ppfg^F|^:^Jx|pff:^-^^^^;-.•^^;; A ; cz ; o 18 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT TO TREASURY DECISIONS (T. D. 2834) TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE REGULATIONS No. 49 REGULATIONS Promulgated by the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE With the Approval o' the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Relating to the COLLECTION OF TAX TRANSPORTATION AN OTHER FACILITIES Title V, Sections 500, 501, and 502 OF THE Revenue Act of 1918 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 s So 1919 > « REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE TRANSPORTATION TAX Under Title V of the Revenue Act of 1918. (Public, No. 254, Sixty-fifth Congress. H. R. 12SG3.) CONTENTS. PART I. DEFINITIONS. Section 500. Imposition of tax. Page. Article 1. Carrier 7 2. Transportation 7 3. Terms 7 4. General rule 8 5. Tax less than half cent disregarded 8 PART II. TRANSPORTATION OF PROPERTY BY FREIGHT. Section 500 (a). Tax on freight charges. Article 6. Tax under revenue act of 191S 9 7. Transportation completed prior to Nov. 1, 1917 9 8. Service in respect of which tax is assessed 9 9. Total amount of charges taxable 9 10. No duplication of tax 10 11. Towage charges 10 12. Carrier shall collect, return, and remit total taxes on all charges collected 10 13. Taxable charges — In-transit privileges 10 14. Taxable charges 11 15. Charges on property shipped for export and actually ex- ported exempt from tax 11 16. Shipments to Porto Rico, Philippine Islands, Virgin Islands, and the Canal Zone 12 17. Property imported 12 18. Import shipments from adjacent foreign countries 12 19. Property passing through the United States 12 20. Charges on such property taxable 13 Section 501 (c). Commodities transported without collection of a charge. Article 21. Carrier 13 22. Basis of computation of tax 13 23. Effect of foregoing provision 14 24. Stock of one curporutiyu owned by another 14 8 4 CONTENTS. Section 501 (c)— Continued. Pa^g Article 25. Application of tax 14 26. Federal- control 15 27. Circus trains 15 28. jMilk, newspapers, and other commodities 16 29. State inspection charges 16 30. Storage charges 16 31. Blocking and staking charges 16 32. Property sold 10 33. Chartered boats — 16 34. Combined freight and express service or facilities 16 85. Transportation by mechanical motor power when in com- petition with carriers by rail or water of property by freight 17 PART III. TRANSPORTATION OF PACKAGES, PARCELS, OR SHIPMENTS BY EXPRESS. Section 500 (b). Tax on freight by rail or water. Article 3G. Application of tax 18 37. Application of tax 18 PART IV. TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS. Section 500 (c). Tax on transportation of persons. Article 38. Application of tax 19 39. Regular established line 19 40. Round-trip ticket 20 41. Commutation and season tickets 20 42. Zone system 20 43. Combination fares 20 44. Tickets bought and wholly or partially unused prior to Nov. 1, 1917 20 45. Manner of evidencing payment of tax on such tickets 20 46. Special provisions relating to such tickets 20 47. Partially used mileage books paid for before Nov. 1, 1917 — 21 48. Provisions I'elating to such books 21 49. Mileage books purchased in the United States 21 1)0. Mileage books purchased in Canada or Mexico 21 51. Cash fare.s 22 52. Party tickets 22 53. Prepaid orders 22 54. Exchange orders 22 65. Steamship orders 22 66. Excess baggage - 23 57. Storage of baggage 23 58. Computation of tax 23 59. Corpses 23 60. Extra fares for special services or facilities 23 61. Chartered cars or trains ^ 23 62. Cases in which tax does not apply 23 CONTEISTTS. 6 Section 500 (d). Tax on amounts paid for accommodations in parlor or sleeping cars or on vessels. Pago. Article 63. Accommodations to which tax applies 1^4 64. Accommodations to which tax does not apply 25 65. Duties of agents, collecting charges on behalf of carriers furnishing such accommodations 25 PART V. TRANSPORTATION OF OIL BY PIPE LINE. Section 500 (e). Tax on transportation of oil by pipe line. Article GG. Definition of oil 26 67. Miscellaneous provisions 26 PART VI. GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION. Section 500 (h). Governmental exemption. Article 68. Nature of exemption 27 69. Foreign governments 27 70. Government agencies 27 71. Evidences of right to exemption 27 72. Evidences of right to exemption 28 73. Ambassadors, ministers, and diplomatic representatives — 30 74. Cost-plus contracts 31 75. Credentials 31 76. Forms to be furnished 32 77. Lump-sum Government contracts 82 78. Exemption — Persons 32 79. Certificate required when charges paid 32 SO. Prepaid charges 82 81. Indorsement of certificates 33 82. Separate certificates 33 83. Carriers to record and file certificates 33 PAPtT VII. PAYMENT, COLLECTIONS, AND RETURN PENALTIES. Section 501 (a). Payment, collection, reporting, returning, and remit- tance of the taxes — ^Penalties. Article 84. Payment of taxes 34 85. Collection of taxes 34 86. Credit arrangements 34 87. Records — Taxes collected 34 88. Records — No taxes collected 34 89. Records — Adjustment of taxes 35 90. Records — Summaries of transactions 35 91. Return and remittance of taxes 35 92. Penalties 36 REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF TAX ON TRANS- PORTATION AND OTHER FACILITIES. PART I. GENERAL DEFINITIONS. LAW AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION TAXES. The revenue act of 1918, Title V, section 500, provides: That from and after April 1, 1919, there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid, in lieu of the taxes imposed by section 500 of the revenue act of 1917 * *. Article 1. Carrier. — The word " carrier," as used in Title V of the revenue act of 1918, is held to mean any person, corporation, partner- ship, or association who or which, for hire, furnishes any of the transportation services or facilities described or referred to in sub- divisions (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of section 500 of the act. Art. 2. Transjwrtatlon.—lliQ, word " transportation," as used in Title V of the act, means the movement of persons and property by a carrier, including all services and facilities rendered, furnished, or used in connection with such movement by or on behalf of a carrier. It includes receipt, delivery, elevation, transfer in transit, ventila- tion, refrigeration, icing, storage, demurrage, towage, lighterage, trimming of cargo in vessels, wharfage, handling of property trans- ported, feeding and watering live stock, and all other incidental serv- ices and facilities. It does not include cartage or passengers' meals or hotel accommodations. Art. 3. Terms. — The term " United States," as used in Title V of the act, means only the States, Alaska, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia, The term " person," as used in the act and in these regulations, includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, and associations. The term " Secretary," as used in the act and in these regulations, means the Secretary of the Treasury. The term " Commissioner," as used in the act and in these regu- lations, means the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The term " collector," as used in the act and in these regulations, means the collector of internal revenue. 7 8 TAX ON TKANSPOKTATION AND OTHER FACILITIES. CHARGES TAXABLE. Art. 4. General rule. — The charges in respect of which the taxes under subdivisions (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of section 500 must be assessed are all charges for transportation, as above defined, col- lected under tariffs filed or concurred in by the carrier making the charges, with a Federal or State regulating authority, provided, hoAvever, that if a carrier has not filed or concurred in such tariffs all charges collected by such carrier for transportation, as above defined, are taxable. Art. 5. 7'ax less than half cen.t disregarded. — ^In computing the amount of tax to be paid under the provisions of section 500, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded, unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one (1) cent. No tax shall apply to any payment for freight trans- portation in the sum of sixteen (16) cents or less. PART II. TRANSPORTATION OF PROPERTY BY FREIGHT. Section 500, subdivision (a), of the act imposes — A tax equivalent to three per centum of the amount paid for the transporta- tion by rail or water or by any form of mechanical motor power when in com- petition with carriers by rail or water of property by freight transported from one point in the United States to another ; and a like tax on the amount paid for such transportation within the United States of property transported from a point without the United States to a point within the United States. ^ -^-v EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE LAW. \\,«^ 56 Transportation of, by pipe line ^ 67 One cent on 20 cents, tax : On combined express and freight services S4 On express shipments 86 Overchax'ges, adjustment of 89 Overseas transportation, director of, as consignee 15 Ownership by carrier of property transported 21 Panama Canal Zone, shipments to, not export IG Panama Railroad Co., exempt, Government agency 70 Parlor cars : Seats, berths, staterooms 63, 78 Sections or compartments, exclusive occupancy of 60 Partial use of ticket purchased prior to November 1, 1917 44 Partnerships, inclusion in " person " 3 Party tickets, tax on 52 Passengers : Hotel accommodations not transportation 2 Meals not transportation 2 Passenger transportation 38-65 Payment of taxes : By whom 84 Evidence of 45 Failure to make 92 Total upon total charges 12 Penalties 92 Perishable property, sale of 32 Person, definition 3 Persons : Movement of, transportation 2 Transportation of 38-65 Petroleum, crude, transportation of by pipe lines 66 Philippine Islands, shipuients to, not export 16 Pipe line, transportation of oil by 67 Porto Rico, shipments to, not export 16 Prepaid charges, on shipments to government 80 Property : Movement of, transportation 2 Transported, handling of, transportation 2 Transportation of — • By freiglit 6-35 By express 36, 37 46 INDEX. Railroad system: Art. Carriers part of same, commodities necessary to 25, 26 Carriers under Federal control constitute one 26 Receipt of property transported, transportation 2 Records : Of adjustments kept hy carrier 89, 90 Of certificates of exemption, kept by carrier 83 Of exempt transportation, kept by carrier 88 Summaries of 90 Of taxes collected, kept by carrier 87, 90 Transportation requests 83 Reconsignment of property passing through United States from foreign country 19 Red Cross, American National, exempt, Government agency 70 Refrigeration of property transported, transportation 2 Refusal to pay, collect, or truly account for taxes 92 Regular established line, definition 89 Remittances : Failure to make 92 When and how made 91 Request, transportation, form 72 Returns, when and how made 91 Revised Statutes, section 8176, as amended 92 Road haul charge, taxable, when 9, 10 Round-trip ticket 40 Bale : Of perishable property 32 Of property under emergency 32 Of unclaimed property , 82 Season tickets . , 41 Sale prior to November 1, 1917 . . 44 Secretary, means Secretary of Treasury 3 Separate certificates with each consignment 82 Services and facilities taxable 8-14 Services rendered in connection with movement of property or persons, transportation 2 Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, United States, exempt, Government agency 70 Sixteen cents or less, payment for freight transportation, exemption 5 Sleeping car : Seats, berths, or staterooms 63, 78 Sections or compartments, exclusive occupancy of_ 60 Soldier traveling on furlough, not exempt 78 Special accommodations for passengers 63, 78 Special cars or trains for passengers 61 Special services to passengers 60 Staking property in cars, charges for 81 State : Definition 68 Exemption of charges Incurred by oflicers or employees of 68, 72 Inspection charges, not transportation charges 29 Stateroom on vessel or sleeping or parlor car 63, 78 Steamers, sleeping or parlor accommodations on 60, 63 INDEX. 47 Art. Steamship orders 55 Stock of cue corporation owned by anotlier, effect of 24 Storage : Of property transported, transportation 2 Of baggage 57, 58 Cliarges _, 30 Subsidiary corporation, transportation of property of 24 Summaries of transactions by carrier 90 Supplies of carrier, transportation of 23, 25, 36 Switching company, facilities furnished for or by 25 System: Railroad, all carriers under Federal control in one 26 Carriers part of same ; 25, 26 Telegraph company, transportation of commodities necesstiry to 25 Telephone company, transportation of commodities necessary to 25 Terminal company, transportation of commodities necessary to 25 Terminal service 14 Territory : Definiton 68 Exemption of charges incurred by officers and employees of 68, 72 Thirty miles, trips less than 41 Three per cent tax : On circus trains 27 On combined express and freight services 34 On transportation of milk, newspapers, and commodities 28 Through transportation, between foreign ports 19 Through United States: Transportation between points in Canada or Mexico 62 Exchange orders issued in connection with 54 Tickets : Additional, for exclusive occupancy of sleeping or parlor car com- partments or sections 60 Combination of 43 For transportation of commodities, in book form or bulk 28 Round trip 40 Unused, when bought prior to November 1, 1917 44, 45, 46 Towage charges, when taxable 11 Towage of property transported, transportation L' Towns, included in " State " or " Territory " 65; Training Camp Activities, Commission on, exempt, Government agency • 70 Transfer in transit of property transported, transportation 2 Transportation : Completed prior to November 1, 1917 7 Date of, determine tax 6, 7 Defaiition 2 Transportation requests, form 72 Trimming of cargo in vessels, transportation 2 Trips less than 30 miles 40 Under charges, adjustment of 89 United States : Definition 3 Property passing through 19 48 INDEXi Art. Unclaimed property, sale of 32 Unused mileage books, bought prior to November 1, 1917 44, 45, 46 Unused tii-kets, bouirht prior to November 1, 1917 44,45,40- Vans, motor 35 A'entilation of property transported, transportation 2 A'essels, trinnning of cargo in. transportation 2 Virgin Islands, shipments to, not export 16 War Savings Connuittee, exempt, (Jovernment agency 70 Water-haul charge, taxable, when 9, 10 War Industries Board, exempt, Government agency 70 Water service 14 Watering live stock, transportation 2 AVharfage of property transported, transportation 2 Zone system of collecting fares 42 o LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF GALH'ORNU Manufoctured by GAYLORD BROS. Inc. ; Syracuse, N.Y. , Stockton, Calif. i UCSOUTHlfvi KlhiULAL JBRA1C> fACILlTY AA 000 348 752