i)5y^vr. 'A-; •A ■V',.-' viJ^' fi^^ '1 rV/.'V ^m^ mno uSti CATALOGUE OF Early English Books forming a portion of the Library of Robert Hoe New York 1903 VOLUME I 10 <> / oc <5 ^0,00 C^JCyA'.Jl^i' cy>\^ctJi CATALOGUE VOLUME I CATAL OGUE OF BOOKS BY ENGLISH AUTHORS WHO LIVED BEFORE THE YEAR 1 70O FORMING A PART OF THE LIBRARY OF ROBERT HOE VOLUME I PRINTED IN NEW YORK JANUARY 1903 SOLD BY GEORGE H. RICHMOND *** «t«. (««••« 1 . NO ^ >* z ONE HUNDRED COPIES ONLY OF J THIS CATALOGUE HAVE BEEN ^ PRINTED UPON PAPER MADE IN FRANCE FOR THE PURPOSE r>4 S £■>■'' C^ •'*' f YJTAVING commenced collecting when quite A -/ you?igy and with no definite plan, my purchases have been such only as a progressive literary or artistic taste and knowledge sug- gested. The result is a library of a somewhat diversified or miscellaneous character. Unless for purpose of sale, a catalogue plac- ing side by side in alphabetical arrangement authors of different kindreds and tongues has always seemed to me objectionable. Upon the other hand, the French methods, which divide and sub-divide, in a strictly literary classifica- tion, while enabling one more readily to as- certain what a library may contain in especial branches, leads to subtle distinctions in the ar- rangement of the sections, which are in a measure confusing and inconvenient for ready reference. English literature up to the end of the seve?i- teenth century forms in many respects a distinc- [ viii ] tive epoch, and is of such paramount interest that I have limited the contents of the present cat- alogue to the English books I possess , which were written by authors living before the year IJOO. To the original and early editions are added modern editions of some books, when later literary or bibliographical research has made them of value and importance . Bibliographical notes and descriptions being desirable in many instances, and a satisfactory selection dificult, collations have been made of every book. Those of the modern editions may be found more useful as time advances. De- scriptions of the bindings are given for the iden- tification of the copies recorded. Every student and collector is aware of the increasing dificulty of obtaining perfect copies of original or desirable editions of the best Eng- lish authors of the Elizabethan period. In this, as in other pursuits, one can look back upon lost opportunities and errors. I am only too well aware of the gaps which remain to be filed in my collection and which a printed catalogue * The cataloging has been done by Mr. James Osborne Wright assisted by Miss Carolyn Shipman. [ix] aids to emphasize. In soi?ie cases^ however, it is the seeking after the unattainable. The pleasure and profit derived from inter- course with these books have made the leisure hours devoted to them most delightful, and the printing of this catalogue is in a measure a tribute to the enjoyment they have yielded. R. H. THE CATALOGUE ADAM BELL, Clim of the Clough, And William of Cloudesle. London, Printed ^ by A. M. for W. Thackeray, at the Angel in Dnck-Lane, [n. d.] ^/ u b. (I. O Z u O < O a w o < ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM— ARNOLD 9 Procurante. Oxonias, Excudebat Leonadus Lich- field An. Dom. MDCXLI. ^/o, original vellum wrappers^ gilt sides. Collation : Portraits of William of Nassau and Princess Mary, engraved by W. Marshall. Title, ^i (verso blank). Poems in Latin, with four woodcut emblems at the beginning, ^2,-^3 & 4, ^^i & 2, A1-E2. English Poems, ai-c2 in fours. No pagination. ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM.— The Lamen- table And Trve Tragedy Of Master Arden Of Feversham In Kent: Who was moft wickedly murdered by the meanes of his difloyall and wanton wife, who, for the love fhe bare to one Mosby, hired two defperate Ruffins, Blacke-Will, and Shakebag, to kill him. Wherein is fhewed the great malice and diffimulation of a wicked woman, the unfatiable defire of filthy luft, and the fliame- full end of all murderers. London, Printed by Eliz. Allde dwelling neere Chrifts-Church. 1633. po^ red levant morocco^ gilt back^ gilt edges., by Bedford. Third edition. This play has been wrongly attributed to Shakespeare. Collation : Title with woodcut ornament, Ai (verso woodcut of the murder). Text, A2-I4 in fours. No pagination. ARNOLD, Richard. — [Chronicle of Lon- don.] In this booke is Conteyned the names of y*" baylifs Cuftos mairs and fherefs of the cite of londo from the tyme of king richard the furft. & alfo th artycles of the Chartur and libarties of the same Cyte. And of the chartur and Liberties off England wyth odur dyuers mat's good and necef- fary for enery Citeze to vndir stond and knowe. Whiche ben fhewid i chaptirs after the fourme of 10 ARRAIGNMENT this kalendir folowing. [Antwerp, by John of Doesborch, cir. 1503.] Folio^ brown levant morocco^ back and sides blind tooled hi panels^ doubled with red morocco^ panel and rich corner ornaments^ brown levant morocco case^ by Mercier. First edition. Black-letter, printed in two columns. A copy of extraordinary perfection and size. The ballad of " The Nutbrown Maid," of which no early separate edition is at present known, occupies folios 75-77. Collation : Preliminary blank leaf, Ai. Table, A2-A4. List of Sheriffs, A1-A8 (verso blank). — Chronicle, B1-B4, Ci- E8 in eights, F1-R6 in sixes; ^, i leaf, ^1,1 leaf; Si— V5, C-Ci (2 leaves) S1-3, Cv-vii, T1-T6, Vi-Vv (verso blank). The twelve preliminary leaves are unnumbered, but on Bi the numbers begin and extend by folios to CXVIII, the numerals occurring at the bottom of the first column of each recto. ARRAIGNMENT.— The Arraignement of the whole Creatvre, At the Barre of Religion, Reason, and Experience. Occafioned vpon an Inditement preferred by the Soule of Man againft the Prodigals vanity and Vaine Prodigality. Ex- plained, Applyed, and tryed in the Historic and Mifterie of that Parable. From whence is drawne this Doome Orthodoxall, and Ivdgement Divine. That no Earthly Vanity can fatisfie Mans heaven- ly Soule. And by reafon of the variety of In- ftances and Demonftrations, it may ferve in fome fort as a Common-Place, for almoft all manner of Readings. London. Printed by B. Alsop and Tho : Fawcet, 1631. ^/o, light brown levant morocco^ gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. Collation : "Vpon the Copper-piece," Ai verso. Symbolical g xmn&^oiQ t^ mananS ^10 {ia0age.t.0^ liltaiiannntp^oidQnlptd. ^tobecetopapfotadot^tm^^^' e^hebtoiicrflidl^aHe^.Q!. flianfbtr adot^ aboiicid. f .t^ btobec ^atii tt9 gf. ll|(^mCcib9 t^at it to.alaliour fpmt in uaine )i!roiouct^ci»dc.fena4a:aode.tbepteucamawa0apt« jrct i^^ man oo.tt}^at ^can.tl;cr fouonrto Attapnc labotirft^ for nou0^c atiofrom \}ttt^tm^,\}c is abannifld^cd mi I ^ap nof nap.bat (^at aSoap.tttobo^ettiut antfapdf ^^atuumans fapt^.io as to^o (ap$l;e.att utterlp bccapc^ ;&utnait^dcsti0^rgo9DQiimc$.tt^scarem!0^belap «p?att^fploncn:ettJc.ic6rpncK».rttotOC)^0mbJ«}mmaioe -fte |ir^i(i;(frcm^cr(oue tp^a^erropt^uc.^etamtomafeei^id mone U^oio c not Ocpartcfbr in ^esr l)(rte.(^etoupdbut ^pm alloue \jt ^ietmmet^cm too.n}ct&platro.tcl!eafitt)eppepnetnf$t% ;r^atil^etGa0in.notti5:br0pnnc.(bot^atlpemeatiftucre* Iia^erfc2(pe.t|atptcfentbe.|p!appou0eueaneace 3Pamt(ifhnpglK-|tKnibenp0]^t.a6&cm«©3Bfa ^gpttgafad.t^usflonDptl^cl^ecaufc.lamabanniri^^mais r^ d irpout ttipUr.for tofuIfpUctnt^templinotrditr^ ^tu(ltn0to(^^e.inttmbiofenic.^mm^aucaQtJte |}(^ ''^L nptnpn0e.ofa9manlipntis|louebitfponalion ^tdl!6tofle(.tl)eronmu&bec.noneot^grmrp3(lbnon)i?« FIRST PAGE OF THE POEM OF THE NUTBROWN MAID FROM ARNOLD'S CHRONICLE, 1502 I 2 ARRO WSMITH— ART frontispiece-title engraved by Martin Droeshout. Printed title, Aa (verso blank). Dedication to George Whitmovr, signed R. H., A3-B4 and ^i recto. Contents, ^i verso-][3. " Apologve for an Epilogve" and Errata, ^4 (verso English and Latin verses by Tho. Carter). Text, Bi-Vv. 4 (verso colophon) in fours. Pages 1-335. ARROWSMITH.— The Reformation. A Comedy. Acted At the Dukes Theater. Sunt, quibus in Satyra videor nimis acer. — Horat lib. 2. Sat. I. London, Printed for William Cademan, at the Popes-Head, in the Lower walk of the New Exchange in the Strand. MDCLXXIIL /j.to^ half brown morocco. First edition. Collation : Title with vpoodcut of a head, one leaf (verso blank). Prologue, one leaf (verso " Dramatis Perlonas " ). Text, Bi-L4 (verso Epilogue). Pages 1-79 (verso unpaged). THE ART OF CONTENTMENT. By the Author of The Whole Duty of Man, &c. [Quotation from Pfal. 127.3.] ^^ ^^ Theatre in Oxford. M.DC.LXXV. 8vo^ old black morocco^ back and sides covered with Gascon tooling in compartments : a contemporary English binding of unusual merit. Collation : Engraved frontispiece of Jacob's ladder. Title with engraved vignette of the Sheldonian Theatre, one leaf (verso Imprimatur). Preface, three leaves. Text, Ai— Dd3 in fours. Pages 1-214. Contents, Dd4 (verso blank). ART. — The Art of Contentment. Another copy. Svo., old English blue morocco., rich gilt back and sides., with ornaments painted in red and silver^ the design chief y worked in dotted lines^ gilt edges. ARTHUR 13 Collation : The same as the preceding copy, except that the frontispiece is mounted. ARTHUR, King.— The Most Ancient And Famovs History Of the Renowned Prince Arthvr King of Britaine, Wherein is declared his Life and Death, with all his glorious Battailes againft the Saxons, Saracens and Pagans, which (for the hon- our of his Country) he moft worthily atchieued. As alfo, all the Noble Acts, and Heroicke Deeds of his Valiant Knights of the Rovnd Table. New- ly refined, and publifhed for the delight, and pro- fit of the Reader. London, Printed by William Stansby, for lacob Bloome, 1634. /jio^ russia^ back and sides tooled in gold^ thickly stud- ded with small dots^ gilt side with circle and corner or- naments^ morocco guards^ gilt edges^ by H. Walther^ with his ticket. Without Walthers ticket the binding would be mis- taken for the work of Roger Payne. Black-letter. The language of Caxton's edition has been, of course, much modernized, and in some places ignorantly corrupted. Collation : Curious woodcut frontispiece of King Arthur sit- ting on the Round Table surrounded by his Knights, ][i verso (recto blank). Title, 1[2 (verso blank). Preface to the Reader, ^3-4. Prologue, §1-2. Preface of William Caxton, "To the Christian Reader," §3. Contents, §4 and A- A 4. First Part, B-Z4 and Aa-Ii4 in fours. Title of Second Part (1634), one leaf (verso blank). Contents, A^, two leaves, ^2 &T[3j ai. Text, A-Z4 and Aa-Rri in fours. Title of Third JPart, one leaf (verso blank). Contents, ^3, two leaves, T[i-Tf4. Text, A-Z4 and Aa- Pp4 (verso blank) in fours. ARTHUR, King. See Bourchier, John. Malory, Sir Thomas. King .^/-fW and his valiant Knights of the Round tahJe. .S//"Triftram. Sir Lzmc£lot, .?/> Galahad. 5/r Perciuall." SirGmvAn. o /> Error. ' 5/rBors. ^/> Lionel!. S/r CnQct. SirGahciis. i/VTor. ^/>Acolon. PeIIeas Sir Signs. Sir Trnqnine. SirKzy. .^/> Gareth. Sir Bcaumaas. Sir Bcrfant. Sir Palamide. Sir Belcobqs* ^/> B-ilbmore. ^/> Calohalt. Sir Ltxmaicckc, Sir'FloU* Sir Supcrablilis. Sir Paginet. Sir Belvoiyre. FRONTISPIECE TO HISTORY OF KING ARTHUR, 1634 ASCHAM 15 ASCHAM, Roger. — A Report and Difcourfe written by Roger Afcham, of the affaires and ftate of Germany and the Emperour Charles his court, duryng certaine yeares while the fayd Roger was there. At London. ^Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Alderfgate [n. d., 1552]. ^Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maieftatis, per Decen- nium. if.to^ red levant morocco.^ gilt hack and sides^ gilt edges^ by Riviere. Printed in black-letter. Collation : Title in ornamental border, Ai (verso blank). John Astely to R. Ascham, dated October 19, 1552, A2. Roger Ascham to John Asteley (Text), A3-I4 in fours.' Folios 1-33, beginning on A4. ASCHAM, Roger.— The Scholemaster Or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to vn- derftand, write, and fpeake, the Latin tong, but fpecially purpofed for the priuate brynging up of youth in lentlemen and Noble mens houfes, and commodious alfo for all fuch, as haue forgot the Latin tonge, and would, by themfelues, without a Scholemaster, in fhort tyme, and with fmall paines, recouer a fufficient habilitie, to vnderstand, write, and fpeake Latin. ^By Roger Afcham. ^An. 1570. At London. Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Alderfgate. ^Cum Gratia & Pri- uilegio Regiae Maieftatis, per Decennium. ^to^ brown levant morocco^ back and sides richly tooled^ inside border^ gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. First edition. Black-letter. Collation : Title in ornamental border, fi^^i (veiso blank). l6 ASCHAM ][To the honorable Sir William Cecill Knight, &c. B^°2. Pre- face, B1-B4. Text, C1-T3. Woodcut device and colophon, "At London. Printed by John Daye dwellyng ouer Alderlgate. ^Cum gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maieftatis. 1570," T4 (verso blank). Folios 1-68. [Folio 38 misprinted 42.] ASCHAM, Roger.— The Scholemaster Or plaine and perfite way of teaching children, to vnderftand, write, and fpeake, the Latin tong, but fpecially purpofed for the priuate bringing up of youth in lentlemen and Noble mens houfes, and commodious alfo for all fuch, as haue forget the Latin tonge, and would, by them felves, without a Scholemaster, in fhort time, and with fmall paines, recouer a fufficient habilitie, to vnderftand, write, and fpeake Latin. ^ By Roger Afcham. ^An. 1 57 1. ^At London. Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Alderfgate. [1573.] ^ Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maieftatis, per Decennium. ^/a, red levant morocco^ gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Third edition. Black-letter. Collation: Title in ornamental border, 8i^*i (verso blank). The Epistle, B@"2, Preface, B1-B4. Text, C1-T3. Woodcut device and colophon, " At London : Printed by lohn Daye, dwell- ing ouer Alderfgate. 1573," T4 (verso blank). Folios 1-68. [Folios 35, 38, 52 and 67 misprinted 50, 42, 51 and 66.] ASCHAM, Roger. — Toxophilvs, The fchole, or partitions of ftiooting contayned in ij bookes, writte by Roger Afcham. 1 544. And now newlye perufed. Pleafaunt for all Gentlemen, and Yomen of England for theyr paftime to reade, and profit- able for their vfe to folovve both in vvarre and peace.'^:j.*;j.*^'^Anno. 1571. Imprinted at Lon- ASCHAM 17 don in Fleteftreate neare to Saint Dunftones Churche by Tho *^.* mas Marfhe. *^* [1571-] ^/o, red levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ by Riviere. Second edition. Printed in black-letter. Collation : Title in woodcut border, *i (verso << In partitiones Sagittarias," etc.). "To all the Gentlemen and Yomen of Eng- lande," *2-3. " Table of the first Booke," *4 (verso, <* Table of the seconde Booke "). Text, A1-H7 (verso colophon), ** Im- printed at London in Fleteftreate neare to S. Dunftones Churche by Thomas Marfhe. Anno Domini. (1571)." H8 blank. Folios 1-63. Errors : Folio 6 for 5, 55 for 58. ASCHAM, Roger.— The Whole Works of Roger Ascham, now first collected and revised with a life of the author ; by the Rev. Dr. Giles, Formerly Fellow of C. C. C, Oxford. Vol. I, Part I. Life, &c.. And Letters. [Vol. I, Part n. (1865.) Letters Continued. Vol. IL Letters Continued, and Toxophilus. (1864.) Vol. in. (1864.)] London: John Russell Smith, Soho Square, 1865 [4]. 8vo^ three volumes in four^ brown levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt top^ uncut edges^ by Riviere. Collation: Vol. I. Pt. I. Half-title "Library of Old Authors," one leaf (verso blank). Title, one leaf (verso imprint). Editor's Dedication to Alexandra, Princess of Wales, one leaf (verso blank). Preface, 3 leaves. Life of Ascham, 2 (nine leaves)- 7, 6. Verses, &c., 7, 7-8, 6. Ascham's Correspondents, 8, 7-9, I (verso blank). Half-title of "Letters," 9, 2. Table, verso of 9, 2-9, 4 (verso blank). Letters, i, 1-12, 9 (verso blank) in eights. Pages i-cxxvii and 1-193. Vol. I. Pt. II. Title, 12, 10 (verso imprint). Contents, 12, 11-12, 12. Letters, 13, 1-29, 5. Old or Uncommon Words, 29, 6 (verso blank). Errata, 29, 7 (verso blank). Pages i-vi and 193- 459- Vol. II. Title, one leaf (verso imprint). Preface, one leaf. Bi l8 ASHMOLE Table of Contents, two leaves. Letters, i, 1-12, 6. List of Old Words and Cross References, verso of 12, 6-12, 7. Pages i-viii and 1-196. Half-title, < ' Toxophilus : A Treatise on the Art of Shooting with the Bow," one leaf (verso blank). Coat of arms, one leaf (verso Latin poem to Ascham by Walter Haddon). Half- title of Dedications, one leaf (verso blank). Dedication to Henry Vni, 1,1-1,2. "To All Gentleman and Yeoman of England," I, 2 verso-i, 5. Text, i, 6-1 1, 2. Tables, 11, 2 verso-ii, 3 recto. Glossary, 11, 3 (verso imprints). Pages 1-168. Vol. III. Title, one leaf (verso imprint). Preface, two leaves. Title of " A Report and Discourfe " in woodcut border, 1,1 (verso blank). Text, i, 2-4, 7. Title of "The Schole- master" (1570) in woodcut border, 4, 8 (verso blank). Dedications, S, 1-5, 7 recto. Preface, 5, 7 verso-6, 4 recto. Text, 6, 4 verso- 18, 2. Latin Poems, 18, 3-19,3 recto. Orations, 19, 3 verso- 23, 2 recto. "Seven Letters of Giles Ascham," 23, 2 verso-23, 7 recto. Glossary, 23, 7 verso i— 23, 8. Pages i-vi and 1—368. ASHMOLE, Elias. — Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing Severall Poetical Pieces of our Famous Englifh Philofophers, who have writ- ten the Hermetique Myfteries in their owne An- cient Language. Faithfully Collected into one Volume, with Annotations thereon, By Elias Ash- mole, Efq, Qui eft Mercuriophilus Anglicus. The First Part. London, Printed by T. Grif- mond for Nath: Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, M DC LIL /f.to^ green levant morocco^ gilt hack and s'ldes^ gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. First edition. Six full-page engravings by Vaughan, and a large folded and a small engraved Table. The folded plate is the one at page 117, fre- quently lacking, " The Figure conteyning all the fecrets of the Treatife both great & small." Among the tracts in this curious work are, i. The Ordinall of Alchimy. Written by Thomas Norton of ASSIZES 19 Bristoll. 2. The Compound of Alchymie. A moft ex- cellent, learned, and worthy worke, written by Sir George Ripley. 3. Pater Sapientiae, by an anonymous writer. 4. Hermes Bird, written originally in Latin by Raymond Lully, and translated into English verse by Abbot Cremer, of Westminster, with curious engravings. 5. The Tale of the Chanons Yeoman, by Geoffrey Chaucer, with an engraving of his tomb. 6. John Lydgate, Monke of St. Edmundesbury's translation out of Aristotle. 7. John Gower on the Philosopher's Stone. 8. The Breviary of Naturall Philosophy. Compiled by the unlettered Scholar Thomas Charnock. 9. Sir Edward Kelle's Worke. No second part was printed. Collation : Frontispiece engraved by T. Cross, representing a female bust, the head of which is screened by a scroll, bearing the words, " Astra regunt homines. " On the pedestal is the inscrip- tion " Mercuriophilus Anglicus. " Title in red and black with engraved vignette, Ai (verso blank). Prolegomena, A2-B4. Tracts, &c., C1-Z4, Aai-Zz4, Aaai-Rrr3 in fours. Seven small cuts in the text. Pages 1-486. Tables, Sssi-4 (verso Errata). ASSIZES. — The Great Assises Holden in Par- nassus by Apollo and His Assessovrs : At which Seffions are Arraigned Mercurius Britanicus. Mercurius Aulicus. Mercurius Civicus. The Scout. The writer of Diurnalls. The Intelligencer. The writer of Occurrences. The writer of Paflages. The Poft. The Spye. [counts. The writer of weekly Ac- The Scottifti Dove, &c. London, Printed by Richard Cotes, for Ed- ward Husbands, and are to be fold at his Shop in the Middle Temple, 1645. ^/(7, calf^ gilt hack and sides^ gilt over uncut edges^ by C. Lewis. B2 20 AUSTIN This tract is assigned by Dalrymple to Wither, though it is not registered as such by the poet or his biographers. Wither, in the tract, acts as foreman of the poetical jury. Pulham says it is erroneously attributed to him. It is a curious production, somewhat on the plan of Suckling's " Session of the Poets," and includes notices of several early English writers. On page 1 2 is a ref- erence to Wither's " Abuses Stript and Whipt." Collation: Title in border of printer's ornaments, Ai (verso blank). Characters, A2. Proeme, A3. Text, A4-G1 in fours. Pages 1-44. AUSTIN, Samuel, the Younger. — Naps upon Parnassus. A fleepy Mufe nipt and pincht, though not awakened Such Voluntary and Jovial Copies of Verses, as were lately receiv'd from Tome of the Wits of the Universities, in a Frolick, dedicated to Gondibert's Miftrefs by Captain Jones and others. Whereunto is added for Dem- onftration of the Authors profaick Excellency's, his Epiftle to one of the Univerfities, with the Anfwer ; together with two Satyrical Characters of his Own, of a Temporizer, and an Antiquary, with Marginal Notes by a Friend to the Reader. Vide Jones his Legend, Drink Sack and Gun- powder, and fo fall to't. [Quotation from the Iliad.] Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus. London, Printed by exprefs Order from the Wits, for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1658. 8vo^ brown morocco^ gilt back^ side panel^ gilt edges^ by Murton. First edition. A collection of lampoons on the poetical attempts of Samuel Austin the younger, which he had shown to his acquaintances in manuscript. AYLET 21 Collation : Title in ornamental border, Ai (verso blank). Advertisement to the Reader, A2. Poem, A3-C8 in eights. Title: "The Authors own Verfe and Prole" (n. d.) in border, Di (verso blank). Text, D2-E6 (verso blank). Title: "Two Exact Char- acters, One of a Temporizer. The other of an Antiquarian," E7 (verso blank). Text, E8-F4 (verso blank). AYLET, Robert. — Svsanna : or, The Ar- raignment of the Two Vniust Elders. Devt. 16. 20. That which is iuft and right fhalt thou follow, that thou maift Hue and enioy the Land which the Lord thy God giueth thee. London, Printed for lohn Teage, and are to be fold at his fhoppe in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Ball, 1622. l6mo \8vo\ , calf^ gilt back^ gilt edges^ by C. Lewis. First edition. The Heber copy. Only three others are known. Collation: Title with printer's ornament, Ai (verso blank). Dedication in verse to Lord and Lady Warwick, A2 (verso " The Argument, or Morall, of the whole Historie"). Text in four books, A3-C8 in eights. Pages 1-44. AYLET, Robert. — A Wife, not ready made, but bespoken, by Dicus the Batchelor, and made up for him by his fellow Shepheard Tityrus. In four Paftorall Eglogues. The fecond Edition : Where- in are fome things added but nothing amended. (English verses of eight lines.) London, Printed for A. R., 1653. 8vo^ brown levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges, by Riviere. In Brydges's " Restituta," this volume is described as containing 16 leaves, and in Lowndes, 26 pages or 13 leaves. The present copy contains 17. B3 22 AYRES— AZARIA Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication in verse to Sir Robert Stapleton, A2 (misprinted Bz) (verso, "Lectori Ccelibi) The two married Shepheards," &c. A3. Text, A4 (misprinted B4) -AS and B (misprinted C) to B8 (B3 misprinted C3) in eights. Pages 1-26. " A Christmas Carol. 1645," one leaf, unnumbered. AYRES, Philip. See Nahum Tate. Poems by Several Hands. AZARIA. — Azaria and Hushai, A Poem. Quod cuique vifum eft fentiant. London, Printed for Charles Lee, An. Dom. 1682. /fio^ half red levant morocco^ gilt edges^ by Riviere. Attributed to Pordage and to Settle. Collation: Title, A i (verso blank). " To the Reader," Aa. Poem, B1-F3 in fours, F4 blank. Pages 1—38. — A., editor. — Englands Helicon. Cafta placent fuperls, pura cum vefte venite, • et manibus puris fumite fontis aquam. At London, Printed by I. R. for John Flas- ket, and are to be fold in Paules Church-yard, at the figne of the Beare. 1600. [Reprint.] po^ blue straight-grained morocco^ gilt top^ uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. One of the reprints of John Payne Collier, with the original covers bound in. Bibliographers mention Bodenham as the editor of this work, but he did not edit any of the Elizabethan Miscel- lanies attributed to him ; he projected their publication and befriended the editors. The editor of this work was probably the " A. B.," who wrote the prefatory sonnet, " To his loving kind friend Master John Bodenham." Collation : Title with printer's ornament, one leaf (verso blank), " To his louing kinde friend Maifter lohn Bodenham" by A. B., one leaf (verso "To his very loving friends, M. Nich- olas Wanton, and M. George Faucet" by A. B., "To the Reader, if indifferent," by L. N.), one leaf. Text, one leaf and C1-GG4 (verso blank) in fours. Pages 1—229. B. — A., editor. — England's Helicon. A col- lection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems : pub- lished in 1600. Edited by A. H. Bullen. London : John C. Nimmo, 14, King William Street, Strand, W. C. 1887. B4 24 B.-H. H.— B.-L 8vo^ half calf ^ gilt top^ uncut edges. No. 194 of two hundred and fifty large paper copies. Collation : Half-title, ai (verso announcement). Title in red and black, az (verso blank). Preface, a3 (verso blank). Introduc- tion, a4-ci (verso blank). Index, C2-C4 (verso blank). Text, be- ginning with the original title, 1600, B1-S2 (verso blank) in eights. Index, S3. Pages 1-262. Printer's device, S4 (verso blank). B.— H. H.— The Worlds Idol. Plutus : a Comedy Written in Greek By Aristophanes, Tranflated by H. H. B. Together with his Notes, and A Short Difcourfe upon it. Some dare affirm that Comedies may teach More in one hour than fome in ten can preach. London, Printed by W. G. and are to be fold by Richard Skelton at the Hand and Bible in Ducklane, Ifaac Pridmore at the Golden Falcon neer the New-Exchange, and H. Marfh at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane. 1659. 8vo^ half brown morocco^ by The Club Bindery. First edition. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Argument, one leaf (verso "Dramatis Perfonae"). Text, B1-G3 in fours. G4 blank. Pages 1-46. B. — I. — Philocophus: or, the Deafeand Dumbe Mans Friend. Exhibiting the Phiiofophicall verity of that fubtile Art, which may inable one with an obfervant Eie, to Heare what any man fpeaks by the moving of his lips. Upon the same Ground, with the advantage of an Hiftoricall Exemplification, apparently proving, That a Man borne Deafe and Dumbe, may be taught to Heare the found of words with his Eie, & B.-T.— BACON 25 thence learne to fpeake with his Tongue. By I. B. firnamed the Chirofopher. Sic canimus Surdis — London, Printed for Humphrey Mofeley, and are to be fold at his fhop in Pauls Church-yard 1648. i2mo^ blue levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. Collation : Explanation of frontispiece, one leaf (recto blank). Frontispiece-title engraved by Marshall, one leaf (verso blank). Printed title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Sir Edward Gost- wicke, A2-A6. Latin dedication to John Bulwer, recto of A7. Poem to the Author by Tho. Diconson, verso of A7 & A8, recto. Table,' verso of A8-A12 and bi-bf. Errata, b6 (verso blank). Text, B 1-1,1 2 in twelves. Pages 1-191. Last page blank. B. — T. — The RebeUion of Naples, or the Tragedy of Massenello. Commonly fo called : But Rightly Tomaso Aniello di Malfa Generall of the Neopolitans. Written By a Gentleman who was an eye-witnes where this was really Acted upon that bloudy Stage, the ftreets of Naples. Anno Domini MDCXLVII. [Three lines in Latin.] Printed at London for J. G. & G. B. at Furni- vals-Inne Gate in Holborne, MDCIL [MDCLL] l6mo^ blue levant morocco.^ gilt^ gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. Second edition. Collation : Engraved folding frontispiece signed " M.", Wm. Marshall. Title in a narrow border, Ai (verso blank). Dedica- tion, "To the Right Worfliipfull his Honoured Kins-man, John Caefar of Hyde hall, A2-A3 (verso " To the Reader "). " Names of the feverall Actors," A4 (verso Prologue). Text, B1-F7 in eights. Pages 1—77. BACON, Sir Francis. — EfTaies. Religious 26 BACON Meditations. Places of perfwafion and diflwafion. Seene and allowed. London Printed for Humfrey Hooper and are to bee folde at the blacke Beare in Chauncery lane. 1598. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by lohn Windet for Humfrey Hooper. 1598. l2mo^ green morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges. Second edition, but the first in which the " Medita- tiones Sacras " are in English. Rarer than the first edi- tion, from which it differs only in an occasional change of orthography. Collation : Title, Ai (verso Contents). Dedication, A2-A3 recto. Text, verso of A3-E4 (verso colophon) in twelves. Folios 1-49. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Essaies of S' Francis Bacon Knight, the Kings SoUiciter Gen- erall. Imprinted at London by lohn Beale, 1612. 8vo^ original vellum wrapper^ gilt ornaments. Fourth edition, enlarged. It is dedicated " To my loving brother, S' John Constable," and the Table calls for forty Essays ; the last two, however, were not in- cluded, — " Of the Publike " and " Of Warre and Peace." The " Meditations " and " Colours of Good and Evil " were also omitted, but they are retained in Jaggard's edi- tion of the same date. In the interval between the ap- pearance of the second edition, in 1598, and the present enlarged one, the author had lost his own brother An- thony. Bacon here takes no notice of the pirated edi- tion of 1606. Collation : Preliminary blank leaf, Ai. Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication, A3-A4 (verso blank). Table, A5-A 6 (verso BACON 27 blank). Text, Ay-Qj (verso blank) in eights. Q^8 blank. Pages I— 241. BACON, Sir Francis. — EfTaies. Religious Meditations. Places of perfwafion and diflwafion. Scene and allowed. Printed at London for lohn laggard, dwelling in Fleete-ftreete at the Hand and Starre neere Tem- ple barre. 161 2. i6mo^ citron levant morocco^ gilt and mosaic back and sideSy gilt edges^ by Riviere. Fifth edition. Presumably the first edition of the second part with the blank leaf G8. This is an ampli- fied reprint in two parts of the pirated impression issued by Jaggard in 1606, and retains the dedication to An- thony Bacon, suppressed by the author in his own edition of 161 2, as well as the "Meditations," etc., as men- tioned in the preceding copy. Collation : Title with woodcut head band, A 2 (verso blank). Contents, A3 (verso blank) "To Maister Anthony Bacon his deare Brother," A4-A5 (verso blank). Text of First Part, A6- recto of Hi in eights. Verso of G7 and G8 blank. Second Part, verso of Hi -O 8 (verso blank). No pagination. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Essaies oi S' Francis Bacon Knight, the Kings Aturney Gen- erall. ^ His Religious Meditations. ^Places of Perfwafion and DifTwafion. Seene and allowed. Printed at London for lohn laggard, dwelling at the Hand and Starre between the two Temple Gates. 1 6 13. 8vo^ original vellum covers^ with ties. Sixth edition. Collation: Preliminary blank leaf, A i . Title within border. 28 BACON Az (verso blank), Dedication to Sir John Constable, A3. The Table, A4. Text, A5-K1, in eights. «* Meditationes facrae," K2 (verso blank). Text, K3-M6. On the verso of M6 is the sub-title "Of The Colours of Good and Euill, a Fragment," and the recto of M7 is blank. Introductory matter in Latin and Eng- lish, verso of M7-N1. Text, N2-P3. P4 blank. No pagina- tion. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Essayes or Covnsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Verv- 1am, Viscovnt St. Alban. Newly written. Lon- don, Printed by lohn Haviland for Hanna Barret. 1625. ^to^ red levant morocco^ gilt hack and sides^ gilt edges^ by Pratt. The first edition containing fifty-eight Essays, and the only one so printed in the lifetime of the author. Collation : Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to the Duke of Buckingham, A3— A4 (verso blank). The Table, (a)-(a2) (verso blank). Text, Bi-Xx2 in fours. Pages 1-340. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Essays or counsels civil and moral and wisdom of the an- cients by Francis Lord Verulam. Edited by B. Montagu, Esq. London, William Pickering. [1845] 8vo citron levant morrocco^ gilt back and side panels with mosaic in green morocco^ dentelle borders inside^ gilt top^ uncut edges ^ by David. Collation : Half-title, one leaf (verso blank). Title in red and black, in a woodcut border, one leaf (verso blank). Preface, bi- C4 (verso woodcut). Contents, C5-C6 (verso woodcut). Sub-title of Essays, di (verso blank). Text, B1-P8 in eights. Half-title of *< The Wisdom of the Ancients " translated by Sir Arthur Gorges, Qj (verso blank). Preface, Q2-Q^5 (verso blank). Text, Q6- AA2. Index, AA3-AA8 (verso printer's device). Pages 1-355. BACON 29 BACON, Sir Francis. — A Declaration of the Practifes & Treafons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Efsex and his Complices, againft her Maieftie and her Kingdoms, and of the proceedings as well as the Arraignments & Conuictions of the faid late Earle, and his adher- ents, as after : Together with the very Confefsions and other parts of the Euidences themfelues, word for word taken out of the Originals (*:5:"'^) 1[ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Queenes moft excellent Maieftie. (*^*) Anno 1601. /f.to^ red levant morocco^ gilt back ^ gilt top^ by Alfred Matthews. This declaration is supposed to have been drawn up by Bacon. Collation : Title, A2 (verso woodcut arms). Text, A3-Q^4 in fours. Arms on verso of G2 and K3. L3 verso blank. No pagination. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Tvvoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and ad- uancement of Learning, diuine and humane. To the King. At London, \ Printed for Henrie Tomes, and are to be fould at his fhop at Graies Inne Gate in Holborne. 1605. /^.to., red levant morocco^ gilt back^ gilt edges ^ by Bedford. First edition. Presumably a large paper copy measur- ing 61^x81^ inches. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). First Book, A2-M2 In fours. Second Book, Aai-Hhhi. Folios 1-45 and 1-118. Errors in pagination : First Book, page 3 is unnumbered, page 34 for 24. Second Book, page 6 for 9, 33 for 30. After page 69 the num- 30 BACON bering is very erratic, 70, 70, 71, 70, 72, 74, 73, 74, 75, 69, 77, 78, 79, 80, 77, 74, 74, 69, 69, 82, 87, 79, 89, 90 — 95, 99, 97, 99, 94, 100, 99, 102, 103, 103, 93, 106 — 114, 105, 116 — 118. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Two Bookes of S'' Francis Bacon of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning, Divine and Hvmane. To the King. Oxford, Printed by I. L. Printer to the Vni- verfity, for Thomas Huggins. 1633. With permiffion of B. Fifher. /fio^ red levant morocco^ gilt edges ^ by Ihe Club Bindery. Third edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). First Book, A2-M2 in fours. Second Book, M3-Z4 and Aai-Tt4 (verso blank). Pages 1-335- BACON, Sir Francis. — Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning or the Partitions of Sciences IX Bookes Written in Latin by the Most Eminent Illustrious & Famous Lord Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam Vicont S* Alban Coun- filour of Eftate and Lord Chancellor of England. Interpreted by Gilbert Wats. Oxford. Printed by Leon : Lichfield, Printer to the Univerfity, for Rob: Young, & Ed: For- reft. cJD |d cxl Folio^ brown levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by Chambolle-Duru. Fourth edition and the first with Nine Books. Collation: Portrait, and engraved title by W. Marshall. Dedica- tion in Latin, to King Charles, ^ 1. To the Prince, ^ 2 & 3. " Favovrable Reader," ^ 4, ][^ i & 2, and ]f^Tf i. "Testi- monies consecrate to the merite of — Sir Francis Bacon," A, A2and Bi. Latin poems to the Author, B2-4, and C1-C3 (verso blank). " Franciscvs Baro de Vervlamio," &c., C4. "Motives to his In- BACON 31 staur. of Sciences," aai-aa 2 (verso blank). Preface, aa3-ee4 (verso blank) in fours. "Generall Argvment," fFi. "Designe," fr2-hh2 in fours. Title (n.d.) of "The Platform of the Designe," (verso blank). "Emanation of Sciences &c." (Table), fi (verso blank). "Platforme of the Designe," |2-||2 (verso blank). Text in nine books, A1-O004 (versoblank)mfours (versosof Ji, Y4, Tt2, Zz3, Nn2, blank). Catalogue, Pppi-Ppp2. "Index of Sacred Scrip- tures," Ppp3-Ppp4 (verso blank). " Index of Humane Authors," Qqqi. Errata, Qqq2 (verso, "Lectori Academico"). "Cata- logvs," Qqq3-Rrri (verso "Typographus Lectori"). "Fra. de Vervlamio &c., Rrr2 (verso Imprint). Pages 1-477, through recto of O004. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Two Books of Francis Lord Verulam. Of the proficience and ad- vancement of learning, divine and human. To the King. London. Wilham Pickering. M.DCCC.XXV. 8vo^ olive morocco^ back and sides richly tooled in a Grolier pattern^ gilt over uncut edges ^ by Mackenzie. One of three copies on rose paper. The Eyton copy. Collation : Blank leaf. Title with woodcut of a wreath, one leaf (verso blank). Preface, six leaves. Contents, bi. Text, B1-BB7 (verso blank) in eights. Folded tables, one leaf. Index, BB8-DD1. Pages 1-402. BACON, Sir Francis. — Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning By Francis Lord Verulam Edited by B. Montagu Esq. London William Pickering [1851] 8vo.f cloth^ uncut edges. Collation : Title in red and black, in a woodcut border, one leaf (verso blank). Preface, three leaves and bi-b4. Pages i- xvi. Text, B1-Y2. Index, Y3-Z3. Pages 1-341. BACON, Sir Francis. — Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine Imputations concerning the 32 BACON late Earle of Eflex. Written to the right Honor- able his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuon- fhire, Lord Liuetenant of Ireland. London, Printed for Mathevv Lovvns and are to be fold, at his fhop in Pauls Church-yard. 1605. l6mo^ red levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ by Lortic freres . Second edition. Lowndes believed this copy to be unique. Collation : Title, Ai verso blank). Text (to the Earle of Devonshire), AZ-E4 in eights. Pages 1—72. 1 BACON, Sir Francis. — Francisci De Veru- larnio, Summi Angliae Cancellarii, Instauratio magna. Multi pertransibunt & augebitur fcientia. Londini Apud Joannem Billium Typographum Regium. Anno 1620. Folio^ old red morocco^ gilt back^ side borders^ gilt edges. First edition. Collation : Title engraved by Sim. Pass. Preface, ^i & \i (verso blank). Dedication to King James, T|3-T[4. (verso blank). Praefatio, Ai-Bi (verso blank). "Distribvtio Operis," B2-C4 (verso blank). Sub-title, "Deest Pars Prima," &c., C5 (verso blank). Second sub-title with vignette, " Pars Secvunda Operis, Quas Dicitvr Nowm Organvm, | Sive | Indicia Vera | De Inter- pretatione | Natvrae," C6 (verso blank). Praefatio, D1-D4 (verso blank). Sub-title, "Partis Secvndae Svmma, | Digesta | In | Aphorismos," Ei (verso blank). Text of " Nouum Organum," Lib. I, Ez— Si in fours, (I2, misprinted Jz). Sub-title, "Liber Secvndvs Aphorismorvm," Sz (verso blank). Text of Lib. II, S3-SS4 in fours and Tti— Tt6. Pages 1—360. Sub-title of "Parasceve, ad Historiam natvralem, et experimentalem," Ai (verso blank) Text, az-a3 (verso blank). "Aphorismi," a4-C3, C4 blank. " Catalogvs," di-e3 ending with errata and colo- phon (verso blank). e4 blank. Pages 1—36 (e3-e4 unnum- BACON 33 bered). Errors: p. 96 for 91, 173-180 omitted, 11 1 for 311, 35 for 27, 38 for 30. BACON, Sir Francis. — Apophthegmes New and Old. Collected by the Right Honovrable, Francis Lo. Vervlam, Vifcount S^- Alban. London, Printed for Hanna Barret, and Rich- ard Whittaker, and are to be fold at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard. 1625. l2mo^ brown levant morocco^ gilt hack and sides^ gilt edges ^ by Riviere. First edition. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Introduction, Bi- B3. Text, B4-X2 in eights. Pages 1-307. BACON, Sir Francis. — The Elements of the Common Lawes of England, Branched into a double Tract : the one Contayning a Collection of fome principall Rules and Maximes of the Com- mon Law, with their Latitude and Extent. Expli- cated for the more facile Introduction of fuch as are ftudioufly addicted to that noble Profefsion. The other The Vfe of the Common Law, for preferuation of our Perfons, Goods, and good Names. According to the Lawes and Customes of this Land. By the late Sir Francis Bacon Knight, Lo: Verulam and Vifcount S. Alban. Videre Vtilitas. London, Printed by the Afsignes of L More Efq. 1630. Gentlemen. ( John Fletcher, j The fixt Edition, Corrected and amended. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 59 London, Printed for Humphrey Mofeley, and are to be fold at his Shop at the Princes Armesin St. Pauls Church-yard. 1651. ^to^ red levant morocco^ gilt hack and edges ^ by David. Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). "The Actors are thefe," between broad woodcut bands, A 2 (verso blank). Text, A3-H4 in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— A King and No King. Acted at the Blacke-Fryars, by his Maiesties Seruants. And now the fecond time Printed, according to the true Copie. Writ- ten by Francis Beamovnt and lohn Flecher. London, Printed for Thomas Walkley, and are to be fold at his fhop at the Eagle and Childe in Brittans-Burfe. 1625. ^to^Jlexible red levant morocco^ Janseniste^ gilt edges. Second edition. Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). Text, A2-M3 (verso blank) in fours. Pages 1—91. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. — A King and No King. Acted at the Black-Fryars, by his Maiesties Servants. And now the fourth time printed, according to the true Copie. ( Francis Beavmont ^ Written by ^ & V Gent. ( John Fletcher j The Stationer to Dramatophilus. A Play and no Play, who this Booke iliall read, Will judge, and weepe, as if 'twere done indeed. London, Printed by E. G. for William Leake, 6o BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER and are to be fold at his fhop in Chancery-lane, neere unto the Rowles. 1639. ^/(7, half brown levant morocco^ gilt top^ by Riviere. Fourth edition. Collation: Title, Ai (verso "The Perfonated Perfons"'). Text, AZ-L4 in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. — A King, and No King. Acted at the Black-Fryars, by his Majefties Servants. And now the fourth time Printed, according to the true Copie. ( Francis Beaumont ^ Written by < and V Gent. ( John Fletcher j The Stationer to Dramatophilus. A Play and no Play, who this Book fhall read, Will judge, and weep, as if 'twere done indeed. London, Printed in the Year, 1661. ^/o, red levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by Riviere. The title incorrectly says, " the fourth time printed." It is probably the sixth edition, the fourth having been issued in 1639. Collation : Title in a narrow ornamental border, one leaf (verso " The Perfonated Perlbns"). Text, Ai-I,4 (verso blank) in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Cvpids Revenge. As it was often Acted (with great applaufe) by the Children of the Reuells. r Francis Beavmont, 1 Written by -< & V Gentlemen. ( lo. Fletcher ) The fecond Edition. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 6 1 London : Printed for Thomas lones, and are to be fold at his Shop in Saint Dunflanes Church yard in Fleet-ftreet. 1630. /fio^ red levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. Collation : Preliminary blank leaf. Title with printer's orna- ment, one leaf (verso Persons). Text, B1-L3 in fours. L4 blank. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Cupids Revenge. As it was often Acted (with great aplaufe) by the Children of the Revels. r Fran : Beavmont, ^ Written by ^ and V Gentlemen. ( lo: Fletcher, J The third Edition. London, Printed by A. M. 1635. ^to^ sprinkled calf^ gilt back and edges ^ by Bedford, Collation: Title, Ai (verso "The Actors are thefe "). Text, A2-K4 (verso blank) in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Phil- aster, or Love lies a Bleeding. Acted at the I ""and"' I By his Majefties I Blackfriers 1 Servants. T^u A ^u r Francis Beaumont, ) 1 he Authors , \ r^ ^\ , . < and V Gentlemen. ° ( lohn Fletcher, J The fourth Imprefsion. London, Printed by W. J. for Richard Haw- kins, and are to be fold at his Shop in Chancery- lane, adjoyning to Sarjeants Inne gate 1634. ^to^ red levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. 62 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER Collation: Title with printer's ornament, Ai (verso blank). " The Stationer to the Vnderstanding Gentrie," A2. "Perfons prefented," A3 (verso blank). Text, A4-L2 in fours. Pages 1-78, misprinted 70. (Pages 75 and 77 misprinted 67 and 78 respectively.) BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Phil- aster or Love lies a Bleeding. A J u f ^^°^^' ) By his Majefties Acted at the < and > c I j r>, , r . ( servants. (^ Blackrriers. J ^L A u r Francis Beaumont, 1 1 heAuthors , I /- ^ , . < and > Cjent. ^^^^ ( lohn Fletcher, J The fourth Impreffion. London, Printed by E. Griffin for William Leak, and are to be fold at his fhop in Chancerie Lane neere the fix Clarkes Office 1639. ^to^ half brown levant morocco^ gilt top^ by Riviere. This is neither the fourth edition nor the fifth, unless we assume the edition called the fifth and dated 1652 to be an error. Collation: Title with printer's ornament, A i (verso blank). "The Stationer to the Understanding Gentrie," Az (verso " Per- fons prefented"). Text, A 3-K4. in fours. Pages 1-76. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Knight Of the Bvrning Pestle. Full of Mirth and Delight. r Francis Beamount, ^ Written by -< and > Gent. ( lohn Fletcher. J As it is now acted by her Majefties Servants at the Private houfe in Drury lane. 1635. [Four lines from Horat. in Epift. ad Oct. Aug.] BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 63 London: Printed by N.O. for I. S. 1635. ^/o, red levant morocco,, gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ partly uncut,, by Riviere. There are two editions dated 1635, of which this is probably the first issue (" Beamount "). Both omit the dedication by Walter Burre to Mr. Robert Caesar, found only in the first edition of 1613. The issue above has a smaller type in the address " To the Readers of this Comedy, " and larger in the Prologue. Perhaps the easi- est mark of identification is in the opening line of the play, which in this issue ends at the word "great," while in the other the three last words, " all that's great " form a second line. Possibly the edition of 161 3 with the title-page of 1635- Collation : Preliminary blank leaf, Ai. Title, A2 (verso blank). To the Readers, A3. Prologue, A3 verso-A4 (verso Speakers Names). Text, B1-K4 (verso blank) in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Knight Of the Bvrning Pestle. Full of Mirth and Delight. i Francis Beaumont,^ Written by I and V Gent. ( lohn Fletcher. J As it is now Acted by Her Majefties Servants at the Private houfe in Drury lane. 1635. [Four lines from Horat. in Epift. ad Oct. Aug.] London : Printed by N.O. for LS. 1635. ^/o, red levant morocco., gilt back and sides,, gilt edges,, by Bedford. In this issue (probably the second, with the corrected name, " Beaumont"), there are many changes in the ad- The Maides Tragcdie: AS IT HATHBEENE divers times A6lc Gent. ( John Flecher. j London Printed by Thomas Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke. 1639. /f.to^ red levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. First edition. Ei 66 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER Collation : Title with printer's ornament, one leaf (verso Ac- tors names). Text, Bi-I, 3 in fours. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Wit without Mony, a Comedy, (With Alterations and Amendments, by fome Persons of Qual- ity.) As it is now Acted at the Queen's Thea- tre In the Hay-Market, By Her Majefty's Com- pany of Comedians. London : Printed for, and are to be Sold by Rich. Parker under the Exchange in Cornhil, Eg- bert Sanger at the Poft-Houfe in Fleet-ftreet, and John Morphew near Stationers-Hall. (n. d.) ^/o, green levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by Zaehns- dorf. This edition is not mentioned in " Biographia Dra- matica." Viz. ^ Collation: Half-title, Ai (verso blank). Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication (unsigned) to Thomas Newman, A3. Pro- logue, A4 (verso " Perfons reprefented"). Text, B1-K4 (verso Epilogue) in fours. Pages i— 71 (last page unnumbered). BEAUMONT, Francis.-— Poems: by Fran- cis Beaumont, Gent. The Hermaphrodite. The Remedie of Love. Elegies. (^Sonnets, with other Poems. London, Printed by Richard Hodgkinfon for W. W. and Laurence Blaikelocke and are to be fold at the figne of the Sugar-loafe next Temple Bar in Fleet-ftreet. 1640. ^/o, redn'iger skin^ gilt back and sides ^ gilt top^ uncut edges ^ by The Club Bindery. Viz. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 67 First edition. According to Corser, this book con- tains poems by Cleveland, Randolph, Harrington, King and others. Edited by Blaikelocke, the printer. Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Robert Ducie, signed Laurence Blaikelocke, A2. " Tothe true Patronefle of all Poetrie, Caliope," signed F. B., A3 recto. Poems to the author signed W. B., J. B., and J. F., A3 verso-A4 (verso "Author to the Reader "). "The Hermaphrodite," B1-E3 in fours. "Imprimatur," E4 (verso blank). "The Remedie of Love," Fi— Hz recto. Elegies, Sonnets, etc., Hz verso — K4 (verso blank). No pagination. BEAUMONT, Francis.— Poems: By Fran- cis Beaumont, Gent. The Hermaphrodite. The Remedy of Love. Elegies. Sonnets, with other Poems. London, Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and are to be fold at his Shop neare the middle Tem- ple Gate in Fleet-ftreet. 1653. 8vo^ original vellum wrappers. Second edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Robert Parkhurst, Az. " To the true PatronefTe of all Poetry, Caliope," by F. B., A3. Poems to the Author, verso of A3-A8. Text, B1-N8 (verso blank) in eights. The first leaf of signature "C" is misprinted " G." No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Poems, The Golden Remains Of thofe fo much admired Dramatick Poets, Francis Beaumont ^ & V Gent. John Fletcher j Ez 68 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER Containing The Hermaphrodite two Sexes. The Remedy and Art of Love. Elegies on the moft eminent Perfons; with other amorous Sonnets, and conceited Fancies. Together, With the Prologues, Epilogues, and Songs, many of which were never before inferted in his printed Playes. The fecond Edition enriched with the addition of other Drolleries by feverall Wits of thefe pre- fent Times. London, Printed for William Hope at the backfide of the Old Exchange. 1660. 8vo^ green levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ by Riviere. Third edition, although the tide says " second." Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Robert Parkhurst, Az. Various poems to the Authors, etc., A3-A8. Text, B1-N8 (verso blank) in eights. No pagination. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— (L) Comedies and Tragedies r Francis Beavmont ^ Written by < And > Gentlemen. ( lohn Fletcher J Never printed before, And now publifhed by the Authours Originall Copies. Si quid habent veri Vatum praefagia, vivam. London, Printed for Humphrey Robinfon, at the three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Mofeley at the Princes Armes in S' Pauls Church-yard. 1647. (IL) The Wild-Goofe Chafe. 1652. (Seethe copy following the Complete Works p. 72.) BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 69 Folio^ two luorks in one volume^ red levant morocco^ back and sides gold tooled in panels^ gilt edges^ by Bedford. Double columns. First collected edition, edited by Ja. Shirley, and containing 34 plays, all that had not previ- ously appeared. Bound with it is "The Wild Goose- Chase," first edition, with a separate title and a differ- ent date. Portrait of Fletcher, engraved by Marshall, with nine lines of verse beneath by Sir John Berken- head. A large copy, measuring 13^ x 8^^ inches. Collation : I. Portrait by Marshall. Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, by John Lowin, Richard Robinson and eight other come- dians, A2. Ja. Shirley "To the Reader," A3. "The Sta- tioner to the Readers," signed Humphrey Moseley, A4. Grandison, "To the Stationer," ai. Commendatory poems, ai verso-(c4.) in fours, di-dz, ei-ez, f i -f4 and gi. "The Sta- tioner" and "Postscript," g2 (verso Catalogue). "The Mad Lover," B1-D4 (verso blank) in fours. "The Spanish Curat," Ei-Hi. "The Little French Lawyer," H2-L2 (verso blank). Pages 1-75. " TheCuftome,oftheCountrey," Aai-Ddi (verso blank). "The Noble Gentleman," Dd2-Ff3. "The Captaine," Ff4-Kki (verso blank). " Beggars Bvsh," Kk2-Mm4. "The Coxcombe," Nni- Pp4 (verso blank). "The False One," Qqi-Ss4 (verso blank). Pages 1-143. "The Chances," Aaai-Ccc3 (verso blank.) "The Loyal Svbiect," Ccc4-Gggi. "The Lawes of Candy," Ggg2-I,i,i, 3 (verso blank). "The Lovers Progress," I,i,i,4-Mmm3. "The Island Princesse," Mmm4-Ppp4 (verso blank), Mmm2 mis- printed Mmm 3. " The Humorous Lieutenant," Qqqi-Ttt2 (verso blank) " The Nice Valovr," Ttt3-Xxx3. Pages 1-165. "Letter to Jonson," Xxx3 verso— Xxx4 (verso blank) unpaged. "The Maid in the Mill," 4A1-4C4 (verso blank). " The Prophetesse," 4D1-4F3 "The Tragedy of Bonduca," 4F4-4l,4 (verso blank). Pages 1-7 1. " The Sea Voyage," 5A 1-5 C2 (verso blank). "The Double Marriage," 5C3-5F3. " The Pilgrim," 5F4-5l,3 (verso blank). "The Knight of Malta," 5 1, 4-5 M4 (verso blank). "The Woman's Prize," 5N 1-5 Q2 (verso blank). " Love's Cure," 5Q3- 5S6 (verso blank) in fours. "The Honert Man's Fortune," fTi- 5X4. Pages 1-172. "The Queenes of Corinth," 6A1-6C4 (verso blank). " Women pleaf'd," 6D1-6F3. " A Wife for a Moneth," 6F4-6I,2. "Wit At feverall Weapons," 6I,3-6L6 in fours. Pages 1—92 (p. 83 misprinted 85). " Valentinian, " 7A1- E3 70 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 7C4.and 7D1-7D2. "The Faire Maide of the Inne," 7E1-7G4. Pages 1-52 (misprinted 50). "Love's Pilgrimage," 8A1-8C4 and 8-»Di. " The Maske of the Gentlemen of Grayes-Inne," 8*D2. "Four Playes, Or Morall Reprefentations, in One," 8D1-8F4. Pages 1-48. (Pages 25-28 repeated.) II. See the separate edition, page 72. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Comedies and Tragedies. 1647. Folio^ maroon levant morocco^ gilt back^ side panels^ cor- ner and center ornaments^ gilt edges {some rough)^ by Bedford. Another copy, with a brilliant impression of the por- trait of Fletcher engraved by Marshall, and a duplicate in the first state of the plate, the name of Sir John Berkenhead being printed large beneath the nine lines of verse written by him. This copy measures 12^ x 8^ inches. Collation : The same as the preceding copy. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Dramatic Works of Beaumont and Fletcher ; Collated with all the Former Editions, and cor- rected ; With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by various commentators ; And Adorned with Fifty-four Original Engravings. In Ten Vol- umes. Volume The First ; Containing, Prefaces ; Commendatory Poems ; Maid's Tragedy ; Phil- aster ; King and no King; Scornful Lady. [Volume The Second ; Containing, etc.] London, Printed by T. Sherlock, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden ; For T. Evans, and P. Elmsley, in the Strand; J. Ridley, St. James's Street, J. Williams, No. 39, Fleet-Street; and W. Fox, Holborn. MDCCLXXVIIL BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 7 1 8vo^ ten volumes^ half purple straight-grain morocco^ gilt top^ uncut edges. A remarkably fine uncut copy of this edition, with fine impressions of the plates engraved by Grignion, Collyer, etc., double medallion portraits of Beaumont and Fletcher by Ryder after M. A. Rooker, and three extra sets of portraits and other illustrations inserted, in- cluding proofs on India paper. Edited by George Colman. The contents of each volume are given on the title-pages, as indicated in the title of Volume I., page 70. Collation : I. Half-title, Portrait of Beaumont and Fletcher. Title, three leaves. Contents as on title. Pages i-cxl, two leaves, and 1—399. II. Custom of the Country. Elder Brother. Spanish Curate. Wit Without Money. Beggar's Bush. Pages 1-485. III. Humorous Lieutenant. Faithful Shepherdess. Mad Lover. Loyal Subject. Rule a wife and have a Wife. Pages i- 500. IV. Laws of Candy. False One. Little French Lawyer. Tragedy of Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas. Pages 1-474. V. Chances. Tragedy of RoUo, Duke of Normandy. Wild Goose-Chase. A Wife for a Month. Lovers' Progress. Pilgrim. Pages 1-544. VI. Captain. Prophetess. Queen of Corinth. Bonduca. Knight of the Burning Pestle. Pages 1-46 1. VII. Love's Pilgrimage. Double Marriage. Maid in the Mill. Knight of Malta. Love's Cure ; or, the Martial Maid. Pages 1-483. VIII. Women Pleas' d. Night- Walker ; or, the Little Thief. Island Princess. Woman's Prize ; or, the Tamer Tam'd. Noble Gentleman. Pages 1—464. IX. Coronation. Sea-Voyage. Coxcomb. Wit at Several Weapons. Fair Maid of the Inn. Cupid's Revenge. Pages 1-521. X. Two Noble Kinsmen. Thierry and Theodoret. Woman- Hater. Nice Valour ; or, the Passionate Madman. Honest Man' s Fortune. Masque. Four Plays ; or, Moral Representations, in One. Pages 1-594. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Works of Beaumont & Fletcher, the text formed E4 72 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER from a new collation of the early editions. With Notes and a Biographical Memoir by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. In Eleven Volumes. Vol. I. (Contents, &c. Vol. II.-XI. &c.). London : Edward Moxon, Dover Street. MDCCCXLIII.-IV.-V. & VI. 8vo^ eleven volumes^ green levant morocco^ gilt back^ gilt top^ uncut edges^ by Matthews. Extra portraits and illustrations inserted. Collation : I. Preface, Lives. Dedication, &c. Commen- datory Poems. The Woman-Hater. Thierry and Theodoret. Phi- last er. The Maid's Tragedy. Pages 1-424, II. The Faithful Shepherdess. The Knight of the Burning Pes- tle. A King and no King. Cupid's Revenge. The Masque of the Inner-Temple and Gray's Inn. Four Plays in One. Pages 1-57 1. III. The Scornful Lady. The Coxcomb. The Captain. The Honest Man's Fortune. The Little French Lawyer. Pages 1-563. IV. Wit at Several Weapons. Wit Without Money. The Faithful Friends. The Widow. The Custom of the Country. Pages 1-494. V. Bonduca. The Knights of Malta. Valentinian. The Laws of Candy. The Queen of Corinth. Pages 1—486. VI. The Loyal Subject. The Mad Lover. The False One. The Double Marriage. The Humorous Lieutenant. Pages 1—538. VII. Women Pleased. The Woman's Prize. The Chances. Monsieur Thomas. The Island Princess, Pages 1-5 12, VIII. The Pilgrim. The Wild-Goose Chase. The Proph- etess. The Sea Voyage. The Spanish Curate. Pages 1-494. IX. Beggar's Bush. Love's Cure. The Maid in the Mill. A Wife for a Month. Rule a Wife and have a Wife. Pages 1—477. X. The Fair Maid of the Inn. The Noble Gentleman. The Elder Brother. The Nice Valour ; or. The Passionate Maiden. The Bloody Brother ; or, Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Pages 1-467, XL The Lover's Progress, The Night- Walk ; or, The Lit- tle Thief. Love's Pilgrimage. The Two Noble Kinsmen. Poems by Beaumont, Poems by Fletcher, Index to Notes. Pages 1-539. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Wild-Goofe Chafe. A Comedie. As it hath BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 73 been Acted with fingular Applaufe at the Black- Friers : Being the Noble, Laft, and Onely Re- maines of thofe Incomparable Drammatifts, ( Francis Beaumont, ^ < and V Gent. ( John Fletcher, ) Retriv'd for the publick. delight of all the Ingen- ious ; And private Benefit Of J A A 'I Servants to His late ) T , ^ , ( Maiestie. (^Joseph 1 aylor, J -' By a Perfon of Honour. Ite bonis avibus — London, Printed for Humpherey Mofeley, and are to be fold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard. 1652. Folio^ sprinkled calf^ gilt back and edges. First edition. Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication, "To the Honour' d, Few, Lovers of Drammatick Poefie," Az. Commen- datory poems by Richard Lovelace, &c., Az verso and ai— az (verso "Drammatis Personae "). Text, Bi-Pz in twos. Pages 1-56. BEAUMONT & FLETCHER.— The Beg- gars Bush. Written by Francis Beaumont, And John Fletcher, Gentlemen. You may fpeedily expect thofe other Playes, which Kirkman, and his Hawkers have deceived the buyers withall, felling them at treble the value, that this and the rest will be fold for, which are the onely Originall and corrected copies, as they were firft purchafed by us at no mean rate, and fince printed by us. London, Printed for Humphrey Robinfon, and 74 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER Anne Mofeley, at the three Pigeons, and at the Princes Arms in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1661. /fio^ mottled calf^ gilt back^ by The Club Bindery. Second edition. First printed in the folio of 1647. Collation: Title, one leaf (verso "Drammatis Personae"). Text, A1-E2 (verso Prologueand Epilogue) in fours. Pages 1-35, the last page unnumbered. Double columns. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Island Princess : or the Generous Portugal. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties Servants. With the Alterations and New Additional Scenes. Licenfed May 31. 1669. Roger L'Eftrange. London, Printed for H. R. and A. M. and are to be fold by William Cademan at the Popes Head in the Lower walk of the New Exchange, and Robert Pask at the Stationers Arms and Ink- bottle under Pinners Hall in Winchester-street by Grefham-Colledge. 1669. ^/(?, red levant morocco^ gilt back^ side corners^ gilt edges ^ by Riviere. Second edition. First printed in the folio of 1647. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Prologue, one leaf (verso Actors Names). Text, B1-L2 (verso Epilogue) in foius. Pages 1-75 (last page unnumbered). BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— The Prophetess : or, the History of Dioclesian. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. With Alterations and Additions, After the Manner of an Opera. Reprefented at the Queen's Theatre, By Their Majesties Servants. BEAUMONT 75 London, Printed for Jacob Tonfon at the Judges Head In Chancery-lane near Fleet-ftreet. 1690. ^to^ red morocco^ gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. The first edition of an alteration by Betterton of Beau- mont and Fletcher's play, " The Prophetess " (folio, 1647) '"^° ^^^ form of an opera, by the addition of several musical entertainments, composed by Henry Purcell. The prologue, by Dryden, gave great offence to the Court. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Persons, one leaf (verso blank). Text, Bi— Li in fours. Pages 1-74. See Fletcher, John. BEAUMONT, Sir John.— Bofvvorth-field: with a taste of the variety of other poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, deceafed : set forth by his Sonne, Sir lohn Beavmont, Baronet; And dedicated to the Kings moil Excellent Maiestie. London, Printed by Felix Kyngston for Henry Seile, and are to be fold at the Tygers head in Saint Pauls Churchyard. 1629. i6mo^ red levant morocco^ gilt back^ gilt edges ^ in maroon levant morocco case^ by Mercier. First edition. Collation: Preliminary blank leaf, Ai. Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to the King, A3. Elegy to Beaumont by Thomas Neuill, A4. Elegy by Sir Thomas Hawkins, A5-A6 (verso " To tlie worthy Muse of his Noble Friend Sir John Beau- mont," by Thomas Hawkins). *' A Congratulation to the Muses," by John Beaumont, A7. Commendatory Poems by Francis Beau- mont, George Fortescue, Ben Jonson, Mi. Drayton, Ph. Kin (in Latin), and la. Cl[eland], A8-(a4) (verso blank). Text, B1-O8 in eights. Pp. 1-208. Pages 181-182 (N3) are missing in all copies, but obviously they were cancelled after publication. BEAUMONT, Joseph.— Psyche : or Loves 76 BEDLOE Mysterie In XX. Canto's: Difplaying the Inter- courfe Betwixt Christ, and the Soule. [Quota- tion of four Hnes in Greek]. By Joseph Beaumont, Mr. in Arts and Ejected Fellow of S. Peters College in Cambridge. London, Printed by John Dawfon for George Boddington, and are to fold at his Shop in Chan- cery-lain neer Serjants-Inn. M.D.C.XL.VIII. Folio^ blue straight-grain morocco^ gilt^ gilt edges^ by Bed- ford. First edition. Double columns. Collation : Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to the Re- deemer, A3 (verso blank). Author to the Reader, A4. Text. B I -Eee4 (verso Errors) in fours. Pages 1-399 (^^^^ P^g^ unnum- bered). Errors: p. 65 for 64, 148 for 168, 162 for 192, 201 for 210, 293 for 303, 398 for 389. BEDLOE, Captain William. — The Excom- municated Prince : or, The Falfe Relique. A Tragedy. As it was Acted by His Holinefs's Servants. Being the Popifh Plot in a Play. By Capt. William Bedloe. London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurft, D. New- man, Tho. Cockerill, and Tho. Simmons, 1679. Folio^ half maroon calf. First edition. The words " Being the Popish Plot in a Play " were added to the title by the publishers, with- out the author's consent or knowledge. By some bibli- ographers the greater part of the play is ascribed to Thomas Walter, a student of Jesus College, Oxford. Collation : Author's permission to print, Ai (recto blank). Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to George, Duke of Bucking- ham, B1-B2 (verso blank). "Dramatis Personae," Ci. Pro- logue, C2 (verso blank). Text, Bi, repeated-N2 (verso blank) in twos. Pages 1-47. BEHN 77 BEHN, Aphra. — The Amorous Prince, or, the Curious Husband. A Comedy, As it is Acted at his Royal Highnefs, the Duke of York's Theatre, Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed by J. M. for Thomas Dring, at the White Lyon, next Chancery-Lane End, in Fleet-ftreet. 1 67 1 . ^/(9, olive levant morocco^ gilt hack^ side corners^ gilt edges ^ by Pratt. First edition. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Prologue, one leaf (verso Actors Names). Text, B1-M2 (verso blank) ending with the Epilogue, in fours. Pages 1-82 (last leaf unnumbered). BEHN, Aphra. — The Dutch Lover : a Com- edy, acted at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Bhen. London : Printed for Thomas Dring, at the Sign of the Harrow at Chancery-lane end, over againft the Inner Temple Gate in Fleet-ftreet. 1673. ^^0, green straight-grain morocco., gilt hack and sides., gilt edges., by Pratt. First edition. Collation : Title with woodcut band above the imprint, Ai (verso blank). " Good, Sweet, Honey, Sugar-candied Reader," A2-A4 and ai-az (verso Actors Names). Text, Bi-Oi in fours. Pages 1-88. Epilogue, O2 (verso blank). BEHN, Aphra. — The Town-Fopp ; or. Sir Timothy Tawdrey. A Comedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highnefs the Duke's Theatre. Writ- ten by Mrs. A. Behn, Licenfed September 20. 1676. Roger L'Estrange. jS BEHN London, Printed by T. N. for James Magnes and Rich. Bentley in Ruflel-street in Covent-gar- den near the Piazza's. M.DC.LXXVII. ^/o, blue levant morocco^ gilt back and side corners^ gilt edges^ by Pratt. First edition. Collation: Title, one leaf (verso blank), "Dramatis Per- sonae," one leaf (verso Prologue). Text, Bi-Ki in fours. Pages 1-66. Epilogue, K2 (verso " Playes Printed"). BEHN, Aphra. — Abdelazer, or the Moor's Revenge. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highnefs the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bent- ley, in Ruflel-ftreet in Covent-Garden, near the Piazza's, 1677. .po^ half brown morocco^ gilt top^ uncut edges^ by Stikeman. First edition. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Actors Names, one leaf (verso "Some Books Printed"). Text, B1-K4 (verso Epi- logue) in fours. Pages 1-7 1 (last page unnumbered). BEHN, Aphra. Sir Patient Fancy : a Come- dy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Writ- ten by Mrs. A. Behn, the Authourof the Rover. Licenced Jan. 28. 1678. Roger L'Estrange. London, Printed by E. Flefher for Richard Tonfon, within Grays-Inn-gate in Grays-Inn- lane, and Jacob Tonfon, at the Judge's Head in Chancery-lane. 1678. .^/o, red levant morocco^ Janseniste^ gilt edges {some un- cut)^ by Chambolle-Duru. BEHN 79 First edition. Nell Gwyn appeared in the character of Lady Knowell. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Prologue, Az (verso Actors Names). Text, B1-N2 (verso Epilogue) in fours. Pages 1-9 1 (last page unnumbered). BEHN, Aphra. — The Feign'd Curtizans, or, A Nights Intrigue. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre, Written by Mrs. A. Behn. Licenfed Mar. 27. 1679. Roger L'Est- range. London, Printed for Jacob Tonfon at the Judges Head in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-ftreet. 1679. /fio^ red levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ hy David. First edition. Dedicated to Nell Gwyn. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). "To Mrs. Ellen Guin," A2-A3. Prologue, A4 (verso Actors Names). Text, B1-K4 (verso Epilogue) in fours. Pages 1-7 1 (last page blank). BEHN, Aphra. — The False Count, or, a New Way to play An Old Game. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed by M. Flefher, for Jacob Tonfon, at the Judge's Head in Chancery-lane, near Fleetftreet. 1682. /fto^ red straight-grain morocco^ gilt hack and edges^ by Riviere. First edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Prologue, A2 (verso Actors Names). Text, Bi-Ki in fours. Pages 1-65. Epi- logue, Ki verso-kz (verso blank). 8o BEHN BEHN, Aphra. — The City-Heiress: or, Sir Timothy Treat-all. A Comedy. As it is Acted At his Royal Highnefs his Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London : Printed for D. Brown, at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-bar ; and T. Ben- skin in St. Brides Church-yard ; and H. Rhodes, next door to the Bear-Tavern neer Bride-lane in Fleetftreet. 1682. ^to^ green straight-grain morocco^ gilt hack and side corners^ gilt edges^ by Pratt. First edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Henry, Earl of Arundel, A2-A3. Prologue, A3 verso- A4 (verso Actors Names). Text, Bi-I,3 in fours. Pages 1-6 1. Epilogue 1,3 verso- 1,4 (verso blank). BEHN, Aphra. — Poems upon several occa- sions : with a Voyage to the Ifland of Love. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for R. Tonfon and J. Ton- fon,at Gray's-Inn-Gate next Gray's-Inn Lane, and at the Judges-Head in Chancery Lane end near Fleetftreet. 1684. 8vo^ maroon levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. First edition. Collation: Title, A i (verso blank). Dedication to James, Earl of Salisbury A2-A4. Poems to the Author, A5-A8 & (b)-(b) 8. Poems, B1-K8 in eights. " A Voyage to the Ifle of Love," Bi-I,8. Table L,i. Pages i-i44and i-i 28. Table unnumbered. In '< The Ifle of Love," page 21 is unnumbered and pp. 126—127 are misprinted no— iii. BEHN, Aphra. — La Montre : or the Lover's Watch. By Mrs. A. Behn. BEHN 8l London, Printed by R. H. for W. Canning, at his Shop in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple. 1686. i6mo^ brown levant morocco^ gilt hack and edges^ by Riviere. First edition. Collation : License, one leaf (recto blank). Engraved frontis- piece representing hours of the day and night. Title, Ai (verso blank). Eulogistic verses " To the Admir'd Aftrea," by Charles Cotton, A2. Dedication to Peter Weston, A3-A6. Poems to the Author, A7 (no A8)and ai-az (verso blank). The Argu- ment, Bi-B2. Text, B3-R2 (verso blank) in eights. Pages 1-243. BEHN, Aphra. — The Emperor of the Moon: a Farce. As it is Acted by Their Majefties Ser- vants, at the Queens Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London : Printed by R. Holt, for Jofeph Knight, and Francis Saunders, at the Blew- Anchor in the lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1687. ^to^ half dark blue calf. First edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to the Mar- quess of Worcester, A2-A3 recto. Prologue, A3 verso- A4 (verso Perfons Names). Text, B1-K2 (verso Epilogue) in fours. Pages i- 67 (last page unnumbered.) BEHN, Aphra. — The Emperor of the Moon : a Farce. As it is Acted by Their Maj- efties Servants, at the Queens Theatre. Written by M"A. Behn. The fecond Edition. London, Printed by R. Holt, for Jofeph Knight, and Francis Saunders, at the Blew-An- Fi 82 BEHN chor in the lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1688. /j.to^ maroon levant morocco^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ by Pratt. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to the Lord Marquis of Worcester, A2-A3. Prologue, A3 verso- A4 (verso Perfons Names). Text, B1-H3 in fours. Pages 1-54. Epilogue, H4. BEHN, Aphra. — The Luckey Chance, or an Alderman's Bargain. A Comedy. As it is Acted by their Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. This may be Printed, April 23. 1686. R. P. London, Printed by R. H. for W. Canning, at his Shop in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple. 1687. ^to,, green levant morocco.^ gilt back and sides^ gilt edges^ by Pratt. First edition. Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Laurence, Lord Hyde, A2-A3 recto. Preface, A3 verso-A4 and ai recto. Prologue, ai verso-az (verso "Actor's Names"). Text, B1-K3, in fours. Pages 1-69. Epilogue, K3 verso-K4 (verso blank). BEHN, Aphra. — The Forc'd Marriage, or the Jealous Bridegroom, a tragi-comedy. As it is Acted by His Majefties Servants at the Queens Theatre. Written by A. Behn. Va Mon en- fant ! prend ta fortune — London, Printed for James Knapton, at the Queens-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ^to^ red straight grain morocco., gilt back and gilt edges ^ by Riviere. Second edition. BEHN 83 Collation : Title, Ai (verso blank). Prologue, A2. Epi- logue, A3 (verso Dramatis Perfonae). Text, A4-K2 in fours. Pages 1-70. BEHN, Aphra. — Oroonoko : or, the Royal Slave. A True History. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for Will. Canning, at his Shop in the Tempie-Cloyfters. 1688. i6mo^ light brown levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by The Club Bindery. First edition. Collation : Preliminary blank leaf, Ai. Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to Lord Maitland, A 3- A 8 (verso blank). Text, Bi-QJ (verso blank) in eights. Pages 1-239. BEHN, Aphra. — Lycidus : or the Lover in Fafhion. Being an Account from Lycidus to Lysander, Of his Voyage from the Island of Love. From the French. By the fame Author Of the Voyage to the Ifle of Love. Together with a Miscellany of New Poems. By Several Hands. London : Printed for Jofeph Knight, and Fran- cis Saunders, at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange, 1688. 8vo^ green levant morocco^ gilt back^ center and corner ornaments on the sides., gilt edges^ by The Club Bindery. First edition of " Lycidus." Collation : Title in red and black, Ai (verso blank). Ded- ication to the Earl of Melford, A2-A4 (verso blank). " To Mrs. B. on her Poems," A4-A6. "Advertisement to the Read- er," A7 (verso License). Lycidus, ai-dS in eights, pages 1-64. A Mifcellany of Poems, Bi— M8, pages 1-176. Table, two leaves without signature or pagination. BEHN, Aphra. — The Widdow Ranter or, F2 84 BEHN The History of Bacon in Virginia. A tragi- comedy, Acted by their Majefties Servants. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Pauls Church-Yard. 1690. ^/o, olive levant morocco^ back and sides richly tooled^ doubled with olive morocco with a marquetry panel^ gilt edges^ in a brown morocco case^ by Kaufmann. First edition. A posthumous work, as Mrs. Behn died in 1689. The Prologue, by Dryden, is the one he wrote for Shadwell's " True Widow." After his quar- rel with Shadwell, he gave it to Mrs. Behn for this play. Collation: Title, Ai (verso blank). «' To the much Hon- oured Madam Welldon," signed G. J., Az. Dramatis PerfonEe, A3 (verso "Books Newly Printed"). Prologue by Dryden, A4 (verso Epilogue). Text, B1-H4 in fours. Pages 1-56. BEHN, Aphra. — The Histories and Novels Of the Late Ingenious M" Behn : In One Vol- ume. Viz. Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave, The Fair Jilt, or Prince Tarquin. )■ < Agnes de Caftro, or the Force of Generous Love. Lover's Watch, or the Art of Love. The Ladies Look- ing-Glafs. The Lucky Miftake, and Love-Letters : Never before Printed. Together with The Life and Memoirs of Mrs. Behn. Written by One of the Fair Sex. London, Printed for S. Brifcoe, the Corner- fhop of Charles-ftreet, in RufTel-ftreet, Covent- Garden, 1696. BEHN— BELING 85 i6mo^ brown morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by The Club Bindery. First edition, unknown to Lowndes ; with an oval portrait, engraved by R. White. Collation: Portrait. Title, A i (verso blank). Dedication to Lord Maitland, A2-A6 (verso blank). Memoirs of Mrs. Behn, A7- A8 and bi-by. "Oroonoko," B1-F8, (G) [pages 81 and 82], and G1-H3 (verso blank) in eights, pages i-ioi. Title of "The Fair Jilt," H4 (verso blank). Dedication to Henry Pain, H5- H7 (verso blank). Text, H8-N2, pages 1-178. Title of "Agnes de Castro," Nj (verso blank). Dedication to Sir Roger Pulelton, N4-N5. Text, N6-Q8, pages 1-38 and 23-38. "The Lover's Watch," without title, Qj, repeated-X5 recto, pages 225-313. " The Case for the Watch," X5 verso-Y6 recto. " The Lady's Looking-glal's," Y6 recto-Z8. "The Lucky Miftake," Aai- Dd2 (verso blank), through p. 403. "Love-Letters," Ddi, re- peated-Dd8, pages 401-416. The pagination and signatures are erratic. [BEHN, Aphra.]— The Land of Love. A Poem. Omnes humanos fanat Medicina dolores, Solus Amor Morbi non amat Artificem. Propert. London, Printed by H. Meere, for C. King in Weftminfter-Hall, and A. Bettesworth in Pater- Nofter Row. 1717. Price i2mo^ citron levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by The Club Bindery. Collation : Engraved frontispiece representing a boat on a small body of water. Title with ornament, Ai (verso blank). Text, A2-F6 in sixes. Pages 1-72. BEHN, Aphra. See Brome, Richard. Marston, John. BELING, Richard. See Sidney, Sir Philip, Arcadia, 1627. F3 86 BENLOWES— BERNARD BENLOWES, Edward. — Theophila, or Loves Sacrifice. A Divine Poem. Written by E. B. Efq ; Several Parts thereof fet to fit Aires by M'' J. Jenkins. (Five lines in Latin). London, Printed by R. N. Sold by Henry Seile in Fleetfl;reet, and Humphrey Mofeley at the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard. 1652. Folio^ old browyi morocco^ gilt corners^ the arms of Ben- lowes impressed in gold on each side^ rough gilt edges. Twenty-three copper-plate engravings, including por- trait of Benlowes, and Theophila crushing the serpent, by Barlow, also the four seasons by Hollar, and two woodcuts. It is generally believed that no absolutely perfect copy of this book is known, but it is far more probable that many plates supposed to be missing were merely interpo- lations. It would be possible, even at this late day, to insert many plates of the period so aptly fitting the text as to appear a necessity to a perfect copy. Collation : Two preliminary blank leaves. Title in red and black with ornament, one leaf (verso blank). Portrait. •' Mens Authoris," Ai (verso " The Authors Deiigne"). Eight stanzas beginning "Ladies, We jangle not in Schools," A2. Preface, verso of A2 & ^1-2, \*^ 1-2, ^Tf^ 1-2 (verso " The feverall Cantos"). " Pneumato-Sarco-Machia," Bi. Various poems in Latin and English, verso ofBi-5, ci— 2, di— 2, Ci— 6. Text, D1-V6 in sixes, X1-Z2 and Aai-Nn in twos. Pages 1-268, beginning at D. Pages 123— 1 24 are in duplicate, the extra leaf (2, o), having engraved verses at the foot. BERMUDAS. See C, W. BERNARD, Richard, translator. — Terence in Englifh. Fabvlae Comici Facetissimi et Ele- gantissimi Poetae Terentii Omnes Anglicae factae BERNERS OR BERNES— BETTIE 87 & hac nova forma editae : opera ac induftria, R.B. in Axholmenfi infula Lincolnfherii Epwortheatis. Sexto editio multo emendatior. Ex Horatio. [Six lines in Latin]. London, Printed by lohn Legatt, and are to be fold by Andrew Crooke, at the fign of rhe Green- Dragon in Pauls Church-yard. 1641. /fio^ green levant morocco^ gilt back and edges ^ by Riviere. Collation : Title with ornament, Ai (verso blank). Dedica- tion, A2, Ad Lectorem, A3-A4 (verso blank), "Andria," in Latin and English, A5-G3 in eights, " Evnchvs," G4-M2. " Heavtonti-morovmenos,'" M3-Q6. •' Adelphi," Qy-Vy, " Hecyra," VS-Aaz. " Phormio," Aas-Eei. Pages 1-428, BERNERS OR BERNES, Juliana. See Barnes, Juliana. BETTERTON, Thomas.— The Amorous Widow ; or, the Wanton Wife : a Comedy. As it has been Acted in all the Theatres with great Applaufe for many Years : By Her Majesty's Ser- vants. Never Printed before. [Two lines from Hor. de Art. Poet.] London : Printed forW. Turner at the Angel at Lincoln's-Inn Back Gate; and Sold by J. Mor- phew, near Stationers-Hall, 1706. (Price is. 6d.) ^/(7, half red levant morocco^ gilt edges. First edition. Betterton played the part of Lovemore. Collation: Half title, Ai (verso blank). Title, A2 (verso blank). Preface, A3-A4 (verso " Dramatis Perfonae"). Text, B1-K3 in fours. Pages 1-70, BETTIE, W.— The Historie of Titana, and Thesevs. Very pleafant for age to avoide drowfie F4 88 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES thoughts : profitable for youth to avoide wanton paftimes : fo that to both it brings the mindes con- tent. Written by W. Bettie. London Printed for Robert Bird, and are to be fold at his fhop in ft. Laurence Lane, at the Signe of the Bible, 1636. v Baadcxrj. The Pour- traicture of his sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings. Whereunto are annexed His Praiers and Apophthegms, &c. Rom. 8. More then 250 CHARLES I. Conquerour, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Re- gium eft. [Quotation from Hebr. 11.4.] Printed By^W. D. in R. M. Anno Dom. 1649. 8vo^ contemporary English brown morocco^ back and sides richly tooled^ with the initials C. R. [Carolus Re x]^ and crown on each cover^ gilt edges. Contains the leaf preceding the title-page with verses signed F. N. G. The " Apophthegmata " has a sep- arate title-page with the imprint " Printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield." Collation : Commendatory verses signed F.N.G., Ai. Title in red and black in a narrow border of printer's ornaments and with royal coat-of-arms above the imprint, Az (verso blank). Contents, A3-A4 (verso blank). Text, B1-Q6 in eights. Pages 1-236. "Praiers,'' Q7-R4 (verso Epitaph). Pages 1-12. Title of " Apophthegmata " in border, Ai (verso blank). Text, A2- D3. Pages 1-52. CHARLES l.—EIKiiN BAIIAIKH. The Pourtraicture of his sacred Majesty in his soli- tudes and sufferings. Rom. VIII. More than Con- queror, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium eft. London, Printed by R. Norton for R. Royfton, Bookfeller to His moft Sacred Majefty, MDC LXXXV. 8vo^ red velvety with the crown and initials of Charles 11.^ " C, R." on the sides, metal clasps, uncut edges. Collation : Frontispiece of Charles at his devotions, engraved by R. White, Ai verso (recto blank). Title, A2 (verso blank). Dedication to Charles II. by R. Royston, A3 (verso blank). License from Charles II., A4-A5 (verso blank). Contents, A6. << Majesty in Misery: or. An Imploration to the King of Kings," A7-A8. Text, B1-R8 in eights. Title of "Prayers Ufed by His Majesty," 1685, Si (verso blank). Text, 82-85. " -^ bet- ter which was fent from the Prince to the King," 86-88 (verso "An Epitaph Upon King Charles"). Pages 1-272. CHARLES I.— CHARLES H. 25 1 CHARLES I. — The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I. Bafely Butchered by thofe who are, Omne nefas proni patare pudorls inanes Crude- les, violenti, Importunique tyranni Mendaces, falfi, perverfi, perfidiofi, Faedifragi, falfis verbis infunda loquentes. In which is included, The feveral Combinations and machinations that brought that incomparable Prince to the Block, the overtures hapning at the famous Seige of Colchefter, the Tragicall fals of Sir Charls Lucas and Sir George Lifle, the juft reward of the Level- ler Rainsborough, Hamilton and Bailies Trech- eries, In delivering the late Scottifh Army into the hands of Cromwell, and the defigne the Rebels have, to deftroy the Royal Posterity. Printed in the year, 1649. ^to^ citron levant morocco^ gilt back and edges^ by David. First edition : secretly printed. Collation : Title, one leaf (verso blank). Prologue and Per- sons, one leaf. Dedication to Charles II., two leaves, both marked A2, on the verso of the second, E. D. "To the Author." Text, B1-G2 (verso blank) in fours. Pages 1-43. CHARLES II.- An Account of the Preser- vation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, drawn up by Himself. To which are added, his letters to several persons. London : Printed for WiUiam Sandby, M.DCC.LXVI. 8vo^ red levant morocco^ rich gilt back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges, by C. Lewis (^lettered *■'- Boscobel "). Presumably a large-paper copy. Printed from a manuscript in the Pepysian Collection, 252 CHARLES II. and edited by David Dalrymple. Extra-illustrated with 90 rare portraits and views, and with an autograph letter from G. Ormerod, the antiquarian, to the Bishop of Llandaff, a former owner of the book, enclosing an in- teresting manuscript contribution to the text with a coat- of-arms in gold and colors. The illustrations are mostly old copper-plate engravings, and include examples by Vertue, Hollar, Hertochs, Loggan, Faithorne and Van der Gucht, and a pencil drawing of the Duchess of Cleveland. At page 7 3 is a special title with a border drawn by Harding. Collation : Title, ai (verso blank). Dedication to Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, a2 (verso blank). Preface by Dav. Dalrymple, a3-a4. Half-title, including dedication to Mr. Pepys, " By the King Himself," Ai (verso blank). Text, A2-M7 in eights. Pages 1-190. CHARLES II.— An Account of the Preser- vation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, drawn up by himself. To which are added, his letters to several persons. Glasgow : Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, and sold by John Balfour Bookseller in Edinburgh. M.DCC.LXVI. 8vo^ Spanish calf^ gilt hack and edges ^ by Riviere. A large-paper copy, with a brilliant impression of the rare portrait of Charles II. engraved by Baltazar Mon- cornet, inserted. Collation : The same as the preceding copy. Printed from the same types, with substitute title. CHARLES II.— Monarchy Revived; being the personal history of Charles the Second, from his earliest years to his restoration to the throne. CHARLETON 253 Reprinted from the edition of 1661. With four- teen portraits. London : printed for Charles Baldwyn, New- gate Street. MDCCCXXII. 8vo^ red calf ^ gilt back^ gilt top^ uncut edges^ by Matthews. A large-paper copy, with proofs of the portraits on India paper, by R. Cooper after P'aithorne, Mignard, Nason, etc. Collation : Portrait of Charles II. by R. Cooper after R. Nason. Title, one leaf (verso imprint). Original title, 1661, Bi (verso blank). Dedication to Lady Jane Lane by Fr. Eglesfield, B2. Text, B3-Q4 (verso blank) in eights. Notes, Q5-R1 (verso blank). Index, R2-S3. Pages 1-262. CHARLETON, Walter, translator.— ¥.r^\~ cvrvs* Morals, Collected Partly out of his owne Greek Text, in Diogenes Laertius, And Partly out of the Rhapfodies of Marcvs Antoninvs, Plvtarch, Cicero, & Seneca. And faithfully Eng- lilhed. Mea quidem ifta fententia eft (invitis hoc noftris popularibus dicam) Epicurum, & recta praecipere, &, fi propius accefleris, triftia. Seneca lib. de. vita beata cap. 13. London, Printed by W. Wilfon, for Henry Herringman, and are to be fold at his fhop, at the Anchor in the Lower walke in the New Exchange. 1656. ^/(7, green levant morocco^ gilt back and sides., gilt edges., by Bedford. First edition. Large-paper copy. Collation : Engraved portrait of Epicurus, Ai verso. Title in red and black with ornament, A2 (verso blank). " Apologie for Epicurus," A3-A4, and ai-ei in fours. Contents, verso of ei— ez (verso "Contents in Scheme"). Text, B1-Z4 and Aai- 254 CHAUCER Aa4 in fours. Pages 1-1S4. Errors in pagination, 54 and 55 re- versed, pp. 121 and 122 omitted, 129 and 130 repeated. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — [Canterbury Tales. Printed at Westminster by W. Caxton, 1477- 1478.] Folio^ brown levant morocco^ bltnd-tooled back and sides^ gilt lettering on the sides^ doubled with vellum having a tuide gold border^ vellum fly leaves^ gilt edges gauffred^ in a brown levant morocco case^ by Mercier. First edition. Black-letter, with numerous illuminated initials. The existing copies of this book, according to Blades, are nine in number, the only perfect ones being in the British Museum (not very clean), and in Merton College. Of the other seven copies recorded by him, all are more or less deficient, and none of them has either the first or the last leaf. In the present copy, which is not included in his list, both of these leaves exist in perfect condition. There are sixteen missing, viz., 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 127, 151, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304. These have been facsimiled from the British Museum copy, and as the book was loose in dilapidated covers, and the binding not an original one, it was rebound by Cuzin, and after his death completed by his assistant and successor, Mercier. With the exception of the missing pages, the condi- tion of the book leaves nothing to be desired. Collation : There are 371 folios printed in single columns, with 29 lines to a page. The book has neither numerals, signa- tures, nor catchwords. There is no preface ; the poem begins im- mediately with the Prologue, "Whan that Apprill with his ftiouris fote," etc. At the end of the Parson's Tale (folio 371 recto) : " Explicit Tractatus Galfrydi Chaucer de Penitencia ut dicitur pro Fabula Lectoris." On the verso of this leaf is Chaucer's supposed re- cantation : " Now pray I to hem alle." The tales follow one an- other without breaks of any kind. C^|)^ttol)Ie antiametou0ancpent l^itto^ vf oJCt:oplu0anti crefpfie/m t^e tpmc of ttjefpcgeof Ctope*C6pplcHbp (15efft:apc Chaucer. 256 CHAUCER CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — CThe noble and amerous aucyent hyftory of Troylus and Crefyde, in the tyme of the fyege of Troye. Copyled by GefFraye Chaucer. [Colophon] Thus endeth the treatyfe/of Troylus the heuy By Geffraye Chaucer/compyled and done He prayenge the reders/this mater not deny Newly correcked/in the cyte of London In Flete ftrete/at the fygne of the fonne Inprynted by me/wynken de worde The. M.CCCCC. and xvii. yere of our lorde. [1517]; ^/(7, blue levant morocco^ gilt hack^ sides richly tooled in a floral design surrounded by interlaced fillets^ with griffins at the four corners^ doubled with blue morocco^ gold borders^ gilt edges^ in brown morocco wrapper.^ by The Club Bindery. Second edition, the first having been printed by Cax- ton in folio, n. d. Black-letter, with woodcuts. Collation : Title with woodcut of the lovers, Ai (verso blank). Text, A2-Z7 in alternating fours and eights, beginning with A in eights. On Z8 recto the woodcut of the lovers on the title is re- peated. On the verso of Z8 is the printer's device. Woodcuts on the rectos of Di, I, 2, N, 7 and on the verso of S3. No pagination. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — The workes of GefFray Chaucer newly printed / with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before : As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Cum priui- legio. [Colophon]. CL^hus endeth the workes of GefFray Chaucer. Printed at Lodon by Thomas Godfray. The yere of our lorde. M.D.xxxii. ^Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. CHAUCER 257 Folio ^ red levant morocco^ gilt back^ side panels^ gilt edges^ by Riviere. First collected edition. Black-letter, with double col- umns and woodcuts. This is said to be the only work published by Godfray with a date. The " Canter- bury Tales " were published before by Caxton, Wyn- ken de "Worde, and Pynson, and some of the minor works were printed by Caxton and Pynson ; but this was the first attempt to collect Chaucer's whole works into one volume. Collation : Title in a woodcut border of naked boys in pro- cession, Ai (verso blank). Preface to Henry VHI., A2-A3 recto. Table, A3 recto-A4 recto. " C, Eight goodly queftyos," A4. " C To the kynges molt noble grace," etc., verso of A4. Title to " The Canterbury Tales " in border as before, Bi (verso blank). Prologues, B2-B6. Tales, each of which (except "Chaucer's," the "Monk's," and the "Nuns' Priest's ") has at the beginning a woodcut of the speaker ; twenty cuts in all, Ci— Z6 in sixes. Title of " The Romaunt of the Role " in border as before, Aai (verso blank). Text, Aa2-Gg6. Title of " Troy- lus and Crefeyde " in border as before, Hhi (verso blank). Text, Hh2-Qq6. " The legende of good women," without title, Qq6 verso— Qq9 and Rri— Ss6 in sixes (Qq having 9 leaves). Verso of Ss6 < * A goodly balade of Chaucer. ' ' Title of » ' Boetius de confolatione philolbphie " in border as before, Tti (verso blank). Text, Tt2— Bbbi verso. Title of "The dreame of Chaucer" in border as before, Bbbi verso. Text, Bbb2-Ccc3 recto. "The Assemble of Foules," Ccc3 recto-Dddi recto. "The Floure of Curtesy," Dddi recto— Ddd2. Title of " How pite is ded and beried in a gentyllhert" in border as before, Ddd3 (verso blank). Text, Ddd4, ending on the verso. "La belle dame fans mercy," Ddd4 verso— Eee3 verso. "Of queue Annelida and falfe Arcite," Eee3 verso— Eee5 verso. "The assemble of ladies," Eee5 verso-FfF4 recto. Title of "The conclufions of the Aftrolabie" in border as be- fore, Fff4 verso. Text, Fff5-Hhh2 recto. "The Complaynt of the blacke knyght," verso of Hhh2-Hhh6 verso. " A preyfe of women," Hhh6 verso— liii verso. "The houfe of Fame," liii verso-Kkk6. Title of " The teftament of loue" in border as be- fore, Lll I (verso blank). Prologue, LII2. Text, Lll3-Rrr2 recto. " The lamentatyon of Mary Magdaleyne," Rrr2 recto-Rrr6 recto. <'The Remedy of loue," Rrr6 verso— 8533 verso. "The Com- 258 CHAUCER playnt of mars & venus," Sss3 verso-Sss6 recto. "The letter of Cupyde," Sss6 recto-Ttt3 recto. " A balade of our Lady," Ttt3 recto-Ttt4 verso. "A balade to kyng Henry the fourth," Ttt4 verso- Vw I recto. " Of the Cuckowe and the Nyghtyn- gale," Vwi recto-Vw3 recto. *' To the lordes of the kynges houfe," Vw3 recto- Vvv6 (verso blankl. The pagination begins on Ei with folio XHI. and ends with folio CCCLXXXIII. Folio XVHI. is not paged, LXXXIV. is misprinted LXXXV. There are three unpaged leaves between folios CCXIX. and CCXX. giving Q nine leaves. CCC. is re- peated, Ggi is misprinted Ggz. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — CThe workes of Geffray Chaucer newlye printed, wyth dyuers workes whych were neuer in print before : As in the table more playnly doth appere. Cum Priui- legio ad imprimendum Solum. 4LPrynted by John Reynes dwellynge at the fygne of faynte George in Pauls Churchyarde. 1542. FoHo^ red levant morocco^ gilt back, side panels, gilt edges, by Bedford. Second collected edition. Black-letter, with double columns and woodcuts. " The Plowman's Tale " appears for the first time in this edition. A tall copy, probably unique in height, measuring 12^ X 8^ inches. In addition to the original engraved title, it contains another variation in the imprint only : " C Printed by Wyllyam Bonham, dwellynge at the sygne of the Kynges armes in Pauls Churchyarde. 1542." Collation : Title in a rude woodcut border in the form of an arch supported by two pillars having on their bases the initials <'W. R." (William Rastell), Ai (verso blank). Dedication to Henry VHI., A2-A3 recto. Table, A3 recto-A4 recto. " Eyght goodly queftions," etc., A4. Title to "The Caunterbury tales" in woodcut border as before, Bi (verso blank). Prologues, B2- B6. Tales, each beginning with a rude woodcut (except those by CHAUCER 259 Chaucer, the Monk and the Nuns' Priest), twenty-one in all, that of the Knight being repeated for the Squire, C1-Z6 in sixes. Title of *' C The Romaut of the Role " in border as before, Aai (verso blank). Poem, Aa2-Gg4, "€1. Troylus and Crefeyde," " C The legende of good women," and "C. A goodly Balade of Chaucer" (without titles), Gg5-Ss2. Title of "C. Boetius de confolatione Philofophie" in border as before, 853 (verso blank). Text, Ss4-Yy6 and AA1-BB2. " + The dreame of Chaucer" and other works, printed continuously without titles, BB3— TT6 (verso blank). On the recto of TT6 is the colophon : "C. Thus endeth the workes of Geffray Chaucer, Prynted at London. The yere of our lorde. 1542." (L4 and Z4 are misprinted K4 and Y4. Aa2, Cc2, Cc3, Ee3, Ee4 and AAi are misprinted A2, C2, C3, E3, E4 and AAa respectively). Folios i.-ccclxxii. (misprinted ccclxxxxii.), beginning on Ci. ccclxxi. misprinted ccclxxx. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — The workes of Gef- fray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before : As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Cum priuilegio. [Colophon] 4I.IJTiprinted at London by Rych- arde Kele, dwellynge in Lombarde ftreete nere vnto the ftockes market at the fygne of the Egle. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. [about 1542.] Folio^ brown levant morocco^ gilt back^ doubled with red morocco^ rich gilt border^ gilt edges^ by 'Joly. Third collected edition. Black-letter : with double col- umns. Bi recto and E6 verso contain woodcuts. There are numerous woodcut initials and some rough leaves. Collation : Title in woodcut border of two pillars resting on a pedestal and supporting an ornamental frieze containing two heads facing each other in a medallion, Ai. Dedication to the King, verso of A I to part of first column on verso of A2. Table, verso of A2-A3 (mislettered A2). «' Eight goodly questions," A3. Poems, verso of A3- A4 (mislettered A3). "Prologues," second column on recto of A4-A8 (A5 mislettered A4). Tales, B1-X4 26o CHAUCER (verso blank) in sixes. Title of " The Romaut of the Rofe" (n.d.) in woodcut border as before, Aai (verso blank). Text, Aaz- Gg3, first column of recto. "Troylus," Gg3-Oo5 verso. "Tefta- mentof Crefeyde," verso of Oo5-Pp2 (mislettered Ppi). "Legende of good women," Prologue, Pp3-Pp5 verso. Text, Pp5 verso- Rr4, ending on the recto with <'C,A goodly balade of Chaucer." "Boecius de confolacione philofophie," verso of Rr4-Zzi recto. " Dreame of Chaucer," Zzi—Zz6 and Aaai verso. "Assemble of Foules," verso of Aaai-Aaa5 verso. " Floure of Curtefye," verso of Aaa5-Bbbi recto. " How piteisded," Bbbi. "Labelledame fans mercy," verso of Bbbi-Bbb6 recto. **Of Annelyda and Arcyte," verso of Bbb6-Ccc2 recto. "Assemble of ladyes," verso of Ccc2-Ccc6. " Of the Allrolabye," verso of Ccc6-Eee3. "The complaynt of the blacke knyght," verso of Eee3-FfFi. "A prayfe of women," Fffi recto-Fff2 recto. " The houfe of Fame," Fffz recto-Ggg6. "Teftament of Love," Prologue, verso of Ggg6 and recto of Hhhi. Text, verso of Hhhi-Nnn3 recto. " Lamentacion of Mary Magdaleyne," Nnn3 recto-Oooi recto. " Remedy of loue," O001-O004. " Complaynte of Mars and Venus," O004-O006 recto. "The letter of Cupyde," verso of Ooo6-Ppp3 recto. "A balade of our Lady," Ppp3— Ppp4 recto. "Balade to kyng Henry the fourth," verso of Ppp4-Ppp6. "Of the Cuckowe and the Nyghtyngale," verso of Ppp6-Qqq2 recto. " To the lordes of the kynges houfe," etc., verso of Q^q2-Qqq5. The pagination begins on Bi with folio i and ends with folio ccclv. Errors : cvi. for cv., cxxx for cxxiiii., clx. for clxx., cxcix. for cxcx., cxciii. repeated, ccviii. and ccix. omitted, ccxxv. for ccxxvi., ccxliiv. for ccxlvii., cclxxii. and cclxxviii. omitted, cclxxvii. for cclxxxii. CHAUCER, Geoffrey. — CThe workes of Geffrey Chaucer, newlie printed, with diuers addi- cions, whiche were neuer in print before : With the fiege and deftruccion of the worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by Ihon Lidgate, Monke of Berie. As in the table more plainly doeth ap- pere. 1561. [Colophon]. ^Imprinted at London, by Ihon Kyngfton, for Ihon Wight, dwellyng in Poules Churchyarde. Anno. 1561. CHAUCER 261 Folio^ brown levant morocco^ gilt back and edges ^ by Joly. First issue of the fourth collected edition, edited by John Stowe, the historian. Black-letter, with double col- umns. In the Prologue are twenty-six woodcuts of the Pilgrims, which appear to have been printed from old blocks, — probably those used in Pynson's edition of the " Canterbury Tales " : before the " Tales " is the first engraved portrait of Chaucer. Collation : Title in a woodcut border, the top of which repre- sents a king (probably Edward VI.) sitting in council ,^r#)(verso blank). Dedication to Henry VIH. "The Table," "Eight goodlie questions," and a prologue, ! > A 13 \/ BUILDINQ SE 1 1 w L y UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 682 161 5 J ^fe-^ ,*■*■ t I. ■J'l- ■I--^^ ''.^^rr: -^ ^':^^:?-::^i mm^^y-y. ^^■r^^_.'x' ^^^^^B^^' ' ■K^/v^-^ '^^rnTT/-.,:;? :.v\