RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING E,S. BELLASIS RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Sy the Same Author HYDRAULICS WITH WORKING TABLES. Second Edition. 160 illustrations, xii + 3ii pp., 8vo (1911). 12/- net. PUNJAB RIVERS AND WORKS. Second Edition. 47 illustrations, viii + 64 pp., folio (1912). 8/- net. IRRIGATION WORKS (in the press). 27 illustrations, vi + 130 pp., 8vo (I9I3). 6/- net. THE SUCTION CAUSED BY SHIPS. Explained in Popular Language. 2 plates, 26 pp., 8vo, sewed (1912). I/- net. E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., LONDON RIVER AND CANAL ENGI NEE RI NG THE CHARACTERISTICS OF OPEN FLOW- ING STREAMS, AND THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS TO BE FOLLOWED IN DEALING WITH THEM BY E. S. pELLASIS, M.lNST.C.E. RECENTLY SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER IN. THE IRRIGATION BRANCH OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF INDIA ILLUSTRATIONS Xottbon E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57 HAYMARKET, S.W, mew j^orfc SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 123 LIBERTY STREET 1913 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ARTICLE PAGE 1. Preliminary Remarks . . 2. Resume of the Subject . . . . . 1 3. Design and Execution of Works . . , .3 4. The Hydraulics of Open Streams . '. . 1 ^ CHAPTER II RAINFALL 1. Rainfall Statistics -. '. -.' . .; 6 2. Available Rainfall . . . . 9 3. Measurement of Rainfall . . '".. .13 4. Influence of Forests and Vegetation . y . 14 5. Heavy Falls in Short Periods . .15 CHAPTER III COLLECTION OF INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 1. Preliminary Remarks . . . . . 18 2. Stream Gauges ' . ,. . . . . 19 3. Plan and Sections . ' . . . . 21 4. Discharge Observations . . . . .21 5. Discharge Curves and Tables . . . .23 6. Small Streams , . . . . .24 7. Intermittent Streams . . . . . 25 8. Remarks . 26 vi RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING CHAPTER IV THE SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS ARTICLE PAGE 1. Preliminary Remarks . . - . . . 27 2. Rolled Material . . .29 3. Materials carried in Suspension . . .' .31 4. Methods of Investigation . . . . .33 5. Quantity and Distribution of Silt . . .35 6. Practical Formulae and Figures . . 37 7. Action on the Sides of a Channel . . .40 8. Action at Bends . . . . .42 9. General Tendencies of Streams . . . . 45 CHAPTER V METHODS OF INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 1. Preliminary Remarks . . . . .48 2. Increase of Scour or Reduction of Silting . . 48 3. Production of Silt Deposit . . . .51 4. Arrangements at Bifurcations . . .53 5. A Canal with Headworks in a River . . , . 54 6. Protection of the Bed . . . .58 CHAPTER VI WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 1. Preliminary Remarks . . . ..V GO 2. Spurs . . . . . . ,.- 61 3. Continuous Lining of the Bank . . . . . 64 4. Heavy Stone Pitching with Apron . .. .71 CHAPTER VII DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 1. Diversions . . ' . . . . . 73 2. Closure of a Flowing Stream . . ..75 3. Instances of Closures of Streams . ].. .-.,,' 80 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii CHAPTER VIII THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS ARTICLE PAGE 1. Preliminary Remarks . , ; . .84 2. Dredging and Excavating . . ^ 84 3. Reduction of Width . . . . . 85 4. Alteration of Depth or Water-Level . . .88 5. Training and Canalising . . . . . . 89 CHAPTER IX CANALS AND CONDUITS 1. Banks . ... . . .92 2. Navigation Canals . . . . ..93 3. Locks . . '. . . .96 4. Other Artificial Channels .. . . . 100 CHAPTER X WEIRS AND SLUICES 1. Preliminary Remarks . . . .. . . . 102 2. General Design of a Weir , . ' .. . 105 3. Weirs on Sandy or Porous Soil . . . 106 4. Various Types of Weirs . . . . .111 5. Weirs with Sluices . . . . .115 6. Falling Shutters .... . . 121 7. Adjustable Weirs . . -, . . 126 8. Remarks on Sluices . . . . , .128 CHAPTER XI BRIDGES AND SYPHONS 1. Bridges . . . . . . 132 2. Syphons and Culverts . . . . .135 3. Training Works ... 136 viii RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING CHAPTER XII DRAINAGE AND FLOODS ARTICLE PAGE 1. Preliminary Remarks . . . . . 141 2. Small Streams . . . ' . .. ,141 3. Rivers . . . . ./ . 146 4. Prediction of Floods . . . . 150 5. Prevention of Floods . ... 153 6. Lowering the Water-Level . . . .154 7. Flood Embankments . . . . .156 CHAPTER XIII RESERVOIRS AND DAMS 1. Reservoirs . 162 2. Capacity of Reservoirs . . 167 3. Earthen Dams . . . . . .174 4. Masonry Dams . . ... 181 CHAPTER XIV TIDAL WATERS AND WORKS 1. Tides ..... . . 190 2. Tidal Rivers . ... . . .192 3. Works in Tidal Rivers . . .196 4. Tidal Estuaries . .... 197 5. Works in Tidal Estuaries . . . V 198 CHAPTER XV RIVER BARS 1. Deltaic Rivers . ... . . . . . . 203 2. Other Rivers . . . . . .205 APPENDIX A. Fallacies in the Hydraulics of Streams . 209 B. Pitching and Bed Protection - . |%- 212 INDEX 213 PREFACE THE object of this book is to describe the principles and practice adopted in the Engineering of Open Streams. If the book seems to be somewhat small for its object, it will, it is hoped, be found that this is due to care in the arrangement and wording. Sources of information have been acknowledged in the text, but special mention may be made of lectures given by Professor Unwin at Coopers Hill College, of Harcourt's large work on Rivers and Canals, of the papers 1 by Binnie on rainfall, by Shaw on the closing of the river Tista, by Harcourt on movable weirs and on estuaries, by Strange on reservoirs, and by Ottley and Brightmore, Gore and Wilson, and Hill on the stresses in masonry dams ; of the articles by Bligh 2 on weirs with porous foundations and by Deacon 3 on reservoir capacity, of the Indian Government paper by Spring on " River Control on the Guide Bank System," and of the Punjab Government paper containing Kennedy's remarks on silting and scour in the Sirhind Canal. The two papers last mentioned are not easily accessible, and they contain matter of great interest. The important points, often obscured by masses of detail or figures, have been extracted. 4 1 Min. Proc. Inst. O.E. 2 Engineering News. 3 Encyclopedia Britannica. 4 The paper by Spring in size it is a book will repay perusal by engineers engaged on railway bridges over large shifting rivers. London Agents, Constable & Co. X RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Silting and scour (CHAP. IV.) had already been dealt with in Hydraulics^ but some further information has since come to light and the subject has been treated afresh and the matter re- written. 1 Hydraulics with Working Tables. Spon, 1912. E. S. B. CHELTENHAM, 1st May 1913. RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. Preliminary Remarks. River and Canal Engineer- ing is that branch of engineering science which deals with the characteristics of streams flowing in open channels, and with the principles and methods which should be followed in dealing with, altering, and con- trolling them. It is not necessary to make a general distinction between natural and artificial streams ; some irrigation canals or other artificial channels are as large as rivers and have many of the same characteristics. Any special remarks applicable to either class will be given as occasion requires. 2. R6sum6 of the Subject. CHAP. II. of this book deals with the collection of information concerning streams, a procedure which is necessary before any considerable work in connection with a stream can be undertaken, and often before it can even be decided whether or not it is to be undertaken. CHAP. III. deals with rainfall, and describes how rainfall figures and statistics can be utilised by the engineer in dealing with streams. CHAP. IV. explains the laws of silting and scouring action, a subject of great importance and one to which i B 2 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING the attention ordinarily given is insufficient. The general characteristics of streams, being due entirely to silting or scouring tendencies, are included in this chapter. CHAP. V. describes how silting or scouring may be, under some circumstances, artificially induced or retarded. CHAP. VI. deals with various methods of protecting banks against erosion or damage. CHAP. VII. treats of diversions or the opening out of new channels, and with the opposite of this, viz. the closing of channels, a feat which, when the stream is flowing, is sometimes very difficult to achieve. This chapter also deals with dredging and excavation. CHAP. VIII. discusses the subject of the training of streams, a class of work which is generally undertaken in order to make them navigable or to improve their existing capacities for navigation, but may be under- taken for other reasons. The main features of this kind of work are the narrowing and deepening of the stream, often the reduction of the velocity and slope, and generally the raising of the water-level. In this kind of work a channel may be completely remodelled and even new reaches constructed. CHAP. IX. deals with artificial channels of earth or masonry, and includes navigation canals. 1 In CHAPS. X. and XL the chief masonry works or isolated structures as distinguished from general works which extend over considerable lengths of channel are dealt with, and those principles of design discussed which affect the works in their hydraulic capacities. General principles of design applicable to all kinds of works, such as the thicknesses of arches or retaining 1 Irrigation canals are dealt with in Irrigation Works (Spon, 1913). \ INTRODUCTION 3 walls, are not considered ; they can be found in books on general engineering design. CHAP. XII. treats of storm waters and river floods, and shows how works can be designed for getting rid of flood water and how floods can be mitigated or prevented, one of the chief measures, the widening of the channel and the lowering of the water-level, being the opposite of that adopted for training works. Embankments for stopping flooding are also dealt with. CHAP. XIII. deals with reservoirs, including the design - of earthen and masonry dams. CHAPS. XIV. and XV. deal with tidal waters, river mouths and estuaries, and works in connection with them, viz. the training of estuaries and the methods of dealing with bars, the object being in all cases the improvement of the navigable capacities of the channels. 3. Design and Execution of Works. After obtain- ing full information concerning the stream to be dealt with, careful calculations are, in the case of any large and important work, made as to the effects which will be produced by it. These effects cannot always be exactly foreseen. Sometimes matters can be arranged so that the work can be stopped short at some stage with- out destroying the utility of the portion done, or so that the completed work can be altered to some extent. In works for controlling streams there is, as will appear in due course, a considerable choice of types of work and methods of construction. In practice it will generally be found that there are, in any particular locality, reasons for giving preference to one particular type or kind of work or, at all events, that the choice is limited to a few of them, either because certain kinds of materials and appliances can be obtained more cheaply B2 4 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING and readily than others, or because works of a particular type have already been successfully adopted there, or because the people of the district are accustomed to certain classes of work or methods of construction. In out-of-the-way places it is often undesirable to avoid any type of work which cannot be quickly repaired or readily kept in order by such means as exist near the spot. It is sometimes said that perishable materials, such as trees, stakes, and brushwood, cannot produce permanent results. They can produce results which will last for a long time and which may even be permanent. By the time the materials have decayed, the changes wrought may have been very great, deposits of shingle or silt may have occurred and become covered with vegetation, and there may be little tendency for matters to revert to their former condition. If the expense of using more lasting materials had had to be incurred, the works might never have been carried out at all. On the Mississippi enormous quantities of work have been done with fascines. 4. The Hydraulics of Open Streams. When any reach of a stream is altered, say by widening, narrowing, or deepening, so that the water-level is changed, there will also be a change in the water-level, a gradually diminishing change, for some distance upstream of the reach. Also in the lowest portion of the reach the change will gradually diminish and it will vanish at the extreme downstream end of the reach. In the next lowest reach there is no change. Thus if it is desired that the change in the water-level shall take full effect throughout the whole of a reach, the change in the channel must be carried further down. If a weir is INTRODUCTION 5 built there is no change in the water-level downstream of it except such as may be due to loss of water in the reach upstream of it. The above points are mentioned here because, although they are really questions of hydraulics, they are of much importance and of very general application. Matters connected with the hydraulics of open streams seem to lend themselves in a peculiar way to loosely expressed remarks and fallacious opinions. The set of a stream towards a bank is sometimes supposed to pro- foundly affect the discharge of a diversion or branch. Its effect is simply that of " velocity of approach," which, as is well known, is quite small with ordinary velocities, and is merely equivalent to a very small increase of head. Narrow bridges or other works are sometimes said to seriously " obstruct" a stream without any observations being made of the fall in the water surface through the bridge. This fall is the only measure of the real obstruction. 1 1 See also Appendix A. CHAPTER II RAINFALL 1. Rainfall Statistics. The mean annual rainfall varies very greatly according to the locality. In England it varies from about 20 inches at Hunstanton in Cambridgeshire, to about 200 inches at Seathwaite in Cumberland ; in India, from 2 or 3 inches in parts of Scinde, to 450 inches or more at Cherrapunji in the Eastern Himalayas. Rain is brought by winds which blow across the sea. Hence the rainfall in any country is generally greatest in those localities where the prevailing winds blow from seaward, provided they have travelled a great distance over the sea. Rainfall is greater among hills than elsewhere, because the temperature at great eleva- tions is lower. Currents of moist air striking the hills are deflected upwards, become cooled, and the water vapour becomes rain. This process, if the hills are not lofty, may not produce its full effect till the air currents have passed over the hills, and thus the rainfall on the leeward slopes may be greater than elsewhere, but on the inner and more lofty ranges the rainfall is generally greatest on the windward side. Thus the rainfall may vary greatly at places not far apart. An extreme instance of this occurs in the RAINFALL 7 Bombay hills, where the mean annual falls at two stations only ten miles apart are respectively 300 inches and 50 inches. In temperate climates the rainfall is generally dis- tributed over all the months of the year ; in the tropics the great bulk of the rain often falls in a few months. The fall at any one place varies greatly from year to year. To obtain really reliable figures concerning any place, observations at that place should extend over a period of thirty to thirty-five years. The figures of the mean annual fall will then probably be correct to within 2 per cent. The degree of accuracy to be expected in results deduced from observations extending over shorter periods is as follows : No. of years . 25 20 15 10 5 Error per cent. . 3 3 5 815 These figures were deduced by Binnie (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. cix.) from an examination of rainfall figures obtained over long periods of time at many places scat- tered over the world. The errors may, of course, be plus or minus. They are the averages of the errors actually found, and are themselves subject to fluctuations. Thus the 15 per cent, error for a five-year period may be 16 or 13, the 8 per cent, error for a ten-year period may be 8j or 7|-, with similar but minute fluctations for the other periods. Binnie's figures also show that the ratio of the fall at any place in the driest year to the mean annual fall, averages "51 to *68, with a general average of *60, and that the ratio in the wettest year to the mean annual fall averages 1*41 to 175, with a general average of 1*51. For India the general averages are *50 and 1*75. 8 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING These figures are useful as a means of estimating the probable greatest and least annual fall, but they are averages for groups of places. The greatest fall at any particular place may occasionally be twice the mean annual fall. At some places in India, in Mauritius, and at Marseilles it has been two and a half times the mean annual fall. The least annual fall may. in India, be as low as *27 of the mean. In England the fall in a dry year has, once at least, been found to be only "30 of the mean annual fall. The mean fall (average for all places) in the three driest years is, from Binnie's figures, about 76 of the mean annual fall. The figures given above, except when a particular country is mentioned, apply to all countries and to places where the rainfall is heavy, as well as to those where it is light. But in extremely dry places the fluctuations are likely to be much greater. At Kurrachee, with a mean annual fall of only 7*5 inches, the fall in a very wet year has been found to be 373 times, and in a very dry year only "07 times the mean annual fall. In the United Kingdom the probable rainfall at any place in the driest year may be taken as "63 of the mean annual fall. For periods of two, three, four, five and six consecutive dry years, the figures are "72, 77, *80, '82, and "835. These figures are of importance in calculations for the capacity of reservoirs (CHAP. XIIL, Art. 2). When accurate statistics of rainfall are required for any work, the rainfall of the tract concerned must be specially studied and local figures obtained for as many years as possible. Very frequently it is necessary to set up a rain-gauge, or several if the tract is extensive or consists of several areas at different elevations. RAINFALL 9 Sometimes there is only a year or so in which to collect figures. In this case the ratio of the observed fall to that, for the same period, at the nearest station where regular records are kept, is calculated. This ratio is assumed to hold good throughout, and thus the probable rainfall figures for the new station can be obtained for the whole period over which the records have been kept at the regular station. The volumes of the British Rainfall Organisation contain a vast amount of informa- tion regarding rainfall. For a large area there should be one rain-gauge for every 500 acres, for a small area more. In the case of a valley there should be at least three gauges along the line of the deepest part one at the highest point, one at the lowest, and one midway as regards height and two gauges half way up the sides and opposite the middle gauge (Ency. Brit. , Tenth Edition, vol. xxxiii.). Some extra gauges may be set up for short periods in order to see whether the regular gauges give fair indications of the rainfall of the tract. If they do not do so some allowances can be made for this. 2. Available Rainfall. The area drained by a stream is called its " catchment area" or "basin." The avail- able rainfall in a catchment area is the total fall less the quantity which is evaporated or absorbed by vegetation. The evaporation does not chiefly take place directly from the surface. Rain sinks a short distance into the ground, and is subsequently evaporated. The available rainfall does not all flow directly into the streams. Some sinks deep into the ground and forms springs, and these many months later augment the flow of the stream and main- tain it in dry seasons. The available rainfall of a given catchment area is known as the " yield " of that area. 10 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Estimation of the available rainfall is necessary chiefly in cases where water is to be stored in reservoirs for town supply or irrigation. The ratio of the avail- able to the total rainfall depends chiefly on the nature and steepness of the surface of the catchment area, on the temperature and dryness of the air, and on the amount and distribution of the rainfall. The ratio is far greater when the falls are heavy than when they are light. Again, when the ground is fairly dry and the temperature high as in summer in England nearly the whole of the rainfall may evaporate ; but when the ground is soaked and the temperature low as in late autumn and winter in England the bulk of the rain- fall runs off. In the eighteen years from 1893 to 1900 the average discharge of the Thames at Teddington, after allowing for abstractions by water companies, was in July, August, and September 12 per cent, of the rain- fall 6*9 inches in its basin, and in January, February, and March 60 per cent, of the fall which was 5*9 inches. The total fall in the year was 26 '4 inches. Some rivers in Spain discharge, in years of heavy rainfall, 39 per cent., and in years of light rainfall 9 per cent, of the rainfall (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxvii.). The discharge of a river is not always greatest in the month, or even the year, of greatest rainfall. The table opposite gives some figures obtained by comparison of rainfall figures and stream discharges. The case of the area of 2208 acres near Cape Town is described in a paper by Bartlett (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxxxviii.), and it is shown by figures that part of the rainfall in the rainy season went to increase the underground supply which afterwards maintained the flow in the dry season. RAINFALL 11 OJ ^.41 o a O II II i i i i O C<1 IO TfH O ip O O5 1^ r^H CO CO < (M CO ^ !|j 111 o S5 X w 8 If I 53 fa g' w o - s ; |i Z 6 GO O O OO s ' ' a " 0, ' Q, ' fl ' . - O i 12 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING The following statement shows how the available rainfall may vary from year to year. The figures are those of a catchment area of 50 square miles on the Cataract River, New South Wales (Mm. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxxxi.): Year. Rainfall. Available Rainfall. Remarks. Inches. Ratio to Total. 1895 34-1 84 Heavy rain falling on saturated area. 1896 33-7 28 Evenly distributed fall. 1897 44-7 49 Heavy rains in May. 1898 56-4 45 ,, ,, February (15 ins.). 1899 549 43 August (11-5 ins.). 1900 26-1 50 May and July. 1901 37-4 11 Evenly distributed fall. 1902 29-9 06 1903 41-7 23 No heavy fall. The manner in which the available rainfall may vary from month to month is shown in the following state- ment, which gives the figures for 1905 for the Sudbury River in Massachusetts : Month. Rainfall. Available Rainfall. January .... February . March . . , N Inches. 5-3 2-2 3-2 Percentage of fall. 48 24 142 April . , . May . . . June . . . 2-7 1-3 5-0 104 40 16 July ... August . " . September October .... 5-5 2-7 6-9 1-5 6 8 31 18 November V . . 2-1 23 December . ~ ; 4-0 40 Total 42-3 Average 39*5 RAINFALL 13 Rankine gives the ratio of the available rainfall to the whole fall as I'O on steep rocks, *8 to '6 on moor- land and hilly pasture, '5 to *4 on flat, cultivated country, and nil on chalk. These figures are only rough. The figures for rocks and pastures are too high. The loss from evaporation and absorption is not propor- tional to the rainfall. It is far more correct to consider the loss as a fairly constant quantity in any given locality but increasing somewhat when the rainfall is great. The available rainfall in Great Britain has generally been overestimated. Sometimes it has been taken as being "60 of the whole fall. More commonly the loss is taken to be 13 to 15 inches. This is correct for the western mountain districts, where the rainfall is about 80 inches and the soil consists chiefly of rocks partly covered with moorland or pasture. In other parts of the country, especially where flat, the loss is often 17 to 20 inches. All the above figures are, however, general averages. The proper estimation of the available rainfall at any place in any country depends a great deal on experience and judgment, and on the extent to which figures for actual cases of similar character are available. Regarding the " run- off" from saturated land during short periods, see CHAP. XII. , Arts. 1 and 2. 3. Measurement of Rainfall. A rain-gauge should be in open ground and not sheltered by objects of any kind. The ordinary rain-gauge is a short cylinder. This is often connected by a tapering piece to a longer cylinder of smaller diameter. In this the rain is stored safely and is measured by a graduated rod. The measurement can be made more accurately than if the diameter was throughout the same as at the top. In 14 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING other cases the water is poured out of the cylinder into a measuring vessel. If the rain-gauge was sunk so that the top was level with the ground, rain falling out- side the gauge would splash into it and vitiate the readings unless the gauge was surrounded by a trench. Ordinarily the top of the gauge is from 1 to 3 feet above the ground. When it is 1 metre above the ground the rain registered is said to be on the average about 6 per cent, less than it should be, owing to the fact that wind causes eddies and currents and carries away drops which should have fallen into the gauge. The velocity of the wind increases with the height above the ground, and so does the error of the rain- gauge. Devices for getting rid of the eddies have been invented by Boernstein and Nipher (Ency. Brit., Tenth Edition, vol. xviii.), but they have not yet come into general use. The Boernstein device is being used experimentally at Eskdalemuir. It would appear that much splashing cannot take place when the ground is covered with grass, and that in such a case the top of the gauge could be 1 foot above the ground, thus making the error very small. If the ground is at first level, then rises and then again becomes level, a rain-gauge at the foot of the slope will, with the prevailing wind blowing up the slope, register too much, and a rain-gauge just beyond the top of the slope will register too little (Ency. Brit., Tenth Edition, vol. xxxiii.). 4. Influence of Forests and Vegetation. When the ground is covered with vegetation, and especially forests, the humus or mould formed from leaves, etc., absorbs and retains moisture. It acts like a reservoir, so that the run-off takes place slowly and the denudation RAINFALL 15 and erosion of the soil is checked. The roots of the trees or other vegetation also bind the soil together. Vegetation and forests thus mitigate the severity of floods and reduce the quantity of silt brought into the streams. They also shield the ground from the direct rays of the sun and so reduce evaporation, and thus, on the whole, augment the available rainfall. Forests render the climate more equable and tend to reduce the temperature, and they thus, at least on hills, increase the actual rainfall to some extent. If a forest is felled and replaced by cultivation, the ploughing of the soil acts in the same way as the humus of the forest, and the crops replace the trees ; and it has been stated that in the U.S.A. the cultivation is as beneficial as the forests in mitigating floods and check- ing denudation of the soil (Proc. Am. Soc. C.E., vol. xxxiv.). But when forests are felled they are not, at least in hilly country, always replaced by cultivation. Measures to put a stop to the destruction of forests or to afforest or reforest bare land may enter into questions of the regime of streams or the supply of water. On the Rhine, increase in the severity of floods was dis- tinctly traced to deforestation of the drainage area. It is usually said that forests act as reservoirs by preventing snows from melting. This is disputed in the paper above quoted, and it is stated that in the absence of forests the snow forms drifts of enormous depth, and these melt very gradually and act as reser- voirs after the snow in the forests has disappeared. 5. Heavy Falls in Short Periods. When rain water, instead of being stored or utilised, has to be got rid of, it is of primary importance to estimate roughly exact estimates are impossible the greatest probable fall 16 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING in a short time. This bears a rough ratio to the mean annual fall. The maximum observed falls in twenty- four hours range, in the United Kingdom, generally from 05 to "10 of the mean annual fall but on one occasion the figure has been *20, and in the tropics from '10 to *25. Actual figures for particular places can be ex- tracted from the rain registers, but the probability of their being exceeded must be taken into account. The greatest fall observed in twenty-four hours in the United Kingdom is 7 inches, and in India 30 inches in the Eastern Himalayas. But much shorter periods than twenty-four hours have to be dealt with. The following figures are given by Chamier (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. cxxxiv.) as applicable to New South Wales, and he considers that they are fair guides, erring on the side of safety, for other countries : Duration of fall in hours Ratio of fall to maximum daily fall . 12 24 1 The above figures are probably safe for England. For India the case is far otherwise. The following falls have been observed there : Period. Fall. Rate per Hour. Remarks. Inches. Inches. 7 hours 10 1-43 4 '5 hours . 7-7 1-7 2 hours . 8 4 1 hour 5 5 20 minutes 1-6 4-8 10 minutes 1 6 RAINFALL 17 The falls of 1 inch in ten minutes were frequently observed near the head of the Upper Jhelum Canal, a place where the annual rainfall is not more than 30 inches (see also CHAP. XII. , Art. 1). In some parts of the Eastern Himalayas, where 30 inches of rain has fallen in a day, it is possible that 8 inches may have fallen in an hour. In England 4 inches has fallen in an hour. The heaviest falls in short periods do not usually occur in the wettest years, and they may occur in very dry years. Nor do they always occur on a very wet day. CHAPTER III COLLECTION OF INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 1. Preliminary Remarks. The information which is required concerning streams depends on the character of the stream and on the nature of the work which is to be done. For the present let it be supposed that the stream is large and perennial. Other kinds of streams will be dealt with in Arts. 6 and 7. In dealing with a large perennial stream it is nearly always necessary to know the approximate highest and lowest water-levels, and these can generally be ascertained by local inquiry, combined with observations of water marks ; but a higher level than the highest known and a lower level than the lowest known are always liable to occur, and must to some extent be allowed for. If navigation exists or is to be arranged for, the highest and lowest levels consistent with navigation must be ascertained. The highest such level depends chiefly on the heights of bridges. A plan to a fairly large scale is also necessary in most cases. If an embankment to keep out floods is to be made along a river which is so large that its flood-level cannot be appreciably affected by the construction of the work, it may be necessary to obtain information only as to the actual flood-levels, and as to the extent to which the 18 INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 19 stream is liable to erode its bank. If a length of the bank of a stream has to be protected against scour, it is necessary to know of what materials the bed and bank are composed, and whether the channel is liable to changes and to what extent. It is also desirable to know to what extent the water transports solids, if any. In some kinds of protective work these solids are utilised. But in cases where the stream is to be much interfered with, it is necessary to have full information concerning it, not only as regards water-levels, changes in the channel, and transport of solids, but as regards the longitudinal profile and cross-sections, and the dis- charges corresponding to different water-levels. The collection of some of this information, particularly as to the water-levels and discharges at different times of the year and in floods, may occupy a considerable time. Methods of ascertaining the quantity of silt carried in the water of a stream are described in CHAP. IV., Art. 4- Remarks regarding the other kinds of infor- mation required the stream being still supposed to be large and perennial are given in Arts. 2 to 5 of this chapter. The degree of accuracy required in the in- formation depends, however, on the importance of the work, and sometimes the procedure can be simplified. Detailed remarks on gauges and on the instruments used and methods adopted for observing discharges and surface slopes, are given in Hydraulics, CHAP. VIII. and Appendix H. 2. Stream Gauges. Unless the stream being dealt with is an artificial one, it is unlikely that the flow in the reach with which the work is concerned will be uniform. The rise and fall of the water at one place c2 20 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING cannot therefore be correctly inferred from those at another. It will be desirable to have two gauges, either read daily or else automatically, recording the water-level, one near each end of the reach concerned, with intermediate gauges if the reach is very long. If, in or near the reach, there is already a gauge which has been regularly read, it may be sufficient to set up only one new gauge, and to read it only for such a period of time as will give a good range of water-level, and to compare the readings with those of the old gauge. The readings of the new gauge for water-levels outside the range of those observed can then be inferred, but if the stream is very irregular this may involve some trouble (Art. 4). In the case of a large stream which shifts its course, the reading of a gauge does not give a proper indica- tion of the water-level. In other words, the distance of the gauge from the two ends of the reach is subject to alteration. The case is the same as if the stream was stable and the gauge was shifted about. In such a stream there ought, if accuracy is required, to be a group of two or more gauges for each point where there would be only one if the stream was not a shifting one. Also, owing to erosion of the bank or the formation of a sandbank, it may often be necessary to shift the gauge. When possible it should be kept in a fixed line laid down at right angles to the general direction of the stream. When shifted, its zero level should be altered in such a way that the reading at the new site at the time of shifting is the same as it was before shifting. When the gauge is moved back to the original site its zero should be placed at its original level, though this may give rise to a sudden jump in INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 21 the reading for the reason given in the first sentence of this paragraph. 3. Plan and Sections. Making a survey and plan, and laying down on it the lines for longitudinal and cross-sections, and taking levels for the sections, are ordinary operations of surveying. If any land is liable to be flooded, its boundaries should be shown on the plan and on some of the cross-sections. Unless the water is shallow, it is necessary to obtain the bed levels from the water-level by soundings, the level of a peg at the water-level having been obtained by levelling. All the sections should show the water-level as it was at some particular time, but the water-level will probably have altered while the survey was in progress, and allowance must be made for this. The pegs at all the cross- sections and on both banks of the stream for the water-levels at opposite banks may not be exactly the same may, for instance, be driven down to the water- level when it is steady, and thereafter any changes in it noted and the soundings corrected accordingly. In order to ascertain what changes are occurring in the channel it may be necessary to repeat the soundings at intervals and, if there is much erosion of the bank, to make fresh plans. 4. Discharge Observations. For a large stream it is necessary to observe the discharges by taking cross-sections and measuring the velocity. If there is a sufficient range of water-levels, it will be possible to make actual observations of a sufficient number of discharges. If soundings cannot, owing to the depth or velocity, be taken at high water, they must be inferred from those previously taken, but this does not allow for changes in the channel, which are 22 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING sometimes considerable and rapid. If there is not a sufficient range of water-level, the discharges for some water-levels must be calculated from those at other water-levels. In this case observations of the surface slope will be required, and the discharge site should be so selected that no abrupt changes in the channel will come within the length over which the observations are to extend. This length should be such that the fall in the water surface will be great enough to admit of accurate observation. If the cross-section of the stream is nearly uniform throughout the whole of this length, or if it varies in a regular manner, being greatest at one end of the length and least at the other end. the differ- ences in the areas of the two end sections being not more than 10 or 12 per cent., then the velocity and cross-section of the stream can be observed in the usual manner at the centre of the length ; but otherwise they should be observed at intervals over the whole length, or at least in two places, one where the section is small and one where it is great, and the mean taken. Or the velocity can be observed at only one cross-section and calculated for the others by simple proportion and the mean taken. The coefficient C can then be found V from the formula C = /yF=. To find the discharge for V H b a higher or lower water-level, the change in the value of C corresponding to the change in E can be estimated by looking out the values of C in tables, and the discharge calculated by using the new values of C and E, and the new sectional area, S remaining unaltered. But if the channel is such that, with the new water-level, a change in S is likely to have occurred, this change must be allowed for. Any such change will be due to the INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 23 changed relative effects of irregularities, either in the length over which the observations extended or down- stream of that length. The effect of irregularities in the bed is greatest at low water. The effect of lateral narro wings is greatest at high water. Since a change of 10 per cent, in S causes a change of only 5 per cent, in V, it will usually suffice to draw on the longitudinal section the actual water surface observed and to sketch the probable surface for the new water-level. If the whole channel is fairly regular for a long distance down- stream of the discharge site, no slope observations need be made nor need several sections be taken in order to find V. The changed value of C should, however, be estimated in the manner above indicated. For this purpose any probable value of S will suffice. 5. Discharge Curves and Tables. Ordinarily it will be possible, by plotting the observed discharges as ordinates, the gauge readings being the abscissae, to draw a discharge curve and from it construct a discharge table. Unless the channel is of firm material and not liable to change, there are likely to be discrepancies among the observed discharges, so that a regular dis- charge curve will not pass through all the plotted points. If the discrepancies are not serious, they can be disregarded and the curve drawn so as to pass as near as possible to all the points, but otherwise trouble and uncertainty may arise. The soundings should be compared in order to see whether changes have occurred in the channel. If such changes do not account for the discrepancies, the cause must be sought for in some of the recorded velocities. If no sources of error in these can be found, such as wind, it is possible that the velocity has been affected by a change in the surface 24 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING slope owing to some change in the channel downstream of the length. Failing this explanation, the discrepancies must be set down to unknown causes. With an un- stable channel and where accuracy is required, the sectional areas and velocities should be regularly tabulated or plotted so that changes may be watched and investigated. To do this it may be necessary to take surface slope observations, or to set up extra gauges which will show any changes in the slope. If, downstream of the discharge site, there is any place where affluents come in and bring varying volumes of water, or where gates or sluices are manipulated, and if the influence of this extends up to the discharge site, the water-level there no longer depends only on the discharge, and a discharge table must be one with several columns whose headings indicate various conditions at the place where the disturbances occur. In order to show how the gauge readings and dis- charges vary from day to day throughout the year, a diagram should be prepared showing the gauge readings and discharges as ordinates, the abscissse being the times in days starting from any convenient date as zero. Such a diagram, showing only gauge readings, is given in fig. 56, CHAP. XII. 6. Small Streams. Small streams will now be con- sidered, those, for instance, which are too small to be navigable and which occasionally run dry or nearly dry. If the water of the stream is to be stored for water supply, power or irrigation purposes, full information as to discharges and silt carried will be required. If the stream is small enough the discharges can be ascertained by means of a weir of planks. The discharge is then INFORMATION CONCERNING STREAMS 25 known from the gauge readings. Cross-sections and large scale plans will not be required unless the stream is to be altered or embanked. If the water, instead of being stored, is to be got rid of, as in drainage work, the only information required as to discharges is the maximum discharge. Large scale plans, sections, or information as to silt or water-levels (except as a means of estimating the discharge) will not be required unless the stream is to be altered or embanked. In all these cases of small streams the information required is generally, as has been seen, less than in the case of large perennial streams, but it is generally more difficult to obtain. If the stream is ill-defined or its flow intermittent, especially if it is also very small and the place sparsely inhabited, it may be difficult to obtain any discharge figures except those based on figures of rainfall. The method of obtaining such figures has been stated in CHAP. II. The figures required are those of the annual and monthly fall when the water is to be stored, and those of the greatest fall in a short period when the water is to be got rid of. Of course a plan of the catchment area is required. 7. Intermittent Streams. In the case of large streams whose flow is intermittent, the information required will, as before, depend upon the circumstances. Such streams occur in many countries. The difficulty in obtaining information is often very great. To obtain figures of daily discharge a gauge must be set up in the stream and a register kept. The chief difficulty in an out-of-the-way place is likely to be the obtaining correct information as to the maximum discharge. In- formation, derived from reports or from supposed flood marks, as to the highest water-level, may be inaccurate, 26 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING and information based on rainfall figures may be extremely doubtful owing to the large size of the catchment area, the absence of rain gauges, and the difficulty, especially if the rain is not heavy, in estimating the available fall. All sources of informa- tion must be utilised and, whenever possible, observa- tions should be made over a long period of time. 8. Remarks. Very much remains to be done in collecting and publishing information concerning the ratio of the discharges to the rainfall. By observing a fall of rain and the discharge of a stream before and after the fall, it is possible to ascertain the figures for that occasion, but they will not hold good for all occasions. Continuous observations are required. The chief obstacle is the expense. Not only have measuring weirs and apparatus for automatically recording the water-level to be provided, but the weirs would often cause flooding of land involving payment of com- pensation. The most suitable places for making observations are those where reservoirs for water- works exist or are about to be made. CHAPTER IV THE SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OP STREAMS 1 . Preliminary Remarks. When flowing water carries solid substances in suspension, they are known as " silt." Material is also moved by being rolled along the bed of the stream. The difference between silt and rolled material is one of degree and not of kind. Material of one kind may be rolled and carried alternately. The quantity of silt present in each cubic foot of water is called the " charge " of silt. Silt consists chiefly of mud and fine sand ; rolled material of sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders. When a stream erodes its channel, it is said to " scour." When it deposits material in its channel, it is said to "silt." Both terms are used irrespective of whether the material is silt or rolled material. A stream of given velocity and depth can carry only a certain charge of silt. When it is carrying this it is said to be " fully charged." If a stream has power to scour any particular material from its channel, it has power to transport it ; but the converse is not true. If the material is hard or coherent, the stream may have far more difficulty in eroding it than in merely keeping it moving. And there is gener- ally a little more difficulty even when the material is soft. 27 28 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Silting or scour may affect the bed of a channel or the sides or both. The channel may thus decrease or increase in width or if one bank is affected more than, or in a different manner to, the other alter its position laterally whether or not it is altering its bed level, and vice versa. The cross-section of a stream is generally "shallow." i.e. the width of the bed is greater than the combined submerged lengths of the sides, and the action on the bed is generally greater than on the sides. Silting and scouring are generally regular or irregular in their action according as the flow is regular or irregular, that is, according as the channel is free or not from abrupt changes and eddies. In a uniform canal fed from a river, the deposit in the head reach of the canal forms a wedge-shaped mass, the depth of the deposit decreasing with a fair approach to uniformity. Salient angles or places alongside of obstructions are most liable to scour, and deep hollows or recesses to silt. Eddies have exceptionally strong scouring power. Immediately downstream of an abrupt change scour is often severe. An abrupt change is one, whether of sectional area or direction of flow, and whether or not accompanied by a junction or bifurcation, which is so sudden as to cause .eddies. The hole scoured along- side of an obstruction may extend to its upstream side, though there is generally little initial tendency to scour there. An obstruction is anything causing an abrupt decrease in any part of the cross-section of a stream, whether or not there is a decrease in the whole cross- section, e.g. a bridge pier or spur. Most streams vary greatly at different times both in volume and velocity and in the quantity of material SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 29 brought into them. Hence the action is not constant. A stream may silt at one season and scour at another, maintaining a steady average. When this happens to a moderate extent, or when the stream never silts or scours appreciably, it is said to be in " permanent regime," or " stable." Most streams in earthen channels O ' are either just stable and no more, or are unstable. Waves, whether due to wind or other agency, may cause scour, especially of the banks. Their effect on the bed becomes less as the depth of water increases, but does not cease altogether at a depth of 21 feet, as has been supposed. Salt water possesses a power of causing mud, but not sand, to deposit. Arts. 2, 3, and 6 of this chapter refer to action on the bed of a stream. Action on the sides will be considered in Art. 7. Weeds usually grow only in water which has so low a velocity that it carries no silt to speak of, but if any silt is introduced the weeds cause a deposit. The weeds also thrive on such a deposit. 2. Rolled Material. If a number of bodies have similar shapes, and if D is the diameter of one of them and V the velocity of the water relatively to it, the rolling force is theoretically as V 2 D 2 , arid the resisting force or weight as D 8 . If these are just balanced, D varies as V 2 , or the diameters of similarly shaped bodies which can just be rolled are as V 2 and their weights as V 6 . From practical observations, it seems that the diameters do not vary quite so rapidly as they would by the above law, the weights being more nearly as V 5 . Let a stream of pure water having a depth D, and with boulders on its bed, have a velocity V just sufficient to move them very slowly. Any larger boulders would 30 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING not be moved. Any smaller boulders would move more quickly. Similarly, fine sand would be rolled more quickly than coarse sand. If the velocity of the stream increases, larger boulders would be moved. Streams are thus constantly sorting out the materials which they roll. If the bed is examined it will be found that large boulders exist only down to a certain point, smaller boulders, shingle, gravel, coarse sand and fine sand following in succession. o If the water, instead of being pure, is supposed to contain silt, this may affect its velocity it is not, how- ever, known to do so but, given a certain velocity, it is not likely that the rolling power of the stream is much affected by its containing silt. It is sometimes supposed that increased depth gives increased rolling power, because of the increased pressure, but this is not so. The increased pressure due to depth acts on both the upstream and downstream sides of a body. It is moved only by the pressure due to the velocity. When sand is rolled along the bed of a stream there is usually a succession of abrupt falls in the bed. After each fall there is a long gentle upward slope till the next fall is reached. The sand is rolled up the long slope and falls over the steep one. It soon becomes buried. The positions of the falls of course keep moving downstream. The height of a fall in a large channel is perhaps 6 inches or 1 foot, and the distance between the falls 20 or 30 feet. A fall does not usually extend straight across the bed but zigzags. It has sometimes been said that the inclination of the bed of a stream, when high, facilitates scour, the material rolling more easily down a steep inclined plane. The SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 31 inclination is nearly always too small to have any appreciable direct effect. The inclination of the surface of the stream of course affects its velocity, and this is the chief factor in the case. A sudden rise in the bed of a stream does not neces- sarily cause rolled materials to accumulate there, except perhaps to the extent necessary to form a gentle slope. Frequently even this slope is not formed, especially if the rolled material is only sand. The eddies stir it up and it is carried on. The above remarks apply also to weirs or other local rises in the bed. 3. Materials carried in Suspension. It has long been known that the scouring and transporting power of a stream increases with its velocity. Observations made by Kennedy have shown that its power to carry silt decreases as the depth of water increases (Min. Proc. Inst. C.JE., vol. cxix.). The power is probably derived from the eddies which are produced at the bed. Every suspended particle tends to sink, if its specific gravity is greater than unity. It is prevented from sinking by the upward components of the eddies. If V is the velocity of the stream and D its depth, the force exerted by the eddies generated on 1 square foot of the bed is greater as the velocity is greater, and is probably as V 2 or thereabouts. But, given the charge of silt, the weight of silt in a vertical column of water whose base is 1 square foot is as D. Therefore the power of a stream to support silt is as V 2 and inversely as D. The silt charge which a stream of depth D can carry is as V*. V is called the " critical velocity " for that depth, and is designated as V . The full charge must be affected by the nature of the silt. The specific gravity of fine mud is not much 32 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING greater than that of water, while that of sand is about 1 '5 times as great. Moreover, the particles of sand are far larger than the particles of mud. If two streams of equal depths and velocities are fully charged, one with particles of mud and the other with particles of sand, the latter will sink more rapidly and will have to be more frequently thrown up. They will be fewer in number. From some observations referred to by Ken- nedy (Punjab Irrigation Paper, No. 9, " Silt and Scour in the Sirhind Canal," 1904), it appears that in a fully charged stream which carried 33 1 00 of its volume of a mixture of mud and sand of various grades, sand of a particular degree of coarseness formed only -g^Voir f the volume of the water, but that when the same stream was clear and was turned on to a bed of the coarse sand it took up T5 ,^nnj f its volume. It would thus appear that the full charge of silt is less as its coarse- ness and heaviness are greater. This is in accordance with the laws mentioned above (Art. 2, par. l). See also CHAP. V., Art. 2, last paragraph. It is probable that fine mud is carried almost equally into all parts of the stream, whereas sand is nearly always found in greater proportion near the bed and, as before remarked, some materials may be rolled and suspended alternately. The charge of mixed silt which a stream can carry is, no doubt, something between the charge which it can carry of each kind separately, but the laws of this part of the subject are not yet fully known. From the observations above referred to, Kennedy concludes that a canal with velocity V will carry in suspension ^Vo to ^^Q f its volume of silt, according as it is charged with sand of all classes or only with the heavier classes. SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 33 Let a stream be carrying a full charge of any kind of silt. Then if there is any reduction in velocity, a deposit will occur unless there is also a reduction of depth until the charge of silt is reduced again to the full charge for the stream. The deposit generally occurs slowly, and extends over a considerable length of channel. The heavier materials are, of course, deposited first. If a stream is not fully charged, it tends to become so by scouring its channel. It is generally believed that a stream fully charged with silt cannot scour silt from its channel, or bear any intro- duction of further silt. This seems to be correct in the main, but the remarks made in the latter part of the preceding paragraph must be taken into consideration. It has been stated (Art. 2} that a weir or a sudden rise in the bed does not necessarily cause an accumula- tion of rolled material. It never causes a deposit of suspended material unless it causes a heading up and reduction of velocity to below the critical velocity. 4. Methods of Investigation. The quantity of silt in water is found by taking specimens of the water and evaporating it or, if the silt is present in great quantity, leaving it to settle for twelve hours an ounce of alum can be added for every 10 cubic feet of water to accelerate settlement drawing off the water by a syphon, and heating the deposit to dry it. The deposit is then measured or weighed. It is best to weigh it. If clay is filled into a measure, the volume depends greatly on the manner in which it is filled in. When silt deposits in large quantities in a channel, or when heavy scour occurs, the volume deposited or scoured is ascertained by taking careful sections of the channel. D 34 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Silt is best classified by observing its rate of fall through still water. A sand which falls at '10 feet per second is, in India, called class "1, and mixed sand FIG. 1. which falls at rates varying from *1 to *2 feet per second is called class ^-. Fig. 1 shows a sand separator designed by Kennedy. The scale is -|. It has a syphon action, and the rate of flow can be altered by altering the length of the exit pipe. Suppose it is desired to SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 35 measure the sand of class "10 and all heavier kinds. The pipe is adjusted so as to give a velocity of *1 foot per second to the upward flowing water, which then carries off all silt of class *10 or finer. All heavier silt falls into the glass tube. It can be separated again by being mixed with water and passed through the instrument again, the velocity of flow through the instrument being increased. The quantity of silt present at various depths can be found by pumping specimens of water through pipes. At each change of depth the pipe, delivery hose, etc., should be cleaned. Allowance must be made for the velocity of ascent of the water up the pipe. Suppose this to be 1*4 feet per second. Then the velocity of sand of class *2 would be 1*2 feet per second, and the quantity of sand actually found in the water would have to be increased by one-sixth. 5. Quantity and Distribution of Silt. The quantity of silt present in water varies enormously. Fine mud, even though sufficient to discolour the water, may be so small in volume that it only deposits when the water is still, and even then deposits slowly. In the river Tay, near Perth, the silt was found to be ordinarily f the volume of water, and at low water only I n the river Sutlej at Rupar, near where it issues from the Himalayas, the silt in the flood season is extremely heavy. Out of 360 observations, made at various depths, during the flood seasons of four successive years, in water whose depth ranged up to 12 feet, the silt w^as once found to be 2'1 per cent, by weight of that of the water. It was more than 1*2 per cent, on four occasions, and more than 0'3 per cent, (or 3 in 1000) on sixty-four occasions. Generally about one-half D2 36 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING of the silt was clay and sand of classes finer than *10, about one-third was sand of class rf , and the residue was sand of class rf. The sand of the river Chenab is generally coarser than that of the Sutlej. There are very great differences in the degree of coarseness of river sand. The sand in any river becomes finer and finer as the gradient flattens in approaching the sea. Sea sand has been found to be of class '20. In the Sirhind Canal, which takes out from the Sutlej at Kupar, the maximum quantity of suspended silt observed in the four flood seasons was 07 per cent., on one occasion out of 270, and it exceeded 0*3 per cent, on twenty-five occasions. About 80 per cent, of the silt was clay. In another part of the paper quoted, it is stated that the silt suspended in the canal water averaged, during the whole of one flood season, about 17 1 00 of the volume of the water. This would be about X^OTT by weight. The silt deposited in the bed of the canal, in a period of a few days, was sometimes as much as 10 1 00 of the water which had passed along, and occasionally as much as s^j. It was nearly all sand, only about 3 per cent, being clay. Silt of classes finer than 1 gave no trouble, and were to be eliminated in future investigations. In a canal, as in a river, the sand on the bed becomes finer the further from the head. Kegarding the distribution of the silt at various depths, in water 5 to 17 feet deep, the quantity of silt near the bed may, when the charge is heavy and consists of mixed silt, be 1^ to 3 times that at the surface. If the charge is fine mud, there is likely to be as much silt at the surface as near the bed, if sand, there may be none at the surface and little in the upper part of the stream. SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 37 In all cases single observations are likely to show extraordinarily discordant results ; a number of obser- vations must be made at each point and averaged. 6. Practical Formulae and Figures. A stream which carries silt generally rolls materials along its bed. The proportion between the quantities of material rolled and carried is never known, and this makes it impossible to frame an exact formula applicable to such cases, but Kennedy, from his observations on canals fully charged with the heavy silt and fine sand usually found in Indian rivers near the hills, arrived at the empirical formula for critical velocities The observations were made on the Bari Doab Canal and its branches, the widths of the channels varying from 8 feet to 91 feet, and the depths of water from 2*3 feet to 7*3 feet. The beds of these channels have, in the course of years, adjusted themselves by silting or scouring, so that there is a state of permanent regime, each stream carrying its full charge of silt, and the charges in all being about equal. From further obser- vations referred to above (Art. 3, par. 2) it appears that this kind of silt forms about 3S 1 00 of the volume of the water, and that on the Sirhind Canal, sand coarser than the '10 class, formed 3-5,^017 f the volume of water. The formula gives the following critical velocities for various depths : D= 1234 5 67 V =-84 1*30 170 2'04 2'35 2'64 2'92 D= 8 9 10 V = 3'18 3'43 3*67. 38 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING In Indian rivers not near the hills the silt carried is not so heavy, and the critical velocities are supposed to be about three-fourths of the above. Thrupp (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxxi.) gives the following ranges of velocities as those which will enable streams to carry different kinds of silt. It does not appear that the streams would be fully charged except at the higher figure given for each case. D = 1'0 lO'O V= 1'5 to 2'3 3'5 to 4'5 (Coarse sand). V= '95 to 1-5 2*3 to 3'5 (Heavy silt and fine sand). V= '45 to '95 1-2 to 2*3 (Fine silt). It cannot be said that the exact relations between D and V are yet known, but it is of great practical importance to know that V must vary with D. The precise manner in which it must vary does not, for moderate changes, make very much difference. In designing a channel a suitable relation of depth to velocity can be arranged for, and one quantity or the other kept in the ascendant, according as scouring or silting is the evil to be guarded against. The old idea was that an increase in V, even if accompanied by an increase in D, e.g. simply running a higher supply in a given channel, gave increased silt- transporting power. In a stream of very shallow section this is probably correct, for V increases faster than D' 64 (Hydraulics, CHAP. VI., Art. 2). In a stream of deep section a decrease in D gives increased silt- transporting power. If the discharge is fixed, a change in the depth or width must be met by a change of the opposite kind in the other quantity. In this case widening or narrowing the channel may be proper SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 39 according to circumstances. In a deep section widening will decrease the depth of water, and may also increase the velocity, and it will thus give increased scouring power. In a shallow section, narrowing will increase the velocity more than it increases D' 64 . In a medium section it is a matter of exact calculation to find out whether widening or narrowing will improve matters. If the water entering a channel has a higher silt- charge than can be carried in the channel, some of it must deposit. Suppose an increased discharge to be run, and that this gives a higher silt-carrying power and a smaller rate of deposit per cubic foot of discharge, it does not follow that the deposit will be less. The quantity of silt entering the channel is now greater than before. Owing to want of knowledge regarding the proportions of silt and rolled material, and to want of exactness in the formulae, reliable calculations regarding proportions deposited cannot be made. The channels in which the observations above referred to were made have all assumed nearly rectangular cross- sections, the sides having become vertical by the deposit on them of finer silt ; but the formula probably applies approximately to any channel if D is the mean depth from side to side, and V the mean velocity in the whole section. If the ratio of V to D differs in different parts of a cross-section, there is a tendency towards deposit in the parts where the ratio is least, or to scour where it is greatest. There is a tendency for the silt- charge to adjust itself, that is, to become less where the above ratio is less, but the irregular movements of the stream cause a transference of water among all parts, and this tends to equalise the silt-charge. 40 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING Dubuat gives the following as the velocities close to the bed which will enable a stream to scour or roll various materials. The bed velocity is probably less than the mean velocity in the ratio of about "6 to 1 in rough channels, and about "7 to 1 in smooth channels : Gravel as large as peas . . '70 feet per second French beans .1*0 ,, ,, 1 inch in diameter . . 2'25 ,, ,, ,, Pebbles i|- inch in diameter . 3*33 ,, ,, Heavy shingle .... 4'0 ,, ,, ,, Soft rock, brick, earthenware .4*5 ,, ,, ,, Rock of various kinds . . 6'0 ,, ,, and upward. The figures for brick, earthenware, and rock can apply only to materials of exceedingly poor quality. Masonry of good hard stone will stand 20 feet per second, and instances have occurred in which brickwork has with- stood a velocity of 90 feet per second without injury so long as the water did not carry sand and merely flowed along the brickwork. If there are abrupt changes in the stream, causing eddies, or if there is impact and shock, or if sand, gravel, shingle, or boulders are liable to be carried along, velocities must be limited. 7. Action on the Sides of a Channel. It has been seen that the laws of silting and scour on the bed of a channel depend on the ratio of the depth to the velocity. The same laws probably hold good in the case of a gently shelving bank, so that here again V ought to vary as D' 64 . The velocity near the angle where the slope meets the water surface seems to decrease faster than D' 64 . At all events, silt tends to deposit in the angle and the slope to become steep. SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 41 When the slope is steep the law seems to be different, the tendency for deposit or scour to occur on the bank depending on the actual velocity without much relation to the depth. The velocity very near to a steep bank is always low relatively to that in the rest of the stream. Thus there is often a tendency for silt to deposit on the bank, especially in the upper part, and for the side to become vertical except for a slight rounding at the lower corner. A bank may receive deposits when the bed may be receiving none, and it may have a persistent tendency to grow out towards the stream. The growth of the bank is generally regular, the line of the bank being preserved, but it may be irregular, especially if vegetation, other than small grass, becomes established on the new deposits. When scour of the sides of a channel occurs it may occur by direct action of the stream on the sides near the water-level, or by action at or near the toe of the slope, which causes the upper part of the bank to fall in. Such falling in is generally more or less irregular, and the bank presents an uneven appearance. The fallen pieces of bank rnay remain, more or less intact, especially if they are held together by the roots of grasses, etc., where they fell, and prevent further scour occurring along the toe of the slope. Falling in of banks is most liable to occur in large streams and with light soils. It may be caused by the waves which are produced by steamers and boats or, especially in broad streams, by wind. The action on the banks at bends is discussed in Art. 8. Thus in designing a channel according to the principles laid down in Art. 6, the question of action on the sides of the channel has to be dealt with as follows. Whether or not the velocity is to be low, relatively to 42 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING the depth, i.e. whether or not deposit on the bed is more likely to occur than scour, care can be taken not to make it actually too low, and not to make it actually too high, particularly if the soil is light and friable. With ordinary soils a mean velocity of 3*3 feet per second in the channel is generally safe as regards scour of the sides. Any velocity of more than 3 '5 feet per second may give trouble. A velocity of less than 1 foot per second is likely to give rise to deposit on the sides. In channels in alluvial soils the falling in of banks is sometimes said to occur more when the stream is falling than at other times. This has been noticed on both the Mississippi and the Indus. The cause has been said to be the draining out of water which had percolated into the bank, the water in flowing out carrying some sand with it. The effect of this cannot however be great. 8. Action at Bends. At a bend, owing to the action of centrifugal force and to cross-currents caused thereby, there is a deposit near the convex bank and a corresponding deepening unless the bed is too hard to be scoured near the concave bank. The water-level at the concave bank is slightly higher than at the convex bank. The greatest velocity instead of being in mid-stream is nearer the concave bank. As the transverse current and transverse surface slope cannot commence or end abruptly, there is a certain length in which they vary. In this length the radius of curvature of the bend and the form of the cross- section also tend to vary. This can often be seen in plans of river bends, the curvature being less sharp towards the ends. When once a stream has assumed a curved form, be SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 43 it ever so slight, the tendency is for the bend to increase. The greater velocity and greater depth near the concave bank react on each other, each inducing the other. The concave bank is worn away, or becoming vertical by erosion near the bed, cracks, falls in, and is washed away, a deposit of silt occurring at the convex bank, so that the width of the stream remains tolerably constant. The bend may go on in- creasing, and it often tends to move downstream. In fig. 2 the deep places are shown by dotted lines. Along the straight dotted line there is no deep place. FIG. 2. Such a line would be used for a ford. At low water it becomes a shoal. This is the chief reason why a tortuous stream at low water consists of alternate pools and rapids. It is sometimes said that deep water occurs near to a steep hard bank. Such deepening is due to bends or obstructions which give the current a set towards the bank, or it is due to irregularities in the bank which cause eddies. In a straight channel with even and regular banks there is no such deepening. When a bend has formed in a channel previously straight, the stream at the lower end of the bend, by setting against the opposite bank, tends to cause another bend of the opposite kind to the first. Thus 44 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING the tendency is for the stream to become tortuous and, while the tortuosity is slight, the length, and therefore the slope and velocity, are little affected ; but the action may continue until the increase in the length of the stream materially flattens the slope, and the consequent reduction in velocity causes erosion to cease. Or the stream during a flood may find, along the chord of a bend, a direct route with, of course, a steeper slope. Scouring a channel along this route it straightens itself, and its action then commences afresh. Short cuts of this kind do not, however, occur so frequently as is sometimes believed. In some streams the bends acquire a horse-shoe shape and the neck becomes very narrow and short cuts may then occur. Otherwise they are not common. V increases only as ^/S, and if the country is covered with vegetation it is not easy for a stream to scour out a new channel. The effect of bends on the velocity of a stream is not well understood. In case of a bend of 90 the increased resistance to flow when the bend is absolutely sudden (a sudden bend is known as an " elbow ") amounts perhaps V 2 to . Whether it is greater or less in the case of a gentle bend of 90 is not known. In the case of a pipe there is a certain radius which gives a minimum resist- ance (Hydraulics, CHAP. V.). The increased resistance at a bend is due partly to the fact that the maximum velocity is no longer in the centre of the stream, and partly to the fact that the velocities at the different parts of the cross-section have to be rearranged at the commencement of the bend and again at its termina- tion. Thus the effect of a bend of 45 is a good deal more than half of that of a bend of 90. Two bends of SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 45 45, both in the same direction, with a straight reach between them, will cause more resistance than a single bend of 90 with the straight reach above or below the bend. If the two bends of 45 are in different directions the resistance will be still greater. A suc- cession of sharp bends may produce a serious effect, amounting to an increase in roughness of the channel. A succession of gentle bends, of any considerable angle, cannot of course occur within a moderate length of channel. When there is head to spare there is clearly no objec- tion to bends, except that the bank may need protection. At a place where the bank has in any case to be pro- tected, e.g. at a weir, there is no objection to an elbow. 9. General Tendencies of Streams. Since the velocity is greater as the area of the cross-section is less, a stream always tends to scour where narrow or shallow, and to silt where wide or deep. The cross- section thus tends to become uniform in size. Suppose two cross-sections to be equal in size but different in shape. The velocities of the two sections will be equal. The tendency of the bed to silt will (Art. 6) be greater at the deeper section and, when silting has occurred on the bed, the section will be reduced and there will be a tendency to scour at the sides. Thus the cross-sections tend to become also uniform in shape. If a bank of silt has formed in a stream, the tendency is for scour to occur. There is also a tendency for silt to deposit just below the point where the bank ends. Hence a silt bank often moves downstream. Owing to the tendency to scour alongside of, or downstream of, obstructions (Art. 1), it is clear that a stream constantly tends to destroy obstructions. 46 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING There is an obvious tendency for silt to deposit where the bed slope of a stream flattens, and for scour to take place where it steepens (Hydraulics, figs. 16 and 17, pp. 24 and 25), and thus the tendency is for the slope to become uniform. In a natural stream flowing from hilly country to a lake or sea, the slope is steepest at the commencement and gradually flattens. There is thus a tendency for the bed to rise except at the mouth of the stream. This rising tends to increase the slope and velocity in the lower reaches, and this again enhances the tendency, described in the preceding article, of the stream to increase in tortuosity. When a silt-bearing stream overflows its banks the depth of water on the flooded bank is probably small and its velocity very low, and a deposit of silt takes place on the bank. When the deposit has reached a certain height it acts like a weir on the water of the next flood, which flows quickly over it and, instead of raising it higher, deposits its silt further away from the stream. In this way a strip of country along the stream gradually becomes raised, the raising being greatest close to the stream. The country slopes downwards in going away from the stream. In other words, the stream runs on a ridge. If the bank becomes raised so high that flooding no longer occurs, the raising action ceases, but if, as is likely in alluvial country, the bed of the stream also rises, the action may continue and the ridge become very pronounced. Some rivers have very wide and soft channels which are only filled from bank to bank in floods, if then. The deep stream winds about in the channel, and the rest of it is occupied by sandbanks and minor arms. The SILTING AND SCOURING ACTION OF STREAMS 47 winding is the result of the velocity being too great for the channel. The streams, especially the main stream, constantly shift their courses by scouring one bank or the other. Now and then the main stream takes a short cut, either down a minor arm or across an easily eroded sandbank. This is a very different matter from a short cut across high ground. The sandbanks receive deposits of silt in floods, but are constantly being cut away at the sides. Such rivers frequently erode their banks to an extraordinary extent. The Indus sometimes cuts into its bank 100 feet or more in a day, and it may cut for half a mile or more without cessation. The tortuosity of such a stream increases as it gets nearer the sea. The actual length of the Indus in the 400 miles nearest the sea is 39 per cent, greater than its course measured along the bank. In the reach from the 600th to the 700th mile from the sea, the difference is only 3 per cent. For a detailed description of some such rivers, see Punjab Rivers and Works. Sometimes general statements are made regarding silting or scour in connection, for instance, with a stream which is confined between embankments or training walls, or has overflowed its banks or is held up by a weir. It is impossible to say that any such condition, or any condition, will cause silting or scour, unless the velocity depth and silt charge are known. CHAPTER V METHODS OF INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR l. Preliminary Remarks. Most important works which affect the regime of a stream have some effect on its silting or scouring action, but this is not generally their chief object. Such works will be dealt with in due course, and the effects which they are likely to produce on silting or scouring will be mentioned. In the present chapter only those works and measures will be considered whose chief object is to cause a stream to alter its silting or scouring action. It does not matter, so far as this discussion is concerned, whether the object is direct, i.e. concerned only with the particular place where the effect is to be produced, or indirect, as, for instance, where a stream is made to scour in order that it may deposit material further down the stream. The protection of banks from scour is considered in CHAP. VI. Dredging is dealt with in CHAP. VIII. 2. Production of Scour or Reduction of Silting. Sometimes the silt on the bed of a stream is artificially stirred up by simple measures, as, for instance, by scrapers or harrows attached to boats which are allowed to drift with the stream, or by means of a cylinder which has claw-like teeth projecting from its circumference and is 48 INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 49 rolled along the bed, or by fitting up boats with shutters which are let down close to the bed and so cause a rush of water under them, or by anchoring a steamer and working its screw propeller. It is thus possible to cause a great deal of local scour, but the silt tends to deposit again quickly, and it is not easy to keep any considerable length of channel permanently scoured. The system is suitable in a case in which a local shallow or sandbank is to be got rid of and deposit of silt a little further down is not objectionable. It may be suitable in a case in which the bed is to be scoured while a deposit of silt at the sides of the channel is required, especially if some arrangement to encourage silt deposit at the sides is used (Art. 3, par. 4 ; also CHAP. VI., Art. 3}. Holding back the water by means, for instance, of a regulator or movable weir, and letting it in again with somewhat of a rush, will, if frequently repeated, have some effect in moving silt on in the down- stream reach. Regarding the upstream reach, it has been remarked (CHAP. IV., Art. 3) that a weir does not necessarily cause silt deposit. If, in a stream which does not ordinarily silt, a regulator or movable weir causes, when the water is headed up, some silt deposit, the cessation of the heading up not only removes the tendency to silt, but the section of the stream, at the place where the deposit occurred, is less than elsewhere, and there is thus a tendency to scour there. If a regulator is alternately closed and opened, no permanent deposit of much consequence is likely to occur. A stream may be made to scour its channel by opening an escape or branch. This causes a draw in the stream, and an increase in velocity for a long distance upstream 50 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING of the bifurcation (Hydraulics, CHAP. VII. , Art. 6). This procedure is sometimes adopted on irrigation canals. The escape is generally opened in order to reduce the quantity of water passing down, but it may be opened solely to induce scour or prevent silting. The floor of the escape head is usually higher than the bed of the canal, but this does not interfere with opera- tions except at low supplies. It may (CHAP. IV., Art. 2) have some effect on the quantity of rolled material passed out of the escape. If there is a weir in the river below the off- take of the canal, and if the escape runs back to the river and thus has a good fall, the scouring action in the canal may be very powerful. If the main channel has a uniform slope throughout, the slope of its water surface is greater upstream of the escape than downstream of the escape, and there is thus an abrupt reduction of velocity and possibly a deposit of silt in the main channel below the escape. This may or may not be objectionable. In the case of an irriga- tion canal, it is far less objectionable than deposit in the head of the canal. The best point for the off-take of any escape or scouring channel depends on the position of the deposits in the main channel. The off-take should be downstream of the chief deposits, but as near to all of them as possible. A breach in a bank acts of course in the same way as an escape. A stream of clear water when sent down a channel will scour it if the material is sufficiently soft. In the case of the Sirhind Canal, it has already been mentioned (CHAP. IV., Art. 3), that when the river water became clear after the floods the proportion of coarse sand, i.e. sand above the '10 class, carried by the canal water INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 51 was about x^W?) by v l ume - This was in the period from 22nd September to 7th October. From 8th to 23rd October the proportion averaged 3-^,^00^ from 24th October to 8th November ^Vcny* anc ^ from 9th to 24th November ^-5,^0^. The reason of this reduction was that the comparatively clear water kept picking up the sand from the bed and moving it on, the finer kinds being moved most quickly. As the coarse sand left on the bed became less in quantity, the water took up less. It appears, however, that the water also picked up some clay which was left, and that the total suspended silt in November was w Vo f the water. All the observations mentioned in this paragraph appear to have been made at Garhi, 26 miles from the head of the canal. 3. Production of Silt Deposit. Works or measures for causing silt deposit may be undertaken in order to cause silt deposit in specific places where it will be useful, or in order to free the water from silt. Some- times both objects are combined. If a stream can be turned into a large pond or low ground a bank being built round it if necessary it can be made to part with some or all of its silt whether rolled or suspended. Even if the pond is so large that the velocity becomes imperceptible, the whole of the suspended matter will not deposit unless it has sufficient time, but the matter which remains in the water is likely to be extremely small in amount. The silting up of marshes, pools, borrow-pits, etc., is now being effected, or should be effected, in places where mosquitoes and malaria are prevalent. In the upper or torrential part of a stream, a high dam, provided with a sluice and a high-level waste weir, may be built across it. The space above the dam E 2 52 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING becomes more or less filled with gravel, etc. This has been done in Switzerland (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxxi.). In the U.S.A. long weirs have been built in order to stop the progress of detritus from gold mines. .Such detritus was liable to choke up rivers and damage the adjoining lands. The detritus FIG. 3. from hill torrents can also be reduced by afforestation of the hill sides. When a stream is in embankment irrigation channels are frequently so the bank can be set back (fig. 3), and suspended silt will then deposit on the berms. The object of this arrangement is generally to create very strong banks in low ground. A similar plan can be adopted when the berm is only slightly below the FIG. 4. water - level and even when it is only occasionally submerged. In this case the deposit of a small bank of silt along the edge of the berm next the stream will prevent the access of fresh supplies of silt-bearing water to the parts further away. Gaps should be cut in the bank of silt at intervals, and cross banks made to form " silting tanks," as shown in fig. 4. The inlets to the tank should be large, and the outlets small, so that the water in the tank may have little velocity. INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 53 It is not, however, correct to have the outlet so small unless the water contain very little silt that there is very little flow through the tank. The tanks will generally be silted up most quickly by allowing a good flow through them, even though only a small proportion of the silt in the water is deposited. Eegular banks arranged to form tanks on the above principle can be made behind the original banks of a canal in cases where the original banks were not, for any reason, set back. When a channel is made in low ground and the excavation is not sufficient to make the banks, borrow- pits can be dug in the bed of the channel. Such pits should not be long and continuous, but wide bars should be left so that a number of short pits will result. These pits will trap rolled material as well as suspended silt. The object in this case is to free the water from silt and to reduce the size of the channel and thus reduce the loss of water from percolation. On the Indus, where it has a strong tendency to shift westwards, long earthen dams or groynes are run out from the west bank across the sandbanks. One object is to cause silt deposit, and so increase the quantity of material which the river will have to cut away, but whether this result is achieved is doubtful. The sand- banks receive deposits in any case. A groyne may increase the deposit on its upstream side, but it cuts off the flood water from its downstream side and so reduces the deposit there. 4. Arrangements at Bifurcations. At a bifurca- tion, as where a branch takes off from a canal, it is possible to reduce the quantity of rolled material entering the canal by raising its bed or constructing 54 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING a weir or " sill " in its head. This arrangement may have great effect in excluding boulders, shingle, or gravel. As regards rolled sand, it has much less effect than might be expected (CHAP. IV., Art. 2). If the canal is reduced in width (fig. 5) there will be eddies below the bed level of the branch. They will stir up the sand and some of it will enter the branch. If the canal is not reduced in width, eddies will be produced in the surface water, and they will affect the bed. The above remarks apply also to the case of a canal FIG. 5. taken off from a river when there are no works in the river. 5. A Canal with Headworks in a River. In the case of a canal taking off from a river and provided with complete headworks, it is possible to do a great deal more. The case of the Sirhind Canal, already referred to (CHAP. IV., Arts. 5 and 6), is a notable example. The canal (fig. 6) is more than 200 feet wide, the full depth of water 10 feet, and the full dis- charge about 7000 cubic feet per second. In 1893 when the irrigation had developed, and it became necessary to run high supplies in the summer July, August, and part of September the increase in the silt deposit threatened to stop the working of the canal. INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 55 In the autumn and winter, say from 25th September to 15th March, the water entering the canal is clear 56 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING and much of the deposit was picked up by it, but not all. In the five years 1893 to 1897 inclusive, the following remedial measures were adopted. Increased use was made of the escape at the twelfth mile. This did some good, but there was seldom water to spare. In 1893 to 1894 the sill of the regulator was raised to 7 feet above the canal bed, and it was possible to raise it 3 feet more by means of shutters. This had little effect. The coarsest class of sand was "4, and the velocity of the water, even of that part of it which came up from the river bed and passed over the sill, was over 2 feet per second, so that all sand was carried over. In 1894 to 1895 the divide wall, which had been only 59 feet long, was lengthened to 710 feet, so as to make a pond between the divide wall and the regulator, 1 but probably the leakage through the under-sluices was often as much as the canal supply, and the water in the pond was thus kept in rapid movement and full of silt. The canal was closed in heavy floods. This did some good, but probably the canal was often closed needlessly when the water looked muddy but contained no excessive quantity of sand. The above comments on the measures taken were made by Mr Kennedy when chief engineer. The above measures did not reduce the silt deposits, but the scour in the clear water season improved, probably because higher supplies were run owing to increased irrigation. The deposit in the upper reaches of the canal, when at its maximum about the end of August of each year, was generally more than twenty million cubic feet. From the year 1900 a better system of regulation was enforced, the under- 1 The regulator runs across the canal head ; the under-sluices are a con- tinuation of the weir, between the divide wall and the regulator. INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 57 sluices being kept closed as much as possible, so that there was much less movement in the pond and much less silt in its water. By 1904 the deposit in the canal had. been reduced to three million cubic feet, and no further trouble occurred. During the period from 20th September 1908 to 10th October 1908 the quantity of silt in the canal above Chamkour (twelfth mile) decreased from 19,325,800 cubic feet to 12,477,600 cubic feet. The quantity scoured away was 6,848,200 cubic feet. During this period no silt entered the canal. The quantity which passed out of the reach in question in suspension was 4,183,660 cubic feet, so that 2,664,540 cubic feet of material must have been rolled along the bed. The rolled material was 64 per cent, of the suspended material. During this period the Daher escape, in the twelfth mile, was open, and the mean velocity in the canal just above the escape was about 4 feet per second, the depth of water being about 10 feet. The velocity near the escape was thus greater than the critical velocity for mixed silt (CHAP. IV., Art. 6), and even a long way up the canal it would be in excess of the critical velocity. The water seems to have carried about ^QO of its volume of silt. Whether the above proportions of rolled to suspended matter would hold good in a fully charged stream flowing with the critical velocity it is not easy to say. As silt deposits in the pond, the velocity of the water in it, along the course of the main current towards the canal, increases and eventually the water begins to carry coarse sand dangerous for the canal. In order to ascertain when this state of affairs has been reached, two methods of procedure are possible. One is to frequently 58 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING test specimens of the water in the pond along the course of the main current and see when it contains more than xg.VoiT f ^s volume of coarse sand. This plan would be troublesome and liable to error, and is rejected by Kennedy, who suggests that the depth and velocity of the water in the pond be frequently observed along the course of the main current. As soon as the velocity exceeds the critical velocity for mixed silt, it is time to close the canal and open the under-sluices and scour out the deposit from the pond. The period in which most silt is believed to have been deposited in the canal is the spring and early summer, say from 15th March to 1st July. This is the time when the snows are melting and the river water is clear. It can then carry more sand than in the rains 1st July to 15th September, when it is muddy. Kennedy also suggests that some under-sluices should be provided at the far side of the river, i.e. at the right- hand side of the weir. It would then be possible, by opening them, to let floods pass without interfering with the pond. The two spurs or groynes, shown in the plan, were constructed in 1897 so as to cause the stream to flow along the face of the canal regulator and not allow deposits to accumulate there. The depth of silt deposited in a great part of the pond amounted at times to 8 or 10 feet. 6. Protection of the Bed. It is possible to afford direct protection from scour to the bed of a stream by constructing walls across it, but unless the walls are near together the protection will not be effective. An arrangement used in some streams in Switzerland con- sists of tree trunks secured by short piles and resting on INCREASING OR REDUCING SILTING OR SCOUR 59 brushwood. But as long as the walls are not raised above the bed they cannot entirely stop scour, unless extremely close together. If raised above the bed they form a series of weirs. The weirs must be so designed that the depth of water in a reach between two weirs is great enough to reduce the velocity down to the critical velocity, or less. The fall in the water surface at each weir being very small, the discharge over the weir can be found by con- sidering it as an orifice extending up to the downstream water surface, and the head being the fall in the surface at the weir. To stop scour of the bed by direct protection without raising the water-level, the bed can be paved, a plan adopted in artificial channels with very high velocities. The paving can be of stones, bricks, or concrete blocks. The Villa system of protection, which has been used in Italy, France, and Spain, consists of a flexible covering laid on the bed. Prisms of burnt clay or cement are strung on several parallel galvanized iron wires, which are attached to cross-bars so as to form a grid a few feet square. The grids are loosely connected to one another at the corners, and the whole covering adjusts itself to the irregularities of the bed (Min. Proc. lust. C.E., vol. cxlvii.). The special protection or paving required in connec- tion with weirs and such-like works is considered in CHAP. X., Arts. 2 and 3. CHAPTER VI WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS l. Preliminary Remarks. The protection of a length of bank from scour may be effected by spurs, which are works projecting into the stream at intervals, or by a continuous lining of the bank. A spur forms an obstruction to the stream (CHAP. IV., Art. 1), and when constructed, or even partly constructed, the scour near its end may be very severe, even though there may be little contraction of the stream as a whole. If the bed is soft a hole is scoured out. Into this hole the spur keeps subsiding, and its construction, or even its main- tenance, may be a matter of the greatest difficulty. A high flood may destroy it. If it does not do so, it may be because the stream has, for some reason, ceased to attack the bank at that place. A continuous lining of the bank is not open to any objection, and is generally the best method of protection. Spurs made of large numbers of rather small trees, weighted with nets filled with stones, have been used on the great shifting rivers of the Punjab which swallowed up enormous quantities of materials. The use of spurs on such rivers has now, in most cases, been given up. If L is the length of a spur measured at right angles to the bank, the length of bank which it protects is about 7 L 3 L upstream and 60 WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 61 4 L downstream, but the spur has to be strongly built, and its cost is, in many cases, not much less than the expense of protecting the whole bank with a continuous lining. Whatever method is adopted, a plan, large enough to show all irregularities, should always be prepared, and the line to which it is intended that the bank shall be brought marked on it. Sometimes natural spurs exist as, for instance, where a tree projects into a stream or has fallen into it, and the holes between the spurs may be deep, so that a continuous FIG. 7. protection would be expensive. Or there may be trees standing in such positions that, if felled, they will be in good places for spurs. In cases such as the above, spurs may be suitable even in a stream with a soft channel. Regarding the use of spurs or groynes for diversion works or for reducing the width of a stream, see CHAP. VII. , Art. 1, and CHAP. VIII, Art. 3. 2. Spurs. A spur may be made of (a) Loose stone, which may be faced with rubble above low- water level (fig. 7). (b) Layers of fascines weighted with gravel or stones. (c) Earth or sand closely covered with fascines. 62 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING (d) A double line of stakes with fascines or brushwood laid between them (fig. 8). (e) A single line of stakes with planking or basket work on its upstream side, or with twigs or wattle laid horizontally and passed in and out of the stakes, as in fig. 20. (/) A single tree with the thick end of the trunk on the bank arid with stakes, if necessary, to prevent the current from moving it. 777777?? FIG. 8. (g) A number of small trees heaped together and weighted with nets full of stones. (h) A layer of poles and over them a layer of fascines on which are built walls of fascine work so arranged as to form cells or hollow rectangular spaces which become filled with silt. (i) Large fascines running out into the stream and having their inner ends staked to the bank while the outer ends float, other fascines being added over them and pro- jecting further into the stream, and the whole eventually sinking. Combinations of the above are also used, for instance, WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 63 (d) or (e) may be used for the upper portion, the foundation being (a) or (c). Instead of running out at right angles to the bank a spur may be inclined somewhat downstream. This FIG. 9. somewhat reduces the eddying and scour round the end. The ends of a system of spurs should be in the line which it is intended that the edge of the stream shall have (fig. 9). The tops of short spurs are usually above FIG. 10. high flood level. Sometimes spurs are made to slope downwards (fig. 10), and they then cause less disturbance of the water and less scour than if built to the form shown by the dotted line. Such spurs are sometimes combined with a low wall running across the bed of the stream, FIG. 11. the whole forming a "profile 7 * of the cross-section to which it is intended to bring the channel. Regarding such walls, see CHAP. V., Art. 6. When a spur is long it- may have small subsidiary spurs (fig. 11) to reduce the rush of water along it ; or its end may have to be pro- 64 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING tected in the same manner as the advancing end of a closure dam (CHAP. VIL, Art. #). The following is a curious case of misconception of the action of spurs. In 1909 the river Indus was erod- ing its right bank and threatening to destroy the town of Dera Ghazi Khan. A clump of date palms formed a promontory and resisted erosion to some extent. A suggestion was made by an engineer of eminence who had formerly been consulted in the case to the effect that the date palms be removed, the reason given being that they caused disturbance and scour. On this principle spurs would have to be made not to protect a bank but to cause it to be eroded. 3. Continuous Lining of the Bank. The lining or protection of a bank may be of stone or brick pitching (figs. 12 and 13), loose stone (fig. 14), fascines (fig. 15), turfing, plantations, brushwood, or of other materials laid on the slopes. Before protecting a bank it is best to remove irregularities and bring it to a regular line. This can generally be done most easily by filling in hollows, but sometimes it is done by cutting off pro- jections. It is also necessary to make the side slope uniform. Where the slope is as shown by the dotted lines in figs. 12 to 14, filling in can be effected, but cutting away the upper part of the slope is also feasible. Such cutting away has been proposed as a remedy in itself in cases where the steep upper part of the slope was falling in, but it is not much of a remedy. Stone pitching may rest, if boats are required to come close to the bank, on a toe wall of concrete, as in fig. 13, 1 or otherwise on a foundation of loose stone, as in fig. 12. When concrete is used the bed is dredged to such a 1 See also Appendix B. WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 65 depth as will provide against undermining by scour. Sloping boards attached to piles are placed along the front face and the concrete is thrown in under water. The slope of stone or brick pitching is usually from FIG. 12. 2 to 1 to 1 to 1, but it may be as steep as \ to 1. The earth behind the pitching must be well rammed in layers. In order to prevent the earth from being eaten away by the water which penetrates through the inter- 77//Y FIG. 13. stices of the stone or brick, a layer, 3 to 6 inches thick, of gravel or ballast is placed over the earth and rammed. When loose stone is used, dredging is not necessary, but the stone is allowed to gradually sink down and more is added at the top. A certain proportion of the stones should be of large size. 66 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING When fascining is used, long twigs are made into bundles and tied up at every 2 feet so as to form fascines about 4 to 6 inches thick, and these are laid FIG. 14. on the slopes and secured by pegs driven in at short intervals, between the fascines. Sometimes the pitching or loose stone is not carried up to the top of the bank, or even up to high flood-level, FIG. 15. and the bank above the pitching is protected by turfing the pieces of turf being placed on edge normally to the slope if very steep (fig. 14) or laid parallel to the slope if it is not very steep or, above ordinary water- level, by plantations of osiers or willows which obstruct WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 67 the water and tend to cause silting, and whose roots bind the banks together. Another method of using fascines is to lay them on the slopes with their lengths normal to the direction of the stream. The upper end of a fascine is above low FIG. 16. water, and the lower end extends down to the bed of the stream. Sometimes large ropes made of straw, or rough mats made of grass, are laid on the slopes and pegged down, or mattresses of fascines are laid on the slopes and weighted with stones. A deep recess in the bank (fig. 16) can be filled in, before the protection is added, with earth well rammed. FIG. 17. On the Adige the filling material consisted (fig. 17) of faggots filled with stones, small cross dams being made at intervals, as shown by the dotted lines, to arrest flood water and cause it to deposit silt. At the back of the berm, poplar or willow slips were planted, and these grew up and their roots held the bank together. This system succeeded well. A method of protection which is suitable when the F2 68 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING water contains much silt is what is known in India as bushing. Large leafy branches of trees are cut and hung, as shown in fig. 18, by ropes to pegs. They must be closely packed so as not to shake. At first they require looking after, but silt rapidly deposits and the branches become fixed and no longer dependent on the FIG. 18. ropes. If the work is carefully done, the result is a smooth, regular, and tenacious berrn, as per dotted line in the figure. Another method, used on canals, is to make up the bank with earth and to revet it with twigs or reeds, as shown in fig. 19. The foundation must be taken down well below bed-level, otherwise the work may slip. This kind of work cannot be done except when the canal is dry. If the bank consists of sand or of very sandy soil, it must in any case have a flat side slope such as 3 to 1. If the sand is in layers alternating with firm soil, it is a good plan to dig out some of the sand and to replace it with clods of hard earth. WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 69 Staking (fig. 20) may be used, the stakes being one or two feet apart from centre to centre, and long twigs laid horizontally being passed in and out of the stakes, or bushing filled in behind the stakes. But bushing alone is cheaper and nearly as good. For protecting the banks of the Indus it has been proposed (Punjab Rivers and Works, CHAP. IV.) to use trees in exactly the same manner as bushing, the trees being grown in several rows parallel to the river so that whenever the river, by eroding its bank, comes up to the lines of trees the first row will fall in. The first row FIG. 20. would be chained to the second, which would take the place of the pegs used in bushing. The other rows would remain as a reserve. The Villa system of bed protection (CHAP. V., Art. 6) has also been successfully used for bank protection on the Scheldt, and on the Brussels-Ghent Canal, the prisms being about 10x10x4 inches, and having overlapping joints. The bands of prisms are placed in position by a boat, the bands unrolling over a drum. The boat is provided with an oscillating platform carry- ing rollers at its end. A thin layer of gravel is laid over the bank and is pressed down by the rollers before the prisms are laid on it (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. cxxxiv., and vol. clxxv.). 70 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING In the case of the river mentioned in CHAP. XL, Art. 3, where extremely high velocities were met with, cylindrical rolls of wire-netting were made, each 50 feet long and 5 feet in diameter, and filled with boulders. These rolls can be used for bank protection. The netting was made by wires 6 inches apart, crossing each other at right angles and tied together at the crossings by short pieces of wire. On ship canals a berm (fig. 21) is frequently made a few feet below the water-level. It serves as a foundation for the pitching, which need not usually extend down to FIG. 21. more than 5 feet below the water-level. Below that the wash has little or no effect on the banks. On ordinary navigation canals a similar berm is sometimes made one or two feet in width and a foot or less below the water-level and rushes are planted on it. Sometimes a bank has been protected by a kind of artificial weed, consisting of bushes or branches of trees attached to ropes. The end of the rope is fastened to the bank and the weeds float in the stream alongside the bank. To protect a bank from ice, which exercises an uplift- ing force on pitching, use has been made of a covering of a kind of reinforced concrete consisting of slabs of WORKS FOR THE PROTECTION OF BANKS 71 concrete with wires embedded in it, and fastened to the bank by wires, 20 inches long, running into the bank, these wires being embedded in mortar so as to act like stakes. 4. Heavy Stone Pitching with Apron. On the great shifting rivers of India a system of bank protec- tion is adopted, consisting of a pitched slope with an apron (fig. 22). The system is used chiefly in connec- tion with railway bridges or weirs, but it has been used in one instance, that of Dera Ghazi Khan, for the protection of the bank near a town. When, as is usual, the flood-level is higher than the river bank, an artificial FIG. 22. bank is made. In any case the bank is properly aligned. The pitching has a slope of 2 to 1, and consists of quarried blocks of stone loosely laid, the largest blocks weighing perhaps 120 Ibs. The apron is laid at the time of low water on the sandbank or bed of the stream. If necessary, the ground is specially levelled for it. It is intended to slip when scour occurs. The following dimensions of the apron are given by Spring (Government of India Technical Paper, No. 153, " River Training and Control on the Guide Bank System," 1904). The probable maximum depth of scour can be calculated as explained in CHAP. XL, Art. 3. If this depth, measured from the toe of the slope pitching is D, and if T is the thickness considered necessary for the slope 72 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING pitching, then the width of the apron should be 1*5 D. and its thickness 1*25 T next the slope and 2*8 T next the river. It will then be able to cover the scoured slope to a thickness of 1'25 T. This thickness is made greater than T because the stone is not likely to slip quite regularly. The thickness T should, according to Spring, be 16 inches to 52 inches, being least with a slow current and a channel of coarse sand, and greatest with a more rapid current and fine sand ; but since the sand is generally finer as the current is slower, it would appear that a thickness of about 3 feet would generally be suitable. Under the rough stone there should be smaller pieces or bricks. Along the top of the bank there is generally a line of rails so that stone from reserve stacks, which are placed at intervals along the bank, can be quickly brought to the spot in case the river anywhere damages the pitched slope. For the special protection to banks required near weirs and similar works, see CHAP. X., Arts. 2 and 3. CHAPTER VII DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 1. Diversions. When a stream is permanently diverted the new course is generally shorter than the old one, and the diversion is then often called a cut-off. The first result of a cut-off is a lowering of the water- level upstream and a tendency to scour there, and to silt downstream of the cut-off. Fig. 23 shows the longi- FIG. 23. tudinal section of a stream after a cut-off A B has been made. The bed tends to assume the position shown by the dotted line. If both the diversion and the old channel are to remain open, the water-level at the bifurcation will be lowered still more, and the tendency to scour in the diversion will be reduced. If the material is soft enough to be scoured by the stream, it is often practicable to excavate a diversion to a small section and to let it enlarge itself by scour. This operation is immensely facilitated if the old channel can be closed at the bifurcation. The question whether the scoured material will deposit in the channel down- 73 74 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING stream of the diversion must be taken into consideration ; also the question whether the diversion will continue to enlarge itself more than is desirable. The velocity in the diversion will be a maximum if its section is of the " best form," i.e. if its bed and sides are tangents to a semicircle whose diameter coincides with the water surface, but this may not (CHAP. IV., Art. 6) be the section which will give most scour. In order to prevent the enlargement of the diversion taking place irregularly, the excavation can be made as shown in fig. 24, water being admitted only to the central gullet. The side gullets should not be quite continuous, but unexcavated portions should be left at intervals, so that if the water FIG. 24. in scouring out the channel breaks into the gullet, it will not be able to flow along it until it has broken in all along. If a diversion is made, not with the object of lowering the water-level but merely in order to shorten the channel, the increased velocity caused by the steepened slope may be inconvenient. In this case a weir or weirs can be added (CHAP. VIII., Art. 4). If the water contains sufficient silt to enable the abandoned loop to be silted up within a reasonable time, it may be desirable to do this. The silting up may, for instance, increase the value of the land. The loop should be closed at its upper end. Water entering the lower end will cause a deposit there. When the lower end is well obstructed by silt, the upper end should be opened. DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 75 The set of the stream, due, for instance, to a bend at the point where a diversion takes off has very little to do with the quantity of water which goes down the diversion. The only effect of the set of the stream is a slight rise of the water-level as compared with the opposite bank. Similarly, the angle at which the diversion takes off is only of importance in giving, in some cases, a velocity of approach whose effect is generally small. The distribution of the water between the diversion and the old channel really depends on their relative discharging capacities. If the required quantity of water does not flow down a diversion it can be dredged. Sometimes a long spur is run out to send the water towards the off-take of a diversion. The effect of this is very small it merely causes a set of the stream, unless its length is so great that it amounts to something- like a closure dam. It is sometimes said that it is easier to lead a river than to drive it. This remark is probably based on the fact that spurs, such as those under con- sideration, generally produce little effect, whereas the excavation of a diversion or the deepening of a branch by dredging it, is more likely to produce some result. There is, however, no certainty about this. Sometimes too much is expected of such channels. Calculations are not always made as to the scouring power of the stream, nor is account always taken of the fact that as the cut scours its gradient flattens. 2. Closure of a Flowing Stream. The closure of a flowing stream by means of a dam is usually attended with some difficulty and sometimes with enormous difficulty. There may be little trouble in running out dams from both banks for a certain distance, but as soon 76 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING as the gap between the dams becomes much less than the original width of the stream, the water on the up- stream side is headed up and there is a rush of water through the gap, which tends to deeply scour the bed and to undermine the dams. The smaller the gap becomes the greater is the rush and scour. The closure is most easily effected at or near to the place where the stream bifurcates from another. Then, as the gap decreases in width, some of the water is driven down the other stream and it does not rise so much. Eventually all the water goes down the other stream, and the total rise is only so much as will enable this other stream to carry the increased discharge. If the closure is not effected near a bifurcation, the rise of the water will go on even after the closure is completed, and it will not cease, unless the water escapes or breaks out somewhere, until it has risen to the same level as that to which it would have risen if the closure had been at the bifurcation, or perhaps not quite to the same level, since there may still be a slight slope in the water surface and a small discharge which percolates through the dam. Sometimes in such a case it is possible to arrange for temporary escapes or bifurca- tions, which will be shallow and therefore easily closed, after the main closure has been completed. A closure is, of course, far more easily effected where the bed is hard than where it is soft. Very often it is best to close temporarily at such a place or near a bifurcation, even if the permanent dam has to be elsewhere, and then to construct the permanent dam in the dry channel, or in the still water, and remove the temporary one or cut a gap in it. Generally the best method to adopt in a closure is to DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 77 cover the bed of the channel beforehand unless it is already hard enough with a mattress or floor, such that it cannot be scoured as the gap closes. A floor may consist of a number of stones or sandbags dropped in from boats or by any suitable means, and placed with care so that there shall not be gaps or mounds. Sandbags should be carefully sewn up. A mattress may be made of fascines laid side by side and tied together, floated into position, weighted and sunk. Even a carpet made of matting or cloth and suitably weighted has sufficed in some cases. If the scour is o likely to be such that stones or sandbags will be carried away, the stones may be placed in nets, baskets, or crates. Sandbags may also be placed in nets. Probably the long rolls of wire-netting filled with stones, described in CHAP. VI., Art. 3, would be better than anything, and the diameter could be reduced somewhat. The floor or mattress need not usually extend right across the stream. It must cover a width much greater than perhaps twice as great as the width of the gap is likely to be when scour begins. Its length, measured parallel to the direction of the stream, must be such that severe eddies in the contracted stream will have ceased before the stream reaches its downstream edge. It need not extend to any considerable distance upstream of the line of the dam. The dams when started from the banks can generally be of simple earth or gravel, or loose stones, but before they have advanced far they will probably require protection at the ends by stones, or by staking and brushwood, or by fascines. As soon as the dams have advanced well onto the mattress and their ends have been well protected, it is best to cease contracting the 78 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING stream from the sides and to contract it from the bottom by laying a number of sandbags across the gap so as to form a submerged weir. In this way the rush of water is spread over a considerable width of the stream. The weir is then raised until it comes up above water. Leakage can be stopped by throwing in earth, or gravel, or bundles of grass on the upstream side. Sometimes it is best to construct the mattress over the whole width of the stream, and to effect the closure entirely by a weir, carrying each layer right across before adding another. The banks of the stream, if not hard, can be protected by sandbags, stones, staking or fascining. The chief cause of failures of attempts to close flowing streams is neglect to provide a proper floor or mattress. The stones or other materials may be of insufficient weight or not closely laid, or the extent of the floor may be insufficient. In a soft channel and deep water loose stones in almost any quantity may fail unless a mattress of fascines is laid under them. Another cause of failure is running short of materials, such as sandbags. Allowance should be made for every contingency, in- cluding making good any failure of parts of the work. Enormous sums of money have been wasted, and vast inconvenience, loss and trouble incurred, in futile attempts to close breaches in banks, or gaps in dams. Sometimes the gap is closed by sinking a barge loaded with stones, or by sinking a "cradle" or large mattress made of fascines, taken out to the site by four boats, one supporting each corner, and then loaded with stones and sunk. Another method is to run out a floating mattress of fascines from one side of the gap to the DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 79 middle and sink it, then to proceed similarly on the other side, and so on. An excellent plan, when it can be adopted, is to have more than one line of operations, so that the heading up of the water is divided between them. In India closures of streams having depths of 6 or 8 feet are effected by means of rough trestles made from trunks of small trees and placed at intervals in the stream like bridge piers, one leg of the trestle inclined upstream and one downstream. Each pair of adjacent trestles is connected by a number of rough, horizontal poles. Against these are placed bundles of brushwood. Earth is at the same time collected and is rapidly added at the last. The chief danger is the undermining of the bed by scour. This is prevented by driving in stakes and placing brushwood against them. Closures of small channels or of breaches in the banks of canals are effected by means of staking and brushwood. Where dangerous breaches are liable to occur, it is a good plan to have a barge, fitted up with a small pile-driver and carrying a supply of sheet piles, ready at a convenient spot. Hurdle dykes, first used on the Mississippi, were employed on the Indus in 1902 to close partially the main channel of the river. There were to be three dykes, each dyke consisting of three lines of very long piles some were 60 feet long, driven into the bed of the stream, which was to be protected with mattresses made of fascines and extending right across it, with their heads above flood-level. The idea was not to wholly stop the flow of the water, but to obstruct it so much that silt would deposit, the channel become choked up, and the water find a course down another 80 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING channel. The work was begun in March 1902, and was in progress in May of the same year when an unusually early flood put a stop to it. The dykes had at this time advanced considerable distances from the right bank of the stream, but none had been completed. Two dykes out of the three were for the most part carried away. The river, however, took a new course, starting from a point far upstream, the western channel became a creek, and the remains of the dykes were soon embedded in silt. In any case in which the provision of a proper mattress has been omitted, or when the mattress has been destroyed, or when a breach has occurred in an embankment, whenever, in short, it is evident that the gap cannot be closed until some other escape for the water is provided, it may be possible to provide such an escape by cutting partly through the dam or embankment on the downstream side at another place, and thoroughly protecting the place and extending the protection downstream and away from the dam or embankment. The water can then be let in, and the closure of the old gap attempted. If a closure is effected, the protected gap can then be closed. Sometimes it may be desirable to make such a protected gap beforehand and with deliberation. Dams for closing streams which are dry can be made similarly to flood embankments (CHAP. XII., Art. 7). Sand does very well, provided it is protected by a covering of clay or by fascining. 3. Instances of Closures of Streams. In 1904 the Colorado River broke into the Salton Sink a valley covering 4000 square miles. Unsuccessful attempts DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 81 were made to close the stream by two rows of piles with willows and sandbags between them, by a gate 200 feet long, supported on 500 piles, and by twelve gates each 12 feet wide. A " rock-fill" dam was then constructed on a mattress 100 feet wide and 1*5 feet thick. The river, which was 600 feet wide, broke through, but was stopped by the construction of three FIG. 25. parallel rock-fill dams in the gap (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxxi.). At the site of the railway bridge over the river Tista in Bengal, it was necessary to close the main stream (fig. 25), which flowed at the left side of the channel, while the bridge had been built at the right. The bed was of sand, width 500 feet, depth 6 feet, and discharge 3700 cubic feet per second. The first attempt to close the stream was made at M N, a floor of stone 200 feet G 82 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING long, 20 feet wide, and 2 feet thick, being laid in the middle of the stream, and dams of earth, sandbags, and stones being run out from each bank. As the gap decreased in width the bed was torn up and the work failed. The heading up was 3 feet 9 inches. It was recognised later that the site should have been at the bifurcation higher up, and that the stone floor should have been laid on a mattress. In the next working season the dams C D and E F G were made. The dam C D was of earth. Two walls, each consisting of a double Hne of bamboos with the spaces between the lines filled with bundles of grass weighted with earth, were run out 50 feet in advance of the earthwork near the lines of the toes of the slopes. Along the line of the upper wall a mattress of broken bricks 10 feet in width, and 1 foot thick, was laid, and was kept 50 feet in advance of the wall. A total length of 1000 feet of embankment was made in five months and pitched on its upstream side. The end was strongly protected by a mass of stone. The embankment F G was of earth. The dam E F consisted of three lines of piles driven 10 feet into the bed. A mattress weighted with stones extended for 20 feet upstream of the dam and 40 feet downstream. A gap of 150 feet was left at D E, and was not protected by a floor of any kind. A channel, parallel to F G and extending to K, had been dug to a width of 200 feet. During the floods the heading up at D E was about 2 '5 feet, and the water was 30 feet deep. The line E F was greatly damaged and was repaired. The cut F G K gradually enlarged, and by the end of the floods more water was going down it than down the main stream. The gap D E was finally closed by means of a line of DIVERSIONS AND CLOSURES OF STREAMS 83 bamboos and grass, the bed being protected by a carpet, 100 x 50 feet, made of common cloth weighted with sand- bags. The success of the operations turned on the scouring out of the cut F G K. It is remarkable that the gap D E did not become wholly unmanageable in the floods (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. cl.). G 2 CHAPTEK VIII THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS 1 . Preliminary Remarks. When a stream is trained or regularised it is generally made narrower, but some- times narrow places have to be widened. Deepening has also very frequently to be effected. The object of training is generally the improvement of navigation, but it may be the prevention of silt deposit. Some natural arms of rivers which form the head reaches of canals in the Punjab are wide and tortuous, and they are some- times trained. Training often includes straightening or the cutting-oif of bends, as to which reference may be made to CHAP. VII. 2. Dredging and Excavating. When a flowing stream is to be deepened, the work is usually done by dredgers. Dredgers can remove mud, sand, clay, boulders, or broken pieces of rock. The "bucket ladder" dredger is the commonest type. The " dipper" dredger is another. Both these can work in depths of water ranging up to 35 feet. The "grab bucket" dredger can work up to any depth and in a confined space. The " suction dredger " draws up mud or sand mixed with water. A dredger may be fitted with a hopper or movable bottom, by means of which it can discharge the dredged material this, however, involves cessation of 84 THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS 85 work while the dredger makes a journey to the place where the material is to be deposited or it can dis- charge into hopper barges or directly on to the shore by means of long shoots. For small works in compara- tively shallow water the " bag and spoon " dredger, worked by two men, can be used. When rock has to be removed under water it is blasted or broken up by the blows of heavy rams pro- vided with steel -pointed cutters. In widening a channel the excavation can be carried down in the ordinary way to below the water-level, a narrow piece of earth, like a wall, being left to keep the water out. If the channel cannot be laid dry, the work can be finished by dredging. Regarding methods by which the stream is itself made to deepen or widen its channel, reference may be made to CHAP. V. 3. Reduction of Width. If a channel which is to be narrowed is not a wide one, the reduction in width can be effected by any of the processes described under bank protection (CHAP. VI.). But in a wide channel, reduction of the width by any direct process is generally impracticable. The expense would generally be pro- hibitive. Earth, if filled in, is liable to be washed away unless protected all a]ong. Reduction in the width of a large channel is nearly always effected either by groynes (fig. 26) or by training walls (fig. 27). Spurs or short groynes for bank protection have been already described (CHAP. VI. , Art. 2). Groynes for narrowing streams are made in the same way and of the same materials, but are longer. They are at right angles to the stream or nearly so. Groynes in the river Sutlej have been mentioned in CHAP. V., Art. 5, and are shown 86 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING in fig. 6, p. 55. Whether groynes or training walls are used, the object is to confine the stream to a definite zone and to silt up the spaces at the sides. These spaces when partly silted can be planted with osiers or FIG. 26. with anything which will grow when partly submerged, and this will assist in completing the silting. A training wall can be made of any of the materials used for groynes. In order to silt up the spaces between FIG. 27. each wall and the adjacent bank of the stream, other walls are run at intervals across them. Usually the training walls and cross walls are carried up only to ordinary water-level, sometimes only to low-water level. Floods can thus spread out and submerge the walls and deposit silt. If the walls are carried up too high it may THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS 87 be necessary, in order to give room for floods, to space them too far apart, and this, as will be seen below, is objectionable. The difference between training walls and groynes is one of degree rather than one of kind. The material most commonly used is, in either case, loose stone with pitching, if desired, above low- water level, but it may be wattled stakes. If the water of the stream contains silt at all stages of the supply, gaps can be left in training walls so that silt deposit may occur at all times and not only in floods. If the walls are of wattled stakes, water will pass through them, and it may not be necessary to leave any gaps. Groynes are frequently made with T-heads (fig. 26), and they are thus equivalent to training walls with long gaps in them. The edge of the narrowed channel usually forms somewhat as shown in the figure. If the groynes are placed so near together as to give a regular channel, the cost is not likely to be much less than that of training walls. The alignment of training walls or groynes should be such as will give the best channel consistent with economy in cost. The best channel is generally that which is most free from sharp bends. It is assumed for the present that no cuts or diversions of such lengths as to materially alter the gradient are to be made, but that a certain amount of choice of alignment is afforded' by the reduced width of the trained channel and by small diversions or easings of bends. It is sometimes said that straight reaches are objectionable because the stream will tend to wander from side to side and cause shoals, whereas in a bend there will be no such tendency. The difficulty as to shoaling will be greatest 88 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING at low water, but it is likely to be serious only when the width between the training walls is too great. If the width cannot be reduced to such an extent as to do away with the trouble, it may be better to adopt a curved course. The width between the training walls should generally be the same throughout, whether the reaches are straight or curved, but in view of the preceding remarks it may be desirable, where a reach cannot be otherwise than straight and where shoaling is feared, to give the straight portion a reduced width with of course a greater depth, and similarly to reduce the width at reverse changes of curvature. In curves which are at all sharp the curvature should be rather sharper in the middle of the curve than at the ends (CHAP. IV., Art. 8). 4. Alteration of Depth or Water-Level. When the width of a stream is altered, the depth of water the gradient being supposed to be unchanged must alter in the opposite manner. A narrowing of the channel by training necessitates an increase in the depth of water, and the same remark applies if an arm of the stream is closed. The increase in depth may be effected either by raising the water-level or by lowering the bed as may be convenient or both. If the bed is to be lowered and is of hard clay, it may be necessary to dredge it and, when this has been done, training may be unnecessary. If the bed is of soft mud, a dredged channel is likely to fill up again, and training alone will be the method to adopt. If the bed is moderately hard, say compact sand, it may be suitable to train the channel first and then to dredge if necessary. In any case, shoals of hard material may have to be dredged or rocks, whether these form shoals or lateral obstruc- THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS 89 tions, to be blasted or otherwise broken up (Art. 2). In cases where it is desired to raise the water- level without any lowering of the bed, training is of course necessary. In any case in which the bed is likely to scour to a lower level than is desired, or if the bed is to be raised, the measures described in CHAP. V. , Art. 6, may be adopted, but they are hardly likely to be suitable and satisfactory in all cases. 5. Training and Canalising. The steps so far described, together with any of those described in CHAPS. V. and VI. , exhaust the list of what can be done so long as only the cross-section of a stream is dealt with. This is often called the " regulation " of a stream, though " training" is a more satisfactory term. 1 A mere alteration of the cross-section of a stream will not always afford a solution of the problem to be solved. Frequently a change of gradient is required. The gradient can be steepened by means of straightenings, or flattened by introducing weirs, or perhaps by adopt- ing a course somewhat more circuitous than was intended. This extended scope of operations is known as canalising in the case of a river, and remodelling in the case of a canal. Suppose that it is desired to alter the cross-section of a stream, at ordinary water-level, so as to reduce the width and increase the depth (fig. 28). If the mean depth is doubled, the new width will be about equal to 1 On Indian canals the term " regulation " is applied to the control of the discharge at the regulators or off-take works. 90 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING ^2- of the old width (Hydraulics, CHAP. VI, Art. 2). If this gives too narrow a channel, it may be desirable to flatten the gradient. If it gives too wide a channel, the gradient can be steepened or a greater depth adopted. While the width and depth of the stream will be fixed so as to be suitable for the navigation, the ratio of depth to velocity should be so arranged, if this is possible, as to minimise trouble connected with silting or scour (CHAP. IV., Art. 6}. A remodelled channel is, in short, designed in exactly the same way as a new channel. The depth of water exercises the greatest effect on the discharge, and the gradient the least. The weak point in a scheme which includes weirs is the difficulty of dealing with floods. A scheme perfect in all other respects may be vitiated because of the obstruction, caused by weirs, to the passage of floods. The difficulty is got over by means of movable weirs. The whole subject of weirs is dealt with in CHAP. X. Training or canalising should not be effected in any reach of a stream without regard to other reaches. A mere local lowering of the water-level by dredging may accentuate the effect of a shoal at the upper end of the reach. When the water-level is raised by a weir or by narrowing the channel though in the latter case the raising may not be permanent it is generally best to commence the work from the upstream end. The raising of the water-level will then not interfere with the execution of the rest of the work. But in a case of widening, where the water-level upstream of the work is lowered, the work can conveniently be begun at the downstream end, and the remark applies also to a case of straightening, provided that the new channel is not so THE TRAINING AND CANALISATION OF RIVERS 91 small that it at first causes no lowering. In any case in which there is a doubt whether the whole of the scheme will be carried out, the reach to be dealt with first can be decided on according to circumstances. There is no general reason for selecting an upstream or downstream reach, except that any raising or lowering of the water-level will extend upstream of the reach and not downstream of it (CHAP. L, Art. 4)- Training walls and groynes, if made with stakes or fascines or any materials except stone, require careful watching and maintenance. CHAPTER IX CANALS AND CONDUITS 1. Banks. All banks which have to hold up water should be carefully made. The earth should be de- posited in layers and all clods broken up. In high banks the layers should be moistened and rammed. The dotted lines in fig. 29 show two possible courses of percolation water. The vertical height from the FIG. 29. water-level to the ground outside the bank, divided by the length of the line of percolation is the hydraulic gradient, as in the case of a pipe, and this gradient is more or less a measure of the tendency to leakage. A bank which has water constantly against it nearly always becomes almost water-tight in time. The time is less or greater according as the soil is better, and according to the amount of care with which the bank is made. The side slopes of banks vary with the soil. Generally they are 1|- to 1, but they are sometimes 2 to 1 or even 92 CANALS AND CONDUITS 93 3 to 1 if the soil is bad or sandy, or if great precautions against breaches are to be taken. Leakage can sometimes be stopped by throwing chaff or other finely divided substances into the water at the site of the leak. In other cases it is necessary to dig up part of the bank, find the channel by which the water is escaping, and fill it up by adding earth and ramming. On some navigable canals in France it was at one time the custom to lay the reach dry, when a bad leak occurred, and to dig away the bank and lay slabs of concrete or puddle over the place. This plan was abandoned, and instead of it sheet piles are driven in. They are then withdrawn one at a time and, if any leakage occurs, the space is filled with concrete. The dimensions of a bank should depend to some extent on the head of water against it and on the volume of the stream whose water it holds up. A breach is obviously more serious the greater the volume of the escaping water. This volume depends on the size of the stream and on its velocity. In navigation canals in England the bank on the side opposite the towing-path is usually 4 to 6 feet wide and 1^ feet above the water. In irrigation canals in India the bank of a very large canal is 2 feet above the water and 20 feet wide, while that of a small canal with 6 feet of water is 8 or 10 feet wide and 1^ feet above the water, and that of a small distributary channel with 3 feet of water is 4 feet wide and 1 foot above the water. The soil is often poor. Further remarks, which apply to banks of special height or special importance, are given under Embank- ments (CHAP. XII. , Art. 6). 2. Navigation Canals. A navigation canal is sometimes all on one level, but generally different 94 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING reaches are at different levels, the change being made by means of locks. A " lateral " canal the most common kind runs along a river valley more or less parallel to the river. It is frequently cheaper to construct such a canal than to canalise the river. A " summit " canal crosses over a ridge and connects two valleys. A navigation canal requires a supply of water to make good the losses which occur by lockage, leakage, or absorption and evaporation. A canal may be of any size, according to the size of the boats which are to be used. There is always room, except in short reaches where the expense of construction has to be kept down, for two boats to pass one another. A lateral canal obtains water from the river or from the small affluents which it crosses. For a summit canal it may be necessary to provide storage reservoirs. The canal crosses the ridge where it is low, and the reservoirs are made on higher ground. Keservoirs may be required also for other canals to hold water for use in dry seasons or in order to fill the canal quickly when laid dry for repairs. In tropical countries weeds grow profusely in canals which have still or nearly still water. Traffic tends to keep them down, but they have to be cleared periodically. In designing a barge canal the chief considerations generally are that it shall not be in such low ground or so near a river as to be liable to damage by floods, that it shall not traverse very permeable soil or gravel this is often found near a river, that the material excavated shall be as nearly as possible equal to that required, at the same place, for embankment, and that as far as possible high embankments, which are very expensive CANALS AND CONDUITS 95 to construct and are more or less a source of danger, shall be avoided. The side slopes of the banks of a navigation canal depend on the nature of the soil. They are generally l^ to 1, but the inner slope may be 2 to 1. The banks are generally 1^ or 2 feet above the water-level, the width of the bank on the towing-path side ranging from 8 to 16 feet, but being generally 12 feet and the width of the other bank 4 to 6 feet. The width of a canal is made sufficient for two boats to pass, and the depth is l|- to 2 feet greater than the draught of the boats used. In some cases the banks are protected by pitching for short lengths, but generally they are merely turfed. The sides near the water surface wear away, so that the side slope becomes steeper in the upper part and flatter in the lower part. The resistance of a boat to traction in a canal is given by the formula p . 8 ' 46 where r is the resistance in a large body of water and A and a are the areas of the cross-sections of the canal and of the immersed part of the boat. When A is six times a, R, is only 6 per cent, more than r. In practice A is never less than six times a. Kegarding methods of protecting banks, see CHAP. VI. A ship canal is a barge canal on a large scale. The speed of ships has to be strictly limited to avoid damage to the banks. The Manchester Ship Canal takes in the waters of the Irwell and the Mersey, and conveys them for several miles. It is thus a canalised river for part of its course. Below that it is a tidal stream, the tide being admitted 96 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING at its lower end where it joins the estuary of the Mersey, and passing out higher up where it leaves the estuary after skirting it. This circulation of water is beneficial to the estuary. The Panama Canal might have been constructed at one level, but the cost of this, and the time occupied, would have been double that of making it a summit canal. The water of the river Chagres is to be impounded to form a lake of great extent that will not only supply water for lockage but will itself form part of the high-level reach of the canal, and ships will be able to traverse it at greater speed than in the rest of the canal. Some Indian irrigation canals have been constructed so as to be navigable. The increase in cost has usually been enormously in excess of any resulting benefits. 3. Locks. An ordinary lock is shown in fig. 29A. The space above the head gates is called the " head bay," and that below the tail gates the " tail bay." The floor of the lock is often an inverted arch. Sometimes the floor is of cast-iron. The "lift wall" is generally a horizontal arch. The gates when closed press at their lower ends against the "mitre sills"; and the vertical "mitre posts" at the edges of the gates meet and are pressed together. The gate, in opening and closing, revolves above the cylindrical "heel post" which stands in the " hollow quoin" of the lock wall and when fully open is contained in the " gate recess." A lock is always strongly built, of masonry or concrete. The walls have to withstand the earth pressure when the lock is laid dry for repairs. The floor has to withstand the scouring action from the CANALS AND CONDUITS 97 sluices. Regarding the upward pressure of the water when the lock is empty, see CHAP. X., Art. 3. The lift or difference in the water-levels of the two reaches of a barge canal is generally from 4 to 9 feet, but occasion- ally it is much more. The gates of small locks are generally of wood and FIG. 29A. are counterbalanced. Those of large locks are of wood or steel, and the weight is generally taken by rollers. Ordinary wood should not be used if the Teredo navalis exists in the waters. An iron gate, if enclosed on all sides by plating, is buoyant, and the rollers and anchor straps which hold the upper ends of the heel posts are thus relieved of much weight. The gates of the Panama Canal locks are 110 feet long and 7 feet thick, and the height ranges from 48 feet to 82 feet. 98 RIYER AND CANAL ENGINEERING The sluices for filling and emptying a lock are placed in the gates or in the walls. The gates and sluices are generally worked by hydraulic power or by electricity. Locks are frequently arranged in flights. There are, in a few instances, 20 to 30 locks in a flight, the total lift being 150 to 200 feet. By this means the number of gates is reduced, the tail gates of one lock being the head gates of the rest, and there is a saving in labour in working the locks. Let L be the volume of water contained in a lock between the levels of the upper and lower reaches, and let B be the submerged volume of a boat. The " lockage " or volume of water withdrawn from the upper reach of the canal is shown in the following statement : Lockage. Reference Number of Case. Number of Boats. Direction of Travel. Lock or Locks Found Lock or Locks Left Single Flight of ra Lock. Locks. 1 1 Down. Empty. Empty. L-B L-B 2 1 ( Full. 55 -B -B 3 4 1 1 Up. Emptv. Full." Full. 55 L + B L + B mL + B L + B 5 2n Up and down Going down, full. Going down, nL mnL alternately. Going up, empty. empty. Going up, full. 6 n Down. Empty. Empty. nL-nE nL - nE 7 n Full. 5) (n-l)L (n-l)L -nE -nB 8 n Up. Empty. Full. nL + nE (m + n - 1 )L 9 n Full. nL + nE nL + nE 10 \ n Down. 1 Up. / 5) 55 (2n-l)L (m + 2n-2)L i CANALS AND CONDUITS 99 In the case of a single lock, if two boats are to pass through, one descending and one ascending (cases 2 and 3), the descending boat would be passed through first if the lock were full, and the ascending boat first if empty ; in either case, the total lockage is L, or for each boat. This also appears from case 5. Cases 6 to 10 show that if a long train of boats descends, even though the lock is full for the first boat or if a long train ascends even the lock is empty for the first boat, the total lockage is nearly L per boat. Thus in a single lock, boats should pass up and down alternately so far as this may be possible. In the case of a flight of m locks, a single boat in descending uses no more water than if there were only one lock, the same water passing from lock to lock, but in ascending it uses more. In the case of a number (2n) of boats going up and down alternately (case 5), the lockage is m n L, the lockage per lock per boat being , but in the case of a long train of boats descending followed by an equal train ascending (cases 7 and 8), the lockage is less. If n is supposed to be equal to m, the average lockage per boat is as follows : m = I Lockage _ L per boat , ~2 2 L 3 7L 6 4 5L 5 13L 6 4L Infinity 3L " 2 4 10 3 Thus in a case where n and m are very large, the average lockage per boat, when the boats pass up and down in trains, is to the lockage per boat, when the single boats pass up and down alternately through m single locks all at different places, as 3 is to m. The H2 100 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING reason for the difference, which may appear puzzling, is that when the locks are at different places they are worked independently of one another. Sometimes a lock is provided with intermediate gates which provide . a short lock for short vessels. In the Manchester Ship Canal, alongside each lock there is another of smaller size to be used for small vessels and thus save lockage. At the Eastham lock, where the Manchester Ship Canal descends into the estuary of the Mersey, there is, below the tail gates, an extra pair of gates opening towards the estuary, so that the lock can be worked when the water of the estuary is higher than that in the canal. Water can be economised by means of a " side-pond," into which the upper portion of the water from a lock can be discharged and utilised again when the lock has to be filled. If two locks are built side by side, each acts as a side-pond to the other. Two flights of locks can be built side by side. Sometimes instead of a lock there is an inclined plane, up or down which are drawn on rails caissons containing water in which the boats float. The rails extend below the water-levels of the two reaches, and the caissons can thus be run under the boats. " Lifts " have also been constructed by which the boats can be lifted bodily and swung over from one reach to the other. 4. Other Artificial Channels. The method of calculating the discharges of channels in which water is to flow is a question of hydraulics. The principles and rules to be followed, in the design of earthen channels, have been stated in CHAP. IV., Art. 6, and in CHAP. VIII., Art. 5. The design of banks has been dealt with in Art. 1 of this Chapter. For conveying water for the supply of towns, or for other purposes, masonry con- CANALS AND CONDUITS 101 duits are often used. A usual form is shown in fig. 30. The curving of the profile of the cross-section gives an FIG. 30. increased sectional area and hydraulic radius, and hence an increased discharge. CHAPTER X WEIRS AND SLUICES 1. Preliminary Remarks. -- Every structure which interferes at all with a stream causes an abrupt change in the stream (CHAP. IV., Art. 1). At an abrupt change there are always eddies, and these have a peculiar scour- ing effect. This effect is greatest where the velocity of the stream is abruptly reduced as where, for instance, after being contracted by an obstruction, it expands again or where it falls over a weir or issues from a sluice opening. In all cases of this kind the protection of the structure from scour is of primary importance. The site of a weir or other permanent structure should, if the stream is unstable, be in a fairly straight reach, or at least not be immediately downstream of a bend. This is because of the tendency of bends to shift down- stream (CHAP. IV., Art. 8). There is no particular advantage in selecting a narrow place. A narrow place is likely to be deep or it may be liable to widen. In a hard and stable stream there is no restric- tion as to site. Weirs are frequently constructed for purposes of navigation, as mentioned in CHAP. VIII. They are also used in streams which are not navigable in order that the gradient may not be too steep, and in irrigation 102 WEIRS AND SLUICES 103 canals for the same reason. They are used both in rivers and canals in order that the water-level may be raised and water drawn off by branch channels for purposes of manufactures, water-power or irrigation. Upstream of a weir there is more or less tendency for silt to deposit, but it by no means follows that there will be deposit (CHAP. IV., Art. 2, last par., and Art. 3, last par.). When deposit of sand or mud is feared, small horizontal passages, known as " weep holes," may be left in the weir at the level of the upstream bed. In the old Nile barrages iron gratings were provided, but they were needlessly large. An inherent defect of an ordinary weir is that it obstructs the passage of floods. The obstruction may or may not be of consequence. Sometimes it is of great con- sequence. Attempts have been made to partially remedy the evil by placing FlG - 31< the weir obliquely to the stream, thus giving it a greater length. At ordinary water-levels the flow over the crest of the weir is normal to its length, or nearly so. Supposing that the water has to be held up to a given level, the crest of the weir must be higher, because of its greater length, than if it were normal to the stream. In a flood the water has a high velocity and flows over the weir in a direction nearly parallel to the axis of the stream, so that the effective length of the weir is not much greater than if it were normal to the stream, and, its crest being higher, it obstructs the flood as much. Oblique weirs are usually made as in fig. 31. If made in one straight 104 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING line, there might be excessive action on the bank at the lower end. If the weir is lengthened, not by being built obliquely but by a widening of the stream at the site, the crest has to be raised and nothing is gained. The only arrangement by which a weir can be made to hold up water when a stream is low and to let floods pass freely, consists in having part of the weir movable, i.e. consisting of gates, shutters or horizontal or vertical timbers, which can be withdrawn to let floods pass, and can be manipulated to any extent so as to regulate the amount of water passing A familiar instance of a movable weir is the one which is usually placed across a mill stream, the wooden gates working in grooves in the masonry. Above a weir in Java, 162 feet long, there was a great accumulation of shingle in the bed of the river, and the head of a canal taking off above the weir became choked. The crest of the weir on the side away from the canal was raised 5j feet and the crest sloped gradually down, a length of 43 feet on the side next the canal remaining as it was. This was quite success- ful. It was practically a contraction of the river near the canal off-take, and this must have caused scour, so that the bed became lower than the floor of the canal head and the shingle was not carried in. The shingle, however, is said to have been carried over the weir (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clxv.). A lock is an adjunct to a weir, used when navigation has to be provided for. The lock may be placed close to the weir or it may be in a side channel, the upstream end of the lock being about in a line with the weir. Locks have already been discussed in CHAP. IX., Art. 3. WEIRS AND SLUICES 105 Frequently a "salmon ladder" has to be provided. It consists of a series of steps or a zigzag arrangement so that the velocity of the water is not too great for the fish to ascend. 2. General Design of a Weir. Unless the bed and sides of the channel are of rock, a weir has side walls and rests on a strong floor or "apron." These need not extend far upstream, but must extend some way downstream because of the scouring action of the water. 1 A common type of weir is shown in fig. 32. The downstream face is made sloping, so that the water FIG. 32. may not fall vertically and strike the floor below the weir. The thickness and length of the floor depend on the volume of water to be passed and on the height which it will fall and on the nature of the soil, and are generally matters of judgment, though rules regarding them, applicable to certain special cases, are given in the next article. The upper corners of the weir should be rounded. This prevents their being worn away ; but the rounding of the upstream corner has another advantage. If the corner is sharp, the stream springs clear from it and the weir holds up the water higher, especially in floods. With small depths of water the difference is less, and it vanishes when there is only a trickle of water. Thus a 1 See also Appendix B. 106 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING crest rounded on the upstream side holds up low-water nearly as well as a sharp-edged crest, but lets floods pass more freely. Any batter given to the upstream face has a similar advantage. The rounding is of more importance as the batter is less. For similar reasons, the upstream wing walls should be splayed or even curved so as to be tangential to the side wall, and not built normally to the stream. These advantages are sometimes lost sight of. The downstream walls are splayed to reduce the swirl. The body of the weir may be of rubble and the face- work of dressed stone. In large weirs the stones are sometimes do welled together. Where, as in many parts of India, stone is expensive, brick is used for small weirs, the crest and faces being brick on edge. Downstream of the floor, unless the channel is of very hard material, there is paving or pitching of the bed and pitching of the sides, and these may terminate in a curtain wall. The bank pitching may be of any of the kinds described in CHAP. VI., Art. 3, and the bed paving as described in CHAP. V., Art. 6, but downstream of a weir the eddying is continuous and the lap of the water on the bank is ceaseless, and good methods are necessary. Sometimes planking, laid over a wooden framing or attached to piles, is used instead of paving and pitching. In case the height of a weir is great relatively to its thickness, the danger of its being overturned must be considered. To be safe against overturning, the result- ant of the pressure on the weir must pass through the middle third of its base (see fig. 62, CHAP. XIII. ). 3. Weirs on Sandy or Porous Soil. If the channel is very soft or sandy the weir may be built on one or WEIRS AND SLUICES 107 more lines of wells. The wells are not so much to support the weir as to form a curtain and prevent streams, due to the hydraulic gradient A E (fig. 33), from forming under the structure and gradually removing the soil. It is assumed in the case repre- sented by the figure that the maximum head occurs when the downstream channel is dry. Any removal of soil from under the weir may cause its destruction. The wells should be as close together as possible, and the spaces between them carefully filled up with brick- work or concrete to as great a depth as possible, and FIG. 33. below that by piles. Instead of wells, lines of sheet piling cast-iron or wood can be used. A good fit should be made, but it is not necessary that the joints should be absolutely water-tight. The object is to flatten the hydraulic gradient by increasing the length travelled by the water from B E to B L G H E. Of course, no flattening occurs at a point where the curtain is not water-tight, but if only small interstices exist, none but small trickles of water can pass, and the interstices will probably soon be choked up, just as the sand in a filter bed becomes clogged and has to be washed. In any case, no important stream could develop otherwise than round the toe of the curtain. It has been stated that when a curtain is water-tight 108 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING the water follows the line BLMGHKE, but this requires proof. Another plan is to cover the bed and sides of the channel with a continuous sheet of concrete extending upstream of the weir from B to D thus flattening the hydraulic gradient from A E to F E. Instead of concrete, clay puddle can be used with pitching over it. The choice between the different methods depends largely on questions of cost and facility of construction. It has been said that a certain amount of leakage occurs under structures such as the Okla weir (Art. 4), which nevertheless remains un- damaged. There have, however, been cases in which failures of works have occurred, especially when there has been a great difference between the water-levels of the upstream and downstream reaches, from no other apparent cause than the passage of water underneath the works. Weirs in porous soils have been discussed by Bligh (Engineering News, 29th December 1910), who gives the following as safe hydraulic gradients (5) or ratio of the greatest head A B to the length BE: Fine silt and sand as in the Nile . 1 in 18 Fine micaceous sand as in Colorado and Himalayan rivers . . 1 in 15 Ordinary coarse sand . . . L in 12 Gravel and sand . . . 1 in 9 Boulders, gravel and sand . . 1 in 4 to 1 in 6 These figures are probably quite safe enough even for the most important works and for those where the heading up is constant. For small works or for regulators (Art. 5} where the heading up is not constant, steeper gradients are permissible. Much also depends WEIRS AND SLUICES 109 on the condition of the water. If it contains much silt, all interstices will probably become choked up. The hydraulic gradient in the case of the Narora weir across the Ganges was 1 in 1 1 . The weir failed after working for twenty years. It was rebuilt with a gradient of 1 in 16. In the Zifta and Assiut regulators on the Nile the gradients are 1 in 16 '4 and 1 in 21. ISO from Drop Wai I NARORA WEIR AS ORIGINALLY BUILT. -l-Z04',c-l5.7 NARORA WEIR AS RECONSTRUCTED. Rip-rap FOUNDATION OF THE ZIFTA REGULATOR, RIVER NILE. Regarding the upward pressure on the floor due to the hydrostatic pressure from the head A B, there is a theory that the weight of a portion of the floor at any point P should be able to balance the pressure due to a head of water P R. This, supposing the masonry to be twice as heavy as water, would give a thickness of floor equal to half P R. According to Bligh, the theoretical thickness ought, for safety, to be increased 110 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING by one-third. Practically the thickness need not, in most cases, be made even so great as is given by the theoretical rule. On canals in the Punjab it is certainly less. Water passing through soil or fine sand does not exert anything like the pressure which it exerts when passing through a pipe. It acts in the same manner as in a capillary tube. It is only in coarse sand or gravel or boulders that water flows as in a pipe. 1 If the tail water covers the floor, the weight of a portion of floor is reduced by the weight of an equal volume of water. If the foundation of any part of the floor is higher than B E, the upward pressure on it is reduced because the water has to force its way upwards through the soil. Bligh also states as an empirical rule that in order to provide efficiently against scour the length of floor B E A. /IT should be - / , where H is the maximum head A B ; s\J 13 and he points out that in a case where this length is less as it usually is than that necessary to give a hydraulic gradient of the requisite flatness, according to the rule previously quoted, it is better to add an up- stream floor B D, which may be of puddle and there- fore cheap, than to add to the downstream floor a length E C which must be of masonry or concrete, and that this arrangement, by shifting the line of hydraulic gradient from AE to FE, gives a reduced upward pressure on the downstream floor. The length EN to which pitching, if of f ' rip-rap" type, should extend is given by Bligh as _ /_ /JL where q is the maximum discharge in cubic feet per 1 Irrigation Works, CHAP. L, Art. 4- WEIRS AND SLUICES 111 second passing over a 1-foot length of the weir, and H is the head A B. 4. Various Types of Weirs. The type of weir shown in fig. 32 may be varied by steepening or flattening the slopes of one or both faces. Flattening increases the cost but gives a greater spread for the foundations. It may, however, be combined with a decrease in the width of the crest. Flattening of the downstream slope reduces the shock of the water on the floor, but the slope itself, .especially the lower portion, has to stand a good deal of wear, and the FIG. 34. length exposed to this is increased. Flattening the upstream slope facilitates the passage of floods. The same result is obtained by making the crest slope upwards (fig. 34). In a small stream or in an irrigation distributing channel, a weir may be a simple brick wall with both faces vertical and corners rounded. Weirs in America are often built of crib-work filled with stones. Weirs are also made of sheet piling filled in with rubble, and the top may be protected by sheet iron. A weir made on the Mersey in connection with the Manchester Ship Canal works was so made. There were three rows of piles and- the filling in the back part was of clay. Sometimes the downstream faces of weirs used to be 112 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING made curved (figs. 35 and 36), the object being to reduce the shock of the falling water, but the advantage FIG. 35. gained is not very appreciable, and this type of weir is not very common. The Okla weir (fig. 37) across the river Jumna near FIG. 36. Delhi was built about thirty-eight years ago on the river bed, which consisted of fine sand. The depth of water over the crest in floods is 6 to 10 feet. The ' " f ?^7^?* J ^ > V - 'T' r T. 7f^. ff "^^"^^ Scale I Inch = 40 Feet 9 *0 _ 8(0 Feet FIG. 37. material, except the face-work and the three walls, is dry rubble. When the reach of channel downstream of a weir has a bed-level much lower than that of the upstream WEIRS AND SLUICES 113 reach this is often the case in irrigation canals, the work is known as a "fall" or "rapid." At a fall the water generally drops vertically, and a cistern (fig. 38) is provided. The falling water strikes that in the cistern and the shock on the floor is greatly reduced. An empirical rale for the depth of the cistern, measured from the bed of the downstream reach, is K=H+ VHVD, where H is the depth of the crest of the fall below the upstream water-level, and D is the difference between the upstream and downstream water-levels. At some FIG. 38. old falls on Indian canals the water, as it begins to fall into the cistern, is made to pass through a grating which projects with an upward inclination from the crest of the weir at the downstream angle. This splits up the water and reduces the shock, but rubbish is liable to collect. In the usual modern type of canal fall in India the weir has no raised crest, and the water is held up by lateral contraction of the waterway just above the fall. The opening through which the water passes is trape- zoidal (fig. 39), being wide at the water-leve] and narrow at the bed-level. In a small channel there is only one opening, but in a large canal there are several side by side, so that the water falls in several distinct streams. i 114 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING The curved lip shown in the plan is added to make the water spread out and cause less shock to the floor. The dimensions of the openings are calculated so that however the supply in the canal may vary, there is never any heading up or drawing down. The detailed method of calculation for finding C F and the ratio of A B to B C is given in Hydraulics, CHAP. IV. In cases where it is only necessary for the notch to be accurate when the depth of water ranges from B C to three-fourths B C, it will suffice to calculate as follows : Let 6 be the bed width of the canal, and let Q be the discharge and B the mean width of the stream when FIG. 39. the depth of water is B C. Decide on the number of notches, and let W be the width of a notch calculated as if it were to be rectangular, i.e. by the ordinary weir formula. Increase the width to W'=1'05 W. Then make the notch trapezoidal, keeping the mean width W, and making the bottom width w (or CF), such that vy7 = ft- The top width of the notch is of course increased as much as the bottom width is reduced. A rapid has a long downstream slope, which is expensive to construct and difficult to keep in repair, especially as the canals can only be closed for short periods. Rapids exist in large numbers on the Bari Doab Canal in India, the face-work consisting in many WEIRS AND SLUICES 115 cases of rounded undressed boulders with the inter- stices filled up by spawls and concrete which stand the wear well. Rapids have again been used on the more modern canals in places where boulders are obtainable, and where deep foundations would have given trouble in unwatering. The upstream face of a rapid is vertical, or has a steep slope. 5. Weirs with Sluices. The long weirs built across Indian rivers below the heads of irrigation canals generally extend across the greater part of the river bed. In the remaining part generally the part nearest the canal head there is, instead of the weir, a set of FIG. 40. openings or " under-sluices " (fig. 40) with piers having iron grooves in which gates can slide vertically. The piers may be twenty feet apart and five feet thick. The gates are worked by one or more " travellers," which run on rails on the arched roadway. The traveller is provided with screw gearing to start a gate which sticks. When once started it is easily lifted by the ordinary gears. The gates descend by their own weight. The gate in each opening is usually in two halves, upper and lower, each in its own grooves, and both can be lifted clear of the floods. In intermediate stages of the river these gates have to be worked a good deal. (See also CHAP. V., Art. 5.) Usually the weir has, all along its crest, a set of hinged shutters, which lie flat at all seasons, except that of low water in the river. i2 116 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING WEIRS AND SLUICES 117 The canal head consists of smaller arched openings, provided with gates working in vertical grooves and lifted by a light traveller. If the floor of the canal head is higher than the beds of the river and the canal, it may be said to be a weir, but otherwise the canal head is merely a set of sluices without a weir. The barrage of the Nile at Assiut (fig. 41), and the old barrages of the Rosetta and Damietta branches, consist of sets of sluices without weirs. At Assiut there are piers five metres apart and gates working in grooves like those, above described, at Indian headworks. FIG. 42. The "dam" across the Ravi, at the head of the Sidhnai Canal in the Punjab, also consists of sluice openings without a weir. The piers are connected by horizontal beams (fig. 42), against which, and against a sill at their lower ends, rest a number of nearly vertical timber " needles," fitting close together, which can be removed when necessary by men standing on a foot- bridge. In floods the needles are all removed and laid on the high-level bridge (not shown in the drawing), the foot-bridge being then submerged. With needles the span between two piers can be greater than would be possible with a gate. Needles can be used up to a length 118 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING of 12 or 14 feet, excluding the handle which projects above the horizontal beam. They can be of pine, about 5 inches deep in the direction of the stream, and 4 inches thick. Where a branch takes off' from a canal in India there are usually no fixed weirs but two sets of piers one in the canal and one in the branch, with openings and gates like those at the canal heads, or else with wider openings and needles. These works are called regu- lators. The gates are worked by travellers or by fixed windlasses or racks and pinions. Very small gates for distributaries are often worked entirely by screw gear- ing. For the smaller branches the gates are replaced by sets of planks or timbers lying one above another and removed by means of hooks. They are replaced by means of the hooks or by being held in position some little height above the water, and dropped. They are finally closed up by ramming. In the case of either planks or needles, leakage can be much reduced by throwing shavings or chopped straw into the water upstream of them. Needles can be provided on their downstream sides with eye-bolts just above the level of the beam against which their upper ends rest. They can then be attached by chains or cords to the beam or to the next pier, and cannot be lost when released. They can be released by a lever which can be inserted under the eye-bolt. By pushing the head of a needle forward and inserting a piece of wood under it, a little water can be let through. In this way, or by removing needles here and there, the discharge can be adjusted with exactness. At a needle weir in an Indian canal all the needles in one opening are reported to have broken simultaneously. A possible explanation is that one needle broke and that WEIRS AND SLUICES 119 the velocity thus set up in the approaching stream caused the others to break. On another occasion when a canal was dry all the needles were blown down. Sometimes the beam or bar against which the upper ends of the needles rest is itself movable. At Ravenna, in Italy, the bar between any two piers has a vertical pivot at one pier and can swing horizontally. Its other end is held by a prolongation of the next bar, near to its pivot. If the end bar of the weir is released, each bar in turn is released automatically. At Teddington on the Thames the oblique weir, 480 feet long, has thirty-five gates, which extend over half the length of the weir. They are worked by travellers which run on a foot-bridge. The openings do not extend down to the river bed, but are placed on the top of a low weir. The other half of the weir is fixed. The gates are raised to let floods pass. At Richmond on the Thames the arrangements are similar, the gates being counterbalanced to admit of easy and rapid raising. When raised they are tilted into a horizontal position so as not to obstruct the view. In Stoney's sluice gates a set of rollers is interposed between the gate and the groove. The rollers are suspended from a chain, one end of which is attached to the top of the gate and the other end to the groove. The rollers thus move up or down at half the rate of the gate, and some of them are always in the proper position for taking the pressure. Escape of water between the gate and the groove is prevented by a rod which is suspended on the upstream side of the gate close to its end, and is pressed by the water against the pier. Stoney's sluice gates, with spans ranging up to 30 feet, have been used on the Manchester Ship Canal 120 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING for the sluices by which the water of the river Weaver is passed across the canal, and at locks for passing the flood waters of the Irwell and Mersey down the canal. The gates are balanced by counterweights. Frame weirs/ used chiefly on rivers in France but also in Belgium and Germany, are a modification of the needle and plank arrangements above described. For the masonry piers there are substituted iron frames or trestles, which are hinged at the floor-level so that, when the timbers have been removed, the frame can be turned over sideways and lie flat on the floor, thus leaving the waterway absolutely clear from side to side of the stream. The foot-bridge which rests on the frames is removed piece by piece. The frames are raised again by means of chains attached to them. In order that the frames may not be too heavy they are spaced 3 to 4 feet apart, or very much nearer than when masonry piers are used. Horizontal planks can thus be used of shorter lengths than the needles, and they can be made up into greater widths so that the leakage is less. A further modification consists in placing the bridge platform above flood-level, and in hinging the frames to it instead of to the floor. The frame turns about a horizontal axis parallel to the length of the weir. A weir of this kind can be used for greater depths of water than the ordinary frame weir. In some cases the horizontal planks are connected together by hinges so that they form a " curtain." The curtain is raised by rolling it up by means of a traveller. It admits of rapid and accurate adjustment of the water- level, but there is considerable scouring action below a curtain when it is somewhat raised. 1 Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vols. Ix. and Ixxxv. WEIRS AND SLUICES 121 6. Falling Shutters. In The"nard's system, first used in France, a shutter (fig. 43) is hinged at its lower edge and is held up by a strut. When the lower end of the strut is pushed aside it slides downstream and the shutter falls flat. To enable the shutter to be raised again an upstream shutter, which ordinarily lies flat and is held down by a bolt, is released, and it is then raised by the current to the extent permitted by a chain attached to it. The downstream shutter is then raised. Thenard's system was not much used in France because the river had to fall to a level somewhat too low for navigation before the shutters could be raised. FIG. 43. The sudden jerk on the chain of the upstream shutter is also liable to do damage. The system has been adopted on some of the long weirs which cross Indian rivers downstream of the heads of irrigation canals. To prevent damage by shock, a hydraulic brake was designed by Fouracres. It consists of a piston which travels along a cylinder and drives water out through small holes. The shutters are placed on the top of the fixed weir, where they usually lie flat, except in the low water season, any adjustments of the river discharge being effected by means of the under-sluices. In the Chanoine system of falling shutters (fig. 44), used first in France, the shutter is hinged at a point rather higher than the centre of pressure. The hinge 122 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING is supported by a vertical trestle, which is hinged at its lower end and is supported by a strut which slides in a groove and rests against a stop. When the water rises to a certain height above the top of the shutter, it is turned by the force of the water into a horizontal position. The struts can then be pushed sideways out of the stops by means of a " tripping bar," which lies along the floor parallel to the line of shutters and is worked from the bank. The struts, trestles, and shutters then fall flat. To close the weir the shutters are first raised into the horizontal position which they FIG. 44. occupied before falling, by means of a hook worked from a boat or by chains attached to a foot-bridge running across the river upstream of the weir. They can then be easily closed by a boat-hook. The water closes them of itself if it falls low enough. When the shutters fall a great rush of water occurs. To obviate this a valve is made in the upper half of the shutter. It consists of a miniature shutter on the same principle as the main shutter. The pivot of the main shutter is made at such a height that the shutter o will not turn over when only a small depth of water flows over it. Instead of this the valve comes into operation. The valve also facilitates the raising of the WEIRS AND SLUICES 123 shutter. Again, instead of the tripping bar, which would sometimes have to be of great length or be liable to damage owing to stones jamming in its teeth, the shutter can be released by pulling the strut upstream so that .it falls into a second groove, down which it slides. When a tripping bar is used, its teeth can be so arranged that the shutters are released a few at a time, first singly, then in twos and threes. Sometimes there are gaps of a few inches between one shutter and the next, and the gaps can be closed by needles if necessary. Chanoine shutters can be very rapidly lowered, and FIG. 45. they are used in France and in the U.S.A. in places where sudden floods occur. They are also used for navigation " passes " where most of the heavy traffic is downstream and where it is too heavy to be dealt with in a lock. A foot-bridge across the stream or across the navigation pass is always an assistance, but some- times it cannot be used when there is much floating rubbish or ice. With a foot-bridge the cost is greater than that of a needle weir. 1 In the Bear Trap weir (fig. 45) the upstream shutter rests against the downstream one. Both are raised by admitting water from the upper reach, by means of a culvert, through an opening in the side wall, and they are made to fall by placing this opening in communica- 1 Rivers and Canals, Harcourt. 124 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING tion with the downstream instead of the upstream reach. This kind of shutter is only suitable for passes of moderate width, and it is rather expensive on account of the culverts. 1 Shutters with fixed supports are used on the Irwell and Mersey. A fixed frame is built across the stream (fig. 46) and the shutters are hinged to it. When the water rises to a certain height above its top, the shutter turns into a horizontal position, but as this causes a severe rush of water the shutter is usually raised by a chain attached to its lower end and worked from the bank. When in a horizontal position, it is held there by a ratchet. When the stream falls the ratchet is released and the shutter is closed by the stream. This kind of shutter cannot be used where there is navigation. On the weir 4000 feet long across the river Chenab at Khanki in the Punjab, the falling shutters, 6 feet high and 3 feet wide, are hinged at the base and held up by a tie-rod on the upstream side. The trigger which releases the rod is actuated by means of a wire rope carrying a steel ball, and worked by a winch from the abutment of the weir or from one of the piers, which are 500 feet apart. A winch is fixed on the top of each pier, and communication with the piers is effected by means of a cradle slung from a steel wire rope, which rests on standards and runs across the weir. The wire rope which carries the steel ball passes over a series of forks, one on each shutter. When one trigger has been released, that shutter falls and the ball hangs loose. A further haul on the rope causes it to actuate the trigger of the next shutter, and so on. If it is desired to drop only some of the shutters, the rope is 1 Rivers and Canals, Harcourt. WEIRS AND SLUICES 125 passed over the forks of those shutters only. The FIG. 46. shutters can be raised by means of a crane which runs 126 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING along the weir on rails downstream of the shutters or, if the water is too high to allow of this, by a crane in the stern of a boat which is moored upstream of the weir and allowed to drop down. 7. Adjustable Weirs. Drum weirs, invented by Desfontaines, have been used in France and Germany. Two paddles (fig. 47) are fixed on a horizontal axis and can turn through about 90, the lower paddle, which should be slightly the larger, working in a " drum," which is roofed over and can, by means of sluices, be FIG. 47. placed in communication with either the upper or lower reach of the stream. According as the upper paddle is to be raised or lowered, water is admitted from the upper reach above or below the lower paddle, the water on its other side being at the same time placed in com- munication with the lower reach. On the weirs first made on the Marne, the height of the upper paddle was 3 feet 7J inches, and there were, in a weir, a number of pairs of paddles, each being 4 feet 1 1 inches wide. By having sluices at both abutments communicating with both reaches, and by opening or closing each of them more or less, the various paddles can be made to take up different positions, and thus perfect control over the WEIRS AND SLUICES 127 discharge is obtained by simply turning a handle to control a sluice gate. A weir has since been made with a single pair of paddles extending right across the opening (33 feet), and the height of the upper paddle is over 9 feet. 1 The chief objection to drum weirs is the necessity for the hollow or drum, which renders the work very expensive, except when only a small depth of water is held up. The old sluice gates of the Nile barrages were made FIG. 48. segmental (fig. 48), turned on pivots in the piers, and were raised by chains. In some factories in Bavaria and Switzerland there are self-acting shutters which revolve on a horizontal axis at the lower edge, and are counterbalanced by cylindrical weights which roll on ways in the side wall. This arrangement is suitable when there is only one span, which can, however, be as great as 30 feet. An adjust- able weir used at Schweinfurt on the Maine, consists of a hollow iron cylinder, 59 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, running across the stream. The cylinder is pear-shaped in cross-sections, and can be made, by means of mechanism, to revolve, the water passing over it. Another kind used at Mulhausen on the Rhine 1 Rivers and Canals, Harcourt. 128 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING consists of a hollow iron cylinder 85 feet long and 9*8 feet in diameter. The whole cylinder can be raised by winches (Min. Proc. lust. C.E., vols. cliii. and clvi.). 8. Remarks on Sluices. In all kinds of sluice openings or regulators, the principles of design as regards protection of the bed and sides, splaying and curving of walls and piers, thickness of floor, and prevention of the formation of streams under the structure are the same as laid down for weirs. In order that a pier may be safe from being over- turned by the pressure of the water when the gates or timbers are down, the resultant of its weight, including that of anything resting on it, and of the water pressure on it, must pass through the middle third of its length. This generally occurs when there is an arched roadway. Otherwise it must be arranged for by prolonging the base of the piers downstream, and giving the down- stream side a batter or steps. The floor should usually be placed at a level some- what lower than the mean bed-level of the stream. The bed may possibly be lowered in course of time. Lowering the floor also gives a greater thickness of water cushion to take the shock of water falling over the gates or planks. It is convenient to build, on the floor, a low wall or sill, reaching up to the level of the bed or thereabouts, and running across from pier to pier under the line of gates or needles. The height of the gates or needles can thus be reduced, and there is little chance of silt or stones collecting and interfering with them. In the case of needles the wall must be strong enough to resist their horizontal pressure. If ever the bed is lowered, the wall can easily be cut down or removed. WEIRS AND SLUICES 129 Sluices with gates are, of course, used in connection with works other than weirs or regulators, as, for instance, in reservoirs or locks, or generally for com- munication between any two bodies of water. The gate may or may not be wholly submerged. If it is not wholly submerged, planks can be used. Needles can be used if the flow is always in one direction and never in the reverse direction. In all cases protection downstream of the opening is required. In designing a set of sluice openings or regulators, it is sometimes the custom to make the total area of water- way the same as that of the stream in its unobstructed condition. There is no particular reason why it should be the same. In a description of the Assiut Barrage (Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. clviii., p. 30), it is mentioned that one of the reasons for placing the floor lower than the river bed was that the width of the waterway of the barrage was less than that of the river. The bed has to be heavily protected in any case, and the proper principle is to fix a velocity which is considered to be safe and, the maximum discharge being known, to determine the area of the waterway accordingly. In the case of a very wide river like the Nile, with a well- defined channel, it is inconvenient to make the distance between the abutments of a work much less than the width of the channel, but so far as velocity is concerned, the floor need not usually be lower than the bed. The protection given to the channel on the upstream side of the barrage (fig. 41) seems to be rather greater than necessary. The thickness of the floor (9 feet 10 inches) seems excessive. The thickness originally proposed was much less. Of the many kinds of apparatus described in this K 130 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING chapter each possesses some advantages and disadvan- tages. Gates require a bridge with powerful lifting apparatus, and are suitable for large bodies of water and great depths. Comparing needles with planks, the former can be worked by one man and admit of rapid removal, and require far fewer piers. Planks require two men, and are sometimes liable to jam, but obstruct floating rubbish less than needles, and in shallow water give rise to less leakage. Whether needles or planks are used, masonry piers are most suitable where sand or gravel are liable to accumulate on the floor, or where there is much floating rubbish. The hinged frames are suitable in other cases. Falling shutters of the Chanoine type admit of very rapid lowering, and can be used without a foot-bridge. The drum weir is perfect in action, but its cost is high. At any system of sluices the regulation should be so arranged as to minimise the chances of damage to the bed and banks where this is at all likely to occur. If the gates are opened only near one side of the structure, there will be a rush of water on that side, and serious damage may occur. The opening should be done symmetrically and, as far as possible, distributed along the whole length. Until experience has shown it to be unnecessary, soundings should be taken at regular periods of time downstream of every important work where scour can occur. When scour is found to have occurred at any particular part of the work, the rush of water at such places should, as far as possible, be prevented, and a chance given for silting to occur. Unless experience shows that damage is not likely to occur, a stock of concrete blocks, sandbags, or other WEIRS AND SLUICES 131 suitable materials should be kept on the spot ready for use. Life-buoys should be provided on any work where large volumes of water are dealt with, especially if it is unfenced in any part, or if any of the men employed are casual workers. Kegarding works for preventing a river from shifting its course so as to damage or destroy a weir or similar work, see CHAP. XL, Art. 3. K2 CHAPTER XI BRIDGES AND SYPHONS 1. Bridges. Bridges are of many kinds. In this book only those parts of them are considered which are exposed to the stream. If a bridge has piers, there must be some disturbance of the water. The disturbance will be least when the area of the waterway of the bridge is at least as great as that of the stream, and when its shape is as nearly as possible the same. For small streams, a single span clearing the whole stream may be adopted, especially when the channel is of soft material, but for a large stream the cost of intermediate piers, even with a certain amount of protection for them or with deep foundations, will be more than counterbalanced by the smaller thickness of arch or depth of girder. Generally a bridge has vertical abutments which limit the waterway, but it may have land-spans, and in this o proportional to the depth of water. The upper part of the figure shows the water impounded (available fall multiplied by area of catchment) in full lines, and the consumption in a dotted line. The distance between the two lines in any month is the same as the rise or fall of the reservoir in that month. There is supposed to be no overflow, and the total consumption of water in the year is equal to the quantity impounded in the year, so that the levels of the reservoir water surface on 1st January and 31st December, as shown by the horizontal lines A, B at the left and right of the figure, are the same. Deacon, who has investigated the subject, has EESERVOIRS AND DAMS 169 found (Ency. Brit., Tenth Edition, vol. 33, "Water Supply ") that, in order to satisfy the above conditions, the capacity of the reservoir must be 30 per cent, of the water impounded during the year, or about 110 days' consumption. On 1st January the reservoir must be about two-thirds full. At the end of February it is ready to overflow. At the end of August it is just becoming dry. The daily consumption is supposed to be steady throughout the year. As an instance, suppose the catchment area to be 1000 acres, the mean annual fall 60 inches, with a loss from evaporation and absorption of 14 inches. The available rainfall of the year is (see last column of table below) 23 '8 inches, or T983 feet. The water impounded and consumed during the year is 1000 x 43,560 x 1-983 x 6-25 = 539,962,000 gallons. The reservoir capacity must be T %ths of this, or 161,988,600 gallons. This is represented by the height C E. If the mean available rainfall in January and February is 6 '3 inches, or '525 feet, the water impounded during those months is 1000 x 43,560 x '525 x 6-25 = 143,931,000 gallons, and 539,962,000 the consumption is - fi - = 89,993,667 gallons. The difference, 53,937,333 gallons, represents the addition A C, to the reservoir. Similarly, the light summer rainfall causes the depletion A E, and the heavy rainfall in the last four months of the year the addition E B. If the height of the reservoir above A B were less than A C, there would be overflow at the end of February ; and if the depth below A B were less than A E, the reservoir would go dry before the drought ended. If the capacity of the reservoir were increased either at the top or bottom, the cost would be increased and nothing would 170 RIVER AND CANAL ENGINEERING \ be gained. It is not meant that the highest and lowest O o levels of any reservoir designed as above would always, in the driest year, exactly correspond with the points of overflow and going dry, but they would do so nearly. Deacon states that such a reservoir would fail only once in fifty years, and then only for a short time. The reservoir considered above does not, as already remarked, fully utilise the yield of the catchment area. In a wetter year there would be overflow and the yield from the reservoir would not be much increased. In order to equalise the flow of the two driest years the capacity of the reservoir must be increased, its yield being also increased, and so on for larger groups of years. By collecting information for large numbers of places in the British Isles, Deacon has prepared diagrams and tables which show the capacities and yields of reservoirs. The following table gives .the figures for the case where the rainfall is 60 inches and the loss by evaporation and absorption 14 inches : ^ ^ e 3 .j -* > crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. (New York, 1911.) i is. net. High Masonry Dams. By E. S. Gould. 2nd. edit. With illus., 88 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1905.) 2s. net. Railway Tunnelling in Heavy Ground. By C. Gripper. 3 plates, 66 pp., royal Svo. (1879.) js. 6d. Levelling and its General Application. By T. Hollo way. Third edition in preparation. Waterways and Water Transport. By J. S. Jeans. 55 illus., 520 pp., Svo. (1890.) 95. net. Table of Barometrical Heights to 20,000 Feet. By Lieut.-Col. W. H. Mackesy. i plate, 24 pp., royal 321110. (1882.) 35. Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise. By E. Matheson. Third edition, illustrated, 916 pp., medium Svo, buckram. (1898.) i 4 s. A Treatise on Surveying. By R. E. Middleton and O. Chad wick. Third edition, royal 8vo. (1911.) Part I. ii plates, 162 illus., 285 pp. los. 6d. II. 152 illus. and 2 plates, 340 pp. IDS. 6d. * 10 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. A Pocket Book of Useful Formulae and Memoranda, for Civil end Mechanical Engineers. By Sir G. L. Molesworth and H. B. Molesworth. With an Electrical Supplement by W. H. Molesworth. Twenty-seventh edition, 800 illus., viii + 936 pp., oblong 321110, leather. (1913.) 5s.net. The Pocket Books of Sir G. L. Molesworth and J. T. Hurst, printed on India paper and bound in one vol. Royal 32mo, russia, gilt edges. los. 6d. net. Metallic Structures : Corrosion and Fouling and their Prevention. By J. Newman. 38 Illus., xii + 374 pp., crown 8vo. (1896.) gs. Scamping Tricks and Odd Knowledge occasionally prac- tised upon Public Works. By J. Newman. New imp., 129 pp., crown 8vo. (1908.) 2s. net. Compensation Discharge in the Rivers and Streams of the West Riding (Yorkshire, England). By M. M. Pater - son. 55 pp., 8vo. (1896.) 2s. net. Co-ordinate Geometry applied to Land Surveying. By W. Pilkington. 5 illus., 44 pp., i2mo. (1909.) is. 6d. net. Pioneering. By F. Shelford. 14 Illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. (1909.) 35. net. Topographical Surveying. By G. J. Specht. Second edition, 2 plates and 28 illus., 210 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1898.) 2s. net. Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Mili- tary and Naval. 10,000 illus., 4,300 pp., super royal 8vo. (1874, Supplement issued in 1881.) Complete, in 4 vols. 3 35. net. Surveying and Levelling Instruments. By W. F. Stanley. Fourth edition in preparation. Surveyor's Handbook. By T. U. Taylor. 116 illus., 310 pp., crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. (New York, 1908.) 8s. 6d. net. Logarithmic Land Measurement. By J. Wallace. 32 pp., royal 8vo. (1910.) 55. net. The Drainage of Fens and Low Lands by Gravitation and Steam Power. By W. H. Wheeler. 8 plates, 175 pp., 8 vo. (1888;) i2s. 6d. Stadia Surveying, the theory of Stadia Measurements. By A. Winslow. Fifth edition, 148 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York 1902.) 2s. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 11 Handbook on Tacheometrical Surveying. By G. Xydis. 55 illus., 3 plates, 63 pp., 8vo. (1909.) 6s. net. CURVE TABLES Grace's Tables for Curves, with hints to young engineers. 8 figures, 43 pp., oblong 8vo. (1908.) 55. net'. Data relating to Railway Curves and Super -elevations, shown graph icalty. By J. H. Haiste. On folding card for pocket use. 6d. net. Tables for setting -out Railway Curves. By C. P. Hogg. A series of cards in neat cloth case. 45. 6d. Tables for setting out Curves for Railways, Roads, Canals, etc. By A. Kennedy and R. W. Hackwood. 32mo, 2S. net. Spiral Tables. By J. G. Sullivan. 47 pp., i2mo, leather. (New York, 1908.) 6s. 6d. net. Tables for Setting out Curves from 101 to 5,000 feet radius. By H. A. Cutler and F. J. Edge. Royal 32mb. 2s. net. Tables of Parabolic Curves for the use of Railway Engineers, and others. By G. T. Allen. Fcap i6mo. 45. Transition Curves. By W. G. Fox. Second edition, 80 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York.) 25. net. DICTIONARIES Technological Dictionary in the English, Spanish, German and French Languages. By D. Carlos Huelin Y Arssu. Crown 8vo. Vol. I. ENGLISH-SPANISH-GERMAN-FRENCH. 609 pp. (1906.) IQS. 6d. net. Vol. II. GERMAN-ENGLISH-FRENCH-SPANISH. 720 pp. (1908.) IDS. 6d. net. Vol. III. FRENCH-GERMAN-SPANISH-ENGLISH. In pre- paration. Vol. IV. SPANISH-FRENCH-ENGLISH-GERMAN. 750 pp. (1910.) los. 6d. net. Dictionary of English and Spanish Technical and Com- mercial Terms. By W. Jackson. 164 pp., fcap 8vo. (1911.) 2s. 6d. net. English -French and French -English Dictionary of the Motor -Car, Cycle and Boat. By F. Lucas. 171 pp., crown 8vo. (1905.) 2s. net. 12 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Spanish-English Dictionary of Mining Terms. By F. Lucas. 78 pp., 8vo. (1905.) 5s. net. English -Russian and Russian -English Engineering Dic- tionary. By L. Meycliar. IGO pp., i6mo. (1909.) 2s. 6d. net. DOMESTIC ECONOMY Food Adulteration and its Detection. By J. P. Batter shall. 12 plates, 328 pp., demy 8vo. (New York, 1887.) 155. Practical Hints on Taking a House. By H. P. Boulnois. 71 pp., i8mo. (1885.) is. 6d. The Cooking Range, its Failings and Remedies, By F. Dye. 52 pp., fcap. Svo, sewed. (1888.) 6d. Spices and How to Know Them. By W. M. Gibbs. With 47 plates, including 14 in colours, 179 pp., Svo. (New York, 1909.) 155. net. The Kitchen Boiler and Water Pipes. By H. Grimshaw. Svo, sewed. (1887.) is. net. Cookery and Domestic Management, including economic and middle class Practical Cookery. By K. Mellish. 56 coloured plates and 441 illus., 987 pp., super royal Svo. (1901.) i6s. net. Spons' Household Manual. 250 illus., 1,043 PP-> demy 8vo. (1902.) 75. 6d. Ditto ditto half-bound French morocco. 95. DRAWING The Ornamental Penman's, Engraver's and Sign Writer's Pocket Book of Alphabets. By B. Alexander. New Impression. Oblong I2mo, sewed. 6d. net. Slide Valve Diagrams : a French Method for their Construc- tion. By- L. Bankson. iSrno, boards. (New York, 1892.) 2s. net. A System of Easy Lettering. By J.H. Cromwell. Twelfth edition, 39 plates, oblong Svo. (New York, 1912.) 2S. 6d. net. Key to the Theory and Methods of Linear Perspective. By C. W. Dymond, F.S.A. 6 plates, 32 pp., crown Svo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 20.) (1910. ) is. 6d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 13 Plane Geometrical Drawing. By R. C. Fawdry. Illus- trated, 185 pp., crown 8vo. (1901.) 35. net. Twelve Plates on Projection Drawing. By O. Gueth. Oblong 4to. (New York, 1903.) 35. net. Hints on Architectural Draughtsmanship. By G. W. T. Hallatt. Fourth ed., 80 pp., i8mo. (1906.) is.6d.net. A First Course of Mechanical Drawing (Tracing). By G. Halliday. Oblong 410, sewed. 2s. A Text-Book of Graphic Statics. By G. W. Malcolm. 155 illus., 316 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 12s. 6d. net. Drawings for Medium-sized Repetition Work. By R. D. Spinney. 47 illus., 130 pp., 8vo. (1909.) 35. 6d. net. Mathematical Drawing Instruments. By W. F. Stanley. Seventh ed., 265 illus., 370 pp., cr. 8vo. (1900.) 55. EARTHWORK Tables for Computing the Contents of Earthwork in the Cuttings and Embankments of Railways. By W. Mac- gregor. i plate, 59 pp., royal 8vo. 6s. Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Earthworks. By D. Cunningham. 120 pp., royal 8vo. IDS. 6d. Grace's Earthwork Tables. 36 double-page tables, 4to. I2s. 6d. net. Earthwork Slips and Subsidences on Public Works. By J. Newman. 240 pp., crown 8 vo. (1890.) 75. 6d. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Edited by P. F. Rowell, Secretary. Issued in quarto parts. The number of parts will be from 12 to 1 6 annually. Annual Subscription, 465. post free, payable in advance. Single copies, 35. gd. post free. Practical Electric Bell Fitting. By F. C. Allsop. Tenth edition, 186 illus., including 8 folding plates, 185 pp., cr. 8vo. (1914.) 2s. 6d. net. 14 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Telephones : their Construction and Fitting. By F. C. All- sop. Eighth edition, new imp., 184 illus., 222 pp., cr. 8vo. (1914.) 2s. 6d. net. Electric Bell Construction. By F. C. Allsop. New imp., 177 illus., xii -|- 131 pp., cr. 8vo. (1914.) 2s. 6d. net. Induction Coils and Coil Making. By F. C. Allsop. Second edition, new imp., 125 illus., xii-fi72 pp., cr. 8vo. (1914.) 2s. 6d. net. Auto -Transformer Design. By A. H. A very. 25 illus., 60 pp., 8vo. (1909.) 35. 6d. net. Principles of Electric Power (Continuous Current) for Mechani- cal Engineers. By A. H. Bate. 63 illus., 204 pp., crown 8vo. (1905.) (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) 45. 6d. net. Practical Construction of Electric Tramways. By W. R. Bowker. 93 illus., 119 pp., 8vo. (1903.) 6s. net. Dynamo Lighting for Motor Cars. By M. A. Codd. Second edition, 140 illus., vi + 107 pp., 8vo. (19H.) 2s. 6d. net. Design and Construction of Induction Coils. By A. F. Collins. 155 illus., 272 pp., demy 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 125. 6d. net. Plans and Specification for Wireless Telegraph Sets. By A. F. Collins. Crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, Nos. 41 and 42). (New York, 1912.) is. 6d. each net. PART I. An Experimental Set and a One to Five Miles Set. 37 illus., viii + 45 pp. PART II. A Five to Ten Mile Set and a Ten to Twenty Mile Set. 63 illus., viii + 72 pp. Switchboard Measuring Instruments for Continuous and Polyphase Currents. By J. G. Connan. 117 illus., 150 pp., 8vo. (1908.) 5s. net. Electric Cables, their Construction and Cost. By D. Coyle and F. J. O. Howe. With many diagrams and 216 tables, 466 pp., crown 8vo, leather. (1909.) 155. net. Management of Electrical Machinery. By F. B. Crocker and S. S. Wheeler. Eighth edition, 131 illus., 223 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 45. 6d. net. Electric Lighting : A Practical Exposition of the Art. By F. B. Crocker. Royal 8vo. (New York.) Vol. I. The Generating Plant. Sixth edition, 213 illus., 470 pp. (1904.) I2s. 6d. net. VoL II. Out of Print. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 15 The Care and Management of Ignition Accumulators. By H. H. U. Cross. 12 illus., 74 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 19.) (1910.) is. 6d. net. Elements of Telephony. By A. Crotch. 51 illus., 90 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 21.) (1911.) is. 6d. net. Elementary Telegraphy and Telephony. By Arthur Crotch. New impression, 238 illus., viii + 223 pp., 8vo. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) (1912.) 45. 6d. net. Electricity and Magnetism in Telephone Maintenance. By G. W. Cummings. 45 illus., 137 pp., 8vo. New York, 1908.) 6s. 6d. net. Grouping of Electric Cells. By W. F. Dunton. 4 illus., 50 pp., fcap. 8vo. (1906.) is. 6d. net. Wireless Telegraphy for Intending Operators. By C. K. P. Eden. 16 illus., 80 pp., cr. 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 24.) (1913.) is. 6d. net. Magnets and Electric Currents. By Prof. J. A. Fleming. Second edition, 136 illus., 417 pp., crown 8vo. (1902.) 55. net. Notes on Design of Small Dynamo. By George Halliday. Second edition, 8 plates, 8vo. (1895.) 2s. 6d. Practical Alternating Currents and Power Transmission. By N. Harrison. 172 illus., 375 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1906.) los. 6d. net. Making Wireless Outfits. By N. Harrison. 27 illus., 61 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. n.) (New York, 1909.) is. 6d. net. Wireless Telephone Construction. By N. Harrison. 43 illus., 73 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 12.) (New York, 1909.) is. 6d. net. Testing Telegraph Cables. By Colonel V. Hoskirer. Third edition, n illus., viii + 75 pp., crown 8vo. (1889.) 45. 6d. Long Distance Electric Power Transmission. By R. W. Hutchinson. 136 illus., 345 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1907.) i2s. 6d. net. Theory and Practice of Electric Wiring. By W. S. Ibbetson. 119 illus., 366 pp., crown 8vo. (1909.) 55. net. Practical Electrical Engineering for Elementary Students. By W. S. Ibbetson. 61 illus., 155 pp., crown 8vo. (1910.) 35. 6d. net. 16 E^ & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Form of Model General Conditions recommended by The Institution of Electrical Engineers for use in connection with Electrical Contracts. -New edition in preparation. Telegraphy for Beginners. By W. H. Jones. 19 illus., 58 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1910.) 2s. net. A Handbook of Electrical Testing. By H. R. Kempe. Seventh ed., 285 illus., 706 pp., 8vo. (1908.) i8s. net. Electromagnets, their Design and Construction. By A. N. Mansfield. 36 illus., 155 pp., i8mo, boards. (New Y<>>'k, 1901.) 2S. net. Telephone Construction, Methods and Cost. By C. Mayer. With Appendices on the cost of materials and labour by J. C. Slippy. 103 illus., 284 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1908.) I2s. 6d. net. Practical Electrics : a Universal Hanclybook on Every Day Electrical Matters. Seventh edition, 126 illus., 135 pp., 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 13.) (New York, 1902.) is. 6d. net. Wiring Houses for the Electric Light. By N. H. Schneider. 40 illus., 85 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 25.) -(New York, 1911.) is. 6d. net. Induction Coils. By N. H. Schneider. Second edition, 79 illus., 285 pp., crown Svo. (New York, 1901.) 45. 6d. net. How to Install Electric Bells, Annunciators and Alarms. By N. H. Schneider. 59 illus., 63 pp., crown Svo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 2.) (New York, 1905.) is. 6d. net. Modern Primary Batteries, their construction, use and main- tenance. By N. H. Schneider. 54 illus., 94 pp., crown Svo. (S. &C. SERIES, No. i.) (New York, 1905.) is. 6d. net. Practical Engineers' Handbook on the Care and Manage- ment of Electric Power Plants. By N. H. Schneider. 203 illus., 274 pp., crown Svo. (New York, 1906.) 55. net. Electrical Circuits and Diagrams, illustrated and explained By N. H. Schneider. Svo. (S. & C. SERIES, Nos. 3 and 4.) (New York.) No. 3, Part I. Second edition. 217 illus., 72 pp. (New York, 1914.) is. M. net. No. 4, Part 2. 73 pp. (1909.) is. 6d, net, SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 17 Electrical Instruments and Testing. By N. H. Schneider and J. Hargrave. Fourth edition, 133 illus., xxiv 4- 256 pp., cr. 8vo. (New York, 1913.) 45. 6d. net. Experimenting with Induction Coils. By N. H. Schneider. 26 illus., 73 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 5.) (New York, 1906.) is. 6d. net. Study of Electricity for Beginners. By N. H. Schneider. 54 illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 6.) (New York, 1905.) is. 6d. net. Wiring Houses for the Electric Light : Low Voltage Battery Systems. 44 illus., 86 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 25.) (New York, 1911.) is. 6d. net. Low Voltage Electric Lighting with the Storage Battery. By N. H. Schneider. 23 illus., 85 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 26.) (New York, 1911.) is. 6d. net. Dry Batteries : how to Make and Use them. By a Dry Battery Expert. With additional notes by N. H. Schneider. 30 illus., 59 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 7.) (New York, 1905.) is. 6d. net. The Diseases of Electrical Machinery. By E. Schulz. Edited, with a Preface, by Prof. S. P. Thompson. 42 illus., 84 pp., cr. 8vo. (1904.) 2s. net. Electricity Simplified. By T. O. Sloane. Thirteenth edition, 29 illus., 158 pp., crown Svo. (New York, 1901.) 45. 6d. net. How to become a Successful Electrician. By T. O. Sloane. Fifteenth edition, 4 illus., 202 pp., crown Svo. (New York, 1906.) 45. 6d. net. Electricity : its Theory, Sources and Applications. By J. T. Sprague. Third edition, 109 illus., 658 pp., crown Svo. (1892.) ys. 6d. net. Telegraphic Connections. By C. Thorn and W. H. Jones. 20 plates, 59 pp., oblong Svo. (New York, 1892.) 35. 6d. net. Dynamo Electric Machinery. By Prof. S. P. Thompson. Seventh edition, demy Svo. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL. ) Vol. I. CONTINUOUS-CURRENT MACHINERY. With 4 coloured and 30 folding plates, 573 illus., 984 pp. (1904.) i los. net. Vol. II. ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINERY. 15 coloured and 24 folding plates, 546 illus., 900 pp. (1905.) i los. net. * * 18 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Design of Dynamos (Continuous Currents). By Prof. S. P. Thompson. 4 coloured and 8 folding plates, 243 pp., demy 8vo. (1903.) i2s. net. Schedule for Dynamo Design, issued with the above. 6d. each, 45. per doz., or i8s. per 100, net. Curves of Magnetic Data for Various Materials. A reprint on transparent paper for office use of Plate I from Dynamo Electric Machinery, and measuring 25 in. by 16 in. jd. net. Electrical Tables and Memoranda. By Prof. S. P. Thompson. Second ed., 15 illus. viii. + 136 pp., oblong 64mo (waistcoat-pocket size), leather. (1913.) is. net. Do., do., in celluloid case, is. 6d. net. The Electromagnet. By G. R. Underbill. 67 illus., 159 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1903.) 6s. 6d. net. Practical Guide to the Testing of Insulated Wires and Cables. By H. L. Webb. Fifth edition, 38 illus., 118 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1902.) 45. 6d. net. Wir|ng Rules. With Extracts from the Board of Trade Regu- lations and the Home Office Regulations for Factories and Workshops. Issued by The Institution of Electrical Engineers. Sixth edition, 42 pp., 8vo, sewed. (1911.) 6d. net; FOREIGN EXCHANGE English Prices with Russian Equivalents (at Fourteen Rates of Exchange). English prices per lb., with equiva- lents in roubles and kopecks per pood. By A. Adiasse- wich. 182 pp., fcap. 32mo. is. net. English Prices with German Equivalents (at Seven Rates of Exchange). English Prices per lb., with equivalents in marks per kilogramme. By St. Koczorowski. 95 pp., fcap. 32mo. is, net. English Prices with Spanish Equivalents. At Seven Rates of Exchange. English prices per lb., with equivalents in pesetas per kilogramme. By S. Lambert 95 pp., 321110. is. net. English Prices with French Equivalents (at Seven Rates of Exchange). English prices per lb. to francs per kilo- gramme. By H. P. McCartney. 97 pp., 32mo. is. net. Principles of Foreign Exchange. By E. Matheson. Fourth edition, 54 pp., 8vo, sewed. (1905.) $d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 19 GAS AND OIL ENGINES The Theory of the Gas Engine. By D. Clerk. Edited by F. E. Idell. Third edition, 19 illus., 180 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1903.) 2s. net. Electrical Ignition for Internal Combustion Engines. By M. A. Codd. 109 illus., 163 pp., crown 8vo. (1911.) 35. net. The Design and Construction of Oil Engines. By A. H. Goldingham . Third edition, 112 illus. , 260 pp. , crown 8vo. (New York, 1910.) los. 6d. net. Gas Engine in Principle and Practice. By A. H. Golding- ham. New impression, 107 illus., 195 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1912.) 6s. 6d. net. Practical Handbook on the Care and Management of Gas Engines. By G. Lieckfeld. Third edition, square i6mo. (New York, 1896.) 35. 6d. Elements of Gas Engine Design. By S. A. Moss. 197 pp., 4 i8mo, boards. (New York, 1907.) 2s. net. Gas and Petroleum Engines. A Manual for Students and Engineers. By Prof. W.Robinson. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) Third edition in preparation. GAS LIGHTING Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers. Edited by Walter T. Dunn, Secretary. Published annually. 8vo. los. 6d. net. Gas Analyst's Manual. By J. Abady. 102 illus., 576 pp., demy 8vo. ( 1902. ) iSs. net. Gas Works : their Arrangement, Construction, Plant and Machinery. By F. Colyer. 31 folding plates, 134 pp., Svo. (1884.) 8s. 6d. net. Lighting by Acetylene. By F. Dye. 75 illus., 200 pp., crown Svo. (1902.) 6s. net. A Comparison of the English and French Methods of Ascertaining the Illuminating Power of Coal Gas. By A. J. Van Eijndhoven. Illustrated, crown 8vo. (1897.) 45. Gas Lighting and Gas Fitting. By W. P. Gerhard. Third edition, 190 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1904.) 2s. net. A Treatise on the Comparative Commercial Values of Gas Coals and Cannels. By D. A. Graham. 3 plates, 100 pp., 8vo. (1882.) 45. 6d. 20 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. The Gas Engineer's Laboratory Handbook. By J. Horn- by. Third edition, revised, 70 illus., 330 pp., crown 8vo. (1911.) 6s. net. Electric Gas Lighting. By N. H. Schneider. 57 illus., 101 pp., crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 8.) (New York, 1901.) is. 6d. net. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL Extracts from the Private Letters of the late Sir William Fothergill Cooke, 1836-9, relating to the Invention and Development of the Electric Telegraph ; also a Memoir by Latimer Clark. Edited by F. H. Webb, Sec.Inst.E.E. 8vo. (1895.) 3s. A Chronology of Inland Navigation in Great Britain. By H. R. De Salis. Crown 8vo. (1897.) 43. 6d. A History of Electric Telegraphy to the year 1837. By J. J. Fahie. 35 illus., 542 pp., crown 8vo. (1889.) 2s. net. Life as an Engineer : its Lights, Shades, and Prospects. By J. W. C. Haldane. New edition, 23 plates, 390 pp., crown 8vo. (1910.) 55. net. A Cornish Giant. RichardTrevethick,. the father of the Loco- motive Engine. By E. K. Harper. 12 illus., including 2 plates, 60 pp., 8vo, sewed. (1913.) is. net. Philipp Reis, Inventor of the Telephone : a Biographical Sketch. By Prof. S. P. Thompson. 8vo, cloth. (1883.) 75. 6d. The Development of the Mercurial Air Pump. By Prof. S. P. Thompson. 43 illus., 37 pp., royal 8vo, sewed. (1888.) is. 6d. HOROLOGY Watch and Clock Maker's Handbook, Dictionary and Guide. By F. J. Britten. Tenth edition, 450" illus., 492 pp., crown 8vo. (1902.) 55. net. The Springing and Adjusting of Watches. By F. J. Brit- ten. 75 illus., 152 pp., crown 8vo. (1898.) 35. net. Prize Essay on the Balance Spring and its Isochronal Adjust- ments. By M. Immisch. 7 illus., 50 pp., crown 8vo. (1872.) 2s. 6d. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 21 HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY (See also Irrigation and Water Supply.) The Suction Caused by Ships explained in popular language. By E. S. Bellasis. 2 plates, 26 pp., 8vo, sewed. (1912.) is. net. Hydraulics with Working Tables. By E. S. Bellasis. Second edition, 160 illus., xii + 3ii pp., 8vo. (1911.) I2S. net. Pumps : Historically, Theoretically and Practically Considered. By P. R. Bjorling. Second edition, 156 illus., 234 pp., crown Svo. (1895.) js. 6d. Pump Details. By P. R. Bjorling. 278 illus., 211 pp., crown Svo. (1892.) 75. 6d. Pumps and Pump Motors : A Manual for the use of Hydraulic Engineers. By P. R. Bjorling. Two vols., 261 plates, 369 pp., royal 4to. (1895.) i los. net. Practical Handbook on Pump Construction. By P. R. Bjorling. Second ed., new imp., 9 plates, viii +86 pp., cr. Svo. (1912.) 35. 6d. net. Water or Hydraulic Motors. By P. R. Bjorling. 206 illus., 287 pp., crown Svo. (1903.) gs. Hydraulic Machinery, with an Introduction to Hydraulics. By R. G. Blaine. Third edition, 307 illus., 468 pp., Svo. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) (1913.) los. 6d. net. Practical Hydraulics. By T. Box. Fifteenth edition, 8 plates, 88 pp., crown. Svo. (1909.) 55. net. Pumping and Water Power. By F. A. Bradley. 51 illus., vii + 118 pp., demy Svo. (1912.) 45. 6d. net. Hydraulic, Steam, and Hand Power Lifting and Pressing Machinery. By F. Colyer. Second edition, 88 plates, 211 pp., imperial Svo. (1892.) IDS. 6d. net. Pumps and Pumping Machinery. By F. Colyer. Vol. I. Second edition, 53 plates, 212 pp., Svo. (1892.) IQS. 6d. net. Vol. II. Second edition, 48 plates, 169 pp., Svo. (1900.) IQS. 6d. net. Construction of Horizontal and Vertical Water-wheels. ByW.Cullen. Second edition, 12 plates, 4to. (1871.) 55. 22 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Donaldson's Poncelet Turbine and Water Pressure Engine and Pump. By W. Donaldson. 2 plates, viii -f 32 pp., demy 4to. (1883.) 5s. Principles of Construction and Efficiency of Water-wheels. By W. Donaldson. 13 illus., 94 pp., 8vo. (1876.) 55. Practical Hydrostatics and Hydrostatic Formulae. By E. S. Gould. 27 illus., 114 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1903.) 2s. net. Hydraulic and Other Tables for purposes of Sewerage and Water Supply. By T. Hennell. Third edition, 70 pp., crown 8vo. (1908.) 45. 6d. net. Tables for Calculating the Discharge of Water in Pipes for Water and Power Supplies. Indexed at side for ready refer- ence. By A. E. Silk. 63 pp., crown 8vo. (1899.) 55. Simple Hydraulic Formulae. By T. W. Stone. 9 plates, 98 pp., crown 8vo. (1881.) 45. A B G of Hydrodynamics. By Lieut.-Col. R. de Villamil. 48 illus., xi + 135 pp., demy 8vo. (1912.) 6s. net. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY AND MANUFACTURES Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical En- gineers. Issued annually. 305. net. Perfumes and their Preparation. By G. W. Askinson. Translated by I. Fuest. Third ed., 32 illus., 3i2pp.,[8vo. (New York, 1907.) 125. 6d. net. Brewing Calculations, Gauging and Tabulation. By C. H. Bater. 340 pp., 641110, roan, gilt edges. (1897.) is. 6d. net. A Pocket Book for Chemists, Chemical Manufacturers, Metal- lurgists, Dyers, Distillers, etc. By T. Bayley. Seventh edition, new impression, 550 pp., royal 32mo, roan, gilt edges. (1912.) 5s. net. Practical Receipts for the Manufacturer, the Mechanic, and for Home use. By Dr. H. R. Berkeley and W. M. Walker. New impression, 250 pp., demy 8vo. (1912.) 55. net. A Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap and Candles, Lubricants and Glycerine. By W. L. Carpenter and H. Leask. Second edition, 104 illus., 456 pp., crown 8vo. (1895.) I2S. 6d. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 2$ A Text Book of Paper Making. By C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan. Third edition, 97 illus., 411 pp.. crown 8vo. (1907.) I2s. 6d. net. C.B.S. Standard Units and Standard Paper Tests. By crown 8vo. (S. &C. SERIES, No. 23.) (New York, 1910.) is. 6d. net. Liquid Fuel for Mechanical and Industrial Purposes. By E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. 106 illus., 129 pp., 8vo. (1890.) 55. Elementary Text -book on Steam Engines and Boilers. By J. H. Kinealy. Fourth edition, 106 illus., 259 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1903.) 8s. 6d. net. Centrifugal Fans . By J. H. Kinealy. 33 illus., 206 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather. (New York, 1905.) 12s. 6d. net. Mechanical Draft. By J. H. Kinealy. 27 original tables and 13 plates, 142 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1906.) 8s. 6d. net. The A B C of the Steam Engine, with a description of the Automatic Governor. By J. P. Lisk. 6 plates, 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 17.) (New York, 1910.) is. 6d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, 31 Valve Setting Record Book. By P. A. Low. 8vo, boards. is. 6d. The Lay-out of Corliss Valve Gears. By S. A. Moss. Second edition, 3 plates, 108 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York,' 1906.) 2s. net. Steam Boilers, their Management and Working. By J. Peattie. Fifth edition, 35 illus., 230 pp., crown 8vo. (1906.) 4s. 6d. net. Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indicator. By C. T. Porter. Sixth edition, 3 plates and 73 diagrams, 285 pp., 8vo. (1902.) gs. Practical Treatise on the Steam Engine. By A. Rigg. Second edition, 103 plates, 378 pp., demy 4to. (1894.) Power and its Transmission. A Practical Handbook for the Factory and Works Manager. By T. A. Smith. 76 pp., fcap. 8vo. (1910.) 2s. net. Slide Valve Simply Explained. By W. J. Tennant. Re- vised by J. H. Kinealy. 41 illus., 83 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1899.) 4$. 6d. net. Shaft Governors. By W. Trinks and C. Hoosum. 27 illus., 97 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1905.) zs. net. Treatise on the Design and Construction of Mill Buildings. By H. G. Tyrrell. 652 illus., 490 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1911.) lys. net. Slide and Piston Valve Geared Steam Engines. By W. H. Uhland. 47 plates and 314 illus., 155 pp. Two vols., folio, half morocco. (1882.) i i6s. How to run Engines and Boilers. By E. P. Watson. Fifth edition, 31 illus., 160 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1904.) 35. 6d. Position Diagram of Cylinder with Meyer Cut-off. By W. H. Weightman. On card. (New York.) is. net. Practical Method of Designing Slide Valve Gearing. By E. J. Welch. 69 illus, 283 pp., crown 8vo. (1890.) 6s. Elements of Mechanics. By T, W. Wright. Eighth edition, 215 illus., 382 pp., 8vo, (New York, 1909.) los. 6d. net. 32 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 37, HAYMARKET, LONDON", S.W. METALLURGY Iron and Steel Manufacture Life of Railway Axles. By T. Andrews. Svo, sewed. (1895.) is. Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel Rails and Propeller Shafts. By T. Andrews. Svo, sewed. (1896.) is. Microscopic Internal Flaws, Inducing Fracture in Steel. , By T. Andrews. Svo, sewed. (1896.) 2s. Practical Alloying. A compendium of Alloys and Processes for Brassfounders, Metal Workers, and Engineers. By John F. Buchanan. 41 illus., 205 pp., Svo. (New York, 1911.) IQS. 6d. net. Brassfounders' Alloys. By J. F. Buchanan. 23 illus., viii + 129 pp., crown Svo. (1905.} 45. 6d. net. The Moulder's Dictionary (Foundry Nomenclature). By J. F. Buchanan. New impression, 26 illus., viii + 225 pp., crown Svo. (1912.) 35. net. American Standard Specifications for Steel. By A. L. Colby. Second edition, revised, 103 pp., crown Svo. (New York, 1902.) 55." net. Galvanized Iron : its Manufacture and Uses. By J. Da vies. 139 pp., Svo. (1899.) 5s. net. Management of Steel. By G. Ede. Seventh edition, 216 pp., crown Svo. (1903.) 55. The Frodair Handbook for Ironfounders. 160 pp., I2mo. (1910.) 2s. net. Manufacture of Iron and Steel. By H. R. Hearson. 21 illus., xii + 103 pp., Svo. (1912.) 45. 6d. net. Cupola Furnace. By E. Kirk. Third edition, 106 illus., 484 pp., Svo. (New York, 1910.) 155. net. Practical Notes on Pipe Founding. By J. W. Macfarlane. 15 plates, 148 pp., Svo. (1888.) 12$. 6d. Atlas of Designs concerning Blast Furnace Practice. By M. A. Pavloff. 127 plates, 14 in. by ioi in. oblong, sewed. (1902.) i is. net. Album of Drawings relating to the Manufacture of Open Hearth Steel. By M. A. Pavloff. Part I. OPEN HEARTH FURNACES. 52 plates, 14 in. by 10} in. oblong folio, in portfolio. (1904.) I2s. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 33 Metallography Applied to Siderurgic Products. By H. Savoia. Translated by R. G. Corbet. 94 illus., 180 pp., crown 8vo. (1910.) 45. 6d. net. Modern Foundry Practice. By J. Sharp. Second edition, new impression, 272 illus., 759 pp., 8vo. (1911.) i is. net. Roll Turning for Sections in Steel and Iron. By A. Spen- cer. Second edition, 78 plates, 4to. (1894.) i los. METRIC TABLES French Measure and English Equivalents. By J. Brook. Second edition, 80 pp., fcap. 321110, roan. is. net. A Dictionary of Metric and other useful Measures. By L. Clark. 113 pp., 8vo. (1891.) 6s. English Weights, with their Equivalents in kilogrammes. By F. W. A. Logan. 96 pp., fcap. 321110, roan. is. net. Metric Weights with English Equivalents. By H. P. McCartney. 84 pp., fcap. 321110, roan. is. net. Metric Tables. By Sir G. L. Molesworth. Fourth edition, 95 pp., royal 32mo. (1909.) 2s. net. Metric-English and English -Metric Lengths. By G. A. Rossetti. xii + 80 pp., ob. 32mo. is. net. Giving equivalents in millimetres (to five significant figures) of all English lengths from ^th of an inch to 10 ft., advancing by 64ths of an inch ; and equivalents to the nearest 64th of an inch of all Metric lengths from I to 3,200 millimetres, advancing by millimetres. Tables for Setting out Curves from 200 metres to 4,000 metres by tangential angles. By H. Williamson. 4 illus., 60 pp., 181110. 2s. net. MINERALOGY AND MINING Rock Blasting. By G. G. Andre. 12 plates and 56 illus. in text, 202 pp., 8vo. (1878.) 5s. Winding Plants for Great Depths. By H. C. Behr. In two parts. 8vo, sewed. (1902.) 2 2s. net. Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining in California. By A. J. Bowie, Junr. Tenth edition, 73 illus., 313 pp., royal 8vo. (New York, 1905.) i is. net. 34 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Tables for the Determination of Common Rocks. By O. Bowles. 64 pp., i8mo, boards. (VAN NOSTRAND SERIES, No. 125.) (New York, 1910.) 2s. net. Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead Ores. By W. L. Brown. Twelfth edition, 132 illus., 589 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1907.) los. 6d. net. Fire Assaying. By E. W. Buskett. 69 illus., 105 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1907.) 45. 6d. net. Tin : Describing the Chief Methods of Mining,Dressing, etc. By A. G.Charleton. 15 plates, 83 pp., crown 8vo. (1884.) izs.6d. Gold Mining and Milling in Western Australia, with Notes upon Telluride Treatment, Costs and Mining Practice in other Fields. By A. G. Charleton. 82 illus. and numerous plans and tables, 648 pp., super royal 8vo. (1903. ) i2s. 6d. net. Miners' Geology and Prospectors' Guide. By G. A. Corder. 29 plates, 224pp., crown 8vo. (1907.) 5s. net. Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quarries, Tunnels, etc. By A. W. and Z. W. Daw. Second edition, 90 illus., 316 pp., demy 8vo. (1909.) 155. net. Gold Dredfeing. By C. T. Earl. 17 maps, 78 illus., xvi + 208 pp., 8vo. (1913.) 2os. net. Handbook of Mineralogy ; determination and description of Minerals found in the United States. By J. C. Foye. 180 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1886.) 2s. net. Our Coal Resources at the End of the Nineteenth Century. By Prof. E. Hull. 157 pp., demy 8vo. (1897.) 6s. Hydraulic Gold Miners' Manual. By T. S. G. Kirkpatrick. Second edition, 12 illus., 46 pp., crown 8vo. (1897.) 45. Economic Mining. By C. G. W. Lock. 175 illus., 680 pp., 8vo. (1895.) IQS. 6d. net. Gold Milling : Principles and Practice. By C. G. W. Lock. 200 illus., 850 pp., demy 8vo. (1901.) i is. net. Mining and Ore-Dressing Machinery. By C. G. W. Lock. 639 illus., 466 pp., super royal 4to. (1890.) i 55. Miners' Pocket Book. By C. G. W. Lock. Fifth edition, 233 illus., 624 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather, gilt edges. (1908.) los. 6d. net. Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones. By J. Mastin. 114 pp., fcap. i6mo, limp leather, gilt top. (1911.) 2s. 6d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 35 Tests for Ores, Minerals and Metals of Commercial Value. By R. L. McMechen. 152 pp., I2mo. (New York, 1907.) 55. 6d. net. Practical Handbook for the Working Miner and Prospector, and the Mining Investor. By J. A. Miller. 34 illus., 234 pp., crown 8vo. (1897.) js. 6d. Theory and Practice of Centrifugal Ventilating Machines. By D. Murgue. 7 illus., 81 pp., 8vo. (1883.) 5$. Examples of Coal Mining Plant. By J. Povey- Harper. Second edition, 40 plates, 26 in. by 20 in. (1895.) 445. net. Examples of Coal Mining Plant, Second Series. By J. Povey-Harper. 10 plates, 26 in. by 20 in. (1902,} i i2s. 6d. net. MODELS AND MODEL MAKING How to Build .a Model Yacht. By H. Fisher. 45 illus., 50 pp., 410. (New York, 1902.) 45. 6d. net. Model Engines and Small Boats. By N. M. Hopkins. 50 illus., viii+74 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1898.) 5s. 6d. net. Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning. By V. E. Johnson. 61 illus., xvi -f 148 pp., crown 8vo. (1910.) 35. 6d. net. The Gyroscope, an Experimental Study. By V. E. John- son. 34 illus., 40 pp., cr. 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 22.) (1911.) is. 6d. net. The Model Vaudeville Theatre. By N. H. Schneider. 34 illus., 90 pp., crown 8vo. (S. &C. SERIES, No. 15.) (New York, 1910.) is. 6d. net. Electric Toy-Making. By T. O. Sloane. Fifteenth edition, 70 illus., 183 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1903.) 45. 6d. net. Model Steam Engine Design. By R. M. De Vignter. 34 illus., 94 pp., crown 8vo, limp. (S. &. C. SERIES, No. 9.) (New York, 1907.) is. 6d. net. Small Engines and Boilers. By E. P. Watson. 33 illus., viii -f 108 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1899.) 55. 6d. net. E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. ORGANIZATION Accounts, Contracts and Management , Organization of Gold Mining Business, with Specimens of the Departmental Report Books and the Account Books. By Nicol Brown. Second edition, 220 pp., fcap. folio. (1903.) i 5*. net. Cost Keeping and Management Engineering. A Treatise for those engaged in Engineering Construction. By H. P. Gillette and R. T. Dana. 184 illus., 346 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 155. net. Handbook on Railway Stores Management. By W. O. Kempthorne. 268 pp., demy 8vo. (1907.) ios. Gd. net. Depreciation of Factories, Municipal, and Industrial Under- takings, and their Valuation. By E. Matheson. Fourth edition, 230 pp., 8vo. (1910.) ios. 6d. net. Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise. By E. Matheson. Third edition, 916 pp., 8vo, buckram. (1898.) i 45. Office Management. A handbook for Architects and Civil Engineers. By W. Kaye Parry. New Edition in preparation. Commercial Organization of Engineering Factories. By H. Spencer. 92 illus., 221 pp., 8vo. (1907.) ios. 6d. net. PHYSICS Colour, Heat and Experimental Science The Entropy Diagram and its Applications. By M. J. Boulvin. 38 illus., 82 pp., demy 8vo. (1898.) 5s. Physical Problems and their Solution. By A. Bour- gougnon. 224 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1897.) 25.net. Heat for Engineers. By C. R. Darling. Second edition, no illus., 430 pp., 8vo. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) (1912.) I2s. 6d. net. Engineering Thermodynamics. By C. F. Hirschfeld. 22 illus., 157 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1907.) 2s. net. Experimental Science : Elementary, Practical and Experi- mental Physics. By G. M. Hopkins. Twenty-third edition, 920 illus., 1,100 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1902.) i is. net. Reform in Chemical and Physical Calculations. By C. J. T. Hanssen. Demy 410. (1897.) 6s. 6d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 37 Introduction to the Study of Colour Phenomena. By J. W. Lovibond. 10 coloured plates, 48pp., 8vo. (1905.) 5s.net. The Energy Chart. Practical application to reciprocating steam-engines. By Captain H. R. Sankey. 157 illus... 170 pp., 8vo. (1007.) 75. 6d. net. PRICE BOOKS The Mechanical Engineers' Price Book. By G. Brooks. 200 pp., pocket size (6| in. by 3! in. by J in. thick), leather cloth, with rounded corners. 45. net. Approximate Estimates. By T. E. Coleman. Fourth edi- tion, 481 pp., oblong 32mo, leather. (1914.) 55. net. The Civil Engineers' Cost Book. By Major T. E. Coleman. xii + 289 pp., pocket size (6J in. by 3! in.), leather cloth. (1912.) 55. net. Railway Stores Price Book. By W. O. Kempthorne. 490 pp., demy 8vo. (1909.) zos. 6d. net. Handbook of Cost Data for Contractors and Engineers. By H. P. Gillette. 1,854 PP-> crown Svo, leather, gilt edges. (New York, 1911.) i is. net. Spons' Architects' and Builders' Pocket Price -Book. Edited by Clyde Young. Revised by Stanford M. Brooks. Forty-first ed., viii + 308 pp., green leather cloth. Published annually. (Size 6J in. by 3! in. by \ in. thick.) 2s. 6d. net. RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employed on Indian Railways. By A. W. C. Addis. 14 illus., 154 pp., I2mo. (1910.) 35. 6d. net. Up-to-date Air Brake Catechism. By R. H. Blackall. Twenty-fifth edition, 5 coloured plates, 96 illus., 305 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1913.) 8s. 6d. net. Prevention of Railroad Accidents, or Safety in Railroading. By Geo. Bradshaw. 64 illus., 173 pp., square crown 8vo. (New York, 1912.) is. 6d. net. Simple and Automatic Vacuum Brakes. By C. Briggs, G.N.R. ii plates, Svo. (1892.) 45. 38 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Notes on Permanent -way Material, Plate-laying, and Points and Crossings. By W. H. Cole. Sixth edition, revised, 44 illus. in 39 plates, 203 pp., crown 8vo. (1912.) 75. 6d. net. Statistical Tables of the Working of Railways in various countries up to the year 1904. By J. D. Diacomidis. Second edition, 84 pp., small folio, sewed. (1906.) i6s. net . Locomotive Breakdowns, Emergencies and their Remedies. By Geo. L. Fowler, M.E., and W. W. Wood. Fifth edition, 92 illus., 266 pp., I2mo. (New York, 1911.) 45. 6d. net. Permanent-way Diagrams. By F. H. Frere. Mounted on linen in cloth covers. (1908.) 35. net. Formula for Railway Crossings and Switches. By J. Glover. 9 illus., 28 pp., royal 321110. (1896.) 2s. 6d. Setting out of Tube Railways. By G. M. Halden. 9 plates, 46 illus., 68 pp., crown 4to. (1907.) los. 6d. net. Railway Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical. By J. W. C. Haldane. New edition, 141 illus., xx -f- 583 pp., 8vo. (1908.) 155. The Construction of the Modern Locomotive. By G. Hughes. 300 illus., 261 pp., 8vo. (1894.) 95. Practical Hints for Light Railways at Home and Abroad. By F. R. Johnson. 6 plates,*3i pp., crown 8vo. (1896.) 2S. 6d. Handbook on Railway Stores Management. By W. O. Kempthorne. 268 pp., demy 8vo. (1907.) ios.6d.net. Railway Stores Price Book. By W. O. Kempthorne. 490 pp., demy 8vo. (1909.) IDS. 6d. net. Railroad Location Surveys and Estimates. By F. La vis. 68 illus, 270 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1906.) 125. 6d. net. Pioneering. By F. Shelford. 14 illus., 88 pp., crown 8vo. (1909.) 35. net. Handbook on Railway Surveying for Students and Junior Engineers. By B. Stewart. 55 illus., 98 pp., crown 8vo. (1909.) 2s. 6d. net. Modern British Locomotives. By A. T. Taylor. 100 dia- grams of principal dimensions, 118 pp., oblong 8vo. (1907.) 45. 6d. net. Locomotive Slide Valve Setting. By C. E. Tully. Illus- trated, i8mo. is. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 39 The Railway Goods Station. By F. W. West. 23 illus., xv + 192 pp., crown 8vo. (1912.) 45. 6d. net. The Walschaert Locomotive Valve Gear. By W. W. Wood. 4 plates and set of movable cardboard working models of the valves, 193 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1912.) 6s. 6d. net. The Westinghouse E.T. Air-Brake Instruction Pocket Book. By W. W. Wood. 48 illus., including many coloured plates, 242 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 8s. 6d. net. SANITATION, PUBLIC HEALTH AND MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING Engineering Work in Public Buildings. By R. O. Allsop. 77 illus., ix + 158 pp., demy 4to. (1912.) i2s. 6d. net. Public Abattoirs, their Planning, Design and Equipment. By R. S. Ayling. 33 plates, 100 pp., demy 4to. (1908.) 8s. 6d. net. Sewage Purification. By E. Bailey -Denton. 8 plates, 44 pp., Svo. (1896.) 55. Water Supply and Sewerage of Country Mansions and Estates. By E. Bailey -Denton. 76 pp., crown Svo. (1901.) 2s. 6d. net. Sewerage and Sewage Purification. By M. N. Baker. Second edition, 144 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1905.) 2s. net. Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics. By W. W. Clemesha. viii -f 161 pp., Svo. (Calcutta, 1912.) 75. 6d. net. Housing and Town -Planning Conference, 1913. Being a Report of a Conference held by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at Great Yarmouth. Edited by T. Cole. 42 folding plates, 227 pp., Svo. T.OS. 6d. net. Housing and Town Planning Conference, 1911. Report of Conference held by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at West Bromwich. Edited by T. Cole, Secretary. 30 plates, 240 pp., Svo. los. 6d. net. 40 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. Sanitary House Drainage, its Principles and Practice. By T.E. Coleman. 98 illus., 206 pp., crown 8 vo. (1896.) 35. 6d. net. Stable Sanitation and Construction. By T. E. Coleman. 183 illus., 226 pp., crown 8vo. (1897.) 35. net. Discharge of Pipes and Culverts. By P. M. Crosthwaite. Large folding sheet in case. 2s. 6d. net. A Complete and Practical Treatise on Plumbing and Sanitation. By G. B. Davis and F. Dye. 2 vols., 637 illus. and 21 folding plates, 830 ppi, 4to, cloth. (1899.) i los. net. Standard Practical Plumbing. By P. J. Davies. Vol. I. Fourth edition, 768 illus., 355 pp., royal 8vo. (1905.) 75. 6d. net. Vol. II. Second edition, 953 illus., 805 pp. (1905.) IQS. 6d. net. Vol. III. 313 illus., 204 pp. (1905.) 55. net. Conservancy, or Dry Sanitation versus Water Carriage. By J. Donkin. 7 plates, 33 pp., 8vo, sewed. (1906.) is. net. Sewage Disposal Works. By W. C. Easdale. 160 illus., 264 pp., 8vo. (1910.) los. 6d. net. House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. By W. P. Gerhard. 'Tenth edition, 6 illus., 231 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1902.) 2s. net. The Treatment of Septic Sewage. By G. W. Rafter. 137 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1904.) 2s. net. Reports and Investigations on Sewer Air and Sewer Ven- tilation. By R. H. Reeves. Svo, sewed. (1894.) is. Sewage Drainage Systems. By Isaac Shone. 27 folding plates, 47 illus., 440 pp., Svo. (1914.) 255. net. Drainage and Drainage Ventilation Methods. By Isaac Shone, C.E. 7 folding plates, 36 pp., Svo, leather. (1913.) 6s. net. The Law and Practice of Paving Private Street Works. By W. Spinks. Fourth edition, 256 pp., 8vo. (1904.) I2s. 6d. net. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 41 STRUCTURAL DESIGN (See Bridges and Roofs) TELEGRAPH CODES New Business Code. 320 pp., narrow 8vo. (Size 4! in. 'by 7! in. and J in. thick, and weight 10 oz.) (New York, 1909.) i is. net. Miners' and Smelters' Code (formerly issued as the Master Telegraph Code). 448 pp., 8vo, limp leather, weight 14 oz. (New York, 1899.) 2 IDS. net. Billionaire Phrase Code, containing over two million sen- tences coded in single words. 56 pp., 8vo, leather. (New York, 1908.) 6s. 6d. net. WARMING AND VENTILATION Heat for Engineers. By C. R. Darling. Second edition, no illus., 430 pp., 8vo. (FINSBURY TECHNICAL MANUAL.) (1912.) I2S. 6d. net. Hot Water Supply. By F. Dye. Fifth edition, new impres- sion, 48 illus., viii -{- 86 pp., 8vo. (1912.) 35. net. A Practical Treatise upon Steam Heating. By F. Dye. 129 illus., 246 pp., 8vo. (1901.) los. net. Practical Treatise on Warming Buildings by Hot Water. By F. Dye. 192 illus., 319 pp., 8vo. (1905.) 8s.6dL.net. Charts for Low Pressure Steam Heating. By J. H. Kinealy. Small folio. (New York.) 45. 6d. Formulae and Tables for Heating. By J. H. Kinealy. 18 illus., 53 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1899.) 35. 6d. Centrifugal Fans. By J. H. Kinealy. 33 illus., 206 pp., fcap. 8vo, leather. (New York, 1905.) i2s. 6d. net. Mechanical Draft. By J. H. Kinealy. 27 original tables and 13 plates, 142 pp., crown 8vo. (New York, 1906.) 8s. 6d. net. Theory and Practice of Centrifugal Ventilating Machines. By D. Murgue. 7 illus., 81 pp., 8vo. (1883.) 5s. Mechanics of Ventilation. By G. W. Rafter. Second edition, 143 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1896.) 2s. net. 42 E. & F. N. SPON, LTD., 57, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.\Y. Principles of Heating. By W. G. Snow. New edition, 59 illus., xii + 224 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1912.) gs. net. Furnace Heating. By W. G. Snow. Fourth edition, 52 illus., 216 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1909.) 6s. 6d. net. Ventilation of Buildings. By W. G. Snow and T. Nolan. 83 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1906.) 2s. net. Heating Engineers' Quantities. By W. L. White and G. M. White. 4 plates, 33 pp., folio. (1910.) los. 6d. net. WATER SUPPLY (See also Hydraulics) Potable Water and Methods of Testing Impurities. By M. N. Baker. 97 pp., i8mo, boards. (New York, 1905.) 2s. net. Manual of Hydrology. By N. Beardmore. New impres- sion, 1 8 plates, 384 pp., 8vo. (1906.) 10.9. 6d. net. Boiler Waters, Scale, Corrosion and Fouling. By W. W. Christie. 77 illus., 235 pp., 8vo. '(New York, _ 190?.) I2s. 6d. net. Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics. By W. W. Clemesha. 12 tables, viii rf 161 pp., 8vo. (Calcutta, 1912.) 75. 6d. net. Water Softening and Purification. By H. Collet. Second edition, 6 illus., 170 pp., crown 8vo. (1908.) 55. net. Treatise on Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitary Appliances of Residences. By F. Colyer. 100 pp., crown 8vo. (1899.) is. 6d. net. Purification of Public Water Supplies. By J. W. Hill. 314 pp., 8vo. (New York, 1898.) los. 6d. Well Boring for Water, Brine and Oil. By C. Isler. Second edition, 105 illus., 296 pp., 8vo. (1911.) los. 6d. net. Method of Measuring Liquids Flowing through Pipes by means of Meters of Small Calibre. By Prof. G. Lange. i plate, 16 pp., 8vo, sewed. 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Tables for Engineers and Mechanics, giving the values of the different trains of wheels required to produce Screws of any pitch. By Lord Lindsay. Second edition, royal 8vo, oblong. .28. Screw-cutting Tables. By W. A. Martin. Seventh edition. New imp., oblong 8vo. is. net. Metal Plate Work, its Patterns and their Geometry, for the use of Tin, Iron and Zinc Plate Workers. By G. t. Millis. Fourth Ed., New imp., 280 illus., xvi + 456 pp., cr. 8vo. (1912.) qs. The Practical Handbook of Smithing and Forging. Engin- eers' and General Smiths' Work. By T. Moore. New impression, 401 illus., 248 pp., crown 8vo. (1912.) 55. net. Modern Machine Shop Construction, equipment and man- agement. By O. E. Perrigo. 208 illus., 343 pp., crown 4to. (New York, 1906.) i is. net. Turner's Handbook on Screw-cutting, Coning, etc. By W. Price. New impression, 56pp., f cap. 8 vo. (1912.) 6d. net. Introduction to Eccentric Spiral Turning. By H. G. Robinson. 12 plates, 23 illus., 48 pp., 8vo. (1906.) 45. 6d. net. 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