THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES &J4&E* THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION BRUNTON THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION EIGHT LECTURES DELIVERED IN THE SPRING OF 1905 IN THE PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORA- TORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Jk BY LAUDER BRUNTON KT., M.D., D.Sc., LL.D. (EoiN.), LL.D. (ABERD.), F.R.C.P., F.R.S. CONSULTING PHYSICIAN TO ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON TiUitb 240 Illustrations PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO IOI2 WALNUT STREET PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA TO HUGO KRONECKER M.D., D.Sc. (CANT.), LL.D. (ABERD. AND GLASG.) ETC., ETC. PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN BERNE AND DIRECTOR OF THE MAREY INSTITUTE IN PARIS THE AUTHOR DEDICATES THIS BOOK IN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE GREAT SERVICES HE HAS RENDERED TO PHYSIOL- OGY, AND ESPECIALLY THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION/ IN MEMORY OF MANY PLEASANT HOURS SPENT TOGETHER WHEN WORKING IN LEIPZIG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THEIR BELOVED MASTER CARL LUDWIG, IN 1869-70, AND IN TOKEN OF A FRIENDSHIP THAT HAS LASTED EVER SINCE. PREFACE THIS book consists of eight lectures which were delivered in January, February, and March, 1905, in the Physiological Lab- oratory of the University of London, in accordance with the general purpose expressed by the University in the establish- ment of the Physiological Laboratory, viz., " to present the results of recent investigations by the investigators themselves, orally and with experimental demonstration in the lecture- room, and outside the lecture-room by monographs approved by the University." By the kindness of Professor Waller and of his assistant, Mr. Syme, the lectures were illustrated by experiments, which increased their value to the students. At the same time, the necessity of adapting the lectures to the experiments rather interfered with their orderly sequence, and in consequence of this they are not so sharply divided into the various sections on Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Treatment, as they were at first intended to be. Semeiology is hardly touched upon, as it is so fully discussed in lectures on Medicine, and the other subjects were more than sufficient to fill a course of eight lectures. Opinions may differ as to the proper selection of subjects for the lectures, and my selection may be disapproved of by some, who may consider that I have spent too much time over such subjects as " Self-massage of the Heart and Vessels," " The Conduction of Stimuli in the Heart," etc. My reason for doing so, is that I consider the subjects, on which I have dealt rather fully, to be of practical importance, and they are dealt with shortly, if at all, in ordinary text-books. I had also made an experimental study of some of them myself, and in accordance with the general purposes of the University in Vlll THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION establishing such lectures, I presented the results of my own investigations more fully than in a text-book. The lectures were not written out, but were delivered from short notes, so as to suit the experiments. They were taken down in shorthand by Mr. M. A. Donaldson, and I have to thank him for the remarkable accuracy of his transcript. Although he supplied me with a type-written copy within a few days of the delivery of each lecture, yet the pressure of other engagements, and the difficulty of finding sufficient continuous time to obtain and arrange the illustrations and prepare the manuscript for press, has caused an interval of more than three years to elapse between the delivery of the lectures and their appearance in print. During this interval some new instruments for meas- uring the blood pressure in man have been brought out, and several of them have been described in an appendix. Owing to my ignorance of the rule that lectures delivered under the auspices of the University and printed with its sanction should be published by Mr. Murray, these lectures were at first advertised to be published by Messrs. Macmillan, who have published my other works, and the change was only made in accordance with the rule. I have to thank both Mr. Murray and Messrs. Macmillan for their kindness and courtesy in regard to publication, and my thanks are especially due to Professor Waller for his in- terest and help, to Mr. Syme for assistance in experiments, to Dr. Oliver, M. Boulitte, Messrs. Down, Mr. Hawksley, and especially to M. Charles Verdin for many illustrations. Professor Kronecker has kindly supplied some most valuable notes of some of his own work and that of his scholars, which is printed in a special appendix. CONTENTS LECTURE I Introduction Harvey's Discovery PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION : The Heart Sleep of the Heart The Arteries Motor and Peristaltic Action of the Arteries Capillaries and Veins Action of Fasciae Accessory Muscles of Circulation Flow of Lymph Arterial Tension or Blood Pressure Regulation of Blood Pressure Heart and Blood Pressure Arteries and Blood Pres- sure Influence of the Muscular Area Influence of the Splanch- nic Area Distension of Liver Depressor Nerves Independent Pulsation of Veins Movements of the Heart Views of Gaskell Comparison between the Heart and a Medusa Experiments of Romanes Transmission of Stimuli in the Heart Nervous and Muscular Conduction in the Heart Experiments of Brunton and Cash Conduction of Impulses both by Muscle and Nerve Valves of the Heart I LECTURE II Sounds of the Heart Double Nature of the Heart Right Ventricle Aorta Arteries and Capillaries Vaso-motor Nerves Dilating Nerves Elongation of the Muscle ( ?) Rhythmical Contraction of Vessels Stimulation of Vessels from without Stimulation of Vessels from within Effect of Heat and Cold on the Cir- culation Effect of Heat and Cold on the Pulmonary Capillaries Schema of the Circulation Kymographs Blood Pressure in Animals Blood Pressure in Man Measurement of the Blood Pressure in Man Instruments for Measuring the Blood Pres- sure in Man: by Pressure on an Artery; by Pressure on a Finger or Limb ; Sphygmomanometers of Herisson, Waller, Von Basch, Potain, and Oliver Instruments of Marey, Mosso, Gaertner, and others 41 LECTURE III Measurement of the Blood Pressure in Man (continued). Instru- ments of Riva-Rocci, Hill and Barnard, Martin, and others Author's arrangement Standardization of Instruments Meas- urement of the Size of an Artery Olivers Arteriometer Meas- CONTENTS urement of Pressure in the Veins Measurement of Pressure in the Capillaries Measurement of the Volume of Organs Plethysmographs Cardiographs Sphygmographs Forms of Sphygmograph : Marey's, Ludwig and Von Prey's, Dudgeon's, Jacquet's, Laulanie's Size of Vessels Cardiograph and Sphyg- mograph Sphygmograms Retardation of Pulse-Wave Nutri- tion of the Heart Self-massage of the Heart Briicke's View Nutritive Action of Cardiac Tonics Self-massage of the Arteries. PATHOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION : Effect of Altered Quality of Blood Blocking of Coronary Arteries Effect of Feebleness of the Heart on the Nutrition of Blood- Vessels Nervous Depression Fatty Degeneration Pulse-rate Exophthalmic Goitre 77 LECTURE IV Paroxysmal Tachycardia Bradycardia Intermittent Pulse Palpita- tion Shock Anaesthetics Syncope Embolism and Throm- bosis Claudication Angina Pectoris Raynaud's Disease Chil- blains, Urticaria, Angio-neurotic (Edema Migraine Sensitive- ness of Arteries Sensitiveness of the Heart. VALVULAR DISEASES OF THE HEART : Aortic Obstruction Aortic Regurgitation Fail- ing Compensation Mitral Incompetence (Functional) Cardiac Strain 108 LECTURE V Mitral Regurgitation (Organic) Mitral Obstruction Card'ac Dys- pnoea Venous Engorgement Other Forms of Cardiac Diseases Vicious Circle. METHOD OF TREATMENT IN CARDIAC DISEASE: Uses of Treatment Rest Position Use of Massage Effect of Flatulence on the Heart Use of Drugs in Cardiac Disease Cardiac Nutrients Digitalis and its Congeners Resume of the Action of Digitalis 127 LECTURE VI Action of Digitalis in Mammals Uses of Digitalis Action of Digi- talis on CEdema Toxic Action of Digitalis Action of Digitalis on Arterioles Stages in tbe Action of Digitalis Difference be- tween Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics Action of Adrenaline on the Heart and Vessels Action of Strychnine on the Heart Action of Caffeine and other Purin Bodies Drawbacks to the Action of Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics Removal of these Drawbacks by Combination Vaso-dilators : Amyl Nitrite, Iso- butyl Nitrite, Hydroxylamine, Nitroglycerine, Nitro-erythrite, Nitromannite, Sodium, and other Nitrites 149 CONTENTS XI LECTURE VII Nicotine Tobacco Smoking Attractions of Smoking Results of Excessive Smoking Aconite Local Modification of the Circu- lation Inflammation General Bleeding Local Bleeding. TREAT- MENT OF CARDIAC DISEASES : Treatment of Palpitation Diet and Regimen Graves's Disease Tachycardia from Strain Parox- ysmal Tachycardia 167 LECTURE VIII Bradycardia Irregularity of Pulse Angina Pectoris Treatment of an Attack of Angina Pectoris Diet and Regimen in Angina Cardiac Asthma Sleeplessness Aortic Disease Mitral Regur- gitation Nauheim Treatment Exercises Baths Oertel's Treat- ment Treatment of Venous Stasis Graduated Exercises Elim- ination Milk Diet Chloride-free Food Tapping Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Diseases Senile Rise of Pressure Senile Decay Prolongation of Life i85 APPENDIX A 211 APPENDIX B 216 APPENDIX C 223 APPENDIX D 225 INDEX 233 INDEX TO APPENDIX 267 CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS 271 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN NUMERICAL ORDER 277 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION LECTURE I Introduction Harvey's Discovery Physiology of the Circulation The Heart Sleep of the Heart The Arteries Motor and Peristaltic Action of the Arteries Capillaries and Veins Action of Fasciae Accessory Muscles of Circulation Flow of Lymph Arterial Tension or Blood Pres- sure Regulation of Blood Pressure Heart and Blood Pressure Arteries and Blood Pressure Influence of the Muscular Area Influence of the Splanchnic Area Distension of Liver Depressor Nerves Independent Pulsation of Veins Movements of the Heart Views of Gaskell Com- parison between the Heart and a Medusa Experiments of Romanes Transmission of Stimuli in the Heart Nervous and Muscular Conduction in the Heart Experiments of Brunton and Cash Conduction of Impulses both by Muscle and Nerve Valves of the Heart. THE subject of these lectures is " The Therapeutics of the Circulation " : the means by which we can put right anything that may have gone wrong with the circulation. If I were to hand my watch to any one of you, and tell you that it was not going properly, you would naturally hand it back to me and tell me to take it to a watchmaker ; because you know nothing of the way in which watches are built, of the disorders to which they are liable, or the way in which to put them right. In the same way, before you can put anything right which has gone wrong with the circulation, you must know something about: (i) its normal working, or physiology; (2) of the dis- orders to which it is liable, or pathology ; ( 3 ) of the means by which we can act upon it, or pharmacology; (4) of the indi- cations by which we recognize the particular disorder, or semeiology; and (5) the methods of applying our remedies to the disorders which we have already recognized, or thera- peutics. 2 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION It is evident that, before we can deal with therapeutics satis- factorily, we must take up, to a certain extent, the other sub- jects upon which it depends, and, although you have studied them all to a certain extent already, I think it will be advisable to go shortly over them, more especially as I shall have to take them in definite relation to their practical use, instead of merely considering them as scientific subjects unconnected, possibly, with practical medicine. But the treatment of these must necessarily be very brief, because the subject-matter to be considered is very great. Harvey's Discovery. There is, perhaps, no discovery, either ancient or modern, which has had such a -far-reaching in- fluence on the health of human beings as the discovery by Har- vey of the circulation. The truth of this discovery was at first denied, then its importance was belittled, then it was attributed to other men; but now its full importance is recognized and the claims of Harvey to the discovery acknowledged. When we look at Harvey's work, it seems almost incredible that for so many thousands of years men should have overlooked the circulation. When we read Harvey's own account of his discovery, it seems one of such amazing simplicity that one is inclined to think that nobody could have helped making it. In his own words, it occurred to him " whether the blood might not go round, as it w r ere, in a circle." That it did go round, Harvey showed by the blood issuing from the proximal end of a cut artery, and from the swelling of the veins when obstruction was put between the periphery and the centre. One of the great reasons why the blood had been supposed not to go round, but to flow backwards and forwards, probably was that the ancients looked upon the arteries as conveying air alone instead of blood, or else conveying a mixture of air and blood. They seem to have come to this conclusion from the fact that the arteries were generally found empty in animals that had been killed for sacrifice, and the reason of this empti- ness I shall discuss later on. SLEEP OF THE HEART 3 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION The Heart. The great motor power which keeps the cir- culation moving in a circle is the heart, although its action is supplemented by other mechanisms in the vessels and tissues. We are sometimes accustomed to speak of this " unresting " organ, but this is a total mistake. The heart rests in an adult more than thirteen hours out of the twenty-four; the time of rest being the diastole, and the time of work being the systole. Sleep of the Heart. We may say, then, that the heart practically sleeps more than the brain or the body ; but the great distinction between the sleep of the heart and that of the brain, is that the sleep is so short at a time. There are very few healthy men who could not walk a thousand miles in six weeks, walking a little over eight hours a day at an easy pace, and resting for the remainder of the period ; but there are not many men who could emulate the feat of Captain Barclay, of walk- ing a thousand miles in a thousand hours, because the frequent interruptions to their sleep would exhaust them completely; and still fewer are there who could walk a thousand miles in a thousand half-hours, as has been done by various men since Captain Barclay's time. In such trials of endurance a man usually walks two miles at a time, the first mile at the end of one hour or half -hour, and the second at the beginning of the next hour or half -hour. Supposing he walks at the rate of four miles an hour, i. e. a mile in a quarter of an hour, he gets an hour and a half for sleep between every walk when doing a thousand miles in a thousand hours, but only gets one-third as much sleep, viz. half an hour, between his walks when doing this distance in a thousand half-hours. An attempt to do a thousand miles in a thousand quarter-hours is obviously im- possible; if a man walked at the rate of four miles an hour, there would be no time for rest at all, the whole time being required for walking. A little time might, no doubt, be gained by increasing the pace; but this would itself involve greater exertion, and the time thus gained would be quite insufficient for recuperation. 4 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION In the same way, when the heart is forced to beat more quickly than normal, it is more and more quickly exhausted the higher the pulse-rate rises, for nearly the whole time for the extra work is taken from the diastolic pauses of sleep of the heart, even though the systole may be slightly shortened. Hence the importance of slowing the pulse-rate by cold, by drugs, or by other measures, when it tends to become too rapid. Perhaps it may be as well here that I should note that the heart, at certain periods, is resistant to external stimuli. When Captain Barclay was taking his sleep between his walks, he would be more and more ready to respond to a chance call the nearer the time came for him to begin again ; but while actually engaged in his walk, he would be too much intent upon his work to heed a call from anyone. In the same way, we find that during the period that the heart is contracting it will not respond to a stimulus which, if applied immediately after its action is over, would cause it to contract again. This period, which we have to consider later on, is called the refractory period. The Arteries. Now, if the heart is only acting for eleven hours out of the twenty- four, and is entirely cut off from the aorta by the closed aortic valves, what force is carrying on the circulation during the whole of the other thirteen? This force is the elastic recoil of the arteries, which have been stretched by the blood forced into them during the ventricular systole, but which, if healthy, again contract during the diastole. The vessels thus act as storage of energy, just as a watch-spring does when wound up every night, or as the water driven by a force-pump into a high tank from which a house or town can be supplied, or the elastic bag in a spray-producer. The arteries have really three functions. They not only act as (i) storers of force, but as (2) regulators, and as (3) motors. Their power of regulating the supply of blood to different parts of the body was known to Harvey, who said : " It is manifest that the blood in its course does not every- where pass with the same celerity, neither with the same force ACTION OF ARTERIES, CAPILLARIES AND VEINS 5 in all places, and at all times. ... In fear, and under a sense of infamy and of shame, the face is pale; but the ears burn, as if for the evil they heard or were to hear." As my old teacher, Professor Ludwig, used to put it, " There is not nearly suffi- cient blood in the body to fill all the vessels at once, and the vaso-motor system, which regulates the size of the arteries, is like the turncock in a large town who turns off the water supply to one district at the same time that he turns it on to another; just as in Harvey's " observation, the vessels became contracted in the face at the same time as they became dilated in the ear. Motor and Peristaltic Action of Arteries. The motor action of the arteries has received less attention; but it is, I think, very important, and is, I believe, the cause of the empti- ness of the arteries after death, which so long prevented Har- vey's discovery from being made. When working under Pro- fessor Lu.dwig in 1869, he directed my attention to the con- tractile power of the small arteries apart from any nerve centre, and while watching their movements I have sometimes seen a regular peristaltic action take place, by which the blood was driven forward in the arteriole, just as faecal matter would be driven forward in the intestine. 1 Capillaries and Veins. From the arteries the blood passes into the capillaries, and some of its liquid parts leak through their walls to supply the needs of the tissues, while the remain- der, along with the blood corpuscles, passes into the veins. It is the heart which is the motor power for the blood in the veins also ; but it could barely be sufficient to carry on the cir- culation and bring the blood back to the heart again, were it not for various helping agencies. One of these is the suction exerted by the movements of the respiration, and another is the suction exerted by the heart itself during the ventricular contraction, which drives the blood out of the thorax, through the aorta, and sucks it in through the veins. 1 Lauder Brunton, Sitz. her. d. k. sack. Gescllsch. d. Wiss., 1869, s. 285, and Ludivig's Arbeiten, 1869, s. 101. One very important adjunct to the heart in keeping- up the venous circulation, is intermittent pressure upon the veins from without, aided by numerous valves in the veins them- selves; so that while each pressure pushes the blood a little onwards, its return is prevented. External pressure is pro- duced by muscular action. Each contraction of a muscle squeezes the blood and also the lymph out into the veins and lymphatics, both of which have very numerous valves at short distances apart. But every beat of the arteries, as a rule, tends also to help on the venous blood, for the arteries and veins usually have a common sheath of unyielding fibrous tissue, and each time that the artery is distended during a ventricular systole it tends to push a corresponding amount of blood onwards through its accompanying vein. (Fig. i.) 1'lG. i. Diagram to show the effect of the arterial pulse in aiding the onward flow of venous blood and lymph, by a process of what may be called self-massage. A is an artery during diastole. V is a vein filled with blood. 5 is the fibrous sheath which encloses the artery, the vein, and the lymph space around them. A' is the artery distended with blood by the ventricular systole. As the sheath S' is unyielding, the distension of the artery forces the blood out of the vein and the lymph out of the lymph space, and as the backward flow of both is prevented by the valves of the veins and lymphatics, the circulation is increased in both. Action of Fasciae. In addition to these mechanisms, how- ever, we have the pressure upon the veins by the fascine of the limbs, and Braune has shown that when the veins are stretched, their walls tend to come together and press the blood onwards. The veins of the upper limbs are most stretched when the fists are clenched, the hands bent somewhat down, and the arms extended and pushed rather backwards the very attitude, indeed, that is assumed by a man who has been sitting for a length of time at a writing-table and feels himself cramped in consequence. The veins become filled when the leg is bent and turned slightly inwards, whilst the veins become stretched and empty when the foot is turned outwards and the ACCESSORY MUSCLES OF CIRCULATION 7 leg extended and pushed somewhat backward. The first of these positions is that assumed by one leg when we advance it for the purpose of walking, and the second when we move the body and other leg forward. Accessory Muscles of Circulation. The late Professor Sharpey used to insist a good deal upon the functions of the rotators of the leg, and he pointed out that in books on anat- FIG. 2. Diagram of transverse section of voluntary muscle to show the pumping action exerted on the muscle-juice and waste products during action. The blood- vessels cross diagonally. To the left (B) the muscle is contracted and presses the two layers of the fascia together, so as to drive the muscle-juice out into the lymphatics. To the right (A) the muscle is relaxed, and tends to draw the layers of fascia apart and suck the juice out of the muscle into the lymph space, c, Artery. d, Artery, e, Lymphatics. /, Vein, g, Vein. The double arrows in A are intended to indicate the increased blood-flow through the muscle, and the single arrow within the muscle to indicate the passage of fluid from the muscle into the lymph space between it and the surrounding fascia. omy the trunk is looked upon as a fixed point, and the rotation is discussed in terms of this; so that we say that the function of the tensor vaginae femoris is to rotate the leg inwards upon the body, and that of the glutens maximus to rotate it out- wards. In reality, he said it is the leg which is the fixed point 8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION in walking; and the function of these muscles is to rotate the body on the leg, the tensor vaginae femoris rotating, not the leg inwards, but the body outwards, so as to bring the centre FIG. 3. Diagram of longitudinal sections of muscles, I. in relaxation and II. in contraction. F is the fibrous fascia or sheath of the muscle. L S a lymph space between the muscle and the outer layer of fascia. L is a lymphatic vessel with numerous valves, by which the lymph containing waste products is removed. A is an artery by which fresh blood is brought to the muscle; and V is A vein by which blood is removed from it. Each time the muscle contracts, as in II., it lessens the size of the lymph space and drives the lymph onward through the lymphatics. Each time it relaxes it tends to create a vacuum within the fascia, and thus lymph is sucked out of the muscle into the lymph space, while fresh arterial blood rushes into the muscle. FIG. 4. Injected lymph spaces from the fascia lata of the dog, after Ludwig and Schweigger-Seidel, Lymphgefasse der Fascien und Sehnen. The injected spaces are black in the figure, and the muscular bundles are seen in the cross-section embedded in lymph. of gravity over the foot. But in view of Braune's observations these muscles acquire a new value. We speak very frequently of accessory muscles of respiration, but I have not seen any- FLOW OF LYMPH 9 where the tensor vaginae femoris and the gluteus maximus spoken of as accessory muscles of circulation, yet both they and the muscles of the calf and thigh may well deserve such an appellation. Flow of Lymph. This description of the circulation, how- ever, would be insufficient without a consideration of how the lymph flows, for the circulation of lymph is quite as necessary as that of the blood itself. Here also the muscles form one of the most efficient sources of motor power. At each relaxation of a muscle it tends to cause a vacuum within its surrounding FIG. 5. Section of the central tendon of the diaphragm in the rabbit, a, Peri- toneum; b, tendinous fibers in cross-section; c, circular fibers; d, the pleura; e, peri- toneum stretched over a full lymph space; /, peritoneum lying in an empty lymph space; g, blood-vessels. After Ludwig and Schweigger-Seidel. FIG. 6. Section of the pleura. The lymph spaces appear black in the figure. After Ludwig and Dybkowsky. fascia, into which the lymph flows from the muscular struc- ture. At each contraction the muscle presses this lymph out, and these alternating muscular movements really act as a sub- sidiary heart, and do away with the necessity of having in mammals the lymph hearts which are seen in the frog. (Figs. 2, 3, and 4.) In the pleura and the diaphragm the movements of respira- tion have a similar pumping action on the pleural and peri- toneal fluids. (Figs. 5 and 6.) IO THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION It may seem that I am spending- too much time upon points in the circulation which you all know, but I shall have to return to them again in discussing Treatment, and unless I had put them before you now in the way I have done, you might not be so readily able to perceive the reason for the therapeutic measures which I shall after- wards have to mention. Arterial Tension or Blood Pressure. During the long sleep of the heart thirteen FIG. 7. Diagram of the circulation. hours OUt of CVCry twenty-four a, the heart completely shut off by the ,1 i , , j valves during diastole from b, the the circulation is maintained arteries; c, the capillaries; d, the veins; by the COlltraCtile force of the e, mercurial manometer; /, a float; g, . 1-1 a recording cylinder. artCriCS, which prCSSCS the blood out through the only opening which, in health, is available, namely through the capillaries. This contractile force, is, of course, to a great extent, due to elasticity, especially in the larger arteries, although in the arterioles it is probably partly due to contractility. The force with which the blood would be pressed out if a vessel were opened or a cannula put into it, is known as the blood pressure, and this is usually estimated by connecting an artery with a mercurical manometer and seeing the height of mercury re- quired to counterbalance the pressure in the vessels. This was first estimated by a clergyman, the Reverend Stephen Hales, 1 w r ho, after cutting an artery in an animal, and after connect- ing a glass tube with the artery, noted the height to which the blood rose in the tube. Poiseuille 2 improved upon this plan by connecting the artery with a mercurial manometer, and an immense advance was made by Ludwig, 3 who registered the movements of a manometer on a revolving cylinder. (Fig. 8.) 1 Hales, Statistical Essays, London, 1733, vol. ii., p. i. 2 Poiseuille, Magcndic's Journ. de la physiol, viii., p. 272, 1828; ix., 1829, p. 343. 3 Ludwig, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1847, s. 242, Taf. x.-xiv. ARTERIAL TENSION 1 OR BLOOD PRESSURE I I Although he did this in 1847, 7 et m 1865, when I first began to work at the action of drugs on the blood pressure, there was, I believe, not a single recording manometer in this coun- FIG. 8. Ludwig's kymograph, a b c is a simple mercurial manometer such as was used by Poiseuille. c b and g are the float, and h the recording cylinder, and t the clockwork added by Ludwig. try. 1 and it was only at this time that one was first made by Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, 2 and used by him in his research 1 Lauder Brunton, " On Digitalis," Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration. First Series, pp. 52 and 104. London : Macmillan & Co. 2 Burdon-Sanderson, Roy. Soc. Proc., xv., 1857, p. 391; Phil. Trans.. clvii., 1867. p. 391. 12 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 9. Lelaunie's manometer. It consists of (7") a bent tube containing mercury. The open arm bears a float, the movements of which are transmitted by a pulley (P) to the lever (L), which amplifies and records them. By means of a pinion (B) work- ing 011 a rack (C), the apparatus can be moved up and down on a stand (5), which is rendered vertical by three screws (V V V). The open end of the tube can be connected with a caoutchouc bag, as in the figure. It was originally designed to- record the rectal temperature in a dog during tetanization, but it could be used for other purposes. Burdon-Sanderson's kymograph was similar to this, but the two limbs of the U tube were of unequal width, and the lever was longer. Carotid artery (full) Aorta tense ^.^....^ Veins tense and moderately full Bladder (full) Carotid artery (empty). Aorta lax. ._ Veins lax and full. Bladder (empty). FIG. 10. Diagram to show the causation of syncope. In a the carotid artery is full, the aorta full, the veins contracted, and the bladder is full. In b the carotid is. empty, so that the brain is insufficiently supplied with blood, and syncope ensues. The tension in the aorta is low, as indicated by its smaller size, the veins are full, and the bladder is empty. MEASUREMENT OF BLOOD PRESSURE upon the relationship of respiration to circulation. It was just a little before this that Marey 1 invented his sphygmograph, by which much interesting information has been gained re- garding the circulation in man. (Fig. 120.) Inhibitory apparatus Motor ganglia Heart muscle ^l^BMMM^MH FIG. ii. Diagram to show the nervous apparatus by which the action of the heart and vessels is coordinated so as to maintain an equal blood pressure. A is the accelerator apparatus. accelerator apparatus Regulation of Blood Pressure. The blood pressure, one may roughly say, depends upon the difference between the 1 Marey, Mem. Soc. Biol., 1859, p. 281; Compt. rend., 1880, 1., p. 634. 14 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION amount pumped by the heart into one end of the arterial sys- tem and the amount leaving by the capillaries in any given time. It is obvious that unless some means existed by which these two factors could be brought into proper relationship. Cord t va,gti s irrita.fced- VdguS alone FIG. 12. After Ludwig. Ludwig's Arbeiten, 187, p. 106. Shows the rapidity with which the blood flows through the vessels of the muscles. When the heart is stopped by irritating the vagus the arterial pressure falls continuously, as the blood flows out of the arteries into the veins through the vessels of the intestines, muscle, and brain. The higher the pressure the more quickly will the blood flow through them, and, other things being equal, the quicker will the pressure fall. The curves are taken from the arterial pressure in a middle-sized dog whose spinal cord had been divided high up in the neck, a, b and c show the rapidity of fall of blood pressure at various heights during simultaneous stimulation of the vaso- motor nerves in the spinal cord and stoppage of the heart by stimulation of the vague. In d the vagus alone was stimulated. If the assumption were correct that all the arterioles in the body were con- tracted by stimulation of the vaso-motor nerves in the cord, the blood pressure should hardly fall at all during stoppage of the heart, when the vaso-motor center is stimu- lated at the same time. But the curves a, b and c, and especially a, show that it falls with such rapidity that it must be assumed that the blood flows through the vessels of the muscles which are not under the same control of the vaso-motor centers as those of the intestine. much mischief might be done. If the heart were to continue pumping in blood whilst the arterioles were tightly contracted, the heart would either become strained or a vessel would burst. HEART AND ARTERIES AND BLOOD PRESSURE I 5 as it does in apoplexy. On the other hand, if the arterioles were dilated and the heart did not beat more actively in order to supply a larger amount of blood, the arteries would very likely become empty and the pressure in them so low that the circulation through the various organs would be insufficient to maintain their functional activity, and the brain, being es- pecially sensitive, syncope would result. (Fig. 10.) Heart and Blood Pressure. Coordination is maintained by means of the nervous system, the chief center of which is in the medulla oblongata, where the most important part of the vaso-motor center is located, and where also the vagus roots are situated. By irritation (a) of the vagus roots or (b] of their trunks, or (c) of their ends in the heart, the movements of the heart become slower and generally weaker, although the slowing and weakness may occur more or less independently of each other. Any excessive tension in the vessels, involving as it does the blood supply of the medulla, acts as an irritant to the vagus center, puts the vagus nerve into action, slows the heart, 1 and thus prevents the tension from rising too high. (Fig. n.) On the other hand, diminished pressure in the arterial system lessens the normal stimulation of the vagus center, and in consequence the vagus nerves act less power- fully on the heart, its beats become quicker, and the pressure rises. Arteries and Blood Pressure. On the other hand the vaso-motor center when in action causes the arterioles, es- pecially of the intestines and of the skin, to contract, so that the channels by which the blood can pour from the arteries into the veins are diminished in size, and the pressure, conse- quently, tends to rise. Influence of the Muscular Area. There are, however, a number of arteries which are only slightly influenced by the 1 This has been shown in brain kept alive by artificial circulation and separated from the rest of the body, except that the vagi remained intact, so that the brain could act on the heart. Francois Franck, Trav. du laboratoire de Marey, 1877, vol. iii., p. 276. i6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Brain vaso-motor center, for, when this center is irritated so as to contract all the vessels of the skin and intestines to the ut- most, blood may still pour through those vessels which supply the muscles so rapidly that the effect of the vaso- motor centre hardly appears to be felt at all. (Fig. 12.) Nevertheless, Waller noticed that sometimes by stimulating this center the tension may rise so high as to prevent the heart from beating. These different results depend, of course, upon the different animals experimented upon Heart Intestine Muscle FIG. 13. Diagram showing the four , , ,.,-.. great areas for the distribution of blood in and the different COndltlOllS the body, viz., the muscles, the intestine, unc j er wn i C h the experiments the skin, and the brain. are made. Influence of the Splanchnic Area. The four largest vascular districts in the body are those of (i) the splanch- nic area, (2) the muscles, (3) the brain, and (4) the skin. (Fig. 13.) It is the splanchnic area which is more especially under the influence of the vaso-motor center. Any disturb- ance of the circulation in this area greatly modifies the blood pressure, and section of the splanchnic nerves will reduce it enormously. The splanchnic area, therefore, serves to a great extent as a regulator of blood pressure, and when the portal vein is tied, the whole of the blood in the body, or at least a large part of it, will collect in the vessels of the intestines and in the liver ; so that, to use Ludwig's words, " an animal may be bled into its own veins." In 1868 Ludwig 1 and one of his pupils made some experi- 'Ludwig and Schmulewitsch, Ludwig's Arbeiten, 3tier Jahrg., 1868, p. 114. INFLUENCE OF SPLANCHNIC AREA 17 ments upon the secretion of bile by an excised liver, through which a stream of blood was passed artificially ; and on making experiments myself a year or two later, 1 I was very much struck by the enormous distensibility of the liver. One is misled in regard to this property by the hard, firm appearance Qottle containing blood Liver. Cannula for outflow of *" blood. FIG. 14. Diagram to show the effect of artificial circulation of blood through the liver, under different pressures. The continuous lines indicate the size of the liver, and the arrangement of the apparatus during circulation, under a low pressure. The dotted lines indicate the increased size of the liver, and the arrangement of the apparatus, under a high pressure. of the liver after death; but during life the liver is more like a sponge, and reacts just like a sponge to the slightest difference in blood pressure, swelling up as the pressure increases, and diminishing as the pressure falls. (Fig. 14.) Distension of Liver. In the healthy body we do not notice great changes in the liver, because the pressure in the portal system undergoes but very slight change. However, when there is backward pressure from the heart, in consequence of incompetency of the tricuspid Valves, the liver sometimes be- comes enormously large, reaching down to the umbilicus or even to the iliac fossa. Depressor Nerves. As I have already mentioned, when the tension is too great in the heart and aorta, it acts as a stimulus to nerves, starting from the heart and aorta, and 'Lauder Brunton, Bur don-Sanderson's Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, 1873, p. 505 et seq., and Lettsomian Lectures, 1885, in Dis- orders of Digestion, p. 25. 1 8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION causing reflex dilatation of the abdominal vessels; so that the tension in the aorta is thus relieved. These nerves may either run as a separate nerve, known as the depressor nerve, 1 or may be partly incorporated with the vagus trunk. Independent Pulsation of Veins. All through the veins the circulation is steady and even; but when we come to the vena cava and pulmonary veins, we find that these vessels may have a pulsatile contraction of their own, like that of the venous sinus in the frog. This action of the veins had apparently been lost sight of until Fayrer and I rediscovered it, 2 but we could not then find any mention of it in any of the ordinary text-books on physiology. 3 It was, however, well known to Haller, 4 and also to Senac, 5 a century and a half ago, and we have since found it had been noticed by Colin 6 a year or two before our observation. This contraction is not always pres- ent, and so it can hardly be regarded as a constant part of the cardiac pulsation. Movements of the Heart. Views of Gaskell. In con- sidering the motion of the heart, we begin, then, with the auri- cle, which contracts and drives the blood into the empty ven- tricle. The ventricle in turn drives the blood onwards into its corresponding artery. Formerly, the rhythmical action, both of auricles and ventricles, and the coordination of their action, were attributed entirely to nervous influence; but the observations of several writers, and particularly of Gaskell in this country, and of Engelmann in Germany, have led to the adoption of the view that both the rhythm and the co- 1 Ludwig and Cyon, Ludwig's Arbeiten, vom Jahre 1866, p. 128. 2 Brunton and Fayrer, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1874, vol. xxii., p. 125, and Proc. Roy. Soc., 1876, vol. xxv., p. 72. "According to Rollett (Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologic, vol. iv., p. 152), it was known to Meibomius in 1668 and to Johannes Miiller in 1835. 4 Haller, Elementa Physiologica, 1757, torn. i.. pp. 410 and 399, and Memoir es sur la Nature Sensible et Irritable des Parties du Corps Animal, 1756, torn, iv., p. 4. 8 Senac, Traite dc la Structure du Cccur, etc., second edition, Paris, 1783, torn, ii., pp. 37 and 38. "Colin, Compt. rend., 1862, torn. 55, p. 495. HEART OF THE FROG 1 9 ordination are characteristics of the muscle, and that the nerves of the heart have little or nothing to do either with its independent pulsation or with the regular sequence in which the action of the auricle follows that of the ventricle. Heart of the Frog. The heart of the frog being simpler in structure than the mammalian heart, and more easily Lft auricle and pulmonary veins YL. ,., superior vena oav* and vagi nerve.. VBIIOUS sinus and Kemak's ganglion. Inferior vena cava. X .1 L I 1 I Bidder's ganglia FIG. 15. Diagram of the frog's heart. studied, has been used to a great extent for the purpose of discovering the causation of the cardiac movements. It con- sists of the venous sinus, two auricles, one ventricle and the aortic bulb. The vagi nerves pass to the junction of the ven- ous sinus and auricle, and here form a plexus or ganglion ive contraction of the cavities in the frog's known as Remak's. From this two nerves pass do\vn the auricular septum to the base of the ventricle, where they end in two ganglia usually called Bidder's ganglia (Fig. 15). The origination of rhythmic impulses, their conduction in the 20 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 17. a, diagram of frog's heart ligatured at the junction of the venous sinus with the auricles. The venae cavae and sinus are represented with a crenated out- line resembling the tracing which their beats might give if recorded on a revolving cylinder. The auricle and ventricle being motionless would only trace a straight line if connected with a recording apparatus. Their outline is therefore represented by a straight line, b, diagram of a frog's heart in which sections have been made at the junction of the sinus with the auricles, and at the auriculo-ventricular groove. The sinus and ventricles pulsate, whilst the auricles remain motionless. The beats of the ventricle should have been represented as slower than those of the auricle, as in /, Fig. 1 8. c, the same as b, but with the parts of the heart separated by ligature instead of section. FIG. 18. d, diagram of heart with ligature round the venous sinus, e, diagram of heart with ligature round middle of auricles. /, diagram of heart with ligature in the auriculo-ventricular groove. The pulsations of the ventricle are much slower than those of the auricle and venous sinus. This is indicated by the larger dentation of the outline of the ventricle. FIG. 19. Author's diagram of the hypothetical nervous apparatus in the heart. M, motor ganglion. I, inhibitory ganglion. Q, quickening ganglion. O, inhibitory fibers; and S, quickening fibers from the medulla. A, A', B and C, intermediate apparatus. E, fibers passing from the motor ganglia E, to the muscular substance F. For simplicity's sake, only one set of motor ganglia has been represented, but other similar ones are to be supposed to be present in other parts of the heart, and so connected with this set that they all work in unison. It must be remembered that this diagram is purely hypothetical; but if this be carefully borne in mind, the sketch will be found of service in remembering and comparing the action of different poisons on the heart. Lauder Brunton, Brit. Med. Jo-urn., Dec. 1871, Collected Papers, p. 311. EXPERIMENTS OF STANNIUS 21 heart and their regulation were regarded as due to the nerves. The experiments of Stannius on the effects of ligature or sec- tion of various parts of the heart seemed to show that the nerves of the venous sinus and ventricle were chiefly motor, and those of the auricle inhibitory (Figs. 17 and 18). FIG. 20. Author's instrument for showing the action of heat and cold and of poisons on the frog's heart. It consists of a piece of tin plate or glass three or four inches long and two or three wide, at one end of which an ordinary cork cut square is fastened with sealing-wax in such a manner that it projects half an inch or more beyond the edge of the plate. This serves as a support to a little wooden lever about three inches long,, a quarter of an inch broad, and one-eighth of an inch thick. A pin is passed through a hole in the center of this lever, and runs into the cork, so that the lever swings freely about upon it as on a pivot. The easiest way of making a hole of the proper size is simply to heat the pin red hot, and then to burn a hole in the lever with it. To prevent the lever from sliding along the pin, a minute piece of cardboard is put at each side of it, and oiled to prevent friction. A long, fine bonnet-straw, or section of one, is then fastened by sealing-wax to one end of the lever, and to the other end of the straw a round piece of white paper, cut to the size of a shilling or half-crown, according to convenience, is also fixed by a drop of sealing-wax. The pin, which acts as a pivot, should be just sufficiently beyond the edge of the plate to allow the lever to move freely, and the lever itself should lie flat upon the plate. Its. weight, too, increased as it is by the straw and paper flag, would now be too great for the heart to lift, and so it must be counterpoised. This is readily done by clasping a pair of bulldog forceps on the other end. By altering the position of the forceps the weight of the lever can be regulated with great nicety. If the forceps are drawn back as at c, the flag is more than counter- balanced, and does not rest on the heart at all; while the position a brings the center of gravity of the forceps in front of the pivot, and increases the pressure of the lever on the heart. The isolated frog's heart is laid under the lever near the pivot, and as it beats the lever oscillates upwards and downwards. When used for de- monstrating the action of poisons the wooden lever should be covered with sealing- wax, so as to allow every particle of the poison to be washed off it, and thus prevent any portion from being left behind and interfering with a future experiment. By attaching a small point to the end of the straw in place of the paper flag, tracings may be taken upon smoked paper fixed on a revolving cylinder. The fact that heat accelerates and cold retards the pulsations of the heart is one of fundamental im- portance, both in regard to a right understanding of the quick pulse, which is one of the most prominent symptoms of fever, and to a correct knowledge of the proper treatment to apply when the heart's action is failing. It may be shown with the apparatus just described by placing a piece of ice under the tin plate. The pulsations will become slower and slower, and if the room be not too warm the heart may stand completely still in diastole. On removing the ice from the plate the pulsations of the heart become quicker. If a spirit-lamp be now held at some distance below it the heart beats quicker and quicker as the heat increases, until at last it stands still in heat-tetanus. On again cooling it by the ice, its pulsations recommence. 22 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Investigation of the Movements of the Frog's Heart. The movements of the frog's heart may be investigated either by a simple lever laid upon the ventricle (Fig. 20), or by levers laid on the sinus auricle and ventricle or by connecting the ventricle with a small manometer (Figs. 21, 22, 31 and 170). FIG. 21. Dr. H. P. Bowditch's apparatus for experiments on the heart of the frog. A is the frog's heart. B is a cannula tied into the vena cava, and B' one into the aortic bulb. C, C' and C" are three glass stopcocks. By C fresh serum is supplied, by C' old serum is let out, and C" allows the communication between the bent tube B C' B' and the manometer M to be opened or shut at will. D is a glass plate, through which the bent tube B C' B' passes. is a rod ending in a ring into which D is fitted. F is a nut by which the whole apparatus can be moved up and down on the stand G. H is a T-tube. / and /' are two clips to stop the flow of serum from K or K'. K and K' are two fountain-bottles for supplying serum to the heart. K contains pure, and K' poisoned serum. L and L' are bent tubes which convey the serum out of K and K'. M is a small manometer. N is the pen or point which swims on the mercury. The horizontal part is made of glass; the vertical rod of esparto grass, with a small piece of sealing-wax at its lower end. The tracing may be made with ink, or with a dry point on smoked paper. P is a small weight which hangs by a piece of unspun silk from a bent wire, and keeps the pen resting on the paper. Q is the revolving cylinder. R is the clockwork, which is provided with one of Foucault's regulators. 5" is a table, which can be raised or lowered at pleasure, and fixed at any height by the screw T. V is an india- rubber tube, through which the serum is emptied from X. X is a graduated tube, into which the serum is allowed to pass after it has circulated some time. Y is an india-rubber tube, which is generally closed by a clip, but is opened when the apparatus is to be filled, or when we wish to let down the mercury to zero, in order to draw an abscissa. W is a glass vessel, which fits tightly to the under side of D, and protects the heart from external irritation. Into the two holes seen in D tubes may be fitted air-tight, and the heart made to pulsate in an atmosphere of any sort of gas. MOVEMENTS OF THE FROCKS HEART According- to Gaskell, 1 who supports his opinion by numer- ous beautiful experiments, the beat of the heart in cold-blooded vertebrates depends upon the rhythmical power of the inuscu- Klask containing nutrient fluid - Valve opening towards heart Valve with slit. Recording cylinder Manometer. Heart - Valve opening"! from heart / FIG. 22. Diagram of Williams's apparatus for investigating the action of drugs on the heart of the frog. It consists of a Y-shaped cannula whose stem is divided by a longitudinal septum into two halves, each of which is continuous with the fork on its own side. The stem is inserted through the aorta into the ventricle of the heart, which is kept moist by being dipped in a vessel containing serum or a dilute saline solution. One fork of the Y is connected with a flask containing blood-serum or other nutritive fluid, and the other with a manometer. By means of valves these fluids are made to flow only in one direction. These valves consist of a piece of glass tubing with a slit on one side; over this slit is loosely tied a piece of thin membrane (gold-beater's skin) which covers about three-quarters of the circumfer- ence of the tube. This membrane allows fluid to pass readily out of the tube from within outwards, but not from without inwards, any external pressure causing the membrane to become tightly applied to the slit and to close it. A very useful form of apparatus for investigating the action of drugs on the frog's heart and on the effect of the vagus upon it is made by combining the valves in Williams's apparatus with the apparatus of Ludwig and Coats. FIG. 23. Perfusion cannula with anterior part removed so as to show the septum. a, tube for the introduction of fluid into the heart, b, tube for allowing escape of fluid, c, tube for connecting with manometer, d, end for introduction into the heart. lar tissue in the large veins and sinus being greater than the rhythmical power of the other parts of the heart. He thinks that in all cases the greater or less rhythmicity of any part of 1 Gaskell, Journ. of Physiology, 1883, vol. iv., p. 80. 24 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION the heart depends upon the nature of the muscular fiber of which that part is composed, and not upon the presence or absence of ganglion cells. k FIG. 24. View of the auricular septum in the frog (seen from the left side), he nerves are stained with osmic acid, n is the posterior, and n' the anterior cardiac nerve; t is a horizontal portion of the latter nerve; b is the posterior, and b' the anterior auriculo-ventricular ganglion; m is a projecting muscular fold. [This figure is taken by the kind permission of my friend, M. Ranvier, from his Lefons d'Anatomie generate, Annee 1877-78, "Appareils nerveux terminaux," t. 6, p. 79.] FIG. 25. Part of the posterior cardiac nerve, highly magnified, showing the ganglia. [Ranvier, Lefons d'Anatomie generals, Annee 1877-78, p. 106.] Now there can be no doubt that living protoplasm can be induced to contract rhythmically by a constant stimulus when- ever such contraction is capable of observation. Undifferen- EMBRYONIC HEART tiated protoplasm has the power both of contracting under their influence. As differentiation occurs in muscle and nerve, the contractile power becomes increased, and excitability diminished in muscle; whilst in nerves excitability becomes greatly increased and contrac- tile power so greatly lessened as to be practically abolished. In the embryo the heart pulsates rhythmically before any nerves make their appearance, and according to Gas- kell, as the simple tube of the em- bryonic heart becomes developed the specialized muscular walls acquire a power of more rapid contraction. But this nearer approach to striated muscle is made at the expense of the original rhythmical power, so that finally the muscular tissue of the heart becomes differentiated into portions of different kinds of varying rhythmical power, according to the amount of deviation from the original embryonic muscle. The parts that remain least altered are (i) the large veins, (2) the venous sinus, (3) the junction of the sinus and auricle, (4) the circularly arranged fibers of the auriculo- ven- tricular groove, and lastly, (5) the bul- bus arteriosus. The sequence of contraction of the different parts of the heart is also, according to Gaskell, no more depend- ent upon the presence of ganglion cells than the heart-beat itself, but is due to conducting stimuli and A.K. FIG. 26. Spiral ganglion cell from the pneumogastric of the frog. This figure is not taken from the cells in the cardiac nerves, as in them the connection between the spiral and straight fibers has not been clearly made out, but it is probable that these cells have a structure similar to the one figured (Ranvier, op. cit., pp. 114- 120). a is the cell-body, n the nucleus, r the nucleolus, d nucleus of the capsule, / the straight fiber, g Henle's sheath, sp spiral fiber, g' its gaine, n' nucleus of Henle's sheath. [Ranvier, Lefons d'Anatomie generate, Annee 1877-78, p. 114-] 26 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION a peristaltic wave of contraction starting from that part of the heart where the tissue is most automatically rhythmical, travel- ling most quickly over those parts which approach most nearly in properties to striated muscle, and more slowly over those parts which retain a more embryonic character, viz., the auric- ulo-ventricular ring and the bulbus arteriosus. According to Gaskell, the cardiac muscle under certain circumstances will act like a nerve, conveying a stimulus to other parts of the heart without contracting itself. His experiments, I think, clearly show that the rhythmical action and normal sequence of contraction in the cavities can be maintained by the more or less differentiated cardiac muscle without ganglia or nerves. But although this may occur under certain circumstances, more especially when abnormal stimuli are applied, the ques- tions arise (i) Is the contraction of the heart, under normal condi- tions, due entirely to its muscular tissue? (2) Are the gan- glia it contains entirely superfluous, except in the way of restraining its beats, or maintaining the nutrition of the cardiac muscle? Now, there can be no doubt that the heart of the embryo pulsates rhythmically before any nerves Amoeba quickly chang- make their appearance. The vesi- cle in an amoeba contracts (Fig. 27), although there are no nerves, and numerous observations go to show that living protoplasm can be induced to contract by a constant stimulus wherever such contraction is capable of observation. But the question is not whether the heart can contract rhythmically without nervous action, but does it do this under ordinary circum- stances ? Comparison between the Heart and a Medusa. Experi- ments of Romanes. The nervous and muscular structures of FIG. 27. ing its form, n is the nucleus, and f is an ingested diatom. COMPARISON BETWEEN HEART AND MEDUSA Polypite Tentacles. IJell.. Lithocyst and ganglion. Lithocyst and ganglion Bell. Tentacles.... Polypite. Fie. 28. Medusa (Sarsia), natural size. FIG. 29. Medusa (Sarsia), natural size (inverted). , FIG. 30. Ventricle of frog's heart with Bid- der's ganglia. the heart are very intimately related, and it is perhaps easier to observe the relationship between protoplasm and nerves in the medusae, or jelly-fish, where they can be more easily sepa- rated. A number of observations were made upon medusse by Romanes. 1 A medusa consists of a bell-shaped piece of contractile protoplasm, from the center of which a polyp descends, and round the margin of the bell is a nervous gangliated chain and a fringe of mobile tentacles. (Fig. 28.) For the purpose of description, we may put the polyp, for the present, out of account, and if we invert the bell (Fig. 29) we find that it bears a very close resemblance to the ventricle of the frog, which, like it, consists of a contractile portion with ganglia at its margin. (Fig. 30.) When the complete medusa is placed in sea-water, the bell contracts rhyth- mically,' just like a heart. When the nerves are removed by cutting off the marginal strip which contains them, the bell ceases to contract; but it will recommence if a constant stimu- lus, either chemical or electrical, be applied to it by the addition of acid to the water in which it floats, by alcohol or glycerine dropped on its surface, or by the passage of a constant or interrupted electrical current through it. 2 In this respect it completely resembles the apex of the frog's heart, which ceases 1 Romanes, Phil. Trans., 1877, for 1876, vol. clxvi., p. 269; for 1878, vol. clxvii., p. 659; for 1881, vol. clxxi., p. 161. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1876, p. 143, etc. 2 Romanes, op. cit., and Jelly-fish, Star-fish and Sea-urchins, p. 175 et seq.; vol. iv. of International Scientific Series (Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London, 1885). 28 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION to beat when the ganglia at its base are removed, but which will again beat rhythmically if a constant stimulus be applied FIG. 31. Diagram to show the difference in the mode of experimenting with the heart and with the apex alone. In a the apex alone is attached to the cannula. In b the heart, consisting of ventricle and auricles, or of the venous sinus also, is attached to the cannula. FIG. 32. Shows the increasing contrac- tions of the tissue of the medusa when stimulated by repeated weak induction shocks of the same intensity. The first two shocks had no apparent effect, and the first feeble contraction seen in the figure was caused by the third shock. (From a paper by Romanes in Phil. Trans.) to it by pressure of fluid in its inside, by the application of stimuli such as dilute acids or alkalies, ammonia, strong saline FIG. 33. Increasing contractions of the ventricle of the frog's heart with successive stimuli. (After Bowditch, Ludwig's Arbeiten.) Cf. Fig. 57. solution, alcohol, etc., or by the passage of a constant current through it. Moreover, when a stimulus is first applied it may Strip of contractile tissue with fringe of tentacles FIG. 34. Diagram of a medusa (Tiaropsis), about one-third natural size, with a strip of contractile tissue cut from the bell, but left attached at one end. PROPAGATION OF STIMULI IN MEDUSA 29 not appear to act, but when applied several times the contrac- tions it induces are stronger and stronger up to a certain maxi- mum (Fig. 32), so as to produce the appearance of a staircase a phenomenon which was also observed by Bowditch 1 in the case of the heart. (Fig. 33.) When a strip of medusa con- taining the ganglia is detached only at one end from the animal and is left attached at the other, irritation of the strip will cause a wave to pass along, which is of two kinds. The first is that of contraction in the protoplasm, and the other is a ner- vous stimulus, which makes itself evident by the movements of the tentacles. (Fig. 34.) These waves generally pass to- gether, the nervous wave being usually a little in front of the contraction wave; but it may also occur, as is shown by the movements of the tentacles, without any contraction-wave in the protoplasm of the strip. This nervous wave is more easily excited than the contraction-wave, so that it may be started by stimuli which are too slight to affect the contractile substance, the ganglia apparently being more sensitive than the proto- plasm. Apparently, also, for this reason, when the nervous wave reaches the bell it will cause it to contract if there be ganglia still present in the bell ; but if these have been removed, the nervous wave has not the power of stimulating the proto- plasm in the bell, which, consequently, remains motionless. The passage of stimuli along the strip may be hindered or prevented by compressing it, by partially dividing it so as to narrow it, or by straining it so as to injure it, or by poisons, and as one would expect- from different kinds of injury, some- times the contraction wave is blocked first and sometimes the nervous wave. The effects of poisons on medusae were localized by Romanes (Phil. Trans, for 1876 and 1877) in two ways. One way was to divide the medusa almost into two halves, connected only by a narrow strip of tissue. These halves were plunged into two beakers filled with sea-water, pure in one and poisoned in 1 Bowditch, Ludti'ig's Arbeitcn, 1871, p. 155. THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION the other. The connecting strip rested upon the edges of the beaker. (Fig. 35.) When curare was employed in this way, it was found to paralyze the motor nerves, while it left the sensory nerves capable of action. Thus, on nipping the half of a medusa which was plunged in the curare solution, it re- mained absolutely motionless, while the other half at once re- sponded by a peculiar contraction to the stimulus. Nicotine appeared to paralyze the ganglionic structures and not the nerves. The rhythmical movements of medusae depend upon the ganglia: when these are all cut off the movements cease, but if only one be left the movements continue. In the medusa divided into two halves, as already de- scribed, it is evident that if the ganglia are removed from one half, or one half rendered functionally inactive by poison, that half will still continue to contract, so long as it remains connected with the other half, but will cease to move when it is completely divided from the half which still contains ganglia. The effect of nicotine is such as one would expect if the poison paralyzes the ganglia, for it is found that when one half of a medusa is steeped in water containing nicotine, both halves still continue to pulsate rhythmically; so soon as the connecting band of tissue is di- vided, the poisoned half at once ceases to move, while the other half continues to pulsate. The second way in which Romanes localized the action of poisons on medusae was by applying them to a strip of contrac- tile tissue. (Fig. 36.) He found that various poisons ap- plied to the strip, or injected into it, caused a blockage of con- tractile waves, preceded by a progressive slowing of the rate of transmission along the poisoned part. Chloroform, ether, alcohol, morphine, strychnine and curare all have this effect. FIG. 35. Diagram- matic representation of the method of localizing the action of poisons on medusae. One vessel con- tains normal sea-water; another contains poi- soned sea-water, which is shaded in order to dis- tinguish it. EFFECT OF POISONS ON MEDUSA 31 When the block is only partial, it may happen that three waves come up to it before one can pass across, as if each wave had prepared the passage for the remainder, and at last the third or fourth overcomes the obstacle. Gaskell has noticed a similar effect from compression of the FIG. 36. Medusa (Aurelia aurita) from which the ganglia have been removed, and the bell cut into a long strip with cross cuts to block the passage of contractile and tentacular waves. The polypite is at the other end. a and b are at the two ends of the strip. When stimulation was applied to either a or b, a tentacular wave started from that point and travelled all the way to the other end. After Romanes, Phil. Trans, for the year 1877, vol. clxvii., part ii., p. 719, and Plate 31. auriculo-ventricular groove in the frog's heart, and the same thing is also observed in certain cases of cardiac disease and from the action of cardiac poisons. (Fig. 37.) Transmission of Stimuli in the Heart. If (i) all the rhythmical power of the auricles and ventricles and (2) all 32 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION their coordinated action are dependent only on the cardiac muscle, one would say that it was quite unnecessary to have such an extraordinary abundance of nerves as exists in the heart. One would be inclined to say that they are superabund- ant and useless, but one cannot help remembering that years _U_ Hi IV ptr yi i i etc. y a- o FIG. 37. Diagram to illustrate Gaskell's experiment. At a the jaws of the clamp hold the heart without compressing it, and each beat of the auricle is succeeded by one of the ventricle, as shown by the figure i. At b the heart is compressed, and its rhythm disturbed, so that one beat of the ventricle only occurs for several of the auricles. This is indicated by the Roman numbers, the upper line of which shows the number of auricular, and the lower- of ventricular beats. ago the liver was looked upon as a totally unimportant organ, whose only function it was to secrete a little bile. Fuller knowledge has shown that instead of being useless, it is one of the most important organs in the body; and in all proba- bility increased knowledge will again show the importance of the cardiac nerves. 1 In order that we may understand the object of these nerves more easily, I may perhaps be allowed to employ a simple com- parison. A railway train, when once started, usually proceeds from station to station without interference; but alongside the rail, or overhead, run the telegraph wires, and at any station the progress of the train may be stopped by a message sent by the telegraph. You will notice also that in many railways an electric bell rings before the train actually appears, so that all preparations may be made for its arrival. In the heart the transmission of stimuli by the cardiac muscle would correspond to the passage of the train; the transmission by the nerves would correspond to the telegraph, by which the movement of 1 The importance of the cardiac ganglia in originating the beats of the heart has been prominently brought forward since these lectures were given, by Dogiel and Archangelsky, Pfliiger's Archiv, July, 1906, vol. cxiii., pp. 1-96. CONDUCTION OF STIMULI IN THE HEART 33 the ventricle might either be stopped, even after an impulse had been sent on from the auricle, or, on the other hand, the ven- tricle might be prepared to respond more quickly to the stimu- lus passing from the auricle. The advantage of such a prepa- ration is evident from Romanes' experiments, in which stimuli did not always produce the proper effect unless they had been preceded by another stimulus which prepared the protoplasm to react. Nervous and Muscular Conduction in the Heart. Act- ing upon the idea which I have tried to illustrate to you by the train and the telegraph, Dr. Cash and I endeavored to find out whether we were able, by stimulation of the venous sinus or of the auricle in the excised frog's heart, to produce such changes in the ventricular contraction as one might expect if there were really two lines of communication, nervous and muscular, instead of muscular alone. The bearing of this upon cardiac irregularity is naturally of the greatest importance. I have already mentioned that there is a refractory period during which the ventricle does not appear to react to stimula- tion. This was pointed out by Marey, and the time relations of this period, as well as the electrical changes which accom- pany it, were investigated by Sir John Burdon-Sanderson and Mr. Page. 1 Experiments of Brunton and Cash. The results that Cash and I obtained agree with those of previous observers, and I show you here some tracings to illustrate this point. In regard to these tracings, as well as to all the others contained in the paper from which it is taken, I may say that the investi- gation extended over nearly three years, that the number of tracings was enormous, and that our conclusions were founded upon very numerous observations, and not merely upon the small pieces which are printed in the paper, which were cut down to the lowest possible minimum, on account of the ex- pense of printing. These illustrations are merely to show the 1 Burdon-Sanderson and Page, Roy. Soc. Proc., 1878, p. 410; 1880, p. 373. 4 34 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION points which we made out, but are not to be regarded as being the basis upon which our conclusions were founded. 1 I wish to lay particular stress upon this point, lest the small number of tracings printed in the paper should lead other workers on this subject to reject our conclusions as being founded on insufficient data, when in fact the number of experiments was very large. Irritation of the ventricle at the commencement of systole nearly up to its maximum, i. e., during the refractory period, has no 1 effect at all. (Fig. 38, a, &.) Stimulation from the maximum of systole to its end causes a reduplication of the systole (Fig. 39), and in the diastole it does the same almost immediately. (Fig. 40.) When the auricle is stimulated, the stimulation may cause a second auricular beat immediately after the first. (Fig. 41.) This second beat, in place of being succeeded by a ventricular pulse, prevents the next ventricular beat from following in order, just as two trains may be started in almost immediate succession from one station, and a telegraphic message may be sent on at the same time that the second train is not to be allowed to pass the next station. When the venous sinus was stimulated it produced redupli- cation of the auricular beat, but absence of the ventricular beat which should have succeeded it, in much the same way. (Fig. 42.) Conduction of Impulses both by Muscle and Nerves. These experiments, which were not only very numerous, but very varied, seemed to us to show that, just as in a medusa, there are in the heart two distinct channels, the nervous as well as the muscular, by which stimuli are conducted from one part 1 Brunton and Cash, " On electrical stimulation of the Frog's Heart, and its modification by cold, heat, and the action of drugs," Roy. Soc. Proc., 1881, vol. xxxii., No. 214, and 1883, vol. 35, No. 227, p. 455. The instru- ment with which the observations were made was devised by Dr. Cash, and described by him, Journ. of Physiology, iv., 1883, p. 128. BRUNTON AND CASH S EXPERIMENTS 35 FIG. 38. Tracing showing the effect of electrical stimulation upon the ventricle of the frog's heart. The upper line shows the ventricular contraction, the lower one the auricular contraction, and the middle line the time of application of the electrical stimulus. The depression shows the time of breaking, and the ascent the time of again making the current. In most of these tracings only the break is effective as a stimulus. The arrow shows the direction in which the tracing is to be read. The dotted line shows more exactly the exact time in regard to the systole at which the stimulus was applied. In both o and b the stimulus falls within the refractory period, and produces no effect. In this and the following tracings the movements of the ventricle and auricle were registered by levers resting on them. FIG. 39. Effect of electrical stimulation of the frog's ventricle after the refractory period has passed. It shows different forms of reduplication; also, that the auricular systole following the stimu- lation is nearly coincident with, or even a little later than, the ventricular systole, instead of pre- ceding it in the usual way. FIG. 40. Shows redupli- cation of the beat of the ventricle from stimulation applied to it during the diastole. of the heart to another, and that the nervous conduction may interfere with the muscular conduction. 1 explanation is in accord with the conducting function of the bundles of His, or the fibers of Purkinje, which may be regarded as neuro- muscular. Since these lectures were given, the conducting function of the muscular bundle described by Stanley Kent in 1892 (Proc. Physiol. Soc., Nov., 1892), and by William His, junior, in 1893, which connects the auricles and ventricles, has attracted much attention, and the neuro- muscular fibers described by Purkinje have also come again more into notice. The bundle of His is thus described by him: "The bundle springs from the posterior wall of the right auricle, near the auricular septum, in THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 41. Shows effect of stimulation of the auricle on the beats of the auricle itself and of the ventricle. The weaker stimulus in a produces no reduplication of the auricular beat, although other experiments showed that it usually produced a very prolonged pause. In the lower tracing b, stimulation had various effects, according to the time of the auricular systole at which it was applied. At b i it caused redupli- cation of the auricular beat, with omission of the ventricular beat; at 2 it only pro- duces prolongation of diastole in both auricle and ventricle, and the third had no apparent effect. FIG. 42. Shows the effect of stimulation of the venous sinus. It is much more sensitive to stimulation than either the auricle or ventricle, so stimuli will produce an effect upon it, although too weak to act on either auricle or ventricle. It causes re- duplication of the auricular and omission of the ventricular beat, like stimulation of the auricle at a, Fig. 40. In the experiment of which this is a tracing a minimal stimulus was employed, and only the opening of the current was effective. The open- ing is indicated by the sinking of the continuous line, and its closing by the rise. The closing shock produced no effect. The relation between the time of stimulation and the auricular contraction (lower tracing) and the ventricular contraction (upper tracing) is shown by the dotted lines. FIG. 43. Periodic rhythm of the heart, the pulsations occurring in groups separated by intervals of complete quiescence. KRONECKER AND SCHMEY KENT AND HIS 37 Another experiment which is very striking is that of Kronecker and Schmey, 1 who found that by puncturing a point in the septum of the ventricles, at about the junction of its upper third with its lower two-thirds, the rhythmical action of the heart is stopped immediately, and little, quivering tremors are to be seen all over the ventricle, but, while the fibers are FIG. 44. Tracing of the pulsations of a ventricle separated from the auricles by sec- tion at the auriculo-ventricular groove. After Ranvier, Lcfons, 1877-78. contracting, the heart, as a whole, is quiescent. It is not always easy to hit this point. My friend, Professor Kron- ecker, tells me that he has sometimes struck it at the third the auriculo-ventricular sulcus, is attached to the superior edge of the muscle forming the ventricular septum, and exchanges fibers with it. It passes forwards on the ventricular septum, till near the aorta it divides into a right and left branch, the latter of which ends in the base of the aortic cusp of the mitral valve. (William His, junior, Arbeitcn aus der medicinischen Klinik Zu Leipzig herausgegeben, von Dr. H. Curshmann, Leipzig, F. C. Vogel, 1893, p. 23.) No nerve trunks are to be found in this bundle (Ritzer, quoted by Erlanger), but it contains nerve fibers (Tawara and Aschdff, Zeitsch. f. Physiol., 1905, xix., p. 298), and the muscle fibers are very fine and of an embryonal character. The ventricular part of the bundle passes as a finely ramifying system to the ventricular wall and papillary muscles, and consists of Purkinje's fibers. These fibers consist of cells which are only striated on their periphery, and may be re- garded as only partially differentiated, and possessing the properties of nerve as well as muscle (Ranvier, Legons d' Anatomic Generate, Systeme Musculaire, Paris, 1850, p. 300). They appear to conduct the stimuli from the auricle to the ventricle in mammalian hearts more slowly than nerves. When the conducting power of the bundle of His is destroyed by clamp- ing it, similar disturbances of the relation between the rhythm of the auricles and ventricles is produced, as Gaskell observed in the frog's heart (Stanley Kent, Journ. of Physiol., 1893, vol. xiv., p. 250; and Erlanger, Journ. of Experimental Medicine, vol. viii., p. 8). Their degeneration produces heart block and intermittence of the pulse. 1 Kronecker and Schmey, Sits. bcr. d. Akad. d. IViss. zu Berlin, 1884, s. 87. 38 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION attempt, but on other occasions he has tried more than thirty, and I think that when he showed it to me it was quite fifty times, but the difference between the time when he did not strike it and the time when he did so was most extraordinary. The effect of the thin needle penetrating the heart appeared to be nil until he struck the proper point, and then the rhythmical power was instantly and completely abolished. The effect on the heart was similar to that of puncture of the nceud vital in the fourth ventricle upon respiration. FIG. 45. Diagram of the author's instrument for ascertaining the competence ot the mitral or tricuspid valves, and illustrating the action of the musculi papillares. D is a section of the heart, with the valves () and the chordae tendineae (F). The nozzle (A) of an enema apparatus is taken off and its longer end thrust from the inside through the ventricular wall (B), and is there kept in place by the flange on the inside and a thick rubber ring (C) on the outside. On pumping water gently in, the valves () will be seen to float upon the surface of the water, then to become firmly opposed or screwed together, and only when the ventricle is forcibly distended or dis- torted by unequal pressure on its sides do the valves leak. (Lauder Brunton, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1878, vol. xv., p. 283.) It is almost impossible to explain such a result as this on the idea that rhythmical contractility is dependent only upon the muscular structure ; but one can quite readily understand it on the other idea, viz., that there are two controlling conditions VALVES OF THE HEART 39 in the heart (i) the nervous and (2) the muscular, and that these may, under certain circumstances, interfere with each FIG. 46. Heart in full sys- FIG. 47. The same heart as tole, showing the mitral and in Fig. 46, from another point tricuspid orifices so diminished of view, by the muscular contraction that the valves close them easily. other, and thus abolish contraction more or less completely, and produce intermittence or irregularity of the pulse. FIG. 48. Heart fully distended, showing insufficiency of the valves to close the mitral and tricuspid orifices. Valves of the Heart. All these experiments have a bear- ing upon the rhythm of the heart, as we shall afterwards see, 4O THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION but the more common diseases of the heart are really those associated with imperfection of the valves. If the valves were not present, the blood, instead of being forced steadily onward, would tend to regurgitate, but the presence of the valves pre- vents this. In the aorta and pulmonary artery we have three segments which are simply brought together like those of an ordinary pump, by the pressure within the artery when the ventricle ceases to contract. In the valves which separate the auricle from the ventricle, we require something more than this, because the valves are large, and when the walls of the ventricle approximate during systole the thin valves would be driven back into the auricle, were it not that they are attached by fine cords and by muscular columns which, contracting with the rest of the ventricle, draw the valves downwards and pre- vent them from being forced back into the auricles. (Fig. 45.) The action of these valves is aided by the contraction of the muscular fibers around the auriculo-ventricular orifices, which are greatly lessened in diameter, so much so that one might say that even imperfect valves might close them (Figs. 46 and 47) ; whereas when the cardiac contraction is feeble the orifices may be too large to be completely covered, and thus a certain amount of regurgitation may take place even though the valves themselves are perfectly healthy (Fig. 48). LECTURE II Sounds of the Heart Double Nature of the Heart Right Ventricle Aorta Arteries and Capillaries Vaso-motor Nerves Dilating Nerves Elongation of Muscle(?) Rhythmical Contraction of Vessels Stimula- tion of Vessels from without Stimulation of Vessels from within Effect of Heat and Cold on the Circulation Effect of Heat and Cold on the Pulmonary Capillaries Schema of the Circulation Kymographs Blood Pressure in Animals Blood Pressure in Man Measurement of the Blood Pressure in Man Instruments for Measuring the Blood Pressure in Man : By Pressure on an Artery ; By Pressure on a Finger or Limb ; Sphygmo- manometers of Herisson, Waller, Von Basch, Potain and Oliver; Instru- ments of Marey, Mosso and Gaertner. Sounds of the Heart. The closure of the valves in the heart occasions sounds which can be heard by putting the ear to the chest wall, and they can be still better localized by the use of a stethoscope. When we do this, we hear sounds which are well imitated by the syllables " lub-dup," close to one an- other. These syllables follow one another quickly, and then comes an interval, which represents the diastole of the heart. The credit of showing that the second sound, " dup," is caused by the closure of the aortic valves, belongs to C. J. B. Williams, and the committee in which he, Hale, and Glendinning took part. 1 They showed that when the aortic valves were de- stroyed, the sound disappeared. The causation of the first sound, however, has given rise to a great deal of discussion. Some authors have considered it to be a valvular sound, and due to the flapping together of the auriculo-ventricular valves ; whilst others, like Magendie, have thought it to be caused by the striking of the apex against the chest wall, and yet others have looked upon it as being a muscular sound, due to the ventricular contraction. There seems to be little doubt now, from the experiments of Ludwig, Dogiel, 2 and others, that the 1 Sixth Report of the British Association, 1836, p. 265. 2 Ludwig' 's Arbeiten, 1878, p. 78. 42 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION first sound is chiefly muscular, and brought about by the con- traction of the ventricle; but the experiments of Ottomar Bayer 1 in Ludvvig's laboratory demonstrated that, apart from the muscular sound, a distinct valvular click could be obtained by the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves in a dead heart, whilst Williams and his confreres found, in addition, that the first sound was intensified by allowing the exposed heart to beat against a piece of board. We may thus consider that there are three factors which all take part in the produc- tion of the first sound, viz., (i) the ventricular contraction, (2) the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves, and (3) the impulse of the apex against the chest wall. As we would expect, the first sound is heard most loudly over the apex, which is the point of the chest wall nearest to the ventricle. The second sound is heard more sharply over the aortic valves, which lie beneath the left side of the sternum, at about the level of the third intercostal space, but is heard still better at the point where the aorta most nearly approaches the sternum at its right edge, and at the level of the second inter- costal space or third costal cartilage. Alterations in the Second Sound. When we hear a door slammed loudly, we know that it is closed quickly in conse- quence of the application of unusual force; and just as we would expect, when tension is high in the aorta the second sound is louder than usual, or as it is termed, is accentuated, and this accentuation of the second sound over the aorta is one of great clinical importance, indicating as it does, high arterial tension or aortic atheroma or aneurism. Alteration in the First Sound. The causation of the first sound being more complex, alterations in it occur from a greater number of causes. As it is to a great extent a muscu- lar sound, we should naturally expect that weakness of the cardiac muscle, such as occurs in fevers, would lessen the sound, and this is exactly what occurs. In cases of typhoid fever, when the first sound becomes inaudible we know that the heart 1 O. Bayer, Arch. f. Hcilk., xi., p. 157. SOUNDS OF THE HEART MURMURS 43 is so weak as to render the prognosis grave. But it would appear that it is not mere muscular strength which causes the sound to become loud : it is rather rapidity of contraction ; and even a comparatively feeble heart may have a loud, clear first sound if the tension in the aorta is low, or, in other words, if the resistance it has to overcome is small, so that it can contract rapidly. When the arterial tension is high, and the resistance to be overcome is consequently great, the muscular walls of the ventricle contract comparatively slowly, and even when hypertrophied far beyond their normal size, they may give rise to a sound weaker and duller than normal. Of course, the rapid contraction not only gives rise to a greater muscular sound, but it closes the auriculo-ventricular valves more sharply, and thus increases also the valvular part of the first sound. And yet, again, a heart contracting quickly gives a sharp, or as it is sometimes called, a slapping impulse to the chest wall, while the more powerfully hypertrophied heart, act- ing on a greater resistance, gives a thudding or pushing im- pulse not likely to cause so much resonance, and thus the sound will again be diminished. The last factor in the production of the first sound in the heart may also be lessened by a thick layer of lung between the ventricle and the chest wall, as in emphysema, and the lung will also tend to deaden the sound by acting as a non-conductor between the ventricle and the ear. Cardiac Murmurs. When the aortic valves are destroyed, the sharp " dup " which their closure causes in health disap- pears, and is replaced by a bruit or murmur. You will most easily understand this by trying to say " dup " with your lips apart, and you will then find that without thinking of it you reproduce the sounds actually heard in aortic incompetency. When it is slight, the closure of the valves is still heard, but is followed by a whiff, as when you say " duff," and in aortic regurgitation the sounds are like " lub-duff." The same hap- pens with the mitral valve, and when this valve alone is incom- petent, the sounds of the heart are like " luff-dup " " luff- dup." When both valves are slightly incompetent, the sounds 44 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION are like " luff-duff " " luff-duff "; and when both valves are very incompetent, a bellows murmur occurs, like " oho-oho." Double Nature of the Heart. For the sake of simplicity, I have spoken hitherto of the heart as if it consisted only of the left side, but we have in man, as in other mammals, really two hearts joined together in one, the right and the left; the right sending the blood through the lungs for the purpose of aerating it, and the left sending the blood through the body in order to nourish the tissues. Both hearts receive the blood from the large veins into the auricles, which, contracting, send it on to the ventricles, and thence it is propelled by the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and by the left ventricle into the aorta. As I mentioned before, both the vena cava and the pulmonary veins have the power of rhythmically inde- pendent pulsation apart from the auricle, and the cardiac beat may frequently though probably not always, originate in them. 1 Right Ventricle. The resistance which the right ventricle has to overcome in driving the blood through the pulmonary artery is only about one-third that presented by the aorta, and, consequently, the right ventricle is only about one-third the strength of the left. The tricuspid valves, which separate the right ventricle from the right auricle, are much more easily rendered incompetent by distension of the ventricle than are the mitral valves, and' this tendency to incompetency has been regarded, and I think with truth, as a safety valve, preventing the stoppage of the right ventricle by over-distension, and allowing the blood to pass back into the venous reservoirs, of which I have already spoken. Aorta. On looking at the aorta, one would say that it is entirely composed of fibrous tissue, and consequently is not likely to possess any contractile power, and yet it would appear to have such a power, for in the case of a criminal executed at Wurzburg, it was found to contract on the application of elec- tricity shortly after death. 2 1 Vide, p. 20. * Vcrhandl. d. Med. Phys. Gescllsch., Wurzburg, 1854, p. i ; and Schmidt's Jahrb., vol. Ixxxv., p. 12. VASO-MOTOR NERVES DILATING NERVES 45 Arteries and Capillaries. As we pass down the arterial system the muscular fibers become more developed, and in the arterioles we find a continuous muscular layer, while in the capillaries we have nothing but contractile cells. Just as in the case of the heart, where we have two kinds of nerves having an opposing action, so we have in the vessels nerves which cause contraction and others which cause dilatation. When working with Schweigger-Seidel in Ludwig's laboratory in 1869, I made a number of observations on the nerves of the arterioles and veins, but these were not published, as I did not discover anything new. I tried in vain to find any evidence of nerve fibers entering the muscular cells of the arterioles, but could never observe it. All that I could find was a regular net- work of minute nervous fibrils running over the surface of the muscular layer. At the points where these fibrils cross there are small thickenings or knots, but nothing at all like ganglion cells. Vaso-motor Nerves. Dilating Nerves. Elongation of Muscle (?). The vaso-motor system, as I have already said, has its chief center in the medulla oblongata, but it has sub- sidiary centers in the spinal cord itself, and in the ganglionic chain of the sympathetic. When the centers or nervous trunks of the vaso-motor nerves are irritated, the vessels contract ; but there are other nerves which when irritated cause dilatation instead of contraction, and this dilatation is greater than that which occurs on the division of the vaso-motor fibers supplying the vessel. 1 This fact is generally explained by supposing that irritation of the dilating nerves has an inhibitory action upon local vaso-motor mechanisms close to the vessels, though, for my own part, I should be inclined to accept the much simpler explanation that a transverse as well as a longitudinal contrac- tion may occur in the muscular cells of the arterioles, and such a transverse contraction would elongate each cell and dilate the vessel, just as the longitudinal contraction would shorten and 1 Vide Tigerstedt, Lehrb. d. Physiol. d. Kreislaufs, p. 512 (Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1893). 4 6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION thicken the cell and thus contract the vessel. In many in- stances, dilatation or dilation is connected with peripheral gan- glia ; for example, in the sub-maxillary gland and in the nervi erigentes, but that it is always due to such nervous causation is, I think, doubtful. For a good while, the contractility of capillaries was doubted, but the observations of Strieker and others have now, I think, put this fact be- yond dispute. 1 When working under Lud- wig's direction I also noticed that local irri- tation would sometimes cause, not contrac- tion, but dilatation of an arteriole. 2 Similar observations were made by Gunning and Cohnheim in the frog; so that, just as the effect of nerves upon the heart itself, to the exclusion of muscular irritability, is now recognized to be wrong, so in all probability the properties of the muscular elements of the arterioles, like those of the heart, will by FIG. 49. Diagram to and by receive more atten tion than they have hitherto done. Rhythmical Contraction of Vessels.- illustrate the hypothet- ical transverse contrac- tion of muscle. (a) Muscle in relaxed con- dition, (&) in contrac- Rhythmical contraction of the veins was tion, (c) in elongation. observed to exist by Wharton Jones, 3 Schiff, 4 and Vulpian. 5 The arteries also contract rhythmically under the influence of the vaso-motor center, and give rise to periodic pulsations which are coincident with respiration. In addition to these, however, the arteries themselves pulsate 6 periodically. 7 It is difficult to see this pulsation in healthy people, but it can be well observed, as a rule, in patients suffer- 1 Strieker, Sits. Ber. d. k. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Math.-nat. Cl, 1865, 41, Abt. 2-3, 51; 1866, 52; 1876, Abt. 3, 316. 2 Lauder Brunton, Ludwig's Arbeiten, 4ter Jahrg., and Collected Papers on Circulation (First Series, pp. 160, 178). 8 Wharton Jones, Phil. Trans., 1842, p. 131. * Schiff, Arch. d. ges. Physiol., xxvi., p. 456. 6 Vulpian, Mem. Soc. Biol., iii., 1856, p. 223, and 1858, p. 3. 6 Schiff. 7 Lauder Brunton, Ludwig's Arbeiten, 4ter Jahrg., 1869. STIMULATION OF BLOOD-VESSELS EXTERNAL 47 ing from aortic regurgitation. In such cases the face is usu- ally pale, but if the finger-nail be rapidly drawn across the forehead, a red streak appears which alternately widens and narrows, and this movement on careful observation will be seen to show three rhythms. The first coincides with the pulse, and occurs between sixty and seventy times per minute ; the second with respiration, about eighteen or twenty times per minute; and the third, or capillary rhythm, is only about three times per minute. 1 Stimulation of Blood-vessels from without. It is difficult FIG. 50. Vessels in the web of a frog's foot in the normal condition (after Lister). to explain the various local alterations of the circulation, if we look entirely to the nervous system for an explanation of them ; whereas the explanation is easy if we acknowledge the power of vessels to contract or dilate from alterations in their con- tractile element apart from the nervous, although, just as in the heart, we must fully recognize the enormous influence of the nervous system upon the vessels. Thus, when we apply a mustard poultice to the skin the rapid dilatation of the vessels and consequent redness which immediately follows the applica- 1 Lander Brunton, Journ. of Physiol., 1884, vol. v., p. 14. 4 8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 51- The same vessels after irritation. FIG. 52. Apparatus for registering muscular contraction. It consists of an up- right stand on which two horizontal bars may be moved by a rack and pinion. The upper bar ends in a clamp, the lower carries a delicate lever, the part near the hinge being of metal, and the part beyond of light wood tipped with quill or tinfoil. a, a Wires for exciting muscle; b, muscle; c, writing lever. In the figure no arrange- ment is shown for exciting the nerve, and for the sake of simplicity the weight is shown directly under the muscle. In actual experiment, however, the weight should be applied close to the axle, or on it, so as to lessen oscillation due to the inertia of the lever. STIMULATION OF BLOOD-VESSELS INTERNAL 49 tion are probably due to nervous influence, but the permanent redness, which may remain for several days, is more likely to be due to a local alteration in the .vessels themselves. (Fig. Si-) Stimulation of Vessels from within. A still more impor- tant question, however, than the effect of irritation of the ves- Screw Screw Framework Clockwork ur FIG. 53. Revolving cylinder for recording movements. The screws at the top are for fixing the cylinder in position. The brass pin is for making or breaking a cur- rent at a given time in the revolution. It does this by striking against a small key. The curve is described by the lever, Fig. 73. The abscissa, or zero line, is drawn by a fixed point, and serves to show the height of the contraction. sels from the outside, is that of stimulation from the inside by various products of tissue waste or by strain. In chronic inter- stitial nephritis the blood pressure tends to rise gradually, so as to threaten life either from cardiac failure or from arterial rup- ture. This high tension appears to commence by increased resistance to the passage of blood through the arterioles and 5 SO THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION capillaries. By some it is attributed to chronic contraction of the arterioles with hypertrophy of their muscular walls, by FIG. 54. Tracing of the normal contraction of the gastrocnemius of a frog. FIG. 55. Effect of heat and cold on muscle. In a the muscle has been artificially warmed, and in b it has been cooled. Heat makes the contraction more rapid, cold makes it slower. FIG. 56. Effect of fatigue on muscle. FIG. 57. Tracing of the contractions of a muscle with stimuli of increasing strength. The numbers indicate the distance in centimeters of the secondary from the primary coil in the induction apparatus. As and Des indicate the ascending and descending direction of the current. Cf. Figs. 31 and 32. others to a fibroid thickening. It is probable that both of these conditions occur, but for my own part I am inclined to believe that the arterial contraction plays a very great part in EFFECT OF HEAT AND COLD ON THE CIRCULATION 5 I it, as we are able to reduce the tension by means of appropriate medicines, such as nitrites, which one would hardly do if it were entirely or even mainly due to a fibroid condition. Effect of Heat and Cold on the Circulation. Two agents which have a very marked effect, both upon the vessels and the heart, as well as on muscular tissue generally, are heat and cold. When we put the hand into hot water we find at once that the arteries dilate and the hand becomes red, showing that the capillary circulation is free; but we notice also that the veins not only become full, but become lighter in color, evi- dencing that the blood within them is more arterial. Heat applied to the heart quickens the pulsations 1 and at the same time increases their strength, the quickening being chiefly due to the effect of the heat upon the sinus or auricles, and the increased strength to its effect upon the ventricle. (Fig. 59.) Cold has an opposite effect. (Fig. 64.) When applied to the extremities, it makes the arteries contract, the fingers shrink and become pale, though after a while the veins appear to dilate, and the skin assumes a bluish color from venous conges- tion. Cold applied to the heart makes its movements both slower and feebler. It is evident from what I have said that the local action of either heat and cold upon the vessels and heart is of such a character as in itself to coordinate the effect it produces upon both, independently of a nervous system, if applied to both at the same time; because when heat causes the vessels to dilate, so that a larger supply of blood is demanded, it also causes the heart to pulsate more quickly and more forcibly, so as to give the necessary supply. When the arteries are contracted by cold and a small amount of blood only can pass through them, the cold acts on the heart also, slowing and weakening its con- traction and thus lessening the supply. But while cold and heat may act nearly equally upon the extremities and the heart of a frog, it is not so in warm-blooded animals, where the 1 Lauder Brunton, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1871, vol. vii., and Collected Papers (First Series, p. 204). THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIGS. 58 TO 67. EFFECT OF COLD AND HEAT ON THE HEART. FIG. 58. Tracing of the beats of a frog's heart, just after excision, made by the author with a simple lever (Fig. 20). The beats are abnormally slow, probably from irritation of the vagus or venous sinus during excision. FIG. 59. Tracing from the same heart, in which the beats have been quickened by heat applied by placing a spirit lamp a good way under the plate on which the heart rests. FIG. 60. Continuation of Fig. 59. The heart is becoming warmer, and the beats become quicker, irregular, and intermittent. FIG. 61. Continuation of Fig. 60. The heat has become greater, and the heart stops in heat tetanus. On the removal of the spirit lamp the beats recommence, but are faint and irregular. FIG. 62. Subsequent extreme slowing by placing a piece of ice under the plate on which the heart rested. The tremors are probably entirely due to the movement of the hand holding the ice, and not to the heart. EFFECT OF HEAT AND COLD ON THE HEART 53 FIG. 63. Shows the spontaneous recovery after removal of the ice. in groups of three. The beats occur FIG. 64. Cold was reapplied, and the beats again became slow. FIG. 65. . Continuation of Fig. 64. Increasing slowness of the beats as the heart becomes colder. FIG. 66. The first part of the tracing shows normal beats, the heart having recov- ered from the effects of the cold. The second part shows the effect of renewed heating. The slowness is probably due to the rapid change of temperature having irritated the vagus ends or inhibitory apparatus in the heart. FIG. 67. Continuation of Fig. 66. Shows increased slowness, then great rapidity, and final stoppage in heat rigor. 54 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION temperature of the interior of the body remains nearly the same, notwithstanding the extremes of heat and cold to which the extremities may be subjected, and in them it is necessary to have a nervous system to regulate the pressure of blood. FIG. 68. Author's apparatus for ascertaining the effect of heat and cold on the vessels of the frog's lungs. A, a piece of cork to which the frog is fastened, is laid on B, the stage of a microscope, and attached by an india-rubber strap, C. D is a small ring of cork covered with a thin circle of glass. B is the inflated frog's lung. F is a tube by which a current of air can be directed on the frog's lung. It is held in position by a piece of wire, G, which can be bent to any position. I is a flask con- taining ice and water. H, a flask containing hot water. K is a three-way stopcock, by which a current of air may be sent from the spray-producer, L and M, through tither 7 or H at will, and thus cold or hot air may be applied alternately to the lung. SCHEMA OF CIRCULATION HJEMODYNAMOMETER 55 FIG. 69. Author's schema of the circulation. It consists of a spray producer, bladder, and mercurial manometer. The elastic ball of the spray producer represents the heart, the elastic bag covered with netting to prevent too great distension repre- sents the aorta and arterial system, and the bladder represents the venous system. FIG. 70. Marey's haemodynamometer. By having the reservoir of mercury very large, the descent of mercury in it is practically negligible, and the pressure may be read off directly from the ascending limb. Two tubes are attached. In one the mercury oscillates rapidly, with variations in pressure. In the other there is a con- striction, the mercury hardly oscillates at all, and the mean pressure is thus easily ascertained. 50 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Effect of Heat and Cold on Pulmonary Capillaries. By means of the apparatus shown in Fig. 68, I found that if a stream of warm moist air be first directed in the lung of a frog., and immediately afterwards a stream of cold moist air. the FIG. 71. Ludwig's kymograph, copied from Ludwig's Lehrbuch der Physiologic, 2te Auflage, 2ter Band, p. 122. It consists of a bent glass tube, abc, containing mercury, and connected by d with the artery of an animal. ef is a slender upright rod, swimming on the surface of the mercury, and bearing at its free end, /, a brush, g, which registers the movements of the mercury on the revolving cylinder, hh. capillaries sometimes contract as much as one-third of their diameter under the influence of the cold. British Medical Journal, February 13, 1875. SCHEMA OF THE CIRCULATION MANOMETER 57 Schema of the Circulation. I have here a simple schema, consisting of an india-rubber ball representing a heart, an elas- tic bulb representing the arteries, a soft-walled bag represent- ing the veins, and this I have connected with a mercurial manometer, in order that you may see the comparative effects of the heart and vessels upon the pressure in the arterial sys- tem. (Fig. 69.) The soft-walled bag, or veins, can contain FIG. 72. Registering metallic manometer of Marey. m is the capsule of an aneroid barometer filled with liquid. T is a tube connecting m with an artery. b is a mercurial manometer, which can either be put in communication with m, and the exact pressure in it and the artery connected with it ascertained, or may be cut off by the stopcock. * is a registering apparatus, and p a blackened plate on which the lever writes. When the stopcock is open the lever will record the oscillations caused by the momentum of the mercury, but if it be shut as soon as the actual pressure has been ascertained, only the actual variations in the blood pressure will be recorded. all the fluid in the whole vascular system, or even more, so that we may commence with the pressure at zero. As the india- rubber ball, which I may shortly call the heart, is emptied, it drives the fluid into the elastic bulb, or arterial system. If the passage is left open into the venous bag, the mercurial column oscillates with each pulse, rising as the fluid is driven in, and sinking again in the interval. But if I slightly turn the stop- THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 73. Tracing of the oscil- lations in a mercurial manometer. The first upward stroke is due to sudden rise of pressure. The subsequent fall below zero and the other oscillations are due to the inertia of the mercury, and not to any external force. Com- pare with Fig. 53. FIG. 74. Tracing made with one of Marey's tam- bours. The upward strokes correspond to rise of pres- sure in the tambour. The inertia of the lever is very small, and consequently there are no secondary falls below the zero line, nor secondary oscillations, as in a mercurial manometer. Compare with Fig. 73. Writing point. -\. Piston to lessen | oscillation of point Tube filled with glycerine Syringe for altering pressure in the manometer. Flat metal tube form- ing the manometer. Leaden tube to con- nect the manometer and the artery. FIG. 75. Pick's kymograph. It consists of a flat metal tube, bent into a nearly circular form, filled with alcohol, and connected with the artery by means of a leaden tube, filled with a solution of sodium carbonate. When the pressure increases within it, the tube straightens, and when the pressure diminishes it bends. These changes are magnified, and recorded on a cylinder by a light lever. The vibrations of the lever are lessened by a piston, which works in a tube filled with glycerine. KYMOGRAPHS 59 cock so as to prevent all the fluid driven in at each pulsation from going into the veins, the pressure will gradually rise in the bulb until it is sufficient to drive out during the diastole all the fluid sent in during the systole. Kymographs. The pressure is measured in animals by putting a cannula into an artery and connecting it with a mer- curial manometer. In order to prevent coagulation, the tube leading from the artery to the manometer is filled either with A FIG. 76. Diagram to illustrate author's method of combining Ludwig's and Pick's kymographs for registering the blood pressure and pulse. A is the cannula for inser- tion into an artery. B is a Y-tube by which the artery can be put in communication either with a mercurial manometer D, or a Fick's kymograph F, or with both of them at the same time. C and C' are two clips by which the communication of either or of both manometers with the artery can be shut off at will, or a three-way stopcock may be employed instead. is a slowly revolving cylinder on which the mercurial manometer registers the blood pressure. G is a rapidly revolving cylinder on which the Fick's kymograph registers the pulse beats from time to time, and on which the respiration can also be registered. (Phil. Trans., 1891, vol. clxxxii.) some saline solution, or solution of peptone, which hinders coagulation. The oscillations of the mercurial column are recorded on a revolving cylinder, and the whole instrument, consisting of mercurial manometer and recording cylinder, is called a kymograph. You will notice that when the mercury is once set into oscil- 6o THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION lation it continues to oscillate for a length of time after the force which first started it has ceased, and in this way prevents us from getting any exact information regarding the time dur- ing which the force has acted. (Fig. 73.) In order to avoid these intrinsic oscillations other recording instruments have been employed, such as the spring manometer of Fick, in which the tension causes a curved tube to straighten or bend (Figs. 75 and 76), or the manometers of Hurtle or Roy, where the oscillations are very small, but are much mag- nified by the recording lever. Blood Pressure in Animals. The average blood pressure in animals varies according to their size, but not to the extent that we should imagine. In a horse it has been found to be roughly between 200 and 300 millimeters, in a dog 140 to 170, in a sheep 150 to 170. Blood Pressure in Man. In man it has been found to be from 100 to I6O, 1 in cases where it was estimated in a limb before amputation. FIG. 77. a, Simple instrument for measuring the blood pressure in an artery. b, In this an improvement has been made on the simple form by adding a side spring catch, which obviates the necessity of reading the index before removing it from the arm. Measurement of the Blood Pressure in Man. It is nat- urally of very great importance that we should be able to esti- mate the pressure in man, and numerous instruments have been devised for this purpose. By simply feeling the pulse with a finger, one can roughly 1 Faivre and Albert, quoted by Tigerstedt, Lehrb. d. Physiol. d. Kreis- laufs, p. 329 (Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1893). MEASUREMENT OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN MAN 6l make out whether the pressure within it is high or low, and this is still better done by placing three fingers upon the pulse FIG. 78. Shows the mode of applying the simple sphygmomanometer, by pressing it directly on the palpating finger instead of pressing it on the artery, and feeling the artery nearer the hand. (After Verdin.) and compressing it with the one nearest the heart and noticing with the middle one when it ceases to beat. By the amount FIG. 79. Shows an instrument in which the movements of the spring are magnified and read off on a dial. There is a movable index which is pushed on by the indicator, and left at the maximum point. (After Verdin.) of pressure exercised, one can form some judgment regarding the tension, but it is evident that one cannot convey any quan- titative knowledge regarding the pulse felt this way to another. 62 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION The third finger nearest the hand compresses the artery so as to obstruct the recurrent pulse from blood flowing through the ulnar artery and palmar arch. Instruments for Measuring the Blood Pressure in Man. FIG. 80. Instrum of blood in the capillaries. These may be roughly divided into two classes : ( i ) those which compress a single artery; (2) those which compress a digit or limb. One instrument of the first class is simply a little knob attached to a graduated scale in a spring balance, like what is often used for weighing letters. (Figs. 77 and 78.) The movement of the scale here is so small that it is practically of little use. In another more elaborate one the move- ment is multiplied by a wheel, so that the pointer shows the pressure on a large dial (Fig. 79), but this instrument also is un- satisfactory, as it is difficult to apply it directly over the vessel, and the data ob- tained from it are not very trustworthy. Better and more exact results are obtained by the substitution of a fluid of a solid pad. So far as I know, the first man to use a fluid pad over the artery was Heris- son. His instrument consisted of a small funnel covered at its larger end by a thin membrane, and having a long graduated glass stem at its other end. (Fig. 81.) The whole apparatus was filled with mer- cury. The simple apparatus of this sort which I now show you was made by Professor Waller. "\Yhen it is placed upon the radial artery you see the mercury oscillat- ing with each beat, and by and by when the pressure applied FIG. 8 1. Sphygmoma- nometer of Herisson. (After Marey.) VON BASCH S SPHYGMOMANOMETER to the vessel becomes sufficiently great the pulsations below the instrument cease. The disadvantage of Herisson's instrument and others made upon the same pattern is, that it is very difficult to keep the mercury from oozing out between the end of the funnel and --Graduated tube lj|--Water Opening in glass bulb Mercury Glass bulb Brass collar Membranfj -Graduated tube -Rubber stopper ^-^ -Water -Bulb -- Mercury - Rubber stopper > with central hole Grounded lower end --Membrane b FIG. 82. Early form of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer (a). The lower part, showing the india-rubber or oil-silk cap, is not quite correct, as this part of the instru- ment in the author's possession has been lost, b shows the author's cheap modification made by Messrs. Cetti & Co. the membrane which covers it. To obviate this difficulty, my old friend Von Basch enclosed the mercury in a glass bulb into which the glass tube passed. This was then enclosed in an outer cylinder the lower end of which was covered by membrane, and which was filled with water, which trans- mitted the pressure to the mercury through a small hole in the bulb. This manometer was screwed into a stand in which the wrist was clamped, and the manometer gently depressed on the radial until the pulsation ceased, as was 6 4 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION indicated by a small pad resting on the artery and communi- cating with a Marey's tambour. This was the first instru- ment of real practical use, and although Herisson's instru- ment was long anterior, yet Von Basch must, I think, be re- FIG. 83. Von Basch's sphygmomanometer and stand. Drawn from one in the author's possession. A is the india-rubber cap of the sphygmomanometer resting on the radial artery. B is a metal ring which holds the sphygmomanometer, and can be raised or lowered at will by the screw C. D is the stand in which the arm rests. is a sliding piece which holds the arm in position, and also supports the sphygmo- graph I. F is a screw to fix in position. G is a fixed projection at the other end of D, and the wrist is clamped between E and G. G consists of two parts, one of which is quite fixed; the other, indicated by K, can be pressed more or less firmly against the arm by a fine screw not shown in the drawing. H is a fine screw by which the tambour of the sphygmograph can be raised or lowered so that it rests with more or less pressure on the top of the rod which passes up from a small pad which rests in the artery. K indicates the position of this pad as well as of the movable piece of G. L is a joint in which a lever plays, the outer end of which is fixed to the pad K, and keeps it moving in a perpendicular line. M is a joint allowing of con- siderable horizontal play backwards, forwards, laterally, and circularly, so that the sphygmograph may be accurately adjusted over the artery. N is a screw by which the whole sphygmograph may be moved up and down on the stand O. P is one of Marey's tambours, communicating by a piece of elastic tubing with the tambour of the sphygmograph, and writing the pulse on the blackened cylinder V. R is a screw work- ing on a spring, by which the resistance of the lever resting on the tambour may be adjusted. S is a screw by which the tambour may be moved up and down on the stand T. F is a revolving cylinder covered with blackened paper, on which the tracing is taken. It is moved by clockwork, which is not shown in the drawing. VON BASCH S SPHYGMOMANOMETER 65 garded as the practical founder* of the measurement of blood pressure in man. (Figs. 82 and 83.) A good many years ago I got Mr. Cetti, of Brook Street, Holborn, to make up instruments of this sort for me for use in the wards at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Instead of the metal collars at the ends of the cylinder, I used two rubber stoppers with a hole in the center of each. Through the upper one passed the stem of the manometer. The lower end of the other stopper was rounded at the edges, so that the membrane fitted better over it, and it could be applied more easily to the artery. These instruments Mr. Cetti manufactured for a few FIG. 84. Von Basch's sphygmomanometer, from a specimen in the possession of the author. A is a three-way stopcock, by which the aneroid B can be put in communica- tion either with the bulb C or with the outer air. This is not the first form of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer. The bulb which he first used was included in a metal case somewhat resembling Marey's cardiograph. My instrument needed repair, so I sent it to Vienna, and it was returned by the maker, with the bulb figured above. shillings. I found a small stopcock in the upper stopper use- ful for the removal of air-bubbles, and complete filling of the cylinder with water. (Fig. 826). The instrument had the great disadvantage of not being portable. Unless it was kept upright and was not shaken, the mercury and water became mixed, and the instrument was use- 6 66 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 85. Potain's modification of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer. This is made by M. Boulitte, successor to M. Charles Verdin, 7 Rue Linne, Paris. less for the time. It was therefore of little value for clinical work. Von Basch accordingly invented another model, in which pressure was applied over the artery by a metal cap covered at one end by a thin membrane, and communicating FIG. 86. Mode of applying Potain's sphygmomanometer. This figure is not quite correct, for it is better to place the palpitating finger parallel to the artery instead of at right angles to it. Only one finger should be used to feel the pulse, as, if two are used, the elastic bulb is pushed too high above the end of the radius, and too high a reading is obtained. OLIVER S SPHYGMOMANOMETER 67 at the other by a thick-walled rubber tube with an aneroid barometer graduated in millimeters of mercury. In a later model the metal ring communicated with the aneroid by an opening in its side ; one end was covered with thin india-rubber for application over the artery, and the other with thick india- FIG. 87. Most recent form of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer. rubber on which the finger was pressed until the pressure in- side the apparatus was sufficient to stop the pulse. (Fig. 84.) A further improvement was introduced by Potain, who replaced the metal ring by moderately thick rubber, so that the bulb for application over the radial consists of thin rubber FIG. 88. Oliver's Sphygmomanometer. Instead of the pad which rests on the artery being solid, it consists of an elastic capsule containing fluid. This is made by Mr. Hawksley, 357 Oxford Street, London. at the side which lies against the wrist, thick rubber (usually of a red color) at the opposite side on which the compressing finger rests, and moderately thick rubber between. With this exception, Potain's instrument is the same as Von Basch's (Fig. 85). 68 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION The latest form of Von Basch's apparatus is still simpler, and consists of an elongated rubber bag of the same thickness in every part. 1 (Fig. 86.) Fallacies in Applying Von Basch's or Potain's Instru- ments. Unless the elastic bulb is placed above the end of the radius, and not over the soft tissues, so that the artery can be compressed between it and the bone, too high a reading is FIG. Pick's apparatus for measuring and recording changes in the volume of organs. (After Marey.) obtained. If the palmar arch is dilated the recurrent pulse through it from the ulnar artery may cause pulsation to be felt after the radial has been completely compressed by the bulb. To avoid this the palpating finger should be placed on the radial artery with the tip pointing upwards. Any recur- rent pulse is then stopped by the pulp of the finger, and the central radial pulse is felt by the finger tip. Another apparatus which also depends on the application of a fluid bulb over the pulse, is a very neat little one invented by Mr. Leonard Hill. Like Herisson's, it consists of a funnel closed at one end by a thin membrane. The funnel is very flat, and Mr. Hill has avoided the difficulty of using mercury, and has rendered the instrument portable by employing a 1 This is made in Vienna, but can be obtained from Messrs. Down Bros., 21 St. Thomas's Street, S. W., London. FALLACIES OF BULB INSTRUMENTS 6 9 colored liquid having no weight in itself, but working against the resistance of a column of air prevented from escaping by a stop-cock at the upper end of the tube, and compressed by any pressure on the membrane. It is very light and portable, but unless a good deal of care is taken, air-bubbles are apt to become mixed with the liquid, and cause some loss of time before they can be got rid of. Oliver's hsemodynamometer has, like those just described, a fluid pad consisting of thin FIG. 90. Mosso's plethysmograph. A is a glass vessel filled with oil or water in which the arm is inserted and the liquid prevented from escaping by an india-rubber cap. t is a thermometer, b an opening for filling or emptying the apparatus. When the arm swells, a little of the fluid passes from the glass vessel through the tube a into the test-tube B, which is thus rendered heavier, and by a thread running over a pulley raises the writing point and registers the increased size of the arm. When the vessels of the arm contract, its size diminishes, fluid returns into A and the writing point falls. c is a vessel containing water, in which the tube B is partially immersed so that its weight is counterbalanced. is a burette which can be made to com- municate or clamped off at will, and the quantity of fluid in B regulated to a nicety. rubber filled with water and glycerine, for application over the artery. The pressure from this pad is not conveyed from its interior to a recording apparatus, but by a rod, one end of THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 91. This is a combination of the plethysmograph with Marey's metallic manometer. By raising or depressing the vessel R the pressure inside the' plethysmograph may be increased or diminished at will, and the pressure measured by noting the point of maximum oscillation or entire arrest of pulsation. (After Verdin.) BAND INSTRUMENTS FOR ESTIMATING BLOOD PRESSURE which rests upon it whilst the other presses in a spring. The motion of the spring is shown, greatly magnified, by an index, which moves over a scale 1 1 inches long, but conveniently ar- ranged in the form of a helix on a dial 2 inches in diameter. Band Instruments for Estimating Blood Pressure. In- struments belonging to the second class, viz. encircling a digit or a limb, were first used by Piegu, Chelius, Pick, Buisson, Marey, Mosso, and Frangois to measure the volume of blood which enters a limb at each pulse, and show the kind of pulsa- tion in them under various conditions of the circulation rather than to measure the pressure of blood in the arteries. Piegu enclosed an entire limb in a vessel filled with tepid water, and furnished with a narrow tube in which the water could be 8* FIG. 92. Marey's apparatus for measuring the blood pressure in a finger. seen to rise and fall with each pulsation. Chelius and Pick independently connected this tube with Ludwig's kymograph, and were thus able to obtain tracings of the variations. The apparatus was perfected by A. Mosso, who gave it the name of plethysmograph. 72 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION When the pressure in such an instrument is artificially raised the oscillations increase up to a certain maximum, then dimin- ish, and finally cease. The maximum is considered to repre- sent the diastolic pressure in the arteries, and the cessation to be equal to the systolic pressure. It is not easy to prevent FIG. 93. Mosso's sphygmomanometer. It consists of metal tubes () filled with water, which is prevented from coming out by india-rubber finger-stalls into which the fingers are inserted. The apparatus is then quite filled with water from the bottle B, air being allowed to escape at C. The pressure is then raised by com- pressing the water in the reservoir (A) by the screw at its top until the mercury in the manometer (G) registers the maximum oscillation, which may be taken as the diastolic pressure. The pressure is then raised until the mercury ceases to oscillate, and this may be taken as the systolic pressure. leakage when the pressure is raised in an instrument where the limb is immersed directly in the fluid, for it is apt to exude between the skin and the rubber collar surrounding the limb, PLETHYSMOGRAPHS 73 unless the ligature is so tight as both to be very uncomfortable to the subject, and to interfere with the circulation. Marey 1 and Mosso both overcame this difficulty, by enclos- ing liquid by a thin membrane through which the pulsations of the finger or limb were transmitted. In Marey's instrument FIG. 94. Plethysmograph of Hallion and Comte. only one finger was enclosed, while in Mosso's four fingers are introduced into the sphygmomanometer. In both of these instruments the pressure is raised artificially by driving in air or water, until the oscillations of the manometer reach a maximum, and then pushing the pressure till they cease alto- gether, and the circulation in the fingers is stopped. By re- laxing the pressure the oscillations again reach a maximum as the circulation again returns. In this way, a double observa- tion is made. In Gaertner's tonometer the pressure is measured by empty- ing a finger of blood, and noting under what pressure the circulation returns. (Fig. 95.) It consists of a metal ring 1.5 cm. broad, to the inside of which an india-rubber membrane is fixed, so as to leave an air space between it and the ring. This space communicates by an 1 Marey, Trav. Lab., torn, ii., p. 31.3. 74 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 95. Gaertner's tonometer. opening in the side of the ring, and a T-tube with a mercurial manometer and a pressure ball consisting of a closed india- rubber bag compressed in a wooden vise. An open bag with good valves and adjustable outlet may be employed instead. This is placed loosely on the middle phalanx of one finger, and MODE OF USING GAERTNER S TONOMETER 75 the blood pressed out of the last phalanx either by rolling a thick narrow india-rubber ring upwards, or by wrapping a piece FIG. 96. Gaertner's tonometer, portable fo FIG. 97. Mode of using Gaertner's tonometer. of fine india-rubber tubing tightly round the finger from its tip upwards. The pressure is then raised in the apparatus to 7 6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION a point which is certain to be above the pressure in the arteries, e. g., 200 mm. of mercury. The india-rubber ring is then rolled off or the tube unwound, leaving the last phalanx white and bloodless. The pressure is then lessened and the finger- tip watched, so as carefully to note when it begins to flush with the returning circulation. The height of the mercurial FIG. 98. Combined Potain's and Gaertner's apparatus. AP is Potain's bulb. DG is Gaertner's tonometer. P is an india-rubber bulb containing air, by which the pressure can be raised in the tonometer. M is an aneroid manometer. R', R" and R'" are stopcocks by which communication can be established at will between the various parts of the apparatus. column at this moment indicates the systolic pressure in the digital arteries. For ordinary bedside work, Professor Gaertner replaces the mercurial by an aneroid manometer, and thus renders his instrument convenient and portable. (Fig. 96.) LECTURE III Measurement of the Blood Pressure in Man (continued) : Instruments of Riva-Rocci, Hill and Barnard, Martin, and others; Author's arrange- ment Systolic and Diastolic Pressures Standardization of Instruments Measurement of the Size of an Artery Oliver's Arteriometer Measure- ment of Pressure in the Veins Measurement of Pressure in the Cap- illaries Measurement of the Volume of Organs Plethysrhographs Car- diographs Sphygmographs Forms of Sphygmograph : Marey's, Ludwig and Von Frey's, Dudgeon's, Jacquet's, Laulanie's Size of Vessels Cardiograph and Sphygmograph Sphygmograms Retardation of Pulse- wave Nutrition of the Heart Self-massage of the Heart Brucke's View Nutritive Action of Cardiac Tonics Self-massage of the Arteries. PATHOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION Effect of Altered Quality of Blood Blocking of Coronary Arteries Effect of Feebleness of the Heart on the Nutrition of Blood-vessels Nervous Depression Fatty Degeneration Pulse-rate Exophthalmic Goitre. PERHAPS the most practically useful of all the instruments for estimating the blood pressure in man is that invented by Riva-Rocci, with its numerous alterations and improvements. It consists of an elongated distensible but resistant bag con- nected with a mercurial manometer (Fig. 99). The bag is fastened round the arm and inflated by a small india-rubber hand-pump until the pressure is sufficiently great to stop the pulse. This point is noted, and the pressure is then increased a little further; air is then gradually let out, and the pressure is again noted when the pulse begins to reappear. In this way one has actually two observations made close together of the pressure which stops the flow of blood in the artery. The objections to the instrument in its original form are that the narrow band appears to give a higher reading than what is attained by a broader one, and that mercurial manometers are always inconvenient for carrying about. Hill and Barnard have made an instrument in which these objections are avoided, by making the band broader, by making its outside of leather so that it does not yield, and its inside of thin rubber, and by 77 7<5 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION employing an aneroid instead of a mercurial manometer. 1 Another modification is Martin's, in which the band is made of soft pliable metal covered with cloth, and it is sufficiently broad to overlap the elastic bag by about half an inch on either side, and thus prevent the bag being blown out to one side. 2 He has also added a convenient screw valve, by which the air may be allowed to pass out of the apparatus very slowly and the FIG. 99. Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer. pressure to diminish very gradually. Martin retains the mer- curial manometer, so that this is inconvenient for carrying about. I have had one made which I think is more convenient than any of the others, but I can hardly claim it as my own, because it is simply a patchwork of pieces from one instrument and pieces from another. (Fig. 100.) The principle of the 1 Hill and Barnard. * C. J. Martin. AUTHORS APPARATUS 79 band is Riva-Rocci's ; the broad band I have copied from Martin, but have substituted a piece of unyielding tissue which is light to carry, in place of the heavier metal; the principle of the aneroid is Von Basch's, the particular modification of it is Potain's. By combining all these parts together, however, FIG. 100. The author's modified Riva-Rocci band. AB is a band of thin gutta percha inside which is a narrower india-rubber bag C. D are three straps to fasten the band round the arm. is a tube leading into the bag C, and allowing air to pass from it either to a mercurial or aneroid manometer. In using it along with the other instruments, all that is necessary is to detach the tonometer DG, Fig. 81, and replace it by the band. A spray-producer ball, like that in Fig. 81, should also be used instead of the simple bulb P, or a small one with Martin's valve may be em- ployed. For practice one rarely needs all three, and Potain's bulb with the band and aneroid are all that are necessary. I have obtained a very convenient instrument by which we can in a few minutes measure the tension of the blood in the radial artery by pressure upon it with Potain's bulb, and con- trol this observation by means of Gaertner's tonometer, or by measuring the pressure in the arm necessary to stop the radial pulse with the modified Riva-Rocci band. I have been making a number of comparative experiments in regard to the ten- sion in man, as ascertained by different instruments, and have been rather disappointed by the want of concordance between the results. Using these three instruments together, however, I am certain of obtaining results which agree very well with one another. Many modifications of Riva-Rocci's instrument have been made and used in America. They are described by Janeway 1 1 T. C. Janeway, "The Clinical Study of Blood Pressure" (New York and London: Appleton & Co.), 1004. 8O THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION in his work on " The Clinical Study of Blood Pressure," but I do not think it necessary to describe them fully here. I may FIG. 101. Author's arrangement for using a broad Riva-Rocci band with Von Basch's or Potain's sphygmomanometer instead of a mercurial manometer. merely mention that the principal are Stanton's, Janeway's and Erlang-er's. They are all modifications of Riva-Rocci's. AMERICAN SPHYGMOMANOMETERS 8l Janeway's has the mercurial manometer jointed for conveni- ence of carriage, and Erlanger's has a large sphygmoscope at- tached, which enabled the alterations in pressure to be recorded FIG. 102. Marey's Improved Metallic Manometer. This was originally intended to be connected to an artery, but I find it can be connected to an armlet, or used to measure the blood pressure in the same way as Riva-Rocci's, while at the same time tracings can be got of the pulse. (Cf. Fig. 91, p. 70.) It consists of a flat, metallic vessel B in which the capsule of an aneroid barometer filled with liquid is fixed, CA. To this leads an afferent tube T, which is put in communication with the artery, the pressure in which is to be measured. An efferent tube Y, leads to a mercurial manometer, which indicates the absolute pressure and controls the readings of the metallic manometer. The metallic vessel B has at its upper part a glass tube TV, and is filled with water which rises a little way up in the glass tube. The upper part of this tube is closed by a caoutchouc stopper, through which a tube T passes; this tube is connected by a piece of elastic tubing with one of Marey's tam- bours, which records the oscillations of the aneroid capsule. By means of the stop- cock R, the metallic may be separated from the mercurial manometer; P is a pair of pincers closing an exit tube, by which the instrument can be either emptied or filled, or the tension lowered. on a revolving cylinder in somewhat the same way as Marey's instrument. (Figs. 91 and 102.) 7 82 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Systolic and Diastolic Pressures. The point of maximum oscillation indicates the diastolic pressure, the point of ob- literation indicates the highest systolic pressure, and I find the relation which these bear to one another is usually as 4 to 5, or 80 to 100, though sometimes as 4 to 6. The systolic pressure shows the maximum height to which the blood pressure is raised by the wave of blood driven into the aorta by the contraction of the left ventricle. It thus indicates in a general way the strength of the ventricle. The diastolic pressure shows the minimum to which the blood pressure sinks during the interval when no blood is coming into the aorta from the heart and the arterial system is empty- ing itself through the capillaries into the veins. It therefore indicates generally the degree of contraction or relaxation of the capillaries. A glance at Figs. 182 (pp. 155-157) to 186, which are reproductions of tracings taken with a mercurial kymograph from the carotid arteries of dogs, will show at once how greatly the relation between the systolic and diastolic pressures and the relation of both of them to the general blood pressure may differ under different circumstances. Thus, in Fig. 183, the systolic maximum is 94 and the diastolic minimum is 54, or, roughly, as 5 to 2. In Fig. 184 the sys- tolic maximum is 100 and the diastolic minimum 62, or, roughly, as 5 to 3. In Fig. 185 the systolic is 106 and the diastolic 78, or, roughly, as 5 to 4. The great oscillation in Fig. 182 may be partly due to inertia of the mercurial column (cf. Fig. 73), but only to a slight extent. In Fig. 185 the normal systolic is to the diastolic pressure as 5 to 4, but after stoppage of the heart by irritation of the vagus it is nearly as 3 to i. Standardization of Instruments. As an aneroid manom- eter is apt to become altered by use, it is well to compare it frequently with a mercurial one, and this can be done in less than five minutes, by connecting both by means of a T-piece with a spray-pump, raising the tension by 5 mm. at a time, and noting the correspondence or difference in the readings of the two instruments. (Fig. 103.) SIZE OF VESSELS PRESSURE IN VEINS 83 Size of Vessels. A most ingenious instrument for measur- ing the size of the arteries has been devised by Dr. Oliver, and is called by him the arteriometer. Measurement of Pressure in the Veins. This may be done by choosing any convenient portion of a subcutaneous vein and pressing an instrument such as Figs. 78, 85, 87, or FIG. 103. Author's apparatus for ascertaining the correctness or amount of error in an aneroid sphygmomanometer. By means of a three-way stopcock both the aneroid and a mercurial manometer are put into communication with a pressure bulb of a spray apparatus. The pressure is then raised 50 mm. at a time, and the readings of the mercurial and aneroid compared at each pressure. 88 upon its distal end with sufficient force to stop the flow of blood. The proximal part is then emptied of blood by pressing the tip of a finger along it. The pressure of the pad or bulb is then relaxed, and the pressure noted at which the vein again fills. 84 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION A simple way of roughly estimating the venous pressure is to notice at what height above the level of the heart the veins of the hand become empty. Normally, they should do so about the level of the third rib, or a little above. The greater the venous pressure the higher must the hand be raised. Measurement of Pressure in the Capillaries. The method of doing this we owe to Ludwig (N. v. Kries, " Ludwig's Arbeiten," 1875, p. 69). It consists on laying in the skin a piece of glass of a definite size, which can be pressed down with more or less force, and noting the lowest pressure at which the skin becomes white. The pressure can be applied by a weight or by a spring. (Fig. 80.) The pressure may be measured anywhere, but the back of a finger or the lobe of the ear is most suitable. The pressure varies with the height at which the hand is held. When level with the top of the head, it is about 24 mm. of mercury (328 of water) : 8 inches I CU FIG. 104. Marey's tambour for recording movements. It is a metal ring which slides on an upright rod, and can be fixed at any height by the screw B. C is the tube through which the air from the receiving instrument (sphygmograph, cardiograph, etc.) communicates with that inside the tambour and causes the cover E to rise or fall. Into a long straw is fastened bearing a point which records its movements on a cylinder. below this, 28 mm. (397 of water). In the ear it is about 20 mm. of mercury (272 mm. of water). Cardiograph and Sphygmograph. All the instruments I have hitherto described have been chiefly for measuring the amount of blood pressure, or the size of the artery, but they do not give us any indication of the mode of contraction of the heart or the nature of the pulse-wave. These have chiefly been worked out by instruments devised by the late Professor Marey, and the principle upon which most of them depend is INTRACARDIAC PRESSURE that of the transmission of motion by air from one elastic vessel to another. The recording vessel consists of a shallow FIG. 105. Cardiac sounds by which the tracings, Fig. 108, were obtained. V is a bulb which is introduced into the right ventricle, and communicates by a tube, TV, with a tambour (Fig. 104). O is another bulb, which is placed in the auricle, and communicates by a tube, TO, with another tambour. These tambours register the intra-ventricular and intra-auricular pressures. af is a sound for the left ventricle, communicating with a tambour by the tube g. 86 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION metal dish covered at the top by a piece of thin india-rubber. Over this rests a light lever, and the movements of the rubber are thus greatly amplified, are rendered visible to the eye, and can also be recorded on a revolving cylinder. The elastic ves- sel by which the movements are received varies in shape ac- cording to the purpose it is required to serve. For the heart it is a long metal bulb with openings in its sides over which the thin india-rubber is tied (Fig. 105). For the apex beat it may be simply a tambour with a spring to press it against the chest wall (Figs. 106 and 107), and for the pulse a tam- FIG. 1 06. Marey's cardiograph. MBb_- FIG. 107. Burden-Sanderson's cardiograph for the apex beat. bour with a spring attached, which rests upon the pulse and transmits its movements to the receiving tambour (Fig. 122). The air within this is, of course, alternately condensed and rarefied, and each movement is faithfully transmitted to the recording tambour (Fig. 104). By introducing one of the elongated bulbs just mentioned through the aortic valves into the ventricle, Marey obtained tracings of the changes in pres- sure throughout the ventricular cycle, as shown in Fig. 108. There is first a slight rise, due to the auricular contraction, then a sudden rise, which becomes somewhat slower as it increases. At the top of this is a plateau showing several VENTRICULAR AND AORTIC PRESSURE oscillations, then a sudden descent, marked at its end by a little wave, and then an almost level line, after which the same se- quence again occurs. The alteration in rapidity of ascent which takes place about the middle of the systole probably indi- cates the time at which the auriculo-ventricular valves become screwed together, and the aortic valves are forced open by the increasing pressure behind. The oscillations which occur on the plateau, according to Marey, do not indicate mere vi- brations of the auriculo-ventricular valves, but real oscilla- tions in them and in the blood on both sides of them. The sharp fall indicates the diastolic relaxation of the ventricle, r i. FIG. 108. Tracings of the ventricular systole (i) and of the aortic pulse (2). In the first tracing a manometric sound was placed in the left ventricle; after two beats it was withdrawn at a from the auricle into the aorta. The second tracing is ob- tained from a manometric sound placed permanently in the aorta. The part be and &'^> Gall bladder Stomach Kidney and ureter. .yC- Intestine Uterus -_ Bladder Vesical nerves Medulla- Spinal cord. Vagus trunk. Thoracic branches. Splanchnics. Gall duct. Renal nerves. Mesenteric nerves. Uterine nerves. FIG. 139. to make it out. In the case of a man recovering from digi- talis poisoning, I had occasion many years ago to observe the form of irregularity shown by the pulse. 1 At first the beats were very rapid with occasional slow ones interspersed, 'Lauder Brunton, "On Digitalis," etc., Inaugural Thesis, 1866. Re- printed in Collected Papers on Circulation, First Series, pp. 100 and 101. IRREGULAR PULSE DIGITALIS II I then it became slow with an occasional rapid beat or two, and finally slow and regular. (Figs. 140 to 144.) In poisoning by tobacco the irregularity is sometimes very extraordinary ; one slow, strong beat followed by a number of FIG. 140. Pulse tracing from a case of poisoning by digitalis, showing quick pulse with slow beats interposed. FIG. 141. Same case. Recovering from the effects of the poison, and showing slow pulse with occasional quick beats. FIG. 142. Same case. Slow pulse, with beat interpolated at b. FIG. 143. Same case. Pulse regular, but quickened by food. FIG. 144. Same case. Recovering; pulse slow and regular. very quick ones. This condition may also occur quite apart from tobacco, and may persist for many years without really affecting the patient's health. It is impossible to give, with certainty, any explanation at present of the exact cause of these forms of irregularity. Some of them, such as irregular bradycardia or occasional intermission of a beat, are explained by supposing that the conduction in the muscular fibers con- necting the auricle and ventricle is less perfect than usual, so that a block occurs, as in Gaskell's experiments. The cases of tachycardia with an admixture of very rapid and slow beats, are less easy to explain, on the assumption that cardiac rhythm is entirely a function of its muscular fibers, and I am inclined I I 2 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION to think that the true explanation can only be given on the assumption that the nervous system also plays a part in the cardiac rhythm, and that sometimes the nervous and muscular rhythms interfere with one another. In my first lecture I mentioned some of my grounds for this belief, and since it was delivered, details of experiments by von Basch and Froh- lich have been published which tend to substantiate the ac- curacy of the views that I then brought forward. 1 Palpitation. Palpitation of the heart is a very troublesome symptom, and its causation is very obscure. Sometimes it appears to be almost a purely subjective sensation, as the patient has a sensation of the heart beating strongly, yet the hand applied to the apex beat does not perceive anything un- usual. In other cases the force of the apex beat, as felt by the hand, is distinctly increased. I have noticed such an increase take place in animals poisoned by digitalis. In my thesis on the action of this drug, I discussed the mechanism of palpitation, and arrived at the conclusion that it was probably due to increased power of the heart in proportion to the resis- tance it had to overcome, so that the ventricular contraction occurred rapidly, and the apex therefore struck forcibly against the chest wall. 2 What seems to confirm this opinion is, I think, the fact that palpitation is frequent in states of debility, but that when the heart is hypertrophied and the tension is high, so that, despite its abnormal strength, the heart cannot contract quickly, palpitation is frequently, indeed one may say generally, absent. Effect of Position on Palpitation. One would naturally expect that a constantly recurring rhythmic blow upon the heart at each pulsation would increase its action, and, as a matter of fact, this appears to be the case. The heart is a mobile organ and moves considerably to the left when a person lies on that side. The apex, therefore, tends to strike more ^on Basch and A. Frohlich, Centralbldtt f. Physiologie, Bd. xviii. ; Litcratur, 1904, p. 693. 2 Lauder Brunton, "On Digitalis," etc., Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration, First Series, p. 52. London: Macmillan & Co. SHOCK SYNCOPE I I 3 forcibly against the chest wall and as the effect of this is similar to that of a blow on the heart at each beat, many people are unable to lie on the left side in consequence of the palpi- tation which then comes on. Shock. Another important condition in which both heart and vessels appear to be affected is that of shock. Here the heart may become slow and feeble, but this does not appear to be all, for the general depression is out of proportion even to the feebleness of the heart's action. Shock is especially apt to come on from a blow upon the abdomen, and Goltz in his famous experiment showed that if a frog be suspended in the upright position and its heart exposed, a blow upon the intestines has a twofold action. It (i) stops the heart reflexly through the vagus; but after this effect has passed off (2) the heart beats again, but is empty and sends on no blood into the vessels, because the blow has caused dilatation of the ab- dominal vessels and all the blood becomes stored up in them, so that none reaches the heart (Fig. 145). It is not improbable that a similar effect FIG. i 4S . Diagra^o illustrate Goitz's mav occur from irritants inside ex P e ments - a > Norma ; heart in the * upright position; b, heart in same posi- tllC StOinacll Or intestine, be- tion after shock; c, heart as in b, but in , , .... recumbent position, showing it full, so as cause when large quantities of to keep up circu i a tion, though the veins alcohol have been swallowed at are sti11 dilated - a draught, death has occurred almost instantly, and the mecha- nism of its production was probably the same as in Goitz's experiment. Severe pain from irritation of nerves in other parts of the body may stop the heart, but under ordinary circumstances it also causes contraction of the abdominal ves- sels, and thus keeps up the blood pressure and maintains the circulation. If the pain be very excessive, it is quite possible that an opposite effect may be produced, and thus fatal syn- cope may ensue. I think also that in surgical operations if anaesthesia is imperfect, reflex stoppage of the heart may occur without 9 I 14 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION reflex contraction of the vessels, and thus fatal shock may be produced, whilst perfect anaesthesia would have abolished any reflex action on the heart as well as on the vessels, and thus prevented any danger. Syncope. The remarkable difference between shock and FIG. 146. To show the contraction of the vessels produced during the process of multiplying 245 by 15. S, Volume of left arm. A marks the point at which the calculation was commenced; after this point the pressure falls. R, Respiratory move- ment of chest. X, Abscissa. T, Time line; every upright marks an interval of five seconds. syncope is that usually in shock the brain remains clear, but in syncope the person becomes suddenly unconscious. The pathology of syncope has not been thoroughly made out, but it appears to be due to sudden anaemia of the brain. The brain requires a large supply of blood when it is functionally active, so that blood is withdrawn from the limbs, and they FIG. 147. Tracing from the brain. A, In upright posture; B, with the head inclined forwards. become smaller. This is shown by Mosso with the aid of the plethysmograph (p. 69). When measured by this instru- ment, the volume of the arm was found to become much smaller when the person thought hard, as the blood required by the increased functional activity of the brain was with- drawn from the arm. (Fig. 146.) When the body is up- EMBOLISM THROMBOSIS I I 5 right, the pressure of blood in the brain is less, but it becomes greater when the head is lowered. (Fig. 147.) The recum- bent position is therefore the best to restore a fainting person, and the tendency to faint may sometimes be averted by plac- ing the head on the hands between the knees. (Fig. 148.) Before the introduction of anaesthetics it was a frequent custom to perform operations in a state of syncope, which was induced by laying the patient flat on the ground for a short time and then raising him very suddenly to the upright position by several strong men. A curious observation was made by John Hunter on the flow of blood during syncope. In a lady who was being bled, the blood issued from the vein slowly and was black, but the moment she fainted the blood rushed out quickly and be- came of a bright color. This phe- nomenon is exactly what is seen in the condition of the submaxillary gland when its arterioles dilate on irritation FIG. 148. Attitude to pre- of the chorda tympani. As the blood vent fainting, from the veins at the bend of the arm comes to a great extent through the muscles, we are, I think, justified in believing that, in some cases of syncope at least, the vessels of the muscles undergo sudden dilatation, and thus the blood pressure becomes enormously and instantly reduced. Embolism and Thrombosis. When the blood-vessels be- come obliterated, the supply of blood to the parts to which they are distributed may become so insufficient that the tissues die and gangrene ensues. This obliteration may be due to embolism or thrombosis ; as, for example, when a clot or vege- tation becomes detached from the heart and is carried onwards by the circulation until it is stopped in an artery through which it cannot pass, and which it consequently plugs. Sometimes the arterial wall undergoes atheromatous degeneration, and this may either lead to thrombosis occurring at the spot where the wall is narrowed, or the atheromatous matter may become Il6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION dislodged and produce embolism further on. In old persons, the arterial walls may become degenerated and contracted to such an extent that senile gangrene of the extremities appears. Before such a stage as this is reached, however, an inability for exertion comes on. This was noticed by Sir Benjamin Brodie, and his description is so good that I cannot do better than quote it : Claudication. " Such patients," he said, " walk a short distance very well, but when they attempt more than this, the muscles seem to be unequal to the task, and they can walk no further. The muscles are not absolutely paralyzed, but in a stage approaching to it. The cause of all this is sufficiently obvious. The lower limbs require sometimes a larger and sometimes a smaller supply of blood. During exercise a larger supply is wanted on account of the increased action of the muscles : but, the arteries being ossified or obliterated and thus incapable of dilatation, the increased supply cannot be ob- tained." Angina Pectoris. " This state of things is not peculiar to the lower limbs. Wherever muscular structures exist, the same cause will produce the same effect. Dr. Jenner first, and Dr. Parry, of Bath, afterwards, published observations which were supposed to prove that the disease which is usually called ' angina pectoris ' depends on ossification of the coronary arteries. . . . When the coronary arteries are in this condi- tion they may be capable of admitting a moderate supply of blood to the muscular structure of the heart; and as long as the patient makes no abnormal exertion, the circulation goes on well enough; when, however, the heart is excited to in- creased action, whether it be during a fit of passion, or in running, or walking upstairs or lifting weights, then the ossi- fied arteries being incapable of expanding so as to let in the additional quantity of blood, which, under these circumstances, is required, its action stops and syncope ensues ; and I say that this exactly corresponds to the sense of weakness and RAYNAUD'S DISEASE ANGIO-NEUROTIC OEDEMA 1 17 want of muscular power which exists in persons who have the arteries of the legs obstructed or ossified." 1 Raynaud's Disease. Temporary contraction of the artery and anaemia of the tissues occurs in a disease described by Raynaud, and which bears his name. In this disease the arteries contract spasmodically, and I have seen first of all the tips of the fingers become cold, bloodless, and shrunken like the fingers of a corpse, and this condition gradually extended up the hand in the course of five or ten minutes. Sometimes only one finger is affected, sometimes the whole hand, some- times the toes, the tips of the ears or the nose, and occasionally, though rarely, the arms and legs. The internal arteries appear also to undergo a similar contraction, especially those of the kidneys and brain, because this disease is frequently associated with hsemoglobinuria and sometimes with epileptic symptoms and transient hemiplegia. The condition is very much like what occurs after immersion of a hand in very cold water, and just as after the hand has been withdrawn it usually be- comes swollen, hot and red, so the extremities after the spasm has passed off in Raynaud's disease become red and hot. In very cold days we notice that the whiteness of the skin which indicates both arterial and venous contraction, is succeeded by arterial contraction with venous dilatation, so that the surface becomes blue instead of white. The same thing occurs in the severer cases of Raynaud's disease, and the term of local as- phyxia has been given to the condition. In extremely severe cases the contraction has letd to complete stoppage of the blood supply, and consequent gangrene, like that which occurs in senile degeneration of the vessels. Chilblains, Urticaria, Angio-neurotic CEdema. A con- dition which is very much allied to this, but much milder, is the common one of chilblains. Another ailment which is very troublesome and where there is a local vascular dilatation with effusion of lymph, is urticaria. The wheals characteristic of 1 Lectures on Pathology and Surgery, by Sir Benjamin Brodie, London, 1846, p. 360. u8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION this complaint are very much like those which are produced by a stinging nettle. They may occur without visible cause, but in some persons with an irritable vascular system they may be produced by simply scratching the skin, so that the patient's name may be written on his back with the finger-nail. In FIG. 149. Diagram of the carotid, temporal, and occipital arteries in the normal state. FIG. 150. Diagram of arteries dur- ing migraine, showing dilatation of the carotid and spasmodic contrac- tions of the temporal arteries. so-called angio-neurotic oedema, instead of mere wheals occurring, the patient may become affected by rapid and in- tense cedema over a large portion of the body. I have seen in half an hour one side of the patient's face become so much swelled that the left eye was almost closed, and the left side of the face was like that of a patient suffering from advanced renal dropsy, whilst the other side- of the face remained per- fectly healthy. The pathology of this condition has not been made out, but the cause of the trouble probably is that there are toxic substances in the blood, for urticarial rashes are very common after the injection of diphtheria antitoxin, and I have seen universal oedema, resembling that of advanced renal dropsy, brought on by the injection of anti-streptococcic serum. The one-sided character of the affection in the case I have just mentioned shows that the nervous system is also deeply concerned in the disease. PATHOLOGY OF MIGRAINE Migraine. Sensitiveness of Arteries. In the conditions of which I have just been speaking the small arterioles and capillaries are chiefly affected, but arteries of moderate size, such as the temporal artery, and even large arteries like the carotid, may undergo very considerable alterations in their caliber, either in the way of contraction or dilatation. A good deal of discussion has taken place in regard to the pathology of sick headache or migraine. Du Bois Reymond described the temporal artery in his own case as being much contracted during the headache, and therefore concluded this was a general condition; while others have described this artery as widely dilated and throbbing, and have supposed this condition to be constant. I have unfortu- nately had only too many oppor- tunities of repeating these obser- vations on my own head, and I have found that, as is often the case, both parties are right and both parties are wrong; that the condition described by each occurs, but that it does not ex- tend to all parts of the artery at the same time. Sometimes, for example, during a fit of migraine I have found my temporal artery widely dilated and throbbing (Fig. 151), at other times I have found it hard and contracted, like a piece of whip cord (Fig. 150) ; but when it was dilated, if I followed it onward towards the periphery I ascertained that the ascending temporal branch was contracted like a bit of piano wire. (Fig. 151.) On most occasions, if I followed the contracted temporal artery backwards towards the heart, I found that the carotid on that side appeared to be as thick as my thumb, distended to three times its normal diameter, and pulsating violently. The con- FIG. 151. Diagram of arteries dur- ing migraine, showing dilatation of the carotid and temporal arteries, and spasmodic contraction of an ascend- ing frontal branch of the anterior temporal artery. 120 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION elusion I came to, therefore, in regard to the pathology of migraine, is that there is peripheral contraction and central dilatation of the arteries. Arteries are sensitive, as was known in the old days before the introduction of anaesthetics, because patients complained of pain when the arteries were ligatured. That the pain in migraine is to a great extent due to the stretching action exerted on the contracted temporal artery by the blood which tries to pour into it from the dilated carotid, is shown by the fact that if pressure be exerted upon the caro- tid so as to stop the pulse in the temporal artery, the headache will frequently disappear instantly. Unfortunately, however, it is almost impossible to compress the carotid without also pressing upon the vagus, and the sense of oppression on the chest which this produces is so great that one is generally obliged to stop the compression after a few seconds, although the moment the finger is removed the pain in the head comes back with a rush of peculiar intensity. Megrim is often re- garded as a neuralgic condition, but the observations upon my own head which I have just detailed have convinced me that, although the vascular disturbance which occurs in it, is almost certainly due to an altered action of the vaso-motor nerves, yet the pain is to a great extent like that of colic, where we find intense pain due to spasmodic contraction of one part of the intestine with dilatation or distension of another. Sensitiveness of the Heart. Like the vessels, the heart is probably sensitive and capable of originating pain of a most intense character. Pressure from the outside is not felt, as Harvey discovered in the case of young Lord Montgomery, in whom a congenital defect of the sternum exposed the heart. But pressure from without, unless very excessive, does not produce pain in hollow muscular organs such as the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, gall-bladder, gall-duct, or ureter, yet distension from within causes pain of the most intense character in all of those organs. All these are liable to dis- comfort without pain, and the heart, too, frequently feels SENSITIVENESS OF THE HEART 121 discomfort without pain. The sense of oppression which is felt from grief or anxiety is, I think, due to the effect of the vagus nerve, because I have noticed in my own case that grief has produced a sensation of oppression in the chest which has persisted after the emotion which had given rise to it had passed away. We know that this feeling of oppression can be produced by mechanical irritation of the vagus; for Pro- fessor Czermak had a small exostosis on one of his cervical vertebrae, and by compressing his vagus between it and his finger he was able to stop his heart, but the pressure at the same time caused this feeling of oppression or, as he termed it, " Beklemmung " in the chest. 1 In angina pectoris there are frequently two sensations, or perhaps even more: one of intense oppression, and one of extreme pain. That of extreme pain I am inclined to regard as similar to colic in the intestine, and as depending upon spasmodic contraction of the heart against resistance which it can not properly overcome. It is very difficult to make obser- vations in angina pectoris ; because when the attack comes on, the apparatus for observation is generally not at hand, and even if it is, one is so much taken up with trying to relieve the patient that one does not care to trouble him with the applica- tion of instruments. In 1866 and 1867 I had an opportunity of making observations in a case of angina pectoris, in which the attacks occurred every night and lasted two or three hours. During the attack the pulse was very rapid and the arterioles were contracted, as is shown by the very slow fall of the arterial tension during the cardiac diastole. But even with everything at hand I only once succeeded in making one ob- servation, and that a very imperfect one, of the commencement of an attack, which showed that as the pain came on the 1 When Professor Czermak described this feeling he supposed that the vagus was compressed between his finger and an enlarged gland, but I was informed by the late Professor Sharpey that what Czermak supposed to be a gland was afterwards discovered to be an exostosis on one of the cervical vertebrae. 122 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION tension rose. I was able to make numerous observations re- garding the end of an attack, and found that as the tension fell the pain disappeared. 1 VALVULAR DISEASES OF THE HEART Aortic Obstruction. We may now pass on to an impor- tant class of cases, namely, those of valvular disease of the heart. The aortic orifice sometimes becomes inflamed during foetal life, and becomes narrowed in consequence, but more usually the aortic valves become either stiff with advancing years, or vegetations, frequently calcareous, form on them and lessen the diameter of the orifice. We must distinguish carefully between " stenosis " and mere " obstruction," because a small atheromatous mass may obstruct the orifice and give rise to a loud systolic murmur, but yet may practically have little or no effect in lessening the lumen of the vessel, and consequently will produce no practical change in the circulation or in the condition of the pulse. In many cases, especially of elderly people, the aorta becomes atheromatous and rough, so that a systolic murmur occurs in it, but unless the valves are affected, no regurgita- tion results. (Fig. 153.) Aortic Regurgitation. \Vhen the valves are diseased, gen- eral incompetency as well as obstruction occurs, and during the diastole blood flows back into the ventricle as well as onwards towards the periphery. (Fig. 153.) Slight degrees of pure stenosis have little or no effect upon the circulation, but as the work which the ventricle has to do in order to expel the blood is increased by the resistance in front, it usually becomes hy- pertrophied. As the amount of blood it has to send into the 1 Since these lectures were delivered I have had an opportunity of watching a case of severe angina pectoris daily for many weeks, and have been unable to satisfy myself that although rise of tension, quick pulse, and cardiac pain usually came on together, yet each might occur separately without the others. A feeling of anxiety often accompanied the pain, but anxiety might occur without pain, and vice versa. AORTIC REGURGITATION I2 3 aorta is not more than usual, its cavity does not increase, or, in other words, does not undergo dilatation. When there is regurgitation as well as stenosis, blood pours into the ventricle from both ends, from the auricle and from the aorta, so that the amount of blood it is called upon to hold is greater than usual. Its cavity becomes dilated, and at the same time, in order to send this large wave of blood onwards, its walls re- quire to be stronger than usual. 1 They become thicker, or in other words, both dilatation and hypertrophy occur. So long as this compensatory hypertro- phy is sufficient to enable the ventricle to do its work, there may be no symptoms at all, and I have seen patients engaged in arduous physical labor, carrying heavy hods of bricks up ladders many times a day, without know- ing that there was anything the matter with them. Not infre- quently one may notice that the face has a peculiarly pale, waxy look, and the arteries show a peculiar irritability and tendency to rhythmical contraction which, as I mentioned in my previous lecture, may be easily demon- strated by drawing the finger across the forehead. Failing Compensation. But the enlarged heart requires an extra supply of blood, and the coronary arteries may by and by become insufficient to supply this, and then commenc- ing cardiac failure sets in. When this is the case, symptoms of defective supply of blood to the brain occur (Fig. 10), such as giddiness, tendency to faint, or actual fainting; and symptoms also referable to the heart, such as palpitation, cardiac uneasiness, or anginal pain. For pulse tracing of aortic regurgitation, vide Fig. 115, p. 90. FIG. 152. Diagram to show the usual position of the murmur which indicates atheroma of the aorta. It is generally heard best over the right half of the sternum, opposite the sec- ond rib or first intercostal space, but it may be lower down or higher up. It is sometimes very limited, but is frequently transmitted upwards along the innominate, while an anaemic murmur is transmitted usually hori- zontally to the left 124 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Mitral Incompetence (Functional). So long as the mi- tral valves remain competent, the symptoms remain limited to those parts of the body supplied by the aorta. But when the Carotid artery (full) Aorta tense ... Veins tense and moderately full 4- Blailder (fall) J- Carotid artery (empty). Aorta lax. Veins lax and full. Bladder (empty). FIG. 153. Diagram to illustrate the tendency to syncope in aortic regurgitation. In a the aortic valves are healthy and prevent regurgitation. The carotid and its branches are shown as full. In b there is aortic regurgitation, the blood flows out of the arterial system through the capillaries and into the heart. The carotid and its branches are shown as empty. In c the condition is the same as in b, but the patient is supposed to be in the recumbent posture, and the carotid and its branches remain full. heart dilates so far that the mitral valves no longer close the auriculo-ventricular orifice and the blood pours back into the FIG. 154. Diagram of healthy heart in diastole. The aorta is full of blood under pressure, as indicated by the shading, but the ventricle and auricle are protected from pressure by the sigmoid valves. FIG. 155. Diagram of a heart with incompetent aortic valves. The ventricle as well as the aorta is under pressure during diastole, but the auricle is protected by the auriculo- ventricular valves. FIG. 156. Diagram of a heart with incompetent aortic and mitral valves. The auricle and veins, as well as the ventricle and aorta, are under pressure constantly. left auricle and pulmonary veins, symptoms of pulmonary en- gorgement develop. Incompetency of the mitral valves may be brought about either by the orifice becoming too large for the valves, or the MITRAL INCOMPETENCE valves too small for the orifice. It was shown by Ludwig that, when the ventricle contracts normally, the muscular FIG. 157. After Dr. Th. Schott. Photograph by the Rontgen rays, showing the heart in a healthy man before exertion. fibers around the auriculo-ventricular orifice lessen it to such an extent that even imperfect valves might close it; but when FIG. 158. After Dr. Th. Schott. Skiagraph of the heart of the same man as Fig. 157, after violent exertion, showing temporary dilatation. the heart is dilated, the orifice becomes so large that the valves w r ill not close it, however healthy they may be. 126 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Cardiac Strain. Such dilatation occurs as a sequence to aortic regurgitation, but it also occurs from violent strain in healthy people (Fig. 158), and also from cardiac weakness. Indeed this happens not infrequently in cases of anaemia and debility, such as occur after acute disease. We then find that a systolic murmur, indicative of mitral regurgitation, becomes very evident, but as the heart gains power, the murmur com- pletely disappears. One such murmur I watched with great interest in a girl, who was able to play lawn tennis without any injury whatever, but every time that she went to a dance, the combination of late hours and emotional excitement with active exercise brought on a marked systolic murmur. Regurgitation may also occur from irregular action of the musculi papillares, as I observed in some experiments which I made during the year 1865 upon the action of digitalis, and where I noticed a regurgitant murmur occur in the heart of a dog which had been poisoned by digitalis, although post- mortem examination showed the heart to be perfectly healthy. 1 Roy and Adami have also described a similar condition. When the mitral valves become incompetent, the reflux of blood at each beat of a powerful ventricle tends to distend the auricle and the pulmonary veins from which the normal stimulus to ventricular contraction ought to start, and in con- sequence of this the cardiac rhythm is apt to be disturbed, and an irregular pulse will result. For this reason the irregu- larity of the pulse is more frequent in mitral than in any other form of cardiac disease. 1 Lauder Brunton, Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration, p. 114. LECTURE V Mitral Regurgitation (Organic) Mitral Obstruction Cardiac Dyspnoea Venous Engorgement Other forms of Cardiac Disease Vicious Circle Methods of Treatment in Valvular Disease Uses of Treatment Rest Position Use of Massage Effect of Flatulence on the Heart Use of Drugs in Cardiac Disease Cardiac Nutrients Digitalis and its Congeners Resume of the Action of Digitalis. Mitral Regurgitation (Organic). Incompetence of the mitral valves occurs from distortion of the valves by inflam- mation, or by vegetations on their surfaces which prevent them from closing, even more frequently than from dilatation of the auriculo-ventricular orifice. The result, however, is the same. Whenever the valves are incompetent the ventricle drives the blood at each systole back into the auricle and pul- monary veins, as well as forward into the aorta, and during systole the pressure in the auricle and in the pulmonary veins must be nearly, if not quite so high, as that in the aorta. In consequence of this, the auricle becomes hypertrophied. As there are no valves in the pulmonary veins, it seems extraordi- nary that the pulmonary vessels do not suffer more than they do, and it appears to me not improbable that the contractile power of the pulmonary veins, which Sir Joseph Fayrer and I rediscovered, 1 may take the strain off the capillaries in the lungs, and thus prevent, to some extent, the tremendous con- gestion that might otherwise take place. Mitral Obstruction. When the mitral valves are much in- flamed, they not unfrequently become adherent to one another, and the mitral orifice is thus so much narrowed that sometimes it will hardly admit the point of the finger. Great hypertrophy of the auricle then occurs, while the ventricle may be smaller than normal. In such a condition the pressure within the pulmonary veins and the auricle tends to be more or less con- 1 Cf. P . 18. 127 128 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION stantly high, while that in the ventricle becomes low after the systole is over. I mentioned before, when speaking- of the physiology of the heart, that dilatation of the apex of the frog's heart by pres- sure from within would act as a stimulus to this portion of the ventricle, and cause it to beat rhythmically when it would otherwise remain perfectly still. The application of this con- stant pressure to the pulmonary veins and left auricle, while it is absent from the left ventricle, naturally tends to disturb the rhythm, and consequently irregularity of the pulse is more fre- FIG. 159. Tracing of pulse from a case of mitral incompetence. (After Marey.) quent in mitral obstruction than in any other form of cardiac disease. 1 Cardiac Dyspnoea. Involuntary muscular fiber seems to have less power of withstanding strain when it is constant than when it is intermittent, and it is in mitral obstruction that we most frequently find the pulmonary capillaries giving way be- fore the strain and haemoptysis occurring. Backward pressure in the pulmonary circulation, of course, retards circulation through the lungs; less blood can pass through in a given time, and consequently both in mitral re- gurgitation and in mitral obstruction, shortness of breath is a prominent symptom. A patient may be perfectly comfort- able while at rest, but there is no reserve power, and exertion 1 Luchsinger (Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., xxvi., p. 451, 1881) and Schiff (ibid., xxvi., p. 456) found that the rhythmical contraction in veins observed by Wharton Jones (Phil. Trans., 1852, p. i) depend on the pressure inside the veins; being well marked when the pressure is high, and absent when the pressure is low. Cf. p. 17, observations of Brunton and Fayrer on "Rhythmical Pulsation of the Vena Cava and Pulmonary Veins"; for if this observation holds good for these veins, the pressure may excite stimuli in the pulmonary veins whose rhythm may still further interfere with that of the other cavities of the heart. VENOUS ENGORGEMENT I 29 at once brings on quickened breathing and distress, which may sometimes be very severe. In consequence of this obstruction to the pulmonary circulation, the right ventricle has more resistance to overcome, it is obliged to contract with more force, and on account of the increased work tends to become hypertrophied. As a rule, its working power becomes more and more taxed until the maximum is reached, and then it begins to dilate, so that the tricuspid valves become incompe- tent and the blood pours back into the auricle and the venae cavae. Venous Engorgement. Dilatation and hypertrophy of the auricle occur in the same way as on the left -side, but there being no valves in the venae cavae the whole venous system is likely to become engorged. The first indication of venous en- gorgement is shown in those parts of the body where the venous pressure is highest, namely, in the feet and ankles, because in these places there is not only the backward pressure which exists in the vena cava itself, but the weight of the column of blood between the feet and the heart. It is this extra weight that determines the yielding of the venous capil- laries and the exudation of fluid. This is shown by the fact that when the weight of blood is taken off the feet by keeping them raised upon a high stool or chair during the day, or by putting the patient to bed, the oedema as a rule disappears. Next the liver and portal system suffer. The liver becomes congested and enlarged, and flatulence both in the stomach and intestine becomes a troublesome symptom. As the congestion increases the liver may be felt hard, smooth, and large, reach- ing down sometimes to the iliac crest, and water exudes into the abdominal cavity, producing ascites. The kidneys also become congested. The increased venous pressure lessens the circulation through the glomeruli, the urine becomes scanty and loaded with lithates, and then albuminuria appears. Other Forms of Cardiac Disease. It is obvious that all the conditions I have just described may result as consequences of aortic regurgitation, but the number of these conditions will 10 I3O THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION be greater or less in other forms of cardiac disease, according to the point in the circulation where the lesion 'occurs. Thus, we may have all the symptoms of venous engorgement from weakness of the right ventricle and inability to drive the blood through the lungs. This weakness may be absolute, due to fatty degeneration of the cardiac muscle, consequent upon atheroma of the right pulmonary artery; or it may be rela- tive, due to greater resistance to the circulation in the lungs themselves, as, for example, in chronic bronchitis and emphy- sema. A very instructive experiment in regard to this is that which goes by the name of Valsalva. If one breathes out against resistance as, for example, by closing the mouth and nostrils forcibly, or, what is even more instructive, by blowing against the mercurial column in a manometer it is found that the pulse will stop entirely when the pressure within the lungs reaches a certain point. As a young man I have fre- quently tried this, and could stop my pulse completely. So far as I can recollect, the height to which I raised the mercury before this occurred was somewhere between six and eight inches, but I have not repeated the experiment for a long time, and do not care to do so now, because it is not altogether with- out risk. In efforts of coughing, expiration is, of course, made against raised pressure caused by the closure of the false vocal cords, 1 which yield in an explosive manner after the pres- sure has become raised to a certain extent, and mucus is carried out by the forcible stream of air issuing from the lungs. In violent coughing, the effect of raised pressure in the pulmo- nary alveoli upon the pulmonary circulation becomes very evi- dent. The face becomes congested, and if the coughing be long continued, becomes more or less livid, and the jugular veins stand out largely upon the neck. In people who are otherwise healthy, the ventricle recovers itself when the cough- ing ceases, but prolonged strain, as in chronic bronchitis or spasmodic asthma, tends to cause permanent dilatation of the right side of the heart with all its attendant evils. 1 Brunton and Cash, Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., vol. xvii., 1882-83. REST IN TREATMENT OF VALVULAR DISEASE 13! Vicious Circle. As in many other things, the conditions in cardiac disease form a vicious circle. The disordered circula- tion disturbs the functions of other organs, and these in turn make the circulation worse. The condition, indeed, reminds one of Shakespeare's lines in regard to sorrow : " Sorrow's weight doth heavier grow Through debt that bankrupt sleep doth sorrow owe." The disordered circulation interferes with the functions of the lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, and kidneys. On account of the difficulty of breathing, exercise becomes impossible, and thus all the accessory aids to circulation given by the muscles and fasciae during movement 1 are done away with. Appetite becomes lessened and flatulence increases; the elimination of waste products by the kidneys is interfered with, and distension of the abdomen either by flatulence alone or by flatulence with ascites presses the diaphragm up, encroaches upon the breath- ing space in the lungs, and tilts the heart up, thus still further increasing its difficulties. In such cases it is evident that the patient is bound to die, and to die a somewhat painful death, unless medical art can afford him assistance. It is very fortunate, however, that in such cases medical art can do so much. TREATMENT OF VALVULAR DISEASE Uses of Treatment. Rest. There is perhaps no kind of disease in which the results of treatment are so striking and so encouraging as in cardiac disease. If we can break the vicious circle at one point, we allow recovery to commence; and one of the most important agents, I think I ought to say the most important agent, in the physician's power is absolute rest. It is very hard indeed to make patients understand what one means by absolute rest. They are inclined sometimes to take the expression as meaning that they shall stay in the house, but that they may go up and down stairs as often and as quickly as they please. Now, few people have any idea of the amount of work involved in going up stairs. The 1 Vide p. 7. 132 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION weight of the body is so evenly distributed upon the muscles of the legs that we hardly feel the exertion in health, but if we suppose that we had fixed upon the bannisters of the stairs on the bedroom floor a strong pulley provided with rope and basket, and that the patient weighing, let us say, 150 Ibs., is put into the basket on the ground floor, and that we had to pull him up by means of the rope, we will then understand the number of foot-pounds involved in the amount of exer- tion required to bring him from the dining-room floor to his bedroom. The weight is the same and the height is the same when the patient is drawn up in a basket and when he walks up himself. By putting the position before a patient in this way I have sometimes succeeded in convincing him that the work involved in walking upstairs was really great, and more than his enfeebled heart could stand. But it is not merely in walking upstairs that the heart has extra work to do. Even in getting into bed, work requires to be done, and unfortu- nately, as in the case of a patient whom I saw immediately after giving my third lecture here, the exertion of getting into bed may prove fatal. Rule regarding Rest for Patients. The advice I give to patients is, that they shall not take one beat out of their heart that can possibly be avoided; that they shall not do one thing for themselves which anybody else can do for them. Nobody else can breathe for them, nobody else can swallow for them, nobody can evacuate for them ; but with these exceptions every- thing else should be done for them. When they wish to sit up in bed, they should be raised up by others ; when they wish to turn, others should move them ; when they wish to evacu- ate, a bed-pan should be placed under them. There are certain people who seem to be unable to evacuate either the rectum or bladder in the recumbent position, and for these I am accus- tomed to recommend that a platform should be made of rough deal, of such a height as to raise a commode to the level of the bed, and that the patient should be slewed on to it and off it in such a manner that the pelvis always remains POSITION IN TREATMENT OF VALVULAR DISEASE 133 in the same plane, and is never either raised or lowered, the only change being in the relative position of the trunk and limbs. Position. But here we are met at once with the great objection that in these severe cases the patient cannot lie down on account of difficulty in breathing. The cause of this diffi- culty of breathing while in the recumbent position is prob- ably of twofold origin. In the first place, when the patient is supine, the contraction of the diaphragm at each inspiration has to raise the abdominal viscera (Fig. 160), while in the upright position it has only to push them horizon- tally forward. (Fig. 161.) Another cause, as Leonard Hill has pointed out, is prob- ably the extra tension in the right side of the heart, which occurs when the heart is brought down to a level with the splanch- nic area, and the comparative ease which occurs in the upright position is due to the blood remaining in the abdomen and limbs, so that the tension in the right side of the heart becomes less (cf. Figs. 10 and 153). In some cases the facts that when the legs are raised, the venous tension in the cava becomes somewhat greater than when they are dependent, and also that when the thighs are swollen there is a little extra pressure exerted on the abdo- FIG. 161. Diagram to men ma k e ft necessary that the patient show the horizontal mo- tion of the abdominal con- should be allowed to sit and not be con- tents in the upright posi- fined to bed But j f he is s ft ting? he should be kept always in the same posi- tion; he should not get up at all, and he should have not an FIG. 160. To show the lifting of the abdominal contents during inspiration in the supine position. 134 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION ordinary chair but a night-stool, so that the evacuations may be removed without disturbing him. Various beds have been devised upon which patients can lie comfortably and have their bodies and limbs placed at any angle that is desired without any exertion whatever on the part of the patient ; but although these are theoretically very useful, they are not so much used in practice as I think they might be. Use of Massage. It is evident that when the patient is resting completely, either in bed or in a chair, all the acces- sory means of circulation in the limbs of which I have already spoken are absent, and not un frequently one finds that the feeble circulation in the muscles, and the consequent accumula- tion of waste products, give rise to feelings of heaviness in the limbs, discomfort, and restlessness which are very trying to FIG. 162. Diagram of artery and nerve in a sheath of connective tissue to illustrate self-massage of the artery and nerves. A, lymphatics. B, sheath. C, nerve. the patient. In health, the arteries which run in the same sheath as the nerves exercise a kind of massage upon them by the alternate contraction and expansion in the same way as on the veins (Fig. 162), but when the pulse is feeble the nerves ACTION OF MASSAGE 135 suffer in consequence. 1 The indication for treatment here is to replace the natural accessories to circulation as far as pos- sible by artificial ones, and this we are able to do to a certain CO 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 ^abo. ab 111 IV "T^ ^ II c^ ab r VI ^ 2J V ) S Ul 11 be ato X "I c at -A c. t J V ic at r w 5 al 1 Jl jc a 1" ; be a ^ ' IV* * i jc abc v ' ' w* n im i n FIG. 163. Diagram to show the effect of massage on the flow of blood through muscle, a shows the amount of blood in cubic centimeters which flowed from a muscular vein when it was simply opened. b, During massage. c, After massage. In VI. the rate of flow was increased threefold. Brunton and Tunnicliffe. extent by skilful massage. Massage is one of the most power- ful agents in the treatment of such cases. It is a therapeutic agent of very great power and value; but, like opium, which FIG. 164. To show the relief from fatigue produced by massage. After Maggiora and Vinaj. Bldt. f. Klin.: Hydrotherapie, 1892, p. 6. i. The fatigue curve of the left hand raising a weight of 3 kilogrammes every two seconds. 2. The fatigue curve of the left hand. 3. The fatigue curve of the left hand after five minutes' massage. 4. That of the right hand without massage. This tracing is taken by Mosso's sphygmomanometer. (Fig. 93, p. 72.) from its utility has been termed God's greatest gift to man, it is liable to abuse, and on account of its abuse it is often looked upon askance. But just as we cannot afford to throw 1 Vide p. 6. 136 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION USE OF REST AND MASSAGE 137 opium aside as a medicine because it is liable to abuse, so we must employ massage if we are to do the best for our patients, and at the same time we must guard, as far as possible, against any chance of abuse. By slow, firm, upward strokes along FIG. 1 66. Mosso's ergograph. It consists of a clamping apparatus in which the arm is firmly held; a weight suspended by a string which runs over a pulley, and ends in a loop, into which one finger is put. In the middle of the string a small point is fixed which works upon a revolving cylinder covered with soot, so that each mark of the tracer can be distinctly seen. The finger is then contracted so as to raise the weight at intervals of two seconds. The amount of contraction is shown by the height of the up stroke, and as the exercise goes on the contraction becomes shorter and shorter till at last exhaustion becomes complete. the legs and arms the venous blood is forced onwards towards the heart, and the fluid which has accumulated in the inter- cellular tissue is driven on into the lymphatics. Thus the resistance which the flow of blood through the arterioles and capillaries has to overcome is lessened, and the work of the heart lightened. The weariness, the weight, and the dis- comfort of the limbs are removed, and the restlessness and irritability of the patient lessened. (Figs. 163-164.) The combined effect of rest and massage is that the heart beats more slowly, beats more easily, has a longer period of repose between each beat, and less work to do at each systole, and thus the process .of repair is allowed to begin. The lessened resistance allows each cavity to contract more perfectly, the longer pause allows each cavity to become more full of blood, the larger pulse-wave sent into the vessels at 138 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION each ventricular contraction increases the amplitude of the pulse in the arteries, and thus brings about a more efficient self-massage in the arterial walls, and consequently a more efficient return of blood and lymph from the veins and lym- phatics, which accompany the arteries in their sheaths. 1 The heart itself, by means of its more efficient self-massage, 'gets rid of its waste products, is better supplied with blood, and gradually becomes stronger and stronger, until finally many patients who seemed moribund recover under the in- fluence of rest and massage to such an extent that they may become practically well and remain so for years. But it is not only on the heart and vessels that the in- fluence of rest and massage and the consequent improvement of the circulation is noticed. On account of the increased circulation through the muscles, waste products are more thoroughly oxidized, and, the massage taking the place of exercise, a better appetite for food is produced, whilst the FIG. 167. Pulse tracing, showing the effect of massage and graduated movements. Each tracing is taken partly with a slow and partly with a quick movement of the sphygmograph. The upper shows high tension and a feeble heart; the lower shows less tension and a stronger heart. These tracings I owe to the kindness of Dr. Gustav Hamel, to whose treatment I had recommended the patient. diminished congestion of the liver, stomach, and intestines improves digestion, and thus lessens flatulence. Massage to the abdomen aids this process : it tends to cause expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines, and thus decreases the mechanical interference which the abdominal distension exerts upon the lungs and heart. The freer circulation tells upon 1 Fide Fig. i, p. 6. EFFECT OF, FLATULENCE ON THE HEART 139 the kidneys also. The urine becomes more abundant in quan- tity, albumen disappears, waste is more freely eliminated, and absorption goes on both from the inter-cellular tissue and serous cavities, so that the oedema of the limbs and accumula- tion of fluid in the peritoneal or pleural cavities become ab- sorbed, and the oedema, ascites, or pleural effusion disappears. Pleural effusion is, of course, a very serious complication in valvular disease, encroaching as it does upon the available breathing space, and its appearance should always be carefully watched for, more especially as its occurrence is often in- -CEREBELLUM 'MEDULLA OBLONCATA \-AFFEHENT I NERVES - -I- -STOMACH ~ 1 WSO-INHIBlT'.l- I NERVES - I INTESTINAL VESSELS FIG. 168. Diagram to show the nervous mechanism by which the action of the heart may be depressed by irritation of the stomach. The reflex irritation of the vagus may render the heart's action simply weak, or slow and weak. sidious. It is, however, less common and less disturbing than abdominal distension by gas or water, or both. Effect of Flatulence on the Heart. Flatulent distension without ascites is very common indeed, and so is flatulent distension with ascites; but ascites without flatulence is rare. The relief which patients with cardiac disturbance feel when flatulence escapes from the stomach is very marked, not only in cases of valvular disease, but in cardiac weakness and in angina pectoris. The modus operandi of gastric distension in disturbing the action of the heart is probably twofold. It may depress it reflexly (Fig. 168) or mechanically (Fig. 169.) 140 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION The heart rests upon the upper surface of the stomach, with only the thin diaphragm between, and if the stomach is dis- tended it tends to tilt the heart up by altering its position; it brings the apex close to the chest wall, and may thus cause FIG. 169. Diagram to show the effect of flatulence on the heart. The heavy lines show the normal position of the viscera. The dotted lines show their position when the stomach is over-distended. palpitation. Not only so, but it seems also, by altering the axis, to interfere with the heart's action, and may produce dis- tress or even death. Several years ago I saw a notice of a man who died suddenly, and on post-mortem examination he was found to be perfectly healthy, but the stomach was dis- tended with a mixture of potatoes and milk. This had begun to ferment, and the pulpy mass being of an adhesive character, the gas was unable to escape from it, and caused such dis- tension of the stomach that death occurred. The mechanism here is, of course, uncertain, because the acute distension may have produced reflex stoppage of the heart, but in all probability the mechanical effect had a great deal to do with it. A year or two ago I saw another similar case recorded, \vhere death was put down to tea. In this instance the bread and tea had apparently formed a mass like USE OF DRUGS HI the potatoes and milk in the former case, and had a similar effect. In former times one mode of punishing by death was to make the condemned person drink bull's blood warm from the vessels of the slaughtered animal. 1 Blood in itself is not a poison, but as the criminal had to drink it in large quantities it coagulated in the stomach and formed a solid clot which, either reflexly or mechanically, caused death. 2 Under ordinary circumstances distension of the stomach, unless extreme, will not displace the heart and encroach upon the lungs, because the abdominal walls will yield, and the intes- tines, partially distended as they usually are with gas, will become compressed before any displacement of the heart can occur. But if the abdomen is distended by fluid, or if it is constricted by a belt or by corsets, flatulent pressure, being prevented from exerting its force in a downward or outward direction, will push the heart up, and death may result. For this reason, as was shown by the Hyderabad Chloroform Com- mission, tight-lacing is dangerous during the administration of anaesthetics. 3 It tends to increase the liability to palpita- tion, and explains the efficacy of the common practice of at once loosening the corsets in case of fainting. Massage and Diet Use of Drugs in Cardiac Diseases. But useful and important as rest and massage are in the treatment of cardiac disease, they are not the only instru- ments for treatment in the hands of the physician. We pos- sess many drugs which have a powerful action on the heart and vessels, and are of the utmost service in cardiac disease. We may divide such into (i) cardiac nutrients, (2) cardiac tonics, (3) cardiac stimulants, (4) cardiac depressants, (5) vascular contractors, and (6) vascular dilators. In addition to these, we have a number of drugs which have a less direct action upon the heart and vessels themselves, but rather affect 1 Marx, Gtftlehre, vol. i., p. 268. Herodotus, Book III., Thalia, cap. 15. "This explanation was known to Pliny, Hist. Nat. L., xi., c. 38, sect. 90, quoted by Marx. 3 Lancet, 1890, vol. i., p. 662. 142 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION FIG. 170. Ludwig and Coats' frog-heart apparatus. A is a reservoir for serum. B, a stopcock to regulate the supply to the heart. C, a piece of caoutchouc tubing connecting A and D. D, a glass cannula in the vena cava inferior. D r , another in the aorta. E, a manometer. F, a piece of tubing closed by a clip, to allow of the escape of serum. G, a fine pen, floating on the mercury in E. H, the frog's heart. J, a sealed glass tube, passed through the oesophagus K, and firmly held by a holder L. M, a nut which allows L to be moved up and down. N, a second holder to sup- port A. P, a stand with upright rod. S, a flap of skin to cover the heart and pre- vent drying. V, the vagus. CARDIAC NUTRIENTS 143 tissue change, and influence the heart indirectjy through other organs. The best cardiac nutrient is, of course, well aerated blood with a proper proportion of nutrient matter and little waste product. The nutrient materials have been investigated one by one in experiments at first upon the frog's heart (Fig. 170), and latterly upon the mammalian heart. The method of keeping isolated organs alive by artificial circulation was invented by Ludwig, and in the first experiments which he and his scholars made upon the frog's heart they used a simple solution of common salt of about .5 to .6 per cent., that is to say, about 2^ grains to the ounce. When this was circu- lated artificially through the frog's heart it continued beating for a length of time, but gradually the pulsations became slower and feebler, and at length ceased altogether. The ad- dition of diluted blood usually made the heart beat more strongly for a longer period, and when it stopped the stoppage was not due to exhaustion of the nutrient material, but the accumulation of waste. This was shown by the fact that a frog's heart when apparently dead may be revived, and again commence to beat when the waste products are washed out by perfusion with normal saline solution containing a minute quantity of sodium hydrate. 1 Cardiac Nutrients. An interesting and important dis- covery was made by Ringer, who found that when the saline solution was made with tap-water it maintained the action of the heart for a very much longer time than when made with distilled water. On investigating the cause of this, he found it was the lime in the tap-water which had a stimulating effect upon the heart, and he was able to produce the same effect by adding lime in small quantities to saline solution made with distilled water. 2 We know that a fire when allowed to burn without attention will often go out before the whole of the coal is consumed, because it is smothered in its own ash, and that if we heap 1 Gaule, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., physiol. Abt., 1878, s. 294. 'Ringer, Jour, of Physiol., iv., p. 29. 144 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION a be FIG. 171. After Ringer. Tracings showing the effect of simple NaCl solution in weakening the pulsations of the apex of the frog's heart. The tracing a was taken soon after the blood was replaced by NaCl solution; b, after a longer period; and c after a still longer time. FIG. 172. After Ringer. Shows the effect produced upon the beat of the frog's heart fed with NaCl solution by the addition of a trace of calcium chloride. The beats in this case are induced by an induction shock. FIG. 173. Tracing showing enormous contraction of the gastrocnemius of the frog by a solution of caffeine. DIGITALIS AND ITS CONGENERS 145 ashes on the fire we tend to put it out. But the result is different if we use cinders instead of ash; and although cin- ders represent half-burned coal, they are sometimes very useful in keeping up a fire or in helping it to burn when it is low. In the same way the ashes, as we may term them, of the tissues tend to smother the vital fires, and to prevent the tissues from performing their proper functions; but the vital cinders, that is, substances which are derived from albu- mens and are on the way to urea or uric acid, may be very useful. Amongst these we have a series of bodies to which the term of purin bodies has been applied xanthine, hypo- xanthine, methylxanthine, dimethylxanthine or theobromine, and trimethylxanthine or caffeine. All these bodies are prob- ably injurious in large quantities, but just as a few cinders may help a fire, so when used in small quantities they are often very useful. Beef-tea and extracts of meat have little or no nutritive action, and life cannot be sustained upon them, but they are useful stimulants, as was shown by Parkes in the Ashanti campaign; 1 and in disease they act as cardiac stimu- lants, although hardly as cardiac nutrients. Amongst the most powerful cardiac nutrients appears to be glucose; for Locke found in his experiments that the addition of glucose, even in very small quantity, to a saline fluid greatly increased its nutritive effect upon the isolated mammalian heart. Other sugars have less action. Their nutritive effect apparently runs parallel with their susceptibility to fermentation, glucose stand- ing far ahead of the others. Caffeine in large doses acts as a muscular poison, and tends to cause strong contraction, end- ing in rigor of the muscle. Its effect in small doses upon the heart appears to be that it increases the muscular contraction, and strengthens the ventricular beats. Digitalis and its Congeners. The most important drug of all, however, in the treatment of heart disease is digitalis. Although this drug has been used for a long time, yet it is only within the last forty years or so that its action has really 1 Parkes. 1 1 146 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION become generally understood. Even when I was a student, digitalis was looked upon as a cardiac depressant to be used with great care in enfeebled hearts, whereas now it is uni- versally regarded as a cardiac tonic. Although Blake in 1839 showed that digitalis injected into the arterial system greatly raised the blood pressure, yet the physiological action of the drug was not further investigated until Traube made his ex- periments in 1862 on the mammalian circulation, and Fagge and Stevenson on the frog's heart. In 1865 I wrote my Thesis on Digitalis, and, I think, for the first time, brought into relation the double action of digitalis both on the heart and the vessels, as well as giving the first definite proof that the cardiac action in mammals was actually strengthened and not weakened by this drug. 1 Digitalis is an example of a very widely distributed group of poisons, many of which are used in various parts of the world for poisoning arrows, either for use in the chase or in war. Those which are most commonly used in medicine are the strophanthus hispidus and squill (Scilla maritima). Amongst those occasionally but less frequently employed are, casca or sassy bark (Erythrophlosum gmnenense} , lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis}, Canadian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum}, pheasant's eye (Adonis vernalis}, and Christ- mas rose (Helleborus niger}. Other plants having a similar action, but not used, are Antiaris toxicaria (upas), Nerium oleander, Acocanthera (oubain), Thevetia grandiflora, and Coronilla. A poison having a similar action is obtained from the skin of toads. It is called phrynin, and though not em- ployed much in medicine, it has proved useful. The story is told that the husband of an Italian woman was dying of heart disease, with dropsical limbs and all the usual accompani- ments. As his death was so slow, his good wife thought she 'Brunton, "On Digitalis," pp. 28, 31. Churchill, London, 1868. Re- printed in Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration, pp. 52, 55. Macmillan, London, 1906. This paper was presented as a graduation thesis to the University of Edinburgh in 1866, but was not published until 1868. This paper also gives the early literature of the subject. ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON THE FROG S HEART 147 would quicken his journey into the other world, and accord- ingly she went into the garden, where she found several toads. These she dropped into the wine her husband was to drink; but instead of his dying forthwith, as she expected, he began immediately to get well, the phrynin from the toad's skin having had upon him the same beneficial effect that a course of digitalis would have had. Resume of the Action of Digitalis. Digitalis acts on the cardiac muscle, the intrinsic cardiac nerves, and the vagus center in the medulla. It also affects the arterioles, causing them to contract, and probably it has upon them also a two- fold action, as on the heart, and stimulates both the contractile muscular walls and the nerves which go to them. The action OU. C. FIG. 174. Diagram to show the action of digitalis in the frog's heart; a is the normal heart in which both auricle and ventricle are filled with blood during the diastole; b is the heart with the ventricle becoming contracted and showing the yielding pouches; c is the heart fully under the influence of digitalis with the ventricle firmly contracted so that it will not admit any of the blood which distends the auricle. upon the heart of the frog is very marked and characteristic, and the action here is less complicated than in mammals, inasmuch as the heart itself is less under the control of the central nervous system, and is less readily affected by altera- tions which may occur in the vessels. When the excised heart of a frog is either laid in a solution containing the active principles of digitalis or is connected with an apparatus by which serum containing these principles may be circulated through it, changes are observed, which may be divided into changes in rate of pulsation and changes in character of pulsa- tion. The heart first of all begins to pulsate more slowly, 148 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION and at the same time more powerfully; the contractions become gradually stronger, and the relaxation or diastole becomes less perfect, so that finally the heart stands still altogether in a state of complete contraction. If the heart which is thus standing still be forcibly dilated, by passing fluid into its interior under pressure, pulsation will recom- mence. Occasionally during the process of contraction small points on the surface of the heart may be observed, which re- main dilated, and look like small purple pulsatile pouches on the surface of the organ. 1 The nature of these pouches has not been definitely ascertained, but it is not improbable that they are due to slight injury of the muscular fiber in the proc- ess of removing the heart from the body of the frog. When the heart of a frog is lift in situ, and is merely exposed to view by opening the thorax of the animal, and dropping a solution of digitalis upon it, the same phenomena are observed. They are unaltered by the use of atropine, and are supposed to be due to the action of the drug upon the muscular fibers of the heart itself. 1 Fagge and Stevenson, Roy. Soc. Proc., xiv., p. 270. LECTURE VI Action of Digitalis in Mammals Uses of Digitalis Action of Digitalis on (Edema Toxic Action of Digitalis Action of Digitalis on Arterioles Stages in the Action of Digitalis Difference between Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics Action of Strychnine on the Heart Action of Caffeine and other Purin Bodies Drawbacks to the Action of Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics Removal of these Drawbacks by Combination Vaso- dilators : amyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, hydroxylamine, nitroglycerine, nitro- erythrite, nitromannite, sodium, and other nitrites. Action of Digitalis in Mammals. In mammals, digitalis causes increased contraction of the muscular fibers, both (i) in the heart and (2) the arteries. This increased contraction appears to be partly due to the action of digitalis on the mus- cular fibers themselves, but its effect upon the muscle is greatly modified by its action upon the nervous system. Its action is exerted especially upon the medulla oblongata, and it appears to affect first the inhibitory center of the vagus and the vaso- motor center for the vessels. When small doses are given, the effect appears to be limited to these centers, but when the administration is carried to the extent of poisoning, the ad- jacent respiratory and vomiting centers are also affected. From stimulation of the vagus center, the pulse becomes slow, and the diastole more complete, while at the same time the stimulation of the muscular fibers of the heart makes its con- tractions more powerful. Its beats thus become much more efficient; the longer intervals between them afford the heart time for recuperation; the more complete diastole allows a larger quantity of blood to accumulate in its cavities, the more powerful systole drives this onward, the self-massage of the heart becomes more complete, and all the good effects which I have mentioned as occurring from this are noticed after the action of digitalis. One consequence which is of special in- terest is its diuretic action. This is partly due to the rise in blood pressure which it produces, and which raises the pres- 149 ISO THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION sure in the glomeruli, drives the blood more quickly through the kidneys, and causes a more rapid secretion of urine. At the same time it is probable that digitalis has a certain stimu- lating effect on the secreting structures in the kidneys them- selves, a stimulation which may extend also to other parts of the genito-urinary tract. This effect, however, is not so great as that produced by caffeine, and the diuretic action of digitalis is probably exerted chiefly through the circulation. When digitalis acts upon a healthy man so as to produce diuresis, the drain of fluid becomes so great that, as I have found in my own experiments, the thirst it induces becomes intolerable, and water must be taken in order to allay it. 1 In cardiac diseases with oedema, or accumulation of fluid in the serous cavities, such drinking is unnecessary, as the fluid drained away from the blood by the kidneys is supplied by absorption from the subcutaneous tissue or from the serous cavities. Uses of Digitalis. Not only does the circulation in the tissues generally improve under digitalis, but the nutrition of the heart is increased by more efficient circulation through the coronary vessels; dilatation is lessened; the muscular rings around the auriculo-ventricular orifices contract more strongly, the mitral and tricuspid valves close them more efficiently, and regurgitation is lessened. In cases where the valvular incom- petency is solely due to dilatation and not to changes in the valves themselves, the incompetency may be completely cured. The arteries likewise benefit, as the slower and stronger beats of the heart increase the self-massage of the artery in its sheath, and the same increased pulsation aids the circulation in the veins, as already described. The venous circulation is farther aided by increased suction-power of the heart (Fig. 125, p. 96), which contracts more rapidly and completely. Diminished regurgitation combines with increased circulation in the veins to lessen venous congestion, and thus tends to 1 Lauder Brunton on "Digitalis," Collected Papers, p. 83. Macmillan & Co., London, 1906. DIURESIS USES OF DIGITALIS increase the secretion of urine. For venous congestion in the kidneys tends to compress the arterioles and tubules in the FIG. 175. Heart fully distended, showing insufficiency of the valves to close the mitral and tricuspid orifices. organ, and thus lessen secretion; and digitalis, therefore, in cases of venous congestion probably acts as a diuretic in four FIG. 176. Heart in full systole, showing the mitral and tricuspid orifices so di- minished by the muscular con- traction that the valves close them easily. FIG. 177. The same heart as in Fig. 176, from another point of view. ways (i) it increases the blood pressure in the glomeruli; (2) it lessens the resistance which the pressure of the dis- 152 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION tended venous radicles in the kidney opposes to secretion; (3) it probably acts as a stimulant to the secreting cells of the kidney; and (4) it increases the volume of blood, and some- what alters its composition by causing absorption from cedem- atous tissues and serous cavities. When it causes absorp- tion of ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity it may act as a diuretic in a fifth way, viz., by lessening the resistance op- posed to the secretion of urine by the pressure of the ascitic fluid on (a) the kidney itself, and (b) on the ureters. From this manifold action of digitalis as a diuretic it is evident that when its action is once fairly established in a water-logged FIG. 178. Diagram to show the effect of venous congestion and of obstruction of the ureter or tubules on the kidney. A, normal kidney, with artery in the center of the hilus. The artery ends in a. glomerulus from which a urinary tubule passes into the ureter, which is shown passing out of the hilus below the artery. The renal vein is shown above the artery in the hilus. B shows congestion of the vein, with consequent compression of the artery and tubule. C shows obstruction of the ureter and tubules. FIG. 179. Diagrammatic section of the abdomen: A, in the normal state; B, in advanced dropsy, where the ascitic fluid compresses the kid- ney itself and also the ureter, so that the secretion of urine is hind- ered in two ways: (i) by pressure on the outside of the kidney, and (2) by pressure on the inside of the kidney from the tension in the urinary tubules. patient, the amount of urine secreted for some days may be enormous. Action of Digitalis on CEdema. As I have already men- tioned, the diuretic action of digitalis may cause so much water to be withdrawn from the blood that it produces a consuming thirst in a healthy man. 1 In a dropsical one, the fluid lost through the kidneys is made up by absorption from the tissues, and this is one way in which digitalis reduces oedema. But it 'Lauder Brunton on "Digitalis," Notes of March 17 and 19, 1865. Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration, p. 83. ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON (EDEMA 153 is probably not the only one. For digitalis stimulates the vaso- motor nerves, and in this way tends to prevent the exudation of fluid from the blood-vessels, which produces oedema. It is ARTER/ES FIG. 1 80. Diagram of Ranvier's experiment on dropsy. The vena cava is ligatured, and in the left leg the trunk of the sciatic has been divided so that both the motor and vaso-motor nerves contained in it are paralyzed. On the right side the motor roots of the sciatic alone are divided and the vaso-motor left uninjured. There is thus motor paralysis on both sides, but vaso-motor paralysis and dropsy only on the left side. universally acknowledged that venous obstruction tends to produce oedema, but at the same time oedema may occur with- out any obvious venous obstruction, as in angio-neurotic cedema. Moreover, venous obstruction may exist without oedema, as was shown by Ranvier, who tied the vena cava in a dog, and found that although venous congestion was thus produced in both legs, no oedema occurred in the leg where the vaso-motor nerves were left intact, but occurred in the other where the vaso-motor nerves were divided. Another benefit resulting from diminished venous conges- 154 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION tion is improved digestion and assimilation. The liver, which under increased venous pressure may have become so swollen as to reach even below the umbilicus, returns more or less to its normal size, and the obstacle which had existed to the re- turn of venous blood from the stomach and intestines, nearly FIG. 181. Diagram to show the return of venous blood from the stomach and in- testines through the liver. all of which has to pass through the liver, is removed (Fig. 181). The circulation through these organs becomes better, digestion and absorption improve, flatulence is lessened, and the patient's nutrition improves. Toxic Action of Digitalis. All these are the advantages which we gain from the proper administration of digitalis; TOXIC ACTION OF DIGITALIS 155 but when carried too far, a toxic action occurs, and one of the first symptoms is nausea and vomiting. This may be due simply to extension of the irritation in the medulla from the vagus and vaso-motor centers to the vomiting center, but it .may be due also, to some extent, to a local irritation of the stomach by the digitalis being secreted into it in the same way as tartar emetic, or the toxins of cholera. In medical practice, gastric irritation is usually one of the first indications that the physiological effect of digitalis is passing into its toxic action. Sometimes, however, the pulse becomes abnormally slow, even before sickness occurs. If the warning given either by sickness or by the pulse is attended to, and the ad- ministration of the drug is stopped, usually no further dis- advantage occurs : but if these warnings be unheeded, exces- FIG. 182. Diagram to show the relation between blood pressure and the secretion of urine after the administration of erythrophlceum. The lower tracing shows the blood pressure in millimeters of mercury. The upper shows the secretion of urine in minims per ten minutes. It may be noted that when the blood pressure rises to its maximum of 200, the secretion of urine falls to zero. sive vomiting may set in, collapse may occur, and the secre- tion of urine may be entirely arrested. The secretion of urine may cease at the time when the blood pressure is at its maxi- mum, as I found along with Mr. Power in the case of digi- 156 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION talis, and along with Mr. Pye in the case of strophanthus. The stoppage of secretion is exactly like that which occurs from ligature of the renal artery, and in all probability it is 100 90 80 70 60 FIG. 183. Tracings to show the first stages of the action of digitalis. Brunton and Meyer Tracing of the oscillations of blood pressure in a dog. There are nearly 5 beats of the heart in the tracing and the pressure falls to 55 mm. of mercury and rises to 94. due to spasm of these arteries stopping the circulation through the kidney. As the pressure begins to fall and the arteries relax, urine is again secreted, but it is often albuminous, FIG. 184. Tracing from same animal after the administration of digitalis. The slow- ing of the heart is very marked, the pressure is somewhat raised. exactly like the urine secreted after the arteries have been ligatured and then released. ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON ARTERIOLES 157 Action of Digitalis on Arterioles. The rise of blood pres- sure which digitalis produces was attributed by Traube and no FIG. 185. Tracing from the same animal when the action of digitalis is more pro- nounced. The difference between this and the previous tracing does not consist so much in any further slowing of the pulse but in the smaller oscillation and the rise in tension. von Bezold to increased action of the heart, and they left the arterioles altogether out of account as a factor in its produc- tic. 1 86. Tracing of the blood pressure of a dog during arrest of the heart by electrical stimulation of the vagus before injection of digitalis. It will be noticed that during the stoppage the blood pressure falls to within 1.5 cm. of the abscissa. tion. In my thesis, presented to the Edinburgh University in 1866, I pointed out the importance of the arterioles, and in the winter of 1867-68 I obtained, in conjunction with A. I$8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION B. Meyer, experimental evidence of this action. 1 We noticed that after the injection of digitalis into the veins of a dog, the pressure in the arteries not only rose higher than before, but it fell more slowly during diastole. Had the arterioles not been contracted, the higher pressure would have driven the blood more quickly through them in diastole, and so the fall would have been quicker than before, instead of being slower, as we found it to be. In order to obtain more certain proof of this, however, I then took up the question along with Dr. Tunnicliffe, and instead of using the normal systole of the heart we prolonged it greatly by irritation of the vagus. The FIG. 187. The same experiment as in Fig. 186, but after the injection of digitalis. Although the arrest of the heart is longer than in the previous experiment, the blood pressure only falls to within 3 cm. of the abscissa instead of to 1.5 cm. results we arrived at entirely confirmed my previous observa- tions ; for, although the pressure was considerably raised in the arteries by the administration of digitalis, it fell very much more slowly than in the normal animal, while the heart was standing still from irritation of the vagus. I need not enter further into the discussion of this point, as Tunnicliffe and I have gone fully into it in our paper. 2 Stages in the Action of Digitalis. The action of the drug 1 Brunton and Meyer, Jour, of Anat. and Physiol., vol. vii., 1873, and reprinted in Collected Papers, p. 141. 2 Lander Brunton and Tunnicliffe, Journ. of Physiol, 1896, vol. xx., p. 354. STAGES IN THE ACTION OF DIGITALIS 159 may be divided into several stages. These stages have been variously described, so that the stages of different authors do not correspond. The essential part of the division is that in the first stage there is increased power, both of those parts of the nervous system connected with the heart and vessels and of the muscular fibers in them, while in the later stages FIG. 188. Tracings of blood pressure showing the action of digitalis. The first is normal; the second, slow pulse with rise of pressure; third, paralyzed vagus with con- tracted arterioles; fourth, vessels relax. more or less complete paralysis of these structures occurs. We might, then, take as the 1st stage, that in which there is increased action in all the nerves and muscles of the circulation ; as the 2d, that in which the nervous system of the heart begins to fail, while muscular power and the whole vascular apparatus are still intact; as the I6O THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION 3d, that in which the muscular fiber of the heart begins to fail; and as the 4th, that in which the vessels become enfeebled. In the first stage we have a rise of blood pressure and usually a slowing of the pulse, this slowing being due to the action of the drug both on the vagus roots and ends in the heart. Although the pulse is slow, the systole of the heart is not prolonged, and there is, therefore, a much longer diastole during which the heart is able to rest. The blood pressure in the kidneys is increased as well as in the other organs, and the urinary secretion is therefore augmented. In the second stage, while the blood pressure continues high, the vagus becomes partially paralyzed, and therefore the pulsations become at first irregular and afterwards very rapid. In this condition spasm of the renal vessels may occur, and the urinary secretions may entirely cease. When this occurs in man, the condition of the patient is dangerous. In the third stage the heart becomes feebler, and may again become regular, from failure either of the muscular fiber itself or the intrinsic ganglia. The arterioles now relax, the blood pressure begins to fall, and the urine may again become copious. In the fourth stage, the vessels dilate generally, blood pressure falls very greatly, and the heart stops sometimes in systole, as in the frog, but very frequently in diastole. Difference between Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics. The differences which have been observed between the ac- tion of digitalis and its congeners are that, while digitalis affects both heart and vessels, the action of strophanthus appears to be exerted more especially upon the heart, increas- ing its power; while that of erythrophlceum appears to be ex- erted more upon the vessels. Action of Adrenaline on the Heart and Vessels. This substance when injected into the circulation causes a contrac- tion of the vessels and rise of blood pressure, such as almost no other substance, except nicotine, p. 167, will produce. It is also a powerful stimulant of the heart. Unfortunately, its STRYCHNINE CAFFEINE OTHER PURIN BODIES l6l action is transient, and when given by the mouth, its action is much less than when given hypodermically, Action of Strychnine on the Heart. Another drug be- longing to quite a different class, and yet most useful in cardiac disease, is strychnine. Its action is exerted slightly, if at all, upon the muscular fiber, but it greatly increases the reflex excitability of nerve centers. This is more especially marked in those of the cord and medulla, but it also stimulates peri- pheral ganglia, and Cash and I found that when applied to the heart it prevented the slowing or stoppage of the ventricle, which usually occurs from the application of a ligature be- tween the venous sinus and the ventricle. 1 In some books on Pharmacology the action of strychnine as a cardiac stimulant is to a great extent ignored; but I think that in medical prac- tice the use of this drug as a cardiac stimulant has of late years become more and more general, and it is justified by the good effects observed from it, and explained, partly at least, by the action on the heart which Cash and I found it to have. Under its use we frequently notice that a pulse which was previously feeble, irregular, or intermittent, becomes steady, strong, and regular. No doubt, the conditions which regu- late the pulse are very complicated in health, and still more in disease, so that it is difficult or impossible to be absolutely certain of the exact mode of action of strychnine; but at the same time its good effects are, I think, undeniable, and the explanation that I have given is at any rate feasible. Action of Caffeine and other Purin Bodies. While strychnine exerts its beneficial effect almost entirely through the nerves, caffeine and allied bodies probably exert it, more especially, through their action upon the muscular fiber of the heart and arteries and upon the secreting cells in the kidneys. This is not entirely the case, however, for all the plants which contain either caffeine or theobromine are used dietetically as 1 Brunton and Cash, " On the explanation of Stannius's experiment, and on the Action of Strychnia on the Heart," St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xvi., 1880, reprinted in Collected Papers, p. 556, cf. p. 21. 1 62 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION nervous stimulants; tea, coffee, and chocolate being the most commonly employed, but kola and guarana being also largely used in Africa and South America. Like digitalis, caffeine stimulates the vaso-motor center in the medulla and raises the blood-pressure by causing contraction of the vessels; but this rise, instead of being accompanied by a slow pulse, as in the case of digitalis, usually goes along with an acceleration of the heart beats. The reason of this probably is that the cardiac muscle is rendered by caffeine more irritable, so that its rhyth- mical stimuli follow one another more quickly, while at the same time its contraction becomes more powerful. The effect upon the kidneys is to produce a considerably increased flow of urine, and the increase of water is accompanied also by an increase in the solids, the total effect being chiefly due to stimu- lation of the secreting cells. Theobromine differs from caf- feine in having much less effect upon the vaso-motor center and more effect upon the kidney itself. It therefore acts more powerfully as a diuretic than caffeine. It is sparingly soluble in water, but is rendered more soluble by trisodium phosphate, and several synthetic compounds have been introduced into medicine. One is called diuretin, which is said to be a sali- cylate of sodium and theobromine ; agurin, which is an acetate of sodium and theobromine; an iodide of sodium and theo- bromine; and uropherin, which is a salicylate of lithium and theobromine. Another substance, also found in tea and coffee, theophyllin, has been made synthetically, and is sold under the name theocine. All these substances are useful diuretics, and may be given either alone or in combination with digitalis, strophanthus, or other drugs having a similar action. Drawbacks to the Action of Digitalis and other Cardiac Tonics. All the drugs of which we have hitherto been speak- ing have a tendency to cause contraction of the vessels. This tendency may interfere with their beneficial effects by caus- ing contraction of the renal arteries, and thus checking the secretion of urine; but a greater drawback sometimes is that, by contracting the vessels generally, they raise the blood pres- DRAWBACKS TO CARDIAC TONICS 163 sure and thus increase the resistance which the heart has to overcome, and consequently the work it has to do. If the heart is very feeble it may even become unable to overcome the increased tension, and sudden and fatal syncope may ensue. Fatal syncope has not un frequently resulted from the exces- sive use of digitalis, and it appears to be more apt to come on when the person rises to micturate. The sudden change from a recumbent to an upright position lessens the pressure of blood in the cerebral arteries, while, at the same time, by emptying the bladder the intra-abdominal pressure is lessened, and the blood is retained in the splanchnic area. But the cases in which the heart is most likely to be stopped by digitalis are those in which the arterial pressure is already high, as in advanced Bright's disease, and where the heart has already become fatty. In such cases digitalis must be used with great caution, for there is a double risk. On the one hand, there is the danger just alluded to of stopping the heart, and on the other, there is the risk of causing apoplexy by the arterial tension rising so high as to burst a vessel in the brain. Removal of these Drawbacks by Combination. Yet in many such cases we sadly want the steadying and strengthen- ing effect of digitalis or strophanthus upon the heart, and we are able to obtain the result we desire by combining these drugs with others belonging to an entirely different class, namely, that of vaso-dilators. Vaso-dilators. The first vaso-dilator investigated was nitrite of amyl. Its power of causing flushing of the face was noticed by Guthrie in 1859, and Dr. B. W. Richardson ob- served that it caused dilation of the capillaries in the frog's foot; but it was Dr. Arthur Gamgee who first discovered its power of lowering the blood pressure. It was under his direc- tion that I had been carrying out my experiments on digitalis in the late Professor Douglas Maclagan's laboratory, and I used to submit myself to Dr. Gamgee for experiments upon the effect of nitrite of amyl on my own pulse, from which he made sphygmographic tracings, and these experiments nat- 164 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION urally rendered me thoroughly conversant with its physio- logical action on the pulse. The numerous observations I had 189. Tracing showing the ac- tion of isobutyl nitrite on blood pres- sure. The indications in the tracing are the same in Fig. 190. FIG. 190. Tracing showing the ac- tion of amyl nitrite on the blood pres- sure. The point where the administra- tion was begun is marked by a cross; the point where it was discontinued, by a small arrow. The horizontal double- headed arrow indicates the zero point of pressure; the single-headed arrow in- dicates the direction in which the trac- ing is to be read. made upon my own pulse 1 naturally made me rather expert in the use of the sphygmograph ; and when resident in the 1 Lauder Brunton on " Digitalis," Inaugural Thesis, 1866, and Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration, First Series, pp. 129-136. FIRST USE OF AMYL NITRITE i6 5 Royal Infirmary at Edinburgh I made a number of observa- tions upon a case of angina pectoris which was at that time in the wards. I found that during every attack the tension of the pulse became greatly increased, and as the pain passed off the tension fell. Every remedy had been tried in vain, and the patient was just going out of the hospital when it occurred to me that if one could lower the pressure in his vessels one would very probably relieve the pain. I therefore kept him in one day longer to try the experiment, and promised him that if it should fail he should go out next day. To my de- light the experiment proved a complete success. As I administered the nitrite of amyl, which my friend Dr. Gamgee had given me, the patient's face became flushed, the pulse, instead of being small and thready, became full and bounding, and the pain almost instan- taneously disappeared. (Figs. 204- 214, p. 190.) Nitrite of amyl still holds its place in medical practice as the most rapid and powerful vascular dilator, but other nitrites or nitrates having a slower but more lasting action have now come into more general use. In 1876, along with Mr. Tait, 1 I discovered that nitroglycerine had an action upon the circulation similar to that of nitrite of amyl, but I used to get such an awful head- ache from working with it that I hesitated to give it to patients, and while I was still hesitating Dr. Murrell employed it in a case of angina with great success. It has now be- come the stock remedy for lowering arterial tension, and has been introduced into the British Pharmacopoeia in the form 1 St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1876, p. 144. FIG. 191. Action of hydroxylamine hydrochlor- ate on blood pressure. 1 66 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION of tablets containing a hundredth of a grain in chocolate. These may be either taken at once, or a little bit of them may be nibbled and the nibbling carried on until the pain passes off. If one is not sufficient, more may be used. Whilst working in Professor Ludwig's laboratory in 1869, I found that sodium nitrite had a similar action to amyl nitrite, but not so marked. This observation was not published, and the action of sodium nitrite was described some years later by Dr. Hay. In 1876 and 1877 I made also a large num- ber of experiments, along with the late Dr. Gresswell of Melbourne, on the action of other nitrites, but owing to vari- ous circumstances these results also have not been published. A very interesting research by Professors Cash and Dunstan 1 on various nitrites shows that they are all alike in the nature of their action, though differing somewhat in degree. The same is the case with a substance differing entirely from them chemically, namely, hydroxylamine, which Mr. T. J. Boken- ham 2 and I found to dilate the vessels, and produce a fall in the blood pressure almost identical with that caused by nitrite of amyl. A most interesting discussion of the drugs belonging to the nitrous group is contained in the lectures of the late Professor. Leech, whose death was a loss to the whole scientific world, and a great personal grief to everyone who knew him. Nitro- erythrol is another substance which is almost more useful than any of the other nitrites, because its action, though less powerful, is more prolonged than theirs, and in cases where we wish to keep the blood pressure constantly low, it is very convenient, an eighth to half a grain or even more being taken every two, four, or six hours, more or less as the case re- quires. Nitromannitol may also be used in doses of one grain or more. Where the pulse is very quick, aconite or colchicum may be given and general bleeding may be required. 1 Cash and Dunstan. 2 Brunton and Bokenham, Roy. Soc. Proc., 1889, vol. xlv., p. 352. LECTURE VII Nicotine Tobacco Smoking Attractions of Smoking Results of Ex- cessive Smoking Aconite Local Modification of the Circulation: Inflam- mation General Bleeding Local Bleeding Treatment of Cardiac Dis- eases : Treatment of Palpitation Diet and Regimen Graves's Disease Tachycardia from Strain Paroxysmal Tachycardia. Nicotine. Another drug which has a very powerful in- fluence upon the blood pressure and cardiac action, is nicotine. Both in frogs and mammals nicotine produces, first convul- sions and then paralysis. When applied in small doses to the frog's heart, it causes the beats at first to become slow and afterwards quick. If the dose be large, no primary slowing may be observed. In animals it causes slowing of the heart, with enormous rise of blood pressure. The rise of blood pressure is so great that I have never seen it equalled after the injection of any drug, with the exception of suprarenal extract. The rise of pressure is chiefly due to contraction of the arteri- oles. This contraction is partly dependent upon stimulation of the vaso-motor center in the medulla oblongata, but partly also to a local action upon the arterioles themselves, as it may be produced by injection of the drug even after the medulla has been destroyed. The pulse-rate in mammals is first slowed and afterwards quickened, just as in the frog. The slowing is due partly to stimulation of the vagus center in the medulla oblongata, and partly to the stimulation of the in- hibitory apparatus in the heart itself. The subsequent in- crease in the pulse-rate is due to paralysis of these ganglia. In consequence of this double action of nicotine, if the vagus be divided during the period of slow pulse, the pulse becomes somewhat quicker, but still remains slower than normal. When, however, the dose has been sufficiently large to quicken the pulse, no stimulation of the vagus will slow the heart, as its terminal branches in the heart are paralyzed by the drug. 167 1 68 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION This action is the same in the heart of the frog, so that after a large dose of nicotine, stimulation of the vagus has no effect upon the heart, but stimulation of the venous sinus itself will slow the heart. The reason of this probably is, that, although the inhibitory ganglia in the heart are paralyzed, the inhibitory neurons which proceed from them are still intact, and are affected by local stimulation. Formerly, tobacco enemata were used as a means of caus- ing vascular and general relaxation, but they were far from being without danger and are never employed now. But, although tobacco is not used as a remedy for disease, its em- ployment is so universal that its action requires very careful consideration. Nicotine alone is only taken into the body when tobacco is used by chewing or by snuffing. When it is chewed, most of the juice is expectorated, but a small portion is probably swallowed. When tobacco is used in the form of snuff, small quantities of it find their way into the naso- pharynx and they are swallowed. The tobacco used for chew- ing or snuffing contains, as a rule, but very little nicotine, and so symptoms of poisoning from either of those habits are rare. Tobacco Smoking. Usually, tobacco is employed by smok- ing, either in the form of cigars or cigarettes, or in a pipe. \Vhen used in any one of these forms it is not pure nicotine which reaches the mouth, but really the products of the dry distillation of tobacco, containing a large quantity of pyridine and picoline bases. 1 Probably nicotine in greater or less quan- tity is also present. The proportions of. the pyridine and picoline bases in the tobacco smoke vary according to the mode in which it is burnt. In a cigar there is a freer access of air, so that much collidine and little pyridine are formed, while in a pipe much more pyridine is produced, and thus stronger tobacco can be smoked in a cigar than in a pipe. So much is this the case, that tobacco which in the form of a cigar would produce no disagreeable effect, may cause giddiness and vomit- 1 Vohl and Eulenburg, Arch. Pharm. [2], cxlvii., 130-166. Abstracted by Lander Bi;unton in Journ. Chem. Soc., 1871, New Ser., vol. ix., p. 1075. ATTRACTIONS OF SMOKING 169 ing if smoked in a pipe. The smoke from a pipe or cigar usually passes simply into the mouth and out again, either through the mouth or the nostrils; but when smoked in a huka or .narghileh, the smoke is inhaled into the lungs, and this is frequently done also by people who smoke cigarettes. When a huka or a narghileh is used, the smoke passes through water before being inhaled, and it is thus deprived of most of its poisonous constituents; but this is not so with the smoke of cigarettes, and, as absorption occurs very rapidly from the pulmonary mucous membrane, cigarette smoking is sometimes very injurious. There is another reason, however, why ciga- rette smoking is frequently more harmful than smoking a pipe or cigar, and it is that cigarettes are small and can be smoked in a few minutes, so that many more cigarettes than pipes or cigars are consumed in the course of the day, and the total quantity of tobacco used is thus much greater in the form of cigarettes. Smoking in moderation does not seem to be injurious to grown-up people, but there appears to be a general consensus of opinion that it is very distinctly harmful to growing lads. Attractions of Smoking. In adults, smoking appears to have a double action. It will stimulate the brain to increased FIG. 192. Tracing to show the increased rapidity of circulation in the carotid of horse during mastication. (After Marey.) activity, and it will also produce a soothing effect in conditions of excitement. Its stimulating effect upon mental activity is probably partly due to the local irritant action of smoke upon the mouth, causing reflex dilation of the vessels which supply the brain in somewhat the same way as mastication (Fig. 192). I/O THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Its action as a sedative is probably partly due to the necessity of breathing rhythmically while smoking, and the soothing effect of watching the smoke as it issues from the lips or nostrils, especially when it is blown out in the form of rings. This is by no means an unimportant factor, for many people derive but very little pleasure from smoking in the dark. Results of Excessive Smoking. One of the commonest results of excessive smoking is chronic pharyngitis, with irrita- FIG. 193. Pulsations of the fontanelle (F) in an infant six weeks old while sucking. R shows a simultaneous tracing of the thoracic respiration. The breast was offered to the child at the beginning of the tracing. At the time indicated by the third respiratory wave, which has a flattened top, the child began to take the breast. It will be noticed that the line of the tracing F rises, indicating increased circulation on the brain. (After Salathe.) bility of the throat, cough and hoarseness, and sometimes the irritation also affects the tongue. Weakness of vision, nervous tremor, and giddiness frequently result from tobacco-smoking. It is difficult to decide how far these are due to the direct action of the tobacco smoke upon the nervous system, and how far they are caused through alteration in the circulation. The circulation becomes much affected ; palpitation and pain in the cardiac region are common results. Sometimes, though rarely, the cardiac pain may be so great as to simulate angina pectoris. Irregularity of the heart is very common, and it appears to me that this irregularity is more frequently found from a common kind of tobacco known as " pig-tail " than from better-class tobaccos. When I was a house physician I met with it very frequently, and the cardiac rhythm might be represented some- what in this way : ACONITE I / 1 a pause, followed by one or two heavy beats, then a succession of quick, small beats, and then a pause again. With better- class tobaccos I have not observed this irregularity so fre- quently, but I have more often seen the patient simply fall down unconscious, as if he had been shot. These unpleasant symptoms, as well as the nervous symptoms which accompany them, may sometimes cease upon lessening the amount of tobacco used, but not un frequently a very small quantity appears to keep up the condition after it has once been es- tablished : and complete abstinence from tobacco, occasionally for a period of several months, is required before it can be resumed without causing a recurrence of the symptoms. Aconite. Aconite is a drug which may be looked upon as a typical cardiac depressant. Its most characteristic physio- logical action is that of causing numbness and tingling when applied to the tongue in small quantities, and this test is much more delicate than any chemical reaction. When adminis- tered to mammals in small doses, it slows the heart very greatly, and this effect is entirely due to its action upon the vagus center. Its effects are precisely similar to those pro- duced by stimulation of the vagus, the heart being rendered slow and the blood pressure falling. In larger doses it para- lyzes the ends of the vagus in the heart, so that the pulse becomes suddenly very rapid and at the same time irregular. It appears to have also a local action on the cardiac muscle, but this is of a very complex nature, and is probably con- nected with stimulation and paralysis of some sensory mechan- ism in the heart itself, to which the cardiac pulsations are partly due. That such a reflex mechanism actually exists in the heart itself appears to be shown, amongst other things, by the experiments of Von Basch and A. Frohlich 1 upon the ac- tion of cocaine on the heart. They found that when the sur- face of the heart was stimulated by a Faradic current, which caused an extra beat and compensatory pause, this effect 1 Von Basch and A. Frohlich, Centralblatt fiir Physiologic, Band xviii. ; Literatur, 1904, p. 693. 172 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION diminished rapidly when cocaine was applied to the surface of the heart. This action was not due to any effect of cocaine upon the cardiac muscle, but only to its local action on the epicardium. It is not improbable that the effect of aconite upon the heart may be due to an action upon the sensory mechanism in it somewhat analogous to that of cocaine. One effect of aconite is to disturb the rhythm very greatly, so that foSD MOTOR CENTRE /N MEDULLA. VASO MOTOR FOR THE VESSELS OF THE EAR ASO MOTOR NERVES ) FOR OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY FIG. 194. Diagram of the vaso-inotor nerves of the rabbit's ear. in the frog's heart the normal beats and peristaltic action may alternate. The chief use of aconite is in local inflammations accom- panied by general febrile disturbance. Small doses of this drug appear occasionally to be exceedingly useful ; for example, in tonsillitis and in febrile colds. In nervous flutterings of the heart, aconite in small doses appears to quiet the circulation, but how it does so I cannot at present explain. Very small USES OF ACONITE 173 FIG. 195. Blood vessels in normal condition. (After Lister.) FIG. 196. Same vessels after the application of an irritant and commencement of inflammation. (After Lister.) 174 THERAPEUTICS. OF THE CIRCULATION doses are sufficient, and often seem to slow the pulse more than larger ones. One minim of the pharmacopoeial tincture every hour is frequently sufficient, although the dose given in the British Pharmacopoeia is 2 to 5 minims, frequently repeated, or 5 to 15 minims when given at longer intervals. In cases of persistent high tension with attacks of angina pectoris, aconite is sometimes useful. Its action should be regulated by a sphygmomanometer. Local Modification of the Circulation inflammation. We have various methods of modifying the circulation locally. In local inflammations, as I have just said, aconite seems to be useful, and during its administration the local inflammation frequently subsides, the pain disappearing, the redness, swell- ing, and heat of the part diminishing. We may modify the local circulation in inflammation either by heat or cold. If FIG. 197. Diagram to show the effects of heat and cold in lessening the pain of inflammation. The diagram is supposed to represent the end of the ringer. The small star indicates the point of irritation, e. g., a prick by a thorn. The line in the center of each figure is intended to represent the nerve going to the injured part; and at the side of each figure is an artery and vein connected by a capillary network. In a the capillary network around the seat of irritation is seen to be much congested; the nerve-filaments are thus pressed upon, and pain is occasioned; b represents the condition of the finger after the application of cold to the arm or hand. In con- sequence of the contraction of the afferent arteries the finger becomes ansmic; no pressure is exerted on the nervous filaments, and pain is alleviated; c represents the finger after it has been encased in a warm poultice; the capillary network at the surface of the finger is dilated, and the blood is thus drawn away from the seat of irritation, and the pain therefore relieved. the inflammation be situated in a place where the tissues are yielding, heat frequently relieves it most, but if the tissues are unyielding, as, for example, where the inflammation occurs at the root of a tooth or under a hard fascia, heat increases the LOCAL MODIFICATION OF THE CIRCULATION pain while cold relieves it. The explanation of this is obvious. Heat tends to cause local dilation of the vessels, and if the nerves which run alongside them are in an unyielding sheath, the dilated vessels press more upon them and increase the pain; whereas if the tissues are yielding all round, the col- lateral circulation is increased, and the pressure of blood in the inflamed area is lessened. If the nerves and vessels are both confined in an unyielding sheath, the application of cold tends to cause contraction of the vessels, and, by diminishing their caliber, to lessen pressure upon the nerves and ease the pain. The local application of heat may induce a pretty ex- tensive dilatation of the vesels; for, on putting my feet into a bath of hot water, I have sometimes observed increased pulsation of the femoral arteries. The local application of cold in the case of an artery will cause it to contract, and lessen the circulation in the distal part; so that if a cold band- age be applied over the middle of the arm, the radial artery will beat less strongly. By putting on a cold bandage covered with oil-silk a gentle warmth of the surface is produced, which seems to have a quieting effect upon the circulation and lessens the pain from inflammation, as is evident from its use in various local lesions, and perhaps most markedly when ap- plied to the throat in cases of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. A large wet compress of this sort applied to the abdomen is sometimes very useful in cases of sleeplessness, as it tends to draw away the blood from the brain and allow the nerve cells to become quiet. Warmth to the inside of the stomach has a similar action, and warm food will often tend to pro- duce sleep. The food must, however, not be too warm, as otherwise the heat will pass through the diaphragm, and by its local stimulating action on the heart will increase the force of the pulse, and by driving more blood to the brain, lessen the tendency to sleep instead of increasing it. General Bleeding. Bleeding from the arm is a remedy which is now too little used. In the case of angina pectoris, in which I used nitrite of amyl for the first time, small bleed- THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Vessels of thoracic wall FIG. 198. Vaso-motor centre. Vessels of body generally. Dilated vessels of lung. Diagram to show congestion of the lung. The pulmonary vessels are shown dilated, and those of the thoracic wall contracted. Dilated vessels of thoracic wall Blister Vaso-motor centre. Vessels of body generally. Contracted vessels of lung. FIG. 199. Diagram to explain the action of counter-irritation. A blister or other counter-irritant is shown applied to the chest-wall. The stimulus which it causes is transmitted up the afferent nerves to the vaso-motor center; it is thence reflected down the vaso-motor nerves to the pulmonary vessels, causing them to contract, while it is reflected down vaso-dilating fibers to the vessels of the thoracic wall, and probably of other parts of the body also, causing them to dilate, and thus lessening the pulmonary congestion by withdrawing blood from the lungs. (Compare with Fig. 198.) FIG. 200. Showing the effect of cold upon the arteries. A shows the normal sphygmogram from the radial artery. B is the same after the application of a cold compress above the elbow. (After Winfernitz.) LOCAL BLEEDING 177 ings of three or four ounces were the only thing which eased the pain before the nitrite was employed, and even after its employment bleeding from the arm benefited the patient. 1 In engorged conditions of the right side of the heart, whether due to mitral incompetence or pulmonary affections, blood- letting not only relieves the symptoms, but may save the patient's life. Local Bleeding. A means of influencing the circulation locally, which was formerly much employed, but has now to a great extent fallen into disuse, is the application of leeches and cupping. The relief which is obtained by the application of half a dozen leeches to the side, in cases of severe pleurisy, is very extraordinary; and it is difficult indeed to see how the comparatively small quantity of blood which they extract should relieve the patient so much, but there can be no doubt about the fact that the relief they afford is enormous. Their application over the mastoid process in severe headache or in meningitis, and over the cardiac area in pericarditis or the liver in hepatitis, especially if accompanied with perihepatitis, is very useful. Wet cupping over the kidneys in acute nephritis and over the back in suffocative bronchitis, is sometimes attended with marked amelioration of the symp- toms. It is not simply the removal of blood that produces this effect, because dry cupping, where no blood is removed, is frequently of service. In dry cupping the beneficial result may be partly due to the withdrawal of blood to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It may also be due to a reflex effect of the stimulus upon the circulation, both local and general, and it may possibly be, to some extent, a form of serum therapeu- tics, as the fluid which exudes into the tissues after the appli- cation of the cups may undergo some alteration which imparts to it a curative action after its reabsorption. Any explanation of the mode of action, however, is at present hypothetical, and we are obliged to be content with knowing what the effects are 1 Lauder Brunton, Clinical Society Reports, vol. Hi., 1870; and, Collected Papers, First Series, p. 186. 13 1/8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION without understanding how they are produced. The same may be said of the marked benefit which results from local applications over the cardiac region. When the heart is ex- cited by emotion, the natural tendency is to place the hand over the heart, in order, as the phrase goes, " to still its beat- ing." The pressure of the hand over the cardiac region cer- tainly tends to quiet palpitation, and the same result is ob- tained, even to a greater extent, by permanent pressure from the application of a plaster over this region. The plaster may be simply adhesive; but I think the use of extract of bella- donna is something more than a prejudice, and a belladonna plaster, I think, really has a more powerful action as a cardiac sedative than a merely adhesive plaster. A good deal depends upon the way the plaster is applied. It is best not to have it too small, and in the case of women it ought to be cut like the pattern which I show you, so that it may fit over the breast. An india-rubber bag, filled with crushed ice, applied over the cardiac region some- times quiets excessive cardiac action ; or, in place of it, a tube of india-rubber, coiled round and round, so as to form a flat plate through which cold water may be passed in a continuous stream, may have a similar action. When the action of the heart is feeble, a bag filled with hot water, or a warm poultice, a warm fomentation, or a turpentine stupe, may stimulate its action. In one case of cardiac disease I have seen ammonia liniment rubbed over the cardiac region for the relief of pain bring on such palpitation as to cause very great inconvenience to the patient, and to necessitate the relinquish- ing of the remedy. TREATMENT OF CARDIAC DISEASES Treatment of Palpitation. We may pass now from the consideration of the therapeutic means at our disposal to the treatment of definite disorders of the circulation. First of all, we may take palpitation. The first thing to be done is, of course, to try and find out its cause, and relieve it if possible. TREATMENT OF PALPITATION In cases where it depends upon the excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, tea, or coffee, these articles should either be dimin- ished or, if necessary, cut off entirely. The use of a bella- donna plaster I have already mentioned, and here the distinc- tion between gentle, steady pressure and hard pressure is ob- vious, because, although the slight pressure of the plaster or RECTUM AND H^EMORRHOIDAL PLEXUS. FIG. 201. Diagram of the veins forming part of the portal circulation. The pancreatic and splenic veins, although most important, have been omitted for the sake of clearness. hand tends to quiet the heart, yet the harder pressure pro- duced by lying upon the left side frequently aggravates the palpitation, so that patients are obliged to lie upon the right ISO THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION side. In some cases they are obliged to lie upon their back ; but, as a rule, lying on the back is disadvantageous. In many people it appears to disturb the circulation to such an extent as to cause a nightmare, frequently of such a kind as to indi- cate interference with the circulation through the lungs, be- cause the dream which makes the patient awaken is that of being chased by an animal or subjected to some other sudden strain, and when he does awake he has the same sensation of oppression, and his heart is beating just as if he had been running away from a mad bull or undergoing some other vio- lent exertion. When palpitation depends upon distension of the stomach by flatulence pushing the heart up, and thus bringing its apex against the chest wall, immediate relief is afforded by carmina- tives to bring the flatulence away, and I give here two pre- scriptions, which may serve as examples : $ Sodii Bicarb gr. v Spt. .Ether Co HI v Spt. Chlorof niv Tinct. Cardamom. Co TTl x Aq. Menth. Pip ad Jj M. mitte 3viij Sig. One-eighth part to be taken alone, or with water, every ten or fif- teen minutes until the flatulence is relieved. $ Spt. Ammon. Aromat Tl xv Spt. Chlorof ni x Tinct. Carminativ Til x Aqua ad 3ss M. mitte 3 V J Sig. One-twelfth part to be taken alone, or in water, every few minutes until the flatulence is relieved. Another useful plan is to give about one-third of a tea- spoonful of sodium bicarbonate in a claret glassful of water or peppermint water, and to let the patient slowly sip as much of this as is necessary. But, in order to relieve the palpitation permanently, the digestion must be put right and fermentation in the stomach stopped. We must remember here that the blood from the stomach has to pass through the FLATULENCE IN HEART DISEASE l8l liver (Fig. 181, p. 154) before it reaches the general circula- tion, and that the liver and bowels require attention as well as the stomach. We very frequently are able to relieve palpi- tation far more by medicines which act only on the digestive canal, than by drugs which affect the heart and vessels directly. One of the best remedies that I know for functional irritation of the heart is one which my old teacher, Dr. Warburton Begbie, used to call the " pulvis mirabilis." Its composition was as follows : IJ Bismuth Subnit gr. x Sodii Bicarb gr. x Pulv. Nuc. Vom gr. ss-jss Pulv. Rhei gr. j-iij Pulv. Cinnamom. Co gr. iij M. ft. pulv. The great disadvantage of this powder was its filthy taste, but this can be got over by putting the nux vomica and rhubarb in a cachet, and giving the other ingredients in a mixture, along with some carminative and flavoring sub- stance. Both the mixture and cachet are taken at the same time, and, as they mix in the stomach, one gets the effect one desires without the patient perceiving the taste. When the heart is feeble, three or four minims of tincture of strophan- thus or of digitalis may be added to the mixture with advan- tage; and if the patient be anaemic, some preparation of iron may be either given along with, or separate from the medicine. Diet and Regimen. Of course, a large quantity of food which would distend the stomach mechanically should be avoided; and, if required, the meals should be small in quan- tity and more frequently repeated. Articles of diet that tend to cause flatulency, such as cabbage, pastry, and sugar, should also be avoided, or anything else that seems to disagree with the patient. The eating must be slow, and mastication thorough. In addition to the nature of the food, the manner in which solids and liquids are taken must be carefully attended to. When much fluid is drunk with a meal it tends to dilute 1 82 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION the gastric juice, and this lessens digestion in the stomach, so that digestion must be finished in the intestine. When little fluid is taken with a meal the digestion in the stomach is more perfect, and consequently less digestion requires to be carried on in the intestine. People who have a tendency to flatulence should therefore take little or no liquid with their meals. But, it is evident that as the body contains so much water, water must be taken in some form or another during the day. The best form in which to take it is that of simple hot water, as hot as can be comfortably drunk, with a slice of lemon floating on the surface to relieve the insipidity of the hot water itself. The water should not be drunk in large draughts, but should be slowly sipped. The best time for taking the water is when digestion in the stomach is finished, that is to say, three or four hours after a meal. Thus, if breakfast be taken at 8, some hot water may be sipped between n and 12. If lunch be taken at I some hot water may be sipped between 4 and 5. At this time the water may be either sipped alone or it may be slightly flavored with tea, or the water may be sipped first and a cup of ordinary tea drunk afterwards. The water alone is best, because the cup of tea sometimes gives rise to acidity and flatulence ; but its refreshing power is so great that in some cases it may be allowed, and if so, it ought to be China tea. If hot water or tea be disliked, the water may be simply flavored with some kind of meat extract, or thin broth, juli- enne soup, or beef-, mutton-, or chicken-tea may be substituted, but it must not be strong. Water should again be sipped be- fore going to bed. Water taken in this way not only supplies the needs of the body, but it tends to wash the contents of the stomach out after each meal, so that no food is left behind to ferment. When the stomach is not cleaned out, remnants of food are apt to undergo fermentation, and the portion of each meal that is left behind tends to start fermentation in the next meal, so that a state of indigestion is set up which may remain for a length of time. USES OF WATER WHEN TO TAKE IT 183 In order that digestion should be perfect the food must be thoroughly broken up, as otherwise it will not be dissolved by the gastric juice. Many people are apt to chew their food very imperfectly and wash it down with liquid, either water, tea, coffee, wine, or spirits, during the meal. When no liquid is taken with the meal, this becomes almost impossible. The food must then be broken up thoroughly and mixed with saliva. One great rule in indigestion of all sorts, therefore, is to take no liquid during meals. When liquid is drunk towards the end of a meal, the danger of imperfect mastication is lessened, but much liquid taken at this time will still interfere with digestion in the stomach, by diluting the gastric juice and so weakening its digestive power. If the patient is able to take exercise, a moderate amount of gentle exercise in the open air is advisable; and where the patient seems too weak for much exercise, massage may take its place to a considerable extent. If other means fail and the palpitation is very dis- tressing, the patient may be put to bed and kept there steadily regular Weir Mitchell treatment, in fact, being adopted. Palpitation is very apt to be associated with some disturb- ance in the pelvic organs, and anything wrong with these ought to be attended to, and any excitement of them should be care- fully avoided. In cases where palpitation is associated with debility, strychnine or nux vomica is of great service, and may be given as in the prescription for the " pulvis mirabilis," shortly before or after meals. Its action is complex, because it affects the whole nervous system, stimulating the brain, the medulla, and the heart. In most cases it can be borne even in large doses, but there are some where it does harm rather than good, more especially in patients of a highly nervous temperament, and where there is a tendency to excessive sensibility of the pelvic organs. Graves's Disease. In Graves's disease we frequently meet with very considerable palpitation, associated with excessive rapidity of the heart, and sometimes we find these conditions 184 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION present without any protrusion of the eyeballs. As I men- tioned before, palpitation may be caused by a too prolonged administration of thyroid gland. The best treatment for Graves's disease is undoubtedly prolonged rest in bed, and one of the most successful cases I ever had was a lady who, luckily, became pregnant shortly after the onset of the disease. She was kept constantly in bed for nine months, and made a per- fect recovery. As such patients are usually very emotional, bromides of potassium, sodium, ammonium, or strontium, either singly or combined, are often beneficial, quieting the nervous irritability and removing the restlessness and sleep- lessness which sometimes are present. I have frequently used, and I think with benefit, calcium chloride, and suprarenal ex- tract. Kocher thinks that phosphates should be given freely. 1 Tachycardia from Strain. Excessive exercise appears to be sometimes followed by a rapid action of the heart, which, instead of passing after the exercise is over, may continue for days or even weeks. In all probability such cases are due to a certain amount of cardiac strain, and ought to be treated as such. Paroxysmal Tachycardia. In paroxysmal tachycardia, the beats of the heart, which may previously have been per- fectly normal, suddenly become excessively rapid, as much as three or four times as quick as before. It would almost seem in these cases as if each cavity of the heart was capable of giving an independent stimulus to the contraction of the whole, so that a pulse of 60 might suddenly jump up to a pulse of 240. We do not know the pathology of such cases, but they are not unfrequently associated with a certain amount of fatty degen- eration in the heart. They are benefited during the attack by cold applications over the heart, sometimes by drinking iced water, so as to get the effect of cold directly upon the heart through the stomach, and sometimes by a powerful stimulant such as strong coffee. The attack may sometimes be cut short by the administration of an emetic such as 20 grains of 1 Common salt in drachm doses, with plenty water, three times a day, is sometimes useful. PAROXYSMAL TACHYCARDIA I8 5 sulphate of zinc, or mustard and water may be employed. During the interval, small doses of strophanthus, digitalis, strychnine, and eserine may be useful in steadying the heart. If they are associated with high tension, vascular dilators must be employed ; and if they occur in gouty people, the diet should be, to a great extent, non-nitrogenous. In some cases the FIG. 202. Case of exophthalmic goitre, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, December, 1897. attack of tachycardia appears to be due to reflex irritation from the stomach, and bismuth, sodium bicarbonate, pepsin, or other digestive ferments are of service by lessening dyspepsia, while bromides diminish reflex irritability, and dilute hydro- cyanic acid acts as a local gastric sedative. LECTURE VIII Bradycardia Stokes-Adams Syndrome Irregularity of Pulse Angina Pectoris Treatment of an Attack of Angina Pectoris Diet and Regimen in Angina Cardiac Asthma Sleeplessness Aortic Disease Mitral Re- gurgitation Nauheim Treatment Oertel's Treatment Treatment of Venous Stasis Graduated Exercises Elimination Milk Diet Chloride- free Food Tapping Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Diseases Senile Rise of Pressure Senile Decay Prolongation of Life. Bradycardia. The opposite of tachycardia is brachycardia, or, as it is often termed, bradycardia. In some cases of brachy- cardia the slow pulse is associated with syncope. This con- dition is known by the name of Stokes-Adams syndrome. In these cases the patient is affected sometimes as much as three or four times a day by giddiness, insensibility, or epilepsy, and this condition is probably due to atheroma of the vessels in the medulla. In some people the pulse is naturally very slow. In Napoleon, as I have remarked, it was said to have been only 40 per minute, and in a fellow-student of mine was only 42 per minute. This man came from Demerara, and I do not know whether malarial affection had anything whatever to do with it or not. Extreme slowness of the pulse is probably due to excessive action of the inhibitory nervous mechanism, either in the medulla oblongata or in the heart itself. Sometimes the latter may be excited by irritation of the vagus trunks or branches of the vagus in the cardiac plexus, just as slowness of the pulse may be produced experimentally by irritation of the vagus in animals. Slowness of the pulse sometimes occurs in women after childbirth, but the explanation of it is un- certain. It is very apt to occur when the heart is feeble, as during convalescence from infective diseases such as acute rheumatism, diphtheria, pneumonia, and typhoid fever ; in gen- eral weakness due to anaemia, chlorosis, and diabetes; and in permanent weakness of the cardiac walls due to fatty or fibroid 1 86 BRADYCARDIA 18; degeneration. It is seen also in typhoid fever even while the temperature is high, and in this case it is probably due to the effect of a toxin which stimulates the inhibitory mechanism either in the medulla or the heart, and prevents the pulse from rising above 96 even when the temperature would lead <, -CEREBELLUM T"/- -'MEDULLA \ / OELONCATA -AFFERENT NERVES INTESTINAL VESSELS FIG. 203. Diagram to show the nervous mechanism by which the action of the heart may be depressed by irritation of the stomach. The reflex irritation of the vagus may render the heart's action simply weak, or slow and weak. one to expect a pulse of 120. In the convalescence from diph- theria the slowness of the pulse is not improbably due to some neuritis of the vagus, which, in severe cases, leads to complete paralysis with exceedingly rapid pulse. Other poisons, such as those which occur in uraemia, and also alcohol, coffee, digi- talis, lead, and tobacco, may cause a very slow pulse. It is frequent in jaundice, and its occurrence here appears to be due to the bile acids which weaken the cardiac muscle and render it more easily affected by the inhibitory nerves. 1 The medullary center of the vagus may be stimulated and a slow pulse produced reflexly from the stomach, as in dyspepsia, cancer, or ulcer, from the intestines, or from the skin or sexual organs. (Fig. 216.) It occurs also when there is pressure within the cranium, as from cerebral abscess, aneurysm, haemorrhage, or tumor; in meningitis, either simple or tuber- 1 Wickham Legg, Bile, Jaundice, and Bilious Disorders, London. 1 88 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION cular; in epilepsy, general paresis, mania, sunstroke, melan- cholia, and injuries of the medulla or cervical cord. It is also brought about when the pressure which the heart has to over- come is abnormally high, either in the pulmonary circulation, as in emphysema, or in the general circulation, as in chronic interstitial nephritis. The variety of causation is so great that the treatment is necessarily very different in many of those cases. Speaking generally, however, we have to remove the cause as far as it is in our power. If due to toxins, we must try to lessen their formation in the stomach and intestines by the use of antiseptics and by free purgation, more especially by the use of mercurial purgatives and salines, so as to clear out the bile, in which toxins are largely contained. Where the slow pulse is due to reflex inhibition from the stomach, we must remove the source of irritation and lessen the reflex ex- citability of the vagus center. We may do this by the use of alkalies and bismuth to soothe the gastric mucous membrane, and bromide of potassium to lessen the nervous irritability. 1 In all cases it is advisable to try to strengthen the heart itself, and nux vomica or strychnine with iron are amongst the most useful remedies for this purpose. Irregularity of Pulse. Alterations in the rhythm of the heart, alternating tachycardia and brachycardia, so as to give an irregularity or intermittence, are usually due to a combina- tion of the causes that produce either the one or the other. In poisoning by digitalis, for example, we get in its various stages brachycardia, irregularity, and tachycardia, vide p. 149. According to one explanation, this occurs as the inhibitory apparatus is stimulated, or has begun to suffer from more or less complete paralysis. According to another, it depends on the rate of production and conduction of stimuli in the heart itself. The treatment of irregularity and intermission is, there- fore, much the same as that for tachycardia and brachycardia. An irregularity of the pulse may sometimes persist for years. 1 Vide author's remarks on a case by Dr. Somerville, Practitioner, vol. xvi., p. 1 86. ANGINA PECTORIS 189 One patient of mine, who is now seventy-nine years of age, had a bigeminal pulse, that is, two beats in rapid succession fol- lowed by a longer pause, for many years. He is still hale and healthy. A relative of my own died at the age of eighty-four, after having had a very irregular pulse for sixty-seven years. This irregularity of the pulse came on after an attack of rheu- matic fever at the age of seventeen, and continued all the rest of her life. Angina Pectoris. One of the most distressing forms of cardiac disturbance is angina pectoris. I have already men- tioned the relationship between this disease and diminished circulation through the coronary arteries, as well as the prob- able causation of the pain. In many cases this is situated about mid-sternum, but it is frequently felt more towards the cardiac apex, and often radiates towards the shoulders and down the arms, especially the left arm. As I have already said, it is probably due to a want of relationship between the power of the cardiac muscle and the resistance it has to overcome. It is brought on by anything that raises the blood pressure quickly, such as exertion or emotion, and especially by the emotion of anger, which, as in John Hunter's case, may bring about a fatal attack at once. Anything that interferes with the action of the heart tends to increase the pain, and thus distension of the stomach by tilting the heart up makes the patient worse, and much relief is afforded by the administration of carminatives, which bring the flatulence away and allow the heart to resume its normal condition. During the process of digestion the blood pressure tends to be higher than usual, and immediately after digestion pain is brought on by the slightest exertion with much greater ease than during the fasting condition. Treatment of an Attack of Angina Pectoris. The indica- tion for treatment, of course, is to relieve the heart by dilating the vessels, and this is brought about most quickly by the use of nitrite of amyl. 1 Nitrobutyl and other organic nitrites have a Lauder Brunton, Lancet, July 27, 1897, and Reports of the Clinical So- ciety, vol. Hi., 1870. FIG. 204. Normal pulse, right radial. Fio. 205. Normal pulse, left radial. FIG. 206 Right radial, during angina. Fig. 207. Left radial. FIG. 208. During severe anginal pain. FIG. 209. Pain nearly but not quite gone, a little remaining near the nipple after giving nitiite of amyl. FIG. 210. Pain quite gone, but afterwards returned. FIG. 211. Pain quite gone, which did not return. FIG. 212. Pain coming on at 1, more severe at 2. Most severe at Fig. 213. FIG. 213. Pain severe. FIG. 214. Pain relieved by nitrite of amyl. FIGS. 204 to 214. Tracings of the pulse in angina pectoris. DIET AND REGIMEN IN ANGINA IQI a similar action, but nitrite of amyl seems, upon the whole, to be the most satisfactory. Nitroglycerine acts nearly, though not quite so quickly, and is more convenient. It has also the advantage of dilating the vessels for a longer time than nitrite of amyl. It may be given in solution with a little brandy or ether, or the patient may carry about with him nitroglycerine tablets, each containing one-hundredth of a grain, made up with chocolate ; and the best plan, as a rule, is not to swallow the whole tablet, but to nibble it slowly until the pain has ceased. If half a tablet is sufficient, it is not necessary to take more; but if one is insufficient, then as many more may be taken as are necessary. I have never seen any bad effect from an overdose either of nitroglycerine or amyl nitrite, except headache, giddiness, or transient faintness. When the attack is excessively severe a neuralgic element may be superadded to the physical condition, and I think it is possible that sometimes it may come on independently. At any rate, a subcutaneous injection of a quarter or a third of a grain of morphine may sometimes be necessary, in order to lessen the pain and give the patient relief, and a few whiffs of chloroform will deaden the pain until the morphine has had time to take effect. Diet and Regimen in Angina. During the interval the tension should be kept low by diet as nearly as possible vege- tarian, taking care that it is easily digested and that it does not give rise to flatulence. Tea and coffee, and, of course, all meat extracts which contain substances of the purin type and tend to raise the blood pressure, should be avoided. The bowels should be kept freely open, and mercurials should be given, once, twice, or three times a week at night, followed by a saline in the morning, so as to remove from the body all substances likely to raise the blood pressure. Many sub- stances having a poisonous action are absorbed by the liver and excreted in the bile. They are reabsorbed from the duo- denum, again passed to the liver, and again excreted. (Fig. 215.) This may go on for a long time in the entero-hepatic circulation, until they either accumulate to such an extent that 192 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION they pass into the general circulation and act upon the nervous system, heart, or other organs, or are cleared out by mercurial purgatives and salines. Nitro-erythrol in doses of half a grain three times a day, or more if required, will sometimes keep a patient, who would otherwise suffer from angina pectoris, per- fectly comfortable for years. All such persons, however, should take care to remain quiet for half an hour at least after every meal, and when they get up they should move very slowly until they begin to get warm. When the vessels of the muscles become dilated, patients are Liver with bile- duct leading into the duodenum. Portal vein with entero-hepatic cir- culation, showing absorption and re- excretion of bile. Mesenteric veins. . Stomach. Small intestines. Colon. FIG. 215. Diagram to illustrate the entero-hepatic circulation. frequently able to walk with perfect comfort even at a rapid pace. Cf. Effect of muscular area, p. 15. Cardiac Asthma. When the right side of the heart is enfeebled the symptoms of cardiac asthma are apt to come on. The patient is quite comfortable so long as he remains still, but the least exertion brings on rapid breathing, or even dyspnoea and distress. This condition is largely due to de- generation of the right side of the heart, consequent upon interference with the circulation in the right coronary artery. It may be associated with fatty degeneration of both sides of the heart, but it may also occur in the right side independently SLEEPLESSNESS 193 of the left. 1 Nitrite of amyl is not of so much use in this as in ordinary angina, as the pulmonary circulation does not seem to be affected by nitrites to the same extent as the general circulation. Inhalation of 5 minims of iodide of ethyl is sometimes serviceable, but inhalation of oxygen occasionally affords very great relief, and in a case which I recently saw the tension in the radial artery rose under the influence of oxygen to an extent which I should not have believed if I had not seen it. The tension, as tested by Potain's instrument, was only 75 when the inhalation was begun, and in the course of ten minutes' inhalation it rose steadily until it had reached 150. In cardiac asthma gentle exercises are useful as tending to train the heart, increase its nutrition, and thus accelerate the circulation through the lungs. At the same time, iodide of potassium, strychnine, digitalis, squill, and strophanthus are all useful, as well as Oertel's treatment, which we shall presently have to consider in relation to valvular disease. Sleeplessness. Although sleeplessness may occur apart from any disease of the heart, yet it not infrequently occurs along with cardiac disease, and forms one of its most distress- ing symptoms. In many cases the patient is intensely drowsy, but the moment he falls asleep he feels a sensation of intense distress, and awakes with a start. Sometimes this condition appears to be aggravated by flatulent distension of the stomach, or acidity, and it may be somewhat relieved by the use of bicarbonate of soda and carminatives, alone or with rhubarb. A purely milk diet for some days may also be use- ful. The various hypnotics may all be tried. Paraldehyde is sometimes efficacious in drachm doses, trional or sulphonal in 20 or 30 grain doses, and chloral 10-30 grain doses, with bromides of potassium, sodium, or ammonium, or all three mixed, in doses of 30 to 60 grains. As chloral has a some- what depressing action on the heart, one may hesitate to give it if the cardiac action is very weak, but this very action, by lowering the blood pressure, increases its hypnotic effect. The Brunton, Practitioner, June, 1905. 194 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION remedy par excellence in this condition, however, is opium or morphine. The latter may be given either by the mouth or subcutaneous injection, and the former either by the mouth or rectum. A convenient way is to draw 30-60 minims of tincture of opium into a glycerine syringe holding 2 drachms, then draw up water till the syringe is full, and inject into the NERVOUS CENTRE , or VOMITIHC /N | THE MEDULLA /NTEST1ME- 1-- UTERUS -\---J--V VESICAL NER VES FIG. 216. Diagram showing the afferent nerves by which the vomiting center may be excited to action. rectum. The advantage this method has over administration by the mouth is that one can be quite sure beforehand that the rectum is empty and that absorption will take place quickly, whereas the stomach may contain a large quantity of food or AORTIC DISEASE 195 fluid with which the opium will be so much diluted that it may have hardly any effect. Sometimes neither opium nor mor- phine seem to produce the desired effect, even when given in full doses, and in such cases a few whiffs of chloroform may be given so as just to allow the narcotic to take effect. And here it may be well to say that I do not think the presence of albumen in the urine contra-indicates the use of either opium or morphine. The susceptibility of patients to these drugs varies so much that it is impossible to fix a dose, but usually one may begin with ]/ or }4 of a grain of morphine subcutaneously, and increase the dose carefully until the desired result has been obtained. Even should there seem to be danger in pushing the nar- cotic, it must be remembered that to withhold it also entails risk, for the exhaustion of the patient by continued insomnia cannot but tend towards a fatal termination. Aortic Disease. As I mentioned before, cases of aortic stenosis or FIG. 217. Diagram to illus- trate the occurrence of syncope in cases of aortic regurgitation. In a the normal heart with full aortic regurgitation may continue for carotid and free supply of blood , . . r , '.i to the brain is represented; in a length of time without giving rise b the carotid is shown empty> to any symptoms whatever, and are ^ that s y nc P e occur from . blood flowing back into the reCOgmzed Only by a SyStollC murmur ventricle as well as onward into rvupr fh* sr>rta in t1i* racA nf thp the aorta : in c is shown aortic over me aorta m tne regurgitation in the rec umbent former, and a diastolic murmur in the posture, so that the carotid is .., , __ x i i T we H filled and regurgitation into case of the latter. Here I think I the hear t is rather less, ought to give a word of caution as to the place where the aortic regurgitant murmur is heard. It is usually heard quite markedly over the aortic valves, or per- haps I ought to say rather over the aortic cartilage, and is propagated down the sternum, but sometimes is not heard at all at the base of the heart, and is only audible at the lower end of the sternum more especially to its left side. This con- 196 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION dition was impressed upon me by the fact that an old friend of mine in Edinburgh told a lady that she had aortic regurgi- tation. She came up to London and saw the late Sir Andrew Clark, who told her there was nothing the matter with her heart. She went back to Edinburgh and rebuked my old friend very severely for having frightened her unnecessarily. He said he was sorry, but nevertheless she had aortic regur- gitation, and if she would go back and ask Sir Andrew to ex- amine her more carefully, he would find it too. She did so, and on the second examination Sir Andrew found the murmur as my friend had described it, and wrote to him acknowl- edging his error. Now, no one could possibly doubt the great clinical knowledge and exact diagnosis of Sir Andrew Clark, and the reason that he fell into error was simply that his waiting-room was filled with patients, and in order to save time he did not ask the lady to loosen her stays. On listening over the part of the chest above the stays, no murmur was audible, and it was only after the stays were removed that the diastolic murmur at the lower end of the sternum could be distinguished. Persons suffering from aortic regurgitation are more liable to sudden death than those suffering from any other form of cardiac disease, except perhaps those who have angina pec- toris ; but so long as the valvular lesion is fully compensated, all that is necessary is to warn the patient against sudden strain. Many of them might walk 25 miles in a day without harm or even with positive advantage, but 20 yards sudden spurt to catch a train might prove fatal. Although sudden death occurs not infrequently in aortic regurgitation, yet per- haps a still more frequent course of the disease is for the left ventricle to yield before the strain, and then the mitral valves become incompetent, so that we get all the consequences which I have previously described from backward pressure on the lungs and right heart. In uncomplicated cases of aortic regur- gitation, digitalis is likely rather to add to the danger they already incur from syncope than to do the patients good. In MITRAL REGURGITATION 197 A O FIG. 218. Diagram of the cardiac dulness before and after a bath. A similar effect is pro- duced by gymnastic exercises. The thin line shows the gradu- ated dulness before and the- thick one after. A, Nipple. B, Nipple. C, Ensiform cartil- age. (After Schott.) some cases, however, if carefully watched, it may tend, especially when combined with strychnine and caffeine, to keep the left ventricle from yielding, and thus maintain the patient's health. But in cases where the ventricle has already dilated and the mitral valves become incompe- tent, we have to treat the patient just as we would an ordinary case of mitral disease, for the danger then arises from impeded pulmonary cir- culation and venous stasis rather than from imperfection of the gen- eral circulation. Such cases, how- ever, as a rule require to be treated rather as cases of advanced mitral disease, with complete rest, than as mild cases where the patient may be allowed to go about. Mitral Regurgitation. Mitral incompetence is much more frequent than is usually thought, for people go about with slight mitral leakage and present no symptoms, so that the condition of the valve is only discovered by a medical exami- nation. These patients are usually told, and rightly so, not that they have any disease of their valves, but that their heart is a little weak, and they must be careful to avoid strain. As a general rule, this is all that is necessary; but when shortness of breath or symptoms of venous stasis set in, more active treatment is required, and here digitalis and strophanthus find their proper place. Nauheim Treatment. For such cases also the treatment by baths and exercises is useful. The system of applying them has been well worked out by the brothers Augustus and Theodore Schott, at Nauheim, and the treatment is often known now as the " Nauheim " treatment. At Nauheim, the water as it issues from the springs is very highly charged with carbonic acid, but this is allowed to escape, and the water to 198 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION become still, for the baths which are given at first, and it is only in the later baths that the effervescent water is employed. Baths are usually employed every other day during a course of FIG. 219. Pulse tracing, showing the effect of massage and graduated movements. Each tracing is taken partly with a slow and partly with a quick movement of the sphygmograph. The upper shows high tension and a feeble heart; the lower shows less tension and a stronger heart. These tracings I owe to the kindness of Dr. Gustav Hamel, to whose treatment I had recommended the patient. four to six weeks, or even longer, according to the condition of the patient. The bath at first lasts only about six minutes at a temperature of 95. The duration is then increased to eight or ten minutes, and the temperature is lowered to 92. F. 21-10-93. before exercise 31 oz. G F 21-IO-B8-. after 'exercise 3roz. FIG. 220. Pulse tracing to show the effect of exercises. The upper tracing shows the pulse before and the lower tracing after exercise. They are then strengthened further with the mother liquor obtained by evaporating the ordinary water. The duration is gradually increased to fifteen or twenty minutes and the EFFECTS OF NAUHEIM TREATMENT 199 temperature lowered as far as 82. Immediately after the bath the patient must rest for at least an hour, and on alternate days movements may be used. I give here a list of the move- G.F. 28-10-98. before I- bath 3so7. FIG. 221. Tracing from the pulse of a patient aged 62, with gouty kidney, of a failing heart. This tracing and the three following show the effect of Nauheim baths in increasing the cardiac force and dilating the vessels. FIG. 222. Effect of one bath. tf> bath & 2 " effervescing bath 3roi. FIG. 223. From the same patient. G.F. 10-12-98 after 19^ bath FIG. 224. From the same patient, after nineteen baths. ments, which Professor Schott at Nauheim kindly got his attendant to show me : 2OO THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION The essential part of these movements is that the movement shall be slow and regular, and that each movement shall be fully carried out. The body should be held upright, the joints should be kept straight, and the resistance applied should not be sufficiently great to cause any tremor of the limbs or shortness of breath in the patient. The resistance may either be applied by the patient himself putting into action the opposing muscles to those which affect the movement, or by an attendant or friend gently opposing the movements. I. The arms are to be raised slowly outwards from the side until they are on a level with the shoulder. After a pause they should be slowly lowered. II. The body should be inclined sideways as much as possible towards the right, then to the left. III. One leg should be extended as far as possible sideways from the body, the patient steadying himself by holding on to a chair. The leg is then dropped back. The same movements are repeated by the other leg. IV. The arms are raised in front of the body to a level with the shoulder, and then put down. V. The hands are rested on the hips, and the body is bent forwards as far as possible, and then raised to the upright position. VI. One leg is raised with the knee straight forwards as far as possible, then brought back. This movement is repeated with the other leg. VII. With the hands on the hips, the body is twisted round as far as possible to the right, and then again to the left. VIII. With the hands resting on a chair and the back stiff and straight, each leg is raised as far as possible backwards, first one and then the other. IX. The arms are extended and the fists supinated. The arms are then extended outwards, next inwards at the height of the body. X. Each knee is first raised as far as possible to the body, and then the leg extended. XL This movement is the same as IX., but with the fists pronated. XII. Each leg is bent backwards from the knee and then straightened. XIII. Each arm is bent and straightened from the elbow. XIV. The arms are brought from the sides forwards and upwards, then downwards and back as far as they will go, the elbows and the hands being straight. XV. The arms are put at a level with the shoulder, and then bent from the elbow inwards and again extended. XVI. With the arms in front at the level of the shoulder and the hands stretched, the arms are opened out sideways and then brought together. XVII. The arms are bent from the elbow outwards and extended. . There should be a pause of half a minute between each successive movement, such as raising the arms and lowering them, and a pause of one or two minutes between the movements of different kinds, such as I. and II. After the course is over it is advisable for the patient to go OERTEL S TREATMENT 2OI some place for an after-cure, where he can follow up the treat- ment by graduated exercise. Cartel's Treatment. This treatment by graduated exer- cise is often known as Oertel's. The principles upon which it depends are (i) that the cardiac symptoms are due to dis- proportion between the force of the heart and the resistance it has to overcome; and (2) this disproportion is to be rem- edied by dietetics and by exercise, consisting chiefly of gradu- ated walking uphill. The dietetic rules are (i) Give such food as will strengthen the cardiac muscle; and (2) diminish the amount of liquid consumed, in order to reduce the mass of circulating blood. The exercises are intended to promote elimination of liquid, especially through the lungs and skin, and to increase the nu- trition and activity of the heart. In aortic regurgitation, Dr. Schott considers that the work of the heart is easier when there is abundance of blood to make up for the loss in the general circulation sustained by regurgitation during the diastole. He therefore, advises a very full diet; but in mitral disease, where the patient, on account of breathlessness, can move less than a healthy person, he advises a sparing diet. In chronic myocarditis, where albumen is required, but not nu- clein, butcher's meat should be given sparingly, but milk and plasmon freely. In aortic disease he allows two pints of fluid a day, and as much as three pints if the weather be hot; but if there is any interference with the pulmonary circulation, as shown by shortness of breath, he only allows between a pint and a half and two pints. In mitral disease he only allows about a pint and a quarter to a pint and a half. The exercise consists in gentle walking up graduated slopes. The first walk is taken upon a very gentle slope, and only for a short distance. This is increased daily, and when the patient can walk on the level or gentle slope without shortness of breath he walks up a somewhat steeper grade. The steepness is gradually increased as the patient's heart will bear it. Such 2O2 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION walks have been well arranged at Llangammarch in this country, and one of the best places abroad is, I think, Baden- weiler, although there are numerous other places where similar walks have been laid out. Treatment of Venous Stasis. In cases of well-marked venous stasis, whether it be dependent upon mitral stenosis or regurgitation, or dilatation of the right side of the heart, con- sequent upon bronchitis and emphysema, the best results are certainly afforded by complete rest, in bed if possible, or in a chair if the dyspnoea be so great that the patient cannot stay in bed. In such cases massage comes in most usefully, the hand of the masseur or masseuse supplying, as it were, the place of an auxiliary heart in helping the venous return, and the place of the lymph hearts which we find in batrachians (cf. p. 9). Graduated Exercises. Gentle movements are also useful ; for example, the patient may bend one finger gently against resistance the first day or even the first forenoon. In the after- noon he may straighten the same finger against resistance. Next day he may bend two fingers, and in the afternoon extend two fingers and so on, gradually including the wrist, the fore-arm, and even the arm. The resistance should at first be very slight indeed, and may be gradually increased as the patient can bear it. Such gentle movement as simply flexing a finger might seem at first sight to be useless, but if any of you will put your hand upon your biceps and get someone elese to hold your finger while you flex against resist- ance, you will soon discover that it is not merely the muscles of the finger alone that are in action, but that the biceps, and even the muscles of the trunk take part in the movement. The effect of massage and exercise on the pulse is shown by the tracing in Fig. 219, where the high tension with slight move- ment of the radial artery is converted into less tension, quicker contraction of the heart, and more active movement of the vessel increasing the self -massage both of the arteries and the heart. ELIMINATION 2O3 Inhalation of oxygen certainly gives great help in some cases, and I think it is possible that occasionally the deep inhalations which patients take when they are inhaling the oxygen may help mechanically by producing self -massage of the heart. Elimination. I have already spoken of the action and use of digitalis and its congeners as well as of caffeine in such cases, and have given you the indications for employing them, and also referred to the symptoms which necessitate their dis- continuance. But here, again, you must remember that the imperfect circulation and imperfect respiration tend to pro- duce the products of waste, and we must look to the elimina- tion of these by means of purgatives such as calomel and compound jalap powder. Half a drachm to a drachm of com- pound jalap powder every morning, or every other morning, is a most useful agent in withdrawing water from the body, and thus aiding the action of the kidneys, especially when ascites is present. Its efficacy is, I think, increased by the addition of a drachm of potassium bitartrate to every dose. Another well-tried remedy is the Haustus Scoparii Composi- tus of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Its composition is as follows : Spirit of Juniper 30 minims Potassium Tartrate 20 grains Decoction of Broom Tops to I ounce The action of mercurials is not properly understood, but it is very curious to note how frequently the addition of a little mercury to digitalis increases its beneficial action. The old- fashioned pill of one grain of powdered digitalis, one of powdered squill, and one of blue pill, frequently succeeds when other remedies fail. At St. Bartholomew's we have two grains of extract of hyoscyamus added to this pill, in order to lessen any irritation of the stomach or bowels that the other ingre- dients might produce: whilst in other hospitals the quantity of squill and blue pill is increased to two grains and the amount of digitalis is kept at one grain. 2O4 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Milk Diet and Chloride-free Food. Lately a great deal of attention has been given, especially in France, to the effect of chlorides upon transudation from the vessels into the tis- sues. Chlorides appear to favor this, and therefore, although they may be useful in health, they are disadvantageous in dropsy, and accordingly a diet containing a small quantity of chlorides is used. Calcium and its salts appear to have a con- trary action, and rather to diminish transudation. The amount of chlorides in milk is not great, the quantity of cal- cium is considerable, and the lactose appears to have a diuretic action; so that frequently we notice patients suffering from mitral disease when put to bed with entire rest, with massage, with an entirely milk diet, just as if they were typhoid patients, and with the digitalis and blue pill already mentioned, fre- quently improve with great rapidity. But a milk diet does not always suit ; and consequently, in France, bread made with sugar instead of salt, farinaceous preparations also made with sugar and without salt, and boiled meat without salt, but with sweetened tomato sauce or some such condiment to make it pleasant, and eggs, either boiled without salt or in the form of a sweet omelette, and plasmon, may all be used. I have only tried this in a few cases, but certainly the treatment has appeared satisfactory. Tapping. When the oedema becomes very great in the legs or scrotum, it is advisable to let it out, and the way in which this can be done depends to a great extent upon the character of the patient. In some, Southey's or Bartel's tubes may be used to drain the legs or scrotum, but when the patient is restless these are apt to be dragged from their place, and almost the only way is to puncture the legs either with an ordinary sewing needle or with a triangular surgical needle, or make small incisions with the lancet or bistoury, and surround the parts with absorbent cotton wool, which can be frequently changed, and place a waterproof sheet under the part to prevent the bed from becoming soaked. Effusion into the serous cavity of the abdomen or pleura must be removed by tapping, if it reach any great extent. SENILE RISE OF PRESSURE 2O$ Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Diseases. In some cases of cardiac disease treatment may for a time be beneficial and relieve the patient's sufferings, but may be quite impotent to effect a cure or to render the patient fit for any exertion whatever. This is especially marked in mitral stenosis, and I believe that in some cases of this form of cardiac disease surgical treatment may yet effect a cure. 1 Senile Rise of Pressure. I must not finish my Lectures without drawing attention to one condition which is very common, and which may become still commoner as increasing medical knowledge regarding the prevention of infective dis- ease leads to prolongation of life. In all men with advancing years the arteries tend to lose their elasticity and become more rigid. The time at which this alteration takes place varies in different individuals and in different families, and the saying is a particularly true one that " a man is as old as his ar- teries " ; so that not infrequently we find strong athletic and robust families who are not only powerful both physically and mentally, but apparently free from disease, and who are yet short-lived. I believe that these lives might frequently be lengthened by timely attention to the condition of the arteries, more especially by measurement of the blood pressure, and adjustment of work, of exercise, and of food to the condition that is found. The combination of atheromatous arteries and high blood pressure is very common, and the risks it entails are twofold : ( i ) It may lead to cardiac failure, the heart being unable to overcome the excessive tension, and this is all the more common when it is affected by fatty or fibroid degenera- tion; (2) a vessel may rupture in the brain, and give rise to sudden death, to hemiplegia, or, if the haemorrhage be small, to local paralysis, sensory affections, or mental deterioration, the result depending on the part of the brain affected. Simi- lar results may ensue from blocking of the arteries by ather- oma. These conditions are illustrated by Figs. 225 and 226. 1 Lander Brunton, "On the Possibility of Treating Mitral Stenosis by Surgical Methods," Lancet, 8th February, 1902. 2O6 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Senile Decay. In the decade for 1891 to 1900 of persons above the age of seventy-five years, no less than 34,822 died from heart disease, and 39,662 from diseases of the blood- FIG. 225. Distribution of the arteries in the brain. (After Ross.) vessels above that age. Nor does this even cover all the mis- chief done by diseases of the blood-vessels, for apoplexia, paralysis, and senile decay may all be reckoned as secondary FIG. 226. Cerebral cortex showing the distribution of function. (After Osier.) to disease of the cerebral vessels. In his most instructive book, On the Nature of Man, Metchnikoff mentions that there are two classes of phagocytes in the body, the small or microphags, SENILE DECAY 207 and the large or macrophags. The function of the microphags is to rid us of microbes, that of the macrophags is to heal mechanical injuries, such as haemorrhages, wounds, and so forth. In the brains of old persons and animals a number of nerve cells are surrounded and devoured by macrophags (Fig. 227), and Metchnikoff thinks himself justified in asserting that senile decay is mainly due to the destruction of the higher elements of the organism by macrophags. Other parts of the body also are not safe from their attacks, and the kidneys may likewise suffer (Fig. 228). But the function of the macro- phags is not to attack healthy tissues ; it is to remove those the vitality of which is destroyed or impaired, and so long as the FIG. 227. Cell from the brain of a woman, aged 100 years, being devoured by macrophags. (From Metchni- koff.) FIG. 228. Section of a renal tubule in- vaded by macrophags, from the body of an old man, aged 90 years (m = macro- phags). (From Metchnikoff.) brain cells are abundantly supplied with blood they will prob- ably be allowed to remain uninjured by the attacks of the macrophags. I think, therefore, that while senile decay may be actually produced by the macrophags, we are justified in believing that it really originates in an alteration of the blood- vessels. Treatment of Senile Conditions of the Vessels. Al- though I do not quite agree with him in every respect, I think that my former pupil and old friend, Dr. Haig, has done a very great service by drawing general attention to the injurious effects of a too highly nitrogenous diet. In cases where the 2O8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION arterial tension tends to rise much above the normal, the pro- teids in food should be kept as low as they possibly can, con- sistently with the proper performance with the bodily func- tions. The bowels should also be kept free either by the use of salines or by small quantities of some aperient such as cas- cara, aloes, or rhubarb, along with each meal, so that the natural stimulating effect of food upon the bowels as well as the stomach should be increased. Nor should the occasional use of a mercurial purgative be omitted, and here I may men- tion that the danger of mercury in albuminuria has, I think, been greatly exaggerated, and has sometimes in my own ex- perience been productive of much harm, for I have met practi- tioners who have been so imbued with the fear of mercury that they would not give it in cases of cardiac disease either as a purgative or in combination with digitalis, because albu- men had appeared in the urine. Whereas in these very cases mercury was one of the best things to restore the circulation to its normal condition and cause the albumen to disappear. The steady employment of iodides is sometimes most use- ful, and I have found great advantage in a number of cases of high tension from 20 grains of nitrate of potash along with YI to 2 grains of nitrite of sodium given in a tumbler of water or aperient water every morning on rising. This seems to keep the tension from rising too high, and the treatment may be continued with advantage for years. Where this is insufficient, it may be supplemented by two or three grains of sodium nitrite in water every four hours, or by nitro-erythrol in doses of y* to 2 grains, or Koo grain nitro- glycerine in tablets or solution. Ammonium hippurate. as recommended by Oliver, may also be useful. In very high tension it may be advisable to bleed from the arm. The effect of this in relieving angina was most strik- ingly shown in the patient whom I was afterwards able to relieve by the use of nitrite of amyl (Clin. Soc. Rep., vol. Hi., 1870; and, Collected Papers, p. 186). By careful estimation of the blood pressure, and by keep- SENILE CONDITIONS OF THE VESSELS 2CK) ing the tension at a proper level by diet regimen and medi- cines, I believe that the cardiac failure or the cerebral apoplexy, which are common causes of death in advanced years, may be averted for years, and the life not only prolonged greatly, but the senile decay or paralysis, which are so trying to the patients themselves and their friends, may be prevented. As I mentioned in my first Lecture, the therapeutics of the circulation is a very large subject, and I have been able to treat it only sketchily and imperfectly, but the general outlines I have given may be a guide in further reading on the subject; whilst the prominence I have given to the subjects at which I have worked experimentally is, I believe, in accordance with the general purpose of the University in establishing such lectures. APPENDIX A Functions of Protoplasm. In Lecture (I., page 24), I mentioned that protoplasm can contract independently of nerves, and that partially differentiated protoplasm might pos- sess the functions both of muscle and nerve. It was impos- sible to enter more fully into this subject in the lectures; but as it is one of great interest, I have thought it worth while to deal with it in an appendix, especially as books in which it is discussed are not always of ready access, even to those who are able to consult public libraries. Contractility and Conduction of Stimuli by Vegetable Protoplasm. My attention was first directed to this subject by the late Professor J. Hutton Balfour, and in his class of Botany in 1865 I wrote a prize essay on the movements of plants and the action of drugs upon them. The experiments I made on the subject added little to the results already obtained by Marcet, Macaire-Prinsep, Dutrochet, Brucke, Livingston, and Cold- stream, and the essay was not published. I experimented chiefly with the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica). The leaves of this plant have numerous small leaflets standing out on each side of the midrib, or like the teeth of a double comb. If the swelling at the base of one be touched, the leaflets fold up together, and the irritation spreads to the neighboring leaf- lets, which fold up. If the plant is in good condition, the stimulus affects the whole leaf, which falls down instead of standing out from the stem. Marcet found that chloroform at first acts as an irritant, and causes the leaflets to fall. After a while they recover, but are then insensible to touching. This condition appears to be analogous to the effect of chloroform on animals, in which it frequently produces struggling and afterwards anaesthesia. I found in my experiments that alcohol dropped on the leaves had a somewhat similar, though less marked effect. Perhaps one passage from my unpub- lished essay may not be without interest, and so I give it here ; " When I began to write this essay, I had an inclination to the belief that plants as well as animals have a nervous sys- tem, but I now think that if they do possess something anal- ogous to it, yet it is very different in kind. However, it is 212 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION possible that researches on the motions in cells of plants may yet lead to some light on that mysterious part of the animal economy, and help to solve the question which so long has engaged the attention of all medical men, ' How do medicines act?' for most of those are poisons, and if we could only find out how poisons act on the vegetable organism, a great step would be gained towards our knowledge of their action on animals." Animal Protoplasm. In the amoeba (Fig. 27, page 26), and in the leucocytes of higher animals, every part of the protoplasm of which they consist appears capable of exer- cising the functions of receiving and conducting stimuli, of contracting, and of secreting. In low organisms, such as FIG. 229. Neuro-muscular cells from the fresh-water hydra, a, A neuro-muscular cell seen in profile; b, a three-quarter view; c, a frontal view. (After Ranvier, Lefons d'Anatomie G&n&rale sur le Syst&me Musculaire, Paris, Delahaye & Co., 1880, p. 328.) the hydra, differentiation occurs but incompletely, and the same is the case in the embryos of higher animals. Neuro-muscular Cells. It has been shown by Kleinenberg and Ranvier that in the fresh-water hydra the protoplasm in some of the cells appears to have the power of receiving stimuli and also of contracting; in fact, of performing the functions of both nerve and muscle. To these cells the name of neuro-muscular has been given. Ranvier's description is so clear that I have translated it almost verbatim. 1 The body of the hydra consists of a cylindrical tube, open at one end. The body-wall consists of three layers : an inner or endoderm, a middle or mesoderm, and an outer or ectoderm. 1 Ranvier, Legons d'Anatomie Generate sur le Systcme Musculaire, Paris (A. Delahaye & Co.), 1880, pp. 325 et seq. APPENDIX A 213 The ectoderm is composed of large cells lying adjacent to one another, and forming a protecting layer. Under this is the mesoderm of interlacing fibers. Internal to this is the endoderm, consisting of large cells arranged like epithelium. The ectoderm sends into the mesoderm a series of proc- esses. Each of these proceeds from the body of an ecto- dermal cell of which it seems to form a part. Kleinenberg, who first described them, supposes that the ectodermic cell with its mesodermic prolongation constitutes a neuro-muscular element (Fig. 229). The ectodermic cell corresponds to an ordinary nerve-cell, and is receptive, sensory, and excito- motory. The mesodermic prolongation represents a muscular, or at all events, a contractile element. In the hydra, then, he supposes that the function of sensa- tion is connected with stimulation of the ectodermic portion of the cell, and motion with its meso- dermic or muscular portion. The three layers in the body of the hydra correspond to the three layers of the blastoderm in a vertebrate embryo. The ectoderm is analogous to the outer layer of the blastoderm, from which not only the integument which covers the exterior of the animal is developed, but also the central ner- vous system, which originates from that part of the layer which is sepa- rated by the involution of the primi- tive groove. The mesoderm of the hydra corresponds to the muscular system of vertebrates, which is de- veloped in the middle layer of the blastoderm, and remains connected on the one hand with the nerve cen- ters which have been separated from the external layer by involution, and on the other with that part which develops into integument. In the hydra the ectodermic cells have three functions, viz., (i) they protect the surface; (2) they act as sensory nerves; and (3) as excito-motor agents. FIG. 230. Primitive bundle from a mammalian embryo (about the third month), ex- amined in strongly iodized serum. n, Nuclei surrounded by glycogenic substance g; s, striated cortex; p, central cyl- inder of protoplasm. (After Ranvier, Le(ons d'Anatomie Generate sur le Musculaire, Paris, Delahaye & Co., 1880, p. 374-) 214 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Amongst animals more completely differentiated, these different qualities, instead of being united in a single ana- tomical element, become associated with special elements whose forms are adapted to their functions. ' The hydra when irritated contracts strongly. According to Ranvier, it is very easy to understand this, if its mesodermic cells are contractile. But it can elongate itself as well as contract, and this active elongation Ranvier says is difficult to FIG. 231. Cells of involuntary muscle from the bladder of the dog, showing traces of striation. (After Schwalbe.) understand, and he will not offer an explanation of it. But if we suppose the cells to have the power of contracting trans- versely as well as longitudinally, vide page 45, the explanation is simple enough. In embryonic muscle the fibers are only FIG. 232. Purkinje's fibers from a sheep's heart, n, Nuclei; c, protoplasm; f, striated muscular substance. (After Ranvier, Legons d'Anatomie G6n6rale sur le Systtme Musculaire, Paris, Delahaye & Co., 1880, p. 300.) striated at the side, and the anterior consists of undifferentiated protoplasm (Fig. 230). A slight tendency to striation has been observed by Schwalbe in the involuntary muscle of the bladder in the dog (Fig. 231). APPENDIX A 215 In the cells of Purkinje a striation similar to that in embry- onic muscle (Fig. 230) exists at the periphery of the cell (Fig. 232). _ The function of these cells has long been a mystery, but they are now coming to be regarded as the conductions of stimuli from the auricles to the ventricles, and thus maintain- Riffht aortic semilunar valve ATRIO-VENTRICULAR BUNDLE FIG. 233. Atrio-ventricular bundle of Stanley-Kent and His, seen from the right ventricle. (From Morris's Anatomy, after Retzer.) For description, vide, p. 37. ing or assisting to maintain, in conjunction with nerves, the coordination of the auricular and ventricular pulsations (page 36). Bundle of Stanley-Kent and His. This has been de- scribed in the lectures (page 37), but its position and rela- tions will be more easily understood from the accompanying figure (Fig. 233). APPENDIX B Instruments for Measuring the Blood-pressure in Man. Janeway's has been mentioned (page 81), but may be here described. It employs the method of circular compression, introduced by Riva-Rocci and Hill, with the wide armlet, proved essen- tial by v. Recklinghausen. The jointing of the manometer tube is copied from Cook, the use of a Politzer inflater from Erlanger. The apparatus is designed to embody in a portable clinical sphygmomanometer, which shall measure both systolic FIG. 234. Janeway's sphygmomanometer. and diastolic pressures, every requirement for accuracy and substantiality. The sphygmomanometer consists of three essential parts. A, Manometer, of U-tube form, with upper part jointed, fixed to the under side of case lid. The scale is graduated empiri- cally for each manometer, and is accurate. B, Compressing armlets, consisting of a hollow rubber bag 12 by 18 cm. This is attached to an outer leather cuff, which fastens by two encircling straps with friction buckles. C, Inflator, an 8-oz. 216 APPENDIX B 217 Politzer bag with valve. D, Tube connecting the manometer and armlet. E, stopcock with needle valve to allow slow re- lease of pressure. F, A small cock to close the open end of the manometer. G, A rubber joint which is compressed by a block and closes the other end of the manometer when the box is shut. H, is a spring to hold the stopcock in place when the box is shut. It is made by C. E. Dressier & Co., 143-147 East Twenty-third Street, New York. It can be obtained from Mr. Hawksley, 357 Oxford Street, London. C. J. Martin's new modification of Riva-Rocci's instru- FIG. 235. C. J. Martin's modification of Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer. ment is one of the best of the new instruments which have been introduced since these lectures were delivered. His earlier one is described at page 78. The newer one has all the advantages of the earlier, and has the additional one of being portable. Mercurial manometers, as a rule, are trouble- some, as the mercurial column is apt to break or the mercury to be spilled. The india-rubber caps in this instrument, if well pushed home over the openings of the tubes, prevent this from occurring. 2l8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Description of Martin's Improved Form of Riva-Rocci's Sphygmomanometer. * The apparatus consists of a bag of thin rubber, Hoth of an inch in thickness, 13^/2 inches long, and 4 inches broad, the interior of which communicates with a piece of small-bore rubber tube. The rubber bag is covered on the outside by unyielding leather, and loosely on the inside with soft thin material. This bag is wrapped round the arm over the biceps, so that the ends overlap, and secured by straps, so adjusted as to fit closely to the arm. The interior of the bag communicates by rubber tubing on the one hand with a mercury manometer, and on the other with a rubber ball. A side tube near the ball is closed by a screw and leather washer: by loosening this, the air in the system may be allowed to escape. The manometer is ff.the ordinary U-tube variety, 12 inches in length, and made of thick glass tube. It is provided with a scale, which is graduated so as to indicate the pressure, in millimeters of mercury. The glass tube is fixed to a piece of wood, which latter fits into a socket on the side of the interior of the box. The manometer can be carried in any position, provided the ends be secured with the rubber caps. The whole aparatus is fitted into a box in such a way that there is no danger of damaging the glass tube. One millimeter of the scale really indicates 2 millimeters of pressure as the rise of the mercury in one limb of the manom- eter is accompanied by a corresponding fall in the other. This is accounted for in the marking of the scale so that the pres- sure can be read off directly from the numbers on it with- out the necessity for any calculation. Directions for Using the Instrument.- Fix the manom- eter in the socket and remove the rubber caps. Wrap the bag evenly round the right arm of the patient, over the biceps, either next to the skin or over soft clothing, so that the ends overlap. (With children the bag can be placed round the thigh.) Secure the bag by means of the straps. The arm and hand of the patient must rest upon a table at the level of the heart, and the finger of the observer's left hand be kept upon the pulse. Loosen the brass screw valve 1 C. J. Martin, Brit. Med. Journ., April 22, 1905. APPENDIX B 219 near the ball, and see that the level of the mercury stands at zero on the scale. If this is not the case, adjust the tube by pushing- it up or down until the mercury is at this level. Attach one end of the tubing to the manometer and the other to the glass tube connection of the bag. Screw the brass out- let-valve tightly home. The pressure in the bag is now slowly raised by squeezing the ball with the right hand until the pulse can no longer be felt. At this point the rise of the mercury in one limb of the manometer is read on the scale, and the figure on the scale indicates the maximum systolic pressure at the time. Having read off the pressure in the manometer, allow the air to escape by loosening the brass screw near the ball. By allowing the air to escape slowly, the pressure at which the pulse returns can also be observed. The diastolic pressure is ascertained by allowing the pres- sure to fall still farther very slowly, and noting the height at which the greatest oscillations of the mercury occur at each pulsation. When packing the manometer in its case, remove it from the socket and replace the small rubber caps securely and tightly on the open ends, to prevent the mercury escaping. Then put the manometer in the guides at the bottom of the box, face upward, the scale-end nearest to the handle. Upon this lay the armlet, leather side upward. The tubing, ball, etc., may be distributed about the case. Carry the box by means of the hand-loop at the end. The scale on the manometer is immovable, but the glass tube admits of a small movement. Should any of the mercury be accidentally spilled, refill the tube, and bring the surface of the mercury to correspond with the zero on the scale. Spilled mercury may be scooped up with a bent calling card. Care must be taken not to use a silver tea-spoon, which would at once become amalgamated and spoiled. Gold or silver rings or sleeve-links must also be prevented from touching the mercury, or they will be spoiled. Note. A fall on the floor, or the jolting in travelling by rail, may separate the two columns of mercury in the manom- eter tube; to rectify this, hold the manometer board by its upper end, and gently swing it in the manner adopted to ad- just the index of a clinical thermometer; leave the rubber caps on the tubes whilst so doing. 1 1 It is made by Mr. T. Hawksley, 357 Oxford Street, London, W. 220 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Lockhart Mummery's is much like C. J. Martin's, but it has a large reservoir of mercury like Riva-Rocci's original FIG. 236. Lockhart Mummery's modification of Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer. (Made by Hawksley.) instrument (page 78), instead of a U-tube. The mercury is retained by india-rubber caps, and the instrument is portable. Oliver's New Sphygmomanometer. In this instrument FIG. 237. Oliver's new instrument. A, Tap for occluding or releasing air; B, tap for augmenting the oscillations of the fluid index; C, rubber connections; D, screw for regulating the pressure in the air bag; E, the palpating finger; F, sphygmomanometer. the pressure is afforded, as in Hill's smaller one (p. 68), by a fluid index working against a column of compressed air. APPENDIX B 221 It has the convenience of a long scale, so that the oscillations of pressure at every beat of the pulse are very distinct, and the diastolic pressure (page 82) is more easily read than with most other instruments. This is made all the easier by raising or lowering the pressure by the action of a screw, in much the same way as in Gaertner's tonometer (Fig. 95, page 74). Gibson's Clinical Polygraph. This instrument is in- FIG. 238. Dr. A. G. Gibson's clinical polygraph. A, Rectangular box, contain- ing driving mechanism and electric time-marker. Outside box Driving cylinder C, cell for strip of paper D. Pillar to hold three tambours and (a second) to carry time- marking tambour. Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, are the writing levers of the four tambours. Each tambour capable of vertical adjustment on its pillar, and an angular adjustment by the screws BB are levers for throwing the pens out of action when filling with ink or changing the paper. C, Driving cylinder. D, Cell to hold paper. E, The adjustable spring, keeps the paper flat against the driving cylinder when at work. F is the unwound coil of paper in its cell. H, An axle carrying two friction rollers, adjusted for pressure by the screw at side. J, Screw to be removed when the time-marker is to be used. It screws into the " bob " of the pendulum, inside the box, and keeps it in safety when traveling, etc. K, By screwing in, lifts the receiver away from the pendulum and diminishes the force of impact. L is the air tube of the receiver inside the box, which is struck by the pendulum " bob " five times per second. This tube communicates with the writing tambour as shown. The stopcock governs the amount of air passing to the tambour. MM are terminals for the single cell to drive the time-marker. N is an adjusting screw for the time-marker, which, when listened to, should coincide with the ticking sounds of a watch held to the ear. The latter are five to the second. P is an ordinary dry cell. Receivers for the jugular pulse and radial artery are shown in situ. Side tubes and stopcocks are for regulating the air contents of the receivers; i. e., a little more or less air may be wanted in the receivers, and it is easily blown in by the mouth, or let out by the tap. Both Oliver's and Gibson's instruments are made by Hawksley. tended to give simultaneous tracings of the apex beat, and respiration of the radial artery and jugular vein. A number of other instruments might very well have been described here, but I have no illustrations of them, and without 222 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION illustrations a letterpress description is hard to understand. All those instruments mentioned in the lectures, of which the illustration bears the name of Ch. Verdin, can be obtained from his successor, M. Boulitte, 7 Rue Linne, Paris. Choice of Instruments for Measuring Blood Pressure. For any one who has only a single instrument, my experience leads me to think that Martin's new form of Riva-Rocci is at once the cheapest and the best. If he has more than one, it is very convenient indeed to use one of Von Basch's or Potain's, as it is so easily applied. If any doubt arises, Martin's instrument, which is, I think, more accurate, can be used to control the figure by Von Basch's or Potain's. The accuracy of either of these can be tested with the mercurial manometer, as shown at page 83, but if Von Basch's instru- ment is employed as supplied by Down Bros., a three-way stopcock must be got also, either from them or from Boulitte or from some other maker. Exercise in Angina Pectoris. This question came on at a late period in the lectures, when I had to deal with it very briefly, but I discussed it rather fully in my Harveian Oration, from which I may take the following quotation : " The cir- culation through the muscles is indeed a complex phenomenon, and it was shown by Ludwig and Sadler to depend at least upon two factors having an antagonistic action. When a muscle is thrown into action, it mechanically compresses the blood vessels within it, and thus tends to lessen the circula- tion through it, but at the same time the stimulus which is sent down through the motor nerve, and which calls it into FIG. 239. After Ludwig and Sadler. The marks along the base-lines indicate seconds; the height above the base-line indicates the amount of blood flowing from the veins of the biceps of a dog during tetanus (T or tet), during rest (Ruhe), or during simple contraction (Zuck). action, brings about a dilatation of the vascular walls, and thus increases the circulation throughout the muscle. " When the amount of blood is measured before, during, and after stimulation of the motor nerve, it is sometimes found that the flow is diminished, at others that it is increased. This difference depends upon the comparative effect of the mechani- cal compression of the vessels of the muscles just mentioned, and upon the increase of their lumen by the dilatation of their walls. It invariably happens, however, that after the muscle has ceased to act, the flow of blood through the muscle is in- creased. This increase is quite independent of any alteration in the general pressure of blood in the arteries, and it occurs when an artificial stream of blood, under constant pressure, is sent through the muscle. A heart whose nutrition has been 223 224 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION weakened by disease of the arteries, and consequent imperfect supply of blood to the cardiac muscle, is unable to meet any increased resistance, if this should be offered to it, and pain is at once felt. In such cases, unless they be far advanced, we find, precisely as we might expect, that walking on the level usually causes no pain, but the attempt to ascend even a slight rise, by which the muscles are brought into more active exer- tion, brings on pain at once. Yet here again we find, as we should expect, that if the patient is able to continue walking, the pain passes off and does not return. These phenomena would be inexplicable if it were not for Ludwig's observa- tions on circulation through the muscles; but in the light of these observations, everything is made prefectly intelligible. Walking on the flat, by causing no violent exertion of the muscles, produces no mechanical constriction of the vessels, and thus does not increase the blood pressure. The greater exertion of walking up a hill has this effect; but if the patient is able to continue his exertions, the increased dilatation of the vessels a consequence of musclar activity allows the pressure again to fall, and relieves the pain." APPENDIX D NOTES BY PROFESSOR KRONECKER. This appendix contains a number of notes which Professor Kronecker has kindly sent me relating to his own work and that of his pupils on the heart. His notes are especially valuable, because they afford such clear evidence of the con- duction of stimuli in the heart by nervous channels, which it is at present rather the fashion to neglect. Conduction of stimuli is by many regarded as a function of muscle only, just as their conduction was regarded as a function of nerves only several years ago. The truth probably lies between the two extreme views, and conduction occurs through both chan- nels as mentioned at p. 33. The question is by no means one of mere scientific interest, because on its correct answer a correct knowledge of the causation and treatment of heart- block depends. I have not been able to use the whole of the material with which he kindly furnished me, for it arrived just as this book was going to press, and to obtain the illustra- tions required would have entailed considerable delay. His observations on self -massage of the heart and arteries are also most interesting, for though Briicke (p. 97) indicated the suction action of the cardiac systole, and Ludwig showed the effect of muscular action on the flow of lymph (p. 9), yet it is to Kronecker that we owe the first full discussion of the self -massage of the heart and arteries. The Work of the Heart. The heart does not beat at the expense of its own tissues, but only at that of the energy- supplying material with which it is fed. The smaller the quantity of this material, the less is the work done by the heart. No other material enables the heart to beat except serumalbumin, and, to a very slight degree, serumglobulin. Only very minute quantities of this are required, on account of the high energy-value of the albumen. Neither glycogen nor other carbohydrates can supply the place of genuine albumen. Of course, inorganic solutions do not supply energy. Solutions of inorganic salts, as mentioned by Gaule, Binger, Howell, Locke, Schucking, and others, weakens the pulsations ; 16 225 226 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION but the better they enable the albuminates to be utilized in the heart, the less do they have this effect. Every saline solution gradually exhausts the energy of the heart, but it can be restored by serum. The blood corpuscles and fibrin do not take part in this process, and hence blood is no better than serum as a nutrient. Oxygen does not increase the work done by the heart. Blood saturated with carbonic oxide nourishes it just as well as arterial blood. Asphyxial blood is only poisonous on ac- count of the CO 2 it contains. Dissolved erythrocytes (laky blood) poison the heart only on account of the poisonous potassium salt set free by their solution. If these are renewed by dialysis, laky blood is innocuous. In 1874 Kronecker advanced the following explanation of the ascending staircase (Bowditch's Treppe) : The pulsating heart massages itself. In amphibian hearts, where capillary clefts replace the coronary arteries, each systole presses out the contents of the clefts, each diastole allows the clefts to reopen. By this mechanism the nutritive material is renewed. After a long standstill the products of metabolism remain in the clefts and asphyxiate the heart muscle. Every systole removes a small quantity of the noxious substances, and their place is supplied by nutrient material. In this way we have the para- dox of recovery through work. The descending stair can be artificially produced by washing out the heart with saline solution. Bowditch's Law. The amplitude of the heart's beats is absolutely independent of the irritability of the heart. The law discovered by Bowditch is : Minimal stimtili cause maxi- mum pulsations. This law has been thus paraphrased : " all or nothing " that is to say, that instead of a weak stimulus evoking a weak contraction, and a strong stimulus a strong contraction, any stimulus which will produce a contraction at all will produce as powerful a pulsation as the most powerful stimulus. To this law Bowditch found two exceptions : (1) Intermittent pulsation, with constant regular normal stimulation. (2) Feebler pulsations after longer rest. This subject was more fully investigated by Kronecker, who succeeded in obtaining a pulsation without fail on the applica- APPENDIX D 22J tion of each minimal stimulus, if the stimuli were kept of exactly equal strength by the use of a mercurial contact kept perfectly clean by a constant stream of water. He also showed that the first pulsations after rest were not smaller than the later, if the contents of the heart were kept fresh during rest. Thus he proved that Bowditch's law holds good without any exception. Refractory Period. More important still was Kronecker's discovery that the heart is not irritable during systole. Many called this the refractory period. Even after the systole is over, the heart only gradually regains its irritability. Tem- perature modifies the irritability of the heart to a great extent. He found that at a temperature of 30 C., a heart can be made to beat sixty times a minute by induction currents of 15 units (Kronecker) and the contracture augments. When cooled to 8 C., it can beat twelve times per minute; at 5 C., only six times per minute, even when 12 stimuli of 30 units each are applied. Every pulsation lasts about 5 seconds so that the new systole begins after 5 seconds of diastole. This curious reaction of the heart to frequent (intermitting) stimuli explains why the heart cannot be tetanized. The frog's heart, at a temperature of 30 C., and stimulated forty to fifty times per minute, makes a pulsation every second. At a medium temperature, 15 C., it pulsates about every second second. At a low temperature, 10 C., it beats about every fifth second, although the pulsation only lasts 2.5 sec- onds. In the cold heart the duration of the pulse is 6 seconds, but the heart only regains its irritability again after 15 sec- onds. This behavior of the frog's heart supplies an explana- tion of the fact that constant stimuli, such as chemical ones, have an intermitting effect. Within the last few years, Kro- necker and his pupils have found that the ventricle of the frog's heart ceases to beat if its contents are deprived of all stimulating properties. Thus, Algina found that a ventricle would remain without beating for an hour and a half at a time for as long as three days, when it was supplied with sheep's serum which had been dialyzed, neutralized, and then brought up to 0.6 per cent, of sodium chloride contents. It would therefore seem that there is no true automatism in the ventricle, but only intermittent action to a constant stimulus. 228 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Coordination of the Heart-Beats. Two opposite views are held by physiologists in regard to this subject. Those who hold the myogenic view consider that the muscular cells which form the cardiac wall transmit a stimulus from one to another. But Kronecker and Irachanitzky 1 made the following observation, which seems to show that this is not the case. Microscopic preparations of rabbits' hearts fixed in a state of fibrillation show that the condition of irritation does not pass the limits of the cell. Preparations of hearts, which were fixed while the pulsations were normally coordinated, exhibit equidistant stria. Coordination is effected by nu- merous plexuses of non-medullated nerves. As soon as these are paralyzed, the heart falls into an irregular kind of motion, either fibrillary or peristaltic. The nerve centers of the heart, like those of the brain, con- sist of groups of ganglion cells and nerve plexuses. These are quickly paralyzed by want of blood. Fibrillation occurs in the heart 1. If the coronary arteries are ligatured. 2. If small branches of the coronary arteries are plugged by embolism (reflex effect). 3. If the heart is tetanized. 4. If the mammalian heart is quickly cooled down to about 25 C. 5. If the ventricular septum is punctured about the junction of the upper and middle third. 6. Sometimes by the rapid application of chloroform. Rabbits' hearts in a state of fibrillation may spontaneously commence to beat rhythmically. Dogs' hearts (except when the animals are very young) continue to fibrillate, and die unless they are saved artificially. Dogs' hearts may be saved from a state of fibrillation (1) By very strong electric shocks (240 volts), applied directly to the heart (Batelli and Prevost). (2) By heating to 43 C. or 45 C. (3) By chloral-hydrate (Barbera). If the roots of the coronary arteries have been ligatured, they cannot be saved. Kronecker succeeded in reestablishing pulsation, but only 1 Archiv. Internation. dc Physiol., vol. iv., p. i, July, 1906. This paper contains a very complete resume of the literature on the subject of the channels through which stimuli pass from one part of the heart to another. APPENDIX D 229 on the right ventricle of the dog's heart, in the following ex- periment. He ligatured the anterior root of the coronary artery; they produced fibrillation, and finally conducted a strong current of 240 volts through the heart. From this he concluded (i) that narrowing of the coronary arterial system paralyzes, either -directly or reflexly, the coordinating nervous system of the heart; (2) that the paralysis may be removed by producing dilatation of the coronary arteries by heat, chloral-hydrate, or electric currents of high intensity; (3) that a center for the innervation of the coronary vessels lies in ventricular septum. At the point in the ventricular septum where puncture produces fibrillation, no ganglion cells are to be found, but only nerve plexuses, which have a similar func- tion as ganglia. Conduction of Stimuli from Auricles to Ventricles. When the heart is beating normally the two auricles are seen to contract simultaneously, and the same is the case with the ventricles. The coordination between the auricles and ven- tricles is such that they begin their contraction in regular inter- vals, so that the completion of systole in an auricle is followed without any interval by the commencement of the systole of the ventricle. Such coordination is, like the act of swallowing, only pos- sible through central nervous arrangements. Those W 7 ho hold the myogenic theory say that the relaxa- tion occurs on account of the specific structure of the muscle. This is not to be found in the frog's heart. In the mammalian heart the retarded conduction is ascribed to the bundles of Stanley-Kent and His. Kronecker and Imchanitzky have showed that this bundle can be ligatured without disturbing the coordination between auricles and ventricles. Dr. Paukul of Dorpat, while working recently in Professor Kronecker's laboratory, found that the Stanley-Kent and His bundle of muscular fibers connecting the auricles and ventricle is accompanied by nervous plexuses, injury of which disturbs coordination, whilst ligature of the muscular part of the bun- dle does not impair coordination. Dr. Imchanitzky, also working under Kronecker's direction, discovered in the hearts of lizards two nerves with immense groups of ganglia uniting the auricle with the ventricle. When these were ligatured, the coordination between the beats of the auricle and ventricle was destroyed. 230 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Dr. Lomakina several years ago observed disturbance of coordination, after the application of ligatures to the hearts of dogs and rabbits at points where the bundle could not be injured e. g. to the pulmonary artery at its exit from the right ventricle. Kronecker often saw incoordination occur on the applica- tion of a ligature to the right ventricle at the point where the vense-cavae inosculate. How is it possible on the myogenic theory to explain the occurrence of fibrillation in the tetanized auricles while the ventricles are pulsating normally or vice versa ? Is His's bundle then in a state of fibrillation and yet effect- ing pulsations? Kronecker also showed that the vagi when stimulated can inhibit the ventricles whilst they do not affect the fibrillating auricles. How can this fact be explained otherwise than on the hy- pothesis that the nerves conduct the inhibition through the fibrillating muscular masses? The cardiac vagi do not act on cavities of the heart which are under the influence of local stimulation. A ventricle through which normal saline solution is being circulated can- not be stopped by stimulation of the vagus, but if the ventricle is supplied w r ith Ringer's solution or blood stimulation of the vagus, it produces its ordinary inhibitory effect. The same minimal stimulus which will cause the ventricle in a state of ordinary rest to pulsate, suffices to produce a pulsation in an inhibited ventricle. The vagus is therefore not an anabolic nerve. Conduction of Stimuli in the Heart. In a paper on this subject from Kronecker's laboratory, D. Maria Imchanitzky (Archives Internationales de Physiologic, vol. iv., p. I, July, 1906) gives a very full abstract of all the literature on the subject, and a resume of the results of original experiments made under Kronecker's direction. These are : I. From the histological researches it appears : (a) That the muscular cells in the ventricles of the heart in repose or in coordinated action present everywhere the same histological appearance, the striation being identical everywhere. (&) When the heart is fixed in a state of fibrillation, the cells, on the contrary, present different aspects. The state of striation differs from one cell to another. The intercellular APPENDIX D 2 3 I limits generally form sharply marked dividing- lines between a cell with striae widely apart and another with them close together, although sometimes these different appearances can be found in one and the same cell. (See Fig. 240.) (c) From the aspect of these structures one must conclude that the contraction does not pass from one muscular cell to another, but that the stimulation is transmitted by coordinating nervous communications. II. Experiments made by ligaturing the bundle of His FIG. 240. Cells taken from a heart in fibrillation. The preparation shows that the intercellular limits separate very sharply parts with striae widely apart from others with striae close together, whilst in the interior of the cells numerous transitions may be observed. The larger figure is magnified 750 diameters by an apochromatic objective, No. 2 of Zeiss, and compensating eyepiece, No. 6. The small portion strongly magnified was observed with Zeiss's No. 2 objective and a compensating eyepiece, No. 18, with an intense illumination. prove that hearts may exhibit coordinated pulsations of the auricles and ventricles after the destruction of this bundle. Importance of the Pulse for the Current of Blood in the Arteries. In experiments made with his pupil, Dr. Gustav Hamel, 1 in which nutrient fluid was perfused through the blood 1 Zcitschrift f. Biologic, Ed. xxv., X. F., vii., p. 4/4. 232 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION vessels of a frog, Kronecker found that when the flow was interrupted rhythmically by a stopcock worked by an electric pendulum, the vessels allowed much more fluid to flow through them than when the flow was continuous. The advantage of the rhythmical impulse appears to consist in this : that the alternate movements maintain the elasticity of the arteries and the pauses serve for recuperation of their muscular walls. The intermitting rest is certainly of great value to the vascular walls, for when they are subjected to continued pressure they are injured and allow fluid to exude into the tissues and pro- duce cedema. On the other hand, when the flow is rhyth- mically interrupted, very little cedema appears (cf. p. 128). The cardiac pulsation acts like an internal massage, and by producing passive gymnastics maintains the cohesion, elas- ticity, and contractility of the arteries. Circulation in the Splanchnic System. In 1889 Kro- necker showed at the Naturforscherversammlung, in Heidel- berg, that normal saline solution flows readily into the portal venous system of a rabbit under a pressure equivalent to 30 centimeters of water. When the portal vein is ligatured close to the hilus of the liver, the saline solution only begins to enter under a pressure of 60 centimeters. But if the abdominal aorta is ligatured close to the diaphragm, and above the ab- dominal arteries, the veins become paralyzed, and allow enorm- ous quantities of saline solution to flow into them under a very low pressure. INDEX. NOTE. In this index the numbers of the figures referred to are not given, but only the pages on which they may be found. ABDOMEN, blow on, shock due to twofold action Goltz's experiments on frog, showing, 1 13 cold wet compress applied to beneficial in sleeplessness why, 175 constriction of, by corsets or belts, risks from, 141 extra pressure on, when thighs are swollen, 133 - serous cavity of, effusion into Tap- ping to remove, 204 Abdominal distension (see also stomach, distention of), mechanical interfer- ence by, with lungs and heart, 131, 138 massage, flatulence lessened by how, 138 - vessels, contraction of, due to severe pain circulation maintained by, 113 viscera, duty of the diaphragm to, in upright and in recumbent positions, 133 Abscess, cerebral bradycardia in connec- tion with, 187 Absorbent cotton wool use of, in tap- ping, 204 Absorption, drugs causing, useful in cases of high blood-pressure due to gouty kidney, 101 fluid supplied by, replacing that drawn from blood by kidneys in oedematous diseases of the heart, 150, 152 of oedema, ascites, or pleural effusion, effected by rest and massage, 138 Accelerators, probable effect on, of atro- pine, 107, note stimulation of, deduced from pulse- rate in exophthalmic goitre, 107 Accessory muscles of circulation, 7 Acidity of stomach, aggravation of drowsy sleeplessness of cardiac disease how relieved, 193 Acocanthera (Oubain), action of not used in medicine, 146 Aconite typical cardiac depressant, char- acteristic physiological action of, 171 effect of, on frog's heart, 171 in local inflammations, 172, 174 in nervous flutterings of heart, 172 in high tension in angina pectoris,. 174 on mammals, in large and in small doses, 171 on very rapid pulse, 166 Acute anaemia, fatty degeneration of the heart in, 100 Acute disease, sequelae of, dilatation of the heart in, 126 rheumatism bradycardia with weak heart in convalescence from, 186-7 Adami, see Roy & Adami Adonis rernalis (pheasant's eye), uses of, 146 Adrenaline, action of, on heart and ves- sels, 1 60 Adult (s) heart, action on, of Digitalin, 147 not injured by moderate smoking double action of smoking in, 169 After-cure, subsequent in Nauheim treat- ment, 20 1 Age, see elderly, old age, senile, and senility Agurin, nature and uses of, 162 Albumen in urine, disappearance of, due to rest and massage, 139 effect on, of mercury, 208 in sleeplessness in cardiac disease not centra-indication of use of opium or morphine, 195 Albuminuria, a consequence of venous engorgement, 129 use in, of mercury author's view, 208 Alcohol, bradycardia sometimes caused by how, 109, 187 effect of, on medusae (contractile tis- sue), 30-31 excessive use of, as cause of palpita- tion to be cut off or docked, 179 ingestion of large quantities causing speedy death analogy, 113 Alcoholic neuritis, paralysis of the vagi due to rapidity of pulse after, 107 Alcoholism, chronic, fatty degeneration of the heart in, 100 Alkalies, form of bradycardia in which suitable, 188 Aloes, as aperient, in senile rise of pres- sure how taken, 208 American modifications of Riva-Rocci's instrument, 79, 80, 81 Amoeba, contraction in, of vesicle, 27 Ammonia liniment over cardiac region, extremely stimulating action of, 178 Ammonium, bromide of, in Graves's dis- ease effects of, 184 Hippurate (Oliver), in treatment of high tension, 208 Amyl nitrite, efficacy of, as vascular dila- tor, 165 in angina pectoris, 208 special ad- vantages, 189, (figs.) 190 in cardiac asthma, less useful than in angina why, 193 investigations on, of Guthrie, etc., and of author, 163 -overdoses of, sole ill-effect from, 191 Anaemia, acute and chronic, fatty degen- eration of the heart in, 100 bradycardia associated with, 186 dilatation of the heart in, 126 of the brain, sudden, probable cause of syncope, 1 14 of the tissues with temporary contrac- tion of arteries, in Raynaud's dis- ease, 117 233 234 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Anaesthesia, imperfect, fatal shock, how caused by author's view, 113-4 Anaesthetics, tight-lacing dangerous dur- ing administration of, 141 Ancients, the, views of, on circulation and arteries, basis of, 2. Aneroid manometer, Gaertner's portable form of his tonometer, 76, (fig.) 76 sphygmomanometer, author's apparatus for standardizing, 83 Aneurism, indicated by louder second heart sound, 42 cerebral, bradycardia in conjuction with, 187 Anger, angina pectoris due to historic fatal case, 189 Angina pectoris, difficulty of making ob- servations in author's recorded, 121, and note high tension in, aconite sometimes use- ful in precaution advised, 174 claudication in, Brodie cited on, 116 in relation to contraction of coronary arteries, 116, 189 liability in, to sudden death, 196 pain of causes, 116, 121, and note, 123, 189 location and extent, 189 severity of, 121 pain simulating, due to over-smoking, 170 sensations akin to, in paroxysmal tachy- cardia, 108 sensations frequent in (see Pain) (a) intense oppression, 121 (b) extreme pain, 121 nature of the latter in author's view, 121-2, and note (c) anxiety, 122, note treatment and relief of aims of, 189-90 during attacks, 191 during intervals, ib. amyl nitrite in, 208 -author's successful use of, 164-5 bleeding, 175, 177, 208 cold bandages application of, effect on radial artery, 175, 177, (fig.) 176 diet and regimen in, 191-2 Angio-neurotic oedema, conditions of, 153 no venous obstruction in, 153 pathology not made out author's view, 1 1 8 Animal, an, " bled into its own veins," Ludwig cited on, 16 Animals, blood-pressure in, 60 poisoned by digitalis, apex-beat in, in- creased, I 12 slain for sacrifice, arteries empty in reason, 2, 5 Antiaris to.ricaria. or upas, action of, not used medicinally, 146 Antiseptics, in treatment of toxin-caused bradycardia, 188 Anti-streptococcic serum universal cedema brought on by injection of, 118 Anxiety, in angina pectoris, 121, note effect of, on the circulation, 104 oppression of chest, caused by to what due, 121 Aorta, blood-pressure in, in mitral in- competence, 127 composition of, 44 contractile power of, 44 in elderly people, atheromatous and rough with systolic murmur, but re- gurgitation not necessarily resulting, 122 Aorta, investigation of, with Marey's cardiograph results, 86-90, (figs.) 86, 88 relative resistance of, 44 Aortic bulb, frog's heart, 19 cartilage, aortic regurgitant murmur usually well heard over, 195 disease, liquid allowed in, by Dr. Schott, 20 1 incompetence causes consequences, 122-3 orifice narrowing of, due to inflam- mation during foetal life, or to vege- tal growths in later years, 122 pulse, tracings of, with Marey's car- diograph, 89, (figs.) 88 regurgitation, patients with, arterial pulsation observable in coincidence of the three rhythms in, 47 as affecting snhygmograms, 9 full diet advised in, by Dr. Schott why, 20 1 how recognized, 122-3, "95 left ventricle yielding before strain consequences, 196 danger of, and treatment, 196-7 liability in, to sudden death, 196 murmur of, 43, place where heard caution on case illustrating, 195-6 process, causes and results of, 122 aspect of those affected by, 122-3 risk of syncope in, 196 uncomplicated, effects of digitalis in, alone, and in combination risks from, 196 use of digitalis, strychnine, and caf- feine in, 196, 203 Aortic stenosis, how recognized, 122-3, 195 valves, aortic regurgitant murmur usually well heard over, 195 closure of, cause of second sound (Williams), 41 destruction of, bruit or murmur re- sulting from, 43 stiffness of, with years consequence, 122 vegetal growths on consequence, 122 Aperients (see also Purgatives), in cases of senile rise of pressure how taken, 208 Apex of heart, angina pain felt towards, 189 frog's, dilatation of, by pressure from within, 28, 128 point of chest wall over, first sound of heart best heard at, 42 Apex-beat, Burdon-Sanderson's cardio- graph for, (fig.) 86 in palpitation of the heart, 112 Apocynum cannabinum (Canadian hemp), uses of, 146 Appetite, improved, in absolute rest treatment, by massage why, 138 lessened by disordered circulation why, 131 Apoplexy (ia), brain-pressure due to, caus- ing bradycardia how, 109 causes of, 14, 15 cerebral common in advanced life cause, 205-6 possible means of averting, 208-9 - risk of, in cases of arterio-capillary fibrosis, due to kidney disease, 101-2 risk of causing, by Digitalis in cases of fatty heart why, 162-3 INDEX 235 Archangelsky, views of, on importance of cardiac ganglia, 32, note Arm(s), application to, of cold bandage effect of, on radial artery, 175, (fig.) 176 bend of, source of blood at, author's deductions from, as to syncope, 115 bleeding from cases in which bene- ficial, 175, 208 (specially left arm), affected by an- gina pain, 189 volume of reduced, during hard think- ing Mosso's demonstration, 114 Arrow-poisons, also used similarly to digitalis, 146 Arsenic, fatty degeneration of the heart found after administration of, 100 Arterial circulation, as assisting venous, 6, 99, 102 massage of the nerves, in health, 135 pulsation, coincident with respira- tion, 46 runture, risk of, from rise of blood- pressure in chronic interstitial ne- phritis, 49, 50 Arterial tension (see also blood-pres- sure), 10 instrument for estimating, suggested combined use of, with sphygmo- graph, 94 rnitroglycerine the stock remedy for lowering how administered, 165-6 quickened pulse, and pain of angina pectoris, relations between cases illustrating, 121, and note high, in advanced age diet, regi- men, and medicines prescribed for, 208-9 risks of, with antheroma- tous arteries, 206-7 in angina pectoris relation be- tween and the pain, 121, and note, 174, 189 in Bright's disease, 90, (fig.) 88 in attacks of paroxysmal tachy- cardia, calling for vascular dila- tors, 185 indicated by louder second heart sound, 42 high ana low, as affecting first heart sound, 43 regulation of, 13-15 Arterial walls, degeneration of, in the aged, conditions and consequences, 89, 99, 100, 101, 116, 205, 206-7 Arterialized blood, first portion of, re- ceived by coronary arteries, 94 Artery(ies), see also under Names as affected by old age, 89, 99, (fig.) 98, 100, 101, 1 1 6, 206-7; timely atten- tion to, a means of prolonging life, 205 of brain as affected by Raynaud's disease, 117 in cases of aortic regurgitation, irri- tability of, and tendency to rhythm- ical contraction in, 46, 123 contractile force of, to what due, work done by, 10-11 contraction of, due to digitalis, 148, how effected, 149 due to local ap- plication of cold, 175, (fig.) 176 in old age consequences, 116 temporary, in Raynaud's disease consequences, 117 diastolic and systolic pressure in, how estimated, 71, (fig.) 70 Arteries, elastic recoil of, 4 as affected by age, 89, 116, 205, (fig.) 88 as affected by Bright's disease, 90 (fig.) 88 in relation to contractile force, 10 emptiness of, causes of, 2, 5, 90 of head and neck, peripheral contrac- tion of, with central dilatation the cause of migraine, in author's view, 119 with impaired elasticity, tracings yielded by, 89, (fig.) 88 internal, as affected by Raynaud's dis- ease, 117 large, alterations in, in relation to mi- graine, 119-20 massage by, of nerves, 134 of moderate size, alterations in, in re- lation to migraine, 1 19-20 motor and peristaltic action of, 5 ossification of (or obliteration), angina pectoris and claudication due to (Brodie), 116 periodical pulsation in, observable in patients with aortic regurgitation coincidence of the three rhythms in, 46-7 renal, effects on, of ligature of, and similar effect of digitalis, etc., 155-6, 162 how overcome, 163 self-massage of, process and value of, 6, 99, 102 increased by digitalis, 149 by massage and exercises, 202 sensitiveness of, 119 how proven, 120 single, compression of, to measure hu- man blood-pressure, instruments for - 60 et seq., (figs.) 60-67 size of, Oliver's arteriometer for meas- uring, 83 three functions of, 4 (i) storers of force, ib. (2) regulators, ib. (3) motors, ib. Arteries and capillaries, 45 blood entering and leaving, need of balance between: results of upset- ting, 13-15 Arterio-capillary fibrosis (Gull & Sutton), nature, causes, and results of, 101 Arterioles, contractibility of, probable effect of, 10 contraction and dilatation of causes, 45-6, 118 due to nicotine how caused, 167 transverse, suggested as possible, 45, (fig.) 46 effect on, of digitalis, 146 of high tension in chronic interstitial nephritis, 49 frog's dilatation in, caused by local irritation, observed by Gunning & Cohnheim, 46 importance of, pointed out by author in thesis of 1866, 157 increased peripheral resistance in, dan- gers from, 101 irritation of, local author's observa- tions on effect of, 46 lumen of, lessening of, risks of, and some causes, 101 muscular layer in, 45 nervous fibrils in, 45 small, and capillaries, diseases in which chiefly affected, 117-8 236 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Arterioles of submaxillary gland effect on of irritation of chorda tympani -par- allel, 115 Arterioles and veins, nerves of observa- tions on, of Brunton & Schweigger- Seidel results, 45 Arteriometer, Oliver's, use of, 83 Arterio-sclerosis diffuse, or arterio-capil- lary fibrosis (Gull & Sutton), nature, causes, and results of, 100-1 nodular, how induced, 101 Artificial circulation Ludwig's invention and methods, 143, (fig.) 142 Ascites, removed by rest and massage, . 139 - in venous engorgement how induced, 129 with flatulence, effect of, on the heart, 131 without flatulence, rare, 139 Ashanti campaign, value of beef-tea, etc., as stimulants, shown in, by Parkes, 145, and note Ashes, and waste products of tissues parallel, 145 Asphyxia, local, in Raynaud's disease a parallel, 117 Assimilation, improved, due to lessened venous congestion caused by digi- talis, 153-4 Asthma, cardiac, causes symotoms treatment, 192-3 spasmodic, permanent dilatation of right side of heart due to, 130 Atheroma, aortic, indicated by louder second heart sound, 42 blocking by, of arteries, results of, sim- ilar to those caused by cerebral hem- orrhage, 205 of arteries, consequences, 205 of coronary artery consequences, 96 of right pulmonary artery conse- quences of, 130 Atheromatous button, formation of, how induced, 101, (fig.) 98 Atheromatous arteries of old people, 89, 115, 205, (fig.) 98 danger of, with high blood-pressure, 205 Atheromatous ulcers, in arterial walls in old people provoking causes, 101 Atonic condition of embryonic heart, in- duced by drugs retarding oxidation, 148 Atrophy, brown, causes of, 100 Atropine, effects of digitalis on frog's heart, not overcome by, 147 paralysis of vagi caused by pulse-rate after, 107 -probable action of the drug, 107, note Auricular beats in frog's heart, as af- fected by stimulation, 34, (fig.) 35 Auricle, hypertrophy of, caused by mitral obstruction, 127-8 mitral regurgitation, 127 right, dilatation and hypertrophy of venous engorgement due to, 129 Auricles in frog's heart, 19 electric stimulation of, effects of (Brunton and Cash), 34, (fig.) 35 Auriculo-ventricular orifices, muscular fibers round, aid given by, to valves, 40, (figs.) 39 symptoms consequent on non-closure or, 124 BACK, lying on, in bed, characteristic nightmare from what it indicates, 1 80 Badenweiler, graduated walk at, for Oertel's treatment, 202_ Band instruments for estimating blood- pressure, 71 et seq. Barclay, Captain, feat of walking 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours, 3, 4 Barnard, see Hill & Barnard Bartel's tubes for drainage of legs or scrotum, 204 Basch, Von, sphygmomanometers of, (figs.) 63-5, 67 Brunton's modification of, 65 fallacies in applying, 68 practically founder of blood-pressure measurements in man, 645 Basch, Von, and A. Frohlich, experi- ments of, on action of cocaine on the heart -reflex mechanism in heart itself, part cause of cardiac pulsa- tions deduced from, 171 experiments of, bearing out author's view on causes of tachycardia, 112 Baths, as employed in Nauheim treat- ment, 198-9, (figs.) 197, 199 exercises, general massage, as external means for increasing amplitude of pulse, object of, 102 Bayer, O., experiments of, on first sound of heart, 42 Beats, see heart-beats and pulse-beats Bed, getting into work involved in, 132 position in, in regard to difficulty of breathing, 133-4 in regard to palpitation, 179-80 protection of, in tapping, 204 rest in, prolonged, and absolute best treatment in Graves's disease, 184 severe cases of palpitation, 183 rules regarding, 132 Bed-time, water to be sipped at, by the flatulent, 182 Beds, special, for patients with severe valvular disease, not sufficiently made use of, 134 Beef-tea, cardiac stimulant, not nutrient, 145 Begbie, Dr. Warburton, and the " Pulvis Mirabilis " for functional irritation of the heart, 181 Belladonna, paralysis of vagus, caused by pulse- rate after, 107 Belladonna plaster, over heart, as cardiac sedative, 178 Bezold, Von, see Traube & Von Bezold Bicarbonate of soda, in sleeplessness in cardiac disease, 193 Bidder's ganglia, frog's heart, (figs.) 19. 27 Bigeminal pulse- -nature instance, 189 Bile acids in jaundice, action of, in causing bradycardia, 187 elimination of, in toxin caused brachycardia, aim of treatment methods employed, 188 - substances having poisonous action ex- creted in, reabsorbed by liver risks from, in angina, how eliminated, 191-2 Bismuth, in treatment of bradycardia due to reflex inhibition from stomach, 188 use of, in certain forms of tachycardia, 185 Bitartrate of potassium, addition of, to compound jalap powder advantage of, 203 Bladder, see Urinary bladder and Gall bladder INDEX 237 Blake, demonstration by, of action of digitalis, 146 Bleeding general, from the arm cases in which beneficial, 175, 208 to slow very rapid pulse, 166 local, by leeches and cupping cases in which beneficial action not under- stood, 177 Blocking of the coronary arteries, conse- quences of, 96, 100, 105-6 Blood, bulls', drinking warm as punish- ment, 141, and note circulation (q. t'.) of, how kept up by the heart, 96-8, and figs. diluted, as used in Ludwig's artificial circulation experiments, 143 driven back into auricle and pulmo- nary veins in mitral incompetence, 127 flow of (see also Circulation), during syncope Hunter's observation on, US quality of, effect of alteration in, 100 effect of, on nutrition of heart, 94 quantity of, in the body, Ludwig cited on, 5 effect of, on nutrition of heart, 94 from stomach, passage of, through liver before reaching general circulation why to be remembered in relation to palpitation, (fig.) 179 well aerated, best cardiac nutrient, 143 Blood and lymph, circulation of, as af- fected by self-massage of heart and arteries, 6, 7. 8, 97-9, 102 as affected by digitalis, 153 as affected by massage, 138, and ex- ercises, 202 Blood-pressure, see also arterial tension abnormally low, as precursor of phthi- sis case in point, 105 in animals, 60 backward (see also Regurgitation), causes consequences, 128-9 in brain, in relation to position, 114 in the capillaries, measurement of, 84, (jtg.) 62 - Cause of, on what dependent, 13-14 in dog's heart, slow fall after high rise how caused Brunton, Meyer and Tunnicliffe's experiments, 158, (figs.) 157-8.. . effect on, of injection of adrenaline, 160 enormous, caused by nicotine a par- allel the reason, 167 in gouty kidney disease, difficulty in reducing, 101 high, in advanced age, treatment of, 208-9. in auricle, pulmonary veins, and aorta, in mitral incompetence, 127 in auricle and ventricle in mitral ob- struction, 127-8 extra work of the heart in overcom- ing causes bradycardia caused by, 1 88 risks of, in combination with athero- matous arteries, 206-7 increase of, as found in diffuse arterio- sclerosis, dangers from, 101 influence on, of splanchnic area, 16 of vagus nerve, 15, (fig.) 13 of yaso-motor center, 15, (fig.) 13 lowering of, caused by amyl nitrite Gamgee's & Brunton's experiments in full, 163 Blood-pressure in man, 60 measurement of, author's experiments with different by finger pressure, 60, instruments deductions, 79 instruments for (see Cardiographs, Haemodynamometer, Kymographs, Manometers, Plethysmographs, Sphygmographs, and Sphygmo- manometer), described, 10-12, 55, 60 et seq., 90 standardization of, author's method, 82 two classes of, (a) for com- pressing single artery, 62 et seq.; (b) for compression of digit or limb, ib. maximum, coincidence with, of stop- page of urine secretion, in cases of poisoning with digitalis and stro- phanthus, observed by Brunton and Power and Brunton and Pye, 155, 156 measurement of, in relation to pro- longation of life, 205, 209 rapid raising of (however caused), an- gina pectoris brought on by, (figs.) 190, 189 diet in connection with, 191-2 - regulation of, 13 rise of, in chronic interstitial nephritis, risks from, to life, 49-51 due to digitalis, as affecting the kid- neys, 51 cause of, according to Traube and Von Bezold, 157, views of Brun- ton - experiments of Brunton and Meyer, 157-8, and of Brun- ton and Tunnicliffe confirming, 158 risks of, 163, how overcome, 163 sources of mischief in, 14 in the veins, measurement of, 83-4 Blood-supply, of arm at bend source of author's deduction from, as to syncope, 115 to brain, insufficiency of as causing syncope, 15, (fig.) 12, 114 to heart, importance of quality and quantity of, and why, 94-5, 98-9 function of the coronary arteries in, 95-6 enlarged by aortic regurgitation, more required consequences if not de- livered, 123 - large, required by brain when active, 114 quantity of, in heart how increased by digitalis, 149 Blood-vessels, see also Arteries and Veins action on, of adrenaline, 160 alone chiefly acted on by Erythro- phlceum, 160 alteration in, the primary cause of senile decay, 207 as well a_s heart acted on by digitalis, 1 60 Cerebral diseases of, in relation to senile decay, 206 contraction of, by application of cold relieving inflammation, 175 caused by digitalis, etc., drawbacks incidental to, 162, overcome by combination on the vaso-dilators, 163 injection of adrenaline, 160 rhythmical, discovered by Wharton, Jones and others, 46 cause, according to Luchsinger and THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Schiff observations on, by au- thor and Fayrer, 27 Blood-vessels, contraction of, reflex of, not present in reflex stoppage of heart in imperfect anaesthesia au- thor's view, 113-4 dilatation of, to relieve the heart, in attacks of angina pectoris methods of, 189, 191, 192 diseases of, frequency of deaths from, in old people, 206 effect on, of heat and cold, 51-4, 106 local, as affecting local inflamma- tion, 174-5 x of shock, 113 enfeeblement of, fourth stage of action of digitalis, 160 excessive tension in, effect of, on the vagus center, 15, (fig.) 13 exudation of fluid from, cause of oedema, how arrested by digitalis, 153 nutrition of, effect on, of feebleness of the heart, 100 obliteration of, caused by embolism and thrombosis gangrene ensuing, 115-6 opposing action of nerves in, 45 ossification of, consequences, 1 16-7 power of, to contract or dilate from alteration in contractile apart from nervous element, 47 rupture of, in brain how caused, 205; results. 206 risk of, from arterio-capillary fibro- sis, 101 stimulation of, from within, 49-51 from without, 47, 49, (figs.) 47. 48 tonic effect on, of digitalis "roved by author, 146, and note vessels of the heart, effect on, of heat and cold, 106-7 vessels of Thebesius, circulation some- times maintained by, in default of coronary arteries, 96 Blow on abdomen, twofold action shock induced by Goltz's experiment on frog showing, 1 13 Blue pill, powdered digitalis and pow- dered squill pill of value of, modi- fications of, 203 Bokenham, Mr. T. J., see Brunton and Bokenham Bowditch's (Dr. H. P.) apparatus for experiment on frog's heart, (fig. and note) 22 Bowels, as affected by compassion, 104 attention needed by, in relief of palpi- tation why, 181 to be kept freely open in angina pec- toris how why, 191 treatment of, in senile rise of pres- sure, 208 Brachycardia, see also Bradycardia Bradycardia chief characteristic, slow pulse, 108, 186 causes, 108-9, 186-7. when most frequent, 186-8 treatment of aims in, 188 pulse in, rate altered, rhythm regular varieties of intermission in, 109-12 Brain, see also Medulla arteries of, as affected by Raynaud's disease, 117 blood-pressure in, as affected by posi- tion, 115 blood-supply to, defective causes and consequences, 123 Brain, large supply of blood required by, when active, 114 condition of, in shock (clear), 114 in syncope (unconscious), 114 due to inadequate blood-supply, 15, (fig-) 12 nerve cells in, destroyed by macrophags in old age, 207 reason, 207 pressure on, various forms of causing bradycardia, 109 rupture of vessel in, in old people, cause of, 205 results, 205 stimulation of, by tobacco-smoking, 169 sudden anaemia of, probable cause of syncope, 114, and see 15 Braune, cited on walls of veins when stretched, 6 Bread, made with sugar and no salt, in diet for mitral disease aim of, 204 Bread and tea fatal meal of why so, 140-1 Breath, shortness of (see also cardiac dyspnoea), in mitral incompetence treatment, 197 Breathing, difficulty of, in recumbency, 133 probable twofold origin of, 133 Bright's disease, advanced, double risk in, of use of digitalis, 163 arterial distention due to tracings of aortic pulse consequent on, 89-90, (fig.) 88 bradycardia caused by, 109 Brodie, Sir Benjamin, cited on claudica- tion before senile gangrene, 116, and on angina pectoris, it>. Bromide (s) of potassium, in treatment of bradycardia due to reflex inhibi- tion from stomach, 188 sodium and ammonium, separately or mixed, in treatment of sleeplessness in cardiac disease doses, 193 use of, in certain forms of tachycar- dia, 185 useful in Graves's disease why how, 184 Bronchitis, chronic, strain due to effect of, on right side of heart, 130 suffocative, wet cupping over the back for, 177 Bronchitis and emphysema, results of, to the heart, 202 Brucke's analogy for the pericardium, and view of suction-action of ventricular systole, 97, (fig.) 96 Bruits or murmur cardiac, characteristic sounds of, how caused, 43 Brunton, Lauder - advice and rules of, on rest for pa- tients, 132 arrangement of for evacuation for pa- tients kept recumbent, 132-3 diagrams by, of hypothetical nervous apparatus, frog's heart, (fig. and note) 20 to illustrate the experiments of Stan- nius, 20 discovery by, of action of amyl nitrite, 165 double ile action of digitalis and its tonic effect on heart and vessels proved by, 146, and note experiments of, on action of digitalis, 162-3 regurgitant murmur observed in healthy heart of dog poisoned with, 126 thirst produced by, 150, 152 INDEX 239 Brunton, experiments of, on action of blood-pressure in man as ascertained by different instruments deductions, 79 effects of heat and cold on frog's lungs, 56, (fig.) 54 own pulse, 130, 163 importance of arterioles pointed out by, . J 57 instruments or apparatus devised or adapted by, for various purposes, ascertaining competence of mitral or tricuspid valves, etc., (fig.) 38 combination of Ludwig's and Pick's kymographs, (fig.) 59 combination of Potain's sphygmo- manometer with other instruments, (fig.) 80 modification and application of Riva- Rocci's sphygmomanometer, (figs.) 79, 80 modification of Von Basch's sphyg- momanometer, 63, further modifi- cation, (fig.) 80 showing action of heat, cold, and poi- sons on frog's heart, (fig.) 21 showing effect of heat, cold, and poi- sons on frog's lungs, 56, (fig.) 54 standardizing an aneroid sphygmo- manometer, 82, (fig.) 83 observations of, on action of nitrite of amyl in angina pectoris tension reducing power proved by, 163 angio-neurotic oedema, 118 arterial tension and quick pulse in relation to pain of angina pectoris, 121, and note case of cardiac strain from indoor dancing, 126 dilatation of arterioles sometimes due to local irritation, 46 distensibility of liver, 17 effect of ammonia liniment over car- diac region, 178 nicotine in raising blood-pressure, 167 smoking " pig-tail " tobacco, 170 fingers in Raynaud's disease, 117 his own sensation of chest-oppression due to grief deductions, 121 influence of oxygen in relief of car- diac asthma, 193 irregularity of pulse from digitalis poisoning, no-n, (figs.) in local irritation as sometimes causing dilatation, and not contraction of arteriole, 46 migraine own case, 119-20 mitral regurgitation from digitalis poisoning in a dog, 126 as affected by exercise and excite- ment, 126 one-sided case of angio-neurotic oedema, 118 only ill-effects of amyl nitrite, or nitro-glycerine, 191 peristaltic action of arteries, 5 pattern of belladonna plaster advised by, 178 - schema of the circulation by, 57-9, (fig.) use by, of amyl nitrite for first time in angina pectoris, 175, 177 of bleeding, 175, 177 of calcium chloride and suprarenal extract, in Graves's disease, 183-4 Brunton, Lauder, views of, on albumen in urine, not contra-indica- tion of use of opium or morphine, 195 arterial contraction as largely the cause of high tension, 50 cause (s) of emptiness of arteries after death, 5 intermittent pulse, 109-12 senile decay, 207 effects of imperfect anaesthesia, 113-4 on palpitation and its causes, 112 transverse as k well as longitudinal contraction in muscular cells of arterioles effect of, 45 treatment of bradycardia, 188, and note work of, on action of drugs on blood- pressure when begun, 1 1 Brunton and Bokenham, experiments of, on action of hydroxylamine, 166 Brunton and Cash, experiments , of, on the action of strychnine on the heart deductions, 161, and note on nervous and muscular conduction in the heart, 33, (figs.) 35 de- ductions, 34 et seq., 36 on oxidation of protoplasm acceler- ated by digitalis and caffeine, 148 Brunton and Fayrer, rediscovery by, of independent pulsation of veins, 18, 44, 127-8, note Brunton and Gamgee, experiments of, on the former in nitrite of amyl, 163-4 Brunton and Gresswell, experiments of, on the action of other nitrites un- published, 1 66 Brunton and Meyer, experiments by, proving importance of arterioles, 157-8, and figs. 156, 157 Brunton and Power, observations of, on coincident arrest of secretion of urine, in digitalis poisoning, with maximum blood-pressure, 155-6, and on condition of urine subsequently, 156 Brunton and Pye, observations of, on coincident arrest of secretion of urine in strophanthus poisoning, with maximum blood-pressure, and on sub- sequent condition of urine, 155-6 Brunton and Tait, experiments of, on nitroglycerine, 165 Brunton and Tunnicliffe, experiments of, on effect of digitalis during irrita- tion of vagus, 158 Buisson, instrument of, for estimating blood-pressure in a limb, 71 Bull's blood, warm draughts of, as pun- ishment effect of, 141, and note Burdon-Sanderson, Sir John, see Sander- son, Sir John Burdon- CABBAGE, to be avoided in palpitation why, 181 Caffeine or trimethylxanthine, action and use of, as cardiac tonic, 98, 145, 161-2, 203 in large and small doses, 145 on the heart of embryo and adult Pickering on, 148 Caffeine and strychnine, in combination with digitalis, benefits of, in certain cases of aortic regurgitation, with care, 196-7 Calcium chloride, used by author in Graves's disease, 184 240 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Calcium and its salts, diminished transu- datioii effected by deduction as to diet, 204 Calomel, in treatment of cardiac diseases, 203 Canadian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum), medicinal uses of, 146 Cancer, reflex irritation from bradycar- dia due to, 109, 187 Capillary (ies), contractile cells and no muscular layer in, 45 contractility of, established by Strieker and others, 46 dilatation, as affecting sphygmograms, 90, (figs.) 88, 89 in frog's foot, dilatation of by nitrite of amyl (Richardson), 163 measurement of, pressure in, 84, (fig.) 62 pulmonary, effect on, of heat and cold, Si, (fig-) 54 giving way of, cause and conse- quence, 129 rhythm, the, 47 Capillaries and arteries, 45 blood entering and leaving, need of balance between results of upset- ting, 13-15 Capillaries and small ' arterioles, diseases in which chiefly affected, 117-8 Capillaries and veins, 5 Cardiac action, effect on, of chloral, 193 of fatty degeneration, 105 of nicotine, described and explained, 167-8 Cardiac asthma, causes symptoms treat- ment, 1 92-3 Cardiac beat (see also Heart-beat), origi- nating frequently in independent pul- sations of vena cava and pulmonary veins, 18, 44 Cardiac depressants, see infra, drugs used in cardiac diseases Cardiac diseases (see tinder name of each form) commonest, connected with faulty valves, 40 deaths from statistics of, in old peo- ple, 206 diet advised in, by Schott, 201 drugs, etc., used in, classes of, i/ii, 143 (i) cardiac nutrients, 141, 143 blood, well aerated, the best, 143 glucose, 145 saline solutions, 141, 145, (figs.) 144 _ (2) cardiac tonics, 141 - action of, on embryonic heart -re- lation of, to oxidation, 147-8 digitalis (q. v.) proved to be so by author, 146, and note and its congeners, 145-7 draw- backs to action of, 162-3 how removable, 163 nutritive effects of, 98 other than digitalis, difference be- tween them and it, 160 (3) cardiac stimulants, 141, 145 adrenaline, 160 beef-tea and meat-extracts, 145 caffeine, 145, 161-2, 203 purin bodies, 145, 161-2 (4) cardiac depressants, 141 aconite, 171 chloral, 193 digitalis formerly regarded as, 146 (5) vascular contractors, 1 141 Cardiac diseases, drugs used in, continued (6) vascular dilators, 141, 163-6 (7) others with indirect action on heart, 143 forms of, most liable to sudden death, 196 sleeplessness frequent along with characteristics aggravations treat- ment, 193 et seq. surgical treatment of, possible benefit in some cases, 205, and note treatment of (and see under name of each form), 178 et seq. surgical, 205, and note ultimate impotence, some cases, 205 unenumerated forms of, 129-30 use of drugs in, 141 et seq. use in, of purgatives, 203 mercurial purgatives, value of author's view, 208 vicious circle in, 131 Cardiac dyspnoea, associated with mitral obstruction and regurgitation, 128-9 Cardiac failure, causes and symptoms of, 126 common cause of death in old age, pos- sibility of averting, by treatment of arterial conditions, 209 danger of, in condition of high blood- pressure combined with atheroma of arteries, 205 threatened by rise of blood-pressure in chronic interstitial nephritis, 49 Cardiac ganglia (see also Ganglion-cells), importance of, 32, and note Cardiac movements, slowing of, when requisite two modes of effecting, 15, and note, (fig.) 13 views on, of Gaskell and of Engel- mann, 18-19 Cardiac murmurs, see also Sounds of heart carotid pulse to be used to fix time of, when and why, 92 characteristic sounds of, to what due, 43 Cardiac muscle, effect on, of digitalis, 147-8 fatty degeneration of, see that head local action on (probable '. of aconite, 171 nerve-like action of (Gaskell), 25 want of relationship between its power and the resistance to be overcome by it the probable cause of angina pec- toris, 189 - weakness of, indicated by lessened first heart sound, 42 Cardiac nerves, abundance of functions, 32 et seq. intrinsic, effect on, of digitalis, 147 opposing action of, 45 probable importance of, 32, and note Cardiac nutrients, see under cardiac dis- eases, drugs, etc., used in, supra Cardiac nutrition, how benefited by digi- talis, 149 et seq. by Nauheim treatment, 201 how effected, importance of, 94, and of its own activity, 98 self-massage in relation to, 96-98 tonics (cardiac), how they aid, 98 Cardiac pain (see also angina pectoris), caused by over-smoking, 170 self-caused, 121 Cardiac plexus, vagus branches in, pos- sible effects of irritation of, in caus- ing bradycardia, 186 INDEX 2 4 1 Cardiac pulsations, reflex mechanism con- cerned with, how deduced, 171 Cardiac region, local applications over, pressure, heat, and cold, benefits from, 177-8 Cardiac rhythm, disturbance of, by mitral obstruction, 128 by mitral regurgitation, 12? consequence in both cases, 128, 129 nervous system's share in, author's view on, as possible cause of tachy- cardia, I 12 Cardiac sedatives, local and external, 178 Cardiac stimulants, see under cardiac dis- eases, drugs, etc., used in, supra Cardiac strain, dilatation due to, 126 induced by excessive exercise symp- toms treatment, 184 Cardiac tonics, see under cardiac dis- eases, drugs, etc., used in, supra Cardiac uneasiness, causes, 123 frequently felt without pain, 120-1 Cardiac walls, disease or degeneration of, causing (a) paroxysmal tachycardia, 108 (b) bradycardia, 108 Cardiac weakness, after diphtheria, double cause, 105 bradycardia due to, 108, 186-7 causes - fatty degeneration, 100, 105 nervous depression, 103, 104 dilatation of the heart due to, 126 effect on, of digitalis, former, and present (true) view of, 146, and note effect of, on nutrition of blood- vessels, 1 02 sphygmograms of, 90, (figs.) 88, 89 Cardiograph and sphygmograph (q. v.), Burdon-Sanderson's, for apex-beat, 84, (figs.) 86 Marey's, 86, investigations with, 86-90, (figs.) 88, 89 Carminatives, alone, or with rhubarb, in treatment of sleeplessness in cardiac disease, 193 benefit from, in attacks of angina pec- toris, 189 for relief of palpitation, due to flatu- lence two prescriptions, 180 Carotid artery, alterations observed in, in migraine, 119-20 pressure on, relieving migraine, why of little use, 120 Carotid pulse, to be used to fix time of cardiac murmurs when and why, 92 Casca or sassy-bark (Erythrophlocitm guinense), medicinal uses of, 146, 160 Cascara, as aperient, in cases of senile high pressure, 208 Cash, Dr. (see also Brunton and Cash), instrument devised by, for experi- ments on frog's heart, 34, and note Cash and Dunstan, research by, on var- ious nitrites results, 166 Cerebral abscess, bradycardia in conjunc- tion with, 187 apoplexy in advanced years, cause of, 205 possible means of averting, 209 vessels, diseases of, in relation to se- nile decay, 206, 207 Cervical cord, disease of, or injuries to, bradycardia due to, 109, 188 Cetti, Mr., modification of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer made by, to au- thor's plan, 65 '7 Chair for sitting patients with severe val- vular disease, 133-4 Chelius's instrument for estimating blood- pressure, 78 Chest, oppression of, caused by irritation of, or pressure on, the vagus cases illustrating, 120-1, and note Chewing tobacco, nicotine absorption in, 168 Chilblains, causes of, 117 Child-birth, slowness of pulse after, 186 Chloral, in treatment of sleeplessness in cardiac disease dose action of, 193 Chloride-free food, milk and, 204 Chlorides, effect of, on transudation from vessels into tissues disadvantageous in dropsy, 204 Chloroform, effect of, on medusae (con- tractile tissue), 30 fatty degeneration of the heart, found after administration of, ipo few whiffs of, to assist action of nar- cotic in sleeplessness in cardiac dis- ease, 195 - reinforcing of morphine in relief of neuralgic element in angina attacks - how given, 191 Chlorosis, bradycardia associated with, 186 Chocolate, dietetic action of, 162 Cholera toxins, effect of, on stomach, 155 Christmas rose (Helleborus niger), uses of, 146 Chronic alcoholism, fatty degeneration of heart, in, 100 bronchitis, strain due to effect of, on right side of heart, 130 contraction of arterioles causes con- sequences, 50 dyspepsia, bradycardia caused by how, 109 inflammation of the brain, bradycardia caused by how, 109 interstitial nephritis, bradycardia in- duced by how, 1 88 myocarditis, diet in, according to Schott, 20 1 pharyngitis, and its concomitants due to excessive smoking, 170 Cigar-smoking, why less harmful than cigarette-smoking, 169 Cigarette-smoking, chief dangers of, 169 Cinders, and modified products of tissues parallel, 143, 145 Circulation of the blood, see also entero- hepatic circulation and pulmonary circulation accessory muscles of, 6 aid to, from the fasciae, 6, 131 artificial, Ludwig's methods for secur- ing, 143, (fig.) 142 branches of science involved in treat- ment of, i in coronary arteries, see that head disordered action of, on other or- gans, and their reaction worsening it how, 131 disturbance in, from sleeping on the back how deduced, 180 effects on, of digitalis first stage, 159 of heat and cold, 51, (figs.) 50, 52, 53 of mercury, in albuminuria, 208 of over-smoking, 170-1 in fevers rapidity of reason for, 107 general, abnormally high pressure in cause bradycardia caused by, 188 242 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Circulation of the blood, general, more affected by nitrites than pulmonary circulation, 193 how maintained, 96, and figs., 113 imperfect, waste products due to elim- ination of, 20 1 local modification of in inflammation methods of, explained, 174-5 mammalian, experiments on, of Traube in relation to digitalis), 146 pathology of, i effect of altered quality of blood, 100 blocking of coronary arteries consequences, 96, 100, 105 feebleness of the heart on nutri- tion of blood-vessels, 102 exophthalmic goitre, 107 fatty degeneration, 105-6 nervous depression, 102, 104 pulse-rate, 106-7 pharmacology of, i - quieted in nervous fluttering of heart by very small doses of aconite, 172 schema of (author's), 57, 59, (fig.) 55 semeiology of, 2 therapeutics of, 2 et passim. venous, how benefited by digitalis, 149- 50 how maintained, subsidiary agencies, 5-6 of blood and lymph, 9, 10; as affected by self-massage of heart, 96-8, (figs.) 97, and of arteries, 99, 101, (figs.) 6, 99, 134 Circulatory nerves and muscles, increased action of all, first stage of action of digitalis, 159 Clark, Sir Andrew (the late), failure of to diagnose aortic regurgitation how caused, 195-6 Claudication, Brodie's description cited, 116 Coagulation in using kymographs, how prevented, 59 Cocaine, action of, on the heart, experi- ments in, of Von Basch and A. Frolich, deductions from, as to exist- ence in the heart of sensory mech- anism, part cause of cardiac pulsa- tion, 70 Coeliac, hepatic and splenic plexuses, ac- tion of the pneumogastric nerve through, on intestines, liver, and kidneys, 104, note Coffee, to be avoided in angina pectoris _ why, 191 dietetic action, 162; medicinal action of derivatives, 162 excessive use of, as cause of palpita- tion to be cut off, or docked, 179 poison in, bradycardia caused by, 109, 187 strong, to relieve paroxysmal tachy- cardia, 184 Cohnheim, see Gunning and Cohnheim Colchicum, to show very rapid pulse, 166 Cold, see heat and cold bandage covered with oil-silk, effects of, how evidenced, 175 external, locally applied, sedative effect of, on heart, 178 external and internal, in paroxysmal tachycardia, uses of, 184 local application of effect of, on an artery, 175, (fig.) 176 modification by, of local circulation in inflammation when of use why, '74-5 Cold-water compress, uses of, 175 Colds, see febrile colds Colic, pain of how caused that of mi- graine similar to, 120 Colin, acquainted with the independent pulsation of veins (1862), 18 Collapse after slowing of pulse and ex- cessive vomiting, caused by toxic doses of digitalis, 155 Collidine in smoking-tobacco in its var- ious forms, 1 68 Compassion as affecting the bowels, 104 Compensation, see failing compensation Compensatory hypertrophy of the ven- tricle, when occurring, 123 Compound jalap powder, in treatment of cardiac diseases use dose, 203, how enhanced in effect, 203 Compression, a s affecting passage of stimuli in medusae, 29, and frog's heart, 31 Conduction of stimuli (see also Trans- mission) in the heart, nervous and muscular, experiments of Brunton and Cash, 32, 33, and note, (figs.) 35; deductions, 34, 35 Congestion of liver, etc., lessened by mas- sage, 138 Contractile effects of digitalis on frog's heart not overcome by atropine, 148 force of arteries, to what due, work done by, 10 muscular walls and accompanying nerves of arterioles, effect on, of dig- italis, 147 power of the aorta, 44 blood-vessels, apart from influence of nervous system, 46 heart, dependent on due nutrition, 94 tissue of medusae, action on, of poi- sons (Romanes), 29, 30, (figs.) 28, 30, 31 Contractility of arterioles, probable effect of, ip of capillaries, established by Strieker and others, 46 in protoplasm, under stimuli, (a) un- differentiated, 24, 25; (b) differen- tiated, 25 Contraction of abdominal vessels, caused by severe pain, circulation main- tained by, 113 of arterial walls with degeneration in the old senile gangrene due to, 116 arteries, caused by local application of cold, 175, (fig.) 176 peripheral, with central dilatation cause of migraine in author's view, 1 20 temporary, in Raynaud's disease consequences, ordinary, and in se- vere cases, 117 tendency to rhythmical, in cases of aortic regurgitation, 123 of arterioles, caused by digitalis, 147 by nicotine, method of, 167 chronic, of arterioles causes, conse- quences, 50 of the heart, mode of, instruments for ascertaining, 84 et seq. of isolated frog's heart, effected by dig- italis, 147-8 muscular, as affecting flow of blood, 6, and lypmh, 9, (figs.) 7, 8 of muscular fibers, in (i) heart, (2) arteries, in mammals, caused by dig- italis how effected consequences, 149 et seq. INDEX 243 Contraction of abdominal vessels, rapid- ity of, cause of loud first heart sound how it acts, 43 reflex, of vessels, not present in reflex stoppage of the heart in imperfect anaesthesia author's view, 113-4 rhythmical, of arteries, tendency to, in aortic regurgitation, 123 of vessels, caused by application of cold effect of, on inflammation, 174 caused by digitalis, etc., drawbacks incidental to, 162 overcome by combination with vaso-dilators, 163 caused by injection of adrenaline, 160-1 of vessels, veins, etc. causes, 46; views on, of Luchsinger and Schiff, and of Brunton and Fayrer, 128, note Contraction and dilatation, nerves gov- erning, jn heart, 45 in vessels of the heart, ib. Contraction-wave in medusa, 29-30 Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley), uses of, 146 Convulsions, caused by nicotine, 167 Coronilla, action of not used medici- nally, 146 Coronary arteries, blocking of conse- quences, 96, 100, 105-6 circulation in, connection of, with angina pectoris, 189 consequences of interference with, 105-6 inadequacy of, in cases of enlarged heart consequences, 123 ossification of, in relation to angina pectoris, and to claudication, ob- servations on, of Jenner and Parry, cited by Brodie, 116, 189 quality of blood, received by, 94 how they supply the heart, 95-6 right interference with circulation in, causing cardiac asthma how, 192 terminal branches of, communicating consequences of closing either, artificially or by disease, 96, 105-6 Corsets, dangers of, during administra- tion of anaesthetics, 141 in fainting, 141 in flatulence, 141 in palpitation, 141 Cough, due to over-smoking, 170 Cougning, process of effect of, on pul- monary circulation, 130 Cranium (sec also Brain), pressure within, variously caused bradycardia in- duced by, 187-8 Cupping, dry, possible reasons for benefit from, 177 wet, possible reasons for benefit from, 177 Curare, effect of, on medusas, contractile tissue, 30 on motor nerves, 30 Curate, jilting by, of fiancee, physiolog- ical results, 105 Czermak, Professor, experience of, as to compression of the vagus producing feeling of oppression, 121, and note DANCING-PARTY, effect of, on Girl's heart not produced in same case by lawn-tennis, 126 Death, common causes of, in old age, 209 Death, emptiness after, of arteries, 2, 5 sudden, forms of cardiac disease most liable to, 196 from drinking large quantities of al- cohol at one time analogy, 113 from rupture of vessel in brain, 206 Debility, association with, of palpitation, 112; treatment, 183 dilatation of the heart due to, 126 general, cardiac-weakness due to, caus- ing bradycardia, 108, 186-7 Decay, see Senile Decay Degeneration in arterial walls, in the old, 89, 99, 100-1, 115-6, 205-7, (fig.) 98 Depressor nerves, functions of, 17 Diabetes, bradycardia associated with, 186 Diaphragm, movement by, of viscera, in upright and in recumbent position, 133 upward pressure of, in flatulence from disordered circulation -consequences, 131 Diastole, defined, 3 coincidence with, of radial pulse when found, 92 more complete how secured by dig- italis, 148 in dog's heart, effect on, of digitalis deductions as to arterioles, 158 in frog's heart, reduplication caused by stimulus, 34, (fig.) 35 Diastolic murmur over aorta, significance of, I9S Diastolic and systolic pressure in arteries, how estimated, 71, (fig.) 70 relation between, at highest and lowest, 82 Dicrotic wave, the, what it means, and how caused, 92, (fig.) 90 Diet and massage, 141 et seq. in angina pectoris, 191-2 chloride-free, in mitral disease, 204 for gouty sufferers from paroxysmal tachycardia, 184 milk, useful in sleeplessness in cardiac disease, 193, and see 204 in Nauheim treatment, 201 nitrogenous, injurious in cases of ar- terial high tension (Haig), 207-8 in palpitation of the heart, 181-3 Digestibility of food essential in angina pectoris, 191 Digestion, adjustment of, essential to permanent relief of palpitation ^pre- scription, 181-3 - Improved, due to absolute rest, and massage, 138 due to digitalis, 153-4 in stomach, how long after meal before completed, 181-2 Digestive ferments, use of, in certain forms of tachycardia, 185 period, slightest exertion during and immediately after, causing angina pain, 189; precautions requisite, 192 Digit or limb, compression of, for meas- uring human blood-pressure, 60, 61, 68 et seq. Digitalin, action of, on embryonic and on adult heart Pickering on, 147-8 Digitalis, action, uses, etc., of, in aortic regurgitation (uncomplica- ted) alone, and in combination, 196-7 on arterioles, 1 57-8 stages in, 158-60, (figs.) 156, 157, 158 244 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Digitalis, action, uses, etc., of, Brunton's experiments on case of regurgitant murmur in heart of dog poisoned with, due to irregular action of mus- culi papillares, 126 in cardiac asthma, 193 . as cardiac tonic, 146 nutritive ac- tion of, 98 strengthening effect first proved by author, 146 frog's heart, in situ, 148 excised, 147-8, 160 on kidneys, 150, 152, 160 in mammals, 149-50 on the medulla, 149, 155 in mitral incompetence aggravated cases, 197 in oedema, 152-4 resume of, 147-8 - changed view regarding, 146 - different effects of small and large doses of, on nervous system, 149 good effects of, enhanced by addition of mercury, 203 organs affected by, 147, 150, 160 - physiological action and uses of, ex- periments on double action of, and tonic effect first proved by author, 146, and note, 150-2 poisons having similar effects to used and unused vegetable, and from toad's skin, 146-7 toxic action of, 154-6 in animals effect on apex -beat, 112 in man effect on pulse in, 1 10-1, (figs.) in, 160 uses of, 150-2 Digitalis in combination with powdered squill and blue pill value of, as pill, in cardiac disease, 203 with " pulvis mirabilis " for feeble heart, 181 Digitalis and its congeners, amplitude of pulse, how increased by, 102 differences between, 160 drawbacks to the action of, 162-3 how removable, 163, 203 importance of, 146 Dilatation, see also Distension, Vascular Dilatation and Vaso-dilators of arterioles, due to local irritation, ob- versation on, of Brunton, Gunning and Cohnheim, 46 rdue to migraine, no of capillaries, as affecting sphygmo- grams, 90, (figs.) 88, 89 power of nitrite of amyl to produce, 163 central, with peripheral contraction, of arteries of head and neck cause of migraine, in author's view, 119-20 of heart causes and consequences, 123 lessened by digitalis, 150 right side of a cause of venous stasis, 202 permanent, caused by chronic bronchitis or spasmodic asthma, 13 nerves causing explanation, general, and Brunton's views, 45-6 of ventricle from regurgitation with stenosis, 122-3 of vessels aim of treatment in attacks of angina pectoris methods for, 189, 191 by heat, 174, 175 how affecting local inflammations, 174 Dilating nerves, 45 Dilating power of blood-vessels, apart from influence of nervous system, 47 Dilute hydrocyanic acid, use of, in cer- tain forms of tachycardia, 185 Dimethylxanthine, or theobromine use of, 145 Diphtheria, weakness of the heart after double cause of, 105, 107 brady- cardia induced by, 108 Diphtheria antitoxin urticarial rashes common after injection of, 118 Discomfort experienced in cases of val- vular disease under absolute rest treatment causes, 132-3 relieved by massage, 134-8 without pain, frequently felt by the heart, and other hollow muscular organs, 120-1, and see 126 Diseases (see also Cardiac Diseases), and conditions in which fatty degenera- tion of the heart is found, 96, 99, 100, 105-6 Disgust, as affecting the stomach, 104 Distension, abdominal, effect of, on heart and lungs, 131, 138 from within, of hollow muscular or- gans intense pain produced by, 120 of stomach, angina pain increased by why, 189 causes, consequences, and treatment, 120, 131, 138, 139, 140, 141. 180, 189. 193 Diuretic action of digitalis, causes thirst induced by, 150, 152-3 action of purins, 161-2 effect of venous congestion overcome by digitalis, 150-1 Diuretics, synthetic compounds as how employable, 162 Diuretin, nature and uses of, 162 Dog, blood-pressure in, 6p circulation in, maintained by vessels of Thebesius on obstruction of coro- nary arteries, 96 heart of, effect on, of injection into veins, of digitalis (Brunton and Meyer), 158, (figs.) 156, 157-9 regurgitant murmur in healthy, due to digitalis poisoning (Brunton), 126 vena cava in Ranvier's experiment on, as to dropsy, 153 Dogiel, experiments of, on first sound of heart, 41-2 views of, on importance of cardiac ganglia, 32, note Double nature of the heart, 44 Down Bros., Von Basch's latest sphyg- momanometer obtainable from, 68, note Drainage tubes, Southey's or Bartel's, for leg's or scrotum, 204 Drinking large quantities of alcohol at one time causing speedy death analogy, 113 at meals, to be given up and why, in indigestion, 181-2 in palpitation, ib. instances of danger from, 140, 141 Dropsy (see also Ascites, and (Edema), chlorides disadvantageous in why, 204 Ranvier's experiment on deductions, 153 Drugs (see also under Names), causing absorption, best suited to cases of INDEX 245 high blood-pressure due to gouty kidney disease, 101 Drugs, use of, in cardiac diseases clas- sification, 141 et seq. used in treating palpitation, 172, 179- 80, 183 Drowsy sleeplessness, occurring with car- diac disease how aggravated how relieved, 193 et seq. Du Bois Reymond's observations on the arteries of his own head in migraine, 119 Dudgeon's sphygmograph, 93, (fig.) 94 Dunstan, Prof., see Cash and Dunstan Duodenum, poisonous substances from liver via bile reabsorption of, by liver risks of, in angina how dealt with, 191 Dyspepsia, chronic bradycardia induced by, 109, 187 great rule in all kinds of no liquid during meals why, 181, 182 treatment of, in certain forms of tachy- cardia, 185 Dyspnoea, cardiac, associated with mitral obstruction and regurgitation, 128-9 EATING, slowness in, requisite in cases of palpitation why, 181, 182 Effusion (see also Transudation)- of lymph with vascular dilatation ail- ments due to, 117 arrest of, by digitalis, 153 Eggs, as chloride-free food how pre- pared, 204 Eichhorst, fatty degeneration in fowl's heart found by, on section of vagi, 105 Elasticity of arteries, etc., 4 as affected by age, 89, 116, 205, (fig.) 88 as affected by Bright's disease, 90, (fig.) 88 in relation to contractile force, to Elderly people (see also Age, Old Age and Senile), aortic obstruction in how caused, 122; regurgitation not necessarily resulting, 122-3 circulation of, as affected by grief, worry and anxiety case in point, 104 Electrical stimulation of frog's heart, effects of (Brunton and Cash), 33, 34, (figs.) 35 deductions, 34, 35 Elimination of waste products in cardiac disease by purgatives, 203 Eliminatory function of kidneys, inter- fered with by disordered circulation consequence, 131 Elongation of muscle(?), 45, (fig.) 46 Embolism in coronary artery result, 96 obliteration of blood-vessels caused by - gangrene resulting from, 115 Embryonic heart, action on, of cardiac tonics, Pickering's observations on, 147-8 aortic orifice sometimes inflamed in consequence, 122 structure of, modifications in as affect- ing pulsation (Gaskell), 23-6 Emetics, attacks of paroxysmal tachycar- dia sometimes cut short by those suitable, 184-5 Emotional causes, angina pectoris brought on by historic (fatal) case, 189 -^-nervous depression from, effect of, in disease of the circulation, 104 Emotionalness in Graves's disease drugs beneficial against, 184 Emotions, association of, with vagus, 104, 121 Emphysema, bradycardia caused by, 109, 188 conditions present in, affecting first heart sound, 43 - strain due to effect of, on right side of heart, 130, 202 Enemata of tobacco, former uses of dangerous, 168 Enfeeblement of vessels, fourth stage of action of digitalis, 160 Engelmann, views of, on movements of the heart, 18 Engorged conditions of right side of heart, high value in, of blood-letting, 177 Enteric fever, see Typhoid Entero-hepatic circulation absorption, excretion, and reabsorption in, by liver of substances with poisonous action risks from, in angina how eliminated, 191-2, (fig.) 192 Epicardium, as affected by cocaine (Von Basch and Frolich), 171 Epilepsy, bradycardia occurring in, 188 Epileptic symptoms, Raynaud's disease as- sociated with, 117 Ergograph, Mosso's, 137, (fig.) 136 Erlanger's modification of Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, 81 Erythrophlaeum guinense, medicinal use of, 146; principal action of, on the vessels, 160 Ether, effect of, on medusae (contractile tissue), 30 Ethyl, iodide of, use of, in cardiac asthma, 193 Evacuation, arrangements for, in cases where recumbency or fixed position must be maintained, 132-3 Excitement, simple, as affecting the kid- neys, 104 soothing effect in, of smoking, 169 Exercise, aid given by, to circulation, 6, 131 excessive, persistent rapid action of heart after probable cause treat- ment, 184 plus late hours and emotion, effect of on girl's heart not produced by lawn-tennis, 126 Exercises, in and after, Nauheim treat- ment, 200 et scq. in treatment of cardiac asthma why beneficial, 193 Exertion, angina pectoris brought on by why when most easily, 189 inability for, in old persons causes of, (Brodie), 116 of getting into bed, sometimes fatal, 132 of going upstairs illustration of, 131-2 Extremities, as affected by Raynaud's disease, 117 Exophthalmic goitre (see also Graves's disease), effect of, on the circulation, 107 Eyeballs, protrusion of, not a necessary condition of Graves's disease, 183-4 FACE, flushing of, caused by nitrite of amyl (Guthrie), 163 tint of, in persons suffering with aortic regurgitation, 123 246 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Fagge and Stevenson, experiments of, on frog's heart (in relation to action of digitalis), 146 Failing compensation in enlarged heart, demanding more blood conse- quences, 123 Fainting, corset-loosening in reason for, 141 tendency to (or actual), cause of, 123 - stooping position to avert, 115 Fainting persons, best position for re- storing, 115 Faintness in warm rooms, how induced, 107 Faivre and Albert, experiments of, on blood-pressure in man, 60, and note False vocal cords, raised pressure due to closure of expiration made against in coughing, 130, and note Fasciae, action of, in relation to circula- tion, 6, 131 hard, inflammation under, why re- lieved by cold, 174-5 Fasting condition, angina pain less easily brought on by exertion in, than at and after digestive period, 189 Fatal shock, see under Shock Fatty or fibroid degeneration of cardiac walls, bradycardia apt to occur with, 108, 186-7 cardiac asthma caused by, 192 causes and consequences of, 96, 99, 100, 105-6, 130, 192, 207 diseases and conditions in which found, ib. in rabbits on section of vagi (Wassilieff), 105, 108, 109, 184, 186-7 risk, double, in cases of, in use of digitalis, 163 Fayrer, Sir J., and Lauder Brunton, re- discovery by, of independent pulsa- tion of veins, 18, 44, 127, 128, and note Febrile colds, aconite useful in, in small doses, 171 Feet, immersion of, in hot water, increas- ing pulsation in femoral artery, 175 and ankles, oedema of, first sign of venous engorgement why how re- lievable, 129 Femoral artery, pulsation of, increased, by immersion of feet in hot water, i7S Fermentation in stomach arrest of, es- sential to permanent relief of palpi- tation, 180 how set up how prevented, 181 Fevers, cardiac weakness from how indicated, 42 infective heart weakness from, caus- ing bradycardia, 108 toxins of, degenerative effect of, on the heart, 100 rapidity of circulation in, to what due, 107 Fibers, described by Purkinje, 35, note Fibroid degeneration of cardiac walls, see Fatty or Fibroid Degeneration _ thickening as cause of high tension in chronic interstitial nephritis, 49 Fibrils, nervous, in arterioles, 45 Fibrosis, arterio-capillary (Gull and Sut- ton), nature, causes, and results of, 101-2 Fick's instrument for estimating blood- pressure by limb compression, 71, (fig.) 68 spring manometer (kymograph), 59, (fits.) 58, 59 Finger-bending exercises in treatment of venous stasis, described wide effect of, 202 Fingers, aspect of, in Raynaud's disease, 117 Flatulence, aggravation of anginal pain, 189 aggravation by, of drowsy sleeplessness of cardiac disease how relieved, 193 due to disordered circulation alone, or with ascites, effect of, on the heart, 131. 139. 180 precautions against in diet and regi- men, 181-3 prescriptions in relief of, 180-1 - lessened by abdominal massage, 138 jessened by action of digitalis, 154 - in stomach and intestine, in venous en- gorgement, 129 Flatulence-causing foods to be avoided in angina pectoris, 191; in palpita- tion, 181-2 Flow of blood, see Blood and Circulation lymph, see Lymph Fluid (see also Drinking and Liquids), allowance of, in various cardiac com- plaints, by Dr. Schott, 201 Fluid, drain of, from blood by kidneys in cardiac disease, how supplied and how arrested by digitalis, 149, 150, 151, 152, 160 Fluid-pad instruments for measuring hu- man blood-pressure, 62 et seq. Fluttering, nervous, of the heart, quiet- ing effect on, of very small doses of aconite, 172 Fatal life (see also Embryonic heart), aortic orifice sometimes inflamed during consequence, 122 Fomentation, warm, over heart, stimulat- ing effect of, 178 Food, see also Diet - chloride-free, in dropsy, 204 flatulence-causing, to be avoided in an- gina pectoris, 191; in palpitation, 181-2 proteids in, reduction of, advised, in senile rise of pressure, 208 Force-storing function of arteries, 4 Fowls' hearts, fatty degeneration in, on section of vagi (Eichhorst), 105 France, attention paid in, to transudation as affected by chlorides, 204 Frangois's instrument for measuring blood-pressure in a limb, 71 Frey, Von, see Ludwig and Von Frey Frog, arterioles of, dilatation in, caused by local irritation, observed by Gunning and Cohnheim, 46 foot of, capillaries in, dilatation of, caused by amyl nitrite (Richard- son), 163 heart of, apex, dilatation of, by pressure from within result, 28, 128 effect on, of aconite, 171 of compression, as to passage of stimuli, 31 of digitalis, 146-7, 149-50 effect on, of heat, cold, 51, (figs.) 52-3, and poisons, author's instru- INDEX 247 ment for showing, (fig. and note) 21 Frog, heart of, effect on continued of nicotine, 167-8 of shock Goltz's experiment show- ing, 113 electrical stimulation of, experiments of Brunton and Cash, 33-4, (figs.) 35 deductions, 34, 35 of auricle, 34, (fig.) 35 of venous sinus, 34, (fig. 5, 34, (fig-) 36 , .(figs.) 35 of ventricle, 34, -excised, or isolated, effect on, of digitalis, 146-7, 160 -Ludwig's mode of keeping alive and in action, 143, (fig.) 142 -pulsatile pouches on, during contrac- tion with digitalis, 148 -experiments on, and deductions, author's, instrument used in, (fig.) -Bowditch's, (fig.) 22 instrument used in, Gaskell's, 23, 25, 26, 31 Fagge and Stevenson's (as bearing on digitalis), 146 Stannius's author's diagrams to illustrate, 20 Williams' s, (fig.) 23 movements of, investigation of, 22 (i) nervous control theory (Stan- nius), 21, (diags.) 20 . (2) muscular contraction theory (Gaskell), 23-26 parts composing, and nerves hypo- thetically controlling, 19, 21 (figs.) 19, 20 stoppage of, due to digitalis period at which occurring, 147-8, 160 due to shock consequences, Goltz's experiments, 113 vessels of, as affected by heat and cold, 51, (figs.) 52-3 lymph hearts in, 9 Frog's lungs, capillaries of, effect on, of heat and cold author's experiments on deductions, 51, (fig.) 54 Frohlich, A., and Von Basch, experiments of, on action of cocaine on the heart deductions from, as to reflex mech- anism in heart, 171 Functional irritation of the heart, " pul- vis mirabilis " for prescription comments, 181 mitral incompetence causes and conse- quences, 124-5 GAERTNER'S aneroid manometer, portable form of his tonometer, 76, (fig.) 75 tonometer, 73-6, (figs.) 74, 75, 76 Gall-bladder, discomfort without pain, fre- quently felt by, 120 effect on, of (a) pressure from without, 120; (b) distension from within, ib. Gall-duct, discomfort without pain, fre- quently felt by, 1 20 effect on, of (a) pressure from without, 120; (b) distension from within, ib. Gangee, Dr. A., discoverer of power of nitrite of amyl to lower blood-pres- sureexperiments of, on author's pulse, 163 Ganglia, in frog's heart, 19, 20, 28, 29, 32, note in medusa, function of, 29; effect on, of nicotine, 30-1 peripheral, dilatation connected with, 46 Ganglion cells (see also Cardiac Ganglia), share of, in heart's action, 24, 25, (fig-) 25 Gangrene, caused by severe cases of Ray- naud s disease, 117 senile, cause of, and main preliminary symptom (Brodie), 116 Gaskell, experiments of, on heart-beat, 22, III views of, on heart of embryo devel- opment of, 25 on heart movements in cold-blooded vertebrates, 23 on heart movements in mammals, 18, 19 Gaskell's clamp, effect of applying to frog's heart, 31, 37, note Gastric irritation, early indication of toxic action of digitalis, 153-4 mucous membrane, treatment to soothe in bradycardia due to reflex inhibi- tion from stomach, 188 ulcer, reflex irritation from bradycar- dia due to, 109, 187 General debility, see Debility General paralysis of the insane, brain- pressure due to, causing bradycardia, 109 General paresis, bradycardia occurring in, 1 88 Getting into bed, exertion involved in sometimes fatal in valvular disease, 132 Giddiness, causes of, 123, 170 Girl, death of, from being jilted physio- logical causes, 105 heart of, affected by evening dancing, not by open-air lawn-tennis, 126 Gland, see Submaxillary Glendinning, see Williams, C. J. B., and others Glomeruli, rise of blood-pressure in, due to digitalis ^-consequences, 1 5 1-2 Glucose as cardiac nutrient, Locke's ex- periments, 145 Gluteus maximus muscle, function of, 7 Going upstairs work involved in dem- onstration of, 131-2 Goitre, see Exophthalmic Goitre Goltz's experiment on frog, showing two- fold action of blow on abdomen, 113 Gouty kidney disease, drugs causing ab- sorption, why useful in, 101 Gouty sufferers from paroxysmal tachy- cardia, diet for, 185 Graves's disease (see also exophthalmic Goitre), palpitation in, and other symptoms best treatment for, 183-4 Gresswell, Dr. (the late), of Melbourne, see Brunton and Gresswell Grief, as causing sighing, 104 effect of, on the circulation, 104 Grief or anxiety (q. v.), sense of oppres- sion of the chest from to what due author's observation on himself, 121 Guarana, dietetic use of, 162 Gull and Sutton, originators of the term " arterio-capillary fibrosis," 101 Gunning and Cohnheim, experiments of, on dilation of arterioles (frog's) by local irritation, 46 Guthrie, discoverer of face-flushing power of nitrite of amyl, 163 ILEMODYNAMOMETER, Marey's how used, (fig.) 55 248 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Haemoglobinuria, Raynaud's disease fre- quently associated with, 117 Haemoptysis, occurring most frequently in mitral obstruction, 128 profuse, dicrotic wave in case of, 92, (fig-) 9i Haemorrhage, cerebral, bradycardia occur- ring with, 187 Haig, Dr., cited, on injurious effects of too nitrogenous a diet, 207-8 Hale, see Williams and others Hales, Rev. Stephen, inventor of the manometer, 10 Haller, acquainted with the independent pulsation of veins (1757), 18 Hallion and Comte's plethysmograph, (fig-) 73 Hand, effect on, of plunging into hot water, 51 Hand-pressure over heart, as cardiac sed- ative, 178 Harvey, and the case of Lord Mont- gomery proof that external pressure is not felt by the heart, 120 cited on the regulating power of the arteries, 4 discovery by, of the circulation, 2 Haustus scoparii compositus of St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital, as eliminatory agent composition, 203 Hay, Dr. Matthew, action of sodium ni- trite first described by, 166 Head, lowering between hands or knees, to avert fainting why effectual, 115 Head and neck, arteries of, as affected in migraine author's view, 119 Headache, induced by nitroglycerine, 165 severe, relieved by application of leeches over mastoid process, 177 sole ill-effect from overdoses of nitro- glycerine or amyl nitrite, 191 Healthy man, thirst produced in, by diu- retic action of digitalis, 150, 153 people, character of sphygmograms of, 90, (figs.) 88 Heart, see also Apex, Cardiac Dilatation, Dog's Heart, Embryonic, Fatty De- generation, Frog's Heart, Hypertro- phy, Palpitations, Valvular Disease, etc. action on, of aconite, 171, 172, 174 of adrenaline, 160 of caffeine, etc., 145. 161-2 of cocaine experiments of Von Basch and Frohlich, and . deduc- tions, 171 of digitalis, 145 et seq. of nicotine, 167 of strophanthus, 160 of strychnine, 161 adult and embryonic, effect on, of digi- talin, Pickering on, 148 auxiliary, place of, supplied by mas- sage, in treatment of venous stasis, 202 base of, aortic regurgitant murmur at times not heard at, 195 beating of, from emotion, stilling of, by hand-pressure over, 178 benefits to, of gentle exercises, in car- diac asthma how produced, 193 and blood-pressure (q. v.), 9 chief function of, 3 comparison between, and a medusa experiments of Romanes. 26 et seq., fig*- Heart, contraction in, of muscular fibers, caused by digitalis how effected results as to pulse and beats, 149 contraction of, effect on, of massage and exercises, 202, (fig.) 198 mode of, instruments for ascertain- ing, 84 et seq. of parts of sequence of source of (Gaskell), 25 under normal conditions due solely to muscular tissue? or no? 26 dependence of, on due pulmonary aera- tion (Powell), 94 dilatation of, causes and consequence, 123 discomfort without pain frequently felt by illustrations, 120 diseases of, see Cardiac Diseases double nature of, 44 effect on, of flatulence, 139 of heat and cold, 51, (fig.) 52-3 of over-smoking, 167-8 emotions affecting, 104, 178 enlarged, inadequate supply of blood to causes and consequences, 123 how relieved by treatment, in attacks of angina pectoris, 189, 191 increased work of, in overcomine ab- normally high pressure causes bradycardia induced by, 188 inhibitory apparatus in, double effect on, of nicotine effect on pulse-rate, 167 excessive action of, one probable cause of slow pulse, 186, 187 how excited, 186 insensitiveness of, to pressure from without historic instance, 120 isolated, effect on, of cold, 107 mammalian, compared with that of frog, 19 isolated, Locke's experiments on deduction as to value of glucose, 145 muscular tissue of, as affected, by blocking of coronary arteries, 96, 100, 105-^6 by toxins of diseases, too, 106 nervous action and muscular fiber of, stages of action of digitalis as affect- ing, 159-60 fluttering of, quieting effect on, of very small doses of aconite, 172 nervous and muscular conduction in experiments of Brunton and Cash, 33i 34. and note, (figs.) 35 deduc- tions, 34, 36 power of, to originate intense pain, 120 rapid action of, characteristic of tachy- cardia cause treatment, 184 refractory period of, 4 investigations on, of Sanderson and Page, 33 pointed out by Marey, 33 rhythmical power of, effect on, of Kro- necker and Schmey's experiment, 37-8 right side of conditions of, causing cardiac asthma, 192-3 dilatation of, one cause of venous stasis, 202 permanent, induced by chronic bronchitis and spasmodic asthma why, 130 engorged conditions of blood-letting in benefits from, 177 INDEX 249 Heart, right side of extra tension in, in recumbency, effect of (Hill), 133 self-massage of, in relation to nutri- tion, 96-8 possibly inducible by inhalation of oxygen, 203 sensitiveness of, 120-1 sleep of, duration of, 3, 9 maintenance of circulation during, 4 - sounds of, 41 et seq. stimuli in, transmission of, 32, and note stoppage of, caused by, blow on abdomen, 113 drinking large quantities of alcohol at a draught, 113 imperfect anaesthesia, 1 13 severe pain, 1 13 reflex, in imperfect anaesthesia unac- companied by reflex contraction of vessels author's view, 1 13-4 risk of causing, by digitalis, in Bright's disease, 163 strengthening of, aim of all treatment for bradycardia drugs best adapted for, 1 88 suction exerted by, during ventricular constriction, assistance of, to circu- lation, 5 tilting up of, by flatulence cause and consequence, 131, 140 by stomach-distension anginal pain increased by, 189 valves of (q. v.), 39-40 various helping agencies in work of, 5 et seq. walls of, see Cardiac Walls weak or feeble, see also Cardiac Weak- ness stimulation of, local, external, by various applications of heat, or heat-producers, 178 work of, increase of, by digitalis, etc., in raising blood-pressure risks from, i62-3 : how overcome, 163 Heart and vessels, both acted on by digi- talis, 1 60 combined effect on, of rest and mas- sage, 137-8 coordination between, how maintain- ed, 13-15 Heart-beats, see also Pulse-beats acceleration of proportionate exhaus- tion, 3-4 in frog's heart, as affected by aconite, . T 72 . origination of, 17, 44 -quickened by caffeine why, 162 Heat, see also Hot Water - modification by, of local circulation in inflammation when of use why, 174-5 vascular dilatation caused by, 107 Heat and cold, effect of, an circulation, 51, (figs.) 50, 52-3 n frog's lungs author's experi- ments, 56, (fig.) 54 an muscular tissue, 50, (figs.) on pulmonary capillaries, 51, (fig.) 54 on pulse-rate, 106-7 Heat, cold, and poisons, action of, on frog's heart, author's instrument for showing, (fig. and note) 21 Helleborus niger (Christmas rose), uses of, 146 Hemiplegia, see also Paralysis Hemiplegia, resulting from rupture of blood-vessel in brain, 205 transient, Raynaud's disease associated with, 117 Hepatic plexus, see Coeliac, Hepatic, and Splenic Plexus Hepatitis, relief in, alone or with peri- hepatitis, from application of leeches over liver, 177 Herisson's sphygmomanometer, (fig.) 62, 63, 68 High pressure, see Blood-pressure, high High tension, see arterial tension, high Hill, Leonard, cited on cause of intoler- ance of recumbent position by suf- ferers from severe valvular disease, 133 instrument of, for measuring blood- pressure, 68-9 Hill and Barnard's modification of the Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer, 78 His, William, neuro-muscular bundle de- scribed by, 35, note Hoarseness due to over-smoking, 170 Hollow muscular organs discomfort with- out pain, frequently felt by, 120 distension from within productive of intense pain, 120 pressure on from without not pro- ductive of pain in, 120 Hope as affecting the heart, 104 Horse, blood-pressure in, 60 Hot food, not sleep-producing why, 175 Hot water, immersion of feet in, causing increased pulsation of femoral artery, 175 with lemon, how and when to be drunk by the flatulent, 182 Hot-water bap, action of weak heart stim- ulated by, 178 Huka, or narghileh, smoking^ with inha- lation in, 169 Hunter, John, death of, from angina pec- toris brought on by anger, 189 observation by, on flow of blood dur- ing syncope, 115 Hurtle, manometer of, 60 Hyaline tissue, deposit of, in coats of ar- terial walls, due to kidney disease effects, 101 Hyderabad chloroform commission, find- ing of, on risks of giving anaes- thetics without removal of corsets, 141, and note Hydrocyanic acid, dilute, use of, in cer- tain forms of tachycardia, 185 Hydroxylamine, a yaso-dilator, 166 Hyoscyamus, addition of, to purgative pill aim of, 203 Hypertrophy of auricle, caused by mitral obstruction, 127-8, and by mitral re- gurgitation, 127 of heart, inadequacy to, of normal cor- . onary artery, 96 palpitation rare in why, 112 some causes, and their effects, 101-2 of ventricle, in aortic regurgitation, to what due compensatory advantages of, 122 Hypnotics, useful in treatment of sleep- lessness in cardiac disease, 193 Hypoxanthine and other purin bodies use of, 145 ICE-BAG over heart, sedative effect of, 178 Iced water, drinking of, in paroxysmal tachycardia, benefit of, 184 250 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Incisions for oedema of legs methods, 204 Incompetence, see Aortic, Mitral, Valvular Indigestion, see Dyspepsia India-rubber ice-bag over heart, sedative effect of, 178 tube coiled to form flat plate, with cold water passed continuously through it, as local cardiac sedative, 178 Infective diseases, cardiac weakness from bradycardia occurring in, 186-7 fatty degeneration of the heart fre- quent in, 100, 105 Inflammation of aortic orifice during fatal life consequences, 122 chronic, of the brain, bradycardia due to, 109 local, use of aconite in, 172, 174 of mitral valves, narrowing of orifice from -consequences, 127 modification of local circulation in methods explained, 174-5 Inhalation of oxygen in cardiac asthma remarkable benefit of, 193 - in venous stasis, action possibly in part mechanical, 203 in smoking, with huka and with cig- arette objections to, 169 Inhibitory apparatus in the heart double action on, of nicotine effect on pulse-rate, 167 in medulla or in heart, excessive ac- tion of, probably cause of extreme slowness of pulse, 186, 187 how excited in the latter, 186 center of vagus, as affected by digitalis, 149 neurons still susceptible to local stimu- lation after large dose of nicotine, though inhibitory ganglia of heart be paralyzed by drug, 168 Injuries of cervical cord, bradycardia occurring in, 188 of medulla, bradycardia occurring in, 1 88 Insensitiveness of the heart to pressure from without historic instance, 120 Instruments for measuring blood-pressure in man, two classes of, descriptions and uses of, 60 et seq. standardization of, 82 used in tapping, 204 Intercostal space, second, second heart sound best heard at, 42 Intermittent fever, pulse in, tracing of, (.fig.) 89 pulse (.see also Irregularity of Pulse), varieties of, no causes uncertain author's own view, 112 Intestines (.see also Stomach and Intes- tines), congestion of diminished by rest and massage, 138 discomfort without pain frequently felt by, 1 20 effect on, of (a) pressure from without, 120; (b) distension from within, ib. flatulence in, in venous engorgement, 129 reflex stimulation of medullary vagus center from bradycardia caused by, 187 Involuntary muscular fiber, in relation to endurance of strain, 128 Iodide of ethyl, use of, in cardiac asthma, 193 Iodide of potassium, useful in cardiac asthma, 193 Iodides, suitability of, in cases of high blood-pressure due to gouty kidney disease, 102 in senile high tension, 208 Iron, strychnine with, in treatment of bradycardia, 188 Irregular action of musculi papillares, regurgitation due to author's obser- vations on, and others', 126 Irregularity of the heart (or pulse), com- mon in over-smoking, 170 forms of causes persistence treat- ment instances, 1 88-9 more frequent in mitral than in any other form of cardiac disease why, 126, 128 Irregularity and quickening of pulse caused by large doses of aconite why, 171 Irritability, see also Nervous Irritability of arteries in cases of aortic regurgita- tion, 123 of patients in absolute rest treatment - causes, 134 relieved by massage, 137 of throat, due to over-smoking, 170 Irritants, inside stomach or intestine effect of, similar to that of blow on stomach, 113 Irritation, see also Stimulation of arterioles local effects, as observed by author, 46 of chorda tympani, effect of, on arte- rioles of submaxillary gland and on condition of gland a parallel, 115 of heart functional an excellent rem- edy for prescription comments, 180 of nerves, severe pain from effects of, on heart, 113 reflex, from stomach, as cause of par- oxysmal tachycardia treatment, 185 from various organs and sources, bradycardia due to, 109 of stomach, local, induced by toxic ac- tion of digitalis parallels, 155 of tongue, due to over-smoking, 170 of the vagus (mechanical ,>, or pressure on, feeling of oppression of chest caused by- author's observations on himself Czermak's personal expe- rience, 121, and note prolonged systole (dog's heart), se- cured by, 1 58 of vagus center in medulla bradycar- dia caused by how, 109 caused by excessive tension re- sults, 15 caused by toxic action of digitalis, iSS of vagus roots, reaction of, on speed of heart, 15, {fig.) 14 of vagus trunks, branches, or ends, in cardiac plexus effect of, on speed of heart, 15, 186, (fig.) 14 JACQUET'S sphygmograph, 93 Jalap powder, compound, 203 addition to, of bitartrate of potassium advan- tage of, 203 Janeway's and others' modifications of the Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer, 81 Jaundice, bradycardia in how caused, 109, 187 INDEX 251 Jenner, Dr., observations of, cited by Brodie on cause of angina pectoris, 116 Jones, Wharton, rhythmical contractions in veins observed by, 46, 123 cause of, according to Luchsinger and Schiff observations of Brunton and Fayrer referred to, 128, note Joy, as affecting the heart, 104 KENT, STANLEY, and His, neuro-muscular bundle described by, 35, note Kidney action, aided by compound jalap powder, 203 Kidney disease, deposit in, of hyaline tis- sue in coats of arterial walls effects, 101 gouty, tension due to the above de- posit, drugs best suited to relieve, IOI-2 Kidneys (see also Renal Vessels), action on, of macrophags, in old age (Metchnikoff), 206-7 arteries of, as affected by Raynaud's disease, 117 effect on, of disordered circulation, 131 of massage during rest, 138 of mere excitement, 104 of venous congestion overcome by digitalis, 150-1 of venous engorgement, 129 secreting cells in, action of caffeine, etc., 150, 161-2 of digitalis, 150, 152-3, 160 of purin bodies, 161-2 Kocher, opinion of, as to drugs used in Gravea's disease, 184, and note Kola, dietetic use of, 162 Kronecker and Marey, discovery by, of refractory period of the heart, 33 Kronecker and Schmey, experiment of, on puncturing point in septum of ventricles effect of deduction from, 37 Kymographs, see also manometers, etc. Brunton's combination of Ludwig's and Pick's, (fig.) 59 how used, 60 Ludwig's, ID, (figs.) ii, 56 oscillations in, of mercury, 57, (fig.) 57, how avoided, 59 LACTOSE in milk, apparent diuretic action of, 204 Lads, growing, harmfulness to, of to- bacco-smoking, 169 Laulanie's sphygmograph, digital, 94, (fig.) 95 Lead-poisoning, bradycardia caused by, 109, 187 Leech, Prof, (the late), lectures of, on drugs of the nitrous group, referred to, 166 Leeches, application of cases in which beneficial, 177 Left side, lying on, causing palpitation, 1 1 2-3, 179 Legs, muscles of, accessory to circula- tion, 6, 7, 131 tapping of, for oedema method, 204 raising of, effect on tension in vena cava, 129, 133 Life, prolongation of, by attention to ar- terial conditions, 205, 208-9 Ligaturing coronary arteries results, 96 Lily of the Valley (Convallaria mafalis), uses of, 146 Limbs, circulation in, feeble in absolute rest treatment consequences, 134 relieved by massage, 135-8 Limbs, reduction in size in, when brain is active Mosso's demonstration, 114 Lime in saline solution, benefit of, in artificial circulation Ringer's discov- ery, 143 Liquid with meals to be avoided by the flatulent why, 180, 181 Liver, attention needed by, in relief of palpitation why, 181 application over, of leeches, in relief of hepatitis, 177 congestion of, diminished by rest and massage, 138 distension or swelling of, due to in- creased blood-pressure, 17 due to venous congestion overcome by digitalis, 154 excised, secretion by, of bile experi- ments on, of Ludwig and Schmule- witsch, 1 6 functions of, interfered with by disor- dered circulation injurious reaction on the heart, 131 poisonous substances absorbed by, ex- cretion of, and reabsorption risks from, in angina pectoris how elimi- nated, 191 reflex irritation from, bradycardia due to, 109 Liver and portal system, as affected by venous engorgement, 129 Llangammarch, graduated walks at, for Oertel's treatment, 202 Local action of nicotine on arterioles, 167 applications over cardiac region, of pressure, heat, and cold, benefits from, 177-8 of cold, effect of, on an artery, 175, (fig.) 176 asphyxia, occurring in Raynaud's dis- ease, 117 bleeding by leeches, and cupping cases in which beneficial action not un- derstood, 177 inflammations with general febrile dis- turbance, use of aconite in, 172, 174 modification of the circulation, in in- flammation, various methods of, ex- plained, 174-5 paralysis resulting from rupture of blood-vessel in brain, 206 Locke's experiments on glucose as cardiac nutrient, 145 Luchsinger and Schiff, observations of, on cause of rhythmical contraction in veins, 128, note Ludwig, Prof., demonstration by, on cause of mitral incompetence, 125 experiments of, on cause of first sound of heart, 42 invention of, for keeping isolated or- gans alive by artificial circulation methods and means, 143, (fig.) 142 kymograph of, 10, (fig.) 11; 56, 59 Ludwig's manometer, self-registering, 10, (fig.) ii method due to, of measuring pressure in capillaries, 84 cited on possibilities of bleeding an animal into its own veins, 16 vaso-motor system and its functions, 4, 5 Ludwig and Von Prey's modification of Marey's sphygmograph, 92 252 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Ludwig and Schmulewitsch, experiment of, on secretion of bile by excised liver, 1 6 Lumen of arterioles lessening of, causes of, and risks from, 101 lessened, not necessarily indicated by loud systolic murmurs, 122 Lungs of frog, effect on, of heat and cold author's experiments, 51, (fig.) 54 Lungs, functions of, interfered with, by disordered circulation -injurious re- action on the heart, 131 mechanical interference with, of ab- dominal distension, 131, 138 pressure in point at which stoppage of pulse occurs Valsalva's experi- ment author's tests on himself, 130 Lymphatics, the, course of, 96, 99 Lymph, circulation of, or flow of, 7, 8, in and round heart, 96-8, (figs.) 97, 101, 102 effusion of, with local vascular dilata- tion ailments due to, 117 arrest of, by digitalis, 153 Lymph hearts, in frogs, 9 MACLAGAN, PROF. DOUGLAS, experiments of author in his laboratory under Gamgee, 163 Macrophags, normal and destructive ac- tion of, in body, explained in rela- tion to senile decay, 206-7 Magendie's view on cause of first sound of heart, 41 Malarial affection, possible slowing of pulse due to, 186 Malnutrition, due to grief case illustrat- ing, 105 Mammalian circulation, experiments of Traube (in relation to digitalis), 146 heart, see Heart, Mammalian Mammals, action in, of digitalis, 146, 147, 149 double action on, of nicotine, 167 effects on, of aconite, (a) small doses, 171; (b) large doses, 171 and frogs, effects on, of nicotine, 167-8 " Man (or men) as old as his arteries," truth of saying, 99, 205 - blood-pressure in, 60 normal pulse-rate in, 107 Mania, bradycardia due to, 109, 188 Manometers, see also kymographs, sphyg- momanometers, etc. standardization of, 82 aneroid, of Gaertner, portable form of his tonometer, 76, (fig.) 75 Burdon-Sanderson's, recording the first in England, n Pick's spring pattern, 60 how used, (figs.) 58, 59 Hales's the first, 10 Hurtle's, 60 Ludwig's registering, 10, (fig.) u Marey's metallic, 81; how used, (figs.) 57, 70; improved, (fig.) 81 combination of, with Mosso's plethys- mograph, (fig.) 70 mercurial see Hales's, Ludwig's, and Poiseuille's Poiseuille's, 10 Roy's, 60 Marey and Kronecker, discovery by, of refractory period of the heart, 33 Marey's apparatus for measuring blood- pressure in digit, 71, (fig.) 71 Marey's cardiograph, 86, and fig. investigations with, 86-90, (figs.) 87, 88 haemodynamometer, how used, (fig.) 55 metallic manometer, 81; how used, (figs.) 57, 70: improved, (fig.) 8:; combination of, with Mosso's plethys- mograph, (fig.) 70 sphygmographs, 13 original, modified by Ludwig and Von Prey transmit- ting, 92, (figs.) 92-3 tambours, 64, (figs.) 58, 86, 93 Martin's modification of the Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer, 78-9 Massage, see also Arterial Massage and Self-massage effects of, on the pulse, 102, 202 high value of, in treatment of venous stasis by complete rest, 202 use of, in cases of severe valvular dis- ease during absolute rest treatment high value of, 134 et seq. method and results, 137-9 Massage and diet, 141 et seq. Massage and rest, 134 et seq. Mastication, thorough, and slow, neces- sary in cases of palpitation, 181, 182 Mastoid process, application over, of leeches to relieve headache, 177 Meals, precautions as to nature of, es- sential in angina pectoris, 191 precautions essential after, in the same, 192 small and frequent, in treatment of palpitation, 181-2 Meat, boiled, saltless, but otherwise fla- vored, in diet for mitral disease aim of, 204 butcher's, given sparingly in chronic myocarditis (Schott), 201 Meat-extracts, cardiac stimulants, not nu- trients, 145 of the purin type to be avoided in angina pectoris why, 191 Medicine, poisons used in, in heart com- plaints, 146-7 Medulla oblongata (see also vagus center in), action on, of digitalis, 149, 155 (chief center of nervous system), in relation to the blood-pressure, 15 disease of, or injuries to, bradycardia due to, 109, 1 88 inhibitory apparatus in, or in heart, excessive action of, probable cause of slow pulse, 186, 187 Medusae, comparison between, and the heart experiments of Romanes, 26 et seq. compression as affecting passage of stimuli in, 30 contractile tissue, (fig.) 28 action on, of poisons, 30-1 described, 26-7 effect on, of constant and successive stimuli, 29 of poisons (Romanes), 29-31 rhythmic movements of, dependent on ganglia as affected by nicotine, 30 Megrim, see Migraine Meibomius, acquainted with the indepen- dent pulsation of veins (1668), 18, note Melancholia, bradycardia due to, 109, 188 Meningitis, relief in, by application of leeches over mastoid process, 177 simple or tubercular, bradycardia oc- curring in, 187-8 INDEX 253 Mental activity, effect on, of tobacco- Mitral regurgitation, organic causes and smoking, 169 consequences, 127 - effect produced by, on volume of - slight, frequency of treatment, 197 arm, 114 - with venous stasis, etc., 202 treat- deterioration, a result of cerebral hem- ment, 197 orrhage, 206-7 - systolic murmur indicative of con- Mercurial manometers, see Hales' s, Lud- ditions presenting, 126 wig's, and Poiseuille's Mitral stenosis, a cause of venous stasis, purgatives, occasional use of, beneficial 202 in cases of senile rise of pressure, surgical treatment of its possibili- 208 ties, 205, and note in treatment of angina pectoris Mitral valves, incompetence of, see Mitral how reinforced reason for, 192 Incompetence, supra in treatment of toxin-caused brady- less liable to incompetency than the cardia, 188 tricuspid, 44 Mercurials, action of, not properly under- Montgomery, Lord, case of proof that stood effects of, valuable, 203 external pressure is not felt by the Mercury, danger of, in albuminuria, ex- heart, 120 aggerated action of, on circulation, Morphine, remedy par excellence for 208 sleeplessness in cardiac disease how in kymographs, oscillations of, 57, (fig.) given, 194 doses danger in with- 57; how avoided, 59 holding, 195 Metchnikoff, cited on senile decay as due sometimes necessary to relieve neural- . to destructive action of macrophags, gic element in severe anginal at- 206-7 tacks how given, 191 Methylxanthine and other purin bodies Mosso's ergograph, (fig.) 136 use of, 145 experiment on size of arm, as condi- Meyer, A. B., see Brunton and Meyer tioned by hard thinking, 114 Microphags, function of, 206-7 plethysmograph, 69; combination of, Micturition, risk of fatal syncope during, with Marey's metallic manometer, in cases of overuse of digitalis why, (fig-) 70 163 sphygmomanometer, 71, 72 Mid-sternum, pain of angina felt at, 189 Motor function of arteries, 4 Migraine, megrim, or sick headache, Mouth, administration of opium by, why pain in, causes of modes of relief, 119 less advantageous than by rectum, - nature of similar to that of colic, I94~5 119-20 Movements of the heart, views on, of pathology of, views of Du Bois Rey- Gaskell, and of Engelmann, 18 mond, and others author's personal Miiller, Johannes, acquainted with the observations and conclusions, 119-20 independent pulsation of veins Milk components in, why valuable in (1835), 18, note mitral disease, 204 Murder (constructive) by a curate jilt- - given freely in chronic myocarditis ing followed by grief, consequent (Schott), 201 malnutrition, phthisis and death, 105 Milk diet and chloride-free food cases Murrell, Dr., anticipation by, of author for which adapted, 204 in use of nitroglycerine why, 165 - useful in sleeplessness in cardiac dis- Muscle, elongation of(?), 45, (fig.) 46 ease, 193 in differentiated protoplasm, as affected Milk and potatoes fatal meal of why by stimuli, 25 so, 140 Muscle(s), see also Cardiac Muscles, Mitral disease, allowance of fluid in, in Fasciae, and tinder Names Nauheim treatment, 201 accessory, of circulation, 7, 131 - milk diet and chloride-free food in, circulation in, effect on, of absolute with rest, massage, and digitalis rest treatment, 135 influence on, of and blue pill improvement often rest and massage, 138 rapid, 204 Muscular area, influence of, on blood- - treatment of mitral incompetence pressure, 1 5 from aortic regurgitation as for, contraction as affecting flow of blood, 196-7 6, and of lymph, 9, (figs.) 8, 9 Mitral incompetence, engorged condition induced by small doses of caffeine, of right side of heart due to, re- 145 lieved by blood-letting, 177 Muscular fiber (s) of arteries and heart, - how induced by regurgitation con- contraction of, caused by digitalis- sequences treatment, 196-7 how effected, 149-50 when (functional) causes and conse- - o f heart, action of purin bodies prob- quences, 126 a b] v more especially on, and on shortness of breath in treatment, secreting cells in kidneys, 161-2 ,.... . J 97 - as affected by stages of action of Mitral obstruction causes and conse- digitalis, 157, 159 quences, 127-8 - slight action on, of strychnine, 161 with regurgitation cardiac dyspnoea involuntary, less capable of, with- associated with, 128-9 standing constant than intermit- Mitral regurgitation causes and conse- tent strain proof seen in mitral quences, 126, 201 obstruction, 128 254 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Muscular fibers round auriculo-ventricu- lar orifice, action of. in normal con- traction of the ventricle (Ludwig), 125 aid given by, to the valves, 40, (figs.) 39 Muscular inadequacy in walking, see Claudication Movements acting as subsidiary heart, 9 poisoning, caused by large doses of caffeine, 145 spasm, high blood-pressure partly due to, in cases of gouty kidney disease, 101 Muscular tissue (generally), effect on, of heat and 'cold, 50, (figs.) (structure) of the heart, as affected by the toxins of diseases, 100, 105 effect on, of digitalis, 147 effect on, of gradual blocking of coronary arteries. 100 fatty or fibrous degeneration of (q. r.), 100 effects of, on car- diac action, 105 Muscular walls (contractile) of arterioles, effect on, of digitalis, 147 Muscular and nervous conduction in the heart experiments of Brunton and Cash, 33 et seq., 112, (figs.) 35 Musculi papillares, irregular action of, causing mitral regurgitation, 126 Mustard poultice, redness from, imme- diate and after probable causes, 47, (fig.) 48 Mustard-and-water emetic to cut short attack of paroxysmal tachycardia, 184-5 Myocarditis, chronic, diet in, according to Dr. Schott, 201 Myxoedema, effects of protracted treat- ment of, with thyroid gland extract (by mouth), 107 NAPOLEON the Great, slow pulse of, 108, 186 Narcotics, to relieve neuralgic element in angina attacks, 191 to relieve sleeplessness in cardiac dis- ease, 193-5 Nauheim treatment cases to which ap- plicable methods, 199 et seq., (figs.) 199 Nausea, early symptom of toxic action of digitalis, 155 Neck and head, arteries of, as affected in migraine author's view, 119 Nephritis, acute, wet cupping over kid- neys for, 177 chronic interstitial, bradycardia in- duced by how, 1 88 rise of blood-pressure in, risks from, 49-51 Nerium oleander, action of not used medicinally, 146 Nerve centers, reflex excitability of, in- creased by strychnine, 161 Nerve-fiber in differentiated protoplasm, as affected by stimuli, 25 Nerves, see also under Names arterial massage of, in health, 134 irritation of severe pain from effect of, on heart, 113 soothed by tobacco-smoking, 169 Nerves of arterioje-muscular walls, effect on, of digitalis, 147 of arterioles and veins, observations on, of Brunton and Schweigger-Seidel, 45 Nerves of opposing action in heart, and in vessels, 45 Nerves and muscles of circulation, in- creased action of all, first stage of action of digitalis, 159 Nervi erigentes, dilatation by, how in- duced, 46 Nervous centers, effects on, of digitalis poisoning, 149, 154 depression, causes and consequences, 102, 104 fibrils, found by author on surface of muscular layer of arterioles, 45 - fluttering of the heart, quieting effect on, of very small doses of aconite, 172 irritability in bradycardia due to reflex inhibition from stomach treatment to soothe. 1 88, and note in Graves's disease drugs quieting, 183-4 people, pulse-rate in, 107 stimulants, derived from dietetic uses of plants producing caffeine, etc., 161-2 supply, altered, a cause of fatty degen- eration of the heart, 105 Nervous system, as affected by digitalis, 149. 154 control of, over the heart and blood- pressure, how exerted, 15; extent of, 45 how affected by digitalis, 159 share of, in angio-neurotic oedema how evidenced, 117-8 share of, in. cardiac rhythm author's view on, 32, 33, and note, (figs.) 35 possible cause of tachycardia, I I 1-2 Nervous wave in medusa, 29 Nervous and muscular conduction in the heart experiments of Brunton and Cash, 32, 33, and note, (figs.) 35, 112 Neuralgic element in severe anginal at- tacks how best relieved, 191 Neuritis, alcoholic, paralysis of vagi due to consequent rapidity of pulse, 107 of the vagus, effects of, in convales- cence from diphtheria, 186 Neuro-muscular bundle described by Kent and His, nature and apparent func- tions, 35, note Nicotine, action of, on circulation, 160 double nature of, 167 on frog's heart, 167-8 on ganglionic structures medusse, 30 Nightmare, characteristic, caused by sleep- ing on the back what it indicates, 180 Nitrate of potash, with nitrite of so- dium, beneficial in high tension dose, 208 how supplemented, 208-9 Nitrites, see Amyl Nitrite and Sodium Nitrite; see also Vaso-dilators amplitude of pulse, how increased by, 1 02 effect of, on angina pectoris, 189, 191 on circulation, pulmonary and gen- eral, 193 reduction by, of blood-pressure in gouty kidney cases, 101 Nitrobutyl, etc., action of, in relief of angina pectoris, 189 Nitro-erythrol, beneficial in cases of high tension dose, 208 preventive action of, in persons other- wise liable to angina pectoris how employed, 192 INDEX 255 Nitroglycerine, 165; action of, in angina pectoris how administered special advantage of tablet form to be nib- bled quantity safe sole bad effect, 191 beneficial in cases of high tension dose, 208 overdoses of, headache the sole ill- effect from, 191 Nitro-mannitol, uses of, 166 Nitrogenous diet, ill-effects of, in age Haig cited on, 207-8 Nodular form of interference with ar- terial blood supply consequences, 101 Numbness and tingling caused by small quantities of aconite applied to tongue, 171 Nutrients, cardiac, see Blood and Cardiac Tonics Nutrition of blood-vessels, effect on, of feebleness of the heart, 101 failing, from disease fatty degenera- tion of the heart found in, 99 of heart, 94-6 how benefited by digi- talis, 150 et seq. general how improved by action of digitalis, 154 Nutritive action of cardiac tonics, 98, 144, 145, 150, 154 Nux yomica beneficial in cases of pal- pitation associated with debility, 183 in treatment of bradycardia, 188 OBLITERATION of blood-vessels causes and consequences, 115-6 Obstruction, aortic, to be distinguished from stenosis why, 122 CEdema, action on, of digitalis, 152-4 of rest and massage, 138 angio-neurotic, characteristics of pathology not made out author's view, 1 1 7-8 of feet and ankles, first indication of venous engorgement why how re- lievable, 129 of legs or scrotum tapping for meth- od, 204 universal, induced by injection of anti- streptococcic serum, 118 in relation to venous obstruction and to vaso-motor nerves Ranvier's ex- periment, 1 53 Oertel's treatment principles and meth- ods, 20 1-2 cases to which applicable, 193, 201 Old people, see also Elderly and Senile arterial changes in, 89, 99, 100-1, 116, 205, (figs.) 88, 98 aortic valves and aorta in, 122 brown atrophy in, causes of, 100 causes of death most frequent in, 207 destructive action in, of macrophags (Metchnikoff), 206-7 effect on circulation of. of grief, 104 fatty degeneration of the heart found in, 99 rise of blood-pressure in risks of, in combination with atheromatous ar- teries, 205 Oliver, ammonium hippurate recom- mended by, in cases of high tension, 208 arteriometer of, 83 sphygmomanometer of, 68, (fig.) 67 Operations, formerly performed in a state of syncope, 115 Opium, remedy par excellence for sleep- lessness in cardiac disease how given doses, 193-4; danger in with- holding, 195 use and abuse of parallel in massage, 135 Oppression, intense sensation of, fre- quent in angina pectoris probable cause author's deduction from sim- ilar sensation due to grief in own case, 121 Organs, functions of, disturbed by disor- dered circulation, rendering that dis- order worse how, 131 to which the vagus nerve gives branches, 104 Oscillations in kymographs, how avoided, 60 Ossification of arteries consequences, 116 of coronary arteries, angina pectoris due to observations on, of Jenner and Parry, cited by Brodie, 1 16 Oubain (Acocanthera), action of- -not used in medicine, 146 Overdoses of nitroglycerine or amyl ni- trite, headache sole ill-effect from, 191 Oxidation, effect on, of digitalin and caffeine, Pickering on, 147-8 effect on, of other drugs, condition of embryonic heart induced by, 148 relation to, of cardiac tonics, 148 of waste products, effected by com- bined rest and massage, 138 Oxygen, inhalation of, in cardiac asthma, remarkably good effect of, 193 in treatment of venous stasis, benefit of possibly in part mechanical, 203 PAGE, MR., see Sanderson, Sir J. Burdon-, and Page Pain of angina pectoris causes, 116, 126 author's view, 122, and note, 189 location of, 189 relief of, by general bleeding, 175, 177 relation between, and tension, 122, and note severity of, 121 intense, power of the heart to origi- nate, 121 - of migraine causes mode of relief, 1 20 nature of, 120 severe effects of, contraction of abdom- inal vessels and maintenance of cir- culation, 113 heart-stoppages sometimes due to, 113 Palpitation of the heart absent (gener- ally) in hypertrophied heart, 112 associated with debility, 112; treat- ment, 1 83 causation of, obscure author's view, 112 disturbance in pelvic organs cau- tion, 183 excitement, 177 failing compensation, 124-5 faulty diet, 179 Graves's disease, see that head lying on back or left side, in bed 112, i So over-smoking, 170 stomach-distension from flatulence, i go weakness of the heart itself, 183 characteristics of, 112 et seq. effect on, of position, 112-3, 180 256 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Palpitation of heart, induced by ammonia liniment applied over heart, 178 mechanism of author's view, 112 position in sleen as affecting, 112-3, l % quieting of, by local external means, 179. sometimes subjective sensation only, I 12 tendency to, increased by pressure of corsets or belts, 141 treatment of diet. 178-81 drugs, 1 80- 1, 183 exercise, open-air, 183 massage, ib. regimen, 181-2 \\ eir-Mitchell methods in severe cases, 183 Paraldehyde, in treatment of sleepless- ness in cardiac disease niose, 193 Paralysis, see also Hemiplegia and Paresis after convulsions caused by nicotine, 167-8 after diphtheria causes consequences, 187 general, of the insane, bradvcardia in, 109 - of inhibitory apparatus in the heart,, by nicotine effect on pulse- rate, 167-8 local, resulting from rupture of blood- vessel in brain, 206 secondary to disease of cerebral ves- sels, 206 how preventable, by treat- ment of senile conditions of vessels, 208 of vagus and other nerve, caused by diphtheria toxin, 105, 107, 187; and after alcoholic neuritis, 107 -pulse- rate in, 107 Paresis, general, bradycardia in, 187 Parkes, value of beef-tea, etc., as stimu- lants shown by, in Ashanti campaign, 145, and note Paroxysmal tachycardia, see Tachycardia, Paroxysmal Parry. Dr., observations of, cited by Brodie on" cause of angina pectoris, 116 Pastry, to be avoided in palpitation, 181 Pathology of angio-neurotic oedema, not understood author's view, 118 Pathology of the circulation, effect of altered quality of blood, 99 of blocking (however caused) of coronary arteries, 96, 100, 116, 192 of feebleness of the heart on nutri- tion of blood-vessels, 102 causes of, fatty degeneration (q. v.), 104 nervous depression, 104 exophthalmic goitre, 107 pulse-rate factors conditioning, 105 normal rate in men, 107 rate in fevers, 107 Pathology of syncope, not thoroughly made out, 114 Pelvic organs, disturbances in, palpitation often associated with caution, 183 Peppermint water, useful in palpitation from flatulence, 180 Pepsin, etc., use of, in certain forms of tachycardia, 185 Pericardium, Briicke's simile for, 97 Pericarditis, relief in, from application of leeches over cardiac area, 177 Perihepatitis, with hepatitis, relief in, from application of leeches over liver, 177 Peripheral contraction, with central dila- tation of arteries of head and neck -^-cause of migraine, in author's view, 1 1 9-20 ganglia dilatation connected with, 45 resistance, increase of, in arterioles, dangers from, 101 Peristaltic action and normal beats of frog's heart alternating, as effect of aconite, 171 and motor action of the arteries, 5 Peritoneal fluid, effect on, of movements of respiration, 9 Permanent pressure, local, in relief of palpitation, 178 relief of palpitation essentials, 178-9 Phagocytes two classes of functions of, 206-7 Pharmacology (.see also Treatment) of the circulation, i Pharyngitis, benefit in, from cold-water compress how produced, 175 chronic, induced by over-smoking, 170 Pharynx, nerves going to, paralysis of, due to diphtheria toxin, 105 Pheasant's eye (.Adonis vernalis), uses of, 146 Phosphorus, fatty degeneration of the heart found after administration of, 100 Phosphates, use of, in Graves's disease (Kocher), 183-4, and note Phrynin, source and action of story of, 146-7 Phthisis, abnormally low blood-pressure as precursor of case in point, 105 induced by malnutrition due to grief case of, 105 Physiology of the circulation, i accessory muscles of circulation, 7 arterial tension, or blood-pressure (g. v.), 10 arteries and, 15 regulation of, 13-4 depressor nerves, 17-8 - influence of muscular area, 15-6 influence of splanchnic area, 16-7 arteries, 4 motor and peristaltic action of, 5 capillaries and veins, 5 fasciae, action of, 6, 131 heart, chief function of, 3 movements of views of Gaskell, 18 refractory period of, 4, 33 sleep of, 3 valves of, 39-40 heart of the frog, 19 movements of investigation of, 22 comparison between and a me- dusa experiments of Romanes, 26-7 transmission of stimuli in, 31-2 nervous and muscular conduction in, 32 experiments of Brunton and Cash, 33 et seq. independent pulsation of veins, 18 - lymph, flow of, 9 Pickering's (J. W.), observations on the action of cardiac tonics on the em- bryonic heart, 148 Picoline bases in smoking-tobacco in its various forms, 168 Piegu's instrument for estimating blood- pressure, 71 INDEX 257 Pig-tail tobacco, demerits of heart-beat with, 170 Pill of digitalis powdered, powdered squill, and blue pill one grain of each how modified at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital and elsewhere, 203 Pipe-smoking, and cigar-smoking, better, or less bad than cigarette-smoking, 169 Plant-poisons, similar in action to digi- talisnames, 146 Plants containing caffeine, etc., dietetic uses of, medicinal action (probable) of, 161-2 Plasmon, in diet for mitral disease, 204 recommended by Schott in chronic myocarditis, 201 Plasters over heart, quieting effect of, on palpitation best kind, 178 Plethysmograph of Hallion and Comte, (fig.) 73 Mosso's, (Jig.) 69 combination of, with Marey's metallic manometer, (fig.) 70 demonstration by, of reduced size of limbs, during brain activity, 114 Pleural effusion, insidious and serious character of serious in valvular dis- ease, 139 removed by rest and massage, 139 tapping for, 204 fluid effect on, of movements of respi- ration, 9 Pleurisy, severe, immense relief afforded in, by leeches to side, 177 Pliny, aware why drinking bull's blood caused death, 141, note Pneumogastric nerve, method of action of, on intestines, etc., 104, note Pneumonia, heart-weakness due to, caus- ing bradycardia, 108, 186 Points at which first and second sounds of heart are best heard, 42 Poiseuille's manometer, 10, (fig.) ll Poisoning by bile acids in jaundice bra- dycardia due to how induced, io'9 by digitalis effects of, on apex-beat in animals, 112 nervous centers, 149, 155 pulse causing irregularity, in man, no Poisons causing bradycardia, 108-9, 187 effect of, on medusae, Romanes' experi- ments, 29-30 giving rise to fatty degeneration of the heart, 100 vegetable, similar in action to digitalis names, 146 Position, see also Upright, Recumbent, Sitting, Stooping Position in bed, in relation to palpitation, 112, 179-80 best for averting faintness, 115 for restoring fainting persons, 115 change of, from recumbent to erect, in rising to micturate effect of, on blood-pressure fatal syncope due to, 163 in relation to blood-pressure in the brain, i i 5 for severe cases of valvular disease, 132-3 recumbent best, 132 beds for, 133 sitting, reasons for adopting pre- cautions, 133-4 Potain-Gaertner combined apparatus for measuring blood-pressure, (fig.) 76 18 Potain's sphygmomanometer, 67, 79, (fig.) 66 fallacies in applying, 68 author's use of, (fig.) 80 Potash, nitrate of, with nitrite of sodium, beneficial in high tension, 208 how supplemented, 208 Potassium, bitartrate of addition of, to compound jalap powder advantage of, 203 bromide of, in treatment of bradycar- dia due to reflex inhibition from stomach, 188 in Graves's disease effects of, 184 Potatoes and milk fatal meal of why so, 140 Poultice, mustard, redness after prob- able causes, 47, (fig.) 48 warm, over heart, stimulating effect' of, 178 Power, Mr., see Brunton and Power Powell, Sir Douglas, cited on heart's great dependence on due pulmonary aeration, 94 Pressure, see Blood-pressure, Diastolic, and Systolic Pressure on, or hi brain, bradycardia caused by how, 109, 187-8 hand, or permanent, quieting effect of, on palpitation, 178 from without, on hollow muscular or- gans not pain-producing, 120 not felt by the heart historic in- stance, 1 20 on vagus, discomfort due to Czermak's personal experience, 121, and note Prolongation of life, suggestions for, by attention to arterial conditions, 205, 209 Proteids in food, benefit of reducing, in cases of senile rise of pressure, 208 Protoplasm, living, in relation to con- tractility under stimulus, (a) undif- ferentiated, 24-5; (b) differentiated, 25 Pulmonary aeration, great importance of proper, to the heart (Powell), 94 affections, engorged condition of right side of heart due to, relieved by blood-letting, 177 artery, relative resistance of, 44 right weakness of, from atheroma consequences, 130 capillaries, effect on, of heat and cold, Si. (fig-) 54 giving way of, in mitral obstruction cause and consequence, 128 Pulmonary circulation, hieh pressure, ab- normal in, causing bradycardia how, T QQ loo impeded, the danger in mitral incom- petence from aortic regurgitation treatment, 196-7 less affected by nitrites than general circulation, 193 engorgement, cause of, 126 Pulmonary veins, absence of valves in, 127 blood-pressure in, in mitral regurgi- tation, 127 contractile power of, and independent pulsation in, rediscovered by Fayrer and Brunton, 18, 44, 127, 128, note pressure on, in mitral obstruction possible stimuli excited by, and further interference with heart- rhythm, 128, note Pulsation, arterial, coincident with respi- ration, 46-7 2 S 8 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Pulsation, arterial, observable in persons with aortic regurgitation coinci- dence of the three rhythms in, 47 cardiac possible part cause of, 171 of embryonic heart, 25 of femoral artery, increased by immer- sion of feet in hot water, 175 of frog's heart, rate and character of, as affected by digitalis, 147 independent, of veins, 18, and notes, 44, 128 Pulse, see also Bradycardia and Tachy- cardia - aortic, tracings of, with Marey's car- diograph, 90, (figs.) 88 arterial pulsation coincident with, 46-7 author's own, his own observations on, 163 bigeminal nature instance, 189 carotid, when to be used to fix time of cardiac murmurs, 92 condition of, in bradycardia, 108, 109, iii in paroxysmal tachycardia, 108, 109 effect on, of aconite in large doses, 171 of digitalis-poisoning three stages, 1 88 of massage and exercises described, 202, (fig.) 197 feebleness of, effect of, on nerves, I34-S intermittent, varieties of, 109-11 causes uncertain author's own view, ii i-i2 irregularity or intermittence of forms of causes, 109-12 persistence treatment instances, 188-9 greater frequency of, in mitral, than any other form of cardiac disease why, 126, 128 (man's), feeling of, methods and aim in, 60 of Napoleon I., slowness of, 108, 186 opposite effects on, of sequelae of diph- theria, 187 quickened, arterial tension, and pain of angina pectoris relation between cases illustrating, 121, and note -radial, when not to be used to fix time of cardiac murmurs, 92 rapid, characteristic of tachycardia treatment, 184-5 drugs to reduce, and bleeding, 166 or quickened in attacks of angina pectoris, 121, and note rapidity of, extreme, indicating paral- ysis of vagus, 105, 106-7 recurrent, how obstructed in measur- ing human blood-pressure, 62, 67, (fig.) 66 senile, analogy of, to ventricular beat, (fig.) 88 slow, in bradycardia, characteristics of, 1 08, 1 86 naturally so, instances of, 108, 186 slowing of, by digitalis, how effected, 149 by general bleeding, 166 slowness of, abnormal, after toxic doses of digitalis, 155 stoppage of, when pressure within lungs reaches certain point Val- salva's experiment author's tests of, 130 Pulse-beats (see also Heart-beats), alter- nately weak and strong in brady- cardia, 108 Pulse-rate, as affected by exophthalmic goitre process, 107 nicotine acting on vagus center in medulla, 167 in bradycardia and tachycardia, dis- turbed rhythm unaltered, 109-10 -factors on which dependent, heat, cold, 106-7; poisons, 107 in fevers, 107 in mammals and frogs, action on, of nicotine, 167 in nervous people, 107 normal, in men, 107 rapid, consequences of, and treatment, 3~4 when vagi are paralyzed, 105-7, J 87 Pulse-rhythm in bradycardia and tachy- cardia remaining regular rate dis- turbed, 109-10 Pulse-wave, amplitude of, external and internal means for securing proc- esses involved, 102 nature of, instruments for ascertaining, 84 et seq. retardation of, 92, (fig.) 91 smallness or feebleness of, effect of, however caused, 102 fatty degeneration (q. r.) as cause of, 104 nervous depression as cause of, 104 " Pulris nrirabilis," for functional irrita- tion of the heart prescription notes on, 181, 183 Puncture (see also Tapping), for oedema of legs methods, 204 Purgation, free, in treatment of toxin- caused bradycardia- class of purga- tives preferable, 188 Purgatives, see also Aperients, Mercurial Purgatives, and Saline Purgatives - best adapted for treatment of toxin- caused bradycardia, 188 in treatment of cardiac diseases why essential, 203 Purin bodies, enumeration of, and uses, 145, 161-2 Purin-type of meat-extracts to be avoided in angina pectoris why, 191 Purkinje, fibers described, 35, note Pye, Mr., see Brunton and Pye Pyridine bases in tobacco, in its various smoking forms, 168 QUALITY of blood, altered, effect of, 100 Quickening, sudden, of pulse, with sud- den return to the normal, see Par- oxysmal tachycardia RABBITS' hearts, fatty degeneration found in, on section of vagi (Wassilieff), i5 Radial artery, decreased pulsation in, caused by cold bandage to middle of arm, 175 effect on, of massage and exercises, (fig-) 197. 201 tension in effect on, of inhalation of oxygen in cardiac asthma, 193 pulse, coincidence of, with cardiac dias- tole when found, 92 Ranvier, M., figures of parts of frog's heart due to, 24, 25, 37 Rapid action of heart, persistent, after excessive exercise treatment, 184 symptom in paroxysmal tachycardia, 184 INDEX 259 Rapidity of contraction, causes of loud first heart sound how acting, 43 Rapidity of pulse, see under Pulse Raynaud's disease, described, 117 Recurrent pulse, see under Pulse Rectum, injections by, of opium conve- nient mode advantages of, 194 Recumbent position, best for restoring fainting persons, blood-pressure in brain greater dur- ing, 115 impossibility of assuming or main- taining, in severe cases of valvular disease causes explained, 132-3 inability to evacuate in author's ar- rangement to meet this difficulty, 132 work of diaphragm in moving abdom- inal viscera in, 133 Recuperation intervals how secured for the heart by digitalis, 149 Reflex contraction of vessels, not present in reflex stoppage of heart in imper- fect anaesthesia author's view, 113-4 irritation from stomach, paroxysmal tachycardia sometimes due to treatment, 185 of various organs, and skin, causing bradycardia, 109 stimulation of medullary center of vagus, from stomach, skin, or sexual organs bradycardia caused by, 187 treatment for, aims and methods, 188 stoppage of heart, caused by stomach distension, 140-1 in imperfect anaesthesia unaccom- panied by reflex contraction of vessels author's view, 113-4 Refractory period of the heart, 4, 33 investigations on, as to time, and electrical changes, of Sanderson and Page, 33 pointed out by Marey, 33 by Kro- necker, 33 stimulation (electric) non-effective during (Brunton and Cash), 34, (.fig-) 35 Regimen, see Diet and Regimen Regulating function of arteries, 4 Regurgitation (see Aortic and Mitral Re- gurgitation), prevention of, by valves of heart, 40 beneficial action in aid, of digitalis, 150 Remak's ganglion frog's heart, 19 Renal arteries effect of digitalis on, sim- ilar to that of ligature of, 156, 162 how overcome, 163 vessels (see also Kidneys) spasm of, occurring (with arrest of urinary secretion) in second stage of action of digitalis danger of, to man, 160 Resistance in finger exercises in treat- ment of venous stasis graduation of, 202 increased, to ventricular action dis- eases causing bradycardia induced by, 109 Respiration, arterial pulsation coincident with, 46-7 as coadjutor to heart in carrying on circulation, 5 imperfect, waste products due to elimination of, 203 movements of, effects of, on circulation (venous), 5 Respiration, movements of, effects of, on flow of pleural and peritoneal fluids, 9 Respiratory center, as affected by poison- ous doses of digitalis, 149 Rest, absolute, in treatment of valvular disease of the heart, 13: author's definition of, and insistence on, 132 discomforts experienced during, how caused, 132-4 relieved by mas- sage, 134 combined effects on heart, etc., 137 position during, difficulty connected with, 133 rules regarding, 132-3 after baths in Nauheim treatment, 200 after meals, essential to those suffer- ing from, or menaced by, angina pec- toris why, 192 in bed prolonged, the best treatment for Graves's disease case illustrat- ing, 183-4 prolonged, in severe cases of palpi- tation, 183 complete, in advanced mitral disease, 197 preferably in bed with massage, in venous stasis, 202 Rest and massage, combined effects of, in treatment of valvular disease, 138 et pravi. Restlessness in Graves's disease treat- ment, 184 in patients in absolute rest treatment causes, 134 relieved by massage, 135 Resume of the action of digitalis, 147-8 Retardation of pulse-wave, 92, (fig.) 91 Rheumatism, acute, bradycardia often met with when heart is weak, during convalescence from, 186 Rhubarb as aperient, in cases of senile rise of pressure how taken, 208 with carminatives, in treatment of sleep- lessness in cardiac disease, 193 Rhythm, capillary, 47 cardiac, see Cardiac Rhythm and coordination of auricles and ven- tricles, characteristics of the muscle itself, 18-9 Rhythmical contraction in vessels ob- served by Wharton Jones and others, 46- cause according to Luchsinger and Schiff rediscovered by Brunton and Fayrer, 18, 44, 127, 128, note order, coincidence and number of, 46-7 Richardson, Dr. B. W., observations of, on dilation of capillaries by nitrite of amyl, 163 Right side, lying on, why resorted to by sufferers from palpitation, 179-80 Rigidity (loss of elasticity) of arterial walls of old people, 89, 99, 101, 116, 205 Ringer's discovery as to why tap-water is better than distilled, in artificial cir- culation, 143 Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, 77-9 modifications of, 78-81 Romanes, Prof., experiments of, on me- dusae (in comparison with the heart), 26-8 Rooms, warm, why causing faintness and syncope, 107 Root of tooth, inflammation at, why re- lieved by cold, 174-5 Rotator muscles of leg as accessories to circulation, 6, 7, 131 260 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Roy, manometer of, 59 Roy and Adami, cited on regurgitation from irregular action of musculi pa- pillares, 126 Rupture of blood-vessels, risks of, in cases of arterio-capillary fibrosis due to kidney disease, 101 in cases of atheromatous arteries and high blood-pressure, 205 SACRIFICES, animals slain for, arteries of, empty reason, 2, 5 St. Bartholomew's Hospital, purgatives employed at, in cardiac complaints, 203 Saline purgatives in treatment of angina pectoris when given aim of, 192 in treatment of senile rise of pres- sure, 208 in treatment of toxin-caused brady- cardia, 188 Saline solutions, as used in Ludwig's ex- periments in artificial circulation, 143, (fig.) 142 Ringer's discovery concerning, 143 Salt, common, solution of, used in artifi- cial circulation, by Ludwig, 143 use of, in Graves's disease, 184, note Sanderson, Sir John Burdon-, cardio- graph of, for apex-beat, (fig.) 86 manometer made by, n, (fig.) 12 investigations of, with Mr. Page, on refractory period of the heart, .13 Sassy-bark, or casca (Erythrophlceum guinense), medicinal uses of, 146, 1 60 Scanty urine, feature of venous engorge- ment, 129 Schema of the circulation, author's, 57, 59, (fig-) 55 Schiff, observations by, on rhythmical contraction of vessels, 46, 128 Schmey, see Kronecker and Schmey Schott, the brothers, and the Nauheim treatment, 199 et seq. Schweigger-Seidel, see Brunton and Schweigger-Seidel S cilia maritima (squill), uses of, 146 Scrotum, oedema of, tapping for meth- ods, 204 Second intercostal space, second sound of heart best heard at, 42 Sedative effect of smoking, causes (prob- able) of, 169-70 Sedatives, cardiac, local and external, 178 Self-massage of, arteries, lymphatics and veins, 6, 9, 97, 99, 102 increased by digitalis, 149 by massage, 137; and exercises, 202 in relation to the pulse-wave and to arterial nutrition, 102 heart, process and advantage of, 96 aided by digitalis, 149-50 increased by massage and exercises, 202 by massage and rest, 137 probably produced by inhalation of oxygen, 203 Semeiology of the circulation, 2 Senac, acquainted with the independent pulsation of veins (1783), 18 Senile conditions (see also Age, Elderly persons, Old Age) of arteries, etc., 89, (fig-) 88, 99, 100-1, 116, 205, 207, 208 treatment, 208-9 Senile conditions of the vessels treat- ment of, 208-9 Senile decay, 207 causes of, actual and primary, 207 Metchnikoff's views on, 206-7 preventable by attention to arterial conditions, 209 gangrene, causes of, and main prelimi- nary symptom (Brodie), 116 pulse, analogy of, to ventricular beat, (fig.) 88 rise of pressure, 205; conditions of, attended with special risk, 205 Sensitiveness of arteries, 119; how proven, i i 9-20 of heart, 120-2 Sensory affections, resulting from rupture of blood-vessel in brain, 205 mechanism in the heart, partly cause of cardiac pulsations how deduced, 171-2 Serous cavity of pleura, effusion into tapping for, 204 Sexual organs, reflex irritation from, bra- dycardia due to, 109, 184 Sharpey, Professor, on Czermak's expe- rience with mechanical irritation of the vagus, 121, note on functions of rotators of leg, 7-8 Sheep, blood-pressure in, 60 Shock, difference between, and syncope, 114 effect of, on heart and vessels, 113 Short-lived families, one reason for, 205 suggestions for prolongation of life, 208 Shortness of breath, in mitral incompe- tence treatment, 197 in mitral obstruction and regurgita- tion a prominent symptom, 128 Shoulders, radiation towards, of anginal pain, 189 Sick headache, see Migraine Sighing, caused by grief, 104 Sight, bad effect on, of over-smoking, 170 Sitting position, when advisable for suf- ferers from severe valvular disease precautions, 133 Skin, changes of color in, due to cold weather, what is indicated by, 117 - reflex irritation from, bradycardia due to, 109, 187 of toads, phrynin from action of, on heart, 146-7 Sleep of the heart, 3, 4, 9 positions in, in relation to palpitation and nightmare, 179-80 Sleeplessness, in connection with cardiac disease characteristics aggravations of methods of relieving, 193 et seq. effects in, of external cold, 175 - of internal warmth, ib. in Graves's disease treatment, i83-4_ Slow eating, necessary in cases of palpi- tation, 1 8 1, 182 Slow walking after meals essential in angina patients and those menaced by angina, 192 Slowing of the heart by, aconite cause effects, 171 nicotine cause effects, 167 of rapid pulse, general bleeding for, 166 Slowness of pulse, extreme, see Brady- cardia Skwness and strength of pulsation in isolated frog's heart, under digitalis, U7 INDEX 26l Smoke-rings, watching of, sedative effect of, 170 Smoking, see Tobacco-smoking Snuff-taking, nicotine absorption in, 168 Sodium bicarbonate, uses of, in certain forms of tachycardia, 185 in palpitation from flatulence, 180 bromide of, in Graves's disease effects of, 184 hydrate, in saline solution, as used by Ludwig in experiments on isolated frog's heart, 143, (fig.) 142 nitrite, action discovered but not an- nounced by author first described by Hay, 165-6 beneficial in cases of high tension, 208 Solids and fluids, manner of taking, im- portant in diet for palpitation, 181-2 Somerville, Dr., case of bradycardia treated by, referred to, 188, note Sounds of the heart, 41 et seq. cardiac murmurs, 43-4 first causes of, 41-2 changes in, 42-3 causes of, ib. clinical importance of, ib. -nature of, 41-2 -where best heard, 42 -second causes of, 41 changes in, great clinical impor- tance of, 42 causes of, 42 -where best heard, 42 J a La Southey's tubes, for drainage of legs or scrotum, 204 Spasmodic asthma, permanent dilatation of right side of heart induced by why, 130 Sphygmograms character of, in healthy people, 90, (figs.) 88 in cases of feeble heart, 90, (figs.) 88, 89 crochet or hook in, 92, (fig.) 90 dicrotic wave in, what it means, and how caused, 92, (fig.) 90 Sphygmograph, the, 84 principle of, 86 various forms of, devised by -Dudgeon, 93, (fig.) 94 Jacquet, 93 Laulanie, 94, (fig.) 95 -Ludwig and Von Frey, 92 Marey (several forms and modifica- tions of), 13, 86, 92 wider use of possibilities and condi- tions of, 94 Sphygmomanometers author's apparatus for standardizing, 82 various forms of, devised by author, 65, 79, (fig.) 80 Herisson, 62-64, 68 Hill, 68 Hill & Barnard, 78 Martin, 78 Mosso, 71-3 Oliver, 67, (fig.) 67 Potain, 67, 79, (figs.) 66 fallacies in applying, 68 Riva-Rocci's, 77-9 modifications of, by Americans, 79-82 author (and method of using), 79 others, 78-9, 81 Von Basch earlier designs, 63, 64-5 later designs, 66-7, (figs.) 64-7 author's cheap modification of, 63 Sphygmomanometers, various forms of, fallacies in using, 68-9 Waller's, 62 Sphygmoscope, or Erlanger's sphygmo- manometer, 81 Splanchnic area influence of, 16 in regulation of blood-pressure, 16 in relation to vascular dilatation and faintness, 107 Splenic plexus, see Coeliac, Hepatic and Splenic Plexus Squill (S cilia maritima), medicinal uses of, 146 digitalis and blue pill pill of, in car- diac diseases, 204 useful in cardiac asthma, 193 Stages in the action of digitalis, 158, 159, 1 60, (figs.) 156, 157, 159 essential part of division of, 159 four stages enumerated, 159 conditions rendering second stage dangerous to man, 160 not correspondent in different au- thors, 159 Stairs, work involved in going up, 131-2 Standardization of instruments for meas- uring blood-pressure, author's appa- ratus for, 82, (fig.) 83 Stannius, experiments of, on movements of frog's heart, 21, (figs.) 20, and see 1 6 1, and note Stanton's modification of Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, 80 Start, waking with, characteristic of sleep- lessness with cardiac disease, 193 Stenosis, see also Aortic and Mitral Stenosis to be distinguished from mere obstruc- tion why, 122 pure, slight degrees of, barely affecting circulation, 122 Sternum, lower end of, to the left aortic regurgitant murmur sometimes only audible at case illustrating, 195-6 Stiffness of aortic valves in later life consequences, 122 Stimulants (see also Cardiac Stimulants), powerful (e. g., strong coffee) in attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, benefit of, 184 Stimulation, see also Irritation and Re- flex Irritation electrical, of frog's heart, experiments of Brunton and Cash, 33, (figs.) 35 deductions, 34-5 of feeble heart, various methods of, 178 of inhibitory apparatus in the heart, by nicotine effects on arterioles, 168 of secreting structures in kidneys, by digitalis (probable"* 151-2 - of vagus center, in medulla, by aconite, 171 by nicotine, 167 causing bradycardia, 109, 188 of vessels from within, 49-51, from without, 47, (figs.) 47, 48 Stimulus(i), conduction of, by muscle, 23-4; nerve, ib. constant, effect of, on bell of medusa nerves removed, nerves detached at one end only waves induced by irritation how hindered, 27-8, (figs.) 28 on embryonic heart, 25 262 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Stimulus, generation in, and transmission from, venous sinus and auricles, un- der heat, 1 1 id in the heart, transmission of, 31-3, and note, 32 in the pulmonary veins possible mode of excitation of, 128, note to ventricle, from internal pressure, causing dilatation of apex frog's heart results, 27-8, 128 Stokes- Adams' syndrome characteristics, 1 86 Stomach (see also Abdomen), as affected by disgust, 104 congestion of diminished by rest and massage, 138 discomfort without pain, frequently felt by, 120-1 - distension of, anginal pain increased by, 189 danger in, from corsets, 141 flatulent, effect on heart, 138, 139-41 an aggravation of drowsy sleepless- ness of cardiac disease how re- lieved, 193 prescriptions to alleviate, 180-1 effect on, of (a) pressure from with- out, 120 (b) distension from within, ib. of toxic doses of digitalis parallels, 155 expulsion of gas from, by massage dur- ing rest advantages of, 138 fermentation in arrest of, essential to permanent relief of palpitation, 180 how caused how prevented, 182-3 - flatulence in (see also under Stomach Distension, supra), in venous en- gorgement, 129 - irritants inside effect of, similar to that of blow on, 113 - reflex irritation from, causing brady- cardia, 109, 184 treatment, 188 sometimes causing tachycardia treatment, 185 stimulating effect on, of food, how in- creased by aperients, 208 Stomach and intestines, benefit to, of reduction in size of liver, effected by diminished venous congestion, due to digitalis, 154 Stooping position, helpful in averting fainting why, 115 Stoppage of heart, by drinking large quantities of alcohol at a draught, 113 imperfect anaesthesia author's view, H3-4 shock, 113 of pulse Valsalva's experiment au- thor's tests on himself, 130 Strain, see also Cardiac Strain - avoidance of, by persons with slight mitral leakage, 197 from being chased, sensation from, the same as that felt in nightmare de- duction, 1 80 constant, less well withstood than in- termittent, by involuntary muscular fiber proof seen in mitral obstruc- tion, 128 in relation to stimulation of vessels from within, 49-5 1 sudden, and sudden death, relation be- tween, in aortic regurgitation, 196 Strengthening the heart, the aim of all treatment for bradycardia most use- ful remedies for this, 188 Strieker and others, contractility of cap- illaries established by, 46 Strontium, bromide of, in Graves's dis- ease, effects of, 184 Stroplianthus hispidus medicinal uses of, 146 action of, chiefly on heart itself, 160 added to " pulvis mirabilis " for fee- ble heart, 181 as cardiac tonic nutritive action of, 98 poisoning by, effects of, as observed by Brunton and Pye, 155-6 small doses of, between attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, benefit of, 185 useful, in aggravated cases of mitral incompetence, 197 in cardiac asthma, 193 why good effects of, and of other drugs, persist after discontinuance of, 98-9 Strychnine, action of, complex, affecting whole ner- vous system, 183 on the heart, described, 160 in cardiac asthma, 193 as cardiac tonic nutrient action, 98 in palpitation with debility, 183 effect of, on medusae (contractile tis- sue), 30 Strychnine and caffeine, in combination with digitalis, benefits of, in certain . cases of aortic regurgitation, with care, 196-7 Strychnine with iron, in treatment of bradycardia, 188 Submaxillary gland, condition seen in, on dilation of its arterioles from irrita- tion of chorda tympani, 115 dilatation in, how induced, 46 Substances having poisonous action ab- sorbed by liver, excreted in bile, re- absorbed from duodenum, and again excreted risks from, in angina pec- toris how eliminated, 191 Suction-power of the heart how increased by digitalis, 150 Sudden anaemia of the brain, the (appar- ent) cause of syncope, 1 14, and see 15 strain and sudden death relation be- tween, in aortic regurgitation, 196 Sugar (s), to be avoided in palpitation why, 181 instead of salt in foods for mitral dis- ease cases, 204 - other than glucose, less good as car- diac nutrients, 145 Sulphate of zinc (20 grains), emetic to cut short attack of paroxysmal tachy- cardia, 184-5 Sulphonal, in treatment of sleeolessness in cardiac disease dose, 193 Sunstroke, bradycardia occurring in, 188 Suprarenal extract, enormous rise of blood-pressure due to a parallel, 167 given by author in Graves's disease, 184 Surgical treatment of cardiac diseases, 205 of mitral stenosis possibilities of, 205, and note INDEX 263 Syncope, association of, with bradycardia, 186 causes of, 15, (fig.) 14, 107 apparent probable, 114 heat of room, 107 strain on ossified coronary arteries (Brodie), 116 difference of, from shock, 114 - fatal, from excessive use of digitalis cases in which most frequent, 162-3 flow of blood during Hunter's obser- vation on, 115 operations formerly performed in state of method of, 115 pathology of, not thoroughly made out, 114 risk of, in aortic regurgitation, 196 Syndrome, Stokes-Adams characteristics, 1 86 Systole, denned, 3 in dog's heart, prolonged by irritation of vagus, 158 in frog's heart electric stimulation of ventricle during effects at different stages, 34, (fig.) 35 reduplication of, due to stimulation, 34, (fig-) 35 Systolic murmur over aorta, significance of, 195. indicative of mitral regurgitation when found interesting case of, 126 loud, not necessarily indicating les- sened lumen of vessel, 122 Systolic and diastolic blood-pressure, how estimated, -71-2, (fig.) 70 highest relations between, 82 TABLETS of nitroglycerine in angina pec- toris best nibbled safe dose sole ill-effect, 191 Tachycardia, due to strain, 184 paroxysmal, characteristics, causes and associated conditions, 108-12, 184-5 treatment during and between at- tacks, 184-5 pulse in rate altered, rhythm regu- lar varieties of intermission in, 109-12 Tait, see Brunton and Tait " Taking it to heart," pathological eluci- dation of, 104 Tambour, Marey's, for recording move- ments, 64, (figs.) 58, 84, 93 Tapping, when advisable methods of, 204 Tap-water, why different in effect from distilled water in artificial circulation Ringer's discovery, 143 Tartar emetic, effect of, on stomach, 155 Tea, to be avoided in angina pectpris, 191 dietetic action of, 162 -medicinal ac- tion of derivatives, 162 excessive use of, cause of palpitation to be cut off or lessened, 179 use of, by flatulent precautions, 182 Tea and bread, fatal meal of why so, 140-1 Temporal artery, alterations in, observed during migraine, 119-20 Tensor vaginae femoris muscle, true func- . tion of, 7-8 Thebesius, vessels of, function of, 96 Theobromine, or dimethylxanthine action of, differing from that of caf- eine, 162 use of, in small quantities, 145 Theocine, nature and uses of, 162 Theophyllin, nature and uses of, 162 Thtvttta grandiflora, action of not used in medicine, 146 Thighs, swollen, effect of, on abdomen, 133 Thinking, hard, effect produced by, on volume of arm, 114 Thirst, intolerable, induced in healthy man by diuretic action of digitalis, 150, 152 Throat, irritability of, due to over-smok- ing, 170 Thrombosis, obliteration of blood-vessels due to, causing gangrene, 115-6 Thyroid gland extract, effect of, on heart, vessels and pulse in exophthalmic goitre, 107 effects of too long treatment with (by mouth), in myxcedema, 107 Tigerstedt, cited on blood-pressure in man, 60 referred to, on dilating nerves, 45, and note Tissue (s), see also Muscular Tissues anaemia of, in Raynaud's disease, 117 how supplied with blood, 5 hard or unyielding, in relation to self- massage of arteries and general cir- culation, 6 in relation to means for modifying local circulation in inflammation, 174-5 hyaline, deposit of, in coats of arterial walls, due to kidney disease, 101 Toads' skin, poison from (phrynin), effect of, on heart story on, 146-7 Tobacco chewing and snuffinsr in relation to nicotine absorption, 168 enemata, former uses of dangerous, :68 smoking, attractions and results of, 169-70 bradycardia caused by how, 109, 187 characteristic irregularities in, in double action of, in adults, 169 excessive, as cause of palpitation, to be given up wholly or partly, 170, i.79 various methods of, and their results, 168-9 Tongue, effect on, of small quantities of aconite, 171 irritation of, due to over-smoking, 170 Tonic contraction drugs specially pro- ducing, oxidation of protoplasm accel- erated by (Brunton and Cash), 148 Tonics, see Cardiac Tonics Tonometer, Gaertner's, 73-75, 76, (figs.) 74, 75, 76 Tonsillitis, benefit in, from aconite in small doses, 172 - benefit in, from cold-water compress- how produced, 175 Toxic action of digitalis symptoms, 155 Toxin of diphtheria, effect of, on cardiac muscles and on vagus and other nerves, 105 in typhoid fever, stimulation by, of in- hibitory mechanism, effect of, on pulse, 186 Toxins causing bradycardia treatment, 187 of various diseases causing fatty degen- eration of the heart, or degeneration of its muscular tissue, too Train and telegram, comparison of, with transmission of stimuli by cardiac muscle and nerves, 32 264 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Transudation from vessels into tissues, effect of chlorides in promoting con- sequent disadvantage of, in dropsy, 204 Transmission of stimuli in the heart, 31, and note, 32 Traube, experiments of, on mammalian circulation (in relation to digitalis action), 146 and Von Bezold, views of, cited on cause of rise of blood-pressure due to digitalis, 157 Treatment of cardiac diseases, see also Surgical Treatment angina pectoris, 189, 191-2 cardiac asthma, 192-3 palpitation, 178, et seq. senile conditions of the vessels, 207-9 sleeplessness in cardiac disease, 193-5 valvular disease, 131 et seq. ultimate impotence of, in some cases, 205 Tremor, nervous, due to smoking, 170 Tricuspid valves, incompetence of, how induced advantage of tendency to, 44 Trimethylxanthine (see Caffeine) use, 145 Trional, in treatment of sleeplessness in cardiac disease dose, 193 Tuberculosis, predisposition to, produced by grief case in point, 105 Tubes, for drainage of legs or scrotum, 204 Tumor on the brain, bradycardia caused by, 109, 187 Tunnicliffe, Dr., see Brunton and Tunni- cliffe Turpentine stupe over heart, stimulating effect of, 178 Typhoid fever bradycardia often associated with weak heart in convalescence from, 186 seen in, even while temperature is high probable cause, 187 fatty degeneration of the heart in, 105 heart-weakness causing bradycardia, due to, 1 08 prognosis grave when first heart sound inaudible, 42-3 ULCERS, atheromatous in senile arterial walls, how induced, 101 gastric, bradycardia, induced by, 109, 187 Umbilicus, swollen liver reaching below, due to venous pressure, 154 Unconsciousness (and falling), from over- use of pig-tail tobacco, 170 in syncope ^probable cause, 114 Upas (Antiaris toricaria), action of, not used medicinally, 146 Upright position, blood-pressure in brain less during, 115 work of diaphragm in moving abdom- inal viscera in, 133 Uraemia, poison of, bradycardia caused by, 187 Ureter, discomfort without pain fre- quently felt by, 120 effect on, of (a) pressure from without, 1 20 (b) distension from within, ib. Urinary bladder, discomfort without pain frequently felt by, 120 effect on, of (a) pressure from without, 1 20 Urinary bladder, effect on, of (b) dis- tension from within, ib. Urine, albumen in, action on, of mer- cury, 208 due to reaction from toxic doses of digitalis, 156 due to venous engorgement, 129 in sleeplessness of cardiac disease not centra-indication of use of opium or morphine, 195 scanty, in venous engorgement, 129 secretion of, as affected by caffeine, 150, 161-2 as affected by digitalis, increase in, 150-1; often enormous, 152; second stage, symptoms and danger in, 160; toxic stage, stoppage in o.b- servations on, of Brunton and Power, and Brunton and Pye, and on subsequent condition of urine, 155-6 Uropherin, nature and uses of, 162 Urticaria, causes and symptoms of, 117 VAGUS(J), branches and ends in the heart, irritation of, in relation to bradycar- dia, 1 86 paralysis of, from aconite, 171 from nicotine, 168 Vagus center (roots) in medulla, effects on, of aconite results, 171 of digitalis, 146 ; of nicotine, 167-8 in relation to the emotions, 104, 121, (/*) 100, 101, 103 - inhibitory and vaso-motor centers of, as affected by digitalis, 149, 155 irritation of, causing bradycardia,causes of, 109, 1 88 how induced how affecting heart's rate, etc., 15, (fig.) 13 of (dog's heart), prolonged systole secured by, 158 (mechanical) of, or pressure on feeling of oppression of chest caused by author's personal ob- servation Czermak's personal ex- perience, 121, and note neuritis of, in convalescence from diph- theria effects of, on the pulse, 187 Vagus nerve, organs to which it gives branches, 104 origin of name, 104 paralysis of, from alcoholic neuritis, 107 from atropine or belladonna in ex- cessive doses, 107 from toxin of diphtheria, 105, 107 pulse-rate in men after, 107 roots, normal, and severed, action on, of increased blood-pressure, 105 Valsalva's experiment nature of, 130 Valves of the heart (see also under _ Names), 39-40 aid given to, by muscular fibers round auriculo-ventricular orifice, 40, (figs.) 39 non-existent in pulmonary veins con- sequence, 127 non-existent in venae cavse conse- quence, 129 numerous, of lymphatics and veins, 6 uses of, 39-40; action of, how assisted, 40, (figs.) 38, 39 Valvular action of the heart how strengthened by digitalis, 150 INDEX 265 Valvular diseases of the heart, 122 et seq. causes and symptoms, aortic obstruction, 122 aortic regurgitation, 122 cardiac strain, 126 failing compensation, 123 mitral incompetence, 124 treatment of aims uses methods hopefulness of, 131 et seq. rest, absolute, author's definition of, and insistence on, 130 position in difficulties concern- ing, 134 rules regarding 11 , 132; arrange- ments for evacuation when re- cumbency or fixed position is essential, 132, 13^ Valvular incompetency lessened and often overcome by digitalis, 150 Vasa-vasorum, functions and importance of, 99 Vascular dilatation, caused by heat, 106 local, with effusion of lymph, a cause of urticaria, etc., 118 Vascular dilators, in relation to high blood-pressure of gouty kidney dis- ease, 101 requisite in cases of paroxysmal tachycardia with high tension, 185 Vascular districts in the body, the four largest, (fig.) 16 Vaso-dilators, 141, 163 amyl nitrite, 163-4 hydroxylamine, 166 ispbutyl nitrite, (fig.) 164 nitrites, 163-6 nitro-erythrol, 166 nitroglycerine, 165 - nitro-mannitol, 166 sodium, and other nitrites, 166 - combination of, with digitalis, etc. re- sult, 163 Vaso-motor nerves, center(s) of, location of chief and subsidiary, 1 6-7, 45 in medulla, effect on, of caffeine, how differ- ing in result from that of dig- italis, 162 effect on, of digitalis, 149, 155 action in reducing oedema, 152 stimulation of, by nicotine, effects of, on arterioles, 167 influence of, on blood-pressure, 13-15. (fig.) . i.3 in relation to migraine, 120 in relation to oedema, action on, of digitalis, in reducing the disease Ranvier's experiment, 153 Vaso-motor system as arterial turncock, Ludwig cited on, 5 Vegetal growths, on aortic valves often calcareous, 122 on mitral valves consequences, 127 Vegetarian diet, suitable in angina pec- toris points to heed in, 191 Veins, see also under Names, and see Capillaries circulation in, how kept going, 5-6, 99, 101-2 function of valves in, ib. intermittent external pressure in, ib. independent pulsation of, 18, and notes, 44 measurement of pressure in, 83-4, (figs.) 61, 66, 67 Veins, rhythmical contraction of, ob- servers of, and views on, 128, note stretching of, effect of, on walls of, Braune cited, 6 valves in, uses of, 5 Venae cayae, absence of valves in, as affecting venous engorgement, 129 as affected by raising of legs, 133 of dog, Ranvier's experiment on, as to dropsy, 153 - independent pulsation in, 18, 44 Vense cavae and pulmonary veins, rhyth- mical pulsations of, observations on, of Brunton and Fayrer, and of others, 128, note Venous blood from stomach and intes- tines passage of, through liver how facilitated by action of digitalis, 154 circulation, how benefited by digitalis, 150 how maintained subsidiary agencies, 5-6, 99, 102 congestion, effect of, on digestive and assimilative organs lessened by dig- italis, 150-2 effect of, on kidneys diminished by digitalis, 151-2 engorgement, cause first indication how relieved -sequence of, and con- sequences, 129 - obstruction in relation to, but not always concomitant with, oedema Ranvier's experiment, 153 Venous sinus and auricles, action of, under heat, 106 in frog's heart, 19 as affected by stimulation, 35, (fig.) 36 Venous stasis, Treatment of, complete rest with massage, 202 gentle exercises, 202 inhalation of oxygen, 202 with drugs, in mitral incompetence, 197 Ventricle (s), action of, in mitral incom- petence, 127 dilatation of, from regurgitation with stenosis, 122 in treatment of angina attacks methods for, very beneficial, 189, 191 hypertrophy of, in aortic regurgita- tion cause compensatory effects, 122 investigation of, with Marey's cardio- graph results, 86-7, (/>) 87 walls of, action of, in high arterial tension and when hypertrophied, as affecting first heart sound, 43 - left, relative work and strength of, 44 yielding of, before strain of aortic regurgitation consequences, 196 right, hypertrophy of, how caused by mitral obstruction consequent regur- gitation, 129 relative work and strength of, 44 weakness of, absolute or relative symptoms produced by, similar to those of venous engorgement, 129 Ventricle(s), frog's heart, 19 frog's heart, construction of, 27-8 irritation (electrical) of, results at different periods (Brunton and Cash), 34, (figs.) 35 266 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Ventricular action, increased resistance to diseases causing bradycardia in- duced by, 1 08 beats frog's heart inhibited by redu- plicated auricular beat, due to stim- ulation, 34, (fig.) 35 cycle, pressure-changes during, ascer- tained by Marey's cardiograph, 84-7, (.fig.) 87 pulse, analogy of, to senile pulse, 89, (fig.) 88 systole, suction action of, Briicke's view, 97, (fig.) 96 tracing of, with Marey's cardiograph, (fig.) 87 Vessels, see Blood-vessels Vocal cords false, in relation to cough- ing, 130, and note Vomiting center, as affected bv digitalis in poisonous doses, 149, 155 as affected by disgust, 104 Vulpian, observations by, on rhythmical contraction of vessels, 46 WALKING-POWERS, limited, of old persons with degenerated arterial walls (Brodie), 116 slowly after meals, essential to angina patients and those menaced by an- gina why, 192 steady, no risk from, in aortic regurgi- tation, 196 uphill, in Oertel's treatment, 201, 202 Waller, Prof., observations of, on stimu- lation of the vagus center prevent- ing heart's beating, 16 simple s^ lygmomanometer of, 62 Warm-blooded animals (see also Mam- mals), effect on, of heat and cold, 51 food, beneficial in sleeplessness why, 175 - poultice of heart, stimulating effect of, 178 Wassilieff, fatty degeneration of the heart of rabbit found by, on section of the vagi, 105 Waste products, accumulation of, in ab- solute rest treatment cause, 134 relieved by massage, 135, 137, 138 accumulation of, dangers from, 143 in isolated frotr's heart how re- moved Ludwig's experiment, 143, (fig.) 142 elimination of, in cardiac disease purgatives for, 203 stimulation by, of vessels, 49 tissues, " ashes " of, sec Waste Prod- ucts. Water, best way and time for taking, by the flatulent, 182 withdrawal of, from body, use in, of compound jalap powder dose, 203 how effect may be enhanced, 203 Weakness of cardiac muscle, indicated by lessened first heart sound, 42-3 of the heart, see Cardiac Weakness of right ventricle symptoms of venous engorgement produced by^causes and classes of, 130 of vision, due to smoking, 170 Weariness, weight and discomfort felt in limbs of persons in absolute rest treatment causes relieved by mas- sage, 134 et seq. Weir-Mitchell treatment in severe cases of palpitation, 183 Williams, C. J. B., apparatus of, for in- vestigating action of drugs on frog's heart, (fig. and note) 23 and others, cause of second sound of heart ascertained by, 41 discovery by, as to intensification of first sound, 42 Work, see Exertion Worry, effect of, on the circulation, 104 XANTHINE, and other purin bodies use of, 145 ZINC, sulphate of, 20-gr. emetics to cut short attack of parqxysmal tachy- cardia, 184-5 INDEX TO APPENDIX ALCOHOL, effect of, on the sensitive plant author's experiments, 211 Algina's experiments on ventricle-beat in frog's heart, 227 Amoeba, undifferentiated functioning in, 212 Amphibian hearts self-massage in process of Kronecker on, 226 Angina pectoris, exercise in, why bene- ficial, 223-4 Animal protoplasm higher and lower functions of, 212 et seq. Animals, effect on, of chloroform, 211 Arteries, current of blood in impor- tance of (rhythmic) pulse for, Kro- necker and Hamel's experiments proving, 231-2 Asphyxial blood, why poisonous, 226 Atrio-ventricular bundle of Stanley Kent and His, 215 in relation to coordination of heart- beats experiments of Kronecker and others, 229 Auricles and ventricles, normal contrac- tion of, simultaneous, 229 Auricles to ventricles, means of conduc- tion of stimuli from, present view, 215 myogenic view, 228; not en- dorsed by Kronecker's and others' experiments, 229 Auricular and ventricular pulsations, coor- dination of, function in regard to, of Purkinje's cells, 215 BALFOUR, PROF. J. H. (the late), and other observers of the functions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 Beating of the heart materials enabling, 225-6 Blastoderm of vertebrate embryo, layers in corresponding layers in fresh- water hydra, 213 Blood, asphyxial, why poisonous, 226 as cardiac nutrient, not better than serum why, 226; when injurious, ib. laky (dissolved erythrocytes), why poi- sonous to the heart, 226 Blood-pressure how lessened by exertion of going uphill, 224 in man instruments for measuring, choice of, 220 Gibson's clinical polygraph, 221 Janeway's, 216 Martin's new modification of Riva- Rocci's, 217, 222; description, directions for use, etc., 218-9 choice of Mummery's (Lockhart), modification of Riva-Rocci's, 220 Oliver's new sphygmomanometer, 220 Blood-vessels, effects on, of muscular compression of, 223, 224 Boulitte, M., maker of sphygmomanome- ters, 221, 223 Bowditch's law (on stimuli in relation to resultant heart-beats), 226; excep- tions, ib. disproved by Kronecker, 226-7 Bowditch's " Treppe " (ascending stair- case), Kronecker's explanation, 226 Briicke, experiments of, on the functions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 observations on the suction-action of cardiac systole, 225 Brunton, Lauder, experiments by, on contractility and conduction* of stim- uli by vegetable protoplasm, 211 extracts from unpublished essay on, 2 1 1-2 extract from Harveian oration by, on exercise in angina pectoris, why ben- eficial, 223-4 Bundle, see Atrio-ventricular Bundle CARBOHYDRATES inadequate to replace al- bumen as heart-food, 225 Cardiac energy, how maintained, 225 lessened restored, 226 systole, suction-action of, indicated by Briicke, 225 Chloroform, effect of, on animals, 211 on the sensitive plant Marcet's ob- servations, ib. Circulation through muscles two antago- nistic factors in, 223 in splanchnic system, Kronecker's ex- periment, 231-2 Cold, as affecting the irritability of the heart, Kronecker's experiments, 227 effect of, on pulsations of frog's heart, Kronecker's experiments, 227 Coldstream, experiments of, on the func- tions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 Conduction of stimuli, see Stimuli - of stimuli in the heart, 230-1 Contractility of fresh-water hydra, 214 in vegetable protoplasm author's ex- periments, 211 Contraction, normal, of auricles and ven- tricles simultaneous, 229 Coordination of heart-beats, how effected, 228 how disorganized, 228, 229 Coronary arterial system, effects of nar- rowing on coordination of heart- beats, Kronecker on, 229 Doc's bladder slight striation in invol- untary muscle of (Schwalbe), 214 hearts, fibrillation in, only overcome artificially, Kronecker's experiment, 228-9 Down Bros., makers of Von Basch's sphygmomanometer, 222 Dutrochet, experiments of, on the func- tions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 ECTODERM in fresh-water hydra, function connected with Ranvier on, 213 cells of, functions of, 213 Embryonic muscle, striation in, 214 267 268 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Embryo (s) of higher animals, incomplete differentiation in, 212 vertebrate blastoderm of- layers in, corresponding layers in the body-wall of fresh-water hydra, 213 Endoderm in fresh-water hydra Ranvier on, 212 Erythrocytes, dissolved, why poisonous to the heart, how made harmless, 226 Exercise in angina pectoris why bene- ficial, 223-4 FIBRILLARY action of the heart when occurring how overcome Kroneck- er's experiments, 228-9 Frog's heart, pulsations of, with varying temperatures and stimuli, Kroneck- er's experiments and deductions, 227 GANGLIA in lizards' hearts, discovered by Imchanitzky function of, 229 Gibson's (Dr. A. G.), clinical polygraph, 221 Glycogen no adequate substitute for al- bumen as heart-food, 225 HAMEL, DR. G., see Kronecker and Hamel Harveian oration, by author extract from, on exercise in angina pectoris, why beneficial, 223-4 Heart, conduction of stimuli in, 230-1 irritability of, as affected by heat and cold, Kronecker's experiments, 227 non-existent during systole, Kroneck- er's discovery, 227 refractory period of, Kronecker's dis- covery concerning, 227 self-massage of, Kronecker on, 225, 226 tetanizing of, 228; why impossible, 227 work of, how performed, 225 Heart-beats, Bowditch's law on, proved (without exceptions) by Kronecker, 226^7 coordination of the two views -Kro- necker's and Imchanitzky's experi- ments, 228-9 Heart-block, causation and treatment of, conduction of stimuli in regard to problem of, 225 Heat as affecting the irritability of the heart, Kronecker's experiments, 227 effect of, on pulsations of frog's heart, Kronecker's experiments. 227 His, see Kent, Stanley and His Hydra, fresh-water, contractility of, 214 elongatory power of possible explana- tion of, 214 incomplete differentiation in, 212 neuro-muscular cells in, 212 Ranvier's description, 212 et seq. observa- tions on, by him and by Kleinen- berg, ib. IMCHANITZKY, see Kronecker and Imcha- nitzky Incoordination of heart-beats how pro- duced how readjusted Kronecker's (and others) experiments, 228-30 Inorganic solutions incompetent to supply energy to the heart, 225 Intermittent effect of constant stimuli (.e. g., chemical), Kronecker's experi- ments concerning, 227 Irritability of the heart, as affected by heat and cold, Kronecker's experi- ments, 227 Irritability of the heart, non-existent dur- ing systole, Kronecker's discovery, 227 JANEWAY'S sphygmomanometer, described, 216 KENT, STANLEY and His, Atrio-ventricu- lar bundle of, 215; in relation to coordination of heart-beats experi- ments on, of Kronecker and others, 229 Kleinenberg and Ranvier's observations on the neuro-muscular cells in the fresh-water hydra, 212 et seq. Kronecker, Professor, notes by (Appen- dix D), 225 et seq. Kronecker and Algina, experiments of, on stimulus required to keep ventri- cles of frog's heart working, 227 Kronecker and Hamel, experiments of, on rhythm of pulse and its advan- tages, 230 Kronecker and Imchanitzky's experiments on coordination of heart-beats, 228-31 LEUCOCYTES of higher animals functions exercised by every part of, 212 Livingstone, experiments of, on the func- tions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 Lizards' hearts, nerves and ganglia in, governing coordination of heart-beats, discovered by Imchanitzky, 229 Lomakina, Dr., observations of, on dis- turbance of coordination of heart- beats in animals' heart by ligature not affecting the atrio-ventricular bundle, 230 Ludwig, Prof., experiments of, on effect of muscular action on lymph-flow, 225 Ludwig, Prof., and Sadler, observations of, on circulation through the mus- cles two antagonistic factors in, 223, 224 Lymph-flow, effect on, of muscular ac- tion, shown by Ludwig, 225 MACAIRE-PRINSEP, experiments of, on the functions of vegetable protoplasm, 211 Marcet, experiments of, with chloroform, on the sensitive plant, 211 Martin's (C. J.) new modification of Riva- Rocci's sphygmomanometer, 217 de- scription, directions, etc., 218-9 value and cheapness of, 222 Massage, internal, rhythmical pulse act- ing as, 232 Mercurial manometer, for testing accu- racy of Von Basch's or Potain's sphygmomanometers, 222 Mesoderm in fresh-water hydra, function connected with Ranvier on, 213, 214 Motor nerve, stimulation of amount of blood before, during and after, on what dependent, 223 Mummery (Lockhart), modification of, by Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, 220 Muscle (s), circulation through, two an- tagonistic factors in, 223 conduction of stimuli by, modern view on, 225 embryonic striation in, 214 involuntary, of dog's bladder, slight striation in (Schwalbe), 214 transverse (hypothetical), contractility of, 214 INDEX TO APPENDIX 269 Muscular action, effect of, on lymph-flow, shown by Ludwig, 225 Myogenic view of coordination of heart- beats, contrary deductions from Kro- necker's experiments, 228 et seq. NERVE-PLEXUSES, accompanying the bun- dle of Stanley, Kent and His, dis- covery concerning of Paukul, 229 non-medullated, effecting coordination of heart-beats, effects of paralysis of, 228 Nerves, conduction of stimuli by, evi- denced by Kronecker's notes, 225 et seq. in lizards' hearts discovered by Im- chanitzky function of, 229 Nervous system in plants, author's prize essay cited on, 211-2 Neuro-muscular cells in fresh-water hy- dra, Ranvier's description, 212 et seq. Notes by Professor Kronecker (Appen- dix D), 225 et seq. (EDEMA, caused by continuous pressure on vascular walls, 232 Oliver's new sphygmomanometer, 220 Oxygen, not an increase of work done by heart, 226 PAIN in heart enfeebled by arterial dis- ease, how caused, 223-4 Paralysis of non-medullated nerve-plex- uses effecting coordination of heart- beats consequences, 228 how over- come, Kronecker's experiments, 229 Paukul, Dr., discovery of, on Stanley, Kent and His's bundle, in connec- tion with coordination of heart-beats, 229 Poisons, how acting on vegetable organ- isms gain derivable from discover- ing, 212 Polygraph, Gibson's clinical, 221 Portal venous system of rabbit Kro- necker's experiment on, with saline solution various conditions, 232 Potain's sphygmomanometer, ease with which applied, 222 Pressure, continuous, on vascular walls oedema caused by, 232 Protoplasm, functions of, 211 Protoplasm, animal higher and lower functions of, 212 et seq. vegetable, contractility and conduction of stimuli by, author's experiments, 211 Pulsations, auricular and ventricular coordination of function in regard to, of Purkinje's cells, 215 stimuli, in relation to Bowditch's law Kronecker's proof of, 226-7 Pulse rhythm in advantages of exper- iments of Kronecker and Hamel proving, 231-2 Purkinje's cells, functions of recent views, 215, (.fig.) 214 RABBIT portal venous system _ of Kro- necker's experiment on, with saline solution various nressures, etc., 232 Rabbits' hearts, fibrillation in, sometimes spontaneously overcome, 228 Ranvier's description of the neuro-mus- cular cells in the fresh-water hydra, 212 et seq. Refractory period of the heart, Kroneck- er's discovery, 227 Rest of vascular walls secured by rhythm in pulse, advantages of, 232 Rhythm in pulse, advantage of. experi- ments of Kronecker and" Hamel proving, 231-2 Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, Martin's modification of, 217, 222 description, directions, etc., 218-9 Mummery's modification of, 220 SADLER, see Ludwig and Sadler Saline solutions, effect of, on cardiac en- ergy, 226 in portal venous system of rabbit, flow of various conditions Kro- necker's experiment, 232 Schwalbe, observation by, on slight stria- tion in involuntary muscle of dog's bladder, 214 Self-massage of heart, Kronecker on, 225, 226 Sensitive plant (Mimosa ptidica), au- thor's experiments on the effects on, of stimuli, 2ii Serum as a restorative of cardiac en- ergy, 226 Serumalbumin, sole material enabling the heart to beat, 225 Serumglobulin, in relation to the beating of the heart, 225 Solutions of inorganic salts effect of, on pulsation of heart, 225 Splanchnic system, circulation in, Kro- necker's experiment, 231-2 Stimuli, conduction of, from auricles to ventricles, present view, 215 in heart, 230-1 by nervous (as well as muscular) channels, evidenced by Kroneck- er's notes, 225 et seq. by vegetable "rotoplasm, author's ex- periments, 211 constant (e. g., chemical) intermitting effect of, how proven, Kronecker's experiments, 227 frequent (intermitting) reaction to, of the heart one consequence, 227 in relation to pulsations, Bowditch's law, Kronecker's proof of, 226-7 Stopcock for use with Von Basch s in- strument, 222 striation in muscle of dog's bladder (Schwalbe), 214 of embryo, 214 of Purkinje's cells, 2ie, (.fig.) 214 Suction-action of cardiac systole, indi- cated by Briicke, 225 Systole in amphibian hearts, effect of, on nutrition, Kronecker on, 226 in auricje, immediate sequence of the same in ventricle, 229 non-irritability of the heart during, Kronecker's discovery, 227 - suction-action of, indicated by Brucke, 225 TETANIZING of the heart, 228 why im- possible, 227 VAGUS(I), cardiac non-effective on heart cavities under local stimulation, 230 2/0 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Vagus, inhibition by (when stimulated) .of ventricle, while not affecting auricles Kronecker's experiment showing, 230 not an anabolic nerve how proved, 230 Vascular walls, rest of, secured by rhythm of pulse, advantage of, 232 Vegetable organisms effects on, of poi- sons, advantage of discovering, 212 protoplasm functions of author's ex- periments and (.unpublished) essay on, 2 1 1-2 Ventricles, conduction of stimuli to. from auricles, 215 Kronecker's (and others') experiments deductions as to coordination of heart-beats, 229 frog's heart, stimulus required to keep working,. Kronecker's and Algina's experiments, 227 Ventricles, inhibition of, by vagi, while auricles not affected Kronecker's experiment, 230 locally stimulated, irresponsive to in- hibitory action of vagus, 230 no true automatism in how deduced, 227 Ventricular septum, center in, for inner- vation of coronary vessels, Kronecker on, 229 Verdin, Ch., maker of sphygmomanom- eter, his successor, 222 Von Basch's sphygmomanometer, ease with which applied, 222 WALKING on the flat and uphill in angina cases phenomena of how explica- ble, 224 Work, the, of the heart, Kronecker on, 225 CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS NOTE. The first numerals after the word (Fig.) refer to the number of the illustra- tions, and the second to the page. ABDOMEN, in normal state, and in ad- vanced dropsy diagrammatic section of, fig. 179, 152 Abdominal contents, see position in re- gard to, infra Amoeba quickly changing its form, fig. 27, 26 Aorta, atheroma of sound indication usual position of diagram to show, fig. 152, 123 Aortic regurgitation (see also under Pulse), occurrence in, of syncope diagram to illustrate, fig. 217, 195; tendency in, to syncope diagram illustrating, fig. 153, 124 Atheromatous cerebral artery section of, fig. 128, 98 Atrio-ventricular bundle of Stanley, Kent and His, seen from right ventricle, fig. 213, 215 BLOOD, amount of, flowing from veins of biceps of dog during tetanus, fig. 239, 223 distribution of, in the body, four great areas for diagram showing, fig. 13, 1 6 rapidity of flow of, through vessels of muscles, fig. 12, 14 Blood-pressure in dog, normal, fig. 183, 156 as affected by digitalis, earlier stage, fig. 184, 156; later stage, fig. 185, 157 as affected by electrical stimulation of vagus before administration of digitalis, fig. 186, if; after this, fig. 187, 158 effect on, of amyl nitrite, fig. 190, 164 of digitalis, fig. 188, 159, and see figs. 183-7, 156-8 of hydroxylamine hydrochlorate, fig. 191, 165 of isobutyl nitrite, fig. 189, 164 of massage, fig. 165, 136 equal nervous apparatus to which due diagram showing, fig. 1 i, 13 Blood-pressure measuring instruments, Brunton's apparatus for ascertaining correctness or amount of error in an aneroid sphygmomanometer, fig. 103, 83 arrangement for using a broad Riva-Rocci band with Von Basch's or Potain's sphygmoma- nometer, instead of a mercurial manometer, fig. 101, 80 method of combining Ludwig's and Pick's kymographs for register- ing blood-pressure and pulse, fig. 76, 59 2 7 Blood-pressure measuring instruments continued Brunton's modified Riva-Rocci band, fie. 100, 79 Burdon-Sanderson's cardiograph for apex-beat, fig. 107, 86 cardiac sounds, by which tracings in fig. 108 were obtained, fig. 105, 85 Dudgeon's sphygmograph, fig. 123, 94 for estimating blood-pressure in cap- illaries, fig. 80, 62 Pick's apparatus for measuring and recording changes in volume of organs, fig. 89, 68 kymograph, fig. 75, 58 Gaertner's tonometer, fig. 95, 74 portable form of the same, fig. 96, 75 mode of using the latter, fig. 97, 75 . Gibson's clinical polygraph, fig. 238, 221 Herison's sphygmomanometer, fig. 81, 62 for indicating mode of contraction of heart or nature of pulse-wave, 82 et seq. Janeway's sphygmomanometer, fig. 234, 216 Laulanie's digital sphygmograph, fig. 124, 95 manometer, fig. 9, 12 Ludwig's kymograph, fig. 8, 1 1 ; fig. 7i, 56 Marey s apparatus for measuring blood-pressure in a finger, fig. 92, 7i cardiograph, fig. 106, 86 hsemodynamometer, fig. 70, 55 improved metallic manometer, fig. 1 02, 8 1 registering metallic manometer, fig. 72, 57 sphygmograph, fig. 120, 92; mode of applying the same, fig. 121, 93 transmitting form of the above, fig. 122, 93 tambour, tracings of oscillations made with, fig. 74, 58 for recording movements, fig. 104, 82 transmitting sphygmograph, /J. 122, 93 Martin's modification of Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, fig. 235, 217 mercurial manometer oscillations in, fig. 73, 58 Mosso s ergograph. fig. 164, 135 272 THERAPEUTICS OF THE CIRCULATION Blood-pressure measuring instruments continued Mosso's plethysmograph, fig. 90, 69; combination of the above, with Marey's metallic manometer, fig. 91, 70 sphygmomanometer, fig. 93, 72 Mummery's modification of Riva- Rocci's sphygmomanometer, fig. 236, 220 Oliver's sphygmomanometer, fig. 88, 67 new sphygmomanometer, fig. 237, 220 one in which movements of spring are magnified and read off on dial, fig- 79. 6 1 plethysmograph of Hallion and Combe, fig, Q4, 73 Potain's modification of Von Basch's aneroid sphygmomanometer, fig. 85, 66 mode of applying the fore- going, fig. 86, 66 Potain's and Gaertner's apparatus combined, fig. 98, 76 Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer, fig. 99. 78 simple instrument for measuring blood-pressure in an artery, and improvement on the same, fig. 77 a and b, 60 sphygmomanometer, simple, mode of applying direct, on palpating fin- srer instead of pressing it on artery and feeling artery nearer the hand, fig- 78, 6 1 Von Basch's sphygmomanometer, (a) early form of, (b) author's cheap modification of, fig. 82, 63 and stand, fig. 8-?, 64 aneroid pattern, fig. 84, 65 most recent form, fig. 87, 67 Blood-pressure and secretion of urine, relation between, after administra- tion of erythrophlceum diagram to show, fig. 182, 155 Blood-vessels in frog's foot, normal con- dition, fig. 50, 47; fig. 195, 173 the same, after irritation, fig. 51, 48; fig. 196, 173 Brain, in relation to senile decay cell from that of woman aged TOO years, being devoured by macro- phags, fig. 227, 207 cerebral cortex, showing distribution of functions, fig. 226, 206 distribution of arteries in, fig. 225, 206 CARDIAC dulness before and after a bath diagram of, fig. 218, 197 sounds, by which tracings in fig. 108 were obtained, fig. 105, 85 Carotid, temporal and occipital arteries diagrams of in normal state, fig. 149, 118 in migraine, fig. 150, 118; fig. 151, 119 Cells taken from a heart in fibrillation, fig. 240, 231 Circulation of the blood see also Lymph Brunton's schema of, fig. 69, 55 diagram of, fig. 7, 10 flow of blood through vessels of mus- cles rapidity of diagram show- ing, fig. 12, 14 increased rapidity of, in carotid of horse during mastication, fig. 192, 169 Circulation of the blood, artificial, effect on beat of frog's heart fed with NaCl solution, by addition of a trace of calcium chloride, fig. 172, 144 of simple NaCl solution in weak- ening pulsations of apex of frog's heart tracings showing, fig. 171, 144 maintenance of, Ludwig and Coats* frog-heart apparatus, fig. 170, 142 through liver ^effect of, at different pressures diagram to show, fig. 14, 17 - entero-hepatic diagram to illustrate, fig- 215, 192 portal veins forming part of, fig. 201, 179 Cold, effect of, on the arteries, fig. 135, IO 3 fiS- 200, 176 Cold and heat, effect of, on the heart, figs. 58-67, 52-3 Conduction in heart atrio-ventricular bundle of Stanley, Kent and His, seen from the right ventricle, fig. 233. 215 Congestion of lung diagram to show, fig. 198, 176 effect on, of counter-irritants, fig. 199, 176 DIGITALIS, action of, on dog, first stages of dog's blood- pressure before and after admin- istration of tracings of, figs. 183- 84, 156; fig. 185, 157 on frog's heart diagram to show, fig. 174, 147. on muscular rings of cardiac orifices cases in which called for, and effects of, figs. 175-7 (for legend, see Valves, figs. 46-48), 151 Digitalis-poisoning, pulse-tracings from case of, figs. 140-44, in Dropsy, Ranvier's experiment on dia- gram of, fig. 180, 153 EXOPHTHALMIC goitre- 185 case of, fig. 202, FEVER, effect of, on pulse, fig. 137, 106 Fibrillation, cells taken from a heart in, fig. 240, 231 Flatulence, effect of, on heart, fig. 169, 140 Frog, foot of vessels in (a) normal condition, fig. 50, 47; fig- 195, 173 (fc) after irritation, fig. 51, 48; fig. 196, 173 gastrocnemius of contraction in, enor- mous, due to solution of caffeine, fig. 173, 144 normal contraction of, fig. 54, 50 heart of, action on, of digitalis diagram to show, fig. 174, 147 of drugs Williams' apparatus for investigating, fig. 22, 23 of heat, cold, and poisons au- thor's instrument for showing, fig. 20, 21 apex, effect of simple NaCl solution on pulsations of, fig. 171, 144 CLASSIFIED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 273 Frog, heart of, action on continued of the same, with trace of cal- cium chloride, fig. 172, 144 auricle, effects on, of electrical stim- ulation of auricle itself and of ven- tricle, fig. 41, 36 auricular septum in, view of (seen from left side), fig, 24, 24 auriculo-ventricular groove in effect of compression of Gaskell's ex- periment diagram to illustrate, fig- 37, 32 diagram of, fig. 15, 20 difference in mode of experimenting with, and with apex alone, dia- gram to show, fig. 31, 28 ligatured in auriculo-ventricular groove diagram of, fig. iSf, 20 at junction of venous sinus with auricles diagram of, fig. 170, 20 at junction of venous sinus with auricles, and at auriculo-ventric- ular groove diagram of, fig. 17 c, 20 round middle of auricles diagram of, fig. i8