,** "*'-. LIBRARY UNIVSf>5TY Of r PIKE'S 8 DESIGNED TO FACILITATE THE STUDY OF THE SCIENCE OF NUMBERS. COMPREHENDING \ * THE MOST PERSPICUOUS AND ACCURATE RULES. ILLUSTRATED BY USEFUL EXAMPLES. TO WHICH ARE ADDED APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS, FOR THE EXAMINATION OF SCHOLARS; AND Stiotrt Sfistr w of BY DUDLEY LEAVITT, Teacher of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy. -** CONCORD : PUBLISHED BY JACOB B. MOORE- 1826. DISTRICT OP NEW-HAMPSHIRE, to wii f District Clerk's Offkt. ?^^JTE IT REMEMBERED, &at on *J tieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, JACOB B. MOORE, *^v% of said j)i str ict, hath deposited in this Office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit : " Pike's System of Arithmetick Abridged : designed t facilitate the study of the science of numbers. Comprehending the most perspicuous and accurate rulet, Illustrated by useful exam- ples. To which are added appropriate questions for the examination of Scholars ; and a short system of Book-Keeping. By DUDLEY LEAVITT, Teacher of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for the encour- agement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, tr'-^e Authors and Pro- prietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned ;"' and also to an act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act far the encouragement of learning, by secur- ing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of such .-.opK s, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of aligning, engrav- ing and etching historical and other prints." CHARLES W. CUTTER, Clerk of the District of New-Hampshire, A trne copy of record : Attest, CHARLES W, CUTTER, Clerk GIFS I PIKE'S ARITHMETICK is universally acknowledged to be the most complete system ever published in the United States. It is the source, indeed, from which most of the common arithme- ticks have been compiled. Several years of laborious study were devoted to the work by its author, and on its first appear- ance, it obtained a very high reputation. Others have built upon his foundation, and their works have been deservedly popular ; but still, in the fulness and correctness of his rules, and the simplicity of their illustration, PIKE STANDS PRE- EMINENT.] DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY, 1786. AT the request of Nicolas Pike, Esq. we have inspected his System of Arithniet;ck, whicii we cheerfully recommend to the publirk, as easy, accurate, and complete. And we apprehend there is no treatise of the kind extant, from which so great utility may afise to Schools. B. WOODWARD, Math, and Phil. Prof. JOHN SMITH, Prof, of the Learned Languages. I do sincerely concur in the preceding recommendation. J. WHEELOCK, President of the University. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, 1735. WHOEVER may have the perusal of this treatise on Arithmetick may naturally conr dude I might have spared myself the trouble of giving it this recommendation, as the work will speak more for itself than the most elaborate recommendation from my pen can speak for it : But as I have always been delighted with the contemplation of mathe- matical subjects, and at the same time fully sensible of the utility of a work of this nature, I was willing to render every assistance in my power to bring it to the publick view : And should the student read it with the same pleasure with which I perused the sheets before they went to the press, I am persuaded he will not fail of reaping that benefit from it which he may expect, or wish for, to satisfy his curiosity in a subject of this nature. The aathor, in treating on numbers, has done it with so much perspicuity and singular address, that I am convinced the study thereof will become more a pleasure than a task. The arrangement of the work, and the method by which he leads the tyro into the first principles ol numbers, are novelties 1 have notmet with in any book I have seen. "VVingate, Hutton, Ward, Hill, and many other authors whose names might be adduced, if necessary, have claimed a considerable share of merit ; but when brought into a comparative point of view with this treatise, they are inadequate and defective. This volume contains, besides what is useful and necessary in the comrnou affairs of life, a great fund for amusement aud entertainment. The JMechanick will fiud in it much more than he may have occasion for ; the Lawyer,Merchant and Mathematician, will find an ample field for the exercise of their genius; and I am well assured it may be read to great advantage. by students of every class. More than this need not be said by me, and to have said less, would be keeping back a tribute justly due to the merit of this work. BENJAMIN WEST. 269 iv RECOMMENDATIONS. UNIVERSITY inr CAMBRIDGE, 1786. HAVING, by the desire of Nicolas Pike, Esq. inspected the. foiii.wing volume in manuscript, we beg leave to acquaint the pubhck, that in our opinioi. it is a wcik \\ell executed, and contains a complete sjstean of Arithmetick. The jules are plain, :md the cemonstrations perspicuous and satisfactory ; and we esteem i: the best calculated, of any single piece we hve me f with, to eact youth, hy natural and easy gradations, into a methodical find thorough acquaintance with the science of figures Peisc ns cf all desc iptious may find in it every thing, respecting numbers, m cessary to their business ; and not only so, but it they have a speculative turn, and mathematical taste, may meet with much for their entertainment at a leisure hour. We heartily recommend it to schools, and to the community at large, and wish that the industry and skill of the Author may be rewaided. for so beneficial a work, by meeting with the general approbation and encouragement of the publick. JOKPH WILLARD, D D. Presiil. ni of the University. E. WIGGLES\VORTH. S. T. P. Hollis. S. WILLIAMS, LL.D. Math, et Phil. Nat- Prof. Hollis. YALE COLLEGE. 1786. Uroir examining Mr. Pike's system of Arithmetick, in manuscript, I find it to be a work of such mathematical ingenuity, that I esteem myself honored in join in? with the Rev. President Willard. and other learned gentlemen, in recommending it to the pub- lick as a production of genius, interspersed with originality in this part of learning, and as a book, suitable to be taught in schools: of utility to the merchant, and well adapted even for University instruction. I consider it of such merit as that it will probably gain a very general reception and use throughout the republick of letters. EZRA STILES, President. SCHENECTADY, OCT 16, 1822. I HAVE for many years been fully acquainted with Pike's System uf Aritluretick, and am fully persuaded of its excellence; I do not know of any treatise of n ; ore prac- tical utility ; the arrangement of its pans is natural, its rules are plain and easih un~ rtcrtooJ am 1 Hpplied, and it contains all that is of any importance to the Meicantile or Scientific Arithmetician. T. M'AULEY. S. T. D. Late Professor of Mathematicks, Union College. AMHERST, MASS. FEB. 9, 1822. I HAVE long been acquainted with Pike's Arithmetick, and think it the best of any extant, for those who wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of Arithmetiek as a science and an art. I cheerfully recommend the work to the patronage of the Instructors of youth in Academies and Schools, as combining more excellencies than any other Arith- metick now ia use. ZEPH. SWIFT MOORE, President of the Collegiate Institution, at Amherst, Mass. Extract of a Letter from My. Benedict, Tutor of Williams College, dated WILLIAMS COLLEGE. JANUARY 2, 1822. ' FROM the experience which I have had in instructing youth, I have had occasion to acquaint myseli with many, if not most of the Systems of Arithmetick new in use in this country. I can therefore speak with some more confidence than I otherwise should, from having proved their excellencies and defects hy actual trial of them. It is most certain that as a complete System on this important part of education, the work under consideration stands pre-eminent. It is impossible that Arithniet : ck should be so treated of. as not to leave much to be done by the instructor. Still, as I think, Pike's System wil! enable tlie teacher to benefit his scholars, to give tliem sound theoretical ard prac- tical knowledge in this branch, fo induce them to think and leason rlosely, and increase their power , 500 ; and M, 1000. TABLE. I, One. XV, Fifteen. ,CC, Two Hundred. ", Two. XVI, Sixteen. CCG, Three Hundred. in, Three. XV 7 II, Seventeen. CCCC, Four Hundred. IV, Four. iXVUl, Eighteen. D, or IQ, Five Hundred. v, Five. X(X, Nineteen. DC, Six Hundred. vi, Six, XX, Twenty. DCC, Seven Hundred. VII, ^even. XXX, Thirty. DCCC, Eight Hundred. VIII, fcight. 'XL, Forty. DCCCC, Nine Hundred. IX, Nine. L, Fifty. M, or CIo, One Thousand. X, Ten, LX, Sixty. HJQ, Five Thousand. XI, Eleven. LXX. Seventy. j^OOOi Fifty Thousand.* Xri, Tvvehe. LXXX, Eighty. looo^OOD^ Five Hund- Thous. Xlil, Tn'rieen. XC, Ninety MDCCCXXV, One Thous. Eight XIV, Fourteen. C, Hundred. [Hund. and Twenty-five. * Sometimes thousands are represented by drawing a line over the top of the numeral letttr.- Mas. V represents five thousand, L fty thousand, CC two hundred thousand. 12 Wliat is Roman Notation ? 13. What is its use ? 14. How many letters are used for this purpose ? 15. What number does each represent ? SIMPLE ADDITION. 13 RULES. 1. The number of a letter is doubled as often as it is repeated ; thus, 1, represents one ; II, two ; X, ten ; XX, twenty ; XXX, thirty. 2." A less literal number placed after a greater, augments the value of the greater ; if put before, it diminishes it. Thus, VI 5 is 6 ; IV, is 4 ; XI, is 11 ; IX, is 9, &c. II. ADDITION. ADDITION is the putting together of two or more numbers, or sums, to make them one total, or whole sum. SIMPLE ADDITION Is the adding of several numbers together, which are all of one sort, or kind ; as, 7 pounds, 12 pounds, and 20 pounds, being added together, make a sum total, or aggregate, of 39 pounds. RULE. Place units under units, tens under tens, &c. : draw a line un- derneath, and begin with the units : After adding up every figure in that column, consider how many tens are contained in their sum, and placing the excess under the units, carry so many as you have tens to the next column of tens : Proceed in the same manner through every column or row, and set down the whole amount of the last row.* PROOF. Begin at the top of each column, and add the figures down- wards, in the same manner as they were added upwards, and, if it be right, this aggregate will be equal to the first amount. Or, cut off the upper line of figures, and find the amount of the rest ; then if this amount and upper line, when added together, be equal to the sum total, the work is supposed to be right. * This rule is founded on the known axiom, that il the whole ',s equal to the sum of all its parts." The method of placing the numbers, and carrying for tens, is evident from the nature of notation ; for any other disposition of the numbers would alter their value; and carrying 1 for every 10, from an infeiior to a superior denomination, is evidently right ; because 1 unit in the lattercase is equal to the value of 10 units in the former. 16. How are other numbers represented 1 17. What is Addition? 18. IVJiat is Simple Addition ? 19. Repeat the rule. 20. Why do you carry for ten, m arftf- ing simple numbers 1 21. What is your method of proof ? 14 SIMPLE ADDITION. ADDITION TABLE. [It is not necessary that this Table be cammitted to memory, so as to repeat it wholly out of the book. This would be indeed a tedious task. When the pupil can read the two first columns, viz. 2 and 6, 2 and 3, 2 and 7, &c., and cover the third, viz. 8, 5, 9, &c., and recite it readily, it will be sufficiently committed.] 2 and 6 are 8 5 and 9 are 14 Sand 11 are 19 11 and6are!7 2 3 5 5 13 18 8 7 15 1 3 14 279 5 7 12 8 13 21 1 8 19 2 4 .6 538 8311 1 4 15 2 9 11 5 5 10 8 8 16 1 12 23 257 5 11 16 8 5 13 1 T 18 2 8 10 5 8 13 8 10 18 1 2 13 2 12 14 5 6 11 8 6 14 1 9 20 224 527 8 2 10 1 13 24 2 10 12 5 12 17 8 12 20 1 5 16 2 11 13 549 8917 1 11 22 2 13 15 5 10 15 8 4 12 1 10 21 3 and 9 are 1 2 6 and 13 are 19 9 and 6 are 1 5 12andl4are26 3 7 10 6 7 13 9 3 12 12 6 18 358 639 9716 12 3 15 3811 6 8 14 9 13 22 12 ' 10 22 369 6511 9 10 19 12 7 19 347 6 12 18 9 7 16 12 9 21 325 6 4 10 9 5 14 12 5 17 3 10 13 6 10 16 9211 12 2 14 336 628 9 12 21 12 8 20 3 12 15 6 6 12 9 8 17 12 13 25 3 11 14 6 9 15 9 4 13 12 4 16 3 13 16 6 11 17 9 11 20 12 11 23 4 and 13 are 17 7 and 9 are 16 10 and 9 are 19 13and2are 15 459 7 13 20 10 13 23 13 7 20 4 11 15 7 3 10 10 T 17 13 10 23 4 8 12 7 7 14 10 11 21 13 3 16 426 7 11 18 10 3 13 13 8 21 4 6 10 7 5 12 10 10 20 13 5 18 437 7 8 15 10 4 14 13 13 26 4 12 16 729 10 16 13 9 22 4711 7 6 13 10 12 22 13 4 17 4 10 14 7 12 19 10 5 15 13 12 25 4 9 13 7411 10 2 12 13 6 19 448 7 10 17 10 8 18 13 11 24 SIMPLE ADDITION. 15 EXAMPLES. . What is the amount of 3406, 7980, 345, and 27 ? H H 55 H cj rt JT C TI B If.?? $^7" Here we begin by writing [ g. down the several numbers, units under units, tens under tens, &c. s 3.4 6 Then draw a line under them. | We now commence adding at the 7.980 foot of the right hand column, 345 and say, 7 and 5 are 12, and 6 2 7 are 18. This exceeding ten, we write down the right hand figure Total amount, 11.7 58 8 under the column of units, and Amount with tht carry 1 to the next column ; and Upper line cut off, 8.352 say, 1 and 2 are 3, and 4 are 7, and 8 are 15. We wrile down 5 Proof, 11.7 58 at the foot of the column, and proceed to the next ; 1 and 3 are 4, and 9 are 13, and 4 are 17. We write down in the same way the right hand figure, 7, under its column ; and carrying 1 to the next, say 1 and 7 are 8, and 3 are 11. This being the last column, we write down the whole amount 11, and find the sum total to be 11.758. The method of proof is sufficiently explained. 2. 3. 4. 389261 2136784 37696941 789794 8297698 49760823 849798 8297694 45697615 487697 4876695 82132435 999996 1234697 48769206 9 4 8 2 1 7092032 48769209 5. 6. 7. 37856 378269 141 975 402607 3672 1234 702 82971 14 1246 34676 5612 2132 1459 2075 45178 427 16287 10276 12 16 SIMPLE ADDITION. 8. What is the amount of three hundred and sixty-five, eight hun- dred and seven, five hundred arid sixty, twenty-five, thirty-seven, and one hundred one ? Ans. 1895. 9. The hind quarters of a cow weigh one hundred and three pounds each ; the fore quarters weigh ninety-seven pounds each ; the hide sixty-thiee pounds, and the tallow fifty-six pounds ; what is the whole weight of the cow ? Ans. 519 pounds. 10. A man has four farms ; the first is worth two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars ; the second is worth three thousand eight hundred and nineteen dol- lars ; the third is worth one thou- sand six hundred and ten dollars ; the fourth is worth five hundred and twelve dollars ; what are they all worth ? Ans. 8.666 dollars. 11. A man possesses a tract of land, which contains forty-nine thousand eight hundred and thir- ty-five acres ; suppose he had six tracts of equal dimensions, how many acres would the whole con- tain ? Ans. 299.010. 12. What is the amount of three hundred, seventy-five, two, forty- seven, thirty-three, nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, twenty thousand one hundred and fifty, seven hundred and sixty-five thousand and ninety one, and one million seventy-five thousand and forty-seven? Ans. 1.870.529. 13. Add seventy-five millions nine hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred, two hundred and twenty-five thousand, and one hun- dred and forty together. Ans. 76.185.940. 14. W T hat is the sum of four thousand and twenty five, seventy- five thousand six hundred, eight hundred thousand four hundred and fifty, five millions three hun- dred and ten thousand, thirty mil- lions seven hundred and twenty, aiid nine hundred fifty millions ? Ans. 936.190.795. 1 5. What is the sum of one mi 11- ion five hundred thousand, three hundred and eleven thousand, nine- ty thousand six hundred and ten, fifty thousand and forty- five. Ans. 1.951.655. REMARK, As it is of great consequence in business to perform addition readily and exactly, the learner ought to practise it till it become quite familiar. If the learner can readily add any two digits, he will soon add a digit to a higher number with equal ease. It is only to add the unit place of that number to the digit, and if it exceed ten, it raises the amount accordingly. Thus, be- cause 8 and 6 are 14, 48 and 6 are 54. It will be proper to mark- down under the sums of each column, in a small hand, the figure that is carried to the next column. This prevents the trouble of SIMFLE SUBTRACTION. 17 going over the whole operation again, in case of interruption or mistake. If you want to keep the account clean, mark down the sum and figure you carry on a separate paper, and after revising them, transcribe the sum only. After some practice, we ought to acquire the habit of adding two or more figures at one glance. This is particularly useful when two figures which amount to 10, as 6 and 4> or 7 and 3, stand together in the column. Every operation in arithmetick ought to be revised to prevent mistakes ; and as one is apt to fall into the same mistake if he revise it in the same manner he performed it, it is proper either to alter the order, or else to trace back the steps by which the operation advanced, which will lead us at last to the number we be- gan with. -**- III. SUBTRACTION. N teaches to take a less number from a greater, to find a third, shewing the inequality, excess or difference between the 'given numbers. The greater number is called the Minuend ; the lesser number is called the Subtrahend. The difference be- tween them, or what is left after subtraction is made, is called the Remainder. SIMPLE SUBTRACTION Teaches to find the difference between any two numbers, which ire of a like kind. RULE. Place the larger number uppermost, and the less underneath, so that units may stand under unis, tens under tens, &c ; then drawing a line underneath, begin with the units, and subtract the lower from the upper figure, and set down the remainder ; but if the lower figure be greater than the upper, add ten to the upper, and subtract the lower figure therefrom : To this differ- 22. What is Subtraction 1 23. What is the m 'nutnd ? 24. What is the sub- trahend ? 25. What the remainder 1 2tf. How d you proceed in subtracting tima's numbers* c 18 SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. ence add the upper figure, which being set down, you must add one to the lower figure of the next column, for that which you borrowed ; and thus proceed through the whole. PROOF. jt Add the remainder and the less number together ; if the work be right, the amount will be equal to the greater number : Or, subtract the remainder from the greater sum, and the difference will be equal to the less. EXAMPLES. From 3724 Minuend O^T The operation of this example is Take 2583 Subtrahend very plain. The two sums being written tlown according to the rule, we draw a 1141 Remainder line underneath, and beginning at the right hand figure, say 3 from 4 leaves 1, whi^h -Proof 3724 we set down in. the next column, the sub- trahend (8) being greater than the minuend, we add 10 to the upper figure, making it 12, and say, 8 eight from 12, there remain 4, which is written down. We now carry 1 to the next column, for that which we just borrowed, and say, 1 to 5 is 6, and 6 from 7 leaves 1, which we put down ; and in the next column, tak- ing 2 from 3, leaves I, which we write down, and the work is done. The method of proof will be extremely easy to the learner. 3. 4. 5. Feet. * Cwt., Doll*. 879647 9187641 10000 164348 91843 9999 6. 7. 1 000200340000 1 00200300400400600700S009CO 3189910304 980760540320nu23045067089. What is the melhod of proof ? SIMPLE SUBTRACTION. 8. The Arabian or Indian meth- od of notation was first known in England in 1150$ how long is it to the present time ? 9. What number must be added to 6892, so that the sum shall be 8265 ? Am. 1373. 10. A gentleman purchased fif- teen thousand eight hundred and forty acres of land ; he sold two thousand three hundred and fifty to one man ; four thousand five hundred to another ; and three thousand two hundred and twenty- five to a third ; how many acres had he left ? Am. 5.765. 11. A man died, leaving an estate of 12.650 dollars, which he bequeathed as follows : 2.500 dol- lars to each of his three daughters, and the remainder to his son ; what was the son's share ? Ans. 5.150 dollars. 12. If the greater of two num- bers be seven hundred and fifty millions, and the less five hundred and forty thousand ; what will be the remainder or difference ? Ans. 749.460.000. 13. A man's property is worth 10.650 dollars ; but he owe* A 1.800 dollars, B 1.260 dollars, C 750 dollars, and D 500 dollars ; what will remain after his debts are paid ? Ans. 6.340 dolls. REMARK. At every stage of the scholar's progress, it would be well for him to review his previous studies to fix in his memory the most important rules ; and endeavour to under- stand thoroughly the reasonableness and accuracy of the principles he is taught. The simple rules of arithmetick are easily ac- quired ; but if the scholar hurries over them, as is too often the case, without fully understanding their meaning and application, he will find his subsequent studies as much retarded, as he would find them aided, were he to become MASTER OF HIS SUBJECT as he goes along. The instructor should question his pupil on every rule, and explain the principles of the rules, in every case, where fae scholar desires it Jiff SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. IV. MULTIPLICATION. MULTIPLICATION teaches how to increase the greater of tw numbers given, as often as there are units in the less ; performs the work of many additions in the most compendious manner ; brings numbers of great denominations into small, as pounds into shillings, pence, or ifarthiugs, &c. ; and, by knowing the value of one thing, we fin^the value of many. There are three parts in Multiplication, viz. The sum to be multiplied is called the Multiplicand. The sum by which you multiply is called the Multiplier. The result of the operation is called the Product The Multiplicand and Multiplier are likewise called both to- gether/actors, or that by which the operation is performed. SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION Is the multiplying of any two numbers together, without having regard to theii; signification ; as, 7 times 8 are 56, &c. RULE. 1. Place the Multiplier under the Multiplicand, so that units stand under units, tens under tens, &c., and draw a line under them. 2. Beginning at the right hand, multiply each figure in the multiplicand by each in the multiplier, placing the first figure of every line directly under its respective multiplier, and to the product of the next figure carry one for every ten, as in addition. 3. Add the several products together, and their sum will be the total product requiied. PROOF. Multiply the multiplier by the multiplicand.* It is indispensably necessary that the Multiplication Table be comm tied perfectly to memory , before the scholar proceeds to the exam- ples under the rules. * Tne better way of proving Multiplication, is by Division. It may also be proved by casting out the 9's , but as the work will sometimes prove by that method, when in fact wrong, the rule is omitted. 28. Whnt is JWultip lication ? --- 29. Whai are the terms used in multiplication'! - - 30 What is th( multiplicand? --- 31. W hat the multiplier * -- 32. And what is tt-e product? S3. What are ih, two first sometimes called 1 - 34. What is Simple Multiplication 1 - 35. W 'hat is the general rvltfor multiplying' simple numbers 1 - ">$. How do you prove your sum to be right ? -- 37. Repeat the Multiplication SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. 21 MUL 2 times 1 are 2 2 4 3 6 4 8 5 10 6 12 7 14 8 16 9 18 10 20 11 22 12 24 3 times 1 are 3 2 6 3 9 4 12 5 1.3 6 18 7 21 8 24 9 27 10 30 11 33 1 2 36 TIPLICATIOW TA 5 times 9 are 45 10 50 11 55 12 60 BLB. 9 times 5 are 45 6 54 7 63 8 72 9 81 10 90 11 -99 12 108 6 tunes 1 are 2 12 3 18 4 24 5 30 6 3G 7 42 8 48 9 54 10 60 11 66 12 72 10 umes 1 are 10 2 20 3 30 4 40 5 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 90 10 100 11 110 12 120 7 times 1 are 7 2 14 8 21 4 28 5 35 6 42 7 49 8 56 S 63 10 70 11 77 12 84 1 1 times 1 are 11 2 22 3 33 4 4 1 5 55 6 66 7 77 , 80 o oo 9 ( f9 10 110 11 121 12 132 4 times 1 are 4 2 8 3 12 4 16 5 20 6 24 7O rf%O 8 32 9 36 10 40 11 -44 12 48 8 times 1 are 8 2 16 3 24 4 32 5 40 48 7 56 8 64 9 10 80 1 I 88 12 96 9 times 1 "are 9 2 18 3 27 4 36 12 times 1 are 12 C) <*A 3 36 4 43 r,o 72 7 84 8 9 108 10 120 11 5 times 1 are 5 2 : 10 3 15 4 C 2* 5 25 6 30 7 36 8 40 22 SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the product of 90631, multiplied by 8 ? Multiplicand, 90631 (jr Here, in the first place, we write Multiplier, 8 down the multiplicand ; then we write the multiplier under ths unit figure of the mul- Product, 725.048 tiplicand, and draw a line underneath We then say, 8 times 1 are 8 ; as the product does not exceed nine, we write it underneath ; we then say, 8 times 3 are 24, we write down the right hand figure 4, and reserve the left hand figure 2, to be added to the product of the next figure ; we then say, 8 times 6 are 48 and two are 50, we write down the right hand figure 0, and reserve the left hand figure 5, to he added to the product of the next figure ; we then say, 8 times is and 5 are 5. and write down 5 ; we then say, 8 times 9 are 72 : this being the last figure, we write down the whole product 72, and find the answer to fee 725.048. 2. 3. 4. 769308 49-80076 763896 3 4 5 Product, 2307924 5. What will be the product of 25.375, multiplied by 10 ?- 6. Multiply 750.005 by 11. 7. Multiply 900.301.399 by 12. 8. Multiply 989.000 by 9. 9- Multiply 568.098 by 8. 10. Multiply 639.408 by 10. 11. Multiply 789.795 by 7. CASE I. When the Multiplier consists of several figures. RULE. Write down the multiplicand, and under it the mul- tiplier, units under units, tens under tens, &c. Then multiply by each significant figure in the multiplier separately, beginning with units, and writing the first figure of each different product directly under the figure/ by which you are multiplying. Add the several products together, and you have the sum total. 38, What is yowr rule, when the multiplier c9nsists of several figures ? SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION, 23 EXAMPLES. I. Multiply 7654 by 543. Proof by Multiplication.* 7654 643 543 7654 22962=3 times the multiplicand. 306 IS =40 times do. 38270 =500 times do. 4.156.122=543 times do. 4.156.122 Products When the multiplier is a number consisting of several figures, after we have found the product of the multiplicand by the first figure of the multiplier, we suppose the multiplier to be divided in- to parts, and after the same manner, find the product of the multi- plicand by the second figure of the multiplier ; but as the figure, by which we are multiplying, stands in the place of tens, the product must be ten times its number ; and, therefore, the first figure in this product must be written in the place of tens, or, which is the same, directly under the figure by which we are multiplying. And pro- ceeding in the same manner with all the figures of the multiplier, separately, it is evident, we shall multiply all the parts of the multi- plicand by all the parts of the multiplier ; therefore, the sum of these several products will be the whole product required. CO 7 " If there are ciphers between the significant figures of the multiplier, write them in a line with the product of the next signi- ficant figure, directly under their places in the multiplier. As, in Example 2d. 2. 3. 4. 647906 46293845 91861284 4003 106 6875 1943718 259162400 2593567718 * The reason efthe method of proof by multiplication, depends apoa this propositioc, that if two numbers aie to be multiplied together, either of them may be made the multi- plier or the multiplicand, and the product will be the same, JRwmplt. X4~24> and 4X6 -24. M SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION CASE H. When there are ciphers on the right hand of either the multiplicand or multiplier, or both. RULE. Neglect those ciphers ; then place the significant figures under one another, and multiply by them only ; add them together, as before directed, and place to the right hand as many ciphers as there are in both the factors. EXAMPLES. 1. 2. 3. 67910 956700 $30137000 5600 320 9500 Froduct, 380.296.000 4. What is the value of a farm of 600 acres, at 20 dollars an acre ? Ans. 12.000 dollars 5. Multiply 50.750.000 by 75.000. Ans. 3.806.250.000.00*. 39. How do you proceed when any of the right hand figures of the multiplicand c> multiplier are ciphers ? SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. 2g CASE III. To multiply by 10, 100, 1000, #c. RULE. Set down the mu tiplicand underneath, and join tire ciphers in the multiplier to the right hand of them.* EXAMPLES. 3. 4. 613975 8473965 1000 10000 Prod. 579350 CASE IV. Wlien the multiplier is a composite number, (or exactly equal to the product of any two figures in the multiplication table ^ RULE. Multiply first by one of those figures, and that product by the other, the last product will be the answer.f EXAMPLES. 1. 2. 3. Multiply 59375 by 35 39187 by 48 91632 by 56 Product, 2078126 * This is evident from the nature of numbers, since every cipher annexed to the right of a number increases the value of that number in a tenfold proportion. T The reason of this rule is obvious; for any number multiplied by the component parts of another, must give the same product as if it were multiplied by that numbel at once. 40. What is the rule when the multiplier is 10, 109, 1QW, #c. ? 1. When tft multiplier is a composite number, what is your ruU ? D 20 SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION, CASE v. To multiply by 9, 99, 999, fyc. RULE. Annex as many ciphers to the right of the multiplicand as there are figures in your multiplier, and from the number thus produced, subtract the given multiplicand, and the remainder will be the product. EXAMPLES. I. Multiply 5384976 by 9999. 53849760000 O^r There being four 9s in the given multiplier, 5384976 add four ciphers (0000) at the right hand ; then write the multiplicand underneath, and subtract ac* 53844375024 cording to the rule. Multiply 371967 by 999. Ans. 371595033. PROMISCUOUS EXERCISES. 1. What is the product 237956, multiplied by 3728 ? Ms. 887.099.968. of 2. If 4 bushels of wheat make 1 barrefc of flour, and the price of wheat bti 1 dollar a bushel, what will 225 barrels of flour cost ? 3. Multiply 308879 by twenty thousand five hundred and three. Ans. 6.332.946.137. 4. Multiply 876956 by 990000. Ans. 868.186.440.000. 5. If a man rise an hour earlier every day, how much useful time will he gain for study or labour in 20 years, there being 365 days in a year ? 6. WbaJt will be the total pro- duct of ninety-eight millions seven hundred sixty-three thousand five hundred and forty-two, multiplied by the same sum ? Ana. 9.734.237.228.385.764. 42. What if the rvkfor multiplying by 9, 99, SIMPLE DIVISION. 27 V. DIVISION. DIVISION is the method of finding how many times a less num- ber is contained in a greater ; or dividing a quantity given, into any number of parts assigned ; and is a concise way of perform- ing several subtractions. There are four parts to be noted in Division : 1. The Dividend, or number given to be divided. 2. The Divisor, or number given to divide by. 3. The Quotient, or answer to the question, which shows how often the divisor is contained in the dividend. 4. The Remainder (which is always less than the divisor, and of the same name with the dividend) is very uncertain, as there is sometimes a remainder, and sometimes none. SIMPLE DIVISION Is the dividing of one number by another, without regard to their values ; as 56, divided by 8, produces 7 in the quotient : That is, 8 is contained 7 times in 56. GENERAL RULE. 1. Draw a curve line on each side of the dividend, and write the divisor at the left hand. 2. Take the same number of the first left hand figures of the dividend that there are in the divisor, if they be equal to, or greater than the divisor ; but if they be less than the divisor, take one more ; find the number of times the divisor is contained in them, and write a figure representing the number at the right hand of the dividend, which will be the first figure of the quotient. 3. Multiply the divisor by this quotient figure, and write the product under that part of the dividend taken. 4. Subtract this product from that part of the dividend taken, and bring down the next figure of the dividend, and place it at the right hand of the remainder : then find a quotient figure, multi- ply and subtract as before directed ; proceed in the same man- ner until all the figures in the dividend are brought down and divided. 5. When a figure has been brought down and placed f at the right hand of the remainder, if the number be less than the divisor, write a cipher in the quotient, and bring down another figure. 43. What is Division ? 44. How many parts are there in Division, and what fire they 1 45. Wh*t is Svnpk Division '! 40. What is your rule ? 28 SIMPLE DIVlSIOiY. PROOF. Multiply the divisor raid quotient together, and add the remainder, if there be any, to the product : If the work be right, that sum will be equal to the dividend. DIVISION TABLE. 1| 2| 3 ; 4 51 6 7 8 9 1 I 1C 11 12 To USE THE TABLE Look for the divisor or number by which you wish :o divide in the left hand 3erpendicular column. Then trace the horizon- tal column in which the 2 1 4 6 j 81 3' 1 9*121 OJ12 : 1416 5'l82124 ! i n 20 30 22 i 33 44 24 36 4 162 QJ242S3236 -i i j 330;3540'45 40 48 5 . 2 50 55 66 60 ;he dividend or numb.er into wliiol; you wish to di- vide, then trace that col- umn to the top and you will find the product or number of times the divi- sor is contained in the div- 6 i 36424854 60 72 7 4956 w 70 77 84 96 8 '64 72 80 88 9 81 90 99!l08 the exact number into which you wish to divide in the table, look for the next less one, and the dif- ference between them will be what is over 10 100 110 120 11 121 132 12 144 EXAMPLES. 1. How many times is 3 contained in 175817 Div sor. Dividend. Quotient. 3) 1 7 5 8 1 7 (58605 1 5 2 5 2 4 1 8 1 8 1 7 1 5 2 Remainder. 0^7=- Here we first write down the dividend, and making a curve on each side, place the divisor (3) at the left hand. In this example, we see, that 3, the divisor, cannot be contained in 1, the first figure of the. dividend ; therefore we take two figures, (17) and inquire how often 3 is contained therein, which finding to be 5 times, we place the 5 in the quotient, and multiply the divisor by it, setting the first figure of the multiplication under the 7 in the 47. How do you prove your work to be right SIMPLE DIVISION. 29 PROOF. the dividend, &c. We then subtract 58605 Quotient. 15 from 17, and find a remainder of X3 Divisor-f-2 2, to Ihe right hand of which we - -- bring down the next figure of the 175817 dividend, viz. 5 ; then, we inquire how often the divisor 3 is contained Observe that the remainder 2, 1 in 25, and finding it to be 8 times, is here added in multiplying > we multiply by 8, and proceed as be- by 3. j fore, till we bring down the 1, when finding we cannot have the divisor in. 1, we place Oin the quotient, and bring down 7 to the 1, and proceed as at the first. JVbfe. When there is no remainder to a division, the quotient istUe absolute and per- fect answei to the question ; but when there is a remainder, it may be observed, that it goes so much towards anrther tune as it approaches the divisor ; thus, if the remainder be halfthe divisor, itwillgo half of a time more, and so on ; in order, therefore, to com- plete the quotient, put the last remainder to the end of it, above a line, and the divisor below it, as in Example 2. Hence the origin of vulgar fractions, which will be treated of hereafter. The reason of the proof is plain -, for, since the quotient is the number of times the dividend contains the divisor, the product of the quotient and divisor must, evidently, be equal to the dividend. As the quotient and divisor are always multiplied during the operation, a simple method of proof is, by adding the several products and remainder (if any) together as they stand. Thus in the above example 1 prod. 15 .... 2 prod. .24 ... 3 prod. ..18. . 4 prod. ____ 15 Remainder .... 2 175817 Equal to dividend* 2. 3. 29) 1 53598(5296^ 493)9 1 876375( 1 41 50 145 85 58 261 188 174 14 48. When thert is no remainder, what is the quotient 1 49. When there is a > h rom what has been said in addition of simple a umbel's is 1 in the pence is - ~maj to 4 in the farthings; 1 in tie. sl.i h .' ii. tnn jjuunc's.to 20 in the shillings; there- fore, C^M Oionej ;:'!.., '' >m each column, properly, in hold good iu the ? Idition of pound w) . \ t ,. ?'.. n'L ' -S2. M 7 /!,;/ ;* Me rwie ? 83. Wftai thi method of ff; , :. are rter tn an ffg-/e ? COMPOUND ADDITION. 41 Table of English Money. 4 Farthings ) C Penny, marked, qrs. d. 12 Pence > MAKE ONE < Shilling, , s. 20 Shillings ) ( Pound, . NOTE $pz\ farthing, or a quarter of any thing. zr2 faithings, or half of any thing. $3 farthings, or three quarters of anything. FENCE AND SHILLING TABLE. 20 pence make 5.1 30 -.-- 2 40 - - - - 3 i8?100 - - 4*120 - - - -5.8 - - 9 - - 10 dAt 60 - 70 - 80 - - - -3 ... 3 ... 4 ,.0! 10 erf 50 .... 4 2^240 .... 20 Ol 90 - ... 4 10 60 .... 5 9 20 shill. makel 5.0 100 - ... 5 70 .... 5 10 \ 30 - - _ 1 105 110 - ... 5 10 80 - - - - 6 8 \ 40 n - - - 2 i 120 - - - - 6 90 .... 7 6 50 - - . 2 10' 130 - ... 6 10 \ i EXAMPLES. 1. . 5. d. 47 17 li CO" In this example, we begin by placing the numbers of one denomination under 24 13 9 each other, that is to say, pounds under 36 10 6 pounds, shillings under shillings, and pence 21 15 7 under pence. We then begin with the least 17 14 6 denomination, which is pence, and find the 15 11 5 amount to be 46, which we bring into shil- 10 10 2 lings by dividing them by 12, we write the remainder 10 under the coJumn, and Ans. 174 13 10 carry the quotient 3 to the column of shil- lings ; we then find the amount of the 126 15 11 column of shillings to be 93, which we bring into pounds by dividing them by 20 ; Proof, 174 13 J.O we write the remainder 13 under the col- umn of shillings, and carry the quotient 4 to the pounds ; we then find the amount of the column of pounds to be 174, which we write under the column of pounds, and find the answer to be 174. 13s. lOd. 85. What is a farthing ? 86. Repeat the table of English Money. 87. How nany pence and farthings are there in a pound ? 42 COMPOUND ADDITION. 2. s. d. qrs. 847 11 11 2 491 19 6 I 59 6 10 G 747 16 1 2 s. d. qrs. 915 10 10 2 64 8 9 1 419 2 10 2 491 19 11 # 762 17 6 1 5 16 11 3 2. TROY WEIGHT.* By this weight are weighed Gold, Silver, Jewels, Electuaries^ and all Liquors. 24 Grains 20 Pennyweights 12 Ounces Table. grs."\ f Pennyweight, marked >MAKE ONE< Ounce, 02. ) r Pound, ft or l 1. ft. oz. pwt. 767 10 17 39 6 9 417 11 16 935 9 8 ft. 649 32 841 473 EXAMPLES. 2. oz. pwt. gr. 11 19 20 965 10 11 20 949 ft. 859 3. oz. pwt. gr. 9 15 20 437 10 17 22 642 3 7 738 9 4 23 * The original of all weights used in England, was a grain or kernel of wheat, gath- ered out ot the middle of the par, and, being \vo'l dried, 32 of them were to make one peunywej^ht, 20 pennyweights one ounce, ar-u 12 ounces one pound. But in later time* it was thought sufficient to divide the same pennyweight into 24 equal parts, still called grains, being the least weight n^w in common use ; and from thence the' rest are com- puted. 88, WhuiitTroy What are its denominations ? COMPOUND ADDITION. . Gold is tried by fire, and reckoned in carats, or the 24th part of any quantity. Such gold as will abide the fire without loss ia accounted 24 carats fine ; if it lose 2 carats, it is called 22 carats fine, &t,i A pound of silv iT * wh-ch loses nothing in trial, is 12 ounces fine. JWmi is the base metal naix ui with gold or silver, which abates ita fineness. O^ 8 * 175 Troy oz. are equal to 192 Avoirdupois oz., and 17o Iba. Troy are eq ;a! to 144 Ibs. Avoirdupois. 1 Ib. Troy = 5760 grains, and t Ib. Avoirdupois = 7000 grains. 3. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. By Avoirdu.pt is are weighed all coarse and drossy goods, gro- ceries, bread, tallow, hay, leather, and all metals, except gold and silver. 16 Drams, 16 Ounces 28 Pounds 4 Quarters 20 Hundred Weight Table. dr. -\ f Onnce, marked 02. \ Pound, Ib. MAKE ONE< Quarter of a hund. wt. qr. ) Hund. weight, 112lbs. Cwt. ( Ton, T. EXAMPLES. 1, Ib. oz. dr. 19 13 12 21 9 6 4 15 15 22 10 5 2. T. cwt. qrs. Ib. 59 13 2 17 6 17 1 21 45 11 3 25 57 16 2 19 3. T. cwt. qrs. Ib. oz. dr. 91 17 2 25 13 15 19 9 17 10 Ifc 14 13 2 9 11 47 11 3 19 14 NOTE. In Avoirdupois Weight, several other denominations are used in particular goods, viz. A bbl. of Pot Ashes, A bbl. of Pork, A bbl. of Beef, A quintal of Fish, 12 particular things, 12 dozen, 200 Ibs. 220 Ibs. = 220 Ibs. = 112 Ibs. 1 dozen. 1 gross. < 144 dozen, = $ t 20 particular things, \ 5 do. do 5 24 sheets of paper, 20 quires, ^: great gvoss. score, taliy. quire, ream. 90. W!:nt is a Carat 1 } 91. What is the difference between Troy and Avoirdu- pois ? 92. What is the use of Avoirdupois ? 93. Repeat the Table 94. ethtr dttiominations are used in Avoirdupois ? COMPOUND ADDITION. 4. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. By this weight, apothecaries and physicians mix their medicines but they buy and sell their commodities by avoirdupois. 20 Grains, 3 iScrupies, 8 Drams, 12 Ounces r grt. Tabk. MAKE ONE Scraple, Dram, Ounce, Poundj marked, EXAMPLES. |. 3 B gr- 9 1 17 3 2 14 6 1 17 4 8 1 5 2 2. 3 3 B gr. 10 7 2 19 6 3 12 17 12 7 6 1 952 8 3 1 740 11 4 3. ib. 3 3 B g*. 12 11 6 1 15 4 9 1 12 91 10 7 2 16 4812 19 9 6 3 17 3452 9 5. CLOTH MEASURE. Table. 2 Inches, in. 4 ^Hi. l r? ; or 9 Inches, 4 CjiuTt- f&, or 36 Inches, 3 Quartero, or 27 Inches, b Quarters, or 45 Inches, 6 Quarters, or 54 Inches, 4 tt'j-cii-tftrs, 1 In. & 1 5th, or 37 laches aud one 5th, 3 Quarters and two thirds, MAKE ONE ' Nail, marked, n. or no. Quarter of a Yard, (jr. Yard, Yd. Ell Flemish, E. Fl. Ell English, jri jjt Jlj* FJ- Ell French, E.Fr. EH Scotch, E. Sc. , Spanish Var. 95, What is the use of Apothecaries' Weight? 96. What are its denomiruttiaris? -97. W hat are the varieties in Cloth Measure f COMPOUND ADDITION. 45 EXAMPLES. ft. Yd qr. n. 76 2 3 3 3 1 42 3 3 57 2 2 2. E.E- qr. n. 91 3 2 49 4 3 623 84 4 1 3. E.FI. qr. n. 75 2 i 7 1 3 84 2 76 2 3 Note. The Scotch allow one English yard in every score yards. All Scotch and Irish linens are bought by the English or American yard, which are the same, and all Dutch linens by the Ell Flemish : out are all sold in America by the American yard. 6. LONG MEASURE. The use of Long Measure is to measure the distances of places*, or any thing, where length is considered without regard to breadth, Table. 3 Barley-corns, bar.'} 12 Inches, 3 Feet, 5J Yards, or 16 J feet, 40 Rods, Perches or Poles, or 132 Paces, 8 Furlongs, 60 Geographicaljor 69 J stat- ute miles 360 Degrees, MAKE ONE Inch, marked, Foot, Yard, Rod, Perch, or Poj e , in., ft- yd. pol. fur. mils. Furlong, Mile, Degree, deg. or * .Great Circle of the Earth 98. What is Long Measure? 99. Repeat the table 1 46 COMPOUND ADDITION. EXAMPLES. 1. 2. 3. Pol. ft. in. Mil. for. pol. Deg. mil. fur. pol. ft. in. bar. 12 n 10 9 10 9 8 12 11 7 15 6 9 7 36 7 3 19 4 1 24 6 5 12 759 56 6 29 15 10 2 217 39 1 36 11 61 497 63 7 24 9 81 562 17 11 13 00 NOTE. Distances are also measured with a chain, 4 rods long, con- taining 100 links. finches 25 links links 1 chains 8 furlongs 4 inches fi points ~ 1 link, * 12 lines 1 inch. 1 ple. \ 12 inches 1 foot. 1 chain. j 6 feet ~ 1 fathom.f 1 furlong, j 3 miles 1 league. r= 1 mile. \ 5 feet 1 geometrical pace, rr 1 hand.* ; 66 feet rz 1 gunter's chain. 1 line. 7. TIME. TabU. 60 Seconds 1 ( Minule, n 60 Minutes Hour, 24 Hours Day, 7 Days > MAKE ONE { Week, 4 Weeks I | 'Month, 1 3 Months 1 day & 6 hours, or 365 days & 6 hours, J I Julian Year, marked s. m. h. d. w. mo. Y. * Used in measuring the height of horses. f Or French toise, used in measuring the depth of water and cordage, and is equal to 6 feet 4 inches English measure. 100. In what other way are distances measured? 101. Whatis a chain ? 102. What afurlongl 103. A fathom? 104. What is a league! 105. What is a geometrical pace? 106. What are the divisions of time? COMPOUND ADDITION. 47 EXAMPLES. 1. 2. 3. W. d. b. m. s. Y. mo. d. Y. mo, w. d. h. m. s. 3 6 22 57 42 19 10 19 57 11 36 23 29 55 1 5 19 31 28 7 9 27 4 8 1 I 19 45 38 2 3 17 9 15 4 8 16 29 9 2 3 17 18 19 3 9 17 58 1 11 14 46 10 2 5 11 50 13 NOTE. The civil Solar year of 365 days being short of the true, by bk. 48w. 57s. occasioned the beginning of the year to run forward through the season nearly one day in four years ; on this account, Julius Caesar ordained that one day should be added to February every fourth year, by causing the 24th day to be reckoned twice ; and be- cause this 24th day was the sixth, (sextilis) before the kalends of March, there were in this year two of these sextiles, which gave the name of Bissextile to this year, which being thus corrected, was, from thence, called the Julian year. 8. MOTION, OR CIRCULAR MEASURE. This Measure is used in reckoning latitude and longitude ; also in computing the revolution of the earth and other planets round the sun. Table. 60 Seconds (//) } ("Minute, - - 60 Minutes f 1 Degree, - 30 Degrees MAKE ONE )Sign, - ,, 12 Signs, or 360 degrees,) ( Circle of the Zodiack.* * The Zodiuck is the great circle of the Sphere, containing the 12 signs, through which the Sun passes. 107. What is the origin of the JulianYear ? 108. What is a degrtc ? 109. Wk*t is the use of the tabU of Motion ? 48 COMPOUND ADDITION EXAMPLES. 1 ct o I *.. O. ' " sig-. f tf gig. ' /f 17 55 48 10 5 37 42. 104 7 52 16 1 37 51 102 7 25 72 648 5 27 24 29 19 45 14 8 26 11 393 6 17 13 19 19 37 72 4 32 ]7 136 7 38 24 107 6 47 498 5 42 19 9. LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. By this are measured thipgs that have both length and breadth, Tabk. 144 Inches make one Square Foot. 9 Feet --- Yard. Yards, or ) --- Pole - 40 Poles - - - - = - Rood. 4 . Roods, or 160 Rods, or > . 4840 Yards, $ 640 Acres - - --- Mile. EXAMPLES. 1. 2. 3. Pole. feet. inch. Yard. feet. inch. Acre. rood. pole. feet, inch, 36 17 137 28 7 119 756 3 37 245 128 19 248 119 93 75 29 1 29 93 25 12 96 75 29 6 120 416 3 31 128 119 18 110 122 4 8 12 37 1 19 218 '20 110. What is a pok in Square Measure 111. What a f*oi 1 112. /few - ny yards in enacrt? 0OMPOUND ADDITION. 10. SOLID MEASURE. 49 This Measure is used to measure things that have length, breadth and thickness. Table. 1728 Inches make one 27 Feet - 40 Feet of round timber, or > 50 Feet of hewn timber, $ 128 Solid feet, i. e. 8 in length, 4 in breadth^ and 4 in height, Foot. Yard. Ton or Load. Cord of Wood. 1. Ton. ft. in. 29 46 1229 12 19 18 11 64 917 19 8 1002 EXAMPLES. 2. Yard. ft. in. 75 22 1412 9 26 195 3 19 1091 28 15 1722 Cord. 37 9 48 8 3. ft. in. 119 1015 110 159 127 1017 956 NOTE. 16 solid feet are called a foot in measuring wood, and 8 feet a cord. Also, 24f solid feet are called a perch in measuring 1 stone. 11. WINE MEASURE. All brandies, spirits, perry, cider, mead, vinegar, honey and oil, are measured by wine measure. 4 gills, (gi.) 2 pints, 4 quarts, 31J gallons, 63 gallons, 2 hogsheads, 2 pipes, or 4 hogsheads Table. MAKE ONE pint ~1 7 gallon, barrel, hogshead, pipe, or butt, tun, ft. qt gal. bar. hhd. P. or B. T. 113. What is afoot in Solid Measure ? 114. What is a cord ofwood^-^ 1 15- How many feet of timber in a ton 1 11G. What is a, perch? 117. What fire the de-nominations of Wine Measure ? G COMPOUND ADDITION. I. Tie. gal. qt. pt. 37 39 3 1 9 17 2 I 4 28 32 19 1 1 EXAMPLES. 2. Hhd gal, qt. qt. 51 53 1 1 21 39 3 9 18 1 0921 Tun. hhd. gal. qk 37 2 37 2 19 ' 1 59 1 28 2 00 19 47 1 NOTE. The wine gallon contains 231 cubick inches. 12. ALE OR BEER MEASURE. 2 Pints, pt. 4 Quarts, 8 Gallons, 8J Gallons, 9 Gallons, 2 Firkins, 2 Kilderkins, 1 J Barrel, or 45 Galloes, 2 barrels, 3 Barrels, or 2 Hhds. Table. - MAKE ONE Quart, sevea aQ d three fifths, &,c. 6. The common measure of two or more numbers, is that number, which will divide each of them without a remainder: Thus, 5 is the common measure (or divisor) of 10, 20, and 30; and the greatest number which will do this is called the greatest common measure. 7. A number, which can be measured by two, or more, numbers, is called their common multiple : And, if it be the least number which can be so measured, it is called the least common multiple ; thus, 40, GO, 80, 100, are multiples of 4 and 5 ; but their least common multi- ple is 20: 8. A prime number is that, which can only be measured (that is, divided) by itself, or an unit ; as, 5, &c. 9. A perfect number is equal to the sum of all its aliquot parts. PROBLEM I. To find the greatest common measure of two or more numbers. RUL 1. If there be two numbers only, divide the greater by the less, and this divisor by the remainder, and so on, always di- viding the last divisor by the last remainder, till nothing remain ; then will the last divisor be the greatest common measure re- quired. 2. When there are more than two numbers, find the greatest common measure of two of them, as before ; then of that com- mon measure and one of the other numbers, and so on, through all the numbers, to the last ; then will the greatest common measure, last found, be the answer. 144. TV hat is a proper fraction? 145. What is an improper fraction? 146. W hat is a mixed number ? 147. What is a common measure of two or more num bers 1 148. What is a. common multiple ? 149. What is the difference between a prime and a perfect number 1 150. How da ^ou .find ff>e %rfa i ?*f common m.en*ure of r more numbers ? 72 VULGAR FRACTIONS. 3. If 1 happens to be the common measure, the given numbers are prime to each other, and found to be incommensurable, or in their lowest terms.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the greatest common measure of 36 and 96_? 36)96(2 72 $3r It is evident, that 12 is the greatest number 24)36(1 that will divide 36 and 96 24 without a remainder ; therefore, it is the great- Greatest common measure = 12)24(2 est common measure, or 24 answer. 2. What is the greatest common measure of 1224 and 1080? Ans. 72, PROBLEM II. To find the least common multiple of two or more numbers. RULE 1. Divide by any number that will divide two or more of the given numbers without a remainder, and set the quotients, together with the undivided numbers, in a line beneath. 2. Divide the second line as before, and so on, till there are no two numbers that can be divided ; then the continued product of the divisors and quotients will give the multiple required. f * The truth of this rale may be shown from the first example ; for since 12 divides 24, it also divides 24+12, or 36. Again, since 12 divides 24 and 36, it also divides 36X2+24, or 96. f The reason of this rule may be shown from the first example, thus : It is evident, that 3X5X8X10 1200 may be divided by 3, 5, 8, and 10, without a remainder; bat 10 is a multiple of 5 ; therefore, 3x5x8x2240 is also divisible by 3, 5, 8, and 10. Also, 8 is a multiple of 2 ; therefore, 3x5x4x2=120 is also divisible by 3, 5, 8, and 10 ; and is evidently the least number Vhat can be so divided. 151. W hat is the rule for finding the greatest common multiple of two or more nwM* bers ? REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 73 EXAMPLES. 1. What is the least common multiple of 6, 10, 16, and 20 *5)6 10 J.6 20 O^T We survey the given numbers, -- and find that 5 will divide two of them, *2)6 216 4 viz. 10 aud 20, which we divide by 5, --- bringing into a line with the quotients, *2)3 182 the numbers, which 5 will not measure : --- again, we view the numbers in the sec- *3 1 *4 1 ond line, and find 2 will measure them all, and we get 3, 1, 8, 2, in the third line, and find that 2 will measure 8 and ***** 2, and in the fourth line get 3, 1, 4, 1 all 5X2X2X3X4 240 Ans. prime ; we then multiply the prime numbers and the divisors continually into each other, for the number sought, and find it to be 240. 2: What is the least number, which can be divided by the 9 digits separately, without a remainder ? Ans. 2520. REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS, Is the bringing them out of one form into another, in order to prepare them for the operations of Addition, Subtraction, &c. CASE I. To abbreviate or reduce fractions to their lowest terms.* * A fraction is in its lowest terms, when represented by the least numbers possible : thus ^ when reduced to its lowest terms is . W f \at is reduction of vulgar fractions 1 153. When is a fraction in its lowest terms ? K 74 REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. Divide the terras of the given fraction by any number, which will divide them without a remainder, and the quotients again in the same manner ; and so on, till it appears there is no number greater than 1, which will divide them, and the fraction will be in its lowest terms. Or, divide both the terms of the fraction by their greatest common measure, and the quotients will be the terms of the frac- tion required. NOTE. That dividing both the terms, that is, both numerator and denominator of the fractions, equally by any number, whatever, will give another fraction, equal to the former, is evident ; and if those di- visions be performed as often as can be done, or the common divisor be the greatest possible, the terms of the resulting fraction must be the least possible. 1 . Any number ending with an even number or cipher is divisi- ble by 2. 2. Any number ending with 5, or 0, is divisible by 5. 3. If tbe right hand figure of any number be 0, the whole is di- visible by 10. 4. If the two right hand figures of any number be divisible by 4, the whole is divisible by 4. 5. If the sum of the digits constituting any number, be divisible by 3, or 9, the whole is divisible by 3 or 9. 6. All prime numbers, except 2 and 5, have 1, 3, 7, or 9, in the place of units, and consequently all other numbers are composite and capable of being divided. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce fff to its lowest terms. 8> (4) (3) 5 *H=f *=&=* the answer. 154. \V Hat are the rules for reducing fractions to their lowest terms ? REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 75 Or thus : 288)480(1 Therefore 96 is the greatest com- 288 mon measure ; 192)288(1 and 96)ff=} the same as before. 192 Common measure 96)192(2 192 2. Reduce Jfc to its lowest terms. Ans. J 3. Reduce T 4 /4 to its lowest terms. Ans. J 4. Reduce Jf ff to its lowest terms. Ans. j- CASE II. To reduce a mixed number to its equivalent improper fraction. RULE.* Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and add the numerator of the fraction to the product ; under which subjoin the denominator, and it will form the fraction required. * All fractions represent a division of a numerator by the denominator, and are taken altogether as proper and adequate expressions of the quotient. Thus the quotient of 3 f divided by 4, is f. 1&5. How do you reduce a mixed number to its equivalent improper fraction ? 76 REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 36f to its equivalent improper fraction. 36 We multiply 36 by 8, and adding the nil- X8_|_5 merator 5 to the product, as we multiply, the sum, 293, is the numerator of tKe fraction Answer, 293 sought, and 8 the denominator; so that the improper fraction, equai to 36|. 8 36X8+5 293 Or, Answer as before. 8 $ 2. Reduce 127 T \ to its equivalent improper fraction. Ans. 3. Reduce 653 T 3 ^ to its equivalent improper fraction. Ans. CASE III. To reduce an improper fraction to its equivalent whole or mixed number. RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator, the quo- tient will be the whole number, and the remainder, if any, writ- ten over the given denominator, will form the fractional part. NOTE. This rule is, evidently, the reverse of the rule in Case II, and has its reason in the nature of common division. 156. Whatis the rule for redwing- an improper fraction to Us equivalent whole or mixed number ? REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 77 EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 2 f 3 to its equivalent whole or mixed number. 8)293(36f Ans. 24 53 48 Or, 2|3-293-^8=36f as before. 5 2. Reduce 2 \%* to its equivalent whole or mixed number. Ans. 127 T V 3. Reduce y to its equivalent whole number. Ans. CASE IV. To reduce a compound fraction to an equivalent simple one. RULE. Multiply all the numerators continually together for a new numerator, and all the denominators, for a new denominator, and they will form the simple fraction required. NOTE. If any part of the compound fraction be a whole or mixed number, it must first be reduced to au inproper fraction. That a compound fraction may be represented by a single one, is evident, since a part ef a part must be equal to some part of the whole. The truth of the rale for this reduction may he shewn as fol- lows, Let the compound fraction to be reduced be of 4. Then J of | 4~r3z=:^ 4 T , and consequently of 4 X 2= 2 8 T the same as by the rule, and the like will be found true in all cases. If the compound fraction consist of more numbers than two, the two first may be reduced to one, and that one and the third will be the same as a fraction of two numbers, and so on. 157. How do you reduce a compound, to a simple fraction ? 78 REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS, EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce J of f of of f to a simple fraction. 1X2X3X4 = T Vo=i the Ans. 2X3X4X5 Or, by expunging the equal numerators and denominators, it will give i as before. 2. Reduce of of of |i to a simple fraction. 3X4X5X11 4X5X6X12 Or, by expunging the equal numerators and denominators, it will 3X11 be -- =4f =W as before. 6X12 3. Reduce J of off of 12J to a simple fraction. CASE V. To reduce fractions of different denominators to equivalent fractions, having a common denominator. RULE. Multiply each numerator into all the denominators, except its own, for a new numerator, and all the denominators into each other continually, for a common denominator. 158. What is the rule for reducing fractions of different denominators to alent fractions, having a common denominator ? REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 79 EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce J, f, and f to equivalent fractions, having a common denominator. 1X5X8= 40 the new numerator for J, 2X4X8= 64 ditto f. 5X4X5=100 ditto f. 4X5X8=160 the common denominator. Therefore, the new equivalent fractions are T 4 F o- 7 -rVu anc * Teib tne answer. 2. Reduce J, f , j, , and , to fractions, having a common de- nominator. NOTE. When there are whole numhers, mixed numbers, or com- pound fractions, given in the question, they must first be reduced t their simple forms. CASE VI. To reduce any given fractions to others, which shall have the least common denominator. RULE. Find the least common multiple (by problem II t page 72,) of all the denominators of the given fractions, and it will be the common denominator required ; then divide the com- mon denominator by the denominator of each fraction, and multi- ply the quotient by the numerator for a new numerator ; the new numerators written over the common denominator will form the fractions required in their lowest terms. 159. What is the rule for reducing any given fractions to others which shall have the bast common denominator ? 80 REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. NOTE. The common denominator is a multiple of all the denomi- nators, and coQsequontly will divide by any of them ; therefore, proper parts may be taken for all the numerators as required by the rule. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce J, f, and J to fractions having the least common de- nominator possible. 4)3 4 8 4X3X2r=24=lcast common 3 1 2 denominator. 243X1=8 the first numerator ; 244X3=18 the second numera- tor ; 24-7-8X7=21 the third numerator. Whence the required fractions are ^ , JJ, |J. 2. Reduce J, , f , and f to fractions having the least common de- nominator. Ans. fS, ||, j. f , f |. *- x CASE VII. To reduce afractiVnjf one denomination to an equivalent fraction of denomination. RULE. Reduce the given fraction to a cjompound one by com- paring it with all the denominations between it and that denom- ination you would reduce it to ; lastly, reduce this compound fraction to a single one, by Case V, and you will have a fraction of the required denomination, equal in value to the given fraction. NOTE. The reason of the rule m^y be shown in the following 1 man- ner : As there are 12 pence in a shilling, four-fifths of one penny can be only a twelfth part as much of 12 pence or a shilling-, as it is of one penny. Hence, to reduce four-fifths of a penny to the frac- tion of a shilling, the given fraction must be diminished 12 times, or one-twelfth of it will be the equivalent fraction oi a shilling. And in general, the fraction of one denomination must be as much diminish- ed to be an equivalent fraction of a higher denomination, as is indi- 160. How do you reduce a fraction of one denomination to an equivalent fraction of a higher ? REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 8 1 cated by the number of parts of the given denomination which make one of the higher denomination. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 4 of a cent to the fraction of a dollar. By comparing it, it become* 4 of T ' 7 of T V, which, reduced^ Case V. will be 4X1 XI = 4 js do11 - Ans. and 7X10X10= 700 2. Reduce f of a penny to the .fraction of a pound. Ans. t - 3. Reduce 4 of an ounce to the fraction of a Ib. Avoirdupois. Ans. 4. Reduce J of a pennyweight to the fraction of a Ib. Troy Ans. CASE VllT. To reduce a fraction of one denomination to the fraction of another, but less, retaining the same value. RULE. Multiply the given numerator by the parts of the de- nominations between it and that denomination you would reduce it to, for a new numerator, which place over the given denom- inator : Or, only invert the parts contained in the integer, and make of them a compound fraction as before ; then reduce it to a simple one. . This rule is the reverse of the preceding, and the reason of it may be shown in a similar manner. The fraction of a higher denomination is obviously less than the equivalent fraction of a low- er denomination ; for example, f of a pound are 6 / shillings, or 12 shillings. Whence the value of the trac'ion must be increased, to render it an equivalent Jrnction of a lower denomination, so many times as there are parts of the less denomination in the higher. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce T i T of a dollar to the fraction of a cent. 161. W hat is the rule for reducing a fraction of one denomination to knottier o m.=:26 5f m 320 26c. 5|m. answer as before. 40 64 3. What is the value of 4 of a pound ? Ans. 14s. 3d. l|qr. 4. What is the value of | of a Ib. Avoirdupois ? Ans, 12oz. 12|dr. U4 REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. CASE X.* To reduce any given quantity to the fraction of any greater denom- ination of the same kind. RULE. Reduce the given quantity to the lowest term men- tioned, for a numerator ; then reduce the integral part to the same term for a denominator ; which will be the fraction re- quired. NOTE It appears from this rule, and what has been said before, that, in Federal Money, where the given quantity contains no frac- tion of its lowest denomination, the annexing of as many ciphers to 1 of the required denomination, as will extend to the lowest denom- ination in the given quantity, will form a denominator, which, placed under the given quantity used as one number for a numerator, will make the answer, which may he reduced to its lowest terms. Or, if there be a fraction of the lowest denomination, multiply the giv- en whole numbers hy its denominator, adding its numerator, for a numerator ; and let the denominator itself, at the left of as many ciphers as were mentioned above, be a denominator ; the fraction so formed will be the answer ; which may be reduced to its lowest terms. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 6d. 2c. 5m to the fraction of a dollar. By the general rule. 6d. lOd. int. part. X10+2 10 100 By the note. 10 $.' d. c. m. 625 625 1000 :|g. 1 000 And T 6 o 2 o 5 o !$ Ans. Ans. as before. 2. Reduce 26c. 5m. to the fraction of a dollar* * This ease is the reverse of the former, therefore proves it. 0^/~ If there he a fraction given with the said quantity, it must be farther reduced to the denominative parts thereof, adding thereto the numerator. 163. What if your rule for reducing any givtn quantity to the fraction of a greater denomination of the same kind ? ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 85 By the general rule. 2Cc. lOOc. int. part. XIO+5 10 265 1000 8 8000 By the note. $. d. c. iru 2t55Xb-f5=2 1 2 5 . IK b 41 And Jl,X8c=8 000 Ans. as before. 3. Reduce 14s. 3jd. 4 to the fraction of a pound. Ans. = 4. Reduce 12cz. 12idr. to the fraction of a Ib. Avoirdupois. Ans. |lb. ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. REDUCE compound fractions to single ones ; mixed numbers to improper fractions ; fractions of different integers to those of the same ; and all of them to a common denominator ; then, the sum of the numerators written over the common denominator will he the sum of the fractions required. NOTE. Fractions, before they are reduced to a common denomina- tor, are entirely dissimilar, and therefore cannot be incorporated with one another ; but when they are reduced to a common denom- inator, and made parts of the same thinaf, their sum, or difference, may then be as properly expressed by the sum or difference of the numerators, as the sum or difference of a^y two quantities whatever, by the sum or difference of their individuals ; whence the reason of the rule?, both for Addition and Subtraction, is manifest. 164. What is the rule for addition tf vulgar fractions 1 36 SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. EXAMPLES. 1. Add j, off, 4, and 5J together. First J of ~| ; 4-i ; an d5j=V. Then the fractions are f , f, A, V. 2 )S f f y. y X.3 x i x 1X212 least common denominator. 124 3X 3 12 b 2 24 = 3X 3 9 j 2-6- 2X 2- 4f 2 1 12X 418? 2-2- bX 11-66) new numerators. 127 sum of the numerators. 12 least common denominator. Ans. y/ =10 Jj- 2. What is the sum of T \ of 4|, f of -J, and 9 ? Ans. 3. Add together }$. fc. ^-c. and-|m. Ans. 20c. 9m. 4. Add 1. -|s. and |d. together. Ans. 2s. 8 T y 5 d. 5. Add J of a week, J of a day, ^ of an hour, and 2 of a minute together. Ans. 2 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes, 45 seconds. SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. PREPARE the fractions as in Addition, and the difference of the numerators, written above the common denominator, will give the difference of the fractions required.* * In subtracting mixed nurabprs, when the fractions have a common denominator, and the numeratoi in the subtrahend is less than that in the minuend, the difference of the whole numbers will be a 'vhole number, and the difference of the numeratms a numera- tor to be placed over the given denominator ; this whole number and the fraction thus formed will be the remainder ; but, when the numerator in the subtrahend is giea er than that in the minuend, subtract the numerator in the subtrahend from the common denominator, adding tne numerator in the minuend, and carrying one to the integer of the subtrahend. Hence, 165. What is your rult for the subtraction of vulgar fractions ? MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. 87 EXAMPLES. 1. From J take f of ;. f of g=i|=L.-/ T . Then the fractions are f and / ff . 5X 2 4= *0 h=AV ^ *=Wn therefore, 4X28=112 com. den. ) rYs i-j viV^i remainder. 2. , From -. take Ans. if J. 3. Take 3jc, from | of 2jg. Ans. 43J-C. 4. From 1. take f^s. Ans. 4s. l}d. 5. From 5 weeks take 1 9f days. Ans. 15da. 4ho. 48min. MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. REDUCE compound fractions to Simple ones, and mixed numbers to improper fractions ; then the product of the numerators will be the numerator, and the product of the denominators, the de- nominator of the product required. NOTE. Where several fractions are to he multiplied, if the nu- merator of one fraction be equal to the denominator of another, their equal numerators and denominators may be omitted. Hence, a fraction is subtracted from a whole number, bv taking the numerator of the fraction from its denominator, aud placing the remainder over the denominator, them taking one from the whole number. EXAMPLES. From 12 m 12 Take^Tf 7^ ^J Rem. 51 4| llf 166. What is the rule for multipkjir.gvutffar fractions ? 88 DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the continued product of 4|, j, J of J, and 6 ? 1X7 4J=V, J of J= =ft, and 6=f . 4X8 13X1X 7X6 Then uxiXJ_Xf~ -- - |if m the answer. 3X5X32X1 2. Multiply T \ by ^V Ans. &. 3. Multiply 5| by J-. Ans. J. 4. Multiply J of 5 by f off Ans. T \. DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. PREPARE the fractions as before ; then invert the divisor, and proceed exactly as in Multiplication : The products will be the quotient required. NOTE. To multiply a fraction by an integer, divide the denom- inator, or multiply the numerator by it ; and to divide by an integer, divide the numerator, or multiply the denominator by it. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide of 17 b of. 1X17 of 17=J of y - ~y, and f of |=|f=i ; therefore, 3X1 17X2 y-^Jn -- =yz=llj, the quotient required. 3X1 2. Divide 4 by f . Ans. 1 3. Divide 5J by 7 f . Ans. | 4. Divide | by 9. Ans. ^ 5. Divide J of J of bv off. Ans. |. 167. What is the rule for the division of vulgar fractions 1 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 89 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. -The denominations of Federal Money are purely decimal ; dollars being units o- \viiole lumbers, ilimss tenths of a dollar, cents huiidredt'is of a dollar, .ind mills thousandths of a dolltr ; consequently, Federal Money and Decimal Fractions are subject to ti:e same method* of operation.] A DECIMAL FRACTION is a fraction whose denominator is a unit with so many ciphers annexed as the numerator has places of fig- ures. As the denominator of a decimal fraction is always 10, 100, 1000, &c. the denominators need not be expressed : For the numerator only may be mude to express the true value. For this purpose it is only required to write the numerator with a point before it at the left hand, to distinguish it from a whole number, when it consists of so many figures, as the denominator Wh ciphers annexed to unity, or i : So T 5 o is written -5 ; j 3 oi 33 ; T VVV, '735, &c. The point prefixed is called a Separatrix. But if the numerator has not so many places as the denominator has ciphers, put so many ciphers before it, viz. at the left hand, as will make up the defect : So write T 7 thus, .05 ; and -,-/.-. 7 thus, -006, &c. And thus do these fractions receive the form of whole numbers. We may consider unity as a fixed point, from whence whole numbers proceed infinitely increasing toward the left hand, and decimals infinitely decreasing toward the right hand to 0, as in the following TAB.LE. 1, r < ai C **" 03 ^ r- 5 % a " e ~ 3 -co t^ O o^= "9 . ns c 2 *o ! -C 55555555-55555555 0)Q)a)wQ?v4}C ojQjttJtyaiciOo .- +-. s-< t- C tfi Whole numbois. Decimal parts. 168. What are Decimal Fractions? 169. Explain the principles on which deci- mals are founded 1 170. Wkai is said of unity 1 171. Explain lite Table*. % 90 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. All the figures at the left hand of the decimal point are whole num- bers. The 5 in the 1st place at the right hand of the point, repre- sents 5 tenths ; 5 in the 2nd place, 5 hundredths ; ft in the 3rd place, 5 thousandths ; 5 in the 4th place, 5 ten-thousandths ; 5 in the 5th place, 5 hundred thousandths ; 5 in the 6th place, 5 millionths; 5 in the 7th place, 5 ten-millionths ; 5 in the 8th place, 5 hundred-mil- lionths ; and all of them taken together, are read thus : Fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand, five hundred and fifty-five hundred millionths.* Ciphers, placed at the right hand of a decimal fraction, do not al- ter its value, since every significant figure continues to possess the same place : So -5, -50, and '500, are all of the same value, and each equal to J. But ciphers placed at the left hand of a decimal, do alter its value, every cipher depressing it to T ' of the value it had before, by re- moving every significant figure one place further from the place of units. So -5, -05, -005, all express different decimals, viz. -5, T 5 ff ; -05, TO ? 005, -nfop Decimal fractions of unequal denominators are reduced to one common denominator, when there are annexed to the right hand of those, which have fewer places, so many ciphers as make them equal in places with that which has the most. So these decimals, -5, 06, -455, may be reduced to the decimals -500, -060, -455, which have all 1000 for their denominator. Of decimals, that is the greatest, whose highest figure is greatest, whether they consist of an equal or unequal number of places : Thus, 5 is greater than -459, for if it be reduced to the same denominator with -459, it will be -500. * It is evident from the table, that since the deci nal parts decrease in a tenfold propor- tion from the place of units towards the right hand, they must increase in a tenfold pro- portion from tiie right, hand towards the left, which proves that decimal fractions are suhject to the same, law of notation, and consequently of operation, as whole numbers. To read decimal figures. - Begin at the left hand, and read them in the same manner as we read whole nuinDers, and add to the whole the name of the place of the right ham! j&gure. EXAMPLES. 24 is read 24 hundredths ; 035 is read 35 thousandths ; 0050 is read 50 ten thousandths ; 000750 is read 750 millionths ; 00000009 is read 99 hundred millionths. 172 Whit are all figures at the left hand of the point, or separatrix ? 173. What does the first figure at the right of the decimal point represent 1 174. What the second, third, fourth, 8fc ? 175. *What effect have ciphers placed on either hand of a decimal 1 176 f-ow arc decimal fractions of unequal denominators reduced to a com- mo/i denominator 7 ADDITION OF DECIMALS. 91 A mixed number, viz. a whole number witb a decimal annexed, is equal to an improper fraction, whose numerator is all the figures of the mixed number, taken as one whole number, and the denominator that of the decimal part. So 45-309 is equal to YoVoS as is evident from the method given to reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction: Thus, 45xlOO(H-309- 4 T 5 o 3 /e 9 as above. ADDITION OF DECIMALS. 'v RULE. 1. Place the numbers, whether mixed, or pure decimals, un- der each other, according to the value of their places. 2. Find their sum, as in whole numbers, and point off so many places for decimals, as are equal to the greatest number of deci- mal p aces in any of the given numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the sum of 1 9-073+2-3597+223+-01 9758 1+3478 -1+ 12358. 19-073 2-3597 223. 0197581 3478-1 12-358 3734-9104581 the sum. 2. Required the sum of 429+2 1-37+355-003+1 -07+1 -7 ? Ans. 808-143. 3. Required the sum of 973+1 9+1 -75+93-7 164+-9501 ? Ans. 1088-4165. 4. Required the sum of -3+1 1-973+49+-9+1-731 4+34 3 ? Ans. 103-2044. 177. What is the rule for addition of decimals ? 92 MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS, SUBTRACTION OF DECIMALS. RULE. Place the numbers according to their value : Then subtract as in whole numbers, and point "off the decimals as in Addition. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the difference of 1^93-13 and 817-05693. From 1793-13 Take 8l7-05.i93 Remainder 976-07307 2. From 171-195 take 125-9176. Ans. 45-2774. 3. From 219-1384 take 195-91. Ans. 23-2^84. 4. From 480 take 245-0075. Ans. 234-9925. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. RULE. 1. Whether they be mixed numbers, or pure decimals, place the factors and multiply them as in whole numbers. 2. Point off so many figures from the product as there are decimal places in both the factors ; and if there be not so many places in the product, supply the defect by prefixing ciphers. NOTE The reason of th1*rule for pointing 1 off the figures for dec- imals, is evident from the Rotation of decimals. Thus, -5X-5=-25; for 5X i 5 or once-five tenths. But as the multiplier is less than uni- ty, or tenths, multiplying is only taking tenths of tenths, and so many tenths of tenth? 5 , are evidently so many hundredths. So al^o, tenths of hundredths would be thousandths; hundredths of hundredths would b<* ten thousandths; and so on. 173 Whit is */'<- rulr.for subtracting decimal fractions 1 17tf. What is the rule for multiplication of decimals 1 DIVISION OF DECIMALS. 93 EXAMPLES. i. Multiply -09345 by -00163 7036 14070 2345 0000^82235 the product. 2. Multiply 25-238 by 12-17. Ans. 307-14646. 3. Multiply -3759 by -945. Ans. -3552255. 4. Multiply -84179 by -0385. Ans. -032408915. To multiply by 10, 100, 1000, &c remove the separating point so many places to the right hand, as the multiplier has ciphers. (3-45 1 34- So -345 multiplied by 100 V makes 34-5 flOOO.) (345, For -345X 10 is 3-450, &c. DIVISION OF DECIMALS. RULE. 1. The places of decimal parts in the divisor and quotient, counted together, must always be equal to those in the dividend ; therefore, divide as in whole numbers, and, from the right hand of the quotient, point off so many places for decimals, as the dec- imal places in the dividend exceed those in the divisor. 2. If the places of the quotient be not so many as the rule re- quires, supply the defect by prefixing ciphers to the left hand. 3. If at any time there be a remainder, or the decimal places in the divisor be more than those in the dividend, ciphers may be annexed to the dividend or to the remainder, and the quotient carried on to any degree of exactness. 189, What is the rule for division of decimals 1 94 DIVISION OF DECIMALS. EXAMPLES. 1- 2. 1 17841075(-000538087, &c. -3719)38OOOO(102-178, 1U95 0^7= In Example 1st, the 3719 divisor having no decimals, the -- 834 quotient must have so many as 8100 657 there are in the dividend. In 7438 Example 2d, the dividend be- - 1771 ing an integer, must have at 6620 1752 least so many ciphers annexed, 3719 -- as there are decimals in the 1907 divisor, and so far the quotient 29010 1752 will be whole numbers ; then 26C33 annexing more ciphers, the --- 1555 remaining figures in the quo 1533 tient will be decimals, accord- - ing to the rule. 22 29770 29752 3. 133)5737(43-1353+* 4. 23-7)65321(2756-16+ 5. t72)918-217(12753+ 6. 125-17)315-6293(1253+ 7. 1-317)29-417(92+ When decimals or whole numbers are to be divided by 10, 100 3 1000, rou$nt to a d -ci- mal, is '7^l66s.+ "in like manner, 1 7-729 1 6t>3.+ are ^|JUJLe -3 ti 6458-i- as by the rule. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 17s. 8jd. to the decimal of a pound, 3- 8-75 17 729166, &,c. 8864o8, &,c. the decimal required. e, in dividing 3 by 4, we suppose two ciphers to^be an- aexed to the 3, which make it 3-00, and -75 is the quotient, which we write against 8 in the next line ; this quotient, viz. 8-75, hoi .g pfiice and decimal parts of a penny, we divide th m by 12, which brings them to shillings and decimal parts ; we therefore divide by 20, and (there being no whole number) the quotient is decimal parts of a pound. 2. Reduce 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on to 19 shillings, to decimals. Shillings. i 2 3 4 5 6 Answers. 05, 1, -15, 2, 25, 3, Shillings. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Answers. -35, 4, -45, 5, 55, e* Shillings 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Answers. 65, -7, 75, -8, 85, 9, 95. Here, when ,the shillings are even, half the number, with a point prefixed, is their decimal expression ; but if the number be odd, annex a cipher to the shillings, and tken halving them, you will have their decimal expression. 1 004 16+, 23 4 0083>, -0126, -01666-f, 5 0208+, 6 78 025, -02916-h, -0333+, 9 0375, 10 11 0416+, -04583-K REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. 97 3. Reduce 1, 2, 3, and so on to !t pence, to the decimals of a shilling-* Pence. 123456 Answers. -083+, -166, -25, -333,+, -4 16+, -5, Pence. 7 8 9 10 11 Answers. -583+, -666+, -75, -833+, -916+. 4. Reduce 1, 2, 3, &c. to 1 1 pence, to the decimals of a pound. Pence. Answers. Pence. Answers. Pence. Answers. ASE III. Tojind the decimal of any number of*shillingSj pence, and farthings, by inspection. RULE. 1. Write half the greatest even number of shillings for the first decimal figure. 2. Let the farthings in the given pence and farthings, possess the second and third places ; observing to increase the second place, or place of hundredths, by 5, if the shillings be odd, and the third place by 1, when the farthings exceed 12, and by 2 when they exceed 36. NOTE. If there be no shillings, or only one shilling in the given sum, a cipher must be written in the first place, or place of tenths. If the farthings in the given pence and farthings, do not exceed 9, a cipher must be written in the second place, or place of hundredths. The invention of the rule is as follows: As shillings are so many 20ths of a pound, half of them must be so many tenths, and conse- quently take the place of tenths in the decimals; but when they are odd, their half will always consist of two figures, the first of which will be half of the even number, next less, and the second a 5 : Again, farthings are 960ths of a pound, and had it happened that 1000, in- stead of 960, had made a pound, it is plain any number of farthings would have made so many thousandths, and might have taken their place in the decimal accordingly. But 960 increased by ^ part of * The answers to this question are the same as the decimal parts of afoot. 184. What is the rule for finding the decimal tf any number of shillings, pence, Sfc, by inspection ? N 98 REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. itself, is =1000, consequently any number of farthings, increased by their ^ part, will be n exact decimal expression for them : Whence, if the number of farthings be more than 12, ^V P art is greater than Jqr. and, therefore, 1 must be added ; and whnn the number of far- things is more than 36, ^ partis greater than IJqr. for which 2 must be added. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the decimal of 13s. 9|d. by inspection. 6. . =Jof 12s. 5 for the odd shilling. 39 farthings in 9f d. Add 2 for the excess of 36. 691 rrdecimal required. 2. Find by inspection the decimal expressions of \ 8s. 3Jd. and 17s. 8Jd. Ans. -914 and -885. CASE IV. To find the value of any given decimal in the terms of the integer. RULE. 1. Multiply the decimal by the number of parts in the next less denomination, and cut off so many places for a remain- der, to the right hand as there are places in the given decimal. 2. Multip'y the remainder by the next inferior denomination, and cut off a remainder as before 3. Proceed in this manner through all the parts of the integer and the several denominations, standing on the left hand, make the answer. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the value of -73968 of a pound. 20 14-79360 12 2-09280 Ans. 14s. 9Jd. 185. What is the rule for fating the value of any g-tven decimal in the terms of file integer ? COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 99 2. What is the value of -679 of a shilling ? Ans. 8-148-d. 3. What is the value of -617 of a cwt. ? Ans. 2qrs. 13lb. loz. 4. What is the value of -397 of a yard ? Ans. Iqr. 2-352n. 5. What is the value of -8469 of a degree ? Ans. 58m. 6fur. 35po. Oft. 11 in. 6. What is the value of -569 of a year ? Ans. 207d. 16h. 26m. 24sec. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION is the multiplying of sums of dif- ferent denominations ; it is useful in finding the value of Goods, &Q. And, as in Compound Addition, we carry from the lowest de- nomination to the next higher, so we begin and carry in Com- pound Multiplication ; one general rule being to multiply the price by the quantity. NOTE. The product of a number, consisting of several parts or denominations, by any simple number whatever, will be expressed by taking the product of that simple number, and each part by itself, ag so many distinct questions : Thus, 331. 15s. 9d. multiplied by 5, wiil be 1651. 75s. 45d. (by taking the shillings from the pence, and the pounds from the shillings, and placing them in the shillings and pounds respectively,) 1681. 18s. 9d. and this will be true when the multipli- cand is any compound number whatever. CASE I. When the multiplier or quantity does not exceed l&i Multiply the price of one yard, pound, &c. by the whole quan- tity or number of yards, pounds, &c. the product will be the answer. 186. What is Compound Multipli tiptier does not exceed 12 ? ication ? 187, What is the rule when the mvl- JOO COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION EXAMPLES. 1. What will 5 yards of broadcloth amount to, at l. 12$. 4$d. a yard ? . s. d. (r In this example, we write down l. 12s. i 1 2 4 J 4Jd. the price of one yard, and then write 5, the 5 number of yards, under the least denomination. We n-uitiply 2 farthings by 5, and the product 8 1 10 is 10 farthings, which we bring into pence by dividing them by 4 ; we write down the remain- ing 2 farthings and reserve the quotient, 2 pence, to be added to the product of the pence. We then multipK 4 pence by 5 and the product is 90 pence, and 2 pence which we reserved are 22 pence, which we bring into shillings by dividing them by 12 ; we write down the remainder 10 pence, and reserve the quotient, 1 shilling, to be added to the product of the shillings. We then mul- ti(/iy 12 shillings by 5, and the product is 60 shillings, and 1 shilling thai we reserved are 61 shillings, which we bring into pounds by div d:i ( g them by 20 ; we write down the remainder 1 shilling, and res. rv? the quotient, 3 pounds, to be added to the product of the pou ;us. WP then multiply 1 pound by 5, and the product is 5 pounds, and 3 pounds which we reserved are 8 pounds ; this being the highest denomination, wfr write down the whole amount 8 pounds and tind the product or answer to be 8. is. 2. Multiply 4 13s. 4%d. by 10. 3. Multiply 8 15. llfd. by II. 4. Multiply 13 12s. lid. by 7. 5. Multiply 14 17*. 8Jd. by 9. Ans. 133. 19*. REMARK. The facility of reckoning in Federal Money, com- pared with pounds, shillings, &c. may be seen from the examples given in this and the following cases. The general rule is Multiply as in simple multiplication, and from the product point off so u.any places for cents and mills, as there are places of cents and mills in the price. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 101 In Pounds, Shillings, drc. !. What will 9 yards of cloth amount to, at 5s. 4d. per yard ? Price per yard, 054 Number yards, 9 280 2. Six yards at 9s. lOd. per yard? Ans. 2 19s. In Dollars, Cents, and Mills. 1. What will 9 yards of cloth amount to, at 88c. 9m. per yard ? Price, 88c. 9m. 9 $8 -00 1 2. Six yards at gl-22c. 9m. per yard ? Ans. $7-37c. 4m. CASE II. Where the multiplier, that is, the quantity, is above 12. Multiply by two such numbers, as, when multiplied together, will produce the given quantity, or multiplier. EXAMPLES. In Pounds, Shillings, grc, 1. What will 144 yards of cloth cost, at 3s. 5'Jd. per yard ? t. d. 3 5J price 1 yd. Mult, by 12 Produces 2 Mult, by 1 6 price 12 yds. 12 24 18 price 144 yds. 2. 24 yards at 6s. 3jd. ? Ans. 7 11s. 6d. 3. 27yds. at 9s. 10d.*? In Dollars, Cents and Mills. 1. What will 144 yards of cloth cost, at 57c. 6|m. per yard ? c. m. 5764 Or, -57.34 144 12 23056 23056 5764 $83-0016 69168 12 $83-0016 2. 24 yards at $1, 5c. 2m. ? Ans. $25, 24c, 8m. 3. 27 yds. at $1, 22c. 9m. ? * New- York currency, 188. What is the rule when the multiplier exceeds 12 ? 102 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. CASE III. When the quantity is such a number, that no two numbers in the table will produce it exactly. Multiply by two such numbers as come the nearest to it ; and for the number wanting, multiply the given price of 1 yard by the said number of yards wanting, and add the products together for the answer ; but if the product of the two numbers exceed the given quantity, then find the value of the overplus, which sub- tract from the last product, and the remainder will be the an- swer. EXAMPLES* In Pounds, Shillings, &e. 1. What will 47 yards of cloth, at 17s. 9J. per yard, amount to ? . s. d. 17 9 price of lyd. Mult, by 5 Produces 489 price of 5 yds. Mult, by 9 In Dollars, Cents, ar.d Millt. 1. What will 47 yards of cloth, at $2. 95c. 8m. per yard, amount to? $2-958 47 20706 11832 Ans. $139-026 Produces 39 18 9 price of 45yds. Add 1 15 6 price ot 2yds. Ans.41 14 3 price of 47 yds. I NOTE. This may be performed by first finding the value of 48 yards, from which if you subtract the price of 1, the remainder will be the answer as above 2. 67 J- yards at 16s. 4d.*? Ans. 55 2s. 6d. 3. 59 yards at lOs.j? Ans. 29 10s. 2. 67 yards at $2 4c. ? Ans. $137 81c. 3. 59 yards at $1 33jc.? Ans. $78 66c. 6m. * N. Y. currency. f Pennsylvania currency; $1 7s. 63. 189. Ifow do you proceed wh.cn the multiplier or quantity is such a number as no tics. lumbers in the multiplication tabU will produce exactly 1 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. ]03 CASE IV. When the quantity is any number above the Multiplication Table. Multiply the price of 1 yard by 10, which will produce the price of 10 yards : This product, multiplied by 10, will give th& price of 100 yards ; then you must multiply the price of 100 by the number of hundreds in your question ; the price of ten by the number of tens ; and the price of unity, or .1, by the number of units : lastly, add these several products together, and the sum will be the answer. EXAMPLES. 1. What will 359 yards of cloth, at 4s. 7d. per yard, amouut to ? 5 . d. 4 7^ price of 1 yard. l5 2 6 3 price of 10 yards. to 2 6 price of 100 yards, 69 7 6 price of 300 yards. 5 times the price of 10 yds. 11 11 3 price of 50 yards. 9 times the price of 1 yd. 2 1 7J price of 9 yards. Ans. 83 4 price of 359 yards. 2. 297 yards at 17s. 8d. per yard ? Ans. 256 15s. 7jd. 3. 297 yards at $2 88c. 2m. per yard ? Ans. $855 95c 4i, CASE V. To find the, value of a hundredweight or 112 pounds, having the price of one pound given. Multiply the price of 1 pound by 7, the product will be the price of 7 pounds ; multiply the price of 7 pounds by 4, the pro- 190. When the quantity is a number above the multiplication table, how do you pro- ceed 1 191. What is the method of finding the value of o cwt. or 112 Lbs. the price of 1 pound being given ? 104 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. duct will be the price of 28 pounds or 1 qr. of a cwt. ; then multiply the price of 28 pounds by 4, and the product will be the price of 112 pounds, or a c\vt. EXAMPLES. 1 , What will 1 cwt. of lead come to, at 6Jd. per pound ? 6Jd. price of 1 Ib. 7 3 9 price of 7 Ibs. 15 2 price of 28 Ibs. or cwt. 4 3 8 price of 1 cwt. 2. 1 cwt. of tin at 2jd. per Ib. Ans. l Is. Od. 3. 1 cwt. of chalk at 1 Jd per Ib. ? Ans. 14s. 4. 1 cwt. of chalk at 2c. 1m. per Ib. ? Ans. $2 35c. 2m. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS IN WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 1. What is the weight of 4 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 7 cwt. 3qrs. 19lb. ? Ans. 31cwt. 2qrs. 20lb. 2. What is the weight of 6 chests of tea, each weighing \3cwt. 2 qrs. 91b. ? Ans. 21 cwt. Iqr. 261b. 3 If I am possessed of 1 J dozen of silver spoons, each weighing 3oz. 5pwt. 2 dozen of tea spoons, each weighing Ibpwt. 14gr. 3 silver cans, each 9oz. 7pwt 2 silver tankards, each 21 oz. 15pwt. and 6 silver porringers, each lloz. 18pwt. ; what is the weight of the whole? Ans. 181b. 4oz; 3pwt, 4. In 35 pieces of cloth, each measuring 27J yards, how many yards? Ans. 97 1| yards. 5. How much brandy in 9 casks, each containing 45 gallons, 3qt. Ipt? Ans. 412gal. 3qt. Ipt. 6. If I have 9 fields, each of which contains 12 acres, 2 roods, and 25 poles ; how many acres are there in the whole ? Ans. 11 Sac. 3r. 25p. COMPOUND DIVISION. COMPOUND DIVISION. COMPOUND DIVISION is the dividing of numbers of different denominations : in doing which, always begin at the highest, and when you have divided that, if any thing remain, reduce it to the next lower denomination, and so on, till you have divided the whole, taking care to set down your quotient figures under their respective denominations.* INTRODUCTORY EXAMPLES. S. d. 1. Divide 549 17 9 by 5. O^Hn this example, having di- vided the pounds, the 4 which re- 109 19 6J mains is 4, which are equal to 80s and 17 in the shillings, make '37s. ; we then find that 5 is contained 19 times in 97, and 2 over : we set down the 19 under the shillings, and reduce the 2s. that remain into pence, and they make 24, which, added to the 9d. in the ques- tion, make 33d. ; then how often 5 in 33 ? 6 times, and 3 over. We set down G under the pence, and reduce the 3d. which remain to farthings they make 12: 5 is contained in 12 twice ; we therefore set down Jd. and the 2 which remains, being f of a farthing, is dis- regarded. 2. 3. T. cwt. qrs. Ib. oz. dr. Ib. oz. pwt. gr. 3)29 13 2 25 1 13 10)849 11 12 14 4. Divide 581. 19s. lljd. by 11. 5. Divide 371. 17s. 4fd. by 7, *To divide a number, consisting of several denominations by itsimple number, is, evir dently, the same as dividing all the parts of which it is composed by the same simple number. And this will be true, when any of the parts are not an exact multiple of the divisor; for if the excess of that multiple has its proper value in the next less denomina- tion, the dividend will still be divided into paits, and the true quotient will be found as before. Thus, 81. Is. lO^d. divided by 5, will be the same as 51. 60s. 20d. lOqr. divid- ed by 5, which is equal to 11. 12s. 4d. as by the rule. 192. What is Compound Divmvn ? o J06 COMPOUND DIVISION. CASE I.* Having the price of any number of yards, fyc. within the pence table^ to find the price of 1 yard, fyc. If the quantity do not exceed 12, proceed by setting down the price, and dividing it by the quantity ; which quotient will be the price of one yard, required ; but if the quantity exceed 12, then divide by two such numbers as, when multiplied together, will produce the quantity, and the last quotient will be the value of 1 yard, required. EXAMPLES. In pounds, shillings, &c. In dollars, cents, and mills. 1. If 9 yards of cloth cost 4 3s. 7 Jd. what is it per yard ? *. d. 9)4 3 7J 9 3J Ans. 2. If 84 cows cost 253 13s. what is the price of each ? Ans. 3 Os. 4|d. 1. If 9 yards of cloth cost 13 93f c. what is it per yard ? 9)13-9375 1-5486-f-Ans. 2. If 84- cows cost $845 50c. what is the price of each ? Ans. $10 6Jc, NOTE. If there be a remainder after the division by one of the parts of a composite number before the last, that remainder must be divided according to the rule for division of fractions. Thus, If 35 yards cost 37 1 Is. what is the price of 1 yard ? * 35=5X7 5)37 11 7)7 10 2 Iqfr. 1 1 5 Iffqr. Ans. CASE II. Having the, price of Icwt. or Il2lbs. to find the price of one pound, Divide the price of 1 cwt. by 8, that quotient by 7, and this *This case proves the 1st and 2d cases in Compound Multiplication. 193. Having the price of several yards, how do you find the price of one ? 194. In case of a remainder, how do you proceed*! 195. Having the price of Icwt. or more, how do you find that of a pound ? COMPOUND DIVISION. 107 quotient by 2, and the last quotient will be the price of one pound, required. The reason is, 8 X 7 X & = 112 Ibs. or 1 cwt. EXAMPLES. 1. If I cwt. of flax cost 2 7s, 8d. what is that per Ib. ? *. d. 8)2 7 8 7)0 5 11 J 2)0 10 Ofqr. 5^ d. price of 1 pound. 2. At $156 per cwt. what is the price per Ib. ? Ans. $1 39f c, 3. At $3 33c. 3m. per cwt. what is the cost of 1 Ib. ? Ans. 2c. 9 T y 7 m. 4. If 1 cwt. of sugar cost 3 7s. 6d. what is that per Ib.? Ans. 7jd. CASE III.* Having the price of several hundred weight, to find the price per pound. Divide the whole price by the number of hundreds, which will give the price per cwt. and then proceed as in the last case. EXAMPLES. 1. If 5 cwt. sugar cost 13 8s. 4d. what is that per Ib. ? s. d. 5)13 6 4 8) 2 13 8 price of Icwt. 7) 6 8J price of 14lb. or J cwt. 2) 11 price of 21b. or -fa cwt. 5| price of lib. *Tbis a proves the 6th in^Com pound Multiplication. 108 COMPOUND DIVISION. 5, If 3cwt. of raisins cost $50 52c. what cost 1 lb. * 3)50-52 8)16-84 7)2-105 1 5c. T \m. Aus. 3. If Sjcwt. cost 3.64, what cost lib. ? Ans. 1C. 4. If If cwt. cotton wool cost 6 10s. 8d. what is that per lb.2 5. If 3| cwt. cost $11 5Cc. what is the cost of 1 lb. ? 6. If 11 J cwt. cost $87 33c. what cost 1 lb. ? CASE IV.* Having the price of any number of yards, fyc. to find the price of I yard. Divide the price by the quantity, beginning at the highest de- nomination, and if any thing remain, reduce it into the next, and every inferior denomination, and at each reduction divide as be- fore, remembering each time to add the odd shillings, pence, &c. if there be any, and you will have the value of unity required. NOTE. If there be J, J, or f of a yard, pound, &/C. multiply both the price and quantity by 4, and then proceed as above directed ; or, in Federal Money, work by decimals. EXAMPLES. 1 . If 95Jlb. of figs cost $ 6 what are they per lb.? * This case proves the 3d and 4th cases in Reduction. 196. Having the price of any number of yank, how do yovjind (he price ef one ? COMPOUND DIVISION. i<)9 Quantity = 95jlb. Price = l6 13 6| Mult by 4" 4 Produces 382 for a divisor. Product 66 14 3 for a di- [vidend 4 . 382)66 14 3(0 3 5|||| per Ib. 20 _ _ D.c.m.dec.c. m. 382)1334(3 95|-95.5)55.59375(.58 2-f-Ans. 1146 4776 188 7843 12 7640 382)2259(6 2037 1910* 1910 349 4 382)1396(3 1146 250 . Bought 33J yds. cloth for $8i 63c. 2m. ; what did I pay Ans. $2 57c. 5m. . If 33J yds. baize cost 25 13s. 9d. what is it per yard? Ans. 15s. 6jd. ^. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS. 1. Divide J ^ 9n * ^ ^ I among 5 men and 4 womcD, and give the men twice as much as the women. Men. Worn. 5 and 4 . by 2 10 shares. Add 4 women's shares. 1 4 number of equal shares ia the whole = Divisor, 110 COMPOUND DIVISION. s. d. s. d. Divide by 14)273 9 4( 19 10 8=1 woman's share. 14 4 women. 133 126 7 20 14)149(10 14 9 12 14)112(8 112 78 2 8=women\s share. 19 10 8 2 39 1 4=1 man's share. 5 men. 195 78 6 2 8=mea's share. 8=women's share. 273 9 4 Proof. $ 14)911-555(65'111+=1 woman's share. 84 4 women. 71 260-444 women's share. 70 15 65-111+ 14 2 15 130-222+ =1 man's share. 14 5 15 651-111+ = men's share. 14 260-444+ = women's share. 1 911-555+ Proof. 2. A man purchased a farm containing 1 ISA. 3r. 25p. and he solo one ninth part of it ; how many acres did he sell ? Ans. 12A. 2r. 25p. 3. Divide 21 har. 30 gals. 2 qts. by 4. Ans. 5 bar. 15 gals. 2 qts. 4. A merchant purchased 9 hogsheads of rum, containing 1-0&9 gallons 2 qts. ; what number of gallons did each hogshead contain ? Ans. 1 1 5 gals, 2 qts. 5. Divide 45 tons of round timber by 8. Ans. 5T. 25ft. SIMPLE INTEREST. HI 6. A man purchased a freight of wood containing 93 cords, and piled it into six ranges of equal dimensions; what was the number of cords in each range 1 Ans. 15C. 64ft. 7. If the earth perform 5 revolutions round the sun in l-826d. 5h. 4m. 45s., in what time will it perform one revolution ? Ans. 365d. 5h. 48m. 57sec, 3. Divide 60 2' by 6. Ans. 10 0' 20"- INTEREST. INTEREST is a premium allewed for the loan of money. It is estimated at a certain number of dollars, pounds, &c. for each hundred dollars, pounds, &c. for one year ; and in the same proportion for a greater or less sum, or for a longer or shorter time. Hence, interest is said to be so much per cent, or per centum, per annum. The terms used in interest are principal, rate, and amount. The principal is the sum of money lent. The rate is the sum allowed for the use of one hundred dollars or pounds for one year.* The amount is the sum of the principal and interest. Interest is of two kinds, Simple and Compound. SIMPLE INTEREST. SIMPLE INTEREST is when a premium is allowed for the prin- cipal only. . Commission, Insurance, purchasing Stocks, or any thing else, rated at so much per cent, are calculated by the Rules for Sim- ple Interest. * Lawful or legal interest is that which is allowed by law. In England, the rate is five per cent. In the New England States, is is six; and in the State of New York, it is seven per cent. 197. What is Interest ! 7198. How is it estimated? 199. What terms are used in, interest 7200. Whit is the principal! SQL What the rate ; and amount? 202. What it fli-mpls Interest? 112 SIMPLE INTEREST. GENERAL EULE. 1 Multiply the principal by the rate, and divide the product by 100, the quotient will be the interest for one year. 2, To find the interest for more years than one ; multiply the interest of one year by the given number of years, and the pro- duct will be the interest for that number of years. 3. To find the interest for parts of a year, as months and days ; for the months, take aliquot parts of the interest for one year ; and ibr the days, take aliquot parts of the interest for one month, allowing 30 days to the month. TABLE OF ALIQUOT PARTS. Parts of a year. 6 months J 4 =| s = i 5? 4 i* ," =i i = T V Parts of a month. 15 days = 10. = 6 5 3 =1 NOTE. When the rate per cent, per an- ' num is <9 1 8 6 4 3 .2, multiply ! f the prin- j f cipal bv If] of the given number of months, and you will have the interest for the given period of time.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of 347 dollars 50 cents, at 6 per cent, for ane year $347-50 6 20-8500 Ans. $20 85c. *The reason of this rule is, that as 9 is | of 12 months, if the rate be 9 per cent, multiply the principal by | of the months; if the rate be 8 per cent, by | of the num- ber of months ; and if 6, by hall the months, &c. 203.. What w the, general rule for computing Simple Merest ? SIMPLE INTEREST. 113 2. What is the interest of 365 Hcts. 6 mills, for three years, 7 months, and 6 days ? $365-146 principal. 6 rate. 6 months J)21-90 876 interest for 1 year. 3 65-72 628 interest for 3 years. 1 month 1)10-95 438 interest for 6 months. 6 days i) 1-82 573 interest for 1 month. 36 514 interest for 6 days. $78-87 153 interest for 3 years, 7 months, and 6 days ; that is $78 87c. 1 j^m. NOTE. Because 7 months are not an even part of a year, take two such numbers as are even parts, and which added together will make 7 (6 and 1) 6 months are j of a year, therefore for 6 months, divide the interest of one year by 2 ; again, 1 month is | of 6 months, there- fore for 1 month, divide the interest of 6 months by 6. For the days, because 6 days are } of a month, or of 30 days, therefore for 6 days, divide the interest of 1 month by 5. Lastly, add the interest of all the parts of the time together ; the sum is the answer, 3. What is the interest of 329 17s. 6d. for 3 years, 7 months, and 12 days, at 5 per cent, per annum ? 325 8. d. 17 6J 5 6 months J) 1 month....i) 10 days J) 2 days ) Then 16 s. d. 9 10J- 3 interest do. do. do. : do. do. of 1 year. of 3 y*ars. ' of 6 months, of 1 month, of 10 days, of 2 days. 16-49 20 9-87 12 7 8J 49 8 1 9 7^ 4 11; 7 5j 9 \l 1 9' 10-52 4 59 13 Answer. 2-10 4. What is the interest of $500 for 3 years, 9 months, and 25 days, at 6 per cent.? Ans. 5. What will be the interest of $60-625 for 2 years, 10 months, and 20 days, at 6 per cent. ? ADS. J10-5083-K 114 SIMPLE INTEREST. 6. What is the interest of $124 for 3 months and 10 days, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. $2-066f . 7. What is the interest of $215-65 for 5 years, 5 months, and 6 days, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. $70-3019. 8. What will be the interest of -75 cents for 4 months, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. -015. To find the interest of any sum at 6 per cent, per annum, for any number of months. RULE. Multiply the principal by half the number of months, and divide the product by 100 ; the quotient will be the interest for the given time.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of $225 for 4 months, at 6 per cent. ? $225 principal. 2 half the number of months. $4-50 Ans. 2. What is the interest of 1575 dollars for 10 months, at 6 per cent. ? To find the interest of any sum^ for any number of days. RULE 1 . Multiply the principal by the given number of days, and that product by the rate, then divide the last product by 365 X 100, and the quotient will be the interest. *The reason of the rule. When the time is months, multiplying by the rate for the time, gives the answer. This rate is found by multiplying the time by the given rate per cent, for a year, and dividing the product by 12; the quotient is the rate required, and is always equal to half the number of months, when the yearly rate is 6 per cent. 204. What is the rule for finding the interest of any sum at 6 per cent- per annum, for any number of months 1 205. What is the reason of the rule ? SIMPLE INTEREST. RULE 2. Multiply the principal by the given number of days, and divide the product by 6083 for 6 per cent, and 7300 for 5 per cent, (the days in which any sum will double at those rates,) and the quotient will be the interest. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the interest of 320 dollars for 146 clays, at 6 per cent. ? $ days. rate. 320X ( 46X6 280320 ; and 365X 1 00=36500, Then 280320-^36500 =$7-68 the interest. 2. What is the interest of $226-50 for 292 days, at 6 per cent.? Ans. $10-824. 3. What will be the interest of $225-50 for 22 days, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. $10-824|ff. 4. What is the interest of 146 dollars for 146 days, at 5 per cent. ? Ans. $2-92. To find the interest on bonds, notes of hand , <^c. when partial pay- ments have been made, or endorsed on them. RULE 1 . Find the interest of the given sum to the first pay- ment, which either alone, or with any preceding payment, if any, exceeds the interest due at that time, and add that interest to the given sum. RULE 2. From this amount subtract the payment made at that time with the preceding payments, if any, and the remain- der will form a new principal ; the interest of which find and subtract as of the first sum, and so on till the last payment. NOTE. This mode of computing interest, is established by law in Massachusetts for making up judgments on securities for money draw- ing interest, and on which partial payments are endorsed. This mode is the most equitable, because the payments are applied to keep down the interest, no part of which, in this method of computation, forms any part of the principal, drawing interest. 20G. What are the rules for finding the interest of any sum for any number of days ? -207 What is the rule for computing interest upon bonds, notes, fyc, upon which partial payments have been made 1 J16 SIMPLE INTEREST. EXAMPLES. 1. A. gave a note to B. dated Jan. 1, 1320, for $1000, payable on demand, with interest ; on which were the following endorsements*. yeart. months. March 1 1821, received 75 dollars 1 2 July 1 1821, (C 20 dollars 4 Sept. 1 1822, u 20 dollars 1 4 Nov. 1 1822, u 750 dollars 4 March 1 1823, u 100 dollars 4 What was the balance due July 1, 1823, interest being computed at 6 per cent. ? Calculation* 1000 Principal. 70 Interest to March 1, 1821, 1 yr. 2 month*. 1070 Amount. 75 First payment deducted. 995 New principal March 1, 1821. 19-90 Interest to July 1, 1821, 4 months. 1014-90 Amount. 20 00 Second payment deducted. 994 90 New principal July 1, 1821. 79-592 Interest to Nov. 1, 1822, 1 yr. 4 month?. 1074-492 Amount. 20-000 Third payment Sept. 1, 1822. 750-000 Fourth payment Nov. 1, 1822. 770-000 Sum of 3d and 4th payments deducted, 304-492 New principal Nov. 1, 1822. 6 089 Interest to March I, 1823, 4 months. 310-581 Amount. 100 000 Fifth payment deducted. 210-581 New principal March 1, 1823. 4-212 Interest to July 1, 1823, 4 months. Ans. $214-793 Balance due July 1, 1823. COMMISSION. 117 A simple method of operation, is, first to set down against each payment, (as in Ex. I.) the time for which the interest is to be cast : then set down the sums, interest, payments, &c. in columns, as follows : Principal, Time. Interest Payments. Excess. dolls, mills. months. dolls, iri.lls. dolls, mil Is. dolls, milts. 1 1000-000 14 70-000 75-000 5-000 5-000 2. 995-000 4 19-900 20000 100 100 3. 994-900 16 79-592 20-000 4. u u 4 6-089 750-000 85-681 770-000 684-319 684-319 5. 310-581 4 4-212 100-000 95-788 95-788 $214-793 Balance due July 1, 1823. 2. Supposing a note of 867 dollars 33 cents, dated January 6, 1814. upon which the following payments should be made, viz. 1. April 16, 1817, - - g!36-44 2. April 16, 1819, - - 319- 3. Jan. 1, 1820, - - 518-68. What would be due July 11, 1821 ? Ans. $215-103. COMMISSION. COMMISSION is a premium, at so much per cent, allowed a per- son called a correspondent, factor or broker, for assisting mer- chants, and others, in purchasing and selling goods. RULE. Multiply the given sum by the rate per cent., and cut off the two right hand figures, as in Simple Interest. 208. What is Commission 1 209. What is the rule for calculating commission* 1 18 BUYING AND SELLING STOCKS. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the commission on the purchase of goods, the invoice f which amounts to 1250 dollars, at 2J per cent? Ans. $31-25. 2. What must I allow my correspondent for selling goods to the amount of 4325-75 at a commission of 5 per cent.? Ans. $216-2875. BUYING AND SELLING STOCKS. STOCK is a general name for the capitals of trading companies^, or of a fund established by government, the value of which is va- riable. RULE. If the stock be above par, that is, when 100 dollars of stock are worth more than 100 dollars, multiply the given sum by its value per cent over 100 per cent, and divide the product by 100 ; then add the quotient and given sum together, the amount will be the value required. If the stock be below par, that is, when 100 dollars of stock are worth less than 100 dollars, multiply the given sum by its value per cent, less than 100 per cent, and divide the product by 100 ; then subtract the quotient from the given sum, the remain- der will be the value required. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value of $7500 United States Bank Stock, at 112J per cent. ? Ans. $8437-50. 2. What is the value of $5400 of Stock, at 97 per cent. ? Ans. $5238. 310. What are Stocks 1 211. What is the rule for finding the value of any kindof stock, the value per cent, being given 1 INSURANCE....SIMPLE INTEREST BY DECIMALS. 119 INSURANCE. INSURANCE is a security by contract, to indemnify for a speci- fied sum, the insured for such loss or damage as may happen to the property, for a limited time. The premium is the sum paid by the insured for the insurance of his property, and is generally at so much per cent. RULE. Multiply the sum to be insured by the rate per cent, and divide the product by 100 ; the quotient will be the premi- um or answer. EXAMPLE. What will be the annual premium for insuring a house against loss by fire, valued at $5600, at J per cent. ? Ans. $42. SIMPLE INTEREST BY DECIMALS. A TABLE OF RATIOS FROM ONE DOLLAR, &C. TO TEN DOLLARS. Ratio is the simple interest of $1 or 1 for one year, at the rate per cent, agreed on, and is found by dividing the rate by 100, and reducing it to a decimal. Thus T f T = -06, and T | = '05. I Rate per cent, ratios. | Rate per cent, ratios. | Kate per cent. ratios. j 1 01 4 04 7 07 14 0125 44 0425 74 0725 ij 015 045 075 -f 0175 4f 0475 7J 0775 2 02 5 05 8 08 24 0225 54 0525 84 0825 2 i 025 055 085 2| 0275 5? 0575 8 S 0875 3 03 6 06 9 09 34 0325 6* 0825 94 0925 035 065 095 3| 0375 3 0675 9| 0975 10 1 212. Wkat is Insurance'* 213. Whn f is the premium ?- for finding theprtrtiiwn, the rate per cent, being' given ? -214. What is the rale 120 SIMPLE INTEREST BY DECIMALS. A TABLE for the ready finding of the decimal parts of a year, equal to any number of months and days, allowing 12 months, or 365 days to the year. Days. decimal parts. l>ays decimal parts. Months. decimal parts. 1 00274 30 082192 1 083333 2 005479 40 109589 2 166666 3 .008219 50 136986 3 25 4 010959 60 '164383 4 333333 5 013699 70 191781 5 416666 r O 016438 80 219178 6 5 7 019178 90 246575 7 583333 8 021918 100 273973 8 666666 9 024657 200 547945 9 75 10 027397 300 -821918 10 833333 20 054794 365 1-000000 11 -916666 RULE. 1 . Multiply the principal by the ratio, the product will be the interest for one year. 2. To find the interest for more years than one, multiply the interest of one year by the given number of years, aud the pro- duct will be the interest for that number of years. 3. To find the interest for months, or months and days ; multi- ply the interest of one year by the decimal parts which are equal to the given number of months, or months and days, and the pro- duct will be the interest for that time.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest and amount of $475-50 for 4 years, 9 months, 25 days, at 6 per cent. ? *This rule is a contraction of the general rule for simple interest. 215. fniflf iy the rule for computing simple interest by decimals ? COMPOUND INTEREST. 121 $ cts. 9 mo. = -75 475 50 Principal. 20 da = -054794 -06 Ratio. 5 da. =-013699 28-5300 Int. for one year. Fwf, 4-818498 4*818493 Time. 855900 2567700 1141200 2282400 285300 2282400 1141200 Interest, 137-4716052900 Principal, 475-50 $612-9716 Amount, or answer. 2. If a factor sell a cargo for me, to the amount of $1750, on com- mission at 2J per cent, and purchase me another cargo of the value of $2500, on commission.at If per cent, j what will his commission on both cargoes amount to ? ADS. $83-125. COMPOUND INTEREST. COMPOUND INTEREST is that which arises from the interest be- ing added to the principal at the end of each year, and making the amount the principal for the next succeeding year. RULE. Find the interest of the given sum for one year, and add it to the principal, the amount is the principal for the second year ; then find the interest of that amount, and add as before, and thus proceed for any number of years required. 216 What is Compound Interest? 217. What is the rule for c*kultiin$ com'* poiind interest ? Q 122 COMPOUND INTEREST, Subtract the first principal from the last amount, and the re- mainder will be the compound interest for the whole time.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the compound interest of $680 for 4 years, at 6 per cent? $ 680 given sum or first principal. 40-80 interest of do. for one year. 720 80 amount or principal for 2nd year. 43-248 interest of do. 764-048 amount or principal for 3rd year. 45.843 interest of do. t 809 891 amount or principal for 4th year. 48-593 interest of do. 858-484 amount for 4 years. 680-000 first principal subtracted. Ans. 178-484 compound interest for 4 years. 2. What is the compound interest of 400, for 3 years, at 5 per nt.? Ans. 63 Is. cent. 3. What will be the amount and compound interest of 1000 dollars for 5 years, at 6 per cent. ? A ( $1 338-226 amount. ns ' I % 338-226 comp. int. * It is not usually necessary to carry the work beyond mills ; therefore, when the fig- ure next beyond mills, at the right is 5 or more than 5, increase the number of mills 1 ; when it is less than 5, it may be omitted, and the result will be exact enough for commcm purposes. COMPOUND INTEREST BY DECIMALS. 123 COMPOUND INTEREST BY DECIMALS. TABLE showing the amount o/$l, or 1, at 5 and 6 per cent, per an- num, compound interest, from I year to 20 years. Years. 5 per cent 6 per ct nt. Years. 5 per cent. 6 percent. 1 1-050000 060000 11 1-710339 1-898298 2 i- 102500 123600 12 1-795856 2-012J96 3 157625 191016 13 1-883649 2-132928 4 215506 262479 14 1-979931 2-260903 5 276281 338225 15 2-078928 2-396558 6 340095 418519 16 2-182874 2-547271 7 407100 503630 17 2-292018 2-692772 8 477455 5U3848 18 2-406619 2 854339 9 551328 689478 19 2-526950 3-025599 to 628894 790847 20 2-653297 3-207135 RULE 1. Multiply the given principal continually by the amount of one dollar, or one pound, for one year, at the rate per cent, given, until the number of multiplications be equal to the given number of years the last product will be the amount for the whole time ; from which subtract the given principal, and the re- mainder will be the compound interest. Or, RULE 2. Multiply the amount of one dollar, or one pound> for the given number of years, by the given principal, the product will be the amount required ; from which subtract the given prin- cipal, and the remainder will be the compound interest. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the amount and compound interest of $500 for 3 years, at 6 per cent. ? By rule 1. $500 X 1-06 X 1-06 X 1-06 = $595-508 Amt. $595-508 500 = 95-508 Comp. Int. By rule 2. Amount of one dollar for 3 years = 1-191016 principal = 503 Amount $595-508000 500 Comp. Int. $95-508000 218. What is the method of computing compound interest by decimals 1 124 DUODECIMALS. 2. What will be the compound interest of 320 for 4 years, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. 68 19s. 2d. 3-52 qrs. Rule I. 3. What will $50 amount to in 20 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest ? Ans. $160-35675. Rule 2. 4 What will be the compound interest of $1500 for 15 years, at 6 per cent. ? Ans. $2094-837. Rule 2. DUODECIMALS ; * OR CROSS MULTIPLICATION. THE rule of Duodecimals is particularly useful to Workmen and Artificers, in casting up the contents of their work The denominations are feet, inches or primes, seconds, thirds, fourths j fifths, &c there being no limit to the division. \Z fifths, (marked '"") are 1 fourth, ("") 12 fourths -- 1 third, "('") 12 thirds --- 1 second, (" ) 12 seconds 1 inch or prime, (') 12 inches or primes - - - 1 foot (ft.) Glaziers' and Masons' work is measured by the foot. Painting, plastering, and paving are done by the yard. Partitioning, flooring, slating, rough boarding, by the square of 100 feet. Stone and brick work by the rod of 16J feet, whose square is Bricks also are laid by the thousand. * Duodecimals are a species of compound numbers, decreasing in an uniform ratio of 12. fiom a greater denomination to a less; hence their name. 219. What are [)u<,dr.nmalsl 220. What is the use of duodecimals 1 221. What are the denominations used in duodecimals ? DUODECIMALS. 125 RULE. 1. Under the multiplicand write the corresponding denomina- tions of the multiplier. 2. Multiply each term in the multiplicand, beginning at the lowest, by the feet in the multiplier, and write the result of each under its respective term, observing to carry an unit for every 12, from each lower denomination to its superior. 3. In the same manner multiply the multiplicand, by the inches in the multiplier, and write the result of each term in the multi- plicand, thus multiplied, one place to the right hand in the product. 4. Proceed in the same manner with the other parts in the mul- tiplier, which if seconds, write the result two places to the right hand ; if thirds, three places, fyc. and their sum will be the answer required. N OTE> Feet multiplied by feet give feet Feet multiplied by inch- es give inches Feet multiplied by seconds give seconds Inches multiplied by inches give seconds Inches multiplied by seconds give thirds Seconds multiplied by seconds give fourths. EXAMPLE. Multiply 7 feet, 3 inches, 2 seconds, by 1 foot, 7 inches and seconds. F. i. " 0^f"Here we multiply the 7f Sin. 2" by the If. in the multiplier, which gives seconds, inches and Prod, by the feet, 7 3 2 "' feet. We next multiply the same do. by primes, 4 2 10 2 "" 7f. Sin. 2" by the 7in. saying 7 times do. by seconds, 1996 2 are 14 which is once 12 and 2 over, which (2) we set down one 11 7 9116 place to the right hand, that is, in the place of thirds, and carry one to the next place, and proceed in the same manner with the other terms. Lastly, we multiply the mul- tiplicand by the 3" saying 3 times 2 are 6, which we set down two places to the right hand and so proceed with the other terms of the multiplicand. The sum of all the products is the answer. 222, What is the rule ? 126 DUODECIMALS. APPLICATION AND USE OF DUODECIMALS. /. To find the superficial contents of boards, $c. where length and breadth only are considered. RULE. Multiply the length by the breadth, and the product will be the superficial content. NOTE- If the board or plank is tapering, add the width of both ends together, and take half the sum for the mean width, which mul- tiplied by the length, will give the contents. EXAMPLES. 1. How many feet in a beard 10 feet 7 inches long, and 9 incites wide? Ans. 7ft. 11' 3" 2. What number of feet are there in a floor 16 feet 6 inches loug. ; and 12 feet 8 inches wide ? Ans. 209 feet. //. To find the solid content of timber, stone, bales, trunks, fyc. RULE. Multiply the length by the breadth, and the .product by the depth or thickness ; the last product will be the content in solid or cubick feet, and parts of a foot. EXAMPLES. 1. How many cubick feet in a stick of timber 12 feet 10 inches- long, 1 foot 7 inches wide, and 1 foot 9 inches thick ? Ans. 35ft. 6.' 8." 6.'" 2. Ho'vr many cubick feet, and perches of 24| feet, are there in a cellar wall, 130 feet 8 inches long, 8 feet high, and 2 feet 9 inches thick ? Ans. 2874ft 8.'= 116 ^ perches. NOTE. Bricklayers value their work at the rate of a brick and a half thick; and if the thickness of the wall is more or less, it must be reduced to that thickness, which may be done by the following 223. What is the rnh for meawring boards by duodecimals ? 224. What is tht f /ule for fading the solid content 0f timber, stone, fyc. ? DUODECIMALS. 127 RULE.- Multiply the area of the wall by the number of the lialf bricks in the thickness of the wall, the product divided by 3 will give the area. JIL To measure drains, vaults, dikes, cellars, fyc. RULE. Multiply the length, width and depth in feet together, and divide by 216. NOTE --Diggers work by the square of 6 feet long, wide and deep, making 216 cubic feet to a square. EXAMPLES. 1. The re is a drain 200 feet long, 3J feet wide, and 5} feet deep ; how raany squares does it contain ? Ans. 18-3- squares. 2. How many squares are in a vault 8 feet square, and OJ feet deep? Ans. 2f f squares. IV. To measure wood. RULE. Multiply the length by the width, and the product by the height, the last product will be the content in cubick feet, and parts of a foot, which are brought into cords by dividing them by 128, or into cord wood feet by dividing by 16. NOTE. A cord of wood is a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high, containing 128 cubick feet, or 8 feet of cord wood. A foot of cord wood is a pile 4 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 1 foot high, contain- ing 16 cubick feet. EXAMPLES. I. How many cords areHhere in a pile of wood 176 feet long, feet 9 inches wide, and 4 feet 3 inches high? Ans. 21]i| cords. 225. What is the rule for measuring drains, vwlfs, &>c, 1 226. What is the rule Jor measuring wood duodecimally ? 128 DUODECIMALS. 2. How many cord wood feet are there in 41 load of wood 8 fee? long, 3 feet 10 inches wide, arid 5 feet 4 inches high? Ans. lOf feet. 3. How many cord wood feet are there in a pile 16 feet long, 5 feet 3 inches wide, and 4 feet 1 inch high ? NOTE 2. As the superficial contents of one end of a con! of wood are exactly double to the number of cord wood feet, therefore, in or- der to find the number of feet of cord wood, in any load, multiply the height by the width, duodecimally, and divide the product by 2, the quotient will be the number of cord wood feet, and parts of a foot, which the load contains. EXAMPLES. 1. How many feet of wood in a load 3ft. Gin. high, and 3ft. Gin. wide ? F. ' 3 6 3 6 10 6 1 9 2)12 3 65 Ans. 2. How many feet of wood in a load 4ft. Sin. high, and 3ft. 5in, wide ? 2)14 6 3 7J Ans. these examples, each load i considered as consisting of two tiers, each of which is supposed to be cut four feet long, according to law. NOTE 3. After having multiplied the height and width of any load of wood together, the figui/es which occupy the place of inches* in the product, are not twelfth parts of a foot, because, as they are to be di- vided by two* they are only twenty-fourths of a foot; therefore. 3 is-J, 4 is , 8 is J, 8 is J and 9 /'is . When the figures in the place of inch- es happen to be 5, 7, 10, /or 11, as these figures are not even parts of 24, we call 5, J- ; 7, ; 1/0, f ; 11, f ; or J, as the case may be; that is, if the figure in the tnbd place be less than 6, we call 11, f ; but, if it be more than 6, theiji we call 1 1, . The figures in the tlilird place are so inconsiderable, that they are sot reckoned into the Contents of a load. DUODECIMALS. 129 3. How many feet of cord wood, in a load 3ft. 9in. high, and 2ft. lOin. wide 2 F. ' 3 9 2 10 3)10 7 6 5 Ans. 4. How many feet of cord wood, in a load 4ft. 7in. high, and 3ft. Sin. wide ? F. ' 4 7 3 8 2)16 9 8 8f Ans. In the above examples, the 7, which occupies the place of inches In the one, I call J of a foot, although it is in reality one twenty-fourth part of a foot more than a quarter. ' The 9, which occupies the place of inches, in the other example, is exactly f of a foot. The 6, which possesses the third place, in one example, and the 8, in the other, are not reckoned into the quantity. 5. How many feet of cord wood in a load 4ft. 4in. high, and 3ft. tin. wide? In this example 13 divided by 2 are 6J, and 4, which occupies the place of inches, is i of a foot; therefore J which is |, being ad- ded to J, produces f , which is ex- actly f. 2)13 4 4 6 Ans. 6. How many feet of cord wood are there in a load which is 3f ilin. high, and 3 ft. lOin wide ? Ans. 7J. NOTE 4. When wood is cut less, or more, than 4ft. long, find the contents of the load by the foregoing examples ; then deduct or add, as the case may require, so many forty-eighths of a foot, as the num- ber of feet in the load will produce when multiplied by the number of inches it falls short, or overruns. 7. How many feet of cord wood are there in a load 4ft. high, and 3ft. wide, and cut only 3ft. 9in. long ? 227. When wood is cut more or less than 4ftet long, how doyoujind the contents of a 130 SINGLE RULE OF THREE. F. ' In this example, the contents of 3 the load, in case it were cut 4ff, long, is 6ft. Euf as it lacks Sin. 2)12 of 4ft. multiply 3 by 6, and the product is 18, which is eighteenfor- 6 ty-cighths ; and || = , which be- f deduct. ing deducted from 6, leaves 5f , the real quantity of the load. 5f Ans. 8. How many feet of cord wood in a load, 4ft. Sin. high, and 3ft. Gin. wide, and cut 4ft. 7in. long ? Ans. 8f . 9. How many feet of cord wood in a load, 3ft. 7in. high, and 3ft. Sin. wide, and cut 3ft. Gin. long ? Ans. 5|. 10. How many feet of cord wood in a load, 4ft. Sin. high, and 3ft Sin. wide ? Ans. 71-. THE SINGLE RULE OF THREE. THE SINGLE RULE OF THREE teaches how to find a fourth num- ber, proportional to three numbers given ; for which reason it is sometimes called the RULE OF PROPORTION. It is called the Rule of Three, because three terms or numbers are given, to find a fourth. And because of its great and extensive usefulness, it is often called the GOLDEN RULE. This Rule is usually considered as of two kinds, viz. Direct and Inverse : a distinction, however, which is totally useless, and which has been avoided by some of the best writers It may not be ar: i-s, however, to exp.ain the difference usually understood be- tween the two parts of this rule. The Rule of Three Direct is that in which more requires more, or less requires less. As in this ; if 3 men dig 21 yards of trench in a certain time, how much will 6 men dig in the same time ? Here more requires more, that is, 6 men, which are more than 3 218. What are w? to understand by the Single Rule of Three? 229. Why is it called the Rule of Three, or the Golden Rule 1 230. ft it of more kinds than one * SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 131 men, will also perform more work in the same time. Or, when it is thus : if 6 men dig 42 yards, how much will 3 men dig in the same time ? Here then less requires less, or 3 men will perform proportionally less work than 6 men, in the same time. In both these cases then, the Rule, or the Proportion, is Direct ; and the stating must be thus, As 3 : 21 : : 6 : 42, or thus, As 6 : 42 : : 3 : 21. But the Rule of Three Inverse, is when more requires less, or less requires more. As in this ; if 3 men di^ a certain quantity of trench in 14 hours, in how many hours will 6 men dig the like quantity ? Here it is evident that 6 men, being more than 3, will perform an equal quantity of work in less time or fewer hours. Or thus : if 6 men perform a certain quantity of work in 7 hours, in how many hours wiii 3 men perform the same ? Here less re- quires more, for 3 men will take more hours than 6 to r>e form the same work. In both these cases then the Rule, or the Proportion, is Inverse ; and the stating must be thus, As 6 : 14 : : 3 : 7, or thus, As 3 : 7 : : 6 : 14. And in all these statings, the fourth term is found, by multiply- ing the 2d and 3d terms together, and dividing the product by the 1st term. Of the three given numbers, two of them contain the supposi- tion, and the third a demand. And for stating and working ques- tions of these kinds, observe the following GENERAL RULE. 1. Write that number which is of the same name or kind with the answer or number required, for the second term. 2. Then consider whether the answer must be greater or less than the second term. If the answer must be greater than the second term, write the greater of the two remaining numbers on the right for the third term, and the other on the left for the first term ; but if the answer must be less than the second term, write the less of the two remaining numbers on the right for the third term, and the other on the left for the first term. 3. Multiply the second and third terms together, divide by the first, and the quotient will be the answer to the question, which, 231. What is the nature of these useless distinctions ? 232. What is the general rult for stating and performing all questions in simple proportion 1 132 SINGLE RULE OF THREE. (as also the remainder) will be in the same denomination in whiefe you left the second term, and may be brought into any other de- nomination required.* NOTE. The chief difficulty that occurs in the Rule of Three, is the right placing of the numbers, or stating of the question; this being accomplished, there is nothing to do, but to multiply and divide, and the work is done. To this end the nature of every question must be considered, and the circumstances on which the proportion depends, observed, and common sense will direct this ii the terms of the question be under- stood. 1. The fourth number is always found in the same name in which the second is given, or reduced to ; which, if it be not the highest denomination of its kind, reduce to the highest, when it can be done. 2. When the second number is of divers denominations, bring it to the lowest mentioned, and the fourth will be found in the same name * This rule is founded on the obvious principle, that the magnitude or quantity of any effect, varies constancy in proportion to the varying pait of the cause : Thus, the quan- tity of goods bought, is in proportion to the money laid out; the space gone over by nn uniform motion, is in proportion to the tiiiK., &c. It has been shewn in Multiplication of Money, that the price of one multiplied by the quantity, is the price of the whole; and in Division, that the price of the whole divided by the quantity, is the price of one. Now, in all cases of valuing goods, &c. where one is the first term of the proportion, it is plain, that Jie answer fount! by this rule, will be the same as that found by Multiplication of Money; and where one is the last term of the proportion, it will he the same as that found by Division of Money. In like manner, if the first term be any number whatever, it is plain that the product of the second and third terms will be greater than the true answer required, by as much as the price in the second term exceeds the price of one, or as the first term exceeds an unit; consequently this product, divided by the first term, will give the true answer re-> quired. NOTE 1 When it can be done, multiply and divide as in Compound Multiplication, and Compound Division. 2. If the first term, and either the second or thiid can be divided by any number with- out a remainder, let them be divided, and the quotient used instead of them. Q^T" The following methods of operation, whtn they can be used, perform the work in a much shorter manner than the general rule. 1. Divide the second term by the first; multiply the quotient into the third, and the product will be the answer. 2. Divide the thud terra by the first; multiply the quotient into the seoond, and the product will be the answer. 3. Divide the first term by the second, and the third by that quotient, and the last quo- tient will be the answer. 4 Divide the first term by the third, and ihe second by that quotient, and the last quo- tient will be the answer. 2:3. What is the reason of this rule ; or why will multiplying' the second terms together, fyc. produce tin trve answer'? SINGLE RULE OF THREE. ' 133 to which the second is reduced, which reduce back to the highest possible. 3 If the first and third be of different names, or one or both of divers denominations, reduce them both to the lowest denomination mentioned in either. 4. When the product of the second and third is divided by the first; if there be a remainder after the division, and the quotient be not the least denomination of its kind ; then multiply the remainder by that number, which one of the saim* denomination with the quo- dent contains of the next less, and divide this product again by the first number ; and thus proceed till the least denomination be found, or till nothing remain, 5. If the first number be greater than the product of the second and third; then bring the second to a lower denomination. 6. When any number of barrels, bales, or other packages or pie- ces are given, each containing an equal quantity, let the content of one be reduced to the lowest name, and then multiplied by the ghee number of packages or pieces. 7. If the given barrels, hiiiee, pieces, &,c. be of unequal contents^ (as it most generally happens) put the separate content of each prop- erly under one another, then add them together, and you will have the whole quantity. 8. When any of the terms are given in Federal Money, the opera- tion is conducted ia all respects as in simple numbers, observing only to place the point or separatrix between dollars and cents, to point off the results according to what has been taught already in Fedeial Money, and Decimal Fractions. PROOF. The method of proof is by inverting the question. That is, put the fourth number, or answer, in the first place ; the third in the second ; and the second in the third ; work as before directed, and the quotient will be the first number. EXAMPLES. 1. If 4 yards of cloth cost 16 dollars, what will 12 yards come to, at the same rate ? yds. $ yds, 4 : 16 :: 12 (7- In this question the answer 12 must be money, therefore we write 16 dollars for the second term. As 4)192 12 yards must cost more than 4 yards, we write 12 yards on the $48 Ans. right of 16 dollars for the third term, and 4 yards on the left for the first term. 234 -. hen. tl>e first, second, or third terms are of different denominations. hw d* yojt proceed I 235. What is the method of proff? 134 SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 2. Proof of Example 1. If 48 dollars will pay for 12 yards of cloth, how many yards can he bought for 16 dollars? $ yds. $ (r In this question the answer 12 must be yards ; therefore, we write 12 yards for the second term. As 48)192(4 yds. Ans. 16 dollars will pay for a less num- 192 ber of yards than 48 dollars, we write 16 dollars on the right of the 12 yards for the third term, and 48 dollars on the left for the first term. 3. If 5 yds. of cloth cost $10, what will 20 yds, come to ? yds. $ yds. As 5 : 10 : : 20 H $40 Ans. ere we divide the 2d term by the Ibt, and multiply the quotient into the 3d, for the answer. yds. $ yds. As 5 : 10 : : 20 40 Ans. Here we divide the 3d term by the 1st, and multiply the quotient into the 2d, for the answer. 4. If 20 yds. cost 120, how many yards may we have for 30 ? $ yds. $ As 120 : 20 : : 30 120-r-20=6 quot. and 30-^6=5 yards, Answer. Here we divide the 1st term by the 2d, and then, the 3d term by the quotient for the answer. $ yds. $ Again, As 120 : 20 : : 30 120_:_30^4 quot. and, 20-^-4=5 yards, Ans. Here we divide the 1st term by the 3d, and then, the 2d term by that quotient for the answer. SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 135 5. If 1 cwt. of tobacco cost 5 1 2s. 9 Jd. ; what will 8 cwt. do. cost ? cwt. s. d. cwt. As 1 : 5 12 9 : : 8 8 Ans. 45 2 4 Here there is no need of reducing the middle term, because it can be performed by compound multiplication, the first term being an unit. 6. If 8 cwt. of tobacco cost 45 2s. 4d. ; what is that per cwt? 9. d. 8)45 2 4 Ans. 5 12 Here there is no need of reducing the middle term, because it may be performed by compound division only, the 3d term being an unit. 7. If 2 cwt. 1 qr. 14 Ibs. of sugar be worth g21-75, what will be the value of 42 cwt. 3 qrs. at the same rate? Cwt. qr. Ib. $ c. Cwt. 2 1 14 : 21-75 : : 42 4 4 qrs. 3 9 qrs. 76 19 266 Ibs. 4788 Ibs. 2175 171 qrs. O^In this example, the first and third terras are com- pound numbers, therefore, we reduce them both to the least denomination mentioned in ei- ther, viz. pounds. The se- cond term is reduced to the least denomination mentioned in it, by calling it all cents. We then multiply the third term by the second, and divide the product by the first term, $ c. and the quotient is 39 150 cents, 266)10413900(391-50 Ans. which we reduce to dollars by 798 pointing off the two right hand figures. 2433 2394 23940 33516 4788 9576 399 266 1330 1330 136 SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 8. If 9 cwt, 3 qrs. of sugar cost 21 17s. 6d., what will 2 cwt. lor. 1 Ib. cost ? Cwt- q- . d. Cwt. qr. Ih. 93 27 17 6 211 4 20 4 39 557 "9 28 12 28 312 6690 73 78 19 2092 263 Ib. d. Ib. As 1092 : 6690 : : 263 263 1092)1759470( 1611 1092 - -- 2lO)13|4 3d. 6674 -- 6552 6 14s. 3d. Answer. 1227 1092 1350 1098 258 4 1092)1 032(0 qr. CfHere it will be seen, that the first and third terms are of the same kind, but of different denominations, and therefore are reduced to the same name or denomination, and that the demand of the ques- tion lies on the 3d term. 2 That the middle term, being 1 given in pounds, shillings and pence, is reduced to pence. But 3. If the second term were in federal money it would be sufficient <3 proceed according to decimals. SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 137 % 3. It my income be 109 guineas per annum, I desire to know what 1 may spend per day, so that I may lay up 45 at the year's end? Ans. o 5s. IGjd. ^ per day. NOTE 1. You must subtract 45 from the value of 109 guineas. 2. There being 365 days in a year, your question must next be stated thus : D. Gmn. D. . d. qrs. As 365 : 10945 : : 1 : 5 10 3^ the Ans. 10. If my salary be .43 12s. 5d, per annum, what does it amount to per week ? Ans. 16s. The Stating. NOTE. As there are 52 weeks W. s, d. W. and 1 day in a year, you will get As 52 : 43 12 5 : : 1: the Ans. the true answer to the above ques- tion by the following ratio. D s. d. D As 365 : 43 12 5 : : 7 : 16s. Sfffd. 11. Suppose my income to be 16s. 8|ffd. per week, what is it per annum. Ans. 43 13s. NOTE 1. You must first reduce the middle term to pence. 2. You must multiply by 365 (the denominator of the fraction) and add to the product the 283 which remains ; and remember always to do so in similar cases. 3. You must divide by 7, the first terra and the quotient will be the answer in 365ths of a penny, which (in all similar cases) must be first divided by the denominator, and then brought into pounds. 12. How many yards of cloth may be bought for $195 75c. of which 9J yds. cost $11 2c. ? Ana. 168 yds. 3 qrs. 13. A merchant, failing in trade, owes in all 3475, and has in mon- ey and effects but 2316 13s. 4<1. : Now, supposing his effects are delivered up, pray, what will each creditor receive on the pound ? s. d. As 3475 : 2316 13 4 :: 1 : 13s. 4d, Ans 138 SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 14. If the distance from Newburyport to York be 31 miles; I de- mand how many times a wheel, whose circumference is 15J feet will turn round in performing the journey ? Ans. 10560 times. 15. What will 37J gross of buttons come to at 13 cents per dozen ? Ans. $58 50c. 16. If T 7 F of a ship cost $1163 what is the whole worth ? Ans. $2658 28c. 5m. 1 7. A merchant bought 9 packages of cloth, at 3 guineas for 7 yards : each package contained 8 parcels, each parcel 12 pieces, and each piece 20 jards ; how many dollars c&me the whole to, and how many per yard ? Yds guin pack. $ As 7 : 3 : : 9 : 34560 Ans. for the whole cost. yds. guin. yd, $ As 7 : 3 : : 1 : 2 Ans. per yard. 18. A merchant bought 49 tuns of wine for $9 10; freight cost $90 ; duties $10; cellar $31 67c. ; other charges $50 and he would gain $185 by the bargain ; what must I give him for 23 tuns ? Tuns. $ $ $ $ c. $ $ Tuns. $ As 49 : 910+904-40+31 67+50+185 : : 23 : 613 33c. Ans. 19. The earth being 360 degrees in circumference, turns round on its axis in 24 hours ; how far does it turn in one minute, in the 43d parallel of latitude ; the degree of longitude, in this latitude, being about 51 statute miles? H. D. M. M. M. As 24 : 360 X 51 :: 1 : 12f Ans. 20. If a staff, 4 feet long, cast a shade (on level ground) 7 feet, what is the height of that steeple, whose shade, at the same time measures 198 feet?* F sh. F. hei. F. sh. F. hei. As 7 : 4 :: 198 : 113| Ans. *As the rays oflight from the sun may be considered parallel, line lengths of the shad- ows must bo proportioned to the heights of the objects. Hence the reason of the state- ment of this question. SINGLE RULE OF THREE. 139 21. Said Harry to Dick, my purse and money are worth 3J guin- eas, but the money is w6rth eleven times as much as the purse ; pray, how much money is there in it ? Ans. 4 3s. 5d. 22. If f of a yard cost of a , what will T 7 T of a yard cost ?* : : : T 7 T : |X T V4=ttf Answer. Or, | : f :: T 7 T : |XiX T y^fi = l 7s. IJJd. 23. There is a cistern, having four cocks ; the first will empty it in ten minutes ; the second in 25 minutes ; the third in 40, and the fourth in 80 minutes j in what time will all four, running together empty it ? Cist. Min. (o ) Cist. Min. Cist. Min. : 1 : : 60 : HA As llj : 60 : : 1 : 5J Ans. /|V 45 60X4 ^ * } thatis : 60 : : 1 : -b\. 4 45 11 J Cist. 24. If the earth revolves 366 times in 365 days, in what time does it perform one revolution ? Ans. 23h. 56' 3" 56'" -f 1 Sidereal day.t 25. If the earth makes one complete revolution in 23h. 56' 3"+, in what time does it pass through one degree ? Ans. 3' 55" 20'". 26. If the earth performs its diurnal revolution in a solar day,J or 24 hours ; in what time does it move one degree ? Ans. 4'. * If the first term of the statement be a Vulgar Fraction, whether the other terms are or not, after the first and third terms are reduced to the same denomination, invert the first term as in division of Vulgar Fractions, and the product of the three terms will of course be the answer. The student should work the questions in Vulgar, or Decimal Fractions, according as the rules for fractions require. f A sidereal day is the space of time which happens between the departure of a star from, and its return to the same meridian again. \ The solar day is that space of time which intervenes between the sun's departing from any one meridian, and its return to the same again. 140 METHOD OF MAKING TAXES. 27. If f yd. cost gj what will 40jyds cpme to ? An?. $59 6c. 28. At $3f per cwt. what will 9|lb. come to ? Ans. 31 c. 3m, 29 A sonduit has a cock, which will fill a cistern in -2 of an hour? this cistern has 3 cocks; the first wil! empty it in 1-25 hour, the se- cond in -625 of an hour, and the third in -5 hour. In what time will the cistern be filled, if all four run together ? Ans. Ih. 40m. 30. In a certain school, ^th of the pupils study Greek, j\ study Latin. | study Arithmetick, ^ read and write, and 20 attend to other things ; what is the. number of pupils ? =T 8 7n then 2U=fr and ft : 20 : : - : JOO Ans. GENERAL METHOD OF MAKING TAXES. RULE.- In the first place an inventory of the value of all the es- tates, both real and personal, and the number of polls for which e::ch person is rateab e, must be taken in separate columns : The most concise way is then to make the total value of the inventory the first term, the tax to be assessed the second, and $1 the third, and the quotient will show the value on the dollar : 2dlv, make a tabie, by multiplying the value on the dollar by 1,2, 3, 4, &c. 3dly, From the inventory take the real and personal estates of each man, and find them separately in the tabie, which will shew you each man's proportional share of the tax for real and personal estates. NOTE. If any part of the tax is averaged on the polls, or otherwise, before stating- to find the value on the dollar, you must deduct the sum of the average tax from the whole sum to be assessed ; for which av- erage you nrust have a separate column, as well as for the real and personal estates. 236. What method would y O j>3 r\ Q o> 101 p. n SO ft A c; i A T! 1 F, ^ |) *c <2c; 7 n fil 1 ^ 17 1 ^ fi -in s A *TD o 7J =1 6J C. 20 ^ 0, ?- 45 =9 c;n in o c 3 CL, Practice admits of a great variety of rules, the multipli- cation of which serves little else than to confuse the mind of the scholar. The most useful are here given, and all that are actu- ally necessary for the man of business ; but the scholar who wish- es to pursue his studies beyond this elementary treatise, will find the subject amply treated of in the large Arithmetick of PIKE. CASE I. To fold the value of any number of pounds, fyc. ichen the price of one pound is an aliquot part of a dollar. RULE. As the value of any number of pounds at one dollar a pound, will be just so many dollars as there are pounds : there- fore, call the pounds dollars, and divide them by such an aliquot part as the price is of a dollar, the quotient will be the answer in dollars. 248 How do you find the value of any number of pounds, fyc. when 'the price per lb, it vn ali(juot part of a foliar ? PRACTICE. 149 EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the value of 360 yards of cloth, at *25 cents a yard ? cts. g90 Ans. 3. What will be the value of 125 pounds of butter, at -12J cents a pound ? Ans. $ 15-625. 2. What will be the value of 75 pounds of loaf sugar, at -20 cents a pound ? cts. $ 20 = 1)75 $15 Ans. 4. What will 1250 pounds of cheese come to, at -06J cents a pound ? Ans. $78-125. CASE II. To find the value of any number of yards, fyc. when the price of one yard is an aliquot part of a pound. RULE. Call the number of yards so many pounds, and divide them by such an aliquot part as the price is of a pound, the quo- tient will be the answer in pounds. EXAMPLES. 1. What will 63 gallons of rum come to, at 6s. 8d. a gallon ? s. d. 6 8 = 21 Ans. 3. What is the value of 500 bushels of potatoes, at 2s. 6d. a bushel ? Ans. 62 10s. 5. What will be the value of 150 bushels of corn at 3s. 4d. a bushel ? Ans. 25. 2. What is the value of 125 yards of linen, at 5s. a yard? s. 5=1)125 31 5s. Ans. 4. What will 37J yards of sheeting come to, at Is. 8d. ;> yard? Ans. 3 2s. 6d. G. What will 120 gallons of wine come to, at 10 shillings a gallon ? Ans. 00. 249. Jfow do youftnd the value of a certain number of yards, when the price of on? is an aliquot part of a pound ? 150 PRACTICE. CASE III. To find the value of any number of pounds, fyc. when the price of one pound is an aliquot part of a shilling. RULE. Call the given number of pounds so many shillings, and divide them by such an aliquot part as the price is of one shilling, the quotient will be the answer in shillings. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the value of 650 pounds of cheese, at 6 pence a pound ? d. s. 6 - )650 2lO)3 c 2j5 16 5s. Ans. 3. What is the value of 37 J yds. ef ribband, at 3 pence a yard ? Aus. 9s. 2. What will 1364 pounds of pork come to, at 4 pence a pound? d. s. 4 = J)1864 2jO)62|l 4d. 31 Is. 4d. Ans. 4. What will 75J yards of tape come to, at Ijd. a yard ? Ans. 9s. 5jd. CASE IV. To find the value of any number of yards, fyc- when the price of on& yard is shillings, or sJilllngs, pence and farthings, and not an ali- quot part of a pound. RULE. Write down the given number of yards, &c. and call them so many pounds. Divide the given price into aliquot parts, either of a pound, or of one another ; then divide by the several aliquot parts, and the sum of the quotients will be the answer in pounds. EXAMPLES. 1. What will he the value of 36 yards of silk vesting, at 7s. 6d. a vard ? s. 5 = J)36 2. What will 72 yards of Casf mere come to, at 15 shillings yard ? s. 2s.6d.= )9 4 10s. 5 = ^)36 18 13 10s. Ans. 54 Ans. 250. How, when the price of a pound is an aliquot part of a shilling ? PRACTICE. 151 3. What is the value of 139 gal- lons of wine, at 9s. lOd. a gallon ? Ans. 68 6s. lOd. 5. What will 146 yards of broad- cloth come to, at 14s. 9d. a yard ? Ans. 107 13s. "Gd. 4. What will 49 J pounds of tea come to, at 3s. lld. a pound ? Ans. 9 15s. lljd. 6. What will 120 barrel* of ap- ples come to, at 11s. 3d. a barrel? Ans. 67 10s. CASE V. To find the value of any number of pounds, fyc. when the price of one pound is pence, or pence and farthings, and not an aliquot part of a shilling. ]|pLK. Write down the given number of pounds, &c. and call them shillings. Divide the given price into aliquot parts, either of a shilling, or of one another ; then divide by the several aliquot parts, and the sum of the quotients will be the answer in shillings. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the value of 56 pounds of raisins, at 8 pence a pound ? d. s. 2 = 1)28 9 4 2iO)3j7 4 1 17s. 4d. Ans. 3. What is the value of 541 yards of cotton shirting, at 9 Jd. a yard ? Ans. 20 17s. Ojd. 2. What will 48J yards of ri band come to, at 7J pence yard ? d. s. d. G = )48 6 11 = 4)24 3 6 0| 2jO)3'jO 3| 1 10s. 3|d. Ans. 4. What will 672 pounds of but- ter come to at IJf pence a pound ? Ans. 32 1 8s. 2 r 'l . 7/otp do you proceed, when the price is not an aliiuot part of a pound, or of a shilling ? 152 PRACTICE. CASE VI. To find the value of any quantity consisting of several denominations, wke*i the price of one hundredweight, fyc. is given in sec eral denom- inations. RULE. Multiply the price of a cwt. &c by the number of hun- dreds. Divide the remainder of the quantity into aliquot parts, either of a cwt or of one another ; then divide by the several ali- quot parts, and the sum of the product and quotients will be the answer. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the value of 5 2. What will 12 cwt Iqr. 161bs, cwt. 3 qrs. 14 Ibs. of sugar at of hay come to, at 4 shillings 6 9 56 a cwt. ? pence a cwt. ? qrs. g cts. s. d. 2 = J' 9-56 i qr- = 4 4 6 5 12 47-80 2 14 iqr.= i 4-78 14 Ibs. = J 1 4 141bs = \ 2-39 2 Ibs. = 4 6| M95 Off $56-165 Ans. 2 15 9 f Ans, 3. What cost 12 cwt. qrs 4. What is the value of 14 cwt, 7 Ibs. at $6-34 a cwt. ? Ans. $76-476. 3 qrs. 7 Ibs. at 13s . 8d. a cwt. ? Ans. 10 2s. 5jd. 5. What is the value of a piece of broadcloth measuring 36 yards 3 qrs. at $7-75 a yard ? Ans. $284-8125. 6. What is the value of a farm containing 144 acres, 3 roods, 25 poles, at Q 10s. an acre ? Ans. 941 17s. 9fd, 252. How will you gf-t the value of i quantity of several denominations, when thf price of one cwt, fyc is given in different denominations ? SINGLE FELLOWSHIP. 353 FELLOWSHIP. FELLOWSHIP is a rule, by which the accounts of several mer- chants or other persons, trading in partnership, are so adjusted, that each may have his share of the gain, or sustain his share of the loss, in proportion to his share of the joint stock and the time of its continuance in trade. NOTE. By this rule, a bankrupt's estate may be divided among his creditors. SINGLE FELLOWSHIP. SINGLE FELLOWSHIP is, when the stock of each of the several 'partners is continued in trade the same length of time. RULE. As the whole amount of stock, is to the whole gain or loss, so is each man's stock, to his share of the gain or loss.* PROOF. Add all the shares of the gain or loss together; and if the work be right, the sum will be equal to the whole gain or loss. EXAMPLES. 1. A, B, and C traded in partnership. A put into the stock 400 dollars, B put in 300 dollars, and C put in 200 dollars ; they gained 270 dollars : what was each man's shape of the gain in proportion to what he put in ? * That their gaia or loss, in this Rule, is in proportion to their stocks, is evident : For, is the times, in which the stocks are in trade, are equal, if I put in one half of the whole stock, 1 ought to have doe haif of the gain; if my part of the stock be one fourth, my share of the gain or loss ought to be one fourth also. And generally the same ratio that the whoie stock has to the whole gain or loss, must each person's particular stock have to his respective gain or loss. 253. What is Fellowship? -254. What is Single Fdloioship'! 255. What is We rule; and upon what principle is it founded 1 256. What is the method of proof 1 u 354 SINGLE FELLOWSHIP. dfa df f# r 400 A's stock. As 900 : 270 : : 200 300 B % 9 stock. 200 200 C's stock. $ $ 9|00}540|00 As $900 : 270 : : 400 400 $60 C's gain. 9JOO)1080|00 C$120 A's gain. $120 A's gain, Ans.? 90 B's gain. f 60 C's gain. 270 Proof. $ $ $ As 900 : 270 :: 300 300 9|00)8 10)00 $90 B's gain. 2. Divide the number 360 into four equal parts, which shall be to each other, as 3, 4, 5 and 6. As 3+4+5+6 : 360 : $35-175 value. CASE III. To find the net weight of goods, when the real or actual tare is allowed. RULE. Subtract the whole amount of tare from the whole gross weight, and the remainder will be the net weight. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the net weight and value of 50 boxes of figs, weighing 1250 Ibs. gross, whole amount of tare 175 Ibs. with an allowance of per cent, for scalage, at -10 cents per pound ? . ^ 1069 Ibs. net weight. '' $106-90 value. 2. What is the net weight and value of 4 firkins of butter, weigh- ing as follows : No. 1, gross 75 Ibs. tare 12 Ibs. 2, do. 83 Ibs. do. 14 Ibs. 3, do. 98 Ibs. do. 17 Ibs. 4, do. 120 Ibs. do. 21 Ibs. at '15 cents per pound ? . $312 Ibs. net weight. '' \ $46-80 value. 263. What is the rule, when the tare is at so much per box, 8ft. either with or without allowance ? 264. How do youjind the weight of goods, when the real tare is allowed 1 AMERICAN DUTIES. 159 AMERICAN DUTIES. DUTIES are imposed by law on goods, wares and merchandise, imported into the United States, at certain rates per centum ad valorem, or at certain rates per ton, hundred, pound, gallon, &c. The ad valorem rates of duty upon goods, wares and merchan- dise, are estimated by adding 20 per cent, to the actual cost there- of, if imported from the Cape of Good Hope, or from any place beyond it ; and 10 per cent, if imported from any other place or country, including all charges ; commissions, outside packages, and insurance excepted. CASE I. To find the duty on any amount of goods, wares or merchandise, at any given rate per centum ad valorem. RULE. Reduce the cost of the goods to Federal Money, add 20 per cent, if imported from or beyond the Cape of Good Hope, or 10 per cent, if imported from any other place, then multiply the amount by the given rate per cent, and divide the product by 100, the quotient will be the duty required. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the duty on an invoice of woollen goods, imported from London, which cost 1250 10s. sterling, at 30 per cent, ad valorem ? 1250-5 sterling cost. $444=.l sterling.* 50020 50020 50020 $5552-220 actual cost in Federal Money. 555-222 tea per cent, added. go 107-442 amount. 30 Ans. $1 832-23260 duty required. * The rates at which foreign coins and currencies are estimated at the Custom Houses of the United States may be found on page 39. 265 How are duties imposed upon, imported goods 1 266. In what manner are the ad valorem rates estimated ? 267. What is the rule for finding the dvty on any amourt, at a. given rate per cent, ad valorem ? 160 DISCOUNT. 2. What will be the duty on an invoice of silk goods, imported from France, which cost 2650 Francs, at 20 percent, ad valorem ? Ans. J109-31J. 3. What will be tho duty on an invoice cf silk and cotton goods, im- ported from India, which cost 25000 rupees, at 25 prr cent, ad valorem ? Ans. g3750. CASE II. To find the duty on any amount of goods, wares or merchandise, at any given rate per pound , gallon, fyc. RULE. Multiply the given rate per pound, gallon, &c, by the number of pounds, gallons, &c. and the product will be the duty required. EXAMPLES. 1. What will be the duty on 150 chests of Hyson tea imported di- rect from China in a vessel of the United States, weighing gross 11250 !bs. tare 20 Ibs. per chest, at -40 cents per pound ? Ans. $3300. 2. What will be the duty on 20 pipes of French brandy, 4th proof, containing 2520 gallons, at -48 cents per gallon ? Ans. $1 209-60. 3. What will be the duty on 25 hogsheads of brown su2far, weigh- ing 43750 Ibs. gross, allowing 12 per cent. tare, and 7 pounds per hogshead for draft or scalage, at -03 cents per pound ? Ans. $11 50-38. DISCOUNT. DISCOUNT is an allowance made for the payment of any sum of money before it becomes due ; or it is the difference between any sum due at some future time, and its present worth. The present worth of any sum, or debt, due at any future time, is such a sum, as, if put at interest, would in that time and at the rate per cent, for which the discount is to be made, amount to the given sum or debt. 268. How do you find the. duty, at any given rate, per pound, fc ? 2tJ9. What is Discount! 270. What is the present worth of a sum due at a future time ? DISCOUNT. 161 RULE. 1. As the amount of $100 or 100 at the given rate and time, Is to the interest of $100 or > 100 at the same rate and time, so is the given sum to the discount. Subtract the discount from the given sum, and the remainder is the present worth. 2. As the amount of $100 or 100 at the given rate and time, is to $100 or 100, so is the given sum to the present worth. Subtract the present worth from the given sum, and the re- mainder is the discount.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the discount and present worth of $500 payable in 8 months, allowing discount at 6 per cent, per annum ? By Rule 1. By Rule 2. $ $ 100 100 Int. for 8 mo. 4 Int. for 8 mo. 4 Amount, 104 Amount, 104 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1U4 : 4 : : 500 104 : 100 :: 500 500 500 r 104)2000( 19-23 T V discount. 104)50000(480-76ff present worth. 104 -- 416 ---- -- 480-76jf present worth. -- 19-23 T ' T discount. 960 840 * 936 832 2400 8000 208 728 320 720 312 624 * That an allowance ought to be made for the payment of money before it becomes due, which is supposed to bear no interest until after it is due, is very reasonable; and this allowance ought to be such a sum, a c , being put at interest until the debt becomes due, would amount to the interest of the debt for tiie same time. The reason of the rules is evident from the nature of simple interest ; for since the debt may be consideied as the amount of some principal (called here the present worth) at a certain rate percent, for the given time, that amount must he in the same proportion either to its principal or interest, ap the amount of any other sum at the same rate and for the same time, is to its principal or interest. 271. What are the rides of Discount! 272. Jlndwhat are the reasons vpon which they nre founded ? w ]62 BARTER. 2. What is the present worth of 150 payable in 3 months, allow- ing discount at 5 per cent, per annum ? Aus. 148 2s. lid. 2|qrs. NOTE. The only correct principle of calculating discount is by the preceding rule ; yet banks and commercial persons, in discount- ing notes, &c. deduct the interest for the time (including the days of grace) for the discount. When discount is made for present payment without any regard to time, the interest of the sum for one year i? the discount. BARTER. BARTER is the exchanging of one commodity for another, and teaches merchants so to proportion their quantities, that neither shall sustain loss.* PROOF. By changing the order of the question. RULE. 1 . When the quantity of one commodity is given with its value or the value of its integer, ~ 0' =r 3- IT" rr Si"" ~ r^ ( >fl , w o o 7 o o O o > ? | 3 ; ?'. i ? fl ? s! . ? 1 -* CO *3 g en S S to OS CO NJ to S to CjB 0: to & CO . to 1 fe *. E i CO I -J CTT - CO to -a CO OS to to 5 g CO -.1 to eo to J^ -5 "O w -~j to ^3 CO Oi) iD w *^^ S co Oi H 1 oo o 1 tU i OS g *JJ OS 1 T. CO Ji. as I to O5 OS . bd t- 1 OS S 5 g 6 i CO 00 g 1 2 cr. 02 01 to CO to 1 S2 1 S ul . o J ^ o CO I to 00 w 1 1 S a as CO en ~ to 1 S |a Cfl -J C5 -J CO O5 1 o OS 1 f OS CO OS % OS OS -^ OS OS OS 0? cr. *k 05 --J m CO CO g S CO . 1 4 to 1 o ct i g ik CO ivJ CO HJ OS CO CO ft H| ^ CO o OS CO o o jf ^ 00 ^ ^* M OCJ "O & CO 8 k * oo CO *3 c;x fe CO CO ^ OS g i 1 S CO 00 CO S 00 05 o CO fc CO ^> t-^s o to *>J ltd S* to co 00 35 CJi as r-v CO 1 8 OS S S i 0,1 to OS CO 1' CO g 1 r 6792454961 1865828329 2429536481 OO p co je CO JU 1 "* 387420489 43016721 4782969 S 1 1 CO as i CO CO SQUARE ROOT. 169 There is no number of which we cannot find any power ex- actly ; but there are many numbers, of which the exact roots can never be obtained. Yet by the heJp of decimals, we can obtain these roots to any necessary degree of exactness. Those roots which cannot be exactly obtained, are called surd roots ; and those which can be found exactly, are called rational roots. Roots are sometimes denoted by writing this character \/ be- fore the power, with the index of the power over it ; thus the cube root of 64 is expressed \/ 64, and the square root of 64 is expressed \/ 64, the index 2 being omitted when the square root is required. EXTRACTION OF THE SQUARE ROOT. THE EXTRACTION OF THE SQUARE HOOT is the method of find- ing a number, which, being multiplied by itself, shall produce the given number. RULE. 1 . Distinguish the given number into periods of two figures each, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, which points show the number of figures the root will consist of. 2. Find the greatest square number in the first, or left hand period ; place the root of it at the" right hand of the given number, (after the manner of a quotient in division,) for the first figure oi the root, and the square number under the period, then subtract it therefrom, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend. 3. Place double of the root, already found, on the left hand of the dividend for a divisor. 4. Seek how often the divisor is contained in the dividend, (except the right hand figure,) and place the answer in the root for the second figure of it, and likewise on the right hand of the divisor ; multiply the divisor with the figure last annexed by the figure last placed in the root, and subtract the product from the dividend : to the remainder join the next period for a new r dividend. 28G. Can youjindthe jiowr aim' root of any number'? 287. What is the distinc- tion in the roots ? 283. What is the extraction of the Square Root ? 289. What is the rule ? X 170 SQUARE ROOT. 5. Double the figures already found in the root, for a new di- visor, (or bring down your last divisor for a new one, doubling the right hand figure of it,) and from these, find the next figure of the root as last directed, and continue the operation in the same man- ner, till you have brought down all the periods.* * The rule for the extraction of the square root may be illustrated hy attending to th process by which any number is raised to the square. The several products of the mul- tiplication are to be kept separate, as in the proof of the rule for multiplication of simple numbers. Let 37 be the number to he raised to th" square. 37X37=136 37 (37 (30=26-83+yards, the Answer. PROBLEM VI. The height of a tree growing in the centre of a cir- cular island 44 foot in diameter, is 75 feet, and a line stretched from the top of it over to the hither edge of the water, is 256 feet. What is the breadth of the stream, provided the land on each side of the water be level ? 256X256=65536 ; and 75=75=5625: Then, 655365625=59911 andv'59911=244-76-hmd 244-76 V~ 222 ' 76 feet ? Answer. PROBLEM VII. Suppose a ladder 00 feet long be so planted as to reach a window 37 feet from the ground, on one side of the street, and without moving it at the foot, will reach a window 23 feet high on the other side ; I demand the breadth of the street? Ans. 102-64 feet, PROBLEM VIII. Given the difference of two numbers, and the dif- ference of their squares, to find the numbers. RULE, Divide the difference of the squares by the difference of the numbers, and the quotient will be their sum. Then pro- ceed by Prob. 4, p. 57, EXAMPLES. 1. The difference of two numbers is 20, and the difference of their squares is 2000; what are the numbers ? Ans. 60 the greater. 40 the less. 2. Said Harry to Charles, my father gave me 12 apples more than he gave brother Jack, and the difference of the squares of our separate parcels was 288 ; Now, tell me how many he gave us, and you shall have half of mine. . $ Harry's share 12. Ans> ) Jack's share 6. CUBE! ROOT. 177 EXTRACTION OF THE CUBE ROOT. A CUBE is any number multiplied by its square. To extract the cube root, is to find a number which, being multiplied into its square, shall produce the given number. RULE. 1 . Separate the given number into periods of three figures each, by putting a point over the unit figure and every third figure be- ; yond the place of units. 2. Find the greatest cube in the left hand period, and put its root in the quotient. 3. Subtract the cube thus found, from the said period, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and call this the divi- dend. 4. Multiply the square of the quotient by 300, calling it the triple square, and the quotient by 30, calling it the triple quotient, and the sum of these call the divisor. 5. Seek how often the divisor may be had in the dividend, and place the result in the quotient. 6. Multiply the triple square by the last quotient figure, and write the product under this dividend ; multiply the square of the last quotient figure by the triple quotient, and place this product under the last ; under all, set the cube of the last quotient figure and call their sum the subtrahend. 7. Subtract the subtrahend from the dividend, and to the re- mainder bring down the next period for a new dividend, with which proceed as before, and so on till the whole be finished.* * The process for extracting the cube ro;>t may be illustrated in the same manner as chat for the square root. Take the same number 37, ami multiply as before, collecting the twice 21 into one sum, as they belong to the same place, and the operation will be simplified, 37s 50653. C 49=72 4H 72 372 J 42 =2X3X7 4202x30X7 900=302 37 the multiplier. 37 293. Wind is a Cube ? 294. What is the method of extracting the cube root of a given numkfr 1 295. I wish you to illustrate the process under this ride, by one of the examples given. Y 178 CUBE ROOT. NOTE. The same rule must be observed for continuing the ope- ration and pointing for decimals, as in the square root. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the cube root of 436036824287. 436036824287(7583 the root 343 1st Divisor= 1491 0)93036=1 st Dividend. 73500 5250 125 78875=1 st Subtrahend. 343=73 343=73 294 =2X3X72 f> 7 o _ / 63 ' = 32 X 7 6300=303 x 7 - \ 147 =3X72 1470=30X73 1 26 =;? X 32 X 7 1260foz2 X 302 x< 27- -=3s 27000=303 27 (37 27000 (,30+7 3x32 ) 189 -=SX32X7 3X302 ) 18900=3X302X7 3X3 ) 441 -=3X^X73 3X30 ) 4410=3X30X72 As 27 or 27000 is the greatest cube, its root is 3 or 39, and that part of the cube is ex- hausted by this extraction. Collect those terms which belong to the same places, and we have 33X7=63. and 2X32X7=126, and 63+ 126=3X32 X7=189 ; and X3X?2 = 294and3X72=147,aad 294+147=441=3x3X72 fora dividend, which divided by the divisor, formed according to the rule, the quotient is 7, for the next figure in the root. And it is evident, on inspecting the work, that that part of the cube not exhausted is composed of the several products which form the subtrahend, according to the rule. The same may be shown in any other case, and the universa.ity of the rule hence inferred- The other method of illustration, employed in the square root, is equally applicable iu this case. 3?=30-}-7, and 30+72=3024-2X30X7+73 30 +7 the mutiplier. 303+2X302 X 7+30X72 302 x 7+2X 30X 73+73 373=50653=303+3x302 X7+3X30X7 303 Divisor 3X302 +3X30 )3X30sX 7+3X30X72 +7 3 div. 3X302X7+3X30X72+73 subtrahend. It is evident that 303 is the greatest cube. When its root is extracted, the next three terms constitute the dividend ; aud the several products formed by means of the quotient or second figure in the root, are precisely equal to the remaining parts of the power whose root was to be found. CUBE ROOT. 179 Divisor=1689750)14161 824=2d Dividend, 13500000 144000 512 1 364451 2=2d Subtrahend. 3d Divisor 172391940)517312287=3d Dividend. 317107600 204660 27 517312287=3 Subtrahend. The Method of Operation. 7X7X300 = 14700 1st Triple square. 7X30 210 = 1st Triple quotient. 14910 = 1st Divisor. 14700X5 = 73500 5X5X210 = 5250 5X5X5 = 125 78875 = 1st Subtrahend. 75X75X300 = 1687500 = 2d Triple square. 75X30 2250 = 2d Triple quotient 1689750 = 2d Divisor, 1687500X8 = 13500000 2250XCX8 = 144000 8X8X8 = 512 13644512 = 2d Subtrahend. 758X758X300 =172369200 = 3d Triple square. 758X30 = 22740 = 3d Triple quotient 172391940 = 3d Divisor. 172369200X3 =517107600 22740X3X3 = 204660 3X3X3 = 27 517312287 = 3d Subtrahend. 180 CUBE ROOT. DEMONSTRATION OF THE REASON AND NATURE OF THE RULE A block of wood, or any solid body, having six equal sides, all ex- actly square, is a CUBE; the root of which is the measure in length of one of its sides. To gain a distinct understanding of the subject, let the scholar provide himself with little blocks of wood, and build them up into a cubick form, according to the rule. First make a cubick block of any given size, and mark it with the letter A Then make three other blocks of a square form, of an in- definite thickness, but all equal to each other, each of which will just cover one side of the block A. and mark them B. C. and D. Place these blocks on three adjoining sides of the block A. when there will be deficiencies at the three points where the blocks B. C. and D. meet. These deficiencies .must be filled with three other blocks, each of which must be just equal in length to one side of the block A. and mark these blocks with E. r F and G. When the blocks E. F. G are put in their places, there will be a deficiency at the place where the ends of these blocks meet. Thi? deficiency must be filled with another block, which mark H, To illustrate the rule, take the following number. 10648(2 8 2 In the first place 1 seek the greatest cube in the left hand period, and place its root, 2, in the quotient. The cube of 2 is 8, which I place under the left hand period, aad subtract it therefrom, which leaves a remainder of 2. Now as there are two periods in the given number, there must be 2 figures in the root, consequently, 2, in the quotient, does not express 2, merely, but 20 ; and the cube of 20 is 8000, which 8, under the period 10, represents; thus 8000 of the parts of 10648, are disposed of into a cubick body, the length of each side of which is equal to 20 of those parts, and to render the explan- ation more plain, we will consider these parts as cubick feet, so that each side of this body is 20 feet square, and this body we will have represented by the block A. Now as each side of this block is 20 feet square, there are 400 feet OB each side of it. Now 8000 feet are disposed of in this block, consequently there are 2648 cubick feet to be added to the block A. in such a manner, that its cubick form will be preserved. To do this, the additions must be made to three sides of the block, and these additions are represented by the blocks, B. C. and D. each of which containing 400 leet, the sum of the whole is 1200. Thus it is evident, that if there were 1200 feet more, there would be just enough to cover three sides of the block A. ; and it is to find the contents of these three sides, that the rule directs to u mul- tiply the square of the quotient by 300." The square of the quotient shows the superficial contents of one side of the block A. viz. 400, for 2 in the quotient is in reality 20, and 20X20=400, and it is be^ cause the cipher is not annexed to the quotient figure, that we are CUBE ROOT. 181 directed to multiply the square of the quotient by 300 instead of 3, as in the following work. 4 10648(2 1200 60 300 824 1200 triple square. 1260)2648 2400 240 2400 2 240 30 8 cube of the root. 60 triple quotient. 2648 subtrahend. 1200 1260 divisor. The rule directs to " multiply the quotient by 30." This is to ob- tain the contents of the blocks E. F. and G. and the sum of these is taken for a divisor, because the number of times the dividend con- tains the divisor, will be equal to the number of feet, the additions to the block, A. are in thickness. The rule next directs to " multiply the triple square by the last quo- tient figure." Now the triple square represents the superficial con- tents of the three blocks B. C. and D. and the last quotient figure shows the thickness of those blocks, consequently, multiplying the triple square by the last quotient figure gives the cubick contents of those blocks. Then the rule directs to kt multiply the square of the last quotient figure by the triple quotient." Now the triple quotient is the length of the blocks E. F. and G. and the quotient figure shows their breadth, and their thickness ; hence multiplying the square of the last quotient figure by the triple quotient, gives the cubick con- tents of these blocks. Next we are directed to cube the last quotient figure. This cube shows the cubick contents of the block H. and the sum of these is equal to the cubick contents of the blocks B. C. and D.; and E. F. and G. 2. What is the cube root of 34965783 ? Ans. 327. 3. What is the cube root of 84-604519 ? Ans. 4-39, 4. What is the cube root of -008649 ? Ans. -2052-K What is the cube root of iff ? Ans. f . 182 CUBE ROOT. APPLICATION AND USE OF THE CUBE ROOT. PROBLEM 1. To find two mean proportionals between any two given numbers. RULE 1. Divide the greater number by the less, and extract the cube root of the quotient. 2. Multiply the root, so found, by the least of the given numbers, and the product will be the less. 3. Multiply this product by the same root, and it will give the greater. EXAMPLES. 1. What are the two mean proportionals between 6 and 750? 750-^-6=125, and \ri2b=5. Then 5X6=30 the less, and 30X5=1.50 the greater. Ans. 30 and 150. 2. What are the two mean proportionals between 56 and 12096 ? Ans. 336 and 2016. PROBLEM 2. Thesideofacubebemggiven^tojlndthesideofactibe which shall be any number of times greater or less than the given cube.* RULE. Cube the given side, and if the required cube be greater than the given one, multiply the cube of the given side by the given proportion, and the cube root of the product will be the side of the cube required. But if the required cube be less, divide the cube of the given side by the given proportion, and the cube root of the quo- tient will be the side of the required cube. EXAMPLES. 1. There is a cubick box whose side is 18 inches ; what is the side of a box that will contain 8 times as much ? 18X18X18=5832, and 5832X8=46656. Then V46&56=36 in. Ans. 2. There is a cubick box whose side is 24 inches ; what is the side of a box that will contain one sixty-fourth part as much ? Ans. 6 inches. * The solid, called a cube, has its length and breadth and heightall equal As the num- ber of solid fret, inches, fee. in a cube are found by multiplying the height and length and breadth together ; that is, by multiplying one side into itself twice, the third power of a number is called the cube of that number. The solid contents of similar figures are in proportion to each other, as the cubes of their similar sides or diameters. CUBE ROOT. 183 PROBLEM 3. The diameter of a globe or ball being given, to find ihe diameter of a globe or ball that shall be any number of times great- er or less than the given one. RULE. Cube the given diameter, and multiply or divide it by the given proportion as the question may require ; and the cube root of the product, or quotient, will be the diameter of the globe required. EXAMPLES. 1. If the diameter of a globe be 12 inches, what will be the diame- ter of a globe one eighth part as large ? Ans. 6 inches. 2. If the diameter of a globe be 6 inches, what will be the diame- ter of a globe 64 times as large ? Ans. 24 inches. A GENERAL RULE FOR EXTRACTING THE ROOTS OF ALL POWERS.* 1. Prepare the given number for extraction, by pointing off from the units' place, as the required root directs. 2. Find the first figure of the root by trial, or by inspection into a table of powers, and subtract its power from the left hand period of the given number. 3. To the remainder bring down the first figure in the next pe- riod, and call it the dividend. 4. Involve the root to the next inferior power to that which is given, and multiply it by the number denoting the given power, for a divisor. 5. Find how many times the divisor may be had in the divi- dend, and the quotient will be another figure of the root. 6. Involve the whole root to the given power, and subtract it always from as many periods of the given number as you have found periods in the root. * The roots of most powers may be found by the square and cube root only , therefore when any even powei is g'wen, Uic easiest method will be (especially in a very high power,) to extract the square root of it, which reduces it to half the giv>n power ; then the square root of that power reduces it to half the same power ; and so on till you come to a square or cube. For example ; suppose a twelfth power be given ; extracting the square root of the twelfth power reduces it to a sixth power ; and extracting the square root of the sixth power reduces it to a cube. 296. \Vhat is the general method of extracting roots of all powers '? 184 ALLIGATION MEDIAL. 7. Bring down the first figure of the next period to the re mainder for a new dividend, to which find a new divisor, as be- fore, and in like manner proceed till the whole be finished. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube root of 135796744? 135796744(514 the root, or answer. 5X5X5=125= 1st subtrahend. 5X5X3=75 )107 = 1st dividend. 51X51X51=132651 = 2nd subtrahend. 51X51X3=7803)31457 = 2nd dividend. 514X514X514=135796741 = 3d subtrahend. 2. What is the biquadrate or fourth root of 19987173376 ? Ans. 376. ALLIGATION. ALLIGATION is the method of mixing two or more simples of dif- ferent, qualities, so that the composition may be of a mean or mid- dle quality ; it consists of two kinds, viz. Alligation Medial and Alligation Alternate. ALLIGATION MEDIAL Is when the quantities and prices of several things are given, to find the mean price of the mixture compounded of those things. RULE. As the sum of the quantities, or the whole composition, is to the whole value ; so is any part of the composition to its mean price or value. 297. What is Alligation 1 298. Whatis Alligation Medial! 299. What is the rule in Alligation Medial ? ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. 185 EXAMPLES. 1. A grocer mixed 4 cwt. of sugar at $10 a cwt. with 5 cwt. at ^9-50 a cwt. and 3 cwt. at $3-75 a cwt. what was the value of one cu't. of this mixture ? owt. $ $ c. cwt. 4 at 10 =40-00 12 : 5 " 9-50=47-60 3 " 8-75^26-25 12)113*75 cwt. 12 $113-75 $9-479-1- Ans. 2. If a bushel of Indian corn at -75 cents a bushel, be mixed with 5 bushels of rye at -80 cents a bushel, and 15 bushels of oats at 30 cents a bushel; what will be the value of a bushel of the mixture? Ans. '53^ cents. 3. A wine merchant mixes 12 gallons of wine at -75 cents a gal- lon, with 24 gallons at -90 cents, and 10 gallons at $MO; what is a gallon of this composition worth ? c . m Ans. 4. A goldsmith melted together 8oz. of gold of 22 carats fine,* 1 Ib. oz. of 21 carats fine, and 10 oz. of 18 carats fiue ; what is the fineness of the composition? Ans. 20 T 8 ^ carats fine. ALLIGATION ALTERNATE Is the method of finding what quantity of each of the ingredi- ents, whose rates are given, will compose a mixture of a given rate : So that it is the reverse of Alligation Medial, and may be proved by it. * If an dunce or any other quantity of pure gold he divided into 24 equal parts, these parts are called carats, but gold iso 48-' 60 ' d. ( 18 ^ Mean rate 40d. t 148--^ (60 Ans. Ans. 16 NOTE. Questions in this case admit of as many answers, as there are various ways of connecting the rates of the ingredients together. 2. A grocer would mix the following qualities of sugar ; viz. at 10 cents, 13 cents, and 16 cents a pound; what quantity of each sort must be taken to make a mixture worth 12 cents a pound ? ib Ibs. at 10 cts. Ans. ?2 Ibs. at 13 cts. f 2 Ibs. at 18 cts. 3. It is required to mix rum at 80 cents, and at 70 cents a gallon with water, that the mixture may be worth 75 cents a gallon ; what quantity of each must be taken ? 80 galls, at 80 cents. Ans. < 5 galls, at 70 cents. ( 5 galls, of water. 4. A goldsmith would mix gold of 19 carats fine, with some of 16, 18, 23, and 24 carats fine, so that the compound may be 21 carats fine ; what quantity of each must he take ? 5 oz. of 16 carats fine. 5 oz. of 18 carats fine. Ans. <( 5 oz. of 19 carats fine. 10 oz of 23 carats fine. 10 oz. of 24 carats fine. J88T ALLIGATION ALTERNATE. CASE II. When the rates of all the ingredients, the quantity of but one of them, and the mean rate of the whole mixture are given, to find the several quantities of the rest, in proportion to the quantity given, RULE. Take the difference between each price, and the mean rate, and place them alternately as in Case I Tlfen, as the difference standing against that simple, whose quantity is given, is to that, quantity, so is each of the other differences, severally, to the sev- eral quantities required. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant has 20 Ibs. of tea at $1 04 a pound, whiob he would mix with some at 98 cents, some at 92 cents, and s- me at 80 cents a pound ; how much of each sort must he take to mix with the 2O pounds, that he may sell the mixture at 96 cents a pound ? 4 stands against the given quantity. 16 8 2 Ibs. Ihs. cts. (16 : 80 at 98) As 4 : 20 :: 1 8 40 " 9V An?. f 2 10 " 80S 2. Bought a pipe of brandy containing 120 gallons, at $1'30 a gal- lon ; how much water must be mixed with it to reduce the first cost to $MO a gallon 1 Ans. 21 T T galls. 3. How much gold of 1 .">, 20 and 24 carats fine, and how much al- loy, must be mixed with 10 oz. of 18 carats fine, that the compositioa may be 22 carats fine ? f 10 oz. of 16 carats fine. A \ 10 oz. of 20 carats fine. ' \ 170 oz. of 24 carats fine. * 10 oz. of alloy. 302. When the rates of all the ingredients, the quantity of but one of them, and thf mean rate of the whole mixture ire given ; what is the rule for finding the several quan tities of the rest, in proportion to the given quantity ? ALLIGATION ALTERNATE....FOSITION, ]89 CASE III. When the rates of the several ingredients, the quantiir to le - ded, and the mean rate of the whole mixture are given* to j~> .- much of each sort will make up the quantity. RULE. Write the difference between the mean rate, and the serf: prices alternately, as in Case I ; then, as tl^e si m of the qu ties or differences thus determined, is to the given qiutnt?!y whole composition ; so is the difference of each rate, to tlie ic- quired quantity of each rate. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant having sugais at 12 dollars, 10 dollars, and 8 dol- lars a cwt. would make a mixture of 30 cwt. worth 9 dollars a cwt. ; what quantity of each must be taken ? cwt. dols. 1 C[ : 5 at 12 ) 1 As G : 30 : : <1 : 5 " JO VAtfc. 1+3=4 (4 : 20 " 8 ) sum=6 30 2. A goldsmith has several sorts of gold; viz. of 15, 17, 20 and ' carats fine, and would melt together of all these sorts, so much as may make a mass of 40 oz. of 18 carats fine ; how much of each sort is required? 16 oz. of 15 carats fine. . . 8 oz. of 17 carats fine. k 4 oz of 20 carats fine. 12 oz. of 22 carats fine. POSITION. POSITION is a rule, by which any true or required numbers are found by means of false or supposed numbers. It is of two kinds, Single and Double. 303. \Vhen the rates of the several ingredients the quantity to be compounded, and the mean rate of the whole m'>r.iurp. are given ; what is the rule for finding how much of each sort will make up the quantity ? 304. What is Position ? 190 SINGLE POSITION. SINGLE POSITION Is the working of one supposed number, as if it were the true one, to find the true number. RULE. 1. Take any number and perform the same operations with it as are described to be performed in the question. 2. Then say as the sum of the errors is to the given sum, so is the supposed number to the true one required.* PROOF. Add the several parts of the sum together, and if it agree with the sum, it is right. EXAMPLES. 1. A school master, being asked how many scholars he had, said, if 1 had as many more as I now have, three quarters as many, half as many, one fourth and one eighth as many, I should then have 435 : Of what number did his school consist ? Suppose he had 80 As 290 ; 435 : : 80 As many = 80 80 2 as many =60 120 | as many = 40 29|0)3480jO(120 Ans. 120 J as many = 20 29 90 J as many =10 60 58 30 290 58 15 435 Proof. 2. A person lent his friend a sum of money unknown, to receive interest for the same at 6 percent, per annum. Sin pie interest, and at the end of 12 years, received for principal and interest $860 : What was the sum lent ? Ans. $500. *The operations contained in the question being performed upon the answer or num- ber to be found, will give the result contained in the question. The same operations, per- formed on any other number, will give a certain result. When the results are propor- tional to their supposed numbers, it is manifest that the result of the operations performed on the supposed number, must be to the supposed number, as the result in the question is to the true number or answer. In any case, when the results are not proportional to their supposed numbers the answer cannot be foun^ by this rule. 305. What is Single Position! 306. What is the rule for working questions in Single Position ? DOUBLE POSITION. 191 3. A, B and C joined their stocks, and gained $ 9 >53 12jc. of which A took up a certain sum, B took up four times so much as A, and C, live times so much as B : What share of the gain had each ? i$lA 12|c. A's share. Ans. ? 56 50 B's share. (282 50 C's share 4. A and B, talking of their ages, B said his age was once and an half the age of A ; C said his was twice and one tenth the age of both, and that the'sum of their ages was 93 : what was the age of each ? Ans. A's 12, B's 18, and C's 63 years. 5. Seven eights of a certain number exceeds four fifths by 6 : what is the number ? Ans. 80. 6. What number is that, which, being increased by f , |, and of itself, the sum will be 234J ? Ans. 90. DOUBLE POSITION. DOUBLE POSITION teaches to resolve questions by making two suppositions of false numbers. Those questions, in which the results are not proportional, to their positions, belong to this rule : such are those, in which the number sought is increased or diminished by some given number, which is no known part of the number required. RULE.* 1. Take any two convenient numbers, and proceed with each according to the conditions of the question. 2. Place the result or errours against their positions or suppos- Pos. Err. 30 12 ed numbers, thus, ~\T and if the errour be too great, mark it 20^ L 6 with + > an d if too small, with . * The rule is founded on this supposition, that the first errour is to the second, as the difference between the true and first supposed numher is to the difference between the true and second supposed number : When that is not the case, the exact answer to the question cannot he found by this rule. 307. What is Double Position ? 308. And what is the rule ? HOUCLE POSITION". : ; that is, the first position by the Lib i errouTj :.ui-:i ihe la$tj:>osition by the first errour. 4 If the errours be alike, that is. both too small or both too gr;.r3.t, divide the difference of the products by the difference of the errours, and the quotient will be the answer. 5. If the errours be unlike ; that is, o^e too small, and the other too ^reat, divide the sum of the products by the sum of the errours, and the quotient will be the answer. NOTE. When the errours are the same in quantity, and unlike in quality, half the sum of the suppositions is the number sought. EXAMPLES. ] . A lady bought damRsk for a gown, at 8s. per yard, and lining for it at 3*. per yard; the sjown and lining contained 15 yards, and the price of the whole was ,3 I Os. : How many yards were there of each ? Suppose 6 yards damask, value 48s. Then she must have 9 yards lining, value 27s. Sum ot their values =: 75s. So that the first errouris 5 too much, or + & Again, suppose she had 4 yards of damask, value 32s. Then she must have 11 yards of lining, value 33s. Sum of their values = 65s. So that the second errour is 5 too little, or 5s. 65+ s. d. Then "V" 5 yards at 8s. = 2 00 4^^5__ 10 yards at 3s. = ] 10 20 30 3 10 proof. 20 Sum of errors 5-}- 5 = 10) 50 Ans. 5 yds, damask, and 15 5=10 yds. Or, 6 + 44-2=5 as before. [lining. PERMUTATION. 193 2. A labourer was hired for 60 days upon this condition, that for every day he wrought, he should receive 75c. ; and tor everyday he was idle, should forfeit 37jc. ; at the expiration of the time he re- ceived 18: How many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Ans. He was employed 36 days, and was idle 24. 3. There is a fish, whose head is 10 feet long ; his tail is as long as his head and half the length of his body, and his body as long as the head and tail : What is the whole length of the fish ? Ans. 80 feet. 4. A farmer, having driven his cattle to market, received for them all $320, being paid at the rate of $24 per ox, $16 per cow, and $6 per calf; there were as many oxen as cows, and 4 times as many calves as cows : How many were there of each sort ? Ans. 5 oxen, 5 cows, and 20 calves. PERMUTATION. PERMUTATION is the method of finding how many different ways the order or position of any given number of things may be chang- ed or varied. To find the number of permutations or changes that can be made of any given number of things, all different from each other. RULE. Multiply all the terms of the natural series of numbers, from one up to the given number, continually together, and the last product will be the answer required.* *The reason of this rule may be shown thus, any one thing a is capable of one posi- tion only as, a. Any two things a and b are capable of two variations only ; as ab t ba ,- whose number is expressed by 1X2. If there be three things a, b, and c , then any two of them, leaving oul the third, will have J X2 variations ; and consequently, when the third is taken in, there will be 1X2X3 variations ; and so on as far as you please. 309. What is Permutation ? 310. What is the rule for finding the number of changes that can be made of any given number of things, all differentfrom each other ? AA 194 GAUGING. EXAMPLES. 1. .How many changes or variations can be made of the three first letters of the alphabet ? a b c c b 1X2X3=6 Ans. Changes or varia- tions at large. 2. Christ church, in Boston, has 3 bells : how many changes may be rung on them ? Ans. 40320. 3. Nine gentlemen met at an inn, and were so well pleased with their host, and with each other, that in a lrotick,they agreed to tarry so long as they, together with their host, could sit every day in a dif- ferent position at dinner : Pray how long, had they kept their agreement, would their irolick have lasted ? Ans. 3628800 days,=9935 T 5 / T years. GAUGING. GAUGING is the art of measuring all kinds of casks or vessels used for liquor, and of determining the quantity they will contain. The instruments used in gauging are the gauging rod, callipers, the sliding rule, and Gunter's scale. RULE. Take the dimensions of the cask in inches, viz. the diameter at the bung and head, and the length of the cask ; subtract the head diameter from the bung diameter, and note the difference. If the staves of the cask be much curved or bulging between the bung and head, multiply the difference between the bung and head diameter by -7 ; if not quite so much curved, by 65 ; if they curve yet less, by -6 ; and if they are aimost or quite straight, by '55, and add the product to the head diameter, the sum will be a mean diameter, by which the cask is reduced to a cylinder. 311 What is Gauging 1 312. What are the rules for measuring casks, and find- ing tkeir contents in gallons ? GAUGING. 195 Square the mean diameter, thus found, then multiply it by the length : divide the product by 294 for wine, or by 359 for ale or beer, and the quotient will be the content in gallons. NOTE 1. These divisors are found by dividing 231 and 282 by 7854. If the square of the mean diameter be multiplied by -7854 and the product multiplied by the length, the last product will be the content in cubick inches, which being divided by 231 for wine, or by 282 for ale or beer, the quotient will be the content in gallons. NOTE 2. The length and head diameter are usually taken by cal- lipers, allowing, for the thickness of both heads, 1 inch, Ij inch, or 2 inches, according to the size of the cask. The head diameter must be taken close to its outside, and for small casks, add 3 tenths of an inch ; for casks of 30, 40, or 50 gallons, 4 tenths; and for larger casks 5 or 6 tenths ; and the sum will be very nearly the head diameter within. The bung diameter is usually taken by the gauging rod, and in ta- king it, observe by moving the rod backward and ,foi ward, whether the stave, opposite the bung, be thicker or thinner than the rest, and if it be, make allowance accordingly. EXAMPLE. What is the content in wine, and ale or beer gallons, of a cask, whose bung diameter is 35 inches, head diameter 27 inches, and length 45 inches ? Bung diaraeter=35 Square of the diameter^- 1062-76 Head diameter=27 Length= 45 Difference=8 531380 7 425104 5-6 47824-20 Add the head diam. 27 47824-20294=162-69+ Wine galls. f . 47824-20-7-359=1 33-21+ r Ale or Beer galls. Squared 1062-76 313. How do you obtain the divisors, named in the rule ? 314. How are the differ* rut diameters of the cask to be ascertained ? 196 MECHANICAL POWERS. MECHANICAL POWERS. OF THE LEVER OR STEELYARD. It is a principle in mechanicks, that the power is to the weight, as the velocity of the weight, is to the velocity of the power. Therefore, to find what weight may be raised or balanced by any given power, say ; As the distance between the body to be raised or balanced, and the fulcrum or prop, is to the distance between the prop and the point where the power is applied ; so is the power to the weight which it will balance. If a man weighing 160 Ibs. rest on the end of a lever 10 feet long, what weight will he balance on the other end ; supposing the prop one foot from the weight. The distance between the weight and prop being 1 foot, the dis- tance from the prop to the power is 10 1=9 feet; therefore, as 1 foot : 9 feet : : 160 Ibs. : 1440 Ibs. Ans. In giving directions for making a chaise, the length of the shafts between the axletree and backhand, being settled at 9 feet, a dispute arose whereabout on the shafts the centre of the body should be fixed. The chaise maker advised to place it 30 inches before the axletree*; others supposed 20 inches would be a sufficient incumbrance for the horse : Now supposing two passengers to weigh 336 pounds, and the body of the chaise 84 pounds more ; what will the beast in both these cases bear, more than his harness ? Weight of the passengers and chaise = 420 Ibs. and 9 feet = 108 inches ; in. 11*. Then, as 108 in. : 420 Ibs. j j^ ! ^fi Ans - OP THE WHEEL AND AXLE. The proportion for the wheel and axle (in which the power is applied to the circumference of the wheel, and the weight is raised by a rope, which coils about the axle as the wheel turns round) is, as the diameter of the axle is to the diameter of the wheel, so is the power applied to the wheel, to the weight sus- pended by the axle. 315. What is a general principle in mechanicks 1 - =-316. What is the power of the MECHANICAL POWERS. }97 If the diameter of the axle be 6 inches, and (he diameter of the wheel, 60 inches ; .what weight suspended from the axle will be bal- anced by a power of 1 Ib, applied to the wheel ? in. in. Ib. Ibs. As 6 : GO : : 1 : 10 Ans. OP THE SCREW. The power is to the weight which is to be raised, as the dis- tance between two threads of the screw, is to the circumference of a circle described by the power applied to the end of the lever. RULE. Find the circumference of the circle described by the end of the lever ; then, as that circumference is to the distance be- tween the spiral threads of the screw ; so is the weight to be raised, to the power which will raise it, abating the friction which is not proportional to the quantity of surface, but to the weight of the incumbent part ; and, at a medium, J part of the effect of the machine is destroyed by it, sometimes more and stmetimes less. There is a screw whose threads are an inch asunder; the lever by which it is turned 30 inches long, and the weight to be raised a ton, or 2240 Ibs. : What power or force must be applied to the end of the lever, sufficient to turn the screw that is, to raise the weight ? The lever being the semi-diameter of the circle, the diameter is 60 inches; then, as 113 : 355 : : 60 : 188-496 inches nearly, the circumference. in. in. Ibs. Ibs. Therefore, 188-496 : 1 : : 2240 : 11-88+ Ans. Let the weight be 2240lb. the power ll-881b. and the lever 30 inch- es : Required the distance between the threads? Ibs. Ibs. in. in. As 2240 : 11-88 : : 288-496 : 1 nearly, Ans. Let the power be ll-881b., the weight 22401b., and the threads an inch asunder, to find the length, of the lever. Ibs. Ibs. in. in. As 11-88 : 2240 : : 1 : 188-5; then, as 355 : 113 : : 188-5 : 60 inches nearly, the diameter, and 60-7-230 inches, Ans. 318. What is the power of the screw 1 319. What is the rule for finding the power 'which must be applied to the end of the lever, sufficient to turn the screw, that is, to raise any given weight ? 320. When required, lioiv do you Jind the distance between the spiral threads of the screw ,- or the length of the lever ? ( 198 ) USEFUL AND DIVERTING* EXERCISES. 1. Whaf difference is there between twice 5 and twenty, and twice twenty live ? Ans. 20. 2. In an orchard of fruit trees J of them bear apples, J pears, plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries; how many trees does the orchard contain ? Ans. 1200. 3. A merchant begins the world with $500, and finds that by his distillery he clear* $5009, in 6 years ; by his navigation, $5000 in 7J years ; and that he spends in gambling $5000 in 3 years ; how long will his estate last ? Ans. 30 years. 4. A can do a piece of work alone in 7 days, and B in 12 ; in what 4ime will both, working together, finish it ? Ans. 4 T 8 days. 5. A. and B. are on opposite sides of a circular field 268 poles about ; they being to go round it, both the same way at the same in- stant of time ; A. goes 22 rods in 2 minutes, and B. 34 rods in 3 min- utes; how many times will they go round the field before the swifter overtakes the slower? ^ A 16^ times. - 6. A water tub holds ^3 gallons ; the pipe, which conveys the water to it usually admits 7 gallons in 5 minutes ; and the tap discharges 20 gallons in 17 minutes. Now, supposing both these to be carelessly left oppn, and the water to be turned on at 4 o'clock in the morning : a servant, at 6. finding the water running, puts in the tap: in what time, after this accident, will the tub be filled ? Ans. 32 min. 58f[| sec. 7. A hare starts 12 rods before a hound ; but is not perceived by him till she has been up 45 seconds ; she scuds away at the rate of 10 miles an hour ; and the dog, on view, makes after her at the rate of 16 miles an hour ; how long will the course hold, and what space will be run over, from the spot where the dog started ? Ans. 2288 ft. 97 seconds. 8. Required the number, from which, if 7 be subtracted, and the remainder be divided by 8, and the quotient be multiplied by 5, and 4 added to the product, the square root of the sum extracted, and three fourths of that root cubed, the cube, divided by 9, the last quo- tient may be 2 1 ? Ans. 103. 9. Suppose a lighthouse built on the top of a rock ; the distance between the place of observation and that part of the rock level with the eye, 620 yards ; the distance from the top of the rock to the place of observation, 840- yards; and fiom the top of the light house 900 yards ; the height of the light house is required ? Ans. 76-77+ yds. 10. Sound, uninterrupted, moves at the rate of 1142 feet per se- cbnd; if the time between the lightning and thunder be one minute, at what distance was the explosion ? Ans. 12-977+ mile* USEFUL AND DIVERTING EXERCISES. 199 11. If the earth be 7911 miles in diameter, and the moon 2180 miles; how many moons will it take to make one earth ? Ans. 47-788. 12. A father left his estate of $1300 per annum to his only sen, but he being only 14 years of age, his guardian was to pay 100 per an- num for board, education, &c., and the surplus was to be put out to interest for his benefit, at 6 percent, compound interest ; now allow- ing no loss, what sum had his guardian to pay him when he was of age ? Ans. 1115 dols 33 cts. 5 m. 13. Hiero, king of Sicily, ordered his jeweller to make a crown, containing 63 ounces of gold. The workman thought that substituting part silver was only a proper perquisite, which taking air, Archimedes was appointed to examine it, who on putting it into a vessel of water found it raised the fluid 8-2245 cubick inches, and having discovered that the inch of gold weighed 10-36 ounces, and that of silver bat 5-85 ounces, he found what part of the king's gold had been changed. Repeat the process and inform us what part of it was gold, and what silver? A , $ 28-8038 oz. silver. u I 34- 1962 oz. gold. 14. A person having driven a stock of cattle to market, received for them all 450 dollars, he was paid at 50 dollars for each horse, 20 dollars for each cow, and 4 dollars for each sheep ; the number of cows was double the number of horses ; and there were three times as many sheep as cows : what did he receive for the horses, what for the cows, and what for the sheep, and how many of each sort were there (24 Sheep $ 96 Ans. J 8 Cows $160 f 4 Horses $200 15. A gate-keeper is to receive 6 cents for every wagon, 4 cents for every gig, 2 cents for every horseman, and 1 cent for every footman that passes the gate ; at the year's end he found that 3150 gigs had passed, and that 7 gigs passed when 5 wagons did, and 4 horsemen passed when 6 footmen did, and 5 footmen passed when 3 gigs did, what number of wagons, horsemen, and footmen passed, and how much did the gate-keeper receive ? Gigs 3150 Wagons 2250 Ans. ^ Footmen Horsemen 3500 Amount of toll $383-50 16. If 1000 bricks lie 6 inches from each other in a straight line, and a person be employed to gather them up one by one, and place them on a pile which is one foot from the first brick, how far will he have walked when he shall have placed the last brick on the pile ? Ans. 91M. 7fur. 186yds 2ft. 17. A man dying left his wife in expectation that a child would be afterwards added to the surviving family ; and making his will, order- ^d, that, if f he child were a son, of his estate should belong to him, 200 USEFUL AND DIVERTING EXERCISES. and the remainder to Ids mother; but if it were a daughter, he ap- pointed the mother g, and the child the remainder. But it happened, that the addition was both a son and a daughter, by which the widow lost in equity, $2400 more than if there had been only a girl. What would have been her dowry had she had only a son ? Ans. $2100. 18. When first the marriage knot was tied Betwixt my wife and me, My age with hers did so agree, As nineteen does with eight and three ; But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had been, Her age came up so near to mine, As two times three to nine. What were our ages at marriage ? Ans. 57 and 33. 19. Three jealous husbands with their wives, being ready to pass by night over a river, do find at the water side a boat which can car- ry but two persons at once, and for want of a waterman, they are ne- cessitated to row themselves over the river at several times : The question is, how those six persons shall pass by 2 and 2, so that none of the three wives may be found in the company of one or two men, unless her husband be present ? 20. As I was going to St. Ives, I met seven wives, Every wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats, Every cat had seven kits, Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were going to St. Ives ? 21. A countryman having a Fox, a Goose, and a peck of corn, in his journey, came to a river, where it so happened that he could carry hut one over at a time. Now as no two were to be left together that might destroy each other ; so he was at his wit's end how to dispose of them ; for, says he, tho' the corn can't eat the goose, nor the goose eat the fox ; yet the fox can eat the goose, and the goose eat the corn. The question is, how he must carry them over that they may not de- Tour each other ? 22. A man driving his geese to market, was met by another, who said, Good morrow master, with your hundred geese ; says he, 1 have not an hundred, but if I had half as many as 1 now have, and two geese and a half beside the number I now have already, I should have an hundred. How many had he ? 23. Two men were driving sheep to market, says one to the other, give me one of yours and I shall have as many as you ; the other says. give me one of yours and 1 shall have as many again as you. How many had each ? [After the scholar, male or female, has acquired a competent knowledge of Arithme- t!ck, or of its fundamental rules, instruction in the mode of keeping accounts should be attended to. By this it is not meant to recommend that the son or daughter of every farmer, mechanick, or shop keeper should enter deeply into the science as practised by the merchant, engaged in extensive business, for such study would engross a great portion of time which might be more usefully employed in acquiring a proper knowledge of a trade or other employment. Persons employed in the commoa business of life, who do not keep regular accounts, are subjected to many losses and inconveniences ; to avoid which, the following simple and correct plan, is recommended for their adoption. Let a small book be made, or a few sheets of paper sewed together, and ruled after the examples given in this system. In the book, termed the Day Book, are duly to be entered, daily, all the transactions of the master or mistress of the family, which require a charge to be made, or a credit to be given to any person. No article thus subject to be entered, should on any consideration, be deferred till another day. Great attention should be giv- en to write the transaction in a plain hand ; the entry should mention all the particulars necessary to make it fully understood with the time when they took place ; and if an ar- ticle be delivered, the name of the person to whom delivered is to be mentioned. No scratching out may be suffered ; because it is sometimes done for dishonest purposes, and will weaken or destroy the authority of your accounts. But if, through mistake, any transaction should be wrongly entered, the error must be rectified, by a new entry ; and the wrong one may be cancelled by writing the word .Error, in the margin. A book, thus fairly kept, will at all times show the exact state of a person's affairs, and have great weight, should there at any time be a necessity of producing it in a court of Justice. The instructor, who feels a parental solicitude for the permanent welfare of his pupils, cannot in any way so mucU contribute to their success in life, with so little trouble, as to teach them to understand this abridged, complete and simple system of Book-Keeping, It contains all the important principles of extended and expensive works on the science; all, in fact, that is necessary to be known by the Farmer, Mechanick, and Shopkeeper, relating to accounts ; and yet with very little explanation and repeated copying and bal- ancing the accounts, will be so fully understood and deeply impressed on the memory of scholars of common mind, as never to be forgotten ; while their knowledge of common arithmetick and practical penmanship will thereby be greatly improved.] BOOK-KEEPING is the art of recording mercantile transactions in a regular and systematick manner. Book-Keeping by SINGLE ENTRY chiefly records the transactions on creciit, and for this purpose two books are necessary, called the Day-Book, and the Leger* THE DAY-BOOK. Each page ot the Day-Book should be ruled with two columns on the right hand for dollars and cents, and one column on the left for inserting the page or folio of the Leger on which the ac- count is posted. B* BOOK-KEEPING. The Day-Book begins with an account of the owner's proper* ty, debts, &c. ; then follows a detail of the occurrences of trade, set down in the order of time in which they take place. The name of the person, or customer, is first written with the term Dr. or Cr. annexed, according as he becomes debtor or cred- itor by the transaction ; and this may be distinguished by the following general nth. The person who receives is Debtor, and the person who gives or parts with any thing is Creditor. Thus, if I sell goods on credit, I enter A. B. the buyer, Dr. to the goods, specifying their quantity and value. If I buy goods on credit, I enter C. D. the seller, Cr. by the goods, specifying their quantity and value. By the same rule, if I pay money, the person to whom I pay it, is made Dr. to cash for the amount ; and if I receive money, the person from whom I receive it, is made Cr. by cash for the amount. And if debts be contracted or discharged by any other means, the same rule is to be observed ; the person who becomes in- debted to me, is entered Dr. and the person to whom I become indebted, Cr. Also, the person whose debt I discharge, is made Dr. and he that discharges a debt due by me, is Cr. TEIE LEG-SB. Each page of the Leger should be ruled with two columns on the right hand for dollars and cents, and with one column on the left, for entering the date of the transaction. In the Leger, the dispersed accounts of each person in the Day-Book, are collected together, and the Drs. and Crs. are placed upon opposite sides of the same page, or book. N. B. It is usual in commencing business, to mark the first Day- Book and Leger with the letter A, and succeeding books, with B, C, &c. The person's name is written in large^characters as a title; on the left hand page, he is styled Dr. and on the opposite, or right hand page Cr. On these pages the transactions are entered as they stand Drs. or Crs. in the Day-Book. For instance, A. B. is debited for whatever he has bought of me ; and on the opposite page, he is credited for the payments he has made. In short whatever I have given him is on the Dr. side, and what he has given me on the Cr.; and the difference between the Dr. andCr. sides is called the balance. The Leger should have an index, in which the titles of the accounts should be arran- ged under their initial letters, with the number of the page or folio in the Leger, on which tiie account is posted, FORM OF A DAY-BOOK. DAY-BOOK.. ..A. Concord, JV. H. Jan. 1, 1826. Inventory of all my properly and debts, taken this day by me, Charles Hastings, of Concord. $ cte. Money on hand, 500-00 Merchandize, 1500-00 Furniture, - - 200-00 Real Estate, 150000 Bank Stock, 500-00 Horse, chaise and harness, - - 300 00 Cows, hogs, farming tools, &c, - 75-00 Thomas Jackman owes me on ac- count, 125-00 Sundry promissory notes, - - - 375 00 5075-00 1 owe I. & F, Williams on account, 75-00 My net property, $5000-00 Q^T" At the commencement of every year, if no oftener, the trader, farmer ormechanick should make an inventory of his property, either in the general form above, or by en- tering the articles individually ; also of his debts, securities, &c. ; in order that he may know the exact state of his af- airs. Entered. 1 Entered. 2 Entered. 3 Entered. Concord. N. H.Jan. 1, 1826. Thomas Jackman, To balance of former account, Dr. Isaac F. & W. Williams, Or. By balance of former account, - - - Robert Childs, Dr. To 3 yds. broadcloth, at $3-50 per yd. $10-50 " 7 do. linen, at -60 4-20 Feb. 28. Isaac F. & W. Williams, To cash paid their order, - - - Dr. 125 75 00 00 1470 75 00 FORM OF A DAY-BOOK. Concord, .V. H. Feb. 28, 1826. Entered. 6 Entered. Robert Childs, Cr. 3 By cash, March 3. Thomas Jackraan, Cr. Entered. ' By his note of this date, payable in 30 days, to balance his account, ...._- .^5 4th. Samuel A. Morrison, Dr. To cash paid him, 2-00 Entered. To order on J C. West, 3-00 4 To 10 yds. shirting at 20 cents, - - - 2-00 i. By his bill of work to this date - - - Jacob B. Moore, Cr Entered. By 1 dozen Marshall's Spellings, - -1-50 J dozen Pike's Arithmetick, - - - 5-00 " 1 Walker's Dictionary. .... 1-00 u 1 dozen Murray's Reader, - - -4-50 1 Writing Book, -12J " 1 Slate, -25 u 2 quires paper, -42 10th. Entered. Dudley Leavitt, Dr 6 To cash paid his order this day, - - 14th. Entered. Samuel A. Morrison, Dr To cash, - Jacob B. Moore, Dr rf To 3 barrels cider, at $1 00 3-00 " 6 bushels corn, -75 4-50 " 2 do. rye, " -67 1-3 To cash balance, ---.... 3-95 Dudley Leavitt, By his bill for instructing my son, Cr lr te w O ' O tw /^ B *^ P > . ^ _ . JS.P. , tj t^_ - w 5 =130= G$ i ^s u =Sfe ^ o a O 1 c '~ GO ^^ 'gr on S "S s rt Q^ .rH C 1 S 0) o 1 o I .S .5 &J3 p o 1 c ^S45I o VM S3 . C cs s Jaf S-g CO S ^a Williams, C CD "^ ^ 3 ilds, Pembro CD ^ < . fj, O S E O o o. 2 " o lr- 13 ^ 'S W w elD " .. j5 - Jj 3 1 o 03 1-5 ^ V o +3 "<3 11 .^ dt omas - fe" 0) 1 c Jo 5 H ^ s o o M *** C w j gj Q 15 o> hH i o I 1 S ~ 1 II o 0) 2 V 1 S" "S & *n 2 ' 1 *2 .d c ""* "o * 'cS 0) W 2 II JQ o 1 1 t^ ^H _n if I . . > *^ ^*> * wp ^ o^ ^^ '^ o S 6ii o 29 P 2-3 Q li ~ ? ! in * c S3 i tf w O w J fa o ^ o fa 6 .JS o O !^> o o iti "o i> It &s CM ^^ |l ! *- G |i ^ n O O . tB <~ J3 to o oT a *" . JJJ . .2 SN "**; ^5 s ^ 3 }^j . i^j IQ 5 "S en fe; 5 op aj .52 * ^ CQ ^ PQ "^ CO -G G CO ~ g T-< C3 1 a "s Meredit li "sa s| en | i 18 oT o JJ t^ | ^2 10 ^S a> -M c a o > G< e< ^ 1 g -^ ^ ^F "* j vJ* =^S:-^ 0) S a O o -H " 5 PQ J2 j2 "o "S X5 1 cd ft s? 'TJ it cc :! * S a> S .2 a 2|l f"* f *^q S ^"S 2 .'^ OR *f-j ^^J "^ ^ w ^ 5 G S 1 1 2 V *t- "cc Ou s| ! tf7 ^T3 ...^ CC CS i- O cS a Cf> ce ^ t., > w o *-* w 3:2 g (- * o ^c o o ^o _| -^ S u ^ w . ^ 2 ^ O j o bo ft 00 U ft ' b ^ li S^f 4 "*S 1 ~ ( C8 ^ rt 1J BOOK-KEEPING. It is the practice of some accountants in single entry, to have a column ruled on the page of the Leger, for the purpose of marking against each entry the page of the Day-Book whereon it is originally made. But this, in common business, is wholly unnecessary the date, in most cases, being a sufficient guide to any entries in the Duy-Book. When all the transactions are correctly posted into the Leger, each account is balanced by subtracting the amount of the less side from the amount of the greater, and entering the remainder or balance on the less side, by which the two sides are made equal. When the place assigned in the Leger for any person's account is filled with items, the person's name must not be entered the second time, but may be transferred to another page in the following man- ner, viz. Add up the columns on both sides, and against the sum write, " Amount transferred to page " inserting the number of the page where the new account is opened. After titling the new ac- count and entering the number of the page in the index, write on the Dr. side of the new account, " To amount brought from page " inserting the number of the page from which the old account was brought, and on the Cr. side, " By amount brought from page ," in- serting also the page where the old account was ; and place the sums in the proper columns. When the first Leger is rilled up, a new one may be opened as fol- lows, viz. At the end of the preceding Leger, draw out a balance ac- count, entering the debits and credits on their respective Dr. and Cr. side, and transfer each unbalanced account to its respective Dr. or Cr. side to the new Leger. The first Leger may be marked A, the se- cond B, and so on in alphabetical order. To find iha profit and loss, for any given time, an inventory of the property and debts must be taken, and the net amount of which, when compared wila the net amount of property at commencing business, will show the profit nnd loss. In Book-Keeping by Double Entry, a variety of books are made use of, some of which, though not absolutely necessary to the me- chanick or farmer, would be convenient and useful to him on many accounts. 1. The Cash Book. This should be made of a sufficient quantity of paper ruled in the form of a leger, with columns on each page for entries of cash received and cask paid. The practice of entering" sums as received, and all sums as paid out, may serve on some occasions to correct misjmderstandiDgs on settlement of accounts, besides the op- portunity it affords of ascertaining at any time the state of a man's money concerns. 2. Account of Expenses. This may be kept in a separate book, ruled like a Day-Book, or it may bo onterad as an account in the Leg- er. The prudent farmer or mechanick will ever feel anxious to know the amount of his contingent expenses, the better to ascertain the exact stute of his income. 3. Letter BooL As bad consequences frequently result from a neg- lect to preserve copies of letters sent on business, a book should be kept for the purpose of entering and preserving a copy of every let- ter or memorandum concerning business which is sent awav bv an in- dividual. J J oob -JQ CO CO CO CO &t QD CO CO Jan i * ' ' ' TJ . a . ri S g as o ? * .- - 8 >-S .2=5 . 8 s t*-j c- a> c o o - * * ^ - > - cq i pq s o^o^oooo EH - H - ^ H e- H ^2 T-I CM ?N 50 - - S S s r j ^ } ^ - ? bo ^ ^ Q) "* fj 1 C2 M ^-j r-3 c S ^3 S OS en o a S a> o o f 5 ti c c & d TS ec 1- C ** J CC / i tr, .- o w .S *o -a g B .2 ,O K -** en 2 S II 2 Z, .= s J= O 'S - 0) tf) s . S ~~ ^> ^9 S ^- a* CU c . -* RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 58479 .1 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION - PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is due-on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 7 DAY USE DURING SUMMER SESSIONS DEC b 1965 JM31 !96s J*h. ) a^y~- / JAY i 1966 Ivipy' i 1966 / K ftti 7* / f 99 ' 'i NO/5 1^65 MAS 7 locjr Ji/^lM / ' '' r V JUt' i'O KtU -10 AM ^V^X 8 ?,^ 8 U-EggSnU. - ' \m : & - -Sfi.'- .*-. ,\} \j V-k i\