + 0-428 1314 1315 89-77 3 93 23 49-85 -3-185 + 0-433 10308 520 1315 1316 85-45 3 no 50 51-62 3-177 + 0-371 + 0-079 781 113 10331 2428 910 1316 131? 90-03 3 112 31 43-89 3-160 + 0-365 1317 1318 85-I5 3 93 32 6-04 -3-144 + 0-432 10325 535 911 1318 1319 84-4S 3 97 20 56-37 3-128 + 0-419 10338 540 1319 1320 87-95 3 91 10 46-19 3"i24 + 0-440 + 0-017 779 112 10330 538 2436 1320 1321 92-12 4 59 38 17-70 3-056 + 0-556 1321 1322 92-63 4 59 37 5-I5 3-052 + 0-556 1322 1323 82-10 6 15 i 50-72 3-049 + I-I54 + 0-024 913 1323 1324 84-81 3 97 3i 15-42 -3-048 + 0-419 10373 564 1324 1325 91-13 3 112 48 I9'I4 3-046 + 0-364 10391 1325 1326 91-78 3 102 50 55-82 3-039 + 0*401 10384 572 1326 1327 87-78 3 71 29 17-66 - 2-984 + 0-508 + 0-OO2 783 II 9 10367 916 1327 1328 90-70 3 100 9 20-60 - 2-983 + 0-410 + 0-330 10394 59 6 1328 1329 90-16 3 96 47 30-46 2-964 + 0-422 10396 609 1329 1330 88-48 3 93 17 57-o6 2-944 + 0-434 10400 60 1 1330 1331 82-44 6 90 22 51-99 2-931 + 0-443 + 0-005 787 126 10404 604 2454 918 1331 1332 9 I-I 5 3 1 10 56 44-19 2-928 + 0-372 + 0-040 791 133 10435 2455 919 1332 '333 86-31 4 97 22 59-32 2-911 + 0-420 + O-O06 789 130 10424 612 2458 1333 1334 92-41 3 '05 17 9-53 2-903 + 0-393 10439 1334 1335 88-10 3 90 4 4-88 2-878 + 0-444 10426 615 '335 1336 89-69 3 106 45 2-81 2-876 + 0-387 1336 1337 87-04 3 91 40 19-48 2-867 + 0-439 10437 619 921 1337 1338 91-29 3 106 23 58-93 2-811 + 0-389 10468 1338 "339 89-32 3 107 54 5-56 2-801 + 0-383 O'OIO 796 139 10476 2466 925 1339 1340 86-49 3 91 14 2-57 2-797 + 0-441 10456 1340 I34 1 91-14 3 91 6 43-64 2-749 + 0-441 10479 1341 1342 91-46 3 91 32 46-40 - 2-748 + 0-440 10483 1342 1343 90-68 3 97 5 55-87 2-729 + 0-421 10499 '343 '344 86-43 3 90 5 15-26 -2-717 + 0-445 10496 658 '344 >345 92-08 3 i H 24 33-94 2-707 + 0-358 1345 1346 91-77 3 94 52 47-96 2-707 + 0-429 I 44 10506 670 2476 1346 '347 91-09 3 ioo 34 33-85 2-678 + 0-410 10518 686 1347 1348 9I-73 3 94 n 4-61 - 2-665 + 0-431 1348 1349 9 I-I 5 3 108 53 13-00 2-664 + 0-380 10541 1349 1350 91-08 3 97 16 27-50 2-664 + 0-421 10519 688 '35 . u. '3 2 3, 1331, 1333, are respectively 1485, 1505, 1507 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1307. I 3 2 3. 'SS 1 , '333. '339, are respectively 606, 608, 614, 615, 616 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1323. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwera' "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 1328. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 62 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, E.A. 3 O * * O *> 5 32 1-045 + 2-7943 + 0-0029 13/0 137' Orionis 7 3 87-11 3 5 32 4-553 + 2-9329 + 0-0031 1371 1372 Orionis 7-6 2 88-38 a 5 32 27-759 + 2-9592 + 0-0032 1372 "373 Leporis 9-8 2 92-07 3 5 32 55-451 + 2-5140 + 0-0027 1373 '374 48 Orionis . 1 M 8 OO 1 5 LalanJe, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O fc o o co I" -** 369 90-74 3 96 8 2-86 2-5I2 + 0-425 10590 734 1369 137 85-H 3 101 50 32-42 - 2H42 + 0-406 10622 76, 137 I37i 87-11 3 96 o 2i-oi 2-437 + 0-426 10617 756 I37 1 1372 88-38 3 94 52 49-24 2-403 + 0-429 10628 773 1372 '373 92-07 3 112 48 55-46 - 2-364 + 0-365 1373 1374 83-?' 5 92 39 50-01 2-337 + 0-437 0-009 814 172 2517 954 1374 1375 85-11 4 92 39 48-56 2-337 + 0-437 173 1375 1376 92-03 3 104 24 18-26 2-335 + 0-397 10670 803 1.176 '377 85-11 4 92 39 30-00 2-334 + 0-437 '74 '377 1378 83-08 3 96 38 16-17 2-332 + 0-424 10663 1378 1379 89-47 I 98 32 5-42 2-322 + 0-417 10667 i.i79 1 1380 86-41 I 97 16 28-06 2-308 + 0-422 + 0-042 816 176 10675 804 2525 956 1380 1381 91-91 3 103 o 23-23 2-305 + 0-402 10680 810 1381 1382 84-46 3 93 37 36-47 2-267 _ +0-434 178 819 2531 959 1382 "383 86-43 3 99 46 4-48 2-244 + 0-413 10715 828 1383 1384 88-10 3 107 54 40-84 2-234 + 0-384 10726 1384 1385 90-10 3 no 29 44-32 2T82 + 0-374 10748 1385 1386 85-76 3 92 53 3-89 2-174 + 0-437 844 1386 '387 87-14 f 92 o 3-79 2-166 + 0-440 O'OIO 819 1 88 10731 848 2539 963 1387 1388 90-25 3 97 43 6-75 2-163 + 0-420 10738 853 1388 '389 84-85 4 91 ii 14-07 2-160 + 0-442 10734 9 6 5 1389 "39 88-77 3 89 43 ifr.SQ 2-144 + 0-447 10/37 854 1390 I39i 92-03 3 113 46 54-21 2-137 + 0-362 '39 1 1392 89-81 3 100 28 0-55 2-132 + 0-411 10763 869 1392 '393 81-64 4 124 8 1-15 2-125 + 0-316 + 0-030 196 2547 967 '393 1 1394 9"43 I 101 15 22-81 2-118 + 0-408 872 '394 '395 90-44 3 no 21 23-72 2-IO2 + 0-375 10791 '395 '066, 1368, are respectively 1520, 1521 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1353, '357, 1366, 1368, 1387, 1393, are respectively 621, 623, 625, 627^ 630, 632 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1352. The Proper Motions of tliis star are practically inseiisible. 64 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. 8 3 Mean si 9 2.2 Time o No. Constellation. of - > Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper m.f .. No. rt" 11 Observa- JS s. Motion. J|""j XH 53 tion. . , h. m. s. s. s. 8. 1396 Orionis 7 3 85-29 3 5 36 9-370 + 3-0039 + 0*0030 1396 J397 Aurigse 8-7 2 91-91 3 5 36 34-261 + 4-8552 + 0*0113 J397 1398 Leporis 7-8 3 91-01 3 5 36 37-507 + 2-7064 + 0*0027 1398 '399 Leporis 7-6 i 9I-04 3 s 36 47-463 + 2*6714 + 0*0027 1399 1400 Leporis 7-6 3 83-43 3 5 37 22-819 + 2*6509 + 0*0027 1400 1401 6-7 87-17 3 - 33-412 + 2*0127 + 0*0020 1401 1402 Orionis 6-7 i v 1 4 90-44 3 5 37 35-43I i y * *. i + 3-0338 + 0*003I 1402 H03 12 Leporis 7-6 2 86-14 3 5 37 36-185 + 2-5234 + O*0026 0-0015 1403 1404 Leporis 6 84-75 3 5 38 32-647 + 2*6244 + 0-0026 1404 1405 Orionis 8-9 I 92-10 3 5 39 1-386 + 2-944 + 0*0028 1405 1406 Orionis 7-8 I 91-13 3 5 39 4-921 + 2*8363 + 0*0028 1406 1407 Leporis 7 2 87-12 3 5 39 5-850 + 2*5487 + 0*0026 1407 1408 Tauri 7-8 2 92-12 3 C 3Q 6'142 + V"742 + O'OO42 1408 1409 Orionis i 7-8 I 88-75 3 .1 jiy ' * *j * 5 39 12-682 + 2-9111 + 0*0028 1409 1410 Leporis 8-7 3 92-03 3 5 39 34-578 + 2-7694 + 0-0027 1410 1411 Leporis 7-6 3 82-79 3 5 39 44' 2 23 + 2*5832 + O*0026 1411 1412 Leporis 7 2 85-76 3 5 39 5 x -3i5 + 2-5220 + 0-0025 0*0230 1412 1413 13 Leporis y 4-1 2 84-81 3 S'-.Q -*2*6"*,8 + 2-5213 + O'OO25 0*0230 141 3 1414 Leporis ^ 3 7 90-68 3 ny s o 5 40 10*853 + O*OO26 ^ o 1414 1415 Orionis 7-6 3 84-08 3 5 40 .W?? 6 + 2-9721 + O*O028 '4*1 1416 7 6 86-64 2 I e- 21 + 2*2402 + O'OO26 1416 1417 29 Aurigse T 5* 89-44 3 5 41 33*166 T:* + 4-I57 1 + 0*0057 0*0032 1417 1418 Columbse f* 6 ... 86-64 2 5 41 54-563 + 2-2284 + 0*0025 1418 1419 H Leporis 4-3* 84*13 3 5 41 58*245 + 2-7188 + O'OO25 0*0018 I4IQ 1420 Leporis T^ a 7 I 87*17 3 5 42 12-594 + 2-6833 + 0*0025 * t* y 1420 1421 Orionis 8-7 91-80 3 5 42 15-391 + 3-0181 + O*OO28 1421 1422 Orionis 7-6 2 88-72 3 5 42 16*137 + 2*8237 + O*OO26 1422 1423 53 Orionis K 2-3 5 87-79 48 5 42 32*294 + 2*8444 + O*OO26 o-ooi 7 H23 1424 Orionis 8-9 I 93-04 3 5 42 42*974 + 2*8765 + O*OO27 1424 '425 Orionis 7-8 I 92-06 3 5 42 54-067 + 2*8751 + 0-002 7 I4-"5 1426 Orionis 7-6 2 85-16 3 5 43 6-945 + 2-9/63 + 0-0027 1426 1427 Leporis 7 90-82 3 5 43 24-304 + 2-7549 + 0-0025 1427 1428 Leporis 7 2 85-44 3 5 43 39-II3 + 2-7313 + 0*0025 1428 1429 Orionis 8-7 I 91-79 3 5 44 S'745 + 3-0635 + 0*0028 1429 1430 Leporis 7-8 ... 92-37 3 5 44 26*160 + 2-6019 + 0*0025 1430 M3I Leporis 6-5 3 82-74 3 5 44 36*595 + 2*727: + 0-0024 1431 H3a Orionis 8 3 91-68 3 5 44 40-409 + 2*9339 + 0*0026 M32 '433 Leporis 8 2 92-03 3 5 44 49-044 + 2*4700 + 0-0024 M33 M34 31 Camelopardali 5-6* 87-80 3 5 45 6'757 + 5-3703 + o-oioo 0-0013 M34 1435 Leporis 6-7 2 82-45 3 5 45 17-740 + 2*5061 + 0*0024 '435 M36 55 Orionis 6 4 85-10 3 5 46 3-275 + 2*8957 + 0*0026 0-0014 1436 H37 Leporis 7-8 2 88*46 3 5 46 13-842 + 2*7967 + 0*0025 1437 1438 15 Leporis 8 4 I 86-31 3 5 46 35-308 + 2-5632 + 0*0024 + 0*0158 1438 H39 Leporis 7-6 3 87-11 3 5 46 52-635 + 2*5072 + 0-0024 H39 1440 Orionis 6-7 87-17 3 5 46 53-1/2 + 2*8594 + 0-0025 1440 1407. Reddish star. 1408. Reddish star. 1415. Double: the companion is of the 10 magnitude; it has the same N.P.D., and follows o*'i$. 1424, 1425. The magnitudes given in Lalande are respectively 7^ and 8^ : but the second star was certainly the brighter in 1893. 1427. A fainter star (Weisse's Bessel, 1071) follows, and is about i' 30" north. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 65 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. n tn r^ 1 1 8 CO 5 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o -00 11 00 lc 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 1396 85-29 3 92 57 "'45 2-083 + 0-437 10776 881 1396 '397 90-49 4 36 43 24-26 2-045 + 0-705 IJMT 1398 91-01 3 i5 23 34-62 2-042 + 0-394 10807 1398 1399 91-04 3 106 46 53-32 2-028 + 0-389 '399 1400 83H3 3 I0 7 35 3'4 2 -1-976 + 0-386 10835 1400 1401 87-17 3 96 51 3-61 1-961 + 0-424 10826 921 971 1401 1402 90-44 3 9 1 39 53-50 -1-958 + 0-441 2OO 10822 917 2563 1402 I4 3 86-14 3 112 25 39-24 1-957 + 0-367 0-015 828 204 10846 2565 1403 1404 84-75 3 108 36 27-41 - 1-874 + 0-382 10874 972 1404 1405 92-10 3 95 30 46-28 - 1-833 + 0-428 958 1405 1406 9 I-I 3 3 100 3 40-93 1-827 + 0-413 10880 961 1406 1407 87-12 3 in 28 39-60 1-826 + 0-371 10896 HO? 1408 92-12 3 69 21 6-50 1-826 + 0-520 1408 1409 88-75 3 9 6 54 45'86 1-816 + 0-424 10881 964 1409 1410 92-03 3 102 49 28-47 -I-785 + 0-403 10904 973 1410 1411 82-79 3 no 10 31-77 -1-771 + 0-376 10922 1411 1412 8S-76 3 112 27 31-04 -1-761 + 0-367 + 0-366 836 10931 2581 1412 r 4 ! 3 84-81 3 112 29 5'06 - I-758 + 0-367 + 0-366 837 2I 9 10933 2582 1413 1414 90-68 3 III 42 21-fir 1-732 + 0-370 10949 1414 1415 84-08 3 94 18 38-87 I-695 + 0-433 10936 986 1415 1416 86-64 2 121 42 51-36 I-653 + 0-328 2589 1416 1417 88-10 4 50 51 26-00 1-613 + 0-605 + 0-022 829 213 10899 978 1417 1418 86-64 2 122 20 54-53 1-581 + 0-325 238 2597 1418 1419 84-13 3 I0 4 51 47-59 1-576 + 0-396 O-O09 843 230 10998 1024 2596 980 1419 1420 87-17 4 106 16 43-02 '"554 + 0-391 IIOIO 1420 1421 91-80 3 92 20 12-06 1-552 + 0-440 11005 IO22 1421 1422 88-72 3 100 34 22-18 1-550 + 0-411 11003 1422 H 2 3 85-16 12 99 42 33-22 1-527 + 0-414 0-004 8 44 234 11013 1036 2601 982 1423 1424 93-04 3 98 21 52-33 1-511 + 0-419 11024 1039 1424 "4*5 92-06 3 98 25 19-91 i'495 + 0-419 11033 1044 1425 1426 85-16 3 94 7 30-37 1-476 + 0-434 1048 9 8 3 1426 1427 90-82 3 i3 23 45-I3 1-45 1 + 0-401 Io66 1427 1428 85-44 3 104 21 5-20 1-429 + 0-398 11060 1428 1429 91-79 3 90 23 9-13 1-39 + 0-446 1078 1429 143 9 2 '37 3 log 26 7-98 1-361 + 0-379 11087 1430 1431 82-74 3 104 30 59-38 1-345 + 0-397 11086 IIOO 987 1431 M32 91-68 3 95 55 51-92 I-34I + 0-428 1 1 080 1432 1433 92-03 3 114 18 20-01 1-328 + 0-360 J 433 1434 86-14 4 30 8 16-03 1-301 + 0-782 + 0-022 831 226 988 1434 '435 82-45 3 113 o 20-83 1-286 + 0-365 252 11107 2632 1435 1436 85-10 3 97 32 52-34 1-220 + 0-422 0-003 8.53 254 11114 2640 993 1436 '437 88-46 3 101 40 33-40 1-204 + 0-408 11124 "35 1437 M38 86-31 3 no 53 18-89 I-I73 + 0-374 + 0-654 8 5 8 26l 11142 2646 1438 1439 87-11 3 1 12 57 15-65 -I-I 4 7 + 0-366 "55 2649 1439 1440 87-17 3 99 4 15-54 -1-147 + 0-417 1152 1440 1417, 1434, are respectively 1559, 1565 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1413, 1423, 1438, are respectively 638, 641, 648 of the Radelitfe Catalogue, 1860. 141 2, 1413. An examination of the Proper Motions made in the formation of the present Catalogue shews that these stars have sensibly a common Proper Motion. K 66 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. V M-. S Mean * fl No. Constellation. a 3 "g J| Time of o 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper \/t L' No. S 1 6. Observa- Motion. i *1 tion. *< h. m. a. 8. 8. B. 1441 Orionis 8-7 i 91-79 3 5 46 58-003 + 3-0186 + 0-0025 1441 1442 Leporis 7-8 2 91-79 3 5 47 4-222 + 2-7014 + O-OO24 1442 1443 Leporis 8-7 I 92-04 3 5 47 20-125 + 2-6495 + O-OO24 '443 1444 Leporis 8 3 89-70 3 5 47 33-36o + 2-7693 + 0-0024 '444 H4S Aurigee 7-8 4 8572 6 5 47 38-252 + 4-8644 + 0-0065 '445 1446 54 Orionis x' 5-4* 87-3I 4 5 47 52-"3 + 3-5651 + 0-0032 0-0154 H46 M47 Orionis 7-8 3 88-39 3 5 4 8 18-351 + 2-9386 + O-OO25 H47 1448 57 Orionis x* 6* 88-40 3 5 48 25-997 + 3-55I3 + O-OO3O O'OOT.6 1448 '449 Orionis 7 I 85-13 3 5 49 7'99 + 2-977I + O-OO24 1449 H5 Leporis 7-6 ... 88-01 3 5 49 11-925 + 2-5954 + O-OO24 '45 I45 1 Orionis 7-6 3 87-11 3 5 49 ' 2-95 8 + 2-8745 + O-OO24 '45' '45 J 58 Orionis a Var. ... 86- 1 6 35 5 49 12-965 + 3-2456 + O-OO26 + 0-0008 1452 U53 Orionis U Var. 3 86-07 3 5 49 17-325 + 3-5627 + O'OO3O 1453 '454 Leporis 6-7 2 90-36 3 5 49 35-574 + 2-7936 + 0-0023 M54 I45S Orionis 8-7 2 90-46 3 5 49 59'37' + 2-9593 + O-OO24 1455 I45 6 Orionis 6-7 3 84-45 3 5 50 3-878 + 2-9642 + O-OO24 HS 6 '457 Orionis 7-6 2 90-17 3 5 5 9'624 + 2-9602 + O - OO24 '457 1458 139 Tauri 5-6* 01-40 3 5 51 10-158 + 3-7224 + O-O029 O'OOOO 1458 "459 Leporis 7 2 y Tf 89-81 4 5 5i 13-095 + 2-5408 + O-OO23 '459 1460 16 Leporis rj 4-3* ... 83-77 3 5 5' 2 3-54i + 27348 + 0-0022 0-0044 1460 1461 34 Aurigee ft 2* 90-86 3 5 Si 27-570 + 4-4054 + 0-0039 0-0065 1461 1462 Leporis 7 5 85-78 6 5 51 29-194 + 2-5559 + 0-0023 1462 1 '463 Leporis 6-7 i 87-11 I 5 5' 37-I42 + 2-5093 + 0-0023 '463 1464 Orionis 7-8 3 90-17 3 5 Si 38-321 + 2-8752 + 0-0023 1464 H6S Monocerotis 7-8 2 91-02 3 5 5i 53-067 + 2-8160 + 0-0023 1465 1466 Leporis 7-6 8.VI5 3 5 5 1 59-289 + 2-4990 + 0-0022 1466 1467 Orionis 8 I 89-81 3 5 52 19-004 + 2-9295 + 0-0022 1467 1468 Orionis 7-6 2 84-08 3 5 5 2 36-138 + 3-049 + O-OO23 1468 1469 Leporis 7 t 87-10 3 5 52 43-234 + 2-6366 + 0-0023 1469 1470 Orionis 7-8 2 88-65 3 5 5 2 54-85 1 + 2-9637 + O-OO22 O'OOOO '47 1471 I Monocerotis 6-7 7 82-42 3 5 53 47"'96 + 2-8514 + 0-0023 0-0015 I47i 1472 2 Monocerotis 6-5 2 87-09 3 5 53 5'9 61 + 2-8473 + O-OO23 + 0-0009 1472 '473 Orionis 7-6 2 85-48 3 5 54 3-377 + 3-0386 + O-OO22 M73 '474 Orionis 7-8 2 89-44 3 5 54 27-288 + 2-9177 + 0-OO2I '474 '475 Orionis 4-5 I 86-49 3 5 54 33-ioo + 3-0006 + 0-0022 M75 1476 Monocerotis 7 2 89-43 3 5 54 44-072 + 2-8819 + O-0022 1476 H77 Orionis 7-8 2 89-75 3 5 55 1 2-376 + 2-8971 + 0'OO22 '477 1478 Leporis 6-7 I 84-17 3 5 55 I 3'332 + 2-7663 + 0-0022 1478 H79 Leporis 7-8 I 91-09 3 5 5 6 39'2 '5 + 2-6790 + O-OO2I M79 1480 3 Monocerotis 6-5 2 82-11 3 5 56 39-927 + 2-8223 + 0-0021 0-0018 1480 1481 Leporis 7 2 87-06 3 5 56 42-233 + 2-6995 + 0-0021 1481 | 1482 Orionis ... 7-6 I 88-35 3 5 56 43-819 + 2-9523 + O-OO2I 1482 1483 Leporis 6-7 I 8475 3 5 56 44-822 + 2-4372 + 0-0022 1483 1484 64 Orionis x' 6* ... 86-15 3 5 56 56-70* + 3-5509 + 0-0021 + 0-0016 1484 M8S 62 Orionis x* 5 1 84-03 3 5 57 23-237 + 3-5627 + O'OO2O O'OOOO 1485 1444. The magnitude assigned to this star in Sehonfeld's Zones is 7-0. I 45 I - Reddish star. 1452. Reddish star: the limits of magnitude are i-o and 1-4. 1453. Very red star : the limits of magnitude are 6-4 and below 1 2 : the period is 371 days. 1456. A star of the 8 magnitude precedes nearly 5% and is about 45" north. '475- ^ e< l 8 * ; ' r - 1480. Pale blue star. 1482. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 67 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. f ft Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. n to 10 t--. jf T3 oo K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 J 4) 00 a " 3 - to a, O Greenwich, 1880. No. 1441 91-79 a 92 1 8 45-48 1-140 + 0-440 11130 1148 1441 1442 91-79 3 105 32 4 -8o 1-131 + "394 11149 1442 1443 92-04 3 10? 35 '43 rio8 + 0-386 1443 M44 8970 3 102 47 41-07 1-089 + 0-404 1174 1444 I44S 88-06 6 36 41 7-42 1-082 1- 0-709 1445 1446 87-3I 4 69 44 41-97 1-061 + 0-520 + 0-096 856 259 i"33 998 1446 '447 88-39 3 95 43 42-06 1-023 + 0-428 11176 1188 1447 1448 88-40 3 70 16 21-09 I-OI2 + 0-518 0-009 857 265 i"53 999 1448 1449 8.VI3 3 94 5 10-81 0-952 + 0-434 1 200 1449 '45 88-01 3 J 9 39 38-78 0-945 + 0-379 II2I2 1450 MS 1 87-11 3 98 26 0-22 0-943 + 0-419 II204 1208 US 1 M52 83-35 5 82 36 50-38 0-943 + 0-473 0-024 860 268 III86 2672 IOOI Ho 2 '453 86-07 3 69 50 39^3 0-937 + 0-519 1002 H53 '454 90-36 3 lot 47 45-13 0-910 + 0-407 1219 1454 "455 90-46 3 94 5 39'8i 0-876 + 0-432 II2I9 1223 '455 MS6 84-4S 3 94 38 5MI 0-869 + 0-432 1 I 221 1227 IOO4 1456 H57 90-17 3 94 48 24-17 0-860 + 0-432 II227 1231 H57 I4S8 91-49 3 6 4 3 37 - o4 0-773 + 0-543 + 0-009 862 273 II220 IOIO M58 '459 89-81 4 in 42 12-34 0-768 + 0-371 II284 '459 1460 8377 3 104 ii 18-15 -0-752 + 0-399 0-146 866 281 II279 1267 2696 IOI2 1460 1461 87-26 6 45 3 52-55 0-746 + 0-642 + O-QI i 859 269 I I 202 2694 101 I 1461 1462 86-30 5 in 8 23-66 0-745 + 0-373 "'95 1462 1463 87-11 3 112 51 25-76 0-733 + 0-366 1463 1464 90-17 3 98 23 58-08 -0-732 + 0-419 11282 1272 1464 !4 6 5 91-02 3 100 52 6-20 0-710 + 0-411 11294 1280 1465 1466 85-15 3 "3 13 52-48 0-701 + 0-365 2702 1466 1467 89-81 3 96 6 29-12 0-672 + 0-427 "303 1290 1467 1468 84-08 3 9' i9 - 39 0-647 + 0-445 11308 1468 1469 87-10 3 1 08 4 .5-35 0-637 + 0-385 IJ334 1469 M7 88-65 3 94 39 21-62 O-62O + 0-432 + 0-230 11327 1305 1470 '47i 82-42 3 99 23 32-17 o-544 + 0-416 0-008 872 294 11365 1330 2719 1471 1472 87-09 3 99 33 58-18 -0-538 + 0-415 + 0-034 874 295 "370 2723 1472 M73 85-48 3 91 27 8-34 0-521 + 0-443 11364 1018 1473 '474 89-44 3 96 36 17-03 0-486 + 0-426 11386 1348 1474 H75 86-49 3 93 4 45'5 0-477 + 0-438 11382 '35 1019 '475 47" 89-43 3 98 6 51-01 0-461 + 0-420 H399 1357 1476 '477 89'75 3 97 28 28-83 0-420 + 0-423 137 H77 1478 84-17 3 102 54 16-16 0-418 + 0-404 11417 1478 "479 91-09 3 106 24 5-35 0-293 + 0-391 '479 1480 82-11 3 100 35 59-19 0-292 + 0-412 0-025 883 311 11461 1412 2741 1480 1481 87-06 3 105 35 28-78 0-289 + 0-394 11467 1481 1482 88-35 3 95 8 16-89 0-286 + 0-431 iHSi 1482 '43 85H5 3 115 25 ii-2i 0-284 + 0-356 2743 1483 1484 86-15 3 70 1 8 30-02 0-267 + 0-518 + O-OI2 878 304 H433 IO22 1484 H85 84-03 3 6 9 5 1 34'4 2 0-229 + 0-520 0-006 881 308 11447 1025 1485 1452, 1461, are respectively 1588. 1596 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1446, 1452, 1458, 1460, 1461, 1484, are respectively 650, 652, 656, 657, 655, 664 of the Radclifle Catalogue, 1860. 1470. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 68 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 1486 I Geminorum 5-4 I 88-52 H 5 57 26-044 + 3-6473 + O-OO2O o-oo i o 1486 1487 Leporis 8-7 ... 91-97 3 5 57 26-217 + 2-5941 + 0-0022 1487 1488 Leporis 6-7 3 83-12 3 5 57 33-651 + 2-7269 + 0-0020 1488 1489 Monocerotis 8 ... 92-04 3 5 57 45-o67 + 2-8042 + 0-0020 1489 1490 Leporis 8-7 i 92-08 3 5 58 45-544 + 2-5382 + O-OO2I 1490 1491 Leporis 5 84-12 3 5 5 8 49H77 + 2-4123 + 0-0022 1491 1492 H93 1494 Monocerotis 6-5 9-8 7 i i 83-47 92-41 85-12 3 3 3 5 58 52-685 5 58 56-190 5 59 8-962 + 2-9153 + 2-8676 + 3-0357 + O'OO2O + O-OO2I + O-OOI9 1492 M93 1494 Orionis ... '495 Leporis 7-8 2 87-14 3 5 59 11-766 + 2-7372 + O-OO2O 1495 1496 Leporis 7-6 I 89-17 4 5 59 55'93 + 2-6394 + O-OO2I 1496 1497 17 Leporis 6 3 86-15 3 6 o 4-493 + 2-6771 + O'OO2O + 0-0003 H97 1498 Monocerotis 6-7 2 H5-85 3 6 o 15-379 + 2-8311 + 0-002O 0-0025 1498 1499 37 Camelopardali 6* ... 86-89 4 6 o 16-756 + 5-2929 + 0-0007 + 0-0040 1499 1500 Orionis 7 3 89-4S 3 6 o 39-1 1 1 + 2-9350 + 0-OOI9 1500 1501 Leporis 8-7 2 9I-77 3 6 o 52-137 + 2-7580 + O-OOig 1501 1502 18 Leporis 6 5-6 3 8.VI3 3 6 i 10-596 + 2-7161 + O-OOI9 0-0015 1502 1503 Orionis 6 2 84-08 3 6 i 11-532 + 2-9747 + O'OOlS 1503 1504 1505 1506 Leporis 6-7 4-5 7 I 4 i 89-84 86-98 92-37 3 32 3 6 i 13-428 6 i 17-502 6 i 21-085 + 2-4721 + 3'4 2 5 2 + 3-0746 + O-OO2I + 0-00 1 6 + 0-0018 0-0003 1504 1505 1506 Orionis !57 Orionis 7 2 85-I4 I 6 i 26-808 + 2-9947 + 0-0018 1507 1508 !59 1510 Monocerotis 7-6 7 7 2 I 86-45 85-14 90-09 3 3 3 6 i 36-508 6 i 42-854 6 i 44-014 + 2-9275 + 2-8087 + 2-6764 + 0-0018 + 0-0019 + 0-0020 0-0009 1508 1509 1510 Leporis VfU Leporis 6-7 I 83-84 3 6 i 56-831 + 2-5023 + 0-0021 15" 1512 Leporis 6-7 87-43 3 6 2 18-277 + 2-5378 + 0-0020 1512 1513 Orionis 8-9 91-98 3 6 2 39-264 + 3-0398 + 0-OOI7 1513 1514 1515 1516 19 Leporis 4 Monocerotis 6 7 7-6 2 3 85-16 85-14 86-72 3 3 3 6 2 54H97 6 3 16-161 6 3 27-468 + 2-6082 + 2-8095 + 2-9130 + O-OO2O + O-OOig + 0-OOI8 0-0015 + 0-0020 igM 1515 1516 Monocerotis 1517 Monocerotis 7 i 89-79 3 6 3 28-153 + 2-8866 + 0-002 I 151? 1518 Monocerotis 7-6 2 86-07 3 6 3 50-061 + 2-8779 + O'OOlg 1518 JS'9 Orionis 7-6 2 85-82 3 6 4 12-397 + 2-9392 + O'OOlS 1519 1520 Leporis 6-5 ... 89-39 3 6 4 20-299 + 2-5214 + O-OO2O 1520 1521 Leporis 7-6 2 86-14 3 6 4 30-065 + 2-6354 + O-OO2O 1521 1522 Leporis 6 I 87-18 3 6 4 34-820 + 2-7252 + 0'00l8 1522 1523 Leporis 8 3 92-10 3 6 5 3-I38 + 2-5732 + 0-0020 1523 1524 Leporis 6-5 2 89-82 3 6 5 10755 + 2-5119 + 0-0022 J5 2 4 1525 Leporis 7 I 85-12 3 6 5 18-111 + 2-7134 + O-OOI9 I52S 1526 Monocerotis 7-6 2 84-14 3 6 5 40-523 + 2-9148 4 0-0017 1526 1527 Monocerotis 7-8 2 90-03 3 6 5 42-941 + 2-9022 + O-OO22 1527 1528 Orionis 7-6 90-52 3 6 6 17-659 + 2-9640 + O-OO22 1528 1529 Leporis 7 I 86-51 3 6 6 25-122 + 2-6951 + 0-OOlS 1529 1530 Monocerotis 7-8 2 90-03 3 6 6 28-888 + 2-8314 + 0-OOI7 1530 1506. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i' too small. 1519. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes by 4 s , and is slightly south. 1522. Redi ibh-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 69 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Oft/ PrecesE. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 10 Ui !>. j? T3 1 1 i Lalande, 1800. 1 *0 X -o< 2_- S74 13 Geminorum ... //. 3 I 87-04 23 6 16 18-374 + 3-6267 0-0005 + 0-0037 '574 '575 Monocerotis ... V Var. 2 90-19 3 6 17 11-024 + 3-0227 + 0-0010 1575 I S39- The limits of magnitude are 3-2 and 4-2 : the period is 229 days. 544- Green star. 1545- Bed star. 1550. A star of the 8 magnitude, Lalande 11955, precedes n', and is south. 1568. Yellowish-red star. 1572. Red star. ! 574- Eeddisli star. 1575. The limits of magnitude are 6-9 and below 107: the period is 334 days. The estimated magnitude on 1890 March 12 was IO-H, and on March 15 it was 10-9. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 71 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Itt ua 1-. 1^ 1 w 8 oo K o o 00 aT 1 | Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 oo aj-oo 1 W a, O Greenwich, 1880. No. iS3i 83-I7 3 96 3' 32-32 + 0-570 + 0-425 11805 1:2 2838 1531 1532 92-07 3 102 34 31-53 + 0-577 + 0-404 11824 119 1532 1533 89-09 4 20 38 33-60 + 0-588 + 0-965 + 0-HI 335 1054 1533 1534 91-10 3 1 08 9 43-63 + 0-602 + 0-384 1534 i=35 91-42 3 92 28 41-44 + 0-631 + 0-439 137 1535 1536 91-00 3 94 54 22-79 + 0-666 + 0-431 11857 '54 1536 1537 90-81 3 98 42 4-32 + 0-671 + 0-418 '537 1538 91-16 3 107 44 9-06 + 0-693 + 0-385 11890 1538 1539 8^-39 8 67 27 42-10 + 0-720 + 0-528 + 0-003 909 22 11842 2853 1057 '539 134 84-68 3 70 48 25-01 + 0-732 + 0-515 + 0-170 911 23 11855 1059 154 I54i 85-18 3 93 42 43-58 + 0-738 + 0-435 11892 176 1541 1542 91-77 3 105 21 16-62 + 0-739 + 0-394 11909 1542 >543 9!-i5 3 97 '3 4-99 + o-755 + 0-423 11905 '543 J 544 86-12 3 94 32 12-35 + 0-802 + 0-432 11916 1544 IS45 88-82 3 94 2 5 0-39 + 0-812 + 0-432 1545 1546 86-84 3 96 14 30-26 + 0-830 + 0-426 + 0-060 920 35 11925 212 2868 1546 1547 85-16 2 90 28 16-62 + 0-873 + 0-446 + 0-205 11936 223 i $47 1548 89-80 3 94 52 46-68 + 0-881 + 0-431 11949 1548 '549 85-12 | 99 4-I3 + 0-891 + 0-416 '549 1550 90-50 3 101 52 14-50 + 0-898 + 0-406 11964 240 155 >55i 90-02 3 no 14 20-40 + 0-910 + 0-376 11984 i55i IS52 90-53 3 108 26 27-41 + 0-915 + 0-382 11983 '552 1553 89-19 3 103 40 58-29 + 0'937 + 0-400 11985 254 1063 1553 1554 87-11 3 106 34 54-01 + 0-981 + 0-389 I20OO '554 1555 90-46 3 IO2 O 30*42 + 1-013 + 0-406 12006 282 >555 1556 90-79 3 too 41 5-94 + i -086 + 0-410 o-ooi 927 56 309 2887 1556 1557 86-82 3 112 40 3'66 + 1-087 + 0-366 + 0-240 59 12056 2889 1557 1538 90-79 3 96 4! 6-36 + 1-118 + 0-424 1558 '539 84-15 3 1 06 46 30-76 + 1-119 + 0-388 I2O6O 1071 '559 1560 91-07 3 95 36 45-55 + 1-128 + 0-428 I205I 1560 1561 89-38 3 109 8 51-87 + i-i33 + 0-379 12064 1561 1562 88-41 3 109 55 29-30 + 1-179 + 0-376 12085 1072 1562 1563 85-18 3 99 20 44-90 + I-I9 1 + 0'4I5 12074 343 1073 1563 l -,(>4 83*15 2 104 58 54-15 + I-2IO + o-395 12095 1564 '565 85-34 3 98 33 30-22 + I-2I3 + 0-418 I208J 1565 1566 87-12 3 1 10 52 53-41 + 1-249 + o-373 I2II8 1566 1567 86-44 3 97 46 38-07 + I-26l + 0-420 0-009 928 69 366 2905 1076 1567 1568 86- 1 6 3 9 2 53 55-o6 + 1-266 + o-437 I2IO4 3 6 4 1077 1568 '569 88-39 3 107 28 47-54 + 1-296 + 0-385 12135 1569 '57 89-77 3 i3 5 6 47-93 + I-306 + 0-398 388 I57o 1571 9i - 7S 3 112 3 26-02 + I-3I2 + 0-368 12150 I57i 15/2 85-81 3 101 46 4-43 + I '39 6 + 0-406 12169 "572 '573 8 4 -88 4 ioi 43 22-35 + I-424 + 0-406 12176 427 1084 1573 J 574 83-18 8 6? 25 49H9 + I- 4 2 5 + 0-527 + O-IOI 929 74 12136 2923 1082 574 '575 90-19 3 92 8 27-86 + 1-502 + o-439 "575 *533> '539> '574' are respectively 1664, 1685, 1725 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. '539) '54' I 546, '574, are respectively 672, 674, 680, 690 of the Radclifte Catalogue, 1860. 1533. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." '547> '557- T ne Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 72 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Preoess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1576 Monocerotis 7-6 2 85-11 3 6 I? 3I79 1 + 2-9974 + O'OOIO 1576 1577 Canis Majoris 8-9 I 92-07 3 6 i? 49-93I + 2'49 r 9 + 0-0017 1577 1578 2 Canis Majoris ... /3 2 I 87-23 36 6 17 51-246 + 2-6420 + 0-0016 0-0015 1578 1579 Monocerotis 7 2 8S-47 3 6 17 56-599 + 2-9645 + O-OOII 1579 1580 Monocerotis 7-6 90-03 3 6 18 23-211 + 2-8419 + 0-0013 1580 1581 Canis Majoris 7 I 87-12 I 6 18 47-359 + 2-7151 + 0-0015 1581 1582 Canis Majoris 7-8 I 89-83 3 6 18 47-814 + 2-6801 + 0-0014 1582 1583 1584 1585 Canis Majoris 7 6-5 9-8 I 2 I 89-49 83-16 91-10 3 3 3 6 19 2-090 6 19 2-488 6 19 15-801 + 2-5947 + 2-8021 + 2-9130 + 0-0017 + 0-0014 + O-QOII 1583 1584 1585 Monocerotis 1586 Canis Majoris 7-6 3 85-06 3 6 19 16-116 + 2-7673 + 0-0014 1586 1587 Orionis 6-7 3 86-44 3 6 19 39' 02 5 + 3-0521 + 0-0008 + 0-OI50 1587 1588 Monocerotis 7 2 85-00 3 6 20 4-400 + 3-0043 + 0-0009 1588 '589 Monocerotis 7-6 2 8477 3 6 20 19-032 + 2-9834 + 0-0009 1589 !59 Monocerotis 7 2 85-48 3 6 20 40-954 + 2-8893 + O'OOII 1590 1591 Monocerotis 7 2 87-14 3 6 20 41-190 + 2-9921 + 0-0009 iS9i 1592 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 9I'33 3 6 21 3-477 + 2-5639 + o"ooi6 1592 1593 Orionis 7-6 2 88-50 3 6 21 5-312 + 3-039 + o-oooS 1593 1594 Monocerotis 6-7 I 85-46 3 6 21 8-053 + 2-9670 + 0-0009 1594 '595 Monocerotis 7 2 89-41 3 6 21 25-883 + 2-8985 + O-QOII 1595 1596 9 Monocerotis 7 3 86-16 3 6 21 33-911 + 2-9726 + 0-0009 O'OOOS 1596 1597 78 Orionis 6-5 I 81-84 3 6 21 38-192 + 3-0676 + 0-0007 + O'OO 2 2 1597 1598 Canis Majoris 7-8 3 89-69 3 6 21 40-792 + 2-6074 + 0-0015 1598 | 599 Canis Majoris 7-6 i 88-60 3 6 21 42-552 + 27274 + 0-0014 1599 1600 18 Geminorum ... v 5 2 88-71 10 6 22 25-930 + 3 - 5642 O'OOIO O-OO22 1600 1 60 1 10 Monocerotis 5-6 2 83-15 3 6 22 31-668 + 2-9632 + 0-0008 o-ooii 1601 1602 Canis Majoris 8 ... 9I-74 3 6 22 37-227 + 2-4754 + 0-0017 1602 1603 Orionis 7 I 87-45 3 6 23 13-965 + 3-07 7 1 + 0-0006 1603 1604 II Monocerotis 6 4 83-09 4 6 23 28-853 + 2-9101 + O'OO 10 0-0046 1604 1605 1606 1607 Monocerotis 6-7 7-6 8-7 4 4 3 83-09 83-09 87-15 4 4 3 6 23 29-283 6 23 29-443 6 23 30-372 + 2-9101 -|- 2-9101 + 2-7660 + O'OOIO + o-ooio + 0-0012 0-0046 0-0046 J 6os 1606 1607 Canis Majoris 1608 1609 1610 Canis Majoris Canis Majoris 7-6 4-5* 8 i I 84-16 84-33 91-09 3 4 3 6 23 45-oi9 6 24 5-213 6 24 5-685 + 2-6559 + 2-2251 + 2-8587 + 0-0014 + 0-0017 + Q-OOII 1608 1609 1610 Monocerotis 1611 Canis Majoris 7-8 ... 89-50 3 6 24 44-293 + 2-6677 + 0-0015 1611 1 1612 Canis Majoris 7 2 87-78 3 6 24 48-001 + 2-5215 + o-oo 1 6 1612 1613 Monocerotis 6-7 I 84-91 3 6 24 59-136 + 2-8380 + o-ooii 1613 1614 Monocerotis 8-7 2 9I-45 3 6 25 18-703 4- 2-9880 + 0-0007 1614 1615 Canis Majoris 7 3 85-84 3 6 25 24-346 + 2-6114 + 0-0015 1615 1616 Canis Majoris 7 i 90-00 3 6 25 26-167 + 2-7899 + o-ooii 1616 1617 Canis Majoris 7 85-11 3 6 25 30-581 + 2-7I95 + 0-0013 1617 1618 Canis Majoris 7-6 2 83-46 3 6 25 30-787 + 2-7640 + 0-0012 1618 1619 Canis Majoris 8-7 ... 89-42 3 6 26 0-247 + 2-5292 + 0-0015 1619 1620 Canis Majoris 6-5 2 85-16 3 6 26 16-557 + 2-7826 + O-OOI2 1620 | 1604, 1605, 1606. It is probable that Bradley observed the common mass of the three stars. 1607. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Lalande 12438, precedes 17'. 1615. Reddish star. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 73 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. f ft Precess. rt Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // IB O *>. 1 i (k Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o' f| i;- *l Greenwich, 1880. No. 1576 85-11 3 93 13 22-41 + ''533 + 0-435 12214 462 1576 1577 92-07 a 113 32 16-91 + 1-559 + 0-362 1577 1578 83-90 4 i7 54 6-43 + 1-560 + 0-383 0-003 936 92 12241 2940 1088 1578 1579 85H7 i 94 37 55-04 + 1-568 + 0-430 470 1579 1580 90-03 3 99 49 8-4 + 1-607 + 0-412 12250 486 1580 1581 87-12 3 105 o 52-65 + 1-642 + 0-394 12272 1581 1582 89-83 3 1 06 24 39-57 + 1-643 + 0-389 12275 1582 1583 89-49 3 109 43 42-61 + 1-663 + 0-376 12288 1583 1584 83-16 3 101 28 16-76 + 1-663 + 0-407 12278 5" 1093 1584 1583 91-10 3 96 49 37-01 + 1-684 + 0-423 5i7 1585 1586 85-06 3 102 54 14-23 + 1-684 + 0-402 12287 526 1586 1587 86-44 a 90 52 45-40 + 1-717 + 0-443 + O-220 12283 527 1094 1587 1588 85-00 3 92 55 48-96 + '754 + 0-436 536 1588 1589 84-77 3 93 49 39-43 + 1-775 + 0-433 1589 !59 85-48 3 97 49 57-03 + 1-807 + 0-419 "333 562 I59<> ' 87-14 3 93 27 20-05 + 1-807 + 0-434 559 1591 1592 9'"33 3 "o 54 37-50 + 1-841 + 0-372 12370 J 59* 1593 88-50 1 91 26 34-14 + 1-842 + 0-441 "343 575 1593 1594 85-46 3 94 32 0-64 + 1-847 + 0-430 12351 580 J 594 r 595 89-41 3 97 26 49-70 + I-873 + 0-420 12362 594 I59S 1596 86-16 3 94 17 26-80 + 1-884 + c'43' O-OO7 945 in 12364 596 2988 1596 1597 81-65 4 90 12 38-31 + 1-890 + 0-445 0-012 944 108 2989 1597 1598 89-69 3 i9 '5 37 -I 3 + 1-894 + 0-378 12382 1598 1599 88-60 3 104 32 19-02 + 1-897 + 0-395 "377 606 r 599 1600 84-63 5 69 43 7'9 + 1-960 + 0-517 + 0-006 942 109 12361 2994 1104 1600 1601 83-15 3 94 4 1 41-25 + 1-968 + 0-429 0-OI4 948 116 "393 622 2997 1105 1601 1602 9'74 3 114 10 21-60 + I-976 + 0-358 1602 1603 87HS 3 89 48 8-36 + 2-029 + 0-446 119 1603 1604 83-09 4 9 6 57 46-55 + 2-051 + 0-421 0-034 952 121 "439 3009 1604 1605 83-09 4 96 57 51-40 + 2-051 + 0-421 0-034 122 12441 1605 1606 83-09 4 96 57 52-21 + 2-051 + 0-421 0-034 122 12441 1606 1607 87-I5 3 102 58 47-53 + 2-053 + 0-400 12447 661 1607 1608 84-16 I 107 23 47-17 + 2-074 + 0-384 12456 1608 1609 84-76 3 122 30 42-90 + 2-103 + 0-322 136 3014 1109 1609 1610 91-09 3 99 8 9-15 + 2-105 + 0-414 675 1610 1611 89-50 3 106 56 21-19 + 2-160 + 0-386 12498 1611 1612 87-78 3 112 31 8-69 + 2-166 + 0-365 12509 1612 1613 84-91 3 ioo o 27-53 + 2-182 + 0-411 1613 1614 9i'45 3 93 38 I7-43 + 2-2II + 0-432 707 1614 6i5 85-84 3 109 8 24-73 + 2-218 + 0-378 12524 1615 1616 90-00 3 102 23-05 + 2-221 + 0-403 12512 1616 1617 8 5 -u 3 104 52 47-19 + 2-228 + 0-393 12520 721 1617 1618 83-46 3 103 4 24-82 + 2-228 + 0-400 I2 5iS 1618 1619 88-42 3 112 14 46-56 + 2-270 + 0-366 12544 1619 1620 85-16 3 102 18 51-69 + 2 4 295 + 0-402 12541 748 1114 1620 1578, 1597, 1600, are respectively 692, 701, 702 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1587. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. No. 1621 1622 1623 Canis Majoris 6 6 7-6 I 87-17 84-48 87-18 3 3 3 6 26 24-860 6 26 32-917 6 26 48-406 + 2-3755 + 2-8840 + 2-554 1 + 0-0017 + 0-0010 + 0-0015 1621 1622 1623 Canis Majoris 1624 Monocerotis 8-7 ... 91-67 3 6 26 56-028 + 2-9017 + o'ooog 1624 1625 Monocerotis 6-7 I 85-5I 3 6 27 o-ooi + 2-9379 + 0-0007 1625 1626 Canis Majoris 7 3 86-18 3 6 27 5-010 + 2-6416 + 0-0014 1626 1627 4 Canis Majoris ... 4* 81-16 3 6 27 16-254 + 2-4997 + 0-0015 0-0063 1627 1628 Canis Majoris 7-6 I 84-51 3 6 27 37-545 + 2-8125 + 0-0010 1628 1629 Monocerotis 6-5 2 84-41 4 6 28 2-949 + 3-0462 + 0-0004 1629 1630 Canis Majoris 7 3 87-12 3 6 28 44-327 + 2-5676 + 0-0015 1630 1631 Monocerotis 7-6 3 88-53 3 6 28 51-289 + 3-0032 + 0-0005 1631 1632 Monocerotis 7-8 i 91-72 3 6 28 52-559 + 2-9608 + 0-0006 1632 1633 Canis Majoris 8 2 91-78 3 6 29 23-667 + 2-6941 + 0-0012 1633 1634 23 Geminorum 7-6 2 87-72 3 6 29 39-980 + 3H749 0-0014 0-0003 1634 1635 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 89-37 3 6 30 2-192 + 2-5777 + 0-0014 1635 1636 5 Canis Majoris ... * 5 I 83-17 3 6 30 26-720 + 2-5134 + 0-0015 + 0-0018 1636 163? Canis Majoris 7-8 87-83 3 6 3 45-236 + 2-8081 + 0-0009 J637 1638 Canis Majoris 7-6 I 88-62 3 6 30 51-627 + 2-5367 + O'Ooi4 1638 1639 Monocerotis 6 I 85-11 3 6 31 10-423 + 2-9538 + 0-0004 1639 1640 Monocerotis 8 I 91-82 3 6 31 14-702 + 2-8452 + 0-0008 1640 1641 24 Geminorum ... y 2-3 4 86-15 Si 6 31 21-465 + 3-4646 o-oo 1 6 + 0-0023 1641 1642 Canis Majoris S 2 91-79 3 6 31 31-887 + 2-4821 + 0-0015 1642 '643 6 Canis Majoris ... v 1 6-7 I 86-83 3 6 31 33-821 + 2-6276 + 0-0013 0-0026 1643 1644 Canis Majoris 7-6 2 85-48 3 6 31 42-853 + 2-76:2 + 0-0010 1644 l6 45 7 Canis Majoris ... v" 4-5 I 85-20 3 6 3i 53-069 + 2-6124 + 0-0013 + 0-0028 1645 1646 Canis Majoris 7 ... 89-47 3 6 32 3H57 + 2-5235 + 0-0014 1646 1647 Monocerotis 7 89-45 3 6 32 14-906 + 2-8831 + 0-0008 1647 1648 Canis Majoris 6-7 2 84-11 3 6 32 36-002 + 2-7697 + 0-0010 1648 1649 Monocerotis 7-6 2 84-18 3 6 32 48-939 + 3-0159 + 0-0003 1649 1650 Monocerotia 8 2 89-07 3 6 32 52-609 + 3-2600 0-0007 1650 1651 8 Canis Majoris ... v* 5 2 83-11 a 6 33 3'039 + 2-6390 + 0-0013 o-ooi i 1651 1652 Canis Majoris 5-4 ... 81-17 2 6 33 40-347 + 2-2382 + o-ooi 6 1652 '653 Canis Majoris 6-7 2 83-44 4 6 33 41-325 + 2-6738 + 0-001 1 1653 1654 Canis Majoris 7 2 85-84 3 6 33 48-022 + 2-4980 + 0-0014 1654 1655 Monocerotis 7 2 91-69 a 6 34 11-873 + 3-0429 + 0-0001 1655 1656 Canis Majoris 6-5 I 84-51 3 6 34 1 4-997 + 2-7417 + 0-0010 1656 i657 Monocerotis 8-7 I 91-47 3 6 34 33-6o7 + 3-0203 + 0-0002 165? 1658 15 Monocerotis ... S Var. 2 86-56 4 6 34 55-236 + .V3054 o-oon 0-0003 1658 "659 Monocerotis 7 I 91-64 3 6 34 56-747 + 2-9279 + 0-0004 1659 1660 Canis Majoris 7-6 I 89-11 3 6 35 I- 569 + 2-4953 + 0-0014 1660 1661 Monocerotis 7-8 1 87-I3 3 f> 35 42-992 + 2-8993 + 0-0006 lOd. 1662 Canis Majoris 8-7 2 89-21 3 6 35 43-602 + 2-5579 + 0-0013 1662 1663 Canis Majoris 7-8 I 91-78 3 6 35 5 -3 8 7 + 2-7898 + 0-0008 1663 1664 Monocerotis 8 2 93-09 3 6 35 50-612 + 3-0208 + o-ooo i 1664 1 1665 26 Geminorum 6-5 2 85-36 3 6 36 0-026 + 3-4952 O'OO22 0-0009 1665 1639. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 8. 1643. A star of the 9-8 magnitude precedes I s , and is slightly south. 1645. Red star. 1658. The limits of magnitude are 4-9 and 5-4 : the period is 3-4 days : there is a close faint companion south and preceding. 1661. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 75 Mean et _ | M :?. 8 O o* No. Time of Observa- .3 5> t! -2 > g S3 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. i^ 1 o oo oT 1 "aS CO D No. tion. l ! / // ,/ ,! H H 'A 3 3 1-1 ^" cS m 6 & 1621 87-17 3 "7 4 1 37'44 + 2-306 + 0-343 148 3032 1117 1621 1622 84-48 3 98 4 46-46 + 2-318 + 0-417 "545 753 1118 1622 1623 87-18 3 in 19 44-05 + 2-340 + 0-369 12570 1623 1624 91-67 3 97 19 46-72 + 2-351 + 0-419 12551 762 1624 1625 85-5I 3 95 47 I?'? 6 + 2-357 + 0-425 "552 763 1 1 20 1625 1626 86-18 3 107 59 2-24 + 2-364 + 0-382 151 12576 3038 1626 1627 Bi-i6 3 113 20 23-40 + 2-380 + 0-361 0-007 962 155 12592 3043 1627 1628 84-51 3 101 5 9-80 + 2-411 + 0-406 154 12582 784 3049 1124 1628 1629 84-49 3 91 8 14-72 + 2-448 + 0-440 12587 775 1125 1629 1630 87-12 3 no 50 24-86 + 2-508 + 0-370 12632 1630 1631 88-53 3 92 59 24-64 + 2-518 + 0-433 12617 816 1631 1632 91-72 3 94 48 57- 6 7 + 2-521 + 0-427 12620 820 1632 1633 91-78 3 105 55 39-64 + 2-565 + 0-389 12652 1633 1634 87-72 3 73 6 51-98 + 2-589 + 0-501 O'OIO 966 158 12621 "30 1634 1635 89-37 3 no 28 15-97 + 2-620 + 0-372 12638 1635 1636 83-17 3 112 52 41-76 + 2-656 + 0-362 0-031 972 170 12698 3076 "33 1636 1637 87-83 3 ioi 17 8-18 + 2-683 + 0-405 12694 882 1637 1638 88-62 3 112 II 2-03 + 2-693 + 0-365 1638 1639 85-11 3 95 7 '3-48 + 2-719 + 0-426 171 12702 891 3084 "37 1639 1640 91-82 3 99 44 20 "44 + 2-725 + 0-410 1640 1641 81-02 H 73 30 26-16 + 2-735 + 0-499 + 0-035 969 169 12680 3087 "39 1641 1642 91-79 3 114 i 45-44 + 2-750 + 0-357 1642 1643 86-83 3 108 34 12-55 + 2-753 + 0-378 0-023 975 179 3089 1142 1643 1644 85-48 3 103 13 44-65 + 2-766 + 0-398 917 1644 1645 85-20 3 I0 9 9 44-75 + 2-781 + 0-376 + 0-041 978 180 12740 3094 "43 l6 4S 1646 89-47 3 112 31 25-22 + 2-795 + 0-363 "755 1646 1647 89-45 3 98 8 33-33 + 2-813 + 0-415 12 737 928 1647 1648 84-11 3 102 53 15-08 + 2-843 + 0-399 12758 944 1648 1649 84-18 3 92 26 58-14 + 2-862 + 0-434 12757 1649 1650 89-07 3 81 55 57-46 + 2-867 + 0-469 1650 1651 1652 l6 54 83-11 81-17 85-84 3 2 4 3 108 8 33-03 122 14 49-02 106 46 35-56 113 29 I-82 + 2-882 + 2-935 + 2-937 + 2-947 + 0-380 + 0-322 + 0-384 + 0-359 0-016 979 189 198 12784 12801 3108 3"5 3116 1651 1652 1654 1655 91-69 3 91 16 54-27 + 2-981 + 0-438 12799 1655 1656 84-51 3 I0 4 2 52-44 + 2-986 + 0-394 12825 990 1146 1656 1657 9iH7 3 92 IS 43-52 + 3-013 + 0-434 12824 991 1657 1658 87-15 3 80 o 10-87 + 3-043 + 0-475 O'OOO 981 193 12827 993 1150 1658 91-64 3 96 H 47-79 + 3-046 + 0-421 12840 1659 i66o 89-11 3 "3 35 45-46 + 3-053 + 0-358 12866 3131 "Si 1660 1661 87-13 3 97 28 13-72 + 3'"3 + 0-416 12869 1033 1661 1662 89-21 3 in 17 19-50 + 3'"4 + 0-367 12889 1662 1663 91-78 3 102 4 49-17 + 3-123 + 0-401 12883 1038 1663 1664 9.V09 3 9 2 H 35^5 + 3-124 + 0-434 1032 1664 1665 85-36 3 72 14 51*40 + 3-137 + 0-502 + 0-080 982 202 12850 "55 1665 1641 is 1784 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1626, 1636, 1641, 1652, are respectively 708, 712, 714, 717 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 76 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1666 Monocerotis 7 3 89-14 3 6 36 2-483 + 2-9088 + 0-0004 1666 1667 Monocerotis 6-5 i 85-10 3 6 36 41-294 + 2-8620 + 0-0006 1667 1668 Monoeerotis 7 3 89H5 3 6 36 44-626 + 2-9336 + 0-0003 1668 1669 Canis Majovis 7 3 88-56 5 6 36 45-795 + 2-5866 + 0-0013 1669 1670 Canis Majoris 7 i 89-06 3 6 37 3-023 + 2-6966 + O'OOIO 1670 1671 Canis Majoris h i i 87-S3 3 6 37 12-354 + 2-5886 + 0-0012 1671 1672 Monocerotis 7 3 84-14 3 6 37 20-111 + 2-9795 + O'OOOI 1672 i6?3 Canis Majoris 8 ... 91-79 3 6 37 26-266 + 2-8246 + 0-0006 !6?3 1674 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 89-69 3 6 37 59-303 + 2-7537 + 0-0009 1674 67S Canis Majoris 8-y 2 92-05 3 6 38 3-872 + 2-4752 + 0-0013 l6 75 1676 Canis Majoris 7 I 83-16 3 6 38 8-038 + 2-5306 + 0-0013 1676 1677 31 Geminorum ... 3-4 3 85-39 35 6 39 6-949 + .V3770 0-0019 0-0087 1677 1678 42 Camelopardali 5* ... 90-18 3 6 39 28-653 + 6-2825 0-0402 + 0-0030 1678 1679 Canis Majoris 7-8 i 89-38 3 6 40 1-280 + 2-6331 + 0-001 1 1679 1680 Monocerotis 7 3 84-14 3 6 40 13-696 + 3'0587 0-0002 1680 1 68 1 9 Canis Majoris ... a i* ... 83-61 6 6 40 17874 + 2-6810 + 0-0010 - 0-0372 1681 1682 Canis Majoris 7-6 i 89-83 | 6 40 47-962 + 2-5045 + 0-0013 1682 1683 Canis Majoris 6 2 84-48 3 6 40 59-399 + 2-7279 + 0-0008 1683 1684 Monocerotis 8-9 I 91-29 3 6 41 23-868 + 2-9336 + O'OOOI 1684 1685 Monocerotis 7-6 3 86-10 3 6 41 26-557 + 2-8408 + 0-0005 1685 1686 1687 1688 Canis Majoris 1 1 Canis Majoris 7-6 6-5 7-6 i i 2 89-19 85-12 86-54 3 3 3 6 41 39-53I 6 41 50-000 6 42 18-756 + 2 '600I + 2-7372 + 2-5708 + 0-001 1 + 0-0007 + O-QOII 0-002: O'coig 1686 1687 1688 12 Canis Majoris 1689 Monocerotis 6-5 I 85-19 3 6 42 21-870 + 2-8672 + 0-0004 1689 1690 Canis Majoris 7-8 I 88-71 3 6 42 43-532 + 2-66II + O'OO I O 1690 1691 Monocerotis 6-7 2 84-44 3 6 42 44-493 + 3-045I 0-0004 1691 1692 Monocerotis 9-8 3 9I-43 3 6 43 0-057 + 2-9950 0-0002 1692 1693 1694 1695 Monocerotis 7-8 7-8 6-7 2 2 87-I7 89-83 88-78 3 3 3 6 43 3-034 6 43 22-053 6 43 43-966 + 2-8965 + 2-7761 + 3-0233 + 0-0003 + 0-0006 0-0003 1693 1694 J 695. Monocerotis 1696 Canis Majoris 6 2 89-50 3 6 43 58-401 + 2-7203 + 0-0008 1696 1697 Camelopardali 5-4* ... 90-81 3 6 44 0-926 + 8-8094 O'I2II + 0-0230 1697 1698 Canis Majoris 7-6 I 90-84 3 6 45 9^47 + 2-4902 + O'OOI2 1698 1699 Monocerotis 6 2 85-53 3 6 45 12-869 + 3-0632 0-0006 o-oooo 1699 1700 Monocerotis 7-8 3 9'5> 3 6 45 '5798 + 2-9776 O'OOO2 1700 1701 Canis Majoris 7 3 82-79 3 6 45 23-287 + 2-6677 + O'OOIO 1701 1702 Monocerotis 7-6 9J'3' 3 6 45 24-484 + 2-S903 + O-OOO2 1702 1703 Canis Majoris 6-7 3 86-73 3 6 45 27734 + 2-6729 + o-ooio i7 3 1704 34 Geminorum ... & 3-4* 92-06 3 6 45 32-298 + .V9596 o 0073 O-OOO2 1704 '70S Monocerotis 7 91-67 3 6 45 S9-357 + 2-8425 + 0-0003 1/05 1706 Monocerotis 7-8 91-40 3 6 46 9-010 + .V0205 0-0005 1706 1707 Canis Majoria 8-7 i 92-11 3 6 46 52-985 + 2-8163 + 0-0004 1707 1708 Monocerotis 7 3 86-19 3 6 46 56-820 + 2-9570 O'OOO2 0-0400 1708 1709 Monocerotis 7-6 4 85-12 3 6 46 58-173 + 2-9538 O-OO02 1709 1710 Canis Majoris 8 3 92-41 3 6 47 I5-739 + 27392 + 0-0012 1710 1674. The R. A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is 10" too small. 1681. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by 3-4 than the unit magnitude. 1682. Reddish star. 1689. Reddish star. 1700. A star of the 9-8 magnitude, Lalande 13214, follows 15', and is about 25" north. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 77 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t ft Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. m /i *>. M 1 8 CO '& o O CO l-l if Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 A - CO s* CC 0, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 1666 89-14 3 97 3 55-93 + 3-14 + 0-418 12885 1040 1666 1667 85-10 3 99 3 40-57 + 3-196 + 0-41 1 12907 1064 1158 1667 1668 89-45 a 96 o 33-05 + 3-202 + 0-421 1063 1668 1669 88-56 5 1 10 12 45-66 + 3-203 + 0-371 12927 1669 1670 89-06 3 "OS 54 8-37 + 3-228 + 0-387 12936 1670 1671 87-53 3 110 8 35-99 + 3-241 + 0-371 12947 1671 1672 84-14 3 94 2 3-68 + 3-252 + 0-427 12926 1079 1672 i673 91-79 3 100 38 36-64 + 3-261 + 0-405 12944 "673 1674 89-69 3 "03 35 23-24 + 3-308 + 0-395 12956 1103 1674 '675 92-05 3 114 22 8-93 + 3-315 + 0-355 "675 1676 83-16 3 112 20 39-29 + 3-321 + 0-363 12973 1676 1677 81-75 10 76 59 10-03 + .V406 + 0-484 + 0-195 989 217 12964 3165 1168 1677 1678 88-92 5 22 18 29-16 + 3H38 + 0-901 0-016 974 194 12823 1166 1678 1679 89-38 3 108 27 25-56 + 3-484 + o-377 1679 1680 84-14 3 9 36 6-97 + 3-502 + 0-438 13020 1163 1680 1681 83-01 8 106 33 58-90 + 3-508 + 0-384 + 1-199 994 227 13035 3176 1169 1681 i6Sz 89-83 3 113 20 55-26 + 3'55i + 0-358 13064 3180 1682 1683 84-48 3 104 40 48-05 + 3-567 + 0-390 !359 1198 1683 1684 91-29 3 96 i 38-98 + 3-603 + -4!9 1684 1685 86-10 3 99 59 25-38 + 3-6o6 + 0-406 13070 1207 1685 1686 89-19 1 "9 45 38-77 + 3-626 + 0-371 1686 1687 85-12 3 104 18 30-49 + 3-640 + 0-391 0-020 996 237 13086 3193 1174 1687 1688 86-54 3 no 53 48-88 + 3-682 + 0-366 O'OIO IOOI 241 "3115 1222 3200 1176 1688 1689 85-19 3 98 52 43-84 + 3-686 + 0-409 13100 1242 1689 1690 88-71 3 107 23 20-20 + 3-7I7 + 0-380 13129 1690 1691 84-44 3 91 II 48-41 + 3-/I? + 0-435 13104 1248 1691 1692 9I-43 I 93 22 33-65 + 3-740 + 0-428 1692 1693 87-17 3 97 38 0-07 + 3-74S + 0-413 13127 "693 1694 89-83 3 102 43 6-90 + 3-772 + 0-396 I3I44 1694 1695 88-78 3 92 8 54-72 + 3-803 + 0-431 '3"43 1277 "695 1696 89-50 3 i5 " l6 '55 + 3-823 + 0-388 "3173 1291 1696 1697 85-48 3 "2 53 4-35 + 3-828 + 1-260 + 0-014 201 12846 1178 1697 1698 90^84 3 "3 S 6 59'4" + 3-926 + 0-354 3227 1698 1699 85-53 3 90 24 27-50 + 3-93I + 0-436 + 0-I50 13198 1320 1699 1700 90-51 3 94 8 19-69 + 3-935 + 0-424 13206 1328 1700 1701 82-79 3 107 9 50-56 + 3-945 + 0-380 13230 1701 1702 9 I- 3i 3 97 54 48-92 + 3-946 + 0-412 13216 "339 1702 "703 86-73 3 106 57 26-73 + .r952 + 0-381 "3232 1703 1704 92-06 3 55 54 24-98 + 3-958 + 0-564 + 0-032 1003 248 I3I55 1704 1705 91-67 I 99 57 2I ' 2 + 3-997 + 0-405 1705 1706 91-40 3 92 16 22-86 + 4-011 + 0-430 13238 "353 1706 1707 92-11 3 101 4 25-31 + 4-074 + 0-400 13289 1384 1707 1708 86-19 3 95 2 30-96 + 4-079 + 0-420 o-ooo 13284 1708 1709 85-12 3 95 " "'9 1 + 4-081 + 0-420 13282 1709 1710 92-41 3 112 10 18-66 + 4-107 + 0-361 I33i6 1710 1677, 1678, 1681, 1697, are respectively 1810, 1804, 1816, 1813 of the RadclitTe Catalogue, 1845. 1677, i6Si, are respectively 725, 727 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1697. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 1699, 1708. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 78 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. B. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. B. Proper Motion. s. No. 1711 Monocerotis 8 2 92-14 3 6 47 49-390 + 2-8972 + O'OOOI 1711 1712 Canis Majoris 6-7 4 86-81 3 6 48 30-391 + 2-6251 + 0-0009 1712 1713 Canis Majoris 6-7 3 87-84 3 6 48 32-858 + 2-6276 + 0-0009 1713 1714 I7IS 1716 Canis Majoris 8-7 7-6 5-6 I 3 2 9I-85 86-13 84-94 3 3 223 6 48 43-798 6 48 45-121 6 48 46-366 + 2-7 6 95 + 2-9417 + 29-9647 + 0-0005 O'OOO2 2-4151 0-0400 1714 1715 1716 Cephei 51 1717 1718 1719 15 Canis Majoris Monocerotis 5-6 6-5 7 I 2 I 89-36 85-I7 87-10 3 3 3 6 48 47-477 6 48 49-284 6 48 49-761 + 2-5946 + 3-0499 + 2-4757 + O-QOIO 0-0007 + 0-0012 0-0026 1717 1718 1719 Canis Majoris 1720 14 Canis Majoris ... 6 4-5 I 87-00 20 6 49 4-7ii + 2-7972 + 0-0004 0-0105 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 Monocerotis Canis Majoris 7-6 7-6 6-7 5* 2 I 87-14 90-50 84-46 91-02 3 3 3 3 6 49 8-271 6 49 22-557 6 49 27-790 6 49 33-98o + .V0356 + 2-4800 + .Ton? + 2-4899 0-0006 + 0-001 1 0-0005 + 0-001 1 0-0031 1721 1722 1723 1724 Monocerotis 16 Canis Majoris ... G 1 1725 Canis Majoris 8 I 91-77 3 6 5 I4-I59 + 2-7090 + 0-0006 1725 1726 17 Canis Majoris 6-7 ... 89-50 3 6 50 17-634 + 2-5907 + 0-0010 0-0021 1726 1727 19 Canis Majoris 5 4 88-08 3 6 50 51-167 + 2-5979 + 0-0009 + 0-0023 1727 1728 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 91-81 3 6 5 52-550 + 2-5483 + 0-001 1 1728 1729 1 8 Canis Majoris ... /x 5-6 2 84-20 3 6 51 4-083 + 2-7498 + 0-0005 O'OOlS 1729 1730 Canis Majoris 6 2 82-63 4 6 51 9' ! 74 + 2-5245 + O-QOII O'COOj 1730 1731 20 Canis Majoris ... i 5-4* ... 89-83 3 6 5 1 I3'833 + 2-6761 + 0-0007 0-0023 I/3I 1732 Monocerotis 7-8 3 9 r -53 4 6 51 I 774 + 2-8849 O'OOOO 1732 1733 Monocerotia 8-7 91-77 3 6 51 22-768 + 2-9917 0-0005 1733 1734 Monocerotis 7-6 I 87-15 3 6 51 42-400 + 2-88S6 O'OOOO "734 1735 Canis Majoris 7 I 85-75 4 6 52 J3-793 + 2-6167 + 0-0009 1735 1736 Canis Majoris 7 I 8478 3 6 S 2 34741 + 2-5450 + 0-0010 1736 1737 Monocerotis 7 2 89-42 3 6 52 56-290 + 2-8391 + 0-0001 1737 1738 Canis Majoris 6 I 85-40 3 6 53 1-503 + 2-4798 + 0-0011 1738 1739 Monocerotis 7-8 I 91-77 3 6 53 16-251 + 2-9119 0-0003 1739 1740 1741 1742 21 Canis Majoris ... e Puppis 2 5-6 I 83-79 85-67 9I-53 H 2 3 6 54 18-081 6 54 23-306 6 54 30736 + 2-3574 + 2-1972 + 2-776i + 0-0013 + 0-0014 + 0-0004 O'OOII 1740 1741 1742 Canis Majoris 8-7 I 1743 Monocerotis 7 3 85-49 3 6 54 54'079 + 2-9539 0-0005 1743 1744 Canis Majoris 7-6 2 87-08 3 6 54 57-28i + 2-5622 + 0-0009 1/44 '745 Monocerotis 7-6 3 85-13 3 6 55 6-625 + 2-8842 o-oooi 1745 1746 Canis Majoris 7 2 83-49 3 6 55 22-270 + 2-5999 + 0-0009 1746 '747 Monocerotis 7-6 2 85-78 3 6 55 24-099 + 2-8658 o-oooo 1747 1748 Monocerotis 8-7 I 92-16 3 6 55 31-803 + 3-0022 0-0007 1748 '749 Canis Majoris 7 2 89-52 3 6 55 38-860 + 2-5491 + 0-0010 '749 i7S Canis Majoria 7-8 I 89-06 3 6 55 39-436 + 2-7188 + 0-0004 1750 i7Si Canis Majoris 7 2 9" ! 3 3 6 55 50-314 + 2-5878 + 0-0009 !75i 1752 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 91-76 3 6 56 3-993 + 2-6185 + 0-0009 1752 i7S3 Monocerotis 6-7 2 86-17 3 6 56 17-916 + 3-0456 O'OOI I 1753 1754 Monocerotis 6 3 85-12 4 6 56 32-451 + 2-9462 0-0005 1754 '7SS Monocerotis 7 3 87-18 3 6 5 6 38-955 + 2-8270 + o-oooi J755 1714. A star of the 9 magnitude follows about 3*, and is north. I 7 I 5- The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 9. 1716. Eeddish-yellow star. 1720. Red star. J 7 2 9- Double: the companion is of the 9 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 1733. A fainter star, Lalande 13443, precedes, and is north. 1748. Reddish star. 1751. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 13626, follows 7', and is 2' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 79 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. o W3 r~ jf ca 8 OD K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I A 2 95 + 0-427 '3375 1460 1723 1724 91-02 3 114 2 49-62 + 4-303 + 0-353 O'OII 1014 279 13406 3279 1188 1724 1725 9177 3 105 33 49-I9 + 4-360 + 0-384 13421 1725 1726 89-50 3 "o 15 54-91 + 4-366 + 0-367 o-ou 1016 282 13434 3286 1726 1727 88-08 1 '9 59 47' 8 9 + 4'4 J 3 + 0-368 0-035 1018 287 13452 3292 1727 1728 91-81 3 "' 53 47-32 + 4-416 + 0-361 1728 1729 84-20 3 103 54 6'6o + 4-43I + 0-389 0-006 1017 286 1345 3294 1190 1729 '730 82-63 4 112 47 59-82 + 4-438 + o-357 + 0-025 13463 i73o '73' 89-83 3 106 54 43-66 + 4'44 6 + 0-379 0-024 1019 289 13460 3296 1191 1/31 '732 9I-53 4 98 ii 26-22 + 4-45I + 0-408 '3453 1524 1732 '733 91-77 3 93 32 53-3i + 4-458 + 0-424 13449 1521 1733 '734 87-I5 3 98 2 6-32 + 4-485 + 0-409 13464 1538 1734 '735 8575 4 109 17 30-19 + 4'53' + 0-370 13486 1735 1736 84-78 3 112 3 26-25 + 4-56' + 0-359 1351 1736 '737 89-42 3 ioo 10 8-03 + 4-59I + 0-401 13505 '737 1738 85-40 3 114 29 15-67 + 4-598 + 0-350 30O 3314 1738 '739 9I-77 3 97 2 8-89 + 4-619 + 0-41 ' 1591 '739 1740 82-52 8 118 49 20-97 + 4-707 + 0-332 0-017 1023 304 3331 1196 1740 1741 85-67 2 123 57 47-68 + 4-7I4 + 0-310 306 3332 1741 '742 91-52 3 102 5 1 3'59 + 4-725 + 0-391 1742 '743 85H9 3 95 13 2-27 + 4758 + 0-417 13566 1641 i?43 '744 87-08 3 in 27 4-43 + 4-762 + 0-361 I359I 1744 '745 85-13 3 98 15 14-34 + 4-776 + 0-406 '3579 1650 1745 1746 83-49 3 no o 21-27 + 4-798 + 0-366 1746 '747 85-78 3 99 2 58-55 + 4-800 + 0-404 1660 '747 1748 92-16 3 93 5 54-27 + 4-812 + 0-423 13588 1658 1748 1749 89-52 3 "i 57 56-33 + 4-821 + 0-358 13620 '749 750 89-06 3 105 14 41-99 + 4-821 + 0-383 13607 1750 175' 90-13 3 no 29 9-42 + 4-837 + 0-364 13623 I75i '752 9176 3 109 17 23-51 + 4-857 + 0-368 13630 1752 '753 86-17 3 91 II 18-04 + 4-877 + 0-429 13614 1753 '754 85-12 4 95 33 56-9' + 4-897 + 0-415 13627 I2OI J 754 '755 87-18 3 ioo 43 33-36 + 4-906 + 0-398 13642 1755 1716, 1740, are respectively 1769, 1870 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1716, 1720, 1727, 1731, 1740, are respectively 718, 738, 741, 742, 744 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1716. There are 64 observations in N.P.D. above pole, and 88 below pole. The seconds of N.P.D. are 54"- 75 and 54"-44 respectively. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." '73 ' 8 3236 of Auwers' "Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen." 80 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1756 1757 1758 J 759 8-7 5-4* 6* Var. I i 91-76 87-23 82-15 86-43 3 3 3 19 6 57 3-983 6 57 20-035 6 57 27-124 6 57 35'ioQ + 2-6643 + 2-3902 + 2-9801 + 3-56 2 6 + 0-0007 + 0-OOI2 0-0007 0-0052 0-0023 0-OOI4 o-ooii 1756 i?57 1758 1759 22 Canis Majoris 43 Geminorura ... 1760 Canis Majoris 7 2 90-I5 3 6 57 53-684 + 2 -688 1 + 0-0005 1760 1761 Monocerotis 8 2 92-17 3 6 5 8 14-099 + 2-9192 0-0005 1761 1762 24 Canis Majoris ... 6 4-3 I 85-16 3 6 58 25-753 + 2-5054 + 0-0010 o-oo 1 6 1762 1763 Monocerotis 6-5 I 85-22 3 6 5 8 4' 2 93 + 2-9557 0-0006 1763 1764 Monocerotis 7-6 2 86-46 3 6 58 44-491 + 2-8454 o-oooi 1764 1765 23 Canis Majoris ... y 4-5 5 86-86 42 6 58 46-852 + 2-7146 + 0-0004 0-0018 1765 1766 Canis Majoris 7-8 ... 9181 3 6 58 48-191 + 2-7755 + O'OOO2 1766 1767 Monocerotis 7 i 89-69 3 6 59 16-164 + 2-8845 0-0003 1767 1768 Canis Majoris 8 i 92-06 ] 6 59 58-332 + 2-755 2 + 0-0003 1768 1769 Canis Majoris 7-6 2 88-32 3 7 o 5-917 + 2-5544 + 0-0009 1769 1770 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 89-86 3 7 o 9-089 + 2-5855 + 0-0009 1770 1771 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 92-16 3 7 o 23-351 + 2-5696 + 0-0008 1771 1772 Monocerotis 7 5 87-16 3 7 38-045 + 2-8335 o-oooi 1772 1773 Monocerotis 8-7 92-11 3 7 o 57 -I 35 + 3-0061 O'OOIO 1773 '774 Canis Majoris 7 2 83-17 3 7 i 28-886 + 2-7932 + o-oooi '774 1775 Canis Majoris 6 2 84-12 3 7 i 30-728 + 2-8190 o-oooi '775 1776 Monocerotis 8-9 91-79 3 7 2 5-450 + 2-9387 0-0007 1776 1777 Monocerotis 7 3 8574 3 7 2 8-270 + 2-8497 O-OOO2 1777 1778 Canis Majoris 7-6 i 86-80 3 7 2 19-936 + 2-4777 + 0-0010 1778 1779 Canis Majoris 7-6 2 84-18 3 7 2 46-604 + 2-5084 + 0-0010 1779 1780 Canis Majoris 7 I 89-10 3 7 3 37'H 1 + 2-5871 + 0-0008 1780 1781 25 Canis Majoris ... 8 2* 83-85 I 7 3 54-968 + 2-4395 + O-QOII 0-0015 1781 1782 Monocerotis 7-8 I 88-84 3 7 4 2'793 + 2-8894 0-0004 1782 1783 Monocerotis 7-6 2 86-17 3 7 4 7-682 + 2-8420 0-OOO2 1783 1784 Monocerotis 7-8 I 9 I-8 3 3 7 4 9-007 + 2-9404 0-0008 1784 1785 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 89-20 3 7 4 13-818 + 2-5040 + O'OOIO 1785 1786 Canis Majoris 7-8 3 87-19 3 7 4 35-844 + 2-7268 + 0-0003 1786 1787 Canis Majoris 6-7 | 84-15 5 7 4 3S-939 + 2-7029 + 0-0003 1787 1788 20 Monocerotis 6-5 2 84-90 3 7 4 45-859 + 2-9812 O'OOIO 0-0003 1788 1789 Canis Majoris 7-8 I 89-4S 3 7 4 5^745 + 2-7658 + 0-0001 1789 1790 Canis Majoris 7 t 84-15 5 7 4 55-075 + 2-703! + 0-0003 1790 1791 Monocerotia 8-9 91-98 3 7 5 5'496 + 3-0352 0-0014 1791 1 1792 Canis Majoris 6-5 ... 84-19 3 7 5 11-003 + 2-4727 + Q-OOIO 1792 1793 Canis Majoris 8 2 92-14 3 7 5 "'790 + 2-6204 + 0-0007 1793 1794 I79S 1796 1797 Monocerotis Canis Majoris 7-8 7 7-6 6-7 4 i I 2 87-09 85-16 8.V5I 85-21 3 3 3 3 7 5 '4 - 4 02 7 5 l8 '53o 7 5 34HI2 7 5 46-293 + 2-8992 + 2-6431 + 2-9892 + 3-0698 0-0005 + 0-0006 O'OOII 0-0016 O'OOZI '794 '795 1796 '797 Monocerotis 21 Monocerotis 1798 Monocerotis 8-7 2 90-I5 3 7 6 8-414 + 2-8408 0-0003 1798 1799 22 Monocerotis 5-6 I 84-19 3 7 6 14-819 + 3-0655 0-0017 0-0014 1799 | 1800 18 Lyncis 6* ... 89-81 4 7 6 18-327 + 5-2769 0-0384 0-0158 1800 1759. Reddish-yellow star. The limits of magnitude are 37 and 4-5 : the period is 10 days. 3775. A star of the 8 magnitude, Lalande 1382 1, follows 16', and is 2' south. 1776. The R. A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star appears to be io s too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 81 No. Mean Time of Observa- umber of iervations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. *o iO x--. 1 8 CO FH ci o oo oT T) o 03 ?* -o>< CO [?' fe O3 o oo oToo || tc a. ja B ' o" a > QJ "- No. tion. *s / // // n 1 a ^ $ 6 a '756 91-76 3 107 29 11-91 + 4'94 2 + 0-375 13663 1756 I7S7 87-23 3 117 46 39-63 + 4-964 + 0-336 + 0-012 1027 320 3370 1203 1757 1758 82-15 3 94 4 48-64 + 4-974 + 0-419 0-028 1026 315 13658 1726 3372 1758 '759 8i-94 4 69 16 7-79 + 4-986 + 0-501 o-ooi 1024 3" 13635 1206 1759 1760 90-15 3 106 32 23-39 + 5-012 + 0-377 13692 1760 1761 92-17 3 96 45 27-04 + 5-041 + 0-410 1758 1761 1762 85-16 3 113 40 23-07 + 5-058 + 0-351 O'OlS 1029 323 13714 3383 1207 1762 1763 85-22 3 95 9 42-43 + 5-077 + o-4'5 13706 1763 1764 86-46 3 99 57 42-52 + 5-oS3 + 0-399 1764 765 83-16 10 105 28 16-74 + 5-o87 + 0-381 + 0-003 1028 325 13717 3385 I2IO 1765 1766 91-81 3 102 56 4-71 + 5-089 + 0-389 1779 1766 1767 89-69 3 98 1 6 38-83 + 5-128 + 0-405 13727 1767 1768 92-06 3 103 48 9-19 + 5-I87 + 0-386 1827 1768 1769 88-32 3 in 51 57-06 + 5 -I 99 + 0-358 13773 I2I 4 1769 1770 89-86 3 110 39 S5"59 + 5-203 + 0-362 J 3774 1770 1771 92-16 3 in 17 7-84 + 5-223 + 0-360 13782 1771 1772 87-12 4 100 29 36-00 + 5-244 + 0-397 13776 1772 "773 92-11 3 92 56 5^04 + 5-270 + 0-421 13780 1773 1774 83-I7 3 102 13 30-52 + 5-3I5 + 0-391 13810 1774 1775 84-12 3 ioi 7 29-11 + 5-3i8 + 0-394 13811 1883 1216 1775 1776 9179 3 95 55 48-90 + 5-366 + 0-41 1 1909 1776 1777 8S74 3 . 99 48 sr-ij + 5-37o + 0-398 1908 1777 1778 86-80 3 "4 47 25-58 + 5-387 + 0-346 3424 1778 1779 84-18 3 113 40 8-93 + 5-425 + 0-350 13877 3429 1779 1780 89-10 3 no 41 7-20 + 5-495 + 0-360 13897 1780 1781 83-85 3 116 13 9-97 + 5-520 + 0-340 0-007 1042 1 3438 1222 1781 1782 88-84 3 98 6 30-10 + 5-532 + 0-403 35 1782 1783 86-17 3 100 10 14-75 + 5-539 + 0-396 I39 4 40 1783 1784 9I-83 3 95 5* 3-95 + 5-540 + 0-410 13896 1784 I78S 89-20 3 113 52 6-06 + 5-547 + 0-349 344 1 1785 1786 87-19 3 '05 3 59-59 + 5-578 + 0-380 13925 1786 1787 84-15 5 106 3 27-57 + 5-578 + 0-376 I39 2 8 1225 1787 1788 84-90 3 94 3 57-6o + 5-592 + 0-4 1 5 O-2O7 1041 4 13921 59 3446 1788 1789 89-45 3 103 26 17-45 + 5-602 + 0-385 1789 1790 84-15 5 106 3 25-88 + 5-604 + 0-376 "3938 1226 1790 1791 91-98 3 91 39 50-83 + 5-620 + 0-423 13926 I79i 1792 84-19 3 115 3 12-01 + 5-627 + 0-344 13 3451 1792 "793 92-14 3 109 24 26-42 + 5-628 + 0-364 r 793 '794 87-09 3 97 4 1 31-33 + 5-631 + 0-403 J394? 81 J 794 '795 85-16 3 108 30 25-95 + 5-638 + 0-368 13956 '795 1796 83-3! 3 93 43 4-87 + 5-659 + 0-416 13948 1796 '797 85-21 3 90 7 I4-94 + 5-676 + 0-427 0-003 1045 7 '3949 95 3456 1797 1798 90-I5 3 100 14 52-12 + 5-707 + 0-395 13980 1798 '799 84-19 3 90 18 39-77 + 5716 + 0-426 0-027 1047 15 I397I 114 346i 1232 1799 1800 87-91 4 30 10 3-30 + 5-72I + 0-735 + 0-258 1031 34 1228 1800 J 757, 1759, i?8i, 1800, are respectively 1878, 1877, 1902, 1903 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. J 757, '759. '765, 1781, 1788, 1800, are respectively 754, 753, 756, 762, 764, 766 of the Radeliffe Catalogue, 1860. M 82 KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, K.A. No. Constellation. 4 rs P * 'I amber of bimatious. 1 Mean Time of Observa- .imber of ervations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. a Kg tion. *3 h. m. s. B. 8. B. 1801 Canis Majoris 7 2 87-64 3 7 6 30-736 + 2-6772 4- 0-0004 1801 1802 Canis Majoris 8-7 I 9179 3 7 6 38-769 + 2-5648 -f- 0-0008 1802 1803 Canis Majoris H I 85-38 3 7 6 56-858 + 2-5887 4- 0-0007 1803 1804 JI Geminorum 6-5 3 86-03 14 7 7 3-294 + 3-4479 0-0050 4- 0-0003 1804 1805 26 Canis Majoris 6-7 2 84-63 2 7 7 4I-952 + 2-4554 4-0-0010 o-ooi 3 1805 1806 Camelopardali 5 90-16 3 7 7 53-934 + 12-9455 0-5058 1806 1807 Canis Majoris 6-7 2 82-16 3 7 7 56783 + 2-8224 O'OOO2 1807 1808 1809 1810 Monocerotis Canis Majoris 7-6 6-7 6-7 2 2 3 83-19 86-49 83-48 3 3 3 7 8 42-44 1 7 8 43-911 7 9 1-823 + 2-9896 + 2-5438 4- 2-8529 0-0012 + 0-0008 0-0004 1808 1809 1810 Monocerotis 1811 1812 1813 Canis Majoris 7 7-6 8-7 2 I 90-51 85-I4 91-46 3 3 3 7 9 9-125 7 9 I5-437 7 9 29-249 + 2-5381 + 2-8445 + 3-0138 + 0-0009 0-0003 0-0014 1811 1812 1813 Monocerotis 1814 24 Monocerotis 7-6 4 86-53 3 7 9 4I-588 + 3-0731 0-0018 O-0020 1814 1815 1816 1817 Canis Majoris 27 Canis Majoris . . . 7-8 6-5* 7-8 2 2 90-84 87-95 90-15 3 4 3 7 9 44-755 7 9 46-022 7 10 6-884 4- 2-6133 + 2-4459 + 2-7447 4- 0-0006 4- o-ooio 4-Q-oooi 0-O022 1815 1816 1817 Canis Majoris 1818 1819 1820 Monocerotis 7-6 8 5-6 3 i 84-14 92-08 85-7 3 3 2 7 10 30-777 7 10 48-677 7 " 5-54 1 + 2-8389 + 2-7817 + 2-3228 0-0004 O'OOOI 4-0-0012 0-0350 1818 1819 1820 Canis Majcris 1821 Canis Majoris 7 2 86-18 3 7 ii 10-345 + 2-5178 4- 0-0009 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 Canis Majoris 6 8 4-3* 7-8 6-5 I 2 2 3 85-22 9I-85 83-99 88-50 87-13 3 3 5 3 3 7 J5-475 7 ii 18-002 7 ii 46-299 7 ii 58-104 7 ii 58-423 + 2-7221 + 2-6809 + 3H550 + 2-8060 + 2-5296 4-o-ooot 4- 0-0004 0-0056 O'OO02 4- O'oooS 0-0039 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 54 Geminorum ... X Canis Majoris 1827 Canis Majoris 7-8 i 87-22 3 7 12 0-283 + 2-5297 4- o-oooS 1827 1828 Monocerotis 7-8 ... 92-05 3 7 12 7-568 + 2-9473 o-oon 1828 1829 Monocerotis 7-6 3 85-43 3 7 12 9-874 + 2-9280 o-ooio 1829 1830 Canis Majoris 7-8 2 89-39 3 7 12 20-256 + 2-5849 4- 0-0007 1830 1831 Canis Minoris 7-8 3 87-81 3 7 12 47-216 + 3-2665 0-0036 1831 1832 Monocerotis 8 2 9173 3 7 13 18-860 + 2-9081 0-0008 1832 1833 Monocerotis 7-8 ... 92-10 3 7 13 24-804 + 2-8732 0-0006 1833 1834 Canis Majoris ... ,.. 7 I 89-52 3 7 13 31-008 + 2-5563 4- 0-0008 i8.?4 1835 55 Geminorum ... 8 3-4 2 86-80 22 7 13 33-209 . + 3-5898 0-0073 O-OO25 i835 1836 29 Canis Majoris 5-6 I 87-65 3 7 H S'454 + 2-4986 4- 0-0009 O-OO24 1836 183? 30 Canis Majoris 5 2 86-17 3 7 14 8-749 + 2-4880 4- 0-0008 0-0018 1837 1838 Canis Majoris 7 I 85-02 3 7 H 12-152 + 2-6341 4-0-0005 1838 1839 Canis Majoris 7 2 83-87 3 7 M 2 3-944 4- 2-6773 4- 0-0003 i8.W 1840 Canis Majoris ... R Var. 85-13 3 7 14 29-268 + 2-7047 4-0-000 1 1840 1841 Monocerotis 7 90-13 3 7 M 37-924 4- 2-9903 0-0015 1841 1842 Monocerotis 8-9 3 91-11 3 7 15 37-126 + 2-8582 0-0006 1842 1843 Canis Majoris 6 3 83-05 3 7 15 55H30 + 2-7537 O'OOOI 1843 1844 Monocerotis 7-6 2 84-15 a 7 15 59-923 + 2-8798 0-0007 1844 1845 Monocerotis 7 4 86-80 3 7 16 10-626 4- 2-9466 0-0012 i845 1802. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes about I s , and is south. 1826. Yellowish-red star. 1829. Reddish star. 1830. A star of the 8-9 magnitude, Lalande 14230, follows !9"-5, and is about 30" south. 183'- Reddish-yellow star. 1835. Double: the faint companion precedes, and is south. 1840. A variable of the Algol type : the limits of magnitude are 5-9 and 6-7 : the period is I d 3*. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 83 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. U5 U) r~ H 1 o o oo rf 1 K Lalaude, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo a>oo it l Greenwicll, 1880. No. 1801 87-53 4 107 8 58-56 + S'739 + 0-372 14006 1801 1802 91-79 3 in 37 18-17 + 5-75 + 0-356 14018 1802 1803 8S-38 3 no 42 4-09 + 5-775 + 0-359 14024 "34 1803 1804 83-37 5 73 39 17-5 + 5-784 + 0-479 + 0-033 1046 17 13978 3467 1233 1804 1805 84-63 2 115 45 32-06 + 5-838 + 0-340 O'OIO 1053 31 3476 1236 1805 1806 82-69 8 7 22 43-69 + 5-855 + 1-803 292 1231 1806 1807 82-16 3 ioi 3 58-26 + 5-859 + 0-391 27 14046 183 3479 1807 1808 83-19 3 93 42 49'!9 + 5-921 + 0-414 14066 204 1808 1809 86-49 3 112 29 9-68 + 5-924 + 0-352 14088 1809 1810 83-48 3 99 45 33-o8 + 5-949 + 0-395 14083 iSio 1811 9'5i 3 "2 43 4'35 + 5-959 + 0-351 14105 1811 1812 85-I4 3 100 7 38-42 + 5-9 6 7 + 0-393 14091 1241 1812 1813 91-46 3 92 38 0-92 + 5-987 + 0-417 14090 1813 1814 86-53 3 89 58 15-12 + 6-004 + 0-425 0-008 I0 55 38 ^093 1814 1815 90-84 3 109 48 6-71 + 6-009 + 0-361 14118 1815 1816 90-23 3 116 9 47-20 + 6-01 1 + 0-338 0-050 1059 45 3499 1242 1816 1817 90-15 3 104 25 7-38 + 6-040 + 0-379 14121 250 1817 1818 84-14 3 100 23 29-17 + 6-073 + 0-392 46 H'Si 260 35io 1818 1819 92-08 3 102 51 43-66 + 6-098 + 0-384 0-150 14146 1819 1820 85-70 2 1 20 29 40-64 + 6-122 + 0-320 35i6 1820 1821 86-18 3 113 32 51-14 + 6-127 + 0-347 35i7 1821 1822 85-22 3 105 23 29-44 + 6-134 + 0-375 14170 1249 1822 1823 9I-85 3 107 6 10-06 + 6-I38 + 0-370 1823 1824 83-99 5 73 15 42-37 + 6-177 + 0-477 + 0-026 1058 50 J4J39 1250 1824 1825 88-50 3 ioi 50 10-49 + 6-194 + 0-387 14183 1825 . 1826 87-16 4 113 7 13-61 + 6-194 + 0-348 14200 1251 1826 1827 87-16 4 113 7 0-96 + 6-197 + 0-348 14202 1252 1827 1828 92-05 3 95 37 33-88 + 6-208 + 0-406 3" 1828 1829 85-43 3 96 29 2-OI + 6-2II + 0-403 56 14184 3" 3531 1829 1830 89-39 3 110 59 25-29 + 6-224 + 0-356 14210 1830 1831 87-81 3 81 18 48-93 + 6-262 + 0-450 14186 1831 1832 9 1 '73 3 97 22 55-28 + 6-306 + 0-400 14236 1832 1833 92-10 3 98 55 2 9-36 + 6-315 + 0-395 351 1833 1834 89-70 4 112 8 24-97 + 6-323 + 0-351 '4253 1834 1835 82-16 18 67 48 56-15 + 6-326 + 0-494 0-003 1062 57 14197 355i 1256 1835 1836 87-65 3 114 21 29-81 + 6-370 + 0-343 O-OI2 1067 7i 356o 1259 1836 1837 86-17 3 114 45 13-80 + 6-375 + 0-341 0-031 1069 7 2 3562 1837 1838 85-02 3 109 4 46-25 + 6-380 + 0-362 14277 1838 1839 83-S7 3 107 19 23-77 + 6-396 + 0-367 14281 1839 1840 85-13 3 106 II 20-36 + 6-403 + 0-371 1840 1841 90-13 3 93 42 42-69 + 6-415 + 0-410 14269 1841 1842 91-11 3 99 36 55-69 + 6-497 + 0-392 418 1842 1843 83-05 3 104 9 18-42 + 6-522 + o-377 14329 427 1843 1844 84-15 3 98 40 3-00 + 6-529 + 0-394 14323 1263 1844 1845 86-66 4 95 41 26-30 + 6-543 + 0-403 14326 1845 1804, 1806, 1816, 1835, are respectively 1910, 1887, 1924, 1936 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1804, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1835, are respectively 770, 779, 782, 784, 786 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1819. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 84 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1846 Canis Majoris 7 I 89-86 3 7 16 13-056 + 2-5453 + O'OOOS 1846 1847 Geminonim 7-6 I 8.V44 3 7 16 41-031 + 3-4946 0-0065 1847 1848 Monocerotia 7-6 ... 85-4I J 7 l6 45-493 + 2-8777 O-OOO7 1848 1849 Monocerotis 7-6 2 88-14 3 7 16 47-480 + 3-0114 0-0016 1849 1850 Monocerotis 7 2 89-16 3 7 16 53'3 12 + 3-0714 0-0021 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Monocerotis 6 7-8 6-5 7-8 6 2 I 2 I 85-23 89-86 83-42 9 I- 85 85-65 3 3 3 3 2 7 17 1-709 7 17 21-633 7 i? 22-851 7 18 36-961 7 19 20-170 + 2-9449 + 2-7083 + 2-6429 + 2-6138 + 2-2870 0-0012 + O'OOOI + 0-0005 + 0-0005 + 0-001 1 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Canis Majoris Puppis 1856 Canis Majoris 8 I 92-16 3 7 19 20-336 + 2-8055 0-0003 1856 1857 Canis Majoris 7 I 89-75 3 7 19 24-911 + 2-6607 + 0-0004 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 Canis Majoris 7-6 6 7 6-7 7-8 3 I 4 I 84-20 84-48 89-16 85-31 90-72 3 3 3 4 1 7 19 37-051 7 19 4i73i 7 19 59-886 7 20 5-195 7 20 22-844 + 2-5467 + 2-7:24 + 2-6449 + 2-7701 + 2-5916 + 0-0007 + o-oooi + 0-0004 0-0002 + 0-0007 1858 l8 59 1860 1861 1862 Canis Majoris Canis Majoris Canis Majoris 1863 Monocerotis 6-7 2 88-82 3 7 20 26-86l + 2-9504 0-0013 1863 1864 61 Geminorum 6* ... 86-91 3 7 20 27-390 + S'54 1 3 0-0075 0-0019 1864 1865 Monocerotis 7 2 87-67 4 7 2 35-999 + 2-9777 0-0015 1865 1866 Monocerotis 9-8 2 90-45 3 7 20 36-962 + 2-9781 o-oo 1 6 1866 1867 Canis Majoris 7-6 3 90-37 3 7 20 37-031 + 2-5714 + 0-0006 1867 1868 1869 1870 Monocerotis 8 6-7 7 3 3 9 2 '43 90-84 85-88 3 3 3 7 20 51-028 7 20 51-539 7 2 57-'38 + 2-8765 + 2H875 + 3-0670 0-0008 + 0-0009 0-0023 1868 1869 1870 Monocerotis 1871 Monocerotis 8-7 I 92 - 43 4 7 21 5-452 + 2-9151 O'OO I 2 1871 1872 3 Canis Minoris ... /3 3* ... 86-40 32 7 21 11-146 + 3-2601 0-0041 0-0042 1872 1873 Monocerotis 7-8 i 91-82 3 7 21 11-463 + 2-8543 0-0007 1873 1874 63 Geminorum 6-5* ... 85-54 a 7 21 12-606 + S-S? ? 0-0080 0-0049 1874 1875 Canis Minoris 8-9 3 87-84 3 7 21 23-345 + 3-2704 0-0042 1875. 1876 62 Geminorum ... p 5* 92-13 3 7 22 2-I 44 + 3-8550 0-0126 + 0-0093 1876 1877 Canis Majoris 7 89-91 3 7 22 2-550 + 2-5283 + 0-0007 1877 1878 Canis Majoris 6-7 2 83-08 3 7 22 13-785 + 2-6744 + 0-0003 1878 1879 Puppis 6-7 3 85-54 3 7 22 19-533 + 2-5447 + 0-0008 1879 1880 Monocerotis 7 i 89-49 3 7 22 28-274 + 3-0144 0-0019 1880 1881 Puppis 6 ... 81-21 I 7 22 36-816 + 2-2313 + 0-0011 1881 1882 Puppis 6 2 85-26 3 7 22 41-310 + 2-8218 0-0006 1882 1883 Puppis 7-6 I 89-20 3 7 23 2-082 + 2-55 12 + 0-0007 1883 1884 Monocerotis 7 2 89-84 3 7 23 20-193 + 2-8563 0-0007 1884 1885 Monocerotis 6 2 85-21 3 7 23 44-974 + 3-0359 0-0021 1885 1886 Monocerotis 6-7 2 86- 1 6 3 7 24 4-914 + 2-9120 0-001 2 + 0-0030 1886 1887 Monocerotis 6 I 89-19 3 7 24 8-611 + 2-8502 0-0007 1887 1888 Puppis 8-7 2 91-76 3 7 24 12-913 + 2-7865 0-0004 1888 1889 Puppis 8-9 3 84-15 2 7 24 21-365 + 2-7438 O-OOO2 0-0140 1889 1890 Puppis 7 1 83-85 3 7 24 21-449 + 2743 s O-OOO2 0-0140 1890 1851. This star appears to be Lalande 14355. 1879. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 14541, precedes about 20', and has nearly the same N. P.D. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N. P.D. 85 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. I It Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. >o If} hH j? 'S 1 d o &j rf N s 8 CO 1 1 3 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o CO B-OO fl 3 yi o, CO O Greenwich, 1880. No. 1846 89-86 3 112 38 40-67 + 6-547 + 0-348 J 435i 1846 1847 83-44 3 71 30 57-11 + 6-585 + 0-479 77 14316 1264 1847 1848 85-4I 3 98 46 18-21 + 6-591 + 0-394 85 r 4352 3588 1267 1848 1849 88-14 3 92 46 14-82 + 6-593 + 0-412 H345 450 1849 1850 89-16 3 90 3 1-28 + 6-602 + 0-420 H346 453 1850 1851 85-23 3 95 46 25-28 + 6-614 + 0-403 86 457 359 1268 1851 1852 89-86 3 106 6 10-10 + 6-642 + 0-370 1852 i853 83-42 3 1 08 48 25-89 + 6-643 + 0-361 14382 1269 1853 1854 91-85 3 no i 6-03 + 6-745 + 0-356 I 44 I 5 1854 1855 85-65 2 121 59 21-91 + 6-804 + 0-311 IO2 3619 1855 1856 92-16 3 101 59 13-71 + 6-804 + 0-382 J4425 536 1856 i57 8975 3 108 8 7-62 + 6-811 + 0-362 I 4433 1857 1858 84-20 a 112 41 54-46 + 6-827 + 0-346 14446 1858 1859 84-48 3 105 59 8-65 + 6-834 + 0-369 IOO 14442 3625 1276 1859 1860 89-16 3 108 47 47-82 + 6-859 + Q'359 '4457 1860 1861 85-3I 4 103 32 8-57 + 6-866 + 0-377 '4451 1861 1862 90-72 3 no 57 26-29 + 6-890 + 0-352 14480 1862 1863 88-82 3 95 33 27-22 + 6-896 + 0-401 H456 1863 1864 86-91 3 69 31 23-26 + 6 896 + 0-482 + o-on 1076 98 14426 1279 1864 1865 87-67 4 94 19 8-17 + 6-908 + 0-405 56 4 1865 1866 90-45 3 94 18 12-40 + 6-909 + 0-405 566 1866 1867 90-37 3 in 45 56-82 + 6-909 + 0-349 14490 1867 1868 92-43 3 98 52 42-14 + 6-929 + 0-391 14482 1868 1869 90-84 3 115 o 0-54 + 6-930 + 0-337 3637 1869 1870 85-88 3 90 15 0-93 + 6-936 + 0-417 14472 1870 1871 9 2- 43 4 97 9 17-09 + 6-948 + 0-396 584 1871 1872 80-58 5 81 29 21-58 + 6-956 + 0-443 + 0-030 1079 1 06 14466 573 3643 1282 1872 1873 91-82 3 99 52 13-14 + 6-956 + 0-387 592 1873 1874 85-54 3 68 19 49-00 + 6-959 + 0-485 + O'lOI 1077 IOI 1281 1874 i8?S 87-84 3 8 1 i 32-86 + 6-972 + 0-444 14478 580 1875 1876 88-46 3 57 59 50-58 + 7-026 + 0-524 0-194 1078 105 14463 1284 1876 1877 89-91 3 113 29 31-61 + 7-027 + 0-342 3648 1877 1878 83-08 3 i7 38 36-96 + 7-042 + 0-362 14545 1286 1878 1879 85-54 3 "2 51 53-88 + 7-049 + 0-344 !455 2 1879 1880 89-49 3 92 39 33-20 + 7-061 + 0-408 H53I 1880 iSSi 81-50 2 123 55 12-70 + 7-073 + 0-302 119 3655 1881 1882 85-26 3 101 20 2-54 + 7-079 + 0-382 n6 H55 1 641 3653 1288 1882 1883 89-20 3 112 38 10-25 + 7-107 + 0-345 '4578 1883 1884 89-84 a 99 49 8-92 + 7'!32 + 0-386 664 1884 1885 85-21 a 91 40 44-90 + 7-166 + 0-410 669 1290 1885 1886 86- 1 6 3 97 !9 43'28 + 7-193 + 0-393 0-140 1 20 '4594 686 3666 1886 1887 89-19 3 100 6 o-jo + 7'!99 + 0-385 '4599 1887 1888 91-76 3 102 54 45-86 + 7-204 + 0-376 14606 1888 1889 83-85 3 104 45 5I-33 + 7-215 + 0-370 + 0-230 14619 1889 1890 83-85 3 104 45 53-25 + 7-216 + 0-370 + 0-230 14619 1890 1872, 1876, 1882, are respectively 793, 794, 796 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1886, 1889, 1890. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 86 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. a. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. No. 1891 Puppis 9-8 2 91-52 3 7 24 47-666 + 2-6361 + 0-0004 1891 1892 Puppis 7-8 i 89-86 3 7 24 49-930 + 2-7673 O-OOO2 1892 1893 Puppis 6-5 s 87-08 3 7 25 10-901 + 2-5490 + O-OOO? 1893 1894 Puppis 7 90-22 3 7 2 5 I2 '"4 + 2-6364 + 0-0005 1894 1895 Puppis 8 I 92-10 3 7 ^S i4-7 2 3 + 2-6955 -f- O'OOOI 1895 1896 Monocerotis 6-7 3 82-16 3 7 25 25-374 + 2-9636 0-0016 1896 1897 Monocerotis 7 3 82-84 3 7 25 25-974 + 3'0304 O-O02I 1897 1898 Monocerotis ... U Var. 2 86-17 3 7 25 32-656 + 2-8631 0-0008 1898 1899 Puppis 8 I 92-45 3 7 25 40-214 + 2-6052 + 0-0006 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 Monocerotis 7-6 7 7-8 I 2 85-I3 84-SS 89-7I 92-15 87-17 83-5 3 3 | 3 3 | 7 25 41-690 7 25 44-63 7 26 17-958 7 26 30-490 7 26 34-099 7 26 49-380 + 3-053I + 2-8558 + 2-7456 + 2-9905 + 2-9483 + 2-8837 0-0023 0-0008 O'OOO 2 0-0019 0-0015 o-ooio 0-0050 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 Monocerotis Monocerotis . ... 8-9 7 6-7 I 2 3 Monocerotis 1906 Puppis 9-8 3 92-48 3 7 27 13-748 -f 2-8242 0-0007 1906 1907 Monocerotis 7-6 I 85-20 3 7 27 16-048 + 3-0334 0-0023 1907 1908 68 Geminorum 6 I 86-39 3 7 27 19-836 + 3-4298 0-0068 0-0023 1908 1909 Puppis 7-8 92-48 | 7 2 7 30-383 + 2-6690 + 0-0002 1909 1910 66 Geminorum ... a 3-2 88-46 3 7 27 34-507 + 3-8515 0-0136 0-0151 1910 1911 1912 I9 r 3 66 Geminorum ... a Monocerotia 2 7-8 7-6 i 85-96 92-04 90-10 13 3 3 7 27 34' 88 i 7 28 10-093 7 28 18-454 + 3-8515 + 2-9425 + 2-7616 0-0136 0-0016 0-0003 0-0151 1911 1912 19*3 Puppis 1914 Puppis 6-7 2 90-49 3 7 28 28-647 + 2-6419 + 0-0004 1914 1915 1916 1917 Puppis 7-6 6-5* I 8989 84-50 92-19 I 3 3 7 28 33-710 7 28 44-766 7 29 1-381 + 2-5088 + 2-7573 + 2-7913 + 0-0008 0-0002 0-0005 *9I5 1916 1917 Puppis 8 3 1918 Puppis 7 i 89-89 I 7 29 I4-577 + 2-7189 o-oooo 1918 1919 Puppis 5 2 88-17 3 7 29 20-617 + 2-5714 + 0-0007 1919 1920 Puppis 7 I 89-57 3 7 29 24-181 + 2-6249 + 0-0004 1920 1921 Puppis 7 2 90-48 3 7 29 24-303 + 2-7726 0-0003 1921 1922 Puppis n l 7-6 81-16 4 7 29 39-740 + 2'54!9 + 0-0007 1922 1923 Puppis n 7 81-16 4 7 29 40-260 + 2'54'9 -+- 0-0007 1923 1924 Monocerotis 8-7 I 91-46 3 7 30 32-599 + 3-0097 O-OO2I 0-0210 1924 1925 Monocerotis 6-7 3 82-48 3 7 3o 57-723 + 2-8977 O'OOI2 1925 1926 Puppis 6-7 4 85-30 4 7 31 0-366 + 2-7594 0-0003 1926 1927 Puppis 7-6 2 89-52 3 7 3i 23-975 + 2-5768 + 0-0006 1927 1928 Puppis 7-8 5 86-21 4 7 3i 3f994 + 2-7599 0-0004 1928 1929 Puppis 7-8 S 86-21 4 7 3i 32-474 + 2 -7599 0-0004 1929 1930 Puppis 7 6 87-11 3 7 3i 37H87 + 2-7609 0-0004 1930 I93i 25 Monocerotis 6 8 84-09 3 7 3i 48-510 + 2-9893 0-0020 0-0080 1931 1932 Puppis 6-7 2 85-19 3 7 31 50-912 + 2-6376 -f 0-0003 1932 1933 '934 1935 Puppis 7 7-8 7-8 2 I I 89-58 90-50 90-16 3 9 3 7 32 14-815 7 32 29-635 7 32 35-031 + 2-5967 + 2-9278 + 2-7616 + 0-0005 0-0016 0-0003 1933 1934 1935 Puppis 1898. The limits of magnitude are 5-9 and 8-0 : the period is 45 days. 1904. Keddish star. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is 10' too small. 1925. Two stars of the S magnitude precede, one is north, and the other south, of the star observed. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 87 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. >O IA 1-*. I o" 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 - 4) OO Sf ta a, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 1891 9I-5 2 3 109 17 50-32 + 7' 2 5 2 + 0-355 1891 1892 89-86 3 103 45 42-02 + 7-254 + 0-373 1892 1893 87-08 3 112 47 45-75 + 7- 2 83 + 0-343 1291 1893 1894 90-22 3 109 17 53-19 + 7- 2 84 + 0-355 14698 1894 1895 92-10 3 106 50 25-12 + 7-288 + 0-363 14656 1895 1896 82-16 3 94 59 48'i2 + 7-302 + o'399 14647 733 1896 1897 82-84 3 9 1 56 4-83 + 7-303 + 0-409 M645 727 1897 1898 86-17 3 99 32 49-11 + 7-3I3 + 0-386 14658 737 1898 1899 9^45 3 no 34 43-63 + 7-322 + 0-351 1899 1900 85-13 3 90 53 41-44 + 7-325 + 0-411 14652 1900 1901 84-S5 3 99 5* 36-52 + 7-329 + 0-385 14662 743 1901 1902 89-71 3 104 44 1-80 + 7-374 + 0-369 !4 6 93 1902 I 93 92-15 3 93 46 34-78 + 7-391 + 0-402 764 1903 1904 87-17 3 95 42 35-" + 7396 + 0-396 762 1904 1905 83-50 3 98 38 33-80 + 7-416 + 0-388 + 0-150 14706 777 T 905 1906 92-48 3 loi 18 39-00 + 7-450 + 0-379 1906 1907 85-20 3 91 47 58-20 + 7-45 2 + 0-408 14710 787 1907 1908 86-39 3 73 5 6 !4'32 + 7-458 + 0-461 + 0-005 1091 131 14691 1297 1908 1909 93-48 3 108 i 1-97 + 7H7I + 0-358 14740 1909 1910 81-71 3 57 5 2 17-86 + 7H78 + 0-518 + 0-079 1087 127 H673 1298 1910 1911 81-28 14 57 52 14-48 + 7H78 + 0-518 + 0-079 1087 128 H673 3696 1299 1911 1912 92-04 3 95 59 25-20 + 7-526 + 0-394 M750 813 1912 1913 90-10 3 104 6 6-75 + 7-536 + 0-370 14760 820 1913 1914 90-49 3 109 10 25-05 + 7-55I + 0-354 1914 !9!5 89-89 3 114 28 28-44 + 7-558 + 0-336 M783 3710 !9'5 1916 84-50 3 104 17 11-46 + 7-573 + 0-369 14776 835 1302 1916 1917 92-19 3 102 48 3-90 + 7-595 + 0-373 1917 1918 89-89 3 105 57 n-66 + 7-6i3 + 0-364 H797 1918 1919 88-17 3 112 3 32-29 + 7-622 + 0'344 14810 1304 1919 1920 89-57 3 I0 9 53 55'4 + 7-626 + 0-351 14808 1920 1921 90-48 3 103 38 2-34 + 7-626 + 0-37I H799 1921 1922 81-17 6 "3 14 4-03 + 7-647 + 0-339 '47 14823 37'9 1305 1922 '923 81-17 5 "3 H 7'75 + 7-647 + 0-339 149 14825 37 2 o 1306 1923 1924 91-46 3 92 54 45-38 + 7-7I9 + 0-402 O'I2O 14834 885 1924 '9 2 5 82-48 3 9 8 4 4"9 2 + 7-752 + 0-386 14863 901 1925 1926 85-3 4 104 14 59-09 + 7-755 + 0-368 14868 3736 1307 1926 1928 89-52 86-21 86-21 3 4 4 111 54 59' 2 5 104 14 20-55 104 14 25-28 + 7-787 + 7-798 + 7-798 + 0-343 + 0-367 + 0-367 14884 14885 924 924 1927 1928 1929 1930 87-11 3 104 it 56-76 + 7-804 + 0-368 14888 193 1931 84-09 3 93 51 56-80 + 7-821 + 0-398 0-03I I 1 02 162 14881 926 3745 I93 1 !932 85-19 3 109 27 26-83 + 7-8 2 3 + 0-351 H893 i93 2 r 933 89-58 3 in 8 56-86 + 7-855 + 0-345 14906 1933 '934 90-50 3 96 42 38-40 + 7-876 + 0-389 14899 947 1934 1935 89-40 4 104 ii 38-11 + 7-882 + 0-367 14908 961 1935 11908, 1910, 1911, are respectively 1983, 1981, 1982 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1910, 1911, are respectively 798, 799 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 1905, 1924. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 88 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. OJ Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. B> s s -3 Observa- Ja K Motion. ^ | tion. " o h. m. s. 8. 8. 8. 1936 Puppis 7-8 i 89-88 3 7 32 3775 + 2-5373 + O-OOC7 1936 '937 Monocerotis 7 2 90-19 3 7 32 58-694 + 2-8478 O-OOO9 1937 1938 74 Geminorum ... f 6 I 82-48 3 7 33 7-423 + 3-4697 0-O078 O-OOI9 1938 J939 Monocerotis 7 I 91-49 3 7 33 ig-'sS + 3-0723 0-0028 J939 IQ4.O 7-8 2 01. -I 3 7 33 24-200 + 2-960-; O-OOI9 10 y^ 1941 10 Canis Minoris ... a 4 I* 85-I3 O 33 7 33 32'6o3 + 3-I908 O-OO42 0-0474 1941 1942 Puppis 7 3 86-50 3 7 34 H' 1 ? + 2-6642 + 0-0003 1942 J943 Monocerotis 8 ... 92-15 3 7 34 25-632 + 3-0378 O-0026 '943 1944 Puppis 7-6 i 90-22 3 7 34 26-324 + 2-7074 O'OOO I 1944 J945 Monocerotis 7 2 83-18 3 7 34 28-953 + 3-OOII 0-0022 + 0-OO30 1945 1946 Puppis 7-6 3 89-21 3 7 35 10-488 + 2-8237 0-OO07 1946 '947 Monocerotis 6-7 2 85-5I 3 7 35 16-314 + 2-902I 0-0013 '947 1948 Puppis 6* ... 85-I7 3 7 35 21-297 + 2-7446 0-0003 1948 1949 Puppis 6-7 I 89-86 3 7 35 22-938 + 2-64I7 + 0-0004 1949 '95> 26 Monocerotis ... y 5-4 3 84-38 3 7 35 59-4 1 7 + 2-8726 O'OOII O-0077 '95 1951 Puppis 8-9 1 92-10 3 7 36 23-802 + 2-6042 + 0-0005 I95i *95 2 Puppis 7-6 3 85-48 3 7 36 39-820 + 2-5777 + 0-0006 1952 1953 Puppis 7-8 4 85-82 3 7 37 2-522 + 2-5764 + 0-0006 1953 *954 Puppis 7-8 i 89-I4 3 7 37 18-882 + 2-7275 0-0002 1954 1955 Puppis 8-9 2 92-48 3 7 37 ^'S'S + 2-7780 0-0005 1955 '956 Puppis 8-7 2 92-19 3 7 37 28-524 + 2-6568 + 0-0002 1956 1957 Puppis 7-6 I 85-03 3 7 3 8 I- 405 + 2-7052 O'OOOI 1957 1958 Monocerotis 7-6 3 82-77 3 7 38 4-760 + 2-9785 0-0021 958 IQCQ 7-6 4 82-60 4" *7 38 10' 1 00 + 2-9779 O'OO2 1 yjy 1960 78 Geminorum ... /3 / m 1-2* 85-08 '9 / J v * ' yy 7 38 35-112 + 3-7265 0-OI29 O-O48I 1960 1961 Monocerotis 8-9 i 92-18 3 7 38 40-349 + 3-009I 0-0024 1961 1962 3 Puppis 4* ... 84-20 3 7 39 23-394 + 2-4086 + 0-0012 O'OOI2 1962 1963 Puppis 8-9 i 90-84 3 7 39 38-703 + 2-542I + O'OOOS 1963 1964 Monocerotis 8 ... 92-19 3 7 39 4 I '2S3 + 3-0688 0-003I 1964 1965 Monocerotis 7 i 87-I3 3 7 39 44-215 + 2-9837 0-0022 1965. 1966 Puppis 8 ... 91-20 3 7 39 45-702 + 2-5424 + 0-0008 1966 1967 Puppis 6 3 87-08 3 7 39 56-602 + 2-5226 + 0-0008 1967 1968 Monocerotis 7-8 i 91-90 3 7 4 J 4'532 + 2-86I3 O'OOIO 1968 1969 Monocerotis 7-8 i 89-85 3 7 40 17-723 + 2-9578 0-0019 1969 1970 Puppis 7 3 87-18 4 7 40 25-075 + 2-7612 0-0004 1970 1971 2 Puppis 7-6 3 87-18 4 7 40 25-409 + 2-76II 0-0004 O'OO2O 1971 1972 Monocerotis 8-7 i 92-45 3 7 40 30-091 + 2-9I83 0-0017 1972 '973 Monocerotis 6-5 3 89-53 3 7 40 39-127 + 2-9346 o-oo 1 8 1973 1974 4 Pnppis 5* ... 85-I3 3 7 40 52-883 + 2-7643 0-0004 O-0007 1974 1975 Puppis 7 2 86-56 3 7 41 12-868 + 2-5347 + 0-0008 1975 1976 Puppis 8 I 92-5I 3 7 41 23-808 + 2-8284 0-0008 1976 1977 Puppis 7 I 85-08 3 7 4 1 36-084 + 2-8068 0-0007 1977 1978 Puppis 7-8 I 89-55 3 7 41 57-837 + 2-6198 + 0-0004 1978 '979 Puppis 6-7 ... 91-13 3 7 42 28-851 + 2-5794 + 0-0006 1979 1980 Puppis 7-6 3 88-67 4 7 42 37-832 + 2-7333 0-0003 1980 1941. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by 0-5 than the unit magnitude. 1944. Reddish star. '95O. Reddish star. '963. The first and brightest star of a cluster. 1973. Yellowish-red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 89 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. t If Preeess. // Sec. Var. n Proper Motion. // to to !>. M a d 1 X Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I O -OO 938 82-48 3 72 4 31-70 + 7-925 + 0-461 0*018 1103 1 66 14894 I3 1938 1939 91-49 3 90 o 38-26 + 7-94I + 0-408 974 1939 1940 9I-5I 3 95 12 44"' 1 + 7-948 + 0-393 1940 1941 80-89 10 84 2 9 35-56 + 7-960 + 0-424 + 1-027 1106 1 68 14914 977 376o 1313 1941 1942 86-50 3 1 08 25 40-32 + 8-015 + 0-353 14946 1942 1943 92-15 3 91 37 21-03 + 8-031 + 0-402 '4937 1007 J 943 1944 90-22 3 106 35 43-8i + 8-031 + 0-358 H952 1944 I94S 83-18 3 93 20 12-07 + 8-035 + 0-398 + 0-250 14938 1009 1945 1946 89-21 3 10 1 29 54-99 + 8-090 + 0-373 1036 1946 1947 8S-SI 3 97 55 5i-i6 + 8-098 + 0-384 14965 1037 J 947 1948 85-I7 3 '05 33-97 + 8-104 + 0-363 '4974 3783 1316 1948 1949 89-86 3 109 24 28-36 + 8-107 + 0-349 14980 1949 J950 84-38 3 99 i? 4'" 6 3 + 8-155 + 0-379 + 0-024 IIIO 181 14984 1057 379 1 1320 !95<> i95i 92-10 3 no 59 29-34 + 8-188 + 0-343 15009 1951 1952 85-48 3 112 4 50-03 + 8-210 + 0-340 15017 J95 2 1953 85-82 3 112 8 53-88 +8-240 + 0-339 15040 '953 1954 89-14 3 i5 4 8 39-7 + 8-261 + 0-359 15043 1954 1955 92-48 3 103 35 21-84 + 8-261 + 0-366 1955 '956 92-19 3 108 50 48-67 +8-275 + 0-349 15056 1956 1957 85-03 I 1 06 48 9-06 +8-317 + 0-355 15063 1957 1958 82-61 4 94 2 5 '0-59 +8-323 + 0-392 1958 1959 82-50 5 94 26 48-05 + 8-329 + 0-392 15060 1959 1960 81-78 12 61 42 30-76 +8-362 + 0-490 + 0-051 III2 191 15028 3823 1324 1960 1961 92-18 3 9 2 59 J 9-5 +8-369 + 0-395 15071 1128 1961 1962 83-46 4 118 41 31-12 +8-426 + 0-315 + 0-010 1 1 20 201 3831 1962 1963 90-84 3 "3 37 35-85 + 8-447 + o-333 1963 1964 92-19 3 90 10 23-28 + 8-450 + 0-402 1149 1964 1963 87-I3 3 94 ii 15-66 + 8-454 + 0-391 15098 "53 1965 1966 91-20 3 "3 37 5'95 + 8-456 + 0-333 1966 1967 89-53 5 "4 2 4 35' + 8-471 + 0-330 'S'S' 3839 1967 1968 91-90 3 99 53 39-96 + 8-495 + 0-374 I5i 2 3 1968 1969 89-85 3 95 24 44' l8 + 8-498 + 0-387 202 15122 1969 1970 87-18 4 104 25 10-78 + 8-508 + 0-361 20 4 I5I37 1181 3847 1970 1971 87-18 4 104 25 26-69 + 8-508 + 0-361 + 0-009 II2I 205 15138 1182 3848 1971 1972 9^45 3 97 15 42-26 + 8-514 + 0-382 15130 1972 1973 89-53 a 96 30 9-89 + 8-526 + 0-384 15136 1184 1329 1973 '974 85-I3 3 104 17 48-74 + 8-545 + 0-361 0-013 1122 2IO 15148 "94 3854 1974 1975 86-56 3 "3 59 '9-38 + 8-571 + 0-331 15176 3860 '975 1976 92-51 3 101 25 10-61 + 8-586 + 0-369 15165 I2II 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 85-08 89-5S 91-13 87-19 3 3 3 3 102 24 22-89 no 33 42-03 112 14 56-80 i5 43 9'57 + 8-601 + 8-630 + 8-671 + 8-683 + 0-366 + 0-341 + 0-336 + 0-356 I5I75 I5I97 I53 3880 1977 1978 1979 1980 1941, 1960, are respectively 2013, 2029 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1941, 1960, are respectively 809, 817 of the Radclifi'e Catalogue, 1860. 1945. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 1971. The adopted Proper Motions differ slightly from those of Auwers. N 90 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process, s. Sec. Var. S. Proper Motion. 8. No. 1981 Puppis 7-6 4 90-43 3 7 42 44-611 + 2-7329 O-OOO3 1981 1982 5 Puppis 6-7 2 85-16 3 7 42 47-553 + 2-8181 O'OOOS 0-0086 1982 1983 Monocerotis 7-8 93'i4 3 7 42 53-208 + 2-9352 0-0018 1983 1984 Puppis 8 I 92'2I 3 7 43 5I-295 + 2-6610 + 0-0003 1984 1985 Puppis 7-6 I gO'86 3 7 43 54'35o + 2-8409 o-ooio 1985 1986 Puppis 7 90-47 3 7 43 59-289 + 2-8558 O'OOII 1986 1987 Puppis 8-9 I 90-25 2 7 44 JS-04 1 + 2-5203 + 0-0008 + 0-01 10 1987 1988 Puppis 7-6 91-84 3 7 44 21-618 + 2-7936 o p ooo6 1988 1989 Puppis 6-7 I 87-18 3 7 44 24-443 + 2-5219 + 0-0008 1989 1990 Monocerotis 8 I 92-23 3 7 44 32-305 + 3-0431 0-0029 1990 1991 Argus 3-2 I 86-35 19 7 44 39-959 + 2-5236 + 0-0009 o-ooi i 1991 1992 6 Puppis 6* 90-87 3 7 44 43-002 + 2-7069 o-oooi + 0-0045 1992 1993 Puppis 7 3 87-13 3 7 44 49-226 + 2-6541 + 0-0003 1993 1994 Monocerotis 6* 9f38 3 7 44 SSM'g + 2-8846 0-0014 1994 '995 Puppis 7 2 91-86 3 7 44 55'39 r + 2-6377 + 0-0004 1995 1996 Monocerotis 7-8 I 92-53 3 7 45 0-648 + 3-0029 0-0026 1996 1997 Monocerotis 8 I 91-87 3 7 45 11-966 + 2-9566 0-0021 1997 1998 Puppis 7-6 3 87-17 3 7 45 13-836 + 2-6541 + 0-0003 1998 1999 Puppis 6-7 2 91-21 3 7 45 42-538 + 2-8431 o-ooio 1999 200O Monocerotis 8-7 ... 91-87 3 7 4 6 9-394 + 2-9319 0-0019 2000 2001 Puppis 7-6 I 91-86 3 7 46 11-160 + 2-6847 O'OOOO 2OOI 2002 Puppis 7-6 I 91-89 3 7 46 21-231 + 2-5340 + 0-0008 2O02 2OO3 8 Puppis 7 I 85-04 I 7 46 32-165 + 2-8067 0-0008 0-0005 2003 2004 Monocerotis 7-8 2 91-46 3 7 46 37-343 + 3-0146 0-0027 2004 2005 2O06 2007 9 Puppis 6* 7 6 3 84-93 83-13 86-44 4 I 3 7 46 40-588 7 46 53-102 7 46 55-462 + 2-7834 + 68-8221 + 2-6167 0-0006 32-4261 + 0-0005 0-0064 2005 2006 2OO7 Puppis 2008 10 Puppis 6 ... 86-54 3 7 47 15-074 + 2-7625 0-0005 0-0008 2OO8 2009 Puppis 7-8 I 91-23 3 7 47 21-823 + 2-7844 0-0005 2OO9 2010 Monocerotis 6 2 83-48 3 7 47 2 !-945 + 2-9651 0-0022 2010 2OII Camelopardali 5* 85-40 2 7 47 28-028 + 9-6865 0-4038 2OII 2012 Puppis 8-7 2 92-12 3 7 47 59-752 + 2-5926 + 0-0006 2OI2 2013 Monocerotis 7-8 2 89-80 3 7 49 1-114 + 3-0204 0-0028 2013 2014 Puppis 7 s 87-18 3 7 49 11-801 + 2-6855 O'OOOO 2014 2015 Geminorum 9-10 3 92-44 3 7 49 37-6SI + 3-8483 0-0174 2015 20l6 Monocerotis 8-9 2 91-85 3 7 49 42-481 + 2-9836 0-0024 20l6 2017 Puppis 8-7 2 92-15 3 7 50 18-206 + 2-8556 O'OOII 2OI7 20l8 Geminorum 7-8 9*73 2 7 5 31-659 + 3'8402 0-0173 2018 2019 Puppis 7 2 86-! 5 3 7 5o 34-339 + 2-7488 0-0003 2O19 2O20 Fuppis 7 3 85-20 3 7 5 35-446 + 2-6703 + 0-0002 2O2O 2O2I Puppis 7 3 88-50 3 7 5 49-334 + 2-8140 0-0008 2O21 2022 Monocerotis 7-8 ... 9i'S 1 7 51 1-410 + 2-9125 0-0018 2022 2023 Puppis 7-8 3 88-78 3 7 5 1 29-485 + 2-7507 0-0004 2023 2024 Puppis 7-8 89-84 3 7 5 1 31-443 + 2-6384 + 0-0004 2024 2025 Puppis 7-8 I 89-50 3 7 5i 40-373 + 2-7285 0-0002 2025 1982. A companion of the 8 magnitude follows, and is north. 2021. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 91 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. // Sec. Var. It Proper Motion. *n *} r>. I-H I o' o oo "3 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 J T3 to C* d __- No. Time of Observa- 81 If Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. r& CO *i oT o S "s" V ^ *> e-8 a " -o No. tion. *l f II II n 1 pa 3 M "I* 9 2116 90-83 3 no 58 54-54 + 10-925 + 0-318 16279 2116 2117 9--5 1 3 91 27 23-50 + 10-944 + 0*367 + 0-230 16212 267 2117 2118 85-20 3 105 56 42-41 + 10-947 + 0-332 O'OO2 1184 39 16281 4240 2118 2119 86-21 4 97 '3 46-59 + 10-999 + 0-353 286 2119 2I2O 83-22 3 102 15 35-64 + 1 1 -008 + 0-340 + 0-975 16304 294 1404 2120 2121 87*20 3 104 13 25-15 + n-033 + 0-335 45 16316 304 2121 2122 89-52 3 86 49 34-90 + 11-037 + 0-377 2122 2123 93-I4 a 95 16 37-53 + 11-055 + 0-357 16317 2123 2124 87*48 3 97 12 51-80 + 11-058 + 0-352 16319 310 2124 2125 84-50 3 99 49 22*83 + 11-067 + 0-345 16325 3 ! 3 2125 2126 80-21 2 125 6 39-05 + 11-074 + 0-274 4263 2126 2127 90-08 3 86 53 20*00 + 11-095 + 0-376 16320 2127 2128 87-72 3 109 49 10-47 + 11*102 + 0-320 16348 2128 2129 85-23 3 9 33 39-I3 + 11*112 + 0-367 16331 325 2129 2130 89-57 3 102 30 41-43 + 11*121 + 0-338 16354 332 2130 2131 83-86 3 94 58 56*13 + II-I29 + 0-356 -6345 2131 2132 89-53 3 86 59 17*42 + "139 + 0-375 16341 2132 2133 9I-35 3 "3 6 57-01 + 11-164 + 0-310 16381 2'33 2134 89-23 1 112 34 38-96 + 11-189 + 0-311 1410 "34 2135 85-42 3 91 15 9*07 + 11-195 + 0-364 16375 357 2135 3136 9I-53 3 105 10 18-32 + 11*201 + 0-331 2136 2137 89-55 3 97 42 34-27 + 1 1 -206 + o*349 16385 361 2137 2138 93-I3 3 104 37 37-68 + 11-229 + 0-332 372 2138 2139 89-14 3 98 19 17-71 + II-232 + 0-347 37i 2139 2140 86-53 3 loo 41 46-40 + 11-239 + 0-341 16411 375 2140 2I 4 I 84*11 3 109 43 46-63 + 11-246 + 0-318 16428 2141 2142 90-53 3 100 23 54-00 +11-263 + 0-34- 16425 383 2142 2143 89-90 3 107 14 8-81 + II-280 + 0-324 16439 2143 2-44 83-46 4 122 42 20-89 + II-290 + 0-280 56 4293 2144 2143 89-73 3 71 18 54-46 + 11-291 + 0-410 + O-O22 1185 50 16406 4290 1411 2145 2146 86-89 3 95 49 4!-6i + 11-292 + 0-352 16432 395 2146 2147 83-85 3 97 ii 28-43 + II-325 + 0-348 16449 2147 2148 89-85 3 IO2 42 5-86 + 11-331 + 0-335 + 0-025 1189 55 !6457 4298 2148 2149 90-18 3 91 8 37-09 + 11-384 + 0-361 16473 424 2149 2150 85-19 3 93 23 42-28 + H-437 + 0-355 + o-oi 6 1194 63 16509 43i6 2150 2151 84-50 3 94 21 34-51 + 11-440 + 0-353 453 2151 2152 91-86 3 108 46 43-68 + "445 + 0-318 16527 2152 2153 91*18 3 101 10 7*26 + 11-460 + 0-337 16526 462 2153 2'54 89-48 3 102 2 4 29-54 + 11*489 + 0-334 16552 476 2154 2J5S 86-17 3 112 47 51-96 + II-5II + 0-307 2155 2i 5 6 83-23 4 93 32 52-00 + "514 + 0-353 0-007 "97 69 16559 478 4333 1420 2156 -57 86-90 3 98 35 53-86 + II- 523 + 0-342 486 2157 2158 8.V24 4 113 41 24-11 + "524 + 0-304 72 -6579 4335 2158 2-S9 87-17 3 no 41 24-98 + "'534 + 0-312 16586 2159 2160 89*85 3 in 47 0*78 + 11-535 + 0-309 2160 2145, 2158, are respectively 857, 868 of the Radclifie Catalogue, 1860. 2117. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 2 1 20. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 98 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STABS, 1890, K.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 2161 Monocerotis 7 2 89-I5 3 8 20 38-331 + 2-7367 O'OOOO 2161 2162 Monoeerotis 7 I 89-20 3 8 20 44-914 + 2-8767 0-0014 2162 2163 Monocerotis 7 3 8 5'44 3 8 20 46-044 + 2-9159 O-OO2O 2163 2164 Monocerotis 6-7 4 86-20 3 8 20 48-888 + 2-7885 0-0004 2164 2165 2 Hydra 6-7 2 83-I7 3 8 20 57-502 + 3-0033 0-0032 0-0053 2165 2166 I Ursffi Majoris ... 3-4* ... 83-66 4 8 21 7-460 + 5-0481 0-0765 0-0190 2166 2167 Monocerotis 6 3 87-40 3 8 21 30-566 + 2-8374 O'OO [0 2167 2168 2169 2170 Monocerotis Hydra; 7 "7 2 89-53 90-13 85-83 3 3 3 8 21 52-469 8 22 1 1 -339 8 22 20-053 + 2-9572 + 2-9954 + 2-7898 0-0025 0-003 1 0-0005 2168 2169 2170 Monocerotis 7 a 2171 Puppis 7-8 2 89-57 3 8 22 22-737 + 2-6094 + o-ooi i 2171 2172 29 Cancri 6* 87-21 3 8 22 29-046 + 3-355I 0-0097 0-0028 2172 2173 Monocerotis 7 I 89-50 3 8 22 39-735 + 2-6668 + 0-0007 2173 2174 Monocerotis 8 91-25 3 8 22 50-500 + 2-7507 O'OOOI 2174 2175 Hydra 7-6 I 88-79 3 8 22 55-933 + 3-0317 0-0037 21/5 2176 Monocerotis 7-6 3 84-12 3 8 22 59-659 + 2-9113 0-0019 2176 2177 2178 2179 Monocerotis Mali ... . . .. 6-7 7 7 2 a 83-20 85-87 90-18 I i 3 8 23 32-849 8 23 48-022 8 23 54' '74 + 2-8935 + 2-6197 + 3-0613 0-0016 + o-ooi i 0-0041 2177 2178 2179 Hydras 2180 Monocerotis 7 i 90-19 3 8 24 0-054 + 2-6663 + 0-0007 2180 2181 Monocerotis 7-8 ... 91-71 3 8 25 0-596 + 2-9464 0-0024 2181 2182 Monocerotis 7-8 2 88-21 3 8 25 14-997 + 2-8218 0-0007 2182 2183 Monocerotis 7 I 9I-5I 3 8 25 32-75I + 2-8549 0-0012 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 Monocerotis Mali 7 6-7 6-5 6-5 I 5 i 89-86 80-54 85-79 83-90 3 3 30 3 8 25 48-382 8 26 3-803 8 26 20-867 8 26 34-260 + 2-7750 + 2-4066 + 3-4806 + 2-6988 0-0003 + O'OO22 0-0131 + 0-0005 0-0039 2184 2185 2186 2,87 33 Cancri rj Monocerotis 2188 Monocerotis 7-8 i 90-16 3 8 26 38-884 + 2-6671 + o-oooy 2188 2189 Hydra 7-8 2 90-18 3 8 26 50-454 + 2-9837 0-0030 2189 2190 Monocerotis 7-8 I 89-54 3 8 26 59-830 + 2-7241 + 0-0003 2190 2191 Hydra 9-8 2 89-86 3 8 27 17-862 + 3-0036 0-0033 2IQI 2192 Monocerotis 7-6 2 83-20 1 8 27 26-653 + 2-7927 0-0004 2192 2193 Monocerotis 7 3 86-79 3 8 27 29-124 + 2-8050 0-0005 2193 2194 Hydra 7 4 85-65 4 8 27 43-053 + 2-9819 0-0029 2194 2195 2196 2197 Hydrse Mali 7-8 6-7 6-7 4 3 2 86-87 86-18 84-21 3 3 3 8 27 49-421 8 28 19-574 8 28 27-781 + 2-9799 + 2-5925 + 3-0394 0-0029 + 0-0014 0-0038 2195 2I 9 6 2197 Hydrse 2198 Monocerotis 7-6 2 88-21 j 8 28 28-608 + 2-7722 O'OOOI 2I 9 8 2199 22OO 22OI 2202 2203 22O4 2205 Hydra Mali 7-8 8-7 7-8 2 2 86-15 9 I- 5 91-48 82-85 87-47 91-41 84-22 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 28 56-168 8 28 59-949 8 29 59-726 8 30 6-083 8 30 14-06; 8 3 36-349 8 30 48-623 + 3-0660 + 2-6211 + 2-6636 + 29310 + 2-6470 + 2-8685 + 2-5460 0-0043 + O'OOI 2 + O'OOIO 0-0022 + O'OOI I O-OOI 2 + o-ooi 8 0-0040 2199 220O 1 2201 22O2 1 2203 2204 2205 Mali 3 Hydrse Mali 6 7 8-7 6-7 2 2 Hydra Mali 2169. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is 10" too great. 2187. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Lalande 16795, precedes 8 s , and is about 5' north. 2191. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is 10' too small. 2193. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 99 Ko. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. II Proper Motion. m o r^. I 8 CO *N Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 eg aToo If x a, 3 Greenwich, 1880. No. 2161 89-I5 3 107 4 52-14 + "547 + 0-321 16589 2161 2162 89-20 3 100 9 27-79 + "556 + 0-338 16580 498 2162 2163 8S-44 3 98 9 20-46 + "557 + 0-343 16578 496 2163 2164 86-20 3 104 34 20-15 + 11-561 + 0-327 16593 53 2164 2165 83-17 3 93 37 33-79 + n-57i + o-353 + 0-046 1199 73 16584 501 4342 2165 2166 81-63 23 28 54 52-61 + "583 + 0-596 + 0-1 1 1 1186 57 16465 1423 2166 2167 87-40 3 IO2 IO 24-00 + 11-610 + 0-332 16615 1424 2167 2168 89-53 3 96 2 49-91 + "635 + 0-346 16620 520 2168 2169 90-13 3 94 3 5-57 + 11-658 + 0-350 16627 534 2169 2170 85-83 3 104 34 23-98 + 11-669 + 0-326 16647 538 1426 2170 2171 89-57 3 "3 4 33-53 + 11-672 + 0-304 16654 2171 2172 87-21 3 75 25 31-08 + 11-679 + o-393 + 0-005 1200 77 16621 529 1428 2172 2173 89-5 3 no 28 51-97 + 11-692 + 0-311 16658 2173 2174 91-25 3 106 30 42-11 + 11-704 + 0-321 2174 2175 88-79 3 92 9 iro6 + 11-711 + 0-354 81 16651 550 2175 2176 84-12 3 98 27 4-32 + 11-716 + 0-340 16657 2176 2177 83-20 3 99 23 i'43 + "'755 + 0-337 16673 571 2177 2178 85-87 3 iia 42 22-28 + "773 + 0-304 16702 1429 2178 2179 90-18 3 9 35 37-33 + 11-780 + 0-356 83 16676 4376 2179 2180 90-19 3 "o 35 4-69 + "787 + 0-310 16711 2180 2181 91-71 3 96 40 18-30 + "859 + 0-341 16741 2181 2182 88-21 3 103 6 1-50 + "875 + 0-327 16752 2182 2183 9i-5i 3 101 25 51-36 + 11-896 + 0-330 16765 617 2183 2184 89-86 3 I0 5 27 55-4 8 + 11-914 + 0-320 16774 2184 2185 8o-54 3 121 47 28-30 + "933 + 0-277 4410 2185 2186 82-67 10 69 II 7-81 + "953 + 0-403 + 0-047 1207 88 16760 4411 H36 2186 2187 83-90 a 109 12 21-88 + 11-968 + 0-311 95 16799 4418 1437 2187 2188 90-16 3 no 42 25-31 + II- 974 + 0-307 16801 2188 2189 90-18 3 94 44 I0 75 + 11-986 + 0-344 16793 646 2189 2190 89-54 a IQ 8 o 53-37 + 11-998 + 0-313 2190 2191 89-86 3 93 41 8-62 + 12-019 + 0-345 652 2191 2192 83-20 3 I0 4 39 30-14 + 12-030 + 0-32! 16817 2192 2193 86-79 3 104 2 42-48 + 12-032 + 0-322 16819 664 2193 2194 85-65 4 94 50 53-3I + 12-048 + 0-342 16816 2194 2>95 86-87 3 94 57 8-19 + 12-055 + 0-342 16820 2195 2196 86-18 3 "4 r 3 52-56 + 12-091 + 0-296 4442 2196 2197 84-21 3 9i 4 6 35-9 1 + 12-101 + 0-348 16837 686 1441 2197 2198 88-21 3 I0 5 44 5T5 + 12-102 + 0-317 16856 2198 2199 86-15 3 90 20 59-61 + 12-133 + 0-351 698 2199 2200 91-50 3 112 59 4-49 + I2-I38 + 0-299 2 2OO 22OI 91-48 3 in 4 52-28 + 12-208 + 0-303 16927 2201 22O2 82-85 3 97 36 14-09 + 12-215 + 0-334 0-034 1212 109 16917 740 4468 2202 2203 87-47 1 iii 52 27-72 + 12-224 + 0-301 16937 2203 2204 91-41 a l 54 39'9 6 + 12-249 + 0-326 16943 2204 2205 84-22 3 116 27 53-17 + 12-264 + 0-289 4476 2205 2166, 2172, are respectively 2140, 2148 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2166, 2172, 2186, 2205, are respectively 866, 871, 874, 877 of the Iladcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 100 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, B.A. s *- Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. a H tion. & h. m. 8. 8. 8. s. 2206 Hydra 7-8 3 89-14 3 8 31 20*823 + 2-8990 0-OOI7 2206 2207 4 Hydra S 4-5* 85-73 4 8 31 49*990 + 3-1849 O*OO66 0-0065 2207 2208 Hydras 7 89-5I 3 8 31 58-043 + 2-7241 + 0*0004 2208 2209 Hydra 7-6 2 85-16 3 8 31 58-637 + 2-9886 O-O03O 2209 2210 Hydra 7-6 3 85-57 3 8 32 21-377 + 2-8450 O-OOO9 2210 2211 Hydra 7 2 86-24 3 8 32 27-701 + 2-954I 0-O025 2211 2212 Hydra 8 4 86-51 3 8 32 35*160 + 2-8461 0-0009 2212 2213 Hydra 7 i 88*78 3 8 32 38*147 + 2-9155 O-OO2O 2213 2214 Hydra 7 2 87*16 3 8 32 47-088 + 2*8614 O'OOII 22I 4 2215 Hydra 7-6 3 85*20 3 8 32 55*269 + 2-9570 O-OO25 2215 22l6 5 Hydra o* 5* 81*22 3 8 33 0-561 -4- V I4.OQ 0*0057 0*0038 22l6 2217 Mali g 6 80*21 4 8 33 10*150 JO T y + 2-5637 + 0-OOI8 2217 2218 Hydra 6-7 2 88*15 3 8 33 42*692 + 2*7047 + O-OOO6 22l8 2219 Hydra 7-6 2 85-86 3 8 34 2-223 + 2*8435 0*0008 2219 222O Mali 6-5 I 89*21 3 8 34 18-858 + 2*6441 + O*OOI3 O*O2 1 222O 2221 Hydra 7 2 89-57 3 8 34 28-518 + 2-7356 + 0-0004 2221 2222 6 Hydra 6-5 3 83*66 4 8 34 48*707 + 2-8491 O'OOOg 0*0077 2222 2223 Hydra 7-6 89-88 3 8 34 50-379 + 2-7554 + 0*0002 O'OOOO 2223 2224 Mali 9-8 I 01 '00 4 8 34 53*745 + 2*6041 + 0-0016 2224. **. j.f. 2225 Mali / 5-6 j yy 80- 1 8 3 8 35 8-611 + 2-4908 + 0-0023 T 2225 2226 Hydra 8-7 91-83 3 8 35 33-807 + 2-8880 0-0015 2226 2227 Hydra 7-6 3 86*52 3 8 35 41-489 + 2-9141 0-0019 2227 2228 Hydrse 8 91*88 3 8 35 52*666 + 2-8152 0-0004 2228 2229 Hydra 8-7 i 9I-75 3 8 36 36*955 + 3-0244 0-0036 2229 2230 9 Hydrse 6* ... 84*58 3 8 36 37-066 + 2*7841 0*0001 + o-ooio 2230 22-5.1 Mali 8-7 i 92-21 a 8 36 42*798 + 2'6-;7o + O-OOI2 2231 2232 43 Cancri y 4-5 i 85-90 o 2O 8 36 55'23i i "3 / y + 3-4880 0-0143 0*0087 2232 2233 Hydra 7 2 88-82 3 8 36 S5-438 + 2*8604 o-ooio 2233 2234 Hydra 7-8 I 90-17 3 8 37 9' 2 44 + 2*9251 O-OO2O 2234 2235 7 Hydrse rj 5-4* 87-24 3 8 37 28-363 + 3-I4IO 0-0059 0*0029 2235. 2236 Hydra 4-5 I 85*16 3 8 38 16-221 + 2*9489 0-0024 0*0017 2236 2237 Hydra 7-8 I 91*88 3 8 38 31-937 + 2*9623 0-0026 2237 2238 Hydra 7-8 3 86-89 3 8 38 3.V987 + 3-0040 0-0033 2238 2239 Mali a 4* 86-90 3 8 39 10*203 + 2-4108 + 0-0029 2239 224O Hydra 7-8 2 9I-85 3 8 39 21-255 + 2*7015 + 0-0009 224O 2241 Hydra 7 3 84-24 3 8 39 46*820 + 3-0331 0-0038 2241 2242 Hydra 7-6 3 84-24 I 8 39 47-300 + .V033I 0-0038 22 4 2 2243 Mali 7 3 89-23 3 8 39 5i'7oo + 2-6293 + 0-0016 2243 2244 Hydra 8 i 91*91 3 8 39 57-385 O-OOO2 2244 2245 Hydra 7-6 90-19 3 8 39 59-994 + 2-6841 + o-ooi i 22 4 5 2246 Hydra 8 i 92*16 4 8 40 0*379 + 3-0674 0-0044 22 4 6 1 2247 Hydra 6 2 84-58 3 8 40 27*699 + 3-0431 0-0040 22 4 7 2248 Hydra 6-7 90*49 3 8 4 50*I77 + 2-8813 0-0012 22 4 8 2249 Hydra 7 ... 90-88 3 8 40 52-191 + 2*8846 0-0013 2249 1 2250 50 Cancri A 2 6* 83-80 3 8 40 54*104 + 3-299 0-0095 0*0063 2250 2211. A star of the 8-9 magnitude precedes 2', and is about i' south. 2213. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is io s too small. 2218. Red star. 2236. This star is Flamsteed's 31 Monocerotis. 2238. TheN.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel appears to be about 20" too small. 2247. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 8, and in Argelander's Zones 7*0. The N. P. D. in Weisse's Bessel is about 1 5" too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. ioit Mean s a S 6 g *r. o" ^3" No. Time of 1! Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. t- 1 oT 13 " ' C Cri GJ >-l tion. i ! , 1 K ^ HJ I 6 O 2206 89-14 3 99 19 58-03 + 12-301 + 0-329 16965 2206 2207 87-22 3 83 54 46-39 + 12-334 + 0-361 + 0-001 1217 114 16969 772 4485 MS' 2207 2208 89-5I 3 1 08 17 50-85 + 12-344 + 0-308 I7OOI 2208 2209 85-16 3 94 33 4'64 + 12-345 + 0-338 16987 788 2209 22IO 85-57 3 IO2 12 II'IO + 12-370 + 0-321 I7OII 801 2210 2211 86-24 3 96 25 28-2O + 12-378 + 0-334 17008 802 2211 2212 86-51 3 102 9 10-84 + 12-386 + 0-321 17023 808 2212 2213 88-78 3 98 2 9 47-13 + 12-389 + 0-329 17019 804 2213 22I 4 87-16 3 101 21 33-30 + 12-400 + 0-323 17032 221 4 2215 85-20 3 96 16 38-13 + 12-409 + 0-334 I703I 814 2215 22l6 81-22 3 86 16 21-87 + 12-415 + 0-354 + 0-003 1221 123 I7O20 810 4500 1453 22l6 2217 80-21 4 115 52 12-93 + 12-426 + 0-288 i33 4506 '455 2217 2218 88-15 3 109 21 3-39 + 12-464 + 0-304 17091 2218 2219 85-86 3 102 21 I-gi + 12-486 + 0-319 17079 848 2219 222O 89-21 3 112 17 I7'69 + 12-505 + 0-296 0-410 17103 1462 2220 2221 89-57 3 107 52 40-98 + 12-516 + 0-306 17104 2221 2222 83-66 4 102 5 1 2'6o + 12-539 + 0-319 0-006 1229 138 I7I07 870 4525 2222 2223 89-88 3 106 54 35-32 + 12-540 + 0-308 + 0-180 I7IIO 2223 2224 91-99 4 114 ii 5-66 + 12-545 + 0-291 2224 2225 80- 1 8 3 119 10 10-77 + 12-562 + 0-278 140 4529 2225 2226 9I-83 | ioo 3 22-28 + 12-591 + 0-322 895 2226 2227 86-52 3 98 39 41-48 + 12-598 + 0-325 i7'33 2227 2228 91-88 3 103 54 9-63 + 12-612 + 0-314 17142 90S 2228 2229 9I-75 3 9 2 39 25-89 + 12-662 + 0-337 17163 916 2229 2230 84-58 3 105 32 54-30 + 12-662 + 0-310 + 0-083 "34 146 17169 4544 2230 2231 92-21 3 in 48 8-66 + 12-668 + 0-295 17177 2231 2232 81-55 II 68 8 10-73 + 12-682 + 0-389 + 0-033 1230 142 '7143 4546 H 6 5 2232 22.S3 88-82 3 101 34 21-46 + 12-682 + 0-318 I7I75 925 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 90-17 87-24 85-16 91-88 3 3 3 3 98 6 17-51 86 12 24-64 9 6 50 1577 96 6 27-39 + 12-698 + 12-719 + I2 '773 + 12-791 + 0-325 + 0-349 + 0-326 + 0-327 0-005 0-030 1235 1238 H7 152 17183 17180 17216 929 957 4557 4568 1467 1468 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 86-89 3 93 48 20-42 + 12-794 + 0-332 961 2238 2239 83-23 4 122 47 22-86 + 12-834 + 0-265 162 4581 1472 2239 2240 9I-85 3 109 52 9-10 + 12-846 + 0-297 17265 2240 2241 84-24 3 92 12 6-07 + 12-875 + 0-334 159 17262 986 224! 2242 84-24 3 92 12 5-69 + 12-875 + 0-334 1 60 17262 987 22 4 2 2243 89-23 3 113 23 18-98 + 12-881 + 0-288 17277 2243 22 44 91-91 3 105 i 28-42 + 12-887 + 0-307 994 2244 2245 90-19 3 no 46 8-97 + 12-890 + 0-294 17283 2245 2246 92-16 4 90 17 2-31 + 12-890 + 0-337 2246 2247 84-58 3 91 38 59-12 + 12-921 + 0-334 17276 997 M75 2247 2248 90-49 3 ioo 36 22-77 + 12-946 + 0-315 17302 1016 2248 2249 90-88 3 ioo 25 42-60 + 12-948 + 0-316 17304 1018 2249 2250 83-80 3 77 29 11-45 + 12-950 + 0-362 + 0-034 1242 '63 17282 1476 2250 2232 is 880 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2220, 2223. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 102 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. m. 8. Precess. 6. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 2251 2252 2253 II Hydra Mali 4-3 7-6 5-4 2 2 3 87-00 87-84 88-47 38 3 3 8 4 57'45 8 41 3-694 8 41 10-624 + 3-I946 + 2-5971 + 2-8344 0-0071 + 0-0019 0-0006 0-0135 + 0-0005 2251 2252 2253 12 Hydra 2254 Hydra 6-7 2 89-88 3 8 41 40-399 + 3^459 0-0040 2254 2255 Hydra: 7 2 86-18 3 8 4 1 44-554 + 2-7349 + 0-0006 2255 2256 Hydrse 7 I 89-83 3 8 42 16-940 + 2-7688 + O'OOO2 2256 **57 Hydra 7-6 2 84-24 3 8 42 38-963 + 2-9632 0-0026 2257 2258 Hydra 8-7 I 91-85 3 8 42 52-277 + 2-9379 O-OO2I 2258 2 2 59 Hydra 7 2 87-I7 3 8 43 i-43 8 + 3-06I2 0-0043 2259 2260 Hydra 8-7 91-40 3 8 43 35-o67 + 2-987I 0-0030 2260 2261 14 Hydrse 6 I 82-21 3 8 43 50-012 + 3-OI9 0-0036 0-0036 2261 2262 Hydrse 7 I 87-24 3 8 44 5-002 + 2-8860 0-0013 2262 2263 Hydrse 7-8 2 89-18 3 8 44 7-140 + 2-7993 O'OOOI 2263 2264 Hydras 8-9 3 86-22 3 8 44 13-836 + 2-927I 0-0020 2264 2265 Hydra 7 3 85-50 4 8 44 18-666 + 2-9268 O-OO2O 2265 2266 Hydras 7-6 i 89-56 3 8 44 48-470 + 2'6936 + O'OOII 2266 2267 Hydra 7 i 89-16 3 8 44 537o + 3-0060 0-0033 o-oooo 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 Hydra Mali . 7-8 8-9 6-5 5* 3 2 93-12 91-81 83-73 80-18 3 3 6 3 8 45 7-i63 8 45 8-986 8 45 23-146 8 45 5i- 8 47 + 2-997I + 2-6348 + 2'4363 + 2-5554 0-0032 + 0-0018 + 0-0031 + 0-0024 2268 2269 2270 2271 Mali Mali c 2272 2273 2274 15 Hydras Mali 6* 8-7 7 3 83-22 91-88 84-47 3 3 3 8 46 10-020 8 46 10-692 8 47 6-665 + 2-953 8 + 2-6693 + 2-8535 0-0023 + 0-0015 0-0007 0-0047 2272 2273 2274 Hydras 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 Hydras Mali 7-8 7 7-6 8-9 7 3 2 I 3 86-86 9I-57 85-19 91-79 87-14 3 3 3 3 3 8 47 14-746 8 47 17-014 8 47 I7-493 8 47 46-897 8 48 0-207 + 2-7448 + 2-5599 + 2-8458 + 2-6082 + 2-7775 + 0-0006 + 0-0024 0-0006 + O'OO2I + 0-0004 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 Hydras Mali Hydra 2280 Hydra 7 3 8S-S3 3 8 48 12-611 + 2-8000 O'OOII 2280 2281 Hydra 6-7 3 86-85 3 8 48 52-837 + 2-9856 0-0029 O'O20O 2281 2282 Hydra 7-8 i 90-16 3 8 48 52-904 + 2-9273 0-0019 2282 2283 Hydra 8-9 i 91-79 3 8 48 58-198 + 2-7120 + O-OOI2 2283 2284 Hydras 7 2 85-21 3 8 49 21-400 + 2-8811 O'OOII 2284 2285 Hydra 7-6 90-19 3 8 49 26-594 + 3-0183 0-0035 2285 2286 Hydra 7 2 89-88 3 8 49 50-078 + 3-0255 0-0037 2286 2287 Hydra 7 3 84-55 3 8 50 0-241 + 2-8818 O'OOIO 2287 2288 Hydra 7-8 2 86-98 4 8 50 6-053 + 2-9419 O-OO2I 0-0017 2288 2289 17 Hydras 7 2 86-98 4 8 50 6-053 + 2-9419 O'OO2I 0-0017 2289 2290 Hydra 7-8 2 90-18 3 8 50 7-384 + 3-0317 0-0038 2290 2291 Hydra 6-7 4 87-48 3 8 50 9-025 + 2-7558 + 0-0007 2291 2292 Hydra 7-8 3 87-89 3 8 50 11-650 + 27556 + 0-0007 2292 2293 Hydra 8 91-88 3 8 50 16-795 + 2-8273 0-0003 2293 2294 Hydra T Var. 3 91-60 3 8 50 18-665 + 2-9215 0-0018 2294 2295 Hydra 7-6 4 88-89 3 8 5 45-453 + 2-8089 + O'OOOI 2295 2251. Double. Companion of the 9-8 magnitude. 2287. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i' too small. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes 3', and is i' south. 2288, 2289. These stars are so close in E.A. that the mean position has been observed, and is given for both the stars: but the Observers considered that the brighter and southern star very slightly followed. 2294. The limits of magnitude are 7-0 and below 13 : the period is 28q days. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 103 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // 10 o 1^. $ 1 w 8 CO 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 i/} < 3 -3 % ~ OJ o" r /o to OO a " o M 0, a Greenwich, I 1880. - -1 No. 2251 8277 7 83 10 40-67 + 12-954 + 0-350 + 0-023 "43 164 17290 1008 4610 M77 2251 2252 87-84 3 "4 59 !5- 8 7 + 12-961 + 0-283 4612 2252 2253 88-47 3 103 8 44-91 + 12-969 + 0-310 + 0-009 1244 1 66 I73I3 1032 4613 2253 2254 89-88 3 9i 29 39-45 + 13-001 + 0-333 167 I73I8 1037 4621 1478 2 2 54 225S 86-18 3 1 08 21 19-30 + 13-006 + 0-298 17333 M79 2255 2256 89-83 3 106 38 56-69 + 13-042 + 0-301 17355 2256 2257 84-24 3 96 9 11-99 + 13-067 + 0-322 - 17362 1062 2257 2258 9I-85 3 97 34 i-3 + 13-081 + 0-319 17372 1065 2258 2259 87-17 3 90 38 20-66 + 13-091 + 0-333 '737 1066 2259 2260 91-40 3 94 49 S?-? 6 + 13-129 + 0-324 17390 1078 2260 2261 82-21 3 93 2 6-62 + I3''45 + 0-327 + 0-019 1249 77 17396 4660 2261 2262 87-24 3 100 28 42-02 + 13-161 + 0-312 17411 IIOI 2262 2263 89-18 3 i5 9 23'38 + 13-164 + 0-302 17419 2263 2264 86-22 I 98 12 26-I2 + 13-171 + 0-316 r 74'5 1106 2264 2265 85-50 4 98 13 41-94 + I3-I77 + 0-316 I74I8 1109 2265 2266 89-56 3 no 38 16-84 + 13-209 + 0-290 17448 2266 2267 89-16 3 93 47 4-i7 + 13-215 + 0-324 + 0-150 J7438 2267 2268 9312 3 94 17 27-06 + 13-229 + 0-323 r 7444 2268 2269 91-81 3 "3 32 37-30 + 13-232 + 0-283 17461 2269 2270 83-73 6 122 22 13-19 + I3-247 + 0-261 190 4675 2270 2271 80- 1 8 3 117 18 9-14 + I.V279 + 0-274 193 4685 1485 2271 2272 83-22 3 96 45 5535 + 13-298 + 0-317 O'OOO 1256 189 17490 4688 1487 2272 2273 91-88 3 ui 56 49-07 + 13-300 + 0-286 J 7504 2273 2274 84-47 3 102 23 30-72 + 13-360 + 0-305 17534 2274 2275 86-86 3 108 12 8-36 + 13-369 + 0-293 J7S4 2 "75 2276 88-99 4 "7 13 43-34 + I3-37I + 0-273 47' 2276 2277 85-19 3 102 49 9-04 + I3-37 1 + 0-304 '7541 1184 2277 2278 91-79 3 115 I 46-51 + I3-4 4 + 0-277 2278 2279 87-14 3 106 32 9-41 + 13-418 + 0-295 17568 2279 2280 85-53 3 100 58 36-95 + I3H32 + 0-306 '757 1209 2280 2281 86-85 3 95 i 6-39 + I3-476 + 0-317 o-ooo 1219 2281 2282 90-16 3 98 20 38-97 + !3'476 + 0-310 17586 2282 2283 9179 3 no o 46-08 + 13-481 + 0-287 17603 2283 2284 85-21 3 'o 57 34-57 + 13-506 + 0-305 17610 1234 2284 2285 90-19 3 93 8 16-14 + 13-512 + 0-319 17604 2285 2286 89-88 3 92 43 38-85 + 13-537 + 0-320 17612 2286 2287 84-55 3 100 57 6-78 + I3-548 + 0-304 17624 1249 2287 2288 86-98 4 97 32 58-65 + I3-554 + 0-310 + 0-010 1264 215 17625 1250 4732 2288 2289 86-98 4 97 33 3-29 + '3-554 + 0-310 + O'OIO 1264 214 17625 1251 4731 2289 2290 90-18 3 92 22 19-97 + '3-555 + 0-320 17618 I2 45 2290 2291 87-48 3 107 49 19-32 + I 3'557 + 0-290 17636 2291 2292 87-48 3 107 50 16-25 + 13-561 + 0-290 1/638 2292 2293 91-88 3 103 59 12-32 + 13-566 + 0-298 2293 "94 91-60 3 98 43 19-26 + 13-568 + 0-308 2294 2295 88-89 3 i5 i 4'55 + I.V59 6 + 0-295 17657 1269 2295 2251 is 2205 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2251, 2288, 2289, 2294, are respectively 887, 905, 906, 909 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2267, 2281. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 104 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. B. No. 2296 "97 2298 Mali d Mali 6-5* 7-6 7-6 ... 80-64 89-56 9!'S7 7 3 3 8 50 48-228 8 51 4753 8 5 1 27-599 + 2-5663 + 2-6478 + 2-7862 + O-OO26 + O'OO2O + O-OOO4 2296 2297 2298 Hydra 2299 Hydree 6-7 I 90-54 3 8 5 1 44-923 + 2-773I + 0-0005 2299 2300 Hydra 8-9 I 92-20 3 8 Si 51-576 + 2-9642 O-0025 2300 2301 Hydra 8 I 92-15 3 8 51 54-686 + 3-0685 0-0045 2301 2302 Hydra 8-7 I 92-19 4 8 52 10-842 + 2-9060 0-OOI4 2302 2303 65 Cancri a 4* 86-41 20 8 52 28-281 + 3-2850 0-0098 + o-ooio 2303 2304 Hydra 7 2 84-21 3 8 52 29-066 + 2-9968 0-003I 2304 2305 8 Ursse Majoris ... p 5-4 I 90-24 3 8 52 37-096 + 5H934 0-1362 0-0036 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 Hydrse Mali 7-8 7 6-7 7-8 2 I 3 90-20 87-25 83-89 93-11 87-90 3 3 3 3 3 8 52 48-874 8 52 49-746 8 53 34"092 8 53 39'58o 8 53 47'2i9 + 2-747I + 2-5698 + 2-799 2 + 2-7881 + 2-8023 + 0-0009 + 0-0027 + 0-0003 + O-OOO5 + O'OCO2 + 0-0120 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 Hydrse Hydra Hydra 7 4 2311 Hydra 8 92-20 3 8 54 3I-I99 + 2-8209 o-oooo 2311 2312 3'3 23H Hydra Mali . ... 7-6 7 7-8 I 2 2 85-24 91-18 90-18 3 3 3 8 54 38-412 8 54 59-737 8 55 !7 12 34 + 2-7437 + 2-6771 + 2-8726 + O'OOII + 0-0018 0-0008 2312 2313 2314 Hydrse 2315 Hydrse 7 I 90-18 3 8 55 23-984 + 2-9239 0-0018 2315 2316 Hydra 8 80-97 4 8 55 25-532 + 2-8011 + 0-0003 2316 2317 2318 2319 Hydra Mali 8 7 8-7 2 2 92-22 86-84 92-19 3 3 3 8 55 26-275 8 55 4'537 8 55 4 I- 93i + 2-8546 + 2-7070 + 3-0367 0-0005 + 0-0015 0-0038 2317 2318 2319 Hydra 2320 2321 2322 Hydra Mali 7-6 7-8 7-8 2 I I 83-92 90-22 90-88 3 3 3 8 56 1-409 8 56 1-764 8 56 2-367 + 3-0048 + 2-6499 + 3-0550 0-0032 + 0-0023 0-0042 2320 2321 2322 Hydra 2323 Hydra 6-7 3 86-53 3 8 56 20-817 + 3-0716 0-0046 2323 2324 Hydra 7-8 i 9 I- 43 3 8 56 34-392 + 2-9387 0-0019 2324 2325 Hydra 7-8 4 88-47 3 8 57 50-690 + 3-0057 0-0032 2325 2326 Hydra 7-8 I 91-91 3 8 57 55-227 + 2-8423 O'OOO2 2326 2327 2328 2329 Hydra Mali 8-9 8-7 8 I 4 92-23 92-45 88-49 3 3 3 8 57 55-6o6 8 58 6-970 8 58 9-397 + 2-9806 + 2-7235 + 3-0060 0-0027 + 0-0014 0-0032 2327 2328 2329 Hydra 233 2331 2332 Hydra Mali 7 8 7 I I 3 86-54 92-58 86-86 3 3 3 8 58 14-428 8 58 33-830 8 58 39-083 + 2-9936 + 2-6773 + 2-7807 0-0029 + O-OO2O + 0-0007 2330 2331 2332 Hydra 2333 Hydra 7-8 2 85-20 3 8 59 33-890 + 3-0172 0-0034 2333 2334 Hydra 7 2 89-86 3 8 59 37-7oi + 2-9109 0-0014 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 Hydra Mali 7-8 9 8 6-5 7 5 I 3 2 3 3 I 92-46 92-25 91-92 86-82 83-16 90-24 4 4 3 27 3 3 9 o 42-407 9 i 30-955 9 I 38-I37 9 i 47-355 9 i 49-949 9 i 50-581 + 2-8909 + 2-6943 + 2-6601 + 3-2567 + 2-7722 + 4-9916 0-0009 + 0-0019 + 0-0024 0-0094 + 0-0010 0-1034 0-0028 + 0-0140 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 Mali 76 Cancri K Hydra 14 Ursse Majoris ... T 2299. Close double. The components are equal in magnitude, and the mean has been observed. 2304. The R.A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is lo 8 too great. 2315. A star of the 7 magnitude, Lalande 17822, follows 16", and is about i'-3o" south. 2327. The R. A. given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is about l'-5 too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 105 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. *o i PQ 8 CO 1 o CO cT na I j ."oo 1 n o" o oo J=! M -3 oT 02 a, 6 Greenwich. 1880. No. 2296 80-59 8 "7 15 30-44 + I3-599 + 0-269 22O 4740 1497 2296 2297 89-56 3 "3 23 56-35 + 13-617 + 0-278 17677 2297 2298 9 T> 57 3 106 17 10-76 + 13-642 + 0-292 17646 2298 2299 90-54 3 107 o 41-72 + 13-660 + 0-290 17696 2299 2300 92-20 3 96 19 1-51 + 13-668 + 0-310 1294 2300 2301 92-15 3 90 14 1-61 + 13-671 + 0-322 17688 1293 2301 2302 92-22 3 99 40 4-37 + 13-688 + 0-304 1306 2302 2303 81-97 9 77 42 59-77 + 13-706 + 0-344 + 0-022 1269 222 17693 1300 4752 1504 2303 2304 84-21 3 94 26 1-86 + I3-707 + 0-313 17713 1317 2304 2305 83-63 16 21 56 32-78 + I3-7J5 + 0-579 0-016 1257 207 1503 2305 2306 90-20 3 108 27 49-69 + 13728 + 0-286 17733 2306 2307 87-25 3 117 17 31-52 + '3-729 + 0-267 4756 2307 2308 83-89 3 105 42 47-94 + I3-776 + 0-291 0-190 227 17758 4765 1506 2308 2309 93-11 3 106 19 21-71 + 13-782 + 0-290 17763 2309 2310 87-72 4 105 33 31-24 + I3-790 + 0-291 17766 2310 2311 92-20 3 104 34 24-71 + 13-836 + 0-292 2311 2312 85-24 3 108 46 37-16 + I3-844 + 0-284 17785 2312 2313 91-18 3 112 15 49-94 + 13-867 + 0-276 17808 2313 23H 90-18 3 ioi 42 38-13 + 13-885 + 0-296 17806 23H 2 3 I 5 90-18 3 98 45 41-13 + 13-892 + 0-302 17812 1383 23IS 2 3 l6 80-97 4 105 43 28-53 + I3-893 + 0-289 17817 '509 2316 2317 92-22 3 102 44 16-94 + 13-894 + 0-294 1387 2317 2318 86-84 3 no 47 13-52 + 13-910 + 0-278 17834 2318 2319 92-19 3 92 7 47-69 + 13-911 + 0-313 235 17815 1388 2319 2320 83-92 3 94 i 32-23 + I.V93I + 0-309 17831 1399 2320 2321 90-22 3 113 43 24-85 + I.V932 + 0-272 4786 2321 2322 90-88 3 91 2 42-15 + J.V932 + 0-314 237 17827 1397 2322 2323 86-53 3 90 3 11-81 + 13-952 + 0-316 17835 1406 1512 2323 2324 91-43 3 97 56 25-88 + 13-966 + 0-303 238 17849 2324 2325 88-47 3 94 o 26-92 + 14-046 + 0-307 1433 2325 2326 92-23 3 103 34 10-87 + 14-050 + 0-290 17885 1439 2326 2327 92-23 3 95 30 14-01 + i4'5i + 0-304 1435 2327 2328 92-45 3 no 6 44-71 + 14-062 + 0-277 17903 2328 2329 88-49 3 93 59 38-15 + 14-065 + 0-306 1440 2329 2330 86-54 3 94 44 "'4i + 14-070 + 0-305 17889 1442 233 233, 92-58 3 112 33 45-79 + J4-09 1 + 0-272 2331 2332 86-86 3 107 3 38-77 + 14-096 + 0-282 17921 2332 2333 85-20 3 93 20 35-81 + 14-153 + 0-306 17930 1475 2333 12334 89-86 3 99 4i 7T7 + I4-I57 + 0-295 '477 2334 2335 92-46 4 100 54 14-87 + 14-223 + 0-291 17977 1498 2335 2336 92-25 4 in 56 14-94 + 14-273 + 0-270 2336 2337 91-92 3 "3 43 2-63 + 14-280 + 0-266 2337 2338 8 1 -60 5 78 53 21-25 + 14-290 + 0-327 0-009 1287 255 17995 1515 4839 1522 2338 2339 83-16 3 107 45 34-36 + 14-293 + 0-278 18015 2339 2340 84-08 M 26 2 22-52 + 14-294 + 0-505 + 0-067 1279 247 1521 2340 2303, 2305, 2338, 2340, are respectively 2246, 2241, 2278, 2276 of the Radclifle Catalogue, 1845. 2303, 2338, 2340, are respectively 911, 922, 921 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2308. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 106 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. ni. s. Precess. B. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2341 Hydra 7-8 2 88-89 3 9 2 0-246 + 2-8585 0-0003 2341 2342 Hydras 7 3 86-53 3 9 2 27-485 + 3-0393 0-0039 2342 2343 2344 2345 Hydras 19 Hydras 7-8 6-= 3 85-27 84-56 89-5' 3 3 3 9 3 18-178 9 3 tg-'ss 9 3 33-H2 + 2-8282 + 2-9392 + 2-9032 + 0-0003 o-oo 1 8 o-oo i o 0-035I 0-0023 O-O28O 2343 2344 2345 Hydra; 7-8 2 2.U6 Hydra 7 2 89-23 3 9 3 35-426 + 2-8087 + 0-0006 2.H6 2347 Cancri 7 88-86 3 9 3 47-7" + 3-2703 0-0099 2347 2.548 2349 235 Hydra Mali 6-7 7-6 6-7 2 I 4 84-90 86-88 87-12 3 3 3 9 3 54-799 9 3 56-183 9 3 59-6i4 + 2-8765 + 2-6129 + 2-7729 0-0006 + 0-0030 + o-oo 1 1 2348 2349 2350 Hydra 2351 2352 2353 Hydrse Mali 8 7-8 6 I 2 92-53 89-58 82-87 3 3 3 9 4 4-087 9 4 9731 9 4 12-742 + 2-7532 + 2-7259 + 2-9365 + 0-0013 + 0-0017 0-0017 0-0028 2351 2352 2353 20 Hydra 23S4 Hydra 7-8 ... 92-20 3 9 4 20-049 + 2-9175 0-0014 2354 235S 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 Hydras Mali 7-8 7-8 8-7 2 2 91-91 92-27 92-03 87-18 92-23 80-89 89-88 92-55 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 4 27-138 9 4 41-893 9 4 53-37I 9 4 59-827 9 5 2 '54 9 5 16-602 9 5 27-583 9 5 29-226 + 2-8515 + 2-6955 + 2-9800 + 3-0244 + 2-8002 + 2-5413 + 2-6861 + .V0548 o-ooo i + 0-0021 0-0026 0-0035 + 0-0007 + 0-0038 + 0-0023 0-0042 *35i 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 Hydra Hydras 7-8 7 8 3 Mali e Mali 6 7-6 ... Hydraa 8-9 ... 2363 2364 2365 1 6 Ureas Majoris ... c 80 Caneri 5* 7-6 90-58 89-85 9'-59 3 3 3 9 5 3 8 '456 9 5 46-123 9 6 30-555 + 4-797I + 3-38o6 + 3-0066 0-0913 0-0135 0-0031 O-OOI9 0-0053 2363 2364 2365 Hydra 7-8 2 2366 Hydra 7-6 I 85-23 3 9 6 56-402 + 2-75I7 + o'ooi 5 2366 1 2367 21 Hydra 6-7 3 83-22 4 9 7 0-106 + 3-9 6 56 0-O022 0-0026 2367 2368 Hydras 7-8 3 86-55 3 9 7 7"9 2 + 3-0312 0-0036 2368 2369 Cancri 7-6 2 90-39 4 9 7 20-341 + .r437 I 0-0155 0-0019 2369 2370 22 Hydras 6 4-3 I 83-86 3 9 8 38-529 + 3-1166 0-0057 + 0-0078 237 2371 2372 2373 Hydra Mali 7-6 7-8 7-6 2 3 2 86- 1 8 87-59 8 4-59 3 3 3 9 8 50-442 9 8 50-569 9 9 16-318 + 2-8420 + 2-6979 + 3-0546 + 0-0002 + 0-0023 0-0042 2.171 2372 2373 Hydra 2374 Hydrse 7-8 2 89-20 3 9 9 58-336 + 2-945 1 0-0017 2374 2375 Hydra 7-6 3 85-27 3 9 10 12-854 + 2-8380 + 0-0004 2375 2376 2377 2378 Hydras Mali 7-8 7 8 3 i 9 I- 57 90-19 91-77 3 3 3 9 10 25-327 9 i 4 I- 434 9 10 55-953 + 2-8698 + 2-6897 + 3-0105 O'OOO2 + 0-0026 0-003 I 2376 2377 2378 Hydras 2379 Hydras 7 2 89-5S 3 9 n 1 3H23 + 2-8590 + o'oooi 2379 2380 23 Hydras 5-6 2 87-18 3 9 it 13-917 + 2-9798 0-0024 O-OO22 2380 2381 24 Hydras 6-7 1 84-22 3 9 ii 17-999 + 2-9418 o-oo 1 6 0-0028 2381 2382 Hydras 7-8 I 90-22 3 9 ii 21-584 + 2-7635 + 0-0017 2382 | 2383 2384 2385 Hydra? Mali 6-7 7-8 6 I 90-56 92-20 83-24 3 3 9 9 I' 377 2 9 9 ii 5 1 ' 2 34 9 i! 54-537 + 2-9041 + 2-7199 + 2-8475 o-oooS + 0-0022 + 0-0003 2383 2384 2385 Hydra 2382. Lalande's N. P. D. appears to be about 20" too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 107 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o i n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. U3 IO i>. 1 8 00 K Lalande, 1800. 1 irj 00 C " *2 If & DO o , oToo 1" 03 0, Q Greenwich, 1880. No. 234 1 88-89 1 !02 5 1 S?-^ + 14-303 + 0-286 18018 1529 2341 2342 86-53 3 92 I 56-08 + 14-33 + 0-304 260 18023 1534 234* 2343 85-27 3 104 4! 40-15 + 14-382 + 0-281 + 0-196 18067 9 2343 2 344 84-56 3 98 8 41-49 + 14-383 + 0-293 O"OO2 1292 264 18059 4 4851 1525 2344 2345 89-5I 3 100 18 34-25 + I4-398 + 0-289 + 0-080 18069 16 2345 2346 89-23 3 105 49 50-26 + 14-400 + 0-279 18074 2346 2347 88-86 3 77 59 16-07 + 14-413 + 0-325 263 18058 1526 *347 2348 84-90 3 101 54 44-55 + 14-420 + 0-285 18083 28 1528 2348 2349 86-88 3 116 19 11-75 + 14-421 + 0-259 4859 2349 2350 87-12 3 107 53 0-89 + '4-425 + 0-275 18091 2350 2351 92-53 3 108 58 32-55 + 14-429 + 0-273 2351 2352 89-58 3 no 28 54-25 + 14-435 + 0-270 18097 2352 2353 82-87 3 98 20 28-86 + I4-438 + 0-291 0-009 1294 267 18089 32 4861 2353 2354 92-20 3 99 29 29-32 + I4'445 + 0-289 2354 2355 91-91 3 I0 3 24 39-73 + I4'45 2 + 0-282 18099 2355 2356 92-27 1 112 9 21-84 + 14-467 + 0-266 18112 2356 2357 92-03 3 95 42 45'8 + I4-478 + 0-295 18106 48 2357 2358 87-18 3 92 58 43-01 + 14-486 + 0-299 18110 50 2358 2359 92-23 3 1 06 24 56-45 + 14-489 + 0-276 18123 2359 2360 80-72 4 "9 54 59'29 + 14-503 + 0-250 7 4874 2360 2361 89-88 3 112 43 4376 + 14-514 + 0-264 18140 2361 2362 92-5S 3 91 6 0-45 + '4-515 + 0-301 18125 60 2362 2363 82-42 5 28 7 25-63 + H'524 + 0-476 + 0-030 1288 261 18036 1531 2363 2364 89-85 I 71 30 20-09 + 14-532 + 0-334 + 0-008 1296 3 18116 1532 2364 2365 9''S9 3 94 6 17-52 + I4-577 + 0-295 18159 76 2365 4366 85-23 3 I0 9 !? 53-8o + 14-602 + 0-269 13 18189 '535 2366 2367 83-22 4 9 6 39 32-65 + 14-606 + 0-290 0-047 1301 ii 18178 87 4888 2367 2368 86-55 3 92 34 50-02 + 14-615 + 0-296 18180 90 2368 2369 90-39 4 68 15 49-83 + 14-626 + 0-337 + 0-016 1299 18163 1536 2369 2370 83-86 3 87 13 19-65 + i 4'74 + 0-303 + 0-309 1303 18 18219 129 4904 154 2370 2371 86-18 3 104 14 24-12 + I4-7I5 + 0-275 21 18242 136 2371 2372 87-S9 3 112 25 2-15 + 14-716 + 0-261 18250 2372 2373 84-59 3 91 7 52-90 + I 4"74 I + 0-296 18246 ! 39 2373 2374 89-20 3 98 i 33-19 + 14-783 + 0-284 18272 159 2374 2375 85-27 3 104 34 4-28 + 14-798 + 0-273 18285 1 68 2375 2376 9i'57 3 102 40 24-67 + 14-809 + 0-276 18292 170 2376 2 377 90-19 3 113 2 g-II + 14-825 + 0-258 18308 2377 2378 91-77 3 93 56 44-32 + 14-840 + 0-289 '8303 176 2378 2.179 89-55 | 103 22 34-71 + 14-856 + 0-274 18317 187 2379 2380 87-18 3 95 53 4-4 + I4-857 + 0-285 0-O2I 1307 30 18309 183 4934 '543 2380 2381 84-22 3 98 17 9-38 + 14-861 + 0-282 0-025 1308 32 18315 186 4937 2381 2382 90-22 3 108 59 59-69 + 14-865 + 0-264 18325 2382 2383 90-56 3 100 38 30-08 + 14-881 + 0-278 18329 197 2383 2384 92-20 3 III 29 43-05 + 14-894 + 0-259 2384 2385 83-24 9 104 6 51-66 + 14-897 + 0-272 39 18339 204 4946 2385 2363, 2370, are respectively 2286, 2297 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2363, 2370, are respectively 928, 935, of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2343. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 2345. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 108 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. ra. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 2386 83 Cancri 6 I 85-80 21 9 I2 50-533 + 3-3649 0-0133 0-0090 2386 2387 Hydra 7-8 I 92-14 3 9 13 3-663 + 2-7870 + 0-OOI4 2387 2388 Hydra 8 2 91-92 3 9 13 21-876 + 2-7507 + 0-OOI9 2388 2389 Hydra 8-7 2 8973 4 9 i.S 33-465 + 3-0416 O-OO38 2389 2390 Hydra 7-8 2 89-86 3 9 13 48-505 + 2-8126 + o-oo 10 2390 2391 Hydras 7-8 2 87-S8 3 9 14 9-376 + 2-7132 + 0-0025 2391 2392 Hydra 7 3 83-2S 3 9 14 15-044 + 2-9029 0-0006 2392 2393 40 Lyncis a 3-4* ... 90-89 3 9 H 21-153 + 3-6884 0-0267 O-O2O2 2393 2 394 Hydra 6 2 86-18 3 9 14 21-502 + 2-8294 + 0-0008 2394 239S 26 Hydra S 3 85-28 3 9 14 28-484 + 2-8925 0-0004 O-OO27 2395 2396 Hydra 7 89-87 3 9 H 39-574 + 2-8712 O'OOOO 2396 2397 Hydra 7 i 90-14 3 9 H 58-784 + 2-9306 0-0012 + 0-0007 2397 2398 2399 2400 27 Hydra Mali S 6 8-7 2 I 84-58 85-23 91-87 3 2 3 9 15 6-668 9 '5 H'"2 9 !5 19-833 + 2-9316 + 2-4867 + 2-9603 0-0013 + 0-0049 0-0018 ox>oi 6 2398 2399 2400 Hydra 2401 Hydra 6-7 2 87-87 3 9 '5 4.V035 + 2-8347 + 0-0007 2401 2402 Hydra 7 2 84-74 4 9 16 11-068 + 3-0369 0-0036 2402 2403 Hydra 8-9 2 85-25 2 9 16 21-648 + 3-0367 0-0036 2403 2404 Hydra 7-8 I 91-87 4 9 1 6 54-906 + 2-9870 0-0024 2404 2405 Hydra 8-9 I 92-23 3 9 1 6 55-394 + 3-0633 0-0043 2405 2406 Hydrte 7 2 86-24 3 9 17 19-402 + 2-8429 + 0-0006 2406 2407 Hydra 7-8 4 86-83 3 9 17 20-494 + 3-0029 0-0028 2407 2408 Hydra 7 2 88-17 3 9 17 21-609 + z'799 1 + 0-0014 2408 2409 Hydra 6 I 82-56 3 9 J? 28-949 + 2-9289 o-ooi i 2409 2410 2411 2412 24 J 3 2414 2415 Hydra) 7-6 8 7 89-53 92-11 80-97 87-52 91-99 83-I7 3 3 4 3 4 3 9 18 12-402 9 18 20-053 9 1 8 26-461 9 l8 31-359 9 18 51-321 9 19 21-912 + 2-7470 + 2-8207 + 2-6048 + 2-9968 + 2-7022 + 3-0151 + 0-0023 + O'OOII + 0-0042 0-0027 + 0-0030 0-0030 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 Mali 6-5* Hydra Mali 7 8 7-6 3 2 I Hydra 2416 Hydra 8 I 92-48 4 9 '9 34-384 + 2'9 1 35 0-0007 2416 2417 28 Hydra A 6 I 83-86 5 9 J 9 5.r940 + 3-0027 0-0027 0-0033 2417 2418 2419 2420 Hydra Mali 7-6 7 6-7 3 2 88-25 84-60 90-54 3 3 3 9 20 27-460 9 20 42-653 9 20 46-128 + 3-0611 + 2-6758 + 3-0577 0-0042 + 0-0035 0-0041 2418 2419 2420 Hydras 2421 Hydra? 7 I 89-92 3 9 20 48-622 + 2-8032 + o-ooi 6 2421 2422 Hydra 7 2 90-24 . 3 9 20 52-424 + 2-7563 + 0-0023 2422 2423 2424 2 4 J S 2426 Hydros 8-7 4-c* 2 81-26 90-83 92-45 91-20 2 3 3 3 9 21 0-299 9 21 21-536 9 21 27-918 9 21 42-543 + 2-9505 + 9-0019 + 2-8597 + 2-7846 0-0015 0-7844 + 0-0005 + O-OO2O 0-0173 43 2424 2425 2426 Hydrse 8-7 Hydras 7-8 I 2427 2428 2429 Hydras 29 Hydras . 8-7 7-6 3 91-92 91-56 85-76 3 3 61 9 21 46-659 9 21 51-239 9 22 10-867 + 2-8848 + 2-9416 + 2-9503 + O'OOOI O-OOI 2 0-0014 0-0046 0-0019 2427 2 4 2S 2429 30 Hydra a 2* 2430 Hydra 5-4 2 90-24 3 9 22 I6-22O + 2-7318 + 0-0028 + 0-0173 2430 2388. A star of the 9-8 magnitude precedes about 5', and is a few seconds north. 2390. A fainter star, Lalande 18392, precedes about 3 s , and is about i' south. 2413. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Lalande 18529, precedes about 5", and is nearly 4' north. 2418. Reddish-yellow star. 2423. The Declination given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is wrong in sign. 2429. Yellowish-red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 109 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. lO *o t> j? 3 1 8 IX B" K Lalande, 1800. I 16 "i- -QJ "3 M o ~0 CD OO If X % O Greenwich, 1880. No. 2386 85-21 8 71 49 42-50 + I4-95I + 0-321 + 0-139 1309 42 18342 4956 1547 2386 238? 92-14 3 107 47 10-59 + 14-964 + 0-264 !8374 2387 2388 91-92 3 109 54 27-65 + 14-982 + 0-260 2388 2389 89-S7 3 91 59 41-21 + H'993 + 0-288 18377 237 2389 2390 89-86 3 106 20 14-76 + 15-008 + 0-266 18396 2390 2391 87-58 3 "2 5 24-45 + 15-028 + 0-256 18406 2391 2392 83-25 3 ioo 51 5-42 + 15-034 + 0-274 18404 256 2392 2393 83-87 10 55 8 33-21 + 15-039 + o-349 0-027 1312 4 8 18371 1550 2393 2394 86-18 3 105 22 8-08 + 15-039 + 0-266 52 18407 260 4969 2394 2395 85-28 3 101 30 39-75 + 15-046 + 0-272 0-024 1314 53 18408 261 497 * 2395 2396 89-87 3 102 50 28-64 + 15-057 + 0-270 18420 267 2396 2397 90-14 3 99 8 38-65 + 15-076 + 0-275 + 0-030 1316 56 18425 272 4976 2397 2398 84-58 3 99 5 21-04 + 15-083 + 0-275 + 0-007 1317 57 18429 277 4978 2398 2399 83-90 3 123 38 19-76 + 15-090 + 0-232 4981 2399 2400 91-87 3 97 15 48-76 + 15-096 + 0-278 18436 284 2400 2401 87-87 1 I0 5 8 53-20 + 15-118 + 0-265 59 18450 293 2401 2402 85-25 2 92 19 31-17 + 15-145 + 0-284 18456 298 2402 243 85-25 2 92 20 18-69 + 15-155 + 0-284 18461 304 2403 2404 91-87 4 95 35 31-25 + 15-187 + 0-278 18477 2404 2 45 92-23 3 90 36 23-77 + 15-187 + 0-285 315 2405 2406 86-24 1 I0 4 45 54-79 + 15-209 + 0-264 18496 2406 2407 86-83 3 94 34 13-25 + 15-21 + 0-279 18488 321 2407 2408 88-17 3 107 25 26-62 + I5-2I2 + 0-260 18502 2408 2409 82-56 3 99 22 7-22 + 15-219 + 0-272 68 18497 329 5001 2409 2410 89-53 3 no 34 3-76 + 15-260 + 0-253 73 lS 539 2410 2411 92-11 3 106 n 43-71 + 15-267 + 0-260 18540 2411 2412 80-80 5 118 21 50-48 + * 5^74 + 0-240 75 5012 1556 2412 24 J 3 87-52 3 94 59 42-97 + IS-278 + 0-277 72 18534 348 24'3 2414 91-99 4 113 ii 14-86 + I5-297 + 0-248 2414 2 4 I 5 83-1? 3 93 48 30-21 + I5-326 + 0-277 18558 2415 2416 92-48 4 ioo 27 41-25 + I5-337 + 0-267 18565 375 2416 2417 83-62 3 94 38 35-i6 + I5-356 + 0-275 0-007 1326 77 18570 381 5029 2417 2418 88-25 3 9 45 35-i6 + I5-387 + 0-280 18583 393 2418 2419 84-60 3 "4 5 1 43-78 + 15-402 + 0-243 5037 2419 2420 90-54 3 90 59 18-54 + 1 5-4=5 + 0-279 85 18588 402 5035 2420 2421 89-92 3 107 28 21-44 + I5-407 + 0-255 2421 2422 90-24 3 no 17 8-71 + i5-4!o + 0-251 '8599 2422 2423 81-26 2 98 7 25-91 + i5 - 4!8 + 0-269 408 2423 2424 87-21 4 8 ii 18-22 + I5-438 + 0-831 + O-020 37 1558 2424 24 2 5 9 2 -45 3 104 o 38-99 + '5-444 + 0-259 420 2425 2426 91-20 3 108 40 43-31 + I5-458 + 0-252 2426 2427 91-92 3 102 25 56-62 + 15-461 + 0-261 18609 426 2427 2428 91-56 3 98 44 47-62 + i5-4 6 5 + 0-267 + O-OO2 1327 87 18607 5051 2428 2429 81-91 16 98 10 54-87 + 15-484 + 0-267 0-052 1330 89 18618 432 5055 '559 2429 2430 90-24 3 in 51 41-32 + I5H89 + 0-246 + 0-146 18639 1560 2430 2386, 2424, 2429, are respectively 2309, 2324, 2340 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2386, 2393, 2424, 2429, are respectively 940, 942, 945, 950 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2424. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 2430. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 110 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. . Mean tf No. Constellation. a *rt 11 Time of 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. 1 a.j Observa- 1 S Motion. S ^d tion. ^0 h. m. s. s. s. 0. 243t Hydras 6 2 85-10 3 9 22 19-874 + 2-9894 0-0023 2431 2432 Hydras 7-8 5 85-I9 3 9 22 44-327 + 2-9300 0-0009 2432 2433 Hydras 7-8 i 92-23 3 9 22 47-204 + 2-9649 0-0018 2433 2434 23 Ureas Majoris ... A 4 i 86-97 2 9 22 50-976 + 4-7735 0-1032 + 0-0138 2434 2435 Hydras 7 5 83-85 3 9 22 58-109 + 2-9308 0-0009 2435 2436 Hydras 6-7 2 86-92 3 9 23 26-341 + 3-0611 0-0042 2436 2437 31 Hydras T 1 5* ... 90-58 3 9 23 33-883 + 3-0388 0-0036 + 0-0079 2437 2438 Hydras 7-6 3 85-25 3 9 23 49-920 + 3-0471 0-0038 2438 2439 Hydras 7 i 90-55 3 9 24 0-982 + 3-0172 0-0030 2439 2440 Hydras 7-8 i 90-16 3 9 24 1-024 + 2-8743 + 0-0004 2440 2441 Hydras 6-7 2 86-56 3 9 24 8-731 + 2-7621 + 0-0025 2441 2442 Hydras 7-8 I 92-48 3 9 24 16-895 + 2-8153 + 0-0016 2442 2443 Antlias f 5 I ... 9 24 42-340 + 2-4753 + 0-0059 2443 2444 24 Ureas Majoris ... d 5-4* 86-84 2 9 24 44-839 + 5-4H3 0-1698 0-0118 2444 2445 Hydras 7-6 I 89-57 3 9 24 50-497 + 2-7194 + 0-0032 2445 2446 Mali 6--, 8-J-2* 2 9 25 1-516 + 2-6625 + 0-0041 2446 TT 2447 Hydras ** 7 3 87-24 3 9 25 9-415 + 3-0202 0-0031 Tf " 2447 2448 Hydras 6-7 i 84-43 5 9 25 9-901 + 2-8470 + O'OO 10 2 44 8 2449 Hydras 7-8 i 90-53 3 9 25 25-615 + 2-9968 0-0024 2449 2450 25 Ursas Majoris ... 3* ... 81-21 3 9 25 29-867 + 4-1475 0-0561 0-1041 2450 2451 5 Leonis 5 i 86-75 8 9 26 1-060 + 3-2461 O-OIOO 0-0076 245 I 2452 Antlias j 9 26 3*044 + 2-5645 + 0-0053 2452 "to 2453 Antlias ' 6 90-77 2 9 26 3-337 + 2-5646 + 0-0053 2453 2454 6 Leonis h 6 i 82-89 3 9 26 3-828 + 3-2222 0-0091 0-0005 2454 2455 Hydras 7 ... 89-85 3 9 26 9-611 + 2-9022 o-oooi 2455 2456 Hydras 7-6 3 86-86 3 9 26 17-114 + 2-9250 0-0006 2456 2457 32 Hydras T 2 5 2 85-28 3 9 26 22-430 + 3-0624 0-0041 0-0015 2457 2458 Hydras 6-7 2 89-97 4 9 26 34-373 + 2-9279 0-0007 2458 2459 Antlias 4 6 90-48 3 9 26 49-728 + 2-5671 + 0-0054 2459 2460 Hydras 6 2 86-21 5 9 27 13-623 + 2-7893 + O-OO2 2 2460 2461 Hydras 6-7 90-52 3 9 27 37-098 + 2-9563 0-0013 2 4 6l 2462 Hydras 7-8 I 89-93 3 9 27 38-632 + 2-8743 + 0-0006 2462 2463 Hydras 6-7 3 86-25 3 9 2 7 38-781 + 2-8817 + 0-0005 2463 2464 Hydras 7-6 2 85-86 3 9 27 53-185 + 2-9757 0-0018 2464 2465 Hydras 5-6 3 86-21 3 9 28 8-405 + 2-7629 + 0-0028 2465 2466 Hydras 7 2 90-25 3 9 28 14-134 + 2-7585 + 0-0029 2466 2467 Hydras 6-7 3 89-85 3 9 28 25-482 + 2-7345 + 0-0032 2467 2468 Hydras 7 i 90-13 3 9 28 59-774 + 3-0296 0-0032 2468 2469 33 Hydras 5-6 i 82-80 5 9 29 3-258 + 2-9948 O'OO22 0-0015 2469 2470 Hydras 7 3 85-30 3 9 29 31-187 + 2-9045 O'OOOO o-oooo 2470 2471 Hydras 7 4 86-58 3 9 29 37-018 + 3-0029 0-0024 2471 2472 Hydras 8 i 9I-45 3 9 30 12-227 + 2-9568 0-0013 2472 2473 Hydras 7-6 2 84-23 3 9 30 26-694 + 2-7916 + 0-0025 2473 474 2475 8 Leonis Hydras 6 7-8 2 89-16 88-19 4 3 9 30 58-439 9 31 10-125 + 3-3189 + 2-9186 0-0128 0-0003 0-0025 2474 2475 2437. A star of the 8 magnitude, Piazzi IX, 95, follows, and is about i' north. 2441. Yellowish-red star. 3443. The R.A. has been supplied from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. Ill No. Mean Time of Observe tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. o Q r^ 1 o o 00 i rt s o o 00 hH flT o a ,3 -3 f\ Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo qToo ~ & Cn m o Greenwich, 1880. No. 2431 85-10 3 95 35 2678 + I5H92 + 0-270 18657 439 5059 1561 2431 2 4.32 85-I9 1 99 32 45-6o + '5-514 + 0-264 18646 45 2432 2433 92-23 3 97 '4 30-55 + I5-5I7 + 0-267 18645 2433 2434 83-86 '7 26 27 27-66 + 15-521 + 0-434 0-026 1323 82 1564 2434 2435 83-8S 3 99 30 27-57 + I5-527 + 0-264 18650 452 2 435 2436 86-92 3 90 46 37-16 + !5-553 + 0-275 18633 460 2436 2437 90-58 ] 92 17 18-64 + 15-560 + 0-273 + 0-004 1334 94 18660 464 5075 1563 2437 2438 85-25 3 91 43 28-69 + I5-575 + 0-273 96 18643 5081 2438 2439 90-55 3 93 45 50-55 + 15-585 + 0-270 18674 476 2439 2440 90-16 3 103 15 22-07 + 15-585 + 0-257 18684 481 2440 2441 86-56 3 no 16 7-85 + 15-592 + 0-247 18688 2441 2442 92-48 3 107 i 27-95 + 15-600 + 0-251 18690 2442 2443 80-21 i 125 28 14-04 + 15-622 + O-22O 103 5090 2443 2444 84-08 8 19 41 12-67 + 15-625 + 0-488 0-076 1324 86 18594 '569 2444 2445 89-57 3 112 5 1 49-25 + 15-631 + 0-242 18709 2 445 2446 85-23 2 116 6 28-53 + 15-640 + 0-236 !05 5095 2446 H47 87-24 3 93 34 58-39 + 15-647 + 0-269 18705 499 2447 2448 84-56 ] 105 5 33-74 + 15-648 + 0-253 18715 2448 2449 90-53 3 95 10 45-98 + 15-663 + 0-266 102 18717 504 2449 245 81-24 4 37 49 18-21 + 15-666 + 0-37I + 0-564 1332 98 1570 2450 2451 82-19 | 78 12 48-03 + 15-695 + 0-288 + 0-060 1338 1 06 515 5"4 1572 2 45i 2452 8.V25 4 121 24 25-29 + 15-696 + 0-226 55 2452 2 453 82-64 5 121 24 18-55 + 15-697 + 0*226 "3 5116 2453 2454 82-89 3 79 47 57-93 + 15-697 + 0-286 0-009 1339 108 18728 517 1573 2454 2455 89-85 3 ioi 34 36-52 + 15-703 + 0-256 18751 527 2455 2456 86-86 3 100 4 2-34 + 15-710 + 0-258 l8 754 530 1574 2456 2457 85-28 3 90 4 1 59-24 + J5-7I4 + 0-271 + 0-013 1341 no 529 5121 2457 2458 89-97 4 99 53 10-03 + 15725 + 0-258 18762 539 2458 2459 83-74 6 121 23 14-56 + I5-739 + 0-225 117 513 2459 2460 87-54 1 108 54 53-76 + 15-760 + 0-245 18792 1576 2460 2461 90-52 3 98 i 3-61 + 15-782 + 0-259 18794 569 2461 2462 89-93 3 103 30 49-99 + 15-783 + 0-252 18798 573 2462 2463 86-25 3 103 i 48-39 + 15783 + 0-2J2 18799 572 2463 2464 85-86 a 96 42 8-31 + 15-796 + O-26l 18803 575 2464 2465 86-21 3 no 37 44-26 + 15-810 + 0-241 18817 J579 2465 2466 90-25 3 1 10 54 15-83 + 15-815 + 0-241 18821 2466 2467 89-85 3 112 22 40-81 + 15-825 + 0-238 18833 2467 2468 90-13 3 92 59 58-53 + 15-856 + 0-264 18832 597 2468 2469 81-88 3 95 25 27-12 + 15-858 + 0-26l + 0-027 1344 123 18836 599 5150 1581 2469 2470 85-30 3 ioi 38 4-68 + 15-883 + 0-252 + 0-190 18857 619 2470 2471 86-58 3 94 52 39-97 + 15-889 + 0-260 18854 618 2471 2472 9i'45 3 98 5 52-22 + 15-920 + 0-255 18872 630 2472 2473 84-23 3 109 5 29-13 + I5-933 + 0-240 18884 2473 2474 8884 I 73 4 10-07 + 15-961 + 0-286 + 0-O02 1347 127 18877 1583 2474 2475 88-19 1 too 46 55-04 + I5-97I + 0-251 18899 650 2475 243 1 , 2434, 2444, 2450, 2451, are respectively 2341, 2339, 2345, 2353, 2360 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2431, 2434, 2437, 2450, 2454, 2469, are respectively 951, 949, 955, 961, 965, 971 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2470. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 112 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. in. B. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 2476 Hydrse 7-6 3 83-44 4 9 31 36-260 + 27099 + 0-0040 2476 2477 Hydne 6-7 i 82-01 4 9 32 3-279 + 2-7008 + O-OO4I 2477 2478 Hydrao 7 2 84-62 7 9 32 12-423 + 3-0349 0-0033 2478 2479 Antlia) 6 ... 80-54 3 9 32 25-591 + 2-5772 + 0-0059 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 34 Hydras 7-6 8-7 3 85-24 91-08 89-16 8.V94 3 3 3 3 9 S 2 27-839 9 32 28-081 9 33 29-804 9 33 49-383 + 2-9464 + 2-8544 + 3-0399 + 2-8272 0-0009 + 0-0013 0-0033 + O-OO2O 0-0057 2480 2481 2482 2483 Hydras 7-8 Hydras 7 3 2484 2485 2486 35 Hydra t 37 Hydrse 4-5 7-6 2 84-82 83-81 91-89 3 5 3 9 34 14-284 9 34 25-052 9 34 40-169 + 3-0636 + 2-9316 + 2-7989 O-OO4O O-OOO4 + O-OO27 + 0-0015 0-0038 2484 2485 2486 Hydras 8-9 y 2487 Hydras 7 I 89-83 3 9 34 44-890 + 2-8970 + O-OOO5 2487 2488 Hydra 7 3 86-19 3 9 34 57-844 + 2-9292 O-OOO3 + 0-0007 2488 2489 38 Hydrse K 6-5 2 85-30 3 9 35 I- 945 + 2-8779 + O'OOIO 0-0017 2489 2490 2491 2492 Hydros ... 14 Leonis a 8-7 4-3 8-7 I 4 2 9I-57 85-82 91-91 3 32 3 9 35 I3-492 9 35 16-798 9 35 33-826 + 2-9841 + 3-2172 + 2-7688 0-0018 0-0092 + 0-0033 0-0104 2490 2491 2492 Hydras 2 493 Hydras 8 ... 91-88 3 9 36 4 -I 43 + 3-0206 0-0027 2493 2494 M95 2496 Hydras Hydrse 5-6 8-7 3 84-91 92-17 92-14 3 3 3 9 36 15-716 9 36 25-235 9 37 16-508 + 2-7380 + 2-9043 + 2-8856 + 0-0039 + 0-0004 + 0-0010 2494 2495 2496 Hydras 8-7 2 2497 Hydras 6-5 2 85-21 6 9 37 16-520 + 2-7347 + 0-0041 0-0290 2497 2498 Hydras 8-9 2 91-94 3 9 37 16-793 + 2-8706 + 0-0013 2498 2499 28 Ursse Majoris 7-6 87-97 4 9 37 27-231 + 4-6808 0-1076 0-0019 2499 2500 16 Leonis \j/ 6-5 2 88-82 3 9 37 44'4 T 5 + 3-274 0-0115 0-0009 2500 2501 Hydrse 7 I 86-27 3 9 38 23-281 + 2-7927 + 0-0031 2501 2502 Hydras 7-8 2 87-19 3 9 38 59-104 + 3-0165 0-0026 2502 2503 Antlife 5* ... 80-48 4 9 39 I7-938 + 2-6756 + 0-0053 2503 2504 Hydrse 7 2 89-S3 3 9 39 33-219 + 2-7580 + 0-0039 2504 2505 17 Leonis e 3 I 85-15 24 9 39 36-44 8 + 3-4I93 o-o 1 80 0-0043 2505 2506 Hydrse 7-8 I 86-60 3 9 39 39-624 + 2-8346 + 0-0023 2506 257 Hydras 8-7 3 91-84 3 9 39 59-2.39 + 2-9650 o-ooio 2507 2508 Sex f, -in 1 is 8 ... 91-90 3 9 40 12-471 + 3-0537 0-0036 O'OOOO 2508 2509 Hydrse 7-8 I 89-5I 3 9 40 58-075 + 2-8068 + 0-0030 3 59 2510 Sextantis 7-8 I 87-55 3 9 4i 9-545 + 3-0365 0-0031 2510 2511 Hydrse 7-8 2 87-91 3 9 41 13-480 + 2-7628 + 0-0039 2511 2512 Hydrse 8 2 91-88 3 9 41 35-867 + 2-8543 + 0-O020 2512 *5i3 Hydros 7 83-89 3 9 41 42-225 + 2-9385 0-0002 2513 25H Hydras 7-8 3 85-25 3 9 4i 47-352 + 2-9356 O-OOO2 25H 25S Hydrse 7 ... 90-16 3 9 42 1-054 + 2-8454 + O-OO22 2515 2516 Sextantis 7-8 ... 91-52 3 9 42 36-649 + 3-0013 0-0019 2516 251? Sextantis 7-8 2 87-5I 1 9 42 37-043 + 2-9711 O'OOII 2517 2518 3 Sextantis 7-6 2 83-59 5 9 42 44-708 + 2-9835 0-0014 0-0049 2518 25 J 9 Sextantis 7 3 84-98 4 9 43 19-442 + 2-9481 0-0004 25*9 2520 Hydrse 7 I 89T5 3 9 43 36761 + 2-8174 + 0-0030 2520 2484. Yellowish-red star. 2496. The E.A. given in Weisse'a Bessel for this star is io ! too great. 2498. A star of the 8-9 magnitude, W.B. IX, 779, precedes about 3'-5, and is north. 2505. Yellowish-red star. 2514. A star of the 9 magnitude has nearly the same R. A., and is about s''3o" south. 2518. A fainter star, Piazzi IX, 180, follows about 2o, and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 113 No. Mean Time of Observa- umber of nervations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. us o' 8 CO oT ^ | Ml *b 1" 3 "3 S M I - ^q* Id |s No. tion. *3 / It ft H i H s a 6 & 2476 83-84 3 114 12 43-99 + '5-994 + 0-232 5183 2476 2477 82-01 4 114 48 16-07 + 1 6-01 8 + 0-230 5187 1586 2477 2478 85-18 3 92 40 33-75 + 16-026 + 0-259 18924 672 2478 2479 80-54 3 121 4 I 5-77 + 16-038 + 0-219 142 5 '94 2479 2480 85-24 3 9 8 55 49-40 + 16-039 + 0-251 0-O29 1353 140 8 943 68 1 5192 2480 2481 91-08 3 105 12 19-20 + 16-039 + 0-243 18947 685 2481 2482 89-16 3 92 20 36-25 + 16-094 + 0-258 18963 701 2482 3483 83-94 3 107 7 41-13 + 16-110 + 0-239 2483 2484 84-82 3 90 38 36-94 + 16-132 + 0-259 + 0-063 1356 144 18984 5216 1592 2484 3485 83-55 3 ioo 4 23-34 + 16-142 + 0-247 O-O24 1358 147 18998 723 5220 2485 2486 91-89 3 109 3 23-53 + 16-154 + 0-235 19012 2486 3487 89-83 3 102 29 57-60 + 16-159 + 0-243 728 2487 2488 86-19 3 ioo 16 14-60 + 16-170 + 0-246 0-030 1361 152 19014 733 5224 1593 2488 2489 85-30 3 103 50 0-49 + 16-173 + 0-241 0-013 1362 154 19020 738 5225 1594 2489 2490 9 1- 57 3 96 23 24-11 + 16-184 + 0-250 19023 739 2490 2491 81-92 12 79 36 26-39 + 16-186 + 0-270 + 0-018 1360 151 19007 732 5227 1596 2491 2492 91-91 3 in 4 58-50 + 16-201 + 0-231 19041 3492 2493 91-88 3 93 46 46-15 + 16-227 + 0-252 751 3493 2494 84-91 3 113 5 28-72 + 16-237 + 0-227 19034 1598 2494 2495 92-17 a 102 6 45-84 + 16-245 + 0-241 19062 763 3495 2496 92-14 3 103 28 38-57 + 16-288 + 0-238 786 2496 2497 85-72 4 113 25 19-30 + 16-289 + 0-226 0-250 19093 1602 3497 3498 91-94 3 104 31 8-57 + 16-289 + 0-237 781 2498 3499 88-37 4 25 50 28-00 + 16-297 + 0-391 + 0-034 1355 150 1601 2499 2500 88-82 3 75 28 31-45 + 16-312 + 0-271 + 0-002 1366 1 60 19081 783 1603 2500 2501 86-27 3 109 51 44-90 + 16-345 + 0-229 2501 2502 87-19 3 94 9 n-37 + 16-375 + 0-247 19125 813 2502 2503 80-43 5 117 15 58-10 + 16-391 + 0-218 1 66 5261 1605 2503 2504 89-53 3 112 14 50-70 + 16-404 + 0-224 167 19152 1607 2504 2505 82-04 16 65 43 9'95 + 16-406 + 0-280 + O-008 1368 164 19123 5363 1606 2505 2506 86-60 3 107 12 4-13 + 16-410 + 0-231 19150 2506 2 57 91-84 I 97 58 33-03 + 16-426 + 0-241 19156 833 3507 2508 91-90 3 91 24 17-41 + 16-437 + 0-248 + 0-120 19160 2508 3509 89-51 3 109 13 15-97 + 16-475 + 0-226 19196 2509 3510 87-55 3 92 42 19-30 + 16-485 + 0-245 19190 858 2510 2511 87-91 a 112 8 42-61 + 16-487 + O-222 19209 2511 2512 91-88 a 106 2 17-39 + 16-506 + 0-229 2512 2513 83-89 3 ioo o 51-44 + 16-511 + 0-236 19215 8So 2513 2514 85-25 a ioo 14 5-87 + 16-515 + 0-236 19217 881 25H 2515 90-16 3 106 41 50-10 + 16-527 + 0-228 19223 2515 2516 91-52 3 95 23 36-82 + 16-557 + 0-240 3516 2517 87-5I 3 97 39 29-14 + 16-557 + 0-237 '9237 3517 2518 83-17 3 96 44 6-10 + 16-563 + 0-238 + O-OO5 1376 178 19241 898 5393 2518 2519 85-22 3 99 24 27-63 + 16-591 + 0-234 19261 911 2519 2520 89-15 3 1 08 48 4-24 + 16-606 + 0-223 19271 2520 2491, 2499, 2505 are respectively 2387, 2389, 2395 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2484, 2491, 2500, 2505, are respectively 974, 975, 977, 979 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2497, 2508. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 114 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. TO. s. Precess. B. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2521 Hydras 8 I 89-5I 3 9 43 43-849 + 2-7774 + 0-0038 2521 2522 Sextantia 7 I 8.V23 3 9 43 5!-675 + 2-9630 0-0008 2522 2523 Hydra 7-6 i 84-42 5 9 44 11-865 + 2^237 + 0-0003 2523 2524 Hydra) 8 2 91-91 3 9 44 12-424 + 2-7380 + 0-0047 2524 2525 Sextantis 8-7 ... 91-88 3 9 44 34'34' + 3-0762 0-0042 2525 2526 30 Urea? Majoris ... 5-4* ... 87-29 3 9 44 37' 12 4 + 4-II93 0-0632 o-oooi 2526 252? 5 Sextantis 7 4 86-56 3 9 45 ' 2-996 + 2-9832 0-0013 2527 2528 6 Sextantis 6-7 ... 83-03 5 9 45 41-408 + 3-0243 0-0025 + 0-0005 2528 2529 Sextantis 7-8 91-94 3 9 45 43-I72 + .r0552 0-0035 + 0-0050 2 529 253 Sextantis 7-6 2 83-27 3 9 45 52-759 + 2-9992 0-0017 2530 2S3i Hydra) S 3 91-90 3 9 45 54-275 + 2-7957 + 0-0037 2531 2532 Hydra? 8-7 3 92-10 3 9 45 56-769 + 2-8992 + O-OOI2 2532 2533 Hydra 7-8 2 91-92 3 9 45 57' 12 + 2-8306 + O-OO29 2533 2.S34 Hydras 7 4 85-98 4 9 45 58'895 + 2-7668 + 0-0043 2534 2S3S 39 Hydras u 1 5-4* 82-25 6 9 46 ii-no + 2-S842 + O-OOI6 0-0009 2535 25.^6 Hydra) 7 3 86-57 3 9 46 18-410 + 2-93I7 + O-OOO2 2536 2537 24 Leonis /* 4 i 86-45 18 9 46 30-501 + 3'439 6 O-OI97 0-0185 2537 2538 Hydra 7-6 2 87-57 3 9 46 44-458 + 2-86I7 + O-OO22 2538 2539 8 Sextantis 6-5 2 85-15 3 9 47 3-690 + 2-9749 O'OOIO 0-0049 2539 2540 Sextantis 7 2 84-19 7 9 47 57-284 + 2-952I 0-OOO2 2540 2541 Antlias 7-6 86-58 3 9 48 2-404 + 2-7045 + 0-0056 0-0250 2541 2542 Sextantia 7 I 89-19 3 9 48 9-661 + 3'0300 0-0027 2542 2543 Ursa) Majoris 6-7 I 90-94 3 9 4 8 32-203 + 5'5064 0-2226 0-0230 2543 2S44 Hydra) 6 ... 80-89 3 9 49 13-250 + 2-7294 + 0-0054 2 544 254S Hydra) 7 I 84-99 4 9 49 I 3'74 + 2-9I34 + 0-0009 O'OOOO 2545 2546 Hydra 6-7 I 82-27 3 9 49 25-666 4-2-78I6 + 0-0043 2546 2547 2548 Hydra Hydra) 5-6 "7 I 83-17 8r23 3 2 9 49 40-826 9 49 44-527 + 2-83I8 + 2-8706 + 0-0032 + O'OO22 2547 2548 *0*t" 2549 Hydra) 7-8 4 o *0 86-57 O 3 9 49 50-437 + 2-9390 + O-OOO3 2549 255 Sextantis 7 4 85-60 3 9 50 5-288 + 3-OI66 O-OO2I 2550 2551 Sextantis 7-6 4 85-57 3 9 50 18-587 + 2-9677 0-0005 2551 2552 Hydrro 7 3 89-16 3 9 50 21-321 + 2-854I + 0-0027 2552 2553 Leonis 6 87-25 3 9 50 36-052 + 3-I9I6 0-0086 0-005-7 2553 2554 Sextantis 7-6 I 83-86 5 9 50 40-000 + 2-983I O'OOI O 2554 2 S55 Hydra 7-6 I 9-34 5 9 51 11-072 + 2-9088 + O-OOI2 2555 2556 Antlia) 6 80-55 3 9 5i 47-055 + 2-6:36 + 0-0077 2556 2557 Sextantis 7-6 3 85-64 5 9 52 7-982 + 3-0550 0-0033 2557 25.18 Sextantis 8-7 3 87-48 4 9 52 12-690 + 3-0549 0-0033 2558 2559 Leonis 6-7 i 82-15 3 9 52 18-014 + 3-I824 0-0083 0-0003 2559 2560 Hydra) 7 2 87-57 3 9 52 23-737 + 2-8700 + 0-0025 2560 2561 Hydra) 7 I 90-21 3 9 53 "-'44 + 2-7507 + 0-0054 2561 2562 Sextantis 8-7 2 90-21 3 9 53 27-314 + 3-04I9 0-0028 2562 2563 Sextantis 7-8 2 90-20 3 9 53 4.V954 + 3-04I3 0-0028 2563 2564 Hydra 6-7 2 86-60 | 9 54 I- 407 + 2-7699 + 0-0050 2564 2565 Sextantis 8 I 91-24 3 9 54 5-37I + 2-9827 o'oooS 2565 253 4. Re 1 star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 115 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / It Process. See. Var. Proper Motion. o io 1-^ M | A 8 CO s 8 OO sT >O 7J "8*5 "<5 ^ t> ca o ..CO oTco If 03 0, Greenwich, 1880. No. 2521 89-51 3 III 30 27-22 + 16-612 + 0-220 19275 2521 2522 83-23 3 98 19 24-13 + 16-618 + 0-235 19272 2522 2523 84-58 3 101 16 23-02 + 16-635 + 0-231 19282 925 2523 2524 91-91 3 114 7 58-13 + 16-635 + 0-216 2524 2525 91-88 3 89 42 54-82 + 16-652 + 0-243 19287 927 2525 2526 87-29 3 35 25 18-73 + 16-655 + 0-327 0-025 1375 179 19249 1618 2526 2527 86-56 3 96 52 1-93 + 16-684 + 0-234 191 19311 948 5315 2527 2528 82-23 3 93 43 41-60 + 16-707 + 0-237 + 0-014 1385 193 19319 953 5324 2528 2529 91-94 a 91 20 26-02 + 16-708 + 0-239 + 0-100 192 19318 952 2529 253 83-27 3 95 4 7'94 + 16-716 + 0-234 '95 959 5326 2530 2531 91-90 3 I io 33 9-25 + 16-717 + 0-218 19337 2531 2532 92-10 3 103 12 45-98 + 16-720 + 0-226 !9330 2532 2533 91-92 3 108 8 42-51 + 16-720 + 0-221 19336 2533 2534 86-55 3 112 30 9-17 + 16-721 + 0'2l6 19338 2534 2535 82-25 6 104 19 50-98 + 16-731 + 0-225 + 0-015 1388 196 19339 964 5328 1620 2535 2536 86-57 3 100 49 26-67 + 16-736 + 0-228 19342 966 2536 2537 82-03 13 63 28 30-05 + 16-746 + 0-269 + 0-045 1384 194 19322 5332 1621 2537 2538 87-57 3 106 i 1-25 + I6-757 + 0-222 19353 2538 2539 85-I5 3 97 35 I3-95 + 16-773 + 0-231 + 0-027 1389 200 19361 981 5336 2539 254 84-18 3 99 23 9-10 + 16-816 + 0-227 203 19382 IOOO 5345 2540 2541 86-58 3 116 49 4-76 + 16-820 + 0-208 0-040 5350 254 1 2542 89-19 3 93 20 38-79 + 16-826 + 0-233 19384 1004 2542 2543 88-27 4 16 35 52-86 + 16-843 + 0-429 + 0-041 I8 7 1624 2543 2 S44 80-89 3 "5 24 55-36 + 16-876 + 0-208 5363 1625 2544 2545 85-23 3 102 25 29-56 + 16-876 + O"222 + 0-190 19419 1025 2545 2546 82-28 4 i" 58 3-93 + 16-886 + 0-212 r 9423 2546 2547 83-17 3 108 29 17-52 + 16-898 + 0-215 19433 1627 2547 2548 83-23 3 105 40 28-60 + 16-901 + 0-218 2548 2549 86-57 3 100 30 50-42 + 16-905 + 0-223 2IO 19432 1034 2549 255 85-60 3 94 27 16-82 + 16-916 + 0-229 '9437 "37 2550 2551 85-57 1 98 18 55-88 + 16-927 + 0-225 '9445 i45 2551 2552 89-16 3 106 56 53-82 + 16-929 + 0-216 19460 2552 2553 87-25 3 80 32 44-31 + 16-941 + 0-242 O'O28 '393 212 19440 1047 1628 2553 2 SS4 83-62 3 97 7 25-15 + 16-944 + 0-225 ^465 1052 2554 2555 9o - 34 5 102 56 29-13 + 16-968 + 0-219 19485 1063 2555 2S5 6 80-55 3 122 53 48-65 + 16-996 + 0-195 5387 255 6 2557 85-98 4 91 25 6-40 + 17-012 + 0-229 219 19512 1085 2557 2558 86-58 3 91 25 21-38 + 17-016 + 0-228 220 195*3 1087 2558 2559 82-15 3 8 1 9 40-11 + 17-020 +0-238 + 0-015 1396 218 '95" 1086 2559 2560 87-57 3 i5 59 50-92 + 17-024 + 0-214 I95I9 2560 2561 9O' 2 I 3 114 36 23-82 + 17-060 + 0-204 5402 2561 2562 90-2I 3 92 29 44-03 + I7-073 + 0-225 I953I 1109 2562 2563 9O-2O 3 92 32 54'44 + 17-086 + 0-225 I953 8 1116 2563 2564 86-60 3 "3 25 30-25 + 17-099 + 0-204 19556 2564 2565 91-24 3 97 '9 49-35 + 17-102 + 0-220 19548 1125 2565 2526, 2537, 2543, are respectively 2401, 2409, 2410 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2 537 is 987 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2529, 2541, 2545. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 2543. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 116 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Kstimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. in. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2566 2567 2568 Hydra 7-6 5* 8 2 89'59 86-25 92'I 2 3 45 3 9 54 8-278 9 54 24-030 9 54 3i'093 + 2-8208 + 3-1775 + 2-8445 + 0-0039 O'OOSl + 0-0033 0-0040 2566 2567 2568 Hydrse 2569 Sextantis 8-9 I 89-S4 3 9 55 22-582 + 3-0273 O-OO23 2569 2 570 Sextantis 7 5 85-24 4 9 55 25'076 + 3-0404 0-0027 2 57 257 1 2572 2573 Sextantis Hydra; 7-8 8-7 3 88-21 92-20 89-52 3 3 3 9 55 58-227 9 56 4-426 9 56 21-438 + 3-0666 + 2-8890 + 3-0264 O-OO36 + 0-0023 0-0021 2571 2572 2573 Sextantis 8 i 2574 Hydra 7-8 i 92-21 3 9 56 22-254 + 2-8651 + 0-0029 2574 2575 2576 2577 Hydra) ... 8 7 8 3 87-60 91-87 86-91 3 3 3 9 56 30-373 9 56 38-625 9 56 38-702 + 2-9221 + 2-9034 + 2-7777 + O-OOI2 + 0-0019 + 0-0052 2575 2576 2577 Hydrae 7-8 4 2578 Sextantis 7-8 i 91-94 3 9 56 45-499 + 2-9530 + 0-0003 2578 2579 Sextantis 7 i 82-98 5 9 57 12-047 + 3-0661 0-0036 o-oooo 2579 2580 Hydrte 7 3 88-89 3 9 57 !3-i2i + 2-9179 + 0-0014 2580 2581 Sextantis 7-8 4 85-63 3 9 57 25-216 + 3-0118 0-0016 2581 2582 Hydrae 7-6 i 82-27 3 9 57 25-671 + 2-8260 + 0-0042 2582 2583 Hydrse 8 2 91-89 1 9 57 39-075 + 2-8036 + 0-0047 2583 2584 Sextantis 7-6 I 83-48 4 9 58 14-783 + 2-9647 + o-oooi 2584 2585 Hydra 7 I 89-59 3 9 5 8 37-641 + 2-7607 + 0-0058 2585 2586 Hydrte 7-6 3 84-56 3 9 58 48-180 + 2-8589 + 0-0034 2586 2587 Sextantis 7-8 i 91-91 3 9 58 56-428 + 2-9936 0-0009 + 0-0050 2587 2588 2589 2590 Sextantis 8-9 8-7 i 91-89 91-56 90-21 3 3 3 9 59 '-346 9 59 15-688 9 59 ' S'994 + 3-047 + 2-9395 + 2-7767 0-0028 + 0-0009 + 0-0056 2588 2589 259 Hydra 6-5 i 2591 Sextantis 7-8 i 90-19 3 9 59 38-534 + 3-0376 0-0025 259 1 2592 2593 2594 40 Hydrse v Antliae 5-4 6-7 i 84-57 81-24 89-58 5 i I 9 59 45W 10 o 38-081 10 o 57-548 + 2-9237 + 2-6179 + 2-8256 + 0-0015 + 0-0090 + 0-0045 0-0034 2592 2 593 2594 Hydrse 7-8 i 2595 2596 2597 14 Sextantis 30 Leonis rj 6-7 3-4* 8-7 i i 87-29 89-92 91-81 3 3 3 10 I 2-310 10 I 2O-I20 1 i 347'3 + 3-I439 + 3-2786 + 3'OI44 0-0068 0-0129 0-0015 0-0047 + 0-0013 2595 2596 2597 Sextantis 2598 Leonis 9-10 i 89-19 3 10 i 37-161 + 3-3I73 0-0149 2598 2599 Hydra 7 2 90-12 3 10 I 37-924 + 2-8718 + 0-0033 2599 2600 Hydrse 6 3 85-25 3 10 i 52-774 + 2-8760 + 0-0032 2600 2601 Sextantis 8 I 85-28 3 10 i 55-251 + 2-9894 0-0006 2601 2602 Hydras 7-6 I 82-90 3 10 i 56-145 + 2-8234 + 0-0046 2602 2603 Hydra 7-8 3 87-60 3 IO 2 9*284 + 2-8439 + 0-0042 2603 2604 Sextantis 7-6 3 85-28 3 10 2 17-168 + 2-9908 0-0005 2604 2605 15 Sextantis 5 3 85-77 4 10 2 18-384 + 3-0744 0-0038 0-0030 2605 2606 Hydrse 8-7 i 90-89 3 IO 2 22-909 + 2-8079 + 0-0051 2606 2607 32 Leonis a 1-2* 83-70 3t IO 2 30-827 + 3-2179 O'OIOO 0-0182 2607 2608 Sextantis 8-7 91-86 3 10 2 57-299 + 3-0389 0-0024 2608 2609 Sextantis 8-7 i 90-56 3 10 3 3'I93 + 2-9506 + 0-0009 O-O22O 2609 2610 Hydrse 7-8 4 87-63 3 10 3 9-294 + 2-8452 + 0-0042 O-O07O 2610 2566. Red star. 2567. Yellowish-red star. 2570. Yellowish-red star. 2577. Reddish star. 2581. Yellowish-red star. 2584. The magnitude given in Lalande for this star is 4}. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Lalande 19646, precedes 31', and is i' north. 2586. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Lalande 19684, precedes about 2 s , and has nearly the same N. P. D. 2598. A slightly fainter star, Arg. Z + 20, 2434, precedes, and is i' south. 2599. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 19748, follows several seconds, and is abou* 2'-3o" south. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 117 Mean *5 a A o 8 * o Time .S O CO GO ^TO ^ 00 fl rco -^ _o No. of ? Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper >; . V m * .__. | o ., e No. Observa- 8 5; A 1 1 >Lli >1 1. T3 i "a te- w 8. 8; "2 tion. ^1 Off, a ./ i 3 '"" CL> 3 & 2566 89-59 3 109 49 50-66 + 17-104 + 0-207 19559 1635 2566 2567 81-48 13 81 25 41-45 + 17-116 + 0-234 + 0-01 1 1398 225 19549 1127 54" 1636 2567 2568 92-12 3 108 8 16-59 + 17-122 + 0-209 2568 2569 89-54 3 93 44 '3-S8 + 17-161 + 0-221 19579 "45 2569 2570 85-24 4 92 39 41-00 + 17-162 + O'222 228 19580 "47 2570 2571 88-21 3 90 29 20-32 + 17-18? + 0-223 1959 1160 2571 2572 92-20 3 104 55 32-27 + 17-192 + 0-210 19599 2572 2573 89-52 3 93 50 26-92 + 17-204 + 0-2I9 19602 1170 2573 2574 92-21 3 106 48 13-96 + 17-205 + 0-2O7 19608 2 574 2575 87-60 3 IO2 22 8'22 + 17-211 + 0-2II 231 19609 "74 5423 2575 2576 91-87 3 103 Si 47-46 + 17-218 + O-2IO 1178 2576 2577 86-91 3 3 1 6 3773 + 17-218 + O-200 19620 2577 2578 91-94 3 99 54 I'? 8 + 17-223 + 0-213 1180 2578 2579 82-!6 3 90 32 5-91 + I7-243 + 0-221 + 0-I30 19624 1192 2579 2580 88-89 3 102 46 0-35 + I7-243 + O'2IO 232 19634 1197 5431 2580 2581 85-63 3 95 5 13-04 + 17-252 + 0-2I7 19637 "99 2581 2582 82-27 3 109 53 33-22 + I7-253 + 0-203 19641 1640 2582 2583 91-89 3 in 34 9-88 + 17-263 + 0-201 2583 2584 83-22 3 99 2 29-43 + 17-289 + 0-212 19662 2584 2585 89-59 3 "4 47 5-83 + 17-306 + 0-196 5448 2585 2586 84-56 3 107 34 8-51 + I7-314 + 0-203 19689 2586 2587 91-91 3 96 40 44-57 + I7-320 + 0-213 + 0-I50 19681 1234 2587 2588 91-89 3 92 10 19-90 + '7-323 + 0-216 2588 2589 91-56 3 101 ii 45-43 + I7-334 + 0-208 19697 1241 2589 2590 90-21 3 113 45 12-08 + 17-334 + 0-196 5455 2590 2591 90-19 3 92 59 2-67 + I7-35I + 0-215 19705 1246 259, 2592 84-80 3 102 31 52-83 + I7-356 + 0-206 0-038 1402 241 19709 5462 2592 2593 81-24 i 124 20 53-46 + I7-394 + 0-I83 247 5474 2593 2594 89-58 3 no 24 46-80 + 17-408 + 0-197 19733 2594 2595 87-29 3 83 51 8-05 + 17-412 + 0-220 0-018 1404 244 19727 1268 1647 2595 2596 89-92 3 72 42 3-59 + 17-424 + 0-229 O-002 1403 245 19729 1648 2596 2597 91-81 3 95 ' 47'99 + I7M35 + 0-210 19739 2597 2598 89-19 3 69 39 36-46 + I7H37 + 0-23I 2598 2599 90-12 3 106 54 29-63 + I7H37 + 0-199 19746 2599 2600 85-25 3 106 36 12-35 + 17-448 + 0-199 19750 1649 2600 2601 85-28 3 97 ii 18-78 + '7'450 + 0-207 1291 2601 2602 82-90 3 1 10 43 9-49 + I7-45I + 0-195 !9754 2602 2603 89-54 3 109 10 21-25 + 17-460 + 0-197 19765 1651 2603 2604 85-28 3 97 5 35-12 + I7H65 + 0-207 1300 2604 2605 8577 4 89 50 2-45 + 17-466 + 0-213 0-024 1407 250 19753 1298 5489 2605 2606 90-89 3 in 57 9-51 + 17-469 + 0-194 2606 2607 2608 2609 82-08 91-86 90-56 29 3 3 77 29 42'63 92 56 23-66 100 34 41-40 + I7-476 + 17-498 + 0-223 + 0-209 + 0-203 0-018 0-030 1406 25! 19752 1299 1313 1318 5490 1652 2607 2608 2609 2610 89-57 3 109 12 26-03 + I7-503 + 0-195 + 0-350 19780 2610 1 256", 2596, 2607, are respectively 2424, 2448, 2452, of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2567, 2596, 2607, are respectively 994, 999, 1000 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2 579i 2587, 2609, 2610. The Proper Motions have been determined in tlie formation of the present Catalogue. 118 KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, R.A. U- 00 O C3 Mean <~ " No. Constellation. 3 'E "s s Time of |1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. CD 3 '-3 Observa- S tion. ^ o h. ro. s. 8. s. 8. 2611 Hydrse 7-6 I 90-85 3 io 3 16-863 + 2-8970 + 0-0027 2611 2612 7-6 QO'22 3 io 3 20-754 + 2-9536 + 0-0008 2612 2613 16 Sextantis 7 y*J 8^'26 3 io 3 29-041 + 3-1491 0-0070 0-0018 2613 2614 Hydrse 8 I 92-I4 3 io 3 36-712 + 2-7769 + 0-0060 2614 2615 Hydras ... 8 2 90-90 3 io 3 39-973 + 2-9266 + 0-0017 2615 2616 Hydrse 7 3 88^0 3 io 3 59-960 + 2-8669 + 0-0036 2616 2617 Hydrse 7 2 89-59 3 io 4 1-127 + 2-9250 + 0-0018 2617 2618 Hydras 8 I 9^93 3 io 4 23-100 + 2-9087 + 0-0023 2618 2619 Hydras 7-6 2 88-21 3 io 4 32-935 + 2-9406 + 0-0013 2619 2620 17 Sextantis 6 3 85-62 3 io 4 39-533 + 2-9834 O'OOO2 0*0017 2620 2621 Hydrse 6-5 I 90-23 3 io 4 44-164 + 2-9323 + 0-0015 2621 2622 41 Hydras X 4* ... 82-31 3 io 5 13-476 + 2-9383 + O-OOI4 0-0148 2622 2623 Hydrse 7-8 I 90-23 3 io 5 19-200 + 2-8633 + 0-0039 2623 2624 Sextantis 8-7 2 90-96 3 10 5 25-926 + 3-0515 0-0028 2624 2625 18 Sextantis 6 5 84-83 7 io 5 27-577 + 2-9839 0-0002 0-0013 2625 2626 Hydrse 7-8 2 89-60 3 io 5 33'M3 + 2-8989 + 0-0028 2626 2627 7-6 QI'26 3 io 5 48-063 + 2-9966 0-OOO6 + 0-0030 2627 \j* f 2628 Hydras 6-7 I y 90-93 3 io 6 3-967 + 2-8603 + 0-0040 2628 262O 8-7 02-22 -, io 6 30-662 + 3-0095 o-ooio 2629 u y 2630 Hydrse 8 ... \j 92-26 3 io 6 45-249 + 2-8324 + 0-0050 2630 2631 Antlias 6-7 81-16 I io 6 55-919 + 2-6488 + 0-0094 2631 2632 Hydrse 7-6 I 90-16 3 io 7 3-904 + 2-9087 + O-OO25 2632 2633 Hydrse 7 3 83-61 3 10 7 24-857 + 2-8602 + 0-0043 2633 2634 Hydraa 7 90-20 3 io 7 46-804 + 2-8542 + 0-0045 2634 2635 Sextantis 7-8 3 85-28 3 10 7 59'527 + 3-0226 O-OOI4 2635 2636 Sextantis 9-8 2 92-51 3 io 8 13-179 + 2-9705 + 0-0006 2636 2637 Sextantis 7-8 3 88-20 3 io 8 14-323 + 3-0213 0-0014 2637 2638 Sextantis 8 ... 92-21 3 io 8 21-014 + 3-0334 o-oo 1 9 2638 2639 Antlias 6 86-92 3 io 8 33-133 + 2-6747 + 0-0092 0-0300 2639 2640 Hydrse 8-7 2 92-49 4 io 8 42-273 + 2-8136 + 0-0057 2640 2641 Sextantis 8 2 92-25 3 io 8 56-495 + 3-0662 0-0032 2641 2642 Hydrse 7-6 2 82-58 3 io 9 0-155 + 2-8048 + 0-0061 2642 2643 Hydrse 7-8 2 87-91 3 io 9 31-413 + 2-9468 + 0-0014 2643 2644 Hydrse 8 2 92-23 3 to 9 53-780 + 2-7870 + 0-0066 2644 2645 32 Ursas Majoris 6* ... 87-25 3 io io 2-509 + 4-4365 0-1145 0-0156 2645 2646 Hydrae 8-7 3 86-29 3 10 10 12-821 + 2-9567 + O-OOI2 2646 2647 33 Ursse Majoris ... X 3-4* ... 84-23 4 io io 27-724 + 3-6552 0-0384 0-0165 2647 2648 Hydras 6-7 4 86-29 3 io io 43-802 + 2-9571 + O"OOI2 2648 2640 Hydras 7-8 QI'QI 3 io io 57-218 + 2-9016 + 0-0033 2649 T-y 2650 Sextantis 8-7 2 y y 05*23 3 io ii 12-087 +3-0485 0-0024 2650 2651 Hydrse 7-6 I 84-89 3 io ii 17-611 + 2-8651 + 0-0045 2651 26(2 Hydras 7-8 91-90 3 io ii 23-696 + 2-9367 + 0-0021 2652 "O " 2653 Hydrse 7-6 2 85-28 3 io ii 32-880 + 2-8493 + 0-0050 2653 2654 22 Sextantis 6-5 I 83-24 3 10 12 9-840 + 2-9925 O'OOOO O-OI2I 2654 2655 Hydrse 8 ... 91-94 3 10 12 19-365 + 2-8876 + 0-0039 2655 2615. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about io' too great. 2620. Reddish-yellow star. 2625. Yellowish-red star. 2638. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 45' too small. 2648. Reddish star. 2654. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is I o' too small. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 119 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. 1 It Precess. n Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. n U} u> *>. -t 1 PB 8 oo Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o -o 0 U} !-. >i 1 8 oo s Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O oo qToO 1 -+ 0; I- ~ Greenwich, 1880. No. 2656 89-61 3 113 19 37- 8 7 + I7-884 + 0-178 20007 2656 2657 90-24 3 III 2 28-11 + I7-886 + 0-180 2657 2658 90-23 3 no 28 32-42 + 17-894 + 0-180 2OOIO 2658 2659 89-5J 3 102 45 12-26 + 17-907 + 0-185 2OOI4 185 2659 2660 82-47 5 118 26 32-48 + I7-9II + 0-173 39 5613 2660 2661 92-21 3 100 37 48-96 + I7-9 2 9 + 0-186 + 0-110 194 2661 2662 89-24 3 101 58 33-96 + I7-942 + 0-184 20041 204 1675 2662 2663 81-05 20 69 36 7-62 + I7-942 + 0-207 + 0-136 1432 38 20023 5620 1673 2663 2664 8S-3I 3 94 33 7-97 + 17-946 + 0-189 4 1 20043 205 5623 2664 2665 85-96 3 94 40 28-85 + I7-949 + 0-189 20045 207 2665 2666 85-28 3 98 30 16-44 + 17-967 + 0-186 20059 212 2666 2667 91-92 3 93 47 28-79 + 17-968 + 0-189 2667 2668 90-96 3 83 o 58-11 + I7-977 + 0-196 2I 4 1677 2668 2669 9I-58 3 95 38 23-51 + 17-990 + 0-187 20075 222 2669 2670 84-27 3 94 49 44-0 8 + I7-993 + 0-187 20O76 22 4 2670 2671 88-28 3 1 08 30 0-32 + 18-005 + 0-177 20090 2671 2672 90-13 a 104 56 8-90 + I8-005 + o-i 80 0-275 20089 2672 2673 84-27 3 94 Si 45-83 + I8-008 + 0-186 20086 229 2673 2674 86-27 3 47 56 5'-oi + I8-OI5 + 0-223 0-034 H34 45 20069 1680 2674 2675 88-89 3 107 25 50-04 + I8-OI7 + 0-177 20098 2675 2676 89-45 4 103 13 58-39 + 18-018 + 0-180 20095 2 3 6 2676 2677 82-18 7 23 52 39-77 + 18-031 + 0-273 + 0-014 1429 42 1682 2677 2678 91-25 3 114 49 9-02 + 18-032 + 0-171 5645 2678 2679 82-27 ] 113 9 27-17 + 18-035 + 0-172 20II4 2679 2680 90-61 3 in 58 27-85 + 18-039 + 0-173 2680 268! 91-28 3 107 28 47-39 + 18-050 + 0-176 20128 2681 2682 85-59 3 102 51 I6-28 + 18-053 + 0-179 20129 2 5 J 2682 2683 91-90 3 no 43 17-11 + 18-059 + 0-173 20163 2683 2684 91-25 a 109 18 42-89 + 18-060 + 0-174 20137 2684 2685 90-58 3 98 50 24-18 + 18-070 + 0-181 20140 258 2685 2686 90-14 3 82 53 55-95 + 18-071 + 0-191 + 0-091 1441 54 20I3I 2 5 6 1685 2686 2687 85-27 3 "3 46 37-87 + 18-093 + 0-170 2Ol6o 5665 2687 2688 87-22 3 90 20 43-62 + 18-093 + 0-185 o-ooo 1442 57 20150 268 5664 2688 2689 83-21 3 93 3i 5-77 + 18-095 + 0-183 0-028 J 443 59 20154 270 5666 2689 2690 85-63 3 102 49 10-30 + 18-097 + 0-177 20158 274 2690 2691 86-90 a 93 5 I3-45 + 18-098 + 0-183 20156 271 5667 2691 2692 80-90 3 119 36 21-57 + 18-106 + 0-164 5670 2692 2693 92-24 a "oi 55 54H2 + 18-107 + 0-177 20167 275 2693 2694 92-20 3 9 1 43 "-3 1 + 18-108 + 0-184 20162 2694 2695 91-92 3 99 S 2 44-53 + 18-108 + 0-178 2695 2696 91-92 3 99 54 11-19 + 18-120 + 0-178 2696 2697 89-91 3 99 50 28-99 + 18-128 + 0-178 2697 2698 8560 3 96 30 18-79 + 18-183 + 0-177 0-139 1447 7i 20222 3H S 68 9 2698 2699 91-96 3 97 18 0-25 + 18-191 + 0-176 319 2699 2700 91-91 3 109 46 0-83 + 18-196 + 0-168 20250 2700 2663, 2674, 2677, are respectively 2480, 2487, 2485 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2663, 2674, 2686, 2688, 2698, are respectively 1019, 1023, 1026, 1028, 1030 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2661, 2672. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. R 122 KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. See. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2701 42 Hydra //. 4 2 8S-65 48 io 20 46-143 + 2-9087 + 0-0040 0-0098 2701 2702 Sextantis 7 I 89-89 3 10 20 46-861 + 3-OI49 0-0004 0-0054 2702 2703 26 Sextantis 6-7 I 91-25 3 10 20 59-970 + 3-0683 0-0028 0-0034 2703 2704 27 Sextantis 7 3 90-24 3 10 21 13-376 + 3-035I 0-0013 0-0077 2704 2705 Hydrae 8-7 2 88-57 3 10 21 49-529 + 2-8953 + 0-0048 2705 2706 Hydras 7-8 3 85-25 3 10 22 6'6ll + ^8955 + 0-0048 2706 2707 Antliao a 4* ... 80-93 3 IO 22 6-939 + 2-7 4 62 + 0-0097 0-0087 2707 2708 Hydra 8 i 92-26 3 10 22 7-821 + 2-8349 + 0-0070 2708 2709 Hydra 8-9 2 92-19 3 10 22 22-060 + 2-86l8 + 0-0061 2709 2710 Hydra: 8 I 92-28 3 10 22 28-985 + 2-9209 + 0-0038 2710 2711 Sextantis 8-7 I 88-86 3 io 23 0-854 + 2-9824 + O'OOI 2 2711 2712 Sextantis 6-7 84-29 3 io 23 9-411 + 3-0420 0-0015 0-0008 2712 3713 Hydras 7 3 85-61 3 io 23 19-100 + 2-884 4 + 0-0054 2713 2714 2715 2716 Hydras Hydras 8 8-7 ... 92-26 92-21 83-25 3 3 3 io 23 23-260 io 23 42-201 io 23 53-476 + 2-937I + 2-9578 + 3-05I8 + 0-0032 + 0-0023 o'ooig 0-0046 2714 27 r 5 2716 29 Sextantis 6-5 2 2717 Antlias 8-7 I 87-25 3 io 24 15-365 + 2-7596 + 0-0098 2717 2718 Hydras 7-8 3 86-65 3 io 24 27-658 + 2-8594 + 0-0064 2718 2719 Antliso 8 6-5 85-91 3 io 24 31-357 + 2-7596 + 0-0098 2719 2720 30 Sextantis 5-6 2 85-3 3 io 24 40-098 + 3^718 0-0029 0-0032 2720 2721 Hydras 9-8 2 92-26 3 io 25 9-845 + 2-8296 + 0-0076 2721 2722 Sextantis 6 I 82-22 3 io 25 28-403 + 3-OO6O + O'ooo4 0-0050 2722 2723 Hydrre 6 3 85-61 3 10 25 35-525 + 2-9487 + O'OOJO 2723 2724 Draconis 5 I 85-61 3 io 25 44-222 + 5-26I5 0-2759 0-0118 2724 27 2 5 2726 2727 Hydrte 7-8 8-7 2 89-23 9I-93 89-S3 3 3 3 io 26 14-801 io 26 15-231 io 26 34-025 + 2-9368 + 2-994I + 2-9708 + 0-0035 + O'OOIO + O'OO2I 2725 2726 2727 Sextantis 7-8 I 2728 Antlias 6-7 ... 80-28 3 io 26 41-238 + 2-7949 + 0-0091 2728 2729 Sextantis 7 2 86-22 3 io 26 56-180 + 3'O2l6 0-0003 2729 2730 47 Leonis p 4 I 86-72 42 io 27 1-160 + 3-I643 o'ooSo 0-OOI2 2730 373i 43 Hydras <' 7-8 I 88-26 3 io 27 19-950 + 2-9I78 + 0-0045 0-0050 27.U 2732 Hydras 7-6 2 90' 2 2 3 io 27 39-594 + 2-86II + 0-0068 2732 2733 Sextantis 7 4 89-17 3 io 27 40-870 + 3-0286 0-0005 + 0-0050 2733 2734 Hydrse 7-6 3 85-29 3 io 27 47-590 + 2 -9532 + 0-0030 2 734 273S 37 Ursae Majoris 5* 87-94 3 io 28 4-280 + 3-8966 0-0699 + 0-0054 2735 2736 44 Hydras 6-5 I 82-58 3 io 28 46-775 + 2-8507 + 0-0074 0-0026 2736 2737 Sextantis 7-8 2 88-91 3 io 28 49-684 + 2-9874 + 0-0015 2 737 2738 48 Leonis 6* 87-25 3 io 29 3-606 + 3-I4 7 0-0065 0-0086 2738 2739 Sextantis 7-6 I 85-49 4 io 29 15-604 + 3-0425 O'OOII O'OOOO 2739 274 Hydras 7-8 I 9'-57 3 io 29 26-186 + 2-8684 + o 0069 2740 2741 Hydras 7-6 2 84-97 3 io 29 43-491 + 2-8589 + 0-0073 O"oio6 2741 2742 Sextantis 7-8 2 89-21 3 io 29 52-547 + .r0295 0-0004 2742 2743 Hydras 7 1 88-26 3 io 29 56-683 + 2-9610 + 0-0029 2743 2744 Hydras 7-6 3 88-61 3 io 30 18-682 + 2-9068 + 0-0054 2 744 2745 Hydrse 7-8 3 86-30 3 io 30 19-279 + 2-95I2 + 0-0034 2745 2701. Reddish star. 2709. A slightly fainter star precedes by about io s , and is south. 2720. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is io 8 too great. 2730. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i' too email. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 123 o Mean 00 K d o oo ^00 ^ o" ^~~ No. Time of ~- " Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper 8? " oT flTco II- "! d No. Observa- "a I o on. s a *> ro 03 S. U l-l tion. ;|g 1 1 6 a o / n * It " ffl " 2701 81-89 19 106 16 29-91 + 18-202 + 0-170 + 0-061 1451 74 20257 5697 1689 2701 2702 89-89 3 95 5 2 .3 95 + 18-203 + 0-177 0-027 1449 20249 326 5696 2702 2703 91-25 3 90 25 43-71 + 18-211 + 0-180 0-017 1450 73 20255 329 5698 2703 2704 90-24 3 93 49 42-67 + 18-219 + 0-177 0-018 1452 .75 20263 333 5700 2704 2705 88-57 3 107 41 47-81 + 18-241 + 0-168 20289 2705 2706 85-25 3 I0 7 43 34-24 + 18-252 + 0-167 20297 2706 2707 80-76 4 120 30 29-28 + 18-252 + 0-158 + 0-001 82 5714 1692 2707 2708 92-26 3 113 13 20-47 + 18-252 + 0-163 2708 2709 92-19 3 no 52 16-57 + 18-261 + 0-165 2709 2710 92-28 3 105 21 24-80 + 18-265 + 0-168 20308 362 2710 2711 88-86 3 99 19 10-72 + 18-284 + 0-171 20319 371 2711 2712 84-29 3 93 10 47-43 + 18-289 + 0-174 o-oio 1456 20320 372 5722 2712 271.3 85-61 3 108 57 43-89 + 18-295 + 0-164 20338 2713 2714 92-26 3 10.3 54 I.3-.33 + 18-297 + 0-167 380 2714 2"i5 92-21 3 101 52 21-80 + 18-309 + 0-168 20341 388 2715 2716 83-25 3 92 io 33-89 + 18-315 + 0-173 + 0-018 1457 86 20343 389 5728 1695 2716 2717 87-25 3 119 58 37-08 + 18-328 + 0-155 2717 2718 86-65 3 III 28 54-91 + 18-336 + 0-161 20366 2718 2719 85-94 3 1 2O 2 39-04 + 18-3.37 + 0-155 9i 5738 1699 2719 2720 85-30 3 90 4 22-81 + 18-343 + 0-173 + O-QII '459 87 20358 405 5739 2720 2721 92-26 3 114 18 58-91 + 18-361 + 0-158 2721 2722 82-22 3 97 4 23-80 + 18-371 + 0-168 0-028 1462 94 20383 415 5751 2722 2723 85-61 3 103 i 26-53 + 18-375 + 0-164 20389 418 1702 272.3 2724 82-55 7 13 43 14-81 + 18-381 + 0-299 + 0-005 1446 78 1700 2724 2725 89-23 3 104 19 13-42 + 18-399 + 0-162 20410 429 2725 2726 91-9.3 3 98 23 I2'IO + 18-399 + 0-166 20408 428 2726 2727 89-53 3 ioo 51 26-05 + 18-409 + 0-164 20416 435 2727 2728 80-28 3 117 40 17-47 + I8-4I3 + 0-154 5760 2728 2729 86-22 3 95 3 29-44 + 18-422 + 0-166 20428 441 2729 2730 82-23 9 80 7 38-15 + 18-425 + 0-174 o-on 1467 102 20421 438 5763 1705 27.30 27.31 88-26 3 106 23 24-15 + 18-436 + 0-160 + 0-090 104 20438 5771 2731 27.32 90-22 3 "i 57 41-57 + i 8-447 + 0-156 2732 27.33 89-17 3 94 47 29-14 + 18-448 + 0-165 + 0-150 20443 447 2733 2734 85-29 3 102 50 14-32 + 18-452 + 0-161 20450 452 2734 2735 87-94 3 32 21 3-56 + 18-461 + 0-214 0-039 1464 IOI 2735 3736 82-58 3 113 io 42-10 + 18-485 + 0-153 0-030 1471 III 20476 5786 1707 2736 2737 88-91 3 99 '9 52-85 + 18-487 + 0-161 20464 2737 2738 87-25 3 82 28 47-47 + i S'495 + 0-169 0-067 1468 no 20473 476 1708 2738 2739 85-49 4 93 19 34-72 + 18-502 + 0-163 + O-I2O 20483 486 27.39 2740 2741 9 I- 57 3 3 in 38 5-32 112 36 32-04 + 18-508 + 18-517 + 0-153 + 0-152 O'OI 2 1472 20489 20495 5796 2740 2741 2742 89-21 3 94 47 36-44 + 18-523 + 0-161 20491 2742 2/43 88-26 3 102 17 18-88 + 18-525 + 0-157 20496 497 2743 2744 88-61 3 108 o 1-88 + 18-537 + 0-154 20514 2744 II 2745 86-30 3 103 23 10-55 + 18-537 + 0-156 20513 2745 2724, 2730, 2735, 2738, 2741 are respectively 2504, 2512, 2514, 2520, 2523 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2701, 2702, 2730, 2735, 2738, 2741 are respectively 1032, 1031, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2707. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 2 73'> 2733, 2739. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 124 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A. A <-. 2 o O Mean | No. Constellation. T3 2 ! Time of *! e > Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. 1 a j Observa- i 1 Motion. <3|M tion. j h. m. s. s. S. s. 2746 Hydras 9-8 2 92-27 ] 10 30 38-243 + 2-8786 + O-OO67 2746 2747 Sextantis 8-9 2 92-26 3 10 30 46-497 + 3-0618 0-0021 2747 2748 Sextantis 7-6 I 83-23 3 10 30 48-964 + 2-9830 + 0-0019 2748 27J.Q 6-7 81-31 i 10 30 53-138 + 2-8242 + 0-0087 274.Q * / T-V 2750 Hvdras 6 2 82-24 3 10 30 54-354 + 2-9293 + 0-0044 0-0043 / ^y 2750 2751 Sextantis 6-7 2 85-30 3 10 31 3-687 + 2-9683 + 0-0027 + 0-0153 2751 2752 Hydras 8 92-58 3 10 31 29-783 + 2-8960 + 0-0060 2752 2753 Sextantis 7 3 83-59 3 10 31 30-787 + 2-9994 + O-OOI2 2753 2754 Sextantis 7-6 3 85-59 3 10 31 44-723 + 2-9733 + 0-0025 2754 2755 Hydras 5 ... 82-95 3 10 32 3-882 + 2-8192 + O-O092 2755 2756 Hydras U Var. 3 85-33 3 10 32 7-278 + 2-9588 + 0-0032 2756 27S7 8-q 91-92 3 10 33 0-872 + 3-0151 + 0-0006 27"i7 */ 3i 2758 Hydras 8 3 92-16 3 10 33 12-063 + 2-9184 + 0-0052 / J/ 2758 2759 Hydras ff> 5* ... 83-63 3 10 33 13-299 + 2-9279 + 0-0048 0-0099 2759 2760 Hydras 9-8 3 9I-95 3 10 33 18-692 + 2-8531 + 0-0082 2760 2761 Hydras 6-7 2 82-31 3 10 33 24-023 + 2-9688 + 0-0028 2761 2762 8-7 91-93 3 10 33 26-872 + 2-9390 + 0-0043 2762 * i " m 2763 Hydras 8-7 3 88-57 3 10 34 25-587 + 2-8759 + 0-0074 mf*rm 2763 2764 38 Ursas Majoris 5* ... 89-99 4 10 34 25-905 + 4-1829 0-II22 0-0285 2764 2765 Hydras 8-7 3 87-60 3 10 34 45-397 + 2-935 + 0-0046 2765 2766 Ursas Majoris 5 2 83-01 4 10 35 ii' T 73 + 4-3762 0-1418 + 0-0028 2766 2767 Sextantis 8-9 I 92-49 4 10 35 29-875 + 2-9841 + 0-0024 2767 2768 33 Sextantis 6-7 3 85-28 3 10 35 48-353 + 3-0627 0-OOI9 0*0120 2768 2769 Antlias 6-7 ... 90-24 i 10 35 50-034 + 2-7343 + 0-OI30 2769 2770 Sextantis 8-9 ... 92-60 3 10 36 20-466 + 3-0433 O-OOOS 2770 2771 Sextantis . 7 8 QI-Q.7 3 10 36 21-107 + 3-0098 + O'OOI I 2771 *i i * 2772 8 7 y y i 92-28 O 3 10 36 21-156 + 3-0223 + 0-0004 "/I* 2772 */ / * 2773 Hydras 7 2 3 10 36 45-480 + 2-9610 + 0-0036 + 0-0120 it 2773 2774 Sextantis 7-6 3 87-26 3 10 36 56-638 + 3-0046 + 0-0014 2774 2775 34 Sextantis 6-7 8 86-38 29 10 36 56-651 + 3-1069 0-0045 O'OOQO 2775 2776 8 7 qi'o7 5 IO 37 2-804. + 2-8999 + 0*0067 2776 */ / u 2777 Hydras 6 i y y i 82-21 O 3 iw Ji UW.J. 10 37 5-671 + 2-9598 + 0-0038 f f \f 2777 2778 Hydras 7 ... 90-23 4 10 37 35-684 + 2-8731 + 0-0081 * 0*001 o 2778 2779 Hydras 8-9 i 92-29 3 10 37 36-658 + 2-8831 + 0-0077 2779 2780 Antlias 6 ... 80-27 2 10 37 37-058 + 2-7770 + 0-0119 2780 2781 35 Sextantis 6-7 8 1 -60 3 10 37 38-228 + 3-II03 0-0050 0*0000 2781 2782 Antlias 6-7 ... 85-74 2 10 38 9-945 + 2-7897 + 0-0116 2782 2783 Hydras 8 7 92-21 3 IO ?8 I-.Q-Q3O + 2-9171 + 0*006 1 2783 2784 Hydras 7 2 86-24 D 4 w o sy yj v 10 39 11-682 + 2-8727 + 0-0084 "/ O 2784 2785 36 Sextantis 6-7 I 85-91 3 10 39 29-380 + 3-097I 0*0038 0-0053 2785 2786 Sextantis 9-10 3 92-60 3 10 39 48-554 + 3-0658 0-0019 2786 2787 Sextantis 7-8 3 88-88 3 10 40 19-112 + 2-9911 + 0*0025 2787 2788 Hydras 8-7 i 92-28 3 10 40 51-140 + 2-8818 + 0*0082 2788 2789 Crateris 7-8 3 86-25 3 10 40 58-261 + 2-9692 + 0*0037 2789 27QO Hydras >-8 92-23 5 10 41 1*348 + 2-9561 + 0-0045 2790 t y O 2756. Very red star. The limits of magnitude are 4-5 and 6-3 : the period is uncertain. 2781. Double : the companion precedes, and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N. P.D. 125 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. n Proper Motion. // n f} i>. jj -n 1 d o oo M a" t^ Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo Qj-OO 11 OQ O, o Greenwich, 1880. No. 2746 92-27 3 no 52 45-52 + 18-548 + 0-152 2746 2/47 92-26 3 91 12 17-88 + 18-552 + 0-162 5'3 2747 2748 83-23 3 ioo o 45-77 + 18-554 + 0-157 20521 515 2748 2749 81-31 i 116 6 12-15 + 18-556 + 0-148 5806 2749 2750 82-25 4 105 46 30-13 + 18-557 + 0-154 0-019 M74 118 20525 5807 2 75 2751 85-30 3 101 38 21-89 + 18-562 + 0-156 + 0-582 520 2751 2752 92-58 3 109 19 19-08 + 18-576 + 0-151 2752 2753 8.V59 3 98 16 3-89 + 18-577 + ' I 57 20539 532 2753 2754 85-59 3 101 10 37-72 + 18-585 + 0-155 20545 2754 2755 82-52 4 116 50 34-15 + 18-595 + 0-146 "23 5825 1711 2755 2756 85-33 3 102 48 45-06 + 18-596 + 0-153 20556 544 5827 1712 2756 2757 91-92 3 9 6 36 37-56 + 18-626 + 0-155 558 2757 2758 92-16 3 107 18 50-32 + 18-632 + 0-149 2758 2759 83-63 3 106 18 20-29 + 18-632 + 0-150 0-051 1479 127 20585 5842 1715 2759 2760 9 I- 95 3 "3 57 50-52 + 18-636 + 0-146 2760 2761 82-31 3 101 52 18-56 + 18-638 + 0-152 20591 564 2761 2762 9!'93 3 105 9 28-55 + 18-640 + 0-150 20594 2762 2763 88-57 3 in 57 26-87 + 18-672 + ' I 45 20615 2763 2764 88-04 5 23 42 27-42 + 18-672 + 0-215 + 0-077 1476 124 1718 2764 2765 87-60 3 105 47 44-64 + 18-682 + 0-148 20619 2765 2766 82-71 10 20 20 54-93 + 18-695 + 0-223 + 0-032 126 1719 2766 2767 92-25 3 Joo 23 59-75 + 18-706 + 0-149 597 2767 2768 85-28 3 91 9 48-16 + 18715 + 0-152 + 0-104 1482 '34 607 5879 2768 2769 85-25 2 125 10 8-35 + 18-716 + 0-135 5880 2769 2770 92-60 3 93 29 56-80 + I8-73I + 0-150 20658 617 2770 2771 91-97 3 97 28 50-91 + 18-732 + 0-149 620 2771 2772 92-28 3 95 59 58-53 + 18-732 + 0-149 20659 619 2772 2773 87-29 3 103 12 24-86 + 18744 + 0-145 + 0-130 20671 625 2773 2774 87-26 3 98 9 6-81 + 18-750 + 0-147 20677 629 2774 2775 8.V5I 8 85 50 32-06 + 18-751 + 0-153 0-033 1484 138 20672 626 5891 '723 2775 2776 91-97 3 no i 38-73 + 18-754 + 0-142 20682 2776 2777 82-21 3 I0 3 23 57-26 + 18755 + ' I 45 20680 634 2777 2778 90-23 4 112 58 22-73 + 18-771 + 0-139 + 0-045 1489 20701 5902 2778 2779 92-29 3 "i 55 5^65 + 18-771 + 0-140 2779 2780 80-27 2 122 8 23-61 + 18-771 + 0-134 '43 5903 2780 2781 82-54 4 84 40 29-93 + 18-772 + 0-152 o-ooo 1487 141 20692 641 1726 2781 2782 85-74 2 121 10 58-52 + 18-788 + 0-134 5909 2782 2783 92-21 3 i8 33 53-38 + 18-814 + 0-139 20719 2783 2784 84-95 3 113 24 30-66 + 18-820 + 0-137 20729 2784 2785 85-91 3 86 56 0-88 + 18-828 + 0-147 0-006 1491 M7 20727 1727 2785 2786 92-60 3 90 50 22-56 + 18-838 + 0-I45 2786 2787 88-88 3 ioo 8 5-33 + 18-853 + 0-141 20753 68 1 2787 2788 92-28 3 112 51 12-65 + 18-869 + 0-134 20769 2788 2789 86-25 3 102 52 51-27 + 18-873 + 0-138 20768 693 2789 2790 92-23 3 104 27 18-72 + 18-874 + 0-138 20771 696 2790 2764, 2766, 2775, are respectively 2533, 2539, 2545 of the Iladcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2764, 2766, 2768, 2775, 2778, are respectively 1048, 1049, IO 5> IO 53> IO 55 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2751. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 2766. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers" "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 2 773- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 126 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. b. m. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2791 Hydras 7-8 2 88-89 3 10 41 7-915 + 2-9156 + 0-0066 2791 2792 Hydra 7-8 I 89-58 3 10 41 10-650 + 2-9235 + 0-0061 2792 2 793 Hydros 4 1 6-5 2 83-26 3 10 41 28-633 + 2-9376 + 0-0055 0-0026 2793 2794 Hydrse 7-6 87-27 3 10 41 29-095 + 2-8586 + 0-0095 2794 2795 Leonis 9 I 92-49 3 10 41 38-721 + 3-2015 O'OIIO 2795 2796 Hydrso 9-8 2 9 I- 9S 3 10 41 52-154 + 2-8738 + 0-0088 2796 2797 Leonis 9 I 92-49 3 10 41 55-375 + 3-2013 O'OJIO 2797 2798 Hydra!) 7 4 86-32 3 10 42 12-427 + 2-9559 + 0-0046 2798 2799 Hydra 8-7 4 88-53 4 10 42 14-372 + 2-9561 + 0-0046 2799 2800 Hydrce 8-7 4 88-94 3 10 42 14-515 + 2-9561 + 0-0046 2800 2801 Crateris 8 92-29 3 10 42 40-900 + 2-9818 + 0-0033 2801 2802 Sextantis 6 i 83-15 3 10 43 4-048 + 3-0619 0-0014 2802 2803 39 Sextantis 7 2 84-29 3 10 43 27-149 + 3-0069 + 0-0019 + 0-0025 2803 2804 53 Leonis I 5 4 84-97 37 10 43 28-548 + 3-I587 0-008 1 0-0015 2804 2805 Sextantis 7-8 i 91-98 3 1 43 35-465 + 3-0356 + 0-0003 2805 2806 40 Sextantis 7-6 ... 90-16 3 10 43 42-565 + 3-0462 0-0004 0-0031 2806 2807 Sextantis 8-7 90-18 2 10 43 42-585 + 3-0462 0-0004 0-0031 2807 2808 Hydree v 3-4* ... 8.V65 3 10 44 11-672 + 2-9511 + 0-0052 + 0-0049 2808 2809 Sextantis 5-6 i 8985 3 10 44 13-065 + 3-0017 + 0-0023 2809 2810 Seztantis 8-7 ... 92-21 3 10 44 27-387 + 3-0201 + 0-0013 2810 2811 41 Sextantis 6 3 84-9S 3 10 44 46-865 + 3-0095 + 0-0018 O'OOII 2811 2812 Antlise 6 86-94 1 10 44 49-824 + 2-7876 + 0-0133 2812 2813 Sextantis 6-7 4 85-3 3 10 45 29-933 + 3-0538 0-0008 2813 2814 Hydra A 2 6-7 i 89-91 3 10 45 42-883 + 2-9362 + 0-0063 0-0040 2814 2815 Sextantis 7 3 87-90 3 10 45 43-858 + 3-0416 o-oooo 2815 2816 Hydra) V Var. 4 86-95 3 10 46 16-281 + 2-9131 + 0-0075 2816 2817 Leonis 6-7 i 82-63 3 10 46 34-631 + 3-0843 0-0028 2817 2818 Crateris 7-8 2 88-94 3 10 46 48-350 + 2-9945 + 0-0030 2818 2819 46 Leonis Minoris 4* ... 89-26 3 10 47 9-628 + 3-3629 0-0255 + 0-0053 2819 2820 Sextantis 7 3 90-18 3 10 47 I7-397 + 3-0270 + Q-OOII 0-0170 2820 2821 Hydra 8-7 91-88 3 10 47 33-307 + 2-9478 + 0-0059 2821 2822 Hydrse 7 2 82-58 3 10 47 43-814 + 2-9213 + 0-0075 0-0180 2822 2823 Sextantis 6-7 I 85-31 3 10 47 49-406 + 3-0604 O'OOII 2823 2824 Antliso 6-7 ... 10 47 54-39 2 + 2-7839 + 0-0142 2824 2825 Crateris 7 I 87-62 3 10 48 6-082 + 2-9630 + 0-0051 2825 2826 Hydra A 3 6-5 3 86-25 3 10 48 6-521 + 2-9260 + 0-0072 + 0-0038 2826 2827 Leonis 6 2 84-65 3 10 48 7-552 + 3-0614 O'OOII 2827 2828 Leonis 8-9 2 9 I- 95 3 10 48 26-051 + 3-0477 0-0002 2828 2829 Crateris 7 3 86-53 4 10 48 28-305 + 2-9864 + 0-0037 2829 2830 Hydras 8-9 i 92-59 3 10 4 8 45-937 + 2-9023 + 0-0088 + O-OO2O 2830 2831 Crateris 6-7 i 84-62 3 10 48 50-009 + 2-9769 + 0-0043 2831 2832 Crateris 8 91-94 3 10 49 13-802 + 3-0169 + 0-0019 2832 2833 Hydra 9 91-98 3 10 49 22-777 + 2-8901 + 0-0095 2833 2834 Hydra) 7 3 84-65 I 10 49 49-372 + 2-9252 + 0-0076 2834 2835 55 Leonis 6 2 83-19 3 10 50 2-776 + 3-0818 0-0025 + 0-0057 2835 2801. A slightly fainter star, Lalande 20818, follows 2", and is about 2' north. 2802. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is io> too small. 2803. The Declination of this star in Weisse's Bessel is wrong in sign. 2816. The limits of magnitude are 67 and 9-5 : the period is irregular. 2823. A star of the 8-9 magnitude has nearly the same R. A. and is about 35" south. 2824. The R. A. hns been supplied from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 127 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. t ft Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // m n i^, 1 o 00 G~ II K Lalande, 1800. Weisse'e Bessel, 1825. 1 o ~ flToo c " S - 03 0. Greenwich, 1880. No. 2791 88-89 3 log 10 54-70 + 18-877 + 0-135 20776 2791 2792 89-58 3 108 17 39-54 + 18-879 + 0-136 2792 2793 83-26 3 106 43 1-06 + 18-888 + 0-136 0-003 1496 155 20785 5947 2 793 2794 87-27 3 115 28 13-65 + 18-888 + 0-132 5948 2794 =795 92-49 3 73 56 5 I-I 9 + 18-892 + 0-148 2795 2796 9 I- 9S 3 113 58 8-89 + 18-899 + 0-132 2796 2797 92-49 3 73 55 7-78 + 18-901 + 0-148 - 2797 2798 86-32 3 104 40 53-41 + 18-909 + 0-135 20799 2798 2799 88-94 3 104 39 49-96 + 18-909 + 0-135 20801 2799 2800 88-53 4 I0 4 39 43-62 + 18-910 + 0-I 35 20801 2800 2801 92-67 5 101 35 6-64 + 18-923 + 0-136 20816 727 2801 2802 83-I5 3 91 22 4I'9O + 18-933 + 0-139 20823 733 2802 2803 84-29 3 98 31 4-72 + !8'945 + 0-136 + 0-006 1502 165 20835 747 5975 2803 2804 81-63 1.3 78 52 2I-36 + I8-945 + 0-143 + O'O2O 1500 162 20826 743 5974 1732 2804 2805 91-98 3 94 49 33-3 2 + 18-949 + 0-137 20837 749 2805 2806 90-16 3 93 26 33-08 + 18-952 + 0-137 0-021 1503 166 20839 752 5978 2806 2807 90-16 3 93 26 30-53 + 18-952 + 0-137 0-02 I 20839 2807 2808 83-65 3 '5 37 5'S 1 + 18-966 + 0-132 0-215 !504 |6 7 20853 5986 1734 2808 2809 89-85 3 99 16 12-22 + 18-967 + 0-134 20850 760 1735 2809 2810 92-21 3 96 53 57-64 + 18-974 + 0-134 20861 764 2810 2811 84 - 95 3 98 18 53-63 + 18-983 + 0-133 + 0-008 'SOS 169 771 5992 2811 2812 86-94 3 123 28 32-19 + 18 984 + 0-123 173 5993 2812 2813 85-30 3 9 2 3 33'39 + 19-003 + 0-134 20891 788 2813 2814 89-91 3 107 44 58-06 + 19-009 + 0-128 0-048 ISO? 176 20898 2814 2815 87-90 3 94 9 11-96 + 19-009 + 0-133 20895 796 2815 2816 86-95 3 110 39 59-54 + 19-024 + 0-126 20918 2816 2817 82-63 3 88 23 28-08 + 19-033 + 0-134 20919 817 1741 2817 2818 88-94 3 100 31 34-12 + 19-039 + 0-129 20928 820 2818 2819 82-86 8 55 31-24 + 19-049 + =145 + 0-246 r S09 181 20921 1743 2819 2820 90-18 3 96 !3 54-63 + 19-052 + 0-130 + 0-180 20945 829 2820 2821 91-88 3 1 06 41 40-90 + i9'S9 + 0-125 20954 2821 2822 82-58 3 no 2 8"og + 19-064 + 0-124 + 0-290 20959 2822 2823 85-31 3 91 40 3-87 + 19-066 + 0-130 20956 839 2823 2824 80-78 2 124 54 17-83 + 19-069 + 0-117 6016 2824 2825 87-62 3 104 51 33-3 + 19-074 + 0-125 20967 849 2825 2826 86-25 3 109 32 47-23 + 19-074 + 0-124 + 0-216 1513 183 20969 6021 2826 2827 84-65 3 91 32 40-45 + !9'75 + 0-130 20961 844 6019 '744 2827 2828 9 r '9S 3 93 27 19-76 + 19-083 + 0-128 20975 853 2828 2829 86-60 3 101 50 56-25 + 19-084 + 0-126 20976 855 2829 2830 9 2 -59 3 112 35 41-10 + 19-092 + 0-I2I + 0-1 80 20981 2830 2831 84-62 3 103 10 22-26 + 19-094 + 0-125 20978 858 2831 2832 91-94 3 97 47 34-95 + I9' I0 5 + 0-126 20988 867 2832 2833 91-98 a 114 13 27-63 + 19-109 + O'I2O 2833 2834 84-65 3 no 4 43-47 + 19-120 + 0-120 2IOII 2834 2835 83-19 3 88 40 35-85 + 19-126 + 0-127 0-008 IS'? 193 2IOO6 876 1748 2835 2808 is 2567 of the Radeliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2804, 2808, 2819, 2826, 2835, are respectively 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1065 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2820, 2822, 2830. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 128 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process, s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 2836 Crateris 8 ... 91-62 3 10 50 9-934 + 3-0377 + 0-0006 2836 2837 Leonis 8-7 i 91-94 3 10 51 3-233 + 3-0685 0-0015 2837 2838 Hydra 7-8 3 88-89 3 10 51 30-578 + 2-9179 + 0-0083 2838 2839 Leonis 7 3 87-26 4 10 51 30-717 + 3-0744 O'OOig 2839 2840 Hydra) 7-8 1 88-89 3 10 52 33-364 + 2-9203 + O-0084 2840 2841 Hydra 8 i 92-60 3 10 53 I4-J93 + 2-9046 + 0-0095 2841 2842 Leonis 7-8 4 86-62 ] 10 53 I8-536 + 3-045 1 + 0-0003 2842 2843 Crateris 7-8 i 82-27 1 10 53 32-418 + 2-9408 + 0-0073 2843 2844 Hydra 8 2 91-97 3 10 53 44-668 + 2-9134 + O'OOgO 2844 2845 Crateris 7-8 I 89-49 3 10 53 47-o 8 9 + 3-0071 + 0-0030 2845 2846 Crateris 6-7 I 8.V95 3 10 54 4-638 + 2-9655 + 0-0059 2846 3847 7 Crateris a 4-5 I 85-68 3 10 54 24-838 + 2-9520 + 0-0068 0-0343 2847 2848 Leonis 7 3 86-30 3 10 54 25-628 + 3-0535 O'OOO2 2848 2849 Crateris 6-7 2 83-94 3 10 54 43-375 + 2-9824 + 0-0049 2849 2850 Crateris 7-8 2 89-56 3 10 54 50-757 + 3-0138 + O-OO27 2850 2851 58 Leonis d 5 4 86-84 34 10 54 52-775 + 3-1001 0-0037 o-ooiS 2851 2852 Crateris E Var. 3 89-92 3 10 55 8-732 + 2-9531 + 0-0069 2852 2853 Crateris 7 2 89-57 3 10 55 14-815 + 2-9460 + 0-0073 2853 2854 Crateris 7-8 ... 91-96 3 10 55 22-281 + 2-9936 + 0-0042 2854 2855 Crateris 7-6 84-63 3 10 55 29-383 + 2-9716 + 0-0057 2855 2856 61 Leonis p l 5-6 2 87-66 3 10 56 12-902 + 3-0604 0-0007 + 0-O002 2856 285? 50 Urste Majoris ... a 2 I 86-24 5 10 56 56-238 + 3-7657 0-0815 0-0180 2857 2858 Crateris 7 I 8962 3 10 56 59-865 + 3-0124 + 0-003I 2858 2859 Leonis 7 2 85-60 3 10 57 1-003 + 3-0540 O'OOOO 2859 2860 Crateris 8-7 2 9I-57 3 10 57 3-654 + 2-9346 + 0-0084 2860 2861 Crateris 7-8 I 90-23 3 10 57 "744 + 3'0357 + 0-0014 2861 2862 Leonig 6-7 3 86-56 3 10 57 36-950 + 3-0715 0-0014 O'oooo 2862 2863 Crateris 6-5 90-20 3 10 57 44-704 + 3-0047 + 0-0037 2863 2864 Hydra 7 2 87-30 3 10 57 45-170 + 2-9054 + 0-0106 2864 2865 62 Leonis p 6 2 82-03 4 10 57 58-806 + 3-0762 0-0017 0-0071 2865 2866 Crateris 7-6 3 84-99 3 10 58 7-196 + 2-9912 + 0-0048 2866 2867 Crateris 7-8 i 91-29 3 10 58 16-736 + 3-0282 + O-OO2O 2867 2868 Crateris 8-7 6 87-63 3 10 58 25-016 + 3-0195 + O-0027 2868 2869 Crateris 7-6 2 90-26 3 10 58 29-684 + 2-9501 + 0-0077 2869 2870 Leonis 7-8 I 89-94 3 10 58 41-720 + 3-0683 o-ooi i 2870 2871 Leonis 7-8 91-97 3 10 59 7-193 + 3-0503 + 0-0004 2871 2872 3873 63 Leonis Y 5 5-6 5 i 86-29 86-23 28 3 10 59 20-572 ii o 1-692 + 3-1212 + 2-8986 0-0055 + 0-0116 0-0255 0-0173 2872 2873 Hydra x' 2874 Crateris 6-7 2 85-96 3 it o 2-688 + 3-0085 + 0-0037 2874 2875 Crateris 8-7 I 90-21 3 ii o 25-404 + 2-9487 + 0-0082 2875 2876 2877 2878 Hydra v 2 7-6 8-7 I 86-23 91-97 85'33 3 3 3 ii o 37"4 r 9 ii o 58-255 ii i 0-448 + 2-9003 + 2-9753 + 2-9950 + 0-0117 + 0-0064 + 0-0049 + 0-0006 2876 2877 2878 Crateris 7-8 3 2879 Crateris 7 90-23 I ii i 8-614 + 2-9451 + 0-0087 2879 2880 Crateris 7-6 2 83-28 3 ii i 11-488 + 2-9979 + 0-0048 2880 2842. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i too great. 2847. Red star. 2849. The magnitude assigned to this star in Lalande is 5^, anil in Weisse's Bessel 9. 2851. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i' too small. 2852. Very red star : preceded about 4" by a fainter star. The variability of this star must be very small. 2836. Reddish star. 2863. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is I too small. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STAKS, 1890, N.P.D. 129 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of . Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. 1 ft Precess. ir Sec. Var. Proper Motion . m ua r>. ! H 6 eg 1 K Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O ~co V OO r* > ~ t O - -J QJ l| Greenwich, 1880. No. 2836 91-62 3 94 57 47-4 + 19-129 + 0-125 21018 880 2836 2837 91-94 3 9 34 5"49 + 19'iS 3 + 0-124 893 2837 2838 88-89 3 in 26 46-69 + I9' l6 5 + 0-117 21049 2838 2839 87-26 4 8 9 43 24-24 + I9 p i 6 5 + 0-124 21045 93 2839 2840 88-89 3 in 25 58-78 + I9-I9 1 + 0-115 21078 2840 2841 92-60 3 113 36 42-27 + 19-208 + 0-113 2841 2842 86-62 3 94 5 22-76 + 19-210 + 0-119 21093 927 2842 2843 82-27 3 109 o 47-77 + 19-216 + 0-114 21 100 2843 2844 91-97 3 112 39 51-70 + 19-221 + 0-113 2844 2845 89-49 3 99 44 !0'53 + 19-222 + 0-117 936 2845 2846 83'9S 3 105 45 So-3o + i9'23 + 0-114 2IIIO 1755 2846 2847 85-68 3 107 42 46-55 + 19-238 + 0-113 0-157 1525 209 2II2O 6072 1756 2847 2848 86-30 3 92 52 58-55 + 19-238 + 0-117 2III6 948 2848 2849 83-94 3 i3 29 33-05 + '9-245 + 0-114 2II26 95i 1757 2849 2850 89-56 3 98 54 8-54 + 19-248 + 0-115 2II30 956 2850 2851 82-26 7 83 47 30-83 + 19-249 + 0-118 + 0-012 1526 210 2II25 95 2 6077 1758 2851 2852 89-92 3 10 7 44 4'93 + 19-256 + 0-II2 2852 2853 89-57 3 108 45 14-89 + 19-258 + 0-II2 2"45 2853 2854 91-96 3 101 58 7-06 + 19-261 + 0-II3 2II47 966 2854 2855 84-63 3 105 12 3-38 + 19-264 + 0-1 1 2 2II5O 969 2855 2856 87-66 3 91 53 33-09 + 19-282 + 0-II4 + Q-OIO '53 218 21164 979 6095 2856 2857 82-15 53 27 39 18-70 + 19-298 + 0-141 + 0-071 1528 2I 7 21156 1763 2857 2858 89-62 3 99 24 11-52 + 19-300 + 0-III 21189 992 2858 2859 85-60 3 92 55 I4- 3 + 19-301 + 0-II3 99i 2859 2860 tni 3 no 49 10-88 + I9'.32 + 0-108 2860 2861 90-23 3 95 48 6-47 + 19-305 + 0-1 1 2 21190 994 2861 2862 ' 86-56 3 90 9 24-62 + 19-315 + O- 1 1 2 + 0-120 225 21200 1 002 6lO3 2862 2863 90-20 3 100 42 29-39 + 19-318 + O-IO9 21203 989 1765 2863 2864 87-30 3 114 59 0-60 + 19-318 + 0-105 6106 2864 2865 82-03 4 8 9 2 4 30-74 + 19-323 + 0-II2 0-OI7 1533 227 21208 1007 1766 2865 2866 84-99 3 102 50 32-6l + 19-326 + 0-108 2I2I5 1013 2866 2867 91-29 3 97 5 36-26 + 19-330 + 0-109 2T22I 1015 2867 2868 87-63 3 98 29 19-53 + I9-333 + O-IO9 21225 IO2O 2868 2869 90-26 3 109 3 26-20 + I9-335 + 0-106 21228 2869 2870 89-94 3 90 41 6-71 + I9'340 + 0-110 232 21229 1027 2870 2871 91-97 3 93 37 30-24 + I9-350 + 0-109 21 238 I33 2871 2872 82-40 6 82 4 9-44 + I9-355 + 0-III + 0-O22 1535 236 21242 1036 6126 1769 2872 2873 83-60 3 116 41 59-29 + 19-37 + 0-IOI + 0-008 1536 237 21260 6139 1772 2873 2874 85-96 3 100 29 34-03 + I9-37 1 + 0-105 21257 1046 2874 2875 90-21 3 109 48 50-40 + I9-379 + 0-102 21269 2875 2876 83-60 3 116 41 36-19 + 19-384 + 0-100 + 0-008 1538 2 4 21278 6l 4 7 1774 2876 2877 91-97 3 105 56 9 60 + 19-391 + O-I02 21290 2877 2878 85-33 3 102 49 20-11 + I9'392 + 0-103 21289 2878 2879 90-23 3 no 34 21-69 + 19-396 + O'lOI 21298 2879 2880 83-28 1 102 24 22-02 + 19-396 + 0-103 21294 2880 2847, 2851, 2857, 2872, are respectively 2605, 2607, 2611, 2619 of the Badcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 2847, 2851, 2857, 2862, 2872, are respectively 1069, 1071, 1077, 1080, 1083 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 2862. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 130 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. ignitude. imber of timations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- imber of ervations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. VF.I-. Proper Motion. No. s ^ W tion. fc.d h. ill. s. 8. 8. B. 2881 Crateris 8-9 I 92-48 3 II I 28-608 + 2-92 94 + O-OO99 2881 2882 Hydra? 8-9 2 92-27 3 II I 34-983 + 2 -9255 + o-oioi 2882 2883 Crateris 8-7 3 85-65 3 II I 37-917 + 3-0164 + 0-0033 2883 2884 Crateris 8-7 4 89-67 5 II I 54-196 + 2-9841 + 0-0059 O'OIOO 2884 2885 Crateris 9-8 3 91-97 3 II I 57-886 + 2-9688 + 0-0071 2885 2886 Leonis 7-6 2 84-31 3 II 2 39-773 + .T0649 0-0005 2886 2887 Crateris 7 I 83-28 3 II 3 30-781 + 2-96I3 + o-ooSo 2887 2888 66 Leonis p* 7 4 8.V59 3 ii 3 36-720 + .V0683 0-0008 0-0030 2888 2889 Crateris 7-8 2 8532 3 ii 3 48-068 + 3-0089 + o 0043 2889 2890 Hydrao 6-5 I 88-86 3 n 4 36-097 + 2-87 4 3 + 0-0146 2890 2891 Crateris 7-6 2 85-26 3 ii 4 4i-i5i + 3-0345 + 0-0022 0-0180 2891 2892 Leonis 9-8 3 91-96 3 ii 4 59-830 + 3-0543 + 0-0006 2892 2893 Leonis 8-7 4 86-28 3 ii 5 4I-257 + 3-0457 + 00014 2893 2894 Leonis 8-9 i 9i'57 3 ii 5 47-388 + .V0624 O-OOO2 2894 2895 ii Crateris 3 5-4 2 86-32 3 ii 6 14-808 + 2-9455 + 0-0099 0-0018 2895 2896 Leonis 9-8 2 92-17 3 ii 6 17-160 + 3-0547 + o - ooo6 2896 2897 2898 2899 Crateris Crateris 8 8-7 I 89-63 91-90 85-67 3 3 3 ii 6 27-676 ii 6 39-617 ii 6 53-348 + 2-9626 + 3-0243 + 3-0209 + 0-0085 + 0-0034 + 0-0037 2897 2898 2899 Crateris 8 5 2900 Crateris 6-7 i 83-62 3 ii 7 2-936 + 2-9736 + 0-0078 2900 2901 Crateris 7 2 89-18 3 ii 7 9-058 + 2-9543 + 0-0094 2901 2902 Crateris 7 3 87-22 3 ii 7 I9-335 + 3-0003 + 0-0056 2902 2903 Crateris 7-8 i 89-28 3 ii 7 25-821 + 3-0069 + 0-0050 3903 2904 Leonis 7 2 87-12 3 ii 8 14-250 + 3-0875 0-0024 2904 2905 68 Leonis 8 2-3* ... 86-71 33 ii 8 15-527 + 3-l88l 0-0132 + O'OIO2 2905 2906 Crateris 7 I 8.r97 3 ii 8 16-456 + 2-9492 + o-oioi 2906 2907 Crateris 7 2 85-31 3 n 8 39025 + 3-0322 + 0-0029 2907 2908 Crateris 7 I 91-98 3 ii 8 41-844 + 2-9858 + 0-0071 2908 2909 Leonis 7 2 82-58 3 ii 8 59-816 + 3-0690 0-0006 2909 2910 Crateris 7-6 3 84-62 3 ii 9 50-532 + 2-9724 + 0-0085 2910 2911 Crateris 7-6 3 89-53 3 ii io 8-205 + 3-OII2 + 0-0051 2911 2912 Crateris 7-6 2 82-23 3 ii io 17-656 + 2-9544 + 0-0102 2912 2913 2914 Crateris 7-8 8-7 I 91-66 91-61 84-29 3 3 3 ii io 23-138 ii io 29-070 ii io 35-073 + 3-O2I8 + 3-0307 + 3-058I + 0-0042 + 0-0033 + 0-0007 2914 29 '5 Leonis 7-8 2 2916 Leonis 6-7 I 88-30 3 II II 0-069 + 3-0558 + 0-0009 2916 2917 2918 2919 74 Leonis < 5-4 8-g 2 90-20 3 3 3 II II 4-132 II II 8-404 II II 18-095 + 3-0574 + 3-0560 + 3-0027 + 0-0007 + 0-0009 + 0-0062 0-0083 2917 2918 2919 Crateris 8-7 I 2920 Crateris 6-7 2 85-00 3 II II 23-642 + 3-0403 + 0-0025 2920 2921 Crateris 8-9 I 92-22 3 II 12 39-043 + 2-9888 + 0-0077 2921 2922 Leonis 7-8 2 85-61 3 11 12 40-467 + .r05H + 0-0015 + 0-0510 2922 2923 Crateris 7-8 2 86-59 3 II 12 49-600 + 3^47 2 + 0-0020 2923 2924 Leonis 8-9 I 92-61 3 II 12 52-482 + 3-I266 0-0067 2924 2925 Leonis 8 I 92-61 3 II 13 7-900 + 3-I262 o-oo(>7 2925 2890. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes io ! , and is about 2' north. 2904. Lalande's N. P. D. is i' too great. 2911. Yellowish-red star. 2914. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is io 9 too great. 2920. A star of the 9 magnitude follows 4', and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 131 Mean o 5 8 8 OO a! _- No. Time of Observa- o Mean N.P.D. Preoess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ^ 00 1 "S a CC If ft .2 oo No. tion. g | , // H 3 . 1 n 8 03 5" Lalanile, I Soo. 1 Weiste's Bessel, 1825. 1 J s Mean ~ c No. Constellation. ts o g *! Time of 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. !> ij 3 -+ Observa- Motion. i X tion. *! h. m. s. 8. 8. 8. 3016 24 Crateris i 6-5 2 83-62 3 ii 33 4- 8 3i + 3-0375 + 0-0069 + 0-0044 3016 3017 Crateris 8 92-30 3 ii 33 11-143 + 3-0323 + 0-0078 3017 3018 Crateris 8-7 92-01 3 ii 33 13-611 + 3-0534 + O-O04O 3018 3019 Crateris 8 I 92-26 3 ii 33 22-155 + 3-0143 + Q-OIII 3019 3020 Crateris 7 I 83-7I 4 ii 33 28-917 + 3-0035 + 0-0131 + O'OO20 3020 3021 Crateris 8-7 3 88-33 3 ii 33 32-030 + 3-0283 + 0-0087 3021 3022 Crateris 7-6 3 85-31 3 ii 33 54-820 + 3-0386 + 0-0069 + 0-0030 3022 3023 Crateris 7-8 3 86-33 3 ii 34 4-020 + 3-0490 + 0-0050 3023 3024 Crateris 6 4 86-06 4 ii 34 16-607 + 3-0295 + 0-0087 3024 3025 Crateris 6-7 4 82-76 4 ii 34 17-009 + 3-0356 + 0-0076 3025 3026 Hydra 5-6 ... Si-57 3 ii 34 44-873 + 2-9728 + 0-0193 0-0045 3026 3027 Crateris 7-8 2 88-31 3 ii 35 0-649 + 3-0526 + 0-0045 3027 3028 92 Leonis 5* 89-29 3 ii 35 3-925 + 3-I3IO 0-0119 0-0049 3028 3029 Virginis 8-7 I 91-61 3 ii 35 14-809 + 3-0609 + 0-0029 3029 3030 Virginis 7-8 I 88-62 3 ii 35 17-848 + 3-0723 + 0-0005 3030 3031 Crateris 7-8 3 86-96 3 ii 35 35-579 + 3-0288 + 0-0093 3031 3032 Crateris 7 5 85-96 3 ii 36 10-218 + 3-0518 + 0-0049 3032 3033 Hydra 6-5 i 86-23 3 ii 36 14-197 + 2-9864 + 0-0180 0-0060 3033 3034 Crateris 8 i 92-29 3 ii 36 16-597 + 3-0166 + O-OI2I 3034 3035 3 Draconis 5-6' ... 89-68 3 ii 36 19-911 + 3-4028 O-O862 0-0063 3035 3036 Crateris 8-9 ... 92-03 3 ii 36 23-935 + 3-0256 + O-OIO4 3036 3037 Crateris 7 2 88-56 3 ii 36 25-824 + 3-0120 + 0-OI3I 3037 3038 Crateris 6-7 I S9-94 3 ii 36 30-255 + 3-0235 + O-OIO9 3038 3039 Crateris 8-9 4 8i-35 4 II 36 44-901 + 3-0422 + 0-007I 3039 3040 Virginis 7-8 ... 91-33 3 Ii 37 13-108 + 3-0657 + 0-0021 3040 3041 Crateris 7-8 7 86-53 4 ii 37 21-749 + 3-0528 + 0-0050 3041 3042 Crateris 7-6 2 83-29 3 ii 37 56-238 + 3-0394 + 0-0082 3042 3043 Virginis 6-7 2 82-64 3 ii 38 17-943 + 3-059I + 0-0038 343 3044 Crateris 7 5 85-30 3 ii 38 18-761 + 3-0536 + 0-005I 3044 3045 Crateris 8 ... 92-31 3 ii 38 21-734 + 3-0502 + 0-0058 3045 3046 Hydra 7 ... 88-77 4 ii 38 27-487 + 3-0026 + 0-OI65 3046 3047 Crateris 7 2 83-31 3 ii 38 50-483 + 3-0274 + O-OII2 3047 3048 Crateris 9 8 85-81 2 ii 38 54-051 + 3-0373 + 0-0090 3048 349 Virginis 8-9 i 92-30 3 ii 38 58-165 + 3-0708 + 0-001 1 3049 3050 27 Crateris 5-6 i 82-30 3 ii 39 11-249 + 3-0337 + 0-0100 + O'OOIO 3050 3051 Crateris 8-7 i 92-25 3 ii 39 54-341 + 3-0279 + 0-0118 3051 3052 3 Virginia v 4-5* ... 89-20 3 ii 40 12-378 + 3-0870 0-0030 0-0026 3052 3053 Crateris 8 i 92-01 3 ii 40 39-011 + 3-0497 + 0-0068 3053 3054 Crateris 7-8 2 87-97 3 ii 4 55-938 + 3-0233 + 0-0136 3054 3055 Crateris 8 I 92-61 3 ii 41 8-849 + 3-0350 + 0-0107 3055 3056 Virginis 8 92-01 3 ii 41 32-587 + 3-0639 + 0-0033 3056 3057 Crateris 7-6 3 87-92 3 ii 41 47-557 + 3-0385 + 0-0102 3057 3058 93 Leonis 4-5* 89-26 3 ii 42 18-690 + 3-III7 0-OI07 0-0123 3058 3059 Crateris 8-7 8 85-29 3 ii 42 33-77I + 3-0435 + 0-0092 3059 3060 Crateris 7-8 91-98 3 ii 42 40-717 + .V0578 + 0-0052 3060 3023. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 45" too small. 3024. Reddish star. Lalande's N.P.D. is i' too great. 3033. Red star. A star of the 9 magnitude follows 4', and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 137 us o Mean **r - us S, /J o Time hi M CO -* oo _oo 00 .2 . No. of "1 * Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. i roper Motion. 'Ef "O J^- 1 - oo No. Observa- a S3 ^ |> 91 02 a, tion. * o i n . H s a M 3 & 3016 83-62 3 102 35 46-18 + 19-915 + 0-043 0-128 1591 128 22077 545 6487 3016 3017 92-30 3 104 27 28-27 + 19-916 + 0-043 546 3017 3018 92-01 g 96 59 26-84 + 19-916 + 0-043 22078 547 3018 3019 92-26 3 " 33 52-30 + 19-918 + 0-042 22081 3019 3020 8371 4 "4 6 15-54 + 19-919 + 0-042 + 0-240 22083 6494 3020 3021 83-33 3 106 o 13-10 + 19-920 + 0-042 22085 3021 3022 85-31 3 102 34 13-55 + 19-923 + 0-042 + 0-140 - 130 22093 559 6497 3022 3023 86-33 3 98 51 23-11 + 19-925 + 0-042 22098 561 3023 3024 86-06 4 106 o 38-56 + 19-927 + 0-041 22104 3024 3025 82-76 4 103 51 3i-oo + 19-927 + 0-041 22IO2 563 1849 3025 3026 80-23 3 124 8 7-57 + 19-931 + 0-039 0-080 '594 133 6510 3026 3027 88-31 3 97 47 43-85 + I9-934 + 0-040 22II5 3027 3028 82-38 8 68 2 10-66 + 19-934 + 0-041 + 0-049 1592 134 22III 1850 3028 3029 91-61 3 94 35 17-12 + 19-936 + 0-040 22120 580 3029 3030 88-62 3 90 3 50-20 + 19-937 + 0-040 583 3030 3031 86-96 3 107 5 38-94 + 19-939 + 0-038 22128 3031 3032 85-96 3 98 28 4-14 + 1 9-945 + 0-038 22143 598 3032 3033 8 4-75 4 121 53 I9-57 + '9-945 + 0-037 o-ooo 1597 141 6529 1851 3033 3034 92-29 3 112 2 34-21 + 19-946 + 0-037 142 22147 3034 3035 83-62 3 22 38 46-52 + 19-946 + 0-043 0-033 !595 139 22134 1852 3035 3036 92-03 3 108 50 2-52 + 19-947 + 0-037 3036 3037 88-56 3 113 46 30-17 + !9'947 + 0-037 22150 6531 3037 3038 89-94 3 109 40 56-90 + 19-948 + 0-037 145 22153 6533 3038 3039 81-35 4 IO2 36 41-28 + !9'95 + 0-036 fno 3039 3040 3041 3042 9I-33 87-58 83-29 3 3 3 92 56 0-63 98 30 38-05 104 25 57-09 + r 9'955 + 19-960 + 0-036 + 0-035 + 0-034 22165 22167 22185 619 622 3040 3041 3042 3043 82-64 3 96 3 54-80 + 19-963 + 0-034 148 22190 635 6 S4 8 1854 3043 3044 85-30 3 9 8 31 1535 + 19-963 + 0-034 22193 636 3044 3045 3046 92-31 90-26 3 3 100 i 2-45 119 8 17-88 + I9-96 6 ! + 0-033 + 0-033 638 655! 3045 3046 3047 83-31 3 no 5 5-52 + 19-968 + 0-032 22203 3047 3048 85-81 2 1 06 o 4-65 + 19-968 + 0-032 3048 3049 92-30 3 90 46 27-03 + 19-969 + 0-032 22204 645 3049 3050 82-30 3 107 44 21-06 + ig-97 1 + 0-032 + 0-009 1598 150 22210 6555 1855 3050 3051 92-25 3 1 10 51 44-02 + 19-976 + 0-030 22233 3051 3052 89-20 3 82 51 13-92 + 19-978 + 0-030 + 0-165 1601 153 22242 668 1857 3052 3053 92-01 3 101 24 50-38 + 19-982 + 0-029 678 3053 3054 87-97 3 113 52 24-40 + 19-984 + 0-028 3054 3055 92-61 3 108 51 30-10 + 19-985 + 0-028 22266 3055 3056 92-01 3 94 34 9' 2 9 + 19-988 + 0-027 22277 3056 3057 87-92 3 107 46 4-97 + 19-990 + 0-027 22281 3057 3058 83-87 8 69 10 10-87 + I9-993 + 0-026 O'OI2 1603 159 22293 1862 3058 3059 85-29 3 105 56 10-42 + I9-995 + 0-025 22295 359 II 3060 91-98 3 98 15 46-95 + 19-996 + 0-025 708 3060 I 335> 305 2 ! are respectively 2733, 2742 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3016, 3033, 3052, are respectively 1121, 1124, 1130 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3020, 3022. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 138 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. Ij o c Mean 3 t..2 Time No. Constellation. 0) S .a a of 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. a 1 a.| Observa- J s Motion. g W tion. h. m. s. B. B. s. 3061 Crateris 7-6 2 82-25 3 II 42 47-702 + 3-0554 + 0-0060 0-0120 3061 3062 Virginis 8-7 3 92-01 I II 42 48-654 + 3-0679 + 0-0023 3062 3063 Crateris 7-8 I 90-15 3 II 42 54-314 + 3-03I3 + 0-0130 3063 3064 Crateris 6-7 3 81-35 3 ii 43 5-926 + 3-0484 + 0-008 1 3064 3065 Hydra: 6-5 ... 80-67 5 ii 43 11-718 + 3-0245 + 0-0151 3065 3066 Crateris 7-8 8 85-29 4 ii 43 17-166 + 3-0446 + 0-0094 3066 3067 94 Leonis /3 2* 84-16 37 ii 43 26-944 + 3-0987 0-0072 0-0356 3067 3068 Virginis 7 6 86-34 5 ii 43 33-878 + 3-0612 + 0-0045 3068 3069 Crateris 6-7 5 83-25 4 11 44 43-759 + 3-0482 + 0-0091 3069 3070 Virginis 8 91-99 3 ii 44 52-107 + 3-0639 + 0-0039 3070 3071 5 Virginis /3 4-3 i 85-59 33 i! 44 57'9 ! 7 + 3-0761 0-0002 + 0-0481 3071 307* Virginis 6-5 2 82-15 6 ii 45 24-774 + 3-0655 + 0-0035 3072 3073 Crateris 7-8 I 92-30 3 ii 45 25-748 + 3-0596 + 0-0056 373 3074 Crateris 7-8 I 90-27 3 ii 45 26-374 + 3-0533 + 0-0077 374 3075 Crateris 8-9 ... 92-27 3 ii 45 29-937 + 3-0567 + 0-0067 375 3076 Virginis 7 2 89-98 3 ii 45 33-77I + 3-0616 + 0-0049 3076 3077 Crateris 7-6 88-63 3 ii 45 47-127 + 3-0555 + 0-0072 377 3078 Crateris ... 7-8 ... 91-96 3 ii 45 57-695 + 3-041 1 + 0-0123 3078 3079 Crateris 8-9 ... 92-63 3 ii 46 5-391 + 3-0468 + 0-0104 3079 3080 Crateris 8-7 2 92-30 3 ii 46 36-922 + 3-0462 + O'OIIO 3080 3081 Crateris 8 I 92-63 3 ii 46 51-911 + 3-054 1 + 0-0082 3081 3082 Crateris 9-8 2 92-61 3 ii 47 I.V938 + 3-0396 + 0-0141 3082 3083 Crateris 7-8 4 85-66 3 ii 47 46-943 + 3-0521 + 0-0097 3083 3084 Hydra: 6-5 ... 86-26 3 ii 47 53H93 + 3-0341 + 0-0210 3084 3085 Crateris 7-8 2 88-34 3 ii 47 56-870 + 3-0530 + 0-0094 3085 3086 64 Ursa: Majoris ... -y 3-2 I 83-44 4 ii 48 2-521 + 3-1695 0-0430 + O'OOgS 3086 3087 Virginis 7-8 2 85-35 3 ii 48 14-487 + 3-0687 + 0-0028 3087 3088 Crateris 8 I 92-28 3 ii 48 58-066 + 3-0622 + O-OO6 1 3088 3089 Hydra 6-e. 8V29 a II 40 6*2.^ + VO427 + Q-OI40 3080 o y 3090 Crateris 8-9 I uj t,y 92'33 o 3 ffy w ,7^J ii 49 12-489 1 O v *t * 1 + 3-0459 + O-OI37 D y 3090 3091 Virginia 8-7 I 9I-34 3 ii 49 12-933 + 3-0716 + 0-OOI7 + O-OO7O 3091 3092 Virginis 7-8 4 85^4 5 ii 49 48-868 + 3-0678 + 0-0037 3092 3093 Corvi 7 2 82-33 i II 40 14-067 + 3-0460 + O'OI4! 3093 3094 Crateris 7-8 2 87-30 D 3 II 50 19-214 + 3-0502 + 0-OI30 3094 3095 30 Crateris rj 6* 82-25 3 II 50 24-552 + 3-0559 + O'OIOI 0-O060 395 3096 3097 Crateris Crateris 7-8 6 3 3 85-29 3 4 II 51 7-630 II 51 18-827 + 3-0633 + 3-0607 + 0-0067 + 0-0083 3096 3097 3098 Crateris 7 5 83-25 4 II 51 19-257 + 3-0622 + 0-0075 3098 3099 Virginis 7-6 4 8.V33 3 II 51 23-735 + 3-0688 + 0-0036 399 3100 3101 3102 3103 Hydras Crateris Virginis Crateris 7-6 8-7 7-6 7-8 i 3 81-92 89'59 86-31 3 3 3 3 II 51 28-444 II 51 41-369 II 52 8-540 II S 2 I5-523 + 3-0405 + 3-0530 + 3-0661 + 3-0575 + 0-0202 + 0-0133 + 0-0056 + O-OII3 3100 3101 3 I02 3103 3104 Virginis 7 i 82-55 3 II 52 30-030 + 3-0696 + 0-0035 3104 3105 Crateris 8 7 02-28 , jj j. 2 5K-8Q2, + 3-0618 + 0-OO92 , IOC y ' 3068. Reddish star. 3073. Lalande's N.P.D. is 2' too great. 3087. A fainter star, Lalande 22410, precedes 25', and is about 6'-3o" south. 39 2 . Lalande's N.P.D. is i' too great. 3101. Double star. The components are of the 8 and 8-9 magnitudes. Observed as one mass. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 139 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. // o U} i^ M 5? 1 o o CO I" K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O OO of co Sf I| Greenwich, 1880. No. 3061 82-25 3 99 4i 53-75 + I9-997 + 0-025 + 0-130 22302 711 3061 3062 92-01 3 9 2 37 38-63 + 19-997 + 0-025 710 3062 3<>3 90-15 3 112 28 46-83 + I9-997 + 0-024 22306 3063 3064 8i-35 3 i3 43 52-36 + T 9'999 + 0-024 715 3064 3065 80-60 6 116 8 17-02 + J 9'999 + 0-024 161 6592 3065 3066 85-29 3 10 5 59 !3'39 + 20-000 + 0-024 22310 3066 3067 82-36 i? 74 48 46-21 + 20-000 + 0-024 + 0-098 1605 163 22314 6593 1865 3067 3068 86-33 3 96 44 56-48 -f 20-001 + 0-023 725 3068 3069 83-25 4 105 15 8-64 + 2O-OO9 + 0-021 22339 3069 37 91-99 3 95 35 56'99 + 20-009 + O'O2I 744 3070 3071 83-46 7 8? 36 54-82 + 20-010 + 0-021 + 0-262 1606 166 22341 745 6605 1867 3071 37 2 82-11 5 94 43 16-58 + 2O-OI2 + 0-02O 167 22361 753 6610 1869 3072 3073 92-55 4 98 39 42-12 + 2O'OI 2 + O'O2O 22362 754 3073 374 90-27 3 102 4 2 41-77 + 20-012 + O-020 22363 755 3074 37S 92-27 3 ioo 35 44-36 + 20-013 + 0-02O 756 3075 3<>76 89-98 3 97 22 44-99 + 2O-OI3 + O-O2O 22364 758 3076 377 3078 3079 88-63 91-96 92-63 3 3 3 ioi 34 38-3 in i 26-23 i7 33 39-78 + 20-OI5 + 2O-OI6 + 20-016 + 0-019 + 0-019 + 0-018 22372 22374 3077 3078 379 3080 92-30 3 108 35 40-03 + 20-019 + 0-017 22383 3080 3081 92-63 3 103 31 0-29 + 20-020 + 0-017 22392 778 3081 3082 92-55 4 "3 Si 56-39 + 2O-O22 + 0-016 3082 3083 85-66 3 105 58 49-43 + 2O-O24 + 0-015 3083 3084 84-77 4 124 27 14-85 + 20-025 + 0-015 175 6628 3084 3085 88-34 3 105 30 7-85 + 20-025 + 0-015 789 3085 3086 82-73 6 35 4 1 36-27 + 2O-O26 + 0-016 0-008 1608 174 22411 1872 3086 3087 85-35 3 93 9 47-3I + 20-027 + 0-014 179 22423 796 6630 3087 I 3088 3089 92-28 83-29 3 3 99 6 7-84 115 6 14-50 + 20-030 + 2O-O3O + 0-013 + 0-013 22439 807 6638 1873 3088 3089 3090 9 J "33 3 112 56 16-52 + 20-03I + 0-012 3090 309 1 9i'34 3 90 49 46-73 + 20-03I + 0-013 + 0-290 182 810 3091 3092 85-67 3 94 31 19-09 + 20-033 + O'OII 1 88 22460 825 6645 3092 i 3093 82-33 3 114 14 49-43 + 20-034 + 0-OII 22462 6646 3093 3<>94 87-30 3 111 34 I7-59 + 20-035 + O'OIO 22475 3094 39S 82-25 3 106 32 18-51 + 20-035 + 0-010 0-016 1615 '93 22478 6649 395 3096 85-29 3 !o 6 33-58 + 20-038 + 0-009 22499 3096 3097 8i-35 4 103 8 13-90 + 20-039 + 0-008 22502 847 397 3098 83-25 4 101 29 41-59 + 20-039 + 0-008 22503 849 3098 399 83'33 3 94 I0 !3'43 + 20-039 + 0-008 22506 850 399 3100 80-94 3 122 42 IQ-O3 + 20-039 + 0-008 6654 310 3101 89'59 3 in 55 27-17 + 20-040 + 0-008 22513 3101 3102 84-33 3 97 56 12-93 + 20-04! + 0-007 22527 3102 3103 86-31 3 1 08 22 6-30 + 20-042 + 0-007 22530 3103 3104 82-55 3 93 45 36-63 + 20-043 + 0-006 22536 867 3it>4 3'5 92-28 3 104 30 11-52 + 20-043 + 0-005 22546 877 3ioS 3067, 3071, 3086, are respectively 2748, 2751, 2757 of the Radeliffe Catalogue, 1845. 1067, 3071, 3086, 3087, 3089, 3091, 3100, are respectively 1132, 1134, 1138, 1139, 1143, 1144, 1145 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3061, 3091. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 140 BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. o I 1J Mean Time of Observa- tion. ^_ to | I O Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. S. Sec. Var. S. Proper Motion. s. No. 3.IOO JIO? 3108 8-7 9f34 91-96 84-36 3 3 ii 53 23*256 ii 53 25-123 ii 53 3I-778 + 3-0684 + 0-0047 + 0*0140 + 0*0067 3106 3107 3108 Corvi 8-7 7-6 2 3 Virginis 3109 3111 Virginis Hydrse 7-8 7 91-96 85-28 3 3 ii 53 36-583 ii 53 55-488 ii 53 56-292 + 3-0707 + 3-0472 + 3-0717 + 0-0029 + 0-0219 + 0-0023 3109 3110 3111 Virginis 7 i 3112 3113 3"4 Crateris 8-7 8-9 6-7 6 2 3 2 92-63 92-61 85-68 3 3 3 3 ii 54 31-682 ii 54 50-913 ii 55 4-646 ii 55 5-638 + 3-0634 + 3-0592 + 3-0614 + 3-0676 + 0-OIOI + 0-0147 + 0-0132 + 0-0068 + 0-0070 3112 3H3 3"4 3"5 Corvi Virginis 3116 3"7 3118 31 Crateris 6-5 4-5 7-6 3 6 2 85-29 85-65 3 3 ii 55 13-604 ii 55 14-187 ii 55 23-840 + 3-0629 + 3-0760 + 3-0720 + 0*0119 O-O022 + O-OO22 0-0027 0-0028 3116 3"7 3"8 Virginis 3"9 3120 3121 3122 Crateris 9 7-8 8-7 5* I I 2 92-64 91-28 85-96 3 3 3 3 ii 55 24-401 ii 55 45-583 ii 55 45-73I ii 56 31-701 + 3-0638 + 3-0635 + 3-0631 + 3*0918 + 0-OII2 + 0-0125 + 0-OI30 0-0272 0-0294 3"9 3120 3121 3122 Corvi 67 Ursse Majoris 3"3 Crateris 8 92-29 3 ii 56 48-326 + 3-0688 + 0-0077 3^3 3"4 Virginis 6-7 I 82-28 3 ii 57 13-796 + 3-0705 + 0-0054 3124 3"5 Crateris 8 I 91-92 3 ii 57 28-497 +3-0683 + 0-0102 3125 3126 Virginis 7 3 83-28 3 ii 57 57-883 + 3-0715 + 0-0043 3126 3127 3128 Virginis Corvi 7 8-7 8-7 i 3 i 82-28 85-3I 91-29 3 3 3 ii 58 22-319 ii 58 38750 ii 59 23-5 12 + 3-0709 + 3-0696 + 3-0716 + 0-0069 + 0-OI29 + 0-0093 3127 3128 Crateris 313 9 Virginis 4 7 87-12 40 ii 59 36-366 + 3-0729 0-0030 0-0159 3130 3131 Virginis 7-6 2 83-35 3 ii 59 56-99I + 3-0725 + 0-0046 3131 3132 Virginis 8-7 2 83-3S 3 12 O 10-901 + 3-0726 + 0-0046 3132 3133 Virginis 7-6 I 84-33 3 12 O 21-889 + 3-0726 + 0-0032 3133 3134 Hydra: 7-6 ... 88-27 3 12 26-238 + 3-0741 + 0-0208 3134 3135 3136 3137 Crateris 7-6 7-6 7-8 3 3 85-34 82-37 86-34 3 3 4 12 I 9-502 12 I 22-997 12 I 33-534 + 3-0739 + 3-0760 + 3-0725 + 0-0082 + 0-0148 + O'OO2O 3135 3137 Virginis 3138 3HO 3HI Virginis 7-8 7 6-7 7-8 4 2 I 3 88-12 84-03 87-35 86-33 5 3 3 3 12 I 36-714 12 I 48-835 12 I 58-697 12 2 9-660 + 3-0735 + 3-0742 + 0-0052 + 0-OII5 + 0-0149 + O'Oo6l + 0-0040 3138 3140 Virginia 3M2 Virginis 7-8 91-67 3 12 2 34-099 + 3-0735 + 0-0039 3142 3'43 Virginis 8-9 i 92-01 3 12 2 41-122 + 3-0729 + O-0029 3143 3144 3HS 3U6 i Corvi a 4-3 7-8 8-7 i 2 82-51 88-32 91-99 3 3 3 12 2 44-326 1 2 3 4-361 12 3 43-059 + 3-0796 +3-0783 + 3-0772 + 0-0155 + O-OII7 + 0-0086 + 0-0045 3M4 3H5 3146 Crateris 3H7 3M9 3150 Crateris 7 8 7-8 6-7 3 3 4 88-02 85-92 80-33 3 3 5 i 12 3 47-I35 12 3 52-122 12 4 9-620 12 4 21-430 + 3-0809 + 3-0745 + 3-0897 + O'OOSO + 0-0133 + 0-0045 + O-O226 + 0-0190 3147 3H8 3M9 315 Virginis Hydrae 3109. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i m too great. 3110. The R.A. of this star has been supplied from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. 3H3- A star of the 9-10 magnitude follows. 3114. Reddish star. 3123. A star of equal magnitude, Lalande 22630, follows about 4", and is 2' south. 3130. Reddish star. 3147. Double star : the companion is of the 8-9 magnitude and follows. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 22803, follows this double about 3', and is slightly south. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 141 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o r ft Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion, W3 O I-*. IH 1 *N 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 o " ' -^ *~ 0> A a M 0} OO I tf *l Greenwich, 1880. No. 3106 91-34 3 96 2 30-90 + 20-045 + 0-004 22554 882 3106 3io7 91-96 3 112 48 0-84 + 20-045 + 0-004 22556 3107 3108 84-36 3 99 51 51-80 + 20-045 + 0-004 887 3108 3it>9 91-96 3 92 42 35-64 + 2'45 + 0-004 225S7 901 3 l 9 3110 80-21 I 124 4' 55-62 + 20-046 + 0-003 6681 3110 3"i 85-28 3 91 18 19-68 + 20-046 + 0-003 22562 895 3111 3112 92-63 3 105 58 19-71 + 20-047 + 0-OO2 - 22576 3"2 3' 13 92-61 3 "35 43-88 + 20-048 + 0-001 3U3 3"4 85-68 3 in 13 27-72 + 20-048 + 0-001 22586 3U4 3"5 84-37 3 99 49 8-79 + 20-048 + 0-001 + 0-468 22585 914 1881 3"5 3116 85-29 3 109 2 47-72 + 20-049 + O'OO I 0-033 l6l9 212 22591 6691 3116 3"7 83-12 13 82 46 19-39 + 20-049 + O'OOI + 0-017 1618 211 22590 919 6692 1882 3"7 3118 87-34 3 91 9 12-09 + 20-049 O'OOO 213 22594 925 3118 3H9 92-57 4 107 54 15-26 + 20-049 o-ooo 3"9 3120 92-31 3 no 3 0-77 + 20-050 O'OOO 22603 3120 3121 91-28 3 no 55 6-29 + 20-050 o-ooo 3121 3122 85-96 3 46 20 38-33 + 20-051 O'OO2 0-060 1621 217 22608 1885 3122 3123 92-29 3 101 19 16-74 + 20-051 0-002 22628 941 3"3 3"4 82-28 3 97 4 '7-30 + 20-052 0-003 22642 950 3124 3"S 91-92 3 105 5 37HO + 20-052 0-004 22648 3"S 3126 83-28 3 94 51 58-67 + 20-052 0-005 221 22656 960 3126 3127 82-28 a 99 41 2-36 + 20-053 0-005 22664 965 3"7 3128 85-31 3 no 25 33-86 + 20-053 0-006 225 22677 3128 3129 91-29 3 103 55 5-12 + 20-053 0-007 22691 984 3"9 313 85-44 7 80 39 21-46 + 20-053 0-008 0-049 1623 228 991 6736 1888 3 "3 3131 8.V3S 3 95 14 o-io + 20-053 0-009 22708 994 3131 3132 83-35 3 95 14 36-28 + 20-053 0-009 22710 995 3132 3133 84-33 3 92 31 5'93 + 20-053 0-009 230 22715 999 1890 3133 3134 86-95 3 122 20 34-68 + 20-053 0-009 6746 3134 3135 85-34 3 ioi 37 41-36 + 20-053 o-oi i 22734 1008 3I3S S'SS 82-37 3 113 9 17-40 + 20-053 o-oi i 234 22739 6756 3136 3137 86-34 4 90 i 2-49 + 20-053 0-012 22742 IOII 3'37 3138 88-12 5 96 9 12-59 + 20-053 0-012 237 22745 1014 3138 3139 84-03 3 107 34 44-81 + 20-053 0-012 22751 3139 314 87-35 3 113 21 2Z-24 + 20-052 0-013 + 0-260 22756 3HO 3MI 86-33 3 97 52 22-96 + 20-052 0-013 22769 1024 3Mi 3H 2 91-67 3 93 40 29-07 4- 20-052 0-014 22767 1030 3142 3M3 92-01 3 91 28 40-59 + 20-052 0-014 22774 1032 3M3 3M4 82-24 4 114 6 53-80 + 20-052 0-014 + 0-034 1624 241 22775 6768 1891 3144 3'45 88-32 3 107 49 23-23 + 20-051 0-015 22787 3145 3M6 91-99 3 102 19 37-30 + 20-050 0-016 22796 5 3146 3147 88-02 3 ioi 14 22-70 + 20-050 0-016 + 0-170 22798 7 3M7' 3H8 92-03 3 no 26 25-68 + 20-050 0-016 22804 3H8 3149 85-64 3 94 36 49-20 + 20-050 0-017 22811 i? 3M9 315 80-30 2 124 5 26-97 + 20-049 0-017 247 6777 315 3117, 3122, 3130, are respectively 2785, 2786, 2795 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3117, 3122, 3130, 3138, 3144, are respectively 1151, 1154, 1160, 1161, 1162 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3115. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 3140, 3147. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 142 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3i5i 3152 3IS3 3IS4 3155 3I5 6 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3i63 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 317 3i7> 3i" 2 3173 3174 3I7S 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3>85 3186 3187 3188 3189 319 3I9 1 3I9 2 3193 3194 3iy5 Corvi 7-6 4-3 8-7 7-6 7-8 6 7-6 7 7-6 2 I I I i 3 83-2S 85-81 92-33 89-58 91-61 82-23 84-33 90-00 89-97 87-30 92-02 87-99 92-32 86-65 87-08 91-30 89-83 91-61 82-35 87-35 83-28 86-33 81-30 84-86 84-71 84-36 89-24 87-67 83-31 85-36 8 9'59 83-30 88-66 92-01 86-10 82-36 83-63 92-27 86-30 86-30 91-04 91-68 9 I- 33 86-58 83-46 3 43 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 12 4 26-934 12 4 27-957 12 4 39-080 12 4 48-491 12 5 9-575 12 5 24-007 12 5 4.V585 12 5 44-092 12 5 44-161 12 6 0-646 12 6 1-346 12 6 38-581 12 6 50-374 12 7 2-227 12 7 3-870 12 7 17-432 12 7 53-891 12 8 36-122 12 8 37-358 12 9 2-992 12 9 18-568 12 9 22-137 12 9 24-148 12 9 28-684 12 9 29-326 12 9 30-823 12 9 50-427 12 9 55-696 12 9 58735 12 10 0-585 12 IO 4-912 12 10 8-882 12 10 9-835 12 10 38-068 12 10 43-344 12 II 22-923 12 12 13-366 12 12 25-246 12 12 30-511 12 12 30-850 12 12 32-714 12 12 41-438 12 12 44-771 12 12 55-160 12 13 1-871 + 3-0804 + 3-0830 + 3-0819 + 3-0760 + 3-0772 + 3-0859 + 3-0737 + 3-0743 + 3-0822 + 3-0928 + 3-0787 + 3-0861 + 3-0831 + 2-8752 + 3-0738 + 3-0817 + 3-1026 + 3-0893 + 3-0770 + 3-0962 + 3-0925 + 3- 732 + 3-1024 + 3-0789 + 3-0789 + 3-0820 + 3-0862 + 3-0935 + 2-9806 + 3-0824 + 3-097 1 + 3-0905 + 3-0864 + 3-0753 + 3-0782 + 3-0916 + 3-I033 + 3-0740 + 3-0768 + 3-0768 + 3-0995 + 3-0923 + 3-0998 + 3-0910 + 3-0727 + 0-OII3 + 0-0143 + O-OI26 + 0-0060 + 0-0068 + 0-0150 + 0-0033 + 0-0039 + Q-OUO + 0-0197 + 0-0076 + 0-0128 + O-OIO2 0-1225 + 0-0033 + 0-0088 + O-O222 + 0-0125 + 0-005I + O-Ol6o + 0-OI36 + 0-0028 + 0-OI90 + 0-0059 + 0-0059 + 0-0076 + 0-0097 + 0-0134 0-0418 + 0-0076 + 0-0152 + 0-01 16 + 0-0095 + 0-0039 + 0-0052 + 0-0113 + 0-0157 + 0-0032 + 0-0043 + 0-0043 + 0-0138 + 0-0107 + 0-0138 + Q-OIOI + 0-0027 0-0059 0-0050 + 0-0013 0-0210 O'O2IO + 0-0068 + 0-0133 0-0123 O'OOOI 3151 3152 3 J 53 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 .V59 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 317 3171 3172 3i73 3174 3i/5 3i/6 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3i89 3190 3'9 3192 3 '93 3i94 3i95 2 Corvi Virginia Virginia Virginis Virginia Hydra Virginis Corvi 8-7 7-8 7-8 8-9 5-4* 7 8-7 6-7 8-9 7-6 7-8 6 7-8 6-7 8-9 8 6 7-8 7 3-4* 8-7 6-7 3-2 7 8-7 7-8 6-7 7 8-9 7 7-6 7-8 8 7 i 3 i 5 i 3 2 3 3 i 3 3 5 i 2 4 i i i i 1 2 ' 3 3 i Draconis Virginia Crateris Hydrae Virginia Corvi Corvi Virginis . . . Virginis Virginis Virginis Corvi 69 Ursse Majoris ... S Virgiuis 4 Corvi y Corvi Virginis Virginis Corvi Corvi Virginis Virginis Virginis Corvi 8-7 8-7 6 7 2 2 Corvi I ^ Virginis 3152. Reddish star. 3^55- A star of the 8-9 magnitude, Lalande 22839, precedes 7 s , and is south. 3162. A star of the same magnitude, Lalande 22875, precedes about 30*, and is south. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 143 Mean s| fi 6 o 8 O _ jq - 1 No. Time of 53 -J Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var Proper H oo oT 1- 4) GO O n '? C 00 No. Observa- 1 Motion. JS g 'fl "& J (X) CO &, p, -"" tion. *0 / II 1 B 1 a "1 6 3151 83-25 3 106 55 25-23 4- 20-049 0-017 22816 3151 3152 82-08 16 112 o 27-35 -f- 20-049 0-017 O-O2I 1626 248 22817 6778 1893 3152 3153 92-33 3 109 9 28-27 + 20-049 0-018 3153 3154 89-58 3 97 9 44-59 + 20-048 0-018 22833 27 3154 3155 91-61 3 98 47 i-33 4- 20-048 0-019 22841 33 3I5S 3156 82-23 a 112 59 22-37 + 20-047 0-019 4-0-OO2 1629 4 22850 6789 1897 3156 3157 84-33 3 9 2 5 4*55 + 20-047 0-020 - 45 3157 3158 90-00 3 93 9 53-90 + 20-047 0020 22862 46 3158 3159 89-97 3 106 10 38-50 + 20-047 O-O2O 22863 3159 3160 90-30 I 119 59 28-56 + 20-046 O-O2O 5 6794 3160 3161 92-02 3 99 57 29-89 4- 20-046 0-020 3161 3162 87-99 3 109 15 39-12 + 20-045 O-O22 22882 3162 3163 92-32 3 104 50 45-19 + 20-044 0-022 67 3163 3164 80-26 6 ii 46 20-70 + 20-044 0-022 0-025 1634 10 1901 3164 3165 87-57 3 9 1 5 1 33-73 + 20-043 O'O22 22896 3165 3i 66 91-30 3 102 10 41-44 + 20-043 0-023 22900 73 3166 3167 86-67 3 123 10 49-13 4- 20-041 0-O24 6810 3167 3168 91-61 3 108 32 32-16 + 20-039 O-O26 3168 3169 82-35 6 95 6 30-77 + 20-039 0-026 7 22935 94 3169 3170 87-35 3 114 9 44-05 + 20-037 0-026 2294? 3170 3i7i 83-28 4 1 10 13 56-76 + 20-036 0-027 18 22950 3i7i 3172 86-33 4 90 42 53-29 + 20-036 O-O27 22945 103 3172 3173 81-30 3 118 37 29-04 + 20-036 0-027 6825 3'73 3174 84-86 4 96 38 36-79 + 20-036 O-O27 + 0-050 22955 105 3174 3175 84-71 3 96 38 38-08 + 20-036 O-O27 + 0-050 22956 1 06 3175 3176 84-36 3 99 40 11-62 + 20-036 O-O27 + 0-986 22954 107 1902 3176 3177 89-24 a 103 27 37-26 + 20-035 0-028 21 22961 no 3177 3178 87-67 3 '09 55 6-96 + 20-034 O-O28 22967 3178 3 '79 83-3I 3 32 21 20-48 + 20-034 0-028 O-004 1637 22 '905 3179 3180 85-36 3 99 39 40-54 + 20-034 0-028 22969 114 1906 3180 3181 89-59 3 "2 44 27-57 + 20-034 0-029 22971 3181 3182 83-30 3 106 55 51-07 + 20-034 0-029 0-034 1638 24 22974 6828 1907 3182 3183 88-66 3 103 12 18-46 + 20-033 0-029 25 22976 116 3183 3184 92-01 3 92 37 19-20 4- 20-03 1 0-029 22991 126 3184 3185 85-95 3 95 "4 i '47 + 20-031 0-030 129 3185 3186 82-36 4 106 4 56-57 4- 20-029 0-03 1 23006 1914 3186 3187 83-63 3 113 24 7-88 + 20-024 0-033 23027 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 92-27 86-30 86-30 91-04 3 3 3 3 91 12 46-51 93 20 37-11 93 20 17-92 no 13 48-63 + 20-023 + 20-023 + 20-023 + 20-023 0-033 0-033 0-033 0-033 32 33 23034 23035 23038 23041 157 158 1916 1917 3188 3189 3^0 3 r 9i 3192 91-68 3 104 58 58-35 + 20-022 0-034 23042 3192 3193 9!'33 3 no ii 54-19 + 20-022 0-034 3046 3193 3194 86-58 3 103 47 46-16 + 2O'O2I 0-03 4 23049 165 3 J 94 3195 83-46 4 90 10 31-25 4- 2O'O2 I 0-034 4- 0-029 643 38 23052 167 919 3195 3 J 64, 3 I 79> 3'82, 3195, are respectively 2813, 2819, 2820, 2829 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3!52, 3164, 3169, 3179, 3182, 3195, are respectively 1164, 1167, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1175 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3 I 74> 3 J 75- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3176. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 144 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. h. ro. s. Precess. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. I No. 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3 2 3 3204 33S 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3"4 3215 3216 3217 3218 3"9 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3 2 3 32.V 3232 3 3 33 3 2 34 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 14 Virginia Corvi E 7 Var. 7 4-3 6* 6-7 5-6 6-5 8-7 8-9 7 7 7-6 6-7 7-8 6 7-6 6-5 7-8 8-9 8 7-8 7-8 6-7 6-5 9-8 7-8 8-9 7-8 8 6-5 7~ 8 8 8 4-5* 7-8 8-7 I I I 3 3 3 3 I 2 2 3 I I I 2 2 I 3 i 2 2 2 2 I 3 i 3 82-97 89-32 84-48 86-12 86-68 89-34 84'3i 84-35 92-01 92-00 82-37 Si-33 83-26 83-35 90-04 81-14 83-99 84-77 90-31 91-66 85-33 88-99 86-27 84-35 92-28 93-29 92-03 85'37 91-70 82-32 85-33 92-33 91-96 83-63 86-33 92-32 87-01 82-33 92-02 83-19 88-60 81-60 88-68 86-59 3 3 7 40 3 1 4 3 3 3 a 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 ] 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 | 3 6 3 3 3 3 12 13 40-497 12 13 56-024 12 14 12-039 12 14 16-684 12 14 23-573 12 14 29-035 12 I 4 51-751 12 15 I4'93 12 15 28-184 12 16 10-812 12 16 36-588 12 17 16-528 12 17 30-064 12 I? 36-015 12 17 36-337 12 I? 37-527 12 I? 38-447 12 17 48-169 12 I? 48-414 12 I? 54-124 12 I? 56-209 12 18 10-268 12 18 19-790 12 19 31-170 12 19 34-038 12 19 40-091 12 19 46-039 12 19 54-361 12 20 18-537 12 20 50-276 12 21 3-640 12 21 8'IOg 12 21 19-080 12 21 20-842 12 21 27-392 12 21 3I-484 12 21 46-784 12 21 55-048 12 22 6-786 12 22 IO-I5I 12 22 I2-977 12 22 13-655 12 22 16-849 12 22 19-645 12 23 3I-I76 + 3-0841 + 3-0999 + 3-1131 + 3'0726 + 2-9739 + 3-1059 + 3-1068 + 3-0930 + 3-0898 + 3-1028 + 3-0983 + 3-II79 + 3-0845 + 3-0803 + 3-0890 + 3-1187 + 3-0928 + 3-I446 + 3-0825 + 3-1026 + 3-1095 + 3-1082 + 3-1092 + 3-0946 + 3-I5 11 + .ro734 + 3-1116 + 3-1198 + 3-1028 + 3-1009 + 3-I498 + 3-0832 + 3-1221 + 3-0789 + 3-0036 + 3-1128 + 3-1202 + 3-1296 + 3-1095 + 3'0942 + 3-0816 + 3-1146 + 3-0909 + 3-1045 + 3-0769 + 0-0071 + 0-0130 + 0-0177 + 0-0027 0-0301 + 0-0147 + 0-0148 + 0-0097 + 0-0086 + 0-0126 + 0-0109 + 0-0167 + 0-0064 + 0-0052 + 0-0077 + 0-0167 + 0-0088 + 0-0245 + 0-0058 + 0-0117 + 0-0137 + 0-0131 + 0-0135 + 0-0088 + 0-0244 + 0-0032 + 0-0133 + 0-0155 + o-o 1 08 + 0-OIOI + 0-0227 + 0-0057 + 0-0154 + 0-0046 0-0125 + 0-0129 + 0-0147 + 0-0170 + 0-0119 + 0-0082 + 0-0053 + 0-0131 + 0-0074 + 0-0106 + 0-0041 + 0-0021 0-0056 + O'OOIO 0-0076 0-0090 0-0027 0-0081 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 32IS 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 15 Virginia f] 3 Canum Venaticorum... 5 Corvi Corvi Virginis Corvi .. . ... Corvi Virginis Virginis Virginis 6 Corvi Virginis Virginis Corvi Virginis Centauri K" Virginis Corvi Corvi . Hydra Virginis Corvi Virginis I x. Com&e v Corvi Corvi 7-8 7 8 6 7-8 3 i i i Corvi Virginis Virginis Corvi Virginis Corvi 7-6 7-6 7 2 2 Virginis 3197. The limits of magnitude are 6-8 and below II -5 : the period is 317 days. 3204. A wide double, 2 1635 : the northern and brighter star has been observed. 3219. The magnitudes assigned to this star in Lalande are 5-6 and 7, and in Weisse's Bessel 9. 3220. The R.A. has been supplied from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 145 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ua tr> t*, CH | 1 8 00 1 & Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O -CO 3245 3 2 5. 3253. 3259. 3263, 3265, 3275, are respectively 1193, 1194, 1196, 1197, 1200, 1201, 1204, 1205, 1208, 1214 of the Radclitfe Catalogue, 1860. 3 2 44> 3 2 77> 3 2 79- T' le Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 148 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Precess. S. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3286 26 Virginia x 5 2 82-77 4 12 33 34-050 + 3-0978 + 0-0077 0-0069 3286 3287 Virginia 7-6 7 83-69 3 12 33 50-205 + 3-0914 + 0-0067 3287 3288 Virginia 8-7 i 9 I- 33 3 12 34 14-693 + 3-0811 + 0-005I 3288 3289 320,0 Virginia 7-6 8-7 1 82-26 88-65 3 3 12 34 52-259 11 34. -*Q*l-42 + 3-1211 4- VIOO5 + 0-OII2 + 0*0080 3289 32OO *)~y~ 3291 Virginia 8-7 i \j\j wj 91-62 O a OT 3y st" 12 35 27-052 1^ O * WW + 3-1038 + 0-0084 ^.fiyu 3291 3292 Virginia 6 2 84-38 3 12 35 33-032 + 3-1179 + 0-0106 0-0120 3292 3 2 93 22Q4. Virginia 6 8 2 I 84-38 89-66 3 12 35 33-383 12 -* * U *O + 3-0546 + 0-O02I 0*0030 OO 3327 3328 3329 Hydra: 6 6* 8 1 -08 88-37 4 3 12 4 2 34-485 12 43 4-460 + 3-1983 + 2-4726 + 0-0203 0-0385 o-oooo 3328 3329 333 Corvi 8-7 I \> 4 02-27 3 12 43 11-273 1 Ti + 3-I769 + 0-0172 3330 * / y i 3287. Reddish a tar. SS 2 ?- Reddish star RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 149 No. Mean Time of Observa- .imber of iervations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. *3 o' & 8 CO sT ^3 ft if o .00 oToo 12 32 o. 4 leg i- No. tion. g o r if /, 2 1 1 1 O o 3286 82-77 4 97 23 23-43 + 19-838 0-074 + 0-O2I 1694 I4 6 23634 527 1976 3286 3287 83-69 3 95 29 44-18 + I9-835 0-075 IS 2 23649 532 3287 3288 9 I- 33 3 92 27 41-05 + 19-829 0-075 23655 537 3288 3289 82-26 3 103 29 44-07 + 19-821 0-078 23659 547 3289 3290 8865 3 97 50 23-66 + 19-820 - 0-077 23664 549 3290 3291 91-62 3 98 38 29-58 + 19-814 0-078 329 1 3292 84-38 3 IO2 24 36-62 + 19-812 0-079 O'OJO _ 23675 559 1980 3292 3293 84-38 3 102 2 4 39-99 + 19-812 0-079 0'O2O 23676 560 1981 3293 3294 89-66 3 no o 46-39 + 19-810 0-080 23677 3294 3295 83-66 3 109 9 20-14 + 19-805 0-080 23683 3295 3296 8i-37 ii 9 5 42-43 + 19-805 0-079 0-015 1698 157 23687 568 7027 1982 3296 3297 81-29 12 90 50 47-70 + 19-805 0-079 0-015 1699 158 23687 568 7028 1983 3297 3298 85-95 3 96 53 42-09 + 19-802 0-080 + 0-028 1700 159 23691 570 1984 3298 3299 83-75 5 79 9 29-30 + 19-802 0-078 + 0-088 1701 1 60 575 7030 1985 3299 3300 8S-38 3 104 28 41-58 + "9799 0-08 1 23702 577 33oo 3301 85-3I 3 104 38 2-30 + I9-797 0-08 1 23704 581 3301 3302 86-35 3 114 23 13-64 + I9-787 0-084 237 r 3 7037 3302 3303 86-30 3 103 15 20-90 + 19-781 0-083 23726 600 1987 3303 3304 85-20 3 90 5 8 !T35 + 19-778 0-083 23732 603 3304 3305 84-32 3 101 24 38-13 + I9-777 0-084 23733 606 3305 336 92-33 a 99 9 54'49 + 19777 0-084 23737 608 336 3307 83-69 3 7 43 n-45 + I9-776 0-086 1 68 7043 1988 337 3308 82-39 4 102 32 19-85 + '9775 0-084 610 3308 3309 85-35 3 92 14 22-68 + 1977 0-084 170 23744 619 3309 331 87-01 3 107 10 29-14 + 19-764 0-086 23753 331 33H 92-01 3 105 26 28-79 + '9759 0-087 23759 33" 33" 92-32 3 97 55 4 6> 4 + "9759 0-086 23760 630 3312 3313 84-03 3 46 16 16-01 + I9-758 0-080 2377 1 3313 33H 83-29 2 93 16 54-28 + t9754 0-086 23767 635 3314 3315 83-31 3 93 17 10-22 + '9-754 0-086 23768 636 335 33i6 92-33 3 109 32 36-71 + 19752 0-088 23769 33i6 3317 87-96 3 94 12 33-14 + r 975i 0-087 23781 642 3317 33i8 89-25 3 in 9 58-01 + 19-747 0-089 23783 33i8 3319 92-33 3 i3 34 57'22 + 19-741 0-089 3319 3320 87-01 3 101 12 43-72 + 19-736 0-089 0-030 23806 656 3320 3321 87-05 3 122 42 46-99 + 19-736 0-092 7058 332i 3322 84-91 5 72 49 !7'4i + !973i 0-087 177 23818 1993 3322 3323 92-16 6 98 36 46-58 + 19-727 0-090 23821 668 3323 3324 89-32 3 108 24 11-35 + !9724 0-091 23823 3324 3325 84-39 3 95 4 1 57-98 + 19-719 0-091 183 23839 678 1995 3325 3326 87-00 1 114 15 6-94 + 19-717 0-093 23844 7066 3326 3327 83-06 9 85 49 35-43 + 19-713 0-090 + O'OO6 1708 184 23854 682 7068 1996 3327 3328 80-94 5 116 59 41-14 + 19-708 0-094 7072 1997 3328 3329 85-15 5 22 36 32-90 + 19-700 0-076 + O'O04 1713 190 1999 3329 333 92-27 3 112 38 19-72 + 19-698 0-095 333 3286, 3296, 3297, 3313, 3329, are respectively 2892, 2898, 2899, 2908, 2915 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3286, 3296, 3297, 3298, 3327, 3329, are respectively 1217, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1229, 1230 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3292, 3293, 3320. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 150 RADCLIFFK CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. 0) *S cl Mean g No. Constellation. -d 3 :| ^1 Time of o J5 If Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. a. 1 Observa- ll otion. 1 "I tion. *l h. m. a. 8. 8. 8. 3331 Virginis 7-8 ... 90-98 3 12 43 17-894 + 3'II06 + 0-008 9 3331 3332 Virginis 6-7 2 82-28 3 12 43 59-268 + 3-I422 + 0-OI26 333 2 3333 Virginis 7 4 85-36 3 12 44 1-104 + 3-I384 + O-OI22 3333 3334 Virginis 7 3 83-38 3 12 44 25-043 + 3-I043 + 0-008 1 0-0150 3334 3331; 6-s 81-12 A 12 44 42*941 + 3-2434 + O-O257 333-; oooo 3336 Virginis 7 i *" ;>" 9 I- 37 T^ 3 12 44 43*584 + 3-I297 + 0-OIII OODO 3336 3337 Virginis 9-10 i 92-03 3 12 44 45-135 + 3-0780 + 0*0050 3337 3338 Virginis 8-9 i 92-35 3 12 45 4-401 + 3-0867 + 0-0060 3338 3339 Virginis 8 i 92-32 3 12 45 5-43I + 3-0732 + 0-0045 0-0030 3339 3340 q-8 i , a 12 45 10*878 + 3*I7II + 0-0161 3.3.J.O OOT* 334.1 y 8 2 92*01 o 3 12 AC. 3V**O7 + 3-1498 + 0*0133 OO-T W 3 341 OOT* 3342 Virginis 6-7 I 84-28 O 3 *rO DO ii i 12 45 39H99 + 3-II79 + 0-0096 OO-T 1 3342 32 4.3 6 7 Si-,-68 3 12 46 4.-Q87 + 3-2O35 + 0*0200 3 3.43 OuT^O 3344 31 Comte 5-6 2 "0 "" 85-04 19 V T y i 12 46 20-469 + 2-9289 0-0097 0-0027 OOTJ 3344 3345 Virginis 8-9 92-29 3 12 46 31-424 + 3-0984 + 0*0073 3345 3 34.6 7" I OO"I2 3 12 4.6 42--7O3 + r 1 84.8 4- o'OI74. 3 346 DOT 1 " 3347 Virginis 8-7 3 85-32 O 3 * f-" *f-* / W O 12 47 23-166 -| J J.Vy4f.U + 3-I428 i *"**(^ + 0*0123 oo4 u 3347 0^48 8 a 86-n 3 12 47 24-031 + ri6i2 + 0-0145 + 0*0200 3348 OOT^ 3349 38 Virginis 6-7 B 4 u oo 84-13 5 12 47 33-180 + 3-0867 + O*Oo6o 0*0174 O JT 3349 3350 39 Virginis 7 i 87*29 3 12 47 53-755 + 3-1138 + 0*0090 335 3351 Virginis 8 92-34 3 12 47 54-332 + 3-1077 + 0*0084 3351 335 2 Virginis 7-6 3 85-25 3 12 47 57-624 + 3-0901 + 0*0065 3352 33 C 3 i 88-8R 2 12 48 II-Q6Q + 3-1602 + 0-014! 3-3 C 3 OJ3J 3354 Virginis 7-6 i ULJ \J^ 86-32 3 - ^** * y^y 12 48 35-073 + 0-0105 OOO*9 33S4 Hi* 40 Virginis \j/ 1* 81-84 7 12 48 37*8l8 + vii68 + 0-0093 0*0035 33 CC 0000 33 z6 3 7 6 2 12 48 40*386 + S' 1 ? 2 .^ + o"oi "i*- 900B 33 sfi OOO V 3357 Hydne / ** 7 2 88-30 3 12 49 17*483 + 3-2017 v DS + O*Ol89 Ou3 v ' 3357 3358 Virginis 7-8 89-38 3 12 49 21-192 + 3-1377 + 0*0116 3358 3359 Hydras 7-6 ... 81-68 3 12 49 34-996 + 3-2347 + 0-0228 3359 33 6 o 43 Virginis B 3-4 I 85-I5 37 12 50 3-761 + 3-0523 + 0-0027 0-0336 3,3^60 3361 Virginis 6-7 2 84*37 3 12 50 6*124 + .VI487 + 0*0126 3 'jOl 3362 Virginis 8 2 9I-6l 3 12 50 19-210 + 3-I576 + 0-0136 3362 3.3,6? 7-8 2 QI-6Q 3 12 50 28023 + 3' J 733 + 0-0153 33.63, DO O 3364 Virginis t 7 3 y y 83-34 3 12 50 34-58* + 3-0943 + 0-0069 Ou O 3364 3365 Virginis 7 2 87*01 3 12 5 39'S 1 ? + 3-I475 + 0-0124 3365 3366 Virginis 7-6 I 85-36 3 12 50 47*855 + 3-0743 + 0-0049 3366 3367 1 2 Canum Venaticorum a 3* ... 86*88 3 12 50 53^43 + 2-8349 0-0151 0*0220 3367 68 7-8 I 86-98 3 12 51 18-606 + 3-1899 + 0-0170 3368 oo 3369 Virginis / 7-6 I ** y 89-07 3 12 51 27-468 + 3-1329 + 0-0108 d*J 33 6 9 3370 Virginis 7 1 84-38 3 12 51 35-629 + 3*1161 + 0-0091 337 3371 Hydree 7-6 2 88-66 3 12 5! 41-064 + 3*1942 + 0-0174 3371 3372 Canum Venaticorum... 6* 83-33 3 12 52 6-580 + 2-7518 0-0196 3372 3373 Virginis 7 3 83-34 3 12 52 17-613 + 3' I 5 I + 0-0126 3373 3374 Hydras 7 I 89-69 3 12 52 17*916 + 3-I975 + 0-0177 3374 3375 Virginis 7 ... 89-05 3 12 52 53*8o6 + 3*1066 + 0-0081 3375 3353- A star of the 8 magnitude, Lalande 24020, precedes i'-5. 3357- Reddish-yellow star. 3360. Reddish star. 3364. Close double ; the companion, of the 9-8 magnitude, follows, and is south. 3369. Reddish star. 337 2 - Lalande's N. P. D. is about 10" too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.B. 151 Mean *j r*. o 8 ITS _ ^EO QQ pCf Time oo ^H 4> M B No. of Observa- P I I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. JP H3 T 73 g J_T ? o, 3367, are respectively 1232, 1238, 1239, 1243, 1246 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3334, 3339- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3348. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 352 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3376 3377 3378 3379 Virginia Corvi 7 7 7-8 2 2 83-38 84-34 91-66 91-68 3 3 3 3 12 53 0-126 12 53 5'69 r 12 53 18-578 12 53 2 733 + 3-0849 + 3-1900 + 3-1022 + 3-0805 + 0-0060 + 0-0167 + 0-0076 + 0-0056 3376 3377 3378 3379 Virginis 8 I 338o 338i 3382 3383 3384 3385 Virginia 8-7 7-8 6 8-7 I 3 4 91-63 85-30 84-59 86-37 81-32 92-02 3 3 4 4 4 3 i 2 53 23-543 12 53 5'o63 12 53 59-494 12 54 19-269 12 54 31-266 12 54 38-129 + 3-1227 + 3-1842 + 3-0900 + 3-2078 + 3-2764 + 3-I47 1 + 0-0097 + 0-0159 + 0-0065 + 0-0184 + 0-0260 + 0-0119 0-0573 0-0036 338o 338i 3382 3383 3384 3385 44 Virginis k Hydras 6-7 Virginis 8-7 2 3386 Virginis 7-8 2 91-60 3 12 54 45-981 + 3-1198 + 0-0093 3386 3387 46 Virginis 6-7 I 83-35 3 12 54 55'9 8 + 3-0879 + 0-0063 0-0041 3387 3388 Virginis 7-8 2 89-04 3 12 55 21-179 + 3T735 + 0-0146 3388 3389 Hydrse 7 2 89-32 3 12 55 41-230 + 3-2162 + 0-0190 3389 339 78 Ursas Majoris 5-6 88-69 3 12 56 0-419 + 2-5753 0-0250 + 0-0072 339 339' Hydrfe 7-6 81-00 3 12 56 26-652 + 3-2508 + 0-0225 3391 3392 3393 3394 47 Virginis f 2-3 8-7 2 84-31 91-99 92-34 27 3 3 12 56 42-105 12 57 8-162 12 57 40-627 + 3-0056 + 3-1689 + 3-1066 0-0007 + 0-0139 + 0-0081 0-0192 3392 3393 3394 Virginis 8-9 I 3395 339 6 3397 Virginis Corvi 8 6 7-8 2 I 4 92-01 84-39 87-36 3 3 3 12 57 51-518 12 57 52-515 12 58 9-725 + 3-I374 + 3-I940 + 3-0993 + 0-0109 + 0-0163 + 0-0074 0-0140 3395 339<> 3397 Virginis 3398 48 Virginis 7-6 2 84-51 4 12 58 14-228 + 3-0905 + 0-0067 0-0060 3398 3399 Virginis 7-8 2 85-29 3 12 59 0-090 + 3-0733 + O-OO5 2 3399 3400 Virginis 8 2 91-65 3 12 59 3-32 + 3-1203 + 0-0093 3400 3401 Hydrse 7-8 a 86-61 3 12 59 41-739 + 3-2080 + 0-0174 3401 3403 Virginis 7 2 85-69 3 12 59 55'oiS + 3-1826 + 0-OI49 3402 343 Virginis 7-6 ... 89-35 3 13 3-90 + 3-1558 + 0-0123 343 344 Virginis 8-9 3 91-59 3 13 o 7-116 + 3'55 + 0-0088 3404 3405 Centauri 7-6 ... 86-31 3 13 o 35-391 + 3-2825 + 0-0248 345 3406 14 Canum Venaticorum... 5* ... 89-41 3 13 o 35-767 + 2-8150 O-OI24 0-0029 3406 3407 Virginis 7-8 4 85-33 3 13 o 38-681 + 3-1618 + 0-OI29 3407 3408 Centauri 6 ... ... 13 o 46-860 + 3-3204 + 0-0287 3408 3409 34 10 34" 34' 2 34'S 41 Comes 5 8-7 i 84-01 92-32 82-28 92-33 92-35 3 3 4 3 3 13 I 54-118 13 2 O'OIO 13 2 8-01 1 13 2 18-626 1.3 2 44-405 + 2-8811 + 3-I9 1 ? + 3-1366 + 3' I 523 + 3-2377 0-0082 + 0-0154 + 0-OI07 + 0-OII9 + 0-0188 + 0-0004 O'OOO2 349 34 10 34ii 34" 3413 49 Virginis g Virginis 6-5 8-7 i Hydras 8-7 i 34'4 Hydras 7 2 84-36 3 13 2 44-675 + 3-2224 + 0-0183 34H 34" 5 Virginis 6-5 5 83-61 4 13 2 48-327 + 3-1259 + 0-0097 3415 34'6 Virginis 8-9 ... 92-35 3 13 2 50-283 + 3-0857 + 0-0064 34i6 3417 45 Hydras t/' 5-6* ... 84-35 3 13 3 7^57 + 3-2233 + 0-OI83 0-0042 34 1 7 3418 Virginis 6-7 i 86-33 3 13 3 29-674 + 3-J3 01 + 0-0100 34'8 34 r 9 Virginis 7-8 3 85-37 3 13 3 37' 01 4 + 3-2025 + 0-0162 3419 3420 Virginis 7-6 i 84-33 3 13 3 52-296 + 3-I775 + 0-0140 3420 3392. Yellowish-red star. 3394. A very close double star : observed as one mass. 3408. The R.A. has been supplied from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. " RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 153 Mean si U5 o' o 8 oo .o - jq" Time 1-1 oo "oj oToo .w . No. of 11 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var; Proper Motion. j? rf " .%"- o K No. Observa- s $ -3 c cc o. S " tion. *0 f ft . * & A 3 o 3376 83-38 3 92 18 31-04 + 19-519 O'II2 24155 870 3376 3377 86-01 3 110 57 5'75 + !9'5i7 0-IIS 234 24'54 3377 3378 91-66 3 95 29 46-34 + I 9'5 I 3 0-II3 24161 875 3378 3379 91-68 3 91 29 8-19 + 19-512 0-II2 24164 878 3379 33So 91-63 3 99 14 45-26 + 19-511 OTI4 0-165 24168 880 2023 338o 338i 85-30 3 109 41 49-44 + 19-500 0-II7 24183 33Si 3382 84-59 4 93 13 5'86 + J9H99 0-114 O'OIO 1729 237 24185 889 2025 3382 3383 86-37 3 113 19 11-03 + I9-493 0-118 24192 3383 3384 80-30 4 122 54 34-36 + 19-488 0-I2I 238 7158 3384 3385 92-02 3 103 18 0-17 + 19-486 O-II7 24200 93 3385 3386 91-60 3 98 30 21-09 + 1 9-483 0-116 24204 908 3386 3387 83-35 3 92 46 36-09 + 19-480 0-115 0-064 173* 241 24206 99 2027 3387 3388 89-04 3 107 31 46-60 + I9-47 1 0-119 3388 3389 89-32 3 114 4 22-72 + 19-464 OT2I 24225 7173 3389 339 84-37 4 33 z 26-18 + I9H57 - 0-099 + 0-02O 1736 248 2031 339 339 1 8 1 -oo 3 118 40 24-73 + 19-448 O-I24 7'77 3391 3392 81-46 16 78 26 57-39 + 19-442 0-116 O-O29 J735 249 24250 940 7178 2032 3392 3393 91-99 3 106 17 21-76 + 1 9-434 OT22 24253 3393 3394 92-S9 4 95 50 28-56 + 19-421 O-I2I 24274 959 3394 3395 92-01 I 100 59 19-62 + 19-417 0-123 24283 961 3395 3396 84-39 3 109 59 33*69 + 19-417 0-125 24275 2034 3396 3397 87-36 3 94 33 50-43 + 19-411 0-122 + O-2OO 24293 966 3397 3398 84-51 4 93 4 16-24 + 19-409 0-122 + 0-018 1738 254 24295 968 7188 2035 3398 3399 85-29 3 90 8 12-84 + 19-392 0-122 24306 3399 3400 91-65 3 97 58 47-82 + I9-39 1 0-J24 24305 983 3400 3401 86-61 3 in 28 50-05 + 19-376 0-I29 24314 34oi 3402 8569 3 107 40 10-62 + 19-371 0-128 24320 3402 343 89-35 3 103 31 19-11 + 19-368 0-128 343 344 9f59 3 97 4 9'54 + 19-367 O-I26 344 345 90-31 i 121 i 17-53 + !9-357 0-133 7209 3405 13406 3407 3408 87-37 84-32 4 3 3 53 36 43-97 104 19 37-91 125 16 18-29 + I9-355 + I9-353 0-116 0-129 0-135 0-OI9 r 739 266 262 24347 24337 1009 7210 2037 3406 3407 3408 3409 81-91 7 61 47 4-29 + 19-326 0-120 + 0-084 r 743 273 24379 349 34 10 92-32 3 108 26 51-09 + 19-324 0133 H367 34" 34" 82-28 4 100 9 6-95 + 19-321 0-I3I O-OO8 1742 272 24375 1035 2040 34" 34" 92-33 3 102 31 47-35 + 19-316 0-I32 1039 34" 3413 92-35 3 "3 H 4-5i + 19-306 0-136 24389 34'3 34'4 34i6 34'7 84-36 83-61 84-35 3 4 | 3 112 31 2'6l 98 23 41-13 92 5 31-52 112 31 46-48 + 19-306 + 19-305 + 19-304 + 19-297 0-135 0-I32 0-I30 0-I36 + 0-040 Z 744 274 276 24390 24399 24401 24405 1050 i53 7224 2042 2 43 34'4 3415 3417 34i8 86-33 a 98 57 2-96 + 19-288 0-133 24418 4 34 l8 3419 85-37 3 109 32 10-09 + 19-285 0-136 24420 3419 34*0 84-33 3 105 55 42-32 + 19-279 0-136 3420 339> 34 TI > *re respectively 2949, 2962 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3390, 3392, 3411, are respectively 1255, 1256, 1257 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3380. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 3397. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 154 BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. ra. a. Precess. s. See. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 3421 3422 3423 3424 34S 50 Virginia Virginia 6-7 7 8 3 86-33 91-99 89-02 85-23 92-60 3 3 3 67 4 13 3 59-734 13 4 2-951 13 4 15-004 13 4 15-251 13 4 24-209 + 3-I358 + 3-1182 + 3-1045 + 3-1045 + 3-241 + 0-0104 + 0-0090 + 0-0079 + 0-0079 + 0-0198 0-0007 0-0043 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 Virginia 9 4-5 8-9 6 7 Hydras 3426 42 Coln.T a 4-5* ... 89-70 3 13 4 38-148 + 2-9508 0-0033 0-0326 3426 34 2 7 3428 34 3 9 Virginia 7-6 7 6 i 84-39 90-32 90-57 3 i 4 13 5 M'SIS 13 5 22-144 13 5 33-646 + 3-I837 + 3-33I5 + 3-1622 + 0-0144 + 0-0284 + 0-0125 3427 3428 3429 Virginis 7 i 343 Virginis 7 2 89-37 3 '3 5 54-5 2 8 + 3-1437 + 0-0110 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 53 Virginis 6-5 8 7 8 1 2 83-74 91-70 92-35 92-03 3 3 3 3 13 6 12-194 13 6 15-492 13 7 6-820 13 7 7-856 + 3-I789 + 3-2I35 + 3-0804 + 3-0948 + 0-0139 + 0-0169 + 0-0061 + 0-0072 + 0-0039 3431 3432 3433 3434 Virginis 8-9 I 3435 Virginis 9-8 2 92-03 3 13 7 29-185 + 3-1294 + 0-0099 3435 34.^6 54 Virginis 7-8 3 85-38 4 13 7 33-94 + 3-2005 + 0-0156 0-0059 3436 3437 Virginis S 3 85-38 4 13 7 34-148 + 3-2005 + 0-0156 0-0059 3437 3438 Virginis 7-8 i 8870 3 13 7 34-8ii + 3-0859 + 0-0065 3438 3439 Hydros 8-7 i 92-31 3 13 8 5-076 + 3-2289 + 0-0180 3439 344 55 Virginis 6-5 4 84-38 4 13 8 17-627 + 3-2104 + 0-0164 0-0096 3440 1 3441 Virginis 8 i 91-69 3 13 8 20-800 + 3-1683 + 0-0129 3441 3442 Hydrse 7 ... 90-08 3 13 8 29-906 + 3-2453 + 0-0194 3442 3443 56 Virginis 7-6 3 86-33 3 13 8 59-095 + 3'i49 + 0-0106 0-0032 3443 3444 Virginis 7 i 89-01 3 13 9 10-182 + 3-1481 + O'OI I 2 0-0161 3444 344S Virginis 8 2 89-02 3 13 9 13-819 + 3-1481 + O-OII2 O-OO2O 3445 3446 57 Virginis 6-5 4 86-56 6 13 10 1-789 + 3-2138 + 0-0165 + 0-0195 3446 3447 Virginis 7 2 89-66 3 13 10 5-878 + 3-1564 + O'OIlS 3447 3448 3449 345 Virginis 9-8 7 8 ... 9 2 -35 92-01 84-70 3 3 3 13 10 17-393 13 10 21-226 13 10 46-833 + 3-0903 + 3-1085 + 3-0782 + 0-0069 + 0-0083 + 0-006I 3448 3449 3-150 Virginis / 7-6 3 3451 3452 3453 Virginis 7-8 7 92-26 90-03 92-03 3 3 3 13 II 6-185 13 II 9-999 13 II 27-607 + 3-II79 + 3-1636 + 3-2296 + 0-0089 + 0-0123 + 0-0175 3451 3452 3453 Hydras 8 i 3454 Virginis 7 3 89-08 3 13 ii 35'oi6 + 3-1516 + 0-OII3 3454 3455 Virginis 7 3 86-34 3 13 ii 41-063 + 3-1825 + 0-0137 3455 3456 58 Virginis 7 90-36 3 13 ii 41-317 + 3-1448 + O'OIOS 0-0075 3456 3457 Virginis 6-7 3 87-04 3 13 ii 52-055 + 3-0732 + 0-0057 3457 3458 Virginis 7 2 89-37 3 13 ii 58-856 + .n3i7 + 0-0099 3458 3459 61 Virginis 5-6 3 83-87 4 13 12 38-995 + 3-2055 + 0-0155 0-0762 3459 3460 Virginis 7-8 I 91-70 3 13 12 52-561 + 3-1968 + 0-0148 346o 346i 46 Hydros y 3 2 87-32 3 13 12 56-349 + 3-2465 + 0-0188 + 0-0024 346i 1 3462 62 Virginis 7 3 84-37 3 13 14 33-221 + 3-I534 + 0-OII4 0-0109 3462 3463 Hydra 7 90-06 3 13 14 46-443 + 3-2560 + 0-0193 3463 34 6 4 Hydras 7 3 87-03 3 13 15 4-803 + 3-2631 + 0-0198 3464 3465 Hydrse 7 i 89-67 3 13 15 25-110 + 3-2490 + 0-OI86 3465 3449. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about I2 too great. 3456. The N.P.D. of this star in the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860, is 5 too small. 3459. Reddish star. 3463. Reddish star. 34^4- Reddish-yellow star. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 155 o UNIV No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. It Proper Motion. *n fi *-^ V 8 CO 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 >O "sS *s ^ "1 J cTco 1" cc S, a Greenwich, 1880. No. 3421 86-33 3 99 44 3i'9 r + 19-276 0-134 + 0-019 1746 280 2 4434 12 34 21 3422 91-99 3 97 4 57 1 + I9-275 0-134 13 3422 3423 87-12 4 94 56 58-49 + 19-270 0-134 16 3423 3424 82-62 17 94 57 4'83 + 19-270 0-134 + 0-037 1747 281 24448 J 7 7228 2045 3424 3425 92-60 4 "4 26 34'59 + 19-266 0-139 24443 3425 3426 85-60 4 71 53 18-27 + 19-261 0-128 0-146 1748 2 2046 3426 3427 84-39 3 106 30 11-92 + 19-246 0-139 24471 3427 3428 85-32 2 124 32 44-83 + 19-242 0-145 7239 3428 3429 91-12 s 103 22 32-75 + 19-238 0-138 24488 3429 3430 89-37 3 too 38 1079 + 19-229 0-138 24494 42 343 3431 8.V74 3 105 36 17-43 + 19-222 0-140 + 0-279 1752 9 24500 48 2049 3431 3432 91-70 3 no 17 57-61 + 19-221 0-142 3432 3433 92-35 3 91 10 25-26 + 19-200 0-138 67 3433 3434 92-03 3 93 18 37-30 + 19-199 0-139 24521 66 3434 3435 92-03 3 98 20 51-45 + 19-190 0-141 72 3435 3436 85-38 3 108 14 32-06 + 19-188 0-144 + 0-005 1754 17 24533 3436 3437 85-38 3 1 08 14 27-34 + 19-188 0-144 + 0-005 '754 I? 24534 3437 3438 88-70 3 91 58 16-47 + 19-187 0-139 24542 3438 3439 92-31 3 in 46 41-12 + I9-I75 0-146 3439 344 84-38 4 109 21 9-63 + 19-169 0-146 0-195 1756 20 24554 3440 344 1 91-69 3 i3 4 1 56-44 + 19-168 0-144 24557 9i 344 1 344 2 90-08 3 113 42 4-66 + 19-164 0-148 24560 7266 3442 3443 86-33 3 99 47 9'49 + 19-151 0-144 + 0-042 1757 23 24575 101 3443 3444 89-01 3 too 46 38-88 + I 9' I 47 0-I 45 + 0-287 25 24582 103 3444 3445 89-02 3 100 45 56-54 + I9-I45 'I45 + O'OIO 26 24584 105 3445 3446 86-56 6 log 21 28-2I + 19-124 0-149 + Q-IOI 1758 29 24595 344 s 3447 89-66 3 101 46 2-75 + 19-122 0-147 24602 120 3447 3448 92-35 3 92 31 39-41 + 19-117 a-144 I2 4 3448 3449 92-01 3 95 S 9'M + 19-116 0-145 24610 131 3449 (345 84-70 3 90 48 30-00 + 19-104 o- J 45 24621 W| 345 345 i 92-26 3 96 21 13-17 + 1 9-096 0-147 34 24629 140 3451 3452 90-03 3 102 34 40-17 + 19-094 0-149 33 141 3452 3453 92-03 3 no 57 25-72 + 19-086 0-153 24636 3453 3454 89-08 3 too 54 11-58 + 19-083 0-149 24650 153 3454 3455 86-34 1 i4 57 56-49 + 19-080 0-151 24 6 53 154 3455 3456 90-36 3 99 57 59H7 + 19-080 0-149 0-033 1761 38 24656 155 2061 3456 3457 87-04 3 90 s 43-82 + 19-076 0-146 24660 159 3457 3458 89-37 3 98 9 5-60 + 19-072 0-149 24661 1 60 3458 3459 84-02 3 107 41 57-27 + I 9'54 0-154 + 1-055 1763 44 24680 7395 2064 3459 3460 91-70 3 106 33 17-03 + 19-048 0-154 3460 346i 87-32 3 H2'35 27-70 + 19-046 0-156 + 0-033 1764 45 24682 2065 3461 3462 84-37 3 100 43 32-80 + 19-002 0-155 0-009 1766 55 24730 204 3462 3463 90-06 3 113 n 7-14 + 18-995 0-160 3463 3464 87-03 3 "3 53 35'6i + 18-987 0-161 24739 7314 3464 3465 89-67 3 112 13 3-21 + 18-977 0-161 3465 3424, 3459, are respectively 2966, 2989 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3423, 3424, 3426, 3431, 3436, 3437, 3440, 3446, 3456, 3459, are respectively 1261, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1272, 1275, 1276 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3444. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 3445. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 156 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. B. Precess. s. See. Var. 8. Proper Motion. a. No. 3466 Virginis 7-8 2 91-67 3 '3 15 26-595 + 3-1442 + O-OIO7 3466 3467 Virginis 7 2 85-37 3 13 15 35-oi6 + 3-2208 + 0-OI65 3467 3468 Virginis 7-6 2 88-39 3 13 15 51-984 + 3-2I5I + 0-0159 3468 34 6 9 Virginis 7 3 85-40 3 13 16 15-683 + 3-I80I + 00133 3469 347 Virginis 7 2 86-36 3 13 16 19-215 + 3-I654 + 0-0122 347 3471 Virginis 8-9 3 91-96 3 13 16 37-3I4 + 3-1261 + 0-0095 347i 3472 Virginia 7-6 3 8S-34 3 13 16 48-309 + 3-II58 + 0-0088 0-0050 347 2 3473 63 Virginis 6-5 3 84 4 38 3 13 i? 7-534 + 3-2088 + 0-0X53 0-0053 3473 3474 65 Virginis 6-7 4 86-85 4 13 17 36-848 + 3-!o63 + 0-0082 0-0035 3474 3475 Virginis 7 i 89-01 3 13 18 0-051 + 3-2380 + 0-0175 3475 3476 Virginis 8 2 92-01 3 13 18 35-003 + 3-0845 + 0-0068 3476 3477 3478 3479 66 Virginis 6 8 7 3 87-33 91-61 84-69 3 3 69 13 18 49-573 13 19 11-718 13 19 23-824 + 3-1087 + 3-I943 + 3-J573 + 0-0084 + 0-OI4I + 0-OII5 + 0-0087 0-0044 3477 3478 3479 67 Virginis a 2-1 i 3480 Virginis 7-8 2 90-04 3 13 19 28-917 + 3-1381 + O-QIOI 3480 3481 Virginis 7-6 3 85-37 3 I 3 20 12-374 + 3-2064 + 0-0149 3481 3482 Virginis W Var. 3 90-39 3 13 20 21-164 + 3-0950 + 0-0075 3482 3483 Virginis 8 ... 9 2 '34 3 13 20 27-483 + 3-0973 + 0-0076 3483 3484 Virginis 6 2 85-06 3 13 20 33-326 + 3-0775 + 0-0064 34 8 4 3485 68 Virginia t 6 I 85-41 3 13 20 54-416 + 3'i7 I 9 + 0-0124 O-OI2I 3485 3486 Hydra) 9-8 I 9 2 '37 3 13 21 3-855 + 3-2759 + 0-0199 3486 3487 Virginis 7-8 ... 90-06 3 13 21 16-293 + 3-2176 + 0-0156 3487 3488 69 Virginia 5 2 8.V33 4 13 21 35-048 + 3-2009 + 0-0144 0-0106 3488 3489 Virginia 8 2 92-29 3 !3 2I 57H60 + 3-1237 + 0-0093 3489 349 Virginia V Var. 2 90-32 2 13 22 7-324 + 3-0938 + 0-0075 349 349 i 349 2 3493 Hydra) Hydrse 8 8-g 2 9 2 '33 92-68 87-40 3 3 3 13 22 13-789 I 3 22 17-930 13 22 38-476 + 3-2606 + 3-2544 + 3-074 6 + 0-0187 + 0-0182 + 0-0063 + 0-0145 3491 349 2 3493 Virginis 7-8 I 3494 Virginia 8-9 2 9 2 -35 3 13 22 41-490 + 3-I487 + 0-0108 3494 I 3495 Virginia 8 I 92-35 3 13 23 0-I7I + 3-1048 + 0-0081 3495 349 6 Virginia 7 I 85-35 3 13 2 3 19749 + 3-II73 + 0-0090 3496 3497 Virginis 7 3 85-40 3 13 2 3 32-596 + 3-2288 + 0-0162 3497 3498 Virginis 7-6 3 83-32 3 13 23 36-106 + 3-079 1 + 0-0066 3498 3499 Hydrse E Var. 3 89-68 3 13 23 4!'972 + 3-2724 + 0-0193 3499 35 Virginia 8-9 i 92-36 3 13 23 58-828 + 3-!965 + 0-0139 35oo 35i 352 6-7 8 2 I 84-35 92-34 3 3 13 24 41-301 13 24 47-601 + 3-1224 + 3-2080 + 0-0092 + 0-0146 + 0-0009 35oi 352 Virginia 353 Virginia 7-8 2 86-37 3 13 24 58-340 + 3-2392 + 0-0168 3503 354 Virginis 7 I 85-38 3 13 25 10-731 + 3-0936 + 0-0075 3504 35S Virginis 7 3 87-33 3 13 25 22-874 + 3-1838 + 0-0130 355 356 Virginis 7-8 ... 91-99 3 13 26 6-123 + 3-0876 + 0-0072 0-0564 356 357 73 Virginis 6 2 88-40 3 13 26 6-746 + 3-2334 + 0-0163 0-009 1 357 358 74 Virginia I" 5* ... 85-83 4 13 26 14-655 + 3-1214 + 0-0092 0-008 1 35o8 359 Hydra) 7-6 ... 84-85 4 13 26 25-631 + 3-3454 + 0-0244 359 35! 75 Virginia 6 I 82-74 5 13 26 58-897 + 3-2033 + 0-0142 0-0052 35 10 3469. Reddish star. 34^2. The limits of magnitude are 87 and 10-4; the period is 17 days. 34^5- Reddish tar. 3489. Lnlande'a N.P.D. ia :' too small. 349- The limits of magnitude are 8'o and below 13 : the period is 251 days. 3499. Reddish star. The limits of magnitude are 3-5 and 9-7 : the period is 425 days. The observed magnitudes were 9-10, 4-5, 5-4, on 1887 May 14, 1889 April 22, 30 respectively. 3509. Lalande's N.P.D. is about 30" too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 157 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. o U3 I^ 1 i o o CO PH ' Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. o' - co aj CO " 03 a, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 3466 91-67 3 99 25 2 3-83 + 18-976 0-156 5 8 24755 217 3466 3467 8 5'37 3 108 54 42-98 + 18-972 0-160 59 3467 3468 88-39 3 108 9 S4'34 + 18-964 0-161 24762 3468 3469 85-40 3 103 50 31-69 + i 8 -953 0-160 24769 230 3469 347 86-36 3 102 o 9-90 + 18-951 0-159 62 24773 232 347 347 ' 91-96 3 9 6 57 55-30 + iS'943 0-158 238 3471 34/2 8 5-34 3 95 37 I7-97 + 18-937 0-158 + 0-100 _ 67 24785 241 347 2 3473 84-38 3 107 9 31-89 + 18-928 0-163 + 0-039 1771 68 24792 3473 3474 86-85 4 94 2 55-07 + 18-914 0-159 + 0-010 1772 70 24804 3474 3475 89-01 3 IIO 20 58-27 + 18-903 0-166 24812 3475 3476 92-01 3 9 1 3i 57''3 + 18-886 0-159 266 3476 3477 8733 3 94 35 20-49 + 18-878 0-161 + O-O22 1773 73 270 2074 3477 3478 91-61 3 i5 3 30-27 + 18-868 0-166 273 3478 3479 82-89 20 100 35 12-59 + 18-862 0-165 + 0-OI8 1774 75 24845 277 7352 2076 3479 348o 90-04 3 98 12 44-58 + 18-859 0-164 280 3480 3481 85-37 3 106 17 15-43 + 18-838 0-168 76 24861 348i 3482 90-39 3 92 48 22-16 + i8' 8 33 0-163 3482 3483 92-34 3 93 5 i8' 8 9 + 18-830 0-163 294 3483 3484 85-06 1 90 37 12-06 + 18-827 0-163 24872 295 3484 3485 85-41 3 loa 8 5-65 + 18-817 0-168 + 0-023 1775 80 24875 7371 2080 3485 3486 92-37 3 "3 42 59'4 r + 18-811 0-174 3486 3487 90-06 3 107 21 23-I2 + 18-805 0-171 24883 3487 3488 83-33 4 105 24 lo-ii + 18-796 0-171 0-027 1778 82 24891 314 2081 3488 34 8 9 92-29 3 96 14 42-87 + 18-785 0-168 24899 320 34 8 9 349 90-32 2 92 36 7-41 + 18-780 --0-166 3490 3491 92-33 3 in 49 42-29 + 18-776 -0-175 86 24901 349 r 3492 92-68 3 in 9 44-12 + iS'774 0-175 3492 3493 87-40 3 90 15 26-44 + 18-763 0-166 + 0-376 89 24915 327 3493 3494 9 2 '35 3 99 10 25-29 + 18-762 0-170 88 249 J 3 326 3494 3495 92-35 3 93 53 43-19 + IS-752 0-169 3495 3496 85-35 3 95 23 8-52 + 18-742 0-170 9i 24928 336 3496 3497 85-40 3 108 9 33-02 + 18-735 0-176 93 24931 7399 3497 349 8 83-32 3 90 47 33-22 + 18-734 0-168 95 24939 344 3498 3499 89-86 2 "2 42 45-3 + 18-731 0-179 94 24936 2089 3499 35 92-60 4 104 31 4-98 + 18-721 0-175 35oo 35oi 84-35 3 95 54 8 '6 + 18-700 0-173 0-042 1782 101 24975 368 35 01 352 92-34 3 105 39 13-61 + 18-696 0-177 24973 3502 3503 86-37 3 108 59 27-17 + 18-690 0-179 24978 3503 3504 85-38 3 92 28 59-11 + 18-684 0-172 1 06 24988 376 3504 355 87-33 3 102 52 52-64 + 18-677 -0-177 24990 378 355 356 91-99 3 9 1 45 31-52 + 18-654 0-173 0-242 114 25012 2096 35o6 3507 88-40 3 108 9 40-97 + 18-654 0-181 + 0-007 1783 in 25004 2095 357 35o8 85-35 5 95 4 1 ^'ii + 18-650 0-175 + 0-030 1784 5 25014 398 2097 3508 359 84-85 2 118 59 56-23 + 18 644 0-188 112 25010 7420 2098 359 35io 82-74 5 104 47 48-86 + 18-626 0-181 O'OOO 1785 117 25030 2IO2 35' 3479) 35i, 3508, are respectively 3008, 3024, 3035 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 347 2 , 3477. 3479. 3493, 3497. 349 8 . 3499, 35 O1 , 35 6 ' 35 8 , 35', ar e respectively 1281, 1282, 1283, 1289, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1299, 1300, 1301 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3472. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3493' 356- The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 158 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. *S 3 Mean si No. Constellation. 3 Time of P Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. |> 3 '- Observa- 8 -' g |Q4 + 0-0159 ,. o 354 1 Virginis / 8-7 I 92-00 3 13 35 8-152 + 3-1893 + 0-0130 354' 3542 Virginis 8-9 I 92-34 3 13 35 l8 -843 + 3-1273 + 0-0095 3542 3543 Hydra) 7-6 2 81-87 4 13 35 26-634 + 3-3009 + 0-0199 3543 3544 Virginis 8 2 92-25 3 13 35 33-S76 + 3-1670 + 0-0117 3544 3545 82 Virginis m 6-5 8 87-58 34 13 35 50-259 + 3-1502 + 0-OI07 0-0085 3545 3546 Virginis 8-7 2 89-05 3 13 35 54- 2 58 + 3-2535 + 0-OI68 3546 3547 83 Ursa; Majoris 6-5* 83-37 3 13 36 33-9 8 3 + 2*2847 O-OI 2 I 0-0062 3547 3548 Virginis 7-8 2 89-36 3 13 36 45-288 + 3-1842 + O-OI27 3548 3549 Virginis 8 ... 92-36 3 13 37 7-873 + 3-1769 + O'OI2I 3549 3550 Virginis 8-9 ... 92-02 3 13 37 14-319 + 3-0909 + 0-O077 355 355 ' Virginis 8-7 2 85-37 3 13 37 18-637 + 3-0788 + O-OO7I 355 1 3552 Virginis 8-9 ... 92-40 3 13 37 43-058 + 3*2810 + 0-0183 3552 3553 Virginis 7 3 83-37 3 13 37 48-152 + 3-1085 + O'OOS6 3553 3554 Virginis 7-6 2 85-61 4 13 38 10-803 + 3-1205 + 0-0092 3554 3555 Virginis 9-8 I 92-04 3 13 38 24-789 + 3-2825 + 0-OI83 3555 35 ' 3- Very red star. The limits of magnitude are 5-7 and 12-5 : the period is 376 days. 3520. A faint companion follows, and is north. 3528. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 9. 353> 353'- A close double star: observed also as one mass 86-84 2 I3 h 31 49-4O3, 97 18' 36"-62. 3536. Reddish star. 3537- Lalande's N. P.D. is i' too small. 3538. Red star. 3545- Reddish-yellow star. - RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 159 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. rj Uk r- 1 pa o o oo H "B i s 8 OO 4 a Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o .00 aTo ll XI 0, =3 Greenwich, 1880. No. 35" 83-38 3 99 35 52-74 + 18-620 0-179 + 0-023 1786 118 25037 416 2103 35" 35" 92-32 I 109 25 25-99 + 18-618 0-184 3512 35'3 85-67 1 96 37 44-16 + 18-617 0-178 25039 420 3513 35H 88-90 4 57 S 2 44-55 + 18-611 0-179 421 3SH 3515 90-04 3 97 3 27-02 + 18-604 0-179 0-033 1787 121 25049 426 35IS 35i6 90-71 3 97 52 "-83 + 18-603 0-179 427 35i6 3517 9 I- 35 3 100 58 16-51 + 18-577 0-182 124 25073 436 35'7 35i8 89-08 3 9 8 3 "-56 + 18-575 0-181 438 35i8 3519 87-33 3 IO2 46 56-07 + 18-573 -0-183 25=75 440 3519 3520 89-03 3 89 45 1-26 + 18-571 0-177 O'O2O 127 25087 448 352 35" 92-27 J 93 4 8 6-93 + 18-569 -0-179 447 3S2I 3522 85-84 4 102 38 59-92 + 18-566 0-184 126 25086 7437 2105 3522 3523 81-98 36 90 i 59-02 + 18-557 0-178 0-056 1789 128 25101 457 744i 2106 3523 35 2 4 8371 3 in 27 36-47 + 18-543 0-190 25120 3524 3525 92-32 3 106 21 36-13 + 18-541 0-187 25110 35 2 5 3526 86-17 5 94 50 8-10 + 18-534 0-182 0-096 1790 130 25119 47i 3526 3527 87-02 6 52 15 I3-37 + I8-53' 0-157 + 0-007 136 25'39 2107 3527 3528 84-35 3 90 22 0-75 + 18-505 0-181 + 0-030 25146 487 3528 3529 84-71 6 113 3 10-68 + 18-489 0-194 25H9 3529 353 86-39 3 97 18 38-07 + 18-465 0-187 + 0*040 !?93 I 4 2 25163 504 2114 353 353i 86-90 2 97 18 35-89 + 18-465 0-187 + 0-040 !793 142 25163 504 2114 3S3I 3532 83-33 3 92 40 27-80 + 18-456 0-185 H5 25173 5" 3532 3533 92-02 3 IIO 12 2'O2 + 18-453 -0-194 3533 3534 84-38 4 "8 59 53-66 + 18-441 O'2OI I 4 6 7475 2117 3534 3535 89-37 3 99 19 34-96 + 18-429 o- 1 90 3535 3536 91-38 3 91 58 18-15 + 18-416 0-186 25198 539 3536 3537 91-61 3 104 38 56-15 + 18-409 0-194 '5 1 25199 3537 3538 85-34 3 I0 5 53 I4-9 6 + 18-388 0-196 25213 3538 3539 92-35 3 94 41 16-42 + 18-365 0-190 25230 563 3539 354 92-35 3 107 H 5'35 + 18-358 6-198 354 3541 92-00 3 102 13 30-67 + 18-350 0-196 158 25238 568 3541 3542 92-34 3 95 47 47-4 1 + 18-343 0-192 3542 3543 81-87 4 "2 53 34-i6 + 18-339 0-203 159 25240 3543 3544 92-25 3 99 53 46-27 + 18-335 0-195 25244 573 3544 3545 85-90 ii 98 8 51-24 + 18-325 0-195 0-046 1796 162 25258 580 7506 2126 3545 3546 89-05 3 108 25 42-02 + 18-323 O-2OI 25253 3546 3547 80-38 3 34 45 40-85 + 18-299 0-144 + 0-003 1802 170 2128 3547 3548 89-36 3 101 31 50-78 + 18-292 0-198 592 3548 3549 92-36 3 100 44 47-07 + 18-279 0-198 1 66 25277 604 3549 355 92-02 3 91 54 47-59 + 18-275 0-194 25283 607 3550 355 1 85-37 3 90 39 10-80 + 18-272 0-193 25293 6x1 3551 3552 92-40 3 no 39 29-84 + 18-258 0-206 3552 3553 83-37 3 93 43 9' 21 + 18-255 -0-195 171 3553 3554 85-61 4 94 56 40-02 + 18-241 0-197 174 253H 624 3554 3555 92-04 3 no 40 10-41 + 18-232 0-207 3555 35". 35 l8 , 3523, SS 2 ?, 3545, 3547, are respectively 3037, 3041, 3046, 3049, 3069, 3073 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 35", SS^S, 35'8, 35 2 3, 353O, 353 1 , 3545. are respectively 1302, 1303, 1305, 1306, 1311, 1313, 1317 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 352O, SS 2 ^- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3527. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' "Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 160 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3556 Virginis 7-8 3 8575 3 13 38 33-225 4-3-2470 + 0-OI62 355 6 3557 83 Virginis 6 4 84-39 3 13 38 33-620 + 3-2284 + O-OI5I O'OOO2 3557 3558 Hydrse 7-6 2 83-63 4 13 38 38-279 + 3-33I9 + 0-02I5 3558 3559 Virginis 7 3 88-70 3 13 38 50-692 + 3-2084 + 0-0139 0-0020 3559 356o Virginis 7-8 a 87-33 3 13 39 10-841 + 3-I422 + 0-OI02 356o 356i Virginis 7-8 3 8S-74 3 13 39 12-868 + 3-I260 + 0-0095 3561 3562 i Centauri i 4-5* ... 80-26 4 13 39 25-919 + 3-4303 + O-O28O 0-0374 3562 3563 85 Virginis 6-7 i 82-35 3 13 39 39'6io + 3-2257 + 0-0148 0-0059 3563 3564 Virginis 8-7 2 81-35 2 13 39 45-604 + 3-1906 + 0-0129 3564 3565 Virginis 8 | 91-64 3 13 40 2-405 + 3-I790 + 0-0123 3565 3566 86 Virginis 6 3 82-07 7 !3 4 4-5'S + 3'i9!4 + 0-0129 0-0028 3566 3567 Virginis 8 2 89-37 3 13 4 35-870 + 3-II55 + 0-0090 SS 6 ? 3568 3569 357 Virginis Virginis 7 7-6 2 86-37 84-63 84-69 3 3 3 13 4 1 J 3'287 13 41 24-583 13 41 26-212 + 3-2660 + 3-1648 + 3-2509 + 0-OI7I + 0-OII5 + 0-0162 + 0-0011 3568 3569 357 87 Virginis 6 I 357i Hydrse 8-9 2 92-36 3 13 41 38-195 + 3-3M4 + 0-0200 3571 357* Virginis 7 2 87-37 3 13 41 40-487 + 3-I344 + 0-0100 357 3 3573 Virginis 7-8 I 92-02 3 13 42 2-047 + 3-2323 + 0-OI5I 3573 3574 4 Boo'tis T 5-4 I 87-5 35 13 42 2-115 + 2-8854 O-OOO6 0-0346 3574 3575 Virginis 9-8 I 9 3 '35 3 13 42 10-958 + 3-1560 + 0-0110 3575 3576 Virginis 8-9 2 9 2 '35 3 13 42 27-301 + 3-3014 + 0-0192 3576 3577 88 Virginis n 7-6 I 84-71 3 13 42 32-579 + 3-1362 + O-OIOO 0-0053 3577 3578 Virginis 9 I 9 3 -37 3 13 42 47-663 + 3-1220 + 0-0093 3578 3579 Virginis 7-8 2 89-38 3 13 42 54-910 + 3-2860 + 0-0182 3579 358o Virginis 7 ... 89-09 3 13 42 57-782 + 3-0957 + 0-0081 358o 358i 85 Ursae Majoris ... r) 2* ... 85-40 5 13 43 12-375 + 2-3825 O-OIO2 0-0115 358i 3583 Virginis 8-9 I 92-36 3 13 43 19-524 + 3-0831 + 0-0075 3582 3583 Virginis 8 I 91-40 3 13 43 52-447 + 3-1970 + 0-0130 3583 3584 89 Virginis 6-5 2 83-41 3 13 43 53-6oo + 3-2581 + 0-0164 0-0087 3584 3585 Virginis 7 3 85-38 3 13 44 11-712 + 3-2899 + 0-0182 3585 3586 Virginis 7-6 2 84-05 3 13 44 33-046 + 3-2793 + 0-0177 3586 3587 Virginis 7-8 3 87-33 3 13 44 45-861 + 3-1455 + 0-0104 3587 3588 Virginis 7 I 86-07 3 13 45 3-940 + 3-I476 + 0-0105 3588 3589 Virginis 7-8 2 89-06 3 13 45 12-098 + 3-2107 + 0-0137 3589 359 Hydras 7-6 2 84-75 3 13 45 16-825 + 3-3344 + 0-0208 0-0395 359 3591 3 Centatiri k 4-5* ... 86-02 3 13 45 28-395 + 3-450 + 0-0281 0-0043 359' 359 2 Virginis hr 1 ... 88-74 3 13 45 42-727 + 3-2041 + 0-0134 359 2 3593 Virginis 7 4 82-65 4 13 46 I9-954 + 3-2231 + 0-0144 3593 3594 Virginis 7-6 3 82-05 3 13 4 6 38-445 + 3-2693 + 0-0169 3594 3595 Virginis 7-8 i 9!-33 3 13 47 3-524 + 3-1802 + O-OI2I 3595 3596 Virginis 7-8 2 86-74 3 13 47 30-099 + 3-1042 + 0-0086 3596 3597 Virginis 8 I 9I-39 3 13 47 52-582 + 3-1324 + 0-0099 3597 3598 10 Draconis i 5* ... 89-35 3 13 48 12-976 + 17525 0-0004 0-0017 3598 3599 Virginis 7-8 2 91-67 3 13 48 15-940 + 3-I9H + 0-0127 3599 3600 Virginis 7-6 I 84-37 | 13 48 22-558 + 3-2545 + 0-0159 3600 3580. Yellowish-red star. 3585. Reddish star. 3591. Double star. The first and brighter star has been observed. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 161 Mean *i o 8 Time .2 *y o do 00 ^o r* - a No. of Observa- If Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. j? 1 a || O " O A -*J flj 02 0. 'S o a goo 0) M No. tion. f It /. Z cq s a 3 N O 3556 85-75 3 107 23 1-63 + 18-228 0-205 25323 355 6 3557 84-39 3 '05 37 31-44 + 18-227 0-204 + 0-007 1801 176 3557 3558 83-63 4 114 56 48-76 + 18-225 0-210 25322 753J 3558 3559 88-70 3 103 40 0-85 + 18-216 0-203 + O'2OO 177 6.17 3559 356o 87-33 3 97 4 53-95 + 18-204 O-2OO 179 25368 643 356o 356i 85-74 3 95 27 0-05 + 18-203 -0-199 25346 644 356i 3562 80-27 5 122 29 II'6l + 18-195 0-218 + 0-151 180,? 178 7536 2133 3562 3563 82-35 3 I0j 12 52-94 + 18-187 0-206 + 0-029 1804 181 649 2135 3563 3564 8i-35 2 101 49 57-36 + 18-183 0-204 183 651 3564 3565 91-64 3 100 40 18-91 + 18-173 0-304 185 25359 656 3565 3566 82-02 6 ioi 52 30-00 + 18-171 0-205 0-013 1805 186 657 2137 3566 3567 89-37 3 94 1 9 30-54 + 18-152 O'2OI 25378 669 3567 3568 86-37 3 108 42 18-11 + 18-129 O'2II 190 25387 3568 3569 84-63 3 99 9 28-25 + 18-121 0-205 25396 673 2139 3569 3570 84-69 3 107 1 8 30-85 + 18-121 O'2II + 0-028 1806 191 25391 2140 357 3571 92-36 3 112 52 6-45 + 18-113 0-2I5 3571 3572 87-37 3 96 9 18-11 + 18-112 0-204 192 25403 678 3572 3573 92-02 3 I0 5 30 55'39 + 18-098 0-2II 25407 685 3573 3574 82-28 12 71 59 40-99 + 18-098 0-189 0-040 1810 199 25426 7553 2144 3574 3575 92-35 3 9 8 14 25-33 + 18-093 O'2O6 693 3575 3576 92-35 3 in 36 25-94 + 18-083 0-216 3576 3577 84-7I 3 96 17 15-98 + 18-079 0-2O6 + 0-015 1809 201 25428 700 7557 3577 35/8 92-37 3 94 53 1-80 + 18-069 0-205 703 3578 3579 89-38 3 no ii 59-67 + 18-065 0-216 25431 3579 3580 89-09 3 92 17 29-62 + 18-063 0-204 203 25440 707 358o 3581 85-88 3 40 8 14-92 + 18-054 0-159 + 0-OI4 1815 209 2147 358i 3582 92-36 3 91 2 36-32 + 18-049 0-204 25448 7H 3582 3583 91-40 3 102 14-66 + 18-029 O-2I2 3583 3584 83-41 3 10 7 35 9-50 + 18-027 0-216 + 0-033 1811 204 25455 2149 3584 3585 85-38 3 no 19 20-84 + 18-016 0-2 18 206 25462 3585 3586 84-05 3 109 21 6-64 + 18-002 0-218 3586 3587 87-33 3 97 3 3-62 + 17-994 O'2IO 213 25477 735 3587 3588 86-07 3 97 14 16-28 + 17-982 0-2II 218 25483 740 3588 3589 89-06 3 103 7 58-15 + 17-977 0-215 743 3589 3590 84-75 3 113 50 9-65 + 17-974 0-223 + 0-256 25484 7584 359 359 1 86-02 3 122 26 53-89 + 17-967 0-23I + 0-017 1814 216 7587 2151 359 r 359 2 88-74 3 IO2 28 12-04 + 17-957 0-216 750 359 2 3593 82-65 4 104 7 57-89 + 17-933 0-218 25506 758 3593 3594 82-05 3 1 08 9 55-87 + 17-921 O'222 25510 3594 3595 9 I- 33 3 100 8 18-48 + 17-904 0-2I7 766 3595 359 6 8674 a 92 59 53-25 + 17-887 O'2I2 227 25537 774 3596 3597 9 J '39 3 95 38 36-63 + 17-872 0-215 25545 777 3597 3598 85-9 5 24 43 58-63 + 17-859 O-I24 + 0-014 1823 243 2161 3598 3599 91-67 3 ioi 9 14-42 + 17-857 O'22O 25555 786 3599 36oo 84-37 3 106 38 17-13 + 17-852 O-224 25556 3600 R358i, 3584, 3598, are respectively 3095, 3096, 3107 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3563. 3574. 35 8l < 35 8 4, 3585, are respectively 1322, 1324, 1327, 1329, 1330 of the 'Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3559- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3590. Tlie Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 162 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. g. 1 No. 3601 Virginia 7 I 84-36 3 13 4 s 2 5-47 + 3-3I49 + 0-0193 3601 3602 Virginis 8 I 91-70 3 13 48 47-262 + 3-3066 + O-OI89 3602 3603 3604 Virginis 90 Virginis p 7-8 6-5 2 3 85-29 85-07 3 3 13 48 59-989 13 49 3-I47 + 3-2794 + 3-0828 + 0-0173 + O-OO76 0-0068 3603 3604 3605 Virginis 7-6 2 84-3I 3 13 49 11-890 + 3-I534 + O-QI 08 0-0139 3605 3606 Virginis 7 2 84-31 3 13 49 12-070 + .n534 + 0-0108 0-0139 3606 3607 8 Bootia 77 3* 85-5I 32 13 49 26-856 4-2-86I5 0-0006 0-0049 3607 3608 Virginis 8-7 2 92-37 3 '3 49 39-I28 + 3-2444 + 0-0153 3608 3609 Virginis 8-9 ... 92-06 3 13 49 46-656 + 3-2I70 + 0-0139 3609 3610 Virginia 7-6 3 88-74 3 13 49 58-548 + 3-1705 + 0-0116 3610 3611 Virginis 7 2 87-01 3 13 5 SHOS + 3-I727 + 0-0117 3611 3612 Virginis 7 3 85-42 3 13 50 18-285 + 3-I063 + 0-0087 3612 3613 Virginia 8-9 2 89-64 4 13 50 22-767 ' + 3-II67 + 0-0092 3613 364 Virginis 8-9 2 89-90 2 13 50 23-138 + 3'Il66 + 0-0092 3614 3615 Virginis 7-6 3 82-72 3 13 5 1 20-358 + 3 3309 + 0-0200 3615 3616 Virginis 9-8 i 92-06 3 13 Si 53-834 + 3-3021 + 0-0183 3616 36.7 47 Hydras 6-5 2 85-44 3 13 52 20-691 + .r3585 + 0-02I4 0-0050 3617 3618 Virginis 7 3 89-06 3 13 S 2 32-878 + 3-2010 + 0-OI30 + 0-0060 3618 3619 Virginis 7 3 84-39 3 13 52 34-110 + 3-2249 + 0-OI42 3619 3620 Virginia 7 4 88-00 5 13 53 I-47I + 3-2792 + o-o 1 70 3620 3621 Virginia ... 7 I 89-35 3 13 53 I3-368 + .n435 + 0-0103 3621 3622 Hootis 7-8 I 87-82 5 13 53 2I-338 + 2-9002 + 0-001 1 3622 3623 Virginis 8-7 3 85-34 3 13 53 42-678 + 3-1269 + 0-0097 O'OOOO 3623 3624 48 Hydra) 6-7 i 82-72 3 13 53 50-357 + 3-3625 + 0-0215 o'oi6i 3624 3625 Virginis 7-6 2 84-35 3 13 54 7-210 + 3-1061 + 0-0088 3625 3626 Virginis 7-6 2 84-37 3 13 54 16-711 + 3-1581 + 0-01 TO 3626 3627 3628 3629 Hydrso Virginis 7 8-7 ... 8.V05 91-72 91-66 3 3 3 13 54 23-005 13 54 3i-6o8 13 55 22-758 + 3-38o8 + .V237 2 + 3-1844 + 0-0223 + 0-0147 + O'OI22 0-0030 3627 3628 3629 Virginis 9-8 2 3630 Virginis 8-9 2 93-38 3 13 55 46-437 + 3-345 1 + 0-0203 3630 3631 3632 3633 93 Virginis ^ Draconis 4-5 7-8 6 85-63 90-08 86-69 33 3 3 13 56 2-898 '3 56 5-643 13 56 7-283 + 3-0490 + 1-6867 + 3-4016 + 0-0065 + 0-0026 + 0-0233 0-0005 3 6 .?i 3632 3633 Hydrse 6-5 I 3634 Virginis 7 I 89-41 3 13 56 28-684 + 3-3001 + 0-OI78 3634 363S Virginis 8 2 92-36 3 13 56 33H42 + 3-324 1 + 0-OI90 3635 3636 Virginis 8-9 2 92-06 3 13 56 5I-34 8 + 3-0915 + O-OO82 3636 3637 Virginis 6-7 I 82-35 3 13 57 4-75I + 3'2703 + 0-OI63 363" 3638 Virginis 7-8 3 87-36 3 13 57 35-053 + 3-1934 + 0-0125 3638 3639 Virginis 7 I 82-41 3 13 57 39-S46 + 3-1937 + O-OI24 3639 3640 Virginis 6-7 3 85-76 3 13 57 44-889 + 3-3365 + 00197 3640 364' Virginis 8 i 9 I- 73 3 13 58 6-364 + 3-2152 + 00135 364' | 3642 Virginis 7-6 3 83-41 3 13 58 29-629 + 3-2427 + 0-OI49 3642 3643 Virginis 7-6 2 85-06 3 13 58 29-889 + 3-1286 + 0-0097 3643 3644 Virginis 7 3 84-06 3 13 5 8 3I-954 + 3-174 + O-QI 16 3644 3645 Virginis 9 4 89-36 3 '3 59 2-477 + 3-1425 + 0-0103 3645 3610. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Weisse's Bessel, 816, precedes about 15", and is north. 3625. Lalande's R. A. is 5 too great. 363^. Lalande's N.P. D., although depending upon two observations, appears, in the mean, to be about 15" too small. 3645, 3646. Double fctar: 21799. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 163 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. >rs m t^. 1 M 8 oo Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" ^co OJ OO IJ 02 o, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 3601 84-36 3 Ill 42 3-08 + I7-85I 0-228 3601 3602 91-70 3 "0 57 58-15 + 17-836 0-228 25362 3602 3603 85-29 3 108 40 33-95 + 17-827 0-227 25574 3603 3604 85-07 3 9 57 4-83 + 17-825 0-214 + 0-012 1819 237 25586 803 2163 3604 3605 84-31 3 97 31 0-88 + 17-820 0-219 O'OOO 1820 238 25588 804 2164 3605 3606 84-31 3 97 31 o-oi + 17-820 0-219 O'OOO 1820 238 25588 804 2166 3606 3607 81-09 32 7i 3 1-85 + 17-809 O'2OO + 0-344 l&ZL 240 25608 7638 2167 3607 3608 92-37 3 105 36 12-48 + 17-802 0-226 2559 6 3608 3609 92-06 3 103 ii 57-80 + 17-796 0-224 817 3609 3610 88-74 3 99 i 11-85 + I7-789 O-22I 825 3610 3611 87-01 3 99 I2 57' 10 + I7-785 0-221 826 3611 3612 85-42 3 93 7 i855 + I7-775 O-2I7 830 3612 3613 89-90 2 94 4 42-02 + 17-772 0-218 25620 3613 3614 89-64 4 94 4 38-95 + I7-772 0-218 25620 3614 3615 82-72 3 112 29 6-72 + I7-733 0-234 25635 3615 3616 92-15 4 1 10 6 2864 + 17-710 0-234 3616 3617 85H4 3 114 26 630 + 17-691 0-238 + 0-030 1825 253 25655 7669 2174 3617 3618 89-06 3 101 31 6-09 + I7-683 0-228 + 0'1 60 256 865 3618 3619 84-39 3 i3 35 8-51 + 17-682 0-229 25665 866 3619 3620 87-40 4 108 5 14-23 + 17-664 0-234 25678 3620 3621 89-35 3 96 23 14-71 + 17-656 0-225 878 3621 3622 89-40 3 74 48 47-20 + 17-650 0-208 264 25692 2175 3622 3623 85-34 3 94 S 3 56-99 + I7-635 0-225 + 0-180 25693 8S6 3623 3624 82-72 3 114 28 22-82 + 17-629 0-241 + 0-090 1827 262 25688 7678 2178 3624 3625 84-35 3 93 o 48-58 + 17-618 0-224 269 25848 894 3625 3626 84-37 3 97 37 32-53 + 17-611 0-228 270 25706 898 3626 3627 83-05 I "5 43 39' r 9 + 17-607 0-243 + 0-160 7682 3627 3628 91-72 3 104 25 2-18 + 17-601 0-234 25710 899 3628 3629 91-66 3 99 5 35' 6 7 + 17-565 0-232 25730 3629 363 92-38 3 112 50 37-03 + 1 7-548 0-244 363 3631 83-00 9 87 55 21-85 + 17-537 O-223 + 0-033 1829 275 25747 934 7692 2181 3631 3632 86-61 5 2 5 4 55-3I + I7-534 0-127 285 3632 3633 86-69 3 "6 53 5236 + I7-534 0-248 274 25736 7693 2182 3633 3634 89-41 3 109 16 42-58 + I7-5I8 0-242 276 25752 2184 36.H 3635 92-36 3 in 7 49-22 + I7-5I5 0-244 3635 3636 92-06 I 9 1 39 48-37 + 17-502 0-228 25775 947 3636 36.S7 82-35 3 106 50 11-67 + 17-493 0-241 25774 3637 3638 87-36 3 100 26 14-24 + I7H7I 0-236 25797 3638 3639 82-41 3 100 12 3-46 + 17-467 0-236 25799 964 3639 3640 85-76 3 I" 53 32-58 + 17-464 0-247 25795 3640 3641 9''73 3 102 13 24-57 + 1 7-449 0-239 25807 973 364 1 3642 83-4' 3 104 26 34'OO + ' 7H32 0-241 286 25813 985 2187 3642 3643 85-06 3 94 S 1 7-77 + I7-432 0-233 25824 3643 3644 84-06 3 98 43 43-03 + 1 7-430 0-236 287 25823 99 1 3644 3645 88-35 4 96 I 26-03 + 17-408 0-235 25841 IOOO 3645 3607, 3631, are respectively 3110, 3122 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3607, 3618, 3624, 3631, are respectively 1339, 1342, 1343, 1345 of the Kadoliffe Catalogue, ]86o. 3618, 3623, 3627. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 164 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. B. No. 3646 Virginis 8 4 85-35 3 13 59 2-836 + 3-I425 + 0-0103 3646 3647 Virginis 7 I 84-35 3 13 59 14-205 + 3-2607 + 0-0157 3647 3648 Virginis 7-8 2 85-43 3 13 59 16-184 + 3-2423 + 0-OI48 3648 3649 Virginis 8-7 I 91-40 3 13 59 2 5' 6 3 + 3-i5 J 3 + 0'OI06 3649 3650 Hydra 8 2 92-35 3 !3 59 5 8 ' 8 94 + 3-373I + 0-02I4 3650 3651 49 Hydras TT 4-3* ... 83-02 3 14 o 6-340 + 3-4010 + 0-0228 + 0-0019 3651 3652 94 Virginis 7-6 5 87-09 24 14 o 28-256 + 3'i7" + 0-OII5 0-0032 3652 3653 Virginis 7-6 3 84-72 3 14 o 44-860 + 3-2361 + O-OI44 3653 3654 95 Virginis 6-7 2 84-39 3 *4 o 53-743 + 3-1765 + 0-OII7 0-0122 3654 3655 ii Draconis a 3-4* 86-40 4 14 I 24-670 + 1-6302 + 0-0048 0-0092 3655 3656 Hydra 8-9 2 92-36 3 14 I 38-024 + 3-3566 + 0-0203 3656 3657 Virginis 8 2 92-07 3 14 I 46-784 + 3-3281 + 0-0188 3657 3658 Virginis 8-7 I 9 2 -33 3 14 I 54-469 + 3-079 + 0-0078 3<%8 3659 Virginis 8-7 2 88-70 3 14 2 7-933 + 3-2218 + 0-0137 + 0-0070 3659 3660 Virginis 7-6 2 86-37 3 H 2 35-308 + 3-2087 + 0-OI3I 3660 3661 Virginis 8-9 92-04 3 14 2 40-230 + 3-1084 + 0-OOgO 3661 3662 Virginis 7 2 88-71 3 14 2 55-754 + 3-3040 + 0'OI76 3662 3663 Virginis 8-7 2 91-72 3 14 2 58-345 + 3-2943 + 0-OI70 3663 3664 96 Virginis 7-6 5 82-36 3 14 3 8-822 + 3-1909 + o-oi 23 0-0007 3664 3665 Virginis 8-9 i 91-73 3 14 3 15-084 + 3-1624 + O-QIII 3665 3666 Virginis 7 4 87-05 3 H 4 * 5-404 + 3-0741 + 0-0078 3666 3667 Virginis 6-5 3 83-41 3 J 4 4 49'93 8 + 3-2683 + 0-0157 3667 3668 Virginis 7 3 84-05 3 14 5 11-518 + 3'i388 + O-OIO2 3668 3669 Virginis 7-8 i 91-37 3 H 5 !7-245 + 3-0987 + 0-0087 3669 3670 Virginis 7-8 2 85-06 3 14 5 56-200 + 3-1377 + O'OIOI 3 r '7o 3671 Virginis 8-7 I 85H3 3 14 6 6-489 + 3-i4'i + 0-0102 3671 3672 Hydree 6-7 I 82-71 3 14 6 11-050 + 3-38i6 + O-O2IO 3672 3673 97 Virginis 7 2 87-04 3 14 6 41-688 + 3-1885 + O-OI22 + 0-0019 3673 3674 98 Virginis K 4-5 3 86-42 31 14 7 1-617 + 3-I936 + 0-0123 0-0004 3674 3675 Bootis 6 i 84-10 3 14 7 11-831 + 2-4188 0-0055 367? 3676 Virginis 7 2 89-05 3 14 7 12-760 + 3'239 6 + 0-0143 .16-6 3677 Virginis 7-8 I 89-74 3 "4 7 29-255 + 3-I708 + 0-OII3 3677 3678 Virginis 7 3 87-88 4 14 7 48-528 + 3-2141 + 0-OI32 3678 3679 Virginis 8 2 92-04 3 14 7 54-221 + 3-3259 + O-OI82 0-0180 3679 3680 Virginis 6 2 84-42 3 14 8 0-399 + 3-0765 + 0-0078 + O-OI2O 3680 3681 Virginis 8-9 I 92-37 3 14 8 9-126 + 3-2886 + 0-OI65 3681 3 68a Virginis 10 6 91-09 3 H 8 i 5H05 + 3-2140 + 0-OI32 3682 3683 Virginis 7-6 3 82-35 3 '4 8 37-447 + 3-1402 + O-OIO3 0-0217 3683 3684 Libra 8-7 2 92-37 3 14 8 43-528 + 3-3395 + 0-0188 3684 3685 Librae 8 I 92-37 3 14 8 58-244 + 3-3614 + 0-0198 3685 3686 Virginis 6-5 Z 83-57 4 14 9 20-313 + 3-3005 + 0-0169 3686 3687 Virginis 8 I 92-06 3 14 9 49-483 + 3-2724 + 0-0156 3687 3688 Virginis 8-9 2 92-36 3 14 9 50-282 + 3-2594 + 0-OI5I 3688 3689 Virginis 7-8 2 85-44 3 H 9 53-476 + 3-1626 + O'OIII 3689 3690 99 Virginis i 4 3 84-80 5 14 10 14-789 + 3-i4'5 + O-OIO2 0-003 1 3690 3646. For the companion star see 3645. 3659. A companion, of the 9-10 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 3666. Red star. 3671. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 30" too small. 36/4. h'ediliah star. 3682. This star has been suspected of variability between the 7-5 and 10 magnitudes ; but the Oxford estimations of magnitude were 10, 10, 10-9, 109, 10, 10, on 1888 May 25, 1889 May 23, 1890 May 30, June 6, 1892 June 7, 1893 May 9 respectively. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N. P.D. 165 No. Mean Time of Observa tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D / // Precess. Sec. Var Proper Motion. U5 U7 J--. J? 'O I 8 00 N Lalande, 1800. 1 U 00 <"* s< 8 . [3 -3 t*- ' *l 6 00 oToo 1" *a ^ cc a, O Greenwich, 1880. 1 No. 3646 85-35 3 96 I 26-62 + 17-408 0-235 25841 IOOO 3646 3647 84-35 j 105 48 30-85 + 17-400 0-244 25842 3647 3648 85-43 3 104 19 42-33 + ir398 0-243 290 25847 1003 3648 3649 91-40 3 96 44 54-7i + I7-39I 0-236 3649 365 92-35 3 114 12 50-13 + I7-367 0-253 25861 365 3651 83-02 3 116 9 6-61 + 17-362 0-256 + 0-170 1832 295 25862 7718 2189 3651 3652 84-56 5 98 21 58-07 + I7-346 0-239 O'OI2 1833 297 25879 1030 7724 2191 3652 3653 84-72 3 io.3 4 43^4 + 1 7-334 0-245 25880 1035 365.3 3654 84'39 3 98 47 I7-45 + I7-327 0-241 0-OI5 1834 299 1041 2192 3654 3655 82-53 39 25 5 5.r62 + I7-304 0-128 0-016 1836 312 219,1 3655 3656 92-36 3 112 4 6 23-56 + I7-295 0-255 3656 365? 92-07 3 no 40 14-96 + 17-288 o- 2 53 3657 3658 92-33 3 9 33 7'53 + 17-282 0-235 !59 3658 3659 88-70 3 102 24 6-25 + 17-272 0-246 + 0-1 10 25901 1060 36?9 3660 86-37 3 ioi 18 22-04 + 17-252 0-246 308 25917 1071 3660 3661 92-04 3 93 o 34-59 + 17-248 0-239 25923 1077 3661 3662 88-71 3 108 43 18-28 + 17-237 0-254 310 25922 3662 3663 91-72 3 107 58 44-60 + I7-235 0-253 25927 3663 3664 82-36 3 99 48 4 6 "94 + 17-227 0-246 0-019 1835 3" 25931 1088 2196 3664 3665 9*73 3 97 28 56-09 + 17-222 0-244 1089 3665 3666 87-05 3 90 7 47-21 + 17-178 0-239 2 5957 25 3666 3667 83-41 3 i5 46 55-47 + I7T5I 0-254 3i7 25965 2199 3667 3668 84-05 3 95 2 7 15-00 + I7 - I34 0-245 3 25987 39 3668 3669 9i-37 3 92 9 19-89 + I7-I3I 0-242 25991 4 1 3669 367 85-14 4 95 20 20-52 + 17-101 0-246 26009 3670 3671 85-43 3 95 36 32-02 + 17-093 0-247 10 26018 U 3671 3672 82-71 3 "3 50 43-14 + 17-090 0-265 26006 7761 3672 3673 87-04 3 99 22 55-92 + 17-066 0-252 + 0-023 1841 n 26029 62 3673 |6?4 84-73 9 99 45 40-43 + 17-051 0-252 0-141 1842 '4 26035 68 7771 2203 3674 &7S 84-10 3 47 8 32-49 + 1 7-043 0-193 26064 3675 3676 89-05 3 103 20 34-28 + 17-042 0-256 26040 73 3676 3677 89-74 3 97 55 42-74 + 17-030 0-251 79 3677 3678 8788 4 ioi 19 1985 + 17-015 0-255 3678 3679 92-04 3 I0 9 4 1 3I-73 + 17-011 0-264 + 0-030 26048 3679 3680 84-42 3 90 19 32-76 + 17-006 0-245 + 0-120 26056 90 3680 3681 92-37 3 '06 56 55-41 + 16-999 0-262 26054 3681 3682 92-06 3 ioi 16 27-16 + 16-994 0-256 3682 683 82-35 3 95 26 9-48 + 16-977 0-251 0-090 843 '9 26072 100 3683 3684 92-63 4 no 33 3-38 + 16-972 0-267 26067 3684 3685 92-37 3 112 3 0-20 + 16-961 0-269 6070 3685 3686 83-57 4 IO7 41 I3-II + 16-944 0-265 22 6082 206 3686 3687 92-06 3 105 34 8-98 + 16-921 0-263 6094 3687 3688 92-36 3 104 35 48-34 + 16-920 0-262 122 3688 3689 85H4 3 97 9 8 '3i + 16-918 0-255 6102 123 3689 3690 84-37 3 95 28 3-.?o + 16-901 0-254 + 0-417 846 28 6112 133 212 3690 364", 3651, 3655. 3674, 3675, 3690, are res'pectively 3128, 3132, 3138, 3150, 3151, 3163 of the lUdcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3647, 3651, 3652, 3654. 3664, 3667- 3671, 3673, 3674. 3683, 3<>S6, 3690, are respectively 1349, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1361, 1362, 1364, 1365, '368, '37', 1374. 13/9 of the Riulcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3^?9) 3*>79> 36^0. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 166 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. B. Precess. a. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3691 Virginia 7-6 3 85-07 I 14 10 34-497 + 3-1497 + 0-0106 0-0130 3691 3692 16 Bootis a i i 83-64 41 14 10 38-647 + 2-8134 + 0-0004 o- 799 3692 0693 Virginis 6-7 2 8576 3 14 10 48-136 + 3-1064 + 0-0090 3693 3694 Virginia 7-6 2 8874 I 14 10 58-416 + 3-I789 + 0-0116 3694 3695 Libra 7-6 2 8671 3 14 10 58-711 + 3-3085 + 0-0171 3695 3696 Virginis 7-8 I 89-02 3 14 II 3-638 + 3T375 + 0-0101 3696 3697 Virginis 9-10 3 91-68 I 14 II 15-410 + 3-083I + 0-0082 3697 3698 Virginis 8 I 92-02 3 14 II 19-056 + 3-"09 + 0-0095 3698 3699 Librae 7-8 2 86-68 3 14 II 21-047 + 3-3285 + 0-0181 3699 3700 Librae 8-7 2 89-35 I 14 II 31-890 + 3-3558 + 0-0193 3700 37i Virginis 7-6 2 87-11 3 14 II 32-121 + 3-18" + 0-0118 3701 372 Virginis 9-8 I 9175 | 14 12 6-558 + 3-259 6 + 0-0149 372 3703 Virginis 7-6 2 85-04 3 14 12 10-252 + 3-1623 + O-QI 10 + 0-0190 3703 37>4 Libras 6 I 87-39 3 14 12 33-132 + 3-3I29 + 0-0173 374 375 Librae 7-8 91-74 3 14 12 53-417 + S'375 1 + 0-0200 3705 3706 3/07 37o8 Virginis loo Virginis . X 8 5-4* 7-8 I 3 92-03 82-76 87-42 3 3 4 14 12 54-OIO '4 '3 9-349 14 13 20-833 4-3-2223 + 3' 2 4 01 + 3-3114 + 0-0134 + 0-OI4I + 0-OI7I 0-0025 37o6 377 37o8 Librae 3709 lo2Virginis v 1 6-5 2 84-83 5 14 13 52-322 + 3-0951 + 0-0087 0-0088 379 37' Virginis 7-8 I 91-37 3 H 13 54-335 + 3-1324 + 0-0100 0-0460 37' 37" Virginis 7-6 1 85-42 3 14 14 6-418 + 3-I53 2 + 0-0107 37" 37" Hydrae 8 3 92-04 3 14 14 20-514 + 3-4 '8 + O-O2I2 37'2 3713 Librae 7-8 i 87-41 i 14 14 24-140 + 3'299 + 0-0166 37'3 37H Virginis 9-8 3 92-07 3 14 14 24-602 + 3-1789 + 0-0116 37M 37'5 20 Bootis ... 5* ... 89-42 3 14 14 32-857 + 2-8488 + 0-0015 O'OIIO 37'5 37i6 Virginis 7-6 2 89-13 4 14 15 40-004 + 3-2022 + 0-0125 37i6 3717 Centauri 6 90-07 3 14 15 44-008 + 3-5813 + 0-0302 37i7 37i8 Virginis 7 2 85-39 3 14 16 13-144 + 3-1722 + 0-0113 37'8 37'9 lO3Virginis v 1 7 2 82-35 3 14 16 18-330 + 3-0919 + 0-0085 0-0073 3719 372 Librae 7 3 89-38 3 14 16 25-393 + S'349 1 + 0-0186 3720 3721 51 Hydra* 6-5* ... 80-36 3 14 16 45-411 + 3-4594 + 0-0236 0-0161 3721 3722 Virginis 7 3 82-40 3 14 1 6 49-308 + 3-1682 + 0-01 1 1 O'OOIO 3722 3723 Virginis 7 3 82-41 3 14 16 49-418 + 3-1683 + 0-01 1 1 O'OOIO 3723 3724 Virginis 7 4 84-64 4 14 17 8-225 + 3-0743 + 0-0081 37 2 4 3725 2 Librae 6-7 3 83-4 1 3 14 17 30-386 + 3-2221 + 0-0132 0-0031 3725 3726 Librae 8-7 2 85H4 I H '7 5I-759 + 3-3374 + 0-0180 3726 3727 Librae 7 2 84-39 3 14 i? 55-704 + 3-2838 + 0-0156 3727 3728 Librae 8-9 I 9I-73 3 14 18 28-316 + 3-3I34 + 0-0169 3728 3729 Hydras 6-5 I 82-70 3 14 18 31-947 + 3-4156 + 0-0213 3729 373 Librae 8-7 2 92-04 3 14 18 37-274 + 3-2562 + 0-0145 3730 373i Libra 6-7 I 87-02 1 14 1 8 46-034 + 3-2228 + 0-0132 0-0030 373' 3732 Virginis 7 2 85-43 3 14 18 54-898 + 3-097 + 0-0088 3732 3733 Librae 7 2 85-02 1 14 19 19-051 + 3-34 2 4 + 0-0181 3733 3734 Libra) 7-6 3 86-42 I 14 19 19-980 + 3-2468 + 0-0141 3734 3735 Libra; 7-6 2 85-02 I 14 19 21-391 + 3-3425 + 0-0181 3735 3692. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by i-o than the unit magnitude. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 167 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. o r n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Ui Ul l-~ jf n o o oo Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O -0 QJ 00 c "- 1 1 Greenwich, 1880. No. 3691 85-07 | 96 6 34-69 + 16-886 o- 2 55 + O'O2O 135 3691 3692 82-64 54 70 14 40-24 + 16-882 0-229 + 1-977 1847 32 26132 7795 2214 3692 3693 85-76 3 92 41 2-34 + 16-875 0-252 H3 3693 3694 88-74 ] 98 22 23-13 + 16-867 -0-258 H5 3694 3695 86-71 3 108 4 28-71 + 16-866 0-268 3695 3696 89-02 3 95 7 58-13 + 16-862 0-255 3696 3697 91-68 3 90 50 1 1 -49 + 16-853 0-251 15 3697 3698 92-02 3 93 49 3-47 + 16-850 0-254 153 3698 3699 86-68 3 109 27 9-18 + 16-849 0-271 26131 3699 3700 89'35 3 in 19 7-20 + 16-840 0-273 3700 37i 87-11 3 98 30 44-24 + 16-840 0-259 157 37 01 37 2 9*16 3 104 24 7-19 + 16-812 0-266 170 37 2 373 85-04 3 97 i 32-48 + 16-810 0-259 + 0-220 26147 373 374 87-39 3 108 12 22-19 + 16-792 0-271 26150 2219 374 375 91-74 3 112 26 43"II + 16-776 0-277 375 37o6 92-03 3 'oi 33 I7'2i + i6-775 0-265 184 3706 377 82-76 3 102 51 51-22 + 16-763 0-267 0-029 1850 37 26167 78i5 2323 377 378 87-42 4 1 08 o 57-76 + 16-753 0-273 38 26172 378 379 8442 3 91 45 23-60 + 16-729 0-256 + 0-068 1851 43 26191 208 379 37' 9I-37 3 94 38 27-05 + 16-727 0-259 + 0-100 26196 209 37 10 37" 85-42 3 96 14 19-68 + 16-717 0-261 44 26198 211 37" 37*2 92-04 3 114 o 3-52 + 16-705 0-282 26193 37 12 ! 3713 87-41 3 IO7 I 20-22 + 16-703 0-273 26199 3713 j 37'4 92-07 I 98 10 56 66 + 1 6 702 0-264 26203 2 2O 37H 3715 8S-75 4 73 ii 19-51 + 16-696 0-237 0-058 1855 51 26220 2227 3715 37i6 8906 3 99 5i 58-50 + 16-641 0-268 238 37i6 37'7 87-64 4 124 17 4-77 + 16-638 0-298 53 7835 3717 i 37i8 85-39 3 97 35 13-85 + 16-614 0-266 26242 2 4 8 37i8 3719 82-35 3 91 29 5-62 + 16-610 0-260 + 0-007 1858 59 26249 251 2228 3719 3720 89-38 3 no 15 21-05 + 16-604 0-281 372 3721 80-36 ] 117 14 55-06 + 16-587 0-290 + 0-130 1857 58 26247 7846 37 21 3722 82-40 4 97 15 43-20 + 16-584 0-267 + 0-170 26267 260 3722 3723 82-41 5 97 15 48-40 + 16-584 0-267 + 0-170 62 26267 260 3723 3724 84-64 4 90 8 5-08 + 16-569 0-260 26273 271 3724 j 3725 8.5-41 3 IOI 12 41-99 + 16-551 0-272 + 0-059 1860 64 26277 2229 37*5 ! 37=6 8 5'44 3 109 17 56-65 + 16-533 0-283 26283 3726 i 3727 84-39 3 105 36 4-66 + 16-530 0-278 26287 3727 ' 3728 73 3 107 36 0-65 + 16-503 0-282 37^ I 37 2 9 82-70 3 114 18 23-53 + 16-500 0-290 68 26298 7861 37 2 9 1 373 92-04 3 i3 34 54H2 + 16-496 0-277 293 373 ! 3731 87-02 3 IOJ 10 11-39 + 16-488 -0-275 + 0-024 1861 70 26307 297 373 1 : 3732 85-43 3 91 50 38-50 + 16-480 0-264 74 26317 305 3732 ' 3733 85-02 3 109 28 r86 + 16-461 0-286 26319 3733 3734 86-42 3 102 51 iS'OI + 16-460 0-278 76 3'5 3734 i 3735 3692, 3692, 36yi, 85-02 3 109 28 17-08 + i 6 -459 0-286 26320 3735 ^707, 3725, are respectively 3168, 3178, 3190 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 177> 37'5i 3721, 3722, 3723, 3725 are respectively 1380, 1387, 1389. 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393 of the TCadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3703, 3710, 3722, 3723. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 168 KADCLLFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, K.A. . <** o Mean o No. Constellation. a S 11 Time of Observa- 11 Mean R.A. Precesa. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. Jg 25 M tion. ^ :? h. m. B. s. 8. s. 3736 Virginia 8 2 91-86 4 14 20 14-701 + 3-II57 + O-OO94 3736 3737 22 Bootis / 5 3 85-82 34 14 21 20-427 + 2-7953 + 0-0010 0-0057 3737 3738 Librae 7-8 2 9 I- 75 3 14 21 20-92I + 3-377 1 + 0-0194 3738 3739 Librae 7 3 88-87 4 14 21 22-OO7 + 3-2702 + 0-0149 0-0150 3739 3740 104 Virginia 6-7 2 85-05 3 14 21 37-808 + 3-1488 + 0-0105 0-0064 374 374 1 52 Hydra 6-5* ... 86-39 3 1 4 21 43-718 + 3-5021 + 0-0251 0-0036 3741 3742 Librae 7-6 3 86-42 3 14 21 47-451 + 3-2496 + 0-0142 3742 3743 Librae 8-9 3 92-08 3 14 22 9-233 + 3-3947 + O'O2OO 3743 3744 Librae 8 3 92-38 3 14 22 15-235 + 3-3943 + O-02OO 3744 3745 Virginia 9-8 92-71 3 14 22 19-128 +3-1855 + 0-01 1 8 3745 3746 Virginia 7-8 2 85-76 3 14 22 22-577 + 3-1066 + 0-0092 3746 3747 Virginia 9-8 2 92-09 3 14 22 27-441 + 3-0742 + 0-0082 3747 3748 105 Virginia 6-5 3 83-40 3 14 22 31-968 + 3-0961 + 0-0088 O-OIO2 3748 3749 Librae 6-7 i 88-72 3 14 22 39-219 + 3-2031 + 0-0123 3749 375 Librae 8 i 92-36 3 I 4 22 41-541 + 3-3047 + 0-0163 3750 3751 106 Virginia 6-5 2 84-39 3 14 22 53-526 + 3-1 60 1 + 0-0108 O'OO ^O 375 1 3752 Virginia 7 I 87-45 3 I 4 23 2-675 + 3-I37 1 + O-QIOI 3752 3753 Librae 7-8 2 85-40 3 I 4 24 12-55I + 3-2798 + 0-0152 3753 3754 Virginia 7-6 2 82-43 3 I 4 2 4 16-535 + 3-1242 + 0-0097 3754 3755 Librae 7-8 2 85H3 3 14 24 26-404 + 3-3903 + 0-0196 3755 3756 Librae 7-3 I 87-35 3 I 4 2 4 40-513 + 3-3632 + 0-0185 3756 3757 Virginia 7 3 83-42 3 14 2 4 46-905 + 3-1218 + 0-0096 3757 3758 Librae 8-9 2 91-72 3 14 25 22-458 + 3-2320 + 0-0134 3758 3759 Librae 8-9 I 91-68 3 1 4 2 5 48-538 + 3-2516 + 0-0140 3759 3760 Librae 7 2 89-09 3 14 25 5I-3I3 + 3-4091 + 0-0203 376o 1 376i Librae 7 2 88-89 4 !4 25 53-5I7 + 3-2985 + 0-0158 376i 3762 Librae 8 92-36 3 14 26 15-446 + 3-3220 + 0-0167 3762 3763 Hydras 6-7 87- vt 14 26 38-386 + 3'5375 + 0-0261 3/6.? 3764 Librae 7 2 I oy 89-40 3 14 26 52-2II + 3-4206 + 0-0207 3764 3765 25 Bootis p 3-4 I 82-35 13 14 27 5-402 + 2-5944 0-0015 O'COo T 3765 3766 Virginia 8-7 2 9I-44 3 14 2 7 32-43I + 3-1632 + 0-0109 3766 3767 27 Boiitis y 3-2* 89-36 3 I 4 27 38-774 + 2-4272 0-0027 0-0106 3767 3768 5 ' Ursae Minoria 5-4* 84-45 2 I 4 27 45-681 0-1948 + 0-1190 + o-ooi 3 3768 3769 Librae 7-8 2 86-41 3 I 4 27 58-816 + 3-3083 + 0-0161 3769 377 Librae 8 I 9I-75 3 I 4 27 59-987 + 3-350I + 0-0178 3770 3771 Librae 8-7 2 85- 4 I 3 14 28 11-864 + 3-3964 + 0-0196 377 1 3772 Librae 7-6 3 83-38 3 14 28 39-289 + 3-3657 + 0-0184 3772 3773 Virginia 8-9 I 92-38 3 14 28 50-643 + 3-1104 + 0-0093 3773 3774 Virginia 9-8 3 92-08 3 '4 2 9 8-255 + 3-0856 + 0-0086 3774 3775 Librae 7-8 3 85-42 3 14 29 53-I93 + 3-3961 + 0-0194 3775 3776 Virginia 7-8 2 85-34 3 14 29 56-964 + 3-1882 + 0-0117 3776 3777 Virginia 7-8 4 90-06 3 14 29 57-91 I + 3-1406 + O'OIOI 3777 3778 Librae 8-9 2 92-07 3 14 30 IQ-IO2 + 3-2690 + 0-0145 3778 3779 Librae 6-7 2 82-38 4 14 31 8-607 + 3-2442 + 0-0136 0-0586 3779 3780 Virginia 7 4 85-04 5 I 4 31 24-510 + 3-1214 + 0-0096 37 S 3740. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 2' too small. 3742. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 3' too great. 3748. A very faint companion follows, and is south. 3755. Lalande's N.P. D. is i' too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 169 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Process. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // >0 >O *-* J 1 O s, M S Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo o oo 12 CO o Greenwich, 1880. No. 3736 91-86 4 93 12 57- 8 4 + 16*414 0-268 26351 327 373 3737 81-27 23 70 1 6 41*13 + 16-359 0-243 0-029 1864 86 26396 7882 2239 3737 3738 9 I- 75 3 in 29 50-06 + 16-358 0-292 26370 3738 3739 88-87 4 104 20 31-61 + 16-358 0-283 + 0-070 26376 347 3739 374 85-05 3 95 37 24-14 + 16-344 0-273 + 0-056 I86 3 8 4 26386 359 374 374i 84-87 4 118 59 48-96 + 16-339 0-303 + 0-042 1862 82 26375 7884 2240 374i 3742 86-42 3 102 51 50-84 + 16-337 0-282 85 26388 360 3742 3743 92-08 3 JI2 31 2-79 + 16-318 0-295 3743 3744 92-38 3 112 28 49-98 + 16-312 0-295 3744 3745 92-71 3 98 15 47-34 + 16-309 -0-277 3745 374 6 8576 3 92 30 37-58 + 16-307 0-271 88 26411 3746 3747 92-09 3 90 7 42-93 + 16-303 0-268 3747 3748 83-40 3 91 44 3-69 + 16-298 0-270 + 0-002 I86 5 90 26415 374 2242 3748 3749 88-72 3 99 3 38-53 + 16-292 -0-279 89 26414 375 3749 375 92-36 3 106 34 58-59 + 16-290 0-288 26413 375 375i 84-39 3 96 24 20-77 + 16-280 0-276 + 0-OJI 1866 9 1 26422 382 7891 2243 375i 372 87H5 3 94 43 37-I7 + 16-272 0-274 26426 383 3752 3753 85-40 3 104 45 36-84 + 16-212 0-289 26453 402 3753 3754 82-43 3 93 45 22-08 + 16-209 0-275 95 26459 45 3754 3755 85-43 3 in 58 15-22 + 16-201 0-298 26447 3755 3756 8735 3 no 13 40-77 + 16-189 0-296 26462 3756 3757 83-42 3 93 34 3-oo + 16-183 0-276 98 26477 412 3757 3758 91-72 3 101 22 51-27 + 16-153 0-286 26484 424 3758 3759 91-68 3 102 4 2 15-56 + 16-129 0-289 432 3759 376o 89-09 3 112 57 31-00 + 16*128 0-302 26493 3760 376i 88-89 4 105 52 27-43 + 16-126 0-293 26498 376i 3762 92-36 3 107 23 38-69 + 16-106 0-296 26504 3762 3763 87'39 3 120 13 40-43 + 16-087 0-315 7921 3763 3764 89-40 3 "3 3i 59-08 + 16-075 0-305 26517 3764 3765 81-27 9 59 8 43-55 + 16-063 0-233 0-I25 1869 112 26550 7928 2248 37 6 5 3766 91-44 3 96 27 1-84 + 16-039 0-284 1 08 26536 460 3766 3767 87-93 8 51 12 36-51 + 16-033 O'22O 0-153 1871 117 26569 2250 3767 3768 89-63 I| 13 48 54-10 + 16-027 + 0-010 0-026 1873 136 2251 3768 3769 86-41 3 106 20 5-59 + 16-016 0-297 26543 3769 377 9'75 3 I 9 2 5'35 + 16-015 0-30I 26541 377 377i 85-41 3 in 54 22-93 + 16-004 0-305 26547 377 1 13772 83-38 3 109 57 22-26 + 15*980 0-303 116 2 6559 2253 3772 3773 92-38 3 92 41 9-84 + 15-97 0-28l 26573 487 3773 3774 92-08 3 90 55 46-04 + !5'955 O-28O 26583 496 3774 3775 85-42 3 in 41 47-75 + '5'9'5 0-308 26586 3775 3776 85-34 3 98 5 36-21 + I5'9 12 0-290 507 3776 3777 90-06 3 94 47 6-77 + I5-9 11 0-286 26596 508 3777 3778 92-07 3 103 32 50-34 + 15-892 0-298 5 13 3778 | 3779 82-38 4 101 50 14-47 + 15-848 0-297 - 0-387 127 26630 2259 3779 378o 85-04 5 93 24 44-18 + I5-8.H 0-286 130 26639 54 378o 3767, 3768, are respectively 3216, 3225 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3737> 3765> 376", 3779, are respectively 1398, 1402, 1404, 1407 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3739. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3779. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 170 RADCL1FFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. 1 u-, g Mean "- 1 C No. Constellation. 3 m G S Time of 11 SL Mean R.A. Preoess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. A H Observa- 3 S K ^ tion. SQj! h. m. s. 8. 8. s. 378. Libras 8 I 92'^5 3 14 31 42-695 + 3-4I60 + O'O2OO 3781 3782 Virginis 7-8 2 89*37 3 14 32 6-450 + 3-I456 + O-OIO3 3782 3783 Librae 7-8 2 88-42 3 I 4 32 9-980 + 3-254I + 0-0139 O'O2OO 3783 3784 Librae 8-7 I 92-38 3 14 32 10-857 + 3-2068 + 0-0123 3784 3785 Virginis 7 3 85H5 3 14 32 45-522 + 3-II7S + 0-0095 3785 3786 Virginis 8 2 9 2- 33 3 14 32 46-635 + 3-1694 + 0-01 10 3786 3787 3 Libras 7-8 3 86-73 3 14 33 0-828 + 3-4506 + 0-0213 3787 3788 Libras 7 2 8 4-39 3 14 33 5-6.30 + 3-2I97 + 0-0127 3788 3789 Libras 8-9 I 92-09 3 H 33 15-827 + 3-3324 + 0-0167 3789 3790 Libne 8 4 9*75 3 14 34 3-505 + 3-3069 + 0-0157 3790 3791 Librae 8-7 4 9I-43 3 14 34 27-086 + 3-3076 + 0-0157 3791 379 2 3793 3794 3795 Libras Libne Libras Virginis 7-6 8-7 7 8-7 I 3 2 3 89-01 92-05 87-44 85-44 3 3 3 3 14 34 31-026 14 34 5 -3o6 14 35 I3-978 '4 35 49;450 + 3-2740 + 3HI28 + 3-3684 + 3-0955 + 0-0145 + 0-0196 + 0-0179 + 0-0089 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 30 Bootis 3-4 2 84-16 6 H 35 53-759 + 2-8597 + 0-0033 + 0-0019 3796 3797 Virginis 8-7 I 9I-37 3 14 35 55-8o8 + 3-0860 + 0-0087 3797 3798 Librae 7 4 85-38 3 14 36 4-141 + 3-2478 + 0-0135 3798 3799 Librae 8 4 86-72 3 14 36 22-942 + 3-2468 + 0-0135 3799 3800 Librae 7 2 88-78 4 14 36 34-632 + 3-3605 + o'oi 7 6 3800 3801 4 Libras 6-5 I 82-42 3 "4 36 5 I- 959 + 3-4582 + 0-0213 0-0032 3801 5802 86"7? 3 14 36 55-578 + 3-6580 + 0-0301 0-0060 3802 o w * 3803 1 07 Virginis /x 4* ... 83-66 5 H 37 15-789 + 3T493 + 0-0103 + 0-0056 3803 3804 Libras 7-6 2 83-42 3 14 37 31-843 + 3-2103 + 0-0122 3804 3805 Virginis 7 2 86-39 3 14 38 4-814 + 3-1028 + 0-009I 3805 3806 Centauri 5 86-71 3 14 38 14-159 + 3-6626 + 0-030I 3806 3807 Librae 7-6 2 85-38 3 14 38 23-688 + 3-1890 + 0-01 16 3807 3808 Librae 7 3 83-41 3 14 38 51-801 + 3-2114 + 0-0123 3808 3809 Virginis 6-7 2 88-78 3 14 39 32-035 + 3-0867 + 0-0087 3809 3810 54 Hydras 6-5 2 89-06 3 H 39 37-886 + 3-4720 + 0-0216 0-0147 3810 3811 Hydras 7-8 2 91-42 2 J 4 39 38-398 + 3-4720 + 0-0216 0-0147 3811 3812 Libras 7 2 87-39 3 14 39 44-249 + 3-.i387 + 0-0165 3812 3813 Librae 6-7 I 84-39 3 14 39 47-878 + 3-43I4 + 0-0199 3813 3814 5 Libras 7-6 2 84-36 3 '4 39 5375 1 + 3-3026 + 0-0153 0-0028 3814 3815 Librae 7-6 2 84-43 3 !4 39 56-482 + .V3973 + 0-0186 0-0060 3815 3816 35 Bootis d 5-4* 89-68 3 14 40 6-544 + 2-8026 + 0-0024 0-005 ! 3816 3817 36 Bootis e 1 7 91-11 3 14 40 10-860 + 2-6240 o-oooo 0-0043 3817 38.8 36 Bootis c 2 3 ... 84-75 27 14 40 n-oio + 2-6240 O'OOOO 0-0043 38:8 3819 Libras 7 2 87-45 3 14 40 22-674 + 3-1833 + 0-0113 38'9 3820 Librae 6-7 3 89-09 3 14 40 58-346 + .V4 OI 7 + 0-0186 3820 3821 Virginis 8 2 91-70 1 14 41 28-038 + 3-1296 + 0-0098 3821 3822 Libras 6-7 3 85-44 5 14 4 1 54-767 + 3-2629 + 0-0138 3822 1823 Librae 7-8 91-72 3 14 42 15-295 + 3' 1 493 + 0-0104 3823 O*O 3824 Librae 7 2 87-09 3 14 42 23-261 + 0-0163 3824 3825 Librae 8 2 92-08 3 14 4 2 5 I-J 57 + 3-I74I + 0-01 10 3825 3792. Reddish star. 3798, 3799. The magnitudes assigned to these stars in Lalande are 8 and 6j respectively. - RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 171 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o t ft Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. J-~ 1 1 Lalande, 1800. "55 "3~ fr- <*> & - 4) o" 1 " 02 0, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 3781 92-35 3 112 4 I 10-54 + I5-8I7 -0-313 26633 378i 3782 8 9-37 3 95 4 I4'34 + 15797 0-289 133 26659 556 3782 3783 88-42 3 102 25 53-86 + I5-793 0-299 + 0-030 552 3783 3784 92-38 3 99 15 37"i6 + 15-792 0-295 26657 557 3784 3785 85-45 3 93 8 1-73 + 15-761 0-288 26673 564 3785 3786 92-23 3 96 41 2-51 + 15-760 0-293 26672 561 3786 3787 86-73 3 114 33 7'62 + 15-747 0-3 1 8 134 26669 7970 3787 3788 84-39 3 too 4 44-43 + I5-743 0-298 137 26683 569 3788 3789 92-09 3 107 24 40-69 + I5-734 0-308 26684 3789 379 9 I- 75 3 105 43 33-55 + 15-690 0-307 26702 379 3791 9 I- 43 1 105 44 1-77 + 15-669 0-308 26706 3791 3792 89-01 3 103 34 23-25 + 15-665 0-305 26708 593 3792 3793 92-13 4 112 8 43-89 + 15-648 0-318 142 26710 3793 3794 87-44 3 109 27 18-09 + 15-626 0-315 26719 3794 3795 85-44 3 91 34 8-01 + I5-595 0-291 26741 3795 3796 84-53 5 75 47 57-09 + 15-59 0-269 + o-oio 1876 152 26761 2268 3796 3797 91-37 3 9 54 58-30 + I5-588 0-290 626 3797 3798 85-38 3 101 45 49-80 + 15-580 0-305 146 26743 625 3798 3799 86-72 3 101 40 58-29 + 15-563 0-305 151 26759 630 3799 3800 88-93 4 108 50 33-35 + I5-552 0-316 26760 3800 3801 82-42 3 "4 31 4 I- 59 + I5-536 0-326 + 0-007 1874 154 8007 3801 3802 86-73 3 124 42 3-36 + I5-533 0-344 + 0-180 150 8008 2271 3802 3803 82-47 3 95 10 46-50 + I 5'5 I 4 0-298 + 0-305 1880 158 26790 648 8013 2272 3803 3804 83-42 3 99 13 49'!9 + 15-500 0-304 651 3804 3805 86-39 3 92 2 12-90 + 15-470 -0-295 26824 661 3805 3806 84-18 5 I2 4 43 3570 + 15-460 0-347 159 8018 3806 3807 85-38 3 97 47 13-62 + iSHSi 0-303 26826 664 3807 3808 83-41 3 99 14 10-05 + 15-425 0-306 671 3808 3809 88-78 3 9 57 8-93 + 15-388 0-295 26869 6 95 2274 3809 3810 89-06 3 "4 58 32-77 + 15-382 0-331 + O'IO2 1881 163 26847 8035 2275 3810 38n 90-74 3 114 58 38-98 + 15-382 0-331 + O-IO2 1881 163 26847 2276 3811 38i2 87-39 3 107 13 56-06 + 1 5-377 0-319 26858 3812 3813 84-39 3 112 41 12-49 + I5-373 0-328 26855 2279 3813 3814 84-36 3 I0 4 59 43-88 + 15-367 0-316 0-006 1882 167 26873 701 2280 3814 3815 84-43 3 no 42 32-41 + 15-364 0-325 + 0-140 166 26866 3815 3816 87-13 4 72 34 10-34 + I5-356 0-270 + 0-052 1888 172 26893 2281 3816 3817 88-71 4 62 27 39-21 + 15-351 0-253 O'OOI 2282 3817 3818 81-30 30 62 27 41-41 + I5-35I 0-253 O'OOI 1890 175 26908 8039 2283 3818 3819 87H5 3 97 19 57-96 + 15-340 0-306 26884 709 3819 3820 89-09 3 no 51 46-51 + 15-37 0-327 171 26892 3820 3821 91-70 3 93 46 i9 -I 7 + 15-278 0-302 732 3821 3822 85-43 3 102 22 34-47 + 15-254 0-316 26929 739 3822 323 91-72 3 95 2 44-79 + 15-234 0-305 26942 752 3823 3824 87-09 3 106 52 43-33 + 15-227 0-323 26940 3824 3825 92-08 3 96 38 51-22 + 15-200 0-308 26957 759 3825 3Si8 is 3258 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3798, 3 8 3i 3 8 io, 3811, 3814, 3818, are respectively 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1418, 1420 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 37^3) 3815- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3802. The Proper Motions h:ive been taken from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. 172 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. B. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. B. No. 3826 Libras 6-7 2 90-06 3 14 42 57-280 + .l^s? 2 + 0-0206 3826 3827 Librae 7-8 I 92-07 3 14 43 14-287 + 3-2324 + 0-0128 3827 3828 Libras 7 4 8974 3 1 4 43 I4'545 + .r38io + 0-0177 3828 3829 Virginia 6-7 I 89-41 3 !4 43 15-106 + 3-0784 + 0-0085 3829 3830 7 Librae /j. 6-5 2 85-35 3 H 43 i7 -I 4 8 + 3-2854 + 0-0145 0-0066 3830 3831 Librae 7 89-42 3 14 43 32-867 + 3-1962 + 0-0117 3831 3832 Librae 8-7 2 92-39 3 14 43 53-083 + 3'2073 + O-OI2O 3832 3833 Librae 7-8 2 89-38 3 X 4 44 I'o^ + 3-3087 + 0-0152 3833 3834 8 Libras 6 I 82-76 3 H 44 35'9 8 + .T3I7 1 + 0-0155 0-0098 3834 3835 Librae 7 6 86-69 4 14 44 37-828 + 3-2525 + 0-0134 3835 3836 9 Librae a 3 86-60 45 '4 44 47-5 2 3 + 3-3i8i + 0-0156 0-0093 3836 3837 1 1 Libras 5-6 2 84-38 3 14 45 18-828 + 3-1009 + 0-0091 + 0-0037 3837 3838 Virginia 6-7 I 86-43 3 14 45 22-181 + 3-0695 + 0-0082 3838 3839 Librae 7-6 3 87-42 3 14 45 25-668 + 33482 + 0-0165 0-0076 3839 3840 10 Libras 7-6 2 84-44 3 14 45 40-963 + 3-3582 + 0-0168 0-0048 3840 3841 Centauri 7-6 86-40 3 J 4 45 59-705 + .V5865 + 0-0254 0-0290 3841 3842 37 Bootis 4* ... 89-96 4 14 46 18-893 + 2-7573 + 0-0022 + 0-0089 3842 3843 Librae 9-8 I 92-08 3 14 46 52-408 + 3-0873 + 0-0088 3843 3844 Librae 8-9 2 92-05 3 14 47 1-116 + 3H 1 7 + 0-OI87 3844 3845 Librae 7-8 I 88-42 3 14 47 31-682 + 3-4610 + 0-0203 3845 3846 12 Librae 5-6 2 8374 3 H 47 56-749 + 3-4743 + 0-0208 0-0014 3846 3847 3848 13 Libras 6 7-8 I 2 84-85 85'37 5 3 14 48 24-495 "4 48 36-331 + 3-254 + 3-1976 + 0-0133 + 0-0116 0-0061 3847 3848 Librae 3849 3850 3851 Librae Librae 7-8 8-7 2 87-10 92-35 92-34 3 3 3 14 48 51-532 '4 49 J3-259 14 49 23-243 + 3-39 1 ? + 3-1225 + 3-1806 + 0-0177 + 0-0096 + 0-01 1 1 3849 3850 3851 Librae 8-7 I 3852 Librae 8 92-38 3 14 49 31-162 + 3-21.57 + O-OI2I 3852 3853 3854 3855 Librae Librae 8-7 7-8 I 9 2 '37 92-08 92-40 3 3 3 H 49 50720 14 50 6-779 14 50 8-998 + 3-2884 + 3-3746 + 3-47I4 + 0-0142 + 0-0170 + 0-0204 3853 3854 3855 Libras 8 2 3856 Librae 8-7 3 85-44 3 14 50 11-771 + 3-3378 + 0-0158 3856 3857 Librae 8 I 92-40 3 H So 27-325 + 3-1666 + 0-0107 O'OIOO 3857 3858 Hydras 7-6 I 84-89 4 14 5 39-7<57 + 3-5688 + 0-0241 3858 3859 15 Librae f 2 5-6 3 87-04 28 14 50 47-898 + 3-2482 + 0-0130 0-0019 3859 3860 Librae 8-9 2 89-08 a 14 51 1-294 + 3-4 r 94 + 0-0184 + 0-0691 3860 3861 7 Ursae Minoris ... jS 2* 83-72 5 14 51 1-536 0-2236 + 0-1010 0-0077 3861 3862 Libne 6-7 I 84-37 3 14 51 2-408 + 3-4 1 94 + 0-0184 + 0-0691 3862 3863 16 Librae 5 I 87H7 3 14 51 26-273 + 3-1345 + 0-0099 0-006 1 3863 3864 Libras 9-8 92-89 4 H 5i 44-309 + 3-0882 + 0-0088 3864 3865 Librae 7-8 I 88-71 3 14 51 46-214 + 3-2660 + 0-0135 3865 3866 I Serpentis 6-5 3 85-46 3 14 51 54-812 + 3-0681 + 0-0083 + 0-0017 3866 3867 Librae 7-6 i 87-44 3 "4 Si 56-142 + 3-3498 + 0-0161 3867 3868 59 Hydrae 6 89-91 4 14 52 8-490 + 3-54 1 7 + 0-0228 0-0052 3868 3869 17 Librae 7 2 85-46 3 14 52 15729 + 3-2452 + 0-0129 0-0041 3869 3870 Librae 8-7 I 9 2- 7i 3 14 52 46-883 + 3-3176 + 0-0151 3870 3830. Very close double. The first star is blue, and of the 7-8 magnitude, the second star is reddish, and of the 6-7 magnitude. Observed as one mass. 3842. A companion precedes. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 173 No. Mean Time of Observa tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var // Proper Motion. // fi I/} r- jf M 6 o oo K 8 oo t-l d? a J C3 J [3 "a *l O fc co oToo Ij Greenwich, 1880. No. 3826 90-06 3 "3 47 34-57 + I5 -I 94 0-336 26952 8066 2286 3826 3827 92-07 a IOO 22 7-4! + 15-178 0-315 26967 768 3827 3828 89-74 3 IO9 26 44'2O + I5-I77 0-329 26962 3828 3829 89-41 3 9O 23 22-69 + I5T77 0-300 26975 772 3829 3830 85-35 3 I0 3 41 23-73 + I5-I75 0-320 + 0-016 1891 183 26966 767 8069 2287 3830 3831 89-42 a 98 2 43-20 + 15-160 0-312 26978 774 3831 3832 92-39 3 98 44 42-02 + 15'Mi 0-313 _- 26983 779 3832 3833 89-38 3 105 4 6-86 + 15-132 0-323 78i 3833 3834 82-76 a 105 32 22-33 + iS'ioo 0-325 + 0-090 1893 186 26995 2291 3834 3835 86-69 4 101 33 42-82 + 15-098 0-319 27005 793 3835 3836 84-44 13 i5 35 3-04 + 15-088 0-325 + 0-072 1894 187 27008 8084 2292 3836 3837 84-38 3 9 1 5 25-47 + 15-058 0-305 + 0-132 1897 191 27032 816 3837 3838 86-43 3 89 48 9-83 + 15-055 0-302 27039 818 3838 3839 87-42 a 10 7 J 9 55-35 + 15-051 0-329 + O-12O 1895 1 88 27029 2294 3839 3840 84-44 .3 !7 54 5-25 + 1 5-037 0-331 O-OI4 1896 190 27033 384 3841 86-40 3 120 7 22-45 + 15-019 0-353 + 0-020 8093 3841 3842 87-86 I 70 26 30-76 + 15-001 0-273 + 0-101 1898 '97 27073 2303 3842 3843 92-08 a 9 57 I8 '05 + 14-968 0-306 3843 3844 92-05 a in 9 13-24 + 14-960 - 0-338 3844 3845 88-42 3 "3 3i 25-98 + 14-929 0-343 27081 8108 3845 3846 8.V74 a 114 ii 30-38 + !4-95 '345 + 0-037 1899 199 27088 8116 2304 3846 3847 84H5 a 101 26 55-58 + 14-878 0-325 + 0-01 1 1901 206 27II5 875 2305 3847 3848 85-37 a 97 56 21-91 + 14-867 0-319 27125 881 3848 3849 87-10 a I0 9 33 49-77 + 14-853 0-339 27123 3849 3850 92-35 a 93 ii 0-28 + 14-831 0-313 27142 890 3850 3851 92-34 a 96 50 42-13 + 14-821 0-319 27I 44 893 3851 3852 92-38 a 99 ' 37-29 + 14-813 0-323 3852 3853 354 3855 3856 92-37 92-08 92-40 85H4 a 3 a 3 103 27 14-06 108 28 55-80 113 48 43-99 106 21 14-68 + '4793 + H'778 + 14-776 + H'773 0-330 0-339 0-349 0-336 27152 27159 2 7 T 54 27160 900 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 92-40 3 95 55 55-58 + I4-758 0-319 + 0-150 27174 911 3857 3858 84-89 4 118 42 42-95 + I4-745 0-359 8136 3858 3859 84-76 a 100 57 4'73 + I4-737 0-328 0-006 !93 214 27182 8i37 2308 3859 3860 89-08 3 no 55 0-08 + 147*4 0-345 + 1-766 2309 3860 13861 82-15 36 15 23 41-84 + 14-723 + 0-016 + 0-005 1917 240 2312 3861 3862 84-37 3 no 55 6-06 + i4-7 2 3 0-345 + 1-766 212 27173 2310 3862 3863 87-47 3 93 53 52-81 + 14-700 0-317 + ' I 55 !95 22O 27212 930 8148 3863 3864 92-89 4 9 59 i3'.H + 14-682 0-313 941 3864 3865 88-71 3 'o 1 59 39-99 + 14-680 0-331 27215 938 3865 3866 85H7 4 89 43 25-01 + 14-671 0-311 + 0-006 1908 22 4 27233 945 2313 3866 3867 87-44 3 106 55 18-23 + 14-670 o-339 223 27219 3867 368 87-99 5 117 12 54-14 + I4-657 0-359 + 0-049 1904 222 8156 3868 3869 85-46 a loo 42 43-94 + 14-65 0-330 + O'OOI 1907 225 7237 948 315 3869 3870 92-71 a 104 59 41-79 + 14-619 0-338 7251 958 3870 3 8 3 6 > 3859. 3861, are respectively 3264, 3287, 3292 oi the Raclchtfe Catalogue, 1845. LH39. '44 of the Kadclitte Catalogue, 1860. 3834. 3 8 36, 3837. 3839, 384 2 > 3859- 386o, 3861, 3862, 3863, 3869, are respectively 1425, 1426, 1428, 1427, 1430, 1436, 1437, 1441, 1438, 3841, 3857- The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3862. The Proper Motions in R. A. and N.P.D. have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. ; and also used for 3860, although there appears to lie some small relative motion between the stars. 174 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. S. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 3871 :S Librae 6-7 2 85-46 3 H S 2 56-532 + 3-2456 + 0-0128 0-0084 3871 3872 Librae 6-7 2 85-44 5 14 53 8-757 + 3 - I454 + 0-OIOI 0'0280 3872 3873 3874 3875 Librae 8 8-7 2 92-38 92-07 82-45 3 3 3 H 54 9-502 14 54 10-055 H 55 5-672 + .r4523 + 3-375I + 3-2038 + 0-0193 + 0-0167 + 0-0116 O-OO64 3873 3874 3875 :g Librae 8 Var. 3876 Librae 9-8 2 91-39 3 14 55 I2 '902 + 3-42I7 + 0-0182 3876 3877 40 Bootis 5* ... 89-11 3 H 55 23-797 + 2-3036 O'OOO2 0-0:30 3877 3878 60 Hydra 6-5 I 87-09 3 14 55 32-965 + 3-5575 + 0-0230 + 0-0054 3878 3879 Libra 6-5 3 84-22 5 14 55 36-94 + 3-IIOO + 0-0093 3879 3880 Draconis 5 89-40 3 '4 55 49-942 + 0-951:5 + 0-0280 O-OO74 3880 3881 Libras 7-6 2 84-74 3 14 55 Si-So? + 3-II67 + 0-0094 388: 3882 2 Serpentis 6 3 85-47 3 14 56 10-871 + 3-0677 + 0-0083 o-ooo: 3882 3883 3884 3885 Libra Lupi 7 6 6-7 2 3 83-74 86-39 85-43 1 3 3 14 S 6 II-593 14 56 15-206 14 56 17-238 + 3-20I7 + 3-6582 + 3'l890 + 0-0115 + 0-0268 + O-OII2 3883 3884 3885 Librae 3886 Librae 7-6 I 84-45 3 14 56 38-4:4 + .rI936 + 0-OII3 3886 3887 Librae 8-7 2 91-71 3 H S 6 54-459 + 3-2362 + 0-0:25 3887 3888 Librae 7-8 I 87-45 3 14 56 55-476 + 3-36II + 0-0:61 3888 3889 Librae 7-6 I 87-06 3 14 57 1-983 + .r"48 + 0-0094 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 Librae 20 Librae 8-7 3-4* I 92-04 85-43 92-41 88-37 92-41 92-69 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 57 6-670 14 57 37-818 H 58 2-379 14 58 54-612 14 59 41-814 14 59 42-632 + 3-278I + 3-5057 + 3-3242 + 3-4638 + 3-I8I5 + 3-I 4 82 + 0-0:36 + 0-0209 + 0-0:50 + 0-0:92 + 0-0:09 + o'o:oo 0-0070 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 Librae 8-7 17-8 Librae / 7-8 Librae 9-8 3896 43 Bootis \l/ 4-5* 86-02 18 '4 59 43-944 + ^5836 + 0-00:: 0-0:45 3896 3897 Librae 7 4 87-09 3 M 59 45-733 + 3-487I + 0-0:99 o'oo:o 3897 3898 3899 3900 39 01 3902 Librae 8 8 7 I 92-42 9 2 -4i 88-68 92-70 82-46 3 3 I 3 3 14 59 59-950 15 o 1-601 15 o 6-196 15 9'364 15 o 29-329 + 3-397I + 3-0982 + 3-4470 + 3-2242 + 3' 34" + 0-0:70 + 0-0090 + 0-0:86 + 0-0:2: + 0-0:53 0-0052 3898 3899 3900 39o: 3902 Libra) Librae / 6-7 8-0 i 2: Librae v' 5-6 i 393 Librse 7-8 i 89-06 3 15 o 32-070 + 3-2822 + 0-0:36 393 3904 22 Librae v" 7 i 83-34 3 '5 o 40'546 + 3-3454 + 0-0:54 0^0078 3904 395 Librae 7-8 2 86-10 3 15 o 51-363 + 3-4904 + 0-0200 3905 3906 397 3908 Libras 8 8 7 2 92-41 91-96 87-17 3 3 4 15 2 21-304 15 2 21-324 15 2 30-007 + 3-I978 + 3-1281 + .V47I2 + o-o: 13 + 0-0096 + 0-0:92 0-0:20 396 397 3908 Librae 7-8 4 399 Librae 8-7 2 9 2 '33 3 15 2 56-340 + 3-2650 + 0-0131 399 39' Librae 8-7 2 92-42 3 15 2 58-353 + .V3038 + 0-0:41 39io 39" Librae 7-6 2 84-07 3 15 3 26-235 + 3-4909 + 0-0:97 39" 39' 2 Liboe 7 5 88-92 6 15 3 31-118 + 3-4236 + 0-0:76 39 12 3913 Librse 7 I 85-46 3 15 3 48-123 + 3-1561 + 0-0:02 3913 39H Librae 6 80-63 4 15 3 48-I47 + .r5393 + 0-02:3 39M 39'5 Libra 8-7 I 92-10 3 15 3 58-830 + .r3782 + 0-0:62 3915 3875. A variable of the Algol type. The limits of magnitude are 5-0 and 6-2 : the period is 2 d 8 h . 3880. Piazzi's N. P. D. is 2' too great. 389:. Reddish star. 3892. A star of equal magnitude, Lalande 27402, follows 5', and is 2' south. 3894. Close double. The components are of the 8 and 8-9 magnitudes. Observed as one mass. 3908. Reddish-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 175 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. 1 It Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. o w. !>. 1 A o o oo 8 CO ciT 1 IS J Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o - CO " -+J q) CO n, O Greenwich, 1880. No. 3871 85-46 3 loo 42 4-08 + 14-609 0-331 + 0-072 1909 228 27266 966 2318 3871 3S72 86-09 3 94 32 43-07 + H'597 0-321 + 0-100 229 968 3872 3873 92-38 3 112 24 40-87 + H'537 0-353 3873 3874 92-07 3 108 ii 19-58 + 14-536 - 0-345 234 27288 3874 3875 82-45 3 98 4 54-85 + i 4'479 0-330 + 0-009 1911 238 27314 995 3875 3876 9' '39 3 no 40 18-73 + I4H72 0-352 3876 3877 8575 3 50 17 53-00 + 14-461 0-239 0-047 191^ 248 27368 2320 3877 3878 87-09 3 "7 37 26-65 + !4'452 0-366 + 0-014 1910 237 8179 3878 3879 83-40 3 92 J 9 5'77 + 14-448 0-321 239 27335 2321 3879 3880 88-08 6 2.3 37 45-78 + !4'435 0-103 0-059 260 27441 2322 3880 3881 84-74 3 92 43 32-82 + !4 - 433 0-322 27342 3881 3882 85-47 3 89 42 16-95 + HHM 0-317 + o-oio 1912 243 27352 1019 3882 3883 83-74 3 97 54 38-05 + I 4'4 I 3 o-33i 27347 1014 3883 3884 84-88 4 122 12 30-03 + 14-410 -0-377 8183 3884 3885 85-43 3 97 8 2576 + 14-408 0-330 241 27349 1018 3885 3886 84-45 1 97 24 21-60 + 14-386 0-331 245 27362 1025 3886 3887 91-71 3 99 57 3-i + 14-369 0-335 27372 1027 3887 3888 87-45 a I0 7 ii 54'36 + '4-369 -0-348 246 27363 3888 3889 87-06 3 92 35 50-35 + 14-362 0-323 249 27380 1033 3889 3890 92-04 3 102 25 28-49 + 14-357 0-340 27376 1031 389 3891 84-17 4 "4 50 56-39 + IW5 0-364 + 0-033 ^'S 25! 27382 8192 2326 3891 3892 92-41 3 I0 5 i 49-55 + 14-301 0-346 27400 1052 3892 3893 88-37 3 112 35 2-10 + 14-247 0-362 27420 3893 3894 92-41 3 9 6 35 6-36 + 14-198 0-334 27454 1085 3894 3895 92-69 3 94 34 56-02 + I4-I97 0-330 3895 3896 81-52 13 62 37 22-54 + 14-196 0-272 + 0-008 1922 270 27481 8212 2332 3896 3897 87-09 3 "3 42 5-27 + 14-194 0-365 + 0-130 261 8210 3897 3898 92-42 3 108 56 57-59 + 14-180 0-356 27451 3898 3899 92-41 3 9 1 33 26-55 + 14-178 0-326 27469 1094 3^99 3900 88-68 3 in 36 12-05 + I4-I74 0-362 27453 3900 39i 92-70 3 99 6 37'93 + 14-170 0-339 1093 39oi 3902 82-46 3 l s 49 47'04 + 14-150 0-35 1 + 0-030 1919 267 27471 3902 393 89-06 3 102 28 48-07 + I 4' I 47 0-345 268 27473 1099 393 3904 8.V34 3 1 06 3 27-89 + I 4' I 37 o-35 2 + 0-012 1920 269 27476 2335 3904 3905 86-10 3 "3 46 7-3i + 14-127 0-367 27475 8221 395 3906 92-41 3 97 28 34-94 + 14-034 0-339 + 0-440 27531 H37 3906 3907 92-62 3 93 20 1-72 + 1 4-034 0-332 27537 1140 397 3908 87-08 3 "2 38 37-57 + 14-024 0-368 27519 3908 3909 92-33 3 IOI 22 6-84 + I3-997 0-347 27552 "49 399 3910 92-42 3 103 34 42-32 + I3-995 0-35 1 280 1150 3910 3911 84-07 3 113 33 52-82 + 13-966 0-371 282 27563 8243 '344 39" 3912 88-92 6 "o 5 54-99 + 13-961 0-364 27567 3912 3913 85-46 3 94 58 21-17 + I3-942 0-337 286 27589 10 39 r 3 3914 80-56 6 "5 54 45-o8 + I3'942 0-377 27571 8246 39'4 - 3915 92-10 3 107 38 13-12 + I3-93I 0-360 27582 39t5 3875, 3877, 3880, 3887, 3891, are respectively 3296, 3298, 3305, 3299, 3303 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3871, 3887, 3891, 3896, 3902, 3904, are respectively 1442, 1444, 1445, 1449, 1450, 1451 of the Radcliife Catalogue, 1860. 3872, 3897, 3906. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3880. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 176 KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Preoess. a. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 3916 39i7 Serpentis 8-7 91-97 91-72 3 3 IS 4 I9'374 15 5 io-979 + 3-0802 + 3-2892 + 0-0086 + 0-0136 3916 3917 Librae 7-8 I 39i8 Libra: 7 2 8S-43 3 15 5 41-090 + 3-3455 + 0-0151 39i8 39 ! 9 Librae 7-8 5 88-58 6 15 5 53-304 + 3-I037 + 0-0091 3919 3920 3921 5 7-6 6 87-00 87-77 29 3 15 5 57-012 15 5 57-I56 + 3-4I.34 + 3-4005 + 0-0170 + O'oi66 0-0037 3920 3921 Librae 39" Librae 7-8 3 89-05 3 15 6 11-415 + 3-3507 + 0-0152 3922 3923 Librae 6-7 3 84-11 3 15 6 12-772 + 3-38I8 + 0-0160 3923 3924 Librae 6-7 3 82-09 3 J5 6 51-577 + 3-4976 + 0-0196 39 2 4 3925 Serpentis 7 I 88-77 3 15 6 59-014 + 3-0719 + 0-0084 39 2 5 3926 23 Librae 6-7 I 87-11 3 15 7 2-945 + 3-5245 + 0-0205 0-0320 39 2 6 3927 3928 25 Librae t 2 6-7 7 2 2 84-41 89-05 3 3 15 7 3-096 15 7 i6-337 + 3-4I23 + 3-2548 + 0-0169 + 0-0125 0-0052 3927 3928 Librae 3929 3930 3931 Librae Libras 6 7-8 ... 86-78 9I-43 89-09 3 3 3 15 7 22-291 15 8 0-915 15 8 13-501 + .r5435 + 3-2288 + 3-3I28 + 0-02 1 1 + O'OIlS + O-OI4I 3929 393 393i Librae 7 ... 3932 Librae 7 3 85-46 3 15 8 14-986 + 3-3908 + O-Ol62 3932 3933 Serpentis 7-6 ... 80-42 4 15 8 19-953 + 3-0883 + 0-0087 0-0804 3933 3934 26 Librae 6-7 2 88-94 6 15 8 21-229 + 3-3785 + 0-0158 0-0033 3934 3935 Librae 7 2 89-33 3 15 8 44-687 + 3-I23I + 0-0095 3935 3936 LibraB 7 2 84-43 3 15 9 2-562 + 3' l6 oo + O-OIO2 3936 3937 Librae 6 2 83-01 5 15 10 0-275 + .r47o6 + 0-0184 3937 3938 Librae 8 2 91-77 3 15 10 13-608 + 3-1819 + 0-OI07 3938 3939 LibraB 7 2 87-45 3 15 10 45-215 + 3-294 1 + 0-0134 3939 394 Librae 8-9 I 92-07 3 15 I0 53-176 + 3-3407 + 0-0146 3940 I 394 1 Librae 8-7 I 92-12 3 15 ii o-ooo + 3-2093 + 0-OII3 0-0070 3941 3942 49 Bootis 8 3* 86-u 3 15 11 4-129 + 2-4117 + o-ooii + 0-0069 3942 3943 3944 3945 27 Librae {3 3 5-4* 8 3 I 85-90 86-38 9 2 '43 49 3 3 15 II 5-188 15 II 8-154 15 II 30-248 + 3-2289 + 3-6382 + 3-138 + 0-0117 + 0-0238 + 0-0098 0-0079 0-0025 3943 3944 3945 Librae 3946 Libras 7 3 85H4 3 15 II 54-132 + 3-I559 + O'OIOO 3946 3947 Librae 8 4 88-77 3 15 12 8-557 + 3-5119 + 0-0195 3947 3948 Librae 7-8 4 87-39 4 15 12 42-060 + 3-5132 + 0-0195 3948 3949 Serpentis 6-7 3 82-40 3 15 12 47-669 + 3-0735 + 0-0084 3949 3950 Librae 7-8 5 87-40 3 15 13 12782 + 3-5142 + 0-0195 395 395^ Serpentis 7 3 83-41 3 15 i3 i5-7!5 + 3-0933 + 0-0088 3951 395 2 Librae 7-8 2 87-44 3 15 13 26-183 + 3-2262 + 0-0116 3952 3953 Librae 8-9 I 9 2 '43 3 15 13 28-769 + 3-4455 + 0-0174 3953 3954 Librae 7-8 I 87-79 3 15 r 3 33-562 + 3-4J9 6 + 0-0166 3954 3955 28 Librae 7-6 4 84-84 6 15 14 39-435 + 3-394 + 0-0158 -o'ooiS 3955 3956 Libras 7-6 2 84-42 3 15 14 48-575 + 3-I555 + o-oioo 3956 3957 3958 3959 29 Librae & 1 7-6 Var. 7-6 3 3 2 85-40 9^37 84-45 a 3 3 15 14 5 2 '37 8 !5 15 4-724 15 15 6-501 + 3-3445 + 3-4383 + 3-1078 + 0-0145 + 0-0170 + 0-0091 + 0-0007 O'OZIO 3957 3958 3959 | Serpentis 3960 Librae 7-8 2 88-73 3 15 15 18-551 + 3-1821 + 0-0105 3960 3932. A star of the 9-8 magnitude, Piazzi XV, 15, follows, and is south. 3956. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i m too great. 3958. The limits of magnitude are 7-6 and below 13 : the period is 192 days. BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 177 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o in Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // us o r^ M t 1 8 CO M "i 8 oo o* T3 a Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 ..> oo a i- 1 o it 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 3916 9I-97 3 90 27 36-99 + 13-910 0-330 27612 25 3916 39i" 91-72 3 102 38 12-35 + I3-855 0-353 i 27629 34 3917 39i8 85H3 3 i5 44 33-63 + 13-824 0-359 27640 39i8 3919 88-58 6 91 50 34-90 + 13-811 0-334 27661 51 3919 3920 83-59 6 109 22 28*99 + 13-807 - 0-367 + 0-042 1927 3 27649 8261 2347 3920 3921 8777 3 108 41 25-07 + 13-807 0-366 27650 3921 3922 89-05 3 I0 5 59 45"46 + I3-792 0-361 27656 3922 39 2 3 84-11 3 107 40 29-71 + I3-790 0-364 3923 3924 82-09 3 "3 35 37'54 + I3-748 0-377 27668 8265 3924 3925 88-77 3 89 58 i -41 + I3-74 1 0-332 27697 3925 3926 87-11 3 "4 53 37'oS + I3-737 0-380 + 0-040 5 27678 8268 3926 39=7 84-41 3 I0 9 13 57-89 + I3-737 0-368 + O-O22 1928 6 27683 3927 3928 89-05 3 Joo 35 33-14 + I3-723 0-352 9 27699 73 3928 3929 86-78 3 115 46 51-49 + 13-716 -0-383 8271 3929 393 91-43 3 99 4 49"o6 + I3-675 0-350 27722 87 3930 393' 89-09 3 '03 47 5!'34 + 13-662 0-360 27729 9' 3931 3932 85-46 3 1 08 o 59-59 + 13-660 -0-368 14 27724 3932 3933 80-42 4 9 55 27-05 + I3-655 - 0-336 + 0-502 27744 99 2349 3933 3934 88-94 6 107 21 25-73 + I3-654 0-367 + 0-009 '93 16 27731 3934 3935 89-33 3 92 57 I.V45 + 13-628 0-340 i? 27753 109 3935 3936 84-43 3 95 5 337 + 13-609 0-344 37763 113 3936 3937 83-01 5 in 59 30-87 + I3-548 0-379 !9 27781 8301 2351 3937 3938 91-77 3 9 6 '9 43'59 + I3-533 0-348 i.H 3938 3939 87-45 3 102 37 57-65 + I3H99 0-361 27809 143 3939 394 92-07 3 105 10 17-89 + I3H9 1 0-366 146 394 394! 92-12 3 97 52 21-28 + I3-483 0-352 + O'2IO 153 394' 3942 83-72 ii 56 16 27-79 + I3H79 0-266 + 0-105 1936 29 27859 2355 3942 3943 83-51 20 98 58 35-26 + I3-478 0-355 + 0-017 1934 26 27821 154 8313 2354 3943 13944 86-38 3 "9 44 36-89 + 1 3H74 0-399 + 0-028 1931 22 8312 2353 3944 3945 92-43 3 93 46 42-03 + I3H5 1 0-345 161 3945 3946 85-44 4 94 47 51-36 + 13-425 -0-348 27850 165 3946 3947 88-77 3 113 50 40-63 + 13-408 -0-387 27840 3947 13948 87-90 4 113 51 46-64 + I3-373 0-388 27861 8325 3948 3949 82-40 3 90 3 30-44 + 13-366 0-340 27884 3949 3950 87-90 4 113 52 6-60 + I3-339 0-388 27878 8328 395 395! 83-41 3 91 ii 28-14 + 13-336 0-343 194 395' 13952 87-44 a 98 44 38-07 + 13-325 '357 32 27901 !95 3952 3953 92-43 3 no 28 6-23 + 13-321 0-381 27893 3953 3954 87-79 3 109 8 59-84 + 13-316 0-379 27896 3954 3955 84-84 6 107 45 30-29 + 13-242 0-377 + 0-06 1 1938 37 27933 2360 3955 3956 84-42 3 94 43 1576 + 13-234 0-352 2795 242 3956 3957 85-40 3 105 9 3-69 + 13-231 0-372 0-038 1939 41 27946 220 2362 3957 3958 92-37 a 109 59 26-07 + 13-216 -0-383 3958 3959 84-45 3 92 o 36-63 + 13-214 o-347 + 0-190 27957 3959 3960 88-73 3 96 12 55-86 + 13-201 0-355 43 27961 226 3960 3920, 3943, are respectively 3329, 3344 of the Radoliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3920, 3926, 3927, 3933, 3942, 3943, are respectively 1459, 1460, 1461, 1463, 1466, 1465 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 3926, 3941, 3959. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 3933- The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. A A 178 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Process. 8. See. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 9. No. 3961 Librae 6 I 82-10 3 15 15 I8-875 + 3-1681 + 0-0102 3961 3962 Lib 8 2 92-39 3 15 15 35-860 + 3-2700 + 0-0126 3962 3963 Libras 7 2 88-92 4 15 15 42-818 + 3-1861 + 0-0106 3963 3964 Libra 8 I 9^39 4 15 15 58-162 + 3-4921 + 0-0185 3964 396.5 Libra 7-6 ... 83-39 3 15 16 4-042 + 3-6307 + 0-0228 3965 3966 30 Libra c 1 7-6 8 87-26 19 15 16 5.V577 + 3-3389 + 0-0143 0-0025 3966 3967 II Ursae Minoris 5 85-97 4 15 17 II'2l6 0-0883 + 0-0738 + 0-0080 3967 3968 Libra 8-7 2 89-06 3 15 17 19-640 + 3-3665 + 0-0150 3968 3969 Librae 8 I 9Z-I5 1 15 i? 2 .V593 + 3-3246 + 0-0138 3969 397 Librae 6-7 ... 82-44 3 15 i? 49-994 + 3-2880 + 0-0129 3970 3971 8 Serpentis 6 2 85-27 6 15 18 3-481 + 3-0837 + 0-0085 + 0-0044 3971 397 2 31 Librae e 5* 87H7 3 15 18 14-075 + 3-2506 + o-o 1 20 0-0078 3972 3973 Libra 8 3 92-36 3 15 1 8 20-493 + 3-2172 + O'OII2 3973 3974 Libra 9-8 I 92-42 3 15 18 23-833 + 3-5072 + 0-0187 3974 3975 Librte 8-9 92-28 3 15 18 33-331 + 3-1564 + 0-0099 3975 3976 Librae 7-8 I 87-12 3 15 18 34-223 + 3-4769 + 0-0178 3976 3977 Libra 8-7 3 85-36 3 15 19 I7-370 + 3'!7i4 + O-OIO2 3977 3978 Libra 7-8 2 86-72 3 '5 !9 36-473 + 3'473 + 0-0158 3978 3979 Librae 7 4 89 ii 3 15 "9 43-327 + 3-4651 + 0-0173 3979 3980 Serpentis 7-8 3 89-43 3 15 20 4-822 + 3-0880 + 0-0086 398o 398i 3982 3983 51 Bodtis fn 4-3* 7 6 89-91 85-45 83-23 2 3 a 15 20 19-992 15 20 30-953 15 20 54-243 + 2-2782 + 3H382 0-1325 + 0-0014 + 0-0165 + 0-0745 0-0143 + 0-0040 398i 3982 3983 13 Ursae Minoris ... y 3* ... 3984 Libra 7-8 i 91-79 3 15 21 33-594 + 3-3402 + 0-0140 3984 3985 Libra 8-9 i 92-41 3 15 21 36-I57 + 3-1202 + 0-0092 3985 3986 32 Librae * 6-5 4 86-69 25 15 22 3-137 + 3-3748 + 0-0147 o-ooio 3986 3987 Librae 7 2 84-08 3 15 22 12-361 + 3-235 1 + 0-0114 + 0-0062 3987 3988 Libra 8-7 3 86-78 3 15 22 12-640 + 3-2744 + 0-0124 3988 3989 Libra 8-7 2 84-08 3 15 22 14-979 + 3-2353 + 0-0115 + 0-0062 3989 399 Librae 8 2 92-10 3 15 22 I5-I02 + 3-2109 + O-QIIO 3990 399* Libra 7 2 88-75 3 15 22 28-793 + 3-3556 + 0-0144 3991 3992 12 Draconis i 3* ... 89-76 3 15 22 28-920 + 1-3286 + 0-0133 0-0020 3992 3993 3 Coronae Borealis /3 4-3* ... 87-61 5 15 23 17-607 + 2-4865 + 0-0019 0-0134 3993 3994 33 Libra g 7 2 84-43 3 15 23 21-307 + 3-39o6 + 0-0151 0-0068 3994 3995 Librae 8-7 2 92-10 3 15 23 56-096 + 3-3008 + 0-0129 3995 3996 Librae 8-7 I 92-12 | 15 24 I3-370 + 3-1904 + 0-0104 3996 3997 3998 3999 Librae 34 Librae 3 6-7 6-7 7-8 I 2 3 82-05 84H9 85H5 5 3 3 15 24 14-755 J 5 24 27-951 15 24 39-134 + .V4582 + 3-3755 + 3-5205 + 0-0167 + 0-0146 + 0-0184 0-0006 3997 3998 3999 Libra 4000 Libra 7-8 2 87-01 3 !5 24 45-794 + 3-4202 + 0-0158 4000 4001 Librae 8-9 3 92-13 3 15 25 20-632 + 3*1453 + 0-0095 4001 4002 Librae 7 i 84-46 3 15 25 23-590 + 3-4481 + 0-0164 4002 4003 Libra 7-8 i 89-06 3 15 25 45-782 + 3-4862 + 0-0174 43 4004 Serpentis 8 3 92-35 3 15 26 7-664 + 3-1116 + 0-0089 4004 4005 Libne 6 3 82-37 3 15 26 17-493 + 3H392 + 0-0161 4005 ~1 3961. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 6' too small. 3962. A star of the 8 magnitude, Lalande 27970, follows, and is south. 3973. Reddish star. 396. Deep red star. RADCLIITE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 179 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / /, Precess. Sec. Var /; Proper Motion. o us r- fr I 8 00 S Lalande, 1800. 1 if If w J 0) CO 1 -*J qj co o. Greenwich, 1880. ~] No. 3961 82-10 3 95 25 37-72 + 13-201 '354 227 2363 3961 3962 92'39 3 101 5 27-94 + 13-182 0-365 27968 230 3962 3963 88-92 4 96 25 44-45 + I3-I75 0-356 45 27978 238 3963 3964 92-12 3 112 34 53-23 + 13-158 0-390 27972 3964 3965 80-38 3 118 56 46-50 + 13-152 0-405 8360 39 6 5 3966 85-11 6 104 44 26-92 + 13-097 -0-374 0-013 1941 5 28000 256 8367 2366 3966 39 6 7 83-33 4 17 46 37-19 + I3'078 + 0-004 0-003 1954. 78 2372 3967 3968 89-06 3 106 10 14-10 + 13-068 0-378 28012 3968 39 6 9 92-15 3 i3 57 *3'oi + 13-063 0-373 28018 265 39 6 9 397 82-44 3 101 58 34-60 + 13-034 0-370 54 28036 2373 397 3971 85-19 4 9 37 45-45 + 13-020 0-348 + 0-02O '945 58 28049 286 3971 3972 87-47 4 99 55 33-78 + 13-008 o 366 + 0-153 1944 57 28047 287 3972 3973 92-36 3 98 5 33-i8 + 13-000 0-363 289 3973 3974 92-42 3 "3 7 4^5 + 12-997 0-395 3974 3975 92-28 3 94 42 28-68 + 12-987 0-356 294 397S 3976 87-12 3 in 39 11-16 + 12-986 0-392 28046 3976 3977 85-36 3 95 3i 45-78 + 12-938 0-359 28088 317 3977 3978 86-72 3 1 08 7 40-05 + 12-917 0-386 28087 3978 3979 89-11 3 no 59 34'96 + 12-909 0-392 6s 28090 3979 3980 89-43 3 9 Si 57H5 + 12-884 0-351 28118 334 3980 398i 85-20 4 52 14 12-26 + 12-867 0-260 0-084 1950 73 28158 8402 *378 398i 3982 85-45 3 !9 37 7-3i + 12-855 0-390 28117 3982 3983 82-88 19 17 46 28-58 + 12-830 + 0-009 O'Oig 1962 95 2382 3983 3984 91-79 3 104 34 12-29 + 12785 0-381 3984 3985 92-41 3 92 39 10-81 + 12-782 0-356 359 3985 3986 84-73 10 1 06 19 56-31 + 12-752 0-385 + 0-046 1949 75 28160 8414 2383 3986 3987 84-08 3 98 57 '3-55 + 12-742 0-370 + 0-329 28165 365 3987 3988 86-78 3 101 3 56-46 + 12-742 0-374 77 28163 364 3988 3989 84-08 3 98 57 49-58 + 12-738 0-370 + 0-329 28167 366 3989 3990 92-43 4 97 38 6-50 + 12-738 - 0-367 399 3991 88-75 3 105 19 10-89 + 12-723 - 0-384 28168 399 1 3992 84-91 6 30 38 53-77 + 12-723 0-155 O-022 '957 92 2385 3992 3993 90-09 3 60 30 52-94 + 12-667 0-287 0-074 '955 86 28232 2389 3993 3994 84-43 3 107 3 38-60 + 12-664 0-389 O'OIO 1951 80 28193 2388 3994 3995 92-10 3 102 23 51-12 + 12-624 0-379 28 09 402 399S 3996 92-12 3 96 27 58-56 + 12-605 0-367 28227 411 3996 3997 82-03 5 110 20 56-70 + 12-603 0-398 28212 3997 3998 84-49 3 106 13 52-44 + 12-588 0-389 + 0-010 953 84 28224 2390 3998 3999 SoHS 3 "3 16 39-38 + 12-576 0-405 28222 3999 J 4 ooo 87-01 3 108 27 29-49 + 12-567 0-394 87 28233 4000 4001 92-13 3 93 59 I '73 + 12-528 0-364 28255 430 4001 4002 84-46 3 109 47 17-04 + 12-524 0-398 9i 4002 4003 89-06 3 in 35 28-44 + 12-499 0-403 28251 4003 4004 92-35 3 92 8 22-07 + 12-474 0-361 8279 4004 4005 82-37 3 109 17 42-27 + 12-464 0-398 96 8268 395 4005 39 6 7. 39 8l > 39 8 3> 3986, 3992, are respectively 3373, 3377, 3386, 3379, 3389 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 3966, 3967, 3972, 3981, 3983, 3986, 3992, 4002, are respectively 1474, 1477, 1476, 1479, 1482, 1481, 1483, 1484 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 39S?> 3989. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 180 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4006 Libr&e 7-6 2 8677 3 15 26 18-708 + 3-2584 + O'OIlS 4006 47 Librae 7-8 5 87-10 3 15 26 38-276 + 3-54 1 9 + 0-OI89 4007 4008 Libra 7-8 4 87-11 3 15 26 38-889 + 3-54'9 + 0-OI89 4008 4009 35 Librae f 6-5 i 82-80 3 15 26 42-234 + 3-3828 + 0-OI46 O'OO28 4009 4010 Librae 8-7 2 83-93 4 15 26 46-345 + 3-3907 + O-OI48 4010 4011 Librae 7-8 I 89-41 3 15 27 10-582 + 3-3o8i + 0-OI29 4011 4012 II Serpentis 6 2 85-48 4 15 27 17-967 + 3-0874 + O-OO85 0-0007 4012 4 OI 3 Libras 8-7 I 85-41 3 15 27 43-953 -f 3-3867 + 0-0147 0-0050 4013 4014 Librae 7-8 3 91-77 3 15 2? 55-888 + 3-3323 + 0-0134 4014 4 OI 5 36 Libras 6-5 I 85-71 3 15 27 57-078 + 3-6249 + O'O2IO 0-0021 4 OI 5 4016 37 Librae 5-6 3 83-41 3 15 28 9-895 + 3-2524 + 0-0116 + 0-0178 4016 4017 Librae 6 3 84-42 3 IS 28 29-999 + 3-2361 + 0' OI I3 4017 4018 Libras 7-6 3 86-39 6 15 28 32-125 + 3-1709 + 0-0100 4018 4019 Libra 7-8 3 86-43 3 15 28 45-706 + 3-3908 + 0-0147 4019 4020 4021 4022 Libre 38 Librae y 7-8 4-5 2* I 2 91-64 8.VI5 85-07 3 5 32 15 29 14-887 15 29 22-253 15 30 1-843 + 3-3000 + 3-3447 + 2-5300 + 0-0126 + 0-0136 + 0-0023 + 0-0037 + 0-0085 4020 4021 4022 5 Coronae Borealis a 4023 Libras 8-7 2 92-11 | 15 30 10-417 + 3-2078 + 0-0106 4023 4024 39 Librae 4-3 I 86-71 3 15 30 20-661 + 3-6316 + 0-0209 0-0035 4024 4025 Libre 8-7 2 85-40 3 IS 30 22-572 + 3-3900 + 0-0145 4 2 5 4026 4027 4028 Librae 14 Serpentis A 1 8-7 7-6 7-8 I 2 2 92-09 84-7I 89-46 3 4 3 15 30 43-9I3 15 30 55-031 15 31 2-642 + 3-3604 + 3-0761 + 3-i78o + 0-0139 + 0-0083 + 0-0100 0-0030 4026 4027 4028 Librae 4029 Libras 7 I 82-45 3 15 31 5-526 + 3-4973 + 0-0172 4029 4030 Librae 6-7 I 84-45 3 15 31 19-840 + 3-5198 + 0-0178 43o 1 43i Librse 7-8 4 85-44 3 15 31 51-842 + 3'34 I 9 + 0-0133 4031 4032 Librae 7-6 I 83-77 3 15 3i 52-482 + 3-4747 + 0-0165 4 33 433 Serpentis 8 5 91-80 3 15 32 0-673 + 3-133 + 0-0092 433 4034 Libras 7 2 89-14 3 15 32 6-178 + 3H5I7 + 0-0159 O'OiSo 4034 435 4036 437 Libras 7 7-8 4 85-44 90-08 87-48 3 3 3 15 32 21-032 15 32 26-146 r s 32 34-536 + 3-3420 + 3-4056 + 3-4395 + 0-0133 + 0-0147 + 0-0156 + 0-0057 4035 4036 437 41 Libras 6 i 4038 Libras 7-8 2 86-81 3 15 32 43-678 + 3-2312 + O'OIIO 4038 439 Libras 7 2 86-81 3 15 32 43-821 + .V23H + O'OIIO 4039 4040 Librae 7 2 89-44 3 15 32 52-996 + 3-5224 + 0-0176 4040 4041 Serpentis 8 2 92-12 3 15 33 0-302 + 3-0992 + 0-0086 4041 4042 Libras 7-6 3 82-45 4 15 33 33-604 + .V4506 + 0-0158 4042 443 42 Librae 6-5 i 84HS 3 '5 33 46-556 + .V5386 + 0-0180 0-0031 443 4044 15 Ureas Minoris ... 6 6-5* ... 90-09 | IS 34 4 01 9 6 7 - 1-8733 + 0-1907 0-0400 4044 445 Librae 7 3 85-49 3 15 35 S'4 11 + 3-3337 + 0-0130 445 4046 Librse 7-8 i 87-45 | J 5 35 26-279 + 3-55I9 + 0-0181 4046 4047 43 Libras K 5 i 82-44 | 15 35 36-514 + 3-45I2 + 0-0155 0-0046 447 4048 4 Lupi i// 2 5-6 8.V39 | 15 35 40-261 + 3-8111 + 0-0256 0-0064 4048 4049 Serpentis 8 I 91-91 3 15 35 4!-6 fi 4 + 3-II55 + 0-0088 4049 4050 Librae 8-9 i 92-43 3 15 35 44-262 + 3-4992 + 0-0168 40? o 4033. The magnitude assigned to this star in Sclionfeld's Zones is 7-1. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 181 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. // Sec. Var. it Proper Motion. "0 o J->. $ 1 m d CO ff 8 CO oT 'O 1 a Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o CO Q> CO c -" 5 - W 0, c3 Greenwich, 1880. No. 4006 86-77 3 ioo 3 45-59 + 12-462 0-378 28278 441 4006 4007 87-11 3 114 6 53-81 + 12-440 0-410 28274 8453 47 4008 87-10 3 114 6 59-32 + 1 2-439 0-411 8454 4008 4009 82-80 3 106 28 45-46 + 12-435 0-392 + 0-016 1956 97 28285 2 397 4009 4010 83-93 4 106 52 25-22 + 12-431 o"393 4010 4011 89-41 3 102 38 25-92 + 12-402 0-384 28297 458 4011 4012 85-50 3 9 48 44-54 + 12-394 0-359 + 0-046 J959- 104 28307 4012 4013 85-41 3 " 06 37 !5'47 + 12-364 '394 + 0-310 28306 4 OI 3 4014 91-77 3 i3 5i 29-58 + 12-350 0-388 28320 4014 4 OI 5 84-39 4 117 40 30-98 + 12-349 0-422 + 0-038 1958 102 8467 2400 4015 4016 83-42 2 99 4' 12-34 + 12-334 -0-379 + 0-235 1960 1 06 28334 4016 4017 84-42 3 9 8 4 8 45-5 + 12-311 - 0-378 28344 480 2403 4017 4018 86-39 6 95 19 30-72 + 12-309 0-370 28350 486 4018 4019 87-42 4 1 06 46 9-06 + 12-293 0-396 28345 4019 4020 91-64 3 102 8 16-70 -f- 12-260 0-386 499 4020 4021 83-15 5 104 25 18-75 + 12-252 0-392 0-019 1964 III 28360 500 2405 4021 4022 82-79 21 62 54 51-89 + 12-205 0-298 + 0-094 J973 121 28417 8483 2410 4022 4 2 3 92-11 3 97 15 56-00 + 12-196 - o-377 5i8 4023 4024 86-71 3 117 46 10-85 + 12-183 0-426 O'OO2 1966 116 8484 4024 4025 85-40 3 106 38 52-08 + 12-181 0-398 28389 4025 4026 92-09 3 105 8 55-03 + 12-157 0-395 28404 529 4026 4027 84-47 3 90 ii 44-76 + 12-144 0-362 + 0-014 1971 122 4027 4028 89-46 3 95 39 42-55 + 12-134 0-374 2 8434 538 4028 4029 82-45 3 in 45 11-26 + 12-131 0-411 4029 4030 84-45 3 112 4 6 33-34 + 12-115 0-414 28414 4030 4031 85X4 3 104 10 2-13 + 12-078 o-394 I2 5 28442 557 4031 4032 83-77 3 no 39 7-27 + 12-078 0-410 2416 4032 4033 91-80 3 93 14 27-59 + 12-067 0-370 28452 56i 4033 434 89-14 3 109 32 54-28 + 12-061 0-407 + 0-I50 28445 434 435 85H4 3 104 9 10-24 + 12-044 o-395 132 28456 564 435 4036 90-08 3 107 18 10-69 + 12-038 0-402 28453 4036 437 87-48 3 108 56 19-37 + 12-028 o'47 + 0-078 J 975 '33 2417 437 4038 86-81 3 98 25 58-74 + 12-017 -0-382 2 8473 57* 2419 4038 439 86-81 3 98 25 47-18 + 12-017 0-382 28472 577 2420 439 4040 89-44 3 112 47 22-16 + 12-006 0-417 28466 4040 4041 92-12 3 91 25 30-83 + 11-998 0-367 28493 585 4041 4042 82-45 4 109 24 36-06 + 11-959 0-409 2 8495 4042 443 8 4'45 3 113 27 34-82 + 11-943 0-420 + 0-012 1978 138 28498 8516 2424 443 4044 86-41 3 12 17 4-73 + 11-880 + 0-215 0-014 2008 172 2 4 3 4044 4045 85-49 3 I3 36 52'58 + 11-848 0-397 144 28552 631 445 4046 87-45 3 113 56 41-76 + 11-827 0-423 28551 4046 4047 82-44 3 log 19 16-96 + 11-814 0-412 + 0-097 1981 !45 28562 8532 447 4048 82-65 4 124 21 27-08 + 11-811 0-454 + 0-021 980 '43 8533 4048 4049 91-91 3 92 16 48 02 + 1 1 -808 0-372 28578 646 4049 4050 92-4} 3 III 32 41-70 + 11-806 0-418 4050 4016, 4021, 4022, 4044, 4047, are respectively 3401, 3405, 3408, 3437, 3422 of the Raclcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4016, 4021, 4022, 4037, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4047, are respectively 1488, 1490, 1494, 1497, 1499, 1500, 1510, 1504 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4013, 4034. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 182 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, B.A. A e-t-i oo o ti Mean D? No. Constellation. e 5 I 1 11 Time of Observa- "o g 11 il Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. J, Proper Motion. No. w tion. 3.S h. m. s. 8. s. 8. 4051 Librse 7 2 88-73 3 15 35 54'4 + 3--879 + 0*0100 4051 4052 Libras 9-8 3 91-80 3 IS 35 58*142 + 3-2785 + 0*0118 4052 453 Librse 9-8 I 92-45 3 15 36 19-951 + 3-4296 + 0*0149 453 454 Libne 8-7 2 92-44 3 15 36 20*512 + 3-2162 + 0*0105 454 455 Librae 7-8 3 86-41 3 15 36 35'oiS + 3-3763 + 0-0138 4055 4o--,6 8-Q 02*41 3 I ** 36 43*441 + 3-1633 + 0*000*; 4O*;6 TO 4057 Librse 7-6 2 y T 84-42 3 O O TO TT 15 37 2-415 + .V3I7I i yd + 0*0125 T J 457 4058 Libras 7 2 86-80 3 15 37 10*492 + 3-275 1 + 0*0117 0*0780 4058 459 Librae 6-7 5 87-02 6 15 37 14-74 + .V357I + 0-0134 o-ooio 4059 4060 Librse 7-8 2 85-4I 3 15 37 42-817 + 3-3950 + 0-0141 4060 4061 Librae 8-7 2 92-11 3 '5 37 47-594 + .V244I + O'OIIO 4061 4062 44 Librae ij 6 4 8.V39 5 15 37 53-020 + 3-37o6 + 0-0136 0-0045 4062 4063 8 Coronas Borealis y 4-5 2 87-58 5 15 38 7*424 + 2-5263 + 0-0026 0-0082 4063 4064 24 Serpentis a 3-2 I 85-04 33 15 38 51-006 + 2*9429 + 0-006 1 + 0-0079 4064 4065 Libne 7-8 I 87-49 3 15 39 4""3 + 3-4434 + 0-0151 4065 4066 Librse 7-6 2 89-12 3 15 39 14-441 + 3-5230 + 0-0170 4066 4067 Librse 7 2 83-75 3 '5 39 37-039 + 3-1836 + 0-0098 4067 4 068 Librso 8-9 I 92-14 3 15 40 11*029 + 3-3829 + 0*0136 4068 4069 6 2 84*43 3 15 40 24*232 4- -Viooj. 4- 0*0084 0*0040 4060 4070 Librse 7-6 3 T T> 83-4I o 3 15 4 54-747 [- *) iWUiJ. +3-1836 T W^T + 0*0097 T " 4070 4071 Librae 8 i 92-05 3 15 40 57-777 + 3-4750 + 0-0157 0-0090 4071 4072 28 Serpentis /? 3-4* ... 87-23 5 15 41 6-646 + 2*7623 + 0-0043 + 0-0034 4072 473 Libras 7 2 89-43 3 IS 4 1 40-524 + 3*2496 + 0-OI09 4073 4074 Serpentis 7 3 85-44 5 15 41 40*669 + 3-0711 + O'OOSO 4074 475 Libras 7-6 4 86-56 7 15 41 55-266 + 3-5513 + 0-0174 4075 4076 Libre 7 3 SSHS 3 15 42 I7-974 + 3-3303 + 0-0125 4076 477 Serpentis 8-7 i 9I-67 3 15 42 24-503 + 3-1583 + 0-0092 0-0120 40/7 1 4078 30 Serpentis 6-7 2 8 1 '43 3 15 43 II 163 + 3-1397 + 0-0090 + 0-0042 4078 4079 Librse 7-8 I 89-40 3 15 43 30-435 + 3-5007 + 0-0160 4079 4080 Librse 7-6 I 85-36 3 15 43 34-627 + 3*4229 + 0-0142 4080 4081 35 Serpentis K 4* 89-46 3 15 43 47-344 + 2*7023 + 0*0038 0-0039 4081 4082 ._, 3 86-48 a i- 4- e2*8-6 + 3-1324 + 0*0088 O-OO77 4082 4083 S L pi X 5* 85-98 2 15 43 57"9'6 + 3-8002 + 0*0238 O'OO2O 4083 4084 Libras 8-7 2 89-10 3 15 44 9-166 + 3-5414 + 0*0169 4084 4085 I Scorpii b 5* 87-10 3 15 44 21-706 + 3-5997 + 0*0184 0-0058 4085 4086 Librte 8 2 9 2 '43 3 15 44 56-47 1 + 3-2816 + 0*0113 4086 4087 Librae 8-9 ... 92-14 3 15 45 5-9-8 + 3-1893 + 0*0097 4087 4088 Librte 7-8 4 85-50 3 '5 45 18*127 + 3-4470 + 0*0147 4088 4089 37 Serpentis c 4-3 3 85-48 40 15 45 19-961 + 2-9789 + 0-0065 + 0-0068 4089 4090 Libras 7-6 2 88-73 4 15 45 29*684 + 3-3459 + 0-0126 4090 4091 36 Serpentis I 5-6 3 87-45 3 15 45 31*812 + 3-1261 + 0-0087 0-0078 4091 1 4092 Librse 7-8 i 91-18 4 15 45 51*864 + 3-3136 + 0-0119 4092 493 Librse 8-7 2 92-43 3 15 45 54-574 + 3-2234 + 0*0102 493 4094 Serpentis 8 I 92-40 3 15 46 55'i72 + 3-0862 + 0-0081 4094 495 45 Librse A 5-6 3 81-47 3 15 46 56-858 +3-4758 + 0*0151 0-O026 4095 4052. Wide double, S 1966 : the companion, of the 9 magnitude, follows, and is uorlh. 4055. Very close double : the companion follows, and is of the 9 magnitude. A star of the 10-11 magnitude follows this double by 5", and is about i' north. 4056. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 15' too great. 4057. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is to' too great. 4064. Reddish-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 183 No. Mean Time of Observa- umber of lervations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. IQ 'S 8 00 '1 8 00 p ( aT T3 fi '8*2 *3 'oS s 'Si o"oo *J QJ* x g- s 5 K 00 812 E No. tion. "8 / // 2 K J B CD 45i 88-73 3 96 5 25-54 + n"794 0-381 28582 652 4051 45 2 91-80 3 ioo 47 11-82 + "789 0-392 28590 650 4052 4053 92-45 3 i 8 15 I5-74 + 11-763 0-410 453 4054 92-44 3 97 33 40-32 + 11-762 0-385 656 454 4055 86-41 3 105 39 36-40 + "745 0-394 150 28591 455 4056 92-41 3 94 47 20-48 + 11-736 0-379 667 4056 457 84-42 3 102 42 7-23 + 11-714 0-398 28603 666 457 4058 86-80 3 ioo 34 23-07 + 11-703 0-393 + 0-300 28607 4058 4059 87-02 6 104 41 22-66 + 11-698 0-403 + 0-083 1987 28650 670 459 4060 85-41 3 106 31 11-06 + 11-665 0-408 28617 4060 4061 92-11 3 98 57 54-48 + 11-659 0-390 28638 687 4061 4062 83-39 5 105 19 17-67 + 11-653 0-405 + 0-063 1985 157 28629 2435 4062 4063 90-04 3 63 21 19-33 + 11-636 0-305 0-034 1991 162 28684 2437 4063 4064 81-07 16 83 13 39-07 + "584 -0-355 0-056 1990 163 28690 712 8557 2438 4064 4065 87-49 3 108 45 36-87 + 11-569 0-415 28668 4065 4066 89-12 3 112 24 23-12 + 11-557 0-425 28672 4066 4067 83-75 a 95 47 58-22 + 11-530 - 0-385 28703 721 4067 4068 92-14 3 10 5 4 8 59-30 + 11-489 0-409 4068 4069 84H3 3 91 27 31-94 + U-473 0-376 + 0-026 1992 1 66 28722 4069 4070 83-41 3 95 46 38-07 + 11-436 0-386 28734 747 4070 4071 92-05 3 no 7 25-98 + 11-432 0-421 + 0-140 28724 4071 4072 85H4 4 74 13 59-86 + 11-422 0-336 + 0-035 1996 170 28750 2443 4072 473 89-43 t 99 8 23-74 + 11-381 0-395 28746 765 473 4074 85-44 3 89 55 40-26 + 11-381 0-374 28754 4074 4075 86-56 7 113 29 36-76 + 11-364 0-432 28744 8586 475 4076 85-48 3 103 9 34-77 + II-337 0-406 28759 774 4076 477 91-67 3 94 26 42-61 + 11-328 - 0-385 o-ooo 28767 779 477 4078 8i-43 3 93 28 50-16 + 11-272 0-384 O-O2I 1999 175 28783 4078 4079 89-40 3 in 9 13-13 + 11-250 0-427 28775 479 4080 85-36 3 10? 33 53-77 + 11-244 0-418 28780 4080 4081 83-07 6 71 31 5-16 + 11-229 0-331 + 0-083 2002 182 28823 2445 4081 4082 86-48 3 93 5 34-92 + IT222 0-383 + 0-013 2OOI 178 28808 806 8604 2446 4082 4083 80-43 4 123 17 28-20 + 11-216 0-464 0-005 1998 '74 8602 4083 4084 89-10 3 112 55 19-43 + 11-203 0-433 28793 4084 4085 87-10 3 "5 24 58-57 + 11-187 0-441 + 0-038 2OOO 177 28804 8608- 2449 4085 4086 92-43 3 ioo 39 24-96 + 11-146 0-403 28835 828 4086 4087 92-14 3 95 59 4i-i7 + U-I34 0-392 834 4087 4088 85-50 3 108 36 19-86 + Il-Ilg 0-423 28838 4088 4089 81-97 8 85 ii 25-55 + ITU? 0-366 0-059 2005 187 28854 842 8617 J 453 4089 4090 4091 4092 88-73 91-18 4 3 4 103 48 3-21 92 45 24-24 IO2 12 2I-62 + 11-105 + 11-102 + I1-078 0-411 -0-384 0-408 + O-02I 2004 1 86 28847 28859 28860 839 844 846 4090 4091 4092 493 92-43 3 97 42 41-54 + 11-074 0-397 848 493 4094 92-40 1 90 42 3-66 + 1 1 -001 0-381 28898 866 494 4095 ^ ^. 81-47 3 109 50 14-64 + 10-998 0-429 + 0-013 2OO7 190 28880 2457 495 ^062, 4064, 4085, are respectively 3434, 3438, 3450 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 455. 459> 4062, 4064, 4085, 4089, are respectively rjo8, 1509, ign, 1514, 1517. 1519 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4058, 4071, 4077. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 184 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, B.A. d 5 a" Mean si I .2 Time o No. Constellation. 4 yc + 0*0042 + 0-0194 4123 4124 Scorpii r o 6-7 3 "i y* 3 '5 5' 59''02 + .V5895 + 0-0172 4124 4 I2 5 48 Librae 5-6 3 85-I9 4 15 52 1-676 + 3-3544 + 0-0123 0-0028 4-25 4126 6 Scorpii IT 3* ... 80-43 4 '5 52 Ji'730 + 3-6208 + 0-0178 0-0034 4126 4127 Librae 7 2 86-78 3 15 52 18-982 + 3-337 1 + 0-0120 4127 4128 13 Corona; Borealis f 4* 84-30 4 '5 53 '-991 + 2-4884 + 0-0030 0-0074 4128 4129 Librae 8-9 3 92-13 3 15 53 10-724 + 3-2860 + 0-01 10 4129 4130 Librae 7 2 85-50 3 '5 53 47-373 + 3-2121 + 0-0097 4130 4-3' 7 Scorpii S 2-3* ... 82-49 3 '5 53 49-625 + 3-540 + 0-0159 0-0018 4'3> 4'32 Librae 7-8 2 88-41 3 '5 53 55-5ii + 3-1885 + 0-0094 4 J 3 2 4'33 49 Librae 6 I 85-11 7 '5 54 9-070 + 3-4040 + 0-0130 0-0474 4133 4'34 Scorpii 7-8 I 88-75 3 '5 54 39-236 + 3-5073 + 0-0151 4'34 4135 50 Librae 6 2 84-44 3 '5 54 5i-i79 + 3-235I + O'OIOO 0-0025 4*35 4136 Librae 8 I 91-79 3 '5 54 52-247 + 3-3598 + 0-0122 4'3 6 4137 Libras 8-9 I 91-89 3 '5 54 53-224 + 3-3I59 + 0-0114 4137 4138 Scorpii 7-8 3 86-41 3 '5 55 26-561 + 3-5 = 71 + 0-0154 4138 4139 Scorpii 6-7 ... 80-44 4 '5 55 50-553 + 3-7029 + 0-0193 4' 39 4 "4 Serpentis 7 2 85-66 5 15 55 55-647 + 3-1417 + 0*0085 4140 4115. Double : the companion, of the 8-9 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 4119. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1890, N.P.D. 185 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t It Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. o to *>. | O o CO M "rf Lalande, 1800. "O 00 <*< " 4'56. The relative positions of these stars appear to have remained sensibly unchanged during the last 100 years. 4156. The magnitudes assigned to this star by Lalande, Struve, and Gould are 7^, 4-0, and 7 4 respectively. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 187 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. // o U) *--. i 8 CO "N 3 s Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o _co cToo 1 - X S, u Greenwich, 1880. No. 4141 89-44 3 90 30 45-85 + 10-294 0-390 29168 4141 4142 85-45 5 109 32 1-90 + 10-274 0-440 29156 2493 4142 4M3 9!'83 a 92 9 50-24 + 10-247 0-395 29187 1041 4143 4'44 89-50 3 95 3i 39-65 + 10-237 0-404 29188 1044 4144 4'4i 84-49 3 114 25 18-23 + 10-231 0-455 29117 8729 4H5 4146 86-96 4 66 53 22-59 + 10-212 -0-328 0-037 2038 250 29222 2494 4146 4*47 90-79 3 99 3<> So''? + IOT65 0-415 4M7 4148 82-47 3 101 4 9-28 + 10-154 0-419 + 0-019 2033 245 29207 1061 *495 4H8 4149 8.V47 1 101 33 13-64 + IO-I5I 0-421 29208 4149 415 85H9 3 101 8 43-84 + 10-149 0-419 29215 1064 4150 4'S 1 85H9 3 101 8 46-48 + 10-148 0-420 29217 1065 4151 4152 89-46 3 108 14 12-64 + 10-124 0-439 249 29219 4152 4S3 86-50 3 "3 22 0-53 + 10-121 0-454 29214 8740 4153 4'54 90-79 3 90 51 26-56 + lO'IOO '394 + 0-070 29259 4154 4155 81-97 16 109 30 13-06 + lO'IOO 0-443 + 0-027 2034 251 29228 8743 2497 4155 4156 82-06 10 109 30 0-60 + 10-098 0-443 + 0-027 252 29231 2498 4156 4 T 57 84H3 3 93 13 3<5'33 + 10-073 0-400 29268 1090 4157 4158 84-45 3 113 18 20-47 + 10-061 0-455 29247 8748 4158 4!59 89-73 3 95 59 25-23 + 10-058 0-407 29270 1091 4' 59 4160 87-46 3 93 2 48-35 + 10-057 0-400 29274 1092 4160 4161 87-03 5 95 59 29-" + 10-037 0-408 29280 1099 4161 4162 86-20 4 95 So 25-36 + 10-016 0-408 29291 1105 4162 4163 84-78 3 IIO 22 14-23 + 9-999 0-447 + 0-02O 2039 259 29285 2503 4 l6 3 4164 91-08 3 ioi 36 25-11 + 9-987 0-423 29297 4164 4165 92-11 3 105 50 54-06 + 9-9/S 0-435 29296 4165 4166 91-82 3 106 38 43-72 + 9-966 0-437 29301 4166 4167 84-44 3 103 46 27-95 + 9-957 0-429 0-067 293H 1118 4167 4168 84-45 3 no 34 14-26 + 9-954 0-448 + 0*046 2040 263 29303 8764 2505 4168 4169 83-42 3 "4 9 57-93 + 9-930 0-460 29311 8768 4169 4170 83-79 3 116 i 51-38 + 9-919 0-466 265 8769 2506 4170 4171 85-21 4 102 26 55-43 + 99'3 0-426 + 0-033 2042 268 29331 2 507 4171 4172 90-36 3 '7 56 39-81 + 9-891 0-442 + 0-150 29338 4172 4173 91-80 3 97 39 41-12 + 9-890 0-414 1142 4173 4174 8482 3 3 23 27-50 + 9-863 0-458 2934S 8773 2508 4174 41/5 87-45 3 99 48 18-69 + 9-842 0-420 29365 1150 4175 4176 86-77 3 108 42 7-13 + 9-824 0-445 273 29361 4176 4177 87-48 3 102 45 38-84 + 9-779 0-429 29391 4'77 4178 91-78 3 94 10 26-65 + 9-77I 0-406 "73 4178 4179 89-08 3 114 17 27-41 + 9-756 0-463 29388 8790 4179 4180 86-92 6 108 2 51-93 + 9-754 0-444 29395 4180 4181 88-79 1 III 51 59-74 + 9-736 0-456 29400 4181 4182 84-83 3 93 10 35-32 + 9715 0-405 29440 20 2512 4182 4183 83-77 3 119 7 29-11 + 9-707 0-480 280 8793 2513 4183 4184 92-07 4 9i 19 30-59 + 9'7oo 0-400 29445 26 4184 4i85 86-81 3 98 o 39-90 + 9-657 0-418 I 29454 41 4185 4155 is 34^6 of the Ratlcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4148, 4155, 4156, are respectively 1542, 1544, 1545 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4154, 4172. Tlie Proper Motions have been determined in the formation ot the prebent Catalogue. 4167. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 188 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. s. No. 4186 13 Scorpii c 5* 83-81 3 16 5 31-516 + 3-6870 4-O-OI76 + O-OOO2 4186 4187 Scorpii 9 3 86-82 3 16 5 35-037 + 3-4804 + 0-0134 4187 4188 4189 4190 Scorpii 7-8 5 5-6 3 2 2 Si'95 82-09 84-15 2 3 3 16 5 35-83 16 5 36-023 16 5 59' r 44 + 3-4804 + 3-4806 + 3-275 + 0-0134 + 0-0134 + o-oioo 0-OO28 0-0035 4188 4189 4190 15 Scorpii if/ 4191 16 Scorpii 6-7 3 84-42 3 16 6 9-623 + 3'243 2 + 0-0096 O-OOI5 4191 4192 Scorpii 8-9 3 92-13 3 16 6 47-903 + 3-3606 + 0-0114 4192 4'93 Scorpii 7-8 2 85-46 3 16 6 58-024 + 3-3843 + 0-0116 4J93 4194 Serpentis 8-7 3 86-48 4 16 7 4-077 + 3-1021 + 0-0077 4194 4'95 Scorpii 7-6 2 83-46 3 16 7 8-414 + 3-6005 + 0-0156 4195 4196 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-47 3 16 7 9-455 + 3 - i536 + 0^0082 4196 4'97 Scorpii 7 2 87-4S 3 16 7 12-436 + 3-5 2 75 + 0-0142 4 : 97 4198 Serpentis 7 2 89'45 3 16 7 32-741 + 3-0774 + 0-0074 4198 4199 Serpentis 7-8 I 89-16 3 16 7 34-053 + 3-0955 + 0-0076 O-OO2O 4199 4200 17 Scorpii x 6-5 I 84-87 3 16 7 45-789 + 3-3I37 + 0-0105 0-0028 4200 4201 Scovpii 8-9 I 9 2 -39 I 16 7 47-097 + 3'4!35 + 0-0120 4201 4202 Scorpii 7 2 86-51 3 1 6 7 49-403 + 3-2349 + 0-0093 4202 4203 Serpentis 7-6 8 88-19 9 J 6 7 57- 8 43 + 3-0971 + O-OO/6 4203 4204 Scorpii 8 92-47 4 16 7 59-835 + 3-2096 + o'oogo 4204 4205 Scorpii 7 2 87-51 3 16 8 0-758 + 3-52I5 + 0-0140 4205 4206 Scorpii 7 2 85-53 3 16 8 18-373 + 3-4621 + 0-0129 4206 4207 Scorpii 7-8 ... 92-45 3 16 8 21-763 + 3-5522 + 0-0146 4207 4208 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 86-16 3 16 8 30-410 + 3-1384 + 0-008 1 4208 4209 I Ophiuchi 8 3-2 2 85-38 62 16 8 34-824 + 3-I430 + 0-0081 0-0049 4209 4210 Scorpii 8-7 I 91-82 3 16 9 25-907 + 3-3330 + 0-0107 4210 4211 18 Scorpii 5-6 I 8r45 3 16 9 38-505 + 3-2406 + 0-0093 + O'OII2 4211 4212 Scorpii 6 I 89-47 3 16 9 38-831 + 3-3805 + 0-0114 4212 4213 Scorpii 7 91-14 3 J 6 9 49-733 + 3-6004 + 0-0153 4213 4214 Scorpii 7 2 87-50 3 16 10 29-750 + 3-5289 + 0-0139 4214 4215 Scorpii 7 4 81-44 3 16 10 33-314 + 3-5006 + 0-0133 4215 4216 Scorpii 8 2 92-35 3 1 6 10 34-944 + 3-2800 + 0-0099 4216 4217 Ophiuchi 7 2 84-45 3 16 10 38-959 + 3-1010 + 0-0075 4217 4218 Scorpii 9-8 4 9I-37 3 16 10 41-256 + 3-568o + 0-0145 4218 4219 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 89-11 3 16 10 57-915 + 3-1811 + 0-0084 4219 4220 Scorpii 7-8 2 87-46 3 16 ii 6-911 + 3-3923 + 0-0115 4220 4221 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 83H5 3 16 ii 8-177 + 3-I49 + o'ooSo + 0-O003 4221 4222 Scorpii 6* 80-47 3 16 ii 28-487 + 37M2 + 0-0173 4222 4223 Scorpii 7-8 4 86-76 3 16 ii 41-092 + 3-3495 + 0-0108 4223 4224 Scorpii 7-8 3 86-81 3 16 ii 50-681 + 3'35 12 + 0-0108 4224 4225 4226 4227 Scorpii 7-8 3-4* 8-9 2 3 85-44 83-23 92-06 3 4 3 16 12 7-779 1 6 12 29-993 1 6 12 40-708 + 3-4394 + 3-1648 + 3-3095 + O'OI22 + O-OO82 + O'OIOI + 0-0040 4 2 25 4226 4227 Scorpii 4228 Scorpii 6-7 I 84-81 3 16 12 41-063 + 3-5055 + 0-OI32 4228 4229 Scorpii 7-6 2 84-45 3 16 12 47-692 + 3-3834 + 0-OII2 4229 4230 Scorpii 7-8 2 86-51 3 16 13 12-327 + 3H735 + O-OI26 4230 4202. Reddish star. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 9. 4209. Yellowish-red star. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 5. 4218. This star is near the nebula, Messier 80. 4226. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 5.6. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 189 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. f /f Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // in to i--. $ 3 1 8 OO i Lalande, 1 800. 1 wa |j o" -OO y> 00 1 - *l Greenwich, 1880. No. 4186 83-81 3 "7 38 23-57 + 9-604 0-476 + O'O22 2052 2 8807 2515 4186 4187 84-15 3 109 9 48-17 + 9-600 0-450 4187 4188 81-80 3 109 9 49-03 + 9-600 0-450 3 29466 2516 4188 4189 81-94 4 109 10 26-63 + 9-599 0-450 + 0-013 2055 4 29468 8809 2517 4189 4190 84- is 3 99 46 42-13 + 9-570 0-424 + 0-007 2056 6 29485 58 2518 4190 4191 84-42 3 98 15 44-72 + 9-556 0-420 O-OOj 2057 8 29493 62 88i 5 2 519 4191 4192 92-13 3 i3 45 7-99 + 9-507 0-436 4192 4'93 85-46 3 104 50 0-40 + 9-494 0-439 29511 72 4 J 93 4'94 86-48 4 91 26 18-80 + 9-486 0-403 29524 79 4194 4'95 83-46 3 114 8 23-40 + 9-481 0-467 8821 4195 4196 84-47 3 93 56 14-95 + 9-48 0-409 29526 So 4196 4'97 87-45 3 in 7 5-88 + 9'47 6 0-457 10 295'S 4 ! 97 4198 89H5 3 90 14 12-25 + 9-449 0-400 29545 4198 4199 89-16 3 91 7 4H7 + 9-448 0-402 + 0-O20 91 4199 4200 84-87 3 i oi 33 23-02 + 9-432 0-431 + 0-004 2059 15 29537 4200 4201 92-43 3 1 06 7 14-05 + 9H3I '443 4201 4202 86-5 1 3 97 5 J2-27 + 9-428 0-421 16 94 4202 4203 88-19 9 91 ii 38-24 + 9HI7 0-403 29555 IO2 4203 4204 92-47 4 9 6 37 34'57 + 9-4I4 0-417 99 4204 4205 87-5I 3 no 49 36-35 + 9'4 J 3 -0-457 29535 4 2 5 4206 85-53 3 108 15 8-So + 9'39 r 0-450 29552 4206 4207 92-45 3 112 6 2-82 + 9-386 0-462 i? 29547 4207 4208 86-16 3 93 ii 27-96 + 9-3/6 0-409 2957 1 4208 4209 81-63 17 93 24 37-22 + 9-369 - 0-409 + 0-137 2065 21 29573 116 88 3 8 252S 4209 4210 91-82 3 102 24 11-49 + 9-303 0-435 29599 135 4210 4211 87-45 3 9 8 4 39-21 + 9-288 0-423 + 0-5I4 2067 26 29617 142 2528 4211 4212 89H7 3 104 34 21-90 + 9-287 0-441 140 2529 4212 4213 91-14 3 114 o 24-01 + 9-272 o-47o 29600 8846 4213 4214 87-50 3 in i 45-65 + 9-221 0-461 4214 4215 8i-44 3 '9 49 47-57 + 9-217 0-457 28 29631 4 2I S 4216 92-35 3 99 54 49-88 + 9-214 0-429 152 4216 4217 84-45 3 91 22 27-45 + 9-209 0-406 29649 156 4217 4218 Wil 3 112 38 53-63 + 9-206 0-466 4218 4219 89-11 3 95 13 21-83 + 9-184 0-416 29656 164 4219 4220 87-46 3 105 3 17-42 + 9'!73 o-444 29651 162 4220 4221 83-45 3 93 40 48-64 + 9-171 0-413 0-014 2070 29664 166 2531 4221 4222 80-47 3 118 20 20-89 + 9-I45 0-486 3 1 8857 2532 4222 4223 86-76 3 i3 5 59'Jo + 9-129 0-439 29671 173 4223 4224 86-81 3 103 10 20-92 + 9-116 0-439 29673 176 4324 4225 85-44 3 107 6 56-94 + 9-093 0-451 29677 4225 4226 82-50 3 94 25 25-21 + 9-065 0-416 0-034 2073 4i 29691 193 2S3<5 4226 4227 92-06 1 101 14 15-21 + 9-051 0-435 197 4227 4228 84-81 3 "09 56 55-32 + 9-051 0-460 39 29683 4228 4229 84-45 3 104 36 15-28 + 9-041 0-444 29689 199 4229 423 86-51 3 108 33 37-55 + 9-010 0-457 29696 4230 4189, 4209, are respectively 3502, 3515 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4186, 4209, 4211, 4226, are respectively 1552, 1561, 1562, 1565 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4199. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 190 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4231 Ophiuchi 7-6 I 89-32 3 16 13 I5-745 + 3-2I08 + 0-0087 4231 4232 Ophiuchi 8 ... 91-72 3 '6 13 59-54I + 3-2745 + 0-0095 4232 4233 19 Scorpii 5-4 3 85-58 7 16 14 0-781 + 3-6028 + 0-0149 O-OO4I 4233 4234 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 89-04 3 16 14 12-309 + 3-5458 + 0-0138 4234 4235 Ophiuchi 8-9 I 91-97 4 16 14 14-064 + 3-I302 + 0-0078 4235 4236 Scorpii 7-6 2 84-45 3 16 14 20-389 + 3'34" + 0-0104 4236 4237 4238 4239 Ophiuchi 20 Scorpii .. . . a" 8 3-4* 9-10 3 2 86-25 84-04 89-47 S 4 3 16 14 27-549 16 14 29-963 16 16 16-512 + 3-1624 + 3-2280 + 0-0080 + 0-0154 + 0-0088 O'OO22 4237 4238 4239 Ophiuchi 4240 Ophiuchi 7-8 4 86-22 4 16 16 19-394 + 3-25I8 + 0-0091 4240 4241 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 87-46 3 16 16 30-827 + 3-3077 + 0*0098 4241 4242 Opliiuchi 7 4 81-44 3 16 16 34-752 + 3-4348 + 0-0117 4242 4243 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 82-15 3 16 16 56-331 + 3-II08 + 0-0074 4243 4244 20 Herculis y 3* ... 85-83 25 16 17 4-079 + 2-6481 + 0-0039 0-0049 4244 4245 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-47 3 16 17 26-329 + 3-085I + 0-0071 4245 4246 4 Ophiuchi if/ 5-6 3 84-48 3 16 17 39-824 + 3-S06I + 0-0127 0-O028 4246 4247 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 90-16 3 16 18 0-018 + 3-3020 + 0-0096 4247 4248 Ophiuchi 9 2 92-45 3 16 18 7-707 + 3-39I6 + 0-0109 4248 4249 Ophiuchi 8-9 I 92-37 3 16 18 11-236 + 3-3596 + 0-0104 0-0160 4249 4250 Ophiuchi 7 I 89-48 3 16 18 48-455 + 3-5907 + 0-0140 4250 4251 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-00 4 16 18 56-019 + 3-II96 + 0-0074 425! 4252 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 85-68 5 16 18 59-210 + 3-5905 + 0-0140 0-0032 4252 4253 4254 4255 5 Ophiuchi p 6-7 8-7 i 85-70 92-12 85-54 4 3 3 16 18 59-268 16 18 59-295 16 19 8-590 + 3'595 + 3-II93 + 0-0140 + 0-0140 + 0-0074 0-0032 4253 4254 4255 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 4256 Ophiuchi 9-8 2 92-08 3 16 19 18-774 + 3-4156 + 0-01 1 1 4256 4257 Ophiuchi 8 I 92-07 3 16 19 36-627 + 3-2823 + 0-0092 4257 4258 Ophiuchi 8-7 ... 92-14 3 1 6 19 46-439 + 3-149 + 0-0076 4258 4259 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 92-44 3 16 19 47-086 + 3-1922 + 0-0081 4 2 59 4260 Ophiuchi V Var. 3 85-44 3 16 20 36-314 + 3-3343 + 0-0099 4260 4261 7 Ophiuchi x 5 3 81-43 4 16 20 38-730 + 3-47I5 + 0-0119 0-0038 4261 4262 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 86-48 3 16 20 40-675 + 3-4554 + 0-0116 4262 4263 Ophiuchi 8-7 4 85-46 3 16 20 41-899 + 3-2533 + 0-0089 4263 4264 Ophiuchi 7-8 92-42 3 16 20 42-663 + 3-5595 + 0-0132 O-O2OO 4264 4265 21 Ursic Minoris ... rj 5* ... 89-44 3 16 20 43-146 1-7970 + 0-1 180 0-0190 4265 4266 Ophiuchi 6-5 2 84-48 4 :6 21 47-688 + 3-2293 + 0-0085 O'OOOO 4266 4267 3 Ophiuchi v 5-6 I 84-50 3 16 21 51-179 + 3-2461 + 0-0087 4267 4268 4269 4270 Ophiuchi Draconis 7-8 6-5* 87-45 86-50 87-11 3 3 3 16 21 59-246 1 6 22 0-988 16 22 18-577 + 3-4205 + 1-3054 + 3-3570 + 0-0109 + O'OIO2 + 0-0101 + 0-0040 4268 4269 4270 Ophiuchi 7 2 4271 4272 4273 Ophiuchi 7-8 3-2 1-2* 2 I 85-52 85-21 85-67 3 4 22 l6 22 23-873 l6 22 30-l6l l6 22 39-625 + 3-4620 + 0-8050 + 3-6715 + 0-01 16 + 0-0187 + 0-0149 + 0-0060 O-OO22 4271 4272 4273 21 Scorpii a 4274 Ophiuchi 7 3 83-42 3 l6 22 52-337 + 3-2412 + 0-0086 O-OO2O 4274 4275 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 87-49 4 16 23 5-147 + 3-0661 + 0-0067 0-0060 4275 4242. The magnitudes and N. P. D. of Lalande 29778 and 29779 appear to have been interchanged. 4258. The R. A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is I too small. 4260. Very red star. The limits of magnitude are 7-0 and 10-5 : the period is 304 days. The observed magnitudes were 7-6, 8-9, and 10-9 on 1885 May I, June 26, and July I respectively. 4266. Reddish star. 4 2 "5. Reddish-yellow star. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 191 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. If) *n t--. , V I O O 00 rt s Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 00 aTcc 1 ~ Si c. Greenwich, 1880. No. 423 1 89-32 3 96 36 19-63 + 9-005 0-422 29706 213 4231 4232 9172 3 99 35 3'39 + 8-948 0-431 226 4232 4233 85-58 7 113 54 11-67 + 8-946 0-474 + 0-025 2076 46 29713 8881 4233 4234 89-04 3 I" 34 3I-77 + 8-932 0-467 4234 4235 91-97 4 9 2 45 32-51 + 8-929 0-413 29741 231 4235 4236 84HS a 102 38 47-81 + 8-922 0-440 29737 228 4236 4237 86-46 4 94 17 32-72 + 8-911 0-417 238 4237 4238 84-04 4 115 19 40-28 + 8-908 0-479 + 0-007 2077 5 29728 8887 2538 4238 4239 89-47 3 97 22 7-33 + 8-770 0-427 4239 4240 86-22 4 98 28 50-81 + 8-766 0-430 58 29780 265 4240 4241 87-46 3 ioi 3 44-82 + 8750 - 0-438 29781 4241 4242 81-44 3 106 45 33-62 + 8-745 0-455 29778 4242 4243 82-15 3 91 49 12-82 + 8-717 0-412 29800 284 4243 4244 82-59 15 7 35 16-35 + 8-707 0-352 0-048 2084 66 29830 8915 2547 4244 4245 85-47 a 9 35 51-23 + 8-678 0-409 29822 4 ; 45 4246 84-48 3 109 46 45-92 + 8-659 0-465 + 0-062 2082 64 29806 2548 4246 4247 90-16 a too 46 3-69 + 8-633 0-438 29827 297 4247 4248 92-45 3 104 48 35-96 + 8-622 0-450 4248 4249 92-37 3 I0 3 22 45-83 + 8-618 0-446 + 0-240 29834 303 4249 425 89-48 3 113 12 20-46 + 8-570 0-477 68 29840 4250 4251 84-00 4 92 13 59'54 + 8-559 0-415 29889 319 4251 42.52 85-98 4 113 II 31-98 + 8-555 0-477 + 0-009 2083 7i 29844 4252 4253 85-70 4 "3 it 35'5 8 + 8-555 0-477 + 0-009 2083 7i 29844 4 2 53 4254 92-12 3 113 9 3-20 + 8-555 0-477 72 29843 4254 4255 85-54 3 92 12 59-35 + 8-542 -0-415 29895 326 4255 4256 92-08 3 i5 49 55-7 6 + 8-529 0-455 4256 4257 92-07 3 99 49 54-i8 + 8-505 0-437 76 29871 331 4257 4258 92-46 4 93 36 50-71 + 8-493 0-420 29883 312 4258 4259 92-44 a 95 38 42-86 + 8-492 0-425 29882 4 2 59 4260 85-44 3 102 10 36-12 + 8-427 0-445 4260 4261 81-44 a 108 12 21-52 + 8-423 0-463 + 0-018 2088 80 29894 4261 4262 86-48 3 107 31 4-46 + 8-421 0-461 29896 4262 4263 85-46 a 98 28 38-99 + 8-419 '434 29900 4263 4264 92-42 3 i" 52 S'93 + 8-418 -0-475 + 0-340 4264 4265 83-43 4 13 59 29-81 + 8-418 + 0-234 0-254 2III 114 2556 4265 4266 84-48 4 97 20 45-27 + 8-332 0-432 + 0-170 29935 374 4266 4267 84-50 3 98 7 28-45 + 8-328 o-434 83 29939 376 8950 4267 4268 87-45 a i5 57 54" I 5 + 8-317 0-458 29934 4268 4269 86-50 a 34 32 40-20 + 8-315 0-177 + 0-012 4269 4270 87-11 3 103 9 14-38 + 8-291 0-449 29951 38i 4270 4'7i 85-52 a 107 44 22-27 + 8-284 0-463 29947 4271 4272 84-97 6 28 14 11-00 + 8-276 o- 1 1 1 0-050 2104 102 2561 4272 4273 84-19 12 116 ii 13-37 + 8-263 0-490 + 0-028 2091 84 29943 8954 2558 4273 1 4274 83-42 3 97 52 55-33 + 8-247 0-434 + 0-1 10 88 29966 4274 4275 87-49 4 89 41 51-23 + 8-229 0-41 1 + 0-100 29981 397 4275 4238, 4244, 4246, 4265, 4269, 4272, 4273, are respectively 3526, 3537, 3536, 3558, 3553, 3557, 3545 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4238, 4244, 4246, 4252, 4253, 426.5, 4272, 4273, are respectively 1568, 1572, 1574, 1576, 1577, 1580, 1581, 1579 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4249, 4264, 4266, 4274, 4275. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 4269. The Proper Motions have been taken from Auwers' " Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne." 192 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. d +.4 Mean No. Constellation. "3 D | O _3 C8 a j Time of Observa- "S 11 3 ' g> Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. S w tion. K -o ll. 111. S. 8. s. 8. 4276 Ophiuchi 7 2 87-48 3 16 23 15-168 + 3-36X4 + O'OIOI 4276 4277 22 Scorpii 6-5 I 82-46 3 16 23 31-415 + 3^382 + 0-0142 O-0027 4 2 77 4278 Ophiuchi 6 3 84-50 3 16 23 33-694 + .r3837 + 0-0103 4278 4279 Ophiuchi 7 3 89-10 3 16 23 44-177 + .V3073 + 0-0093 4279 4280 Scorpii 4-5 84-97 2 16 24 11-474 + 3'9"o + 0-0192 4280 4281 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 85-76 4 1 6 24 34-359 + 3-2286 + 0-0083 4281 4282 8 Ophiuchi tf> 5 3 84-72 9 16 24 50-469 + 3-43I9 + 0-0:09 0-005I 4282 4283 Ophiuchi 9-8 i 91-01 3 16 24 53-842 + 3-1672 + 0-0076 4283 4284 Ophiuchi 8 i 92-06 3 1 6 25 2-659 + 3-5810 + 0-0131 4284 4285 Ophiuchi 8 2 91-49 3 1 6 25 5-667 + 3-1166 + 0-0071 4285 4286 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 85-53' 3 16 25 21-651 + 3-2376 + 0-0084 4286 4287 10 Ophiuchi X 3-4 2 87-95 18 16 25 21-904 + 3-0249 + 0-0062 O-O027 4287 4288 27 Herculis ft 2-3* 86-17 4 16 25 29-474 + 2-5844 + 0-0036 O'OOgO 4288 4289 9 Ophiuchi CD 5-4 3 85-76 5 16 25 36-819 + 3-5484 + 0-0126 + o-oooi 4289 4290 Ophiuchi 9 i 91-81 3 16 25 56866 + 3'53i3 + 0-0122 4290 4291 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 89-52 3 16 26 0-031 + 3-2768 + 0-0088 4291 4292 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 90-14 3 1 6 26 0-507 + 3-3375 + 0-0096 4292 4293 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-48 3 16 26 21-865 + 3-4184 + 0-0105 4293 4294 Ophmchi 7 3 84-51 4 16 26 52-420 + 3-2963 + 0-0090 4294 4295 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 86-51 3 16 27 3-568 + 3-3463 + 0-0096 4295 4296 Scorpii 8-9 2 92-44 | 16 27 12-208 + 3-6211 + 0-0134 4296 4297 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-48 3 16 27 23-168 + 3-34 11 + 0-0095 4 2 97 4298 Ophiuchi 9-8 92-45 3 16 27 25-553 + 3-0889 + 0-0068 O'OOOO 4298 4299 Ophiuchi 7 I 89-84 3 16 27 35-893 + 3-1591 + 0-0073 4299 43oo Ophiuchi 8-7 I 92-03 3 16 27 38-633 + 3-3845 + o-oioo 43oo I 4301 Ophinchi 8-7 92-14 3 16 28 5-253 + 3 -I 764 + 0-0075 43oi | 4302 15 Draconis A 5* 86-41 3 16 28 11-783 0-1356 + 0-0409 0-0090 4302 4303 Ophiuchi 9-8 I 92-45 3 16 28 20-217 + 3-5136 + o'Oi 18 433 4304 Ophiuchi 8-9 I 92-46 3 16 28 29-575 + 3H744 + O-OII2 4304 j 4305 Ophiuchi 8-7 92-08 3 16 28 35-871 + 3-I999 + 0-0077 4305 4306 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 87-42 3 16 28 36-455 + 3-2438 + 0-0082 4306 437 23 Scorpii T 3-4* 8o-55 3 16 29 1-983 + 3-7277 + 0-0150 0-OO22 4307 4308 Ophiuchi 7 3 86-85 3 16 30 32-591 + 3-2601 + 0-0083 4308 439 35 Herculis a 4* 83-82 3 1 6 30 33-481 + I-933I + 0-0043 0-0020 4309 43io 12 Ophiuchi 6 2 84-5I 3 16 30 34'7 l8 + 3-1176 + 0-0069 + 0-0254 43io 43" Ophiuchi 8-9 I 92-11 3 16 31 5-367 + 3-5683 + 0-0123 43" 43'2 13 Ophiuchi 3-2 4 85-82 61 16 31 6-033 + 3-2984 + 0-0087 0-0007 4312 4313 Ophiuchi 8 92-05 3 16 31 17-954 + 3-4422 + 0-0104 4313 43H Ophiuchi 8 2 92-46 3 16 31 23-508 + 3-3277 + 0-0090 43H 4315 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 87-50 4 16 31 42-814 + 3-0766 + 0-0064 4315 43i6 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 90-14 3 16 31 43-747 + 3-5900 + 0-0125 4.V6 4317 Ophiuchi 8 2 92-46 3 16 32 4-340 + 3-3922 + 0-0097 4317 43i8 Ophiuchi 7 2 85H9 3 16 32 5-789 + 3-4753 + 0-0108 43i8 4319 Ophiuchi 6-7 3 84-52 3 16 32 7-991 + 3-2097 + 0-0077 4319 4320 Ophiuchi 7-8 90-11 3 16 32 10-204 + 3-4899 + O'OIIO 43 20 4287. Close double : the companion follows, and is south. 4291 . The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 50" too small. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 193 Mean j 4 o' 8 o" No. Time of 11 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper f? 1 CO T 1"- * n " fl No. Observa- | g Motion. it "N > on 3: a. tion. g l o t tf t r n & 1 ci ^ Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 432i Ophiuchi 8 i 92-49 3 16 32 37-996 + 3-1674 + 0-0072 4321 4322 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 87-49 3 16 32 49-011 + 3-2558 + 0-0081 4322 4323 Ophiuchi 7 4 86-47 3 16 32 52-951 + 3-0944 + 0-0066 4323 4324 Ophiuchi 8 2 92-03 3 16 33 29-757 + 3-4382 + 0-0101 4324 4325 Ophiuchi 7 2 8.V45 a 16 33 38-080 + 3-2768 + 0-0083 4325 4326 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-50 3 16 33 39 >l6 5 + 3-I352 + 0-0070 0-0070 4326 4327 Ophiuchi 7 I 82-14 3 16 34 5-386 + 3-5300 + 0-0113 4327 4328 Ophiuchi 7 2 84-45 3 16 34 9-534 + 3-2002 + 0-0075 4328 4329 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 85-08 3 16 34 55-6i8 + 3-4735 + 0-0104 4329 433 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 82-25 5 1 6 34 56-087 + 3-6338 + 0-0127 433 4331 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 85H7 3 16 34 58-512 + 3-2497 + 0-0079 4331 4332 Ophiuchi 7 i 89-19 3 16 35 1-143 + 3-3288 + 0-0088 4332 4333 Ophiuchi 8 2 92-14 3 16 35 11-293 + 3-3644 + 0-0092 4333 4334 Ophiuchi 5-6 5 85-91 6 16 35 12-566 + 3-4662 + 0-0103 0-0027 4334 4335 Ophiuchi 7 2 85-54 3 16 35 23-810 + 3-I298 + 0-0068 0-0050 4335 4336 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 85-18 3 16 35 25-615 + .r5I93 + 0-0110 0-0020 4336 4337 4338 4339 Ophiuchi 6-7 K A* I 84-50 89-28 87-49 3 4 3 16 35 31-231 16 36 30-578 + .V0896 + I-630I + .V3145 + 0-0064 + 0-0061 + 0-0085 O'OOIO 4337 4338 4339 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 434 Ophiuchi 8-9 2 92-43 3 16 37 1-761 + .V2647 + 0-0079 434 4341 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-82 3 ifi 37 3-99I + 3-59" + 0-0118 4341 4342 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 9I-5I 3 16 37 6-514 + 3-3802 + 0-0092 4342 4343 Ophiuchi 8 3 92-40 3 16 37 7-588 + 3-5397 + 0-01 1 1 4343 4344 40 Herculis 3-2* 85-54 II 16 37 8-388 + 2-2972 + 0-0033 0-0356 4344 4345 4347 Ophiuchi 8-9 *7 8 2 92-38 91-87 87-48 3 3 3 16 37 23-623 1 6 37 24-632 16 37 40-366 + 3-4085 + 3-I587 + 3-4872 + 0-0094 + 0-0068 + 0-0103 4345 4346 4347 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 4348 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 90-53 3 16 37 42-484 + 3-5862 + 0-0117 4348 4349 4351 Ophiuchi 7-8 6-7 3 86-55 80-90 90-56 3 5 16 38 2-224 16 38 7-281 16 38 31-576 + 3-0851 + 3-7470 + 3-6039 + 0-0063 + 0-0140 + 0-0119 O-OO40 4349 4350 4351 15 Ophiuchi 7 i 4352 Ophiuchi 8-9 2 92-48 3 16 38 35-241 + 3-1928 + 0-0071 4352 4353 Ophiuchi 9-10 5 88-26 4 16 38 35-281 + 3-0730 + 0-0061 4353 4354 Ophiuchi 7 3 85-49 | 16 39 4-197 + 3-5028 + 0-0104 4354 4355 44 Herculis rj 3* ... 86-72 4 16 39 7-464 + 2-0518 + 0-0037 + 0-0028 4355 4356 4358 4360 Ophiuchi 9-8 8 7 i 87-50 92-48 89-09 92-47 3 3 3 3 16 39 10-200 16 39 17-429 16 39 26-172 16 40 9-224 16 40 10-982 + 3-0754 + 3-3042 + 0-4025 + 3-4661 + 0-0061 + 0-0082 + 0-0066 + 0-0232 + 0-0099 + o-oooi + O-OI2O 4356 4357 4358 4359 436o Ophiuchi 1 8 Draconis ff 7 5 8-9 5 i 2 Ophiuchi ... 4361 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 92-48 4 16 40 28-159 + 3-5276 + 0-0106 O'OOOO 436i 4362 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 92-16 3 16 40 36-371 + 3-3660 + 0-0088 4362 4363 Ophiuchi 8-9 1 92-40 3 1 6 40 43-081 + 3-0979 + 0-0062 4363 4364 Ophiuchi 9 I 87-51 3 16 40 47-551 + 3-0757 + o'oo6o 4364 43 6 5 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 92-38 3 16 41 15-673 + 3-2221 + 0-0073 4365 4322. Yellowish-red star. 4323. A star of the 7-8 magnitude, Weisse's Bessel, 596, follows 8, and is i'\ north. 4334. This star is Flamsteed's 24 Scorpii. 4346. Reddish-yellow star. 4358. Lalande's N.P.D. is about 8' too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 195 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. f ft Precess. Sec. Var. ft Proper Motion. O o i>. & 435'. 4355. are respectively 1593, 1596, 1598, 1600 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4326, 4335, 4360, 4361. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 196 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4366 Ophiuchi 7 2 90-14 3 16 41 32-461 + 3-6419 + O-OI2O 4366 4367 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 86-48 3 16 42 10-382 + 3-4370 + 0-0093 O-OI4O 4367 4368 Ophiuchi 6 2 81-50 2 16 42 12-101 + 3-4035 + O-OOgO 4368 4369 Ophiuchi 8 2 8538 3 16 43 0-195 + 3-2664 + 0-0075 4369 4370 4371 4372 Ophiuchi 7-8 3* 7 2 3 88-76 83-83 3 3 3 16 43 1-257 16 43 2-176 16 43 2-470 + 3-5737 + 3-9268 + 0-OI09 + 0-0159 + 0-OII8 0-050I 0-0012 437 4371 4372 18 Ophiuchi 4373 Ophiuchi 7 3 8 5-52 3 16 43 2-542 + 3-I678 + 0-0067 4373 4374 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-23 4 16 43 io-557 + 3-4220 + 0-OO9O 4374 4375 20 Ophiuchi 5 I 83-46 3 16 43 44793 + 3-3087 + 0-0080 + 0*0046 4375 4376 Ophiuchi 7 ... 88-81 3 16 43 57'!20 + 3-3456 + 0-0083 4376 4377 Ophiuchi 7 2 82-49 4 16 44 36-111 + 3'4438 + 0-0092 4377 4378 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 85-66 5 16 44 37'9 l8 + 3-I269 + 0-0063 4378 4379 Ophiuchi 7-8 91-46 3 16 44 43-706 + 3-5082 + 0-0099 4379 438i 4382 Ophiuchi 8 7-8 2 9 I- 45 91-41 84-50 3 3 3 16 45 25-111 16 45 49-301 16 46 22-805 + 3-6030 + 3-4030 + 3-I304 + 0-0110 + 0-0086 + 0-0062 4380 438i 4382 Ophiuchi 7 2 4383 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-49 3 16 46 39-997 + 3-I827 + 0-0065 4383 4384 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 84-52 3 16 46 55-394 + 3-5403 + O-OIO2 4384 4385 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 85-52 3 16 47 26-192 + 3-0680 + 0-0057 0-0470 4385 4386 Ophiuchi 8 I 91-50 3 16 47 29-889 + 3-2346 + 0-0069 4386 4387 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 91-81 3 16 47 33-590 + 3^803 + 0-0093 4387 4388 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 85-55 3 16 47 44-370 + 3-OOI4 + 0-0052 4388 4389 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 88-22 3 16 47 48-789 + 3-0935 + 0-0059 4389 439 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-88 3 16 47 56-607 + 3-I644 + 0-0063 4390 439 ' 22 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-45 3 16 48 11-794 + 3-62IO + 0-0108 O'OOig 439i 4392 4394 Ophiuchi 8-7 6-7 2 87-52 83-43 85-67 3 3 4 16 48 23-588 16 48 28-711 16 48 32-857 + 3-2I8I + 3-I042 + 3-3339 + 0-0068 + 0-0059 + 0-0078 4392 4393 4394 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 4395 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 87-47 3 16 48 38-897 + 3-I6II + 0-0063 4395 4396 23 Ophiuchi 6-5 2 84-47 3 16 48 42-873 + 3-2057 + 0-0066 0-0044 4396 4397 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 83-50 3 1 6 48 59-089 + 3-57I2 + O'OIO2 4397 4398 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 87-51 3 16 49 13-425 + 3-2I70 + 0-0067 4398 4399 4400 4401 Ophiuchi 7-6 8-u 2 82-78 91-50 89-43 7 3 3 16 49 40-787 16 49 48-034 16 50 9-826 + 3-453 1 + 3-I838 + 3-6132 + 0-0088 + 0-0064 + 0-0105 0-0160 0*0009 4399 4400 4401 24 Ophiuchi 6-5 2 4402 Ophiuchi 8 91-86 3 16 50 14-125 + 3-2722 + 0-0071 4402 4403 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 86-51 3 16 50 36-117 + 3-5210 + 0-0095 443 4404 Ophiuchi 8 ... 91-86 3 16 51 18-826 + 3-3455 + 0-0077 4404 445 4406 4407 4408 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Ophiuchi 6-7 7 7-8 7-6 2 2 3 3 84-53 87-58 87-52 85-39 3 3 3 3 16 51 20-778 16 51 53-202 16 51 55-482 16 52 26-084 + 3-3I59 + 3-I360 + 3-3960 + 3-408I + 0-0074 + 0-0059 + 0-0080 + 0-0081 445 4406 4407 4408 4409 27 Ophiuchi K 3-2 1 87-27 37 16 52 27-696 + 2-8574 + 0-0043 O-02I 2 4409 4410 Ophiuchi 8-7 91-51 3 16 53 4-437 + S'437 1 + 0-0083 4410 4372. A fainter star precedes, and is south. 4394. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 2' too small. 4400. Double : the components are both of the 8-9 magnitude. Observed as one mass. 4403. Double : the companion precedes, and is of the 8-9 magnitude. 44 ID - Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 197 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t If Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // 1O U3 *>. M 1 1 8 CO S 8 oo oT r3 J rj OQ N -o,^ OJ "3"o3 1 d ~ 4) CO fi l ~ t 3 - m a, 93 o Greenwich, 1880. No. 4366 90-14 ] 114 19 44-41 + 6-732 0-503 174 30509 9"3 4366 4367 86-48 3 106 7 48-06 + 6-680 0-476 + 0-290 30534 4367 4368 81-50 2 104 42 46-77 + 6-677 0-471 30536 766 4368 4369 85-38 1 9 8 44 4-38 + 6-611 0-453 30564 78 4 4369 437 8876 3 in 39 29-17 + 6-610 0-495 30551 437 437' 83-01 4 124 5 33' 6 + 6-608 o-544 + 0-271 2132 184 9123 2618 4371 4372 83-76 4 114 26 48-53 + 6-608 0-505 + 0-048 185 30549 9124 4372 4373 85-52 3 94 !9 6-49 + 6-608 0-439 30568 4373 4374 84-23 4 105 28 29-21 + 6-596 0-474 30563 4374 4375 83-46 3 I 35 1 5'Z6 + 6-549 o-459 + 0-075 2138 191 30583 797 4375 43/6 88-81 3 102 ii 31-88 + 6-533 0-464 3059! 801 4376 4377 82-48 3 106 21 22-85 + 6-479 - 0-478 196 30604 4377 4378 85-95 4 92 27 44-42 + 6-476 o-434 30622 4378 4379 91-46 3 108 59 49-96 + 6-468 -0-487 30608 4379 438o 9 I- 45 3 112 43 15-38 + 6-411 0-501 30627 438o 438i 91-41 3 104 36 56-39 + 6-378 0-473 30643 842 438i 4382 84-50 3 92 36 43-53 + 6-331 0-436 30670 855 4382 4383 85-49 i 94 57 52-00 + 6-308 o-443 30671 859 4383 4384 84-52 3 no 13 50-93 + 6-287 0-493 214 30666 2627 4384 4385 85-52 1 8 9 47 50-37 + 6-244 0-428 + f443 30694 873 4385 4386 9 I '5 3 97 16 11-07 + 6-238 0-451 870 4386 4387 91-81 I 107 47 36-48 + 6-233 0-485 30681 4387 4388 8mfm 00 3 86 47 45-84 + 6-219 0-419 30706 878 4388 4389 88-22 a 90 56 48-89 + 6-312 0-432 30703 877 4389 439 85-88 3 94 8 9-72 + 6-2OI 0-442 30705 879 439 4391 89-45 3 "3 19 5 I- 59 + 6-180 0-505 + 0-070 2H3 220 30690 9192 439 ! 4392 87-52 3 96 31 49-99 + 6-163 o-449 886 4392 4393 83-43 3 9i 25 43-44 + 6-157 0-433 30728 891 4393 4394 85-67 4 101 36 41-67 + 6-151 0-465 30718 888 4394 4395 87-47 3 93 59 1-56 + 6-143 0-44 1 226 30732 893 4395 439 6 84-47 3 95 58 24-21 + 6-! 3 7 0-448 + 0-050 2146 227 30733 2630 4396 4397 83-5 3 in 23 26-77 + 6-115 0-499 30725 4397 4398 87-51 3 96 28 17-78 + 6-095 0-450 230 30743 899 4398 4399 82-78 7 106 37 49-01 + 6-056 0-483 232 30750 2634 4399 4400 'o 3 94 59 22-17 + 6-047 '445 0-060 912 4400 44i 89-43 3 112 58 28-85 + 6-016 0-505 o-ooo 2148 234 30756 95 2635 4401 4402 91-86 3 9 8 54 !-58 + 6-oi i - 0-458 4402 443 86-51 3 109 21 53-14 + 5-980 0-493 2 3 6 30773 2639 443 4404 91-86 3 I2 3 45^5 + 5-920 0-469 30801 929 4404 445 84-53 3 ioo 47 i5 - 32 + 5-9'7 0-465 30804 93i 445 4406 87-58 3 92 50 38-90 + 5-873 0-440 30828 946 4406 447 87-52 3 104 12 3-65 + 5-870 0-476 30816 939 4407 4408 86-43 4 104 41 56-II + 5-827 - 0-478 2 44 30831 949 4408 4409 82-75 8 80 27 11-33 + 5-824 0-401 0-015 2156 252 30861 9236 2641 4409 4410 9 1 '-, 1 3 105 53 44-28 + 5-774 0-483 250 30849 4410 4371, 4403, 4409, are respectively 1604, 1611, 1612 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4367, 4400. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 4372 is 3245 of Auwers' "Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen." 4385. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 198 RADCLIPFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4411 Ophiuchi 9-8 3 9f85 3 16 53 5-622 + 3-3688 + 0-0078 4411 44' 2 Ophiuchi 6-7 3 84-85 3 16 53 I3-432 + 3-6676 + 0-OJO7 0-OOI4 4412 44'3 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 89-52 3 16 53 19-871 + 3-4905 + 0-0088 O'OOOO 44'3 4414 26 Ophiuchi 6-7 3 84-85 3 16 53 25-045 + 3-6649 + 0-OI07 0-0035 4414 44 J 5 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 90-49 3 16 53 39-274 + 3-I065 + 0-0057 44'5 4416 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 90-22 3 16 53 56-239 + 3-572I + 0-0096 0-0040 4416 44' 7 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 85-59 3 16 54 i-ooo + 3-I634 + O-OO6O 4417 4418 Ophiuchi 8 3 91-78 3 16 54 4-287 + 3-2382 + 0-0066 4418 4419 Ophiuchi 7-8 4 81-50 3 16 54 44'!58 + 3-5464 + 0-0093 4419 4420 Scorpii 5* ... 84-19 3 16 54 45-685 + 3-8736 + 0-0130 4420 4421 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 85-52 3 16 54 58-801 + 3-378I + 0-0076 0-0030 4421 4422 30 Ophiuchi 6 3 84-46 3 16 55 I5-507 4-3-I636 + 0-0059 0-0051 4422 44 2 3 29 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-34 6 16 55 25-024 + 3-5077 + 0-0088 0-0051 4423 4424 19 Draconis It 5* 90-88 3 1 6 55 25-383 -f-0-2802 + 0-0214 + 0-0357 4424 4425 58 Herculis e 3-4 i 86-94 13 16 56 4-876 + 2-2976 + 0-0032 0-0047 4425 4426 Ophiuchi 8-7 86-49 3 16 56 17-453 + 3'3>75 + 0-0071 4426 44 2 7 Ophiuchi 9-8 3 85-50 3 16 56 18-768 + 3-5475 + 0-0091 4427 4428 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 87-48 3 16 56 48-216 + 3-6474 + o-o i oo 4428 4429 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 9I-74 a 16 57 4-138 + 3-2122 + 0-0061 4429 443 22 Ursse Minoris ... 4-5* 90-58 3 16 57 15-289 6-3449 + 0-3124 + 0-0090 4430 4431 4432 4433 Ophiuchi 9 8-7 I 91-48 9I-85 82-65 3 1 7 16 57 15745 16 57 21-548 16 57 26-717 + 3-2790 + S-434 6 + 3-549 1 + 0-0067 + 0-0078 + 0-0089 443i 4432 4433 Ophiuchi 7-8 7 4434 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 85-5I 3 16 5 8 3'45 + 3-0723 + 0-0052 4434 443S Ophiuchi 7-8 i 90-20 3 16 58 6-499 + 3-4746 + 0-0082 O-OO2O 4435 4436 Ophiuchi 6-7 7 82-15 6 16 58 14-242 + 3'55oe + 0-0089 4436 4437 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 90-55 3 16 58 16-844 + 3-1271 + 0-0055 4437 4438 Ophiuchi 7 4 85-47 3 16 58 19-974 + 3-3587 + 0-0072 0-0050 4438 4439 Ophinchi 7-8 3 86-55 3 16 58 24-019 + 3-4864 + 0-0083 4439 4440 Ophiuchi 7 3 85-56 3 16 58 27-631 + 3-3215 + 0-0069 4440 4441 Ophiuchi 8-7 i 9i'47 3 16 58 33-54 1 + 3-2434 + 0-0063 4441 4442 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 82-51 3 16 58 54-652 + 3-59I4 + 0-0092 4442 4443 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 8758 3 16 59 19-665 + 3-1826 + 0-0058 0-0650 4443 4444 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 87M6 3 16 59 23797 + 3-4909 + 0-0082 4444 4445 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-69 4 16 59 37-540 + 3-5786 + 0-0091 0-0048 4445 4446 Ophiuchi 6 i 82-47 2 16 59 52-126 + 3-0892 + 0-0053 4446 4447 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 85-53 3 17 o 16-030 + 3-3894 + 0-0072 4447 4448 60 Herculis 5-4 i 87-53 4 17 o 16-621 + 2-7768 + 0-0038 + 0-0030 4448 4449 Ophiuchi ... 8 86-52 3 17 o 59-038 + 3-5211 + 0-0083 4449 445 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-51 3 17 i 10-632 + 3-1065 + 'oos3 445 445 * Ophiuchi E Var. 2 90-85 3 17 i 26-863 + 3-442I + 0-0075 4451 4452 Ophiuchi 7 I 90-19 3 17 i 28-558 + 3-I339 + 0-0055 + 0-0030 4452 4453 Scorpii 6-7 80-53 3 17 i 45-871 + 3-8273 + 0-0113 4453 4454 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-68 5 17 i 51-488 + 3H796 + 0-0079 4454 4455 Ophiuchi 8 2 9 I- 5 3 17 2 16-289 + 3-6449 + 0-0093 4455 4422. The R.A. of this star in Weisse'u Bessel is io s too small. 4435' Kecldish star. 4437- Reddish star. 4447. Close double ; components of the 8-9 and 9-8 magnitudes ; the southern and fainter star precedes very slightly : observed as one mass. 4450. A star of the 10 magnitude precedes about I 1 , and is slightly north. 4451. Red star. The limits of magnitude are 7-0 and below 12 : the period is 303 days. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 199 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. IO t-. j? 1 s 8 00 Lalande, 1800. I >o J~ '5 *"o3 r (2 H o oo a> co l a Greenwich, 1880. No. 44" 91-85 3 103 I 46-66 + 5-77I 0-473 30853 962 4411 4412 84-85 3 114 55 28-40 + 5-76I o'5'5 + 0-010 2153 248 30843 9241 2644 4412 4413 89-52 3 108 4 35-23 + 5-75I 0-490 + 0-220 2 5i 30854 44'3 4414 84-85 3 114 49 13-96 + 5-744 o-5iS + 0-083 2155 249 30850 9244 2645 4414 44'S 90-49 3 91 31 11-32 + 5-725 0-437 978 44 J 5 4416 90-22 3 in 17 36-34 + 5-70I 0-502 + O-I2O 30869 4416 4417 85-59 3 94 3 I7-95 + 5-694 0-445 256 30885 981 44 1 ? 4418 91-78 3 97 21 53'54 + 5-69 0-455 30884 980 4418 4419 81-50 4 no 16 21-03 + 5-634 0-499 30891 4419 4420 84-19 3 121 58 43-69 + 5-63t 0-545 255 9253 2647 4420 4421 85-52 I 103 23 38-74 + 5-6I3 0-475 + 0-332 260 30903 4421 44" 84-46 3 94 3 25-37 + 6-589 0-446 + 0-071 2159 263 30924 IOOI 2648 4422 4423 84-50 5 108 43 22-93 + 5-576 0-494 0-004 2158 261 39 '4 2649 44 2 3 4424 88-89 3 24 41 49-61 + 5-576 0-042 0-044 2169 286 31061 2651 4424 4425 84-19 12 58 54 40-00 + 5-521 0-325 0-032 2161 272 30996 9269 2652 4425 4426 86-49 3 IQ o 47 3i-5i + 5-503 0-468 30948 1027 4426 4427 85-50 3 no 1 6 46-95 + 5-501 0-500 44 J 7 4428 87-48 3 114 4 57-64 + 5-460 o'SH 30949 9275 4428 4429 9I-74 3 96 ii 38-07 + 5-438 0-453 30980 1045 4429 443 83-03 ii 7 46 58-09 + 5'422 + 0-889 + 0-003 2201 36 2661 4430 4431 91-48 3 99 6 46-25 + 5H2I 0-463 1048 443' 4433 9I-85 3 105 42 31-65 + 5'4 r 2 0-485 30978 443 2 4433 82-65 7 no 19 1-09 + SHOS 0-501 30976 4433 4434 85-5I 3 89 59 20-31 + 5-355 OH34 31022 1062 4434 4435 90-20 3 107 20 0-29 + 5-349 0-491 + 0-120 274 31005 4435 4436 82-06 7 no 20 20-54 + S'339 0-501 273 31006 4436 4437 90-55 3 92 25 40-48 + 5-335 0-442 31026 1065 4437 4438 85H7 3 102 31 8-15 + 5-33I 0-475 + 0-100 31015 1061 4438 4439 86-55 3 107 48 9-06 + 5-325 0-493 i 31011 44.39 4440 85-56 3 100 56 0-09 + 5-320 0-469 277 31023 1064 9294 4440 4441 91-47 3 97 33 o-3o + 5'3" -0-458 31027 1067 4441 4442 82-51 3 in 55 9-16 + 5-282 0-508 4442 4443 87-58 3 94 52 44-73 + 5- 3 46 0-450 + I-I2O 31055 1080 4443 4444 87-46 3 107 57 49-88 + 5-24 1 0-494 31042 4444 4445 84-75 3 in 24 38-97 + 5-221 0-506 + 0-098 2l62 281 31046 9306 4445 4446 82-47 3 90 44 25-02 + 5'20I 0-437 289 31070 1091 2665 4446 4447 85-53 3 103 47 1-28 + 5-168 0-480 31068 4447 4448 86-50 8 77 6 26-73 + 5-166 0-394 + O'OO2 2l67 293 1109 4448 4449 86-52 3 109 8 2I-O2 + 5-I07 0-499 31083 4449 445 84-51 3 91 30 25-87 + 5-090 0-440 31109 1125 2668 4450 445' 90-85 3 I5 56 43-74 + 5-067 0-488 4451 4452 90-19 3 92 43 1-99 + 5^65 0-444 + 0-150 3"23 4452 4453 80-53 3 I2O 15 21-98 + 5-04" 0-543 9322 4453 4454 84-68 5 107 27 44-82 + 5-034 0-493 297 31111 2672 4454 4455 91-50 3 "3 50 55'S 1 + 4-998 0-517 31126 4455 4411, 4424, 4425, 4430, are respectively 3628, 3639, 3634, 3660 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4411, 4412, 4414, 4421, 4424, 4425, 4430, 4451, are respectively 1614, 1613, 1615, 1616, 1619, 1618, 1627, 1626 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 44*3. 44 J 6, 4435> 4438, 4443, 4452. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 442 1. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 200 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. B. Precess. S. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4456 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 91-36 3 17 2 17-169 + 3-345I + 0-0068 4456 4457 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 8 4'45 3 17 2 33-175 + 3-0936 + 0-005I 4457 4458 Ophiuchi 8-7 4 85-53 3 i? 2 39'956 + 3-4 6 25 + O-OO76 4458 4459 Ophiuchi 8 2 9I-8S 3 17 2 58-571 + 3-I870 + 0-0056 4459 4460 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 84-56 3 17 3 7-289 + 3T57I + 0-0054 0-0050 4460 4461 Ophiuchi 6 3 84-49 3 17 3 42-943 + 3-3100 + 0-0064 4461 4462 Ophiuchi 7 2 85-90 3 J 7 3 4 6 -364 + 3-5265 + O'OOSO 4462 44 6 3 4464 4465 Ophiuchi 8 2-3 7 I 2 a 92-12 86-91 85-54 3 54 3 17 4 0764 !7 4 4-093 17 4 32-569 + 3'2636 + 3-4344 + 3-558I + 0-0060 + 0-0072 + O-OO82 O'OOOO + 0-0003 o-ooio 4463 4464 44 6 5 Ophiuchi 4466 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-5I 3 J 7 4 33'42i + 3-3617 + 0-0067 0-0040 4466 4467 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 87-47 3 17 4 40-965 + 3-4569 + 0-0074 4467 4468 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 90-18 3 17 4 50-668 + 3-55 2 4 + O-OO8I 4468 4469 Ophiuchi 8-9 92-09 3 17 5 28-357 + 3-2204 + O-O056 4469 447 Serpentis 7-8 3 85-54 3 i? 5 43-404 + 3'482 + O'OoGg 4470 447 * Ophiuchi 8 i 92-06 3 T 7 5 44^53 + 3-6186 + 0-0086 4471 4472 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 87-58 3 17 6 2-311 + 3-I455 + O-OO5 2 447* 4473 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-5I 3 17 6 4-478 + 3-5839 + 0-0083 4473 4474 Serpentis ... 9 2 91-87 I 17 6 13-172 + 3-3365 + 0-0064 4474 4475 Ophiuchi 8-7 89-20 3 '7 6 42-547 + 3-0870 + 0-0049 4475 4476 Ophiuchi 7 2 81-97 4 17 7 18-891 + 3-43I7 + 0-0069 4476 4477 Ophiuchi 8-7 4 86-20 4 !7 7 35-994 + 3-2823 + 0-0059 4477 4478 Ophiuchi 8 2 91-66 3 i7 7 58-585 + 3-479I + O-OO72 4478 4479 Ophiuchi a 2 91-50 3 17 8 20-245 + 3-5686 + 0-0079 4479 4480 4481 4482 22 Draconis 36 Ophiuchi A 3* 6 7-8 I 89-79 85-21 90-17 3 3 3 17 8 27-804 17 8 34-880 i? 8 34-905 + 0-1659 + 3-7206 + 3-1644 + 0-OI92 + O-OOgi + 0-005I 0-0027 0-0386 4480 I 4481 4482 Ophiuchi 4483 36 Ophiuchi A 2 6 85-21 3 17 8 34-964 + 3-7206 + 0-0091 0-0386 4483 4484 Serpentis 6-7 2 83-80 3 17 9 4-897 + 3-4087 + 0-0066 4484 4485 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 90-50 3 17 9 14-231 + 3-1266 + 0-0050 4485 4486 64 Herculis a 1 Var. 2 86-41 30 17 9 37-866 + 2-7347 + 0-0035 0-0019 4486 4487 Ophiuchi 7 3 84-18 3 17 9 38-119 + 3-2951 + 0-0058 4487 4488 64 Herculis a 7 I 81-50 2 i? 9 3 8 -239 + 2-7347 + 0-0035 0-0019 4488 4489 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 9'53 3 17 9 48-677 + 3-5926 + 0-0079 0-0050 4489 449 Ophiuchi 7 i 90-51 3 17 9 58-784 + 3-4247 + 0-0065 449 4491 Ophiuchi 8 2 9f85 3 17 10 0-2OI + 3-5274 + 0-0074 449 1 4492 Ophiuchi 7-8 9I-85 3 17 10 19-655 + 3-4915 + 0-0070 O'OOOO 4492 4493 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 90-22 3 17 10 48-659 + 3-3736 + 0-006I 4493 4494 Ophiuchi 6-7 3 85-50 3 17 10 49-116 + 3-2126 + 0-0052 4494 4495 41 Ophiuchi 5 2 84-44 3 17 10 57-799 + 3-0798 + 0-0046 0-0041 4495 4496 67 Herculis ir 3-4* 89-61 3 17 II 12-856 + 2-0902 + 0-0033 0-0035 4496 4497 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 84-51 2 17 II 17-963 + 3-6588 + 0-0082 0-0061 4497 4498 39 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 85-69 5 17 II 17-984 + 3-6589 + O-OO82 0-006 1 4498 4499 4500 Ophiuchi 7 8-7 2 85-53 91-87 3 3 17 II 23-925 17 II 25-410 + 3-653 + 3-2503 + O'Oo8l + 0-0054 + 0-0060 4499 4500 4469. Reddish-yellow star. 4486. Reddish star. The limits of magnitude are 3- 1 and 3-9 : the period is irregular. 4496. Reddish star. 4498. Reddish-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 201 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. O t Precess. // Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. U3 o r-. 1 8 oo N" Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I J o oo c M f GO o. Greenwich, 1880. No. 4456 91-36 3 tor 53 i8'75 + 4-997 0-475 299 338 "39 4456 4457 84-45 3 9 56 0-53 + 4'974 0-439 33 31163 1150 2676 4457 4458 85-53 3 106 45 28-61 + 4-9 6 4 0-491 343 4458 4459 9I-S5 ] 95 2 56-44 + 4-938 0-453 31168 1158 4459 4460 84-56 3 93 44 7'8 4-4-926 0-448 + 0-170 3"7i 1161 4460 4461 84-49 3 100 22 43-17 + 4-875 0-470 31188 3 2680 446i 4462 85-90 a 109 17 45-21 + 4-87I 0-501 305 31176 4462 4463 92-12 3 98 22 54-38 + 4-85 0-464 + 0-100 31196 8 4463 4464 83-49 I 4 i5 35 16-14 + 4-846 0-488 0-097 2171 306 31191 9344 2681 4464 4465 85-54 3 no 3 43'34 + 4-805 0-506 + 0-150 309 3H99 4465 4466 84-51 3 102 33 40-87 + 4-805 -0-478 + 0-I2O 31210 13 4466 4467 87H7 3 106 29 41-06 + 4'793 0-492 31209 4467 4468 90-18 3 no 17 11-71 + 4-779 0-505 31212 4468 4469 92-09 3 96 29 40-33 + 47 2 7 -0-458 4469 447 85-54 3 104 29 0-93 + 4'75 0-485 3"53 40 4470 4471 92-06 a in 47 23-50 + 4-703 0-515 3"47 4471 4472 87-58 3 93 12 45-56 + 4-679 0-448 31265 4472 4473 89-5I 3 in 28 17-71 + 4-674 0-510 31255 4473 4474 91-87 3 101 28 35-19 + 4-663 0-475 48 4474 4475 89-20 3 90 38 17-88 + 4-620 0-440 31287 64 4475 4476 81-97 4 105 25 41-95 + 4'569 -0-489 31289 72 4476 4477 86-20 4 99 9 7-64 + 4-545 0-468 31296 83 4477 4478 91-66 3 107 20 9-42 + 4-5I2 0-496 31299 4478 4479 9f5o 3 no 50 26-09 + 4-482 0-509 '4 31307 4479 4480 83-89 9 24 8 59-68 + 4-47I 0-026 O-O22 2193 42 3H45 2695 4480 4481 84-04 4 116 26 26-53 + 4-461 0-531 + I-I38 2176 i? 3 I 3" 9382 2692 4481 4482 90-17 3 94 ! 58-i8 + 4-461 0-452 31325 98 4482 4483 84-73 5 116 26 22-07 + 4H6i 0-531 + I-I 3 8 2176 17 313" 9383 2694 4483 4484 83-72 4 104 27 24-85 + 4-4J9 -0-487 4484 4485 90-50 3 92 22 36-42 + 4-406 0-447 31340 1 08 4485 4486 81-38 7 75 29 0-79 + 4-372 0-391 0-030 2183 29 31365 125 9396 2697 4486 4487 84-18 3 99 40 56-97 + 4'372 0-471 "3 4487 4488 81-51 4 75 29 3-17 + 4'372 0-391 0-030 126 2698 4488 4489 90-53 3 in 43 42-65 + 4-356 0-513 + 0-180 31337 4489 449 90-51 3 i5 5 58-77 + 4-342 0-490 114 4490 449' 91-85 a 109 12 47-09 + 4'34 0-504 31344 4491 4492 91-85 a 107 47 24-97 + 4-312 0-499 + 0-090 31356 4492 4493 90-22 3 102 58 4376 + 4-271 -0-483 133 4493 4494 85-50 3 96 7 18-23 + 4-271 0-460 137 4494 4495 84-44 3 90 19 13-36 + 4-258 0-441 + 0-064 2184 34 3I39I 142 2701 4495 4496 83-39 6 53 3 59" 2 + 4-236 0-300 0-005 2187 39 31439 2704 4496 4497 84-51 2 114 9 48-24 + 4-229 0-523 + 0-017 31 3I37I 9418 2702 4497 4498 85-69 5 4 9 58-55 + 4-229 0-523 + 0-017 2181 32 31372 9419 2703 4498 4499 85-53 3 "3 57 2-36 + 4-221 0-523 + O-I20 2182 33 31376 9424 4499 4500 91-87 3 97 44 53-36 + 4-219 0-465 '51 4500 4461, 4464, 4480, 4483, 4486, are respectively 3658, 3659, 3683, 3673, 3679 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4464, 4480, 4481, 4483, 4486, 4488, 4499, are respectively 1628, 1641, 1635, 1636, 1639, 1640, 1644 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4460, 4463, 4465, 4466, 4489, 4492. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. D D 202 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. See. Var. s. Proper Motion. a. No. 4501 Serpentis 8 I 90-83 4 17 II 42-368 + 3-3550 + 0-0061 4501 4502 Ophiuchi 6-7 10 84-52 3 17 II 59-006 + 3-4522 + 0-0066 4502 4503 Serpentis 8-7 I 9 I- 5i 3 17 12 36-398 + 3-3056 + 0-0057 4503 454 Ophiuchi 8 3 91-82 3 17 12 58-255 + 3-1044 + 0-0047 4504 455 45o6 4507 Ophiuchi 68 Herculis u 7-6 Var. 6-7 3 6 85-09 88-61 82-67 4 3 5 17 13 6-251 17 13 15-766 I? 13 29-085 + 3'i 34 + 2-2152 + 3-4889 + 0-0048 + 0-0030 + 0-0067 O'OIIO 0-0039 455 4506 4507 Ophiuchi 4508 Ophiuchi 7-8 a 86-54 3 17 13 36-424 + 3-1327 + 0-0048 4508 459 Ophiuchi 8-7 i 89-50 3 17 I 4 1-927 + 3-1626 + 0-0047 4509 45'o Ophiuchi 6 i 84-55 3 17 I 4 6-243 + 3-2055 + 0-0050 + 0-0050 45io 45" Ophiuchi 7-6 3 85-58 3 17 I 4 6-695 + 3-5291 + 0-0069 O'OIOO 45" 45" 40 Ophiuchi 5 i 81-88 a 17 I 4 24-499 + .V5754 + 0-0072 + 0-0165 45 1 2 45*3 53 Serpentis v 5-4* ... 84-46 3 17 I 4 38-328 + 3-368? + 0-0059 + 0-0005 4513 45'4 Serpentis 7-6 3 85-45 3 17 14 46-920 + 3-3I74 + 0-0056 45M 4515 Ophiuchi 9-8 3 91-52 3 '7 M 47-396 + 3-2784 + 0-0054 45'5 45i<5 4517 45i8 Ophiuchi 42 Ophiuchi . u 7-6 4-3 9-8 6 a 3 83-79 86-77 91-52 4 31 3 17 14 56-566 17 15 15-151 17 16 12-356 + 3-6781 + 3-6809 + .r3976 + 0-0078 + 0-0078 + 0-0059 0-0071 0-0024 45i6 45i/ 45i8 Serpentis 4519 Ophiuchi 8-7 5 85T3 5 17 16 23-929 + 3-6844 + 0-0077 45*9 4520 43 Ophiuchi 6 ... 82-86 3 17 16 26-100 + 3-77I5 + 0^0084 0-0018 4520 4521 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 85-53 3 17 16 33-629 + 3-6272 + 0-0072 45 21 4522 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 87-57 3 17 17 4-316 + 3-0905 + 0-0044 4522 453 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-52 3 17 17 6-932 + 3-1248 + 0-0045 4523 I 4524 Ophiuchi 7 85-32 3 17 17 8-038 + 3-2337 + 0-0049 4524 4525 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-84 3 17 17 16-462 + 3H475 + 0-0061 4525 4516 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 87-5I 3 17 17 21-475 + 3-6503 + 0-0073 4526 4527 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 90-16 3 17 17 41-281 + 3-1418 + 0-0045 4527 4528 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 89-87 3 i? i? 56-I35 + 3-2867 + 0-005 1 4528 4529 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-59 3 17 18 7-229 + 3-5860 + 0-0069 4529 453 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-48 3 17 18 10-433 + 3-5084 + 0-0064 4530 453' Ophiuchi 7 3 85-57 3 17 18 22-621 + 3-6618 + 0-0073 O-OO02 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 Ophiuchi 44 Ophiuchi . . b 7-8 5* 4-5 7 3 85-55 81-19 90-25 86-53 3 4 3 3 17 !9 2 5-956 17 19 38-998 17 19 53-267 17 20 4-662 + 3-274S + 3-6605 + 2-0716 + 3-2221 + 0-0050 + 0-0071 + 0-0031 + 0-0046 0-0028 0-0061 4532 4533 4534 4535 75 Herculis ... . p Ophiuchi 4536 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 88-77 4 17 20 7-310 + 3-5877 + 0-0067 4536 4537 Serpentis 8 3 91-70 3 17 2O II-3I6 + 3-3260 + 0-0052 4537 4538 Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-50 3 17 20 15-233 + 3-1083 + 0-0042 4538 4539 45 Ophiuchi d 5* ... 82-85 3 17 20 19-683 + 3-8256 + 0-0082 0-0030 4539 4540 454 1 454 2 Serpentis 8-9 c 4* 2 91-56 84-60 92-10 3 3 3 17 20 27-798 17 20 47-618 I? 20 50-582 + 3-4262 + 3-1875 + 3-5630 + 0-0056 + 0-0044 + 0-0064 454 4541 4543 Ophiuchi 8-9 2 4543 Serpentis 7-6 3 85-91 3 17 20 50-763 + 3H442 + 0-0057 4543 4544 Serpentis 7-6 2 8r54 3 17 20 51-562 + 3-3625 + 0-0053 + O'OO02 4544 1 4545 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 87-59 4 17 20 59-324 + 3'0933 + 0-0042 4545 4502. Reddish star. 4503. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 3' too small. 4504. A star of the 9 magnitude, Arg. Z 1, 3311, precedes. 4506. The limits of magnitude are 4-6 and 5-4: the period is irregular. 4507. Very close double : components of the 6-7 and 7-8 magnitudes. Observed as one mass. 4509. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 3' too small. 4534. Close double : the brighter star observed. BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 203 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o r n Preceas. Sec. "Var. Proper Motion. U} n i--. t i M d & W Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O* oo oToo B *~* -S n o r-. 1 n 8 CO H a" 'A Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's BesBel, 1825. 1 o' ff li 02 a a Greenwich, 1880. No. 4546 82-43 12 85 4s 47-85 + .V392 0-429 0-015 2206 103 9517 2740 454 6 4547 91-88 3 93 i 5.r9 + 3-3I3 0-453 3I7 6 3 352 4547 454 8 92-23 3 112 29 20-49 + 3-305 0-522 4548 4549 83-44 3 98 6 39-12 + 3-304 0-470 31758 351 2741 4549 455 91-90 3 103 59 2 3-oi + 3-233 0-491 360 4550 4551 92-15 3 99 54 2-57 + 3-205 0-477 no 37 455 1 4552 91-91 3 109 23 2-62 + 3-203 0-511 4552 4553 9I'5I 3 107 43 25-47 + 3-174 0-505 3I79I 4553 4554 82-01 4 95 49 44-07 + 3-146 0-463 31816 387 4554 4555 85-58 3 J5 33 53-97 + 3-123 - 0-497 114 31811 4555 4556 86-54 j in 23 55-51 + 3-097 0-519 4556 4557 84-05 4 94 i<5 55-85 + 3-092 0-458 31849 406 4557 4558 82-52 9 "3 S 2 34-95 + 3-076 -0-528 + O-OI2 2209 "5 31824 9544 2747 4558 4559 84-06 3 90 58 14-89 + .V074 0-447 + 0-136 2749 4559 4560 85-54 3 ioo 53 4-79 + 3-035 0-481 31865 420 4560 456i 85-5' 3 92 44 29-52 + 3-026 0-453 31873 429 456i 4562 87-57 3 89 52 29-29 + 2-935 '444 31900 446 4562 4563 87-52 3 107 24 56-96 + 2-914 0-505 128 31901 4563 4564 87-54 3 103 24 4-00 + 2-909 - 0-490 3i9 J 3 45 6 4 4565 9!'35 3 112 57 3'79 + 2-844 0-526 '34 31922 4565 4566 82-06 4 95 39 47'" + 2-823 0-464 31952 470 2757 4566 4567 91-86 3 97 50 21-42 + 2-807 -0-471 S'956 475 4567 4568 83-65 3 37 37 0-52 + 2795 0-197 0-004 2221 155 32053 2759 4568 45 6 9 85-50 3 108 8 38-07 + 2-781 0-508 31954 4569 457 85-36 3 92 58 40-87 + 2-758 0-455 31978 489 457 457 1 84-48 3 101 9 59-70 + 2-735 -0-483 31975 493 2760 457i 4572 84-51 3 in 58 7-82 + 2-732 0-522 + 0-042 2212 140 31966 4572 4573 91-89 3 "4 33 6-25 + 2719 0-533 142 31968 4573 4574 83-46 3 103 33 44'9 + 2-713 0-491 4574 4575 91-56 3 102 16 23-99 + 2-694 - 0-487 4575 4576 85-90 3 91 31 48-89 + 2-689 0-450 32006 55 4576 4577 87-58 3 92 49 7-48 + 2-638 0-455 32024 4577 4578 85-55 3 107 47 19-85 + 2-633 0-507 32010 4578 4579 85-29 4 96 2 55-96 + 2-633 0-466 32022 520 4579 458 84-46 12 77 21 33-13 + 2-632 0-402 + 0-217 2218 153 32049 532 9591 2766 4580 458i 92-19 3 94 6 44-18 + 2-610 0-459 526 4o8i 4582 92-87 3 "o 53 6-73 + 2-600 0-519 32018 4582 4583 89-13 3 108 55 12-85 + 2-568 '5" 32035 4583 4584 92-08 4 99 45 42-05 _+ 2-561 0-479 54 4584 4585 84-53 3 105 19 43-09 + 2-506 0-498 + 0-047 2217 "57 549 9601 4585 4586 81-98 4 105 30 10-50 + 2> 505 0-499 156 32069 4586 4587 87-51 3 97 58 4-38 + 2 '494 o-473 32070 558 4587 4588 85-52 3 92 48 29-05 + 2-480 0-455 32120 561 4588 4589 84-62 3 98 3 3-92 + 2-455 - o-473 + 0-006 222O :6i 32088 565 2771 4589 459 91-71 3 98 57 42-43 + 2-444 0-476 567 459 4568, 4580, are respectively 3718, 3720 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4568, 4580, are respectively 1666, 1667 of the Radeliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4559. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 206 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. to 5 i umber of biinations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- imber of 'ervations. 1 Mean R.A. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. s *H tion. *0 h. m. 8. B. B. 8. 459 1 Serpentis 7-6 2 84-55 3 I? 32 3-326 + 3-327I + 0-0042 459 1 4592 Ophiuchi 7-6 I 84-98 4 17 32 8-179 + 3-6045 + 0-0052 0-0042 4592 4593 27 Draconis f 5-6 2 82-66 5 17 32 24-076 0-2464 + 0-OI52 0-0070 4593 4594 Serpentis 8-9 2 91-92 3 17 32 4 I- 337 + 3-4880 + 0-0047 4594 4595 Serpentis 7-8 ... 91-88 3 i? 33 l6 '473 + 3-3934 + O-OO42 4595 4596 4597 4598 Serpentis 8-7 8-0 6 86-50 92-12 82-16 4 3 3 17 33 46-122 17 33 53-574 17 34 18-112 + 3-3404 + 3-22I9 + 3-0859 + 0'0037 + 0-0033 4596 4597 4598 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 4599 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 87-54 3 17 34 22-834 + 3-I532 + 0-0034 4599 4600 Ophiuchi 6-7 3 84-46 3 17 34 28-449 + 3-I2IO + 0-0034 4600 4601 4602 4603 Ophiuchi 9-8 5-4 8 i 3 2 92-23 83-01 92-21 3 4 3 i? 34 51-608 i? 35 1 3-788 17 35 39-652 + 3-5I93 + 0-0046 + 0-0040 + 0-0048 0-O063 4601 4602 4603 Ophiuchi 4604 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 92-23 3 '7 36 0-515 + 3-5577 + 0-0045 4604 4605 Serpentis 7 5 85-5I 3 17 36 21-290 + S'44'4 + 0-0041 4605 4606 85 Herculis I 4-5 i 85-22 6 17 36 21-581 + 1-6924 + 0-0035 0-OOO4 4606 4607 Ophiuchi 6-7 i 3'57 3 i? 36 44'582 + 3-1841 + 0-0034 4607 4608 Ophiuchi 7-8 i 86-50 3 i? 36 45- 2 74 + 3-1275 + 0-0033 4608 4609 58 Ophiuchi 5 i 84-73 4 17 36 50-223 + 3-5999 + 0-0046 0-007I 4609 4610 Ophiuchi 8-9 3 9f36 3 17 37 22-022 + 3-2822 + 0-0036 4610 4611 4612 4614 28 Draconis o> 5* 1-6 90-20 84-50 84-60 3 3 3 3 i? 37 35-534 i? 37 35-7i8 17 37 45-887 i? 37 50-842 0-359 1 + 3-6140 + 3-2365 + 0-0140 + 0-0038 + 0-0045 + 0-0035 + 0-0024 4611 4612 4613 4614 7-6 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 4615 Serpentis 7 3 85-57 8 i? 37 52-729 + 3-4891 + 0-0041 4615 4616 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 87-57 3 17 37 57-006 + 3-1623 + 0-0032 O-OO6O 4616 4617 Serpentis 7 89-20 3 i? 37 57'!99 + 3-4746 + 0-0041 4617 4618 60 Ophiuchi y3 3-2 i 86-65 37 17 38 2-304 + 2-9651 + 0-0029 O-O04I 4618 4619 Ophiuchi 7 i 91-91 3 i? 38 7'S 11 + 3-2095 + 0-0033 4619 4620 Ophiuchi 7-8 2 89-88 3 17 38 18-123 + 3 - "33 + 0-0032 4620 4621 Ophinchi 8-7 3 85-59 3 17 38 59-203 + 3-1118 + 0-0032 4621 4622 Ophiuchi 8 2 91-91 3 17 39 4-269 + 3-3017 + 0-0035 4622 4623 Ophiuchi 8 I 91-91 3 i? 39 12-334 + 3-0745 + 0-0031 4623 4624 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-92 3 17 39 28-415 + 3-1356 + 0-0032 4624 4625 Serpentis 7-8 2 89-90 3 i? 39 45-85I + 3-314? + 0-0035 4625 4626 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-89 3 17 4 33-I56 + 3-2582 + 0-0033 o-oooo 4626 4627 3 Sagittarii X Var 2 85-18 3 17 40 38-048 + 3-7745 + 0-0046 0-0033 4627 4628 Ophiuchi 7-8 5 85-50 3 17 40 47-424 + 3-1380 + 0-0031 4628 4629 Ophiuchi 7 2 90-58 3 i? 4 57-554 + 3-5784 + 0-0040 4629 4630 Serpentis 7 2 90-21 3 17 41 0-986 + 3-5071 + 0-0038 4630 4631 Ophiuchi 6-7 4 82-21 6 17 41 6-768 + 3-6226 + 0-0040 4631 4632 Ophiuchi 8-7 2 89-20 3 17 41 11-340 + 3-1115 + 0-0031 4632 4633 Serpentis 6-7 3 82-33 5 17 41 20-300 + 3-4216 + 0-0035 4633 4634 Ophiuchi 8-9 2 91-53 3 17 41 55-008 + 3-1564 + 0-0030 4634 4635 86 Herculis fj. 3-4 2 84-92 26 17 42 9-203 + 2-3702 + 0-0026 0-0244 4635 4607. The R.A of this star in Weisse's Bessel is lo too great. 4627. The limits of magnitude are 4 and 6 : the period is 7 days. 4634. Reddish-yellow star. -. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 207 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. H Proper Motion. iO fi r j? -3 c3 A o o CO Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 A oToo li; o Greenwich, 1880. No. 459 1 84-55 3 100 51 34-85 + 2-440 -0-483 32092 568 459 1 459 2 84-98 4 in 50 48-44 + 2-432 0-523 + 0-035 2219 1 60 32080 2772 4592 4593 81-49 13 21 47 41-61 + 2-409 + 0-035 0-125 2234 198 32312 2774 4593 4594 91-92 3 i7 22 55' r 5 + 2-384 0-506 32105 4594 4595 91-88 3 103 35 12-15 + 2-332 0-493 32130, 4595 4596 86-83 3 101 24 16-01 + 2-290 -0-485 32161 612 4596 4597 92-25 4 96 24 54-65 + 2-279 0-468 4597 4598 82-16 3 9 34 39-3I + 2-244 0-448 182 32200 4598 4599 87-54 3 93 28 32-01 + 2-237 - 0-458 6.H 4599 4600 84-46 3 92 5 2 9-33 + 2-230 0-453 32203 4600 4601 92-23 3 108 34 57-79 + 2-195 0-511 32194 4601 4602 83-01 4 102 48 56-10 + 2-163 0-490 + 0-036 2225 184 32209 647 9637 4602 4603 92-21 3 "3 17 3971 + 2-125 0-529 32211 4603 4604 92-23 3 HO 2 55-54 + 2-096 0-517 32231 4604 4605 85-51 3 105 30 16-14 + 2-066 0-500 188 32248 4605 4606 85-22 6 43 56 4' 6 5 + 2-064 0-246 0-005 2233 211 32358 2780 4606 4607 83-57 3 94 47 42-32 + 2-031 0-463 32280 677 4607 4608 86-50 3 92 22 8-50 + 2-031 0-455 32291 674 4608 4609 8473 4 in 37 43-7 + 2-024 0-523 + 0-043 2226 I 9 2 32257 9653 2782 4609 4610 91-36 3 98 57 24-41 + J-977 0-477 4610 4611 87-83 3 21 II 28-22 + J'957 + 0-051 0-308 2238 2 4 I 32502 2790 4611 4612 84-50 3 103 27 13-18 + I-957 0-493 32305 4612 4 6l 3 84-60 a 112 8 39-76 + 1-942 0-525 195 32297 4613 4614 84-55 3 97 t 39-86 + !'935 0-471 202 32325 694 4614 4615 85-57 3 107 23 10-70 + 1-932 0-507 32307 4615 4616 87-57 3 93 5i 32-61 + 1-926 0-460 + 0-22O 32329 698 4616 4617 89-52 3 106 48 47-55 + 1-926 0-505 32310 4617 4618 83-89 7 85 23 9'94 + 1-919 0-431 0-167 2229 209 32346 705 9666 2788 4618 4619 91-91 3 95 S 2 43-29 + 1-910 0-467 704 4619 4620 89-88 3 91 45 24-44 + 1-896 0-453 32350 711 4620 4621 85-59 3 91 41 29-20 + 1-836 '453 32373 726 4621 4622 92-08 4 99 46 0-90 + 1-829 0-480 4622 4623 91-91 3 90 5 11-76 + 1-817 0-447 3238? 734 4623 4624 89-92 3 92 42 52-95 + I- 794 0-456 4624 4625 89-90 3 too 1 8 26-96 + 1-768 0-482 32389 74i 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4 6 3i 89-89 85-18 85-5 90-58 90-21 82-15 3 3 3 3 3 5 97 56 I3-74 "7 47 J6'44 92 48 57-18 no 47 41-24 !8 3 53-45 112 26 9-12 + 1-700 + 1-693 + 1-679 + 1-664 + 1-659 + 1-650 OH74 0-549 0-457 0-521 0-510 -0-527 + 0-160 + 0-014 2230 217 221 32422 3239 8 32435 32421 32426 32424 755 763 9679 2800 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 89-20 3 91 40 37-I7 + 1-644 0-453 3245 782 4632 4 6 33 82-33 5 104 41 i-oo + 1-631 0-498 780 4633 4 6 34 91-53 3 93 36 11-17 + 1-581 0-460 3247 794 4634 4 6 35 81-46 10 62 12 51-50 + 1-560 '345 + 0-745 2237 244 32519 9706 2805 4635 4593. 4606, 4609, 4611, 4618, 4627, are respectively 3731, 3739, 3736, 3747, 3740, 3746 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4593> 4606, 4611, 4618, 4627, 4635, are respectively 1670, 1676, 1682, 1679, 1683, 1686 of the Badcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4616, 4626. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 208 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R. A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. ni. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. a. Proper Motion. s. No. 4636 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 86-56 3 "7 4 2 35-445 + 3'0952 + 0-0029 4636 4637 Ophiuchi 8-7 5 85-53 3 i? 4 2 53-I47 + 3-I227 + 0-0030 4637 4638 Serpentis 8 92-22 3 17 42 57-142 + 3-3390 + 0-0033 4638 4639 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 9 I- 55 3 i? 43 4-097 + 3-5570 + 0-0037 4639 4640 Serpentis 8-7 i 91-92 3 '7 43 44-657 + 3-3700 + 0-0033 4640 4641 4642 4643 Ophiuchi 8 5-4 6-7 3 3 3 87-57 87-54 87-54 3 3 3 17 43 49-485 '7 43 53-547 '7 43 55-370 + 3-I236 1-0818 1-0838 + 0-0029 + 0-0158 + 0-0157 0-0006 0-0008 4641 4642 4643 Draconis tj/ 4644 Serpentis 8 2 91-88 3 17 44 3-866 + 3-4533 + 0-0034 4644 4645 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 85-56 3 17 44 27-130 + 3-6355 + 0-0036 + O'OO2O 4645 4646 Serpentis 8-7 2 90-16 3 i? 44 32-943 + 3-486 + 0-0034 4646 4647 Ophiuchi 8 3 85-59 3 17 44 53705 + 3-1962 + 0-0029 4647 4648 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 92-14 3 17 44 56-530 + 3-6566 + 0-0036 4648 4649 Serpentis 7 4 83-30 4 17 45 18-219 + 3-5447 + 0-0034 0-0020 4649 4650 Ophiuchi 8 4 84-50 3 17 45 48-222 + 3-2182 + O-0028 4650 4 6 5 i Serpentis 7-6 I 89-91 3 17 45 50-417 + 3-5344 + 0-0033 4651 4652 Ophiuchi 8-9 I 92-25 3 i? 45 S 6 '? 80 + 3-3o66 + 0-0029 4652 4 6 53 Serpentis 8-7 2 88-86 3 '7 45 57H47 + 3-5077 + 0-0033 4653 4654 Ophiuchi 7-6 3 84-45 3 17 46 18-238 + 3-1006 + O'0027 4654 4655 Ophiuchi Y Var. 2 84-52 3 17 46 44-856 + 3-2155 + 0*0028 4655 4656 Ophiuchi 7 2 84-52 3 !? 46 45-543 + 3-I948 + 0-0028 4656 465? Serpentis 7-8 2 92-21 3 i? 46 5I-I37 + 3-396o + 0-0030 4657 4658 Serpentis 7-6 I 84-58 3 17 4 6 56-796 + 3-3288 + 0-0030 4658 4659 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-25 3 17 47 0-311 + 3-I550 + 0-0026 4659 4660 Ophiuchi 8-7 4 87-58 3 17 47 0-499 + 3-2573 + 0-0027 0-0070 4660 4661 Ophiuchi 8 2 92-23 3 i? 47 i 3-656 + 3-0728 + 0-0026 4661 4662 Serpentis 7-8 2 85-5 3 i? 47 15757 + 3-5547 + 0-0032 4662 4663 Ophiuchi 7-8 I 89-87 3 17 47 18-929 + 3-1320 + 0-0027 4663 4664 Ophiuchi 7 3 85-56 3 17 47 21-926 + 3-2105 + 0-0027 4664 4665 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 9f57 3 7 47 34-048 + 3-2764 + 0-0028 4665 4666 Serpentis 7-6 4 82-06 4 i? 47 59-960 + 3-3396 + 0-0028 4666 4667 Ophiuchi 8-9 I 91-57 3 17 48 6-099 + 3-5850 + 0-0032 4667 4668 63 Ophiuchi 6-7 I 84-62 3 17 48 7-718 + 3-6912 + 0-0033 0-OO22 4668 4669 Ophiuchi 7-6 4 82-90 3 i? 48 21-534 + 3-1097 + 0-0026 4669 4670 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 85-65 3 17 48 42-717 + 3-I527 + 0-0026 O'OOOO 4670 4671 Serpentis 7-8 3 85-60 3 i? 48 47-358 + 3-3469 + 0-0028 4671 4672 Ophiuchi 7-8 3 86-61 3 17 49 0-007 + 3-2533 + 0-0026 4672 4673 Serpentis 7-6 4 83-24 4 17 49 26-706 + 3-5266 + 0-0029 4673 4674 Ophiuchi 7 2 85-58 4 i? 49 43-933 + 3-6104 + 0-0029 0-0050 4674 4675 Serpentis 6 3 83-46 3 17 49 59-284 + 3-4502 + 0-0027 4675 4676 Ophiuchi 7 4 85-53 3 17 50 24-064 + 3-6650 + 0-0030 O'OOI2 4676 4677 89 Herculis 6-5 3 88-46 12 i? 5 58-94I + 2-4190 + 0-0023 + 0-0003 4677 4678 Serpentis 6-5 2 84-55 3 i? 50 59-228 + 3-i674 + 0-0024 4678 4679 Ophiuchi 6-7 2 86-52 3 17 51 26-196 + 3-0706 + 0-0024 4679 4680 32 Drnconis 3-4* ... 84-44 4 i? 5i 37-58o + 1-0239 + 0-0038 + 0-0149 4680 4636. Yellowish-red star. 4655. Reddish star. The limits of magnitude are 6' 2 and 7-0 : the period is 1 7 days. 4657. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 20" too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 209 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. it Sec. Var. Proper Motion. *o r- I I 8 OO M Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I 4 li OO 1 o- II Greenwich, 1880. No. 4636 86-56 3 90 58 38-00 + 1-523 0-451 32499 809 4636 4637 85-53 3 92 9 29-28 -1- 1-496 0-455 32509 812 4637 4638 92-22 3 101 18 12-68 + 1-490 0-486 810 4638 4639 9'"55 3 109 58 10-45 + 1-480 0-518 32492 4639 4640 91-92 3 102 34 27-39 + 1-421 0-491 32525 464 4641 87-57 3 92 ii 36-67 + 1-414 0-455 32546 829 4641 4642 84-41 9 t? 47 S'4 8 + 1-409 + 0-157 + 0-268 2251 286 3279 2815 4642 4643 85-13 5 17 47 21-25 + 1-406 + 0-157 + 0-278 2252 287 32791 2816 4643 4644 91-88 3 105 56 11-76 + 1-393 0-503 32536 4644 4645 85-56 3 "2 53 9' 39 + 1-360 0-530 + 0-090 247 3254 4645 4646 90-16 3 107 J3 25-54 + I-35I 0-508 4646 4647 85-59 3 95 i? 50-11 + 1-320 0-466 32579 849 4647 4648 92-14 3 U3 38 45-99 + 1-316 0-533 249 32557 4648 4649 83-30 4 109 29 32-40 + 1-285 0-517 + 0-090 253 32574 4649 4650 84-50 3 96 13 4805 + 1-242 0-469 871 4650 4651 89-91 3 109 5 30-55 + 1-238 0-515 257 4651 4 6 52 92-25 3 99 56 54'45 + 1-229 0-482 32612 872 4652 4653 88-86 3 108 3 40-10 + 1-229 0-511 32602 4653 4654 84-45 3 91 12 27-70 + 1-198 0-452 32633 865 4654 4655 84-52 3 96 6 56-56 + I ' I 59 0-469 32647 894 4655 4656 84-52 3 95 14 2-25 + i'i57 0-466 32652 899 4656 4657 92-21 3 103 37 22-43 + 1-150 0-495 890 4657 4658 84-58 3 100 52 18-79 + 1-141 0-485 265 32651 900 4658 4659 89-25 3 93 32 I3-53 + I-I37 0-460 99 4659 4660 87-58 3 97 53 5-87 + I-I37 0-475 + 0-210 32664 90S 4660 4661 92-23 3 90 o 39-64 + 1-116 -0-448 883 4661 4662 85-50 3 109 51 42-76 + i-"4 0-518 264 32648 4662 4663 89-87 3 92 33 7-I7 + 1-109 0-457 4663 4664 85-56 3 95 54 6 '94 + 1-105 0-468 32682 917 4664 4665 9 I- 57 3 98 40 59-16 + 1-087 -0-478 32689 921 4665 4666 82-06 4 101 18 48-16 + 1-049 - 0-487 270 32694 931 4666 4667 9 I- 57 3 "o 59 5774 + 1-041 0-523 4667 4668 84-62 3 4 5 1 5 2i 53 + 1-038 0-538 + 0-02O 2241 267 32685 9757 4668 4669 82-84 4 9 1 35 42-36 + 1-019 0-453 274 32712 4669 4670 85-65 3 93 26 7-87 + 0-987 0-460 + 0-140 32723 946 4670 4671 85-60 3 101 36 40-99 + 0-981 0-488 276 32716 943 4671 4672 86-6 1 3 97 42 38-01 + 0-962 0-474 32730 95i 4672 4673 83-24 4 1 08 46 54-06 + 0-923 o-SH 277 32734 2826 4673 4674 85-58 4 in 56 11-40 + 0-898 0-526 + O-O7O 279 4674 4 6 75 83-46 3 i5 47 3I-37 + 0-876 0-503 281 32757 475 4676 85-53 3 3 55 2I-I 3 + 0-840 0-534 + 0-030 2242 283 32766 4676 4677 90-25 4 63 55 54' 8 7 + 0-789 0-353 O-OOg 2249 298 9781 2831 4677 4678 84-55 3 94 3 54'93 + 0-789 0-462 293 32822 1003 2830 4678 4679 86-52 3 89 55 2-41 + o-749 -0-448 1014 4679 4680 805 4 33 6 35-39 + Q-733 0-150 0-077 2263 316 32960 2833 4680 4642, 4643, 4658, 4680, are respectively 3768, 3769, 3766, 3793 of the Radclifie Catalogue, 1845. 4642, 4643, 4668, 4674, 4675, 4677, 4680, are respectively 1689, 1690, 1693, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1702 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4645. 4649. 4660, 4670, 4674. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. EE 210 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. <* HH Q Mean 03 o C No. Constellation. 3 * JJ "*> 1 a Time of || Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper -.r ,1 No. P g .g Observa- Motion. g S5 (] tion. 5 f> h. m. s. 8. s. 8. 4681 Sagittarii 6-5 ... 82-84 3 17 52 1-257 + 3-8514 + 0-0029 4681 4682 Ophiuchi 8 2 87-57 3 17 S 2 3-844 + 3-II34 + 0-0023 4682 4683 Sagittarii 7-8 6 85-58 3 17 52 18-144 + 3-6261 + 0-0026 4683 4684 Serpentis 7 2 90-22 3 1 1 52 19-370 + .V477I + 0-0025 4684 4685 91 Herculis 6 4* 90-24 3 17 52 28-783 + 2-0559 + 0-0025 O*00l8 4685 4686 Serpentis 8 3 91-56 3 I? S 2 3I-32I + 3-3532 + 0-0024 4686 4687 Draconis 7-8 3 81-54 3 17 S 2 38-230 + I-39I9 + 0-0032 4687 4688 Ophiuchi 8-7 i 91-61 3 17 52 38-932 + 3-2724 + 0-0024 4688 4689 Sagittarii 8-7 5 85-64 3 '7 S 3 47-3o8 + 3-6248 + 0-0026 4689 4690 64 Ophiuchi v 4-3* 83-54 3 17 52 58-187 + 3-3023 + 0-0024 O-OOI9 4690 4691 4 Sagittarii 6-5 2 83-06 4 i? 53 4-492 + 3-6620 + 0-0026 0-0013 4691 4692 Ophiuchi 7-8 4 91-90 3 J? 53 6-713 + 3-2279 + 0-0023 4692 4693 5 Sagittarii 7 3 85-55 3 17 53 26-780 + 3-6751 + 0-0025 O'OOOI 4693 4694 Sagittarii 7-6 2 84-62 3 i? 53 27-360 + 3-5676 + 0-0025 4694 4695 92 Herculis 4-3* 8a*--4 3 17 ("3, 20/4.3,4 + 2-323.8 4- O'OO2 3 + 0*0060 g 4696 Serpentis T O 6 4 y .IT 86-87 O 6 * so y TOT 17 53 46-258 T^ O O + 3-1849 -J- Iff M* *| + 0-0023 4696 4697 Serpentis 8-7 3 91-88 3 '7 53 52-4" + 3-4572 + 0-0024 4697 4698 Serpentis 8 2 9-"57 3 i? 53 52-779 + 3-4252 + 0*0023 4698 4699 33 Draconis -y 2-3* ... 83-74 J 3 17 54 3-074 + 1-3923 + 0-0031 0-0018 4699- 47oo Serpentis 7-8 2 87-54 3 17 54 14-826 + 3-3806 + O-OO22 4700 4701 35 Draconis 5-6 2 82-77 6 17 54 22-139 2-7055 + 0-0135 + 0-0135 4701 4702 57 Serpentis 5* ... 84-48 3 17 54 40-319 + 3-1585 + O-OO2I + 0-0080 4702 473 6 Sagittarii 6-7 3 84-32 4 '7 54 59H47 + 3-4850 + O-O022 0-0017 473 4704 Serpentis 7-8 2 85-53 3 7 55 I2 '447 + 3-1325 + 0-0022 4704 4705 Sagittarii 6 2 84-88 4 !7 55 I4H55 + 3-6337 + O*OO22 4705 4706 7 I QO*22 3 17 g^ 23*222 , -4- O'OO2 2 47o6 4707 Sagittarii 1 7-8 2 y<*t 88-84 O 3 i? 55 51-422 + 3-6372 + O-OO22 4707 4708 Ophiuchi 8-7 3 9I-5 1 3 17 55 53H34 + 3-0700 + O-OO2I 4708 4709 Sagittarii 6-7 i 82-66 3 '7 5 6 S'44 1 + 3-5785 + O-OO22 479 4710 7 Sagittarii 6 i 84-54 2 '7 56 6-541 + 3-6755 + O*OO22 0-0029 4/io 4711 Sagittarii 7-8 4 85-55 4 17 56 21-935 + 3-6321 + O-OO20 47" 4712 Serpentis 7 3 85-66 3 17 56 42-625 + 3-1462 + O-OO2O 4712 4713 95 Herculis 5-6 i 88-17 3 '7 56 50-457 + 2*5433 + O-OO22 0-0027 4713 47H Serpentis 7-6 2 83-88 3 i? 56 54-292 + 3-I978 + O-OO2O 47H 47'5 Sagittarii 7 2 89-91 3 17 56 57-005 + 3H968 + 0-0020 4715 4716 69 Ophiuchi T 5 I 85-34 4 i? 57 5-478 + 3-2646 + 0-0021 + 0-0016 4716 4717 9 Sagittarii 7-6 2 89-58 5 i? 57 7-604 + 3-6778 + O-OO2O 0-0031 4717 4718 Sagittarii 7 2 83-43 3 17 57 33-487 + 3-6263 + O-OO2O 4718 47'9 Ophiuehi 7-8 2 89-90 3 i? 57 52-214 + 3-2903 + O-OOI9 4719 4720 Sagittarii -y 1 Var. ... 86-23 3 i? 57 59H36 + 3-8314 + O'OO2O 4720 4721 Serpentis 7-8 3 86-96 3 17 58 14-012 + 3-3303 + 0-OOI9 4721 4722 Sagittarii 6-7 84-62 5 17 <-8 2-----I-.8 + 3-6700 + O'OOlS 4722 T( 4723 Serpentis 8-7 ... T 91-81 > 4 * i S !j > CO "|" |? '* > No. Observa- s i Motion. s rrt *N 1 * CO +3 qj" 02 0. $" tion. *J 1 II * // 1 H a 1 a O 4681 82-84 3 I2O 14 26-44 + 0-698 0-562 294 9795 4681 4682 87-57 a 91 45 6-26 + 0-694 0-454 32867 1025 4682 4683 85-58 3 IJ2 30 21-50 + 0-674 0-529 32847 4683 4684 90-22 a 106 50 41-62 + 0-672 0-507 297 32859 4684 4685 81-13 15 52 44 4-18 + 0-658 0-300 0-024 2256 309 32935 2834 4685 4686 91-56 3 ' I 51 43-37 + 0-654 0-489 32870 1029 4686 4687 81-54 3 38 29 10-88 + 0-644 0-203 32981 4687 4688 91-61 3 98 30 23-11 + 0-643 0-477 32878 1035 4688 4689 85-64 3 112 27 22-73 + 0-631 0-529 32865 4689 4690 83-54 3 99 45 3276 + 0-615 0-482 + 0-105 2250 303 32892 1044 9802 2835 4690 4691 83-16 5 113 48 18-82 + 0-605 0-534 + 0-054 2246 299 32873 9803 2836 4691 4692 91-90 3 96 38 1-50 + 0-602 0-471 1052 4692 4693 85-55 3 114 16 27-17 + 0-573 0-536 + 0-050 2247 302 32887 9805 4693 4694 84-62 a no 19 49-22 + 0-573 0-520 304 32898 2837 4694 4695 86-27 7 60 44 23-63 + 0-569 0-339 + 0-028 2258 314 32952 2838 4695 4696 87-11 7 94 48 34-08 + o-545 0-465 307 32923 1067 4696 4697 91-88 3 106 3 31-22 + 0-537 0-504 32914 4697 4698 9 I- 57 a 104 46 57-18 + 0-535 0-500 4698 4699 82-49 13 38 29 52-13 + 0-521 0-203 + 0-028 2267 335 33043 2840 4699 4700 87-54 3 102 58 50-40 + 0-503 0-493 - 32932 1076 4700 4701 82-76 6 13 I 23-30 + 0-493 + o"394 0-239 2287 380 33292 2848 4701 4702 84-48 a 93 4 55'86 + 0-467 0-461 + 0-042 2254 313 32950 1093 2842 4702 473 84-32 4 107 9 6-30 + 0-439 0-508 O-OI2 2253 3ii 2844 4703 4704 85-53 a 92 34 20-71 + 0-420 0-457 32980 mo 4704 4705 84-88 4 "2 46 35-52 + 0-417 - 0-530 312 32946 2846 475 4706 90-22 a 109 6 9-47 + 0-404 0-516 317 32963 4706 4707 88-84 a 112 54 11-96 + 0-362 0-531 320 32977 477 4708 9I-5 1 a 89 53 29-16 + 0-360 o-447 33016 1126 4708 4709 82-66 3 11044 9-23 + 0-346 -0-522 323 32994 2850 4709 4710 84-56 3 114 16 50-19 + 0340 0-536 + 0-OO4 2255 321 32983 9820 4710 4711 85-55 4 112 43 2-90 + 0-318 0-530 326 33000 4711 4712 85-66 3 93 9 25-27 + 0-287 - 0-459 33047 4712 4713 83-52 6 68 24 11-28 + 0-277 0-371 O-O27 2268 344 33087 4713 47M 83-88 3 95 21 25-12 + 0-271 0-466 33055 1148 2852 4714 47'5 8991 3 107 36 37-50 + 0-267 0-510 33031 4715 14716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 90-09 83H3 89-90 86-23 86-96 84-62 4 4 3 a 3 a a 98 10 45-57 114 21 43-58 112 30 11-16 99 15 13-01 119 35 2-02 100 54 49-93 114 24 12-75 + 0-255 + 0-251 + 0-214 + 0-187 + 0-176 + 0-155 + 0-137 0-476 0-536 0-529 0-480 0-559 0-486 o-537 + 0-008 + 0-005 2265 2260 337 332 339 342 33060 33026 33058 33063 33095 33084 "54 1169 "73 9828 9827 9839 9845 2856 2855 2861 2864 4716 47' 7 4718 4720 4721 4722 91-81 4 J 05 i? 33-36 + 0-118 0-502 1182 47 J 3 4724 85-58 a 109 45 37-14 + 0-085 0-518 33"i 4724 4725 87-57 3 88 5 8-21 + 0-082 0-442 33I4 1 1 202 4725 4687, 4690, 4691, 4699, 4701, 4719, are respectively 3794, 3792, 3791, 3799, 3816, 3811 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4691, 4693, 4695, 4699, 4701, 4702, 4713, are respectively 1703, 1704, 1705, 1707, 1711, 1706, 1710 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 212 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. V ~ Mean *O fl No. Constellation. 3m sH Time of 8 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. !> S.S 3 *-*^ Observa- li Motion. g tion. K -o h. m. s. B. 3. 8. 4726 Serpentis 8 i 92-21 3 17 59 4-265 + 3-2214 + O-OOI9 4726 4727 Serpentis 7-8 3 85-53 3 17 59 24-369 + .V3330 + 0-0018 4727 4728 Serpentis 8-7 i 91-92 3 17 59 49-I76 + 3-1185 + 0-0019 4728 4729 Ophiuchi 6 i 82-54 3 1 8 o 7-849 + 3-2683 + 0-0018 4729 4730 Serpentis 6 2 86-51 3 1 8 o 23-769 + 3-1838 + 0-0018 4730 473i Ophiuchi 7-6 2 84-61 3 18 o 28-353 + 3-0831 + 0-0019 473 1 4732 Sagittarii 7-6 3 83-53 3 18 o 35-338 + 3-5979 + 0-0017 4732 4733 Serpentis 8-9 i 92-24 3 18 o 49-619 + 3-3872 + 0-0017 4733 4734 Sagittarii 8 3 91-62 3 18 i 4-511 + 3-6432 + 0-0014 4734 4735 Serpentis 7-6 2 84-51 3 18 i 9-054 + 3-1483 + 0-0017 4735 4736 Sagittarii 6 I 84-51 3 18 l 25-577 + 3H855 + 0-0015 4736 4737 7-8 02-52 3 18 i 31-813 + 3-2888 + 0-0017 47*7 T/ *>/ 4738 Sagittarii 7-8 y s 3 1 8 i 58-996 + 3-52I5 + 0-0015 ^/ .'/ 4738 4739 Sagittarii 7-6 2 83-51 2 18 2 2-531 + .r598l + 0-0015 4739 4740 72 Ophiuchi 3-4 5 85-84 70 18 2 8-085 + 2-8476 + 0-0019 0-0056 4740 4741 Serpentis 7-8 2 91-64 3 18 2 12-244 + 3-2398 + 0-0017 474i 474* Serpentis 7-8 4 85'55 3 18 2 51-168 + 3-3508 + O-OOTS 4742 4743 Serpentis 7 3 84-52 3 18 2 53-549 + 3-1408 + 0-0016 4743 4744 Serpentis 7-6 3 83-32 3 18 3 28-577 + 3-4046 + 0-0014 4744 4745 Serpentis 7-8 7 85-53 5 1 8 3 36-695 + 3-3503 + 0-0015 4745 4746 Serpentis 7-8 4 86-98 3 18 3 43-727 + 3-2052 + 0-0015 4746 4747 Sagittarii 6-7 2 83-90 3 18 4 4.V573 + 3-5553 + O'OOII 4747 4748 Sagittarii 5-6 I 8 3 -I 4 3 1 8 5 0-444 + 3-6598 + o-ooio 0-0003 4748 4749 Serpentis 7-8 4 85-58 3 18 5 20-625 + 3-3403 + 0-0013 4749 4750 Sagittarii 7-8 87-94 3 18 5 24-116 + 3-5708 + 0-001 1 4750 I 4751 Serpentis 6-7 2 84-60 3 18 5 35-353 + 3-I948 + 0-0014 4751 475* Serpentis 7-8 I 92-24 3 18 5 36-660 + 3-0884 + 0-0016 4752 4753 Serpentis 8-9 2 92-24 3 18 5 44-217 + 3-2978 + 0-0014 4753 4754 Serpentis 7-8 I 86-50 3 18 5 55-89I + .V367 + 0-0016 4754 4755 Serpentis 7-8 I 89-60 3 18 6 0-692 + 3-2783 + 0-0014 4755 4756 Serpentis 7-8 6 86-64 5 18 6 2-863 + 3-20 4 7 + 0-0014 4756 4757 Sagittarii 7-8 2 91-62 3 18 6 6-188 + 3-4660 + 0-0010 4757 4758 Serpentis 8-7 3 91-64 3 18 6 27-260 + 3-2442 + 0-0013 4758 4759 13 Sagittarii /< 5-4 2 87-08 16 18 7 11-035 + .V5877 + 0-0008 0-0014 4759 476o Sagittarii 7-8 2 86-56 3 18 7 16-309 + 3-4462 + 0-0010 4760 4761 Serpentis 7-6 ... 84-63 3 18 7 2 i-355 + 3-1669 + 0-0013 47 f,i 4762 Serpentis 7-8 2 90-25 3 18 7 33-348 + 3-II33 + 0-0015 4762 4763 14 Sagittarii 6-7 I 83-65 3 1 8 7 39' 3 01 + 3-6053 + 0-0007 0-0032 47f'3 4764 23 Ursse Minoris ... 8 5-4 85-07 1 88 1 8 7 47-446 '9-4939 0-2236 + 0-0251 4764 47 6 5 15 Sagittarii 5* 85-90 3 18 8 39-062 + 3-5789 + 0-0006 0-0018 4765 4766 Sagittarii 7-8 I 87-56 3 18 8 39-087 + 3-4409 + 0-0009 4766 4767 16 Sagittarii 6-7 2 84-30 3 18 8 40-186 + 3-5698 + 0-0006 o-ooiS 4767 4768 Serpentis 8 I 91-96 3 18 9 2-390 + 3-3704 + o-ooio 4768 4769 Sagittarii 7-6 2 85-24 3 18 9 2-931 + 3-5245 + 0-0006 4769 477o Sagittarii 8 2 91-94 3 18 9 41-146 + 3-3959 + 0-0008 4770 4726. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i ra too small. 4731. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 2'J too small. 4760. Double: the companion, of the 10-9 magnitude, precedes, and is slightly north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 213 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / tr Process. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. to "} 1-^ j? T3 i 2 8 oo S Lalande, 1800. 1 IO i<2 30 , ll *l 4 oToo " - 1 76 1235 2868 4730 473' 84-61 8 90 27 16-54 0-041 0-450 33183 1240 473i 4732 83-53 3 in 27 14-31 0-051 0-525 356 33164 4732 4733 92-24 3 103 14 46-82 0-073 0-494 I2 4 I 4733 4734 91-62 3 "3 6 58-97 0-093 o-53i 4734 4735 8 4-5i 3 93 14 47-18 O'lOI 0-459 33200 "54 4735 473 6 84-51 3 107 10 6-10 0-125 0-508 2872 4736 4737 92-52 3 99 I' 24-15 0-134 0-480 1260 4737 4738 89-57 3 1 08 33 58-92 0-174 0-513 33215 4738 4739 83-54 3 m 27 49-36 0-179 0-525 364 33210 4739 474 81-84 26 80 27 3-93 0-187 0-415 0-089 "75 374 1282 9881 2875 474 474 1 91-64 3 97 8 0-99 0-192 0-472 33245 1273 474' 4742 85-55 3 101 45 31-17 0-249 0-489 33264 1289 4742 4743 84-52 3 92 55 22-62 0-254 - 0-458 378 1302 4743 4744 83-I5 4 103 57 7-25 0-305 0-496 4744 4745 85-53 5 i! 44 3!'32 0-316 0-488 33301 1310 4745 4746 86-98 3 95 40 10-61 0-327 0-467 33313 10 4746 4747 83-90 3 I0 9 5' 44-52 0-414 0-518 33327 4747 4748 83-I4 3 113 43 21-72 0-437 0-533 + 0-060 2276 386 33330 9907 2884 4748 4749 85-58 3 101 19 53-67 0-468 -0-487 3336i 4i 4749 475 8794 3 no 26 46-85 0-472 0-520 33350 475 475i 84-60 3 95 13 40-51 0-488 0-466 33383 49 4751 4752 92-24 3 90 40 49-68 - 0-491 0-450 3339 1 4752 4753 92-24 3 99 34 11-36 0-502 0-481 5' 4753 4754 86-50 3 93 44 55-03 0-519 0-457 334 '3 62 4754 47? 5 89-60 3 98 45 15-16 0-526 - 0-478 33403 61 4755 475 6 86-64 5 95 38 53'4 J 0-529 - 0-467 33415 64 4756 4757 91-62 3 106 24 19-91 0-534 0-505 4757 4758 91-64 3 97 '9 r 4'23 0-564 0-473 76 4758 4759 84-57 3 in 5 12-32 0-628 0-523 0-00 1 2284 7 33433 9932 2890 4759 4760 86-56 3 105 37 30-42 0-636 0-502 33443 4?6o 4761 84-63 3 94 2 22-51 0-643 0-461 94 4761 4762 90-25 3 91 44 50-07 0-660 0-454 334 6 7 102 4762 4763 83-65 3 in 44 30-54 0-669 0-525 + 0-021 2286 8 33449 2891 4763 4764 84-71 1 80 3 23 18-07 0-682 + 2-842 0-040 2395 178 2908 4764 47&S 85-90 3 no 45 36-17 -0-757 0-521 0-009 2288 M 3348i 2895 4765 4766 87-56 3 105 24 58-36 0-757 0-501 33490 4766 4767 84-30 3 no 25 n-88 - 0-758 0-520 + 0-014 2289 15 33482 2897 4767 4768 91-96 3 102 34 9-04 0-790 0-491 33502 126 4768 4769 85-24 3 1 08 41 39-41 0-792 0-513 3354 4769 477 91-94 3 103 36 30-64 0-847 0-494 4770 4737> 4759' 47 6 4. are respectively 3827, 3853, 3930 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4729, 474. 4759> 47 6 4, are respectively 1719, 1 724, 1729, 1 748 of the Radeliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4764. There are 118 observations in N.P.D. above pole, and 62 below pole. The seconds of N.P.D. are l8"-n and i8"-oi respectively. 214 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. in. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 477i Serpentis 7-8 3 86-90 3 18 9 42-035 + 3-2013 + O"OOII 4771 4772 Sagittarii 7-8 2 9 1 '60 3 1 8 9 50-839 + 3-6654 + O'OOO2 4772 4773 Serpentis 7-6 2 83-48 3 1 8 10 10-509 + 3-I578 + 0-OOII 4773 4774 Sagittarii 6-7 .. 82-67 1 18 10 47-564 + sws + 0-0005 4774 4775 Sagittarii 7 2 go's? 3 18 ii 1-434 + 3-5193 + 0-0004 4775 4776 Serpentis 6 3 84-63 3 18 it 7-050 + 3-1433 + O'OOI I 0-0045 4776 4777 Sagittarii 8 I 92-58 3 18 ii 9-292 + 3-5509 + 0-0004 4777 4778 Serpentis 8 3 87-58 3 18 ii 17-309 + 3-3749 + o j ooo6 4778 4779 Sagittarii 7 3 86-65 4 18 ii 19-022 + 3-4420 + 0-0005 4779 4780 Serpentis 7-6 3 85-3 9 18 ii 20-559 + 3-3030 + 0-0008 0-0045 478o 4781 Sagittarii 7 2 90-57 | 18 ii 22-934 + 3-5280 + 0-0004 4781 4782 Serpentis 7-8 ... 90-29 1 1 8 ii 46-594 +3-3785 + 0-0006 4782 4783 Serpentis 7 I 84-24 i 18 ii 55-934 + 3-3632 + 0-0007 4783 4784 Sagittarii 7-8 3 85-58 I 18 12 15-480 + 3-5233 + 0-0003 4784 4785 Sagittarii 8-9 2 85-58 3 18 12 16-630 + 3-5233 + 0-0003 4785 4786 Serpentis 8-7 ... 91-64 | 18 12 23-919 + 3-1045 + O-OOI2 4786 4787 Serpentis 9-8 2 9f93 3 18 12 39-102 + 3'2i63 + O-OOO9 4787 4788 Serpentis 7-8 I 86-57 3 18 12 40-107 + 3-3683 + 0-0006 4788 4789 Serpentis 7-8 I 91-60 3 18 13 10-475 + 3-1693 + 0-0010 4789 4790 36 Draconis 5* ... 89-41 2 18 13 I5-7I7 + 0-2920 0-0006 + 0-0518 4790 479i Serpentis 7-8 2 87-55 | 18 13 44' 6 34 + 3-3399 + o'ooo6 479i 4792 Sagittarii 6 3 84-24 | 1 8 13 48-635 + 3-4520 + 0-0003 + 0-0009 4792 4793 Sagittarii 8 3 91-63 3 18 14 0-559 + 3-5 6 5i O'OOOO 4793 4794 Serpentis 7 2 89-25 I 18 14 1-585 + 3-299 + 0-0007 0-0050 4794 4795 Serpentis 7-6 84-58 3 18 14 6-148 + 3-2607 + 0-0007 4795 4796 Sagittarii 7 2 88-66 3 18 14 44-075 + .V4369 + O'OOO2 4796 4797 4798 4799 Sagittarii Sagittarii Y 6-7 Var. 8-7 3 3 2 86-61 87-49 91-90 5 3 3 18 14 44-914 18 14 54-602 18 15 31-908 + 3-6936 + 3-5294 + 3-6193 0-0005 O'OOOO 0-0004 4797 4798 4799 Sagittarii 4800 58 Serpentis 77 3-4 3 86-67 58 18 15 37-086 + 3-1407 + 0-0009 0-0400 4800 4801 Sagittarii 8 2 90-61 5 18 15 55-646 + 3M334 + Q-OOOI 4801 4802 Sagittarii 7-8 2 91-12 4 1 8 15 56-140 + 3-4333 + O'OOOI 4802 4803 Sagittarii 7-8 I 89-88 3 18 16 0-148 + 3-4I59 + O'OOOI 4803 4804 Serpentis 7-8 I 85-92 3 18 16 13-370 + 3-2492 + 0-0006 4804 4805 Ophiuchi 8-7 I 91-66 1 18 16 30-794 + 3-0700 + O'OOIO 4805 4806 Sagittarii 8-7 3 91-96 I 18 16 36-012 + 3-4988 O'OOOI 4806 4807 4808 4809 Serpentis 7-8 7-6 3 85-58 84-60 83-58 3 3 3 18 16 42-462 18 16 57-299 18 17 2-917 + 3-1017 + 3-314! + 3-357S + O'OOIO + 0-0004 + 0-0003 4807 4808 4809 AquiliB 6 2 4810 Aquilse 7-8 3 86-62 3 1 8 17 9-042 + 3-3645 + 0-0003 4810 4811 Sagittarii 8-7 2 91-63 3 18 17 33-801 + 3-5432 0-0003 4811 4812 Serpentis 6-5 3 82-65 3 18 17 37-921 + 3-2834 + 0-0004 4812 4813 Aquilse 8 3 85-59 3 18 17 48-801 + .V37H + 0-0001 4813 4814 Serpentis 8-9 2 87-56 | 18 17 49-387 + 3-1311 + 0-0008 4814 4815 Serpentis 8-7 2 89-82 4 18 18 8-430 + 3-1005 + 0-0009 4815 4798. The limits of magnitude are 5-8 and 6'6 : the period is 5-8 days. 4799. A slightly fainter star, Lalande 33767, precedes. 48 1 1 . Reddish-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 215 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. O U1 1^. 1 H 8 00 M Lai an tie, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo v oo n 03 . O Greenwich, 1880. No. 4771 86-90 3 95 30 19-09 0-848 0-466 33552 54 4771 4772 91-60 3 113 56 10-70 0-862 0-534 33516 4772 4773 83-48 3 93 39 I0 '9 6 0-891 0-460 1 66 4773 4774 82-67 3 107 24 38-68 0-945 0-508 4774 4775 9'57 3 108 30 5-85 0-964 0-512 25 33588 4775 4776 84-63 3 93 2 I''? 6 0-972 -0-458 + 0-264 2293 33617 185 2906 4776 4777 92-58 3 109 42 38-47 0-975 0-517 26 4777 4778 87-58 a !02 45 43-99 -0-987 0-491 33605 183 4778 4779 86-65 4 105 28 10-18 0-990 0-501 33601 4779 4780 85-3 3 99 47 42-52 0-993 0-481 + 0-080 2292 33615 186 4780 4781 90-57 3 108 50 15-77 0-996 o-SH 3359 8 478i 4782 90-29 3 102 54 35-25 1-031 0-492 33629 198 4782 4783 84-24 3 102 16 57-02 1-044 0-489 27 33634 4783 4784 85-58 3 1 08 39 38-54 1-071 0-513 33642 2909 4784 4785 85-58 3 108 39 28-74 1-074 '$13 2910 4/85 4786 91-64 3 91 22 15-45 1-084 0-452 33683 228 4?86 4787 9'"93 3 96 8 58-99 1-106 0-468 33687 231 4787 4788 86-57 3 IO2 29 44-42 1-108 0-490 33675 226 4788 4789 91-60 3 94 8 54-00 1-152 0-461 242 4789 4790 85-95 4 25 38 24-16 1-160 0-042 0-013 2309 54 33869 2913 4790 479' 87-55 3 101 19 54-01 I-2O2 0-486 337 12 479 1 4792 84-24 3 105 52 32-85 1-208 0-502 + 0-060 2296 337o8 2914 4792 4793 91-63 3 no '5 4333 -1-225 0-518 33709 4793 4794 89-25 i 99 38 2-94 I-227 0-480 + O'2IO 4794 4795 84-58 3 98 i 35-38 1-233 0-474 33731 265 4795 4796 88-66 3 105 :6 41-52 1-288 0-500 33745 4796 4797 86-61 5 "4 57 50-5 2 1-290 0-537 33732 9999 4797 4798 87-49 3 108 54 29-52 I-304 0-513 33748 2918 4798 4799 91-90 3 112 17 2O-I7 -I-358 0-526 33769 4799 4800 83-27 5 9 2 55 35-66 I-365 0-456 + 0-677 2298 48 33802 302 10008 2920 4800 4801 91-13 4 105 8 30-92 1-393 o-499 33796 4801 4802 90-60 5 105 8 21-93 1-393 0-499 33797 4802 4803 89-88 3 104 26 23-60 1-399 0-496 303 4803 4804 85-92 3 97 32 58-22 1-418 0-472 338i5 309 4804 4805 91-66 3 89 53 38-44 ''444 0-446 3384 4805 4806 91-96 3 107 43 47-17 I-45I 0-508 4806 4807 85-58 3 91 15 15-11 1-460 0-451 33846 324 4807 4808 84-60 3 100 16 18-57 1-482 0-481 33843 325 4808 4809 83-58 3 102 4 4-37 1-487 0-488 33845 327 4809 4810 4 8n 4812 4813 4814 4815 86-62 91-63 82-65 85-59 87-56 89-91 3 3 3 3 i 3 102 21 14-62 log 26 57-80 98 59 26-76 102 38 25-95 92 31 2-98 91 12 7'66 1-499 I-536 1-54 1 1-557 -1-557 1-585 - 0-489 0-515 - o-477 0-490 0-455 0-450 59 33850 33873 33905 332 339 358 3927 2930 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4790 Is 3890 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4781, 4784, 4785, 4790, 4800, are respectively 1732, 1734, 1736, 1741, 1742 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4794. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 216 KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. B. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4816 Serpentis 7-8 3 87-56 4 18 18 15-078 + 3-I3I3 + 0-0008 4816 4817 Serpentis 7-6 3 83-52 3 1 8 1 8 16454 + .VI572 + 0-0006 4817 4818 Sagittarii 7-8 2 85-67 3 18 18 32-688 + 3-5208 O-OOO4 4818 4819 Serpentis 8-7 2 87-62 3 18 1 8 42-840 + 3-0985 + o'oooS 4819 4820 Serpentis 6-7 3 84-46 3 18 18 44-769 + 3-2392 + 0-0004 4820 4821 21 Sagittarii 5-6 3 83-81 4 i8 18 47-864 + 3-5733 0-0006 0-0019 4821 4822 Serpentis 9-8 2 85-52 2 18 18 48-134 + 3-2281 + 0-0004 4822 4823 Serpentis 8-7 3 85-52 3 18 18 48-334 + 3-2281 + 0-0004 4823 4824 Sagittarii 7 4 88-60 3 18 19 0-495 + 3-4056 0-000 1 4824 4825 Serpentis 7-6 2 84-62 | 18 19 14-928 + 3-1106 + 0-0007 4825 4826 Serpentis 8-9 I 9I-58 3 18 19 24-177 + 3-1868 + 0-0005 4826 4827 Sagittarii 7 3 85-65 3 18 20 4-557 + 3-44 6 6 0-0003 4827 4828 Aquite 7-8 2 9 1- 57 3 18 20 31-584 + 3-2897 + o-oooi 4828 4829 Aquilre 8-9 I 9i'93 3 1 8 20 34-978 + .r34 I 5 O'OOOO 4829 4830 Aquite 7 a 85-65 3 18 21 9-904 + 3-2621 + O-OOO2 4830 4831 22 Sagittarii X 3 i 85-41 49 18 21 10-820 + 3-7069 0-0014 0-0052 4831 4832 Sagittarii 7 3 86-62 4 18 21 12-454 + 3'44 01 0-0005 4832 4833 Sagittarii 8 3 91-63 3 18 21 26-537 + 3-4666 0-0005 4833 4834 Sagittarii 7-8 3 86-51 ] 18 21 26-711 + 3-6393 O-OOI2 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 Sagittarii 50 Serpentis ... d 7-6 5-6 4-5* 8 2 I I 84-61 85-57 87-55 87-62 J 3 3 3 18 21 31-233 18 21 34-673 1 8 22 19-854 18 22 38-183 + 3-5015 + 3-0694 0-8534 + 3-1640 0-0006 + 0-0007 O'OIIO + 0-0003 0-0018 o-oooi 0-0140 4835 4836 4837 4838 Serpentis 4839 4840 4841 Sagittarii ... A A Draconis . v 4-5 4 8-7 2 I 2 83-56 82-67 91-60 3 9 3 18 22 55-701 18 23 2-180 1 8 23 16-990 + 3-4 T 99 I-I943 + .r5837 0-0006 0-0146 O-OOI2 + 0-0028 + 0-1129 4839 4840 4841 Sagittarii 4842 Sagittarii 7-6 3 84-23 3 18 23 30-365 + 3-4202 0-0006 0-0040 4842 4843 Sngittarii 6 2 84-50 3 18 23 43-825 + 3-5251 O-OOIO 4843 4844 60 Serpentis c 6 2 83-67 3 18 23 57-415 + 3-1202 + 0-0004 O'OOOO 4844 4845 Sagittarii 8 I 91-62 3 18 24 1-268 + 3-5659 O'OOII 4845 4846 Aquite 7-6 3 82-65 3 18 24 21-434 + 3-2075 + o-oooi 4846 4847 Sagittarii 7 3 8 4-59 3 18 24 51-785 + 3-5295 O-OOI2 0-0103 4847 4848 Sagittarii 7-8 2 86-53 3 1 8 24 56-956 + .V5I30 O OOI I 4848 4849 Sagittarii 5-6 2 82-59 3 1 8 24 59-457 + .V5i66 O'OO 1 1 4849 4850 Aquite 7-8 3 86-56 3 18 25 16-991 + 3-357 1 0-0005 0-0060 4850 4851 Aquite 6 2 84-69 3 18 25 19-670 + 3-3277 0-0004 4851 4852 Sagittarii U Var. 2 8866 3 18 25 24-478 + 3-5352 O'OOI 2 4852 4853 Serpentis 7 2 85-55 3 18 25 42-571 + 3-0854 + 0-0005 4853 4854 Sagittarii 8 3 88-65 3 18 25 44-234 + 3-535I 0-0012 4854 4855 Sagittarii 7-8 2 85-66 3 18 26 0-690 + .V53I2 0-0012 4855 4856 Serpentis 7-8 3 87-61 3 18 26 1-555 + 3-1304 + O-OOO2 4856 4857 Sagittarii 7 I 90-09 4 18 26 4-227 + 3-4215 0-0009 0-0017 4857 4858 Aquite 8 I 9 I- 59 3 18 26 9-500 + 3-2935 0-0003 4858 4859 61 Serpentis e 6-7 2 8.V49 3 18 26 16-182 + 3-0975 + 0-0003 0-0007 4859 4860 Sagittarii 6 7 84-03 5 18 26 26-162 + 3-4269 0-0009 0-0035 4860 J 4836. Double : the companion, of the 9 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 4848. This star has been suspected of variability and designated V Sagittarii : but the variation, if sensible, must be very small. 4852. The limits of magnitude are 7-0 and 8-3 : the perioc is 6-7 days. 4853. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 34239, precedes, and is 2' north. 4860. Red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 217 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. o in Precess. it Sec. Var. Proper Motion. in 3 g 8 OO E Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 oToo 5* I| Greenwich, 1880. No. 4816 87-56 4 92 31 39-20 "'595 0-455 4816 4817 83-52 3 93 38 17-20 I- 597 -0-458 339 10 362 4817 4818 85-67 3 1 08 35 46-89 1-621 0-511 33894 4818 4819 87-62 3 91 7 6-50 - 1-636 0-450 33923 376 4819 4820 84-46 3 97 7 59-06 - 1-639 0-470 33933 372 4820 4821 83-81 4 1 10 35 58-62 1-643 0-519 + 0-004 2303 58 33904 2935 4821 4822 85-52 2 96 39 43-88 1-643 0-469 33938 374 4822 4823 85-52 3 96 39 38-09 1-643 0-469 3393 s 374 4823 4824 88-60 3 104 2 14-97 1-661 0-494 4824 4825 84-62 3 91 38 17-58 1-682 0-451 33959 39i 4825 4826 91-58 3 94 54 '7'26 1-695 0-462 394 4826 4827 85-65 3 105 41 31-42 - 1-755 0-500 33970 4827 4828 0^ '57 3 99 'S 52-4 1 1-794 0-477 419 4828 4829 Q J 'Q~l 3 101 25 11-65 - 1-799 0-485 420 4829 4830 85-65 3 98 6 17-82 - i -8 49 0-473 34034 439 4830 4831 81-90 21 "5 28 53-78 1-851 -0-538 + 0-198 2310 66 10049 2943 4831 4832 86-62 4 105 26 21-58 1-852 0-499 34023 4832 4833 91-63 3 106 29 34-96 1-873 0-503 34033 4833 4834 86-51 3 H3 3 57-69 -1-874 0-528 34020 10051 4834 4835 84-61 3 I0 7 5 1 58-74 1-880 0-508 34035 2944 4835 4836 85-57 3 89 52 693 1-886 0-445 + 0-002 2312 74 34063 453 2947 4836 4837 86-23 6 18 43 14-94 i-95i + 0-125 O'O2I 2334 1 13 34343 2954 4837 4838 87-62 3 93 S 6 3'39 1-977 -0-458 + 0-260 34118 480 4838 4839 83-56 3 104 38 7-46 2-003 0-495 + 0-O03 2313 34" 3 10071 4839 4840 81-97 21 17 18 54-08 2-011 + 0-174 + 0-374 2337 119 34392 4840 4841 91-60 3 in I 20-73 - 2-034 0-519 34 TI 7 4841 4842 84-09 4 104 39 12-76 2-053 0-495 0-045 2314 34'34 4842 4843 84-50 3 108 47 51-63 2-073 0-510 82 34138 2956 4843 4844 83-67 3 92 3 20-66 2-092 0-452 + 0-025 2317 86 34 l6 7 2958 4844 4845 91-62 3 1 10 21 35-51 2-098 0-516 34150 4845 4846 82-65 3 95 47 47-i8 2-I27 0-464 34' 78 523 4846 4?47 84-59 3 108 58 40-13 -2-I72 0-511 + O"2O2 88 34183 2959 4847 1 4848 86-53 3 108 20 15-50 2-179 0-508 9 1 34186 4848 4849 82-59 3 108 28 37-81 2-I82 0-509 92 34188 2960 4849 4850 86-56 3 102 5 26-54 2-2O8 0-486 + 0-170 34215 547 4850 4851 84-69 3 100 52 16-21 2-212 0-481 34218 550 4851 1 4852 88-66 3 109 12 3-94 2-218 0-511 94 34207 4852 4853 85-55 3 90 33 28-02 2-245 0-446 34248 4853 4854 88-65 3 109 12 3-36 2-247 0-511 34221 4854 4855 85-66 3 109 3 0-94 2-272 0-511 95 4855 4856 87-60 4 92 29 44-27 2-273 0-453 574 4856 4857 90-09 4 104 43 17-29 2-276 OH95 O'OIO 2320 564 4857 4858 9I-59 3 99 26 52-07 2-284 - 0-476 34253 572 4858 4859 83-49 3 91 4 49-14 2-293 - 0-448 o-ooo 2325 104 580 4859 ( 4860 84-03 5 104 56 39-09 2-308 0-495 0-020 2323 IOI 34257 2964 4860 4831, 4837, 4840, are respectively 3909, 3933, 3941 of the Radclifle Catalogue, 1845. 4 8 3!> 4836, 484, 4847. 4852, are respectively 1751, 1753, 1759, 1758, 1760 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4838, 4850. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 4847. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. Fp 218 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. a. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4861 Sagittarii 7 2 84-61 3 1 8 26 43-406 + 3-5154 0-0013 4861 4862 Aquilte 8 2 9I-59 1 18 27 1-891 + 3-3931 O'oooS 4862 4863 24 Sagittarii 6-7 2 82-57 6 18 27 10-132 + 3-6667 OX3O2I O'OO22 4863 4864 Aquilse 7 3 8.5-57 3 18 27 15-706 + 3-1943 O'OOOO 4864 4865 Sagittarii 6-7 4 8 4'34 3 18 27 21-902 + 3-4265 O'OOIO 0-0025 4865 4866 Aquilae 7-6 2 84-56 3 18 27 29-345 + 3-2118 0-0002 4866 4867 25 Sagittarii 7 3 86-58 3 18 27 48-901 +3-6718 0-0022 O'OOOO 4867 4868 Sagittarii 9-8 6 86-68 3 18 28 2-277 +3-6256 O-OO2O 4868 4869 Aquilae 7-8 2 85-64 3 18 28 14-395 + 3-254! 0-0003 4869 4870 Sagittarii 7-8 3 87-50 3 18 28 45-003 + 3-4798 0-OOI4 4870 4871 4872 4873 Sagittarii Sagittarii Aquilae 7-6 7 6-5 2 I 3 84-95 89-62 83-66 3 3 3 18 28 47-382 18 28 54-292 18 28 55-417 + 3-5797 + 3-5383 + 3-3318 0-OOig 0-0016 0-0007 + 0-0016 4871 4872 4873 4874 Sagittarii 7-8 3 85-53 ) 18 29 9-583 + 3-5197 0-0016 4874 4875 I Aquilae 4-3 10 82-65 3 18 29 13-194 + 3-2664 0-0005 0-0029 4875 4876 Aquilae 9-8 a 91-62 3 18 29 29-638 + 3-2961 0-0006 4876 4877 Aquilse 7 2 86-63 3 1 8 30 12-399 + 3-2312 0-0004 4877 4878 Sagittarii 7 2 86-52 3 18 30 27-627 + 3-4533 0-0014 4878 4879 Aquilae 7-8 2 88-61 3 18 30 37-085 + 3-1805 0-0002 O'OOOO 4879 4880 Aquilse 8-7 2 87-61 3 18 31 12-639 + 3-1816 O-OOO3 4880 4881 Sagittarii 6-7 4 82-21 5 18 31 19-174 + 3-5939 O-OO22 0-0044 4881 4882 4883 4884 Aquilae Draconis 7 s-6* I 86-69 80-59 88-54 3 3 3 18 31 23-I33 18 31 27-066 18 31 28-115 + 3-3647 + 1-3612 +3-4856 O'OOIO + O-OOO2 O'OOl6 4882 4883 4884 Sagittarii 7 3 4885 Aquilae 7-6 4 85-09 4 18 31 44-021 + 3-1422 O'OOOI 4885 4886 Sagittarii 6 80-56 6 18 31 49-221 + 3-6509 0-0026 0-0024 4886 4887 Sagittarii 7 3 84-60 3 1 8 31 49-894 + 3-4050 0-0014 4887 4888 Aquilse 7 3 85-63 3 18 31 55-044 + 3-1860 0-0004 4888 4889 Serpentis 6 3 84-51 3 18 31 56-815 + 3-0818 + O'OOOI 4889 4890 Serpentis 7 I 83-55 3 18 32 12-306 + 3-1345 O'OOOI 4890 4891 Sagittarii 7-6 2 82-16 4 18 32 19-661 +3-5843 0-0023 0-0076 4891 4892 Sagittarii 7 3 86-53 3 18 32 21-516 + 3-6419 0-0027 o-oo 1 6 4892 4893 Aquilae 7-6 2 84-63 3 18 32 37-366 + 3-1486 O'OOO2 4893 4894 Serpentis 7-6 3 84-33 3 18 32 38-173 + 3-1004 O'OOOO 4894 4895 Aquilae 8 2 9"-57 3 18 32 44-410 + 3-2136 0-0006 4895 4896 Sagittarii 7-8 5 85-93 4 18 32 45-249 + 3-4304 0-0016 0-0030 4896 4897 3 Lyrae a i* ... 86-14 21 1 8 33 12-812 + 2-01 34 + 0-0016 + 0-0173 4897 4898 Sagittarii 7 3 85-58 3 18 33 22-076 + .V5583 O'OO22 4898 4899 Aquilse 7 I 87-57 3 18 33 30-493 + 3-1198 O-OOO2 4899 4900 Aquilse 7-8 2 91-63 3 18 33 50-160 + 3-3344 o-oon 4900 4901 Aquilae 6-7 4 82-67 3 18 34 2-450 + 3-2557 0-0007 4901 4902 Aquilte 8 3 91-66 3 1 8 34 56-673 + 3-401 1 0-0016 4902 4903 Aquilae 7-8 4 89-60 3 '8 34 57-676 + 3-i7 8 7 0-0006 4903 4904 26 Sagittarii 7-6 2 83-92 .3 18 35 8-970 + 3-6589 0-0031 + 0-0006 4904 495 Sagittarii 9-8 3 91-64 3 18 35 10-940 + 3-5041 O-OO22 4905 4866. The magnitude and R.A. of this star agree closely with those of Lalande 34313, but the N. P. U. is i smaller. The N.P. 1). of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 2' too small. 4868. The magnitude assigned to this star in Lalande is 6^. 1 4883. A faint star, Lalande 34579, precedes by about 3', and is nearly on the same parallel. 4885. Two stars of about the 10 magnitude precede by a few seconds, and are i' north. 4888. Lalande's N.P.D. is about 30" too small. 4896. Reddish star. 4897. This star in the Harvard Photometry is brighter by o'S than the unit magnitude. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 219 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ft us r*. 1 8 oo I" K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo OJ OO i:- 03 0. O Greenwich, 1880. No. 4861 84-61 3 108 26 52-30 2-332 0-508 IO2 34263 4861 4862 9 I- 59 3 103 34 26-95 2-360 0-490 4862 4863 82-27 7 114 6 48-54 2-371 0-530 0-004 2324 I0 5 34269 10107 2965 4863 4864 85-57 3 95 H 33-3I 2-380 0-462 34307 599 4864 4865 84-34 3 104 56 3-69 -2-389 - o-495 O'OIO 2327 107 34297 595 2966 4865 4866 84-56 3 95 59 3i'4 [ 2-399 0-464 34313 606 4866 4867 86-58 3 114 18 19-48 2-438 0-531 0-028 2326 1 08 34300 IOIIO 4867 4868 86-68 3 112 37 4 6-86 2-447 0-524 343" 4868 4869 85-64 3 97 47 43-33 2-464 o-47o 4869 4870 87-50 3 107 4 13-87 2-509 0-502 in 34339 4870 4871 84-95 3 "o 55 32-52 2-512 0-517 no 34336 4871 4872 89-62 3 109 21 13-62 2-522 0-511 112 4872 4873 83-66 3 i oi 3 44-68 2-523 0-481 + 0-003 2329 114 34356 638 4873 4874 85-53 3 1 08 38 12-50 - 2-545 0-508 34354 10117 4874 4875 82-65 3 98 19 12-25 2-549 0-471 + 0-307 2330 "5 34374 2969 4875 4876 91-62 3 99 34 26-43 2-574 0-476 654 4876 4877 86-63 3 96 49 46-39 2-635 0-466 123 34423 671 4877 4878 86-52 3 106 2 5-51 - 2-658 0-498 34420 4878 4879 88-61 3 94 39 29-70 2-671 0-459 + 0-170 34442 688 4879 4880 87-61 3 94 42 24-57 -2-723 0'459 34464 699 4880 4881 82-21 5 in 29 15-61 -2-732 0-518 + 0-060 2332 125 34444 2974 4881 4882 86-69 I 102 26 24-48 -2-738 - 0-485 34460 698 4882 4883 80-59 3 37 44 o-3i 2-743 0-195 3458o 2979 4883 4884 88-54 3 107 19 24-88 - 2-745 0-502 128 34452 4884 4885 84-81 5 93 o 44-16 2-768 0-453 717 4885 4886 80-56 6 "3 35 52-13 - 2-775 0-526 + 0-009 2 333 129 3446J 10145 4886 4887 84-60 3 I0 4 5 52-39 -2-776 0-491 34476 7" 4887 4888 85-63 3 94 54 2-15 - 2-784 0-459 34492 720 4888 4889 84-51 3 90 24 4-72 - 2-787 0-444 34499 2980 4889 4890 83-55 3 92 4 59-'7 2-808 0-451 34505 729 4890 4891 82-16 4 in 8 31-10 2-820 0-516 + 0-150 2335 I3t 34488 2981 4891 4892 86-53 3 "3 16 36-55 2-822 0-525 O'OOI 34483 10151 4892 4893 84-63 3 93 17 20-92 -2-844 0-453 34524 4893 4894 84-33 3 91 12 26-97 2-846 0-446 34527 745 4894 4895 9 r "57 3 96 5 6-58 - 2-854 0-463 744 4895 4896 85-93 4 105 8 5-16 - 2-856 0-494 0-020 345" 737 4896 4897 82-31 42 51 19 5-79 2-896 0-289 0-295 2341 '43 34598 10163 2984 4897 4 8 9 8 . 85-58 i no 10 3-71 2-909 0-512 4898 4899 87-57 3 92 2 50-92 2-921 0-449 138 774 4899 4900 91-63 3 101 12 10-50 2-950 0-480 779 4900 4901 82-67 4 97 53 17-68 2-967 0-468 34569 784 4901 4902 91-66 3 103 57 52-17 - 3-046 0-489 802 4902 4903 89-60 3 94 35 48-37 3-048 0-457 4903 4904 83-92 3 113 56 6-06 3-065 0-526 + 0-015 2338 141 34587 10174 2985 4904 490? 91-64 3 1 08 5 24-27 3-066 0-504 4905 4883, 4897, are respectively 3983, 3993 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4867, 4875, 4881, 4891, 4897, are respectively 1763, 1764, 1765, 1768, 1771 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4879, 4896. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 4892 is 3249 of Auwer's " Neue Reduction der Bradley 'scheu Beobachtungen." 220 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean K.A. h. m. s. Process. 8. Sec. Var. B. Proper Motion. 8. No. 4906 Sagittarii 7 3 83-93 8 18 35 26-507 + 3-4182 0-0017 O-OO3O 4906 4907 Sagittarii 7-8 3 89-35 3 !8 35 47-5 2 9 + 3-479I 0-0021 4907 4908 Aquilse 7-6 2 84-63 3 18 35 47765 + 3-1468 O-OOOj 4908 4909 Sagittarii 7-8 3 86-54 3 18 35 53-530 + 3-3640 O-OO26 4909 4910 2 Aquilse 5-6 5 88-27 37 18 36 15-026 + 3-2853 O'OOII O-OOO4 4910 4911 Sagittarii 7-8 4 85-62 3 18 36 21-273 + 3-44 1 ? O-OO2O 4911 4912 Sagittarii 7 3 84-62 3 18 36 26-136 + 3-5370 0-0025 4912 493 Aquilfie 6-7 3 84-95 3 1 8 36 39-907 + 3-2387 0-O009 4913 4914 Sagittarii 8-7 3 9I-93 3 18 36 42-104 + 3-6I97 0-003I 4914 49" 5 Aquilse 7 3 87-55 3 18 37 24-253 + 3-3395 0-0015 4915 4916 Aquilse 8-7 i 91-66 3 18 37 3I-277 + 3-2066 O'OOOS 4916 4917 3 Aquilse 5 i 82-98 3 18 37 3I-734 + 3-2669 O'OOl I O-OOO4 4917 4918 Aquilse 7-8 3 83-93 3 18 37 34-544 + 3-2690 O'OOI I 4918 4919 Aquilse 8-7 3 86-66 3 '8 37 35-5i6 + 3-1129 0-0004 4919 4920 Sagittarii 7 2 84-61 4 !8 37 39-76o + 3-5376 0-0027 4920 4921 Aquilse 7 4 86-54 3 18 37 55-I38 + 3-1109 0-0003 4921 49" Aquilse 7-6 3 83-92 3 18 37 SS'39 2 + 3-2327 0-0009 4922 4923 Sagittarii 6 80-55 6 18 38 3723 + 3-6907 0-0037 49 2 3 4924 Aquilse 8 i 87-60 3 18 38 14-242 + 3-1226 0-0004 4924 4925 Aquilse 7-8 4 86-56 3 18 38 30-587 + 3-1108 0-0003 4925 1 4926 Aquilse 8-7 2 88-62 3 18 38 36-937 + 3-2395 O'OOII 4926 4927 Sagittarii 7 I 85-32 3 18 38 44-545 + 3-58I3 0-0031 4927 4928 Aquilse 7-6 8 89-34 4 18 38 45-967 + 3-2261 o-ooio 4928 4929 Aquilse 7 3 86-6.3 3 18 38 56-743 + 3-3421 0-0016 4929 493 Sagittarii 7-8 3 91-63 3 18 39 13-102 + 3-49I9 0-0025 4930 4931 4932 4933 Aquilse 7 1 6 a 84-53 90-24 84-01 3 3 3 18 39 16-736 18 39 23-320 18 39 3I-39 2 + 3-0836 + 3-3694 + .r5446 0-0003 0-0018 0-0029 4931 4932 4933 Sagittarii 7 3 4934 Aquilee 8-9 2 91-60 3 18 39 40-344 + 3-I495 0-0007 4934 4935 28 Sagittarii 6-5 2 86-58 3 18 39 42-447 + 3-6181 0-0035 o-oooi 4935 4936 Aquilse 9-8 5 90-60 3 18 39 46-144 + 3-3I9 1 0-0015 4936 4937 Aquilae 8-7 5 89-90 3 18 39 46-283 + 3-3I9 1 0-0015 4937 4938 Aquilse 8-7 3 89-67 3 1 8 39 58-408 + 3-3142 0-0015 4938 4939 Sagittarii 7 2 85-67 3 18 40 31-134 + 3"4 I 4 6 0-0022 0-0030 4939 4940 Aquilse 7 ... 90-00 3 18 40 37-663 + 3-2630 0-0013 494 o 4941 Aquilse 6-7 2 84-69 3 18 40 39-265 + 3-3102 0-0015 494i 4942 5 Aquilae 6-7 3 85-59 3 1 8 40 47-588 + 3-0972 0-0005 0-0005 4942 4943 Aquilas 7-8 3 85-59 3 18 40 48-531 + 3-0973 0-0005 4943 4944 Aquilae 7-8 3 87-59 3 18 41 14-987 + 3-2111 O'OOI I 4944 4945 6 Aquilse 4 4 82-65 4 18 41 20-331 + 3-1844 o-ooio 0-0024 4945 4946 Sagittarii 7-8 2 87-54 3 18 41 20-675 + 3-5614 0-0032 o-ooi i 4946 4947 Aquilse 8-7 I 92-58 3 18 41 35-I38 + 3-3628 0-0019 4947 4948 Aquilse Var. 2 84-36 3 1 8 41 36-603 + 3-2066 O'OOI I 4948 4949 Sagittarii 7 2 89-97 3 18 41 44-789 + 3-5334 0-0031 4949 495 Sagittarii 7 3 89-98 3 18 4 1 55-981 + 3-4205 0-0024 495 4926. Lalande's N.P.D. appears to be about 30" too small. 4928. Reddish-yellow star. The N.P.D. of this star in Baily's Lalande is 30' too great : see Sutoire Celeste, page 235. 4932- A fainter star, Lalande 34753, precedes about 14' on the same parallel. 4936, 4937- The N. P. D. of the common mass of these two stars in Baily's Lalande is 2' too small : see Jlisloire Ctlesle, page 296. 4938. A star, Lalande 3481 1, follows about 20", and is 2'J south. 494^. This star is designated K Scuti in Chandler's Catalogue. The limits of magnitude are 4*7 and 9 - o : the period is 71 days. The N.P.D. of this star in WeisBe'a Besselis 20' too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 221 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. /} o i^ 1 fi 8 CO K Lalande, 1800. 1 l& 1! 'S *4J L*- oo > g o _CO V CO c M o _ w 8. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 4906 83-93 3 104 40 0-84 3-089 0-491 o-ooo 144 815 4906 4907 89-35 3 107 6 51-85 3-120 0-500 34621 4907 4908 84-63 3 93 13 17-04 3-120 0-452 34638 835 4908 499 86-54 3 no 24 56-19 3-127 0-512 34619 499 491 85-60 6 99 9 2 5-io 3-I59 -0-472 0-005 2342 149 34647 844 10181 2988 4910 49" 85-62 3 !05 37 32-50 -3-167 0-494 34644 4911 4912 84-62 3 109 23 19-99 3-I74 0-508 4912 49'3 84-95 a 97 10 43-36 3-195 0-465 34664 854 4913 4914 9 I- 93 3 112 31 1-96 3-I97 0-520 4914 49 r 5 87-55 3 101 26 39-89 - 3-258 -0-479 34679 874 4915 4916 91-66 3 95 48 11-23 - 3-268 0-460 4916 49 1 / 82-98 3 98 23 0-86 3-269 0-469 0-017 2343 i57 34687 879 10193 2992 49" 7 4918 83-93 3 98 28 31-85 3-274 0-469 158 34689 88 S 4918 4919 86-66 3 91 45 10-67 -3-274 - 0-447 34701 889 4919 4920 84-60 3 109 25 37-61 - 3-281 0-508 4920 4921 86-54 3 91 40 2-05 3-303 0-446 347 '5 901 4921 4922 83-92 3 96 55 3I-24 3-303 0-464 34709 897 4922 4923 80-55 7 "5 7 13-05 3-3I5 0-529 i55 34685 10197 2994 4923 4924 87-60 3 92 to 40-81 3-330 0-448 4924 4925 86-56 3 91 39 50-18 3-354 0-446 34740 918 4925 4926 88-62 3 97 13 16-06 3'363 0-464 34734 4926 4927 85-32 3 in 6 44-38 3-374 0-513 347 '7 4927 4928 89-34 4 96 38 49-09 - 3-376 0-462 34746 4928 4929 86-63 3 ioi 33 56-83 3 - 392 0-479 34745 921 4929 4930 91-63 3 107 39 2 5 8 7 3HI5 0-500 34749 4930 4931 84-53 3 90 29 5-11 3-420 0-442 34779 942 493i 4932 90-24 3 102 42 1-94 3-429 0-483 34764 4932 4933 84-01 3 109 43 12-83 3-440 0-508 162 34755 4933 4934 91-60 3 93 20 39-72 3-453 0-451 168 34791 952 4934 4935 86-58 O 112 30 22-95 - 3-456 -0-518 + 0-OII 2345 164 34761 4935 4936 90-08 4 too 36 18-42 3-462 0-475 34784 948 4936 4937 89-90 3 too 36 22-02 SH 62 0-475 34784 949 4937 4938 89-67 3 100 24 14-96 3'479 0-475 34798 955 4938 4939 85-67 3 104 34 23-71 3-527 0-489 + 0-230 34812 964 4939 494 90-00 3 98 14 8-57 -3-537 0-467 34823 4940 4941 84-69 3 100 14 27-74 - 3-538 0-474 34822 970 3002 4941 (942 85-59 3 91 4 36-24 3'55i 0-443 + 0-033 2349 : 7 6 34 8 39 981 3003 4942 S43 85-59 3 9 1 4 43-25 3-552 0-443 34841 982 3004 4943 1944 87-59 3 96 o 55-69 3-590 o - 459 34857 991 4944 h945 82-66 3 94 5i 53-84 - 3-597 o-455 + 0-017 2350 177 34866 3009 4945 46 87-54 3 no 23 33-82 - 3-598 0-509 + 0-030 2347 175 34833 3008 4946 m? 92-58 3 102 26 52-85 3-619 0-481 993 4947 1948 84-36 3 95 49 20-83 3-621 -0-458 34875 996 3010 4948 049 89-97 3 109 19 5-78 3-633 0-505 34860 4949 4950 89-98 3 104 49 37-95 3-649 0-489 997 4950 4910, 4923, 4942, 4943, 4946, 4948, are respectively 1774, 1776, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1790 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4906, 4939. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 222 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean R.A. h. m. s. Process. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 495 ! Aquilse 7-8 I 86-51 | 18 42 12-885 + 3-34 2 0-0018 4951 4952 Sagittarii 7 a 85-60 3 18 42 18-544 4-3'S 1 79 0-0030 4952 4953 Sagittarii 8-7 3 85-60 j 18 42 21-998 + .V5I87 0-0030 4953 4954 Aquilse 7 3 8 3'55 3 18 42 46-009 + 3-2I35 O'OOI2 4954 4955 Sagittarii 7-8 2 86-62 3 18 43 6-905 + 3-47! 0-0028 4955 4956 Sagittarii 7-8 2 92-58 j 18 43 7-061 + 3'53 I 5 0-0032 4956 4957 29 Sagittarii 6-5 2 86-69 j 1 8 43 8-377 + 3-5622 0-0034 0-0017 4957 4958 Aquilse 7-6 4 89-91 3 18 43 20-545 + 3-2672 o-oo 1 6 495 8 4959 Aquilas 7-6 8 3-65 1 18 43 47736 + 3-2113 0-0013 4959 4960 30 Sagittarii 7-6 i 88-66 3 18 44 13-887 + 3-6103 0-0041 0-0060 4960 4961 Aquilse 7-6 3 84-94 3 18 44 18-184 + 3-39 2 3 0-0024 4961 4962 Aquilse 7 3 87-59 3 18 44 21-409 + 3-1584 O'OOII 4962 4963 Aquilse 7-6 2 89-94 3 18 44 21-636 + 3-2576 0-0016 4963 4964 Aquilse 6-7 2 86-61 3 18 44 55380 + 3-3014 0-0019 4964 4965 Sagittarii 7 2 89-63 3 18 44 57-061 + 3-4804 0-0031 4965 4966 7 Aquilse 7 2 89-96 3 18 45 19-294 + 3'i5 01 O'OOII 0-0040 4966 4967 31 Sagittarii 7 I 84-66 3 18 45 31-761 + 3-6033 0-0040 0-0008 4967 4968 8 Aquilse 7-6 I 82-69 a 18 45 35-596 '+3-I5M O'OOI I 0-0012 4968 4969 10 Lyrse /3 Var. 88-44 5 18 46 1-138 + 2-2141 + 0-0014 0-0007 4969 497 Aquilse 8 3 91-62 3 18 46 8-649 + 3-3453 0-0023 4970 497 ' Sagittarii 7 I 86-98 3 18 46 39-735 + .r5i74 0-0036 497 1 497 2 Sagittarii 7-8 3 87-60 3 1 8 46 39-826 + 3-4606 0-0031 4972 4973 Aquilse 8-7 4 91-69 3 1 8 46 52-504 + 3-2097 0-0015 4973 4974 Aquilse 9-8 3 91-63 3 18 46 56-747 + 3-1267 O'OO 10 4974 4975 Aquilse 7-6 3 84-61 J 18 46 58-972 + 3-2964 O'OO2O 4975 4976 Sagittarii 7-8 2 89-31 3 18 47 18-584 + .V5470 0-0039 + O'OOIO 4976 4977 Aquilse 7-8 91-67 3 18 47 21-070 + 3-1839 0-0013 4977 4978 Aquilse 8 I 91-66 a 1 8 47 21-430 + 3-0743 0-0007 4978 4979 33 Sagittarii 6 3 85-63 3 18 47 25-496 + 3-5877 0-0041 0-0017 4979 4980 32 Sagittarii v 5 i 83-99 3 18 47 3I-599 + 3-6246 0-0046 0-0028 4980 4981 Sagittarii 6 2 85-99 3 1 8 48 24-792 + 3'449 0-0032 4981 4982 34 Sagittarii or 2-3* 90-23 3 18 48 26-555 + 3-7223 0-0055 O'OOI2 4982 4983 35 Sagittarii f 2 5* 90-01 3 18 48 28-065 + 3-6221 0-0046 + 0-0050 49 8 3 4984 Draconis 6* 9'35 3 18 48 31-023 1-4729 0-0416 4984 4985 Aquilse 7-8 4 85-96 3 18 48 49-773 + 33183 0-0023 49 8 5 4986 Sagittarii 7-8 3 89-31 3 18 48 59-605 + 3-4184 0-0031 4986 4987 Aquilse 8-9 i 91-64 3 18 49 4-836 + 3-2782 O-OO2I 4987 4988 Sagittarii 6* 82-97 3 18 49 10-787 + 3-4596 0-0033 0-0040 4988 4989 Sagittarii 6-7 2 86-67 3 1 8 49 20-936 + 3-6353 0-0049 4989 4990 Sagittarii 8-9 5 87-54 3 18 49 23-535 + 3-5138 0-0038 4990 4991 Sagittarii 7 I 83-62 3 J 8 49 23-958 + 3-4590 0-0034 4991 4992 47 Draconis 6 5-4* 90-64 3 ' 49 34-55 8 + 0-8775 0-0045 + O-OOgO 4992 4993 Sagittarii 7-8 3 87-61 3 18 49 47-579 + 3-5182 0-0039 4993 4994 Aquilse 7-8 6 91-84 4 18 49 5 2 739 + 3-2777 O-OO2I 4994 4995 Aquilse 7 4 86-56 I 18 50 16-393 + 3-337 r 0-0025 4995 4954. A star of the 9 magnitude precedes, and is north. 4957- R g d t ar - 4959. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 4' too small. A fainter star, Lalande 34985, follows about i s -5, and is nearly 2' south. 4962. Reddish star. 4963. Very red star. 4969. The limits of magnitude are 3-4 and 4-5 : the period is 13 clays. 4972. A star of the 9-10 magnitude follow* about 20'. 4990. The magnitude assigned to this star by Gould is 6-9, by Argelander (Bonn Obs., Vol. VP 7-5, and by Sohonfeld 8-5. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 223 No. Mean Time of Observa tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. Sec. Var Proper Motion. >o m f^. if -o 8 00 1 s Lalancle, 1800. 1 H -3 -2 J *l J (U CO 1" as & Greenwich, I 1880. No. 495i 86-51 .3 ioi 30 38-77 - 3-673 -0-477 34895 1006 495' 495 2 85-60 a 108 43 19-60 - 3-682 0-503 34884 4952 4953 85-60 3 1 08 45 10-94 - 3-686 0-503 34889 4953 4954 83-55 a 96 7 36-01 3720 0-459 349 2 9 IO2O 4954 4955 86-62 3 106 50 44-30 3-750 0-496 34923 4955 4956 92-58 3 109 15 56-05 3-750 0-504 349 1 6 4956 4957 86-69 1 no 26 55-03 3752 0-509 0-043 2352 185 349 '5 3016 4957 4958 89-91 3 98 26 4-30 3-77I 0-466 34953 4958 4959 83-65 3 96 2 11-13 3-809 - 0-458 197 34984 1056 4959 4960 88-66 3 112 17 13-98 - 3-846 O'S'S + 0-028 2353 196 34979 4960 4961 84-94 3 103 41 52-58 -3-852 - 0-484 34992 1064 496i 4962 87-59 j 93 44 45'5 1 - 3-856 0-450 35oii lO?! 4962 4963 89-94 a 98 i 58-73 -3-858 0-465 4963 4964 86-61 3 99 54 4-57 3-905 0-471 2OI 35021 4964 4965 89-63 3 107 16 54-86 - 3-908 0-496 4965 4966 89-96 3 93 23 14-59 3-939 0-449 + 0-065 2361 205 35054 1098 4966 4967 84-66 3 112 2 59-08 - 3-958 o'S^ + 0-033 2359 202 35030 4967 4968 82-69 3 93 26 45-67 - 3-964 o-449 + O-O2O 2362 206 35059 "05 4968 4969 80-64 12 56 45 51-76 3-999 0-315 0-OI7 2369 215 35'34 10270 3025 4969 4970 91-62 3 ioi 45 46-26 4-011 -476 35071 III 3 4970 49/i 86-98 3 108 46 6-59 4-055 o'S 01 35076 497' 4972 87-60 3 106 30 47-87 4-055 o-493 358o 4972 4973 91-69 3 95 58 52-56 4-074 o-456 35!02 1136 4973 4974 91-63 3 92 22 2I-o6 4 - o79 0-445 II 4 2 4974 4975 84-61 3 99 42 30-77 4-082 0-469 II 3 8 4975 4976 89-31 3 I0 9 55 50-81 4-111 0-505 + 0-070 35098 4976 4977 91-67 3 94 51 55H2 4-114 0-453 35129 1148 4977 4978 91-66 3 90 4 49-77 4-114 0-437 35146 H54 4978 4979 85-63 3 in 29 36-95 4-119 0-510 0-016 2363 210 3028 4979 4980 83-99 3 112 52 45-60 4-129 0-516 + 0-019 364 211 35J04 10278 4980 4981 85-99 3 105 44 22-47 4-205 0-489 35162 303 4981 4982 86-88 3 116 25 57-70 4-208 0-529 + 0-067 365 218 35149 10284 3029 4982 4983 90-01 3 112 48 28-75 4-209 o'5'5 + 0-010 366 2I 9 35 '56 0287 4983 4984 80-61 4 16 2 31-68 4-213 + 0-212 35475 3033 4984 4985 85-96 3 ioo 39 10-52 -4-241 0-47I 35>98 189 4985 4986 89-31 3 104 49 48-26 4-255 0-485 35212 190 4986 4987 91-64 3 9 8 56 54-31 4-262 0-465 196 4987 4988 82-97 3 1 06 30 34-78 -4-271 0-49I + 0-190 032 4988 4989 86-67 3 113 18 45-60 - 4'285 0-5I6 225 35201 0294 4989 4990 87-54 3 108 40 22-09 -4-289 0-499 4990 4991 83-62 3 106 29 13-80 -4-289 0-491 034 4991 4992 85-85 3 30 44 45-46 4-305 0-123 0-023 386 249 4992 4993 87-61 3 108 50 57-40 4-323 0-499 4993 4994 9^93 3 98 56 4-90 4-330 0-465 217 4994 4995 86-56 3 ioi 27 49-30 4-363 0-473 5249 224 4995 4969, 4980, 4982, 4984, 4988, 4992, are respectively 4082, 4089, 4095, 4124, 4101, 4119 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 4969, 4980, 4982, 4988, are respectively 1797, '799, 1800, 1801 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 4976, 4988. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 224 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Preoess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 4996 Sagittarii 7 2 89-94 3 l8 50 2I-2OI + 3-4860 0-0036 4996 4997 Sagittarii 7-8 3 89-27 3 1 8 50 29713 + 3-4220 0-0032 4997 4998 Aquilro 6-7 2 86-68 3 1 8 5 39'954 + 3-1168 O'OOII 4998 4999 36 Sagittarii ' 6-5 I 84-00 3 1 8 50 48-074 + 3-5679 0-0044 0-0033 4999 5000 Aquite 8-9 3 91-68 3 18 5 53-539 + 3-2345 0-0019 5000 5001 Sagittarii 7 ... 89-64 3 1 8 Ji 7' 6 93 + 3-529 0-0041 5001 5002 37 Sagittarii 2 4 3 84-53 3 18 51 9-939 + 3-5795 0-0045 0-0005 5002 5003 9 Aquilee 6-5 3 86-30 3 18 51 10-208 + 3-2093 0-0017 + 0-0026 5003 5004 55 5006 Aquilee 8 7-6 2 91-64 83-92 82-65 3 3 | 18 51 13-895 I85 1 35731 18 51 47-140 + 3-3794 + 3-6808 + 3-6i68 0-0030 0-0055 0-0050 5004 5005 5006 Sagittarii 7-6 4 5007 Aquilee 8 i 92-27 3 1 8 51 56-558 + 3-0877 O'OOIO 5007 5008 Aquilee 7-8 I 83-95 3 18 52 51-066 + 3-3667 0-0029 5008 5009 Sagittarii 7-6 I 89-32 3 18 52 55-553 + 3-53I5 0-0044 5009 5010 Sagittarii 7-6 I 84-60 3 1 8 53 0-485 + 3'5 J 33 0-0042 5010 5011 Aquilte 7-8 3 88-24 3 18 53 2-919 + 3-1835 0-0017 5011 5012 Aquilae 6 2 84-59 3 1 8 53 12-900 + 3-3726 0-0030 5012 5013 Aquilae 8 ... 91-68 3 18 53 21-865 + 3-3190 0-0026 5013 5014 AquiUe 8-7 I 90-67 4 18 53 52-224 + 3-1403 0-0015 5014 5015 Sagittarii 8 3 91-63 3 18 54 2-138 + 3-4858 0-0041 5015 5016 AqxiiUe 8-7 i 89-87 4 18 54 12-55-0 + 2-7247 + 0-0005 5016 5017 Aquilce 8-7 2 87-64 3 1 8 54 32-947 + 3-2443 0-0022 5 OI 7 5018 13 Aquilee f 4 4 85-00 53 18 54 37-8oi + 2-7264 + 0-0005 0-0049 5018 5019 Sagittarii 7-6 4 85-63 4 18 54 59-753 + 3-6I97 0-0054 5019 5020 AquilsB 7-8 i 87-22 S 18 55 5758 + 3-0863 0-0012 5020 5021 Sagittarii 7-6 2 84-63 3 18 55 16-151 + 3H3IO 0-0037 5021 5022 Aquilie 7-6 3 89-60 3 18 55 20-131 + 3-I768 o-oo 1 8 5022 5023 12 Aquilse 4 2 82-69 4 18 55 48-381 + 3-2064 0-0021 0-0048 5023 5024 Sagittarii 8 I 91-66 3 18 56 12-441 + 3-4630 0-0041 5024 5025 Aquilee 7 4 85-58 3 18 56 28-903 + 3-3217 0-0029 5025 5026 Sagittarii 6-7 4 86-57 3 18 56 35-761 + 3-529 1 0-0048 5026 5027 Sagittarii 7-6 4 86-52 3 1 8 56 39-366 + 3-5*54 0-0047 5027 5028 Sagittarii 8 2 91-67 3 18 57 2-732 + S'SS'S 0-0049 5028 5029 Aquilse 7-8 2 89-67 3 18 57 6-467 + 3-3325 0-0030 5029 5030 14 Aquilse g 6-5 3 84-66 3 18 57 6-910 + 3-1599 0-0018 + 0-0013 5 3o 503 1 Sagittarii 6 82-91 3 18 57 21-078 + 3-8571 0-0084 5031 5033 Aquilse 7 2 90-13 4 18 57 25-435 + 3-2022 O-OO22 5032 5033 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-55 3 18 57 32-772 + 3-1392 0-0016 5033 534 Sagittarii 7 2 83-95 3 18 57 35-866 + 3-6337 0-0058 534 535 5036 5037 Sagittarii 7-8 4 8 I 2 2 89-66 84-50 91-63 3 4 3 18 57 45-373 18 58 5-345 18 58 27-362 + 3-5875 + 3-5928 + 3-2515 0*0054 0-0055 0-0025 + 0-0040 + 0-0029 5035 5036 537 Aquileo 5038 Aquilae V Var. 4 83-61 3 18 58 31-570 + 3-2050 O-0022 5038 5039 Aquilae 7-8 I 89-27 3 18 58 49-238 + 3-2730 O-OO28 5039 5040 Aquilee 7 2 84-67 2 1 8 59 8-026 + 3-1675 O-OO2O 0-004; 5040 5026. Reddish star. 5038. Deep-red star. The limits of magnitude are 6-5 and 8-0 : the period is unknown. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 225 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. U} HI !>. 5? I d 1 K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o .00 aTo O " 3 o- 02 0. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 4996 89-94 3 107 35 9-28 4-370 '494 35 24 4996 4997 89-27 3 I0 4 59 59-20 -4-383 - 0-485 35 2 Si 1227 4997 4998 86-68 3 91 56 27-64 4-397 0-442 35^1 337 499 s 4999 84-00 3 no 47 5778 4-409 o 506 + 0-015 2372 231 35258 3038 4999 5000 91-68 3 97 4 57-30 4-4 1 7 0-458 5000 5001 89-64 3 109 17 50-12 4H37 0-500 5001 5002 84-53 3 in 15 1-89 4-440 0-507 + 0-006 2373 233 35274 10308 3046 5002 53 86-30 3 95 59 '8-14 4-440 o-455 + 0-028 2375 240 353i 1260 3047 53 5004 91-64 3 103 14 43-17 4-446 0-479 35288 1257 5004 55 83-92 3 115 I 20-22 4-477 0-521 35285 10315 5o5 5006 82-65 1 112 40 32-05 4-493 0-512 5006 5007 92-27 3 90 40 I2-82 4-507 0-437 35338 "75 5007 5008 83-95 3 102 44 895 -4-583 0-476 35362 1285 5008 5009 89-32 3 109 2 5 38-74 4-59 1 0-499 5009 5010 84-60 3 108 42 53-07 4-596 0-497 35359 5010 5011 88-24 3 94 52 28-57 4'6oo 0-450 35384 "97 5011 5012 84-59 3 102 59 19-73 4-615 - 0-477 35376 "95 353 5012 5 OI 3 91-68 3 100 43 45-00 4-627 0-469 5013 5 OI 4 90-67 4 92 59 6-41 4-670 o-443 251 354'3 1318 5 OI 4 5 OI 5 91-63 3 107 38 8-04 -4-684 0-492 5015 5016 90-31 3 75 i 11-42 4-700 0-384 259 3056 5i6 5'7 87-64 3 97 32 3-63 -4-728 o-458 1333 5<7 5018 81-52 21 75 4 49-3I 4-735 0-384 + 0-080 2390 262 354 6 9 10337 3058 5018 5019 85-65 3 112 50 57-80 -4-766 0-511 255 35428 10341 5019 5020 87-61 4 90 36 28-76 4-775 0-435 35465 35i 5020 5021 84-63 3 105 26 13-75 4-789 0-484 260 3061 5021 5022 8960 3 94 35 35-36 4-795 -0-448 35472 1355 5022 5023 82-69 3 95 53 36-57 4-834 0-452 + 0-018 2391 265 35482 1367 5023 5024 91-66 3 106 45 18-65 4-868 0-488 35485 5034 5025 85-58 3 100 52 43-25 4-892 0-468 1381 5 3 5 5026 86-57 3 109 24 11-57 4-902 -0-497 35497 3069 5026 5027 86-52 3 109 15 40-22 4-907 0-496 35499 5027 5028 91-67 3 no 17 16-46 4-940 0-500 5028 5029 89-67 3 101 20 52-31 4-945 0-469 35527 1395 5029 53o 84-66 3 93 5 1 27-61 4-946 o-445 0-024 2394 272 3554 1 1400 5030 5031 82-91 3 121 12 25-56 4-966 o-543 267 10357 373 5031 5032 90-13 4 95 43 7-o7 4-972 0-45 35555 1409 5032 533 87-55 3 92 56 5I-95 - 4-983 0-441 14:6 533 534 83-95 3 "3 3 26-75 - 4-987 0-510 3553 10361 534 535 89-66 3 "i 41 30-37 5-000 0-505 + 0-100 3554 535 5036 84-13 5 i 54 6-73 5-028 0-505 +0-057 2393 278 35557 1 0365 3077 5036 537 91-63 3 97 52 38-57 5-059 0-457 537 5038 83-61 3 95 50 49-00 5-066 0-450 356n 1442 5038 539 89-27 3 98 48 53-98 5-090 0-460 35625 1449 539 5040 84-67 2 94 12 13-06 5-II7 0-444 + 0-050 2398 35639 1460 3081 5040 5036 is 4156 of the Radclifie Catalogue, 1845. 5003, 5018, 5040, are respectively 1804, 1808, 1818 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5035. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. G G 226 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. m. B. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5041 15 Aquilse h 6 2 84-01 3 18 59 9-176 + 3-1673 O'OO2O o'oooS 5041 5042 Sagittarii 6 I 84-61 3 1 8 59 23-078 + 3-4388 0-0042 5042 5043 Aquilaa 7 3 87-62 3 '8 59 35-056 + 3-0973 0-OOI4 5043 5044 Aquilae 7-6 3 84-86 3 :8 59 36-649 + 3-1103 0-OOI5 5044 5045 Sagittarii 8 3 91-60 3 1 8 59 40-200 + 3-4143 0-0041 5045 5046 40 Sagittarii r 4 2 85-20 I 19 o 4-212 + 3-7541 0-0076 0-0072 5046 5047 Aquilse 7 3 85-66 3 19 o 8-362 + 3-2955 0-0030 5047 5048 Aquilee 8 2 91-69 3 19 o 9-252 + 3-3817 0-0037 5048 5049 Aquilae 7 2 89-95 3 19 o 18-505 + 3-3481 -034 0-0130 549 5050 17 Aquilae 3 10 85-84 62 19 o 21-251 + 2-7578 + 0-0002 0-0026 550 5051 Sagittarii 9-8 2 91-71 3 19 o 21-727 + 3-4773 0-0047 5051 5052 16 Aquilae X 3-4 3 86-63 3 9 o 2 4-557 + 3-1865 O'OO22 0-0038 5052 5053 Sagittarii 6 2 86-60 3 19 o 32-504 + 3-4523 0-0045 5053 5054 Sagittarii 6-7 2 89-92 j 19 o 41-950 + 3-5144 O'OO5 1 554 5055 Aquilae 7 3 84-64 3 19 53-3 2 4 + 3-1066 0-0016 5055 5056 Sagittarii 8-7 i 91-99 3 19 o 56-268 + 3-477 0-0047 5056 5057 Sagittarii 7-6 2 87-62 3 19 I 31-17! + 3-6689 O'oo68 5057 5058 Sagittarii 6 I 85-27 3 19 I 48-924 + 3'5>7 0-0053 0-0018 5058 5059 Sagittarii 8-7 2 88-61 3 I 9 2 1-437 + .V57I2 0-0058 559 5060 Aquilse 7-8 3 89-23 3 19 2 S-^S + 3-254 0-0028 5060 5061 Sagittarii 7 3 86-97 3 19 2 5-587 + 3-6289 0-0064 5061 . 5062 Aquilse 7-8 2 89-68 3 19 2 I5-334 + 3-3729 0-0038 5062 5063 Sagittarii 7-6 2 86-56 3 ig 2 I7-22I + 3-5191 0-0053 5063 5064 Sagittarii 7 2 87-34 3 19 2 31-028 + 3-5122 0-0052 5064 5065 Draconis 6 I 82-35 7 19 2 33-914 2-4568 0-0891 0-0124 5065 5066 Aquilse 7 2 85-30 3 19 3 8-162 + 3-1278 0-0019 5066 5067 Sagittarii 7-8 2 85-71 3 19 3 12-197 + 3-3844 0-0041 5067 5068 41 Sagittarii IT 3-4 2 82-59 3 19 3 13-181 + 3-57I4 0-0059 O'OO22 5068 5069 Sagittarii 7-6 2 81-56 3 19 3 18-776 + 3-5400 0-0056 o-oooo 5069 5070 Aquilse 7-8 I 85-61 | 19 3 29-846 + 32324 0-0028 507 5071 Aquilae 8-7 3 91-61 3 >9 4 f745 + 3-I59 1 0-0023 57' 5072 Aquilse 8-7 I 91-64 3 19 4 5-120 + 3-2837 0-0031 SO? 2 5073 Aquilae 7 3 82-65 3 19 4 12-243 + 3-0861 0-0017 5073 5074 Sagittarii 7 3 83-71 3 19 4 35-204 + 3-4227 0-0045 5074 5075 Sagittarii 8-7 I 84-62 3 19 4 46-952 + 3'443o 0-0048 5075 5076 Aquilae 7 3 83-57 3 19 5 3-383 + 3-2255 0-0027 576 5077 Aquilse 7 i 85-97 3 19 5 4-803 + 3-2439 0-0030 50/7 5078 Sagittarii 7 3 86-63 3 19 5 39-566 + 3-4i5 0-0046 5078 5079 Sagittarii 7 3 83-63 3 19 5 53'5 6 + 3-5863 0-0064 5079 5080 5081 5082 Sagittarii Sagittarii 8-9 6-7 i 91-71 80-62 9i - 95 3 4 3 19 6 17-632 19 6 27-036 19 6 35-807 + 3-5241 + 3-6998 + 3-1980 0-0057 0-0078 0-0027 0-0130 5080 5081 5082 Aquilse 7-8 5083 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-54 3 19 6 36-560 + S'SSSS 0-0038 5083 5084 Sagittarii 8 2 9I-95 3 19 6 38-285 + S'554 1 0-0061 584 1 5085 20 Aquilee 6-5 2 83-70 3 19 6 42-601 + 3-2553 0-0032 0-0018 5085 5048. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 10 too small. 5055. A star of the 10 magnitude precedes, and is north. 5056. Lalande's R.A., which is about 17' too small, agrees with the mean of the R.A.'s of 5051 and 5056: both of these stars are contained in Bossert's "Supplement a 1'Histoire Celeste de Lalande," and the Proper Motions are very small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 227 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. It Proper Motion. *n *n r-. j? 1 8 CO s Lalande, 1800. I Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 Jj iV OO a H 3 oT 02 0. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 504 1 84-01 3 94 " 39-95 5-118 0-444 + 0-007 2399 289 35642 1462 3082 5041 5042 84-61 3 105 49 31-15 5-I38 -0-483 3083 5042 543 87-62 3 91 6 0-04 5-155 0-434 295 35664 5043 544 84-86 ] 91 4 38-78 -5-I58 - 0-436 35666 5044 545 91-60 3 104 49 3-32 5-162 0-479 35651 1468 5045 5046 85-20 a "7 49 49-37 5-196 0-527 + 0-255 2397 292 35646 10381 3084 5046 547 85-66 3 99 47 55 -I 8 5-201 0-462 35682 1492 5047 5048 91-69 3 103 27 58-79 5-203 0-474 35670 1484 5048 549 89-95 3 102 3 7-17 5-2I7 0-469 + 0-390 35691 H93 5049 505 81-89 1 1 76 17 57-93 S'220 0-386 + 0-089 2405 303 35718 10385 3087 505 505 1 91-71 3 107 24 46-70 5-221 0-487 5051 55 2 86-63 3 95 2 48-21 5-225 0-447 + 0-080 240! 298 35698 1502 10384 3086 5052 553 86-60 3 106 23 48-62 5-235 0-484 35693 3088 5053 554 89-92 3 108 54 23-08 - 5-249 0-492 5054 555 84-64 3 91 30 50-38 5-265 0-435 357'9 5055 5056 91-99 3 i7 2 4 39-S4 5-269 -0-487 35694 5056 557 85-87 4 114 49 41-15 -5-3i8 0-514 301 357'3 10397 5057 5058 85-13 4 109 27 42-52 5-343 0-494 o-oio 2402 35735 3090 5058 559 88-61 3 111 9 44-53 5-360 0-500 35747 5059 5060 89-23 3 98 i 4-60 5-363 0-455 35768 I54 6 5060 5061 86-97 a 113 21 44-41 5-367 0-507 35745 10403 5061 5062 89-68 3 103 7 40-78 5-38o 0-472 35770 1547 5062 5063 86-56 I 109 7 32-18 - 5-383 0-492 35763 5063 5064 87-34 a 1 08 51 20-09 5H03 0-491 35773 5064 5065 82-41 7 '3 6 23-46 5-407 + 0-347 -f 0-090 2440 38 36206 3098 5065 5066 85-3 3 92 27 42-66 5-454 0-437 35824 1579 5066 5067 8571 3 i3 37 46-02 5-460 0-473 35815 '575 5067 5068 82-59 3 in ii 51-38 5-461 0-499 + 0-034 2406 315 35797 10411 3096 5068 5069 81-56 3 109 58 35-40 5H7o 0-494 + 0-060 316 5069 5070 85-61 a 97 5 ifi'4 1 - 5-485 0-451 35834 1587 5070 5071 91-61 3 93 51 J 5-84 5-529 0-440 3586i '5 5071 57 2 91-64 3 99 r 9 58-64 5-534 0-458 35858 ii 5072 573 82-65 a 90 36 15-92 5-544 OH30 35872 21 5073 574 83-7I 3 105 15 22-45 - 5-576 0-477 5074 575 84-62 4 106 5 57-61 S'593 0-480 35875 5075 5076 83-57 3 96 48 1-07 - 5-6i6 0-449 35922 41 3104 5076 S<>77 85-97 a 97 36 19-81 -5-618 0-452 35921 43 5077 5078 86-63 3 i4 45 56-56 -5-667 0-475 5 35934 5078 5079 83-63 a in 50 22-95 -5-687 '499 4 3105 5079 5080 91-71 a 109 24 53-83 5-721 0-490 + 0-170 35955 5080 5081 80-62 4 "6 5 25-35 S'733 0-515 7 35947 10430 3106 5081 5082 9!'95 a 95 35 45-07 - 5-746 0-444 36003 80 5082 5083 87-54 3 101 44 i'8o 5-747 0-464 78 5083 5084 9 I- 95 3 no 36 20-26 - 5-748 0-494 10 5084 5085 83-71 3 98 7 21-95 5755 0-452 0-007 2415 16 36053 10433 3107 5085 5050, 5065, 5068, are respectively 4174, 4205, 4189 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5041, 5046, 5050, 5052, 5065, 5081, are respectively 1819, 1820, 1824, 1821, 1831, 1832 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5049, 5069, 5080. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 228 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A. d 1 3 87-35 29 19 8 47-620 + 3-680I 0-0079 + 0-OO04 5094 5095 Aquilse 8 3 91-71 3 19 8 49-115 + 3-3I86 0-0038 5095 5096 Sagittarii 7 i 84-64 3 19 8 50-860 + 3-6509 0-0076 5096 5097 Sagittarii 7-8 i 89-31 i 19 9 7-288 + 3-4455 0-0052 5097 5098 Aquilse 7-6 4 84-29 3 19 9 28-938 + 3-2120 0*0029 5098 599 Aquilse 8-7 2 92-02 3 19 9 40-903 + 3-I462 0-0024 5099 5100 20 Lyras 17 4-5* ... 90-28 3 19 10 0-821 + 2-04I7 + O'OOOg O-OOI5 5100 5101 Sagittarii E Var. 3 88-69 4 19 10 14-412 + 3-5239 O-OO62 5101 5102 Sagittarii 7-8 3 91-60 3 19 10 42-746 + 3-5683 0-0067 5102 5 I0 3 Aquilse 7-8 2 86-62 3 19 I0 45'5 10 + 3-3239 0-0040 5 I0 3 5'4 Aquilse 8-7 2 91-62 3 19 ii 7-363 + 3-I805 0-0028 5104 5105 43 Sagittarii d 6-5 3 83-22 6 19 ii 11-851 + 3-5I45 O-OO6 1 O-OO24 5105 5106 Sagittarii 7 2 83-18 2 19 ii 21-480 + 3H4 '3 0-0054 5106 5 I0 7 Sagittarii 7-8 2 83-30 3 19 ii 21-574 + 3'44 12 0-0054 5^7 5108 Sagittarii 7 2 83-69 3 19 ii 44-829 + 3-5119 0-0062 5108 5109 Sagittarii 7-8 4 86-99 3 19 12 4-172 + 3-5076 0-0062 5109 5110 Aquilse 7-8 3 85-56 3 19 12 16-443 + 3-0978 O-OO2I 5110 5111 Sagittarii 8-7 3 85-73 3 19 12 26-478 + 3-4067 0-005I Si" 5112 57 Draconis 8 3* 90-34 3 19 12 31-666 + O'OIO2 0-0229 + 0-OI56 5112 5"3 21 Lyrse 6 4-5* 89-92 3 19 12 32-922 + 2-0821 + o-oo 10 0-0042 5"3 5"4 25 Aquilse >> 5-6 3 86-13 34 19 12 39-209 + 2-8164 0-0003 O-OOI4 5"4 5"5 Sagittarii 7-6 i 84-64 3 19 12 43-609 + 3-4301 0-0054 0-0069 5U5 5116 Aquilse 9 3 91-69 3 19 12 50-636 + 3-2575 0-0035 5116 5117 Sagittarii 7 i 83-01 3 I 9 12 51-474 + 3-4392 0-0055 0-0013 57 5118 Aquilse 7 4 88-32 6 19 12 53-770 + 3-0675 O-OO2O + 0-0013 58 5"9 Aquilse 8-7 4 85-96 3 19 '2 54-730 + 3-2053 0-003I 5"9 5120 24 Aqnilse 7 3 88-59 6 19 13 13-278 + 3-0694 O-O02O 0-0039 5120 5121 Sagittarii 8-7 3 86-01 3 19 '3 53-864 + 3-4041 O-OO52 5121 5122 Sagittarii 8-7 i 91-68 3 I 9 I 4 0-149 + 3-6479 0-0082 0-0020 5122 5123 Aqnilse 8-7 2 92-23 3 19 14 0-879 + 3-2872 0-0039 5 I2 3 5 I2 4 Sagittarii 6 2 84-98 3 19 14 2-544 + 3-6004 0-0075 5"4 1 5"5 Aquilse 7 I 89-25 3 19 14 8-250 + 3-2243 0-0034 5125 5126 i Cygni ic 4* 87-29 3 19 '4 33-597 + 1-3814 O-OO2J + 0-0066 5126 5127 26 Aquilse / 5-6 2 83-62 3 19 I 4 40-479 + 3-1971 0-0032 + 0-0053 5128 Aquilse 7-6 2 85-00 3 19 14 44-952 + 3-1060 0-0023 5128 5"9 Aquilae 7-8 2 86-58 3 19 14 45-446 + 3-3303 0-0044 5 I2 9 53o Aquilse 8 I 91-98 3 19 14 52-8l8 + 3-1318 O-OO26 5130 5089. Lalande's N. P.D. is about 25" too great. 5101. Reddish star. The limits of magnitude are 7-0 and 12-5 : the period is 269 days. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 229 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 'O >o !>. I 8 CO M K Lalande, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o -SK qj oo fl "* - vi a, <5 Greenwich, 1880. No. 5086 82-60 3 102 27 57-97 -5-788 0-466 9 1 3108 5086 5087 85-96 t 104 37 48-20 5-795 0-473 36013 93 5o87 5088 86-65 3 112 I 4 47-48 -5-827 0'499 36016 5088 5089 84-61 3 I4 '3 31-57 - 5-845 0-471 36041 "5 5089 5090 9I-93 3 108 5 17-86 - 5-860 - 0-484 18 5090 509 1 85-67 3 98 54 19-96 -5-885 0-454 36124 130 5091 5092 88-57 3 107 32 5'54 5-902 0-482 20 5092 593 86-53 3 9i !9 39-43 5'9'5 0-430 36103 593 594 84-90 4 115 26 44-27 5-930 0-510 + 0-029 2418 21 10446 3"5 5094 595 91-71 3 ioo 54 34-39 -5-93i 0-460 36097 H7 5095 5096 84-64 3 "4 21 57-55 5-934 0-506 22 36069 10447 3116 5096 597 89-31 3 106 17 17-70 5-956 0-477 36102 5097 5098 84-29 3 96 14 25-63 - 5-987 0-445 36137 163 5098 599 92-02 3 93 18 17-32 6-004 0-435 36i49 172 5099 5100 86-67 3 51 2 34-45 6-031 0-281 O'OIO 2427 45 36253 5100 5101 88-69 4 109 30 1-24 6-050 0-487 5101 5102 91-60 3 I" 15 57-15 6-090 0-493 32 5102 5'03 86-62 3 ioi 9 57-44 - 6-093 0-459 33 36185 194 5'3 5104 91-62 3 94 50 5.r87 6-123 0-439 36210 5104 5 I0 5 82-71 9 109 8 51-76 6-130 -0-485 + 0-004 2423 35 36190 10458 3124 5 I0 5 5106 83-30 3 106 9 44-73 6-143 0-475 36205 5106 5io7 83-3 ' 3 106 9 35-81 6-144 0-475 5107 5108 83-69 3 109 3 36-33 6-176 - 0-485 39 36218 5108 5 r 9 86-99 3 108 53 40-08 6-2O2 - 0-484 43 36239 5>9 5110 85-56 3 91 8 23-80 6-219 0-427 36281 51 10 5"i 8573 3 104 44 14-70 -6-233 o-47o 36271 Si" 5112 80-86 18 22 31 54-49 6-241 + O'OOI 0-079 2449 90 36510 3134 5112 5"3 85-92 6 52 3 42-49 6-241 0-286 O'OOO 2438 65 36361 3I3 1 53 54 81-46 8 78 36 8-06 6-251 0-388 0-025 2432 57 36319 255 10466 3130 5"4 Si'S 84-64 3 I0 5 43 37-78 -6-258 0-473 + 0-263 50 55 5116 91-69 3 98 17 22-12 6-267 0-449 249 5116 5H7 83-01 3 106 6 28-96 6-267 0-474 o-ooo 2426 36284 5'i? 5118 88-32 6 89 46 33-63 6-271 0*422 0-032 2429 55 36313 254 5118 5"9 85-96 3 95 58 15-07 -6-273 0-441 36305 252 5 "9 5120 88-59 6 89 51 38-67 6-298 0-422 0-018 2431 60 36326 264 5120 5121 86-01 3 104 39 14-78 6-355 0-468 36333 5121 5122 91-68 3 "4 24 33-77 6-363 0-502 + 0-160 59 36325 10479 5122 5I2.S 92-23 3 99 36 47-54 6-364 0-452 5"3 5"4 84-98 3 112 36 21-63 -6-366 o-495 61 36327 10480 5"4 5"5 89-25 3 96 49 47-54 6-374 0-443 280 5125 5126 86-07 4 36 5 3-72 6-410 0-188 O-II2 2447 9 1 365" 3139 5126 5127 83-62 3 95 37 '4-02 6-418 o-439 0-060 2435 66 36373 291 3138 5"7 5128 85-00 3 9 1 30 53-24 6-425 0-426 36385 301 5128 5"9 86-58 3 ioi 30 17-39 6-425 0-458 36370 289 5"9 513 91-98 3 92 40 44-67 6-436 0-430 308 5 r 3 5100, 5105, 5112, 5126, are respectively 4229, 4230, 4262, 4271 of the Radclitfe Catalogue, 1845. 5094, 5100, 5105, 5112, 5114, 5115, 5120, 5127, are respectively 1835, 1836, 1839, 1843, 1841, 1840, 1842, 1844 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5115. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Oba., Vol. VII. 5122. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 230 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. a. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5i3i 27 Aquihe d 6-5 4 86-10 4 '9 J 4 55-07 6 + 3-0967 0-0023 0-OOI5 5'3i SIS* Aquilte 7 2 86-73 3 19 14 59-021 -f3-I767 0-0030 5132 5133 Sagittarii 8-9 2 91-94 3 19 15 8-467 +3-3727 0-0049 5133 SI34 Sagittarii 7-6 3 84-63 3 19 15 10-240 + 3-5I92 0-0067 5'34 S'SS 44 Sagittarii p 1 4-5 3 84'55 4 r 9 '5 I7-537 + 3-4849 0-0063 0-0033 5135 5^6 AquiUe 7 2 85-38 3 19 15 25-54 + .riOSO 0-0023 5136 5J37 46 Sagittarii v 5 I 85'3i 3 19 15 2 5-56i + 3-439I 0-0057 O-OOI3 5137 5138 45 Sagittarii p 2 6-7 Z 83-34 5 19 15 2 5-733 + 3-496I 0-0064 + 0-0055 5138 5 J 39 Sagittarii 7 I 89-16 4 19 16 9-707 + 3-5537 0-0072 + 0-0020 5139 5HO Aquilse 7 I 82-68 3 19 16 22-489 + 3-2592 0-0038 5140 5141 Aquilse 6-7 I 84-31 3 19 16 42-131 + 3-0826 O'OO22 + 0-0040 5Hi 5'42 Aquilse 7 2 85-68 3 19 16 46-600 + 3-I59I O-OO3O 5H2 5H3 Aquilse 8 2 88-65 4 19 17 3-841 + 3-23I2 0-0036 5H3 5144 AquiUe 7 3 86-54 3 19 i? 5-548 + 3-3I58 0-0045 5144 5H5 Aquilse 7-6 4 87-14 4 19 17 7-958 + 3-24II 0-0037 5145 5146 Sagittarii 7-8 3 89-92 3 19 17 27-656 + 3H679 0-0063 5H6 5147 Sagittarii 7-6 I 82-94 3 19 17 38-666 + 3-745 1 O'OIOI 5H7 5H8 60 Draconis T 4-5 2 82-49 8 19 17 39-914 I-0905 0-0564 - 0-03I3 5148 5M9 AquiUe 7-8 2 8971 3 19 18 8-062 + 3-23H 0-0037 5M9 5150 5151 5152 Aquilse 47 Sagittarii ., v 1 7-8 5-6 7-8 3 4 i 91-60 85-86 87-32 3 5 3 19 18 31-995 19 18 34-736 19 18 41-346 + 3-3593 + 3-6522 + 3-6495 0-0050 0-0089 0-0089 + 0-0023 5!5o 5151 5!52 48 Sagittarii 5153 49 Sagittarii x* 6-5 84-64 3 19 1 8 50-043 + 3-6375 0-0087 0-0034 5153 5154 Aquilse 8-7 3 85-62 3 19 18 52-947 + 3-1966 0-0034 5154 5155 Sagittarii 7 i 88-34 3 19 19 7-725 + 3-5978 0-0081 5155 5156 Sagittarii 6 4 84-95 4 19 19 8-576 + 3-3888 0-0055 5156 5157 Aquilse 7 i 89-00 3 19 19 11-072 + 3-1848 0-0033 5157 5158 50 Sagittarii 6 i 82-67 3 19 19 45-387 + 3-58oi 0-0079 0-0002 5158 5159 Aquilse 8-7 i 89-30 3 19 19 54-674 + 3-1225 0-0027 5159 5160 Sagittarii 6-7 i 85-35 3 19 19 55-45 + 3-4'55 0-0059 5160 5161 Sagittarii 8-7 2 87-54 3 19 19 55-733 + 3-5664 0-0078 5161 5162 30 Aquilse 8 4-3 3 87-47 45 19 19 57-I33 + 3-0089 0-0018 + 0-0153 5162 5^3 Sagittarii 7 2 89-86 4 19 20 IO-I92 + 3'4036 0-0058 5163 5i 6 4 32 AquiUe v 5-6 3 86-94 9 19 20 53-541 + 3-0699 0-0023 O-OOO9 5164 5 I( >5 Sagittarii 7-8 3 82-93 3 19 21 16-048 + 3H937 0-0070 5165 5166 Aquilse 8-7 89-52 3 19 21 28-407 + 3-2032 0-0036 5166 5i67 Sagittarii 8 2 92-00 3 19 21 36-807 + 3-5I78 0-0073 5167 5168 Sagittarii 7 4 84-09 6 19 21 41-256 + 3-4937 0-0070 5168 5169 Aquilse 7 ... 89-01 3 19 22 2-146 + 3-1829 0-0035 5169 5170 AquiUe 8-7 3 85-70 3 19 22 3-940 + 3-3470 0-0052 517 Si?" Aquilse 8 2 91-66 3 IQ 22 11*426 + 3-2878 0-0045 5171 5172 Aquilse 8 2 91-66 3 19 22 12-036 + 3-2879 0-0045 5 r 7 2 5173 Sagittarii 7 2 82-92 3 I 9 22 19-975 + 3'4!55 0-006 1 5'73 5'74 Sagittarii 6 85-61 3 19 23 3-768 + .r7J5 2 0-0104 5 J 74 5175 Aquilo? 9-8 3 89-51 3 19 23 5-697 + 3-2127 0-0038 5175 5132. Reddish star. 5159. A fainter star, Lalande 36619, precedes 20", and is about 2'^ south. The R.A. of Weisse's Bessel 411, is 50" too small. 5161. This star has been suspected of variability between the 6-5 and 9 magnitudes. The Oxford estimations were 8 and 7-8 on 1887, July 1 8 and July 21 respectively. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 231 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. a > H Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. tn ^n i^ s? 1 o o 00 1 Lalande, 1800. I Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o oo oToo C S oT GQ O. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 5I3 1 86-28 3 91 5 46-00 6-439 0-425 + 0-004 2439 72 36397 3H 5 r 3i 5132 86-73 3 94 4 2 2 3-59 6-445 0-436 36395 5'32 Si33 91-94 3 103 20 28-45 6-457 0-463 36384 37 5133 ' 5134 84-63 1 109 26 21-97 6-460 0-483 67 36376 5134 5J35 84-55 4 108 3 12-82 -6-471 -0-478 0-026 2434 69 36383 10493 3Hi 5!35 5136 85-38 3 9 1 22 53-43 6-481 0-425 79 36420 322 5136 5137 85-31 3 106 9 38-10 6-481 0-472 + 0-009 2437 71 36396 3H5 5 r 37 5138 83-34 5 108 30 40-58 6-482 0-480 + 0-065 24315 70 36392 3H4 5138 5139 89-30 3 no 50 51-98 6-542 - 0-487 + 0-130 5 J 39 514 82-68 3 98 24 28-76 6-559 0-446 365" 345 H40 5Mi 84-31 ,> 90 27 35-00 -6-586 0-422 0-128 36489 357 3'49 5141 5H2 85-68 .1 93 55 34-oi 6-593 0-432 85 36487 356 5H 2 5H3 88-65 4 97 Jo 1-64 6-617 0-442 363 5H3 5M4 86-54 3 too 54 46-69 6-620 0-454 86 36491 361 5'44 6*45 87-14 4 97 36 34-43 6-622 0-443 36502 365 S'45 5146 89-92 3 107 24 22-83 6-650 0-474 36501 5146 5i47 82-34 4 118 4 40-03 -6-665 0-512 84 36486 I05IO 5H7 5148 81-96 20 16 50 55-9 6-666 + 0-153 0-108 2472 141 3151 5M8 5M9 89-71 3 97 ii 23-33 - 6-705 0-441 36592 384 5H9 S 1 ^ 91-60 H 102 49 45-53 -6-738 0-459 36555 5150 5151 85-86 5 114 43 15-86 -6-742 0-499 + 0-049 2445 93 36533 10514 3153 |11 5152 87-32 3 "4 37 35-24 -6-750 0-498 94 36539 5I5 2 5!53 84-64 3 114 10 37-25 -6-763 0-497 + 0-005 2446 96 3655 I05I7 3156 5 J 53 5154 85-62 3 95 37 SS'oi 6-767 0-436 36584 407 5 J 54 5155 88-34 3 112 39 55'6i -6-787 0-491 36562 5'55 5156 84-95 4 104 6 51-29 -6-789 0-462 408 3'57 5156 51.57 89-00 3 95 5 57-50 -6-791 0-434 36594 412 5157 5158 82-68 4 in 59 36-80 - 6-838 0-488 + o-ooi 2448 103 36593 10520 5158 5159 89-30 3 92 16 40-21 6-852 - 0-425 in 36639 411 5159 5160 85-35 s 105 16 12-77 -6-852 0-465 107 36617 3161 5160 5161 87-54 3 in 27 45-32 -6-853 0-486 104 36606 5161 5162 81-45 8 87 6 13-50 - 6-854 0-410 0-091 2451 "3 36646 435 10522 3165 5162 5163 89-86 4 104 46 7-96 6-872 0-463 no 36625 5163 5164 86-94 3 89 5 2 48-52 6-933 -0-417 0-024 2455 118 36679 456 3169 5^4 5165 82-93 3 108 34 13-42 6-963 o-475 36666 3I? 1 5165 5166 89-52 3 95 57 i4' 8 6-979 0-435 36699 466 5166 5167 92-00 3 109 33 51-67 6-991 - 0-478 5167 5168 84-09 6 1 08 34 50-07 6-997 0-475 36688 3173 5168 5169 89-01 3 95 2 22-42 7-026 0-432 36721 481 5169 517 85-70 3 102 21 52-39 7-028 0-454 36712 478 S 1 ?" 5I7 1 91-66 3 99 45 33-89 7-038 0-446 36720 483 5171 5172 91-66 3 99 45 40-79 7-039 0-446 36726 484 S 1 ?* 5173 82-92 3 105 19 31-38 7-050 0-463 124 367*9 5173 5174 84-36 4 "7 I2 35-55 7-110 0-504 126 36737 I0 537 5174 5175 89-51 3 96 23 53-96 7-113 0-435 36776 5i6 5175 5135, 5148, 5151, 5162, are respectively 4266, 4302, 4287, 4295 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5i35i 5138, 5148, 5151, 5162, 5174, are respectively 1845, 1846, 1849, 1848, 1851, 1854 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5139. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 5141 is 3250 of Auwers' " Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen. " 232 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. IQI JEXO2 90-13 4 I0 9 37 0-93 7-290 - 0-475 36857 5192 I Q3 89-64 3 95 54 5-7I 7-296 0-432 575 5193 S 1 04 82-66 3 92 20 25-10 7-311 0-421 36902 585 5 r 94 5195 92-24 3 110 37 54-58 7-320 - 0-478 36878 5195 5196 89-66 3 95 20 55-32 7-326 0-430 59 5196 5197 91-99 3 112 58 23-06 7-335 0-485 5197 5198 85-83 4 38 30 15-20 7-425 0-202 O'I2I 2481 175 37056 5198 5199 91-97 3 105 14 26-28 - 7H32 0-459 36939 5199 5200 91-69 3 108 50 57-23 7-444 - 0-470 155 36941 5200 5201 90-30 3 1 06 30 36-70 - 7-485 0-462 36961 5201 5202 90-30 3 106 30 40-27 7H85 0-462 36961 5202 5203 87-66 4 55 46 50-44 7H86 0-298 0-OI7 2480 173 37046 3188 5203 5204 89-53 3 94 58 41-18 7-504 0-427 36990 646 5204 5205 83-97 3 "4 5 45-74 7-505 -0-487 '59 36960 10569 5205 5206 85-75 3 106 32 52-99 7-507 0-462 + 0-240 36976 5206 5207 85-70 3 106 36 41-25 7-5I3 0-462 O'OOO 36981 5207 5208 89-63 3 94 41 15-21 7-567 0-425 670 5208 5209 88-03 5 82 51 14-30 7-57o 0-39I + 0-133 2479 171 37044 10576 319' 5209 5210 83-62 3 100 47 59-49 7-599 0-443 + 0-004 2477 170 37028 677 I0 579 3192 5210 52" 84-61 3 in i 1-72 7-600 - 0-476 + 0-170 166 5211 5212 83-65 4 114 57 32-80 7-621 -0-489 + 0-021 2475 168 37016 10580 5212 5213 89-5 3 94 32 57-82 7-626 OHH 37055 687 5213 5214 84-71 3 '02 29 35-52 7-628 0-448 37048 5214 5215 83-96 3 97 4' 58-51 - 7-638 0-434 37057 689 5215 5216 88-28 3 103 20 47-60 - 7-646 0-450 37054 688 5216 5217 91-70 3 99 30 51-21 - 7-646 0-439 5217 5218 81-86 7 "5 7 3f3o 7-675 0-489 + 0-OIO 2478 i?4 37051 10584 3197 5218 5219 84-55 3 109 5 41-56 -7-675 0-468 176 37060 3198 5219 5220 86-01 3 92 41 44-56 - 7-683 0-418 179 37089 5220 5198, 5212, 5218, are respectively 4341, 4344, 4351 of the Radclifie Catalogue, 1845. 5182, 5184, 5198, 5209, 5212, 5218, are respectively 1857, 1858, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866 of the Radclifle Catalogue, 1860. 5'77- 5 I 9 I > 5206, 5207, 5211. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. III! 234 BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. d 1 s Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 5221 Aquilm 7 2 85-40 3 19 30 23-226 + 3-0723 0-0027 5221 5222 Sagittarii 6-5 2 83-34 3 '9 30 40-354 + 3-4847 0-0078 5222 5223 Aquilse 8-7 I 89-69 3 ! 9 3 44-335 + 3-l8o8 0-0039 5223 5224 Aquilse 7 2 87-53 3 19 30 48-201 + 3-2989 0-0053 5224 5225 Sagittarii 7 3 85-35 3 19 30 52-140 + 3-3667 0-0061 5"5 5226 Aquilse 8-7 2 89-56 3 19 30 56-515 + .VI705 0-0038 5226 5227 Sagittarii 7-8 I 88-60 3 19 30 57-885 + 3-3954 0-0066 5227 5228 39 Aquilse K 6-5 I 81-61 3 19 30 58-405 4- 3-2298 0-0044 O'OOIO 5228 5229 41 Aquilse i 5-4 2 85-69 3 19 31 1-777 + 3-1054 0-0030 0-0009 5229 523 Sagittarii 6-5 2 84-65 3 19 31 22-344 + 3-392I 0-0066 O'OIOO 5230 5231 Aquilse 8 I 89-66 3 '9 31 25-327 + 3-1526 0-0037 5231 5232 Sagittarii 7 3 85-95 3 r 9 3 1 36-581 + 3-3842 0-0065 5232 5233 Aquilse 7-8 3 88-22 5 19 3i 37-812 + 3-0884 0-0030 5233 5234 Aquilce 7-8 . 3 88-68 3 19 31 40-793 + 3-2945 0-0052 5234 5235 42 Aquilse 6-5 2 86-87 6 "9 3 1 57' 12 3 + 3-I778 0-0039 + 0-0056 5235 5236 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-63 4 19 32 33-502 + 3-0884 0-0030 5236 5237 6 1 Draconis a 5-4 2 82-75 5 19 32 34-174 0-2108 0-0371 + 0-0973 5237 5238 Aquilae 7-6 3 85-56 3 19 32 40-836 + 3-2982 0-0054 5238 5239 AqnilsB 7 3 90-58 3 19 32 43-994 + 3-0704 0-0028 5 5 39 5240 Sagittarii 8-7 3 86-66 4 19 32 52-762 + 3-45!9 0-0076 5240 524 1 Sagittarii 8 3 86-65 3 19 S 2 53-342 + 3-45I8 0-0076 524 1 5242 Cygni 7 90-62 3 19 32 59-5 6 + 1-6090 0-0015 0-0028 5242 5243 53 Sagittarii 7 i 84-62 3 19 33 12-515 + 3-6109 O'OIOI 0-0029 5243 5244 Sagittarii 8-7 3 86-95 3 19 33 22-778 + 3-5762 0-0095 5244 5245 13 Cygni 6 5-4* 87-29 3 19 33 29-468 + 1-6118 0-0015 0-0033 5245 5246 Sagittarii 7-6 i 84-62 3 19 33 3'i2i + 3-6107 o-oioi + O'OOOI 5246 5247 Urea Minoris ... X 6-7 10 84-56 139 19 33 34-07 64-9647 28-4400 0-0523 5247 5248 Sagittarii 7 2 85-61 3 19 33 37-349 + 3-4108 0-0070 5248 5249 Sagittarii 8 I 88-33 3 19 33 39-979 + 3-4035 0-0069 5249 525 Sagittarii 8 3 91-60 3 19 33 4I-095 + .r5385 0-0089 525 5251 44 Aquilse or 5* 80-55 2 19 33 45-858 -f- 2-9620 0-0019 o'oo 1 8 5251 5252 5253 5254 Sagittarii 54 Sagittarii e 7 6-5 8 3 5 4 86-94 87-5I 83-31 3 25 3 19 33 52-990 19 34 25-257 19 34 27-295 + 3-3850 + 3-4364 + 3-4362 0-0067 0-0075 0-0075 + 0-0026 5252 5253 5254 Sagittarii 5255 Aquilse 7-6 4 88-63 6 '9 34 30-024 + 3-I947 0-0042 5255 5256 Aquilse 7-8 3 86-65 3 19 34 48-482 + 3-2394 0-0048 5256 5257 Aquilso 8-7 2 89-61 3 19 34 56-648 + 3 -I 64 2 0-0039 5257 5258 12 Cygni 5* 90-34. 3 i? 35 1-95 + 2-3689 + O'OOII 0-0005 5258 5259 45 Aquilse 6 4 85-67 4 19 35 3H26 + 3-0912 0-0031 0-0005 5259 5260 Aquilse 8-9 2 91-66 3 19 35 19-207 + 3-3365 0-0060 5260 5261 Aquilee 8 91-78 4 19 35 28-227 + 3-1273 0-0035 5261 5262 Aquilse 8-7 2 89-50 3 '9 35 59 -I 74 + 3-1696 0-0041 5262 5263 5264 Aquilse 55 Sagittarii e 2 6-7 5 2 2 84-70 83-99 3 3 19 36 2-579 19 36 I3-494 + 3-2757 + 3-43I4 0-0054 0-0076 + 0-0027 5263 5264 5265 Sagittarii 8 2 91-66 3 19 36 47-623 + 3'5 OI 3 0-0087 5265 5223. A fainter star, Schon. Z. 5, 5020, precedes about 15", and is 2' south. 5238. Double : the companion, of the 9-10 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 5261. A fainter star precedes 5', and is north. Lalande 37366. No seventh magnitude star was visible near R.A. I9 h 36 and N.P.D. 98 3' on 1885 September I, 5 and n. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 235 No. Mean Time of Observa- umber of lervations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. T3 8 OO M 1 -: 9 J Observa- I 1 Motion. i w tion. h. m. B. 8. 8. 8. 5266 Aquilae 7 2 84-21 3 19 37 5-103 + 3-2560 0-0052 5266 5267 Aquilae 8-7 2 84-51 2 19 37 8-714 + 3-2565 0-0052 5267 5268 Sagittarii 6 2 83-32 3 19 37 17-116 + 3-4I55 0-0074 + O'OIOO 5268 5269 Sagittarii 8-7 I 92-01 3 19 38 4-861 + 3-6020 O-OIO4 5269 5 2 7o Sagittarii 8 3 92-01 3 19 38 10-508 + 3H597 O-OO82 5270 5271 Aquilae 7 3 85-39 3 19 38 5I-044 + 3-3049 0-0059 5271 5272 Sagittarii 6 83-33 3 19 38 59-891 + 3-8362 0-OI5I 5272 5273 Sagittarii 7 i 92-00 3 19 39 1-224 + 3-3526 O-OO65 5273 5274 Aquilae 8-y 2 89-52 3 19 39 26-848 + 3-I74 1 0-0043 5274 5275 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-55 3 19 39 33' l6 7 + 3-2275 O-OO49 5 2 75 5276 56 Sagittarii / 5-6 3 85-42 4 : 9 39 56-715 + 3-5!4i O-OO92 0-0114 5276 5277 Aquilae 7 2 85-58 3 19 40 0-988 + 3-0928 0-0033 5277 5278 Aquilae 6-7 I 84-64 3 19 40 7-180 + 3-I392 0-0038 5278 5279 Aquilse 8-7 3 86-55 4 19 40 47-190 + 3-3388 0-0064 5279 5280 Sagittarii 7 2 87-63 2 19 40 49-735 + 3-4503 0-0083 5280 5281 Sagittarii 7-8 92-00 3 19 4 55-389 + 3-4892 0-0089 O'OOOO 5281 5282 Sagittarii 8-9 I 91-96 3 19 40 58-656 + 3-5635 0-0101 5282 5283 50 Aquilse y 3* 84-98 25 19 41 1-781 + 2-8518 O'OOIO 0-0005 5283 5284 Aquilae 7-8 2 89-62 4 19 41 2-650 + 3-I556 0-0041 5284 5285 Aquilse 8-7 I 92-28 3 19 41 10-695 + 3-25I4 0-0053 5285 5286 Aquilae 8 2 92-05 3 19 41 27-850 + 3-2125 0-0049 5286 5287 Sagittarii 7 2 84-64 3 19 41 30-895 + 3'54'7 0-0098 5287 5288 Sagittarii 6-7 2 8 3'94 3 19 41 52-141 + 3-3728 0-0071 5288 5289 AquiUe 8 2 89-56 3 19 4 1 56-503 + 3-1888 0-0046 5289 529 Aquilae 9 ... 88-94 3 19 42 0-528 + 3-1183 0-0037 529 529 1 Sagittarii 8-9 2 9 I- 75 3 19 42 17-216 + 3-4283 0-0080 5291 5292 7 Sagittae 8 4-3 I 89-31 3 19 42 28-982 + 2-6747 + O-OOO2 0-0008 5292 5293 Sagittarii 7-8 3 86-54 3 19 42 32-504 + 3-3373 0-0066 5293 5294 Sagittarii 7-6 4 83-94 4 19 42 42-884 + 3-34I6 0-0066 5294 5295 Aquilae 7-8 2 88-98 3 19 42 56-332 + 3-1166 0-0037 5295 5296 Aquilae 6-7 2 85-55 3 19 42 58-166 + 3-3097 0-0063 + 0-0030 5296 5297 Aquilae 8 5 89-50 4 19 43 7-647 + 3-1729 0-0044 5297 5298 Sagittarii 8 2 9 I- 75 3 19 43 42-480 + 3-5843 0-0108 5298 5299 Aquilae 8 5 89-53 3 19 43 46-988 + 3-J735 0-0044 5299 5300 Aquilae 7 3 83-99 3 19 44 8-054 + 3-2904 0-0060 5300 53i Sagittarii 7-8 3 86-62 3 19 44 '5-560 + 3-3764 0-0075 5301 532 51 Aquilae 6 3 85-96 3 19 44 43-527 + 3-3066 0-0063 0-0038 5302 5303 Aquilae 7 6 88-29 6 19 44 59-367 + 3-1768 0-0046 5303 5304 53 Aquilas a 1-2* ... 85-53 16 19 45 24-982 + 2-8918 0-0014 + 0-0351 5304 5305 Aquilee 6 5 84-56 3 19 45 27-014 + 3-1298 0-0039 5305 53o6 Sagittarii 7-8 2 89-96 3 19 45 27-235 + 3-3469 0-0069 5306 5307 Sagittarii 7 2 89-72 3 19 45 28-722 + 3-3947 0-0077 537 53o8 Sagittarii 7 3 87-54 3 19 45 36-221 + 3-3558 0-0071 5308 539 Aquilae 7-8 4 85-73 4 19 45 38-285 + 3-3102 0-0064 5309 53io 57 Sagittarii 6-7 81-66 3 19 45 48-449 + 3-4922 0-0094 O'OO 1 1 53io 5277. A faint star, Arg. Z. 1, 3820, precedes nearly on the same parallel. 5283. Reddish-yellow star. 5297. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 10" too great. 5302. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 2' too small. 5304. This star in the Harvard Photometry is of the unit magnitude. 5305. Reddish-yellow star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 237 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. 1 It Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. IQ fi t*. >l ID ^ 2 m 8 CO c 8 oo f Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" -a 0) OO SI +* O) 03 0, i O Greenwich, 1880. No. 5266 84-21 3 98 33 5I-85 -8-243 0-429 903 5266 5 2 67 84-51 2 98 35 12-78 8-248 0-429 37458 95 5267 5268 83-32 3 IQ 5 43 27-91 -8-259 0-450 + 0-1 80 230 37403 3229 5268 5269 92-01 3 1 13 3i 30-63 -8-323 0-474 37428 5269 527 92 01 3 I0 7 39 44-59 -8-330 - 0-455 37447 5270 527" 85-39 3 ioo 5 3-36 -8-384 - 0-434 3748o 945 5271 5272 83-33 3 122 10 23-40 -8-395 0-505 243 10636 5272 5 3 73 92-00 3 102 59 25-43 -8-397 0-440 5273 5 2 74 89-52 3 94 47 I3-93 8-431 0-416 964 5274 5275 87-55 3 97 16 56-03 8-439 0-423 375'5 5275 5276 S5'42 4 no i 28-35 -8-471 0-461 + 0-078 2504 249 375" 3237 5276 5277 85-58 3 90 57 37H8 -8-476 0-405 3754 1 5277 5278 84-64 3 93 8 58-14 -8-484 0-4 1 1 37546 980 5278 5279 86-55 4 102 24 58-53 -8-537 0-437 37565 991 5279 5280 87-63 2 107 20 47-09 -8-541 0-452 5280 5281 92-00 3 109 o 44-02 -8-548 0-456 + 0-140 5281 5282 91-96 3 112 5 48-23 -8-553 0-466 5282 5283 80-96 9 79 39 14-92 -8-556 0-372 0-008 2511 264 37598 1007 10650 3239 5283 5284 89-62 3 93 55 52-19 -8-558 0-413 3758i 997 5284 5285 92-28 3 98 25 15-49 -8-569 0-425 IOOO 5285 5286 92-05 3 96 36 40-15 -8-591 0-420 1008 5286 5287 84-64 3 in 13 40-54 -8-595 0-463 260 37577 5287 5288 83-94 3 103 58 25-73 8-622 0-440 265 5288 5289 89-56 3 95 3 14-65 8-628 0-416 3/623 IOJO 5289 5290 88-94 3 92 10 19-64 -8-634 0-407 37625 529 5*9' 9 J -75 3 1 06 26 7-96 -8-655 0-447 5291 5292 87-33 6 71 44 12-41 8-671 - 0-348 0-031 2516 279 37671 3242 5292 5293 86-54 3 102 23 33-29 -8-677 0-435 37631 1029 5293 5294 84-01 3 102 35 29-51 8-690 0-436 271 37638 !33 5294 5295 88-98 3 92 5 56-36 - 8-707 0-406 37653 1045 5295 5296 85-57 4 joi 8 36-76 - 8-709 0-431 0-008 2515 273 37649 3 2 43 5296 5297 89-50 4 94 46 9-11 8-722 0-413 37664 !053 5297 5298 9 I- 75 3 113 3 21-03 -8-767 0-466 37659 5298 5299 89-53 3 94 48 16-31 -8-774 0-412 37697 1063 5299 53o 8 3'99 3 100 17 0-30 8-801 0-427 377oi 1067 5300 53i 86-62 I 104 ii 59-54 8-812 0-439 377oo 1068 5301 S32 85-96 I 101 2 30-68 8-848 0-429 - 0-057 2519 286 37724 1083 3251 5302 533 88-29 6 94 58 19-03 8-868 0-412 37745 1092 5303 534 80-36 6 81 25 17-80 8-902 0-374 0-384 2524 294 37771 mi 10682 3253 5304 5305 84-56 3 92 44 '8-45 8-904 0-405 37763 1109 3 2 54 5305 53o6 89-96 3 102 54 3-79 8-904 0-434 5306 537 8972 3 105 3 23-27 - 8-907 0-440 5307 5308 87-54 3 103 18 40-87 8-916 0-435 1106 5308 539 8573 4 101 13 45-69 8-919 0-429 37759 1108 5309 53 10 8 1 -66 3 109 19 25-29 -8-932 0-452 + 0-045 2522 291 3256 53' 5283, 5304, 5310, are respectively 4438, 4456, 4455 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5268, 5276, 5283, 5287, 5292, 5296, 5304, are respectively 1882, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1896, 1897, 1903 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5268, 5281. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 238 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 53" Aquilse 7 7 87-41 3 19 46 3-607 + 3-3088 0-0064 53" 53'2 Sagittarii 8-7 3 91-67 3 19 46 8-322 + 3-4420 0-0086 S3" 5313 Aquilfe 8-7 4 8574 a 19 46 21-975 + 3'3IOO 0-0065 5313 53H Sagittarii 8-9 3 91-61 3 19 46 23-694 + 3-5398 0-0103 53H 53"5 Sagittarii 7-6 a 82-97 3 19 46 53-865 + 3-3899 0-0078 5315 53i6 Aquilse 8-7 2 90-36 3 19 47 22-869 + 3T94 1 0-0049 53i6 5317 Aquila) 8 4 89-61 3 19 47 3'378 + 3-I738 0-0047 5317 53i8 \(|llil:r 6 I 87-61 3 19 47 32-994 + 3-I433 0-0043 53i8 53i9 Sagittarii 6-7 3 90-32 a 19 47 42-510 + 3-6085 0-0118 O'OOgO 5319 5320 56 Aquilee 6-7 2 84-02 3 19 48 10-076 + 3-258I 0-0058 O'OOI2 5320 532" Aquilse 8-7 I 89-63 3 19 4 8 25-558 + 3-I835 0-0048 53*i 5322 57 Aquilas 6 1 81-67 3 19 48 40-397 + 3-2503 0-0058 0-OOI4 5322 5323 Aquite 7 I 81-67 3 19 48 40-712 + 3-2507 0-0058 5323 5324 Sagittarii 7 2 87-71 3 19 48 59-577 + 3-495 2 0-0098 5324 5325 58 Aquilse 6-7 I 85-64 3 19 49 6-669 + 3^728 0-0034 + 0-0003 5325 5326 Aquilse 7-6 2 88-31 a 19 49 25-507 + 3-2I87 0-0054 5326 5327 60 Aquilse |8 4* 87-91 38 19 49 54-387 + 2-945I O-OO2I + 0-0007 SS 2 ? 5328 Sagittarii 8-7 3 89-33 a 19 50 I9-347 + 3- 4 I22 0-0085 5328 5329 Aquilse 8 2 91-71 3 19 51 20-695 + 3-0989 0-0038 5329 5330 Aquilse 8-9 3 89-56 3 19 51 29-050 + 3-I755 0-0049 5330 5331 AquiliB 7-6 2 84-89 3 19 51 31-042 + 3-2173 0-0055 O'OO2O 5331 5332 Aquilse 7 2 88-63 3 19 5 1 35-497 + 3-07I3 0-0035 5332 5333 6 1 Sagittarii g 5-6 3 83-I5 6 '9 5 1 42-592 + .r4063 0-0085 0-OOI4 5333 5334 Sagittal ii 8-9 3 91-67 a 19 51 48-245 + 3-589I 0-0118 5334 5335 Aquilso 7-8 3 88-33 3 J 9 5 1 54-5 8 7 + 3-2669 0-0062 5335 5336 Aquilso 7-8 2 86-62 3 19 52 4-292 + 3-2120 0-0054 5336 5337 Aquilae 9-8 I 89-60 3 19 52 6-680 + 3-I857 0-0050 5337 5338 60 Sagittarii A 6 I 82-90 3 19 52 14-846 + 3-6605 0-0134 O'OOOO 5338 5339 Aquilse 8-9 89-64 a 19 52 21-324 + 3-2099 0-0054 5339 534 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-57 3 J 9 S 2 39-368 + 3-1245 0-0041 5340 534" Aquilse 8 3 89-63 3 19 52 41-172 + 3-1684 0-0048 534 1 5342 Sagittarii 8-9 2 91-63 3 19 52 42-623 + 3-46I2 0-0095 5342 5343 Aquilse 7-6 4 85-63 3 19 52 46-054 + 3-15I8 0-0046 5343 5344 Sagittarii 7-6 2 83-96 3 19 53 2-883 + 3-5604 0-0115 5344 5345 Sagittarii 7-8 3 86-69 4 19 53 29-016 + 3-3228 0-0072 5345 5346 Aquilse 6 3 84-33 3 19 53 48-404 + 3-2849 0-0066 O'O2IO 5346 5347 12 Sagittse y 3-4 i 87-56 3 '9 53 5i'9 01 + 2-6634 + 0-0003 + 0-0030 5347 5348 Sagittarii 9-8 2 91-72 3 t9 53 55-327 + 3-5273 0-0109 5348 5349 Aquilas 7 2 85-03 3 19 53 58-703 + 3-II90 0-0042 5349 5350 Sagittarii 7-8 I 89-40 3 19 54 6-162 + 3-5037 0-0105 5350 535" Sagittarii 8-9 91-69 4 19 54 8-294 + 3-3500 0-0077 O'OOOO 5351 5352 Sagittarii 7-8 3 89-95 3 19 54 "5-036 + 3-4J33 0-0088 5352 5353 Sagittarii 6-7 I 84-66 3 19 54 5I-553 + 3-57" 0-0119 5353 5354 Sagittarii 7 3 85-02 3 19 54 56-116 + 3-37oo O'OoSi 5354 5355 Aquilse 7-8 2 89-61 3 19 55 0-481 + 3-1670 0-0049 5355 5320. Reddish star. 5335- Double : the companion, of the 9-10 magnitude, follows, and is south. A star, Lalande 38028, follows the double by about 6>-5, and is i' south. 5341. A fainter star, Schon. Z. 4, 4982, precedes 18" on the same parallel. 5343' Red star. 5352. A star of the 9-10 magnitude follows 6 s , and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 239 Mean 'oS | ~ 32 CL, It No. tion. J o = , 1 S 1 PQ 3 o 53" 87-41 3 101 10 24-02 -8-953 0-428 37781 i"5 53" 53" 91-67 a 107 lo 0-92 8-958 0-445 5312 5313 85-74 3 ioi 14 16-26 -8-976 0-428 37790 "23 5313 53H 91-61 3 111 20 54-75 -8-979 - 0-458 37782 5314 5315 82-97 3 J 04 53 3'93 9-018 - 0-438 37797 5315 53i6 90-36 a 95 49 22-23 9-056 0-412 37826 53i6 5317 89-61 a 94 51 22-99 9-065 0-409 1158 5317 53i8 87-61 a 93 23 55-07 9-069 0-405 37832 3263 53i8 53'9 90-32 3 114 12 49-96 9-082 0-465 + 0-450 37813 10699 5319 5320 84-02 3 98 51 33-78 9-117 0-419 + 0-024 2530 309 37848 3265 5320 5321 89-63 a 95 19 5 I- 40 -9-138 0-409 1178 5321 5322 81-67 3 98 30 46-71 9 -I 57 0-418 + 0-002 2531 313 37875 1185 5322 5323 81-67 a 98 31 21-67 9T57 0-418 3'4 37877 1184 5323 5324 87-71 3 109 34 50-35 9-182 0-449 37873 5324 5325 85-58 4 90 o 46-78 9-191 0-394 + 0-015 2535 318 37896 1 202 3273 5325 5326 88-31 a 97 i 16-27 9-216 0-413 37901 1203 5326 5327 81-78 5 83 S 2 2-27 9-253 0-377 + 0-473 2538 324 37938 1222 10712 3274 5327 5328 89-33 a 10 5 59 43-04 9-284 - o-437 5328 5329 91-71 a 91 1 6 46-96 9-364 0-396 I2 45 5329 5330 89-56 3 94 S 8 45-I3 -9-374 0-405 37995 5330 5331 84-89 3 96 59 11-39 -9-377 0-411 + 0-120 37994 1247 533i 5332 88-63 a 89 56 27-86 9-382 0-392 38017 1253 5332 5333 83-10 4 I0 5 46 57-45 9-392 - o-435 + 0-08 1 2540 329 37988 3279 5333 5334 91-67 3 "3 37 28-87 9-399 - 0-458 3798o 5334 5335 88-33 3 99 21 9-02 9-407 0-417 38018 "55 5335 4 5336 86-62 a 96 44 20-73 9-420 0-410 38034 1260 5336 5337 89-60 3 95 28 49-93 9-423 0-406 5337 5338 82-90 3 116 29 32-64 9H34 0-467 0-034 2539 33' 37998 10731 3282 5338 5339 89-64 3 96 38 46-37 9-442 0-409 38042 1266 5339 5340 87-57 a 92 3i 42-33 9-465 0-398 38059 1273 5340 5341 89-63 a 94 39 6-72 - 9H67 0-403 38056 1272 534 1 5342 91-63 3 108 15 21-70 9-47 0-441 5342 5343 85-63 a 93 5 59'66 9'473 0-401 38060 1276 5343 5344 83-96 3 112 30 31-65 9-495 0-453 38048 5344 5345 86-69 4 102 50-59 9-529 0-422 38078 1287 5345 5346 84-33 3 100 14 40-99 9-554 0-417 + 0-390 38100 1300 3289 5346 5347 85-55 5 70 48 22-48 - 9-558 0-337 0-037 2550 352 38135 3290 5347 5348 91-72 a HI 9 23-02 9-562 0-448 339 38081 5348 5349 85-03 a 92 16 5-30 9-567 0-396 38112 5349 5350 89-40 3 no 9 25-22 - 9-576 -0-445 38096 535" 535 1 91-69 4 103 17 30-06 9-579 - 0-425 + 0-120 1306 5351 5352 89-95 3 106 ii 1 1-44 - 9-588 0-433 38104 5352 5353 84-66 3 113 2 20-66 9-635 -0-453 35 1 38123 10756 3297 5353 5354 85-02 3 104 14 30-94 9-640 0-427 38138 1319 5354 5355 89-61 3 94 36 43-o8 9^45 0-401 38151 133 5355 53 2 7> 5333, are respectively 4488, 4500 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5322, 5323, 5325, 5327, 5333, 5338, are respectively 1909, 1910, 1915, 1917, 1920, 1921 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 53'9, 533 1 , 5346, 5351. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 240 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. B. No. 5356 Aquilse 7-8 3 90-60 3 I 9 55 I2 '5i4 + 3-3020 0-0069 5356 5357 Sagittarii 7-8 i 87-97 3 '9 55 14-352 + 3-4344 0-0093 5357 5358 Aquilae 8-9 I 89-65 3 19 55 42-984 + 3-2095 0-0056 5358 5359 63 Sagittarii 6 2 83-70 3 '9 55 48-717 + 3-3629 O-OO79 + O'OOO2 5359 536o 62 Sagittarii c 5-4 2 87-13 22 X 9 55 53-580 + 3-6947 0-0147 + 0-0004 536o 536i Aquilse 7-8 2 8571 4 19 56 0-118 + 3-0828 0-0037 S36i 5362 Aquilee 7-6 4 86-62 6 19 56 20-798 + 3-1808 O-OO52 5362 5363 Sagittarii 7-8 90-38 3 19 56 33-198 + 3-4712 O'OIOI 5363 5364 Aquilse 8-7 2 89-38 3 19 56 52-087 + 3-1469 0-0047 5364 5365 Aquilse 8 2 9I-75 3 19 57 2-560 + 3-2644 0-0065 O'OOOO 5365 5366 Aquilse 8-9 I 89-66 3 T 9 57 8-030 + 3-2364 0-0061 5366 5367 Sagittarii 7-6 2 82-58 3 19 57 13-148 + 3-5650 O'OI2O 5367 5368 Sagittarii 7-8 3 84-64 3 J 9 57 !9'559 + 3-4005 0-0089 5368 5369 Sagittarii 5-6 84-00 3 19 57 20-811 + 3-8111 0-0177 5369 5370 Aquilse 8-9 i 90-01 3 19 57 24-889 + 3-I732 0-0051 5370 537 1 Aquilse 7-8 2 85-72 3 19 57 48-249 + 3-0769 0-0038 537i 5372 Aquilse 8-7 2 91-71 3 19 58 1-258 + 3-2658 0-0065 53"2 5373 Aquilse 7 2 82-63 3 19 58 5-967 + 3-2314 0-0060 5373 5374 Sagittarii 7 2 81-63 3 19 58 29-678 + 3-5332 0-0115 5374 5375 62 Aquilse 6 3 83-63 3 19 58 43-077 + 3-0931 0-0040 0-0015 5375 5376 64 Sagittarii 7-6 2 85-25 3 J9 59 0-952 + 3-3I73 0-0074 0-0025 5376 5377 Sagittarii 7-8 3 85-76 3 19 59 6-267 + 3-4203 0-0093 5377 5378 Aquilse 7-8 2 87-96 3 19 59 18-741 + 3-1662 0-0050 5378 5379 65 Sagittarii 7-6 2 81-65 3 19 59 19-471 + 3-3397 0-0078 0-0027 5379 ^oO Aquilse 8-9 2 89-59 3 19 59 26-967 + 3-2127 0-0058 538o ^8i Aquilse 7 I 88-97 3 19 59 42-883 + 3-0696 0-0037 538i 5382 Sagittarii 7-8 3 88-65 3 19 59 50-493 + 3-4896 0-0108 5382 5383 64 Draconis e 5 3 82-43 8 20 o 18 650 + 0-6457 0-0209 0-0022 5383 5384 Aquilse 6-7 3 82-67 3 20 o 24-406 + 3-1613 0-0051 5384 5385 Aquilse 8 2 9I-74 3 20 o 30-400 + 3-II35 0-0042 5385 5386 Sagittarii 7 80-66 3 20 33-I92 + 3-7410 0-0165 5386 5387 Sagittarii 7-8 2 85-35 3 20 38-255 + 3-3445 0-0080 5387 5388 Sagittarii 8-7 2 89-96 3 20 43-990 + 3-334I 0-0078 5388 5389 Sagittarii 8 3 91-62 3 20 o 46-007 + 3H37 1 0-0098 5389 539 Aquilse ... 7-8 3 87-60 6 20 47-938 + 3-1681 0-0052 539 5391 Aquilse 8-7 3 89-61 4 20 49-905 + 3-2211 0-0059 539 1 5392 Aquilse 8-7 i 89-48 6 20 I 6-913 + 3-245 0-0064 539 2 5393 Aquilse 8 3 87-60 4 20 I H'749 + 3-0815 0-0039 5393 5394 Sagittarii 7 3 83-69 3 20 I 51-591 + 3-4720 0-0106 5394 5395 Sagittarii 8 2 9I-76 3 2O 2 2'8ol + 3-5830 0-0129 5395 5396 Aquilse 7 2 86-61 3 2O 2 14-196 + 3-2I55 0-0060 539 6 5397 5399 Sagittarii 67 Draconis . p 7-6 5 7-6 s I 3 86-72 90-37 81-66 3 3 3 20 2 16-718 20 2 19-266 20 2 2I-O79 + 0-2857 + 3-0925 0-0090 0-0326 0-0041 O'OOOO + 0-0006 + 0-0061 5397 5399 64 Aquilse 5400 Sagittarii 7-8 2 86-64 3 20 2 24-931 + 3-37I6 0-0086 5400 5361. Very close double: the first and northern star is of the 9-10 magnitude, the second star is of the 8 magnitude. Observed as one mass. 5385. A fainter star, Schon. Z. 2, 5177, precedes, and is about 2' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 241 Mean ,i 10 o" 8 o ff No. Time of Observa- 1! Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. i>. M 1? *T3 o oo OO oT a ! fe i CO aToo !- 02 O, 3 ' o' Is " No. tion. *< , tt 1 3 H a O 5356 90-60 3 101 4 59-32 9-662 0-418 5356 5357 87-97 3 107 10 8-40 9-663 0-435 38141 5357 5358 89-65 3 96 40 40-05 9-700 0-405 J 349 5358 5359 83-70 3 103 56 28-42 9-708 0-425 0-025 2551 360 38178 1347 5359 536o 84-08 5 118 o 54-30 9-7I4 0-467 0-024 2549 355 38159 10762 3301 536o 536i 85-7I 4 90 30 8-96 - 9-722 0-389 365 38205 1368 536i 5362 86-21 7 95 17 38-96 9-749 0-401 38214 5362 5363 90-38 3 1 08 50 59-74 9-764 0-438 5363 5364 89-38 3 93 38 5 I- 43 - 9-788 0-396 38241 5364 5365 9175 3 99 20 41-92 9-802 0-411 + 0-120 38242 1386 5365 5366 89-66 3 98 o 4-59 9-809 0-407 5366 5367 82-58 3 112 54 !3'34 - 9-8I5 0-449 369 38227 10773 3305 5367 5368 84-64 3 105 43 I3-55 9-824 0-428 37 2 38243 5368 5369 83-16 4 122 21 5I-OO - 9-825 0-480 366 10774 3307 5369 537 90-01 3 94 S 6 18-47 9-830 0-399 38252 1395 5370 5371 85-72 3 90 13 4-23 - 9-859 -0-387 376 38275 1404 5371 5372 91-71 3 99 26 3-49 - 9-876 0-410 38268 H5 5372 5373 82-63 3 97 46 36-84 9-882 0-406 38280 1412 5373 5374 81-63 3 in 37 23-81 9-9 1 3 0-444 377 38277 331 5374 5375 83-63 3 91 o 55-29 Q*Q2Q 0-388 + 0-103 2562 383 38321 1429 5375 537 s 85-25 3 101 54 35-35 G*QC2 0-416 + 0-009 2560 382 38318 1432 5376 5377 85-76 3 106 41 3-19 9-958 0-429 381 38314 5377 5378 87-96 3 94 37 16-94 9-975 0-396 38342 1443 5378 5379 81-65 3 102 58 30-73 9-975 0-418 + 0-018 2563 384 38330 3317 5379 538o 89-59 3 96 53 47'22 - 9-985 0-402 389 38351 538o 538i 88-97 3 89 51 26-31 10-005 0-384 38374 1456 53 8i 5382 88-65 3 109 48 11-92 10-014 0-437 388 5382 5383 82-23 9 25 29 13-40 10-051 - 0-077 + O-O22 2578 421 3323 5383 5384 82-67 3 94 23 26-54 10-057 - 0-395 38388 1472 5384 5385 9i-74 3 92 i 51-11 10-064 0-388 H79 5385 5386 80-66 4 120 2 15-61 10-068 0-468 I0 795 5386 5387 85-35 3 103 14 29-65 10-074 -0-417 396 38384 H74 5387 5388 89-96 3 102 45 17-59 10-082 0-416 398 38400 1478 5388 5389 91-62 3 107 30 36-49 10-084 0-429 5389 5390 87-60 6 94 43 53-68 10-087 0-395 38405 1484 5390 539' 89-61 4 97 19 45-79 10-089 0-402 539 1 5392 89-48 6 98 29 49-32 lO'III 0-404 38416 1489 5392 5393 87-60 4 90 26 52-06 10-117 0-384 38433 1492 5393 5394 83-69 3 109 7 16-51 10-168 0-432 402 38413 5394 5395 91-76 3 113 54 21-23 10-181 0-446 38434 5395 5396 86-6 1 3 97 4 43-55 10-195 o-399 38458 3325 5396 5397 86-72 3 105 20 47-98 10-199 0-421 + 0-150 44 38452 5397 5398 83-71 16 22 26 24-34 IO'2O2 0-032 0-034 2587 21 38675 3330 5398 5399 81-66 3 9 59 38-52 IO-204 - 0-384 + 0-062 2571 408 38476 1521 3327 5399 5400 86-64 3 104 34 22-50 IO-2O9 0-419 38455 1512 5400 536o, 5383, 5398, are respectively 4537, 4582, 4597 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5300, 5367, 5368, 5374, 5397, 5399, are respectively 1929, 1931, 1933, 1933, 1938, 1939 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5365. 5397- Tne Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. II 242 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. s. No. 54 ! Capricorni 7-8 2 86-99 3 20 2 28-149 + 3-2885 0-0073 5401 5402 Capricorn! 7-6 3 82-35 3 20 2 30-413 + 3-2832 0-0071 5402 543 Aquilse 8-7 4 90-28 1 2O 2 49-008 + 3-2206 o'oo6i 5403 544 Sagittarii 7-8 I 91-80 1 20 3 7-788 + 3-5114 0-0116 + 0-0030 5404 545 Aquilso 8-7 4 87-40 3 20 3 12-091 + 3-0820 0-0039 5405 5406 Aquilfe 8-7 90-38 3 20 3 36-144 + 3-1310 0-0046 5406 547 Sagittarii 7-8 I 90-05 3 20 4 2-846 + 3-4828 O'OIIO OX302O 5407 548 Aquilse 8-7 3 8570 3 20 4 37-948 + 3-2026 0-0058 5408 549 Capricorni 9-8 2 9177 a 20 5 4-988 + 3-3963 0-0094 5409 54io Aquilse 6-7 6 86-07 6 20 5 iriSi + 3-2568 0-0068 5410 54" Aquilffi 7 5 83-65 3 20 5 14-162 + 3-2009 0-0058 54" 54'2 Aquilse 9 3 9 I- 74 3 20 5 21-854 + 3'i 7 01 0-0054 5412 54 r 3 65 Aquilse 3 8 86-21 98 20 5 37-726 + 3-0954 0-0042 O'OOOI 54'3 54H Aquihe 7-8 3 84-62 i 20 5 38-346 + 3-0818 0-0040 54H 5415 Aquilse 6-7 3 84-62 3 20 5 39'94 + 3-0815 0-0040 54'5 54J6 I Capricorni 7-6 82-73 3 20 5 52-146 + 3-3299 0-008 1 0-0028 5416 5417 2 Capricorni ~ 6 3 81-63 | 20 6 18-115 + 3-3342 0-0082 + 0-0108 5417 54i8 AquilsB 7-8 3 88-62 3 20 6 18-996 + 3-2411 0-0065 54i8 54'9 Aquilaa 7 3 85-36 3 20 6 46-317 + 3-2060 o p oo6o 54'9 5420 Aquilte 7 3 84-36 3 20 7 2-469 + 3-1385 0-0048 54 JO 54" Aqnilse 6-7 i 84-72 3 20 7 25-239 + 3-0856 0-0041 5421 5422 66 Aquilfe 6-5 I 83-68 3 20 7 33-059 + 3-0990 0-0043 + 0-0001 5422 54 J 3 Ursse Minoris 7-8 2 89-15 5 20 7 39-885 50-9643 25-6826 5423 5424 Capricorni 8-7 2 91-68 3 20 7 49-615 + 3-5393 0-0126 54 2 4 54 2 5 Aquilse 7-8 3 85-62 3 20 8 0-772 + 3 - 37H 0-0072 5425 5426 Capricorni 8-7 i 91-07 3 20 8 8-951 + 3-4501 0-0107 5426 54 2 7 Aquilse 7-8 3 83-77 3 20 8 19-916 + 3-0964 0-0043 0-0070 5427 5428 Sagittarii 6 i 86-40 4 20 8 25-514 + 3-6585 0-0156 + 0-0982 5428 5429 Aquilse 7-8 2 82-67 3 20 S 32-549 + 3-199! 0-0060 54 J 9 543 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-64 3 20 8 45-993 + 3-2970 0-0077 5430 5431 Capricorni 7 3 8572 3 20 8 59-128 + 3-3485 0-0086 5431 5432 Aquilffi 8-7 5 82-59 3 20 9 24-362 + 3-1483 0-0052 5432 5433 AquiliB 7 5 84-23 5 20 9 24-960 + 3-1482 0-0052 5433 5434 Aquilsa 7 2 84-70 3 20 9 32-777 + 3-1886 0-0058 5434 5435 Aquilse 7 I 84-30 t 20 9 33-563 + 3-2285 0-0065 5435 5436 Capricorni 8 3 91-66 3 20 9 52-253 + 3-49" 0-0118 5436 5437 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-29 3 20 9 59-070 + 3 -I2 96 0-0048 5437 5438 31 Cygni 6 s 4* ... 85-89 3 20 10 10-016 + 1-8888 + 0-0004 0-0004 5438 5439 3 Capricorni 7-6 2 82-70 3 20 10 17-403 + 3-3258 0-0083 0-0014 5439 5440 Capricorni 7-8 2 89-00 3 20 10 33-946 + 3-385J 0-0096 544 5441 Capricorni 7-8 5 83-99 3 20 10 39-952 + 3-5'93 0-0124 5441 544 2 Aquilse 7-8 2 89-39 3 20 10 44-339 + 3-1086 0-0045 5442 5443 AquilsB 7 3 86-70 3 20 II 4-285 + 3-1477 0-0052 5443 5444 23 Vulpeculte 5* ... 90-36 3 20 II 12-629 + "2-4881 + 0-0014 0-0046 5444 5445 Capricorni 7-8. 3 89-01 3 20 II I3-374 + 3-3982 0-0099 5445 5423. This star has been suspected of variability between the 5 and 1 1 magnitudes, and designated R Cephei. The Oxford estimations of magnitude were 7 and 7-8 on 1890, Sept. 20 and Oct. I. 5441. Deep red star. K.ADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 243 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // >o >n r>. | & 8 OO Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 d +9 QJ 00 if co a, O Greenwicl), 1880. No. 54' 86-99 3 100 37 56-35 10-213 0-408 38463 1516 54 01 542 82-35 3 100 22 48-89 10-215 0-408 406 38467 1519 5402 543 90-28 3 97 20 23-77 10-239 o-399 38544 !5 2 9 543 544 91-80 I no 54 44-55 10-263 0-436 + O-I2O 4 io 38483 544 545 87-40 1 90 28 28-50 10-268 0-382 38527 !543 5405 546 90-38 3 92 55 '7-96 10-298 -0-387 38538 6 5406 547 90-05 3 109 42 9-98 10-332 0-431 + 0-I30 4'7 38533 5407 5408 8570 1 96 29 11-98 10-376 0-395 423 38581 34 5408 549 91-52 4 10 5 49 17-48 10-409 0-419 5409 54*o 86-07 6 99 10 2-10 10-418 0-401 4 38602 46 54 10 54" 83-65 3 96 24 44-85 10-421 0-394 6 38610 49 54" 54" 9 I- 74 3 94 53 12-99 10-430 0-390 54" 5413 81-50 16 91 8 49-06 10-450 - 0-381 0-OI4 2576 10 38627 63 10825 3336 54*3 54'4 84-62 I 90 27 54-25 10-450 o-379 n 64 54M 5415 84-62 1 9 3 7 4-33 - I0 '453 0-379 12 38632 65 54'5 54!6 82-73 3 102 43 6-92 10-468 0-410 + 0-012 Z 575 7 38621 61 54 I( 5 54'7 81-63 3 IO2 56 20-49 10-500 0-410 + 0-180 3 577 16 38641 75 5417 54i8 88-62 3 98 25 8-24 10-501 0-398 38649 77 54i8 5419 85-36 3 96 4 1 37'58 JO-535 o-393 38679 94 54'9 542 84-36 3 93 19 29-66 I0 '555 -0-385 38698 104 5420 5421 84-72 3 9 39 37-I4 10-583 -0-378 38713 54" 5422 83-68 1 91 20 I7-OI 10-593 0-379 + 0-019 2584 3i 38722 "5 5422 54 2 3 88-99 5 I 12 10-57 10-603 + 6-313 5423 5424 91-68 3 112 22 12-84 10-614 0-433 5424 5425 85-62 3 99 56 56-32 10-628 0-400 38738 126 5425 5426 91-07 I 108 25 36-77 10-638 0-422 5426 5427 83-77 3 91 12 23-53 10-651 0-378 0-240 38760 5427 5428 86-40 4 117 21 39-41 10-657 0-447 + 0-260 29 387H 10835 334 5428 54 2 9 82-67 3 96 22 47-07 10-667 0-391 38761 134 S4 2 9 5430 86-64 3 ioi 13 23-93 10-683 0-402 40 38763 139 543> 5431 85-72 3 103 43 0-16 10-699 0-408 38771 '45 5431 5432 82-59 J 93 So 16-95 10-730 -0-383 38799 165 5432 5433 84-23 5 93 50 8-16 10-731 - 0-383 38800 166 5433 5434 84-70 3 95 52 16-68 - 10-741 0-388 38804 5434 5435 84-30 3 97 5i 57-4 1 10-743 o-393 38802 167 5435 5436 91-66 | no 21 29-37 10-765 0-425 5436 5437 87-29 3 P 2 54 o-5i - 10-773 0-380 50 38826 177 5437 5438 86-61 4 43 35 30-87 10-787 0-228 0-002 2603 62 38935 335 5438 5439 82-70 3 102 40 23-47 10-795 0-404 0-002 2589 49 38827 181 5439 5440 89-00 3 105 31 7'37 10-816 0-411 5440 5441 83-99 3 I" 39 I9'53 10-824 0-427 38839 544' 5442 89'39 3 9 1 5o 9-75 10-829 -0-377 38858 197 5442 5443 86-70 3 93 49 34-99 10-853 0-381 38870 206 3352 5443 5444 85-68 4 62 31 21-92 10-864 0-300 O'OIO 2602 6 4 38939 3355 5444 5445 89-01 3 106 9 54-25 10-864 0-412 5445 54 2 3. 5438, are respectively 4949, 4659 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5402, 5404, 5407, 5417, 5423, 5428, are respectively 1940, 1944, 1945, 1952, 2000, 1955 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5404, 5407, 5427. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 5428. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 244 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R. A. No. Constellation. 0* 8 imber of iimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- imber of ervations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. S *a tion. *s h. m. s. 8. s. s. 5446 Capricorni 9-8 4 81-62 3 2O II 31-066 + 3-3288 0-0084 5446 5447 5 Capricorni a 5-4 4 85-53 8 20 II 32-963 + 3-3285 0-0084 0-0008 5447 544 s 4 Capricorni 6-5 2 85-06 3 20 II 33-472 + 3-5295 0-0128 0-OOO2 5448 5449 6 Capricorni a 2 3-4 6 86-86 60 20 II 57-03I + 3-3290 0-0085 + 0-OO22 5449 545 Aquilsa 7-8 i 90-05 3 20 12 0-866 + 3-2382 0-0068 5450 5451 Capricorni 7-8 3 86-08 3 2O 12 1-748 + 3-2892 0-0078 5451 545^ Aquilee 7-8 2 89-74 3 20 12 21-586 + 3-I7J9 0-0057 5452 5453 5454 5455 Capricorni I Cephei K 8-7 4-3 7-8 2 I 2 91-69 82-51 88-29 3 7 3 2O 12 21-967 20 12 34-784 2O 12 59-846 + 3-5767 1-9267 + 3-0667 0-0139 0-1665 0-0040 0-OOI5 5453 5454 5455 Aqnilse 5456 Capricorni 7 2 84-68 3 20 13 0-655 + 3-5082 0-0125 5456 5457 7 Capricorni or 6 3 84-62 3 20 13 2-714 + 3-4675 0-0115 O-OOI3 5457 5458 Aquilse 7-6 i 8.V79 3 20 14 2-I07 + 3-1002 0-0045 5458 5459 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-65 3 20 I 4 7-144 + 3-0968 0-0045 5459 5460 Aquilse 8-7 2 91-71 3 20 14 9-421 + 3-1230 0-0049 5460 546i Aquilee 7-8 3 89-38 3 20 14 12-970 + 3-0918 0-0043 5461 5462 8 Capricorni v 5-6 3 83-72 3 20 14 33-647 + 3-33i6 0-0087 0-0016 6462 5463 Aquilse 7-6 6 85-55 3 20 14 34-641 + 3-2033 0-0063 5463 5464 Capricorni 7-6 2 81-67 3 20 H 35-757 + -V3734 0-0096 O-OOO2 5464 5465 5466 5467 Capricorni 9 Capricorni (8 7-8 8 I I I 91-42 86-58 91-72 3 29 3 20 I 4 39-673 2O 14 49-797 20 14 52-223 + ,V4 l6 4 + 3-3732 + 3-2306 0-0106 0-0095 0-0068 + O'OOOS 5465 5466 5467 Aquilse 5468 Capricorni 8 I 92-62 5 20 I 4 58-717 + 3-5634 0-0140 5468 5469 Capricorni 7-8 3 85-69 3 2O 14 58-981 + 3-2952 0-0080 5469 54?o Aquilse 7-8 2 86-64 3 20 15 16-687 + 3-2030 0-0063 5470 547 1 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-70 3 20 15 29-367 + 3-2781 0-0077 5471 547* Capricorni 8-7 I 91-12 3 20 15 39-368 + 3-5276 0-0131 5472 5473 Capricorni 7-6 5 82-66 | 20 I? 1-545 + 3-2674 0-0076 5473 5474 Capricorni 8-9 2 91-04 3 20 17 5-939 + 3-5I '9 0-0129 + 0-0370 5474 5475 Capricorni 7-6 5 84-66 6 20 I? 17-051 + 3-3603 0-0095 5475 5476 Aquilss 8-7 2 91-70 3 2O 17 21-791 + 3-1529 0-0056 5476 5477 Aquilse 7 2 85-64 3 20 I? 39-795 + 3-0880 0-0044 5477 5478 Aquilse 7 2 82-12 4 20 I? 47-414 + 3-1810 0-0060 5478 5479 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-64 3 20 18 5-372 + 3-3567 0-0095 5479 5480 37 Cygni y 3-2 I 88-37 3 20 18 16-835 + 2-1519 + 0-0019 O'OOOI 548o 548i Aqnilse 7-8 2 87-58 3 20 18 29-175 + 3-0902 0-0045 5481 5482 Capricorni 6 ... 80-64 3 20 18 42-603 + 3-6824 0-0177 0-0015 5482 5483 Capricorni 7 5 87-66 7 20 1 8 43-421 + 3-4680 O-OI2I 5483 5484 Capricorni 7 2 85-72 4 20 1 8 47-540 + 3-2490 0-0073 54 8 4 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 Aquilte Capricorni Capricorni Aquilse Capricorni 8-7 8-7 7-8 6-7 7-8 3 3 3 4 2 86-07 85-68 89-01 82-57 88-67 3 3 3 3 3 20 18 59-944 20 19 4-641 20 19 53-819 20 19 58-279 20 20 15-799 + 3' '089 + 3-3071 + 3-3730 + 3-1329 + 3-4225 0-0048 0-0085 O'OIOO 0-0052 O'OI 1 1 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 10 Capricorni TT 6-5 2 81-64 3 20 21 1-485 + 3-4393 0-0116 0-0009 549 5452. Lalande's N. P. D. is about i' too great. 5454- Double: the companion, of the 9-8 magnitude, follows, and is south. 5460. A star of the 9 magnitude, Weisse's Bessel 290, precedes, and is north. 5467. Double : the companion precedes, and is south. 5478. Lalande's R.A. is i m too small. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. . UNIVER 245 10 Mean "83 8 00 !? 6 4 No. Time of O 11 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper JT GO oT T3 "o^ .1 - ii o No. Observa- 1 " 1 a t> DQ +j 1^ & a* v ~ tion. *J t It tt it 1 K a "" g pa 6 a 5446 81-60 4 102 51 24-82 10-886 -0-403 215 544 6 5447 81-63 4 102 50 50-69 10-889 0-403 0-026 2593 54 38877 218 10861 3357 5447 5448 85-06 3 112 8 56-35 10-889 0-428 + 0-027 259! 53 335 6 544 s 5449 83-56 12 102 53 6-63 10-918 0-403 0-017 2595 58 38898 223 10864 3358 5449 545 90-05 3 98 24 20-63 10-923 0-391 38927 5450 5451 86-08 3 100 56 14-23 10-924 0-398 228 5451 5452 89-74 2 95 4 8-32 1 0-949 - 0-383 38942 237 5452 5453 91-69 3 114 14 lo-Si 10-949 0-432 389! 7 5453 5454 82-27 10 12 37 12-94 10-965 + 0-240 0-014 2632 126 39264 3364 5454 5455 88-29 3 89 42 2-68 10-995 0-369 38971 256 5455 5456 84-68 3 in 17 38-92 10-996 0-423 5456 5457 84-62 3 109 27 40-81 10-998 0-418 0-008 2597 67 38948 3363 5457 5458 83-79 3 91 25 26-40 11-071 0-372 285 5458 5459 87-65 ] 9 I 15 4 -!0 -11-077 0-372 289 5459 5460 91-71 3 92 35 33H4 11-079 0-375 39016 291 5460 546i 89-38 3 90 59 26-09 11-084 0-371 294 546i 5462 83-71 4 103 6 16-34 11-109 0-400 + 0-005 2608 81 39028 3366 5462 5463 85-55 3 96 42 I7-39 ii-in -0-384 84 39042 5463 54 6 4 81-67 3 105 7 51-52 II-II2 OH05 O'OOO 2607 79 39020 3367 5464 5465 91-42 3 107 10 33-49 II-II7 0-410 54 6 5 5466 83-73 ii 105 7 41-15 II-I29 0-404 0-022 2609 83 39035 10888 3369 5466 54 6 7 91-72 3 98 5 25-22 -II-I3I - 0-387 39053 305 5467 5468 92-65 8 113 49 27-81 II-I40 - 0-427 39031 5468 5469 85-69 3 101 19 47-36 II-I40 0-395 39055 309 5469 5470 86-64 3 96 42 o-oo 11-161 -0-383 90 39068 322 547 5471 86-70 3 100 29 31-06 11-176 0-392 329 5471 5472 91-12 3 112 18 19-65 11-188 0-422 88 5472 5473 82-66 3 100 o 19-54 11-288 0-389 39135 5473 5474 91-04 3 III 41 25-67 11-293 0-418 + i-ioo 5474 5475 83-88 5 104 36 30-77 11-306 0-400 102 39 '4 3375 5475 5476 91-70 3 94 9 49-73 11-312 0-375 39155 376 5476 5477 85-64 3 9 48 I5-75 - n-334 -0-367 39208 385 5477 5478 82-12 4 95 37 6-85 11-343 -0-378 39I3I 386 5478 5479 86-64 3 104 28 1-41 11-364 0-398 107 3917 5479 5480 82-64 16 50 5 42-51 "379 0-254 0-O2O 2624 I2 4 39 2 57 338i 5480 5481 87-58 3 90 55 14-89 "393 0-366 404 5481 5482 80-64 3 119 I 9-70 11-410 0'437 0-095 39173 10909 3382 5482 5483 87-66 7 109 47 21-50 11-410 0-411 I0 9 39186 5483 5484 8572 4 99 7 27-33 11-416 -0-385 39205 407 5484 5485 86-07 3 91 53 48-24 -11-430 0-368 "5 39265 5485 5486 85-68 a 102 3 37-18 11-436 0-391 114 392H 4'5 5486 5487 89-01 3 105 20 16-20 II- 495 0-398 39247 3390 5487 5488 82-57 3 93 9 23-68 11-500 0-369 5488 5489 88-67 3 107 44 10 -38 11-521 0-404 5489 5490 81-64 3 108 34 18-10 "-575 0-405 O-OI2 2623 131 39288 5490 5449, 5454, 5466, 5480, 5490, are respectively 4668, 4728, 4707, 4745, 4767 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5447, 5448, 5449, 5475, 5480, 5490, are respectively 1959, 1958, 1960, 1970, 1972, 1973 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5474. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 5482 is 3256 of Auwers' " Neue Reduction der Bradley'sehen Beobachtungen." 246 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. oj 1 Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of )bservationa. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. w h. m. s. 8. s. B. 549 1 Aquilse 7-8 6 83-76 3 20 21 23-572 + 3-1210 0-0050 5491 5492 Aquilse 7-8 3 87-08 3 20 21 43-875 + 3-1090 0-0048 5492 5493 Aquilse 7 8 83-7I 3 20 21 44-443 + 3-1197 0-0051 5493 5494 Aquilae 7-6 9 83-46 4 2O 21 45-168 + 3-1193 0-0051 5494 5495 Aquilse 7-8 2 86-73 3 20 21 55-763 + 3-1872 0-0063 5495 5496 Capricorni 7 I 84-70 3 2O 22 12-858 + 3-5646 0-0148 0-0070 5496 5497 Aquilse 8 2 90-77 3 2O 22 15-964 + 3-2222 0-0070 5497 5498 Capricorni 7 2 86-65 3 20 22 28-28I + 3-2589 0-0077 5498 5499 Capricorni 7-8 3 88-30 3 2O 22 29-843 + 3-3066 0-0086 5499 55o Capricorni 7-6 3 84-62 3 20 22 31-453 ~\~ "V -5862 0-0105 55o 55 01 II Capricorni p 5 4 86-21 49 20 22 35-I04 ~\~ ^1*4.202 0-OII5 0-0028 5501 552 Capricorni 9-8 2 91-65 3 20 22 35'HO -1 5*4.202 0-0115 0-0028 5502 553 Capricorni 7 2 85-05 3 20 22 36-523 + 3-4953 0-0131 553 5504 68 Aquilse 6-7 2 82-68 3 20 22 39-300 + 3-1431 0-0056 + O'OOI 2 554 555 Capricorni 7-6 I 86-94 3 20 22 43-036 + 3-4211 0-0113 555 55o6 Capricorni 7-6 3 81-66 3 20 22 43-670 + 3-4303 0-0115 0-0013 5506 5507 Capricorni 7-6 3 91-64 9 20 23 3-940 + 3-5275 0-0139 557 5508 Aquilse 7-6 3 8 5-34 3 20 23 7-407 + 3-1122 0-0049 5508 559 Capricorni 7-8 3 89-39 3 20 23 34-067 + 3-4444 O'OIig 0-0004 559 55 10 12 Capricorni 7-6 3 86-72 3 20 23 35-470 + 3-4443 0-0119 0-0006 55 10 55" 69 Aquilse 6-5 2 84-04 3 20 23 54-041 + .VI34 0-0053 + 0-0032 55" 55" Capricorni 8-7 2 91-72 3 20 2 4 9-494 + 3-3299 0-0092 55" 5513 Capricorni 7 2 89-37 3 20 24 17-926 + 3-4889 0-0131 5513 55'4 Capricorni 8 5 86-19 4 20 24 23-038 + 3-3I39 0-0089 55H 5515 Capricorni 7 2 90-49 4 20 2 4 34-230 + 3-3849 0-0106 5515 55i6 Aquilse 8-7 3 88-30 3 20 24 44-630 + 3-1813 0-0063 55i6 5517 Capricorni 6-7 2 84-68 3 20 2 4 54-446 + 3-37oo 0-0102 5517 5518 Capricorni 7-8 2 85-65 3 20 24 56-318 + 3-2705 0-0080 55!8 5519 Aquilae 7 5 84-57 5 20 26 6-718 + 3-1849 0-0064 5519 5520 Aquilse 8 3 9I-73 Z 2O 26 9-990 + 3-I44I 0-0056 55 20 5521 Aquilae 7-8 2 88-40 3 2O 26 15-910 + 3-0824 0-0045 552i 5522 Aquilse 7 2 85-11 $ 2O 26 15-924 + 3-i78o 0-0063 5522 5523 5524 Capricorni Capricorni 7-8 6 2 I 89-01 81 60 3 3 20 26 17-758 20 26 22-566 + 3-4003 + 3-2662 O'OIII 0-0080 + 0-0194 5523 5524 5525 45 Cygni T 4-5 I 84-39 4 2O 26 39'I4I + 1-8569 + 0-0004 o-oooo 5525 5526 Aquilse 8 2 91-42 3 20 26 57-428 + 3-2288 0-0073 5526 5527 Aquilae 7-8 2 87-99 3 20 27 34-253 + 3-1961 0-0067 5527 5528 2 Cephei 6 4* 89-00 3 20 27 43-924 + i -008 8 0-0153 + 0-0046 5528 5529 2 Delphini 4-3 5 85-34 38 20 27 57-469 + 2-8663 o-ooi 3 0-0006 5529 5530 Capricorni 7 2 82-64 1 20 27 57-645 + 3-3I35 0-0091 553 5531 Capricorni 6-7 3 84-33 6 20 28 4-193 + 3-3406 0-0097 5531 5532 Capricorni 8 I 91-78 3 20 28 8-108 + 3-4562 0-0127 5532 5533 Aquilae 9-8 7 85-94 4 20 28 42-596 + 3-i886 0-0065 5533 5534 Aquilse 7-8 3 86-00 3 20 28 54-077 + 3-0920 0-0047 5534 5535 Capricorni 7-6 3 8.V7I 3 2O 29 18-636 + 3-3955 O-OII2 5535 5499. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 39372, follows, and is north. 5504. Two stars of the 9 magnitude, Schon. Z. -3, 4905 and 4907, precede 68 Aquilae by about 8' and I respectively, and are south. The three stars form nearly an equilateral triangle. 5514. The Oxford estimations of magnitude range from 7-8 to 8-9. 5533- The magnitude assigned to this star in the Argentine General Catalogue is 7-0. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 247 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o / n Precess. Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. a W} u^ 1^. 1 O O 00 s Lalande, 1 800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I J oT< I ir 02 g. 1 o Greenwich, 1880. No. 5491 8376 3 92 32 48-90 11-602 0-366 39328 477 5491 5492 87H2 4 9 1 55 5' 62 11-626 0-364 39333 486 5492 5493 83-7I 3 92 28 43-10 11-626 0-366 139 39334 3394 5493 5494 8371 3 92 27 44-13 11-627 0-366 140 39335 487 3395 5494 5495 8673 3 96 o 56-85 11-640 0-374 39337 5495 5496 8470 3 114 20 44-29 1 1 -660 0-418 + 0-100 39352 10932 5496 5497 9077 3 97 50 22-31 11-664 -o-377 3935 s 502 5497 5498 86-65 3 99 44 '"4 11-678 0-381 39366 57 5498 5499 88-30 3 102 9 32-59 ir6Si 0-387 3936i 506 5499 55 84-62 ] 106 6 17-49 11-682 0-396 39357 5500 55i 82-86 9 108 10 35-84 n-686 0-401 + 0-007 2626 142 39355 10934 3396 55 01 5502 86-64 4 108 10 39-42 n-686 0-401 + 0-007 5502 553 85-05 3 in 15 54-68 11-687 0-409 39350 553 554 82-68 3 93 43 I4' 28 11-691 0-367 + 0-005 2629 M7 39375 5J7 5504 555 86-94 3 io? 47 53-27 11-696 0-400 H5 39367 3397 555 55<>6 81-56 4 108 14 9-41 - 11-697 0-401 + 0-120 2627 144 39364 3398 55o6 557 92-07 15 112 45 20-90 11-721 0-412 146 39371 10935 5507 5508 85-34 3 92 5 Si'? 2 -11-724 0-363 39397 53i 55o8 5509 8 9-39 3 108 56 59-36 -11-756 0-402 + O-I2O 2630 '53 3939 559 55! 86-72 3 108 56 47-43 -u'757 0-402 + 0-077 2631 154 39394 55 10 55" 84-04 t 93 15 2-96 11-780 0-365 0-003 2633 '57 39422 54 2 10938 342 55" 55" 91-72 3 103 23 41-52 -11-798 0-388 39420 545 5512 5513 89-37 3 in 4 36-81 1 1 -808 0-406 394 '9 55J3 5514 86-19 4 102 35 53-18 11-814 -0-385 55H 5515 90-49 4 106 8 22-84 11-827 0-394 5515 55i6 88-30 3 95 45 24-96 11-840 0-369 159 567 55i<> 55'7 84-68 3 '05 25 23-57 11-851 0-391 344 5517 55i8 85-65 3 100 24 7-66 -"853 0-380 161 39452 572 55i8 55J9 84-57 5 95 58 26-20 11-936 0-368 39509 597 55 J 9 5520 9 I- 73 3 93 4 8 43-53 11-940 0-363 395H 601 5520 552i 88-40 3 90 31 32-99 11-947 - 0-356 395 i 9 607 5521 5522 85-11 3 95 36 50-25 -11-947 - 0-367 176 395i6 603 5522 5523 89-01 3 106 58 51-46 -11-949 0-393 172 39499 5523 5524 8r6o 3 100 13 39-81 - "'954 0-377 O-II7 ! 74 39513 602 34" 55 2 4 5525 83-75 7 41 25 4-80 -11-974 O'2I2 O-OO7 2645 192 39618 5525 5526 91-42 3 98 1 8 6-83 "'995 0-372 39539 621 5526 5527 87-99 3 96 35 35-85 12-038 0-368 5527 5528 83-90 8 27 22 31-48 12-050 0-II2 + 0-027 2651 211 3419 5528 55 2 9 Si-43 II 79 4 11-78 12-065 0-329 + 0-O22 2642 I 9 I 39 6 07 658 10970 34' 7 5529 5530 82-64 3 1 02 43 6-12 12-066 0-381 644 5530 5531 84-33 6 104 5 55-38 12-073 0-384 IS? 39579 646 34i8 5531 5532 91-78 3 109 46 22-35 12-078 0-397 39577 5532 5533 86-67 3 96 13 10-64 12-119 0-365 39620 672 5533 5534 86-00 3 91 3 4-87 12-131 0-354 39638 683 5534 5535 83-71 3 106 54 10-75 12-160 0-389 194 39632 34 2 3 5535 55 T . 5517. 5525, 5528, are respectively, 4779, 4796, 4829, 4848 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5501, 5506, 5507, 5511, 5515, 5529, are respectively 1976, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1992 of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5496. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 5524. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 248 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, B.A. No. Constellation. rf 3 i Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5536 Capricorni 7 3 89-01 3 20 30 4-452 + 3-4788 0-0134 5536 5537 Aquilie 7-8 3 85-65 3 20 30 8-192 + 3-0795 0-0045 5537 5538 Capricorni 7-6 2 82-68 3 20 30 12-357 + 3-3I25 0-0092 5538 5539 554 70 Aquilse 13 Capricorni T 1 5* 7 3 81-60 83-95 3 4 20 30 59-962 2O 31 10-969 + 3-1266 + 3-3660 0-0054 0-0106 0-0003 + 0-0020 5539 554 554' Capricorni 7-8 6 89-33 10 20 31 34-221 + 3-5558 0-0156 554 1 5542 Capricorni 7 3 82-44 3 20 31 34-878 + 3-4052 0-0116 5542 5543 Aquileo 7-6 3 85-14 4 20 31 39-987 + 3-0777 0-0045 5543 5544 Capricorni 7-8 3 84-69 3 20 31 54'948 + 3-2853 0-0088 5544 5545 Capricorni 7-8 3 86-68 3 20 32 2-484 + 3-4848 0-0138 5545 5546 5547 Aquarii 6 Delphini ft 7 4-3 3 i 85-36 3 3 20 32 21-249 20 32 23-471 + 3-I602 + 2-8060 0-0062 0-0004 + 0-0057 5546 5547 5548 Aquarii 8-7 3 8 9'35 3 20 32 33-614 + 3-I626 0-0062 5548 5549 71 Aquilse 4-5 2 84-35 3 20 32 39-298 + 3-0998 0-0049 0-0003 5549 5550 Capricorni 8 I 91-68 3 20 32 57-036 + 3-4478 0-0128 5550 5551 73 Draconis 5-6 4 82-65 8 20 32 57-170 -0-7338 0-1019 + 0-0017 555 1 555* 5553 Aquarii 14 Capricorni T 7-8 5-6 3 2 86-68 83-59 4 7 20 33 1-463 20 33 7-224 + 3-3604 0-0077 0-0105 O-OOI2 5552 5553 5554 Aquarii 7-6 2 82-96 3 20 33 17-507 + 3-I7OI 0-0064 5554 5555 Aquarii 6-7 3 83-77 2 20 33 29-903 + 3' 12 37 0-0053 O-OO30 5555 5556 Capricorni 7-6 4 84-64 3 20 33 38-883 + 3-5427 0-0155 + 0-0316 5556' 5557 i Aquarii 6-5 3 86-69 3 20 33 46-554 + 3-0707 0-0044 + 0-0050 5557 5558 15 Capricorni v 5 i 84-72 3 20 33 47 -l8 8 + 3-4234 0-0122 0-0034 5558 5559 556o Capricorni Cygni 8-7 8 6-7 5 2 2 87-29 83-48 81-68 3 3 3 20 33 51-248 20 34 18-784 20 34 21-710 + 3-5495 + 1-9296 + 3-3823 -0-0157 + 0-0013 0-OII3 + O'OoSo 5559 5561 Capricorni 5562 5563 5564 Aquarii 7-6 4-3 8 I 2 I 85-38 89-94 88-38 3 13 3 20 34 28-724 20 34 3I-750 20 34 52-I9 1 + 3-1280 + 2-7824 + 3-350I 0-0055 O'OOO I 0-0104 + 0-003I 5563 5564 Capricorni 5565 Aquarii 8 2 91-78 S 20 34 53-790 + 3-2040 0-0071 5565 5566 Capricorni 7-8 3 85-67 8 20 35 6-976 + 3-3302 0-0099 5566 5567 Aquarii 8 i 91-77 3 20 35 9-027 + 3-2569 0-0082 5567 5568 Aquarii 7-8 2 86-04 3 20 35 34' 10 4 + 3-1890 0-0068 5568 5569 Capricorni 8-9 2 91-78 3 20 35 40-276 + 3-3075 0-0095 5569 557 Aquarii 7 I 84-00 3 20 35 44-9I3 + 3-2810 0-0088 557 5571 Aquarii 8-7 3 88-38 B 20 35 58-544 + 3-240! 0-0079 557i 5572 Capricorni 8-7 3 89-72 4 20 36 24-224 + 3'4!97 o-oi 24 5572 5573 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-02 3 2O 36 40-082 + 3-2808 0-0088 5573 5574 Aquarii 7 7 85-05 6 2O 36 44-216 + 3-1217 0-0054 5574 5575 Aquarii 8-7 5 85-40 3 20 36 54-821 + 3-1224 0-0054 5575 5576 Capricorni 8-7 2 91-78 4 20 37 1-415 + 3-5087 0-0149 5576 5577 5578 Capricorni 50 Cygni a 6-7 2-1* I 89-64 83-39 3 7 20 37 32-937 20 37 40-972 + 3-2928 + 2-0438 0-0092 + 0-0022 O-OOO3 5577 5578 5579 Aquarii 8-7 2 85-74 3 20 38 S-SSI + 3-1873 0-0069 5579 558o Capricorni 7 2 86-66 3 20 38 26-196 + 3-3404 O-OIO4 558o 5546. A btar of the 8-9 magnitude, Lalande 39767, precedes about 25", and is north. 5559- Lalande's N. P. D. is about 25" too small. 5565. A star of the 8-9 magnitude, Weisse's Bessel 846, follows several seconds, and is north. 5571. A star of the 8 magnitude, Schon. Z. 9, 5546, precedes about 20", and is south. 5574) 5575- The magnitude assigned to both these stars in Weisse's Bessel is 9. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 249 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. a i it Precess. H Sec. Var. Proper Motion. \rt Ml l-~ s? 1 M 1 n 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" -SS Mean *4 No. Constellation. "2 5 ' 5 a Time of .1 Mean R.A. Precees. Sec. Var. Proper No. |J Observa- 1 1 Motion. 1 ^ H tion. K h. m. s. s. s. s. .5581 Aquarii 7 2 89-07 3 20 38 26-391 + 3-1502 0-0061 558> 5582 Capricorni 8 I 91-79 3 20 38 28-050 + 3-4738 0-0141 5582 5583 Capricorni 7-8 7 86- 1 6 6 20 39 4-160 + 3-37io 0-OII2 5583 5584 Capricorni 9-8 3 88-64 3 20 39 6-472 + 3-3707 0-OII2 5584 5585 16 Capricorni i// 4-5* 80-64 3 20 39 34-799 + 3-5654 0-0169 0-006 1 5585 5586 Aquarii 9-8 3 91-42 3 20 39 42-468 + 3-2194 0-0076 5586 5587 17 Capricorni 6-7 4 90-08 '3 20 39 47-279 + 3-4848 0-0145 0-0007 5587 5588 Capricorni 8-7 2 89-39 3 20 40 20-173 + 3'44 r 5 0-0133 5588 uft 7-8 8q-7o 3 2O 40 22-036 + VO8S7 0-0048 ss8q DD y 5590 Aquarii 7-6 2 y / w 86-05 P 5 20 4! 20-348 + 3-I239 0-0055 559 559' Delphini 6-5 I 89-71 3 20 4 I 32-579 + 2-7857 o-oooo 0-0033 559 1 5592 12 Delphini -y 5 I 89-71 3 20 4 I 33-209 + 2-7857 O'OOOO 0-0034 5592 5593 2 Aquarii e 4-3 7 85-61 48 20 41 43-231 + 3-2501 0-0084 O-OOO2 5593 5594 3 Aquarii 5-4 3 84-01 3 20 4 I 55-893 + 3-1691 0-0066 0-0024 5594 5595 Capricorni 7 4 86-01 3 20 41 56-129 + 3-4359 0-0132 5595 5596 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-71 3 20 42 1-912 + 3-38i8 0-0118 5596 5597 Aquarii 7 4 84-07 3 20 42 28-260 + 3-1621 0-0065 5597 5598 3 Cephei jj 4-3* 89-03 3 20 43 3-017 + 1-2145 0-0113 + O-OI27 5598 5599 Capricorni 6-7 3 81-70 3 20 43 6-130 + 3-4IOI 0-0126 5599 5600 Aquarii 7 2 82-68 3 20 43 9-879 + 3-3065 0-0099 5600 5601 Aquarii 8 3 91-69 3 20 43 24-169 + 3-2849 0-0093 5601 5602 Aquarii 7-6 3 85-77 3 20 43 37-833 + 3-0896 0-0048 5602 5603 Aquarii 7-8 2 91-42 3 20 43 57-255 + 3-1983 0-0072 5603 5604 Aquarii T Var. 7 85-72 5 20 44 8-088 + 3-1706 0-0067 5604 5605 Aquarii 7-8 2 88-69 3 20 44 10-835 + 3-0854 0-0048 5605 5606 Aquarii 10-9 8 85-68 4 20 44 32-055 + 3-1699 0-0067 5606 5607 Capricorni 7-8 I 86-67 3 20 44 32-709 + .V4736 0-0147 5607 5608 Aquarii 6-7 3 82-67 4 20 44 37-878 + 3-3040 0-0099 + 0-0094 5608 5609 1 8 Capricorni . . rs r- e 1 H 8 oo 5" Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" mX *" *a aj" GO ~ 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 558i 89-07 1 94 '8 4277 -12-785 0-348 40026 938 558^ 5582 91-79 3 in 17 21-85 -12-787 0-385 5582 5583 86-16 6 106 ii 47-60 12-827 0-372 558'3 5584 88-64 3 106 ii 2-47 12-829 o-S? 3 5584 5585 80-64 3 "5 39 58-81 12-862 0-393 + 0-154 2676 282 40039 "053 5585 5586 91-42 3 98 9 2 4-o5 12-870 0-355 40065 961 5586 5587 90-91 !9 111 54 47-79 -12-875 - 0-384 + 0-015 2677 284 3459 5587 5588 89-39 3 109 50 19-88 12-912 0-378 - 40073 5588 5589 89-70 3 90 44 25-72 - 12-914 0-339 40088 991 5589 559 86-05 5 92 53 18-49 - 12-978 0-342 1004 559 559 1 89-71 3 74 16 17-89 12-993 0-304 + 0-197 2685 303 40133 559 1 559 2 86-27 7 74 16 16-98 -12-993 0-304 + 0-196 2686 304 40136 5592 5593 83-45 13 99 53 52-00 13-004 0-355 + 0-027 2681 299 40117 1014 no66 3464 5593 5594 84-01 3 95 25 46-87 13-019 0-346 + 0-027 2684 301 40130 1020 34 6 7 5594 5595 86-01 3 109 39 49-98 13-019 0-376 40115 5595 5596 86-71 3 IQ 6 55 25-16 13-025 0-369 5596 5597 84-07 a 95 2 36-54 - 1 3-054 0-345 1039 5597 5598 82-94 ii 28 35 17-4 13-092 0-129 0-810 2698 338 3478 5598 5599 81-70 3 108 26 26-91 13-096 0-371 310 40155 3477 5599 5600 82-68 3 103 o 58-60 iS^oi 0-360 3" 40159 5600 5601 91-69 3 101 51 42-67 13-116 -0-357 40168 1063 5601 5602 8577 3 90 58 9-59 13-132 0-335 40182 1069 5602 5603 91-42 3 97 6 18-17 I3-I53 0-346 40184 J75 5603 5604 8572 5 95 33 16-41 13-165 o-343 40196 5604 5605 88-69 3 9 43 55-45 - 13-168 0-334 40202 1085 5605 5606 85-68 5 95 3' 31-21 13-191 0-343 40214 1093 5606 5607 86-67 3 in 43 878 13-192 -0-376 40191 5607 5608 82-67 4 102 57 6-29 13-198 - 0-357 + 0-057 325 40209 1091 3482 5608 5609 82-97 3 117 19 49-79 13-238 0-388 0-003 2690 328 40219 11093 3483 5609 5610 83-55 4 96 2 14-21 13-261 o-342 O'OO2 2694 336 1119 5610 5611 81-64 4 i ro 3 19-44 13-286 0-370 40257 5611 5612 84-70 3 ioi 51 2-29 -13-287 0-353 337 40262 1123 5612 5613 81-61 3 43 44 54-62 13-300 O'2l6 40340 5613 5 6 H 84-05 3 95 55 8- 5 S 13-309 0-34' + 0-008 2695 342 "34 5614 5615 85-07 3 i3 36 57-43 -13-317 0-356 34 1 40285 "33 5615 5616 89-62 5 114 ii 41-25 - i 3-324 -0-378 339 40274 II 102 5616 5617 9 IP 75 3 93 37 56-35 -13-328 0-336 346 433 5617 5618 85-29 5 99 23 43-87 I3-335 -0-347 + 0-03I 2696 345 1146 III07 3485 5618 5619 86-28 5 101 59 19-94 13-357 0-352 351 4 3i3 "54 3487 5619 5620 86-67 3 109 31 42-57 13-37 0-367 40311 5620 5621 85-07 3 IOI 20 22-85 - 13-422 0-349 "79 5621 5622 84-07 3 97 18 16-14 -13-425 0-341 360 4345 5622 5623 81-60 3 94 57 30-17 -I3-437 0-336 364 40354 1187 5623 5624 91-76 1 111 2I 57-34 ' 3-444 0-369 4034 1 5624 5625 86-72 3 109 12 37-50 -I3-452 0-364 40348 5625 55 8 5> 5593. 559 8 . 5 6l 3, S 6 ' 8 , are respectively 4922, 4935, 4959, 4981, 4977 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5585. 559 1 . 5592, 5593. 559 8 . 5609, are respectively 2018, 2026, 2027, 2025, 2030, 2032 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5608. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 252 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. O fl Mean si No. Constellation. 1 "c 11 Time of il Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. a 1 3 '^3 Observa- [B tion. j & h. m. 8. 8. 8. 8. 5626 19 Capricorn! 6 I 86-48 4 20 48 34-790 + 3'4 011 0-0128 0-0058 5626 5627 Capricorn! 8-7 2 89-36 3 20 48 48-219 + 3-3509 0-OII4 5627 5628 Aquarii 7 I 85-30 3 20 48 50-707 + 3-2346 0-0083 5628 5629 Aquarii 8-7 5 86-38 3 20 49 12-943 + 3-1035 O-OO52 5629 5630 57 Cygni 5 2 83-I4 4 20 49 21-357 + 2-1192 + O-O032 + 0-0017 5630 5631 Aquarii 7-6 4 85-41 3 20 49 27-080 + 3-1034 0-0052 5631 5632 Capricorn! 7 i 83-7I 3 20 49 35*621 + 3-3844 O-OI24 5632 5633 32 Vulpeculse 5 I 86-00 ii 20 49 52-323 + 2-5561 + O-OO27 o-oo 1 6 5633 5634 7-8 89-36 3 20 49 57-496 + 3-3864 O-OI25 5634 5635 Cygni 8-7 2 89-41 8 20 49 59-789 + 2-1217 + 0-0032 + 0-0016 5635 5636 Capricorn! 8-7 4 92-16 7 20 50 30-865 + 3-4785 0-0154 5636 5637 76 Draconis 6 i 82-91 6 20 50 31-352 4-037 0-532I + 0-0141 5637 5638 Aquarii 7-6 2 85-06 3 20 50 32-827 + 3-1410 0-006 1 5638 5639 7 Aquarii 6 I 84-73 3 20 50 57-I80 + 3-2477 O-OOS? O P OO22 5639 5640 Capricorn! 6 2 81-64 3 20 51 3I-095 + 3-3618 0-0118 5640 5641 Aquarii 6 I 85-34 3 20 51 32-727 + 3-0718 0-0046 0-0030 5641 5642 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-71 3 20 51 47-182 + 3-2124 0-0078 5642 5643 Aquarii 7-8 4 90-65 6 2O 52 I-OI4 + 3-2871 0-0098 5643 5644 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-00 3 20 52 30-845 + 3'3"9 0-0105 + 0-0020 5644 5645 Capricorn! 6 3 83-96 4 20 52 36-229 + 3-3322 O'OIIO 5645 5646 Aquarii 7 3 86-52 5 20 52 59-635 + 3-1452 0-0063 5646 5647 58 Cygni v 4* 89-71 4 20 53 4-348 + 2 -2339 + 0-0037 O'OOOO 5647 5648 Aquarii 8-7 2 88-32 3 20 53 4-852 + 3-1362 0-0060 5648 5649 Capricorn! 8 2 9'"47 3 20 53 6-221 + 3-4436 0-0144 5649 5650 20 Capricorn! 6-7 2 84-07 3 20 53 21-024 + 3-4161 0-0137 o-oooo 5650 5651 8 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-05 5 20 53 52-051 + 3-3051 0-0104 0-0039 565" l6si Aquarii 7-8 5 86-72 3 20 54 10-372 + 3-2618 0-0092 5652 5653 21 Capricorn! / " 6-7 O 4 84-77 4 20 54 40-214 + 3-3860 0-0129 0-0041 5653 5654 10 Aquarii 7-6 2 86-70 3 20 54 43-830 + 3-i7 2 5 0-0070 + 0-0046 5654 5655 II Aquarii 6 3 85-68 3 20 54 46-269 + 3-I597 0-0066 + O-002I 5655 5656 Capricorn! 8 ... 9 I- 74 3 20 55 1-751 + 3-4925 0-0162 5656 5657 9 Aquarii 7-6 I 85-35 3 20 55 4'5'9 + 3-3125 0-0106 0-0029 5657 5658 Aquarii 7 3 84-09 3 20 55 59-76o + 3-2791 0-0098 5658 5659 59 Cygni / 5-6 i 85-21 5 20 56 5-024 + 2-0383 + 0-0031 + 0-0009 5659 5660 Aquarii 7-8 i 88-39 3 20 56 24-305 + 3-2920 O'O I OI 5660 5661 Capricorn! 8-7 2 91-77 3 20 56 27-058 + 3-346o 0-0117 5661 5662 Capricorn! 7 2 87-35 3 20 56 30-024 + .V4I57 0-0139 5662 5663 Aquarii 7-6 5 85-72 3 20 56 38-380 + 3-249 0-0090 5663 5664 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-08 3 20 57 5-026 + 3-2029 0-0078 5664 5665 Aquarii 6-7 3 81-71 3 20 57 19-481 + 3-0950 0-0051 5665 5666 Aquarii 7 2 86-65 3 20 57 26-521 + 3-1016 0-0052 5666 5667 Aquarii 8 I 87-97 3 20 57 37-133 + 3-1697 0-0070 5667 5668 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-41 3 20 57 47-977 + 3-1061 0-0053 5668 5669 22 Capricorn! jy 5-4 I 89-74 8 20 58 8-568 + 3-4248 0-0143 0-0050 5669 5670 Aquarii 8-9 I 91-75 3 20 58 9-303 + 3-1406 0-0062 5670 5641. A star of the 8 magnitude, Arg. Z. 0, 4130, precedes about 18', and is north. 5663. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 253 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. 1 If Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Ifi E 1 8 00 1-H PH Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Beseel, 1825. 1 11 m s Greenwich, 1880. No. 5626 86-48 4 108 20 22-53 - I3-456 0-362 + 0-003 2700 362 40353 349 5626 5627 89-36 3 105 42 0-72 I3-470 0-356 367 40363 5627 5628 85-30 3 99 '7 58-57 I3-473 0-344 40371 1 200 5628 5629 86-38 3 91 47 36-06 I3-497 0-329 40394 1206 5629 5630 83H7 8 46 i 44-76 13-506 0-223 + 0-014 2710 383 5630 5631 85-4' 3 91 47 32-16 13-512 0-329 40405 I2II 563" 5632 83-7I 3 107 31 52-10 13-522 0-359 40391 5632 5633 8'-95 8* 62 21 36-83 '3'539 0-269 + 0-002 2709 379 40456 11131 3494 5633 5634 89-36 3 107 39 47-9 6 '3-545 -0-358 40410 5634 5635 87-12 5 46 ' 52-23 - I3-548 O-222 0-020 2712 5635 5636 92-16 7 "2 25 37-31 13-58' - 0-367 5636 5637 82-89 5 7 52 35-55 -I3-58' + 0-439 0-008 2754 463 3500 5637 5638 85-06 3 93 58 56-30 - I3-583 0-331 40450 1240 5638 5639 84-73 3 100 7 8-02 13-609 0-342 + 0-007 2706 380 40458 1249 5639 5640 81-64 3 106 27 15-46 13-645 0-353 386 40476 3499 5640 564' 85-34 3 89 57 23-84 13-647 0-322 + 0-100 40496 1269 5641 5642 91-71 3 98 8 11-97 1 3-662 0-337 40497 5642 5643 90-65 6 IO2 22 41*51 I3-677 o-345 40499 1278 5643 5644 86-00 I 103 47 19-39 I3-709 o-347 + 0-150 40521 1291 5644 5643 83-96 4 104 54 26-98 '3-715 - o-349 40522 1293 352 5645 5646 86-52 5 94 16 1-28 '.V74 -0-328 396 40551 'SO? 5646 5647 84-80 8 49 15 22-07 I3-744 0-231 O'OOI 2724 410 40619 5647 5648 88-32 3 93 44 32-65 -I3-745 0-327 397 40557 1309 5648 5649 91-47 3 no 52 12-29 I3-746 0-360 40536 5649 5650 84-07 3 109 27 39-98 13-762 o-357 + O'OIO 2713 395 40548 3505 5650 5651 83-05 5 103 28 43-19 I3-795 0-344 + O'OOI 2715 402 40571 35'0 5651 5652 86-72 3 101 3 21-71 13-815 0-339 40592 1342 5652 5653 84-77 4 '07 57 33-28 - 13-846 0-351 0-OI2 2718 409 40613 35" 5653 5654 86-70 3 95 54 20-02 13-850 0-329 + 0-003 2721 4'3 40633 '355 5654 5655 85-68 3 95 9 '7'53 13-852 0-327 + 0-140 2723 4'4 40637 1356 5655 5656 9I-74 3 113 30 29-26 13-869 0-362 40622 5656 5657 85-35 3 103 57 35-32 -13-871 0-343 + 0-006 2722 4'5 40642 '359 35'3 5657 5658 84-09 3 102 7 35-61 I.V930 0-338 423 40672 1381 5658 5659 83-21 8 42 54 29-36 I.V935 0-208 + 0-009 2732 437 3520 5659 5660 8839 3 102 52 41-56 I3-955 0-339 40688 '394 5660 5661 91-77 3 105 54 16-89 I3-958 0-344 40687 5661 5662 87-35 3 109 40 51-16 13-961 0-352 40684 5662 5663 85-72 3 100 25 42-29 -I3-970 0-334 40707 5663 5664 91-08 3 97 45 18-80 13-998 0-328 40729 1411 5664 5665 81-71 3 91 21 28-86 14-013 0-317 432 40742 1417 5665 5666 86-65 3 91 44 29-58 14-021 0-317 40746 1421 5666 5667 87-97 3 95 48 30-08 14-031 0-324 40748 '425 5667 5668 84-01 4 92 o 49-31 14-043 0-317 40759 1433 5668 5669 90-04 9 no 17 21-98 '4-065 0-350 + 0-037 2729 436 40753 11187 5669 5670 9I-75 3 94 5 20-06 14-065 0-320 40786 1440 5670 563; 5635, 5637, 5647, 5659, 5669, are respectively 5003, 5011, 5054, 5035, 5067, 5073 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5633, 5654, 5655, 5669, are respectively 2037, 2044, 2045, 2050 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5641, 5644. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 254 BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. 8. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5 6 ? 1 12 Aquarii 6 3 85-04 3 20 58 15-586 + 3T769 0-0072 0-0003 5671 5672 Capricorni 7-8 2 81-57 3 20 58 40-894 + 3-3739 0-0128 5672 5673 Capricorni 8-7 3 89-30 3 20 59 32-437 + 3'3324 0-0115 5673 5674 Aquarii 7 2 89-36 3 20 59 45720 + 3-1520 0-0065 5674 5675 2 3 Capricorni v 4-3 5 85-43 38 2 59 45737 + 3-3739 0-0128 + 0-0040 5675 5676 Capricorni 7 i 86-99 3 21 o 25-579 + 3-4 3 75 0-0146 0-0024 5676 5677 Cygni 9-8 90-17 3 21 o 38-243 + 2-3276 + 0-0043 5677 5678 Capricorni 7-8 3 89-36 3 21 40-433 + 3H84 1 0-0165 5678 5679 Aquarii 7 i 89H3 3 21 54-653 + 3-0815 0-0048 5679 5680 62 Cygni f 4* 85-74 4 21 55-78I + 2-1794 + 0-0043 + 0-0006 5680 5681 Aquarii 7-8 2 86-23 4 21 I 3-592 + 3-3I34 O'OIIO + 0-0210 5681 5682 Capricorni 8-7 4 86-05 3 21 I 5-184 + 3-3455 0-0119 O"OI2O 5682 5683 Capricorni 6-7 2 85-37 3 21 I 15-667 + 3-4059 0-0139 5683 5684 Aquarii 7-6 I 87-40 3 21 I 33-121 + 3-2158 0-0083 5684 5685 Capricorni 7-6 2 86-71 3 21 I 33-828 + 3-3757 0-0130 5685 5686 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-09 | 21 I 41-994 + 3-0923 0-0050 5686 5687 Aquarii 7 2 86-67 3 21 I 54-034 + 3-0824 0-0048 5687 5688 Cygni 9-10 2 9I-45 3 21 i 56-495 + 2-3430 + 0-0044 5688 5689 Aquarii 7 2 87-94 I 21 I 59-706 + .VII33 0-0055 5689 5690 Cygni 9-:o I 90-46 3 21 2 8-400 + 2-3284 + 0-0044 5690 5691 Aquarii 8 3 91-70 3 21 2 13-630 + 3-2942 0-0105 5691 5692 2 5 Capricorni % 6-5 3 86-69 3 21 2 15-419 + 3-4437 0-0153 0-0004 5692 5693 Aquarii 7 2 84-24 4 21 2 28-603 + 3'0959 0-0051 5693 5694 Cygni 8-7 I 91-83 3 21 2 49-338 + 2-3464 + 0-0045 5694 5695 Aquarii 8 2 9 I- 39 3 21 2 53-778 + 3-1942 -0-0077 5 6 95 5696 Cygni 6-7 2 84-28 1 21 2 57-768 + 3-1319 + 0-0042 5696 5697 26 Capricorni 6-7 2 85-71 3 21 2 59-297 + 3-4239 0-0147 0-0004 5697 5698 Aquarii 7 4 83-78 3 21 3 9-422 + 3-i7 9 0-0071 5698 5699 27 Capricorni 7-6 5 91-23 8 21 3 15-586 + 3H30I 0-0150 + 0-0070 5699 5700 Capricorni 7 i 89-70 3 21 3 16-173 + 3-3585 0-0125 5700 57i 13 Aquarii v 5 3 81-61 3 21 3 36-038 + 3-2671 0-0098 + 0-0043 57oi 5702 Aquarii 7-6 2 85-06 3 21 3 36-54 8 + 3-0835 0-0049 5702 5703 Cygni 8 90-47 3 21 3 48-032 + 2-344 1 + 0-0045 5703 5704 Capricorni 7-8 2 87-37 3 21 4 10-125 + 3-4 6 50 0-0163 574 S75 Capricorni 8-9 I 91-74 3 21 4 20-526 + 3-3878 0-0136 575 57o6 Aquarii 7-6 2 82-39 3 21 4 50-913 + 3-2323 0-0088 5706 577 Aquarii 7-6 3 81-63 3 21 5 36-693 + 3-3182 0-0114 5707 5708 Aquarii 8-9 2 9 I- 74 1 21 5 5i' 8 53 + 3-1006 0-0053 57o8 579 Aquarii 8-7 3 89-35 3 21 5 52-321 + 3-I299 o'oo6o 5709 57'o Aquarii 8 3 86-69 3 2 1 6 9-695 + 3-I759 0-0073 57io 57" Aquarii 7-8 2 89-74 5 21 6 9-839 + 3-I734 0-0073 57" 57" Capricorni 8-9 3 89-00 I 21 6 16-615 + 3-3265 0-0117 57" 5713 Capricorni 7 92-64 8 21 6 54-033 + .V5057 0-0179 5713 57M Aquarii 8 2 9*74 3 21 7 27-786 + 3-1480 0-0065 57M 57'5 77 Draconis 5 I 82-75 7 21 7 41-240 1-1083 0-1748 + 0-0068 57i5 5671. Double : the companion, of the 9 magnitude, precedes oM, and is south. 5678. A star of the 8-7 magnitude, Lalande 40831, precedes, and is about 4' south. 5706. The N. P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is about 15" too small. 5712. Double : the companion, of the 9-8 magnitude, precedes, and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 255 Mean *! to to o o 8 OO . g 4 No. Time of ii Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. H 00 O 15 QJ CO " -Ij a? No. Observa- H (H N S a! 00 0, tion. Q o r ri /, 1 S 3 qj 6 5671 85-04 3 96 15 28-74 14-072 0-324 0-003 2730 441 1442 5671 5672 8i-57 3 107 35 58-47 14-098 0-344 443 40774 3522 5672 5673 89-30 3 105 20 34-47 14-151 -0-338 40803 1465 5673 5674 89-36 3 94 47 58-99 14-165 0-319 40823 '475 5674 5675 82-31 13 I0 7 40 9-55 14-165 0-342 + 0-054 2733 45' 40814 11204 3525 5675 5676 86-99 3 no 37 10-16 14-207 0-347 + 0-040 2736 454 40835 5676 5677 90-17 3 51 41 8-87 14-219 0-233 5677 5678 89-36 3 "3 35 2 4-95 14-221 0-352 40842 11213 5678 5679 89-43 3 9 32 43-32 - 14-236 0-310 40869 1503 5679 5680 80-84 10 46 3 39-4 1 -I4-237 0-218 + 0-008 2746 472 40928 3529 5680 5681 86-23 4 104 21 44-89 14-246 0-334 + 0-040 40865 '499 5681 5682 86-05 3 106 ii 1-54 14-247 0-337 + o-i 70 461 40866 5682 5683 85-37 3 109 31 40-42 14-258 '343 462 5683 5684 87-40 3 98 4 33-69 I 4' 2 75 0-323 40892 5684 5685 86-71 3 107 53 46-88 -14-276 0-340 5685 5686 84-09 3 91 12 26-61 14-284 0-310 40907 1526 5686 5687 86-67 3 90 36 19-24 14-297 0-309 40917 1532 5687 5688 9 '"45 3 52 6 16-67 '4-299 0-233 5688 5689 87-94 3 92 29 40-70 14-303 0-312 5689 5690 90-46 3 5 1 31 54'S 1 14-311 0-232 5690 5691 91-70 3 103 19 25-21 -I4-3I7 0-330 40918 569' 5692 86-69 3 in 38 5-86 - 14-318 0-345 + 0-053 2741 469 40909 3533 5692 5693 84-24 4 91 25 58-62 14-332 0-310 '547 5693 5694 91-83 3 52 7 37-59 14-353 0-233 41002 5694 5695 9I-39 3 97 25 50-83 - 14-358 0-319 40950 '557 5695 5696 84-93 f 44 45 58-38 14-362 O'2II 41017 5696 5697 85-71 3 no 38 15-41 14-363 0-342 + o-ooi 2742 474 40936 5697 5698 83-78 3 96 i 28-78 I4-373 0-316 40966 1562 5698 5699 91-36 9 " 59 51-4 14-380 0-342 + 0-131 2743 478 40948 5699 5700 89-70 3 7 3 40-45 - 14-380 0-335 481 5700 5701 81-61 3 101 48 58-68 14-401 0-325 + 0-007 2747 485 40974 2 11238 3535 5701 5702 85-06 3 90 40 47-45 14-402 0-307 40989 8 572 573 90-47 3 5i 54 53-98 14-413 0-232 41030 5703 574 87-37 3 112 55 29-63 I4-435 0-345 40986 11240 5704 5705 9>74 3 1 08 46 39-44 14-446 -0-337 575 57o6 82-39 3 99 47 58-08 - M-476 0-320 493 40991 2? 57o6 5707 81-63 3 i4 55 17-42 14-523 0-328 7 41049 42 5707 5708 9174 3 91 45 0-09 '4-538 0-305 41080 5708 579 89-35 3 93 34 8-73 M'538 0-308 41077 57 5709 57' 86-69 3 96 24 47-61 ^4*55^ 0-312 41093 57'o 57" 89-74 5 96 15 48-67 ij." ^ft 0-3I2 41095 65 57" 57" 89-00 3 105 26 57-95 '4-563 0-327 5712 57U 92-66 ii "5 '7 50-58 14-600 0-344 11258 57'3 57'4 9174 3 94 43 8-66 '4-634 0-308 41140 89 57'4 57'5 83-00 7 12 19 1 2-06 - 14-647 + 0-II7 0-023 2777 72 41402 354' 57'5 5675. 5678, 5680, 5701, 5703, 5704, 5715, are respectively 5087, 5092, 5102, 5112, 5118, 5117, 5154 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5675, 5676, 5692, 5699, 5701, 5703, are respectively 2052, 2055, 2057, 2061, 2062, 2063 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5681, 5682. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 256 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean K.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 6. No. 5716 Aquarii 7 4 85^4 4 21 7 41-266 + .VI744 0-0073 5716 57'7 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-98 3 21 7 42-482 + .V4538 0-0161 5717 57i8 Capricorn! 8-7 3 89-11 5 21 7 42-571 + 3'4'4 6 0-0148 5718 57!9 Aquarii 7-8 3 8571 3 21 7 47-341 + 3-1832 0-0075 5719 5720 57 21 57" Aquarii 64. Cverni 8-7 3-4 7 2 I I 91-40 85-80 81-62 3 15 3 21 8 6-959 21 8 15-277 21 8 19-592 + 3-2815 + 2-5515 + 3-2504 0-0103 4- 0-0039 0-0094 0-0015 5720 5721 5722 Aquarii 5723 Capricorn! 8-7 4 89-22 4 21 8 42-233 + 3-4127 0-0148 5723 5724 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-09 3 21 8 46-380 + 3-I747 0-0073 5724 57^5 Capricorn! 6-7 2 82-41 3 21 8 57-261 + .V3639 0-0130 5725 5726 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-81 3 21 8 58-482 + 3-0782 0-0047 5726 577 Aquarii 7-8 3 90-06 3 21 9 1-023 + 3-0929 0-0051 5727 57*8 Capricorn! 8-7 2 89-74 i 21 9 4-869 + 3-3254 0-0118 5728 57 2 9 573 5731 Aquarii Aquarii 7-8 7 4 85-38 90-04 86-75 3 3 3 21 9 5-025 21 9 15-849 21 9 20-876 + 3-2131 + 3-1679 + 3-1204 0-0084 0-0071 0-0058 5729 573 5731 Aquarii 7-8 2 5732 28 Capricomi 6-5 2 89-23 8 21 9 22-088 + .V4222 0-0151 o-oo 1 6 5732 5733 29 Capricomi 5-6 2 86-33 3 21 9 39-400 + 3-3256 0-0119 -f- O'OOO2 5733 5734 Aquarii 7-8 2 87-19 4 21 9 54'47 2 + 3-2250 0-0088 5734 5735 Aquarii 6-7 I 84-72 J 21 9 58-018 + 3-2920 0-0108 5735 5736 8 Equulei a 4 2 86-64 12 21 10 19-499 + 2-9969 0-0028 + O'OO2I 5736 5737 14 Aquarii 7-6 4 86-96 3 21 10 23-361 + 3-2262 0-0088 0-0024 5737 5738 Aquarii 7-8 3 88-98 3 21 10 35-326 + 3-2251 0-0088 5738 5739 Aquarii 6-7 i 84-71 3 21 10 58-144 + 3-1049 0-0054 5739 574 Aquarii 7 2 88-03 3 21 II 2-256 + 3-2406 0-0093 5740 574 1 Aquarii 7-6 2 88-72 3 21 II 12-095 + 3-2920 0-0109 574 1 574 30 Capricomi 6-5 2 8180 3 21 II 47-106 + 3-37I2 0-0135 0-0005 5742 5743 Aquarii 7-8 2 86-37 3 21 II 49*420 + 3-1704 0-0072 5743 5744 31 Capricomi 7-8 2 89-05 3 21 12 6-260 + 3-3617 0-0132 + 0-0034 5744 5745 Capricorn! 7 2 86-25 4 21 12 11-765 + 3-4 1 '9 0-0151 5745 5746 15 Aquarii 6-7 2 83-75 3 21 12 24-737 + 3-1503 0-0067 O'OO02 5746 5747 Capricomi 7 a 86-71 4 21 13 8-269 + 3-3384 0-0124 5747 5748 Aquarii 8 2 9i'73 3 21 13 8-62O + 3-I942 0-0080 5748 5749 Capricomi 9 I 91-76 3 21 13 IO-52I + 3-4729 0-0175 5749 575 Aquarii 7 8 81-74 3 21 13 19-263 + 3-2861 0-0107 5750 575' Aquarii 7-8 4 85-05 3 21 13 45-838 + 3-3015 o-oi 1 3 5751 5752 Aquarii 8-9 8 8 1 -60 4 21 I 4 I-2 4 7 + 3-2843 0-0107 5752 5753 Aquarii 7-8 3 85-12 3 21 14 7-468 + 3-2927 o-oiio 5753 5754 Capricomi 7-8 I 92-64 7 21 I 4 23-854 + 3-445 ' 0-0165 5754 5755 Aquarii 8 2 91-78 3 21 14 37-661 + 3-1029 0-0054 5755 5756 Aquarii 7-8 6 81-66 4 21 I 4 46-475 + 3-2819 0-0107 5756 5757 Capricorn! 7-8 i 89-35 3 21 14 48-012 + .V4i 62 0-0154 5757 5758 16 Aquarii 6 2 83-12 3 21 15 l8-28l + 3-I499 0-0067 0-0031 5758 5759 Aquarii 8 2 91-80 3 21 15 32-006 + 3-2582 0-0099 5759 576o Capricomi 8 3 92-09 3 21 15 33H99 + 3-3786 0-0141 5760 575. 575 2 - Lalande's magnitudes for these stars, 9 and 7 respectively, should probably be transposed, and Gould's estimate, 6-9, probably refers to the brighter star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 257 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. n Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Ul tt *3 1 8 00 rf 9 '& Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o ~oo 0> OO 'j Greenwich, 1880. No. 57i6 85-41 3 9 6 2' 5175 I4-647 0-310 24 4H5I 95 57i6 S7i7 86-98 3 "2 39 53-7 1 14-648 0-338 18 41129 II264 5717 57i8 89-11 5 no 32 28-84 H'649 0-334 20 4" 33 57'8 57'9 8571 3 96 55 5'77 J 4'6S3 0-311 99 57'9 57 2 91-40 3 102 55 13-07 14-673 0-320 4"59 i3 5720 572i 82-28 '4 60 13 26-05 14-681 0-247 + 0-066 2760 35 41215 II269 354 57 2 i 57" 81-62 3 101 3 32-15 14-686 0-317 41163 5722 57 2 3 89-22 4 no 31 32-68 - 14-708 0-332 41177 5723 57 2 4 86-09 3 96 25 4-63 14-711 - 0-308 4"93 "9 5724 5725 82-41 3 I0 7 47 58-03 -14-722 0-327 41191 5725 5726 83-81 3 9 21 43-57 - 14724 0-299 41218 128 5726 S? 2 ? 90-06 3 91 17 13-14 -14-727 0-300 41212 131 5727 5728 89-74 3 i5 34 5I-99 i4'73i 0-323 41200 5728 5729 85-38 3 98 48 28-83 - i4-73i 0-312 41207 126 5729 573 90-04 3 96 o 22-87 - '4-741 0-307 41223 140 573 S73i 86-75 1 93 i 39-56 - 14-746 0-302 41233 H4 5731 5732 90-13 ii in 6 27-85 r 4'747 0-332 0-004 2758 33 41187 5732 5733 86-33 3 '05 37 41-42 '4-764 0-322 O'OIO 2759 37 41232 II276 3544 5733 5734 87-19 4 99 34 3 8 '55 I4-779 0-312 39 41247 156 5734 5735 84-72 3 103 39 28-04 - '4-783 -0-318 41246 155 5735 5736 87-22 4 85 12 23-79 14-803 0-288 + 0-078 3764 47 41274 170 II283 3546 5736 5737 86-96 3 99 40 20-48 14-807 0-311 0-004 2763 44 41268 167 3547 5737 5738 88-98 3 99 36 56-94 14-819 0-311 45 41271 171 5738 5739 84-71 3 92 3 57-3I - 14-842 0-298 41293 187 5739 574 88-03 3 'oo 35 35-64 - 14-846 0-311 41287 184 574 574i 88-72 3 i3 44 1774 - 14-856 0-316 41291 188 574i 5742 81-80 3 108 26 42-15 14-889 0-323 + 0-003 2765 52 4I3I5 574 2 5743 86-37 3 96 14 2 5'35 14-892 0-303 41328 5743 5744 89-05 3 i7 55 23-54 14-908 0-322 0-023 2766 56 4I33I 355 1 5744 5745 86-25 4 " 47 44-59 14-914 0-326 57 41332 5745 5746 83-75 3 94 58 51-69 14-927 0-300 O'O22 2768 60 5746 5747 86-71 4 106 38 28-35 I4'969 -0-318 66 4136' 5747 5748 9173 3 97 47 31-39 '4-969 0-304 41366 5748 5749 91-76 3 114 13 59-99 -14-971 0-331 41354 5749 575 81-74 3 103 30 38-47 - i4"979 0-312 41368 239 5750 5751 85-05 3 104 28 52-31 15-005 0-313 252 575i 5752 81-60 3 103 27 3-05 15-020 0-311 41393 258 5752 5753 85-12 3 103 58 0-73 15-026 0'3I2 41400 5753 5754 92-66 ii 112 51 7-04 15-042 0-326 41404 5754 5755 91-78 3 91 58 12-46 15-055 0-292 4M33 279 5755 5756 81-71 4 103 21 3-18 15-063 0-309 4M23 276 5756 5757 89-35 I m 17 5-20 15-065 0-322 75 41417 5757 5758 83-12 3 95 i 35 - 28 15-094 0-296 0-004 2771 81 4M52 29? 3557 5758 5759 91-80 3 101 55 25-06 15-107 0-306 82 4H54 300 5759 5760 92-02 4 109 12 5-65 15-109 0-317 4M49 576o 5721, 5733. are respectively 5140, 5145 of the RadclifTe Catalogue, 1845. 5721 is 2068 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. L i, 258 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. a. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. R. No. 576 1 5 Cephei a 3 _2* ... 81-69 4 21 15 57-262 + I-4J43 0-0072 + 0-02 1 1 576i S762 Aquarii 7-6 I 83-82 3 21 1 6 4-442 + 3-2238 0-0089 0-OOI7 5762 5763 Aquarii 8-9 ... 91-79 3 21 16 4-938 + 3-1955 0-0081 ?7 r J3 5764 32 Capricorn! I 5-4 8 8775 29 21 l6 7-230 + 3-3455 0-0129 0-0003 5764 57<>5 Capricorni 6 ... 88-02 3 21 16 42-053 + 3-446 0-0167 5765 5766 Aquarii 7-6 3 84-71 3 21 1 6 43-39 + 3-I275 0-0060 5/66 5767 Aquarii 7 3 86-66 3 21 16 49-128 + 3-1659 0-0072 5767 5768 17 Aquarii 7-6 i 87-03 a 21 17 2-344 + 3-2230 0-0089 0-0052 5768 5769 Aquarii 7-8 i 88-74 3 21 17 30-687 + 3-0914 0-0050 5769 577 Capricorni 7 2 87-99 3 21 I? 50-009 + 3-4453 0-0168 5770 577i 33 Capricorni 6-5 I 85-08 a 21 I? 55-209 + 3HII5 0-0155 0-0032 5771 5772 Capricorni 7 2 86-32 3 21 17 58-972 + 3-4754 0-0180 5772 5773 18 Aqnarii 6-5 2 84-51 4 21 18 10-739 + 3-2783 0-0108 + 0-0048 5773 5774 Aquarii 7-8 3 86-72 3 21 18 54-951 + 3-1641 0-0072 5774 5775 Aquarii 8 3 9I-47 3 21 19 3765 + 3-2040 0-0083 5775 5776 20 Aquarii 7 3 86-13 3 21 19 7-664 + 3T309 0-0061 0-0032 5776 5777 Cygni 7-6 3 84-17 3 21 19 14-280 + 2-2380 + 0-0059 5777 5778 19 Aquarii ... 6 i 85-03 3 21 I 9 18-334 + 3-2279 0-0091 O-O02I 5778 5779 Capricorni 7-6 3 81-66 3 21 I 9 22- 4 75 + 3-2995 0-0116 5779 5780 Capricorni 7 2 88-68 5 21 ig 28-6l8 + 3-4615 0-0176 578o 578i 21 Aquarii 6 3 83-5 3 21 19 32-739 + 3-I332 o'oo6i 0-0037 578i 5782 Capricorni 7-8 i 89-35 a 21 2O 7'38l + 3'4 I0 3 -0-0157 5782 5783 Aquarii 7-6 3 86-04 3 21 20 I3-522 + 3-0716 0-0045 5783 5784 34 Capricorni 4 2 90-36 10 21 20 23-022 + 3-4345 0-0166 0-0013 5784 5785 Capricorni 8 I 91-75 3 21 2O 23-400 + 3'3!39 0-OI2I 5785 5786 Aquarii 7 2 87-33 3 21 2O 26-471 + 3-2636 0-0103 + O'OO2O 5786 5787 Capricorni 8-9 3 91-76 a 21 20 37-627 + 3-34 66 0-OI32 5787 5788 35 Capricorni 6 i 81-69 3 21 21 0-489 + 3H 1 21 0-0158 0-0036 5788 5789 Capricorni 7 3 84-74 3 21 21 22-163 + 3-2862 O'OII2 5789 579 Aquarii 8-7 i 88-35 3 21 21 33-328 + 3-1846 0-0078 5790 579 1 Aquarii 7 8 86-65 3 21 21 40-668 + 3-2558 O'OIOI 579i 5792 Aquarii 7-6 i 83-81 3 21 22 16-473 + 3-2537 o-oioi 5792 5793 36 Capricorni 6 4-5 i 8a- 44 3 21 22 27-033 + 3-4202 0-0162 + 0-0077 5793 5794 Aquarii 7 r 89-68 3 21 22 38-446 + 3-1223 0-0059 5794 5795 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-35 3 21 22 59-706 + 3-2136 0-0087 5795 5796 Capricorni 7 3 84-12 a 21 23 38-674 + 3-2906 0-0114 5796 5797 Capricorni 7-6 5 86-35 3 21 23 49-047 + 3-3728 0-0145 5797 5798 Aquarii 9-10 2 87-59 3 21 23 56-338 + 3-2665 0-0106 + 0-0680 5798 5799 Capriconii 7-8 I 92-63 3 21 24 4-620 + 3-4768 0-0187 5799 5800 Aquarii 8-9 I 91-78 3 21 2 4 33-032 + 3-1020 0-0053 5800 5801 Capricorni 7-6 2 83-37 3 21 24 38-887 + 3-2936 0-0116 5801 5802 Capricorni 7-8 3 85-06 a 21 25 14-848 + 3-3720 0-0146 5802 5803 Capricomi 8 2 9I-75 3 21 25 1 7-035 + 3-4185 0-0164 5803 5804 Aquarii 7 2 89-05 3 21 25 41-269 + 3-2229 0-0091 o-oioo 5804 5805 22 Aquarii /? 3-2 6 86-62 4 1 21 25 46-025 + 3-1609 0-0071 0-0006 5805 5763. A fainter star, Lalande 41504, follows 34", and is about 30" north. 5789. A star of the 9 magnitude, Lalande 41701, follows 18", and is about i' 30" north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N.P.D. 259 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. '/ la *o i-~ M 1 8 oo S Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 O 00 aToo i:- m o, O Greenwich, 1880. No. 576' 81-55 26 27 52 48-63 -15-131 0-129 0-025 2786 10 5 3563 576i 5762 83-82 3 99 47 38-97 -15-138 0-302 + 0-110 2 773 41482 356o 5762 5763 91-79 3 97 59 i?77 '5-'39 0-299 41487 3'7 5763 5764 83-31 5 107 18 8-78 15-14' 0-3I3 0-013 2772 84 4'474 "330 356l 5764 5765 88-02 3 113 8 16-47 I5-I74 0-322 87 41494 "333 3564 5765 5766 84-71 3 93 35 52-81 I5-I75 0-292 334 5766 5767 86-66 3 96 6 4-31 15-181 0-295 4'5'5 336 5767 5768 87-03 3 99 47 I5-39 I5-I93 0-300 + 0-023 2776 92 41521 338 3566 5768 5769 88-74 3 91 14 30-91 15-221 0-287 4'549 355 5769 5770 87-99 3 "3 '3 47i '5-239 0-320 97 4154 "339 577 577' 85-08 3 in 19 8-33 !5- 2 44 o-Si? + 0-115 2778 99 4 J 543 "343 577' 5772 86-33 3 "4 53 35-I5 15-248 0-323 98 "344 5772 5773 84-51 4 103 20 59-02 '5-259 0-304 O'OO2 2781 104 41560 360 3573 5773 5774 86-72 3 96 3 8-67 I5'30i 0-292 41591 5774 5775 9' - 47 3 98 39 20-89 - 15-309 0-295 4'594 5775 5776 86-13 3 93 52 9'8o 15-313 0-288 + 0-037 2783 109 41603 390 5776 5777 84-89 a 45 57 10-76 -15-318 0-204 41671 5777 5778 85-03 3 100 12 59-55 15-322 -0-297 + 0-I67 2782 no 41605 393 3577 5778 5779 8 1 -66 3 104 45 278 15-326 0-304 41601 39 2 5779 578o 88-68 5 "4 '7 43-5 '5-332 0'3'9 41596 "357 5780 578i 83-50 3 94 i 4'-'3 '5-336 0-288 + 0-068 2784 "3 41625 43 578i 5782 89-35 3 in 28 24-80 -15-368 0-3I3 "5 41629 5782 5783 86-04 3 89 56 26-12 - ' 5-374 0-281 41655 420 5783 5784 91-03 1* "2 53 M'5' -'5-383 0-3I5 0-013 2785 118 41639 11360 5784 5785 9f75 3 105 43 15-69 -I5-383 0-303 41647 5785 5786 87-33 3 102 33 51-10 - 15-386 0-299 + O'2OO 119 41651 418 5786 5787 91-76 3 107 44 40-86 '5-397 0-306 5787 5788 81-69 3 in 40 16-75 - '5-4'9 0-312 + 0-027 2787 122 41670 5788 5789 84-74 3 104 3 52-30 15-438 0-299 "5 41691 441 5789 579 88-35 3 97 29 23-82 I5-44 8 0-290 45' 5790 579' 86-65 3 102 8 31-31 'SHS 6 0-296 126 41702 453 5791 5792 83-81 3 IOZ 2 42-01 - '5-488 0-295 '34 41725 465 5792 5793 82-07 a 112 17 7'8l I5-499 0-310 + O-OI2 2790 132 41721 5793 5794 89-68 3 93 21 47-70 15-509 0-282 139 4744 478 5794 5795 89-35 3 99 28 7-91 15-529 0-290 4'750 484 5795 5796 84-12 3 104 30 18-74 15-565 0-296 '44 41760 5796 5797 86-35 3 109 37 38-21 15-574 0-303 '45 4'765 5797 5798 87-59 3 102 58 59-51 15-580 0-293 + 0-300 502 5798 5799 92-63 3 115 40 28-00 '5-589 0-312 148 41768 "379 5799 5800 91-78 3 92 o 57-61 15-615 - 0-277 41802 524 5800 5801 83-37 3 104 46 20-77 15-620 0-295 '54 4!794 522 5801 5802 85-06 3 109 43 12-94 i5'653 0-301 158 41810 5802 5803 9'75 3 112 29 38-18 15-655 0-305 41807 5803 5804 89-05 3 loo 13 28-91 -I5-677 0-286 + 0-120 41835 546 5804 5805 84-47 14 96 3 16-50 - 15-681 0-281 + o-ooi 2797 162 4i 8 43 11389 3593 5805 5761, 5764, 5777, 5784, 5805, are respectively 5191, 5185, 5216, 5217, 5247 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 5761, 5764, 5771, 5772, 5778, 5784, 5793, 5805, are respectively 2081, 2080, 2084, 2085, 2088, 2089, 2091, 2094 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5786, 5798, 5804. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 260 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. %tf Mean <* 2 - CM No. Constellation. 13 c ,0 & Time of 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. r 3 '-"3 Observa- 1 Motion. z ^ -3 tion. *5 J2 O h. ra. B. 8. 8. 8. 5806 Capricorni 6-7 SOMI 2 21 26 12*902 + 3*4614 0*018 3 -;8o6 5807 Capricorni 7 3 y T 85-38 o 3 21 26 23 767 + 3-2604 0-0105 o w 5807 5808 Aquarii 8-7 4 91*12 3 21 26 59*433 + 3*1028 0-0053 5808 5809 Cephei /f 8 91*26 3 21 27 11-658 + 0-7916 0-0348 + O'OOI 2 5809 5810 8 Cephei /3 2 3-4 ... 83-39 8 21 27 14-184 + 0-7918 0-0348 + O-QOI2 5810 5811 Capricorni 7-8 i 88*37 3 21 27 34'277 + 3-2772 o-oiu 5811 5812 Capricorni 7-8 4 89*04 3 21 27 35-497 + 3-3I97 0-0127 O'OOOO 5812 5813 Aquarii C 84*48 3 21 27 46-927 + 3-9-4 0-0049 5813 5814 Cephei 6-5 i 89-74 3 21 28 2-549 -1-6154 0-2779 5814 5815 Aquarii 7 6 81-73 3 21 28 21*948 + VI4.23 0*0065 "8is 5816 Aquarii 7 i / o 84-71 O 3 21 28 31-355 1 *> T . ' 0*0060 5816 5817 37 Capricorni 6 3 90-38 10 21 28 40-288 + .V3803 0*0152 O-OO26 5817 5818 38 Capricorni 7-6 3 86-68 3 21 28 43-629 + 3^829 0-0153 + 0-0007 5818 5819 Aquarii 8-9 3 91-47 3 21 28 45-033 + 3-I97I 0-0083 5819 5820 Capriccrni 7-6 2 88-79 7 21 28 58-330 + .V4360 -0-0175 5820 5821 Aquarii 6-7 2 86-05 3 21 29 33-045 + 3-I363 0-0063 5821 5822 8 Piacis Australia 6-5* 87-47 4 21 29 48-160 + 3-48I6 0-0197 + 0-006I 5822 5823 73 Cygni p 4-5* ... 88-37 3 21 29 50-516 + 2-2550 + 0-0070 0-0034 5823 5824 Capricorni 8 2 91-44 3 21 30 14-560 + 3 J 3505 0-0141 5824 582-; 8 7 89-06 21 1 O l Q .r OI + 3*4002 0*0162 -S-"" 5826 Aquarii 7-8 3 8669 21 30 46-339 0-0069 5826 5827 39 Capricorni 5-4 3 82-08 3 21 30 55-226 + .V3665 0-0148 O'OOOg 5827 5828 Aquarii 8 2 91-77 3 21 30 59-839 + 3-1646 0-0073 5828 5829 Capricorni 8-7 3 91-79 3 21 31 0-609 + 3*2249 0-0094 5829 583 Capricorni 7-8 3 86-82 3 21 31 23*789 + 3-2435 o-oioo 583 5831 Capricorni 7 4 87-30 5 21 31 28-607 + 3-36I8 0-0146 5831 5832 23 Aquarii f 5 2 87-16 21 21 3 1 53-723 + 3-I906 0-0082 + 0-0058 5*3-- 5833 Aquarii 7-6 3 84-04 4 21 31 54*878 + .V0849 0-0048 5833 5834 Capricorni 7 i 89-39 3 21 32 11*966 + 3-2939 o 0119 5834 5835 74 Cygni 5 i 91-77 3 21 32 32-435 + 2-40I4 + 0*0072 O'OOIO 5835 5836 Aquarii 7 2 88-73 3 21 32 56-549 + 3-1375 0*0064 5836 5837 Cygni 6-7 2 81-50 3 21 33 14-912 + 2-2957 + 0*0075 5837 5838 Capricorni 7-8 2 86-08 3 21 33 14-933 + 3-2774 0*0113 5838 5839 Capricorni 6-7 2 84-46 3 21 33 33-310 + 3-2285 0*0096 5839 5840 24 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-12 3 21 33 51-314 + 3-080I 0-0045 + O-OI42 5840 5841 40 Capricorni y 4-3 2 85-12 3 21 33 59-7I3 + 3-3180 0-0130 + O-OII9 5841 5842 Capricorni 7-8 3 86-74 3 21 34 17*904 + 3-2I66 0-0092 O'OO2O 5842 5843 Aquarii 7 2 89-95 4 21 34 36*816 + 3-I764 0-0078 5843 5844 Aquarii 7-8 I 88-38 3 21 34 49-3II + 3-II42 0-0056 5844 584S Capricorni 8-7 3 91-89 5 21 35 16-966 + 3-3982 0-0165 5845 5846 Capricorni 7-8 3 85-68 3 21 35 26*880 + 3-2888 O-OI2O 5846 5847 42 Capricorni 6-5 i 81*64 3 21 35 33-95I + 3-2768 0-OII5 0-0106 5847 5848 41 Capricorni 6-5 2 89*93 9 21 35 44-794 + .V4-89 0-0175 + 0-0055 5848 5849 Aquarii 9-8 2 9-'45 3 21 35 57-240 + 3-I059 0-0053 5849 5850 Capricorni 8 2 9 I- 45 3 21 36 3-471 + 3-2503 0-0105 5850 5813. A very faint object : the centre of the cluster was observed as nearly as possible. 5816. A star of the 9-8 magnitude, Lalande 41954, precedes 5 s , and is about 3 south. 5821. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 3' too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1890, N.P.D. 261 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. n Sec. Var. // Proper Motion. "5 U} 1^ O 1 8 CO "N N rt Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. I d fc co QJ OO c M s - 03 Q. 3 Greenwich, 1880. No. 5806 87-22 4 "5 4 3.r7 IS'? 06 0-307 161 41841 II39I 5806 5807 85-38 3 102 45 6-91 J5-7I6 0-289 41870 56i 5807 5808 91-12 3 9 2 5 35-01 I5-747 0-273 41899 583 5808 5809 88-95 4 19 55 24-91 - I5-758 0-065 + 0-012 3598 5809 5810 84-11 16 !9 55 '9-90 J576I 0-065 + 0-012 28ll 198 3599 5810 5811 88-37 3 103 56 12-55 !5779 0-288 172 41912 592 5811 5812 89-04 3 106 41 4-86 15-780 0-292 + 0-130 171 41908 5812 5813 84-80 4 91 1 8 46-08 15-79 0-271 41928 5813 5814 87H7 4 9 57 18-06 15-805 + 0-152 42215 3601 5814 58i5 8i-73 3 94 5i "'54 15-822 0-275 4'947 5815 5816 84-71 J 93 53 53-03 15-83 0-273 41961 624 5816 5817 9 1 ' 1 ?! IB no 34 27-32 - 15-838 0-296 0-033 2800 180 41942 5817 5818 86-68 3 1 10 44 23-41 - 15-842 0-296 + 0-050 2801 181 41946 5818 5819 9i'47 3 98 38 49-46 15-842 0-279 628 5819 5820 89-91 10 "3 56 35-77 1 6-854 0-300 184 41958 II4O2 5820 5821 86-05 3 94 28 23-90 15-885 0-272 190 42016 656 3604 5821 5822 87H7 4 116 39 42-11 15-898 0-303 + 0-025 2802 188 4 r 993 II4O8 3605 5822 5823 82-14 5 44 53 39-63 15-901 0-194 + 0-105 2810 202 42070 3606 5823 5824 91-44 3 108 53 0-67 -15-922 0-290 193 5824 5825 89-06 3 I" 59 34-13 I5-937 0-294 42032 5825 5826 86-69 3 95 32 38-06 ! 5-950 0-272 42054 678 5826 5827 82-01 4 I0 9 57 3'64 - I5-958 0-290 + 0-003 2806 197 42045 II 4 I7 5827 5828 91-77 3 96 29 45-05 I5'962 0-272 42060 687 5828 5829 91-79 3 100 40 o'8o !5'963 0-278 42058 685 5829 5830 86-82 3 101 57 12-01 15-983 0-279 42073 695 5830 5831 87-30 5 109 43 27-64 - 15-987 0-289 201 42064 5831 5832 84-48 3 98 20 49-17 16-010 0-273 + 0-022 2808 209 42098 II42I 3608 5832 5833 84-13 3 9 5 2 58-97 1 6-01 1 0-264 707 3609 5833 5834 89-39 3 105 24 20-10 16-026 0-282 212 42104 7 r 3 5834 5835 88-97 4 50 4 50-10 16-043 0-203 0-009 28l8 222 42169 11432 5835 5836 88-73 3 94 38 4f34 16-065 0-267 42144 732 5836 5837 81-56 3 45 47 49-6o 16-081 0-193 42205 5837 5838 86-oS 3 104 23 20-88 16-081 -0-279 42148 738 5838 5839 84-46 3 101 4 17-36 16-096 0-274 42160 749 839 5840 83-12 3 90 32 52-64 16-112 0-261 O-O28 28l6 22 4 42179 758 5840 5841 85-07 4 107 9 31-69 16-120 0-281 + 0-013 28l5 223 42170 3613 5841 5842 86-74 ] 100 17 13-71 16-135 0-272 + 0-150 770 5842 5843 89'95 4 97 28 22-25 16-152 0-268 42206 781 5843 5844 88-38 3 93 o 53-74 16-162 0-262 42212 791 5844 5845 91-89 5 112 25 39-06 16-186 0-286 230 5845 5846 85-68 3 105 20 28-99 16-195 0-276 232 42230 805 5846 5847 81-64 3 104 32 15-96 16-201 0-275 + 0-299 2820 235 42*39 809 3616 5847 5848 89'93 9 "3 45 35-89 16-211 0-287 + 0-106 2Sl9 234 42235 "454 5848 5849 9" '45 3 92 25 54-98 16-221 0-259 42253 820 5849 585 9I-45 1 102 45 1-97 16-226 0-272 818 5850 5809, 5810, 5814. 5813, 5*27, 5832, 5835, 5837, 5841, are respectively 5276, 5277, 5299, 5288, 5289, 5302, 5309, 5317, 5314 of the Radclifle Catalogue, 1845. 5809, 5810, 5812, 5814, 5822, 5827, 5832, 5840, 5841, 5847, 5848, are respectively 2099, 2101, 2098, 2104, 2103, 2106, 2107, 2112, 2113, 2115, 2116 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5812, 5842. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 262 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. 1 CO Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5851 43 Capricorni K 5-6 2 87-70 3 21 36 30-846 + 33479 0-OI44 + 0-0072 5851 5852 Aquarii 8-7 4 86-75 3 21 36 37-229 + 3T960 0-0085 5852 5853 Capricorni 6-7 i 85-48 4 21 37 4-149 + 3-3585 O-OI49 5853 5854 44 Capricorni 6 I 85-76 3 21 37 4-286 + 3-2803 O-OII7 0-0026 5854 5855 Cephei 6 I 86-52 3 21 37 37-656 + 0-8365 -0-0352 + 0-0245 5855 5856 45 Capricorni 6-7 i 87-04 3 21 38 0-519 + 3-2842 -0-OII9 0-0036 5856 5857 80 Cygni Tr 1 5-4* ... 81-48 5 21 38 11-385 + 2-1255 + O-0076 0-0019 5857 5858 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-39 3 21 38 38-610 + 3-I433 O-OO67 5858 5859 8 Pegasi f 3-2 I 87-67 29 21 38 46-987 + 2-9450 0-0005 + 0-0008 5859 5860 Capricorni 7 4 81-78 3 21 39 3-250 + 3-2022 0-0088 + 0-0039 5860 5861 46 Capricorni c 5-6 3 82-51 3 21 39 8-336 + 3-2027 0-0088 0-0023 5861 5862 Capricorni 7-6 3 86-68 3 21 39 23-632 + 3-2543 O'OIOS 5862 5863 10 Pegasi K 4-5 2 89-73 3 21 39 39-866 + 2-7II9 + 0-0046 O'OOOO 5863 586 4 Aquarii 8-9 3 91-79 3 21 39 46-115 + 3-II89 0-0057 5864 5865 II Cephei 5 2 82-77 7 21 40 18-386 + 0-874I 0-0336 + 0-0207 5865 5866 Capricorni 8-7 4 9 I- 47 3 21 40 22-319 + 3-327 4 0-OI38 o-oooo 5866 5867 47 Capricorni c 6-7 3 85-46 3 21 40 24-088 + 3-2044 0-0089 0-0015 5867 5868 48 Capricorni \ 6 i 85-08 3 21 40 36-748 + 3-233I O'OIOO + 0-0009 5868 5869 50 Capricorni 7 2 8973 3 21 40 46-202 + 3-2375 O-OIO2 0-0003 5869 5870 Aquarii 7-6 3 84-15 3 21 4 49-917 + 3-I088 0-0054 5870 5871 49 Capricorni 8 3* 88-54 20 21 40 58-087 + 3-300I 0-OI27 + 0-0166 5871 5872 Capricorni 7-8 2 89-40 3 21 41 IO-2I7 + 3-2768 0-OII7 5872 5873 Aquarii 7-8 4 84-12 3 21 4 I 25-479 + 3-I096 0-0054 5873 5874 Capricorni 7-8 I 92-52 5 21 4 I 32-994 + 3-3502 0-0149 5874 5875 Aquarii 7-6 2 81-65 3 21 41 39-530 + .VI404 0-0065 5875 5876 Aquarii 6-7 82-50 3 21 41 50-839 + 3-I579 O-0072 5876 5877 10 Cephei v 5* 89-72 4 21 42 16-269 + I- 7304 + 0-0019 O-OO02 5877 5878 Aquarii 9-8 2 9I-47 3 21 42 43-626 + 3-0919 0-0048 5878 5879 Capricorni 8-7 4 86-13 3 21 43 12-182 + 3-2828 O-OI2I 5879 5880 Aquarii 6-7 I 84-72 3 21 43 16-077 + 3-1503 0-0069 5880 5881 Capricorni 7-6 I 84-51 3 21 43 44-321 + 3-2486 O'OIOS 5881 5882 Capricorni 7-6 4 86-65 3 21 44 9-859 + 3-3059 0-OI3I 5882 5883 Capricorni 8-7 3 88-40 3 21 44 42-042 + 3-3590 0-0155 5883 5884 Capricorni 7-6 4 84-51 4 2 1 44 43-758 + 3-1969 0-0087 5884 5885 Aquarii 7-8 3 85-68 I 21 44 54-832 + 3-0694 0-0040 5885 5886 Capricorni 7 2 86-45 3 21 45 8-740 + .V3995 0-0176 5886 5887 Capricorni 9-10 3 91-78 4 21 45 11-988 + .V3762 0-0165 5887 5888 Capricorni 8-7 i 89-03 3 21 45 I2 '555 + 3-2107 0-0092 5888 5889 Aquarii 8-7 3 9 I- 5i 4 21 45 13-238 + 3-1823 O'OOSl 5889 5890 Capricorni 7 2 8773 4 21 45 35''83 + 3-3292 0-0143 5890 5891 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-44 3 21 45 45-389 + 3-1081 0-0053 5891 5892 Cygni 6-7 4 8i-57 4 21 45 49-631 + 2-3746 + O'OOg I 5892 5893 Aquarii 7 3 85-68 3 21 45 56-261 + 3-0692 0-0040 5^93 5894 Aquarii 6 i 81-69 3 21 46 38-185 + 3-1199 0-0059 5894 5895 Aquarii 7 2 85-09 3 21 47 0-717 + 3-1303 O'O06 1 595 5858. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i m too small. 5859. Reddish star. 5867. Reddish star. 5870. Red star. 5875. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 50' too small. 5876. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is I " too small. 5880. The R.A. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is I" 1 too small. 5882. Reddish-yellow star. 5887. The magnitude assigned to this star by Schonfeld is 8-3 : but the Oxford estimations were 9, 9, and 10 on 1891, Sept. 15, Oct. 2, and Nov. 2 respectively. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 263 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t ft Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. // rj U3 t-~. s s 8 oo l" K Lalande, iSoo. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 .00 aToo 1 "- xi S. O Greenwich, 1 1880. No. 55i 8770 3 IO9 22 2-27 16-250 0-279 + 0-003 2821 238 42255 5851 5852 86-75 3 98 57 S6-74 16-255 0-266 240 830 5852 5853 85-48 4 no 7 21-07 16-278 0-279 243 42285 5853 5854 8576 3 104 54 8-10 16-278 0-272 0-030 2823 244 42288 848 3619 5854 5855 86-60 3 19 ii 17-28 16-306 0-064 + 0-080 2854 3623 5855 5856 87-04 3 105 15 10-93 16-326 0-271 + 0-050 2828 251 42327 869 3622 5856 5857 8i-54 5 39 8 43-79 I6-335 0-173 + O'OIO 18.45- 263 5857 5858 84-39 3 95 H 5-67 - 16-358 -0-258 42355 865 5858 5859 82-02 5 8 37 43-75 16-365 0-241 O'OII 2835 260 4 2 37o 898 "474 3626 5859 5860 81-79 4 99 S 2 29-39 '6-379 0-263 + o-oio 2833 257 42368 897 3628 5860 5861 82-14 6 99 35 12-88 -16-383 0-262 O'O2O 2834 258 42369 900 3629 5861 5862 86-68 3 103 17 19-02 16-396 0-266 5862 5863 84-05 6 6 4 51 36-93 16-410 O'22O o-oio 2848 269 42415 3635 5863 5864 91-79 1 93 27 20-18 16-415 0-254 5864 5865 82-74 6 19 n 41-69 16-442 0-066 0-080 2856 292 3639 5865 5866 9I-47 3 108 25 38-49 i 6-445 0-271 + 0-160 42407 5866 5867 85-25 4 99 46 58-49 !6'447 0-260 O'OOI 2838 268 42414 927 3637 5867 5868 85-08 3 101 52 21-89 l6 '457 0-262 + 0-013 2844 270 4 2 41 8 93 3638 5868 5869 89-73 3 102 12 4-38 16-465 0-262 + 0-133 2846 271 42420 933 5869 587 84-15 3 92 43 14-67 16-468 0-252 42431 942 5870 5871 87-44 6 106 37 34-o8 16 '475 0-267 + 0-297 2847 276 42425 11484 3641 5871 5872 89-40 3 105 i 18-96 - 16-485 0-265 944 5872 5873 84-12 a 92 47 5.VOI 16-497 0-251 42445 952 5873 5874 92-52 6 no 5 10-03 16-504 0-270 5874 5875 81-65 3 95 6 59-88 16-510 0-253 42457 938 5875 5876 82-50 3 96 25 33-30 16-519 0-254 42463 937 5876 58/7 87-49 7 29 23 12-16 16-540 0-136 + 0-007 2857 297 3643 5877 5878 9 I- 47 3 91 28 26-73 16-562 0-247 5878 5879 86-13 3 105 37 53-93 - 16-585 0-262 985 5879 5880 84-72 3 95 54 47-84 16-589 0-251 290 42512 97' 5880 5881 84-51 3 103 14 6-64 16-612 0-258 291 42518 994 5881 5882 86-65 3 107 21 26-43 16-633 0-262 294 42529 5882 5883 88-40 3 in 3 14-68 16-659 0-266 42544 5883 5884 84-51 4 99 29 40-12 16-661 0-252 1016 5884 5885 85-68 3 8 9 45 337 1 16-670 0-242 42567 1022 5885 5886 86-45 3 "3 4 6 55'" 16-681 0-268 301 42555 11511 5886 5887 91-78 4 112 15 50-07 16-683 0-266 5887 5888 89-03 3 100 33 8-29 16-684 0-253 42569 1023 5888 5889 9i-5i 4 98 25 I9-47 16-684 0-250 42570 1025 5889 5890 87-73 4 109 8 6-50 16-702 0-262 303 43574 5890 5891 91-44 3 92 45 24-69 16-710 0-243 4259! 1039 5891 5892 81-62 4 46 37 25-95 - 16-714 0-184 313 42632 5892 5893 85-68 3 89 44 37-31 16-719 0-240 42600 1044 5893 5894 81-69 3 93 4 1 23-44 >6-753 0-243 42616 1056 5894 5895 85-09 3 94 30 st'77 16-771 0-243 314 42638 5895 5855, 5857, 5 8 59. 5865, 5871, 5877, 5892, are respectively 37*, 5367, 5366, 5386, 5382, 5391, 5414 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 585 1 , 5 8 5S> 5856, 5859, 5860, 5861, 5865, 5871, 5890, are respectively 2120, 2125, 2124, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2134, 2132, 2139 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5866. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 264 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. 1 -t^ 1 1 Number of Estimations. I Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. a. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5896 Aquarii 7 3 84-06 3 21 47 7-442 + 3-2159 0-0095 5896 5897 51 Capricorn! ft. 5-6 i 83-28 4 21 47 17-805 + 3-2558 o-oiu + 0-0181 5897 5898 Capricorn! 7-6 2 85-10 3 21 47 43-140 + 3-2120 0-0094 5898 5899 16 Pegasi 6-5 3 87-10 I/ 21 48 3-452 + 2-7268 + 0-0053 o-ooo; 5899 5900 Aquarii 6* 82-10 3 21 48 25-622 + 3-1334 0-0062 O'OOOO 5900 59i Aquarii 6-7 i 83-86 3 21 48 52-671 + 3-1208 0-0057 5901 5902 Capricorni 7-8 5 86-15 3 21 49 0-604 + 3-2768 O-OI22 5902 593 Aquarii 8 2 91-48 3 21 49 6-549 + 3-2326 O-OIO3 5903 5904 Aquarii 7-8 2 91-48 9 21 49 30-072 + 3-3587 O-OI59 5904 595 Aquarii 7-8 2 88-66 4 21 50 19-079 + 3-1523 O-O07I 5905 5906 Aquarii 7-8 2 91-09 a 21 50 25-792 + 3-1668 O-OO76 5906 597 Capricorni 7-6 2 8.r83 3 21 50 42-391 + 3-3106 O-OI^S 5907 5908 Aquarii 9-8 3 9I-47 3 21 50 46-215 + 3-0875 0-0045 5908 599 Capricorni 8-7 3 91-41 3 21 5 59-375 + 3-3281 0-0146 5909 59 10 Capricorni 8-7 3 8573 3 21 51 48-232 + 3-2712 O-OI2I 5910 59 11 Aquarii 7 3 84-76 3 21 51 49-272 + 3-1860 0-0084 59" S9' 2 59'3 59H Aquarii Aquarii 7-8 6-7 2 91-46 83-84 89-03 3 3 3 21 52 2 4-536 21 52 27-238 21 52 28-507 + 3-1221 + 3-1460 + 3-2380 0-0058 0-0068 0-0106 0-0032 59' 2 5913 59'4 Aquarii 7 I 5915 Aquarii 6-7 2 84-44 3 21 52 35-538 + 3-3533 0-0159 59 r 5 5916 Aquarii 7 3 85-70 3 21 53 5-39 + 3-3908 0-0180 5916 5917 Aquarii 6-7 I 81-71 3 21 53 10-628 + 3-1326 0-0062 0-0050 59'7 5918 Cephei 6-5* 86-22 4 21 53 32-864 + 1-6912 + 0-0018 , 59'8 5919 Aquarii 8-9 91-46 3 21 53 41-983 + 3-0958 0-0048 59 r 9 5920 Aquarii 7-8 89-37 3 21 53 52-869 + 3-2063 0-0093 5920 59" 12 Piucis Australis ... r) 5-6* 87-09 3 21 54 30-793 + 3-4580 0-0218 o-ooo-; 5921 5922 Aquarii 7-8 2 85-22 3 21 55 9-3I3 + 3-2395 0-0108 0-0020 5922 5923 28 Aquarii 6-5 1 85-80 3 21 55 27-306 + 3-0716 0-0039 0-0014 5923 5924 Aquarii 8-7 2 88-08 3 21 55 29-446 + 3-2558 0-0096 59 2 4 5925 Aquarii 7 3 88-66 3 21 55 33-239 + 3-2724 0-0123 5925 5926 Aquarii 6 i 81-66 3 21 56 8-565 + 3-3017 0-0138 5926 5927 29 Aquarii (ist star) 7-6 2 82-77 4 21 56 25-044 + 3-2889 0-0132 0-0017 59 2 7 5928 29 Aquarii (2nd star) 7-6 2 82-76 2 21 56 25-422 + 3-2889 0-0132 0-0017 5928 5929 593 593i 30 Aquarii 6 5 5-6* I I 84-04 84-73 84-46 4 3 4 21 57 29-211 21 57 37H35 21 57 40-4=6 + 3-1568 + 3-1044 + 0-8947 0-0073 0-0050 0-0372 + 0-0010 O'OOII 0-0144 5929 5930 5931 16 Cephei 5932 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-05 3 21 58 10-624 + 3-2358 0-0107 5932 5933 Aquarii ... 8 2 9 I- 74 3 21 58 20-I52 + 3-3316 0-0154 5933 5934 Piscis Australis 6 86-74 3 21 58 21-288 + 3-4226 0-0203 5934 5935 Aquarii 7-8 I 91-49 3 21 58 41-893 + 3-1824 0-0083 o-oooo 5935 5936 32 Aquarii 6-5 a 86-73 3 21 59 7-895 + 3-0894 0-0044 O'OO2O 5936 5937 Aquarii H 2 91-46 3 21 59 22-600 + 3'l 164 0-0055 5937 5938 Laceitse 6-7 4 81-60 4 21 59 38-836 + 2-4295 + O'OI 1O 5938 5939 34 Aquarii a 3-2 5 8.V78 S 2 22 O S-Oig + 3-0825 0-0041 o-oooS 5939 5940 Aquarii 7 2 89-74 3 22 13-881 + 3-2567 0-0118 594 5898. The N.P. D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is i' too great. A star, Lalande 42643, precedes 14', and is about 3' north. 5910. The magnitudes assigned to this star by Piazzi, Lalande, Bessel, Argelander, Schonfeld, and Gould are 7.8, SJ, 7, 8, 6'8, and 7$ respectively. 5911. The magnitudes assigned to this star by Bessel, Schonfeld and Gould are 9, 7-5, and 6-7 respectively. A star of tlie 9 magnitude, Lalande 42784, follows, and is slightly more than i' south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 265 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Q i n Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 10 U3 1-- % 1 K o o CO t-t 1 K Lalande, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o fc oo QJ 00 1 - "J. E. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 5896 84-06 3 I oi 4 39-97 - 16-776 0-249 42633 1068 5896 5897 82-98 5 104 4 8-84 -16-785 0-253 0-013 2860 315 4 26 39 11528 3654 5897 5898 85-10 3 100 49 44-51 16-804 0-248 42647 1076 3656 5898 5899 85-88 5 64 35 31-65 16-820 0-209 + 0-002 2864 321 42679 "530 3657 5899 5900 82-10 3 94 47 29-83 16-839 0-241 + 0-100 320 42672 1092 3658 5900 5901 83-86 3 93 49 9' 18 16-860 0-239 42687 1102 5901 5902 86-15 3 l5 4 6 35H9 16-866 0-251 323 42684 5902 5903 91-48 3 102 29 24-19 16-871 0-248 42692 1106 593 5904 91-48 9 I" 39 33-45 16-889 0-257 42700 5904 595 88-66 4 96 21 0-58 -16-927 0-239 42725 5905 5906 91-09 3 97 30 5-26 16-933 0-240 4 a 730 1136 5906 5907 83-83 3 108 25 8-72 I6-945 0-251 332 42732 597 5908 9'"47 3 91 12 6'2I 16-948 0-233 "45 5908 599 91-41 3 109 4 2 44-84 - 16-959 0-252 333 42744 5909 5910 8573 3 105 38 46-41 16-997 0-246 338 42770 1163 59Jo 59" 84-76 1 99 5 ! 5-24 16-997 0-239 42780 1167 59" 5912 91-46 3 94 5 I-I 3 17-024 0-233 42810 1183 59 12 59'3 83-84 3 95 56 45-07 17-027 0-235 4-O-I2O 2870 345 42812 1185 59 r 3 59H 89-03 3 103 ii 26-86 17-028 0-242 344 42807 59'4 59'S 84-44 3 in 42 26-91 -17-034 0-251 343 42804 3665 5915 59'6 8570 3 114 21 26'8o 17-056 0-253 "565 5916 5917 81-71 1 94 53 24-94 17-060 0-233 + O'22O 42846 59 1 ? 59i8 82-72 ii 26 53 52-76 17-077 0-122 360 3666 59i8 59"9 91-46 3 9 1 54 23-39 17-084 O-229 42859 1213 5919 5920 89-37 3 100 50 15-36 I7'093 0-237 42860 1216 5920 59 21 87-09 3 118 58 52-98 17-122 0-255 o-oi 7 2873 351 42864 "575 3667 5921 5922 85-22 3 103 33 6-51 17-150 0-237 + 0-130 42898 1240 5922 5923 85-80 3 89 55 22-61 17-164 0-224 + O'OOI 2875 358 4 2 9 J 3 1250 5923 5924 88-08 3 104 51 13-44 -17-165 -0-238 42908 1249 5924 5925 88-66 3 106 8 25-15 17-168 0-239 42909 5925 5926 8166 3 108 25 50-27 17-196 O-240 361 42926 3672 5926 5927 82-77 4 107 29 39-88 17-208 0-239 0-019 2878 365 42935 3673 5927 5928 82-74 3 107 29 38-25 17-208 0-239 0-019 2878 365 42935 3674 5928 59 2 9 84-04 4 97 3 13-24 J 7-255 O-227 0-013 2882 374 42978 1285 3675 5929 5930 84-73 3 92 41 10-89 17-261 0-223 + O-OO2 2883 376 42981 1288 11592 5930 593 1 83-43 H 17 20 36-92 - 17-264 0-059 + 0-176 2900 394 3677 593i 5932 89-05 3 i3 33 4-77 -17-287 0-232 379 42999 1300 5932 5933 9"'74 3 no 56 40-35 17-293 0-239 5933 5934 86-74 3 117 21 17-57 -17-294 0'245 378 42993 11598 3678 5934 5935 91-49 3 99 ! 4 53-6i I7-309 0-227 + o-i 10 43019 1311 5935 5936 86-73 3 91 26 16-92 I7-328 O-2I9 + 0-031 2887 382 43031 1319 5936 5937 91-46 3 93 44 37'3 I7-339 O'22I 5937 5938 81-66 4 46 ii 14-90 I7-351 0-170 392 4379 5938 5939 84-24 10 90 5 1 J.V59 I7-372 O-2I7 0-OO2 2890 387 43052 "345 11608 3680 5939 1 5940 89-74 3 105 25 52-09 -I7-376 0-230 1343 5940 5897, 59M. 59 l8 > 5922, 5929. 5931, 5936, 5938, 5939. are respectively 5428, 5467, 5489, 5491, 5510, 5530, 5526, 5536, 5535 of the Kadclifl'e Catalogue, 1845. 5 8 97; 5 8 99. 59> 59 ! 3, 5922, 59 2 7. 593 1 ! 593 6 , 5939. are respectively 2140, 2141, 2142, 2147, 2149, 2155, 2158, 2159, 2160 of the Kadclitfe Catalogue, 1 860. 5900, 5917, 5922, 5935. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 266 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, K.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean K.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 594 1 Aquarii 7-8 2 8974 3 22 o 18-966 + 3-I4I3 -0-0066 + 0-0034 594 1 5942 33 Aquarii t 4* 86-40 3 22 o 29-644 + 3-2435 O-OII2 o-oooo 5942 5943 18 Cephei 5-6 90-74 3 22 35-083 + I-7895 + 0-0050 + 0-0009 5943 5944 Aquarii 7 2 82-43 3 22 I 7-248 + 3-3506 O-Ol67 5944 5945 Aquarii 8-7 3 90-77 3 22 I 21-584 + 3-3I47 0-0148 5945 5946 Aquarii 7 2 89-41 3 22 I 26-472 + 3-2008 O-O092 5946 5947 Aquarii 8 4 91-12 3 22 I 28-307 + 3-072I 0-0037 5947 5948 Aquarii 9-8 4 91-12 3 22 I 28-363 + 3-0721 0-0037 5948 5949 Aquarii 7 3 85-87 3 22 I 37-933 + 3-2495 o-oi 16 5949 5950 24 Pegasi i 4* 87-96 ii 22 I 53-394 + 2-7679 + 0-0060 + 0-0209 5950 5951 Aquarii 7-8 3 89-00 | 22 2 26-424 + 3-274 1 0-0128 595' 5952 Aquarii 7 i 83-83 3 22 2 51-542 + 3-2336 0-0109 5952 5953 35 Aquarii 6 i 82-47 4 22 2 57-050 + 3-2982 0-0141 O-O022 5953 5954 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-78 3 22 3 I9-339 + 3-3653 0-0176 5954 5955 36 Aquarii 7 2 85-11 3 22 3 37-834 + 3-I723 o'ooSo + 0-0017 5955 5956 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-72 3 22 3 41-508 + 3-1647 0-0076 + 0-0047 5956 5957 15 Piscis Australis 5-6 86-72 3 22 3 41-836 + 3-4959 0-0256 + 0-0349 5957 5958 27 Pegasi TT' 6-5 89-11 3 22 4 21-198 + 2-6586 + 0-0088 0-0050 5958 5959 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-83 3 22 4 37-839 + 3-1225 0-0057 + 0-0026 5959 596o 37 Aquarii e 1 7 I 82-13 3 22 4 39-709 + 3-2020 0-0094 + 0-0018 596o 596i 38 Aquarii e 6-5 I 8377 3 22 4 44-586 + 3-2107 0-0098 + 0-0008 596i 5962 Aquarii 6-7 2 84-69 3 22 4 49-594 + 3-1267 0-0058 O-OOO2 5962 5963 Aquarii 6-7 I 85-72 3 22 4 56-025 + 3-3295 0-0159 + 0-0095 5963 5964 29 Pegasi TT 4* 88-37 3 22 5 6-063 + 2-6610 + o'ooSg O'OO2O 5964 5965 Cephei 7 88-20 3 22 5 7-627 + 1-1148 0-0247 59 6 5 5966 Aquarii 7 2 89-04 3 22 6 25-007 + 3-2031 0-0095 + O'OI 1 1 5966 5967 39 Aquarii 6-7 I 85-16 3 22 6 29-772 + 3-2396 0-0113 0-0005 59 6 7 5968 Aquarii 9-8 4 91-14 3 22 6 32-529 + 3-2859 0-0136 5968 5969 Aquarii 7-8 3 86-14 3 22 6 47-242 + 3-1679 0-0078 5969 597o Aquarii 7-8 2 86-73 3 22 6 55-656 + 3-I504 0-0070 5970 597 i Aquarii 7-6 85-00 3 22 7 0-073 + 3-I308 0-0061 0-0047 597 5972 Aquarii 5-6 I 86-73 3 22 7 33-388 + 3-376o 0-0190 5972 5973 40 Aqnarii 7 3 85-86 3 22 7 33-391 + 3-2118 o-oioo 0-0007 5973 5974 24 Cephei 6-5 i 82-49 6 22 7 41-387 + I-I587 0-0224 + 0-0021 5974 5975 Aquarii 7-8 2 91-13 3 22 7 4 J '875 + 3-0758 0-0036 5975 5976 Aquarii 7-8 4 89-07 3 22 7 44-089 + 3-0966 0-0045 5976 5977 41 Aquarii 6 84-21 4 22 8 13-361 + 3-3208 0-0157 0-0015 5977 5978 Aquarii 7-8 4 89-02 3 22 8 18-307 + 3-2978 0-0145 5978 5979 Aquarii 7 2 85-75 3 22 8 37-855 + 3-3577 0-0179 5979 598o Aquarii 7-8 3 86-41 3 22 8 40-722 + 3-2473 0-0118 0-0050 5980 598i Aquarii 7-6 2 83-81 3 22 8 40-756 + 3-2556 0-0122 o-oooo 598i 5982 Aquarii 8-9 2 9!73 3 22 10 15-876 + 3-'o79 0-0049 5982 5983 Aquarii 8-9 2 91-44 3 22 10 5I-9I3 + 3-1924 0-OOgi 5983 5984 Aquarii 7-6 2 89-78 3 22 10 52-525 + S'34 1 3 O-OI72 5984 5985 Aquarii 7-8 2 90-07 3 22 10 53-064 + 3-2049 0-0097 5985 5947, 5948. These stars were also observed as one mass, 88-56 4 22 h I m 28'-237 88-37 2 89" 58' i"-75- 5967. A star, Lalande 43274, precedes 14', and is 2' south. 5973. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weisse's Bessel is 9. 5977. Double : the companion follows, and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 267 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. t II Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. >o o r~. I o o CO *N s Lalande, 1800. 1 o no N -o9 86-14 3 98 33 20-47 17-656 0'2I2 43305 81 5969 597 86-73 ] 97 45'4 17-662 O'2IO H 87 597 597' 85-00 3 95 !5 4 6 ' 12 17-664 O-2O9 + 0-022 2920 17 43315 597i 5972 86-73 3 i'5 43 3i-o8 -17-687 0-224 19 11654 3707 597 2 5973 85-86 I IO2 28 IO-5I - 17-687 0-213 + 0-003 2921 20 43324 94 5973 5974 82-55 7 18 12 2-95 17-693 0-072 + 0-007 2932 4 5974 5975 91-13 3 90 18 6-37 - 17 693 0-204 98 5975 5976 89-07 3 92 II 41-99 - I7-695 0-2O5 43338 IOO 5976 5977 84-21 4 i" 37 !5' 8 4 -I77I5 J 2I9 0-068 2923 22 43343 5977 5978 89-02 3 109 47 31-68 -17-718 0-218 43348 5978 5979 85-75 I 114 32 58-58 17-732 O'22I 11662 5979 5980 86-41 3 105 38 40-48 -I7-734 0-214 + 0-140 43367 118 5980 598i 83-81 3 106 21 ii - 47 17734 O-2I4 + 0-450 43363 598i 5982 9I-73 3 93 17 3i-7o - J7798 0-201 43426 162 5982 5983 91-44 3 101 3 59-61 17-822 0-206 43445 5983 5984 89-78 3 113 41 11-72 -17-823 0-216 43434 11680 5984 5985 90-07 3 102 II 46-12 -17823 0-207 43446 i?5 5985 5942, 5943, 5965, 5974, are respectively 5538, 5545, 5585, 5606 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 594 2 > 5943. 595. 5959. 59 62 . 5966,5971, 597 2 ,5974> are respectively 2162, 2165, 2169, 2173, 2177, 2181, 2182, 2183, 2189 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 5963. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 5980, 5981. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 268 EADCLIFPE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. 8. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 5986 Aquarii 6 I 85-08 3 22 10 53-589 + 3-0954 O-O044 5986 5987 42 Aquarii 6-5 2 83-80 3 22 10 54-555 + 3-2182 O-OIO4 0-OOI5 5987 5988 Aquarii 7-8 I 90-41 3 22 II 0-530 + 3-2388 0-OII5 5988 5989 43 Aquarii 6 4-5 3 8S-5I 31 22 II 1-707 + 3-1621 0-0076 + 0-0057 5989 599 Aquarii 6-7 8975 3 22 II 4-080 + 3-1758 O-0082 O-OOI2 5990 599 i 44 Aquarii 6-5 3 83-04 4 22 II 2I-902 + 3-1360 O-O062 O'OOig 599 1 599 2 Aquarii 7 i 87-79 3 22 II 29-728 + 3-2534 0-0123 5992 5993 Aquarii 7-6 4 86-03 I 22 12 25-888 + 3-0808 0-0037 5993 5994 Aquarii 7-8 2 88-03 4 22 12 31-287 + 3-3080 0-0154 5994 5995 45 Aquarii 6 3 84-72 I 22 13 6-399 + 3-2208 0-0106 + 0-0035 5995 5996 Aquarii 7-8 3 90-05 3 22 13 36-299 + 3-2584 0-0127 5996 5997 Aquarii 8-7 2 90-82 3 22 14 6-274 + 3-1206 0-0055 5997 5998 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-12 3 22 14 23-662 + 3-2073 0-0099 5998 5999 46 Aquarii p 6 I 84-82 3 22 I 4 24-571 + 3-1600 0-0075 O'OOOS 5999 6000 Aquarii 7-8 3 89-04 3 22 15 3-030 + 3-1695 0-0080 6000 6001 Aquarii 8-9 3 90-78 3 22 15 24-174 + 3-2761 0-0139 6001 6002 47 Aquarii 6-5 2 84-24 3 22 15 32-064 + 3-3120 o-o 1 60 0-0034 6002 6003 Aquarii 7-8 2 88-64 3 22 15 38-369 + 3-1426 0-0067 6003 6004 48 Aquarii y 4-3 6 86-20 46 22 15 58H53 + 3-0924 0-0041 + 0-0068 6004 6005 32 Pegasi 6-5 i 90-49 3 22 l6 14-629 + 2-7645 + 0-0082 o-oooi 6005 6006 Aquarii 7-8 ... 88-72 3 22 I? 25-773 + 3-2329 0-0116 6006 6007 Pegasi 8-7 3 89-70 3 22 17 38-866 + 2-9820 + 0-0008 6007 6008 Aquarii 6-7 2 81-98 4 22 I? 45-973 + 3"i5 10 0-0072 6008 6009 Aquarii 7-8 3 86-77 4 22 17 52-I70 + 3'ioi3 0-0046 6009 6010 Pegasi 9 3 89-70 3 22 l8 6-056 + 2-9824 + 0-0008 6010 6011 Aquarii 7-8 2 88-71 3 22 18 13-247 + 3-3064 0-0159 6011 6012 Aquarii 7-8 2 85-72 3 22 18 18-453 + 3-i8i5 0-0087 6012 6013 51 Aquarii 6 2 83-5 4 22 l8 23-002 + 3-1266 0-0058 O'OOIO 6013 6014 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-76 3 22 l8 29-829 + 3-0987 0-0043 6014 6015 50 Aquarii 6-7 I 83-84 3 22 1 8 33-439 + 3-2162 0-0106 + 0-0015 6015 6016 Aquarii 7-6 3 82-78 3 22 18 55-314 + 3-0899 0-0039 6016 6017 Aquarii 7-8 3 84-72 3 22 19 47-162 + 3-2875 0-0149 6017 6018 Aquarii 8-9 2 87-38 3 22 19 47-447 + 3-2875 0-0149 6018 6019 Aquarii 6-7 2 86-15 3 22 2O 5'6oi + 3-3267 0-0174 6019 6020 Aquarii 8 3 91-13 3 22 20 18-641 + 3-2678 0-0138 6020 6021 Aquarii 7-8 i 89-72 3 22 20 22-713 + 3-1291 0-0059 6021 6022 Aquarii 7-8 i 89-41 3 22 20 33-338 + 3-1054 0-0047 6022 6023 Aquarii 6-7 2 84-07 3 22 20 35-588 + 3-2475 0-0125 + 0-0155 6023 6024 53 Aquarii 6-7 2 84-07 3 22 20 36-II2 + 3-2475 0-0125 + 0-0138 6024 6025 Aquarii 7-6 I 85-60 4 22 20 47-966 + .V 'So? 0-007 ' 6025 6026 54 Aquarii 7 84-79 3 22 20 50-994 + 3-I895 0-0093 + 0-002 2 6026 6027 Aquarii 8 I 91-12 3 22 20 59-563 + 3-1619 0-0078 6027 6028 6029 6030 Aquarii Ursse Minoris 7-6 6-5 7-6 2 5 2 84-: 6 84-72 88-10 3 7 4 22 21 26-446 22 21 58-636 22 22 23-II2 + 3-0907 4-0575 4-2191 0-0039 1-2712 1-3446 + 0-0531 + 0-0253 6028 6029 6030 Ursse Minoris 6003. A star of equal magnitude, Lalande 43614, follows by several seconds, and is about 4' north. 6012. Red star. 6017, 6018. A star of the 10-9 magnitude follows this double, on the same parallel, by about :o s . EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1890, N.P.D. 269 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 1 M 8 00 K Lalande, 1800. f yi " J QJ OO a - 1 ~ 1 JS II < 1 C5 No. 5986 85-08 3 92 8 37-77 -17-823 0-199 43 43452 177 5986 5987 83-80 I 103 22 46-53 17-824 0-207 0-005 2928 4 1 43447 5987 5988 90-41 3 105 12 16-65 17-828 0-209 5988 5989 83-22 '5 98 19 50-29 17-829 0-203 + 0-019 2929 44 43453 I 7 8 11682 3722 5989 5990 89-75 3 99 35 16-72 17-830 0-204 + 0-01 1 2930 46 43454 180 3723 599 5991 83-04 4 95 56 9'97 17-842 O'2OI 0-042 2931 48 43467 188 3727 599i 5992 87-79 3 106 31 42-91 17-848 0-209 4346.3 599 2 5993 86-03 3 90 47 8-10 - I7-885 0-196 A "3. K I 8 205 5993 5994 88-41 3 in 17 21-06 17-888 O'2IO 435 ^o 5994 5995 84-72 3 103 51 19-25 17-911 0-2O4 + o-ooi 2936 56 43530 217 5995 5996 90-05 3 107 15 11-43 I7-93I 0-205 4354 5996 5997 90-82 3 94 37 iH 2 17-950 0-195 43554 238 5997 5998 91-12 3 102 46 24-63 17-962 0-200 43560 243 5998 5999 84-82 3 98 22 22-90 17-963 0-197 0-007 2939 63 43564 3731 5999 6000 89-04 3 99 19 2-98 17-987 0-197 43579 259 6000 6001 90-78 3 !09 3 35-I3 18-000 0-203 6001 6002 84-24 3 112 8 56-88 18-006 0-205 + 0-069 2940 67 43588 11707 3734 6002 6003 88-64 3 96 47 46-64 18-009 0-194 68 43598 3735 6003 6004 83-95 8 91 56 28-73 18-022 0-I90 0-017 2943 72 43616 280 11711 3737 6004 6005 87-44 7 62 13 23-79 18-033 0-169 + 0-003 2946 77 43639 3739 6005 6006 88-72 3 105 30 5-00 18-078 0-196 43654 6006 6007 89-70 3 81 5 44-18 18-086 O'lSo 43671 6007 6008 81-98 4 97 45 i-'9 18-091 O-lgl 81 43670 3'4 6008 6009 86-77 4 92 5 1 23-78 18-095 O-lS? 43675 320 6009 6010 89-70 3 81 5 29-56 18-103 0-179 6010 6011 88-71 3 112 9 14-45 18-108 0-200 43679 6011 6012 85-72 3 100 45 12-67 18-111 0-I9I 83 43692 336 6012 6013 83-50 4 95 23 34-93 18-114 0-188 0-O02 2950 85 43699 337 3743 6013 6014 86-76 3 92 37 6-12 18-119 0-186 43707 342 6014- 6015 83-84 3 104 5 12-17 18-121 0-193 0-014 2949 86 437oi 34 11727 6015 6016 82-78 3 91 44 42-32 -18-134 0-185 89 43730 6016 6017 84-72 3 no 47 42-66 18-166 0-195 43743 6017 6or8 87-38 3 1 10 47 47-41 18-166 0-195 4374 1 6018 6019 86-15 3 114 14 28-51 18-178 0-197 9 1 11736 6019 6020 9 I-I 3 3 109 7 21-56 18-186 0-193 6020 6021 89-72 3 95 44 11-90 18-189 0-184 43779 39 6021 6022 89-41 3 93 20 43-57 18-195 0-183 43785 394 6022 6023 83-72 2 107 18 0-82 18-196 0-191 O'O2O 2953 93 43776 6023 6024 84-07 3 107 18 5-14 18-196 0-191 + 0-023 2954 94 43778 6024 6025 85-60 4 97 56 8-90 18-204 0-185 43754 397 6025 6026 84-79 3 101 47 13-07 18-205 0-187 0-008 2955 98 4379 398 6026 6027 91-12 3 99 4 13-18 18-211 0-185 43800 402 6027 6028 84-16 3 91 52 8-85 18-227 0-180 43821 4 ! 3 6028 6029 85-98 6 4 26 45-57 - 18-247 + 0-253 0-044 2993 165 3758 6029 6030 89-84 3 4 '9 53'8o 18-261 + 0-262 O'OI2 2997 167 3765 6030 5989, 6004, 6029, 6030, are respectively 5626, 5648, 5723, 5729 of the RadclifFe Catalogue, 1845. 5989, 6004, 6015, 6023, 6024, 6029, 6030, are respectively 2193, 2199, 2208, 2211, 2212, 2227, 2231 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 270 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. . Mean "a a No. Constellation. a ;J 11 Time of 5 n Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. s> I -I Observa- 1 1 Motion. jg-j <3 cS tion. % % h. m. s. 8. 8. 8. 6031 55 Aquarii 6 i 83-80 2 22 23 lO'Oig + 3-0781 _1_ o'OI IO 603 1 6032 55 Aquarii ' 2 6-5 i ) "y 4 22 23 IOTO4 + 3-0781 0-0033 + 0-0110 U\J I 6032 6033 Aquarii 7-8 i 89-05 3 22 23 l6'I2I + 3-1720 0-0083 6033 6034 Aquarii 7-6 2 86-16 3 22 24 8-548 + 3-2026 O'OIOI + 0-0098 6034 6035 56 Aquarii 7-6 3 82-41 3 22 24 23-592 + 3-2191 o-oiii 0-0003 6035 6036 Aquarii 7-8 i 89-73 3 22 24 30-741 + 3-2370 0-0123 6036 6037 Aquarii 8-7 88-09 3 22 24 31-762 + 3-0765 0-0031 6037 6038 Aquarii 8 3 91-40 3 22 2 4 43-899 + 3-1234 0-0055 6038 6039 Aquarii 8 3 91-14 3 22 24 45-816 + 3-I549 0-0074 6039 6040 57 Aquarii o~ 5-6 5 88-06 26 22 2 4 49-494 + 3-I797 0-0088 O'OOII 6040 6041 Aquarii 6-7 i 84-78 3 22 25 32-041 + 3-1394 0-0064 6041 6042 Aquarii 6-7 3 82-76 3 22 25 37-185 + 3-1050 0-0046 6042 6043 58 Aquarii 6-7 3 83-54 4 22 25 51-413 + 3-i8o8 0-0090 + 0-0030 6043 6044 Aquarii 7 2 84-16 3 22 26 46-967 + 3-I378 0-0064 + 0-0170 6044 6045 Aquarii 8-7 2 90-78 3 22 27 6-614 + 3' 2 444 0-0129 6045 6046 Aquarii 7-6 3 82-05 3 22 28 18-778 + 3-1659 0-0081 6046 6047 Aquarii 8-9 3 9 I- 43 3 22 28 20-I27 + 3-2953 0-0163 6047 6048 60 Aquarii 6 i 83-72 3 22 28 22-663 + 3-0919 0-0038 + 0-0008 6048 6049 Aquarii 9-8 i 91-41 3 22 28 26-305 + 3-2579 0-0138 6049 6050 59 Aquarii v 6-5 2 84-78 3 22 28 40-527 + 3-2745 0-0150 + 0-0140 6050 6051 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-41 3 22 28 56-814 + 3-1075 0-0047 6051 6052 Aquarii 7-8 2 8839 3 22 28 58-297 + 3-0722 0-0029 0-0040 6052 6053 Aquarii 6-7 3 86-31 4 22 2 9 33-204 + 3-3074 -0-0174 6053 6054 62 Aquarii rj 4 9 85-88 36 22 29 42-2I2 + 3-0786 0-0030 + 0-0042 6054 6055 61 Aquarii 7-6 3 86-n 3 22 2 9 53-35I + 3' 2 39 2 0-0128 0-0046 6055 6056 Aquarii 7-6 3 84-15 3 22 3O 11-922 + 3-2282 O-OI2O 6056 6057 Aquarii 7-8 4 89-01 3 22 30 30-827 + 3-1461 0-0070 6057 6058 Aquarii 8-9 3 90-77 3 22 30 40-534 + 3-2458 0-0133 6058 6059 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-13 3 22 31 14-680 + 3-I934 0-0099 6059 6060 Aquarii 7-8 i 91-13 1 22 31 16-016 + 3-1826 0-0092 6060 6061 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-37 3 22 31 31-144 + 3-2652 0-0147 6061 6062 63 Aquarii K I 5 82-22 8 22 32 3-478 + 3'i 145 0-0050 0-0060 6062 6063 Aquarii 6-7 2 8175 3 22 32 35-766 + 3' '466 0-0070 6063 6064 Aquarii 8 91-48 3 22 32 42-479 + 3-2023 0-0105 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 31 Cephei 64 Aquarii Aquarii Aquarii 5 7 9-10 8-7 I I 2 I 82-18 83-87 89-03 4 4 3 3 22 33 3-017 22 33 28-654 22 33 47-796 22 34 6'oojc + '-4458 + 3-1647 + 3'9 2 4 + 3-2484 O-OO72 O-OO82 0-0036 0-0138 + 0-0416 0-0040 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 Aquarii 7 2 82-77 3 22 34 19738 + 3-1580 o-oo/S + O-OI22 6069 6070 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-39 3 22 34 28-215 + 3-I333 0-006 1 6070 6071 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-72 3 22 34 44-712 + 3-2243 O'OI2I 6071 6072 Aquarii 7 89-12 3 22 35 3-026 + 3-2890 0-0168 6072 6073 Aquarii 6-7 I 84-78 3 22 35 6-429 + 3-1074 0-0045 6073 6074 Aquarii 7 4 84-89 3 22 35 36-007 + 3-1819 0-0094 6074 6075 42 Pegasi 4-3 6 87-25 13 22 35 58-530 + 2-9858 + 0-0023 + 0-0044 6075 6031, 6032. Observed also as one mass, 82-84 ' 22 h 23 m 9"989 90 34' 56". 36. 6039. Double : the companion, of the 9 magnitude, precedes, and is north. 6059. Th* declination given in Weisse's Bessel for this star is wrong in sign. 6062. The magnitude assigned to this star in Weiese's Bessel is 7. 6073. The N. P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is 7 too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 271 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. 1 II Precess. rt Sec. Var. Proper Motion. >n 10 i>. H B 1 8 CO '8 rt K Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 00 afS C "* o - 55 S. Greenwich, 1880. No. 6031 83-89 2 9 34 54-99 18-289 0-176 0-042 2960 in 43878 450 11750 3759 6031 6032 8335 4 9 34 57-85 18-289 0-176 0-042 2960 in 43878 45 75i 3760 6032 6033 89-05 3 100 18 2-07 18-293 0-182 no 43875 451 6033 6034 86-16 S 103 28 41-28 18-324 0-182 O'OIO 2961 4397 466 6034 635 82-41 3 105 8 52-03 - 18-334 0-182 + 0-039 2963 117 439 1 ? 11762 6035 6036 8973 3 106 54 41-18 - 18-337 0-183 439 J 8 6036 6037 88-09 3 90 25 28-26 - 18-338 0-174 . 43933 474 6037 6038 91-40 3 95 53-38 18-346 o- 1 76 4393 s 478 6038 6039 91-14 3 98 4 4'-35 - 18-346 0-178 43936 477 6039 6040 85-99 9 101 14 26-13 - 18-348 0-179 + 0-037 2966 122 43939 480 11769 3769 6040 6041 84-78 3 97 6 57-4 1 -18-373 0-176 43974 493 3777 6041 6042 82-76 3 93 28 27-05 - 18-376 0-173 4398i 494 6042 6043 83-54 4 101 28 8-49 -18-384 -0-177 + 0-023 2967 I.SO 43983 496 11780 3778 6043 6044 84-16 3 97 2 i-34 18-417 0-173 O'O2O 44019 '519 6044 6045 90-78 3 i8 3 59-47 - 18-429 0-179 138 44024 6045 6046 82-05 3 100 10 31-18 - 18-470 0-172 I 4 2 44067 55 6046 6047 9''43 3 113 10 12-98 - 18-470 0-179 44060 6047 6048 8372 3 92 8 23-93 18-472 0-168 + 0-03I 2977 144 44074 553 6048 6049 92-05 4 109 37 4-84 - 18-474 0-177 6049 6050 84-78 3 in 16 16-52 18-482 -0-177 + 0-I52 2976 '43 44073 "793 3784 6050 6051 89-41 3 93 52 27-42 18-491 0-167 44090 564 6051 6052 88-39 3 89 58 13-02 18-492 0-165 + O'OSO 145 44096 574 6052 6053 86-31 4 H4 33 34 -I 4 18-511 0-178 146 44107 11799 3786 6053 6054 83-60 9 90 41 2-78 -18-517 0-164 + 0-053 2979 151 44 r 3i 582 n 800 3787 6054 6055 86-n 3 108 i 40-17 -18-523 0-173 + 0-041 2978 149 44126 6055 6056 84-15 3 106 57 23-72 - 18-534 0-172 44142 6056 6057 89-01 3 98 14 2-OO - 18 '544 0-167 6057 6058 90-77 3 108 50 25-93 l8 '549 -0-172 44 I 5 2 6058 6059 91-13 3 103 28 4-75 18-568 0-168 616 6059 6060 91-13 3 102 18 2-45 18-569 0-167 44167 617 6060 6061 89-37 3 no 56 49-82 -18-577 0-171 1 60 44'73 6061 6062 82-22 8 94 47 4!'72 l8 '595 0-162 + 0-108 2983 1 66 44203 633 3790 6062 6063 8i-75 3 98 28 6-97 18-612 0-163 44223 641 6063 6064 91-48 3 104 38 20-90 18-616 0-166 44225 644 6064 6065 84-25 M 16 55 39-79 18-627 0-070 0-023 2994 185 3793 6065 6066 83-87 4 ioo 35 58-93 18-641 0-162 + 0-003 2984 170 44267 666 11822 3794 6066 6067 9!-5i 3 92 19 6-93 18-651 0-158 6067 6068 89-03 3 109 46 11-36 18-661 0-165 44290 6068 6069 82-77 3 99 56 0-85 18-669 0-160 0-032 176 44304 685 6069 6070 89-39 3 97 6 23-25 -18-673 0-159 178 443H 690 6070 6071 89-72 3 107 20 40-03 18-682 0-163 443 J 7 6071 6072 89-12 3 "4 5 37-57 18-691 0-166 443 2 4 11832 6072 6073 84-78 3 94 7 34-87 18-693 0-156 183 44337 704 6073 6074 84-89 3 102 48 13-52 18-708 0-159 44349 708 6074 675 81-87 4 79 44 33-43 18-721 0-148 + 0-OI8 2992 189 44376 720 11836 3808 6075 6031, 6040, 6054, 6062, 6065, 6075, are respectively ."5695, 5702, 5742, 5764, 5774, 5788 of the Kadclitie Catalogue, 1845. 6031, 6032, 6034, 6040, 6043, 6050, 6052, 6054, 6062, 6065, 6075, are respectively 2216, 2218, 2222, 2224, 2230, 2234, 2235, 2236, 2245, 2247, 2250 of the Radclift'e Catalogue, 1860. 6044, 6052. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6069. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. 272 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. aj 3 umber of filiations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- "o g 11 | fe Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. g r* S tion. % -3 h. m. s. 8. 8. s. 6076 Aquarii 8-7 4 86-42 3 22 36 12-510 + 3-I628 O'OOSl 6076 6077 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-I5 3 22 36 22-484 + 3-II99 0-0053 6077 6078 Aquarii 7 I 89-71 3 22 37 3-177 + 3-2660 0-0153 6078 6079 Aquarii 7-8 4 86-52 4 22 37 4'5!3 + .V0767 O-OO26 6079 6080 Aquarii 7 4 90-16 3 22 37 10-841 + 3^753 0-0026 6080 6081 65 Aquarii 7-6 3 86-43 3 22 37 13-886 + 3-l6l6 O'OOSO 0-0016 6081 6082 Aquarii 7-8 3 88-22 5 22 37 17-551 + 3-I463 O-OO7I 6082 6083 67 Aquarii 7-6 i 84-47 3 22 37 29-567 + 3-I348 0-0063 0-0029 6083 6084 66 Aquarii g 5 i 86-86 3 22 37 39-928 + 3-238I 0-0134 0-0029 6084 6085 44 Pegasi ij 3* 86-14 3 22 37 50-722 + 2-8056 + 0-0108 + O'OOOI 6085 6086 Aquarii 7 i 90-05 3 22 38 29-923 + 3 -I 994 0-OIO7 6086 6087 Aquarii 8-7 3 85-83 3 22 39 20-429 + 3-0830 0-0030 6087 6088 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-40 3 22 39 33-974 + 3-I554 0-0077 6088 6089 Aquarii 8-7 2 88-68 3 22 39 35-725 + 3-2056 0-OII2 6089 6090 Aquarii 8 2 9I-I5 3 22 39 37'033 + 3-1835 0-0096 6090 6091 6092 6093 Aquarii 47 Pegasi ^ 7 4* 8-7 2 3 89-08 3 3 3 22 40 26-321 22 41 13-946 22 4 I 25-726 + 3-1671 + 2-8814 0-0085 + 0-0083 0-OII5 + 0-0031 6091 6092 6093 Aquarii 6094 Aquarii 7-6 1 82-51 3 22 4 I 30-794 + 3-2195 O-OI25 6094 6095 Aquarii 8-7 3 89-03 3 22 41 3!-335 + 3-0983 0-0038 6095 6096 Aquarii 8-7 i 91-13 3 22 41 37-98I + 3-1300 0-0060 6096 6097 68 Aquarii g 6* 84-50 3 22 4 1 38-537 + 3-2373 0-0138 0-0095 6097 6098 Aquarii 8-9 3 91-74 3 22 41 42-250 + 3-2238 0-0128 6098 6099 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-09 3 22 41 49-889 + 3-0910 0-0034 6099 6100 69 Aquarii T' 6 i 84-56 4 22 4! 52-244 + 3-1892 O-OI02 O'OOOO 6100 6101 Aquarii 7-8 3 83-79 3 22 42 9-380 + 3-1099 0-0046 0-0151 6101 6102 Aquarii 7 3 83-79 3 22 42 9-660 + 3-1099 0-0046 0-0151 6102 6103 Aquarii 7-8 2 86-84 3 22 42 37'4'S + 3-1402 0-0067 6103 6104 70 Aquarii 6-7 3 85*45 3 22 42 42-866 + 3-1596 o'ooSi + O-0022 6104 6105 Aquarii 7 2 89-37 3 22 43 18-907 + 3-2650 0-0161 6105 6106 71 Aquarii T 2 4* 83-81 3 22 43 45-936 + 3-1827 0-0099 0-0030 6106 6107 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-70 3 22 44 0-512 + 3-2384 0-0141 6107 6108 48 Pegasi p. 4 3 90-00 9 22 44 41-655 + 2-8803 + 0-0090 + 0-0096 6108 6109 Aquarii 8-7 2 87-41 3 22 45 3-655 + 3-0812 0-0027 6109 6110 32 Cephei t 4-3* 89-72 3 22 45 45-850 + 2-1336 + 0-0227 O-OI42 6110 6m Aquarii 8-7 I 91-69 3 22 46 27-235 + 3-2454 0-0150 6m 6112 Aquarii 8-9 3 92-03 4 22 46 35-6l8 + 3-2031 0-0117 6112 6113 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-71 3 22 46 42-573 + 3-2223 0-0132 6113 6114 73 Aquarii X 4 5 86-26 26 22 46 52-470 + 3-1326 0-0063 0-0016 6114 6115 Aquarii 7-6 3 84-19 3 22 46 58-297 + 3' I 5 12 0-0077 6115 6116 Aquarii 8-7 2 90-82 3 22 46 59-524 + 3-0960 0-0036 6116 6117 15 Lacerte 4-5 I 81-64 3 22 47 4-356 + 2-6861 + 0-0177 + 0-0088 6117 tag 74 Aquarii 6-7 2 86-81 3 22 47 4 I '54 + 3-1622 0-0085 + O-OOO2 6118 6119 Aquarii 7 I 89-41 3 22 47 45-064 + 3-1202 0-0053 6119 6120 Aquarii 8-9 I 91-46 3 22 47 47-509 + 3-I978 0-0113 6120 6082. Double: the companion precedes, and is of the 98 magnitude. 6086. A star, Schon. Z. 15, 6264, precedes, and is about 4' north. 6101, 6102. A star of the 8-9 magnitude, Piazzi XXII, 220, follows this double star by 3", and is about i' south. The N.P.D.s given in the Radclitfe Catalogue, 1860, for 2259 and 2260 are those of Br.-idley 3011 (2nd star) and Piazzi XXII, 220, respectively. 6114. Reddish star. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 273 Mean | U} 8 8 CO 00 d oo . No. Time of 11 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 00 1-1 oT T3 !-- ll- 11 > No. Observa- OJ 1 b BO C/2 fri a> "~* tion. / // /, * 1 3 H 6 E o 6076 86-42 3 ioo 42 0-49 18-728 -0-157 1 88 44373 723 6076 6077 84-15 3 95 4 30-78 -18-732 0-154 44382 727 6077 6078 89-71 3 112 14 O-26 '8-754 0-161 44400 11842 6078 6079 86-52 4 90 30 13-47 - 18-755 0-151 44416 748 6079 6080 90-16 3 90 2O 37'OQ - iS75 8 0-151 44421 754 6080 6081 86-43 3 ioo 40 42-73 I 8 759 0-155 0-018 2998 198 44417 75i 6081 6082 88-22 5 98 53 13-82 18-762 0-154 200 755 6082 6083 84-47 3 97 32 18-30 18-768 0-153 0-023 3001 202 44433 3812 6083 6084 86-86 3 109 24 20-75 -18-773 0-158 + 0-046 3000 203 44436 6084 6085 82-37 ii 60 21 13-39 -18-778 0-135 + 0-033 3003 20 5 44455 3813 6085 6086 90-05 3 105 15 10-67 18-798 0-154 6086 6087 85-83 3 91 1 8 36-92 18-823 0-147 44495 793 6087 6088 91-40 3 ioo 13 19-21 18-831 0-150 209 44500 796 6088 6089 88-68 3 106 9 37-34 18-832 o-JSS 44498 6089 6090 9fi5 3 103 35 2-81 - 18-832 0-151 44501 797 6090 6091 8i-75 3 I 01 44 37-94 -18-857 0-149 44525 816 6091 6092 86-41 3 67 o 47-05 18-880 0-134 + 0-004 3010 217 44562 3819 6092 6093 9'73 3 106 43 26-41 18-886 -0-149 44546 6093 6094 82-51 3 108 7 49-16 18-889 0-150 4455' 6094 6095 89-03 3 93 !? i6'55 18-889 0-144 44559 832 6095 6096 91-13 3 97 1 8 36-44 18-892 -0-145 44564 6096 6097 84-50 3 no ii 12-48 -18-893 0-150 + 0-203 3007 216 44557 6097 6098 9 J 74 3 108 39 42-61 18-894 0-149 4456o 6098 6099 86-09 3 92 22 5-89 18-898 0-143 44572 839 6099 6100 84-56 4 104 38 9-63 18-899 -0-147 + 0-019 3009 218 44568 835 6100 6101 83-79 3 94 47 58-49 18-907 0-143 + 0-274 3011 219 4459 848 6101 6102 8.V79 3 94 47 57-56 18-908 0-143 + 0-274 3011 219 44590 849 6102 6103 86-84 3 9 8 4' 33-65 18-921 0-144 855 6103 6104 85-45 3 101 8 10-90 18-923 0-144 0-027 3012 223 44609 857 11890 3821 6104 6105 89-37 3 113 4 25-38 - 18-941 0-148 44619 11892 6105 6106 83-81 3 104 10 23-39 1 8-954 0-144 + 0-040 3013 225 44637 883 11897 3822 6106 6107 89-70 3 no 51 58-79 18-961 0-146 44645 6107 6108 87-17 5 65 58 45-06 18-980 0-127 + 0-042 3016 231 44667 11903 3823 6108 6109 87-04 4 9 1 9 37'47 18-991 0-136 44670 907 6109 6no 82-35 10 24 22 41-11 19-010 0-09 1 + 0-140 3022 238 3828 6no 6m 91-69 3 112 17 27-30 19-029 0-141 6111 6112 92-03 4 107 14 25-32 - 19-034 0-139 6112 6113 89-71 3 109 37 15-28 19-037 0-140 44720 6113 6114 82-51 7 9 8 9 5 2 "54 19-041 0-135 0-040 3019 235 44728 93i 11922 3830 6114 6115 84-19 3 ioo 38 35-47 19-044 0-136 44734 933 6115 6116 90-82 3 93 12 36-73 '9-045 0-133 44742 937 6116 6117 81-76 3 47 16 19-42 19-046 0-114 0-007 3023 240 44758 11924 3831 6117 6118 86-81 3 102 12 4-38 19-063 0-135 + 0-OI2 3021 239 44756 956 11928 3833 6118 6119 89-41 3 96 34 16-38 19-065 0-133 44763 958 6119 6120 91-46 3 106 49 31-17 19-066 0-136 6120 6097, 6106, 6110, 6114, 6117, are respectively 5824, 5836, 5855, 5856, 5861 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6081,6085,6097,6100,6101,6102,6104,6106,6108, 6110, 6114, 6117, are respectively 2251, 2252, 2255, 2257, 2258, 2260, 2261, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2269, 2270 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. NN 27-1 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. a. Precess. s. Sec. Var. 8. Proper Motion. 8. No. 6121 Cephei 5-6 3 84-32 6 22 47 53'59 6 0-0995 0-2324 + 0-0055 6121 6122 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-81 3 22 48 2-294 -h 3-1104 0-0046 6122 6123 Aquarii 7-6 3 89-42 3 22 48 11-488 + 3-2205 0-OI32 6123 6124 75 Aquarii 7 3 81-76 3 22 48 I9'0l8 + 3-1658 0-0088 + O'OOIO 6124 6125 Piscium 8-9 i 92-09 3 22 48 36-352 + 3-0737 O-OO2O 6125 6126 Aquarii 8-9 i 92-08 3 22 48 38-852 + 3-0842 O-OO27 6126 6127 76 Aquarii 8 4 i 85-82 3 22 48 48-592 + 3-1928 o-oiio 0-0051 6127 6128 78 Aquarii 6-7 4 83-55 4 22 48 50-407 + 3-1284 0-0060 0-0039 6128 6129 77 Aquarii 6 : 89-14 3 22 48 56-219 + 3-1961 0-0113 0-0177 6129 6130 Aquarii 7-6 2 88-65 3 22 48 58-148 + 3' 2 45i 0-0154 + 0-0030 6130 6131 6132 6i33 6i34 6i35 Aquarii Aquarii Aquarii Aquarii Aquarii 9-8 6 8-9 6-7 8-7 2 2 3 4 1 91-83 84-44 92-27 85-82 92-12 3 3 4 3 3 22 49 9-903 22 49 28-614 22 49 34'56o 22 49 36-143 22 49 38-661 + 3-I439 + 3-1120 + 3-1758 + 3' 22 54 + 3-1169 0-0072 0-0047 0-0097 0-0138 0-0051 6131 6132 6i33 6i34 6i35 6136 23 Piscis Australia ... S 5 i 87-14 3 22 49 51-078 + 3-3354 0-0237 0-0009 6136 6i37 Aquarii 8-9 I 91-47 3 22 5 4'552 + 3-1835 0-0104 6i37 6138 Aquarii S Var. 3 89-76 4 22 51 12-478 + 3' 22 37 0-0139 6138 6139 Aquarii 7 5 84-11 4 22 51 25-990 + 3-0989 0-0037 6i39 6140 24 Piscis Australia ... a i i 83-79 8 22 5 1 34 -I 57 + 3-3014 0-0209 + 0-0232 6140 6141 Aquarii 6-7 i 83-79 3 22 5i 35H55 + 3-1096 0-0045 0-0044 6141 6142 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-16 3 22 5 1 43-I59 + 3-2221 0-0138 6142 6i43 Aquarii 8 2 91-79 3 22 52 17-900 + 3-2011 O'OI2O 6i43 6144 Aquarii 6-7 I 82-83 3 22 5 2 35 - 567 + 3-0927 0-003 2 6144 6145 Aquarii 8-9 I 92-26 4 22 52 40-199 + 3-2472 0-0161 6145 6146 Piscium 7-6 2 83-87 3 22 5 2 43-627 + 3-0860 0-0027 6146 6147 Aquarii 8 2 92-06 3 22 5 2 50-778 + 3- 2 447 0-0160 6147 6148 Aquarii 8-9 2 92-04 3 22 53 45-99I + 3-1868 O'OIIO 6148 6149 Aquarii 7-6 i 81-70 3 22 53 47-973 + 3-1651 0-0092 0-0025 6149 6150 2 Piscium 5-6 2 86-18 3 22 53 49-I39 + 3-0700 0-0014 + 0-0039 6150 6151 Aquarii 8-7 I 89-04 3 22 54 9-142 + 3-0926 0-0031 6151 6152 Aquarii 9-8 2 91-44 3 22 54 21-854 + 3 -I 497 0-0079 6152 6i53 Aquarii 8-7 2 88-40 3 22 54 28-415 + 3' 2 334 0-0153 0-0670 6i53 6i54 Aquarii 7 2 85-49 4 22 54 35'!68 + 3-I353 0-0066 6i54 6i55 3 Piscium 6-7 3 81-85 3 22 54 59H67 + 3-075 1 0-0018 + O-OO2O 6i55 6156 Aqarrii 8 2 91-82 3 22 55 3-I76 + 3-2081 0-0130 6156 6i57 Cephei 5-6 I 89-16 3 22 55 JS'H 2 '3344 0-3192 + 0-0560 6i57 6158 Aquarii 7-6 2 87-19 3 22 55 28-016 + 3- 2 33! 0-0154 6158 6i59 Aquarii 7-8 3 85-I3 3 " 55 36-311 + 3-1709 0-0098 6i59 6160 81 Aquarii 6-7 2 85-84 4 22 55 4-5 6 4 + 3 -!222 0-0055 0-0030 6160 6161. Aquarii 8-9 I 92-07 3 22 55 4 8 "445 + 3-1122 0-0047 6161 6162 Aquarii 6-7 3 82-39 3 22 55 50-I3 2 + 3-1068 0-0043 6162 6163 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-81 3 22 56 7-752 + 3-1010 0-0038 + 0-0280 6163 6164 Aquarii 7 2 85-82 3 22 56 46-310 + 3-1988 0-0124 6164 6165 Aquarii 8 I 91-79 3 22 56 46-318 + 3-I49 0-0080 6165 6133. A star of equal magnitude, Weisse's Bessel 1003, follows 32", and is nearly on the same parallel. 6138. The limits of magnitude are 7-7 and below 12-5 : the period is 280 days. 6147. A star of the 9-8 magnitude follows I s , and Is i' north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 275 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o t n Precess. H Sec. Var. H Proper Motion. .0 Ul J>. > Q) 1 o o CO 'a K Lalande, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 .& CO 1 - W 5. Greenwich, 1880. No. 6121 84-71 6 7 25 47-43 19-069 + 0-013 0-043 3038 258 3835 6121 6122 91-81 3 95 H 3I-85 19-073 0-132 242 6122 6123 89-42 3 i9 45 37-23 i9'77 0-137 44773 6123 6124 81-76 3 102 46 26-53 19-080 0-134 + 0-035 3024 243 44779 966 3834 6124 6125 92-09 3 90 10 11-35 19-088 0-129 973 6125 6126 92-08 3 9i 37 59-98 19-089 0-130 44790 974 6126 6127 85-82 3 106 24 20-13 19-094 0-134 + 0-010 _3025 245 44791 "935 6127 6128 83-55 4 97 47 20-57 - 19-094 0-131 + 0-034 3027 246 44800 978 3837 6128 6129 89-14 3 106 51 17-30 19-097 0-134 + 0-08 1 3026 247 44799 6129 6130 88-65 3 "2 56 54-38 19-098 0-136 + 0-210 44796 11936 6130 6131 91-83 I 99 57 37'" I9'!03 0-131 44810 981 6131 6132 84-44 3 95 34 24-16 19-111 0-129 250 44825 99 i 3839 6132 6i33 92-27 4 104 19 36-44 19-113 0-132 6i33 6'34 85-59 4 no 43 31-00 19-114 0-134 44823 6i34 6l 35 92-12 3 96 16 33-38 19-116 0-129 44827 995 6i35 6136 87-14 3 123 7 38-3 19-121 0-138 0-086 3029 25' 11944 3840 6136 6i37 9I-47 3 I0 5 34 3572 I9'H3 0-130 6i37 6138 89-76 4 o 55 48-08 19-156 0-131 44860 6138 6139 84-11 4 93 49 59'!5 19-162 0-125 44872 i33 6l39 6140 83-41 8 I2O 12 18-52 19-166 0-133 + 0-159 3032 253 44866 95' 3844 6140 6141 83-79 3 95 2 3 5' 6 19-166 0-125 0-005 3033 254 44880 i34 6141 6142 86-16 3 no 51 46-96 19-169 0-130 44877 6142 6 H3 91-79 3 108 16 51-78 19-184 0-128 6143 6144 82-83 3 92 58 59-24 19-192 O-I22 1052 6144 6l 45 92-26 4 114 17 5-27 19-194 0-I29 6145 6146 83-87 3 9i 59 54-I7 '9-195 0-122 44904 6146 6147 92-06 3 114 2 15-67 19-I99 0-128 44901 6147 6148 92-04 3 106 41 51-96 19-221 0-124 6148 6149 81-70 3 10 3 39 36'49 19-222 0-123 O-OO9 264 44937 1079 11964 3852 6149 6150 86-33 4 89 37 26-97 19-223 O-II9 + 0-074 3036 266 44946 1084 6150 6151 89-04 3 93 i 46-12 -19-231 O'I2O 269 1090 6151 6152 91-44 3 ioi 33 15-38 19-236 0-I2I 44958 1092 6152 6i53 88-40 3 113 6 57-26 I9'239 0-125 0-060 44964 "973 6l53 6iS4 85H9 4 99 28 9-99 19-242 0-120 272 44969 1099 6154 6'55 81-85 3 90 24 16-63 19-251 0-II7 0-019 3039 274 44983 III2 3855 6l 55 6156 91-82 3 109 56 14-41 I9-253 0-123 44980 6156 6i57 87-03 5 6 H 33'44 19-258 + O'O22 0-014 3058 295 3860 6i57 6158 87-19 3 113 22 50-09 19-263 0-123 277 45000 11978 6158 6i59 85-13 3 104 51 38-60 19-266 O-I2O 45oi5 1123 6l 59 6160 85-84 4 97 39 4'93 19-269 0-118 + 0-002 3040 278 45017 1128 3859 6160 6161 92-07 3 96 7 31-71 -19-271 0-II7 6161 6162 82-39 3 95 18 8-27 19-272 0-II7 279 45022 "33 6162 6163 91-81 3 94 2 5 59'97 19-279 0-116 + 0-260 45028 6163 6164 85-82 3 109 7 58-70 !9'294 0-119 45047 6164 6165 91-79 3 ioi 51 23-24 19-294 0-117 45050 1156 386l 6165 6121, 6127, 6140, 6155, 6157, are respectively 5881, 5872, 5886, 5907, 5926 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6127, 6129, 6140, 6149, 6150, 6155, 6157, are respectively 2271, 2272, 2274, 2278, 2279, 2280, 2283 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6130, 6153, 6163. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6149 is 3264 of Auwers' " Neue Reduction der Bradley 'schen Beobachtungen." 276 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. _si <~ to Mean S No. Constellation. T3 ll Time of * ' ,0 > Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. |o S 3 3 -"I* Observa- -** ~ Motion. S tion. .> h. m. s. s. 8. B. 6166 82 Aquarii 7-6 3 83-88 4 22 S 6 49-874 + 3-1182 0*0053 0*0014 6:66 6167 I Andromeda? ... o 4-3* ... 91-04 3 22 56 51*564 + 2-7481 + 0*0l88 + 0*0007 6:67 6168 Aquarii 7-6 I 84-75 3 22 56 51*687 + 3-2I54 0-0139 0*0060 6:68 6169 Piscium 8 I 92-04 3 22 57 30-303 + 3-0789 O*O02O 0*0070 6:69 6170 Aquarii 7-6 3 81-73 3 22 58 13-249 + 3-i59 O-OO42 6:70 6171 4 Piscium {3 5-4* ... 86-79 3 22 58 16*742 + 3-0524 + O*OO02 0*0003 6:7: 6172 Aquarii ... 7-8 3 91-82 4 22 S 8 I7-730 + 3-2222 0*0148 6:72 6173 Var. 90-08 3 22 58 26-485 + 2-8879 + 0-OII8 + 0*0:30 6i73 6174 54 Pegasi a 2-3 5 86-57 22 22 59 16*876 + 2-9812 + 0-0057 + 0-0028 6:74 5i75 Aquarii 6-7 2 82-78 3 22 59 23*487 + 3-1838 0-OII3 0-007: 6i75 6176 83 Aquarii h 6-5 3 83-21 3 22 59 25*606 + 3-1234 0-0057 + 0-007: 6176 6177 Aquarii 7 2 84-50 3 22 59 32-131 + 3*1824 0-OI12 + 0-00:7 6:77 6178 84 Aquarii It 7-8 5 87-41 3 22 59 35-037 + 3-1236 0*0057 + O-OOO2 6:78 6179 Aquarii 8-9 2 9I-54 3 22 59 36-152 + 3 -I 725 0*0:02 6:79 6180 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-76 3 2 3 o 4'362 + 3-I7I9 0*0:03 6:80 6181 Aquarii 7 3 89-07 3 23 o 8-687 + 3-1398 0-0073 6:81 6182 85 Aquarii 1? 7 2 89-06 3 23 o 9*095 + 3' I2 43 0-0058 O-OOO4 6:82 6183 Aquarii 7-8 3 86*18 3 23 o 32-071 + S--342 0*0067 6:83 6184 86 Aquarii c 5 I 82*74 3 23 o 46*183 + 3*2270 0*0:58 + 0-0039 6:84 6185 Aquarii 8-9 I 91*71 3 23 o 47*177 + 3*1972 O*OI28 6:85 6186 Aquarii 8-9 2 90*79 3 23 I 12-545 + 3--S28 O-OO86 0-00:0 6:86 6187 Aquarii 8-7 2 89*08 3 23 I 33-198 + 3-1284 O-OO63 6:87 6188 Piscium 7 2 84*86 3 23 2 7-330 + 3-0777 0-0016 6:88 6189 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-77 3 23 2 30*148 + 3-1762 0-0109 6:89 6190 Piscium 7 3 85*80 3 23 2 46*741 + 3-0788 0-00:8 + 0-0030 6:90 6191 Aquarii 8 I 91-50 3 23 2 53*432 + 3-1883 0-0:22 6:9: 6192 Aquarii 8 I 91-51 3 23 3 24-234 + 3-0899 0-0028 6192 610*1 88 Aquarii e 2 4* 81*71 - gg + 3*2026 O-Q: 10 + 0*00:4 g VA y o 6194 Aquarii *f 8-9 2 91-52 o 3 23 3 56*269 + 3-0983 \j \j * t )\j 0-0035 6:94 5195 89 Aquarii c 5-6 3 81-79 5 23 4 2-140 + 3-2101 0-0:47 0-0045 6i95 6196 Aquarii 7-6 2 84-08 3 23 4 2-148 + 3-I598 0-0095 6:96 6197 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-48 3 23 4 40-768 + 3*1197 0-0055 + 0*0040 6:97 6198 Aquarii 7 4 83-69 5 23 4 57-858 + 3-1090 0-0045 6:98 6199 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-38 3 23 6 14-126 + 3-1416 0*0079 6:99 6200 Aquarii 8 2 89-38 3 23 6 14-423 + 3-1416 0*0079 6200 6201 Aquarii 8-9 2 91-80 3 23 7 10-811 + 3*2130 0*0157 620: 6202 Aquarii 7 3 85-10 3 23 7 14629 + 3*1272 0*0064 6202 6203 Piscium 7-8 3 90-79 3 23 7 22-014 + .V0755 0*00:3 6203 6204 Aquarii 8-7 2 92-07 3 23 7 27-438 + 3*1769 0*0:17 6204 6205 7 Andromedce 5* ... 88*ii 3 23 7 30-660 + 2-7258 + 0*0249 + 0*0093 6205 6206 Aquarii 7-8 4 85-85 3 23 8 2-392 + 3-I474 0*0086 6206 6207 Aquarii 8 I 89-43 3 23 8 17-825 + 3-1831 0*0:26 6207 6208 Piscium 7-6 3 81-82 3 23 8 26-889 + 3-0893 0*0026 6208 6209 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-78 3 23 8 29-624 + 3-1665 0*0 1 08 6209 6210 90 Aquarii */> 4-5 2 82-79 3 23 8 37-458 + 3-1071 0*0044 + 0*0009 62:0 6173. The limits of magnitude are 2-2 and 3*7 : the period is about 40 days. 6183. The N.P.D. of this star in Weisse's Bessel is l' too small. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 277 Mean "s i > in r-. o o 8 CO n to N o" OO JZ No. Time of o 5T-3 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. f 00 M oT T3 "IB co ST? o>' oo fl M o -tJ O) 'S o" E oo Z No. Observa- 1 | 'q H fe * 03 C. 1" tion. -= o / n ,, ,/ 1 S 1 *"* tu PQ 6 O 6166 83-88 4 97 9 SMS 19-296 0-116 + 0-032 3042 281 45055 "57 3862 6166 6167 86-07 3 48 15 5471 19-297 O'lOI O'OOO 3043 284 45075 3863 6167 6168 8475 3 in 27 30-24 19-297 0-119 + o'i6o 45049 6168 6169 92-04 3 91 o 58-84 19-312 0-113 + 0-170 45080 "75 6169 6170 81-74 3 95 2 3 I?'?' 19-329 O-II2 45102 6170 6171 86-79 3 86 46 19-54 I9-330 O'lIO + 0-015 3046 287 45105 1188 I20OI 3866 6171 6172 91-82 3 112 49 34-00 I9-33I 0-II7 - - 45097 6172 6i?3 82-89 7 62 3 49-38 I9-334 0-104 0-133 3047 288 45123 3867 6'73 6174 82-33 8 75 23 10-84 I9-354 0-106 + 0-030 3050 290 45148 1216 12006 3869 6'74 6i75 82-78 a 107 40 16-43 I9-35 6 0-113 + 0-039 45137 6'75 6176 83-21 3 98 17 13-68 I9-357 o- 1 1 1 0-022 3048 289 45140 12008 3870 6176 6177 84-50 3 107 29 31-01 1 9-359 0-113 O'OOO 45145 6i"7 6178 87-41 3 98 20 51-77 19-360 O'lIO O'OII 3049 291 45 '56 6178 6179 9I-54 3 1 06 i 23-78 19-361 0-II2 6' 79 6180 91-76 3 106 2 46-53 I9-37 1 O'lII 6180 6181 89-07 3 ioi I 51-90 I9-373 O'lIO 45169 1232 3872 6181 6182 89-06 3 98 31 48-59 '9'373 0-109 0-003 3051 294 45i7o 1233 6182 6183 86-18 3 100 ii 53-06 19-382 0-109 1241 I 201 2 6183 6184 82-74 3 II 4 20 13-43 19-387 O-II2 O'OO2 353 299 45184 I2Ol6 3873 6184 6185 91-71 3 1 10 3 8-45 19-387 O'lII 6185 6186 90-79 3 103 19 17-60 I9-397 0-108 + 0-140 45'97 1249 3874 6186 6187 89-08 3 99 2 4 30-69 19-404 0-107 45207 1258 6187 6188 84-86 3 9 53 27-32 19-417 0-104 45233 1269 6188 6189 91-77 3 107 20 38-47 19-425 0-107 45246 6189 6190 85-80 3 91 5 38-72 19-432 0-103 + o-o5o 45265 1281 6190 6191 91-50 3 109 20 48-36 19-434 0-106 45262 6191 6192 9I-5 1 3 93 2 54-91 '9-445 0-102 45297 4 6192 6i93 81-71 3 in 46 9-04 '9'449 0-105 - 0-054 3062 3'3 45296 12032 3883 6193 6194 91-52 3 94 33 30-36 '9-456 O'lOI '3 6'94 6i95 81-79 5 113 3 12-38 19-458 0-105 + 0-009 3065 3'7 453'o 12037 3884 6'95 6196 84-08 3 105 6 22-39 '9-458 0-103 453" 6196 6197 91-48 3 98 24 16-03 '9-472 o-ioo + 0-160 29 6197 6198 83-69 5 96 33 24-87 I9H77 0-099 2 4534 6198 6199 89-38 3 102 31 48-52 19-504 0-098 45379 57 3888 6'99 6200 89-38 3 102 31 49-48 '9-504 0-098 45379 57 3890 6200 6201 91-80 3 114 42 14-04 19-523 0-099 45408 6201 6202 85-10 3 100 10 5-11 19-525 0-096 12 454'3 76 12053 6202 6203 90-79 3 90 34 2-12 19-526 0-094 45420 80 6203 6204 92-07 3 1 08 58 3-60 19-528 0-097 454'9 6204 6205 85H7 3 41 II 40-61 19-529 0-082 0-09 1 3075 '4 45447 12056 3892 6205 6206 85-85 3 '03 59 33'39 19-54 0-095 45443 97 3894 6206 6207 89-43 3 no 17 39-91 I9-545 0-095 6207 6208 81-82 3 93 13 58-27 19-548 0-092 '7 45468 no 6208 6209 91-78 3 107 30 27-34 '9-549 0-095 45464 6209 6210 82-79 3 96 38 30-42 I9-55I 0-092 + 0-184 3076 '9 45475 116 I2O6O 3895 6210 6167, 6171, 6174, 6205, 6210, are respectively 5919, 5930, 5941, 5995, 6001 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6171, 6173, 6174, 6176, 6198, 6210, are respectively 2284, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2296, 2303 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6168, 6169, 6186, 6190, 6197. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6175, 6177, are respectively 3265, 3266 of Auwers' "Neue Reduction der Bradley'schen Beobachtungen." 278 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, R.A. V rt C Mean u. ~ No. Constellation. o *c SI .81 Time of f J Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper TKT i- No. !H) 1 & Observa- a Motion. g $ tion. % h. m. B. s. 8. s. 6211 Aquarii 7-6 3 81-71 3 23 8 56-090 + 3-I3I5 O-OO69 6211 6212 Aquarii 8-9 i 92-11 3 23 8 56-221 + 3-I5I9 O-OO92 6212 6213 Aquarii 8-7 2 89-41 3 23 9 5-710 + 3-1616 O-OIO3 6213 6214 Aquarii 8-7 3 86-46 3 23 9 39'505 + 3-0987 0-0035 6214 6215 Aquarii 6-5 2 84-10 4 23 9 54-235 + 3-0933 0-0030 6215 6216 Aquarii 7-8 3 87-53 3 23 10 6-739 + 3-I433 O-OO84 6216 6217 91 Aquarii if/ 1 4-5 3 82-88 3 23 10 7-619 + 3-1218 0-0060 + 0-0237 6217 6218 Piscium 7 90-03 3 23 10 19-109 + 3-0827 0-00l8 6218 6219 Aquarii 8-7 2 90-82 3 23 10 59-664 + 3-1860 0-0134 6219 6220 92 Aquarii ^ 6-5 3 84-14 4 23 II 8-806 + 3-II39 0-005I 0-0031 6220 6221 Aquarii * 89-77 3 23 II 10-317 + 3-I725 0-OII9 6221 6222 Aquarii 6-7 84-13 | 23 II 14-228 + 3-2292 0-OI87 6222 6223 Aquarii 7-6 3 82-48 3 23 II 16-124 + 3-1110 0-0048 6223 6224 Aquarii 8-9 3 91-79 3 23 II 23-262 + 3-1449 0-0088 0-0350 6224 6225 6 Piscium y 4-3 4 86-92 25 23 II 27-749 + 3-0593 + 0-0006 + 0-0487 6225 6226 Aquarii 7-6 2 90-09 3 23 II 41-515 + 3-I568 O'OIOI 6226 6227 Aquarii 7-6 I 88-46 3 23 II 55-532 + 3-I333 0-0074 6227 6228 93 Aquarii i^ 2 4-5 2 84-45 3 23 12 II-072 + 3-1202 0-0059 + 0-0004 6228 6229 Aquarii 7-6 2 91-05 3 23 12 11-096 + 3-I436 0-0087 6229 6230 8 Andromedee 5-6* 84-36 3 23 12 38-666 + 2-7635 + 0-0257 + O'OO2 I 6230 6231 Aquarii 7-8 QO-OQ 3 23 12 41-413 , g 0*01 17 6231 6232 Piscium 9-8 2 y y 91-78 3 23 12 42-261 + 3-0729 0-0007 ^ " o * 6232 6233 95 Aquarii {j/ 3 5 2 85-16 4 23 13 I4-336 + 3'I2I3 0-0062 + 0-0015 6233 6234 Aquarii 8-7 4 90-75 3 23 13 19-150 + 3-1402 0-0084 + 0-0184 6234 6235 94 Aquarii 6-5 3 86-89 3 23 13 I9H42 + 3-1402 0-0084 + 0-0184 6235 6236 Aquarii 6-7 9 85-88 3 23 13 36-692 + 3-I633 0-0113 6236 6237 96 Aquarii 6-5 i 84-64 5 23 13 41-676 + 3-0994 0-0037 + 0-01 1 1 6237 6238 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-38 3 23 13 54-205 + 3T5IO 0-0098 6238 6239 Aquarii 7-6 3 85-21 I 23 14 33-6o8 + 3-0933 0-0029 + 0-0170 6239 6240 Aquarii 8 2 92-28 4 23 14 34- 9 + 3-I430 0-0089 6240 6241 Aquarii 6-7 3 81-71 3 23 15 0-626 + 3-1022 0-0040 6241 6242 Aquarii 7-8 3 86-46 3 23 15 30-37I + 3-1362 o-ooSi 6242 6243 Aquarii 7-6 3 82-23 3 23 15 4!'356 + 3-0962 0-0033 6243 6244 Aquarii 8-7 2 91-13 3 23 15 42-230 + .VI524 0-0103 6244 6245 Aquarii 8 2 9I-79 3 23 16 7-382 + 3-I3I5 0-0076 6245 6246 97 Aquarii 6-5 2 83-65 4 23 16 53-084 + 3-l42-i 0-0092 + 0-0054 6246 6247 98 Aquarii A 1 5-4* 85-18 3 23 17 ii-578 + 3-1663 0-0123 0-0086 6247 6248 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-50 3 23 i? 18-375 + 3-1223 0-0066 + 0-0270 6248 6249 Piscium 8-9 2 9I-85 3 23 17 43-905 + 3-0791 O'OOI2 6249 6250 Piscium 6-7 2 82-71 3 23 i? 53-294 + 3-0738 O'0006 6250 6251 Aquarii 8-9 4 84-84 4 23 18 2-963 + 3-IH3 0-0052 6251 6252 Aquarii 7-8 5 84-86 5 23 18 3-328 + 3-III3 0-0052 6252 6253 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-83 1 23 18 6-161 + 3-I533 O'OIOS 6253 6254 Aquarii 7-6 5 81-82 3 23 18 16-300 + 3-1722 0-0134 0-0060 6254 6255 Aquarii 7-6 4 81-72 3 23 1 8 19-803 + 3-I57I O-OI14 6255 6232. Several faint stars in the field : the brightest was observed. 6236. Reddish star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 279 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. o i rr Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. U3 o r^. 1 o' o oo Lalande, 1800. wa T ^ i - If ** & O .00 oToo Sf M a. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 6211 81-71 3 ioi 17 11-69 -I9-557 0-093 45490 123 3896 6211 6212 92-11 3 105 2 42-36 I9-557 0-093 45487 6212 6213 89-41 3 106 50 14-32 19-561 0-093 45492 6213 6214 86-46 3 95 7 56-63 I9-57I 0-090 i 3 6 6214 6215 84-10 4 94 5 44-79 19-576 0-089 45521 i 4 o 3900 6215 6216 87-52 3 103 47 0-20 19-580 0-091 45524 ! 4 6 6216 6217 82-88 3 99 4 1 I2 '53 19-580 0-090 + 0-005 3078 22 45526 '47 3901 6217 6218 90-03 3 92 i 24-89 !9'583 0-088 45534 6218 6219 90-82 3 in 48 6-71 ! 9-597 0-090 45547 6219 6220 84-14 4 98 19 34H5 r 9'599 0-088 + 0-003 308l 30 4555 8 1 68 6220 6221 89-77 3 109 28 23-49 19-600 0-089 45555 6221 6222 84-13 3 119 2 7-52 19-601 0-091 29 45553 12084 6222 6223 82-48 3 97 45 44-87 19-602 0-087 45562 171 6223 6224 91-79 3 104 24 55-62 19-603 0-088 4-1-230 '75 6224 6225 83-67 10 87 19 678 19-605 0-085 0-017 3082 3 1 45565 176 12088 394 6225 6226 90-09 3 106 46 22-43 19-609 0-088 45577 6226 6227 88-46 3 102 18 49-84 19-613 0-087 45582 185 3906 6227 6228 84H5 3 99 46 58-09 19-618 0-086 + 0-015 3083 33 45592 196 12094 6228 6229 9 I- 5 3 104 23 44-94 19-618 0-087 4559 1 194 6229 6230 86-08 4 41 35 8-62 19-626 0-074 + 0-012 3089 39 45626 39=8 6230 6231 90-09 3 109 26 35-45 19-627 0-086 45610 6231 6232 9x78 3 9 4 35' 12 19-627 0-083 212 6232 6233 86-27 3 100 12 42-68 19-637 0-084 0-008 3087 40 45628 226 I2IOI 39" 6233 6234 89-78 4 104 3 13-14 19-638 0-084 + 0-094 4i 45631 6234 6235 86-89 3 I0 4 3 25-78 - 19-638 0-084 + 0-094 3088 42 45632 I2I02 39'3 6235 6236 85-88 3 1 08 40 38-38 '9-644 0-084 45647 6236 6237 84-64 5 95 43 30-22 !9-645 0-082 0-002 3090 46 45 6 s6 233 39H 6237 6238 89-38 3 1 06 23 0-69 19-649 0-083 6238 6239 85-21 3 94 3i 4-31 19-660 0-080 + 0-120 45680 249 6239 6240 92-28 4 10 4 59 53'5 19-660 0-082 6240 6241 81-71 3 96 30 29-36 19-668 0-080 45698 6241 6242 86-46 3 i3 S 2 I9'38 19-676 0-080 45719 271 6242 6243 82-23 3 95 16 26-57 19-679 0-078 280 6243 6244 9 I-I 3 3 107 17 28-15 r 9'679 o-oSo 45731 6244 6245 91-79 3 103 3 6-38 19-687 0-078 45744 6245 6246 83-65 4 i5 38 34-83 19-699 0-077 O-020 3102 61 4576i I2II8 3923 6246 6247 85-18 3 no 42 2-99 !97 4 - 0-077 + 0-090 3105 63 45773 12121 6247 6248 91-50 3 IOI 22 32-41 19-706 0-076 0-220 64 45777 309 3924 6248 6249 91-85 3 91 33 i-oi ig-m 0-074 6249 6250 82-71 3 90 1 8 44-95 19-716 0-073 68 45801 320 3928 6250 6251 84-81 2 99 3 48-81 -19-718 0-074 322 6251 6252 85-11 4 99 3 4 6 -87 -19-718 0-074 69 323 6252 6253 91-83 3 108 23 36-83 - 19-719 0-075 45804 6 253 6254 81-82 3 112 22 34-21 19-722 0-075 + 0-110 70 45807 I2I30 6254 6255 81-72 3 I0 9 17 36-77 -19-722 0-075 6255 6225, 6230, 6233, are respectively 6012, 6022, 6024 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6217,6225,6228,6233,6234,6235,6237, 6251, 6252, are respectively 2304, 2306, 2308, 2309, 2311, 2312, 2313, 2322, 2323 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6224, 6239, 6248, 6254. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 280 EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. . Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of )bservations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. w ' h. m. 8. 8. B. 8. 6256 Piscium 7-8 i 88-10 3 23 1 8 58-667 + 3-0822 0-0016 6256 6257 Aquarii 8-7 3 91-69 3 23 19 40-460 + 3-J336 0-0083 6257 6258 4 Cassiopeise 6* 90-78 3 23 19 57-076 + 2-6412 + 0-0391 + 0-0010 6258 6259 99 Aquarii b 5-4 i 84-85 3 23 20 I6-006 + 3-I622 0-0125 0-0052 6259 6260 Aquarii 7 4 88-37 5 23 20 47-439 + 3-l66l 0-0133 6260 6261 Aquarii 7 2 89-72 3 23 20 52-965 + 3-IOI2 0-0041 6261 6262 Aquarii 7-8 3 89-12 3 23 21 12-342 + 3-I365 0-0089 6262 6263 8 Piscium K 5-4 12 86-26 39 23 21 17-596 + 3-0699 O'OOOO + 0-0041 6263 6264 Aquarii 7 2 90-39 3 23 21 34-318 + 3-085I 0-0019 + O'OIOO 6264 6265 Aquarii 7 90-42 3 23 21 42-679 + 3-I260 0-0076 6265 6266 Aquarii 7 2 90-43 3 23 22 H'979 + 3-!35 0-0090 6266 6267 Aquarii 7-6 I 84-61 5 23 22 21-630 + 3-1192 0-0067 6267 6268 :o Piscium 6 4-5* 87-89 3 23 22 23-226 + 3-0504 + 0-0028 0-0104 6268 6269 Aquarii 7 5 85-50 3 2 3 23 6-464 + 3-0950 0-0033 6269 6270 Aquarii 6-7 4 8i-75 3 23 23 lg-212 + 3-1096 0-0054 6270 6271 II Piscium 6-7 3 84-39 4 23 23 48-181 + 3-0813 0-0013 0-0034 6271 6272 Piscium 6-7 3 86-00 5 23 23 50-82I + 3-0914 0-0028 + O-OI2O 6272 6273 12 Piscium 7 i 82-90 3 23 23 5I-776 + 3-0785 0-0009 0-0023 6273 6274 Pegasi 9-8 2 90-41 3 23 24 22-8l8 + 2-9611 + 0-0146 6274 6275 Piscium 7-8 3 91-81 3 23 25 2-642 + 3-0716 o-oooo 6275 6276 Aquarii 8 i 91-76 3 2 3 25 9671 + 3-1328 0-0092 6276 6277 Aquarii 6-7 3 82-45 3 23 25 20-7I8 + 3 0968 0-0037 6277 6278 Pegasi 9 2 90-85 3 23 25 28-031 + 2-9695 + 0-0142 6278 6279 Piscium 7-6 I 84-13 3 23 25 50-568 + 3-0888 0-0024 + 0-0126 6279 6280 i oo Aquarii 4 3 7-6 8 83-63 5 23 25 55-959 + 3-1524 0-0126 0-0003 6280 6281 Aquarii 7-8 4 86-84 3 23 26 2-671 + 3-1516 0-0125 0-0053 6281 6282 Aquarii 8 2 89-10 3 23 26 12-289 + 3-1271 0-0085 6282 6283 Pegasi 6-7 I 89-82 3 23 26 15-886 + 2-9691 + 0-0146 6283 6284 13 Piscium 7-6 3 85-80 3 23 26 I8-860 + 3-0783 0-0009 0-0014 6284 6285 Aquarii 7-6 i 89-82 3 23 26 30-388 + 3'44 0-0065 6285 6286 Aquarii 6-7 i 85-73 3 23 26 43-846 + 3-II22 0-0061 6286 6287 Aquarii 8-7 90-78 3 23 26 51-824 + 3-1359 O'OIOI 6287 6288 Piscium 7 i 84-54 3 23 27 16-104 + 3-0846 0-0018 6288 6289 Aquarii 8 3 91-15 3 23 27 30-789 + 3^957 0-0036 6289 6290 101 Aquarii b 5 2 86-25 3 23 27 3I-206 + 3-I470 0-0122 0-0043 6290 6291 Aquarii 7-6 I 89-09 3 23 27 31-545 + 3-II68 0-0070 6291 6292 Aquarii 8-9 2 91-41 3 23 27 45-917 + 3-I398 O'OIIO 6292 6293 Piscium 7 2 8i-73 3 23 27 48-704 + 3-0889 0-0025 6293 6294 Ursffi Minoris 5-6 I 84-34 6 23 27 49-5IO o-'734 0-5696 + 0-0856 6294 6295 Aquarii 8-9 3 91-86 3 23 28 27-795 + 3-1189 0-0076 6295 6296 14 Piscium 6-7 3 84-64 4 23 28 29-651 + 3-0784 0-0009 + 0-0060 6296 6297 Aquarii 6-7 3 82-20 3 23 29 5-887 + 3-J235 0-0085 6297 6298 Piscium 7 5 86-36 4 23 29 34-958 + 3-0863 0-0021 6298 6299 Aquarii 8 i 92-10 3 23 29 44-471 + 3-1270 0-0093 6299 6300 Aquarii 7-8 ... 91-49 3 23 29 46-016 + 3-1072 0-0058 6300 6259. A star of the 8-9 magnitude precedes 10", and is about 2' north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 281 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. Precess. // Sec. Var. Proper Motion. n >o *-. | 2 8 CO *N O O oo oT T3 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. o _QO oToo IJ GO O, 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 6256 88-10 3 92 20 40-00 -19-732 0-072 45823 343 6256 6257 91-69 t 104 37 8-92 '9'743 0-072 45841 355 6257 6258 85-16 3 28 19 15-27 !9'747 0-059 + 0-021 3"5 81 3932 6258 6259 84-85 3 in 14 40-97 i9'752 0-071 + 0-054 3U3 78 12139 .1933 6259 6260 88-37 5 112 2O 44-62 19-760 0-070 82 45868 12146 6260 6261 89-72 3 97 12 42-94 19-762 0-068 45877 37 6 6261 6262 89-12 3 105 51 9-32 19-767 0-069 45892 6262 6263 83-97 15 89 20 47-14 19-768 0-067 + 0-102 3116 83 45895 388 12151 39.17 6263 6264 90-39 3 93 14 22-60 19-772 0-067 + 0-1 10 45903 39 6264 6265 90-42 3 103 32 4-19 J 9774 0-067 85 45907 394 "153 6265 6266 90-43 3 105 54 16-85 19-781 0-067 45928 6266 6267 84-61 5 102 3 15-99 19-783 0-066 90 45937 402 394 6267 6268 87-89 3 84 !3 30-93 - 19-784 0-064 + 0-045 3120 92 45944 407 12158 6268 6269 85-5 3 95 59 40-20 !9'794 0-064 45961 422 6269 6270 8172 4 99 52 16-14 19-797 0-064 459 6 5 427 394 2 6270 6271 84-39 4 92 23 48-40 19-803 0-062 0-008 3 I2 3 95 45981 437 394 6 6271 6272 86-00 5 95 7 54'So 19-804 0-062 + 0-250 96 45980 438 3947 6272 6273 82-90 3 91 38 25-82 19-804 0-062 + O-OO2 3"4 97 439 6273 6274 90-41 ] 61 42 35-16 19-812 0-058 46006 6274 6275 91-81 3 89 43 44-35 19-820 0-060 46022 459 6275 6276 91-76 3 106 35 17-80 19-822 0-06 1 46023 6276 6277 82-45 3 96 53 36-97 19-824 0-060 46034 467 6277 6278 90-85 3 62 49 26-82 19-826 0-057 6278 6279 84 -I 3 3 94 41 17-02 19-831 0-058 + 0-206 103 46056 478 6279 6280 83-63 5 in 58 34-19 19-832 0-060 0-005 3126 104 46059 6280 6281 86-84 3 in 51 21-87 19-834 0-059 + 0-040 3127 105 46066 6281 6282 89-10 3 10 5 S 2 35H6 ^-Sss 0-059 46074 6282 6283 89-82 3 62 12 10-67 19-836 0-055 46084 6283 6284 85-80 3 9i 4 1 36-45 - 19-837 0-057 0-029 3129 1 08 46080 490 6284 6285 89-82 3 102 9 4-70 19-839 0-058 109 46085 12188 6285 6286 85-73 .1 101 36 21-69 19-842 0-057 46090 497 3953 6286 6287 90-78 3 108 13 10-19 J 9' 8 44 0-057 6287 6288 84-54 3 93 37 2 5-i8 19-849 0-056 46117 5" 6288 6289 9 I-I 5 3 97 o 30-03 19-852 0-055 46129 5i8 6289 6290 86-25 3 in 31 19-72 19-852 0-056 0-014 3'3o 114 46124 3955 6290 6291 89-09 3 103 12 56-87 19-852 0-056 46128 5 J 9 6291 6292 91-41 3 i9 45 io-59 19- 8 55 0-056 6292 6293 Si'73 3 95 o 30-00 19-855 0-055 46i37 6293 6294 84-82 6 3 17 57-7I *9' S SS + 0-OI2 0-003 3147 r 35 3956 6294 6295 91-86 3 104 ii 41-37 19-863 0-054 46159 6295 6296 84-64 4 91 51 18-01 19-864 0-053 + 0-004 3133 116 46160 3958 6296 6297 82-20 3 K>5 5 1 4'9 19-871 0-053 122 46i77 3960 6297 6298 86-36 4 94 27 46-56 19-877 0-05I 46194 566 6298 6299 92-10 3 107 ii 27-69 19-878 0-052 46199 6299 6300 91-49 3 !oi 9 47-53 19-879 0-051 57i 3962 6300 6258, 6263, 6294, are respectively 6069, 6074, 6119 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 62(53, 6272, 6279, 6294, are respectively 2329, 2330, 2332, 2337 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6264, 6272. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6279. The Proper Motions have been taken from Bonn Obs., Vol. VII. Oo 282 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1890, B.A. o> *-. M o n Mean "3 No. Constellation. 1 -Q lj Time of o 11 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper No. | Observa- 3 1 Motion. g ^* w tion. *j= h. in. 8. s. 8. 8. 6301 Aquarii 7-6 2 85-79 5 23 29 51-541 + 3-0974 O-OO4O 6301 6302 Aquarii 7-6 ... 88-77 4 23 29 51-843 + 3-1661 0-OI67 + 0-0060 6302 6303 Aquarii 7-8 2 90-40 3 23 29 58-875 + 3-1223 0-0085 6303 6304 Aquarii 7 2 86-87 3 23 30 19-568 + 3-IOIO 0-00 4 7 6304 6305 Pegasi 7-8 90-51 3 23 30 26-392 + 2-9839 + O-OI46 6305 6306 Pegasi 9 3 91-48 a 23 30 49-5I3 + 2-9812 + 0-0153 6306 6307 Aquarii 6-5 3 81-81 3 23 31 57-328 + 3-II22 0-007I 6307 6308 Pegasi 10 4 9 I- 34 4 23 31 58-909 + 2-9844 + 0-0155 6308 6309 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-84 ' 3 23 32 19-789 + 3-II78 0-0083 + 0-0030 6309 6310 Piscium 8-7 2 90-37 a 23 32 27-857 + 3-0779 O'oooC 6310 6311 Aquarii 9-8 2 91-77 3 23 32 31-289 + 3-0847 O'OO2O 6311 6312 Aquarii 7-6 I 84-35 4 23 32 3I-526 + 3-0985 0-0046 6312 6313 17 Andromeda ... i 4* 89-43 3 23 32 44-475 + 2-9263 + 0-0251 + 0*0014 6313 6314 Aquarii 8 I 91-56 3 23 32 57-37 8 + 3T344 0-0118 63H 6315 Aquarii 8 3 91-08 3 23 33 31-385 + 3-I365 0-0124 6315 6316 102 Aquarii to 5 3 8r88 a 23 34 4'7'8 + 3-1124 0-0077 + 0-0024 6316 6317 Piscium 8-7 3 85-80 a 23 34 "-038 + 3-0887 0-0028 6317 6318 17 Piscium i 4-5 6 86-62 38 23 34 1 7-54 1 + 3-0593 + 0-0030 + 0-0234 6318 6319 35 Cephei y 4-3 i 82-57 7 23 34 50-008 + 2-437 + 0-0762 0-0199 6319 6320 Aquarii 8 2 91-76 a 23 34 52-3I4 + 3-1246 0-0105 + 0-0200 6320 6^21 8-7 9I'8O + 2-O73O _f_ O'OOO4. 6321 "O 6322 Aquarii 7 2 84-52 3 23 35 2*74* 23 35 8 ' 6 5 D / ,) v "T" 3'O942 0-0040 6322 6323 Aquarii 6-7 2 8577 3 23 35 27-223 + 3-I O 36 0-0060 6323 6324. 6-5 8i*2O + VI IQQ 0*0008 0-0042 6324 O *T Aquarii 8-7 2 "-T "* 90-79 3 *o 35 52 ioi 23 36 2-554 i o yy + 3*1243 O'OTOS 6325 6326 104 Aquarii A 5 82-08 3 23 36 3-087 + 3-1190 0-0097 + O'OOIO 6326 6327 Aquarii 8-7 2 92-13 3 23 36 13-037 + 3-0885 0-0030 O'OIOO 6327 6328 1 8 Piscium X 5 I 82-77 3 23 36 25-955 + 3-0697 + O'OOI 2 0-0107 6328 6329 Piseium 8 3 92-11 3 23 36 42-94 + 3-0775 0-0005 6329 6330 Aquarii 6-5 2 84-21 3 23 36 45-805 + 3-'"4 0-0082 6330 6331 105 Aquarii a)" 5-4 3 85-82 4 23 37 0-941 + 3-1087 0*0076 + 0-0053 6331 6332 Aquarii 7-8 2 89-75 a 23 37 7-135 + 3-1007 0-0057 6332 6333 Aquarii 8-9 2 92-08 3 23 37 35-164 + 3T245 0-0116 6333 6334 Aquarii 9-8 2 91-81 3 23 37 56-185 + 3-0958 0-0048 6334 6335 Aquarii K Var. 3 84-22 3 23 38 7-705 + 3*1088 0-0080 6335 6336 78 Pegasi 5* 90-12 3 23 38 27-442 + 3-0036 + 0-0162 + 0-0053 6336 6337 1 06 Aquarii 6-5 4 82-19 3 23 38 29-649 + 3-II53 0-0098 + 0-0006 6337 6^38 6-7 80-84 4" 27 28 A.K.'A.'iA. + 3* T 352 O'OI 50 6338 OO 6339 Piscium 9 2 92-09 4 * D O TO T'T 23 38 47-5I3 + 3-079 1 0-0009 6339 6340 Piscium 7-8 I 90-07 3 23 38 53-638 + 3-0806 0-0013 6340 634! Aquarii 8 I 90-36 3 23 39 2-008 + 3-0920 0-0041 634 1 6342 Piscium 7 4 84-80 3 23 39 21-705 + 3-0752 O'OOOO 6342 6343 Aquarii 8 i 92-10 3 23 39 40-847 + 3-1027 0-0070 6343 6344 107 Aquarii j 6 3 81-72 3 23 40 17-923 + 3-1127 0-0098 + 0-0050 6344 6345 Aquarii 7-8 5 81-73 2 23 40 18-213 + 3-1127 0-0098 + 0-0050 6345 6306. Double: the companion precedes on the same parallel, and is of the 9-10 magnitude. 6335- The limits of magnitude are 5-8 and about 11 : the period is 387 days. EADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1890, N.P.D. 283 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. / // Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 1 8 OO H 1 & Lalaude, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 o" oToo a ^ o co a. 6 "a 1" No. 6301 85-79 5 98 4 23-01 19-880 0-051 126 46210 573 3964 6301 6302 9I-39 3 "8 5 39''6 19-880 0-052 + 0-170 46202 12207 6302 6303 90-40 3 105 54 22-79 19-882 0-051 128 46216 6303 6304 86-87 3 99 22 24-45 - 19-885 0-050 46229 586 3967 6304 6305 90-51 3 62 44 35-88 19-887 0-048 46240 6305 6306 91-48 3 61 42 34-35 19-891 0-047 6306 6307 8r8i 3 103 40 11-61 19-903 0-047 '33 46271 6:7 12219 6307 6308 91-46 3 6 1 36 58-40 19-904 '45 6308 6309 83-84 I 105 42 2-37 19-907 0-046 + 0-100 '37 46286 6309 6310 90-37 3 9' 56 39'5' 19-909 0-045 46294 628 6310 6311 91-77 3 94 22 5-62 19-909 0-045 6311 6312 84-35 4 99 14 9-13 19-909 0-045 46296 629 3973 6312 6313 83-37 9 47 20 26-98 19-911 0-042 + O-OI2 3 '44 142 46311 3974 6313 6314 91-56 3 in 28 35-19 19-914 o-045 140 6314 6315 91-08 3 112 32 1-95 19-920 0-044 46328 6315 6316 8 1 -88 3 104 49 48-31 19-925 0-043 + 0-041 3'45 '43 46340 663 12233 3976 6316 6317 85-80 3 96 9 19-63 19-926 0-042 46349 664 6 3'7 6318 83-57 9 84 58 11-30 19-927 0-041 + 0-443 3148 '45 4 6 35' 667 12234 3977 6318 6319 82-76 18 '2 5 8 53-94 I9-932 0-030 0-135 3152 '55 46419 3979 6319 6320 91-76 3 '09 35 50-76 I9-932 0-041 + 0-060 149 46365 6320 6321 91-80 3 90 u 34-58 I9-934 0-040 46375 682 6321 6322 84-52 3 9 s 3' 19-95 19-935 0-040 46380 684 6322 6323 85-77 3 102 17 26-70 19-938 0-040 '53 46399 692 12242 3982 6323 6324 84-20 3 108 38 5-00 '9-942 0-039 + 0-075 3'5o '54 46412 12244 3983 6324 6325 90-79 3 no 22 3-20 I9-944 0-039 6325 6326 82-08 3 108 25 35-60 19-944 0-039 O'O22 3'5' '56 46425 12245 3984 6326 6327 92-13 3 96 35 32-13 I9-945 0-038 + 0*140 '57 46435 706 6327 6328 82-77 3 88 49 30-30 I9-947 0-037 + 0-137 3'53 158 46445 7" 12250 3985 6328 6329 92-11 3 92 6 37-48 19-950 0-037 46453 6329 6330 84-21 3 106 3 26-79 I9-950 0-037 46451 3986 6330 6331 85-82 4 105 9 11-05 19-953 0-037 + 0-055 3154 159 3987 6331 6332 89-75 3 101 56 16-30 I9-953 0-037 161 46464 716 6332 6333 92-08 3 in 42 1-81 19-957 0-036 6333 6334 91-81 3 100 17 3-16 19-960 0-035 6334 6335 84-22 3 105 53 38-76 19-962 0-035 6335 6336 90-12 3 6' '4 5I-54 19-965 0-033 + 0-034 3160 166 46504 3989 6336 6337 82-19 3 108 53 14-06 19-965 0-034 + O'OII 3'59 '65 46498 12269 3990 6337 6338 80-84 4 116 51 23-68 19-967 0-034 167 46511 12270 6338 6339 92-09 4 93 4 ''So 19-967 0-033 6339 634 90-07 3 93 47 6-50 19-968 0-033 46518 755 6340 6341 90-36 3 99 4 23-14 - 19-969 0-033 169 760 6341 6342 84-80 3 91 16 14-75 19-972 0-032 46532 767 6342 6343 92-10 3 '04 '7 34-I3 19-974 0-032 '74 46543 772 6343 6344 81-71 4 109 17 23-10 I9-979 0-030 0-051 3161 177 46555 6344 6345 81-71 3 109 17 27-53 19-979 0-030 0-051 6345 6307, 6313, 6318, 6319, 6323, 6328, are respectively 6130, 6136, 6142, 6151, 6:52, 6157 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6307, 6318, 6319, 6323, 6328, 6331, 6336, 6344, 6345, are respectively 2340, 2343, 2344, 2345, 2346, 2347, 2349, 2351, 2352 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6302, 6309, 6320, 6327. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 284 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. 1 imber of ;imations. 1 Mean Time of )bserva- 55 1 jTf Mean R.A. Precesa. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1 K H tion. ^1 h. m. s. s. s. 8. 6346 Aquarii 8 3 91-82 3 23 4 21-339 + 3-1048 0-0078 6346 6347 Aquarii 7 3 87-04 4 23 40 52-865 + 3-09I4 0-0043 6347 6348 Aquarii 7 I 87-87 3 23 41 IO'68o + 3-0909 0-0042 6348 6349 Aquarii 6-5 2 81-84 3 23 4 1 35-928 + 3-0963 0-0059 0-0080 6349 635 Aquarii 8 2 9I-5I 3 23 4 1 43-649 + 3-II74 O-OI2I 6350 635' Piscium 9-8 2 90-39 3 23 41 44-834 + 3-0809 0-0015 6351 6352 Piscium 8-7 4 85-50 3 23 4 1 59-934 + 3-o8l8 0-OOI7 6352 6353 Piscium 7-8 I 85-76 3 23 42 3-849 + 3-0750 + O-OOO2 6353 6354 20 Piscium 6-5 2 83-87 4 23 42 17-183 + 3-0786 O-OOO9 + 0-0048 6354 6355 Aquarii 8-7 3 90-42 3 23 42 29-105 + 3-I043 O-0086 6355 6356 Aquarii 6 i 83-83 3 23 42 53-278 + 3-0847 O-OO28 6356 6357 Piscium 8-7 5 87-83 3 23 43 6-244 + 3-0812 0-0017 6357 6358 Piscium 7-6 2 82-74 3 23 43 ii^ + 3-0698 + 0-0017 6358 6359 Sculptoris 8 4-5 2 84-78 10 23 43 -655 + 3-1262 0-0159 + 0-0090 6359 6360 Aquarii 7-8 I 90-42 3 23 43 44-34 1 + 3-III2 0-OII5 6360 6361 21 Piscium 6-5 I 84-13 3 23 43 49-390 + S-O?!? + 0-0012 0-0016 6361 6362 Aquarii 7-6 3 83-89 3 23 43 50-499 + 3-I004 0-0080 6362 6363 Piscium 7-8 3 84-89 3 23 43 53- 6 6o + 3-0826 O-OO22 6363 6364 Aquarii 7 2 90-38 3 23 44 26-928 + 3-09I3 0-0052 6364 6365 Aquarii 6 90-44 3 23 44 34-o84 + 3-0893 0-0046 + 0-0070 6365 6366 Aquarii 7-8 2 86-21 3 23 44 46-659 + 3-0966 0-007I 6366 6367 Aquarii 7-8 2 90-71 3 23 44 50-647 + 3-094 1 0-0063 6367 6368 Cassiopeia? 7-6 80-54 2 23 44 52-682 + 2-9636 + 0-0352 6368 6369 Aquarii 6 I 85-55 4 23 44 52-708 + 3-0961 0-007I 6369 6370 Aquarii 7 90-20 3 23 44 52-748 + 3-1061 0-0106 6370 6371 108 Aquarii 6-5 I 90-08 3 23 45 40-405 + 3-I02I 0-0097 0-0006 6371 6372 22 Piscium 6-7 ... 83-17 I 23 46 19-857 + 3-0693 + 0-0023 O'OOOO 6372 6373 Aquarii 6 3 81-90 3 23 46 50-842 + 3-0928 0-0069 6373 6374 6375 6376 Aquarii Ceti 7 7-6 3 8r8o 89-80 91-44 3 3 3 23 46 59-278 23 4 6 59-573 23 47 1*483 + 3-0989 + 3-1088 + 3-0956 0-0093 0-0135 0-008 1 6374 6375 6376 Aquarii 7-8 2 6377 Aquarii 6-5 2 85-23 3 23 47 I0 ' 8 44 + 3-085I 0-0039 6377 6378 24 Piscium 6 I 85-15 3 23 47 I6-475 + 3-0774 0-0008 + 0-0040 6378 6 379 6380 6381 Piscium Ceti 8-9 7-6 7-8 2 3 3 91-80 86-52 9 I- 75 j 3 3 23 47 28-112 23 47 39-4I7 23 47 58-044 + 3-o8l8 + 3-I058 + 3-0996 0-0026 0-0128 0-0105 6379 6380 6381 Aquarii 6382 Piscium 7-8 2 89-41 3 23 49 o-344 + 3-0754 O'OOOO 6382 6383 Piscium 6 2 82-80 3 23 49 8-739 + 3-073I + O'OOIO 6383 6384 Aquarii 7-6 2 83-28 3 23 49 24-265 + 3-0835 0-0040 6384 6385 Piscium 8-7 2 89-82 3 23 49 29-199 + 3-0782 0-0015 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 Aquarii Ceti 7-6 7-6 9-8 6-7 I 2 I 90-12 84-20 91-84 85-38 3 3 3 4 3 23 49 30-105 23 5 6-630 23 50 49-600 23 5 49-825 23 5" 22-987 + 3-0972 + 3-0866 + 3-0739 + 3-0978 + 3-0795 0-0109 0-0060 + 0-0006 0-0130 0-0028 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 Piscium Ceti Ceti 8 2 6387. Lalande's N.P.D. is about 5' too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1890, N. P.D. 285 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. in 14 1-- tA a 1 n 8 oo 3" N 08 K Lalande, 1800. Weisse's Bessel, 1825. o oo a^oo JI 00 P. 6 Greenwich, 1880. No. 6346 91-82 3 105 44 40-26 19-979 0-030 4 6 558 6346 6347 87-04 4 99 36 30-04 - l9-9 8 3 0-029 46576 794 6347 6348 87-87 3 99 3 25-42 19-986 0-028 46586 80 1 6348 6349 81-84 3 102 31 9-15 19-988 0-028 + 0-100 185 46596 805 12186 6349 6350 91'S 1 3 "2 53 2-95 19-989 0-028 1 86 6350 6351 90-39 3 94 3 53-4 - 19-989 0-027 6351 6352 85-5 3 95 4 22-28 J9-99 1 0-027 46609 635 2 6353 8576 3 91 22 21-31 19-992 0-027 46614 817 6353 6 354 83-87 4 93 22 22-16 19-993 0-026 0-003 3165 188 46618 823 3996 6354 6355 90-42 3 107 18 32-61 19-994 0-026 46625 6355 6356 83-83 3 96 59 27-50 19-997 0-025 190 46636 841 6356 6357 87-32 4 95 2 48-86 1 9-999 0-025 848 6357 6358 82-74 3 88 23 43-83 r 9'999 0-024 193 46646 850 3999 6358 6359 83-20 7 118 44 19-26 - 19-999 0-025 + 0-100 192 46641 12297 3998 6359 6360 90-42 3 112 13 33-24 20-003 0-024 194 46663 12299 6360 6361 84-13 3 89 32 4'35 20-003 0-023 + 0-030 3167 197 46667 861 4002 6361 6362 83-89 3 106 28 20-04 20-003 0-023 196 46665 6362 6363 84-89 3 96 9 5'54 20-004 0-023 46668 862 6363 6364 90-38 3 101 42 49-91 20-007 0-O22 46680 868 4005 6364 6365 90-44 3 100 35 17-21 20-007 0-O22 0-080 200 46684 871 12306 4006 6365 6366 86-21 3 105 ii 29-02 20-009 0-021 2OI 6366 6367 90-71 3 103 43 20-01 20-009 O-O2I 46692 876 6367 6368 80-67 3 38 59 21-72 20-009 O'O2O 204 46700 6368 6369 85-55 4 105 o 44-97 20-009 0-O2I 203 4007 6369 6370 90-20 3 no 50 39-33 20-009 O'O2 1 46693 6370 6371 90-08 3 109 31 I5'3o 20-014 O-O2O 0-OO2 3172 207 46714 6371 6372 8.VI7 3 87 40 51-66 20-018 0-018 + O-OII 3174 209 46744 900 4010 6372 6373 81-90 3 104 51 46-79 20-020 0-OI7 2IO 46760 6373 6374 8 1 -80 3 109 10 25-18 2O-O2I 0-OI7 46769 6374 <>375 86-79 3 H5 35 52-39 20-021 0-OI7 46767 12326 6375 6376 91-44 3 106 59 10-47 2O-O2I 0-OI7 46771 6376 6 377 85-23 3 99 36 28-36 2O'O22 0-OI7 46781 921 4015 6377 6378 85-15 3 93 45 57-9 1 20-022 0-016 + 0-OI9 3i79 215 46784 924 12330 6378 6379 91-80 3 97 J5 42-27 20-023 0-016 46790 929 6379 6380 86-52 3 114 50 28-20 2O-O24 0-016 232 46805 12333 6380 6381 9I-75 3 in 7 43-20 20-025 0-015 46814 6381 6382 89-41 3 92 33 28-60 20-030 0-013 46854 9 6 3 6382 6383 82-80 3 90 30 7-94 2O-O3O 0-013 227 46859 6383 6384 83-28 3 100 4 22-07 20-032 O"OI2 46866 970 6384 6385 89-82 3 95 16 47-79 2O-O32 0-012 46872 973 6385 6386 90-12 3 in 59 27-16 20-032 O'OI2 46871 6386 6387 84-88 3 103 45 46-39 20-034 O'OII 46896 985 12350 6387 6388 91-84 3 91 32 40-16 20-037 O-OOg 469 1 3 999 6388 6389 85-38 4 115 21 0-59 20-037 O'OIO 46917 12356 6389 6390 9 I "5 I 3 97 57 55-55 20-039 0-008 46928 1009 639 6354, 6368, are respectively 6182, 6195 of the Raddiffe Catalogue, 1845. 6354, 6359, 6 36'. 6368, 6369, 6372, are respectively 2355, 2356, 2357, 2360, 2359, 2 3^ ! of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6349, 6365. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. 6359. The Proper Motions have been taken from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. 286 BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Meau Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. h. m. s. Precess. s. Sec. Var. s. Proper Motion. 8. No. 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 Ceti 7-6 6 8 6-7 7-8 6-5 8-9 8 4 7-8 7-8 7-6 7 8 7-8 8-7 5 5-6 4-5 7 5* 6-7 7 5-4 6 6-7 3 I 5 3 i i i 4 i i i 4 3 3 2 I I I 5 i i ii i 8 5'49 83-87 9 I- 47 83-85 85-89 84-87 91-56 91-88 86-39 89-84 89-43 82-10 85-82 91-85 86-81 90-39 87-55 84-19 84-37 86-54 86-86 82-86 89-74 87-62 84-24 84-83 85-86 84-10 84-92 85-77 9I-I5 89-21 89-74 85-74 3 7 3 6 3 3 | 3 38 3 a 3 I 3 a a 3 3 4 a 3 a 3 38 a 3 a 7 a 5 3 3 a 3 23 5 1 30-879 23 5 1 36-008 23 52 37-8I3 23 52 41-614 23 52 55-742 23 53 2-500 23 53 29-138 23 53 3I-99 8 2 3 53 39-747 23 53 52-979 23 53 55-699 23 54 J'984 2 3 54 8-419 23 54 !3'657 23 54 32-936 23 54 47-025 23 56 0-122 23 56 IIT99 23 56 19-008 23 56 36H55 23 56 4 I- 425 23 57 l8 -5H 23 57 29-263 23 58 6-221 23 58 4'-55i 23 58 42-379 23 58 52-167 23 59 25-176 23 59 25-440 23 59 42-256 23 59 47H83 2 3 59 48-635 23 59 50-227 23 59 52-607 + 3-0919 + 3-0023 + 3-0817 + 3-085I + 3-0833 4- 3-0754 + 3-0786 + 3-0856 + 3-0685 + 3-0747 + 3-0740 + 3-0765 + 3-073 + 3-0868 + 3-0730 + 3-0820 + 3-0311 + 3-0739 + 3-075 + 3-0775 + 3-0838 + 3-0784 + 3-0793 + 3-0761 + 3-0748 + S'077 1 + 3-0738 + 3-0664 + 3-0726 + 3-0727 + 3-0726 + 3-0728 + 3-0726 + 3-0726 0-0105 + 0-0422 0-0049 0-0074 0-0064 0-0007 0-0033 0-0089 + 0-0048 O-0002 + 0-0003 0-0018 + 0-00 1 1 0-0113 + O'OOI I 0-0077 + 0-0533 0-0002 0-0018 0-0058 0-0159 0-0096 0-OI2I 0-0079 0-0074 0-0154 0-0041 +0-0549 + 0-0013 0-0014 0-0004 0-006 1 0-0024 0-0035 0-0014 + 0-0038 0-0050 + 0-0087 + O-OO2O 0-0002 + 0-OOI9 + 0-0l6o o-oooi 0-0039 0-0019 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 64! 3 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 Cassiopeia; Ceti I Ceti Ceti 27 Piscium Ceti Ceti 28 Piscium u> Piscium Piscium Piscium Piscium Ceti Piscium Ceti Cassiopeia) 29 Piscium 30 Piscium Ceti Sculptoris Ceti Ceti 2 Ceti Ceti 3 Ceti 5-6 5-6 7-6 5-4 7-8 7-8 7 7-8 3 i 2 I 3 i 3 Cassiopeia; Piscium 33 Piscium Piscium Ceti Ceti Ceti 6397. Lalande's N.P. D. is about 30" too small. 6405. Reddish star. 6409. Yellowish-red star. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1890, N.P.D. 287 No. Mean Time of Observa- tion. Number of Observations. Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 1 CO Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel, 1825. 1 A aToo c M _o OJ 0. O Greenwich, 1880. No. 6391 85-49 3 in 26 43-08 20-039 0-008 46939 6391 6392 84-43 8 34 54 22 ' 21 20-040 0-007 + 0-025 3185 237 46947 4029 6392 6393 91-47 3 102 4 10-77 20-043 0-006 46971 1042 6393 6394 83-85 6 106 27 35-11 20-043 0-006 0-008 3188 243 46974 6394 6395 85-89 3 104 44 16-32 20-043 0-005 46988 1049 6395 6396 8487 3 94 9 58-01 20-044 0-005 + 0-057 3189 244 46992 1051 12375 6396 6397 91-56 3 99 5 57-63 20-045 0-004 _ 47008 1056 6 397 6398 91-88 3 109 9 8-63 20-045 0-004 6398 6399 82-73 ii 83 44 43-54 20-045 0-004 + 0-108 3I9 1 246 47017 1062 12380 4036 6399 6400 89-84 3 93 27 23-26 20-046 0-003 47028 6400 6401 89-43 3 92 27 47-44 20-046 0-003 47030 6401 6402 82-10 3 96 30 12-86 20-046 0-003 249 47037 1067 12386 6402 6403 85-82 3 9 53 30'66 20-047 0-003 47041 1069 4041 6403 6404 9I-85 3 113 2 29-62 20-047 0-003 47043 6404 6405 86-81 3 90 58 20-25 20-048 0-002 47051 1078 6405 6406 90-39 3 107 1 8 30-09 20-048 O-OO2 47058 6406 6407 86-55 4 29 23 22-48 20-050 + O'OOI + 0-012 3'95 47110 4044 6407 6408 84-19 3 93 38 23-02 20-050 + O'OOI + 0-002 3196 255 47"3 1114 12406 4046 6408 6409 84-37 4 9 6 37 30-92 20-050 + o-ooi + 0-03I 3'97 256 47"5 1116 12409 6409 6410 86-54 3 104 i 15-75 20-051 + O-OO2 0-030 47123 1122 6410 6411 86-86 3 I2O 2O 0-23 20-051 + O'OO2 259 12412 4048 6411 6412 82-86 3 110 39 39' 01 20-052 + 0-003 262 47157 6412 6413 89-74 3 114 45 29-49 20-052 + 0-004 47161 12413 6413 6414 86-66 5 I0 7 56 53-11 20-053 + 0-005 0-005 3204 264 4779 12416 4053 6414 6415 84-24 3 107 8 23-22 20-053 + 0-006 454 6415 6416 84-83 3 119 52 54-65 20-053 + 0-006 12420 6416 6417 85-86 3 101 7 18-21 20-053 + 0-006 + 0-008 3206 266 47200 II7I 12422 455 6417 6418 85-58 6 29 17 54-63 20-053 + 0-008 47218 6418 6419 84-92 3 91 6 49-15 20-053 + 0-008 270 47217 1183 12428 6419 6420 84-27 4 96 19 22-15 20-053 + 0-008 0-096 3208 272 47227 1189 12431 6420 6421 9 I-I 5 3 94 27 46-82 20-053 + 0-008 47233 1192 6421 6422 89-21 3 105 2 O-26 20-053 + 0-008 47234 6422 6423 89-74 3 98 1 6 36-49 20-053 + 0-008 1194 6423 6424 85-74 3 loo 13 39-38 20-053 + 0-008 273 47232 "95 6424 6392, 6396, 6399, 6407, 6408, 6409, 6418, 6420, are respectively 6228, 6237, 6247, 6263, 6266, 6267, 6297, 6301 of the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1845. 6394, 6396, 6399, 6402, 6409, 6414, 6420, are respectively 2371, 2373, 2374, 2376, 2380, 2383, 2384 of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1860. 6410. The Proper Motions have been determined in the formation of the present Catalogue. f " OF THE ^ f UNIVERSITY 1 .