muGKl Bit A COMPENDIUM OF FOOD-MICROSCOPY DR. ARTHUR HILL HASSALL AUTHOR OF "food: ITS ADULTERATIONS AND THE METHODS FOR THEIR detection"; and other works From the Picture, by Signor Italo Sabatini, in the Board Room at the Offices of the Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Photograph by Messrs. Clark and Mann, 6, York Buildings, Duke Street, Strand. A COMPENDIUM OF FOOD- MICROSCOPY WITH SECTIONS ON DRUGS, WATEr/ _ AND TOBACCO ^ - " ^ COMPILED, WITH ADDITIONS AND REVISION. FROM THE LATE DR. A. H. HASSALL'S WORKS ON FOOD BY EDWY GODWIN CLAYTON FELLOW OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY ; MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS ; FELLOW, AND PAST MEMBER OF COUNXIL, OF THE INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY ; AUTHOR OF ARTICLES IN 'A DICTIONARY OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY,' 'THE ANALYST,' 'THE CHEMICAL NEWS," ETC. SOMETIME PUBLIC ANALYST FOR FULHAM LONDON BAILLlfeRE, TINDALL AND COX 8, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1909 [-■4// rights reserved] r. i>r ^ TO THE MEMORY OF ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D., M.R.C.P. PIONEER IN PUBLIC HYGIENE, IS DEDICATED . THIS BOOK, WHICH OWES ITS BEIXG TO HIS UNTIRING LABOURS. ! 797 43 PREFACE Thirty-two years have passed away since the appearance of ' Food : Its Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection.' At the suggestion of the Author of that work, it was the present writer's intention, hitherto frustrated, long ago to publish a new edition. The late Dr. A. H. Hassall had discussed with the undersigned the plan of the fresh work, when his death occurred in 1894. Many matters, coupled with a knowledge of the existence of several then recently-dated textbooks, dealing with food analysis generally, and of a cluster of handbooks on separate branches of the subject, led to a postponement of the project. The writer now at length issues his long-contemplated revision of the microscopical portions of Dr. Hassall's works ; and, a considerable period having elapsed since the production by other English chemists of any new general treatises on hygienic or public analysis, he hopes at no distant date to supplement this volume by another, devoted mainly to chemical, physical, and bacteriological methods of investigation, which in his own or other labora- tories have been found practicable and trustworthy. Thus will be accomplished a design which for several years the Author has had in his mind. The present volume represents but a fractional part of the work of one who ' was truly the father of public analysis ' ; who taught public analysts ' most of their knowledge of the microscopic structure of food substances ' ; who was ' The Apostle of Anti-x\dulteration ' ; and ' left his mark bene- ficially on a number of divisions of natural science, although he had to work under conditions of poverty and ill-health X PREFACE which would have proved an effectual bar to persons less energetic and mentally less active.'^ The writer's simultaneously published memoir^ epitomizes the initiation of effectual legislative and other action in this country against the supply of impure water and the adultera- tion of food and drugs ; and plainly shows the profound influence of the late Dr. Hassall's inquiries and efforts, in bringing about the sanitary legislation so pressingly needed at the period of his greatest activity. But for his strenuous life, the systematic hygienic analysis of food, water, and drugs would scarcely yet have been organized ; nor would it have become in a few decades what now undoubtedly it is — an autonomous science of State-Chemistry, with an ever- widening scope, and a constantly growing importance to the Empire. Those parts of Dr. Hassall's text, included in the following pages, have been revised and re-arranged so far as appeared to be necessary. The amount of revision, of course, was very great : nevertheless the original descriptions have been altered as little as possible. They are plainly worded, and free from the superabundance of botanical detail, and elaborate subdivision, which characterize some of the later books on the same subject. This lucidity of treatment is one of the best features of Dr. Hassall's work. Great elaboration and minute- ness of description, however admirable from the purely scientific point of view, can be carried to such an extent as to be a hindrance to a practical worker, whose main desire, probably, is no more ambitious than to examine ground ginger for added barley- meal, or cacao powder for maize-starch. Additional matter is scattered through the book. The original text in many places has been recast and consider- ably amplified; as in the pages devoted to the parasitic diseases of grains, to mildews and moulds, arrowroots, cocoa, saccharine substances, mustard, annatto and hops. ^ Obituaries in the Analyst and the Medical Press, 1894. - 'Arthur Hill Hassall, Physician and Sanitary Reformer : A Short History of his Work in Public Hygiene, and of the Movement against the Adulteration of Food and Drugs.' Messrs. Bailhere, Tindall and Cox, 1908. PREFACE xi The sub-sections on proprietary wheaten foods ; nut foods ; fruit preserves and jellies, including an account of the dis- tinguishing microscopical features of fruits ; pickles, sauces, and preserved vegetables ; flesh ; animal parasites ; lish ; milk ; butter ; cheese, and lard, are either quite new, or they have been almost entirely re-written. Nearly the whole of Section II. (Foods derived from Animal Sources), apart from certain of the figures, is fresh matter. This applies also to Section IV. (Water). In Germany especially, during the past twenty years, various important treatises have appeared, dealing with the microscopical investigation of food. These, and numerous other authorities, British and foreign, have been consulted during the preparation of the present volume. Particular mention may here be made of the works by Meyer, Konig, Blyth, Bell, Mace, Hager-Mez, Allen, Hanausek, von Vogl, Angell, Moeller, Winton, Tschirch and Oersterle, Villiers and Collin, Planchon and Collin, Greenish, Gait, and W. Griffiths. In the chronological bibliography on pp. 399-406 are cited these and many more authorities, some of which are indispensable to the ardent student of applied microscopy. The Author has essayed further simplification by adopting, so far as he could, an atlas-arrangement ; with, wherever possible, all the figures of each foodstuff or drug, together, on a few successive pages, and, generally facing or beneath them, the descriptions. This system was not followed in the late Dr. Hassall's works, and to the best of the writer's knowledge, has not been consistently adopted in any book in English, covering the same ground. The glossary on pp. 393-398 may be useful for reference, in view of the numerous botanical terms unavoidably used in the body of the work. Included in the volume are nearly all the original figures — still without many serious rivals in other books of the kind published in the United Kingdom. This, at least, is the view of the present writer, who believes himself to be acquainted with all the more important general and specialized similar treatises, British and continental, which in latter days xii PREFACE have appeared. The indistinct, and, for practical ends, often useless results of photo-micrography — though, peradventure, artistically attractive — and the somewhat fanciful or diagram- matic representations, to be met with in some of these works, have strengthened his opinion, that no other pictures have been issued, of the same class of objects, better than, if, indeed, equally serviceable \vith, the illustrations now re- produced. The Author has, moreover, been convinced by twenty-seven years' travail as a microscopist and analyst, and by knowledge gained w^hile for nearly eight years he filled, however imperfectly, the difficult and thankless office of public analyst for a London district of a hundred thousand inhabitants, that few other representations of the minute structures of food -materials are, for usefulness to the labourer in this particular field, comparable with careful drawings made by the aid of the camera lucida. Many fresh illustrations will be found in the present volume. The Author is greatly indebted to Miss Faith Clay- ton for the careful drawings reproduced in Figs. ig8, 201, and 202 [Cysticercus celkdoscef Tcenia echinococcus, and Trichina spiralis). He is himself responsible for forty-four sketches — prepared in many instances from the objects themselves, and, for the rest, drawn after, or to some extent inspired by, figures in the works of Leuckart, Landois, Schafer, and others. It must be ascribed to the late Dr. Hassall's insistence on the importance of the microscope in analysis, that the Local Government Board made proficiency in the use of that instrument a requisite qualification for persons desiring to become public analysts ; and the Institute of Chemistry during recent years has recognized this necessity by including microscopical analysis in its examinations. Dr. Hassall's exposures of adulteration, and advocacy of sanitary reform, by no means constitute his only claims to the respect and gratitude of his fellow-countrymen. Another great public service which he rendered was the foundation, and establishment on a secure basis, of the Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, at Ventnor, Isle of Wight. To this work Dr. Hassall devoted PREFACE xiii more than ten years of his Hfe ; and it alone, had he accom- pHshed nothing else, would be a sufficient and enduring monument. In 1862 Dr. Hassall proposed a Petroleum Standard. In his Report on Paraffin Oil (the Lancet, 1862), he conferred a national benefit, by showing that much of the oil then sold in the metropolis was in a condition dangerous to the public, and by urging the adoption of a ' standard of safety ' with regard to the ignition-temperature of the vapour emitted by the oil put upon the market. He strongly advocated the production of a guarantee by wholesale firms that the temperature of inflammation of the oil vended by them was not less than 130° F. This * standard of safety,' suggested by Dr. Hassall, was for a considerable period widely recog- nized,^ and was actually adopted by some official bodies, as, for example, the Town Council of Edinburgh : but eventually the Government Authorities saw fit to adopt a lower official standard, 100° F. ; and, since 1879, ^ tempera- ture alleged to be its equivalent, namely, 73° F., which is still in use. At all events, it may be traced very largely to Hassall's urgent representations, and repeated communica- tions to the press, that a minimum flash-point is now obligatory. With considerable advantage to the public, a strongly critical position was adopted by Dr. Hassall regarding the exaggerated notions which prevailed at one time as to the supposed high nutritive value of * Extract of Meat.' In some particularly interesting correspondence on the subject of Extract of Beef, carried on in the Lancet of 1865 by Dr. Hassall and others, and in the Times of 1872, Baron Justus von Liebig himself took a somewhat querulous part ; finally retiring from the fray, not the victor. ^ ' The Sanitary Commission of the Lancet took as the limit of safety an oil that gave off inflammable vapour when heated to 130 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and this has been generally accepted by dealers.' — Mr. James Young, of Bathgate (letter to the Times, dated February 2, 1864). ' . . . the standard of safety originated by Dr. Hassall . . . nevertheless, it has been widely recognized. . . .' — Dr. Benjamin H. Paul (letter to the Standard^ February 18, 1864). xiv PREFACE Lastly, it is largely a consequence of Dr. Hassall's re- searches that students of pharmacy now receive systematic training in the use of the microscope for the determination of the quality and nature of powdered drugs. In this work he was a pioneer, more than fifty years ago. In fact, he was in advance of his time in pointing out the advantage of microscopically testing drugs, as to their identity and purity ; a method of investigation which only latterly has begun to be recognized, by the General Medical Council and the Pharmaceutical Society, as in many cases of greater use than chemical operations, such as ascertaining the amount of mineral matter, and the like. For permission to include a reproduction of the fine picture of the late Dr. Hassall, now in the Board Room of the Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, the Author expresses his grateful acknow- ledgments to the Chairman and Board of Management of that Institution. He is much indebted also to Colonel Sir E. W. D. Ward, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., Secretary of the War Office, and Permanent Under-Secretary of State for War, for interesting particulars relating to the statistics of recruiting : to Mr. Ernest Morgarj, Secretary of the Ventnor Hospital, and to Mr. Cuthbert E. A. Clayton, Librarian to the Manchester Medical Society and the Medical Faculty of the University of Manchester, for information on a number of points; to Madame J. Nicolas PhiHpp, for many valuable and helpful suggestions; and to Mrs. E. G. Clayton, for assistance kindly rendered at several stages of the work. It is hoped that this book may be of use to medical men, analysts, and others interested in that important branch of Public Health work which is concerned with the purity of food, drink, and medicines. E. G. CLAYTON. Laboratories, 23, HoLBORN Viaduct, London, E.G., December, 1908. ' De cibis er' potu, qui naturalera humiditatem, quae quotidie abfumitur, convenientius restaurent. ' Cibi & potus, qui convenientius naturalem humiditatem indies refolutam ' reftituunt, funt multi, eaque reftauratio varia eft, fecundum complexionum ' varietatem & fecundum ipfa Euchymia, vt Plinius ait, maxime que poft ' tepus cofiftedi.' — 'Of Meats and Drink, which do more agreeably restore ' the Natural Moisture, that daily is consumed. Meats and Drink, which ' more agreeably restore the Natural Moisture, which is daily wasted, are ' many : And this Restauration is various, according to the variety of Consti- ' tutions, and according to the goodness of Juices in Meats and Drinks, as ' Pliny saith, and especially after the time of full Growth.' — Roger Bacon, philosopher and Franciscan friar [i2i4(?) — 1294]: Libellus . . . De retardandis SenecUttis accidentihus, &-• de Sensibus conservandis, cap. vii., translated by Richard Browne, 1683. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ix Preface ---..... Table of Contents ...... xvii Summary of the Life-Work of Dr. H ass all - - xxv Prolegomena : On the Use of the Microscope - - xxxi SECTION 1 FOODS DERIVED FROM VEGETABLE SOURCES Graminem (Cereal Grains) :— The Flour and Starch of Wheat. Triticum sativum^ var. 7'ulgare 3 The Flour and Starch of Barley. Hordeum sativum - - 9 The Flour and Starch of Rye. Secale cereale - - - 13 The Flour and Starch of Oat. Avejia sativa - - - 17 The Flour and Starch of Maize. Zea Mais - - - 21 The Flour and Starch of Rice. Orysa sativa - - - 25 Adulterants of, and Substitutes for, Wheat and other Cereal Grains :— Bean, Potato, Rice, and Barley Flours - - - - 28 Maize, Rice, and Adulterated ' Cones ' Flour - - - 29 Durrha or Dari. Andropogon sorghum, var. durraj sorghum vulgare - - - - - - - 29 Wheaten Bread - ------ 38 Yeasts {^Sacchai-omycetes) - - - - - - 40 Mildews and Moulds {Hyphomycetes) - - - - 42 Parasitic Diseases and Impurities of the Cereal Grains : — {a) Vegetable Parasites : Bunt. Tillctia tritici - - - - - 47 Smut. Ustilago hordei^ and U. ave?tcE - - - 47 Rust. Uredo rubigo, and U. linearis {=Puccinia graminis) 47 Black Rust. Puccinia graminis - - - - 47 Ergot. Claviceps purpurea - - - - 47 xvii }j xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS I 'AGE Parasitic Diseases and Impurities of the Cereal Grains {coiiti7med) : — {(i) Vegetable Parasites {continued) : Yellow Mould. Eurotiuvi repens ( = Eurotium Asper^ilh/s glauciis) - - - - - - - 48 Green or Blue Mould. Pefiicilliiim glaiiciim^ P. cito- philum, and P. roseiun - - - - - 48 Yeast. Saccharomyces - - - - - 48 {b) A Poisonous Grass : Bearded Darnel. Loliinn teniulenhnn - - - 54 (c) Animal Parasites : Ear Cockles. Tylenchus iiHtici { = Anguilliila tiitici--=-- Vibrio tritici) - - - - - ■ 5^ Meal Mite. TyrogI}phus siro { = A carus farina') - - 56 Feathered Mite. Clyciphagiis pliiniigeri^ = Acarusplitiniger) 56 The Wheat Midge. Cecidomyia tritici - - - S^ The Weevil. Calandra grafiaria - - - - 56 Arrowroots : — Marantacecc : Maranta, or West India Arrowroot. Maranta ariindinacea - - - - - - - 60 CannacecT : Tous les Mois, Canna, or Queensland Arrowroot. Canna edulis^ and other species of Camia - - - 60 Zingiber acece : Curcuma, or East India Arrowroot. Curcuma angustifolia^ C. rubesce?is^ etc. - - - - 61 Taccacece : Tacca, or Tahiti Arrowroot. Tacca pi7matifida - 61 Euphorbiacece : Manihot, Cassava, or Brazilian Arrowroot. Manihot utilissima - - - - - - 64 SolanacecE : Potato, or British Arrowroot. Solaiiuni tuberosum 64 GraminecE : Maize Arrowroot, or Corn Flour. Zea Mais - 64 Gra7ninecE : Rice Arrowroot. Oryza sativa - - - 64 Aj'acece : Arum, or Portland Arrowroot. Arum escu/entum, A. macuiatmn, and A. Italicum - - - - 65 Sago :— Palmce : Metroxylon Ru77iphii^ etc. - - - - 70 Cycadacece : Cyr^j- r^7'^/?/r/<^, and other species - - - 70 Tapioca or Cassava : — EuphorbiacccE : Mani/iot utilissi77ia - - - - 74 Proprietary Foods containing or consisting of Wheat, etc. : ' Grape Nuts ' - - - - - - - 76 'Force' ------.. 76 'Shredded Wheat' -j-j 'Triscuits' - - - - - - -77 ' Farola ' ------- 77 TABLE OF CONTEXTS xix PAGE Proprietary Foods con'J'aining or consisting opWheai-, ktc. {coiitmued) : — ' Granola ' ....... 77 'Granose' ----... 77 Invalids' and Infants' Foods 71 Proprietary Foods containing Lentil in admixture with Cereal Grains :— Papilionacece : Lentil. Le/is esculetita^ or Ervuni Lens ■ 80 Pea- starch. Pismn arz'ense^ P. sativum - 80 Proprietary Foods consisting partially or entirely of Nuts : — ' Nutmeal,' ' Nuttose,' ' Protose,' ' Bromose,' ' Nutmeat,' ' Alnut,' ' Nutton,' et alia - - - - - - 82 Beverages :— Coffee. Coffea Arabica {Riibiacccc) - - -84 Coffee Substitutes and Adulterants - - - - 87 Chicory. Cichorium intybus [Conipositce] - - - 92 Chicory Substitutes and Admi.xtures - ' - - 96 Cocoa. Theobroma cacao {SterculiacecB) - - - 100 Commercial Cocoa and Chocolate Mixtures - - - 107 Tea. Camellia thea {Ter7istra'niiacece) - - - no Leaves which have been Used in Admixture with, or as Substitutes for, Tea - - - - - 114 Factitious Teas, and Adulterants of Tea - - - 120 Saccharine Substances :— Sugar. From Sacchariwi officinarum {Graininece), Be la vul- garis^ var. altissirna {Chenopodiacece)^ etc. - - - 126 Impurities which have been found in Sugar : 1. The Sugar Mite. Glyciphagus, s^. {-= Acarus sacchari) 130 2. Fungus Spores and Wood-Fibres - - - 133 Honey - - - - - - - 134 Fruit Preserves and Jellies : — Numbers of Seeds in Various Fruits - - - - I39 Parasitic Germs, and Ova of Endoparasites, in Fruit - - 139 Distinguishing Features of Fruit : The Apple. Pirus inalus [Rosacea;) - - - I43 The Pear. Pirus comjnu?ns {Rosacece) - - 143 The Quince. Cydonia vulgaris {Rosacece) - - - 143 The Sweet and Bitter Orange. Citrus aurantiu/n, var. Sinensis and amara {Rutacece) - - - - 143 The Lemon. Citrus li7iionum {Rulacea) - - - I45 h 2 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS I'AGE Fruit Preserves and Jellies {continued) :— Distinguishing Features of Fruit {continued) : The Banana. Musa sapientum {Musacece) - - MS The Plantain. Musa paradisaica {Musaceo') - - MS The Red Currant. Ribes rubrufn {Saxifragacece) - - I45 The White Currant. Ribes nigruin {Saxifragacece) - [45 The Gooseberry. Ribes grossularia {Saxifragacecp^ - 147 The Strawberry. Fragaria vesca {Rosace<2) - - '47 The Grape. Vitis vinifera {Vitacece) - - - '49 The Cherry. Prunus cerasus {Rosacece) - - - M9 The Raspberry. Rubus IdcBus {Rosacece) - - - J 49 The Plum. Prunus do7nestica {RosacecB) - - 149 The Blackberry. Rubus fruticosus {Rosacea) - - 149 The Peach. Prunus Persica {Rosacece) - - - '49 The Apricot. Prunus Anneniaca {Rosacecr) - - I49 The Fig. Ficus Carica {Moracece) - - - 151 The Date. Phoenix dacty lifer a {Palmcp) - - - 151 Marmalade and other Fruit Preparations - - ^ 5 1 Falsifications of - - - - - 151 Orris Rhizome. Iris gerinanica^ etc. (used in factitious rasp- berry jam) - - - - - - - 153 Various Fruit Substitutes : Turnip, Beetroot, Vegetable Marrow, Carrot, and Rhubarb 154 Agar-agar. Gracilaria lichenoides^ etc. - - - ' 54 Pickles, Sauces, and Preserved Vegeiables : — Onion, Shallot, Soy, Tarragon, etc. - - - - 1 57 Tomato - - - - - - - - '57 Fresh Vegetables : — Asparagus, Spinach, Cauliflower, Cabbage, etc. - - I57 Condiments, Spices, and other Food Adjuncts : — Musiard. Sinapis alba^ and Brassica nigra {Cruciferce) - 160 Adulterated Mustard - - - - - - 164 Seeds resembling Mustard, which have been used as Substi- tutes : Sarepta Mustard {Brassica Besseriana)^ Charlock {Sinapis arvensis\ Rape {Brassica ttapus^ var. oleifera), and East Indian Rape {B. rugosd) - - - 166 Pepper. Piper nigrum {Piperacece) - - - - 172 Linseed. Linuin usitatissiinum {Linacece). An occasional adulterant of Pepper - - - - - - 1 78 Cayenne Pepper. Capsicum frutesce?is^ and other species {Solanacece) - - - - - - - 180 Ginger. Zingiber offici?iale {Zingiberacece" - - - 188 TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi I'AGE Condiments, Spices, and other Food Adjuncts {continued) :— Adulterated Ginger - - - - - - 191 Cinnamon. Cinnamomum Zeylanictan {LauraceiB) - - I94 Cassia. Cinnamomum cassia {Lauracece) - - - i95 Nutmeg. IVlyristica fragrans {Myristicacece) - - - 200 Mace. „ „ „ ... 202 Cloves. Eugenia caryophyllata^ or Caryophyllus aromaticus {MyrtacecE) - - - • - - - 204 Pimento or Allspice. Pimenta officinalis, or Eugenia pimcnta {MyrtacecE) - - - - - - - 210 Mixed Spice - - - - - - - 216 Coriander. Coriandrum sativum {U mbellifercB) - - 218 Cardamom. Elettaria cardamomum {Zingiberacece) - - 221 Fenugreek. Trigonella Foenum-Grcecum {Papilionacecz) - 224 Cumin or Cummin. Cuminum cyinitiuni {Umbelliferce) - 228 SECTION II FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES Flesh :— Voluntary Muscle - - - - - - 233 Involuntary Muscle -.--.. 233 Cardiac Muscle ------- 233 Ingredients of Sausages --.--- 234 Animal Parasites which infest Flesh : — Serious effects of Endoparasites or Entozoa - - - 238 Risks of eating Raw Food - . . . . 240 The commoner Parasites of Flesh : Cysticercus cellule see - - - - - - 240 Ta-nia solium __._>. 246 Cysticercus bovis - - - - - - 246 Tcenia saginata ...... 246 Tcenia echinococcus - - - - - - 246 Trichina spiralis . . . . . 246 Oxyuris irermicularis . . . . . 246 Distomian hepaticum . . . . . 246 Trichocephalus dispar . . . . . 247 Ascaris lumbricoides . . . . . 247 Ascaris mystax - - - - - - 247 Necessity for the careful Inspection of Food, use of Pure Water, and careful Feeding of Animals - - - 248 Influence of Food on Recruiting Returns - - - 249 xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Fish :— Parasites harboured by : Bo//iriocep/ia/us Zulus, a.nd othtrs - 251 Tainted Fish suggested cause of Leprosy -. - - 251 Ingredients of Fish Paste - - - - - 252 Mixtures of Fish Oils with Extract of Malt - - - 252 Substitution of one kind of Fish for another - - - 252 The Sardine {Clupea sardma)jihe Anchovy {Engraulis encrasi- r/^^'/z/j-), and Whitebait - ..... 254 Milk and Cream: — Composition and Characters of normal Milk - - - 255 Colostrum - - - - - - - 255 Various Impurities and Adulterants discussed - - - -55 Butter :— Effect of Fusion and Slow Cooling on the Microscopical Characters of Butter .-...- 261 Margarine contrasted with Butter .... 262 Cheese and Cheese Mites :— Occurrence of the ' Cheese-mite ' [Tyroglyphiis sird) in decaying Cheese ------.. 264 Addition of Starch to Cheese - - . . . 264 Lard -.-.-.-.. 268 Isinglass --....-. 270 Gelatine ---..-.. 270 SECTION III TOBACCO, DRUGS, BITTERS, AND COLOURING MATTERS Tobacco. Nicotiana tabacum, and A^. rustica {Sola7iacecE) - 27^ Leaves which have been Used as Substitutes for To- bacco : — I. Dock Leaf. Rumex, sp. {Polygonacece) - - - 283 II. Rhubarb Leaf. RheiDn hybridum {Polygonacea:) - - 288 III. Coltsfoot Leaf. Tiissilago farfara {Compositcr^ - - 290 The Hop. Hmnidus lupidus {Canuabiiiacece) - - 294 The Poppy. Papaver so))iniJe7'um {PapaveracecF) - - - 298 Opium ....... 306 Turmeric. Curcinna longa {Zi?igiberacecu) - - - 310 Annatto. Bixa orellana {Bixacea) - - - 312 TABLE OF CONTENTS xxiii PACK SCAMMONY. Convolvulus scaminonia {Convolvulaceai) - - 316 Jalap. Ipomosa purga {ConvolvulacecB) - - - - 319 Ipecacuanha. Psychotria ipecacuanha {RubiacecE) - - 325 COLOCYNTH. Citrullus colocynihis {Cucurbitacea') - - 330 Turkey Rhubarb. Rheum pahnatum, R. officinale {Polygo?iacece), etc. -----..-. 334 Squill. Urgifiea scilla [Liliacece) ----- 336 Liquorice. Glycyrrhiza glabra^ G. glandulijera {Papilio7iacecc)^ etc. 338 SECTION IV W-A.TER Non-occurrence of Pure Water outside the Laboratory - - 345 Nature of the Matters dissolved and suspended in Water - - 345 Significance of the suspended Organic Matter - - - 345 Practical Importance of a Study of the Microscopical Fauna and Flora in Water, first shown by the late Dr. A. H. Hassall - 346 Condition in 1850-57 of the Drinking Water of the Metropolis - 346 Methods of Microscopically Examining Water : Method of A. H. Hassall - - - - - 347 Method of J. D. MacDonald - - - - - 347 Method of A. L. Kean - - ... . - 348 Methods of W. J. Sedgwick, G. W. Rafter, G. C. Whipple, and others --..-.- 348 Methodof A. W. Blyth - - - - - 348 Method of W. J. Dibdin - - - - - - 348 On ihe ' Plankton' of Water - - - - - - 349 Varieties of Objects Hkely to be met with by the Analyst of Water- 349 Classified Summary of Aquatic Fauna . . . . 350 Indications furnished by Animal Organisms- - - - 352 'Tastes' and ' Odours' imparted to Water by certain Protozoa - 354 Classified Summary of Aquatic Flora . . - . 355 Filamentous or Thread- Bacteria ... - - 357 Odours due to certain Plant-forms ----- 358 Fragmental Organic Matters, or Debris . - . . 359 Inorganic or Mineral Matter - - - - - - 359 Manufactured Products ..-.-. 360 Figures illustrating Plankton, with names of ( ienera and Species 362-391 Glossary - - - - - - - - 393 Bibliography ...-.-- 399 List of Illustrations - - - - - - 407 Index .------- 419 A SUMMARY OF THE LIFE-WORK OF DR. A. H. HASSALL. On December 13, 1817, nine years short of a century ago, Arthur Hill Hassall was born at Teddington, Middlesex. His father, Thomas Hassall, and other members of the family were medical men. At that distant period men spoke of Waterloo as an affair of yesterday : the victor of Austerlitz was once for all in exile : romances from a Scottish pen in fast succession were delighting the reading world : Londoners quite recently had learnt from Frederick Winsor that coal- gas gave a better light than oil ; and George Stephenson's locomotive steam-engine had still to reach its full develop- ment. To travel by road from Edinburgh to London occupied four days. To sail from the Liffey to the Thames took longer than now does a passage to New York. The usual aftermath of war was coming in. Poverty was rife ; hunger and dis- content were stark in the land. Excited meetings and dis- turbances were increasingly frequent, until at Manchester, twenty months later, they ended in * Peterloo,' bitter memories of which remain to this day. The latter part of the eighteenth and the first quarter of the nineteenth century were marked by international strife, political upheaval, and suffering among the toilers. Cobbett, Burdett, and 'Orator' Hunt in 1817 were agitating for Parliamentary reform. Agricultural depres- sion was extreme, and commercial probity was at its nadir. For threescore years the food of the people had been poor and dear. Contemptible and gross adulterations of all con- ceivable kinds were everywhere the rule. The dough of bread was mingled with alum, carbonate of lime, bone ash, potatoes, and beans. By eking out his sugar with gypsum. xxvi SUMMARY OF DR. HASSALUS LIFE-WORK chalk, and pipe-clay, the sweetmeat-maker derived unholy gains ; and the pigments used contained lead, chromium, mercury, copper, sometimes even arsenic. The unwhole- some hues of preserved green fruits and vegetables were due to boiling in copper vessels, or to the addition of cupreous salts. ^ Cayenne pepper and curry powder were beautified by the scarlet oxide of lead. Vinegar was fortified with sulphuric acid. Canistered fish were tinted red by ferru- ginous earths. Tea was weighted, dyed, and ' faced ' by a variety of mineral substances. Coffee was shamelessly adulterated, almost to the extent of its own effacement, with roots, grains, pease, beans, and still more worthless surro- gates. Products used to falsify, as chicory, were themselves sophisticated. Drugs were mixed with inert matters, or replaced by commodities of inferior quality. Tobacco was blended with the leaves of herbs and weeds, some of which are described hereafter. The water supplied to the Metropolis carried solid and liquid filth from the sewers, reeked of odorous abominations, and teemed with offensive forms of plant and animal life. And so on ; and so on. The only machinery to cope with the adulteration of drugs and food was that of the Excise : but the Executive were appointed to protect the revenue, not the public : their super- vision was exercised over a comparatively limited range of products ; and even of these they were incompetent to dis- cover some of the grosser adulterations. This state of affairs lasted, with little, if any, improvement, until the thirteenth year of Queen Victoria's reign ; and so late as 1850 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Charles Wood, could announce from his place in Parliament that ' neither by chemical nor by any other mode could it be ascertained with any degree of certainty whether a mixture contained chicory or not.' But at last the man had arrived who was to change all this, and give life to these dry bones. It was reserved for ^ Of late years this abominable practice has in some quarters been resus- citated. The quantities of copper added are fractional as compared with those used in former days, and may be harmless : but the custom would be • more honoured in the breach than the observance.' SUMMARY OF DR. HASSALL\S LIFE-WORK xxvii Arthur Hill Hassall, a keen observer, a good naturalist, an able microscopist, and professionally trained in physic, to enter upon active life bent on a crusade against abuses of the kind and extent which have faintly been indicated. After calling public attention to the insanitary condition of certain western districts of London, he (1850) vigorously attacked the water-supply of the Metropolis as a whole. His writings and oral evidence on this subject lent a powerful impetus to the movement for remedial legislation (vide Section IV., pp. 346, 347). A little later, occupied, at the instance of the General Board of Health, in researches connected with the cholera epidemic of 1854, ^r* Hassall was the first observer to record the presence, in enormous numbers, of ' vibriones ' (bacilli) in the rice-water discharges of cholera patients: so that it has been justly claimed for him that he nearly anticipated Dr. Koch in the discovery of the cause of that disease. In 1850, the Chancellor of the Exchequer's statement, already quoted, had impelled Hassall to examine samples of the coffee sold in London ; and a paper on the subject, which he read before the Botanical Society of London, led to communications between the editor of the Lancet and himself, as a result of which, during the years 185 1, 1852, 1853, and 1854, he contributed to that journal a series of reports (known as the ' Reports of the Lancet Analytical Sanitary Commission ') on the composition of the food, drugs, and beverages then sold in the London shops. These papers, which embodied the results of thousands of analyses, marked an epoch in the annals of public hygiene in Great Britain, and attracted an immense amount of attention in every part of the country. Even on the Continent interest was aroused. The work demanded great skill and accuracy, and as the names of the vendors were published, whether the commodities were good or bad, the matter obviously was delicate and responsible. In his investigations Dr. Hassall used all the scientific methods that were at the time avail- able, chemical and other, for detecting the falsifications which had been practised : but a leading feature of the xxviii SUMMARY OF DR. H ASS ALL'S LIFE-WORK scheme was the prominence given to the use of the micro- scope, an instrument previously almost entirely neglected as a means of systematically examining, for extraneous ingre- dients, foodstuffs and medicaments. Hassall taught his con- freres, medical and chemical, the principal microscopic characteristics of foods, and how^ the knowledge could be applied in the detection of admixtures. An agitation sprang up ; and meetings were held, urging on the Legislature the introduction of a Bill dealing with the evils disclosed in these reports, the republication of which in book-form (1855) excited public interest to fever-heat. Vigorous articles in the Times, Quarterly Review, and other leading organs of public opinion, had the effect of compelling the appointment of a Parliamentary Select Committee, before which Dr. Hassall and others gave startling evidence regarding the prevalence of adulteration ; and finally, in i860, the first Act of Parliament was passed against the adulteration of food. This was the precursor and progenitor of all the Food Acts since passed, including the Act of 1899, at present in force. Dr. Hassall wrote much on other topics, among them the danger attending the use of low flash-point petroleum (see Preface, p. xiii) ; the composition and trifling food-value of beef-extracts ; the use of arsenical and other toxic pigments in wall-papers and curtain-fabrics ; the occurrence of metallic poisons, such as lead, in postage stamps ; and the manufac- ture of invalids' and infants' foods. A matter engaging much of his attention was the designing and construction of apparatus and chambers for the inhalation of antiseptic medicaments. Dr. Hassall was for some time Public Analyst for the Isle of Wight, and in 1875 he was elected the first Vice-President of the Society of Public Analysts. For many years he was Physician (ultimately Senior Physician) to the Royal Free Hospital. He was the founder of the Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, at Ventnor, where more than thirty years since he was advo- cating much of the open-air treatment now so generally adopted in cases of phthisis. Also, he was Consulting SUMMARY OF DR. HASSALL'S LIFE-WORK xxix Physician to the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. Dr. Hassall was early elected a Fellow of the Linnaean Society. Over thirty papers on botanical and zoological topics came from his pen ; the total number of his books, papers, letters, and other signed contributions to journals reached nearly 200. One of his most interesting observa- tions — that of the presence, in some pathological conditions, of indigo in urine — was described in papers read before the Royal Society in 1853 and 1854. Among his more im- portant works were A History of the British Freshwater Algce (1845) ; The Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Body (1849), in which were described for the first time the bodies in the thymus gland, now known to anatomists and physiologists as the * concentric corpuscles of Hassall ' ; A Microscopic Examination of the Water supplied to the Inhabitants of London and the Suburban Districts (1850) ; Food and Its Adulterations (1855); Adulterations Detected in Food and Medicine (1857 and 1 861) ; The Urine in Health and Disease (1859 and 1863); Food: Its Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection (1876) ; San Remo Climatically and Medically Con- sidered (1883) ; and The Inhalation Treatment in Diseases of the Organs of Respiration, including Consumption (1885). Dr. Hassall in 1893 published an autobiography, The Narrative of a Busy Life^ and in the following year (1894), on April 9, he died at San Remo, Italy, having lived a long and arduous life, of real use and lasting benefit to his fellow-men. ' One who never turned his back, but marched breast forward,' he felt, with Browning — ' Then life is — to wake not sleep, Rise and not rest, but press From earth's level where blindly creep Things perfected, more or less, To the heaven's height, far and steep.' PROLEGOMENA. ON THE USE OF THE MICROSCOPE IN THE EX- AMINATION OF FOOD, DRUGS, AND WATER. General Principles. Without a microscope, evidences of organized structure can be observed in any animal or plant : but there is, in every part of each, much organization wholly invisible to the unaided sight. This minute structure differs in the several parts of the same plant or animal, and is distinct in different species, so that the histologist often can identify with the microscope exceedingly small portions of animal or vegetable tissues, and refer them to the parts or species to which they belong. Thus, one kind of root, stem, or leaf, may generally be distinguished from another, one sort of starch or flour from another, one seed from another, and so on. There are few vegetable articles of consumption (not liquids) which may not be identified by means of the microscope ; and additions or admixtures of extraneous vegetable substances can similarly be discovered. Thus, the microscope can show the presence in linseed-cake, or crushed linseed, of various weed -seeds, many of them objectionable and injurious: such as purging flax [Linum catharticum), wild radish (Raphanus raphanistnun) , yellow dodder {Camelina sativa), darnel -seed {Loliiun temidentinn) , and flax-dodder {Ctiscuta epiliniim). The numerous materials introduced into mixed feeding-cakes, sometimes added to linseed-cake for the purpose of adulteration, and occasionally present through accident, such as mill-refuse, oat-husks, bran, locust- or carob-bean {Ceratonia siliqtia) , cdistor -oil cake (castor poonac), hemp-cake, and earth-nut (Arachis hypogcBa), can readily be xxxii PROLEGOMENA distinguished by a practised microscopist. Seeds even belonging to different species of the same genus may often be distinguished from each other by the microscope. For instance, rape-cake, after consuming which cattle have died with symptoms of gastric and intestinal inflammation, has been ascertained microscopically to be admixed with mustard seed, the undoubted cause, from the large quantity consumed, of the fatal inflammation. Seeds belonging to mere varieties of the same species of plants can sometimes be discriminated with the help of the microscope. These remarks apply also to vegetable drugs, whether roots, barks, seeds, or leaves. Sometimes information is gained of the processes or agencies to which substances have been sub- jected : whether, for instance, starch is raw, baked, or boiled : or if grain be malted or unmalted (vide ' Bread '). Not only when substances are alone can they be identified, but also when mixed together in different proportions. As many as nine different ingredients have been detected in certain mixtures.^ The pulverization, and even charring, of many vegetable substances will not destroy the struc- tures so as to render identification impossible by the microscope. Chicory and coffee may thus be roasted and pulverized, and each afterwards identified with the greatest ease. Extremely minute quantities of bodies can be dis- covered in admixtures: one part of turmeric, for instance, has been detected in 448 parts of mustard. By the size, form, and structure of the pollen grains in honey, which differ according to the plants whence they are derived, the microscopist can in many cases decide upon the nature of the plants which have yielded the honey, and whether it was collected from the flowers of the field, garden, heath, or mountain {vide ' Honey '). It is not too much to affirm that a full and accurate analysis of a proprietary food or sweetmeat ; of a sauce or a condiment; of a medicinal preparation, whether pill, con- ^ In a few instances (proprietary medicines and preparations for cattle) the writer has discovered with the aid of the microscope even a larger number of components. — E. G. C. PROLEGOMENA xxxiii fection or potion ; of a feeding-cake or a cattle-medicament, is usually impossible in the absence of a microscope. In some of these cases, indeed, the m.icroscopical analysis is the more important part of the investigation. There are numerous other instances in which the microscope serves as an acceptable or even indispensable auxiliary to chemical analysis : not merely as a means of corroboration, but in the application of ' micro-chemical ' reactions for starch, oil, cellulose, lignin, proteids, alkaloids and glucosides, alkaline earthy carbonates, phosphates, etc. Such tests are rapid, accurate, and convenient of employment. In toxicological investigations the microscope is particularly useful. The following are among the m.ore notable micro-chemical reactions : — Starch gives a deep blue coloration with a solution of iodine in potassium iodide. Cellulose is coloured faintly yellow .by solution of iodine (blue, if subsequently treated with 50 per cent, sulphuric acid — Mangin's reaction); and violet-blue by iodized zinc chloride (Schultze's reagent). It is not coloured by acidified aniline sulphate (Wiesner's test), and dissolves in ammonio- cupric sulphate solution (Schw^eitzer's reagent). It is in- tensely stained by hsematoxylin (logwood), but not by a solution of picric acid. Dextrose reduces a warmed alkaline solution of copper tartrate, with the separation of red cuprous oxide. Lignin (wood-fibre) is coloured pale yellow by solution of iodine, yellow by iodized zinc chloride, orange-yellow by alcoholic solution of thallium sulphate (Hegler's reagent), and a golden -yellow by acid solution of aniline sulphate. By treatment with iodopotassium iodide, followed by 50 per cent, sulphuric acid, which latter causes it to swell, it is not coloured blue (distinction from cellulose). It is not stained by haematoxylin, and is insoluble in Schweitzer's reagent. Suber, or Cork, is coloured pale yellow by solution of iodine and by iodized chloride of zinc, but is not stained by acid aniline sulphate, hsematoxylin, nor by iodine solution after c xxxiv PROLEGOMENA treatment with 50 per cent, sulphuric acid; and it is not swollen by the acid. Mucilage swells greatly in water, and yet more in solution of potash. It gives no blue with iodine solution, and after treatment with 50 per cent, sulphuric acid, only a faint bluish tint. It is dyed pink by corallin-soda solution, and stained deeply by haematoxylin. Globules of Fixed Oil are dissolved by ether ; not easily soluble in alcohol ; saponified by alkalies ; coloured a deep brown by osmic acid, and readily stained pink by alkanet tincture. Globules of Volatile Oil do not saponify, and are readily soluble in alcohol. Chlorophyll is dissolved by alcohol out of chlorophyll grains or chloroplastids. Proteinous Matters, as the components of aleurone grains, are stained yellowish-brown by a solution of iodine in potas- sium iodide, intensely yellow by picric acid, and a deep red by a diluted solution of mercury in fuming nitric acid (Millon's reagent); a pink to violet-blue is yielded on the addition of a solution of sodium hydroxide, followed by very dilute solution of sulphate of copper (Rose's biuret reaction). Crystals of Calcium Oxalate are insoluble in acetic acid, and soluble without effervescence in nitric or hydrochloric acid. Crystals of Calcium Carbonate dissolve in acetic acid with effervescence. Tannin gives a greenish- or bluish-black with salts of iron, and a brown precipitate with a solution of sodium aceto- tungstate (Baeme's reagent). Alkaloids and Glucosides frequently exhibit distinctive crystalline forms, and in solution yield characteristic reac- tions with various general and special reagents, such as solution of potassio-mercuric iodide (Mayer's reagent), iodo- potassium iodide (Wagner's reagent), picric acid, iodic acid, bromine-water, followed by ammonia and potash, potassium, dichromate and sulphuric acid, etc. Bile Acids give a violet colour with sulphuric acid or phos- phoric acid, and cane sugar (Pettenkofer's and Drechsel's PROLEGOMENA xxxv tests), and the bile-pigments exhibit changing tints on the addition of nitroso-nitric acid (GmeHn's reaction). Fragments of the Rind of the Orange are coloured intensely green when digested in hydrochloric acid — E. G. Clayton (distinction from lemon rind). Preparation of Objects. Before proceeding to the microscopical investigation of a substance, the observer acquaints himself with its general appearance and structure. If the specimen be in the state of powder {e.g., flour and arrowroot), a very minute portion is deposited in a drop of water on the middle of a glass slide, the powder being diffused evenly in a layer so thin that the light easily passes through it ; and a square or circular thin glass cover is placed over the whole, air-bubbles being excluded. If the substance be solid, as a root, stem, or seed, thin sections must be prepared with a sharp and narrow- backed razor : some transverse, some longitudinal (radial and tangential) and others embracing the external and internal surfaces of the object, when both are present. A microtome is generally unnecessary. Occasionally the inquiry is facilitated by tearing in pieces some of the sections with needles, also by the use of glycerine or oil instead of water : especially in the examination of seeds. The structure is thus rendered more distinct. Methods of Investigation. When the substance is supplied in the form of powder, and there is a question as to its purity, it is necessary to procure some of the genuine powder, examine it most minutely, and thus become familiar with its morphological features. Having progressed thus far, one can examine various samples of the article, with a view to the detection of foreign admixture, if this be suspected. With a good knowledge of the structures met with in the pure substance, little difficulty should be experienced in determining whether specimens contain exotic vegetable components, or are free c 2 xxxvi PROL EGOMENA from alien admixture. Should a foreign body be present, its nature must be ascertained and an attempt made to refer it to the plant or substance to which it belongs. The facility with which this is done depends on the extent of one's acquaintance with other vegetable substances : if this be considerable, a glance is often sufficient. It is not always necessary to know the structure and appearances of any great number of vegetable productions, since a few comparatively inexpensive commodities, such as wheat-flour, potato-starch, sago-powder, rice, maize, etc., are added very often to many and widely different products of greater value. In such cases, all that is requisite is to be able to recognize these additions when present. Alore often, the demands on the scientific knowledge and judgment of the investigator are greater. For the successful examination of unknown mixtures of possibly complex constitution {e.g., the numerous proprietary foods, condiments, medicines, and other articles every day confronting him), he must be very well equipped indeed. Excluding fluids and active chemical principles, most productions of vegetable origin are made up of certain definite structures and histological elements, as cellular tissue, wood-fibre, vessels, starch-granules, and the like. Thus, in leaves there are stomata and hair-like appendages, and in seeds, aleurone cells, oil-cavities, and two or more mem- branes. In any endeavour to discriminate between different vegetable substances, these several tissues and structures must be most carefully compared. Thus, the cellular tissue of one vegetable product is to be examined comparatively, both for size and structure, with that of another ; and the same course must be followed with the wood-fibre, starch- granules, aleurone grains, stomata, hairs, etc. Some pre- liminary knowledge of structural botany is here presupposed ; because the observer should be acquainted with the character- istics of the chief tissues and elements entering into the organization of the several component parts of plants. He should know the structure and microscopic appearance of cellular tissue in its different forms, parenchyma, scler- PROLEGOMENA xxxvii enchyma, and prosenchyma ; of vascular tissue, wood-fibre, chlorophyll-grains, starch-grains, and aleurone-grains ; and should be familiar with the general features of roots, stems, leaves, flowers (including the pollen), and seeds. Aleurone grains are useful in the discrimination and identification of seeds, resembling starch-granules in this respect, that for the same botanical species the characteristics vary but little. Aleurone grains consist of proteinous ground-matter, mostly soluble in water and dilute alkali or acid, and containing embedded crystalloids (proteid matter, insoluble in water, soluble in dilute acid and alkali), globoids (composed of phosphatic and organic salts of calcium and magnesium), with sometimes crystals or crystal-aggregates of oxalate of calcium, insoluble in water and acetic acid, soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. The ground-substance being soluble in water, a better medium in which to mount seeds for micro- scopical examination is glycerine, almond, castor, or olive oil. An introductory knowledge of vegetable morphology and histology, which will facilitate very greatly subsequent and more specialized inquiries, can be derived from ordinary botanical works, such as those of Strasburger, Vines, Goodale, Balfour, and Bentley. 'The Class-Book of Botany,' by G. P. Mudge and A. J. Maslen, also may be mentioned. Many of the foregoing remarks apply to the microscopical examination of substances of animal origin : blood corpuscles ; blood crystals ; mucus ; pus ; epithelial cells ; muscle-fibre ; fat-globules, as in milk and butter, etc. With some previous knowledge of microscopic anatomy, an acquaintance with the structures and morphological characteristics of the objects named, and a familiarity with the microscopical appearances of ordinary parasites, their ova and embryos, as well as of the commoner water-organisms, the observer will be in a position to examine many articles of animal origin ; in some instances to distinguish healthy food from diseased or parasitic flesh ; to identify blood in liquids or on stains, colostrum in milk, many kinds of dead organic debris in polluted w^ater, and to search for and recognize the more highly developed organisms in drinking water — Crustacea, rotatoria, infusoria, xxxviii PROLEGOMENA and the like.^ Some previous study of zoology, anatomy, and physiology are here assumed. Useful textbooks for reference are Huxley and Martin's ' Elementary Biology ' (revised edition by G. B. Howes and D. H. Scott), Mudge's 'Class-Book of Zoology,' Landois and Sterling's 'Human Physiology,' and Quain's 'Elements of Anatomy/ edited by E. A. Schafer and G. D. Thane. Microscope Required. There is much latitude in the choice of a microscope, which need not be costly. Any trustworthy English or foreign maker's instrument will be suitable, if supplied with two eye-pieces, four object-glasses (i, i, ^, and Jr inch), a polariscope and a micrometer, in addition to the usual accessories, concave mirror, condenser, movable stage, etc. The ^- and :^-inch object-glasses are by far the most often used, but the i-inch and J-inch powers are of great assistance (the former, for instance, in making rapid preliminary in- vestigations of substances, and the latter in the examination of the smaller starches, as those of rice and liquorice). The magnifying power requisite varies with the nature of the object, and may be gathered from the numbers affixed to the engravings in the following pages. For more ready and accurate comparison, it is best to become accustomed always to make the principal examination of one kind or class of object {e.g., starches; and the tissues of seeds) with the same powers : in this way a better idea of relative dimensions will be obtained; but for nearly all objects a i-inch or i-inch power (with a No. i eye-piece) may be used for the preliminary examination. A pocket lens is a useful adjunct. The following table shows the number of diameters magni- fied by the object-glasses and eye-pieces of two well-known makers, one English, the other foreign ; but it must be under- stood that with every maker these values differ, so that they must always be ascertained when an instrument is purchased. ^ The bacteriological or bacterioscopic examination of water is a separate subject, and does not fall within the scope of the present volume. PROLEGOMENA XXXIX ENGLISH MAKER. Kye-pieces. Ohjeci-glasses. I inch. 1 inch. i inch. J inch. A - n - c - \'alue of each space in the ^ micrometer eye - glass with the various object- glasses 6 80 100 •001031 100 220 420 130 350 670 180 500 900 1 iXTT) 'i:iOO '.10(7(7^^ •0005263 ^00023 25 -ooo 1 I II FOREIGN MAKER. Eye-pieces. Ohject-glasses. 1 inch. ^ inch. i inch. ^ inch. With draw -tube out full (No. I) - With draw -tube out lull (No. 2) - — 80 90 180 300 500 800 In addition to the microscope, glass slides, cover-glasses, mounted needles, a sharp scalpel or razor, and a clean silk cloth are wanted : also (but only if it be intended permanently to mount and preserve objects), Quekett's or some other preservative fluid, such as creosoted glycerine, or Canada balsam and xylol, in which to place the preparation ; glass cells ; marine glue, for fastening these to the slides ; and shellac varnish, copal cement, or gold size, for securing the cover-glasses to the cells, or to the slides, where cells are unnecessary. Such permanent preservation of objects, however, will but seldom be requisite in mvestigations such as those described hereafter. Detailed practical instructions in the various operations are to be found in any good work on the microscope — Carpenter and Dallinger's, Van Heurck's, or Cross and Cole's, for instance. [For references to other books on the subject, see Bibliography, pp. 399-406.] SECTION I. FOODS DERIVED FROM VEGETABLE SOURCES. Ord. GLUMIFLOR^, Fam. GRAMINE.E : CEREAL GRAINS. FLOUR. (a) Wheat Flour (Tritictim sativum, var. vtdgare). Histology of the Grain. — i. The membranes surrounding the grain (including here the pericarp, or fruit wall, and the testa, seed coat, or spermoderin) consist of several layers of cells, two of which are disposed longitudinally to the axis of the grain, and another transversely (cross cells). Longitudinal cells, large, with margins distinctly beaded, especially the outer layer : transverse cells, also beaded, but less distinctly. 2. Surface of the Grain. — Formed of large, angular cells ('gluten,' 'protein,' ' aleurone,' or 'starch-free peripheral' cells), filled with proteinous and oily matter in a granular state. 3. Substance of the Grain. — Composed of still larger cells (starch cells), each enclosing numerous starch granules. These parenchymatous cells are smaller near the outer parts of the grain than towards the centre. 4. Starch. — Composed of definite granules or particles, many very small, others of considerable dimensions, and but few of intermediate sizes. The small grains are chiefly round, rarely oval, or muller-shaped, and mostly provided with a central spot, the organic centre, sometimes coinciding with a cavity or fissure, and termed the hilum : the larger granules form rounded or flattened discs with thin edges. Neither hilum nor concentric stratification rings in general per- ceptible on the larger discs, although in a few cases a central tubercle may be seen, as well as indistinct annuli. Occasionally some of the larger grains are more or less twisted or turned up at the edges, and when seen sideways I — 2 4 CEREAL GRAINS present the aspect of a longitudinal furrow : this appearance is occasioned by the partial folding or curling of the granule, whereby a central depression is produced, the corpuscle at the same time being viewed obliquely. Frequently grains which, when stationary, have a round, disc-like appearance, in rolling over and presenting the edges to view, exhibit the longitudinal furrow described, its nature being thus clearly shown. A few granules attain a very considerable size; these are less regularly circular, and being much flattened exhibit but little shadow: sometimes their edges are marked with radiating lines. Examined wath the polari- scope they exhibit a well-marked cross. Often the agency to which the starch granules have been exposed — as, for instance, whether moist baking, dry baking, or boiling — may be determined by attentive microscopical examination. The differences between the raw, moist, baked, and boiled starch grains of wheat, and the other cereals, are very marked. The distinction is less clear in the case of the dry-baked granules, which are, however, much larger on the average than the raw granules : the form is less regular, that of the smaller grains especially being a good deal altered, the shadows are less marked, and in some of the granules the concentric rings are rendered more conspicuous. These modifications of the starch grains are well exemplified in certain proprietary foods manufactured from wheat, etc., described a few pages further on. The greatest extent of alteration is to be seen in British gum, or dextrin made from starch (by which the backs of postage stamps are rendered adhesive) : in this case the granules are mostly destroyed, but here and there grains and portions of granules may be discovered, often exhibiting concentric rings. These remnants are generally sufficient for identification, and to determine whether the gum was made from wheat or potato starch. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Barley, rice, and other cheaper flours. [For figures, see pp. 5, 6, and 7.] FLOUR Fig. I. — Grain of Wheat (Transverse Section), x 200. a, Longitudinal cells of epicarp, or outer membrane of pericarp ; b, middle membrane (cross cells) ; c, inner membrane, or surface cells of the grain proper (aleurone cells) ; d, substance of grain (starch cells). Fig. 2. — Grain of Wheat (Longitudinal Section), x 2co. a. Longitudinal cells oi epicarp ; b, middle membrane (cross cells) ; c, inner membrane, or starch-free peripheral cells (aleurone cells). 6, • CEREAL GRAINS ^^ Ptosis Fig. 3. — Wheat Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma), x 420. FLOUR Fig. 4.- ii. Raw ; -Wheat Starch (Raw, and Altered by Heat), x 400. b, baked with moisture, as in bread ; c, boiled, as in pudding d, dry-baked. FLOUR (b) Barley Flour {Hordeiim sativum). Histology of the Grain. — i. The pericarp, and testa or spernioderin, together consist usually of at least four layers of cells, smaller than those of wheat : the longitudinal cells, of which there are three layers, are not beaded, but the cells forming the outer layer have margins slightly waved ; those of the inner layer and of the transverse cells, not waved. 2. Cells of Surface of the Grain (peripheral, or aleurone cells). — Not nearly so large as those of wheat, and they form two, three, or four layers, instead of one as in wheat. 3. Substance of the Grain. — Parenchymatous cells more delicate than corresponding cells of wheat, and when emptied of starch, present a fibrous appearance. 4. Starch granules resemble very closely those of wheat, so that the description already given to some extent applies. Barley starch consists of small and large grains, with but few of intermediate size ; the small grains are three or four times smaller than the corresponding wheat granules. Many of the larger grains are distinctly ringed, while a much greater proportion of them presents the longitudinal furrow previousl}^ described. These characters are sufficiently well marked 10 allow of the microscopical discrimination of barley and wheat. Under polarized light a cross is seen. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Rye and other meal, mineral matter, etc. [For figures, see pp. 10, 11.] 10 CEREAL GKAIXS Fig. 5. — Grain of Barley (Transverse Section of Pericarp, Testa, AND Surface of Kernel), x 200. ii, Outer layers of longitudinal cells ; b, cross cells ; c, inner (aleurone) cells, surface of grain. Fig. 6. — Barley (View of Surface of Grain), x 200. a. Outer layers of longitudinal cells ; b, cross cells ; c, inner (aleurone and starch) cells, surface and substance of grain. FLOUR II "iG. 7.— Barley Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma). X420. FLOUR 13 (c) Rye Flour (Sccale cercale). Histology of the Grain. — i. Investing membranes resemble those of wheat, but cells of the first and second layers smaller and much more delicately beaded : cells of third coat (cross cells) also smaller, and of a somewhat different form. 2. Kernel. — Cells of the aleurone layer are thicker- walled, and of less size than in Triticnni, 3. Starch granules bear a general resemblance in form and size to those of wheat ; but the lesser grains are decidedly smaller than the corresponding wheat granules, and many of the larger grains of rye starch have a three or four-rayed fissure, located at the hilum. Under polarized light a cross is exhibited, much more strongly marked than that seen in barley starch. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Potato and other cheap starches, mineral matter, etc. [For figures, see pp. 14, 15.] M CEREAL GRAINS "^i^.. 3^SO "^^^x^^^^ tcl& Fig. 8.— Grain of Rye (Vertical and Transverse Sectional Views of External Portion), x 220. a, a, Outer layers ; b, b, cross cells ; c, c, aleurone layer. FLOUR Fig. 9.— RvE Flour (Starch Gran'ules and Starch Cells), x 420. FLOUR 17 (d) Oat Flour and Oatmeal (Avcna sativa). Histology of the Grain. — i. Pericarp. — The longitudinal cells constituting the epicarp and mesocarp, or two outer mem- branes of the pericarp, form two layers ; large and well defined, walls rather thin and slightly waved. From the upper and outer wall of some of the external cells springs a single long and pointed hair, the point being turned towards the summit of the grain : these hairs arise from the cells over the whole surface of the grain, but become more numerous towards the apex, where they form a beard or tuft, as in wheat. The transverse cells, forming the next investing membrane, are disposed in a single layer ; walls less accurately defined, and not very much longer than broad. 2. Surface of the Kernel. — The peripheral cells (aleurone cells) consist of one layer, and are smaller than the cor- responding cells of wheat. 3. Substance of the Kernel. — Parenchyma cell-walls very delicate, and, when cells emptied of starch, appear like threads. 4. The starch granules present well-marked structural characteristics. Smaller than those of wheat, vary but little in dimensions, are polygonal in figure, without either visible concentric rings or hila, but with central depressions and thickened edges. The great peculiarity of oat starch, however, is the coherence together of many of the grains into aggregates of a rounded or oval figure, presenting a reticulated surface indicative of their compound structure. These bodies readily escape from the cellulose, and, when oat flour is diffused through water, may frequently be seen floating about freely in the liquid. A second peculiarity is that, unlike the other cereal starches, grains of oat starch do not exhibit the usual crosses when viewed wdth polarized light. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Barley and other starches ; husk of oat, barley, and wheat ; mineral matter, etc. [For figjires, see pp. 18, ig.] i8 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. io.— Grain of Oat (Transverse and Longitudinal Sections), x 200. a, a, Outer membranes and hairs ; b, b, indistinctly defined cross celh c, c, aleurone layer. FLOUR ^9 Fig. II. — Oat Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma), x 420. a, ij, Starch i^rains ; b, b, aggregations of starch grains; c, c, starch eel mostly emptied. The appearance of oatmeal, adulterated with barley meal, will be seen in Fig. 23, p. 35. 2 — 2 FLOUR 21 (e) Maize or Indian Corn {Zea Mais). Histology of the Grain. — i. Pericarp, or outer investing membrane, consists chiefly of some seven or eight layers of cells all running in one direction, and about three times as long as broad ; the margins of the outermost layer are beaded, the headings being remarkable for a certain squareness of outline. Beneath these elongated cells are parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces. 2. Surface of the Kernel. — The next prominent membrane is the layer of protein or aleurone cells, forming the surface of the kernel, and resembling the corresponding cells of other cereals (rye in particular), but divided by septa, shown in the figure. 3. Cells of the parenchyma very angular, like those of rice, but subdivided into a cellulated network, each space enclosing a separate starch granule. 4. The starch grains, as a rule, are somewhat polygonal in form, and present well-marked central depressions, with occasionally a divided and radiated fissure at the hilum : ^ unlike oat starch, they do not form compound bodies, and they exhibit under the polariscope well-defined crosses. The central depression appears to be common to many of the starch granules of the cereal grasses, and, combined with the disc-like form of the grains, gives them a general but distant resemblance to the blood discs of the mam- malia. When the grains, as in wheat and barley, are curved upon themselves, the depression exists, of course, only on one side of the disc. Extraneous Stibstances Detectable by the Microscope. — Foreign starches, mineral matter, etc. ^ The hilum is that part of a starch grain which was at first formed. [For figures, see pp. 22, 23.] 22 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. 12. — Grain of Maize. A, Transverse section of outer portion : a, elongated beaded cells ; b, sep- tated aleurone cells ( x loo). B, longitudinal view of beaded or porous-walled cells ( X 200). C, cells of surface of grain (aleurone cells) ( x 200). D, cells of its substance (parenchyma) ( x 100). E, cellulated network emptied of starch ( X 500). F, starch granules ( x 500). FLOUR 23 Fig. 13.— Indian Corn Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Cells), x 420. FLOUR (f) Rice {Oryza sativa). Histology of the Husk and Grain (best made out after immersion for some time in glycerol or in a 5 per cent, solu- tion of potash or soda). — i. Husk. — Outer surface thrown up into ridges, arranged transversely and longitudinally, and describing between them square spaces : ridges formed in part of granular silica ; here and there are openings of some- what irregular form, which are hair-scars. Beneath this outer epidermis are several layers of rather short, narrow, sclerenchymatous fibres, some arranged longitudinally, others transversely. They are brittle: their edges are rough; and that they really are fibres is shown by their being hollow, as is seen in transverse sections. The fibrous mem- brane is succeeded by a thin tissue, formed of angular cells, rather longer than broad, the long axis of which is placed transversely. 2. Kernel. — The next membranes are made up of the several varieties of cells of the pericarp (not shown in the figure), beneath which is a layer of aleurone cells, followed by the starch parenchyma. 3. The starch granules, which consist largely of amylo- dextrin, are small, for the most part angular in shape, with well-marked central depressions and raised edges. In their polygonal form they closely resemble the starch granules of oat, but are much smaller. Many are aggregated together into compound grains (resemblance to oat flour). Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Foreign starches, husks, etc. [For figures, see pp. 26, 27.] 26 CEREAL GRAINS fM'-uJL Fig, 14. — Husk of Rice. A, Transverse section ; a, sclerenchymatous fibres cut through ( x 220) ; B, surface view, showing hair-scars and broken ends of sclerenchymatous fibres ( X 220) ; c, edge of fibre more highly magnified. FLOUR Fig. 15. — Rice Flour (Starch Granules and Compound Grains), x 420. 28 CEREAL GRAINS ADULTERANTS OF, AND SUBSTITUTES FOR, WHEAT AND OTHER CEREAL GRAINS. Fig. i6. — Bean Flour {Faba vidgaris = Vicia Faba L., ord. LeguminoscE, fam. Papilionacecu): Characterized by the thickness of the walls of the cells enclosing the starch granules, by the oval or reniform shape of the granules, and by the elongated and divided character of the fissure extending through the hilum. Fig. 17 shows the appearance of wheat flour admixed with bean flour. Fig. 18. — Potato Flour (Solanum tuberosum, ord. PersonatcF, fam. Solanacece) : Easily distinguished from wheat flour by the microscope. Starch granules of potato flour vary greatly in size and shape : some very small and circular, others large, ovate, or oyster-shaped. The larger granules exhibit numerous very distinct concentric rings,^ and the small but well-defined hilum is situated in the narrow extremity of each granule: not infrequently granules may be observed of an oval form, divided by a fine line into two portions or segments, each provided with a hilum. (For further account, v. under Arrowroots, p. 64.) Fig. ig represents a mixture of wheat flour and rice. Fig. 20.— Barley Flour: Previously^ described (p. 9), but figured again here for convenience. The admixture of barley flour with wheat is not easy to discover, if attention be confined only to the starch granules of the tw^o kinds of grain, the differences being inconsiderable; though barley starch granules are smaller than those of wheat, especially the more minute granules. But the discrimination may be eff"ected satisfactorily by means of the fragments of husk present in the flour. The structural peculiarities of the testa and of 1 The layers, represented by the rings or striations visible in many starch grains, differ in density and in the proportions of water which they contain. ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES 29 the cells forming the surface of the grain of wheat and barley have been described (pp. 3 and g). Another occasional adulterant of wheat is Maize, of which an account has been given (p. 21). Fig. 21 shows an admixture o{ wheat flour with maize flour. Fig. 22 illustrates the aspect of cones flour in admixture with rice and bean flours. Genuine cones flour is the flour of a particular species of wheat called revet, grown in Southern Europe, and used by some bakers to dust the dough, as well as the boards on which this is ma'de into loaves, to prevent the dough from adhering to the boards, or the loaves to each other in the course of baking. Cones flour was found by Dr. Hassall to be subject to extensive adulteration with rice, rye, barley, bean, maize, and other substances, some of the samples examined containing no wheat flour whatever. Oat flour and oatmeal are seldom adulterated with the flour of other cereal grains : but wheat and barley husks are added occasionally. Maize also has been mentioned among the adulterants of oatmeal. Fig. 23 represents a mixture of oatmeal and barley meal. Fig. 24. — Durrha or Dari {Andropogon sorghum^ var. durra ; Sorghum vulgare) : alleged to have been used as an adulterant of wheat flour. Histology of the Grain. — i. The exterior portion consists of three principal membranes : the outermost, composed of several layers of rather small, thick-walled cells, about three times longer than broad, and having thcmargins finely beaded, somewhat as in capsicum : a middle coat, consisting of several layers of thin-walled cells, filled with small, polygonal starch granules (the starch-bearing mesocarp) : and a third, which is the external membrane of the kernel, and is a single layer of angular, but unusually small, ' aleurone,' or * starch-free peripheral ' cells. 2. The substance of the grain, mostly starch parenchyma, 30 CEREAL GRAINS resembles very closely that of maize, differing chiefly in the larger size and greater angularity of the starch granules, as well as in the stellate character of the cavity at the hilum. In the figure on p. ^y, A = transverse section of external portion of grain ; a, outer membrane ; b, middle coat (starch-bearing mesocarp) ; c, aleurone layer; J5, longitudinal section ; a, outer layers ; 6, starch-bearing mesocarp ; c, aleurone cells ; C, substance of grain, showing the large angular cells filled with starch, of which it is composed ; D, parts of large cells, showing the pseudo-cell structure, in which the starch granules are separately lodged; E, E\ starch from substance of grain and mesocarp, respectively. [For figures, see pp. 31-37.] ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES 31 Fig. 16. — Bean Flour. x 420. Fig. 17. —Wheat Flour, adulterated with Bean Flour, x 420. 32 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. i8. — Potato Flour, x 220. Fig. 19. — Wheat Flour, adulterated with Rice, x 420. ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES 33 Fig. 20. — Barley Flour, x 420. Fig. 21. — Wheat Flour, admixed with Maize Flour, x 420. 3 34 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. 22.— Cones Flour, admixed with Rice and Bean Flours, x 225. a, a, Wheaten flour; b, b, rice; c, c, bean meal. ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES 35 Fig. 23. — Oatmeal, adulterated with Barley Meal. X450. a, a, Aggregates, or compound grains of oat starch ; b, b, barley starch. ^—2 36 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. 24. — Durrha or Dari (figure opposite : for description of the grain, see ante, pp. 29, 30). ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES 37 Fig. 24. — Grain of Durrha (Investing Membranes, Substance of Grain, AND Starch Granules). A, Transverse section of external portion of grain ( x 200) ; B, longitudinal section ( x 200) : a, a, layers of elongated, beaded cells; b,b, starch-bearing mesocarp ; c, c, alearone layer ; C, starch parenchyma ( x 100) ; D, pseudo-cell structure of parenchyma ( x 500) ; E, E', starch granules from substance of grain and mesocarp respectively ( x 500). 38 CEREAL GRAINS WHEATEN BREAD. Microscopical Characters of Wheaten Bread. The discovery by the microscope of rye, beans, rice, etc., in wheaten bread, is very much less easy than in flour, because the heat to which bread is subjected in baking alters greatly the original form of the starch granules, so render- ing their identification most difficult, and in some cases impossible. The characters of the starches of the several flours have already been described. When it is impossible to recognize the starch granules under the microscope, by reason of the changes which they have undergone, search should be made for portions of the husk of the several grains, these being much less affected by the heat and moisture than the starch granules themselves. It is often difficult to detect the presence of boiled potato in bread, especially when only a small quantity has been used. The cells and granules are entirely broken up and destroyed. If potato has been employed in larger quantity, however, the addition may easily be dis- covered by the microscope. Foreign Additions Detectable by the Microscope. — R}'e, beans, rice, maize, potato, bone-dust, etc. WH EATEN BREAD 39 Fig. 25. — Wheaten Bread, with an Admixture of Potato, x 420. 40 CEREAL GRAINS YEASTS {Sacchavomycetes). Including Saccharomyces cerevisicB and numerous other species. [Group Eumycetes (the higher mycetes, or fungi): sub-group Mycomycetes (with septate mycehum) : class Ascomycetes (with ascospoyes, or endogenous spores enclosed in an ascus or sac) : sub-class GymnoascecB (with naked asci) : family Sacchavomycetes : genus Saccharomyces.'] Yeasts are alcohol -producing, gemmating or budding fungi, capable of developing ascospores. This definition excludes some Tondce (although they can cause alcoholic fermentation), and certain true Saccharomycetes. Structure and appearance vary much. Saccharomyces cerevisics consists of spherical, slightly elliptical, or oval cells, occurring singly or in groups, and in short chains. In some other species the cells are considerably elongated and sausage- shaped. The propagation is effected by throwing off smaller cells, genimcB or buds. Several commercial varieties of yeast are used in the baking of bread : e.g., brewery and distillers' yeasts, the so-called patent yeasts, and compressed yeasts. Brewers' yeast and a patent yeast are shown in the two opposite figures. Fig. 26. — Brewer's Yeast {Saccharomyces cerevisice). Fig. 27.— Patent Yeast : A different species of Saccharo- myces from that shown in the previous figure : cells smaller, oval, and more often united in twos and threes. YEASTS 41 Fig. 26. — Brewers' Yeast (Saccharomyces), x 220. L->^ ^ 9 ^■'6? % ^ ^( Jv^ Fig. 27. — Patent Yeast (Saccharomyces). x 220. 42 CEREAL GRAINS MILDEWS AND MOULDS (Hyphomycetes). Among the mycelial fungi growing on fruit, stale bread, and other articles of food, and on the surface of saccharine liquids, are Penicillium glancum, the commonest mould of bread; Mucor mticedo, which imparts mustiness ; Etirotiim Aspergillus glauciis, Monilia Candida, O'idiiim lactis, and Pnccinia graminis (mildew of grain). Five figures on the following pages represent hyphomycetes in various stages : Fig. 2S.— Hyphen (thread-like tubes) of fungi resembling species of Oidium and Monilia, with oidia, and chlamydospores or gemrnce. Fig. 29. — Mycelium (network of intertwined hyphse with cells) of species of Dematium, showing chlamydospores. Pig. 30. — Mycelium of Penicillium glaucum, exhibiting branching hyphce, fructification by conidia, the conidiophorcs and exospores. Fig. 31. — Mucor mucedo fully developed, showing globular sporangia and endospores. Fig. 32. — Another species of Mucor (? M. Racemosiis) ; copious growth, showing mycelium, with numerous sporan- giophores and sporangia. Puccinia graminis, Eurotium Aspergillus glaucus, and Penicillium glaucum (again), are figured further on, under 'Parasitic Diseases of the Cereal Grains' (pp. 50, 52, 53. Figs. 35» 36, 38, 39» 40)- It was at one time believed by Dr. Hassall, in common with many other investigators, who (not excepting Louis Pasteur himself) had not the advantage of being able to work with pure cultures, that the Saccharomycetes, or yeasts, could be developed from Penicillium, Aspergillus, and similar moulds, and, conversely, that transmutations of Saccharo- mycetes into Hyphomycetes were possible. In the light of later researches the consensus of opinion now is that no proofs have been obtained in support of such an hypothesis.^ ^ F. Lafar, Technische Mykologie, 1903, ii. 458. [For figures, see pp. 43-45.] MILDEWS AND MOULDS 43 Fig. 28. — Moulds, Mycelial Fungi, or Hyphomycetes. Hyphae, oidia, AND chlamydospores or gemmae of fungi resembling species of Oidium AND MoNiLiA. X circa 120. Fig. 29, — A Mould. Mycelium, with gemmae, of species of Dematium. X 100. 44 CEREAL GRAIXS Fig. 30. — A Common Mould. Mycelium of Penicillium Glaucum, showing branching hyphae, fructification by conidia, conidiophores, and exospores. x 150. Fig. 31. — A Common Mould. Mucor Mucedo, fully developed, showing Globular Sporangia and Endospores. A, a, a. Erect sporangiophores, branching from mycelium, b, b, each hypha bearing a sporangium, c,c. [ x 95.] (E. G. C, del.). B. Sporangium in vertical section, showing the columella, a', and the endo- spores, b'. [ X circa 200.] {E. G. C, del., after Brefeld). MILDEWS AND MOULDS 45 Fig. 32. — Another Species of Mucor {M. Raccmosus ?), showing mycelium, hyphae, and sporangia. [From a paper by A. H. Hassall, ]\I.D., Med.-Chir. Trans., xxxvi,, 48. J PARASITIC DISEASES 47 PARASITIC DISEASES OF THE CEREAL GRAINS. (a) Vegetable Parasites. Bunt, Smut Bolls/ Smut Balls, Stinking Smut, or Pepper Brand {Tilletia iritici = T. caries). — A fungus met with only in wheat, and easily to be distinguished by its disgust- ing smell. Spores highly characteristic, large and reticulated. Fig- 33- Smut, or Dust Brand {Ustilago hordei and avence). — A fungus comparatively rare in wheat, not found in rye, but very common in barley and oats. Is without disagreeable odour. Spores several times smaller than the above. Fig. 34. Rust, Red Rag, Red Robin, or Red Gum {Uredo rubigo and U. linearis) ; Black Rust {Puccinta graniinis). — U. rubigo and U. linearis are merely different stages of development of Puccinia graminis, and form yellow and brown oval spots or bloches on the stem, leaf, and chaff. The spores of which the blotches consist are intermediate in size between those of Tilletia caries and Ustilago hordei ; at first round, after- wards ovoid ; and attached by a pellucid short and slender stem to the surface on which they are developed {Uredo- spores). After a time they become free. Figs. 35 and 36. The ripe spores of Puccinia graminis are dark brown, club-shaped bodies {Teleutospores) , having the broader end divided into two compartments filled with sporules. Fig. 36. Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) r — Especially prone to attack rye, but observed in wheat and other cereals. Fig. ^y. Transverse section of ergot : (a) Conidiophores, bearing 1 Boll = a spherical pod, or vesicle. [O.K., holla.] - For recent work on the chemical composition and physiological action of Ergot, see papers by G. Barger and F. H. Ca.rr,Journ. Chem. Soc, xci. (1907), 337; G. Barger and H. H. Dale, Bio-Chem. Joiirn., ii. {1907), 240; and H. H. Dale, Jouni. of Physiol., xxxiv., No. 3 (1906). 48 CEREAL GRAINS conidia, seen on the extremities; (b) compacted, septate, darker-coloured filaments, which constitute the black or purple portion of the fungus (the sclerotiiim) ; (c) cells, with contained spherules of fat, forming the body or colourless part (the sphacelia) ; {d, e, f) the conidia, and part of the sphacelia more highly magnified. Yellow Mould (Eurotium repens = Eiirotiiim Aspergillus glaucus of De Bary). — A bright yellow fungus found in stale bread. Fig. 38. Another stage of development of the same mould, possessing a dull green colour, is shown in Fig. 39. Green or Blue Mould {PenicilliiLm glauciim) ; also P. cito- philum and P. rosetmt. — Fungi developed in stale bread. P. glaiicmn, green or bluish-green ; the others greenish, brownish, or reddish-yellow. Fig. 40, P. glaiiciun, perfectly developed. The erect conidiophores are shown, with chains of conidia. [See also Fig. 30, for an earlier stage of P. glauciun. Yeast {Saccharomyces). — Developed sometimes in bread, the baking of which has not destroyed the vitality of the ferment. (For description and figures, vide pp. 40, 41.) [For figures, see pp. 49, 50, 51, 52, mid 53.] PARASITIC DISEASES -^9 Fro. 33._TiLLETiA tritici = T. caries (Bunt, Smut Bolls, Smut Balls Sti.nklng Smut, or Pepper Brand), x 420, Fig. 34.— Ustilago hordei (Smut, or Dust Brand), x 420. 4 50 CEREAL GRAIXS Pig. 35.— Wheat infested with Kl.^. .^^ie Uredo rubigo stage of DEVELOPMENT OF PUCCINIA GRAMINIS). X 42O. a a Wheat starch ; b. b, free urcdosporcs of P. graminis, formerly believed ' to be a separate genus. Fig. 36.— Puccinia graminis (Black Rust), Different Stages, x 500. Upper part, uredospores on filaments ; lower part, teletitospores. PARASITIC DISEASES 51 Fig. 37. — Ergot (Claviceps purpurea). a, Conidiophores bearing conidia ; b, compacted septate mycelium, which forms the sderotium ; c, sphacelia ( x 420) ; d, e, f, conidia, and part of the sphacelia, more highly magnified ( X670J. 4—2 52 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. 38, — EuRCTiUM repens = Eurotium Aspergillus glaucds (De Bary) : (a yellow or green mould). The ascus fructification stage of Aspergillus glaucus : cleistocarps, or ' closed fruits,' consisting of spherical pcrithecia, investing the asci, each ascus con- taining eight ascospores. x 420. Fig. 39.— Eurotium aspergillus glau CUS. Showing conidio- phores, bearing on bulbous termina- tions radial steri^- viata (fl). from which chains of conidia {b) are abstricted. x ca. 350- [E. G. C. ./<'/. i PARASITIC DISEASES 53 -j*-'--'-^ tT^ ■<^ &^ p Fig. 40. — Penicillidm glaucum (Green or Blue Mould): Showing erect conidiophores bearing chains of conidia. x 220. [A. H. Hassall, Med. -Chi?: Trans., xxxvi., 1S53, p. 29.] 54 CEREAL GRAINS (b) a Poisonous Grass. Bearded or Poisonous Darnel {Loliwn teimdentum, fam. Graniinecs). — Bearded darnel has not infrequently become intermixed with wheat or other cereal grains : but its detec- tion in flour by the microscope is easy. Histology of the Grain. — Differs greatly from that of rice, oat, or any other of the cereals. The outer portion is formed of three principal membranes : (i) An external coat, the epidermis of the pericarp (not shown in the figure), consisting of a single layer of vertically disposed beaded cells ; (2) a single layer of cells with their long axes arranged transversely, somewhat like corresponding cells in rice. But the tissues of rice-husk, and cells of the bran of Loliiun, are very distinct in other respects. The cells of the former are long and narrow fibres : those of the latter are only between twice and thrice as long as broad. The cells of the succeeding membrane — (3), the spermoderm — are ranged in two layers, and vertically, thus differing from the rest of the cereals, excepting rice. The aleurone cells form a single layer, and resemble those of other grains. The starch granules are polygonal, like those of rice, but are much smaller, and, as is the case with oat-starch, they are often united into aggregations of various sizes, the larger groups consisting of fifty or sixty grains. Fig. 41. — Loliiun temulentitm : Sectional surface view, and cross section ; also starch aggregates, and separate granules : a, a, transversely disposed cells ; b, 6, two layers of vertical cells of the spermoderm ; c, c, aleurone cells. A POISONOUS GRASS 55 Fk;. 41. — Seed of Lolium temulentum, or Bearded Darnel. Surface View and Cross Section ( x 200) ; with Starch Aggregations and Granules (x 500). a, a, transverse cells of pericarp ; b, b, vertical cells (two layers) ot spermo- derm ; c, c, aleurone cells. 56 CEREAL GRAINS (c) Animal Parasites. Galls of Wheat, Eelworms, Ear Cockles, Purples, Cockle Galls, False Ergot, or Peppercorn {TylencJms tritici = Angtnllida tritici = Vibrio tritici). — Grains affected turn green, and ultimately black : become rounded, resembling a peppercorn. The husks are spread out and the awns twisted, by which means the infected ears are readily observable among the standing corn. The blighted grains are filled with a moist cotton-like substance, and contain no flour. This substance consists of myriads of eel-shaped wormlets, which exhibit the most active movements when moistened with water. Other Anguillulidce are sometimes met with in moist and damage?d flour. Fig. 42. The Meal Mite {Tyroglyphiis sir = /^ cams farince). — Never present in flour unless damaged. Differs considerably in structure from the sugar mite {q.v.). Fig. 43. T. siro, from the ovum to the mature state, from wheat flour : a, a, ova ; b, young ; c, male ; d, female. The Feathered Mite {Glyciphagus phimiger = Acarus plumiger). — Another species of mite from wheat. Fig. 44. The Wheat Midge (Cecidomyia tritici). — A two-winged fly, seen early in June, from 7 to 9 p.m., flying about wheat for the purpose of depositing its eggs within the blossoms. The eggs become hatched into yellow maggots or caterpillars, which cause the non-development of the ovary, so that the grain never advances beyond its condition when the flower first expands. Usually only grains here and there in an ear are affected. Fig. 45. The Weevil {Calandra granaria). — A minute, dark reddish- brown snout-beetle, of frequent occurrence in damaged flour and grain. Presence revealed by a little hole on the surface of the grain, which will be found to consist chiefly of a shell with the starch eaten away. Fig. 46. [For figures, see pp. 57, 58, and 59.] PARASITIC DISEASES 57 Fig. 42. — Tylenchus tritici = Anguillula tritici : Ear Cockles, Purples, or Peppercorn, x 100. Fig. 43. — Tvroglyphus siro = Acarus farin.^ : Meal Mite, x 75. a, a, Ova ; b, young ; c, male ; d, female. 58 CEREAL GRAINS Fig. 44.— Glyciphagus plumiger = Acarus plumiger, the Feathered Mite, x 220. PARASITIC DISEASES 59 Fig. 45 — The Wheat Midge (Cecidomyia tritici), greatly magnified. [K. G. C, (fci., after J. Curtis.] Fig. 46.— The Granary Weevil (Calandra granaria), much enlarged. [K. G. C, tfi/., after J. Curtis.] Ord. SCITAMINE^, Fam. MARANTACE^ : et alia. ARROWROOTS. (a) Maranta, or West India Arrowroot {Maranta arundinacea, ord. Scitaminece, fam. Marantacecc). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Usually more or less oblong and ovate, sometimes mussel-shaped, or even almost triangular : vary considerably in size, each larger granule being marked by a number of delicate concentric lines or striae: at the broad or large extremity of each the hilum is distinctly visible, sometimes as a circular spot or dot, but generally marked by a short, sharp line, running transversely across the granule. This is a distinctive feature by which Maranta arrowroot can readily be identified. By the action of boiling water the starch granules are greatly altered, swelling to twenty or thirty times their original volume, and becoming more or less rounded : at the same time the striae and hilum are obliterated, the membrane of each grain is ruptured, and granular matter escapes from its interior. Fig- 47- (b) Canna, Queensland, or Tous les Mois Arrowroot {Canna edtilis and other species of Canna, ord. Scitaminecs, fam. CannacecB). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Very large, flat, broad, and ovate ; sometimes pointed at the narrow end. Hilum situated in the narrow extremity of the granule : concentric rings exceedingly close together and regular. Grains larger, and rings much more numerous and even 60 ARROWROOTS 6i than in potato starch (the most closely similar product) : also under polarized light Canna arrowroot exhibits more regular crosses than potato. Fig. 48. (c) Curcuma, or East India Arrowroot {Curcuma angtistifolia, riibescens, etc. Ord. ScitaminecE, fam. Zingi- ber accce). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Elongated and irregularly ovate : being flat, they present but little lateral shading. In size vary considerably; many much exceed the largest Maranta granules. The lines which mark the surface are tolerably distinct, but describe segments of circles only. Hiluni usually very indistinct, and sometimes invisible; is at the narrow or pointed extremity of each granule. Fig. 49. iD) Tacca, Tahiti, or Otaheite Arrowroot {Jacca pinnatifida, fam. Taccacece). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Somewhat resemble those of sago, but very much smaller. When viewed side- ways, muller-shaped, with truncate or dihedral bases : when seen endways appear circular, and occasionally angular or polyhedral. Rings few and indistinct : hilum circular, some- times fissured in a stellate manner. Fig. 50. [For figures, see pp. 62 aiid 63.] 62 ARROWROOTS Fig. 47. — Maranta, or West Indian Arrowroot, x 240. Fig. 48. — Canna or Tous les mois Arrowroot, x 225, ARROWROOTS 63 Fig. 49.— Curcuma, or East Indian Arrowroot, x 240. Fig. 50.— Tacca, Tahiti, or Otaheite Arrowroot. x22o. 64 ARROWROOTS ARROWROOTS— continued, (e) Manihot, Manioc, Cassava, or Brazilian Arrowroot (the flour of Manihot utilissima, ord. Tricoccce, fam. Eiiphorbiacece). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Resemble rather closely those of Tacca arrowroot, but are considerably smaller, with a larger proportion of granules exhibiting a circular outline. Hilum usually fissured. Granules mostly single, but sometimes (and in the plant itself always) united into compound grains, each composed of two, three, or four granules. Hence, like those of sago, usually muller-shaped, though appearing circular when seen endways. Fig. 51. (f) Potato, or British Arrowroot {Solanum tuberosum, ord. PersonaUe, fam. SolanacecB). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Vary greatly in size and shape : some very small and circular, others large, ovate, or oyster-shaped. The larger granules exhibit very distinct concentric rings : hilum small, but well defined, and situated in narrow extremity of each granule. Not infre- quently, granules may be seen of an oval form, divided by a fine line into two portions or segments, each provided with a hilum. Fig. 52. (g) Maize Arrowroot, Indian Corn Flour, or Corn Flour {Zea Mais, fam. Gvaminece). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Already described (see ante, p. 21) : figured again here, for convenience, fig- 53- (h) Rice Arrowroot {0}'y::a sativa, fam. Graminece). Characters of the Starch Granules. — Already described (see ante, p. 25), but shown again for comparison. Fig. 54. ARROWROOTS 65 (i) Arum, or Portland Arrowroot (Arum maculatimi, esculentuui, and Italicum, ord. SpadiciJlorcB, fam. Aracece). Not at present an article of commerce. Characters of the Starch Granules. — Very closely resemble those of Tacca arrowroot, but are much smaller ; and the difference in size is sufficiently constant and con- siderable to ensure ready discrimination between the two kinds of arrowroot. Fig. 55. Sophistications Detectable in Arrowroots by the Microscope. — Use of cheaper materials, such as sago meal, potato starch, and tapioca starch, admixed with, or substituted for, the more costly Maranta arrowroot ; and addition or sub- stitution of foreign starches not usually recognized as arrow- roots. [For figures, see pp. 66, 67, and 68.] 66 ARROWROOTS Fig. 51. — Manihot, or Brazilian Arrowroot, x 225. Fig. 52. — Potato, or British Arrowroot, x 220. ARROWROOTS 67 Fig. 5^. — Maize Arrowroot, or Corn Flour, x 420. Fig. 54. — Rice Arrowroot, x 420. 5—2 68 ARROWROOTS "^"e Fig. 55. — Arum, or Portland Arrowroot, x 240. Sago. Ord. SPADICIFLOR.'E, Fam. PALM.^ ; and Ord. CYCADINyE, Fam. CYCADACE.^. SAGO. The starch obtained from Metroxylon Iceve (Sagtts Icevis), M. Rumphii {Sagtis Rumphii), M. Sagu, etc., ord. SpadiciflorcE, fam. PalmcB : also from Cycas circinalis and C. revoluta, ord. Cycadince, fam. CycadacecE. Characters of the Starch. — {a) In Raw Sago-Meal and Flour. The granules are of considerable size, elongated, usually rounded at one end, which is sometimes the larger, and, owing to mutual pressure of the adjacent particles, truncated at the other extremity. Hilum sometimes denoted by a circular dot, but often fissured, when it appears as a slit, cross, or star. Surrounding it, a few indistinct rings may usually be perceived in some of the granules. Examined with the polariscope, generally a black cross is seen, the hilum being the centre. Fig. 56. {b) In Gramdated and Pearl Sago. The foregoing characters can be traced only imperfectly in the majority of the granules, the effect of the heat applied being greatly to alter the appearance of the starch. Fig. 57. Extraneous Matters Detectable by the Microscope. — Potato flour, from which factitious sago has frequently been made. Fig. 58. 70 SAGO 71 Fig. 56. — Sago Starch, as seen in Sago AIeal and Flour, x 225. Fig. 57.— Sago Starch, altered by Heat, as seen in Granulated Sago. X 225. 72 5.4 GO Fig. 58.— Factitious Sago, composed of Potato Flour, x 225. Showing the granules of potato starch swollen, irregular in shape, sometimes ruptured and with the striae effaced. [Tapioca or Cassav'a. Ord. TRICOCC.^, Fam. EUPHORBIACE/F:, TAPIOCA OR CASSAVA. The starch obtained from Manihot utilissima, M. aipi, M. Janipha, etc., ord. TricocccB, fam. EiiphorbiacecB. Characters of the Starch. — [a) In the Meal or Flour, washed and dried without the employment of heat {Manihot or Brazilian Arrowroot). Already described and figured (pp. 64, 66, fig. 51), but for convenience shown again here. Fig. 59. (6) In Granulated Tapioca (dried on hot plates). The starch granules are swollen by the heat, and many caused to burst : at the same time they adhere together in small irregular masses. Fig. 60. Extraneous Matters Detectable by the Microscope. — Sago and potato starch, occasionally added. 74 TAPIOCA OR CASSAVA 75 e© ^ Fig. 59. -Tapioca Starch, unaltered, as seen in the Meal or Flour (Manihot or Brazilian Arrowroot), x 225. Fig. 60. — Tapioca Starch, altered by the Heat used in its Preparation, AS SEEN IN Granulated Tapioca. X225. 76 PROPRIETARY FOODS PROPRIETARY FOODS CONTAINING OR CONSISTING OF WHEAT, ETC. Numerous preparations of wheat, in a cooked or partially cooked condition, have in latter days been introduced to consumers. In the United States, especially, considerable enterprise is shown in the manufacture and export of such foods ; and the titles of several fancifull}- named American products are as familiar to ' the man in the street ' walking in London, as to the citizen of New York or Buffalo. Four or five preparations only, but these fairly representative of a large class, can be mentioned here. ' Grape Nuts.' — This product, the ingeniously chosen name of which is distinctly notable among non-descriptive appellatives, is manufactured from whole wheat by cooking and malting operations. The producers state that it is ' pre- digested,' and ' made by especial treatment of entire wheat and barley.' Under the microscope exceedingly clearly are seen all the characteristic features of wheat, described on pp. 3, 4, and shown in Figs. I, 2, 3. Though the starch grains have been changed by the processes of manufacture, they are mostly well defined and recognizable. It is remarkable that there is scarcely so much alteration as in some varieties of bread. The microscopical appearance of this preparation is repre- sented in Fig. 61, p. 78. [And see Fig. 4, starch granules changed by cooking ; also Fig. 25, p. 39, bread.] 'Force' (an article associated in the mind of the public with the features of a jocund little gentleman called ' Sunny Jim ' — whoever he may be) is sold in the form of light flakes of malted entire wheat, steam-cooked ; and it is described as a ' partly digested ' food, prepared from the ' whole of the Wheat and Barley malt, by a process of careful malting and heatmg.' Easy digestibility is claimed for it, and probably wdth accuracy. PROPRIETARY FOODS 77 The microscope shows that in this preparation the starch granules are almost completely broken down, and the field is mainly covered by the debris : but the cross cells with characteristically beaded walls are abundant and clearly observable. Other features of wheat, such as epicarpal tissue and hairs, are less frequently visible. Apparently the strip- ping of the grain has been carried rather far. * Force ' is shown in Fig. 62. ' Shredded Wheat ' is another well-known preparation of the entire grain, which has been subjected to an operation of mechanical flaking or shredding, and, without any malting, cooked to the state of a biscuit. It is claimed that nothing is added in the course of manufacture. A microscopical examination shows that the starch grains are twisted and otherwise altered, somewhat more than in bread (Fig. 25, loc. cit.) : but they are not broken down, as in 'Force.' The cellular structure of the wheat is well shown. *Triscuits' are a similar preparation : but the cake or biscuit is much thinner and slightly more compact. The microscopical characters are similar to those of ' shredded wheat,' but perhaps less cellular tissue is visible. * Farola,' ' Granola,' and ' Granose ' are other products manufactured from wheat : the former from the endosperm, the two latter from the entire grain. Invalids' and Infants' Foods.— On the market are very many preparations belonging to this class, of which wheat and other cereal grains, occasionally oat, but especially maize and barley, or the starches obtained from them, are the main ingredients. Such foods are frequently baked, malted, or both ; and some contain desiccated mil'k, or eggs. The microscopical characters of the principal constituents likely to be present in foods of this kind have already been described under the proper titles of the grains, and under Ayrowroots. See also Fig. 63, p. 79. 78 PROPRIETARY FOODS Fig. 6i.— Grape Nuts, x ioo. [E. G. C, dc-/. Fig. 62. — ' Force.' x k [E. G. C, (/e/. PROPRIETARY FOODS 79 Fig. 63. — A Proprietary Food composed of Wheat, Potato. Maize, and Tapioca, x 200. a, a, Wheat ; b, b, potato ; c, c, maize ; d, d, tapioca. Ord. LEGUMINOS.'^., Fam. PAPILIONACE^ ; et alia. PROPRIETARY FOODS CONTAINING LENTIL IN ADMIXTURE WITH CEREAL GRAINS. Various preparations have at different periods been intro- duced, containing Lentil, as well as Barley, Maize, etc. Appearance of Lentil Starch (Lews acidmia =- Ervum Lens, fam. PapilionacccE). — Extremely similar to pea-starch {Pisum arvense, P. sativtun, fam. Papilionacea^) : granules oval, of moderate size, and characterized by a strongly marked fissure at the hiium, seen most frequently as a thick, dark line bisecting the granules, but very frequently cruciform and stellate. PROPRIETARY FOODS 8i Fig. 64. — Proprietary Food, composed of Lentil and Maize or Cornflour, x 200. a, a, Starch granules of the French lentil ; b, b, fragments of the husk ; c, c, starch granules and masses of maize or Indian corn meal. Fig. 65. — Similar Food, consisting of Lentil and Barley, x 200. a, a, Starch granules of the Arabian lentil, some loose, others lying in the celh of the parenchyma ; b, b, starch granules of barley flour. 6 82 PROPRIETARY FOODS PROPRIETARY FOODS, CONSISTING PARTIALLY OR ENTIRELY OF NUTS. Highly nutritious foodstuffs have latterly been manu- factured from walnuts (Juglaiis regia), chestnuts {Castanea sativa), filbert, hazel, and cob-nuts {Coryhis avellana), sweet almonds {Primus communis), Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excclsa, etc.), coco-nuts {Cocos mccifera), and other varieties of nuts. Many writers, among them A. H. Church, A. Haig, and R. Hutchison, have pointed out the dietetic value and whole- someness of nuts,^ which undoubtedly will be more widely appreciated, as time goes on. Most nuts contain little or no starch, much proteid matter, and very large proportions of oil or fat. The chestnut is exceptional : it is deficient in oil, but contains much starch, and a moderate quantity of protein. Though, unfortunately, they bear somewhat weird and unattractive names, many very good nut-foods are now ob- tainable. Among the products of this class are ' nutmeal,' * nuttose,' 'protose,' ' bromose ' (malted nuts), 'nutmeat,' * alnut,' ' nutton,' and ' nutvejo.' A production called ' nut- rose ' is made from pea-nuts (Arachis hypogcea), which are scarcely nuts in the ordinary sense, but belong to the Legiiminosc^, and are among the most highly proteinous of vegetable foodstuffs. From the oils expressed from nuts, numerous ' vegetable butters ' are made, such as * cocos butter,' ' nucoline,' and ' nuttolene.' Under the microscope, nuts and nut-preparations exhibit less individuality than cereal grains. The shells are mostly constituted of compact aggregations of sclerenchyma or stone cells : while the ' flesh ' of the kernels usually consists of parenchyma, with aleurone grains and oil globules, or occa- sionally starch (as in the chestnut and acorn) . Chestnut starch (shown in Fig. 66) is remarkable for irregularity in the shape of the granules ; and the large aleurone grains of the Brazil nut are characteristic. Some of the microscopical appear- ances presented by the last-named are shown in Fig. 67. Acorn starch is depicted in Figs. 75, S3, pp. 89, 97. ^ 'Breads we have of several grains, roots, and kernels; . . . some do nourish so, as divers do live on them, without any other meat, who live very long.' — Francis, Viscount St. Albans (1561-1626), Neu' Atlantis. PROPRIETARY FOODS 83 Fig G6 — Chestnut, x 420. [E. G. C, './f/.\ Fig. 67. — Brazil Nut. x 140. (E. G. C, ^ Fig. 89.— Cocoa. Membranes of the Perisperm, x 220. a, a, Small polygonal cells, containing fat globules; b,b, rounded cells derived from husk (indc Fig. 88. a, a), lying upon the polygonal cells, and situated at the lines of junction of the lobe ; c, c, transparent fibrous tunic ; 7, d, multicellular hairs (the Hassallian, or so-called' Mitscherlichian bodies') ^ ,, e, rounded masses of crystallized fat; /,/, crystals. Fig. 90. — Cocoa. Cells forming the Substanxe of the Cotyledons, WITH the contained Starch Granules. A x 220, B x 500. ^ See p. loi. io6 COCOA Fig. gi. — Pure Trinidad Cocoa (Decorticated and Pulverized), x 220. The tissues forming the husk of cocoa are absent, and many of the cells ot the seed are ruptured, so as to permit the escape of the starch grains and fat. a, a, Starch cells of the seed ; b, b, epidermal polygonal membrane of the seed-lobes ; c, c, tissues of embryo ; d, d, free masses of starch ; e, e, loose starch granules. Fig. 92. — Pure Flaked Cocoa (Ground), x 220. Usually contains both seed and shell, a, a. Tubular fibres on surface : b,b, inner membrane of husk; c,c, spiral vessels; d,d, cells of kernel; e, membrane covering lobes ; /, tissue of embryo ; g, g, free masses of starch granules : h, h, loose starch granules. COCOA MIXTURES 107 Fig. qs.— a so-called 'Soluble' Cocoa, mixed with Potato Starch. X 220. a, a, a, Cocoa ; b,h,b, potato starch. i Fig. 94. — ' HoMCEOPATHic ' Cocoa, containing Sago Starch, x 220. a, a, a. Cocoa ; b, b, b, sago starch. io8 A COCOA MIXTURE Fig. 95.— Another 'Soluble' Cocoa, mixed with Potato and Sago Starches, x 220. a. a, a, Cocoa ; b, b, b, potato starch ; c, c, c, sago starch. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE MIXTURES 109 Fig. 96. ' HoMOiOPATHic ' Cocoa, containing Tous les mois, Arrowroot, and Tapioca, x 220. a, a, a, Cocoa ; b, b, b, canna starch or tous les mois ; c, c, tapioca. Fig. 97. — So-called 'Genuine Unadulterated Chocolate,' containing Tapioca, Maranta and Curcuma Arrowroots, with Maize and Potato Starches, x 220. ii, a, a, Cocoa ; b, b, b, tapioca ; c, c, c, maranta arrowroot ; d, maize ; e, e, potato ; /, /, curcuma arrowroot. Ord. CISTIFLOR/E, Fam. TERN- STRCEMIACE^. TEA. Leaves of Camellia Thea, ord. ChtifloYCB, fam. Ternstrce- miacecF. Morphology of the Leaves. — Youngest leaves narrow, downy, and but slightly serrated. Leaves next in age and size delicately serrated, but venation little perceptible. Leaves of medium and large sizes strongly, deeply and widely serrated, with well-marked venation, a series of characteristic loops being formed along each margin of the leaves. Histology. — I. Upper epidermal cells small and only slightly angular, in leaf of medium size ; but larger, more angular, and with walls more distinctly visible, in the old and hard leaf. Hairs and stomata absent. Parenchyma cells similar to those of most other leaves, and not very dis- tinctive. 2. Cells of the lower epidermis larger than those of the upper surface, and associated with stomata and hairs. Stomata, oval or sometimes nearly round, formed of two reniform cells (guard cells) encircling a very apparent aperture ; rather numerous, and confined to the under surface of the leaves. The epidermal cells are themselves curved in the neighbourhood of the stomata. Hairs short, pointed, and undivided; confined to the under surface of the leaf: very numerous on young leaves, less abundant on old leaves. Wood fibre not characteristic. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Foreign leaves, 'lie-tea,' various mineral substances. [For figures (tea), see pp. in, 112, and 113; also (substitutes or adulterants), pp. 1 15-124.] TEA III Fig. gS. — Leaves of China Tea. A , Young leaf ; B, leaf of black tea of medium size ; C, a larger leaf of the same ; D leaf of the green variety of the tea-plant. 112 TEA Fig. 99.— Leaf of Assam Tea: Venation as in the preceding, but Serra- tions SLIGHTLY different, BEING ALTERNATELY LARGE AND SMALL- A DIFFERENCE PROBABLY NOT CONSTANT. Fig. loo. — Tea-leaf (Upper Surface), showing Cells of the Upper Epidermis, x 350. TEA 113 Fig. lor. — Tea-leaf (Under Surface), showing Cells of the Lower Epidermis, Stomata, and a Portion of a Hair. X350. Fig. 102.— Tea-leaf. A, Upper epidermis of a fully-developed leaf, showing the cells more highly n?agnihed than in Fig. 100; B, under surface, showing cells and stomata^- o, cells ot the chlorophyll parenchyma, x 420. 114 ADDITIONS TO, AND SUBSTITUTES FOR, TEA LEAVES WHICH HAVE BEEN USED IN ADMIX- TURE WITH, OR AS SUBSTITUTES FOR, TEA. Fig. 103. — Leaves which have been used in Admixture with, or as Substitutes for, Tea: A, leaf of Chloranthns inconspicuus ; B, leaf of Camellia Sasanqua (Sasanqua Tea). Used to impart fragrance. Fig. 104. — Leaves of Camellia Sasanqua, found in sample of Twankay : A, A, upper epidermis, showing cells; B, B, under surface, showing cells of lower epidermis, and stomata ; C, C, chlorophyll cells. Fig. 105. — Leaf of Plum {Pvumis domestica), found in sample of Twankay : A , upper surface ; B, under surface ; C, spinous hair. Fig. 106. — A, Leaf of Willow {Salix, sp.; fam. Salicacece) ; B, Leaf of Poplar {Populus, sp. ; fam. Salicacece). Fig. 107. — C, Leaf of Plane {Plataims, sp. ; fam. Plata- nacecB) ; D, Leaf of Oak {Qiicrcus, sp. ; fam. CupidifercB). Fig. 108. — A, Leaf of Hawthorn {CratcBgus, sp. ; fam. Rosacea) ; B, Leaf of Sloe or Wild Plum {Prunus spinosa, fam. Rosacece) ; C, Leaf of Beech {Fagus sylvatica, fam. CiipulifercB) ; D, Leaf of Elder {Sambucus nigra, fam. Capri- foliacecB); E, Leaf of Elm {Ulmus campestris, fam. Ulmacece). [All the entire leaves, except that of the Camellia, are figured on their under surfaces. The elm, plane, and oak leaves were of small size.] [For figures, see pp. 115, 116, 117, 118, and 119.] LEAVES USED IN ADMIXTURE WITH TEA 115 Fig. 103. — Leaves which have been used in Admixture with, or as Substitutes for. Tea. A, Leaf of Chloranthus inconspicmis ; B, leaf of Camellia Sasanqua (Sasanqua Tea). Used to impart fragrance. 8-2 ri6 LEAVES USED IN ADMIXTURE WITH TEA Fig. 104. — Portions of Leaves of Camellia Sasanqua, found in Sample OF T wan KAY. X 420. A, A, Upper epidermis ; B B, under surface, showing cells of nether epidermis, and stomata^ ; C C, chlorophyll cells. ^ The guard-cells are very clearly indicated in B, B. LEAVES USED IN ADMIXTURE WITH TEA 117 Fig. 105. — Leaf of Plum (Pruxus domestica), found in Sample of TwANKAY. X 420. A, Upper surface ; B, under surface ; C, spinous hair. ii8 TEA ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES Fig. io6. A, Leaf of Willow ; B, leaf of Poplar. Fig. 107 C, Leaf of Plane ; D, leaf of Oak. LEAVES USED IN ADMIXTURE WITH TEA 119 Fig. 108. A, Leaf of Hawthorn ; B, leaf of Sloe-tree; C, leaf of Beech D, leaf of Elder ; E, leaf of Elm. 120 TEA ADULTERANTS AND SUBSTITUTES FACTITIOUS TEAS, AND ADULTERANTS OF TEA. Fig. log. — Foreign Leaf and other Extraneous Bodies in a Sample of China Tea of low quality, mainly composed of ' Lie-Tea' (see infra) : a, a, upper surface (upper epidermis) of a foreign leaf; b, under surface (nether epidermis), show- ing the cells composing it, with their slightly-beaded margins, also the stomata ; c, chlorophyll parenchyma cells of the mesophyll, or inner substance of the leaf, near the lower surface, branching, and so disposed as to form large areolae ; d, elongated cells found on upper surface of the leaf in the course of the veins ; e, spiral vessel ; /, cell of turmeric ; g, g, fragments of Prussian blue ; A, particles of a white powder, probably China clay. Fig. no. — 'Lie-Tea' (a factitious tea prepared by the Chinese, and benevolently provided by them with this appropiate name. Some samples may contain a little tea- dust. It is doubtful whether lie-tea now finds its way into the English market) : a, upper surface of a leaf other than tea ; b, lower surface with stomata ; c, chlorophyll cells of the mesophyll ; d, elongated cells ; e, part of one of the branched spinous hairs on the under surface of the leaf; /, cell of turmeric ; g, g, fragments of Prussian blue ; h, particles of white powder. Fig. III. — (A similar production.) Imitation Caper or Gunpowder Tea : a, a, fragments of the tea-leaf or tea-dust ; b, b, particles of sand ; c, c, starch granules ; d, d, plumbago ; e, e, mica (?) ; /,/, turmeric ; g, g, fragments of indigo. Fig. 112. — A Preparation formerly supplied for the pur- pose of mixing with Tea;^ consisting chiefly of sumach leaves (Rims, sp. ; fam. AnacardiacecB) , and catechu, the astringent extract made from Acacia catechu, fam. Mimosacece ! 1 It is extremely unlikely that such articles as these in this country are any- where obtainable at the present time. They are described here as curiosities of the past.— E. G. C. FACTITIOUS TEAS 121 The directions were : ' Piit a quarter of a teaspoonful into the teapot, with two teaspoonfuls of tea, and it will doubly increase the strength, and improve the flavour.' In the figure, a,a = frag- ments of sumach leaves ; b, b, particles of catechu ; c, c, crystals present in catechu. Fig. 113. — A Rival Preparation, sold at the same period,^ consisting of catechu and wheat flour. In the figure, a, rt = starch granules of wheat; b, b, fragments of catechu; c,c, crystals. ^ See note on preceding page. [For figures, see pp. 122, 123, and 124.] 122 FACTITIOUS TEAS Fig. log. — Foreign Leaf and other Extraneous Bodies in a China Tea of low quality, mainly comfosed of 'Lie-Tea.' x 350. -- Fig. iio. — 'Lie-Tea. X420. FACTITIOUS TEAS 123 Fig. III.— Imitation Caper or Gunpowder Tea. x 35o- Fig. 112. — A Tea 'Economizer': Sumach and Catechu, x 350. 124 A TEA 'ECONOMIZER Fig. 113. — A Rival 'Economizer': Catechu and Flour. X350. FSaccharine" Substances. SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES. ORD.GLUMIFLOR/E,FAM.GRAMINEyE (Sugar- cane) ; AND Ord. CENTROSPERM^, Fam. CHENOPODIACE^ (Sugar-Beet). CANE SUGAR, SUCROSE, OR SACCHAROSE. A HIGHLY soluble sweet carbohydrate, belonging to the class of Saccharobioses, obtained by evaporating the cell-sap of the sugar-cane {Saccharuin officinartim), of the sugar-beet {Beta vulgaris, var. altissima), and other plants. Histology of the Sugar-Cane. — Parenchyma composed of utricles or cells, rectangular in shape, usually rather longer than broad, and several times larger in the central part of the bamboo than in its outer and harder portions. Walls of the cells all finely dotted or punctated — a very characteristic feature. The juice is enclosed in the cavities of these cells. Fibro-vascular bundles traverse the cane longitudinally, giving to transverse sections a dotted appearance : these bundles are constituted of greatly elongated cells (wood- fibres), and enclose vessels generally more or less reticulated or dotted. The vessels, one or more of which are generally included in the centre of each bundle, are of two kinds — the interrupted spiral or pitted vessel, and the simple or con- tinuous spiral vessel. The pitted vessels are sometimes cylindrical, but frequently polygonal, from the compression exerted upon them by the surrounding wood-fibres, the markings of the cells forming which are often seen upon their surfaces. The spiral vessels are found chiefly in the outer, harder part of the stem. The epidermis, or cuticle, is known by the elongated cells composing it, and the presence of stomata. At the distal extremity of each internode of the 126 SUGAR 127 cane, the ordinary epidermic cells are replaced or overlaid by a layer of cells totally different in character (stone cells) : they are usually anisodiametric, more or less rounded or oval in shape, and possessed of very thick walls traversed by pores, disposed in a radiate manner. These cells are similar to the cells found in the stones of fruit, and form by their union a smooth, hard zone round the cane, about one-third of an inch deep. Appearance (of sugar crystallized from its solutions). — Crystals, large transparent monoclinic prisms, variously modified, usually with hemihedral faces. Extraneous Matters Detectable by the Microscope. — In brown sugar : glyciphagi or sugar-mites, fungus-sporules, fragments of various woods, etc. [For figures, see pp. 128 and 129.] 128 SACCHARIXE SUBSTANCES Fig. 1L4. — Sugar-Cane, Longitudinal Section: Fragment from near THE Centre of the Stem, showing Parenchymatous Cells and a Fibro-Vascular Bundle, x 100. Fig. 115. — Sugar-Cane, Longitudinal Section, showing Structure of THE two kinds OF VESSELS, AND THE CeLLS CONSTITUTING THE WOOD- Fibre. X 200. a, Dotted v-essels embedded in wood-fibre ; b, cells of fibre ; c, spiral vessel. SUGAR 129 Fig. 116. — Sugar Cane : Epidermal Layers, in Surface View ; showing, ABOVE, THE SXONE CeLLS, AND, BENEATH. THE ELONGATED CeLLS X 200. Fig. 117. — Crystals of Cane Sugar, x 100. 130 SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES IMPURITIES WHICH HAVE BEEN FOUND IN SUGAR. Foreign Matters Detectable by the Microscope. — Minute, semi-transparent, apterous insects, belonging to the family Acarida^, or ' mites,' at one period were commonly present in immense numbers in the coarser brown sugars of com- merce. This fact was first discovered by Dr. A. H. Hassall, recorded by him in the Lancet of 1851, and subsequently mentioned in his works on food. The disclosure led to a considerable improvement in the quality of the cheaper sugars put upon the market, and to a more general use of refined sugar by the public. Several specimens of A cams sacchari ( = Glyciphagus cursor, etc.) are depicted in the figures. In raw sugars, fungus-spores, fragments of wood, sand, and other extraneous matters may frequently be discovered. Glyciphagi still sometimes occur in preserving sugars and the like. Quite recently several of these little insects were observed by the present writer in a sample of whole-fruit strawberry jam under microscopical investigation. White sugar is usually extremely pure. [For figures, see pp, 131, 132, and 133.] 1 IMPURITIES FOUND IN SUGAR 131 Fig. 118.— Glyciphagus, or Acarus Sacchari : the Sugar-mite. Ova AND Young, x 200. Fig.. 119.— Glyciphagus of Medium Size. Alive and Crawling ON A Fragment of Cane, x 200. 9 — 2 132 SACCHARINE SUBSTAXCES Fig, I20. — Glvciphagus which has nearly attained Full Develop MENT ; AS IT FREQUENTLY APPEARS WHEN DeAD. x 200. IMPURITIES FOUND IN SUGAR 33 Q <^ I,<|^^^ ^^y Fig. 121— Spores of a Fungus, probably a Specie^ of Torula, found IN Brown Sugar, x 420. Fig. 122. — Fragment of Deal, or Fir-wood, probably derived from Casks or other Vessels, x 200. 134 SACCHARIXE SUBSTANCES HONEY. This substance, which is composed of the sugars called dextrose and laevulose, mixed in about equal proportions, together with water and very small quantities of wax, mannite, ash, organic acids, and alcohol, is collected and garnered by the honey-bee (Apis mellifica). Appearance of Solid Portion. — Thin, transparent, brittle, six-sided prisms, often broken and imperfect, intermingled with pollen granules of different forms, sizes, and structures. From these characters the plants from which the honey has been procured may often be determined. Extraneous Matters Detectable by the Microscope. — Potato and wheat starch, and in some cases — ^doubtfully — added cane sugar. It is averred that chalk, gypsum, pipe-clay, and other inorganic substances have sometimes been introduced; such additions must be extremely rare. [For figures, see pp. 135, 136, and 137.] HONEY 135 Fig. 123.— Honey: showing Crystals and Pollen Granules, x 225. 136 SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES Fig. 124. — Honey : shown by the Pollen Granules present to have BEEN Collected chiefly from a Heath, x 225. a, Pollen granules of furze (Ulex, sp.) ; b, pollen of heath [Erica, sp.) ; c, pollen of one of the Composites. HONEY ^37 Fig. 125.— Honey, adulterated with Cane Sugar : the thick irregular crystals are the added sugar. x 200. FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES. Of the many varieties of fruit preparations supplied to consumers, jellies, from which solid matter is usually ex- cluded, can as a rule be least easily dealt with by the microscopist. The diagnosis of the components must generally depend on chemical tests. But it is unwise to omit a microscopical examination, because, by careful investigation, even in jellies can sometimes be discovered hairs, fragments of cellular tissue, or seeds, which disclose the nature of the materials used by the manufacturers. In other preparations of fruit, whether candied, dried, sliced, pared, canned or bottled in syrup, boiled down with sugar (as in jams and marmalades), or otherwise treated, some or all (according to circumstances) of the characteristic micro- scopical features are invariably present, and the identity of the components of the preserve may readily be estab- lished. The admixture, in conserves, of one fruit with another, or the addition of turnip, beet-pulp, apple, vegetable marrow, etc., can usually be detected, if the structure of the seeds, pips, cuticle, hairs and parenchyma, of the several fruits and vegetable substances be very carefully studied previously. Also, separate specimens of the foreign ingredients suspected to be present should be comparatively examined, side by side with the jam or preserve under investigation. It is scarcely necessary to add that a discriminative megascopic scrutiny of fruit preserves should precede the microscopical examina- tion ; often, indeed, the former alone is sufficient. An approximate estimate of the proportions of the different fruits in a preserve may sometimes be arrived at by counting 138 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES 139 the several kinds of seeds present : the numbers of seeds in various fruits being known to be as follows : Gooseberry 25 to 35, average 30 Strawberry 70 to 100, .. S5 Raspberry 55 to 65, „ 60 Black Currant ... 35 to 40, 40 White and Red Curran ts... 3 to 5, 4 Seeds of some of the commoner fruits are represented in Fig. 126, p. 140. Fruit for preserving should be fresh, sound, and clean : the places where it is made into jam should at least be sanitary ; and the workers should be paid enough to enable them to maintain an average degree of bodily health, cleanli- ness, and comfort. It is more than doubtful whether these conditions are fulfilled in all British jam-factories. For an idea of the revolting and abominable state of affairs prevail- ing in certain fruit-preserve and other food-factories, the reader is referred to Chapter V. of ' The Soul Market,' by Olive C. Malvery.^ In sober truth, we in the United Kingdom have our own 'Jungle.' It is too much to hope that fruit will always be free from parasitic germs. H'ya Mechnikov has pointed out that strawberries especially are liable to convey the ova of intestinal worms. But well-made jam should have been subm.itted to so high a temperature that the danger from this source is removed. It is not here attempted systematically to enumerate and describe in order, nor to illustrate, all of the very numerous histological elements present in the fruits ordinarily eaten. Certain of these elements, such as the cells of the parenchyma or pulp, the fibro-vascular bundles and spiral vessels, and the epidermal tissues, with slight modifications of form and variations in size, are common to nearly all the succulent fruits, and even to some of the roots and tubers used as adulterants. But fortunately it is the case that almost every fruit exhibits one or more distinctive microscopic features by which its presence can be recognized in a mixture. The ^ W. Heinemann, 1906. 140 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Fig. 126. — Seeds of various Fruits : ii, Raspberry ; b, gooseberry ; c, white currant ; d, black currant e, e, strawberry ; /,/, fig-' seeds.' DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF FRUITS 141 Fig. 127. — Apple : Epidermis, consisting of somewhat Thick-walled, OFTEN Quadrangular Cells. ^ ^ Sometimes called ' window cells.' * Fig 12S.— Apple: the extremely Large, Loose, Thin-walled. Tr , , -.;ans- parent Cells of the Parenchyma, constituting the Flesh of the Fruit. 142 FRUIT PRESERVES AXD JELLIES Fig. 129. — The Pear, x 150. Group of Stone Cells, with radiating Parenchyma Cells. [E. G. Clayton, i/el. Fig. 130. — The Quince, x 150. Group of Stone Cells, with Parenchyma. [E. G. Clayton, ^rW.] DISTIXGUISHING FEATURES OF FRUITS 143 .most important of these histological indices are summarized I below, and shown in the figures accompanying the text. Among the distinguishing characters of ordinary fruits are : 1. In the Apple {Pirus mains, ord. Rosiflovcs, fam. RosacccF) : [the roughly quadrilateral, subdivided 'window-cells' of the epicarp (Fig. 127, p. 141) ; the large, circular, ovate, i^oiygonal, or parenchyma cells (Fig. 128, p. 141) ; the sclerenchymatous fibre-cells of the 'core,' crossing at various angles ; and, sometimes apparent at the sutures of the five carpels, the jointed multicellular hairs described by Malfatti. 2. In the Pear {Pirns communis, ord. Rosiflorce, fam. Rosacc(u) : similar epicarpal cells, smaller than those of the apple ; groups of thick-walled, porous, stone cells, dis- tributed throughout the parenchyma, the cells of which ; radiate from, and are elongated in the vicinity of, the stone cells (Fig. 129) ; also jointed hairs akin to those of the apple. 3. In the Quince {Cydonia vulgaris, ord. Rosiflorce, fam. RosacecE) : histological elements mostly as in the pear, but the groups of sclerenchymatous cells, distributed through the parenchyma, are more numerous, and the epicarp is hairy (Fig. 130). 4. In the Sweet and Bitter Orange {Citrus aurantiit,m, varieties Sinensis and aniara, ord. Tcrebinthince, fam. Rutacece) : the polygonal cells of the epicarp, or outer layer of the rinds (see Fig. 138, 'Orange Marmalade,' p. 150), with numerous almost circular stomata and orange-tinted chromatophores ; in the tissue beneath (the hypoderm), besides giant cavities containing the essential oil, small collenchymatous cells, many enclosing acicular crystals of the glucoside hesperidin, and others oblique crystals of calcium oxalate ; the star- shaped, narrows-armed cells of the spongy mesocarp, with large intercellular lacuna (Fig. 138, p. 150) ; and, in the seeds, the epidermal sclerenchyma cells of the spermoderm, with beak-like processes extending into the mucilaginous envelope. It was shown by the present writer, in 1894,^ that the rind ^ ' Note oa Lemon and Orange Peel ' (E. G. Clayton).— The Analyst (1894), xix.. p. 134. r 144 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES 'mm- Fig. 131. — The Banana. Pulp. — A, parenchyma cells of mesocarp, the inner layers catenated; also spiral vessels, x 150. B, starch granules, x 230. Rind. — C, polygonal cells of epicarp, with raphides. x 150. D, hypoderm. or outer part of mesocarp : thin-walled cells, with very large loose spirals, and giant cavities containing oil-globules ; also oval cells with bundles of x-aphides, resembling similar groups observed in the pineapple, x 150. [E. G. Clayton, dt'/] DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF FRUITS 145 of the orange assumes a deep, rich green colour, when moistened with hydrochloric acid. This colour reaction readily distinguishes orange from lemon rind, which, when free from fungoid patches and stains, scarcely alters in colour if immersed in hydrochloric acid. Experience has shown that the test is serviceable in the examination of marmalades and the like. 5. In the Lemon {Citrus liinonum, ord. Terehinthincu, fam. Rutacece) similar histological elements are present. For differentiation from the orange, see under that fruit. 6. In the Banana {Musa sapienhmi, ord. ScitaminecE, fam. Musacece) the spiral vessels, and the series of elongated, thin- walled, often catenated, parenchyma cells of the inner portions of the pulp, or mesocarp, are characteristic (Fig. 131, A); as are also the numerous long, narrow, excentrically striated, irregular starch grains (Fig. 131, B). In the tissues composing the rind, the thick-walled, polygonal cells of the epicarp, with numerous acicular crystals beneath (Fig. 131, C), the large loose spiral vessels, the giant cells containing globules of oil in clusters like bunches of grapes, and the oval cells with bundles of raphides, resembling those in the pine-apple, are conspicuous features (Fig. 131, D).^ Several classes of banana preparations are sold : among them 'banana meal,' consisting of the decorticated and pulverized fruit, and ' Guiana arrowroot,' composed of the starch only. 7. In the Plantain {Musa paradisaica, ord. ScitaminctCy fam. Musacece), a larger fruit closely allied to the banana, corresponding structures are present. 8. In Red and White Currants {Ribes rnbrum), and Black Currants {Ribes nigruiu, ord. Saxifvagince, fam. Saxi- fmgacete) : characteristic histological elements are the non- hirsute epicarp ; the epicarpal cells with porous beaded walls, many stomata (and, in the case of the black currant only, multicellular disc-shaped glands, resembling those of the hop, and attached to the epicarp by a stalk) ; also, in ' So far as the writer is aware, the presence of the raphides in the rind ot the banana has not previously been mentioned : nor has he observed any direct reference to the clusters of oil-drops. 10 146 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Fig. 132. — Red Currant. Groups of sclerenchyma cells composing the endocarp. x 150. [E. G. Clayton, c^el.] Fig. 133. — The Gooseberry. A, portion of epicarp, with blunt and globular-headed prickles, x 40. B, portion of epidermis of calyx, showing rosette-shaped arrangement of cells, around two of the hairs, x 150. [E G. Clayton.] Fig. 134. — The Strawberry. A, Cells of epidermis, x 150. B, Epidermis of the spermoderm, x 150. [E. G. Clayton.] Fig. 135. — The Cherry. Pulp cells, with raphides. X 150. [E. G. Clayton.] DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF FRUITS 147 the spermoderm, the polygonal, yellow-tinted cells of the * crystal layer,' and the elongated, thin-walled, brown cells of the inner epidermis. In black and red currants the cells of the epicarp are charged with colouring matter, and the pigment is of great intensity in the case of Ribes nigrum. But by far the most distinctive^ feature which currants exhibit is the remarkable tissue of sclerenchyma cells composing the endocarp (Fig. 132). These very narrow, parallel-sided stone cells, which are best seen in red and white currants, are in bundles of from six to twelve, lying side by side, the bundles being disposed at all angles relatively to each other. Examined under polarized artificial light, with a selenite plate, this tissue constitutes one of the most beautiful microscopic objects known to the present writer. In his experience it is unique, no other fruit, nor any extraneous substance, having been found to exhibit a histological feature at all closely resembling it. In a pre- paration submitted to him a few years since, alleged to be an ' Indian ' secret remedy, and containing a considerable number of diverse ingredients, the presence of red currant was diagnosed entirely by the help of the discovery of frag- ments of this singular tissue, together with portions of the inner epidermis of the spermoderm. In connection with the same matter, a careful study was made of the histological elements composing more than three hundred substances, rare and otherwise, of the most various kinds : fruits, vegetables, drugs, barks, roots, rhizomes, seeds, berries, leaves, flowers, etc. : but in not one instance was a tissue discovered bearing any near resemblance to the endocarpal layer of the currant. 9. In the Gooseberry {Ribes Grossidaria, ord. Saxifragince, fam. Saxifragacece) the epicarp is generally somewhat hairy or prickly : most of the structures resemble those of currants, but the endocarp widely differs; and the (frequently) club- Hke hairs are characteristic. Fig. 133, A, B. 10. In the Strawberry {Fragaria vesca, F, Virginiana, etc., ord. RosiflorcF, fam. Rosacece) : the cells of the epidermis (Fig. 134, A), with crystals, a few stomata, and long, tapering 10 — 2 148 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Fig. 136.— The Fig. Epidermis of the receptacle, showing hairs and a circular hair scar : beneath, cells of the hypoderm, with aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals. x c. 150. [E. G. Clayton.] Fig. 137. — The Date. A . cells of the epidermis of the spermoderm. with beaded walls, x 200. B, endospermal cells, x c. 150. [E. G. Clayton.] DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF FRUITS 149 hairs^ ; in the pericarp of the fruitlets, achenes, or * seeds,' the crystal layer, each polygonal cell containing a single crystal ; and the reticulated epidermis of the spermoderm (Fig. 134, B), with convolutions somewhat recalling the appearance of the tinger-prints, by the aid of which criminals now are often identified. 11. In the Grape (Vitis vinifera, ord. Frangulince, fam. Vitacece) : only the seeds show distinctive features; — in the spermoderm, the very thick-walled stone cells, above them parenchyma cells with raphides, and beneath, cells of the inner epidermis with beaded walls. Dried grapes (raisins) exhibit similar characters ; and sugar crystals sometimes occur in the cells. 12. In the Cherry {Prunus cerasiis, ord. RosiflorcB, fam. Rosacece) the surface is smooth, the epicarpal cells are large, clearly defined, and charged with pigment. Both spiral and reticulated vessels are present in themesocarp; and raphides of calcium oxalate occur in the pulp-cells (Fig. 135). 13. In the Raspberry (Ruhiis Idceus, ord. Rosiflorce, fam. Rosacecs) : the polygonal cells, with numerous hairs, of the epicarp of the drupelets, the rosettes of cells about the bases of the hairs, the crystal cells distributed through the meso- carp, and the elongated, sclerenchymatous fibre-cells of the outer endocarp. 14. In the Plum {Prnniis domestical ord. Rosiflorcu) the epicarp is devoid of hairs (distinction from the peach and apricot): the cells are beaded; and much colouring matter is present, except in the green varieties. 15. In the Blackberry {Riihiis fruticosiis, ord. Rosiflorcs, fam. Rosacece) : structures mostly akin to those seen in the raspberry ; drupelets less hairy : seeds larger, also the wrinkles on them. i6. In the Peach {Primus Pcrsica, ord. Rosiflorce, fam. Rosacece) : the polygonal cells of the epi-^arp, the numerous hairs of various lengths, and stomata ; the isodiametric stone cells of the endocarp, also the presence of reticulated and absence of spiral vessels. ^ Not shown in the figure. 150 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Fig. 138.— Orange Marmalade, containing Apple or Turnip, x 100. a, a, a, Tissues of orange : above, angular cells of epicarp, or superficial layer, showing parenchyma of mesocarp underneath : centre, loose parenchyma, with intercellular spaces, constituting the woolly part of the rmd, or mesocarp, and showing crystals and spherical masses of the glucoside hesperidin : below, fibro-vascular bundles with similar crystals, b, b, b, Parenchymatous cells of added ingredient. FRUITS: CHEAP SUBSTITUTES 151 17. In the Apricot (Primus Armejtiaca, ord. Rosiflora^, fam. Rosacece) : structures almost exactly like those of the peach, but the epidermal stone cells of the spermoderm are smaller. 18. In the Fig {Ficus Carica, ord. Urticince, fam. MoracecE) : epicarpal cells, here and there in rosettes around hairs or hair scars (Fig. 136) ; in the pulpy part of the fruit, very many large latex cells, and spiral or reticulated vessels of moderate size. The ' seeds,' which are really fruitlets, have in the pericarp an outer layer of small stone cells, and an inner stratum of much larger, very thick-walled stone cells. ig. In the Date {Phcenix dactylifera, ord. Spadiciflom, fam. Palmce) : the most notable features are the delicate tissues constituting the silky layers of the endocarp, next to the stone ; and, in the stone, the sclerenchyma cells of the epidermis, with beaded parietes (Fig. 137, A), as well as the greatly thickened porous walls of the endospermal cells (Fig. 137, B). Falsifications Detectable by the Microscope in Fruit Prepara- tions. — Some have already been mentioned. Apple and other cheap fruit-pulps are added to costlier preserves, such as strawberry and raspberry jams: vegetable marrow, turnip, rhubarb, beetroot, and carrot also are occasional adulterants ; and agar agar has been employed as a stiffening agent in fruit jellies. Starch is stated to have served the same useful but perverted end. Marmalade, in particular, is alleged often to be adulterated with the pulp of apple, turnip, or vegetable marrow. These the microscope easily discovers. Apple-jelly, of course, is more difficult to find. Marmalade admixed with apple-pulp or turnip is shown in Fig. 138. \_For descriptions and figures of turnip, beetroot, vegetable marrow, carrot, and rhubarb, see pp. 154-156.] [Raspberry Jelly. r52 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Raspberry Jelly has been stated sometimes to consist of cheaper fruit jelly, flavoured with orris rhizome, or ' root '; and foreign seeds have intentionally been introduced into imitation raspberry and other jams. The microscopic char- acters of orris are depicted in Fig. 139. As for the remaining fruit-substitutes of probable occurrence, not previously figured in the present work, the structure of ORRIS RHIZOME 153 Fig. 139. — Orris ' Root.' (The rhizome of Iris Germanica, I. pallida, and I, florentina.) a, Epidermis; b, transverse section of rhizome, showing cells filled with starch, long prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, and a fibro-vascular bundle cut across ; c, section of rootlet ; d, oxalate crystal ; e, starch granules, [a, b, d, X 100 : d, x 200 : e, X500.] 154 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES \Readonfro7np. 152.] turnip {Brassica Rapa, fam. Cniciferce) is shown in Figs. 140 and 141, p. 155 : that of beetroot'^ {Beta vtdgans, fam. Cheno- podiacece) in Fig. 142, p. 156 : the more characteristic histo- logical elements of the vegetable marrow {Cucurbita ovifera succada, fam. Cucurbitacece) and carrot {Daucus carota, fam. U mbelliferce) are represented in Figs. 143 and 144, p. 156 : rhubarb {Rheum rhaponticuni, fam. Polygonacece) is seen in Fig. 145. The detection of agar agar {Gracilaria lichenoides^ et cetera) is based on the discovery of the diatoms which it contains : the fruit jell}^ is boiled with 5 per cent, sulphuric acid, subsequently treated with potassium permanganate, and then examined. The microscopical characters of some common diatoms are illustrated in many of the figures in the last section (Section IV.) of this book, ' Water ' {e.g., Figs. 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274 and 275). 1 Microscopically, beetroot is not easily distinguished from certain other roots, such as chicory and dandelion. — See ante, p. 96, footnote. THE TURNIP 155 Fig. 140. Turnip: Epidermis (Cells somewhat more Regular in Form THAN THE ' WINDOW-CELLS ' OF ApPLE-CDTICLE). X 180. Fig. 141.— Turnip: Cells of the Parenchyma (much smaller than THE corresponding CeLLS OF ApPLE-PULP). Pitted vessels (not shown in the figure) are also present in the turnip, x c.ioo. 156 FRUIT PRESERVES AND JELLIES Fig. 142. — Beetroot. Reticulated vessels with wide pores, and parenchyma cells, x 150. [E. G. Claytoi Fig. 143.- Vegetable Marrow. Large, loose parenchyma cells, partly unwound spiral vessels, and numerous small starch granules, some truncated, x c. 150. [E. G. Clayton.l Fig. 144. — Carrot. Fig. 145— Rhubarb Reticulated vessels, with side junctions, Cylindrical cells of the leaf-stem orpetiole wood fibre and parenchyma. x 150. showing spiral vessels, with raphides and ^ -^ -^ sphffiraphides of oxalate of calcn [E. G. Clayton.] num. xc.ioo. [E. G. Clayton.l PICKLES, SAUCES, AND PRESERVED VEGETABLES. Pickles, sweet and sour, and Preserved Vegetables bottled or canned, frequently require a megascopical exam- ination only : but when they are subdivided, or an opaque liquor is present, the microscope is necessary. With Sauces the case is somewhat different. The constituent substances are nearly always in a state of fine division, and of a multifarious nature. Microscopical research, with usually a preliminary macroscopic scrutiny, can never be omitted. Almost any of the fruits and vegetables already mentioned, and many other ingredients, such as garlic {Allium sativtim), onion {Alliiim cepa), shallot (Allitim ascalo- nicum), soy {Dolichos soya), tarragon {Artemisia Dracimculus), fennel {Foenictilum vidgare), and parsley (Petroselinum sativum), may enter into the composition of a sauce. Tomato {Lycoper- siciun esculentum, fam. Solanacecu), the structure of which is shown in Fig. 146, p. 158, is a favourite component. In sauces occur also many of the condiments and spices described and figured in the next portion of the present work. Ingre- dients in solution must for the most part be identified by chemical methods : but even here the microscope can often be applied with advantage to the examination of filtered and evaporated extracts, for crystals and the like. Fresh Vegetables. — Unless especial search must be made for parasitic organisms, or their ova (See post, Section II., pp. 238-250), the necessity seldom arises for a microscopical investigation of esculent pot-herbs which usually are sold in the fresh condition and in comparatively large bulk. Descrip- tions of asparagus {Asparagus officinalis), spinach {Spinacia oleracca), cauliflower {Brassica oleracea), cabbage {Brassica olcvacca), seakale {Crambe maritima), and parsnip {Pastinaca sativa), therefore are omitted ; also, for the same reason, details are not given of the microscopic structures of certain ingredients of salads, among them lettuce {Lactuca sativa), celery {Apimn graveolens), endive {Cichoviiim endivia), radish {Raphanus sativus), and water cress {Nasturtium officinale). In- cidentally, however, the more striking histological features of a few vegetables, such as beans and pease, potato, turnip, carrot, rhubarb, etc., have been dealt with in the foregoing pages 157 158 PICKLES, SAUCES, ETC. Fig. 146. — Tomato. A, Epicarp (of tomato-skin), x c. 180. B, section of seed, showing tapering hairs on spermoderm ; epidermal cells ; and aleurone cells of the endosperm, x 150, [E. G. Clayton, del.. [Condiments and Spices. CONDIMENTS, SPICES, AND OTHER VEGE- TABLE ADJUNCTS OF FOOD. Ord. RHCEADIN^, Fam. CRUCIFER^. MUSTARD. The seed of Sinapis alba and Brassica nigra, ord. RhceadincB, fam. Cruciferce, Mustard seed consists of two parts : the husk and seed proper. M Histology of the Seed. — i. The Husk, Spermoderm, or Seed Coat (of white mustard seed) is constituted of several membranes, the outer of which (the mucilaginous epidermis) is transparent, and consists of a single layer of large hexa- gonal cells filled with stratified mucilage, the centre of each cell being perforated by funnel-shaped tubes, which seem to terminate on the surface of the seed (Fig. 147). Immersed in water, these cells swell up to several times their original volume, are ruptured, and become much wrinkled or cor- rugated, the extremities of the tubes sometimes being seen protruding from the proximate termination of the cells. When white mustard seeds are digested in water, a thick mucilaginous liquid is obtained, the mucilage in which is derived from the cells forming the tissue above described. Beneath the epidermal membrane are two layers of large cells {collenchyma cells, the walls of which are characterized by being thickened at the angles) : these, which are not shown in the figures, are succeeded by the middle tunic, consisting of a single layer of much smaller angular cells, called ' palisade ' cells, from their appearance in side view (Fig. 148, A : upper portion shows these cells in surface view). In the walls of the palisade cells most of the yellow colour of the husk is seated. The inner layers of the testa are 160 MUSTARD i6i composed of a colourless parenchyma resting upon the outer membrane of the seed substance or aleurone layer, which is shown in the lower half of Fig. 148, B ; also in Fig. 150, c. [In the husk of black imistavd the large hexagonal trans- parent mucilage cells are not perforated in the centre, like those of white mustard, and have beneath them still larger transparent cells : the other structures resemble those of white mustard, except that the palisade cells are of unequal lengths, the longest coinciding with the external ridges of the seed, and are superposed on one or two layers of pig- ment cells.] 2. The Seed proper has externally a single layer of large polygonal cells, with fat globules and granular proteid matter (the alcnrcnc layer, Figs. 148, B ,150, c), internally is bright yellow, of a soft, waxy consistence, and is constituted of in- numerable minute cells (the cotyledon cells, Figs. 149, a, a, 150, d), which contain the oil and other active principles, aleurone, myrosin, etc. Fig. 149 also shows some of the aleurone cells (h, h). There are no starch granules in ripe mustard seed. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Wheat liour, turmeric, Cayenne pepper, ginger, Sinapis arvensis, or charlock, potato flour, ground rice, pea flour, radish and rape seed, linseed meal, etc. [For figures, see pp. 162, 163.] IT l62 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Fig. 147. — White Mustard Seed. Outer Membrane of Hexagonal Mucilage Cells, One shown in Section, x 220. Fig, J48. — White Mustard Seed in Surface View. Middle, or Pali- sade Layer of Husk, and Outer or Aleurone Layer of Seed Substance, the former lying over a part of the latter, x 220. A, Middle tunic of husk ; B, aleurone layer of seed. MUSTARD 163 Fig. 149. — White Mustard. Substance of the Seed, ground ; showing Cotyledon Cells, a, a, Oil Globules, and Aleurone Cells with Granular Matter, b, b. x 220. Fig. ij;o. — Black Mustard. Surface View of the Principal Structures, x 220. a, Large mucilage cells ; b, palisade cells with ridges ; c, aleurone cells d, cotyledon cells. II 2 164 ADULTERATED MUSTARD ADULTERATED MUSTARD. Fig. 151. — Mustard, ground, and mixed with wheaten flour and turmeric [Curcuma longa, fam. Zingiberacece) : a, a, wheaten flour ; b, b, turmeric ; c, husk of black mustard ; d, cells of outer layer, w^hite mustard seed ; e, e, fragments of the seed substance. ^ Fig. 152. — Mustard, ground, and mixed with wheaten flour, turmeric, and Cayenne pepper (Capsicum fnitescens, fam. Solanacca;) : a, a, mustard : b, b, wheaten flour ; c, c, tur- meric ; d, d, Cayenne pepper. I r ADULTERATED MUSTARD 165 Fig. 151. — Ground Mustard, admixed with 'Wheaten Flour and Turmeric, x 225. a, a, Wheaten flour ; b, b, turmeric ; c, husk of black mustard ; d, cells of outer layer, white mustard husk ; e, e, fragments of the seed substance. Fig. 152. — Ground Mustard, admixed with Wheaten Flour, Turmeric AND Cayenne Pepper, x 225. ci, a, Mustard ; b, b, wheaten flour ; c, c, turmeric ; d, d, Cayenne pepper. i66 SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD, OR WHICH HAVE BEEN USED AS SUBSTITUTES. Fig. 153. — Husk of a seed found in some imported rape cake, from the consumption of which certain cattle died: transverse and vertical sections. This is probably Sarepta mustard (Brassica Besseriana), a species largely grown in Russia. Characters. — Nearest to those of Brassica nigra, but the cells of the outer coat perforated by funnel-like tubes, and of this and the palisade layer much larger. In the consider- able size of the palisade cells, this seed somewhat resembles rape, in the husk of which, however, there is no outer coat of large colourless cells. The figure shows particularly well, in sectional and surface views : — a, a, the mucilage cells ; b, b, the palisade, paling, or fence cells, with the surface reticulations ; and c, c, the aleurone layer. Fig. 154. — Charlock Seed, Sinapis arvensis ( = Brassica sinapistrum) : Husk. Characters. — In colour agrees with husk of black mustard ; in structure nearer to white mustard husk, but cells of outer or mucilaginous coat smaller and more delicate, though similarly perforated : in addition, however, each is charac- terized by numerous very delicate and minute reticulations. Both the perforations and reticulations of the mucilage cells are clearly indicated in the figure : also the fence cells, in surface view, and the aleurone layer. Fig. 155. — Common Rape Seed {Brassica napus, var. oleifera) : Husk. Characters. — Composed of two chief membranes, the outer, somewhat like the middle or palisade layer of mustard husk, but the cells are much larger, hence their cavities appear more or less light, the walls being thick and well defined : near the umbilicus of the seed the cells usually disposed in SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD 167 a linear manner. There is no epidermal mucilage layer, and reticulations or ridges are absent from the surface of the husk. The sub-epidermal cells are indistinct. The inner or aleurone layer, which properly belongs to the endosperm, presents no peculiarity, and the substance of the seed is similar to that of mustard. Fig. 156. — Seed described as East Indian Rape, resem- bling a species of mustard : probably Pasai, or Palangi {Brassica rngosa). The seeds of this variety of rape are reticulated, and of a dark brown colour.^ 1 See account of B. rugosa, in ' A Note on the Mustards cultivated in Bengal, ' by D. Prain ; ' The Agricultural Ledger,' i8g8, No. i, pp. 11-13. [For figures, sec pp. 168, i6g, and 170.] 1 68 SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD Fig. 153. -Husk of Seed, probably Brassica Besseriana, found IN Imported Rape Cake, x 220. Fig. 154. — Charlock Seed, x 220. Showing in the upper part the mucilage cells with tubular cavities and minute reticulations ; in the centre the palisade cells ; and beneath, the aleurone layer. SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD i6g Fig. 155. — Common Rape Seed, x 220 and 325. Above, palisade and aleurone cells in surface view ; below, the former more highly magnified. 170 SEEDS RESEMBLING MUSTARD Fig. 156. — Husk of Seed described as East Indian Rape, probably Pasai, or Palangi (Brassica Rugosa). X 220. [Pepper. Ord. POLYGONIN/E, Fam. piperace^. PEPPER. The fruit oi Piper Nignini, ord. PolygonincE, fam. Pipcracece. Histology of Berry. — The pepper berry or black peppercorn consists of two parts : the cortex or outer layer (the pericarp), and the central or inner portion (chiefly the perisperm). The first is black or reddish-black ; the second more or less white, also hard and brittle, except in the centre of the seed, where it is often soft and pulverulent. I. The cortex is composed of at least six separate series of cells. Beneath an epicarp of polygonal cells disposed in a single layer, and containing a brown or black substance, is the hypoderm. This is composed of yellow-walled stone cells, elongated, vertical, and provided with a central cavity, from which minute canals or channels radiate towards the circum- ference (Figs. T57, 158, a) : viewed sideways, they appear rather more than twice as long as broad : seen endways, they are mostly oval in shape, and nearly as broad as long. Somewhat similar cells occur in the epidermis of the sugar- cane {vide p. 129, Fig. 116). The cells next in order (Fig. 158, b) are of moderate size, angular and somewhat dark coloured ; they do not separate readily from, and are probably mere modifications of, the larger cells immediately beneath (Fig. 157, b), which form about half the thickness of the cortex (the outer mesocarp). Excluding the epicarp, these two strata of cells together constitute the second layer of the cortical portion of the berry. They are all more or less coloured, and the tint deepens as the cells approach the next or third layer. The third stratum is very thin (the fibro-vascular layer, Fig. 157, c), and is composed of wood 172 PEPPER 173 fibre, with bundles of spiral vessels of small size, formed of single threads. The junction of the second with the third layer is marked by a dark line situated about the middle of the cortex (Fig. 157, c). The fourth layer consists of numerous large parenchymatous cells containing a very great abundance of oil globules, and it constitutes the greater part of the rest of the cortex (the oil cells, Fig. 157, d, and Fig. 159). As the cells approach the base of the cortex they become much modified, two or three times smaller, and very thick-walled, but not equally so on every side (Fig. 157, e, and top of Fig. 160). These horseshoe-shaped cells, in fact, form a separate layer, and constitute the innermost or endocarpal element of the pericarp. The next tissue belongs to the spermoderm, and is divisible into two or three layers, the most conspicuous of which is of a deep brownish-red colour (the pigment layer), denoted in Fig. 157 by the sharp line of demarcation just below e. This rests upon a colourless, reticulated, and transparent lamina (the hyaline layer), which frequently separates as a distinct tissue (Fig. 157, /), and may more accurately be regarded as part of the perispervi. 2. The central or inner part of the berry (chiefly the peri- sperm, but embracing also the endosperm and embryo) consists of large, angular cells, about twice as long as broad, disposed in a radiate manner : towards the exterior the cells are adherent, starchless, hard, and stonelike {aletirone cells), but in the centre they are readily separable, mostly contain extremely minute starch granules, and often form a powder resembling flour (Fig. 157, g, and Fig. 160). Certain of these cells, rather larger and of more rounded outlines than the rest, assume a yellowish or canary tint when immersed in water for a short period : they are at tolerably regular distances from each other, and reflect a deep yellow colour. In recent sections which have not been immersed in water, these cells may be distinguished by a darker shading, or sometimes by a faint tint of colour. They contain the resin, frequently also crystals of piperine, and exhibit characteristic 174 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES changes of tint under the influence of reagents, such as alcohol, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid. These coloured cells are clearly indicated in Figs. 157 and 160. In ground black pepper all the described structures may be met with in a broken and fragmentary condition (Fig. 161) : but in white or ' decorticated ' pepper, only the central part cf the berry, with portions of the oil-bearing stratum of the pericarp and pigment layer of the spermoderm, are present. White pepper, indeed, is not entirely denuded of the cortex, nor is its powder white, for some reddish-brown fragments of these two layers are usually visible when some of the crushed pepper is diffused through water on a glass slip. Preliminary bleaching with chlorine water is, as a rule, necessary before the sttucture of the dark fragments in black pepper can be made out with the microscope. The large white cells of the central part of the pepper-berry (the perispenn) have a strong external resemblance to grains of sand, but when touched with iodine solution they become blue. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Sand, linseed meal (see pp. 178, 179, Fig. 162), mustard husk, wood fibre, pepper-dust (sweepings), wheat, pea (see p. 178), and other flours, 'poivrette' (crushed olive-stones), an undue proportion of pepper-husk (in black pepper), etc. [For figures, see i)p, 175, 176, 177 and (linseed), 179.] PEPPER ^7b ^4 Fig. 157. — Pepper-Berry (Section), x 80. a, Layer ofFstone cells, with epicarp above ; b, cells of the outer mesocarp ; c, fibro-vascufar zone ; d, c, oil cells, with horseshoe cells and pigment layer at base ; /, hyaline tissue ; g, aleurone, starch, and resin cells. Fig. 15S. — Pepper-Berry. Part of Cortex viewed on Surface x 120. Above, stone cells {a) ; below, cells of outer mesocarp {b). 1/6 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Fig. 159. — Cortex OF Pepper-Berry. Portion of Oil-bearing Layer of Cells, showing the Oil contained in the Cavities, x 120. Fig. i6o. — Pepper-Berry. Central or Inner Portion, showing the Two Kinds of Cells, Colourless Starch Cells and Coloured Resin Cells ; also the Junction with the Cortex, with the Horse- shoe Cells, and Pigment Layer beneath them, x 120. PEPPER 177 Fig. 161. — Black Pepper, ground; showing Stone Cells, Starch and Resin Cells. Oil-bearing Layers. Starch, etc. 12 lyS ADULTERANTS OF PEPPER Ord. GRUINALES, Fam. LINAGES. LINSEED. Fig. 162. — Linseed, the seed of the flax plant [Liimm usitatissimum, ord. Grumales, fam. Linacece), has occasionally been used as an adulterant of pepper. Linseed consists of husk and an inner part or kernel. Histology of Seed. — i. The husk, testa, spermodertn, or shell, is composed of four layers or coats : the outer coat, or epidermisj gives lustre to the seed, and is made up of a single stratum of large, colourless, hexagonal cells (the muci- lage cells), which yield the mucilage characteristic of linseed. The second coat consists of a single layer of thick-walled, round cells, enclosing granular matter. The third membrane (fibre ceils and cross cells) is composed of narrow, elongated cells, or rather fibres — some longitudinal, others transverse : these impart a striated and very distinctive appearance to the membrane, which, being firm and strong, forms the protecting tunic of the seed. The fourth membrane (the pigment layer), often separating with the kernel, is con- stituted of angular cells, many of which are more or less square, enclosing masses of colouring matter, probably resinous, which readily fall out of the cells, as shown in the figure. 2. The inner part, kernel, or substance of the seed (in- cluding a thin endosperm, two cotyledons, and the embryo), consists of thin-walled parenchymatous cells, containing oil globules and aleurone grains, but little or no starch. The oil is contained principally in the outer or more superficial cells. All these structures can be detected in linseed meal or powder, the parts most clearly seen being fragments of the fibrous layer, and little masses of the seed substance, from the edges of which portions of the walls of the trans- parent cells radiate characteristically (Fig. 162). The microscopical appearance of pea flour, mentioned among the adulterants of pepper, is very similar to that of bean flour, already described and figured (p. 88, Fig. 74). LINSEED 179 Fig. 162. — Linseed. Section of Husk, and Sectional Plan, a, a. Mucilage cells; b,b, round cells; c,c, longitudinal and transverse fibre cells ; d, pigment layer ; and d', detached fragments of pigment ; e, cotyledon cells of the seed substance, with oil globules and granular matter. T2 2 Ord. PERSONAT/E, Fam. SOLANACE^. CAYENNE PEPPER. The fruit of Capsicum frutescens. Other species are C. annuum and C. ininiiiiuin, or fastigiatum. Histology of Fruit. — The capsicum berry or pod is made up of two principal parts : the pericarp, including an outer epidermis, with parenchyma tissue within ; and the seeds. 1. The epicarp, or outermost portion of the pericarp (Figs. 163, a, and 164), consists of flattened cells, angular and tortuous in form. Viewed on the outer or upper surface, the cells are often four-sided, with well-defined borders ; and the walls are thick, beaded here and there, the beading of one cell corresponding to that of contiguous cells, while the lines of junction are sometimes faintly indicated. Parenchymatous mesocarpal cells, with fibro-vascular bundles, and numerous oil globules (Figs. 163, 6, and 166, a), follow. The cells of the inner layer, or endocarp (Figs. 163, c, and 165), appear less angular, but more tortuous: the walls of many are thicker and much more beaded. Many orange-red coloured oil globules are seen when the epidermis is immersed in water: some remain embedded in the cell cavities, most float freely in the surrounding water. The parenchyma tissue, which unites the seeds with each other, and the whole with the epidermis and peduncle, is constituted of rounded or oval cells with thin parietes, containing a very large quantity of oil in the form of innumerable globules, many of considerable size (Fig. 166, h, and 167). 2. The seeds have two portions to be described ; {a) the covering, or speruioderni, and (b) the inner substance, or 180 CAYENNE PEPPER i8i endosperm : — (a) The covering is thick, and of a bright yellow colour. Under the microscope, its outer surface exhibits a cellular texture, the margins of the cells being thick and extremely tortuous, and the cavities dark and depressed, appearing as if they were rather apertures than the hollow interiors of cells. Vertical sections of this covering display toothlike processes, with intervals between, the tapering and divided summits of the ' teeth ' ending in two or more spines attached to the thin membrane forming the external coating of the seed. The processes consist of the thickened walls of contiguous sclerenchymatous cells : that this is so, is evident from an examination of the upper of the two sketches on the left of the figure (Fig. i68, a). These cells, beneath which are several layers of parenchyma, are best developed at the extremity of the seed. (6) The substance of the seed consists of minute angular cells, with thick and colourless parietes : their cavities are filled with oil-globules of various sizes and aleurone grains, but do not contain starch (Fig. i68, c). Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Mustard husk, rice, turmeric, etc. [For figures, see pp. 182, 183, 184, 185, and 186.] l82 COXDIMEXTS AXD SPICES Fig. 163. — Pericarp of Capsicum Fruit, x 200. Outer surface, with oil drops (epicarp) ; b, mesocarpal cells, with oil globules; c, cells of inner surface (endocarp). Fig. 164.— Epicarp of Capsicum Fruit, under a lower power, and in LESS detail. X 100. CA YENNE PEPPER 183 Fig. 165. — Pericarp of Capsicum Fruit, x 100. Another portion of the endocarp. mi' Fig. 166. — Capsicum Fruit, x 200. a, Parenchyma of mesocarp [cells in this situation traversed by spiral vessels and wood fibre (fibro-vascular bundles)]; b parenchyma surrounding the seeds (thin-walled cells, containing much oil). i84 CONDIMEXTS AXD SPICES Fig. 167. — Capsicum Fruit. Transverse Section ov the Cortical Portion of the Pod. x 100. Above, cells of epicarp ; centre, parenchyma, with oil globules and granular contents ; below, peduncle^ or stalk. CAYENNE PEPPER 185 Fig. 168,— Seed of Capsicum Fruit, Vertical Section, x 100. Showing the sclerenchymatous cells of the testa, with tooth-like processes, a; also these cells in surface view, a', with parenchyma cells beneath (left of the figure), b; and the small angular cells of the seed substance, c. i86 ADULTERATED CAYENNE PEPPER Fig. 169. — Cayenne Pepper, x 225. Admixed with : — a, a, red lead ; b, b, ground nee ; and c, c, turmeric : d, d, epi- dermis and seed of capsicum infested with the hyphae and spores of a fungus, to the attacks of which damaged cayenne is subject. I [Ginger. Ord. SCITAMINE^, Fam. zingiberace.^. GINGER. The branched rhizome, or underground stem, of Zingiber officinale, ord. Scitaminecs, fam. Zingiber acea:. Histology, — I. When the rhizome is unscraped/ there is an epidermis consisting of several layers of large, angular, transparent, brownish cells, firmly adherent to one another, forming a distinct membrane, and when macerated in water becoming soft and somewhat gelatinous. Immediately beneath this membrane are some layers of smaller cells, associated with yellow oil globules of various sizes, as well as a few large oleo-resin cells, of a deep yellow colour, closely resembling in structure and tint those of turmeric. Crystals are sometimes observed lying underneath the epidermis. Fig. 170. 2. The substance of the rhizome is a parenchyma composed of cells having delicate transparent walls minutely punctated, and adhering together so as to form a connected tissue. The cells contain numerous starch granules, many of which, as the cell walls are easily broken, are seen in most sections to have become effused. Lying here and there in the midst of the above-described cells are other cells of nearly similar size and form, but of a bright yellow colour, and indis- tinguishable from the coloured cells of turmeric. To these cells ginger owes its tint, which varies with their number. Bundles of bast fibres, accompanying, sometimes one, but ^ Much of the ginger of commerce is decorticated : but scraping or cutting off the surface of the rhizome exerts comparatively Httle influence on the chemical composition of the product. — Vide paper ' On some Analyses of Ginger' (E. G. Clayton), Analyst (1899), xxiv., pp. 122-126. GINGER 189 occasionally two or even more reticulated vessels, traverse the rhizome in a longitudinal direction. Fig. 171. 3. The elongated and flattened starch grannies somewhat resemble those of East India arrowroot (Curcuma angustifolia), but are smaller and less elongated ; also the excentric hilum and ring markings are more obscure. Figs. 171 and 172. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Sago, tapioca, potato, wheat, rice, cayenne, turmeric, mustard, husk, etc. [The addition of i^'heat flour is difficult to detect ; hence the structural peculiarities of both the starches should be carefully studied and compared. Turmeric can only be concluded to have been added when the number of large yellow cells is much greater than in genuine ground ginger.] [For figures, see pp. igo, igi, and 192.] igo COXDIMENTS AND SPICES Fig. 170. — Epidermis of Ginger Rhizome, x 100. a, a, Cells and oil globules ; b, b, turmeric-like cells ; f, c, crystals frequently observed beneath the epidermis. Fig. 171. — Substance of Ginger Rhizome, x 200. a, a. Parenchyma cells containing the starch ; b, b, starch granules c, r, turmeric-like cells ; d, d, bast fibres ; e, reticulated vessel. GINGER, PURE AXD ADULTERATED 191 Fig. 172.— Pure Ginger, Ground, x 200. d,ii, Cells containing the starch; b,b, loose starch granules; c, c, turmeric- like cells ; d, d, wood fibre. Fig. 173. — Ground Ginger admlxed with Sago Starch, x 200. ii. a. Ginger cells ; b, b, ginger starch ; c, c, turmeric-like cells ; d, d, wood fibres ; e, e, sago starch. 192 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Fig. 174. — Ground Ginger mixed with Potato and Sago Starches. X 200. d, a, Ginger cells ; b, b, ginger starch ; c, turmeric-like cell ; d, wood fibre c, e, potato starch ; /, /, sago starch altered by heat. Fig. 175.— Ground Ginger mixed with Cayenne and Tapioca. a, a, Ginger ; b, b, cayenne ; c, c, tapioca. [Cinna:mon and Cassia. ^3 Ord. POLYCARPIC^., Fam. LAURACE/F:. CINNAMON AND CASSIA. Barks of Cinnamomnm Zeylanicum and C. cassia, respective!}'. Histology. — The scraped, or partly scraped, bark is brownish-red, scarcely thicker than drawing-paper, and breaks with an uneven and fibrous margin. Each stick consists of eight or more pieces or quills of bark, inserted one within the other (Fig. 178, ^4, a). A longitudinal section, carried through the thickness of the bark, shows on its external surface numerous ' stellate ' cells (stone cells, with very thick walls and radiating pores), readily separable from each other, disposed in several layers, and forming a con- siderable part of the thickness of the bark. The}' are situated in the intervals between the bast fibres, and are of an oval form, having the long axes placed usually transversely to the bark, their breadth being greater than their depth. However they are viewed, both the central cavities and the rays proceeding from them are visible. Exceptionally, a few starch granules may be seen imprisoned in the cavities. Proceeding inwards, the stone cells are succeeded by parenchyma cells, distinguished by the absence of rays, by the thinness of the walls, and by the firmness with which they adhere to each other; they generally contain a few starch granules. These cells, which form several series, complete the thickness of the bark. Interspersed between both kinds of cells are numerous bast fibres, pointed at each extremity, and furnished with a central canal or Innicn : these impart the fibrous character to cinnamon, particularly observable in fractures of the bark. The starch granules of cinnamon are small, more or less globular, and furnished 194 CINNAMON AND CASSIA 195 with a very distinct hilum, having the appearance of a central depression: they usually occur singly, but are some- times united in pairs or fours. Lastly, lying in the cavities of the most external of the second order of cells are often to be seen granular masses of oleoresin of a deep reddish- brown colour (Fig. 176). Other features of cinnamon are mucilage cells and calcium oxalate crystals. In ground cinnamon most of the above structures occur, disunited and broken (Fig. 177). Structure of Cassia. — Cassia bark is stouter than cinna- mon bark, being often as thick as a shilling (Fig. 178, B, b) : it is also paler and browner, and has a less delicate and pleasant taste. Under the microscope, sections bear a close general resemblance to those of cinnamon, but differ in their greater width and the relative proportions of the several structures, especially in the size and number of the starch granules (Fig. 179). On the outer surface, as in cinnamon, are stoiie cells, the cavities of which, how^ever, are filled with well-developed starch granules much more commonly than are the corresponding cells of cinnamon. Next to these are the starch-bearing parenchyma cells, quite filled with starch granules, which, while of the same general form as those of cinnamon, are, as a rule, two or three times larger, as well as many times more numerous. The bast fibres occur, as in cinnamon, interspersed between both kinds of cells (Fig. 179). Of the entire thickness of the bark, about one-lburth is formed by the stone cells, the remaining three-fourths con- sisting of the starch-bearing cells. In ground cassia, there- fore, the stone cells and wood fibre are less abundant, while usually the starch granules are larger and more numerous than in powdered cinnamon (Fig. 180). Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope in Ground Cinnamon and Cassia. — Various baked starches, wheat, potato, sago, etc. [For figures, sec pp. 196, 197, 198, and 199.] 13—2 ig6 CONDIMENTS AND SPICES c Fig. 176. — Cinnamon: Longitudinal Radial Section, x 140. a, a Stone cells; b,b, wood or bast fibres; c,c. starch-bearing parenchyma d, d, starch granules ; e, e, reddish-brown granular oleoresinous masses. Fig, 177. — Ground Cinnamon, x 220. a, a, Stone cells ; b, b, bast fibres; c, c, starch granules. CINNAMON AND CASSIA 197 Fig. 178. — Cinnamon and Cassia Sticks (natural size). A , Stick of cinnamon, showing the thinness of the bark and the manner in which the layers are enclosed one within the other ; a, cross-section of the same, exhibiting more completely the number of layers and their disposition. B, Stick of cassia; and b, cross-section of the same, showing corresponding features. igS CONDIMENTS AND SPICES ^/ 5t« :5 '>C Fig. 179. — Cassia: Longitudinal Radial Section, x 140. a, a, and d, d. Starch -bearing parenchyma ; 6, b, stone cells ; c, c, wood fibres e, e, starch granules ; /,/, coloured granular oleoresinous masses. GROUND CASSIA 199 W^^ c\© Fig. iSo. — Ground Cassia, x 220. ^-^^ mentioned by various other writers, among them A. Normandy (1850), whose somewhat sceptical reference was quoted in Hassall's * Food and Its Adulterations' (1855). Professor J. T. Quekett is said to have shown drawings prepared by himself from specimens of adulterated milk containing both starch and brain elements. There I must leave the matter, which is not set forth in this book as * historic fact.' Indeed, it has been characterized as fable. Perhaps it may suitably be put into the category of ' facts for faith ' : remembering that there is a variety of blind, unquestioning * faith ' somewhere defined as ' that which makes you believe what you know to be untrue.'^ Possibly once upon a time an ingenious person did experimentally prepare such a melange : but as for the statements of the earlier French writers on food, that adulteration of milk with sheep's brains frequently prevailed — Credat Jiidceus Apella I 1 An attitude of mind, by the way, which recalls, and indeed differs little from, that reflected in TertuUian's sometimes applauded dictum, ' Certum est, quia impossibile' (' De Carne Christi,' chap, v.), often, but with doubtful accuracy, quoted, ' Credo quia absurdum est.' Such ' faith ' is hopelessly out of correspondence with the scientific and inquiring spirit of the twentieth century. [For figures, see pp. 257-259.] MILK 257 0^0 O© 0% 0% Q '^^sX 0®''0"S^ " '^ o«& "CP ■o Fig. 208. — Milk : of Average Quality, x 630. © 8=, = 9=. O *■ -® ^-^^»<.*' 5- " o'« ''^' ,r Fig. 2og. — Milk : Diluted, or of Poor Quality, x 630. 17 258 FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES Fig. 210. — Cream, x 630. Fig. 211. — Casein of Milk, x 630. MILK 259 Fig. 212. — Colostrum, x 630. Showing the ' corps granuleux ' of Donne. Fig. 213.— Milk, to which Cerebral Matter had been Added, x 630. 17-2 BUTTER 261 BUTTER. Under the microscope, in ordinary light, normal butter exhibits a background indistinctly defined, with numerous irregularly-shaped globules of water or whey, often tinted yellow by annatto or other ' butter-colouring ' used; and there are visible also fragments of granular caseinous matter : but no crystalline particles are to be seen, other than of salt, or of other added solid preservatives, if these be present. In polarized light, the field appears almost uniformly dark when the nicols are crossed. At the most, faintly illuminated dots or specks may be seen here and there. Fig. 214, A, gives some idea of the microscopical appearance of butter in ordinary light. After fusion followed by slow cooling, butter and other fats partially crystallize, showing under the microscope circular, stellate, fan-shaped or fern-like aggregations of acicular crystals, which, when the polarizer and analyzer are at right angles, present a brilliant appearance upon a dim background, a dark cross often subdividing the bright patches. If a selenite plate be used, on a green background the crystalline patches will appear red. E. Collin, C. Girard, and others have shown that after some time the phenomena cease to be visible. As showing that the fat had been melted and cooled, the presence of such crystalline aggregates at one period was considered a ' sure and certain ' indication that a sample of butter had suffered uncanny treatment, in which fusion with a foreign fat, or mixing with such fat, previously melted and cooled, had been an important stage of the proceedings. And it has even been afiirmed, comparatively recently, that the appearance and reactions of the crystal- groups may be clues to the origin of the fat. In the examina- tion of butter, according to the author's experience, it would be most unwise to base conclusions on any such data. The presence of crystalline patches must be regarded as suspicious, but as nothing more than an indication that the fat, or some of it, has been heated and afterwards slowly cooled. As for the appearances assumed by the crystals, these in general 262 FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES are not nearly distinctive enough to furnish diagnostic assistance. Fig. 214, B, shows the microscopic characters of butter which has been fused and slowly cooled. In Fig. 217 (under ' Lard ') the appearance of beef-stearin is shown ; and it will be observed that the forms of the crystal-aggregates are very similar. It is awkward, on the one hand, that undoubtedly genuine butter — that, for instance, which has been treated with hot water and re-churned, or butter which has quickly become rancid — may exert a depolarizing effect : on the other, that mixtures of butter with margarine (such mixtures are now, legally, ' margarine ') can be so manu- factured as to exhibit no optico-crystalline characters. A fat rapidly cooled from a state of fusion may show no crystals. Also, very old butter undergoes chemical changes, accompanied by physical alterations, among the latter being frequently the assumption of a crystalline texture. Some years since, the author had an opportunity of examin- ing a specimen of butter, known to be genuine, which had been preserved for eighteen years in a loosely stoppered bottle.^ This butter, which had become granular, and had undergone considerable chemical metamorphosis, showed under the microscope very many crystalline patches. In short, the microscopical examination of butter is a useful preliminary test, which should never be omitted, and may rapidly lead the chemist to suspect that a sample has been falsified. It will readily disclose grosser adulterations, such as starch, flour, mashed potatoes, and the like, which, though now extremely rare, have been discovered occasionally. But one must by no means infer from a negative result with the microscope that a specimen is immaculate : nine-tenths of it may be coco-nut oil. Chemical tests are essential and paramount in the examination of all fats. Margarine alone under the microscope is more granular in appearance than butter, and in polarized light frequently exhibits bright areas and spots scattered over the field. 1 ' A Butter Eighteen Years Old ' ; paper by the present writer in the Analyst, 1898, xxiii., 36. BUTTER 263 Fig. 214. — Butter. A, Normal appearance ; B, aspect after fusion, followed by slow cooling. X 300. [E. G. Clayton, de/.] 264 FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES CHEESE. The product of the action of the enzyme of rennet on new milk-casein. New cheese is not very distinctive microscopically : but decayed cheese is well known to become the prey of innumerable minute, greyish-white, apterous insects or ' mites.' These are different species of the genus Tyro- glypJms. The commonest is T. siro or doviesticus, which is identical with the wheat mite, Tyroglyphiis or Acariis farincE. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Starch and flour are sometimes added to cheese. A particular brand of cream cheese, served to the present writer some years ago in one of the best-known restaurants in London, was so ' gritty ' on the palate that his suspicions were aroused. He abstracted a fragment from his plate for microscopical and chemical tests in the laboratory. A huge quantity of starch w^as present : the precise amount was not determined, but it constituted probably more than a quarter of the cheese. [^For figures i see pp. 265, 266.] CHEESE 265 Fig. 215. — The Dust of Old Cheese, consisting almost entirely of the Cheese Mite {Tyroglyphus domesticus or T. siro = Acariis domestinis, or A. siro, Linnaeus), in all conditions of development from the ova upwards, x 40. 266 THE CHEESE MITE J B Fig. 2i6.— The Cheese Mjte {Tyroglyphics domesticus). Anterior {A) and posterior (B) views, x loo. [Lard 268 FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES LARD. The fat of the pig rendered and clarified. Under the microscope, pure lard shows, on a granular background, small, circular, isolated patches of radiating acicular crystals (sphsero-crystals). In polarized light, with a selenite plate, if the field be green, these little patches appear orange-red, and bear some resemblance to those seen in butter, very slowly cooled after previous fusion (see ante, Fig. 214, B). At the present time the main adulterants of lard are beef- stearin and several vegetable oils, only discoverable by chemico-physical tests. Though useful as a preliminary test, the microscope alone cannot be considered a certain guide in the detection of beef-fat. An ethereal solution of pure lard, allowed to evaporate, generally yields elongated, tabular crystals, obliquely terminated, and sometimes disposed in radiated, though not usually stellate, aggregates : but if the lard contain a high percentage of stearic acid, the crystals deposited closely resemble those which are always yielded by beef-stearin — namely, stellate or radiating groups of fine, short, occasionally curved, acicular crystals, such as are faithfully indicated in the figure on the opposite page. Here again, as in the case of butter, ample corroboration must be yielded by a series of chemical tests, before one can venture to pronounce that there has been adulteration. Formerly, lard was not infrequently admixed with potato-flour and the like. These cruder forms of adulteration are readily seen with the microscope. LARD 269 Fig. 217. — Lard containing Potato-Starch, and probably Beef-Stearin showing fat-crystals and starch-granules. 270 FOODS DERIVED FROM ANIMAL SOURCES ISINGLASS AND GELATIN. The air-bag, swimming-bladder, or sound, of various fish, chiefly of the sturgeon tribe. Gelatin is much used as a substitute : ' patent isinglass ' is, in fact, gelatin. The microscope shows some differences between the natural product and the substitute : but other tests are better. Fig. 218 shows the appearance of sections of shreds of gelatin and isinglass, softened in cold water and examined under the microscope. (Shreds of gelatin, placed in cold water, acquire increased transparency, and show no structure. Shreds of isinglass, similarly treated, become white and opaque, and possess a fibrous structure ; a few vessels, granular cells, and nuclei being scattered here and there.) ISINGLASS AND GELATIN 271 '"-' -^' ''A^ "' ^ "vlr'^/ J / . Fig. 218. — Gelatin (above) and Isinglass (below), x 75. SECTION III. TOBACCO, DRUGS, BITTERS, AND COLOURING MATTERS. Ord. PERSONAT.^, Fam. SOLANACE^. TOBACCO. The dried and cured leaves of Nicotiana tahacum and .Y. nistica, ord. Personates, fam. SolanacecF. Histology. — The leaves may be divided into two parts : the broad expanded part, or lamina, and the midrib, or stalk, and 'veins,' which traverse this, imparting strength and solidity. The lamina is composed chiefly of cellular tissue, and the veins mostly consist of wood-fibre and vessels. A fragment of tobacco leaf, viewed on its upper surface with a half- or quarter-inch object-glass, is seen' to possess an epi- dermal covering of cells having smooth and waved borders, wdth here and there stomata and numerous hairs. The hairs are pluricellular, mostly glandular — terminating in a roundish swelling or enlargement, very clearly seen even in the dried leaf — and vary greatly in size. Occasionally they are divided or compound (Fig. 219). The uiesophyll, or middle stratum of the leaf, consists of parenchyma cells containing chloro- phyll grains. The structure of the under surface of the leaf is nearly similar to that of the upper surface, but the stomata are much more numerous, and the hairs fewer (Fig. 220). The veins and midribs, viewed in transverse sections, are frequently of a crescentic or horseshoe shape. This is some- what characteristic of tobacco : but sections of Stramonium and Hyoscyamus stalks present a closely similar outline. Transverse sections of the smaller veins of tobacco, under a low power, present the appearances shown in Fig. 221 : on the outside, running all round the section, is a layer of cells similar to the epidermal cellular tissue, with which the 275 18—2 276 TOBACCO lamina of the leaf is itself mainly covered, bearing on its outer surface the glandular hairs : beneath are elongated cells, and collenchymatous tissue ; and in the centre of the section the cut extremities of fibre-cells and pitted vessels, bundles of which chiefly make up the stalks, are seen, having a somewhat radiated disposition. These structures are more clearly pictured in Fig. 222. A longitudinal section of one of the smaller midribs, in which the hairs, cells, fibres, and spiral vessels are still better seen, is represented in Fig. 223. The quantity of wood-fibre in the central part of the midrib is by no means considerable, the bundle being made up to a great extent of the spiral ducts. The fibres usually are more like elongated cells than ordinary wood- fibres ; nevertheless, bundles of undoubted wood-fibre do occur. The fibres are short, the borders striated, and the extremities truncate. In the leaf of tobacco reduced to powder, all the above structures may be readily detected — of course much broken up : — the hairs, cells of the lamina, the stomata, elongated cells, wood-fibre, together with portions and fragments of the spiral ducts (Fig. 224). Substitutes and Additions Detectable by the Microscope. — The leaves of the foxglove {Digitalis purpurea)^ dock, rhubarb, chicory, burdock {Arctium lappa), coltsfoot, cabbage, and many other plants, are stated to have been used as substi- tutes for tobacco, to act as " fillers " of cheap cigars, and so forth. Some of these are described and figured in the following pages, but their employment at the present time probably is rare. They have mostly been dismissed to the limbo of discarded adulterants. Water, and mucilaginous or saccharine solutions, are more commonly added to tobacco : but for the detection of these, the microscope, of course, gives place to the chemist's beaker and the polari- meter. [For figures, see pp. 277, 278, 279, 280, and 281.] TOBACCO 277 Fig. 219. — Tobacco Leaf : upper surface, showing epidermal cells, stomata, and glandular hairs, x 220. 278 TOBACCO Fig. 220. — Tobacco Leaf : under surface, showing epidermis, with more stomata and fewer hairs, x 220. Fig. 221. — Tobacco Leaf : transverse section of crescentic midrib, showing glandular hairs, cellular tissue, and fibro-vascular bundle, x 40. TOBACCO 279 Fig 222. — Tobacco Leaf : portion of transverse section of midrib, more highly magnified, x 90, 28o TOBACCO Fig. 223.— Tobacco Leaf : longitudinal section of midrib, showing hairs, cells, fibres, and spiral vessels, x go. TOBACCO 281 ummifr/^-.l-s Fig. 224. — Tobacco reduced to Powder : showing most of the structures previously described, x 40. SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO 283 LEAVES WHICH HAVE BEEN USED AS SUB- STITUTES FOR TOBACCO: DOCK, RHUBARB, COLTSFOOT, ETC. I. Dock Leaf {Rinncx, sp., ord. PolygonmcSj fam. Polygonacecr). Histology. — The cells of the lamina and stomata do not differ materially from those of tobacco leaf. As in tobacco, the stomata occur on both surfaces of the leaves, and are more numerous on the under surface. Unlike tobacco, however, the cellular part of the lamina is wholly destitute of hairs (Fig. 225). The midrib and veins differ very greatly from those of tobacco — in shape, in the form and nature of the spines or hairs which arise from them, and in the arrangement of the vessels and wood-fibre. Transverse sections of the midrib are roughly triangular, the base of the triangle being smaller than the sides : one of these sections viewed with an inch object-glass presents six prominences, indicating the number of ridges by which the midrib is traversed longitudinally. One ridge is situated on the upper surface of the midrib (the base of the triangle), between the origins of the lamina of the leaf; the other five ridges are below, one in the centre, large and prominent, forming the lower surface of the midrib (apex of the triangle), and two on each side. The hairs, or rather spines, spring from the surface of the midribs and veins, and principally from the ridges; they are thick, short, hollow^ striated, of considerable diameter, and terminate in obtuse rounded extremities : these spines impart a feeling of roughness to the finger passed along the midrib. The wood-fibre and vessels traverse the midrib in bundles. 284 SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO the number of bundles being greatest in sections of the larger midribs : in those of small and medium size there are usually six or eight fascictdi (Fig. 226). The cells forming the ridges are very characteristic, being small and angular : those composing the internal part of the midrib, which are traversed by the vascular and woody tissue, are larger, parenchymatous, and more wavy- walled, as seen in transverse section (Figs. 227 and 228). [For figures J see pp. 285, 286, and 287. SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO 285 Fig. 225. — Dock Leaf : portion of under surface, showing cells, stomata, and junction of the lamina with one of the smaller veins, x 220. 286 SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO Fig. 226.— Dock Leaf : transverse section of midrib, showing ridges, hairs, and bundles, or fasciculi, x 40. Fig. 227. — Dock Leaf : transverse section of portion of midrib, showing the different forms of cells, and several fibro-vascular bundles, x go. SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO 287 Fig. 228.— Dock Leaf: longitudinal section of portion of midrib, x 90. 288 SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO II. Rhubarb Leaf {Rheitm hyhvidum, ord. PolygonincE, fam. Polygonacece). Histology. — Slight differences only are observable in the stomata, and in the form and size of the cells of the rhubarb leaf: but the walls of the cells are finely striated (Fig. 229) ; and this is a character by which rhubarb leaf may at once be known from tobacco. Other differences are found in the characters of the short spines or hairs, in the form of the midrib and veins, and in the presence of annular, quadri- partite glands, scattered throughout the lamina of the leaf. The hairs or spines are short, thick, hollow, striated, and terminate in obtuse, rounded extremities. They resemble closely in form those of the dock, but differ in being several times larger, in the character and fineness of the striae with which they are marked, and in their distribution : for, while in the dock leaf the hairs spring only from the midrib and veins, in the rhubarb leaf they arise from all parts of the leaf, the lamina as well as midrib and veins. The midrib and branches, as in the dock, consist on the outside of small angular cells, succeeded by a network of large, paren- chymatous cells, traversed by bundles of wood-fibre and spiral vessels : the differences between the midribs of the leaves of the two plants being in form, and in the absence of distinct ridges on the midrib of the rhubarb leaf (Fig. 230). SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO 289 Fig. 229. — Rhubarb Leaf : portion of under surface, showing the striation of the cells, a spine or hair, and one of the quadripartite glands, x 220. Fig. 230. — Rhubarb Leaf : transverse section of midrib, showing angular epidermal cells, parenchyma cells, and fibro-vascular bundles, x 40. 19 290 SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO III. Coltsfoot Leaf [Tttssilago farfara, ord. Aggrcgatce, fam. Composites). Histology. — The epidermal cells forming the upper surface of the leaf of coltsfoot or tussilage are small, angular, and faintly striated : there are few stomata, and no hairs, except on the midrib and principal veins (Fig. 231). The structure of the tmder surface of the leaf is entirely different ; the cells are also small, but their margins are waved, and the walls are not striated. The stomata are exceedingly numerous, and the whole surface is clothed with delicate filamentous hairs, which impart the downy character to the leaf. Inter- mixed with these are other much larger hairs, which, being jointed, somewhat resemble those of tobacco, but want the distinct glandular terminations (Fig. 232). Transverse sections of the large leaf-stalk have externally a well-defined border of distinctly angular, thick-walled cells, from the outside of which spring the two kinds of hairs described above. The central portion of the section is composed of loose cellular tissue, similar to that of the midribs of many other leaves ; and it is traversed by from six to eight bundles of fibro-vascular tissue, the number usually varying with the size. [The large leaf-stalks of coltsfoot, however, would scarcely be used in any case for admixture with cut tobacco.] Sections of the branches or veins are nearly similar : the principal difference is in the number of the bundles traversing them, there being almost invariably but three such bundles. By this character the veins of the leaf of coltsfoot are dis- tinguished at once from those of the other leaves described (Fig. 233). [For figures, see pp. 291 and 292.^ SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO 2gi Fig. 231. — Coltsfoot Leaf : upper epidermis, showing striated cells, stomata, no hairs, x 220. Fig. 232. — Coltsfoot Le.'>lF : under epidermis, showing wavy-walled unstriated cells, with many hairs and stomata. x 220. ig — 2 292 SUBSTITUTES FOR TOBACCO Fig. 233. — Coltsfoot Leaf : transverse section of one of the veins, showing hairs, angular surface- cells, loose parenchymatous tissue, and three fibro- vascular bundles, x 40. [Hops. Ord. URTICIN^, Fam. CANNABINACEyE. HOPS. The imbricated scaly inflorescences, or strobili, of Humulus lupuhis, ord. UrticincF, fam. Cannabinacece, used to impart an aromatic and bitter taste to beer. Histology. — The epidermal cells of the bracts and bractioles, or scale-like hop-leaves, possess extremely sinuous outlines ; and attached to the surface are numerous spherical glandular hairs, in appearance not unlike pollen-grains. These secrete the hipiiUn, to which the properties of the hop most valuable to the brewer are mainly due. The microscopical characters of the lupulin-glands are indicated in the figure on the opposite page. The seed is enclosed within an outer covering, consisting of several layers, of which the corrugated and tortuous aspect of the cells composing the second layer is perhaps the most distinctive feature. Fig. 235 shows the covering in surface view, and in section, together with the inner portion of the seed. Substitutes for, and Additions to, the Hop, Detectable by the Microscope. — Preparations, more beloved by the brewer than the farmer, and compounded of quassia, gentian, chiretta, calumba, or the like — particles of which, by careful examina- tion, can often be detected in the dregs of a beer-vessel — are at the present time to be found on the market. Though permissible by law, ar-d probably as a rule innoxious, these ' hop-substitutes ' yield products far less satisfactory to connoisseurs than beer brewed from Humulus luptdus ; and their extending use, from several points of view, is highly regrettable. Fragments of hop can even now be discerned within the precincts of some of our breweries ; usually those of a better class. [For figures, see pp. 295 and 296.] 294 HOPS 295 Fig. 234. — Hop Leaf : portion of, with lupulin-glands x 100 2g6 BITTERS Fig. 235. — Hop Seed, x 200. A, Outer covering, showing the four coats of which it is formed, the second, marked b, being the most characteristic ; B, vertical section of seed, exhibiting the four membranes, and the substance of the seed, e. [The Poppy. Ord. RHOEADIN^, Fam. papaverace^. the poppy. The poppy head, or poppy capsule, is the dried fruit of Papaver somnifencm, ord. RhoeadincE, fam. Papaveracece. It is used for the preparation of opium, as a source of the alkaloid morphine, and for other purposes. Histology of the Poppy Capsule.— The fruit is globose or ovate-globose, varies in size from a hen's egg to an orange, and is of a light, spongy, and papyraceous texture. It is one-celled, consisting of numerous carpels enclosed in a membranous production of the thalamus^ or receptacle of the flower, and is furnished with placentce, forming dissepi- ments in the interior of the capsule, the number and position of which correspond with the carpels. Thin sections of the external surface of the capsule, or epicarp, examined under the microscope, are seen to be composed of small, angular cells, having exceedingly well- marked, broad walls or parietes, with here and there a few rounded stomata. It is necessary to be thoroughly well acquainted with this structure, because it is chiefly the external part of the capsule which enters into the adultera- tion of opium. There is some slight resemblance between the membrane in question and that forming the surface of the grain of wheat (Fig. 236). The endocarp, or membrane which lines the interior of the capsule, and is situated between the dissepiments, is very different : it consists of very large elongated and irregular cells, mostly becoming narrow towards each extremity. The walls are very thick and beaded : there are also a few angular stomata (Fig. 237). 298 THE POPPY 299 In longitudinal sections, passing through the entire thick- ness of the capsule, a side view is obtained of the cells forming the outer and inner portions, the space between the two consisting of a loose and open cellular tissue, the meso- carp, which imparts sponginess to the poppy head, and is traversed here and there by bundles of reticulated ducts, spiral vessels, and wood-fibre (fibro-vascular bundles). The structure of the dissepiments, or placentcs, is entirely different from that of the internal wall of the capsule. The surface of each dissepiment on both sides presents numerous dark points or specks : these consist of short, raised pro- jections, or spermophores, each of which originally gave support to a distinct seed, which in the ripe capsule is found usually to be detached. The portions of the surface of the dissepiment lying between the spermophores are composed of cells which, though rather large, are much smaller than those forming the internal surface of the capsule : they are somewhat elongated, become narrow at each end, have dotted margins, and there are no stomata. The spermo- phores, or projections supporting the seeds, consist of similar cells (Fig. 238). In transverse sections of the dissepiment, viewed with a very low power, the spermophores are well seen, as also the manner in which the seeds are supported and distributed (Fig. 239). With a half-inch object-glass the intimate structure of the dissepiment may be followed out. The central, or spongy part, which swells greatly when immersed in water, consists of tubular cells running in every direction, with considerable interstices, or areolcF, between them, together with bundles of wood-fibre and vessels, one of which bundles passes up through the centre of each spermophore (Fig. 240). The poppy seed is very characteristic in appearance. The surface of the testa is finely reticulated, the ridges coinciding with the walls of the exceedingly large cells of the epidermis (Fig. 241, a, a). Beneath this membrane are several others, together making up the thickness of the spermoderm. The two more prominent are shown in the figure : the cross cells (6, h), and the fibre cells (c, c). The seed substance is 300 DRUGS made up of small, angular cells {d, d), containing aleurone grains and globules of oil. The several characteristic features of the seed are shown in Figs. 240 and 241. Opium is the inspissated juice obtained from the unripe capsules. Extraneous Substances Detectable in Opium by the Microscope. — Pounded poppy capsule and petals, flour, wood-fibre, tur- meric, etc. [For figures, see pp. 301, 302, 303, 304, and 305.] THE POPPY 301 Fig. 236. — Poppy Capsule : portion of external surface, or epicarp. x 220. Fig. 237. — Poppy Capsule : part of internal surface, or endocarp. x 220. 302 DRUGS Fig. 238. — Poppy Capsule : (above) surface of one of the placentcs, or dissepi- ments, showing a spermophore ( x 60) ; also (A) a fragment of cellular tissue enlarged, x 220. THE POPPY 303 Fig. 239. — Poppy Capsule : transverse section through the thickness of a dissepiment, showing spermophores with seeds attached, x 10. 304 DRUGS Fig. 240. — Poppy Capsule and Seed : transverse section of a dissepiment, showing two spermophores, and one seed attached, x 100. THE POPPY 305 Fig. 241. — Poppy Seed : showing the membranes composing the husk, and the cells forming the substance of the seed. a, a, Ver)' large epidermal cells, the walls coinciding with the superficial ridges; b,b, cross cells; c,c, fibre cells; d, d, substance of seed — cells with aleurone grains and oil globules, x 100. 20 3o6 DRUGS OPIUM. Fig. 242. — Opium, containing an admixture of poppy capsule. [100.] Fig. 243. — Opium, admixed with poppy capsule and wheat flour. [220.] Fig. 244. — Egyptian Opium, containing gum, woody fibre, and a little wheat flour. [100.] [For figures, see pp. 307 and 308.] OPIUM 307 Fig. 242. — Opium, containing an admixture oi poppy capsule, x 100. Fig. 243 — Opium, admixed with poppy capsule and ich eat flour, x 220. 20 — 2 3o8 DRUGS Fig. 244. — Egyptian Opium, containing ^i^;«, wood-fibre, and a little wheat flour, x 100. [Turmeric, Ord. SCITAMINE^, Fam. zingiberace.^. TURMERIC. The rhizome, or rootstock, of Curcuma longa, ord. ScitammecSf fam. Zingiber acecE. Histology. — The ground rhizome consists of large, yellow- tinted, parenchymatous cells, containing, besides starch- granules, masses of starch-paste coloured yellow by cur- cumin. Many of these masses are to be seen liberated from the cells, the shapes of which they have retained : they may be recognized under the microscope by their size and bright yellow colour (Fig. 245) ; and when crushed, they are found to contain many starch-granules, resembling closely those of curcuma arrowroot, already described and illustrated (Fig. 246 : see also Fig. 49, p. 63). Turmeric exhibits appearances somewhat akin to those of ginger, but the characteristics of the starch-granules and elongated cells are notably different. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Barley and other flours, cheap starches, wood-fibre, etc. ro TURMERIC 311 Fig. 245. — Turmeric: Section of Rhizome. a. Epidermis; b, b, transparent empty cells ; c, c, and e, e, yellow "masses : d, d, oil globules; /, reticulated duct ; g, elongated cells lying by ths side of the duct. X 220. Fig. 246. — Ground Turmeric, showing starch-granules, parenchyma, and large yellow masses, x 220. Ord. BIXINE.^, Fam. BIXACE^. ANNATTO. The orange-hued pulp, obtained from the fruit of Bixa orellana, ord. Bixinece, fam. Bixacece : used for colouring butter, cheese, and other articles of food. Histology. — The cells of the outer or red portion of the fruit are closely compacted, but there is no especially definite characteristic. The surface of the seed-coat mainly consists of elongated palisade or fence cells, vertically arranged, beneath these being a layer of thick-walled cells containing granular matter. The endosperm, or inner white part of the seed, is made up of large cells filled with numerous starch-corpuscles, well defined, of medium size, and resembling in form, also in the long and sometimes stellate hilum, the starch-granules of the bean (Fig. 247 : see also Fig. 16, p. 31). Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Wheat, rye, and barley flours, turmeric, and mineral matter (Figs. 248 and 249, p. 314). Annatto has for many years been one of the most considerably adulterated commodities. Dr. A. H. Hassall half a century ago^ first called attention to the impurity of commercial annatto, which still maintains an undesirable distinction in this respect. The unacknowledged substitution of coal-tar colours for annatto is now common, especially in the liquid preparations, or so-called ' annatto colourings.' In such cases chemical tests must supplement the microscopical examination. ^ ' On the Adulteration of Annatto ' (paper read before the Pharmaceutical Society, 1855). \_F or figures i see pp. 313 and 314.] 312 ANNATTO 3^3 Fig. 247. — Annatto Seed, Section of. a, Coloured pulp ; b, fence cells of seed-coat ; c, layers of thick-walled cells containing granular matter ; d, cells of the endosperm, containing starch- granules. X 220. 314 COLOURING MATTERS Fig. 248 — Annatto, mixed with Turmeric. a, Outer part of seed ; b, starch-granules ; c, c, cells of turmeric ; d, d, free starch-granules of turmeric, much altered by the action of alkali, x 225. Fig. 249. — Annatto, mixed with Rve Flour, x 225. [S' CAMMONY. Ord. TUBIFLOR.^, Fam. convolvulace^. SCAMMONY. A GUM-RESIN obtained from the root of Convolvuhis scam- mo7tia, ord. Tuhiflorce, fam. Convolvulacecs. The best qualities of the commercial product are known as virgin scammony. Microscopic Appearance of Virgin Scammony. — Angular and resinous fragments or splinters, of a greyish-brown colour and variable size, are seen (Fig. 250) : intermixed with these other fragments sometimes occur, which are blackish or quite black, and are best seen when the powdered scammony is viewed as an opaque object. They are broken masses of vegetable tissue, and are occasionally found in small numbers even in the best scammony, but are most abundant in specimens of inferior quality. If the scammony be dis- solved out with ether, considerable quantities of vegetable cellular tissue, woody fibre, fragments of spiral vessels, and stellate cells may frequently be discovered in the residue. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Starches, flour, vegetable fibre, etc. (Fig. 251). Chemical tests should supplement the use of the microscope. 316 SCAMMONY 317 Fig 250.— Virgin Scammony (Powdered), x 100. Fig. 251.— Scammony, mixed with Wheat and Lentil Flours. a, a, Scammony ; b, b, wheat starch ; c, c, black fragments of cellular tissue. X 220. Fam. CONVOLVULACE/E. JALAP. The dried root tubercles of Ipomcva purga, ord. Tuhiflorce, fam. Convolvulacece. Histology. — The epidermis, siihev, or cork layer, consists of dark-coloured, flat polygonal cells. Beneath is the cortex, consisting of rounded cells, many of which contain starch- grains : also there are elongated, sclerenchymatous, stellate cells, which, however, are not easily discoverable ; lastly, there are very many resin cells. These appear as well- defined, dark, and somewhat angular cells, lying here and there in the midst of the other cells (Fig. 252). They appear to contain resin ; but they are slowly acted upon by water, and from being dark and opaque become clear and trans- parent, evidently, therefore, containing some soluble sub- stance. Of the remaining cells, many are apparently empty : these constitute chiefly the outer lamellae of the jalap tuber (Fig. 252). The inner layers of the tuber are chiefly com- posed of starch-bearing cells (Figs. 252 and 253) : but the resin cells are scattered throughout the whole of the root, occurring indifferently in the midst of either the apparently empty cells or those filled with starch. Other features of the inner portion of the root are calcium oxalate crystals, and wood-bundles with pitted vessels. The stavch-granules are of considerable size, and possess well-marked characters. Some are circular, but somewhat flattened, while others are muller-shaped. These last are occasionally united in twos, threes, and fours. Whenever muller-shaped starch-granules are met with in any vegetable tissue, it is clear that they were all originally united in this 319 320 JALAP manner, and it is to such union that their form is chiefly due. They all possess a distinct hilum, around which one or two concentric rings may sometimes be seen (Figs. 253 and 254). Many of the granules in every root have become expanded and misshapen from the heat employed in the process of drying. In genuine powdered jalap all the structures above described may be detected : cork, sclerous cells, resin cells, empty cells, starch-bearing cells, numerous free starch-granules, and occasional fragments of pitted vessels and wood-fibres. The occurrence of single cells completely filled with starch- granules is very characteristic of powdered jalap : and it should be noted that this tuber is made up almost entirely of cellular tissue. There are but few reticulated vessels, and extremely little wood-fibre, the fibres being large, coarse, and dotted, closely resembling, except in size, the vessels themselves. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Wood- fibre ; foreign starches ; mineral matter (Fig. 255). \^F or figures, see pp. 321, 322, and 323.] JALAP 321 Fig. 252. — Jalap Root, x 30, Transverse section, showing epidermis, cortex with resin cells, empty cells and starch-bearing cells. 21 322 JALAP Fig. 253. — Jalap Root. Transverse section of inner portion of root ( x 100) ; and starch-grains ( x 220). 323 Fig. 254.— Powdered Jalap. x 220. a, Sclerotic or stone cell ; h, b, resin cells ; c, parencbym; d, starch cells ; e, starch ; /, fibres. Fig. 255.— Powdered Jalap, mixed with Wood-Dust {Lignum vitcr, or giiaiaciim). x 220. a, a, a, Jalap ; b, b, b, wood-dust, 21 — 2 Ord. RUBIIN^, Fam. RUBIACE^E. IPECACUANHA. The dried root of Psychotria ipecacuanha^ ord. Riibimce, fam. RubiacecE. Histology. — The substance of the root of ipecacuanha is divisible into two main parts : a thick, outer, cortical portion (with some external cork layers), and an inner, fibrous, and woody part, constituting the dense centre of the root. These, when dry, separate very easily from one another, and their intimate structure may be determined with facility from transverse sections. Under the microscope the suberised layers are seen to consist externally of deep brown polygonal cells, the parietes of which are indistinctly visible ; these form the epidermis : the rest of the cortex is made up of large colourless cells, the cavities of most of which are filled with minute but exceedingly distinct starch-granules, many being united in twos, threes, and even fours, and consequently rather muller- shaped. All possess a well-marked hilum (Fig. 256). Single acicular crystals of calcium oxalate also are present. In transverse sections the central part, or wood (Fig. 257), presents the appearance of a number of slightly angular cells, of different sizes, having a radiated arrangement : those form- ing the outer border and the centre are very much smaller than the intermediate cells. The last are distinguished not only by larger size, but their cavities are, for the most part, filled with starch-granules resembling closely those of the cortex. In longitudinal sections it becomes evident that these cells are wood-fibres and tracheides cut across 325 326 DRUGS (Figs. 257, B, and 258). The walls of all have pores arranged in a spiral manner ; and the fibres are remarkable for con- taining in their cavities an abundance of starch-granules. It is a somewhat unusual circumstance for undoubted wood- fibres to contain starch. There are no reticulated vessels in pecacuanha. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Wheat flour ; foreign wood-fibre. [For figures, see pp. 327, 328, and 329.] IPECACUANHA 327 Fig. 256. — Ipecacuanha Root. Transverse section of cortex, showing (above) epidermal cork layers and starch cells ( x 220) ; below (A), starch-granules and acicular crystals ( X 420). 328 DRUGS Fig. 257. — Ipecacuanha Root: Central or Woody Portion, x 220. A, Transverse section, showing ends of fibres, with contained starch ; B, longitudinal section, showing pores in walls of traclieides and wood-fibres. IPECACUANHA 329 ^^-^ - «>- Fig. 258. — Ground Ipecacuanha, x 420. a, a. Fragments of brown epidermis ; i, b, cells of cortex, containing starch ; c, c, loose starch-granules and crystals ; d. d, wood-fibres of central part of root. Ord. CAMPANULIN^, Fam. CUCURBI- TACEyE. COLOCYNTH. The fruit of the bitter apple, Citrullus colocynihis, ord. Cam- panulince, fam. Cucurhitacece. Histology. — The epicarp, or outer portion of the pericarp, consists of a layer of thick-walled polygonal cells, with stomata visible here and there. Several strata of flattened parenchymatous cells follow, and beneath these are five or six tiers of sclerous, or stone cells with thick, radially perforated walls. These three membranes make up the rind, or external part of the gourd (Figs. 259, 260). Within is the pulp, the part of the fruit used in medicine. This is composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, of great size near the central portions of the gourd, but smaller and more elongated towards the exterior. Fibro-vascular bundles, with delicate spiral vessels, are numerous ; and there are large intercellular spaces. Powdered colocynth should never contain any of the seeds : the structure of these is shown in Fig. 261. Beneath a transparent hyaline membrane, forming the surface of the seed-coat, is a stratum of fence cells : these are succeeded by many layers of extremely thick-walled scleren- chymatous cells (stellate or stone cells), and these again by a single layer of small cells with rounded outlines. Lastly follows the substance of the seed, which is made up of moderately large starchless cells, charged with aleurone grains. Extraneous Substances Detectable in Powdered Colocynth by the Microscope. — Wheat flour ; colocynth seeds, [For figtires, see pp. 331 and 332.] COLOCYNTH 33^ Fig. 259. — CoLocYNTH Fruit, x 100. Transverse section through rind and part of pulp, showing thick-walled cells of epicarp, flattened cells, sclerous layers, and large cells of pulp with tibro-vascular bundles. t^ t^' 332 DRUGS Fig. 260.— Colocvnth Fruit, x 120. Surface view, showing thick walled cells of epicarp, with stomata. Fig. 261. — CoLOCYNTH Seed, x 150. Showing hyaline membrane, fence cells, sclerous layers, rounded cells, and the seed-substance. [Rhubarb, Ord. polygon I N/E, Fam. POLYGON ACE^. RHUBARB. The dried and partly decorticated rhizome of Rhetun pal- matum, R. officinale, and other species, ord. Polygonmcs, fam. Polygonacecs. Histology. — The leading features are nodular aggregations of crystals, or crystal clusters, consisting of calcium oxalate : small starch-granules somewhat like those of the pea or bean: large reticulated vessels; and the thin, parenchymatous, cellular tissue of the bast ring, carrying a few starch-granules. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Tur- meric, wheat flour, etc. ;34 RHUBARB 335 Fig. 262.— Rhubarb, mixed with Wheat Flour. r.Z The figure shows the oxalate crystals ; part of a reticulated vessel ; bast tissue ; and the small starch -granules of rhubarb, each with a strongly marked hilum : as well as the much larger starch-grains of wheat. Ord. LILIIFLOR/E, Fam. LILIACE.^. SQUILL. The dried bulb of Urginea scilla, ord. LiliiflorcE, fam. Liliaccce, with the outer scales removed. Histology. — The bulb is chiefly made up of large poly- gonal, parenchymatous cells, with much mucilage ; and spiral vessels also are present. The most characteristic feature, however, is the abundance of crystals of calcium oxalate, of which there are two modes of occurrence : in isolated rectangular prisms of very considerable dimensions, and in bundles or raphides, composed of minute acicular crystals, sometimes crossing one another. These characte,rs are shown in the figure on the opposite page. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Flour ; starches; wood-dust. 336 SQUILL 2>3>7 Fig. 263.— Powdered SyuiLL, mixed with Wheat Flour. 22 Ord. LEGUMINOS/E, Fam. PAPILIONACE^:. LIQUORICE. The dried root and underground stem oi Glycyrrhiza glabra, G. glandulifera, and other species, ord. Legiiminoscs, fam. Papilionace(F. Histology. — In transverse sections of the root, a linear zone is observed, usually distant from the circumference about a third of the thickness of the root. The part beneath the cork cells and without the zone is traversed by bundles of thick-walled bast-fibres, surrounded by cellular tissue, calcium oxalate crystals being present in many of the cells ; that within by numerous pitted ducts or vessels, some very large, as well as by bundles of wood-fibre (Figs. 264, 265, and 266). The cells of the cellular tissue, the basis of the root, are mostly filled with starch-gramUcs, which are very characteristic : they are small, oval, and generally show an elongated central cavity (Fig. 266). The structure of the wood-fibre is not remarkable : the central cavity is well marked. Medullary rays, separating the bundles of wood- fibre, may be seen in sections of the older roots, and are composed for the most part of cells with rectangular out- lines. The yellow colouring-matter of the root is situated chiefly in the wood-fibre, in the walls of the vessels, and in the bast-fibres. Extraneous Substances Detectable by the Microscope. — Wheat ; potato, rice, rye, and other starches ; turmeric ; excess of mineral matter. Liquorice was adulterated formerly to a much greater extent than now.^ ^ See paper ' On the Adulteration of Liquorice,' read by Dr. A. H. Hassall before the Medical Society of London, 1856. [For figures, see pp. 339, 340, 341, and 342.] LIQUORICE 339 t Fid. 264.— Liquorice Root : transverse section, showing {a) cork lb) cortex {c,c) bundles of bast-fibres, {d) connecting cellular tissue, {e.e) bundles of wood-fibre, with (/, /) vessels cut through , and {g, g) medullary rays x 40 22 340 LIQUORICE Fig. 265. — Liquorice Root : longitudinal (radial) section, showing most of the foregoing structures : {a) cork, {b) cortex, {c, c) bast-fibres, {d) connect- ing cellular tissue, {e) wood-fibres, (/) vessel, and {g) medullary ray. x 40. LIQUORICE 341 Fig. 266. — Liquorice Root ; transverse section, exhibiting a vessel cut through ; two wood-bundles ; parenchyma, and part of a medullary ray ( X 220) ; also the starch-granules, separately ( x 400). 342 ADULTERATED LIQUORICE Fig. 267. — Liquorice Powder, with an Admixture of Turmeric and East Indian Arrowroot, x 220. SECTION IV. WATER. WATER. Though producible by tedious operations in the laboratory, chemically pure water does not naturally occur. It is a sanitarian's ideal. Even when from unquestionable sources of supply, fresh water, with which alone this section is concerned, invariably contains in solution mineral salts and other substances derived from the inorganic world. Usually, in addition, various matters are held in suspension, and eventually deposited as sediment. In these last the micro- scopist is chiefly interested : but he can derive useful in- formation, also, from an examination of the soluble salts, left as a residue when water is evaporated to dryness. Extraneous Matters Detectable in Water by the Microscope. — Investigations of the objects carried in suspension, or deposited on standing, show that the unfiltered water of a pond or river is a microcosm, with a varied, living, and fecund population. It exhibits a characteristic vegetation and fauna, and there are present many other bodies, inani- mate, but equally worthy of careful study ; some of them mineral, others of organic origin. The living, as well as the dead matters, which the microscope reveals, are frequently of great significance as indicating^ the origin, nature, condition, and dietetic suitability or unsuitability of a particular sample of water. The purer sources of supply, such as deep wells and hill-side springs, 3'ield a product as a rule exhibiting a sparse fauna and flora, comprising few genera and species : but water contaminated with decaying organic matter, as, for instance, with vegetable or animal remains, mill-refuse, or sewage, often teems with microscopic plant and animal life ; because the requisite materials for sustenance and growth are there. Of certain organisms in particular, it can be 345 346 WATER affirmed that their occurrence is a sinister indication. Though not in themselves harmful, they show by their presence that the water is impure. And the greater the number, the higher is the probable degree of pollution. Some organisms there are, whose own life functions, though not hurtful, are productive of inconvenience to water consumers. A third class of organisms, the specific microbes of disease, or pathogenic bacteria, must be regarded as the most fearsome and dangerous of all. Water containing these must for all purposes even remotely associated with dietetics be rejected. Other plants, belong- ing to the same, or microbic family — certain common water-bacteria — may be dismissed as inoffensive, saprophytic forms : they are probably helpful scavengers, and in no way objectionable. In a like harmless fascicle, it is generally agreed, can be placed most of the group of diatoms. The late Dr. Arthur Hill Hassall was the first to use the micro- scope systematically to ascertain the nature of the organic matter suspended in drinking water, and to show the practical and sanitary importance of a study of the microscopical fauna and flora observed.^ His book, A Microscopical Examina- tion of the Water Supplied to the Inhabitants of London'^ and the Suburban Districts, published in 1850, following a pre- liminary article by himself on the same subject in the Lancet, produced a sensation. It was shown that the water then supplied by the metropolitan water companies was impure to a degree which at the present time is with difficulty credible. The water of the River Thames, from which at Brentford, Barnes, Battersea, Vauxhall, and Lambeth six of the companies took their supplies, for delivery — unfiltered, or ^ ' It was not until 1850 that the study of the organisms in drinking water was recognized as having a practical sanitary value. Dr. Hassal[l], of London, was the first to call attention to it.'— G. C. Whipple, ' The Micro- scopy of Drinking Water,' 1899, p. i. ' The fact of the existence in large quantities of living productions belonging to several distinct divisions of the organic world, and for the most part entirely invisible to the common eye, in the waters in general use, was not, I believe, generally known until announced by myself in the pages of the Lancet, some weeks since. ' — Evidence by Dr. Hassall before the General Board of Health. Report of the Board on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 1850, Appendix HI., p. 57. - Samuel Highley, 32, Fleet Street. WA TER 347 most defectively filtered — to the public, was scarcely in a worse condition. Indeed, the water supplied by two of the companies actually exceeded, in animalcular contents, the unfiltered water of the Thames. In 1854 ^^' Hassall again examined the w^ater supplied to the metropolis, and the results — which still were extremely unsatisfactory — were embodied in an elaborate monograph, with many fine plates, appended to the Report of the Committee for Scientific Inquiries in relation to the Cholera Epidemic of that year.^ These disclosures powerfully operated in hastening on the adoption of remedial measures. In 1857, after the new Metropolis Water Act had come into operation, Dr. Hassall once more subjected to microscopical examination samples of water supplied from the service pipes of the water companies ; and he reported thereon to the President of the General Board of Health.- A great improvement was mani- fest. The agitation, and subsequent legislation, had already done good. Immense progress has since been made. Haif- a-century has passed ; and it may be accepted as a statement of general accuracy that the quality of the water supplied to London has steadily improved. The difficulty now is con- nected with quantity rather than quality ; not, of course, that the latter is incapable of considerable further improvement. Of the Methods of Examining Water Microscopically. — (i) A process adopted by Dr. Hassall, still very generally used, and, with careful working, roughly quantitative, is to leave from i to 2 litres of the water under examination to stand overnight, and to decant all but about 200 c.c. The whole of this, with any sediment, is poured into a conical test-glass with a rounded bottom ; and the vessel, lightly covered, is left for six hours. The supernatant liquid is now decanted, and the residual drops are transferred by a pipette to the slide for microscopical examination. — (2) Dr. J. D. MacDonald proposed to let down a circular disc of glass, or ' General Board of Health, Reports of Commissioners, 1854-55, xxi, - Report to the Right Hon. W. Cowper, M.P., 'On the Microscopical Examination of the Metropolitan Water Supply, under the Provisions of the Metropolis Water Act.' — Accounts and Papers, 1S57, ^iii I49' 348 WATER small watch-glass, into a litre of the water. After twenty- four hours the water is removed with a siphon, the disc or watch-glass is lifted out of the vessel, placed on filter-paper (to dry the under-surface), covered with a cover-glass, and forthwith microscopically examined. This method answers most satisfactorily when the amount of deposit is small. — (3) A. L. Kean recommended the approximately quantitative * sand method ' : the filtration of 100 c.c. through clean sand, placed in a glass funnel plugged in the stem with wire gauze. After filtration, the sand, carrying any deposit, is washed with i c.c. of water into a watch- glass ; and, after stirring, a part of the liquid decanted from the sand is transferred to a cell holding i cubic millimetre.— (4) 17. T. Sedgwick, G. W. Rafter, G. C. Whipple, and others advise methods in principle based on Kean's. Haif- a-litre of the water under investigation is filtered through a stratum, f inch thick, of white sand or ground quartz, resting on a perforated caoutchouc stopper, provided with a cap of silk bolting cloth, at the bottom of a graduated cylindrical funnel holding 500 c.c. The stopper is removed; and the sand, charged with the sediment from the water, is washed into a wide test-tube with 5 or 10 c.c. of distilled water. The mixture is shaken, and the water, charged with the organisms, is rapidly decanted into another vessel. A definite fractional part, one-tenth, for instance, of this ' concentrate,' after agitation, is microscopically examined in a rectangular, brass-rimmed cell of known area ; and the enumeration of the organisms can be effected by the aid of an eye-piece micrometer. — (5) A . W. Blyth uses a cylindrical tube, holding a little more than a litre and tapering below to a narrow opening which can accurately be closed by a plunger. Ground on to the conical end is a removable shallow glass cap for the reception of the deposit. When this has collected in the cap, the plunger is inserted, and the cap containing the sediment can be removed for microscopical examination of any organisms present. — (6) W. J. Dihdin filters i litre of water through a filter-paper, the contents of which are washed into a ' micro-filter,' made by WATER 349 plugging with a mixture of baked clay and kieselguhr the drawn-out capillary end of a piece of combustion-tubing. By drawing through the micro-filter the residual water, by means of a suction-pump, the deposit is collected into a compact, cylindrical layer, which can be measured in millimeters per litre, removed, and microscopically examined.^ It will be observed that the efforts of successive investi- gators have chiefly been directed to the twofold object of expressing numerically — (a) the comparative amounts of deposit, and {b) the quantities of organisms present in different waters. Of the Nature and Significance of the Microscopic Flora and Fauna in Water. A convenient general term for the microscopic organisms in water is ' plankton,'- a word applied by Dr. V. Hensen, Pro- fessor of Physiology at Kiel, to the minute drifting and floating organisms in lake- and ocean-water. Used in its broadest sense, this term includes the bacterial flora, as well as the less infinitesimal animal and vegetable forms occurring in water. The present volume treats mostly of the last-named, which, indeed, are sufficiently numerous and varied in character. The plankton of water includes : 1. Living and defunct animals (chiefly ' animalcula,'^ Crustacea, annelida, and entozoa), or their products. 2. Bacteria or Microbes : (a) Common water bacteria ; (b) pathogenic bacteria; (c) filamentous or thread-bacteria. (Only these last bacteria dealt with in the present work.) 3. Other forms of plant- life. But there are many other objects likely to be met with by the analyst of water; these come under the following categories : 4. Fragmental organic matters, or debris : (a) Animal ; (6) vegetable. ^ 'The Purification of Sewage and Water.' — W. J. Dibdin, 1898, pp. 88-95. '- 7rXa7/cTos, roaming, wandering. •' Though not always so used in popular speech, the term aninialcnlum, Eng., ' animalcule/ is best restricted to a member of one of the three following classes : Ciliata, Flagcllata, and Rotatoria. 350 WATER 5. Inorganic or mineral matter : Clay, sand, chalk, and the like. 6. Miscellaneous manufactured products, such as threads of linen, cotton, wool, and silk. Taking these classes of objects in order, omitting the two first divisions of the bacteria, which are outside the province of this work, and beginning with (i) Living and defunct animals — the following is a summary of the sub-kingdoms, classes, orders or groups, and genera of the more important aquatic animals with which it is desirable that the animal- culist, or student of plankton, should have some acquaintance. The names of certain frequently occurring species are included. A corresponding summary of plant-forms will be found a few pages further on. MICROSCOPIC FAUNA. Sub-Kingdom. PROTOZOA [Unicellular organ- isms, or plurl- ^ cellular by ag- gregation. The lowest forms in the Animal King- dom.'] Class. Rhizopoda [Minute, struc- lurele^s, gela- tinous animals, with pseudo- podia. Mouth ansent.l Flagellata (Mastigo- phora) Sub-Class, Order, or Group. Genus. [Furnished with Ji a g e I I (e. Sometimes in- cluded among^ the Infusoria, and called 'Flagellate In- fusoria.' By some authors , regarded as \ plants.] Radiolaria \ \ Pseudopodia . Actinophrys long and ray- I like.] } LoBOSA /'Amoeba [Pseudopodia J Arcella variable and "j Difflugia short.] [Euglypha Radiolaria Heterophrys Species. ^Eichornii Sol viridis coli Cercomonas ho minis Coelomonas grandis Cryptoraonas ovata Euglena viridis Lamblia intestinal is Monas at ten 11 a ta Peridinium cinctum Phacus longicaudus Synura uvella Trichomonas intcstinalis Uroglena 1 It is difficult to differentiate the Protozoa from the Protophyta, — unicellular plants which contain chlorophyll, possess a vegetable mode of nutrition, but move, and otherwise resemble animal forms, such as the above Flagellata. Peridinium, for instance, contains starch and chlorophyll. But, as indicated in the text, some authorities would regard Peridinium as a plant. Professor Haeckel, of Jena, proposed that these doubtful organisms should be placed in a special group — the Protista, since called Phytozoa. VVAihK 35 » Sub-Class, Sub-Kingdom. Class. Order, or Group. Genus. Species. f Ampliileptus Balantidium Bursaria Coleps Dileptus Enchelys Euplotes fascial a coli ftrnncatella ivernalis hirtns folium nodulosa charon Ciliata (Infusoria) Glaucoma Nassula Oxytricha scintillans elegans gibba [Furnished with ^ Panophrys chrysalis PROTOZOA — continued cilia, not fl age 1 laj — ' Ciliate In- fusoria.'] \ Paramecium ^ Pleuronema Stentor Stylonychia Trachelocerca Vorticella Zuplotes i aurelia < caudatum ( chrysalis crassa i Millleri \ polymorphus his trio fcotivallaria \nebulifera Spongida Spongilla ffluviatilis i(spicula of) f i Albertia Anurasa (aculeata \cochlearis Rotifera (Rotatoria) Brachionus fpala ypolyacanthus [Organisms fur- nished with. Chsetonotus Colurus larv.s defiexus vibratory cilia, Diglena which, when IMelicerta ringens moving, re- semble revolv- IVIicrocodon ing wheels.] Notholca Polyarthra Rotifer Synchaeta platyptcra vulgaris ANNULOIDAi r Anguillula fluviatilis Ascaris lumbricoidis \ Nematoidea idracunculus [Round - worms ^ Filaria < sanguinis ho-\ ^ and thread - y minis \ ° vermiciilaris 1 t worms. ] Oxyuris S3olecida ^ Trichina iTrichocephalus spiralis )^ dispar 1 1 Trematoda Bilharzia hamatobia i a [Flukes.] [Distomum hepaticum \ o Cestoidea Bothriocephalus lotus | \ [Tape-worms.] Taenia ( ecmnococcus \ solium J to ^ irapafii^K-Tjs oblong, oval : from Trapa against and fiiJKos length, in allusion the oval form : cf. Lat. ob-longns (Murray). The vi^ord is sometimes incorrectly spelled ' Paramoecium. ' 352 WA TER Sub-Kingdom. ANNULOSA Class. Crustacea [.Shell - covered, animals, with jointed a p- pendages.] Sub-Class, Order, or Group. EXTOMOS- traca Genus. \ 'Bosmina Canthocamptus Chydorus Cyclops Cypris Daphnia Species. longirostns minutus sphivricus qtiadricornis virens pulex [Segmented or ringed.] . ... TAcARiNA fHydrachna Arachmda |Tardigrada \Macrobiotus cnienta Hnfelandii Annelida Nais serpentina MOLLUSCA Bryozoa / L (Polyzoa) \ Pectinatella Plumatella magnifica repens Some of the foregoing microscopic animals may be met with in water which can safely be consumed. Certain highly organized forms — such as Daphnia, Cyclops, and other Entomo- stracan Crustacea (Figs. 269, 270, 274, 279), for instance, appear to act as scavengers. By feeding on dead organic matter and lower forms of life, they assist in removing impurities. These animals are much larger than the majority of microscopic organisms occurring in water, and are yisible, without a lens, as minute, white, darting specks. Few persons, except, perhaps, lovers of locomotive cheese, populous game, or long-hung venison, would by preference drink water peopled by many of these active little creatures. And such water, though possibly harmless, cannot be pure. If a small number only be present, the indications are more satisfactory : but it is usually considered that a litre of water of great purity should yield no animalcula, nor other animals, living or dead, nor flora (apart from harmless bacteria), and that the sediment, if any, should be wholl}^ mineral matter. Other forms included in the above list are seldom discovered in uncontaminated water, and their appearance is a sign of danger. Not in themselves necessarily harmful, they abound in ponds and similar stagnant water, and point to contamina- tion with decaying or putrescent organic matter, often to the WA TER 353 presence of sewage. Such forms are the rhizopods, Adi- nophrys (Figs. 273, 279), dindAmceha\ the flagellate organisms, Euglena (Fig. 274), Syntira, Ccrconwnas, Ccelonwnas, also, prob- ably, Pcridinmm (Fig. 274) ; and the ciliate infusoria, especially Paramecium^ aurelia, P. caudatjim, P. chrysalis, Glaucoma scintillans, Oxytricha gibba, Stentor, Vorticclla, and Trachelocerca (see Figs. 268, 271, 275, 280, etc.). The Rotatoria (Figs. 269, 275, 277, etc.), A carina, and Tardigrada also are denizens of stagnant water. ' These animalcules [the Ciliata, or ciliate infusoria] are generally very voracious, notwithstanding the simplicity of their organization ; and it is noteworthy in a hygienic sense that if the water in which they are found is deficient in organic matter available for food, either from its actual purity, or from the thorough decay of what may have been originally present, the transparency and leanness of their bodies, and the restlessness of their search for aliment, will show that they are in a half-starved condition. . . , The notable presence of the Ciliata . . . would indicate not only stagnant water, but such as may contain organic matter in solution to some relative extent not yet precisely determinable. "' More dangerous and disgusting than the infusoria and associated organisms are certain objects which find their way into water contaminated by animal dejecta. Such are the ova and larvae of entozoa, or endoparasites, belonging to the class Scolecida. Occasionally the worms themselves are found. Some of these parasites have been described and figured in a previous section ; and mention has been made of the serious consequences which may arise from their intro- duction into the body (see pp. 238-240, and 246-251). Ascaris hunbricoides (Fig. 205, p. 244), Oxyuris vcrmicularis (Fig. 203 A, B, p. 243), Bothriocephalus, Bilharzia, Distomiim ^ Paramecium occurs in considerable numbers only in water highly charged with decaying organic matter. In 1850 Dr. A. H. Hassall discovered innumer- able Paramecia in the water of the Thames, below Brentford ; but higher up at Kew, where the water was purer, they had nearly disappeared. This organism is sometimes named the ' slipper animalcule.' in allusion to its shape. - J. D. Macdonald, ' A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water,' 18S3, p. 50. 23 354 WATER (Fig. 203 c, p. 243), Filaria sanguinis hominis, Filaria dracuii- ctilus (the Guinea-worm), and Trichocephalus dispar (Fig. 204, p. 244), have been discovered in water; also the eggs and proglottides of Tmiia solium, T. saginata, and T. echinococcits (Figs. 199, 200, and 201). Water to be used for drinking purposes should be sub- jected to a very careful search for the ova of worms belonging to the order of parasites. ' All spherical and ovoid bodies with albuminous-looking and segmented contents should be looked upon with suspicion, until their real nature is deter- mined.'^ By no other means are endoparasitic organisms more likely to be transmitted from one host to another, than by the medium of drinking water. A comparatively innocent, minute worm, Anguillula (Figs. 270, 271), not infrequently occurs in water; and a worm-like annelid, Nais (Figs. 273, 276, 279), is also found : but, apart from the fact that their appearance is indirect evidence of impurity, no especially baleful significance attaches to the presence of these organisms. Sewage, however, has sometimes been observed to contain many annelids. Certain of the protozoa impart characteristic ' tastes ' and * odours ' to water, or render it turbid and unfit for laundry use. Uroglena (a genus of Flagellata) imparts to water an offensive odour resembling that of cod-liver oil. The odour appears to be associated with the disintegration of the colonies. Synura in 1892 was the cause of a ' cucumber odour ' observed in the water supplied to Boston, Massa- chusetts. Peridinium (Fig. 274) has been known to impart to water ' a very ancient and fish-like ' smell ; and the Bryozoon, Pectinatella, has been accused of a similar offence. The spicula of fresh-water sponges are very frequently observed during the microscopical examination of ordinary waters : but they possess no great significance. Passing now to (2) Bacteria, and to (3) Other Forms of Plant Life, a summary here follows of the classes or groups, genera, 1 J. D. Macdonald, 'A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water,' 1883, p. 12. WATER 355 and — in many instances — prominent species, of the fresh- water plants most important to the microscopist of water. MICROSCOPIC FLORA. Division or Group. Class. DIATOMS Diatomese or Diatomacese [Usually amber- coloured or brown, and sometimes called ' Brown Algaj.' Uni- cellular plants, possessing si- liceous cell- walls, sur- rounded by s a r c o d e. Forms very various : often beau ti fully marked. Some motile.] Order, Tribe, or Family. Tr. Raphi- DIE^. [Possessing a distinct raphe or cleft.) Tr. Pseudo- raphidie^ [With a false raphe : a mere line or space.] Tr. Crypto- RAPHIDIEi^. [Without a \ raphe.] Genus. Amphora Cocconeis Cocconema Cymatopleura^ Cymbella Gomphonema Gyrosygma Navicula Pinnularia Pleiirosigma Asterionella- Diatoma Epithemia Eunotia Fragilaria IVIeridion Nitzschia"^ Surirella Synedra VTabellaria Cyclotella Melosira Species. lanceolatum solea Ehrenbergii capita turn amphisbcetia sphceropJioya yiridis grandis attenuatum formosa vulgar e capucina circulare telongata \ sygmoidea [Sigma fulna \miniitissima fenestrata operculata varians / {a) Common Water Bacteria. ■ {b) Patho- genic Bacteria. SCHIZO- PHYCE.^ [Plants propagated by cell-division : Schizomy- cetes (f) Filamen- tous OR Thread- Beggiatoa alba nochlorophyll;or [Lower Fungi : multiply by cell-division.] Bacteria, of (colourless filaments) chlorophyll plus cyanophyll ; or some other pig- especial sig- nificance to Cladothrix dichotovia (colourless filaments) ment.] the water- -l Crenothrix Ki'ihniana examiner. (yellowish-brown filaments, [Fil a m e n t o u s coloured by iron) plants, with- o u t chloro- phyll or re- Leptothrix ochracea (filaments generally colourless) \ lated p i g - ment.] ^ =: Sphindocystis (Hassall). - Genus founded by Dr. A. H. Hassall. 23—2 356 WATER Division or Group. Order, Class Tribe, or Family. Genus. Species. r Cyano- phycese (Blue-green f Anabaena (' circinalis \ flos-aqucB algae) Chroococcus [Unicellular or Hassallia hyssoidea mult icellular plants, often associated by (Bekkel: afterwards Trevisan : later Bornet and Flahault') SCHIZO- PHYCEiE successive cell - division into filaments, or Lyngbya — continued irregular o r spherical mas- ses, containing c h 1 r o p hyll and some other pigment. Colour, blue- green, orange, red, brown, or violet : never ^ bright green. J IVIicrocystis Nostoc Oscillatoria Rivularia Scytonema Sirosiphon ' ^ Fam. Des- MIDIACE^ Closterium f lunula \ accrostim [Unicellular or Cosmarium m u Iticellular, bright green ^ Desmidium colour ; cells divided into Penium Brebissonii two equal halves.] ^Spheerozosma vertehratum TRUE ALG^ Fam. Zyg- NEMACE.^ Mesocarpus- [Plants very vari- [Multicellular ous : some uni- c y 1 i n d r i cai j Spirogyra cellular ; others similar to pro- Chloro- cells, joined and forming Staurocarpus^ tozoa ; others branching com- phycese articulated simple Zygnema plex forms, re- ^ (The true, or threads.] sembling higher planrs. Contain starch and chloro- green, algae) rPalmella phyll. Colour, in Pediastrum Boryanum th= fresh -water Ord. Proto- Protococcus viridis forms, usually green.] COCCOIDE^ ( quadricauda - acutus yobtusus [Unicellular :< Scenedesmus frequent] y grouped into clusters.] Tetraspora Urococcus (Oura- coccus)'^ Ord. VOLVO- [Eudorina Pandorina Volvox elegans CINE^ morum UUnicellular : in \ ^ clusters.] globator ^ Genus allied to the Oscillatoriaceae, named after Dr. A. H. Hassall. - Genus defined and established by Dr. Hassall. 3 Hassall. ir.4r£:A' 357 Order, Division or Group. Class. Tribe or F.^MILY. Genus. Species. r / Ord. Con- fervoide.^ Conferva oerea [M u Iticellular :■ Ulothrix simple or Cladophora Chloro- branched fila- ments.] Chaetophora phyceae— ^ TRUE ALG^ continued Ord. SiPHo- — continued ^ NE.« [Unicellular^ Vaucheria cells tubular, often branched.] ( Ord. Char- r Charoidese ace^ 1 (Stone worts) Chara Nitella '^ ^ / Earn. Sac- Saccharomyces cerevisia charomy- cetes (Yeasts) Zygomy- cetes Mucor miicedo EUMYCETES AsCOMY- (The Higher cetes Aspergillus glaucus Fungi) < \ [With endogen-- (Yellowish-green mould) [Destitute of starch and chlorophyll.] ous spores en- closed in an ascus or sac] Penicillium glancum, etc. (Blue mould ■ Leptomitus [Found in sewers and on the banks of foul streams.! Oomycetes - Saprolegnia ferox [Parasitic on animals or plants in water : the cause of ' salmon \ ^ disease.'] { /Lemna VARIOUS (Duck-weed) PLANTS ' Potamogeton (More highly _ (Pond-weed) organized) Sphagnum ^ V (Bog-moss) It has been stated that bacteria are mostly omitted from this book : but certain bacterial plants known as the filamentous or thread bacteria, presenting superficial resemblances to the Oscillatoriacese, are so especially indicative of a high degree of organic contamination that they are included in the 358 WATER summary, as of almost prime importance to the scientific examiner of water. Many of the plant-forms named in the above summary are of exceedingly common occurrence in water, and only a Hmited number can be regarded as suspicious or objection- able. These latter include the Eumycetes or Higher Fungi (Figs. 268, 271, 273, 280), the hyphae and spores of which (particularly of such forms as Leptomitns) occur more often in sewage than in water : some of the thread bacteria, especially Beggiatoa alba, the presence of which generally indicates sewage contamination,^ Cladothrix, and possibly Leptothrix (Figs. 278, 279, 281, 282) : also certain of the CyanophycecE, or bluish-green water-plants, such as Nostoc, Anabc^na, and the Oscillatoriacece, which can flourish only in stagnant, organically-polluted water. Anabcena is especially objectionable, because it impaits what has been described as a ' pig-pen ' odour ; and a suffocating smell has been attributed to Lyngbya. Beggiatoa is sometimes the cause of an odour of sulphuretted hydrogen. The green water-plants, Chlorophycece, or true Algce (Figs. 268, 271, 273, etc.), are not, as a rule, considered suspicious or hurtful : but some, such as Volvox, and Pan- dorina (Fig. 271), impart a fish-oil odour; and the Desinids (Figs. 273, 277), included in this group, are very often found in surface water, more or less impure. The Diatoinacece, a group of very beautiful microscopic objects, and among the most commonly occurring of aquatic plants, have no hygienic importance; though certain genera, such as Asterionella (Figs. 270, 271, 282), Meridion, and Tabellaria, have been observed to impart an aromatic odour. Many diatoms are represented in the illustrations which follow, notably in Figs. 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 280, and 282. Fossil diatoms are sometimes met with in the sediments of river waters. Fig. 272 shows some examples discovered * Beggiatoa, one of the sulphur-storing fungi, is so commonly occurrent in sewage effluents, where it sometimes chokes the pipes, that it is colloquially termed ' the Sewage Fungus.' See Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal, Interim Report, 1902, for many references to this plant. 11^.^ TER 359 by the author in the deposit from a specimen, submitted to him for analysis, of water from the River Para, Brazil. 4. Fragmental Organic Matters, or Debris. — Among the most offensive objects, of human or animal origin, which have been discovered in water intended for drinking use are : fragments of voluntary or striated muscle- fibre (Figs. 268 and 275 : see also, ante, Fig. ig6, p. 235), probably derived from human or animal dejecta present in sewage ; human hair ; the hairs of animals (Figs. 268, 270, 276, 279); small, non- nucleated epithelial scales from the human cuticle ; and the larger, nucleated scales of epithelium from the buccal and other mucous surfaces. In addition may be mentioned the scales of lepidoptera, and various other "parts of insects ; also the barbs or spikes of feathers. All these objects, entirely foreign to water of average purity, and some of the miOSt self-evident significance, have from time to time been observed. Among the very numerous fragmental vegetable matters, not infrequently to be detected in impure water, are pieces of wood-fibre, and threads of cotton (Fig. 274) and flax, derived from paper : also particles of those cellular and vascular elements of plants, described in other sections of this book — e.g., cuticular, epidermal, and parenchymatous tissues ; scalariform, reticulated, spiral, and other forms of vessels ; the pitted tracheides, or ' discoidal tissue,' of deal and other coniferous woods (see Fig. 122, p. 133) ; phloem, bast, or liber fibres ; multicellular and simple vegetable hairs (Figs. 275 and 276) ; pollen grains (Figs. 123 and 124, under Honey) ; starch-granules (Fig. 275 also Figs. 3, 7, 9, 11, I3» J^5) etc.. Section I.) ; and the cells of saccharomycetes and torulae (Figs. 26 and 27, p. 41). Fragments of the husk of wheat, barley, and oat are by no means uncommon (Figs. 2, 6, and 10, Section I., and Figs. 275, 276, 278, 2S1, this section). 5. Inorganic or Mineral Matter. — Water of great organic purity may contain in suspension a considerable amount of finely divided mineral matter. Clay, marl, chalk, and sand are often present, and impart a characteristic turbidity, dis- 36o WATER appearing only very slowly, in the cases of clay and marl especially, as the liquid gradually becomes clear by the sub- sidence of the floating particles. The cloudiness caused by clay and fine sand is yellowish-white. The microscopical examination of siliceous matter, so deposited, usually reveals many thin, angular, colourless particles (Figs. 272, 278) : sometimes intermingled and liable to be confused with splinters or scales of glass, derived from the vessel or cover- glasses used. Occasionally, fragments of sand exhibit water- worn or rounded outlines : this is more often the case with calcareous and argillaceous particles, of which the first-named are identified by their ready solubility in acids. 6. Manufactured Products. — These comprise numerous kinds of factory or domestic refuse, and may be of animal or vege- table origin. Wool, cotton, hemp-fibres from string, silk threads, fragments of wood, straw (Fig. 278), bran, and the like, are to be found. Some of these have already been mentioned under fragmental organic matters. In conclusion, reference must again be made to the value, in certain cases, of a microscopical examination of the solid residue of the evaporation of water : whether it be crystalline or amorphous ; if the former, the shape of the crystals, how acted upon by reagents, etc. The fifteen figures which follow include representations of the more common forms constituting the plankton, or microscopic fauna and flora, likely to be discovered in water more or less charged with organic matter in a decaying con- dition. Most of the miscellaneous objects, to which allusion has been made, are also figured. The numerous organisms shown (except those in Fig. 272) were present in the unfiltered, or very imperfectly filtered, Thames and other water supplied to London in 1850-55. The nature of the vegetable and animal forms discovered, and of the miscel- laneous matters associated therewith, will be seen to furnish the clearest proofs of the sewage-polluted and repulsive con- dition of the water at that period— now, fortunately, in the ' historic past ; ' and water-sediments, exhibiting similar characteristics, even in far smaller degree, should be con- WATER 361 sidered weighty evidence against the quahty and wholesome- ness of the waters which have yielded them. The classified summaries on pp. 350-352 and 355-357, together with the following illustrations, should be serviceable in the identi- fication of the most common algae, infusoria, Crustacea, and other forms of plankton likely to be met with in specimens of river and shallow-well water. \^F or figures, and names of the objects, see pp. 362-391.] 362 WATER Fig. 268. — Microscopic Fauna and Flora, or Plankton, of Water and miscellaneous debris. [Magjiification of objects in this and the following figures, X 220, unless otherwise stated.] WA TER 363 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). a, a, Paramecium aurelia.^ FLORA. DlATOMACE^. c, Cyclotella opevculata ; g, g, Nitzschia (H assail) linearis, Chlorophyce.e (Alg.e). 6, Pediastrum Boryanum. EuMYCETES (The Higher Fungi). /, Hyphce. MISCELLANEA. d, Animal hair (wool) ; e, Grit and organic debris ; h, Muscle-fibre. X 220. 1 The unicellular organism, Paramecium, is reproduced sexually and asexually. The opposite figure shows a stage of the first-named process ('conjugation') — two pairs of individuals conjugating for the purpose of the fusion of the male and female pronuclei. Fig. 277, p. 380, illustrates in the same genus asexual reproduction, or agamogenesis, the simple transverse fission, or dividing, of one individual organism into two other cells. 364 WATER Fig. 269. — Plankton. WATER 365 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). i, i, Coleps hirhis ; j, Stylonychia histrto ? k, Enchelys nodulosa. ROTIFERA. g, A nurcEa cochlearts ; h, Anurcea aciileata. Entomostraca. h, Daphnia piilex, mas. : 1 d, Daphnia puhx, fern, j *'^* FLORA. D1AT0MACE.E. a J a, Synedra ulna ; c, Cyclotella operculata ; e, Nitzschia (H assail) sigmoidea ; f, Pleurosigma attenuatum, X 220. 366 WATER Fig. 270. — Plankton. WATER 367 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). /, /, Parameciinn chrysalis ; d, Vorticella nehiilifera. Entomostraca. c, Bosmina longirostris. X 100. Nematoidea. b, A ngtcillula fluviatilis. FLORA. Diatomace.e. a, a, Asterionella (Hassall)/or;;zosa e, Plenrosigma atteniiatum ; gf Himantidium undid atiun (?) h, Cymhella Ehrenbergii ; i, Nitzschia Sigma (?) MISCELLANEA. 7, ;, Spicula of fresh-water sponge ; k, Hair of mammal (wool). X 220. 3(^^ WATER Fig. 271. — Plankton. WATER .369 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). a, Paramecium aurelia ; a, a, Panophrys chrysalis ; c, Coleps hirtus ; b, Vorticella convallaria. Nematoidea. 0, Anguillula fluviatilis. FLORA. Diatomace^. /, Navicula amphisbcena ; g, Navictda sphcerophora ; h, h, Asterionella (Hassall)/orwosa; i, Fragilaria capucina. Chlorophyce.e (Alg^). d, Pandorina mormn ; e, Scenedesmus quadricauda. Eumycetes. m, Hyphge. MISCELLANEA. k, Brown active sporules ; /, Stationary green sporules ; n, Organic and earthy matter. X 220. 24 370 WATER Fig. 272. — Deposit from Water of the River ParA, Brazil, containing Fossil Diatoms. [E. G. Clayton, dgl.\ WATER 371 FLORA. DlATOMACE^. b, Cocconema ; c, c, Isthmia(?) ; a, a\ Mastogonia ; dy df Nitzschia ; a, a, Stephanodiscus. MISCELLANEA. e, Sand, and earthy matter. /, Spiculum of sponge. X220. 24 — 2 372 WATER Fig. 273. — Plankton. WATER 373 FAUNA. Rhizopoda. /,/, Actinophrys Sol. ; g, Actinophrys viridis. CiLiATA (Infusoria). c, Euplotes charon ; d, d, Glaucoma scintillans ; e, A mphileptus fasciola. Rotifp:ra. b, Brachionus polyacanthus, Annelida. a, Nais. X 12. FLORA. DiATOMACEtE. Uf Cyclotella operculata ; 0, Nitzschia (H assail) Sigma ; p,pf Synedra minutissirna ; r, Melosira varians ; Vf Pleurosigma attenuatum. Cyanophyce^. tj Tetrapedia (?). Chlorophyce^ (Alg^). h, Pediastrwn Boryanum. X 100. i, Closterium lunula ; k, Scenedesmus quadricauda ; I, Scenedesmus acutus ; m, Scenedesmus obtusus. EUMYCETES. s, HyphcB. MISCELLANEA. u. Organic debris and earthy matter. X (except a, and h) 200. 374 WATER Fig. 274. — Plankton. WATER 375 FAUNA. Mastigophora (Flagellata). m, m, Euglena viridis ; 0, Peridinmm cinctum ; CiLiATA (Infusoria). d^ Paramecium chrysalis. Entomostraca. e, Cyclops quadricornis. X lOO. FLORA. Diatomace^. a, Cyclotella operculata; b, Synedra ulna ; c, Fragilaria capucina; hf Himantidium undulatum (?) ; /", Nitzschia linearis ; /, Cocconema lanceolatum ; n, Pleurosigma attenuahim. CHLOROPHYCEiE (AlG^). g, Pediastrum Boryanum ; k, Scenedesmus quadricauda. MISCELLANEA. i, Fibres of cotton. X 220. 3>7^ WATER Fig. 275. — Plankton etc. WATER 3^7 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). b, Stentor Miilleri ; c, Bursaria vernalis ; d, Paramecium aurelia ; e^ Glaucoma scintillans ; /, Oxytricha gibba ; g, Vorticella convallaria ; h, Coleps hirttis. ROTIFERA. a, Brachiomis amphiceros ; y, Polyarthra platyptera (?). FLORA. DiATOMACE.E. /, Melosira variants ; m, Cyclotella operculata ; 11 J Naviciila arnphisbceiia ; 0, Cymatopletira (W. Smith \) Solea ; p, Nitzschia sigmoidea. CHLOROPHYCE.E (AlG^). i, Pediastrum Boryanum ; k, Scenedesmus acutus. MISCELLANEA. r, Fragments of muscular fibre ; s, Starch granules of wheat ; t. Starch; iiy Husk of wheat ; Wy Hairs of wheat ; Xy Earthy and organic matter. X 220. ^ Genus founded by A. H. Hassall, as Sphinctocystis — a better name than W. Smith's.— E. G. C. 378 WATER Fig. 276. — Plankton, etc. WATER 379 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). b, b, Paramecium aurelia ; j, Panophrys chrysalis ; k, Amphileptus fasciola. Annelida. a, Nais. x 12. FLORA. Diatomace^. c, c, Cyclotella operculata ; /, Nitsschia sigmoidea. Chlorophyce^ (Alg^). d, Ulothrix mucosa ; iy Pediastrum Boryanum. MISCELLANEA. Cf Hair of mammal (wool) ; g, Husk of wheat; h, Hair of wheat. X 220. 38o WATER Fig. 277.— Plankton. WA TER 381 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). a, Paramecium chrysalis ; ^ b, h, Bursaria truncatella ; d, d, Glaucoma scintillans ; h, Holophrya ovum. ROTIFERA. Cf Brachionus pala, FLORA. DlATOMACE^. c, c, Cyclotella operculata ; /, Navicula viridis. Chlorophyce^ (Alg^). g^ g, Closterium acerosum. X 220. 1 The figure shows agamooeuesis, or the asexual reproduction of this organism, by simple transverse fission of the cell. See ante, p. 363. 382 WATER Fig. 278. — Plankton. WATER 383 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). a, a, Paramecium aurelia ; h, h, Glaucoma scintillans ; b, Oxytricha gibha. FLORA. DlATOMACE^. i, Stauroneis acuta (?). SCHIZOMYCETES. e, e, Leptothrix, filaments of. CHLOROPHYCEiE (AlCE). /, SphcerozGsma vertebratum, filament of gf Pcnium Brebissomi. MISCELLANEA. c, Grit, sand, debris, etc. ; d, Fragment of straw. X 220. 334 WATER Fig. 279. WA TER 385 FAUNA. Rhizopoda. e, e, A ctinophrys Eichornii, Mastigophora (Flagellata). k, Anthophysa vegetans. CiLiATA (Infusoria). b, b, Parameciwn chrysalis ; d, d, Oxytricha gibba, ^ /, /, Amphileptus fasciola. Entomostraca. c, Daphnia pidex. X 12. Annelida. a, Nais. X 12. FLORA. DiATOMACE.E. /, Cyclotella operculata ; gj Pleurosigma atteniuitum. y, Amphora ovalis. SCHIZOMYCETES. i, Leptothrix, filaments of. MISCELLANEA. h, Hair of mammal (wool). X 220. 25 386 WATER Fig. 280. WATER 387 FAUNA. Mastigophora (Flagellata). i, Phacus longicaudus. CiLiATA (Infusoria). Cy c, Paramechiin aurelia '; g, Oxytricha gihba ; j, Dileptus folium. FLORA. DlATOMACE^. a, a, Melosira varians ; b, b, Cyclotella operculata ; h, Pleurosigma attemiatwn ; d, Synedra ulna ; k, Cocconema lanceolatum. I, Campy lodisctis costatus. EUMYCETES. Cy Hyphce. MISCELLANEA. /, Spicidum of fresh-water sponge. X 220. 25—2 388 WATER WATER 389 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). a, Paramecium atirelia. a, A mphileptiis fasciola. FLORA. DlATOMACE^. by Nitzschia sigmoidea. dy Himantidium imdulatum ? h, Pleurosigina attenuatum. h Cymatopleura = Sphinctocystis Solea. SCHIZOMYCETES. e, Leptothrix, filaments of. Chlorophyce^ (Alg^). c, c, Ulothrix ; g, g, Conferva cerea, MISCELLANEA. /, ^usk of oat. X 220. 390 WATER Fig. 282, WATER 391 FAUNA. CiLiATA (Infusoria). ^, Vorticella nebulifera ; c, Paramecium aiirelia ; i, Glaucoma scintillans. FLORA. DiATOMACE.E. b, Asterionella formosa ; d, Synedra idna ; Cj Himantidium undulatum ? gj Fragilaria capticina ; h, Melosira varians, SCHIZOMYCETES. /, Leptothrix, filaments of. X 220. GLOSSARY. GLOSSARY Achene : a monospermal, one-celled, hard, dry fruit ; indehiscent, and separate from the integuments of the seed. Acicular : needle-shaped. Aggregate, Aggregation : a combination into a cluster, of crystals or starch-grains. A.leurone : granular and crystalloid proteid matter, occurring in seeds. Aleurone Cells : usually, cells containing aleurone ; in the cereal grains, cells containing fat-globules surrounded by proteid matter. Alveoli (plural of Alveolus) : regular superficial cavities. Amylodextrin : an amorphous, gummy substance, intermediate between starch and dextrin. Anastomosing : uniting, so as to form a network. Anisodiametric : possessing unequal diameters. Areolae (plural of Areola) : separate areas or spaces on a surface. Arillus, or Aril : an additional covering or appendage to a seed, known as the seed-mantle. Ascospore : a spore contained within an ascus. Ascus : a sac ; a species of fungal spore-case. Bast : fibre composed of greatly elongated cells, forming the outer part of a fibro-vascular bundle in a stem. Bast Cells ( ^^^ick-walled flexible cells of great length, tapering to a Bast Fibres i poii^t at each extremity, forming the outer fibrous ( portion (liber or phloem) of a fibro-vascular bundle. Bract : a modified leaf attached to a flower-stalk. Bractiole : a smaller bract beneath a separate flower. Cambium : the middle part of a fibro-vascular bundle. Carpel : a pistil, or component of a pistil. Cell-Bridges : bridges of communication between adjacent cells, a-, in involuntary muscle-fibre. Chlamydospore : the brood cell, resting cell, or gcuiina of a fungus. Chromatophore : a pigment granule. Cleistocarp : the closed vessel investing the asci of a fungus. Cocci : a group of bacteria. CoUenchyma : tissue in which the angles of the cell-walls are thickened. Colostrum : milk first secreted after parturition. Columella : the pillar occupying the centre of a fungal sporangium. 395 396 GLOSSARY Conidiophore : a mycelial branch, bearing conidia. Conidium (plural, Conidia) : a fungal unicellular reproductive body. Cortex : rind or bark. Cotyledon : the embryonic lobe, or first embryonic leaf of a plant. Crenate : provided with marginal curved indentations. Cross Cells : cells with the major axes transversely disposed. Crystal Clusters, Crystal Rosettes: aggregations of crystals, usually non-acicular. Curcumin : the orange-yellow colouring matter of turmeric. Dissepiment : a partition or division of the ovary. Distal : terminal, or remote from the central portion of an organ. Drupe : a fruit consisting of a monospermal carpel, fleshy externally, ligneous within. Drupelet : a little drupe. Embryo : the rudimentary plantlet present in the seed. Endocarp : the innermost stratum of the pericarp, nearest to the seed. Endoderm : the inner cell-layer or layers in a seed coat. Endosperm : the protein produced within the embryo-sac. Endospore : a spore formed within the fruit-bearing organ of a fungus. Epicarp : the outermost coating of the pericarp. Epidermis : the surface cell-layer of plants. Eumycetes : the higher fungi. Exospore : see Conidium. Fasciculi : little bundles or packets. Fence Cells : parallel-walled, elongated cells, disposed perpendicularly to a surface, so as to resemble a wooden fence or paling. Fibril, Fibrilla : a minute fibre. Fibro -vascular Bundle : a sheaf of fibres and vessels. Filiform : thread-like. Gemma (plural, Gemma') : see CJilamydosporc. Glandular Hair : one provided with a gland or cellular secreting organ. Gluten Cells : aleurone cells (which see). Hassallian Bodies : elongated bodies, first observed by Dr. A. H. Hassall in the cacao-bean (pp. loi, 105). Sometimes called ' Mits- cherhchian bodies,' from the supposed discoverer, A. Mitscherlich. Hesperidin : a glucoside present in the orange. Hilum : the cavit}' or mark characterizing many starch-granules ; the organic centre of a granule, or portion which was at first formed. Hyaline : colourless or transparent ; glass-like. Hypha : the filament or thread of a fungus. Hypbomycetes : filamentous fungi ; also used as a synonym for Eumy- cetes (which see). Hypoderm : the cells just beneath the epidermis. Imbricated : overlapping. Indehiscent : without regular openings. GLOSSARY 397 Intercellular Space : a non-cellular cavity among the cells. Internode : the space between two nodes of a plant-stem. Isodiametric : of equal diameters. Lacuna (plural, Lacuiuv) : see Iiiicrcclhilar Space. Lamina : the flat or extended part of a leaf. Latex Tubes ( ramiiied and anastomosing ducts, containing the Laticiferous Tubes 1 latex, or milky juice, of many plants. Liber : see Bast Lumen : the cavity of a cell. Medullary Rays : lines radiating from the centre to the bark. Mericarp : one carpel, or monospermal section of a fruit, consisting of several monospermal carpels. Mesocarp : the middle part of the pericarp. Mesophyll : the central or internal parenchyma of a leaf. Micrococcus: a genus of bacteria, of a spherical or nearly spherical form. Midrib : the most prominent vein or nerve in a leaf. Mitscherlichian Bodies : the multicellular hairs of the cacao-bean : see Hassalliaii Bodies. Mycelium : the matted hyphag of a fungus. Nuclei : spheroidal or oval granular bodies within fibres or cells. Nucleoli : granular specks within nuclei. Oidia : chains of cells into which fungal mycelium is sometimes converted. Oil Cells : cells containing essential oil, or fat oil. Paling Cells ) „ ^ „ Palisade Cells r^^^^"^^'^^'^^^- Parenchyma : cellular tissue composed of large more or less thin- walled cells. Parietes : the walls of a cell or cavity. Peduncle : a stalk. Pericarp : the fruit-coat enveloping the seed or seeds. Perisperm : tissue in a seed developed from the body of the ovule. Perithecium : the receptacle in which the asci are formed in certain fungi. Phloem : see Basi. Pigment Cells : cells charged with colouring matter. Placenta : the portion of the ovary to which the ovule is attached. Planktology : the study of plankton. Plankton : the minute, floating organisms in water. Polygonal : possessing many angles. Proglottides (plural of Proglottis) : the segments or joints of Taenia solium and allied organisms. Prosenchyma : tissue composed of greatly elongated or fusiform cells, with tapering extremities applied to each other. Raphides : acicular cr3'stals occurring in cells, especially of roots. Reticulated Vessel : a vessel or duct possessing ridges and depressions or pores, which give a net-like appearance. 398 GLOSSARY Rhizome : an underground, or partly underground, horizontal stem often branched, and with rootlets beneath. Rootstock : see Rhizome. Saprophytic : subsisting on dead organic matter. Sarcolemma : a sheath enclosing muscle-libre. Scalariform: applied to vessels having ladder-like bars or markings. Schizomycetes : fission-fungi. Sclerenchyma : cellular tissue, consisting of cells with thickened walls, often with pores. Sclerotium : the compacted or hard myccUiiiu of a fungus. Sclerous or Sclerotic Cells : cells with thickened walls — e.g., stone cells. Seed Coat : the shell, husk, or covering of a seed, developed from the outer part of the ovule. Septa : partitions or dissepiments. Septate : divided by partitions. Spermoderm : see Seed Coat. Spermophore : a prominence bearing seeds. Sphacelia : the light-coloured conidial modification of Claviceps purpurea (Ergot;. Sphseraphides, Spherocrystals : spherical aggregates of acicular crystals. Sporangiophore : a hypha bearing a sporangium or spore-case. Sporangium : the spore-case of a fungus. Stellate Cells : usually {a) star-shaped parenchyma cells, like those in the mesocarp of the orange ; sometimes {b) sclerotic cells, the walls of which show radial pores, imparting a star-like aspect. Sterigmata (plural of Sterigma) : elongated protuberances which develop into spores. Stomata (plural of Stoma) : the breathing pores in epiderniiil cell-layers. Stone Cells : see Stellate Cells. Strobili (plural of Strobilus) : imbricated scaly inflorescences. Suber : cork. Teleutospores : winter spores of the Uredinea', or Rust Fungi. Testa : see Seed Coat. Thalamus : the receptacle at the top of the peduncle of a flower. Thallus : the vegetative body of the lower plants. Tracheides ^ T h 'r\ Migi^eous vessels, elongated, and with transverse partitions. Tracheae : see Vessels. Uredospores : summer spores of the Uredinea^, or Rust Fungi. Utricle : a little cavity, sac, or cell. Vessels : ligneous tubes or ducts present in tlie fibro-vascular bundles. Vittae (plural of Vitta) : oil-ducts. Wood Fibre : see Xylem. Xylem : thick-walled prosenchymatous cells, or wood-fibres, forming the inner portion of a fibro-vascular bundle. BIBLIOGRAPHY. WORKS RELATING TO FOOD, CHIEFLY THOSE DEALING PROMINENTLY OR SOLELY WITH METHODS OF MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION. INCLUDED ARE SQUARE - BRACKETED REFERENCES TO CERTAIN EARLIER WORKS, IN WHICH THE MICROSCOPE WAS ENTIRELY, OR ALMOST ENTIRELY, NEGLECTED. [1820. AccuM, F. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons.] [i8;;i. Williams, J. D. Deadly Adulteration and Slow Poisoning; or, Disease and Death in the Pot and the Bottle.] 1843. Dl'Jardix, F. Nouveau Manuel complet de I'observateur a.i Microscope . . . accompagne d'un Atlas. Paris. [1844. Gakxikr, J. J. ].. and Harel, C. Des Falsifications des Sub- stances Alimentaires. Paris.] 1844. DoxxE, A. Cours de Microscopic. Paris. 1845. DoxxE, A., and Foucault, L. Atlas . . . Microscope-daguerreo- type. Paris. [1848. Mitchell, J. Treatise on the Falsifications of Food.] 1848. Quekett, J. T. A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope. [Second edition, 1852.] [1850. XoRMAXDY, A. R. The Commercial Handbook of Chemical Analysis.] 1850. Quekett, J. T. Descriptive Catalogue . . . Histological Series . . . College of Surgeons. [Tissues of Vegetables.] [1850. Chevallier, J. B. A. Dictionnaire des Alterations et Falsifica- tions des Substances Alimentaires, Medicamenteuses et Com- merciales.] Paris. Later editions, 1875 (with E. Baudrimont), 1878, 1882 (sixth edition). 1852-54. Quekett, J. T. Lectures on Histology. 1851-52-53-54. Hassall, a. H. Series of Reports on the Adulteraticn of Food, Drink, and Drugs. [Published in Tlie Lancet under the title of the 'Analytical Sanitary Commission.'] 401 26 402 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1855. Hassall, a. H. Food and its Adulterations. [1855. HuREAUX, J. P. Histoire des Falsifications des Substances Alimentaires et Mddicamenteuses.] Paris. 1856. etc. Klexcke, p. F. H. Die Verfalschung der Nahrungsmittel und Getranke. Leipzig. 1857. Hassall, A. H. Adulterations Detected in Food and Medicine. 1859. MiTSCHERLicH, A. Der Cacao und die Chocolade. Berlin. 1861. Hassall, A. H. Adulterations Detected in Food and Medicine. Second edition. 1872. vox VoGL, A. E. Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche. Vienna. 1873. VoELCKEK, A. On the Characters of Pure and Mixed Linseed Cakes. 1871-74. Hassall, A. H. Food, Water, and Air : A Sanitary Journal. 1876. Hassall, A. H, Food : Its Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection. 1877. Hehxek, O., and Axgell, A. Butter : Its Analysis, etc. [Earlier edition in 1874.] 1877. Axgell, A. The Microscopical Structure of certain Fruits and Roots to be met with in the Jams and Preserves of Commerce. 1879-1907. Allex, a. H. Commercial Organic Analysis.^ 1882. Haxausek, E. Anatomische, Physikahsche, und Chemische Verhaltnisse der Pflanzenkorper, mit . . . Technologic. Vienna. 1881-83. Bell, J. The Analysis and Adulteration of Foods. 1884. Haxausek, T. F. Die Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche. 1886. ScHiMPER, A. F. W. Anleitung zur Mikroskopischen Unter- suchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Jena. [Second edition, 1900.] 1886. MoELLER, J. Mikroskopie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche. Berlin. [Second edition, 1905.] 1887. Dam:sier, O. lUustriertes Lexikon der Verfalschungen und Verunreinigungen der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Leipzig. 1889. TscHiRCH, A. Angewandte Pflanzenanatomie. Leipzig. 1885. Claytox, E. G. Mixtures of Malt Extract with Certain Fixed Oils. [Analyst, 1885.] 1 89 1. Parkf;s, E. a. a Manual of Practical Hygiene. Edited by J. Lane N otter. 1891. Mace, K. Les Substances Alimentaires Etudides au Microscope. Paris. 1892. Grieeiths, W. ■ The Principal Starches used as Food. ^ This monumental and splendid work treats far more of chemical than microscopic methods of analysis, but it is impossible to omit it from a list of books on the investigation of food. — E. G. C. WORKS RELATING TO FOOD 403 1894. GiRARD, C, et DuPRE, A. Analyse cles Matieres Alimeiitaires et recherche de leurs Falsitications. [Vol. xci., tome x,, of E. Fremy's ' Encyclopedic Chimique.'] Paris. 1894. Rupp, G. Die Untersuchiingvon Nahrun^smitteln. Heidelberg. 1895. Meyer, A. Untersuchungen iiber die Starke Korner. Jena. i^95"97- Heret, L. Dictionnaire des Alterations et Falsifications des Substances Alimentaires. [Seventh edition of A. Chevallier's and K. Baudrimont's work.] 1896. Malfatti, Jos. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Birn- und Apfel- frucht. Ztsch. f. Nahrungsmittel Untersuchung, Hygiene und Waarenkunde, 265, 297, 313, 329. 1896. NoTTER, J. L., and Firth, R. H. The Theory and Practice of of Hygiene. 1900. Galt, H. The Microscopy of the more commonly occurring Starches. 1893-1900. TscHiRCH, A., and Oesterle, O. Anatomischer Atlas der Pharmakognosie und Nahrungsmittelkunde. Leipzig. 1900. ViLLiERS, A., and Collin, E. Traitd des Alterations et Falsifica- tions des Substances Alimentaires. Paris. 1901. Haxausek, T. F. Lehrbuch der technischen Mikroskopie. Stuttgart. 1901. Meyer, A. Die Grundlagen und die Methoden fiir die Mikro- skopische Untersuchung von PHanzenpulvern. Jena. 1903. Blyth,A. W. Foods: Their Composition and Analysis. [Earlier editions, 1879, 1882, 1888, 1896.] 1903. Greexish, H. G. The Microscopical Examination of Foods and Drugs. 1903. ScHXEiDEMtJHL, G. Die AnimaHschen Nahrungsmittel. [Flesh parasites very fully described.] Berlin. 1904. Greexish, H. G., and Collix, E. An Anatomical Atlas of Vegetable Powders. 1904. Leach, A. E. Food Inspection and Analysis. New York. 1904. Claytox, E. G. Roasted Beetroot. [Analyst, 1904.] 1905. MoELLER, J. Mikroskopie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreiche. Berlin. 1906. KoxiG, J. Die Untersuchung landwirtschaftlich und gewerblich wichtiger Stoffe. Berlin. Third edition. 1906. WiXTOx, A. L. The Microscopy of Vegetable Foods. New York. 1907. Haxausek, T. F. The Microscopy of Technical Products. Translated by A. L. Winton. New York. 1907. Wiley, H. W. Foods and their Adulteration. 1908. Hager, H., — Mez, C. Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. Berlin. 26 — 2 404 BIBLIOGRAPHY WORKS RELATING LARGELY OR CHIEFLY TO ENDOPARASITES. 1824. Bremser, J. G. Traite Zoologiquc ct Physiologiquc sur les vers Intestinaux de riiomme. Translated from German into French by M. Grundler. [And Atlas.] Paris, 1845. DuJARDix, F. Histoire Xaturelle des Helminthes 011 vers Intestinaux. [And Atlas.] Paris. 1873. CoBBOLD, T. S. The Internal Parasites of our Domestic Animals. 1863-76. Leuckart, R. Die Menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herriihrenden Krankheiten. Leipzig and Heidelber*^. 1882. CoBBOLD, T. S. Human Parasites. 1885. CoBBOLD, T. S. The Parasites of Meat and Prepared Flesh Foods. 1886. Leuckart, R. The Parasites of Man. Translated by W. E. Hoyle. 1889. MoxiEZ, R. Les Parasites de I'homme (animaux et vdgetaux). Paris. 1 879- 190 1. Leuckart, R. Die Parasiten des Menschen und die von ihnen herriihrenden Krankheiten. Erster Band . . . Xach dem Tode des Verfassers zu Ende ,ifefuhrt von . . . G. Brandes. Leipzig and Heidelberg. 1896. MoxiEZ, R. Traite de Parasitologic animale et vegetale appliquee a la medecine. Paris. 1903. ScHXEiDEMUHL, G. Die Animalischen Nahrungsmittel. Berlin. 1906. Mechxikov, Il'ya. The New Hygiene. WORKS DEVOTED PARTLY OR ENTIRELY TO THE MICROSCOPICAL FAUNA AND FLORA OF FRESH WATER AND SEWAGE. 1838. Ehrexberg, .C. G. Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Leipzig. 1845. Hassall, a. H. a History of the British Fresh-water Alg:e. 2 vols. 1850. Hassall, A. H. A Microscopic Examination of the Water supplied to London and the Suburban Districts. 1854. Hassall, A. H. Reports containing the Results of the Micro- scopical Examination of Different Waters, principally those used in the Metropolis . . . during the Cholera Epidemic in 1854. [General Board of Health.] PHARMACOGNOSTIC AND GENERAL 405 1857. Hassall, a. H. Report on the Microscopical Examination of the MetropoHtan Water-Supply. [General Board of Health.] 1857. Hassall, A. H. Report, Microscopical and Chemical, on the Water of the Serpentine. [General Board of Health.] 1858. Hassall, A. H. Microscopical Report on the Thames Water at Richmond. [Embodied in ' A Letter to the Churchwardens of Richmond, Surrey, having Reference . . . more especially to the Water-Supply,' by Richard Hassall, M.D.] 1871. Bkll, J. Microscopical Examination of Water for Domestic Use. Monthly Microscopical Journal, vol. v., p. 163. 1883. Macdoxald, J. D. A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. Second edition. 1891-95. KiRCHXER, O., and Blochmaxx, F. Die Mikroskopische Pflanzen- und Tierwelt des Siisswassers. Braunschweig. 1894. ZuxE, A. J. Traitc d'Analyse Chimiquc, Micrographique et Microbiologique des Eaux Potables. Paris and Brussels. 1895. TiEMAXX, F., and Gartxer, A. Die Chemische und Mikro- skopisch - Bakteriologische 'Untersuchuug des Wassers. Braunschweig. Fourth edition. 1895. Hexsex, V. Methodik der Untersuchungen bei der Plankton- Expedition. Kiel and Leipzig. 1898. Mez, Carl. Mikroskopische Wasseranalyse. Berlin. 1899. Whipple, G. C. The Microscopy of Drinking Water. New York. 1899. Pearmaix,T. H., and Moor, C.G. Chemical and Biological Analysis of Water. [Part U. of 'The Analysis of Food and Drugs.'] 1899. DiHDix, W. J. The Purification of Sewage and Water. Third edition, 1903. 1902. Rideal, S. Water and its Purification. An earlier edition in 1896. 1902-1904. Reports and Evidence of the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal. WORKS MAINLY CONCERNED WITH THE MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF DRUGS. 1855. Hassall, A. H. On the Adulteration of Annatto. [Paper read before the Pharmaceutical Society.] 1856. Hassall, A. H. On the Adulteration of Liquorice. [Paper read before the INIedical Society of London.] 1887. vox VoGL, A. K. Anatomischer Atlas zur Pharmakognosie. Vienna and Leipzig. 4o6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1892. MoELLER, J. Pharmakognostischer Atlas. Berlin. 1892. Haxausek, T. E. Die Safranfalschungen. Vienna. 1893. CoLLix, E. Guide Pratique pour la Determination des Poudres Officinales. 1893-1900. TscHiRCH, A., and Oesterle, O. Anatomischer Atlas der Pharmakognosie und Nahrungsmittelkunde. Leipzig. 1895-96. Plaxchox, F. G., et Collix, E. Les Drogues Simples d'Origine Vegetale. Paris. 1903. Greexish, H. G. The Microscopical Examination of Foods and Drugs. 1904. Greexish, H. G., and Collix, E. An Anatomical Atlas of Vegetable Powders. WORKS ON GENERAL MICROSCOPY. 1859. Hartixg, p. Das Mikroskop. Translated from Dutch into German by F. \V. Theile. Braunschweig. 1867. Wiesxer, J. Einfiihrungin die technische Mikroskopie. Vienna. 1878. Beale, L. S. The Microscope in Medicine. Fourth edition. 1878. Vax Heurck, H. Le Microscope, sa Construction, son maniement et son application a I'anatomie vegetale . . . Third edition. Brussels. 1893. Vax Heurck, H, The Microscope : Its Construction and Management. Translated by W. E. Baxter. 1901. Carpexter, W. B., and Dallixger, \V. H. The Microscope and its Revelations. 1903. Cross, M. I., and Cole, M. J. Modern Microscopy. T905. Laxkester, E. Half-Hours with the Microscope. 1905. WixsLOW, C. E. A. Elements of Applied Microscopy. New York and London. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Dr. A. H. Hassall . . . Facing iitlc-page FIG. PAGE 1. Grain of Wheat (Transverse Section), x 200 . 2. Grain of Wheat (Longitudinal Section), x 200 3. Wheat Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma), x 420 4. Wheat Starch (Raw, and Altered by Heat), x 400 . 5. Grain of Barley (Transverse Section of Pericarp, Testa, and Surface of Kernel), x 200 .... 6. Barley (View of Surface of Grain), x 200 7. Barley Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma), x 420 8. Grain of Rye (Vertical and Transverse Sectional Views of External Portion), x 220 .... 9. Rye Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Cells), x 420 10. Grain of Oat (Transverse and Longitudinal Sections), x 200 11. Oat Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Parenchyma), x 420 12. Grain of Maize, x 100, 200, and 500 13. Indian Corn Flour (Starch Granules and Starch Cells), x 420 14. Husk of Rice, x 220 ..... 15. RicQ Flour (Starch Granules and Compound Grains). X420 16. Bean Flour. X420 ..... 17. Wheat Flour, adulterated with Bean Flour, x 420 18. Potato Flour, x 220 ..... 19. Wheat Flour, adulterated with Rice, x 420 20. Barley Flour, x 420 ..... 21. Wheat Flour, admixed with Maize Flour. X420 22. Cones Flour, admixed with Rice and Bean Flours, x 225 23. Oatmeal, adulterated with Barley Meal. X450 24. Grain of Durrha (Investing Membranes, Substance of Grain, and Starch Granules), x 100, 200, and 500 . . 37 25. Wheaten Bread, with an Admixture of Potato, x 420 . 39 26. Bvewevs' YeTiS^t {Saccli a roiJiyccs). x 220 . . 41 27. Patent Yeast {SaccJiaroniyccs). x 220 . . . 41 28. Moulds, Mycelial Fungi, or Hyphomycetes, resembling Oidiiini cLiid Monilia. x circa 120 . . . . -4.3 409 4IO LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. *'AGK 29. A Mould : Mycelium, with Gemmie, of Species of Dcuiatiuni. X 100 ........ 43 30. A Common Mould: PcniciUiiim Glaucitm, showing Branching Hyphas, Fructification by Conidia, Conidiophores, and Exospores. x 150 . . . . . . 44 31. A Common Mould: Miicor Miiccdo, fully developed, showing Globular Sporangia and Endospores. x 95 and circa 200 . 44 32. Another Species of Miicor {M. Rouxii f), showing IVIycelium, H^'pha?, and Sporangia . . . . -45 33. Tilldia triiici=T. caries (Bunt, Smut Bolls, Smut Balls, Stink- ing Smut, or Pepper Brand). X420 . . -49 34. Ustilago Iiordci (Smut, or Dust Brand), x 420 . . 49 35. Wheat infested with Rust (the Credo riibigo stage of develop- ment of P//a7///(? ^i^'n/;////7/i). X420 . . -50 36. Puccinia gramiiiis (Black Rust), Different Stages, x 500 . 50 37. Ergot {Claviceps purpurea), x 420 and 670 . . -51 38. Eurotium repeiis = Eiirotiiiin aspcrgilliis glaiiciis (De Bary) : a Yellow or Green Mould. X420 . . . ■ 5^ -^i). Eiiroiiiim aspergiUus glaiicus. x circa y^^o . . -5^ 40. Pt'/z/d//////;/ .(,^/^n/(//m (Green or Blue Mould), x 220 . . 53 41. Seed of LoUiim icmuleutum, or Bearded Darnel. Surface View and Cross-Section ( x 200), with Starch Aggregations and Granules ( x 500) . . . . . -55 42. TylencJius tritici = AngiiiUuJa iritici : Ear Cockles, Purples, or Peppercorn, x 100 . . . . -57 43. Tyroglyphiis siro = Acariis fariiuv : Meal Mite, x 75 . -57 44. Glycipliagiis pliiiiiiger = Acanis pliimiger, the Feathered Mite. X220 ........ 58 45. The Wheat Midge (Cecidoniyia tritici). Greatly magnified . 59 46. The Granary Weevil (Calandra granaria). Much enlarged . 59 47. Maranta, or West Indian Arrowroot, x 240 . . .62 48. Canna, or Tons les mois Arrowroot, x 225 . . . 62 49. Curcuma, or East Indian Arrowroot, x 240 . . . 63 50. Tacca, Tahiti, or Otaheite Arrowroot, x 220 . . -63 51. Manihot, or Brazilian Arrowroot, x 225 . . .66 52. Potato, or British Arrowroot, x 220 .... 66 53. Maize Arrowroot, or Corn Flour, x 420 . . ■ ^V 54. Rice Arrowroot, x 420 . . . . . • ^>7 55. Arum, or Portland Arrowroot, x 240 . . . .68 56. Sago Starch, as seen in Sago Meal and Flour, x 225 . -71 57. Sago Starch, altered by Heat, as seen in Granulated Sago, x 225 71 58. Factitious Sago, composed of Potato Flour, x 225 . . 72 59. Tapioca Starch, unaltered, as seen in the Meal or Flour (Manihot, or Brazilian Arrowroot), x 225 . . -75 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOXS 411 FIG. PAGE 60. Tapioca Starch, altered by the Heat used in its Preparation, as seen in Granulated Tapioca, x 225 61. * Grape Nuts.' x 100 ..... 62. ' Force.' x 100 ...... 63. A Proprietary Food composed of Wheat, Potato, Maize, and Tapioca, x 200 ..... 64. Proprietary Food, composed of Lentil and Maize or Corn Flour, X 200 ....... 65. Similar Food, consisting of Lentil and Barley, x 200 66. Chestnut, x 420 ...... 67. Brazil Nut. x 140 ..... 68. Unroasted Coffee- Berry, x 140 69. Unroasted Coffee-Berry. x 140 70. Roasted Coffee-Berry. x 140 . 71. Roasted Coft'ee (Ground), x 140 72. Coft'ee and Chicory, x 140 .... 73. Coffee adulterated with Chicory and Roasted Wheat, x 140 74. Coffee, together with Chicory and Roasted Beans, x 140 75. Coff'ee, Chicory, and Ground Acorn, x 140 76. Mangold Wurzel : Cells of Root, x 140 77. Coff'ee admixed with Chicory and IMangold Wurzel. x 140 78. Lupine Seeds, Roasted and Ground, x 140 79. Roasted Chicory : the Parenchyma Cells of which it is chiefly constituted, x 140 ..... 80. Roasted Chicory : showing ParencliN'ma Cells, dotted, pitted, or interrupted Spiral Vessels, and Wood Fibres, x 140 81. Chicory : Laticiferous Tubes, x 140 82. Chicory and Roasted Wheat Flour, x 140 83. Chicory and Ground Acorn, x 140 84. Oak - Bark Powder : Wood Fibres, Stone Cells, Wood Parenchyma, and Crystals, x 140 . 85. ' Croats,' a species of Tan-Bark used for Fuel : showing Reticulated Vessels, Crystals, and Parenchyma, x 140 86. Cocoa : Tubular Fibres of the Pericarp, observed on th( Surface of the Husk or 'Shell.' x 100 87. Cocoa : Outer Membranes of Shell, x 220 88. Cocoa : Rounded Cells, Fibres, and Spiral Vessels, constituting Deeper Part of Husk, x 220 89. Cocoa: Membranes of the Perisperm, showing the Hassallian Bodies, x 220 ..... 90. Cocoa : Cells forming the Substance of the Cotyledons, with the contained Starch Granules, x 220 and 500 91. Pure Trinidad Cocoa (Decorticated and Pulverized), x 220 92. Pure Flaked Cocoa (Ground), x 220 . 109 III IT2 the Upper 112 the Nether X 350 113 113 412 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. I'AGK 93. A so-called 'Soluble' Cocoa, mixed with Potato Starch. X 220 ........ 107 94. ' Homoeopathic' Cocoa, containing Sago Starch, x 220 . 107 95. Another ' Soluble ' Cocoa, mixed with Potato and Sago Starches, x 220 . . . . . .108 96. ' Homoeopathic ' Cocoa, containing Tons les mois Arrowroot, and Tapioca, x 220 . . . . . .109 97. So - called * Genuine Unadulterated Chocolate,' containing Tapioca, Maranta, and Curcuma Arrowroots, with Maize and Potato Starches, x 220 98. Leaves of China Tea .... 99. Leaf of Assam Tea .... 100. Tea-leaf (Upper Surface), showing Cells of Epidermis, x 350 . loi. Tea-leaf (Under Surface), showing Cells of Epidermis, Stomata, and a Portion of a Hair. 102. Tea-leaf : Upper and Under Surfaces, x 420 . 103. Leaves which have been used in Admixture with, or as Substitutes for, Tea (C///onr/;/////<> inconspiciiiis and Camellia Sasanqiia . . . . . . • nS 104. Portions of Leaves of Camellia Sasainjiia, found in Sample of Twankay. X420 . . . . . .116 105. Leaf of Plum {Pniiiiis domestica), found in Sample of Twankay. X420 . . . . . . . • 117 106. Leaf of Willow^ ; Leaf of Poplar . . . .118 107. Leaf of Plane ; Leaf of Oak . . . . .118 108. Leaves of Hawthorn, Sloe-tree, Beech, Elder, and Elm . 119 109. Foreign Leaf and other Extraneous Bodies in a China Tea of low quality, mainly composed of ' Lie-Tea.' x 350 . 122 no. 'Lie-Tea.' X420. ...... 122 111. Imitation Caper or Gunpowder Tea. X350 . . . 123 112. A Tea ' Economizer ': Sumach and Catechu. X350 . . 123 113. A Rival ' Economizer': Catechu and Flour, x 350 . . 124 1 14. Sugar Cane, Longitudinal Section : Fragment from near the Centre of the Stem, showing Parenchymatous Cells and a Fibro- Vascular Bundle, x 100 . . . .128 115. Sugar Cane, Longitudinal Section, showing Structure of the two Kinds of Vessels, and the Cells constituting the Wood Fibre, x 200 . ..... 128 116. Sugar Cane: Epidermal Layers, in Surface View: showing Stone Cells, and Elongated Cells, x 200 .129 117. Crystals of Cane Sugar, x 100 . . . . .129 118. Glycipltagiis, or Acanis Saccliari: the Sugar Mite. Ova and Young. X 200 . . . . . -131 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 413 FIG. I'AGK 119. Glyciphagiis of Medium Size, Alive and Crawling on a Fragment of Cane, x 200 . . . . -131 120. Glycip/icJgns which has nearly attained Fall Development ; as it frequently appears when Dead, x 200 . . 132 121. Spores of a Fungus, probably a Species of Tonila, found in Brown Sugar, x 420 . . . . -133 122. Fragment of Deal, or Pine-wood, Abies cxccisa, probably derived from Casks or other Vessels : showing the characteristic tracheides with bordered pits, or so-called ' discoidal tissue.' x 200 ..... 133 123. Honey: showing Crystals and Pollen Granules, x 225 . 135 124. Honey: shown by the Pollen Granules present to have been collected chiefly from a Heath, x 225 . . . 136 125. Honey, Adulterated with Cane Sugar : the thick, irregular Crystals are the Added Sugar, x 200 . . -137 125. Seeds of various Fruits : raspberry, gooseberry, white currant, black currant, strawberry, and iig . . . .140 127. Apple : epidermis, x 180 . ' . . . .141 128. Apple : parenchyma, x 100 ..... 141 129. The Pear : Stone Cells, and radiating Parenchyma Cells, x 150 142 130. The Quince : Stone Cells, and Parenchyma, x 150 . . 142 131. The Banana : Parench^'ma of Mesocarp ; Starch ; Epicarp ; and Hypoderm. x 150 and 230 . . . -144 132. Red Currant : sclerenchymatous cells of the endocarp. x 150 146 133. The Gooseberry : epicarp, with prickles, and epidermis of calyx, with hairs, x 40 and 150 .... 146 134. The Strawberry : epidermal cells ; and epidermis of spermo- derm. x 150 ....... 146 135. The Cherry: pulp cells, with raphides and sph:eraphides. X 150 ........ 146 136. The Fig : epidermis of the receptacle, with hairs and a hair- scar : also, cells of hypoderm, with aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals, x circa 1^0 .... 148 137. The Date : cells of epidermis of spermoderm ; and endo- spermal cells, x 200 and circa 150 . . . .148 138. Orange Marmalade, containing Apple or Turnip, x 100 . 150 139. Orris 'Root' (the rhizome of Iris Germanica, etc.): epidermis, starch, crystals, and rootlet, x 100, 200, and 500 . -153 149. Turnip : epidermis, x 180 . . . . -155 141. Turnip : parenchyma, x circa 100 . . . -155 142. Beetroot : vessels and parenchyma, x 150 . . . 156 143. Vegetable Marrow: parenchyma, spiral vessels, and starch. X circa 150 . . . . . . -156 144. Carrot : vessels, with side junctions, wood fibre, and parenchyma, x 150 . . . . . -156 414 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS [■AGE 145. Rhubarb : cylindrical cells, spiral vessels, and crystals, x 100 156 146. Tomato : epicarp ; and section of seed, x circa 180 and 150 . 158 147. White Mustard Seed. Outer Membrane of Hexagonal Mucilage Cells ; One shown in Section, x 220 . . . 162 148. White Mustard Seed in Surface View. Middle Layer of Husk, and Outer Layer of Seed Substance, x 220 . . 162 149. White Mustard. Substance of the Seed, Ground, x 220 . 163 i:;o. Black Mustard. Surface View of the Principal Structures. X 220 ........ 163 151. Ground Mustard, admixed with Wheaten Flour and Turmeric. X225 165 152. Ground Mustard, admixed with Wheaten Flour, Turmeric, and Cayenne Pepper, x 225 .... 165 153. Husk of Seed, probably Brassica Bcsscriaiia, found in Imported Rape Cake, x 220 . . . . . .168 154. Charlock Seed. X220 . . . . . .168 155. Common Rape Seed, x 220 and 325 .... 169 156. Husk of Seed described as East Indian Rape, probably Pasdi, or PcilM^gi {Brassica riigosa). x 220 . . .170 157. Pepper-Berry (Section), x 80 . . . . -^75 158. Pepper-Berry. Part of Cortex viewed on Surface, x 120 . 175 159. Cortex of Pepper-Berry. Portion of Oil-bearing Layer of Cells. X 120 . . . . . . .176 160. Pepper-Berry. Central or Inner Portion, x 120 . . 176 161. Black Pepper, Ground ; showing Stone Cells, Starch and Resin Cells, Oil-bearing Layers, Starch, etc. x 150 . 177 162. Linseed. Section of Husk, and Sectional Plan, x 150 . 179 163. Epidermis of Capsicum Fruit : epicarp and endocarp. x 200 . 182 164. Epidermis of Capsicum Fruit : epicarp under a lower power. X 100 ........ 182 165. Epidermis of Capsicum Fruit : another portion of the endocarp. X 100 ........ 183 166. Capsicum Fruit : parenchyma of mesocarp, and parenchyma surrounding the seeds, x 200 . . . -183 167. Capsicum Fruit : Transverse Section of Cortical Portion of Pod. X 100 ....... 184 168. Seed of Capsicum Fruit, Vertical Section, x 100 . -185 169. Cayenne Pepper, x 225 . . . . . .186 170. Epidermis of Ginger Rhizome, x 100 . . .190 171. Substance of Ginger Rhizome, x 200 . . . .190 172. Pure Ginger, Ground, x 200 ..... 191 173. Ground Ginger, admixed with Sago Starch, x 200 . . 191 174. Ground Ginger, mixed with Potato and Sago Starches, x 200 . 192 175. Ground Ginger, mixed with Cayenne and Tapioca, x 200 . 192 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 189. 190. 191. 192, 193- 194. 195- 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. Cinnamon : Longitudinal Radial Section, x 140 Ground Cinnamon, x 220 Cinnamon and Cassia Sticks (natural size) Cassia : Longitudinal Radial Section, x 140 . Ground Cassia, x 220 ..... Nutmeg (Section), x 220 .... Mace (Transverse Section), x 220 Petal of Clove Bud. x 60 Calyx Tube or Flower Stalk of Clove (Transverse Section) x6o . Calyx Tube or Flower Stalk of Clove (Longitudinal Section) x6o . Husk, or Pericarp, of Pimento Fruit (Vertical Section), x 220 Seed of Pimento Fruit : Membranes of the Spermoderm, or Testa, in Surface View, x 220 Seed of Pimento Fruit (Vertical Section), x 220 Ground Pimento, or Allspice, x 220 . Mixed Spice, x 220 . . ■ . Coriander (Transverse Section of Carpel), x 220 Cardamom : Elongated Coloured Cells of Spermoderm, or Seed-Covering, and Transverse Section of Seed, x 220 Fenugreek Seed : Testa, Spermoderm, or Outer Coat, x 220 Fenugreek Seed : Transverse Section of Cotyledon, or Lobe X 220 ....... Cumin, or Cummin : Transverse Section of Alericarp. x 220 Voluntary Muscle, x 220 and 350 Involuntary Muscle, x 300, etc. Cysiicercits cclliilosd'. x 6 and 12 Tcvnia solium, x 30 . Ta'iiia sagiiuiia. x circa 50 . Tcvniii cchiiiococciis. x circa 12 . TricJiiiia spiralis, x circa 100 Oxyiiris vcnnicitlaris (greatly magnified): and Distouuiiu Jicpaiiciiin (natural size) Trichoccphalits dispar (greatly magnified) Ascaris htnihricoidcs (natural size) Ova of some Internal Parasites, x circa 500 . The Anchovy ..... Milk : of Average Quality, x 630 Milk : Diluted, or of Poor Quality, x 630 Cream. X630 ..... Casein of Milk, x 630 .... Colostrum, x 630 .... Milk, to which Cerebral Matter had been Added, x 6 4i6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 214. Butter: A, Normal appearance; B, aspect after fusion, followed by slow cooling . . . . . 263 215. The Dust of Old Cheese, consisting almost entirely of the Cheese Mite, Tyroglyphiis domestkus or T. siro. x 40 . 265 216. The Cheese Mite, Tyroglyphiis ciomcsticiis. X40 . . 266 217. Lard containing Potato Starch, and probably Beef-Stearin . 269 218. Gelatin and Isinglass . . . . . .271 219. Tobacco Leaf : upper surface, showing epidermal cells, stomata, and glandular hairs, x 220 . . -277 220. Tobacco Leaf : under surface, showing epidermis, with more stomata and fewer hairs, x 220 , . . .278 221. Tobacco Leaf : transverse section of midrib, x 40 . .278 222. Tobacco Leaf : portion of transverse section of midrib, more highly magnified. X90 . *. . . • -79 223. Tobacco Leaf : longitudinal section of midrib, x 90 . . 280 224. Tobacco reduced to powder, x 40 . . . .281 225. Dock Leaf : portion of under surface, x 220 . . . 285 226. Dock Leaf : transverse section of midrib, x 40 . . 286 227. Dock Leaf : transverse section of portion of midrib, more highly magnified, x 90 . . . . .286 228. Dock Leaf : longitudinal section of portion of midrib, x 90 . 287 229. Rhubarb Leaf : portion of under surface, x 220 . .289 230. Rhubarb Leaf : transverse section of midrib, x 40 . . 289 231. Coltsfoot Leaf : upper epidermis, x 220 . . .291 232. Coltsfoot Leaf : under epidermis, x 220 . . .291 233. Coltsfoot Leaf : transverse section of one of the veins, x 40 . 292 234. Hop Leaf : portion of, with lupulin-glands. x 100 . . 2()5 235. Hop Seed, x 200 ...... 296 236. Poppy Capsule : portion of epicarp. x 220 . . . 301 237. Poppy Capsule : portion of endocarp. x 220 . . . 301 238. Poppy Capsule: surface of one of the place iitiv, or dissepiments, showing a spermophore : also cellular tissue, x 60 and 220 302 239. Poppy Capsule : transverse section of a dissepiment, showing spermophores, with seeds attached, x 10 . . , 303 240. Poppy Capsule and Seed : transverse section of a dissepiment, showing two spermophores, and one seed attached, x 100 304 241. Poppy Seed : membranes of husk, and cells forming the seed- substance. X 100 . . . . . . 305 242. Opium, containing an admixture of poppy capsule, x 100 . 307 243. Opium, admixed with poppy capsule and wheat liour. x 220 . 307 244. Egyptian Opium, containing guni, wood-tibre, and a little wheat Hour, x 100 ...... 308 245. Turmeric: Section of Rhizome, x 220 . . -311 246. Ground Turmeric, x 220 . . . . -311 ^47. Annatto Seed, Section of. x 220 . . . -313 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 417 FIG, 1-AGK 24(S. Annatto. mixed with Turmeric, x 225 . . 314 249. Amiatto, mixed with Rye Flom-. X225 -314 250. Virgin Scammonv (Powdered), x 100 . -317 251. Scammonv, mixed with Wheat and Lentil Flours, x 220 . 317 252. Jalap Root : transverse section, x 30 . , . -3-1 2^2^- J'^l^ip Root : transverse section of inner portion of root ; and starch grains, x 100 and 220 .... 322 254. Powdered Jalap, x 220 ...... 323 255. Powdered Jalap, mixed with Wood-Dust (L/^^/////7/ iv/^r). x 220 323 250. Ipecacuanha Root : transverse sections of cortex, x 220 and 420 . . . . . . . -327 257. Ipecacuanha Root : Central or Woody Portion, x 220 . 328 258. Ground Ipecacuanha, x 420 ..... 329 259. Colocynth Fruit : transverse section through rind and part of pulp, X 100 . . . . . . -331 260. Colocynth Fruit : surface view, showing epicarpal cells, and stomata. x 120 . . . . . -33- 261. Colocynth Seed. X150 . . ' . . . . 332 262. Rhubarb, mixed with Wheat Flour, x 220 . . . 335 263. Powdered Squill, mixed with Wheat Flour, x 220 . . 337 264. Liquorice Root : transverse section, x 40 . . . 339 265. Liquorice Root : longitudinal (radial) section, x 40 . . 340 266. Liquorice Root : transverse section, x 220 and 400 . . 341 267. Liquorice Powder, with an admixture of Turmeric and East Indian Arrowroot, x 220 ..... 342 268. Plankton, or Microscopic Fauna and Flora of Water : showing Paramecia, diatoms, algae and fungi ; muscle-fibre and animal hair also present, x 220 .... 362 269. Plankton — cotitiiiiicd : Ciliata (Infusoria), Rotifera. Crustacea, and Diatoms, x 25 and 220 . . . . 364 270. Plankton — continued : Infusoria, an Entomostracan Crus- tacean, diatoms, and a Nematode worm, x 100 and 220 . 366 271. Plankton — continued : Infusoria, a Nematode worm, Diatoms, Alg;t>. X 220 ...,,.. 368 272. Plankton — continued : Deposit from Water of the River Para, Brazil, containing many Diatoms, x 220 . . . 370 273. Plankton — continued : Rhizopods, Ciliata, Rotifera, Annelid, Diatoms, Alg:e, etc. x 12, 100, and 200 . . . 372 274. Plankton — continued : Fiagellata (mastigophora), many Dia- toms, a Crustacean, etc. x 100 and 220 . . . 374 275. Plankton — continued : Numerous Infusoria and Diatoms : also muscle-libre, starch, wheat-husk, etc. x 220 . 376 276. Plankton — continued : Ciliata, an Annelid, Diatoms, Alga? : also mammalian hair and wheat-husk, x 12 and 220 . 378 27 4i8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 277. FUnkton -colli ill II cd : chiefly Ciliata, Diatoms, a Rotifer, and an Alga (Desmid). x 220 ..... 380 278. Plankton — continued : Ciliata, Thread-Bacteria, Alg.-e. x 220 . 382 279. Planktqn — continued: Rhizopods, Flagellata, Ciliata, a Crustacean, an Annelid, Diatoms, Thread-Bacteria : also animal hair, x 12 and 200 ..... 384 280. Plcinkton— continued : Ciliata, many Diatoms, Eumycetes, etc. X 220 ........ 386 281. Plankton — continued: Ciliata, Diatoms, Thread - Bacteria, Wgx : also oat-husk, x 220 . . . .388 282. Plankton — continued : JCiHata, Diatoms, and Thread-Bacteria X 220 ........ 390 INDEX 27—2 INDEX Acacia catechu, catechu, 120 AcaridcB, ' mites,' 130 Acarus farina — Tyroglyphus siro, the meal mite, 56 plumiger = Glyciphagus plumiger, the feathered mite, 56 sacchari — Glyciphagus cursor, the sugar mite, 130 Acorn, Quercus pedunculata, 84 starch, 82 Actinophrys, 373, 385 Agar agar, Gracilaria lichenoides, addi- tion of, to fruit prepara- tions, as a stiffening agent, 151 method of detecting, in pre- serves, 154 • Ahnit,' 82 Amphileptus, 373, 379, 385, 389 Amphora oralis, 385 Andropogon sorghum, var. durra = Sorghum vulgare, Durrha or Dari, 29 Anguillula fluviatilis, 354, 367, 369 iritici, see Galls of wheat, 56 Animal hair in water, 359, 363, 367, 379. 385 Parasites which attack cereal grains, 56 which infest flesh, 238 Animals' food must be clean and wholesome, 248 Annatto, Bixa orellana, 312 Coal-tar colours substituted for, 312 considerable adulteration of, 312 mixed with Rye-flour, 314 mixed with turmeric, 314 Anthophysa, 385 Anuraa, 365 Apis mellijica, the honey-bee, 134 Appendicitis often traceable to in- oculation of microbes through in- testinal injuries caused by endo- parasites, 239 Apple, Pirus mains, 143 Apricot, Pruniis Arvieniaca, 149 Aquatic fauna, Summary of, 350 flora, Summary of, 355 Arabian Lentil, 81 Arachis hypogaa, earth-nut, xxxi, 82 pea-nut, 82 Arrowroots, 60 Arum esculentum, A. Italicum, and A. maculalum, Arum or Portland arrowroot, 65 Arum, or Portland Arrowroot, Arum maculatum, esculentum, and Italicum, 65 Ascaris lumbricoides, a parasitic round- worm, 247 mystax, a parasitic round-worm, 247 discovered by author in vis- cera of a cat, 247 Ascomycetes, 40 Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, 157 Aspergillus glaucus, a common mould, 42 Assam Tea, 112 Asterionella (Hassall), 367, 369, 391 Avena sativa, oat, 17 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, on Breads {New Atlantis), 82 Bacon, Friar Roger, on Meats and Drink {Libellus De re- taraandis Senectutis), xv on the feeding of ani- mals {Libellus De re- tardandis Senectutis) , 249 Bacteria, common water, 346 pathogenic, 346 Bad food, effect on health of nation, and relation to fitness of young men for military service, 249 Baked Livers, 92 Banana, Musa sapientum, 145 Barger, G., on Ergot, 47 421 422 INDEX Barley Flour, Hordeum sativum, 9-1 1, 28 Bean Flour, Faba vulgaris, 28, 31 Beans, Faha vulgaris, 84 Beech, Fagiis sylvatica, 114 Beetroot, Beta vulgaris, a substitute for chicory, 96 Berthollctia excelsa, Brazil nut, 82 Beta vulgaris, beetroot, 96 var. altissima, the sugar-beet, 126 var. campestris, mangold- wurzel, 84 Bibliography, 399 Bixa orellana, annatto, 312 Blackberry, Rubus friiticosus, 149 Black rust, Puccinia graminis, 47 Bladder-worm , Cysticercus cellulosa;, 240 Blyth's (A. W.) method of micro- scopically examining water, 348 Boll (O.K. holla), 47 Bosmina, 367 Botanical text-books of Strasburger, Vines, Goodale, Balfour, Bentley, Mudge, and Maslen, xxxvii Bothrioccphalus latus, a cestode para- site prevalent in countries where certain kinds of fish are consumed, 251 Brachionus, 373, 377, 381 Brandes, G., Continuation of R. Leuckart's Die Parasiten des Men- schen, 1 886-1 901, 246 Brazilian Arrowroot, Manihot utilis- sima, 64 Brazil nut, Bertholletia excelsa, 82 Bread, Penicillium glaticum, the com- monest mould of, 42 Brewer's Yeast, 40 British arrowroot, Solanum tuberosum^ 64 British gum, 4 * Bromose ' (malted nuts), 82 Budget, A, of Paradoxes, Professor A. de Morgan, 238 Bunt, Tilletia tritici — T. caries, 47 Burnt Sugar, an Adulterant of Chicory, 92 Bursaria, 377, 381 Butter, 261 chemical tests necessary to prove falsification, 262 eighteen years old, characters exhibited by, 262 microscopical features discussed, 261 C Cabbage, Brassica oleracea, 157 C'llandra granaria, the weevil, 56 Camelina sativa, yellow dodder, xxxi Camellia Sasanqua, Sasanqua tea, 114 Thea, no Campy Iodise :is, 387 Cane Sugar, Sucrose, or Saccharose, 126 Cannaedulis, etc., Canna, Queensland, or Tous les Mois arrowroot, 60 Canna, Queensland, or Tous les Mois Arrowroot, Canna edulis, etc., 60 Cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum, 221 Cardiac muscle-fibres, 233 Carob-bean,or locust-bean, Ceratonia, siliqua, xxxi Carr, F. H., on Ergot, 47 Carrot, Daucus carota, 84, 154 Cassava Arrowroot, Manihot utilis- sima, 64 starch of Manihot utilissima, etc., 74 Castanea sativa, chestnut, 82 Castor-oil cake {castor-poonac), xxxi Catechu, Acacia catechu, 120 Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea, 157 Cayenne and tapioca, adulterants of ginger, 192 pepper. Capsicum frutescens, an adulterant of mustard, 164 Capsicum frutescens, C. an- nuum, and C. minimum, or C. fastigiatum , 180 Cecidomyia tritici, the wheat midge, 56 Celery, Apium graveolens, 157 Ceratonia siliqua, carob - bean or locust-bean, xxxi Charlock, Sinapis arvensis = Brassica sinapistrum, 166 Cheap brawns, flesh-pastes, and the like, examination of, 233 Cheese, 264 addition of starch to, 264 Cherry, Prunus cerasus, 149 , Chestnuts, Castanea sativa, 82 Chicory, Adulterants of, or Substi- tutes for, 96 Cichorium Intybus, 84, 92 dandelion and beetroot, close microscopical resemblances, 96 China Tea, in Chloranthus inconspicuus, 114 Church, A. H., on food value of nuts, 82 Cichorium Intybus, Chicory, 84, 92 Ciliata (Infusoria), voracity of, 353 Cinnamon and Cassia, Cinnamomum Zeylanicum and C. cassia, 194 Citrullus colocynthis, colocynth, 330 INDEX 423 Claubry, G. de, and others, on the alleged addition of cerebral matter to milk, 256 Chiviceps purpurea, ergot, 47 Clayton, E. G. : ' Arthur Hill Has- sall. Physician and Sani- tary Reformer : A Short History of his Work in Public Hygiene, and of the Movement against the Adulteration of Food and Drugs,' 1908, X on Ascaris niystax, 247 on beetroot, 96 on chicory, 92 on commercial cocoa pre- parations, lOI on composition of ginger, 188 on Fossil Diatoms in sedi- ment from River Para, Brazil, 358 on Lemon and Orange Peel, 143 on mixtures of fish-oils with extract of malt, 252 Closterium, 373, 381 Cloves, Eugenia caryophyllata, or Caryophyllus aromaticus, 204 Cobbold, T. S. : on Trichocephalus dispar, 247 on Parasites of fish, 251 Cocconema, 371, 375, 387 Cockle Galls, see Galls of wheat Cocoa, ' Homoeopathic,' containing sago starch, 107 containing Tous les Mois arrowroot and tapioca, 109 Pure flaked, 106 Pure Trinidad, 106 So-called ' Genuine Unadulter- ated Chocolate,' containing tapioca, maranta, and curcuma arrowroots, with maize and potato starches, log So-called ' Soluble,' mixed with potato starch, 107 ' Soluble,' mixed with potato and sago starches, 108 Theobroma Cacao, 100 Coco-nuts. Cocos nucifera, 82 ' Cocos butter,' 82 Cocos nucifera, coco-nut, 82 Coffea Arahica, Coffee, 84 Coffee, Coffea Arabica, 84 Admixture with various adulter- ants and substitutes, 87 ' Coffee-flights,' 84 Infusions, striking scarcity of coffee in the cheaper, ready- made, 84 ' Cofifina ' (Roasted and ground Lupine seeds), 87 Coleps hirtus, 365, 369, 377 Colocynth, Citrullus colocyntliis, 330 Colostrum, 255 Coltsfoot Leaf, Tussilago farfara, a substitute for tobacco, 290 Condiments, Spices, and other Vege- table Adjuncts of Food, 160 Cones Flour, 29 Observation by Dr. A. H. Hassall in regard to, 29 Conferva ivrea, 389 Convolvulus scammonia , 316 Coriander, Coriandrum sativum, 21S Corn Flour, Zea Mais, 64 Corylus avellana, filbert, hazel, and cob-nuts, 82 Cratagus, sp. , hawthorn, 114 Cream, 255 'Croats,' a variety of tan-bark, said to have been used as an adulterant of chicory, 96 Cumin, or Cummin, Cuminum cymi- num, 228 Curcuma angustifolia, Curcuma, or East India arrowroot, 61 longa, turmeric, 310 Curcuma, or East India arrowroot, Curcutna angusti folia, ruhescens, etc., 61 Curcuma ruhescens. Curcuma, or East India arrowroot, 61 Currants, Black, Ribes nigrum, 145 Red and White, Ribes rubrum, 145 Remarkable sclerenchymatous cells of the endocarp, 147 Cuscuta epilinum, flax dodder, xxxi Cycas circinalis, sago, 70 revoluta, sago, 70 Cyclops, 375 Cyclotella operculata, 363, ^(^5' 3>7i^ i75< 377. 379- 381, 385.387 Cymatopletira, see Sphinctocystis, Has- sall Cymbella, 367 Cysticercus bovis, 246 cellulose, the bladder- worm, 240 D Dale, H. H., on Ergot, 47 Dandelion Root, Taraxacum officinale, 84 Taraxacum officinale, a substitute for chicory, 96 DapJinia, 365, 385 Darnel, bearded or Poisonous, Lolium temulentum, xxxi, 54 Date, Plicenix dactylifera, 151 424 INDEX Date-stones, Phcenix dactylifera, 84 Daucus carota, carrot, 84 Dedication, vii De Morgan, Professor A,, 238 Dematium, Mycelium of, 42 Dextrin, 4 Diatoms, fossil, in sediment from River Para, Brazil, 358 Dibdin's (W. J.) method of micro- scopically investigating water, 348 DilepUis folium, 387 = Distomum hepaticwn, the liver-fluke, 246 Dock Leaf, Rumex, sp,, a substitute for tobacco, 283 I Du Bois de Saint Sevrin, on microbes in sardines, 251 Durrha or Dari, said to have been used as an adulterant of wheat- flour, 29, 36 i Dust Brand, see Smut I Ear Cockles, see Galls of wheat Earth-nut, Arachis hypogaa, xxxi, 82 Eel- worms, see Galls of wheat Egyptian opium, containing gum, ! wood-iibre, and wheat-flour, 306 VAdex, Sambucus nigra, 114 { Elm, Ulmus campestris, 114 \ Enchelys nodulosa, 365 Endive, Cichorium endivia, 157 Endo-parasites or entozoa, ova and larvae of, in water, 353 Epithelium in water, 359 Epizoa and entozoa, 238 Ergot, Claviceps purpurea, 47 Ervum Lens = Lens esculenta, lentil, 80 Euglena, 375 Eumycetes, 40 Euphorbiacea, 74 Euplotes charon, 373 Eurotium repens = Eurotium Aspergillus glaucus, De Bary, 48 Faba vulgaris, bean, 28 beans, 84 Factitious Teas, and Adulterants of Tea, 120 Fagus sylvatica, beech, 114 False Ergot, see Galls of wheat ' Farola,' 77 Feathered Mite, The, Glyciphagus plumiger = A carus plumiger, 56 Fennel, Foenicuhim vulgar e, 157 Fenugreek, Trigofieila Ftrnum-Gracum, 224 Fibres from paper, in water, 359 Fig, FicHS Carica, 151 Filbert, Hazel, and Cob-nuts, Corylus avellana, 82 ' Fillers ' of cheap cigars, etc., 276 Fish, 251 commercial substitution of one kind for another, 252 Flesh, 233 Foods Derived from Vegetable Sources (Section 1. 1, 1-229 from Animal Sources (Sec- tion II,), 231-271 ' Force, ' 76 Fragilaria, 369, 375, 391 Fragmental Organic Matters, or Debris, 359 French Lentil, 81 Fresh Vegetables, 157 water sponges, Spicula of, 354 Fruit, Parasitic germs in, 139 preparations, Falsifications De- tectable in, 151 Fruit Preserves, Addition of turnip, beet - pulp, apple, and vege- table marrow, 138, 151 Preserves and Jellies, 138 for preserving. Quality of, 139 Fruits, Distinctive microscopic features of, 139 Galls of Wheat, Tylenchus tritici = An- guillula tritici= Vibrio tritici, 56 Garlic, Allium sativum, 157 Gelatin, see Isinglass and Gelatin Ginger : the rhizome of Zingiber officinale, 188 Glaucoma, 353, 373, 377, 381, 383, 391 Glossary, 395-398 Glyciphagi, or sugsr mites, 127 Glyciphagus cursor = A carus sacchari , the sugar mite, 130 plumiger = A carus plumiger, the feathered mite, 56 Glycyrrhiza glabra, liquorice, 338 glandulifera, liquorice, 338 Gooseberry, Ribes Grossularia, 147 ' Granola,' 77 ' Granose, ' 77 ' Grape-nuts,' 76 Grape, Vitis vinifera, 149 Green or blue mould, Penicillium glaucum, 48 Ground Acorn, an adulterant of chicory, 96 an adulterant of coffee, 87 'Guiana arrowroot,' starch of the banana, 145 INDEX 425 Guiard, Dr., belief that typhoid bacilH may be conveyed to mucous surface by intestinal worms, 240 Gymnoascea, 40 H Haeckel, Professor, of Jena, proposed group, Protista, 350 Haig, Dr. A., on food-value of nuts, 82 ' Hassall, Arthur Hill,' memoir, by E, G. Clayton, x ' Hassall, Concentric Corpuscles of,' in thymus gland, xxix Hassall, Dr. A. H. : discovery in 1851 of acari in the brown sugars of commerce, 130 discovery of concentric cor- puscles in thymus, xxix discovery of indigo in urine, xxix discovery in 1851 of the pluricellular hairs (Has- sallian bodies) on the peri- spermal inner membrane of the cacao seed, 100 on the adulteration of liquorice, 338 on the impurity of com- mercial annatto, 312 Portrait of, facing title-page Summary of the Life-Work of, XXV repeated investigations of the metropolitan water- supply, 346, 347 the first to use the micro- scope systematically and practically to study the fauna and flora of water, 346 Hassall's (Dr. A. H.) process of ex- arnining water microscopically, 347 Hassallia, genus of algae, 356 Hassallian bodies : multicellular hairs in the cacao-seed, 100 Hawthorn, Cratagtts, sp., 114 Hemp-cake, xxxi Hensen, Dr. V., Professor of Physi- ology at Kiel, 349 Hilum, definition of, 21 Himantidhim, 367, 375, 389, 391 Holophrya ovum, 381 Honey, 134 Honey-bee, The, Apis mellifica, 134 Hops, Hiimidus lupulus, 294 Hop Substitutes, less satisfactory than the hop, 294 Hordeum sativum, Barley, 9 Human hair in water, 359 Humulus lupulus, Hop, 294 Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan, Belief that leprosy is caused by the consump- tion of tainted and uncured fish, 251 Hutchison, Dr. R., on nut-foods, 82 Hyphcc of Eumycetes in water, 363, 369. 387 Hypha of fungi resembling O'idium and Monilia, 42 Hyphomycetes, 42-45 I Imitation Caper and Gunpowder Tea, 120 Impracticability of distinguishing microscopically one kind of fiesh from another, 234 Impurities which have been found in sugar, 130 Indian Corn, Zea Mays, or Mais, 21-23 Flour, 64 Indications of the quality of water furnished by certain plant-forms, 357 Indigo, an ingredient of factitious tea, 120 in urine, xxix Inorganic or Mineral Matter in water clay, marl, chalk, and sand, 359 Intestinal worms. Irritation excited by, 239 Invalids' and Infants' Foods, 77 Involuntary, or unstriped, muscle, 233 Ipecacuanha, Psychotria ipecacuanha, 325 Ipomoca purga, jaiap, 319 Isinglass and Gelatin, 270 Isthmia, 371 J Jalap, Ipomcea purga, 319 mixed with wood-dust, 323 Jam Factories, Insanitary conditions of some, 139 necessity for cleanliness in, 139 Jordan, D. S. : 'A Guide to the Study of Fishes,' 254 Jiiglans regia, walnuts, 82 K Kean's (A. L.) method of examining water, 348 L Lafar. F.. TecJinische Mykologie, 1903.42 Lard, 268 chemical tests necessary for the proof of adulteration, 268 microscopical characters of, 268 426 INDEX Leaves used as Substitutes for Tobacco, 283 which have been used in Ad- mixture with, or as Substitutes for, Tea, 114 Lemon, Citrus limoniim, 145 Lens esculeiita = Ervum Lens, lentil, 80 Lentil, Lens esculenta—Ervum Lens, 80 Starch, 80 Leprosy, Sir J. Hutchinson's theory as to the cause of, 251 Leptothrix, 383, 385, 389, 391 Lettuce, Lactuca sativa, 157 Leuckart, Rudolf, ' The Parasites of Man,' translated by H. E. Hoyle, 1886, 239 Liability of fruits and vegetables to harbour ova of parasites and in- fectious germs, 240 ' Lie-tea,' no, 120 Linseed, Limim usitatissimum, occa- sionally used as an adulterant of pepper, 178 Linum catharticum, purging flax, xxxi Liquorice, admixed with turmeric and arrowroot, 342 Glycyryhiza glabra, G. glandulifera, 338 List of Illustrations, 409-418 Liver-Fluke, Distomiim hepaticiim, 246 Locust -bean, or Carob-bean, Cera- tonia siliqua, xxxi Lolium temulentiim, bearded or poison- ous darnel, xxxi, 54 Lupine Seeds, Lupimis luteiis, etc, 84 Lupimis luteiis, etc., lupine seeds, 84 Lupulin, the aromatic bitter of the Hop, 294 M MacDonald's (Dr. J. D.) process for microscopically examining water, 347 Mace, Myristica fragrans, 202 Magnifications with different powers, xxxix Maize Arrowroot, Indian Corn Flour, or Corn Flour, Zea Mais, 64 ^laize, Zea Mais or Mays, 21-23, 29 Malarial diseases, how originated, 239 Malfatti, Jos., Microscopic features of the apple, 143 Malvery, Olive C, 'The Soul Market,' 139 Mangold-wurzel, Beta vulgaris, var. campestris, 84 Manihot aipi, tapioca or cassava, 74 Janipha, tapioca or cassava, 74 Manihot, Manioc, Cassava, or Bra- zilian Arrowroot, Manihot utilissima, 64 Manihot utilissima, Manihot, Manioc, Cassava, or Brazilian Arrowroot, 64 tapioca or cassava, 74 Manioc Arrowroot, Manihot utilissima, 64 Manufactured products in water, 360 Maranta arundinacea, Maranta or West India arrowroot, 60 Maranta, or West India Arrowroot, Maranta arundinacea , 60 Margarine, microscopic characters of, 262 Marmalade : Detection of apple-pulp, turnip, etc., 151 Mastogonia, 371 Maw-worm, or thread-worm, Oxyuris vermicularis, 246 Meal Mite, The, Tyroglyphus siro = Acarus farina, 56 Mechnikov, 11 'ya, advice to take only cooked food, 240 on parasites in fruit, 139 Melosira, 373, 377, 387, 391 Methods of microscopical investiga- tion, XXXV of examining water microscopi- cally, 347 Metroxylon lipve {Sagus lavis), sago, 70 Rumphii {Sagus Rumphii), sago, 70 Sagu, sago, 70 Micro-chemical Reactions, xxxiii Micrometer, xxxviii Microscope, Choice of a, xxxviii Mildew of grain, Puccinia graminis, 42 Mildews and Moulds, 42-45 Milk, 255 condition of fat in, 255 various recorded adulterants, 255 Mitscherlich, Alfred, alleged Dis- covery of multicellular hairs in the cacao -seed, loi ' Mitscherlichian bodies,' so-called, see Hassallian bodies Mixed Spice, 216 Mixtures of fish-oils with malt-ex- tract, microscopic characters of, 252 Monilia Candida, a mould, 42 Mr. Brooks, the pie-man, 252 Mr. Samuel Weller, 252 Mucor mucedo, a mould which imparts mustiness, 42 Rouxii, a mycelial fungus, 42 Muscle-fibre in water, 359 Mustard, Adulterated, 164 Sinapis alba and Brassica nigra, 160 INDEX 427 Mustiness, imparted by Mucormuccdo, 42 Mycelium of Dematiinn, 42 of Penicillium glaiicum, 42 Mycomycetes, 40 Myristica fragrans, nutmeg, mace, 200, 202 N ^«". 373. 379. 385 Navicula, 369 ' New Atlantis,' 82 Nicotiana rustica, tobacco, 275 tabacum, tobacco, 275 Nietzche, F. , on bodily healthiness, 249 Nitzschia (Hassall), 363, 365, 367, 371.373. 375. 377. 379. 389 * Nucoline,' 82 ' Nutmeal,' 82 'Nutmeat,' 82 Nutmeg, Myvistica fragrans, 200 ' Nutrose,' 82 Nuts, Composition of, 82 Dietetic value and vvholesome- ness of, 82 * Nuttolene,' 82 •Nutton,' 82 * Nuttose,' 82 'Nutvejo,' 82 O Oak, Quercus, sp., 114 Oak-bark Powder, 92 Oak-bark Powder a past adulterant of chicory, 96 Oat Flour and Oatmeal, Various additions to, 29 A vena sativa, 17-19 Oatmeal, 17 and barley meal, Mixture of, 29 Odours imparted to water by Anahcrna, Lyngbya, and Beggiatoa, 358 Oidium lactis, a mould, 42 Onion, Allium cepa, 157 •On Poetry: A Rhapsody,' Dean Swift, 23S Opium, 306 admixed with poppy capsule and wheat flour, 306 containing an admixture of poppy capsule, 306 Orange, Sweet and Bitter, Citrus aurantium, varieties Sinensis and amara, 143 Orris Rhizome, Iris Gcrmanica, etc., 153 Oryza sativa, rice, 25 rice arrowroot, G4 OxytricJia, 353, 377, 383, 3S5, 387 Oxyuris vermicularis, the maw-worm or thread- worm, 246 Oysters and mussels, Bacterial con- tamination of, 252 Pandorina, 369 Panophrys, 3G9, 379 Papaver somniferum, poppy, 298 Paramecium, derivation of name, 351 occurrence of, 353, 363, 367, 369, 375. 377, 379. 381. 383. 385. 387, 389, 391 Reproductive processes in, 363, 380. 381 Parasites oi fish, 251 of flesh, 240 Parasitic Diseases of the Cereal Grains, 47 Germs in fruit, 139 round-worms, Ascaris lumbricoides and A. mystax, 247 Parsley, Petrosclinum sativum, 157 Par-snip, Pastinaca sativa, 84, 157 Pasai, or Palangi (East Indian Rape), Brassica rugosa, 167 Pastinaca sativa, parsnip, 84, 157 Patent Yeast, 40 Peach, Priinus Persica, 149 Pea-flour, Pisuni sativum, 178 -nuts. Arachis hypogcea, 82 -starch, Pisum arvense, P, sativum, 80 Pear, Pirus communis, 143 Pease, Pisiwi sativum, 84 Pediastrum Boryanum, 363, 373, 375, 377. 379 Penicillium citophilum, a common bread mould, 48 glaucum, green or blue mould, 42, 48 roseum, a common bread mould, 48 Penium Brcbissonii , 383 Pepper Brand, see Bunt Piper nigrum, 172 Peppercorn, see Galls of wheat Peridinium, 375 Phacus longicaudus, 387 Phoenix dactylifera, date- stones, 84 PIiytozoa = Protista, 350 Pickles, Sauces, and Preserved Vege- tables, 157 Pimento, Pimenta officinalis, or Eugenia pimenta, 210 Pisum arvense, the pea, 80 sativum, the pea, 80, 84 Plane, Platanus, sp., 114 Plankton, classification of, 349 series of figures representing, 362-391 428 INDEX ' Plankton,' term proposed by V. Hensen, of Kiel, 349 Plantain, Musa paradisaica, 145 Platanus, sp., plane, 114 Pleurosigma, 365, 367, 373, 375, 385. 387. 389 ^ . . Plumbago, a component of factitious tea, 120 Plum, Prumis domestica, 114, 149 Poisonous Grass, A, 54 ' Poivrette ' (crushed olive-stones), an adulterant of pepper, 174 Polyarthra, 377 Poplar, Populiis, 114 Poppy, Papaver somniferum, 298 Populiis, poplar, 114 Portland Arrowroot, Arum macula- turn, esadentum and Italicum, 65 Potato and sago, used as additions to Ginger, 192 Flour, Solanum tuberosum, 28 or British Arrowroot, Solanum tuberosum, 64 Potted fish-pastes in the making: ' Seasonin' as does it,' 252 Prain, D, , Account of Brassica rugosa, 167 Precautions to be followed in prepar- ing food for the table, 248 Preface, ix Preparation of objects, xxxv Prolegomena : on the Use of the Microscope in the Examination of Foods, Drugs, and Water, xxxi Proportions of added sugar found in samples of chicory, 92 of coffee found in the cheaper ready made coffee infusions of commerce, 84 Proprietary Foods containing Lentil in admixture with Cereal Grains, 80 containing or consisting of Wheat, 76 consisting partially or en- tirely of Nuts, 82 Protophyta, 350 ' Protose, ' 82 Prunus domestica, plum, 114 communis, sweet almonds, 82 spinosa, sloe or wild plum, 114 Prussian blue, an ingredient of fac- titious teas, 120 Psychotria ipecacuanha, ipecacuanha, 325 Pucctma graminis, black rust of grain, .47 mildew or rust of grain, 42 Purging Flax, Linum catharttcum , xxxi Purples, see Galls of wheat Q Quercus pedunculata, acorn, 84 sp., oak, 114 Quince, Cydonia vulgaris, 143 R Radish, Raphanus sativus, 157 Rape, Brassica napus, var. oleifera, 166 Raphanus raphanistra, wild radish, xxxi Raphides, and characteristic clusters of oil-drops, in the rind of the banana, 145 Raspberry Jelly, factitious, flavoured with orris rhizome, 152 Rubus Idmis, 149 Raw Coffee Seed, The, 84 Red currant an ingredient of an alleged ' Indian ' secret remedy, 147 Gum, see Rust lead, ground rice, and turmeric, used as adulterants of Cayenne pepper, 186 Rag, see Rust Robin, see Rust Residue of evaporation of water, value of a microscopical examina- tion, 345, 360 Rheum hybridum, rhubarb, 288 officinale, rhubarb, 334 palmatum, rhubarb, 334 Rhubarb, beetroot, carrot, vegetable marrow, and turnip, occasional adulterants of jams, 151 Leaf, Rheum hybridum, a substi- tute for tobacco, 288 mixed with Wheat Flour, 335 Rheum palmatum, R. officinale, 334 Rheum rhaponticum, 154 Rhus, sp., sumach, 120 Rice, Oryza sativa, 25-27 Arrowroot, Oryza sativa, 64 Rings or Striations of Starch Grains, 28 Roasted Beans, an adulterant of Coffee, 87 Coffee Seed, The, 84 Wheat, an adulterant of Coffee, Flour, an adulterant of Chicory, 96 Roger Bacon, Friar, on the feeding of animals, 248 Rumex, sp., The Dock, 283 Rust, Red Rag, Red Robin, or Red Gum, Uredo rubigo and U. linearis, 47 Rye Flour, Secale cereale, 13-15 INDEX 429 Sabatini, Signer Italo, Picture of Dr. A. H. Hassall, Facing title-page Saccharine Substances, 126 Saccharobioses, 126 Saccharomyces cerevisia, brewer's yeast, 40 yeast, 48 Saccharomycetes, yeasts, 40 Saccharum officinarxim, the sugar-cane, 126 Sago, 70 Granulated, 70 -Meal, Raw, 70 Pearl, 70 starch of, Metroxylon lave {Sa.gus IcBvis), M. Rumphii {Sagus Riimphii), M. Sagu, etc. ; also Cycas circinalis and C. revolitta, 70 used as an adulterant of ginger, 192 Sagus IcBvis, sago, 70 Rumphii, sago, 70 St. Albans, Francis, Viscount, 82 SaUx, sp., willow, 114 Samhucus nigra, elder, 114 Saprophytic bacteria, 346 Sarepta mustard, Brassica Besseriana, 166 Sasanqua tea, Camellia Sasanqua, 114 Sausage-meat, Bread, starch, bran, spices, antiseptics, and dye- stuffs, added to, 234 The hazard of the sausage : the mystery of potted pastes, 233, 234 Sawdust, 92 Scammony, gum resin from Convol- vulus scammonia, 316 Scenedesmus, 369, 373, 375, 377 Seakale, Crambe maritima, 157 Secale cereale, rye, 13-15 Section I. , Foods derived from Vege- table Sources, 1-229 II., Foods derived from Animal Sources, 231-271 III., Tobacco, Drugs, Bitters, and Colouring Matters, 273-342 IV., Water, 343-391 Sections of microscopic objects, Pre- paration of, XXXV Sedgwick's (W. T.), Rafter's (G. W.), Whipple's (G. C), and others' methods of examining water, 348 Seeds, numbers of, in various fruits, 139 resembling mustard, or which have been used as substitutes, 166 Serious bodily disturbance frequently caused by intestinal worms. 239 Shallot, Allitcm ascalonicum, 157 ' Shredded wheat,' 77 Significance of certain infusorial and other forms, 352-353 Sloe or Wild Plum, Prunus spinosa, 114 Smut Balls, see Bunt Bolls, see Bunt or Dust Brand, Ustilago Iwrdei and U . avencB, 47 Solanum tuberosum, potato, 28 potato or British arrowroot. 64 Sorgh urn vulgar e = A ndropogon sorghum , var. durra, Durrha or Dari, 29 'Soul Market, The," by Olive C. Malvery, 139 Soy, Dolichos soya, 157 Spent tan, 92 Spharozosma, 383 Sphinctocystis (Hassall), or Cymato- pleiira, a genus of diatoms, 377, 389 Spinach, Spinacia oleracea, 157 Spulivurm. see Ascaris lumbricoides Squill, mixed with Wheat Flour. 337 Urginea scilla, 336 Stauroneis, 383 Stentor, 377 Stephanodiscus, 371 Stinking Smut, see Bunt Strawberries, Ova of intestinal worms in, 139 Strawberry, Fragariavesca, F. Virgini- ana, etc., 147 jam, Acari in, 130 Stylonychia histrio, 365 Sugar-beet, Beta vulgaris, var. altis- sima, 126 -cane, Saccharum officinarum , 126 -mites, Glyciphagi, 127 Sumach, Rhus, sp., 120 •Sunny Jim,' his identity doubtful, 76 Suspended and dissolved matters in water, 345 Sweet almonds, Prunus communis 82 Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's 238 Synedra, 365, -j,j7„ 375, 387, 391 Table of Contents, xvii Tacca pinnatifida, Tacca, Tahiti, or Otaheite Arrowroot. 61 Tacca. Tahiti, or Otaheite Arrowroot. Tacca pinnatifida, 61 430 INDEX Tania dentata, see T. sagiuata ecJwwcoccits, the hydatid-forming tape-worm, 246 mediocanellata, see Tmiia saginata saginata, a species of tape- worm, 246 solium, the common tape-worm, 246 Tape-worm, Tania solium, 246 Tapioca, Granulated, 74 Meal or Flour, 74 or Cassava, starch of Manihot iitilissima, etc., 74 Taraxacum officinale, dandelion-root, 84 dandelion, a substitute for chicory, 96 Tarragon, Artemisia Dracnnculus, 157 Tastes and odours imported to water by certain organisms — Uroglena, Synura, and Peridinium, 354 Tea, Adulterants of, 120 Camellia Thea, no ' Economizers,' 120-121 Teas, Factitious, 120 Tertullian on ' faith,' 256 Tetrapedia (?), 373 Theobroma Cacao, cocoa, 100 Tilletia tritici = T. caries, bunt, smut balls, etc., 47 Title-page, v Tobacco, mucilaginous and saccha- rine adulterants, 276 Nicotiana tabacum, and N. Rustica, 275 Substitutes, Leaves used as, 283 Tomato, Lycoperstcum esculentum, 157 Torulo', 40 Transmutations of Saccharomycetes into Hyphomycetes once believed to occur, 42 Trichina spiralis, 246 Tricliocephalus dispar = Ascaris iricJiiura, the whip-worm, 247 ' Triscuits,' 77 Triticum sativum, var. vulgare, wheat, 3 True and false Anchovies, 254 Sardines, 254 Turmeric, Curcuma longa, an adul- terant of mustard, 164 ingredient of ' lie-tea,' 120 the rhizome of Curcuma longa, 310 Turnip, Brassica rapa, 154 Tussilago farfara, coltsfoot, 290 Twankay tea, 114 Tylenchus trittci, see Galls of wheat Tyroglyphus domesticus, see T. siro siro = A cams farincF, the meal mite, 56 the cheese mite, 264 U Ulmus campestris, elm, 114 Ulothrix mucosa, 379 Upton Sinclair, 233 Uredo linearis, rust of grain, 47 rubigo, rust of grain, 47 Urginea scilla, squill, 336 Ustilago Jiordei and U. avence, smut or dust brand, 47 'Vegetable butters,' 82 debris in water, 359 fibres in water, 359 Marrow, Cucurbita ovifera succada, 154 Parasites, 47 Substances used in the Prepara- tion of Beverages, 84 Venetian red, 92 Vermes, 238 Vibrio tritici, see Galls of wheat Vicia Faba, bean, 28 Voluntary or striped muscle, 233 Vorticella. 367, 369, 377, 391 W Walnuts, Juglans regia, 82 Ward, Colonel Sir E. W. D., Sta- tistics of Recruiting, 249 Watercress, celery, and the like, re- quire especially careful clean- sing, 248 Nasturtium officinale, 157 Weevil, The, Calandra granaria, 56 Wheat and other Cereal Grains, Adulterants of and Substitutes for, 28-37 Flour, admixed with bean flour, 28 and barley flour, admixture of, 28 and maize flour, admixture of, 29 and rice, mixture of, 28 Triticum sativum, var, vulgare. 3-7 Midge, The, Cecidomyia tritici, 56 starch, alterations in, by heat, 4.7 INDEX 431 Wheaten Bread, admixed with potato, 39 Foreign additions to, 38 Microscopical characters of, 38 Flour, an adulterant of mustard, 164 Whip -worm, Trichocephahis dispar, 247 Whitebait, nature of, 254 Willow, Salix, sp., 114 Yeasts, Saccharomycetes, 40, 41 Yellow Dodder, Camelina sativa, xxxi Mould, Eiirotinm repots = E. As- pergillus glaucus of De Bary, 48 Zea Mais or Mays, maize, 21 maize arrowroot, Indian Corn Flour, or Corn Flour, 64 Zingiber officinale, Ginger, 188 THE END An Abridged List of Works PUBI.ISHED BY BAILLIERE, TINDALL & COX. ADAMS & CASSIDY'S Acute Abdominal Diseases, includ- ing Abdominal Injuries and t]ie Complications of External Hernia. Demy 8vo. Pp. x + 572, with 28 Illustrations. Price 12s. 6d. net. BJORKEGREN'S Handbook of Anatomy for Students of Massage. Second Edition. Demy Svo. Pp. x + 233, with 73 Illustrations. Price 5s. net. BLAIR BELL'S The Principles of Gynsecology. Second Edition. Pp. xxviii + 551, with 6 Coloured Plates and 363 Illus trations. Royal Svo. Price 21s. net. BLAIR BELL'S The Sex Complex : A Study of the Relation- ships of the Internal Secretions to the Female Character- istics and Functions in Health and Disease. Demy Svo. Pp. XX + 233. AVith 7 Coloured and 43 Plain Plates. Price 12s. 6d. net. BLOMFIELD'S AnsBsthetics. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo. 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