UC-NRLF .* it LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN f BY ROBINSON'S MATHEMATICAL SERIES. THE RUDIMENTS V-y,.<. OP WRITTEN ARITHMETIC: CONTAINING SLATE AM) BLACK-BOARD EXERCISES FOR BEGIMERS, AND DESIGNED FOR GBADED SCHOOLS. EDITED BY W. FISH, A.M. NEW YOKK: , PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN & CHICAGO : S. C. GRIGGS & CO. 1866. ROBINSOST S The most COMPLETE, most PRACTICAL, and most SCIENTIFIC SERIES of MATHEMATICAL TEXT-BOOKS ever issued in this country. (Esr Tw:m:EsrTY-T~w~o + 7J-3* Robinson's Progressive Table Book, Hobinson's Progressive Primary Arithmetic, - Hobinson's Progressive Intellectual Arithmetic, - Hobinson's Rudiments of "Written Arithmetic, - .Robinson's Progressive Practical Arithmetic, Hobinson's Key to Practical Arithmetic, - - - Hobinson's Progressive Higher Arithmetic, - Robinson's Key to Higher Arithmetic, ----- Robinson's Arithmetical Examples, - Robinson's New Elementary Algebra, Robinson's Key to Elementary Algebra, Hobinson's University Algebra, - - - - - Hobinson's Key to University Algebra, - Hobinson's New University Algebra, - * - Hobinson's Key to New University Algebra, - Hobinson's New Geometry and Trigonometry, - Hobinson's Surveying and Navigation, - - - - Hobinson's Analyt. Geometry and Conic Sections, Hobinson's Differen. and Int. Calculus, (in preparation,)- Itobinson's Elementary Astronomy, Hobinson's University Astronomy, ------ Robinson's Mathematical Operations, - Hobinson's Key to Geometry and Trigonometry, Conic Sections and Analytical Geometry, Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, and again in the year 1S63, by DANIEL W. FISH, A.M., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of New York. PREFACE. In the preparation of this work, a special object has been kept in view by the author, namely; to furnish a small and simple class book for beginners, which shall contain no more of theory than is necessary for the illustration and application of the elementary principles of written arith- metic, applied to numerous, easy, and practical examples, and which shall be introductory to a full and complete treatise on this subject. This book is not to be regarded as a necessary part of the Arithmetical Series by the same author, as the four books already composing that Series are believed tu be properly and scientifically graded, and eminently adapted to general use j but this work has been prepared to meet a limited demand, in large graded schools, and in the pub- lic schools of New York, and similar cities, where a large number of pupils often obtain but a limited knowledge of arithmetic, and wish to commence its study quite young ; and it is also designed for those who desire a larger num ber of simple and easy exercises for the slate and black- board than are usually found in a complete work on writ- ten arithmetic, so that the beginner may acquire facility, promptness, and accuracy in the application and operations of the fundamental principles of this science. (iii) IV PREFACE. The principles, definitions, rules, and applications so far as developed in this work coincide with the other books of the same series. Many of the Contractions, and special applications of the rules, particularly those that are at all difficult, have been omitted, and also the treatment of De- nominate Fractions, and Decimals, all of which are fully and practically treated in the Progressive Practical, and the Higher Arithmetic. -A few easy and practical appli- cations of Cancellation, Analysis, Per centage and Sim- ple Interest have been given, and a very large number ot easv examples. CONTENTS. SIMPLE NUMBERS. Page, Definitions, , 7 Roman Notation, 8 Arabic Notation, 9 Laws and Rules for Notation and Numeration, 16 Addition, ..18 Subtraction, 29 Multiplication, ., . . . 39 Contractions, 48 Division, 54 Contractions, 68 Problems in Simple Integral Numbers, 72 COMMON FRACTIONS. Definitions, Notation and Numeration, .. 74 Reduction of Fractions, ~. . .78 Addition of Fractions, 83 Subtraction of Fractions, 86 Multiplication of Fractions, 88 Division of Fractions, ^^ 94 DECIMALS. Notation and Numeration, 102 Reduction of Decimals, 107 Addition of Decimals, 1$) VI CONTENTS. Page. Subtraction of Decimals, Ill Multiplication of Decimals, 112 Division of Decimals, 114 UNITED STATES MONEY. Reduction of United States Money, 118 Addition of U. S. Money, ^ 120 Subtraction of U. S. Money, 122 Multiplication of U. S. Money, 124 Division of U. S. Money, 125 Bills, ...".... 128 COMPOUND NUMBERS. Weights and Measures, 130 Aliquot parts, 145 Reduction Descending, 146 Reduction Ascending, 148 Addition of Compound Numbers, '. 153 Subtraction of Compound Numbers, 156 Multiplication of Compound Numbers, % . . . 159 Division of Compound Numbers, 162 CANCELLATION, 167 ANALYSIS, 172 PERCENTAGE, 177 COMMISSION, 179 PROFIT AND Loss, 180 INTEREST, 181 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES, 186 RUDIMENTS OF ARITHMETIC. DEFINITIONS. 1 . Quantity is any thing that can be increased, dimin- ished, or measured ; as distance, space, weight, motion, time, - 2. A Unit is one, a single thing, or a definite quantity. 3. A Number is a unit, or a collection of units. 4. 3Vn Abstract Number is a number used without ref- erence to any particular thing or quantity ; as 3, ft, 756. 5~rk: Concrete Number is a number used with refer- ence to some particular thing or quantity; as 21 ffturs, 4 cents, 230 miles. 45. A Simple Number is eithej: an abstract nuiriter, or a concrete number of but one denomination; as 48, 52 pounds, 36 days. 7. A Compound Number is a concrete number expressed in two or more denominations ; as 4 bushels 3 pecks, 8 rods 4 yards 2 feet 3 inches. 8. An Integral Number, or Integer, is a number which expresses whole things; as 5, 12 dollars, 17 men. 9. A Fractional Number, or Fraction, is a number which expresses equal parts of a whole thing or quantity; as A, f of a pound, 7 5 y of a bushel. 1 0. Like Numbers have the same kind of unit, or ex- press the same kind of quantity. Thus, 74 and 16 are like numbers; so are 74 pounds, 16 pounds, and 12 pounds; also, 4 weekb 3 days, and 16 minutes 20 seconds, both being used to express units of time. 8 SIMPLE NUMBERS. 11. Unlike Numbers have different kinds of units, or are used to express different kinds of quantity. Thus, 36 miles, and 15 daya ; 5 hours 36 minutes, and 7 bushels 3 pecks. 1. Arithmetic is the Science of numbers, and the Art of computation. 13.. The Five Fundamental Operations of Arithmetic are, Notation and Numeration, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 14:J^Notation is a method of writing or expressing numbers by characters ; and, l5jNumeration is a method of leading numbers ex- pressed by characters. IGf^Two systems of Notation are in general use the Roman and Arabic. THE ROMAN NOTATION M7. Employs seven capital letters to express numbers, thus : Letters, I V X L C D M Values, one, five, ten, fifty, hu n n ^ed, hunted, thoSLnd. %18. The Roman notation is founded upon the following principles : 1st. Repeating a letter repeats its value. Thus, II rep- resents two, XX twenty, CCC three hundred. 2d. If a letter of any value be placed after one of greater value, its value is to be united to that of the greater. Thus, XI represents eleven, LX sixty, DC six hundred. 3d. If a letter of any value be placed before one of greater NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 9 value, its value is to be taken from that of the greater. Thus, IX represents nine, XL forty, CD four hundred. 4th. If a letter of any value be placed between two letters, each of greater value, its value is to be taken from the yinited value of the other two. Thus, XIV represents four- teen, XXIX twenty-nine, XCIV ninety-four. TABLE OF ROMAN NOTATION. 1 is One. XVIII is Eighteen. II " Two. XIX -' Nineteen. III " Three. XX " Twenty. IV " Four. XXI " Twenty-one. V " Five. XXX " Thirty. VI l< Six. XL " Forty. VII " Seven. L " Fifty. VIII " Eight. LX " Sixty. IX " Nine.. LXX " Seventy. X " Ten. LXXX " Eighty. XI " Eleven. XO " Ninety. XII " Twelve. C " One hundred. XIII " Thirteen. CO " Two hundred. XIV " Fourteen. D " Five hundred. ^ XV " Fifteen. DO ' Six hundred. - XVI " Sixteen. M " One thousand. XVII " Seventeen. Express the following numbers by the Roman notation: 1. Fourteen. 6. Fifty-one. 2. Nineteen. 7. Eighty-eight. 3. Twenty-four. 8. Seventy- three. 4. Thirty-nine. 9. Ninety-five. 5. Forty-six. 10. One hundred one. . Employs ten characters or figures to express numbers. 10 SIMPLE NUMBERS. Tim?, Figures, 01 234.56789 Names and ) naught, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. values, \ cip r) 30. The first character is called naught, because it has no value of its own. . The other nine characters are called significant figures, because each has a value of its own. 31. As we have no single character to represent ten, we express it by writing the unit, 1, at the left of the cipher, 0, thus, 10. In the same manner we represent 2 tens, 3 tens, 4 ten*, 5 tens 6 tens, 7 tens, 8 tens, 9 tens, or or ur or or or or or twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy. eighty, ninety, 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90. 33. When a number is expressed by two figures, the right hand figure is called units, and the left hand figure tcn&. We express the numbers between 10 and 20, thus : eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. In like manner we express the numbers between 20 and 30, thus : 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, &c. UThe greatest number that can be expressed by two figures is 99. 33. We express one hundred by writing the unit, 1, at the left hand of two ciphers ; thus, 100. In like manner we write two hundred, three hundred, &c., to nine hundred. Thus: one two three four five six seven eight nine hundred, hundred, hundred , hundred, hundred, hundred, hundrod,hundred, hundred. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900. 3J:. When a number is expressed by three figures, the right hand figure is called ujiits, the second figure tens, and tho left hand figure Jmin/rcst, at 184 dollars a yoke ? Ans. 13800 dollars. 13. If a ship sail 380 miles a day, how far will she sail in 45 days 1 Ans. 17100 miles. 14. What is the value of 3426 pounds of butter, at 18 cents a pound ? tAns. 61668 cents. 15. What would be the cost of 125 horses, at 208 dollar each ? Ans. 26000 dollars. 16. What would be the value of 1^42 acres of land, at 28 dollars an acre ? 17. What will be the cost of 28 pieces of broadcloth, each piece containing 42 yards, at 4 dollar Ans. 4704 dollars. 18. What will be the cost of 16 sa pounds, at 9 cents a pound ? ' Ans. 10800 cents. a yard 50 SIMPLE NUMBERS. CASE II. 62. When the multiplier is 10, *100, 1000, &c. If we annex a cipher to the multiplicand, each figure is removed one place toward the left, and consequently the value of the whole numher is increased ten fold. If two ciphers are annexed, each figure is removed two places to- ward the left, and the value of the numher is increased one hundred fold j and every additional cipher increases the value tenfold. Hence the following RULE. Annex as many ciphers to the multiplicand as there are ciphers in the multiplier ; the number so formed will be the product required. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Multiply 246 by 10. Ans. 2460. 2. Multiply 97 hy 100. Ans. 9700. 3. Multiply 1476 hy 1000. Ans. 1476000. 4. Multiply 7361 by 10000. Ans. 73610000. 5. At 47 dollars an acre, what will 10 acres of land cost ? Ans. 470 dollars. 6 What will be the cost of 100 horses, at 95 dollars a head ? Ans. 9500 dollars. 7. What will be the cost of 1000 fruit trees, at 18 cents apiece? Ans. 18000 cents. 8. If one acre of land produce 28 bushels of wheat, how many bushels will 100 acres produce ? Ans. 2800. 9. If a man save 386 dollars a year, how much will he save in 10 years ? Ans. 3860 dollars. 10. If the freight on a barrel of flour from Chicago to New York be 47 cents, how much will it be on 100000 bar- rels ? Ans. 4700000 cents. MULTIPLICATION. 61 CASE III. 63. When there are ciphers at the right hand of one or both of the factors. 1. Multiply 7200 by 40. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. The multiplicand, fac- Muibpiicand, 7200 tored, is equal to 72 X 100 ; the mul- Moltipiier, 40 tiplier, factored, is equal to 4 x 10 and as these factors taken in any order will give the same product, we first multiply 72 by 4, then this product by 100 by annex- ing two ciphers, and this product by 10 by annexing one a pher. Hence, the following RULE. Multiply the significant figures of the multipli- cand by those of the multiplier, and to the product annex as many ciphers as there are ciphers on the right of either or loth factors. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (1.) (2.) (3.) Multiply 3900 1760 37200 By 8000 3500 730000 31200000 880 1116 528 2604 6160000 271560000CO 4. Multiply 7030 by 164000. Ans. 1152920000. 5. Multiply 27600 by 48000. Ans. 1324800000. 6. Multiply 403700 by 30200. Ans. 12191740000. 7. At 150 dollars an acre, what will be the cost of 500 acres ol land 1 Ans. 75000 dollars. 8. What will be the freight on 4000 barrels of flour, at 50 cents a barrel 1 Ans. 200000 cents. 9. If there are 560 shingles in a bunch, how many shin- gles in 26ITO bunches ? Ans. 14560000. 52 SIMPLE NUMBERS. EXAMPLES COMBINING ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, AND MULTIPLICATION. 1. Bought 9 cords of wood at 3 dollars a cord, and 15 tons of coal at 5 dollars a ton ; what was the cost of the wood and coal ? Ans. 102 dollars. 2. A grocer bought 6 tubs of butter, each containing 64 pounds, at 14 cents a pound; and 4 cheeses, each weighing 42 pounds, at 8 cents a pound ; how much was the cost of the butter and cheese ? Ans. 6720 cents. 3. If a clerk receive 540 dollars a year salary, and pay 180 dollars for board, 116 dollars for clothing, 58 dollars for books, and 75 dollars for other expenses, how much will he have left at the close of the year ? Ans. Ill dollars. 4. A farmer having 2150 dollars, bought 536 sheep at 2 dollars a head, and 26 cows at 23 dollars a head ; how much money had he left ? Ans. 480 dollars. 5. A man sold three horses ; for the first he received 275 dollars, for the second 87 dollars less than for the first, and for the third as much as for the other two ; how much did he receive for the third ? Ans. 463 dollars. 6. Bought 76 hogs, each weighing 416 pounds, at 7 cents a pound, and sold the same at 9 cents a pound ; how much was gained ? Ans. 63232 cents. 7. A man bought 14 cows at 26 dollars each, 4 horses at 112 dollars each, and 125 sheep at 3 dollars each ] he sold the whole for 1237 dollars ; did he gain or lose, and how much? Ans. Gained 50 dollars. 8. B has 174 sheep, C has three times as many lacking 98, and D has as many as B and C together ; how many eheep has D 1 Ans. 598. 9. There are 36 tubs of butter, each weighing 108 pounds ; the tubs which contain the butter, each weigh 19 PKOMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 63 pounds j how much is the weight of the butter without the tubs ? Ans. 3204 pounds. 10 A man paid for building a house 2376 dollars, and for his farm 4 times as much lacking 970 dollars ; how much did he pay for both ? 11. A merchant bought 9 hogsheads of sugar at 32 dol- lars a hogshead, and sold it for 40 dollars a hogshead ; how much did he gain ? Ans. 72 dollars. 12. Bought 360 barrels of flour for 2340 dollars, and sold the same at 8 dollars a barrel ; how much was gained by the bargain ? Ans. 540 dollars. 13. A farmer sold 462 bushels of wheat at 2 dollars a bushel, for which he received 75 barrels of flour at 9 dol- lars a barrel, and the balance in money ; how much money did he receive ? Ans. 249 dollars. 14. Two persons start from the same point, and travel in opposite directions ; one travels at the rate of 28 miles a day, the other at the rate of 37 miles a day ; how far apart will they be in 6 days ? Ans. 390 miles. 15. If a man buy 40 acres of land at 35 dollars an acre, and 56 acres at 29 dollars an acre, and sell the whole for 32 dollars an acre, how much does he gain or lose ? Ans. Gains 48 dollars. 16. In an orchard, 76 apple trees yield 18 bushels of ap- ples each, and 27 others yield 21 bushels each ; how much would the apples be worth, at 30 cents a bushel ? Ans. 58050 cents. 17. A man bought two farms, one of 136 acres at 28 dollars an acre, and another of 140 acres at 33 dollars an acre ; he paid at one time 4000 dollars, and at another time 1875 dollars ; how much remained unpaid ? Ans. 2553 dollars. 64: SIMPLE NUMBERS. DIVISION. G4:. Division is the process of finding how many times one number is contained in another. G5. The Quotient is the result obtained, and shows how many times the divisor is contained in the dividend. DIVISION TABLE. 1 in 2 2 times 2 in 4 2 times 8 in 6 2 times 1 in 3 3 times 2 in 63 times 3 in 9 3 times 1 in 4 4 times 2 in 8 4 times 8 in 12 4 times 1 in 5 5 times 2 in 10 5 times 3 in 15 5 times 1 in 6 6 times 2 in 12 6 times 3 in 18 6 times 1 in 7 7 times 2 in 14 7 times ,3 in 21 7 times 1 in 8 8 times 2 in 16 8 times 8 in 24 8 times 1 in 9 9 times 2 in 18 9 times 8 in 27 9 times 4 in 8 2 times 5 in 10 2 times 6 in 12 2 times 4 in 12 3 times 5 in 15 3- times 6 in 18 3 times 4 in 16 4 times B in 20 4 times 6 in 24 4 timea 4 in 20 5 times 6 in 25 5 times 6 in 30 5 times 4 in 24 6 times 5 in 30 6 times 6 in 36 6 times 4 in 28 7 times 5 in 35 7 times 6 in 42 7 times 4 in 32 8 times 5 in 40 8 times 6 in 48 8 times 4 in 36 9 times 5 in 45 9 times 6 in 54 9 times 7 in 14 2 times 8 in 16 2 times 9 in 18 2 times 7 in 21 3 times 8 in 24 3 times 9 in 27 3 times 7 in 28 4 times 8 in 32 4 times 9 in 36 4 times 7 in 35 6 times 8 in 40 5 times 9 in 45 5 times 7 in 42 6 times 8 in 48 6 times 9 in 54 6 times 7 in 49 7 times 8 in 56 7 times 9 in 63 7 times 7 in 66 8 times 8 in 64 8 times 9 in V2 8 times 7 in 63 9 times 8 in 72 9 times 9 in 81 9 times 10 in 20 2 times 11 in 22 2 times 12 in 24 2 times 10 in 30 3 times 11 in S3 3 times 12 in 36 3 times 10 in 40 4 times 11 in 44 4 times 12 in 48 4 times 10 in 60 5 times 11 in 55 5 times 12 in 60 5 times 10 in 60 6 times 11 in 66 6 times 12 in 72 6 times 10 In 70 7 times 11 in 77 7 times 12 in 84 7 times 10 in 80 8 times 11 in 88 8 times 12 in 96 8 times 10 in 90 9 times 11 in 99 9 times 12 in 108 9 times DIVISION. 56 MENTAL EXERCISES. 1. How many barrels of flour ; at 6 dollars a barrel can be bought for 30 dollars ? ANALYSIS. Since 6 dollars will buy one barrel of flour, 30 dol- lars will buy as many barrels as 6 dollars, the price of one barrel, Is contained times in 30 dollars, which is 5 times. Therefore, at dollars a barrel, 5 barrels of flour can be bought for 30 dollars. 2. How many oranges, at 4 cents apiece, can be bought for 28 cents ? 3. How many tons of coal ; at 5 dollars a ton, can be bought for 35 dollars ? 4. When lard is 7 cents a pound, how many pounds can be bought for 49 cents ? for 63 cents ? for 84 cents ? 5. If a man travel 48 miles in 6 hou^how far does he travel in one hour ? 6. At 3 cents apiece, how many lemons can be bought for 24 cents ? for 30 cents ? for 36 cents ? 7. If you give 55 cents to 5 beggars, how many cents do you give to each ? 8. If a man build 42 rods of wall in 7 days, how many rods can he build in 1 day ? 9. At 4 dollars a cord, how many cords of wood can be bought for 20 dollars ? for 28 dollars ? for 32 dollars ? 10. A farmer paid 33 dollars for some sheep, at 3 dollars apiece ; how many did he buy ? 11. At 7 cents a pound, how many pounds of sugar can be bought for 63 cents ? for 84 cents ? 12. If a man spend 5 cents a day for cigars, how many days will 50 cents last him ? 60 cents 1 13. At 12 cents a pound, how many pounds of coffee can be bought for 48 cents? for 72 cents? for 96 cents? for 120 cents ? 56 SIMPLE NUMBERS. PROMISCUOUS D 6 in 36, how many times ? 7 in 42, how many times 1 9 in 81, how many times 1 5 in 35, how many times ? 8 in 72, how many times 1 9 in 27, how many times 1 4 in 20, how many times ? 6 in 54, how many times ? I VISION TABLE. 9 in 63, how many times ? 6 in 12, how many times 1 7 in 28, how many times ? 4 in 16, how many times ? 7 in 49, how many times ? 4 in 36, how many times ? 8 in 64, how many times ? 8 in 40, how many times ? 8 in 32, how many times ? 5 in 45, how many times ? 6 in 42, how many times ? 8 in 56, how many times 1 7 in 63, how many times ? 3 in 27, how many times ? 7 in 21, how JM^J times 1 8 in 16, how many times 1 4 in 28, how many times ? 8 in 32, how many times ? 6 in 48, how many times ? 9 in 45, how many times ? 8 in 48, how many times ? 7 in 56, how many times ? 3 in 21, how many times ? 6 in 54, how many times ? 4 in 12, how many times ? 7 in 35, how many times ? 5 in 10, how many times ? 7 in 14, how many times ? 4 in 24, how many times 1 5 in 30, how many times ? 9 in 36, how many times ? 6 in 30, how many times ? 2 in 16, how many times ? 4 in 32, how many times ? 6 in 24, how many times ? 9 in 72, how many times ? 5 in 10, how many times ? 4 in 8, how many times ? 5 in 20, how many times ? 2 in 10, how many times ? 66. The Dividend is the number to be divided. 67. The Divisor is the number to divide by. 68. The Sign of Division is a short horizontal line, with a point above and one below, -+-. It indicates that the number before it is to be divided by the number after it. Thus, 20 .-*- 4 = 5, is read, 20 divided by 4 is equal to 5. Division is also expressed by writing the dividend above f and the divisor below, a short horizontal line ; 12 Thus, ~-= 4, shows that 12 divided by 3 equals 4. DIVISION. 57 CASE I. 69. When the divisor consists of one figure. 1. How many times is 4 contained in 848 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. After writing the divisor Dividend, O n the left of the dividend, with a line DiTisor > between them, we begin at the left hand oi an( * Sa 7 : ^ is contained in 8, 2 times, and as 8 in the dividend is hundreds, the 2 in the quotient must be hundreds ; we therefore write 2 in hundreds' place under the figure divided. 4 is contained in 4, 1 time, and since 4 denotes tens, we write 1 under it :a tens' place. 4 in 8, 2 times, and since 8 is units, we write 2 in units' place under it, and we have 212 for the entire quotient. EXAMPLES' FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) (4.) Wrisor, 3)936 Dividend, 2)4862 4)48844 312 Quotient. 2431 12211 5. Divide 9963 by 3. Ans. 3321. 6. Divide 5555 by 5. Ans. 1111. 7. Divide 68242 by 2. Ans. 34121. 8. Divide 66666 by 6. When the divisor is not contained in the first figure of the dividend, we find how many times it is contained in the first two figures. 9. How many times is 4 contained in 2884 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. As we cannot divide 2 by 4, 4)2884 we say 4 is contained in 28, 7 times, and write the 7 in hundreds' place; then 4 is 721 contained in 8, 2 times, which we write m tens' place under the figure divided ; and 4 is contained in 4, 1 time, which we write in units' place in the quotient, and we have the entire quotient, 721. 58 SIMPLE NUMBERS. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (10.) (11.) (12.) 3)2469 5)3055 2)148624 823 611 ^ 74312 13. Divide 4266 by 6. Ans. 711. 14. Divide 36488 by 4. Ans. 9122. 15. Divide 72999 by 9. Ans. 8111. 16. Divide 21777 by 7. After obtaining the first figure of the quotient, if the di- visor is not contained in any figure of the dividend, place a cipher in the quotient, and prefix this figure to the next one of the dividend. NOTE. To prefix means to place before, or at the left hand. 17. How many times is 6 contained in 1824 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Beginning as in the last ex- 6 ) 1824 amples, we say, 6 is contained in 18, 3 times which we write in hundreds' place in the quotient ; then 6 is contained in 2 no times, BO we write a cipher (0) in tens' place in the quotient, and pre- fixing the 2 to the 4, we say 6 is contained in 24, 4 times, which we write in units' place, and we have 304 for the entire quo- tient. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (18.) (19.) (20.) 4)3228 7)28357 3)912246 807 4051 304082 21. Divide 40525 bj 5. Ans. 8105. 22. Divide 36426 by 6. Ans. 6071. 23. Divide 184210 by 2. Ans. 92105. 24. Divide 85688 by 8. Ans. 10711. 25. Divide 273615 by 3. Ans. 91205. DIVISION. 69 After dividing any figure of the dividend, if there be a remainder, prefix it mentally, to the next figure of the divi- dend, and then divide this number as before. 31. How many times is 4 contained in 943 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Here 4 is contained in 4 ) 943 9, 2 time?, and there is 1 remainder, which we prefix mentally to the next 235 ... 3 Rem. figure, 4, and say 4 is contained in 14, 3 times, and a remainder of 2, which we prefix to 3, and say, 4 is contained in 23, 5 times, and a remainder of 3. This 3 which is left after performing the last division should be divided by the divisor 4 ; but the method of doing it cannot be explained here, and so we merely indicate the division by placing the divisor under it ; thus, f. The entire quotient is written 235 1, which may be read, two hundred thirty-five and three divided, ly four, or, two hundred thirty-five and a remainder oj three. NOTE. When the process of dividing is performed mentally, and the results only are written, as in the preceeding examples, the operation is termed Sliort Division. From the foregoing examples and illustrations, we deduce the following RULE. I. Write the divisor at the left of the dividend, with a line between them. II. Beginning at the left hand, divide each figure of the dividend by the divisor , and write the result under the divi- dend. III. If there be a remainder after dividing any figure, regard it as prefixed to the figure of the next lower order in the dividend, and divide as before. IV. Should any figure or part of the dividend be less than the divisor, write a cipher in the quotient, and prefix the number to the figure of the next lower order in the divi- dend > and divide as before. V. If there be a remainder after dividing the last figure, place it over the divisor at the right hand of the quotient. 60 SIMPLE NUMBEKS. PROOF. Multiply the divisor and quotient together, and to the product add the remainder, if any ; if the result be equal to the dividend, the work is correct. NOTES. 1. This method of proof depends on the fact that division is the revers* of multiplication. The dividend answers to the product, the divisor to one of tha factors, and the quotient to the other factor. 2. In multiplication the two factors arc given, to find the product : in division, the product and one of the factors are given, to find the other factor. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Divide 8430 by 6. OPERATION. PROOF Divisor. 6)8430 Dividend. 1405 Quotient. 1405 Quotient (20 5)730490 146098 5. Divide 6. Divide 7. Divide 8. Divide 9. Divide 10. Divide 11. Divide 12. Divide 13. Divide 14. Divide 15. Divide 16. Divide 17. Divide (3.) 7)510384 72912 87647 by 7. 94328 by 8. 43272 by 9. 377424 by 6. 975216 by 8. 46375028 by 7. 4763025 by 9. 42005607 by 7. 72000450 by 9. 97440643 by 8. 65706313 by 9. 3627089 by 6. 4704091 by 7. 6 Divisor. 8430 Dividend. (40 8)6003424 750428 Quotients. 12521. 11791. 4808. 62904. 121902. 6625004. 529225. 6000801. 8000050. 12180801. 7300701J. 604514JJ. 672013. DIVISION. 61 18. Divide 16344 dollars equally among 6 men; how much will each man receive ? Ans. 2724 dollars. 19. How many barrels of flour, at 7 dollars a barrel, can be bought for 87605 dollars ? Ans. 12515 barrels. 20. In one week there are 7 days ; how many weeks in 23044 days ? Ans. 3292 weeks. 21. If 5 bushels of wheat make 1 barrel of flour, how many barrels of flour can be made from 314670 bushels ? Ans. 62934 barrels. 22. By reading 9 pages a day, how many days will be re- quired to read a book through which contains 1161 pages? Ans. 129 days. 23. At 4 dollars a yard, how many yards of broadcloth can be bought for 1372 dollars 1 Ans. 343 yards. 24. If a stage goes at the rate of 8 miles an hour, how long will it be in going 1560 miles ? Ans, 195 hours. 25. There are 3 feet in 1 yard; how many yards in 206175 feet 1 ? Ans. 68725 yards. 26. Five partners share equally the loss of a ship and car- go, valued at 760315 dollars ; how much is each one's share of the loss ? Ans. 152063 dollars. 27. If a township of 64000 acres be divided equally among 8 persons, how many acres will each receive ? Ans. 8000 acres. 28. A miller wishes to put 36312 bushels of grain into 6 bins of equal size ; how many bushels must each bin con- tain ? Ans. 6052 bushels. 29. How many steps of 3 feet each would a man take in walking a mile, or 5280 feet ? Ans. 1760 steps. 30. A gentleman left his estate, worth 36105 dollars, to be shared equally by his wife and 4 children ; how much did each receive ? Ans. 7221 dollars. 62 SIMPLE NUMBERS. CASE II. 7O. "When the divisor consists of two or more figures. NOTE. To illustrate more clearly the method of operation, we mil first take ao example usually performed by Short Division. 1. How many times is 4 contained in 1504 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. First. We find how many times 4)1504(376 ^ e Divisor ^> * s contained in 15, the first par- - 2 tial dividend, which we find to be 3 times* and a remainder. We place this quotient 30 figure at the right hand of the dividend, with 28 a line between them. Second. To find the remainder, we multiply the divisor 4, by this quotient figure 3, and place the -product 12, 24 under the figures divided. We subtract tho product from the figures divided, and have a remainder of 3. Third. Bringing down the next figure of the dividend to the right hand of the remainder, we have 30, the second partial dividend. Then 4 is contained in 30, 7 times and a remainder. Placing the 7 at the right hand of the last quotient figure, and multiplying the divisor by it, we place the product 28, under the figures last divided, and subtract as before. To the remainder 2, bring down the next figure 4 of the given dividend, and we have 24 for the third partial divi- dend. Then 4 is contained in 24, 6 times. Multiplying and subtracting as before, we find that nothing remains, and we have for the entire quotient 376. NOTE. When the whole process of division is written out as above, the operation is termed Long Division. The principle however is the name as Short Division. Solve the following examples, by Long Division. 2. Divide 4672 by 8. . Ans. 584. 3. Divide 97636 by 7. Ans. 13948. 4. Divide 37863 by 9. Ans. 4207. 5 Divide 394064 by 11. Am. 35824. DIVISION. 63 6. How many times is 23 contained in 17158 ? OPERATION. ANALYSTS. As 28 is not contained in the 23)17158(746 first two figures of the dividend, we find how IQl many times it is contained in 171, as the first partial dividend* 23 is contained in 171, 7 105 times, which we place in the quotient on the 92 right of the dividend. We then multiply the divisor 23, by the quotient figure 7, and 138 subtract the product 161, from- the part of 138 the dividend used, and we have a remainder of 10. To, this remainder we bring down the next figure of the dividend, making 105 for the second partial dividend. Then, 23 is contained in 105, 4 times, which we place in the quotient. Multiplying and subtracting as before, we have a remainder of 13, to which we bring down the next figure of the dividend, making 138 for the third partial divi- dend. 23 is contained in 138, 6 times; multiplying and sub- tracting as before, nothing remains, and we have for the entire quotient, 746. From the preceding illustrations we derive the following general RULE. I. Write the divisor at the left of the dividend, as in short division. II. Divide the least number of the left hand figures in the dividend that will contain the divisor one or more times, and place the quotient at the right of the dividend, with a line between them. III. Multiply the divisor by this quotient figure, subtract the product from the partial dividend used, and to the re- mainder bring down the next figure of the dividend. IV. Divide as before, until all the figures of the dividend have been brought down and divided. V. If any partial dividend will not contain the divisor, 64 SIMPLE NUMBERS. place a cipher in the quotient, and bring down the next figure of the dividend, and divide as before. VI. If there be a remainder after dividing all the figures of the dividend, it must be written in the quotient, with the divisor underneath. NOTES. 1. If any remainder be equal to, or greater than the divisor, the quotient figure is too small, and must be increased, 2. If the product of the divisor by the quotient figure be greater than the partial dividend, the quotient figure is too large, and must be diminished. PROOF. The same as in short division. 7 1 . The operations in long division consist of five prin- cipal steps, viz. : 1st. Write down the numbers. 2d. Find how many times. 3d. Multiply. 4th. Subtract. 5th. Bring down another figure. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 7. Find how many times 18 is contained in 36838. OPERATION. PROOF. Dividend. Quotient. DiTisor, 18)36S38(2046jg 2046 Quotient. 36 18 Divisor. 83 16368 72 2046 118 36828 108 10 Remainder. 10 Remainder 36838 Dividend. DIVISION. 65 8. Divide 79638 by 36. 9. Divide 93975 by 84. OPERATION. OPERATION. 86)79638(2212/j 84)93975(1118|j 72 84 76 99 72 84 43 157 36 84 ~78 735 72 672 6 Rem. 63 Bern. 10. Divide 408722 by 136. 11. Divide 104762 by 109. OPERATION. OPERATION. 136)408722(3005 109)104762(961 408 981 722 680 654 42 &. 122 109 12. Divide 178464 by.16. Am. 11154. 13. Divide 15341 by 29. Ans. 529. 14. Divide 463554 by 39. Ans. 11886. 15. Divide 1299123 by 17. Ans. 76419. 16. Divide 161700 by 15. An*. 10780. 17. Divide 47653 by 24. 18. Divide 765431 by 42. SIMPLE NUMBERS. 19. Divide 6783 by 15. 20. Divide 7831 by 18. 21. Divide 9767 by 22. 22. Divide 7654 by 24. 23. Divide 767500 by 23. 24. Divide 250765 by 34. 25. Divide 5571489 by 43. 26. Divide 153598 by 29. 27. Divide 301147 by 63. 28. Divide 40231 by 75. 29. Divide 52761878 by 126. 30. Divide 92550 by 25. 31. Divide 7461300 by 95. 32. Divide 1193288 by 45. 33. Divide 5973467 -by 243. 34. Divide 69372168 by 342. 35. Divide 863256 by 736. 36. Divide 1893312 by 912. 37. Divide 833382 by 207. 38. Divide 52847241 by 607. 39. Divide 13699840 by 342. 40. Divide 946656 by 1038. 41. Divide 46447786 by 1234. 42. Divide 28101418481 by 1107. 43. Divide 48288058. by 3094. 44. Divide 47254149 by 4674. 45. A man bought 114 acres of land for 4104 dollars , what was the average price per acre ? Ans. 36 dollars. 46. Nine thousand dollars was paid to 75 operatives: how much did each receive? Ans. 120 dollars. Quotients, Rem, 452 3. 435 1. 443 21. 318 22. 33369 13. 7375 15. 129669 22. 5296 14. 4780 7. 536 31. 418745 8.' 3702 78540 26517 23. 24582 41. 202842 204. 1172 664. 2076 4026 87063 40058 4. 912 37640 26. 25385201 15607 10110 974. 9. DIVISION. 67 47. There are 24 hours in a day ; how many days in 11424 hours ? Ans. 476. 48. In one hogshead are 63 gallons ; how many hogs- heads in 6615 gallons ? Ans. 105. 49. If a man travel 48 miles a day, how long will it take him to travel 1296 miles'? Ans. 27 days. 50. If a person can count 8677 in an hour, how long will it take him to count 38369694 ? Ans. 4422 hours. 51. If it cost 5987520 dollars to construct a railroad 576 miles long, what will be the average cost per mile ? Ans. 10395 dollars. 52. The Memphis and Charleston railroad is 287 miles in length, and cost 5572470 dollars; what was the average cost per mile ? Ans. 19416rr 7 5 8 7 dollars. 53. A garrison consumed 1712 barrels of flour in 107 days ; how much was that per day ? Ans. 16 barrels. 54. How long would it take a vessel to sail from New York to China, allowing the distance to be 9072 miles, and the ship to sail 144 miles a day 1 Ans. 63 days. 55. How long could 27 men subsist on a stock of provis- ion, that would last 1 man 3456 days ? Ans. 128 days. 56. A drover received 10362 dollars, for 314 head of cat- tle ; how much was their average value per head 1 Ans. 33 dollars. 57. If 42864 pounds of cotton be packed in 94Jmles, what is the average weight of each bale 1 Ans. 456 pounds. 58. If a field containing 42 acres produce 1659 bushels of wheat, what will be the numbor of bushels per acre ? Ans. 39f 4 bushels. 59. In what time will a reservoir containing 109440 gal- lons, be emptied by a pump discharging 608 gallons per hour 1 Ans. 180 hours. 68 SIMPLE NUMBERS. CONTRACTIONS. CASE I. 72. When the divisor is 10, 100, 1000, &c. 1. Divide 374 by 10. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since we have shown, 1!0^37'4 th&t to remove a figure one place to- ward the left by annexing a cipher Quotient, 37---4Rem. i ncrea ses its value tenfold, or multi- or, 37 T 4 Q, Ans. p\[ cs it by 10, so, on the contrary, by cutting ofi or taking away the right hand figure of a number, each of the other figures is removed one place toward the right, and, consequently, the value of each is diminished tenfold, or divided by 10. For similar reasons, if we cut off two figures, we divide by 100, if three, we divide by 1000, and so on. Hence the RULE. From the right hand of the dividend cut of as many figures as there are ciphers in the divisor. Under the figures so cut off, place the divisor, and the Mchole will form the quotient. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. Quotients. Kern's. 2. Divide 13705 by 100. 137 5. 3. Divide 50670 by 100. 506 70. 4. Divide 320762 by 1000. 320 762. 5. Divi. In all cases, the numbers operated upon and the re- sults obtained, sustain to each other the relation of a whole to its parts. Thus, I. In Addition, the numbers added are the parts, and the sum or amount is the whole. II. In Subtraction, the subtrahend and remainder are the parts, and the minuend is the whole. III. In Multiplication, the multiplicand denotes the val- ue of one part, the multiplier the number of parts, and the product the total value of the whole number of parts. IV. In Division, the dividend denotes the total value of the whole number of parts, the divisor the value of one part, and the quotient the number of parts ; or the divisor the number of parts, and the quotient the' value of one part. PROBLEMS. 3 76. Let the pupil be required to illustrate the following problems by original examples. Problem 1. Given, several numbers, to find their sum. Prob. 2. Given, the sum of several numbers and all of them but one, to find that one. Pi*ob. 3. Given, two numbers, to find their difference. Prob. 4. Given, the minuend and subtrahend, to find the remainder. Prob. 5. Given, the minuend and remainder, to find tha subtrahend. Prob. 6. Given, the subtrahend and remainder, to find the minuend. Prob. 7. Given, two or more numbers, to find their prod- uct. Prob. 8. Given, the multiplicand and multiplier, to find the product. Prob. 9. Given, the product and multiplicand, to find the multiplier. Prob. 10. Given, the product and multiplier, to find the multiplicand. Prob. 11. Given, two numbers, to find their quotitots. Prob. 12. Given, the divisor and dividend, to find the quotient. Prob. 13. Given, the divisor and quotient, to find the dividend. Prob. 14. Given, the dividend and quotient, to find the divisor. Prob. 15. Given, the divisor, quotient, and remainder, to find the dividend. Prob. 16. Given, the dividend, quotient, and remainder to find the divisor. 74 FRACTIONS. FRACTIONS. DEFINITIONS, NOTATION, AND NUMERATION. 7 7. If a unit be divided into 2 equal parts, one of the parts is called one half. If a unit be divided into 3 equal parts, one of the parts is called one third, two of the parts two thirds. If a unit be divided into 4 equal parts, one of the parts is called one fourth, two of the parts two fourths, three of the parts three fourths. If a unit be divided into 5 equal parts, one of the parts is called one fifth, two of the parts two fifths, three of the parts three fifths, &c. And since one half, one third, one fourth, and all other equal parts of an integer or whole, thing, are each in them- selves entire and complete, the parts of a unit thus used are called fractional units ; and the numbers formed from them, fractional numbers. Hence 7l A Fractional Unit is one of the equal parts of an integral unit. TO. A Fraction is a fractional unit, or a collection of fractional units. 8O. Fractional units take their name, and their value, from the number of parts into which the integral unit is divided. Thus, if we divide an orange into 2 equal parts, the parts are called halves; if in to 3 equal parts, thirds; if into 4 equal parts, fourths, &c. ; and each third is less in value than each half, and e&c\i fourth less than each third} and the greater the number of parts, the leas their value. DEFINITIONS, NOTATION, AND NUMERATION. 75 The parts of a fraction are expressed by figures ; thus, One half is written A One third " ^ Two thirds " f One fourth " \ Two fourths f Three fourths f " One fifth is written Two fifths One seventh " ^ Three eighths " f Five ninths " f Eiht tenths " - To write a fraction, therefore, two integers are required, one written above the other with a line between them. 8 1 . The Denominator of a fraction is the number below the line. It shows into how many parts the integer or unit is divided, and determines the value of the fractional unit. 82. The Numerator is the number above the line. It numbers the fractional units, and shows how many are taken. 83. Thus, if one dollar be divided into 4 equal parts, the parts are called fourths, the fractional unit being one fourth, and three of these parts are called three fourths of a dollar, and may be written 3 the number of parts or fractional units taken. 4 the number of parts or fractional units into which the dollar is divided. 84. The Terms of a fraction are the numerator and denominator, taken together. 80. Fractions indicate division, the numerator answer- ing to the dividend, and the denominator to the divisor. Hence, 86. The Value of a fraction is the quotient of the nu- merator divided by the denominator. Thus ; the quotient of 4 divided by 5 is |, or J expresses 7 5 g> To> II are proper fractions. An Improper Fraction is one whose numerator equals or exceeds its denominator ; its value is never less than the unit, 1. Thus, ^, |, -Lo. ? jyi, |o ? J^Q are improper fractions. 89. A Mixed Number is a number expressed by an integer and a fraction ; thus, 4j, 17Jf , 9 T % are mixed num- bers. REDUCTION. ....~ 9O. The Reduction of a fraction is the process of chang- ing its terms, or its form, without altering its value. CASE I. 91. To reduce fractions to their lowest terms. A fraction is in its lowest terms when no number greater than 1 will exactly divide both numerator and denominator without a remainder. 1. Reduce f to its lowest terms. ^ ANALYSIS. It is plain, that the numerator 2, and the denom- inator 4, are both divisible by 2, without remainders; hence 2-j-2_l 4-f-2~2 The terms thus obtained, viz., 1, the numerator, and 2, the de- nominator, are not divisible by any number larger than 1, and therefore are the smallest terms by which the value of can be expressed. 2. Reduce | to its lowest terms. 3. Reduce -f^ to its lowest terms. _ 4. Reduce | to its lowest fe rnis. . '/. 5. Reduce - to its lowest terms. 6. Reduce ' jj to it* lowest forms. REDUCTION. 79 7. Reduce || to its lowest terms. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Dividing both terms 9V8 24 . 9Y24 i_2 of a fraction by the same number ^/gO 3l)> TVSO 15' o\i2 4 A does not alter the value of the frac- J " g 4 , tion or quotient; hence, we divide both terms of j by 2 , and obtain |J; dividing both terms of this fraction by 2, we have || as the result ; finally, dividing the terms of this fraction by 3, we have |, and as no number greater than 1 will divide the terms of this fraction without a remainder, | are the lowest terms in which the value of |J can be expressed. We may obtain the final result more readily, by dividing the terms of this frac- tion by the largest number that will -divide both without a re- mainder, as in the above example ; if we divide by 12, we obtain , the answer. Hence the RULE. Divide the terms of the fraction by any numbei greater than 1, that will divide both without a remainder, and the quotients obtained in the same manner, until no num- ber greater than 1 will so divide them ; the last quotients will be the lowest terms of the given fraction. it? EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 8. Reduce ^J to its lowest terms. Ans. |. 9. Reduce y 7 ^ to its lowest terms. Ans. f . ^0. Reduce T 9 T 8 2 to its lowest terms. Ans. g. 11. Deduce jff to its lowest terms. Ans. J. 12. Reduce 7 || to its lowest terms. **Ans. l|. 13. Reduce |4| to its lowest terms. Ans. 7 | 14. Reduce HI to its lowest terms. Ans. f, 15. Reduce -ff^ to its lowest terms. Ans. ^. 16. Reduce ||g to its lowest terms. ^4ns. ||. -17. Reduce 3 ^ ff to its lowest terms. Ans. i. 18. Reduce ||J to its lowest terms. Ans. ^%. 19. Reduce $g-J-jj to its lowest terms. ^4n*. j^f J. 80 FRACTIONS. CASE II. 93. To change an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. 1. In if how many times 1 ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 equals J, L 2 equal as many times 1, as | are contained times in \f, which are 3 times. Therefore, L 2 are 3 times 1, or 3. 2. How many times 1 in y ? in J g 8 ? in \ ? 3. How many times 1 in 2 ^ ? in 2 g 4 ? in 3 / ? 4. How many times 1 in fi g 4 ? in f g ? in 4 g 8 ? 5. How many times 1 in 7 ^ 2 ? in ff ? in f f ? Nora. When the denominator is not an exact divisor of the numerator, the re- sult will be a mixed number. 6. In \f how many times 1 1 OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since 1 equals ^, \f equal as many times 1 as 7 is contained times in 16, which is 2S times. Hence the , 2 1 Ans. Divide the numerator by the denominator. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 7. In J-ffi- how many times 1 ? u4ns. 244. 8. In 2 T 2 2 8 of a year how many years ? Ans. 19. 9. In 12 -| 4 of a pound how many pounds? Ans. 107." 10. In m of a mile how many miles 1 Ans. 6. 11. In 7 JC 7 of a rod how many rods? Ans. 21J. 12. In 2 f$ 5 of a dollar how many dollars? 13. Reduce f g to a whole number. Ans. 6. 14. Reduce y/ to a mixed number. Ans. 5|. 15. Reduce 8 7 2 5 4 to a whole number. -4ns. 18. Reduce ^f 6 to a mixed number. * Ans. 60f. 17. Change 3 || 6 to a mixed number. 67|. 18. Change 2 j| 4 to a whole number. An*. 52. REDUCTION. 81 CASE m. 93. To reduce a whole or mixed number to an im- proper fraction. 1. How many thirds in 4 ? ANALYSIS. Since in 1 there are 3 thirds, in 4 there are 4 times 3 thirds, or 12 thirds. Therefore, there are 1* in 4. 2. How many fourths in 2 1 in 3 ? in 5 ? 3. How many halves in 5 ? in 7 ? in 8 ? in 9 ? 4. How many sixths in 3 ? in 5 ? in 7 ? in 10 ? 5. How many tenths in 4 ? in 8 1 in 9 ? in 6 ? 6. How many fifths in 2 whole oranges ? in 4 1 in 5 ? 7. How many eighths in 4 whole dollars ? in 5 ? in 6 ? 8. In 3| dollars how many eighths of a dollar ? OPERATION. 35 ANALYSIS. Since in 1 dollar there are 8 g H eighths, in 3 dollars there are 3 times 8 eighths, or 24 eighths, and 5 eighths added, 24-5 = \ 9 make- 2 /-.' BULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominate* of the fraction ; to the product add the numerator, and un- der the result write the denominator. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 9. Reduce 6| to an improper fraction. Ans. 2 ? 7 . 10. Reduce 7f to an improper fraction. Ans. 6 ^ 8 . 11. Reduce 15 to a fraction whose denominator is 7. Ans. ij}. 12. Reduce 120 to twelfths. Ans. J f J. 13. In 242| of an acre how many thirds of an acre ? 14. In 75| bushels how many eighths f Ans. 6 g 7 . ^ 15. In 24 pounds how many sixteenths? Ans. s T 8 g 4 . 16. In 52 weeks how many sevenths? Ans. 3 4 . 17. Change 14^ to an improper fraction. Ans. \\ 6 t 62 ' ITKACTION8. CASE IV. 94. T 3 reduce two or more fractious to a com- mon denominator. A Common Denominator is a denominator common to two or more fractions. NOTK. Any number that can be divided by each of the denominators of the given fractions, may be taken for the common denominator. 1. Reduce \ an,d f to fractions having a common de- nominator. ANALYSIS. 12 is exactly divisible by 4 and 3, and may there- fore be taken for a common denominator. Since in 1 there are 12, in -1 of 1 there must be 1 of If or J^ and in | of 1 there must be | of ||, or ^. Therefore 1 and | are equal to ^ ** ' 2. Reduce | and | to a common denominator. * 3. Reduce | and | to a common denominator. 4. Reduce -J and | to a common denominator.' . 5. Reduce J- and | to a common denominator! * OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We multiply the terms of the __25 first fraction |, by the denominator 5 of the SQ second, and the terms of the fraction |, by the denominator 6 of the first. This must re- _ duce each fraction to the same denominator gQ^ f or gg^jj new d enomma tor will be the pro duct of the given denominators. Hence the RULE. Multiply both terms of each fraction by the d& nominators of all the other fractions. NOIK. Mixed numbers must first be reduced to improper fractions. . EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 6. Reduce % and | to a common denominator. An,. - ADDITION. 88 7. .Reduce j and | to a common denominator. /. H, U- 8. Reduce | and | to a common denominator. AM. jf, Jf. 9. Reduce | and T 7 ^ to a common denominator. Ans. J j, I?. 10. Reduce | and T 5 2 to a common denominator. Am. if, ti- 11. Reduce , f , and to a common denominator. Am. if, jj, if. 12. Reduce j, |, and ^ to a common denominator. 13. Reduce |, J, and | to a common denominator. 14. Reduce 1^, f , and | to a common denominator. Ans. J^ 8 -, f4, f 15. Reduce T 7 ^, 2|, and f to a common denominator. 16. Reduce -f^, 3^, |, and | to a common denominator. I, , ADDITION. 95. The denominator of a fraction determines the value of the fractional unit; hence, I. If two or more fractions have the same denominator, their numerators express fractional units of the same value. II. If two or more fractions have different denominators, their numerators express fractional units of different values. And since units of the same value only can be united into one sum, it follows, III. That fractions can be added only when they have the same fractional unit or common denominator. 84 FRACTIONS. 1. What is the sum of i, 1,1,1? ANALYSIS. When fractions have a coinmor denominator, their sum is found by adding their numerators, and placing the sum over the common denominator. Thus, 1+34-4 + 2=10, the sum of the numerators ; placing this sum over the common denominator 5, we have L 2, the required sum. 2. What is the sum of T 3 , T 4 y and T ^ ? 3. What is the sum of f , f , 4 and ? 4. What is the sum of J, f , , f and f ? 5. A boy paid | of a dollar for a pair of gloves, of a dollar for a knife, and J of a dollar for a slate ; how much did he pay for all 1 6. A father distributed some money among his children, as follows : to the first he gave -f^ of a dollar, to the second T 3 2 , to the third T 7 3 , to the fourth T 9 2 , and to the fifth T 4 2 ; how much did he give to all ? 7. What is the sum of f and f ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. As the giv- |-f |=||+ 5 8 ff =f | Ans. en fractions have not a common denominator, we reduce them to the same fractional unit, (94) and then add their numerators, 27+835,' placing the sum over the common denominator 36, we obtain ||- hence the following RULE. I. When the given fractions have the same de- nominator, add the numerators, and under the sum write the common denominator. II. When they have not the same denominator, reduce them to a common denominator, and then add as before. NOTE. If the amount be an improper fraction, reduce it to A whole or a mixed number. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 8. What is the sum of f and | ? Ans. 1 T 7 5 . 9. What is the sum of J and f ? Ans. \\. 2 / ADDITION. 85 10. What is the sum of f and ? Ans. |J. 11. Add |, | and | together. Ans. 1J. 12. Add -f , and f together. Ans. l-J^. 13. Add T %, |, | and \ together. Ans. 2f . 14. Add 3, jtnd |^ togetlier. 15. Add |/4, | and f together. 16. What is the sum of |, f and 1 Ans. 17. What is the sum of f , | and | ? ^4ras. If 1. 18. What is the sum of f , f and 1 1 Ans. 2 fSL 9 To add mixed numbers, add the fractions and integers separately, and then add their sums. NOTE. If the mixed numbers are small, they may be reduced to improper fractions, and then added after the usual method. 19. What is the sum of 14|, 21 and 9| ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. By reducing the frac- 141 = 14^ tions to a common denominator, and 214 =21A$ adding them, we obtain || or 1^., 9 3 = 944 which added to the sum of the inte- 45P Ans. ral numbers > S ives 45 il' the Ans. 20. What is the sum of 3|, 12| and 25f ? Ans. 41|. 21. What is the sum of |, 15, 42-J and 50 ? 22. What is the sum of 30|, 1J, 16^ and ||? 23. Bought 3 pieces of cloth containing 45^, 881, and 35| yards ; how many yards in the 3 pieces ? Ans. 119^2 yards. 24. Three men bought a horse. A paid 31| dollars, B paid 43 T 5 3 dollars, and C paid 47 1 dollars ; what was the cost of the horse 1 Ans. 122 dollars. 25. If it take 5^ yards of cloth for an overcoat, 4| yards for a dress coat, 2| yards for a pair of pantaloons, and | of a yard for a vest, how many yards of cloth will it take for the whole suit? Ans. 12| yards. . 86 FRACTIONS. ^ * SUBTRACTION. 96. The process of subtracting one fi action from anoth- er is based upon the following principles : I. One number can be subtracted from another only when the two numbers have the same unit valifc. Hence, II. ?h subtraction of fractions, the minuend and subtra- hend must have a common denominator, 1. From T 9 2 subtract T 6 3 . ANALYSIS. Since the fractions have a common denominator, the difference is obtained, by subtracting the less numerator 5, from the greater 9, and writing the result over the common der nominator 12 ; we thus obtain J^ the required difference. 2. From | subtract f . 3. From jj subtract T \. 4. Subtract 4J from f|. 5. James had J of a bushel of walnuts, and sold | of them ] how many had he left ? 6. Harvey had jf of a dollar, and gave T 5 ff of a dollar to a beggar ; how much had he left ? 7. Subtract | from f . OPERATION. ANALYSIS. As the given frac- | f = 2i izj^/r <4**f. tions have not a common de- nominator, we first reduce them to the same fractional unit, (94) and then subtract the less numerator 9, from the greater 14, and write the result over the common denominator 21. We thus obtain 5 5 T the required difference. Hence the following RULE. I. When the fractions have the same denomina- tor, subtract the less numerator from the greater, and place the result over the common denominator. II. When they have not a common denominator, reduce tliem to a common denominator before subtracting. * t K % V SUBTRACTION". 87 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 8. From J take f . Ans. j. 9. From | take f Ans. . 10. From f take f. ,4ns. -JJ. 11. From Jjj take . ^TW. -H- 12. Subtract f from f . ^ns. /,. 13. Subtract ^ from f Ans. fc 14. Subtract f from ij. 15. Subtract-^ from jj. 16. Subtract ^ from |. <4ns. 2 \. 17. Subtract | J from J. ^Ins. ^. 18. From 9| take 2|. OPERATION. ANALYSTS. We first reduce the frac- 9|=9 T 4 2 tional parts, | and j, to a common de- 2|=:2- 9 7y nominator 12. Since we cannot take ^ from T 4 2 , we add 1 i| to T 4 -j, which 6 T5 J.TIS. makes I, and y 9 ^ from 1^ leaves T "^. We now add 1 to the 2 in the subtrahend, and say, 3 from 9 leaves 6. We thus obtain 6^, the difference required. Hence, to subtract mixed numbers, we may reduce the fractional parts to a common denominator, and then subtract the fractional and integral parts separately. 19. From 24| take 174. Ans, 7f 20. From 147| take 49}. Ans. 98 T 5 3 . 21. From 75^ take 40|. Ans. 3411. 22. From 63 T % take 22|. Ans. 40f. 23. Bought flour at 6| dollars a barrel, and sold it at 7| dollars a barrel ; what was the gain per barrel ? Ans. T 9 Q of a dollar. 24. From a cask of wine containing 38| gallons, 15| gal- lons were drawn ; how many gallons remained ? Am. 22 | gallons 88 FRACTIONS. MULTIPLICATION". CASE I. 97* To multiply a fraction by an integer. 1. If 1 pound of sugar cost $ of a dollar, how much will 3 pounds cost ? ANALYSIS. If 1 pound cost i of a dollar, 3 pounds, which are 3 times 1 pound, will cost 3 times ^ or | of a dollar. There- fore, 3 pounds of sugar, at ^ of a dollar a pound, will cost j* of a dollar. 2. If 1 horse eat | of a ton of hay in 1 month, how much will 4 horses eat in the same time ? 3. At | of a dollar a bushel, what will be the cost of 2 bushels of pears ? of 3 bushels ? of 5 bushels ? 4. How many are 3 times f ? 5 times | ? 4 times J ? 6 times ? 9 times y\j ? 8 times f ? 5. If one yard of cloth cost | of a dollar, how much will 3 yards cost? FIRST OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In the first operation we |X3=-g 5 -=2^. multiply the fraction by 3, by multi- SECOND OPERAT!ON. P 1 ?^ its numerator b 7 3 obtaining _ 5 _ 01 ~ 5 " == ^ ^ ^ n * n * s case ^ ne ' Da ^ ue of the fractional unit remains the same, but we multiply the number taken, 8 times. In the second opera- tion, we multiply the fraction by 3, by dividing its denominator by 3, obtaining | = 2J. In this case, the value of the fractional unit is multiplied, 8 times, but the number taken, is the same. Hence, Multiplying a fraction consists in multiplying it* nu- merator, or dividing its denominator. NOTK. Always divide the denominator when ft is exactly divisible by iue multi- plier. MULTIPLICATION. 89 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 6. Multiply by 5. Ans. 4f . 7. Multiply J by 4. Ans. 3 J. 8. Multiply T * by 6. ^TW. 5f . 9. Multiply 4f by 9. Ans. 4. 10. Multiply } ? by 3. ^ns. 1J. 11. Multiply |f by 14. Ans. 10. 12. Multiply 4| by 5. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In multiplying a 4j mixed number, we first multiply 5 . the fractional part, then the inte- Or, ger, and then add the two pro- If 4| = Y ducts. Thus, 5 X i = -I = If ; 20 ^X5==21f and 5x4 = 20, which added to ITT If, gives 21|, the required re- sult. Or, we may reduce the mixed number to an improper fraction, and then multiply it. 13. Multiply 6| by 8. Ans. 54. 14. Multiply 9| by 7. Ans. 68f . .15. If a man earn 1| in 1 day, how much will he earn in 10 days ? Ans. 18 f dollars. 16. What will 14 yards of cloth cost, at f of a dollar a yard 1 Ans. 10 dollars. 17. At 3 dollars a cord, what will be the cost of 20 cords of wood ? Ans. 65 dollars. 18. If one man can mow Ij 9 ^ acres of grass in a day, how many acres can 5 men mow? Ans. 9 acres. 19. What will 9 dozen eggs cost, at 14 cents a dozen ? Ans. 130 J cents. 20. At 64 dollars a barrel, what will 30 barrels of flour ' cost? Am. 204 dollars. 90 FRACTIONS. CASE II. 98. To multiply an integer by a fraction. 1. At 9 dollars a barrel, what will | of a barrel of flour cost? ANALYSIS. Since 1 barrel of flour cost 9 dollars, f of a barrel will cost 2 times of 9 dollars. of 9 dollars is 3 dollars, and | of 9 dollars is 2 times 8 dollars, or 6 dollars. Therefore of a barrel will cost 6 dollars. 2. If a yard of cloth be worth 8 dollars, what is | of a yard worth 1 3. If an acre of land produce 25 bushels of wheat, how much will \ of an acre produce ? f of an acre 1 | of an acre ? 4. If a man earn 20 dollars in a month, how much can he earn in of a month ? in f 1 in -^ ? in | ? 5. If a ton of hay cost 12 dollars, how much will ^ of a ton cost ? | of a ton ? f of a ton ? | of a ton ? 6. At 60 dollars an acre, what will | of an acre of land cost? FIRST OPERATION. ANALYSIS. 4 fifths of an acre 5)60 P rice of 1 acre - will cost 4 times as much as 1 fifth T2 cost of | of an acre. of an acre, or 4 times ^ of 60 dol- 4 lars. \ of 60 dollars is 12 dollars, and 4 is 4 times 12, or 48 dollars, 4o cost of * of an acre. 6 the oost of | of an acre. In the BECOND OPERATION. gecond operation> we multi pl y the 60 price of 1 acre. price of j acre by ^ afid obtain 240 dollars, the cost of 4 acres ; 5)240 cost of 4 acres. L but as I of 1 acre is the same as 48 cost of 4 of an acre, t ' \ of 4 acres, we divide 240 dol- lars, the cost of 4 acres, by 5, and obtain 48 dollars, the cost of of of acre. Hence, MULTIPLICATION. 9J RULE. Multiplying an integer ly a fraction, consists in multiplying by the numerator, and dividing the product by the denominator. 7. Multiply 45 by |. Ans. 33f . 8. Multiply 68 by . Ans. 54f . 9. Multiply 105 by T 7 6 . Ans. 49. 10. Multiply 480 by f . Ans. 300. 11. At 16 dollars a ton, what will be the cost of j of a ton of hay ? Ans. 12 dollars. 12. If a village lot is worth 340 dollars, what is f of it worth ? Ans. 255 dollars. 13. If a hogshead of sugar is worth 75 dollars, what is l of it worth ? Ans. 68| dollars. 14. If an acre of land produce 114 bushels of oats, how many bushels will T 9 g of an acre produce ? Ans. 64| bushels. 15. If a man travel 47 miles in a day, how far does he travel in f of a day ? Ans. 29| miles. CASE III. 99. To multiply a fraction by a fraction. 1. If a bushel of apples is worth | of a dollar, what is \ of a bushel worth ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 bushel is worth \ of a dollar, \ of a bush- el is worth \ times \ of a dollar ; equals f , and a \ of f is . Therefore \ of a bushel is worth \ of a dollar. 2. If a yard of cloth cost A a dollar, how much will \ of a yard cost ? 3. When oats are worth J of a dollar a bushel, what is | of a bushel worth. 4. If a man own 4 of a vessel, and he sells \ of his share what part of the vessel does he sell ? 92 FRACTIONS. 5. At | of a dollar a bushel, what will of a bushel of corn cost ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since 1 bushel cost |Xf= 1 4T=2 Ans. | of a dollar, | of a bushel will cost | times | of a dollar. By multiplying the numerators 2 and 3 together, we obtain the numerator 6 of the product ; and by multiplying the denominators 8 and 4 together, we obtain the denominator 12 of the product, and thus we have -^=^ for the required product. Hence we have the following RULE. Multiply together the numerators for a new nu- merator ', and the denominators for a new denominator, and reduce the result to its lowest terms. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 6. Multiply 4 by f . Ans. T V 7. Multiply | by f . Ans. 2 9 5 . 8. Multiply | by f . Ans. f . - 9. Multiply | by f . Ans. 2 \. 10. Multiply -? 2 by f . Ans. T 6 2 . 11. What is the product of f , | and f ? Ans. ^. 12. What is the product of f , | and f ? Ans. ? %. 13. What is the product of J, f and ^ ? Ans. -|. 14. What is the product of f and ? ^Ins. j. 15. What is the product of f , 1|, 5 and j ? OPERATION. When integers or m?'#- |XlAX^X|= ec ^ numbers occur among |X jXf Xf^V^S ^4ns. the given factors, they may be reduced to improper fractions before multiplying ; and an integer may be reduced to the form of a fraction by writing 1 for its denominator ; thus 5=f . 16. What is the product of f , f and 2f ? Ans. Jf . 17. What is the product of 3, T 9 a and | ? Ans. 2f MULTIPLICATION. 93 18. What is the product of |, T 5 T and f f ? 19. Find the value of f of f multiplied by f o OPERATION. NOTES. 1. Fractions with the word of between them are sometimes called com,' pound fractions. The word of is simply an equivalent for the sign of multiplica- tion, and signifies that the numbers between which it is placed are to be multiplied together. 2. When the same factors occur in both numerator and denominator of fractions to be multiplied together, they may be omitted and the remaining factors only used; thus, 5 and 3 being found in both the numerators and denominators of the above example may be omitted in multiplying. 20. Multiply | of f by | of . Ans. Ji- 21. Multiply | of 3 by | of 2^. Ans. 5|. 22. What is the product of T %, ^ of f and \ 1 Ans. ^. ^ 23. What is the product of f of T 7 T by 54 1 Am. 3. 24. What is the value of f times of f of 10 ? Ans. | 25. What is the value of T 5 2 of f times \ of 3 f ? Ans. f. 26. At | of a dollar a bushel, what will | of a bushel of corn cost 1 . Ans. of a dollar. 27. When peaches are worth T 9 ^ of a dollar a .bushel, what, is | of a bushel worth? Ans. ^ dollar. 28. Jane having | of a yard of silk gave | of it to her sister ; what part of a yard did she give her sister ? Ans. | of a yard. 29. When pears are worth J of a dollar a basket, what is ^ of | of a basket worth ? Ans. | of a dollar. 30. A man owning ^ of a ship, sold | of his share; what part of the whole ship did he sell ? 'Ans. -||. 31. A grocer having ^f of a hogshead of molasses sold $ of it ; what part of a hogshead remained 1 32. At of a dollar a yard, what will be the cost of -i of 8 yards of cloth 1 Ans. U dollars. 94 FRACTIONS. DIVISION. CASE I. IOO. To divide a fraction by an integer. 1. If 3 pounds of raisins cost 5 of a dollar, how much will 1 pound cost ? ANALYSIS. If 3 pounds cost of a dollar, 1 pound which is of 3 pounds, will cost of , or of a dollar. Therefore, 1 pound will cost of a dollar. 2. If 4 pounds of coffee cost ^ of a dollar, how much will 1 pound cost ? 3. If 5 marbles cost | of a dollar, how much will 1 mar- ble cost ? 4. If J of a barrel of flour be equally divided among 6 persons, what part of a barrel will each have ? 5. If 4 of a box of tea be equally distributed among 8 persons, what part of a box will each have ? 6. Paid f of a dollar for 4 pounds of butter ; what was the cost per pound ? FIRST OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In the first operation !-j-4= Ans. we divide the fraction by 4, by divid- ing its numerator by 4, obtaining |. SECOND OPERATION. In this case the value of the frartional |-j-4=3 8 g = Ans. unit is unchanged, but we diminish the number taken^ 4 times. Ii the second operation we divide the fraction by 4, by multiplying the denominator by 4, obtaining ^ 8 ff== |. In this case the val- ue of the fractional unit is diminished 4 times, but the number taken is the same. Hence, Dividing a fraction consists in dividing its numerator, or multiplying its denominator. NOTB. We divide the numerator vrhen it is exactly divisible by the divisor^ oth- erwise we multiply the denominator DIVISION. 95 EXAMPLES JFOB PRACTICE. 7. Divide Jj by 3. Ans. . 8. Divide | by 4. Ans. J. 9. Divide j j by 5. ^4/is. T 2 5 . 10. Divide i| by 5. Ans. T 3 e . 11. Divide | by 9. ^dws. 6 a . 12. Divide | by 21. Ans. fo 13. Divide | of f by 12. ^s. T ' ff . 14. Divide | of f by 6. Ans. -fa. 15. Divide 4| by 7. OPERATION. 4^= 2 ^ NOTE. We reduce the mixed num- 2gi-i-7=f -<4.?is. ber to an improper fraction and then divide as before. 16. Divide 3| by 4. AM. JJ. 17. Divide 6j by 9. Ans. %%. 18. Divide 4 of 2^ by 3. Ans. j. 19. Divide 8^ by 12. ^Ins. f j. 20. Divide 13 j by 10. Ans. If. 21. Divide | of 8 by 20.- Ans. J. 22. If 6 persons agree to share equally | of a bushel of grapes, what part of a bushel will each have ? Ans. |. 23. If 5 yards of sheeting cost T 9 r the required number of bushels. In the second operation, we divide the in- 20 bushels. teger by the numerator of the fraction, and multiply the quotient by the denominator, which produces the same result as in the first operation. Hence Dividing "by a fraction consists in multiplying by the denominator, and dividing the product by the numerator of the divisor. DIVISION. 97 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 6. Divide 18 by f . 6. Divide 14 by f . 7. Divide 11 by f . 8. Divide 75 by $. 9. Divide 120 by T 6 T . 10. Divide 96 by {?. 11. Divide 226 by &. 12. Divide 28 by 4|. OPERATION. 28X3=84 84-4-14=6 Ans. Ans. 27. Am. 49. AMS. 19f. Ans. 83|. Ans. 220. Ans. 186. Ans, 627J. 13. Divide 16 by 14. Divide 42 by 15. Divide 112 by 16. Divide 180 by 17. Divide 425 by 18. Divide 318 by ANALYSIS. We reduce the mixed number to an improper fraction, and then divide the integer in the same manner as by a proper fraction. 21. Ans. 7. 3A. Ans. 12. 6|. Ans. 17^. 7|. Ans. 25 -fy. f Ans. 595. 2 V Ans. 1219. 19. When potatoes are ^ of a dollar a bushel, how many bushels can be bought for 10 dollars ? Ans. 12 bush. 20. Divide 9 bushels of corn among some persons, giving them T 3 g of a bushel each ; how many persons will receive a share? Ans. 48. 21. At 2 1 dollars a cord, how many cords of wood can be bought for 27 dollars ? Ans. 9 T 9 ? cords. 22. If a horse eat | of a bushel of oats in a day, in how many days will he eat 20 bushels ? Ans. 36 days. 23. If a man walk 2 T 9 ? \* ? 4. At ^ of a dollar a bushel, how many bushels of ap- ples can be bought for f of a dollar ? for ^ ? for f ? 5. At | of a dollar a pound, how many pounds of tea can be bought for | of a dollar ? FIRST OPERATION. ANALYSIS. As many pounds = 3 %; |=2U- as I of a dollar, the price of io'^slj IB Ans. 1 pound, is contained times SECOND OPERATION in | of a dollar. f equal -*-f=:|Xf = g 5=1 B Ans - 2 8 &c -> tlie denominators of decimal fractions increase and decrease in a tenfold ratio, the same as simple numbers. 1 04:. In the formation of Decimals a unit is divided in- to 10 equal parts, called tenths ; each of these tenths is di- vided into 10 other equal parts called hundredths ; each of these hundredths into 10 other equal parts, called thou- sandths j and soon. Since the denominators of decimal fractions increase and decrease by the scale of 10, th-j same as simple numbers, in writing decimals the denominators may be omitted. 1O5. The Decimal sign (.) is always placed before deci- mal figures to distinguish them from integers. It is com- monly called the decimal point. Thus, T 6 is expressed .6 " -279 .5 is 5 tenths, which = y 1 ^ of 5 units ; .05 is 5 hundredths, " = tff ^ * tenths; .005 is 5 thousandths, " = T \y of 5 hundredths. And universally, the value of a figure in any decimal place is T \j the value of the same figure in the next left bond place. NOTATION AND NUMERATION. 103 1OO. The relation of decimals and integers to each oth- er is clearly shown by the following DECIMAL NUMERATION TABLE. 5732754.573256 By examining this table we see that Tenths are expressed by one figure. Hundredths " " " two figures. Thousandths " " " three " 1O7. Since the denominator of tenths is 10, of hun- dredths 100, of thousands 1000, and so on, a decimal may be expressed by writing the numerator only ; but in this case the numerator or decimal must always contain as many decimal places as are equal to the number of ciphers in the denominator ; and the denominator of a decimal will al ways be the unit, 1, with as many ciphers annexed as are equal to the number of figures in the decimal or numerator, The decimal point must never be omitted. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Express in figures seven-tenths. Ans. .7. 2. Write twenty-five hundredths. Ans. .25. 8. Write nine hundredths. Ans. .09. 4. Write one hundred twenty-five thousandths. 5. Write eighteen thousandths. 104 DECIMALS. 6. Write fifty-eight hundredths. 7. Write two hundred thirty-six thousandths. 8. Write one thousand three hundred twenty ten-thou- sandths. Am. .1320. 9. Write seven hundred thirty-two ten-thousandths. Read the following decimals : .06 .143 .000 .479 .84 .037 .3240 .00341 .80 .472 .1026 .102367 1O8. A mixed number is a number consisting of inte- gers and decimals ; thus, 71.406 consists of the integral part, 71, and the decimal part, .406 ; it is read the same as 71 T 4 * 107 REDUCTION. CASE I. 111. To reduce decimals to a common denomina- tor. 1. Reduce .3, .09, .0426, .214 to a common denominator. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. A common denominator must .3000 contain as many decimal places as is equal to .0900 the greatest number of decimal figures in any of the given decimals. We find that the third number contains four decimal places, and hence 10000 must be a common denominator. As annexing ciphers to decimals does not alter their value, we give to each number four decimal places, by annexing ciphers, and thus reduce the given decimals to a common denominator. Hence, RULE. Giv$ to qalh number the same number of deci- mal places ^y annexing ciphers. tk * EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. Reduce .7, .073, .42, .0020 and .007 to a common de- nominator. 3. Reduce .004, .00032, .6, .37 and .0314 to a common denominator. * 4. Reduce 1 tenth, 46 hundredths, 15 thousandths, 462 ten-thousandths, and 28 hundred-thousandths, to a common denominator. 5. Reduce 9 thousandths, 9 ten-thousandths, 9 hundred- thousandths and 9 millionths to a common denominator. 6. Reduce 42.07, 102.006, 7.80, 400.01234 to a com. mon denominator. 7. Reduce 300.3, 8.1003, 14.12614, 210.000009, and 1000.02 to a common denominator. $' : iafc QECIMALS. CASE II. 119. To reduce a decimal to a common fraction. 1. Reduce .125 to an equivalent common fraction. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Writing the decimal figures, .125 = T Wo-==i .125, over the common denominator, 1000, we have -Jfyjfo$=$. RULE. Omit the decimal point, supply the proper de- nominator, and then reduce the fraction toits lowest terms. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Reduce .08 to a common fraction. Ans. %. 2. Reduce .625 to a common fraction. Ans. f . 3. Reduce .375 to a common fraction. Ans. f, 4. Reduce .008 to a common fraction. Ans. T ^. 5. Reduce .4 to a common fraction. Ans. I. 5 6. Reduce .024 to a common fraction, Ans. T 4 T CASE ill. 113. To rduce a common frffctJrai to a decimal 2. Reduce f to its equivalent decimal. ANALYSIS. Since we can not di- vide the numerator 3, by 4, we re- duce it to tenths by annexing a ci- pher, and then dividing we obtain 7 tenths, and a remainder of 2 tenths. Reducing this remainder to 7mn- dredths by annexing a cipher, and dividing by 4, we obtain 5 hun- dredths. The sum of the quotients gives .75, the required answer. OPERATION. 4)3.0(7 tenths. 9 Q ^J.O 4^20(5 hundredth* 20 Ans. .75. or 4)3.00 .75 Ans. RULE I. Annex ciphers to the numerator, and divide ~by the denominator. II. Point off as many decimal places in the result as are equal to the number of ciphers annexed* ADDITION. 109 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Reduce to a decimal. Ans. .5. 2. Reduce J to a decimal. Ans. .25. 3. Reduce f to a decimal. Ans. A. 4. Reduce | to a decimal. Ans. .8. 5. Reduce $ to a decimal. Ans. .125. 6. Reduce T 9 5 to a decimal. Ans. .9. 7. Reduce | to to a decimal. Ans. .625. 8. Reduce ^ to a decimal. Ans. .04. 9. Reduce T 5 g to a decimal. Ans. .3125. 10. What decimal is equivalent to J ? Ans. .85. 11. What decimal is equivalent to T 3 g ? ^4ns. .1875. 12. What decimal is equivalent to -^1 Ans. .016. ADDITION. 1 ll. Since the same law of local value extends both to the right and left of units' place; that is, since decimals and simple integers increase and decrease uniformly hy the scale of ten, it is evident that decimals may be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided ^n the same manner as integers. 1. What is the sum of 4.314, 36.42, 120.0042, and .4276] OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We write the numbers so 4.314 that the figures of like orders of units shall 36.42 stand in the same columns ; that is, units ^ under units, tenths under tenths, hun- dredths under hundredths, &c. This brings 161 1658 * ne Decimal Points directly under each^Dth- er. Commencing at the right hand, we add each column separately, and carry as in whole numbers, and in the result we place a decimal point between units and tenths, or directly under the decimal point in the numbers added From this example we derive the following 110 DECIMALS. RULE. I. Write the numbers so that the decimal pvint* shall stand directly under each other. II. Add as in ivlwle number s } and place the decimal point, in the result, directly under the points in the numbers added. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. What is the sum of 2.7, 30.84, 75.1, 126.414 and 3.06? Ans. 238.114. 3. What is the sum of 1.7, 4.45, 6.75, 1.705, .50 and .05? Ans. 15.155. 4. Add 105.7, 19.4, 1119.05, 648.006 and 19.041. Ans. 1911.197. 5. Add 48.1, .0481, 4.81, .00481, 481. Ans. 533.96291. 6. Add 1.151, 13.29, 116.283, 9.0275 and .61. Ans. 140.3^15. 7. Add .8, .087, .626, .8885 and .49628. 8. What is the sum of 91.003, 16.4691, 160.00471, 700.05, 900.0006, .03^5 ? Ans. 1867.55891. 9. What is the sum .of fifty-four, and thirty-four hun- dredths; one, and\ine ten-thousanMths ; thre'e," and two hundred seven milliomhs ; twenty-three thousandths; eight, and nine tenths; four, and one hundred thirty-five thou- sandths? Ans. 71.399107. 10. How many acres of land in four farms, containing respectively, 61.843 acres, 120.75 acres, 142.4056 acres, and 180.750 acres? Ans. 505.7486. 1L How many yards of cloth in 3 pieces, the first con- taining 21^ yards, the second 36| yards, and the third 40.15 yards? Ans. 98.40. 12. A man owns 4 city lots, containing 32|, 36|, 40f, 42.73 rods of land respectively; how many rods in all? Ans. 152.205 rods. SUBTRACTION. Ill Ans. 76.9624 SUBTRACTION. 115. From 12 4.2750 take 47.3126. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Write the subtrahend un- 124.2750 der the minuend, placing units under 47.3126 units, tenths under tenths, &c. Com- mencing at the right hand, we subtract as in whole numbers, and in the remain- tier we place the decimal point directly under those in the num- bers above. If the number of decimal places in the minuend and subtrahend are not equal, they may be reduced to the same number of decimal places before subtracting, by annexing ci- phers. Hence the RULE 1. Write the numbers so that the decimal points shall stand directly under each other. II. Subtract gs in whole numbers, and place the decimal point in the result directly under the points in the given numbers. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) Minuend, 12.07 37.4562 Subtrahend, 4.3264 .97 Remainder, ^7.7436 36.4862 .628476 5. From 463.05 take 17.0613. Ans. 445.9887. 6. From 134.63 take 101.1409. Ans. 83.4891. 7. From 189.6145 take 10.151. Ans. 179.4635. 8. From 671.617 take 116.1. Ans 555.517. 9. From 480. take 245.0075. Ans. 234.9925. 10. Subtract .09684 from .145. Ans. .04816. 11. Subtract .2371 from .2754. Ans. .0383. 12. Subtract 215.7 from 271. Ans. 55.3. 13. Subtract .0007 from 107. Ans. 106.9993. 14. Subtract 1.51679 from 27.15. Ans. 25.63321. 112 DECIMALS. 15. Subtract 37i from 84.125. Ans. 46.625. 16. Subtract 3| from 9.3261. Ans. 5.5761. 17. Subtract 25.072 from 112|. Ans. 87.553. 18. A man owned fifty-four liundredths of a township of land, and sold fifty-four thousandths of the same, how much did he still own 1 Ans. .486. 19. From 10 take three millionths. Ans. 9.999997. 20. A man owning 475 acres of land, sold at different times 80.75 acres, 100 J acres, and 125.625 acres; how much land had he left ? \ Ans. 168.5 acres. MULTIPLICATION. 116. 1. What is the product of .25 multiplied by .5. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We first multiply as in whole .25 numbers ; then, since the multiplicand has 2 .5 decimal places and the multiplier 1, we point off ~~ 2 -{-1=3 decimal places in the product. The ns >' reason for this will be evident, by considering both factors common fractions, and then multiplying as in (99), thus: .25= T ^an<1.5 = T 5 o; and ^XiV^Wi which written decimally is .125 Ans. Hence the RULE. Multiply as in whole numbers, and from the riff Jit- hand of the product point off as many figures for dec- imals as there are decimal places in Loth factors. NOTES. 1. If there be not as many figures in the product as there are decimals In both factors, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. 2. To multiply a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, &c., remove the point as many place* to the right as there are ciphers on the right of the multiplier. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) (4) .241 9.4263 .01346 .7 .5 .06 .1687 4.71315 .0008076 MULTIPLICATION. 113 5. Multiply 7.1 by 8.2. Ans. 58.22. 6. Multiply 15.5 by .08. Ans. 1.24. 7. Multiply 8.123 by .09. Ans. .73107. 8. Multiply 4.5 by .15. Ans. .675. 9. Multiply 450. by .02. Ans. 9. 10. Multiply 341.45 by .007. Ans. 2.39015. 11. Multiply 3020. by .015. Ans. 45.3ft? 12. Multiply .132 by .241. Ans. .031812. 13. Multiply .23 by .009. Ans. .00207. 14. Multiply 7.02 by 5.27. Ans. 36.9954. *15. Multiply .004 by .04. Ans. .00016. 16. Multiply 2461. by .Q52&__- Ans. 130.1869. 17. Multiply .007853 by .035^1 J^s. .000274855. 18. Multiply 25.238 by 12.17. Ans. 307.14646. 19. Multiply .3272 by 10. Ans. 3.272. 20. Multiply .3272 by 100. Ans. 32.72. 21. Multiply .3272 by 1000. Ans. 327.2. 22. Find the value of .25X5Xl2. Ans. 1.5. 23. Find the value of .07x2.4 X-015. Ans. 00252. 24. Find the value of 6JX.8X3.16. Ans. 16.432. 25. If a man travel 3.75 miles an hour, how far will he travel in 9.5 hours'? Ans. 35.626 miles. 26. If a sack of salt conialn 94.16 pounds, how many pounds will 17 such sacks contain ? Ans. 1600.72 pounds. 27. If a man spend .87 of a dollar in 1 day, how much will he spend in 15.525 days ? Ans. 13.50675 dollars. 28. One rod is equal to 16.5 feet; how many feet in 30.005 rods ? Ans. 495.0825. 29. How many gallons of molasses in .54 of a barrel, there being 31.5 gallons in 1 barrel ? A ns. 17.01 gallons. 114 DECIMALS. DIVISION. 117. 1. What is the quotient of .225 divided by .5 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We perform the division ,5).225 the same as in whole numbers, and the only difficulty we meet with is in point- .45 Ans. j n g og 1 the decimal places in the quotient. To determine how many places to point off, we may reduce the decimals to common fractions, thus; .225=-^^ and 5==-^, performing the division as in (97), we have T 22_5 j _i__5^___2^5 j X '- = -^Aj ; and this quotient expressed decimally, is .40. Here we see that the dividend contains as many decimal places as are contained in both divjsor and quotient. Hence the fol- lowing RULE. Divide as in whole numbers, and from the right hand of the quotient point off as many places for decimals as the decimal places in the dividend exceed those m the divisor. NOTES. 1. If the number of figures in the quotient be less than the excess of the decimal places in the dividend over those hi the divisor, the deficiency must be supplied by prefixing ciphers. 2. If there be a remainder after dividing the dividend, annex ciphers, and con- tinue the division ; the ciphers annexed are decimals of the dividend. 3. The dividend must always contain at least as many decimal places as th divisor, before commencing the division. 4. In most business transactions, the division is considered sufficiently exact when the quotient is carried to 4 decimal places, unless great accuracy is required. 5. To divide by 10, 100, 1000, &c., remove the decimal point as many places to the left as there are ciphers on the right hand of the divisor. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) (4) (5) .6).426 .8)3.7624 .05)81.60 .009).00207 .71. 4.703 1632. * ~S DIVISION. 115 (6) (7) (8) .075).9375(12.5 .288)18.0000(.0625 .0025)15.875(6350, 75 1728 150 187 720 87 150 576 75 375 1440 125 375 1440 125 9. Divide 44 by .4. Ans. 110. 10. Divide 15 by .25. Ans. 60. 11. Divide .3276 by .42. .Ans. .78. 12. Divide .00288 by .08. Ans. .036. 13. Divide .0992 by .32. Ans. .31. 14. Divide 17.6 by 44. Ans. .5. 15. Divide .0000021 by .0007. Ans. .003. 16. Divide .56 by 1.12. Ans. 5. 17. Divide 1496.04 by 10. Ans. 149.604. 18. Divide 1196.04 by 100. Ans. 14.9604. 19. Divide 1596.04 by 1000. Ans. 1.49604. 20. Divide 4.96 by 100. Ans. .0496. 21. Divide 10 by .1. Ans. 100. 22. Divide 100 by .2. Ans. 500. 23. If 2.5 acres produce 34.75 bushels of wheat, how much does one acre produce ? Ans. 13.9 bushels. 24. If a man travels 21.4 miles a day, how many days will he require to travel 461.03 miles? 25. If a man build 812.5 rods of fence in 100 days, how many rods does he build each day? 26. Paid 131.15 for 61 sheep; how much was paid for each ? Ans. 2.15 dollars. 116 DECIMALS. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Add twenty-five hundredths, six hundred fifty-four thousandths, one hundred and ninety-nine thousandths, and seven thousand five hundred sixty-nine ten-thousandths. Ans. 1.8599. 2. From ten take ten thousandths. Ans. 9.99. 3. What is the difference between forty thousand, and forty thousandths? Ans. 39999.960. 4. Multiply sixty-five hundredths, by nine hundredths. Ans. .0585. 5. Divide 324 by 6400. Ans. .050625. 6. Reduce .125 to a common fraction. Ans. |. 7. Reduce J to a decimal fraction. Ans. .875. 8. Divide .016Q04 by .004. Ans. 4.001. 9. Reduce JX to a decimal fraction. Ans.. 68. 10. Reduce" .4, .007, .1142, .036, .00015, and .42, to a common denominator. 11. At 13.9 dollars a ton, what will 2.5 tons of hay cost? Ans. 34.75 dollars. 12. If a pound of sugar cost .09 dollars, how many pounds can be bought for 5.85 dollars? Ans. 65 pounds. 13. If 40.02 bushels of potatoes are raised upon 1 acre of land, how many acres would be required to raise 4580.64 bushels? Ans. 114.458 acres. 14. At 11 dollars a ton, how much hay can be bought for 13.75 dollars? Ans. 1.25 tons. 15. If a man travel 32.445 miles in a day, how far can he travel in .625 of a day? Ans. 20.278125 miles. 16. If 2 pounds of sugar cost .1875 dollars, what will be the cost of 10 pounds? Ans. .9375 dollars. 17. If 3 barrels apples cost 19.125 dollars, what will be the cost of 100 barrels ? Ans. 337.5 dollars. UNITED STATES MONEY. 117 UNITED STATES MONEY. 118. United States Money is the legal currency of the United States, and was established by act of Con- gress August 8, 1786. Its denominations and their rela- tive "values are shown in the following TABLE. 10 mills (m.) make 1 cent, c. 10 cents " 1 dime, d. * 10 dimes " 1 dollar, $. 10 dollars " 1 eagle, E. NOTE. The currency of the United States is decimal currency, and is sometimes called federal Money. 119. The character, $, before any number indicates that it expresses United States money. Thus $75 expresses 75 dollars. 120. The dollar is the unit of United States money; dimes, cents, and mills are fractions of a dollar, and are separated from the dollar by the decimal point (.) ; thus, two dollars one dime two cents five mills are written $2.125. 121. By examining the above table we find 1st. That the dollar being the unit, dimes, cents and mills are respectively tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a dollar. 2d. That the denominations of United States money increase and decrease the same as simple numbers and dec- imals, and are expressed according to the decimal system of notation. Hence we conclude that United States money may le added, subtracted, multi- plied and divided in the same manner as decimals. 118 UNITED STATES MONEY. Dimes are not read as dimes, but the two places of dimes and cents are appropriated to cents; thus 1 dollar 3 dimes 2 cents, or $1.32, are read one dollar thirty-two cents; hence, When the number of cents is less than 10, we write a cipher before it in the place of dimes. NOTE. The half cent is frequently written as 5 mills : thus, 24% cents, written $.245. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Write five dollars twenty-five cents. Ans. 85.25. 2. Write four dollars eight cents. Ans. $4.08*^ 3. Write twelve dollars thirty-six cents. 4. Write seven dollars sixteen cents. 6. Write ten dollars ten cents. 7. Write sixty-five cents four mills. $.654. 8. Write one dollar five cents eight mills. $1.058. 9. Write eighty-seven cents five mills. Ans. $.875. 10. Write one hundred dollars one cent one mill. Ans. $100.011. 11. Read $4.07; $3.094; $10.50; $25.02. KEDUCTION. 122. 1. How many cents are there in 75 dollars 7 OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since in 1 dollar there are 75 100 cents, in 75 dollars there are 75 times 100 100 cents or 7500 cents. To multiply by 10, 100, &c., we annex as many ciphers to 7500 cents. the mu i t i p iicand as there are ciphers in the multiplier, ( 62 ). Hence To change dollars to cents, multiply by 100 ; that is, an- nex TWO ciphers. And To change dollars to mills, annex THREE ciphers. To change cents to mills, annex ONE cipher. REDUCTION. 119 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. Reduce $24 to cents. Ans. 2400 cents. 8. Reduce $42 to cents. Ans. 4200 cents. 4. Reduce $14 to mills. Ans. 14000 mills. 5. Reduce $102 to cents. 6. Change $35 to mills. 7. Change 66 cents to mills. Ans. 660 mills. 8. Change 73 cents to mills. NOTE. To change dollars and cents, or dollars, cents, and mills to mills, remor* the decimal point and sign, $. 9. Change $4.28 to cents. Ans. 428 cents. 10. Change $18.07 to cents. Ans. 1807 cents. 11. Change $6.325 to mills. Ans. 6325 mills. 12. In $7.01 how many cents? 13. In 94 cents how many mills ? 14. In $51 how many cents 1 1. In 3427 cents how many dollars? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since 100 cents equal 1/00)34/27 1 dollar, 3427 cents equal as many dollars as 100 is contained times $34.27 Ans. m 3427, which is 34.27 times. To divide by 10, 100, &c., cut off as many figtires from the right of the dividend as there are ciphers in the divisor, ( 72 ) Hence To change cents to dollars, divide by 100 ; that is, point off TWO figures from the right. And To change mills to dollars, point off, THREE figures. To change mills to cents, point off ONE figure. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. Change 972 cents to dollars. Ans. $9.72. 3. Change 1609 cents to dollars. Ans. $16.09. 4. Change 3476 mills to dollars Ans. $3.476 120 UNITED STATES MONEY. 5. In 34671 cents how many dollars ? 6. 10307 cents how many dollars 1 7. In 203062 mills how many dollars? Ans. $203.062. 8. Reduce 672 mills to cents. Ans. $.672. 9. Reduce 3104 mills to dollars. 10. Reduce 17826 cents to dollars. ADDITION. 123. 1. What is the sum of $12.50, $8.125, $4.076, $15.375 and $22? OPBBATION. $12.50 8.125 ANALYSIS. "Writing dollars under do' - 4.076 lars, cents under cents, &c., so that the 15.375 decimal points shall stand under each 22.000 other, we add and point off as in ad- dition of decimals. Hence the following $oZ.U7o Ans. RULE. I. Write dollars under dollars, cents under cents, &c. II. Add as in simple numbers, and place the point in the amount as in addition of decimals. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) (4) (5) $ 42.64 $100.375 $750.00 $1042.875 126.085 13.09 140.07 427.035 304.127 65.82 35.178 50.50 14.42 400.00 6.004 7.08 6. What is the sum of 30 dollars 9 cents ; 200 dollars 63 cents ; 27 dollars 36 cents 4 mills, and 10 dollars 16 cents ? Ans. $268.244. 7. Add 390 dollars 37 cents 5 mills, 187 dollars 50 cents, 90 dollars 5 cents 5 mills, and 400 dollars 40 cents. Ans. $1068.33. ADDITION. 121 , 8. A lady paid $45.40 for some furs, $12.375 for a dress, $5 for a bonnet and $1.125 for a pair of gloves; how much did she pay for all ? 9. A farmer sold a cow for $20, a horse for $96.50, a yoke of oxen for $66.875, and a ton of hay for $9.40; how much did he receive for all ? Ans. $192.775. 10. Bought a hat for $4.50, a pair of boots for $5.62 4, an umbrella for $2.12^, and a pair of gloves for $.87^ ; wfeat was the cost of the whole? Ans. $13.125. 11. A grocer bought a barrel of sugar for $17.84, a box of tea for $36.12, a cheese for $4, and a tub of butter for $7.09; what was the cost of all ? 12. A merchant bought a quantity of goods for $458.25, paid for duties $45; for freights $98.624, and for insur- ance $16.40; how much was the whole cost? Ans. $618.275. 13. Bought some sugar for $1.75, some tea for $.90, some butter for $2.12^, some eggs for $.37|, and some spice for $.25 ; what was the cost of the whole ? Ans. $5.40. 14. Paid for building a house $1045.75, for painting the same $275.60, for furniture $648.87|, and for carpets $105.10; what was the cost of the house and furnishing? Ans. $2075.325. 15. A farmer receives 120 dollars 45 cents for wheat, 36 dollars 624 cents for corn, 14 dollars 9 cents for pota- toes, and 63 dollars for oats ; how much does he receive foi the whole] 16. A lady who went shopping, bought a dress for 7 dol- lars 27 cents, trimmings for 874 cents, some tape for 6 cents, some thread for 12^ cents, and some needles for 9 cents; how much did she pay for all ? Ans. $8.42. 6 122 UNITEI ) STATES MONEY. SUBTRACTION. 124. 1. From 246 dollars 82 cents 5 mills, take 175 dollars 27 cents. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Writing the less num- $246.825 ber under the greater, dollars under 175.27 dollars, cents under cents, &c., we subtract and point off in the result as $71.555 Ans. j n subtraction of decimals. Hence RULE. I. Write the subtrahend under the minuend, dollars under dollars, cents under cents, &G., II. Subtract as in simple numbers, and place the point in the remainder as in subtraction of decimals. EXAMPLES FOB, PEACTICE. (2) (3) (4) (5) From $125.05 $327.105 $112.000 $43.375 Take 43.278 100.09 .875 2.06 Ans. $81.772 $227.015 $111.125 $41.315 6. From $3472.50 take $1042.125. Ans. $2430.375. 7. From $540 take $256.67. Ans. $283.33. 8. From $82.04 take $80.625. Ans. $1.415. 9. From 3 dollars 10 cents, take 75 cents.^4rcs.$2.35. 10. From 10 dollars, take 5 dollars 10 cts. Ans. $4.90. 11. From 100 dollars, take 50 dollars 50 cents. 12. From 1001 dollars 9 cents, take 300 dollars. 13. From 2 dollars, take 75 cents. Ans. $1.25. 14. From 96 cents, take 12J cents. Ans. $.835. 15. From 1 dollar take 25 cents. Ans. $.75. 16. From 50 cents take 37 cents 5 mills. Ans. $.125. 17. From 5 dollars, take 50 cents 8 mills. A ns. $4.492. 18. From 4 dollars, take J dollar 40 cents 5 mills. 19. Sold a horse for $200, which was $45.50 more than he cost me; hcrw much did he cost me ? Ans. $154.50 SUBTRACTION. 1*28 20. A man bought a farm for $4640, and sold it for $5027.50 ; how much did he gain ? Ans. $387.50. 2^. Borrowed $25 and returned $15.60 ; how much re- mained unpaid ? Ans. 9.40. 22. A merchant having $10475, paid $2426 for a store, and $5327.875 for goods; how much money had he left 1 ? Ans. $2721.125. 23. Bought a sack of flour for $3.12^ ; how much change must I receive for a 5 dollar bill ? Ans. $1.875. 24. Bought groceries to the amount of $1.875 ; how much change must I receive for a 2 dollar bill ? Ans. 12^ cents. 25. Paid; $3 7 5 for a pair of horses, and sold one of them for $215.50}; how much did the other one cost me ? Ans. $159.50. 26. I started on a journey with $50 and paid $10.62 railroad far$, $7.38 stage fare, $5.96 for board and lodging, and $.75 fo porterage; how much money had I left V Ans. $25.285. 27. A faflner sold some wool for $27.16, and a ton of hay for $14.80. 'He received in payment a barrel of flour worth $6.875, and Qie remainder in money ; how much money did he receive? ' Ans. $35.085. 28. A woman sold a grocer some butter for $1.48, and some eggs for $.94. She received a gallon of molasses worth 40 cents, a pound of tea worth 75 cents, and a pound of starch worth 124 cents ; how much is still her due 1 Ans. $1.145. 29. A tailor bought a piece of broadcloth for $87.50, and a piece of cassimere for $62.75. He sold both pieces for $170.87^; how much did he gain on both 1 ? Ans. $20.625. 124 UNITED STATES MONEY. MULTIPLICATION. 125. 1. Multiply $26.145 by 34. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We multiply as in sim- ple numbers, always regarding the 104580 multiplier as an abstract number, and 78435 point off from the right hand of the result, as in multiplication of decimals. $888.930 Ans. Hence the following RULE. Multiply as in simple numbers, and place the point in the product as in multiplication of decimals. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. | (2) (3) (4) j(5) $327.48 $82.375 $160.09 $$7.875 15 46 { 87 123 6. What cost 8 cords of wood, at $3.50 ? fens. $28. 7. What cost 14 barrels of flejur, at $5.85 Sbarrel ? 8. What cost 25 bushels of cforn, at 75 cems a bushel ? 9. 4t $2.125 a yard, what wfll 18 yards otjsilk cost? 10. At $.8?5: apiece, what will be the cost o 9 turkeys? 11. A farmer sold 40 bushels .of potatoes & 37 cents a bushel, and 2l barrels of apples at $2.25 ^barrel; how much did he'r'eWive for both ? Ans. $62.25. 11. Bought 124 > *apres of land at $35.75 an acre, and sold the whole for $6iOQp'; did I gain or lose, and how much? Ans. $1567. 13. What will be the cost of 275 bushels of oats, at 42 cents a bushel ? Ans. $115.50. 14. A grocer bought 160 pounds of butter, at 14 cents a pound, and paid 25 pounds of tea, worth 56 cents a pound, and the remainder in cash; how much money did he pay? DIVISION. 125 15. What will be the cost of 15 yards of broadcloth, at $4.87 a yard] Ans. $73.125. 16. A grocer bought a tub of butter containing 84 pounds, at 12 i cents a pound, and sold the same at 15 cents a pound ; how much did he gain ? Ans. $2.10. 17. A farmer took 3 tons of hay to market, for which he received $9.38 a ton. He bought 2 barrels of flour, at $6.94 a barrel, and 12 pounds of tea, at $.625 a pound ; how much money had he left ? Ans. $6.76. DIVISION. 126. 1. Divide $136 by 64. 64)$136.000($2.125 Ans. 128 ~~80 64 ANALYSIS. We divide as in ~,QQ simple numbers, and as there is i og a remainder after dividing the dollars, we reduce the dividend 320 to mills, by annexing three ci- 320 phers, and continue the divis- ion. Hence the following KULE. Divide as in simple numbers, and place the point in the quotient, as in division of decimals. NOTE. 1. In business transactions it is never necessary to carry the division further than to mills in the quotient. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) (4) (5) 5)$43.50 10)$36.00 8)$371. 12)$169.50 $8.70 $3.60 $46.375 $14.125 126 UNITED STATES MONET. 6. Divide $13.75 by 11. Ans. $1.25. 7. Divide $162. by 36. Ans. $4.50. 8. Divide $246.30 by 15. Ans. $16.42. 9. Divide $1305. by 18. Ans. $72.50. 10. Divide $2.25 by 9. Ans. $.25. 11. Divide $658 by 280. Ans. $2.35. 12. Divide $195.75 by 29. Ans. $6.75. 13 Divide 1388 by 100. Ans. $13.88. 14. Divide $2675.75 by 278. Ans. $9.625. 15. Divide $68 by 32. Ans. $2.125. 16. Paid $168.48 for 144 bushels of wheat; what waa the price per bushel ? Ans. $1.17. 17. Paid $2.80 for 35 pounds of sugar; what was the price per pound ? Ans. $.08. 18. If 54 cords of wood cost $135, what is the price per cord? Ans. $2.50. 19. Bought 125 bushels of oats for $62.50 ; what was the cost per bushel ? Ans. $.50. 20. If 70 barrels of apples cost $175, how much will 1 barrel cost? Ans. $2.50. 21. If 100 acres of land cost $3156.50, how much will be the cost of 1 acre] Ans. $31.565. 22. Paid $148.75 for 170 bushels of barley; how much was the cost per bushel ? Ans. $.875. 23. If 13 pounds of tea cost $9.88, how much will 1 pound cost ? 24. Bought 2500 pounds of butter for $625 ; how much was the cost per pound ? Ans. 25 cents. 25 Bought 2450 pounds of pork for $153.12^; how much was the cost per pound 1 Ans. 6| cents. 26. Bought 4 barrels of sugar, each containing 200 pounds, for $72 ; what was the cost per pound ? PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 127 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant bought 14 boxes of tea for $560 ; but it being damaged, he was obliged to sell it for $106.75 less than he gave for- it ; how much did he receive a box ? Ans. $32.375. 2. A farmer sold 120 bushels of wheat, at $1.12^ a nushel, and received in payment 27 barrels of flour; what did the flour cost him per barrel ? 3. If 35 yards of cloth cost $122.50, how much will 29 yards cost? Ans. $101.50. 4. If 4 tons of coal cost $35.50, how much will 12 tons cost? Ans. $106.50. 5. If 29 pounds of sugar cost $3.625, how much will 15 pounds cosf? Ans. $1.875. 6. If 12 barrels of flour cost $108, how much will 18 barrels cost ? Ans. $162. 7. If 3 bushels of wheat cost $4.35, how much will 30 bushels cost ? Ans. $43.50. 8. A man bought a farm containing 125 acres, for $2922.50 ; for how much must he sell it per acre to gain $500 ? Ans. $27.38. 9. A farmer exchanged 50 bushels of corn worth 70 cents a bushel, for 28 bushels of wheat; how much was the wheat worth a bushel. Ans. $1.25. 10. A person having $15000, bought 30 hales of cotton each bale containing 940 pounds, at 10 cents a pound ; he next paid $6680 for a house, and then bought 1000 barrels of flour with what money he had left ; how much did the flour cost him per barrel ? Ans. $5.50. NOTE. For a full and complete development and application of Decimals and United Statea money, the pupil is referred to the A.uthor's Progressive Practical and Higher Arithmetic. 128 UNITED STATES MONEY. BILLS. 127. A Bill, in business transactions, is a written state- ment of articles bought or sold, together with the prices of each, and the whole cost. Find the cost of the several articles, and the amount or footing of the following bills : ao CHICAGO, Sept. 20, 1861. MR. J. C. SMITH, JBo't. of SILAS JOHNSON, 36 pounds sugar at 8 cents a pound, $2.88 18 pounds coffee at 15 cents a pound, 2.70 24 pounds butter at 18 cents a pound, 4.32 10 dozen eggs at 12 cents a dozen, 1.25 4 gallons molasses at 44 cents a gallon, 1.76 Ans. $12.91. (20 ROCHESTER, Jan. 25, 1862. JOHN DABNEY, ESQ., Bo't. of BARDWELL & Co., 14 pounds coffee sugar at 11 cents a pound, $1.54 6 pounds Y. H. tea at 62 cents a pound, 3.75 25 pounds No. 1 mackerel at 6 cents a pound, 1.50 5 bushels potatoes at 37 J cents a bushel, 1.875 3 gallons syrup at 80 cents a gallon, 2.40 7 dozen eggs at 16 cents a dozen, 1.12 Received Payment, Ans. $12.185 Bardwell & Co., per Adams BILLS. 129 (3.) MEMPHIS, Aug. 20, 1862 Mr. S. P. HAILE, JBo't of PATTERSON & Co., 20 chests Green Tea at $22.50 16 Black at 18.75 14 " Imperial at 32.87 15 sacks Java Coffee at 17.38 25 boxes Oranges at 4.62| Received payment, $1586.575. Patterson & Co., (40 OSWEGO, Sept. 4, 1861. JAMES COROVAL & Co., Bd*t. of COLLINS & SON, 12 yards Broadcloth at $3.84 18 " Cassimere " 2.25 10 " Satinet " .87 42 " Flannel " .45 35 " Black Silk " 1.18 $155.53. (5.) BOSTON, April 10, 1862. J. GK BENNET & SON, Bc?t. of BUTLER, KINO & Co., 14 Plows at $10.50 8 Harrows " 9.80 120 Shovels " .90 175 Hoes .62' $442.775. 130 COMPOUND LUMBERS. COMPOUND NUMBERS. 128. A Simple Number is either an abstract number, or a concrete number of but one denomination. Thus, 48, 926; 48 dollars, 926 miles. 129. A Compound Number is a concrete number whose value is expressed in two or more differfij^Renomi- nations. Thus, 32 dollars 15 cents ; 15 days 4 hours 25 minutes. 130. A Scale is a series of numbers, descending or as cending, used in operations upon numbers. NOTE. In simple numbers and decimals the scale is uniformly 10; in compound numbers the scales are varying. CURRENCY. I. UNITED STATES MONEY. 131. The currency of the United States is decimal cur- rency, and is sometimes called Federal Money. TABLE. 10 mills (m.) make 1 cent, ct 10 cents *' 1 dime, . . . . d. 10 dimes ** 1 dollar, $. 10 dollars " 1 eagle, B. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. ct. m. d. 110 $ 110100 B 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 10000 SCALE uniformly 10. COINS. The gold coins are the double eagle, eagle, halt eagle, quarter eagle, three-dollar piece and dollar. The silver coins are the half and quarter dollar, dime and half dime, and three-cent piece. nickel coin is the cent. MONEY AND CURRENCIES. 131 II. CANADA MONEY. 132. The currency of the Canadian provinces is deci- mal, and the table and denominations are the same as those of the United States money. NOTE The decimal currency was adopted by the Canadian Parliament in 1868, and the Act took effect in 1859. Previous to the latter year the money of Canada was reckoned in pounds, shillings, and pence, the same as in England. COINS. The new Canadian coins are silver and copper. The silver coins are the shilling or 20-cent piece, the dime, and half dime. The copper coin is the cent. NOTB. The 20-cent piece represents the value of the shilling of the old Cana- da Currency. III. ENGLISH MONEY. 133. English or Sterling money is the currency of Great Britain. TABLE. 4 farthings (far. or qr.) make 1 penny, , d. 12 pence " 1 shilling, 8. 20 shillings " 1 pound or sovereign.. . . or sov. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. d. far. .. 1 = 4 , or SOT. 1 = 12 = 48 1 = 20 = 240 = 960 SCALE ascending, 4, 12, 20 ; descending, 20, 12, 4. NOTH. Farthings are generally expressed as fractions of a penny ; thus, 1 far., sometimes called 1 quarter, (qr.) =}d.; 3 far.=%d. Coixs. The gold coins are the sovereign (= 1) and the half sovereign, (= 10s.) The silver coins are the crown (= 5s.), the half crown, (= 2s. 6d.), Ijie shilling, and the 6-penny piece. The copper coin* are the penny, half-penny, and farthing. 132 COMPOUND NUMBERS. WEIGHTS. 1 34. Weight is a measure of the quantity of matter a body contains, determined according to some fixed standard. I. TROY WEIGHT. 135. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver, and jewels; in philosophical experiments, &c. TABLE. 24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight, . . . pwt. or dwt. 20 pennyweights " 1 ounce, oz. 12 ounces " 1 pound, Ib. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. pwt. gr. oz. 124 ib. 120480 1 12 240 5T60 SCALE ascending, 24, 20, 12 ; descending, 12, 20, 24. II. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 1 36. Avoirdupois Weight is used for all the ordinary purposes of weighing. TABLE. 16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces " 1 pound, Ib. 100 Ib. " 1 hundred weight, .cwt 20 cwt., = 2000 Ibs., 1 ton, T. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. or,. dr. 1 - 16 cwt 1 16 256 T. 1 100 1600 25600 1 20 2000 32000 512000 SCALE ascending, 16, 16, 100, 20; descending, 20, 100, 10, ia WEIGHTS. 133 NOTE. The long or gross ton, hundred weight, and quarter were formerly in com- mon use ; but they are now seldom used except in estimating English goods at the U 8. custom-house, and in freighting and wholesaling coal from the Pennsylvania mines. LONG TON TABLE. 28 lb. make 1 quarter, qr. 4 qr. 112 lb. " 1 hundred weight, cwt. 20 cwt. 2240 lb. " 1 ton, T. The following denominations are also in use: 56 pounds make 1 firkin of butter. 196 " " 1 barrel of flour. 200 " " 1 " " beef, pork, or fish. 280 " " 1 bushel, " salt at the N. Y. State salt works 32 " " 1 " * oats. 48 " 1 " " barley. 56 " " 1 " " corn or rye. 60 " " 1 " " wheat. III. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. 137. Apothecaries' Weight is used by apothecaries and physicians in compounding medicines ; but medicines are bought and sold by avoirdupois weight. TABLE. 20 grains [gr.] make 1 scruple sc. or 3 3 scruples " 1 dram, dr. or 3 . 8 drams " 1 ounce, oz. or . 12 ounces " 1 pound lb. or ft> UNIT EQUIVALENTS. sc. grr. d. 120 oz. 1 3 60 n>. 1 8 24 480 1 12 96 288 5760 SCALE ascending, 20, 3, 8, 12; descending, 12,8,8, 20 134 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 138. COMPARATIVE TABLE OP WEIGHTS. Troy. Avoirdupois. Apothecaries. 1 pound 5760 grains, = 7000 grains, 5760 grains, 1 ounce 480 437.5 " 480 175 pounds, 144 pounds, 175 pounds. MEASURES OF EXTENSION. 139. Extension has three dimensions length, breadth, and thickness. A Line has only one dimension length. A Surface or Area has two dimensions length and breadth. A Solid or Body has three dimensions length, breadth, and thickness. I. LONG MEASURE. 140. Long Measure, also called Lineal Measure, is used in measuring lines or distances. TABLE. 12 inches (in.) make 1 foot, ft 3 feet " lyard, yd. 5 \ yd., or 16 ft, " 1 rod, rd. 40 rods " 1 furlong, fur. 8 furlongs, or 320 rd., " 1 statute mile,. ml UNIT EQUIVALENTS. ft. in. yd. 1 - 12 M. 1-3-36 tagm 1 5J 16 198 ml. 1 40 220 660" 7920 1 _. 8 320 1760 =- 5280 63360 SCALE ascending, 12 3, 5', 40, 8; descending, 8, 40, 5J, 8. 12. MEASURES OF EXTENSION. 185 The following denominations are also in use : j used by shoemakers in meas- barleycorns make 1 inch, j uring he length of thefoot ( used in measuring the height inches " 1 hand, < of horses directly over the ( fore feet. " " Ispan. " 1 sacred cubic. 9 " " 21.888 " " 3 feet " 6 . 1.15 statute miles" 1 pace. 1 fathom, geographic or measurin S Depths 1 league. ) , , j of latitude on a meridian or j L J \ of longitude on the equator. 8 60 '* 69.16 statute 360 degrees NOTES. 1. For the purpose of measuring cloth and other goods sold by the yard, the yard is divided into halves, quarters, fourths, eighths, and sixteenths. The old table of cloth measure is practically obsolete. ** the circumference of the earth. SURVEYORS' LONG MEASURE. A Gunter's Chain, used by land surveyors, is 4 rods or 66 feet long, and consists of 100 links. TABLE. 7.92 inches (in.) make 1 link, 1. 25 links " 1 rod, rd. 4 rods, or 66 feet, " 1 chain,... ch. 80 chains " 1 mile,.... mi. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. 1. In. rd. 1 7.92 ch. 1 25 198 !. 1 4 =- 100 792 1 _ 80 320 8000 63360 SCALE ascending, 7.92, 25, 4, 80 ; descending, 80, 4, 25, 7.92. NOTK. The denomination, rods, is seldom used in chain measure, distances bei ug taken In chains and links. 136 COMPOUND NUMBERS. II. SQUARE MEASURE. 143. A Square is a figure having four equal sides, and four equal angles or corners. i yd. =3 ft. i square yard is a figure hav- ing four sides of 1 yard or 3 feet 43 each, as shown in the diagram. Its contents are 3X3=9 square feet. Hence Thus a square foot is 12 inches i yd. =s ft. long and 12 inches wide, and the contents are 12x12=144 square inches. A surface 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, is a rectangle, containing 20 X 10=200 square feet. The contents or area of a square, or of any other figure having a uniform length and a uniform breadth, is found, by multiplying the length by the breadth. 144. Square Measure is used in computing areas or surfaces ; as of land, boards, painting, plastering, paving, &c. TABLE. 144 square inches (sq. in.) make 1 square foot, sq. ft 9 square feet " 1 square yard, sq. yd. 30J square yards " 1 square rod, sq. rd. 40 square rods " 1 rood, R. 4 roods " 1 acre, A. 640 acres " 1 square mile, sq. mi, UNIT EQUIVALENTS. q. ft. nq. in. sq,yd. 1 144 B q. rd. 1 9 1276 R. 1 30} 272^ 30204 A. 1 40 1210 10890 15681 CO - mi 1 4 160 4840 435 fiO G272640 1640 256dO 102400 3097GOO 27878400 4014480GOOO MEASURES OF EXTENSION. 137 Artificers estimate their work as follows : By the square foot : glazing and stone-cutting. By the square yard : painting, plastering, paving, ceiling, and paper-hanging. By the square of 100 feet : flooring, partitioning, roofing, slating, and tiling. Brick-laying is estimated by the thousand bricks; also by the square yard, and the square of 100 feet. NOTES. 1. In estimating the painting of moldings, cornices, etc., the measuring line is carried into all the moldings and cornices. 2. In estimating brick-laying by the square yard or the square of 100 feet, the work is understood to be 1> bricks, or 12 inches, thick. SURVEYORS' SQUARE MEASURE. 14L5. This measure is used by surveyors in computing the area or contents of land. TABLE. 625 square links (sq. 1.) make 1 pole, P. 16 poles " 1 square chain, ..sq. ch. 10 square chains ** 1 acre, A. 640 acres " 1 square mile, . . . sq. mi. 36 square miles (6 miles square) " 1 Township, Tp. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. P. sq. 1. eq. ch. 1 625 A. 1 16 1000 Bq.mi. 1 . 10 160 10000 Tp. 1 640 6400 102500 64000000 1 36 23040 230400 3686400 2304000000 SCALE ascending, 625, 16, 10, 630, 36 ; descending, 36, 640, 10, 16, 625. NOTKS. 1. A square mile of land is also called a section. 2. Canal and railroad engineers commonly use an engineers^ chain, which con- ista of 100 links, each 1 foot long. 188 COMPOUND NUMBERS. III. CUBIC MEASURE. 14LO. A Cube is a solid, or body, having six equal square sides or faces. If each side of a cube be 1 yard, or 3 feet, 1 foot in thickness of this cube will contain 3x3x1:= 9 cubic feet ; and the whole cube will contain 3x3X3=27 cubic [ , I, '|U^^ feet. 3 ft.i yd. A solid, or body, may have the three dimensions all alike, or all different. A body 4 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, and 2 ft. thick contains 4x3x2=24 cu- bic or solid feet. Hence we see that The cubic or solid contents of a ~body are found by multi- plying the length, breadth, and thickness together. 147. Cubic Measure, also called Solid Measure, is used in estimating the contents of solids, or bodies ; as timber, wood, stone, &c. 1728 27 40 50 16 8 128 TABLE. make 1 cubit foot, . . cu. ft. u 1 cubic yard, cu. yd. 1 ton or load, ...T. 1 cord foot, . . . cd. ft. 1 cord of wood, . Cd. ( perch of ) 1 -j stone or V Pch. ( masonry, ) SCALE ascending, 1728, 27, 40, 50, 16, 8, 128, 24f ; descend- ing, 24f, 128, 8, 16, 50, 40, 27, 1728. NOTES. 1. A cubic yard of earth is called a load. 2. Railroad and transportation companies estimate light freight by the space it occupies in cubic feet, and heavy freight by weight. cubic inches (cu. in.) cubic feet cubic feet of round timber, or ) " " hewn J cubic feet cord feet, or ) cubic feet f cubic feet MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 189 3. A pile of wood 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high, contains 1 cord ; and a cord foot is one foot in length of such a pile. 4 A perch of stone or of masonry is 16 > feet long, 1> feet wide, and 1 foot high. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 148. Capacity signifies extent of room or space. All measures of capacity are cubic measures, solidity and capacity being referred to different units, as will be seen by comparing the tables. Measures of capacity may be properly subdivided into two classes, Measures of Liquids, and Measures of Dry Substances. I. LIQUID MEASURE. 149. Liquid Measure, also called Wine Measure, is used in measuring liquids; as liquors, molasses, water, &c. TABLE. 4 gills (gi.) make 1 pint, pt, 2 pints " 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts " 1 gallon, gal. 81i gallons " 1 barrel, bbL 2 barrels, or 63 gal. ' 1 hogshead, . . .hhd. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. Pt. gl. qt 14 gaL 1 2 8 bbl 14882 hhd. 1 = 3H 126 252 1008 1 _ 2 =* 63 252 504 2G16 SCALE ascending, 4, 2, 4, 31$, 2; descending, 2, 81$, 4, 2, 4* 140 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 15O. The following denominations are also in use: 86 gallons make! barrel of beer. 54 " or H barrels " 1 hogshead " 42 " " 1 tierce. 2 hogsheads, or 120 gallons, <{ 1 pipe or butt 2 pipes, or 4 hogsheads, *' 1 tun. NOTES. 1. The denominations, barrel and hogshead, are used in estimating tne capacity of cisterns, reservoirs, vats, &c. 2. The tierce, hogshead, pipe, butt and tun, are the names of casks, and do not express any axed or definite measures. They are usually gauged, and have their capacities in gallons marked on them. 3. Ale or beer measure, formerly used hi measuring beer, ale and milk, is almost entirely discarded. II. DRY MEASURE. 151. Dry Measure is used in measuring articles not liquid ; as grain, fruit, salt, roots, ashes, &c. TABLE. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, . . . .^" qt. 8 quarts " 1 peck, pk. 4 pecks " 1 bushel,. bu. or bush. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. qt. pt. pk. 1 - 2 bu . 1 _ 8 - 16 14 82 64 SCALE ascending, 2, 8, 4; descending, 4, 8, 2. NOTES. 1. In England, 8 bu. of 70 Ibs each are called a quarter, used in measuring grain. The weight of the English quarter is ^ of a lon ton. 2. The wine and dry measures of the same denomination are of different capacl ties. The exact and the relative size of each may be readily Been by the following TIME. 141 COMPARATIVE TABLE OF MEASURES OF CAPACITY. Cu.in.in Cu. in. in Cu.in.in Cu.in.in one gallon, one quart. one pint. one gill. Wine measure, 231 57f 28 7/ 2 Drymeasnre ; (*pk.,)268J 67| 33| 8| 3. The ber gallon of 282 inches is retained in nse only by custom. A bushel commonly estimated at 2150.4 cubic inches. MEASURE OF TIME. 153. Time is the measure of duration. TABLE. 60 seconds (sec.) make 1 minute, ^ .min. 60 minutes " 1 hour, ..h. 24 hours " 1 day, ...... da. 7 days ' 1 week, wk. 365 days " 1 common year, ..... .yr. 866 days " 1 leap year, yr. 12 calender months '* 1 year, .yr. 100 years " 1 century, -^0. CJN'IT EQUIVALENTS. min. sec. h. 1 - 60 dn. 1 60 8600 wk . 1 24 1440 88400 1 7 168 10080 604800 yr. mo. f 365 8760 525600 81536000 112 ( 366 8784 527040 31622400 SCALE ascending, 60, 60, 24, 7; descending, 7, 24, 60,60. H2 COMPOUND NUMBERS. The calendar year is divided as follows : No . of month . Season . Names of months 1 2 Winter, j Jamiary, ( February, 8 4 5 Spring, ( March, 1 April, (May, 6 7 8 Summer, (June, ] July, ( August, 9 10 11 Autumn, ( September, < October, ( November, 12 Winter, December, Abbreviations. No. of days. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jun. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, 31 28 or 2* 81 30 31 30 81 81 30 31 80 81 865or3i/6 NOTES. 1. The exact length of a solar year is 365 da. 5 h. 48 min. 46 sec. ; but fbr convenience it is reckoned 11 min. 14 sec. more than this, or 365 da. 6 h. 265> da. This % day, in four years makes one day, which, every fourth, bissex- tile, or leap year, is added to the shortest month, giving it 29 days. The leap year* are exactly divisible by 4, as 1856, 1860, 1864. The number of days in each calendar month may be easily remembered by committing the following lines : " Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November ; All the rest have thirty -one, Save February, which alone Hath twenty-eight ; and one day more We add to it one year in four." 2. In most business transactions 30 days are called 1 month. 3. The centuries are numbered from the commencement of the Christian era , the months from th commencement of the year ; the days from the commence- ment of the month, and the hours from the commencement of the day, (12 o'clock, midnight.) Thus, May 23d, I860, 9 o'clock A. M., is the 9th hour of the 23d day of the 5th month of the 60th year of the 19th century. CIRCULAR MEASURE. 143 CIRCULAR MEASURE. 155. Circular Measure, or Circular Motion, is used principally in surveying, navigation, astronomy, and geogra- phy, for reckoning latitude and longitude, determining loca- tions of places and vessels, and computing difference of time. Each circle, great or small, is divisible into the same number of equal parts, as quarters, called quadrants, twelfths, called signs, 360ths, called degrees, &c. Conse- quently the parts of unequal circles, although having the same names, are of unequal lengths. TABLE. 60 seconds (") make 1 minute,. . . . '. 60 minutes u 1 degree, . . . . . 80 degrees " 1 sign, S. 12 signs, or 360 " 1 circle, 0. UNIT EQUIVALENTS. t n 1 60 a 1 60 3600 . 1 30 1800 108000 1 12 860 21600 1296000 SCALE ascending, 60, 60, 30, 12 ; descending, 12, 30, 60, 60. NOTES. 1. Minutes, of the earth's circumference are called geographic or nauti- cal miles. 2. The denomination, signs, is confined exclusively to Astronomy. 8. A degree has no fixed linear extent. When applied to any circle, it is alwayi j-g--g- part of the circumference. But, strictly speaking, it is not any part of a circle. 4. 90* make a quadrant or right-angto. 5 60" make a soxtaat or of a circl*. 144: COMPOUND NUMBERS. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 156. COUNTING. 12 units or things make 1 dozen. 12 dozen " 1 gross. 12 gross " 1 great gross. 20 units t4 1 score. 157. PAPER. 24 sheets ..... malse .... 1 quire. 20 quires 1 ream. 2 reams 1 bundle. 5 bundles " 1 bale. BOOKS. The terms folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, &c., indicate the number of leaves into which a sheet of paper is folded. A sheet folded in 2 leaves is called a folio. A sheet folded in 4 leaves " a quarto, or 4to. A sheet folded in 8 leaves ** an octavo, or 8vo. A sheet folded in 12 leaves " a 12mo. A sheet folded in 16 leaves " a 16mo. A sheet folded in 18 leaves ,. M an 18mo. A sheet folded in 24 leaves " a 24mo. A sheet folded in 32 leaves * a 32mo. COPYING. 75 words make 1 folio or sheet of common law. 90 " " 1 " " " " chancery. 1 60. An Aliquot Part of a number is such a part as will exactly divide that number; thus, 3, 5, 7 are aliquot parts of 15. NOTE. An aJ*<; highest denomination required* The last qi/of?i')if } with the several remainders annexed in a reversed order, will be the ansiccr. REDUCTION. 149 * EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 3. How many pounds in 3460 ounces ? Ans. 216 Ib. 4 oz. 4. How many shillings in 556 farthings ? Ans. 11s. 7d. 5. "How many yards in 1242 inches 1 6. How many gallons in 2347 pints ? 7.. Reduce 23547 troy grains to pounds. Ans. 4 Ib. 1 oz. 1 pwt. 3 8. Reduce 1597 quarts to bushels. Ans. 49 bu. 3 pk. 5 qt. 9r Reduce 107520 oz. avoirdupois to pounds. 10. In 28635 sec. how many hours ? Ans. 7 hr. 57 min. 15 sec. 11. In 10000"/ow many degrees ? & 'Ans.' 2 46' 40". ftl2. In 11521 gr. apothecaries weight how many pounds ? Ans. 21b 1 gr- 13. In 3561829 seconds how many weeks? 14. Reduce 67893 cu. ft. to cords. v 15. In 1491 pounds how many hundred weight? 5 16. In 12244 pints how many hogsheads ? 17. In 25600 sq. rd. how many acres? Ans. 160 A. 18. How many miles in 51200 rd. ? Ans. 160 mi. 19. How many barrels in 6048 gills? Ans. 6 bbl. 20. In 316800 inches how many miles ? Ans. 5 mi. 21. In 1728 how many gross ? Ans. 12 gross. 22. In 4060 how many score ? Ans. 203 score. A23. Reduce 1435 feet to fathoms. 24. Reduce 10000 sheets of paper to reams. Ans. 20 reams 16 quires 16 sheets. 25. Reduce 27878400 sq. ft. to square miles. 150 COMPOUND NUMBERS. au PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES IN REDUCTION. 1. Reduce 4 dollars 67 cents to cents. Ans. 467 cents. 2. Reduce 3724 mills to dollars. Ans. $3.724. 3. Reduce 9690 cents to dollars. Ans. $96.90. 4. Reduce 8 dollars to mills. Ans. 8000 mills. 5. In 91751 farthings how'iSkft^painKfe^ ** Ans. 95 Us. 5d^3 far. >6. In 3 Ib. 4 oz. 7 pwt. how many grains 1 ^7. In 3 tons of cheese how many pounds ? 8. How much will 4 cheese cost, each weighing 36 pounds, at 9 cents a pound 1 Ans. $12.96. 9. How much would 2 Ib. 8 oz. 12 pwt. of gold dust be worth, at 72 cents a pwt. ? Ans. $409.44. 10. Bought 1 T. 15 cwt.,36 Ib. o sugar at 7 cents a pound; howNjtoh di^jtcost? >' . ,N^.4ws. $247.52. 11. Paid $25,$rf barrels of flour ? 13. How many bushels of oats in a load weighing 1280 pounds] Ans. 40 bu. 14. How many bushels of wheat in a load weighing 2175 pounds ? Ans. 36 bu. 15 Ib. 15. A grocer bought 3 barrels of flour at $6 a barrel, and sold it out at 4 cents a pound how much did he gain on the whole ? Ans. $5.52. \16. In a board 12 feet long and 2 feet wide, how many square feet? Ans. 24 sq. ft. " 17. In a block of marble 6 feet long and 3 feet square, how my cubic feet? ^ Ans. 54 cu. fect.- 18. In a pile of woocT^ feet long 6 feet high and 3 feet wide, how many cubic feet ? how many cords ? '\ C\ l1 \ Ans. 468 cu. ft. ; or 3 Cd. 84 cu. ft. c REDUCTION. 151 19. In 259200 cubic inches of hewn timber how many tons ? Ans. 3 T. ^^0. How many square rods in a field 90 rods long and 75 rods wide ? How many acres ? Ans. 42 A. 30 sq. rd. 21. A pond ot water measures 3 fathoms 2 feet 9 inches in depth ; how many inches deep is it ? Ans. 249 in. 22. What will 3 miles of telegraph cable cost at 12 cents afoot? Ans. $1900.80. 23. What is the age of a man 3 score and 5 years old 1 Ans. 65 years. 24. How much will I receive for a load of wheat weigh- ing 2760 pounds at $1.50 per bushel 1 Ans. $69. 25. How many cubic feet in a stick of timber 32 feet long 2 feet wide and 1 foot thick ? Ans. 64 cu. ft. \26i> How many square feet in one acre ? ^ 1^7. In 176 yards how many rods ? Ans. 32 rd. 28. A pile of wood is^lCjJ^jJgjjg, 8 feet high, and 8 feet' w"k!ef now much is it worth at $3.50 a cord ? Ans. $28. ' 29. What would be the value of a city lot 40 feet wide and 120 feet long, at 2 cents a square foot ? Ans. $96. 80. A grocer bought 4 barrels of cider, at $2 a barrel, and after converting it into vinegar, he retailed it at 15 cents a gallon ; how much was his whole gain. Ans. $10.90. 31. At 6 cents a pint how much molasses can be bought 'for $4.26? Ans. 8 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. 32. An* innkeeper bought a load of 40 bushels of oats, at 36 cents a bushel, and- retailed them at 25 cents a peck j, how much did he make on the load? Ans. $25.60. 23. What will be the cost of a hogshead of wine at 8 cents a gill? Ans. $161.28. 34. In 120 gross how many score ? Ans. 864 score. 152 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 85. If a man walk 4 miles an hour, and 10 hours a day, how many miles can he walk in 24 days? Ans. 960 mi. 26. What will be the cost of 2 bu. 1 pk. G qt. of tiinj thy seed, at 10 cents a quart? Ans. $7.80. 87. What would be the value of a silver goblet, weigh- -^ ing 8 oz. 14 pwt., at $.15 a pwt. ? Ans. $26.10. 88. What .will 16 reams of paper cost at 20 cents a quire! ^ Ans. $64. 39. If 1 bushel of wheat make 45 pounds of flour, how ^ many pounds will 500 bushels make ? How many barrels ] Ans. 114 bbl. 156 pounds. 40. Bought a gold chain, weighing 2 oz. 18 pwt. at $.90 a pwt.; how much did it cost? Ans. $52.20. 41. How many minutes more.iare there in the Summer than in the Autumn months ? Ans. 1440 min.X t^ j \^ 42. How much will it cost to dig a -cellar 24 ft; long ; 18 ft. wide and 6 feeUkeD^ULcent a cufoc Foot ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"*^** "- 43. How many boxes, each containing 12 pounds, can bt filled from a hogshead of sugar containing 9 cwt.? Ans. 75 boxes. *^ 44. What will be the cost of 5 bales of cloth, each bak containing 15 pieces, and each piece measuring 26 yards, at $1.75 a yard? s^.45. If a cannon ball goes at the rate of 10 miles a min-j ute, how many miles would it go, at the same rate, in 2 hours? Ans. 12QO miles. *^ 46. At 11 cents a pound what will be the cokt of 3 cwt. "2 qr. 21 Ib. of coffee? ^te.\$40.81. 47. If a man earn $30 a month, how much will he earn in 5 years? ^^Ans. $1800. r^ W ADDITICtff. ' 153 - ADDITION. - 1 7O. Compound numbers are added, subtracted, multi- plied, and divided by the same general methods as are em- ployed in simple numbers. The only modification of the operations and rules is that required for borrowing, carry- ing, and reducing by a vaiying, instead of a uniform scale. 1. What is the sum of 36 bu. 2 pk. 6 qt. 1 pt., 25 bu. 1 pk. 4 qt., 18 bu. 3 pk. 7 qt. 1 pt., 9 bu. Opk.^^t. 1'pU OPERATION. ^ AyjA'siM AiTHnging * ?* qt. pt. the rtumbere in columns, or; -i 4 A plaei.ig units of the same o 7 i draTO under each 021 ,"we first iukl the^ units in the right hand Ans. 90 0. 4 1 v,.mn, otiowest denom- ination, and find the amount to be 3 pints, which is equal to 1 qt 1 pt. We write the 1 pt. under the column of pints, and add the i qt.to the col- umn of quarts. We find the amount of the second column to be 20 qt. which is equal to 2 pk. 4 qt Writing the 4 qt under the column of quarts, we add the 2 pk. to the column of pecks. Adding the column of pecks in the same manner, we find the amount to be 8 pk. equal to 2 bu. Writing pk. under the col- umn of pecks, we add the 2 bu. to the column of bushels. Add- ing the last column, we fird the amount to be 90 bu. which we write under the left hand denomination, as in simple numbers. Hence the following RULE 1. Write the numbers so tliat tlwse of the same unit value will stand in tJie same column. II. Beginning at tJie riylit hand, add each denomination as in simple numbers, carrying to each succeeding denomi- nation one for as many units as it takes of the denomination added j to make one of the next higher denomination. 154 COMPOUND NUMBERS. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2.) (3.) . S. d. far. ft) z 3 . 'f) er 47 10 9 1 10 10 4 1 12 25 6 4 3 9 5 2 10 36 18 2 14 4 16 12 00 10 6 P-r 7 1 00 8 7 3 1 6 3 2 15 Ans.lSQ 3 3 3 32 7 5 2 13 (4) (5) hhd. gal. qt. pt. T. cwt. Ib. oz. dr. 24 21 3 1 3 12 15 10 11 102 42 2 16 20 7 9 38 9 1 5 9 6 12 42 50 1 18 17 14 00 207 60 3 10 15 59 1 00 (6) (7) da. h. min. sec. Ib. oz. pwt. gr. 27 14 40 36 16 11 18 .21 106 % 20 14 25 26 9 15 10 16 12 50 45 11 10 00 8 52 16 39 18 4 6 12 00 (8) (9) mi. fur. rd. yd. ft. in. P. sq.yd. sq.ft. 2 5 25 4 1 10 12 20 5 1 3 30 1 2 7 9 15 6 4 16 5 4 15 10 7 10 6 8 2 2 11 20 26 3 ADDITION. 155 10. What is the sum of 2S. 12, 40', 25"; 5S. 9, 27', 88"; 16 10' 50"; IS, 16? 11. What is the sum of 44A. 2E. 24P., 10A. OE. 20P., 25A. IE. 6^. 36P.? Ans. 86A. IE. 12. What is the sum of 25 rd. 12 ft. 5 in., 28 rd. 9 ft 10 in., 18 rd. 10 ft., 12 rd. 14 ft. 9 in.? Ans. 2 fur. 5 rd. 14 ft. 13. What is the sum of 5 Cd. 6 cd. ft. 9 cu. ft., 4 Cd. 3 cd ft. 12 cu. ft., 10 Cd. 14 cu. ft., 2 Cd. 7 cd. ft.? Ans. 23 Cd. 2 cd. ft. 3 cu. ft. ^14. What is the sum of 40 yd. 2 ft. 10 in., 37 yd. 1 ft. 9 in., 28 yd. 11 in., 10 yd. 2 ft., 15 yd. ? Ans. 132 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. ^15. What is the sum of 13 Cd. 60 cu. ft. 164 cu. in., 25 Cd.75 cu. ft., 18 Cd^25 cu. ft. 540 cu. in., 8 Cd. 1030 cu. in.? Ans. 65 Cd. 33 cu. ft. 6 cu. in. \^16. A grocer bought 4 hhd. of sugar ; the first weighed 11 cwt. 2 qr. 21 lb.; the second 10 cwt. 1 qr. 16 lb.; the third 10 cwt. 22 lb.; and the fourth 9 cwt. 3 qr. How much did the whole weigh ? Ans. 2T. 2 cwt. 9 lb. ^17. A man has a farm divided into three fields; the first -^contains 26 A. 2 E. 30 P. ; the second, 48 A. 27 P. ; an the third, 35 A. 2 E. How many acres in the farm ? Ans. 110 A. 1 E. 17 P. 18. If a printer one day use 2 bundles 1 ream 10 quires of paper, the next day 3 bundles 1 ream 12 quires, 20 sheets, and the next, 4 bundles 9 quires, how much does he use in the three days ? Ans. 10 bundles 1 ream 11 quires 20 sheets. 19. A tailor used, in one year, 3 gross 6 doz. 10 buttons, another year, 2 gross 9 doz. 9 buttons, and another year, 4 gross 7 doz. ; how many did he use in the three years'? 156 COMPOUND NUMBERS. SUBTRACTION. 171. From 24 Ib. 6 oz. 5 pwt. 12 gr. take 14 Ib. 9 oz. 10 pwt. 7 gr. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Writing the oz. pwt. gr. subtrahend under the 6 5 12 . , , . .. c Q -. p. - minuend, placing units or the same denomination Ans. 98 15 5 under each other, we sub- tract 7 gr. from 12 gr. and write the remainder, 5 gr., underneath. Since we cannot subtract 10 pwt. from 2 pwt, we add 1 oz. or 20 pwt. to the^. 5 pwt. and subtract 10 pwt from the sum, 25 pwt, and write the remainder, 15 pwt, underneath. Having added 20 pwt or 1 oz. to the minuend, we now add 1 oz. to the 9 oz. in the sub-^ trahend, making 10 oz ; but as we cannot take 10 oz. from 6 oz. we add 1 Ib, or 12 oz. to the 6 oz. making 18 oz. and subtract- ing 10 oz. from 18 oz. we write the remainder, 8 oz. under the denomination r* ounces. Having added 1 Ib. to the minuend, we now add 1 ib. to the 14 Ib. in the subtrahend, and subtract- ing 15 Ib. from 24 Ib. as in simple numbers, we write the re- mainder, 9 Ib. under the denomination of pounds. Hence RULE. I. Write the subtrahend under the minuend,*** so that units of the same denomination shall stand under* each other. II. Beginning at the right hand, subtract each denomi- nation separately, as in simple numbers. III. If the number of any denomination in the subtra- hend exceed that of the same denomination in the minuend, add to the number in the minuend as many units as make one of the next higher denomination, and then subtract j in this case add 1 to the next higher denomination of the sub- trahend before subtracting. Proceed in the same manner mth oac'h denomination. SUBTRACTION. 157 EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (2) (3) cwt. qr. Ib. oz. dr. lihd. gal. qt. pt. From 18 1 14 9 8 7 28 2 1 Take 5 2 20 6 10 3 42 3 12 2 19 2 14 3 48 3 1 (4) (5 ) fh K 3 . g T bu. pk. qt. pt. 12 7 3 1 11 104 2 T. 6 Jr** 8 5 4 2 15 56 3 4 1 (6) (7) mi. fur. rd. yd. ft. in. A. R. p. 40 5 30 3 2 10 400 2 25 14 6 15 4 1 01 325 1 30 (8) (9 ) wk. da. hr. i nin. sec. S. r n 10 4 16 40 22 6 25 45 38 4 5 12 45 50 4 28 40 50 (10) (11 ) T. c !Wt. qr. Ib. oz. Cd. cd.ft.< JU.ft. cu.i Q. 14 5 2 18 9 120 4 6 520 10 14 3 12 14 94 T 12 1 500 2) (13) (1J yd. ft. in. Cd. cu.ft eq.yd. sq.fl i sq. in 74 2 6 325 80 27 ' 6 91 3 9 2 9 128 112 14 8 12( ) 158 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 15. From 125 mi. 6 fur. take 90 mi. 4 fur. 25 rd. Ans. 35 mi. 1 fur. 15 rd. 16. A man bought 1 hhd. of molasses, and sold 42 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. ; how much remained 1 Ans. 20 gal. 1 pt. 17. A person bought 9 T. 14 cwt. 3 qr, of coal, and having burned 4 T. 15 cwt. sold the remainder ; how much did he sell ? Ans. 4 T. 19 cwt. 3 qr. 18. If from a tub of butter containing 1 cwt. 21 Ib there be sold 24 Ib. 8 oz. how much remains ? Ans. 96 Ib. 8 oz. 19. From a pile of wood containing 42 Cd. 5 cd ft. there was sold 16 Cd. 6 cd. ft. 12 cu. ft. ; how much remained ? Ans. 25 Cd. 6 cd. ft. 4 cu. ft. 20. If from a field containing 37 A. 3 R. 26 P. there be 4 taken 14 A. 2 R. 30 P., how much will there be left ? 21. A farmer having raised 50 bu. 2 pk. of wheat, kept for his own use 25 bu. 3 pk.; how much did he sell ? Ans. 24 bu. 3 pk. 22. The distance from New York to Albany is 150 miles; when a man has traveled 84 mi. 6 fur. 30 rd. of the dis- tance, how much farther has he to travel ? Ans. 65 mi. 1 fur. 10 rd. 23. What is the difference in the longitude of two places one 71 20' 26", and the other 44 35' 58" West? Ans. 26 44' 28". 24. If from a 'hogshead of molasses 10 gal. 2 qt. be drawn atone time, (T gal. 3 qt. at another, and 14 gal. at another, how much will remain ? Ans. 28 gal. 3 qt. 85. From a section of land containing 640 acres, there was sold at one time 140 A. 2. R. 36 P., at another time 200 A. 1 R., and at another time 75 A. 28 P. . how much remained ? Ans. 223 A. 3. R. 16 P. MULTIPLICATION. 159 MULTIPLICATION. 172. 1. A farmer lias 8 fields, each containing 4 A. 2 R. 27 P.; how much land in all ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In 8 fields are 8 times as A- R. P. much land as in 1 field. We write the ' multiplier under the lowest denomination of the multiplicand, and proceed thus ; 8 gy -^ jg times 27 P. are 216 P., equal to 5 R 16 P.; and we write the 16 P, under the number multiplied. Then, 8 times 2 R. are 16 R., and 5 R ad- ded make 21 R., equal to 5 A. 1 R ; and we write the 1 R un- der the number multiplied. Again, 8 times 4 A. are 32 A. and 5 A. added make 37 A., which we write under the same de- nomination in the multiplicand, and the work is done. Hence RULE. I. Write the multiplier under the lowest denom- ination of the multiplicand. II. Multiply as in simple numbers, and carry as in ad- dition of compound numbers. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. (20 (3.) hhd. gal. qt. pt. bu. pk. qt. pt. 6 20 21 9261 3 4 Ans. 18 61 3 1 38 3 2 (4.) (5.) lb. oz. pwt. gr. T. cwt. Ib. oz. 12 8 14 16 10 15 20 8 5 6 63 7 13 8 64 14 23 160 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 6. Multiply 14 A. 2 R. 26 P. by 8. AM. 117 A. 1 R. 8 P. 7. Multiply 6 yd. 2 ft. 9 in. by 12. Ans. 83 yd. 8. Multiply 7ft)- 8 . 5 3 . 13- 10 gr. by 7. Ans. 54ft>. |. 6 3. 1 3. 10 gr. 9. Multiply 24 bu. 1 pk. 6 qt. by 10. 10. Multiply 9 cu. yd. 15 cu. ft. 520 cu. in. by 5. Am. 47 cu. yd. 22 cu. ft. 872 cu. in. 11. Multiply 84 12s. 6d. 2 far. by 9. 12. If a pipe discharge 4 hhd. 20 gal. 3 qt. of water in 1 hour, how much will it discharge in 5 hours, at the same rate ? Am. 21 hhd. 40 gal. 3 qt. 13. If a load of coal by the long ton weigh 1 T. 4 cwt. 2 qr. 20 Ib. what will be the weight of 6 loads ? Ans. 7 T. 8 cwt. 8 Ib. 14. If 1 acre of land produce 26 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. of wheat, how much will 11 acres produce ? 15. If a man travel 30 mi. 4 fur. 20 rd. in 1 day, how far will he travel in 9 days, at the same rate 1 ,16. What is the weight of 3 dozen silver spoons, each dozen weighing 2 Ib. 10 oz. 12 pwt. 14 gr. ? Ans. 8 Ib. 7 oz. 17 pwt. 18 gr. 17. If a wood chopper can cut 2 cd. 6 cd. ft. 8 cu. ft. oi wood in a day, how many cords can he cut in 10 days ? 18. In 20 barrels of potatoes, each containing 2 bu. 8 pk. 6 qt., how many bushels ? Ans. 58 bu. 3 pk. 19. A grocer bought 14 barrels of sugar, each weighing 5 cwt. 1 qr. 15 Ib.; how much did the whole weigh? 20. If the sun, on an average, change his longitude 59' 9" each day, how much will be the change in 25 days? 21. If 1 qt. 1 pt. 3 gi. of wine fill 1 bottle, how much will be required to fill 3 dozen bottles of the same capacity ? MULTIPLICATION. 161 22. If a yard of cloth cost 2 10s. 9d. how much will 18 yards cost ? Ans. 45 13s. 6d. 23. If a person average 8 hr. 20 min. 40 sec. of sleep daily, how much will he sleep in 30 days ? Ans. 10 da. 10 hr. 20 min. 24. How many cords of wood in 8 piles, each containin 40 cd. ft. 104 cu. ft. 432 cu. in. 1 Ans. 46 Cd. 4 cd. ft. 2 cu. ft. 25. If each silver table-spoon weigh 1 oz. 12 pwt. 16 gr., what is the weight of 1 dozen spoons ? 26. If the moon's average daily motion is 33 10' 35", how much of her orbit does she traverse- in 21 days ? 27. How much land in 12 lots, each containing 2 A. 120 P.? Ans. 33 A. 28. How many bushels of wheat jn 48 sacks, each con- taining 165 pounds ? Ans. 132 bu. 29. If a locomotive move 4 fur. 36 rd. in one minute, how far will it move in one hour 1 Ans. 36 mi. 6 fur. 30. If a family consume 2 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt. of molasses in 1 week, how much will they consume in 1 year ? Ans. 1 hhd. 60 gal. 2 qt. 31. If it take a man 5 hr. 42 min. 50 sec. to saw cord of wood, how long will it take him to saw 16 cords ? Ans. 91 hr. 25 min. 20 sec. 32. How many bushels of apples can be put into 75 bar- rels, each barrel containing 3. bu. 1 pk. ? Ans. 243 bu. 3 pk. 33. If a man can build 3 rd. 12 ft. 10 in. of wall in 1 day, how much can he build in 10 days ? I Ans. 37 rd. 12^. 4 in. 34. If a man can mow 2 A. 96 P. of grass in a day, how much can 27 men mow, at the same rate? - D 17; -. <- . - 162 COMPOUND NUMBERS. DIVISION. 173. If 4 acres of land produce 102 bu. 2 pk. 2 qt. of wheat, how much will 1 acre produce ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. One acre will pro- bn. pk. qt. pta. (i uc e J as much as 4 acres. Wri- 4)102 3 2 ting the divigor on the left o{ tbe oc 2 ft 1 dividend, we divide 102 bu. by 4, and we obtain a quotient of 25 bu., and a remainder of 2 bu. We write the 25 bu. under tbe de- nomination of bushels, and reduce the 2 bu. 'o pecks, making 8 pk., and the 3 pk. of the dividend added makes 11 pk. Divi- ding 11 pk. by 4, we obtain a quotient of 2 pk. and a remain- der of 3 pk. ; writing the 2 pk. under the order of pecks, we next reduce 3 pk. to quarts, adding the 2 qt of the dividend, making 26 qt, which divided by 4 gives a quotient of 6 qt. and a remainder of 2 qt Writing the 6 qt. under the order of quarts, and reducing the remainder, 2 qt, to pints, we have 4 pt, which divided by 4 gives a quotient of 1 pt, which w write under the order of pints, and the work is done. 2. A* farmer put 182 bu. 1 OPERATION. pk. of apples into 46 barrels 5 46) j^ P |v 2 ^ how many bu. did he put in- ' 92 40 4 When the divisor is largo lfii(3 we divide by long division, as -j^gg shown in the operation. From _ these examples we derive the 23 following 8 184(4 qt. 184 - Any. 2 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. DIVISION. 163 RULE. I. Divide the highest denomination as in simple numbers, and each succeeding denomination in the same manner, if there be no remainder. II. If there be a remainder after dividing any denomina- tion, reduce it to the next lower denomination, adding in the given number of that denomination, if any, and divide as before. III. The several partial quotients will be the quotient required. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. ( 3 ) W A. R. P. Ib. oz. pwt. gr. 2)95 2 30 3)52 4 16 18 47 3 15 17 5 12 6 (5) . wk. da. h. min. sec. bu. 7)33 5 23 45 10 6)88 4 5 20 32 10 14 3 2 (7) (8) ft). 3- & gr. gal. qt. pt. 5)28 9 4 f 2 5 9)376 3 1 5 9 2 17 41 3 1 (9) (10) hhd. gal. qt. pt. A. R. P. 12)9 28 2 9)129 2 25 49 2 1 14 1 25 (11) (12) mi. fur. rd. ft. in. Ib. oz. pwt. gr 7)217 5 19 12 6 11)185 1 19 13 31 81 6 6 - 16 9 19 23 164 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 13. Divide 185. 17s. 6d. by 8. Ans. 23. 4s. 8d. 1 far. 14. Divide 16 ft,. 13 oz. 10 dr. by 6. Ans. 2 Ib. 12 oz. 15 dr. 15. Divide 358 A. 1 R. 17 P. 6 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. by 7. Ans. 51 A. 31 P. 8 sq. ft. 16. Divide 192 bu. 3 pk. 1 qt. 1 pt. by 9. Ans. 21 bu. 1 pk. 5 qt. 1 pt. 17. Divide 9 hhd. 28 gal. 2 qt. by 12. . .. Ans. 49 gal. 2 qt, 1 pt. 18. Divide 328 yd. 1 ft. 3 in. by 21. Ans. 15yd. 1 ft. 11 in. 19. Divide 36S>. 11 f. 4 3: 23. 7 gr. by 11. Ans. 3R. 4 f . 23. 13, 17 gr. 20. Divide 16 cwt. 3 qr. 18 Ib., long ton weight, bj 32. 21. If a steamboat run 174 mi. 26 rd. in 14 hours, how far does she run in 1 hour ? 22. A farm containing 322 A. 2 R. 10 P. is to by divi- ded equally among 13 persons ; how much will each .have ? Ans. 24 A. 3 R., 10 P. 23. A cartman drew 38 cd. 5 cd. ft. 6 cu. ft. o'f wood, at 80 loads ; how much did he average per load ? Ans. 1 cd. 2 cd. ft. 5 cu<*ft. 24. If 24 barrels of flour cost 98. 16s., how much will 1 barrel cost 1 Ans, 4. 2s. 4d. 25. If a vessel sail 163 16' 12" in 27 days, how far does she sail on an average per day ? Ans. 5 40' 36". 26. If 3 dozen spoons weigh 9 Ib. 8 oz. 12 gr., how much does each spoon weigh ? Ans. 3 oz. 4 pwt. 11 gr. PKOMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 165 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. A farmer raised 200 bu. 2 pk. of barley, 175 bu. 3 pk. of corn, 320 bu. 1 pk. of oats, and 225 bu. 2 pk. of rye; what was the whole quantity of grain raised 7 2. A person having bought 325 A. 2 R. of land, sold 150 A. 1 R. 25 P. of it; how much had he remaining? 3. What is the whole weight of 72 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 12 cwt. 3 qr. 1 Ans. 45 T. 18 cwt. 4. If a railroad car run 148 miles 4 fur. in 8 hours, what is the average rate of speed per hour 1 5. A grocer having purchased 98 cwt. 2 qr. of sugar, sold 10 cwt. 1 qr. 20 Ib. to one man, and 18 cwt. 16 Ib. to another; how much remained unsold-? 6. Bought 12 tea-spoons, each weighing 16 pwt. 20 gr., an'd 6 table-spoons, each weighing 1 oz. 12 pwt. ; what was their total weight ? Ans. 1 Ib. 7 oz. 14 pwt. 7. A farmer raised 24 T. 17 cwt. of hay; he sold 5 loads, each weighing 1 T. 8 cwt. 21 Ib. ; how much has he re- maining ? Ans. 17 T. 15 cwt. 95 Ib. 8. A jeweler having 36 Ib. 10 oz. 14 pwt. of silver, uses 21 Ib. 6 oz. of it, and then manufactures the remainder into 8 tea-pots ; what is the weight of each ? Ans. 1 Ib. 11 oz. 1 pwt. 18 gr. 9. A man purchasing 2 A. 140 sq. rd. of land, reserves | an acre for his own use, and divides the remainder in 4 equal lots ; how much does each lot contain ? .4ns. 95 sq. rd. 10. How many pounds of sugar in 28 barrels, each con- taining 3 cwt. 1 qr. 17 Ib. ? Ans. 9576 pounds. 11. If from a piece of land containing 5 A. 3 R., 2 A. 72 P. be taken, how many square rods will remain 1 166 COMPOUND NUMBERS. 12 Divide a tract of land containing 1299500 square rods into 25 farms of equal area ; how many acres will there be in each ? Ans. 324 A. 3 R. 20 P. 13. A merchant buys 3 hogsheads of molasses at 30 cents a gallon, and sells it at 45 cents ; how much does he gain on the whole ? 14. What is the cost of 3 chests of tea, each weighing 2 cwt. 2 qr. 18 lb., at $.84 a pound ? Ans. 225.12. 15. How many steps of 30 inches each must a person take in walking 12 miles? 16. If a man buy 10 bushels of chestnuts, at $3 a bushel, and sell them at 10 cents a pint, how much is his whole gain? Ans. $34. 17. How many times will a wheel 13 ft. 4 inches in cir- cumference turn round in going 12 miles? Ans. 4752. 18. If 8 horses eat 12 bu. 3 pk. of oats in 3 days, how many bushels will 20 horses eat in the same time ? Ans. 31 bu. 3 pk. 4 qt. 19. How much sugar at 9 cents a pound must be given for 2 cwt. 43 lb. of pork at 6 cents a pound ? Ans. 162 pounds. 20. How many cubic feet in a room 18 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 10 feet high ? 21. A person wishes to ship 720 bushels of potatoes in barrels, which shall hold 3 bu. 3 pk. each, how many bar- rels must he use ? Ans. 192. 22. How many rods of fence will inclose a farm a mile square ? Ans. 1280 rods. 23. If granite weigh 175 pounds a cubic foot, what ia the weight of a cubic yard ? Ans. 2 T. 7 cwt. 25 lb. CANCELLATION. 167 CANCELLATION. 174:. Cancellation is the process of rejecting equal factors from numbers sustaining to each other the relation of dividend and divisor. It has been shown ( 70 ) that the dividend is equal to the product of the divisor multiplied by the quotient. Hence, if the dividend can be resolved into two factors, one of which is the divisor, the other factor will be the quotient. 1. Divide 72 by 9. OPERATION. ANALYSIS. We see in this Divisor. 0)0 X$ Dividend. example, that 72 is composed - of the factors 9 and 8, and 8 Quotient. that the factor 9, is equal to the divisor. Therefore we reject the factor 9, and the remain- ing factor, 8, is the quotient. 174. Whenever the dividend and divisor are each composite numbers, the factors common to both may first be rejected without altering the final result. 2. What is the quotient of 48 divided by 24 ? OPERATION. ANALYSTS. We first indi- 48 $X$X2 wte the operation to be per- -^-:=~2 Ant. " IbVmed; by wfrtiifg the dividend above a line, and the divisor below it. We resolve 48, into the factors 3, 8 and 2, and 24 in- to the factors 3, and 8. We next cancel the factors 3, and 8, which are common to the dividend and divisor, and we have left the factor 2, in the dividend, which is the quotient. NOTE. When all the factors or numbers in the dividend are cancelled, 1 should bo retained. 163 CANCELLATION. If any two numbers, one in the dividend and one in the divisor, contain a common factor, we may reject that factor. ^ 3. In 15 times 63, how many t'imes 457 OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In this example we see that 5 will divide 15 and 45 ; so we Ans re J ec * 5 as a factor of 15, and retain the factor 3, and also as a factor of 45, and retain the factor 9. Again 9 will divide 9 in the divisor, and 63 in the dividend. Dividing both numbers by 9, 1 will be retained in the divisor, and 7 in the dividend. Finally the product of 3 X 7 = 21, the quotient. 4. What is the quotient of 25x18X^X4, divided by 15X4X9X3? OPERATION. 2 ANALYSIS. In O this, as in the 3 3 preceedingez- s ample, we re- ject all the factors that are common to* both dividend and divisor, and we have remaining the facjtoi^S^a.^^Hiiyjs^. and the factors 5, 2, and 2 in the dividend. Completing the work, we have 2 3=6|, Av$. ^ From the precee^jfog^examples and illustrations we de- rive the following : BuLTT-T-^Brff. ^^^^^^f^tay^-mw^r above a horizontal line, and the numbers composing the di- visor below it. II. Cancel all the factors common to both dividend and divisor. III. Divide the product of the remaining factors of the dividend by the product of the remaining factors of the di- visor , and the result will be the quotient. CANCELLATION. 169 Nones. Ir Rejecting a factor from any number is dividing the numbr by that factor. 2- When a factor is cancelled, the unit, 1, is supposed to take its place. 3. One factor in the dividend will cancel only one equal factor hi the diviaor. 4. If all the factors or numbers of the divisor are cancelled, the product of th remaining factors of the dividend will be the quotient. 5. By many it is thought more convenient to write the factors of the dividend on the right of a vertical line, and the factors of the divisor on the left. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. Divide the product of 12x8x6 by 8x4X3. FIRST OPERATION. 3X2 -=6 Ans. SECOND OPERATION. If 6 Ans. 2. Divide the product of 25x18x4x3, FIRST OPERATION. &X20X4XJ 5X3X4 60 04 \ - 84 Ans. 3. Divide the uroduct of 36x10X7 by 14x5x9. . 4. 4. What is the quotient of 21X8X40X3 divided by 12X7X20? Ans. 12. 5. What is the quotient of 64x18x9 divided by 30 X 27X4? Ans. 3f 6. Divide the product of 120x44x6 by 60x11X8. Ans. 6 8 170 CANCELLATION. 7. Multiply 200 by 60, and divide the product by 50 multiplied by 48. Ans. 5. 8. Multiply 8 times 32 by 6 times 27, and divide the product by 9 times 96. Ans. 48. 9. What is the quotient of 21x8x60x8x6 divided by 7X12X3X8X3? Ans. 80. 10. What is the quotient of 18x6x4x42 divided by 4X9X3X7X6? Ans. 4. 11. If 18X5X^X66 be divided by 40x22x6, what is the quotient? Ans. 10^. 12. The product of thj numbers 26, 11, and 21, is to be divided by the product of the numbers 14 and 13 ; what is the quotient ? Ans. 33. 13. The product of the numbers 48, 72, 28 and 5, is to be divided by the product of the numbers 84, 15, 7 and 6; what is the quotient ? Ans. 9^. 14. How many tons of hay at $9 a ton, must be given for 27 cords of wood, at $4 a cord ? Ans. 12 tons. 15. How many bushels of corn, worth 60 cents a bushel, must be given for 25 bushels of rye, worth 90 cents a bushel? Ans. 37^ bushele. 16. How many peaches worth 2 cents eaoh must be given for 48 oranges, at 3 cents* each ? Ans. 72 17. How many days work, at 75 cents a day, will pay for 30 pounds of coffee, at 15 cents a pound ? Ans. 6 days. 18. How many, suits of clothes, at $18 a suit, can be made from 5 pieces of cloth, each piece containing 24 yards, at $3 a yard ? Ans. 20 suits. 19. How many tubs of butter, each containing 48 pounds, at 14 cents a pound, must be given for 3 boxes of tea, each containing 42 pounds, worth 60 cents a pound ? Ant. ll CANCELLATION. 171 20. How many days work, at 84 cents a day, will pay for 36 bushels of corn worth 56 cents a bushel 1 ? Ans. 24. 21. A farmer exchanged 45 bushels of potatoes worth 30 cents a bushel, for 15 pounds of tea; what was the tea worth a pound? Ans. 90 cents. 22. A grocer bought 120 pounds of cheese, at 9 cents a pound, and paid in molasses, at 45 cents a gallon ; how many gallons of molasses paid for the cheese 1 Ans. 24 gallons. 23. Gave 12 barrels of flour, at $7 a barrel, for hay worth 818 a ton ; how many tons of hay was the flour worth? Ans. 4 tons. 24. Sold 8 firkins of butter, each weighing 56 pounds, at 15 cents a pound, and received in payment 3 boxes of tea, each containing 40 pounds; how much was the tea worth a pound ? Ans. 56 cents. 25. A man took 6 loads of apples to market, each load containing 14 barrels, and each barrel 3 bushels. He sold them at 50 cents a bushel, and received in payment 9 bar- rels of sugar, eac^. weighing 210 pounds ; how much was the sugar worth a pound 1 An-s. 6| cents. 26. A grocer sold 12 boxes of soap, each containing 51 pounds, at 10 cents a pound ; he received in payment a certain number of barrels of potatoes, each containing 3 bushels, at 30 cents a bushel ; how many barrels did he receive ? Ans. 68 barrels. 27. A man sold 4 loads of barley, each load containing 60 bushels, at 70 cents a bushel, and received in payment 2 pieces of cloth, each piece containing 35 yards, how much was the cloth worth a yard ? -4ns. $2.40. 172 ANALYSIS. ANALYSIS. 176. Analysis, in arithmetic, is the process ot solving problems independently of set rules, by tracing the relations of the given numbers and the reasons of the separate steps of 'the operation according to the special conditions of each question. 177. In solving questions by analysis, we generally rea- son from the given number to unity, or 1 ; and then from unity, or 1, to the required number. 178. United States money is reckoned in dollars, dimes, cents, and mills, one dollar being uniformly valued in all the States at 100 cents ; but in most of the States money is sometimes still reckoned in pounds, shillings and pence. NOTB. At the time of the adoption of our decimal currency by Congress, in 1786, the colonial currency, or bills of credit, issued by the colonies, had depreciated in value and this depreciation, being unequal in the different colonies, gave rise to the different values of the State currencies ; and this variation continues wherever the denomination of shillings and pence are in use, Georgia Currency. Georgia ; South Carolina, $l=4s. 8d. 56d. Canada Currency. Canada, Nova S,cotia, $l=5s.=60d. New England Currency. NewEnglanl Sta es, Indiana, Illinois, J Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennes-> $1 6s. 72d. see, Mississippi, Texas, ) Pennsylvania Currency. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, ) ^ ^ $l_7s 6d. 90d. New York Currency. New York, Ohio, Michigan, ) *, fta or , North Carolina, f * ] In many of the States it is customary to give the retail price of articles in shillings and pence, and the cost of the whole in dollars and cents. ANALYSIS. 173 The following will be found an easy, shoit, and practical method of reducing currencies to dollars and cents. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. What will be the cost of 36 bushels of apples, at 3 shillings a bushel, New England Currency ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Since 1 6 bushel costs 3 shillings, 36X3 = 108s. I $0 3G bushels will cost 36 108^-6 = $18 Or I 3 times3s.,or36x3~l08s.; ~~ and as 6s. make 1 doUar, 18, Ans. New Engknd cuvrencV| there are as many dollars in 108s. as 6 is contained times in 108, or 108-r-6=i 2. What will 112 bushels of barley cost, at 5s. 6d. per bushel, New York currency ? OPERATION. 7 Or XX ft * ANALYSIS. We mul- U tiply the number of bushels by the price, $77 and divide the result by $77 Ans. the value of 1 dollar as in the first example, reducing both the price and 1 dollar to pence, and we obtain $77. Or, when the price is an aliquot part of a shilling, the price may be reduced to an improper fraction for a multiplier, thus; 5s. 6d 5 As. 3-8., the multiplier. The value of a dollar being 8s., we divide by 8 as in the operation. Hence To find the cost of articles in dollars and cents, when the price is in shillings and pence, Multiply the commodity by the price, and divide the pro- duct by the value of one dollar in the required currency, reduced to the same denominational unit as the price. 174 ANALYSIS. 3. What will 180 cords of wood cost at 8s. 4d. per cord, Pennsylvania currency? OFEKATION. ANALYSIS. Multiply 2 Or, 100 $200 4 the quantity by the price in pence, and* di- vide the product by the value of 1 dollar in $200, Ans. , ., pence ; or, reduce the shillings and pence, both of the price and of the dollar, to the fraction of a shilling before multiplying and dividing, thus ; 8s. 4d.=8^s. "= 2 3 5s> ^ ne mu ltip ner ' The value of the dollar being 7s. 6d. =7s. ^s. we divide by ^ as in the operation. 4. What will be the cost of 7 J yards of cloth, at 6s. 8d. New York currency ? OPERATION. , - or AA ANALYSIS. We reduce the quan- ' tity and the price to improper frao $6.25 Ans. tions > before multiplying. NOTE. When there is a remainder in the dividend, it may be reduced to cents and mills by annexing two or three ciphers and continuing the division. 5. What will 7 hhd. of molasses cost at Is. 3d. per quart, Georgia currency 1 ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. In this example we % first reduce 7 hhd. to quarts, by mul- 63 tiplying by 63, and 4, and then mul- ^ tiply by the price, either reduced to pence or to an improper fraction, and 2 I Q45 00 divide by the value of 1 dollar re ' duced to the same denomination aa $472.50 Ans. the price. ANALYSIS. 175 6. Sold 8 firkins of butter, each containing 56 pounds at Is. 3d. per pound, and received in payment tea at 6s. 8d. per pound; how many pounds of tea would pay for the butter? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. The operation in 28 this is similar to the preceding 3 examples, except that we divide 9 the cost of the butter by the price of a unit of the article received in Ans. 84 pounds. , , , ., payment, reduced to the same de- nominational unit as the price of a unit of the article sold. The result will be the same in whatever currency. 7. What will be the cost of a load of oats containing 64 bushels at 2s. 6d. a bushel, New York currency ? Ans. $20. 8. At 9d. a pound, what will be the cost of 120 pounds of sugar, New England currency? Ans. 15. 9. What will be the value of a load of potatoes, meas- uring 35 bushels, at 2s. 3d. a bushel, Penn. currency? Ans. $10.50. 10. What will be the cost of 240 bushels of wheat, at 9s. 4d. a bushel, Michigan currency 1 Ans. &2SO. 11. In New Jersey currency ? Ans. $298.66|. 12. In IHinois currency? Ans. $373.33^. 13. In South Carolina currency ? Ans. $480. 14. In Virginia currency ? Ans. 15. In Ohio currency ? Ans. 16. In Canada currency ? Ans. $448. 17. How many days work at 7s. 6d. a day, must be given for 5 bushels of wheat at 10s. a bushel ? Ans. 6f days. 18. What will be the cost of 5 casks of rice, each weigh- ing 168 pounds, at 3d. per pound, South Carolina currency 1 Ans. $45. 176 ANALYSIS. 19. How many pounds of sugar^at 9d. per pound, must be given for 18 bushels of apples, at 2s. 7d. per bushel ? Ans. 62 pounds. 20. Bought 3 casks of catawba wine, each cask contain- ing 64 gallons, at 7s. 9d. per quart, Ohio currency ; what was the cost of the whole 1 Ans. $744. 21. What will it cost to build 150 rods of wall, at 3s. 8d. per rod, Canada currency ? Ans. $110. 22. How many pounds of butter, at 18d. a pound, must be given for 12 pounds of tea, at 5s. 4d. a pound 1 Ans. 42| pounds. 23. What will be the cost of 4 hogsheads of molasses, at Is. 2d. per quart, Mississippi currency 1 Ans. $196. 24. A farmer exchanged 28 bushels of barley / worth 5s. 8d. a bushel, with his neighbor, for corn worth 7s. a bushel; how many bushels of corn was the barley worth ? Ans. 22| bushels. 25. What will a load of wheat, measuring 45 bushels, be worth at lls. a bushel, Kentucky currency ? Ans. $82.50. 26. What will 12 yards of Irish linen cost, at 4s. 9d. a yard, Pennsylvania currency? J.TI&. $7.60. 27. Bought the following bill of goodg of f radewell & Co. ; how much did the whole amount to, New York cur- rency ? 4 yards of cloth at 5s. 6d. per yard, 9 " calico, - - " - Is. 4d. 10 " ribbon, - 2s. 3d. 6 gallons molasses, - " 4s. 8d. per gallon, " 3 J pounds of tea, - " 6s. per pound. Ans. $13.1875. PERCENTAGE. 177 PERCENTAGE. 179. Per cent is a term derived from the Latin words per centum, and signifies by the hundred, or hundredths, that is, a certain number of parts of each one hundred parts, of whatever denomination. Thus, by 5 per cent, is meant 5 cents of every 100 cents, $5 of every $100, 5 bushels of every 100 bushels, &c. Therefore, 5 per cent, equals 5 hundredths^.OS^jf^T^. 8 per cent, equals 8 hun- dredths = .08= T $ = 2 2 ~. 1 8O. Percentage is such a part of a number as is in- dicated by the per cent. 181. The Base of percentage is the number on which the percentage is computed. 1 82. Since per cent, is any number of hundredths, it is usually expressed in the form of a decimal. or a common fraction, as in the following * TABLE. Decimals. Common Fractions. Lowest Term* 1 per cent .01 T ^ T ^ 2 per cent " .02 " T 3s " A 4 per cent " .04 " ^ ^ 5 per cent " .05 " T ^ J^ 6 per cent. ,.06 " T fo * ^ 7 per cent " 07 " T ^ " jfa 8 per cent. " .08 " T fo " & 10 per cent. .10 " J^ ft 16 percent " .16 ^ " 2 \ 20 per cent ' .20 " ^ J 25 per cent " .25 " ^ a ^ 50 per cent. ' .50 " T & " % 100 per cent. " 1.00 " |jj ' " I 178 PERCENTAGE. . To find the jfig^centage of any number. 1. A man having $12*0, paid out 5 per gent, of it for groceries ; how much did he pay out 1 OPERATION. $120 .05 _ ANALYSIS. Since 5 per cent, is T 5 o """ $6.00 .05, he paid out .05 of $120, or $120X05 =$6. Hence the RULE. Multiply the given number or quantity by the rate per cent, expressed decimally, and point off as in dec- imals. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. What is 4 per cent, of $300 ? Ans. $12. 3. What is 3 per cent, of $175? Ans. $5.25. 4. What is 5 per cent, of 450 pounds ? 5. What is 6 per cent, of 65 gallons ? Ans. 3.9 gal. 6. What is 9 per cent, of 200 sheep ? Ans. 18 sheep. 7. What is 7 per cent, of $97? Ans. $6.79. 8. What is 10 per cent, of $12.50 ? Ans. $1.25. 9. What is 40 per cent, of 840 men? Ans. 336 men. 10. What is 25 per cent, of 740 miles ? 11. A man having $4000, invests 25 per cent, of it in land; what sum does he invest? Ans. $1000. 12. A man bought 1500 barrels of apples, and found on opening them that 12 per cent, of them were spoiled ; how many barrels did he lose ? Ans. 180 barrels. 13. A farmer having 180 sheep, sold 45 per cent, of them and kept the remainder; how many did he sell and how many did he keep 1 Ans. He kept 99. 14. Having deposited $1275 in bank, I draw out 8 per cent, of it; how much remains? Ans. $1173. COMMISSION. 179 COMMISSION. 1 84. An Agent, Factor, or Broker, is a person who transacts business for another. 1 5. A Commission Merchant is an agent who buya and sells goods for another. 186. Commission is the fee or compensation of an agent, factor, or commission merchant. 187. To find the commission or brokerage on any sum of money. 1. A commission merchant sells butter and cheese to the amount of $1540 ; what is his commission at 5 per cent. ? OPERATION. * ANALYSIS. Since the com- $1540X-05=$77, Ans. mission on $1 is 5 cents or .05 of a dollar, on $1540 it is $1540X.05=$77. Hence the RULE. Multiply the given sum by the rate per cent, expressed decimally ; the result will be the commission or brokerage. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. What commission must be paid for collecting $3840, at 3 per cent. ? Ans. $115.20. 3. A commission merchant sells goods to the amount of $5487.50; what is his commission, at 2 per cent. ? Ans. $109.75. 4. An agent buys 5460 bushels of wheat at $1.50 a bushel ; how much is his commission for buying, at 4 per cent.? Am. $327.60. 5. A commission merchant sells 400 barrels of potatoes at $2.25 a barrel, and 345 barrels of apples at $3.20 a bar rel ; how much is his commission for selling, at 5 per cent. ? 6. An age/nt sold my house and lot for $6525 ; what wasi his commission at 2 per cent. ] 180 PERCENTAGE. "Y* PROFIT AND LOSS. 18 8. "Profit and Loss are commercial terms, used to express the gain or loss in business transactions, which is usually reckoned at a certain per cent, on the prime or first cost of articles. 1 89. To find the amount of profit or loss, when the cost and the gain or loss per cent, are given. 1. A man bought a horse for $135, and afterward sold him for 20 per cent, more than he gave ; how much did he gain? OPERATION. ANAWESIS. Since $1 gains 20 $135 X- 20 ^ 2 ?, ^ ns - cents, or 20 per cent., $135 will gain $135X-20=$27. Hence the RULE. Multiply the cost by the rate per cent, expressed decimally-. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. Bought a horse for $150, and sold him at 15 per cent, profit; how much was my gain? Ans. $22.50. 3. Bought 25 cords of wood at $3.50 a cord, and sold it so as to gain 33 per cent. ; how much did I make ? Ans. $28.87*. 4. Paid 7 centra pound for 2480 pounds of pork, and afterward lost 10 per cent, on the cost, in selling it ; how much was my whole loss ? Ans. $17.36. 5. Bought 1000 bushels of wheat at $1.25 a bushel, and sold the flour at 18 per cent, advance on the cost of the wheat ; how much was my whole gain ? Ans. $225. 6. A grocer bought 6 barrels of sugar, each containing 220 pounds, at 7J cents a pound, and sold it at 20 per cent profit; how much was the whole gain ? Ans. $19.80. SIMPLE INTEREST. 181 SIMPLE INTEREST. 190. Interest is a sum paid for the use of money. 191. Principal is the sum for the use of which in- terest is paid. 1 92. Rate per cent, per annnm is the sum per cent, paid for the use of $100 annually. NOTE. The rate per cent, is commonly expressed decimally, as hnndredtha. (182.) 193. Amount is the sum of the principal and in- terest. 194. Simple Interest is the sum paid for the use of the principal only, during the whole time of the loan or credit. 195. Legal Interest is the rate per cent, establish- ed by law. It varies in different States, as follows : Minnesota, 'jS)p er cent. Mississippi, (3. Missouri, .6 New Hampshire,. .6 New Jersey, 6 New York, ft/ North Carolina, ... 6 Ohio, 6 Pennsylvania, .... 6 Rhode Island .... 6 South Carolina,...; 7 Alabama, ..... .'. . .8 per cent. Arkansas, ........ 6 California,. ...... 10 Connecticut, ...... 6 'Delaware, ........ 6 Dist of Columbia,. 6 Florida, .......... 8 ...... 7 ...... .6 Indiana, ......... 6 Iowa, ............ 7 Kentucky, ....... 6 Louisiana ........ 5 Maine. . ; ..... . ...6 Maryland, ........ 6 Massachusetts, .... 6 Michigan, ........ 7 Tennessee, ....... 6 Texas, .......... .8 ', U.S. (debts),....^. " Vermont, ....... ..6/ " Virginia, ....... jfrf \F " Wisconsin, NOTES. 1. The legal rate in Canada, Nova Scotia, and Ireland is 6 per cent., and In England and France 5 per cent. 2. When the rate per cent, is not specified in accounts, notes, mortgages, con- tracts, &c., the legal rate is always understood. 182 PERCENTAGE. CASE I. 196. To find the interest on any sum, at any rate per cent., for years and months. 1. What is the interest on $140 for 3 years 3 months, at 7 per cent. ? OPERATION. $140 .07 ANALYSIS. The interest on $140, for 1 yr., at 7 per cent, $9.80 int. for 1 year. [ a .07 of the principal, O r $9.- _ _^ 80, and*?h% interest for 3 yr. 245 3 mo. is 3 T %3| times the 2940 interest for one yr., or^$9.80 X 3 J, which is $31. Ans. $31.85 Int. for 3 yr. 3 mo. Hence, the following RULE. I. Multiply the principal fylthe rate per cent. t and the product will be the interest for 1 year. II. Multiply this product fy the time^in years and frac- tions of a year, and the result will be the required interest. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. What is the interest on $48.50 for 2 years 6 months, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. $7x275. 3. What is the interest on $325.41 for 3 years.! months, at 5 per cent. 1 Ans. $54.235. 4. What is the interest on $279.60 for 1 year 9 months, at 7 per cent. 7 - Ans. $34.251. 5. What is the amount of $26.84 for 2 yr. 6 mo., at 5 per cent. 1 Ans. $30.195. 6. What is the amount of $200 for 1 yr. 9 mo., at 7 percent? Ans. $224.50. 7. What is the interest on $750 for 1 year^3 months, at 5 per cent. 1 Ans. $46.875. SIMPLE INTEREST. 183 CASE II. 197. To find the interest on any sum, for any time, at any rate per ccjnt. Obvious Relations between Time aud Interest. I. The interest on any sum for 1 year, at 1 per cent., is .01 of that sum, and is equal to the principal with the sep- eratrix removed two places to the left. II. A month being -^ of a year, J 2 of the interest on any sum for 1 year is the interest for 1 month. III. The interest on any sum for 3 days is ^=-^=.1 of the interest for 1 month, and any number of days may readily be reduced to tenths of a month by dividing by 3. IV. The interest on any sum for 1 month, multiplied by any given time expressed in months and tenths of a month, will produce the required interest. ^\. What is the interest on $306 for 1 yr. 6 mo. 12 da., at 7 per cent ? OPERATION. ANALYSIS. Removing the ] p*. 6 mo. 12 da. = 18.4 mo. seperatrix in the given princi- 12)$3.060 P al two places to the left, we have $3. 06, the interest on $.255 the given sum for 1 year at 1 per cent. (I). Dividing this by 12, we have $.255, the inter- 2040 GSt f r * montll > at ! P er cent * (!!) Multiplying this quo- tient by 18.4, the time ex- pressed in months and deci- mals of a month. (HI), we $32.8440 Ans. have $4.692, the interest on the given sum for the given time, at 1 per cent. (IV). And multi- plying this product by 7, the rate per cent, we have $32.844, the required interest. Hence, VUl 1 184 PERCENTAGE. RULE. I. Remove the separatrix in the given principal two places to the left ; the result will be the interest f or \ year at 1 per cent. II. Divide this interest by 12 f the result will be the in- terest for 1 month, at 1 per cent. III. Multiply this interest by the given time expressed in months and tenths of a month ; the result will be the interest for the given time, at 1 per cent. IV. Multiply this interest by the given rate ; the product wiU be the interest required. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 2. What is the interest on $34.25 for 3 yr. 8 mo. 15 da., 5 per cent. ? Ans. $6.35. 3. What is the interest on $260 for 9 mo. ": JERSITY ALGEBRA, - gEY TO UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA ^ DIVERSITY ALGEBRA, TO NEW UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA, - IV GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY, - NKW SUh '! YING AND NAVIGATION, - HjflWf"*^^ GEOMETRY AND CONIC SECTIONS, ,* DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS,- (IN PRESS) : ELEMJ . .\RY ASTRONOMY, - UNlfEH UTY ASTRONOMY, - Ijjf^EJfA THE MA TICAL OPERA TIONS, - >!KTRY& TRIGONOMETRY, CONIC SEC !CAL GEOMETRY, AND SURVEYING,- . i.08t liberal terms for first supplies, . ) / imen copies, for exwnina fjt.-m-rijttive LftfO