r SRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ; i Deceived Successions MAR '23 1&94 189 No Class No. ORIGINAL PAPERS ON DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BY JOHN HOPKINSON, M.A., D.So., F.B.S. NEW YORK : THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY, LIMITBB, 41 PARK Row (TIMES BUILDING). LONDON : WHITTAKER & CO., 2, WHITEHART STREET, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1893. AUTHORIZED AMERICAN EDITIOK PEEFACE. THE following short collection of papers includes all that I have written of an original character on electrotechnical subjects. Here and there errors have been corrected; otherwise the papers are republished exactly as they first appeared. The chronological order is not . strictly adhered to. The papers are arranged rather according to subject. Thus, five papers relating wholly or in part to the continuous current dynamo come first; then follow four on converters ; lastly, there are a note on the theory of al- ternate current machines and a paper on the applications of electricity to lighthouses. The motive of this publication has been that I have understood that one or two of these papers are out of print and are not so accessible to American readers as an author who very greatly values the good opinion of Ameri- can electrical engineers would desire. J. HOPKI^SOtf. LONDON, September, 1892. 3 CONTENTS. PAGE I. ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING, . . . - 7 (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, April 25, 1879.) II. ON ELECTEIC LIGHTING, (Second Paper) . . 26 (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, April 23, 1880.) III. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING, ... 40 (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, April 5, 1883.) IV. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY, 79 (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, May 6, 1886.) V. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHiNERY,(Second Paper) 134 (Proceedings of the Royal Society, February 15, 1892.) VI. THEORY or ALTERNATING CURRENTS, . . . 148 (Institution of Electrical Engineers, November 13, 1884.) VII. AN UNNOTICED DANGER IN CERTAIN APPA- RATUS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY, 177 (Philosophical Magazine, September, 1885.) VIII. INDUCTION COILS OR TRANSFORMERS, . . .182 (Proceedings of the Royal Society, February 17, 1887.) IX. EEPORT TO THE WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY OF THE TEST OF Two 6,500-WATT TRANS- FORMERS, MAY 31, 1892, .187 X. THEORY OF THE ALTERNATE CURRENT DYNAMO, 211 (Proceedings of the Royal Society, February 17, 1887.) XL THE ELECTRIC LIGHTHOUSES OF MACQUARIE AND OF TINO, 217 (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, December 7, 18S6.) 5 ORIGINAL PAPEES ON DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. FIRST PAPER. DURIKG the last year much has been written and much information communicated concerning the production of light from mechanical power by means of an electric cur- rent. The major portion of what has appeared has been either descriptive of particular machines for producing the current, and of lamps for manifesting a portion of its energy as light, or a statement of practical results con- necting the light obtained with the power applied and the money expended in producing it. While fully appreciating the present value of such in- formation, the author has felt that it did not tell all that was interesting or practically useful to know. It is de- sirable to know what the various machines can do with varied and known resistances in the circuit, and with va- ried speeds of rotation; and what amount of power is absorbed in each case. It is a question of interest whether 7 8 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. a machine intended for one light can or cannot produce two in the same circuit, and if not, why not ; whether a machine such as the Wallace-Farmer, intended as it is for many lights, will give economical results when used for one; and so on. It is clear that the attempt to examine all separate combinations of so many variables would be hopeless, and that the work must be systematized. The mechanical energy communicated by the steam en- gine or 'other motor is not immediately converted into the energy of heat, but is first converted into the energy of an electric current in a conducting circuit; of this a portion only becomes localized as heat between the car- bons of the electric arc ; and of this again a part only be- comes sensible to the eye as light. The whole of what we need to know may be more easily ascertained and more shortly expressed if the inquiry is divided into two parts : (a) What current will a machine produce under various conditions of circuit, and at what expenditure of mechani- cal power ? (b) Having given the electric conditions under which the arc is placed, no matter how these conditions are produced, what light will be obtained therefrom ? Parts of the subject have been treated more or less in this sense by Edlund (Pogg. Ann., 1867 and 1868), Houston and Thomson in America, Mascart (Journal de Physique, March, 1878), Abney (Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1878), Trowbridge (Philosophical Magazine, March, 1879), Schwendler (Report on Electric Light Experiments), etc., but not so completely that nothing remains to be done ; nor does the author doubt that a great deal of information is in the hands of makers of machines, which they have not thought it necessary to make known. The present ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 9 communication is limited to an account of some experi- ments on the production of currents by a Siemens medium- sized machine; that is, the machine which is advertised to produce a light of 6,000 candles by an expenditure of 3J horse power. All the machines for converting mechanical power into an electric current consist ultimately of a conducting wire moving in a magnetic field; and approximately the elec- tromotive force of the machine will be proportional to the velocity with which the circuit moves through the field, and to the intensity of the field. In general the intensity of the field is not constant; and in such machines as the Siemens and the ordinary Gramme machine it may be re- garded as a function of the current passing. We must learn what this function is for the machine in question ; or which comes to exactly the same thing, and is better so long as the facts are merely the result of experiment we must construct a curve in which the abscissae represent the intensities of currents passing, and the ordinates the corresponding electromotive forces for a given speed of rotation. But the power of a current, that is, its energy per second, is the product of the electromotive force and the intensity, or, in the case of the curve, the product of the ordinate and the abscissa; this is in all cases less than the power required to drive the machine, and the ratio be- tween the two may fairly be called the efficiency of the machine. The object of the inquiry may perhaps be made clearer by an illustration. Consider the case of a pump forcing water through a pipe against friction; then the electric current corresponds to the volume of water passing per 10 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. second, and the electromotive force to the difference of pressure on the two sides of the pump; and just as the product of pressure and volume per second is power, so the product of electromotive force and current is power, which is directly comparable with the power expended in driving the machine or the pump,, as the case may be. The peculiarity of the so-called dynamo-electric machine lies in this, that what corresponds to the difference of pressure (the electromotive force) depends directly on what corresponds to the volume passing (the current). Each experiment requires the determination of the speed, the driving power, the resistances in circuit, and the current passing; or of the difference of potential be- tween the two ends of a known resistance of the circuit. The apparatus employed by the author was arranged, not alone with an aim to accuracy, but in part to make use of such instruments as he happened to possess or could easily construct, and in part with a view to ready erection and transportation. Much more accurate results may be obtained by any one who will arrange apparatus with a single aim to attain the greatest accuracy possible. The author's apparatus will, however, be briefly described, that others may form their own opinion of the importance of the va- rious sources of error. The speed counter was that supplied with the electric machine. Concerning the steam engine nothing need be said, save that its speed was maintained very constant by means of a governor, shown in Fig. 1, specially arranged for great sensibility. By placing the joint A above the joint B, in- stead of below it, as in Porter's governor, any degree of ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 11 FIG. 1. GOVERNOR. sensibility up to instability may be obtained. The speed was varied by means of a weight and a spring attached to a lever on the throttle valve spindle. The ungainly ap- pearance of this governor could easily be remedied by any one proposing to manufacture it. The power is transmitted from the engine to a counter- shaft by means of a strap, and by a second strap from the countershaft to the pulley of the electric machine. On this second strap is the dynamom- eter shown in Fig. 2. This dynamometer has for some time been used by Messrs. Siemens, and was also used by Mr. Schwendler; its invention is due to Herr von Hefner- Alteneck. A is the driving pulley ; B the pulley of the electric machine ; C C are a pair of loose pulleys between which the strap passes ; these are carried in a double triangular frame, which can turn about a bar D. This bar might form part of a per- manent structure ; but in order to place the dynamometer readily on any strap, the bar was in this case provided with eyes at either end, and secured in position by six or eight ropes. This plan answers well, as there is very little stress on the bar. Immediately above the pulleys C C a cord leads from the frame through a Salter spring balance over snatch blocks to a back balance weight ; the tension of this cord is read on the spring balance. At first the spring balance was omitted, and the weight at the end of the cord 12 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. ON ELECTKIC LIGHTING. 13 was observed ; but the friction of the snatch block pulleys was found objectionable. The pulley frame carries a pointer, which is adjusted so as to coincide with a datum mark when the line A B bisects the distance between the loose pulleys. Let W be the tension of the cord required to bring the pulley frame to its standard position when no work is being transmitted, W" the tension which is required to bring the pointer back to the datum mark when an observation is made, and let W = W W". Let T', T" be the tensions on the tight and slack halves of the strap; R l9 # 2 , r the radii of the pulleys A, B and C, plus half the thickness of the strap; c,, e a the distances AJ, J B; 2d the distance apart of the centres (7, C; a l} # 2 the inclinations of the two parts of the strap, on either side of C, C, to the line A B. Then (T f - T")(sin a, + sin a,) = W; R, + r - d . d (R, + r - dV and sm a. = --- \- - -- , c l 2. The current passing may be ascertained by the heating of the calorimeter, or by measuring the difference of potential at the extremities of the resistance r. all the resistances of the circuit being supposed known. This difference of potential could of course be very easily measured by "means of a quadrant electrometer; but, as the instrument had to be frequently removed, a galva- nometer appeared more convenient. The two points to be measured are connected to the ends of two series of resist- ance coils a. b. The galvanometer G is placed in a second derived current, passing from a junction in a b through a battery H 9 then through a set of high resistances J for being M"erg. Bee Report of fW Brit. G. S- System of Unto," pvJbfiaked by tfce OS KLECTB1C UGHTIXG. 15 _ : ~" 16 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. adjusting sensibility, a reversing key K, the galvanometer 6r, the reversing key K again, and so to the other extremity of b. The electromotive force is ascertained by adjusting the resistance b so that the deflection of the galvanometer is nil. The resistance coils c comprise ten coils of common brass wire, each wound round a couple of wooden uprights driven into a baseboard common to the set; each wire is about 60 metres long, and of No. 17 Birmingham wire gauge (.06 inch or 1-J mm. diameter), weighing about 14.6 grams per metre. Each terminal is connected to a cup of mercury excavated in the baseboard, so that the coils can be placed in series or in parallel circuit at pleasure. The resistance of each coil being about 3 ohms, this set may be arranged to give resistances varying from 0.3 to 30 ohms. The calorimeter B is a Siemens pyrometer with the top scale removed; a resistance coil of uncovered German silver wire nearly 2 m. long, 1J mm. in diameter, and having a resistance of about 0.2 ohm, is suspended within it from an ebonite cover, which also carries a little brass stirrer, and the calorimeter is filled with water to a level determined by the mark of a scriber. It was of course necessary to know the capacity of the calorimeter for heat. It was filled with warm water up to the mark, and the coil placed in position ; 120 grams of water were then with- drawn, and the temperature of the calorimeter was ob- served to be 58.8 C. ; after the lapse of one minute it was 58.3 C.; after a second minute 57.9 0.; 120 grams of cold water, temperature 13.3 C., were then suddenly in- troduced through a hole in the ebonite cover, and it was found that, two minutes after the reading of 57.9 C., the ON ELECTEIC LIGHTING. 17 temperature was 50.0 C.; hence we may infer that the capacity of the calorimeter is equal to that of 740 grams of water. Two similar experiments at lower temperatures gave respectively the numbers 749 and 750. Estimating the capacity from the weight of the copper cylinder sup- plied with the pyrometer, it should be 747, to which must be added the capacity of the German silver wire and stirrer. Taking everything into consideration, 750 grams may be assumed as the most probable result. The resistance coils a, b are of German silver, made by Messrs. Elliott Brothers ; they are on the binary scale from -J ohm to 1,024 ohms. Separate coils were used, instead of a regular resistance box, because they were more readily applicable to any other purpose for which they might be required; and the binary scale was adopted, because the coils could at once be used as conductivity coils in parallel circuit, also on the binary scale. Each coil as supplied terminated in two stout copper legs ; these were fitted with cups of india rubber tubing for mercury, whereby any con- nections whatever could readily be made. This arrange- ment, though rude, was very convenient, and perhaps even safer from error than a box with brass plugs to make the connections. By a slight alteration of the connections the whole was instantly available as a Wheatstone bridge to determine resistances. The battery H is a single element of Daniell's battery, in which the sulphate of zinc solution floats on the sul- phate of copper; its electromotive force is assumed to be | volt. The resistances J added in the battery circuit are pencil lines on glass, such as are described in the Philosophical 18 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. Magazine of February, 1879. Three were used, giving a range of sensibility approximately in the proportions 1, 25, 170, 700 the last figure being when all were short cir- cuited ; they are very useful in adjusting the resistance b so as to give no deflection of the galvanometer. The reversing key K belongs to Sir W. Thomson's elec- trometer, and is quite suitable when high resistances and nil methods are used. The galvanometer G is far more sensitive than necessary, and has a resistance of 7,000 ohms. Preliminary to experiments on the current, determina- tions of resistances were made. The resistance of each brass coil c was first determined, to afford the means of. calculating the value of this resistance in any subsequent experiment. When the ten coils were coupled in parallel circuit, the calculated resistance was 0.29 ohm, while 0.292 was obtained by direct measurement. The leading wire was then examined; the further ends being disconnected, the insulation resistance was found to be over 60,000 ohms ; how much over, it was immaterial to learn. When the ends of the wire were connected, the resistance was found to be 0.129 ohm. The resistances in the dynamo-electric machine A were found to be as follows when cold: magnet coils, 0.156 and 0.152 respectively; armature coil, 0.324; total, 0.632 ohm. Direct examination was made of the whole machine in eight positions of the commutator, giving 0.643 ohm, with a maximum variation of 0.6 per cent, from the mean. After running the machine for some time the resistance was found to be 0.683, an increase which would be accounted for by a rise of temperature of 12 0. or thereabouts. The resistance of the calorimeter Otf ELECTKIC LIGHTING. 19 B is 0.20 ohm, without its leading wire, which may be taken as 0.01. We have then in circuit three resistances which must be considered: (1) The resistance of the machine A and leading wire, assumed throughout as together 0.81 ohm, and denoted bye,; (2) the resistance of the brass coils c, calculated from the several determina- tions, with the addition of 0.02 ohm, the resistance of the leading wire, and denoted by c 2 ; (3) when present, the resistance of the calorimeter B and leading wire, denoted by c 3 . Two approximate corrections were employed, and should be detailed. The first is the correction for the consider- able heating of the resistance coils c. These were arranged in two sets of five each, five being in parallel circuit, and the two sets in series. The current from the machine, being about 7.4 webers in each wire, was passed for three or four minutes; the circuit was then broken, and the resistance c 2 was determined within one second of breaking circuit, when it was found to be about 5 per cent, greater than when cold. As the resistance was falling, the follow- ing was adopted as a rule of correction : square the current in a single wire, and increase the resistance c 2 by ^ per cent, for every unit in the square. The second correction is due to the fact that the calorimeter was losing heat all the time it was being used. It was assumed that it loses 0.01 C. per minute for every 1 0. by which the tempera- ture of the calorimeter exceeds that of the air; this cor- rection is of course based on the experiment already mentioned. The method of calculation may now be explained: 20 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. R is the total resistance of the circuit in ohms, equal to CI + C.H-CS; Q is the current passing in webers; E is the electromotive force round the circuit in volts; W l is the work per second converted into heat in the circuit, as determined by the galvanometer, measured in erg-tens per second ; W a is the work per second as determined by the calorimeter; TF 3 is the work per second as determined by the dyna- mometer, less the power required to drive the machine when the circuit is open; HP is the equivalent of W 3 in horse power; n is the number of revolutions per minute of the armature. As already mentioned, the standard resistance coils a, b are adjusted in each experiment so that the galvanometer gives no deflection, and the value of b is then noted. The values of c lt c 2 , c 3 are known from previous observa- tions. Then _ ~' E = Q x R, W, = E x Q, mechanical equivalent of heat generated per second in calorimeter. The results of the experiments are given in the accom- panying table. ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. oM o o 11 5, S> a PH ' H ' S : O Tf T-1 T-l 1O tO oo so AC TJ< eo m o i-i 1-1 c* co eo r^ W TH CO 1- CO *- s ^ 53 ^ t Ci O CO CO T"* ^ t i - GO O? i OO O 00 q oo 5 . 3 X : <-; <= 6 o o H i-ii-ti-tojwcjeocoioeootcoosTfeoO'? .29, H H^ g S ?2 "ooi eo t^ |O-*T#cO(NOOOp The effect of absorption in so \n fJ small a thickness of very pure glass may be neglected ; but the reflection at the surfaces will cause a loss of 8.3 per cent., which must be allowed for. This percentage is calculated from Fresners formulae, which are certainly accurate for glasses of moderate refrangibility, and for moderate angles of incidence. Suppose, for example, it is required to measure a light of 8,000 candles; if it be placed at a distance of 40 inches, it will be reduced in the ratio 467 to 1, and becomes a con- veniently measurable quantity. By transmitting through colored glasses both the light from an electric lamp and that from the standard, a rough comparison may be made of the red or green in the electric light with the red or green in the standard. A dispersive photometer, in which a lens is used in a somewhat similar manner, is described in Stevenson's "Lighthouse Illumination;" but in that case the lens is not used in combination with a Bunsen photometer, nor with any standard light. Messrs. Ayrton and Perry de- scribed a dispersive photometer with a concave lens at the meeting of the Physical Society on December 13, 1879 (Proceedings Physical Society, vol. III., p. 184J. The convex lens possesses, however, an obvious advantage in ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 35 having a real focus, at which a diaphragm to cut off stray light may be placed. Efficiency of the Electric Arc. To define the electrical condition of an electric arc, two quantities must be stated the current passing, and the difference of electric potential at the ends of the two carbons. Instead of either one of these, we may, if we please, state the ratio difference of potential d ^ it ^ resistance of the arc> current that is to say, the resistance which would replace the arc without changing the current. But such a use of the term electric resistance is unscientific; for Ohm's law, on which the definition of electric resistance -rests, is quite untrue of the electric arc; while on the other hand, for a given ma- terial of the electrodes, a given distance between them, and a given atmospheric pressure, the difference of poten- tial on the two sides of the arc is approximately constant. The product of the difference of potential and the current is of course equal to the work developed in the arc; and this, divided by the work expended in driving the ma- chine, may be considered as the efficiency of the whole combination. It is a very easy matter to measure these quantities. The difference of potential on the two sides of the arc may be measured by the method given by the author in his previous paper, or by an electrometer, or in other ways. The current may be measured by an Obach galvanometer, or by a suitable electro-dynamometer, or best of all, in the author's opinion, by passing the whole current, on its way to the arc, through a very small known resistance, which may be regarded as a shunt for a galva- 36 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. nometer of very high resistance, or to the circuit of which a very high resistance has been added. It appears that with the ordinary carbons, and at ordi- nary atmospheric pressure, no arc can exist with a less difference of potential than about 20 volts; and that in ordinary work, with an arc about i inch long, the differ- ence of potential is from 30 to 50 volts. Assuming the former result, about 20 volts, for the difference of poten- tial, the use of the curve of electromotive forces may be illustrated by determining the lowest speed at which a given machine can run and yet be capable of producing a short arc. Taking as the origin of co-ordinates, Fig. 10, set off upon the axis of ordinates the distance A Fio. 10. equal to 20 volts ; draw A B to intersect at B the negative prolongation of the axis of abscissae, so that the ratio -^= may represent the necessary metallic resistance of the cir- cuit. Through .the point B, thus obtained, draw a tangent to the curve, touching it at C, and cutting A in D. Then the speed of the machine, corresponding to the par- ticular curve employed, must be diminished in the ratio ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 37 -- , in order that an exceedingly small arc may be just possible. The curve may also be employed to put into a somewhat different form the explanation given by Dr. Siemens, at the Koyal Society, respecting the occasional instability of the electric light as produced by ordinary dynamo-electric machines. The operation of all ordinary regulators is to part the carbons when the current is greater than a cer- tain amount, and to close them when it is less; initially the carbons are in contact. Through the origin 0, Fig. 11, draw the straight line OA, inclined at the angle repre- senting the resistances of the circuit other than the arc, and meeting the curve at A. The abscissa of the point A represents the current which will pass if the lamp be pre- vented from operating. Let N represent the current to which the lamp is adjusted; then if the abscissa of A be greater than N, the carbons will part. Through N draw the ordinate B N 9 meeting the curve in the point B; and parallel to A draw a tangent CD, touching the curve at D. If the point B is to the right of D, or further from the 38 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. origin, the arc will persist; but if B is to the left of D, or nearer to the origin, the carbons will go on parting, till the current suddenly fails and the light goes out. If B, although to the right of D, is very near to it, a very small reduction in the speed of the machine will suffice to ex- tinguish the light. Dr. Siemens gives greater stability to the light by exciting the electromagnets of the machine by a shunt circuit, instead of by the whole current. The success of burning more than one regulating lamp in series depends on the use in the regulator of an electro- magnet excited by a high resistance wire connecting the two opposed carbons. The force of this magnet will de- pend upon the difference of potential in the arc, instead of depending, as in the ordinary lamp, upon the current passing. Such a shunt magnet has been employed in a variety of ways. The author has arranged it as an attach- ment to an ordinary regulator; the shunt magnet actuates a key, which short circuits the magnet of the lamp when the carbons are too far parted, and so causes them to close. In conclusion the author ventures to remind engineers of the following rule for determining the efficiency of any system of electric lighting in which the electric arc is used, the arc being neither exceptionally long nor excep- tionally short: Measure the difference of potential of the arc, and also the current passing through it, in volts and webers respectively; then the product of these quantities, divided * by 746, is the horse power developed in that arc. * With respect to the factor 746, given above, the product of difference of poten- tial and current was power, which could of course be given as so many foot- pounds per minute; but the number that was got by multiplying webers and volts together did not give the power in foot pounds, audit required a factor to reduce ON ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 39 It is then known that the difference between the horse power developed in the arc and the horse power expended to drive the machine must be absolutely wasted, and has been expended in heating either the iron of the machine or the copper conducting wires. the one to the oth r, just as it required a factor to reduce gramme-centimetres, or any other measure of power, to foot-pounds. The factor in this case hap- pened to be 740, as would be seen by referring to Everett, "Units and Physical Constants." The product of a weber and a volt was 10 7 ergs per second (p. 138), while a horse power was 7.46 x 10 9 = 740 X 10 7 ergs per second (p. 5J5); hence the rule given. 40 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. ARTIFICIAL light is generally produced by raising some body to a high temperature. If the temperature of a body be greater than that of surrounding bodies it parts with some of its energy in the form of radiation. While the temperature is low these radiations are not of a kind to which the eye is sensitive; they are exclusively radiations less refrangible and of greater wave length than red light, and may be called infra red. As the temperature is in- creased the infra red radiations increase, but presently there are added radiations which the eye perceives as red light. As the temperature is further increased, the red light increases, and yellow, green and blue rays are succes- sively thrown off in addition. On pushing the temperature to a still higher point, radiations of a wave length shorter even than violet light are produced, to which the eye is insensitive, but which act strongly on certain chemical substances; these may be called ultra violet rays. It is thus seen that a very hot body in general throws out rays of various wave lengths, our eyes, it so happens, being only sensitive to certain of these, viz., those not very long and not very short, and that the hotter the body the more of every kind of radiation will it throw out ; but the propor- tion of short waves to long waves becomes vastly greater as the temperature is increased, The problem of the artificial SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 41 production of light with economy of energy is the same as that of raising some body to such a temperature that it shall give as large a proportion as possible of those rays which the eye happens to be capable of feeling. For prac- tical purposes this temperature is the highest temperature we can produce. Owing to the high temperature at which it remains solid, and to its great emissive power, the radiant body used for artificial illumination is nearly always some form of carbon. In the electric current we have an agent whereby we can convert more energy of other forms into heat in a small space than in any other way; and fortunately carbon is a conductor of electricity as well as a very refractory substance. The science of lighting by electricity very naturally divides itself into two principal parts the methods of production of electric currents, and of conversion of the energy of those currents into heat at such a temperature as to be given oif in radiations to which our eyes are sensi- ble. There are other subordinate branches of the subject, such as the consideration of the conductors through which the electric energy is transmitted, and the measurement of the quantity of electricity passing and its potential or elec- tric pressure. Although I shall have a word or two to say on the other branches of the subject, I propose to occupy most of the time at my disposal this evening with certain points concerning the conversion of mechanical energy into elec- trical energy. We know nothing as to what electricity is, and its appeals to our senses are in general less direct than those of the mechanical phenomena of matter. The laws, however, which we know to connect together those phe- nomena which we call electrical are essentially mechanical 42 DYNAMO MACHINEKY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. in form, are closely correlated with mechanical laws, and may be most aptly illustrated by mechanical analogues. For example, the terms " potential/' " current " and " re- sistance/' with which we are becoming familiar in electric- ity, have close analogues respectively in "head," "rate of flow" and "coefficient of friction" in the hydraulic trans- mission of power. Exactly as in hydraulics head multi- plied by velocity of flow is power measured in foot-pounds per second or in horse power, so potential multiplied by current is power and is measurable in the same units. The horse power not being a convenient elec- trical unit, Dr. Siemens has suggested that the electrical unit of power or volt-ampere should be called a watt : 746 watts are equal to one horse power. Again, just as water flowing in a pipe has inertia and requires an expenditure of work to set it in motion, and is capable of producing disruptive effects if its motion is too suddenly arrested, as, for example, when a plug tap is suddenly closed in a pipe through which water is flowing rapidly, so a current of electricity in a wire has inertia; to set it moving electromotive force must work for a finite time, and if we r in iiiiiiim attempt to arrest it suddenly by breaking the 1 circuit, the electricity forces its way across the interval as a spark. Corresponding to mass and moments of inertia in mechanics FIG. 12. we have in electricity coefficients of self induction. We will now show that an electric circuit behaves as though it had inertia. The ap- SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 43 paratus we shall use is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 12. A current from a Sellon battery A circulates round an electromagnet Z?/ it can be made and broken at pleasure at C. Connected to the two extremities of the wire on the FIG. 13. magnet is a small incandescent lamp D, lent to me by Mr. Crompton, of many times the resistance of the coil. On breaking the circuit, the current in the coil, in virtue of its momentum, forces its way through the lamp, and renders it momentarily incandescent, although all connection with the battery, which in any case would be too feeble to send sufficient current through the lamp, has ceased. Let us. try the experiment, make contact, break contact. You 44 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. observe the lamp lights up. Compare with the diagram (Fig. 13) ^of the hydraulic analogue, the hydraulic ram. There a current of water suddenly arrested forces a way for a portion of its quantity to a greater height than that from which it fell. A B corresponds to the electromag- net, the valve C to the contact breaker, and D E to the lamp. There is, however, this difference between the in- ertia of water in a pipe and the inertia of an electric cur- rent : the inertia of the water is confined to the water, whereas the inertia of the electric current resides in the surrounding medium. Hence arise the phenomena of in- duction of currents upon currents, and of magnets upon moving conductors phenomena which have no immediate analogues in hydraulics. There is thus little difficulty to any one accustomed to the laws of rational mechanics in adapting the expression of those laws to fit electrical phenomena; indeed we may go so far as to say that the part of electrical science with which we have to deal this evening is essentially a branch of mechanics, and as such I shall endeavor to treat it. This is neither the time nor the place for setting forth the fundamental laws of electricity, but I cannot forbear from showing you a mechanical illustration, or set of mechanical illustrations, of the laws of electrical induction, first discovered by Faraday. I have here a model, Fig. 14, which was made to the instructions of the late Professor Clerk Maxwell, to illustrate the laws of induction. It consists of a pulley P, which I now turn with my hand, and which represents one electric circuit, its motion the current therein. Here is a second pulley, S, representing a second electric circuit. These two pulleys are geared SOME POINTS IN ELECTBIC LIGHTING. 45 FIGK 14, 46 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. together by a simple differential train, such as is some- times used for a dynamometer. The intermediate wheel of the train, however, is attached to a balanced flywheel, the moment of inertia of which can be varied by moving inwards or outwards these four brass weights. The resist- ances of the two electric circuits are represented by the friction on the pulleys of two strings, the tension of which can be varied by tightening these elastic bands. The dif- ferential train, with its flywheel, represents the medium, whatever it may be, between the two electric conductors. The mechanical properties of this me del are of course obvious enough. Although the mathematical equations which represent the relation between one electric conduct- or and another in its neighborhood are the same in form as the mathematical equations which represent the mechan- ical connection between these two pulleys, it must not be as- sumed that the magnetic mechanism is completely repre- sented by the model. We shall now see how the model illustrates the action of one electric circuit upon another. You know that Faraday discovered that if you have two closed conductors arranged near to and parallel to each other, and if you cause a current of electricity to begin to flow in the first, there will arise a temporary current in the opposite direction in the second. This pulley, marked P on the diagram, represents the primary circuit, and the pulley marked 8 on the diagram the secondary circuit. We cause a current to begin to flow in the primary, or turn the pulley P; an opposite current is induced in the sec- ondary circuit, or the pulley 8 turns in the opposite direction to that in which we began to move the pulley P. The effect is only temporary; resistance speedily stops the SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 47 current in the secondary circuit, or, in the mechanical model, friction the rotation of the pulley S. I now grad- ually stop the motion of P; the pulley S moves in the direction in which P was previously moving, just as Far- aday found that the cessation of the primary current in- duced in the secondary circuit a current in the same direc- tion as that which had existed in the primary. If there were a large number of convolutions or coils in the second- ary circuit, but that circuit were not completed, but had an air space interrupting its continuity, an experiment with the well known Kuhmkorff coil would show you that when the current was suddenly made to cease to flow in the primary circuit, so great 'an electromotive force would be exerted in the secondary circuit that the electricity would leap across the space as a spark. I will now show you what corresponds to a spark with this mechanical model. The secondary pulley S shall be held by passing a thread several times round it. I gradually produce the current in the primary circuit. I will now suddenly stop this primary current: you observe that the electromotive force is sufficient to break the thread. The inductive effects of one electric circuit upon another depend not alone on the dimensions and form of the two circuits, but on the nature of the material between them. For example, if we had two parallel circular coils, their inductive effects would be very considerably enhanced by introducing a bar of iron in their common axis. We can imitate this effect by moving outwards or inwards these brass weights. In the experiment I have shown you the weights have been some distance from the axis in order to obtain considerable effect, just as in the Ruhmkorff coil an iron core is intro- 48 DYNAMO MACHINERY A.ND ALLIED SUBJECTS. duced within the primary circuit. I will now do what is equivalent to removing the core : I will bring the weights nearer to the axis, so that my flywheel shall have less moment of inertia. You observe that the inductive effects are very much less marked than they were before. With the same electromagnet which we used before, but differ- ently arranged, we will show what we have just illustrated the induction of one circuit on another. Referring to Fig. 15, coil A B corresponds to wheel P ; C D to wheel 8, and the iron core to the fly- wheel and differential gear. The resist- ance of a lamp takes the place of the friction of the string on S. As we make and break the circuit you see the effect of the induced current in rendering the lamp incandescent. So far I have been illustrating the phenomena of the induc- tion of one current upon another. I will now show on the model that a current in a single electric circuit has momen- tum. The secondary wheel shall be firmly held ; it shall have no conductivity at all that is, its electrical effect shall be as though it were not there. I now cause a current to begin to flow in the primary circuit, and it is obvious enough that a certain amount of work must be done to bring it up to a certain speed. The an- gular velocity of the flywheel is half that of the pulley representing the primary circuit. Now suppose that the two pulleys were connected together in such a way that FIG. 15. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 49 they must have the same angular velocity in the same direction. This represents the coil having twice as many convolutions as it had before. A little consideration will show that I must do four times as much work to give the primary pulley the same velocity that it attained before; that is to say, that the coefficient of self induction of a coil of wire is proportional to the square of the number of convolutions. Again, suppose that these two wheels were so geared together that they must always have equal and opposite velocities, you can see that a very small amount of work must be done in order to give the primary wheel the velocity which we gave to it before. Such an arrangement of the model represents an electric cir- cuit, the coefficient of induction of which is exceedingly small, such as the coils that are wound for standard resistances; the wire is there wound double, and the current returns upon itself, as shown in Fig. 16. In the widest sense, the dynamo-electric machine may be defined as an apparatus for converting mechanical energy into the energy of electrostatic charge, or mechan- ical power into its equivalent electric current through a conductor. Under this definition would be included the electrophorus and all f rictional machines ; but the term is used, in a more restricted sense, for those machines which FIG. 16. 50 DYtfAMO MACHINEHY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. produce electric currents by the motion of conductors in a magnetic field, or by the motion of a magnetic field in the neighborhood of a conductor. The laws on which the action of such machines is based have been the subject of a series of discoveries. Oersted discovered that an electric current in a conductor exerted force upon a magnet; Ampere that two conductors conveying currents generally exerted a mechanical force upon each other. Faraday dis- covered what Helmholtz and Thomson subsequently proved to be the necessary consequence of the mechanical reactions between conductors conveying currents and mag- nets that if a closed conductor move in a magnetic field, there will be a current induced in that conductor in one direction if the number of lines of magnetic force passing through the conductor was increased by the movement; in the other direction if diminished. Now all dynamo-electric machines are based upon Faraday's discovery. Not only so ; but however elaborate we may wish to make the analysis of the action of a dynamo machine, Faraday's way of pre- senting the phenomena of electromagnetism to the mind is in general our best point of departure. The dynamo machine, then, essentially consists of a conductor made to move in a magnetic field. This conductor, with the exter- nal circuit, forms a closed circuit in which electric currents are induced as the number of lines of magnetic force pass- ing through the closed circuit varies. Since, then, if the current in a closed circuit be in one direction when the number of lines of force is increasing, and in the opposite direction when they are diminishing, it is clear that the current in each part of such circuit which passes through the magnetic field must be alternating in direction, unless, SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 51 indeed, the circuit be such that it is continually cutting more and more lines of force, always in the same direction. Since the current in the wire of the machine is alternating, so also must be the current outside the machine, unless something in the nature of a commutator be employed to reverse the connections of the internal wires in which the current is induced, and of the external circuit. We have, then, broadly, two classes of dynamo-electric machines the simplest, the alternating current machine, where no commutator is used; and the continuous current machine, in which a commutator is used to change the connection of the external circuit just at the moment when the direc- tion of the current would change. The mathematical theory of the alternate current machine is comparatively simple. To fix ideas, I will ask you to think of the alter- nate current Siemens machine, which Dr. Siemens exhibited here three weeks ago. We have there a series of magnetic fields of alternate polarity, and through these fields we have coils of wire moving; these coils constitute what is called the armature; in them are induced the currents which give a useful effect outside the machine. Now I am not going to trouble you to go through the mathematical equations, simple though they are, by which the following formulae are obtained: n t /T , r (I.) 2 n A 2 Ttt E= --cos- (II.) 52 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED = (in.) (IV.) (VL) T represents the periodic time of the machine ; that is, in the case of a Siemens machine having eight magnets on each side of the armature, T represents the time of one- fourth of a revolution. / represents the number of lines of force embraced by the coils of the armature at the time t. I must be a periodic function of /, in the simplest form represented by Equation I. Equation II. gives E the elec- tromotive force acting at time / upon the circuit. Having given the electromotive force acting at any time, it would appear at first sight that we had nothing to do but to divide that electromotive force by the resistance R of the whole circuit, to obtain the current flowing at that time. But if we were to do so we should be landed in error, for the conducting circuit has other properties besides resist- ance. I pointed out to you that it had a property of mo- mentum represented by its coefficient of self induction, LIGHTING. 53 with it |iijii at important a part as DI. gives die wiD obeerre that it Hlesstkanitwoaldbeif byfte br Foonia IV. of deefetical work --;,-_:_, ::::_.: : -^ 54 DYNAMO "MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. In some cases this phenomenon is so marked that the machine actually takes more to drive it, when the machine is on open circuit, than when it is short circuited. The ex- planation is that on open circuit currents are induced in the iron cores, but that when the copper coils are closed the current in them diminishes by induction the current in the iron. The effect of currents in the iron cores is not alone to waste eiwrgy and heat the machine; but for a given intensity of field and speed of revolution the exter- nal current produced is diminished. The cure of the evil is to subdivide the moving iron as much as possible, in di- rections perpendicular to those in which the current tends to circulate. There remains one point of great practical interest in connection with alternate current machines: How will they behave when two or more are coupled together to aid each other in doing the same work ? With galvanic bat- teries we know very well how to couple them, either in parallel circuit or in series, so that they shall aid, and not oppose, the effects of each other; but with alternate cur- rent machines, independently driven, it is not quite obvi- ous what the result will be, for the polarity of each machine is constantly changing. Will two machines, coupled together, run independently of each other, or will one control the movement of the other in such wise that they settle down to conspire to produce the same effect, or will it be into mutual opposition ? It is obvious that a great deal turns upon the answer to this question, for in the general distribution of electric light it will be desirable to be able to supply the system of conductors from which the consumers draw by separate machines, SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. OO which can be thrown in and out at pleasure. Now I know it is a common impression that alternate current machines cannot be worked together, and that it is almost a necessity to have one enormous machine to supply all the consumers drawing from one system of conductors. Let us see how the matter stands. Consider two machines independently driven, so as to have approximately the same periodic time FIG. 17. and the same electromotive force. If these two machines are to be worked together, they may be connected in one of two ways : they may be in parallel circuit with regard to the external conductor, as shown by the full line in Fig. 1 7, that is, their currents may be added algebraically and sent to the external circuit, or they may be coupled in series, as shown by the dotted line, that is, the whole current may pass successively through the two machines, and the electromotive force of the two machines may be added ? 56 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. instead of their currents. The latter case is simpler. Let us consider it first. I am going to show that if you couple two such alternate current machines in series they will so control each other's phase as to nullify each other, and that you will get no effect from them ; and, as a corollary from that, I am going to show that if you couple them in parallel circuit they will work perfectly well together, and the currents they produce will be added; in fact, that you cannot drive alternate current machines tandem, but that you may drive them as a pair, or, indeed, any number abreast. In diagram, Fig. 18, the horizontal line of ab- 1JIL11IV scissae represents the time advancing from left to right; the full curves represent the electromotive forces of the two machines not supposed to be in the same phase. We want to see whether they will tend to get into the same phase or to get into opposite phases. Now, if the machines are coupled in series, the resultant electromotive force on the circuit will be the sum of the electromotive forces of the two machines. This resultant electromotive force is represented by the broken curve III. By what we have already seen in Formula IV., the phase of the cur- SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 57 reut must lag behind the phase of the electromotive force, as is shown in the diagram by curve 7F, thus . . . Now the work done in any machine is represented by the sum of the products of the currents and of the electromotive forces, and it is clear that, as the phase of the current is more near to the phase of the lagging machine // than to that of the leading machine /, the lag- ging machine must do more work in producing electricity than the leading machine; consequently its velocity will be retarded, and its retardation will go on until the two machines settle down into exactly opposite phases, when no current will pass. The moral, therefore, is, do not attempt to couple two independently driven alternate current machines in series. Now for the corollary: A, B, Fig. 17, represent the two terminals of an alternate cur- rent machine; , b the two terminals of another machine independently driven. A and a are connected together, and B and b. So regarded, the two machines are in series, and we have just proved that they will exactly oppose each other's effects, that is, when A is positive, a will be positive also; when A is negative, a is also nega- tive. Now, connecting A and a through the compara- tively high resistance of the external circuit with B and b, the current passing through that circuit will not much disturb, if at all, the relations of the two machines. Hence, when A is positive, a will be positive, and when A is negative, a will be negative also; precisely the condition required that the two machines may work together to send a current into the external circuit. You may, therefore, with confi- dence, attempt to run alternate current machines in parallel circuit for the purpose of producing any external 58 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. effect. I might easily show that the same applies to a larger number; hence there ic no more difficulty in feed- ing a system of conductors from a number of alternate cur- rent machines than there is in feeding it from a number of continuous current machines. A little care is only re- quired that the machine shall be thrown in when it has attained something like its proper velocity. A further corollary is that alternate currents with alternate current machines as motors may theoretically be used for the trans- mission of power.* It is easy to see that, by introducing a commutator re- volving with the armature, in an alternate current machine, and so arranged as to reverse the connection between the armature and the external circuit just at the time when the current would reverse, it is possible to obtain a cur- rent constant always in direction; but such a current would be far from constant in intensity, and would cer- tainly not accomplish all the results that are obtained in modern continuous current machines. This irregularity may, however, be reduced to any extent by multiplying the wires of the armature, giving eacli its own connection to the outer circuit, and so placing them that the electro- motive force attains a maximum successively in the several coils. A practically uniform electric current was first com- mercially produced with the ring armature of Pacinotti, as perfected by Gramme. The Gramme machine is repre- sented diagram matically in Fig. 19. The armature consists *Of course in applying these conclusions it is necessary to remember that the machines only tend to control each other, and that the control of the motive power may be predominant, and compel th two or more machines to run at different speeds. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 59 of an anchor ring of iron wire, the strands more or less insulated from each other. Round this anchor ring is wound a continuous endless coil of copper wire; the armature moves in a magnetic field, pro- duced by permanent or electro- magnets with diametrically oppo- site poles, marked N and S. The lines of magnetic force may be regarded as passing into the ring from N, dividing, passing round the ring and across to S. Thus the coils of wire, both near to N and near to S, are cutting through a very strong magnetic field; con- sequently there will be an intense inductive action. The inductive action of the coils near JV being equal and opposite to the induc- tive action of the coils near S, it results that there will be strong positive and negative electric po- tential at the extremities of a diameter perpendicular to the line NS. The electromotive force pro- duced is made use of to produce a current external to the machine; thus the endless coil of the armature is divided into any number of sections, in the diagram into six for convenience, usually into sixty or eighty, and the junction of each pair of sections is con- nected by a wire to a plate of the commutator fixed upon FIG. 19. 60 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. the shaft which carries the armature; collecting brushes make contact with the commutator, as shown in the diagram. If the external resistance were enormously high, so that very little current, or none at all, passed through the armature, the greatest difference of potential between the two brushes would be found when they made contact at points at right angles to the line between the magnets; but when a current passes in the armature, this current causes a disturbing effect upon the magnetic field. Every time the contact of the brushes changes from one contact plate to the next, the current in a section of the copper coil is reversed, and this reversal has an inductive effect upon all the other coils of the armature. You may take it from me that the net result on any one coil is approxi- mately the same as if that coil alone were moved, and all the other coils were fixed, and there were no reversals of current in them. Now you can easily see that the mag- netic effect of the current circulating in the coils of the armature will be to produce a north pole at n and a south pole at s. This will displace the magnetic field in the direction of rotation. If, then, we were to keep the contact points the same as when no current was passing, we should short circuit the sections of the arma- ture at a time when they were cutting through the lines of magnetic force, with a result that there would be vigor- ous sparks between the collecting brushes and the com- mutator. To avoid this, the brushes must follow the magnetic field, and also be displaced in the direction of rotation, this displacement being greater as the current in the armature is greater in proportion to the magnetic field. The net effect of this disturbing effect of the current in. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 61 the armature reacting upon itself is, then, to displace the neutral points upon the commutator, and consequently somewhat to diminish the effective electromotive force. It is best to adjust the brushes to make contact at a point such that, with the current then passing, flashing is re- duced to a minimum; but this point does not necessarily coincide with the point which gives maximum difference of potential. The magnetic field' in the Gramme and other continuous dynamo-electric machines may be pro- duced in several ways. Permanent magnets of steel may be used, as in some of the smaller machines now made, and in all the earlier machines; these are frequently called mag- neto machines. Electromagnets excited by a current from a small dynamo-electric machine were introduced by Wilde; these may be described shortly as dynamos with separate exciters. The plan of using the whole current from the armature of the machine itself, for exciting the magnets, was proposed almost simultaneously by Siemens, Wheatstone, and S. A. Varley. A dynamo so excited is now called a series dynamo. Another method is to divide the current from the armature, sending the greater part into the external circuit, and a smaller por- tion through the electromagnet, which is then of very much higher resistance. Such an arrangement is called a shunt dynamo. A combination of the last two methods has been recently introduced, for the purpose of main- taining constant potential. The magnet is partly ex- cited by a circuit of high resistance, a shunt to the external circuit, and partly by coils conveying the whole current from the armature. All but the first two arrangements named depend on residual magnetism 62 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. to initiate the current, and below a certain speed of rotation give no practically useful electromotive force. A dynamo machine is, of course, not a perfect instrument for converting mechanical energy into the energy of electric current. Cer- tain losses inevitably occur. There is, of course, the loss due to friction of bearings, and of the collecting brushes upon the commutator; there is also the loss due to the production of electric currents in the iron of the machine. When these are accounted for, we have the actual electrical effect of the machine in the conducting wire; but all of this is not available for external work. The current has to circulate through the armature, which inevitably has elec- trical resistance; electrical energy must, therefore, be con- verted into heat in the armature of the machine. Energy must also be expended in the wire of the electromagnet which produces the field, for the resistance of this also cannot be reduced beyond a certain limit. The loss by the resistance of the wires of the armature and of the magnets greatly depends on the dimensions of the machine. About this I shall have to say a word or two presently. To know the properties of any machine thoroughly, it is not enough to know its efficiency and the amount of work it is capable of doing; wo need to know what it will do under all cir- cumstances of varying resistance or varying electromotive force. We must know, under any given conditions, what will be the electromotive force of the armature. Now this electromotive force depends on the intensity of the mag- netic field, and the intensity of the magnetic field depends on the current passing round the electromagnet and the current in the armature. The current, then, in the machine is the proper independent variable in terms of which to SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 63 express the electromotive force. The simplest case is that of the series dynamo, in which the current in the electro- magnet and in the armature is the same, for then we have only one independent variable. The relation between the electromotive force and current is represented by such a curve as is shown in the diagram, Fig. 20. The abscissae, Fio. 20. measured along X, represent the current, and the ordi- nates represent the* electromotive force in the armature. When four years ago I first used this curve, for the pur- pose of expressing the results of my experiments on the Siemens dynamo machine, I pointed out that it was capable of solving almost any problem relating to a particular machine, and that it was also capable of giving good indi- cations of the results of changes in the winding of the magnets or of the armatures of such machines. Since then M. Marcel Deprez has happily named such curves " char- 64 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. acteristic curves." I will give you one or two illustrations of their use. A complete characteristic of a series dynamo does not terminate at the origin, but has a negative branch, as shown in the diagram ; for it is clear that by reversing the current through the whole machine the electromotive force is also reversed. Suppose a series dynamo is used for charging an accumulator, and is driven at a given speed, what current will pass through it ? The problem is easily solved. Along Y, Fig. 20, set off E to represent the electromotive force of the accumulator, and through ^draw the line C E B A, making an angle with X, such that its tangent is equal to the resistance of the whole circuit, and cutting the characteristic curve, as it in general will do, in three points, A, B, and C. We have, then, three answers to the question. The current passing through the dynamo will be either L, M, or N t the abscissae of the points where the line cuts the curve. L represents the current when the dynamo is actually charging the accumulator. M represents a current which could exist for an instant, but which would be unstable, for the least variation would tend to increase. N is the current which passes if the current in the dynamo should get reversed, as it is very apt to do when used for this purpose. THie next illustration is rather outside my subject, but shows another method of using the characteristic curve. Many of you have heard of Jacobi's law of maximum effect of transmitting work by dynamo machines. It is this: Supposing that the two dynamo machines were perfect instruments for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, and that the gen- erating machine were run at constant velocity, while the receiving machine had a variable velocity, the greatest SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 65 amount of work would be developed in the receiving machine when its electromotive force was one-half that of the generating machine; then the efficiency would be one- half, and the electrical work done by the generating machine would be just one-half of what it would be if the receiving machine were forcibly held at rest. Now this law is strictly true if, and only if, the electromotive force of the generat- ing machine is independent of the current passing through its armature. What I am now going to do is to give you a construction for determining the maximum work which can be transmitted when the electromotive force of the generating machine depends on the current passing through the armature, as, indeed, it nearly always does. Referring to Fig. 21, PB is the characteristic curve of the generating machine. Construct a derived curve thus: at successive 66 DYNAMO MACHINERY ANt> ALLIED points P of the characteristic curve draw tangents P T; draw T N parallel to X, cutting P j^in N; produce M P to L, making L P equal P N; the point L gives the derived curve, which I want. Now, to find the maximum work which can be transmitted, draw A at such an angle with X that its tangent is equal to twice the resistance of the whole circuit, cutting the derived curve in A. Draw the ordinate A C, cutting the characteristic curve in B; bisect A (7 at D. The work expended upon the generating machine would be represented by the parallelogram C B R, the work wasted in resistance by CD S, and the work de- veloped in the receiving machine by the parallelogram SDBR. When the dynamo machine is not a series dynamo, but the currents in the armature and in the electromagnet, though possibly dependent upon each other, are not nece.s- sarily equal, the problem is not quite so simple. We have, then, two variables, the current in the electromagnet and the current in the armature; and the proper representation of the properties of the machine will be by a characteristic surface such as that illustrated by this model, Fig. 22. Of the three co-ordinate axes, X represents the current in the magnet, Y represents the current in the armature, not necessarily to the same scale, and Z the electromo- tive force. By the aid of such a surface as this, one may deal with any problem relating to a dynamo machine, no matter how its electromagnets and its armature are con- nected together. Let us apply the model to find the characteristic of a series dynamo. Take a plane through Z y the axis of electromotive force, and making such an angle with the plane X, Z that its tangent is equal to SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 67 current unity on axis Y, divided by current unity on axis X. This plane cuts the surface in a curve. The projection of this curve on the plane OX, OZ is the characteristic curve of the series dynamo. This model only shows an eighth part of the complete surface. If any of you should interest yourselves about the other seven parts, which are not without interest, remember that it is assumed FIG. 22. that the brushes always make contact with the commu- tator at the point of no flashing, if there is one. Of course in actual practice one would not use the model of the surface, but the projections of its sections. While I am speaking of characteristic curves there is one point I will just take this opportunity of mentioning. Three years ago Mr. Shoolbred exhibited the characteristic curve of a Gramme machine, in which, after the current attained to a 68 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. certain amount, the electromotive force began to fall. I then said that I thought there must be some mistake in the experiment. However, subsequent experiments have veri- fied the fact; and when one considers it, it is not very difficult to see the explanation. It lies in this : after the current attains to a certain amount the iron in the machines becomes magnetically nearly saturated, and consequently an increase in the current does not produce a correspond- ing increase in the magnetic field. The reaction, however, between the different sections of the wire on the armature goes on increasing indefinitely, and its effect is to diminish the electromotive force. A little while ago I said that the dimensions of the machine had a good deal to do with its efficiency. Let us see how the properties of a machine depend upon its dimen- sions. Suppose two machines alike in every particular ex- cepting that the one has all its linear dimensions double those of the other; obviously enough all the surfaces in the larger would be four times the corresponding surfaces in the smaller, and the weights and volumes of the larger would be eight times the corresponding weights in the smaller machine. The electrical resistances in the larger machine would be one-half those of the smaller. The cur- rent required to produce a given intensity of magnetic field would be twice as great in the larger machine as in the smaller. In the diagram (Fig. 23) are shown the compara- tive characteristic curves of the two machines, when driven at the same speed. You will observe that one curve is the projection of the other, having corresponding points with abscissae in the ratio of one to two, and the ordinates in the ratio of one to four. Now at first sight it SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 69 would seem as though, since the wire on the magnet and armature of the larger machine has four times the section of that of the smaller, four times the current could be carried, that consequently the intensity of the magnetic field would be twice as great and its area would be four times as great, and hence the electromotive force eight times as great; and, since the current in the armature also is supposed to be four times as great, that the work done by the larger machine would be thirty-two times as much as that which would be done by the smaller. Practically, however, no such result can possibly be obtained, for a whole series of reasons. First of all, the iron of the mag- nets becomes saturated, and consequently, instead of getting eight times the electromotive force, we should only get four times the electromotive force. Secondly, the current which we can carry in the armature is limited by the rate at which we can get rid of the heat generated in the armature. This we may consider as proportional to its surface; consequently 70 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. we must only waste four times as much energy in the arma- ture of the larger machine as in the smaller one, instead of eight times, as would be the case if we carried the current in proportion to the section of the wire. Again, the larger machine cannot run at so great an angular velocity as the smaller one. And lastly, since in the larger machine the current in the armature is greater in proportion to the saturated magnetic field than it is in the smaller one, the displacement of the point of contact of the brushes with the commutator will be greater. However, to cut the matter, about which one might say a great deal, short, one may say that the capacity of similar dynamo machines is pretty much proportionate to their weight, that is, to the cube of their linear dimensions; that the work wasted in producing the magnetic field will be directly as the linear dimensions; and that the work wasted in heating the wires of the armature will be as the square of the linear dimensions. Now let us see how this would practically apply. Suppose we had a small machine capable of producing an electric current of 4 h. p., that of this 4 h. p. 1 was wasted in heat- ing the wires of the armature, and 1 in heating the wires of the magnet; 2 would be usefully applied outside. Now if we doubled the linear dimensions we should have a ca- pacity of 32 h. p., of which 2 only, if suitably applied, would be required to produce the magnetic field, and 4 would be wasted in heating the wires of the armature, leaving 26 h. p. available for useful work outside the machine a very dif- ferent economy from that of the smaller machines. But if we again doubled the linear dimensions of our machine, we should by no means obtain a similar increase of effect. A consideration of the properties of similar machines has SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 71 another very important practical use. As you all know, Mr. Froude was able to control the design of ironclad ships by experiments upon models made in paraffin wax. Now it is a very much easier thing to predict what the perform- ance of a large dynamo machine will be, from laboratory experiments made upon a model of a very small fraction of its dimensions. As a proof of the practical utility of such methods, I may say that by laboratory experiments I have succeeded in increasing the capacity of the Edison machines without increasing their cost, and with a small increase of their percentage of efficiency, remarkably high as that efficiency already was. I might occupy your time with considerations as to the proper proportion of conductors, and explain Sir W. Thomson's law that the most economical size of a copper conductor is such that the annual charge for interest and depreciation of the copper of which it is made shall be equal to the cost of producing the power which is wasted by its resistance. But the remaining time will, perhaps, be best spent in considering the production of light from the energy of electric currents. You all know that this is done commercially in two ways by the electric arc, and by the incandescent lamp ; as the arc lamp preceded the incandes- cent lamp historically, we will examine one or two points connected with it first. I have here all that is necessary to illustrate the electric arc, viz., two rods of carbon supported in line with each other, and so mounted that they can be approached or with- drawn. Each carbon is connected with one of the poles of the Edison dynamo machine which is supplying electricity to the incandescent lamps which illuminate the whole of 72 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. this building. A resistance is interposed in the circuit of the lamp, because the electromotive force of the machine is much in excess of what the lamp requires. I now ap- proach the carbons, bring them into contact, and again separate them slightly; you observe that the break does not stop the current, which forces its way across the space. I increase the distance between the carbons, and you observe the electric arc between their extremities ; at last it breaks, having attained a length of about 1 inch. Now the current has hard work to cross this air space between the carbons, and the energy there developed is converted into heat, which raises the temperature of the ends of the carbon be- yond any other terrestrial temperature. There are several points of interest I wish to notice in the electric arc. Both carbons burn away in the air, but there is also a transference of carbon from the positive to the negative carbon; there- fore, although both waste away, the positive carbon wastes about twice as fast as the negative. With a continuous current, such as we are using now, the negative carbon be- comes pointed, while the positive carbon forms a crater or hollow; it is this crater which becomes most intensely hot and radiates most of the light; hence the light is not by any means uniformly distributed in all directions, but is mainly thrown forward from the crater in the positive carbon. This peculiarity is of great advantage for some purposes, such, for example, as military or naval search lights; but it necessitates, in describing the illuminating power of an arc light, some statement of the direction in which the measure- ment was made. On account of its very high temperature the arc light sends forth a very large amount of visible radiation, and is therefore very economical of electrical SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 73 energy. For the same reason its light contains a very large proportion of rays of high refrangibility, blue and ultra violet. I have measured the red light of an electric arc against the red of a candle, and have found it to be 4,700 times as great, and I have measured the blue of the same arc light against the blue of the same candle, and found it to be 11,380 times as great. The properties of an electric arc are not those of an ordinary conductor. Ohm's law does not apply. The electromotive force and the current do not by any means bear to each other a constant ratio. Strictly speaking, an electric arc cannot be said to have an electric resistance measurable in ohms. We will now ex- amine the electrical properties of the arc experimentally. In the circuit with the lamp is a Thomson graded current galvanometer for measuring the current passing in amperes; connected to the two carbons is a Thomson graded poten- tial galvanometer for measuring the difference of potential between them in volts. We have the means of varying the current by varying the resistance, which I have already told you is introduced into the circuit. We will first put in circuit the whole resistance available, and will adjust the carbons so that the distance between them is, as near as I can judge, inch. We will afterwards increase the cur- rent and repeat the readings. The results are given in Table III. TABLE III. Current Galvanometer. Potential Galvanometer. Amperes. Volts. Watts. H. P. 6.2 12.0 9.9 35 346 0.46 9.3 12.0 14.9 35 521 0.70 11.5 11.8 18.4 34 626 0.84 74 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. If the electrical properties of the arc were the same as those of a continuous conductor, the volts would be in pro- portion to the amperes, if correction were made for change of temperature ; you observe that instead of that the poten- tial is nearly the same in the two cases. We may say, with some approach to accuracy, that, with a given length of arc, the arc opposes to the current an electromotive force nearly constant, almost independent of the current. This was first pointed out by Edlund. If you will speak of the resistance of the electric arc, you may say that the resist- ance varies inversely as the current. Take the last exper- iment: by burning 4 cubic feet of gas per hour we should produce heat energy at about the same rate. I leave any of you to judge of the comparative illuminating effects. It is not my purpose to describe the mechanisms which have been invented for controlling the feeding of the carbons as they waste away. Several lamps lent by Messrs. Siemens Brothers to whom I am indebted for the lamp and resist- ance I have just been using lie upon the table for inspec- tion. An electric arc can also be produced by an alternate current. Its theory may be treated mathematically, and is very interesting, but time will not allow us to go into it. I will merely point out this: there is some theoretical reason to suppose that an alternate current arc is in some measure less efficient than one produced by a continuous current. The efficiency of a source of light is greater as the mean temperature of the radiating surface is greater. The max- imum temperature in an arc is limited probably by the temperature of volatilization of carbon; in an alternate current arc the current is not constant, therefore the mean temperature is less than the maximum temperature; in a SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 75 continuous current arc, the current being constant, the mean and maximum temperatures are equal, therefore in a continuous current arc the mean temperature is likely to be somewhat higher than in an alternate current arc. We will now pass to the simpler incandescent light. When a current of electricity passes through a continuous conductor, it encounters resistance, and heat is generated, as was shown by Joule, at a rate represented by the resist- ance multiplied by the square of the current. If the cur- rent is sufficiently great, the heat will be generated at such a rate that the conductor rises in temperature so far that it becomes incandescent and radiates light. At- tempts have been made to use platinum and platinum- iridium as the incandescent conductor, but these bodies are too expensive for general use, and besides, refractory though they are, they are not refractory enough to stand the high temperature required for economical incandescent lighting. Commercial success was not realized until very thin and very uniform threads or filaments of carbon were produced and enclosed in reservoirs of glass, from which the air was exhausted to the utmost possible limit. Such are the lamps made by Mr. Edison with which this build- ing is lighted to-night. Let us examine the electrical properties of such a lamp. Here is a lamp intended to carry the same current as those overhead, but of half the resistance, selected because it leaves us a margin of electro- motive force wherewith to vary our experiment. Into its circuit I am able to introduce a resistance for checking the current, composed of other incandescent lamps for con- venience, but which I shall cover over that they may not distract your attention. As before, we have two galva- 76 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. nometers one to measure the current passing through the lamp, the other the difference of potential at its terminals. First of all, we will introduce ar considerable resistance; you observe that, although the lamp gives some light, it is feeble and red, indicating a low temperature. We take our galvanometer readings. We now diminish the resist- ance. The lamp is now a little short of its standard in- tensity; with this current it would last 1,000 hours without giving way. We again read the galvanometers. The re- sistance is diminished still further. You observe a great increase of brightness, and the light is much whiter than before. With this current the lamp would not last very long. The results are given in Table IV. TABLE IV. Current Galvanometer. Potential Galvanometer. Amperes. Volts. Watts. Resistance, Ohins. 5.2 12.8 0.38 87 14 97 6.0 14.3 (' 11 41 18 93 11.5 i 28.4 0.84 68 5? 81 There are three things I want you to notice in these experiments: first, the light is whiter as the current in- creases; second, the quantity of light increases very much faster than the power expended increases; and third, the resistance of the carbon filament diminishes as its tem- perature increases, which is just the opposite of what we should find with a metallic conductor. This resistance is given in ohms in the last column. To the second point, which has been very clearly put by Dr. Siemens in his British Association address, I shall return in a minute or two. SOME POINTS IN ELECTRIC LIGHTING. 77 The building is this evening lighted by about 200 lamps, each giving sixteen candles' light when 75 watts of power are developed in the lamp. To produce the same sixteen candles' light in ordinary flat flame gas burners would require between seven and eight cubic feet of gas per hour, contributing heat to the atmosphere at the rate of 3,400,000 foot-pounds per hour, equivalent to 1,250 watts; that is to say, equivalent gas lighting would heat the air nearly seventeen times as much as the incandescent lamps. Look at it another way. Practically, about eight of these lamps take one indicated horse power in the engine to supply them. If the steam engine were replaced by a large gas engine this 1 h. p. would be supplied by 25 cubic feet of gas per hour, or by rather less; therefore by burning gas in a gas engine driving a dynamo, and using the electricity in the ordinary way in incandescent lamps, we can obtain more than five candles per cubic foot of gas, a result you would be puzzled to obtain in 10-candle gas burners. With arc lights instead of incandescent Jamps many times as much light could be obtained. At the present time, lighting by electricity in London must cost something more than lighting by gas. Let us see what are the prospects of reduction of this cost. Be- ginning with the engine and boiler, the electrician has no right to look forward to any marked and exceptional advance in their economy. Next comes the dynamo; the best of these are so good, converting 80 per cent, of the work done in driving the machine into electrical work out- side the machine, that there is little room for economy in the conversion of mechanical into electrical energy; but the prime cost of the dynamo machine is sure to be greatly 78 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. reduced. Our hope of greatly increased economy must be mainly based upon probable improvements in the incan- descent lamp, and to this the greatest attention ought to be directed. You have seen that a great economy of power can be obtained by working the lamps at high press- ure, but then they soon break down. In ordinary prac- tice from 140 to 200 candles are obtained from a horse power developed in the lamps, but for a short time I have seen over 1,000 candles per horse power from incandescent lamps. The problem, then, is so to improve the lamp in detail that it will last a reasonable time when pressed to that degree of efficiency. There is no theoretical bar to such improvements, and it must be remembered that in- candescent lamps have only been articles of commerce for about three years, and already much has been done. If such an improvement were realized, it would mean that you would get five times as much light for a sovereign as you can now. As things now stand, so soon as those who supply electricity have reasonable facilities for reaching their customers, electric lighting will succeed commercially where other considerations than cost have weight. We are sure of some considerable improvements in the lamps, and there is a probability that these improvements may go so far as to reduce the cost to one-fifth of what it now is. I leave you to judge whether or not it is probable, nay, almost certain, that lighting by electricity is the lighting of the future. MAOHlNEKY. DYNAMO-ELECTKIC MACHINEKY. THEORETICAL CONSTRUCTION" OF CHARACTERISTIC CURVE. OMITTING the inductive effects of the current in the armature itself, all the properties of a dynamo machine are most conveniently deduced from a statement of the rela- tion between the magnetic field and the magnetizing force required to produce that field, or, which comes to the same thing but more frequently used in practice, the relation between the electromotive force of the machine at a stated speed and the current around the magnets. This relation given, it is easy to deduce what the result will be in all employments of the machine, whether as a motor or to produce a current through resistance, through an electric arc, or in charging accumulators; also the result of vary- ing the winding of the machine, whether in the armature or magnets. The proper independent variable to choose for discussing the effect of a dynamo machine is the cur- rent around the magnets; and the primary relation it is necessary to know concerning the machine is the relation of the electromotive force of the armature to the magnet current. This primary relation may be expressed by a curve (Fig. 4, p. 22 et seq., and Fig. 5, p. 26), now called the characteristic of the machine, and all consequences deduced therefrom graphically; or it may be expressed by 80 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. stating the E.M.F. as an empirical function of the magnet- izing current. Many such empirical formulaB have been proposed; as an instance we may mention that known as Frohlich's, according to whom, if c be the current in the magnets, E the resulting E.M.F., E = ~r-. For some J. J~ o c machines this formula is said to express observed results fairly accurately, but in our experience it does not suf- ficiently approximate to a straight line in the part of the curve near the origin. The character of the error in Frohlich's formula is apparent by reference to Figs. 24 and 25, which give a series of observations on a dynamo machine, and for comparison therewith a hyperbola F, drawn as favorably as possible to accord with the observa- tions.* Such empirical formulaB possess no advantage over the graphical method aided by algebraic processes, and tend to mask much that is of importance. One purpose of the present investigation is to give an approximately complete construction of the characteristic curve of a dynanlo of given form from the ordinary laws of electromagnetism and the known properties of iron, and to compare the result of such construction with the actual characteristic of the machine. The laws of electro- magnetism needed are simply (Thomson, papers on " Elec- * Added Aug. 17. That Frfihlich's formula cannot be a thoroughly satisfac- tory expression of the characteristic of a dynamo machine is evident from the consideration that E should simply change its sign with c, that is, be an odd function of c. There should be a point of inflection in the characteristic curve at the origin. Another empirical formula, = tan ~ 1 -, is free from this objec- tion, but still fails to fully represent the approximation of the curve to a straight line on either side of the origin, and it is equally uninstructive with any other purely empirical formula. DYNAMO-ELECTEIC MACHINERY 81 ff | B \ U 1 \ 1 r, H 1 \ I 1 \ I 6? \ C ^ | c 1 \ S w \ * \ H . i J , { i 2 \ 1 3 \ I g I j ^* T3 \ \ III V t < -^ s ~ \ K ^ s 1 \ \ 1 fc > "N v\ V X \ M - \ v\ s \ S J \ j \ 1 E "fl \ \^ \ i 1 1; ^ \ \ \ a; "Sp X \\ V > \\ ' ^ h * \' s\ \ w ^ \ 3 x\ r \ K - \ 1 & S -\ \ i ^ i I . f, \ | c J| V ' ,- s w 0' Al 1 o V ^ 1 * v k OS -* \^ ^ w K, v J 1 ^ I j 1 i, +4 - , j '\ Q ^ \ . \ \ S 4) v ^ v> ^ S k v 1 s N > - I -~ . Ss ^ S 82 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. ndnetion in 10 ._ -" .- -- .-- ' ..;. - I g ' ' /. f /' ' / / / X *> /, / '2L 1 I x / -' t : .' ^ 7' i ! / -' \ / ' : ^ / ' ^ ** ; ^ ' 1 *' ^^ r -' ' i ' i- j S -' i X | g j ? . r >; '/ -/ ^ ;/ X X i ; / ' / | ' : / > \ V !. :.. : ! ! .>! ! 1 , 6000 UK KX) i K)0 80000 25< MX) 304 WO forcfl Fio. 25. APPKOXIMATK SYNTHESIS OF CHARACTERISTIC CURVE. , armature; B, air space; C, magnets; D, deduced curve; ,E, observed results, -f ascending, descending; F, Frfihlich's curve. This figure is the same as the left-hand part of Fig. 24, but on a larger scale. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 83 trostatics and Magnetism;" Maxwell, "Electricity and Magnetism/' vol. ii., pp. 24, 26, and 143), (1) that the line integral of magnetic force around any closed curve, whether in iron, in air, or in both, is equal to 4;r n c, where c is the current passing through the closed curve, and n is the number of times it passes through; (2) the solenoidal condition for magnetic induction, that is, if the lines of force or of induction be supposed drawn, then the induc- tion through any tube of induction is the same for every section. Regarding the iron itself, we require to know from experiments on the material in any shape the relation between , the induction, and a, the magnetic force at any point; for convenience write a=f~ l (ae), or a = f(a). From these premises, without any further assumption, it is easy to see that a sufficiently powerful and laborious analysis would be capable of deducing the characteristic of any dynamo to any desired degree of accuracy. This we do not attempt, as, even if successful, the analysis would not be likely to throw any useful light on the practical problem. We shall calculate the characteristic, first making certain assumptions to simplify matters. We shall next point out the nature of the errors introduced by these assumptions, and make certain small corrections in the method to ac- count for these sources of error, merely proving that the amount of these corrections is probable or deducing it from a separate experiment, and again compare the theo- retical and the actual characteristic. First Approximation. Assume that by some miracle the tubes of magnetic induction are entirely confined to the iron excepting that they pass directly across from the bored faces of the pole pieces to the cylindrical face of the 84 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. armature core. This, we shall find, introduces minor sources of error, affecting different parts of the charac- teristic curve to a material extent. Let / be total in- duction through the armature, A l the area of section of the iron of the armature, 7, the mean length of lines of force in the armature; .1, the area of each of the two spaces between core of armature and the pole pieces of the magnets, 7, the distance between the core and the pole piece; A t the area of core of magnet, 7, the total length of the magnets. All the tubes of induction which pass through the armature pass through the space A 9 and the magnet cores, and by our assumption there are no others. We now assume further that these tubes are uniformly distributed over these areas. The induction per square centimetre is then -.- in the armature core, - in the non- A l A 9 magnetic spaces, -- in the magnet cores; the correspond- ing magnetic forces per centimetre linear must be/( - -), -y-, \AJ A t The line integral of magnetic force round a closed curve must be 7,/f-;- ) + 27, - - + J/(~r ) ^ n this a P - XAJ A t \A t J proximation we neglect the force required to magnetize pole pieces and other parts not within the magnet coils, to avoid complication. The equation of the characteristic curve is, then, 4* n c = 7,/fl + 27, -.- + 7, f(-\ This \AJ A 9 \A 3 / curve is, of course, readily constructed graphically from the magnetic property of the material expressed by the DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 85 curve a =f(a). In Figs. 24 and 25 curve A represents x.= Z, f[ -J-), the straight line B x = 2Z,-j-, curve G \AJ Ji x = Z, /(?'), and curve D the calculated characteristic. When we compare this with an actual characteristic E, we shall see that, broadly speaking, it deviates from truth in FIG. 26. two respects: (1) it does not rise sufficiently rapidly at first; (2) it attains a higher maximum than is actually realized. Let us examine these errors in detail. (1) The angle the characteristic makes with the axis of abscissae near the origin is mainly determined by the line B (Fig. 26). "We have in fact a very considerable exten- 86 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. sion of the area of the field beyond that which lies under the bored face of the pole piece. The following considera- tion will show that the extension may be considerable: Imagine an infinite plane slab, and parallel with it a second slab cut off by a second plane making an angle a. We want a rough idea of the extension of the area between the plates by the spreading of the lines of induction beyond the boundary. We know that the actual extension of the area will be greater than we shall calculate it to be if we prescribe an arbitrary distribution of lines of force other than that which is consistent with Laplace's equation. Assume, then, the lines of force to be segments of circles centre 0, and straight lines perpendicular to A. The y induction along a line P Q R will be -T r 7-, V t being difference of potential between the planes; and the added induction from P B will be Vdx V (T- a)x + t (it - a)x 4- t ~~ n - a g " t 7t Thus, if n = , we have for x = t, 21, etc., t 2t a)x -f t lUi^ TT a 0.599 0.904 1.109 1.263 , 1.387 1.793 t V IS DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 87 showing that the extension of the area of the field is likely to be considerable. (2) The failure of the actual curve to reach the max- imum indicated by approximate theory is because the theory assumes that all tubes of induction passing through the magnets pass also through the armature. Familial- observations round the pole pieces of the magnets show that this is not the case. If v be the ratio of the total induction through the magnets to the induction in the armature, we must, in our expression for the line integral of magnetizing force, replace the term /f-j-J by /( ~ J : not strictly a constant, as we shall see later; it is somewhat increased as / increases, owing to magnetization of the core of the armature, and it is also affected by the current in the armature. For our present purpose we treat it as con- stant. There is yet another source of error which it is necessary to examine. Some part of the induction in the armature may pass through the shaft instead of through the iron plates. An idea of the amount of this disturbance may be readily obtained. Consider the closed curve A B C D E F: A B and FED C are drawn along lines of force; A F and B C are orthogonal to lines of force (Fig. 27). Since this closed curve has no currents passing through it, the line integral of force around it is nil; therefore, neglecting force along E D, we have force along A B equal to force along F E and D C. In the machine presently described we may safely neglect the induction through the shaft; the error is comparable with the uncertainty as to the value of ^; but in another machine, ' with magnets of much 88 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. greater section, the effect of the shaft would become very sensible when the core is practically saturated. Fio. 27. The amended formula now becomes n c = 1 . 1 1 where 1 4 is the mean length of lines of force in the wrought-iron yoke, A 4 the area of the yoke, l t and A t cor- responding quantities for the pole pieces, the last two terms being introduced for the forces required to magnet- ize the yoke and the two pole pieces. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 89 "We now repeat the graphical method of construction exactly as before, the actual observations of induction in armature and current being plotted on the same diagram, Figs. 28 and 29, in which curve G represents the force required to magnetize the yoke, and curve H that required to magnetize the pole pieces. Before discussing these curves further, and comparing the results with those of actual observation, it may be convenient to describe the machine upon which the experiments have been made, confining the description strictly to so much as is perti- nent to our present inquiry. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINE. The dynamo has a single magnetic circuit, consisting of two vertical limbs, extended at their lower extremities to form the pole pieces, and having their upper extremities connected by a yoke of rectangular section. Each limb, together with its pole piece, is formed of a single forging of wrought iron. These forgings, as also that for the yoke, are built up of hammered scrap and afterwards carefully annealed, and have a magnetic permeability but little in- ferior to the best Swedish charcoal iron. The yoke is held to the limbs by two bolts, the surfaces of contact being truly planed. In section the limb is oblong, with the corners rounded in order to facilitate the winding of the magnetizing coils. A zinc base, bolted to the bed- plate of the machine, supports the pole pieces. The magnetizing coils are wound directly on the limbs, and consist of 11 layers on each limb, of copper wire 2.413 mms, diameter (No. 13, B.W.Gr.), making 3,260 convolu- 90 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. a c. ir .0 -.- I of DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 91 nduct on nl I I 3 r , -- ' 2 ,-, ^' / / * ' / 7 "~9 I - / / t / .- - / / / 1 ^-^ -~ 1 / / '" ^^ ^ I > ^ // ^ X^ ^^ t >' x x ? ' 4 i / - x x ? y / ^x x< / / / x y. x x / // / / / /> / 1 / / i 4 x' ,/ x / ^/ / '/ j <- V ? i ; ^ | r i ^ |i '/ s '>". '/ V ^ a Line ui1 <- t 'i ii< f M "tfl eti int 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 force Fio. 29. CORRECT SYNTHESIS OP CHARACTERISTIC CURVE. A, armature; B, air space; C, magnets; D, calculated curve; 7. observa- tions, -(-ascending, descending; (?, yoke; H, pole piece. This figure is the same as the left-hand part of Fig. 28, but on a larger scale, 92 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. tions in all, the total length being approximately 4,570 metres. The pole pieces are bored to receive the arma- ture, leaving a gap above and below, subtending an angle of 51 at the centre of the fields. The opposing surfaces of the gap are 8 mms. deep. The following table gives the leading dimensions of the machine: cms. Length of magnet limb = 45.7 Width of magnet limb = 22.1 Breadth of magnet limb = 44.45 Length of yoke = il 6 Width of yoke = 48.3 Depth of yoke = 23 2 Distances between ceni res of limbs = 88.1 Bore of fields = 27.5 Depth of pole piece '. = 25 4 Width of pole piece measured 'parallel to the shaft = 48.3 Thickness of zinc base = 12.7 Width of gap = 12.7 The armature is built up of about 1,000 iron plates, insu- lated one from another by sheets of paper, and held between two end plates, one of which is secured by a washer shrunk on to the shaft, and the other by a nut and lock- nut screwed on the shaft itself. The plates are cut from sheets of soft iron, having probably about the same mag- netic permeability as the magnet cores. The shaft is of Bessemer steel, and is insulated before the plates are threaded on. The following table gives the leading dimensions of the armature : cms. Diameter of core = 24.5 Diameter of internal hole = 7.62 Length of core over the end plates = 50.8 Diameter of shaft = 6,985 DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 93 The core is wound longitudinally according to the Hefner von Alteneck principle with 40 convolutions, each consisting of 16 strands of wire 1.753 inm. diameter, the convolutions being placed in two layers of 20 each. The commutator is formed of 40 copper bars, insulated with mica, and the connections to the armature so made that the plane of commutation in the commutator is horizontal when no current is passing through the armature. Fig. 30 shows a side elevation of the dynamo; Fig* 31 a FIG 30. cross section through the centres of the magnets; Fig 32 a section of the core of the armature, in a plane through the axis of the shaft. The dynamo is intended for a normal output of 105 volts 320 amperes at a speed of 750 revolutions per minute. 94 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. The resistance of the armature measured between opposite bars of the commutator is 0.009947 ohm, and of the mag- Fio. 81. net coils 16.93 ohms, both at a temperature of 13.5 Centi- grade; Lord Rayleigh's determination of the ohm being assumed. Fio. 32. We have now to estimate the lengths and areas required in the synthesis of the characteristic curve. -4,; from the length of the core of the armature (50.8 cms.) must be deducted 3.4 cms. for the thickness of DYHAMO-ELECTKIC MACHINERY. 95 insulating material between the plates ; the resultant area is, on the other hand, as has already been stated, slightly augmented by the presence of the steel shaft. A 1 is taken as 810 sq. cms. /! ; this is assumed to be 13 cms., i.e., slightly in excess of the shortest distance (12.6 cms.) between the pole pieces. A^j the angle subtended by the bored face of the pole piece at the axis is 129, the breadth of the pole piece is 48.3 cms., the diameter of the bore of the field is 27.5 cms., and, as already stated, the diameter of core 24.5 cms.; thus the area of pole piece is 1,513 sq. cms., and the area of 129 of the cylinder at the mean radius of 13.0 cms. is 1,410 sq. cms. ; this value is taken for A^ in the curves drawn in Figs. 24 and 25. In Figs. 28 and 29 A^ is taken as 1,600, an allowance of 190 sq. cms. being made for the spreading of the field at the edges of the pole pieces, or -- = 1.2 cm. all 1 2 round the periphery, that is, -^= 0.8 of the distance from l.o iron of pole pieces to iron of core. 1 9 is 1.5 cm. A 9 is a little uncertain, as the forgings are not tooled all over; it is here taken as 980 sq. cms., but this value may be slightly too high. l s is 91.4 cms. A 4 is 1,120 sq. cms, 1 4 is 49 cms., being measured along a quadrant from the centre of the magnet (see Fig. 33). FIG. 33. AI is 1,230 sq. cms., intermediate between the area of magnet and face of pole piece. 96 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. 1 6 is 11 cms. v was determined by experiment as described below, and its value is taken as 1.32; when the magnetizing current is more than 5.62 amperes its value should be a little greater. The function/(rt) is taken from Hopkinson, Phil. Trans., vol. clxxvi, 1885, p. 455 ; the wrought iron there referred to was not procured at the same time as, and its properties may differ to a certain extent from, the wrought iron of these magnets. The curves now explain themselves : the abscissas in each case represent the line integral of magnetizing force in the part of the magnetic circuit referred to; the ordinates, the number of lines of induction which also pass through the armature. The results of the actual observations on the machine are indicated, those when the magnetizing force is increas- ing +> when it is decreasing . The measurements of the currents in the magnets which were separately excited, and of the potential difference between the bmshes, the circuit being open, were made with Sir W. Thomson's graded galvanometers, standardized at the time of use. The irreg- ularities of the observations are probably due to the varia- tion of speed, the engine being not quite perfectly governed. The second construction exhibits quite as close an agree- ment between observation and calculation as could be expected; the deviation at high magnetizing forces is probably due to three causes increase in the value of v when the core of the armature is partially saturated, un- certainty as to the area J 3 , difference in the quality of the iron. It is interesting to see how clearly theory predicts - the difference between the ascending and descending curves DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 97 of a dynamo. Consideration of the diagram proves that this machine is nearly perfect in its magnetic proportions. The core might be diminished without detriment by in- creasing the hole through it to a small, but very small, extent. Any reduction of area of magnets would be inju- rious ; they might, indeed, be slightly increased with advan- tage. An increase in the length of the magnets would be very distinctly detrimental. Again, little advantage results from increasing the magnetizing force beyond the point at which the permeability of the iron of the magnets begins to rapidly diminish. For iron of the same quality as that of the machine under consideration, a magnetizing force of 2.6x10' or 28.4 per centimetre is suitable. To get the same induction in other parts of the circuit, the diagram shows that for the air space a magnetizing force of 21 X 10 s is required, for the pole pieces 0.1 X 10 8 , for the armature 0.2 XlO 3 , for the yoke 0.6X10 8 ; making a total force re- quired of 24.5 X 10". Any alteration in the length of the area of any portion of the magnetic circuit entails a corre- sponding alteration in the magnetizing forces required for that portion, at once deducible from the diagram. Similar machines must have the magnetizing forces proportional to the linear dimensions, and consequently, if the electro- motive force of the machines is the same, the diameter of the wire of the magnet coils must be proportional to the linear dimensions. If the lengths of the several portions of the magnetic circuit remain the same, but the areas are similarly altered, the section of the wire must be altered in proportion to the alteration in the periphery of the section. DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. EXPERIMENT TO DETERMINE V. Around the middle of one of the magnet limbs a single coil of wire was taken, forming one complete convolution, and its ends connected to a Thomson's mirror galvanom- eter rendered fairly ballistic. If the circuit of the field magnets, while the exciting current is passing, be suddenly short circuited, the elongation of the galvanometer is a measure of the total induction within the core of the limbs, neglecting the residual magnetization. If the short circuit be suddenly removed, so that the current again passes round the field magnets, the elongation of the galvanometer will be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. The readings taken were : Zero 71 left. Deflection .... 332 " magnets made. " .... 196 right; magnets short circuited, llence, deflection to right = 267 left = 261 Mean deflection = 264 To determine the induction through the armature, the leads to the ballistic galvanometer were soldered to con- secutive bars of the commutator, connected to that convo- lution of the armature which lay in the plane of commu- tation. DYNAMO-ELECTKIC MACHINERY. 99 The readings taken were : Zero 23 left. Deflection .... 223 " magnets made. ' ' ' ' j- right ; magnets short circuited. Hence, deflection to right and left = 200 It thus appears that out of 264 lines of force passing through the cores of the magnet limbs at their centre, 200 go through the core of the armature, whence v equals 1.32. The magnetizing current round the fields during these experiments was 5.G amperes. EXPERIMENTS ON" WASTE FIELD NOT PASSING THROUGH ARMATURE. As in the determination of v, a single convolution was taken around the middle of one of the limbs, and con- nected to the ballistic galvanometer; the deflections, when a current of 5.6 amperes was suddenly passed through the fields or short circuited, were : Zero 34 left. Deflection .... 148 " magnets made. " .... 82 right; magnets short circuited. Hence, deflection to right =116 left = 114 Mean deflection = 115 I. Four convolutions were then wound round the zinc plate and the cast-iron bed in a vertical plane, passing 100 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. through the axis of the armature; and the deflections noted were: Zero. .' . . ... . 15 left. Deflection 61 " magnets short circuited. " 40 right; magnets made. Zero 11 left. Deflection 64 " magnets short circuited. " 36 right; magnets made. Hence, deflection to right = 55 left = 46 and " right = 47 left =53 in the two observations respectively, giving a mean = 50.25; or, reducing to one convolution, = 12.6. II. A square wooden frame, 38 cms. x 38 cms., on which were wound ten convolutions, was then inserted between the magnet limbs, with one side resting on the armature, and an adjacent side projecting 5 cms. beyond the coils on the limbs, or about 7.6 cms. beyond the cores of the limbs. The deflections were: Zero 34 left. Deflection 98 " magnets made. " 22 right; magnets short circuited. 21 " 125.8 150.0 2.72 267 4 808 10,433 4,119 124.4 186.0 2.72 8'.>7 5 792 10,000 4,124 116.5 211.0 2.72 4y 6 798 ltt,S97 t;.:,y. 110.6 351.0 4.59 1,309 7 764 17,0S| 4 344 914 BBS 388 85,266 691 2.v.y 5 443 801 608 453 26..V.K) BOO gr,tto 6 1,222 722 455 1,101 41.433 no 42,323 7 1,268 716 473 1.131 42.087 828 42.915 8 1 289 722 455 1,152 42, 194 Kili 18,880 9 1 354 618 408 1,178 40,314 SAO 40.984 10 1979 554 848 1,670 46.244 459 M.7M 11 13 841 637 116 5,998 1,006 7,064 12 756 13 ... .... 631 umn XIII. is half the power absorbed by the combination less the known losses in the armatures, magnets, and ex- ternal connections of the two machines; column XIV. is the total mechanical power given to the generator, being the sum of the powers given in columns XII. and XIII. In Table VI. the percentage losses in the armature and magnets of the generator are given, as also the sum of all DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. TABLE VI. 119 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 1 0.24 18.20 12.76 68.8 57.28 39.40 2 0.63 8.93 6.76 84.58 82.99 70.19 3 1.88 4.27 4.52 90.00 90.15 81 . 13 4 1.53 3 52 . 2.66 92.28 92.65 85.49 5 1.83 2.94 2.415 92.80 93.12 86.42 6 3.09 1.71 2.10 93.10 93.30 86.86 7 3.17 1.67 1.93 93 23 93.39 87.07 8 3.17 1.67 1.93 93.23 93.43 87.10 9 3.51 1.75 1.59 93.39 93.50 87.32 10 4.43 1.19 0.98 93.39 93.36 87.19 11 0.35 11.9 15.1 72.65 65.77 47.78 other losses as obtained from column XIII. in Table V.; also the percentage efficiency of the generator, of the motor, and of the double conversion. Column I. is the percentage loss in the generator armature; column II. is the percent- age loss in the generator magnets; column III. is the per- centage sum of all other losses in the generator; column IV. is the percentage efficiency of the generator; column V. is the percentage efficiency of the motor; column VI. is the percentage efficiency of the double conversion. In this series of experiments, in all cases from Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive, the brushes, both of the generator and motor, were set at the non-sparking point; but in No. 11 no lead was given to the brushes of the generator, and consequently there was violent sparking throughout the duration of the experiment. In No. 12 the magnets were separately excited with a current giving 113.5 volts across their terminals. The power absorbed must be due entirely to local currents in the core of the armature and to the energy for the reversal of magnetization of the core twice in every revolution of the armature. 120 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. No. 13 gives the results of the experiments on the fric- tion of the bearings and in bending the belt already referred to. It will be observed that the figures in column XIII. are calculated by deducting the power absorbed in the arma- tures and magnets and by extraneous resistances from the total power given to the combination as measured by the dynamometer. They must therefore include all the energy dissipated in the core of the armature, whether in local currents or in the reversal of its magnetization ; also the energy dissipated in local currents in the pole pieces, if such exist; also the energy spent in reversing the direction of the current in each convolution of the armature as they are successively short circuited by the brushes. Further, it will include the waste in all the connections of the ma- chine from the commutator to its terminals and the friction of the brushes against the commutator. A separate experi- ment was made to determine the amount of this last constituent, but it was found to be too small to be capable of direct measurement by the dynamometer. Moreover, from the manner in which the figures in this column are deduced, any error in the dynamometric measurement will appear wholly in them. Since, undoubtedly, the first two components enumerated are the most important, and the conditions determining their amount are practically the same throughout the series, the close agreement of the figures in the column is a fair criterion of the accuracy of the observations. Probably 100 watts is the limit of error in any of the measurements. Such an error would affect the determination of the efficiency when the machines were working up to their full power by less than per cent. It has been assumed that the sum of these losses is DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. equally divided between the two machines. This will not accurately represent the facts, as the intensities of the fields and the currents passing through the armatures differ to some extent in the two machines. The inequality, however, cannot amount to a great quantity, and if it diminishes the efficiency of the generator it will increase the efficiency of the motor by a like amount, and contrari- wise. In No. 11 of the series the effect of the sparking at the brushes of the generator is very marked, the power wasted amounting to at least 250 watts. If it be assumed that the dissipation of energy is the same whether the magnetization of the core is reversed by diminishing and increasing the intensity of magnetization without altering its direction, or whether it is reversed by turning round its direction without reducing its amount to zero, a direct approximation may be made to the value of this component. (J. Hopkinson, Phil. Trans., vol. clxxvi, 1885, p. 455.) The core has about 16,400 cubic centimetres of soft iron plates; hence loss in magnetizing and demagnetizing when the speed is 800 revolutions per minute = 16,400 X *f- X 13,356 ergs per second = 292 watts. Eeferring to Table VI., it appears that the efficiency ap- proaches a maximum when the current, passing externally between the two machines, is about 400 amperes. Let C be the current in the armature, p its resistance, W the power absorbed in all parts of the machine other than the armature; then, if the speed is constant, the efficiency is . EC -W-(?p . _ . ,, approximately - =-~ , where E is the electro- & L> W motive force, This is a maximum when 7* + C p is a 122 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. minimum, which occurs when W= C*p; when the loss in the armature is equal to the sum of all other losses. For the machines under consideration the experimental results verify this deduction. But in actual practice the rate of generation of heat in the armature conductors, when a current of 400 amperes was passed for a long period, would be so great as to trench upon the margin of safety de- sirable in such machines. Of the total space, however, available for the disposition of the conductors, only about one fourth part is actually occupied by copper, the re- mainder being taken up with insulation and the inter- stices left by the round wire. If the space occupied by the copper should be increased to three fourths of the total space available, while the cooling surface remained the same, the current could be increased 75 per cent, and the efficiency increased 1.3 per cent, approximately, as all losses other than that in the armature wires would not be materially altered. The loss in the magnets is also susceptible of reduction. It has already been shown that for a given configuration of the magnetic circuit and a given electromotive force the section of the wire of the magnet coils is determinate. The length is, however, arbitrary, since within limits the number of ampere convolutions is independent of the length. An increase in the length will cause a propor- tionate diminution in the power absorbed in the magnet coils. If the surface of the magnets is sufficient to dissi- pate all the heat generated, then the length' of wire is properly determined by Sir William Thomson's rule that the cost of the energy absorbed must be equal to the con- tinuing cost of the conductor. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 123 APPENDIX. (Added Aug. 17.) Since the reading of the present communication experi- ments have been tried on machines having armatures wound on the plan of Gramme and with differently ar- ranged magnets; the experiments were carried out in a closely similar manner to that already described. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINES. The construction of these machines is shown in Figs. 39, Fio. 39. 40, and 41, of which Fig. 39 shows an elevation, Fig. 40 a section through the magnets, Fig. 41 a longitudinal sec- tion of the armature. It will be observed that the magnetic circuit is divided. The pole pieces are of cast iron and 124 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. are placed above and below the armature and are extended laterally. The magnet cores are of wrought iron of cir- cular section and fit into the extensions of the east iron Fio. 40. pole pieces, so that the area of contact of the cast iron is greater than the area of section of the magnet. The mag- netizing coils consist of 2,196 convolutions on each limb Fio. 41. of copper wire, No. 17, B.W.G., in No. 1 machine, and 2,232 convolutions in No. 2 machine. The pole pieces are bored to receive the armature, leaving a gap on either side subtending an angle of 41 at the axis. MACIUNEkY. 125 The bearings are carried upon an extension of the lower pole piece. The following table gives the principal dimensions of the magnets in No. 1 machine : cms. Length of magnet limbs between pole pieces 26.0 Diameter of magnet, limb 15.24 Boreof fields 26.7 Width of pole piece parallel to the shaft 24.1 Width of gap between poles 8.6 The armature is built up of plates as in the machine al- ready described, and is carried from the shaft by a brass frame between the arms of which the wires pass. The principal dimensions are as follows: cms. Diameter of core 24.1 Diameter of hole through core I 14.0 Length of core over end plates 24.1 The core is wound on Gramme's principle with 160 con- volutions, each consisting of a single wire, No. 9, B.W.G., the wire lying on the outside of the armature in a single layer. The commutator has 40 bars. This dynamo is compound wound, and is intended for a normal output of 105 volts, 130 amperes, at a speed of 1,050 revolutions per minute. The resistance of the armature is 0.047 ohm, and of the magnet shunt coils 26.87 ohms. There is here no yoke, and consequently A t and l t do not appear in the equation. It is necessary to bear in mind that the magnetizing force is that due to the convolutions on one limb, and that the areas are the sums of the areas of the two limbs. In cal- 126 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. dilating induction from E.M.F. it is also necessary to remem- ber that two convolutions in a Gramme count as one in a Hefner-Alteneck armature. A^y the section of the core is 245 sq. cms.; allowances for insulation reduce this to 220.5 sq. cms. /, ; this is assumed to be 10 cms., but it will be seen that an error in this value has a much more marked effect on the characteristic in this machine than in the other. A t ; the angle subtended by the bored face of the pole pieces is 139; the mean of the radii of the pole pieces and the core is 12.45 cms. Hence the area of 139 of the cylinder of this radius is 768.3 sq. cms. ; add to this a fringe of a width 0.8 of the distance from core to pole pieces, as already found necessary for the other machine, and we have 839.5 sq. cms. as the value of A t . J, is 0.8 cm. A t is 365 sq. cms. (i.e., the area of two magnet cores). l t is 26.0 cms. A t is taken to be 532 sq. cms., viz., double the smallest section of the pole piece. 7, is a very uncertain quantity; it is assumed to be 15 cms. The expression already used requires slight modification. Inasmuch as the pole pieces are of cast iron, a different function must be used. Different constants for waste field must be used for the field, the pole pieces, and the magnet core. We write DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 127 The function f is taken from Hopkinson, Phil. Trans., vol. clxxvi, 1885, p. 455, Plate 52. v^ v w and v b were deter- mined by experiment, as described below; their values are v t = 1.05 v, = 1.18 r b = 1.49 Comparing the curves in Figs. 28 and 29 with that in Figs. 42 and 43, the most notable difference is that in the present case the armature core is more intensely magnetized than the magnet cores. No published experiments exist giving the magnetizing force required to produce the in- duction here observed in the armature core, amounting to a maximum of 20,000 per sq. cm. We might, however, make use of such experiments as the present to construct roughly the curve of magnetization of the material; thus we find that with this particular sample of iron a force of 740 per cm. is required to produce induction 20,000 per sq. cm. : this conclusion must be regarded as liable to consider- able uncertainty. The observations on the two machines are plotted to- gether, but are distinguished from each other as indicated. They are, unfortunately, less accurate than those of Figs. 28 and 29, and are given here merely as illustrating the method of synthesis. EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE The method was essentially the same as is described on pp. 96 to 99, and was only applied to No. 1 machine. 128 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. s - 1 1 8 I - ~ - \ i oooa fl ^ 1 j ^ 4. * 1 2 <. 1 | S^ ^ ^ ^ ' . A \\ -^ r? S S J t V > J T - ' - ^ c . [ o f ' < 1 ' f- -. g j c ri DYNAMO-ELECTKIO MACHINERY. 129 r/ on in 10 In / 1 '/ "?" .// / '^ r f 5 " / ^ >" ft X-' '// u V / i IT/ // o i /x /> ^S ^ x 1 ^ <1 1 f X ^ i X x / /*- a % / I ^ y j !^ ^ / ^ 1 / ^ lane ntegra ofila netiein fbrce FIG. 43. SYNTHESIS OF CHARACTERISTIC CURVE WITH GRAMME ARMATURE. This figure is the same as the left-hand part of Fig. 42, but on a larger scale. 130 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. Keferring to Fig. 44, a wire A A was taken four times round the middle of one limb of the magnet, a known current was suddenly passed round the magnets, and the elongation of the reflecting galvanometer was observed : it was found to be 214 scale divisions, giving 107 as the induction through Fio. 44. the two magnet limbs in terms of an arbitrary unit. The coil was moved to the top of the limb as at B B ; the elon- gation was reduced to 206, or 103 for the two limbs; we take the mean induction in the magnet to be 105. A wire was taken three times round the whole armature in a hori- zontal plane as at C C\ the elongation observed was 222 divisions or 74 in terms of the same units. A wire was taken four times round one half of the armature as at D D\ DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 131 the elongation was 141, or induction in the iron of the armature 70.5, whence we have 74 :=1.05. 70.5 It may be well to recall here that r t is essentially depend- ent on the intensity of the field; strictly the line B in Figs. 42 and 43 should not be straight, but slightly curved. Four coils were taken round the upper pole piece at E E\ the elongation was 159, giving 79.5 on the two sides. Coils at F F give a higher result, 87.5, owing to the lines of in- duction which pass round by the bearings of the machine, and across to the upper ends of the magnets. v 6 is taken to be = 1.18. EFFICIENCY EXPERIMENTS. The method and instruments were those already de- scribed, pp. 110 to 112, excepting that the current was measured by a Thomson's graded galvanometer, which had been standardized against a Clark's cell in the position and at the time when used. The resistance of leading wires and galvanometer was 0.034 ohm, the series coils introduced for compounding the machines were also brought into use, and the losses due to their resistance (0.024 ohm) find a place in columns XII. and XIII. of Table VII., in which column I. is lead of brushes of the dynamo, positive for the gene- rator, negative for the motor; column II., revolutions per minute; column III., deflection of spring in grams; column 132 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. TABLE VII. I. n. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Degrees. Revolutions. Grains. Watts. Volts. Amperes Ohms. Watts. 17.5 1098 7711 4419 100.1 139.0 00 955 5 1094 2722 1554 103.8 41.2 18.8 10:. 1114 1814 1063 104.7 7.85 11 IX. X. XI. XII. xm. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. Watts. 895 872 497 464 657 16,395 289 16,684 78 400 138 5ft 41 146 5.015 294 r,.:xi 3 408 406 6 1 2 1,687 128 1,765 * In this experiment the direction of the current had become reversed, and No. 2 machine was generator. IV., watts by dynamometer; column V., volts at terminals of generator; column VI., amperes in external circuit; column VII., rheostat resistance; column VIII., watts in generator armature; column IX., watts in motor armature; column X., watts in generator shunt magnet coils; column XL, watts in motor shunt; column XII., watts in generator series magnet coils; column XIII., watts in motor series; column XIV., watts in external resistances; column XV., total electrical power of generator; column XVI., half the sum of losses unaccounted for; column XVII., total me- chanical power applied to generator. TABLE VIII. Generator Generator Armature; Shunt Generator Series Coils. Other Losses. Efficiency of Generator. Efficiency of Motor. Efficiency of Double Conversion. 5.8 2.0 2.2 7.5 3.0 1.0 1.9 5.5 87.1 84.0 89.0 92.0 77.5 77.8 DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 133 Table VIII. gives the losses and efficiencies as percent- ages in exactly the same way as in Table VI., excepting that another column is introduced for the loss in the series coils of the magnets of the generator. The core of the armature contains about 6,500 cub. cms. of iron. Hence energy of magnetizing and demagnetizing when the speed = 1,100 revolutions per minute = 6,500 X ' X 13,356 in ergs per second = 159 watts. 134 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY.* THE following is intended as the completion of a Paperf by Drs. J. and E. Hopkinson (Phil Trans., 1886). f The motive is to verify by experiment theoretical results con- cerning the effect of the currents in the armature of dyna- mo machines on the amount and distribution of the mag- netic field which were given in that Paper, but which were left without verification. For the sake of completeness, part of the work is given over again. The two dynamos experimented upon were constructed by Messrs. Siemens Brothers & Co., and are identical as far as it is possible to make them. They are mounted upon a common base plate, their axles being coupled to- gether, and are referred to in this Paper respectively as No. 1 and No. 2. Each dynamo has a single magnetic circuit consisting of two vertical limbs extended at their lower extremities to form the pole pieces, and having their upper extremities connected by a yoke of rectangular section. Each limb, * It must not be supposed from his name not appearing in this short Paper that my brother. Dr. E. Hopkinson. had a minor part in the earlier Paper. He not only did the most laborious part of the experimental work, but contributed his proper share to whatever there may be of merit in the theoretical part of the Paper. J. H. t The Paper here referred to is that reprinted on pages 79 to 133 of this volume. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 135 together with its pole piece, is formed of a single forging of wrought iron. These forgings, as also that of the yoke, are built up of hammered scrap iron, and afterwards care- fully annealed. Gun-metal castings bolted to the base plate of the machine support the magnets. The magnetizing coils on each limb consist of sixteen layers of copper wire 2 mms. in diameter, making a total of 3,968 convolutions for each machine. The pole pieces are bored out to receive the armature, leaving a gap above and below subtending an angle of 68 at the centre of the shaft. The opposing surfaces of the gap are 1.4 cm. deep. The following table gives the leading dimensions of the machine: cms. Length of magnet limb 66.04 Width of inaguet limb 11.48 Breadth of magnet limb 38.10 Length ofyoke 38.10 Width of yoke 12.06 Depth ofyoke 11.43 Distance between centres of limbs 23.50 Bore of fields 21.21 Depth of pole piece 20.32 Thickness of gun-metal base 10.80 Width of gap 12.06 The armature core is built up of soft iron disks, No. 24 B. W. G., which are held between two end plates screwed on the shaft. The following table gives the leading dimensions of the armature : cms. Diameter of core 18.41 Diameter of shaft. 4.76 Length of core , 38,10 136 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. The core is wound longitudinally according to the Hef- ner von Alteneck principle with 208 bars made of copper strip, each 9 mms. deep by 1.8 mm. thick. The commuta- tor is formed of fifty-two hard drawn copper segments in- sulated with mica, and the connections to the armature so made that the plane of commutation in the commutator is vertical when no current is passing through the armature. Each dynamo is intended for a normal output of 80 am- peres, 140 volts, at 880 revolutions per minute. The resist- ance of the armature measured between opposite bars of the commutator is 0.042 ohm, and of each magnet coil 13.3 ohms. In the machine the armature core has a greater cross section than the magnet cores, and consequently the mag- netizing force used therein may be neglected. The yoke has the same section as the magnet cores, and is therefore included therein, as is also the pole piece. The formula connecting the line integral of the magnetizing force and the induction takes the short form where n is the number of turns round magnet; c is the current round magnet in absolute measure; / Q the distance from iron of armature to rim of magnet; AI the corrected area of field; /the total induction through armature; l a the mean length of lines of magnetic force in magnets ; A a the area of section of magnets; * Phil. Trans., 188(5; page 88 of this volume. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 137 v the ratio of induction in magnets to induction in ar- mature; / the function which the magnetizing force is of the in- duction in the case of the machine actually taken from Dr. J. Hopkinson on the " Magnetization of Iron," Phil. Trans., 1885, Figs. 4 and 5, Plate 47. In estimating A^ we take the mean of the diameter of the core and of the bore of the magnets 19.8 cms., and the angle subtended by the pole face 112, and we add a fringe all round the area of the pole face equal in width to the distance of the core from the pole face. This is a wider fringe than was used in the earlier experiments,* because the form of the magnets differs slightly. The area so estimated is 906 sq. cms. Z 3 is taken to be 108.8 cms. A 3 is 435.5 sq. cms. v was determined by the ballistic galvanometer to be 1.47. It is to be expected that, as the core is actually greater in area than the magnets, v will be more nearly constant than in the earlier experiments. It was found to be constant within the limits of errors of observation. Referring to Fig. 45, the curve C is the curve x I 3 f f -jH, and the straight line B is the curve x = 2 /, -j-, while the ^2 full line D is the characteristic curve of the machine, as given by calculation. * Phil. Trans., 1886; page 95 of this volume, 138 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. The marks -j- indicate the results of actual observations on machine No. 1, and the marks the results on machine No. 2, the total induction / being given by the equation : potential difference in volts X 10 8 208 X revolutions per second Experiments made upon the power taken to drive the machine under different conditions show that it takes about Line! rteeral of Mae letisinaf Force *0000 250 watts more power to turn the armature at 660 revolu- tions when the magnets are normally excited than when they are not excited at all. The volume of the core is 9,465 cub. cms., or in each complete cycle the loss per cubic 950 ^ ^Q* centimetre is n x 9 465 = 24 > 000 er g 8 - The loss by hysteresis is about 13,000 (Phil. Trans., 1885, p. 463) if the reversals are made by variation of in- tensity of the magnetizing force and the iron is good wrought iron. This result is similar to that in the earlier DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 139 Paper,* where it is shown that the actual loss in the core, when magnetized, is greater than can be accounted for by the known value of hysteresis. EFFECTS OF THE CURRENT IN THE ARMATURE. Quoting from the Royal Society Paper [page 103 of this volume], " The currents in the fixed coils around the mag- nets are not the only magnetizing forces applied in a dynamo machine the currents in the moving coils of the armature have also their effect on the resultant field. There are in general two independent variables in a dynamo machine the current around the magnets and the current in the armature; and the relation of E. M. F. to currents is fully represented by a surface. In well con- structed machines the effect of the latter is reduced to a minimum, but it can be by no means neglected. When a section of the armature coils is commutated, it must inevi- tably be momentarily short circuited ; and if at the time of commutation the field in which the section is moving is other than feeble, a considerable current will arise in that section, accompanied by waste of power and destructive sparking. . . . " Suppose the commutation occurs at an angle A in advance of the symmetrical position between the fields, and that the total current through the armature be C, reckoned positive in the direction of the resultant E. M. F. of the machine, i.e., positive when the machine is used as a generator of electricity. Taking any closed line through magnets and * See page 121 of this volume. 140 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. armature, symmetrically drawn asABCDJS FA [Fig. 46], it is obvious that the line integral of magnetic force is di- minished by the current in the armature included between angle A in front and angle X behind the plane of symme- try. If m be the number of convolutions of the armature, the value of this magnetizing force \& C - = opposed to the magnetizing force of the fixed coils on the Fio. 46. magnets. Thus if we know the lead of the brushes and the current in the armature we are at once in a position to cal- culate the effect on the electromotive force of the machine. A further effect of the current in the armature is a material disturbance of the distribution of the induction over the DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 141 bored face of the pole piece; the force along BC [Fig. 46] is by no means equal to that along D E. Draw the closed curve B C G H B, the line integral along G, and HB is negligible. Hence the difference between force H G and 777 1C B G is equal to 4 n G -= = 2 K m G, where K is the angle COG." To verify this formula is one of the principal objects of this Paper. A pair of brushes having relatively fixed positions near together, and insulated from the frame and from one another, are carried upon a divided circle, and bear upon the commutator. The difference of potential between these brushes was measured in various positions round the com- mutator, the current in the armature, the potential differ- ence of the main brushes, and the speed of the machine being also noted. The results are given in Figs. 47, 48, 49, and 50, in which the ordinates are measured potential differences, and the abscissae are angles turned through by the ex- ploring brushes. The potential differences in Fig. 47 were measured by a Siemens voltmeter, and eacli ordi- nate is therefore somewhat smaller than the true value, owing to the time during which the exploring brashes were not actually in contact with the commutator seg- ments. But this does not affect the results, because the area is reduced in the same proportion as the potential differences. In Figs. 48, 49, and 50 the potential differ- ences were taken on one of Sir William Thomson's quad- rant electrometers, and are correct. Take Fig. 47, in which machine No. 1 is a generator. A 142 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. centimetre horizontally represents 10 of lead, and the ordinates represent differences of potential between the brushes. The area of the curve is 61.3 sq. cms., and repre- sents 130 volts and a total field of ? X ^ X 10' = 4.31 X 10* lines of induction. This is, of course, not the actual field, which is 3 per cent, greater on account of the +~^* >T*~ +^ *~~~^ \ f *~**^ \ I \^ **^ 6O 1OO ISO 2OO FlO. 47. resistance of the armature, but is represented by an area 3 per cent, greater. An ordinate of 1 cm. will represent an 1 ' ' 1 induction of - - x 10" = 7.0 X 10* lines in 10. The area 01. o of 10 is 39.5 X 1.73 = 68.3 sq. cms.* Hence an ordinate of 1 cm. represents an induction of 1,024 lines per square centimetre. The difference between ordinates at 50 and 140 is 2.5; hence the difference of induction is actually 2,560. Theoretically, we have K = n m = 104 C = 9.4. Therefore 2 K m C = 3,072, and this is the line integral of magnetizing force round the curve. Let A be the induction at 50 and A + 6 at 140: these * In calculating this area, the allowance for fringe at ends of armature is taken less than before, because the form of opposing faces differs. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 143 also are the magnetizing forces. Hence (^4 -f d) 1.4 A 1.4 = 2 x: w (7 ; 6 = 2,200, as against 2,560 actually observed. Take Fig. 48, in which No. 2 machine is a motor. The total field = x . x i 8 = 5.15 x 10' lines of indue- 104 /wO tion. Since the area of the diagram is 53.5 sq. cms., an 5 15 ordinate of 1 cm. = -^ X 10" = 96 X 10 4 lines of induc- oo.o *-H '"'"* s c / t *"*^ N X s \ 310 260 210 FlO. 48. tion in 10. Hence an ordinate of 1 cm. represents an 9.6 X 10* induction of ' Q Q = 1,400 lines per square centimetre. Do.o The difference between ordinates at 320 and at 230 is 2.0; hence the difference of induction is actually 2,800. Theo- 2*mC 3| X 104 X 11.4 retically, we have - = - - = 2,666, as I 1.4 against 2,800 actually observed. In Fig. 49 No. 1 machine is a generator. The total field = jjjj X jig X 10" = 3.97 X 10" lines. The area of the diagram is 90.9 sq. cms., and therefore an ordinate of 1 cm. O Qiy = - - x 10" = 4.37 X 10* lines in 10. Hence an ordi- 144 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. 4 37 X 10 4 nate of 1 cm. represents an induction of - - = 639 Oo.O lines per square centimetre. The difference between ordi- 200 nates at 50 and at 140 is 4.5; hence the difference of induction is actually 2,877. Theoretically, we have - _ 3} X 104 X 12.9 1.4 In Fig. 50 No. 2 machine is a motor. The total field 63.5 x " " 4 ' 9G x 10 " lines * The area of the diagram is 112.2 sq. cms., and therefore an ordinate of 1 cm. 4.96 112.2 X 10' = 4.42 X 10 4 lines in 10. Hence an ordi- 4 42 nate of 1 cm. represents an induction of - ~ X 10 4 = 647 Oo.o lines per square centimetre. The difference between ordi- nates at 323 and at 233 is 4.2; hence the difference DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 145 of induction is actually 2,718. Theoretically, we have 2*mC 3! X 104 X 12.3 j = - -j-j = 2,870, as against 2,718 act- ually observed. 7 310 26O 810 FIG. 50. At page 108 of the preceding Paper on Dynamo-Electric Machinery it is shown that C\ J, where /= F(4 7tnc)is the characteristic curve when C= 0, and X is the lead of the brushes. The following is an endeavor to verify this formula. The potentials both upon the magnets and upon the brushes were taken by a Siemens voltmeter, and are rough. The speeds were taken by a Buss tachometer, and there is some uncertainty' about the precise lead of the brushes, owing to the difficulty in determining the precise position 146 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. of the symmetrical position -between the fields, and also to the width of the contacts on the commutator. It was necessary, in order to obtain a marked effect of the armature reaction, that the magnet field should bo comparatively small, that the current in the armature should be large, and the leads of the brushes should be large. The two machines had their axles coupled so that No. 1 could be run as a generator, and No. 2 as a motor. The magnets were in each case coupled parallel, and excited by a battery each through an adjustable resistance. The two armatures were coupled in series with another battery, and the following observations were made : Potential on Magnets in volts. Potential on Brushes. Speed per Minute. Current in Amperes. Lead of Brushes. No. 1 No. 2 24-24 2929 86-67 86-84 880 880 10-2-108 102-103 26 29 Prom which we infer: Current in Magnets. 4wnc. Corrected Poten- tial for Resistance of Armature. Total Induction. /. No. 1 No. 2 1.78 2.15 8,900 10,750 70.8 80.7 2.80xlO 2.65x10* As there was uncertainty as to the precise accuracy of the measurements of potential, it appeared best to remeas- ure the potentials with no current through the armature with the Siemens voltmeter placed as in the last experi- ment. Each machine was therefore run on open circuit with its magnets excited, and its potential was measured. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. 14? Potential on Mag- nets in volts. Potential on Brushes. Speed per Minute. Potential at 880 Revs. No. I No. 2 25-25 2828 90-90 79-80 880 715-710 90.0 98.2 From which, since the formula is reduced to the characteristic being practically straight, we infer : Potential on Magnets. Potential on Brushes. Induction, I=F(4irnc). No. 1 No. 2 24 29 86.4 101.7 2.82xlO 3.30xlO We have further : .\ = 0.45 for No. 1; - = 2,920; A = 0.5 for No. 2; -4m C = 443,800. 4Am(7\ 4Xm(7 "~~*4x r> A ' 2 4XmC / 4\mC\ \ v ' v v 2l t V \ v ' ^-^- 1 2 1,314 1,460 199,700 221,900 7,586 9,290 2.41xlO 2.90xlO 2.21xlO 2.68xlO It has already appeared that experiment gives for / in No. 1 2.3 X 10 6 , and in No. 2 2.65 X 10*. The difference is probably due to error in estimating the lead of the brushes, which is difficult, owing to uncertainty in the position of the neutral line on open circuit. 148 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS, PAR- TICULARLY IN REFERENCE TO TWO ALTERNATE CURRENT MACHINES CON- NECTED TO THE SAME CIRCUIT. IN my lecture on Electric Lighting, delivered before the Institution of Civil Engineers last year,* I considered the question of two alternate current dynamo machines con- nected to the same circuit, but having no rigid mechanical connection between them ; and I showed that, if two such machines be coupled in series, they will tend to nullify each other's effect ; if parallel, to add their effects. f The subject is one which already has practical importance and application, and may have much more in the future; it is also one suited for discussion, and upon which discussion is desirable. I therefore venture to bring before the Society what I said in my lecture some other ways of look- ing at the same subject, and an experimental verification, * This Paper is reprinted on pag*>s 40 to 78 of this volume. t November 22, 1884. My attention has only to-day been called to a paper by Mr. Wilde, published by the Literary nnd Philosophical Society of Manchester, December 15, 1868, also Philosophical Magazine, January, 1869. Mr. Wilde fully describes observations of the synchronizing control between two or more alternate current machines connected together. I am sorry I did not know of his observations when I lectured before the Institution of Civil Engineers, that I might have given him the honor which was his due. If his paper had been known to those who have lately been working to produce large alternate cur- rent machines, it would have saved them both labor and money. THEORY OF ALTEENATING CURRENTS. 149 together with solutions of other problems requiring similar treatment. The general explanation, amounting to proof so far as machines in series are concerned, is given in the following extract from my lecture : " There remains one point of great practical interest in connection with alternate current machines: How will they behave when two or more are coupled together to aid each other in doing the same work ? With galvanic bat- teries we know very well how to couple them, either in parallel circuit or in series, so that they shall aid, and not oppose, the effects of each other; bnt with alternate cur- rent machines, independently driven, it is not quite ob- vious what the result will be, for the polarity of each machine is constantly changing. Will two machines coupled together run independently of each other, or will one control the movement of the other in such wise that they settle down to conspire to produce the same effect, or will it be into mutual opposition ? It is obvious that a great deal turns upon the answer to this question, for in the general distribution of electric light it will be desirable to be able to supply the system of conductors from which the consumers draw by separate machines, which can be thrown in and out at pleasure. Now I know it is a com- mon impression that alternate current machines cannot be worked together, and that it is almost a necessity to have one enormous machine to supply all the consumers draw- ing from one system of conductors. Let us see how the matter stands. Consider two machines independently driven, so as to have approximately the same periodic time and the same electromotive force, If these two machines 150 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. are to be worked together, they may be connected in one of two ways : they may be in parallel circuit with regard to the external conductor, as shown by the full line in Fig. 51, that is, their currents may be added algebraically and sent to the external circuit, or they may be coupled in series, as shown by the dotted line, that is, the whole cur- rent may pass successively through the two machines, and the electromotive force of the two machines may be added, instead of their currents. The latter case is simpler. Let us consider it first. I am going to show that if you couple two such alternate current machines in series they will so control each other's phase as to nullify each other, and that you will get no effect from them; and, as a corollary from that, I am going to show that if you couple them in parallel circuit they will work perfectly well together, and the currents they produce will be added; in fact, that you THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 151 cannot drive alternate current machines tandem, but that you may drive them as a pair, or, indeed, any number abreast. In diagram, Fig. 52, the horizontal line of abscissae represents the time advancing from left to right; the full curves represent the electromotive forces of the two machines not supposed to be in the same phase. We want to see whether they will tend to get into the same phase or to get into opposite phases. Now, if the machines are coupled in series, the resultant electromotive force on the circuit will be the sum of the electromotive forces of the nur two machines. This resultant electromotive force is rep- resented by the broken curve ///; by what we have already seen in Formula IV. [p. 52, this volume], the phase of the current must lag behind the phase of the electro- motive force, as is shown in the diagram by curve IV, thus . . . Now the work done in any machine is represented by the sum of the products of the currents and of the electromotive forces, and it is clear that, as the phase of the current is more near to the phase of the lag- ging machine // than to that of the leading machine /, the lagging machine must do more work in producing elec- 152 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. tricity than the leading machine; consequently its velocity will be retarded, and its retardation will go on until the two machines settle down into exactly opposite phases, when no current will pass. The moral, therefore, is, do not attempt to couple two independently driven alternate cur- rent machines in series. Now for the corollary: A, B, Fig. 51, represent the two terminals of an alternate cur- rent machine; a, b, the two terminals of another machine independently driven. A and a are connected together, and B and b. So regarded, the two machines are in series, and we have just proved that they will exactly oppose each other's effects, that is, when A is positive, a will be positive also; when A is negative, a is also negative. Now, connecting A and a through the comparatively high resistance of the external circuit with B and b, the cur- rent passing through that circuit will not much disturb, if at all, the relations of the two machines. Hence, when A is positive, a will be positive, and when A is negative, a will be negative also; precisely the condition required that the two machines may work together to send a current into the external circuit. You may, therefore, with con- fidence, attempt to run alternate current machines in parallel circuit for the purpose of producing any external effect. I might easily show that the same applies to a larger number; hence there is no more difficulty in feed- ing a system of conductors from a number of alternate current machines than there is in feeding it from a num- ber of continuous current machines. A little care only is required that the machine shall be thrown in when it has attained something like its proper velocity. A further corollary is that alternate currents with alternate current THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 153 machines as motors may theoretically be used for the transmission of power." * Although the proof of this corollary regarding motors is similar to what we have just been going through, it may be instructive to give it. In the accompanying diagrams, Figs. 53 and 54, the full lines / and 21 represent the Fio.68. electromotive forces of the two machines (generator and receiver) ; the dotted line, curve 777 (. . . .), the resultant electromotive force; and the curve IV, the resulting cur- rent, each in terms of the time, as abscissae. The only dif- ference between the two diagrams is, that in Fig. 53 the two machines have equal electromotive forces, while in Fig. 54 the receiving machine has double the electromotive force of the generator. In both figures the receiving machine lags behind the phase of direct opposition to the generator by one quarter of a period, or something less. Now observe, the resultant electromotive force must be in * " Of course in applying these conclusions it is necessary to remember that the machines only tend to control each other, and that the control of the motive power may be predominant and compel the two or more machines to run at different speeds." 154 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. phase behind the receiver, but in advance of the generator. Also observe, the current must be in phase behind the re- sultant electromotive force, and may be one quarter of a period behind, provided only the self induction be large enough compared with the resistance. The current will then be less than a quarter period behind the generator. This machine will do work upon the current, but the cur- we have the work done per second T Make r = --, and we see that the following machine o will then do no work; when T exceeds this, the following machine becomes a motor and absorbs electrical work. III. Suppose the terminals of an alternate current ma- chine are connected to a pair of conductors, the difference of potential between which is completely controlled by con- nection with other alternate current machines. Let y and R be the coefficient of self induction and the resistance of the machine and its own conductors up to the point at which the potential is completely controlled. Let the difference of potential of the main conductors be A sin p- , and let the electromotive force of the machine , D . 27f(t-r) be B sin - -^ '- . Equation of motion is 2 n (t r) 2 7ft yx' + Rx = B sm ^ * A sm 7fr , 160 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS, whence _**(t-r) *ny cos ;r(*-T)) j 27T* 2*x 2*n~| -^r- ^ j- - ^4 | R sin -^- ^- cos -^- j- J, Electrical work done by the machine in unit of time - = x B sin - ,., - = T If T be positive, that is, if machine be lagging in its phase, work done is less than if it be negative; hence T will tend to zero, or the machine will tend to adjust itself to add its currents to that of the system of conductors. The machine may act as a motor even though its electromotive force be greater than that of the system, for let R %7T - = tan 7' THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 161 work (electric) done by machine AB T T this has a minimum value when + f = -j- , and then the mechanical work done by machine or electrical work received by the machine B ( RB } and this is positive, provided ' i> * There are two or three other problems of sufficient in- terest to make it worth while giving them here, although not directly relating to alternate current machines coupled together. IV. To determine the law of an alternate current through an electric arc. It has been shown by Joubert that in an arc the differ- ence of potential is of approximately constant numerical 162 I>YNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. value, reversing its value discontinuously with the reversal of the current, probably at the instant of reversal of cur- rent. We shall assume, then, that there is in the arc a constant electromotive force, A, always opposed to the current, except when the current ceases, and that then its value is zero. The equation of motion is yx' + ltx = EBin^^A, the negative sign being taken when x is + **> the positive when x is negative. Solving generally, A E / 27ty 2?rt % ~T~ ~/S I /rt _ .. \ I 7fi~ COS rn This equation will continuously hold good for a half period from x = to x = again, but at each half period the arbitrary constant C is changed with the sudden change of sign of A. It 'is determined by the consideration that if, for a certain value t of t, x should vanish, it shall vanish T again when t = t -f- --- . This applies to the case when E A is sufficiently large, as is practically the case; but if the current should cease for a finite time this condition will be varied, and instead of it we have the condition x = when 9 "jf / E sin -=- = A. This latter case I do not propose to consider further. THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 163 Let 2 n v %7tt. T Putting * = t and t = t, + -^ , we have _R RT Ce *' .e 2 Y* equations to determine t and C. Eliminating C, RE' .27 - . sin - 164 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. Having obtained t , C is given by equation o A R I R This gives the complete solution of the problem. A case of special importance is that in which R is small ; let us therefore consider the case R = 0; the solution then is T 2 nt yx= - .tf cos -~ A t + C. In the same way as before, 2 7t t A 71 c=. The limiting case to which the solution applies is given by x' = when * = *. + 2 7f t Ci% ^ ~^~ T)' or A = E X 0.538. Roughly, we may say that, in order that the current may not cease for a finite time, E must be at least double of A; THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 165 A will of course depend upon the length of the arc. The work done in the arc will be proportional to the arith- metical mean value of the current taken without regard to sign. This is of course quite a different thing from the mean current as measured by an electro-dynamometer. Let us examine what error is caused by estimating the work done in the arc as equal to the current measured by the dynamometer multiplied by the mean difference of potential. The actual work done per second , T The mean square of the current as measured by the elec- tro-dynamometer is 2 /^o f I */* and the work done by this current is apparently the square root of the above expression multiplied by A. It is easy to. see that this is greater in all cases than the work done, but it is worth while to examine the extent of the error. If we treated, the arc as an ordinary resistance, we should assume work per second 166 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. 2 Taking a fairly practical case, assume A = E; we have actual work per second A*T 1 work done estimated by electro-dynamometer 25 = ^ a y 1 7235 X SOY/ 12"' or nearly part too much. This will suffice to show that the matter is not a mere theoretical refinement. Another erroneous method of estimating the power developed in an arc is to replace by a resistance and adjust this resistance till the current as measured by an electro-dynamometer is the same as with the arc, and assume that the work done in the resistance is the same as the work done in the arc. Returning to the expression ny 2 we may inquire, given T A and the dimensions of the ma- chine, how ought it to be wound or its coils connected that THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 167 most work may be done in the arc. If the number of con- volutions be varied, E will vary as the convolutions, y as their square; therefore y oc E* ; we are therefore to deter- mine E so that = A IE* is a maximum which occurs when E = n A. When the resistance of the circuit is taken into account, this result will be modified. It suffices to prove that it is desirable that the potential of the machine should be materially in excess of that required to maintain the arc. V.* In all that precedes it is assumed, not only that y is constant, but that the copper conductor of the armature is the only conductor moving in the field. If there be iron cores in the armature, we shall approximate to the effect by regarding such cores as a second conducting circuit. Slightly changing the notation, let L be coefficient of self induction of the copper circuit, N coefficient of self induc- tion of the iron circuit and R l its resistance, I 1 the mag- netic induction of the field magnets upon the iron circuit, and M the coefficient of mutual induction of the two cir- cuits, y the current in the iron. The equations of motion are obtained from the expression for the energy, viz., %{Lx* -j- %Mxy + Ny* 2 Ix 2 1' y}, and are r ~/ i i,r / i n d I 2 7t A 27ft L x' -f M y' -f- R x = -J-T = =, cos =- , d P 27fS 27ft MX' 4- Nyr + R'u = -=-r = m cos ^-, * Fide also "Encyclopaedia Britannica," article " Lighting." 168 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. for in general the iron cores and the copper conductor are symmetrically arranged. Assume x = a sm . = b cos 27ft , . 27ft = a' sm -- b' cos and substitute in the equations of motion; we have the following four equations to determine the constants , b, a', ': A or and = 0, = 0. These equations contain the solution of the problem, but are too cumbersome to be worth while solving generally; THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 169 we will, however, prove the statements made in the lecture before the Civil Engineers. 1. Compare short circuit and open circuit, that is, R = very nearly, and R = oc*. In the former case 'we find that work done in the iron is diminished, and if B = =r- we lj have the paradoxical result that there are no currents in- duced in the iron of the cores and no work is required to drive the machine. This, of course, can never actually occur, because R can never absolutely vanish. It suffices to show, however, that the current in the copper circuit may diminish the whole power required to drive the ma- chine to an amount less than the power required to drive the machine on open circuit. 2. The other statement related to the effect of the cur- rents in the iron upon the currents produced in the copper circuit. Assume that the effect is a small one, for a first approximation. Neglect it, that is, treat the currents in the iron and the currents in the copper as independent of each other, and then see how each would disturb the other. The first approximation then is AL ,_ EN /T2 r>2) ** ' rrty pf2> '+^4 ^ j +^-i- .TR TR' ~ 7,- " 170 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. If we substitute these in the general equations as correc- tions, we have 4;r which shows that the disturbing effect of each circuit upon the other is to diminish the apparent electromotive force, but to accelerate its phase. VI. A very similar problem is that of secondary genera- tors or induction coils, whether used for the conversion of high potentials to low, or the reverse. To treat it gener- ally, taking the magnetization of the iron cores, which are always used, as a non-linear function of the currents in the coils, would be a matter of much difficulty; we therefore assume, as is usual, that the coefficients of induction are constants, noting in passing that this is not strictly the fact, though it is very nearly the fact, when the cores are not saturated and when the lines of magnetic induction pass through non-magnetic space. Let, then, R, r be the resistances of the primary and secondary circuits; L coefficient of self induction of the primary; ^coefficient of self induction of the secondary; M coefficient of mutual induction of the two circuits; THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 171 x and y the currents in the two circuits at time t; JTihe electromotive force applied in the primary circuit by an alternate current dynamo machine or other- wise; the equations of motion will be Lx' + My' + Rx = X, } MX' + Ny' + ry = 0. ) Various assumptions may be made as to X, but that most likely to be adopted in the practical work of secondary generators is that X is kept so adjusted that 2 n x = A cos n t where n = , and to inquire how X will depend on the resistances Ny' + r y = n A M sin n t, y = a - ra . * ( n N cos n t + r sin n t), 9 if N* 4- r a v ' 8 . N 172 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. As in the case of the dynamo machine, the work done in the secondary circuit is greatest when r = n N. The ex- pression for X serves to show that when the secondary is short circuited a loiver electromotive force of the generat- ing circuit is required than when it is on open circuit. In induction coils the electrostatic capacity of the coils them- selves has important effects. An illustration of the effect of electrostatic induction is found in the old-fashioned Ruhmkorff coils. These were not wound symmetrically, but in such wise that one end of the secondary coil was on the whole towards the inside, the other towards the outside of the bobbin. In such coils a spark to earth may be obtained from the outside end, but not from the inside. The reason is that the outer convolutions have smaller electrostatic capacity than the inner ones. The terminals may be made to give equal sparks by the simple expedient of laying a piece of tinfoil around the whole coil and connecting it to earth. VII. Some time ago Dr. Muirhead told me that he had observed that the effect of an alternate current machine could be increased by connecting it to a condenser. This is not difficult to explain : it is a case of resonance anal- ogous to those which are so familiar in the theory of sound and in many other branches of physics. Take the simplest case, though some others are almost as easy to treat. Imagine an alternate current machine with its terminals connected to a condenser; it is required to find the amplitude of oscillation of potential between the two sides of the condenser. Let R y be the resistance and 2 71 t self induction of the machine, E sin -~- its electromotive THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 173 force, C the capacity of the condenser, V the difference of potential sought, and x the current in the machine ; then C V = x, and _ , f* f+ V - ~~ -*-* D fwj W J whence . % X . 27ft + R 0- sin . . . T T 27TEC amplitude of V is therefore Now suppose E = 100 volts, the machine would light up an incandescent lamp of about 69 volts. Let T = -% fa second, 174 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. 2 n y C = 100 microfarads, and =~ = 8 ohms, and R = -fa ohm, all figures which could be practically realized; we have amplitude of V = 80 E roughly, or the apparent electromotive force would be increased eighty fold. We now return to the principal subject of the present communication. Some attempts have been made to verify the proposition that two alternate current machines can be advantageously connected parallel, but, I believe, till recently without success. I had no convenient opportu- nity for testing the point myself till last summer, when I had two machines of De Meritens, intended for the light- house of Tino, in my hands. I have made no determina- tions of the constants of these machines, but between three and four years ago I thoroughly tested a pair of similar machines now in use at a lighthouse in New South Wales. Each machine haa five rings of sixteen sections, and forty permanent magnets. The resistance of the whole machine as connected for lighthouse work (a single arc) was 0.0313, its electromotive force (E ) when running 830 revolutions per minute, 95 volts and ( ar-J = 0.044 ohm. It was further remarked that the loss of power was least with a maximum load, as is shown in the following table: Power applied as measured in belt 3.1 4.8 5.6 6.5 5.4 Electric power developed 0.7 8.4 4.3 5.7 3.4 Mean current in amperes 7.7 38.6 51.7 73.6 151 This result illustrates well the conclusion arrived at in Problem V. above. Last summer the two machines for Tino were driven THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 175 from the same countershaft by link bands, at a speed of 850 to 900 revolutions per minute; the pulleys on the countershaft were sensibly equal in diameter, but those on the machines differed by rather more than a millimetre, one being 300, the other 299 mms. in diameter (about); thus the two machines had not when unconnected exactly the same speed. The pulleys have since been equalized. The bands were of course put on as slack as practicable, but no special appliance for adjusting the tightness of the bands was used. The experiment succeeded perfectly at the very first attempt. The two machines, being at rest, were coupled in series with a pilot incandescent lamp across the terminals; the two bands were then simulta- neously thrown on : for some seconds the machines almost pulled up the engine. As the speed began to increase, the lamp lit up intermittently, but in a few seconds more the machines dropped into step together, and the pilot lamp lit up to full brightness and became perfectly steady and remained so. An arc lamp was then introduced, and a per- fectly steady current of over 200 amperes drawn off with- out disturbing the harmony. The arc lamp being removed, a Siemens electro-dynamometer was introduced between the machines, and it was found that the current passing was only 18 amperes, whereas, if the machines had been in phase to send the current in the same direction, it would have been more than ten times as great. On throwing off the two bands simultaneously, the machines continued to run by their own momentum, with retarded velocity. It was observed that the current, instead of diminishing from diminished electromotive force, steadily increased to about 50 amperes, owing to the diminished electrical control be- 176 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. tween the machines, and then dropped off to zero as the machines stopped. Professor Adams will, I hope, give an account of experiments he has tried wifh me, and on other occasions, at the South Foreland. With De Meritens' machines, I regard coupling two or more machines parallel as practically the best way of obtaining exceptionally great currents when required in a lighthouse for penetrating a thick atmosphere. AN UNNOTICED DANGER. 177 AN UNNOTICED DANGER IN CERTAIN APPA- RATUS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. MANY plans have been proposed, and several have been to a greater or less extent practically used, for combining the advantage of economy arising from a high potential in the conductors which convey the electric current from the place where it is generated with the advantages of a low potential at the various points where the electricity is used. A low potential is necessary where the electricity is used ; partly because the lamps, whether arc or incandescent, each require a low potential, and partly because a high potential may easily become dangerous to life. Among the plans which have been tried for locally transforming a supply of high potential to a lower and s,afer, the most promising is by the use of secondary generators or induction coils. It has been proved that this method can be used with great economy of electric power and with convenience; under proper construction of the induction coils it may also be perfectly safe. It is, however, easy and very natural so to construct them that they shall be good in all other respects but that of safety to life that they shall introduce an un- expected risk to those using the supply. In a distribution of electricity by secondary generators, an alternating current is led in succession through the primary coils of a series of induction coils, one for each 178 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED group or system of lamps. The lamps connect the two terminals of the secondary coil of the induction coils. It is easy to so construct the induction coils that the differ- ence of potential between the terminals of the secondary coils may be any suitable number of volts, such as 50 or 100; while the potential of the primary circuit, as meas- ured between the terminals of the dynamo machine, may be very great, e.g., 2,000 or 3,000 volts. If the electromag- netic action between the primary and secondary coils, on which the useful effect of the arrangement depends, were the only action, the supply would be perfectly safe to the n 7 U A rt Fio. 55. user so long as apparatus with which he could not interfere was in proper order. But the electromagnetic action is not the only one. Theoretically speaking, every induction coil is also a condenser, and the primary coil acts electro- statically as well as electromagnetically upon the secondary coil. This electrostatic action may easily become danger- ous if the secondary generator is so constructed that its electrostatic capacity, regarded as a condenser, is other than a very small quantity. AN UNNOTICED DANGER. 179 Imagine an alternate current dynamo machine, A, Fig. 55, its terminals, B, C, connected by a continuous con- ductor, B D C, on which may be resistances, self induction coils, secondary generators, or any other appliances : at any point is a condenser, E, one coating of which is connected to the conductor, or may indeed be part of it ; the other is connected to earth through a resistance, R. Let K be the capacity of the condenser, Fthe potential at time t of the earth coating of the condenser, U the potential of the other coating, 2 the current in resistance R to the condenser from the earth, being taken as positive, and the earth potential as zero. We have , whence, since U = A sin 2 n n t, where A is a constant depending on the circumstances of the dynamo circuit as well as the electromotive force of the machine, and n is the reciprocal of the periodic time of the machine, we have KR % + x = 2 n n KA cosZrtn t, 9 - a { 2 7t n KR sin 2 n n t -j- cos 2 n n t \ , x = - mean square of x = . mean square of A. Let us now consider the actual values likely to occur in practice. Let the condenser E be a secondary generator; 180 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. let the resistance R be that of some person touching some part of the secondary circuit, and also making contact to earth with some other part of the body ; n may be anything from 100 to 250, say 150; /Twill depend on the construc- tion of the secondary generator it may be as high as 0.3 microfarad or even more, but there would be no difficulty even in large instruments in keeping it down to one hun- dredth of this or less. The mean square of A will depend on the circumstances of other parts of the circuit; it might very easily be as great, or very nearly as great, as the mean difference of potential between the terminals of the ma- chine if the primary circuit were to earth at C. Suppose, however, that the circuit B D C is symmetrical, that E is at one end, and that another person of the same resistance as the person at E is touching the secondary circuit of the secondary generator F at the other end of the circuit. In that case, if 2,400 be difference of potential of the machine, mean square of A will be 1,200; in which case we have, taking R as 2,000 ohms, mean square of 2 n X 150 X 0.3 X 10 , r. ==== t/(2 n X 150 X 0.3 X 10- 6 X 2,000)' + 1 = about 0.3 ampere. Experiments are still wanting to show what current may be considered as certain to kill a man, but it is very doubtful whether any man could stand 0.3 ampere for a sensible length of time. It is probable that if the two persons both 'took firm hold of the secondary conductors of E and F 9 both would be killed. If the person at F be replaced by AN UNNOTICED DANGER. 181 an accidental dead earth on the secondary circuit of F, the person at E would experience a greater current than 0.3 ampere. It follows from the preceding consideration that second- ary generators of large electrostatic capacity are essentially dangerous, even though the insulation of the primary cir- cuit and of the primary coils from the secondary coils is perfect. The moral is for the constructor, Take care that the secondary generators have not a large electrostatic capacity, say not more than 0.03 microfarad, better less than -jlnj- microfarad; for the inspector, Test the system for safety. The test is very easy. Place a secondary gen- erator of greatest capacity at one end of the line and con- nect its secondary circuit to earth through any instrument suitable for measuring alternate currents under one am- pere; put the other end of the primary to earth; the read- ing of the current measuring instrument should not exceed such a current as it may be demonstrated a man can en- dure with safety. 182 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. INDUCTION COILS OR TRANSFORMERS. THE transformers considered are those having a con- tinuous iron magnetic circuit of uniform section.* Let A be area of section of the core; m and u the number of convolutions of the primary and secondary coils, respectively; R, r, and p their resistances, p being the resistance of the secondary external to the transformer; x and y currents in the two coils; a induction per square centimetre; a the magnetic force; I the length of the magnetic circuit; E = B sin 2 n (t/T), the difference of potentials between the extremities of the primary ; T being the periodic time. We have 4 it (m x + ny) = I a; (1) E = R x m A a; = (r + p)y-nAa. (2) (3) * For a discussion of transformers in which there is a considerable gap in the magnetic circuit, see Ferraris, Torino, Accad. Sci. Mem., vol. 37, 1885 ; also chapter on the " Theory of Alternating Currents," in this volume, INDUCTION COILS OR TRANSFORMERS. 183 From (2) and (3), n E = n R x m (r + p) y. (4) Substituting from (1), x\n*R + m*(r + p)\ = TO NON-INDUCTIVE * RESISTANCE NO. 2. 1 TO REVOLVING CONTACT MAKER FIG. 63. method I described* and subsequently used for testing dynamos. The measurements for difference of potential differences are made as in Fig. 63. For current differences (Fig. 64), where G is a known small non-inductive resist- *TO NON-INDUCTIVE TO REVOLVING CONTACT MAKER FIG. 64. ance, the two currents will, of course, slightly disturb each other, but this is readily allowed for in the calculations. * Phil. Trans., 1886, page 347. 192 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. Another method would be to couple them as in Fig. 65, G v and #, being equal non-inductive resistances. This arrangement is quite free from disturbance, but re- quires two resistances adjusted to exact equality. A single transformer can be tested in the same way, though in this 1 TO REVOLVING CONTACT'MAKER FIG. 65. case reliance must be placed upon resistances to reduce the current of the low potential coil, and to reduce the poten- tial of the high potential coil in the ratio of the number of windings in the two coils. The current was throughout generated by a Siemens alternator with 12 magnets, run at a speed between 830 and 840 revolutions per minute, which gives a frequency of 5,000 per minute, or 83 to 84 per second. The first experiment tried * was with the two transform- ers coupled, but with No. 2 transformer on open circuit, or on nearly open circuit, for a high resistance for purposes of measurement was interposed between the terminals of the low resistance coil of No. 2 transformer. The actual * So far as I know, the first discussion of endless magnetic circuit transform- ers, based on the actual properties of the material, is in a note by myself (Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xui., and Tiie Electrician, vol. xvni., p. 421.) Definite results were obtained by methods generally similar to those now used by Prof. Ryan (The Electrical World, Dec. 28, 1889). The theory of transformers is well set forth by Prof. Fleming (The Electrician, April 22 and 29, 1892). TEST OF WESTINGHOUSE TRANSFORMERS. 193 results are given in Table IX., and are expressed in Fig. 66. Tables X., XL, and XII. give the results for half power, f TABLE IX. S3 Potential No. 2. Potential No. 1. n Thick Coils. Thick Coils. s S . m go No. 1. Thick Coils. Amperes. Square of Volts. Vmean 2 = 101.9. Watts supplied to No. 1. Volts. Square of Volts. P. D. Sec Nos. 1 and 2. Volts. Vineau 3 = 101.1 Volts. 267 -2.2 + 25.4 645 -0.9 + 26.3 692 - 57.9 270 -0.3 + 70.2 4,9:28 -1.2 + 71.4 5,098 - 21.4 273 4-1.1 + 95.3 9,082 -1.1 + 96.4 9,292 + 106.0 276 + 2.1 +120.4 14,496 -1.1 --121.5 14,761 + 255.1 279 + 2.8 +147.7 21,816 -1.1 --148.8 22,140 + 416.6 282 285 + 3.2 + 3.4 +147.2 +119.8 21,668 14,351 + 0.9 + 0.7 +148.1 --120.5 21,935 14,520 + 473.9 + 409.7 288 291 294 + 3.5 + 3.7 + 3.5 + 97.8 + 26io 9,565 5,084 676 + 0.6 + 0.4 + 0.3 + 98.4 -- 71.7 -- 25.97 9,683 5,140 674 + 344.4 + 260.3 + 90.9 102,311 103,935 2,282.6 194 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED nearly full power, and full power, and the sets of curves of Figs. 67, 68 and 69 give the results of the table. In these tables the first column gives the position of the con- tact brush in degrees, so that 60 on this scale corresponds with a complete cycle. Three degrees are thus -^-^ . Oo.o X * 295* 14.6 11.5 9.4 10.6 4.4 -4.6 -7.2 -7.5 -13.6 -17.6 and in the same way in Fig. G7 the dotted curve represents the difference of electromotive force corrected for resist- ance, and the points correspond with the above rates. TEST OF WESTINGHOTJSE TRANSFORMERS. 205 Fig. 74 gives the efficiencies for the combined transform- ers in terms of the load. This curve is the hyperbole : Efficiency = 100 . where A = 228, the loss by hysteresis; B = 0.005, and mainly depends upon the waste field; C = 0.0000035, and is mainly the loss by resist- ance; X = load in watts. To sum up, I find that the efficiency of the transformer at full load would be 96.9 per cent. ; at half load, 96 per JOOi Load in 103 watte. Fio. 74. cent.; and at quarter load, over 92 per cent. The magnet- izing current of the transformer amounts to 114 watts, or 1.75 per cent. The drop of potential from no load to full load is between 2 per cent, and 2.2 per cent. In conclusion, I wish to express my thanks to Mr. Wil- son, of King's College; this gentleman carried out the experiments under my direction, and made nearly all the numerical calculations and drew most of the curves for me. DYNAMO MACIIINEKY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. x ential No. Thick Coil. Pot SON; in s JII-'.I.HI. > jo n\>.<\ Diffe No ! H-i % 5* uop oiaiio papi i aujjojuxg no i (s r i.i} i aujjojuxg jo spvaq e cT o e o co ao ci g g a g 5 t 8 li ' * o ec o> eo t- S Si 69 1 1 ooooiooooia oooomoooifto t- CO I- OS C OC OOJOOOOO ST OF WESTINGilOUSE TRANSFORMERS. C J07 luiiuejoj jo 8ou8jajji(i putt sisaaajsA'H ss by Res and pro Waste -onn sassoq + + + + i 1 I 1 1 1 ++++++++ s 8 f.6 6 fe' i 6 i + + + + + i i i " 1 i S i 1 1. i [8 E !..** OX cxj pai[ddns sa^AV SIIOQ ui jo SJIOA jo a-mbs *M ^ ll apaiQ papiAtQ uo qsnag Suuo[dxa jo to if of i . oo of 1 1 1 1 o o o M e o o o > to oooooooooo DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECT* looq pins 8;s S 8 g g 8 + -f- + + 4- s|U>o sioiqj, 'Z PUB i -so\i u\ ^uajjno jo uB9ft * * * 00 Qt S2 S 8 S S + + + + + Current No. 1. Thick Coil. saj^dtay o o> to e* GO a s s a + + + + + Current Difference. Thick Co. Is. Nos. 1 and 2. s.u^duiv * o w o o -J c> ot ' eo 1 + + + + > 1-1 TH 0> 1> 1-1 o 1-5 ot co <* + 1 1 1 1 uonoayaa pjoajjoo | fe te | uonoatpd paAJdsqo fe fe ^ 38 X ^H ^ ^-H O| Current No. 2. Thick Coil. saaedrav 00 O CO CO S S S S 5 + -f + + + uowoagaa ps^oaojoo gw o os o 8 5! S 8 uonoayaa pQAjasqo SCO f> i-l t-. O C* 00 O uijo|' I x [4 jo spvi g S 1 THEORY OF THE ALTERNATE CURRENT DYNAMO. \ THEORY OF THE ALTERNATE CURRENT DYNAMO. ACCORDING to the accepted theory of the alternate current dynamo, the equation of electric current in the armature is y y + R y periodic function of t, where y is a constant coefficient of self induction. This equation is not strictly true, inasmuch as y is not in general constant,* but it is a most useful approximation. My present purpose is to in- dicate how the values of y and of the periodic function representing the electromotive force can be calculated in a machine of given configuration. To fix ideas, we will suppose the machine considered to have its magnet cores arranged parallel to the axis of rota- tion, that the cores are of uniform section, also that the armature bobbins have iron cores, so that we regard all the lines of induction as passing either through an armature coil or else between adjacent poles entirely outside the armature. The sketch, Fig. 75, shows a development of the machine considered. The iron is supposed to be so arranged that the currents induced therein may be neg- lected. We further suppose for simplicity that the line integral of magnetic force within the armature core may be neglected. * See chapter on the " Theory of Alternating Currents" in this volume. 212 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. i Let A t be the effective area of the space between the pole piece and armature core when the cores are in line, J, the distance from iron to iron. Let A 9 be the section of magnet core, 7, the effective length of a pair of magnet limbs, so that /, may be re- Fro. 76. garded as the length of the lines of force as measured from one pole face to the next. Let m be the number of convolutions in a pair of magnet limbs, and n the convolutions in one armature section; T the periodic time. The time is measured from an epoch when the armature coil we shall consider is in a symmetrical position in a field which we shall regard as positive. x and y are the currents in the magnet and armature coils, the positive direction being that which produces the positive field at time zero. At time t the armature coil considered has area Af, = ft + ft, cos (2 n t/T) + ft, cos (4 it t/T) + etc., THEORY OF THE ALTERNATE CURRENT DYNAMO. 213 in a positive field; and area A" 9 = b -b, cos (2 n t/T) + b, cos (4 n t/T) - etc., in a negative field, where and &o ~ &, + t>, + - - - = 0. The coefficients b , b } , etc., are deducible by Fourier's theorem from a drawing of the machine under considera- tion. Let / be the total induction in the magnet core, and let, at time t, /be distributed into /' through A' 9 I" through A" and /'" as a waste field to the neighboring poles. The line integral of magnetic force from the pole to either adjacent pole is /'"/&, where k is a constant. We have first to determine /', 1", /'", in terms of x and y. Take the line integral of magnetic force in three ways through the magnets, and respectively through area A', through area A", and across between the adjacent poles f + 3 l ' ~' = 4 * m X ~~ 4 * H y 214 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. whence A,' -A When t, x and y are given, this would suffice to determine 1 by means of the known properties of the material of the magnets as represented by the function /. We will, how- ever, consider two extreme cases between which other cases will lie. First. Suppose that the intensity of induction in the magnet cores is small, so that /,/(//^4 a ) may be neglected, the iron being very far from saturation. We have = 2T !m (A ' " A ") x + n - (A * + A 7t ( (. 27Tt . 67Tt \ = -y- 1 m \t t cos -y- -f J, cos -^ + ...) + n -f b, cos -- + . . . We see that the coefficient of self induction y in general contains terms in cos (4 n t/T). Second, In actual work it would be nearer the truth to THEORY OF THE ALTERNATE CURRENT DYNAMO. 215 suppose that the magnetizing current x is so great that the induction / may be regarded as constant, and the quantity l^f(I/A^ as considerable. But as small changes in / imply very great changes in l^f(I/A^), its value cannot be regarded as known. We have then (A* A I-- 1 2l A/ -A" - whence r r , = (A; -A,") i (A: - A,")' (A,' - A,") I ~ A^ + AS' + Zkl, 4 A,' A," + 2 k I, (A,' + A,") titny ' " \ 216 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. For illustration, consider the simplest possible case: let b = b. = $A t , and b 9 = ft, = . . . = 0, and let 2 k Z, be negligible; we have T/ , 2jrtf, .2 TT t 47rny I - I = Jcos -y- + A l sin 9 ^- . -y^, and the equation of current will be instead of the simple and familiar linear equation. THE ELECTRIC LIGHTHOUSE OF MACQUAKIE. 217 THE ELECTRIC LIGHTHOUSES OF MACQUARIE AND OF TINO. THE subject of the use of the electric light in light- houses was fully discussed at the Institution in 1879, when papers by Sir James Douglass, M. Inst. C.E., and by Mr. James T. Chance, Asso. Inst. C.E., were read.* The subject has been further elaborately examined by Mr. E. Allard,f and more recently in practical experi- ments made at the South Foreland, exhaustively reported on by a committee of the Trinity House.J The justifica- tion of the present communication is that, at the light- houses of Macquarie and of Tino, the optical apparatus is on a larger scale than has hitherto been used for the electric arc in .lighthouses, and presents certain novel features in the details of construction. Further, as regards the elec- trical apparatus, tests were made upon the machinery for Macquarie when it was in the hands of Messrs. Chance Brothers & Company, which still possess some value, although five years old; and, in the case of Tino, the machines are practically worked together in a manner not previously used otherwise than by way of experiment. * Minutes of Proceedings of the Inst. C.E., vol. LVII., pp. 77 and 168. t " M6moire sur leg Phares filectriques," 1881. % " Report into the relative merits of Electricity, Gas, and Oil as Lighthouse Illuminants." Parts 1 and 2, PP. 1885, 218 DYNAMO MACHINERY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. In the case of both lighthouses, Messrs. Chance Brothers & Company, of Birmingham, entered into a contract for the supply of all the apparatus required, including engines, machines, conductors, lamps, optical apparatus, and lan- terns; and Sir James Douglass, engineer-in-chief of the Trinity House, acted as inspecting engineer to the respec- tive colonial and foreign governments. As these two lighthouses present many features in com- mon, it may be most convenient to give a full description of the earlier lighthouse, and then limit the description of Tino to those points in which it differs from Macquarie. MACQUARIE. This lighthouse is situated on South Head, near Sydney, , the precise position being shown in a copy from the chart, Fig. 76. A lighthouse was first placed at this im- portant landfall in 1817. The focal plane is 346 feet above the sea, and the distance of the sea horizon is there- fore 21.6 nautical miles, and the range about 27 nautical miles for an observer 1 5 feet above the sea. Optical Apparatus. The light is a revolving one, giv- ing a single flash of eight seconds' duration every minute. On account of the considerable altitude of the lighthouse, it was necessary to secure that a substantial quantity of light should be directed to the nearer sea; but it was also essential, on account of the exceptional power of the ap- paratus, that this dipping light should only be a small fraction of that sent to the horizon, otherwise its effect would be excessively dazzling. Many years ago Mr, THE ELECTRIC LIGHTHOUSE OF MACQUARIE. 219 EAST MAITLAND JN. ?/ A NEWCASTLE FIG. 7