■' x: OFFICIAL COPY. CATALOGUE OF ADMIRALTY HARTS, PLANS, SAILING DIKECTION8, 1898. PUBLISHED BY ORDEB OF LORDS COMMTRSTOX^FRS of rif LONDON : ED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STAT10:NLitx Ol'M^^ir By DARLING & SON. Ltd., 1-3, Gbeat St. Thomas Apostlr. li.f .. AND SOLD BY POTTER, n, POULTRY, and 11. KING STREET. TOWER irilj/ Price One Shitling. REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. <^cccssioii No. . . C7,7ss No. CATALOGUE I OF ADMIRALTY ^4 CHARTS, PLANS, (. SAILING DIRECTIONS, 1898. Corrected to 2>lst December, 1897. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE,. By darling & SON, Ltd., 1-3, Great St. Thomas Apostle, E.C., AND SOLD BY J. D. POTTER, 31, POULTRY, AND 11, KING STREET, TOWER HILL Price One Shilling, ABBREVIATIONS. SHOWING THE SIZES AND SCALES OP CHARTS AND PLANS. Inches. An . Antiquarian - - 53x31 D /mp-Double Imperial - - 44x30 Imp. Imperial - 30x22 A Atlas - _ - - 34x27 DB Double Elephant - - 40x27 »# Half of ditto - - 20x27 »/ Third of ditto - 27xl3i \« Quarter of ditto - - 20x13^ »/ Eighth of ditto 10 X 131 d Degree of latitude. m Geographic or Nautical mile. The figures signify inches and parts of an inch. Thus, V m = l'5 implies that the cliart is printed on a quarter of a sheet of double elephant paper, and that its scale is one and a half inches to a minute of Mid-latitude. CONTENTS. Section. Pages. I. Coasts of the United Kingdom, &c. 1 to 22 II. North sea and adjacent foreign coasts 22 „ 27 III. Baltic sea 28„33 IV. North and west coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal - - 33 „ 37 V. Mediterranean, Marmara, Black, and Azov seas - - - 38 „ 63 VI. Atlantic oceans and islands 64 „ 67 VII. Arctic sea, north and east coasts of America - - - 68 „ 87 VIII. West Indies and gulf of Mexico 88 „ 101 IX. South America, north and east coasts 102 „ 108 X. America, west coast _--.-- - 109 „ 126 XI. Africa, Madagascar, Indian ocean islands, and Red sea - 126 „ 144 XII. East Indies — Red sea to Sunda strait 144 „ 157 XIII. Eastern archipelago, China sea, Korea, and Japan - - 157 „ 183 XIV. Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, and New Zealand - - 184 „ 201 XV. Pacific ocean ..-.|L 201 „ 216 XVI. Books 217 „ 222 Charts, &c., published during 1897 223 „ 227 Chart agents 228 „ 229 Index 230 „ 279 12059— 1125 and 2— 10/96 Wt 13525 D&S 86 HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT, ADMIRALTY, CATALOGUE OF CHARTS. UNIVERSITY SECTION I. COASTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, &c. INDEX CHARTS {corrected to Fehruary 1898). No. Size. Title of the Chart. Price. s d A V The World 6 NOTE.— Following the publication of this Catalogue, corrected to 31st December 1897, a bi-monthly list will be printed of additional Charts and Sailing* Directions issued from the Hydrographic Department. 12059 CALIFORt*^ oaynu. iMaiius, ivurtja, iinu iviajicmtria - - - U IslandB in the Pacific ocean 6 West coast of North America 6 South America - - - - - - -06 West Indies and Central America - - - -06 East coast of North America from Florida to Labrador - -' 06 Indexchartof Admiralty sail in g direction s ; corr. 189 6 1 12059 B 1\ T J. HE Tkl N •1 DE 4 P DB 171 DE "5 \/' 2675/y BR mr= 0-18 Middle sheet. Ply- mouth to Ports- mouth, 1884 ; corr. 1897 3 2675c DK m= 0-18 Eastern sheet. Ports- mouth to the Thames (plan, river Seine), 1884 ; corr. 1897 - 3 1895 A m= 0-68 Duna^eness to the Thames, including Dover strait, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 1698 A ^/? = 14-9 Dover bay. Staff' Com. Timrd, *1885 ; corr. 189.") 2 1991 "./•' ?tt = 15-0 Folkestone harbour. Staff Com. Parmns.Ul?,; corr. 1^^& 1 6 2451 i)E ni= 0-5 Owers to Dungeness. Admiralti/ surveys to 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 6 ; 1652 DE&\^ m= 1-0 OAvers to Beachy head. i Latest Admiraltn Surreijs ; corr. 1897 15 6 -^ 2154 ""^ y/<=2U-0 Newhaven. ,S7r/^" Com. Arch- deacon, 1887 ; corr. 1897 1 6 •j^9 DK i fn= ^"0 Shoreham harbour. Harbour en- ^ ( m=12-0 trance. StaffCom.Parso7is,lS76; i wrr. 1888 1 6 ! I'-i "/' w= 6-0 Littlehampton. Harbour entrance. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1887 1 (> 2450 DE «,= 0-5 Portland to Owers. Admiralty Sur- veys to 1878 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2045 i)E&\« ;w= 1-35 Owers to Christchurch, with Spit- '' head and the isle of Wight. Admiralty Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 4 6 2050 DE r/).= 2-75 Approaches to Spithead. Ccqjt. Vereker, 1893-94 ; corr. 1897 2 6 •^94 "K m= 4-9 Spithead. Ca/>^. F^^re/i^er, 1893-94 ; I corn 1896 2 6 2631 Aiit. w^=10•0 Portsmouth harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1897 5 J 2631rt Am. ///=10'0 Portsmouth harbour, upper part. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; co^^r. 1897 .'} 6 ■-^41).^, "K y^;_ 9-75 The Solent, including the Needles . ' channel. Adniirftltt/ S'urvei/ntolSdl 2 (I :^^0^> UE ^= 4-97 Southampton water. Capt. Vereker, 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1205!) *• g., ENGLAND— SOUTH COAST. [Sect. I No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghai^t. Price. s. d. 2793 DK w=29-0 Cowes harbour. Staff Gapt. Parsons,l^m-l ', corr.md^ 2 6 1784 Y m=20-0 South Yarmouth. Com. SheiHngham, 1846 ; corr. 1880 1 2219 i>E m= 4-0 Needles channel,with Christchurch bay. Staff' Capt. Parsons, l^SO; corr. 1897 2 6 2175 UE ni= 4-0 Poole harbour. Staff Capt. Par- sons, 1878 ; Capt. Moore, 1897 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2615 RE «^= I'o Portland to Christchurch. Latest Admiralty Surveys ; corr. 1897 3 2255 DE m= 4-0 Weymouth and Portland, Capt. Sheringham, 1850 ; Staff Com. Hall, 1872 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2268 i> K ?^i!'= 9-0 Portland harbour. Staff' Com. Hall, 1S7 2 ; corr. 1S97 2 6 2620 Ant. m= 0'5 ' Dodman point to Portland. (plan, Eddystone rocks) Admiral fy Surveys to 1879; corr. 1895 4 1613 »E m= 1"0 Bigbury bay to Exmouth, showing approaches to Salcombe, Dart- mouth and Tor bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 2 6 2290 A m= 6*0 Exmouth harbour, Capt. Sheringham, 1851 ; Capts. Aldrich and Vereker, 1890-1; corr. 1897 2 2213 \^ m=15-0 Teignmouth. Capt. Sheringham, 1852; corr. 1872 1 6 26 V ^'^= ^"^ Tor bay. Torquay harbour. Cap)t. Sheringham, 1852 ; corr. 1885 1 6 2253 V ?H=10'0 Dartmouth harbour. Ca;^^. Sher- ingham, 1853 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1634 V w= 3-0 .Start bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1895 1 6 28 DE m= 7-0 Salcombe river. Com. Coa?, 1859 ; 6-orr. 1879 2 6 95 Hj' ?»= 6-8 Wembury bay and Yealm river. Ca;;^. Stokes, 1861 1 6 1267 DE m-= 1*0 Approaches to Plymouth. Admiralty Surveys 1855-64 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1967 DE ?/?=12*0 Plymouth sound. iStoj^ Com. Haslewood, 1893-5 2 6 30 D. Imp. m= 6"0 and Hamoaze, Com. Cox, 1860 ; corr. 1897 5 240 DE w=14'0 Hamoaze. Staff Com. Haslewood, 1894-5 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. I.] ENGLAND — SOUTH AND WEST COASTS. 5 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. PHce. 3. d. 973 i)E m—%l-h Entrance to St. Germans or Lynher river. Sta^^Com. Hasleicood, 1895 1 6 882 "I m= 6-0 Tamar river. Capt. Stokes, 18G2 1 6 871 A m=U-0 Sta-j^ Com. Hasleivood, 1894 2 1^G4 "/ m= 4-0 Whitsand bay. Admiralty Sur- veys to 1889 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1914 »/ m=20-0 Looe harbour. Com. Williams, 1848 ; corr. 1872 1 6 31 H^^ m=12"0 Fowey harbour. Mevagissey har- bour. Capt. Williams, 1856 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2565 D E w= 0-5 Trevose head to Dodman point, inclu- ding the Scilly isles. Admiralty Surveys to 1879 ; cor7\ 1897 2 6 777 DE m= 1-0 St. Agnes head to Gerrans bay, including the approaches to Fal- mouth, Penzance, and St. Ives. Latest Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*0 Approaches to Falmouth. Capt. Williams, 1853-5; corr. 1896 2 6 i m= 4-0 Falmouth harbour. CaoLAldrich, 1889-90 ;' corr. 1897 2 6 m= 4-0 Helford river and the Manacle rocks. Capt. Williams, 1854 ; corr. 1878 1 6 m= 6-0 Longships. Manacle rocks. Runnel- stone. Capt. Williams, 1852 ; corr. 1883 1 6 7??= 60 The Lizard and adjacent rocks. Capt. Williams, 1851 ; corr. 1889 1 6 7n=z 6*0 Penzance bay. Capt. Williams, 1851 ; corr. 1897 16 w= 3-0 The Scilly islands. Oop^. TF«7^mms, 1860-3 ; corr. 1894 2 6 ENGLAND— WEST COAST, AND WALES. w= 4-0 St. Ives bay. St. Ives harbour. Capt. Williams, 1851 ; corr. 1894 1 6 ??'=12"0 Towan or New Quay bay. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1887 ; corr. 1892 1 6 m= 0*5 Trevose head to Bull point, (plan, Morte bay) Admiralty Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 1 6 154 UE 32 DE 147 Imp 2473 DE 2 2447 HE •2 2345 1) K 2 34 DK 1987 DE 2 1168 DE 1178 DE ENGLAND— WEST COAST, AND WALES. [Sect. I. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1686 V' m= I'O Padstow bar. Cyon. Sheringham, 1,S.39 ; corr. 1872 1 6 1683 OK y/i=l()'2 hixrhowY. Com. Sheringham, 1839; rorr. 187,2 3 1179 DE & Y ^>^== <>•.■) Bi-istol eluumel. (])laiiB, Caldy road. Cardiff road.) Admiralty Surveys to 1868 ; corr. 1897 4 36 V' m= 3-25 Luiidy island. Staff' Com. Stanley, 1879 ; 6'orr. 1897 1 6 1160 DE I ^^= 3"5 ( Barnstaple and Bideford. Ilfra- ( m=ll 9 j combe. Com. Al/dridge, 1855; '^f'^'ff Caj)t. Maxwell, 1893 ; corr. 1896 3 1181 "Y^ w= 4-() Lynniouth anchorage. Porlock anchorage. Minehead anchorage. Watchet. Staff Com. Stanley, 1879 1 6 9682 HK i ^^~ ■'^'^ ^ Nash point to New Passage. River I ;/^= 4-5 ( Usk. Staff' Com. Archdeacon, 1886 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1157 ])K m= 2*75 Bridgewater port. Staff' Com. Archdeacon, 1884-5 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1859 "# m= 4-6 King road. Staff' Com. Tizard, 1880 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1745 DB m=12-0 Old Passage. Capt. Beechey,lUb ; corr. 1872 6 1182 DE m= 4-0 Cardilf and Barry roads, with approaches. Staff' Com. Arch- deacon, 1885 ; oorr. 1896 3 1183 DK m= 2*5 Kenfig river to Nash point, in- cluding Skarweather and Nash sands (i>lan, Porthcawl harbour). Admiralty Surveys to 1884 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1161 iJi'^ m= 3"2 Swansea bay. Staff Com. Arch- deacon, 1883-4 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1076 Imp. ;«=1'25 St. Govens head to the Mumbles. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1886-7 ; corr. 1896 3 1167 V '«= 2-1 Burry inlet. Staff Com. Arch- deacon, 1886 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1165 A m= 4-0 Tenby and Caldy roads. Staff' Com. Archdeacon, 1886-7 ; corr. 1897 2 • 1410 iJi; m= 0*6 St. Govens head to New Quay. (plans, Port Cardigan. Fishguard bay) Admiralti/ Surveys to 1878 ; corr. 1894 2 6 Sect. I.] ENGLAND— WEST COAST, AND WALES, Scale. Title of the Chart. m— 3*5 ) Milford haven. Pembroke reach. m = 8'0 ) Admiralty Surveys., 1882 ; corr, 1896 m= 6*9 WAi.ox^\)a>.^&ii. Admiralty Surveys to 1895 m=28'0 Pembroke reach. Staff Com. Stanley, 1877 ; corr. 1896 m= 4'3 River Cleddau from Pembroke dockyard to Haverfordwest. Com. Alldridge, 1854 ; corr. 1867 'm= 1*94 St. Anns head to St. Brides bay, including the Smalls, Grassholm and adjacent islands. (plan, Jack sound) Adm. Surveys to 1877 ; corr. 1896 m= 3"0 Ramsey sound, with the Bishops and Clerks. Coin. Sheringham., 1838 ; corr. 1883 m= 0'5 New Quay to Holyhead. Adm. Surveys to 1872 ; corr. 1897 m=:Various Plans of anchorages in Cardigan bay : — Barmouth. Aberdovey. New Quay bay. Aberystwyth. Staff -Com. Archdeacon, 1890 ; corr. 1896 m= 1*0 Barmouth to South Stack, includ- ing Carnarvon and Tremadoc bays. Staff Capts. Archdeacon & Maxivell, 1890-93 ; corr. 1897 m= 4-0 Port Madoc. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1889 7n= 4'0 St. Tudwall's and Pwllheli roads. Staff Com. Archdeacon,Vm>\ corr. 1897 m-=. 4'0 Approaches to Dinlleyn bay. StafCom. Archdeacon, 1889-92 m= 2*95 Menai strait, (plan, the Swellies). Staff Corns. Archdeacon & Kerr, 1872-92 ; corr. 1896 m=^ 4'0 Holyhead bay. Staff Com. Tizard, 1880 ; corr. 1895 m=12'0 Holyhead harbour. Staff. Capt. Maxwell, 1896 m= 1*0 Holyhead to Great Ormes head. Ad- miralty Surveys to 1893 ; corr. 1896 m= I'O Great Ormes head to Liverpool. Ad- miralty Surveys /o 1888, and Mersey Dock & Harbour Board to 1 894 ; corr. 1897 No. Size. 2393 J^E 2879 DE & n/ 915 A 2858 DB 1488 368 1616 1505 1122 1464 1413 2011 1170a 1170& 1482 DE 1411 DE 1484 DE DE IT Price' s. d. 2 6 3 6 2 3 2 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 3 1 6 2 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND— WEST COASTS. [Sect. I. No. Size. Scale. 2\tle of the Ghart. Price ^ s. d. 1951 DK rn= 1*85 Liverpool bay. Mersey Dock and Harbour Board to 1895 ; corr. 1897 3 1826 DB m= 0*5 Formby point to Kirkcudbright. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 3 2010 DE m= 2*0 Morecambe bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1884 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1775 f/ m=20-0 Whitehaven. Com. i)m^am, 1844 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1346 DB w= 1-0 Firth of Solway. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2094 n E m= 0-8 Isle of Man. (plans, Eamsey bay. Douglas harbour. Castletown bay. Port St. Mary. Calf sound. Port Erin. Peel) Admiralty Surveys to 1881 ; corr. 1897 4 2696 \^ m=12*0 Douglas bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1880 ; corr. 1896 1 6 SCOTLAND— WEST COAST. 2635 Da m= 0*15 Scotland, west coast. Admiralty Surveys, 1846-65 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1979 ^"^ m=r 3-0 Kirkcudbright bay. Ccq^t. Robinsofi, 1838 ; corr. 1876 1 6 2159 BE m= 0-5 Sheet 2 : Firth of Clyde and loch Fyne. (plans, Sanda island. Troon harbour. Ayr harbour. Burnt isles) Capt. RoUnson, 1849 ; corr. 1897 3 1403 "/ m= 3-0 Loch Ryan. Com. i^o&mson, 1839 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1619 A m= 6'9 Lamlash harbour. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1891 2 1404 \" w=12-0 Ardrossan harbour. *S'/r/jf Capt. Maxwell, 1896 1 6 2131 DB m= 1-55 Arran island to Gare loch, including the firth of Clyde, the Kyles of Bute and Inchmarnoch water. Admiralty and Ordnance Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 3 2006 DB m= 4-7 River Clyde from Greenock to Dumbarton. Staff Com. Ellis, 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2007 DB m=« 6-0 River Clyde from Dumbarton to Glasgow. Clyde Navigation Trust, 1891 2 6 2472 V ^n Sect. I.] SCOTLAND — WEST COAST, WITH ITS ISLANDS. 9 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2848 DE m— 2-0 Loch Lomond (plan, Inchtavannach channel) Ca23t. Otter, 1861 ; corr. 1876 2 6 ( 9-0 ) Loch Gilp. East loch Tarbert. = \ 15-0 i Millport. Gapt Rohinson, 1847 ; [ 12-0 ) corr. 1893 1 6 1864 V ^'i= ''■^^> Campbelton loch. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1891 1 6 2321 "/ ■)>i= 2*0 Loch Fyne (plan, Minard narrows). Capt. Rohinson, 1848 ; corr. 1885 1 6 2515 D B m= 0-5 " Sheet 3 : Mull of Canty re to Ardnamurchan. Capts. Robinson, Otter, •() .Lochs Etive and Creran. Com. Bedford, 1861 ; corr. 1874 3 1426 Dio&A y;i== o'O Loch Linnhe, northern part, and lochs Leven, Aber, and Eil. Capt. Bedford, 1863 ; corr. 1887 4 2909 i)n&A m= 3-0 Loch Awe. Com. Bedford, 1861 ; corr. 1874 4 2155 DE m= 1"5 Sound and north-west coast of Mull with loch Sunart. Capts. Otter & Bedford, 1851-65 ; corr. 1896 3 1981 "/ m— 5-0 Loch Aline. Com. Otter, 1847 ; corr. 1884 6 1836 V m=12-0 Tobermory harbour. Com. Otter, 1847 ; corr. 1876 1 6 2832 i>imi' m= 3*0 Treshnish point to the entrance of the sound of Mull. (plan, loch Cuan) Com. Bedford, 1856 ; corr. 1876 3 2475 t> K m= 0*4 Sheet 4 : Ardnamurchan to Summer isles, including Inner channel and part of the Minch. Admiralty Surveys, to 1866 ; co^^r. 1893 3 2507 UK wi= 0'8 Ardnamurchan point to loch Bhrea- tal (Skye), including The Small isles and Sleat sound, Capt. Otter & Com. Wood, 1852-63; corr. 1895 2 6 531 DK m= 9-25 Loch Moidart. Staff Com. Jefery, 1860 ; corr. 1874 2 6 2496 i»B 'm= 1-8 Sleat sound. Capt. Otter, 1852-60 ; corr. 1895 3 6 2817 °/ m= 6*6 Arasaig harbour. Com. Wood, 1858 ; corr. 1876 16 2497 DE m= 3'0 Loch Hourn. Capt. Otter, 1853 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2551 DE m= 0"79 Isle of Skye, northward of loch Ainneart and Sleat sound, with adjacent sounds and lochs to the eastward. Cajd. Otter & Co?n. Wood, 1852-63 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2455 V w= 6-0 Kyle Rhea. Corns. Otter %-4&; corr. 1897 2 6 m=10*0 River Tyne entrance. Staff Gom. Maxwell, 1892 ; corr. 1896 2 6 102 A 1543 D E 1190 D R & "/ 108 D IS 109 D K 1882 D E 1191 D E 1720 D E 2 1624 n K ■5 693 D B 2567 D K 1192 D E 1628 n E 1625 D E 2 L627 D E 1934 B E 14 ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND — BAST COASTH. [Sect. I. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. m=12-0 Blyth. Staf Capt. Tizard, 1890 ; corn- 1896 1 6 m=12'0 Coquet road and channel. Com. Slater, 1839 ; corn 1896 2 6 ?n=19-0 North Sunderland harbour. Com.. Slater, 1840 ; corr. 1889 1 6 m= 1*95 Farn islands to Berwick. (plan, Holy island harbour) Com. Johnson, 1831 ; corr. 1886 2 m= 6-8 Berwick harbour. Com. Johnson, 1831 ; corr. 1881 1 iVo. Size 1626 D E 2 1721 D E 1632 D E 111 A 113 n E SCOTLAND— EAST COAST. 2397a A 2397 /> A & A 1407 114a 114& 114c 1481 m— 0-2 \ m= 0- m— 1- m= 3- m= 3 m- 3-0 1445 n E 4 m= 6-7 1444 D E 4 m=10-0 1443 D E 4 tn= 6-8 1446 D E •1 m=10-0 ' Scotland, nortli and east coasts, with the Orkneys and Shetland. (])lans, Hillswick. Balta sound. Scal- loway. Lerwick. Pierowall. Eyn- hallow sound. Hoy sound. North Ronaldsay firth. Approaches to Kirk- wall. Deer sound. Loch P^riboll. Pentland firth. Scrabsterroad. Wick. Loch Fleet. Cromarty and Inver- ness firths. BanflE and Macduff. River Tay. Leith and Granton. Head of the Firth of Forth. Fraser burgh. Peterhead. Aberdeen. Mon- trose. Stonehaven. Arbroath.) 1863 ; corr. ^ '' ^^^^ ^ h 1897 Sheet 1 : St. Abbs head to Aberdeen. Admiralty Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1897 Firth of Forth, St. Abbs head to Edinburgh. Lieut.Thoma8,l%^2-^ ; corr. 1897 Fisherrow to Queens- ferry. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 River Forth. Queensf erry to Stir- ling. Admiralty Surveys, 1850-51 ; corr. 1897 River Tay. D. Cunningham, 1883-94 Arbroath. StafCom.Tizard, 1884 Montrose harbour. Staff Com. Tizard, 1883-4 ; corr. 1895 Stonehaven bay. Staff' Com. Tizard, 1884 Aberbeen harbour. Staff Com. Tiza,rd, 1883 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 6 No. Size. 1409 D E 2 m 1438 D E in- 1439 D E m 1442 DE m- 1823 D E m-- 1783 D B 2076 HE 2 2180 a DE 2180 & DB 2581 I) K 2568 DB 2 2583 DB 2- 2584 DE S. 'ce. d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 6 Sect. I.] SCOTLAND— BAST AND NORTH COASTS. 15 Scale, Title of the Chart. = 0-5 Sheet 3 : Aberdeen to Banff. Com. Slater, 1834 ; corr. 1896 = 6"9 Peterhead. Peterhead harbours. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1897 = 6*9 Fraserburgh. Fraserburgh harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1897 = 4-0 Banff and Macduff. Com. Slater, 1834 ; corr. 1867 = 0*5 Sheet 4 : Banff to the Ord of Caithness, (plans, Buckie harbour. Dunbeath harbour. Port Knockie.) Corns. Slater & Otter, 1845 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1451 DE m= 2'5 Firthof Inverness and Beauly basin. Corns. Slater & Otter, 1845 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2167 DE m=- 2'2 Firthof Cromarty. Coms. Slater & Otter, 1845 ; corr. 1886 2 6 2170 DE m= 2'() Firth of Dornoch. Coms. Slater & Otter, 1845 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2181 . "/ m— 0-5 Sheet 5 : Ord of Caithness to Thurso bav, including the Pentland firth, Coms. Slater & Otter, 1850 ; corr. 1896 16 2550 ^^ m=15-0 Port and vicinity of Wick. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2162 H/= m.= 1-5 Pentland firth. Corns. Slater, Otter 80(I nu .v,_i3-5) Lough Carlingford. Newry river. ^oui. DK m-|^.(jj R.Hoskyn,l)^bl; corr.1^^1 2 6 45 D B w?= 0*47 Lough Carlingford to lough Larne, including the coast of Scotland from port Patrick to Kirkcudbright, and the Isle of Man. Admiralty and Ordnance Surveys, 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*3 Lough Strangford. R. Hoskyn, 1859-60 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m=60'5 Donaghadee harbour. R. Hoskyn, 1856 ; corr. 1889 1 6 77?= 2'2 Belfast lough. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 w= 7*0 Lough Larne. Larne harbour. R. Hoskyn, 1856 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 0'4 Larne to Bloody Foreland, (plan, The Maidens.) Admiralty Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 3 n)= 7-0 Skerries roadstead (port Rush). R. Hoskyn, 1854 1 6 m~ 1-9 Lough Foyle. River Foyle. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1883 ; corr. 18!>7 2 6 rn= ri Lough Neagh. Lieut. Graves, IS'^5 1 6 »?= 2-0 Kinnagoe bay to Dunaff head. (plans, Garvan sound and isles. Portmore.) Capt. Bedford, 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 w= 2-3 Lough Swilly. Capt. Bedford, 1855 ; corr. 1897 4 I2or)0 n 2156 D E 2549 DE 1753 UE 1237 D E 46 DE 49 DE 2499 l)B .^)3 l)K or 2811 1) E 2697 I)E& V 18 niELAND — NORTH AND WEST COASTS. [Sect. 1. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2698 DE 'm= 3-0 Mulroy bay and lough, Cwpt. Bedford, 1856 ; corr. 1886 2 6 2699 DE m= 3*0 Sheep haven. Capt. Bedford,lSoG ; corr. 1879 3 1245 V m=: 0-6 Horn head to Rathliu O'Birne. Capt. Bedford, 1854 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2752 uE m= 3-0 Horn head to Bloody Foreland. Capt. Bedford, 1858 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1883 D K m= 3-0 Bloody Foreland to Aran island, in- cluding Gola roads and Gweedore harbour. Capt. Bedford, 1854 ; corr. 1897 3 1879 DE m= ?)'0 Aran island to Dawros bay. (plans, Rutland harbour. Aran Road. Church pool.) Cajjt. Bedford, 1854; 6'orr.'l877 3 2440 ^f m= 0-5 Teelin liead to Downpatrick head. Capts. Bedford & Beechey, 1853-4 ; 'corr. 1894 1 2792 DE m— 6-0 Killybegs harboin\ Donegal har- bour. Teelin harbour. Com. Bedford, 1852 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1120 "/ m— 6-8 Ballvshannon harbour. Com. Madge, 1838 ; corr. 1879 1 6 2702 DE m= 1-25 Donegal bay. Capt.Bedford,Wo2', corr. 1897 3 2729 DE w= 3*0 Sligo and Ballysadare harbours. Cajit. Bedford, 1852 ; corr. 1897 3 2767 DEI m= 1-25 J^:?* Sligo and Killala bays. Cctpt<<. Bedford & Beeclieij, 1852-4 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2338 \^ m= 6-0 BallTsadare bay. Capt. Bedford, 1852 ; corr. 1888 1 6 1172 A m= 2-0 Upper lough Erne. Lieut. Wolfe, 1836 3 1173 DE m= 2"0 Lower lough Erne. Lough Derg. Lieut. Wolfe, 1836; corr. 1879 3 2419 °/ m= 0-5 Downpatrick head to Achill head. Com. Beechei/,1S64:; corr. ISdl 1 6 2703 DE m= 1-5 Broadhaven bay, (plan, French port) Com. Beechey, 1853 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2704 DE m= 1-5 Blacksodbay, Com. Beechey, 1%^!', corr. 1897 2 6 2420 V »^= ^*5 Achill head to Slyne head. Capt. Bedford & Com. BeecUeij, 1854 ; corr. 1897 1 6 954 '*/ /y«= 6-8 Achill sound, Northern and South- ern entrances. Coin. Beechey., 18.50 1 6 Kect. T.J IRELAND — WRST COAST. JO No. Sise. 2(5()7 DK 2068 D K 2057 UK 2705 DE 2706 DE 2886^ D E 2707 DE Smlo. Title of the. Chart. . Price. s. d. )u= 1-7 Achill head to Roonagh head. Com. Beecheu, 1850 ; corr. 1879 2 6 m= 5'0 Newport bay. Com. Beeche)/, IMS; corr. 1879 2 6 r,i= 5'0 Westport bay. Co)n.BeecJiey,lS'iS; corr. 1887 2 6 m,= P)-4 Roonagh head to Dooaghtry point. Com . Bedford, 1848-9 ; corr. 1879 2 6 m= 3*4 Ballynakill and Killary bays. Com. Bedford, 1848-9 ; corr. 1897 3 ;n= 6-85 Killary bay. Staff Ccqjt. Maxwell, 189G 2 6 m= 3*4 Inishbofin and adjacent coast of Galway between Rinvyle and Aughms points. Com. Bedford, 1848-9 ; corn' 1879 2 6 2708 DE m= 3*4 Clifden and Mannin bays to Aughms point. Com. Bedford, 1847-8; cor;. "1879 2173 ^,f ■))!= 0-5 Slyno head to Liscanor bar. Com. Bedford, 1849; 'corr. 1897 2709 i)K. m= \\-\ SI vno head and adjacent coai-t. Com. Bedfird, 1847-8 ; corr. 1897 2090 i)i; ;;;,= 1-9 liouudstone, Birterbny, Kilkieran, Greatman and Cashla bays. Com. Bedford, 1847 ; corr. 1897 2015 Y m= 1-5 Isles of Arran. Com. Bedford, 1849 ; corr. 1897 1984 i.K m= 2-2 Gal way bay. Com. Bedford, IS¥^ ; corr. 1892 ]903 Hj'^ m= 6'8 Galway harbour. Com. Bedford, 1845 ; corr. ] 892 J 6 2318 UE m= 1-3 Lough Corrib. Lough Mask. Com. Beechey, 1846 ; corr. 1 879 2 6 2254 DE m^= 0'5 Tralee bay to Liscanor bay, including river Shannon (plans, Kilkee or Moore bay. Tarbert road. Foynes island). Capt. Bedford, 1850 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2442" °/' m= 3'0 Mutton island, Doonbeg bay, and parts adjacent . Com. Bedford, 1850 ; corr. 1879 1819 DE m= 2-1 River Shannon, Sheet 1, to Carrigaholt. Com. Wolfe, 1846 ; corr. 1897 1547 DE w= 4-5 Sheet 2, to Scattery. Com. Wolfe, 1841 ; corr. 1897 1548 DE m= 4-5 Sheet 3, to Tarbert. Com. Wolfe, 1841 ; corr. 1897 1528 'g^' m= 9-0 Tarbert road. Com.. Wolfe, 1841 ; corr. 1878 •i 6 6 3 6 tmi 6 ] 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 2i) lEELAND— WEST COAST. [Sect. I. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1541 DE m= 4-5 River Shannon, Sheet 4, to Foynes. Com. Wolfe, 1841 ; corr. 1878 2 6 1538 °/ m=13-0 Foynes harbour. Staff Com. Kerr, 1877 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1549 DE m= 4-5 Sheet 5, to Middle ground. Com. Wolfe, 1841 ; corr. 1894 2 6 1539 DE ni— 6'8 Sheet 6, Middle ground to Scarlett reach. Staff- Com. Hall, 1877 ; corr. 188G 2 6 1540 DE m= 6*8 Sheet 7, to Limerick. Staff- Com. Hall, 1877 ; corr. 1885 2 6 1552 DE ?»= 2*3 Lough Derg. Com.. Wolfe, 1839 3 1572 D B m= 2*3 Lough Ree, and con- tinuation of river to Termonbarry bridge. Com. Wolfe, 1837 3 1584 V ^^= 2-3 River Fergus from Ennis to the Shannon. Com. Wolfe, 1840 ; corr. 1878 1 G 2679 A&A m= 0-5 Kerry head to Ballinekellig bay. Com. Beechey, 1858 ; corr. 1887 2 6 2739 DE m= 2*0 Tralee and Brandon bays. Com. Beechey, 1855 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2790 DE m= 2*5 Blasket sound and islands. Smer- wick harbour. Com. Edye, 1858 ; corr. 1883 3 2844 DE m= 6'9 Dingle and Ventry harbours. G. F. M'Dougall, 1856 ; corr. 1887 3 2424 DB m= 0'5 Valentia to cape Clear. Com. Wolfe, 1849-53 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2125 V m= 2-2 Valentia island. Com. T^oZ/e, 1849 ; com 1875 1 6 2030 Y' ^^= 6-9 Valentia harbour. Com. Wolfe, 1849 ; corr. 1891 1 6 1918 "/ w= 6-9 Port Magee, or south entrance to Valentia harbour. Com. Wolfe, 1849 ; corr. 1879 1 6 ....Kenmare river. (plans, Sneem harbour. Kilma- killoge and Ardgroom har- bours. Quoylach bay.) Com. Church, 1854 ; corr. 1893 3 1840 DE m= S"0 Bantry bay. Sheet 1. Com. Church, 1850 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1838 DE w= 3-0 Sheet 2. Com. Wolfe, 1844 ; corr. 1879 2 6 2495 D imp. w={2'6} Sect. I.] IRELAND — SOUTH AND EAST COASTS. 21 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d' 1210 I) E /;;= 6-8 Berehaven. Staff Capt. Maxwell, 1895-6 ; corr. 1897 3 6 2552 DE m= 3*0 Dunmanus bay. Com. Church, 1850 ; corr. 1879 3 1996 V ^= 0*^ Mizen head to Kinsale. Com. Wolfe, 1849 ; corr. 1895 1 6 MO A f3'0"| South-west coast, including Crook ^1»4 PE *>i-|7.oj haven. Crook haven. Com. TF"o?/e, 1848 ; corr. 1888 2 6 2129 i)E ?;<= 3*0 Long island and Baltimore bays. Coyn. Wolfe, 1847 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2092 \^ m= 3"0 Castle haven and Glandore harbour. Com. Wolfe, 1846 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2080 ^^ m= 3-0 Clonakilty bay. Com. Wolfe, 1846 ; com 1895 1 6 2081 Hj^ m= 3*0 Courtmacsherry bay. Com. PFbZ/e, 1846 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2049 DE&\E ,^=0-5 Kinsale to Wexford. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corn 1897 3 2053 DE m= 6*8 Kinsale harbour and Oyster haven. Co??z. Wolfe, 1845 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1765 DE w= 2*5 Cork harbour and approaches. Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1777 DE m= 6-9 Queenstown and port of Cork (outer sheet). Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1773 DE m= 6*9 Queenstown and port of Cork (inner sheet). Staff Com. Archdeacon, 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2071 DE m= 4*0 Youghal harbour. Capt. Frazer, 1850 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2017 '^^ m= 4-4 Dungarvan harbour. .S'^a/' Cayt. Maxwell, 1896 ; corr 1897 1 6 2046 DE m= 3"0 Waterford harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1772 DE m= 3*25 Approaches to Wexford harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1787 DE&\E ^=0-9 Wexford to Wicklow. iS'to^ Com. ^crr, 1873 ; corr. 1897 3 52 V' '^^''= ^'^ Wicklow roadstead and harbour. Staff' Com. Jarrad, 1881; corr. 1891 6 CHANNEL ISLANDS. NORTH SEA. [Sects. I., II. CHANNEL ISLANDS. No. Sise. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2669 *a, Z/ uk )n= 0*5 ChHiiuel islands, 2 sheets. English and French Surveys to 1892 ; corr. a 1897 ; h 1897 ; each 2 6 ^\} oK&^2^^ ))i= I'O Alderney and the,Casquets. Com. Sidney & Staff Com. Richards, 1859-63 ; corr. 1890 3 2845 uii iii=lM) Alderhey harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1882 2 6 262 a, &,c BE m= 4-0 Guernsey, Herm, and ' h, 1897 I 6 Com. iiernsey, Herm, and ( Serk, 3 sheets. J ^'iggy Sidnei/ & J. Richards, ) ^' icq? ■ 1859-62; corr.V'^^^^ C)2(<,l),c i)i;&V' '"'■= '!■*' Island of Jersey, 3 sheets. Staf Com. Richards, 1867 ; j ^p J^^^ ( ^ ^^ ''""'' \c:im\ 63* //i= 5*0 Isles Ohausey. Pilote Fran<;ais, 1831 ; corr. 1895 2 6 SECTION II. NORTH SEA AND ADJACENT FOREIGN COASTS. NORTH SEA. 2339 1) !•: m— 0-05 North sea, from the English . Sect. II.] BELGIUM. NETHERLANDS. GERMANY. NORWAY. 2)\ BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, &c. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1872 i>K y/'= 0-7 Calais to the river Schelde entrance. Latest authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 125 V^ w^= iV5 Ostende roads. Belgian Surveys, 1867 to 1882 ; corr. 1897 - - 1 6 120 DE & 'V*^ m= 1-0 River Schelde, from the sea to Antwerp. Gapt. Blommendal, Netherlands R.N., 1865-70 ; corr. 1897 4 122 DE m= 1-0 Mouths of the Maas. Netherlands Surveys to 1872 ; corr. 1897 3 2322 DK m— 0*37 Scheveningen to Ameland, including the Zuider Zee. Netherlands Charts, 1876 ; corr. 1896 2 6 850 V' '/n= 9"6 Ymuiden harbour (western en- trance of Amsterdam North sea ship canal). Netherlands Gov. Survey, 1882 ; corr. 1894 124 "# m= 2*4 Texel. Netherlands Gov. Survey, 1868 ; corr. to 1894 2593 D E ;?? = 0'5 Ameland to Jade river, including the river Ems. German and NetheHands Surveys, 1874 and 1886 ; corr. 1897 1875 DE m= 0-5 Elbe, W-eser, and Jade rivers. Gernuoi Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1897 1887 DE & "J^ m— 0'52 Eider river to Blaavand point. German Survey, 1869-71 ; corr. 1897 417 DB m= 1-8 Graa Deep. Danish Gov. Chart, 1895 ; corr. 1897 126 A w<= 6-0 Heligoland. Staff Com. Arch- deacon, 1887 ; corr, 1896 NORWAY. 1479 D E d= 2-4 The Naze to the North cape. Norwegian Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2327 uE m= 0-75 Sheet 1 : The Naze to Christiansand. Norwegian Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 420 ^y^ m= 1*3 The Naze to Lister, including the approaches to Farsund. Norwegian Gov. Survey, 1895 1 6 2260 \^ m= 1-5 Ports on the south coast of Nor- way: — Songvaar and Christiansand fiords, Manne fiord. Entrances to Svinor. Norwegian Surveys ; corr. 1897 1 6 2328 A m= 0-75 Sheet 2 : Christiansand to Sandoen. (plans, Arendal inlet and Torungen islands. Approaches to Grimstad and Lillesand.) Norwegian Charts, 1843 ; corr. 1897 2 1 1 6 2 6 2 6 3 1 6 2 No. Size. 2a29 A 2330 I)E & Y 24 NORWAY, [Sect. II. Scale. Title of the Chart Price. s. d. m= 0-7 Sheet 3 : Sandoen to the Svenoer. Norwegian Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 m= 0-7 Sheet 4 : Svenoer to Koster islands, including Christiania fiord. Norwegian Su7'veys,l%&h-%b; corr. l^^l 3 1974 UE m== 1'4 Jfeloen to Christiania, and includ- ing Drams fiord. Norwegian charts, 1894*; corr. 1897 2 6 1039 "/ ;?z= G'l CJiristiania harbour. Norwegian Chart, 1881 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2281 DK >H= 0-35 The Naze to Karmo. (plan, port Stavanger.) Norwegian Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 881 DB m= I"42 Urter to Hisken, including the en- trance to the Hardanger fiord and approaches to Haugesund and Lervig. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts ; corr. 1897 2 6 883 '\| m= 1"45 Ports and anchorages on S.W. Coast of Norway— Soggendal strand and Rekefiord anchorages. Rasvaag and Kirkehavn anchorages. Ap- proaches to Ekersund. Flekke- fiord anchorages. Norwegian Surveys, 1865 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2304 D./mp. m= 0-35 Sheet 1 : Karmo to Bergen. (plans, Eide. Port Sandvig. Odde. Approaches to Lervig.) Norwegian Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 510 DE m= 1-39 Hisken to Tofto including the southern channels leading to Bergen. Latest Norwegian Oov. charts, 1895 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2303 DB m= 1*4 Approaches to Bergen. Latest Nor- tvegicm Gov. charts, 1^^^; corr. 1897 2 6 1121 V m=ll-5 Bergen. Norwegian Map, 1883 ; corr. 1894 1 6 2291 DE m= 0-37 Sheet 2 : Bergen to Stav fiord (plans, Gudvangen. Fjserland). Norwegian Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 509 i>B&^^= m= 1-4 Blomo to Utvaer, including the northern channels leading to Bergen. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts, 1895 ; corr. 1897 3 6 2305 BB m= 0-38 Shbet3: Stav fiord to Romsdals islands. (plans. Approaches to Freko and adjacent anchorages. Saebo. Olden. Merok.) Norwcgt'ari Surveys to 1S^6 ; corrAS97 2 6 Sect. II.] NORWAY. 25 N'o. Sise. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1297 DE m= 1-44 Lepso to Ona, including the outer approaches to Molde. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts, 1896 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1291 DE m= 1-44 Nerlandso to Lepso, including the approaches to Aalesund. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts, 1896; corr. 1897 2 6 2306 UK w= 0-35 Sheet 4 : Romsdals islands to Hitteren island. (plan, Approaches to Bud. Ap- proaches to Kristiansund. Nes.) Norwegian Surveys to 1893 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1298 DB m= 1*44 Approaches to Molde. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts, 1896 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1972 DE m= 1*0 Approaches to Trondhj em, eastern sheet. Latest Norwegian Gov. charts, 1897 3 1971 DB m=. 1-0 Approaches to Trondhj em, western sheet. Latest Norivegian Gov. charts, 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2307 DE m= 0-35 Sheet 5 : Smolen to Sves fiord. Norwegian Survey ,- corr. 1897 2 ;^^= 6*0 Anchorages on the west coast of Norway : — Trondhjem bay. Latest information to 1890 ; corr. 1897 m=. 0-35 Sheet 6 : Brand fiord to Leka. Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1897 m~ 0-35 Sheet 7 : Leka to Donnaeso. Norwegian Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 m= 0-35 Sheet 8 : Donnaeso to Fleina. Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1897 m= 0-35 Sheet 9 : Fleina to Vest fiord and the Lofoten islands. Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1896 m,= 0-35 Sheet 10 : Lofoten islands to Ando. Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1897 m= 0-35 Sheet 11 : Ando to Helgo. (plan, Tromso havn.) Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1897 2314 n K ;»= 0-35 Sheet 12 : Helgo to Soro. Norwegian Survey ; c-'orr. 1894 2295 DE 2 2308 DE 2309 DB 2310 D E 2311 DE 2312 DE 2313 DE 1 6 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2505 V' m (2-0 I 26 NORWAY. LAPLAND. WHITE SEA. [Sect. II. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2315 I'K ui— 0-35 Sheet 13 : Soro to North cape. (plan, Hainmerfest liavn.) Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1897 2 2316 i)K yrt^ 0-35 Sheet 14 : North cape to Tana fiord. Norwegian Survey ; corr. 1895 2 2317 I'K ///= 0-35 Sheet 15 : Tana fiord to Varanger fiord. (plans, Brashavn. Vadso havn. Vardo bay.) Norwegian and English Surveys to 1896 ; corr. 1897 2 G LAPLAND. 2333 A m= 0-35 Sheet 1 : Varanger fiord to Mai Oleni. (plans, Port Novaia Zemlia. Vaid bay. Ara and Oura bays. Port Ekaterinskoi or Catherine. Kola inlet. Kola anch. Port Vladimir. Kildin strait.) Russian Charts; corr. 1896 2 6 ...Plans on the north coast of Lap- land : — Litsa bay. Vitchani is- land anchorage. Russian Surveys 1 6 2334 \ m= 0-35 Sheet 2 : Mai Oleni to Nokuev island. (plans, Teriberskoi bay. Oleni road. Sem islands. Nokuev island.) Russian Chart, 1840 ; corr. 1896 2 6 WHITE SEA. 2278 DE m= 0-1 White sea ; corr. 1897 ... 2 6 2269 A m= 0-35 Sheet 1 : Cape Cherni to mount Sozo- nova (plan, lokanskie isles and port). Russian Surveys, 1834 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2270 A m= 0-33 Sheet 2 : Mount Sozonova to Kouz- minskia hills, and river Kia to river Chija (plan Veshnyak channel). Russian Surveys, 1833 ; coi^r. 1896 2 6 2271 A m= 0-32 Sheet 3 : River Chija to cape Voronov, including the gulf of Mezen, Russian Stirveys, 1833 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2272 A m= 0-32 Sheet 4 : Kouzminskia hills and cape Voronov to Nikodimskoi point and river Ruchi. (plan, Sosnovets island and road). Russian Surveys, lcS34 ; corr. 1896 2 6 Sect. II.] WHITE SEA. SPITZBERGEN. 27 No. Size. Scale. Tiile of the Chart. Price. •s. d. 2273 A rn= 0"3 Sheet 5 : Nikodimskoi and Tntsi points to Kammenoi point and Unskaia inlet, including Arkhaugel gulf. Russian Surveys to 1860 ; corr. 1892 2 2280 DK 1)1= 0'85 Arkhangel bay and the mouths of the North Dvina. Russian Surveys ; corr. 1892 2 6 2274 A m= 0*3 Sheet 6 : Kammenoi point and Unskaia inlet to Tolstik and Ches- minskoi points. Russian Surveys to ] 846 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2275 A m= 0-3 Sheet 7 : GulE of Onega. (plan, Onega road and en- trance to river Onega.) Russian Surveys, 1832 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2276 A m= 0-3 Sheet 8 : Bouin point to Sharapov head (plan, Solovets roads). Russian Surveys, 1833 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2061 \^ ui= 1'73 Approaches to Kem. Russian Gov. chart, 1890 ; corr. 1895 1 2277 A ni= 0*3 Sheet 9 : Sharapov head to Ludoshnoi point (Kandalak gulf), (plans, Keret bay and Sredni anchorage. Kovda bay. Poria anchorage and approaches. Sosnovaia and Pirou bays.) Russian Surveys, 1832 ; corr. 1897 2 6 SPITZBERGEN ISLANDS. 2751 on m= 0*1 Spitzbergen. (plan, Jan May en island). Swedish Surveys, 1S&1-64:; corn 1897 2 6 300 iJJi m= Various Anchorages on the west and north coasts of Spitzbergen : — Recherche bay. Skans bay. Advent anchor- age. Magdalena bay to Foul bay. Treurenbnrg bay. British and French Gov. Surveys, 1818 to 1895 ; corr. 1897 2 6 28 BALTIC SEA. [Sect. Ill- SECTION III. BALTIC SEA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2842 a,h d e m= 0'] 2 Baltic sea, 2 sheets — (plans, Fseno sound. Nyborg fiord. Aaro sound. Copenhagen channels. Helsingor haven. Faro sound. Ertholms or Chris- tianso. The narrows of Kalmar sound. Karlskrona. Neu- fahrwasser, Memel. River Dvina. Wormso channel. Tiefen Hafen. Hapsal harbour.) ( a 1897 3 ^^^^•|&1897 4 6 2289 i)K >Ai= 0-25 The Skagerrak or Sleeve. Norwegian and Swedish Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 121 V '^= 1'^ Koster islands and approaches to Stromstad. Swedish Charts, 1875 ; corr. 1897 1 6 156 V ''^= 1'4 Maseskar to Hallo, including ap- proaches to Kungshamn. Swedish Survey, 1875 ; corr. 1894 1 6 SWEDEN. 2114 D E m= 0-3 Baltic entrance — The Kattegat. (plan, Frederikshavn.) Danish and Swedish Surveys to 1851 ; corr. 1897 2 6 129 V* m= 1-45 Hono to Paternosters, and ap- proaches to Marstrand and Kladesholm. Swedish Surveys ; corr. 1897 1 6 196 DK m= 1-45 Nidingen to H5n6, including Winga sound and approaches to Gote- borg. Swedish Charts to 1874 ; com 1897 2 6 2360 D E m= 0-35 Sheet 1 : Falsterbo point to Kalmar sound, (plans, Ystad. Simris. Ronne harbour. Karlshamn. Ertholms or Christianso.) Admiral Klint, 1849 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. TIL] BALTIC SEA. 29 1^0. Size, Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s, d. 2377 ^2^ m=Various Ports on east coast of Sweden: — Oscarshamn (Doderhultsvik). Kalmar sound narrows. V3,ll6 channel, Bergqvara. Ahus and Lando. Swedish Survey to 1883 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2223 °^ m= 1-46 Karlskrona harbour. Sivedish Survey; corr. 1892 1 6 2251 D B m= 0*35 Sheet 2 : Kalmar sound and Oland island. Sivedish Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2361 D E m= 0-35 Sheet 3 : Oland to Landsort. Admiral Klint, 1849 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2362 DE m= 0-35 Sheet 4: Landsort to the gulf of Bothnia. Admiral Klint, 1849 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2250 DE m= 0-35 Sheet 5 : Gotland. (plans, Slite Hamn. Faro sund. Rone Hamn. Visby.) Sivedish Charts, 1887 ; corr. 1897 2 6 GULF OF BOTHNIA. 2252 DE m= 0*1 Gulf of Bothnia. Swedish and Russian Charts to 1895 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2296 DE m= 0-3 Sheet 1 : South Quarken to Horns- landet. Russian and Swedish Surveys to 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2297 D E m= 0-35 Sheet 2 : Hango head to South Quar- ken including Aland islands. Russian and Sivedish Sur- veys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2356 °^ m= 3"0 Led sound. Q. Biddlecomhe and J. S. Hill, 1854 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2359 \® m= 3-0 Fogle fiord. Capt. Sullivan, 1854 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2358 DjE m= 3*0 Channels leading to Bomarsund. Capt. Sulivan, 1854 ; corr. 1871 2 6 2298 DE ?n= 0-3 Sheet 3 : Nystad light to Stor Fiard. Russian Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2299 DE m= 0-3 Sheet 4 : Hornslandet to Stierno point. (plans, Barsta Hamn. Ska- gens Hamn. Ulfosound. Juni Skaren anchorage.) Swedish Charts ; corr. 1897 2 6 80 BALTIC SEA. [Sect. III. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2300 DK m= 0-35 Sheet 5 : Stierno point to Fiaderag and Stor Fiard to Gamla Karleby. Russian and Sivedish Charts ; corr. 1897 2 6 2301 OE m= 0-35 Sheet 6 : Fiaderag to Tome point, and Gamla Karleby to Tauvo. Sivedish and Russian Survei/s ; corr. 1897 2 6 2302 i>E m— 0-35 Sheet 7 : Tome point round the head ot the gulf to Tauvo. Russian and Swedish Charts, 1868 ; corr. 1897 2 6 GULF OF FINLAND. 2191 i)F, m= 0-2 Gulf of Finland. Latest Authorities to 1875 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2241 i)K m= 0-35 Entrance to gulf of Finland and and northern entrances to gulf of Riga. Russian Surveys, 18G0 ; corr. 1897 2 (1 810 \^ m= 3-0 Hango road and approaches. (plan, Hangofitad harbour.) Russian charts to 1894 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2331 i>i-; it)= 0-78 Hango head to Baro sound. Russian charts to 1896 ; corr. 1897 2 6 870 °/ m= I'O Wormso sound. Russian Survey, 1879 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2246 »E m= 0-35 Port Baltic to Hogland. (plan, Harra haven.) Russian and Swedish Surveys; corr. 1897 2 6 2217 V w= 2-0 Port Baltic or RSger wik. MS. of 1822 ; corr. 1889 1 2227 °/ m= 1-0 Revel roadstead. (plan, Revel harbours) Russian Surveys, 1846 ; corr. 1896 1 6 173 DB m= 1-15 Approaches to Helsingfors and Sveaborg. Russian and Swedish charts ; corr. 1897 2 6 2224 UK m= 3-5 Helsingfors, Sveaborg, and parts adjacent. Swedish MSS., 1837 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2247 DE&n/ m= 0-5 Hogland to Seskar, north shore. (plans, Laven-sari anchorage. Viborg narrows.) Russian Surveys, 1848-82 ; corr. 1897 3 Sect. III.] BALTIC SEA. DENMARK. 31 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2826 DE m= 1*17 Approaches to Viborg. Latest Buss tan charts; corr. 1897 2 6 2279 °/ m= 0-5 St. Petersburg bay. Russian Surveys, 1831 to 1894 ; co7^r. 1896 1 6 2239 V m= 1-8 The bay and city of St. Petersburg. Russian Surveys ; corr. 1885 1 6 2215 DE m= 1*65 Kronstadt North and South channels. (plan, Kronstadt South channel.) Russian Surveys to 1894: ; coi^r. 1896 2 6 2245 DE m= 0-5 Hogland to Seskar, south Bhore. Russian Surveys ; corr. 1896 2 6 GULF OF RIGA, AND KOURLAND COAST. 2373 i»K m= 0-3 Gulf of Riga. (plan, Pernau roadstead.) Russian Survey, 1878 ; co7^r. 1897 2 6 2263 un /«= ()'5 Entrance, (plan, Tserel spit and anchorage.) Russian Survey, 1846 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2256 DE m=- 3-0 River Dvina, from the roadstead to town of Riga. Russian Sur- veys ; corr. 1896 2 2372 D K m= 0*55 Libau to Lyserort. (plan, Windau.) Russian Survey, 1862 ; corr. 1896 6 1770 "/ >»=- 4-2 Port of Libau. Russian Gov. Surveys, 1892 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2371 uii m= 0*55 Memel to Libau. Russian and Prussian Surveys, 1862 ; corr. 1896 2 6 DENMARK. 2325 DE m= 0*6 Liim fiord. Danish Survey, 1850 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2115 DE m= 0-6 The Sound. (plans, Copenhagen. Helsingor harbour. Helsingborg. Flint channel.) Danish Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 790 DE ;w= 1-8 Approaches to Copenhagen, with Drog- den and Flint channels. Danish and Sivedish charts, 1878 ; corr. 1897 2 6 32 DENMARK, GERMANY. [Sect. III. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2116 DE m— 0-6 Great and Little Belts, (plans, Veile fiord. Nyborg fiord. Faeno sound. Aaro sound. Svendborg sound.) Danish Survey to 1891 ; German Survey to 1874 ; corr. 1897 3 326 i)K in= 0'54 Great Belt. Danish Gov. Charts to 1895 ; corr. 1897 3 2229 "/ m= 0-6 Entrance to Great and Little Belts. (plan, approaches to Kyholm and Langore.) Danish Survey to 1853 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2138 ^'^ m= I'O Approaches to the Gron sound and the Stor Strom. Danish Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1897 1 6 213 °2° m= 3*7 Entrance to Gron sound. Danish Survey, 1864 ; corr. 1897 1 6 GERMANY. 2117 DE m=- 0*6 Sheet 4: Kiel bay. German and Danish Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 696 DE m= 5*73 Kiel harbour. German Gov. Plan, 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 33 V "^= 1'76 Kiel fiord. German Survey, 1^12; corr. 1897 1 6 2469 wi= 7-28 Kaiser Wilhelm canal. German plan of 1893 ; corr. 1897 6 2150 "/ m=. 0-2 Femern to Bornholm. Danish,Swedish, and German Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2364 DE m= 0'55 Lubeck bay and Femern belt, (plan, river Trave.) Danish and Ger- man Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2365 DB m— 0-55 Sheet 1 : Rostock to Arkona light. Prussian and Danish Surveys to 1855 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2366 DE m= 0*55 Sheet 2: Arkona to Dievenow river. Prussian Survey ; corr. 1896 2 6 2367 DE m= 0-55 Sheet 3: Dievenow river to Jershoft light. (plan, Riigenwaldermiinde.) Prussian Survey, IMl ; corr. 1890 2 6 185 DE&Y' *''= 1"^^ Port Swinemiinde and approaches to Stettin. "Western or Peene river approach. Prussian Survey 1869 ; corr. 1893 3 2368 DE m= 0-55 Sheet 4: Jershoft light to Rixhoft light. (plan. Stolpenunde.) Prussian Survey to 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 !^ects. III., IV.] UKIIMAXY — N. COAST. FRANCE — W. COAST. •');', No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2369 i)K m=; ()-5.5 Sheet 5 : Rixhoft to Briister-ort. (plan, Pillau harbour.) Prussian Survey to 1860 ; corr. 1896 3 2370 DE m= 0-55 Sheet 6 : Briister-ort to Memel. (plan, port of Memel.) Prussian Survey ; corr. 1890 3 SECTION IV. NORTH AND WEST COASTS OF FRANCE, SPAIN, AND PORTUGAL. 2 6 2 2 6 1 FRANCE— WEST AND NORTH COASTS. 1 i»K d— 2*1 British islands to Mediterranean sea, 1884 ; corr. 1897 1104 A w= 0-07 Bay of Biscay, 1888 ; ,7om 1897 - 2665 D E m= 0-5 Sheet 1 : Bidassoa river to pointe d'Arcachon, Pilote Franfais, 1829 ; corr. 1883 1345 V ^^*= ^'^ St. Jean de Luz. M. Bouquet de la Grye, 1864-76 ; corr. 1882 |Q_i'> ^ ( fn= 7*3 ) Adour river from the entrance to ( m=28*6 J Bayonne. Entrance to Adour river. French Chart, 1888 2 6 2664 D E m= 0-5 Sheet 2 : Point d'Arcachon to point de la Coubre. Pilote Frangais. 1831-56 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2910 DE m= 1*0 Entrance to the Gironde river. Latest French Gov. Surveys ; coz-r. 1897 2 6 2648 n F- w^= 0-5 Sheet 3 : Point de la Coubre to Les Sables d'Olonne. (plan, bay and port of Les Sables d'Olonne.) Pilote Fratigais ; corr. 1897 2 6 2746 DE m— 1'5 Pertuis d'Antioche, Environs de la Rochelle, Rade des Basques, Rade de I'lle d'Aix, Rade des Trousses, Entree de la Charente, (plan, la Rochelle.) Pilote Frangais, 1824 ; corr. 1896 2 6 12059 D 34 PEANCE — WEST AND NORTH COASTS. [Sect. IV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2H47 V *«= 0-5 Sheet 4 : Les Sables D'Olonne to Bourgneuf. (plan, St. Grilles sur Vie. Port Breton.) PiJote Frangais ; corr. 1895 1 6 2646 D E )n= 0-5 Sheet 5 : Bourgneuf to He de Groix. (plan, entrance to Loire river.) Pilate Frangais ; corr. 1897 2 6 2353 DE m=^ 1*0 Rade de Croisic to Presqu'ile de Quiberon. Latest French Oov. Surveij ; corr. 1897 2 6 2352 UK w= 1-0 Presqu'ile de Quiberon to Anse de Benodet. Latest French Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 304 V m= 5*0 Port Louis and Lorient. French Gov. Surveys to 1878 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2645 D E w= 0-5 Sheet 6 : He de Groix to Raz de Sein. (plans, port Concarneau. Port Audierne.) Pilote Fra.ngais, 1823 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2351 DE m.= 1*0 Anse de Benodet to Chaussee de Sein. French Gov. Surveys; corr. 1897 3 2643 D K m — 0-5 Sheet 7 : Raz de Sein to Goulven, including Brest and Ushant. Pilote Frangais ; corr. 1897 2 6 798 DE m— 1*53 Douarnenez bay and approach. (plan, Douarnenez and Treboul.) French Gov. Surveys; corr. 1%^1 2 6 2690 D /Hip' m= 1"5 Brest roadstead. Pilote Frangais ; corr. 1897 2 6 2694 DE m= 1*5 Channels between He D'Ouessant and the mainland. Pilote Frangais, 1818 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2644 DE m= 0-5 Sheist 8: He D'Ouessant to les Sept lies. Pilote Frangais, 1823; corr. 1897 2 6 1432 DK w= 4"88 Approaches to I'Abervrac'h. French Survey, 1838 2 6 2744 DE m= 5*0 Channels and road of Morlaix. Pilote Frangais, 1837 ; corr. 1890 2 6 2745 DE m= 5-0 He de Bas, and adjacent coast. Pilote Frangais, 1837 ; corr. 1880 2 6 2557 DE m= 4*7 Approaches to Lezardrieux. French Gov. Surveys 2 6 2669&* DE m= 0-5 Sheet 9 : Channel islands, (southern portion) and adjacent coast of France. Enylish and French Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 ... 2 6 * Also at page 22. Sect. IV,] PRANCE — NORTH COAST. 35 No. Size. Scale. Title of tJie Chart. Price. s. d. 2700 DE m= 5*0 Port St. Malo and the environs. Pilote Frangai.% 1829 ; corr. 1893 2 6 63* DE m= 5*0 Isles Chansey. Pilote FranQais,V^^l', corr. I'^^b 2 6 2669a* UE m= 0-5 Sheet 10 : Channel islands (northern portion), and adjacent coast of France. English and French Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1106 DK m= I'O Cape Flamanville to St. Marconf islands. French Gov. Charts, 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2602 DK m= 5*8 Port de Cherbourg. French Charts to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2613 HE 7n= 0-49 Sheet 11 : Cape Levi to Fecamp. Latest French Gov. Surve!/s;corr.lii91 2 6 2073 UK //?= 0"97 Cape Barfleur to Courseulles. Latest French Gov. Charts, 1894 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1821 DK m= 1-55 Asnelles to Villers, including Caen roadstead. Latest French Gov. Surveifs. Puhlished 1893 2 6 2743 DE y«= 2-0 Rade de la Hougue. (plan, port Barfleur.) Pilote Frangais ; corr. 1895 2 6 2680 D ni= 2'0 Entrance of the Seine, including Havre roadstead and Trouville. Latest French Gov. Charts; corr. 1897 2 6 2146 DE m= 0-97 Havre to river Durdent. Latest French Gov. Charts ; corr. 1897 2 6 2612 DE m= 0-5 Sheet 12 : Fecamp to Boulogne. Latest French Gov. Surveys ; cori\lS97 2 6 2610 »/ w= 0-5 Fecamp. Treport. French Gov. Chart; corr. 1897 1 6 1073 V w= 5-0 Dieppe. -Frmc/iG^ov.^S'wryey, 1879; corr. 1897 1 2148 , DE m= 1-0 Cayeux to Boulogne. French Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2147 DE m= 0-97 River Durdent to Cayeux. Latest French Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 438 UK y/^z= 4-9 Cape d'Alprech to Ambleteuse, including Boulogne. French Gov. Survey, 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2556 »/■ m= 5-0 Calais road, 1879 : 6'orr. 1897 - 1 6 1352 »E m= 4*3 Dunkerque road. French Gov. Survey, 1879 ; corr. 1896 2 6 * Also at page 22. 12059 ^ 2 36 SPAIN — NORTH AND WEST COASTS. [Sect. lY. SPAIN— NORTH AND WEST COASTS, AND PORTUGAL. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2728 DE m= 0*2 Bidassoa river to cape Penas. Latest Spanish Surveys; corr. 1892 2 6 73 ^J' m=12*0 Port Pasages. Spanish Chart of 1893 1 6 88 °/ I m=14-4 ) Plans on the north coast of Spain: — I m= 4-9) San Sebastian. Entrance of San Martin de la Arena. Spanish Surveys, 1884 1 6 74 "/ m= 5*0 Portugalete and Bilbao. Entrance to Bilbao. Don Evaristo de Churruea, 1885 ; corr. 1897 1 6 710 "4'^ n)= Various Anchorages on the north coast of Spain : — Comillas anchorage. Port Castro Urdiales and adjacent bays. River Aviles. Spanish Surveys, 1874 ; co?'r. 1896 1 725 V m=Vario2is Guetariabay. Rivadesella harbour. San Vicente de la Barquera harbour. Ria de Tina Mayor. Spanish Surveys, 1860 ; eorr. 1888 1 6 75 »/' m= 2-85 Port Santona. (plans, port Bermeo. Port Leqaeitio.) Spanish Survey ; corr. 1890 1 6 76 A 7n=^ 5"2 Port Santander. Spanish Survey, 1875 ; corr. 1889 2 -y DE fm= 5*01 Bay of Gijon. Barquero entrance. ^ [w= 3-4j San Ciprian bay. Port San Ciprian. SiKmish Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1053 D E )n= 0*2 Cape Peiias to Pontevedra bay. (plans, Camarinasbay. Corcubionbay.) Sptanish Surveys to 1887 ; co7^r. 1896 2 6 726 V m= Various Harbours on the north coast of Spain : — Harbour of Luarca. Har- bour of Luanco. Mouth of the Ria de Pravia and anchorage of San Esteban. Spanish Surveys to 1878 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1755 DE m= 0-3 San Ciprian bay to cape Finisterre. (plan, Corcubion bay.) Spanish Charts to 1885 ; corr. 1896 2 6 78 V nr= Various Ports on the north coast of Spain: — Port Cedeira. Port Rivadeo. Port Vivero. Spanish Survey, 1859 ; corr. 1884 1 6 79 ^.^ ni= 1-G Ferrol, Coruiia, and Betanzos inlets. Spanish Survey, 1787 ; corr. 1896 1 6 80 DK ^«= 5*4 Port of Ferrol. Spanish Gov. Chart, 1894 2 6 89 VK & »/ 2714 92 DE 72 A 2341 DE 86 BE 1623 434 DE 2 Price. s. d. 1 6 2 2 6 1 6 Sect. IV.] SPAIN — WEST COAST, AND PORTUGAL. 37 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chan. ■ 1756 %^ III = 0'45 Cape Finisterre to Vigo bay, Ca-pt. Florez, Spanish E.N., 1835 ; corr. 1896 1758 A m= 1-38 Arosa and Pontevedra bays. Spanish Survey ; corr. 1896 1768 DE m= 6*1 Carril bay and approach. Staff Com. Broad, 1891-2 2548 °^ m= 1-1 Vigo bay. Sp)Cinish Surveys tol^&l; corr. 1893 87 DK m= O'l Cape Finisterre to cape St. Vincent. (plans, entrance of River Douro. Port Figneira. Peninsula of Peniche and Burling and Farilhoes islands. Lagos bay. Setubal. Port Leixoes. Cezimbra bay.) Latest information to 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 1-7 Entrance of the river Tagus, with the harbour of Lisbon. Portuguese Surveys, 1879 ; corr. 1897 m= 2-7 Port Setubal. French Survey, 1852 ; corr. 1897 m= 0*2 Cape St. Vincent to strait of Gibraltar. French & Spanish Surveys ; corr. 1897 m= 2*8 Port of Huelva. Entrance to rivers Tinto and Odiel. Spanish Survey, 1862 ; corr. 1897 ni= 1'4 Guadalquivir river entrance. Spanish Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1897 m= 1*4 Cadiz bay and approaches. Spanish Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1897 m= 2'9 Cadiz harbour, with outer anchor- age. Capt. D. Jose Montojo, 1870 ; corr. 1897 1 6 ) Gorringe or Gettysburg bank. Princesse ■47 f Alice bank. Com. Egerton, 1877 ; H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco, 1896-7 1 6 3 1 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 6 I m== 1 |m= 38 MEDITERRANEAN SEA. [Sect. V. SECTION V. MEDITERRANEAN, MARMARA, BLACK. AND AZOV SEAS. SPAIN. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 449 UK «i = 1-2 Mediterranean Bea. Latest authorities, 1881 ; corr. 1897 3 2158« i> K d = 2*0 Mediterranean sea, western sheet. Latest autJwrities, 1880 ; corr. 1897 4 215Sb i» K (/ = 2-0 eastern sheet. Latest authorities, 1880 ; corr. 1896 4 2717 ])E y/i= O'l Gibraltar to Alicante, and cape Spartel to cape Ferrat. (plans, Ferro castle anchorage. Adra anchorage. C'ope anchor- age. Nerja anchorage. Salo- brena anchorage. Cala Honda. Alniteria road. S. Pedro bay. Carbonera bay. Mazarron and Subidabays. Pormanbay. Her- radura bay. Berengueles bay. Escullos bay. Genoves port. Aguilas port. Cape de Gata. Alboran island.) Spanish and French Surveys to 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 6 142 J>K ni= 0*7 Gibraltar strait. Various Authorities to 1872 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1448 DE m= 2-9 Gibraltar bay. (plan, Algeciras roads.) Spanish Survey, 1872 ; corr. 1896 2 6 689 I'K m=22'0 Gibraltar harbour. Lieut. Simpson, 1895 2 6 144 V '«= 6-0 Gibraltar. Ca2)t. Aldrich, 1885; corr. 1896 1 6 524 A ??2=58-5 Gibraltar New Mole. Capt. Nares, 1873 ; corr. 1895 1 6 773 nii ;/<= 0-3 Gibraltar to Adra. Spanish Government Charts to 1890 : corr. 1896 2 6 Sect, v.] SPAIN. 31) No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1588 j ?y?= -I'O ) Anchorages on the south coast of Spain : — Torremolinos anchorage. Sabinilla anchorage. Estepona anchorage. Marbella anchorage. Almeria road. Spanish Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 2 1848 V ^^*= 7-3 Port Malaga. S2Janish Survey, 1872 ; corr. 1896 1 774 D E ?n= 0-5 Aclra to Cartagena. Spanish Government Charts to 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1372 A m= 0*3 Cartagena to cape San Antonio. Spanish Charts to 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 1194 V^ m= 6-0 Cartagena harbour. Spanish Survey, 1881 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1458 V^ m= 2-25 Salou road. Ampolla road and port Fangar. Estacio and Grosa island roads. Torrcvieja road. Spanish Surveys, 1880-2 ; corr. 1894 1 469 V m=14-3 Port of Alicante. S^janish Survey, 1S7 6; corr. 1S92 1 6 1187 DK fn= O'l Alicante to Palamos, with the Balearic islands. (plans, Calpe anchorages. Mor- ayra bay. Javea bay, Vinaroz. Peniscolaroad. Portlviza. Port Soller. Palma harbour.) Sj/anish Surveys to 1S7S; corr. ISdl 2 6 1320 DE /n=0"32 Cape San Antonio to cape Tortosa. Spanish Charts to 1888 ; corr. 1892 2 6 1465 V m = Various Anchorages on the east coast of Spain : — CuUera anchorage. Port Denia. Benicasim road. Colum- bretes islands. Sjjanish Survey s, 1878 1 562 oE m=14'0 Port of Valencia. Sjjanish Survey, 1877 2 6 1571 \^ m= 1*25 Ports and anchorages on the east coast oE Spain : — Port Alfaques. Burriana road. Castellon de la Plana road. Spanish Surveys, 1878 ; corr. 1897 1 310 DE m= 0*32 Cape Tortosa to cape St. Sebastian. Spanish Charts to 1890 ; corr. 1893 2 6 344 DE m=10'8 Port of Tarragona. Latest Spanish Gov. Survey ; corr. 1896 2 6 1195 DE m= 4"47 .. ...Approach to port of Barcelona. (plan, port of Barcelona.) Latest Spanish Gov. Chart 2 6 40 SPAIN. BALEAEIC ISLANDS. FKANCE. [Sect. V. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price, s. d. 1222 V m= 5*0 Anchorages on the east coast of Spain : — Mataro. Masnou. 82Kinish Surveys, 1884. 1 6 ■|.mt DE \ m=. 4-0) Anchorages on the east coast of 2 I ^y^-_ y.Q I Spain : — Meda islands anchor- age. Tossa anchorage. San Feliu de Guixols anchorage. Pal- amos anchorage. Blanes bay. Lloret bay. Spanish Gov. Surveys, 1885-6 1 6 )n=^ 4*0 j Ports and anchorages on the east coast 1615 Y \ ffi= 2-8 i of Spain :— Port Selva. Rosas bay. m= 6'4 ) Port Cadaques. Spanish Surveys, 1887 1 6 BALEARIC ISLANDS. 1317 UK }n= 0-37 Majorca and Minorca. Si^anish Surveys, 1890-3 2 6 148 DJi m= 8-9 Port Mahon. (plan, Port Fornells.) Spanish Gov. Survey, 1894 2 6 2394 DE m= 4-32 Cabrera and adjacent islands. Spanish Gov. Survey, 1891 2 6 2428 UK m= 1-48 Dragonera island to Carril bay, in- cluding Palma bay. Spanish Gov. Survey^ 1890 2 6 FRANCE. 1780 JJK m= 0-11 Gulfs of Lyons and Genoa. French and Italian Surveys to 1888 ; com 1897 3 1804 )) E & "/ m=^ 0-5 Cape St. Sebastian to Cette. Latest French & Spanish Gov. Charts ; corr. 1896 3 1506 °''- m=14-5 Port Vendres. Pilote Frangais, 1842 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1805 i> K m=- 0-5 Cette to Marseille. Latest French Gov. charts; corr. 1^% 2 6 367 ''/ m^ 7-2 Port of Cette. French Gov. Survey, 1874, with additions to 1891 ; corr. 1896 1 6 150 Y' "^= 4-4 Port and roadstead of Marseille. Port de Bouc. French Surveys, 1872 ; corr. 1894 1 6 2607 1' 1- m-^ 0-49 Marseille to Agay road. French Charts; con: IWi 2 b Sect, v.] PRANCE. ITALY. 41 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2819 "/ 1)1= 4-0 Ciotat and Sanary bays, with adjacent roadsteads. Pilote Frangais, 1839-42 ; corr. 1880 1 6 2608 UK m= 0*98 Approaches to Toulon. Latest French Surveys; corr. 1%^1 2 6 151 D E & »^*= )n= 7-2 Toulon harbour. French Surveys, 1841; corr. 1893 ',\ 6 1744 »/ m= 4-0 Gulf of St. Tropez. French Survey, 1840 ; corr. 1879 1 6 2609 °i m= 0-5 Sheet 7 : Rade d'Agay to San Remo. (plan, Port Monaco) Pilote Frangais, 1845 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2822 UK m= 4-0 Port Cannes. Golfe Jouan and port Antibes. PiloteFrangais,lS4:2; corr. 1S97 2 6 153 ^-/ /M= 5'0 Ville Franche road, port of Nice, and St. Hospice bay. French Survey, 1872 ; corr. 1883 1 6 ITALY. 157 iH', in= 0*3 Sheet 1 : San Reino to cape Cavallo. (plans, Savona. Vado. Portofino. Sestri Levante. San Remo). French and Italian Surveys, 1846-85 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1402 "^ m=14-5 Ports Maurizio and Oneglia. Italian Gov. Survey, W6^% corr. 1896 1 6 1461 "/ m= 7-1 Genoa. French and Italian Surveys, 1853-90 ; corr. 1893 1 6 155 DB m-= 4*8 Gulf of Spezia. Italian Surveys, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2554 ( y/i= 2*85 ) Leghorn roadstead. Port of Leg- ( /w=14'4 ) horn (Livorno.) Italian Chart, 1882 ; corr. 1896 2 6 158 »»=; /M= 0*3 Sheet 2 : Cape Cavallo to Civita Vecchia, and adjacent islands, (plans, Piombino. Port Santo Stefano. Port Ercole.) French and Italian Surveys, 1867-84 ; 6'orr. 1896 2 6 L093 "/'■ /yi = 10-0 Civita Vecchia. Italian Survey, 1886 ; corr. 1894 1 160 1405 42 ITALY. [Sect. V. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1719 "# m=Variotis Capraia island. Giannutri isle. Giglio island. Gorgona island. Formiche di Grossetto. Pianosa island. Palmajola channel. Campo bay. Port Ferrajo. Port Longone. Capt. Smyth, 1823 ; corr. 1894 1 6 676 DE m= O'l Tyrrhenian sea. Latest Italian and French Gov. Charts 2 6 1841 DB m= 0'28 Civita Vecchia to Naples. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1883-8 ; corr. 1894 2 6 „„, j rn= 2*8 ) Plans on the west coast of Italy: — 2 I m= 1*4 j Port Anzio. Gaeta bay. Mouth of the Tiber. Foreign Gov. Charts ... 1 6 7n-= 1*8 I Ports on the west coast of Italy : — m= 7*3 ) Agropoli bay. Scario anchorage. Port Palinuro. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1885-6 1 1733 "/ m= 0-8 Ponza islands. (plan, port Ponza.) Italian Survey, 1890 ; corr. 1891 1 6 1728 OK m= 0'76 Gulf of Naples. (plans, Naples roads. Nisita.) French and Italian Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1894 2 6 1400 DE ni=- Various Poz/noli bay. CaBtellamare bay. Port Torre Annun/iata. Port Castellamare. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1883-5 2 6 1596 "/ m= 2*4 ......Salerno bay. Italian Gov. Survey, 1887 6 1842 1) K m= 0*27 Naples to cape Bonifati. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1883-88 2 6 1976 A w= 0*27 Cape Bonifati to strait of Messina. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1876-88 ; corr. 1895 2 198 DB m^ 0"18 Policastro to cape Sta. Maria di Leuca ; including the Strait of Messina. (plans, port Cotrone. Cape Riz- zuto anchorage. Cotrone and Cape Colonne anchorages. Port Sta. Venere.) Italian Gov. Sur- veys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1643 DE iw= 3-58 Taranto. Italian Gov. Survey, 1S91; corr. 1895 2 6 204 "/ ni= 3-55 Gallipoli harbour. Italian Survey, 1873-93 ; corr. 1896 6 Sect, v.] CORSICA. SARDINIA. 43 CORSICA AND SARDINIA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1131 r, E )u= 0-29 Island of Corsica, Capt.Helly F7'e)ich Navy, 1824 ; corr. 1896 2 6 429 DE rn= 1-0 Cape Feno to Lava bay. French Gov. Surveys, 1885-90 ; corr. 1896 ; 2 6 430 DE 9n= I'O Lava bay to cape Morsetta. French Gov. Surveys, 1888-90 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1682 ""^^ m= 7-0 He Rousse. French Survey, ISU; corr. 1894 1 6 1166 V '''= 7-3 Bastia. French chart of 1887 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1126 ^ UE )W=V7«r/M^s Ports and anchorages in Corsica : — He Rousse. Porto Polio anchor- age. Campo Moro anchorage. Bastia. Centuri. Bay and port of Ajaccio. Port Bonifacio. Cape Corso road. Calvi gnlf. Gulf of Galeria. Gulf of Porto Vecchio. Algajola bay and rocks. Tama- rone and Coscia bays. Pinarello bay. Latest French Charts ; corr. 1896 2 6 1083 "/ /«= 4"93 Ports and anchorages in Corsica : — Gulf of St. Florent (San Fiorenzo.) French Gov. jjlan, 1S94: 1 6 1189 DE m= 1*2 Bonifacio strait. Italian Surveys, 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 161 a,&, DE m= 0*28 Sardinia island, 2 sheets, French and Italian Surveys to j a, 1896 2 6 1880 ; corr. \ h, 1895 2 6 2157 DK m= 2*4 Maddalena and adjacent islands. Italian Gov. Charts, 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 564 DE m=14*4 Maddalena and approaches. Italian Gov. Charts, 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 163 DE ))i=z 1-2 Cape Ferro to port Brandinchi, in- cluding the gulfs of Congianus and Terranova, with the adjacent ports and anchorages. Italian Surveys, 1879 ; corr. 1892 1 6 harbour. r. 1895 1 6 1130 \^ w= |??^[ Cagliari bay. Cagliari hi (14 uj Italian Survey, ISSiO ; cor 1129 "/ /H=VarioHs San Pietro channel. Piombo and Grotta bays. Port Malfatano. British (k Italian authorities, 1865-80 ; corr. 1890 1 6 44 SARDINIA. SICILY. [Sect. V. Nu. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 106 Y ■>n= 1-39 Palmasbay. Italian (xov. Survey^ 1880 1 6 1128 "/ 111= 1-4 Ports in Sardinia: — Ports Conte and Alghero. Port Alghero. Port Torres. Gulf of Oristano. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1879-91 ; corr. 1896 1 6 SICILY. 165 i>E ^=6*3 Sardinia to Malta, including Sicily. Various authorities to 1880 ; corr, 1896 3 170 UK m= 0*4 Sheet 1: Cef alii to Mazzara, including the island of Ustica. Com. Wilkinson, 1865, <& Nav. Lieut. Millard, 1874 ; corr. 1896 2 6 168 V m= 3-0 Ustica island. Com. Wharton, 1873-4 ; corr. 1897 1 169 A m= I^A \ Palermo bay. Port of Palermo. lo'O i Com. Wharton, 1873 ; corr. 1893 2 189 DB w= 1"0 Trapani to Marsala, and ^Egadean islands, (plan, Trapani harbour.) Lieut. Wilkinson, 1864 ; corr. 1897 2 6 186 iJ K m= 0-4 Sheet 2 : Mazzara to Palma, including the island of Pantellaria. (plan, port Pantellaria.) Various authorities to 1870 ; corr. 1896 2 6 190 "K 7/1=1^ Q_| Ports on the coast of Sicily: — \o'95J Girgenti. Catania. Gapt. Shortland, 1867 ; corr. 1893 1 6 187 UK w= 0'4 Sheet 3 : Palma to Catania. (plan, port Licata.) Gapts. Shortland & Nares, 1867-70 ; corr. 1895 2 6 182 DB m= 6*0 Syracuse harbour. Com. Nares, 1872 ; Italian Survey, 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 6 181 DB *w= 4*8 Port Augusta. Italian Gov. Surveys, 1887 ; corr. 1895 3 188 »B m= 0*4 Sheet 4: Catania to Cefalu, including the strait of Messina, (plan, Riposto.) Various Authorities to 1874 ; corr. 1897 2 6 180 ^^ m= 3-95 Taormina bay. Com. Wharton, 1873; corr. 1879 1 177 A m= 2'5 The Faro or strait of Messina. Italian Gov. Chart, 1881 ; wrr. 1895 2 Sect, v.] SICILY. MALTA. ADRIATIC SEA. 45 Title of the Gliart. Price. s. d. Harbour of Messina. French Survey, 1858 ; corr. 1893 6 Milazzo bay. Com. Nares, 1869 ; corr. 1894 1 6 Lipari islands. (plan, Lipari anchorage.) M. Darondeau, 1858 ; corr. 1894 2 6 No. Size. Scale. 1687 "ff m= 7-2 175 BE m= 4'5 172 DE m= 0-7 2127 V' m= 0-5 The Skerki bank. (plans, Talbot shoal. Pantellaria patch. Graham shoal. Locust patch. Hecate patch. Biddle- combe patch.) Capt. Aldrich, 1885 ; corr. 1886 1 193 ^^ tn= Various Linosa island. Lampedusa isles. Lampedusa harbour ; corr. 1897 1 MALTESE ISLANDS. 194 DK m= l-lf) Malta and Gozo islands. Gaptii. Graves & Spratt, 1863 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2623 °^ m= 4-0 Comino channels. Gom. Smyth, 1893 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2063 D E & \^ m = 4-0 Malta island, northern portion . Gom. Smyth, 1893 ; corr. 1896 3 6 L95 DE m— d'i) Valletta harbours and the coast westward to Madalena point. Gapts. Graves & Spratt, 1860 ; corr. 1896 2 6 974 DE •m=15'0 Valletta harbours. Staff Gom. Millard, 1878-81; corr. 1896 2 6 2628 »E m= 3*9 Malta island, southeast portion. Lieut. Simpson, 1894 2 6 2629 WE 7/2— 3'9 , part of the south coast, with Filfola island. Lieut. Simp)son, 1894 1 6 ADRIATIC SEA. 1440 DIE m.= 0-06 Adriatic. Latest Govetmment Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 3 1492 A 7n= 5'75 Brindisi harbour. Italian Survey, 1872 / corr. 1897 2 U 46 ADRIATIC SEA. [Sect. Y, No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 199 D E m= 0*23 Brindisi to Ortona. (plans, Vieste. Manfredonia. Trani. Barletta. Bisceglie. Molfetta. Bari. Mola. Mono- poli. Pianosa island. Pelagosa islands. Tremeti islands.) Italian Gov. Surveys, 1872-85 ; corr. 1897 2 6 200 DB m= 0*24 Ortona to the river Po, including the entrance of the gull' of Qiiarnero on the Austrian coast. (plans, Ortona. Fano. Pesaro. Rimini entrance. Corsini en- trance. Port Senigallia. An- cona.) Italian and Austrian Surveys, 1867-78 ; corr. 1897 2 6 201 DE&"^ m= 0-5 The coasts of the gulfs of Venice and Trieste, from the mouths of the river Po to cape Promontore. Italian and Austrian Surveys, 1866-9 ; corr. 1897 4 1483 DB m= 2-41 Ports Chioggia, Malamocco, and Lido, and the channels leading to Venice. Italian Gov. Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1S97 2 6 1434 "V" /«= 0-9 Gulf of Trieste. (plan, Trieste harbour.) Austrian Survey, 1867 ; co?'r. 1893 1 6 1559 "/ m= Various Ports and anchorages in Istria : — PortQuieto. PortParenzo. Port Umago. Ports Fontane and Orsera. Port Rovigno. Canale di Leme. , Austrian Survey, 1867 ; corr. 1892 1 6 202 V ^= ^'^^ Port Pola and Brioni islands. (plan, port Veruda.) Austrian Survey, 1866-78 ; corr. 1892 1 6 2711 i>E m= 0-5 Sheet 2: Gulf of Quarnero, cape Pro- montore to Grossa island, (plans, Buccari bay. Port Rabaz. Port Bado. Fiume. Port Martin- scica.) Austrian Survey, 1867-68 ; corr. 1897 3 1561 %^ m= 2*5 Port Lussin Piccolo. Port Cherso. Port Veglia. Port Segna or Zengg. PortArbe. PortKreul. Ports Berguglie, Lungo, and Manzo. Port S. Pietro di Nembo. Austrian Surveys, 1867-8 ; corr. 1897 1 6 ^ m- Sect. v.] ADRIATIC SEA. 47 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2774 K m= 0*5 Sheet 3 : Grossa island to Zirona channel, (plans, Pasman strait. Port Zara. Port Tajer. Port Capocesto. Port Rogosnizza.) Austrian Survey, 1867-68 ; corr. 1896 3 1581 ^-i m= 2-4 Approaches to port Sebenico. Morter bay. Austrian Survey, 1869 ; corr. 1895 1 2712 DK m= 0*5 Sheet 4 : Zirona channel to Curzola. Austrian Survey, 1869-70 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1612 %^- fm= 3-6] Ports and anchorages in Dal- \m= 7-4 i matia: — PortTrau. PortSpalato. 2-5] Port Makarska. Port S. Giorgio. Ports Verboska and Gelsa. Almissa road. Spalmadori channel. Citta Veccliia bay. Austrian Surveys, 1869 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1611 Y' '"= ~"'^* Poi'ts and anchorages in Dal- matia : — Grande bay. Ports Carboni, Tre Pozzi and Berna. Ports Lago Grande and Lago Piccolo. Sabbioncello channel. Austrian Surveys, 1869 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2713 DR )n= 0-5 Sheet 5 : Curzola to Cattaro. (plans, port Tolero. Port Palma. Port Palazzo. Port Slano. Port Gravosa) Austrian Survey, 1869-70 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1582 \^ fm= 0-9) Harbours on the eastern shore of the Adriatic : — Approaches to Stagno-piccolo and Klek bay : port Tolero and Narenta anchorage. Ports of Ragusa. Ports of Ragusa Vecchia. French and Austrian Surveys, 1820-69 ; corr. 1894 1 6 2701 PK m— 0-23 Sheet 6: Gulf of Cattaro to Corfu, including the coast of Italy from cape St.Maria di Leuca to Brindisi. (plan. Port Otranto.) Various Authorities to 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1463 V' m = Various Ports and anchorages in Dalmatia and Albania : — Port Molonta to Malaluka bay, showing ap- proaches to Cattaro. (plans. Little port Molonta. An- tivari roads. Port St. Giovanni di Medua. Port Budua.) Austrian Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1896 1 6 (m= 0-9) \m= 2-4/ 48 ADRIATIC. GREECE. [Sect. V. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 419 ^^ m= 4-75 Anchorages and channels in the gulf of Cattaro : — Meljine bay, and Kumbor channel. Cattaro harbour. Le Catene channel. Teodo bay. Austrian Gov. Survey/, 1884 1 6 1590 \^ m= 1-8 Durazzo bay. Austrian Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1895 1 1589 V I^Zo?! Valonabay. Port Palermo. ( m— d-1 \ Austrian Survey, 1870 ; Capt. Smyth, 1820 1 6 GREECE. 1800 DE&"/ m~ 0-1 Malta to cape Malea, including the Ionian islands. Btitish and Foreign Gov. Surveys to 1893 ; eorr. 1896 2 6 20G D fi m= 0-5 Channels of Corfu, with adjacent coast of Albania, from cape Kiephali to Kastrosikia. (plans, port Parga. Ports Alipa and St. Spiridione. Port San Giovanni. Port Phanari. Port Pagania. Port Gomenitza. Port Gayo.) Com. Mansell, 1863-64 ; corr. 189:5 3 1450 V m= 3-4 Corfu road. Com. Mansell, l^&'d> ; corr. 1872 1 6 1455 "/ ( m= 8-0 ) Anchorages on the west coast of \m= 6*0 ) Greece : — Ports Plateali and Pandelemona. Livittazza har- bour. Lieut. Smyth, 1892, and Com. Pricl-ett, 1889 ; corr. 1893 1 6 203 DE m= 0-5 Santa Maura, Ithaca and Cephalonia islands. Capt. Mansell, 1865 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 4*0 Prevesa strait. Com. Mansell, 1864 ; corr. 1880 1 m = 2*5 Roadstead of Santa Maura and port Drepano. Capt. Mansell, 1864 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m=17-0 Santa Maura mole. H. A. Moriarty, 1844 ; corr. 1897 6 ...Harbours in the Ionian islands : — Meganisi channel and port Vliko. Gulf of Molo and port Vathi. Capt. Mansell, 1864 ; corr. 1887 1 6 1939 DK m= 4*0 Dragamesti bay and approaches, Lieut. Smyth, 1892 2 6 1591 r> E 1609 D E 1701 D E s 1620 n E j m= 1*5 ) ( m= 5-2 f 1225 DE 1600 n E 2 427 DE 221 1)E 1367 A 2021 DE Sect, v.] GREECE. 49 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price, s. d. 1557 DE m= 3*6 Port Argostoli. Lieut. Simpson^ 1894-5 2 6 1676 DE m= O'S Gulf of Putras and approaches. Capt. ManseU, 1864-5. Austrian Survey, 1890 ; corr. 1894 2 6 m= 6*0 Patras roads. Com. ManseU, 1864 ; corr. 1895 1 6 m= 0*35 Gulf of Corinth or Lepanto. (plans, Trisonia islands. Kala islands. Lieut. Owen Stanley, 1834 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= 2-0 Entrance to the gulf of Corinth. Lieut. Simj^son, 1895 1 6 y;/= 60 Ports Galaxidi and Etca. Lieut. Com. Simpson, 1896 2 6 wi= 3*0 Corinth bay and isthmus. Com. Dawso7i, 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 w= 6*0 Entrances to Corinth canal : — Corinth roads. Kalamaki bay. Lieut. Lockyer, 1893 ; corr. 1894 1 6 463 ^g^ m = Various Ports and anchorages in the gulf of Corinth : — Vostitza bay. Aspra Spitia bay. Zalitza bay. Lieut. Simpson, 1896 ; corr. 1897 1 6 207 DE m-= 0*35 West coast of Morea,fromKastroTornese to Venetico, with the island of Zante. (plans, Katakolo bay. Petalidibay. Mothoni. Koroni anchorage. Proti channel.) Cax)t. ManseU, 1865 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1762 V 7n=.ll-0 Zante bay. Com. Ma.nsell, l^&Z -, corr. 1897 1 6 21 1 "/ m = 3-8 Bay of Navarin. Capt. ManseU, 1865 ; corr. 1889 1 6 682 "J^ m= 1-0 Gulf of Kalamata. Capt. ManseU, 1864-65 1 6 1685 "/ w= 0-3 Venetico to cape Malea, with Cerigo island. (plans, Kapsali bay. Port Nikolo. Port Vathy. Port Azomato. Port Potamo, Marathonisi. Trinisi.) Capt. Smyth and Com. Graves, 1825-44 ; corr. 1897 1 6 12059 50 ' GREECE. [Sect. Y No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2836a DE m-=0'12. Grecian archipelago, northern sheet. (plans, Kandeliusa island. Mar- marice harbour. Makry harbour. Port of Rhodes. Port Lindo. Peiraeus or port Drako. Port Maltezana. St. Nikolo. Port Kheli. Samos strait or Samos- Boghaz.) 28366 DE m= 0*12. G-recian archipelago, southern sheet. (plans, Foujes. Sandarli har- bour. Sighajik harbour. Vourlah. Smyrna harbour. Port Sigri. Ports Mudros and Kondia. Ali- agha. Port Kolokithia. Dedea- gatch road. Rema bay. Kavala bay. Foggia Nova.) Various authorities, 1864-66 ^^^^- 1 M897 h'"'^ 1436 "/ m=Various. Plans of anchorages in the Morea : — Xyli bay. Vatika bay and Cervi island. Port Teraka. Monem- vasia. Corns. Craves and Bj'ock, 1838-9 1 6 -.n-io DE j m= 1-0 1 Gulf of Nauplia. (plan, Nauplia.) ^^^^ -^ 1 m= 5-2 ) Gaj)t. Copeland, 1832 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1502 °/ m= 5-0 Port Kheli. Com. Graves, IS^S ; corr. 1892 6 1525 ^^ m= 1-0 Hydra bay, Spezzia, Dhoko, &c. Com. Graves, 1838 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1517 V ^n= 3-0 Poros island. Com. Graves, 1839; corr. 1889 1 6 1514 °/ m= 1-0 ^gina and Methana. Com. Graves, 1839 ; corr. 1889 1 6 1816 "/ w== Various. Plans of anchoniges in the gulf of Athens : — Town and ports of ^gina. Port Epidavro. Capt. Graves, 1839-44 1 6 1513 nE m= I'O Athens to the isthmus of Corinth, including Salamis, Eleusis, Megara, and Kekhries bays, and the northern portion of the island of ^gina. Com. Graves, 1838-40 ; corr. 1894 2 6 894 '^® W2= 3'0 Salamis strait and Georgio channel. Com. Graves 1 6 1657 »s m= 0-63 Gulf of Athens, and entrance to the Petali gulf. Com. Graves, 1838-46 ; corr. 1893 .2 G Sect, v.] (JREBCB. TURKKY. 51 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. 8. d. 1520 DE m= 9-5 The Piraeus and Phalerum bay. Com. Graves, 1840 ; Co7n. Dawson, 1888 2 6 152t) V' ^' = Variou.^ Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago : — Port Raphti. Manclri channel. Port St. Ni- kolo. Port Mandri and Agas- tira bays. Various authorities, 1811-70 1 6 1597 '^Z m= 0-64 Petaligulf and eastern part of the Euripo channel. Capt. Graves, 1846 ; corr. 1884 1 6 426 DE //?= 0*35 Doro channel to the gulf of Saloniki. Capfs. Graves, Brock and Sjiratt, 1838-48 ; corr. 1 897 3 178S '*/' ///-= 2'7 Petali ishmds and anchorages. Com. Brock, 1845 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1554 "/ iii= (>"64 Talanta channel and western i>art of Euripo channel, (plan, Euripo town and strait.) Cajjf. Graves, 1847 ; corr. 1893 9j>,>.. dp {in= 3*5) The town and strait of Euripo. " •'' tw=12-2J Com. Mansell, 1860 ; corr. 1895 1556 DE&Y m= 0-67 Gulf of Volo with Oreos and Talanta channels. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1893 1196 DE m= 6*0 Port of Volo. Skiatho harbour. Com. Dawson, 1887 ; co7'r. 1894 ( w= 4-0 ) Ports Surbi, and Mijella. Port j m=-- 6-0 ) Vathudi. Lieuts. Lockyer and Musgrave, and Staff Com. Crooks, 1892-95 ; corr. 1895 1 6 TURKEY. 1085 DE m— 0-35 Negropont to gulf of Kassandra, in- cluding gulf of Saloniki. Admiralty Surveys, 1831-78 ; corr. 1894 2 6 m= ]'2 Saloniki bay. Capt. Graves, 1850 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m=- 0-35 Gulf of Kassandra to Thaso and Lemnos isltinfls. Admiralty Surrei/s, 1833-40; corr. 1897 2 m= 1*0 Harbours and anchorages in the Archipelago : — Port Kupho. ErissoH and ProbUika bays. Thaso strait. Port Dimitri. Port Sikia. Mouth of Kara-su or Strymon. Deuthero cove. Kalamuti har- bour. Various Authorities, 1835-97 ; 6'orr, 1897 1 6 1205? E 2 1871 2070 DE 1086 A 1679 DE 2 1 6 1 6 3 2 6 52 TURKEi^. ARC;IIPELA.GO. [Sect. V No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1684 °^ m= 4-0 Panagia road. Ca23t. Robinson^ 1892 1 6 1087 A m= 0"35 Thaso island to Dardanelles. ^c?wiraZ^?/ Surveys, 1833-40 ; corr. 1890 2 1892 V^ ^n Various Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago : — Kara-agateh bay and lake Burughiul. Xeros islands. Port Baklar. Admiralty Surveys, 1833-54 1 G pg \ m= 6-0 ) Plahs in the gulf of Xeros : — Suvla 5" ] )n=V2-0 ] bay (Lit. Hanafart.). Arapos. Mermedia bay (Ejelmar). Gom. Clark, Lieut. Nowell, 1878 1 (i 1880 ARCHIPELAGO. /?2== 0*5 Candia or Crete, western part. Capt.Spratt,W^%; wrr. 1897 3 w= 0'5 eastern part. Ca2)t. Spratt, 1S52; com 1897 3 w= 8*0 Anchorages on the south coast of Slandia island. Admiralty Surveys, 1858-97 1 6 i m— 8'0 I Khersonisos bay. Eremopolibay. \ m=14"0 ) Hierapetra or Girapetra. Capt. Spratt, 1852-3 ; corr. 1881 1 6 m= 7*8 Megalo Kastron, or Candia. Com. Graves, 1843 1 6 /n== 5*0 Plans of bays and ports in Candia or Crete : — Sitia bay. Grandes bay. Kalo Limniones. Cajjt. Sp)ratt, 1851-2; corr. 1892 1 6 m= 1"9 Anchorages on the north coast of Crete : — Anchorages near cape Sidero. Capt. Spratt, 1852 1 6 '!m,=^ 6'2 ] Porobay. PortNikolo. Entrance to 2850 ^-^ ^= ^"7 Karaghatch to Makri. Com. Graves, 1840-2 ; corr. 1872 1 6 236 iJ E m=: 0-21 Rhodes island to Kara Burnu. (plans, Kastelorizo roadstead and har- bour. Kakava roadstead and entrance to port Tristomos. S.W. entrance into Kakava roadstead. Yalibay. Port Genovese. Tekrova. Adalia. Laara. Eski Adalia.) Admiralty Surveys to 1884 ; com 1886 2 6 1885 V m= 3-7 Makri harbour. Com. Graves, 1842 1 60 ASTA MINOR. CYPRUS AND SYRIA. [Sect. V. No Size. Scale. Title 0/ the Chart. Price. s. d. 237 DH w= 0-21 Kara Burnu to Karadash Burnu. (plans, Ptolemais. Alaya. Hamaxia. Silinti. Cape Anamur. Port Me- lania. Port Chelindreh. Papadula islands. Cavaliere island and port. Proven9al or Manavat island Aghaliman ports. Korghos-Kalaler. Ayash. Mezetln.) Admiralty Surveys to 1884 2 6 CYPRUS. 2074 DE w= 0-28 Cyprus. (plan, Kerynia.) 847 Gapt. Graves, 1849 ; Gapt. Kitchener, 1882 2 6 J^J£ {m= 3*3) Famagusta and Salamis. Fama- ^ jm= 7"2J gusta harbour. Staff Gom. Millard, 1878-9 ; corr. 1885 1 6 846 BE m= 2-7 Anchorages in Cyprus :—Liniasol. Larnaka. Lieut. Lord J. T. Broivne & J. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1892 2 6 SYRIA. 2632 » K m™ 0-4 Gulf of Iskanderiin to Markhab. (plans, Latakiya. Bay of Bazit.) Gom. Mansell, 1858 ; corr. 1897 3 tn= 2*9 Mersina roadstead. United States Surveys, 1896 1 6 ....Port Ay as. Karadash road. Gom. Mansell, 1858 ; corr. 1872 1 6 m= 2-0 Ayas bay or Mortalik. Staff Gom. Haynes, IS^l 1 m= 6*0 Iskanderun or Alexandretta bay. Gom. Mansell, 1858 ; corr. 1866 1 6 m= 2*0 Ras-el-Fasori to Ras Ziaret, with the anchorages of Ibn Hani and Latakiyah (plan, Latakiyah.) Gom. Mansell, 1859 ; corr. 1881 1 6 m= 0-4 Markhab to Ras En-Nakiira. Gom. Mansell, 1860 ; corr. 1895 3 w= 2*4 Ruad island anchorage. Gom. Mansell, 1860 1 6 w= 2*3 Tripoli roadstead. Gom. Mansell, 1861 ; corr. 1884 1 6 2668 D E 2791 D E 58 D E 2188 D e; 2514 D B 2633 D Imp 2765 D K 1576 D E rm=io-o» tm= 2-7J Sect, v.] .SYRIA. AFRICA — NORTH COAST. 61 No, Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1563 BE m= 3-8 Beirut. Com. J/anseW, 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2794 "/ m= 5-3 Saida, ancient Sidon. Com. Mansell, 1861 ; corr. 1886 1 6 2903 V' m= 4-5 Sur, ancient Tyre Com. Mansell, 1861 ; corr. 1886 1 6 2634 1) E m= 0-4 Ras En-Nakiira to El Arish. Com. Mansell, 1862 ; corr. 1S93 3 1919 i>B { m= 3'2"l Bay of Haifa or Khaifa. Acre or ■^^*'- ? ] m= 4-OJ Akka. Coyn. Mansell, 1862 ; corr. 189? 1 o 1585 V w= 1-7 Bay of Acre. ao/>i. Mansell, 1862 ; corn 1893 ] 6 1847 °| m= Various Plans on the coast of Syria: — Athlit. Kaisariyeh. Yafa. Prob- able site of the port of Yebna. Coin. Mansell, 1862 ; corr. 1864 1 6 NORTH COAST OF AFRICA. 2573 D E m= 0*3 Damietta to El Arish. Com. Mansell, 1856 ; corr. 1883 2 6 234 Y m= 5-9 Port Said. Com. Dawson, 1888 ; corr. 1897 1 6 233 DE m= 1-5 Suez canal. French Surveij, 1876 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2630 DE m= 0-3 Alexandria to port Said. (plans, Rosetta mouth. Damietta mouth.) Com. Mansell, 1857 ; corr. 1888 3 m= 3'0 Abukir bay, western portion. Com. Mansell, 1857 ; corr. 1883 3 wi= 4'0 Port of Alexandria. Com. Mansell, 1857 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 0*3 Ras Bulau to Alexandria. (plans, Marsa Ummrakum, Marsa Matru, Marsa Bakshuba, and Marsa Dakalla.) Capt. Spratt, 1862 ; corr. 1882 3 6 244 BE w=0*15 Derna to Ras Bulau. (plans, Marsa Tebruk. Akaba es Solium. Ishaila. Port Bardiah.) Capt. Spratt, 1862 ; corr. 1880 2 6 245 »/ m= 1-3 Gulf of Bombah. Capt. Smyth 1 6 241 DE m=^ 0-15 Benghazi to Derna. (plans, Tolmeita, Marsa el Hilil. Derna. Marsa Susa.) Ca2:)t. Spratt, 1861 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2681 DE 243 DE 374 DE«&Y (12 AFRICA — NORTH COAST. [Sect. V. Ne. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. 1978 V w= 6-0 Benghazi. s. d. Capt. S2Jratt, 1861 ; corr. 1890 1 246 D E m= 0*08 Ras Makhabez to Benghazi. (plans, port Zuaga. Port Dzeira or Zoraik. Khoms bay. Ras Elmsel anchorage. Marsa TJgrah anchorage. Cape Misrata anchorage. Marsa Zafran or port Chebek. Marsa Brega (Bureiga). French Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1885 2 6 248 »/ m= 5-8 Harbom- of Tripoli. Cfapt. Spratt, 1863 ; corr. 1885 1 6 249 DK w= 0-25 Mahetlia to Ras Makhabez. French Charts to 1890 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1162 V ^»= ^'^ Sf ax roadstead. Com,. Wilkinson, 1865 ; rorr. 1897 1 6 250 T)E m= 0*25 Fratelli rocks to Mahedia. (plans, Hammamet bay. Ka- libia road. Cape Bon. Cani rocks.) Com. Wilkinson, 1865 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1159 Y *>'= 0*55 Susato Mahedia, with the Kiiriat islands. (plans, Monastir anchorage. Mahedia anchorage.) Com. Wilkinson, 1864 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1184 V m= 1-7 Bay and lake of Tunis. French Surveys, 1882-6 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1569 \^ w?= 3-6 Approaches to Benzert. French chart of 1885-96 ; corr. 1897 1 6 j'jui ])E j wi= 0*5 ^ Benzert lakes. Cape Farina an- ( m= 0-5 ) ^ 1 m= 1-3 ) chorage. French Gov. Surveys, 1876-86 ; corr. 1897 16 252 I'E r/i= 0*25 Cape Bougaroni to Fratelli rocks, inclu- ding the Galita channel, (plans, port Bona. Port de la Calle. Tabarka.) Ca2Jt. Nares, 1870 ; Capt. Mouchez, 1873 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1 567 u E «i = 3'6 Approaches to Bona. French Chart of 1875 ; corr. 1896 2 6 178 Y m= 3'5 Anchorages on the coast of Algeria : — Stora and Philippe- ville anchorages. Collo an- chorage. Jidjelli. Rashgun island and entrance to Tafna river. Habibas island. Nemours. Tukush Herbillon bay. Beni- Saf harbour. French Surveys to 1889 : corr. 1893 1 6 Sect, v.] AFRICA— NORTH COAST. 68 ATo. Size. Scale. 1200 DB m= 3-0 1766 DH n= 0-1 Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. Galita island. ' Gaxd. Smyth, 1822 ; corr. 1875 1 Cape Ferrat to cape Bongaroni. (plans, Mostaghanem . Tenez anchorage. Port Shershel. Arzeu. Port Tipaza. Dellys. Pisan rocks.) French Surveys, 1868-74 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1710 Y w= 4-65 Bougie. French Survey, l%&^ - 1 6 1910 UK m= 0*25 Algier to cape Bougaroni. Gapt. Moiichez, 1867-69 ; corr. 1896 3 6 2555 DE •w= 7*2 Port of Algier. Gapt. Mouchez, 1869 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1909 "K m— 0*25 Cape Ivi to Algier. Crti?^. 3/M«c;ie0, 1867-70; 6-om 1896 2 6 2437 D K /^i= 0*24 Cape Tres Forcas to cape Ivi. Gapt. Mouchez, 1870-73 2 6 812 V' w= 5*8 Oran harbour and Marsa-el-Kebir French Gov. Survey, 1873 ; corr. 1892 1 6 Anchorages on the coast of Marocco. 1692 ^'I- |m= 0-7!- Zafarin islands. Melilla. Alhuce- mas bay. Spanish atid other Surveys to 1860 ; corr. 1894 1 4 'm= ' m== 7-2 0-7- 3-5 m = 2-8 DE 7 m= 4-7 183 'y^ m= 2-8 Tetuanbay. Sta^ Gom. Broad, 1890 1 6 2742 V m= 4-7 Ceuta bay. Spanish Survey, 1871 ; corr. 1886 1 6 1912 "K w,= 3*64 Tangier bay. M. G. A. Vincendon Dmnoulin, 1855 ; corr. 1883 1 6 7'A« coas^ o/ Africa, from cape Ferrat to cape Spartel, will he found on No. 'ini. Page 38. 64 ATLANTIC OCEANS. AZORES. [Sect. VI SECTION VI. ATLANTIC OCEANS AND ISLANDS. No. Size. 2483* DE & »2« 2059 DE 2060a DK&\E 2060& DE&D/ 2058 D K 2203 A 2202a DK&»/ 22026 DK&D/ 1240 A 1241 DK Price. s. d. 4 2 6 4 4 2 6 2 Scale. Title of the Chart. d= 0*20 Atlantic and Indian oceans, with the western portion of Pacific ocean, 1886 ; corr. 1897 d= 0-3 North Atlantic ocean, 1883 ; corr. 1897 6?= 0'64 Eastern portion ; corr. 18.97 rf= 0*64 Western portion ; corr. 1897 d=^ 0*75 North Atlantic route chart, showing Variation curves for 1895 ; corr. 1897 d= 0-34 South Atlantic ocean, 1883 ; corr. 1896 d=^ 0'64 Eastern portion ; corr. 1897 3 6 d= 0*64 Western portion. (plans, South Georgia. Moltke harbour.) corr. 1896 4 South Polar chart, 1887 - .-20 Ice chart of the Southern hemisphere. Various authorities ^ivora 1772 to 1874 ; corr. 1897 3 6 AZORES, OR WESTERN ISLANDS. 1950 V^ r??= 0'07 Azores or Western islands. Capt. Vidal, 1843-4 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1946 DE m= 0*5 Corvo and Flores. (plans, Santa Cruz, Caldeira de Corvo.) Capt. Vidal, 1844 ; corr. 1873 1 G 1818 ^^ m= 0'5 Terceira and Graciosa. (plans. The Caldeira of Graciosa. Gomez bay. Praya de Graciosa, Praya de Terceira. Cabras islands, Angra de Terceira) ; co7'r. 1893 1 6 1855 V' *^= ^'^^ Fayal, Pico, and San Jorge. corr. 1894 1 6 ,,..^ DE jm= 2'51 Fayal channel. Horta and Pim ^^^^ ^ \m= 6-0/ bays. Capt. Vidal, 1843 ; corr. 1896 1 6 * Also on page 144. Sect. VI.] AZORES. BERMUDA. MADEIRA. CANARY ISLANDg. 65 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Pries. s. d. 1854 V w= 0*5 San Miguel. (plans, Caldeira das Sete Cidades. Ponta Delgada. Villa Franca Road) Ca2)t Vidal 1844 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1865 "/ m= 0*5 Santa Maria and the Formigas. (plans, S'° Lourenzo bay. Villa do Porto bay. Formigas. Dollabarat.) Oapt. Vidal, 1843 ; corr. 1873 1 6 BERMUDA. 360 DK m= 0-7 Bermuda islands. (plan, The Narrows and St. George harbour. Off -lying banks and deep soundings.) Various authorities to lS77;corr.lS97 2 6 1315 DE m=12-0 The Narrows. Com. Richards, 1896 2 1074 DE m=12'0 Approach to Grassy bay and Ire- land island. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1891 2 6 867 K m= 3*97 From The Narrows to Hamilton. Latest Admiralty Surveys ; corr. 1897 3 MADEIRA. 1831 A m= 0'5 Madeira, Porto Santo, and Dezertas. Capt. Vidal, 1843 ; corr. 1880 2 1689 Y m=ll'0 Funchal bay. Pontinha bay. Capt Vidal, 1843 ; corr. 1886 1 6 1688 V «^= 3-0 Porto Santo bay. Capt. Vidal, 1843 ; corr. 1879 I 6 365 ^^ I ^~ ^'^ I Salvage islands. Great Salvage island. ^ ( m= 3*2 j Lieuts. Vidal and Mudge, 1819 ; corr, 1873 6 CANARY ISLANDS. 1229* m= 0-07 Santa Cruz to cape Bojador, including the Canary islands. (plans, Agadir or Santa Cruz. Cape Juby anchorage.) Capt. Vidal and Lieut. Arlett, 1834-8 ; corr. 1897 2 1852 V m= 0-5 Lanzarote. Lieut. Arlett, 1835 ; corr. 1881 1 6 * Also on p. 127, S 12059 F 66 CA.NARY, CAPE VERDE, AND ATLANTIC ISLANDS. [Sect. VI. Nq. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d, 886 UK 7n-=- Various Plans in the Canary islands : — Rio strait. Port Cabras. Bocayna strait. Ports Naos and Arrecife. Port Gando. Lieut. Arlett, 1835 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1850 V ''^= 0'5 Fuerteventura. Lieut. Arlett, 1S36; corr. 1897 1 6 1869 V m= 0-5 Gran Canaria. Lieut. Arlett, 1834 ; corr. 1897 1 6 578 V^ m= 3'55 Las Palmas bay. (plan La Luz harbour) Spanish Gov. plan, 1897 1 6 1870 V 'w= 0-5 Tenerife. (plan, Puerto de Orotava) Capt. Vidal, 1838 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1856 Y m== 5-8 Santa Cruz. Ca^Jt. Nares, 1873; corr. 1886 6 1873 "y^ r^= 0*5 Palma,Gomera,and Hierro or Ferro. (plan. Port Santa Cruz de Palma) " Ca2Jt. Vidal, 1837 ; corr. 1889 1 6 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. ']Q6 imi.. m= 0*15 Cape Verde islands. Lieuts. Vidal and Mudge, 1819-21 ; corr. 1897 2 370 "f m= 4-0 Porto Grande. Capt. Nares, 1873 ; corr. 1889 1 6 369 HE m=Various Plans in the Cape Verde islands : — St. Vincent. St Lucia, Branca and Raza. St. Nicholas. Mayo. Rolla road. Tarrafal bay (St. Antonio island). Sal. Porto Praya. English road (Mayo island). Mordeira bay. Fajao d'agua. Tarrafal bay (St. Jago island). English road (Bonavista island). Admiralty A uthorities ; corr. 1897 2 6 1397 ^'^' m= 3-0 St. Paul rocks (Penedo de San Pedro). Capts. Fitzroy, Boss and Nares, 1832-73 6 388 °5^ m= 2'2 Fernando Noronha island. French Survey 1760 ; corr. 1875 1 6 1949 Y' ^= l-'l The Rocas. Lieut. Oliveira, Brazilian Navy, 1858 ; corr. 1882 6 595 j,^ fm= 0*4 \ Trinidad and Martin Vas islands. ^ \m= l'67j Latest Authorities to 1883 1 Sect. VI.] ATLANTIC ISLANDS. FALKLAND ISLANDS. 67 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. 1691 °^ m= 2'0 Island of Ascension. (plan, Georgetown anchorage) Lieut. G. A. Bedford, 1838 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1771 DE m= 2-9 Island of St. Helena. Gapt. Palmer, B.A., 1852 ; corr. 1880 2 6 2228 V m= 0-6 Tristan da Cunha group. (plans, Tristan settlement. Gough island) Gapt. Denham, 1852 ; corr. 1887 1 6 1238 °/ d= 2-3 South Shetland and South Orkney islands, with the tracks of the several discoverers, 1819 to 1843. corr. 1893 1 6 FALKLAND ISLANDS. 1354 a, & DB m= 0'3 Falkland islands, 2 sheets. Gapts. Fitz Roy, Sulivan and Robinson, 1838-45 ; corr. a, 1892 ; h, 1896 each 2 6 2438 Imp. m= 1'7 Egmont port, Keppel sound, &c. Gapt. Sulivan, 1843 ; corr. 1877 1 6 ....Berkeley sound. Gapt. Fitz Roy, 1834 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m= 2"0 Stanley harbour, with ports William and Harriet. Gapts. Fitz Roy and Sulivan, 1834-39 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= 5*9 Stanley harbour. Gapt. NorcocJi', 1897 1 6 w= 1-7 Fort Fitz Roy and port Pleasant. Gapt. B. J. Sulivan, 1838 corr. 1885 1 6 w= 1*4 Choiseul sound. Gapt. Sulivan, 1839-45 ; corr. 1877 3 m= 1-0 Bay of Harbours and Bull road. Lieut. Robinson, 1840 ; Gapt. Sulivan, 1845 1 m= I'O Ports in the Falkland islands: — Fox bay. Port Edgar. Port Albemarle. Port Stephens. Port Howard. Gom. Robinson, 1842 ; corr. 1883 1 6 1326 DE 1774 DE 1614 DE 7 1956 DE If 2671 DE 1935 DE 1 1874 DE (m= l-O"! lm= l-9j S 12059 , y 2 68 ARCTIC SEA. [Sect. VTI. SECTION VII. ARCTIC SEA. NORTH AND EAST COASTS OF AMERICA. No. Size. Scale. 2282 D. Imp. d= 1-5 2740 DE m= 0-06 565 DE m= 0-15 * Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. Arctic ocean and Greenland sea. (plan, Yugorski strait) Various authorities ; corr. 1894 4 6 Icelatiid, and the Faeroe islands. Danish and French Surveys, 1845-86 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m-= 0*15 Iceland, western portion. Latest Danish & French Gov. Charts; corr. 1897 2 6 566 DE m= 0*15 eastern portion. Latest Danish & French Gov. Charts; corr. 1897 2 6 Approach to Grundar and Kolgrafa fiords. Danish and French Gov. Charts, 1S97 1 6 Portland to Snefells Jokel, inclu- ding Faxe Bugt. (plan, Reykiavikand adjacent inlets) Danish Survey, 1855 ; corr. 1897 2 6 North Polar sea, 1855 ; corr. 1891 - 3 North Polar chart, Atlantic side, 1881 ; corr. 1891 2 6 , Pacific side, 1881 ; corr. 1885 2 6 Sheet 1 : BafiBn bay. (plans, Disko bay. Scott inlet and Eglinton fiords.) 1853 ; corr. 1892 1 6 275 DE m= 0*06 Smith sound, Kennedy and Robeson channels, (plans. North Star bay. Pandora harbour. Port Foulke and vicinity.) Various Authorities to 1884 ; corr. 1896 2 6 265 \^ m= 0-25 Scott inlet and Eglinton fiord. Mr. J. B. Walker, 1877 1 235 DK m= 0*04 Davis strait and Baffin bay to 75° 45' N. Various Authorities to 1884 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2240 3^ m= 1-2 2733 DE m= 0-2 260 A d= 0-4 274 DK d= 0-57 278 DE d= 0-57 2177 DK m= 0-02 Sect. VII.] ARCTIC SEA. LABRADOR. 69 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. 276 A 171=^ Various Harbours and anchorages on the west coast of Greenland : — Omenak fjord. Arsuk fjord. God- thaab fjord. Igaliko fjord. KangarssTik havn. Godthaab havn. Christians havn. Bangs havn. Fortunas havn. Webers havn. Manitsok havn. Frederik- shaab. Torssukatak. Snaevring. Ivigtut. Julianeshaab. Kajar- talik. Whalefish islands. Uper- nivik harbour Danish Surveys to 1866 ; corr. 1889 2 ootjg PK .-rt— J^'^l Approaches to Holsteinborg. ^ ~~"[6-0f" (plan, Holsteinborg harbour) W. Stanton, 1853-4 ; corr. 1889 1 6 2382 V m= 5-0 God havn or port Lievely. Gapt. Belcher, 1852 ; corr. 1875 1 261 V^ m=Various Winter harbour. Victoria har- bour. Elizabeth harbour. Port ' Bowen. Port Neill. Port Leo- pold. Batty bay ; corr. 1879 6 2118 DE m= 0'05 Discoveries in the Arctic sea to 1881 ; corr. 1883 5 2443 \« (1=^ 1-2 Sheet 2 : Melville sound, 1859 ; corr. 1881 1 6 2335 V m= 2-7 Erebus bay. Gom. PuUen, 1S54: ; corr. 1876 1 6 2381 Hj^ m= 0-5 Northumberland sound. Gapt. Belcher, 1853 1 2172* Y d= 1-0 Sheet 3 : Bering strait, 1853 ; corr. 1897 1 6 LABRADOR. 863 D E d= 2"0 Hudson bay and strait. (plan, port Churchill) Various Authorities to 1886 ; corr. 1890 3 1221 DB m= Various Harbours and anchorages in Hudson bay and strait : — Ashe inlet. Port Burwell. Stupart bay. Port de Boucher\ ille. Marble island. York roads. Lieut. Gordon, 1886 2 1422 V w--= 0-03 Labrador. (plans, port Manvers. Eclipse harbour) Various Authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1894 16 * Also at page 126. 70 LABRA.DOR. NEWFOUNDLAND. [Sect. Vll. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 375 DE m= 0'12 Sandwich bay to Nain, including Hamilton inlet. (plans, Davis inlet. Nain. Ford harbour. Rigoulette) Staf Com. Maxwell, 1873-75 ; corr. 1881 2 223 Hy^ m= 3"0 Anchorages on the north-east coast of Labrador : — Webeck harbour. Hopedale harbour. Aillik bay. Com. Chimmo, 1867 ; corr. 1877 1 222 »B w= 1*0 Entrance to Hamilton inlet and adjacent harbours, (plans, Ice Tickle. Holton harbour. Indian harbour) Staff Com. Maxwell, 1875 ; corr. 1892 2 6 263 DE m= 0-32 Cape St. Charles to Sandwich bay. (plans, Cartwright harbour. In- dependent harbour. St. Francis harbour. Fishing Ship harbour. Venison Tickle) Various Authorities to ISTd; corr. 1S92 2 6 251 i> K m= 2*0 ......Curlew harbour and approaches. Nav. Lieut. Maxwell, 1873 1 6 225 DE iM=/^'^l Anchorages on the north-east ^ I2'8j coast of Labrador : — Indian Tickle, Occasional harbour. Admiralty Surveys, 1867-74 ; corr. 1876 1 6 226 V "^= 6'0 Domino Run. Nav. Lieut. Max- ivell, 1874 1 6 112 V w= 0-96 Boulter rock to Domino Run. (plans, American Tickle. Boulter rock) Staff Com. Maxwell, 1873-76 1 6 133 ^ 7)1= 1-0 Camp islands to Mecklenburg harbour, including St. Lewis sound and inlet, (plans, port Charlotte, Mecklen- burg, and Sophia harbours. Caribou Ch. and Assises harbour) Capt. Bayfield, 1835 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1151 V m= 4-0 Chateau bay. Staff Com. Tooker, 1%^1 1 6 1136 A m^ 6-0 Red bay. Staff Com,. Maxivell, 1890 2 1631 BE m=^ 3'0 Harbours on the coast of Labrador : — Blanc Sabion. Forteau bay. Staff Com. Maxtvell, ld,90; com 1895 2 6 NEWFOUNDLAND. 2'62a,h DK&"/' d- 7-5 Newfoundland island, 2 sheets. British and French Sur- , ^ -^^^^ ] veys to 1885 ; corr. \ j' j^^gy > 6 Sect. VII.] NEWFOUNDLAND. 71 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 282 OB m-= 0*3 Saint John bay to Orange bay and strait of Belle isle, (plan, Ariege bay) British and French Surveys to 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 390 V m= 1-7 Pistolet bay. Ga2Jt.Cloue,FretichNaui/,lS61; corr. 1S92 1 6 703 \^ m= 5*0 Cape Norman bay, and Cook harbour. Lieut. Pierre,French Navy, 1S56 ; corr. 1890 1 271 OE m= 1"45 Cape Onion to H^re bay. (plans, Kirpon harbour. Griguet harbour. St. Anthony har- bour. Cremaillere harbour. Goose cove) French Survey, 1850-58 ; corr. 1895 2 6 273 "/ m= 6-0 St. Lunaire bay. French Survey, 1856 1 6 277 Y m= 3-0 How harbour. French Survey, 1877. 6 1678 UK i "*~ ^'^ I Southern approach to Hare bay. \ m= 1-07) Four and Little Islets harbours. French Surveys, 1853-82 2 6 1735 %^ m= 1-0 Hare bay. French Surveys, 1853-82 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1 734 D B m= I'O St. Julien island to Hooping harbour, including Canada bay. (plans, Great Goose and St. Julien harbours. Silver cove). French Surveys, 1854-83. Lieut. Bullock, 1826 ; corr. 1895. 2 6 279 "/' in= 5-0 Harbours in north part of New- foundland: — Cape Rouge harbour. Croc harbour. F^^ench Surveys, .1847, 1858 ; corr. 1893 1 6 286 Y m—Var Canada bay anchorages : — Hilliers harbour. Grevigneux and Aigui- lettes harbours. Gouffre and Canaries harbours. Otter cove. French Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1891 1 1932 ^^ I w= 3-0 ) Orange bay (Great harbour ^ \ m= 4-9 ) deep). Head of Pigeonniere arm. Head of Soutilets arm. f French Survey, 1870 1 6 285 DE m= 0-3 Orange bay to Gander bay, including Notre Dame and White bays, (plans, Cutwell harbour. Great Troytown harbour. Fortune harbour. Round harbour) Admiralty Surveys to 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 72 NEWFOUNDLAND. [Sect. Vl. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1565 Hr^ m= 4-86 Sops arm. Lieut. Theed, 1889 ; corr. 1897 1 2896 V m= 5-9 White bay. Riverheadbay. Lieut. Lockyer, 1896 1 6 281 V m=14-6 Fleur-de-LiB harbour. Capt. Cloue, 1859 ; corr. 1872 1 6 280 DE m= 0-62 Notre Dame bay. ' (plans, Paquet harbour, La Scie harbour. Approaches to Nippers harbour. Snooks Arm anchorage. Salt water pond bay.) Staff Com. Maxwell, 1877-81 ; corr. 1892 2 6 421 \^ m= 3*0 Harbours and anchorages on the east coast of Newfoundland : — Pilley island harbour and ap- proaches. Com. Far quhar, 1^95 1 6 288 ^-^ m= 3-0 Toulinguet harbours. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1877 ; corr. 1890 1 6 291 "/ )n= Var Harbours of Fogo island : — Change island Tickles. Fogo harbour. Hare bay. Seldom-come-by and Stag harbour Tickle. Staff Com. Kerr, 1869 ; corr. 1882 1 6 293 » E ;«= 0*4 Gander bay to cape Bonavista. Staff Corn. Kerr, 1869-71 ; corr. 1895 2 6 294 \^ m= 2*5 Approaches to Greenspond, and Pools harbour. Staff' Com. Kerr, 1868 ; corr. 1886 1 6 295 ^^ m= 3'9 Barrow harbour, Broomclose, and Sailors harbour. StafCom. Kerr, 1871 ; corr. 1888 1 6 296 DE m= 0'4 Cape Bonavista to Bay Bulls, including Trinity and Conception bays. Ca^Jts. Orlehar & Kerr, 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 489 "/ m= 3-0 Catalina harbour. Capt. Orlehar, 1862 ; corr. 1885 1 6 520 "/^ m= 4-0 Trinity harbour, and bays to English head. Capt. Orlehar, . 1864 ; corr. 1880 1 6 227 "/ m= 3-0 Deer and St. Jones harbours. Round harbour. J. H. Kerr, 1865 1 6 2649 DE m=: 1-5 Bull arm. Capt. Otter, 1858; corf. 1878 1 6 619 V m= 4-0 Heart's Content and New Perlican. Old Perlican. Capt. Orlehar, 1864 ; corr. 1881 1 6 297 DE m= 3*0 Carbonear to Brigus bay, including Harbour Grace. Staff' Com. Kerr, 1866 ; corr. 1894 2 6 Sect. VII.] NEWFOUNDLAND. 73 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2902 D E m= 2-0 Motion head to Flat rock point, showing the approaches to St. John's harbour {preliminary chart.) Lieut. Lockyer^ 1897 2 6 298 V ^^= 8-8 St. John's harbour. Com. Eobinson,lSS6 ; corr. 1892 1 6 2915 D E m= 0*5 Bay Bulls to Placentia. Capt. Orlehar, 1863 ; corr. 1892 2 6 376 \^ m= 2'0 Broyle harbour to Renewse harbour. Capt. Orlehar, 1863 ; com 1881 1 6 1839 V '^*= 2*0 Trepassey harbour. Capt. Bayfield, 1847 ; corr. 1888 6 1702 \^ m= 3*95 Lamalin harbour and road. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1884 1 290 D E m= 0*4 Placentia to Burin harbour. (plan, Little Southern and La Manche harbours). Capt. Orlebar, 1863 ; Nav. Lieut. Maxwell 1878 ; corr. 1889 2 6 2829 A m= 3*0 Placentia and Ship harbours, and adjacent anchorages. Latest Admiralty Surveys, 1877 ; corr. 1889 2 893 HE m= 0*4 Burin harbour to Devil bay, including Miquelon islands and Fortune bay. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1885 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2900 DE ;n= 3*0 Burin harbours. St. Lawrence harbours. Com. Orlehar, 1861 ; corr. 1878 2 6 303 A m= 0"6 Miquelon islands. (plans, Miquelon road. St. Pierre harbour) French Survey, 1841 ; corr. 1895 2 292 \^' m^Var Harbours and anchorages in southern portion of Newfound- land : — Great Jervis harbour. Bonne bay. Harbour Breton. Gaultois and Picarre harbours. Femme harbour. Mercer cove. Staf Com. Maxwell, 1882-5 ; corr. 1886 1 6 637 '^^ m= 1*24 Harbours and anchorages on the north coast of Fortune bay. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1882 ; corr. 1885 1 6 2141 n E m= 1*0 Richards harbour to Ramea islands. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1872-1885 3 6 74 NEWFOUNDLAND. [Sect. VII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. 272 A m= 3*0 Burgeo islands. s. d. Nav. Lieut. Maxwell, 1872 ; corr. 1889 2 2142 DE m== 1*0 Ramea islands to Indian harbour. (plan, Grand Bruit harbour) Staff Com. Maxwell, 1872-89 3 6 1586 A m= 3*0 Wreck island to Cinq C erf bay, in- cluding Connoire, Muddy hole, and Couteau bays. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1889 2 2143 DE m= 1-0 Indian harbour to cape Ray. Cai^t. Orlehar, 1860-61 ; Staff Com^. Maxwell and Tooker, 1890-91 3 6 2336 V^ m= 2-9 Garia and Le Moine bays. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1890 1 6 2916 »/ /«= 2-0 LaPoilebay. Ca2Jt. Orlehar, 1862 ; corr. 1896 1 2898 ^^ {m= 3*0) Duck island to Ship rock shoal, in- ^ |/«=12'0i eluding port Basque. Port Bas- que. Com. Orlehar, 1860 ; Sta^ Com. Maxwell, 1879 ; corr. 1897 1 6 283 uE ;m= 0'28 Codroy road to Cow Head harbour. British and French Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2876 DE m== 0*5 Codroy road to Bear head. Staff Com. Tooker, 1893-94 ; corr. 1896 2 6 (3*0 1 St. George harbour. Codroy road. ~li3'25j Cai^t. Orlehar, and French Sur- vey, 1861 ; corr. 1894 1 6 7n= 6'0 Isthmus bay. Staff Com. Tooker, 1893 1 6 m= 1*7 Port au Port. Staff Com. Tooker, 1893-5 2 6 m= 5"0 Bear head to Cow head. Admiralty Surveys, 1880-96 ; corr. 1897 2 6 672 DE m=Far«ows Anchorages on the west coast of Newfoundland : — Roche har- bour. HoUihans wharf. Woody point anchorage. Neddy har- bour and approaches. Various authorities to 1895 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1209 DE m= Fa riWs...... Bonne bay. Lark harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1896 ; corr. 1897 2 6 289 A m= 1-0 Bay of Islands. Little Port. York harbour. Petipas cove. Birchy cove. The Narrows (Goose Arm). Staff Com. Maxwell, 1880-81; corr. 1897 2 743 I)E 2026 UK 422 D E 2834 DE Sect. VII.] NEWFOUNDLAND. GULF AND RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. 75 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Gliart. Price. s. d. 1177 ^-^ m= 6'0 Savage island anchorage and Old port an Choix. Gapt Clone, 1857 ; corr. 1887 1 6 orv/?^ j fn=. 2*0 1 Shallow bay to Gun point,including 4UD4 D K I ^^^ ^.g J Cow head harbour and St. Paul's bay and inlet. Portland cove. Staff Com. Tooker, 1S96 2 284 DE m= 0'3 Cow Head harbour to Ste. Genevieve bay, with the Canadian and Lab- rador coasts between Great Me- cattina island and Amour point. British atid French Surveys to 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1690 DE m= 1*0 Hawke bay to Ste. Genevieve bay, including St. John bay. French Gov. Surveys, 1847-61 ; com 1897 2 6 2918 Hj^ m= 1-8 Port Saunders and Keppel and Hawke harbours. French Sut^vey, 1860 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2200 °/ m= 5-78 Port Saunders, Keppel, and Hawke harbours. French Survey, 1897 1 6 2917 V m= 4-25 Good bay and St. John harbour. French Survey, 1859 ; corr. 1881 1 6 299 i)K m= 4*3 Current island to Bird cove. Capt. Clone, 1852-61 2 6 1677 V ^= 1"^^ ^*- Margaret bay and Castors harbour. Capts. Jehenne and Clone, 1847-61 ; corr. 1897 1 6 220 A m= 3*0 Savage cove to St. Barbe bay. Capt. Clone, French Navy, 1858 ; corr. 1891 2 GULF AND RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. Cajjt. Bayfield a7id Com. Orlehar, 1827 to 1865, unless otherwise stated. 2516* u E £/= 3-7 Gulf of St. Lawrence and the river to Quebec. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1137 ^-i m= 3-0 Bradorebay. Staff-Corn. Tooker, 1891 1 6 1145 ^-g m= 2*0 Belles Amours harbour. Middle bay, &c. 1834 ; corr. 1882 6 1138 \^ //i= 2*0 Bonne Esperance harbour. 1834; corr. 1882 6 * Also at page 85. 76 GULF AND RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. [Sect. VII. No. Size, Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2425 \^ m= 2-0 Mistanoqne harbour, 1835 ; corr. 1882 6 305 DE m= 0*25 Great Mecattina island to Pasliasheeboo point. 1832-4 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1164 \^ m= I'O Little Mecattina island. Hare harbour. River Netagamu, 1834 ; corr. 1860 1 6 1119 \^' m= 1*7 Watagheistic sound, Mary islands, .fee. 1831 ; corr. 1860 1 6 1148 Y m= 2-0 Wapitagun harbour. 1835; corr. 1882 6 1142 Y m= 1-0 Coacoacho bay. 1834 ; corr. 1882 6 1139 V m= 2-0 Kegashkabay. 1834 ; corr. 1882. 6 1140 V >n= 4-0 Little Natashquan harbour. 1834; corr. 1882 6 1621 "^ m"*: 0*19 Entrance to the river St. Lawrence. 1832-46 ; corr. 1897 2 6 306 V w^= 0-25 Sheet 4 : Pashasheeboo point to Mag- pie bay. 1832-4 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1132 V m= 0-8 Mingan islands, eastern sheet. 1834 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1133 V 1^= 0-8 western sheet. 1834 ; corr. 1897 1 6 307 Imp, m= 0'25 Sheet 5 : Magpie bay to point des Monts. 1832-3 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1135 \*^ m= 1*0 Bay of the Seven islands. Manitou river. 1831 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1149 »/ m= 1-5 Ca wee islands. Egg island. 1831; corr. 1871 6 1153 "/ m= 2*0 Mount Louis bay. Magdalen river. 1830 ; corr. 1891 6 ■,-,Kf\ DE ( m= 0*5 I Anticosti island, East cape and Bear *-^^^ ^ I m= 1-0 J bay, 1830 ; corr. 1891 6 308 V m= 3-0 Ellis bay. 1828 ; corr. 1882 6 1147 Y ''i= 0-5 S.W. point and Salt Lake bay. 1830 ; corr. 1891 6 1163 V' "i= 0-8 Gaspe and Mai bays. (plan, Gaspe harbour and basin.) 1832 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1715 V m= 0-25 Chaleur bay. (plans, Paspebiac bay. Dalhousie harbour. Heron island) 1839 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2686 BE m= 1*5 Caraquette, Shippigan, and Miscou harbours. 1838 ; corr. 1889 2 6 Sect. VII.] GULF AND RIVKR ST. LAWRENCE. 77 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2034 Ant. m= 0-24 Northumberland strait. 1839-57 ; corr. 1897 3 2187 DE m= 1-75 Miramichi bay. Staff Go7n. Max- well, 1885 ; corr. 1891 2 6 1712 V m= 1-0 river, corr. 1886 - - 1 6 2199 DE m= 4-0 Richibucto river. 1839 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1986 \^ w= 3-0 Buctouche river. 1839 ; corr. 1883 1 6 1941 »/ m= 3-0 Cocagne harbour. 1843 ; corr. 1861 1 6 1943 "/ m= 3-0 Shediac bay and harbour. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1885 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2036 V w= 3-0 Pugwash harbour. 1840; corr. 1878 1 6 2003 V m= 3-0 Wallace harbour. 1840 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1992 H/' m= 2'0 Tatamagouche bay and river John. 1841 ; corr. to 1878 1 6 1977 V m= 3-0 Caribou harbour. 1843 ; corr. 1881 1 6 iQQQ DE ( m= 3'0 ) Pictou harbour. Pietou harbour ^^^^ ^^ |w2=6-0) bar and entrance. 1843 ; corr. 1890 1 6 1990 "^ m= 3*0 Merigomish harbour. 1842 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2055 V *^= 2*8 Antigonish harbour. 1846 ; corr. 1878 1 6 2032 °/ m= 2-0 Pomquet and Tracadie harbours. 1847 ; corr. 1878 1 6 1134 V ^= 0*23 Magdalen islands. (plan, Amherst harbour) 1833 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1144 V^ m= 3-0 Grand entry harbour. Lieut. Collins, 1833 ; corr. 1882 6 2727 D « m= 0-25 Sheet 10 : Cape Breton island. (plan, St. Paul island) 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2018 V m= 4-0 Port Hood. 1847 ; corr. 1890 - 1 6 2028 V m= 4-0 Mabou harbour. 1847 ; corr. 1885 1 6 oAoq DB i *w= 1'5 ) St. Anne bay and bar. 1848 ; ^^^^ ^ I m= 4-0 ) corr. 1886 1 6 2687 DB m= 0-9 Little Bras d'or lake, and St. Anne and Sydney harbours, (plan, Baddeck harbour.) 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 9AJ.9 DK jw=2-3) Sydney harbour. Sydney. 1849; ^^-^ ^ 1 m= 4-8 1 corr. 1897 1 6 78 RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, &C. [Sect. VII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. 3. d. 2730 DE m= 4*0 Scatari island and Menadou bay. 1850 ; corr. 1881 2 6 2692 BE m= 7-9 Louisburg harbour. Gom. Richards, 1896 2 6 2758 °/ m= 1-0 Bras d'or lake. 1852-57 ; corr. 1895 1 6 PRiifCE Edward Island. 2027 ^^ m= 2-3 Cascumpeque harbour. 1845 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1983 DE m= 2-3 Richmond bay. 1845 ; corr. 1889 - 2 6 2005 Y w= 4-0 Boughton or Grand river. 1843 ; corr. 1881 1 6 2029 DE m= 3-0 Cardigan bay. 1844 ; corr. 1885 - 2 6 1973 V ^= 4-0 Murray harbour. 1843 ; corr. 1881 - 1 6 1738 DE m= 2-0 Hillsborough bay. 1842 ; corr. 1892 - 2 6 1709 \E m= 4-0 Charlottetown harbour. 1843 ; corr. 1892 1 6 2000 "/ m= 3-0 Crapaud road. 1842; corr. 1894 6 1942 V w= 3-0 Bedeque harbour. 1841; corr. 1895 ] 6 River St. Lawrence, below Quebec. 309 V m= 0-25 Part 1 : Cape Chatte to Bic island. 1827-1834 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1141 Y m= 6-0 St. Nicholas harbour. 1830; corr. 1882 6 1146 Y m= 1-0 Manicougan river. 1834; corr. 1882 6 1265 Y m= 0-6 Bersimis river. 1831 ; corr. 1891 6 312 °/ m= 0-5 Sheet 2 : Between the rivers Bersimis and Saguenay, including Bic and Green islands. 1827-1834 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1370 V m= 0-6 Saguenay river. 1830 ; corr. 1890 1 6 313 DE m= 0'9 Saguenay river to Orignaux point. Admiralty Surveys, 1827, 1889 ; corr. 1894 2 6 314 DB m= 0-9 Orignaux point to Goose island. Admiralty Surveys, 1827, 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 6 318 A m= 1-4 The Traverses. (plan, Beaujeu channel, "West narrows.) Staff Com. Maxwell, 1885-6 ; corr. 1894 2 Sect. VII.] RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. 79 No, Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 315 i)E m= 0-9 Goose island to Quebec. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1885-8 ; corr. 1894 2 6 319 DK m= 6-0 Quebec harbour. Staff^ Com. Maxwell, 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 6 River St. Lawrence, above Quebec. Quebec to Point du Lac. 1859 ; corr. 1893 2 (J Point du Lac to Lachine rapids. 1859 ; corr. 1893 2 6 Sheet I. : Point Pizeau to Frechette island. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet II.: Frechette island to cape Sante. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 Sheet III.: Cape Sante to Grondine. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 Sheet IV. : Grondine to Batiscan. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet V. : Batiscan to Becancour. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet VI.: Becancour to port St. Francis. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet VII.: East part of lake St. Peter. 1885 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet VIII.: West part of lake St. Peter. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 Sheet IX. : Stone island to Lanoraie. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 Sheet X.: Lanoraie towards Contre- coeur. 1859 ; corr. 1895 2 Sheet XL : Contrecoeur to Repentigny. 1858; corn. 1895 2 Sheet XII.: Repentigny to Long point. 1858 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sheet XIII. : Long point to Lachine rapids, including Montreal. 1858 ; corr. 1893 2 Montreal harbour. 1858 ; corr. 1892 2 to Ogden island. 1858 ; corr. 1893 2 259 6 DE m= 0-6 Ogden island to Kingston. United States Surveys, 1871-5 ; corr. 1891 2 2789a DK m= 2*0 Sheet XIV. : Lachine rapids to Cas- cades point 2 27896 DE m= 2-0 Sheet XV.: Cascades point to McKie's point 2 6 2830a DB m= 0-6 28306 DE m= 0-6 2775 DE m= 3-0 2777 DE m= 3-0 2778 DE m= 3-0 2779 DE m= 3-0 2780 DE m= 3-3 2781 DE m— 3-0 2782 D E m= 3-0 2783 D E m = 3-0 2784 DE w = 3-0 2785 DE m= 3-0 2786 DE m= ^•0 2787 DE m= 3-0 2788 DB m= 3-0 1127 DE m = 6-0 259 a DE m= 0-6 No. Sizi 2789c DE 2789rf DB 2789e DE 2789/ DE 2789^ DE 2789/4 DE 2789? DE 80 RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. N. AMERICAN LAKES, &C. [Sect. VII. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 771= 2-0 Sheet XYI. : McKie's point to Cornwall 2 6 m= 2-36 Sheet XVII. : Cornwall to Farran's point 2 6 m= 2-37 Sheet XVIII. : Farran's point to Iroquois 2 m= 2-37 Sheet XIX. : Iroquois to Ogdensburg 2 m= 2*37 Sheet XX. : Ogdensburg to Cole shoal light 2 m= 2-37 Sheet XXI. : Cole shoal light to Rockport 2 m= 2-37 Sheet XXII. : Rockport to Burnt island light 2 (The charts numbered 27S9a-i are by various authorities to 1896.) NORTH AMERICAN LAKES AND RIVERS. 797 DE m= 0*1 River St. Lawrence, Quebec to Kingston : with lake Ontario, and lake Champlain. British and United States Sur- veys to 1876 ; corr 1897 3 1152 DK 771= 0-2 Lake Ontario, and the Back Communi- cation with lake Huron. Capt. Owen, 1817 ; U. S. Sui'vey, 187-1-5 ; corr. 1891 2 6 337 V m= 3-5 Toronto harbour. Capt. Owen ; corr. 1883 6 678 DE m= 0*1 Lakes Erie and Huron. (plans, Goderich harbour. Rondeau harbour. Port Huron) British and United States Surveys to 1872 ; corr. 1897 2 6 332 DK w= 0-17 Lake Erie. (plan, Entrance to Rondeau har- bour) Lieut. Bayfield, 1818 ; and United States Survey, 1849 ; corr. 1897 2 6 490 A m= 0'6 Lake Erie, west end. (plan, Kingsville harbour) United States Coast Sui^vey, 1849 ; com 1897 2 333 V w= 3-0 Mohawk bay. Lieut Bayfield ; corr. 1889 6 336 °/ m= 0*9 River Niagara and Welland canal. Latest United States and Canadian Surveys 1 6 Sect. Vri.] NORTH AMERICAN LAKES AND RIVERS. 81 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2856 V '^= 3'^3 Buffalo harbour and head of Niagara river. U.S. Gov. Chart, 1897 1 6 330 1) K m= 0-6 Lake and river St. Clair with the Detroit river, (plan, port Huron) ; Latest U.S. Gov. Charts ; co7^r. 1897 2 6 .519 i)E m= 0-18 Lake Huron. Ca2}t.Bayfleld,lS22,and United States Surveij, 1860 ; corr. 1897 2 6 327 m= 0-37 Georgian bay. Staff Com. Boulton &Mr. Stewart, 1884-94 3 1214 DK m= 0-8 Cape Rich to Cabot head. (plans, Lions head harbour. Owen sound. McGregor harbour) Staff Com. Boulton, 1888 2 6 906 A m= 0-76 Cabot head to cape Smith and en- trance to Georgian bay. (plans, Tobermory harbour. Club harbour, Rattlesnake harbour) Staff Com. Boulton, 1884-5 2 1213 i>i-: m= 0-8 Collins inlet to McCoy islands. (plans, Alexander inlet. French river. Pt. au Baril harbour) Staff Com.. Boulton, 1886 2 907 nK m= 0*8 Georgian bay to Clapperton island. (plans, Little current. Killarney harbour) Staff Com . Boulton, 1885 ; corr. 1889 2 6 908 >ni. m— I'O Clapperton island to Mildram point. (plans. Serpent harbour. Little Detroit) Staff. Com.. Boulton, 1887-8 2 6 910 'V'' m= 2-0 Clapperton channel. Staff Com. Boulton, 1886 6 407 V ^''= 4'^^ Plans of ports in Lake Huron: — Penetanguishene harbour. Staff Com. Boultoti, 1892. 1 6 -,..Q np { m= 2"0 ) Collingwood and its approaches. ^■^^^^ ^' I m= 6-0 ) Collingwood harbour. Staff' Com. Boulton, 1888 1 6 1731 Ant, m= 1*5 Parry sound and approaches. Staff Com. Boulton, 1890-91 ; corr. 1894 3 6 2102 Ant. m= 1-48 Western islii-id: ^o Waubaushene. Staff' Com. Boulton & Mr. W.J. Steivart, 1892-3. 3 6 J2059 G 82 NORTH AMERICAN LAKES AND RIVERS. NOVA SCOTIA. [Sect. VII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 909 DB m= 1-0 Mildram point to St. Joseph islBiiid. StafCom.Boulton,lS90 2 6 1507 »/ m= 2-0 St. Joseph channel. Wilson channel. Staff Com. Boulton, 1889 1 6 325 A /rt,= 1'8 River St. Mary, from the entrance of Mud lake to the East Neebish (plan, East Neebish rapids). U. S. Coast Survey, 1853-58 ; corr. 1897 1 6 324 A m— 1-8 from East Neebish to point Iroquois. U. S. Coast Surveij, 1853-57 ; corr. 1897 1 6 334 DB m= 0*6 Straits of Mackinac. U.S. Survey, 1849-54 ; corr. 1893 2 6 328 V '^n= 8-0 Port Collier. Lieut.Bayfield,lSn -, 'corr. 1877 6 301 A m= 0-1 Lake Michigan. (plan, Chicago) United States Surveys, 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 320 »B w= O'll Lake Superior. (plans, Superior bay. Rock har- bour. Marquette harbour. Ontonagon harbour. Eagle har- bour. Agate harbour. Copper harbour) Admiralty Surveys, 1823-5, United States Surveys, 1855-72 ; corr. 1891 2 6 321 DB m= 0*5 Grand Portage bay to Hawk islet, including isle Royale. (plan, river Kaministiquia) British and U.S. Surveys, 1823-71 ; corr. 1889 2 6 322 A m— 0*5 Neepigon and Black bays. Lieut. Bayfield, 1823 ; corr. 1889 2 323 ^" m= 0-5 Small Lake harbour to Peninsula harbour. Lieut. Bayfield, 1823 ; corr. 1879 1 6 NOVA SCOTIA. 1651 D Imp. m= 0*5 Nova Scotia, Prince Edvsrard island, and part of New Brunswick. Admiraltu Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 3 730 DB m= 0'27 Cape Sable to Sambro island. Capt. Shortland, 1867 ; corr. 1896 2 6 340 DB m= 1*1 Baccaro point to Ram island. Capt. Shortland,lS61; corr. ^90 2 6 Sect. VII.] NOVA SCOTIA. 83 No. Size. Scale Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 341 DK m= I'l Ram island to port Medway. (plans, Head of Liverpool bay. Port Mouton anchorage). Com. Shorfland, 1861-2 ; corr. 1889 2 6 342 DE m= 1*1 Fort Medway to Lunenburg. Capt. Shortland, 1863 ; corr. 1896 2 6 343 UE m= 1*1 Lunenburg to Mars head. Capt. Shortland, 1864 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2410 RE mz= I'l Mars head to Shut-in island. a«ii^. Bayfield, 1853 ; rov'>\ 1895 2 6 729 D E mz= 0*28 Sambro island to cape Canso. Capt. Bayfield & Com.. Orlehar, 1867 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2320 DE m= 3-0 Approach to Halifax. Capt. Bay- field, 1853 ; forr. 1895 2 6 311 »K m= 7-0 Halifax harbour. Staff Com. Maxwell, 1889 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2439 UK m= 1-2 Shut-in island to Pope harbour. Capt. Bayjield, 1854 ; corr. 1895 3 2624 i>K m= 3'0 Ship harbour. Co^jo^.^ai/^eM, 1854; corr. 1895 3 o 2855 UK m=. 4'0 Pope head to Charles island, in- cluding Pope and Tangier harbours, and part of Shoal bay. Capt. Bayfield, 1854 ; corr. 1877 2 6 2396 nE m=- 1*2 Pope harbour to Liscomb harbour. Ccqjt. Bayfield, 1857 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2807 DK m= 3*0 Sheet harbour with Mushaboon harbour and Spry bay. Capt. Bayfield, 1854 ; corr. 1895 3 2663 r»E «i= 3*0 Beaver harbour. Com. Orlebar, 1857 ; corr. 1890 3 2673 i)R m-= 3'0 Nicumtau bay and parts adjacent. Com. Orlehar, 1857 ; corr. 1867 2 6 2769 DE m=. 3*0 Liscomb and Mary -Josephharbours. Capt. Bayfield, 1857 ; corr. 1881 3 2519 DK m= 1'2 Liscomb island to Green island. Capt. Bayfield, 1856 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2547 DK 7ji= 3*0 Country harbour. Capt. Bayfield, 1855 ; corr. 1891 3 2517 DK m=. 1*2 Green island to cape Canso. Capt. Bayfield, 1855 ; corr. 1882 2 6 2560 DE m= 4*0 ......Whitehaven. Capt. Bayfield, 1S55 ; corr. 1879 2 6 2518 D E jn= 4*0 Cape Canso to Dover head. Capt. Bayfield, 1855 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2163 V «?= 4-0 Canso harbour. Capt. Bay field,lS50-5^r corr. 1H94 1 6 12059 G 2 84 NOVA SCOTIA. BAY OF PUNDY. Soct. VII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart Price- s. d. 2342 DE m= 1*0 Gut of Canso, with Chedabucto bay and Madame island. Capt. Bayfield, 1850 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2756 »E m=- 2*0 Madame island and Lennox passage, with the southern entrance of the Gut of Canso. Capt. Bayfield, 1848 ; corr. 1896 3 2688 DE m= 4*0 Guysborough harbour. Capt. Bayfield, 1850 3 j m= 0'32 ) Sable island. Capts. Bayfield and \ m= 1-0 [ Shortland, 1851 ; co7-r. 1888 1 BAY OF FUNDY. m= 0-27 Sheet 1 : Bay of Fundy. Capt. Shortland, 1862 ; corr. 1897 2 6 wi= 1*1 Baccaro point to Pubnico harbour. Com. Shortland, 1855 ; co?'r. 1894 2 6 m= 1*1 Pubnico to Yarmouth. Com. Shortland, 1853 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= I'l Yarmouth to Petit passage. Com. Shortland, 1855 ; corr. 1897 2 6 w= 1-0 Bryer island to Gulliver hole, in- cluding St. Mary bay. Com. Shortland, 1855 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 1*1 Gulliver hole to St. Croix bay. Com. Shortland, 1856 ; corr. 1890 2 6 7^= 1-0 Grand Manan island, with the adjacent islands and dangers. Com. Shortland, 1855 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 0*66 Quoddy head to cape Lepreau. Capt. Oiven, 1848 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m-= I'll Passamaq noddy bay and St. Croix river. Capt. Given, 1848, and U.S. Gov Charts, 1895 2 6 m= 1-9 Campobello island. Capt. Owen, 1847 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m = 6'0 Port St. Andrew. Lieut. Kortright, 1844 ; corr. 1875 1 6 7n= 3'0 L'Etang harbour. Lieut. Kortright, 1847 ; corr. 1897 1 6 , . . .The harbour of St. John. Entrance to the harbour. Lieut. Harding, 1844 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m=i 0-3 Sheet 2 : Digby Gut to the Head of Navigation. (plan, Avon river) Capt. Shortland,l%m; corr. 1%^Q 2 6 354 DK m= 1*1 River Petitcodiac and Cumberland basin. Capt. Shortland, 1861 ; corr. 1892 2 6 2171 352 D£ 339 DB 2537 DB 2538 DE 2656 DE 2561 DE 2539 OB 2013 DE 464 DB 2020 DE 1743 DB 1857 DE 1551 DE 353 DK j m= 3-5 ) I w= 7-0 ] Sect. VII.] EAST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. 85 EAST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2516* J)B d= 3'7 Gulf of St. Lawrence and the riyer to Quebec. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2666 D h' {d— 3*4 ) St. Johns (Newfoundland) to Halifax I m = 0-5 ) (Nova Scotia), with the outer banks. Virgin rocks and eastern shoals. Admiralty Surveys, 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2670 o B rf= 3-4 Halifax to the Delaware. British and United States Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 The following are from the U.S. Coast Survey. m= 0-1 Bay of Fundy to Block island. 1886; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 0*9 Machias Seal island to Gouldsborough bay. 1883-7 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 0*9 Gouldsborough bay to Little Spoon island, including Mount Desert island. 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 0-9 Penobscot bays. 1882; corr. 1892 2 m= 0"9 Little Spoon island to Pemaquid point, including entrance to Penobscot bay. 1883; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 0-9 Pemaquid point to Fletchers neck, 1883 ; corr. 1897 3 m= 3*6 Portland harbour. 1854 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= 0'35 Fletchers neck to cape Cod. (plan, York river harbour) 1858 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 3*6 Portsmouth harbour. 1854; corr. 1897 1 6 tn= 3*6 Rockport harbour. 1858; corr. 1897 1 m= 3*6 Gloucester harbour. 1854; corr. 1897 1 m= 2 "9 Salem harbour, Marblehead, and Beverly harbours. 1875 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= 1-8 Boston harbour. 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 3-6 Plymouth harbour. 1857-75; corf. 1894 1 6 "* Also at page 75. 2492 UK 1246 UK 903 UK 620 A 612 UE 2490 UE&Y 2488 UE 7 2482 UK 2487 UE 2 2895 UE 2882 UE 2427 UE 2871 UK 2486 UE 5 86 BAST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. [Sect. VII. jVo. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2890 »B 7n= 0*35 Nantucket shoals to Block island, (plans, Vineyard haven. Edgar- town harbour. Harbours and sound of Wood Holl. Tarpaulin cove). 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2456 DB m= 0*9 Nantucket sound and western approaches. 1892-4 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2489 DE m= 0-9 Nantucket sound and eastern approaches. 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2880 "4^ m= 1-78 New Bedford harbour. 1886; corr. 1897 1 2892 DE m— 1'75 Narragansett bay. 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2480 DB m= 0-18 Nantucket island to Great Egg harbour, including Long island sound, and shewing the approaches to New York. corr. 1897 2 6 2754 DE m— 0-7 Long island sound, Sheet 1: Block island, New London, Gardiner bay, &c. 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2755 DE ni= 0-7 Sheet 2: Newhaven, Oyster bay, &c. (plan, from Throgs neck to Hell Gate and New York). 1889 ; corr. 1897 2 6 468 V w= 2-4 Fishers island sound. 1897; corr. 1897 1 6 2471 V m= 3*5 New London harbour. 1883 ; corr. 1895 1 2470 V i»? = 3*6 Connecticut river. 1872-9 ; corr. 1897 1 2479 V m= 3-6 Black Rock and Bridgeport har- bours. New Haven harbour. 1875-84 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2457 "/ m= 2-4 Oyster and Huntington bays. 1849 ; corr. 1894 1 6 2491 DB m= 1*2 Approaches to New York. 1874 ; corr. 1897 2 6 266 DE m= 0-16 Great Egg harbour to Albemarle sound, including Delaware and Chesa- peake bays. 1859 ; corr. 1897 - 2 6 2563 DE m= 0-6 Delaware river. Sheet 1. 1897 2 6 „K^. j m= 0-9 ) 2: fromCo- AJDb4 DE I ;^v= 2-4 )■ hansey to Trenton. Schuylkill river from League island to Fairmount bridge. 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 355a, &, ^ w=-- 2-5 Chesapeake bay, 2 sheets. 1859; ^^^^'•|m897} each Sect. VII.] EAST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. H7 No. Size. Scale. Title, of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2843 a to/ de m= 0*9 Chesapeake bay, 6 sheets. 1859; r a, 18971 &, 1895 , c, 1897 ^^^^- i i 1896 e, 1897 U 1897 J ^each 2 6 2857 DE m= 0-9 Potomac river. 1868 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2818 A m= 1-8 Hampton roads and Elizabeth river. 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 267 u r m=0-16 Albemarle sound to cape Fear. (plans, Hatteras inlet. Ocracoke inlet) 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Beaufort harbour. 1876 ; corr. 1890 1 Cape Fear river. (plan, Southern entrance) 1865 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2864 D E m= 1-7 2863 DE m= 0-9 268 D £ m= 0-1 2866 D E 2' fm= 1-7 m= 0-16 Cape Fear to Sapelo sound. 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Winyah bay and Georgetown har- }m= 6-0 f bour. Georgetown harbour. 1877-9 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2861 DE m= 0*78 St. Helena sound to Charleston harbour, including the North and South Edisto rivers. 1881 ; corr. 1897 3 2806 DE m= 2*4 Charleston harbour, 1866 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2860 D E m= 0*86 Savannah river to St. Helena sound, including Calibogue sound, port Royal and Broad river. 1881 ; corr. 1895 2 6 331 DB m= 0*98 Wassaw, Ossabaw, St. Catharine's, and Sapelo sounds. 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 269 DB m= 0*14 Sapelo sound to Little Bahama bank. 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 852 DB m= 0-9 Sapelo sound to St. Andrew sound. 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 6 853 D B m = 0-9 St. Andrew sound to St. John river. 1853-79 ; corr. 1897 2 6 88 WEST INDIES, GENERAL. BAHAMAS. [Sect. VIII. SECTION VIII. WEST INDIES. GULF OF MEXICO. No. 761 762 Size. Scale. d= 2-0 f= 2-0 763 d= 2-0 1217 DE m= 0-16 2600 DE m= 0-1 486 DE m= 0-08 Title of the Ghart. West India islands and Caribbean sea, Sheet 1 : comprising Florida strait, Bahama islands, and the Greater Antilles. Latest authorities, 1876 ; corr. 1897 West India islands and Caribbean sea, Sh EET 2 : comprising the Lesser Antilles and coasts of Venezuela, and New Granada from gulf of Paria to gulf of Darien. Latest authorities, 1876 ; corr. 1897 West India islands and Caribbean sea, Sheet 3 : comprising the coasts of Central America, with the off-lying dangers extending to Jamaica. Latest authorities, 1880 ; corr. 1897 Florida strait, south part. British, United States, and Spanish Surveys ; corr. 1894 San Domingo to Dominica, (plan, Aves (Bird) island.) Capt. Barnett, 1857 ; corr. 1897 Jamaica and the Pedro bank, with parts of Cuba and San Domingo. Various authorities, 1830-80 ; corr. 1897 Price, s. d. 2 6 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 3 1266 1441 409 BAHAMAS. DE&J^^ m= 0-12 Islands and banks between San Salvador and San Domingo. Go7n. Owen, 1829-32 ; corr. 1897 3 6 )n= 0*7 Turks islands. Cajjt. Owen, 1830 ; corr. 1893 1 6 m=F'fmw*s...... Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands. Hawks Nest anchorage. Cockburn harbour. Ragged island harbour. Wax cay cut. Com. Owen and Lieut. Lawrance, 1830-52 1 6 UE 2 Sect. VIII.] BAHAMAS. 89 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d 2022 °# w= 8-0 Alfred sound. Lieut. Laivrance, 1850 1 6 2025 "/ m= 3-7 Mathew Town road. Lieut. Lawrance, 1850 ; corr. 1870 1 6 408 ^' m='Various Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands : — Mira-porvos passage. Wide Opening. Clar- ence harbour. A. Be Mayne, 1827 ; Gajjt. Barnett, 1834-8 1 6 393 V m= Various San Salvador or Watling island. Anchorage on S.W. side of Acklin island. Crooked island anchorages. Crooked island anchorage. Port Nelson. Mariguana island. Com. Oiven, 1832 1 6 1496 UK m= 0*2 Great Bahama bank, Sheet 1 : from Great Isaac to 23° 40' N. Latitude. Corns. Oiven & Barnett, 1836-42 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2009 DB m= 0-2 Sheet 2 : from 23° 40' N. Latitude to Old Bahama channel. Corns. Owen & Barnett, 1843 ; corr. 1889 2 6 2075 DE ;n= 0-2 Sheet 3 : from Old Bahama channel to Exuma. Corns. Owen & Barnett, 1836-48 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1399 V /^= 3*0 Ragged islands anchorage. Com. Owen, 1834 1 6 1470 V ^= 4-0 Racoon cut. Com. Owen, 1834 1 6 1494 \® m= 4*0 Nurse channel. Com. Barnett, 1841 1 6 1474 V ^= 2*5 The harbours of Great Exuma. Lieut. Barnett, 1837 1 2077 DB m= 0-2 Sheet 4 : from Exuma to New Providence. Corns. Owen & Barnett, 1836-48 ; corr. 1892 2 6 405 'tj® m= Various Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands : — Highborne cut. Ship channel. Fleeming or Six Shilling channel. Corns. Owen and Barnett, 1831-5 1 6 406 °/ m= 2-0 Douglas road or Cochrane anchorage east of New Providence. A. De Mavne 1816 ; corr. 1861 1 90 BAHAMAS. CUBA. [Sect. VIII. No. >Size.' Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1435 DK mz= 5*0 Salt cay anchorage and Hanover sound. Com. Owen, 1836 ; corr. 1875 2 6 2098 V >n= 1-8 Egg island to Eleuthera island. Royal island harbour. Com. Owen, 1834 ; corr. 1891 1 6 1489 DE m= 1*9 New Providence island. Com. Barnett, 1839 ; corr. 1882 2 6 1452 DE m=17*0 Nassau harbour. Com. Barnett, 1841 ; corr. 1897 2 6 399 DE m= 0-22 Bahama and Abaco islands, with the North-west Providence channel. Admiralty Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1895 2 6 «QQ ni; jw= 2-0) Harbours and anchorages in ^^° ^ ] m= 4-7 ) the Bahama islands :— Whale cay channel and Green Turtle cay anchorage. Great Stirrup cay. Lieut.White,l^^2-?,% Com. Owen, lS'i6 1 6 .. CUBA. 2580 BB m= O'l Cuba, eastern portion. (plan, soundings off cape Cruz) Capfs. Owen, Barnett, & Spanish Authorities ; corr. 1897 2 6 2579 DE m= 0*12 Cuba, western portion. (plan, Puerto Frances) British and Spanish Surveys to 1858 ; corn 1892 2 6 442 V ^= I'l Guantanamo, or Cumberland har- bour. Spanish chart; corr. 1895 6 443 V' ^= ^'"^ P^^^"* <^f Santiago de Cuba. El Portillo. Spanish Survey, 1863 ; corr. 1897 1 6 444 »» m=: 2-2 Port Xagua or Cienfuegos. Spanish Survey, 1836 ; corr. 1895 1 6 n^ ( w= 1-28) Approaches to ports Casilda and 9o ¥ I m=13-4 ) Masio, with the adjacent anchor- ages. Port Casilda. Spanish Gov. chart of 1879 ; corr. 1896 1 4J1 B" m= Various Anchorages on the north coast of Cuba: Bahia Honda. Port of Nuevas Grandes. Port Mariel. Puerto de las Nuevitas del Prin- cipe. Channel of Puerto de las Nuevitas del Principe. Spanish Authorities 1 Q Sect. VIII.] CUBA. 91 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 418 Rj^ m=^ Various Auchoi-ages on the north coast of Cuba: — PortManati. PortGibara. Port Jururu. Port Padre. Port Bariai. Spanish Authorities ; corr. 1896 1 6 423 ^-^ m= Various Anchorages on the north coast of Cuba : — Puerto de Vita. Port Sama. PortNaranjo. Port Banes. Port Nipe. Spanish Authorities 1 6 428 V m= Various Anchorages on the north coast of Cuba : — Ports of Cabonico and Livisa. Port Cananova. Port Tanamo. Port Cebollas. Port Yaguaneque. Spanish Authorities 1 6 414 DK m= 9"25 Havana harbour. SpanishSurveys,lS79; corrAS96 2 6 410 ^^ m= 0*86 Cardenas and Sta. Clara bays and anchorage formed by Piedras, Mono and Monito cays. (plan, port Cabanas.) Spanish Surveys to 1876 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2384 ^® m— Various Anchorages on the north coast of Cuba : — Port of Sagua la Grande. Cay Frances anchorage. Cay Confites anchorage. Spanish survey, 1861 ; corr. 1897 1 6 424 \*' m= 3*5 Port Matanzas. Spanish Gov. Survey, 1892 J 6 ^OQ DB *v,_ i 2'8 ) Ports and anchorages on the north ^^ ^ ^~ I 5-6 ) coast of Cuba :— Cayo Moa an- chorage. Jaragua anchorage. Yamaniguey and Canete anchor- ages. Spanish Surveys 1867-8 ; corr. 1881 1 435 DB m= 4*9 Ports and anchorages at eastern end of Cuba. — Port Niquero. Port Escondido or Hidden harbour. Port Cueva. Port Aguacate. Port Navas. Port Sigua. Port Boma. Port Mata. Port Bay. Port Baracoa and Miel bay. Port Maravi. Port Baitiqueri. Port Taco. Port Cayaguaneque. Yumuri bay. Guanito bay, Limones river. Naguarage. Spanish Surveys, 1860-74 1 6 1)2 JAMAICA. HAITI OR SAN DOMINGO. [Sect. VIII. JAMAICA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 446 DB m= 0'25 Jamaica. Admiralty Surveys to l^'^O \ corr. 1895 2 6 255 HE m= 0'75 Morant point to Port Royal. (plans, Morant bay. Morant cays) Staff Gam. Stanley, 1874; corr. 1893 2 6 454 Y w= 6-0 Port Morant. Staff Com. Stanley, 1873 ; corr. 1895 1 456 D ■ /?i= 2*45 Port Royal and Kingston harbours. (plans, port Royal harbour. Ship channel). Staff Com. Stanley, 1873-4; corr. 1897 2 6 256 DB m= 0-72 Port Royal to Pedro bluff. Staff Com. Stanley, 1875 ; Lieut. Pullen, 1876 ; corr. 1895 2 6 459 ^-^ ni=Various Plans of anchorages in Jamaica: Montego bay. Carlisle bay. Port Maria. Dry harbour. Green island harbour. St. Lucea har- bour. Manchioneal harbour. Mosquito cove. Blewfields anchorage. Rio Bueno harbour. Various authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1896 1 6 „^^ J) J. _ ( I'O ) Plans of anchorages in Jamaica: — '"" ^ ^~ I 14-0 j Negril bay and harbour. Hope bay anchorage. Lieuts. Pullen and Massy-Dawsun, 1878-96 1 6 448 UE m= 0*75 Pedro bluff to South Negril point. (plans, Savannah la Mar anchor- age. Black river anchorage) Lieut. Pullen, 1876-78 ; corr. 1897 2 6 !8*0 ] Plans on the north coast of Jamaica : — 5-0 [ Falmouth harbour. Annatto bay. St. 1*5 I Ann bay. Port Antonio. Ocho Rios bay. Lieut. Pullen, 1879 ; corr. 1897 1 6 450 \^ tn= 0*21 Pedro bank and adjacent coast of Jamaica, (plans, Banner reef. Middle and South-west cays: North-east cay. Portland rock) Lieut. Carpenter, 1880 ; corr. 1882 1 6 j m= 1*0 ) Grand Cayman. Lesser Cayman. *°^ ■* I m= 3*0 ) (plan, George Town anchorage) Lieuts. Carpenter and White, 1880-1 2 HAITI OR SAN DOMINGO. 2859 ^^ m= 4-8 Plans on the south coast of San Domingo : — San Pedro de Macoris bay. Ft ench Survey, 1895 1 6 V OF THB '>' UNIVERSITY Sect. VIII.] HAITI OR SAN DOMTNrao. LEBWASTflRLXNDH. 93 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d, 472 DB m= Various Harbours and anchorages on the coast of Haiti or San Domingo : — St. Nicholas mole. Cayemites and Baradaires bays. Navassa island. Acul bay. Port au Prince. Aqnin bay. Fort Dauphin. St, Mark bay. Jacmel harbour. Port Plata. Santo Domingo harbour. Various authorities, 1774-1873 ; corr. 1897 2 6 476 -^ m= 1*0 Cayes, Flamand, St. Louis and Meste bays. French Surveys to 1872 ; corr. 1895 1 6 r.fYx D H j 12*4 I Jeremie bay. Miragoane harbour. 5UJ ^ m_ I 3.g I g^^^ g^^ Kiddle, 1873 1 •801 A m= 0*4 Approaches to port au Prince. Co?n. Owen, 1831 ; corr. 1888 2 466 V m= 1*9 Gonaives bay. French Survey, 1847 1 2406 "/ m= Various. Ports in San Domingo : — Monte Cristi and Manzanillo bays. Tiburon bay, Moustique bay. ChouChou and Salt river bays. Caldera bay, Juan Rabel anchorage. Cabarete anchorage. Port A'L'Ecu. Port Paix. Tierra-Baja road. Fond la Grange. Approach to Sanchez (Las Cafiitas). Various Authorities to 1887 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1714 "/ m= 4*2 Cape Haiti harbour. Com. Barnett, 1840 ; corr. 1896 1 6 471 V ^'= 4*^ Manzanillo bay. Com. Mayo, U.S.N., 1871 1 2343 "/ wi= 0*45 Samanabay. Approach to Santa Barbara. Port Santa Barbara. Com. Bridgeman, U.S. Navy, 1882 ; corr. 1893 1 6 LEEWARD ISLANDS. 130 ns m= 0*25 Anguilla to Puerto Rico, with the approaches to Virgin islands. Lieut. Lawrance & J. Parsons, 1848-52 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2008 °/ m= 1-OG Virgin islands, Sheet I: Anegada, Lieut. Lawrance, 1848 ; corr. 1891 1 6 2019 Hf m= 1-06 Sheet II: Sir Francis Drake's channel. Lieut. Lawrance, 1848 ; corr. 1891 1 6 No. Sizi 2452 DE 2016 DE 1993 DE 2183 DE 2677 DE 485 BB 478 DE 479 DE 94 LEEWARD ISLANDS. [Sect. VIII. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. m= 1*06 Virgin islands, Sheet III: Tortola island to Culebra, including St. Thomas. Lieut. Lawrance, 1852 ; corr. 1897 3 m= 6'0 ...... Gorda sound (Virgin Gorda). Lieut. Lawrance, 1848 ; corr. 1874 1 6 m= 6*0 Road harbour, (Tortola), Lieut. Laiv7'a7ice, 1848 ; corr. 1877 1 6 m=10'0 St. Thomas harbour. Lieut. Laivrance, 1851 ; corr. 1885 3 rn= 3*0 Culebra or Passage island. Lieut. Lawrance, 1852 ; corr. 1886 2 6 m= 1*26 Santa Cruz. (plan, Christianstsed harbour) J. Parsons, 1856 ; corr. 1874 3 rm= 6"7) Port San Juan. Port Arecibo. |m= 4*5) Spanish and German Surveys ; corr. 1895 1 6 m= Various Anchorages in Puerto Rico island : — Mona island. Aguadilla bay. Puerto de Guanica. Mayaguez bay. Port Ponce. Various Surveys to J 892 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= 0*42 Anguilla, St. Martin, and St. Bartho- lomew islands. Gapt. Barnett, 1847 ; corr. 1886 1 6 m= Various Crocus bay. Marigotbay. Grande bay. Oyster pond. Gustaf harbour. Gapt. Barnett, 1846 ; corr. 1886 1 6 m.= 4'75 Sombrero island. U. S. Survey, 1859 ; corr. 1874 6 487 DB m= 1'28 St. Christopher and Nevis. St. Eusta- tius. Saba island. (plan, Orange Town anchorage) Gapt. Barnett, 1848; corr. 1874 2 6 254 DK w= 2*0 Montserrat. (plan, Plymouth anchorage) Staff Gom. Parsons, 1867 2 6 1997 V w= 1-3 Barbuda island. Gapt. Barnett, 1848 ; corr. 1880 1 6 918 DB m= 1*55 Antigua. Gapt. Ba?mett, ISiS. J. Parsons, 1863 ; corr. 1892 2 6 2065 DE m= 4*0 St. Johns harbour and approaches. Gapt. Barnett, 1848; corr. 1892 2 6 1851 V m=30-0 English harbour. J. Parsons, 1863 ; corr. 1887 16 2038 DE 2079 484 DB Sect. VIII.] LEEWARD ISLA.NDS. WmOWARD ISLANDS. 95 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2014 "/ m= 8*8 Falmouth and English harbours. Capt. Barnett, 1847 ; corr. 1881 1 6 885 A 7/2,= 0*54 Guadeloupe, with the adjacent islands Saintes, Marie-Galante, Desirade. French Survey, 1867-9 : corr, 1894 2 491 "y*^ m = Various Anchorages in Guadeloupe and the adjacent islands: — St. Anne anchorage. Port du Moule. St. Fran9ois anchor- age. Port Louis. Basse-Terre. Galet anchorage. Saintes anchorage. Grand Bourg. French Surveys, 1867-9 ; corr. 1886 1 6 804 V m= 2*8 Approaches to Pointe a Pitre. Petit Havre. Ste Marie anchorage. French Survey, 1867 ; corr. 1894 1 6 956 D E m= 0*11 Guadeloupe to Trinidad. Government Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 697 DB m— 0-97 Dominica. Staf Com. Stanley, 1872 2 6 -rto DB _/3*ll Prince Rupert bay. Roseau roads iM Tf *"-\6-2j and Woodbridge bay. Staff Com. Stanley, 1872 ; corr. 1897 1 6 371 DK m= 0*9 Martinique. M. Monnier, 1825 ; corr. 1883 3 494 f7W=13'5\ Ports and a,nchorages in Mar- \m= 2-5J tinique : — Fort de France har- bour. Fort de France (Fort Royal) bay. La Trinite bay. Cul-de-sac Marin. French Gov. Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1892 1 6 495 V Wi=10-4 St. Pierre roadstead. MM. Monnier & Duperre, 1825 ; corr. 1884 1 WINDWARD ISLANDS. m= 1*0 St. Lucia. Lieut. Haver gal, 1888; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 3*0 Marigot harbour to Pointe du Cap. Admiralty Surveys to 1887; corr. 1896 2 \m,= 4"01 Anchorages in St. Lucia island : — Jm= 9'0> Vieux Fort bay. Grand Cul de [m=15'0] Sac bay. Marigot harbour. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1889 1 6 499 Imp. m=15"0 Port Castries. J. Parsons, 1863 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1273 DE 197 A 1099 DE 5 No. Size. 791 501 DB 503 OK 2485 DTI 502 DB 2872 DB 9(5 WINDWARD ISLANDS. — VENEZUELA, &C. [Sect. VIII. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. m= 1-0 St. Vincent. Admiralty Surveys, 1863-89 ; corr. 1892 1 6 m= 5'0 Kingstown, Greathead, and Cal- liaqua bays. /. Parsons, 1863 ; corr. 1892 1 6 m=20'0 Admiralty bay. (Bequia). J. Parsons, 1861 2 6 m= 1-5 Barbados. Staf Com. Parsons, 1869 ; corr. 1886 2 6 w=12*0 Carlisle bay. Staff Com.. Parsons, 1869 ; corr. 1886 2 6 m= 1*0 The Grenadines from Carriacou to Battowia. (plan, Tobago cays anchorages) J. Parsons, 1861 ; corr. 1874 2 6 2821 DB m= 1*0 Island of Grenada. (St. George harboiir and parts of island enlarged) /. Parsons, 1859 ; corr. 1892 3 6 ;n=20-0 St. George harbour. J. Parsons, 1858 ; corr. 1891 3 6 m= I'O Tobago island. (plan. Courland bays) J. Parsons, 1865 ; corr. 1876 2 6 m= 3*0 east end. J. Parsons, 1865 ; corr. 1872 1 6 ??2= 6'0 Rockly bay (Scarborough). J. Parsons, 1865 ; corr. 1876 1 6 >«= 0'5 Trinidad island and gulf of Paria, 2 sheets. Com. Chimmo, 1868; corr.s' ,' -joqyfeach 2 6 m= 1'5 Serpents mouth. Com. Chimmo, 1866 ; corr. 1890 2 6 m= 2*0 Anchorage of San Fernando. Com. Chimmo, 1866 ; corr. 1886 1 6 {m-= 1'61 Bocas d.e Dragos. Port of Spain. tw= 5-Oj 504 DE 505 DB 488 DB 508 DB 483 a, b UB 481 D Imi 482 D E 2097 D E Lieut. Lawrance, 1849 ; corr. 1897 1 6 VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, CENTRAL AMERICA. 1480 DB m= 0-12 Tobago to Tortuga. Latestmformation to 1893 ; curr. 1897 2 6 1966 DB m=. 0*09 Tortuga to cape La Vela. Latest information to 1S94: ; corr. 1807 2 6 335 °/ m= 5*94 Plans on the north coast of South America : — Carenero harbour. Officers of H.M.S. " Canada,'' 1H92 1 6 Sect. VIII.] VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, CENTRAL AMERICA. 97 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price- s. d' 1523 D E m= Various. Ports and anchorages on the north coast of South America : — Bahia Honda. San Juan bay. Estan- ques bay. Tucacas. Port el Roque. Puerto Chichirivichi. Turiamo. Cumana anchorage. Corsarios bay. Guanta harbour. Orchilla harbour. Coche island anchorage. Laguna Grande del Obispo. Port Mochima. Pam- patar and port Moreno. San Juan Griego bay. Esmeralda bay. Carupano bay. Puerto Santo bays. Unare bay. Various authorities to 1889; corr. 1895 2 6 230 ^^ m= 0-4 Margarita island, and gulf of Cariaco. Spanish Sitrrei/ ; corr. ISiK) 1 6 1412 "/ m= 9-() Sta. Ana harbour. Netherlands Gov. Survey, 1889 ; corr. 1890 1 6 513 ^^ m= Various ...Puerto Cabello. La Guaira har- bour. Barcelona bay. Orange- stadt harbour. Various authorities, 1794-1888 ; corr. 1897 1 6 396 D E »n= 0-07 Cape La Vela to Chagres, with the southern coast showing the gulf of Panama. (plans, port Carreto. Port Cispata. Santa Marta.). Spanish and other authorities to 1891 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2259 ^y' m= 2-n Savanilla harbour. (plans, Rio Magdalena. Puerto Colombia pier) French Gov. Surveys, 1873-4; corr. 189(5 1 6 2434 DE m= 2*5 Cartagena harbour. Boca Chica or Little entrance to Cartagena harbour. J. Par.sons, 1854 : corr. 1893 2 6 9^17 1)1,. (m= 0-97) Columbia bay. Mandinga harbour. '^^^^ •-' i/rt= 2-0 j ■ U.S. Gov. Chart, l^'M 1 6 2433 I) K m.= 2*5 Caledonia harbour and port Escoces. J".Parso>i.s, 1854; cam 1891 2 il 517 "/' m= 3-5 Porto Bello and the adjacent coast. Spanish MS. 1817 ; corr. 1882 1 6 ( ?»= 8-2 ) Port Chagres. Colon or Navy bay. 1493 Y \ m= 1-5 [ Port Colon. 7W= 4'5 1 Major Lloyd and Com. Barnett, 1829-40 ; corr. 1893 1 12059 U 98 VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, CENTRAL AMERICA. [Sect. VIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d *2I45 JJiii ))i^= 0*1 Cape Mala to Elena bay, with the northern coast from Chagres to Greytown. Admiralty Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1793 DE m= 0*7 Chiriqui lagoon. Com. Barnett, 1839 ; corr. 1866 2 6 1794 ^-i m= 2-0 Tiger channel. Com. Barnett, 1839 1 6 1795 \^ m= 3-2 Crawl cay channel. Shep- herd harbour. Com. Barnett, 1839 ; corr. 1868 1 6 1799 UH (m= 3-21 lm= 4-0 J Com. Barnett, 1839 ; corr. 1866 1 6 DE jnv^^ .i/ii Boca del Drago. Boca del 2 Ym^ A-m Toro. DE (m= 9"65) Ports on the east coast of Costa Rica : — ^ |w= 1-2 ) Port of Limon. Port Vargas. Lieut. Oshorne,!^^^; Com.. Barnett,m^^ 1 6 2144 2012 V m= 3-9 San Juan del Norte or Grey- town. U.S.Sitrvey!i= 0-9 Serranilla bank. Com. Owen, 1835 ; corr. 1877 1 6 391 V ''^^^ J-'^ Baxo Nuevo, or New reef. Com. Owen, 1835 ; corr. 1866 6 * Also on pa{?e 116. Sect. Vin.] CENTRAL AMRRTCA. — (JULF OF MEXICO. \)[) N>j. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1219 "/ /n= {)-{)6 (Jape Gracias a Dios to Belize. (plans, Cape Gracias harbour. Coxen hole. Port Royal harbour) Coins. Owen & Barnett, 1830-39 ; corr. 1897 16 1718 Y' in = 2-0 Bonacca island. L'/6?/^.^/m'^/i, 1840; corr. 1882 1 6 1532 "/ m= 2-0 Utilla island. Salmedina shoal. Com. Owen, 1835 ; corr. 1878 1 6 1573 n E m= 0'6 Honduras gulf with Zapotilloscays. Corns. Owen ^ Barnett, 1835-41 ; corr. 1897 2 6 nQQQ UF j m= 2*6) Port Cortez. St. Thomas bight. '^^^'^ ^' \ w^ 1-9 f . U.S. Gov. Survey, 189G 1 G 1786 ^^' m= Vario}(s Anchorages on the coast of Hon- duras : — Hospital bight. Omoa harbour. Various Atithorities to 1896 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1207 Y m= 1-0 River Dulce. Com. Owen, 1834 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1208 Y" ^"= I'f^ Gulf of Dulce. Com. Owen, 1834; corr. 1876 1 6 1797 i)K m= 0-6 Negro head to Turneffe cays. (plan, Queen cay entrance) Com. Barnett, 1830-41 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1204 V' >y?= 0-06 Belize to cape Catoche. Co)tis. Owen & Barnett, 1830-37 ; corr. 1896 959 A m=- 0"4 Approaches to Belize. Com. Owen, 1830 ; corr. 1897 522 "if w= I'O Belize harbour. Com. Oi<; pj. ( w?= 0-7") Espiritu Santo and Ascension bays. ^ \ m=. 0-4 ) Cozumel island. Capt. Barnett, 1839 ; corr. 1879 1858 uE m= 1"6 Mugeres harbour. Capt. Barnett, 1844 ; corr. 1872 GULF OF MEXICO. 392 "'^ f/= 1-9 Gulf of Mexico. British and U.S. Surveys to 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1205 "3^ m= 0*06 Coast of Yucatan and Campeche bank. Ca2Jt. Barnett, 1844 ; corr. 1896 1 6 12059 H 2 100 GULF OF MEXICO. [Sect. VIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s, d. 373 DE 7n= Various. Plans in the Gulf of Mexico: — Coatzacoalcos river. Mouth of the Coatzacoalcos river. Alacran reef. Alacran port. Cay Arenas and adjacent reefs. Eastern and Southern Triangles. Areas cays. Sisal reefs. Sisal reef. Mada- gascar reef. Anchorage off Sisal. Capt. Barnett, 1838-42 ; Gapt. Shufeldt, U.S.N., 1870-71 ; corr. 1S97 2 6 2626 DE m= 0*25 Bay of Campeche. Lietit.Laivrance,lS62;corr.lS97 2 6 2625 "/ m= 4-0 Laguna de Terminos (Puerto Real entrance). Lieut. Lawrance,lS62 1 6 2103 V m= 2-7 Western en- trance. Lieut. Laivrance, 1850 ; corr. 1897 1 6 !m= 1-5 ] Harbours in the gulf of Mexico : — m= 0-55 > Tampico harbour. Approaches to tn= 1'2 ) Vera Cruz. Port of Vera Cruz. Vanoii.'i Authorities, 1869-95 ; corr. 1897 2 523 A w= 1*3 Port of Vera Cruz and anchorage of Anton Lizardo. Alvarado harbour. Spanishand American Surveys, 1841-74 ; corr. 1897 2 1639 D 3 m= 0*07 Coasts of Louisiana and Texas from the Mississippi river to Boquillas Cerradas. (plans, Pass Cavallo. Sabine pass) U.S. Coast Survey ; corr. 1897 2 6 2851 V ^= 0'9 Approaches to Rio Grande and Brazos Santiago. U.S. Coast Survey, 1886 ; corr. 1895 1 2852 "/ i m= 3'6 I San Luis pass. Aransas pass. Corpus 1-7 ) Christi pass. U.S. Coast Survey, 1853-75 ; corr. 1885 1 6 2831 V ^= ^"4 Galveston bay and parts adjacent. (plans, Red Fish bar. Cloppers bar) U.S. Coast Survey, 1855-58 ; corr. 1897 1 6 192 V ^^= 1'^^ Galveston entrance. Latest U.S. Guv. charts 1 6 1638 OK m~ 0*35 Breton sound to Derniere island, in- cluding the delta of the Missis- sippi. U.S. Coast Survey, 1853-84 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2891 "/ 771=^ Various Entrance to Timballier bay. Entrance to Vermilion bay. Entrance to Barataria bay. Calcasieu pass. Four.chon pass. U.S. Coast Survey, 1853-78 ; corr. 1894 1 6 Sect. VIII.] GULF OF MEXICO. 101 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1467 ne m= 0-1 Cape San Bias to Vermilion bay. U.S. Coast Survey ; corr. 1897 2 6 2853 BE m= 0"35 Mississippi sound and Mobile bay. (plans, Biloxi. Horn island pass) U.S. Coast Surveys to 1891 : corr. 1897 2 6 2344 DE m= 0-9 Mobile bay. U.S. Coast Survey, 1856 ; 6orr. 1897 2 6 2820 DE m= 2*4 Entrance to Pensacola bay. U.S. Coast Survey, 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1274 DE m= O'l Tortugas cays to cape San Bias. U.S. Coast Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2898 DE m= 1"8 St. Georges sound, Middle and "West passes. U.S. Coast Survey, 1858-60 ; corr. 1895 2 2888 V m= 2-4 St. Marks river. U.S. Coast Survey, 1856 ; corr. 1878 1 2893 V ^= 1'^ Cedar cays and approaches. ?7.aS'. Coast Survey, 1854 ; corr. 1897 1 2897 V m= 5-95 Tampa bay. U.S. Coast Survey, 1877-86 ; corr. 1896 1 6 525 OE m= 0*5 Boca Grande cay to Tortugas cays. (plan, Tortugas harbour) U.S. Coast Survey to 1882 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1098 DE m= 0'5 Lower Matacumbe cay to Boca Grande cay. U.S. Coast Survey, 1861-89 ; corr. 1896 2 6 Key West harbour and approaches. Key West harbour. U.S. Coast Survey, 1855 ; corr. 1897 2 6 ;/i = 0*5 Cay Biscayne to Lower Matacumbe cay. U.S. Coast Survey, 1861-83 ; corr. 1893 2 6 m-= 3'6 Legare anchorage. C7.*S'. Coast Survey, 1857 ; corr. 1875 i 659 DE m= 0"16 Florida strait, north part. Latest Authorities to 1877 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2881 DE 1097 HE 2884 DE 1? ( w= 1-4 ) t m= 2-4 j U>2 SOUTH AMERICA — NORTH COAST. [Sect. IX. SECTION IX. SOUTH AMERICA, NORTH AND EAST COASTS. NORTH COAST. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1801 Y m= 0-05 Sheet I. : Trinidad to Surinam. Various Autfiorities, 1852 ; corr. 1897 1 6 527 I'B ///= 0'5 Approaches to Demerara and Esse- quibo rivers. Nav. Lieut. Stanley, 1870-71 ; corr. 1895 2 6 533 DB ni--= I'b Georgetown and mouths of De'me- rara and Essequibo rivers. Com. Oldham and Lieut. Havergal, 1886-7 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1155 "2^ m= Various Entrances to rivers in Guiana : — Entrance to the Maroni river. Surinam river from the light- vessel to Domburg. Entrance to the Coppename and Saramacca rivers. Entrance to the Ooren- tyn river. Netherlands Gov. charts, 18IK; ; corr. 1897 1 6 1156 \^ /«= 1*0 Nickerie river approaches. Netherlands Gov. Survei/,1S^[^ ; corr. 1897 1 1802 V ;//= 0-05 Sheet II. : Surinam to Cabo do Norte (plans, entrance to the Kuru river. Entrance to the Sinnamari river) Various AiUhorities ; corr. 1897 1 6 534 V vi= 0*77 Approaches to Cayenne. Capt. Muuchez, French Navy, 1867 ; corr. 1894 1 6 99 °/ >ii=z 5"2 Salut isles anchorage. French Surveys, 1 867 and 1878 ; corr. 1895 1 1803 V "<= <^^"05 SheetIII.: Cabo do Norte to Maranham. Various Authorities to 1878; corr. 1897 1 6 2186 V ^"= 0-2 River Para. (plan of approaches to city) Lieut. Tardy de Montravel, French Navy, 1846 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1648 'V' ''^^ ^'^ '^''■'^^^ Joao islands. Com. Buckle, LS4;5 ; r.^yv. 1881 6 Sect. IX.] SOUTH AMERICA— NORTH AND EAST COASTS. 103 No. S'lZfi. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 528 i)K 111= 0-05 ShebtIV. : MaranhamtoPernambuco. (plans, Maranliam bay. Tutoia anchorage. Paranahyba river. Aracati or Jaguarybe river. Rio Grande do Norte) Lieut. Vital de Oliveira, 1857 ; and Ca2)t. Mouches, 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 535 »E m= 0*53 San Marcos or Maranham bay and approaches. French Gov. Survey, 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 537 V' ^n= 4-3 Ceara bay. Capt Mouchez, 1SG7 ; corr. 1897 1 DK m= 0*4 Rio Mossoro to St. Roque channel. Lieut. Vital de Oliveira, 1859 ; corr. 1897 2 EAST COAST. 889 DB m= 0*4 St. Roque channel to Formosa. Capt. E. Mouchez, 1867 ; corr. 1881 2 890 OB ni=- 0"4 Formosa to Pernambuco. Caxjt. E. Mouchez, 1867 ; corr. 1896 2 1396 "^ m= 4-0 Parahyba river. Capt. Mouchez and others, 1867 to 1888 1 969 yj, rm= 4"8] Pernambuco roads. Pernambuco '^ \m= 9*6 i hdrhour. Capt. Palumbo, Italian Navy, 1882 ; corr. 1893 1 6 529 nB /?2= 0"05 Sheet V. : Pernambuco to Victoria. (plans, Bahia de Todos os Santos. Ilheos anchorage. Espiritu Santo bay. Morro S. Paulo anchorage. Cabral and Santa-Cruz bays. Port Camamu) Brazilian and French Surveys to 1873 ; corr. 1897 2 891 OB m-= 0*4 Pernambuco to Maceio. (plan, port and quarantine station of Tamandare) Lieut. Vital de Oliveira, 1859 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1647 V ^^i= 4-8 San Aleixo island. Com. Buckle, 1843 ; corr. 1877 6 539 »/ "*= 4-0 Port Maceio. Co^?^. De Boos ; corn 1890 6 892 DK m= 0*4 Maceio to Rio de San Francisco do Norte. Lieut. Vital de Oliveira, 1859 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2262 DK Mi= 0'27 River Tariri to Contas, including the approaches to Bahia. Various Authorities to 1890 2 6 104 SOUTH AMERICA — EAST COAST. [Sect. IX. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart, Price. s. d. 540 ns ')n= I'l Bahia de Todos os Santos. Gavt. Mouchez, French Navy^ 1867 ; corr 1897 2 6 506 "/ ni=^ 3*8 Port of Bahia de Todos os Santos. Cwpt. Mouchez, 1867 ; corr. 1897 1 6 549 HE m= 2'5 Port of Camamu. Capt. MoucJiez, 1861 ; Lieiff. Langdon, 1890 1 6 904 UK m= 0"3 Abrolhos rocks, with the adjacent coast from San Mateo to Itaco- lomis reef (plan, Abrolhos rocks anchorages). Lieut. Mouchez, 1862 ; corr. 1891 2 530 HE )tt= 0-05 Sheet VI.: Victoria to Santa Catharina. (plans. Port of Cape Frio. Busios (Armacao) anchorage. Cambrin anchorage. Itapacaroya. Macahe anchorage) Capt. Mouchez, 1856-68 ; corr. 1897 2 6 546 ^-/' m= 5'0 Espiritu Santo bay and port Vic- toria. Capt. Mouchez, 1861 ; corr. 1894 1 on7» DE \m= 0'751 Benevente to Itapemirim. Bene- "^"'^ ^ \m= 3-0 / vente bay. T. W. Sulivan, 1851 ; corr. 1883 6 R.- \m= O'72'l Rio de Janeiro harbour entrance. ^^ \m= 2"4 j Rio de Janeiro harbour. Various Authorities, 1830-57; corr. 1897 1 6 2044 DE ??/= 0*56 Ilha Grande and Sapetiba bays. Capt. Mouchez, 1868-9 ; corr. 1895 2 6 542 V *^= 1*^ ......Ubatuba and adjacent anchor- ages. Sombrio bay. Capt. Mouchez, 1867-8 ; corr. 1872 1 6 543 V m= I'O Channel and anchorage of the island of San Sebastiao. Baron Roussin, 1819 ; corr. 1877 6 19 V" ^^^= 2-3 Santos harbour. Capt. Mouchez, 1867 ; corr. 1896 1 6 231 V '^*= ^'^5 Paranagua bay. Cap)t. Mouchez, 1868 ; corr. 1894 1 6 550 Ds />?= 2*2 Entrance of the river of Sao Fran- cisco (do Sul). Sao Francisco har- bour. Island of Sao Francisco do Sul and channel of the river. Capt. Mouchez, 1862 ; corr. 1897 2 2522 iJE m= 0-06 Sheet VII. : Santa Catharina I. to Rio de la Plata. (plans, Imbituba bay. Castillo and Polonio anchorages. Paloma harbour and roads) Various authorities to 1886 ; corr. 1897 '.) Sect. IX.] SOUTH AMERICA — BAST COAST. 105 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 544 " B y/^ = 0*74 Island and strait of Santa Catharina (plans, anchorage of Nossa Sen- fa ora do Desterro. South entrance of Santa Catharina strait) Various Authorities from 1836 to 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2002 V ?A?= 2-2 Rio Grande do Sul. G. H. Dillon, 1849 ; corr. 1893 1 6 2544 DE ;??= 0-2 Rio de la Plata. (plans, port la Plata. Lobos) Admiralty Surveys, 1840-83 ; corr. 1897 2 6 548 V ''^= ^*0 Maldonado bay. Capt. Wharton, 1883 ; corr. 1892 1 6 493 V' )n= 0-C) Piedras Negras point to Santa Lucia river, showing the approaches to Monte Video. Various Autho- rities to 1883 ; corr. 1897 1 6 596 V in= 8-3 Flores island. Gapt. Wharton, 1882 1 o^v^i {/n= 5-0) Monte Video bay. Approach to ^UUi i)K J^^i^ig-oj Cibildock. Gapt. Wharton, 1883 ; Gom. Humpage, 1897 1 6 1749 UK //i= 0-35 Monte Video to Buenos Aires, with Archimedes and English banks. Various Authorities, 1840-83 ; corr. 1896 3 1751 "K m= 0-9 Sauce point to Martin Garcia island (North shore). Gom. B. J. Sulivan, 1844 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2004 V ni= 4-5 Colonia roads. G.H.Dillon,lUl -, corr. 1897 1 6 2526 E m= 2'0 Buenos Aires road, and adjacent coast from Quilmes to Punta Olivos. Lieut. Sidney, 1856 ; corr. 1890 2 6 2039 V ^"= 0'05 Parana and Uruguay rivers Index Chart. Caj(v^. Sulivan, 1847 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1938 DE&"/ m= 0-9 River Uruguay from Martin Garcia to Paysandu. Gapt. Sulivan, 1845-6 ; corr. 1895 3 1982 a, 6, c de m= 0*8 Parana river — Boca de Guazu to Cor- rientes, 3 sheets. Gapt. Sulivan, 1847 ; corr. a 1895 ) h 1882 \ - - each 2 6 c 1882 ) 2444 j)E ;;?=3 1-5 Paraguay. Sketch of river from Corrientes to Villafranca. Lieut. Day, 1853 ; corr. 1882 2 6 106 SOUTH AMERICA— EAST (J0A8T. [Sect. IX, yn= 0-31 Bahia Blanca to Union bay. Latest Authorities to 1883 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1358 V ^^= 0-31 Union bay to Rio Negro. (plans, San Bias harbour. Rio Negro) Capt. Fitzroy, 1833 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1331 A ;//= 0-9 Port Belgrano (Bahia Blanca) with the channel to the inner port ; Various Authorities to 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 ;/i=0-06 Sheet IX. : Rio Negro to cape Three Points. Capt. Fitzroy, 1834 ; corr. 1893 1 6 in= rO Port San Antonio. Officers of H.M.S. Beagle, 1833 ; corr. 1877 6 m=0'18 ...... Nuevo gulf and adjacent coast from Norte point to Chupat river, (plans, Port Madrin. Cracker bay) Capt. Fitzroy, 1834 ; corr. 1888 1 6 m= 3*1 Port of St. Elena. Spanish Sur- vey, 1794 ; corr. 1892 6 m= 0"8 Cape dos Bahias to Tova island, including Rasa islands and other outlying dangers. Various Authorities, to 1876 ; corr. 1882 1 6 552 V* ^^= 6'0 "^Q^ harbour or port San Antonio, with Gill bay and the Oven. Tova island anchorages. Capt. Olry, French Navy, 1876 1 6 1284 "/ m^ 0-06 Sheet X. : Cape Three Points to the strait of Magellan. Admiralty Surveys, 1828-68 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1309 V "'^= 0*4 Ports on the east coast of Patagonia : — Port Desire. Port Gallegos. Sea Bear bay. Com. Stokes, 1828 ; corr. 1883 6 1288 1327 ])E 1290 DE 551 553 DK Sect. IX.] SOUTH AMERICA— EAST COAST. MAGELLAN STRAIT. 107 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1292 "/ »i= 1'5 Port San Julian. Officer s of H M.S. Beagle, 1834 ; corr. 1877 6 1308 "/ (m= 0-5 ) Port Santa Cruz. River Santa Crnz. \m= 0-05) Officers of H.M.S. Beagle, 1834 ; corr. 1883 6 MAGELLAN STRAIT. TIERRA DEL FUEGO. 554 DB m=i 0-13 Magellan strait. Admiralty Surveys to 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1336 JiE &^-^ m= 0*75 Cape Virgins to the First narrows. Capt 3Iayne, 1868 ; corr. 1896 3 6 1337 DE m= 0"75 First narrows to Sandy point. Capt. Mayne, 1867-68 ; corr. 1897 3 545 DE m= Various Harbours and anchorages in Magellan strait : — Royal road and Elizabeth island. Sandy point road. Gregory bay. Capi. Mayne, 1867 ; Capt. Whar- ton, 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 21 DK&H^? iit= 0'26 Second narrows to cape Pillar. (plans, Port Altainirano. Las Minas anchorage. Porvenir bay) Admiralty Surveys, 1827-84 ; corr. 1897 3 6 547 ^^^' in — Various Harbours and anchorages in Magel- lan strait : — Port Gallant and Fortescue bay. Port Famine. San Nicolas bay. Woods bay. Capt. Mayne, 1868-9 ; corr. 1894 1 6 KKg DE jm= 0"95l Anchorages in Famine and Fro ward ^ \)n= ;V9 j reaches — Coast and anchorages between Glascott point and cape San Isidro. Fortescue and Cordes bays and port San Miguel. Carreras bay. Snug bay. Capts. King and Wharton, 1830-84 ; corr. 1894 1 2113 V m= 0-25 Barbara channel. Capt. King, 1829 ; corr. 1894 6 1306 "/ A><= I'O Ports in Barbara channel and Mag- dalen sound — Smyth harbour. Fury harbour. Bedford bay. Hewett bay. North cove. Labyrinth islands. Capt. King, 1830 ; corr. 1877 6 887 ufi 1)1= 0*79 English, Crooked, Long, and Sea reaches. Capts. Maclear and Wharton, 1880-3 ; corr. 1897 2 6 108 SOUTH AMERICA— MAGELLAN STRAIT. [Sect. IX. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 805 A ?n=Various Harbours and anchorages in Ma- gellan strait — Sylvia cove. Sylvia channel. Baker cove. Rocky inlet. Marsh basin. Cripples channel. Field anchorage. Ha- vergal bay. Capt. Wharton, 1883 2 900 V m= 5-9 Notch cove. Capt. Wharton, ISS'6 1 521 y^ m= Various Harbours and anchorages in Ma- gellan strait : — Port Angosto. Playa Parda cove. Tilly bay. Swallow^bay. Borjabay. Mus- sel bay. Condesa bay. Capt. Mayne, 1868 ; corr. 1882 1 6 557 °^ m=Various Harbours and anchorages in Ma- gellan strait : — Port Tamar. Port Churruca. Port Mercy. Tuesday bay. Truxillo bay. Capt. Mayne, 1869 ; corr. 1884 1 6 558 V ^= 1*^ Ports in Desolation and Santa Ines islands — Dislocation harbour. Latitude bay. Laura harbour. Noir road. Com. Fitz Roy, 1830; corr. 1886 6 1330 V ^«= 1'5 Week islands. Co?n. Fitz Eoy, 1S30 6 1373 »» m= 0*13 Tierra del Fuego, south-eastern part, with Staten island, cape Horn, and Diego Ramirez islands, (plan, Harberton harbour) Various authorities, 1828-83 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1332 D£ m=: 0'6 * Strait of LeMaire,with Staten island. (plans, Thetis bay. Port Cook) Lieut. Kendal, 1828 ; Capt. Fitzroy, 1830-34 ; corr. 1896 2 6 559 DE m= Various Anchorages in Tierra del Fuego — Burnt island anchorage. Ba- leines bay. Fleuriais bay. Awaiakirrh cove. Banner cove. Packsaddle bay. Good Success bay. Lennox cove. Townshend harbour. Doris cove. i\omanche bay. Approaches to Ushuwaia Mission station. Orange bay. Goree Road. March harbour. ' Voilier cove. Indian bay. Coralie cove. Middle cove. Adventure cove. Lapataia bay. Lort bay. Otter, Seagull, and Romanclie anchorages. Stewart harbour. St. Martin cove. Port Maxwell. Scourfield and Hately bays. Various Authorities to 1884 - 2 6 For Falkland Islands, ste page 67. Sect. X.] CHILE. 109 SECTION X. ^AMERICA, WEST COAST CHILE. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 561 DE m= 0*1 Sheet II. : Magellan strait to gulf of Peiias. Admiralty Surveys, 1828-79 ; corr. 1896 2 6 23 DE&'y m= 0*23 Channels between Magellan strait and gulf of Trinidad, (plans, Latitude cove. Columbine cove. Dixon cove. Occasional cove. Caracciolo bay) Various Authorities, 1828-79 ; corr. 1896 3 631 Imp. m-= 1*0 Smyth channel from South entrance to Fortune bay. (plans, Fortune bay. Otter bay. Sholl bay. Mayne and Gray channels) Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2804 V m=Vario^is Plans on the west coast of Pata- gonia : — Puerto Bueno. Isthmus bay. Guia narrows. Welcome bay and Port Mardon. Victory pass. Various Authorities to 1879 ; corr. 1895 1 6 110 V ^= 6*0 Port Grappler. Mayne harbourT Gapt. Mayne, 1868-9 ; corr. 1880 1 877 °/ w?= 0-62 Guia narrows to Concepcion channel, (plans, Hugh bay. Landslip sound. Wide bay. Paroquet cove. Port Ochovario. Rayo cove) Capts. King and Maclear, 1828-79 ; corr. 1883 1 6 ■,f- DE ^m— 3'5) Molyneux sound. Portland bay. '^ )m= 6-0 j Chilian Survey, 1875 ; Gapt. Nares, 1879 1 477 DK m= 0-78 Trinidad channel. (plan, Port Rosario) Capts. Nares and Maclear, 1879 ; cor7\ 1897 2 6 * For Pacific Ocean, see page 201. 110 CHILE. [Sect. X. Nu. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. .s\ d. 588 V' ^= ^'^ Tom bay aucliorages. CajJt. Nares, 1879 ; corr. 1881 1 6 159 "/ m= 6*0 Puerto del Morro, Cockle cove and approaches. Capts. Nares and Maclear, 1879 ; corr. 1884 1 6 24 DR&"jP m= 0'23 Channels between gulf of Trinidad and gulf of Penas. (plans, Port Ballenas. Hale cove. Connor cove. Island harbour) Admiralty Surveys, 1828-79 ; German Survey, 1884 ; corr. 1890 3 j.„q uB j'm= 3*0) Harbours and anchorages in Trini- ^ |m= 8"4j dad channel: — Alert harbour. Kathleen anchorage and port Charrua, Ga^A. Maclear, 1879 1 t» 865 V m= 6*0 Anchorages in Wide channel and Indian reach — Grau cove. Elena cove. Sandy cove. Port Micaela. Chacabuco bay. Chilian Surveys, 1879 1 .^^ D« _(6'0 1 Port Riofrio. Crossover island to ^^" ^ *^^-|2-05j Gorgon reef. Capt. Maclear, 1880 1 6 85 u« m-=-Variin(s P]nglish narrows and adjacent anchorages : — English narrows. Hoskyn cove. Halt bay and Gray harbour. Port Simpson. Eden harbour. Capt. Mayne, 1868 ; cot'r. 1897 2 6 878 \^ m= 6-0 Port Henry. Capt. Nares, 1879 1 6 1299 "/ m= Various Plans of anchorages in the Patagonian channels — Port Barbara. Albatross harbour. Kaiser harbour. Schroder ground. Spongier bight. Bachem ground. Dreising bay. Deutsche narrows. Heinrichs fiord. Kosmos harbour, Jungfern ground. Flotten harbour. Clara bay. Preussische bay. Bethell and Dinwoodie bays. Capt. Pluddemann 1883-4 1 6 1325 DE m= 0*17 Gulf of Penas to the Guaytecas islands ; Chilian Charts to 1873 ; corr. 1890 2 6 1328 ^4' m= Various Anchorages in Chonos Archi- pelago : — Port Lagunas. Port Yates. Port Perez. Port Tang- bac or Americano. Port Frances or Nevado. Port Chacabuco. Port S. Miguel. Port Refuge. Harchy bay. Anna Pink bay. Patch cove. Chilian Gov. Charts, d;c. 1 6 1289 "/ w= 0-12 Sheet IV.: Guaytecas islands to cape St. Antonio. Capt. Fitzroy, 1835 ; corr. 1897 1 6 Sect. X.] CHILE. Ill No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2993 %^ m=z Various. Plans on the coast of Chile : — Manao bay. Port Hucihuc and Linao bay. Port Huite. Port Quellon. Ancud bay. Port Quemchi. Chilian G-ov. plans, 1^96 1 6 1296 A m= Various Plans on the coast of Chile: — Piti Palena inlet. Vallenar road. Port St. Domingo. San Andres bay. Inner port. Port Otway. Port Low. Port Melinka. Various Authorities 2 1304 ^/ m= Various Plans on the coast of Chile: — Tictoc bay. Port San Pedro. Sheep cove. Small cove. Comau or Leteu inlet. Mocha island. Buchupureo road. Varioys Authorities to 1893 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1281 , V m=Various Plans on the coast of Chile: — Port Calbuco and Huito inlet. Reloncavi inlet. Sotomo bay. Condor cove. Ranu cove. Miiicolpue cove. Milagro cove. I^amehuajji cove. Yanez bay. Chilian Gov. plans, 1872 1 6 131JJ A m= 0\> The Channels between port de Ancud and port Montt. (plans, river MaiiUin. Port Abtao. Port Montt) British and Chilian Surveys to 1874 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1374 "/ m= 0-12 Sheet V.: Cape San Antonio to Tucapel point, (plans, port Quidico or Nana. San Pedro bay. Queule Bay. River Tolten) Capt. Fitzroy, 1835 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1318 "/ ni= 1*8 Port of Valdivia and approaches. (plan, port Corral) Chilian Survey, 1868-70 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1286 "/ m= 0-12 Sheet VI. : Tucapel point to point Lora. (plans, Bio-Bio river entrance. River Lebu) Capt. Fitzroy, 1835 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1305 BE ?>i= 6-0 Plans on the coast of Chile : — Port Talcahuano. Com. Fleet and Lieut. Slayter, 1896 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1303 A ni= 1*0 Approaches to Lota and Coronel. British and Chilian Surveys to 1886 : corr. 1897 2 647 V ''^= l'<^ Coronel, Lota, and Colcura bays. Lota bay. Chilian Survey, 1878 ; corr. 1897 1 6 112 CHILE. [Sect. X. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. 1319 Hj^ m= 1*2 Concepcion bay. (plan, Tome bay) Various Authorities to 1858 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1312 ^^ m^Variotis Plans on the coast of Ohile : — Llico road and Vichuquen lagoon. Curanipe road. Entrance of the river Maule. Port Tongoi. Various Authorities to 1893 1 6 1282 %^ m= 0-12 Sheet VII. : Lora point to Maitencillo. (plans, Quintai road. Oscuro cove. Rapel river. Matanza anchorage, ports San Antonio, and San Antonio de las Bodegas. Tuman bay. Topo- calma roads) Oapt.Fitzroi/,lS?»b;corr.lS91 1 6 1314 '^^ m= 3*6 Valparaiso bay. Chilian Survey, 1877 ; corr. 189G 1 1300 °/ m= Various Plans on the coast of Chile : — Maitencillo cove. Huentelauquen cove. Algarrobo road. Ligua bay. Pichidanque bay. Port Papudo. Horcon and Quintero bays. Capt. Fitzroy, 1835 ; Chilian Surveys, 1S76-SS; corr. 1^97 1 6 465 "^ m= 3*5 Plans on the coast of Chile : — Conchali bay, and port Vilos. Latest Chilian Gov. Charts ; corr. 1897 1 6 1287 »/ m= 0-12 Sheet VIII.: Maitencillo to Herradura. (plans, Chanaral bay. Pena Blanca. Choros bay. Apolil- lado bay) Capt. Fitsroy, 1836 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1302 V m—Va7^ious Plans on the coast of Chile : — Totorolillo bay. Port of Huasco. Port Copiapo. Ports Caldera and Calderilla. Port Flamenco. Herradura de Carrizal. Pajonal cove. Chaiieral de las Animas bay. Pan de Azucar anchorage. Lavata bay, Arica road. Various A^ithorities to 1887 ; corr. 1897 16 574 "/ m= 4-0 Coquimbo bay, and port Herradura. Capt. Mayne, 1868 ; corr. 1891 1 6 1276 V' m= 0-12 Sheet IX. : Herradura de Carrizal to Grande point. (plans, St. Felix and St. Ambrose islands. Port Taltal. Paposo road"; Capt.Fitzroy,lS'd5', corr. 1892 1 6 2 Sect. X.] CHILE. PEilU. 113 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 699 V w= 7-0 Plans on the coast of Chile :— Esmeralda cove. Chilian Gov. Survey, 1887 1 6 1277 »/ m= 0-12 Sheet X : Point Grande to point San Francisco, (plans, Antof agasta. Chimba cove. El Cobre cove. Guanillas cove. Abtao cove.) Capt. Fitsroy, 1836 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2346 Y^ m= Various Plans on the coast of Chile : — Lautaro cove. Tames bay. Coloso cove. Colorado cove. Camarones cove. Caleta Chica. Michilla and Gualaguala coves. Pescadores and Lobos coves. Chilian Oov. Surveys, 1870-94 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1301 A H) = Various Harbours on the coast of Chile : — Carrisal Bajo bay. Constitucion harbour. Me j illones de 1 Sur bay. Cobija bay and Gatico cove. Tocopilla road. Blanco Enca- lada road. Various Authorities to 1890 ; co7'r. 1897 2 1278 i> K m= 0-12 Sheet XI : Cape Paquica to cape Lobos. (plans. Huaina-Pisagua bay. Mejillones cove. Patillos cove. Pabellon de Pica. Iquique road. Caleta Buena.) Various Authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1896 1 6 467 ''f w= 2-7 Plans on the coast of Chile :— Chi]iana bay Chilian Oor. Surveys, 1884-95 1 6 PERU. 1283 V 7n= 0-12 Sheet XII : Cape Lobos to Pescadores point, (plan, port Mollendo.) Capt. Fitzroy, 1836 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1279 "/' *w= 0'12 Sheet XIII: Pescadores point to Independencia bay. Capt. Fitsroy, 1836 ; corr. 1880 1 6 1340 V ^= Various Plans on the coast of Peru : — Ylo road. Islay bay. Atico road Lomas road. Ports San Nicholas and San Juan. Independencia bay. Capt. FitsRoy, 1836 ; corr. 1897 1 6 12059 I 114 PERU. ECUADOR. COLOMBIA. [Sect. X. ■No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1323 V m= 0-12 Sheet XIV : Independencia bay to Begueta bay. (plan, Ancon bay and adjacent islands. Chincha isles. Salinas and Chica bays.) Various Authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1897 16 2889 "/' //J = 2-93 Plans on the coast of Peru :— Cerro Azul bay. GajJt. Belcher, 1838 1 6 1347 "/ m= Various Plans on the coast of Peru : — Pisco bay. Port Chilca. Chancay bay. Huacho bay. Barranca and Supe bays. Various Authorities to 1880 1 6 iQFcq DK im= l"5"l Boqueron of Callao. Callao har- - 1?;?= 7*5 j bour. San Lorenzo island anchor- age. Capts. FitzBoy and Belcher, 1840 ; corr. 1897 16 1285 f/ m= 0-12 Sheet XV: Begueta bay to river Chicama. (plans, Salaverry road. Ferrol bay. Culebras cove. Guanape is- lands.) Gapt. Fitzroy, 1836 ; corr. 1896 1 6 lOQQ DE ( m= 5-0) Port Bermejo. Caracas river. ^'^^^ ^ \m= 2-0 ( Lieut. Hernulewicz. 1888 ; Gapt.Kellett,l^^l;corr.n%^ 1 6 1335 V ^^= 0-12 Sheet XVI : Chicama river to port Paita. (plans, Lobos de Tierra. Lobos de Afuera. Eten point.) Cap)t. Fitzroy, 1836 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1294 \^ ni= Various Plans on coast of Peru. — Talarabay. Ijambayeque road. Pacasmayo road. Malabrigo road. Huan- chaco road. Bay of Santa. Casma bay. Port Samanco or Guambacho. Huarmey bay. Gapt. FitzBoy, 1834-6 ; corr. 1896 1 6 ECUADOR. COLOMBIA— W. COAST, 1813 V m= 0-12 Sheet XVI I: Port Paita to Ayangui point. (plan, port Paita. Zorritos.) Gapts. Fitzroy and Kellett, 1836-94 ; corr. 1895 1 6 586 DE m= 0'5 Guayaquil river. (plan, port and town of Guaya- quil.) Gapt. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sect. X.] ECUADOR. COLOMBIA. CEN^TRAL AMERICA. 115 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1814 V wi= 0-12 Sheet XVIII rAyangui point to Verde point. (plans, Cape Pasado anchorage. Esmeralda river, Manta bay.) Gapt. Kellett, 1836 ; corr. 1893 1 6 2799 "/ ///= 2-0 Plans on the coast of Ecuador :— Salango island anchorage. Santa Elena bay. • Cajd. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1890 1 2801 ^.J- m=- I'O River Santiago, Posa harbour, and San Lorenzo bay. Atacames ledge and bay. Gajit. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1873 1 2257 V rf= 7-5 Sheet XIX: Verde point to Buenaven- tura. • (plans, Tumaco road. Sau- • guianga entrance.) Gapt. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1878 16 2319 DE m=z 1-5 Buenaventura port. Gapt. Kellett & Gom. Wood; corr. 1897 2 6 2258 °/ d= 7-5 Sheet XX : Buenaventura to cape Marzo. Gapt. Kellett, 1848 ; corr. 1879 1 6 2749 "/ m= I'O Plans on the north-west coast of South America (Nueva Granada) : — Octavia bay. Cupica bay. Cabita bay. Port Utria. Mouth of the San Juan river. Gapt. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1879 J 6 CENTRAL AMERICA. 2267 Y d= 7-5 Sheet 1 : Gulf of Panama from cape Marzo to Mariato point, (plan, Pinas bay.) Gapt. Kellett, 1849 ; co7'r. 1893 1 6 2261 DE m= 0-4 Panama bay. (plans, San Miguel bay, showing approaches to Darien harbour. Taboga. Panama roadstead. Boca Chica. Boca Grande. American Pacific Company's station.) Gapt. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2798 V m= 2-0 Plans in the bay of Panama:— Entrance of Cliepo river. Saboga anchorage. Bayoneta and Pedro Gonzales islands. Gapt. Kellett, 1847 ; corr. 1883 1 6 1544 ^-i^ m= 1*6 Panama road. Naos anchorage. Gom. Belcher, 1837 ; corr. 1895 1 6 12059 I 2 116 CENTRAL AMERICA. [Sect. X. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 657 ^^ m= 0*5 Isthmus of Panama, shewing the proposed Panama canal and the railway. 1885 ; corr. 1886 - 1 6 2748 V m= 1-9 Chame bay. Gapt. Kellett, 1S4:7 ; corr. 1862 1 *2145 i)K 7)1= 0*1 Cape Mala to Elena bay, with the northern coast from Chagres to Grey town. AchniraUy Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1928 ])E m= 1"2 Coiba or Quibo island. i/?>wif. PFbofZ, 1848 ; corr. 1878 2 6 1929 "/ )u= 4-0 Bahia Honda. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1839 ; corr. 1882 1 6 2139 ""-i m= 2-2 Port Nuevo. GajJt. Kellett, lU'd 1 6 2816 V m= 1-0 Parida and Palenque anchorages. Gcqjt. Kellett, 1848 ; corr. 1895 1 6 868 °/ in=Vario7(s Ports and anchorages on the west coast of Central America : — Uvita Bay. Piedra Blanca bay. Port Elena. San Juan del Sur and Nacascolo ports. Libertad anchorage. El Rincon harbour. Golfito anchorage. Approaches to San Domingo. U.S. Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1931 »K />?= 0-7 Gulf of Nicoya. (plan, Port Herradura.) Gapt. Si rE. Belcher, IS'dS; corr.lS97 2 6 m= 3-0 PortCulebra Gapt. Sir E. Belcher, 1838 ; corr. 1887 1 6 m= 3*9 Corinto harbour (port Realejo). Gom. Glark, U.S.N. 1884 1 m= O'l Elena bay to San Jose. Nicaragua lake and adjacent coasts. U.S. Surveijs, 1880-4 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*2 Plans on the west coast of Central America r — Acajutla anchorage. Gapt. Rooke, 1896 1 6 in~ 0-7 Gulf of Fonseca. Gapt. Sir E. Belcher, 1838 ; corr 1894 2 6 m= Various Islands in N. Pacific ocean — Cocos. Clipperton. Socorro. Braith- waite bay. Roca Partida. Guada- lupe. Clarion. Alijos rocks. Melpomene cove. Various Authorities, 1795-1892 ; corr. 1897 16 '■ Also oi) pa^'e 98, 1933 DE 2 660 DE 1049 DE 1927 DE 1960 UK 1936 DE 5 Sect. X,] CENTRAL AMERICA. MEJXICO— SOUTH-WEST COAST. Il7 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. o87 E d= 1-95 Burica point to Mangrove bluff. (plans, Chacahua bay. Salina Cruz and Ventosa bays. San Jose. Morro Ayuca. Cliamperico. Salinas bay.) Latest Authorities to 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 MEXICO, SOUTH-WEST COAST. 1050 UE m= O'l San Jose to port Angeles. U.S. Surveys, 1878-84 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1051 DE w= 0*1 Port Angeles to Mangi'ove bluff. U.S. Surveys, 1878-82 ; corr. 1895 2 6 439 ^ m= Various Istapa or Isla Grande bay. Sihu- atanejo. Petatlan. Tequepa or Papanoa. Guatulco, Santa Cruz and Tangola Tangola. Mal- donado. Angeles. Sacrificios. U.S. Survey, 1879 1 6 1944 V^ w= 2-9 Acapulco harbour. Captain Belcher, 1837 ; U.S. Survey, 1879 ; corr. 1895 1 6 516 DE m= 0'16 Mangrove Bluff to cape Corrientes. (plans, Manzanilla bay. Navidad bay. Tenacatita bay. Cliamela (Perula) bay.) Corns. Deivey and Philip, U.S.N., 1873-82 3 2323 PE m= 0-05 Manzanilla bay to the gulf of California, including the Revilla Gigedo islands. United States and British Surveys to 1875 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2324 i>E m= 0'05 Cape San Lucas to San Diego bay, with the gulf of California. U.S. Surveys to 1875 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2248 V m=Vanous Anchorages in the Gulf of Cali- fornia : — Pulpito anchorage. Mangles anchorage. Puerto Refugio. Amortajada bay, Santa Teresa and San Francisquito bays. Salinas bay. San Lorenzo channel. Pichilingue harbour. Various Authorities to 1^75 ; corr. \SSi 1 6 2293 V ^= Various Ports in gulf of California. — Santa Maria cove. La Paz harbour. Estero de Agiabampo. Various AuthoyHties ^ol874 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1876 °/ m= 4-4 Anchorages on the coast of Mexico : — Mazatlan harbour. Chamatla river. Port San Bias. Various Authorities, 1822-8 ; corr. 1892 16 118 MEXICO A>fD U.VITED STATES— WEST COASTS. [Sect. X. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2222 V ^^=- 3*0 Guaymas harbour. Puerto San Carlos. Ensenada Bocochibampo. Gapt. H. Kellett, 1849 ; corr. 1896 1 6 ^QoA rm= 0*751 Magdalena bay. San Lucas bay. i»iJU DE 1^= i.50f San Jose del Cabo bay. Sir E. Belcher, 1839 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2795 V m = 0-5 Cerros island. British and U.S. Surveys, 1846-89 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1924 V m=Various Anchorages on the coast of Lower California : — Lagoon head anchorage. Rosario bay and Sacramento reef. San Quentin bay. Collnett bay. Com. Clark, U.S.N., 1886-87 1 6 1908 "/ m= 2"0 Plans on west coast of Lower California : — Playa Maria bay. Port San Bartolome. Asuncion bay. Newport road. Various Authorities to 1890 ; corr. 1891 16 1341 °/ m= I'O Anchorages on the coast of LoAver California : — Todos Santos bay. Com. Clark, U.S.N., 1886 1 UNITED STATES— W. COAST. 2530 BE m= 0-06 San Diego bay to cape Mendocino. (plans, Ano Nuevo harbour. San Simeon harbour. Santa Cruz harbour. Coxo harbour. San Luis Obispo bay. Shelter cove. Fort Ross cove.) U.S. Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 o 899 "E m= 0*2 San Diego bay to Conception point, including Santa Cruz and the adjacent islands, (plan, Santa Monica.) U.S. Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 2885 V ^= 1*8 Anchorages on the coast of Cali- fornia : — San Diego bay. Santo Tomas anchorage. U.S. Survey, 1%^^-%^; corr. 1895 1 1082 V ^= 1'8 Harbours on the coast of Cali- fornia . — Wilmington and San Pedro harbours. U.S. Coast Survey, 1886 ; corr. 1897 1 Sect. X.] UNITED STATES— WEST COAST. 119 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Gliart. Price. s. d. 2797 V^ m=Vatious Ancliorages oflE the coast of Cali- fornia : — Becher bay. Anacapa bay. Cnyler harboui'. Anacapa island. Santa Catalina island. Raper bay (Isthmus cove) and Pandora cove (Catalina harbour). North - west harbour ( San Clemente island). South-east harbour (San Clemente island), Lieut. Wood, 1848 ; U.S. Surveys, to 1896 ; corr. 1897 1 6 229 D m= 0-37 Point Pinos to Bodega head. U.S. Survey, 1885 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2545 V m=Various Harbours on the coast of Cali- fornia : — Monterey harbour. Santa Barbara. Point Sal anchorage. U.S.Survey,l%h2-ll',corr.\mi 1 6 591 DK m= 1*44 San Francisco harbour. U.S. Survey, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2887 "-/ )n= 0-7 San Pablo and Suisun bays, inclu- ding Mare island and Karquines straits, (plan, Mare island strait.) U.S. Surveys, 1861-78 ; corr. 1891 1 6 1925 'V^ m= H-O Bodeg-dhsij.Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1839 ; corr. 1881 1 6 2531 DK m= 0-07 Cape Mendocino to Vancouver is- land. (plan, Humboldt bay. Cape Orford reef. Entrance to the Koos river. Entrance to the Umquah river. Entrance to the Yaquina river. Gray harbour. Duncan rock and cape Flattery.) British & U.S. Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 \m=. 1-8 j Anchorages on the coasts of Calif or- 455 '?' «;;«= 2-9}. nia and Oregon :— Hunter cove. [m= 3'Oj Chetko cove. Mack reef anchor- age. Crescent city. Trinidad harbour. Mendocino bay ; U.S. Surveys, 1874-5 ; corr. 1894 1 6 2839 DE m= 1*8 Columbia river. U.S, Gov. Charts, 1897 2 6 1911 V m= 0-29 Juan de Fuca strait. (plans, port San Juan. Nee'ah bay.) Admiralty Survetfs to 1883 ; ' corr. 1897 1 6 1717 V ^i= 7-0 Port Angeles. U.S. Coast Survey, 1893 1 1947 DB m= 0-52 Admiralty inlet and Puget sound. U.S. Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1894 2 6 V20 TJNrfED STATElS — WBST^OOAST^. BRimSH COLUMBIA. [Sect. X. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1792 V m= 3-0 Port Townsend and Kilisut harbour U. S. Coast Survey, 1892 ; corr. 1894 1 L427 "/ m= 3'0 Harbours in Paget sound — Seattle harbour. Tacoma harbour. U.S. Coast Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1892 1 6 BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1917 DE m=^ 0'15 Vancouver island, and adjacent shores of British Columbia. Ca2it. Richards, 1859-65 ; corr. 1897 m= 4'0 Sooke inlet. D.Pender,1664:;corr. 1896 fn = 4*0 Becher and Pedder bays. Staff Com. Pender, 1870 ; corr. 1895 m=-10'0 Esquimalt harbour. Capt. Richards, 1858 ; corr. 1890 m=18*0 Constance cove. Capt. Richards, 1858 ; corr. 1895 ni= 6"0 Esquimalt and Victoria harbours. Capt. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1897 m=10'0 Victoria harbour. Capt. Richards, 1859 ; corr. 1897 «i= 0*5 Haro and Rosario straits. Cajy^. Richards, 1859 ; co/v . 1897 m= 6*0 Inner channels leading from Juan de Fuca strait to Haro strait. Ca2Jt. Richards, 1862 ; corr 1896 in= 1-0 Haro strait and Middle channel. Capt. Richards, 1860 ; corr. 1896 m= 6'0 Roche harbour and its approaches. Cajjt. Richards, 1857 ; corr. 1869 ^;j= 3*0 Griffin bay and adjacent anchor- 1907 n E •2 1906 1) K 1897 a I) Imp 572 1> E 576 U E 1897 b n Imp, 2689 D K 577 D E 2840 U Imp 602 1) E 2^ 611 D B 2627 I) E 3 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 i 6 2 6 6 2 6 3 1 6 1 6 1 6 3 Capt. Richards, 1858 ; c<>y'/'. 1893 m=' 4*0 Semiahmoo bay and Drayton har- bour. Capt. Richards, 1857; 6'oyv.l896 1922 i' ^ w= 1*0 Fraser river and Burrard inlet. Capt. Richards, 1860 ; corr. 1897 j w= 2'0 ) Burrard inlet. Vancouver harbour. ^^'^ "^ 1m=4-0j Second narrows. Staff Com. Boulton,l'6'di\ corr. l^'dl 2 6 579 D E m= 0'5 Strait of Georgia, sheet 1 : Frazer river to N.E. point of Texada island, in- cluding Howe sound and Jervis inlet, (plans. Buccaneer bay. Tucker bay.) Capt. Richards, 1860 ; -orr. 1897 3 Sect. X,] BRITISH COLUMBIA. 121 585 538 ng im= 2"0) Anchorages on the east coast of |m= 80.1 Pr ice. d'. d. 1 6 2 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Gfiart^ 714 V' '^= '^'^ Oyster and Telegraph harbours. Maple bay. Osborn buy. Capt. Richards, 1859 ; con: 1897 573 A /?/ = 12*<> Nanaimo harbour, Gapt. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1897 2512 V' ^= "^'^^ Nanaimo harbour and Departure bay. Gapt. Richards, 1859 ; corr. 1895 1 6 580 D E & Y in = 0-5 Strait of Georgia, sheet 2 : N.E. point of Texada island to Johnstone strait, including Toba, Bute, and Lough- borough inlets. (plans, Waddington harbour. Gorge harbour. Drew harbour. Cameleon harbour. Beaver creek. Squirrel cove. Otter cove. Walsh cove. Prideaux haven. Tribune bay.) Capt Richards, 1860 ; D. Pender, 1864 ; corr. 1895 a 6 '.n-'.i'0) Harbours in the strait of Georgia : — m= 8-0 ) Port Augusta. Union wharf and anchorage. Port Graves. Na- noose harboui-. Pender harbour. ♦ Shoal channel and Plumper cove. Gapt Richards. 1860 : corr. 1897 2 6 ^ \tn= 8"0j Vancouver island : — Seymour narrows. Menzies bay. Gapt. Richards, 1860 ; & Lieut. Ghambers, 1895 1 6 581 DK mss 0'5 Johnstone and Broughton straits, and Queen Charlotte sound, with Knight inlet and adjacent channels. (plans, Sunday harbour. Dusky cove. Farewell harbour. Su- quash anchorage.) Gapt. Richards and D. Pender, 1860-65 ; corr. 1897 3 634 »K m= 1*0 Port Harvey. Gapd. Richards, 1860 2 630 OK m= 4'0 Port Neville. Forward harbour, Gapt. Richards, 1860 2 571 V' ^^= ^'0 Harbours in the vicinity of Queen Charlotte sound : — Blunden har- bour. Cypress harbour. Tracey harbour, Cullen harbour. D. Pender, 1863 1 6 582 UK m= 0*5 Goletas channel to Quatsino sound, including Scott islands. Gapt. Richards, 1860 ; corr. 1896 2 6 122 BRITISH COLUMBIA. [Sect. X iV«. Sise. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 555 n. Imp m= 1"9 Go I etas channel, with the passages leading into' Queen Charlotte sound. Capt. Eichards, 1863 ; corr. 1881 2 6 2067 Hy^ m= 3*0 Harbours in Discovery passage, Broughton strait, and Goletas channel : — Bull harbour. Gowl- land harbour, Duncan bay, and Quathiaski cove. Beaver harbour. Shushartie bay. Alert bay and entrance of Nimpkish river. Beaver cove. Capt. Richards, 1860 ; corr. 1891 1 6 570 DB |m= 2"01 Quatsino sound. Koprino harbour. ^ jm= 6*0J Hecate cove. Ca2n. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1897 1 6 583 A m=. 0'5 Quatsino to Esperanza, including Kyuquot sound. Capt. Richards, 1863 ; corr. 1897 2 590 A m=- 2*0 Klaskino and Klaskish inlets and anchorages. Capt. Richards, 1862 2 716 DK m= 1*75 Nasparti and Ou-Ou-Kinsh inlets. Capt. Richards, 1863 ; corr. 1897 2 6 717 DB m— 1*75 Kyuquot sound. Capt. Richards, 1863 ; corr. 1897 2 6 589 A im= 2"0 ) Esperanza and Nuchatlitz inlets. \w=12*0 ) Queens cove. Capt. Richards, 1862 2 569 DB m= 0*5 Esperanza to Clayoquot, including Nootka sound. (plan, Hesquiat harbour.) Capt. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1916 fm= 2*0 I Nootka sound. Friendly cove. |m=ll-8 j Capt. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1866 2 6 584- i)K w= 0*5 Sydney inlet to Nitinat, including Clayoquot and Barclay sounds, (plans. Refuge cove. Uchucklesit harbour. Island harbour. En- trance anchorage. Stamp har- bour.) Capt. Richards, 1861 ; corr. 1897 2 6 592 DB w= 1*65 Barclay sound. Capt. Richards, 1861 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1923 a c./ni>'. w?= 0*25 Cape Caution to port Simpson, &c., northern portion. Staff Com. Pender, 1867-70 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. X.] BRITISH COLUMBIA. 123 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1923 /-> o.imp. m= 0'25 Cape Caution to port Simpson, &c., southern portion, (plans, Kims- quit. West entrance Schooner passage.) Staff Com. Pender, 1S67 -70; ' corr. 1897 2 6 2448 HE 7n=t 1*0 Approaches to Fitz Hugh and Smith sounds. (plan, Takush harbour.) Staff Com. Pender, 1870 ; corr. 1897 2 2449 np, m= 1'55 Lama passage and Seaforth channel. Staff Com. D. Pender, 1866-69 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1462 i)E m= Various Anchorage adjacent to Fitz Hugh and Millbank sounds : — Klemtoo passage and anchorage, Nowish cove. Welcome harbour. Port Blakeney, Morris bay and adjacent channels. Bela-Kula anchorage. Stc^ Com. Pender, 1S67-70 2 6 2189 V '''= 3*25 Ports adjacent to Principe and Grenville channels : — Port Cana- veral, Port Stephens, Klewnuggit inlet. Lowe inlet. Coghlan anchorage. Staff Com. D. Pender, 1868-70 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1901 HE m=Various Ogden channel with anchorages between cape Caution and port; Simpson. (plans, Ogden channel and adjacent passages. Holmes bay. M'Laughlin bay. Carter bay. Alpha bay, Kynumpt harbour. Coldstream harbour, Namu harbour. Safety cove. Schooner Retreat, Stuart anchorage.) Staff Com. D. Pender, 1870 ; corr. 1897 2 & 24o.i nK m= 10 Brown and Edye passages. (plans, Qlawdzeet anchorage. Refuge bay.) Staff Com. D. Pender, 1867-69 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 3*0 Duncan bay and Metlah Catlah bay. Capt. Richards, 1862 ; corr. 1891 1 m= 3'0 Port Simpson and adjacent anchorages. Staff Com. Pender, 1868 ; corr. 1893 2 m= 3"0 Nass bay, Nass river. Staff Com. D. Pender, 1^&% 1 6 364 D E 2426 A 2190 D E 124 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALASKA. [Sect. X. No. Size. Scale. 2\tle of the Chart. Price. 2430 m= 0*13 Queen Charlotte islands, and adjacent coasts of British Columbia. Latest authorities to 1879 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2168 in, m^iVarious Ports,&c.,in Queen Charlotte islands : — Virago sound. Cumshewa in- let. Houston Stewart channel and Rose harbour. Masset harbour entrance. Selwyn inlet. Skin- cuttle inlet. Port Kuper, in- cluding Mitchell and Douglas harbours. Various Authorities, 1853-78 ; corr. 1896 1 6 ig j w= I'O ) Skidegate inlet. Anchor cove. ** \ m=12-0 \ D. Pender, 1866 ; corr. 1891 1 6 ALASKA. 2431 D./m;.. rn=. 0*15 Port Simpson to Cross sound, including the Koloschensk archipelago, (plans, point Highfield anchor- age. Port Tangass.) Various Authorities, 1792-1892 : corr. 1895 3 2458 WB&V' ^= 0-24 Port Simpson to Port Mc Arthur, including the inner channels, and Prince of Wales island. Latest United States and British Surveys 3 1433 A ws= 3'6 Anchorages in Sumner and Clar- ence straits — Port Protection. St. John harbour. Steamer bay. Dewey anchorage. U.S. Plans, imh 2 ( m= 3'6 1 Anchorages in Sumner strait — ^ \ m= 7-3 f Port McArthur. Red bav. U.S. Plans, 1888 2 1449 2463 DB 1)1= 0-25 Port McArthur to Windham bay, including Chatham and Sumner straits and Frederick sound. Latest U. S. Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2337 Y m= 0-5 Sitka sound (Norfolk of Van- couver). Latest United States Charts ; corn 1897 1 6 2348 "/ m= 4*35 Sitka harbour and approaches. United States Gov. Survey, ]893; corr, 1897 1 6 Sect. X.] ALASKA. 125 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart, Price. s. d. 2110 DK m= 1*84 Anchorages in south-east Alaska : — Gambler bay. Woewodski and Eliza harbours. Fanshaw bay and Cleveland passage. Port Chester. Chasina anchorage. U.S. Gov. Surveys to 1896 ; " corr. 1897 2 6 2462 nr; m= 0-26 Windham bay to Icy cape, Stephens passage and Lynn canal. Latest U.S. Gov. Surveys 2 6 1499 A m.=- 0*05 Cross sound to Kadiak island. British, Russian, avid United States Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 1500 A m= O'Oo Kadiak island to Siguam island. British, Russian, and United States Surveys to 1893 ; corr. 1897 2 14f)7 A m=^ Various Anchorages in Alaska : — Popoff strait and Humboldt harbour. Coal harbour. Chignik bay anchorage. Lituya bay. Port Mulgrave. Sanborn harbour. Iliuliuk harbour. Captains baj- and vicinity. Cape Etolin anchorage. Simeonoff island and harbour. Sammaganuda harboiir. United States Surveys ; corr. 1893 2 1 If)! A 7)1= Various Anchorages in Alaska — Kukak bay. North-west and Yukon harbours. South-we&t anchorage. A^kun cove. Eagle harbour. Port Etches. Port Graham. Port Wrangell. St. Paul harbour. Shumagin islands. Chernoffski harbour. Kulilyak bay. Pribiloff islands. English bay. St. Mathew and adjacent islands. United States published 2)1ans, 1890 ; corr. 1895 2 1 9 1 5 Y ^" = Various Anchorages in Alaska : — Mist har- bour. Sandy cove. Albatross anchorage. Lazy bay. U. S. Gov. plans ; corr. 1895 1 1501 A m= 0"05 Aleutian islands : — Siguam island to Attu island. (plans, Chichagoff harbour. Kyska harbour. Constantino harbour. Bay of islands. Korovin bay. Nazan bay. Suchikoff bay. McDonald bay. Bay of Waterfalls.) British, Russian, and United States Surveys, 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 126 ALASKA. AFRICA — WEST COAST. [Sect. XI. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2172* V ^= I'O Sheet 3: Bering strait, 1853; corr. 1893 1 6 1737 V w= 3-0 Port Etches. Com. Belcher, IS^l ; corr. 1895 1 6 593 A m=- 0"06 Point Rodney to point Barrow. (plans, Chamisso anchorage. Port Clarence and Grantley harbour.) Capt. Beechey, 1827 ; corr. 1882 2 6 2164 V w= 3'0 Barrow point and port Moore. Thos. Hull, 1853 6 2435 «E w— 0*05 Mackenzie rivor to Bering strait. V(nious Authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1882 2 6 654 DK w= 0-06 Bering strait, 1884 ; corn 1894 - 2 6 SECTION XI. AFRICA, MADAGASCAR, INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS, AND RED SEA. AFRICA— WEST COAST. General Charts : — 1226 uE d= 1*4 Strait of Gibraltar to river Gambia. Capt. Vidal, and others, 1821-86 ; corr. 1897 2 6 594 u K d= 1*3 River Gambia to cape Lopez and Anno Bom, including the Bight of Biafra. Latest authorities to 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1013 Ant. d= 1*35 Cape Lopez to Cape of Good Hope. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 3 * Also at page 69. Sect. XL] AFRICA — WEST COAST. 127 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1228 D B m= O'lO Cape Spartel to cape Ghir. (plans, El Arish. Rabat and Sail. Darel Beida or Casa Blanca. Safi bay. Mazighan.) Lieut. Arlett, 1895 2 6 1594 H>^' in= 4*0 Suira or Mogador harbour. Lieut. Arlett, 1835 ; corr. 1890 1 6 1229* m= 0-07 Sheet III. : Santa Cruz to cape Bojad or, including the Canary islands, (plans, Agadir or Santa Cruz. Cape Juby anchorage.) Capt. Vidal and Lieut. Arlett, 1834-8 ; corr. 1895 2 m— 0-07 Sheet IV. : Cape Bojador to cape Blanco, (plan, Arguin bay.) Lieut. Vidal, 1821, & Baron Roussin, 1829 ; corr. 1890 1 6 m= 0*4 The river Ouro. Lieuts. Vidal & Mudge, 1821 ; corr. 1886 6 w= 2*0 Levrier bay and cape Blanco (south). Capt. Belcher, 1831 ; corr. 1886 1 m= 0*06 Sheet v.: Cape Blanco to cape Verde, (plan, Portendick anchorage.) Baron Roussin, 1829 ; corr. 1895 1 6 |m= 0"86) Plans on the west coast of Africa: — |m= 2*5 J Anchorage of St. Louis, or Guet- n'dar and Senegal bar. Goree road and harbour. French Surveys, 1851-1875 ; corr. 1896. 1 6 599 DK m= 0-14 Sheet VI. : Cape Verde to river Cacheo, including the river Gambia, (plan, Rufisque anchorage.) Admiraltif Surveys, 1826-86 ; corr. 1897 2 6 607 ^^ m= 0'7 Entrances to the Salum and Jumbas rivers. Com. Boteler, 1828 ; corr. 1897 6 608 A m= 0"8 River Gambia entrance. Con. Dawson, 1886 ; corr. 1892 2 609 A m= 0-8 , sheet 2. Various Autlu ritles, 1826-93 ; corr. 1894 2 6 610 "/ m= 0-8 , sheet 3. Various Authorities, 1826-95 ; corr. 1895 1 600 A m= 0-13 Sheet VII. : Cape Roxo to Isles do Los. Capt. Owen, 1%2&-M; corr. 1895 2 6 * Also on paf?e 65. 1230 DE 605 DE 1699 DE "5 1231 DEI 2 1001 DE No. Size 1722 DE 2 1726 7 1724 DE 7 128 AFRICA — WEST COAST. [Sect. XI. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. m= 0'5 Cacheo river. Lieut. Arlett, ISM ; corr. 1873 1 6 m= 0-5 Bijouga islands, Sheet 1, The Jeba channel. Lieut. Arlett, 1834 ; corr. 1873 1 6 7n= 0*5 Sheet 2, Jeba and Bolola rivers, and Bissao, Arkas, and Bulama channels. Capt. Owen and others, 1826-46 ; corr. 1890 1 6 m= 0-33 Sheet 3, with the Orango channel. Gax)t. Owen and others, 1826-33 ; corr. 1881 1 6 m=: 1"0 Rivers Nunez and Komponi. Caiit. Belcher, 1831 ; corr. 1873 1 6 m= 0*9 Mouths of the river Ponga. Com. Belcher, m?>(); corr. \ST?> 1 6 m= 0*25 Isles do Los to Sherbro island, (plan, Isles do Los.) Latest Authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 „jj j m— 1*32 ) Isles do Los (Idolos). Konakri ^ \ m= 4-75 ) road. Lieut. Badgley, 1826 ; French Gov. Surveys, 1850-93 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1727 ■2- 1562 DK 1675 J)K 601 r>w 395 616 7 617 DE 1363 A 614 DK m= 0*7 Entrance of Forikaria, ^Mellakori and Tanna rivers. Com. Boteler, 1829 ; corr. 1895 1 6 m-= 1*2 Sierra Leone river. Anchorage and town of Sierra Leone. Lieut. Oiven, 1826 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m-= 1*0 Sherbro river. Com.. Richards, 1895 3 m= 0*25 Sherbro island to cape Mesurado. (plans, Gallinas river. Cape Mount river.) Capt. Vidal, 1836-38 ; corr. 1881 2 1364 A m= 0-25 Cape Mesurado to Baffu bay. (plans. Junk river. Edina and Grand Bassa. Sestos bay. Mon- rovia bay.) Capt. Vidal, 1838 ; corr. 1883 2 6 1365 DE ?w= 0-25 Baffu bay to Grand Berebi, including cape Palmas. (plans, Sinu bay. Sangwin river. Tabu to Wappu. Poor point to Katum rock. Cavallv anchorage.) Capt. Vidal, 1S?>(}-S; corr. 1S9 6 2 6 1697 1362 DE 2768 a l> K 2768 & DE 1359 DE 1713 DK Sect. X]. J AFRICA— WKST COAST. 129 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. I m= 0-9 I Garraway point to Growa point, I y)^= 3*95 ) including cape Palmas. Cape Palmas with the American set- tlement ol: Harper, Gapt. Vidal, 1837; corr. 1893 1 6 m= 0"25 Grand Berebi to cape Three Points. Ga^yt. Vidal, 1836-8 ; corr. 1895 2 6 m= 0-1 Badagri to cape Formoso. Gapt. Denham, 1846 ; corr. 1897 2 6 )n= ()•! Cape Coast Castle to Badagri. Gapt. Denham, 1846 ; corr. 1892 2 6 m= (K25 Sheet XIII. : Cape Three Points to Barako. Gapt. Vidal, 1836-8 ; corr. 1895 1 6 m=Var'ious Anchorages on the west coast of Africa : — Cape Three Points. Axim bay. Dix cove. Takoradi bay. Chama bay. Elmina bay. Cape Coast Castle. Gapt. Vidal, J837 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1360 Y' m= 0-22 Sheet XIV. : Burako to cape St. Paul. (plan, Accra.) Gapt. Vidal, 1838 ; corr. 1887 1 6 UQ7 DF j m= 05 ) lliverVolta. Entrance to the river ''^^' ■'' \ m= 2-5 f Volta. Gapt. Glover, 1870 ; Lieut. Rwnsei/, 1881 ; corr. 1887 1 1860 Y m= 0-2 Sheet XV. : Cape St. Paul to Porto Novo. Gapt. Denham, 1846 ; corr. 1893 1861 V w= 0-25 Sheet XVI. : -Porto Novo to Lekki. Gapt. Denham, 1846 ; corr. 1893 2812 A m= 7*5 Lagos harbour. A. Nagel, 1891 1862 "^ m= 0-25 Sheet XVII.: Lekki to river Dodo. (jjlan, River Benin entrance) Gapt. Denham, 1846 ; corr. 1897 461 DE m= 1*0 Wari and Benin rivers and creeks. Lieut. Marescaux, 1896 ; corr. 1897 1863 DE w= 0-25 Sheet XVIII.: River Dodo to Bonny river, (plan, Middleton river) Latest Surveys to 1896 ; rorr. 1897 2 1357 UK m= 0-12 River Benin to River Cameroon, including the mouths of the river Kwara or Niger. Latest Surveys ; corr. 1896 2 6 2446 DK m= 0*25 Rivers Niger or Kwara and Benue or Chadda. W. Baikie and D. May, 1854 ; corr. 1887 2 6 12059 E 1 6 1 6 2 2 6 2 6 130 AFRICxV— WEST COAST. [Sect. XI. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2776ato'< DK m.= I/O River Niger, 9 sheets. (plans, Onitsha anchorage. Lukoja anchorage. Louis creek) Lieut. Glover, 1857-9 ; corr. a, 1896 ; h, 1878 ; c, 1877 ; d, 1877 ; e, 1877;/, 1875;^, 1875; 7^,1875; i, 1875 ; each 1 6 621 DE m= 0*25 River Niger or Kwara, from the tov^n of Rabba to the sea, and a small portion of the river Benue. Lieut. Allen, 1833 ; corr. 1880 2 6 146 °/ m= 2-0 Mouths of the Kwara or Niger river : — Niger river (Nun en- trance). Brass river. Lieut. Field, 1881 ; corr. 1897 16 1369 "/ m=: I'O Brass river and creeks. Com. Dundas and Lieut. Maresrau.r, 1895 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1174 i)!i m= 0-65 Bonny, New Calabar and Som- breiro rivers. Latest authorities to 1888 ; corr. 1892 1 6 622 A m= 1-4 Bonnj' and New Calabar rivers. Lieut. Field, 1881 ; corr. 1894 2 628 V ^= 2-0 Plans in the bight of Biafra :— Opobo river. Lieut. Field, 1881 ; corr. 1895 1 149 V ^^= 0"5 Old Calabar river. Nav.-Lieut. Langdon, 1869 ; Lieut. Rich, 1890 ; corr. 1895 1 6 (m= 0"17-| Fernando Po island. 623 V \in— 7-0 \ (plans, Santa Isabel (Clarence) and im= 0-75J adjacent bays. San Carlos (George) bay) Gapt. Owen, 1828 : corr. 1884 1 6 1456 \m= 0-7) River Cameroon, with the Ambas \7n= 1*7 j islands. (plan, Ambas or Amboise islands) German Gov. Surveys to 1894 13(;i V'' m= 0-09 Sheet XX. : Fernando Po to cape Lopez. (plans, entrance of San Bento river. Bata bay) Gapts. Owen and Vidal, 1826-38 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1356 Y' m= 0-G Corisco bay. (plan of channel between Elobey isles) Ga^jt. Vidal, 1838 ; corr. 1894 1 6 Sect. X[.j AFRICA— ^WEST COAST. IHl No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price, s. d. 1877 nK )n=- O'Tvi River Gaboon (plan, Libreville anchorage). French Gov. Suroei/s to 1896 2 (:> 386 'V^ m=Varioiis Princes, San Thome, and Anno Bom islands, (plans, West bay, Man of War roadstead. Anchorage oft" Anna de Chaves bay. Anno Bom anchorage) Com. Boteler, 1829 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1595 DB m= J$-6 San Antonio bay. French Qov. Survey, 1897 1 604 I) K m = 0-07 Cape Lopez bay to St. Paul de Loanda. (plans,Mayumba bay. Malemba bay. Kabenda bay. Vesuvius shoal. Ambrizette bay. Port Ambriz. Alongubuna point anchorage. Fernand Vaz entrance. St. Paul de Loanda harbour. Cape Lopez bay and entrance of Ogowe river) Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1067 \^ m= 1-4 Loango and Black Point bays. French Gov. Survei/lSS'^ ; corr. 1897 1 6 625 \^ tn= 0-5 River Congo, (plan, Turtle cove) Various authorities, 1825-75 ; corr. 1893 1 6 638 UK )n= I'O River Congo and adjacent creeks, (plan, Banana creek) Com. Medlycott & Nav.-Lieut. Flood, 1875 ; corr. 189.4 2 6 627 I) K 7n.-= 0-07 St. Paul de Loanda to Great Fish bay. (plans, Lobito bay. Equimina bay. Elephant bay. St. Mary bay. Espiegle bay. Port Alexander. Luash or Cuio bay) Latest authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 /??== 1-5 Anchorages on the west coast of Africa : — Benguela bay. Lieut. Combe, 1894 m= 3*4 Little Fish bay (Mossamedes). Com. Crofton, 1888 m= 0-1 Great Fish bay to Walfisch bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1879 ; ' corr. 1897 m= 1-5 Great Fish bay. Lieut. Combe, 1897 m= 2-9 Walfisch bay. Lieut. Combe, 1894 ; corr. 1897 K2 12 L5 n R 2 1197 I) K 7 1806 I) E 1216 I)R 629 DE 12059 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 132 AFRICA — WEST AND SOUTH COASTS. [Sect. XI, No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 632 n E 772= O'l Walfisch bay to Orange river. (plans, Port D'llheo. Spencer bay. Hottentot bay. Ichabo. Angra Pequena. Elizabeth bay) Admiralty Surveys to 1880 ; corr. 1895 2 6 897 H|-® m= 0'28 Milkbosch point to Orange river, (plan, MacDougall harbour) Nav. -Lieut. Archdeacon., 1870 ; corr. 1879 1 6 1234 "/ m=ll-4 Port Nolloth or Robbe bay. Nav. -Li cut. Archdeacon, 1870 ; corr. 1882 1 6 896 o E ni=. 0*28 Donkin bay to Milkbosch point. (plans, Hondeklip bay, Roodewall bay) Nav. -Lieut. Archdeacon, 18G9-70 2 6 2091 UK ni= 0-29 Table bay to Donkin bay. Nav. -Lieut. ArcJid^'acon, 18(19-70 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1232 A m= 1*5 Saldanha bay. Nav.-Lieut. Archdeacon, 1869 ; corr. 1878 2 AFRICA— SOUTH COAST. 2095 D E w= 0*05 Cape of Good Hope and adjacent coasts from Hondeklip bay to port Natal, with the Agulhas bank. Admiralty Surveys to 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2082 D E m= 0-3 Sheet I. : Table bay to cape Agulhas. (plans, Table bay. Simons bay) Admii^alty Surveys to 1869 ; corr. 1895 2 6 636 DE m— 0*85 Cape of Good Hope, and False bay . Nav.-Lieut. Archdeacon, 1869 ; corr. 1879 2 6 w= 2-8 Table bay. F. Skead, 1860 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m=30*3 Table bay breakwater and docks. Nau. -Lieut. Archdeacon, & A. G. Jenour, 1870 ; corr. 1892 1 6 m= 2*1 Hout bav. Gapt. Owen, 1822; 6'or/-. 1864 6 1849 A m=L2"0 Simons bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1892 2 2571 ns m= 1-0 Cape Hangklip to Dyer island. Lieut. Dayman, 1853 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1920 D E 123 D B IF 635 DE ¥ Sect. XI.J AFRICA— SOUTH COAST. 133 639 DE 2^ 1224 X)B 385 DE 2085 DE No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price, s. d. 2572 DE in= I'O . ...Dyer island to Sti-uys bay. Lieut. Dayman, 1853 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2083 DE m= 0-3 Sheet IT.: Cape Agulhas to Mossel bay. (plan, Kaffir Kuyl river and bay. Entrance of Breede river and port Beaufort) Lieut. Dayman, Messrs. Skead & Stanton, 1867 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2084 DE m— 0-3 Sheet III.: Mossel bay to cape St. Francis. Messrs. Skead & Stanton, 1867 ; corr. 1882 2 6 m= 2-2 Mossel bay. F. Skead, 1862; corr. 1886 1 6 m^= 4*0 Knysna harbour. F. Skead, 1%Q4,; corr. 1890 1 6 m= 2-4 Plettenberg bay. F. Skead, 1%^^ 1 6 7w= 0*30 Sheet IV.: Cape St. Francis to Waterloo bay. Admiralti/ Surveys, 1855-67 ; corr. 1893 2 6 642 DE m= 1*0 Algoa bay. (plan. Bird islands) Lieut. Dayman, 1855 ; corr. 1893 2 6 m= 4*0 Port Elizabeth. Jetties and part of the town of port Elizabeth. Lieut. Dayman, 1855 ; corr. 1892 1 6 m= 6*0 Kowie river entrance (port Alfred) . Staff-Gom. Stanton, 1867 ; corr. 1886 1 6 /;i=: 0*3 Sheet v.: Waterloo bay to Bashi river. Nav.-Lieut. ArcluLeacon, 1868 ; corr. 1896 2 m= 5-95 Butfalo river. Nav.-Lieut. Arclideacon, 1868 ; corr. 1896 1 6 //j= 0-29 Sheet VI.: Bashi river to Umtamvuna river. Nav. - Lieut. Archdeacon^ 1872 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 6-0 Saint John or Umzimvubu river. Nav.-Lieut. Archdeacon, 1872 1 6 ^_ 0*28 Sheet VII.: Umtamvuna river to Tugela river. (plan, Aliwal shoal) Nav.-Lieut. Archdeacon, 1872 ; corr. 1895 2 6 g43 DE ;^_. g.Q Vovi^BXaX. Lieut. Dayman,l%^4.', corr. 1895 2 6 2908 H,'^ w=12-0 Port Natal entrance 641 DE IT 1223 DE 2086 DE 1843 DE 2087 DE 2566 DE 7 2088 DK C. J. Grofts, 1896 1 6 134 AFRICA— EAST COAST. [Sect. XI. AFRICA— EAST COAST. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 597 DK d= 1*15 Delagoa bay to cape Guardafui, in- cluding Mozambique channel and Madagascar island, with the off-lying islands and reefs. Latest authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1897 3 2089 DE m= (V17 Tngela river to Delagoa bay. (plans, St. Lucia bay. Sordwana road) Capt. Aldrich, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= I'O Delagoa bay (Lorenzo Marques). Gajjt. Owen, 1822-5 ; corr. 1897 2 m= 2-25 Port Melville. Capt. Owen, 1823 ; corr. 1896 6 m= I'd English river, bar and harbour. Lieut. Owen, 1822 ; corr. 1897 6 m= O'l Delagoa bay to river Zambezi, (plan, Sofala river). Capt. Aldrich, 1884 ; corr. 1897 3 j m= 0-37 ) Hazaruto bay (Pungo bay). \ m=^ 6'28 j Limpopo river entrance. Portuguese Gov. Survey, 1897 1 6 m= 1*0 Chiluan island and approaches. Capt. Aldrich, 1884 1 6 m= I'O River Pungue. Portuguese Sketch Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1897 1 m=' O'l River Zambezi to Mozambique harbour. (plan, river Antonio entrance. Infusse bar (river Muite). Moginkwale river entrance) Capt. Owen, 1824 ; con: 1896 2 1577 I'K ui=^ 0*16 Sketch of the Lower Zambezi and Shire rivers. Various information, 1890 ; corr. 1893 2 1578 DK m= 0*15 Lake Nyassa (southern portion). (plans, Lusumbwe or Monkey bay. Old Livingstonia. Chisu- mulu. M'Bampacove. Kaango. Chisanga. Pachia. Sumba. Chikole. M'Luluka. Losewa. Chilowelo) R. Belcher, Livingstone, Stewart, and others, to 1889 2 6 nj,^^ , {iu= 1-0) Mouths of the river Zambezi. ^^'*^ '"■' j m-= 4-5 ) River Inhamissengo, Kongoni entrance. F.Skead, LSOl ; rorr. 1895 1 6 644 A 645 de; 4 646 DE 648 DE 685 DE 2 921 DE 5" 003 DE 810 D K 5" Sect. XI.] AFRICA — BAST COAST. 135 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s, d. 142J «B ( }a= I'O ) River Ohinde. Bar and entrance ^ ( m= 2*0 ) of river Chinde. Lieut. Balfour, 1890 ; corr. 189G 1 650 OB m= 1'65 Plans on the east coast of Africa: — Inuamban river. Kiliman (Quili- mane) river. GapL Aldrich, 1885 ; corr. 1896 2 6 652 °r^ m= 1-8 Mozambique harbour. Gapt. Owen, 182.3 ; corr. 1897 1 6 653 °/ w= 0*8 Ports of Conducia, Mozambique, and Mokambo. Capt. Owen, 1824 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1809 DK m= 0'18 Mozambique harbour to Ras Pekawi. (plans, I bo harbour. Pomba bay. Almeida bay. Fernando Veloso bay) Admiralty Surveys to 1883 : corr. 1889 2 6 658 V ^= 0"35 Sheet VII. : Ras Pekawi to cape Delgado, including the north part of the Kerimba islands. Lieut. Gray, 1875 ; corr. 1889 1 6 1808 V ^= 0-2 Sheet VIII. : Cape Delgado to Kilwa. Lwiit. Gray, 1874-75 ; corr. 1889 1 6 690 DE |*>^= I'Ol Cape Delgado to Mikindani bay. (m= 3"0j (plan, channel and anchorage of Msimbati) Lieut. Gray, 1874 ; corr. 1894 2 6 684 A m= Various Mto Mtwara and Mikindani har- bours. Mto Mtwara entrance. Mikindani harbour entrance. Lieut. Gray, 1874 ; corr. 1892 2 m~ 3*0 Lindi river. Mgau Mwania. Lieut. Gray, 1874 ; corr. 1897 2 6 w = 4*0 Mchinga bay (port Nungwa) . Lieut. Gray, 1874 ; corr. 1879 1 6 in= 3*0 Kiswere harbour. Lieut. Gray, 1874 ; corn 1879 1 6 ( m= 0-9 ) Kilwa Kisiwani (Quiloa). Kilwa ( m= 2'0 ) Kisiwani harbour. Com, Wharton, 1877 ; corr. 1879 1 6 w= 0-17 Sheet IX. : Kilwa point to Zanzibar channel. Com. Wharton, 1874-7 ; corr. 1897 16 ^ = 0*5 Channels between Ras Tikwiri and Mafia island. Com. Wharton, 1875-7 ; corr. 1 894 16 m= 0-5 ... Mafia island and channels. Com, Wha/ion, 187.5-7 ; corr. 1894 1 6 681 ss 677 DB IT 687 DE 7 661 1? 662 DE IT L032 DE 458 DE 136 AFRICA — BAST COAST. [Sect. XI No. Size Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. „„. (m= 1"5| Dar es Salaam and ad joining ancho- "'* "" \}7i= 6-Oj rageB. Dar es Salaam harbour. Com. Wharton, 1874 ; corr. 1897 2 6 664 BE w= 0-17 Zanzibar to Malindi. Corns. Wharton & PuUen, and Lieut. Balfour, 1873-90 ; corr. 1897 2 6 640 a, & DE m= O'b Pangani to Ras Kimbiji, includmg the approaches to Zanzibar. 2 sheets. Com. Wharton, 1874 ; corr. a, 1895 ; h. 1897 5 665 DB in= I'D Zanzibarharbouranditsapproaches. Com. Wharton, 1873 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1390 DB m= 0*5 Chale point to Pangani, including the island of Pemba. (plan, Wasin channel) Com. Wharton, 1878; Com. Pullen, 1888-9 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1812 Dit m= 1-5 West coast of Pemba island, inclu- ding ports Kiuyu, George, and Cockbuni, and Chaki Chaki bay. Msuka bay. Com,. Wharton, 1878 ; corr. 1895 2 6 i}n= 1*5) South-west coast of Pemba island. jtn= iVO ) Mcheugangazi. Cow. Pullen atcd Lieut. Balfour, 1889 ; Cow. Wharton, 1878 ; corr. 1891 2 663 »K m= 1*92 Man sa and Tanga bays. (plan, Tanga island anchorage). Com. Wharton, 1878 ; German Gov. Survey, 1892 ; corr. 1895 2 6 m= 6*0 Port Mombasa, with ports Kilin- dini, Reitz, and Tudor. Com. Pullen, 1897 3 p;^= 3*0^ Kilifi river and approaches. \ni= iyO\ Cow. P?///r/v, 1888; rorr. 1896 2 111= 0-17 Malindi to Juba. Gapt. Owen, 1824-5 ; Cow. Wharton, 1877 ; corr. 1892 2 6 ///=• 2'0 Port Malindi and approaches. Lieut. Balfour, 1889 1 6 0/7= 4'0 ) Lamu harbour. Ozi anchorage. \m= 1-0 ) Lieut. Smyth, 1892 2 6 w= I'O Lamu, Manda, and Patta bays, and approaches. Com. 1^/irtr^on, 1878; corr. 1892 1 6 )n= 0-7 Lamu, Manda, Patta, and Kwyhu bays. Adunra/iy Survetf^, 1824-92 ; rorr. 1892 1 6 1310 666 '-•K&n^^ 238 A 848 I)K 667 OK 1747 DE 668 DK 7 669 DE 3 No. Size. Scale. 670 A m= 0*5 425 m= 2-0 671 1)E m =: Far Sect. XI.] AFRICA— EAST COAST. MADAGASCAR. 137 Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. Sheet XII. : Juba or Dun das inlands. Gapt Owen, 1824r-5 ; corr. 1893 2 Birikau river (port Durnford) Lieuts. Kiddle and Lockhart, 1895 ; corr. 1897 1 6 Various Plans on the east coast of Africa : — Merka anchorage. Brawa. Mog- dishii. Obiat. Athelet. Juba river entrance. Warsheik anchorage. Vainous authorities to 1892 ; corr. 1897 1 6 860 "/ m= 2*0 Kisimayu bay (Refuge bay). Com. Wharton, 1877 ; corr. 1890 1 6 MADAGASCAR. 758 n K m= 0*85 Madagascar, northern portion : — Cape St. Andrew to Antongil bay. Various authorities to 1894 : corr. 1897 2 6 760 DB ;//.= 0*85 Madagascar, soutliern portion ; — Cape St. Mary to Bevato island, and Matatane. British and. French Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1896 2 6 759 «■ A m=- (••09 Cape St. Andrew to Bevato island. 6V<^>^. 0K ///= 1*78 Diego Suarez bay. French Gov. Survey,lWO; r;orr.l894 2 6 1064 °/ ;«■= 4'7 Plans on the north-east coast of Madagascar : — Oronjia pass and anchorage. Port Nievre and Cul-de-sac Gallois an- chorages. French Gov. Survey, 1890 1 6 679 D B j '^'-^ 1'^ 1 Looke, Leven, and Andrava bays. ■j m=. 2-0 j - - 5 ( m=. 2*0 j Vohimao bay. Capt. Owen, 1824 ; French Survey, 1885 ; corr. 1886 680 "/ m= Various] Anchorages on the east coast of Mada- gascar : — Tangtang harbour. Hastie road and port Choiseul. Angontsi road. Port Memoria. Vinambe bay. Various autho7ities,\S24^i6; corr. 1S94: 1 6 683 V m— 0-5 St. Mary island and the channel between it and Madagascar, (plan, port St. Mary) Ca2Jt. Owen, 1824 ; corr. 1886 1 6 138 MADAGASCAR. [Sect. XI. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 686 ^^ m = Various Anchorages on the east coast of Mada- gascar : — Fenerive. Foule point anchorage. St. Lucia bay (Manafiafi). Fort Dauphin anchorage, (Faradifai). Ytapere bay. French Surveys and Lieut. Owen, 1824-74 1 6 688 V^ m= 2-4 Tamatave. French Survey, 1863 ; corr. 1885 1 6 1036 "y^ m= Various Anchorages on the east coast of Mada- gascar : — Bosi. Morondava. Vato- mandri. Mahanoro. French Charts of 1886 ; corr. 1894 1 6 692 ■"/ m= 1-1 St. Augustine and Tullear bays. Admiralty and French Gov. Surveys to 1889 1 6 2464 m= 0*5 Nosi A ndrianmitarika to Manano- noka point. Ca/pts. Owen and Vidal, and latest French Gov. Charts ; corr. 1896 2 6 2461 D K m=. 0*5 Nosi Vao to Purdy sand, including Barren islands. Gapt. Owen, 1824, and latest French Gov. Charts 2 6 m= 0*5 Maromanjo point to Makambytra bay, including Bombetoke bay. French Gov. Charts, 1894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 0'5 Nosi Shaba to Moramba bay, including Narendri bay. French Gov. Charts, 1894 1 6 m= 0*5 Moramba bay to Maromanjo point, including Mahajamba bay. French Gov. Charts, 1894 2 6 m= 1"2 Bombetoke bay, and delta of the Betsiboka river. French Gov. Chart, 1894 ; corr. 1896 2 6 m= 0'9 Mahajamba bay. French Gov. Chart, 1894 1 6 m= 0*7 Pasindava bay to Nosi Shaba. French Chart of 1890 ; corr. 1895 2 6 m= Various Pasindava, and adjacent bays. Am- bararata bay, or Kisimani anchorage. Nosi Be southern anchorages. Nosi Mam oka. English and French Surveys, 1824-49 ; corr. 1895 1 6 707 ^* m= 2'6 Ambavatobi bay (Dalrymple bay). Ca2Jt. Jehenne, 1841 ; corr. 1890 1 6 m= 0'5 ] Anchorages on the west coast of 708 V^ \ m= 2*0 i Madagascar : — Minow islands. Dia- m= 0*95 ) mond bay. Boyanna bay. Various authoi'ities to 1894 1 6 378 DK 704 377 DE 701 DB 702 705 DE 706 UB Sect. XL] MADAGASCAR. INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS. 139 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 317 A m=: 2'9 Anchorages on the north-west coast of Madagascar : — Andranoaombi bay. Ampamonti and Ampasindava bays. French Survey, 1887 2 1054 UB m= Various Ports and anchorages in the northern - portion of Madagascar : — Port Liver- pool. Entrance to port Robinson. Port Ambavarani (Lady Frances). French and British Gov. Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1894 ] 6 INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS. 2899 UK w= 0-023 Chagos archijjelago to Madagascar. Latest Surveys to 1897 2 6 1497 DE f^= 0"61 i^eunion island. \m= 3'Oj (plans, bay and anchorage of St. Paul. Port Pointe des Galets. Anchorage of St. Denis. Anchorage of St. Benoit. Anchorage of St. Rose. Anchorage of St. Pierre. Coast about St. Gilles.) M. Clone, 1846 ; corr. 1889 2 (i 711 K in= 0-7 Mauritius or the Isle of France. Nav.-Lieut. Goghlan, 1876-7 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1401 A m— 3-0 Grand port. Nav.-Lie'i(t.Goghlan,l'611 \ twr.1897 2 713 / m= 8-0 Port Louis. Nav.-Lieut. Coghlan, 1877 ; corr. 1893 1 6 715 V m= 0-5 Rodriguez island. (plans, Mathurin bay. Port South- east) Com. Wharton, 1874 ; corr. 1879 1 6 1881 V ^^= 0*6 Cargados Carajos shoals. (plan, Tromelin island) Ca2)t. Belcher, 1846 ; Com. Wharton, 1875 1 6 496 V m= 0-08 Saya de Malha bank. Capt. Moresby, I.N., 1838, and Com. Aldrich, 1881 ; corr. 1892 1 yjg DE f/w= l-Oj Islands off north coast of Madagascar — '^ \m= 4-Oj Aldabra island. Assumption island. Cosmoledo group. Farquhar group. Entrance to Inner harbour (Farquhar group). Astove island. Com. Wharton, 1878 ; corr. 1896 1 6 140 INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS. [Sect. XI. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2762 JJK in= 0'06 Comoro islands, with the adjacent coasts of Africa and Madagascar, (plan, Maroni anchorage.) Latest Surveys to 1879 ; con: 1895 2 6 563 V m=- 0-85 Plans in the Comoro islands : — Comoro island (Grand Comoro). Johanna island (Anjouan). Mohilla island (Moheli). French Gov. plans, 1889-92 1 6 2066 °/ ^^= 3*56 Anchorages in Comoro islands : — Mtamuhuli. Shindini. Fumboni, bays and road. Pomoni harbour. Mutsamudu and Patsi roads. F?'ench Government Surveys to 1893 1 6 2741 DK 772= 0-7 May otta island. (plans, Pamanzi. Longonicove) Capt. Jehenne, French Navy, 1842 ; corr. 1894 2 6 851 V' m= 0*2 Bassas da India and Europa island Com. Wharton, 1878 1 6 721 D« m= O'll Seychelles group,with the Amirante and other out-lying islands. Capt. Owen, 1825 ; Capt Maclear, 1882 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1072 OE m=i 0*54 Mahe island and approaches. Com. Balfour, 1890 ; corr. 1893 2 6 722 DB m= 6*0 Approaches to port Victoria. Coin. Balfour, 1890 2 6 723 "/ m= 1-0 Curieusebay. Capt. Owen, 1S25 ; CO/-/-. 1893 6 724 "a" m=Various Islands and reefs betweenSeychelles islands and Madagascar (Depen- dencies of Mauritius). — Provi- dence and St. Pierre islands, with Wizard reef. D'Arros and St. Joseph islands. He Desroches. Glorioso islands. Bird island. African islands. Dennis island. Admiralty Surveys, 1882-91 ; corr. 1893 1 6 2398 »« m= 0*25 Kerguelen island. Various authorities to 1875 ; corr. 1894 2 6 JJOO A m— Various Kerguelen islands, plans of harbours : — Accessible bay. Betsy cove. Christmas harbour. Gazelle basin. Various authorities, J 840-93 ; corr. 1895 2 799 "/ m= 0-5 Royal sound. (plan, Island harbour) Capt. Nares, 1874 ; corr. 1877 1 6 Sect. XI.] INDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS. GULP OF ADEN. 141 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 802 V! m= Various Islands in the South Indian Ocean : — Prince Edward islands. Heard and McDonald islands. Crozet is- lands. (plan, Ship cove) Gapt. Naves, 1874, & Lieut. Fournier, French Navy, 1838 ; corr. 1880 1 6 St. Paul island. Capt. Denham, 1853 ; corr. 1872 1 6 Amsterdam island D'Entrecasteaux, 1792, , ij2vt> Lieut. Barker, I.N., 1841; co/'r.j Obokh. Berbera. Zeila roadstead. French and Admiralty Surveys to 1894 ; corr. 1896 Anchorages in the gulf of Tajura : Salt lake anchorage. Bud Ali anchorage. Tajura anchorage. Etoile anchorage. Boutres an- chorage, and entrance to Ghubbet Kharab. French Gov. Chart, 1893 Aden, and adjacent bays. Aden anchorage. Com. Haines, I.N., 1836. Admiralty Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1894 Red Sea (General chart). Latest Sur- veys to 1884 ; corr. 1897 Sheet I. : i (plans, Tor harbour. Sherm Yahar. Sherm Jubba). Indian and Admiralty Surveys, 1830-72; corr. 1897 Sheet II. : (plans. Brothers islands. Koseir anchorage. Sherm Wej. Sherm Hassey. Sherm Rabegh. Yenbo. Daedalus shoal) ; corr. 1896 Sheet III. : (plans, Khor Dhii-l-Lawa. Khor - Shinab. MersaAr-Rakiya. Lith. Jelajil. Kunfida) ; corr. 1896 — ■■ Sheet IV. : (plans,Khor Nowarat. KhorNohud. Village bay. Geishan. Loheiya.) corr. 1897 Sheet V. : Price, s. d. 2 1 6 1 6 m = 4-0 II E 7 m= 3'0 (plans, Asab bay. Small strait (BabelMandeb) ; corr. 1897 last mentioned four Charts by Officers of tefe/.iV., 1830-34. J Jebel Teir to Perim island. (plan, Khor Ghuleifaka) Indian and Admiralty Surveys to 1882 ; corr. 1897 Perim island and Bab el Mandeb Small strait. Lieut. Gray^ 1874 ; corr. 1894 Mokha road. Corn. A Idrich, 1882 1 6 2 6 2 6 each 2 3 2 1 6 Sect. XI,] RED SEA. 143 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. .CO Un= 0*75| Islands in the southern portion of \m= 1-96] the Red sea : — Jebel Zukur and Hanish islands. Abu Ail channel. Zebayir islands. Com. Aldrich, 1881-2 ; corr. 1886 2 qoQ DE jm= 8'8 \ Harbours and anchorages in the '^ ^ tm= 0-77J Red sea:— Perim harbour. Bei- lul bay. Rakhmat island an- chorage. Com. Hoskyn, 1885 ; corr. 1894 1 6 733 V ^= 2-0 Hanfela bay. Italian Gov. Plan, 1892 1 6 164 DE m= 0*25 Massawa channel. (plan, port Smyth) Com. Wharton, 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 6 460 V^ m = 4*0 Massawa harbour. Com.- Wharton, 1877 ; corr. 1892 1 2161 V' m= 2-36 Ghubbet Soghra. Italian Gov. Plan of 1892 1 6 1109 °^f- m=Va7'ioi(s Harbours and anchorages in the Red sea : — Eeles cove. Slierm Abu Amara Farat. Mahommed Ghul (Baidib). Dolphin cove. Anchorage of Raweiya. Mersa Sheikh Barud. Melita bay. Various Authorities, 1886-92 ; corr. 1897 1 2599 j m= 3*0 ) Jidda with its approaches. \m= 6-0 j (plan of Inner anchorage) Com. Wharton, 1876 ; corr. 1895 2 6 81 A m= 0*37 Mersa Duriir to Trinkitat, showing the approaches to Sawakin. (plans, Mersa Duriir. Mersa Sheikh Sad) Com. Carpenter, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 901 \''' w= 6*0 Sawakin harbour. Com. Carpenter, 1884 ; corr. 1889 1 6 1948 \^ m= 2-01 Mersa Makdah and approach to Trinkitat, British Surveys, 1884-96 ; corr. 1896 1 6 675 V m=12-0 Trinkitat harbour. Com. Verekar, 1885 ; corr. 1896 1 6 14 Imp. ??i= Far/'oMS... Harbours and anchorages iji the Red sea: — Safaja island anchorages. Sherm Duineigh. Hodeida road. Ras el Askar. Farisan island an- chorages. Kamaran bay. Port Berenice. Mersa Halaib an- chorages. Mersa Sheikh Ibrahim. Various Authorities, 1854-86 ; corr. 1897 2 144 RED SEA. BAST* INDIES. ARABIAN COAST. [Sects. XL, Xll. Nu. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2838 nimi'. m= 0'5 Straits of Jubal. Capt. Nares, 1871-72 ; corr. 1888 2 6 757 DE&i>/ m= 0-23 Gulf of Suez. Gapt. Nares, 1S7 1-2: corr. 1897 3 6 734 A m= 2-0 Suez bay. Gapt. Nares, 1870; com 1897 2 6 SECTION XII. EAST INDIES-RED SEA TO SUNDA STRAIT. 2483* »F. &i^E dz= 0-20 Atlantic and Indian oceans, with the western portion of Pacific ocean, 1886 ; corr. 1897 - - - 4 748 rt DE&"/ d= 0*5 Indian ocean, southern portion, 1870 ; corr. 1897 - - - :5 () 748 h » E & ^^/^ d= 0*5 northern portion, 1870 ; corr. 1897 - - - 4 ARABIAN COAST. 9 D B Arabian sea, winds and currents during the south-west monsoon. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1853 ; corr. 1868 2 6 10 6 DK W2= 0*1 South-east coast of Arabia from Ras Sukra to Palinurus shoal, (plans. Bander Reisiit. Merbat bay. Kishin bay) Corns. Haines & Sanders, I .N ., 1849 ; c^-r. 1888 2 G 10 c DE m= 0"1 North-east coast of Arabia from Maskat to Ras Sukra. (plans, Bander Jissa, Bander Khairan. Madraka anchorage. Khor-Jarama. Com. Sanders, I.N., 1849 ; corr. 1888 2 6 11 DK >n= 0*5 Khorya Morja bay and islands. Com. Haines, I.N., 1837 ; corr. 1888 2 1089 "/ m= 0-5 Masira channel. Com. Sanders, I.N., 1845-6 1 6 * Also on page 64. Sect. XII.] ARABIAN COAST. PERSIAN GULP. BALUCHISTAN. 145 No. Size. Scale. Title of (he Chart. Price. s. d. 228 °^ m= 4'0 Anchorages on the coast of Arabia : — Khor-al-Hajar. Suadi islands. Lieuts. Broivn,Beresford, (k Kane, 1887 1 2869 V w= 8-4 Maskat and Al Matra. Lieut. Stiffe, I.N., 1860 ; corr. 1878 1 6 PERSIAN GULF. 2837 a, h Ant. . m = 0*08 Persian gulf in 2 sheets. (plans, Kasm or Kishm and parts adjacent. Kais anchorage. Hanjam island and anchorage. Charak. Abii Thabi. Klior Fakan bay. Bushire or Abu Shahr. Kharij and Khuwairij. Shaikh Shuaib anchorage. Al Bidaa harbour.) Com. Constable, I.N., 1862 : ^<'"-- { M8OT 1 «-" •'» 75H DE rn~ 0*2 Entrance of the Persian gulf. Various authorities 1822-60; corr. 1897 2 6 20 "/ m= 1*0 Bahrain harbour. M. Chapman, I.N., 1872-4 ; corr. 1890 1 6 22 w= 0'5 Kuweit harbour. Lieut. Guy, I.N., 1825 ; corr. 1875 1 1235 J'R m.= 0*8 Mouth of the Euphrates — Shatt al Arab and Bahmishir river. Indian Gov. Survey, 1890 ; corr. 1897 2 27 DE m= 3-0 Abii Shahr or Bushire. Lieuts. Constable & Stiffe, I.N., 1857 ; corr. 1882 2 6 .,^ ,)p. ) m= 0-6 ) Basidu and its approaches. Basidii ' '^ ^ '( m= 20 I anchorage. Com. Constable, I.N., 1860 ; corr. 1888 1 6 BALUCHISTAN. :')8 i> K m -= 0-08 Maskat to Karachi. (phms, Cliahbar bay. Gwatar bay. Gwadar bay) Officers of Indian Navy to 1874; corr. 18'.iG 2 6 2862 'V- in ■ :H) .Jashk bay. Indian Gov. Survey, 1896 l 6 12059 L 146 BALUCHISTAN. INDIA— WEST COAST. [Sect. XII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 145 A m= 3*0 Khaur Rabij. Mr. F. B. Qirdlestone, I.N., 1871 ; corr. 1883 1 6 39 V m= 2'0 Suumiyani harbour. G. W. Montriou, I.N., 1842 ; corr. 1876 1 INDIA, WEST .COAST. 826 uis m= 0-05 India (Sheet I.), west coast ; Karachi to Vengurla. Officers of Indian Navy, 1835-62 ; corr. 1897 2 6 827 BE m= 0-05 India (Sheet II.), west coast ; Vengurla to cape Comorin. Latest authorities, 1876 ; corr. 1895 2 6 42 A m= 0*11 Coasts of Sind and Kutch, including the gulf of Kutch. Lieut. Grieve, I.N., 1848-50 ; corr. 1897 2 40 DE m= 8-1 Karachi harbour. Indian Gov. Surveys 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 41 UE m= 0*5 Cape Monze to Kediwari mouth. Indian Gov. Survey, 1895-6 2 6 118 HE m^a 0-52 Kediwari mouth to Niruni creek. hidian Gov. Surveys, 1895-6 2 43 DE m= 0-45 Gulf of Kutch. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1851-2; corr. 1897 2 6 47 'y W2= 2*0 Beit harbour or Bet Shankhoddhar. Indian Gov. Survey, 1883 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1420 A m= 0"24 Dwarka point to Diu head. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1852 to 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 1321 \® w= 4*0 Kathiawar coast : — Porbandar. Navibandar. Indian Gov. Survey, 1887 ; corr. 1896 1 6 177Q DE rm== 4'0"1 Veraval roads. Jafarabad harbour. ^"^ ^ ]m= 5-Oj Indian Gov. Survey, 1S91; corr. 1895 1 6 50 DE&H/' m= 0*6 Diu head to Goapnath point. (plans, Salbet. Mahuwa Bandar. Mandwa bay) Lieut. Ethersey, I.N., 1836 ; corr. 1895 3 6 51 DK m= 0*5 Gulf of Cambay. Lieut. Ethersey, I.N. ; corr. 1896 2 6 .Sect. XII. j INDIA — WEST COAST. 147 No. Size. Scale. IHtle of the Chart. . Price, s. d. 1035 a K m=- 2*3 Piram island to Bhaunagar. Indiati Gov. Surveys, 1886 ; corr. 1895 2 6 735 u K 171= 0'5 India, west coast : Sheet I. : Snrat road to Maruli. Lieut. Kennie, I.N., 1855 ; 6wr. 1885 2 6 736 DE 7n= 0-6 Sheet II. : Maruli to Arnala is- land. Lieut. Rennie, I.N., 1855 ; corr. 1866 2 6 737 DE m= 0-5 Sheet III.: Arnala island to Kundari. Indian Oov. Surveys, 1852-96 ; corr. 1897 2 G 738 I'l'p. m = 0-5 Sheet IV. : Kundari to Boria Pagoda, (plans, Port Chaul. Port Dabhol) Lieut. Williams & E. L. Seaton, I.N., 1861 ; corr. 1895 3 739 DE m= 0-5 Sheet V.: Boria Pagoda to Achra river. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1854; corr. 1896 2 6 740 DE m= 0-5 Sheet VI. : Achra river to cape Eamas. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1853-4; corr. 1896 2 6 744 DE m= 0-5 Sheet VII. : Cape Ramas to Alvagudda. (plan, Tadri river) Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1855 ; corr. 1888 2 6 745 DK m= 0-5 Sheet VIII: Alvagudda to Mulki. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1856 ; corr. 1896 2 6 740 DE m= 0-5 Sheet IX: Mulki to mount Dilli. (plan, Mangalore or Kodyal Bandar) Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1856 ; corr. 1894 2 6 747 DE m= 0-5 Sheet X. : Mount Dilli to Cali- cut. Lieut. Taylor, I.N., 1857 ; corr. 1895 2 6 749 DK //?,= 0-5 Sheet XL: Tanoi-e to Cunda- cudvu, or from 11° 2' N. to 9" 50' N. Lieut. Selhy, I.N., 1853; corr. 1893 2 6 120r,9 L 2 148 INDIA— WEST COAST. [Sect. XII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 750 DE m= 0*5 India, west coast : Sheet XII. : Cundacudvu to Anjengo or from 9° 53' N. to 8° 40' N. (plans, Quilon road. Alleppi road) Lieut. Selhi/, I.N., 1850-2 ; corr. 1897 2 6 751 nB m= 0-5 Sheet XIII. : Anjengo to cape Comorin. L/m^. >S'eZ%, 1850-1 ;corr.l882 2 6 2736 UB m= 0-09 Gulf of Kutch to Viziadrug (plan, Diu harbour) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1828-63 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2621 OB 771= 2'0 Bombay harbour. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1881-2 ; * corr. 1897 3 655 DB ^= 6*0 Port of Bombay. Indian Gov. Survey, 1892-3 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*0 Janjira harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1884 ; corr. 1895 1 6 m= 5'8 Bankot and entrance to Mhar or Savitri river. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1880 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m= 4*0 Jaigarh or Jyghur and entrance to Shastri or Sangameswar river. Indian Gov. Su7^veys, 1879 ; co7'r. 1896 1 6 m— 3-0 Ratnagiri, Mirya, and Kalbadavie bays. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1878 ; corr. 1881 1 6 m= 5'25 Rajapur bay and Viziadrug harbour. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1878 2 6 m= 4'5 Deogarh harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1891 1 6 m= 0*08 Viziadrug to Cochin, with the Laccadive archipelago, (plans, Chetlat island. Kiltan island) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1828-56 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2738 D E 771= 0*08 Cochin to cape Comorin, Avith part of the Maldive islands. (plan, Minikoi island) India7i Gov. Surveys, 1828-56 ; corr. 1893 2 6 400 DE 436 DE 5 247 DE 56 DB 57 DB 59 DB 2737 DE Sect. XII.] INDIA— WEST COAST. CEYLON. 149 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 902 { nt= 2'0 ) Malwan to Vengurla, including the * t= 6-0 I I m= 6*0 j Karil Kachal channel. Malwan bay. Vengurla. Indian Gov. Survey, 1882 ; corr. 1890 2 6 492 ^j^ m= 2*0 Aguada to St. George islands, in- cluding Murmagao, and Goa roadstead. Indian Gov. Survey, 1881 ; corr. 1896 1 6 242 ^^ m= 2*0 Sadashivgad bay and river. Port Karwar. Indian Gov. Surveys, ISSO; corr. 1882 1 6 1322 "^ m= 3'0 Anchorages on the west coast of India : — Kannanur anchorage. Tellicherri anchorage. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1888 1 6 /.J fm= 1*5 1 Sacrifice rock to Beipur. En- \m= 4*0 J trance to Beipur river. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1887 ; corr. 1895 2 6 65 DB m= 8'0 Cochin river entrance. Indian Gov. Survey, 1883 ; corr. 1893 2 6 67 V ^= 2*9 Tuticorin roadstead and harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1879 1 6 &^a,Jj,c BE m= 0-25 Maldive islands, 3 sheets. Com. Moresby, I.N., 1835 ; corr. 1878. each 2 6 CEYLON. 813 DE m= 0*25 Ceylon, south coast. (plans, Colombo harbour. Dodan- dowi bay. Belligam bay. Kirindi road) Various authorities, 1833-87 ; corr. 1897 2 6 914 V' m.=10'5 Colombo harbour. Sir J. Coode and Indian Gov. Surveys, 1878 to 1897 16 819 V' m= 3-0 Approaches to Point de Galle harbour, including the Gindura and Bellows rocks. Various authorities, 1829-77 ; corr. 1897 1 6 820 ^i m=ll'8 Point de Galle harbour. Messrs. McDougall & Harris, 1860 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2031 i)B 7)1= 0-25 Ceylon, east coast, from 7° 20' N. to point Pedro, (plan, Batticaloa roads) Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1896 2 6 150 CEYLON. — BAY OP BENGAL. [Sect. XH No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. PHce. s. d. 815 V" ^^= i'^ Trincomali harbour and bays. Lieufs. Cannon & Loving. 1832 ; corr. 1893 1 816 ^^ m= 6*0 harbour. Lietits. Cannon ,Jt Lorimj, 1832 ; corr. 1883 1 6 2197 "/ m= 0-65 Point Pedro to Delft island. (plan, Kankasiinturai anchorage) T}}(lia}i Gov. Survey, 1894-5 2 6 &'6a,h i»io III— ()-24 Pcdk strait and gulf of Manar, 2 sheets. Lieut. Powell, I.N., 1838-45 ; ( a, 1895 ) 1, o n 69 A m=- 4*0 Pamban pass. Indian Gov. Survey, 1878 , corr. 1880 2 BAY OF BENGAL. 70 i» "i <'/= 1"4 Bay of Bengal. Government Surveys to 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 828 "K w= 0'05 Cape Comorin to Cocanada. Indian Government Surveys, 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 6 71 Or w= 0"25 Madras to point Calimere. (plans, Pondicherri anchorage. Nega- patam and Nagar anchorages) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1859-60 ; corr. 1896 2 6 575 "E m= P"23 Madras to Ramiapatam. (plan, Madras roadstead) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1892-94 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1894 » E y/^= 0*24 Ramiapatam to Narsapur point. (plan, Masulipatam roads) Indian Gov. Survey, 1892-93 2 6 829 UE ni= 0"05 Cocanada to Bassein river. Indian Government Surveys to 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1711 BE m= 0*24 Narsapur river to Bimlipatam. (plan, Coringa or Cocanada bay) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1891 ; corr. 1895 2 6 239 ''/' m= 2*0 Anchorages in the north-west part of the bay of Bengal : — Vizagapatam. Kalingapatani. Balasor road and river. Indian Gov. Surtjeys, 1883-4 ; rorr. 189.5 1 6 Sect. XII.] BAY OF BENGAL. 151 754 D£ 136 DB 859 OB 82 DE&D^E 84 DE (m= 1-8 \ \m= 3-0 J No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1424 A m= 0"25 Bimlipatam to Gopalpur. (plans, Baruva anchorage. PunUi river entrance. Bimlipatam anchorage) Indian Gov. Survey, 1890 ; corr. 1895 2 1425 DE m= 0*24 Gopalpur to False point. (plans, Gopalpur. Puri) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1889 ; corr. 1893 2 6 756 A m= 4*0 Entrance of the Mahanadi river. Entrance of the Devi river. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1869-89 2 755 "^ ^= i'9 False point anchorage, and en- trances of Bacud creek and Jambu and Mahanadi rivers. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1876-86 ; corr. 1893 1 6 814 DE m= 0-26 The Sandheads. False point to Mutlah river. Indian Government Surveys to 1877 ; corr. 1896 2 6 ....Dhamra river. Entrance to the Dhamra river. Indian Gov. Survey, 1882 ; corr. 1891 2 6 m= 0*9 River Hiigli — Saugor point to Calcutta. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1888-96 2 6 m= 0*2 Mutlah river to Elephant point. Indian Government Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1893 2 6 m= 1*0 Mutlah river. Lieut. Ward, I.N., 1855 ; corr. 1885 2 6 m= 2*3 Chittagong (Karnafuli) river. Indian Gov. Survey, 1883 ; corr. 1892 1 6 821 D E ni= 0-21 Sheet I. : Elephant point to Cheduba strait (plan, Naaf river). Indian Gov. Survey s,lSdO-S4:; corr. 1H96 2 1884 DE m= 1"0 Arakan river. Akyab. Indian Gov. Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1893 2 6 831 V ^^= 2-0 Kyauk Pyu harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1885 ; corr. 1888 1 6 830 DE m== 0'05 Bassein river to Pulo Penang, in- cluding the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the north coast of Sumatra. Indian Gov. Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1897 2 6 152 BAY OP BENGAL. [Sect. XII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 822 E m= 0-21 Sheet II. : Chediiba strait to Koronge island. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1826-84 ; corr. 1896 2 832 A 1)1= 0"5 Cheddba strait and Ramree harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1894 2 823 DE & »/ ni= 0-2 Sheet III. : Koronge island to White point, including the gulf of Martaban. Indian Gov. Surveys to 1897 3 6 152 Imp. m=^ 0*2 Preparis North channel. Lieut. Ward, I.N., 1855 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2135 BE m= 0*33 Irrawaddy river, Sheet I., from the sea to Rangoon and Prome. Lieut. Winsor, ' 1825 ; Indian Gov. Survey, 1884 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2136 I) K /;?= 0*33 Irrawaddy river, Sheet II., from Prome to Yeandabou. Lieut. Winsor, 1825 ; corr. 1881 2 6 ooi (";?«= I'O ") Bassein river and approaches. ^•^^ "■ lm= 0-75] /m^mn (?oy. /S'^/r^;e//, 1889-90; corr. 1895 2 6 833 uE & "/ w= 1*35 Rangoon river and approaches. (plans, entrance of China Bakir river. Port of Rangoon) Indian Gov. Surveys, 1883-4 ; corr. 1897 3 6 m= I'O Sal ween river. Lieut. Nolloth, 1843 ; corr. 1875 1 6 m= 3'0 Moulmein harbour. M. Bean, I.N., 1879-80 1 \ni= 0*91 Entrance to Moulmein (Salween) \ni= 2"5J river. Amherst roadstead. /ndirtn Gov. Survey, 1877 ; corr. 1890 1 6 in= 2'0 Approaches to Ye river. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1887 2 6 /yi= 0-26 White point to Mergui. Indian Gov. Survey, 1828-87 ; corr. 1894 2 6 //<= 1*0 Bentinck sound. Port Owen. Various authorities, 1830 ; corr. 1886 1 6 m= 1-0 Tavoy river. Indian Gov. Survey, 1885 2 6 ;//= 0"3 Mergui archipelago: — Lord Lough- borough island to Mergui. Capt. Ross, I.N., 1828 ; corr. 1894 2 6 216 h A y// = 0-3 Sayer islands to Lord Loughborough island. Indian Gov. Surveifs, 1828-77 ; corr. 1893 2 1693 D E 1646 D E ¥ 1845 D E 1272 UE 824 1) K 835 It B 3 924 C E 216 a 1) Sect. XII.] BAY OF BENGAL. ANDAMAN ISLANDS. 153 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1075 "E ;«= 0"97 .. . .rApproaches to Mergui harbour. Indian Gov. Survey, 1885-6 ; corr. 1894 :2 6 218 A m= 4*0 Mergui harbour. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1885-6 ; corr. 1894 2 91 °^ m= 1"0 Hastings harbour. Oapt. Boss, I.N., 1828 ; corr. 1867 1 6 842 DE m= 0'15 Sayer islands and adjacent coast to Lankawi island, Malacca strait en- trance, including Salang or Junksey- lon island. Various authorities to 1884 ; corr. 1892 2 6 843 V m= 1-95 Puket or Tonka harbour. Com. de Richelieu, Siamese Navy, 1876 ; corr. 1893 6 ANDAMAN ISLANDS. 825 D B )a=. ()"13 Andaman islands. (plan, Table island and Marshall channel) Indian Gov, Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1897 2 6 }n= 3*0 Port Comwallis. Itidian Gov. Survey, 1896 1 6 m=x 0-75 Long island to port Blair. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1888-9 ; corr. 1895 2 6 m= 1*5 Andaman strait, between Middle and South islands. J. Wales, 1795; corr. 1889 6 1398 DB m= 0"75 Port Blair to Little Andaman island, including Duncan passage. Indian Gov. Surveys, 1887-8; corr. 1891 2 6 898 . V* '^= ^'0 Ports on west coast of South Andaman island : — Port Mouat. Port Campbell. F. W. Allen, I.N., 1880 ; Lieut. Blair, I.N., 1789 ; corr. 1896 1 514 DE w= 5"0 Port Blair, Indian Gov. Survey, 1888 2 6 839 V w= 6-3 Port Meadows. Edw. Cooke i corr. 1867 6 2986 D E 1419 1)1 838 D B 154 NICOBAR ISLANDS. MALACCA STRAIT. [Sect. XII NICOBAR ISLANDS. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 840 y- m= 0-15 Nicobar islands. (plans, Sawi bay. South oay. Pulo Milii. St. George's channel) Various authorities to 1887 ; corr. 1889 1 6 841 V ^^= 3'2 Nankauri harbour. Capt. Kyd, 1790 ; corr. L878 1 MALACCA STRAIT. '1353 "/ m= 0'15 Diamond point to Pulo Berhala. (plan, Deli river) Various authorities ; corr. 1897 1 6 793 DK & "/ m= 2*5 Butang group to Pulo Berhala. British, Indian, and Netherlands Gov. Surveys, 1858 to 1891 3 6 794 DB m= 0*25 Pulo Berhala to cape Rachado. Various authorities to 1895 2 6 1143 jjj, j m= 5*7 I Anchorages in Malacca strait — \ m= 7-5 ) ^ ( m= 7*5 j Wanderer bay. Arang Arang anchorage. Com. Giffard, 1889 ; corr. 1891 1 1366 DE m= 1'45 Penang harbour. Com. Vereker,im4:; corr. ISdi 2 6 792 A m= 3'0 Dinding islands and channel. Cotn. Napier, 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 1009 y fn= I'O Approaches to Perak river. Admiralty Surveys, 1858-85 ; corr. 1891 1 6 2153 \= m= 9-67 Kwala Klang. Com. Field, 1S9'6 1 6 796 V m= 0-5 Plans in the Malacca strait : — Ap- proaches to Malacca, cape Rachado to Pulo Undan. Lieut. Ward, I.N., 1852-5 ; corr. 1897 1 6 795 D B m= 0*25 Cape Rachado to Singapore. Various authorities to 1895 ; com 1897 3 2402 V' ^^= ^'65 Straits of Durian, Suji, and Jombol. Various authorities, 1822-90 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2403 DE&»/ w?= 0-66 Singapore strait. Staf-Com. Reed, 1865-9 ; corr. 1897 3 6 2404 \^ ;/i— 1"0 Singapore Main strait from Tree is- land to Batam bay. Staff-Corn. Reed, 1868-9 ; corr. 1896 1 6 Sect. XII.] MALACCA STRAIT. SUMATRA — WEST COAST. 155 No, Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. r'r . s. d. 2023 DE m=12'0 Singapore New harbour. Coyn. Field, 1891 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1995 DE m= 6-0 Singapore road. J. W. Eeed, 1%QI; corr. 1897 2 6 2041 \^ wi= 0-24 to Tioman island. J. T. Thomson, 1849 ; Nav. Lieut. Ray, 1868 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2413 DE ;>?= 0-65 Rliio strait. Staf-Com. Beed, 1868 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1789 "y^ m= 0*2 Channels between Sumatra and Linga, Sinkep, &c. Lieut. Carnbee, Dutch Navy, 1843 ; corr. 1897 1 6 SUMATRA, WEST COAST, AND ADJACENT ISLANDS. 2760 DE ;w= 0-1 Sheet I.: Acheh headtoTyingkokbay. (plans, Rigas bay. Natal road. Melabu. Kwala Batu and Susu Susu. Bubun. Maki bay. Tampat Tuan bay. Trumon road. Baros road. Ayer Bangles road. Priaman road. Tiko road. Cedar and Surat passages. Raja passage) Netherlands Gov. Charts, 1860; corr. 1897 2 6 2284 %^ }H— Various Plans of anchorages on the west coast of Sumatra : — Krung Raba bay. Sidoh bay. Riau and Lehong bays. Lambesoi bay. Sinabang bay. Tapak bay. Siaba bay. Channel between Great and Little Simalnr islands. Telok Dalam. Tabekat bay. Telok Luagundi. Naku anchorage. Tello roadsteatl. Silugui bay. Katorei bay. Batavian Oov. Charts, 1894-5 ; corr. 1897 1 6 219 uh />>= 0'2 Acheh head to Diamond point. (plans, Balken and Sand bays. Krung Raja bay. Kluang bay. Simpang Olim river. Edie Rajut river. Arakun Dur river. Raja river. Tamiang river. Lambaleh river. Rots bay. Olehleh bay and Acheh river) Netherlands Survey, 1S74; corr. 1S97 2 6 2201 °/ m= Various Plans in Sumatra : — Labuan-Bajau bay. Simalur island or Pulo Babi. Rubia island anchorage. Sabang bay. Dutch Gov. Surveys, 1893-96 1 6 156 SUMATRA— -WEST COAST. SUNDA, ETC., STRAITS. [Sect. XII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 855 V m= Various Anchorages on the west coast of Sumatra: — Banjak islands and adjacent coast of Sumatra. Tapa- nuli bay and Pulo Mansalar. Tapus road. Tapanuli harbour. Tabujong road. Mansalar bay. Latest Dutch Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1896 1 6 709 Imp w= 0"28 Priaman to Ujong Indrapura. Netherlands Gov. Survey, 1878 ; corr. 1896 2 212 V^ m=- 5'14 Koninginne bay and Padang road Batavian Gov. Chart., 1894; corr. 1896 1 6 2761 OB m= 0-1 Sheet II.: Tyingkok bay to the strait of Sunda (plans, Silabulabu anchorage. Labuan Jau road. Benkulen road. Strait of Sikakap. Belim- bing bay. Engano bay. Sime- naju road. Barhao anchorage. Vekens bay. Tinnambang bay) Lieut. Edeling, Dutch Navy, 1857 ; corr. 1897 2 6 866 ^^^ m— Various Plans on the west coast of Sumatra : — Simalapeh and Siberut bays. Bunga bay. Hur- lock bay. Siuban bay. Kawur or Sambat bay. Seme bay. Pulo Pisang harbour and Kroe road. Batavian Gov. Charts; corr. 1897 1 6 2510 ^-^ m= 2*0 Cocos or Keeling islands. (plan, port Refuge) Capt. Fitz Roy, 1%?>&\ corr. imi 1 6 SUNDA, GASPAR, BANKA, AND CARIMATA STRAITS. 2056 DK m= 0*23 Sunda strait and approaches. (plans, Kalambayang harbour. Kiloang harbour. New Anjer road. Fourth point to Old Anjer) Batavian Gov. Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1895 2 6 940 "/ ^= 2-7 Telok Betung. Netherlands Gov. Survey, 1878 1 2137 BE w= 0*4 Gaspar strait. Netherlands Surveys to 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2149 DE m= 0*14 Banka and Gaspar straits. (plan, Nangka islands) British and Netherlands Surveys to 1880 ; corr 1896 3 Sects. XII., XIII.] SUNDA, CASPAR, ETC., STRAITS. EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO. 157 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2597 DK m= 0*25 Banka strait. British and Netherlands Surveys to 1880 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2808 DE m= 0*7 south entrance, showing the Lucipara and Stanton channels. W. Stanton, 1860 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2757 nE w?= 0*15 to Singapore. Various authorities, iHm-90', corr. 1S97 2 6 2160 DE m= 0"15 Carimata strait. Variow? authorities, 1874-85 ; corr. 1896 2 6 SECTION XIII. EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO, CHINA SEA KOREA AND JAPAN. 94:1 a, b UE d= 2-75 Eastern archipelago, western portion, including Java sea, and the southern passages to China ; 2 Sheets. (plans, Flying Fish cove. Makassar road) British and Netherlands Surveys to 1887 ; corr. a 1897, h 1897, each 2 6 942 a,b DB d= 2*75 eastern portion, in- cluding Flores, Banda, and Araf ura seas, and the eastern passages to China ; 2 Sheets. Various authorities ; corr. a 1897, h 1897, each 2 6 2465 "/ ?n= Various Plans of anchorages in Serwatti and Tenimber islands : — Rumah Kuda bay and Nusa Mitan. Babar strait. Teparoad. Batu Merah anchorage. Nika anchorage. Watteweh road. Ritabel bay. Wailutu road. Sabiani anchorage. Egeron strait. Batavian Gov. Charts, 1890 1 6 1653 -Ant. m = 0*14 Island of Java (western portion). Latest Dutch Surveys ; corr. 1897 3 158 EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO. [Sect. Xlll. No. Size. Scale, Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1654 Ant. m= 0"14 Island of Java (eastern portion), in- cluding the islands of Madura, Bali, and Lombok. Latest Dutch Stirveys,lS92 ; corr. 1S97 ?) 932 i)E rn=Vafious Harbours and anchorages on the coasts of Java — Sankapura bay. Samarang bay. Pachitan bay. Segoro Wedi bay. Pangul bay. 2and bay. Japara road. Banjuwangi road. Channel inside Kambangan Id. and be- tween Chitando and Chilachap inlets. Chilachap inlet. Cheri- bon road. Chitando inlet. Netherlands Surveys, 1867 ; corr. 1892 1 6 933 BK m= I'O Batavia roads. Dutch Oov. Surveys to 1885 ; corr. 1895 2 6 934 DK 771= Various Surabaya, Bali, and Sapudi straits, with anchorages in Bali and Kangeang islands : — Sura- baya strait. Bali strait. Sapudi strait. Sumenep bay. Keta- pang bay. Amok bay. Tebun- kus road. Bunkulan road. Buleleng road. Sangsit road. Kubu road. Chulik road. Ujong road. Juana and Rem- bang roads. Netherlands Sur- veys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 895 V m= Various ...Plans of anchorages in Bali, Lom- bok, Sumbawa, and adjacent islands : — Tejakula anchorage. Benoa channel. Chanjar road. Kombal bay. Ampenan road. Bangsal Barat anchorage. Labuan Chari anchorage. Lombok bay. Labuan Tering bay. Alas strait. Piju or Peejau bay. Taliwang and Chereweh bays. Nanga Miru bay. Kilo road. Waworada bay. Saubi road. Kambu road. Batavian Gov. Charts, 1894 ; corr. 1896 1 6 p„.,2 DK j *^*= '^'6 ( Plans of anchorages in Beli, Lom- '^ ^ ( m= 4-8 j bok, Sumbawa and adjacent islands : — Labuan Haji road. Chupel road. Dutch Gov. Charts, 1897 1 6 1696 UE m= 0*14 Lombok to Flores, including Pater- noster and Postilion islands. Batavian Gov. Stirveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. XIII ] EASTERN ARCHIPELAGO. BORNEO ISLAND. 159 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2466 °3^ m= Various Plans of anchorages in Flores and adjacent islands: — Pamali bay. Gili Lawa bay. Molo strait and approaches. Molo strait. Bajo strait. Reo bay. Geliting road. Rium bay. Lolakota bay. Maumeri road. Konga bay. Ipih bay. Wai Mokeh road. Sungi Menasa road. Baars or Kabia island. Batavian Gov. Charts, 1893 1 6 935 D B Art = Various Harbours and anchorages between. Bali and Timor — Sapeh bay, Terang and Bari bays. Potta road. Kambaragi bay. Boneratu anchor- age. Bima ha,j. Mangrove harbour. Ambogaga road. Larantuka road. Cornelia road. Sumbawa bay. Alligator bay. Koepang bay. Koepang road. Coaling station anchorage. Waingapu road. Ata- popa road. Palmedo road. Cyrus harbour. Kulewatte bay. Dalolo anchorage. Netherlands Surveys ; corr. 1897 1 6 2468 "/' m= Various ...Plans of anchorages in Sumba, Timor, and adjacent islands. Memboro road. Terong road. Lawayang road. Ilwaki road. Seba road. Batu Bau road. Karbaffo bay. Baah road. Batavian Gov. Charts, 1894 1 6 BORNEO ISLAND. 361 X) E m= i'O Tambelan islands. (plan, Tambelan creek) J. W. Reed, 1862 ; corr. 1865 2 C 1371 DE m= 0-42 Anamba islands. Com. Field, lS9'd 2 6 2244 DE m== 0-97 Anamba islands (north-eastern group). Com. Field, 1893 2 6 1348 »/ m= 0-2 Natuna islands. E. Paris, 1831 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2104 "/ m= 0-25 Sheet I. : South Natuna islands. Lieut. Gordon, 1847 ; corr. 1889 16 2140 \F' m= 2-0 Royalist haven. L«ew^.G^orcfon, 1847 6 1746 "/ tn= 0-25 Sheet II. : Api point to Sarawak. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1844 ; corr. 1895 1 6 160 BORNEO ISLAND, [Sect. XTII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1822 »E m=- 1*0 Sarawak river. Various authorities, 1844-63 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2106 V ni= 0*25 Sarawak river to cape Sirik. Capt.SirE.Belcher,l^4.4.-^'^;corr.l'^%2 1 6 2107 V m= 0-25 Sheet IV. : Cape Sirik to Tatan point. Lieut. Gordon, 1848 ; corr. 1882 1 6 2108 V^ m= 0-25 Sheet V. : Tatan point to Barram point. Lieut. Gordon, 1848 ; corr. 1893 1 6 2109 A m= 0*25 Sheet VI:: Barram point to Nosong point. Gapt. Sir E. Belcher and Lieut. Gordon, 1847-9 ; corr. 1897 2 1844 ^^' m= 1-0 Labiian island. (plan, Raffles anchorage) Capt. Sir E. Belcher and Lieut. Gordon, 1847 ; corr. 1897 1 6 947 V ni.= 6-0 Victoria harbour. Com. Ward, 1865 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2134 w= 2"3 ) Muara harbour and approaches to w= 4"0 ) Bruni river. The Outer Anchorage and MiTara bar. Com. Moore, 1888 ; corr. 1893 2 6 ■inr-Q DE im= 3*2) Rlver Bruui. The Inner bars of ^ \ m.= 4-0) river Bruni. Capt. Bethune and . Com. Moore, 1845-88 ; corr. 1889 1 6 2111 DE m= 0-5 Sheet VII. : Nosong point to Ambong bay. (plan, Gaya harbour. Dina- wan anchorage) Capt. Sir E. Belcher and Lieut. Gordon, 1849 ; corr. 1890 2 6 955 \^ w= 2*0 Lutut point to Gaya head, inclu- ding Gaya and Sapangar bays. Admiralty Surveys to 1885 1 6 2112 DE m= 0-5 Sheet VIII.: Ambong bay to Sampan- mangio point. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1847 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1778 V ^= 4*0 Ambong bay; Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1844 ; corr. 1864 1 6 287 DE m= 0"24 Gaya bay on the west to Sandakan harbour on the east, including South- Banguey channel, and the south- western part of Kagayan Sulu. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1894 2 6 946 V m = 3-0 Kudat harbour. Nav.-Lieut. Connor, 1883 ; corr. 1891 1 Q-^ j,p {m= 0*8 1 Sandakan harbotir. Sandakan an- ^^^^ ^' Vm= l-9j chorage. Lieut. Hoskyn, 1881 ; corr. 1890 1 6 1649 UK m= 0*75 Lankayan to Sandakan harbour. Admiralty Survey s,l^%l-2; corr. 1%'^'i 2 6 Sect. XIIL] . iVo. Size. 1650 DE 1781 DE 1680 Ant. 1593 DE 1681 Ant 2099 DE 1868 DE BORNEO ISLAND. llU IScale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. in= 0"75 Mallawalie island to Lankayan. Admiralty SvAweysl%^l-^; corr.V^'^^ 2 6 7n= 3*0 Dent haven. Com. Vereker, ]SS^ ; Com. Field, 1892 1 6 m= 0'75 Darvel bay. Com. Field, 1891-2 ; corr. 1897 3 ?n= 4*2 Silam harbour. Com. Field, 1891 ; corr. 1893 2 (l m= 0"75 Northern shore of Sibuko bay. Com. Field, 1891-2 ; corr. 1893 3 m= 0-73 North-western part of Sibuko bar. Com. Field, 1892 2 6 y>v= 0*36 Ta.f^anak to Tawi Tawi. Corns. Chimmo, Vereher, & Field, 1872-92 2 6 948 D iiiiii. w= 0-5 Brtlabae strait, and channels between Borneo and Palawan, StafCom. Reed, 1868-69 ; corr. 1894 2 6 1220 V m= 0-5 Mitford harbour. Mr. Robertson 1 966 A m=Various Anchorages in Balambangan and Balabac islands : — Dalawan bay. Clarendon bay. Kalandorang bay (Balabac island). Luk- Barabok-Bara]>ok or North har- bour. South harbour (Balam- bangan island). Capts. Belcher, Bate, & Reed, 1844-69 ; corr. 1891 2 2576 DE m= O'l Sulu archipelago, and the north-east coast of Borneo, (plans, Port Bongao. Northern en- trance of the channel between Lapak and Siassi islands) British and Spanish Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1896 2 6 928 « E m= 0*16 Sulu archipelago. (plans, Sulu roadstead. Mainibun anchorage. Laminusa anchorage) Latest authorities to \%1^; corr. 1893 2 6 m=^ 1*0 Bongao anchorage. Com. Chimmo, 1872 ; corr. 1893 1 6 m=^ 1"0 Basilan strait. Latest Spanish Surveys ; corr. 1890 2 6 fm=l"95") Harbours in the Sulu archipel- |m=4'0 j ago: — Malusa bay (Basilan is- land). Dalrymple harbour (Sulu island). French Survey, 1844, and Com. Chimmo, 1872 ; corr. 1879 1 6 12059 M 1243 DB 2 961 DK 927 DE 162 SCLU SEA. [Sect. XIII. No. 929 Size. OE 7 Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. m= I'O Kagayan Sulu and adjacent islands. Com. ChimmOf 1871 1 6 BANDA SEA, MOLUCCAS, MAKASSAR STRAIT, CELEBES AND SULU SEAS, AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, 911 on m= VaiiousFldns of anchorages between Borneo and New Guinea: — Kayeli bay. Inner harbour. Kaibobo road. Saparua bay. Nalahia bay. Tehoru anchor- age. Kisalaut bay. Bara bay. Uki road. Gunong Sudi anchorage. Capt. Sir E. Belcher and Dutch Survey, 1842-83 ; corr. 1896 2611 2772 912 DK m =1*65 j m= 1-0 ) ( m= 2'85 ) 1416 26:^6 2637 m= Fr< /vows Anchorages in islands off the N.W. part of New Guinea : — Efbe anchorage. Anchorage on south side of Gebi island. Port Fow. Pulo Saiang. Offak harbour. Lawak and Kabarei bays. Piapis harbour. Marchesa bay. Saonek anchorage. Moreha road. Powati anchorage. Payahe road. Bachianroad. Wedaroad. Mabaroad. Gane road. Gimia road. Gam Sungi road. Anchorage on east side of Esplee island. Laat bay. Kasiem road. Various authorities to 1890 ; corr. 189r) m= F*7/'/r>?<.9 Anchorages on the N.W. coast of New Guinea : — Boni harbour. Patippi bay, Sele or Kabobolol strait. Ekka island anchorage. Serang is land anchorage. Karas island anchorage. Kaimana bay. Warden- burg group. Dubus haven. Segaar bay. Lakahia bay. Various authorities, 1793-1896 m— O'l Strait of Makassar, north part. Netherlands Oov. Charts to 1875 ; corr. 1897 m= 0*1 south part. Netherkwds Oov. Charts to 188.5 ; corr. 1897 1 6 Amboina bay (plans, Amboina road. Amboina coaling wharf). Netherlands Oov. Chart, 189.5 1 6 Anchorages in Gillolo (Halmaheira) : — Dodinga bay. Gurapien anchorage, DutcJi Gov. Surveys 1 6 1 6 2 2 6 Sect, XIII.] MAKASSAR STRAIT ANJ) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. UV^ No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. '^^^^ D E rn= Various Ports in Makassar strait : — Makas- sar road. Negri Baru bay Wani bay. Membora road. Cape rivers. Palos road. Dangola road. Mamiiju bay. Tapalang and Kait roads. Chinrana bay. Penamboang road. Majene road. Balanipa road. Pareh Pareh bay. Malasoro bay. River Mahakan. Barito river. Po Laut strait. Various authorities to 1 894 ; corr. 1897 2 6 129H UK m= 0-58 Approach to Makassar. British and Netherlands Snrvei/s to 1883 ; 'corr. 1897 2 6 2194 Y vi== Various Sketch plans of anchorages in the northern part of Celebes : — Bolang Uki bay. Amurang bay. Bolang Bangka point to Moriri point. Dondo point to cape Besar, including Kwan- dangbay. Doniisil bay. Kema road. Suraalata road. Himana cove. Kaidipan and Bolang Itam ancliorages. Mnton road. Kora Kora inlet. Pienchang bay. Bnwul road. Paleli bay. Parigi road. Kota Buna road! • ^elang bay. Latest Dutch Charts 1 6 2195 %^ m^=Various Sketch plans of anchorages in the eastern part of Celebes : — Tambu bay. Ampat islands anchorage. Mopani road. Poso bay. Banano anchorage. Taliboiroad. Buntabay. Buah Lemo road. Nona Petong bay. Bangkalang bay. Bangaai bay. Tomori gulf. Sakita road. Gorontalo river. Tilamuta harbour. Dutch Charts, 1893 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2196 \^ m=Varioics Sketch plans of anchorages in the southern part of Celebes : — Wowoni strait and channel to Kendari bay. Lepana islands channel. Lohia bay. Labuan Balanda. Buton road. Kali Susu bay. Latest Dutch Charts ; corr. 1895 1 6 12069 M 2 9718 DB i "^ — 4'75 ) ^^^^ ^ -j m= 4-0 [ 164 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. [Sect. XIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2674 ^-^ m=== Various Anchorages on the south coast of Celebes: — Bajoa roadstead. Pulo Salayar and Pasi or Varkens island. Bonthain roadstead. Sopang bay. Palopo bay. Dutch Gov. Surveys 1 6 Anchorages on the east coast of ^ 1 in= 4*0 [ Celebes : — Pagemana anchorage. Belanta voad. Dutch Gov. Surveys 1 6 2575 DE m= 0*1 Celebes sea, eastern part. Various authorities to 1888 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2193 \^ m=: Various Sketch plans of anchorages be- tween Mindanao and Celebes : — North bay. Lirung road. Seree bay. Beo bay. Kulur anchorage. Tabukan road. Samboara bay. Petta anchor- age. Miulu anchorage. Kam- pong Ulu anchorage. Channel between Tagulanda and Ruang. Dutch Charts, 1893 1 6 930 ^j® m=FaWo?/sAnchorages between Borneo and New Guinea : — North part of Celebes island. Talisse road. Limbe strait. Sannana bay. Taruna bay. J^anganitu bay. Amahoi bay. • Kettlewell bay. Wahai and Hatiling bays. Ternate channel and road. Manado road. Likupang road. Bitjoli or Wossa road. Sawai harbour. Anchor- age on S.E. side of Salibabu island. Gisser island. British and Dutch Sui^veys to 1886 ; corr. 1892 1 6 2578 DE m= 0*1 Sulu or Mindoro sea, eastern part. (plan, Cuyo island anchorage) Spanish and British Surveys, 1871-86 ; corr. 18^6 2 6 943 i)E d= 2-8 Philippine islands and adjacent seas, from Molucca passage to Manila. Capt. Glaudio Monterro, Spanish Navy, 1868 ; corr. 1897 2 6 957 'V'' m=Various Ports in the Philippine islands: — Sibuko bay. Dapitan bay. Basia- uang bay. * Port of Santa Maria. Port Mi'samis. Port Palompon. Port Lebak. Palak harbour. Kanalasan cove. Spanish Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1888 1 6 Sect. XIll.J PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 165 No. Size. Scale. Title of the GharL Price.. s. d. 4] 5 V m= l-U Pujaga bay. Spanish Gov. Survey, 1890 1 6 2391 »/ m= 2-0 Ports in the Philippine islands:— Port San Miguel. Port Ilo llo. Port Buluagan or Sta. Ana. Port Barrera or Lanan. Port Sebu. » Sjmnish Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1897 1 6 945 ^= m= 1-95 Ports Masinglok and Matalvi. Gapt. Jose MaHalcon, 1 835 1 6 962 A m=VaHous Portsin the Philippine islands : — Port Kataingan. Port Palanog. Port Sibonga. Port Gabo. Port Surigao. Sonth part of Samar island. Spanish Surveys^ 1856-90 ; corr. 1897 2 949 "/ m= Various Ports in the Philippine islands : — Port Galera and Varadero bay. Sablayan anchorage. Port Con- cepcion. Port Kanoan. Various authorities, 1834-86 ; corr. 1886 1 6 972 ^^ m=Various Ports in the Philippine islands : — Luk bay. Port Loog. Paluan bay. Port Romblon. Various authorities, 1846-54 ; corr. 1878 1 6 2395 V m= 2-0 Ports in the Philippine islands :— Laguinmanoc bay. Port Busainga . Port Sorsogon. Port Pusgo. Port Busin. Port Palapa. Gulf of Magnok. Spanish Surveys, 1792 to 1866 ; corr. 1872 1 6 2577 DE m= 0*1 Between St. Bernardino and Min- doro straits, with adjacent islands. Spanish Gharis, 1873 ; corr. 1897 2 6 977 "/ m= 3-0 Nin bay and port Mandaon. Spanish Gov. Survey, 1895 1 6 971 DE m= I'O Semirara, Ilin, and Ambolon islands, with part of Mindoro. Gajjt. Sir E. Belcher, 1847, and Spatiish Survey, 1853 ; corr. 1888 2 !m= 3*3 ] Ports in the Philippine islands : — m= 3*2 ^ Katbalogan, Buri, and Darajuai m= 4'0 ) anchorages. Mauban bay. Port Libas. Spanish Surveys to 1889 2 970 DK ( m= 2*0 ) Kanahauan islands. San Jacint '^ ( m= 4-0 ) (Tikao island). Spanish Surveys, 1807 and 1874; c»>r/'. 1887 6 931 "if^ m = 1*45 Ports Subic and Silanguin. *SV*/m7< Gov. Surveys, 1885 & 1891 1 6 166 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. PALAWAn ISLAND. CHINA SEA. [Sect. XIIT. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Cha7± Price. s. d. 976 A m= 0-5 Manila bay. (plan, port MariveleB) Spanish Survey, 1861 ; corr. 1897 2 975 V //»= 3-51 PortKavite. Kavite arsenal. \m=20-0i Spanish Survey, 1^7 2; corr. 1S9^ 1 6 2454 Ant. m= O'l Northern portion of the island of Luzon, with Bashi and Balintang channels. (plans, port Bolinao. Port St. Vincente. Port S . Fernando. Port Sual. Port San Pio V. Musa bay. Port Dimalansan. Port of Bikobian.) Various authorities to 1867 ; corr. 1897 3 2408 V m= 0-4 Batan islands. (plans, Strait between Ibugos or Bashi and Sabtan. Santo Dom- ingo. Ivana) Gapt. Sir E. Belcher, 1845 ; corr. 1879 1 6 PALAWAN ISLAND, &c. 967 DE ni= 0-1 Palawan island. Gapt. Bate, V^iiQ-i-, corr. 1897 2 6 944 ^^ m= Various Harbours on south side of Busu- anga island. Port Kulion. Port Talindak. Port Batan. Gapt. Montero, S2)anish Navy, 1869 ; corr. 1885 1 6 2911 «E m= 1*5 Malampaya sound. Gom. Bate, 1851 ; corr. 1879 2 6 2912 »B m= 1*8 St. Paul bay to Emergency point, including port Barton. Gapt. Bate, 1852 ; corr. 1879 2 6 2913 ^\^ w--:= 2*5 Ulugan bay or Banog, Gom. Bate, 1851 ; corr. 1879 1 6 416 ^'^ m= 2-68 Malanut & Nakoda. Spanish Survey, 1889 1 6 2914 \^ m^ 1-88 Port Royalist. (Torn. ^^76?, 1850; (WT. 1883 1 6 CHINA SEA, WITH MALAY, SIAM, AND CAMBODIAN COASTS. 1263 DE f/= 0-9 China sea. Latest Gov. Surveys, 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2660a, & DK )n= 0*05 China sea, southern portion, 2 sheets; Latt'Ht Suri'ci/s, 1881 ; corr. a 1897, /j 1897. each 2 6 Sect. XIII.] CHINA SEA, &c. 167 1394 »= 1^0. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2661a, i" DK m= 0"05 China sea, northern portion, 2 sheets. Latest Surveys, 1884; corr. a 1897, h 1897. each 2 6 m= 5*0) Entrance to Kuantan river. ^ \ m= 4*0 ) Entrance to Pahang river. Entrance to Rumpin river. Sketch Surveys, 1889-90 ; corr. 1897 1 2414 DE m= 0-05 Gulf of Siam. - Latest authorities, 1881 ; corr. 1897 2 6 998 DE m= 0*13 Pulo Kapas to Lakon roads. (plans, Singora roads, Patani roads, Great Redang harbour. Tringano) J. Richards, 1856-7 ; Siamese Survey, 1872 2 6 Lakon roads to Lem Tane. Siamese Survey, 1872 2 Gulf of Siam, Sheet I. : Lem Tane to Koh-ta-kut. J. Richards, 1856-7 ; corr. 1879 1 6 Sheet II.: Kohtakutto 989 A m= 0-25 2719 DE m= 0-25 2720 DE m= 0-31 1389 DE m-= 5*4 999 D m= 1-8 2721 DE w= 0-25 cape Liant. (plans. Bang Pak Kong river, Koh Kram bay) J. Richards, 1856-7 ; corr. 1897 2 6 Koh Sichang harbour. Siamese Surjmj, 1885 ; corr. 1894 1 6 Menam Chau Fya or Bangkok river. J. Richards, 1856 ; corr. 1893 2 6 Gulf of Siam, Sheet III.: Cape Liant to Koh-kut. (plan Chentabun river) /. RicJicu'ds, 1856-7 ; corr. 1897 2 2722 ^^ m= 0-25 Sheet IV.: Koh kut to Bay island. /. Richards, 1856-7 ; corr. 1897 2 2101 ^/ m= Various Plans in the gulf of Siam : — Saracen bay. Pulo Panjang. Pulo Wai or Koh Kwang Noi. British and U.S. Surveys, 1856-93 1 2725 DE m— 0'5 Koh Tron, and channels leading to anchorages off Kamput. J. Richards, 1857 ; corr. 1892 2 2723 DE m= 0-25 Gulf of Siam, Sheet V. : Bay island to Pulo Obi. (plans, Pulo Obi. Pulo Dama anchorage.) J. Richards, 1859 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1000 %^ m— 1-5 VnloCondoregromp. Messrs. L.Manen and G. Heraud, French Navy, 1862 : corr. 1897 I 6 1G8 COCHIN CHINA. [Sect. XIII. COCHIN CHINA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1261 i> Imp m= 0*3 Saigon river to Kam-ranli bay. French Survey, 1863 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1269 i)E m= 0*6 Saigon or Don-nai river, with the Dong-tranh and Loirap branches leading to city of Saigon. (plans, Mitho road. Coral bank in Saigon river. Saigon road.) French Survey, 1861-4 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1342 HE m= 0-09 Fan-rang bay to Tong-king gulf . (plans, entrance to the Hue river or Thruong Thien. Tourane bay. Fuyen and Knmong harbours. Vung gang bay) French Oov. Surveys, 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1008 V ^= 0'38 Kam-ranh bay to Vung-Ro bay, including Nhatrang, Binkang, and Hon kohe bays. F rench Surveys to Um-, corr. l^^l 1 6 „^. PK fm= 2"7) Kin *Hon or Tin nai harbour. Hue "^ \m=- 3'6| river entrance. Freyich Oov. Surveys tol^'di); corr. l^^^l 1 6 1005 Y m= 0-78 Ki Kik bay, and adjacent coast. French Survey, 1864 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1010 V m= 1-5 Kulao Cham and entrance of Kua Doi river. French Survey, 1S64: 1 6 2062 i>ii w= O'l Tong-king gulf. Various authorities to 1886 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1965 BE m= 0-30 Kua Lacht to Kao Tao shan islands, including the delta of the Songka. Latest French Charts to 1893 ; corr. 1897 2 6 775 i)K vM-— 1-0 Approaches to Haifong. French Charts to 1889 ; corr. 1895 2 6 875 'V' /^/ = Various Ports and anchorages in Tong-king gulf : — Pak hoi anchorage. Lacht Kuen or Mahnson river. Guie Chan. Pak ha mun anchorage. Various authorities to 1879 ; corr. 1885 1 6 1169 i)K 'in= 0'97 Approaches to port Courbet and interior channels between Nui Kak Ba and Pak Ha Mun. (plan, Pak Ha. Mun anchorage). French charts to 1887 ; corr. 1896 3 776 UK //!== 1-0 Shieng Mun to Tra Ko island, in- cluding the interior channels and oll'-lving islands. French Charts, 1890 ; corr, 1896 2 t? Sect. XIII.] gOCHIN CHINA. CHINA. 169 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 876 ( m = 0*5 1 Hainan strait: \m= I'Oj (plan, Inner passage) Cajd. Napier and Lieut. Carpenter, 1880-2 ; corr. 1896 37 °^ m= 2"0 Hoi hau bay (Hainan island). Ca2Jt. Napier, 1879 ; corr. 1894 1 1019 V m= Various Yu lin kan bay. Gaalong bay. Nam Hoi Chun and Cliue Tan anchorages. Tai Chau or Tinhosa anchorages. Chun Lan harbour. Sanaa port. Various authorities, 1817-90 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1201 A m= 0*65 Reef s in the China sea : — North Danger, Thi tu island and reefs, and Subi reef. Loai ta island and reefs. S^ Tizard bank and reefs. ^ Sta,j^ Co?n. Meed, \S&7~S 2 94 V Wi= 0-21 Paracel islands. (plan, Woody island.) German hfov. Survey, 1883 ] 6 270 »/ m= 0-J8 Macclesfield bank. Corns. Moore and Field, 1892-3 ; corr. 1894 6 CHINA. 2212 A ni= 0'23 Hui Ling San harbour to Hongkong. (plans, Hui Ling San harbour. Namo harbour. Macao harbour. Shito bay.) Admiralty Surveys to 1881 ,- corr. 1896 2 (/= 2*0 Hongkong to gulf of Liau tung. Latest authorities, 1876 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*5 Tihen pien or Tien pak harbour. Lieut. Boss, I.N., corr. 1868 1 6 ;»=.12-() Boddam cove. Stajff' Com. Reed, 1868 6 fn= 3"() Kuin sing mun harbour. J. Bees and F. Jauncey 1 in= 0'45 Chu kiang or Canton river with its western branches, to Samshui, &c. British Surveys to 1861 ; corr. 1890 3 6 1782 DK m= 1*5 Sheet I. : LantaatoLan- kit islands. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1840 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1741 DE m= 3*0 Sheet II. : Lintin bar to Tiger island, with Chuenpi and Boca channels. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1840 ; corr. 1865 2 6 1262 DE 96 A .1023 DE 1253 DK 2562 DB &\^ 170 CHINA. — SOUTH COAST. [Sect. XIII. No. Size. Scale. ' Title of the Chart. Price. s. d, 1740 nE m= 3*0 Chu kiang or Canton river, &c. Sheet III.: Tiger island to Second Bar pagoda, Gapt. Bate, 1857 ; corr. 1898 2 6 1742 D E m= 3-0 Sheet IV. : Second Bar paf,oda to Whampoa and Chang shan island. (plan, Whampoa anchorage) Oojo/.^afe, 1856-7; corr. 1891 2 6 1739 BK m= 3*0 Sheet V.: Whampoa chan- nel and Chang shan island to Canton. Index sheet of Canton river. Gapt. Bate, 1856-7 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2734 DE m= 0'7 Si-kiangorWestriver, sheet II. : — Sam chau to Chau sun. Lieut. Bullock, 1859 2 6 2735 DK m= 0'7 Si-kiangorWestriver, sheet III.: — Chau sun to Wu chu fu. Lieut. Bullock, 1859 2 6 362 ^" w= I'O Pratas reef and island. J. Richards, 1858 ; corr. 1882 1 1962 DE&Y m— 0-24 Hongkong to The Brothers. (plans, Tai-sami. Goat island an- chorage. Owick bay) Admiralty Surveys, 1845-87 ; corr. 1896 3 1180 HE m= 0*67 Approaches to Hongkong. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1466 " in= 2 '4 Hongkong. Fotaumun pass. Admiralty Surveys to 1893 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1459 DE m=12'0 Hongkong harbour. Gom. Moore, 1886-7 ; corr. 1895 2 6 380 V ^= 5-96 Taitambay. Gapt. Moore, 1893 1 6 1964 V m= 0-8 Mir s bay. (plan, Samun road.) Gapt. Gollinson, 1845 ; corr. 1895 1 6 958 V *^= I'l Hie che chin bay. Gom. Moore, 1886 1 6 811 DE {m= 2'0\ Anchorages on the coast of \m= 1-Oj ^ \m= I'Oj China : — Anchorages between Black-head and Crab point, inclu- ding Blakeney pass. Kupchi point anchorage, Breaker point anchorage, and Tungao road. Gapt. Napier, 1877-80 ; corr. 1890 854 oz /;t= 3-1 Port Swatau. G. Stanley, 1865 ; corr. 1882 2 6 Sect. XIII.] CHINA— BA.ST COAST. FORMOSA. 171 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price, s. d. 1957 \^ m= 0-7 Namoa island. Gapt. Collinson, 1844 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1760 DE & Y „^_ (J.24 rpj^g Brothers to Ockseu islands, in- eluding the west coast of Formosa from Wankan bank to Nan sa sha river, (plans, Tingtai bay. Red bay) Admiralty Surveys, 1843 to 1887 ; corr. 1897 3 m= 1"{) Tongsang harbour and Hutau bay. (plan, Rees pass.) Capt. Collinson, 1844 ; corr. 1891 1 6 m= 1-0 Amoy harbours and approaches. Capts. Kellett & Collinson, 1843 ; co7^r. 1890 1 6 m= 6"0 Inner harbour. E. Wilds, 1863 ; corr. 1897 1 6 m= I'O Hu i tau and Chimmo bays. Capt. Collinson, 1843 ; corr. 1883 1 6 m= 1"5 Chinchu harbour. Capt. Collinson, 1844 ; corr. 1882 1 6 m=- 0-8 Pescadores islands. Capt. Collinson, 1844 ; corr. 1897 2 6 y/i= 3-0 Pescadores islands, inner an- chorages. French Gov. Survey, 1886 2 6 yr«= O'l Formosa island and strait. Admiralty Surveys to 1868 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= Various Harbours in Formosa: — Tamsui harbour. Suao bay. Port Kok si. Port Ta kau. Various Authorities, 1855-96 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2618 A m= 5*0 Ke-lung harbour. W. Blakeney, 1858 ; corr. 1896 2 2409 ni': in= 0-5 West coast of Formosa, and Pescadores channel. Admiralty Surveys, 1844-67 ; corr. 1897 2 1926 \ /;«= 4-0 Anpei (Amping) anchorage. Japanese Survey, 1896 1 6 1761 DE m= 0*24 Ockseu islands to Tung yung, including the north part of Formosa from Nan sa sha river to Ke lung liarbour. Admiralty Surveys, 1843 to 1887 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1985 "K m= I'O Hai tan strait. Admiralty Surveys to 1886 ; 6-o/7\ 1895 2 6 1958 DE 1767 D B 1764 DK 1959 DE 1769 DE IT 1961 DK 1338 DE 1968 DB 2376 Imp. 172 CHINA — EAST COAST. [Sect. XIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 818 \^ ni= 3-0 Channels between Red Yit and Rugged island, leading to the south entrance of Hai tan strait, (plan, Dwarf anchorage) Com. Napier, 1877 ; corr. 1883 1 6 817 Djs 7n= 3*0 The narrows of Hai tan strait. Com. Nax)ier, 1877 2 6 2400 DE ni= 1*1 The bar and approaches to the river Min. Com. Moore, 1886 ; corr. 1895 2 6 166 ^" m= 5*0 Pagoda anchorage and approaches. Com. Moore, 1886 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1754 UE m= 0*24 Tung Yung to Wen chau bay. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1988 V w= 0-7 Sam sah bay and inlet. Capt. Collmson, 1846 ; corr. 1876 1 6 1980 V m= 1-7 Nam kwan harbour. Capt. Collinson, 1846 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1759 DK m= 0-24 Wen chau bay to Kue shan islands. Admiralty Surveys, 1843 to 1878 ; com 1895 2 6 1763 DB m= 1*0 Wen-chau port and approaches. (plan, Snipe island anchorage). Capt. Napier, 1878 ; corr. 1892 2 6 1199 niE 7n= 0-25 Kue shan islands to the Yang tse kiang, including the Chusan archipelago. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 3 1994 \^, m= 0-7 San-Mun bay and Shipu harbour. Capt. Collinson, 1843 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1811 V m= 0-82 Kue shan islands to Nimrod sound. Capt. Moore, 1892 1 6 1583 V* ^= 0'7 Nimrod sound. Corns. Hastings and Moore, 1843-92 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1429 DB m= 0*83 Nimrod sound to Yung river, in- cluding the southern portion of the Chusan archipelago. Corns. Moore and Dawson, 1888-92 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1395 ^® m= 4*0 Ting-hai harbour and approaches. Lieut. Collinson, 1840 ; corr. 1893 1 6 iw?= 6*0 j Yung river and approaches. Chin m= 2-5 \ hai to Ning p<>. Yuyao and m= 0-48 ) Tsiekie branch and Funghwa branch. Cajjt. Moore, 1893 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Sect. XIII.] CHINA — NORTH-EART AND NORTH COASTS. 173 iVo. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d, 1124 DB m= 0'5 Southern approach to the Yang tse kiang : Video to cape Yang tse. (plan, Bonham strait.) Com. Moore, 1887-8 ; con: 1893 2 6 1453 "/ m= 2*0 Chapii road. Corns. Kellett & Collinson, 1842 6 1602 i> E m= 0"5 Approaches to the Yang tse kiang. Capt. Napier, 1879-80; Com. Moore, 1887; corr. 1897 2 6 2809 DE m= 0*5 Yang tse kiang : Shanghai to Nanking. (plan, Silver island) Varioiis authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 fm= 3*7 1 Wiisung river or Hwang pu. \m,=^ 6"0j Wusung river entrance. A. M. Bishee, 1887 ; corr. 1896 3 w = lO'O Shanghai harbour. A.M.Bishee,l%^l 2 m= 0*5 Nanking to Tung liu. Corns. WardiSc Osbonie, 1858 ; corr. 1889 2 6 m = 0"5 Tung liu to Hankau. Corns. Ward and Osborne, 1858 ; corr. 1892 2 6 m= 0"5 Hankau to Yo chau fu. Poyang lake and Kan river to Nanchang. Com. Ward, 1861 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1115 u. Imp. m= 0*5 Upper Yang tse kiang ; Yo chau fu to Kwei-chau-fu. (plan, Tung ting lake) Sub-Lieut. Dawson, 1869 ; corr. 1897 2 6 115 \^ m= 1*9 Plans in the Upper Yang tse kiang : — Ichang. Sha sze anchorage. Sub-Lieuts. Daivson & Palmer, 1869 1 6 1255 A m= 0"18 Shantung promontory : Kyau chau bay to Miau-tau strait. Com. Ward & E. Wilds, 1857-66 ; corr. 1896 2 857 DB m= 1*3 Kyau chau bay. E. Wilds, 1863 ; corr. 1866 2 6 1256 ij E m= 0*1 Pe chili and Liau lung gulfs. (plans, Hope sound. Chifu islands anchorage, Thornton haven. Entrance and bar of the Li tsin ho. Entrance to the Ta san ho. Shallov^ bay) Com. Ward and Lieut Bullock, 1860 ; corr. 1897 3 2823 "/ m= 2"0 Wei hai wei harbour. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1601 DE & »/ 389 A 2678 1) E 2695 UE 2849 UK 174 CHINA — NORTH COAST. [Sect. XIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. i9An DK {m= I'O") Chifu or Yen-tai harbour. Chifu ^'^'^^ ^ |m= 9-Oj or Yentai landing. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1897 16 2846 V w= 9*0 Lung mun harbour. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1876 1 1392 V' ^'*= ^'^ Pe chili strait, shewing the various channels into the gulf of Pe chili, and the anchorage of Hope sound, (plan, Charybdis harbour) Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1798 V ^"= 0'75 . ...Kwang tung peninsula, shewing approaches to port Arthur. Com. Ward, 1860 ; Mr. J. Calder, 1890 ; corr. 1897 1 6 ■joop i)E Un= 4"0\ Approaches to port Arthur or Lu ■«-^'>t) 2' 1^^ 9.0} Shun Kau. Port Arthur. French Surveys, 1881-2 ; corr. 1897 16 598 uE m= 0'19 Li tsin ho to Ning-hai, shewing the Pei ho to Peking, (plans, Lau mu ho entrance. Ching-ho entrance. Peh-tang- ho entrance. Chi-ho entrance. Tai cho ho and Yang-ho en- trances) Admi7^altySurveys,l'!^h^-^0;corr.l'6^ih 2 6 2653 ME m= 2"4 Pei-ho or Peking river, Sheet 1, from the entrance to Ko-ku. A. E. Ploix, French Navy, 1858 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2654 DK m= 2'4 Pei ho or Peking river. Sheet 2, Ko-ku to Tien tsin. A. E. Ploix, French Navy, 1858 ; corr. 1863 2 257 DE m— 2*2 Tien tsin to Tungchau. Lieut.-Col. Wolseley, R.E., 1860 ; corr. 1876 2 258 DB m= 2-2 Tung chau to Peking. Lieut.-Col. Wolseley, R.E., 1860 2 6 2894 DB w= 1*0 Liau river, from the entrance to Tien chwang tai, including Newchwang. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1897 2 2833 DB m=: 1-0 Port Adams (Society bay). Hulu- slian bay. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1874 2 6 9Q97 DE I /n= I'O ) Ta lien-hwan bav, Odin cove. '^^'^* ^ I m= 5-4 ) Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1877 16 2847 Hj* w= 3*0 Hai yun island, including Thornton haven. Com. Ward, 1860 ; corr. 1880 1 Sect. XIII.] KOREA. 175 KOREA. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1257 DB m= 0'32 Approaches to Ping yang inlet, Peng yong do to Yalu kiang. Japanese Surveys to 1890 ; covr. 1897 2 6 1655 DE m= 1*1 Southern approach to Ping Yang inlet, Sho niu dok kak to Clio da. Japanese Surveys to 1890 2 6 1656 Ant. m= 1*1 Ping Yang inlet. Japanese Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1895 3 1258 DE w= 0*3 Approaches to Seoul, with Sir James Hall group. Lieut. Hoskyn, 1882-3 ; corr. 1897 3 1270 DE m= 1*0 Approaches to Chemulpho an- chorage. Lieut. Hoskyn, 1882-3 ; corr. 1897 2 6 913 DE m= 0*1) Western coast of the Korea, Mackau group to Clifford islands. (plan,Paloa harbour) Lieut. Hoskyn and Capt. Maclear, 1882-4 ; corr. 1894 2 6 104 DK m= 0'16 Korean archipelago, southern portion. Admiralty Survey ^^ 1845 to 1884; corr. 1897 2 6 l.^O A m= 2*5 Mado inlet and Long reach. Admiral Lang, 1889 2 1558 "a"'' m= 2*5 Crichton harbour. Admiral Lang, 1889 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1280 V m= 3-0 Port Hamilton. Cajit. Sir E. Belcher, 1845 ; corr. 1886 1 1065 DK ?n= 1*5 Douglas inlet and Sir Harry Parkes sound, (plan. Centre harbour) Lieut. Carpenter, 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1259 DE m= 2*0 Fusan harbour with adjacent coast of Tchao-sian, (plan, Commemoration bay). Com. Ward, 1859 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1316 DE m= 0'18 Cape Duroch to Linden point. (plans, TJnkof sy bay, Vitiaz bay) Russian and Ja/janese Surveys to 1887 ; 6-orr. 1897 2 6 1271 A m= Far^o^. DB I ^= ^'^^ \ Ports and anchorages on the east coast * ^1 ^= 1'50 j of the Koiea : — Port Lazaref. Shin Po anchorage. Chagu Chien Dogu anchorage. Choku Piyon bay. Russian, French, and Japanese Surveys, 1852-86 ; corr. 1893 1 JAPAN: 2412 1 E K. //?= ()-:}2 Nagasaki to Karatsu, Avith the Goto islands. (planSjTaina no Ura. Hardy harbour. Okushi harbour, Nama Ura.) Admiralty Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1897 2 6 11<> ii"i'. 111= l-(l Mats'sima to Atsusi-no-0-sima, in- cluding Hirado island and Goto islands. Com.Broolier andCapt. St. John, 1868-76 ; corr. 1896 2 6 127 i>K ;;?= 0-5 Hirado-no-Seto (Spex strait) to Si- monoseki strait. Corns. Ward and Brooker, 1861-8 ; corr. 1897 2 6 139 DK m= 6-0 Northern entrance of Hirado-no-Seto (Spex strait), with Yebukuro-no- Minato. Com,. Brooker, 1868 ; corr. 1896 4*5 Yobuko harbour. Com. Brooker, 1868 ; corr. 1882 2'6 Simonoseki strait. Capt. St. John, 1872-75 ; corr. 1897 = 0-13 Aburatani bay to Ando zaki, in- cluding Oki islands and Wakasa bay. Japanese Gov. Cliart'i : 1 '9 . : . . . .Aburatani harbour and approaches. Japanese Surveys to 1890; corv\189i :2*4 Setozaki harbour. Japanese Gov. Char, ■■ 6'0\ Harbours and anchorages on the = 3*9 j north coast of Nipon : — Kaka Ura. Kasa Uru. Latest Japanese Gov. Charts 1 6 1206» N 141 1)E 5 m 532 DE m 1495 d'k m 457 DE ■J m 2874 DE 1^ m 2198 UE i'" \m 2 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 1 1 6 178 JAPAN. [Sect. XIII. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2174 UK )ii= 0*45 Amarube zaki to Ando zaki, including Wakasa bay. Japanese Gov. Survey., 1879-92 2 6 2133 "/ )n=Vaiious Harbours aud anchorages on the north coast of Nipon : — Shiba- yama harbour. Tsuiyama har- bour. Tsuruga bay. Sakai har- bour. Wajima anchorage. Latest Japanese Gov. Charts ; corr. 1895 1 6 im= 1'2 j Harbours and anchorages on the m= 1-9 [ north-west coast of Nipon: — m= 2-0 ) Mikuni harbour. Miyadsu har- bour and port Ine. Fushiki anchorage. Japanese Surveys, 1S79-SG ; corr. 1894 1 t> m= 0'5 Noto peninsula. fjatest Japanese Gov. Charts ' 2 6 m= 1*8 Nanao harbours. Coin. Bullock and Japanese Surveys, 1867-87 ; corr. 1893 1 6 fm= 5"4") Harbours in Japan.- — Saigo har- \m= 2'OJ hour. Ohama harbour. JajKuiese Surveys, 1879-86 ; corr. 1890 1 6 m= 0*19 Sado island and adjacent coast of Nipon. (plans, Ogi bay. Niigata roadstead. Sakata harbour. Kamo harbour. Tabu Sima anchorage) Japanese Surveys to 1879 ; corr. 1896 1 6 452 DE m= 0-08 Yezo island with the adjacent straits of Tsugaru, La Perouse, and Yezo. Various authorities to 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2981 \= m= 0-65 Furubira Wan to I shikari Gawa. Japanese Gov. Survey, 1893 1 6 2975 °2® 7n= Various Anchorages on the west coast of Yezo island : — Oshidomari or Nakko bay. Iwanai anchorage. Yesashi anchorage. British and Japanese Surveys 1 6 2441 D E w = 0-32 Tsugaru strait. Various authorities to 1889 ; corr. 1897 2 6 507 DE ///,= 0-93 Go yo mai channel to Yezo strait, including Nemoro, Notsuke and Tomari anchorages. : Jjutest Japanese Gov. charts ; corr. 1896 2 6 2243 DE 205 UE 2 138 DE IS 536 DE 2 Sect. XIII.] JAPAN. 179 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 101 \^ m = Various AMohovAge^m. Rikuoko gulf : — Shiranai bay. Port Ominato. Aomori anchorage. Nohechi anchorage. French Survey, 1868 ; Japanese Gov. Sui^veys to 1889 ; corr. 1894 1 2672 ^.J^ m= 3"0 Hakodate harbour. Lieut. Hoskyn, 1881 ; corr. 1896 1 6 99iJ "/ m= 2*5 Anchorages in Yezo island : — Oterranai anchorage. Sutt bay. Urakawa bay. Mororan or En- dermo harbour. Mala YaMa. Mori roads. Various authoiHties, 1871-82 ; corr. 1895 1 6 991 "/ m= Various Anchorages on the coasts of Yezo island : — Bokkiriso bay. Hanasaki anchorage. Hama- naka bay. Nomoro anchorage. Kushiro road. Japanese Sur- veys, 1886-92 ; corr. 1895 1 6 W:l V- m= 2-0 Akishibar. Com. St.John,!^!!', corr. 1895 1 6 208 'V' 7«= F«y'?oMS.Harbour8 and anchorages on east coast of Nipon : — Kama-i-shi harbour. Shiriya-saki anchorage. Aikawa anchorage. Inu-bo-ye saki and Tone Gawa. Kats' Ura bay. Bf'itish and Japanese Survei/s to 1882 ; corr. 1897 1 6 806 i)K m= 0'42 Sendai bay to Miyako bay. (plans, Ishihama and Nobiru anchor- ages. Tu Shima peninsula anchor- ages. Kesennuma bays. Of unato harbour) Japanese Gov. Surveys to 1882 ; corr. 1897 2 6 \m= 3-01 Harbours on the east coast of 210 V \m= 1-4 }« Nipon : — Yamada harbour. Od- \m= l*8j zuchi harbour. Miyako bay. Com. St. John and Japanese Surveys, 1871-81; corr. 1891 1 6 99(! i>E m= 0*16 Kii channel to Yedo. (plans, Tago and Arari bays. Heda harbour. Shimidsu harbour) Admiralty Survei/s to 1877 ; 'corr. 1897 2 6 2657 ni-. m--= 0-7r> Gulf of Tokyo or Yedo. (]jlan, Yokohama bay) Jajjanese and British Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 6 997 '!,"' m= 7-0 Yokoska harbour and F'ka-ura Lieut. Banare, French Navy, 1870 ; corr. 18P2 1 6 12059 N2 ISO JAPAN. [Sect. XTlf. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 953 DE m= O-ib Omai -said to Tsurugi saki, includ- ing Suruga gulf ani= 1-0 Hyogo and Osaka. Entrance to Aji gawa leading to Osaka. Sakai. Com. Bullock and others, 1867 to 1888 ; corr. 1891 1 6 m= 6'0 Kobe and Hyogo bays. Japanese Chart 1 6 m= 1'6 Akashi-no-Seto and its approaches. Nav. Lieut. Ma.xivell, 1869 ; corr. 1896 1 6 16 DE 2265 DE 2^ 93 HE 5f Sect. XIII.] .JAPAN, KTJSSIAN TARTARY, AND KAMCHATKA. 181 Nu. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 137 UK ///= 0*9 B.diVimsi'^'Ad.-A. French and English Surveys, 1869-71 ; corr, 1894 2 6 119 \^ 771= 2-0 Naruto passage. Nav. Lieut. Maxivell,!'^^'^ ; corr. 1%1Z 1 6 128 UK & y! m= 1*50 Channels between Bingo Nada and Ozuchi sima. Com. St. John, 1870, and Jajmnese Survey, 189.'') ; corr. 1896 2 6 1969 IM-: m= 1*5 Ozuchi sima to Funoko sima. Various authorities 2 6 651 A m^= 0'5 Bungo channel. (plans, port Komame. Saga no seki) Japanese Surveys to 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 1557 iiE m= 1*0 Yawatahama harbour, with the . adjacent harbours and bays. Latest Japanese Gov. Chart 2 6 2877 \^ m= 2-38 Uwajima bay. Japanese Gov. Chart 1 6 2249 DE {m= 5*4 1 Ports on the east coast of Kiusiu: — 2 '[m= 3"65j Port Inokushi. Port Yonozu. Latest Japanese Chart 1 6 2985 Hf m= 3*0 Saiki bay. Latest Japanese Chart 1 6 770 DE fw= 5'85| Anchorages in Japan, Inland sea: — ^ |m= 1'95J Tomo tsu, Himeshima roads, Japanese Gov. Charts 1 6 131 Y' w^= ^'0 Kurusima-no-Seto and adjacent channels. Com. Broolwr, 1869 1 6 1206 "/ v/^= 1-8 Yanagi no Seto to Neko Seto. Imperial Japanese Chart, 1895 1 6 132 ni; tn~ 1'5 Channels between Misima Nada and Bingo Nada. Com. Brooker, 1869 ; corr. 1897 3 83 DE m= 1*42 Channels between Misima Nada and lyo Nada. English and French Surveys, 1869-72 ; corr. 1897 2 6 694 V' ^n= 2*0 Harbours and anchorages in lyo Nada and Harima Nada : — Port Okayama. Wnsimado. Gogo Sima and Horiye anchor- ages. U-iira, and Sakoshi and Morotsn bays. French Govern- ment Surveys, 1870-72 ; corr. 1877 1 6 MANCHURIA OR RUSSIAN TARTARY, AND KAMCHATKA. 2405 DE m= 0*03 Kuril islands from Nipon toKamchatka. (plans, Anchorage of Soya. Shana anchorage. Bettobu anchorage. Tob(totclii bay. Cape Patience. Tokotan bay. Kubetsu bay.) Latest authorities i corr. li^97 3 l«S2 RUSSIAN TARTARY AND KAMOHAriCA. [Sect. XIIT. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2128 \^ m= Various Plans of the Kuril islands: — Simushir island. Uriip island. Kliarinikotan island. Makanrus- luv island. Makanrnru island. Matau island. Mushir rocks. Alaid island. Kaikoke island. Shirinki island. Usliishir and Srednoi rocks. Rashau island. Black Brothers. Ketoy island. r.tr.yijusliiru strait. Kuril strait and I'aramushiru strait. Oneko- tan island. Shiashkotan and Kkarma islands. Moyoro bay. Jlr. H. J. Snow, 181)3 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1268 "^' 7n= Various Plans in the Kuril islands: — Shibetoro anchorage. Hitokatpu bay. Furebetsu anchorage. Naibo harbour. Shakotan har- bour. Anama harbour. Matsu- gahania bay. Go yo mai channel. Japanese Survet/s to 1887 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2432 uii m= 0-25 Tumen Ula to Strelok bay, including Peter the Great bay. (Expedition and Novgorod bays. Nayezdnik bay. Rasboinik bay. Anchorages on west coast of Kazakavitch island) Russian Surveys, 1861-94 ; corr. 1897 2 6 511 BE m= 0*56 Trinity bay to the Eastern Bosporus, including Amur bay. Latest Russian Got). Surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 I'Ol Goshkevitch bay. Mutine bay. 9*2 [■ Jubilee anchorage. 5-7j Sketch Surveys, 1887 ; corr. 189(5 1 6 1"97| Plans in Russian Tartary : — 8*9 J Tumen Ula. Gaidamak harbour. Russian Survey, 1861 ; corr. 1886 1 3'4 Slavianski bay (Port Bruce) Russian Survey, 1866 ; corr. 1897 1 6 3*0 Eastern Bosporus strait (Hamelin strait) Russian Gov. Survey, 1880-92 ; corr. 1897 2 25X1 BE m= 0*25 Strelok bay to St. Vladimir bay. (plans, Nakhodka bay. Tcheniya bay. Olga bay. Wrangle bay. St. Valen- tine bay) Com. Ward, 1859 ; Russian Charts, 1880 ; corr. 1897 2 6 698 '?' ■'>n= 8'5 Ancliorages on the S.E. coast of Manchuria ; — Granitnvii bay. Rutisian Surveys I 6 1186 DE 2" hn ■ m m 2407 il 10 im 1430 1) K m: 1011 A m-. ^ALIfORH^ Sect. XIII] RUSSIAN TARTARY AND KAMCHATKA. 183 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2716 "/ m= 4-0 Siau-wuhu bay. Com. Ward, 1859 ; corr. 1882 1 6 2773 °/ m= 3-0 St. Vladimir bay. Com. Ward, . 1859 ; corr. 1887 1 6 1117 A m= Various Anchorages in Russian Tartary and Saghalin island : — Trinity bay. Sedimi bay. Abrek bay. New Jigit bay. Alexandrovski and Dui roadsteads. Russian Gov. Surveys, 1886; corr. 1897 2 302 "/ m= Various Anchorages in the gulf of Tartary : — Mosolova bay, and entrance to the river Dui. Dattu or Tumnin river. Storozh bay. Vanina bay. St. Innocentia bay. Grosse- vitcha bay. Russian Surveys to 1897 1 6 2508 V ^= 1'68 Barracouta harbour (Port Imperial). Russian Survey, 1874 ; corr. 1897 1 316 V' m= 3-1 Castries bay. Russian Survey, 1868 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2192 ^^ m= Various Anchorages in south part of Saghalin island — Poro Tomari roads. Korsa- kovsk roads, Kosounai roads. Russian Surveys, 1872-88 ; corr. 1889 1 2388 UK m= 0-03 Sea of Okhotsk. (plans, port Aian. Ola anchorage) Latest Russian Charts; corr. 1897 2 6 2650 u E m= 0*25 Strait of Tartary, and the entrance of the Amur river. Russian Charts; corr. 1897 2 861 BE m= 1-7 River Amur, Sheet 1. From the entrance to Tchnurrak point. Russian Charts, 1864 ; corr. 1881 2 6 862 UK m= 1-7 Sheet 2. From Tchnurrak point to Grand Duke Alexander islands. Russian Charts, 1864 ; corr. 1880 2 6 1040 %^ m= 1-0 Avatchabay. (plan, Petropaulovsk harbour) Capt. Beechey, im ',. corr. 1S9^ 1 6 1041 "«^ m= 0-2 Outer bay. Capt. Beechey, 1827 ; corr. 1893 1 6 1644 DE m= 0-17 Komandorski islands. (plans, Medni islaad. Nikolski an- chorage. Staraya harbour. Preobra- jenski harbour. Pestchanni (Sandy) bay. Russian Chart of 1883 ; corr. 1897 2 184 AUSTRALIA — NORTH COAST. [Sect. XIV, SECTION XIV. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. AUJSTKALIA, NORTH COAST. No. Size. Scale. l^Hle of tJie Chart. Price. s. d. 2759 a i)B d= 1*0 Australia, northern portion, with adjacent islands and seas between it and the Equator. Latest information, 1SS4: ; corr.lS91 2 6 2759 i i>i; d= IV ■ southern portion. Latest information, 1884 ; corr. 1896 2 (J L04;'. i> K 7)1= 0-07 Sheet II. : Gulf of Carpentaria. (plans, Sir Edward Pellew group. Wellesley islands. Duyfhen point anchorage) Capt. Flinders and others, 1802-85 ; corr. 1896 2 G 1807 DE m— 0*25 southern side. (plans, Investigator road. Nor- man river entrance) Capt. Stokes, 1841 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1708 V w= 0-6 Albert river. Co77i. Stokes, lUl ; corr. 1886 1 6 1045 'V' m= 0"17 Gulf of Carpentaria, north west side. Ca^jt. Flinders, 1803 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1044 o& m= 0*06 Sheet IV. : to cape Ford. Admiralty Surveys, 1818-86 ; corr. 1892 2 6 1042 HE w«= 0-21 Cape Stewart to port Essingtou. F. Howard, 1866 ; corr. 1889 2 6 1057 ^5" m= I'O Entrance to Liverpool river. F. Howard and M. Guy, 1866 1 6 1333 V ^= 1-0 PortEsBington. C. ./. 7V«rs, 1839 ; corr. 1889 1 6 613 'j* w= 0-13 Melville island, with Dundas and Clarence straits. Admiralty Surveys, 1818-86 ; corr. 1892 1 6 Sect. XIV.] AUSTRALIA — NORTH AND NORTH-WEST COASTS. 185 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. 1095 DB w=: 0-78 Clarence strait. Capt. Mallear, 1888 ; corr. 1892 2 6 1704 DE fn= 3-0 Adam bay and Adelaide river entrance. Com. Hutchison, ISGA; corr. 1890 1 6 18 \^ m= 0*5 Port Darwin and adjacent inlets. Admiralty Surveys, 1839-86 ; corr. 1897 1 « 925 DK /n= 1*5 Port Darwin. Com. Hoskyn, 1885 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1046 \*^ m= 0*7 St. Asaph bay and port Cockburn. Lieut. Roe, 1824 ; corr. 1882 1 NORTH-WEST COAST. 475 I) K d= 2'25 North-west coast of Australia, between the parallels of 10° 8' S. and 21° South, with the off-lying islands and reefs. Various autlwrities to 1883 ; corr. 1896 a 6 1047 i)K & ^/ ,H^ (.»-I Cape Ford to Buccaneer archipelago. Admiralty Surveys, 1818-91 ; corr. 1894 3 /M = 0*5 Victoria river. Cora. Stokes, 1839 ; corr. 1881 1 6 m= 1-0 Cambridge gulf . Coins. Vereker & Dawson, 1888-9 3 m= 1-0 Lacrosse island to Reveley island. Com. Daivson,, 1889 2 6 w= 0*4 Jones island to cape Voltaire, in- cluding the Holothuria banks. Com. Moore, 1891 2 6 ///=x 0*14 Hall point to cape Bertholet, in- cluding King sound and the B^^ccaneer archipelago. Admiralty Surveys to 1883 ; corr. 1896 1 1048 DE n2= 0*1 Buccaneer archipelago to Bedout island, (plan. Beagle bay. Lagrange bay) Admiralty Surveys, 1818-85 ; corr. 1896 2 6 858 V "^= ^'^) Roebuck bay. Staff'-Com.Coghlan, 1883 1 6 1705 9 1388 D. Imp 1387 n R 1716 UK 1052 1) V, 186 AUSTRALIA — WEST COAST. [Sect. XIV. WEST COAST. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1055 i>K m= O'l Bedout island to cape Cuvier. (plans, Port Walcott. Port Robinson. Ash-burton road) Admiralty Surveys, 1818-85 ; corr. 1894 3 1437 DE //i= 5-9 Port Hedland. Gom.Daivson,l%% 2 6 917 A m= Various Harbours and anchorages on the west coast of Australia — Mer- maid strait. Hampton harbour. Fortescue road. Port Dongara or Denison. Staff-Corn. Coghlan, 1884-5 2 1056 iJii m= 0*11 Cape Cuvier to Champion bay, in- cluding Shark bay. (plans, Turtle bay. Port Gregory.) Admiralty Surveys to 18S6; corr. 1S9'I 2 6 518 ■ i> in.p. m= 0*3 Shark bay. (plans, South passage bars. Turtle bay) Admiralty Siirveys, 1858-86 ; corr. 1897 2 6 712 Hf m== 2'0 South Bejaling to Gascoyne road. Staff-Com. Coghlan, 1882 ; Com: Dawson, 1896 1 6 1723 V' '''== ^'2^ Houtman rocks and adjacent coast. (plans, Recruit bay. Good Fri- day bay) Admiralty Surveys, 1840-75 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1725 V m= 4-0 Champion bay. Nav. -Lieut. Archdeacon, 1874 ; corr. 1882 1 6 1033 "K m= 0"11 Champion bay to cape Naturaliste, including Swan river, (plans, Jurien bay. Approaches to port Dongara or Denison) Staff-Com. Archdeacon, 1875-76 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1058 V^ ^w= 1*3 Rottnest island to Warnbro sound, showing approaches to Gage roads. Swan river, and Cockburn sound. (plans, Cockburn sound, North and South channels) Nav. -Lieut. Archdeacon, 1873-78 ; corr. 1896 2 6 1700 A m= 9*6 Gage roads. Nav. -Lieut. Archdeacon, 1874 ; cwT. 1897 2 1038 "/ m= 3-0 Warnbro' sound. Staff-Corn. Archdeacon, 1878 1 6 Sect. XIV.] AUSTRALIA — SOUTH COAST. 187 No. Size. 1034 DK 4.13 1037 2619 1418 1059 2984 2973 1061 DE 7 DK Scale. m= 0-12 m= 0-72 m= 1-87 7)1= 1*5 m= 6*0 m= 0-12 m= 1-0 m= 2-9 m= 0-15 1066 DE m= 2-0 2389 a DE m= 0-24^ St. ^^ 2389 & DE & \B m= 0-24 - 784 A m= 2-0 785 DE w= 3-0 403 //i= 1-0 SOUTH COAST. Title of the Chart. Cape Naturaliste to King George sound and Doubtful island bay . (plans, Geograpbe bay. Koombanah bay) Staf-Com. Archdeacon, 1876-80 ; corr. 1896 Cape Mentelle to White point, shewing approaches to cape Leeuwin and Flinders bay. Stnff-Com. Archdeacon, 1878 ; corr. 1896 Anchorages on the south-west coast of Australia : — Hamelin bay. Flinders bay. Siaff-Gom. Archdeacon, 1878 ; corr. 1896 King George sound and Princess Royal harbour. Staff-Corn. Archdeacon, 1877 ; corr. 1896 Princess Royal harbour. G&m. Dawson, 1889 ; corr. 1897 Doubtful island bay to the head of the Great Australian bight. Latest authorities to 1880 ; corr. 1897 Esperance bay and approaches. Com. Cumhe, 1897 Esperance bay anchorage. Com. Combe, 1897 Cape Catastrophe to the Great Australian bight. (plans. Port Eyre. Denial and Smoky bays. Streaky bay. Coffin bay. Waterloo bay) Staff-Corn. Howard, 1873-9 ; corr. 1885 .Venus harbour. Staff-Com. Howard, 1875 St. Vincent and Spencer gulfs, 2 sheets. Com. Hutchison & Staff-Com. Hoivard, 1863-73 ; corr. a 1897, 61897 each .Port Lincoln. Staf-Com. Howard, 1872 .Franklin harbour. Staff-Com. Hoivard, 1871 ; corr. 1892 .Wood point to Lowly point, inclu- ding the approach to port Augusta, (plan, port Pirie) Com. Hutchison, 1863 ; corr. 1897 Price, s. d. 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 2 2 6 o 6 1 6 3 6 1 3 2 1 6 2 6 1^8 AUSTKALIA — SOUTH COAST. [Sod. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 4yj^ ^^y ,^_-|l'0]. Approach to Port Augusta. Port i3-0J Augusta. Gom. Hutchison, 1862-3 ; corr. 1894 2 6 402 ^.^ m= 1-2 ...... Tickera point to cape Elizabeth, including "Wallaroo and Tipara bays. Gom. Hutchison, 1862 ; corr. 1891 1 6 752 V m= 2-0 Port Victoria. Gom. Hutchison, 1866 ; curr. 1881 1 6 2]^52 UK ^;i,=A*^l Anchorages in St. Vincent gulf : — ^ U'OJ Macdonnell sound and Wool bay. Port Wakefield. Go7n. Hutchison, 1868 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1752 V ^= 1*0 Approaches to port Adelaide. Gom. Hutchison, 1868 ; corr. 1888 . 1 6 1750 UK m= 6*3 Port Adelaide. Nav.-Lieut. Qoalen, 1875 ; corr. 1897 2 6 25 V ''^= 1*0 Backstairs passage. Gapt. Hutchison, 1869 1 G 1014 »E >w= 0-25 Cape Jervis to Guichen bay. Nav.-LieuL Howard, 1870-71 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2493 V' "'= 3-0 Ports in the gulf of St. Vincent and Encounter bay : — Ports Victor and Elliot. Port Noarlunga. Port Wiilunga. Gom. Hutchison, 1869 ; corr. 1892 1 6 ii,a DK ... f3*0\ Sea mouth of Murray river. The ^*^ ^ '''-(e-Oi bar. Staff-Gom. Howard, 1876-9 ; covr. 1881 1 6 lOOfi "" m=.\^^\ Anchorages in South Australia : — ' I2*0j Lacepede bay. Guichen bay. Nav.-Lieut. Howard, 1871 ; com 1895 1 6 1015 V^ /?/.= 0-25' Guichen bay to Glenelg river. Nav.-Lieut. Howard, 1870-71 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1007 '5^ m= 2-0 Anchorages in South Australia :— RItoH bay. Port MacDonnell. Nav.-Lieut. Howard, 1871 : corr. 1882 1 6 Sect. XIV.] australi.v — south coast. 189 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. 8. d. 1062 D B m= 0*25 Glenelg river to cape Otway. (plans, Portland bay. Port Fairy. Warrnambool harbour) Nav. -Lieut. Stanley^ 1872 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2504 V m= 1-9.5 Portland bay. Nav.-Lieut. Stanley, 1869 ; corr. 1892 1 6 2506 V ^^- ^''f' Port Fairy. Nav.-Lieut. Stanley, 1870 ; corr. 1882 1 6 2494 V ''*= ^'^* Lady bay, and Warrnambool har- bour. Nav.-Lieut. Stanley, 1870 ; corr. 1892 1 6 1063 UE m= 0*19 Western approach to Bass strait, from cape Northumberland to King island and port Phillip. Nav.-LieiU. Stanley, 1872-3 ; corr. 1894 2 6 1695 a nn m= 0-20 j l^>aHS Btrait, 2 sheets. I. (plan, Refuge cove) 1695 i »H y/i= 0-20| Admiralty Surveiis,Wm-'61\ \ ' corr. a'l896, 6 1894 5 404 "2" y;?= 0-49 King island. Nav.-Lieut. Stanley, 1872-3; corr. 1880 1 6 1694 "^'^ //<= Vai'ionti xlnchorages in Bass strait : — Apollo bay. Louttit bay. Hummock island anchorage. Franklin road. Seal bay. Murray pass. Admiralty Survet/s, 1867-86 ; corr. 1886 1 6 1171a, & i>K m= 1-0 Port Phillip, 2 sheets. Com. Cox, 1864 ; corr. a 1897,1 ^^ &1895r^'^^ 21 Ail a, h A m= 3*0 Entrance to port Phillip, including the banks and channels, 2 sheets. Com. Cox, 1864 ; corr. a 1897,1 , />1897j^^^^^ 624 DB & "^^ //i= 6-0 Hobson bay, and river Yarra leading to Melbourne. Com. Cox, 1864 ; corr. 1897 3 2731 '\^ m.= 3-0 Geelong harbour. Com. Cox, 1864 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1707 i>K jm= 0-7| Port Western. |w= 3-0 j (plan, eastern entrance of port Western) Com. Cox, 1865 ; corr. 1894 2 6 1703 UK m= IV Wilson promontory, with Corner inlet and port Albert. Nav.-Limt. Stanley, 1869-70; corr. 1886 2 6 2 6 2 6 190 AUSTRALIA— SOUTH AND EAST COASTS. [Sect. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1706 A m= 0'5 Banks strait. (plans, Waterhouse anchorage. Bay of Fires) Staff-Corn. Stanley, 1874-77 ; corr. 1894 2 1016 %^ m= 0*2 Corner inlet to Grabo island. (plan, Gipps Land lakes entrance) Nav.-Lieut. Stanley, 1871 ; corr. 1896 2 EAST COAST. 1211 UK m= 0*14 Rame head to port Jackson. Capt. Sidney, 1866-71 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1017 DE&i^j*! m= 0',5 Sheet I.: Gabo island to Monta«ru island, (plan, Twofold bay) Nav.-Lieut. Qowlland, 1868 ; corr. 189(') 3 1018 TUTm,,. m= 0-,5 Sheet II.: Montagu island to Bee- croft head, (plan, Ulladulla harbour) Capt. Sidney, and Nav.-Lieut. Gowlland, 1868 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2176 V m= 2-0 Bateman bay. Nav.-Lieut. Gowlland, 1868 ; corr. 1893 1 6 567 DE m= 3'9 Jervis bay. Com. Balfour, 1894 3 1020 nK m= 0-5 Sheet III.: Beecroft head to port Jackson, (plans, Wollongong harbour. Kiama harbour) Capt. Sidney, 1867 ; corr. 1897 3 m= 2-0 Botany bay and port Hacking. ^ Nav.-Lieut. Qowlland,l^ll;corr.l'^^'^ 1 6 m= 0"5 Sheet IV.: Port Jackson to port Stephens. Com. Sidney, 1866 ; corr. 1883 3 m= 6"0 Port Jackson. Admiralty and Colonial Surveys, 1857 to 1888 ; corr. 1896 3 6 m=24*0 Woolloomooloo and Farm cove anchorages. Admiralty Surveys to 1890 ; corr. 1896 1 6 m = 2-0 Broken bay. Capt. Sidnei/, 1868-72 ; 'corr. 1881 1 6 m=12'0 Newcastle harbour. Ca2Jt. Sidneu, 1881 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2179 DK 2 1021 D E 1069 DE & "/ 1890 DE 2166 J)E 2 2119 1)E Sect. XIV.J AUSTRALIA — BAST COAST. 191 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1070 u.iiup. )n= 2*5 Fort Stephens. Gotn. Sidney , 1866 ; corr. 1878 2 6 1024 DE ;ai= 0-5 Sheet v.: Port Stephens to Tacking point, (plans, Sugar Loaf anchorage and adjacent dangers. Orowdy head and anchorage) Com. Sidney, 1862-5 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1025 DE m= 0-5 Sheet VI.: Tacking point to Coffs islands, (plan, Trial bay) Com. Sidney, 1862-4 ; corr. 1891 2 6 1027 DE /?i= 0-5 Sheet VII.: Coffs islands to Evans head. Com. Sidney, 1865 ; corr. 188H 2 6 1379 A m=Various Plans in New South Wales : — Port Macquarie. Clarence river entrance. Richmond river entrance. Cape Byron bay. N.S. W. Gov. Surveys, 1881-3 2 1026 i)K m= r5 Solitary islands and adjacent coast. Coin. Sidney, 1864 ; corr. 1882 2 6 1028 nE )n= 0-5 Sheet VIII.: Evans head to Danger point. Com. Sidney, 1865 ; corr. 1880 2 6 1029 DE m= 0'5 Sheet IX.: Danger point to cape Moreton. Nav.-Lieut. Bedwell, 1865-7 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1670 a, ft OE m= 1*5 Moreton bay, 2 sheets. Staff-Corn. Jeffery and Nav.- Lieut. Bedwell, 1S65-6S; corr. a 1897, b 1892. each 2 6 1674 DE m= 3'75 Brisbane river. Staff-Corn. Bedwell, 1873 ; corr. 1895 2 6 1068 DE & Hr^ m= 0-3 Sheet X.: Moreton bay to Sandy cape. Nav.-Lieut. Bedwell, 1869-70 ; corn 1897 3 1030 DE m— 1-4 Great Sandy strait, southern por- tion, with Wide bay bar and harbour. Staf-Com. Bedwell,lS7 6-S; corr. 1S95 2 6 1031 DE m= 1-4 Great Sandy strait, northern portion. Staff-Corn. Jeffery, 1863 ; corr. 1897 2 6 649 DE m= 3*0 Mary river. Staff-Corn. Bedivell,l^l^-^;corr.im?> 2 345 BE&»^E /yi= 0-25 Sheet XI.: Sandy cape to Keppel isles. (plans, Rodd harbour. Pancake creek). Various atothorities, 1843-70 ; corr. 1896 3 192 jLUSTRALIA — EAST COAST. [Sect. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 412 DB m= 3*0 Burnett river. Staff-Corn. Bedwell, 1870 ; corr. 1890 2 6 1900 i)K m= 1-95 Port Curtis. Staff-Corn. Bedwell, 1871-72 ; corr. 1897 2 6 346 DE&o/ ^__ 0-25 Sheet XII. iKeppel isles to Percy isles. Various authorities, 1803-78 ; corr. 1891 3 363 BE&f^^ m== I'O ... ..Keppel bay and islands. Staff -Cdm. Jeffery, 1864 ; corr. 1896 3 1952 DE m^ 30 Port Clinton. Gapt. Blackwood, 1843 ; corr. 1875 1 6 808 A >Ai= 0-65 Approaches to Shoal water bay. Staff-Corn. Bedwell, 1873-74; corr. 1880 '2 807 A rn-= 0*6.') Approaches to Broad sound. Staff -Com. Bedwell, 1874-7; corr. 1878 2 I m= 0*9 ) PercT islands. 351 r.u,. m= 3-0 \ ^ Capt. Denhum, 1859 : ( v/?= 5-9 ) Staff-Corn. BeAwell, 1878 ; corr. 1885 1 6 347 i>K >/?= 0-25 SheetXIII.: Percy islesto Whitsunday island. (plans, Approaches to Pioneer ri ver. Beverley islands anchorage) Admiralty Surveys to 1881 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1125 "./ )n= 6*0 Port Ne wry. Gloucester passage. Lieut. Richards, 1887 ; corr. 1890 1 6 498 Hj*' m= 2*0 Anchorages on the east coast of Australia : — Port Molle and Molle channel. Kennedy sound. Admiralty Surveys, 1879-81 1 6 348 T>K(S;^^ m=- 0*25 Whitsunday island to Magnetic island. Lieut. Richards, 1885-7 ; corr. 1893 3 2803 i)E m= 4-0 Port Deni son. Lieut. Richards, 1887 2 6 1102 A m= 1*5 Cleveland bay. Lieut. Richards, 1886 ; corr. 1893 2 2763 i>E&V' W'= 0-04 Coral sea and Great Barrier reef. Showing the Inner and Outer routes to Torres strait. Sheet 1. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1896 3 2764. i> K m= 0'04 Coral sea and Great Barrier reefs. Showing the Inner and Outer -_ routes to Torres strait. Sheet 2. ' Admiralty Surveys to 1SS5; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. XIV.] AUSTRALIA— BAST COAST. 193 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 349 DE m,= Various Reef anchorages in Australian Coral sea : — Willis islets. Wreck reef, West and Bird islet anchor- ages. Cato island reef and bank. Kenn reef. Frederick reef. Osprey reef. Sir J. Saumarez reefs. Mellish reef. Middle Bellona reefs. South Bellona roefs. Chesterfield group. Mellish reef anchorage. Long island anchorage. Gaj^t Denham, 1860 ; corr. 1888 3 864 ^*^ )n= Various Islets and reefs in the Coral sea: — Holmes reefs. Coringa islet. Flinders and adjacent reefs. Com. Hoskyn, 1886 1 2349 DE )n= 0"25 Magnetic island to Double point. Admiralty Surveys to 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 12.54 \^ m= 2'0 Hinchinbrook channel, south entrance. Lieiff. Richards, 1SS7-S ; corr. 1897 1 2350 Y' m= 0-25 Sheet XVI.: Double point to cape Tribulation, and the Barrier reefs. (plan, Cairns harbour) Ca2d. Stanley, 1843-48 ; corr. 1897 1 6 116 "/ m=12-0 Mourilyan harbour. Queensland Gov. Survey, 1882 1 2924 iiK m= 0*5 Cape Grafton to Hope islands, with the adjacent Barrier reefs. Admiralty Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1350 ^t[' m=12"0 Cook harbour (Endeavour river entrance). Lieut Pirie, 1891 1 6 2923 Aiu. m= 0*5 Hope islands to Turtle group with the adjacent Barrier reefs. Admiralty Surveys to 1889 ; corr. 1893 3 2922 Ant. m= 0-5 Turtle group to Claremont point. Ca,pts. BlacJcwood & Stanley, 1843-9; corr. 1893 3 2921 UK ws= 0-5 Claremont point to cape Direction. Capts. Blackwood & Stanleij, 1843-9- corr. 1897 3 2920 «E m= 0"5 Cape Direction to cape Grenville. Lieuts. Heming and Howard, 1893-6 2 6 2354 uE m.-= 0-25 Sheet XX.: Cape Grenville to Booby island. (plan, Eaine island entrance) Admiralty Surveys 1843-93 ; corr. 1896 3 12059 O 194 AUSTRALIA — EAST COAST. ARAPURA SEA. PAPUA, &G. [Sect. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2919 i^K m— 0*5 Cape Grenville to cape York. Com. Pirie, 1891-2 ; corr. 1896 2 6 437 DK m= 0*8 Albany pass to Booby island, in- cluding Endeavour strait, Normanby sound. Prince of Wales and Dayman channels. Admiralty Surveys, 1845-92 ; corr. 1895 2 6 447 °/' m—. 0-07 "Western approaches to Torres strait. Latest authorities to 1881 ; corr. 1896 1 6 2375 ni: m= 0*5 Torres strait, western channels. Capts. Stanley & Maclear, 1849-81 ; co7^r. 1896 2 6 691 V ^= 2'0 Normanby sound and Prince of Wales channel. Capt. Maclear, 1881 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1937 DE m= 2-0 Adolphus channel with Albany l^ass. Lieut. Pirie, ISdO ; corr. 1897 2 6 383 "2'' m= 6"0 Thursday island harbour. Mr. E. A. Cullen, 1893 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2422 J>i' 1)1= 0*25 Torres strait, N.E. and east entrances with the outlying reefs. Capt. Blackwood, 1843-5 ; corr. 1896 2 6 im= 3'0 ] Lord Howe island. Lord Howe island 711= 0-75 > and Ball's pyramid. Ball's pyramid m= 3'0 ) and South-east rock. Ca23t. Denham, 1853 ; corr. 1893 2 6 90 V ^w= 0-3 Middleton reef. Elizabeth reef . Capt. Denham, 1853 ; Lieut. Richards, 1878 ; corr. 1888 1 6 ^..^ DE (m= 2-4) Norfolk and Philip islands. Sydney ^^^'-' ^ im=ll-Oj bay. Capt. Denham, 1S55 ; corr. 1879 1 6 ARAFURA SEA. PAPUA OR NEW GUINEA. 470 Y m= 0-2 Aru islands. British and Netherlands Surveys to 1897 1 6 2264 DE ;«= 0-47 Ke or Ewaf islands. Dutch Gov. Chart, 1895 2 6 1460 V ^^^— Va/'io7is Ports in Arafura sea — Banda harbour. Ke Dulan harbour. Dobbo har- bour. Dilhi harbour. Kissa island anchorage. Oliliet an- chorage. Letti island anchorage. Com. Stanley, 1S^9-U; corr IHdl 1 6 Sect. XTV.] PAPUA OR NEW GUINEA. 195 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2423 DE m= 0*25 Papua or New Guinea, Sheet III.: British New Guinea, south coast — Boigu island- to cape Blackwood including Fly river, Capt. Blackwood, 1846 ; Sir W. Macgregor, 1889-93 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2120 D E ms=. 0-25 Sheet IV. : Cape Blackwood to Freshwater bay. Lieut. Yule, 1846 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2121 BE m= 0-25 Sheet V. : Freshwater bar to Round head. Capt. Stanley, 1850 ; corr. 1893 2 6 1239 DE m= 2'0 Hall sound. Vari Vari anchorage. Lieut. Pullen, 1886 2 6 2126 1088 w= 3-1 ) Port Moresby. Approaches to 0-65 j " " ;/?= 0-65 j port Moresby Lieut. Pullen, 1885 1 6 2122 DK w= 0-25 Sheet VI. : Round head to Orangerie bay. (plan, Nobanoka bay or port Glasgow) Cajd. Stanley, 1850 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2123 n E m= 0-25 Sheet VII. : Orangerie bay to Bramble haven, (plans, Discovery bay. Pitt bay. Anchorage off Samarai or Dinner island. Hoop Iron bay) Capt. Stanley, 1850 ; Limits. Daivson & Field, 1874-86; corr. 1895 2 6 916 A m=. 2*0 Su-a-u harbour and adjacent coasts. TJeuts. Pullen & Field, 1885-6 ; con: 1888 2 ,-,qo UE \ni= 1*9| Anchorages on the south-east coast ^■^^'^ ^' \ni^. 3-0 f of British New Guinea :—Bira Bira bay. Killerton islands and anchorage. Lieut. Field, 1886 1 6 ^m— 1'5) China strait and approaches. A.\\- \m=^ 6*0 f chorage off Samarai or Dinner island. Lieut. Field, 1886 ; corr. 1890 2 6 937 BE m=- 2"0 Goschen strait and channels round East cape. Lieut. A.M. Field, 1885 ; corr. 1892 2 2124 i)E m= 0-25 Sheet VIII. : Bramble haven to Rossel island. Capt. Stanley, 1850, Lieut. FieU, 1887 ; corr. 1890 2 6 1477 Ant. m-=- 0*55 Jomard entrance to Yeina island, including Misima, Deboyne, and Renard islands. Lieut. Field, 1887-8 3 12(M!» 2 196 NEW GUINEA &C. TASMANIA. [Sect. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1473 ^.j^ m = Various Rossel island and lagoon. Ra- buso creek. Swinger opening. Pwennegwa harbour. Lieut. Field, 1888 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2641 "/ m= 3-7 Guasopa harbour (Woodlark island). N. G. Arguimbau and Lieut. i^eeves, 1858-95 1 6 1963 ^^ )n= 0-4 Islands in British New Guinea: — Kiriwina or Trobriand islands. Sir Wm. Macgregor, 1891 ; corr. 1896 1 938 A m= 0*25 East cape to cape Nelson with the D'Entrecasteaux islands. Lieuts. Dawson & Field, 1874-85 ; com 1895 2 939 A] m= 0-25 Cape Nelson to Hercules bay. Limt. Dawson, 1874 ; corr. 1895 2 qg/. J'm= 0-5| Anchorages on the north-east of ^"^^ "" \tn= 6-Oj NewGuinea:— Ward Hunt strait. Yasaiasa anchorage. Luther anchorage. Lieut. A. M. Field, 1885 ; corr. 1893 1 6 2766 n K m = 0-04 North-east coast of New Guinea, with Bougainville, New Britain, New Ireland, Admiralty islands, and off-lying reefs. Latest authorities to 1886 ; •corr. 1897 2 6 1084 "^^ ?n= Various Astrolabe bay. Port Constantine. Finsch harbour. Port Grand Duke Alexis. German & Russian Surveys ^0 1884; corr. 1894 1 2467 "2 * '" = Various Plans of anchorages on the north coast of New Guinea : — Little Geelvink bay. Dorei harbour. Warmafu road. Jendee road. Andai anchor- age. Wandamui road. Wendesi road. Korrido anchorage. Anus anchorage. Wari bay. Awek road. Serui road. Manokwar anchorage. Ansus road. Mokmer road. Man- upu anchorage. Entrance to Mam- beronmo river. Matterer bay. Jam- na road. Humboldt bay. Wairur road. Batavicm Gov. Charts, 1890 1 6 TASMANIA. 1079 UK ?«= 0*11 Tasmania. (plan. Emu bay.) Various authorities ; corr. 1897 2 6 Sect. XIV.] TASMANIA. NEW ZEALAND. 197 105 VB 2130 DE 1629 1)B ST 1080 {m= l-0\ \m= 2-Oj Price, s. d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 J\ro. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. in«l DE \m= 3'0 ) George bay. Bar and entrance to ^° ' I m= 8-5 f George bay. Lieut. Brooker, 1862 : corr. 1877 869 Hf' m= 4*7 Spring bay and adjacent anchor- ages. Lieut. Moore, 1884 384 °/ m= 2*0 Plans in Tasmania : — Wedge bay. Lieut. Howard, 1896-7 1475 "/ ^n= 3-0 Port Arthur. Lieut. Purey-Cust, 1893 ; corr. 1897 809 DE m= I'll Frederick Henry and Norfolk bays. Lieut. Purey-Cust, 1894 ; corr. 1896 960 oEtfe"^^ m= 0'68 Approaches to Hobart, including D'Entrecasteaux channel and Derwent river. Admiralty Surveys to 1894 ; corr. 1897 6 m=10-0 Port Hobart. Lieut. Brooker, 1861 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 2*0 Port Davey. P. Going, 1850 ; corr. 1876 1 6 m= I'O Macquarie harbour. G. W. Evans, 1822 ; corr. 1894 1 6 ....River Tamar from the sea to Launceston. Port Dalrymple. J. Welch & Sta^-Com. Stayiley, 1830-80 ; corr. 1897 1 6 NEW ZEALAND. North Island. 1212 DE m= 0-04 New Zealand. Capt. Stokes & Com. Drury, 1848-55 , corr. 1897 2 6 2525 D K m= 0*24 Sheet 1 : The northern coasts from Hokianga on the west, to Tutukaka on the east, (plans, Parenga-renga harbour Ohora river and bar.) Capt. Stokes & Com. Drury, 1849-55 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1091a DK m=- 3"0 Hokianga river. Com. Drury, 1851 ; corr. 1885 2 6 10916 DE m= 3'0 Hokianga river, upper part. Com. Drury, 1851 ; corr. 1867 2 6 2520 't^ m= 3*0 Rangaunou or Awanui river. Com. Drury, 1852 1 6 1791 Y w=10-0 Port Monganui. ^.fi".£ra^?oran, 1845; corr. 1875 6 1092 V w= 3-0 Whangaroa bay. Capt. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1867 2 198 N15\V ZEALAND. [Sect, XiV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1090 UB m= 2*0 Bay of islands. Gapt. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2024 "/ m= 3-0 Whangaruru harbour. Gapt. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1275 ^^ m= 3-0 Tutukaka harbour and Ngunguru river. N. G. Phillips, 1837 ; corr. 1849 1 2543 DB m=e 0-3 SHBETlT.ilMonganui bluff to Manukau harbour on the west coast, and from Tutukaka harbour to Mayor island on the east coast, including Hauraki gulf. Gapt. Stokes SYoA;es, 1849 ; 6wr. 1890 1 6 1094 V '^= 2-5 Mahurangi harbour and approaches. Sketch Surveys, 1849-55 ; corr. 1894 1 1896 V . m= 1-0 Auckland harbour entrances. Gapt. Stokes, Gom. Drury & Lieut. Oldham, 1849-84 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1970 DB m— 6-0 Auckland harbour. Gapt. Stokes, Gom. Drury & Lieut. Oldham, 1848-84; corn 1891 2 6 m= 2*0 River Thames. Golonial Gov. Survey, 1886 1 m= 2-0 Coromandel harbour. Gapt. Stokes, 1850 ; E. W. Greak, 1864 1 m= 2-0 Mercury bay. Gom. Drury, 1^6^% 1 6 m= 0-25 Sheet II I.: Mayor island to Poverty bay. Gom. Drury, 1853 ; corr. 1896 2 6 rm= 8-0 1 Tauranga harbour. Upper part [m== 1"5 j of Tauranga iiarbonr. Gom. Drury, 1852 ; corr. 18^4 2 6 1108 DB 3 2035 DE 2574 DB 2527 DB 2521 Sect. XIV.] NEW ZEALAND. 199 No, Size. Scale. Title of the Cha7± Price. s. d. 2528 DE m= 0*25 Sheet IV.: Poverty bay to cape Palliser. (plan, Long point anchorage) Gapt. Stakes & Com. Drury, 1849-55 ; corr. 1897 2 G 2513 "y^ m= 9-0 Napier port and harbour. Napier Harbour Board, lSS2-9b 1 6 2054 n f; m= 0*25 Sheet V. : Cook strait, and coast to cape Egmont. (plan, Opunake bay) Capts. Stokes & Drury, 1849-54 ; corr. 1897 2 6 695 OE m= 0-5 Cook strait. C apt. Stokes & Com. Drury, 1849-54 ; corr. 1895 3 1423 DK m= 3-0 Port Nicholson. (plan, Lambton harbour) Capt. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1897 2 6 9\«« DE 1'^= 4-01 Entry anchorage. Porirua harbour ^^°^ ^ \m= 3-Oj and Mana island. Cop^. iS'toA;es, 1850 ; corr. 1S77 1 6 2535 DE m= 0'25 Sheet VI.: Manukau harbour to cape Egmont. (plans, New Plymouth or Taranaki road. Aotea harbour. Waikato river. Mokau river) Capt. Stokes & Com. Drury, 1849-51 ; corr. 1893 2 6 2524 UK m= 3-0 Kawhia harbour. Com. D^^ury, 1854 ; corr. 1890 2 6 2534 DE m= 4*0 Whaingaroa harbour. Com.Drury, 1854 ; corr. 1895 2 6 South Island. 2684 DE //i= 0-9 Cook strait anchorages — Sheet 1: D'Urville island, to the entrance of Queen Charlotte sound. Capts. Stokes & Drury, 1849-53 ; corr. 1894 3 2685 DE m= 0-9 Sheet II.: Croi- silles harbour, Pelorus sound, port Gore, port Underwood, Queen Charlotte sound, and Tory channel. Capts. Stokes & Drury, 1849-53 ; corr. 1897 3 2616 DE m= 0-25 Sheet VII.: Cape Foulwind to D'Urville island, including Tasman and Golden bays, (plans, Tonga anchorage. Torrent bay and Astrolabe road) Ca2Jt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1897 2 6 inoA DE j w= 2-8) Current basin and French pass. ^^^ ^ I m=ll-0 ) French pass. Com. Drury, 1S54:; corr. 1895 1 6 iSOO NEW ZBALAlfD. [Sect. XIV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ghart. Price. s. d. 2185 V m=10"0 Nelson anchorages. Gapt. Stokes, 1850 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1509 °2^ m= 7*8 Harbours and anchorages in South island : — Picton harbour. Gapt Graham., 1896 1 6 2529 D E m— 0-3 Sheet VIII. : Cape Campbell to Banks peninsula. GaptStokes,lU^-hl', corr. 1890 2 6 2178 A m= Fa Woz^s.. ...Anchorages on the east coast: — Cape Campbell. Welds anchorage and Flaxburn approaches. Core bay. Waiau-ua river. Kaikoura peninsula. O. A. Woods, 1868 ; corr. 1870 2 1999 V ^==* 1'6 Ports Lyttelton and Levy, and Pigeon bay. Lyttelton harbour. Ga2}t. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1575 V ^^*= 2*5 Akaroa harbour. Gapt. Stokes, 1849-50 ; corr. 1880 1 6 2532 nK w= 0*3 Sheet IX.: Ninety miles beach to Otago. (plans, Timaru harbour. Oamaru harbour. Waikouaiti bay) Gapt. Stokes, 1849-51 ; corr. 189(5 2 6 n,^ 1 r m = 2"0 ) Otago harbour from the entrance to ^4:11 DE 1^^ g.^i Dunedin. Port Chalmers. Various authorities, 1850-84 ; corr. 1897 2 6 oKoa jjj, [w= 0"3) Sheet X.: Otago to Mataura river. |;?i= 2"0J (plans, Waikawa harbour. New- haven harbour. Ruapuke island) Ga23t. Stokes, 1849-51 ; corr. 1883 2 6 2540 BJE m= 2*0 Awarua or Bluff harbour, and New river (plan, entrance of Awarna or Bluff harbour.) Gapt. Stokes, 1850 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2589 »E m= 0-25 Sheet XII. : Foveaux strait to Awarua river, (plans, Freshwater basin. Anita bay. Deas cove. Facile harbour. Pickersgill harbour. Duck cove. Anchor island harbour. South port. North port) Gapt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1891 2 6 720 V ^'*= 1*0 Preservation and Chalky inlets. aai)^. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1879 1 6 719 A m= I'O Dusky and Breaksea sounds. Gapt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1893 2 768 A m= 1*0 Daggs sound to Caswell sound. Gapt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1897 2 6 615 A V,— 1*0 George, Bligh, and Milford sounds. Gapt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1890 2 Sects. XIV. and XV.] NEW ZEALAND. PACIFIC OCEAN. 201 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2590 V ?>*= ^'25 Sheet XIII.: River Awaruato river Waiau. C apt. Stokes, l^^l; cor r.l^^l 1 G 2591 u E m= 0-25 Sheet XIV. : River Waiau to cape Foiilwind. (plan, Westport harbour) Capt. Stokes, 1851 ; corr. 1895 2 6 Steivart Island. 2553 » K m= 0'3 Sheet 11 : Foveaux strait and Stewart island, (plan, Snares islands) Capt. Stokes, 1850-51 ; corr. 1897 2 6 I m= 20 I Paterson inlet and port William. 2541 D E \ m= 8"3 Glory cove. Port William. ( m = G-0 ) Capt. Stokes, 1849 ; corr. 1896 2 6 2542 DB \'>i— 2'0| Port Pegasus. Acheron anchorage. [1)1— 4'Oj Port Adventure. Lords river. Capt. Stokes, 1849-50 ; corr. 1897 2 6 SECTION XV. I'ACIFIC OCEAN. 2683 » K & "2" d= 0'2 Pacific ocean. Latest Gov. Surveys to 1887 ; corr. 1897 5 rf= O-GC. S.W. Sheet N.W. Sheet N.E. Sheet S.E. Sheet corr. 1897 „ 1897 „ 1897 „ 1897 Comprised between the parallels of 37° N. and 37° S. and extending from the Philippine and Celebes islands, New Guinea and Australia, to San Francisco and Easter island, in 4 sheets ; each- 2 6 2459 A d= 0'75 North-west Pacific ocean, including Yellow, Japan and Okhotsk seas, Kuril islands and Kamchatka. Latest Surveys, 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 202 PACIFIC OCEAN. CAROLINE ISLANDS. [Sect. XV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2460 A d= 0*8 Kamchatka to Kadiak island, including Bering sea and strait, 1884 ; corr. 1897 2 786 D E & °^^ oJ= 0"52 Cape Horn to cape Corrientes, extend- ing to 110° W. Latest authorities, 1875 ; corr. 1897 3 6 787 D E d= 0*6 Cape Corrientes (Mexico) to Kadiak island. Latest authorities, 1876 ; corr. 1895 3 788 DE d=. 0*6 South Pacific ocean between the paral- lels of 27° S. & 60° S., Melbourne to cape Horn, western sheet. Latest authorities, ISn ; corr. lS9b 2 6 789 D E d= 0*6 South Pacific ocean between the paral- lels of 27° S. & 60° S., Melbourne to cape Horn, eastern sheet. Latest authorities, 1877 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1100 V" '^= ^'^ Ogasawara group (Bonin or Arzobispo islands), (plans, port Lloyd. Fittonbay. New port) Gapt. Beechey, 1827, & U.S. Survey, 1854; corr. 1897 1 6 1101 E d= Far/oz*sMariana or Ladrone islands. (plans, port San Luis d'Apra. PortTarofofo. Umatabay. Magi- cienne bay. Agana bay. Guam or Guajan island. Rota island. Alamagan island. Sunharon roads. Tanapag harbour) M. Duperrey, French Navy and Spanish Charts, 1819-65 ; corr. 1890 ^ 6 1103 ^f^ m= 0*2 Palao or Pelew islands. (plan, Korror harbour) Capt, Knorr, Imp. German Navy, 1876 ; Lieut. J. M^Cluer, I.N., 1794 ; corr. 1881 6 CAROLINE ISLANDS. 980 A c?= 1*95 Caroline islands. Various authorities ; corr. 1897 2 779 V m= 0*7 Uap or Yap island. Capt. Blohm, 1871 ; corr. 1890 6 1485 V w= 6*0 Port Tomil. Spanish Chart, 1887 1 Sect. XV.] CAROLINE AND MARSHALL ISLANDS. 20S No. Size. Scale. 2HUe of the Chart. Price. s. d. 772 i>B m=: Various .. .. Islands and reefs in the Caroline islands: — Uluthi or Mackenzie is- land. Namonuito islands. Pikelot or Coquille island. Feys or Tro- melin island. Olimarao island. Elato and Lamotrek islands. West Faiu island. Wolea or Ulie islands. East Faiu or Liitke island. Hall islands. Namoliik islands. Mortlock islands. Mokil or Daperrey islands. Pingelap or Macaskill islands. Chamisso harbour. Faraulep island. luri- pik or Kama islands. Ifalik or Wilson islands. Ngatik islands. Latest information to 1891 2 6 Qj^2 HE \m= 0*44) Truk or Hogolu islands. Tsis ^ lm= 0*75 j anchorage. Losap islands. Capt. U Urville, 1838 ; corr. 1897 1 6 981 A m= 0'7 Seniavina islands. Port Lod. Port Metalanim. Port Santiago. Oapts. Lutke and de Bosamel, 1828-40 ; corr. 1894 2 1729 V '^== ^'^ ^iti harbour (Ponapi island). Lieuts. Reynolds and Edwards, 1839 ; corr. 1872 1 6 978 OB m^= Various Kusaie or Ualan island and anchorages : — Kusaie or Ualan island (Strong island). Coquille harbour. Chabrol harbour. Port Berard. PortLottin. Capt. Duperrey, French Navy, 1824 2 6 MARSHALL ISLANDS. 983 u E d= 2'1 Marshall islands. British and Foreign Surveys to 1891 ; corr. 1895 2 6 778 %^ m= 0*48 Eniwetok or Brown group. Capt. Liitke, 1828 ; corr. 1894 1 Qj,. DE fm=0'651 Anchorages in the Marshall is- ^®* ^ |m=4'8 J lands:— Wotje or Romanzoff islands. MilleorportRhin. Jaluit or Bonham islands. Jaluit or Bonham islands anchorage. Various authorities, 1817-90 ; corr. 1891 1 ( m=l"45 ) Atolls in the Marshall group. 988 V < m=0-4 [ Ebon atoll. Arhno atoll. Stony point anchorage. Com. Meade, U.S.N., 1872 ; corr. 1894 1 ( m=l-45 ) \ m=0-4 \ (m=2-0 j 204 SOLOMON' ISLANDS. [Sect. XV. No. tiise. IScale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 731 D E m= 0*1 Gilbert islands (Kingsmill group). (plans, Kuria and Aranuka. Nonuti. South passage. Pea- cock anchorage. Espiegle anchorage) Go7n. Wilkes, U.S.N., 1841 ; corr. 1894 2 6 732 V ^^= 0*5 Makin and Taritari. Tarawa. Maraki. Apaiang. Maiana. Com. Wilkes, U.S.N., 1841 ; corr. 1895 1 U 769 \^ m= Various x\dmiralty and Hermit islands. (plans, Nares harbour. Ala,crity harbour. St Andrew anchorage. Challenger cove in New Guinea.) Various authorities to 1879 ; corr. 1897 1 6 764 V '"= 0'^^ -^^"^^ Hanover, New Ireland, and New Britain. - (plans, Duke of York group. Holz haven. Port Hunter. Expe- dition bay and Water haven. Katharine haven. Blanche bay) Various authorities to 1892 ; corr. 1895 1 6 55 V* m= Various Anchorages in New Britain and New Ireland and New Guinea — Matavabay. Port Weber. Kaba- kadai bay. Rugen harbour. Tomalili anchorage. Byron strait to Nusa harbour. Nusa harbour. Herbertshoh. Hatzfeldt harbour. B) 'itish and German Surveys, 1888-91 ; corr. 1895 1 6 1105 V ♦^= 2'0 Plans in New Guinea and New Ireland — Cape St. George to Carteret point, including Gower and Carteret harbours and English and Irish coves, Victoria bay. Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1840 ; corr. 1877 1 6 SOLOMON ISLANDS. 214 Da m= 0*07 Solomon islands. (plans, Gazelle harbour. Gizo anchorage). Various authorities to 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2355 V" ^ — Various Anchorages in the Solomon islands: — Viru harbour. Rendova harbour. Com. Balfour, 1893 1 6 2659 "2* m— 4-0 Anchorages in the Solomon islands: — Jack harbour. Rice anchorage. Kolieuro inlet. aowi.jBa//oMr, 1894-5 1 6 Sect. XV.] SOLOMON ISLANDS. 205 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 2392 nB m^ 0'5 New Georgia, Vella Lavella to Wana Wana. (Preliminary Survey.) Com. Balfour, lS9d-b 2 6 2601 nE }n= 0-5 New Georgia — Wana wana to Mbulo island. (Preliminary Survey.) Com. Balfour, 1893-5 ; corr. 1896 2 6 329 A m= 0*37 Bougainville strait. Lieut. Oldham, 1883-4 ; corr. 1892 2 1469 HE m= 0*33 Guadalcanar and Florida islands, with a portion of Malaita island. Latest information to 1893 ; corr. 1897 2 2373 "/ m==-Various Anchorages in the Solomon is- lands : — Beaufort bay. Sutulahia anchorage. Vura anchorage. Auki island harbour. Sandfly passage. Various authorities to 1896 1 6 656 °/ m= Various Anchorages in the vicinity of Bougainville strait : — Hathorn sound. Southern approaches to Hathorn sound. Choiseul bay. Blanche harbour. Port Diamond. Admiralty Stir- WI/.S 1879-86; c©/'r. 1887 1 C 2383 '1/ /// — V(U'lo Its Anchorages in the Solomon islands : — Marovo lagoon. Mongo entrance. Charapoana entrance. Tongoro entrance. Com. Balfour, 1894 1 6 209 \^ m= Various Anchorages in the Solomon islands : — Port Adam. Port Mary. Port Praslin. Astrolabe harbour. Queen Carola harbour . Mallu Jiarbour. Kwakwaru and Kwi harbours. Makira (Leoue) bay. Hada or Recherche bay. Wanderer bay. Cockatoo anchorage. Vulavu anchorage. Aowawa roadstead. Hunter roadstead. Popau harbour. Various authorities, 1769-1888 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1349 "/ m=Varioiis Anchorages in the Solomon islands : — Tasman islands or Niumanna atoll. Atta cove. Manna Kwoi harbour. Ariel harbour. Deep bay. Uras cove. North Sister anchorage. Double bay. Maramasike passage. W. T. Wawn, 1888 ; eorr. 1895 1 880 5 191 1) E 1580 DE 1368 DE (m= 1-51 lw= 2-9J 206 SOLOMON ISLANDS, &G. [Sect. XV. No. ISize. Scale. 'Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. qy p ].; [m= 2'0) Anchorages in the Solomon 2 \m= 3*0 j islands : — Narovo island. Bara- nago harbour. Coughlan har- bour. Selwyn bay. Mosquito anchorage. Rua Sura anchorage. Maoraha island and anchorage. Admiralty Surveys to 1882 ; corr. 1896 1 6 ...Marau sound (Guadalcanar I.) Danae bay. Lieut. Bower, 1879 ] 6 m=12"0 Mboli harbour (Florida island). J. E. Scudainore, 186.5 ; corr. 1897 1 m= 0'45 Bauro or San Cristoval island. Lieut. Oldham, 1883-4 ; corr. 1892 2 6 m=10'0 Anchorages in Bauro or San Cris- toval island : — Wango bay. Lieut. BucMand, 1892 1 6 1414 i)K m=:Varinufi Anchorages in the Solomon islands : — XJtuha harbour or port Purvis. Sio harbour. Waisissi or Royalist harbour. Palaina an- chorage. Coleridge bay. Sualala cove. Alite harbour and Langa Langa harbour. Urn island anchorage. Mappo harbour. Anonyma cove. Gera island anchorage. Matumba bay. Mandoliana island anchorage. Lagoon harbours on south-west coast of Malaita. Anchorage on west coast of Savo. Various authorities to 1894 ; corr. 1896 2 2658 "/ w= 6'0 Gavutu and Tulage harbours. Com. Balfour, 1895 ; Lieuts. Garrett and Willis, 1896 ; corr. 1897 1 6 2901 DE m= 0*04 Solomon islands to EUice islands. Various aiithorities to 1897 ; corr. 1897 2 6 17 V m= 0-25 Santa Cruz islands. (plans, Basilisk harbour. Graciosa bay. Carlisle bay.) Various authorities to 1870 ; corr. 1897 1 6 qo/. ^yn=^ 1'61 Vanikoro islands. Tevai and {in— 7-1 j Manevai bays. Capt.D'Urville,lS2S; corn 1876 2 6 1431 Y m= 0-25 Banks north of the Fiji group :— Turpie and adjoining banks. Hazel Holme bank. Waterwitch bank. Capf. Field, 1896 1 6 Sect. XV.] NEW CALEDONIA, &c. 207 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1380 iJ K )n = 0*05 New Caledonia, New Hebrides, and Loyalty islands. Various authorities, 1853-93 ; corr. 1897 2 6 NEW CALEDONIA. 936 a f>K m= 0"22 New Caledonia, north-west part, Belep islands to port Mueo. (plan, Aue anchorage) French Surveys, 1856-85 ; corr. 1897 2 6 936 6 UE m= 0'22 New Caledonia, south-east part, port Mueo to Isle of Pines, (plans. Port Mueo. Muendu bay) Oapt. Denham and French Surveys, 1856-85 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2906 i)Ei m= 0-54 Isle of Pines to Uen island, (plans. Port Kue. Wooded port. Port Goro. Ports Alemene and Vao) Capt. Denham and French Surveys, 1854-67 ; corr. 1891 2 6 2907 D El m=. 0-54 Uen island to St. Vincent bay. French Survey, 1854-67 ; corr. ]896 2 6 1311 'V' ;«= 2-8 Pronybay. French Gov. Chart, 1892 1 6 1307 A m= 2"0 Plans in New Caledonia : — Port Bouquet. Burai bay. Kanala bay. Banare bay. French Oov. Surveys, 1865-67 ; corr. 1897 2 2069 V ^^= 1'^ Approaches to port Noumea. French Gov. Surveys ; corr. 1896 1 6 480 »E m= 3*6 Port Noumea (Port de France). ^ M. Boquet de la Grye, French Navy, 1857 ; corr. 1891 2 6 338 ^^ m= 1*5 Anchorages on north coast of New Caledonia : — Port Puebo. Port Yengen. Ugue bay. Ba (Lebris) bay. Kuaua bay. Buru bays, Nekete and Lavaissiere bays. French Gov. Surveys to 1873 1 6 1384 \^^ m= Various Harbours in Loyalty islands: — Bishop sound. Wreck bay, Tandine anchorage. Biitish and French Surveys, 1850-88 ; corr. 1892 1 208 NEW HEBRIDES. [Sect. XV. NEW HEBRIDES. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. I486 Rt^ m= Various Anchorages in New Hebrides islands : — Tangoa anchorage. Malo Killi Killi anchorage. Baldwin cove. Lieut. Purey-Cust, 1892 1 '". 1570 I'R w= 0-25 ......Malo island to Ef ate island. Lieuts. Frederick and Purey-Gust, 1890-93 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1579 UE m= 1*0 Malekula island, southern part. Lieut. F7-ederick, 1891 ; Lieut. Purey-Gust, 1893 ; corr. 1894 2 6 2225 i>k: m= I'O Ambry m island. Lieut. Purey-Gust, 1893-4 ; corr. 1895 2 6 2165 ''Z m= 3-0 Maskelyne islands. (plan, Vao anchorage). Com. Purey-Gust, 1893 1 6 1913 UE m= I'O Malekula island, northern part, with portion of Malo island. Lieuts. Frederick and Purei/-Gust, 1891-92 2 6 500 jjg . m= 4"45 ) Anchorages in Malekula island : — ^ ) mr= 5*84 I Ure or Tomman island anchor- j m= 4-45 ) I mr= 5-84 j age. Port Ravallec. Lieut. Purey-Gust, 1893 1 6 134 DB m»=F«r20ws Harbours and anchorages in New Hebrides : — Port Patteson. Port Olry. Hayter bay. Dillon bay. Walter bay . Espiegle and Malua bays. Dives bay. Lakarere. Narovorovo. Segond channel. Picot bay. Ringdove anchorage. Torres or Vava islands. Vi Paka / anchorage. Various authorities, 1860-95 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1637 OB m-^ Various Efate (Sandwich) island. Fila harbour. Metensa bay. Sasake anchorage. Meli island anchor- age. Na Ora Matua anchorage. Lieut. Frederick, 1890 ; wrr. 1895 2 6 ^ j,j. ( m= 1'5 I Havannah harbour. 164^ ^ I m= 6-0 ) Lieut. Frederick, 1890 1 6 1736 Y m= 5-0 Port Sand Avich. Lieut. Frederick, 1891 1 6 1487 »B m= 3*64 Pekoa (Segond) channel, and Wawa (Bruat) channel. Lieut. Purey-Gust, 1892 2 6 Sect. XV.] NEW HEBRIDES, &G. 209 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 856 y^ m = Various Anchorages in the New Hebrides : — Rannon anchorage. Sasun bay. Craig cove, Masevonu anchorage. Losolav anchorage. Dip point anchorage. Rodds anchorage. Admiralty Surveys, 1884-94 ; corr. 1895 1 6 2226 i)K ^77= 0-97 Epi and adjacent islands. Lieitts. P'lirey-Cust & Frederick, 1893 & 1891 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2132 %^ 7n= 5-9 Anchorages in Epi island: — Yemyu cove. Nelson bay. Foreland anchorage. Diamond bay. Ring- dove bay. Lieut. Moore, 1883 ; Lieut. Purey-Cust, 1893 1 6 2904 \^ m = Various Port Aneityum. Aneityum island. Erronan or Futuna island. Hunter island. Matthew island. Walpole island. Conwav reef. Gapt. Denham, 1853-56 ; corr. 1889 1 6 1071 UK tn— 6-0 North coast of Aneityum island, showing port Patrick, Ijipthav and Anau-un-se anchorages. Capt. Denham and Lieut. Ghimmo, 1853 2 1508 "V^ m = Various Anchorages in New Hebrides islands : — Port Resolution. Lis- burn anchorage. Sangalie an- chorage. Walurigi anchorage. Dundui anchorage. ■ South-west bay. "Wea sisi bay. Steep Cliff bay. Bice road. Various authorities, 1875-94 ; corr. 1895 1 6 179 »/ «/= 30 Approaches to Pallikulo bay. Lieut. Barr, 1886 6 Yji^ DE |w= 0*33\ Banks group. Milli bay. Avreas ^ \m= 1*5 J bay. Lakona bay. Lieut. Field, 1886 ; corr. 1895 1 6 985 V m= 1-0 Minerva reefs. (plan, Herald bight) Capt. Denham, 1854 ; corr. 1889 1 568 V 'W= 3-0 Raoul or Sunday island. Macauley island, Curtis island. Capt. Denham, 1854 ; corr. 1894 1 6 [m= 0-21 Chatham islands. Uii= 4-0 i 1417 V im=. 4*0 V (plans, Skirmish bay or Kaingaroa. \m= 3*0 j Port Waitangi, Whangaroa or port Hutt) Lieut. Fournier and Charles Heaphy, 1840 ; corr. 1889 1 120r>9 p 210 FIJI ISLANDS, &G. [Sect. XV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1114 V' }n=Various Auckland islands. Port Ross or Sarah's Bosom harbour. Hanfield inlet. Camp cove. Campbell islands. South or Perseverance harbour. Various authorities, 1840-83 ; corr. 1895 1 6 FIJI ISLANDS. 1829 UK d= 2'62 Fiji islands to Samoa islands. Latest surveys ; corr. 1897 2 6 2691 DE m= 0*1 Fiji islands. Gapt. Denham, Lieuts. Moore & Richards, 1854-82 ; corr. 1897 2 6 742 DE m= Various ...Ono i lau island, TuvanaiTholoand Tuvana i ra islands, and Vuato Ono reef. : Tova or Na-vatu reef. Vatoa or Turtle island, and Vuata Vatoa. Nandi passage and bay. Nandi passage. Nandi, Solevu, and Venara bays Gapt. Denham, 1856 ; corr. 1878 2 6 845 T) E m= 0-5 Kandavu passage to Kowata island, including Nandi waters. Lieut. Moore, 1877 ; corr. 1897 3 -lyg DE (m= 5"0") Mbau roads. Nadronga harbour. " im=10-0) Nav.-Lieuts. Jackson and Hosken, 1867-74 ; corr. 1881 1 167 DE m= 0"5 Kandavu island and passage. Lieuts. Daivson and Moore, 1875-7 ; corr. 1897 2 6 103 ^-^- m=. 3*0 N'galoa harbour. Gapt. Nares, 1874 ; corr. 1881 1 6 1757 DK m= 2'95 Nukulau island to Namuka island, including Lauthala, Suva, and Namuka harbours. Lieut. Daivson, 1875-87 ; corr. 1897 2 6 905 DE ni=. 0*5 Suva harbour to Levuka, with the adjacent islands to the eastward (Ngau, Nairai, Mbatiki, Wakaya and Makongai). Admiralty Surveys, 1855-82 ; corr. 1897 2 6 m= 3-0 Ovalau and Moturiki. Gapt. Denham, 1856 ; corr. 1897 3 771=- 5 '24 Levuka harbour. Gapt. Maclear, 1880 ; corr. 1884 1 m= 3'0 Makongai and Wakaya islands. Gapt. Denham, 1856 ; corr. 1878 2 6 1249 DE&iy^ 1244 D E 4 1250 D E Sect. XT.] No. Size. 1251 D E 741 11 E 441 1) U FIJI AND FRIENDLY ISLANDS. 211 Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. m= 2*0 Ngau island and Mambulitlie reef. Capt. Denham, 1854 ; corr. 1878 2 6 m= 2*0 Nairai and Mbatiki islands. Capt. Denham, 1855-6 ; corr. 1881 2 6 m= 0*2 Fiji islands — Eastern archipelago, southern portion. Capt. Denham and Lieut. Moore, 1854r-81 ; com 1886 2 6 440 DK m= 0-2 northern portion. Lieut. Moore, 1878-81 ; corr. 1896 2 6 382 DE rn= 0*5 Vanua Levn with Makongai and Koro. Lie7(ts. Moore, Richards, and Combe, 1880-96 2 6 379 1)1': >n= 0-5 Vatu Ira channel with adjacent Lieut. Richards, 1881-2 ; corr. 1897 2 6 ,g,i7 _|3"01 Matuku. Matuku harbour. 1^4/ DE ^— [6-OJ Capt. Denham, 1S65; corr. 1S7S 2 6 1248 A m= 3-0 Totoya. Oo??^. Denham, 1855 ; corr. 1878 2 6 1252 A w?= 2-0 Moala. Capt. Denham, 1856 ; corr. 1878 2 r 0'81 Savu Savu bay. Valanga and 727 \^ m=\ 3'0l Savereka-reka bays. Na Kama 12"0 creek. Lieut. Moore, 1876-80 ; corr. 1881 1 6 FRIENDLY ISLANDS. 2421 DE m= 0-15 Tonga or Friendly islands. Various, 1866 ; corr. 1897 2 6 2363 V w= 2-0 Tongatabu. Capt. Aldrich,l^%^; corr. 1892 .2 6 474 DK m=^ 10 Namuka islands. Com. Balfour, 1895 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1385 DE m=Vaiious Nukualofa anchorage. Namuka harbour. Eua island. Falcon island. Capt. Aldrich S Coni.Oldham,,lSSS-9; corr. 1S95 2 6 473 ^^ 771= 4-15 Lifuka island, anchorage and approaches. Com. Balfour, 1895 1 6 2357 \^ m= 1'2 Vavu group. Neiafu anchorage. Lieut. Heath, ^^^2 ; corr. 1%^ 1 6 12059 P 2 212 SAMOA ISLANDS, ctc. [Sent. XV. SAMOA ISLANDS. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1730 UK m=. 0'15 Samoa or Navigator islands. (plans, Mataatu harbour. Uafatn harbour. Falifa harbour. Fungasar harbour. Saluafata harbour. Pango Pango harbour. Fangaloa bay. Massefau bay. Fangaliibay. Vailelebay. Leone bay.-Hiibner bay. Faleasau bay. Rose island. Safato harbour) Com. Wilkes, U.S.N., 1839 ; corr. 189.7 2 6 2211 V m= 9-58 Apia harbour. Get^man Gov. Survey, 1891 1 6 1339 \*^ m= 1-45 North coast of XJpolo between Falifa harbour and Falulu point. German Surveys to 1885; coi^r. 1895 1 1176 °/ m-=Varions Islands in South Pacific: — Suvarov islands. Lagoon en- trance (Suvarov). Oeno island. Henderson or Elizabeth island. Ducie island. Nine or Savage island. Palmerston islands. Niuafou island, British & French Survei/s, 1826-95 ; corr. 1896 1 6 765 'ij^ m= Various Tokelau (Union) group. (plans, Atafu (Duke of York island). Nuko Nono (Duke of Clarence island). Fakaofu (Bow- ditch island). Swains island (GenteHermoso). Com. Oldham and Lieut. Ash, 1889-96 ; corr. 1897 1 1830 DE d= 2-62 Ellice islands to Phcenix islands. Latest Surveys ; corr. 1S97 2 6 766 ^/ m = Various Ellice islands, south-eastern group. (plans, Nukufetau (De Peysters island). Nukufetau anchorage, Nukulailai (Mitchell island). Nanomana (Hudson island). Nui island. Nurakita (Sophia island). Various authorities, 1841-96 ; corr. 1896 1 2983 2992 ( ;»== 2'0 ) Funafuti atoll. Fongafate anchor- '{ «2== 6-0 j age. GajJt. Field, 1896 2 6 m= 1*0 ) Rotumah island. Foviung Emua an- m= 3-0 j chorage. Capt. Field, 1896 1 6 987 'V' m= Various Plans of islands in the Pacific : — Niutao. Nanomea. Uea or Wallis islands. Home island. Sigave bay. Various authorities, 1824-92 ; corr. 1897 1 6 Sect. XV.] PACIFIC ISLANDS. 213 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Ctiart. Price. s. d. 968 V= m=: 2-9 Mua (Allier) and Mata Utu anchor- ages. French Gov. Survey^ 1877 ; corr. 1892 1 6 181 i)E m= Various Phoenix group: — Canton island. Can- ton island anchorage. Ender- bury island. Phoenix island. McKean island. Birnie island. Gardner or Kemins island. Hull island. Sydney island. Sydney island anchorage. Com. Oldham, 1889, and U.S. Surveys, 1840-1 2 6 1022 '!j-'' m= Various Islands and anchorages in the Pacific ocean : — Bounty islands. Antipodes islands. Danger islands. Nassau island. Baker (New Nantucket) island. How- land island. Macquarie island. Various authorities to 1SS6 ; corr. 1S94: 1 6 2868 V' m= 48 Tubuai island anchorage. Capt Bonard, French Navy, 1850; corr. 1880 6 29 V w= 3-6 Rapa (Oparo) island. French Survey, 1887 ; corr. 1897 1 1113 \'' //i= 6*0 Pitcairn island. Capt. Beechey, 1825 ; corr. 1872 6 1264 y^ m= Various Islands and anchorages in the South Pacific : — Aitutaki. Hervey isles. Rarotonga. Avarua and Avatiu harbours. Takutea island. Atiu. Arutunga anchorage. Admiralty Surveys to 1892 ; corr. 1893 1 767 K d= 2*0 Tuamotu or Low archipelago and the Society islands. Various authorities to 1871 ; corr 1888 2 6 1]12 V ^^= 1"0 Manga Reva or Gambler siands. Capts. Beechey and Z)' UrvillelS2G-6S ; corr. 1895 6 1175 %^ m= Various Sketches of anchorages in the Tuamotu or Low ai'chipelago : — Ahii or l?eacock island lagoon entrance. Manihi or Waterland lagoon entrance. Tiokea or Takaroa lagoon entrance. Amyot bay. Avatoru entrance. Tiputa entrance. Mururoa or Osnaburg island. North passage to Rotoava. North-east pass. Pakaka to Seignelay point (Apalaki island). French Surveys to 1883 1 6 214 SOCIETY ISLANDS, &C. [Sect. XV. SOCIETY ISLANDS. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. i:i82 °/ m= 0-5 Tahiti and Murea (Otaheite and Eimeo), (plan, Papetoai and Paopao bays.) French Gov. Surveys, 1869-85 2 6 1158 DE&\^ 7n— 3'99 North coast of Tahiti : Papiete pass to Papenu pass. Latest French Gov. Charts; corr. 1896 3 6 1060 DE m=ac 0"5 Huaheine to Marua or Maupiti, with the intermediate islands. French Surveys to 1886 ; corr. 1890 2 6 P ^, {m=. 9"0] Harbours in the Society islands : — '•'" \m,= 2'5/ Teavarua or Uturoa harbour. Owharre (Fare) harbour. French Surveys, 1859-86 ; corr. 1894 1 6 1428 DE m= 3*3 Bora Bora island. French Survey, 1886 1 6 526 1107 D E fm=: 4*3"| Anchorages in the Society is- 2 \m=- 2'9i lands: — Hurepiti bay (Tahaa is- land). Teoneroa - Haaoa and Hamene bays (Tahaa island). Eautoanui pass (Raiatea island). Faaroa bay (Raiatea island. Mopeha anchorage and Lagoon entrance.) French Surveys, 1882-3 ; corr. 1896 1 6 1111 ^/ m= 0*5 Hao (Bow or La Harpe) island. Capt. Beechey, 1825 ; corr. 1894 6 1640 UE m=- O'l Marquesas islands, (plans, Anna Maria bay. Comptroller bay. Shavay bay. Hannay bay. Resolution bay. Hana-Menu. Hana-Iapa. Taa-hu-ku. Hana-Vave. Anaho bay. Hakahe Tau. Vaieo or Akaoto bay. Perigot bay. Bon Repos bay. Port Tai-oa. Tau- Ata or Sta. Christina island) Captain G. Pierre,French Navy, 1875 ; corr. 1887 2 6 2169 V '^^= Various Islands in the North Pacific : — Midway island. Seward road and Welles harbour. Necker island. Kure or Ocean island. Pearl and Hermes reef. Nihoa or Modu Manu. (Bird I.) Various authorities, 1867-94 1 6 Sect. XV.] SANDWICH ISLANDS, &0. 215 No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart, Price. s. d. 2867 '5-'' m= Various Islands and anchorages in the North Pacific: — Fanning island. English harbour. Washington island. Christmas island. West side and entrance to the lagoon of Christmas island. Johnston (Cornwallis) island and reef. Johnston (Cornwallis) island anchorage. Palmyra island. Various authorities to 1892 ; corr. 1897 2 6 979 'j^ m= FanoMs Islands between 160° east and ISC'" west longitude : — Pleasant island. Ra- kahanga (Reirson I.) Maiden island anchorage. Yostok island. Flint island. Caroline islands. Manahiki (Humphrey I.) Pen- rhyn island. Starbuck island. West passage anchorage (Pen- rhyn island) Maiden island. Jarvis island. Various authorities to 1889 ; corr. 1891 1 6 SANDWICH ISLANDS. 1510 D E m= 0-06 Sandwich islands. (plans, Honolulu and Pearl lochs. Honolulu harbour. Modu Manu) Chiefly Hawaiian Gov. Sur- veys, 1888 ; corr. 1897 2 6 1377 \^ m=Various Harbours and anchorages in the the Sandwich islands : — Hanalei bay. Kailua bay. Kealakekua bay. Hilo or Byron bay. Kahului harbour. Makena bay. Nawiliwili harbour. Xeauhou bay. Hawaiian Gov. Surveys, 1881-5 ; corr. 1897 1 6 1490 DE m=^ Various Harbours and anchorages in the Sandwich islands : — Waimea bay. Waianae. Hanamaulu bay. Kaunakakai harbour Kamalo harbour. Maliukona harbour. Pukoo harbour. Lahaina roads. Kapueokahi bay. Waimea bay. Waialua bay. Kawaihae bay. Haivaiian Gov. Surveys; corr. 1895 2 6 1378 V' m= 11-89 Honolulu harbour. U.S. Gov. Survey, 1892 ; corr. 1896 1 6 216 I'ACIPIO OCEAK. [Sect. XV. No. Size. Scale. Title of the Chart. Price. s. d. 1386 V' ^^= Various Islands in the South Pacific ocean : — Easter island or Rapa Nui. Cook bay or Hanga Roa. Sala y Gomez. Chilian Survey, 1870-5 ; corr. 1883 1 6 J 375 V ^'^= 0*09 Galapagos islands. (plans, James bay. Sulivan bay. Conway bay. Freshwater bay. Iguai;a cove. "Webb cove. Terrapin road) Capt. Fitz Roij, 1836 ; corr. 1887 1 6 1376 A m=i Various Anchorages in the Galapagos is- lands : — Wreck bay to Stephens bay. Approaches to Wreck bay. Sappho cove. Gardner bay. Tagus cove. Post Office bay. Black beach anchorage. Various Authorities, 1835-87 ; corr. 1894 2 1383 „j; \ m= 0*7 ) Juan Fernandez. Mas a Fuera island. ^^ » m= 0.2 ) Do7i F. A. de Amaya, 1795 ; corr. 1892 6 1344 V m= 20 Cumberland bay. French Gov. Survey, 1870 ; corr. 1885 .0 6 Sect. XVI.] BOOKS. 217 SECTION XVI. BOOKS. Title. Price. British Islands, &c. s. d. Channel Pilot, part 1. South-west and south coasts of England, 8th edition, 1893 3 Supplement, 1895 9 2. Coast of France and the Channel islands, 6th edition, 1897 3 6 North sea Pilot, part 1. Shetland and Orkneys, 4th edition, 1894 ... 2 6 2. North and east coasts of Scotland, oth edition, 1895 4 6 3. East coast of England. 6th edition, 1897 ... 3 4. The shores of the North sea from cape Gris Nez to the Skaw, 5th edition, 1892 3 6 Supi>lement, 1896 10 Sailing directions for the west coast of Scotland ; the Mull of Galloway to cape Wrath, including the Hebrides or Western islands, 4th edition, 1894 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 3 of 1897 2 Sailing directions for the west coast of England from the Scilly islands to the Mull of Galloway, including the Isle of Man, 1th edition, 1891 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 3 of 1895 6 The Irish coast Pilot, 4th edition, 1893 3 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 4 of 1897 8 North of Eurofk and Baltic Sea. The Faeroe islands Pilot, 1891 ... 9 The White sea Pilot — Coast of Russian Lapland and the White sea, 1887 Hydrographic Notice, No. 5 of 1894 Norway Pilot, part 1. From the Naze to Christiania ; thence to the Kattegat, 3rd edition, 1897 ... 2. From the Naze to North cape ; thence to Jacob river, 2nd edition, 1894 Supplement, 1897 ... Baltic Pilot, part 1, formerly published as the Danish Pilot, 3rd edition, 1895 Baltic Pilot, part 11. , comprising directions for the Baltic sea, including the gulf of Finland, and gulf of Bothnia, 3rd edition, 1896 Information relating to currents, ice, and magnetism, with general remarks on the navigation of the coast of Iceland, 1896 Tlie Icelandic Pilot, part I., being a description of part of the west coast 01 Iceland, translated from the Danish Sailing- Directions, 1897 1 6 4 4 5 6 8 5 6 4 6 8 1 218 BOOKS. [Sect. XVI. 2\tle. Price. s. d. Atlantic and Mediterranean, &c. Sailing directions for the west coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal, from Ushant to Gibraltar strait, with the African coast from cape Spartel to Mogador, 5th edition, 1891 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 2 of 1894 4 The Mediterranean Pilot, vol. 1. Comprising Gibraltar strait, coast of Spain, African coast from cape Spartel to gulf of Kabes, together with the Balearic, Sardinian, Sicilian, and Maltese islands, 3rd edition, 1894 5 2. Comprising coast of France and of Italy to the Adriatic; African coast from Jerba to El Arish ; coasts of Karamania and Syria ; together with the Tuscan archipelago, and islands of Corsica and Cyprus, 3rd edition, 1895 ... .-. 50 3. Comprising the Adriatic sea, Ionian islands, the coasts of Albania and Greece to cape Malea, with Cerigo island. Also the gulfs of Patras and Corinth, 2nd edition, 1890 5 6 Supplement, 1894 1 4. Comprising the Archipelago with the adjacent coasts of Greece and Turkey ; including also the island of Candia or Crete, 2nd edition, 1892 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 5 of 1895 4 Sailing directions for the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, and Black sea, 4th edition, 1893 3 6 Supplement, 1897 6 North America and West Indies. Remarks on Davis strait, Baffin bay, Smith sound, &c 1 6 The Newfoundland and Labrador Pilot, comprising also the strait of Belle-isle, the north-east and part of the north coast of Labrador. 2nd edition, 1887 4 6 Revised Supplement, 1894 ... ... ... 16 Sailing directions for the south-east coast of Nova Scotia and bay of Fundy. 4th edition, 1894 4 St. Lawrence Pilot, vol. 1. Comprising directions for the gulf and river. 6th edition, 1894 3 6 2. Comprising directions for cape Breton and Prince Edward islands, and the south shore of the gulf of St. Lawrence. 6th edition, 1895 3 6 Sailing directions for the principal ports on the east coast of the United States of America. 3rd edition, 1882 2 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 7 of 1888 8 Hydrographic Notice, No. 6 of 1897 3 West India Pilot, vol. 1. From cape Orange in Brazil, to cape Sable in Florida, with the adjacent islands. 5th edition, 1893 • 3 Hydrographic Notice, No. 2 of 1896 1 2. The Caribbean sea, from Barbados to Cuba, with Florida strait, Bahama, and Bermuda, islands. 4th edition, 1887 9 Revised Supplement, 1894 1 6 Sect. XVI.] BOOKS. 219 Title. Price. s. d. South Ameuica and Pacific Ocean. South America Pilot, part 1. East coast of South America, from cape St. Roque to cape Virgins, including Falkland, South Georgia, Sandwich, and South Shetland islands ; also the north coast from cape St. Roque to cape Orange. 4th edition, 1893 4 Supplement, 1896 6 2. Comprising Magellan strait, Tierra del Fuego, and west coast of South America from cape Virgins (south-east coast) to Panama bay, including the Galapagos islands, 9th edition, 1895 7 6 Sailing directions for the west coasts of Central America, and the United States, 1896 3 The British Columbia Pilot, including the coast of British Columbia, from Juan de Fuca strait to Portland canal, together with Vancouver and Queen Charlotte islands, 1888 ... 5 (J , Supplement, 1895 10 Hydrographic Notice, No, 10 of 1895, relating to Alaska, Bering sea, Aleutian islands, &c. ; Yakutat bay, Alaska to Kamchatka, including Bering sea and straits 9 Africa. Africa Pilot, part 1. From cape Spartel to the river Cameroon, in- cluding the Azores, Madeira, Canary, and Cape Verde islands, 5th edition, 1890 ... 3 Supplement, 1896 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 3 of 1896 2 part 2. From the river Cameroon to the cape of Good Hope, including Ascension, St. Helena, Tristan daCunha, and Gough, islands, 4th edition, 1893... 3 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 2 of 1897 8 part 3. South and east coasts of Africa from the cape of Good Hope to Ras Asir (cape Guardafui), including the Comoro islands, 6th edition, 1897.. , 4 Revised Supplement, 1895 10 Indian Ocean, &c. The Red sea and gulf of Aden Pilot. Containing descriptions of the Suez canal, the gulfs of Suez and Akabah, the Red sea and strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, the gulf of Aden with Sokotra and adjacent islands, and part of the eastern coast of Arabia, 4th edition, 1892 Hydrographic Notice, No. 4 of 1891 The Persian gulf Pilot, comprising the Persian gulf, gulf of Oman ; and Makran coast, 3rd edition, 1890 Hydrographic Notice, No. 8 of 1895 "West coast of Hindustan Pilot, including the gulf of Manar, the Maldive and Laccadive islands — 3rd edition, 1891 Hydrographic Notice, No. 6 of 1895 6 2 5 3 4 3 220 BOOKS. [Sect. XVI. Title. Price. s. d. The Bay of Bengal Pilot, including south-west coast of Ceylon, north coast of Sumatra, Nicobar, and Andaman islands, 2nd edition, 1892... 4 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 4 of 1895 6 Islands in the Southern Indian ocean westward of longitude 80° east, including Madagascar, 1891 ... ... 5 Hydrographic Notice, No. 9 of 1895 9 China Sea, Australia, New Zealand. China sea Directory, vol. 1. Containing directions for the approaches to the China sea, by Malacca, Singapore, Sunda, Banka, Gaspar, Carimata, Rhio, Berhala, and Durian straits, 4th edition, 1896 4 vol. 2. Directions for the China sea between Singapore and Hong Kong, 3rd edition, 1889 3 6 Supplement, 1893 9 China sea Directory, vol, 3. Comprising the coasts of China, from Hong- Kong to the Korea ; north coast of Luzon, Formosa island and strait ; the Babuyan and Bashi groups, and Pratas island. Yellow sea, gulfs of Pe chiii and Liau Tung. Also the rivers Canton, West, Min, Yung, Yang Tse, Yellow, Pei Ho, and Liau Ho — 3rd edition, 1894 ... 4 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 1 of 1897 3 vol. 4. Comprising the coast of Korea, and the Siberian Maritime Province as far north as cape Shipunski in Kamchatka ; for the seas of Japan and Okkotsk ; for the Liu Kiu, Linschoten, Japan, Saghalin and Kuril islands ; and for the off-lying islands and dangers between the parallels of 12° N. and 35° N., and the meridians of 130° E. and 160° E., 3rd edition, 1894 7 6 Hydrographic Notice, No. 1 of 1896 3 Eastern Archipelago, part 1 (Eastern part). Comprising the Philip- pines, Sulu sea, Sulu archipelago, N.E. coast of Borneo, Celebes sea, N.E. coast of Celebes, Molucca and Gillolo passages, Banda and Arafura seas, N.W. and west coasts of New Guinea, and north coasts of Australia, 1890 Supplement, 1893 Eastern Archipelago, part 2 (Western part). Comprising the south-east coast of Sumatra, Java, the islands east of Java, the south and east coasts of Borneo, and Celebes island, 1893 Hydrographic Notice, No. 5 of 1897 Australia Directory, vol. 1. South and east coasts, from cape Leeuwin to port Jackson, including Bass strait, and Tasmania, 9th edition, 1897 ... 5 vol. 2. Comprising the east coast from port Jack- son to cape York, Torres strait and approaches, the Coral sea, and part of Carpentaria gulf, 4th edition, 1889 ... 3 6 Supplement, 1892 6 vol. 3. North, north-west, and west coasts, from the gulf of Carpentaria to cape Leeuwin, 3rd edition. 1895 4 6 4 1 5 3 Sect. XVI.] BOOKS. 221 Title. Price. s. d. New Zealand Pilot, Including also the Chatham islands, and the off- lying islands southward of New Zealand, Gth edition, 1891 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 2 of 1895 2 Australia au'l New Zealand. Hydrographic Notice, No. 4 of 1890 (List of signal stations) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Pacific islands, vol. 1 (Western groups). Sailing directions for the south-east, north-east, and north coasts of New Guinea, Louisiade, D'Entrecasteaux, New Hebrides, Solomon, New Ireland, New Britain, Admiralty and Caroline islands, 2nd edition, 1890 4 6 Supplement, 1894 ... 9 . part 2. Comprising New Caledonia and the Loyalty islands. Also supplementary information respect- ing the New Hebrides, Banks, Torres, and Santa Cruz groups, 1893 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 1 of 1894 3 No. 1 of 1895 1 vol. 2 (Central and eastern groups). Sailing directions for Fiji,Kermadec, Tonga, Samoa, Union, Phoenix, Ellice, Gilbert, and Marshall islands. Tabuai, Cook, and Society islands. Tuamotu, or Low archipelago. Marquesas. The Line islands, or scattered islands near the equator ; and the Sandwich islands, 2nd edition, 1891 ... ... 4 Hydrographic Notice, No. 7 of 1895 4 Tables. To facilitate the practice of Great circle sailing, and the determination of azimuths — J. T. Toii'son... 10 Sun's true bearing or azimuth tables between the parallels of 30° and 60° inclusive — Staff" Com. Burdwood ... ... ... ... .-. ... 4 6 ['*Sun's true bearing or azimuth tables between the parallels of 30° N. and 30° S.—Capt. Davis.'] Deviation op the Compass, &c. Practical rules for ascertaining and applying the deviations of the compass, 1892 ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... 6 Admiralty manual for the deviations of the compass, 6th edition, 1893 3 A series of questions and answers relating to Compasses, their errors and corrections ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 [^Elementary Manual for the deviations of the Compass in iron ships — Ga2)t. F. J. Evans, K.C.B., F.E..S.] Lists of Lights. — Corrected annually to the dlst Decemher, Part I. — British islands 1 6 „ II. — Eastern shores of North sea and White sea 2 [*Not published by the Admiralty.] 22,'^ BOOKS. [Sect. XVI. Title. Price. s. d. Part III.— Baltic sea 2 „ IV. — "Western shores of Europe and Africa from Dunkerque to the cape of Good Hope, including Azores, Madeira, Canary, Cape Verde islands, &c. ... .. ... ... ... 1 6 „ V. — Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Red seas ... ... ... 16 „ VI. — South Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 „ VII. — South America, western coast of: North America, Pacific islands, &c 1 „ VIII, — Eastern shores of North America, and Central America from Labrador to the river Amazons, including Bermuda and islands of the West Indies 2 6 Tides. Tide tables for British and Irish ports, and also the times of high water for the principal places on the Globe {2^uhlished annually) ... ... 1 6 Notes on the tidal streams at the entrance to the English channel, 1889-90 1 Miscellaneous. Catalogue of charts, plans, and sailing directions {corrected annually to 'dist December) Admiralty manual of scientific enquiry, 5th edition, 1886 Signs and abbreviations adopted in the Admiralty charts Diagram to facilitate the obtaining a ship's position by Sumner's method Diagram for obtaining the reduction in ex-meridian altitudes — White Star chart for facilitating the selection of pairs of stars for observations for latitude (with slip) — Com. Purey-Cust Ocean passages, 1st edition, 1895 Rules for finding distances and heights at sea — Lieut Raper^ 5th edition, 1866 Remarks on revolving storms, 3rd edition, 1883 Dock book, 3rd edition, 1897, containing dimensions of the wet and dry docks, patent slips, &c., of the world. Also information on shipbuilding and engineering works in countries other than the United Kingdom On the Station Pointer, and the manner of fixing a ship's position by its aid List of Time signals established in various parts of the world, 4th edition, 1895 A report on the movements of the ice, currents, and tidal streams, on the coast of Newfoundland, and in the gulf of St. Lawrence, 1889 Supplement, 1891 Notes bearing on the navigation of H.M. ships, 4th edition, 1893 Bi-monthly list of publications of the Hydrographic dei^artment. Admiralty tBarometer Manual Index to Notices to Mariners, 1897 [tPubliahed by the Met«orolopioal Office.] 1 2 6 6 6 6 1 1 (1 6 6 3 6 () 6 1 4 1 2 (• 1 1 3 3 22;^ CHARTS, PLANS, AND SAILING DIRECTIONS PUBLISHED BY THE HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT, ADMIRALTY, DURING THE YEAR 1897. i SECTION 1 (of the Admiralty Catalogue). No. 2951 to \ Atlas of monthly current charts of the Atlantic ocean. 2956 2957 to \ Atlas of quarterly current charts of the Pacific ocean 2960, ) 2585, England : — Coastguard stations. 2586, Scotland : — Coastguard stations. 2587, Ireland : — Coastguard stations. 973, England, south coast : — Entrance to St. Germans or Lynher river. 2886, Ireland, west coast : — Killary bay. 2651, Shetland isles : — Bressay sound or Lerwick harbour. 1210, Ireland, south coast : — Berehaven. 201 7, Ireland, south coast : — Dungarven harbour. SECTION 2. 2.317, New plan : — Vadso havn. Plan added : — Bras havn. 2276, New plan : — Solovets roads. 2277, Plan added : — Poria anchorage and approaches. SECTION 3. 2331, Gulf of Finland : — Hango head to Baro sound. 2826, Gulf of Finland : — Approaches to Viborg. 326, Great Belt. 224 SECTION 4. No. 2910, France, west coast : — Entrance to the Gironde river. 1432, France, north coast : — Approaches to L'Abervrac'h. 434, North Atlantic ocean : — Gorringe or Gettysburg bank. Princesse Alice bank. SECTION 5. 1317, Balearic islands : — Majorca and Minorca. 148, Balearic islands : — Port Mahou. 160, Plans on the west coast of Italy. 1589, Adriatic sea : — Valona bay. Port Palermo. 221, Greece : — Ports Galaxidi and Itea. 1436, Anchorages in the Morea. 1816, Plans of anchorages in the gulf of Athens, 894, Greece : — Salamis strait and Georgio channel. 1526, Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago. 1.892, Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago. 2982, Crete : — Anchorages on the sotith coast of Standia island 1555, Anchorages on the north coast of Crete. 1832, Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago. 1891, Anchorages in the Grecian archipelago. 1889, Plans of anchorages in the Grecian archipelago. 1635, Plans of anchorages in the strait of Khios. 1904, Crete : — Megalo Kastron or Candia. 1533, Anchorages in the gulf of Kos. 2606, Candia to Alexandretta. 2668, Turkey in Asia : — Mersina roadstead. 1710, Algeria : — Bougie. 463, Plans added : — Aspra Spitia bay. Zalitza bay. 2850, Plan added : — Entrance to Spinalonga harbour. SECTION 6. 1315, Bermuda islands : — The Narrows. 1614, Falkland islands : — Stanley liarbour. 886, Plan added :— Port Gando. 225 SECTION 7. No. 2240, Iceland, west coast : — Approach to Grundar and Kolgrafa fiords. 2896, Newfoundland : — White bay. Rlverhead bay. 2902, Newfoundland, east coast : — Motion head to Flat Rock point, &c. 2834, Newfoundland, west coast : — Bear head to Cow head. 422, Newfoundland, west coast : — Port au Port. 672, Anchorages on the west coast of Newfoundland. 1209, Newfoundland, west coast : — Bonne bay. Lark harbour. 2064, Newfoundland, west coast : — Shallow bay to Gun point, &c. 2692, North America, east coast : — Louisburg harbour. 2789a ] to \ Sheets XIV. to XXII. The river St. Lawrence above Quebec. 2789/, ) 336, Lakes Ontario and Erie : — River Niagara and Welland canal. 2856, Lake Erie : — Buffalo harbour and head of Niagara river. 464, North America, east coast : — Passamaquoddy bay and St. Croix river. 468, North America, east coast : — Fishers island sound. 490, Plan added : — Kingsville harbour. SECTION 8. 409, Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands. 408, Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands. 405, Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands. 398, Harbours and anchorages in the Bahama islands. 700, Anchorages in Jamaica. 2859, Plans on the south coast of San Domingo. 2988, Gulf of Honduras :— Port Cortex. St. Thomas bight. 192, Galveston entrance. 1786. New plan : — Hospital bight. SECTION 10. 2993, Plans on the coast of Chile. 699, Plans on the coast of Chile. 2889, Plans on the coast of Peru. 2839, North America, west coast : — Columbia river. 1717, United States, west coast : — Port Angeles. 2463, Alaska : — Port McArthur to Windham bay, &c. 2462, Alaska : — Windham bay to Icy cape, Stephens pas-sage and Lynn canal. 2110, Plans added : — Poi't Chester. Chasina anchorage. 899, Plan added : — Santa Monica. 2797, New plans : — Cuyler harbour. North-west harbour (San Clemente island). South-east harbour (San Clemente island). 12069 Q 226 SECTION 11. No. 1228, Africa, west coast : — Cape Spartel to cape Ghir. 2908, Africa, south-east coast : — Port Natal entrance. 2899, Chagos archipelago to Madagascar. 1109, New plan : — Anchorage of Raweiya. SECTION- 12. 2862, Arabian sea : — Jashk bay. 41, India, west coast :— Cape Monze to Kediwari mouth. 118, India, west coast : — Kediwari mouth to Nirani creek. 43, India, west coast : — Gulf of Kutch. 2197, Ceylon, north coast : — Point Pedro to Delft island. 2986, Andaman islands : — Port Cornwallis. 1353, Sumatra, north east coast : — Diamond point to Pulo Berhala. SECTION 13. 2732, Plans of anchorages in Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and adjacent islands. 2416, Japan :— Liu Kiu islands. 14] 6, Anchorages on the north-west coast of New Guinea. 2674, Anchorages on the south coast of Celebes. 977, Philippine islands : — Nin bay and port Mandaon. 1926, Formosa, west coast : — Anpei anchorage. 990, liiu Kiu islands : — Naha roads. 2796, Liu Kiu islands : — Sesoko Byochi. 2815, Japan : — Nagasaki harbour. 1495, Japan : — Aburatani bay to Ando Zaki. x 2874, Japan : — Setozaki harbour. 2981, Japan : — Furubira Wan to Ishikari Gawa. 2975, Anchorages on the west coast of Yezo island, Japan. 2878, Japan : — Mera Koura. 2883, Japan : — Yeno Ura. 2265, Japan : — Kobe and Hyogo bays. 1587, Japan : — Yawatahama harbour, with the adjacent harbours and bays. 2877, Japan : — Uwajima bay. 2249, Ports on the east coast of Kiusiu, Japan. 2985, Japan : — Saiki bay. 698, Anchorages on the south-east coast of Manchuria. 302, Anchorages in the gulf of Tartary. 2376, New plan : — Tamsui harbour. 1115, Plan added : — Tungting lake. 2388, Plan added : — Ola anchorage. 327 SECTION 14. Nu. 1437, Australia, west coast : — Port Hedland. 712, Australia, west coast : — South Bejaling to Gascoyne road. 2984, Australia, south coast : — Esperance bay and approaches. 2973, Australia, south coast : — Esperance bay anchorage. 2920, Australia, east coast : — Cape Direction to cape Grenville. 470, Eastern archipelago : — Aru islands. 2264, Arafura sea : — Ke or Ewaf islands. 384, Plans in Tasmania, 1509, Harbours and anchorages in South island of New Zealand. SECTION 15. 2873, Anchorages in the Solomon islands. 2901, Solomon islands to Ellice islands. 1431, Banks north of the Fiji group. 382, Fiji islands : — Vanua Levu with Makongai and Koro. 474, Tonga islands : — Nomuka islands. 2983, Ellice islands : — Funafuti atoll. Fongafale anchorage. 2992, Rotumah islands. Foviung Emua anchorage. 982, Plan added :— Losap islands. 17, Plan added : — Carlisle bay. 134, Plans added : — Picot bay. Ringdove anchorage. Vi Paka anchorage Torres or Vava islands. SECTION 16. Channel Pilot, part II. : — Coast of France and the Channel islands, 6th edition. 1897. North sea Pilot, part III., 6th edition, 1897. Norway Pilot, part I., 3rd edition, 1897. Iceland Pilot (preliminary), 1897. Africa Pilot, part III., 6th edition, 1897. Australia Directory, vol. I., Pth edition, 1897. Supplement, 1897, relating to Norway Pilot, part II., 2ud edition, 1894. Supplement, 1897, relating to sailing directions for Dardanelles, &c., 4th edition, 1893. Tide tables for 1898. Dock book, 3rd edition, 1897. Index to Notices to Mariners, 1897. Catalogue of Admiralty charts, plans, and sailing directions, 1898. Light lists, 1898, parts I. to VIII. 12059 Q 2 228 ADMIRALTY AGENT FOR THE SALE OF CHARTS. London J. D. Potter f31, Poultry, E.G. ■{ll, King St., Tower Hill, E. SUB-AGENTS (In the United Kingdom). Barry - Belfast Bristol Cork - CowES (West) J) Cardiff Dartmouth Dover Dundee Dublin Falmouth - Glasgow Greenock - Grimsby Harwich Hull - Hartlepool Leith Liverpool - London Londonderry Maryport MiDDLESBOROUGH Nb\vcastle-on-Tyne North Shields Newport (Mon.) Oban - Plymouth PORTSEA queenstown Southampton Sunderland South Shields - Swansea - T. L. Ainsley - F. M. Moore C. W. Price A. W. Sutton & Co. - G. H. May & Co. - Pascall, Atkev & Son T. J. Williams T. L. Ainsley - ■ Cranford & Son C. Clout - P. A. Feathers & Son Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ld. F, M. Moore - Williams & Co. Whyte, Thomson & Co. A. Dobbie & Son R. Love 0. T. Olsen John Groom & Son - • Newton Bros, & Holiday W. Hakes G. Pearson D. Stalker Philip Son & Nephew John Parkes & Sons Frodsham & Keen John Bruce & Sons - J. Imray & Son E. Stanford - 1, Tip. - 102, High street. - 1 & 2, Broad quay. - 4G, Warren's place. - 126 & 127, High street. - 20, High street. - 3, Bute docks. - Primavesi chambers, James street. - Library, Fairfax place. - 135, Snargate street. - 43, Dock street. - 104, Grafton street. - 23, Eden quay. - The Quay. - 144, Broomielaw. - 45, Clyde place. - 17, West Blackhall street. - Fish Dock road. - Lloyds' Agents. - Prince's dock. - Commercial road. - 24. High street. - 6 & 8, Commercial street. - 49 &51,South Castle street. - 43, Canning place. - 31, South Castle street. - 60, South Castle street. - 89, Minories, E. - 26, 27, Cockspur street, S.W. - 23, Ship Quay street. - Harbour house. E. A. Minniece Quintin Moore Constantine, Pickering & Docks. Co. M. S. Dodds - - 61, Quayside. S. A. Cail & Sons - - 29, 31, Quayside Wilson & Gillie - - New Quay. E. E. Williams - - 94, Dock street. Hugh Macdonald - -"Times" office, Esplanade G. E. Hicks Grififin & Co. - T. Miller S. W. WolflP - J. G. Fay & Co., Limited J. J. Wilson - T. Reed & Co. - T. L. Ainsley - F, Martin - 17, Southside street. - 2, The Hard. 1, Harbour row. - 76, High street. - 80, 90, High Street. - 18 & 19, Hudson road. - 184, High street, West. - Mill Dam. - 1 & 10, Somerset place. 229 SUB-AGENTS (Abroad). Adelaide (South Australia) Amsterdam Berlin Bremerhaven - Brisbane (Aus- tralia) Cape Town Gibraltar Hague, The Hamburg - Havre HoBART (Tasmania) Hong Kong Malta Marseilles Melbourne Montreal A. E. Sawtell - L. J. Harri D. Reimer W. Ludolph - Watson, Ferguson & Co. J. C. Juta & Co. Mercer & Skaugen - C. G. Molinary Van Cleef Brothers Eckhardt & MesstorfiF Thos, Downie Friederichsen & Co. V. & M. Lepetit Walch & Sons C. J. Gaupp & Co. - Collector of Customs A. Rabier J, Donne & Son Hearn & Harrison - Newcastle New York Paris Port Elizabeth Port Natal Quebec Shanghai Singapore St. John(New Bruns- wick) Sydney (Australia) ToKio (Japan) Toronto (Canada) Victoria (Vancou- ver Island) (N.S.W.) R. C. Knaggs & Co. - John Bliss & Co. - Galignani library Augustin Challamel J. C. Juta & Co. Lewis J. Wilson T. J. Moore & Co. - Lane, Crawford, & Co. Hirsbrunner & Co. - Hon. Sec. & Treasurer A. B. Smalley Turner & Henderson Takata & Co. - Charles Potter Hibben & Co. - Divett street, port Adelaide. - Prins Heudrikhade, No. 9(i, - 29 Wilhelm strasse. - 72 Smidtstrasse. - Queen street. - Booksellers. - Dock road, - Shipchandler, &c. - Libraries. - Steinhoft I. - 9, Stubbenhuk. - 61, Neuer Wall. - 13, 15, Rue de Paris. - Merchants. - Booksellers. - Custom house. - 4, Quai de Rive Neuve. - 346, Little Collins street. - 1640—1642, Notre Dame street. - 46 & 48, Hunter street. - 128, Front street. - 224, Rue de Rivoli. - 17, Rue Jacob. - Booksellers. - The Point. - 118, 120, Mountain hill. - Merchants. - 1, Nankin road. - Sailors' home. - 91, Prince William street. - 16 & 18, Hunter street. - Merchants, - 31, King street. - G6y Government street. 230 INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. Anch. anchoragfe ; Archip. archipelago ; B. bay ; Bk. bank ; C. cape or coast ; Ch. channel ; E. east ; G. gulf ; Gt. great ; H. harbour ; Hd. head ; I. island ; Is. islands ; L. lake ; N. north ; Oc. ocean ; P. port ; Pt. point ; R. river ; Rf. reef ; Rks. rocks ; Rd. road ; S. sea or south ; Sh. shoal ; Sd. sound ; St. strait ; T. town ; W. west. PAGE. Tier r a del Fuego 108 Sicily 44 Archip. PAGE. JIaiti 93 - Norway, W.C. 25 Denmark 28, 32 Bahamas 90 - Scotland, E.C. 14 do. 15 Wales 7 - Scotland, W.C. 10 Wales 7 Tartary 183 Brazil 104 Chile 111 S. America, W.C. 113 Red S. 142 Persian 6. 145 do. 145 Egypt 61 Japan 177 do. 177 do. 177 Acapulco H. - - N. America, W.C. 117 Acajutla Anch. - - C. imeriea, W.C. 116 Accessible B. - - - Kerguelen I. 140 Accra Africa, W.C. 129 AchehR. - - - ■ Sumatra, N.C. \bb Hd. to Diamond Pt. - do. 155 Tyingkok B.- do. 155 Acheron Anch. - - - Neio Zealand 201 Achill Hd. to Roonagh Hd. Ireland, W.C. 19 A'L'Ecu P - Aalesund - Aaro Sd. Abaco I. - - Aberdeen H. to Banfif Aberdovey - Aber loch - Aberystwyth Abrek B. - Abrolhos Rks. Abtao P. - cove - Abu Ail Ch. Abii Shahr or Bushire Abii Thabi Abukir B. - Aburatsu H. - - - Aburatani H. - - - B. to Ando Zaki Slyne Hd. Sd. Achra R. to C. Ramas Acklin I. Anch. Acre B. Acul B. Adalia Adam B. P. - Adams P. - Adelaide P. R. Aden G. and Bs, Admiralty B. chart agenti . inlet Is. Adolphus Ch. Adour R. - Adra Anch. to Cartagena Adramyti G. Adriatic S. - Advent Anch. Adventure P. do. 18 do. 18 India, W.C. 147 Baliama Is. 89 Syria 61 Haiti 93 Karamania 59 -Australia, N.C. 185 Solomon Is. 205 Pechili G. 174 • Australia, S.C. 188 do. N.C. 185 Arabia 141, 142 W. Indies 96 228 N.America, W.C. 119 New Guinea 196, 204 - Australia,E.C. 194 - France, W.C. 33 Spain, S.C 38 do. 39 Archip. 54 Mediter. 45 Spitzhergen 27 - New Zealand 201 Adventure cove - -iSJgadean Is. ^gina Africa N.C. African Is. - Agadir ... Agaiia B. - Agastira B. - - Agate H. - - - Aghaliman P. - Agropoli B. . - Aguacate P. Aguada to St. George Is. Aguadilla B. Aguilas P. - Agulhas C. to Mossel B. Bk. Ahii ... - Ahus - - - - Aikawa Anch. - Aian P. - - - Aiguilettes H. - AillikB. - Ainneart loch Aitutaki Aivali B. - - - Ajaccio P. - Ajano P. - - - Ajigawa ... Ajiro B. - . - Akaba es Solium Akaoto B. - Akaroa H. - Akashi-no-Seto - AkishiB. - Akka - - . - Akmechet H. - - Akun cove - . - Akyab . . - Ak-liman ... Al Bidaa H. Al-Matra - Alacran Rf . and P. Alacrity H. . - Alaidl. Alamagan I. . . Aland Is. - Alas St. - . - Alaska ... Alaya ... Albany pass to Booby I. Albatross H. - - Anch. Albemarle P. - - Sd. to C. Fear 50 126 61 Indian Oc. 140 Africa, W.C. 65,127 Ladrone Is. 202 Archip. 51 L. Superior 82 Karamania 60 - ■ Italy, W.C. 42 Cuha 91 India.W.C. 149 - Puerto Rico I. 94 Spain, S. C. 38 - Africa, S.C. 133 do. 132 Tuamotu Is. 213 Sweden 29 Japan 179 Tartary 183 Newfoundld. 71 Labrador 70 -Scotland, W.C. 10 S. Pacific 213 Asia Minor 58 Corsica 43 Asia 3Iinor 58 Japan 180 do. 176 . Africa, N.C. 61 - Marquesas Is. 214 - New Zealand 200 Japan 180 do. 179 Syria 61 Black S. 56 Alaska 125 Bengal B. 151 Black S. 57 Persian G. 145 Arabia 145 Mexico G. 100 Hermit Is. 204 XurU Is. 182 Ladrone Is. 202 Baltic 29 Eastern Archip. 158 America, N.W.C. 124 Karavmnia 60 Australia,N.E.C. 194 S. America, W.C. 110 Alaska 125 Falkland Is. 67 [/. States 87 INDEX. 231 Albert R. - P. - Albuquerque Cays Alboran I. - Aldabra I. - Aldemey I. and H. - Alemene P. Alert B. H. - Aleutian Is. Alexander P. • - inlet - Alexandretta B. Alexandria P to P. Said - Alexandrovski Rd. Alfaques P. Alfred P. - Sd. - Algajola B. Algarrobo Rd. Algeciras Rd. Alghero P. - - Algier P. - - . to C. Bougaroni Algoa B. - - - Alhucemas B. - Ali-aga P. - - Alicante P. - - to Palamos Alijos Rks. Aline, loch AlipaP. . - . . AliteH. - . . . Aliwal Sh. - Alleppi Rd. . . . Alligator B. - - - Allier Anch. . . . Almeida B. . . . Almeria Rd. Almissa Rd. . . . Alongubuna Pt. Anch. Alpha B. - Alsh, loch - - - . Altamirano P. - Alushta .... Alvagudda to Mulki - Alvarado H. • Amahoi B. Amakusa Is. Amarube zaki to Ando zaki Amami Osima Gp. - Amastra .... Ambararata B. - Ambas Is. - Ambavarani P. - Ambavatobi B. - Ambogaga Rd. - Amboina B., Rd. and wharf Amboise Is. PAGE. AvMralia^N.C. 184 do. S.C. 189 a Amerwa,E.C. 98 Spain, S.C. 38 Indian Oe. 139 English C%. 22 . N. Caledonia 207 Vancouver I. 122 S. America, W.C 110 America, K W. C. 1 25 - Africa, W.C. 131 L. Huron 81 Syria 60 Egypt 61 do. 61 Tartarv 183 Spain, S.C. 39 - Africa, S.C. 133 - Bahaitias Is. 89 Corsica 43 S. America 112 • Gibraltar B. 38 Sardinia 44 - Africa, N. C. 63 do. 63 do. S.C. 133 Mediter. 63 Asia Minor 50, 58 Spain, S.C. 39 - Mediter. 39 C. America, W.C. 116 -Scotland, W.C. 10 Ionian S. 48 Silomon Is. 206 - Africa, S.C. 133 - India, W.C. 148 do. 159 S. Pacific 213 - Africa, E.G. 135 Spain, S.C. 89 Adriatic 46 . Africa, W.C. 131 li. Columbia 123 . Scotland, W.C. 10 Magellan St. 107 Black S. 57 India, W.C. 147 Mexico O. 100 Celebes 164 Japan 177 do. 178 do. 176 Black S. 57 Madagascar 138 Africa, W.C. 130 Madagascar 139 do. 138 Java S. 159 Celebes 162 Africa, W.C. 130 Ambolon I. - - - Philippine Is. 165 Ambong B. - . • Borneo 160 to Sampanmangio Pt. do. 160 AmbrizP. - . - . Africa, W.C. Vi\ Ambrizette B. - - - do. 131 Ambrym I. - . . Keic Hebrides 208 Ameland to Jade R. . - Holland 23 American Tickle - - Labrador 70 Americano P. ... - Cliile 110 Amherst H. - - - Magdalen Is. 77 Rd. - - - Bengal B. 152 Amirante Is. - - - Indian Oc. 140 139 139 PAGE, Eastern Archip. 158 Arohip. 53 California G. Ill China 171 China S. 176 Madagascar do. Celebes 163 Eastn. Archip. 158 Spain, E. C. 39 S. Indian Oc. 141 I'artary 183 do. 182 Celebes 163 Tuamotu Is. 213 California 1 19 Marfjuesas Is. 214 Black S. 57 Kuril Is. 182 C'/tirea S. 159 Karamania 60 J5ZacA iS. 57 - iX'ew; Hebrides 209 iVcM; Zealand 200 - ^. C/iarlottels. 124 Perw 114 JteZy, ^.C. 46 <7Me 111 do. Ill iVi:^t<; Guinea 196 . Bengal B. 151, 153 JVorway, ^V. IF. f. 25 Madagascar 139 (io. 137 Archip. 53 Virgin Is. 93 . iVetc Hebrides 209 C. Amsrica, W.C. 117 f^. 5ita^e«, TT.C. 119 to Mangrove bluff C.yl/«eWca,lF.C. 117 Madagascar 137 - Magellan Str. 108 . ^/"r/ca, TT.C. 132 Amok B. - Amorgo I. - Amortajada B. - Amoy H. - to Nagasaki Ampamoiiti B. - A mpasindava B. Ampat Is. Anch Ampenan Rd. . Ampolla Rd. Amsterdam I. . Amur R. - B. . . . . Amurang B. . . ■ Arayot B. - Anacapa B. and I. Anaho B. - Ankaria Fort to Kertch St, Anama H. - . Anamba Is. . . ■ Anamur C. - - ■ Anapa . . . . Anau-un-se Anch. Anchor Island H. cove Ancon B. - Ancona . . . , Ancud P de B. - . - - Andai Anch. Andaman Is. and St. - Ando to Helgo - Andranoaombi B. Andrava B. Andros I. . Anegada Aneityum I. P. - Angeles P. - Angontsi Rd. Angosto, P. - - Augra Pequena - de Terceira Auguilla I. - - to Puerto Rico Anita B. - . - Anjengo to Comorin C. Anna de Chaves B. Maria B. - Pink B. - B. - - - Annatto B. - Anno-Bom I. Anch. Alio Nuevo H. - Anonyma cove - Anpei Anch. Anse de Benodet to Chaussee de Sein France, W.C. Azores 64 W. Indies 94 do. 93 - New Zealand. 200 - India, W.C 148 . Africa, W.C. 131 - Marquesas Is. 214 S. America, W.C. 110 Korea 175 Jamaica 92 - Africa, W.C. 131 do. 131 California 118 Sttlomon Is. 206 . Formosa 171 34 Ansus Rd. - - - Antibes P. - Anticosti I. - - Antigonish H.- Antigua I. - - - Anti-Milo - - - . Antipodes Is. - Antivari Rds. . . . Antofagasta . . . Anton Lizardo Anch. - Antongil B. to Ambatosoa - New Guinea 196 France, S. C. 41 St. Lawrence G. 76 do. 77 W. Indies 94 Archip. 53 S. Pacific 213 Adriatic 47 Bolivia 113 Mexico, G. 100 Madagascar 137 2.H2 INDEX. Antonio P. R. Anus Anch, Anzio P. - Aomori Anch. - Aotea H. - Aowawa Rd. Apaiang Apalaki I. - Api Pt. to Sarawak Apia H . Apolillado B. Apollo B. - Aqutn B. - Ara B. Arabian coast 144 Sea (Winds and Currents) - 144 PAGE. Jamaica 92 Africa, E.G. 134 New Guinea 196 Italy, W.C. 42 Jajmn 179 New Zealand 199 Stilomon Is. 205 Gilbert Is. 204 Tuamotu Is. 213 Borneo 159 Samoa Is. 212 aiile 112 Bass St. 189 Haiti 93 Lapland 26 Aracati R Arakan R. - - Arakun Dur R. - Arafura S. and Ps. - Aran Rd. - I. to Dawros B. Arang Arang Anch. - Aransas pass Aranuka - - - Arapos Mermedia B. - Atari B. - - Arasaig H.- Arbroath H. ArbeP. Areas cays - Archimedes Bk. - Arctic Oc. and Greenland S. Arctic S. discoveries - S. Ardglass H. - - - Ireland, E. C. Ardgroom H. - - - do. W. C. Ardnamurchan to Loch Bhreatal Shyc Summer Isles Scotland, W.C. ■S.America, E. a 103 Bengal B. 151 Sumatra 155 - 157,194 Ireland, W.a 18 do. 18 Malacca St. 154 Mexico G. 100 Gilbert Is. 204 Turkey 52 Japan, 179 Scotlayid, W.C. 10 do. B.C. 14 Adriatic 46 Mexico G. 100 Bio ie la Plata 105 68 69 68 17 20 10 10 Ardrossan H. Arecibo P. - Arendal inlet Arenas Cay and Rf 8. Argostoli P. Arguin B. - Arhno atoll . - Arica Rd. - Ariege B. - Ariel H. . Arkas Ch. - Arkhangel B. and G. - Arki I. - - Arkona to Dievenow R. Armacao Anch. - Arnala I. to Kundari Arosa B. - Arran Is. - — 1, to Gare loch- Arrecife P. Arsuk fjord Artaki B.- Arthur P. - 94 23 100 49 Aru Is. - - - Arutunga Anch. Arzeu ... Arzobispo or Bonin Is. Asab B. - - - Ascension I. B. - do. Puerto Rico Norway Mexico G. Ceplialonia I. ■ Africa, W.C. 127 Marshall Is. 203 Peru 112 Newfoundld., N. E. C. 71 Solomon Is. 205 - Africa, W.C. 128 White S. 27 Archip. .54 Baltic 32 Brazil ]04 India, W.C. 147 Spain, W.C. 37 Ireland, W.C. 19 Scotland,W.C. 8 Canary Is. 66 Greenland 69 Marmara S. 55 Tasmania 197 China 174 Arafura S. 194 Cooh Is. 213 Algeria 63 Pacific 202 Beds. 142 S. Atlantic 67 Yucatan 99 Ashburton R. - Ash-ShehrRd. - Ashe inlet - Asnelles to Villers Aspra Spitia B. - Assises H.- Assumption I. - Astove I. - AsuH. Asuncion R. - - Astrolabe H. - - B. Rd. - Atacames ledge and B. Atafii I. - - - Atapopa Rd. Athelet ... Athens G. - to Corinth Athlit Atico Rd. - Atiu - Atlantic Ocean, Monthly current charts , Oceanic soundings pilot charts PAGE. Australia, N.W.C. 186 Arabia 141 Hudson B. 69 - France, N. C. 35 Corinth G. 49 Labrador 70 Indian Oc. 139 do. 139 Japan 176 N. America, W.C. 118 Solomon Is. 205 New Guinea 196 New Zealand 199 S. America, W. C. 115 Union Is. 212 JavaS. 159 . Africa, B.C. 137 Greece 50 do. 50 Syria 61 Peru 113 S.Pacific 213 Atlantic and Indian Oceans Atta cove - - - - Auckland H. . . . Is. - Audierne P. Aue Anch. Augusta P. - P. P. Auki I. H. - Australia Avarua H. - Avatcha B.- Avatiu H. - Avatoru entrance Aves I. - - - Aviles R.- Avon R. - - - Avreas B. • Awaiakirrh cove- Awanui R. - Awarua H. - R. to Waiau R. Awe loch - Awek Rd. - Axim B. - - - Ayangui Pt. to Verde Pt Ayas P. B. - Ayash Ayer Bangles Rd. Ayr H. - - - Azomato P. - - Azores or Western Is. Azov, sea of - - 2 . 2 . 64 Solomon Is. 205 - A^'W Zealand 198 Pacific 210 . France, W. C. 34 -New Caledonia 207 Sicily 44 Australia, S. C. 187, 188 Vancimver I. 121 Solomon Is. 205 - 184 CooJi Zf. 213 Kamchatka 183 Cook Is. 213 Tuamotu Is. 213 Caribbean S. 88 - Spain, N. C. 36 - B. of Fundy 84 - New Hebrides 209 Tierra del Fuego 108 - New Zealand 197 do. 200 do. 201 Scotland, W. C. 10 New Guinea 196 - Africa, W. C. 129 SI. America, W.C. 114 Karamania 60 do. 60 Sumatra 155 -Scotland, W.C. 8 Greece 49 N. Atlantic 64 - 57 B. Baah Rd. - Baars, or Kabia I. Ba B. - Bab el Mandeb St. Babar St. - Eastern Archip. 1 59 do. 159 - New Caledonia 207 Red S. 142 Easter?^ Archip. 157 INDEX. 233 Baccaro P. to Pubnico H, Ram I. Bachem ground - Bachian Rd. Backstairs pass - Bacud creek Badagri to C. Formoso Baddeck H. BadoP. Baffin B. - Bafifu B. to Grand Berebi Bahama Is. and Abaco Is. Bahia de Todos os Santos Blanca to Union B. 5. Avieriea,E. C. 10(5 PAGE. N. Seotia 84 do. 82 S. America, W. C. 110 New Guinea 162 Avstralia 188 - B. of Bengal 151 - Africa, W.C. 129 St. Lawrence 6. 77 Adriatic 46 Arctic 8. 68 Africa, W. C. 128 ■ W.Indies 88 do. 90 Brazil 103, 104 Honda Bahmishir R. • Bahrain H. - Baitiqueri P. - - Bajo St - - - Bajoa Rds. ... Baker cove - - - 1. - BaklarP. - Bal-haf Balabac St. and I. Balaklava B. Balambangan I. and Hs. Balanipa Rd. Balasor Rd. and R. - Baldwin cove Balearic Is. Baleines B. - - Balintang Ch. - Bali Land St. - Baljik B. - - . Balken B - Ballenas P. - - Balls Pyramid - Ballynakill B. - Ballysadare B. and H. Ballyshannon H. Balta Sd. Baltic S. P. - to Hogland Baltimore B. - - Baluchistan Banana creek - Banare B. - - Banano Anch. - Banda H. - - Cuba 90 C.America, W.C. 116 Venezuela 97 Persian 6. 145 do. 145 Cuba 91 Eastern Archip. 159 Celebes S.C. 164 - Magellan St. 108 S. Pacific 213 Turkey 52 Arabian C. 141 China S. 161 Black S. 57 Borneo 161 Makassar St. 163 Lidiu, E. C. 150 New Hebrides Is. 208 Mediter. 39, 40 Tierra del Fuego 108 China, S. 166 Java S. 158 Black S. 56 - Sumatra, N. C. 155 Chile 110 S. Pacific 194 - Ireland, W. C. 19 do. 18 do. 18 - Shetland Is. 14,16 28 Finland 6. do. Ireland, S. W. C. Bander Burum - Reisut B. Jissa Khairan Banes P. - Banff to the Ord of Caithness Bangaai B. - - Bangkalang B. - Bang-Pak-Kong R. Bangsal Barat Anch. - Bangkok R. Bangs H. - Banjak Is. - Banjuwangi Rd. Banka St. - to Singapore 30 30 21 - - -145 - Africa, W.C. 131 • New Caledonia 207 Celebes 163 Arafura S. 194 - 157,162 Arabia C. 141 do. 144 do. 144 do. 144 Oaba 91 Scotland, E. C. 14, 15 do. 15 Celebes 163 do. 163 Siam 167 Eastn. Archip. 158 Siam G. 167 Greenland 69 Sumatra, W.C. 156 Java 158 Sumatra, E.C. 156 do. 157 100 96 94 97 39 35 35 54 Bankot Banks group St - Banner reef cove Banog Bantry B. - Bara B. - - Baracoa P. - Baradaires B. Barako to C. St. Paul Baranago H. Barataria B. Barbados I. Barbara Ch. P. Barbuda I.- Barcelona B. - - - P. Barclay Sd. Bardiah P. - Barfleur C. to Courseulles - Bargylia creek - Barhao Anch. ... Bari P. - - . . B. .... Bariai P. - - - - Barito, R. - BarlettaP. Barmouth H. - to South Stack Barnstaple Baros Rd. - - . Barquero ... Barra Hd. to Scarpa Is. Sd. - Barracouta H. - Barram Pt. to Nosong Pt. Barranca B. - - Barren Is. - Barrera P. - • Barrow H. - Pt. - Barry Rds. ... Barsta Hamn Barton P. - - - Baruva Anch. Bashi Ch. and I. R. to Umtamvuna R. Bashika B. - - Basiauang B. - - Basidu Basilan St. - Basilisk H. Basque P. - Bass St. - ■ - Australia, S.C. 189 Bassas da India - - Mozambique Ch. 140 PAGE. - India, W.C. 148 - Neio Hebrides 209 Australia, S. C. 190 - Caribbean S. 92 Tierra del Fuego 108 Palawan I. 166 Ireland, S. W. C. 20 Molucca Is. 162 Cuba 91 Haiti 93 - Africa, W.C. 129 Solomon Is. 206 Mexico G. W. Indies S. America, W.C. 107 do. 110 W. Indies Venezuela Spain, E.C. Vancouver I 122 - Africa, N.C. 61 - France, N.C. do. Asia Minor Sumatra 156 Italy, E. a 46 Java,S. 159 Cuba 91 Celebes 163 Italy, E.C. 46 Wales 7 do. 7 • England, W.C. 6 Sumatra 155 Spain, N.C. 36 Hebrides I. 11 do. 11 Russian Tartary 183 Borneo 160 Peru 114 Madagascar 138 - Philippine Is. 165 Newfoundld. 72 Arctic S. 126 -England, W.C. 6 Bothnia G. Palawan I. Bengal B. Philippine Is. 166 Africa, S.C. 133 Archip. 55 - Philippine Is. Persian G. Mindora S. - Santa Cruz Is. Newfoundld. 29 166 150 164 145 161 206 74 Basse-Terre Bassein R. - to Pulo Penang - Bastia Anch. Bata B. - - - Batan P. and Is. Batavia Rd. Bateman B. Batiscan to Becancour Batticaloa Rd. Batu Bau Rd. Batum ... Batu Merah Anch. - Batty B. - Guadeloupe 95 Bengal B. 152 do. 151 Corsica 43 - Africa, W. C. 130 - Philippine Is. 166 Java 158 -Australia, E.C. 190 St. Lawrence R. 79 Ceylon I. 149 Eastern Archip. 159 Black S. 57 Eastern Archip. 157 •Arctic America 69 234 INDEX. Bauro I. - - - Baxo Nuevo or New reef Bay Bulls to Placentia Bay of Fundy - Fires Harbours Islands - Waterfalls PAOE. Solomon Z*. 206 W. Indies 98 Neiofo^mdld. 73 N. America, KC. 84 - Aiistralia, S.a 190 Falldand Is. 67 Nevfoundld. 74 - New Zealand 198 Aleutian Is. 126 do. 125 Siam G. 167 Cuia 91 C. America 115 - Africa, E. a 134 Syria 60 Aiistralia, W.C. 185 St. Lawrence G. 76 - Newfoundland 74 U. States 87 Solomon Is. 205 - 4/nc«, Af'. 133 -St. Lawrence R. 78 - Scotland, E.C. 15 Fi!/wcoMt" H. - Becancour to P.^ St. Francis St. Lawrence, R. 79 Becher B. - - - - Vancouver I. 120 B. - - - N. Anwrica, W.C. 119 Bedeque H.- - - St. Lawrence, G. 78 Bedford B. - - - Patagonia, W.C. 107 Bedout I.to C. Cuvier - Australia, W.C. 186 Beecrof t Hd. to Port Jackson Australia, E.C. 190 Begueta B. to Chicama R. - Peru 114 Beikos B. - - - - Bosporus 65 BeilulB. ... - Reds. 143 Beipur R. - - - - India, W.C. 149 Beirut .... - Syria 60 Beit Hr., or Bet Shankhoddbar India, W.C. 146 - R. Columbia 123 Celebes 163 do. 164 - Neiv Caledonia 207 •Ireland, E.C. 16,17 Belgium 23 Bela-Kula Ancb.- Belang B. - Belanta Rd. Belep Is. to Moueo P. - Belfast Lough Belgrano P. Belimbing B. Belize H. - to C. Catoche Belle-Isle St. Belles Amours H. Belligam B. - - - Bellona Rfs. Belts, Gt. and Little - Bender Erekli - Benevente B. - - - to Itapemirim -S.America,E.C. 106 Sumatra 156 Honduras 99 Yucatan 99 Newfoundld., N.C. 71 -St. Lawrence G. 75 Ceylon 149 Torres St. 193 Raltic S. 32 Black S. 68 Brazil 104 104 Bengal B. Bengbazi - - - to Dema - Benguela B. Benicasim Rd. - Benin R. - - to Cameroon R. Beni-saf H.- Benkulen Rd. Benoa Ch. - do. India 150 - Africa, N. C. 62 do. 61 - Africa, W. C. 131 Spain, S. C. 39 - Africa, W. C. 129 do. 129 Algeria 62 Sumatra 166 - Eastn. ArcMp. 158 Bentinck Sd. Benue R. - Benzert ... BeoB. BerardP. - Berbera ... Berdiansk Rd. Berebaven ... Berengueles B. - Berenice P. - - Bergen - . . to Stav Fiord Bergqvara - Berguglie P. - - Bering St. and S. Berkeley Sd. Bermejo P. - - Bermeo P.- Bermuda Is. Bema P. - - Bemera Sd. Bersimis R. - - to Saguenay Berwick H. Betanzos inlet - Bethel B. - Betsiboka R, - - Bettobu Anch. - Betsy cove - - - Beverly H. - - Is. Anch. Biafra, Bight of - Bid. - Bice Rd. - Bidassoa R. to D'Arcachon Pt. France, W.C. C. Penas - Spain, N. C. Mediter. England, W.C PAGE. Be^igal B. 152 Africa, W.C. 129, 130 - Africa, N. C. 62 Celebes S. 164 Caroline Is. 203 - Africa, E. C. 142 Azov S. 67 - Ireland. S.C. 21 Spain, E.C. 38 Red S. 143 - Norway, W.C. 24 do. 24 Sweden 29 Adriatic 46 Arctic S. 69, 126, 202 Falkland Is. 67 8. America, W.C. 114 - Spain, N. C. 36 N. Atlantic 65 Adriatic 47 -Scotland, W.C. 11 St. Lawrence R. 78 do. 78 - England, E.C. 14 - Spain, N.W.C. 36 S. America, W.C. 110 Madaqascar 138 Tartary 181 Kerguelen I. 140 U. States 85 -Australia, E.C. 192 - Africa, W.C. 126 St. Lawrence R. 78 - New Hebrides 209 Biddlecombe patch Bideford Bigbury B. to Exmouth Bijouga Is. - Bikobian, P. Bilbao and Portugalete Biloxi - - . Bima B. - - - Bimlipatam to Gopalpur Anch. Bingo Nada Bin-kang B. - - Bio Bio R. - Bira Bira B. - - Birchy cove Bird Is. Anch. 33 36 45 6 4 128 166 36 I. Birikau R. Bimie I. Birterbuy B. Biscay B. - Bisceglie P. Bishops and Clerks Sd. Bissao Ch. BitjoliRd. ■ - Black B. - Beach Anch. Brothers - Hd. Anchs. Pt. B. R. Anch. - England, S.C. Africa, W.C. Philippine Is. Spain, N.C. Mexico G. 101 Java S. 159 Bengal B. 150 do. 151 Japan 181 Cochin China 168 Chile 111 New Guinea 195 Newfd., W.C. 74 Africa, S.C. 133 Torres St. 193 Indian Oc. 140 N. Pacific 214 Africa. E.C. 137 Phcenix Is. 213 Ireland. W.C. 19 France 33 Italy, E.C. 46 Wales 7 Loyalty Is. 207 Africa, W.C. 128 Celebes Is. 1 64 L. Superior 82 Galapagos Is. 216 Kuril Is. 182 China 170 Africa, W.C. 131 Jammca 92 INDEX. 235 Black Rk. H. S. - PAOE. U. States 86 . 56 - Ireland, W.C. 18 Blacksod B. Blackwood C. to Freshwater B. New Guinea 195 Blair P. - - - - Andaman Is. 153 to Little Andaman I. do. 153 Blakeney P. - - - B. Columbia 123 to Flamborough Hd. England, E. a 13 Pass Blanc Sablon Blanche B. H. - - Blanco C. to C. Verde - C. and Levrier B. Encalada Rd. S Blanes B. - Blasket Sd. and Is. Blewfield lagoon Blewfields Anch. BlighSd. - Block I. . - . . Blomi) to Utvaer, &c. - Bloody Foreland to Aran I Blue Mull Sd. - Bluff H. - Blunden H. - - BlythP. - Boca Chica China, E.C. 170 Labrador 70 New Britain 204 Solomon Is. 205 Africa, W.C. 127 do. 127 America, W.C. 113 Sjfain, S. C. 40 - Ireland, W.C. 20 Nicaragua 98 Javiaica 92 - New Zealand 200 - America, E. C. 86 - Norway, W.C. 24 , Ireland, N.C. 18 Shetland Is. 16 • New Zealand 200 B. Columbia 121 - England, E.C. 14 - C. America, W.C. 115 - New Granada 97 Grande - • C. Am^erica, W.C. 115 CaytoTortugas Cays ... Florida 101 de Guazu to Corrientes Parana R. 105 -del Drago Toro Bocas de Dragos Boca Ch. - Bocayna St. Boddara cove Bodega B. - Boghazi P. Boigu I. to C. Blackwood - /'. Avierica, N.C. 98 do. 98 Trinidad I. 96 Canton R. 169 Canary Is. 66 Canton R. 169 iV^ America, W.C. 119 Archip. 54 New Guinea 195 Boisdale loch - . -Scotland, W.C. 11 Bojador C. to C. Blanco - Africa, W.C. 127 Bokkiriso B. - - - - Japan 179 Bolang Uki B. - . - Celebes 163 Bangka Pt. to Moriri Pt. do. 163 Itam Anch. Bolinao P. - BololaR. .... Boma P. - Bomarsund Chs. Bombah G.- Bombay H. & P. Bombetoke B. . . • Bon, C. - - - - Bona P. . . . . Bonacca I. - Bonavista I. - - . C. to Bay Bulls - Boneratu Anch. Bongao P. & Anch. - Bonham, Is. Anch. : St. ... Boni Hr. .... Bonifati C. to St. of Messina Bonifacio P. - . - St. - Bonin Is.- - - - do. 163 Philippine Is. 166 Africa, W.C. 128 abba 91 Bothnia G. 29 Egypt 61 India 148 Madagascar 138 Africa, N.C. 62 Africa, N.C. Honduras G. C. Verde Is. Newfoundld. Java S. Sulu Arch. Marshall Is. China, E.C. 173 New Guinea 162 Italy, W.C. 42 Corsica 43 do. 43 Pacific Oc. 202 62 99 66 72 159 161 203 PAGE. Newfoundland 73, 74 St. Lawrence G. 75 - Africa, W.C. 130 Marquesas Is. 214 Celebes, S.C. 164 - 217 S. Avterica,W.C. 114 Society Is. 214 - India, W.C. 147 Magellan St. E. Archip. Madagascar, W.C. 138 Turkey 55 Black S. 56 do. 57 U. States 85 -Australia, E.C. 190 Baltic 29 Solomon Is. 196 do. 205 108 159 Bonne B. - Esperance H . - Bonny R.- Bon Repos B. Bonthain Rds. - Books, Sailing Directions Boqueron of Callao Bora Bora 1. Boria Pagoda to Achra R. Borja B. - - - Borneo I. - Bosi . - . • Bosporus - - - to C. Kaliaki'a Kerempeh Boston H. - Botany B.- Bothnia G. Bougainville I. - St. Bougaroni C. to Fratelli Rks. Africa, N.C. 62 Boughton R. - - St. Lawr^mce G. 78 Bougie - - - - Africa, N. C. 63 Bouin Pt. to Sharapov Hd. White S. 27 Boulogne ... - France, N.C. 35 Boulter Rk. • - - Labrador 70 to Domino Run , do. 70 Bounty Is. - - - - -S'. Pacific 213 Bouquet P. ... New Caledonia 207 Bourgneuf to He de Groix France, W. C. 34 Boutres Anch. - - - Aden G. 142 Bow I. .... Pacific Oc. 214 Bowditch.I. - - - Union Is. 212 Bowen P. - - - -Arctic America 69 Boyanna B.- ... Madagascar 138 Bradore B. - - -St. Lawrence G. 75 Braithwaite B. - - C. America, W.C. 116 Bramble haven to Rossel I. New Guinea 195 Branca I. - - - - C. Verde Is. 66 Brand fiord to Leka - - Norway, W. C. 25 Brandon B. - - - Ireland, W.C. 20 Bras d'or lake - - - Cape Breton I. 78 Bras, havn ... - Norway 26 Brass R. .... Africa, W.C. Vi^i Brawa .... Africa, E.C. 137 Brazos Santiago - - Mexico, G. 100 Breaker Pt. Anch. - - China, E.C. lid Breaksea Sd. - - - New Zealand 200 Breede R. - - - - Africa, S.C. 133 Bressay Sd. - - - Shetland Is. 16 Brest Rd. - - - - France, W. C. 34 Breton sound to Derniere I. - U. States 100 P. - - - . France, W.C. 34 Bridge water P. - - - England, W. 6 Bridgeport H. - - - U. States 86 Bridlington B. - - - England, E.C. 13 BrindisiH.- - - - Italy, E.C. 45 to Ortona - - do. 46 Brioni Is . - - - - Adriatic 46 Brisbane R. - - -Australia, E.C. 191 Bristol Ch.- - - -England, 1^^.6,16 British Is. 2 to Mediterranean - - - 33 Broadhaven B. - - - Ireland, W. C. 18 Broad Sd., approaches to -Australia, E. C. 192 R. - - - - U. States 87 Broken B. - - - -Australia, E.C. 190 Broom lochs - - -Scotland, W.C. 11 Broomclose - - - Newfoundland 72 236 INDEX. Brothers Is. to Ockseu Is. Broughton P. - St. - Brown group passage - Broyle H. to Eenewse H. Bruat Ch. - Bruce P. - - - Bruni E. - - - Bruster-ort to Memel - Bryer I. to Gulliver hole Buah Lemo Rd. - Bubun ... Buccaneer Archip B. Buccari B. - Buchupureo Rd. Buckie H. - Buctouche R. Bud, approaches to Ali jLnch. - Budriim Budua P. - Buenaventura P. PAGE. Rrd S. 142 China 171 Japan 176 Vancouver I. 121, 122 - Marshall, Is. 203 B. Columbia 123 - Newfoundland 73 - New Hebrides 208 Russian Tartary 182 Borneo 160 Baltic 33 Fundy B. 84 Celebes 163 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 - Australia, N.W.C. 185 to Bedout I. d(j. 185 - B. ColumMa 120 Adriatic 46 Chile 111 • Scotland, E.C. 15 -St. Lawrence G. 77 - Norway, W.C. 25 Aden, G. 142 Asia Minor 59 Adriatic 47 S. America,W.C. 115 Buenos Aires Rd. Buffalo H. R. - BiigR. ■ - Bulama Ch. Buleleng Rd. Bull Arm Rd. - H. - Buluagan P. Bunga, B. - Bunijo Ch. Bunkulan Rd. - Bunta B. Burai B. - Bureiga Burgeo Is. - BurghazB.&G. - to C. Marzo do. 115 S. America 105 L. Erie 81 - Africa, S.E.C. 133 Black S. 56 - Africa. W.C. 128 - Eastn. Archip. 158 Newfoundld. 72 Falkland Is. 67 Vancouver I. 122 - Philippine Is. 165 - Sumatra, W.C. 166 Japan 181 -Eastern Archip. 158 Celebes 163 - New Caledonia 207 Tripoli 62 Newfoundld. 74 Black S. 56 Philippine Is. 165 Buri Anch. Burica Pt. to Mangrove bluff C. America 117 Tierra del Fuego 108 Burnt I. Anch. - Is. - Burin H. - to Devil B. Burling Is. Burnett R. Burrard inlet Burughiul L. Burriana Rd. Buru B. - Burry inlet Burwell P. Busainga P. Bushire Busin P. - Busios Anch. Busuanga H. Bute Inlet - Butang group to Pulo Berhala Malacca St. 154 Buton Rd. ... Celebes 163 BuwulRd.- ... do. 163 Buy loch .... Scotland, W.C. 9 Buyuk Chekmejeh B. - S. of Marmara 55 Scotland, W.C. 9 Newfoundld. 73 do. 73 Portugal 37 • Australia, E.C. 192 N. America, W.C. 120 Turkey 52 Spain, E.C. 39 - New Caledonia 207 Wales 6 Hudson B. 69 Philippines 165 Persian G. 145 - Philippine Is. 165 S. America, E.C. 104 - Philippine Is. 166 B. Columbia 121 Buyukdere B. Byron B. - St. to Nusa H. PAGE. Bosporus 56 Sandwich Is. 216 New Ireland 204 C. Cabaiias P. - - - Cuba 91 CaballosP. - - - Mexico G. 99 Cabarete Anch. ... Haiti 93 CabitaB. - - - S. America, W.C. m CabodoNortetoMaianhittm Guiana 102 Cabonico P. - - - Cuba 91 Cabot Hd. to C. Smith - Z. Huron 81 Cabral B. - - - - Brazil 103 Cabras Is. - - - - Azores 64 P. - - - - Canary Is. 66 Cabrera I. - - - - Balearic Is. 40 CacheoR. - - - - Africa, W.C. UB, Cadaques P. - - - Spain, E.C. 40 Cadiz H. and B. - - do. W.C. 37 Caen Rd. .... France, N. C. 35 Cagliari B.H. ... Sardinia 43 Cairns H. ... - Australia, E.C. 193 Gala Honda - - - Sj)ain, S.C. 38 Calabar rivers ... Africa, W.C. 130 Calais Rd. . - - . France, N. C. 35 to R. Schelde - - North S. 23 Scheveningen - do. 22 CalbucoP. - - - - adle 111 Calcasieu pass ... Mexico G. 100 Caldeira ..... Azores 64, 65 Caldera B. - - - - San Domingo 93 P.- - - - Chile 112 Calderilla, P. - - - do. 112 Caldy Rd. - - - - Wales 6 Caledonia, H. - - C. America, E.C. 97 Caleta Buena - - S. America, W.C. 113 Chica - - S. America, W.C. 113 CalfSd. .... Isle of Man 8 Calibogue Sd. - - - U. States 87 California G. - - N.Am^irica,W.C. 117 CallaoH. .... Peru 114 Calle, P. dela - - - Africa, N.C. 62 Calliaqua B. - - - - W. Indies 96 Calpe Anch. - - - Spain, E. C. 39 Calvi G. - - - - Corsica 43 CamamuP. - - - Brazil 103,104 Camarillas B. - - - Spain, N. W. C. 36 Camarones cove - - S. America 113 CambayG. - - - India, W.C. U& Cambodia C. - • - China S. 166 Cambridge G. - • Australia N.W.C. 186 Cambriu Anch. - - - Brazil 104 Cameleon H. - - - Vancouver I. 121 Cameroon R. - - - Africa, W. C. 130 Camp Is. to Mecklenburg H Labrador 70 cove - . - . Auckland Is. 210 Campbell Is. - - - S. Pacific 210 C. - - - New Zealand 200 — to Banks Peninsula do. 200 P. . . - Andaman Is. 153 Campbelton loch - - Scotland, W.C. 9, 16 Campeche B., Bk. - - Mexican G. 99, 100 Campo B. - - - - Italy, W.C. 42 Moro Anch. - - Corsica 43 Campobello I. - - - Fundy B. 84 INDEX. 237 Canada B. Canale di Leme Cananova P. Canaries H. Canaey Is. Canaveral P. Candia or Crete I. to Alex- PAOE. Newfoundld. 71 Adriatic 46 Ciiha 91 Newfoundld: 71 N. Atlantic 65, 127 B. Columhia 123 Archip. 52 andretta - Canea ... Canete Anch. - Cani Rks. . - - Cannes P. - Canso C. to Dover Hd. Gut - H. . Canton R. 1. Anch. - Cape Breton I. - Byron B. - Coast Castle Corso Rd. Cruz - de Grata Etolin Anch. Fear R. - Frio P. Gracias H of Good Hope Haiti H. - Horn Juby Anch. Lopez B. - to Badagri - Mediterranean 59 Candia I. 52 C%ha 91 - Mediterranean 62 - France, S.C. 41 Nova Scotia 83 do. 84 do. 83 China 169 Phcenix Is. 213 do. 213 Nova Scotia 77 - Australia, KC. 191 - Africa, W.C. 129 do. 129 Corsica 43 Ouha 90 Spain, S. C. 38 Alaska 125 U. States 87 Brazil 104 W.Indies 99 Africa, S.C. 132 San Domingo 93 S. America 108 Africa, W.C. 127 do. 131 Lopez, B. to St. Paul de Loanda Africa, W.C. Misratah Anch. Mount R. - Norman B. Orford Rf . Rivers Rouge H. - Sidero Anch. Verde Is. - Capocesto P. Capraia I. - Captains B. - - Cai-acas R. - - Caracciolo B. - - Caraquette H. - Carbonear to Brigus B Carbonera B. - Carboni P. . - Cardenas B. Cardiff Rd. Cardigan B. - - Carenero H. Cargados Carajos She. Cariaco G. - - Caribbean S. Caribou H. Ch. - 131 62 128 71 Tripoli Africa, W.C. Newfoundland California 119 Celebes 163 Newfoundland 71 Crete, N.C. N. Atlantic Adriatic Italy, W.C. Alaska 62 66 47 42 125 S. America, W.C. 114 Carimata St. Carlingf ord lough Carlisle B. Caroline Is. do. 109 St. Lawrence 6. 76 Neiofoundld. 72 Spain, S.C. 38 Adriatic 47 Cuba 91 - England, W.C. 6 Prince Edward I. 78 Wales 6 Venezuela 96 Indian Oc. 139 Venezuela 97 W.'7ndies 88 St. Lawrence 6. 77 Labrador 70 Eastern Archip. 157 - Ireland, E.C. 16,17 toLarnelough do. • 17 Barbados 96 Jamaica 92 Sta. Cruz Is. 206 N. Pacific 215 Mexico G. lOl Spain, N.C. 36 Sicily 44 - E. Archip. 163, lti4 Korea 1"5 Corsica 43 Medit. 48 238 INDEX. Cerigo I. - Cerro Azul B. - Cerros I. - Cervi I. - - ■ CetteP. - to Marseille- Ceuta B. - Ceylon I. - Cezimbra B. Chabrol H. Chacabuco P. - B. - Chacahua B. Chadda R. - Chagos Archip. - to Madagascar do. 139 ChagresP. - - C. America, E.C. 97 to Grey town - do. 98,116 Chagu Chien Dogu Anch. - Cliina 176 PAGE. Greece 49 Perti 114 California 118 Ionian S. 50 France, S.C. do. - Africa, N.C. Indian Oc. • Portugal, S.C. Caroline Is, S. America, W.C. 110 do. 110 JV. America, W.C. 117 - Africa, W.C. 129 Indian Oc. 141 40 40 6 J 149 37 203 Chahbar B. . Baluchistan, 145 Chaki Chaki B. - . - Africa, E.C. 136 Chale Pt. to Pangani do. 136 Chaleur B. . -St. Laierenee R. 76 Chalky inlet - - New Zealand 200 Challenger cove - New Guinea 204 Chalmers P. - New Zealand 200 Chama B. - . - Africa, W.C. 129 Chamatla R . C. America 117 Chame B. - - do. 116 Chamela B. . N. America, W.C. 117 Chamisso H. . Caroline Is. 203 Anch. . N. America, W.C. 126 Champerico . C.America, W.C. 117 Champion B. - -Australia, W C. 186 fnC. Nn*"r-oi'"o+" ^'. i«fi Champlain L. - mvu-xc U. States 80 Chaiiaral B. . S. America, W.C, 112 Chancay B. - Peru 114 Chandarli G. - Asia Minor 58 Chaneral de las Animas B.- CJiile 112 Change I. Tickles - - Newfoundland 72 Chang-shan I. to Canton China 170 ChanjarRd. - - Eastn. Archip. 158 Channel Is. - - English Ch. 22, 34 Chapu Rd. - China 173 Charak . Persian G. 145 Charente R. . - France, W.C. ■ 33 Charleston H. - . U. States 87 ^^harlotte P. . Labrador 70 Charlotte town H. - St. Lawrence G. 78 Charapoana entrance Sohmon Is. 205 Charnia P. - S. America, W.C. 110 Charybdis H. - - Pe chili St. 174 Chasina Anch. - . Alaska 125 Chatte C. to Bic. I. . -St. Lawrence R. 78 Chateau B. . Labrador 70 Chatham Is. - S. Pacific 209 1^. Alaska 124 Chaul P. - _ India, W.C. 147 Chaiisey Is. - - France, N.C. 22, U Chau sun to Wu chu f u China 170 Chebek P. - . - Africa, N.C. 62 Chedabucto B. - . Nova Scotia 84 Cheduba St. - Bengal B. 152 to Koronge I.- do. 152 Chelindreh P. - - Karamania 60 Chemulpho Anch. - China 175 Chentabun R. - - Siam G. \&1 Chepo R. - . C. America 115 Cherbourg - - France, N.C. 35 Chereweh B. - - Eastn. Archip. 158 Cheribon Rd. - - . Java 168 PAGK. Cherni C. to Sozonova mount Lapland 26 Chemoffski H, - - - Alaska 125 Cherso P. - - - - Adriatic 46 Chesapeake B. - - - JJ. States 86 Chesme .... Asia Minor 58 Chester P. ... Alaska 125 Chesterfield group - - Coral S. 193 Chetko cove ... Oregon 119 Chetlat I. - - - . Laccadive Is. 148 Chica B. - - - - Peru 114 Chicago .... U. States 82 Chicama R. to Paita P. - Peru 114 Chichagoff H. - - - Aleutian Is. 125 ChifuH. .... China 174 Is. Anchorage - - do. 17 ii Chignik B. Anch. - - A'aska 125 Chi ho entrance - - - Cliina 174 Chija R. to Voronov C. - White S. 26 Chikole .... L. Nyassa 134 Chilachap inlet . - - Java 158 ChilcaP. .... Peru 114 Chilowelo .... L. Nyassa 134 Chiluanl. - - - Africa, E.C. \Z\. Chimba cove ... Bolivia 112 Chimmo B. - - - China 171 China Bakir R. - - - India 152 China Sea 166 China St. - - - - New Guinea 195 Chincha la. - - • Peru 114 Chin-chu H. - - - (Jliina 171 Chinchorro Bk. - - - Yucatan 99 ChindeR. - - - - Africa, E.C. VAo Ching-ho Entrance - - China 174 Chin hai to Ningpo - - do. 172 Chinrana B. - - - Celebes 163 Chioggia P. - - - ^ Italy 46 Chipana B.- ... * Bolivia 113 Chiriqui lagoon - -C.America,N.C. 98 Chisanga .... L. Nyassa 134 Chisumulu - - - do. 134 Chitando inlet - - - Java 158 Chittagong R. - - - Bengal B. 151 Choiseul B. - - - Solomon Is. 205 P. . . - Madagascar 137 Sd. - - - Falkland Is. 67 Choka Piyon B. - - Korea 176 Chonos Archipelago - S.America, W.C. 110 ChorosB. .... Chile 112 Chou chou B. . - - San Domingo 93 Christchurch B. - - - England, S. C. 4 Christiania fiord - - Norway 24 H. - - - do. 24 Christians H. - - - Greenland 69 Christiansand fiord - - Norioay, S.C. 23 to Sandoen - do. 23 Christianso - - - Baltic 28 Christianstsed H. - - W. Indies 94 Christmas I. - - - N Pacijic 215 H. - - - Kerguelen I. 140 Ohue Tau Anch. ■ - China 169 Chuenpi Ch. - - - Canton R. 169 Chu kiang R. - - - China 169 Chulik Rd. - - Eastern Archip. 158 Chun Lan H. - - - China 169 Chupel Rd. ... Jara S. 158 Church Pool - - -Ireland,N.W.C. 18 Churchill P. - - - Hudson B. 69 Churruca P. - - - Magellan St. 108 Chusan Archip. - - - China 172 Cibil dock . . - S. America, E.C. 105 Cienfuegos - - - Cuba 90 Ciotat B. - - - - France, S.C. 41 INDEX. 239 PAGE. a America, E.C. 97 Adriatic 47 Italy, W. a 41 do. 42 Clapperton I. to Mildrum Pt. L. Huron 81 Ch. - - - do. 81 Clara B. - - - S. Avierica, W.C. WO Clareraont Pt.to Direction Q. Australia, E. C. 193 Cispata P. - Citta Vecchia B Civita VeccMa to Naples Clarence B. H. P. St. R. St Clarendon B. Clarion Is. - Clayoquot Sd. - Cleddau R. Cleveland B. Cleveland passage Clifden B. - to Aughrus Pt. do. Clinton, P.- - - • Australia, E.C. Clipperton - - . Clonakilty B. - Cloppers bar ClubH. - Clyde, R. F. Cnidus Coacoacho B. - CoalH. . Coaling Station Anch. Coaling Stations Coast Guard Stations - Coatzacoalcos R. Cobija B. - Cocagne H. - - Cocanada B. - - to Bat^sein R. Coche Island Anch. - Cochin R. - China ... - . - 168 Africa, W.C. 130 Balianws 89 Avierica, N.W.C. 126 - Australia, N.C. 184 do. E.G. 191 Alaska 124 Balahac I. K51 a America, W.C. 116 Vancouver I. 122 Wales 7 - Australia, E.G. 192 Alaslta 125 - Ireland, W.G. 16 19 192 G. America, W.G. 116 - Ireland, S.G. 21 Mexico G. L. Huron - Scotland, W.G. Asia Minor -St. Lawrence G. Alaslta 125 Timor 159 2 2 Mexico G. 100 Ghil^. 113 -St. Lawrence G. 77 Bencial, B. 150 do. 150 W. Indies 97 India, W.G. 149 100 81 54 76 ■ to C. Comorin ■ Cochrane Anch. - Cockatoo Anch, - Cockburn H. P. - Sd. Cockle cove Cocos- - ■ - or Keeling Is. - Codroy Rd.- to Bear Head to Cow Head H do. 148 Bahamas 89 Solomon Is. 205 Bahamas 88 - Australia, N.G. 185 Africa, E.G. 136 -Australia, W.G. 186 S. Avierica, W.G. 110 G. America,W.G. 116 Indian Oc. 156 - Newfoundland do. do. Coffin B. - Coffs Is. to Evans Hd. Coghlan Anch. - Cohansey to Trenton - Coiba I. - Colcura B. - 74 74 74 187 191 - Australia, S.G. do. E.G. B. Golumbia 123 G. States 86 G. America, W.G. 116 Ghile 111 Cole shoal Lt. to Rockport St. Lawrence R Coleridge B. Collier P. - Colling wood H.- Collins inlet to McCoy Is. Collo Anch. Colnett B.- Colombia - - - Colombo H. Colon B. & P. . Colonia Rd. 80 206 82 81 81 62 Soloman Is. L. Huron do. do. Africa, N.G. Galifornia 118 S. America 96, 114 Geylon 149 G. America, N.G. 97 - Bio de la Plata 105 97 103 9 109 39 PAGE Italy, S.G. 42 Chile 113 do. 113 G. America, E. G. ■ U. States, W.G. - Scotland, W.G. S. America, W.G. Spain, S.G. Chile 111 Spain, N.G. 36 Malta 45 Korea, E.G. 175 India, E.G. 150 Indian Oc. 140 - Marquesas Is. 214 - France, W.G. 34 Chile 112 - Philippine Is. 165 Paraguay R. 106 Newfoundld. 72 Chile 112 Magellan St. 108 - . Chile 111 - Africa, E.G. 135 Sardinia 43 - Africa, W.G. 131 U. States 86 Newfimndld., S.C. 74 Patagonia 110 Vancouver I. 120 New Guinea 196 Aleutian Is. 125 Constitucion H. - S.America, W.C. 113 Conte P. - - - - Sardinia 44 Contrecoeur to Repentigny St. Lawrence R. 79 Conway B. ... Galapagos Is. 216 Rf. - - - New Hebrides 209 Easter I. 216 Newfoundld. 71 Australia, N.E.G. 193 Statenl. 108 Colonne C. Anch. Colorado cove - Coloso cove Columbia B. - - Colonsay I. Columbine cove - Columbretes Is. - Comau inlet Comillas Anch. - Comino Chs. Commemoration B. - Comorin C. to Cocanada Comoro Is. - Comptroller B. Concarneau P. - Concepcion B. P. - to 21° 41' S Conception B, - Conchali B. - - Condesa B. Condor cove Conducia P. - - Congianus G-. - Congo R.- Connecticut R. Connoire B. - - Connor cove Constance cove - Constantine P. - H. - CookB. - H. - H. - P. St. Anchs. St. to C. Egmont Cope Anch. Copenhagen Copiapo P. Coppename R. Copper H. - Coquet Ch. Rd. - Coquille I. and H. Coquimbo B. - - COBAL S. - Bk. Coralie cove Corcubion B. Cordes B. - - Corentyn R. Corfu Chs. and Rd. - Coringa or Cocanada B. Coringa islet Corinth G. B. & isthmus Rds. - Corinto H. - - Corisco B. - - Cork P. - Corn Is. - Cornelia Rd. Corner inlet to Gabo I. Cornwall to Farrans Pt. Cornwallis P. Neio Zealand 199 do. 199 Spain, S.C. 38 Denmark 28, 31 Chile 112 Guiana 102 L. Superior 82 - England, E.G. 14 Caroline Is. 203 Chile 112 AustralM, N.E.G. 192 Saigon R. 168 Tierra del Fuego 108 Spain, W.'C. 36 Magellan St. 107 Guiana 102 - Adriatic 48 Bengal B. 150 Coral S. 193 Greece 49 do. 49 do. 49 G. America, W.C. 116 - Africa, W.G. 130 Ireland, S.C. 21 W. Indies 98 Java S. 159 - Australia, S.C. 189 do. . 190 N. America 80 AndoAnan Is. 153 240 INDEX. Coromandel H. - Coronel B. - Corral P. - - - - Corpus Christi pass Corrib lough - . . Corrientes C. to Kadiak I. - to Villaf ranca - PAGE. JVew Zealand 198 Chile 111 dv. Ill Mexico O. 100 Ireland. W.C. 19 Pacific 202 Paraguay R. 105 Venezuela 97 Mediter. 43 Italy, E.C. 46 Honduras 99 Spain,N.W.C. 36 Azores 64 Corsica 43 Indian Oc. 139 Italy, S.C. 42 Corsarios B. - - Corsica I. Corsini entrance Cortez P. - - - Coruna ... Corvo I. - - - Coscia B. - Cosmoledo group Cotrone P. and Anch. Coubre Pt. to Sables d'Olonne France'. W. C. 33 Coughlan H. - - - Solomon Is. 206 Country H. - - - Nova Scotia 83 CourbetP. - - - CIii7ia, S.C. US Courland B. - - - IF. Indies 96 Courtmacsherry B. - - Ireland, S.C. 21 Courtown Cays Central America, E.C. 98 Couteau B. - - Newfoundld., S.C. 74 Cow Head H. - - - do. 75 to Ste. Genevieve B. do. 75 Cowes H. - - - England, S.C. 4 Coxen hole - - Central America 99 Coxo H. . - - - California 118 Cozumel I. ... Yucatan 99 Crab Pt. Anchs. - - - China 170 Cracker B. - - - - Patagonia 106 Craig cove ... JVew Hebrides 209 Crapaud Ed. - - St. Lawrence 6. 78 Crawl Cay Ch. - - C. America, N.C. 98 Cremaillere H. - - Newfoundld. 71 Creran loch - - - Scotland, W.C. 10 Crescent City - - - Oregon 119 Crete or Candi A I. - - A rchip. 52 Crichton H. - - - Korea 175 Crinan loch to Cuan Sd. Scotland, W.C. 9 Cripples Ch. - - - 3Iagellan St. 108 Cristiani Is. • - - Archipelago 52 Croc H. - - - - Newjoundid. 71 Crocus B. - - - - W. Indies 94 Croisilles H. - - - New Zealand 199 Cromarty firth - - -Scotland, E.C 14, 15 Crooked I. Anch. - - Bahamas 89 reach - - Magellan St. 107 Crook haven - - • Ireland, S. W.C. 21 Cross Sd. to Kadiak I. - Alaska 125 Crossover I. to Gorgon Rf. -Patagonia, W.C. 110 Crowdy Hd. Anch. - - Australia, E.C. 191 Cro/et Is. ... S. Indian Oc. 141 Cruz C. - - - Cuba 90 Cuan loch • - - - Scotland, W.C. 10 Cuba I. - - - - TF. Mdies 88, 90 Cueva P. - - - - Cuba 91 CuioB. .... Africa, W.C. ISl Culdaff B. ... Ireland, N.C. 17 Cul de Sac Marin - - Martinique 95 Gallois - Madagascar, E.C. 137 CulebraP. - - C. America, W.C. IIQ or Passage I. - Virgin Is. 94 Culebras cove ... Peru 114 Cullen H. - - - - B. Columbia 121 CulleraAnch. - - - Spain, S.C. 39 Cumana Anch. ... Venezuela 97 Cumberland B. - - Juan Fernandez I. 216 basin - - Fundy B. 84 H. - - Cuba 90 Cumel;iewa inlet - Q. Charlotte Is. 124 PAGE. Cundacudvu to Anjengo - India, W.C. 148 Cupica B. . . . S. America, W.C. 115 Curanipe Rd. - - - Chile 112 Curieuse B. - - - Scychelle Is. 140 Curlew H. ... Labrador 70 Current charts - 2 Basin - - - New Zt.aland 199 I. to Bird co'-n Newfoundld., W. C. 75 Curtis P. . . - Australia, E.C. 192 I. ... S. Pacific 209 Curzola to Cattaro - - Adriatic 47 Cutwell H ... Newfoundld. 71 Cuvier C. to Champion B. - Australia, S.C. 186 Cuyler H. .... California 119 Cuyo I. Anch. . - - Sulu S 164 Cyclone tracks • - S. Indian 0. 2 Cypress H. - • - B. Columbia 121 Cyprus I. ... Mediterranean 60 Cyrus H. - - - - Java S. 159 D. D'Alprech C. to Ambleteuse France, W.C. 35 D'Arcachon Pt. to Coubre Pt. do. 33 D'Arros I. ... Indian Oc. 140 D'Entrecasteaux Is. - - New Guinea 196 Ch.- - Tasmania 197 D'Urville I. to Queen Charlotte Sd. New Zealand 199 Dabhol P. ... India, W.C. 146 Daedalus Sh. . . - Rsd S. 142 Daggs Sd. to Caswell Sd. - New Zealand 201 Dalawan B. . . . Balabac I. 161 Dalhousie H. - - St. Lawrence P. 76 Dalolo Anch. - - - Java S. 1 59 Dalrymple B. - - - Madagascar 138 H. - - - Sulu Archip. 161 P. - - - Tasmania 197 Damietta to El Arish - - Egypt 61 mouth of Nile - do. fil Danae B. ... Solomon Is. 206 Danger Pt. to C. Moreton - Australia, E.C. 191 Is. ... S. Pacific 213 Dangola Rd. ... Macassar St. 163 Danube R. ... Blach S. 56 Dapitan B. . - - Philippine Is. 164 Darajuai Anch. - - do. 165 Dardanelles ... TurTtey 55 Darien H - - Central America 115 DarelBeida - - - Africa, W.C. 127 Dar es Salaam H. - - do. E.C. 136 Dartmouth H. ... England, S.C. 4 Darvel B. - . . - Borneo 161 Darwin P. - . - Australia, N.C. 185 Dattu river - * - - Tartary 183 Davey P. - - - - Tasmania 197 Davis inlet - - - Labrador 70 St. - - - - Arctic S. 68 Dayman Ch. - - Australia, N.C. 194 De Boucherville P. - - Hudson B. 69 DeBoucP. - - - France, S.C. 40 De PeysterB I. - - - Ellice Is. 212 Deas cove .... Neio Zealand 200 Deboyne I. ... New Guinea 195 Dedeagatch Rd. - - Archip. 50 INDEX. 241 Deep B. • - - DeerH. - Sd. - Delagoa B. — to Zambezi R. to C. Guardafui Delaware R. B. Delgado C. to Kilwa - Mikindani B DeliR. ... Dellys Delos, I. & H. - Demerara R. - - D^niaP. . . - . Denial B. - Denison P. . - ■ 1.S4 134 86 86 Denmark Dennis I. - Dent H. - Denuea I. - Deogarh H. Departure B. Deremen P. Derg, Lough Dema Derwent R. D^sirade I. Desire P. - Desolation Is. Detroit R.- Deutsche narrows Deuthero cove - Devi R. Dewey Anch. Dezertas Is. Dhamra R. Dhoko I. - Diamond B. Pt. to Pulo Berhala Diego Garcia - - . Ramirez Is. Suarez B. - PAGE. Solomon Is. 205 Newfoundld. 72 Orkney Is. 14, 15 Africa, E.C. 134 do. do. U. States do. Africa, E.C. 135 do. 135 Malacca St. 154 - Africa, N.C. 63 Archip. 53 Guiana 102 Spain, S.C. 39 - Australia, S.C. 187 do. E.C. 192 do. W.C. 186 23,31 Indian 0. 140 Borneo 160 ArcMj). 53 India, W.C. 148 Vancouver I. 121 Asia Minor 59 . Ireland, W.C. do. - Africa, N.C. do. I'asvmnia 197 W. Indies 95 Patagonia 106 S. America 108 N. America 81 S. America,W.C. Archip. India, E.C. Alaska Madeira Bengal B. Archip. Madagascar 138 - N'ew Hebrides 209 Solomon Is. 205 Malacca St. 154 Indian Oc. 141 S. Avierica 108 Madagascar 137 to Andranoaombi B. Madagascar 137 France, N.C. 35 Baltic S. Donegal to Ras Bulau 20 18 61 61 110 51 151 124 65 151 50 Dieppe .... Dievenow R. to Jershoft Lt, Digby Gut to Hd. of Navigation Fundy B D'llheoP. - DilhiH. - - - . Dillon B. - Dilli mount, to Calicut Dimalansan P. - Dimitri P. - Dinawan Anch. - Dinding Is. and Ch. Dingle H. - Dinlleyn B. - . ■ Dinner I. - Anch. ^ Dinwoodie B. - - .S Dip Point Anch. Direction C. to 0. Granville Disko B. - - . ■ Discovery B. 32 84 132 194 Dislocation H. SO 1£0&9 Africa, W.C. Arafura S. ■ New liehrides 208 India, W.C. 147 - Fhilippiyic Is. 166 Archip. 51 Borneo 160 Malacca St. 154 Ireland, W.C. 20 Wales, W.C. 7 New Guinea 195 do. 195 . America, W.C. 110 New Hebrides 209 A ustral ia, E. C. 1 93 Arctic S. 68 Neto Guinea 195 B Columbia 122 Tierradel Fu^go 108 DiuH. Hd. to Goapnath Pt. Dives B. - Dix cove - . - Dixon cove Dniestr estuary - Dniepr B. - DobboH. - Dodandowi B. - Dodman Pt. to Portland Doderhultsvik - Dodinga B. Dodo R. to Bonny R. Dollabarat Dolphin cove Dominica I. - - Domino Run Domisil B. - Donaghadee H. - Dondo Pt. to C. Besar Donegal B. and H. Dongara P. Donkin B. to Milkbosch Pt. Don-nai R. - - Donnaeso to Fleina Dong-tranh R. - Doonbeg B. Dorei H. - - - Doris cove G. - Dornoch firth - Doro Ch. - to Saloniki G. Dos Bahias, C. to Tova I Douarnenez B. - PAGE. India, W.C. 148 do. 146 - New Hebrides 208 - Africa, W.C. 129 -Patagonia, W.C. 109 Black S. 56 do. 56 Arafura S. 194 Ceylon 149 - England, S.C. 4 Baltic S. 29 Eastern Archip. 162 . Africa, W.C. 129 Azores 65 Red S. 143 W. Indies 95 Labrador 70 Celebes 163 - Ireland, E.C. 17 Celebes 163 - Ireland, W.C. 18 ■Australia, W.C. 186 S. Africa 132 Cochin China 168 - Norway, W.C. 25 - Cochiti China 168 . Ireland, W.C. 19 New Guinea 196 ■Tierradel Fuego 108 Asia Minor 59 - Scotland, E.C. 15 Archip. 53 Greece, E.C. 51 S. America, E.C. 106 - France, W.C. 34 Double Pt. to C. Tribulation Australia, N.E.C. 193 B. - - - - Solomon Is. 205 Doubtful I. B. - - - Australia, S.C. U7 to Great Aus- tralian Bight Douglas B. H. H. inlet Rd. do. 187 Douro R., Entrance - Dover B. - Orfordness, &c. St. - Downpatrick Hd. to Achill Hd. Downs, The Dragamesti B - Dragonera I. to Carril B Drako P. - - - Drams fiord- Drayton H. Dreising B. - - Drepano P. - - - Drew H. - Drogden Ch. - Drogheda entrance - DryH. - - - - Dubh Artach ... Dublin B. - Bar- Dubus haven ... Ducie I. - - - - Duck cove . - - - I. to Ship Rk. shoal - Dui Rd. and R. - Isle of Man do. 8 Q. Charlotte Is. 124 Korea 175 Bahamas 89 Portugal 87 England, S.C. 3 do 22 do. 3 - Ireland,W.C. 18 - England, E.C. 12 Greece 4S Balearic Is. 40 Greeci 50 Norwa y 24 N. America, W.C. 120 S. America, W.C. 110 Ionian S. 48 Vancoiiver I. 121 Baltic 31 . Ireland, E.C. 17 Jamaica 92 - Scotland, W.C. 9 - Ireland, E C. 16, 17 do. 17 New Guinea 162 S. Pacific 212 New Zealand 200 Newfoundld . 74 Tartar y 183 K 242 INDEX. Duioh, loch Duke of Clarence I. - Duke of York I. — — group - Dulce Gr. and R. Dumbarton to Glasgow Dunbeath H.- Duncan B. Rk. passage Dundalk B. Dundas Is. - St. Dundui Anch. - Dunedin - . . . Dungarvan H. - Dungeness to the Thames - Dunkerque Rd. - Dunmanus B. Dunnet Rd, Dunvegan loch - Duperrey Is. Durazzo B. - - Durdent R. to Cayeux Durian St. Duroch C. to Linden Pt, Durnford P. - - Dusky Sd. - cove Duyfhen Pt. Anch. - Dvina, North R. to Riga Dwarf Anch. Dwarka Pt. to Diu Hd Dyer I. to Struys B. - Dzeira or Zoraik P. PAGE. . Scotland, W.C. 10 Union Is. 212 do. 212 New Britain 204 Honduras 99 - Scotland, W.C. 8 do. E.G. 15 N. America, W.C. 122. 123 do. 119 Andaman Is. 153 . Ireland, B.C. 17 - Africa, B.C. 137 - Australia, JSf.C. 184 - New Hebrides 209 New Zealand 200 - Ireland, S.C. 21 England, S.C. 3 - France, N.C. 35 ■ Ireland, S.W.C. 21 - Scotland, N.C. 15 do. W.C. 11 Caroline Is 203 Albjnia 43 - France, N. C. 35 Singapore 154 Korea 175 - Africa, B.C. 137 New Zealand 201 - B. Columbia 121 -Australia, N.C. 184 White S. 27 Russia 31 do. 28 China S. 172 India, W.C. 146 Africa S.C. 133 Tripoli 62 E. Eagle H. - - - Easdale Sd. EastC. C.toC Nelson Faiu I. Loch Tarbert — — Neebish to Iroquois Triangles - Easter I. - Eastern Archip. • Bosporus St. - Ebon atolls Eclipse H. Eddrachilles B. - Eddy stone Rks. - EdenH. - Edgar P. - - - Edgartown H. - Edie Rajut R. - Edina Edisto R., North, South Edye Passage Eeles cove Efate I. - - - Efbe Anch. L. Superior 82 Alaska 125 - Scotland, W.C. 9 -St. Lawrence R. 76 New Guinea 196 Caroline Is. 203 ■ Scotland, IF.C. 9, 11 Pt. L. Huron 82 Mexico G. 100 Pacific 216 - 157 Tartar y 182 Marshall Is. 203 Labrador 69 - Scotland, W.C. 11 - England, S.C. 4 S. America, W.C. 110 Falkland Is. 67 U. States 86 - Sumatra, N.C. 155 Africa, IV. C. 128 U. States 87 B. Columbia 123 Red S. 143 - New Hebrides 208 - New Guinea 162 Bgerman B, Egeron St. EggL - - - to Eleuthera I. — H. Eglinton fiord - Egmont P. - - Egrilar P. - Egri-liman P. - Egypt Eide Eider R. to Blaavand Pt. Eil, loch - Eimeo . . - Ekarma I. - Ekaterinskoi P. - Ekersund, approaches to Ekka I. Anch. - El Arish - — Cobre cove - — Portillo — Rincon H. - — Roque P. - - Elato Is. - ElbeR. - Elena cove B. to S. Jose - PAGE. " Korea 175 - Eastn. Archip. 157 St. La IV re /we R. 76 Bahamas S. America, E.C. Arctic S. Falkland Is. Asia Minor do. 90 IOC 68 67 54 58 61 24 23 10 214 182 26 24 Elephant B. - - - Pt. to Cheduba St Eleusis B.- Eliza H. - - - - Elizabeth B. - - - Rf . - H. - I. Ellen P. Ellice Is. -P. --R. to Phcenix Is. Elliot P. - Ellis B. - Elmina B. - Elobey I. - Ems R. Emu B. Endeavour R. St. Enderbury I. - - - Endermo H. - - - Engano B. ... England, S. C. - E. C. - W. C. - coast guard stations Norway Germany - Scotland, W.C. Society Is. Kuril Is. Lapland Norway New Guinea 162 - Africa, W.C. 127 I America, W.C. 113 Cuba 90 C. Ainerica,W.C. 116 Venezuela 97 Caroline Is. 203 Germany 23 I America, W.C. 110 '. America, W.C. 116 do. 116 - Africa, W.C. 131 Bengal B. 151 Greece 50 Alaska 125 - Africa, W.C. 132 Australia, E.C. 194 -Arctic America 69 - Magellan St. 107 'S. Pacific 212 S. Africa 133 N. America, E. C. 87 -Scotland. W.C. 9 S. Pacific 212 do. 212 - Australia, S.C. 188 Anticosti I. 76 - Africa, W.C. 129 do. 130 Germany 23 Tasmania 196 - Australia, E.C. 193 do. N.C. 194 Phanix Is. 213 Japan 179 Sumatra 156 - 2 - 12 narrows R. bar and H. reach . - . Rd. (Bonavista I.) (Mayo I.) Eniwetok or Brown group - Ensenada de Bocochibampo N. Entrance Anch. Prlblloff Is. 125 Rio de la Plata 105 - 2 New Ireland 204 - Antigua I. 94, 95 Fanning I. 215 S. America, W.C. 110 Delagoa B 134 . Magellan St. 107 C. Verde Is. 66 do. 66 Marshall Is. 203 America, W.C. 118 Vancouver I, 122 INDEX 243 Entry Anch. Ephesus - . - Epi I., anchorages in and adjacent islands Epidavro P. - - Eport loch Equimina B. Ercole, P.- Brebus B. Erekli B. - Eremopoli B. - Eriboll. loch Erie L.- Erin P. - - . Erisort L. - Erissos B. - Erne, lough ... Erronan I. ... Ertholms Escoces P. ■ - C. Escondido P. - . - Escullos B. - . - Eski Stambul C. to Kum Kale Eski-Adalia ... Esmeralda B. . . - — cove - — R. . Esperance B. and Anch. Esperanza to Clayoquot inlets Espiegle B. Anch. ; B. Espiritu Santo B. Esplee I. Anch. Esquimalt H. Essequibo R. - Essington P. - Estacio Rd. Estanques B. - - Estepona Anch. Estero de Agiabampo Etches P. Eten Pt. Etive loch Etoile Anch. Eua I. Eupatoria Rd. - Euphrates R. - Euripo Ch. St. & T. - Europa I. Euxine, The Evans Hd. to Danger Pt. Ewaf Is. . Ewe Loch Exmouth H. Expedition B. . PAGE. Neio Zealand 199 A»ia Minor 58 • New Hebrides 209 do 209 Greece 50 - Scotland, W.C. 11 • Africa, W.C. 131 'Italy, W.C. 41 Arctic S. ■ S. of Marmara. Candia I. Scotland, N.C. N. America Ide of Man - Scotland, W.C. Arehip. ■ Ireland. W.C. - New Heiridr.'i 209 Baltic 28 C. America, E.C. Cuha Spain, E.C. Asia Minor Karamania Venezuela Chile - AiiHirica, W.C. - Australia S.C. Vancouver I. do. Africa. W.C. Gilhert Is. - New Hebrides 208 Brazil 103, 104 Yvcatan 99 New Guinea. 162 N. America. W.C. 120 Guiana 102 -Australia, N.C. 184 Spain, E.C. 39 Venezuela 97 Spain, S.C. 39 - California G. Ul 69 55 52 15 80 8 12 51 18 97 91 38 55 59 97 113 115 187 122 122 131 204 F. Exuma to New Providence Eyemouth Eynhallow Sd. - Eynort L. - Eyre P. - - - . N. Am€rica,W.C. 125, 126 Pern 114 Scotland, W.C. 10 Aden G. 142 Tonga Is. 211 Black S. 57 Persian G. 145 Arcliip. 51 Indian Ocean 140 . 56 Australia, E.C. 191 Arafura S. 194 Scotland 11 England, S.C. 4 Tartary 182 New Hanover 204 Bahamas 89 Scotland, E.C. 13 Orhneys 14, 15 Scotland, W.C. 11 Australia, S C. 187 Faaroa B. - - FaciloH. - Faeno Sd. Faeroe Is. Fair isle - - . Fairy P. . • - Fajao d'Agua Fakaofu ... Falcon I. - Faleasau B. Falifa H. to Falulu Pt. Falkland Is. Falmouth H. Approaches to PAGE. Society Is. 214 New Zealand 200 Denmark 28, 32 N. Atlantic 16, 68 Shetland Is. 16 Australia, S.C. 189 C. Verde Is. 66 S. Pacific 212 - Tonga Is. 211 Navigator Is. do. do. S. America England, S.C. 212 212 212 67 5 5 95 92 False Pt. Anch. - B. Pt. to Mutlah R. Falsterbo Pt. to Kalmar Sd. Famagusta ... Famine P. ... reach Fangalii B. - - . Fangaloa B. Fangar P. Fanning I. - - - Fano - - - - Fanshaw B. Fanrang B. to Tongking G. Faraulep I. - - - Fare H. - - - - Farewell H. - - - Farilhoes Is. - - - Farina C. Anch Farisan I. Anch Farm cove Farn Is. to Berwick - Faro Sd. - Faro, The Farquhar Is. Farran's Pt. to Iroquois Farsund . . - Faxe Bugt Fayal Ch. and I. Fear C. to Sapelo Sd. - R - Fecamp to Boulogne Femem Belt to Bornholm Femme H. Fenerive ... Feno C. to Lava B. - Fergus R. Fernand Vaz R. Fernando Noronha I. Po I. -to C. Lopez Veloso B. Ferrajo P. Ferrat C. to C. Bougaroni Ferro I. Castle Anch. - . to Brandinchi P. Ferrol B. - - P. Feys or Tromelin I. Fiaderag to Tome Pt. Antigua I. Jamaica Bengal B. 151 C. of Good Hope 132 Bengal B. 151 Baltic S. 28 Cyprus I. 60 Magellan St. 107 do. 107 Samoa Is. 212 do. 212 Spain, S.C. 39 N. Pacific 215 Italy, EC. 46 Ala,ska 125 Cochin Cliina 168 Caroline Is. 203 Society Is. 214 - B. Columbia 121 Portugal ■ Africa, N.C. Red S. Australia, E.C. - England, E.C. Baltic 28, 29 Sicily 44 Indian Oc. St. Lawrence R. Norway Iceland Azores ■ U. States, E.C. do. France, N.C. do. Baltic do. - Newfoundland Madagascar 138 Corsica 43 - Ireland, W.C. 20 - Africa, W.C. 131 S. Atlantic 66 - Africa, W.C. 130 do. 130 Africa, E.C. 135 Elba I. 42 Africa, N. C. 63 Canaries 66 Spain, S.C. 38 P. Sardinia 43 Peru 114 Spain, W.C. 36 Caroline Is. 20*» Bothnia G. 30 37 62 143 190 14 139 80 23 68 64 87 87 35 35 32 32 73 80 12069 R2 244 INDEX. Fido Nisi I. Field Anch. Figueira P. Fiji Is. to Samoa Is. Fila H. Filey B. Finsch H Finisterre C. to C. St. Vincent Spain and Portugal, W.C. PAaE. Black S. 56 Magellan St. 108 Portugal 37 Paoiiic 210 do. 210 New Hebrides 208 England, E.C. 13 New Guinea 196 37 87 30 VigoB. Spain, N.W.C. Baltic Magellan St. 107 U. States, E.C. 86 Wales 6 Labrador 70 Pacific 202 B. Columbia 123 Falkland Is. 67 Adriatic 46 r Norway 24 Japan 179 iSa/i Domingo 93 FiNLAKD G. First Narrows to Sandy Pt. Fishers I. Sd. - Fishguard B. Fishing Ship H. Fitton B. - Pitz-Hugh Sd. - Fitz-EoyP. Fiume ... Fj^rland ... F'ka-ura Flamand B. Flamanville C. to St. Marcouf Is France, N. C. 35 Flamborough Hd. to Hartlepool England, E.C. 13 Flamenco P. - - - Chile 112 Flattery C. - - U. States, W.C. W^ Flaxburn approaches - New Zealand 200 Fleeming or Six Shilling Ch. Bahamas 89 Fleet loch - - - Scotland, W.C. 14 Flekkefiord Anch. - - Norway 24 Fleina to Vest fiord - Norway, W.C. 25 Fletchers Neck to C. Cod - V. States 85 Fleur de Lis H Fleuriais B. Flinders B. Rfs. Flint Ch. Flores I. - S. - Florida Cays, St., &c. 1. - Flotten H. Fly E. - - Flying Fish cove Foggia Nova Fogle fiord Fogo I. H. - Folkestone H. - Fond la Grange Fongafale Anch. Fonseca G. Fontana, C. to Tendra peninsula Fontane P. Fontina Pt. to Linden Pt.- FordH. .... C. to Buccaneer Archip. - - Australia, N.W.C. 185 Foreland Anch. - - Neto Hebrides 209 Forikaria E. - - - Africa, W.C. 128 FormbyPt. to Kirkcudbright England, W.C. 8 Formiche di Grossetto - Italy, W. C. 42 Formigas . - - - Azores 65 Formosa I. 176 1, and St. - - - China \1\ to Pernambuco - - Brazil 103 Fornells P, ' - - Minorca I. 40 - Newfoundland 72 Tierra del Fuego 108 Australia, W'.C. 187 Coral S. 193 Denmark 31 Pacific 215 Azores 64 -Rio de la Plata 105 E. Archip. 159 do. 157 - W. Indies 88,101 Solomon Is. 206 S. America, W.C. 110 New Guinea 195 Christmas I. 157 Archip. Baltic S. Newfoundld. - England, S.C. San Domingo Ell ice is. 212 C. America, W.C. 117 Black S. 56 Adriatic 46 Korea 175 Labrador 70 PAGE. Fort Dauphin - - Haiti 93 Anch. - - Madagascar 138^ -^ de France H. and B. - Martinique 95 s Fort Eoss cove - N. America, W.C. 118 . Martinique 95 Eoyal B. Forteau B. Fortescue B. Ed. For tunas H. Forth, firth of Fortune B. H. Forward H. Fotaumun pass - Foujes . . . . Foule Pt. Anch. Foulke P. - Foulwind C. to D'Urville I FourH. . . . - Fourchon pass - Fourth Pt. to Old Anjer • Foveaux St. - - ■ to Awarua E. Foviung Emua Anch. Fow P. - - - ■ Fowey H. - FoxB. Foyle lough and E. - Foynes H. & I. - France . . - . Frances P. . - Franklin H. - - ■ Ed Fraser E. - to Texada I. Fraserburgh H. - Fratelli Rks. to Mahedia Frederick Ef . - Sd. - Henry B - Frederikshaab - Frederikshavn - Frechette I. to C. Sante Freko ' - - - French pass Labrador 70 Magellan St. 107 Australia, W.C. 186 Greenland 69 Scotland, E.C. 14 Magellan St. 109 Newfoundld. 73 do. 71 Vancouver I. 121 China 170 Archip. 50, 58 Madagascar 138 Arctic S. 68 New Zealand 199 Newfoundld. 71 Mexico G. 100 Sunda St. 156 New Zealand 201 do. 200 Rotumah I. 212 Neio Guinea 162 - Erigland, S.C. 5 Falkland Is. 67 - Ireland, N.C. 17 do. W.C. 19,20 33,40 aiile 110 - Australia, S.C. 187 do. 189 N America, W.C. 120 do. 120 -Scotland, E.C. 14, 15 - Africa, N.C. 62 Torres St. 193 Alaska 124 - Tasmania, S.C. 197 Greenland 69 Denmark 28 -St. Lawrence R. 79 Norway 24 - New Zealand 199 - Ireland, W.C. 18 R. L. Huron 81 Freshwater B. - - - Galapagos Is. 216 to Round H. New Guinea l^^ New Zealand 200 N. America, W.C. 122 Pacific 211 - Magellan St. 107 Canary Is. 6(> Comoro Is. 1 40 Ellice Is. 212 Madeira 65 N. America, E.C. 84 do. 85 Samoa Is. 212 Ymig R. 172 Kuril Is. 182 Archip. 54 do. 54 Furubira Wan to Ishikari Gawa Japan 178 FuryH. - - - Patagonia, W.C. 107 FusanH. ... - Korea 175 FushikiAnch. - - - -^(^P^n 178 Futuna I. - - - Nevi Hebrides Is. 209 Fuyen H. - - - - Cochin China 168 Fyne loch .... Scotland, W.C. 8, 9 Basin Friendly cove - Is. Froward reach - Fuerteventura I. Fumboni bays and Ed. Funafuti atoll - Funchal B. FUNDY B. to Block I. ■ Fungasar H. Fungh wa branch Furebetsu Anch. Furni Is. - Boghaz INDEX. 245 PAGE. G. Gaalong- B. Grabo I. to Montagu I. P. - Gaboon R. - Gaeta B. - - ■ Gage Rds. - Gaidar o I. - Gaidamak H. Gairloch Galapagos Is. - Galaxidi P. Galera P. - Galeria G. - Galet Anch. Galita I. and Ch. Gallant P. - Gallegos P. Gallinas R. - - Gallipoli H. P. Galveston B. Galway B. and H. Gam Sungi Rd - Gambia R. - China - Australia - PliUippine Is. - Afrha, W.C. Italy, W.C. - Anstralia,W.C. Arcliip. Tartar y - Scotland, W.C. Pacific Greece - Ph ilippine Is. Corsica Guadeloupe ■ Africa, N.C. Magellan St. Patagonia - Africa, W.C. 'Italy, W.C. Asia Mtnor Mexico G. - Ireland, W.C. New Guinea Africa, W.C. to C. Lopez and Anno Bom do. Gambler Is. B. Gamla Karleby to Tauvo - Gander B. to C. Bonavista - Gando P. - Gane Rd. - - . . Gardiner B. - - . Garraway Pt. to Growa Pt. Gardner B.- I. - Garia B. - Garvan Sd. & Is. GasparSt. - Gaspe B. and H.- Gatico cove Gaultois H. - - Gavrion B. - Gavutu, H. Gaya B. to Sandakan H. H. B.- Gayo P. - - - Gazelle basin H.- Gebi I. Anch. Geelong H. Geishan ... Geliting Rd. GelsaP. - Gemlik B.- Genoa G. - - . Genovese P. - - Genoves P. - Gente Hermosa - Geographe B.- George B. - B. - Sd. - Georgia St. Georgian B. Pacific Alaska Bothnia G. Newfoundld. Canary Is. New Guinea U. States, E.C. Africa, W.C. Galapagos Is. Phcenix Is. - Newfoundland ■ Ireland, W.C. •Eastern Arcliip. ■ St. Lawrence B. S. America,W.C. Newfoundld. Arcliip. Solomon Is, Borneo do. Ionian Is. Kerguelen I. Solomon. Is. New Guinea - Australia, S.C. Red S. -Eastern, Arcti ip. Adriatic - S. of Marmara Italy, W.C. do. Karaviania S2)ain, S.C. Union Is. Australia Fernando Po Tasmania New Zealand Africa, E.C. N. America, W.C. - Huron L. to Clapperton I. do. 169 190 165 131 42 186 54 182 11 216 40 165 43 95 2, 63 107 106 128 42 59 100 19 162 127 126 213 125 30 72 66 162 86 129 216 213 74 17 156 76 113 73 53 206 160 160 48 140 204 162 189 142 159 47 55 41 40 59 36 212 187 130 197 200 136 120 81 81 Georgio Ch. Georgetown Anch. H. Gera I. Anch. Germany 32 PAGE. Greece 50 B. Guiana AsceJision I. W. Indies JJ. States Solomon Is. 102 67 92 87 206 Gettysburg Bk. - . - Ghelenjik ... Ghenichesk Rd. - Gherzeh .... Ghubbet Kallansiya • Kharab Soghra Giannutri I. Gibara P. . Gibraltar . - - . H. New Mole - to Adra — to Alicante - St. to Gambia R. - Gigha Sd. - Gigliol. .... GijonB. .... Gilbert Is. - Gili Lawa B. Gill B. Gillolo Anchs. - Gilp loch - Gimia Rd. - Gipps Land lakes Girgenti . . - - Girapetra - - - - Gironde R.- ... Gisser I. . Gizo Anch.- ... Glandore H. - Glascott Pt. to C. San-Tsidro Glasgow P.- Glenelg R. to C. Otway Glens, The - Glorioao Is. Glory cove - - - Gloucester H. - passage Go yo mai Ch. to Yezo strait N. Atlantic 37 Black S. 57 Azov S. 57 Black S. 57 Sokotra J. 141 Aden G. 142 Beds. 143 Italy, W.C. 42 Cuba 91 Spai7i, S.C. 38 do. 38 do. 88 d:i. 38 do. 38 Africa, W.C. 126 - Scotland, W.C. 9 Italy, W.C. 42 Spain, N.C. 36 Pacific 204 - Eastern Arch ip. 159 S. America, E.C. 106 - Sulu S. 162 - Scotland, W.C. 9 Neic Guinea 162 - Australia, S.C. 190 Sicily 44 - Crece 52 - France, W.C. 33 Celebes 164 Solomon Is. 204 - Ireland, S.C. 21 Magellan St. 107 New Guinea 195 - Australia, S.C. 189 - Scotland, W.C. 11 Indian Oc. 140 N'eic Zealand 201 U. States 85 - Au.itralia,E.C. 192 Japan 182 do. 178 India,W.C. 149 China. Greenland L. Huron India, W.C. 146 Greenland 69 do. 69 Japan 181 Ireland, N.W.C. 18 Turkey New Zealand 170 69 80 55 199 GoaRd. - Goat I. Anch. God Havn - Goderich H. Godia creek Godthaab fiord - H. - Gogo Sima Anch. Gola Rds. - Golden Horn Golden B. - G ouldsborough B. to Little Spoon I. A''. America, E.C. 85 GoldstreamH. - - - B. Columbia 12^ GoletasCh. - - N. America, W.C. 122 to Quatsino Sd. Vancouver I. 121 Golfito Anch. Gomenitza P. - Gomera I. - - Gomez B. - Gonaives B. GoodB. - Friday B. - . America, W.C. 116 Ionian Is. 48 Canary Is. 66 Azores 64 Haiti 93 Newfoundld. 75 Australia, W.C. 186 M(5 INDEX. Good Hope C. - Success B. G-oose Cove I. to Quebec Gopalpur - to False Pt. Garda Sd. - Gore P. - B. - - . ^oree Rd. H. - Rd. - Gorge H. - Gorgona I. - GoroP. Gorontalo R. - - Gorringe Bk. Goschen St. and Chs. Goshkevitch. B. Goteborg (Gothenburg) Gotland I. Goto Is. - Gouffre H. - Gough I. - Gower H - Gowlland H. - Goza H. - - . Gozo I. - - - Graa Deep Grabusa Gracias a Dios C. to Belize H. Graoiosa I. B. PAGE. S. Africa 132 Tierra del Ftiego 108 Newfoundld. 71 St. Lawrence R. 79 B. of Bengal 151 do. 151 Virgin Is. 94 Neu) Zealand 199 do. 200 - Africa, W.C. 127 Tierra del Fuego 108 Va7icourer I. 121 Italy, W.C. 42 - J\l-ui Caledonia 207 Celebes S. 16B A^. Atlantic 37 JVew Guinea 195 Tartary 182 Sweden 28 Baltic 29 Japan 177 Newfoundld. 71 S. Atlantic 67 New Ireland 204 Vancouver I. 122 Japan 180 Malta 45 - B^nmarTi, W.C. Candia Honduras Grafton, C.to Hope Is. Graham Sh. P. Gran Canaria Grand Bassa Berebi to C. Three Points Bourg Bruit H. - Cayman - Cul de Sac B. Duke Alexis P. Entry H, - R. - Manan I. - p. .... Portage B. to Hawk I. Grande B. - B. - Pt. to Grandes B. Granitnui B. Grantley H. Granton Grappler, P. Grassholm I. Grassy B. - Grau Cove - Graves P. - Gravosa P. Gray H. Ch. Great Bahama Bk. Barrier Rfs. 1. - 23 52 99 99 64 206 193 45 C. America, F. C. Azores - Santa Cruz Is. - Australia, E.G. - Mediterranean Alaska 125 Canary Is. 66 - Africa, W.C. 128 do. 129 W. Indies 95 - Newfoundland 74 W. Indies 92 • St Lucia, W.I. 95 New Guinea 196 Magdalen Is. 77 St. Lawrence G. 78 Fundy B. 84 Mauritius 139 L. Superior 82 Virgin Is. 94 Adriatic 47 San Francisco Pt. Chile 113 Candia 52 Manchuria 182 - N. Avierica, W.C. 126 - Scotland, B.C. 14 Patagonia, W.C. 109 Wales 7 Bermuda 65 S. America, W.C. 110 Vancouver I. 121 Adriatic 47 Magellan St. 109, 110 N. America, W.C. 119 W. Indies 89 - Australia, B.C. 192 New Zealand 198 Belt .... Denmarh 32 Egg H. to Albemarle Sd. U. States 86 Exuma Hs. - - Bahamas 89 FishB. - - - Africa, W.C. 131 to Walfisch B. do. 131 PAGE. Great Goose H. - - Newfoundld. 71 Isaac to 23° 40' N. - Bahamas 89 Jervis H. - - - Newfoundld. 73 Mecattina I. to Pashasheeboo Pt. St.Laivrence G. Ormes Hd. to Liverpool England, W.C. Redang H. - Sandy St. Stirrup Cay Troytown H. Greater Antilles Greathead B. - - St Greatman B. - - - Grecian Archip. Green I. H. to C. Canso Turtle cay Anch. Greenspond Greenland S. Greenock to Dumbarton Gregory B. P. Grenada I. Grenadines Grenville C. to Booby I. C. York Ch. 76 7 Siam G. 167 Australia, B.C. 191 W. Indies Neivfoundld. W. Indies Vincent, W. I. Ireland, W.C. St 90 71 88 96 19 50 92 78 83 90 72 68 . Scotland, W.C. 8 - 3Iagellan St. 107 Australia, W.C. 186 W. Indies 96 do. 96 Torres St. 193 Austi'alia, B.C. 194 B. Columbia 123 Newfoundld. 71 Janmica Lawrence B. Nova Scotia Bahamas Newfoundld. Grevigneux H. - Greytown, or San Juan del Norte Nicaragua Griffin B. - - - - Vancouver I. Griguet H. - - - - Newfoundld. Griko P. - ... Archip. Grimashadar L. - - Hebrides Grimsby Rd. - - - England, E. C. Grimstad .... Norway Groix He to Raz de Sein France, W. C. Gron Sd. .... Denmark Grondine to Batiscan -St. Lawrence B. Grosa I. Rd. Grossa I. to Zirona Ch. Grossevitcha B. GrottaB. - Grundar fiord - Guadalcanar I.- Guadalquivir R. Guadalupe I. - - Guadeloupe I. 98 120 71 54 12 13 23 34 32 79 39 47 Spain, B.C. Adriatic Tartary 183 Sardinia 43 Iceland 68 Solomon Is. 206 Spain, S.C. 37 - America, W.C. 116 W. Indies 95 to Trinidad - do. 95 Gualaguala cove - S.America, W.C. 113 Guam I. Guambacho P. - Guaiiape Is. Guanillos cove - Guanito B. Guanta H. Guantanamo H. Guasopa H. Guatulco Guayaquil, R. P. Guaymas H. Ladrone Is. 202 S. America, W.C. 114 do. 114 do. 113 Cuba 91 Venezuela 97 Cuba 90 S. Pacific 196 C. America, W.C. 117 Peru 114 California G. 118 Guaytecas Is. to C. St. Antonio S. America, W.C. 110 Gudvangen - - - Norway 24 Guernsey I. - - - English Ch. 22 Guet n'-dar Anch. - - Africa, W.C. 127 Guetaria B. - - - Spain, N. C. 36 Guia narrows to Concepcion Ch. S. America, W.C. 109 do. 109 Guichen B. - - - Australia, S.C. 188 INDEX. 247 Guichen B. to Glenelg R. Gnie-Chau Gulliver hole to St. Croix Gumishlu - Gunong Sudi Anch. - Gurapien Anch.- Gustaf H. Guysborough H. Gwadar B. - - Gweedore H. - - Gwatar B. - - PAGE. Audvalia, S.C. 188 Cochin Cliina 168 B. Fimdy B. 84 Asia Minor 54 Moluccas 162 Svlu S. 162 Virgin Is. 94 liFova Scotia 84 Beluchistan 145 Ireland, N.W.C. 18 BelucMstan 145 H. Habibas I. - - Hachken R. - - Hacking P. - - Hada B. Hadibo B. Haifa or Khaifa B. - Haifong, approaches to Hainan I. - - St. Hal tan St. Haili- Hai yun I. Hakahe Tau Hakodate H. Hale cove Halifax H. to the Delaware N. America, E.G. 85 Hall Is. - - - - Caroline Is. 20.S Africa, N.C. 62 Japan, S.C. 180 Australia, KC. 190 Pacijic 205 Sokotra I. 141 Syria 61 Tonkin (i. 168 China 169 do. 169 do. 171 W. Indies 92 Pechili O. 174 Marquesas Is. 214 Jai)an 179 Patagonia 110 Nova Scotia 83 Pt. to C. Bertholet Sd. - Halmaheira Anchs, Halt B. Hamanaka B. Hamaxia - Hamelin B. St. Hamene B. Hammamet B. - Hamilton inlet P. - Hammerf est havn Hamoaze - Hampton Rds. - H. - Hana Menu B. - lapa B. Vave ... Hanalei B. - Hanamaulu B. - Hanasaki Anch. - Hancock B. Hanfela B. - Hanfield inlet ... Hanga Roa- Hangklip C. to Dyer I. Hango Hd. to South Quarken Bare Sd. Rd.- Hangostad H. - Australia, N.W.C. 185 New Guinea 195 Sulu S. 162 S. America, W.C. 110 Japan 179 Asia Minor 60 Australia, W.C. 187 Tartary 182 Society Is. 214 -. Africa, N.C. 62 Labrador 70 Korea 175 - Norway, N.C. 26 - England, S.C. 4 U. States 87 Australia, W.C. 186 - Marquesas Is. 214 do. 214 do. 214 Sandwich Is, 215 do. 215 Japan 179 do. 176 Red S. 143 Auckland Is. 210 Easter 7. 216 Africa, S.C. 132 Baltic 29 do. 30 do. 30 do. 30 Hanish Is. - Hanjam I. - Hankau to Yo-chau-fu Hannay B.- Hanover Sd. Haol. Hapsal H. - Harberton H. - Harbour, Breton Grace - PAGE. Red S. 143 Persian G. 145 China 173 - Marquesas Is. 214 Bahamas 90 Pacific 214 Baltic 28 Tierra del Fuego 108 Newfoundld. 73 do. 72 S. America, W.C. 110 Japan 177 St. Lawrence R. 76 - Newfoundld. 71, 72 Japan 181 Harchy B. - Hardy H. - Hare H. - B. - Harima-Nada Haro St. and Middle Ch. N. America, W.C. 120 and Rosario Sts. - do. 120 Harper .... Africa, W.C. 129 Harra haven - - - Baltic 30 Harriet P. - - - - Falkland Is. 67 Harris Sd.- - - - Scotland, W.C. 11 to Aird Bhreidhnis do. 1 1 Hartlepool B. - - - England, E.C. 13 St. Abbs Hd. do. 13 Harvey P. - - - - Vancouver I. 121 Harwich, approaches - - England, E.C. 12 H. - - - do. 13 Haskeirls. - - - Scotland, W.C. 11 HastieRd. - - - - Madagascar 1^1 Hastings H. - - - Bengal B. 153 HatelyB. - - - Tierra del Fuego lOd^ Hathom Sd. - - - Solomon Is. 205 Hatteras inlet - - - JJ. States 87 Hatiling B. - - - Celebes Is. 164 Hatzfeldt H. - - - New Guinea 204 Haugesund - - - Norway 24 Hauraki, G. - - - New Zealand 198 Havana H.- - - - Cuba 91 Havannah H. - - - New Hebrides 208 Havergal B. - - - Magellan St. 108 Havre Rd.- - - - France, N.C. 35 to Durdent R. - - do. 85 Hawks Nest Anch. - • Bahamas 88 Hawke H. - - - - Newfoundld. 75 B. to Ste. Genevieve B. do. 75 Hayter B. - - - - New Hebrides 208 Hazel Holme Bk. - - S. Pacific 206 Heard & McDonald Is. S. Indian Oc. 141 Heart's Content - - Newfoundland 72 Hebrides Is. - - - Scotland, W.C. 11 Hecate cove ... Vancouver I. 122 patch - - - Mediter. S. 45 Heda H. - - - - Japan 179 HedlandP.- ■ - Australia, N.W.C. \%^ Heinrichs fiord - - S.America, W.C. 110 HelfordR.- - - - England, S.C. 5 Helgo to Soro - • - Norway, N. C. 25 Heligoland- ■ - - North S. 23 Hellespont- ... Turkey 55 Helsingborg - - - Denmark 31 Helsingfors ... Finland G. 30 Helsingor - - - - Denmark 31 ■ haven - - Baltic 28 Henderson I. - - - S. Pacific 212 Henry P. - - . - Patagonia 110 Herald bight - - - Pacific 209 Herbertshoh - - . New Britain 204 Herm I. - - - - Channel Is. 22 Hermeo Rf . - - - - N. Pacific 214 Hermit Is. - - - - New Guinea 204 Heron I. - - - St. Lawrence R, 76 Herradura P. - - - Chile 112 843 INDBX. Herradura P. to Grande Pt i\e Carrizal- B. - p. . Hervey Is. - Hesquiat H. HewettB. - Hidden H. - Hie-che-chin B. - Hierapetra Hierro or Ferro I. Highborne Cut - Highfield Pt. Anch. Hilliers H. - Hilo B. Hillsborough B. - Hillswick - Himana cove Himeshima Eds. Hinchinbrook Ch. Hirado I. and St. no-seto to Simonoseki St. do. 177 Hisken to Tofto, &c. - -Norway, S. W. C. 24 PA&E. Chile 112 do. 112 Spain, E.C. 38 C. America 116 - ■ 8. Pacific 213 Vancouver I. 122 Patagonia, W.C. 107 Cuba 91 China 170 Crete 52 Canary Is. Bahamas N. America, W.C. - Newfoundland Sandwich Is. St. Lawrence G. - Shetland Is. 14, 16 Celebes 163 Japan 181 - Australia, E.C. 193 - Japan, W.C. 177 do. 177 66 89 125 71 215 78 Hit-ikatpu B. HobartP. - Hobson B. - Hodeida Rd. Hogland to Seskar Hogolu Is. - Hoi-hau B. - Hokianga R. - - to Tutukaka HoUihan's wharf HolmSd. - Holmes B. - Rf . Holothuria Bks. Holsteinborg H. Holton H. Holyhead B H. - Kuril Is. 182 Tasmania 197 Australia, S.C. 189 RedS. 143 Finland G. 30,31 Caroline Is. 203 China 169 New Zealand 197 do. 197 - Newfoundland 74 Orkney Is. 15 B. Columbia 123 Coral S. 193 Australia, N. W. C. 185 Greenland 69 Labrador 70 Wales 1,\& do. 7 ■ to Great Ormes Hd. Holy I. H. - - Holz haven Honkohe B. Hondeklip B. to P. Natal do. Honduras G Hongkong to Brothers Liau-tung G. 132 132 99 70 England, E.C. 14 New Ireland 204 Cochin China 168 Africa, W.C do. S.C. W. Indies China China 170 do. 169 Sweden 28 Sandwich Is. 215 - Cape Breton I. 77 New Guinea 195 - Pe chili G. 173,174 Jamaica 92 Is. to Turtle-group Australia, E.C. 193 Hopedale H. - - - Labrador 70 Horcon B. - - S. America, W.C. 112 Horiye Anch. - - - Japan 181 Horn C. - - - S.America, W.C. 108 to C. Corrientes - do, 202 Hd. to Bloody Foreland Ireland, N.W.C. 18 Rathlin O'Birne do. 18 I. pa!^;^ - - - Mexico G. 101 Home I. - - . . s. Pacific 212 Hornslandet to Stierno I't. Bothnia G. 29 Horta B. . , , Azores 64 Hono to Paternosters liouolulu loch and H Hood P. - Hoop Iron B. Hope Sd. - B. Anch. Hoskyn cove Hospital bight - Hottentot B. Hourn loch Houston Stewart Ch. Hout B. - Houtman Rks. - How H. - Howard P. Howe Sd. - Howland I. Hoy Sd. - Huacho B. Huanchaco Rd. - Huaheine to Marua Huaina Pisagua B. Huarmey B. Huasco P. - Hiibner B. Hudson B. and St. I. - Hue R. Hueihue P. HuelvaP. • Huentelauquen cove Hugh B. - Hugli R. - Hui ling san H. - PAGS. S. America, W.C. 110 - Honduras G. 9Q - Africa, W.C. 132 - Scotland. W.C. 10 - Q. Charlotte Is. 124 - Africa, S.C. 132 - Australia,W.C. 186 - Newfoundland 71 - FalMand Is. 67 - B. Colvmbia 120 S. Pacific 213 Orkneys 14, 15 Peru 114 do. 114 • Society Is. 214 S.America,W.C. 113 do. 114 Chile 112 Navigator Is. 212 N. America 69 Ellice Is. 212 Cochin China 168 Chile 111 Spain, S.C. 37 S. America, W.C. 112 do. 109 Bengal, B. 151 China 169 Hu i tau B. Huite P. - Huito inlet Hull I. Hu-lu-shan B. Humber R. Humboldt B. to Hongkong H. - Hummock I. Anch. - Humphrey I. - Hunter cove 1. - P. - Rd. Huntington B. - Hurepiti B.- Hurlock B. HUKON L. - P. - - - Hutau B. - HuttP. - Hwang pu. Hydra B. - Hyogo B. do. 169 do. 171 Chile 111 do. Ill Phoenix Is. 213 Peohili G. 174 - England, E.C. 13 N. America, W.C. 119 A^/'W Guinea 196 AlaslM 12.". Bass St. 189 Pacific 215 Oregon 119 - New Hebrides 209 Buhe of York Is. 204 Solomon Is. 205 U. States 86 Society Is. 214 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 - N. America 80, 81 Huron L. 80, 81 China 171 Chatham Is. 209 China 173 A rchij). 50 Japin 180 Ibn Hani Anch. - - Syria 60 Ibo H .... Africa, E.C. 135 Ibugos or Bashi - - Philippine Is. 166 Ice chart. Southern Hemisphere- - 64 Ice Tickle - - - - Labrador 70 Iceland 68 Ichabo .... Africa, W.C. 132 Ichang China 173 leraka P. - - - - Greece 50 lero P. - - - ' Archip. 54 INDEX. 1^ PAGE. Ifalik or Wilson Is. - - Caroline Is. 203 Igaliko fjord ... Oreenland 69 Iguana cove ... Galapagos Is. 216 Ijipthav Anch. - - - New Hebrides 209 Ilan Ada si . . . Black S. 56 He de Bas .... France 34 — d'Ouessant to Les Sept lies do. 34 Des roches - . - Seychelles Is. 140 Rousse - - - Corsica 43 Ilfracombe - - - England, W.C. 6 Ilha Grande B. . . - ' Brazil 104 Ilheos Anch. • - . do. 103 Ilin I. .... Philippine Is. 165 Iliuliuk H.- - - - Alaska 125 IIo-IIo P. Philippine Is. 165 Ilwaki Rd.- - - -Eastern Archip. 159 Imbituba B. . - S. America, E.C. \0i Imperial P. - . . Tartary 183 Inada Rd. - . . - Black S. 56 Inchard loch - - - Scotland, W.C. 12 Inchmarnoch Water - - do. 8 Inchtavannach Ch. - • do. 9 Independencia, B. • . Peru 113 • to Begueta B. do. 114 Independent H. - . Labrador 70 Index Charts 1 Indian B. - - . Ticrra del Fuego 108 reach - - 8. Avierica, W.C. 110 Oc. 64, 144 Monthly current charts - - 2 Oceanic soundings - - - 2 Is. 139 Tickle - - - Labrador 70 H. .... do. 10 to C. Ray - - Newfoundland 74 Ine P. .... Japan 178 Inf usse bar ... Africa, E.C. 134 Inganess B. - . . Orkney Is. 15 Inhamissengo R. • - Africa, E.C. 134 Inisbofin .... Ireland, W.C. 19 Inland S. - - . - Japan 180 Innamban R. - . . Africa, E.C. 135 Inner Ch. - - . . Scotland, W.C. 10 P. - - - S. Anierica, W.C. U\ H. - - - . Amboina B. 162 .... Farquhar Is. 139 Sd. - - . ■ Scotland, W.C. 11 Inokoshi P. • - - Japan 181 Intsi Pt. to Unskaia inlet - White S. 27 Inu-bo-ye-saki ... Japan 179 Inverloch - . - Scotland, W.C. 11 to loch Broom- do. 11 Inverness firth - - - Scotland, E.C. 15 Investigator Rd. . - Australia, N.C. \M lokanskie Is. P. . . White S. 26 lona Sd. - - . Scotland, W.C. 9 Ionian Is. - - . - Mediter. 48 Ipih B. - - - Eastern Archip. 159 Iquique Rd. . . . S. America 113 Irrawaddy R. . . . Bengal B. 162 Ibeland 16 coast guard stations ... 2 to Lands' End - - - - 16 1. - - Bermuda 65 Irish Ch. 16 cove .... New Ireland 204 Iroquois to Ogdensburg St. Laivrence R. 80 Isene P. - - . . Asia Minor 59 Ishaila .... Africa, N.C. 61 Ishihama Anch. - . Japan 179 Iskanderdn to Mhaarkb - Syria 60 • or Alexandretta B. - - 60 Isla Grande B. - Island H. - Islay B. - - - Sd. - Isle of France - Man Skye - - Pines to XJen I. Royale of Wight - Isles do Los to Sherbro I. Ismid G. - Istapa B. - Isthmus B. - - PAGE. C. America 117 Patagonia 110 Kerguelen I. 140 Vancouver I. 122 Peru 113 - Scotland, W.C. 9 Indian Oc. 139 -England, W.C. 8,16 - Scotland, W.C. l6 - New Caledonia 207 Canada 82 - England, S.C. 3 Africa, W.C. 128 do. 128 Marmara S. 55 C. America 117 Patagonia 109 - Newfoundland, W.C. 74 cove - - N. America, W.C. 119 Itapacaroya Macahe Anch. Brazil 104 Italy, West C. 41 Itea P. - - - - Greece 49 Ithaca I. - - - - Ionian S. 48 Itsuhara H. - - - Japan 176 luripik Is. - - - - Caroline Is. 203 Ivana I. - - - - Philippine Is. 166 Ivi C. to Algier - - - Africa, N.C. 63 Ivigtut .... Greenland 69 Iviza P. - - - - Balearic Is. 39 Iwanai Anch. ... Japan \n% lyo Nada .... do. 181 J. Jackson P. - Australia, E.C. 190 to Stephens P. do. 190 Jack Sd. - Wales 7 H. - Solomon Is. 204 Jacmel H. - Ham 93 Jade R. - - - Germany 23 Jafarabad H. - India, W.C. 146 Jaguarybe R. S. America. E.C. 103 Jaeloen to Christiania Norway 24 Jaigarh India, W.C. 148 Jaluit Is. Anch. Marshall Is. 203 Jamaica I. - W. Indies 88, 92 Jambu R.- - B. of Bengal 151 James B. - - Galapagos Is. 216 Jamna Rd. New Guinea 196 Jan Mayen I. - Spitzbergen Is. 27 Janjira Hr. India, W.C. 148 Japan - 176 Japara Rd. Java 158 Jaragua Anch. - Cuba 91 Jarvis I. - - - Pacific 215 JdshkB. - Beluchistan 145 Java I. and sea - Java S. 157 Javea B. - - - Spain, E.C. 39 Jeba Ch. R. - Africa, W.C. 128 Jebel Jan to Seyara - do. E.C. 142 Teir to Perim I. Red S. 142 Zukur do. 143 Jelajil do. 142 Jendee Rd. New Guinea 196 Jeremie B. Haiti 93 Jersey I. - English Ch. 22 Jershoft Lt. to Rixhoft Lt. Baltic 32 Jervis B. - -Australia, E.C. 190 C. to Guichen B. do. S.C. 188 Inlet British (Columbia 120 250 INDEX. Jibuti B. - Jidda Anch. Jidjelli Johanna I. - - John R. - - • Johnston I., Rf., & Anch. Johnstone St. - Jomard Ent. to Yeina I. Jombol St. PAOK. - Africa, E.C. 142 Bed, S. 143 - Africa, N.C. 62 Comoro Is. 140 •St. Lawrence G. 11 N. Pacific 215 Vancouver I. 121 New Guinea 195 E. Archipelago 154 Jones I. to C. Voltaire Australia, N.W.C. 185 Jouan G. ... France, S.C. 41 Juan de Fuca St. - N. America, JV.C. 119 to Haro St. do. 120 Juan Fernandez Rabel Anch. Juana Rd. Juba Is. R. - Jubal St. Jubg Anch. Jubilee Anch. - Juby C. Anch. - Julianeshaab Jumbas R. Jungf em ground Juni Skaren Anch. Junk R. Junkseylon I. Jura I. - - anchorages in Jurien B. Jururu P. - Jyghur S.Pacific 216 San Domingo 93 Java's. 158 - Africa, E.C. 137 do. 137 Red S. 144 Mack S. hi Tartary 182 Marocco 65 Greenland 69 - Africa, W.C. 127 S. America, W.C. 110 Bothnia G. 29 - Africa, W.C 128 Bengal B. 153 Archip. 53 - Scotland, W.C. 9 AuMralia, W.C. 186 Cuba 91 India, W.C. 148 K. Kaango ... Kabakadai B, - Kabarei B. - - Kabenda B. - - Kabia I. - - - Kabobolol St. - KadaB. - Kadiak I. to Siguam I. Kaffa- Kaffir Kuyl B. R. - Kagayan Sulu - Kagosima G. Kahului H. Kaibobo Rd. Kaidipan Anch. Kaikoura peninsula - Kaimana B. - - Kaingaroa - Kaipara H. - - Kailua B. - Kais Anch. Kaisariyeh Kaiser H. - Wilhelm canal Kait Rd. - Kajartalik ... Kaka lira - - - Kakava Rd. Kala Is. - Kalamaki B. - . Kalamata G. L. Nyassa 134 New Britain 204 New Guinea 162 - Africa, W.C. 131 - E. Archipelago 159 Neil) Guinea 162 Japan 180 Aleutian Is. 125 Black 8. 57 Africa, S.C. 133 Sidu S. 160, 162 Japan, W.C. Ill Sandwich Is. 215 Banda S. 162 Celebes 163 New Zealand 200 New Guinea 162 Chatham Is. 209 New Zealand 198 Sandwich Is. 215 Persian G. 145 Syria 61 S. America, W.C. 110 - Germany 32 Mahassar St. 163 Greenland 69 Japan 111 Karamania 59 Greece 49 do. 49 Greece S.C. 49 Kalambayang H. Kalamuti H. - - Kalandorang B. - Kalbadavie B. - Kaliakra to Odessa - Kalibia Rd. Kali Susu B. - Kalimno I. to Rhodes I. Kalingapatam - Kalloni P. Kalmar Sd. Kalo Limniones Kalolimno I. Kama Is. - Kama-i-shi H. - Kamalo H. - - Kamaran B. Kambangan I. - Kambaragi B. - Kambu Rd. Kamchatka to Kadiak I. Kammenoi Pt. to Tolstik Pt. Kamiesh B. - - - Kaministiquia R. - - Kamo H. - Kampong Ulu Anch. Kamput Anch. - Kamranh to Vung Ro. B Kan R. to Nanchang Kanahauan Is. - Kanala B. - Kanalasan cove - Kandalak G-. - - Kandavu I. and passage - passage to Kowata I. PAOB. Siinda St. 156 Archip. 51 Balabac Is. 161 - India, W.C. 148 Black S. 56 - Africa, N.C. 62 Celebes S. 163 Archip. 54 do. 59 Indie Breton I 77 S. Anterica, E. C. 104 China, S.C. 169 Caroline Is. 203 S. Pacific 20<) China, S. 169 Alaska 124 do. 124 S. Indian Oc. 141 Aleutian Is. 125 Australia, S.C. 188 du. 188 Africa, W.C. 132 Scotland, E.C. 14 Brazil 103 MacDougall H. Macduff - Maceio P. - to Rio de San Francisco do Norte Brazil 103 Machias Seal I. to Gouldsborough B, JV. America, E.C. Mack Reef Anch. Mackau Gp. to Clifford Is. • Mackenzie I. R. to Bering St. Mackinac St. - M'Laughlin B. - Macquarie H. - - ■ P. . Madagascar I. Rf. . Madame I. - Maddalena and adjacent Is. approaches Mado inlet Maddy loch Madeira Is. Madoc P. - Madraka Anch. - Madras roadstead to Pt. Calimere Ramiapatam Madrin P.- Madura I. . Mafia I. and Ch. Magdalen Is. R. - Sd. - Oregon 119 Korea 175 Caroline Is. 203 Arctic S. 126 N. America 82 B. Columbia 123 Tasmania 197 ■ Australia, E.C. 191 ;S'. Pacific 213 - 134,137 Mexico G. 100 Nova Scotia 84 Sardinia 43 do. 43 Korea 175 - Scotland, W.C. 11 N. Atlantic 65 Wales 7 - Arabia, N.E.C. 144 Bengal B. 150 do. 150 do. 150 Patagonia 106 Java, S. 158 Africa, E.C. 135 Lawrence G. 77 do. 76 Magellan St. 107 Spitxbergen 26 California 118 Ireland, W.C. 20 Patagonia 107 to gulf of Peiias do. 109 Trinidad gulf do. 109 Magicienne B. - - - Ladrone Is. 202 Magneticl. to Double Pt. Australia, E.C. 193 St. Magdalena B. to Foul B. Magee P.- Magellan St. PAGE. Magnetic Variation 2 Magnok G, ... Philippine li. 165 Magpie B. to Pt. des Monts St. Lawrence R. 76 Mahajamba B. - - Madagascar, W.C. 138 Mahakan R. - - - Makassar St. 163 Mahanadi R. - • - India, E.C- 151 Mahanoro - - - Madagascar, W.C. 138 Mahe I. Mahedia Arch. - to Ras Makhabez Mahnson H. - - - Mahommed Ghul Mahon P. - Mahukona H. - Mahurangi H. - Mahuwa Bandar- Maidens. The . . . Maiana . . - . Maimbun Anch. . - - Main Str. - - - . Maitencillo cove to Herradura - Majene Rd. Majorca I. - Makalla B. . - . Makanruru I. - Makanrushir I. - Makarska P - - - Makassar St. - Rd. - Makatein - - - - MakenaB. . . - . Maki B. - - - - Makin I. - Makira B. - Makongai I. - - - Makri H. - H. - - . - Mai B. Mala C. to Elena B. Malabrigo Rd. - Malacca, approaches to St. Malaga P. - Malahide inlet - Malaita I. - Malanut ... Mala Ya Ma Malamacco, P. - Malampaya Sd. - Malasoro B. Maiden I. & Anch. Maldive Is. Maldonado B. Maldonado Malekula I. Malfatano P. - - ■ Malemba B, - - • MalindiP.- to Juba- Mallawalle I. to Lankayan MalluH. - - - . MaloL . - . . to Efate I. Killi Killi Anch. Mai Oleni to Nokuev I. Malta I. - to C. Malea - Maltezajia P. - Malua B. - Malusa B, - Seychelles Is. 140 Africa, N.C. 62 do. 62 Cochin China 168 Red S. 143 Minorca I. 40 Sandwich Is. 215 New Zealand 198 India, W.C. 146 Ireland, N.C. 17 Gilbert Is. 204 Sulu 7. 161 Singapore St. 154 Chile 112 do. 112 Celebes 163 Balearic Is. 40 Arabian C. 141 Kuril Is. 182 do. 182 Adriatic 47 Celebes S. 162 do. 157, 163 Arabia 141 Sandwich Is. 215 Sumatra 155 Gilbert Is. 204 Solomon Is. 205 Fiji Is. 210,211 Archip. 50 Karamania 59 -St. Lawrence R. 76 C. America, W.C. 98,116 Peru 114 E. Indies 154 do. 154 Spain, S. C. 39 - Ireland, E.C. 17 - Solomon Is. 205, 206 Palawan I. 166 Yezo, Japan 179 Venice 46 Palawan I. 166 Celebes 163 Pacific 215 - Indian Oc. 148,149 - Rio de la Plata 105 C. America, W.C. 117 - New Hebrides 208 Sardinia 43 - Africa, W.C. 131 do. E.C. 136 do. 136 Borneo 161 Pacific 205 New Hebrides 208 do. 208 do. 208 Lapland 26 Mediter. 45 Ionian S. 48 Archip. 50, 54 New Hebrides 208 fhdu Archip. 161 256 INDIX. Malwan B. - to Vengurla - PAGE. India, W.C. 149 do. 149 JVew Guinea 196 Fiji Ik 211 Makassar St. 163 Africa, W.C. 131 New Zealand 199 racifi.c Oe. 215 England, S.C. 5 " Celebes I. 164 Chile 111 Ceylon 150 C'?<&« 90 4*/a Minor 60 Jamaica 92 Mamberonmo R Mambulithe llf. Mamuju B.- Man of War Rd.- Mana I. Manahiki - Manacle Rks. Manado Rd. Manao B. - Manar Gr. - Manati P. - Manavat I. - Manchioneal H. - Manchuria 181 MandaB. ... - Africa, KC. \U Mandaon P. . - - Philippine Is. 165 Mandinga H. - . C. America, E.G. 97 Mandoliana I. Anch. . Sdomnn Is. 206 Mandri Ch. . - . Greece 51 P. ... do. 51 Mandwa B.- . . - India, W.C. 146 Manevai B.- - - Santa Cruz Is. 206 Manfredonia P. - . - Italy, E.C. 46 Mangalore ... - India, W.C. 147 Manganitu B. . - . Celehes S. 164 Manga Reva Is. - - - S. Pacific 213 Mangles Anch. - - - California G. 117 Mangrove Bluff to C. Corrientes N. America, W.C. 117 H. - - - Java S. 159 Manicougan R. - - -St. Lawrence R. 78 Manihi I. - . - . Tvavwtu Is. 218 Manila B. - - - - Luzon I. 166 ManitouR.- - - -St. Lawrence R. 76 ManitsokH. - . - Greenland 69 Manna Kwoi H. - - . Solomon Is. 205 Manne Fiord . - - Norway, S.C. 23 Mannin B. to Aughrus Pt. - Ireland, W.C. 19 Manokwar Anch. . . New Guinea 196 Mansa B. .... Africa, E.C. n& MansalarB. - - . Sumatra, W.C. 156 MantaB. .... Peru 115 Manukau H. - - - New Zealand 198 to Egmont C. do. 199 Manupu Anch. - - - New Guinea 196 Manvers P.- . - . Labrador 69 Manzanilla B. - - iV". America, W.C. 117 to California G. do. 117 Man^anillo B. - . . San Domingo 93 Manzo P. - . . . Adriatic 46 Maoraha I. Anch. . - Solomon Is. 206 Maple B. . - . . Vajicouver I. 121 Mappo H. . - - . Solomon Is. 206 Maraki .... Gilbert Is. 204 Maramasike pass . - Solomon Is. 205 Maranham B. . - - Brazil 103 to Pemambuco do. 103 Marathonisi ... Greece 49 Marau Sd. . . - - Solomon Is. 206 Maravi P. - . . . Cuba 91 Marble I. . . - . Hudson B. 69 Marbella Anch. . - . Spain, S. C. 39 Marblehead H. - - - U. States 85 March H. - - - Tierra del Fuego 108 Marchesa B. - - - Ntw Guinea 162 Mardon P. . . - Magellan St. 109 Mare I. and St. . . N. America, W.C. 119 ]\Iargarita I. . • . Venezuela 97 Maria P. - . . - Jamaica 92 Marie Galante I. - - W. Indies 95 Mariana Is. Mariel P. - Marigot B. . H. PAOB. N. Pacific 202 Cuba 90 Virgin Is. St. Lucia, W.I. 94 95 95 89 57 166 60 to Pointe du Cap do Mariguana I. - . . Bahamas Mariupol .... Sea of Azov Mariveles P. - - - Luzon I. Markhab to Ras en Nakura Syria Marmarice, H. - - -A-Ha 3Hnor 50, 59 Marmaka Sea- . . Ttirhey 55 1. ... ^0. 55 Maromanjo Pt. to Makambytra B. Madagascar, W.C. 138 Maroni R. - Anch. Marovo lagoon . Marquesas Is. - Marquette H. - . • Mars Hd. to Shut-in I. Marsa-el-Kebir B. Bakshuba Brega or Bureiga Dakalla . el Hilil - Matru Ummrakum - Ugrah Anch. - Susa Tebruk . Zafran Marseille P. and Rd. - to A gay Rd. Marsh Basin Marshall Is. Ch. . Marstrand Martaban G. - - • Martin Garcia to Paysandu Vasl. . Martinique I. Martinscica P. . Maruli to Arnala I. . Mary Joseph H. R. - . . . P. . . . . Is. . . - . Marzo C. to Mariato Pt. Mas a Fuera I. . Maseskar to Hallo Masevonu Anch. Masinglok P. Masio P. . - - Masira Ch. . Maskat ... to Karachi Ras Sukra - Mask lough Maskelyne Is. - Masnou ... Massawa Hr. and Ch. Massefau B. . - Masset H. - Masulipatam Rds. Mataatu H. MataP. - Mata Utu Anch. Matalvi P. - Matanza Anch. - Matanzas P. - - Mataro ... Matatane ... Guiana 102 Comoro Is. 140 Solomon Is. 205 Pacific 214 L. Superior 82 Nova Scotia Africa, N.C. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. France, S.C. do. Magellan St. 108 N. Pacific 203 Andaman Is. 153 Sweden 28 Bengal G. 152 Uruguay R. 105 S. Atlantic 66 do. 95 Adriatic 46 India, W.C. 147 N'ova Scotia 83 - Australia, E.C. 191 Solomon Is. 205 . S. Lawrence R. 76 C. America 115 S. Pacific 216 Baltic S. 28 New Hebrides Is. 209 - Philippine Is. 165 Cuba 90 Arabia 144 do. 145 India, W.C. 145 Arabia 144 • Ireland, W.C. 19 . New Hebrides 208 Spain, E.C. 40 Red S. 143 . Navigator Is. 212 . Q. Charlotte Is. 124 India, E.C. 150 - Navigator Is. 212 Cuba 91 Ell ice Is. 213 - Philippine Is. 165 Chile 112 Cuba 91 Spain, S.C. 40 • Madagascar 137 INDEX. 257 Matan I. - - - Matava B. - Mathew T. Ed. Mathurin B. Matoya H. Mats'sima to Atsusi-no Matsugahama B. Matterer B.- Matthew I. Matuku H. I. - Matumba B. - - Mauban B. - Maule R. - MauUin R. - Maumeri Rd. Mauritius I. - - Maurizio P. - - Maxwell P. Mayaguez B. Mayne Ch. and H. Mayo I. - - - Mayor I. to Poverty B. Mayotta I. - Mayumba B. Mazarron B. - - Mazatlan H. Mazighan - Mazzara to Palnia M'Bampa cove - Mbatiki Is.- Mbau Rds. - MboliH. - McGregor H. MchingaB.- Mchengangazi - McKeau I. - McKies Pt. to Cornwall Meadows P. Meda Is. Anch. - Mecklenburg H.- Mediterranean Sea Medni I. - - - Medway R. P. to Lunenbu Megalo-kastron - Meganisi Ch. Megara B. - Meiaco-sima Is. - Mejilloues del Sur B. • cove Melabu Melania P.- Melbourne - to C. Horn Meli I. Anch. - Melilla Melinka P.- MelitaB. - Meljine B. - Mellakori II. Mellish Rf.- Melpomeue cove Melville P.- Sd. I. Membora Rd. Memboro Rd. Memel to Libau Memoria P. - - Menadou B. Mendocino B. - 12059 PAGE. - Kiiril Ls. 182 N. Britain 204 Bahamas 89 Rodriguez I. 139 Japan 180 0-sima do. 177 Kuril Is. 182 New Guinea 196 - Netv Heiride.^ 209 Fiji Is. 211 Solomon. Is. 20(5 - Philippine Is. 165 S.America, W.C.-U2 Chile 111 -Eastern Archip. 159 Indian Oc. 139 Italy, W.C. 41 Tier r a del Fuego 108 - Puerto Rico I. 94 -Patagonia,W.C. 109 C. Verde Is. 66 Xew Zealand 198 Indian Oc. 140 - Africa, W.C. 131 Spain, S.C. 38 California 117 - Africa, W.C. 127 Sicily 44 L. Nya.i.sa 134 Fiji Is. 210,211 do. 210 Solomon Is. 206 L. Huron 81 ifrica,E.C. 135 136 do. Phoenials 213 St. Laicrence R. 80 Andaman Is. 153 Spain, B.C. 40 Labrador 70 - 38 Bering S. 183 - England, JE.C 12 g - Nora Scbtia 82 Candia 52 Ionian S. 48 Greece 50 China 176 S. America,W.C. 113 do. 113 Sumatra 155 Karamania 60 - Australia, S.C. 189 Pacific 202 - New Hebrides 208 Morocco 63 ,S'. America, W.C. Ill Red S. 143 Adriatic 48 - Africa, W.C. 128 Torres St. 193 C. America, W.C. 116 Africa, E. C. 134 Arctic S. 69 - Australia, N. C. 184 Celebes S. 163 -Eastern Archip. 159 Baltic S. 31 do. 28, 33 Madagascar 137 C. Breton I. 78 California 119 PAGE. Mendocino C. to Vancouver I. N. America, W.C. 119' Menai St. - - - - Wales 7 Menam Chau Fya R. - Sia7n G. 167 Mentelle cove to White Pt. AuHtralia.S.W.C. 187 Menzies B. - Mera Koura Mercer cove Mercy P. - Merbat B. - Merciiry B.- Mergui Archip. - H. - Merigomish H. - Merka Anch. Mermaid St. Mermerjik B. - Merok Mersa Ar-Rakiya Duriir to Trinkitat Halaib Annh. - Makdah - Sheikh Barud - Ibrahim Sad Mersin P. Mersina Rds. Messina, H. - - St.- Meste B. - - Mesurado C. to Baffu B. Metalanim P. Metensa B. - Methana - Metlah-Catlah B. Mevagissey H.- Mexico G. - Mezen G. - Mezetlu Mgan Mwania - MharR. - Micaela, P.- Michigan L. Michilla cove Middle B. - cay- Vancouver I. 121 Japan 180 - Newfoundland 73 Maoellan St. 108 Arabia 144 - New Zealand 198 Bengal B. 152 do. 163 -St. Lawrence G. 77 Africa, E.C. 137 Au.9tralia, W.C. 186 - S. of Marmara Norway Red S. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Asia Minor do. Sicily do. 42,44 San Domingo 93 - Africa,W'.C. 128 Caroline Is. 203 - New Hebrides 208 Archip. 50 N. America, W.C. - England, S.C. • America, E.C. White S. Karamania Africa, E.C. 135 India, W.C. 148 S. America, W.C. 110 - United States 82 & America, W.C. 113 St. Laivrence R. 75 Caribbean S. 92 55 24 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 148 58 60 45 123 5 99 26 60 Ch. and Ilaro St. N. America, W.C. 120 cove - - Tierra del Fuego 108 MiddletonRf. - - - Au.'itralia, E.C. IM R. Midway I. - MielB. . - - - Mijella P. - Mikawa B. - - - Mikindani H. - Mikuni H. ... Milagro cove Milazzo B. - Mildrum Pt. to St. Joseph I. Mllford haven - Sd, Milkbosch Pt. to Orange R. MillbankSd. Mille MilliB. . - - - Millport - Milo I. Min R. Minard narrows Minch, The Africa, W.C. 129 N. Pacific 214 Cuba 91 Mediter. 51 Japan 180 Africa, E.C. 135 Japan 178 Chile 111 Sicily 45 L. Huron 82 Wales 7, 16 New Zealand 200 Africa, W.C. 132 B. Columbia 123 Marshall Is. 203 New Hebrides 209 Scotland. W.C. 9 Archip. 53 CJiina 172 Scotland, W.C. 9 - Scotland, W.C. 10 S 258 INDEX. Mindanao - Mindoro I. S. and St. - Minehead Anch. Minerva Rfs. Mino-an Is. Minikoi I.- Minorca I. - Minow Is. - Miquelon Is. and Rd. Miragoane H. - Miramichi B. R. Mira-por-vos passa^i'e - Mirs B. - - ^ - Mirya B. - - - Misamis P. Miscou H. - Misima Nada I. . . . PAGE. - Philippine Is. 164 do. 164 - England, W.C. 6 Pacific 209 -St. Lawrence II. 76 Arabian S. 148 Mediter. 40 Madagascar 138 - Newfoundland 73 Haiti 93 - St. Lawrence G. 77 liahamas 89 Cliina S. 170 India, W.C. 148 - Philippine Is. 164 -St. Lawrence R. 76 Jajjan 181 New Chiinea 195 Mississippi R. to Boquillas Cerradas Mexico G. delta of - Sd. - - - . MistH. - Mistanoque H.- Mitchell E. 1. Mitford H. MithoRd.- Mityleni I. and Anch. Miulu Anch. Miyadsu H. Miyako B. - Mizen Hd. to Kinsale M'Luluka - Moala Mobile B. - Mocha I. - Mochima P. Modu Manu Mogador H. Mogdishu - Moginkwale R.- Mohawk B. Mohilla I. - Moidart loch Mokanibo P. Mokau R. - Mokha Rd. Mokil Is. - Mokmer Rd. MolaP. - Molde, approaches to Molfetta P. Molivo Rd. Molle, P. and Ch. Mollendo, P. Molo G. - - - St. - Molonta P. to Malaluka B Moltke H. - Moluccas - passage to Manila Philippine Is. 164 Molyneux Sd. - - - Chile 109 Mombasa P. - - - Africa, E.G. 136 Mona I. - - - - Puerto Rico 94 Monach Is. - - - Scotland, W.C. 11 Monaco P. - - - - France, S.C. 41 Monastir Anch. - - - Africa, N. C. 62 Moneiiivasia - - - Greece 50 Mohganui P. - - - Neic Zealand 197 Blufif to Mannkau H. do. 198 Mongo entrance - - Solomon Is. 205 100 U. states 100 - . Mexico G. 101 Alaska 125 -St. Lawrence G. 76 -Q. Charlotte Is. 124 Ellice Is. 212 Bangney I. 161 Saigon R. 168 Archip. 54 - Phirq)2)ine Is. 164 Japan 178 do. 179 - Ireland, S.C. 21 L. Nyassa 134 Eijils. 211 Mexico G. 101 (S'. Avierica, W C. Ill Venezuela 97 - N. Pacific 214, 215 - Africa, W.C. 127 - Africa, E.C. 137 do. 134 L. Erie 80 Comoro Is. 140 - Scotland, W.C. 10 Africa, E.C. 135 New Zealand 1 99 Red Sea 142 Pacific 203 New Guinea 196 Italy, E.C. 46 Norway 25 Adriatic 46 Archip. 54 -Australia, E.C. 192 Peru 113 Ionian Is. 48 Eastern Archip. 159 Adriatic 47 S. Georgia 64 Indian Oc. 162 Monito Cay Monkey B. Mono Cay Monopoli, P. - - Monrovia B. - - Montagu I. to Beecroft Hd Monte Cristi B. - Video B. - Cuha L. Nyassa Cuba Adriatic - Africa, W.C. Au,< Namonuito Is Namkwan H. Namu H. - Namuka H. Hand Is. - Nanaimo H. - - i\' Nanao H. - Nanchang - - - - Nandi B. and passage Nanga Miru B. - Nangka Is. Nankauri H. - Nanomana ... Nanking to Tungliu - Nanomea - - - . Nanoose H. - - ■ Nansa sha R. to Kelung H. Nantucket Shoals to Block I. island to Great Egg H Sd. - - - • Na ora matua Anch. Naos Anch. P. - Napier P. and H. Naples B. G. and Rd. - to C. Bonifati Naranjo P. . . Narendri B. - - • Narenta Anch. - Nares H. - Narovo I. ^ Narovorovo Narragansett B. Narrows, The, to Hamilton Narsapur to Bimlipatam Naruto passage - Nash Pt. to New Passage sands Nasparti inlet - Nass B. and R. - Nassau H. - I. . . . Natal P. - - - ■ Rd. .... Naturaliste C. to King George Sd . Australia 187 PAGE, Caroline Is. 203 do. 203 China 172 B. Columbia 123 Fiji Is. 210 Friendly Is. 211 America, W.C. 121 Japan 178 KanR. 173 Fiji Is. 210 Ea-ifern Archip. 158 BanJta St. 156 Nicobar Is. 154 Ellice Is. 212 China 173 Ellice Is. 212 Vancouver I. Formosa If. States do. do. ■ New Hebrides 208 C. Anurica,W.C. 115 Canary Is. 66 Ken) Zealand- Italy, W.C. -^ do. • Cuba Madagascar 138 Adriatic 47 - Admiralty Is. 204 Solomon Is. 206 . New Hi^ridcH 208 IJ. States 86 Bermuda Bengal B. Japan England, W. C. Wales Vancouver I. B. Columbia 123 Bahamas 90 .S'. Pacijic 212 Africa, E.C. 133 Sumatra 155 121 171 86 86 86 199 42 42 91 65 150 181 6 6 122 Natuna Is. - Nauplia G. Naussa P. - Na-vatu Rf. Navarin B. Navas P. - - Navassa I. - Navibandar Navidad B. Navigator Is. Navy B. Nawiliwili H. - Naxia B. - Naxos I. - Nayezdnik B. . Nazan B. . Naze to Christiansand Lister - Karmo - N. cape - H. . Neagh lough Necker I. . Neddy H. Nee'ahB. - Needles Ch. China S. 159 Greece 50 Paros I. 53 Fiji Is. 210 Greece 49 Cuba 91 ir. Indict 93 India, W.C. 146 A", America, W.C. 117 S. Pacific 212 C. America, N.C. 97 Sandwich Is. 215 Archip. 53 do. 53 liussian Tartary 182 Aleutian Is. 125 - Norway, S.C. 23 do. 23 do. 24 - Norway, W.C. 23 Liu Kiu Is. 176 Irdajid, N.W.C. 17 N. Pacijic 214 - Newfoundland 74 OreqonAY^ . England, S.C.\d,i S 2 260 INDFiX. Neepigon B. - - - Negapatam Anch. Negri Baru B. - Negril B. H. - Negro Hd. to Turneile Cays British Honduras Negropont to G. of Kassandra Turkey PAGE. L. Superior 82 Bengal B. 150 Celebes 163 Jamaica 92 Neiaf u Anch. NeillP. - Nekete B.- Nelson Anch. B. - C. to Hercules B Nemoro Anch. - Nemours ... Nana P. - - - Nerja Anch. Nerlandso to Lepso - Nes .... Netagamu R. - Neufahrwasser - Nevado P.- Neville P.- Nevis I. - - - New Anjer Rd. - Bedfjrd H. Britain Brunswick Calabar R.- Caledonia Greorgia Granada - Guinea H. . . . - Hanover - Haven H. - Hebrides - Ireland Jigit, B. - - ■ London H. - Mole . - - - Nantucket I. Perlican Plymouth (Taranaki) P. - - . - Providence I. Quay B. B. - . to Holyhead R. York Zealand - Newbiggin B. - Newcastle H. Newchwang Newfoundland I. Newhaven - H. - H. - Newport B.- Rd. Newry R. - P. - N'galoa H. - Ngatik Is. - Ngau I. Ngunguru R. Nhatrang B. Niagara R. - Nicaragua L. Nice P. 99 .51 Friendly Is. 211 Arctic America 69 - New Caledonia 207 Neio Zealand 200 Xew Hebrides Is. 209 Bahamas 89 New Guinea 196 Japan 178, 179 Africa, N.C. 62 Chile 111 Spain, E.C. 38 - Noricay, W.C. 25 Norioay 25 St. Laiorence G. 76 Baltic 28 .S'. America, W.C. 110 Vancouver I. 121 W. Indies 94 Java 156 U. States 86 Pacific 196,204 Canada 82 - Africa, W.C. 130 Pacific 207 Solomon Is. 205 S. America, N.C. 88 162, 194, 204 Singapore St. 155 Pacific 204 U. States 86 Pacific 207, 208 do. 196, 204 Tartar y 183 U. States 86 Gibraltar 38 S. Pacific 213 - Newfoundland 72 New Zealand 199 Bonin Is. 202 Bahamas 90 Wales 7 - England, W.C. 5 do. 7 Neu) Zealand 200 U. States 86 - 197 13 190 174 - 70 - England, S.C. 3 New Zealand 200 U. States 86 - Ireland, W.C. 19 N. Amerlca,W.C. 118 Ireland' 1 7 . Australia, E.C. 192 Fiji Is. 210 Caroline Is. 203 Fiji Is. 210,211 Neio Zealand 198 Cochin China 168 N. America 80 C America 116 France, S.C. 41 - England, E.C. - Australia, E. C. China PAGE. Nicholson P. - - - New Zealand 199 Nickerie river approaches - Guiana 102 Nicobarls.- - - - Bengal B 151,154 Nikodimskoi Pt. to KammenoiPt. White S. 27 Nicoya G. - Nicumtau B. - - Nidingen to Hono Nievre P.- Niger or Kwara R. Nihoa ... Niigata Rd. Nika Anch. Nikaria I. - Nikolo P. - Nikolski Anch. - Nimpkish R. - - Nimrod Sd. to Yung R. a America, W.C. 116 Nova Scotia 83 Sweden 28 Madagascar, E.C. 137 Africa, ]r.6'.129, 130 N. Pacific 214 - Japan, W.C. 178 -Eastern Archip. 157 Archip. 54 Greece 49 Candla I. 52 Bering S. 183 Vancouver I. 122 China 172 do. 172 Nin B. - - - - Philippines 165 Ninety Miles beach to Otago Neio Zealand 200 Nio I. and P. Nipe P. . - - NiPON I. - Anch . - to Kamchatka Nippers H.- Niquero P. - - • Nisero I. - Nisita I. - - - Niuafou I. Niue I. - - - Niumanna atoll - Niutao Noarlunga P, Nobanoka, B. Nobiru Anch Nohechi Anch. - NoirRd. - Nokuev I. - Nolloth P. - Nomi ura - Nona Petong B. - Nonuti ... NootkaSd.- Norfolk I.- Norfolk B.- Norman river entrance Normanby Sd. - Norte Pt. to Chupat R. North Atlantic Ocean B. C. to Tana fiord cove - Danger Dvina Mouths - East Cay - Edisto R. rchip. 53 Cuba 91 Japan 176 do. 178 do. 181 - Newfo-undland 72 Cuba 91 Asia Minor 64 Italy, WC. 42 S. Pacific 212 do. 212 Solomon Is. 205 - Elllce Is. 212 - Australia, S.C. 188 Neto Guinea J 95 Japan 179 do. 179 Tier r a del Fuego 108 Lapland 26 Africa, S.C. 132 Japan 180 Celebes 163 Gilbert Is. 204 N. America, W.C. 122 Pacific 194 - Tasmania, S.C. 197 Australia 184 do.\ S. America 194 106 64 164 26 - Philippine Is. - Norway, N.C. Patagonia, W.C. 107 China S. 169 White S. 27 Caribbean S. 92 United States 87 — Foreland to Orfordness England, E.C. 12 I. Minch passage to Rotoava Polar charts P. - Ronaldsay fii'th - Sister Anch. Star B. Sunderland H. - West Pacific H. Nezc Zealand 197 Scotland, W.C. 11 Tuamotu Is. 213 - 68 New Zealand 200 Orhney Is. 14, 16 Solomon Is. 205 Arctic S. England, E.C. North West Providence Ch. Northumberland Sd. - 68 14 201 Alaska 125 W. Indies 90 Arctic Sea 69 IIS'DEX. 261 PAGE. Northumberland St. - Sf. Lawrence G. 77 C. to King I. Augtralia S.C. 189 Norway 23 Nosi Be Anch. - - - Madagascar 138 Mamoka - - - do. 138 Andrianmitarika to Mananonoka Pt. Madagascar 138 Shaba to Moramba B. do. 138 Vao to Purdy sand - do. 138 Nosong Pt. to Ambong B. Borneo 160 Nossa Senhora do Desterro Anch. S. America, E.C. 105 Notch cove - - - Magellan St. 108 Noto peninsula - - . Japan 178 Notre Dame B. - - Newfoundland 71 ,72 Notsuke Anch. - - - Japan 178 Noumea P. - - - New Caledonia 207 Nova Scotia 82 Novaia Zemlia P. Novgorod B. Novorossisk B. - Nowish cove Nuchatlitz inlet- Nuevas Grandes P. - Nuevo Gr. - Nui ... — I. ... Kak Ba Nuko Nono Nukualofa Anch. Nukufetau I. Anch. Nukulailai Nukulau I. to Namuka I. Nun entrance Niger R. Nunez R. - Nungwa P. Nurakita - Nurse Ch. - Nusa H. - - . Mitau Nyassa L. - Nyborg fiord Nystad Lt to Stor Fiard Lajiland 26 Manchuria 182 Black S. 57 B. Columbia 123 Vancouver I. 122 Cuba 90 America, S.E.C. 106 S. Pacific 216 Ellice Is. 212 Cochin China 168 S. Pacific 212 Tonga Is. 211 Ellice Is. 212 do. 212 do. 212 Fiji Is. 210 - Africa, W.C. 130 do. 128 - Africa, E.C. 135 Ellice Is. 212 Bahamas 89 New Ireland 204 E. A r chip. 157 Africa 134 Denmark 28, 32 Bothnia G. 29 Oceanic soundings Oamaru H. Oban B. - Obiat - Obokh Occasional H. cove S. Ocean I. - - - - Ocho Rios B. - Ochovario, P. - - S. Ockseu Is. to Tung Yung - Ocracoke inlet ... Octavia B. - - - S. Odde - . . . Odessa B. - to Sevastopol Odiel R. - - - - New Zealand 200 Scotland, W.C. 9 Africa, E.C. 137 do. 142 Labrador 70 America, W.C. 109 N. Pacific 214 Jamaica 92 America, W.C. 109 China, E.C. 171 U. States 87 America, W.C. 115 Norway 24 Black S. 56 do. 56 Spain, S.C. 37 PAGE China 174 Japan 179 S. Pacific 212 do. 179 New Guinea 162 Pacific 202 B. Columbia 123 St. Latorence R. 79 Ogdensburg to Cole shoal light do. 80 Odin cove - Odzuchi H, Oeno I. Ofunato H. Offak H. - Ogasawara group Ogden Ch. - I. to Kingston OgiB. Ogowe R. - Ohama H. - OhoraR. . . . - Okayama P. - - - Okhotsk S. ... Okils. . . . . Okushi H. . Ola Anch. . . . Oland I. ... - to Landsort Old Bahama Ch. to Exuma Calabar R. - Livingstonia Japan 178 Africa, W.C. 131 Japan 178 New Zealand 197 Japan 181 Tartary 183 Japan 177 do. 177 Okhotsk S. 183 Sioeden do. W. Indies Africa, W.C. 29 29 89 130 L. Nyassa 134 - England, W.C. 6 - Newfoundland 72 do. 75 C. America, E.C. 98 Norway 24 - Sumatra, N.C. 155 Lapland 26 Manchuria 182 Arafura S 194 Caroline In 203 Paraguay R 106 Archip. 54 - New Hebrides 208 Japan 180 Arctic S. 69 Japan 179 Honduras G. 99 White S. 27 Italy, W.C. 41 Kuril Is. 182 Newfoundld. 71 Niger B. 130 Fiji Is. 210 Canada 80 L. Superior 82 Japan 180 S. Pacific 213 - Africa, W.C. 130 Neio Zealand 199 - Africa. N.C 63 Tierra del Fuego 108 - Newfoundland 71 io. 71 - St. Eustatins I. 94 Orangerie B. to Bramble haven New Chiinea 195 Orangestadt H. - - - Venezuela 97 Orango Ch.- - - - Africa, W.C. 129, Orchilla H. - - - W. Indies 97 Ord of Caithness to Thurso B. Scotland, E.C. 15 Oregon • - - N. America, W.C. 119 Oreos Ch. - - - - Archip. 57 Orford C. Rf. - - - N. America 119 Orfordness to Blakeney - England, E.C. 13 Perlican Port au Choix - Providence I. Olden Olehleh B. Oleni Rd. - OlgaB. Oliliet Anch. Olimarao I. - - Oliva to Rio Paraguaymi Olivieri P. - OlryP. - Omai saki to Tsurugi saki, &c Omenak fjord ... Ominato P. - - - Omoa H. - Onega G. Rd. - Oneglia P. - Onekotan I. Onion C. to Hare B. Onitsha Anch. - Ono i lau I. Ontario, L. Ontonagon H. - Oo-sima, H. Oparo I. - Opobo R. - Opunake B. Oran H. - Orange B. - — to Gander B. — Town Anch. Orignaux Pt. to Goose I. Oristano G.- Orkney Is. - Orongia pass and Anch. Oronsay I. - Orsera P. - St. Lawrence R. 78 Sardinia 44 Scotland 14, 15 Madagascar, E.C. 137 - Scotland, W.C. 9 Adriatic 46 262 iNBFiX. Ortona P. - toPoR. - Orwell R. - Osaka Osaki B. - - - Osborn B. - Osciiro (!Ove Oscarshamn Oshidomari B. - 0-sima St. - Osnaburg I. - - Osprey Rf . - Ossabaw Sd. Ostende Rds. Ostolopof B. - - Otago H. to Mataura R. Otaheite Oterranai Anch. - Otranto P. - Otter cove - B. - Anch. Otway, P. - Ou-ou-Kinsh inlet Oura B. Ouro R. - Outer Dowsing- - Oven, The - Ovalau . . - - Owari B. - Owasi B. - to Takamatsu-no-saki Owen P. - Sd. - Owers to Boachy lid. - Christchurch Dungeness - Owharre H. - - - Owick B. - - - - Oxoburgo Acropolis - Oyster B. - haven ... H. - - - - Pond Ozi Anch . - - - Ozuchi sima to Funoko sima PAGE. Italy, E.C. 46 do. 46 - England, E.G. 13 Jajjan 180 Japan, S.C. 180 Vancouver f. 121 Chile 112 Sweden 29 Jajmn 178 Japa7i, S.C. 176 Titamotu Is. 213 Torres St. 193 U. States 87 Belgium 23 Korea 175 Xew Zealand 200 do. 200 Society Is. 214 Japan 179 Italy, E.C. 47 Vancouver I. 121 Newfimndld. 71 Magellan St. 109 Tierra del Ftisgo 108 Patagonia. Ill Vancouver I. 122 Lapland 2(i - Africa, W.C. 127 - England, E.C. 13 S. America, E.C. 106 Fiji Is. 210 Japan 180 do. 180 do. 180 Bengal B. 152 L. Huron 81 England, S.C. 3 do. 3 do. 3 Society Is. 214 China 170 Archip. 53 U. States 86 Ireland, S.C. 21 B. Columbia 121 Virgin Is. 94 Africa. E.C. 136 Japan 181 Pabellon de Pica Pacasmayo Rd. - Pachia Pachitan B. Pacific Is. and Oc. S. America, W.C. 113 Peru 114 L. Nyassa 134 Java 158 64, 201 Oc, Oceanic soundings - - 2 Quarterly current charts - - 2 Packsaddle B. - - Tierra del Fuego 108 PadangRd. - - - Sumatra 156 Padre P. - - - - Cula 91 Padstow B. and H. - - England, W.C. 6 PaganiaP.- - - - Albania 48 Pagemana Anch. - - Celebes 164 Pagoda Anch. - - - China, E.C. 172 Pahang R. - - - - Malay P. 167 Paix P. - - - - San Domingo 93 PaitaP. .... Peru 114 fAGK. Paita P. to Ayangui Pt. - Peini 11^ Pajonal cove - - - Chile 112 Pakaka to Seignelay Pt. - Tuamotn Is. 213 Pakefield Gat way to Orfordness England, E.C. Pak Ha Mun Anch Pak-Hoi Anch. - Palaina Anch. - Palak H. - Palamos Anch. - Palanog P. Palao Is. - Palapa P. - Palatia B.- Palawan I.- Palazzo P. - Palenque Anch. - Paleli B. - - . Palermo B. and P. P. Palinuro, P. PalkSt. - Pallada Rd. Pallikulo B. Palma to Catania H. - P.- - Palmajola Ch. - Palmas C. - B. - Palmedo Rd. Palmerston Is. - Palmyra I. Paloma Hr. Rd. - Palompon P. Palopo R. - Palos Rd. - H. - Paluan B. - Pamali B. - Pamanzi Pamban pass Pampatar - Pan de Aziicar Anch. Panagia Rd.- Panama B. G. and Rd. 206 164 40 165 Canal iVc Railway 13 Cochin 168 Cochin China 168 Solomon Is. - Philippine Is. Spain, S.C. - Philipinnc Is. N. Pacific 202 - Philippine Is. 165 - S. of Marmara 55 - China S. 161, 166 Adriatic 47 Crntral America. W.C. 116 Celebes 163 Sicily 44 Ionian S. 48 Italy, W.C. 42 Ceylon 150 Korea 175 New Hebrides 209 Sicily 44 Balearic Is. 39 Canary Is. 66 Adriatic S. 47 Italy, W.C. 42 - Africa, W.C. 129 Sardinia 44 Java S. 159 S. Pacific 212 X. Pacific 215 S. America, E.C. 104 - Philippine Is. 164 Cdehes 164 do. 163 Korea 175 - Philippine Is. 165 Eastern Archip. 159 Comoro Is. 140 Ceylon 150 Venezuela 97 Chile 112 Archip. 52 Central America 97, 115 X. do. 116 ■Australia, E.C. 191 Greece, W.C. 48 • S. of Marmara 55 America, W.C. 119 Arctic S. 68 Africa, E.C. 136 Samoa Is. 212 Java, 158 Mediter. 44 do. 44 do. 45 Paopao B. - - - - Society Is. 214 Papadula Is. - - - Karamania 60 Papanoa - - - Central America 117 Papetoai B. - - - Society Is. 214 Papiete pass to Papeini pass do. 214 Pancake Cr. Pandelemona P. Panderma B. Pandora cove H. Pangani to Ras Kimbiji Pango Pango H. Pangul B. - Pantellaria I. P. - ■ patch Paposo Rd. Papua or N. Guinea - Papudo P. - Paquet H. - Paquica C. to C. Lobos Para City and R. Paracel Is. Paraguay R. - - Bolivia 112 Pacific 194 S. America, W.C. 112 Newfoundld. 72 S.America, W.C. 113 Brazil 102 China S. 169 S. America 105 Parahyba R. Paramushiru St. Parana E.. - Paranagua B. - Paranahyba R. • Pareh Pareh B. - Parenga-renga H. Parenzo P. - Parga P. - Paria Gr. - - - to Darien G. Parida Anch. Parig-i Rd. - Paroquet cove - Paros I. - - - Parry Sd. - Pasado C. Anch. Pasages P. - - Pasha P.- - Pasha-Liman H. group Rk. - PAGE. Brazil lO:^ Kuril Is. 182 S. Avieriea 105 Brazil 10-1 do. 103 Celebes I. 108 New Zealand 197 Adriatic 46 Albania 48 Venezuela 96 C. America 88 C. America. W.C. 116 Celebes 163 S. America, W.C. 109 ArcMp. 53 L. Huron 81 Peru 115 Spain, N.C. 36 A r chip. 54 Marmara S. 55 Asia Minor 59 INDEX. lUJNXV^t^^lXX . 263 Pashasheeboo Pt. to Magpie B. St. Lawrence R. 76 Pasi I. ... - Celebes 164 Pasindava B. - - - Madagascar 138 to Nosi Shaba Pasman St. Paspebiac B. Passage, or Ciilebra I. Passamaquoddy B. Patani Rds. Patch cove Paternoster I. - Paterson inlet - Patience C. Patillos cove Patippi B. - Patmos I. - Patras G. and Rds. Patrick P. - Patsi Rd. - Patta B. - - - Patteson P. Payahe Rd. Peacock Anch. - I. Pearl Cays - - - Cay lagoon lochs k Hermes Rf . Pe chili G. and St. - PedderB. - Pedro Bk. - bluff to S. Negril Pt do. 138 Adriatic S. 47 St. Lawrence R. 76 Virgin Is. 94 X. America, E.C. 84 Siam. 6. 167 S. America, W.C. 110 Java S. 158 New Zealand 201 Kuril Is. 181 Bolivia 113 New Guinea 162 Archip. 54 Greece 49 - New\ Hebrides 209 Comoro Is. 140 Africa, E.C. 136 - New Hebrides 208 New Guinea 162 Gilbert Is. 204 Tuamotu Is. 213 W. Indies 98 do. 98 Sandwich Is. 215 N. Pacijic 214 aiina 173, 174 -V. America, W.C. 120 - Caribbean S. 88, 92 Jamaica 92 Gonzales I Peel - Peene R. approach Pegasus P. - - Peh-tang-ho entrance Pei-ho or Peking R. - entrance to Koku PekoaCh. - Pelagosa I. Pelew Is. - Pelorus Sd. Pemaquid Pt. to Fletchers Neck TJ. States 85 Pemba I. - - - - Africa, E.C. 136 Pembroke Dock to Haverf ord West Wales 7 . Reach - - do. 1 Pena Blanca - - • Cliile 112 Penamboang Rd. - - 3Ia'kassar St. 163 Penang H. - - - Malacca St. 154 Central America, W.C. 115 Isle of Man 8 Germany 32 N'ew Zealand 201 China 174 do. 174 China 174 New Hebrides 208 Adriatic 46 N. Pacijic 202 New Zealand 199 PAGE. Patagonia 110 Spain, N.C. 36 imcrica, W.C. 121 Atlantic 66 Canada 81 Corea 175 Portugal 37 Spain, S.C. 39 U. States 85 Pacijic 215 3Iexico G. 101 Scotland, N.C. 14,15 - England, S.C. 5 Malacca St. 154 - Australia, E.C. 192 to Whitsunday I. - . 192 Perez P. - - - S. Amsrica,W.C. W^ Perias G. to Guaytecas Is. - C. to Pontevedra B. - Pender H. - - - N. Penedo de San Pedro Penetanguishene H. - Pen yong do to Yalu kiang Peniche . - . . Peniscola Rd. Penobscot B. - - - Penrhyn I. . . . Pensacola B. - - - Pentland Firth - Penzance B. Perak R. approaches Percy Is Perigot B. - Perim I. - - - H. - Pernambuco Rd. & H. to Maceio Victoria Pemau Rd. Peros Banhos Perseverance H. Persian G. Pertuis D'Antioche - Perula B. - Pesaro ... Pescadores Is. Anch. . cove Marquesas Is. 214 Red S. 142 do. 143 Brazil 103 do. do. Baltic Chagos Arc. Auckland Is. 103 103 31 141 210 . 145 France, W.C. 33 Mexico, W.C. 117 Italy, E.C. 46 Clbina 171 Chile 113 -Pt. to Independencia B. Peru 113 B. Peschana B. Pestchanni B. Petali G. . Is. . Petalidi B. . Petatlan Peter the Gt. Peterhead H. - Petipas cove Petitcodiac R. - Petit Havre Petropaulovsk H. Petta Anch. Phoenix Gp. and I. . Phalerum B. Phanari P. Philip I. . Philippeville Anch. . Philippine Is. and P. . Phillip P. - Pianosa I. - Piapis H. - Picarre H. . Pichidanque B. - Pichilingue H. . Pickersgill H. - Pico I. Picot B. - PictonH, - PictouH. - Piedra Blanca B. Piedras Cay Anch. Negras P. to Santa Lucia R. S. America, E. C. 105 Pienchang B. . - . Celebes 163 Pierowall Rd. . . - Orkney Is. 14, 16 Pigeon B. . - - . Neio Zealand 200 Pigeonniere arm - . Newfoundld. 71 Black S. 57 Bering S. 183 Archip. 50, 51 do. 51 Greece 49 C\ America 117 Tartary 182 Scotland, E.C. 14,15 Newfoundld., W.C. 74 Fundy B. 84 Guadeloupe 95 Kamchatka 183 - Philippine Is. 164 S. Pacific 213 Greece 51 Albania 48 S. Pacific 194 - AJrica,N.C. 62 Cliina S. 164 . Australia, S.C. 189 Italy, W. C. 42 do. E.C. 46 New Guinea 162 Newfoundld.. S.C. 73 S. America, W.C. 112 . California, G. 117 New Zealand 200 Azores 64 - New Hebrides 208 Nea Zealand 200 St. Lawrence G. 11 C. America, W.C. 116 Cuba 91 264 INDEX. Piju or Peejau B. Pikelot or Coquille I. Pillau H. - - - Pilley, I. H. - Pilot charts PimB. Pinarello B. PAGE. Eastern Archie. 158 Caroline Is. 203 Baltie S. 33 ■ Newfoundland 72 Atlantic Oc. 2 Azores fit Corsica 43 Pinas B. - - Cmtral America, W.C. 115 Pingelap or Maca-^kill Is. - Caroline Is. 203 Ping Yang inlet - - Korea 175 Pinos Pt. to Bodega H. - California 119 Piombino ... - Italy, W.C. 41 Piombo B. - - - - Sardinia 43 Pioneer R.- - - - Australia, U.C. 192 Piram I. to Bhaunagar - India, W.C. 147 PirEeus .... Greece 50, 51 PirieP. - - - - Australia, S.C. 187 Pirou B. . . . - White S. 27 Pisan Rks. . . - Africa, JV. C. 63 Pisco B. . . - . Peru 114 Piskopi I. . - - - Asia Minor 54 Pistolet B. ... Xeiofmndland 71 Pitcairn I. - . - . S. Pacific 213 Piti Palena inlet . Patagonia, W.C. Ill Pitt B. . . - . y'eio Guinea 195 Pizeau Pt. to Frechette I. St. Lawrence R. 79 Placentia H. - . - Newfoundld. 73 to Burin H. - do. 73 Planedhi P. - . . Archij}. 53 Plata P. .... Haiti 93 Platana .... Black 8. 57 Plateali P. . . . Greece, W.C. 48 Playa Maria B. - - - California 118 Parda cove - - Magellan St. 108 Pleasant P. - - - Falkland Is. 67 I. - - - Pacific Oc. 215 Plettenberg B. - - - Africa, S.C. 133 Plumper cove . - - B. Columbia 121 Plymouth Anch. - - Montserrat I. 94 Sd. ... England, S.C. 4 H. . . . ' estates 85 Po R. to C. Promontore - Adriatic 46 Po Laut St. ... ]\^eio Guinea 163 Point au Baril H. - . L. Huron 81 de Galle H. and approaches Ceylon 149 du Lac to Lachine rapids St. Lawrence R. 79 Pedro to Delft I. - Ct-ylun 150 Sal Anch. - . California 119 Pointe a Pitre - . - Guadeloupe 95 Pointe des Galets, P. - - Reunion 139 Pola P. - - - . Adriatic 46 Polar N. Chart 68 S. do. 64 Policastro to C. Sta. Maria di Leuca Italy, S.C. 42 Polino I. - - - - Archij). 53 Polonio Anch. - - Bio de la Plata 104 Polykandro I. - - - Archip. 53 Pomba B. .... Africa, B.C. 13r, Pomoni H. ... Comoro Is. 140 Pomquet H. - - St. Lawrence G. 77 Ponapi I. - - - - Caroline Is. 203 Ponce P. - - . - Puerto Rico 94 Pondicherri Anch. - . Bemjal B. 150 PongaR. .... Africa, W.C. 128 Ponta Delgada - - - Azores 65 Pontevedra B. - - - Spain, W.C. 37 Pontinha B. . - - Madeira I. &'^ "'onza I. and P. - . - Italy, W.C. 42 Poole H. - . - - England, S. C. 4 Pools H. - - - - Newfmndld. 72 Poor Pt. to Katum Rk. Popau H.- Pope Hd. to Charles I. — — H. to Liscomb H. PopoffSt. - Porbandar . Poria Anch. Porirua H. Porlock Anch. - Porman B. - PoroB. Poro Tomari Rds. Poros I. - . . Port au Port — ^^ Prince - de Bouchervillc — de France - — du Moule — Louis - — Mouton Anch. — of Spain — Royal n. PAG£ Africa, W.C. 128 Pacific 205 Nova Scotia 83 do. 83 Alaska 125 India, W.C. 146 White S. 27 New Zealand 199 . England, W.C. 6 Spain, S.C. 38 Archip. 52 Saghalin I. 183 Archip. 50 - j\euifoundla7id 74 Haiti 93 Arctic America 69 . New Caledonia 207 Guadeloupe 95 do. Nova Scotia Trinidad Jamaica to Pedro bluff do. H. - - Central A merica V. States Porthcawl H. Portendick Anch. Portland B. — to Snef ells Jokel — cove - — H. — Rk. . — to Owers Christchurch H. Portmore - Porto Bello Grande Novo to Lekki Polio Anch. Praya San Antonio Santo B. and I. Vecchio G. Portofino - Portsmouth H. - Portugal Portugalete and Bilbao Porvenir B. PosaH. - Poso B. - - - Post Office B. - Postilion I. Potamo P. - PotiH. - Potomac R. - - Potta Rd. - Poverty B. to C. Palliser Powati Anch. Po yang L. Pozzuoli B. Praslin P. - Pratas Rf . & I. - Praya de Graciosa Terceira 95 83 96 92 92 99 87 - England, W.C. 6 - Africa, W.C. 127 . Aiistralia, S.C. 188 Chile 109 Iceland 68 - Newfoundland 75 U. States 85 Carihhean S. 92 - Englaiid, S.C. 3 do. 4 do. 4 - Ireland, N.C. 17 Central America, N.C. 97 C. Verde Is. 66 - Africa, W.C. 129 Corsica 43 C. Verde Is. Lemnos I. Madeiras Corsica Italy, W.C. U. States England, S.C. Preobrajenski H. . - Preparis N. Ch. - Preservation inlet Presqu'ile de Quiberon to Anse de Benodet 66 53 65 43 41 85 3 36 Spain, N.C. 36 Magellan St. 107 S. America, W.C. 115 Celebes 163 - Galapagos Is. 216 Java S. 158 Ionian S. 49 Black S. 57 U. States 87 Java S. 159 New Zealand 199 New Guinea 162 China 173 Italy, W.C 42 Solomon Is. 205 China 170 Azores 64 do. 64 Bering S. 183 Bengal B. 152 . New Zealand 200 Francr, W.C. 34 INDEX. 265 PAGE. Preussische B. - - S. America, W.C. 110 Prevesa St. ... Greece 48 Priaman Rd. - - - Sumatra, W.C. 155 to Ujony Indi'apura do. 156 PAGE. Pribiloff Is. Prideaux haven Prince Edward Is. I. Rupert B. of Wales Ch. I. ^ Princes I. - Is. Princess Royal H. - Princess Alice Bk. Principe Ch. Problaka B. - - Prome to Yeandabou - Promontore C. to Grossa I. Prony B. - Protection P. - - - Proti Ch. - Provengal I. - - - Providence Chs. - 1. - Psara I. - - - - Ptolemais - - - - Pubnico to Yarmouth PueboP. .... Puerto Bueno Cabello - Chichirivichi . Colombia pier - de Gruanica Orotava del Morro de las Nuevitsis del Principe Frances . - - 60 90 140 53 60 97 97 94 66 Real Refugio - Rico San Carlos Santo B. - de Vita ■ Puget Sd. - Pugwash H. Pujaga B. ... PuketH. . - - - Pukoo H. - Pulo Berhala to C. Rachado Babi . . . - Condore group - Dama Anch, Kapas to Lakon lids Mansalar - Milu - Obi - Panjang Pisang H. « Saiang I. - Salayar Wai . Pulpito Anch. . Pundi R. - - - Pungue R. - Puri . - . - Purnea B. . Purvis, P. . Pusgo P. - - - Pwennegwa H.- Pwllheli Rds. . Pyrgos G. & B. - Alaska 125 Vancouver I. 121 tS. Indian Oe. 141 Canada 78,82 Dominica I. 95 Torres St. 194 America, W.C. 124 Africa, W.C. 131 Marmara S. 55 Australia, S.C. 187 N. Atlantic 37 Br, Columbia 123 Turkey 51 Bengal B. 152 Italy 46 Xcw Caledonia 207 Alaska 124 Ionian S. 49 Karamania Bahamas Indian Oc. Arcliij). Karamania Nova Scotia 84 Xew Caledonia 207 Patagonia i09 Venezuela 97 do. W, Indies Puerto Rico Canary Is. S. America, W.C. 110 Oula 90 do. 90 Mexico G. 100 . California G. 117 W. Indies 94 .V. America,W.C. 118 Venezuela 97 Cuba,N.C. 91 X. America, W.C. 119 -St. Lawrence G. 77 . Philippine Is. 165 Siam 153 Sandwich Is. 215 Malacca St. 154 Sumatra 155 - Cochin China 167 Siavi G. 167 do. 167 . Sumatra, W.C. 156 Nicohar Is. 154 Siam G. 167 do. 167 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 Moluccas Is. 162 Celebes 164 Siam G. 167 - California G. 117 Bengal B. \b\ - Africa, KC. 134 B. of Bengal 151 Lemnos I. 53 Solomon Is. 206 - Philippine Is. 165 -Louisiade Arch. 196 Wales 7 Black S, iHj Q. Qlawdzeet Anch. Quamero G-. . - ■ Quathiaski cove - Quatsino Sd. to Esperanza Quebec H. ... to Pt. du Lac - to Kingston - Queen Carola H.- cay entrance Charlotte Sd. iV. America Queens cove Queenstown Queilon P. - Quemchi P. Quendale B. - . Queule B, - Quibo or Coiba I. . ( QuidicoP. ... Quieto P. - Quilimane R. . - - Quilmes to Punta Olivos - Quiloa H. . Quilon Rd. . . - - Quintal Rd. Quintero B. - - S. Quoddy Hd. to C. Lepreau - Quoylach B. B. Columbia Adriatic S. Va7icouver I. do. do. ■St. Lawrence It. do. do. Solomon Is. Honduras , W.C. 121, 122, New Zealand Vancouver I. Ireland, S.C. Chile do. Shetland Is. Chile '. America, W.C. Chile Adriatic Africa, U.C ■ Bio de la Plata Africa, B.C. India, W.C. Chile America, W.C. Fundy B. Ireland, W.C. 123 46 122 122 122 79 79 80 205 99 124 199 122 21 111 111 16 111 116 111 46 135 105 135 148 112 112 84 20 R. RaasaySd. - - . . Scotland, W.C 11 Rabat .... Africa, W.C. 127 Rabaz P. . - - - Adriatic 46 Rabba to the sea - - Africa, W.C. 130 Rabuso creek . . - New Guinea 196 Rachado C. to Singapore - Malacca St. 154 to Pulo Undan do. 154 Racoon Cut - - - Bahamas 89 Rade d'Agay to San Remo - France, S.C. 41 de Croisic to Presqu'ile de Quiberon France, W.C. des Basques de la Hougue de rile d'Aix - des Trousses Raffles Anch. ... Rager Wik - - . . Ragged Is. Anch. Ragusa, ports of Vecchia, ports of - Raiatea I. - Raikoke I. . Raine I. entrance Raja, R. . . - - passage . - - Rajapur B. - - - Rakahanga Bakhmat island Anch. Ram I. to P. Med way Ramas C. to Alvagudda Rame Hd. to P. Jackson - 34 33 35 33 33 do. do. do. do. Borneo 160 Baltic S. 30 Bahamas do. Adriatic do. Society Is. 214 Kuril Is. 182 Torres St. Sumatra, N.C. do. India, W.C. 148 Pacific Oc. 215 Bed S. 143 Nova Scotia 83 India, W.C. 147 Australia, F. C. 190 89 88 47 47 193 155 155 266 INDEX. PAGE. Ramea Is. to Indian H. • Newfoundland 74 Ramiapatam to Narsapur Pt. India, E.C. 150 Ramree H. - - - - Bengal B. 152 Ramsey Sd. ... Wales 7 B. - - - - Isle of Man 8 Rangaunou or Awanui R. - New Zealand 1 97 Rangoon R. and P. Rannon Anch. - Ranu cove - Raoul or Sunday I. - Rapa Nui - Rapa I. - - . Rapel R. - Raper B. - Raphti P. - Rarotonga I. Rasa Is. - Rasboinik B. Ras Bulau to Alexandria Elmsel Anch. Bengal B. 152 New Hebrides Is. 209 Chile 111 S. Pacific 209 do"^ 216 do. 212 Chile 112 .V. America, W.C. 119 Greece 51 *S'. Pacific 213 S.America, E.C. 106 Manchvria 182 - Africa, N.C. 61 do. 62 Galweni to Ras Hafun — Pekawi to C. Delgado al Kliyle to Ras-al Hadd el Askar En Nakma to El Arish el Fasori to Ras Ziaret Kosair .... Makhabez to Ben Ghazi Sukra to Palinui-us Sh. Tikwiri to Mafia I. Rashau I. - Riishgun I. - - - Rasyaag Anch. - . - Ratnagiri B. - - - Rattlesnake H. - Rautoanui pass - Ravallec P. - - - Raweiya Anch. - Rayo cove - Raza I. - - - - Raz de Sein to Goulven Razem L. - Realejo P. - - - C Recherche B. - - ■ Africa, N.E.C. 141 Africa, E.C. 135 Arabia 141 Red S. 143 Syria 61 do. 60 Arabia 141 Africa, N.C. 62 Arabia 144 Africa, E.C. 135 Kiiril Is. 182 ■ Africa, N.C. 62 Norway 24 India, W.C. 148 L. Huron 81 Society Is. 214 - New Hebrides 208 Red S. 143 .S*. Am.erica, W.C. 109 C. Verde Is. 66 France 34 Blach S. 56 America, W.C. 116 Solomon Is. 205 ... Spitzbergen 27 Recruit B. - - - -Avstralia,W.C. IBfi Red B. - - - - Labrador 70 .... China 171 .... Alaska 124 Fish Bar - - - Mexico O. 100 Sea 141 Yit and Rugged island Chs. China 1 72 Ree lough Rees pass Refuge B. P. - - - Reirson I. - ReitzP. Rekefiord Anch. - Reloncavi inlet - Rema B. - - Rembang Rds. - Renard I. - Rendova H. - - Reo B. - - - Repentigny to Long Pt. Resolution P. - B. - Ireland, W.C. 20 China 171 B. CoUmbia 123 Africa, E.C. 137 - Australia, S.C. 189 Vanconxer I. 122 Patagonia 110 Cocos Is. 156 Pacific 215 - Africa, E.C. 136 Norway 24 S. America, W.C. Ill Archip. 50 Jara S. 158 New Guinea 195 Solomon Is. 204 - Eastern A r chip, 159 -St. Lawrence R 79 - New Hebrides' 209 - Murqiiesas Is. 214 PACK. - Scotland, W.C. 11 Indian Oc. Finland G. N. America, W.C. Iceland Archip. Marshall Is. Sijigapore Candia Archip. 50, 54 Asia Minor 59 Spain 36 Spain, N.C. 36 - Sumatra, W.C. 155 Solom-on Is. 204 L. Huron Ni-wfoundld., S. C. -St. Lawrence G. do. - Australia, E.C. 191 Baltic S. 30, 31 Sumatra 155 Labrador 70 Japan 179 Adriatic 16 - New Hebrides 209 do. 208 Jamaica 92 Brazil 104 S. America 105 do. 106 Mexico G. 100 Brazil 103 do. 105 Magdalena - - Neio Granada 97 Mossoro to St. Roque Ch. Brazil 103 Negro - - S. America, E.C. 106 to C. Three Points do. 106 Resort loch Reunion I. . Revel Rd. and 11. Revilla Gigedo Is. Reykiavik inlet Rhenea I. - Rhin. P. - Rhio St. - Rhithymno P.- Rhodes P. and I. I. to Kara Burnu Ria de Pravia Tina Mayor - Riau B. . - - Rice Anch. Rich C. to Cabot Hd. - Richards H. to Ramea Is. Richibucto R. Richmond B. R. - RigaG. Rigas B. - - - Rigoulette - Rikuoku G. Rimini Ringdove B Anch. Rio Bueno H. - de Janeiro H. la Plata - to Rio A'egro Grande ... do Norte - Sul - 139 30 117 68 53 203 155 52 81 73 77 78 Paraguaymi to Concepcion Paraguay R. 106 Canary Is. 66 Patagonia 110 Sicily 44 Eastern Archip). 157 St. - Riofrio P. - Riposto - Ritabel B. • Rium B. - Rivadeo P. Rivadesella H. - Riverhead B. - RivoliB. - Rixhiift to Brixster-ort Rizeh Rizzuto Anch. - RoadH. - Roag lochs RobbeB. - Robeson Cli. Robinson P. Roca-partida Rocas Roche H. - Rochelle and Environs Rockly B. - RockH. - Rockport H. to Burnt I. Lt. Rocky inlet RoddH. - Rodds Anch. Rodney Pt. to Barrow Pt. Rodosto Rds. do. 159 Spain, W.C. 36 do. N.C. 36 Neiofoundld 72 - Australia, S.C. 188 Baltic 33 Black S. 57 Italy, S.C. 42 Virgin Is. 94 Hebrides 12 Africa, S.C. 132 Arctic S. 68 Madagascar 139 Australia, N.C. 186 - America, W.C. 116 S. Atlantic 66 Newfoundld. Vancouver I. - France, W.C. Tobago I. L. Superior U. States St. Lawrence Magellan St. 108 -Australia, E.C. 191 - New Hebrides 209 N. America, W. C. 126 - S. of Marmara 55 74 120 33 96 82 85 80 INDEX. 267 Rodriguez I. Roe loch - Roebuck B. Rogerstown inlet Rogosnizza P. Rolla Rd. - RomanzoC Is. - Romanche B. Romanche Aiicli. Romblon P. Romsdals Is. to Hitteren I Rona ... Ronas Voe Roncador Bk. Rondeau H. Rone Hanan PAGE. Indian Oe. 139 - Scotland, W.C. 11 A>idralia, N.W.C. 185 - Ireland, E.G. 17 Adriatic 47 ( ape de Verde Is. (56 Marshall Is. 203 Tierra del Fuegn 108 do. 108 Philippine Is. 165 Norway, W.C. 24 - Scotland, N.C. 15 Shetland Is. 16 a America, E.G. 98 L. Erie 80 Baltic S. 29 do. 28 Ronue H. - RoodewallB. - • - Africa, W.C. Ii2 Roonagli Hd. to Dooaghtry Pt. Ireland, W.C. 19 RosarioSt. - - X. America, W.C. \20 B. ... - do. 118 P. - - - - Chile 109 Rosas B. ... - Spain, E.C. 40 Rose H. - - - (^. Charlotte Is. 124 Roseau Rd. Rosetta mouth of the Nile Ross P. . - . . Rossel I, - - Rostock to Ai-kona Lt Rota I. • - - - RotsB. . . . . Rottnest I. to Wanibro Bd. Navigator Is. 212- W. Indies 95 Egy2}t 61 Auckland Is. 210 New Guinea 196 Baltic 32 Ladrone Is. 202 Sumatra 155 Rotumah I. - - ■ Round H. - Hd. to Orangerie B Roundstone B. - Rousse I. - Rovigno P. - - Roxo C. to isles do Los Royal Island H. Rd.- Sd.. Royalist haven - H. P. Rua Sura Anch. Ruad Island Anch. - Ruang Ch. - - - Ruapuke I. Rubetsu B. Rubia I. Anch. - Rufisque Anch. - Rugen H. - Rugenwaldermunde - Rugged I. - Rumah Kuda B. Rumpin R. Runnelstone Rk. Ru Ruag to Grruinard B. Rush P. - Rutland H. Ryan loch - Australia, W.C. 186 8. Pacific 212 Newfoundld. 71, 72 New Guinea 195 Ireland, W.C. 19 Corsica 43 Adriatic 46 - Africa, W.C. 127 Bahamas 90 - Magellan St. 107 Kerguelen I. 140 Cldna S. 159 Solomon Is. 206 Palaioan I. 16(i Solomon Is. 206 Syria 60 • Philippine Is. 164 Netv Zealand 200 Itvssian Tartury 181 Sumatra 155 - Africa, W.C. 127 Neio Britain 201 Baltic S. 32 China 172 Eastern Arehip. 157 Malay Peninsula 167 - England, S.C. 5 - Scotland, W.C. 11 - Ireland, N. C. 17 do. 1 8 - Scotland, W.C. 8 Sabiani Anch, - Sabbion cello Ch. Sabine pass Sabinilla Anch. - Sablayan Anch. - Sable I. - C. to Sambro I Saba I. B. - W. Indies 94 Sumatra N.C. 155 PAGK. Eastern Arehip. 157 Adriatic 47 Texas 100 - Spain, S.C. 39 - Philippine Is. 165 Nova Scotia 84 do. 82 Sables d'01onneB.& P. - France, W.C. 33 to Bourgneuf France, W.C. 34 Saboga Anch. - - - Panamci B. 115 Sabtan .... Philippine Is. 166 Sacramento Rf. - - N. AmericaW.C. 118 Sacrifice Rk. to Beipur - India, W.C. 149 Sacrificios - - - (\ America, W.C. 117 Sadashivgad B. and R. - India, W.C. 149 Sadol. .... Japan, W.C. m Saebo .... Norway 24 Safaja I. Anch. - - - Red S. 143 Safatu H. - - - - Navigator Is. 212 Safety cove - - - B. Columbia 123 SafiB. - - - - Africa, W.C. 127 Saga no Seki - - - Japan 181 Sagami-Ura - - - do. 180 Saghalin I. - - llus.'dan Tartury 183 Sagua la Grande P. - - Cula 91 Sagiienay R. - - St. Lawrence. R. 78 to Orignaux Pt. ■ do. 78 Sahib P. - - - - Asia Minor 58 Said, P. .... Egypt 61 Saida or Sidon - - - Syria 61 Saigo H. - - - - Japan 178 Saigon Rd. and R. - - Cochin, China 1^9, to Kararanh B. - do. 168 Saiki B. - - - - Japan 181 Sailing Directions - - - - 217 Sailors H. - - - - Newfoundld. T2, St. Abbs Hd. to Aberdeen - Scotland, E.C. 14 — Agnes Hd. to Gerrans B. England, S. C. o — Ambrose I. - - S. America, W.C. 112 — Andrew, C. to Antongil B. Madagascar 137 to Bevato I. do. 137 P. - - • B.of Fundy 84 Sd. to St. John R. U. States 87 1. - - C. America, E.C. 98 Anch. - - Admiralty Is. 204 — Ann B. - - - - Jamaica 92 — Anne Anch, - - - Guadeloupe 95 H . . . C. Breton I. 11 B. - - - do. 11 — Anns Hd. to St. Brides B. Wales 1 — Anthony H. - - - Newfoundland 71 — Antonio I. - - - C. Verde Is. 66 — Asaph B. - - - Australia, N. C. 185 — Augustine B. - Madagascar, W.C. 138 — Bartholomew I. - - W. Indies 94 ~ Benoit Anch. - - Reunion 139 — Bernadino St. - - Philippine Is. 165 — Catherine Sd. - - U. States 87 — Charles C. to Sandwich B. Lahrador 70 — Christopher I. - - W. Indies 94 — Clair L. and R. - - N. America 81 — St. Croix R. - - N. America, E. C. 84 — Denis Anch. - - - Reunion 139 — Domingo P. ... Patagonia 111 — Duka .... Blach S, 57 — Elena P. - - Patagonia 106 — Eustatius I. - - - W. Indies 94 — Felix I. - - S. America, W.C. 112 — Florent G, - - - Corsica 43 — Francis H. - - - Labrador 70 C. to Waterloo B. Africa, S.C. 133 26S INDEX. St. Francois Anch. — George H. - Ch. - - C. to Carteret Pt. 74 65 96 154 PAGE. Guadeloupe 95 JVewfoimdld. Bermvda Grenada, W.I. Niooiar Is. Neio Ireland 204 Mexico, G. 101 England. S.C. 5 . France, W. C. 34 - - Beunion 139 Groven's Hd. to Mumbles Wales, S.C. 6 to New Quay do. Helena I. - - - S. Atlantic Sd. to Charleston H. U. States — Georg-es Sd. - — Germans R. - — Gilles sur Vie — Hospice B. — Innocent] a B. — Ives B. and H — Jean de Luz — JohnB. to Orange B., &c. H. R. H. 6 67 87 ■ France, W.C. 41 Tartary 183 ■ England, W.C. 5 France 33 Newfoitndld. 75 do. 71 New Brnnswicli 84 Alaslia 124 — John's H. - H. to Boon Pt. '— to Halifax - rock - — Jones H. — Joseph Ch. - Is. - Africa ^ S.C. Neivfoundld. do. Antigua I. Canada Scotland, W.C. Neicfoundld. L. Huron Indian Oc. Julien I. to Hooping H. Xewfoundland^ E. C. — H. — Lawrence G. & R. H. do. 133 75 73 94 85 9 72 82 140 71 71 — Lewis Sd. & inlet •~ Louis Anch. - — Lucea H. — Lucia B. — Lunaire B. - — Malo - — Margaret B. - — Marie Anch. - — Mark B. R. — Martin I. 70 127 93 92 66 71 35 76 95 93 101 94 Mary C. to Bevato I. I. Ch. P. - B. P. R. Mathew Is. - Nicholas H. - Mole I. - Nikolo P. Paul I. I. ■ B. and Anch. C. to Porto Novo - B. to Emergency Pt H. Rks. - de Loanda H. N. America 75. 80, 85 Kewfoundld. 73 Labrador - Africa, W.C. Haiti Jamaica Madagascar 138 - Africa, E.C. 134 W.Indies 95 - C. de Verde Is. Neivfoundld. France Newfoundld. Guadeloupe Haiti Mexico G. W. Indies T'lerra del Fuego 108 Madagascar 137 do. 137 - Africa, W.C. 131 Isle of Man 8 Madagascar 137 - N. America 82, 84 Alaska 125 -St. Lawrence G. 78 Haiti 93 C. Verde Is. 66 Archip. 50, 51 St. Lawrence, G. 77 - S . Indian Oc. 141 Reunion 139 Africa, W.C. 129 Palawan I. 166 Alaska 125 N. Atlantic 66 Africa, W.C. to Great Fish B. do. 131 131 St. Paul's B. — Peter L. — Petersburg B. — Pierre Rd. Anch.- H. - L — Roque Ch. to Formo.sa -S. — Rose - - . . — Sebastian C. to Cette — Spiridione P. — Thomas H. - Bk. - — Tropez G. - - - — Tudwall's Rds. — Valentine B. - — Vincent C. to Gibraltar St — Vincente P. - — Vladimir B. - Saintes Is. - Sakai H. - - - Sakata H. - Sakita Rd. - Sakitsu-ura Sakoshi B. - SalL- Salamis B. and St. Salang or Junkseylon I. Salango I. Anch. Salaverry Rd. Sala y Gomez Salbet Salcombe R. Saldanha B. Salem H. - Salerno B. - Sali .... Salibabu I. Anch. Salina Cruz B. . Salinas B. . 166 183 95 50 60 153 Salmedina Sh. . Salobrena Anch . Salomon Is. Salona P. - Saloniki B. & G. . Salou Rd. . Salt Cay Anch. - Lake B. . - —— Anch. - River B. Water Pond B. - Saluafata H. . . Salum R. - Salut Is. Anch. - Salvage Is. . Salween R. . Sam chau to Chau sun Sama P. - - . P. . Samana B. - Samanco P. - - Samar I. - - - Samarai I. and Anch.. Samarang B. . . Sambat R. - - PAGJte Newfoundland 75 St. Lawrence R. 79 Baltic S. 31 Martinique 96 Reunion 139 Newfoundld. 73 Indian Oc. 140 S.America, E.C. 103 Reunion 139 France, S.C. 40 Albania 48 West Indies 94 Honduras 99 France, S.C. 41 Wales 7, 16 Manchuria 182 Spain 37 Australia, S.C. 187, 188 W. Indies 96 - Cape Verde Is. 66 Luzon I. Tartary W. Indies Japan 178,180 do. 178 Celebes 163 Japan 177 do. 181 a Verde Is. 67 Greece Cyprus I. Bengal B. Peru 115 S. America, W.C. 114 Pacifc 216 India, W.C. 146 - England, S.C. 4 ■C. of Good Hope 132 U. States 85 Italy 42 - Africa, W.C. 127 Celebes S. 164 C. America, W.C. 117 do. 117 - California G. Ill Peru 114 Honduras G. 99 Spain, S.C. 38 - Chagos Archip. 141 Greece 49 Turkey 51 Spain, S.C. 39 Bahama Is. 90 -St. Lawrence G. 76 Aden G. 142 San Domingo 93 . Newfoundland 72 - Navigator Is. 212 . Africa, W.C. 127 Guiana 102 N. Atlantic 65 Bengal G. 162 Chi7ia 170 Cuba 91 China 169 Ham 93 Peru 114 - Philippine Is. 165 New Guinea 195 Java 158 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 INDRX. 269 PAOE. Philippine Is. 164 Nova Scotia 83 Alaska 125 Pacific 212 Arcliip. 64 Asia Minor 50, 58 do. 59 China 172 Ca«/(>/i 7i^. 169 Black S. 57 do. 118 do. 118 do. 118 Domingo I., H., and Ps. W. Indies 88, 92, 93 to Dominica do. 88 Approaches C. Avierica,W.C. 116 - Esteban Anch. - - Spain, N.C. 36 Feliu de Guixols Anch. do. S.C. 40 Fernando Anch. - - Trinidad I. 96 P. - - Philippine Is. 166 Francisco H. - N. America, W.C. 119 Francisquito B. - Giorgio P. - Giovanni P. di Medua Jacinto Joao Is. Jorge - Jose del Cabo B. - Rd. - to P. Angeles - California G. Ill Adriatic 47 Ionian S. 47 Albania 47 - Philippine Is. 165 Brazil 102 Azores 64 California 118 C. America, W.C. 117 do. 117 Venezvela 97 do. 97 Juan B. - - - Griego B. - de Nicai-agua to C. Gracias j\lcara{fi)a del Norte del Sxir P. P. R. Julian P. Lorenzo B. • Ch. I. Anch. Lucas C. to San Diego B B. - Luis pass Luis d'Apra P. Luis Obispo V>. !^8 do. 98 C. America, W.C. 116 Puerto Rico 94 Vancouver I. 119 Peru 113 iS'. America, W.C. 115 do. E.C. 107 S. America, W.C. 115 California 117 Per7i 114 California 117 do. 118 Texas 100 N. Pacific 202 California 118 San Marcos B. - Martin de la Arena Mateo to Itacolomis Rf Miguel B. - P. - Nicholas P. - Nicolas B. - Pablo B. Pedro B. P. - H. - B. - de Macoris B. Pietro Ch. - — di Nembo P. PAGE. Brazil 103 Spain, N. C. 36 Brazil 104 Azores 65 C.America, W.C. 115 - PhiVqypine Is. 164 S. America, W.C. 110 Magellan St. 107 Pern 113 3Iagellan St. 107 X. America, W.C. 119 S. jy — Pio V. P. Quentin B. - Remo to Cavallo C. - — Salvador Sebastiao Anch., Cli. & I. Sebastian P. Simeon H. - — Thome I. - - - Vicente de la Barquera H. Sanborn H. - - - Sanchez .... Sand B. - - . wick - Sanda I. - - - Sandakan H. & Anch. Sandarli G. and H. Sandfly passage - Sandheads, The - Sandoen to Svenoer - Sandvig P. - Sandwich B. to Nain - P. Is. . I. Sandy C. to Keppel Is. Pt. Rd. . Ill 111 118 38 92 43 46 166 118 41 41 89 104 36 Sangalie Anch. - Sangameswar R.- Sangsit Rd. Sangwin R. Sanguianga Ent. Sankapura B. San mun B, Sannana B. Santa Ana P. H. - B. Barbara P. - H.- Catalina I. - Catharina I., and St. - Catharina I. to R. de la Plata Christina I. Clara B. - Cruz - de Palnia P. I. P. B. - dc do. do. Spain, S.C. San Domingo Sardinia Adriatic Philijjpine Is. America, W.C. Italy, W.C. do. Bahamas Brazil Spain, N.C. California 118 ifrica, W.C. 131 Spain, N. C. 36 Alaska 125 Haiti 93 - Sumatra N.C. 155 Shetland Is. 16 - Scotland W.C. 8 Borneo 160 Asia Minor 50, 54, 58 Solomon Is. 205 India, E.C. 151 - Norway, S.C. 24 do. 24 Labrador 70 - New Hebrides 208 N. Pacific 215 - Neio Hebrides 208 - Australia, E.C. 191 Magellan St. 107 -S'. America, W.C. 110 Alaska 125 - New Hebrides 209 India, W.C. 148 •Eastern Ar chip. 158 - Africa, W.C. 128 S. America, W.C. 115 Java 158 Cliinn 172 Celebes S. 164 Philippines 164 Curagao 97 Peru 114 San Domingo 93 N. America, W.C. 119 California 119 Brazil 105 do. 104 H. Marquesas Is. 214 Cuba 91 Azores 64 Ca,nary Is. 66 Virgin Islands 94 Cayiary Is. 66 Brazil 103 C. America 117 California 118 270 INDEX. Santa Cruz I. Is. - P. & R. - or Agadir - to C. Bojador PAGE. -Y. Amerir'a, W.C. 118 Pacific 206 Patagonia 107 -Africa , TF.C.65, 127 do. 65, 127 K A7}\evica, W.C. 115 Tier r a del Fuego 108 Fernando Po 1 30 Azore.i 65 California G Marta Maura I., mole & Rd Monica Teresa B. - Venere P. - Santander P. - - Sante C. to G-rondine Santiago R. P. deCubaP. - Santo Domingo - H. - Lourenzo B. Stefano P. - Tomas Ancli. Santona P. - Santorin I.- Santos H.- Sao Francisco H. R. I. Saonek Anch. - h Sapangar B. Saparua B. - SapehB. - Sapelo Sd 117 47 164 97 48 di Leuca to Brindisi Italy, S. C. ~ Mindanao I. - S. America, N. W. C. Ionian 8. Calif rrnia 118 - California, G. 117 Italy, W.C. 42 Spain, N.C. 36 St. Lawrence R. 79 S. America, W.C. 115 Caroline Is. 203 Cuba 90 - Philippine Is. 16(1 Haiti 93 Azores 65 Italy, W.C. 41 JV. America 118 Spain, N.C. 36 A r chip. 52 Brazil 104 Brazil 104 Xew Guinea 162 Borneo 160 Moluccas I. Java S. X. America, E.C. to Little Bahama Bk. do. to St. Andrew Sd. do. Sapetiba B. - - - Sapudi St. - Sappho cove Saracen B.- Sarah's Bosom H. Saramacca R. - - - Sarawak R. - - - R to C. Sirik Sardinia I. — - to Malta Sasake Anch. Sasun B. - SaubiRd. - - - - Sauce Pt. to Martin Garcia I Saugor Pt. to Calcutta Saunders P. - - - Savage cove to St. Barbe B. Anch. Savanilla H. Savannah la Mar Anch. R. to St Helena Sd. Savereka-reka B. Savitri R. - Savo Anch. - . - Savona . - . . Savu Savu B. - - - Sawai H. - Sawakin H. Sawi B. - - - - Saya de Malha Bk. Sayer Is. to L. Loughborough I to Lanka wi I. 162 159 87 87 87 Brazil 104 Java S. 158 Galapagos Is. 216 Siam G. 167 Auckland Is. 210 Guiana 102 Borneo 160 do. 160 Mediter. 43 do. 44 Neiv Hebrides 208 do. 209 Eastern Archip. 158 . INodela Plata 105 Bengal B. 151 Neufmindld. 75 do. 75 S. Pacific 212 75 97 92 87 211 148 Xewfoundld., W.C. New Grenada, E.C. Jamaica U. States Fiji Is. India, W.C. Solomon Is. 206 Italy, W.C. Fiji Is. Celebes S. Red S. JVicobar Is. Indian Oc. Bengal B. do. 41 211 164 143 151 139 152 153 Scarborough Scario Anch. Scapa B - - - Scarpa I. to Barvas Scai'panto I. Scatari I. - Schelde R. - Scheveningen to Amelaad Schooner Retreat passage PAGK. England, E.C. 13 Tobago I. Italy, W.C. Orkney Is. Hebrides Archip. Cope Breton I. Belgium Netherlands B. Columbia 123 Schroder ground Schuylkill R Scio P. Scillyls. - Scotland, coast guard stations E. & N. C. W. do. do. S. America, W.C. - U. States, E. C. Asia Minor England, S.C. 123 110 86 58 5 2 14 Scott Is. - inlet ■• Scourfield B. Scourie B. - Scrabster Rd. Scridain loch Sea Bear B. reach - Seaforth Ch. Seagull Anch. - Seaham H. Seal B. Seba Rd. - Sebenico P. Seattle H. - Sebu P. - Second Narrows to C. Pillar fancourer J. 121 Arctic S. 68 Tierra del Fuego 108 - Scotland, W.C. 12 Scotland. N.C. 14,15 do'. W.C. 9 Pataqonia 106 Magellan St. 107 - B. 'Columbia 123 Tierra del Fuego 108 - England, E.'C. 13 Bass St. 189 Eastern Archi2). 169 Adriatic 47 X.America, W.C. 120 - Philippine Is. 165 B. Columbia 120 Magellan St. 107 Second Bar Pagoda to Whampoa and Scalloway Ent. Shetla7id Is. 14, 16 Changshan Sedimi B. - Segaar B. - Segna or Zengg P. Segond Ch. Segoro Wedi B. - Seine R. - - - Seldom-come-by SeleSt. SelvaP. - Selwyn inlet B. - Sem Is. - - - Seme B. - - - Semiahmoo B. - Semirara I. Sendai B. to Miyako B. Senegal Bar Seniavina Is. Senigallia P. Seoul, approaches to - Serang I. Anch. Seree B. - - - SerkL Serpent I. - H. Serpents Mouth - Serpho I. - Serrana Bk. Serranilla Bk. - Serui Rd, - Serwatti Is. Auch. Sesoko Byochi - Sestos B. - Sestri Levante - China 170 Tartary 183 Neio Guinea 162 Adriatic 46 - Neic Hebrides 208 Jara 158 - France, N.C. 3,35 Ncwfoundld. 72 SuluS. 162 Spain E.C. 40 Q. Charlotte Is. 124 Solomon Is. 206 Lapland 26 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 N. America, W.C. 120 - Philip2)ine Is. 165 Japan 179 - Africa, W.C. 127 Caroline Is. 203 Italy, E. C. 46 Korea 175 Neic Guinea 162 - Philippine Is. 164 Channel Is. 22 BlacTt S. 66 L. Huron 81 Trinidad I. 96 Archip. 53 C. America, E.C. 98 do. 98 Neio Guinea 196 Eastern Archip. 157 Liu Kiu Is. 176 - Africa, W.C. 128 Italy, W.C. 41 INDEX. 271 Seto Uchi or Inland S. Setozaki TI. Setubal P.- Sevastopol H. to Kertch St. Seven Is. B. Seward Rd. Seychelles Is. Seymour narrows SfaxRd. - Shaikh Shu'aib Anch. Shakotan H. Shallow B. to Gun Pt. - Shana Anch. Shanghai H. to Xankine: -S';^. 177 37 57 57 76 PAOE. Japan 180 do. Portugal Blacit S. do. Lawrence R. .N. Pachiic 2U Indian Oc. 110 Vancoihver I. Africa, X.C. Persian G. Kuril Is. China Shannon R. - - Shantung promontory Sharapov Hd. to Ludoshnoi Pt. 121 62 145 182 173 Xewfoundland 75 ■ Kuril Is. 181 China 173 do. 1 73 Ireland, W.C. 19 China 173 White S. 27 Shark B Sharma Shastri R. - Sha-sze Anch. Shatt al Arab - Shavay B. - Shediac B. and H Sheeii cove Sheephaven Sheet H. - Shehir Oghlan Is Shelter cove Shepherd H. Sherbro I. to C. Mesurado - R. .\ Sherm Abu Amara Farat Dumeigh Jubba Hassey - Rabegh - Wej - - Yahar Shershel V Shetland Is. Shiashkotan I. - Shibayama H. - Shibetoro Anch. Shieldag loch - Shieng Mun to Trako I. Shikoku I. Shillay Sd. - Shimidsu H. Shin Po Anch. - Shindini Ship cove, Crozet I. - Ch. - H. H. Shipu H. - Shippigan H. Shiranai B. - Shire R. - - - Shirinki I. - Shiriga Saki Anch. Shito B. - - - Sho niu dok kak to Clio da Shoal Ch. - B. - » Shoalwater B. ShollB. - Shoreham H. Shiikra Australia, W.C. ISfJ Arabian C. HI India, W.C. 148 China 173 Persian G. Ho - Marquesas Is. 214 jSy. Lawrence G. 77 S. America, W.C. Ill Ireland, N.W.C. 18 Xota Scotia 83 Asia Minor 59 imerica, W.C. 118 C. America, N.C. 98 Vfrica, W.C. 128 do. 128 Red S. 143 do. 143 do. 142 do. 142 do. 142 do. 142 do. H2 - Africa, N.C. 63 Scotland, N.C. 14,16 Kuril Is. 182 Japan 178 Kuril Is. 182 - Scotland, W.C. 11 China 168 Japan 176 - S'otland, W.C. 11 Japan 179 China 176 Comoro Is. 140 - S. Indian 0. HI Bahamas 89 Nova Scotia 83 Newfoundld. 73 China 172 -si I. Siau-wuhu B. Siberut B. - Sibonga P. - Sibuko B. - SlOTT.Y Sidero C. Anchs. Sidoh B. - Sidon - Sierra Leone R. - Sigave B. - Sighajik H. - - - B. to Scala Xuova G Sigri P. - . - - Sigua P. - - - - Siguam I. to Attn I. - Sihuatanejo Sikakap St. SikiaP. - . - - Si kiang R. Sikino I. - . . . Silabulabu Anch. Silam H. - Silanguin P. - - - Silinti ... - Silugui B. - Silver cove - I. - Simalapeh B. Simalur Is., Ch. - Simenaju Rd. Simeonoff I. & H. Simoda H. - Simonoseki St. - Simons B. - Simpang Olim R. Simpson P. - p.. to Cross Sd. Mc Arthur P. PAGE. Alaska 125 N. America, W.C. 122 Nova Scotia 83 - Sumatra, W.C. 155 China S. 167 Borneo 161 Manchuria 183 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 - Philippine Is. 165 do. 164 Borneo 161 Mediter. 44 Crete 52 - Sumatra, W.C. 155 Syria 61 - Africa, W.C. 128 S. Pacific 212 isia Minor 50, 58 do. 58 A rchip. 50, 54 Cuba 91 Aleutian Is. 125 C. America 117 - Sumatra, W.C. 15(5 Archip. 51, 58 Canton R. 170 Archip. 53 Sumatra 156 - Borneo, E.C. 161 - Philippine Is. 165 Karamania 60 - Sumatra, W.C. 155 - Newfoundland 71 China 173 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 do. 155 do. 156 Alaska 125 Japan S.C. 180 Japan 177 ■C.of Good Hope 132 - Sumatra, N.C. 155 B. Columbia 123 S. America, W.C. 110 N. America, W.C. 124 Simris Simushir I. - - Sinabang B. Sin Shian B. - - SiND C. - - - Singapore Rd., H., and St. to Tioman T. Singora Rds. Sinnaraari R. Sio H.- Sinu B. - - Sinub Siphauo I. - - Sir Edward Pellew grouji - Carjfentaria G. 184 Francis Drake's Ch. - Virgiu Is. 93 Harry Parkes Sd. - - Korea 175 James Hall group - do. 175 J. Saumarez Rf. - Australia, N.IJ.C. 193 do. 124 Sweden 28 Kuril Is. 182 Sumatra, W.C. 155 Korea 175 India, W.C. 146 E. Indies 154, 155 China S. 155 Siam G. 167 S. America, N.C. 102 Solomon Is. 206 - Africa, W.C. 128 Black S. 57 Archip. 53 Sirik C. to Tatan Pt. Sisal Rfs. and Anch. Sitia B. Sitka Sd. and H.- Siuban B. - Sivutch B. - Six Is. Six Shilling Ch. - Borneo 160 Yucatan 100 Candia 52 N. America, W.C. 124 - Sumatra, W.C. 156 Korea 175 Chagos Arc. 141 • - Bahamas 89 272 INDEX. Skagens Hamn - Skagerrak, The - SkalaP. - Nuova G. - Skans B. - - - Skarweather sand Skegness to Blakeney - Skerries roadstead PAGE. Bothnia G. 29 Baltic S. 28 Asia Minor 54 do. 58 Spitzlergen Wales England, E. C. Ireland, N.C. — Is. to L. Carlingford Ireland, E.C. — .... do Q- Skerki bank Skiatho H. - Skidegate inlet - Skincuttle inlet - Skiport loch Skirmish B. Skopelo group - Skuda Sd. - Skye I. Skyro I. - Slano P. - Slavianski B. Sleat Sd. - Sleeve, The Sligo B., H., and bar ■ Slite Hamn Slyne Hd . and ad jacent coast Ireland, W.C. to Liscanor B. - do. Small cove - - - S.America, W.C. - Scotland, N. C. Mediter. Archip. Charlotte Is. do. Hebrides Chatham Is. Archip. Shetland Is. - Scotland, W.C. Archip. Adriatic Tartary 182 - Scotland. W.C. 10 Baltic S. 28 .Ireland, TF.<7. 16, 18 Baltic 28 27 6 13 17 17 17 15 45 51 124 124 11 209 58 IC) 10 53 47 Isles - L. H. to Peninsula H. St. - - - - Smalls . . - . Smerwick H. - - - Smith Sd. - Smolen to Sves fiord Smoky B.- Smyrna City G . H. and P. Smyth Ch., &c. - H. - P. - 19 19 111 10 82 Snares Is. - Sneem H. - •Snipe I. Anch. - Snizort L. - Snooks Arm Anch. - SnugB. - Society Is. - B.- Socorro Sofala R. - Soggendalstrand Anch. Sokotra I.- Solent, The SolevuB. - Solitary Is. Seller P. - Solomon Is. to Ellice Is. Solovets Ed. Solway firth Sombreiro R. Sombrero I. Sombrio B. Songvaar fiord Sooke Inlet Sopang B. - Sophia H. Sops Arm - Scotland, W.C. L. Superior - Bab el Ilandeb 142 Wales 7 - Ireland, W.C. 20 Arctic S. 68 B. ColnmMa 123 - Norway, W.C. 25 - Australia, S.C. 187 Asia Minor, 50, 58 Patagonia, 109 ^0. 107 R. Sea 143 Neio Zealand 201 Ireland, S. W.C. 20 China 172 - Scotland, W.C. 11 - Newfoundland 72 Magellan St. 1 07 - ,S'. Pacific 213, 214 ' CJiina 174 r. America, W.C. 116 Africa, E. C. 134 Norway 24 Aden G. 141 - England, S.C. 3 Fiji Is. 210 - Australia, E.C. 191 Balearic Is. 39 Pacijio 204 do. 20(; White S. 27 - Euqland, W.C. 8 - Africa, W.C. 130 Virgin Is. 94 Brazil 104 Norway, S.C. 23 \'. America, W.C. 120 Celebes 161 Labrador 10 Ellice Is. 212 - Newfoundland 72 Sordwana Rd. ■ Soro to North C. Sorsogon P. Sosnovaia B Sosnovets I. Rd. Sotomo B. - Soufflets arm Sound, The PAGE - Africa, E.C. 134 - Norway, N.C. 26 Luzon I. 165 White S. 27 do. 26 S. America, W.C. Ill Newfoundld. 71 Baltic S. 31 South America, N. and E.C. - W.C. - - 96, 102 - 109 - 202 Nicobar Is. 154 Borneo 160 Pacific Oc. B. - Banguey Ch. - Bejaling to Gascoyne Rd. Australia, W.C. 186 East P. - - - Bodriguez 139 Edisto R. - - U. States 87 Georgia - - • S. Atlantic 64 H. ... Aucliland Is. 210 P. - - - - New Zealand 200 1. - . - . do. 199 Natuna Is. - - Borneo 159 Orkney Is. - - Southern Oc. 67 Passage - - - Gilbert Is. 204 passage Bars - Australia, W.C. 186 Polar Chart 64 Quarken to Hornslandet i? 5 Magellan St. ■ 08 New Zealand 198 • Riga G. 31 Yung R. 172 Caroline Is. 203 2<'3 25 Japan 178 do. 178 do. 178 - Korean Archip. I 76 Black S. 57 - Scotland, W.C. S. Pacific Pacific /- Venezuela 97 Chile 111 B. Columbia 120 Africa, B.C. 136 Magellan St. 108 - Africa, S.E.C. 134 - Africa, N.C. 62 Solomon Is. 206 Madagascar 138 S. America, W.C. 116 Chile 112 Tartary 182 do. do, Cliina do. do. do. do. Africa, N.C. Venezuela Bahamas S. Pacific Australia, W C. 182 188 174 173 170 172 178 62 97 38 J06 186 Ttt Shima peninsula Anol) Tuticorin H., Rd. Tntoia Anch. Tutukaka H. to Mayor I. Tuvana i Tholo I. iRal. - Tuala B. - - - Twofold B.- Tyrrhenian sea - Tyingkok B. to Sonda St. TyneR. - Tyre, Ancient - Augtrali^, F,.C. \n Indi( New /. •> do. 198 Fiji Is. 210 do. 210 Maniuira S. 56 Austral:- '■''■ ""^ Suinati- England, E.(J. i'6 Syria 61 U UafatoH. - Ualan or Strong I. - Uap or Yap I. - Ubatuba Anch. - Uchucklesit H. - Uea or Wallis Is, TTen I. to St. Vincetit B. Ugue B. - - Ujong Rd. UkiRd. - UlfoSd. . Ulie or Wolea Is. UlladullaH. - Ulugan B. Ulnthi or Mackenzie 1. Umago P. - UmataB. • Umquah R. T'liitaniviiTia R- .oTuL'tila I. nan- ii. - Underwood P. Unieh Union B. to Rio N-jgro group Caroline Is, do. ' Braxil I'aneourer I. S. Pacific Ntw CaUdonia do. Eastern Archip, Moluccas Bothnia G, Caroline Is, - .1 ustralia E, C. Palawan I. Caroline Is. Italy Ladrone Is. B. Coluinhia R. Afriro. S.E.C. ■ .C. icii<~ic^lO New Zealand Black S. S. Am^erioa, E,C. Pacific • VancoMver Is. Korea wharf and Anch. Unkofski B. - - - Unskaia inlet to Chesminskoi Pt. White S. LiU'Kitt Is. Unteng P. - Upernivik H. - Upolol. - Ura firth - Ura-kami H. Urakawa B. Uraa cove - Ure I. Anch. Urter to Hisken, &c. Ubuouay R. Urzuf Rd. Uru I. Anch. Urup I. - - - Ushant or D'Ouessant lie Ushibuka H. ■ Ushishir Rks. - Gree'Uoiid Samoa Is. ShetUnd Is. Japan S.C, So! New h . Norway, W.V. S. Amsrira Black 8. Solomon Is. Kuril Is. France, W.C, Kuril It, W.2 203 202 104 122 212 207 207 153 162 29 203 190 166 2nd 46 'J 02 119 133 133 97 199 57 106 212 121 175 27 176 69 212 16 180 24 1C6 57 206 182 34 177 182 JNDKX. 277 Usk R. . TJskava^h loch Ustica I. - Utilla 1. • TJtria P. - Ctrish Pfc. Auch. UtuhaH. - Uturoa H. - C-uraB. - Uvita B. - Uwajima B. Uyea Sd. - PAGE. I Tierra del Fhtego 108 i - England, W.C. 6 - Scotland, W.C. n : Sicily 44 i - HoKduras G. 99 S. Avvericu. W.C. 115 | Black 8. 57 Sohntum It. 206 Society It. 214 Japan 181 -". Anu-nca, W.C. 116 Jatkitt 181 Shetland Ik. Ifi V. V aao - Vadao havn V»id B. - Vaieo or Akaoto B. VailaSd. - ^■•■;i.-]'. B. - V:ik.x;:aB. \ aldivia P. Valencia P. Valentia H. I. - to C. Clear Valletta H. Vallenar Bd. ValloCh. • Valona B.- Valparaiso H. Vanoourer I. Vaiiikoro Is. Vanina B. • Vanua Levii Vac P. H. Vmunger flord to Mai Oleni Vardo B. • - AoruHty Vargas P. - - f. Atneru'/i Van Vari Anch. - yinui Ouiueu Variation Chart Varkenn I. - ■ - - Q-lehex Varna .... yiatk S. Vatersay Sri. - - Hehridet Vatht P. • • - - Ionian It. Vat hud i P. .... Ore*-ce VathyP. .... do. Vatika B. - - • - Itmian S. Vatoa I - - - Fiji In. Vatomannr; - - - Madafatear Vatu Ira C)i. - - - Fiji I*. Vava Is. - • - - ynv Hebridig Vavu groaj) - - - Friendiy It. Veglia P. • - - - Adriatic Veile fiord .... Balti^^ S. VekexiB B. - - - - fi»matra VeUa. LiMveUa to Wana Wana Si^lomon Im. Veii&ra B. • - - - Fiji I»' Ventlres P. • ''i!*: Greece VEHEZUBLA . '. At'urlro y.C. Italy, H.C. Yonvay Lapland Alarqnrtrtt It. Sk ft la, id It. jYarigator It. lyi It. ChUe Spain, S.C. Ireland, W.C. do. do. MmUa '. ii>,criea,W.C. Swed^-n Adriatif ChU* '.Awr'rii'a,W.C. £. Colvmbift Santa Cruz It. Tartary Fiji It.y NiHO Cah'doiua Vengurla • to C. Comorin Venice Venison Tickle Ventosa B. Ventry H. - Venus H. - Vera Cruz P, Veraval Rds. Verboska P. Verde, C, to Cacheo R. 41 26 26 214 16 212 210 111 39 20 20 20 45 111 29 48 \\l 120 12it 20<-. ISH 211 207 20 98 195 2 164 56 11 48 61 49 60 210 189 211 208 211 46 32 156 20r> 210 40 49 88 PAGE. India, W.C. 149 do. 1'46 Italy 46 Labrador 70 C.America.,W.C. 117 - Ireland, W.C. 20 - Australia, S.C. 187 Mi'xieo G. 100 India, W.C. 146 Adriatic 47 Africa , W.V. 127 — Pt, to Buenaventura S.America, W. C. 115 Vermilion B. Veruda P. - Veshnyak Ch. - Vestmanhavn Vesuvius Sh. Vi Paka Anch. • Viborg Vichuquen lagoon Victor, P. - Victoria B. H. P. to Santa Catharina Mexico G. 100 Adriatic 46 White S. 26 Fee roe Is. 16 - Africa, W.C. 131 - Nno Hebrides 208 Baltie 30, 31 Chile 112 - Australia, S.C. 188 New Guinea 204 Arctic America 69 iV.^;«^'r/m,Tr.C.120 Labuan I. 160 Brazil 104 P. R. Victory pass Video to Yangtae C. - Vieste P. - - - Vieux Fort B. - Vigo B. - . - Villa Franca Rd. — to Asuncion do Porto B, Village B. - Ville Franche Rd. VilosP. - Vinambe B. Vinaroz Vineyard haven - Virago Sd. - - Virgins C. to First Narrows 'irgin Is. - Rks. Viru H. Msby Vitchani I, Anch. Vitiaz B. - Vivero P. - Vizagapatam Viziadrug H. do. 104 to Cochin Vladimir, P. VlikoP. - Vohimao B. Voilier cove Volo G. & P. VoltaR, - VouaB. - Voronov C. to Ruchi R. Vostitza B. Vostokl. - Vourlah Rd. and H. - Vn;j,ta Vatoa Vuc.to Ono reef - Viilavu Anch. - Vuig gang B, - Vuva Anch. Australia, S.C. 188 do. N.W.C. 185 Seychelle Is. 140 Patagonia 109 China, B.C. 173 Italy, E. C. 46 St. Lucia I. 95 Spain, W.C. 37 Azores 65 Paraguay R. 106 Azores 65 Red S. 142 France, S.C. 41 Chile 112 Madagascar 137 Spain, E. C. 39 . U. States 86 Queen Charlotte Is. 124 Magellan St. 107 N'.America,E.C. 85 Solomon Is. 204 Sweden 29 Lapland 26 Korea, E.C. 175 Spain, W.C. 36 India, E.C. 150 do. W.C. 148 do. 148 Lapland 26 Ionian S. 48 Madagascar 137 Tierra del Fuego 108 Archip. 51 Africa, W.C. 129 Black S. 57 White S. 26 Greece 49 Pacific 215 Asia Minor 50, 58 Fiji Is. 211 do. 211 Solomon Is. 205 Cochin China 168 Solomon Is. 205 m. INDEt. W. Waddington H. - Wahai B. - Wai Mokeh Rd. - Waialua B. Waianae Waiau R. to C. Foul wind Waiau-ua R. - - Waikawa H. Waikato R. - - Waikouaiti B. - Wailutu Rd. Waimea B. Waingapu Rd. - Wairur Rd. Waisissi H. Waitangi P. WaitemataR. - Wajima Anch. - Wakasa B. Wakaya I.- Wakefield P. Walcott P. Walfisch B. to Orange R. Vancouver I. 121 Celebes S. 164 Eastern Arohij). 159 Sandtoioh Is. 215 do. 215 New Zealand 201 Wallace H. Wallaroo B Wallisls. - - . . Walpole I. ... Walsh cove - - . - Walter B. - - - - Walurigi Anch. - - . Wana wana to Mbulo I. Wandamiii Rd. - Wankan Bk. to Nansasha R. Wanderer B. - - - Wango B. - WaniB. - Wapitagun H. - Ward Hunt St. - Wardenburg Gp. Wari B. - - - R. and creeks Warnbro Sd. Warmambool H. Warsheik Anch. - Wash, The - Washington I. - WasinCh. - WassawSd.- Watagheistic Sd.- Watchet , - Water haven Waterford H. - Waterhouse Anch. Waterland I. Waterloo B. - - to Bashi R. Water witch Bk. Watlingl. - Watteweh Rd. WawaCh. - Waworada B. Wax Cay Cut Wea-sisi B. - Webb cove • Webeck H. - Weber P. - do. ■ 20U do. 200 do. 1!)9 do. 200 Eastern ArchijK 157 Sandwich I.*t. 215 Eastern Arcliip. 159 Xew Guinea 196 Solomon Is. 206 Chatham Is. 209 New Zealand 198 Japan 178 Japan 177, 178 Fiji Is. 210 - Australia, S.C. 188 AmtraUa, N.W.C. 186 - Africa, W.C. 131 do. 132 -S'^. Lawrence G. 77 - Australia, S.C. 188 S. Pacific 212 - New Heiridcs 209 - Vancouver Is. 121 - New Hebrides 208 - New Hebrides 209 Solomon Is. 205 New Guinea 196 Formosa 171 Solomon Is. 205 Malacca St. 154 Solomon Is. 206 Makassar St. 163 •St. Lawrence B, 76 New Guinea 196 do. 162 do. 196 - Africa, W.C. 129 ^VtfT Ouinea 196 -Australia, W.C. 186 do. S.C. 189 Africa, E.C. 137 - England, E.C. 13 N. Pacific 215 . Africa, E. C. 136 m states 87 - 6'^. Lawrence G. 76 - England, W.C. 6 - New Hanover 204 - Ireland, S.C. 16,21 Bass St. 190 Tuamotu Is. 213 - Australia, S.C. 187 Africa, S.C. 133 S. Pacific 206 Baha mas 89 •Eastern Archip. 157 - New Hebrides 208 •Eastern A rchip. 158 Bahamas 88 - New Hebrides 209 - Galapagos Is. 216 Labrador 70 . New Britain 204 Webers H. - WedaRd. - Wedge B. Wedi B. - Week Is. - Wei hai wei H. - Welcome B. H. Welds Anch. Welland canal - Welles H. - Wellesley Is. Wembury B. Wen chau P. - - - B. to Kue shan Is. Wendesi Rd. Weser R. - WestB. . - . - R. - - - - Faiu I. - - - Islet Ancn.- LochTarbert Passage Anch. - West Indies Western Is. or Azores - to Waubaushene PAGE. Greenland 69 Neto Guinea 162 Tasmania 197 Java 158 - Magellan St. 108 Cidna 173 Patagonia 109 - B. Columbia 123 New Zealand 200 Canada 80 N. Pacific 214 - Australia, N.C. 184 - England, S.C. 4 China 172 do. 172 jSeio Gihinea 196 Germany 23 Africa, W.C 131 China 170 Caroline Is. 203 Coral S. 193 Scotland, W.C. 9 N. Pacific 216 N. Atlantic L. Hu/ron 64 81 P. Westport B. - - H. Wexford H. to Wicklow - Weymouth and Portland Whale Cay Ch. - Whalefish Is. Whangaroa B. - Whaingaroa H. - WhampoaAnch. - to Canton - Whangarei H. - Whangaruru H. Whitby H.- White S. ....'... 26 B. - - - Newfoundland 71, 72 Pt. to Mergui - - Bengal B. 152 Whitehaven - - . »7»^7«>„f \vr •« - - - Nova Scotia 83 Whitsand B. - - • England, S. C. 5 Whitsunday Is. to Magnetic I. Australia, E.C. 192 - Australia, S.C. 189 - Ireland, W.C. 19 New Zealand 201 - Ireland, E.C. 21 do. 21 - England, S.C. 4 Bahamas 90 Greenland 69 Chathavi Is. 209 New Zealand 197 do. 199 Canton M. 170 do. 170 New Zealand 198 do. 198 - England, E. C. 13 Wick P. - Wicklow Rd. k H. to Skerries Wide bay bar Ch. Anch. - Opening B. Widewall H. Wight, Isle ©f - William P. - Willis Is. - Willunga P. Wilmington H.- Wilson promontory - Ch. — or If alik Is. Wind and Current charts Windau Windham B. to Icy C. Windward Is. Winga S. ■ Scotland, E.C. 15 - Ireland, E.C. 21 do. 16 - Australia, E C. 191 S. America, W.C. 110 Bahamas 89 S. America, W.C. 109 Orkney Is. 15 - England, S.C. 3 Falkland Is. 67 Netv Zealand 201 Torres St. 193 - Australia, S.C. 188 N.America, W.C. 118 . Australia, S.C. 189 L. Huron 82 Caroline Is. 203 . 2 Baltic 31 Alaska 125 W. Indies 96 Sweden -28 INDEX. 2V9 FAQE. Arctic America 69 U. States 87 Indian Oc. 140 Alashi 125 CaroVmiils. 203 New Caledonia 207 Dominica 95 England, E.C. New Ou'niea U. States Australia, S.C. Magellan St. 107 Paracel Is. 169 - Neiofouiidland, W. C. 74 - Australia, E.C. 190 do. S.C. 188 - Australia, E. C. 12 196 86 187 Winter H. • Winyah B. - Wizard Rf . - Woewodski H. - Wolea or Ulie Is. Wooded P. - Woodbridge B. - haven Woodlark I. Wood Hoi Sd. andH.- Pt. to Lowly Pt Woods B. - Woody I. - - point Anch. Wollongong H. - Wool B. - Woolloomooloo Anch. - Australia, E.C. 190 World, charts of 2 WormsoSd. - - Baltic S. 30 Ch. ... do. 28 Wossa Rd. - - - - Celebes S. 164 Wotje Is. - - - - Marshfill Is. 203 Wowoni St. and Ch. to Kendari B. Celebes 163 Wrangle B. Wrangell P. Wreck B. - Manchuria 182 Alaska 125 Loyalty Is. 207 Galapagos Is. 216 do. 216 Coral S. 193 to Stephens B. - Rf. - I, to Cinq Cerf B. Neiofoundld., S.C. 74 Wusimado ... - Japan 181 Wusung R. - • - China 173 Xagua P. Xeros Is. XyliB. Yafa . - . - Yaguaneque P. - Yakiuchi B. YaliB. Yalta Rd. - Yamada H. Yamagawa H. - Yamaniguey Anch. - Yanagi no Seto to Neko Yanez B. - Yang-ho entrance Yang tse kiang - Yap I. Yaquina R. Yarmouth to Petit Rd. and haven Yarra R to Melbourne Ta9aia.sa Anch. Yasun fort to Anakria C Cuba 90 Turkey 52 Greece 50 Syria 61 Cuba 91 Japan 176 Atia Minor 59 Black S. 57 Japan 179 do. 177 Cuba 91 Japan 181 Chile 111 China 174 do. 173 Caroline Is. 202 N. America, W.C. 119 Fundy B. 84 England, E.C. 13 Australia S.C. 189 Neto Guinea 196 Black S. 57 S<^to Yates P. - Yatsushiro S. Yawataharaa B. - Yayeyama group Ye R. - - Yealm R. - Yebna P. - Yebukuro-no-Minato Yedi Atala - Yedo G. - Yellow S. - Yemyu cove Yenbo Yengen P. - Yeno-ura .... Yentai H. - Yesashi Anch. . Yezol. .... St. ■ YloRd. .... Ymuiden H. YobukoH.- Yo chau f u to Kwei-chau-f u Yokoska H. Yokohama B. - - - Yonozu P. YorkH. .... River H. - Rds. .... Youghal H. - - - Ystad .... Ytapere B. - Yucatan .... Yugorski St. - - - Yukon H. .... Yu-lin-kan B. . - Yumuri B. ... Yung R. - . - - YuraH. . . . . no-uchi ... Yuyao branch ... PAOB. S. America, W.C. 110 Japan 177 do. 181 China 176 Bengal B. 152 . England, S.C. 4 Syria 61 Japan,W.C. 177 Asia Minor 59 Japan 179 China 201 - New Hebrides 209 Beds. 142 Neio Caledonia 207 Japan 180 China 174 Japan 178 do. 178 do. 178 Peru 113 Holland 23 Japan 177 China 173 Japan 179 do. 179 do. 181 Newfoundld. 74 U. States 85 Hudson B. 69 Ireland, S.C. 21 Sweden, 8. C. 28 Madagascar 139 Mexico G. 99 Arctic S. 68 Alaska 125 China 169 Cuba 91 China 172 Japan 180 do. 180 Yung R. 172 Zafarin Is. . Africa, N.C. 63 Zalitza B.- Corinth G. 49 Zambezi R. . - . Africa, E. C. 134 to Mozambique H. do. 134 ZandB. .... Java 158 Zante B. and I.- Ionian S. 49 Zanzibar I., H., and approaches Africa, E.C. 136 4-r\ TWoli-n/1-i do. Honduras G. 136 99 Zapotillos Cays - Zara P. . - - - Adriatic 47 Zebayir Is. ... Red S. 143 Zeila Rds. - - Aden G. 142 ZenggP. .... . Adriatic 46 Zirona Ch. to Curzola do. 47 Zuaga P. - Africa N.C. 62 Zoraik P. - do. 62 Zorritos - • • S. America, W.C. 114 ZuiderZee- Holland 23 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FEB 1 Q 1988 SEfJTONILL PRIN «^^ MAY 1 7 1999 U. C. BgRKELEY VK 803 G 7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. OCT 21 1947 ykt, Q 1947 MAY 419716 REC'DLD APR 27 71 -9AM 12 LD 21-100m-12,'46(A2012sl6)4120