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Also, Statistics of Product, Export, and Consumption, with prices of Oil from 1859, to 1872, &c., &c. THE PARKERS' AND BUTLER COUNTY OIL FIELDS. ALSO, LIFE SKETCHES OF PIONEER AND PROMINENT OPERATORS, WITH THE REFINING CAPACITY OF THE UNITED STATES. BY J. T. PHILADELPHIA: JAS. B. RODGERS CO., PRINTERS, 52 & 54 NORTH SIXTH ST. 1873. Entered according to Act of Congress, on the 2gth day of September, 1873, by J. T. HENRY, Titusville, Pa. In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. eilicatanr, TO WILLIAM H. ABBOTT, In submitting to a discerning, yet indulgent public, this volume, relating to the History of Petroleum, with Life Sketches, of many of the prominent men in the Pennsylvania Oil Region, identified therewith, I beg to associate with my unpretending labors, your own honored name, known and acknowledged as that of an enterprising business man, a public-spirited citizen, a high- toned Christian gentleman. Your characteristic reserve, I know, would prompt you to shrink from such conspicuous mention ; but the public voice pronounces you one of the worthiest members of the community, and I cannot deny myself the privilege of paying this dedicatory tribute to one who has sustained my enterprise with never-failing sympathy and encouragement. J. T. HENRY. 398686 PREFACE. IN the preparation of this work, the end and aim has been, to supply some needed historical data of the discovery of PETEOLEUM OIL, in Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and at other points in the United States and Canadas. The Pennsylvania Oil Region is by far the largest field, and produces eight-tenths of all the Petroleum, now so largely entering into the commerce of- the commonwealth, and of the nation, and has surely come to be an in- dispensable benefaction to millions of households, in every civilized nation upon the globe. To the early and later developments in this section, therefore, this work is mainly devoted. While this portion of its pages is deemed to be full and complete, and, we may add, reliably so, a sufficiently elaborate account of other Oil Fields upon this continent, and throughout the old world are -given, and from the best sources attainable. In this respect no pains have been spared to render it complete and authentic in all the details treated of. i The STATISTICAL pages of the work, though not e T .aborate, are regarded as full enough for the purposes of an intelligent under- standing of the magnitude of the industry. Such as we give, are known to be accurate. The Refining capacity of the more import- ant refining centres of the United States, except Boston, Mass., and Cleveland, Ohio, may be relied upon as authentic. 6 PREFACE. The BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, which make up so important a part of the work, are from among the representative men of the Region, and they furnish, individually and collectively, very many interesting and valuable facts, with reference to develop- ments, early and late, in the Oil Region of Pennsylvania, never before given to the public in an authentic form. And here we may as well refer to the fact that no " sketches " are given of operators at Petroleum Centre, Columbia, Tarr Farm, Rouseville, Oil City, President, and but one at Franklin. As " brevity is the soul of wit," we may add the neglect is not ours. While we have, in the list of biographies given, made a fair showing of the representative men of the Oil Region of Western Pennsylvania, we have not exhausted this portion of our subject. There are scores of men connected, in one way and another, with this great mining industry, whose history, and whose developments as producers, would add interest to our effort, and lustre to their names, but we have been unable, in many cases, to obtain per- mission thus to do justice to them. We may do tips in future edi- tions of the work. Our acknowledgments are due to JAMES MCCARTY, of Oil City, and to Mr. RICHARD LINX, formerly of The Petroleum Monthly, for valuable aid in the preparation of the work, and to Mr. CARBUTT, of Philadelphia, for the beautiful photographic il- lustrations that accompany its pages, especially in the department of Biographies, and to JAS. B. RODGERS Co., for the superior ex- cellence of the mechanical and typographical part of the work. TITUSVILLE, October 20th, 1873. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. EARLY NOTES OF PETROLEUM PETROLEUM SPRINGS 9 Gas and Salt Wells , >! Fossil Oil 05 Reflections 27 CHAPTER II. THE DISCOVERY OF THE VALUE OF PETROLEUM 29 Prof. Silliman's Paper on the Subject 3.? Properties of Distilled Oils 44 Use for Gas-making 45 Use of Naphtha for Illumination 49 Photometric Experiments : 51 CHAPTER III. EARLY AND INTERESTING FACTS. Petroleum as a Medicinal Agent KIER'S announcement in 1849 50 The First Developments at Titusville 60 CHAPTER IV. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ON OIL CREEK 69 Organization of the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company 70 CHAPTER V. COMMENCEMENT OF DEVELOPMENTS ON OIL CREEK 81 Col. E. L. DRAKE connects himself with the Enterprise 86 Completion of the "Drake Well," 94 CHAPTER VI. CONTINUANCE OF DEVELOPMENTS ALONG OIL CREEK 95 The Second Well put down "The Burnsdall" 95 General Review of Early Operations