UC-NRLF KXC The History of Educational Legislation in Ohio from 1803 to 1850 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ED BY EDWARD ALANSON MILLER Private Edition Distributed L\- THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted from Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Volume XXVII, Nos. 1 and 2 :-,d April, 1913 EXCHANGE Imwmtg af The History of Educational Legislation in Ohio from 1803 to 1850 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BY EDWARD ALANSON MILLER Private Edition Distributed by THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted, iVoiii ; , , Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Volume XXVII, Nos. 1 and 2 January and April, 1918 0\ THE HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN OHIO FROM 1803 TO 1850. INTRODUCTION. Ohio's educational history has been an especially interest- ing one. Many causes have combined to make it so. It was the first state admitted from the Northwest Territory, and as such carried on the earliest experiments with the great state-wide grant of school lands that has characterized our policy since that time in the admission of new states to the Union. It was set- tled with unexampled rapidity, changing from a wilderness frontier to a great and prosperous commonwealth in a single generation. The settlement was a singularly heterogeneous one, coming from the east, the middle states and the south, with a considerable influx directly from Europe. These early settle- ments were being established, too, while those democratic and individualistic tendencies that marked the first decades of the nineteenth century were in progress. During these years the district school idea was at its height in Massachusetts and the East, the private academy was displacing the town grammar school, and state control of public education was at low ebb. These causes, with others more local in nature, were instru- mental in shaping the educational activities of the state in the first fifty years of its history, and have left their imprint on all the later development. It is my purpose to give a careful study and interpretation of the educational legislation of the state from territorial days down to 1850. In this legislation one finds the truest expression of the constructive educational thought and activity of the period. In such a study there must be included not merely the laws that bear on the development of a state system of public educa- tion, but the much larger number that are concerned with private educational ventures of various kinds. To these must be added those laws that bear on higher and professional education, all that touch upon supplementary agencies of any kind, and also (1) 5942 Afdfo} '(mit'tlist. Society Publications. any provisions made for the indigent, defective and delinquent classes. A study of this kind is needed as a background before any adequate state or national history of education is possible. Such a study also gives the general student of history a view of one of the most important phases in the social development of a state, and a closer acquaintance with the growth of some of the most important institutions that society has discovered to aid it in its progress. I have attempted in the following pages to present the ma- terial in such a way that it will be of service to the general student, and also, in the appendices to furnish a guide for any one desiring further information from the source material on any particular phase of the state's educational activities. The plan of arrangement is as follows : A discussion and interpretation of the laws passed from 1803 to 1850; Appendix A : A classified list of the titles of the more important acts ; Appendix B : A complete index, page and volume, to all the legislation that in any way touches upon education, in the ses- sion laws of Ohio from 1803 to 1850, including both the general and the local laws. In many cases I have not given the exact titles in the ap- pendices, for the sake of both brevity and clearness; enough of titles and content to indicate the general meaning of the act is given. In Appendix A, a brief abstract of the laws is also in- cluded where it seemed necessary to give more information than the title itself conveys. This is especially the case in the acts of incorporation of that large number of secondary and higher institutions that were so abundant in the first fifty years of Ohio's history. A com- plete tabulation of these acts is here given and as it is the only complete list of these institutions that has been made it seemed best to preserve in a few words the chief points of historical interest that appear in the laws. I felt this is to be particularly the case with the secondary schools. These have nearly all passed out of existence, and as they mark one of the most important stages in the development Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 3 of our secondary education, a somewhat more complete abstract is given than that dealing with most of the other subjects. The public school laws are more easily accessible and they are usually indicated by title only. There was an exceptionally large amount of legislation, especially of a local and special character, dealing with the School Lands. The more important of these acts are included by title in the first appendix with a mere tabulation of those that had only local significance. The laws in Appendix A, are grouped under the following headings : I. The Public School System. 1. General Legislation. 2. City and Town school charters. II. Legislation concerning the School Lands. III. Secondary and Higher Education. 1. Academies, seminaries, institutes and high schools. 2. Universities, colleges and theological seminaries. 3. Medical and legal education. IV. The Education of Defectives, Dependents and Delin- quents. V. The Training of Teachers. VI. Supplementary Educational Agencies. Appendix B furnishes a page and volume index to all laws, resolutions and memorials that have any educational significance in either the general or local laws, from 1803 to 1850. The in- dices in the volumes of the session laws themselves are some- times defective, and they are, too, an unreliable guide, as many important items are found in laws that titles to which give no hint that they contain material that relates in any way to educa- tion. The primary source material has been the session laws of the state of Ohio. The revised Statutes for this period have also been consulted. It was found necessary to examine all the laws of the period, special and general, as the titles and indices were not dependable. 4 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. A considerable amount of material was also found in the resolu- tions and memorials. The United States Statutes at Large were used to secure federal legislation concerning school lands in Ohio. Nashee's Compilation of Laws, Treaties and Ordinances which relate to Lands in the State of Ohio, was relied upon especially for acts passed during the territorial period. The earliest Congressional legislation was secured from the Journals of the American Congress, reprinted by Way and Gideon, in 1823, under the title as given. The chief secondary sources consulted are indicated in the Bibliography. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGES THE SOURCES OF OHIO'S PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM 1-23 Introductory. Ohio's admission to the Union. Consti- tutional provisions for education. Traditions of decentral- ization. Early settlements and centers of influence. Growth in population. Conflicting educational ideals. Dominant educational influences at the time of settlement. New Eng- land influences. School Lands. Early practice in N. E. Its extension in Ohio. The Ordinance of 1785. The Ohio Com- pany and Symmes Purchases. The state wide grant. New England men and school legislation. Ephraim Cutler and the law of 1821. Caleb Atwater and his report. Nathan Guilford and the law of 1825. The work of Samuel Lewis and the law of 1838. The schools that preceded the school laws. CHAPTER II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM 24-68 Organization. Summary. School support. Rates. Revenue from School Lands. Permanent funds. State school fund. Surplus Revenue. Taxation. Fines and pen- alties. Control and Supervision. Certification of Teachers. Curricula. Length of school year. School officers. Schools for colored children. City and village schools. Cincinnati. Cleveland. Portsmouth. Zanesville. General laws for cities and towns, before the Akron act. Dayton. Columbus, Mt. Vernon. Akron. Akron act made general in application. CHAPTER III. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LANDS 69-92 Various tracts and grants. Methods of Survey. School grants for the different tracts. Reasons for lack of uni- formity in the method of granting the lands. Location of the tracts receiving grants other than Section 16. Legisla- tive responsibility for the school lands. Formal legal guard- ing of school rights. Methods of making the grant pro- ductive. Temporary leasing. Results. Permanent leasing. Results. Atwater's report. Cessation of leasing. Memorial to Congress for authorization to sell the school lands. The sale of the lands. State losses in selling the leased land. Summary. (5) 6 Contents. CHAPTER IV. PAGES SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION 93-119 Secondary Education. Legal provisions. The recom- mendations of Supt. Lewis for township high schools. Kinds of secondary institutions. Method of incorporation. Enumeration and classification of Secondary schools. Edu- cation societies. Denominational influences. Curricula. Manual labor influence. Limits of State control. Higher Education. Enumeration of institutions incorporated. State influence on higher education. Ohio University. Miami University. State aid to other colleges. Denominational influences. Agricultural education. Summary. Professional Schools. Medical education. Legal education. CHAPTER V. THE EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES, DEPENDENTS AND DELINQUENTS . . 120-128 Legislation concerning the education of the deaf and dumb. Legislation concerning the education of the blind. Legislation concerning dependents. Orphan asylums. Edu- cation of delinquents. CHAPTER VI. THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS 129-133 State attitude. Voluntary associations. The Western College of Teachers. The Teachers' Institute. Private enterprises. County teachers' institutes authorized. Private normal schools. CHAPTER VII. SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES 134-137 Libraries. Lyceums. Institutes. Athenaeums and Lit- erary Societies. College Societies and Fraternities. Miscel- laneous Organizations of educational significance. CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUSION 138-142 Main features. Decentralization. Permissive legisla- tion. Educational experimentation. Advanced position on taxation for schools. Lack of efficient organization. The blunder of 1840. Disastrous experience with school lands. Attitude toward Secondary and Higher Education. Influ- ence of early history on the later educational development of the state. V CHAPTER I THE SOURCES OF OHIO'S PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Introductory. Ohio was admitted into the Union as a state February I9th, I8O3. 1 It was the first state admitted from the Northwest Ter- ritory, and the first state to which the grant of Section 16 for school purposes was made. The legislation concerning school lands was intimately connected with the development of the Public School System, and in the method to be adopted to make this great grant productive of the desired results Ohio had no precedents or warnings for her guidance. 2 The Constitution adopted when Ohio became a state re- mained in force until 1851. It made no specific provisions for education, but stated that means of education 3 should be en- couraged by legislative enactments ; that all institutions of all grades, endowed in whole or in part from revenues derived from the donations of the United States, should be open without dis- tinction to all scholars; and that associations of persons might receive letters of incorporation from the legislature to enable them to hold estates for the support of their schools, academies, colleges and universities, j No provision for public schools was made by any general law during the first eighteen years after Ohio's admission, the first school law being passed in 1821.* From this period until 1850 eight general school codes were enacted with numerous amendments and supplementary acts, and a mass of special legislation concerning particular districts or territory. 1 Statistical Abstract, U. S., 1910, page 21. * Land set aside for individual towns had been common in New England and elsewhere, but there was no precedent to direct action in the case of a state wide grant intended for the use of the individual townships. 0. L. I., Art. 8, Sec. 3; Art. 8, Sec. 25; Art. 8, Sec. 27. 4 0. L. XIX, 51. (7) 8 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. The traditions of Ohio were from the first against centrali- zation. 5 The first constitution was formed soon after the bitter political struggle between Jefferson and Adams, and at a time when the arbitrary domination of the Territorial Governor, Arthur St. Clair, had prejudiced the people against centralized executive power. Nowhere is this prejudice against centralized administration better illustrated than in the various phases of educational legislation. The tendency throughout the period under discussion was to depend, largely upon local initiative and control. The encouragement of education by legislative pro- vision specified in the. constitution was interpreted by the legis- lature to mean the passing 1 of a large number of local acts to meet the special needs or desires of particular districts, or even in the case of school lands, the desires o-f individuals, while the general laws may be said to have pointed out methods of or- ganization and control rather than devising any efficient system of supervision or penalties to actually bring about specific educa- tional results. The general laws are largely permissive in character, with the initiative left in many cases to the discretion of the local community. There are doubtless other reasons for this than the prejudice against the acts of Arthur St. Clair and the gen- eral political state of mind in the West during the early period of Ohio's history. Ohio in its early statehood was a frontier community, settled by a class of people that in the very nature of the case were compelled largely to be self-reliant, and to solve their own prob- lems, educational as well as others. It was a heavily timbered area. Means of communication were difficult. It would have been a hard matter to establish any general system of control or supervision in the early period, and when means of communi- cation had become simplified, through a system of state roads and canals, 6 the people had become habituated to attending to their own educational needs. 'Orth The Centralization of Administration in Ohio, page 11. "A large part of the early legislation of Ohio is concerned with state roads, turnpike companies, plank roads, canals, etc. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 9 The settlers in Ohio, too, had no common educational back- ground. They came from New England, from Virginia, Mary- land and Kentucky, and, in fact, from nearly all the older states. 7 A glance at the map on page 70 shows that the state was divided into a number of separate districts such as the Western Reserve, the Ohio Company's Purchase, the Symmes Purchase, the Virginia Military Lands and the United States Military Lands. The early settlements in these sections were usually made up of people who came into the wilderness together from one or another of the older states of the Union. Each of these districts, in its customs and ideals reflected the current thought and practice of that part of the country from which its settlers came, and in no field was this more evi- dent than in that of education. The Ohio Company's Purchase and the Western Reserve were at first largely settled by colonists from New England. Marietta, dating from 1787, and Cleveland, from 1796, were the respective centers of influence in these two districts. Three colonies were planted in the Symmes purchase in 1788; the one at Losantiville, later rechristened Cincinnati by Governor St. Clair, was destined to be in many ways a leader for the entire state as well as for the Miami country. The early settlers here, as at Marietta, had many of them seen service in the Revolutionary War. They came from no single locality, but New Jersey men seemed most prominent in the early settle- ment, aided by the other Middle States. 8 Later there were many settlers from Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and the New England states. 9 The Virginia Military Lands, located between the Little Miami and the Scioto Rivers, received its first settlers from Virginia and the South. General Nathaniel Massie and Duncan McArthur founded Chillicothe, on the Scioto River, in 1796, the first colony in this district. T Atwater, A History of the State of Ohio, page 351. 1 Cincinnati. Charles Cist, page 38. The Old Northwest. Hinsdale, page 288, 9. 9 Ibid. 290. Western Reserve Historical Society. Vol. II., pages 153, 4. 10 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. On the eastern edge of the state, south of the Western Re- serve, are the so-called Seven Ranges, the name given to the ranges of townships first surveyed in Ohio. While there was no such colonization here as in the districts already named, the first settlers were largely from Pennsylvania, and of German stock, with a considerable number of Irish, Scotch and Scotch- Irish. The United States Military Lands seem to have had no early homogeneous group, but drew settlers from all the older states. There was also a considerable French settlement at Gal- lipolis, and a sprinkling of French all along the Ohio River. From 1830 on there was a very considerable German in- fluence from the influx of German immigrants that began at that time. 10 The population increased with astonishing rapidity after Ohio was admitted as a state, constant accessions from the older states were added to the early settlements, and in the years from 1810 to 1840 the transformation from a thickly wooded frontier to a settled farming community had largely taken place. The census figures from 1800 to 1850 give some idea of this trans- formation. At the beginning of the century the population was 45,365, fifty years later it had increased to 1,980,329. The record of increase by decades, which follows gives an even better picture of the sudden changes that must have occurred : 1800 45,365 1810 230,760 1820 580,434 1830 937,903 1840 1,519,467 1850 1,980,329" The census figures for the last decade of this period show a foreign born population of 218,193. In 1850 there were almost 10 Orth The Centralization of Administration in Ohio, page 164. Chaddock A Study of the Early Influence of Pennsylvania and South- ern Populations in Ohio, page 30. 11 Statistical Abstract of U. S., Washington, 1911, page 40. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 11 as many people of foreign birth in the state as its entire popula- tion had amounted to only forty years earlier in 1810. These people of foreign birth were largely of German stock. It was no easy problem to develop a system of education to meet the needs of this surprising growth, coming as it did from all the older states and from foreign shores. There was in these early years no agreement as to the means of financing any general system of education, nor any real agreement as to the needs of such a system. The educational traditions were quite different in different portions of the state. Samuel Lewis in his second annual report in 1838 says: "The people have not heretofore followed any particular system. The directors of each district have done that which was right in their own eyes, and generally adopted, as far as they could, the particular system of the state from whence they came." 12 Those from the South brought traditions of the private school and parental responsibility for education. The New England settlers brought with them the idea of a public school system, with taxa- tion and public control, but unfortunately for Ohio's subsequent educational history the New England migration came at a period when the public school sentiment in Massachusetts and the East was at a comparatively low ebb, and when the decentralizing tendency that gave Massachusetts the district school legislation of 1789 was at its time of greatest influence. From this time for nearly forty years, the process of decentralization went on. Martin says the year 1827 is "the high-water mark of modern democracy and the low-water mark of the Massachusetts school system." 13 The New England influence in Ohio began with the Marietta colony in 1787. By 1830 the population of the state had reached nearly a million, and it was during just these years that the school sentiment in Massachusetts was lowest. f It was at this time, too, that the Academy was supplanting the Latin Grammar School of the colonial period as the typical secondary school. \ The New England settlers favored the public school idea, but it was the highly decentralized district system with which "Ohio Documents, 1838, Doc. 32, page 30. 13 Martin Evolution of the Massachusetts School System, page 92. 12 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. they were familiar. (~ The Academy idea was the common posses- sion of settlers from all the states. ^ , The common school as a district school, the secondary school as an academy, were two fundamental conceptions in the minds of all those who were active in securing Ohio's early school legislation. ") While many influences were thus instrumental in shaping Ohio's early educational history, her debt to New Eng- land for the men and ideas most significant in determining her early public school system is so large that a brief sketch of a few of these men, and of the forces that worked through them, is a necessary prerequisite to an intelligent study of the development of that system. The most important of these forces were, first : the School Lands. 14 Second: the conception of a State System of Schools, and third: the idea of State Wide Taxation for the benefit of such a system. The use of public lands for the aid and support of schools had its origin in New England. The men most instrumental in urging Ohio's first law, giving a legal basis to the conception of a State System of Schools, were born in New England. The men most active in legalizing the idea of state wide taxation to support this system, were also New England born, and the man who did most to make these ideas, incorporated into law, actually operative in the establishment of schools and to give a real organization to the system legally created, was a man of New England birth. When Ohio was admitted as a state, section 16 in each township, or an equivalent amount of land in those districts not belonging to the United States, was permanently set aside for the use of schools. This grant gave for the use of schools an amount of land equal to one square mile or 640 acres for each surveyed town- ship of 36 square miles. The practice of using public lands for the support of schools had been from early colonial times a common New England device and by 1647 certain towns had "assumed responsibility 14 A discussion of the School Lands, with maps, methods of survey, etc., is given in Chap. III. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 13 for the support of schools out of public property, partly through gifts of land to school masters, partly by setting aside grants of land as a permanent endowment." 15 This New England practice first found state wide expres- sion when Ohio was admitted to the Union and from that time on became an established policy in the admission of all later states. The Ordinance of 1785 "for ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western territory" 16 reserved section 1 6 in each township "for the maintenance of public schools within the said township." This provision, according to Donald- son 17 was the inception of the rule of the reservation of certain sections of land for school purposes. The first action in accord with this provision occurred within the next two years when Manasseh Cutler, as agent for the Ohio Company, completed the bargain for the lands acquired by the company at the mouth of the Muskingum. 18 Not only did Mr. Cutler obtain a re- affirmation of the provision for the grant of section 16 for school purposes, but a grant of section 29 in each township for the support of religion, and also an added grant of two townships for the support of a University. It was this bargain of the Ohio Company, engineered by Manasseh Cutler, that put into actual operation the provisions of the Ordinance of 1785 con- cerning school lands. This was followed immediately by the Symmes purchase, between the Miami Rivers, and sections 16 and 29 were similarly reserved. With the admission of Ohio as a state the same provision for schools, section 16 or its equivalent for each township, was extended to the remainder of the state except the portion still held by the Indian tribes. Ultimately the reservation was ex- tended to all territory within the state. In this state wide grant was found an interest that directed the attention of settlers in all parts of the state, and from all parts of the United States, to the purpose for which the grants 15 Jernegan Beginnings of Education in New England. School Review. Vol. 23, page 379. "Laws of U. S., 1789-1815. Vol. I, Chap. 32. "T. Donaldson The Public Domain. Chap. 13. 18 Hinsdale The Old Northwest, page 268. 14 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. were made, the schools. The first legislation concerning schools is found in efforts made to work out a method of handling the school lands, and they remain during Ohio's early statehood one of the persistent incentives to educational legislation and a con- stant suggestion of a state school system. The first general school act for Ohio was passed January 22, 182 1. 19 It is a significant fact that the four men most instru- mental in putting on the statute books of Ohio, laws providing for a tax supported system of common schools were all of them born in Massachusetts. These men were Ephraim Cutler, Caleb Atwater, Nathan Guilford, and Samuel Lewis. Ephraim Cutler, of Ames, Washington county, near Mari- etta, was the son of Manasseh Cutler, the inspired lobbyist of the Ohio Company. He was born in Edgartown, Mass., but spent his boyhood in Killingly, Conn., with his grandparents, and came to Ohio in his early manhood. He was one of the drafters of the state constitution and it was due to his efforts that there were incorporated the clauses providing that "religion, morality and knowledge, as essentially necessary to good government" were to be supported by the General Assembly and "that schools and the means of instruction shall forever be encouraged by legislative provision." 20 Judge Cutler in December, 1819, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives, providing for a system of common schools. The bill as introduced was passed by the House but allowed to die without action in the Senate. It was this bill however, that led to the law of 1821, a substitute measure that did little more than outline a method of school organization and in so doing recognized the^ State's responsibility of legislating for schools. Caleb Atwater was born in North Adams, Mass. 21 He was appointed one of a committee of seven, in December, 1821, to consider the subject of schools and school lands, and report to the House of Representatives. As a result of the deliberations of this committee a commission of five was appointed in January. "O. L M XIX, 21. 20 Biography of Ephraim Cutler, pages 8, 114. 21 History of Franklin and Pickaway Counties, Ohio, page 98. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 15 1822, to report to the next General Assembly on a system of common schools. This commission collected much valuable material which was presented to the Assembly in 1823, but the friends of educa- tion were in a minority, and no legislative action was taken dur- ing that session. One of the members of this commission was Nathan Guilford, a book dealer and publisher of Cincinnati, the editor of the Freeman's Almanac, a western counterpart of Poor Richard, popularly known as Solomon Thrifty's Almanac. Mr. Guilford was born in Spencer, Mass., 22 and was edu- cated at Yale. He was a constant advocate of popular educa- tion and of taxation for schools in Ohio. Samuel Lewis, Ohio's first and greatest State Superintendent of Schools, was born in Falmouth, Mass., 23 but came to Ohio as a boy. He was the author and prime mover for the school law of 1838, which gave to Ohio its first completely organized school system. The act of 1821 had done little more than legalize means by which the settlers in the townships could move to lay off dis- tricts and establish schools. It made no provision for taxation and organized no definite system. It was, however, important as the first state recognition of a system of common schools. It was evident to friends of public education that the law of 1821 was inadequate and ineffective and there began at once a cam- paign for a more effective law. Nathan Guilford used the sayings of Solomon Thrifty to arouse the people of the state to the need of a free common school education. In 1824 he says: 24 "The Legislatures of Ohio and Kentucky have taken the subject of free schools into consideration. It is hoped that their zealous endeavors to es- tablish a system of common education will be crowned with success. Millions unborn would rise and bless them." Caleb Atwater and his committee after careful study and much correspondence had recommended a commission of seven 22 History of Ohio. Randall and Ryan. Vol. III., page 374. 23 Biography of Samuel Lewis. Wm. G. W. Lewis, page 13. 34 Freeman's Almanac. Maxims and Advice of Solomon Thrifty. 1824. 16 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. to report on the subject of the school lands and a school system. This commission 25 consisted of Caleb Atwater, Rev. John Collins, Rev. James Hoge, Nathan Guilford, Ephraim Cutler, Josiah Barber and James Bell. The number corresponded with the total number of different grants of school lands and each man was to study and report upon the condition of the lands in the territory assigned him. Caleb Atwater was assigned the Con- gress Lands; John Collins the Virginia Military Lands; James Hoge the Refugee Lands; James Bell the U. S. Military Lands; Ephraim Cutler the Ohio Company Lands ; Nathan Guilford the Symmes Purchase Lands and Josiah Barber the Connecticut Western Reserve Lands. It was evidently the original opinion of many of the settlers in Ohio, and perhaps the design of Congress, that these land grants, if properly managed would support public schools with- out a tax upon the citizens. There was a growing belief, how- ever, that this one source of income would continue to prove inadequate. Nathan Guilford, who strongly advocated taxation, did not serve upon the commission, evidently believing he could aid the cause of education 'better as a free lance. He addressed a public letter to the chairman of the board arguing for a school tax upon property and insisting that an adequate school fund could not be raised from the school lands alone. The commission had been directed to report upon three topics : The actual condition of the school lands ; a bill proposing a system of school law ; a report on the necessity and value of the system proposed. Pamphlets were issued on these topics and widely circulated, and served to awaken an interest through- out the state in public education. The system proposed was modeled on the New York State system. 26 It provided for an economical management of the school lands, but made no provision for taxation. The legisla- ture of 1823 was however opposed to any liberal action for public education. Atwater says: 27 "In this legislature were many influential men who were opposed to a school system, to 25 Atwater. History of Ohio, page 259. M Biography of Samuel Lewis, page 101. "Atwater. History of Ohio, page 261. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 17 a sale of school lands and to internal improvements." * * * "This session had a majority of both houses opposed to a school system and the sale of school lands, and all that was done by them was to quarrel about these subjects. They finally broke up in a row and went home." In the campaign for the state election of 1824 the subjects of internal improvements, the public school system and the taxation system of the state were the main issues before the people. A majority favorable to the public schools and internal improvements was chosen, among them Nathan Guilford, elected to represent Cincinnati. When the legislature assembled Governor Morrow presented the necessity for adequate legis- lation on all these questions. His message recognizes the dif- ficulty of bringing people of divergent educational views, with no common educational inheritance, to united action for public schools. In discussing the subject he says: 28 "In this state there are causes, extensive in their nature, for difference of opinion on the subject. The population is composed principally of emigrants from the different States of the Union, with habits and modes of thinking on the subject, as different as are the regulations of the States from whence they came." * * * "The act of the 22nd of January, 1821," he declares, is in- effective because the establishment of schools and school dis- tricts was made optional for the voters in each township. "Was this act made positive, and in some respects modified, we should have a system in force perhaps not perfect for the regula- tion of common schools, which could be further improved, as experience under it should point out its defects. A joint com- mittee 29 was at once appointed in the General Assembly, to study the subject and report an adequate bill. Mr. Guilford was made chairman of this committee and drafted the report and bill, which finally passed both houses without amendment and be- came the law of 1825. There was a widespread feeling in the state against imposing a tax for general school purposes, but Mr. Guilford and Mr. Cutler stood firm for this measure, and with the assistance of the supporters of the public school idea, 28 Ohio School System. Taylor, pages 132, 3. 29 Ibid., page 141. Vol. XXVII 2. 18 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. insured its passage by forming an active coalition with those legislators who were working in the interests of internal im- provements, especially the advocates of state canals. In this work Mr. Guilford showed himself a skilled lobbyist and shrewd judge of men in his personal campaign among the mem- bers of both houses. 30 While the vote was proceeding in the house Mr. Cutler stood beside Mr. Guilford as they anxiously awaited the outcome, and when the result was announced, and it was assured that taxation for education had prevailed he turned to his companion and exclaimed: "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salva- tion." The great initial victory for public education had been won, and had been won primarily by New England ideas backed up by New England men. It remained to give these ideas and this system effective organization. This was not accomplished until thirteen years later, in 1838, under the leadership of Samuel Lewis, when a wholly new school code was adopted. Following the act of 1825 there were numerous modifications and amendments of the law but no essential change in the system of administration was made until 1838. The law of 1825 had made no provision for centralized con- trol, and had created no adequate machinery for uniting the various schools and districts established into a true state system. There was neither state, county, nor township supervision, and but little actual knowledge, and no control, of what various communities were doing educationally. While the law had established the fundamental principle of taxation for schools, the actual system remained a headless, disjointed, decentralized and ineffective one. The first suggestions for reform came from the friends of education in Cincinnati. A group of teachers and other earnest advocates of popular education had organized a voluntary association known as the College of Teachers or Western Ac- ademic Institute. 31 This body met annually for the discussion " Biography of Samuel Lewis, page 103. 11 0. L., XXX, 232. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 19 and study of educational topics and attracted to its meetings, not only Ohio teachers, but educational leaders from the other western states as well. Partly as a result of a demand for a better organization, created through the discussions of this asso- ciation, 32 a bill was introduced in 1837 to create the office of State Superintendent of Common Schools. It met with de- termined opposition, but finally passed the House by a vote of 35 to 34, and became a law in March, of the same year, with a decisive vote in its favor in the Senate. Samuel Lewis, of Cincinnati, was the first and only in- cumbent of the office, which he held for three years. The law of 1838 was a direct result of the work of his first year and his study of the needs and conditions of schools as he saw them while touring the state visiting the schools and addressing meet- ings, in an attempt to arouse people to an active interest in the need of better school conditions. In this work he visited more than 300 schools, traveling on horse-back over 1,200 miles over the rough country roads, visiting schools by day, address- ing public meetings by night, and everywhere preaching the gospel of a better school system and a free education for every Ohio boy and girl. He always found it hard, and often dis- couraging work. He writes from Cleveland in November, 1837: "I arrived here today almost worn down ; have rode on an average twenty-six miles a day this week. I generally spend three or four hours a day in conversation, answering questions, giving explanations, and making suggestions. It is harder than it would be to deliver an address every day an hour and a half long. * * * I fear you overvalue my efforts. * * * I shall, however, do my best. I leave here pn Monday, if health permit, and shall get along as fast as I can to Columbus, visiting on my route, as I suppose, about sixteen counties. * * * The task before me is so great, that with all my time and close at- tention, I shall hardly be able to get through." In a later letter he writes : "On Saturday last, I delivered an address at Canton, and after riding twenty-six miles on Monday, spoke in the eve- ning to a large audience, and I believe I did good. * * * I work hard day and night, and I find it a kind of up-hill business. "Biography of Samuel Lewis, pages 119, 120. 20 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. If men would only do something, even in opposition, it would be better than it is. Almost every man agrees with me; thou- sands listen and applaud; and even candid men of sense declare they have never heard this subject treated with so much interest, and then leave it to go alone, or get on unaided by their efforts. Still I am not discouraged, but am determined to work on till my report is in, hoping at least for the final triumph of sound principles and practice." 33 His report for the year 1837, based on his own observation and such statistics as he could gather from the county auditors, gave the first assembled information about the common schools of the state. The report found the legislature in a receptive mood, and the law of 1838 was passed with but little opposition. The essential feature of the new law, in comparison with those that had preceded, consisted in the fact that it gave organization and headship to the system. The new code retained the State Superintendent at the head of the schools ; the act of 1837 had created the office , but had done nothing to change the rest of the law, or the machinery of administration. In each county the new law made the county auditor also the county superintendent of schools, and as such, responsible to the State Superintendent in all educational affairs. Similarly in each township the township clerk was made the township superintendent of schools, subordinate to the county superintendent. An organization had been established by means of which an authorized state officer could reach out into the most remote district of the state, either to give help or information, or to see that the law was obeyed. If equipped with the proper men, Ohio, through this law, had the mechanism for effective educa- tional administration. The real strength of the system rested in the office of State Superintendent. Mr. Lewis filled the office for three years, and in those three years did the same kind of work for Ohio that Horace Mann was doing for Massachusetts. Unfortunately for Ohio and her subsequent educational history, Mr. Lewis, because of failing health, gave up the office after three years of tireless 33 Biography of Samuel Lewis, page 123. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 21 service, and the legislature, because some opposition had de- veloped, transferred the work to the office of the Secretary of State. This office was given four hundred dollars additional for clerk hire, and the work became the collection of statistics and making of reports, not the administration of a state wide school system. We have seen that the old New England idea of using lands for schools first found application in Ohio, and that New England men were chiefly instrumental in giving to the State the first law of 1821, the principle of taxation in 1825, and the organized system of 1838. We may now turn to a more de- tailed study of the laws themselves. Before doing this however, a few words must be said about the schools from 1803 to 1821, the date of the first school law. The general type of common schools during this period was the pay or subscription school. 34 The following agreements and advertisements give a picture of the practice, such that any added explanation is unnecessary. An advertisement in the Western Spy, October 22, 1799, reads as follows : "ENGLISH SCHOOL. The subscriber informs the inhabitants of this town that his school is this day removed, and is now next door to Mr. Thomas Williams, skin-dresser, Main Street. Gentlemen who have not subscribed may send their scholars on the same terms as subscribers, (commencing this day). He also intends to commence an evening school in the same 'house on the third day of November next, where writing and arithmetic, etc., will be taught four evenings in each week, from 6 to 9 o'clock, during the term of three months. The terms for each scholar will be two dollars, the scholars to find firewood and candles. He also furnishes deeds and indentures, etc., on reasonable terms." JAMES WHITE." This is given by Venable, together with the following, ap- pearing in a Cincinnati paper in 1804. 34 The Historical Sketches of Ohio, a Centennial publication gives an account of the development of the school system in 47 cities and vil- lages of the state. In 41 cases the writers mention some form of private school as preceding or paralleling the Public School. 35 Venable. Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley Pages 185, 6. 22 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. "NOTICE. The public in general and my former subscribers in par- ticular, are respectfully informed that I expect to commence school again on the 1st day of January, 1805. I shall teach reading, writing, arith- metic and English grammar, indiscriminately, for two dollars per quarter. The strictest care will be given to the school, as my circumstances will then admit of my constant presence with the school. Those who place confidence in my abilities and fidelity may be assured that both will be employed to please the parents who shall commit, and benefit the children who shall be committed to my care." EZRA SpENCER. 35 The two agreements between teacher and parents which follow illustrate the common practice in the employment of a teacher and establishment of a school. "This article between the underscribed subscribers, of the one part r and Jabez P. Manning, of the other, Witnesseth : That said Manning doth on his part engage to -teach a school at the school-house near the center of Youngstown for the term of one quarter, wherein he engages to teach reading, writing, arithmetic and English grammar; and further- more, that the school shall be opened at 9 o'clock A. M. and close at 4 P. M., of each day of the week (Saturday and Sunday excepted), and on Saturday to be opened at 9 o'clock and close at 12 o'clock A. M., and we, the subscribers, on our part individually engage to pay unto the said Manning $1.75 for each and every scholar that we subscribe at the enJ of the term ; and we, furthermore, engage to furnish the necessary ex- pense of furniture, wood, and all other things necessary for the use of the school. Furthermore, we do engage that unless by the 6th ot April of the present year the number of scholars subscribed amount to 35, that the said Manning is in no way obligated by this article. Furthermore, we allow the said Manning the privilege of receiving five scholars more than are here specified/' 38 "(Signed)" J. P. MANNING. "Youngstown, March 31, 1818." "We the subscribers, do hereby mutually agree to hire Miss Sally Rice to teach a school in the school-house near Mr. William Smith's, for the term of three months, to commence on the 9th day of June, instant. She is to commence the school at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and keep until 12; and at the hour of 1, and continue until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. She is to teach reading, and to instruct the young Misses 35 V enable. Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley. Pages 185, 6. 86 Historical Sketches of Ohio. Youngstown. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 23 in the art of sewing; and to keep all necessary regulations as is usual in schools; for which we agree to give her the sum of one dollar and twenty-rive cents per week during the said term, which sum shall be assessed in proportion to the number of scholars- we have set to our names. Provided, also, that in case more are sent by any individual than he has subscribed for, or any persons send who do not subscribe, they shall be assessed in proportion to the number they send; the money to be assessed and collected by a committee to be appointed for that purpose. And for the performance of the foregoing we hold ourselves bound." ''Dated this 8th day of June, A. D., 1814." " This last agreement was for a school taught in Warren, Washington county, and was signed by 19 subscribers, guaran- teeing 2&y 2 pupils. Ephraim Cutler leading with four, while five subscribers sign for only one-half a pupil each. Biography of Ephraim Cutler. Page 172. CHAPTER II THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM The Public School System, 1803 to 1850. The general educational legislation of this period is con- cerned only with the district school. There was no general legislative enactment to establish secondary or higher institutions of learning as a part of the state system of education, and it was not until 1847 tnat there was any legislation to make pro- vision for town and city schools and a graded system, other than that found in special town and city charters. The chief legislative enactments that divide this period and mark especially important phases in the growth of the system of public schools are as follows : I82I 1 The first school law. Recognition of State need and responsibility. i825 2 The second school law. The first tax for schools. i838 3 A state system organized. A definite school fund guaranteed and the schools,* in theory, made free. 1847-48* The Akron Act passed. A system for town and city schools established. These dates mark off periods that may be roughly charac- terized as follows: 1803 to 1821 Subscription or pay schools. 1821 to 1825 State recognition of the public school idea. 1825 to 1838 Property taxation to aid schools. 1838 to 1850 Operation under a loose state organization. 1847 to 1850 The development of town and city school systems. 1 O. L., XIX, 51. "O. L., XXIII, 36. 3 O. L., XXXVI, 31. * School rates were not definitely abolished from the Public Schools until after 1850. Taylor. The Ohio School System. Introduction, page 4. 4 0. L., XLV, local, 187. .(24) Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 25 Numerous school laws were passed from 1825 to 1838, but the changes were minor in character, and developed no new principles. A clearer view otwo miles of any religious society gathered in a field or woodland ............. 5.00 50.00 Township 1844 10 * Allowing Canada Thistles to ma- ture ........................... 10 . 00 Township Knowingly selling seed which con- tains Canada Thistle seed ........ 20.00 Township 1845 110 Firing cannon on the public street 5.00 50.00 Township 1846 111 Gambling or keeping a gambling house . 500.00 County 100 O. L, XXIX, 446. 301 O. L., XXIX, 477. 108 O. L., XXXII, 47. 108 O. L., XXXII, 20. 104 O. L., XXXII, 38. 105 O. L., XXXVI, 68. loa O. L., XXXVIII, 4. 307 O. L., XXXVIII, 57. 108 O. L., XXXIX, 34. 109 O. L., XLII, 37. 110 O. L., XLIII, 17. 111 O. L , XLIV, 10. Vol. XXVII 4. 50 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. In addition to the fines listed, the fees received from licenses for liquor selling, 112 for peddling 113 and auctioneering 114 were applied for the use of schools. There were also a number of local acts of this character applying to particular towns or counties. 115 116 In 1830 in the act incorporating the town of Steuben- ville, it is provided that for every license granted to "all gro- ceries, porter, ale, and other houses of entertainment" there shall be paid into the county treasury "the sum of five dollars for the use of the common schools of the county." A similar provision is found in the act incorporating the city of Chilli- cothe, 11T in 1838, except that the money is to be paid to the district of the city. Acts of the same general nature occur, applying to Medina, Huron, and Erie Counties, 118 and to the towns of Chagrin Falls, 119 Fulton, 120 and Akron, 121 and in 1845 an act was passed authorizing the towns of Painesville and Norwalk 122 to levy an annual tax "on all dogs six months old and upwards" for the use of common schools. CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF SCHOOLS Ohio was especially weak in developing any plan of control or supervision. The law of i825 123 and succeeding laws said that the county examiners might visit and inspect schools, but there was no compulsion placed upon them, no pay for the duty if performed, and no authority given to them in case they decided to make such inspection. In i838 124 the establishment U2 O. L., XXVII, 11. 113 O. L., XXIX, 313; O. L, XLVI, 36. 114 O. L., XXIX, 304 115 O. L., XXVIII, 165; O. L., XLV, 131. 116 O..L., XXVIII, 165. 117 O. L., XXXVI, 274. 118 O. L., XLV, 131. 119 O. L., XLVI, 269. 120 O. L., XXXII, 116. 121 O. L., XXXIV, 433. 122 O. L., XLIII, 379. 123 O. L., XXIII, 36. "O. L., XXXVI, 21. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 51 of the office of state, county and township superintendents would seem, at first view, to give the machinery for efficient control and supervision, but an inspection of the law will show that the actual control exercised was weak and ineffective. The only man in the entire system who was primarily engaged in school work was the State Superintendent and at the end of three years the office was abolished, 125 and the work transferred to the Secretary of State, who was allowed four hundred dol- lars a year for the extra clerical work thus placed upon him,, Samuel Lewis 126 in the three years he served as State Su- perintendent accomplished much, but it was through arousing sentiment in favor of common schools and in collecting and presenting educational facts to the General Assembly and to the state at large, and not through the working of the system, except as it aided him in the collection of the desired facts, and as he educated school officers in their duties through manuals, reports and other educational material. 127 With the transfer of the office to the Secretary of State it became, naturally, largely clerical in character, as the Secre- tary of State was devoted primarily to other duties. Similarly, the office of county superintendent was simply added to the duties of the county auditor, and that of the township superin- tendent to the duties of the township clerk. These men, too, were primarily chosen for work of a different nature, and the school duties were in many instances an unwelcome addition. It is true that the law gave the township superintendent certain control over the district, vesting him with powers to appoint directors if the district failed to elect them, or to per- form in person the duties of the directors if those he appointed failed to serve. There was no machinery, however, to compel the township superintendent to act in the matter. He was also required by law to visit the schools in each district once in each year, but in i839 128 it was made optional with the township trus- tees to excuse him from this duty, and his total pay for super- 125 O. L., XXXVIII, 131. 128 Taylor, page 335. m O. L., XXXVI, local, 402, 410. 138 O. L, XXXVIT, 61. 52 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. vision in any one school was fixed at a maximum of one dollar for the year. On the whole the township clerks seem to have accepted the responsibility and to have acted for the best inter- ests of the schools. Mr. Lewis in his second report speaks of the working of the law at this point as follows: 129 "Elections 'have very generally been held in the districts in Septem- ber, 1838, and where they have been omitted the township clerks have, in most cases, made proper appointments, so that there are now school officers in nearly all the school districts and they are making the ar- rangements for schools'. * * * The power of township clerks, to ap- point district officers, is sometimes 'complained of, but without this pro- vision or some other effecting the same object, organization could not take place. "There will be this winter at least one thousand schools that but for this provision would not have existed. Township clerks only act, where the district has forgotten or neglected to act, and it would be un- pardonable to suffer fifty thousand youth to go without instruction for want of officers to regulate the schools. * * * I am satisfied that most of the township clerks desire most heartily to promote the interest of the schools, pay or no pay, but they are generally poor and cannot afford to spend much time without compensation. Letters every 'day coming to my hands, satisfy me that no money will be better laid out than that which secures the services of patriotic and public spirited township superintendents." While these quotations show the general attitude of these newly appointed officers as favorable to the schools, there were many individual instances where, through laxity or ignorance, the work was not done. One of the county auditors writing to Mr. Lewis says: "Great difficulties are found in school matters by the negligence of school district officers and township clerks, not that they are opposed to the common school system, but they complain of having so much to do without compensation, consequently they will not bother themselves with the matter." 130 Another says : "I can assign no reason for the neglect of the township clerks in this matter * * * but from want of attention merely." * * * "The township clerks have not 139 Ohio Document. 38th. G. A. Doc. 17, page 51. 188 Ohio Document. 37th. G. A. Doc. 32, page 67. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 53 generally made accurate returns." 131 'The carelesness of dis- trict officers has given township clerks an excuse, and my re- port is very deficient," are among other comments from audi- tor's letters cited by Mr. Lewis. The only effective measures to compel the districts to establish schools were through the retention of the district's share of money from the school fund, and the moneys collected by taxation, in case of failure to keep school. The law of i825 132 said that no district might receive its share of the money so collected except for the wages of a teacher duly employed and certified. There was no specification as to the length of time the teacher must be employed. If the district failed for a period of three years to hire a teacher and keep a school, the money due it was to be appropriated to the districts that did so. In i829 133 the provisions were repeated, and a minimum term of three months was established as a condition of receiving the district's proportion of school tax due. There was a fine of two dollars assessed on any person elected as a director or clerk and refusing to serve, 134 and also fines on the district officers responsible for making returns of the enumeration of school youth 135 in case of failure to report. It was found necessary in i848 136 to pass a special act for the purpose of securing school statistics from the districts and town- ships. This forbade the township treasurers to pay any teacher- a salary unless there was presented with the order an abstract of the teacher's record of attendance. The township treasurer was fined ten dollars unless he settled annually with the auditor of the county, and the possession of these abstracts was a nec- essary preliminary to the settlement. Other than this the state devised no means for controlling the educational procedure of the district. 131 Ibid. Page 70. 183 O. L., XXIII, 36. 1-1 0. L., XXVII, 73. "O. L., XXVIII, 57. ""O. L., XXXIV, 19. 188 O. L., XLVI, 28. 54 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS In 1 82 1 137 the district school committee was authorized to employ competent teachers, and no mention was made of certifi- cation. In i825 138 the principle of county certification appeared and with the exception of a two-year period, 1836 to 1838, re- mained until 1850. The law of 1825 provided for the appoint- ment of three examiners of common schools in each county by the Court of Common Pleas, who should examine and certifi- cate teachers, and, as previously noted, might visit and examine schools. No teacher could legally recover any part of the pay due from public funds unless a certificate had been granted to such teacher. In i827 139 the Court of Common Pleas was allowed to ap- point such number of examiners as they might deem expedient, not to exceed one for each organized township in the county. It was the evident intent of this law to allow single examiners, for the sake of convenience, to examine within the township. In i829 140 the Court of Common Pleas was directed to appoint not less than five examiners nor more than the number of organized townships in the county, and any two examiners might grant certificates. In 1 83 1 141 the examiners were directed to give the certifi- cate in the branches in which the teacher was found qualified to teach, and no certificate was to be granted unless the candi- date was qualified to teach reading, writing and arithmetic. The examiners might require the examination to be public and could determine upon uniform forms of certification. This law was evidently deemed a little too rigorous and was amended at the following session in December, iS3i, 14 ' to permit a district that wished to do so to employ a female teacher to teach reading, writing .and spelling only, and the 137 O. L., XIX, 51. 138 O. L., XXIII, 36. 139 O. L., XXV, 65. 140 O. L., XXVII, 73. 141 0. L, XXX, 4. 143 O. L., XXX, 4. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 55 examiners were authorized, on the presentation of a written re- quest from the directors, to grant a certificate in these subjects. In i834 143 the court was directed to appoint five examin- ers, and the examination was to be given publicly each month at the county seat, with the provision that the examiners might appoint one examiner in each township to examine female teachers only. Reading, writing and arithmetic were required for all certificates. In i836 144 the township became the unit for certification, and the method of choosing examiners changed. Each township was to elect annually three examiners, but with the code of i838, 145 the county became definitely the unit for certification, and the mode of appointment was again by the selection of the Court of Common Pleas. The number of examiners was fixed at three. Examinations were to be held quarterly by the Board. Each teacher must be qualified to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, and the certificate stated what other branches the teacher was qualified to teach. No- teacher in any common school was allowed to teach a study 'not named in the certificate. In i849 146 English and geography were added to the requirements for certification. SCHOOL STUDIES No mention was made of the subjects to be taught in the common schools until :834, 147 when reading, writing and arith- metic and "other necessary branches" were specified. The state insisted on nothing more than these subjects, but in i838 148 al- lowed other studies to be taught at the option of the directors, and allowed any other language beside English to be taught, but the three r's must be taught in English. This was amended in i839 149 as a concession to German settlers 150 to allow each school 148 O. L., XXXII, 25. 144 O. L., XXXIV, 19. 146 O. L., XXXVI, 21. 146 0. L., XLVII, 43. 147 O. L., XXXII, 25. 148 O. L., XXXVI, 21. 149 O. L., XXXVII, 61. " Taylor, page 170. 56 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. district to have its school taught in whatever language it might prefer. In i849 151 on application of three householders the directors were instructed to add English and geography to the subjects taught. LENGTH OF SCHOOL YEAR The minimum length of the school year was first fixed at three months in i829 152 for any school receiving an appropria- tion of the money raised by taxation, and as much longer than three months as the appropriation paid the wages of the teacher. Nothing was done to extend the time until i838 153 when the township superintendent was directed to estimate for the town- ship the amount it would be necessary to raise by taxation in addition to the funds already provided to furnish six months good schooling to all the white youth of the township. The de- cision as to raising the amount needed to maintain the schools six months was decided by the voters at the township election, who voted "school tax" or "no school tax". A six months' school remained the ideal held up by the law for district schools until 1850. That this modest ideal of a six month's school was not commonly reached is shown in Mr. Lewis's first report in which he gave the total number of children of school age in the State at 468,812; the number attending more than two months and less than four as 84,296, and those attending over four months as 62,I44. 154 These figures show that 322,372 children of school age either attended school less than two months in the year or that they did not attend at all. In his last report, three years later, for 1839, he gives the total number of schools (public) as 13,049 partly estimated and the average length of the term as four months ; the total number of pupils in attend- ance as 455,427, an increase of over 3OO,ooo. 155 These figures are a significant indication of the changed attitude toward pub- 161 0. L., XLVII, 33. 152 O. L., XXVII, 73. 158 O. L., XXXVI, 21. Ohio Doc. 36th. G. A. Doc. 17, page 44. 166 Ohio Doc. 38th G. A. Doc. 17, page 44. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 57 lie schools that the law of 1838 had wrought under the leader- ship of a capable and devoted State Superinendent. SCHOOL OFFICERS The township trustees were throughout the period given the power of establishing districts. District officers were as fol- lows : In 1814 three district trustees; 158 In 1821 three district trustees and a collector; 157 In 1825 three directors; 158 In 1827 three directors and a treasurer to be appointed by the directors ; 159 In 1829 three directors, a clerk, and a treasurer; 160 In 1838 three directors, the directors appointing one of their own number as clerk and treasurer ; 161 The law of 1838 also created the offices of state, county and township superintendents, the two latter being ex officio, attached to the offices of county auditor and township clerk. In 1840 the office of State Superintendent was abolished, and its clerical functions transferred to the of- fice of the Secretary of "State. In 1848 counties were given the right on their own initia- tive to elect county superintendents of schools. 182 SCHOOLS FOR COLORED CHILDREN The first provision found in the general laws for the educa- tion of colored children occurs in i848, 163 when a department of common schools for black and mulatto children was created. Prior to this time the property of colored people had been ex- 166 O. L., XIV, 295. ^O. L., XIX, 51. 1M O. L., XXIII, 36. 1W O. L., XXV, 65. " O. L., XXVII, 73. 0. L., XXXVI, 21. 188 O. L., XLVI, 86. W O. L., XLVI, 81. 58 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. empt from taxation for school purposes. This law provided that their property should be taxed the same as property of white people, and the money used to support colored schools wherever they were established, but added to the common school funds in those districts in which colored children were allowed to at- tend the common schools. Any city, town, village or township containing twenty colored children was created a district for the purpose of estab- lishing a colored school, and the colored citizens given authority to organize by the election of directors, in accord with the gen- eral school law. If there were less than twenty colored children in the areas enumerated, they were allowed to attend the com- mon schools unless there was a written protest filed by some one having a child in the school. In the latter case they were not allowed to attend and the property of colored people was not taxed. At the next session of the legislature in i849, 164 the law was changed and the authorities in towns, cities, villages and townships were required to create one or more districts for colored children if they were not admitted to common schools. The colored citizens then organized with their own officers and supported the schools by taxation upon their own property. CITY AND VILLAGE SCHOOLS Ohio's growth in population in the early decades of the nineteenth century was a phenomenal one. In 1800, three years before statehood, her rank in population was eighteenth. In 1820 she stood fifth in the sisterhood of states, and in the next ten years the numbers within her borders again almost doubled, jumping from 581,434 in 1820 to 937,903 in i83O. 165 This growth in the early years was almost wholly a rural one. In 1820 there were only two towns in the state with a pop- ulation of 1,000 or over; Cincinnati with 9,640, and Dayton, estimated to have 1,000. Ten years later Cincinnati had grown to a city of 24,830, Dayton and Columbus were approaching 3,000 each, 2,950 and 2,435 respectively while three other 194 O. L., XLVII, 17. 185 Statistical Abstract of U. S., 1911, page 34. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 59 towns, Cleveland, Springfield and Canton, had just passed the 1,000 mark. In the years from 1830 to 1850 the growth of towns and cities was a rapid one. Cincinnati had increased to 46,340; Day- ton, Columbus, and Cleveland had each passed 6,000, and there were eight other towns in the state with a population of over 2,000 each according to the census reports of 1840; while by 1850 Cincinnati was a thriving metropolis of 115,435, Columbus and Cleveland were vigorous young cities of 17,000 each, Dayton had something over 10,000 inhabitants, and Zanesville and Chilli- cothe were rapidly approaching this number, while fifteen other centers had attained a population of 3,000 to 6,000 each. 166 The school legislation of the first thirty years of Ohio's statehood recognized only the district school in the general school laws that were passed. This was partly a reflection of the rural character of the state in these early years, and partly a result of the decentralizing tendency in school affairs that the early set- tlers had brought with them. It was not until the law of 1838 was passed that any recognition was given to the fact that the educational needs of cities and towns were not the same as those of the country districts. Samuel Lewis speaking to the legislature at this period said : "In towns and large villages the common schools are poorer than in the country. In the latter, neighborhoods depend more upon them, and, of course, take a deeper interest in their control, while in the former there is too frequently but little attention paid to these schools by persons able to provide other means of instruc- tion." 167 A few cities and towns had early felt the inadequacy of the general laws in providing any suitable system of schools, and had asked and received special charters from the state. By 1840 a number of municipalities had organized their schools under special charters, and in the years from 1840 to 1850 there was a general awakening in the urban communities to the need of better provision for public schools. 1M U. S. Census Reports, 1830, 1840, 1850. 187 Ohio Documents. 36th. G. A. Doc. 17, page 10. 60 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. This aroused interest was shown in the school charters of Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland, Portsmouth, Zanesville, Dayton, Columbus, Mt. Vernon, and, finally Akron, and the generaliza- tion of the "Akron Act" in such form that all municipalities in the state of 200 or more could make use of it. There was much that was progressive and enlightened for the period, in the legislation for Ohio's cities and towns from about 1830 to 1850. The one great lack found in all Ohio's School legislation prior to 1850, and for a half century after that was the lack of any form of compulsion. The general applications of the laws for municipalities were wholly per- missive in character. They simply pointed out ways in which the schools could be legally established and organized but how- ever excellent and needed these ways might be,no municipality was under the slightest compulsion to follow them. The earliest special legislation for towns is found in the case of Marietta. 168 The Legislature in 1825 granted her the right to vote in town meeting a sum for the support of schools. There was no further legislation for Marietta until 1841, 169 when an act was passed dividing the town, which had been united into one district by the law of 1838, into separate districts again, with three directors for each, and the ordinary rural district system. Cincinnati. Cincinnati was the leader in all the early efforts for better educational conditions. In i829 170 she set an example to the rest of the state by securing a school charter that gave the city an organized, tax supported, free system of common schools. This charter divided the city into ten districts, two for each ward, and provided for the building in each district of a two- story building of brick or stone. The city council was required to provide at the expense of the city for the support of common schools, and to levy a tax of one mill on all the property of the city as long as needed to O. L., XXIII, 65. 18B 0. L., XXXIX, 22. 1W O. L., XXVII, 33. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 61 defray the expense of acquiring sites and erecting buildings, and an additional tax of one mill for the support of schools. The voters in each ward elected annually a trustee and visitor of common schools. The persons so elected constituted the Board of Trustees and Visitors of Common Schools, and had general supervision of school affairs. They were authorized to employ teachers and to visit schools as often as once a month. They also were to appoint six examiners and inspectors, whose duty it was to examine and certify teachers, and to visit and in- spect schools. Once a year a public examination of the schools was to be given under the direction of the mayor, the Board of Trustees and Visitors, and the Board of Examiners. The schools were to be open at least six months of each year, and to be free to all white children. Black and mulatto children are specifically excluded. Reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic made up the curriculum. While numerous amendments occur, there are few significant changes before 1850. In i84O 171 German schools were estab- lished, and evening schools provided for "such male youth over twelve years of age as are prevented by their daily avocation from attending day schools." The latter schools were to be open in the months of November, December, January and February. In i845 172 the trustees were authorized to divide the city into suitable districts without reference to ward boundaries, and in i846 173 they were given power to establish such other grade of schools as might seem necessary and have such other studies taught therein as they might prescribe. In i8so 174 provision was made for the annual election by the qualified voters of a "Superintendent of Common Schools, whose duty it shall be to visit and superintend all the common schools in said city, to es- tablish courses of study, and perform such other duties as the Board may prescribe." in O L., XXXVIII, local, 157. 1Ta O. L., XLIII, local, 413. 178 O. L., XLIV, local, 91. " 4 O. L., XLVIII, local, 662. 62 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. City of Ohio and Toledo. In i836 175 and i837 176 the city councils in these two cities were given general superintendence over the common schools, with power to divide the city into districts, to erect school build- ings, and to make provision for the government and instruction of children therein. It was left wholly optional to the city council as to what should be done. Cleveland. Provision for the government of the Cleveland schools was included in the city charter, adopted in 1836. 177 The provisions were quite similar to the Cincinnati plan. The council appointed one person from each ward instead of the voters electing as in Cincinnati. The people so appointed constituted the Board of Managers of Common Schools. In i848 178 the Board of Managers was made five for the entire city instead of one from each ward, and the council was authorized to establish a high school, for which purpose the city was to constitute one high school district. Portsmouth and Zanesmlle. In i838 179 the city charter of Portsmouth' was amended to include most of the provisions of the Cincinnati plan, and in the following year 180 the city of Zanesville secured a charter for the support of schools that had many similar features. The Zanes- ville charter provided for the election of six directors to be known as the Board of Education. The schools were to be kept in constant operation except for "reasonable vacations," and any deficiency in funds to keep the schools in constant operation was raised by a levy upon the parents. The Board was allowed to exempt indigent students from payment of school fees. 175 O. L., XXXIV, local 226. 176 O L., XXXV, local, 32. 177 O. L., XXXIV, local, 271. 178 O. L., XLVI, local, 150. 179 O. L., XXXVI, local, 339. 180 O. L., XXXVII, 194. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 63 General Law for Cities and Towns Before the Akron Act. The general law of i838 181 made each incorporated city, town or borough, not specially regulated by charter, a separate school district. The voters in such a district elected three di- rectors, who were given corporate authority and power to in- crease the number of directors so that there might be one for each sub-district. They were authorized to divide the territory for which they were responsible and to establish schools of dif- ferent grades therein. The question of an additional tax to furnish a school at least six months each year was to be decided by the vote of the community. The general law, as is so usual in Ohio legislation, merely pointed the way, but did not attempt to enforce the organization of city and town schools. The one compulsory feature that appears occurred the next year, i839, 182 and stated that in towns, cities and boroughs it was the duty of the directors to provide a sufficient number of night schools for the male youth over twelve years of age whose "daily avoca- tion" kept them from attending day schools. While this law was compulsory in form, there was no machinery devised for its enforcement. Dayton, Columbus, and Mt. Vernon. In 1841 183 and i845 184 tne cities of Dayton, Columbus and Mt. Vernon were granted special- charters for the government of their schools. Dayton and Columbus each continued the principle of school rates in addition to taxation. The schools were to be kept in constant operation except for vacations, and any deficiency made up by a levy on the parents. The general features of control were similar to the Cincinnati plan. The Mt. Vernon charter retained the district system, and made each council member a special school director for his ward. Building taxes were to be collected from the sub-districts in which the buildings were erected, and were not assessed on the property of the city in general. 181 0. L., XXXVI, 21. " 2 O. L., XXXVII, 61. U 'O. L., XXXIX, local, 145. 184 O. L., XLIII, local, 57 ; O. L., XLIII, local, 160. 64 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Akron. In i837 185 Akron secured school legislation that was espe- cially significant, as the legislature the following year 186 allowed cities, towns and villages to adopt the provisions of the act and its amendments, on petition of two-thirds of the voters, and in i849 187 enacted most of its provisions into a general law. By this means the Akron law became the plan usually followed in the establishment of graded schools in Ohio. This legislation is of sufficient importance to merit a brief description of the steps that were taken in securing it, and the school conditions in Akron preceding its enactment. The description, with some omissions, is the one given by Judge Bryan in An Historical Sketch of the Akron Public Schools. 188 . "In 1846 there were within the incorporated limits of the village of Akron six hundred and ninety children between the ages of four and sixteen. Of this number there was an average attendance at the public and other schools the year through of not more than three hundred and seventy-five. During the summer of 1846 one of the district schools was taught in the back-room of a dwelling house. Another was taught in an uncouth, inconvenient and uncomfortable .building gratuitously furnished by Captain Howe for the use of the district. There were private schools, but these were taught in rooms temporarily hired and unsuited for the purpose in many respects. * * * It was, in view of this state of things, that Reverend I. Jennings, then a young man and pastor of the Congregational Church of Akron, self-moved, set himself to reorganize the common schools of Akron. There were many friends of a better education in the place who co-operated with Mr. Jennings, and on the 16th day of May, 1846, at a public meeting of the citizens, a committee was appointed of which he was chairman 'to take into con- sideration our present educational provisions and the improvement, if any, which may be made therein."' As a result of this interest, a committee of three was ap- pointed to draw up plans and secure necessary legislation. The plan of the committee was as follows : i. Let the whole village be incorporated into one school district. 188 O. L., XLV, local, 187. 186 O. L., XLVI, 48. 187 O. L., XLVII, 22. ""Historical Sketches, Ohio Public Schools, Akron. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 66 2. Let there be established six primary schools in different parts of the village so as best to accommodate the whole. 3. Let there, be one Grammar School centrally located where instruction may be given in the various studies and parts of studies not provided for in the Primary Schools and yet re- quisite to a respectable English education. 4. Let there be gratuitous admission to each school in the system for the children of residents, with the following restric- tions, viz. : No pupil shall be admitted to the Grammar Schools who fails to sustain a thorough examination in the Primary School, and the teachers shall have power with the. advice of the superintendents to exclude for misconduct in extreme cases, and to classify the pupils as the best good of the schools may seem to require. 5. The expense of establishing and sustaining this system of schools shall be provided for: First, By appropriating all the school money the inhabitants of the village are entitled to, and whatever funds or property may be at the disposal of the Board for this purpose ; Second, a tax to be levied by the Common Council upon the. taxable property of this village for the balance. 6. Let six superintendents be chosen by the Common Coun- cil, who shall be charged with perfecting the system thus gen- erally defined, the bringing of it into operation, and the con- trol of it when brought into operation. Let the six superin- tendents be so chosen that the term of office of two of them shall expire each year. The essential provisions of the plan adopted by this com- mittee were incorporated in the law enacted February 8th, i847. 189 The more important features of this law may be sum- marized as follows : 1. The election of a Board of Education of six members, which should have full control of school property and school funds. 2. The incorporation of the city into one school district. 3. Provision for six or more primary -schools and one 188 O. L., XLV, local, 187. Vol. XXVII 5. 66 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. central grammar school to teach "subjects requisite to a respect- able English Education." 4. Free admission to all schools. 5. Examinations for promotion, and teachers given the power to classify pupils. 6. Assessment as a tax by the city council of the amount estimated by the Board for erecting school-houses and for con- ducting the schools. 7. All school property vested in the city council. 8. Three examiners appointed by the council. 9. Annual public examinations. In the original law there was no limit placed on the amount that might be estimated as necessary for school expense by the Board of Education, and the law directed the council to levy the estimate as a tax. In i848 190 in order to make a concession that would meet the objection of the property owners who op- posed this feature, the maximum tax that might be raised in any one year for current expense was placed at four mills. The power of making the levy was taken from the council and placed in the hands of the Board of Education, which reported its estimate direct to the county auditor, who was directed to assess the amount in the same manner as other taxes. On February 14, i848, 191 the act was extended to any in- corporated town, city or borough in the state upon petition of two-thirds of the qualified voters. This required too large a majority to allow the act to be adopted in localities where there was not an overwhelming sentiment in favor of better school conditions, and in the following year 192 a general act was passed for cities and towns which might be adopted by a majority vote. The main provisions of this act were similar to the Akron laws, as may be seen by inspection of its chief features. I. Any incorporated city, town or village including within its limits and the territory attached, for school purposes, two hundred inhabitants might organize into a single school district. "O. L., XLVI, local, 46. m O. L., XLVI, 48. m O. L., XLVII, 32. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 67 2. The question of adopting the law to be decided by a majority vote of the community. 3. A Board of Education of six members elected by the voters. 4. Building expenses and purchase of sites to be decided by popular vote. When so decided and reported to the county auditor, the amount to be levied as a tax upon the property of the community. 5. Primary and graded schools provided for. No language other than English or German to be taught. 6. Schools to be free to all children in the district. 7. Schools to be kept in operation not less than thirty-six nor more than forty-four weeks each year. 8. Board of Education to estimate the amount needed for running expenses not to exceed a four mill tax annually. Auditor to levy the amount estimated as a tax. 9. If the amount raised is insufficient to keep the schools open thirty-six weeks, the balance to be raised by school rates on the parents. Indigent pupils exempt from such rates. 10. A Board of three examiners to be appointed by the school board. In i85o 193 the provisions of this act were extended to town- ships and to special districts, provided such township or district had five hundred inhabitants. The question of the adoption of the law was left as in the case of towns to the majority vote of the territory interested. By far the most interesting and significant feature in the educational legislation of Ohio in the years just preceding 1850 are these laws passed for towns and cities. They indicate an awakening in the urban districts to the need of universal free education. Cincinnati had pointed the way to the other cities of the state since 1829, and had been followed by a considerable number of municipalities. The law passed for the benefit of Akron came when the social consciousness of towns and cities was ready for it, and the legislature responded to this sentiment by allowing communities to adopt its provisions, at first by a O. L., XLVIII, 50. 68 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. majority of two-thirds, but within a year by a simple majority. 194 The state made possible a town or city system that, on the whole, was an excellent system for the period, but the question of or- ganizing under the system was left wholly to the educational in- terests or municipal pride of the individual communities. 194 Not all towns that adopted it were satisfied. Between 1847 and 1850 three special acts were passed repealing the provisions of the Akron law in the case of three towns that adopted it. Seven other special acts for schools in towns and cities were passed in these three years to meet the desires of municipalities that wished certain different features. CHAPTER III SCHOOL LANDS An enormous mass of legislation was (passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, between the years 1803 and 1850, concern- ing the state school lands. Many of these laws were general in character, many applied to large individual tracts such as the Western Reserve, the Virginia Military Reserve, the United States Military Lands, and the Ohio Co. and Symmes Purchase, and in addition to these there were approximately five hundred that were wholly local or special in their application. A brief description of the more important of these reserves and purchases, some explanation of the various systems of sur- vey used in Ohio, an account of the varying nature of the school grant in these different divisions, and a study of the accompany- ing maps and diagrams is an almost necessary prerequisite to any clear understanding of this legislation. The most important of these grants, with their total acreage, including the school lands, are as follows : l Acres. The Virginia Military Reserve 4,204,800 The Western Reserve 3,840,000 The U. S. Military Lands 2,560,000 The Ohio Company's Purchase 1,227,168 The Symmes Purchase 311,682 In addition to these there were a number of smaller tracts, but the names of only two of them appear in the discussion of the school land legislation. These two were the Refugee Tract, 138,240 acres, and the Moravian Tract, 2 12,000 acres. Over 12,000,000 acres were included in these various special districts. The remaining portions of the state were known as Statistics*. 1885. The Land and Township System of Ohio. A. A. Graham. Pages 22, 23, 25, 29. 2 History of Public Permanent School Funds in the U. S., F. H. Swift, page 370. (69) 70 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications, CLO n cjre s s L_ &-*. dLs Land Grants and Congress Lands in Ohio. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 71 I. II. 36 30 24 18 12 6 35 29 23 17 11 5 34 28 22 16 10 4 33 27 21 15 9 3 32 26 20 14 8 2 31 25 19 13 7 1 III. 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 IV. Methods of Surveying Ohio Lands. 72 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Congress Lands, and belonged to the Federal Government. 3 That portion of the government land which lay on the eastern border of the state, just south of the Western Reserve was the first to be surveyed into townships, and was commonly spoken of as The Seven Ranges, because seven ranges of townships west from the Pennsylvania line were included in this first survey. 4 It has already been pointed out that a state wide grant of land for school purposes began with Ohio's admission as a state, and that the precedent thus established has been followed in ad- mitting all the later states. 5 It is also true that the rectangular method of laying out townships, with meridian lines, sections, towns and ranges was first practiced in the Ohio surveys, 6 and the method here established became, too, the universal practice in all subsequent government surveys. Two great American inventions were thus first tried in Ohio, the state wide grant of school lands, and the rectangular method of survey into six mile square townships, with thirty- six sections, of one mile square, in each. Ohio was not only the first state to receive section i6 7 as a school grant, it was the first state to have any section 16. The surveys in Ohio, however were not all of them uniform in the method of laying out and subdividing the townships. The Seven Ranges, as has been said, were first surveyed. The town- ships here were laid out six miles square, and divided into thirty- six sections, each one mile square, but the numbering of the sec- tions differs from that in the later surveys. The numbering was that shown on page 71, diagram i. Section one is located in 8 The Indians still had title to lands in the state. Most of these titles were vested in the Government by 1817, but the last titles were not stilled until 1842. Ohio Statistics. 1885, page 28. 4 Ibid. Page 20. 6 See page 13. 6 Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts. Vol. II. Page 188. 7 Section 16 was the section reserved for school purposes in each township, in the "Congress Lands" of Ohio and in the Ohio Co. and Symmes purchases. The precedent established has been followed in all the later states and Section 16 has regularly been the school section. Since 1848 with the admission of Oregon, Section 36 has been added to the school grant Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 73 the lower south-east corner of the township, and the sections are numbered upward, in tiers of six, from the base line of the township. This method of laying out townships and numbering sections was also used in the Ohio Co. and Symmes Purchases. In the Western Reserve and the U. S. Military Lands the townships were laid out in five mile squares instead of six, and at first were not surveyed into sections but simply divided into four 20,000 acre blocks in each township and these numbered as shown in the diagram on page 71. The Virginia Military District is the only part of Ohio in which the rectangular system of survey was not employed. The early settlers here chose each "for himself his lands, locating them by any natural boundary, however irregular it might be, taking care only to get the full amount of land demanded by the warrants." 8 "This led to no regular survey, and, as a conse- quence, an irregularity in township and county lines followed, which were generally based on the boundaries of the warrants." The rest of the state was made up of Congress Lands, and in all of these the method of survey was that of the six-mile square township, and the division into sections. The manner of numbering the sections was changed from that in the Seven Ranges and in the Ohio Co. and Symmes Purchases. Section one in these lands is located in the upper right hand corner, the northeast corner, of the township and the sec- tions are numbered to the west and east alternately, number six lying in the northwest corner of the township, and section seven located just beneath section six and numbering back to the east again, as shown in the diagram on page 71. This method of numbering was settled by federal legisla- tion in I799 9 and has remained the same since that time. The Land Ordinance of I785 10 "for ascertaining the mode 8 Ohio Statistical Abstract. Page 25. The statements concerning the surveys in Ohio are in the main based on A. A. Graham's article on the Land and Township System of Ohio. Ohio Statistics. 1885. Pp. 18-29, and Col. Charles Whittlesey's discussions on Surveys of Public Land in Ohio. Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts. Vol. II. Pp. 187-191 and 281-286. 'Western Reserve Historical Society Tracts. Vol. II. Page 282 10 T. Donaldson, The Public Domain. Chap. 13. 74 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. of disposing of lands in the Western Territory/' provided that ''there shall be reserved the lot No. 16 of every township for the maintenance of public schools within said township." In accordance with this provision, as has been seen, section 1 6 was reserved for schools in both the Ohio Co. and Symmes Purchases. In these two tracts there is also found a reserva- tion for religion as well as for education, a thing not true else- where in the state. As a part of the bargain in the purchase of these lands section 29 in each township was granted by the gov- ernment to the purchasers, for religious purposes, and these sections have ever since been known as the Ministerial Lands. When Ohio was admitted to the Union the provisions of the ordinance of 1785, concerning school lands, were carried out as fully as possible in the rest of the state. In all of the Congress Lands section 16 in each township was permanently reserved for the schools of the township. It was not in the power of Congress to grant section 16 in such tracts as the Western Reserve, the Virginia Military Reserve, and the U. S. Military Lands. These lands either did not belong to the Fed- eral Government or there were prior claims and unsatisfied land warrants that stood in the way of any such granting of specific sections. The United States did not own the land on the West- ern Reserve, and in the case of the so-called Military Lands, the private ownership of much of the land, through the taking up of land scrip or bounties by the soldiers of the Revolution, in the service of the Federal Government and Virginia, might con- flict in any township. For this reason the assigning of school land in these por- tions of the state could not take the form of reserving section 16 in each township. Some other method of setting aside one- thirty-sixth part of the land for the use of the schools in these regions had to be devised. The land originally reserved for schools in the Virginia Military Lands was, in amount, one-thirty-sixth of the entire tract, to be selected by the legislature of Ohio from the unlocated lands, after the warrants issued by the state of Virginia had been satisfied. 11 u U. S. Statutes at large. Vol. IT. 225. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 75 In iSc>7 12 Congress, in response to a petition from the state legislature, 13 appropriated eighteen quarter townships and three sections in lieu of the original grant. These new lands, how- ever, were not located within the Reserve itself but to the north- east, between the \Yestern Reserve and the U. S. Military Re- serve. This territory was in Congress Lands, title to which had been purchased from the Indians. In two very significant ways a grant of this kind differed from the grant of section 16 in each township. In the first place; an assignment of this character could not be made for the township individually, but had to be for the schools of the Virginia Military Reserve as a whole. Secondly; the school lands were at a distance, and not something immediately at hand and under the observation of all as in the case of section 16 in each township. Something of this same sort was true in the case of 'each of the other large reserves, and this was bound to be reflected in some differences in legislation concerning these various grants. The land reserved for the U. S. Military tract 14 was simi- larly assigned by quarter-townships, but the reservation was made within the U. S. Military Lands themselves. The amount of the grant in this case was fourteen quarter-townships. It must be remembered in comparing this grant or that of the Western Reserve with those of other parts of the state that the townships in these two regions contain only twenty-five square miles, as compared with thirty-six elsewhere. The school lands first selected for the Western Reserve consisted of fourteen quarter-townships, not located in the Re- serve itself, but in the U. S. Military Lands. To this was added by the act of Congress in i834 15 land that amounted to 37,758 acres, to be selected from the unlocated lands of the United States within the state, by sections, half-sections, and quarter- sections. This additional grant of 1834 was in lieu of one- thirty-sixth part of that land in the Western Reserve, which be- 13 Nashee's Compilation, page 157. 13 O. L.. Vol. V, 132. 14 U. S. Statutes at large, Vol. II, 225. w Ibid., Vol. IV, 679. 76 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. longed to the Indian tribes when Ohio was admitted, but the Indian title to which had been extinguished in 1805. The Moravian Tract, mentioned once or twice in the legis- lation, was a comparatively small reserve of 12,000 acres in Tuscarawas County, originally granted by Congress to the So- ciety of United Brethren, in trust for Christian Indians. These lands reverted to the United States in 1824, and in the same year Congress 16 set aside one-thirty-sixth part of the tract for the use of schools. The location of the more important of these various tracts can be most easily gained by consulting the map on page 70. The Western Reserve is a strip of land on the northern boundary of the state approximately thirty-five miles wide and one hundred and twenty miles long, extending west from the Pennsylvania border. It was this land, which Connecticut claimed, and to which she refused to cede her interests when the other states were yielding their claims in the Northwest Ter- ritory to the United States, that was known as the Connecticut Western Reserve, or more generally, simply as the Western Reserve. The Virginia Military District is located between the Scioto and Little Miami Rivers, projecting to the northward consider- ably past the middle of the state. It takes its name from the fact that this portion of the state was "reserved by Virginia from her cession of the territory northwest of the Ohio River, for the satisfaction of land bounties issued to her troops upon Continental establishment." 17 The United States had also set aside a large tract of land to be used in paying the claims of her soldiers in the Revolu- tionary War. This reservation was known as the United States Military Lands, and is located just a little to the west and north of the center of the state. It is a section of the state fifty miles in width on its western border, beginning at the northern line of the original Seven Ranges of townships first surveyed, and following the western boundary of the Seven Ranges fifty miles south. Its southern "Ibid., Vol. IV, 56. "Taylor, Ohio School System, page Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 77 boundary extends from this point directly west to the Scioto River, while on the west the Scioto itself is the natural barrier; on the north it is bounded by the Greenville Treaty Line (the old Indian boundary line), running from the Scioto back to the Seven Ranges. 18 In all these grants the purpose and intent of Congress was that the land should be for the use of schools in the particular township in which section 16 was located, or where it was im- possible to grant section 16, that the lands should be for the use of the particular area for which the grant was made. The care of the lands was vested in the legislature of the state, for the use of the particular townships and districts in- terested,* Some explanation for the excessive amount of legis- lation concerning these lands is found if one keeps clearly in mind the terms of the original grant, and the ever present tend- ency of the Ohio legislature, to allow communities so far as it could legally be done, to conduct their own affairs. In all the school land legislation passed in Ohio during this period, the legislature, formally at least, guarded against any diversion of the money received from these lands, but largely followed the desire of the local township or territory as to the handling of the lands, after setting up the formal legal guards. The lands were not regarded, and were not intended, as a grant to the state at large, and it is perhaps only natural that an at- tempt should have been made to carry out the desires of the townships and districts to which the lands were felt to belong. Added to this there was the disposition to be lenient with the early settlers on the lands. No doubt, justice was not done to the cause of education, but it must be remembered that the schools had no advocate, while the petitioner asking special privileges or terms in regard to the sale or lease of lands was a concrete fact with concrete desires and needs, and the legis- lature doubtless felt that it had done its whole duty if the terms of the grant were formally protected. Certain general policies of handling the lands may be out- lined before discussing the legislation in greater detail. 1- Ibid., page 85. * Nashee's Compilation, pages 154, 155. 78 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. The policy of temporary leasing, 1803 to 1817. The policy of permanent leasing, 1817 to 1823. Preparation for selling the lands; temporary leasing, 1823 to 1827. The policy of selling the lands outright, 1827 to 1850. The evident intent of the first acts concerning school lands was to devise a means of making them productive and valuable, and to keep the lands themselves as a permanent source of revenue. On April 15, 1803,** the legislature passed an act that pro- vided for leasing Section No. 16 for a term that was not to ex- ceed seven years, and the lands in the United States Military Tract, which included both the grants to that tract and to the Western Reserve, for a period not to exceed fifteen years. The rent was to be paid by certain specified improvements. On each quarter section (160 acres) fifteen acres were to be cleared and fenced in separate fields, five acres were to be sowed in timothy or red clover, three acres to be planted with one hun- dred thrifty and growing apple trees, and the remaining seven acres prepared for plow land. The leasing was to be carried on by agents in the several counties or districts appointed by the Governor, and the leases were to be granted to those who guar- anteed to make the required improvements in the shortest period of time. The intention was to attract settlers who were unable to buy land or pay rent, and have them by their labor turn the school land into an attractive and productive piece of property, which would command a definite revenue. The difficulty with the plan from the lessees' standpoint, was that just at the time the land became productive, he must either move or begin to pay rent for improvements which he himself had made. With land cheap and abundant on every hand and terms easy, the ambitious and desirable settlers were not attracted by a proposi- tion that did not allow them to keep the land on which they settled, and the improvements which they had themselves made. The results were evidently not satisfactory, for on February U9 O. L., I, 61. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 76*50. 79 20, i8o5, 20 an act was passed giving the township trustees author- ity to lease the lands in their respective townships for a term not to exceed fifteen years to those who made the most "advan- tageous proposals." This was followed in i8o6 21 by an act which allowed any surveyed township in which there were twenty electors to incorporate and choose trustees for the special management of Section No. 16. The section was to be laid off in lots of eighty to two hundred acres, and not more than one , lot could be leased by any one person. It was made the duty of the trustees to guard against waste and to see that the terms of the lease were complied with. The provisions of these acts left the management of the lands and the terms of leasing wholly in the hands of the township, except for the fact that a fifteen- year term could not be exceeded and not more nor less than a specified amount leased to any one person. None of the acts so far had made any provision for the land granted to the Virginia Military Tract for the use of schools. It will be remembered that this consisted of some eighteen town- ships lying outside the district and not located so that it could be locally managed. By an act passed in iSog 22 these lands were offered for sale to the highest bidder at a minimum price of two dollars per acre, the purchaser receiving a ninety-nine year lease, renewable forever, with no provision for revaluation. It was the evident design to sell these lands out at once and create a fund, the pro- ceeds from which might be available for school purposes when needed. 23 The act provided that the lands were to be adver- tised in four newspapers within the state, and newspapers at Pittsburg and Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and Wheeling, Virginia. The purchaser was to pay down the sum charged against each quarter section for the expense of surveying and offering the land for sale, and on the purchase price yearly interest of 30 O. L., Ill, 230. 81 0. L., IV, 66. a O. L., VII, 109. 33 The money received was to be paid into the state treasury sub- ject to appropriation by the state until it should be appropriated for the use of schools in the district. O. L., XIII, 307. 80 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. six per cent forever. Succeeding legislatures were given the right to make such commutations as they might deem expedient. This clause was evidently intended to leave the way open for legislation that would permit a cash payment in lieu of the six per cent annual rental. The terms were made still easier for the purchaser by the act of i8io, 24 which provided that the amount paid down on each quarter section should be ten dollars (to pay for survey- ing, advertising, etc.), and that the six per cent interest should not begin until five years from the date of sale. The postpone- ment of interest money for five years was doubtless made to meet the competition of United . States land offered for sale within the state on easy terms and with taxes deferred for the first five years after purchase. Each purchaser was required by this act to build a cabin and clear three acres of land within three years. In the same year 25 an act was passed allowing the township trustees to receive either money or produce as rent from Section 1 6, and requiring the lessee to make such improvements as the trustees thought proper, and in i8i4 29 it was made illegal for any lessee of school lands to act as township trustee or treasurer. This covers the main features of the land policy during the period of temporary leasing. Beginning with i8i6 27 in the Vir- ginia Military Tract, and i8i7 28 in the rest of. the state, the policy was inaugurated of granting permanent leases with a revaluation of the lands at stated periods. The policy of selling the Virginia Military lands was changed, for the lands that were still unsold. The Governor was to appoint "three disinterested persons to appraise them" and a register under a bond of ten thousand dollars was ap- pointed to lease them. The leases ran for ninety-nine years, renewable forever, but the law provided that they were to be revalued in 1835 an ^ each twenty years after that date, the rental to be six per cent on the appraised value, payable annually. *O. L., VIII, 253. * O. L., VIII, 100. "O. L., XIII, 295. 21 0. L., XIV, 418. *O. L., XV, 202. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to i#50. 81 This principle, with certain changes in details, was adopted the following year, 1817, for the rest of the state, 28 with the exception of the Western Reserve school lands. Those who held school lands under temporary leases were allowed to ob- tain permanent leases by making application to the county com- missioners in the following manner: they must first present a certificate signed by the township trustees that they had com- plied with their present lease, and second, the consent in writing of the trustees of the organized township and of a majority of the citizens in unorganized townships to the granting of a per- manent lease in the place of a temporary one. The land was then appraised by three appraisers appointed by the county commissioners and the value of all improvements made a part of the appraised estimate (improvements under temporary leases were a part of the rental paid). The township trustees were then authorized to grant leases for ninety-nine years, re- newable forever, at the rate of six per cent annually, and with a revaluation each thirty-three years. The same method was followed in the case of unoccupied lands, excepting the pro- vision concerning compliance with the former lease. In unorganized townships the county commissioners had charge of the leasing, and in the United States Military district the Court of Common Pleas. When land was revalued, it was to be appraised at the rate of unimproved land of the same quality in the vicinity. The appraiser was to consider only the general advance in land prices and not the value that had been added by the labor of the lessee. Another act passed in i82i 30 directed that land in the United State Military Tract appraised at less than one dollar an acre should not be leased, and confirmed the principle of permanent leasing with minor changes in details of administration. Im- provements made by settlers in this district were included in the valuation at the first appraisal after this date, being con- sidered as a part of the rental on the temporary leases held by such settlers. These laws for permanent leasing at no time applied to the school lands belonging to the Western Reserve. 29 O. L., XV, 202. 80 O. L., XIX, 61. Vol. XXVTI 6. 82 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. While the general policy of ninety-nine year leases with a revaluation at stated periods began in the years 1816 and 1817, there had been many individual leases of this type legalized by special legislative action. It was not, therefore, a totally new departure. Prior, to 1817 twenty-five local acts had been passed by the legislature legalizing permanent leases for portions of the school land in various localities, and in the leasing of the min- isterial lands, Section 29, in the Symmes' and Ohio Company's purchase, this plan had been adopted as early as i8o6. 31 The first school land to be so leased was the section be- longing to the town of Marietta in i8oS. 32 From this time until it became a general policy, the wishes or needs of various com- munities were met by these special legislative actions. It is interesting to note that in ten of the twenty-five acts so passed, the reason assigned is the establishment of a flour mill, sawmill, or similar industry. In these cases Section 16 evidently fur- nished desirable mill sites and water power, but lessees were unwilling to erect mills, so essential to newly settled communi- ties, without some guarantee- of permanence. In general the policy of permanent leasing was found un- desirable. From the present standpoint, it can be seen that if persisted in and the leasing and revaluation carefully managed, it would have preserved to the state a school property of enor- mous value, which would eventually have produced an income far in excess of the method of selling the lands and funding the proceeds. From the standpoint of the men of that time it was found undesirable because it did not succeed in producing any adequate revenue then for the schools. Land was abundant and cheap. Money for the support of schools was scarce. The state was rapidly filling up, 33 but desirable settlers preferred to obtain land in fee simple. It doubtless appeared to those most friendly towards schools and education that it would be more desirable to take advantage of the opportunity to sell, getting the best terms possible and assuring to the schools some definite 31 0. L., IV, 33. "O. L., VI, 96. 93 See page 10. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 18^0. 83 support from the grant that had been made. Up to this time the actual revenue derived from the lands had been very small. 3 * Caleb Atwater of Cincinnati, a warm friend of the schools, as chairman of a committee in the Lower House, said in a re- port to the Assembly in 1822: "From all the committee have been able to learn it would seem 35 that more money has been expended by the state in legislating concerning these lands than they have yet or ever will produce, unless some other method of managing them be devised than any hitherto pursued. * * * The committee are impressed with the belief that unless these lands are soon sold * * * no good and much evil will accrue to the state from the grant of these lands by Congress." He was not alone in his opinion. A memorial addressed to Congress by the General Assembly in the same year, 36 speaking of school lands in general in the West, said that these lands have as yet been very unproductive, and while the legislatures of the states in which they are situated are restricted by the conditions attached to these grants they must ever be so. In- deed, it may well be doubted whether more money has not been spent than the whole amount derived from the lands. The legislature at this session was evidently impressed by Atwater's report and convinced that the policy of leasing under any of the plans tried was a failure. The lands belonging to the Western Reser-ve were still being leased on temporary leases with a maximum of fifteen years' duration. ' Throughout the rest of the state the policy of permanent leasing was the author- ized method. The unleased lands belonging to the Western Reserve were first withdrawn from leasing. This act, passed January 21, i822, 37 forbade any further leasing of unoccupied lands, and allowed occupied lands to be released not longer than to April I, 1826. The following year, January 27, i823, 38 the legisla- 84 Atwater, speaking of the first eighteen years of the state's history, said: "Scarcely a dollar was ever paid over to the people for whose benefit the land had been given." Atwater, History of Ohio, page 253. * Ibid. Page 258. " O. L., XX, 64. 8T O. L., XX, 34. M O. L., XXI, 33. 84 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. ture authorized the surrender of leases for school lands through- out the entire state, and forbade the granting of any new leases for a period of one year. The intent of this law was evidently not to compel a surrender of leases, but to provide a way in which they might be legally terminated at the desire of the lessee, with a prospect of sale in fee simple at some future time. This same act directed the various county auditors and the register of school lands in the United States Military District to make a complete report to the auditor of state showing: "the whole amount of school lands in each county, what proportion is leased, what is vacant, how the lands are divided, distinguish- ing each tract by the number of acres, range, township, section and quarter, showing what parts are leased, what rent is reserved on each tract leased, how long the lease is to run, whether re- newable, and if so, whether subject to reappraisement." It is evident that neither the legislature nor any state officer knew just what the situation was in regard to school lands throughout the state. This lack of information was the natural result of the various policies adopted for handling the lands. In organized townships the township trustees were in charge of the leasing and in unorganized townships the county commis- sioners. In the United States Military District the Court of Common Pleas supervised the leasing of both the lands reserved for that district and those belonging to the Western Reserve, while in the Virginia Military District a land officer, appointed by the General Assembly, was in charge. There was no cen- tral office or body which had general supervision except the legislature itself. This body now felt the necessity of a general change of policy, but found that it lacked information as to what had already been done. The cessation of leasing and the acquiring of the infor- mation desired prepared the way for this general change in policy. It was felt that more advantageous results could be obtained by selling the lands outright, but there was doubt in the minds of the legislators as to the authority of the state to permit the lands to be disposed of in this way. By the terms of the original grant, the lands had been set aside for the use of schools in the particular townships and districts forever. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 85 While the general management of the trust was vested in the legislature, it seemed doubtful if actual alienation of the lands was originally contemplated, even though the funds should be permanently invested for the use of schools. In i824 39 a carefully phrased memorial was submitted to Congress, asking, first, for an additional grant of land for the use of schools in the Western Reserve,* and second, that Con- gress confirm the right of the state of Ohio to sell the school lands. As an indication of the sentiment of the time it is an interesting document. It shows first that the general attitude of the state toward the grant from the United States was that the lands had been ceded by the United States in return for certain concessions made by Ohio, and second, the difficulties that inhered in the attempt to derive a revenue from the lands themselves. The memorial argues that the original grants were in the nature of a compact made with the state and were "granted upon full consideration arising from the increased value of the remaining lands belonging to the United States and also from the relinquishment, on the part of the state of Ohio, of the right to tax the lands of the United States within the state of Ohio until five years after the sale thereof." 'That it was the intention of the parties to the compact aforesaid that one-thirty-sixth part of all the lands within the state of Ohio should be granted to the people thereof for the use of common schools, and should be placed under the control of the legislature" and that the state is of right entitled to the additional grant for the Western Reserve. The memorial goes on to say that in relation to the lands already appropriated, the legislature "have resorted to various methods of rendering them productive, and, in particular, that of leasing them to such individuals as have applied therefor; 39 O. L., XXII, local, 153. 40 When the original grant was made for the Western Reserve no lands were set aside for the use of schools in the lands then held by the Indian tribes within the Reserve. When the Indian title was extinguished, Ohio immediately asked for an additional grant equal to one thirty-sixth part of the land so held. This grant was finally made by Congress in 1834. 41 41 U. S. Statutes at large, Vol. IV, 679. 86 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. that experience has fully demonstrated that this fund will be wholly unavailing in their hands in its present shape." That to accomplish the objects contemplated "the legislature should possess unlimited control over the lands" with the power of dis- posing of them in fee. "The objections which are urged against the present mode of administering that fund are in the first place that by reason of the facilities which the state of Ohio affords for acquiring property in real estate, a necessity exists of leasing the lands to persons almost destitute of pecuniary means whereby the avails of these lands are rendered, at least, uncertain. In con- sequence also, that as these lands are detached over the whole of the state of Ohio, the expense which must necessarily be in- curred by creating a superintendence over them, renders them less productive than your memorialists conceive they might be rendered if the lands were sold and the proceeds concentrated in one fund." 'The fact, also, before adverted to, that these lands must necessarily be entrusted to the possession of those of the lowest class of the community, and who possess no permanent interest in the soil, has produced a waste upon these lands of their timber and otherwise, equal perhaps to the whole revenue which may have been derived from them." The memorial recites further that the method of leasing "will invite and retain a population within her boundaries of a character not to be desired and in amount so great as to create an evil which can only be conceived of in a country where every individual possessing a very moderate portion of industry and economy may, within a single year, appropriate to himself in fee a quantity of land sufficient to furnish means of support for an ordinary family." The memorial continues by saying "that these evils arise wholly from the system of granting leases and are such as can not be remedied by legislative action, if, as some have supposed, the state have not the power, under the terms of the original grant, of disposing of these lands in fee." The memorialists believe that the state has the right, but "they are of the opinion that an act of the Congress of the United States declaratory of Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 87 the extent of the grant aforesaid will be productive of much benefit in case the legislature of the state should hereafter de- termine to dispose of the same; that it will have the full effect of removing the doubt in the minds of the purchasers and thereby enhance the price which will be obtained for the same." They therefore asked Congress to grant them the right to dispose of the lands in fee, the proceeds to be invested in a per- manent fund, the income of which should be applied for the use of common schools in the townships or districts to which the lands were originally granted, provided that Section 16 should not be sold without the consent of the inhabitants of the township to which the land belonged. Congress passed the desired legislation February i, i826, 42 and on January 27, i827, 43 the legislature passed an act direct- ing each township in the state possessing school land to vote upon the question of its sale, and also authorizing the inhabi- tants of the United States Military District 44 and the Virginia Military District 45 to decide the same question. Legislation authorizing a vote on the Western Reserve 46 was not passed until the following year. In the meantime the policy, of special legislation to meet local needs had continued. From 1817 to i823, 47 the period of permanent leasing, twenty-one local acts had been passed mak- ing special provisions for leasing or extending the time for making payments on leases, and from 1823 to 1827, eleven more acts were passed authorizing the revaluation of lands leased, changing the conditions for lessees, or authorizing short time leases, etc. The general policy inaugurated by the legislation of 1827 and 1828 remained the policy of the state until 1850, though certain changes were made correcting some of the more unde- sirable features. 42 U. S. Statutes at large, Vol. IV, 138. 48 O. L., XXV, 26. 44 O. L., XXV, 103. 48 O. L., XXV, 45. " O. L., XXVI, 135. 41 O. L., XIX, 35, 72, 75, are examples 88 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. The legislation of 1827 provided that the townships or dis- tricts interested should decide upon the sale of their school lands and described the method by which the sale was to be made in case the vote was favorable. It did not actually authorize the sale. This was to be done after the vote was taken by addi- tional acts of the legislature, or in the case of the United States Military District by proclamation of the Governor. The pro- visions governing the sale were as follows : land that was un- occupied was to be appraised by the county assessor. The land was then advertised and offered for sale to the highest bidder by the county auditor. No bid could be received for less than appraised value. Payments were made to the county treasurer, and the money received by him was deposited with the state treasurer to the credit of the township or district to which it had belonged. When the money was all paid the purchaser re- ceived a deed from the state. It was in the legislation concerning the occupied lands that the greatest loss occurred to the state. Holders of permanent leases were allowed to surrender their leases, and by the pay- ment of the appraised value upon which it had been originally leased receive a deed in fee simple. The terms of payment were easy, running over periods of seven to ten years, and by subse- quent legislation further extended in many cases. The following year, 1828," the legislature authorized sales to be made in thirty-nine counties in which the vote had been favorable. From this time until 1850 there was a constant suc- cession of local acts authorizing sales in various townships and counties; making provisions for leasing lands where the assent was not given to the sale ; authorizing revaluation of lands where lessees thought the original valuation was too high, or the town- ships considered it too low; giving additional time in which to make the payments due; and in general enacting various laws that had only local application. Between 1827 and 1850 ap- proximately four hundred such laws were passed. In i828 49 those townships that had not voted to sell their school lands were authorized to lease it for periods of not less than three 48 O. L., XXVI, local, 4. 4 'O. L., XXVI, 80, Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850, 89 years for improved lands nor seven years for unimproved lands. In case the consent of the townships had been given and the lands remained unsold, they might be leased from year to year on the best terms obtainable. The entire arrangement and re- sponsibility was placed in the hands of the township trustees. In i838, 50 largely through the influence of Samuel Lewis, the State Superintendent of Schools, the practice of allowing the holders of permanent leases to surrender their leases, and by payment of the first appraised value, receive a deed in fee simple, was stopped, and by an act of i843, 51 sucn surrender was au- thorized only upon the land being reappraised and the amount of its new valuation paid. From i839 52 on it was a common practice to include a minimum price below which the land could not be sold, and in i845 53 a general act was passed forbidding the sale of any school land in the state for less than five dollars an acre. This concludes the main features of the legislation on this subject from 1803 to Summary. The first attempt of the legislature was to preserve the lands and make them productive through a system of short term leases, which provided for the payment of rents through improve- ments made upon the lands. This system was followed until 1817 with the exception of the land belonging to the Virginia Military District. The system of temporary leasing was found unsatisfactory and in 1817 the state embarked on the policy of authorizing per- manent leases with a revaluation of lands at periods of thirty to thirty-five years. This system also proved unsatisfactory in practice. From 1827 on the state legalized the sale of school lands in fee simple, but allowed the local community to decide whether the lands should be sold, and in case they were not, the manage- ment was left in the hands of the township trustees, with certain 80 O. L., XXXVI, 33. 61 0. L., XLI, 20. M O. L., XXXVII, local, 88. 83 O. L., XLV, 58. 90 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. limitations as to the length of time for which leases might be granted. The money from lands sold was paid through the county treasurer's office into the office of the state treasurer and placed at the disposal of the state, the state pledging itself to pay a six per cent annual interest upon the moneys so deposited for the use of the schools of the township or territory to which the land had belonged. The revenue from leased land was handled directly by the township trustees and apportioned among the school districts of the townships. The basis of apportion- ment in each case was the number of white unmarried youth between the ages of four and twenty-one. During the whole period the legislature heeded local needs and wishes through local and special legislation. The results of the system, or lack of system, entailed great loss. This loss was not due primarily to the leasing of the lands or the selling of them, but to the fact that the state had no central office whose business it was to oversee the lands and know exactly what the conditions were in regard to them, and to see that the laws in force were obeyed. The legislature was a changing body. It lacked necessary information for intelligent action in many cases, and it attempted to meet local conditions without complete knowledge of the facts. The chief specific points in the general policy that resulted in loss were : First. That of allowing permanent lessees whose lands had been appraised during the period from 1817 to 1823" to sur- render their leases and obtain deeds by paying the original ap- praisal value. This policy was followed until 1838. Second. 55 The policy of local appraisal. This might or might not work well. It depended wholly on the appraisers chosen. It was found necessary to forbid by law any appraiser purchasing land. 64 "Cases have come to my knowledge where land 'has been taken at six dollars per acre worth at the time fifty dollars. * * * The tenants to be sure make their fortunes, but the schools are sacrificed." Ohio Doc. 36th G. A. Doc. 17, page 41. 81 "In one very aggravated case the assessor was a lessee on the land." Ibid. Doc. 17, page 41. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 91 Third. That no minimum price was placed upon the school lands until i845. 56 Fourth. The policy of local control in leasing and of special or local legislation. Where the school sentiment was high this might work well, but where it was low the results were apt to be disastrous. The state lacked any settled, clearly 'defined policy, and it lacked administrative machinery to oversee the policies that were initiated. The legislators, in general, were doubtless honest in their efforts, but they were occupied but a few weeks each year and then on all classes of legislation. It was only as one had opportunity to study the question in detail and in its bearing upon the state as a whole, and to carry on this work for a period of years, that a basis could be afforded for intelligent action. Sam- uel Lewis was enabled to give a portion of his time to this work in the three years from 1837 to 1840 and the legislation resulting saved thousands of dollars for the schools. A quotation from the report of John Brough, auditor of state in 1839 and 1840, furnishes a fitting conclusion to this sum- mary. 57 Mr. Brough had previously been a member of the legis- lature and as a member was evidently satisfied that the general policy followed by the legislature was desirable. The quotation shows the change in his opinion when, as auditor of state, he gave the question careful study. "One of the most important items of state policy, and one which it is feared has been least investigated and understood, is the prudent management and judicious disposition of our school lands. Through the indefatigable labor of the state superintend- ent, public attention has been fully aroused to the waste that has been committed in this property, and a determination instilled to place additional guards upon the future. That determination M "It is not uncommon to find land sold for fifty, forty, thirty, twenty, ten, and in one case, as low as five cents per acre. Men have become the purchasers of whole sections for a mere trifle, and that some- times where it only required a few years to have realized five, ten, fifteen or twenty dollars per acre." Third Annual Report, Superintendent of Common Schools, Ohio, page 58. " O. L., XXXVIII, Auditor's Report, 32-33. 92 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. cannot be too carefully cherished or rigidly adhered to. The investigations imposed by the ordinary discharge of public duty, have thrown a light and sealed a conviction, upon my own mind, at variance with my former opinions, which had been conceived upon a superficial knowledge of the subject; and such will be the effect upon the mind of every one who will seek the records and gather the melancholy information they contain. Our school fund this year, arising from interest on sales of lands, and subject to distribution among the counties, is $73,618.78; and to accumulate this, we have sacrificed lands, which, if they had been judiciously held and managed, would have now given us at least ten times that amount and constituted a revenue suffi- cient to educate every child in the state." R* CHAPTER IV SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION SECONDARY EDUCATION The legislation concerning secondary education in Ohio prior to 1850 deals wholly with the incorporation of private secondary institutions, except in the case of a few city or town charters in the last few years of this period, which make provision for schools of "a higher grade" or for high schools.) The state did not concern itself with secondary schools ex- cept to indicate the manner in which they might be incorporated and in placing certain limits upon their activities and upon the amount of property they might hold. Here again the principle was that of local initiative with the state willing to encourage local effort by legally recognizing the school established, but tak- ing no responsibility or initiative for establishing, supporting, or controlling such schools. The Constitution declared that every association of persons having given themselves a name might, on application to the leg- islature, be entitled to receive letters of incorporation to enable them to hold estates for the support of their schools, academies, colleges, universities, and for other purposes 1 When the legis- lature had granted the act of incorporation provided for, it con- sidered its whole duty in the matter at an end. The idea of a free system of common schools gradually developed during the period and the conception of state-wide taxation for at least their partial support appears as early as 1825, but at no time prior to 1850 does the legislation show any conception of a state system of education embracing elementary, secondary and higher education. Secondary education was for those communities that wanted and could afford to pay for it. Mr. Lewis in his second report in 1838 had clearly in mind the beginnings of a state secondary system. He did not how- 1 O. L., I, 3, Art. 8, Sec. 27. (93) 94 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. ever, advocate legislation that would in any way compel the state to take a part in the establishment of secondary schools, but rather a law that would allow individual townships to estab- lish such schools and support, them from public funds, with the method of establishment and support warranted by the law of the state. His advice to the legislature on the subject was as follows: 2 "There are some townships that have the means and the desire of establishing central township schools or academies, and in most of our townships the youth over twelve years of age could with convenience attend such a school. The number of town- ships now prepared for this measure is small, but will be increas- ing. I recommend, therefore a provision giving the whole num- ber of directors in the township authority to establish such a school, and assess upon the township such sum of money as may be required for that purpose, and to this end, they should from their own number, appoint a board of five, who should for the time being control such central school. The mere passage of the law could do no harm to those townships who would refuse to avail themselves of its provisions, and would give to those desiring the privilege, the right to ex- ercise it." No action was taken upon this recommendation, and no gen- eral legislation concerning secondary education was enacted prior to 1850. Some city charters made provision for schools above the elementary, but the state did not concern itself with secondary education as a recognized part of the public school system. The usual type of secondary institution receiving letters of incorporation was an academy supported by a stock company, with shares selling for from five to fifty dollars each. A com- munity that wished an education for its children beyond the three r's of the common school, subscribed stock for the purpose of building and equipping a school of higher grade. The man- agement was ordinarily in the hands of a Board of Trustees elected by the stockholders. In most cases the articles of in- corporation do not mention tuition or rates, but in some cases 2 Ohio Documents. 37th G. A. Doc. 32. Page 28. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 95 it is specifically stated 3 that the running expense of the school shall be assessed upon the parents in proportion to the number of children attending, and doubtless in all cases tuition was charged."^ Occasionally the trustees are authorized to set apart a fund lor the education of poor children. 4 A school of this type was usually called an academy, less frequently the terms "institute" and "seminary" appeared. The names "seminary" and "institute" are not used with one or two exceptions until after 1830. The name "high school" appears at this same period and is used occasionally to designate a school of this same gen- eral type of organization, supported by an association of sub- scribers, who formed a stock company to raise the funds for the establishment or support of the school. The first high school chartered in Ohio was the Elyria High School, February 22, i83O, 5 followed the next year by,the Woodward High School of Cincinnati. 6 The latter institution had been incorporated as the "Free Grammar School" as early as i827, 7 but its earlier function was declared to be the "better instruction of the poor children" ."in the rudiments of an English education." By the terms of the incorporation the trustees were directed to confine instruc- tion to "the common and necessary branches of an English edu- cation," and not to extend it to the higher branches of such an education until the funds were sufficient to provide for all the poor children in the city. The total number of incorporations of schools intended to be of higher type than common schools was 171 during the period', classed as follows: ^c Academies 1803-1810 4 1811-1820 8 1821-1830 10 1831-1840 44 1841-1850 26 92 8 O. L., XVI, 157. Towns of Harpersfield and Madison, 1818. 4 O. L., IX, 57. Gallia Academy, 1811. B 0. L., XXVIII, local, 116. e O. L., XXIX, local, 43. 7 O. L., XXV, local, 62. 96 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Seminaries 1803-1810 1 1811-1820 1 1821-1830 1831-1840 20 1841-1850 10 32 Institutes 1803-1830 1831-1840 13 1841-1850 17 30 High Schools 1803-1820 1821-1830 1 1831-1840 8 1841-1850 5 14 Boarding School 1 Universal School 1 Independent School 1 3 Total 171 The names of these schools and the date of their incorpora- tion arranged in chronological order are shown on pages 97 to 101, and their location is shown on the map that accompanies this list. The Erie Literary Society, located at Burton, on the Western Reserve leads the list in 1803, followed by Academies in Dayton, Worthington and Chillicothe in 1808. The Western Reserve far outstrips any other section of the state in the number of these institutions, having more than three times as many as any other section. The map shows however that with the exception of the western portion of the state, where the settlements were much later, these schools were fairly abundant in all parts of Ohio. The ambitious boy or girl had before him the incentive to a higher education than the common schools afforded and the possibility of attaining it without going to any great distance. The omnipresence of the Ohio man later in our country's history may be in no small part accounted for by the omnipresence of the Ohio academy and college. The list given and the institutions located on the map by no means give all schools of this type founded before 1850. Only Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 97 those that received articles of incorporation from the state legis- lature are here shown. SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER OF CHARTERING, 1803-1850 1. Erie Literary Society, Burton 1803 2. Dayton Academy 1808 3. Worthington Academy 1808 4. Chillicothe Academy 1808 5. New Lisbon Academy 1810 6. Steubenville Academy 1811 7. Gallia Academy, Gallipolis 1811 8. Cincinnati Lancaster Seminary 1815 9. Montgomery Academy 1816 10. Tallmadge Academy 1816 11. Florence Academy 1818 12. Cadiz Academy 1819 13. Union Academy, Muskingum County 1819 14. Lancaster Academy 1820 15. Alma Academy, New Athens 1822 16. Urbana Academy 1822 17. Rutland Academy 1822 18. Franklin Academy, Mansfield 1824 19. Norwalk Academy 1824 20. Belmont Academy, St. Clairsville 1824 21. Circleville Academy ; 1824 21|. Academy of Perry County , .1827 22. Nelson Academy 1828 23. Hillsborough Academy 1829 24. Elyria High School 1830 25. Woodward High School, Cincinnati 1831 26. Columbus Female Academy 1831 27. Ashtabula Institute of Science and Industry 1831 28. Delaware Academy 1831 29. Kinsman Academy 1832 30. Canton Academy 1832 31. Farmington Academy 1832 32. Ashtabula Academy 1832 33. Huron Institute 1832 34. Chillicothe Female Seminary 1833 35. Ravenna Academy 1834 36. Union Academy, Wayne County 1834 37. Vinton Academy 1834 38. Springfield High School 1834 39. Female Academy of Mt. Vernon 1834 40. Stephen Strong's Manual Labor Seminary, Meigs County 1834 Vol. XX VI I 7. 98 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. s 4-nt ">' ' *& '".TtW *"Jr 4 x/A . *t *' u ;{T> ^ X^7 f-Jr v j< /o ^ x /22 2 by an act the sole purpose of which was to ascertain the number of deaf 1 O. L., XX, 49. 2 O. L.. XXI. 5. (120) Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 121 and dumb persons in the state. Five years later, in i827, 3 an act was passed to incorporate the "Trustees of the Ohio Asylum for Educating the Deaf and Dumb." Eight trustees were named in the act of incorporation, and they were authorized to receive gifts and bequests for the purpose of educating the deaf and dumb, and were directed to report to the next General Assembly as to the location of the schools, the kind of buildings needed, with an estimate of expense for buildings and instruction, and a plan for its organization and government. The funds of the institution were to be under the management of the trustees sub- ject to the regulation of the General Assembly, and reports were required annually as to the expenses, number of students, num^ ber taught at state expense and the number who paid tuition, together with general information as to the status of the school. The trustees were allo\ved to draw on the treasury of the state for the support of one indigent student from each judicial circuit an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for any student, and no student was to receive such aid longer than three years. The Governor was ex officio president of the Board of Trustees, and it was specifically stated that the incorporated body was under the control and direction of the General Assembly. The idea of the legislature seems to have been to organize an institution under state management and control, but financed by private donations with the state giving a minimum amount to the support of indigent students. The following year, 1828, the first appropriation of state money was made, amouting to $376.76.* In i829 5 the trustees were authorized to open the asylum in rented houses until suitable buildings were erected, and an additional appropriation of one thousand dollars was made. The same year it was decided to permanently locate the institution in Columbus, 6 and the trustees were authorized to receive any donations of land or to purchase a site. In the meanwhile Congress had been urged 7 to appropriate a township 3 O. L... XXV, 87. 4 O. L., XXVI, 4. 5 0. L., XXVTT. 63. 8 O. L., XXVII, local, 171. 7 O. L., XXV, local, 113 ; O. L., XXVI, local, 178. 122 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. of land, or an amount equivalent to that, located in smaller tracts, to aid in the education of the deaf and dumb. The grant was not made and in i83O 8 another appropriation of one thou- sand dollars was made, and the trustees were again authorized to receive one indigent student from each judicial circuit at state expense, but the amount to be expended was reduced from one hundred dollars to seventy-five dollars for each student. 9 The next year the number of students receiving state aid was in- creased to two from each circuit, 10 a total of eighteen, and an appropriation of sixteen hundred dollars 11 was made for ex- penses. This was followed in 1832 by an act appropriating one- fourth of the money arising from sales at auction in Hamilton County 12 and by another fifteen hundred dollar appropriation from the treasury. 13 The state had not reached a point where it was ready to assume the burden of the school and it again applied to' Con- gress in the same year 14 for assistance through a land grant. In this memorial it was estimated that a proper housing and equipment would cost from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand dollars, with a total annual expenditure of nearly ten thousand dollars. It was pointed out that Ohio in common with many other states did not possess land of her own which might be appropriated, and that the only resource, unless Congress came to the state's aid, was by drawing from revenue derived by di- rect taxation for other purposes. The memorial declares that every one will admit that this measure is impolitic and ought to be avoided, and that it may be deemed quite sufficient to pro- vide in this way for indigent students. 15 8 0. L., XXVIII, 30. "There were 9 judicial circuits. The expense involved amounted to $675. 10 O. L., XXIX, 427. 11 0. L., XXIX, local, 246. "O. L., XXX, 20. 18 O. L., XXX, local, 319. 14 O. L., XXX, local, 336. "This 1 memorial states that Ohio had established such a school, that it had been in operation two years, and had three teachers and nearly thirty pupils, with a prospect that the number of pupils would be doubled as soon as accommodations were furnished. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 123 From this time on appropriations of fifteen hundred to three thousand dollars were common until i846 16 when a sys- tematic budget was evidently adopted and regular appropriations made to meet it. The appropriation for expenses in this year amounted to nine thousand dollars with an added four thousand dollars for building needs. Provision was made in 1838" by a two thousand dollar appropriation for the erection of work- shops and the introduction of mechanical employment as a part of the work of the institution. 18 Education of the Blind. With the exception of two special acts to assist individuals, one afterward repealed, the state took no steps looking toward the education of the blind until i835- 19 I* 1 tms Y ear t^ e Gov- ernor was requested to direct the county auditors to make a complete report on the number of blind persons in the state, 20 and in the following year 21 a committee was appointed to study the question of the education of the blind in letters and mechanical arts, and report to the General Assembly the re- sults of their findings with an estimate of the probable ex- pense of establishing a public school for that purpose. This committee made a careful study of the subject. They quote largely in their report 22 from the address of Dr. S. G. Howe, Director of the New England Institution for the Blind, which he had made to the trustees of that institution. In this address of Dr. Howe's there is given a synopsis of the develop- ment of the education of the blind in the different European 16 O. L., XLI V, 130. 17 O. L., XXXVI, 92. "The legislature voted a grant of one hundred dollars annually in 1828 for two years to the trustees of a private school for educating deaf and dumb persons, located in Tallmadge Township, and bearing the name of the Tallmadge School for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. This is the only hint that appears in the legislation of a pri- vate institution of this kind. O. L., XXVI, local, 169. 19 O. L., IX, 68 ; O. L, X, 68 ; O. L., XVII, 7. 80 O. L., XXXIII, local, 453. 21 0. L., XXXIV, local, 648. "Ohio Documents, 36th G. A. Report No. 10. 124 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. nations and some description of the beginnings of such work in the New York and New England Institutions. In addition to the information so gained the committee ad- dressed a list of specific questions to the directors of the New York, New England and Pennsylvania institutions for the blind asking for definite information about expense, number of teach- ers needed, textbooks available, types of industry suitable to be taught in a school of this kind and other questions of a similar nature. Provision was also made for Dr. Howe to visit Colum- bus during the session of the legislature to "deliver lectures and exhibit one or two of the pupils in such a manner as to prove their attainments." The committee estimated the number of blind in the state as 500, basing the estimate on the U. S. census and the reports made by the county auditors. Of this number there were 60 under sixteen years of age, whose names and residences were known. The report closes with the following recommendation : 23 "In order to commence a school it will be necessary to rent a suitable house, and furnish the books and apparatus for a class, and procure one teacher who is qualified to give instruction, and provide for the support of those children who are indigent. For this purpose it is supposed that, if the Legislature shall determine in favor of the measure, an appropriation of $1,500 will be neces- sary. And if it shall be deemed expedient to purchase a site on which permanent buildings may hereafter be erected, a further sum of $1,000 may be needed. It is desirable also, that as early as practicable, musical instruments may be procured, and the necessary arrangements may be made, for teaching music, not only as a solace and a pleasure to the blind in their disconsolate condition as strangers to sight; but as a means of contributing to their own support in the school, and afterward also. And it is especially desirable, and indeed highly important, that a superintendent of work, together with implements and materials for some profitable manufactures, should be furnished; and thus every pupil, when discharged, may be able to make his own liv- ing." 23 Ibid. Page 23. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 125 "In conclusion the Trustees * * * beg leave, most respectfully and most earnestly, to recommend to the General Assembly the immediate establishment of an Institution for the instruction of the Blind." On the Fourth of July, in 1837, the first "school was opened with prayer, in the Presbyterian Church in the presence of the Teachers and scholars of the Sunday Schools connected with the different denominations in Columbus, who, to the number of 900, had assembled to celebrate the sixty-first anniversary of Independence. On this day the Teacher and five pupils were present. This number was increased to nine, at the middle of September, and still further to eleven in the month of Novem- ber." 24 The experience of the legislature with the Deaf and Dumb School had prepared it to accept the responsibility for the school for the blind in a larger way, and in i837 25 trustees were ap- pointed, and a sum of fifteen thousand dollars was authorized for buildings and ten thousand dollars appropriated for the pur- pose of building materials and to pay the expense of beginning the school at once. In i838 26 fifteen thousand dollars was ap- propriated to complete the building, and the trustees were au- thorized to receive twelve students at state expense. A tuition and maintenance fee not to exceed one hundred and twenty dol- lars annually was fixed for other students. The trustees were authorized to procure all necessary material and implements for the purpose of instruction in useful arts and trades. In i843 27 the limitation as to the number of students re- ceived at state expense was removed, and it was left to the dis- cretion of the trustees. The regulations on this subject appear to have been administered leniently, both in the case of the school for the blind and that for the deaf and dumb, as frequent resolu- tions appear allowing exceptions in special cases. In i845 28 tne legislature made another appeal to Congress 24 Ibid. Page 4. 25 O. L., XXXV, 116. 36 O. L., XXXVI, 49. 27 O. L., XLI, 57. 28 O. L, XLIII, local, 344. 126 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. for a land grant to assist in the education of the blind and the deaf and dumb, asking that such a grant be made in all the states where it had not been done, but the grant was not made, and the state was forced to assume full responsibility for both insti- tutions. THE EDUCATION OF DEPENDENTS The first appropriation authorized from the state treasury of Ohio for educational purposes of any kind is found in the case of an Indian orphan girl, whose mother had been shot by a citizen without provocation. In i82O 29 three hundred and fifty dollars was voted to pay for her support and education for seven years. This was repealed the following year, 30 but in i823 31 twenty-five dollars annually was definitely appropriated for that purpose until she should reach the age of twelve years. This is the only time the state made any financial provision for the education of dependent children prior to 1850. In i8o6 32 in an act concerning apprentices and servants it was directed that in all indentures for binding or putting out a child as servant or apprentice there should be a clause that every master or mistress should at least cause such child "to be taught and instructed to read and write." In i824 33 this was extended to embrace as much arithmetic as would include the single rule of three, and the further provision that at the expiration of the term of serv- ice each minor child was to receive a new Bible and two suits of wearing apparel. This embraces all the state provisions on the subject from 1803 to 1850, and it is interesting to note that the two laws last cited are the only laws passed during the period that in any way touch upon compulsory education, and these carry no penalties for failure to obey. 29 O. L., XXI, 39. 30 O. L., XVIII, 66. 31 O. L., IV, 72. 32 O. L., XIX, 144. 33 O. L., XXII, 381. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 127 Orphan Asylums and Schools for Poor Children. Orphan Asylums were incorporated in Cincinnati in i833, 34 Cleveland in i837, 35 Columbus in i838, 36 and Dayton in i844. 37 These four institutions were all incorporated by women, and were to be under the management of women, as indicated in the acts of incorporation. A second asylum was incorporated by a Catholic society in Cincinnati in i843 38 and in i845 39 an asylum for colored children was incorporated in the same city. The Stark County Orphans' Institute appeared in i837, 40 but its charter was revoked three years later because it had embarked in the banking business.' 41 There were also three endowed schools incorporated for the benefit of poor children, one in Cin- cinnati in i827 42 , one in Zanesville in i834 43 , and one in Kendall in i826. 44 Their purpose, however, was to afford instruction free to children whose parents were unable to pay for it, not primarily to care for the wholly dependent. These three schools were the Woodward Free Grammar School, the MTntire Poor School and the Charity School of Kendall. THE EDUCATION OF DELINQUENTS Education of Delinquents. No state provision was made for the education of delinquents prior to 1850, and but little was done through private or municipal effort. In i843 45 an act was passed for the regulation of county jails, which directed that each prisoner should be supplied with a Bible, and that the sheriff should, keep a record of the means 34 O. L., XXXI, local, 52. 35 O. L., XXXV, local, 513. 34 O. L., XXXVI, local, 185. 37 O. L., XLII, local, 172. 38 O. L., XLI, local, 112. 39 O. L., XLIII, local, 101. 40 O. L., XXXV, local, 201. 41 O. L., XXXVIII, local, 87. 42 O. L., XXV, 62. 43 O. L., XXXIV, 514. 44 O. L., XXIV, 36. 48 O. L., XLI, 74. 128 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. furnished for literary, moral and religious instruction. In 1845* the directors of the penitentiary were authorized to employ some suitable person as a religious and moral instructor, and in the same year the City of Cincinnati was authorized to erect a house of correction. 47 This is all the legislation that in any way touches upon the education of delinquents during this entire period. 46 O. L, XLIII, local, 446. * 7 O. L., XLIII, local, 393; O. L., XLV, local, 112. CHAPTER VI TRAINING OF TEACHERS In the preparation of teachers as in other phases of educa- tional activity, Ohio depended upon the sentiment and effort of individuals and communities, and did nothing through state aid or direction other than to legalize through incorporation the con- certed efforts of groups of teachers or of institutions. As a result of the educational awakening that accompanied the passage of the general school law of 1838, and the appointment of a State Superintendent, some attention was given by the Legislature to the state's responsibility, and the State Superintendent was asked in the same year 1 to report to the next General Assembly "first, upon the expediency of establishing a state university or uni- versities for the education of teachers and other students; sec- ond, if he shall deem it expedient to establish such university or universities then upon the subject of the proper system there- for, and the proper location thereof ; third, also upon the proper mode of supporting same, the probable expense thereof to the state, and such other views and information in relation to the subject generally as he may deem it proper to communicate." Mr. Lewis in his report strongly urged the necessity for the need of schools to train those expecting to teach, 2 but no action was taken by the General Assembly to found such an in- stitution. It was through the activity of voluntary associations of teachers and friends of education that the first efforts were made to raise the standard of the teaching profession. As early as i82c/ such an association had been meeting regularly in Cin- cinnati for the discussion of educational problems, and at a gen- eral convention to which friends of education throughout the Mississippi Valley were invited an association was formed, called 1 0. L., XXXVI, 418. 2 Ohio Documents, 37th G. A., Part 2, Doc. 72. Taylor, page 333. Vol. XXVII 9. (129) 130 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. "The Western College of Teachers." As one result of this asso- ciation the first educational journal in the Northwest, "The Academic Pioneer" was established and continued for some ten years. The original association was incorporated by legislative action February 13, 1832* under the name of the Western Academic Institute and Board of Education, and its purpose was declared to be the promotion of "harmony, cooperation and effi- ciency in the diffusion of elementary knowledge, and discussing such subjects as may be considered conducive to the advantage of education generally." This association was intended to ex- ercise an influence through the Mississippi Valley, and of its four Vice Presidents, one was from Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and an- other from Rising Sun, Iowa. Three years later, through the leadership of many of the same men, an act was passed to incorporate 5 "The Teachers' In- stitute." The preamble and first section are of interest and show an advanced educational sentiment on the part of the incorpo- rators and a definite attempt to meet the needs for better trained teachers, and illustrate the general legislative willingness to legalize educational effort through incorporation. "Whereas it has been reported to the General Assembly that a literary insti- tution devoted to the instruction of professional teachers is much wanted within this state, and would be of much public utility. Therefore, be it enacted, etc., that there shall be established and instituted in the name hereinafter directed, a college for the instruction of candidates for professional school teachers, and for the purpose of qualifying such teachers in the best manner to instruct and govern schools, and other seminaries of learning, and to advance the intellectual and moral cultivation of youth." Among the incorporators were many warm friends of the public schools. The names of Lyman Beecher, John P. Foote, Nathan Guilford through whose efforts the school law of 1825 took final form Robert Picket, David L. Talbott, and others appear. The school for teachers that these men had in mind did not materialize, but there were continued until 1845 regular *O. L., XXX, local, 232. 6 0. L., XXXVII, local, 117. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 131 conventions of teachers and friends of education, and their dis- cussions and influence were instrumental in awakening educa- tional sentiment throughout the state. 6 In i832 7 the Marietta Collegiate Institute and Western Teachers' Seminary, which three years later became Marietta College, was incorporated. The original purpose was declared to be "the instruction of youth in the various branches of useful knowledge, and especially the education of teachers for common schools." Other incorporations were the Wayne County Ohio Teach- ers' Association in 1833. 8 the Teachers' Institute at Fairmound, 9 the Meigs County High School and Teachers' Institute, 10 and the American Lyceum of Education in Cincinnati. 11 This last institution planned to establish a common school "for the purpose of furnishing a model school, and one in which experiments might be made as to the best modes and means of instruction, with a view to advancing the interests of common school education throughout the state." In i847 12 the state passed a permissive act allowing teachers in eleven counties of the state to incorporate teachers' institutes. Ten of these counties were located in the Western Reserve. This act allowed the county commissioners in the counties named to use a portion of the money derived from the surplus revenue fund for the support of these institutes so organized under the law. The counties had been held responsible by the act distribut- ing the surplus revenue, 13 for the payment of five percent an- nually for the use of common schools. Any amount derived over this, the counties had been allowed to devote to the support of common schools, the promotion of internal improvements, or the building of academies. They were now allowed in the eleven counties named to include teachers' institutes among the objects "Taylor, page 334. 7 0. L., XXXI, local, 18. O. L., XXXI, local, 193. O. L, XXXV, 417. M O. L., XXXVII, local, 257. 11 0. L., XXXVIII, local, 192. U 0. L., XLV, 67. W 0. L., XXXVI, 79. 132 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. to which aid from this extra fund might be extended. The money was to be used under the direction of the school examiners of the county in the employment of instructors and lecturers, and in the purchase of a common school library for the use of the association. This act was made general for the state in 1848,^ by the same act that permitted counties to provide for county superin- tendents if they wished to do so. The following year, i849, 15 the county commissioners were allowed to appropriate from other sources whatever sum was needed to bring the total annual amount for this purpose up to one hundred dollars, but before doing so the teachers petitioning for such an institute were re- quired to present evidence to the commissioners that they had already raised one-half of the total amount needed for the sup- port of the institute, and the petition had to have the signature of forty regular teachers within the county, and also of the county Board of Examiners. The Farmington Normal School in Trumbull County on the Western Reserve was incorporated in i849 16 through the efforts of the citizens of Farmington, who gave a site and raised by voluntary subscription $2,575.00 for its support. A stock com- pany was formed with shares selling at twenty-five dollars each. "One great object" of the school was declared to be "a thorough education of common or elementary school teachers, of both sexes, and to secure a course of intellectual and moral discipline for the youth of the country." Nothing else appears in the legislation of the state prior to 1850 that has any reference to the training of teachers. Governor Hartley in his message of December 3, 1844" said "The subject of normal schools or seminaries for the education of teachers is attracting much attention in several of the states of the Union, and in other countries, and by the pre-eminent advantages af- forded by this means for advancing the cause of education, it commends itself to your favorable consideration. Departments 14 O. L., XLVI, 83. 15 O. L., XLVII, 19. M O. L., XLVII, local, 261. "Quoted by Taylor, page 180. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 133 for the education of professional teachers in the Ohio and Miami Universities could be established under the authority of the state, and by a part of the means derived from the large endow- ments which these institutions have received from the govern- ment." 18 18 The plan proposed by Governor Bartley was the one finally fol- lowed by the state fifty-seven years later in establishing normal depart- ments in these two schools. CHAPTER VII SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES Libraries The first recognition of libraries in the laws of the state is found in the charter of the Dayton Library Society, February 21, 1805. 1 There is plenty of evidence, however, that the early settlers established libraries before this, but had not sought the legal sanction of a state charter. Venable 2 says that the first library in the territory northwest of the Ohio was at Belpre, near Marietta. This was organized in 1796, and was first known as the Putnam Family Library, later as the Belpre, or Belpre Farmers' Library. This library was owned by a joint stock com- pany, the common method of procedure in the formation of later libraries and library companies. Another of these early ventures, much better known than the preceding, was the so-called 'Coon-skin Library. This was located at Ames, Washington County, also near Marietta. The reason for the name popularly given to it, and the circumstances of its beginning are thus told by one of the founders, "At a pub- lic meeting of the inhabitants of Ames, called to devise means to improve our roads, and to consult about making one to con- nect the settlement at Sunday creek with that on Federal creek, held in the autumn of 1802, the intellectual wants of the neighbor- hood became the subject of the conversation. It was suggested that a library would supply what was needed, but the settlers had no money, and with few exceptions were in debt for their lands. Mr. Josiah True, of Sunday creek settlement, proposed to obtain the means by catching 'coons, and sending their skins to Boston by Samuel Brown, Esq., who expected to go east in 1 0. L., Ill, 228. 135. * U. L,., Ill, XVX. 2 Venable. Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley, page (134) Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 135 a wagon the next summer. Esquire Brown was present and as- sented to this proposition. Our young men were active hunters ; the 'coon skins and other furs were furnished and sent to market, and the books were bought. The Rev. Thaddeus Harris and the Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler selected for us about fifty volumes of choice books, and to these additions were made from time to time. As the settlement increased and children grew up, readers were multiplied, and all could have access to the library." 3 These early attempts to furnish opportunity for community study and improvement, were followed by an increasing number of similar organizations during the first four decades of the nineteenth century. Atwater writing in 1838* said that most of the towns in Ohio had reading rooms where a traveller could read all the prin- cipal newspapers and periodicals, and that libraries were increas- ing in number as well as size. The record of incorporations in the session laws bears witness to the probable truth of his state- ment. One hundred and ninety-two library societies had been incorporated by 1850. The record of incorporation in the pre- ceding decades is as follows : 1805-1810 6 1811-1820 15 1821-1830 45 1831-1840 95 1841-1850 31 192 The State Library at Columbus received regular appropria- tions from i824 5 on. In i846 6 district school libraries were au- thorized, but their support was left wholly to the initiative of the district. The law authorized the district to raise by taxes a sum not to exceed thirty dollars for the first year, and not more than ten dollars for each succeeding year. The decision was left 'Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler, page 50. 4 Atwater, History of Ohio, page 348. 'O. L., XXII, 36. O. L., XLIV, 81. 136 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. to a meeting of the taxpayers of the district, called for the pur- pose of voting on the question. Lyceums, Institutes, Athenaeums, and Literary Societies In addition to the library societies, there were frequent in- corporations of lyceums, athenaeums, institutes, and literary so- cieties, the total number of such incorporations being 64. These developed rapidly after 1830, prior to that time only three in- stitutions of this type being incorporated. The record of their incorporation is as follows : 1805 to 1830 3 1831 to 1840 40 1841 to J850 21 64 These latter institutions seem designed to afford meeting places for their members for discussion and opportunity for read- ing and study. The use of their funds is usually limited to the purchase of books, maps, charts, pamphlets and newspapers. Among them were eight Mechanics' Institutes. Seven of these incorporated after 1831. The first one of the latter was the Ohio Mechanics' Institute of Cincinnati in 18297 and its purpose was declared to be for "advancing the best interests of the Mechanics, Manufacturers and Artizans by the more general diffusion of useful knowledge in these important classes in the community." College Societies The first college literary society incorporated was the Erodelphian Society of Miami University in i83i, 8 followed in the same year by the Philomathesian Society of Kenyon College. 9 By 1850 twenty-three college and university societies were thus given sanction. Four of the number were incorporated under Greek letter names. T O. L., XXVII, local, 92. ' O. L., XXIX, 74. O. L, XXIX, local, 196. Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 187 Miscellaneous In addition to the various types of educational endeavor represented in the preceding paragraphs there were also in- corporated the following institutions, whose names indicate a wide range of literary and artistic interest supplementary to the regular educational agencies. The Historical Society of Ohio, 1822 ; 10 The Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts, 1828 j 11 The Lancaster Harmonic Society, 1830 ; 12 The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 1831 ; 13 The Eclectic Academy of Music in Cincinnati, 1835 ; 14 The New Paris Musical Institute, 1843 ; 15 The Western Academy of Natural Sciences, 1836 ; 16 The Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences, 1840 ; 1T The Cincinnati Astronomical Society, 1844 ; 18 The Ohio Institute of Natural Sciences, 1849 ; 19 The Western Art Union, 1848 ; 20 The Columbus Art Union, i849. 21 10 O. L, XX, local, 47. 11 0. L., XXVI, local, 30. U O. L., XXVIII, local, 179. 13 O. L, XXIX, local, 122. 14 O. L., XXXIII, local, 161. 15 O. L., XLI, local, 174. "O. L, XXXIV, local, 110. 17 O. L., XXXVIII, local, 138. 18 O. L., XLII, local, 122. "O. L., XLVII, local, 256. 30 O. L., XLVI, local, 228. * O. L., XLVII, local, 268. CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSION The two essential features of Ohio's educational policy as illustrated by the legislation passed from 1803 to 1850 are, first, the lack of any efficient central control of local educational activities, and second, the permissive character of a large part of the legislation passed, and the lack of any compulsory features. The large amount of educational legislation enacted shows that there was no lack of educational interest in the state, either in the public at large or* in the people's representatives in the General Assembly. There was a wide-spread belief in universal education and a desire for it. While there was, as elsewhere, much opposition to taxation and to the idea of distributive re- sponsibility for free schools, the general educational sentiment was good. The laws themselves show in many cases excellent educational possibilities. The weakness of the legislation was due to the fact that the theory followed seemed to be that the function of educational legislation was to establish general rules of organization and control in accord with which the communi- ties might regulate their own educational activities and have legal sanction for them, but that it was not the function of the state to develop any legal machinery that would definitely bring about educational results. The words of Samuel Lewis are so significant in this con- nection that they are quoted once more. Speaking of the law of 1838, far the best educational legislation of the entire period, he said : l "It gives to the people the power to do their own business whether in townships or districts as the majority may think best. The widest possible latitude is given for popular action : the most that the law does is to prescribe certain general rules within which the people can act under the sanction of the law, and it gives to such popular action the aid of law to effect its purpose." 1 Third Annual Report, State Supt of Schools, page 4. (138) Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 139 This expresses as well as it can be done the state theory that seems to underlie all the educational legislation prior to 1850. One result of this type of legislation was great freedom in educational experimentation, with legislative sanction when that was asked for. In communities where the general school senti- ment was high, as in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron and some other towns and cities, this resulted in an excellent type of school sys- tem, and through this experimentation a legalized model was given to other communities throughout the state. The results were excellent for those communities which chose to follow the example set and there were many that did so. On the other hand, there were no penalties in any of the legislation prior to 1850 to compel even towns and cities to organize schools other than those of the district type, and the only compulsion to organize the latter was the loss of the community's share of the school tax if it did not do so. Ohio early took an advanced position on the right and de- sirability of taxing all property in the state for school purposes. This principle appeared in 1825, when the commissioners of each county were directed to levy a half-mill tax for school support, and it remained in all subsequent laws in some form. With this principle established, the state did not concern itself further either to compel the taxation or the establishment of schools. These were matters to be decided by smaller local areas. The general idea seemed to be that self-interest and a desire to use the share of money to which each district was entitled, would be sufficient incentive for the establishment of public schools in the districts throughout the state. The results of the next fifteen years show that this belief was in large part justified. Mr. Lewis estimated the number of district schools taught in Ohio in the year i839 2 at 13,049, and he based this estimate on actual reports from 5,442 districts in which 7,295 schools were taught. The state, however, took no responsibility for seeing that the children of the district attended the school so established, and but a minor responsibility for the activities that were carried on in it. 'Third Annual Report, State Supt. of Schools, page 48. 140 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. This lack of compelling power and lack of efficient ad- ministrative officers made the system a loose and ineffective one, under which the various communities continued largely to do that which was right in their own eyes. The great educational blunder of Ohio was in the abolition of the office of State Superintendent in 1840. Although the of- fice as created in 1837 did not carry with it the possibility of ex- ercising any large legal powers, and was confined largely to the gathering of school statistics, and the dissemination throughout the state of educational information concerning the laws in force and other matters of educational interest, it did centralize the educational interest of the state in one office, and had in it great possibilities of usefulness. The law of 1838, with the State Superintendent at the head of the system contained much of edu- cational promise. It is not too much to say that if Mr. Lewis or a leader of equal ability could have continued the work begun so ably by him from 1837 to 1840, the educational development of Ohio might have paralleled that in Massachusetts under the guidance of Horace Mann. The explanation of its failure to do so, must be found in the fact that in spite of much educa- tional interest, the people as a whole were not ready for such leadership. Whatever the causes may have been, the result was to leave Ohio educationally a generation behind the position she might have occupied had she lived up to the full promise of the law of 1838. Nowhere is there a better illustration of the need of a cen- tralized administrative office capable of giving to the legislature advice founded upon knowledge of the facts, and of administer- ing the policies adopted uniformly throughout the state, than in the legislation concerning Ohio school lands. Educational in- terest, state economic interests such as the question of internal improvements local interests, and too often, individual in- terests were all presented to the legislature, which acted in many cases upon a one-sided presentation of the facts. The result was a mass of confused facts and conflicting legislation, that as it multiplied left the legislators themselves in ignorance as to the exact law that applied in particular cases. Opportunities for care- lessness and downright dishonesty in the local handling of the Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1803 to 1850. 141 funds, and the selling and leasing of the lands were afforded, and as the records show, not all local officials were either careful or honest. Aside from carelessness and occasional dishonesty, the conflict between the immediate interest of a neighbor and the more distant interest of the schools, that often confronted the local appraisers of lands, must have been frequently disastrous for the schools. John Brough, the auditor of state, said in 1840, that "any one who would seek the records and gather the melancholy facts they contained would be convinced of the waste that had taken place." The state had no clearly defined state-wide policy applicable in all instances and under all circumstances, and it lacked effi- cient machinery of government to administer carefully the policies that were initiated. It is not probable that dishonest or wilful carelessness was the cause of the legislation that made great loss possible, but rather ignorance of conditions, and a hand to mouth expediency to meet present needs. This could have been largely avoided through the establishment of a central office, interested primarily in preserving for the educational interests of the state the first state-wide grant made by the general government for the use of schools. There is little to be said in summarizing the state's attitude towards secondary and higher education. Ohio lacked in the beginning, and failed to develop during the period any state educational policy that embraced elementary, secondary and higher education. Her interest in public education was an in- terest in public elementary education only, not in secondary or higher institutions. One explanation for this is doubtless found in the abundance of local secondary and higher institutions estab- lished by private initiative, and a second in the fact that the three townships granted by the government for higher education were located in the Ohio Company's Purchase and in the Symmes' Purchase, and that the resulting institutions were re- garded as largely local and only quasi state m nature. With a lack of clearly recognized state institutions of college or uni- versity rank, there was no pressure from above for a system of preparatory schools under state control. 142 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Secondary education was still generally regarded as a privi- lege to be obtained by those who could afford to pay for it, not as a recognized part of a free state system. Private secondary schools had been established in abundance. It was not surpris- ing that the development of a state system of secondary schools came as a part of the general high school movement that began to take on vigorous growth about 1850. The characteristic features of Ohio's educational legislation during her first half century of statehood left a strong impression upon the state's educational policy for the next fifty years. The lack of any efficient centralized control, the absence of com- pulsory local supervision of any kind, an abundance of excellent permissive laws, which legalized advanced educational procedure without compelling it, the passing of laws general in form but local in application, lack of any state agency for training teachers for her schools, these continued throughout the next half century, from 1850 to 1900, as marked traits of the state's educational procedure. It is only in very recent years that Ohio has freed herself from some of the most undesirable features of her early legisla- tive inheritance, and has adopted a modern, progressive, central- ized state system of education, with state-wide supervision, that places her on a parity with her most advanced sister states. APPENDIX A. A CLASSIFIED COLLECTION AND ABSTRACT OF THE EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION OF THE PERIOD: 1803-1850. ACTS TO INCORPORATE THE ORIGINAL SURVEYED TOWNSHIPS, IN- CLUDING PROVISIONS FOR DISTRICTING, ESTABLISHING SCHOOLS, APPORTIONING MONEY, ETC. O. L., IV, 66, Jan. 2, 1806. O. L., VIII, 100', Feb. 6, 1810 O. L., XIII, 295, Dec. 5, 1814. O. L., XXIX, 490, March 14, 1831. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS O. L., XIX, 51, Jan. 22, 1821. An act to provide for the regulation and support of common schools. (The first School Law.) O. L., XX, 86, Jan. 31, 1822. Resolution. Seven commissioners to report a system of common schools. O. L., XXIII, 36, Feb. 5, 1825. An act to provide for the support, etc. O. L., XXV, 65, Jan. 30, 1827. An act supplementary to the above. O. L., XXV, 78, Jan. 30, 1827. An act to establish a fund for the sup- port of common schools. O. L., XXVII, 73, Feb. 10, 1829. An act to provide for the support, etc. O. L., XXVIII, 55, Feb. 18, 1830. Arf act in addition to the act to es- tablish a fund, etc. O. L., XXVIII, 57, Jan. 14, 1830. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XXIX, 414, March 10, 1831. An act to provide for the support, etc. O. L., XXIX, 423, March 2, 1831. An act to establish a fund for the support of common schools. O. L., XXX, 4, Dec. 23, 1831. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XXXI, 18, Dec. 3, 1832. An amendment regulating fees of county treasurers for handling school funds. O. L., XXXI, 24, Feb. 13, 1833. An act supplementary to the act con- cerning the school fund. O. L., XXXI, 24, Feb. 25, 1833. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XXXII, 25, Feb. 28, 1834. An act to provide for the support, etc. (143) 144 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXIV, 19, March 12, 1836. An act to provide for the suppirt, etc. O. L., XXXIV, 654, March 11, 1836. Resolution for a committee to pre- pare a School District Manual. O. L., XXXIV, 654, March 14, 1836. Resolution requesting C. E. Stowe to study and report on European Schools. O. L., XXXV, 82, March 27, 1837. An act creating the office of Super- intendent of Common Schools. O. L., XXXV, 560, April 1, 1837. Resolution appointing Samuel Lewis Superintendent of Common Schools. O. L., XXXV, 97, March 28, 1837. An act for the distribution, etc., of United States Surplus Revenue. O. L., XXXVI, 79, March 19, 1838. An act amending the preceding act. O. L., XXXIX, 41, March 27, 1841. An act further to .amend the pre- ceding. O. L., XXXVI, 21, March 7, 1838. An act for the support, etc. O. L., XXXVI, 399, Dec. 16, 1837. Resolution granting certain privileges to the Superintendent of Schools. O. L., XXXVI, 411, March 9, 1838. Resolution appointing Samuel Lewis Superintendent for five years. O. L., XXXVI, 73, March 17, 1838. An act concerning the distribution of the school fund in certain 'districts. O. L., XXXVI, 85, March 19, 1838. An act levying a tax for school purposes O. L, XXXVI, 90, March 19, 1838. An act regulating the fees of County Auditors. O. L., XXXVI, 402, Jan. 4, 1838. Resolution concerning Professor Stowe's report on European education. O. L., XXXVI, 404, Jan. 4, 1838. Resolution thanking Professor Stowe for the report. O. L., XXXVI, 404, Jan. 16, 1838. Resolution appropriating $500.00 for Professor C. E. Stowe for his labor. O. L., XXXVI, 410, March 7, 1838. Resolution providing for the dis- tribution of the report of the Superintendent of Schools and C. E. Stowe's report. O. L., XXXVI, 412, March 13, 1838. Resolution asking for the amount of school tax levied on colored people. O. L., XXXVI, 415, Jan. 16, 1838. Resolution that 8,500 copies of the report of the Superintendent of Schools be printed and distrib- uted. O. L., XXXVII, 394, Jan. 16, 1839. Resolution that 9,500 copies of the annual report of the Superintendent be printed and distributed. O. L., XXXVII, 61, March 16, 1839. An act amending the school law and creating permanently the office of Superintendent. O. L., XXXVIII, 131, March 23, 1840. An act to abolish the office of Superintendent of Schools. Appendix A. 145 O. L., XXXIX, 44, March 29, 1841. An act to amend the school law and all acts amendatory thereto. O. L., XL, 49, March 7, 1842. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XL, 59, March 7, 1842. An act making appropriations. Reduces the school appropriation to $150,000.00. O. L., XLII, 38, March 6, 1843. An act to increase the school fund. O. L., XLI, '59, March 11, 1843. An act further to amend the school law. O. L., XLII, 48, March 12, 1844. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XLIV, 114, March 2, 1846. An act to amend the preceding act of March 11, 1843. O. L., XLV, 26, Feb. 8, 1847. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XLV, 60, Feb. 8, 1847. An act to amend the act for levying taxes. O. L., XLIV, 81, Feb. 28, 1846. An act authorizing districts to establish school libraries. O. L., XLV, 67, Feb. 8, 1847. An act to incorporate Teachers' Institutes. O. L., XLV, 32, Feb. 8, 1847. An act to provide for the appointment of county superintendents'. O. L., XLVI, 28, Jan. 21, 1848. An act to secure the returns of school statistics. O. L., XLV, 187, Feb. 8, 1847. An act for the support of common schools in Akron. O. L., XLVI, 46, Jan. 28, 1848. An act to amend the preceding act. O. L., XLVI, 48, Feb. 14, 1848. An act making general the Akron act. O. L., XLVI, 69, Feb. 22, 1848. An act to amend the act for levying taxes. O. L., XLVI, 81, Feb. 24, 1848. An act to provide a department of Common Schools for colored persons. O. L., XLVI, 83, Feb. 24, 1848. An act amending the school law. O. L., XLVI, 86, Feb. 24, 1848. An act amending the act to encourage teachers' institutes. O. L., XLVII, 17, Feb. 10, 1849. An act authorizing separate schools for colored children. O. L., XLVII, 19, Feb. 16, 1849. An act amending the act to incorpo- rate teachers' institutes. O. L., XLVII, 22, Feb. 21, 1849. An act for the regulation of Public Schools in cities and towns. O. L. XLVII, 39, March 6, 1849. An act amending the school law. O. L., XLVII, 43, March 12, 1849. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XLVII, 45, March 15, 1849. An act to amend the Akron act. O. L., XLVII, 52, March 24, 1849. An act to amend the school law. O. L., XLVI 1 1, 40, March 13, 1850. An act to amend the law concerning public schools in cities and towns. O. L., XLVIII, 41, March 22, 1850. An act concerning school district taxes, etc. O. L., XLVIII, 44, March 22, 1850. An act for the appointment of a state board of public instruction. Vol. XX VI I 10. 146 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XLVIII, 47, March 23, 1850. An act supplementary to the pre- ceding. O. L., XLVIII, 728, Jan. 28, 1850. Resolution for the appointment of a committee to report on the defects of the present school system. SPECIAL ACTS CONCERNING PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Special acts for the following purposes were passed during the period from 1829 to 1850: Creating district or changing boundaries of districts 29 Allowing districts to make appropriations, borrow money or tax themselves for school purposes 26 Authorizing the sale of school lots or other lots for school purposes 18 Authorizing the apportionment of school funds when the school census had not been made 13 Changing the form or powers of the district organization 4 Governing the distribution of school funds in special cases 6 Relief of individual school officers 2 FINES, FEES, ETC., APPLIED TO THE SUPPORT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. O. L., XXVII, 11, Jan. 28, 1829. An act to regulate grocers and retailers of spirituous liquors. Licenses, $5.00 to $50.00. Fines for operating without license, per- mitting rioting, drunkenness, gambling, etc., $10.00 to $50.00. All monies to go to the schools of the county. O. L. XXIX, 161, Feb. 17, 1831. An act for the prevention of immoral practices. Sabbath breaking Fine $1 .00 to $5.00 Selling liquor on Sunday Not to exceed 5.00 Disturbing religious meetings Not to exceed 20.00 Using profanity 25 to 1 . 00 Exciting disturbance in a tavern, etc 50 to 5.00 Playing bullets, shooting, running horses in towns.. .50 to 5.00 Liquor dealer keeping nine pin alley 10.00 to 100.00 Exhibiting a puppet show, juggling, etc 10.00 Tearing down public notices 10 . 00 Selling liquor within one mile of religious gather ings except by licensed dealers at place of busi- ness, etc., 20.00 Bull baiting, bear baiting, etc., not to exceed 100.00 Cock fighting not to exceed , 100.00 , Horse racing on public road 1 . 00 to 5 . 00 All monies to go to the schools of the township in which offenses occur. Appendix A. 147 O. L., XXIX, 304, March 14, 1831. An act regulating sales at auctions. Selling without license 500.00 Failure to render account, not to exceed 1,000.00 All monies to go to State Literary Fund. O. L., XXIX, 313, March 14, 1831. An act for granting licenses. Peddling without license 20.00 to 100.00 All monies to go to schools of district in which the offense occurs. O. L., XXIX, 446, Feb. 28, 1831. An act to regulate public shows. Exhibiting circus without permit 100.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XXIX, 469, Jan. 18, 1830. An act to protect the fur trade. Killing muskrats out of season 1 . 00 Money to go to schools of township. O. L., XXIX, 477, March 9, 1831. An act for the inspection of cer- tain articles. Neglecting to have fish inspected and barrels branded 5.00 Failure to bury offal when fish are packed 5.00 to 50.00 Inspector violating regulations 50.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XXXII, 47, March 3, 1834. An act for the inspection of salt. Selling or removing salt liable to inspection. Perbbl. 1.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XXXII, 20, Feb. 27, 1834. An act to provide (sic) for certain crimes. Medical malpractice of various kinds 100.00 to 500.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XLVI, 36, Feb. 7, 1848. Amending the act granting licenses, etc. Peddler's license fees to go to state school fund. Fine for peddling without license 50.00 Money to go to schools of the township. O. L., XLIII, 17, Feb. 10, 1845. An act to. prevent firing of cannon upon public streets, etc. Money to go to schools of the township 50.00 O. L., XLIV, 10, Jan. 17, 1846. An act to prevent gambling. Proprietor of gambling house or common gambler. 500.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XLIV, 76, Feb. 28, 1846. An act to protect enclosures. Fine not to exceed 100 . 00 O. L., XLII, 37, March 6, 1844. An act to prevent the introduction and spreading of Canada thistles. Allowing to mature or selling seed containing Can- ada thistle seed 10.00 to 20.00 Money to go to schools of the township. O. L., XXXII, 38, March 1, 1834. Obstructing naviga- tion in the Muskingmn River 50.00 148 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXVI, 68, March 17, 1838. Officer or corpora- tion disregarding court orders in quo warranto procedure '. 10,000.00 Money to go to schools of the county. O. L., XXXVIII, 4, Jan. 17, 1840. Keeping breachy or unruly animals 25 to 1.00 Money to go to schools of the district. O. L., XXXVIII, 7, Jan. 17, 1840. Harboring intox- icated Indians 5.00 to 25.00 Money to go to schools of the district. O. L., XXXIX, 34, March 26, 1841. Selling liquor with- in two miles of a religious society gathered in a field or woodland 10.00 Money to go to schools of the township. LAWS CONCERNING COMMON SCHOOLS IN CITIES AND TOWNS O. L., XXIII, 65, Jan. 8, 1825. An act authorizing the township meeting at Marietta to vote a sum for schools. O. L., XXVII, 33, Feb. 12, 1829. An act creating a school system in the city of Cincinnati. O. L., XXXVIII, 157, March 19, 1840. Amending the preceding act. O. L., XLIII, 413, March 12, 1845. Supplementary. City of Cincinnati. O. L., XLIV, 91, Feb. 11, 1846. An act for the better classification of the Common Schools of Cincinnati and Dayton. O. L., XLV, 193, Feb. 6, 1847. An act authorizing the City Council of Cincinnati to levy taxes for school purposes'. O. L., XLVIII, 662, March 23, 1850. An act authorizing the appoint- ment of a Superintendent of Common Schools in Cincinnati. O. L., XXXIV, 226, March 3, 1836. An act incorporating the City of Ohio. Provides for School System. O. L., XXXV, 32, Jan. 7, 1837. An act incorporating the City of Toledo. Provides for School System. O. L., XXXIV, 271, March 5, 1836. An act incorporating the City of Cleveland. Provides for School System. O. L, XLVI, 150, Feb. 18, 1848. An act for the better regulation and support of the Cleveland Schools. O. L., XXXVI, 329, March 16, 1838. Amending the act to incorporate the town of Portsmouth. School System adapted from the Cin- cinnati charter. O. L., XXXVII, 194, March 12, 1839. An act for the support and better regulation of the schools in the town of Zanesville. O. L., XXXIX, 22, Feb. 20, 1841. An act to regulate schools in the town of Marietta. O. L., XXXIX, 135, March 27, 1841. An act to incorporate the city of Dayton. Adapts provisions of . the Cleveland and Cincinnati schools. Appendix A. 149 O. L., XLIII, 57, Feb. 3, 1845. An act for the support and better regula- tion of schools in the city of Columbus. O. L., XLVII, 230, Feb. 16, 1849. Amending the preceding. O. L., XLIII, 150, Feb. 26, 1845. An act incorporating the town of Mt. Vernon. Provides for the control of schools. O. L., XLVII, 205, March 9, 1849. An act concerning taxes, schools, and sewers in the city of Toledo. O. L., XLIV, 261, March 2, 1846. An act to regulate Common Schools in Maumee City, Lucas County, and in Elyria. O. L., XLV, 121, Feb. 8, 1847. An act for the support and better regu- lation of schools in District 21, in Urbana. O. L., XLVI, 185, Feb. 18, 1848. An act for the support and better reg- ulation of schools in Lithopolis. O. L., XLVI, 191, Feb. 19, 1848. An act for the support and better regulation of schools in Lancaster. O. L., XLVIII, 647, Feb. 13, 1850. Amending the preceding. O. L., XLVI, 237, Feb. 24, 1848. An act for the support and better regulation of schools in Lebanon District, Warren County. O. Ll, XLVII, 253, March 21, 1849. An act repealing the "Akron Act" in the town of New Lebanon. O. L., XLVIII, 648, March 22, 1850. An act to repeal the provisions of the act for the regulation of schools' in cities and towns etc., so far as it is in force in the town of Hanover. O. L., XLVIII, 662, March 21, 1850. An act to exempt Mt. Vernon from the provisions of the Akron act. O. L., XLVIII, 373, March 21, 1850. Amending the act to incorporate the town of Fulton. (Providing for schools.) O. L., XLVIII, 421, March 19, 1850. An act incorporating the city of Piqua. (Providing for schools.) O. L., XLVIII, 446, March 21, 1850. An act to incorporate the city of Springfield. (Providing for schools.) O. L., XLVIII, 648, March 1, 1850. An act extending the provisions of the act for regulation of schools in cities etc., to Union School District No. 7 in Springfield and Suffield Townships in Summit and Portage Counties. O. L., XLVIII, 651, March 19, 1850. An act authorizing the citizens of Wooster to vote for or against the provisions of the "Akron Act." ACTS CONCERNING LOCAL SCHOOL FUNDS O. L., XXVII, 23, Jan. 5, 1829. An act establishing a fund for Common schools in Clermont County. O. L., XXVII, 180. Feb. 11, 1829. } O. L., XXVIII, 56. Feb 2, 1830. Acts supplementary to the preced- O. L., XXVIII, 57. Jan. 14, 1830. f ing act. O. L., XXIX, 210. March 11, 1831. J 150 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXII, 100, Feb. 20, 1834; O. L., XXXVIII, 149, March 17, 1840. Acts establishing a Common School Fund in that part of War- ren County in the Virginia Military District. O. L., XXVIII, 93, Feb. 18, 1830. An act incorporating the trustees of the Windham School Fund. O. L, XXXVII, 50, Feb. 16, 1839 ; O. L., XLI, 26, January 16, 1843. Acts supplementary to the preceding. ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS FOR POOR CHILDREN O. L., XXIV, 36, Jan. 24, 1826. An act to incorporate the Charity School of Kendall, Stark County. O. L., XXVII, Feb. 10, 1829, O. L., XLVIII, 625, March 7, 1850. Acts supplementary to the preceding. O. L., XXV, 62, Jan. 24, 1827. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Woodward Free Grammar School. O. L., XXXIV, 514, March 14, 1836. An act to incorporate the M'Intire Poor School, in Zanesville. O. L., XXXVI, 514, March 7, 1838. An act to incorporate the Immigrants Friends Society of Cincinnati. LAWS CONCERNING SCHOOL LANDS Journals of the American Congress. 1774-1788. Vol. IV, 520. May 20, 1785. An Ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western territory. United States Statutes at Large. Vol. I, 51. July 13, 1787. An Ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio. Journals of the American Congress. 1774-1788. Vol. IV, Appendix, 17. Powers to the Board of Treasury to contract for the sale of the Western territory. United States Statutes at Large. Vol. II, 175. April 30, 1802. Enabling Act for Ohio. Nashee's Compilation, page 161, Territorial Act. Nov. 27, 1800. An act authorizing the leasing of school lands etc., in Washington County. O. L., I, 161, April 15, 1803. An act to provide for the leasing of school lands. O. L., Ill, 230, Feb. 20, 1805. An act directing the mode of leasing Section 16. O. L., Ill, 321, April 15, 1805. An act to provide for leasing School lands. O. L., IV, 66, Jan. 2, 1806. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. (Leasing school lands.) Appendix A. 151 O. L., VI, 125, Jan. 14, 1808. An act accepting certain lands offered by Congress for the use of schools in the Virginia Military Tract, in lieu of those heretofore appropriated. O. L., VII, 109, Feb. 17, 1809. An act directing the manner in which the school lands in the Virginia Military Tract shall be sur- veyed and disposed of. O. L., VIII, 100, Feb. 6, 1810. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. (Leasing school lands.) O. L., VIII, 254, Feb. 16, 1810. Amending the act concerning the dis- position etc., of the school lands in the Virginia Military Tract. O. L., XIII, 295, Dec. 5, 1814. An act supplementing the act to incorporate townships. (Leasing school lands.) O. L., XIV, 418, Feb. 26, 1816. An act directing the manner of leasing the school lands in the Virginia Military Tract. O. L., XV, 202, Jan. 27, 1817. An act to provide for leasing the school lands'. (99-year leases.) O. L., XIX, 161, Feb. 21, 1821. An act to provide for leasing school lands in the United States Military District. O. L., XX, 34, Jan. 31, 1822. An act regulating the school lands in the Connecticut Western Reserve. O. L., XXI, 33, Jan. 27, 1823. An act to authorize the surrender of cer- tain leases etc. (School lands.) O. L., XXV, 26, Jan. 29, 1827. An act to provide for the sale of Sec- tion 16. O. L., XXV, 103, Jan. 19, 1827. An act to provide for obtaining the consent of the inhabitants of the United States Military District to the sale of school lands, and to authorize the surrender of leases and the receiving of certificates of purchase. O. L., XXV, 45, Jan. 29, 1827. An act to enable the inhabitants of the Virginia Military District to vote on the sale of school lands. O. L., XXVI, 23, Jan. 28, 1828. An act to provide for the sale of the school lands in the Virginia Military District, and to authorize the surrender of leases and the receiving of certificates of pur- chase. O. L, XXVI, 135, Feb. 11, 1828. An act to enable the inhabitants of the Connecticut Western Reserve to give their consent to the sale of their school lands. O. L., XXVI, 80, Feb. 11, 1828. An act to provide for granting temporary leases of certain school lands. O. L., XXVIII, 16, Feb. 9, 1830. An act to amend the act providing for the sale of Section 16. O. L., XXVIII, 18, Dec. 31, 1829. An act to enable the inhabitants of the Connecticut Western Reserve to give their consent to the sale of their school lands. O. L., XXIX, 490, March 14, 1831. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. (Management of the school lands.) 152 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXIX, 187, March 3, 1831. An act making further provision for the sale of Section 16. O. L., XXXIII, 128, Feb. 25, 1835. An act authorizing the electors in the several counties of the Western Reserve to give their assent t* the sale of additional school land. O. L., XXXVI, 63, March 16, 1838. Amending the act to provide for the sale of Section 16. O. L., XXXVII, 78, March 18, 1839. An act for the relief of holders of leases on Section 16. O. L., XXXVIII, 62, March 21, 1840. Amending the act providing for the sale of school lands in the United States Military District. O. L., XXXVIII, 164, March 20, 1840. An act providing for the sale of. three tracts of Moravian school lands in Tuscarawas County. O. L., XLI, 20, Feb. 2, 1843. An act to regulate the sale of Ministerial and School Lands and the surrender of permanent leases. O. L., XLIII, 58, March 4, 1845. An act to fix the minimum price of school lands. O. L.', XLVI, 38, Feb. 8, 1848. An act to enable the inhabitants of the Western Reserve to give their consent to the sale of their school lands. O. L., XLVII, 232, Feb. 17, 1849. An act to provide for the sale of the Western Reserve school lands. SPECIAL ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOL LANDS 1803 to 1817 Granting permanent leases 25 Concerning other features of leases 5 1817 to 1823 Concerning leases 18 Extending time of payment of rent 3 1823 to 1827 Calling for a revaluation of land 4 Granting one year leases 2 For the relief of lessees 4 Leasing less than legal amount 1 1827 to 1831 Calling for a revaluation of land 15 For surrendering leases 15 Authorizing sales of school lands 12 Making special provisions for leasing 5 Distributing funds from leased lands 4 Leasing less than legal amount For the relief of lessees Appendix A. 153 1831 to 1838 Providing for sales 47 Changing provisions for surrendering leases 17 Postponing payments due 17 Leasing less than legal amount 7 Distributing funds from leased lands 6 Special provisions in lease 3 Concerning a revaluation of land 5 1838 to 1845 Concerning the surrender of leases 21 Postponing payments 14 Acts legalizing sales 13 Special provisions for leasing 11 Sixty-four of the acts of this period included a minimum price ranging from two to thirty dollars per acre. The minimum price that appears most frequently is five dollars per acre, this appearing in forty- six of the sixty-four cases. This fixing of a minimum price occurs in these cases before any general act has been passed placing a minimum price on school lands. 1845 to 1850 Authorizing sales of land, approximately 100 Surrendering leases 8 Extending time oi payment 7 Leasing 2 In addition to the special acts classified above, there are a compara- tively small number of miscellaneous acts concerning school lands that do not lend themselves 1 easily to classification, and which are of very minor importance. The total number of special acts passed concerning school lands during this period is approximately 500. ACTS INCORPORATING SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS Acts incorporating academies, seminaries, institutes, high schools, etc. The acts incorporating these institutions are not given in full. Only the date of incorporation and the main points are indicated. These facts will indicate the incorporators, the control of the institution, the body supporting it, the property limitations, the curriculum and purpose, and the limitations placed upon the body by the act of incorporation. These provisions are not all indicated in the case of each act, but the points that appear are shown. 164 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., I, 117, April 16, 1803. The Erie Literary Society; David Hudson and twelve others; board of trustees of ten to fifteen members: to support a seminary of learning, either a college or an academy. O. L., VI, 17, February 15, 1808. The Dayton Academy; James Walsh and seven others ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; nine trustees ; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars. O. L., VI, 51, February 20, 1808. The Worthington Academy; James Kilburne and six others ; seven trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., VI, 156, February 18, 1808. Chillicothe Academy; Robert Wilson and eight others; seven to eleven trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars ; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., VIII, 26, January 2, 1810. The New Lisbon -Academy ; Clement Vallandigham and eleven others; twelve trustees; stock com- pany, shares five dollars; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars; to erect and keep in repair a house for an academy, and such other academical purposes as they shall deem most conducive to the interest of said corporation. O. L., IX, 39, January 26, 1811. An academy at Steubenville ; Lyman Potter and fifteen others, twelve trustees; stock company, shares five dollars ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., IX, 57, January 29, 1811. Gallia Academy in Gallipolis ; Claude R. Menager and fifty-nine others ; seven trustees ; stock company, shares ten dollars each; annual income not to exceed five thou- sand dollars; to use the funds in that way most beneficial for the encouragement of literature, and to set apart a fund for the education of orphans and poor children. O. L., XIII, 132, February 4, 1815. The Cincinnati Lancaster Seminary, William Lytle and nineteen others; seven directors; annual in- come not to exceed ten thousand dollars; no part of said funds shall be applied for the purpose of banking; no political, re- ligious, moral or literary association shall have ascendancy in the directory, and no religious tenets peculiar to any Christian sect shall ever be introduced into the seminary. O. L., XIV, 183, February 13, 1816. Montgomery Academy, Hamilton County; Daniel Hayden and six others; seven trustees; stock company, shares five dollars each ; annual income not to exceed one thousand dollars. O. L., XIV, 440, February 27, 1816. Tallmadge Academy, Portage County; Elizur Wright and twenty-five others; seven to eleven trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars each; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars; no funds shall be applied to banking. O. L., XV, 107, January 24, 1817. An act to provide for the incorpora- tion of schools and library companies. This act provides that Appendix A. 155 any association of six or more persons may, for the purpose of establishing a school and building a school-house, or for the purpose of establishing a library, submit their articles of association to the president of the Court of Common Pleas and if he approve and endorse same, submit it to two judges of the Supreme Court. If they in like manner approve and endorse the articles of association, they shall be recorded and deposited with the county recorder, and the incorporators shall have the usual corporate powers. O. L., XVI, 109, January 29, 1818. The Florence Academy of Arts and Science, Huron County ; Luther Havriss and nine others ; an- nual income not to exceed two thousand dollars; no part of stock to be used for banking or other purposes. O. L., XVII, 97, February 1, 1819. Cadiz Academy, Harrison County; John Rea and eleven others ; twelve trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars; no part of funds to be used for banking. O. L., XVII. 186, February 6, 1819. Union Academy, Muskingum County ; Andrew Howell and ten others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; no funds to be used in banking. O. L., XVIII, local, 85, February 23, 1820. Lancaster Academy; P. Beecher and six others ; seven trustees ; stock company ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars; trustees shall have power "of directing what branches of literature and the arts and sciences shall be taught." O. L., XX, local, 11, January 1, 1822. The Academy of Alma, New Athens, Harrison County: Joseph Anderson and eleven others; said corporation shall not deal in exchange, discount notes or follow any commercial business or pursuit; no religious doc- trines peculiar "to any one sect of Christians shall be inculcated by any professor of said academy." O. L., XX, local, 127, January 30, 1822. The Urbana Academy; John Reynolds and six others; seven trustees; stock company; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars; no religious tenets peculiar to any Christian sect to be taught. O. L., XX, local. 30, January 31, 1822. Rutland Academy, Meigs County; Abel Larkin and four others; seven trustees, stock company, shares five dollars. O. L., XXII, local, 14, January 22. 1824. Franklin Academy, Mansfield; Ebon P. Sturges and fourteen others ; fifteen trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars ; no religious tenets peculiar to any one sect of Christians shall be taught or inculcated in said academy. O. L.. XXII, 72, February 21, 1824. Norwalk Academy, Huron County; Timothy Baker and four others; seven trustees; stock company; 156 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars; trustees shall direct "what branches of literature and of the arts and sciences shall be taught." O. L., XXXII, local, 85, February 17, 1834. Norwalk Academy changed to Norwalk Seminary; trustees to be appointed by the Ohio Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church; no teacher shall be allowed to teach any student the peculiar tenets of any sect or religious denomination without the consent of the parents or guardian. O. L., XXII, local, 104, February 24, 1824. Belmont Academy, St. Clairs- ville, Belmont County; James Caldwell and four others; five trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each. O. L., XXIII, local, 18, December 22, 1824. Circleville Academy; Andrew Houston and six others ; seven trustees ; stock com- pany, shares ten dollars each; trustees shall determine what branches of literature and the arts and sciences shall be taught. O. L.,, XXVI, local, 167, January 24, 1828. The Nelson Academy; Jeremiah H. Fuller and eight others; nine trustees; stock com- pany, capital stock not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; board "to direct what branches of literature shall be taught." O. L., XXVII, local, 152, February 9, 1829. Hillsborough Academy, Highland County; William Keys and six others; board of seven trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each. O. L., XXVIII, local, 116, February 22, 1830. The High School of Elyria, Lorain County; Heman Ely and four others; no part of the funds shall be applied to any other object than the support of the high school. O. L., XXIX, local, 43, January 15, 1831. The Woodward High School, Cincinnati ; five trustees ; endowment ; to educate such children as have no parents living within the limits of said city ; the bene- fits of this, trust shall not be confined to any religious sect or sects, but shall be open to all children coming within the pro- visions of this act, whatever may be or whatever may have been the religious creed of their parents. Amended, January 7, 1836, O. L., XXXIV, local, 27. SEC. 1. Enabling the trustees to establish a college depart- ment to be called "The Woodward College of Cincinnati." SEC. 2. Granting power to confer all such degrees as are usually conferred in colleges and universities, provided that they shall not establish a medical, law or theological department. O. L, XXIX, local, 100, February 9, 1831. The Columbus Female Academy; James Hoge and four others; three to five trustees; stock company, shares of one hundred dollars each ; annual in- come not to exceed three thousand dollars; to be employed only for literary purposes. Appendix A. 157 O. L., XXIX, local, 137, February 22, 1831. The Ashtabula Institution of Science and Industry; Giles Cowles and nine others. O. L., XXXIII, local, 79, February 17, 1835. Amended. Changing name to the "Grand River Institute." O. L v XXIX, local, 39, February 22, 1831. Delaware Academy; Ezra Griswold and eight others ; nine trustees ; income not to exceed five thousand dollars; no part of such property to be applied to any banking or commercial purposes. O. L., XXX, local, 30, January 19, 1832. Kinsman Academy, Trumbull County; Isaac Mcllvaine and ten others; property not to ex- ceed ten thousand dollars. O. L, XXX, local, 47, January 25, 1832. Canton Academy; William Christmas and nine others; seven trustees; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; no part to be applied to banking, nor other than purposes that are purely literary; to manage the academy buildings hereafter erected on the public school ground of said town of Canton for the purpose of this corporation, and the general interest of education. O. L., XXXI, local, 133, February 19, 1833. Repealed. O. L., XXX, local, 62, January 26, 1832. Farmington Academy, Trum- bull County ; Theodore Wolcott and four others ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars; no part of property to be used for other than literary purposes. O. L., XXX, local, 111, February 6, 1832. Ashtabula Academy, Ashtabula County; Mathew Hubbard and seven others; three to five trus- tees, stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each; income not to exceed three thousand dollars; property shall only be em- ployed for literary purposes. O. L., XXX, local, 141, February 7, 1832. Huron Institute; Ebenezer Andrews and nineteen others; twenty trustees; to afford in- struction to the youth of both sexes in the higher branches of an English education, the learned languages, and the liberal arts and sciences, and the trustees as their ability shall increase may erect a separate or additional departments for the pursuit of these and any other branches of a polite and liberal education, and may provide the requisite means for the employment of the students' manual labor such portion of their time as their health and other circumstances may require. O. L., XXXI, 188, local, February 21, 1833. The Chillicothe Female Seminary; John Woodbridge and five others of Ross County: five trustees ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dol- lars ; property and funds shall be converted to no other use than the promotion of female education. t). L., XXXII, local, 177, February 25, 1834. The Ravenna Academy; Darius Lemon and six others ; property not to exceed ten thou- sand dollars. 158 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXII, local, 223, February 7, 1834. Union Academy, Wayne County; James Snodgrass and nine others. O. L. XXXII, local, 234, February 28, 1834. Vinton Academy, Gallia County; Samuel W. Holcomb and eight others; nine trustees; stock company, shares five dollars each. O. L., XXXII, local, 270, March 1, 1834. The Springfield High School, Clark County; nine trustees; stock company, shares" ten dollars each ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; "said high school shall afford instruction to the youths of both sexes in the higher branches of an English education, or learned Ian- gauges, or liberal arts and sciences, and such other branches of a polite and liberal education as may be prescribed by the trustees"; funds shall never be appropriated for any other pur- pose than that for which they were given. O. L., XL, local, 114, March 7, 1842. Ohio Conference High School. The Springfield High School passes to the control of the Ohio Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church; nine- teen trustees, trustees to be appointed by the Ohio Annual Con- ference of the M. E. Church, property not to exceed five thou- sand dollars. O. L., XXXII, local, 333, March 3, 1834. The Female Academy of Mt. Vernon; Hosmer Curtis and nine others; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; funds to be used exclusively for the purposes of education in literature and the arts and sciences; no part of the funds to be employed for banking purposes in any way whatever. O. L., XXXIII, local, 5, December 17, 1834. Stephen Strong's Manual Labor Seminary, Meigs County; seven trustees; instruction of youth in the various branches of useful knowledge; the rules and regulations concerning the admission of scholars shall give no preference on account of religious tenets or any cause, except good moral character and promise of future usefulness; that no religious tenets peculiar to any sect of Christians shall ever be taught or inculcated in the seminary, provided that nothing* in the foregoing shall be so construed as to prevent a course or moral and religious instruction such as is consistent with the Christian religion, except such as is calculated to support sectarianism. O. L., XXXIII, local, 21, January 22, 1835. The Richmond Classical Institute, Richmond, Jefferson County; Thomas George and twelve others; thirteen trustees; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; property and funds shall be used for no purpose other than that of education. O. L., XLVI, local, 7, December 28, 1847. Changing the name of the Richmond Classical Institute to Richmond College. Appendix A. 159 O. L., XXXIII, local, 48, February 12, 1835. Kingsville High School, Ashtabula County; stock company, shares ten dollars each; said property shall be applied to no other use than the establishment and maintenance of said school and the promotion of literature and sciences. O. L., XXXIII, local, 51, February 14, 1835. Conneaut Academy; Ashbel Dart and six others ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars O. L., XXXIII, local, 87, February 19, 1835. The Windham Academy; Hiram Messenger and six others; income not to exceed two thousand dollars annually. O. L., XXXIII, local, 87, February 19, 1835. The Granville Female Seminary; Henry Carr and eleven others; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars ; for aiding and promoting literary and scientific purposes, and for the construction or purchase of buildings for said seminary. O. L., XXXIII, local, 112. February 23, 1835. Fellenburgh Institute, Brunswick, Medina County ; John Berdan and ten others ; funds shall be applied to the endowment, support and maintenance of a seminary of learning. O. L., XXXIII, local, 153, February 27, 1835. The Western Female Sem- inary, Mansfield ; Elizur Hedges and eight others ; property not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., XXXIII, local, 190, March 5, 1835. The Wadsworth Academy; William Eyles and four others; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXIII, local, 191, March 5, 1835. The Academical Institution of Richfield, Medina County ; Secretary Rawson and four others ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXIII, local, 305, March 7, 1835. The Hamilton and Rossville Female Academy; John Woods and eight others; five directors; stock company, shares ten dollars each; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; directors have power to "direct what branches of literature and of the arts and sciences shall be taught; no part of the funds shall be used for banking". O. L., XXXIII, local, 321, March 7, 1835. The Circleville Female Sem- inary; Guy W. Doan and seven others. O. L., XXXIII, local, 328, March 7, 1835. Bishop's Fraternal Calvanistic (sic) Baptist Seminary ; Samuel G. Bishop and five others ; prop- erty not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ; that students may pay any part or all of their board and tuition in cultivating said land (one hundred acres) at a fair reward for their labor, as it is given for that expressed purpose and no other, and if circum- stances shall require, may erect shops thereon and furnish mate- rials for mechanics for the same purpose; also furnish places for female labor sewing, braiding and all such other kinds of labor as may be deemed expedient; no one shall be eligible for 160 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. the office of trustee or president to superintend the instruction of said seminary, unless he is a member of the Calvinistic or Reg- ular Baptist Denomination, so-called; nothing in this act shall be so construed to authorize the establishment of a school for the practice of medicine; "other teachers and students may be re- ceived without regard to their religious tenets provided they are of a moral character, and be treated according to their merit". O. L., XXXIV, local, 6, December 30, 1835. The Universal School of Massillon ; Alexander McCully and four others ; funds shall not be applied for any other than literary or scientific purposes. O. L, XXXIV, local, 190, February 29, 1836. The Putnam Classical In- stitute ; William H. Beecher and five others. O. L., XXXIV, local, 242, March 4, 1836. The Seneca County Academy; Samuel Waggoner and six others ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars. O. L., XXXIV, local, 242, March 4, 1836. The Madison Liberal Institute ; Ebenezer Ward and four others ; annual income not to exceed $2,000.00. O. L., XXXIV, local, 386, March 11, 1836. Wooster Academy; David Robinson and eight others; capital stock not to exceed twenty- five thousand dollars; stock company, shares five dollars; nine trustees; trustees have power "to direct what branches of litera- ture and the arts and sciences shall be taught" ; no part of funds shall ever be applied for banking purposes. O. L., XXXIV, local, 408, March 12, 1836. Shaw Academy, Cuyahoga County; Clifford Belden and sixty-nine others; nine trustees; endowment and stock company, shares ten dollars each ; property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars, annual income not to ex- ceed two thousand dollars; "to afford greater facilities for the instruction of youth in literature and sciences, and for the incul- cating of good morals on Christian principles". O. L., XXXIV, local, 458, March 14, 1836. The Academy of Sylvania, Lucas County ; William Wilson and eight others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; stock not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ; trustees may "direct what branches of literature and the arts and sciences shall be taught". O. L., XXXIV, local, 460, March 14, 1836. Granville Academy; Jacob Little and ten others ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; funds shall never be used for banking purposes. O. L, XXXIV, local, 514, March 14, 1836. Sharon Academy, Medina County ; Thomas Briggs and five others ; property not to exceed five thousand dollars; proceeds shall be applied to the support of a school and to no other purpose whatever. O. L., XXXIV, local, 545, March 14, 1836. Medina Academy; U. H. Peak and thirty-one others ; stock company ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars. Appendix A. 161 O. L., XXXIV, local, 547, March 14, 1836. The Cleves Independent School, Hamilton County ; "whereas the law regulating common schools does not sufficiently provide for schools such as would suit the wishes and circumstances of the people in every section of the state, and that the citizens of the village of Cleves and vicinity may have a school where the different branches of educa- tion may be taught such as has been contemplated by the pro- visions of the general school law" ; Stephen Wood and four others ; three trustees, a treasurer and secretary. O. L., XXXIV, local, 20, December 30, 1836. Middleberg High School, Portage County ; D. McNaughton and four others ; five trustees ; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars ; property not to exceed thirty thousand dollars. O. L., XXXV, local, 133, March 3, 1837. Warren Academy, Trumbull County ; David Todd with eighteen others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares fifty dollars each ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; funds to be used only for education ; a seminary of learning for the instruction of young persons of either sex in science and literature. O. L., XXXV, local, 139, March 7, 1837. Sheffield Manual Labor In- stitute ; Robbins Burrell with seven others of Lorain County; labor, arts and sciences; no part of funds shall be used for banking purposes. O. L., XXXV, local, 185, March 10, 1837. The Neville Institute, Colum- biana County ; Alexander Young and eight others ; six trustees to be appointed by the legislature; endowment; annual income not to .exceed two thousand dollars. O. L., XXXV, local, 193, March 13, 1837. New Hagerstown Academy, Carroll County ; Richard Brown and thirteen others ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars. O. L., XXXV, local, 230,, March 14, 1837. Berea Seminary, Cuyahoga County; James Giltruth and eleven others; twelve trustees; stock company; "literary and manual labor departments". O. L. XXXV, local, 262, March 16, 1837. The Philomathean Literary Institute, Antrim, Guernsey County; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 308, March 16, 1839. Changing the name of The Philomathean Literary Institute to Madison College. O. L., XXXV, local, 342, March 27, 1837. Monroe Seminary, Monroe County; William Mason and eight others; nine trustees; stock company; shares ten dollars each; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars; "That it shall be the primary object of this institution to cultivate the intellectual and moral faculties of the youth who may resort to it for instruction, to teach them the art of self-government, and fit them by a judicious course of Vol. XXVII 11. 162 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. moral discipline for future usefulness and happiness; provided that no peculiar tenets of any religious sect shall ever he taught in such institution nor shall any denomination of Christians be excluded". O. L., XXXV, 380, local, March 31, 1837. Troy Academy, Miami County; nine trustees; stock company, shares twenty dollars; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; instruction of young persons of either sex in science and literature ; funds to be used for no other purpose than education. O. L., XXXV, local, 406, April 1, 1837. New Philadelphia Academy, Tuscarawas County ; ' Joshua Simons and ten others ; three to five trustees ; stock company, shares twenty dollars each ; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars ; funds to be em- ployed for literary purposes. O. L., XXXV, local, 425, April 3, 1837. Massillon Academy, Alexander McCulley and eight others. O. L., XXXV, local, 511, April 3, 1837. The Cleveland Female Seminary; Henry Sexton and four others; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; trustees have power to assign professors and teachers "in the several departments of arts, science and literature." O. L., XXXVI, local, 52, February 8, 1838. The Akron High School, Portage County; Simon Perkins and six others; seven trustees; Stock company, shares twenty dollars each ; property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; "it shall be the primary object of this institution to cultivate and strengthen the intellectual and moral faculties of the youth who may resort to it for instruction" ; no peculiar tenets of religion shall be taught nor any denomina- tion of Christians be excluded. O. L., XXXVI, local, 98, February 19, 1838. Cambridge Academy, Guern- sey County ; James Blackett and seven others ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVI, local, 98, February 19, 1838. Massillon Female Seminary, Stark County; O. N. Sage and ten others; stock company, shares fifty dollars each; "moral, physical and intellectual im- provement and education of young females". O. L., XXXVI, local, 157, March 2, 1838. The Western Reserve Wesleyan Seminary; Isaac Winnans and twelve others; establishing and maintaining a seminary of learning in the town of Streetsboro. O. L., XXXVI, local, 159, March 2, 1838. The Edinbugh Academy; Ira Eddy and ten others ; establish an academy in the township of Edinburgh, Portage County. O. L., XXXVI, local, 190, March 5, 1838. Wayne Academy; Ely B. Smith and eight others ; nine directors ; with power to increase to fifteen. Appendix A. 163 O. L., XXXVI, local, 210, March 9, 1838. Norwalk Female Seminary; Picket Latimer and nine others ; nine trustees ; stock company, capital stock twelve hundred dollars with privilege to increase to twenty thousand dollars, shares twenty dollars each ; annual in- come not to exceed four thousand dollars; educating females only. O. L., XXXVI, local, 223, March 10, 1838. Chester Academy, Geauga County; Austin Turner and four others. O. L., XXXVI, local, 231, March 10, 1838. Eaton Academy, Preble County; five trustees; stock company, shares twenty dollars; an- nual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L. XXXVI, local, 235, March 10, 1838. Sandusky Academy, Huron County; Samuel B. Caldwell and twelve others; nine trustees, stock company, shares twenty dollars ; capital stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ; funds to be used only for education. O. L., XXXVI, local, 287, March 14, 1838. Union Academy, Union County; Reuben P. Mann and ten others; eleven trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; stock shall not be applied to banking purposes. O f L., XXXVI, local, 317, March 15, 1838. Dover Academy, Tuscarawas County; Wright Warner and ten others; annual income not to exceed six thousand dollars; funds to be used only for purposes of education. O. L., XXXVI, local, 362, March 16, 1838. Marion Academy, Marion County; Sanford F. Bennett and nine others; nine trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars; stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local 49, March 7th, 1839. "An act to regulate in- corporated Literary Societies." SEC. 1. "That all associations for literary purposes, except common schools, colleges and universities, which the General Assembly may hereafter incorporate, shall be regulated as fol- lows." The persons named in the act of incorporation, their associates, etc., by their corporate names may have succession for thirty years. Usual corporate powers, etc. SEC. 2. The capital stock and property of academies shall not exceed $40,000,00; that of libraries, lyceums and other lit- erary associations, shall not exceed $5,000.00, unless extended in their respective acts of incorporation, and no part of funds shall ever be used for banking, nor shall such institutions issue certifi- cates of deposit or drafts, which can in any manner be used as a circulating medium. SEC. 3. Directors or trustees shall be held individually liable for all debts of their respective associations. 164 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. SEC. 4. Any future legislature may alter or amend any act of incorporation granted under this act when the public good requires such alteration. O. L., XXXV1J, local, (J, January 5, 1839. Bigelow High School, Xenia; William Ellsberry and seventeen others; board of directors of eighteen members and the Ohio Annual Conference of the M. E. Church may appoint a visiting committee of three, who shall for the time being be members of the board; property not to exceed fifty thousand dollars; to afford instruction in the common branches of a liberal education, and in the liberal arts and sciences; sectarian views of religion shall not be inculcated. O. L., XXXVII, local, 30, February 1, 1839. The Martinsville Academy. Knox County; William Mitchell and eight others. O. L., XXXVII, local, 43, February 9, 1839. Blendon Young Men's Sem- inary; Mathew Westervelt and eleven others; vacancies in the board to be filled by the Methodist Annual Ohio Conference; partially by endowment; capital stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 44, February 13, 1839. Ashland Academy, Richland County; John P. Reznor and eight others; three trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars each ; stock not to exceed thirty thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 79, February 26, 1839. Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary ; Timothy Rockwell and ten others ; twelve trustees ; property not to exceed fifty thousand dollars; education of youth and preparation of teachers ; trustees shall issue no circulating medium and shall be individually liable for debts. O. L., XXXVII, local, 80, February 27, 1839. Oxford Female Academy; John W. Scott and six others ; seven trustees ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; education of females in the town of Oxford. O. L., XXXVII, local, 109, March 5, 1839. Asbury Seminary, Chagrin Falls; John K. Halleck and twenty-nine others. O. L., XXXVII, local, 141, March 9, 1839. Worthington Female Seminary ; William Bishop and ten others ; stock company, shares twer.ty- five dollars; controlled partially by the M. E. Church, and partially local. O. L., XXXVII, local, 155, March 9, 1839. The Universalist Institute, Ohio City ; Richard Lord and eight others ; a board of trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars ; no rules of a sectarian charac- ter either in religion or politics shall be adopted. O. L., XXXVII, local, 156, March 9, 1839. Parkman Academy, Geauga County; J. P. Converse and six others. O. L., XXXVII, local, 172, March 12, 1839. The Barnesville Male Academy, Belmont County ; Isaac Hoover and twelve others ; thirteen trustees ; stock company, shares ten dollars ; capital Appendix A. 165 stock not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; property to be used only for education; to cultivate and train the intellectual faculties of the youth who may resort to it for instruction, and 'rigorously to discountenance the inculcation of the peculiar tenets of any Christian sect or denomination. O. L., XXXVII, local, 222, March 13, 1839. The Brooklyn Center Academy; Joseph Weller and fifteen others; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 254, March 16, 1839. Auglaize Seminary, Wapa- koneta; William Stockdale and twelve others; property not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 255, March 16, 1839. Lithopolis Academy; Samuel L. Wilson and twelve others'; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; no part to be used for banking. O. L., XXXVII, local, 257, March 16, 1839. Meigs County High School and Teachers' Institute; Samuel Halliday and seventeen others; twenty trustees ; stock company, shares ten dollars ; annual in- come not to exceed five thousand dollars; "to afford great facilities for the instruction of youth in literature and science, and for the inculcating of good morals"; incorporation shall in no wise engage in the business of banking. O. L., XXXVII, local, 262, March 16, 1839. Mount Pleasant Boarding School; John Benjamin Hoyle and three others; thirteen directors appointed by the Friends of Ohio ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVII, local, 283, March 16, 1839. Cuyahoga Falls Institute; Boswell Brooks and four others ; property shall be devoted to the purposes of education. O. L., XXXVII, local, 291, March 16, 1839. Ravenna Female Seminary; board of twelve trustees ; property not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ; to afford instruction in the arts and sciences. O. L., XXXVII, local, 344, March 16, 1839. New Hagerstown Female Seminary ; Richard Brown and eight others ; seven trustees ; capital stock not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVIII, local, 29, January 29, 1840. Bascom Seminary of Waynesburgh; Daniel Schaeffer and seven others; stock com- pany, shares twenty-five dollars each ; capital stock ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXVIII, local, 127, March 12, 1840. Greenfield Institute, Huron County ; Jonas Childs and five others ; promoting and encouraging education. O. L., XXXVIII, local, 127, March 12, 1840. Streetsborough High School ; John E. Jackson and ten others ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; promoting and encouraging education ; capital stock not to exceed five thousand dollars. 166 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXVIII, local, 155, March 17, 1840. Willoughby Female Academy ; Jonathan Lapham and five others ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L, XXXVIII, local, 155, March 17, 1840. Protestant Methodist Academy of Brighton; Joseph Williams and five others; funds shall be exclusively applied to the education of literature and the arts and sciences. O. L., XXXIX, local, 51, March 20, 1841; Edinburgh Academy, Wayne County; John Andrews and seven others. O. L., XXXIX, local, 62, March 20, 1841. Burlington Academy, Law- rence county; Elijah Frampton and thirteen others. O. L., XXXIX, local, 65, March 20, 1841. Athens Female Academy; E. G. Carpenter and nine others ; act to become null and void if the company do not organize within five years. O. L., XXXIX, local, 125, March 27, 1841. Canton Male Seminary, Stark County ; William Fogle and eight others ; seven trustees, three to be elected by the Evangelical Congregation. O. L., XXXIX, local, 134, March 27, 1841. Middletown Academy and Library Association, Butler County ; Francis J. Titus and four others. O. L., XXXIX, local, 134, March 27, 1841. Gustavus Academy, Trumbull County; Philo Gates and eight others; act shall be null and void if the academy fails to organize within five years. O. L., XXXIX, local, 134, March 27, 1841. Kinsman Academy, Trumbull County; John Kinsman and eight others. O. L., XL, Iqcal, 86, March 5, 1842. Pine Grove Academy in Porter; Stephan Sinon and four others. O. L., XL, local, 116, March 7, 1842. Canaan Union Academy; Jonas Notestone and four others. O. L., XL, local, 117, March 7, 1842. Tallmadge Academical Institute, Summit County; Asaph Whittlesey and seven others; president and six directors; stock company, shares five dollars each, prop- erty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; instruction in the higher branches of education of males or females or both. O. L., XL, local, 119, March 7, 1842. Bath High School, Summit County. O. L., XLI, local, 14, January 11, 1843. New Lisbon Academy, Columbiana County ; Fisher A. Blocksom and fourteen others. O. L., XLI, local, 46, January 25, 1843. St. Mary's Female Educational Institute of Cincinnati ; Hortense Monseau and five other women. O. L., XLI, local, 62, February 9, 1843. Maumee City Academy, Lucas County; John E. Hunt and nine others. O. L., XLI, local, 127, March 7, 1843. Lebanon Academy, Warren County ; Daniel Vorhees and four others; five trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; "maintenance of an academy for instruction in the various branches of education of males and females". Appendix A. 167 O. L., XLII,' local, 80, February 9, 1844. Lebanon Academy ; J. Martin Williams, Thomas Corwin and six others; twelve trustees-; stock company, .shares twenty dollars ; property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; no funds to be used in banking; "to educate males and females in the higher branches of learning than are usually taught in the common schools of the county, and to in- struct them in the elements of morality and the great truths of the Christian religion" ; the particular tenets or creed of any par- ticular sect shall never be taught. O. L., XLI, local, 148, March 10, 1843. Oakland Female Seminary of Hillsboro; Joseph J. Mathews and ten others; nine trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars ; annual income not to exceed two thousand dollars ; stock not to exceed six thousand dollars. O. L., XLII, local, 107, February 26, 1844. West Lodi Academy, Seneca, County; John Carey and nine others. O. L., XLII, local, 115, March 4, 1844. Franklin Academy, Portage County; Thomas Earl and twelve others; buildings not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; "to establish an academy and to promote and afford therein, both to males and females, instruction in the usual branches ot a sound, practical and liberal education, and in the languages, arts and sciences". O. L., XLII, local, 178, March 12, 1844. Salem Academy, Ross County; Hugh S. Fullerton and four others. O. L., XLII, local, 184, March 12, 1844. Lorain Institute ; Robert Cochran and six others; board of trustees; to afford instruction in litera- ture, arts and sciences. O. L., XLII, local, 191, March 12, 1844. Waynesville Academy, Warren County; Burrell Goode and eleven others; to establish an acad- emy and promote and afford therein, both to males and females, instruction in the usual branches of a sound, practical and liberal education, and in the languages, arts and sciences. O. L., XLII, local, 210, March 12, 1844. Keene Academy, Coshocton County; Robert Farewell and four others; to establish an acad- emy and to promote and afford therein, both to male and fe- males, instruction in the usual branches of a sound, practical and liberal education, and in the languages, arts and sciences ; build- ings not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 12, January 9, 1845. Tallmadge Academical Institute, Summit County; Samuel L. Bronson and four others; four directors ; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each ; prop- erty not to exceed ten thousand dollars; the maintenance of an academy for instruction in the higher branches of education, both for males and females. O. L., XLIII, local, 16, January 15, 1845. Bedford Seminary, Cuyahoga County ; E. H. Holly and eleven others ; twelve directors and a president ; stock company, shares ten dollars ; property not to 168 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; to maintain an institution for the instruction of youth in the various classes of education. O. L., XLIII, local, 39, January 23, 1845. Cincinnati Classical Academy; Elbert T. Bledsoe and two others ; a rector and five or more trustees; capital stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 42, January 29, 1845. Name changed to St. John's College. O. L., XLIII, local, 65, February 6, 1845. Columbus Academical and Col- legiate Institute; H. M. Hubbell and nineteen others; twenty trustees; to afford instruction in literature and in the arts and sciences; not to confer collegiate honors or degrees until ten thousand dollars property shall be acquired. O. L., XLIII, local, 75, February 10, 1845. Aurora Academy and Institute, Portage County; John E. Jackson; nine trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars; stock not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 87, February 10, 1845. Cooper Female Academy in Dayton; Samuel Forrer and five others including Robert W. Steele; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; trus- tees may direct what branches of literature and the arts and sciences shall be taught. O. L., XLIII, local, 84, February 10, 1845. Akron Institute ; Samuel Per- kins and six others ; seven trustees ; stock company, shares twenty dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 121, February 26, 1845. Rocky River Seminary; Rob- ert Cochran and ten others ; literature, arts and sciences. O. L., XLIII, local, 203, March 4, 1845. Findlay Academical Institute, Hancock County ; J. Hughing and eight others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares ten dollars ; stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars; shall not contract debts beyond the amount of the capital stock subscribed. O. L., XLIII, local, 229, March 4, 1845. The Vermillion Institute; Har- rison Armstrong and fifteen others; ten trustees; stock company, shares twenty dollars; property not to exceed fifty thousand dollars; to educate males and females in letters and the sciences, and to instruct them in the elements of morality and the great truths of the Christian religion; no part to be used in banking; the tenets or creed of any particular sect shall never be taught. O. L., XLIII, local, 289, March 8, 1845. Cottage Hills Academy in Ellsworth ; William Bottum and eight others ; nine directors ; stock company ; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 292, March 8, 1845. The Normal High School, Carroll County ; Joseph Cable and eight others ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; "the promotion of a highly moral and intellectual education in languages, arts and sciences upon the normal plan" ; a failure to organize said school within one year Appendix A. 169 or to operate the school for the space of one year at one time shall act as a forfeiture. O. L., XLIII, local, 384, March 12, 1845. The London Academy, Mason County ; Patrick McLane and two others ; three to seven trustees ; stock company, shares ten dollars each; capital stock twenty thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 409, March 12, 1845. West Jefferson Academical Institute, Madison County. James Burnham and eighteen others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars each ; capital stock not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XLIII, local, 4, December 20, 1845. Baldwin Institute, Middle- burgh; Thomas Thompson and twelve others; trustees appointed by the North Ohio Conference of the M. E. Church; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars. O. L., XLIV, local, 107, February 14, 1846. Loudonville Academy, Rich- land County; C. N. Haskell and six others. O. L., XLIV, local, 122, February 19, 1846. Norwalk Institute ; Joseph Lowry and four others ; property shall not be devoted to any other purpose. O. L., XLIV, local, 236, Febraury 28, 1846. Liverpool Seminary, Colum- biana County ; Alexander R. Young and twenty-five others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares five dollars ; stock not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; instruction shall not be confined or restricted to pupils of any separate sect or denomination of religion. O. L., XLV, local, 99, February 8, 1847. Mansfield Academical Institute, Mordecai Bartley and nine others. O. L., XLVI, local, 114, February 11, 1848. The Xenia Academy; David Medsker and seven others; seven directors; stock company, shares twenty dollars each; stock not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. O. L., XLVI, local, 126, February 14, 1848. Richland Academic Institute ; Logan County; Reverend G. G. Page and eight others. O. L., XLVI, local, 135, February 14, 1848. The Felicity Female Seminary, Clermont County; Robert Chalfert and fourteen others; three trustees ; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each ; stock not to exceed ten thousand dollars; that instruction in said seminary shall not be confined or restricted to pupils of any separate sect or denomination of religion. O. L., XLVII, local, 238, February 23, 1849. Oxford Female Institute, Butler County; Herman B. Mayo and eight others; nine trustees; stock company, shares twenty dollars each; real property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; capital stock not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. O. L., XLVII, local, 241, February 28, 1849. Miller Academy in Wash- ington ; John E. Alexander and five others ; the Presbytery of 170 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Zanesville in connection with the General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church and a board of five trustees; real property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars. O. L., XLVIII, local, 618, March 23, 1850. Under control of the Zanes- ville Presbytery in connection with the General Assembly of the Old School of the Presbyterian Church. O. L., XLVII, local, 243, March 8, 1849. Pomeroy Academy, Meigs County; Charles R. Pomeroy and six others. O. L., XLVII, local, 263, February 17, 1849 ; Springfield Female Seminary, Clark County; J. S. Galloway and eight others; nine directors chosen . by the Miami Presbytery ; stock company, shares ten dollars each ; stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ; litera- ture and the arts and sciences as directed by the board. O. L., XLVII, local, 273, March 9, 1849. Cadiz High School; Jonathan Dewey and six others; three trustees; stock company, shares fifty, dollars each; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars; all the necessary and useful branches of a thorough and liberal education. O. L., XLVII, local, 280, March 22, 1849. Mansfield Female Seminary, Richland County; James Johnson and seven others; five di- rectors; stock company, shares ten dollars; capital stock not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; literature and the arts and sciences as directed by the board. O. L., XLVII, local, 284, March 28, 1849. Mount Pleasant Academy, Ross County; Timothy Stearns and four others; seven directors; stock company, shares ten dollars; capital stock not to exceed twenty thousand dollars. O. L., XLVIII, local, 614, February 14, 1850. Elliott Female Seminary; Hugh Elliot and fourteen others; fifteen directors; capital stock not to exceed thirty thousand dollars ; literature and the arts and sciences as directed by the board. O. L, XLVIII, local, 617, March 21, 1850. Vinton High School, Gallia County; Herman Wilkins and four others; a board of three trustees; stock company, shares ten dollars; property not tc exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XLVIII, local, 625, March 23, 1850. Defiance Female Seminary, Defiance County; Sidney S. Sprague and five others; five trus- tees ; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each ; stock 'not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ; instruction shall never be confined or restricted to pupils of any separate sect or denomi- nation. O. L., XLVIII, local, 627, March 1, 1850. Western Reserve Eclectic In- stitute ; George Paw and eleven others ; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each ; stock not to exceed sixty thousand dol- lars ; the instruction of youth of both sexes in the various Appendix A. 171 branches of literature and sciences, especially the moral sciences based upon the facts and truths of the Holy Scriptures. O. L., XLVIII, local, 630, March 21, 1850. Tiffin Academy, Seneca County ; Henry Elbert and twenty-two others ; seven trustees ; stock company, shares twenty dollars each. O. L., XLVIII, local, 636, March 22, 1850. Xenia Female Academy; Thomas C. Wright and eleven others ; nine trustees ; stock com- pany, shares fifty dollars each ; real property not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ; capital stock twenty-five dollars each ; the arts and sciences and all necessary and useful branches of a thorough and useful education such as may be taught in the best female colleges and academies. O. L., XLVIII, local, 639, March 23, 1850. Hartford High School, Trum- bull County; Seth Hayes and eight others; five trustees. O. L., XLVIII, local, 639, March 22, 1850. Soeurs de Notre Dame Female Educational Institute, Chillicothe, Ross County; Julia Van Balton and four others (women). SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS. O. L., XVI, local, 157, January 29, 1818. The Union School Association of the town of Harpersfield and Madison ; James A. Harper and twelve others ; officers elected by the corporation ; stock company, shares ten dollars, not to exceed seven hundred in number ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; not to be used for banking. O. L., XXII, local, 106, February 21, 1824. The Milford Union School Society, Milford, Clermont County; James MacDonald and twenty-five others ; five trustees ; stock company, shares twenty dollars each. O. L., XXII, local, 109, February 10, 1824. The Jefferson School Associa- tion ; Timothy Hawley and eleven others ; four trustees and a president ; stock company, shares ten dollars each ; property shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. O. L., XXIII, local 44, January 28, 1825. The Literary Society of St. Joseph's ; John A. Hill and three others ; annual income not to exceed twelve thousand dollars ; to erect and establish an academy at St. Joseph's in Perry County, an academy in Cincinnati, and an academy at Canton in Stark County; funds not to be used for any other than literary purposes. O. L., XXIV, local, 92, February 7, 1826. Mesopotamia Central School Society; confirming incorporation under the general law be- cause of doubts as to the constitutionality of said law. O. L., XXVI, local, 67. January 29, 1828. The Cosher School Associa- tion, Logan County; Hardin Brown and four others. 172 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXVII, local, 131, February 12, 1829. The trustees of the Colum- bus Presbytery; twelve trustees; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars; for the sole purpose of establishing and supporting an academy and of carrying into effect such benevo- lent, literary or religious plans as may be connected therewith. O. L., XXVII, local, 147, February 11, 1829. The Education Society of Painesville, Geauga County; Isaac Gillett and eight others; stock company, shares ten dollars each (by an amendment of February 24, 1835) ; to establish an academy or other seminary of learning. O. L., XXIX, local, 42, January 12, 1831. Brecksville Academical Asso- ciation, Cuyahoga County; Isaac M. Gorman and four others. O. L., XXXI, local, 74, December 17, 1832. The St. Mary's Female Lit- erary Society, Elizabeth Sansberry and three others of Perry County ; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars ; property of said society shall be converted to no other uses other than the promotion of female education. O. L., XXXII, local, 46, January 30, 1834. The German Lutheran Sem- inary of the German Lutheran Synod of Ohio and adjacent states ; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; that the funds of the corporation shall never be used or employed for any other purpose than the promotion of religion, morality and learning. O. L., XXXIV, local, 402, March 1, 1836. The North Union School As- sociation of Carroll County; Jacob Everhart with seven others; money and funds of corporation shall be applied exclusively to the payment of a teacher and furnishing fuel for the school, and to no other purpose whatever except the purchase of a lot, the erection of a school building and dwelling house for a teacher. Amended March 12, 1844. Vol. XLII, local, 221. Authorizing said association to keep open four public schools and no more, and to own and equip four school-houses, and to draw a fair and equal proportion of the school funds of the county. O. L., XXXIV, local, 411, March 12, 1836. Rome Academical Company; three trustees; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars. O. L., XXXV, local, 3, December 17, 1836. The Springborough School Company, Warren County; Joseph Stanton and eight others; three trustees; stock company, shares five dollars each; annual income not to exceed three thousand dollars; capital stock five hundred to five thousand dollars ; to promote the organization of useful knowledge and a sound practical education. O. L., XXXVI, local, 107, February 23, 1838. High Falls Primary Insti- tute in Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga and Geauga Counties ; twelve trustees ; property not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ; educa- tion of youth is the exclusive object of this corporation and its funds shall be exclusively devoted to the promotion of this object Appendix A. 173 O. L, XXXVI, local, 371, March 17, 1838. Newark Association for the Promotion of Education ; Asa Beckwith and twenty others ; twenty-one directors; stock company, shares ten to fifty dollars; stock not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; "the object of this corporation is to establish a high school with suitable houses and means of instruction for the education of both males and females". O. L., XXXVII, local, 166, March 12, 1839. Monroe Academical Associa tion ; David Kirkbridge and six others ; three trustees and a president ; stock company, shares fifty dollars ; annual income not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; "to cultivate and strengthen the intellectual and moral faculties of the youth who may resort to it for instruction, to teach them the art of self-government and to fit them by a judicious course of moral discipline for virtue, usefulness and happiness". O. L., XXXVII, local, 169, March 12, 1839. The Harveysburgh High School Company, Warren County; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; to establish a high school and to promote and afford therein instruction in the usual branches of a sound, prac- tical and liberal education, and in the languages, arts and sciences. O. L., XXXIX local, 11, January 29, 1841. The Cincinnati New Jerusa- lem Church School Association ; Jacob L. Wayne and nine others ; five trustees ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars ; not to issue any circulating medium or exercise any banking privilege; to establish and carry forward a school in the city of Cincinnati, wherein may be taught all branches of litera- ture and science. O. L., XXXIX, local, 103, March 27, 1841. Berkshire Education Society, Delaware County ; David Prince and three others. O. L., XLI, local, 85, February 17, 1843. Western Reserve Free Will Bap- tist Academical Society; S. B. Philbrick and nine others; pro- moting and encouraging education ; if the managers shall receive blacks and mulattoes into the same upon equality with white persons it shall work a forfeiture of all the powers hereby granted. O. L., XLII, local, 60, February 15, 1844. The Sylvania High School Company, Lucas County ; John P. Pease and three others ; prop- erty not to exceed ten thousand dollars; the establishment of a high school and to promote and afford therein instruction in the usual branches of a sound, practical and liberal education and in the languages, arts and sciences. O. L., XLII, local, 163, March 12, 1844. The Western Reserve Free Will Baptist Education Society; S. B. Philbrick and nine others; pro- moting and encouraging education and sustaining the Western Reserve Manual Labor Seminary in Chester. 174 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XLIV, local, 161, February 23, 1846. Madison Education Society; Joshua Harkwell and eight others ; nine trustees ; stock company, shares twenty dollars. ACTS CONCERNING HIGHER INSTITUTIONS COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. Ohio University. Territorial Acts, Nashee's Compilation, Page 219, December 18, 1799. Resolution that Rufus Putnam, Ives Kleeman, Jonathan Stone, Esqs., be requested to lay off in Townships 8 and 9 in Washing- ton County a town plat with a square far the colleges, lots for the president and professors, tutors, etc., bordering on or en- circled by spacious commons. Territorial Acts, Nashee's Compilation, Page 220, January 9, 1802. An act establishing a University in the town of Athens. SEC. 1. That there shall be a university instituted and estab- lished in the town of Athens by the name and style of the Amer- ican Western University, for the instruction of youth in all branches of the liberal arts and sciences, for the promotion of good education, virtue, religion and morality, and for conferring of the degrees and literary honors granted in similar institutions. SEC. 2. Creating a body politic. SEC. 3. Appointing the Honorable Rufus Putnam, Joseph Kleeman, Return- Jonathan Meigs and seven others; created a body politic. SEC. 11. Vesting Townships 8 and 9 granted by Congress in said corporation forever. SEC. 18. The legislature may grant further powers or alter limit or restrain any of the powers by this vested in this cor- poration. O. L., I, 148, April 16, 1803. Resolution appointing three commissioners to appraise the college townships in Washington Township. O. L., II, 193, February 18, 1804. SEC. 2. Creating a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the President and Trustees of the Ohio University, to consist of the Governor of the state, the President, and not more than fifteen nor less than ten trustees. SEC. 8. Vacancies caused by death shall be filled at the next meeting of the legislature. SEC. 9. The faculty shall direct and cause to be holden quarterly in every year a public examination, at which time the faculty shall attend, when each class of the students shall be examined relative to the proficiency they shall have made in the particular arts and sciences or branches of education in which they shall have been instructed. Appendix A. 175 SEC. 13. Directing the trustees to lay oft the town of Athens conformably to a plan made out by Rufus Putnam and others. SEC. 14. Providing that the annual rents and profits shall be appropriated to the endowment of the University. SEC. 17. Exempting the lands in the two townships appro- priated, together with the buildings, from all state taxes. O. L., Ill, 79, February 21, 1805. Amendatory, providing for appraising and leasing the land in the two college townships for ninety-nine years, renewable forever. No land to be valued for less than one dollar and seventy-five cents per acre. O. L., V, 85, Jan. 23, 1807. Amendatory, authorizing ihe trustees to lease the appraised lots that have been appraised at less than one dol- lar and seventy-five cents. O. L., VII, 167, February 15, 1809. Sec. 2. Trustees shall have power until the year 1811 to receive articles or produce from the lessees in payment of rent. O. L., XVI, 37, December 29, 1817. An act to authorize the drawing of a lottery for the benefit of the Ohio University. "WHEREAS the diffusion of science and literature has ever been found to be auspicious to the interests of liberty and the purity and permanence of republican institutions :" SEC. 1. Seven commissioners are authorized to raise by lot- tery a sum not to exceed twenty thousand dollars to defray the expenses of building a college edifice and to purchase a library and suitable mathematical and philosophical apparatus. O L., XXIII, 19, February 25, 1825. An act for the better regulation of the Medical College of Ohio and making certain appropriations therein named. SEC. 7. That the sum of one thousand dollars be appropri- ated for the use of the Ohio University to be paid out of the lottery fund and to be applied by direction of the trustees for the purpose of paying any debts that may have been contracted for the purchase of philosophical apparatus or for any addition to the Library. O. L., XXVII, 8, January 10, 1829. Amendatory, the Board of Trustees shall report annually to the Auditor of State the amount of money arising from the sale of lands situated in the College Township; when the money is deposited with the Treasurer of State it shall be placed to the credit of the Ohio University. O. L., XXXIV, 643, March 7, 1836. WHEREAS by a resolution of January 30, 1827, it is made the duty of the President and Trustees of the Ohio University annually to report the condition of said University : Resolved, That the President and Trustees of the Ohio Uni- versity be required to report to the legislature a statement of the condition of said University. 176 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXV, 543, January 12, 1837. "WHEREAS the legislature of this state do possess a controlling power over the officers of the Ohio University, and whereas no report can be found on the files of this legislature made by the President and Trustees of said University" : Requiring a report on the total amount of revenue and its source, amount of disbursements and thtf purpose, state of build- ings, amount of debts due, to whom and for what expended, the number of professors engaged, the branches of literature and science taught by each, and a list of the number of students in each year commencing with the first day of April, 1826 to the first day of January, 1837, inclusive. O. L., XXXVI, 205, March 7, 1838, An act providing for a loan to the Ohio University. SEC. 1. Authorizing the Commissioners of the Canal Fund to loan from the sinking fund five thousand dollars to the Ohio University ta be paid back in annual instalments of one thou- sand dollars each, interest at six per cent. O. L., XLI, 44, March 10, 1843. An act to declare the true intent and meaning of the first section of the act entitled, "An act to amend an act entitled an act to establish a university in the town of Athens, passed February 21, 1805." SEC. 1. "That it is the true intent and meaning of said act that the leases granted under said act and the one to which that was an amendment should not be subject to a revaluation at any time thereafter." O. L., XLV, 176, February 8, 1847. An act to provide for the funding of debts for the Ohio University. SEC. 1. Authorizing the President and Trustees to fund any amount of the debts due from said University not exceeding ten thousand dollars in sums not less than one hundred dollars each, for such length of time and for such rates of interest not ex- ceeding seven per cent per annum as may be agreed upon. Miami University. O. L., I, 66, April 15, 1803. An act to provide for the locating of a college township in the District of Cincinnati. SEC. 1. That one township in the District of Cincinnati, or equivalent land equal to thirty-six sections, shall be located and entered for the use and support of an academy in lieu of the college township heretofore granted in trust to John C. Symmes and his associates. SEC. 2. Directing the Commissioners appointed to select such lands as are most valuable "having due regard to the quality of the land, the situation for health, the goodness of the water, and the advantage of inland navigation". Appendix A. 177 O. L., VII, 184, February 17, 1809. An act to establish the Miami University. SEC. 1. For the instruction of youth in all the various branches of the liberal arts and sciences, for the promotion of good education, virtue, religion and morality, and for conferring all the literary honors granted in similar institutions ; and benefits and advantages of the said University shall be open to all the citizens within this state. SEC. 2. Creating a body politic, a president and not more than fourteen or less than seven trustees. SEC. 8. The faculty shall cause to be holden in the said University at least once ever year a public examination, at which time the faculty shall attend, etc. SEC. 10. Vesting the township granted by Congress in the Cincinnati District, in the said corporation for the sole use, benefit and support of the said University, with power to sub- divide and sell the same for terms of ninety-nine years ; renew- able forever; subject to a revaluation every fifteen years; mini- mum price two dollars per acre. SEC. 11. The clear annual rents and profits to be appro- priated "in such manner as shall most effectually promote virtue, and morality" and knowledge of such languages, liberal arts and sciences as shall hereafter be directed from time to time by said corporation. SEC. 15. Legislature shall have power to grant any further and greater powers or alter, limit or restrain any of the powers by this act vested. SEC. 17. Alexander Campbell, The Reverend James Kil- bourne and The Reverend Robert G. Wilson appointed to select a permanent seat for the University. O. L., VIII, 94, February 6, 1810. Amendatory. That the trustees of the Miami University shall cause a town to be laid off on such part of land described in said act as they may think proper, to be known by the name of "Oxford." SEC. 2. The said University is hereby established on said land and such place as the trustees may think proper, and they are authorized to direct such building and buildings to be erected as they deem necessary. O. L., XII, 83, February 1, 1814. Amendatory. SEC. 1. Trustees are required to make an accurate statement of all proceedings both as respects the disposal of land as well as the state of the funds arising from the proceeds to the legislature. O. L., XVII, 131, February 5, 1819. Amendatory. SEC. 1. Not more than four trustees shall reside out of the limits of the John Cleve Symmes Purchase; none of them shall reside within the college township. Vol. XX VI I 12. 178 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XLVI, 291, February 7, 1848. Repealing so much of the act as provides that not more than four of the trustees shall reside out of the limits of the John Cleve Symmes Purchase. O. L., XLVI I, 398. (No date). Resolution appointing a committee of three to examine into and report to the next General Assembly the condition of the Miami University and the cause of its de- cline, with such recommendations as they may deem proper to make, and that said committee shall have power to send for re- ports and papers, and to administer all acts necessary to said in- vestigation. Cincinnati University. O. L., V, 64, January 23, 1807. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Uni- versity. J. S. Gano and forty-eight others. SEC. 3. "That all parcels of land, tenants, rents, annuities, profits on any goods, chattels, or any other effects . . . and shall have power to appropriate any funds belonging to said cor- poration in improving the present university and making further improvements on the tract of land thereunto now belonging or for educating poor children"; stock company, shares ten dollars. O. L., V, 120, February 3, 1807. An act authorizing the citizens of Cin- cinnati and its vicinity to raise six thousand dollars for certain purposes; authorizes the appointing of commissioners to raise by lottery a sum not to exceed six thousand dollars for Cincin- nati University. Cincinnati College. O. L., XVII, 46, January 22, 1819. Jacob Burrett and nineteen others incorporated as trustees and faculty of the Cincinnati College; annual income not to exceed eleven thousand dollars ; stock com- pany, shares twenty-five dollars each ; control thirteen trustees ; the religious tenets that may be peculiar to any sect or denomi- nation shall never be taught or enforced in the College; Board of Trustees may grant all or any of the degrees that are usually conferred in any college or university within the United States. O. L., XLIII, 376, March 11, 1845. Authorizing the trustees to borrow not to exceed thirty-five thousand dollars. Worthington College. O. L., XVII, 155, February 8, 1819. An act to establish a college in the town of Worthington by the name and style of the "Worthing- ton College" for the instruction of youth in all the liberal arts and sciences, in virtue, religion and literary honors granted in similar institutions. Philander Chase and eleven others created a body politic. Appendix A. 179 Kenyan College. O. L., XXIII, 12, December 22, 1824. An act to incorporate the Theo- logical Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio. SEC. 1. The Right Reverend Philander Chase, now Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and eight others, the pres- ent trustees, are created a body corporate; annual income ex- clusive of lands or tenants occupied by said seminary, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars. The General Assembly may at any time hereafter modify or repeal this act, but no such modification shall divert the real and personal property of the seminary to any other purpose than the education of ministers of the gospel in the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States of America. O. L., XXIV, January 24, 1826. Supplementary. SEC. 1. The presi- dent and professors of said seminary shall be considered as the faculty of a college, and as such have the power of conferring degrees in the arts and sciences and of performing all such other acts as pertain to the faculties of colleges for the encourage- ment and reward of learning, and the name and style by which the said degrees shall be conferred and the certificate of learn- ing given shall be that of the president and professors of Ken- yon College in the State of Ohio. O. L., XXVI, 176, January 11, 1828. Resolved, That this General As- sembly approve of the object of the application of The Reverend Philander Chase to the Congress of the United States for a donation of a tract or tracts of public lands for the support of Kenyon College, and that the Senators and Representatives of this state in the Congress of the United States be requested to use their exertions in aid and support of the said application. O. L., XXXVII, 353, March 6, 1839. Supplementary. SEC. 1. Trustees shall have power in connection with said seminary to establish a college and halls for preparatory education. SEC. 2. Power to confer degrees as president and professors of Kenyon College. SEC. 3. The president and professors of said Theological Seminary shall have power to confer degrees in Theology by the name and style of the president and professors of the Theo- logical Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio. Frmnklin College. O. L., XXIII, 22, January 22, 1825. An act to incorporate the College of Alma in the town of Athens, Harrison County. John Rhea and thirteen others are created a body corporate with full power to confer degrees. 180 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXIV, 49, January 31, 1826. Amendatory. Changing the name to Franklin College. O. L., XXXIV, 610, March 14, 1836. An act making an appropriation to Franklin College in the County of Harrison and Ripley College in the County of Brown. SEC. 1. Appropriating five hundred dollars to each college, to be applied in such manner as the Board of Trustees shall direct. Western Reserve University. O. L., XXIV, 93, February 7, 1826. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Western Reserve College. SEC. 1. George Swift and eleven others are created a body- politic to be styled the Board of Trustees of Western Reserve College with power to confer on those whom they may deem worthy all such honors and degrees as are usually conferred in similar institutions. SEC. 2. Said college shall be located in the Township of Hudson, Portage County, and erected in a plan sufficiently ex- tensive to afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences, and the trustees may erect additional departments for the study of any or all of the liberal professions. O. L., XLII, 95, February 23, 1844. Amendatory. SEC. 1. That the trus- tees of the Western Reserve College are authorized to establish a medical department in the City of Cleveland, and to confer degrees and other diplomas. Lang Seminary. O. L., XXVII, 118, February 11, 1829. An act to incorporate the Lane Seminary in the County of Hamilton. SEC. 1. "That there shall be and hereby is established in the County of Hamilton a theological institution for the educa- tion of young men for the gospel ministry by the name of the Lane Seminary." SEC. 3. "That the officers and members of the Executive Committee shall reside in the City of Cincinnati or this vicinity, a majority of whom together with all the professors and in- structors of said institution shall be members of the Presbyte- rian Church in good standing under the general care of the General Assembly of the Church in the United States." Board of Trustees shall have power to confer any of the degrees in divinity usually granted in the colleges and universities of the United States. SEC. 5. "That a fundamental rule or principle of said in- stitution shall be that every student therein when in good health Appendix A. 181 shall be required to spend not less than three nor more than four hours each day in agricultural or mechanical labor, the profits of which shall be applied to defray the expense of the institution and the board and tuition of the students." O. L., XXXVI, 22, January 16, 1838. Amendatory. The Board of Trus- tees shall consist of not less than thirteen nor more than twenty- five. Ripley College. O. L., XXVIII, 88, February 9, 1830. An act to incorporate the College of Ripley in the County of Brown. Allan Trimbell and twenty-one others are created a body politic with full power and authority to confer degrees; annual income not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ; no religious doc- trines peculiar to any sect of Christians shall ever be inculcated ; vacancies in the trustees to be filled by the General Assembly. Marietta College. O. L., XXXI, 18, December 17, 1832. An act to incorporate the Marietta Collegiate Institute and Western Teachers' Seminary. Luther G. Bingham and eight others are created a body politic; purpose, the instruction of youth in the various branches of useful knowledge and especially the education of teachers for common schools ; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars. O. L., XXXIII, 53, February 14, 1835. An act to incorporate Marietta College. SEC. 1. That there shall be and there is hereby established in the County of Washington an institution for the education of youth in the various branches of useful knowledge by the name of the Marietta College. SEC. 4. Annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; funds shall never be used for purposes of banking. SEC. 6. Power to confer such honors and degrees as are usually conferred in similar institutions. O. L., XLIII, 4, December 31, 1844. Amendatory, it shall be lawful for the board to increase the number of trustees not to exceed twenty-five. Demson University. O. L., XXX, 88, February 2, 1832. An act to incorporate the "Granville Literary and Theological Institution." Jonathan Atwood and six others ; the present trustees of said institution are constituted a body politic; income from property 182 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. not used by said institution or its officers or professors not to exceed five thousand dollars. SEC. 2. Trustees have power to confer on those whom they may think worthy all such honors and degrees as are conferred by similar institutions. SEC 3. Trustees may increase their number, but not to ex- ceed eighteen. O. L., XXXII, 215, February 27, 1834. Amendatory. Trustees shall have power to increase the number of trustees not exceeding thirty- six nor less than twelve. O. L., XLIII, 54, February 3, 1845. Amendatory. Changing the nam_ to "The Granville College." SEC. 2. The trustees may as their ability shall increase erect additional departments for the study of any or all of the liberal professions. Oberlin College. P. L., XXXII, 226, February 2, 1834. An act to incorporate the Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Henry Brown and eight others are created a body politic to be styled the Board of Trustees of the Oberlin Collegiate In- stitute, with power to confer on those whom they deem worthy such honors and degrees as are usually conferred in similar institutions. SEC. 2. That the said institution shall remain in Lorain County and shall afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences and the trustees may erect additional departments for such other branches of education as they may think necessary or useful. SEC. 3. They may increase the number of trustees to twelve exclusive of the president. SEC. 4. The president shall be ex officio a member of the Board of Trustees and president of the same. SEC. 6. The funds to be applied in erecting suitable build- ings and supporting officers and in securing books, maps, charts, and other apparatus necessary to the well-being of the institu- tion. O. L., XLVIII, 632, March 21, 1850. Amendatory changing the name of the Oberlin Collegiate Institute to Oberlin College. Willoughby University of Lake Erie. O. L., XXXII, 376, March 3, 1834. An act to incorporate the Willoughby University of Lake Erie. Nehemia Allan and two others are created a body politic. Purpose the instruction of young men and youth in the Appendix A. 183 various branches of literature and sciences ; annual income from real estate not to exceed five thousand dollars; power of con- ferring degrees in the arts, sciences, and professions. O. L., XLV, 7, January 14, 1847. Amendatory. SEC. 1. Trustees are authorized to transfer the medical department of said univer- sity from Willoughby and establish the same at the City of Co- lumbus to be known as the Willoughby Medical College at Co- lumbus. German Reform Theological Seminary. O. L., XXXV, 9, December 20, 1836. An act to incorporate the German Reform Synod of Ohio. SEC. 2. For the purpose of furthering the interests of the German Reform Church in Ohio by erecting a house or houses for a theological seminary or for establishing all the necessary conveniences for an institution of learning wherein to prepare men for the gospel ministry. St. Clairsville Collegiate Seminary. O. L., XXXV, 55, January 30, 1837. An act to incorporate the St. Clairs- ville Collegiate Seminary. James Moore and thirty-eight others are created a body politic; "all property shall be for the purpose and no other of educating females"; annual income from funds not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; instruction and the means of education in the said seminary whether in the primary or collegiate de- partment shall never be confined or restricted to the tenets of any separate sect or denomination of religion. SEC. 15. Corporation shall report annually to the General Assembly the number of scholars taught the preceding year and the condition of the corporation. Muskingum College. O. L., XXXV, 272, March 18, 1837. An act to incorporate the Muskingum College. Robert Wallace and eight others associated for the purpose of establishing a seminary of learning at or near the town of New Concord in Muskingum County are created a body politic ; nine directors with power to increase same to fifteen. Baptist Literary and Collegiate Institute. O. L., XXXV, 347, March 29, 1837. An act to incorporate the Baptist Literary and Collegiate Institute of Huron County. SEC. 1. For the education of young men. 184 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. SEC. 2. Board self-perpetuating, not less than twenty-one nor more than twenty-five. SEC. 3. Officers and members of the Executive Committee shall reside in Huron County, a majority of whom, together with all the professors, tutors, teachers and instructors, shall be members of the regular Baptist Church in good standing. SEC. 5. "The design of this institution shall be to give a thorough literary and collegiate education ; the income and tuition of which shall be applied to defraying the expense of the in- stitution and the board and tuition of the students." Wesleyan Collegiate Institute. O. L., XXXV, 378, March 31, 1837. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Wesleyan Collegiate Institute. Jacob Ward and nine others are created a body politic; to be located at Olmstead and erected on a plan sufficiently extensive to afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences. Logan College. O. L., XXXVI, 203, March 7, 1838. An act to incorporate Logan College. James Wallace and twenty others are created a body cor- porate. Theological Seminary, Reform Synod. O. L., XXXVI, 34, January 22, 1838. An act to incorporate the Theo- logical Seminary of the Associated Reform Synod of the West. SEC. 1. That there shall be established at Oxford in Butler County a theological institution for the education of young men for the gospel ministry; annual income of property not to ex- ceed two thousand dollars. Central College. O. L., XL, 77, March 2, 1842. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Central College of Ohio. H. L. Hitchcock and thirteen others are created a body politic with power to confer on those whom they may deem worthy all such honors and degrees as are usually conferred by colleges ; said college shall aftord instruction in the liberal arts and sciences usually taught in colleges ; shall be allowed to have an academical department. St. Xavier College. O. L., XL, 84, March 5, 1842. An act to incorporate the St. Xavier College. "That there shall be and there is hereby established in the city of Cincinnati an institution, for the education of white Appendix A. 185 youth in the various branches of useful knowledge, by the name of the Trustees of St. Xavier's College"; property not to ex- ceed forty thousand dollars ; no part of funds to be used in banking; trustees shall have power to confer honors and degrees. Ohio Wesley an University. O. L., XL, 111, March 7, 1842. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Ohio Wesleyan University. WHEREAS, 'The Ohio and North Ohio Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church have determined upon estab- lishing an extensive university or college in this state to the support of which they are pledged to use their utmost efforts, and which university is ever to be conducted on the most lib- eral principles, accessible to all religious denominations, and designed for the benefit of our citizens in general", therefore : SEC. 1. William Neff and twenty others are created a body politic. SEC. 3. That the Ohio and North Ohio Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, or .such other conferences as may be formed out of these conferences, shall fill the vacan- cies occurring in the Board of Trustees, and shall annually appoint any number of visitors not exceeding three for each conference, who shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trus- tees and shall constitute a joint board in the appointment and removal of all officers of the said university. SEC. 5. The university shall be styled the Ohio Wesleyan University and shall be located in or near Delaware, Ohio. Lafayette University. O. L., XL, 119, March 7, 1842. An act to incorporate Lafayette Univer- sity at New Carlisle, Clark County. SEC. 1. There is hereby established "an institution for the .education of youth in the various branches of useful knowl- edge"; William G. Serviss and twenty others are appointed trus- tees ; annual income of real property not to exceed five thousand dollars ; funds shall never be used for banking ; the said cor- poration shall have power to confer honors and degrees. Germama College. O. L., XLI, 12, January 11, 1843. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Germania College. Jacob Leist and eight others are created a body politic for thirty years with power to confer honors and degrees; not less than eleven nor more than twenty-one trustees. SEC. 5. "The said college shall afford instruction in the 186 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. liberal arts and sciences usually taught in colleges, and shall be allowed to establish an academical department for the instruc- tion of students in the various branches of an academical edu- cation and general knowledge not included in the usual colle- giate course, and for the instruction of those who design to be teachers of schools." Providence College. O. L v XLI, 63, February 9, 1843. An act to incorporate Providence College and that for the purpose of establishing a college for the education of youth in the various branches of useful knowl- edge, Wilson Shannon and twenty others are created a body politic with power to confer honors and degrees ; trustees not less than eleven nor more than twenty-one. SEC. 5. "The said college shall afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences usually taught in colleges and shall be allowed to have an academical department, etc." SEC. 9. The private and individual property of the incor- porators shall be held responsible for the payment of debts of said college. Beverly College. O. L., XLI, 92, February 28, 1843. An act to incorporate the Beverly College at Beverly for the purpose of educating youth in tbe learned and foreign languages, the liberal arts and sciences, and literature; Board of Trustees not to exceed twenty-one; A. M. Bryan and twenty others named as the first trustees incorpo- rated a body politic; annual income not to exceed five thousand dollars; Board of Trustees to be elected by the Pennsylvania Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Methodist Female Collegiate Institute. O. L., XLI, 146, March 10, 1843. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Methodist Female Collegiate Institute of Cincinnati. Thomas A. Morris and twelve others. Western Female College. O. L., XLIV, 171, February 24, 1846. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Western Female College of Cincinnati. Thomas A. Mor- ris and twenty-one others; trustees to be chosen by the Board of Trustees of eight local Methodist Churches, and the min- isters of the M. E. Church in Cincinnati, with the agents and editors of the Western Book Concern to be trustees ex oflficio ; purpose "the instruction of the pupils therein in the arts and sciences and in all necessary and useful and ornamental branches Appendix A. 187 of an efficient and liberal education, such as is taught in the best female academies;" power to grant literary honors and de- grees. Belief ontaine College. O. L., XLI, 220, March 13, 1843. An act to incorporate the Bellefon- taine, Ohio, College. Joseph Stevenson and fourteen others; to afford instruc- tion in the common branches of a liberal education and in the liberal arts and sciences ; property not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars ; a board of fifteen trustees. SEC. 10. If from any cause the corporation shall dissolve, the property of said institution, after its debts are paid, shall go to the Common School Fund of the State of Ohio. English Lutheran Theological and Collegiate Institute. O. L., XLII, 189, March 17. 1844. An act to incorporate the Board of Directors of the English Lutheran Theological and Collegiate Institute of Wooster, Wayne County. William Godfrey Keil and eleven others ; property not to exceed ten thousand dollars ; power to grant degrees in the lib- eral arts and sciences ; trustees appointed by the English Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod. Ft. Meigs University. O. L., XLIII, 80, February 10, 1845. An act to incorporate the trustees of Ft. Meigs University. John C. Spink and eleven others, location Perrysburg, Wood County ; "to be erected on a plan sufficiently extensive to afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences" and that trustees may erect additional departments for instruction in the languages, arts and sciences, and in all of the liberal professions ; power to confer degrees ; degrees shall not be conferred until the corporation shall have obtained property to the amount of ten thousand dollars; twelve trustees. Protestant University of the United States. O. L., XLIII, 345, March 10, 1845. An act to incorporate the seven trus- tees of the Protestant University of the United States. William Wilson and twenty-nine others ; location in or near Cincinnati; "the promotion and advancement of education, the cultivation and diffusion of literature, science, and the arts, in all their departments and formalities". SEC. 11. The corporation shall have power to establish a sectarian religious test as a condition of enjoying the honors and privileges of the .university, provided that it shall always 188 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. be conducted in conformity to the Reformed Protestant religion as taught in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments; degrees not to be conferred until the corporation shall have fifteen thousand dollars in property; annual income not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; said university shall report annually to the legislature. Wittenberg College. O. L., XLIII, 375, March 11, 1845. An act to incorporate the Board of Directors of Wittenberg College; John Hamilton and fifteen others; degrees shall not be conferred until the corporation have acquired property to the value of ten thousand dollars ; Board of Directors appointed by the English Evangelical Synod of Ohio and the Miami Synod. Partners' College. O. L., XLIV, 165, February 23, 1846. An act to incorporate the Farmers' College of Hamilton County. Charles Cheney and fourteen others; stock company, shares thirty dollars. SEC. 5. "The objects of this association shall be to direct and cultivate the minds of the students in a thorough and scientific course of studies, particularly adapted to agricultural pursuits ;" real property not to exceed forty thousand dollars. Marietta Female College. O. L., XLV, 140, February 8, 1847. An act to incorporate the Marietta Female College; David C. Skinner and four others; a board of three to fifteen trustees; stock company, shares twenty-five dollars each, capital stock not to exceed twenty thousand dol- lars ; the instruction of females in all the necessary and useful and ornamental branches of a thorough and liberal education. Muhlenberg College. O. L., XLVI, 19, January 11, 1848. An act to incorporate the Board of Directors of Muhlenberg College at the town of Jefferson, Har- rison County. Moses Bartholomew and fourteen others ; directors ap- pointed by the English branch of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and adjacent states; degrees shall not be conferred until the corporation have property to the value of ten thousand dollars. Judson College. O. L., XLVII, local, 259, February 10, 1849. An act to incorporate the Judson College at Jefferson, County of Harrison; transferring Appendix A. 189 the rights, franchises, etc., of Muhlenberg College to the Board of Directors of Judson College. Medina College. O. L., XLVI, 188, February 18, 1848. An act to incorporate Medina College. Stephan N. Sargeant and thirteen others; stock com- pany, shares twenty dollars each; capital stock not to exceed twenty thousand dollars. Newton College. O. L., XLVI, 211, February 19, 1848. An act to incorporate Newton College, Hamilton County. Joseph Jackson and eleven others; stock company, shares fifty dollars; twelve trustees; "to direct and cultivate the minds of the students thoroughly in literary, classical and scientific studies for a regular course, and studies for an irregular course as the trustees may deem proper ;" degrees shall not be conferred until the corporation have property to the amount of ten thou- sand dollars ; real property not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars. O. L., XLVI, 220, February 21, 1848. An act to incorporate the Edin- burgh College. George Hackett and sixteen others. SEC. 5. The said college shall afford instruction in the lib- eral arts and sciences usually taught in colleges, and shall be allowed to have an academical department, etc.; the corpora- tion shall not confer degrees until it have obtained property to the amount of ten thousand dollars. Mt. Washington College. O. L., XLVII, 236, February 21, 1849. An act to incorporate the Mt. Washington College in Hamilton County; Thomas H. Whet- stone and eight others ; stock company, shares fifty dollars each ; eight trustees ; property not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars ; "to direct and cultivate the minds of the students thor- oughly in literary, classical and scientific studies for a regular course" and also an irregular course as the trustees shall de- cide; corporation shall not grant degrees until the college shall have obtained property to the amount of ten thousand dollars. Otterbein University. O. L., XLVII, 257, February 13, 1849. An act to incorporate the Otter- bein University of Ohio. Louis Davis and two others named of the Scioto Annual Conference of the Church of the United Brethren of Christ and Jacob Barger and two others named 190 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. of the Sandusky Annual Conference of the South Church ; power to confer degrees; location Westerville; the corpora- tion shall afford instruction in the liberal arts and sciences usually taught in colleges, and be allowed to have an academical department; they may use funds in the erection of buildings, purchase of lots, mechanical implements wherewith to maintain the manual labor connected with said university ; no part of the property to be used for banking ; honors and degrees shall not be conferred until the corporation have property to the amount of ten thousand dollars. O. L., XLVIII, 619, March 2, 1850. An act to incorporate the Capital University. James Manning and thirty others; purpose the promotion of religion, morality and learning; trustees to be chosen by the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and by the Board of Trustees created by the act of incorporation. Cambridge College. O. L., XLVIII, 621, March 22, 1850. An act to incorporate the Cambridge College. John Fordyce and eight others are created a body pol- itic to be styled "the Trustees of the Cambridge College of the Methodist Protestant Church"; vacancies in the board to be rilled by the Muskingum Annual Conference of the Methodist Prot- estate Church and one member of the Conference shall annually attend the meetings of the Board; purpose the instruction of students in the arts and sciences, in the learned professions, and all branches of learning as are usually taught in the colleges of the country; "the college shall be conducted on the most liberal principles and open alike to all religious denominations and to the community in general." Geneva Hall O. L. XLVIII, 672, March; 7, 1850. An act to incorporate the Geneva Hall. J. B. Johnston and ten others; seven trustees; stock company, shares fifty dollars each; location North wood, Logan County ; capital stock not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ; the promotion of learning, morality and religion ; power to es- tablish a literary and theological department, the theological department to be known by the name of "The Theological Sem- inary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church." Urbana University. O. L., XLVIII, 624, March 7, 1850. An act to incorporate the Urbana University; a board of twelve trustees; Milo G. Williams and eleven others ; purpose to encourage and promote the diffusion of knowledge in all the branches of academic and scientific, and Appendix A. 191 exegetic instruction, and to combine therewith instruction in the productive arts and practice of rural economy; power to confer degrees; to be under the management of persons recognized as belonging to the New Church. ACTS CONCERNING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION MEDICAL EDUCATION O. L., IX, 19, Jan. 14, 1811. An act regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery. Five Medical Districts created, three medical ex- aminers in each to license applicants. O. L., X, 58, Feb. 8, 1812. An act to incorporate a Medical Society. Seven medical districts. Power to appoint examining commit- tees. Practicing without license $5.00 to $100.00 penalty for each offense. O. L., XI, 28, Jan. 18, 1813. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery. O. L., XV, 195, Jan. 28, 1817. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery. O. L., XVI, 105, Jan. 30, 1818. Amendatory. Allowing any person who has received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from any medical school in the U. S. to receive license without examination. Medical College of Ohio. O. L., XVII, 37, Jan. 19, 1819. An act to authorize the establishment of a medical college. Name: Medical College of Ohio. Location: Cincinnati. Professorships : Practice of Medicine, Anatomy, Surgery, Materia Medica, Obstetrics, etc., and Chemistry and Pharmacy. O. L., XVIII, 162, Dec. 30, 1819. Amendatory. Two-thirds of faculty necessary to create or abolish professorships. O. L., XIX, 28, Jan. 15, 1821. An act regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery. Creating the Medical Convention of Ohio, which may select annually two medical students destitute of means and recommend to the Medical College whose duty it shall be to ex- tend to them gratuitously all its advantages. O. L., XIX, 58, Jan. 22, 1821. An act establishing a Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum for the State of Ohio. Location : Cincinnati. Faculty of Medical College to give medical and surgical advice. Students may witness treatment of patients. O. L., XXI, 4, Dec. 13, 1822. Amendatory. Medical College of Ohio. Corporate powers vested in a Board of Trustees instead of the faculty. Trustees appointed by the General Assembly. O. L., XXII, 142, Feb. 26, 1824. An act to incorporate Medical Socie- ties, etc. 192 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXIII, 16, Jan. 28, 1825. Amendatory to the preceding. O. L., XXIII, 19, Feb. 15, 1825. An act for the better regulation of the Medical College of Ohio. Making certain appropriations, etc. O. L., XXIV, 4, Dec. 31, 1825. An act to incorporate the Medical College of Ohio and to revise and repeal all existing laws concerning it. O. L., XXXVI, 37, March 7, 1838. An act for the relief of the Medical College of Ohio. Appropriating $1,500.00. Cincinnati Medical Academy. O. L., XXVI, 54, Jan. 18, 1828. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Medical Academy. Benjamin Piatt and ten others. O. L, XXIX, 66, Jan. 31, 1831. Amendatory. The Medical College of Ohio. Appropriating one-fourth of the money arising from taxes on auction sales in Hamilton County for a five year period to the Medical College, not to exceed $30,000.00. Ohio Medical Lyceum. O. L., XXXI, 207, Feb. 22, 1833. An act to incorporate the Ohio Medical Lyceum in the city of Cincinnati. O. L., XXXI, 269, Feb. 25, 1833. Resolution. Free tuition in Medical College to one indigent student from each medical district in the state, on appointment of the censors. O. L., XXXI, 272, Feb. 25, 1833. Resolution. Governor to appoint a committee of five to inspect and report on the condition, etc., of the Medical College of Ohio. Medina Medical Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 9, Dec. 24, 1833. An act to incorporate the Medina Med- ical Lyceum. Lebanon Medical Society. O. L., XXXVI, 347, March 16, 1838. An act to incorporate the Lebanon Medical Society. Literary and Botanical Medical College of the State of Ohio. O. L., XXXVII, 208, March 8, 1839. An act to incorporate the Directors of the Literary and Botanical Medical College of the State of. Ohio. O. L., XXXIX, 161, March 29, 1841. Amendatory. Locating the above corporation in Cincinnati during the continuation of the charter. Eaton Medical Society. O. L., XL, 83, March 3, 1842. An act to incorporate the Eaton Medical Society. Appendix A. 193 Morgan County Medical Society. O. L., XLI, 145, March 10, 1843. An act to incorporate the Morgan County Medical Society. Dudley Medical University. O. L., XLII, 179, March 12, 1844. An act to incorporate the Dudley Med- ical University of Wadsworth. Summit County Medical Society. O. L., XLII, 183, March 12, 1844. An act to incorporate the Summit County Medical Society. College of Dental Surgery. O. L., XLIII, 32, Jan. 21, 1845. An act to authorize the establishment of a College of Dental Surgery. Location : Cincinnati. Medical Institute of Cincinnati. O. L., XLIII, 257, March 10, 1845. An act to incorporate the Medical Institute of Cincinnati. Name Eclectic Institute. At least five professors. O. L., XVII, 268, March 8, 1849. Amendatory. Increasing capital stock of preceding institution to $60,000.00. Starling Medical College. O. L., XLVI, 31, Jan. 28, 1848. An act to incorporate the Starling Med- ical College in the City of Columbus. Lyne Starling gives $30,000.00 for support. Medical and Surgical Society of the County of Ashland. O. L., XLVI, 7(>, Feb. 4, ISIS. An act to incorporate the Medical and Surgical Society of the County of Ashland. State Medical Society of Ohio. O. L., XLVI, 231, Feb. 22, 1848. An act to incorporate the State Medical Society of Ohio. Cincinnati Medical Institute. O. L., XLVII, 264, Feb. 23, 1849. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Medical Institute. Darke County Medical Society. O. L., XLVII, 274, March 18, 1849. An act to incorporate the Darke County Medical Society. Western College of Homeopathic Medicine. O. L., XLVIII, 629, March 1, 1850. An act to incorporate the Western College of Homeopathic Medicine. Vol. XXVII 13. 194 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Cincinnati College of Pharmacy. O. L., XLVIII, 632, March 23 1850. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati College of Pharmacy. LEGAL EDUCATION O. L., XVII, 92, Jan. 28, 1819. Amendatory. An act to regulate the ad- mission and practice of attorneys, etc. Candidates must have studied law attentively two years prior to application. Cincinnati College. O. L., XLIV, 157, Feb. 21, 1846. Amendatory. Certificate from the law department of Cincinnati College shall entitle to admission to the bar. ACTS CONCERNING THE EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES, DEPENDENTS AND DELINQUENTS EDUCATION OF DEFECTIVES Education of the Deaf and Dumb. O. L., XX, 49, Feb. 2, 1822. An act to amend an act concerning the safe- keeping of idiots, etc. Court of Common Pleas may appoint guardians of deaf and dumb persons. Guardians shall teach. If unable to do so County Commissioners may appropriate money for the purpose. All deaf and dumb persons to be listed in town- ships and be reported to the State Auditor. O. L., XXI, 5, Dec. 28, 1822. An act to ascertain the number of deaf and dumb persons in this state. O. L., XXV, 87, Jan. 30, 1827. An act to establish an asylum for the deaf and dumb persons. Eight trustees. Income not to exceed $30,000.00. Shall be forever under the control of the General Assembly. O. L., XXVI, 4, Jan. 16, 1828. Amendatory. Adds three trustees. Ap- propriation, $376.76. O. L., XXVII, 63, Jan. 28, 1829. An act to provide further for the establishment of the asylum. Authorizes opening in Oct., 1829, at Columbus. O. L. XXV, 113, Jan. 9, 1827. Resolution. Instructing Senators and Representatives in Congress to try to obtain from Congress a grant equal to one township to aid in the education of the deaf and dumb in this state. O. L., XXVI, 178, Jan 29, 1828. Resolution. Renewing preceding effort. O. L., XXVI, 171, Jan. 21, 1829. Resolution. Locating asylum at Co- lumbus. Authorizing receiving donation of land or purchasing land for a site. Appendix A. 195 O. L., XXVIII, 30, Feb. 18, 1830. Amendatory. Twelve trustees; $1,- 000.00 appropriation. Provisions for indigent students. O. L., XXIX, 427, March 3, 1831. An act to establish an Asylum for the education of Deaf and Dumb persons and repealing all existing laws on that subject. O. L., XXIX, 246, March 10, 1831. Resolution. Appropriating $1,600.00. O. L., XXX, 20, Feb. 13, 1832. Amendatory. One-fourth of all monies arising from auction sales and licenses in Hamilton Co. appro- priated to the use of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. O. L., XXX, 319, Feb. 11, 1832. Resolution. Appropriating $1,500.00. O. L., XXX, 336, Jan. 5, 1832. Memorial. Asking Congress for a grant of a township of land for the use of the asylum. O. L., XXXI, 24, Feb. 25, 1833. Amendatory. Three indigent pupils to be admitted from each judicial circuit in the state. O. L., XXXI, 238, Feb. 25, 1833. Resolution. Appropriating $1,500.00. O. L., XXIII, 36, March 3, 1834. Amendatory. Provision for educating all indigent deaf and dumb persons between ages of 12 and 20. Appropriation, $2,213.10. O. L., XXXII, 428, March 3, 1834. Appropriation, $2,000.00. O. L., XXXIII, 435, March 9, 1835. Appropriation, $3,000.00. From this time on appropriations are usually made annu- ally until 1846. From 1846 on regular budget appropriations are made. O. L., XLIII, 344, Jan. 11, 1845. Resolution. Urging Congress to grant a portion of the public domain for institutions for the educa- tion of the deaf and dumb or the blind, in states where such institutions may be established. O. L., XLIV, 111, March 2, 1846. Amendatory. Salary of the Supt. to be $1,000.00. Six trustees to be appointed by the Gen. Assembly. Education of the Blind. ^ O. L., IX, 68, Jan. 29, 1811. An act for the relief of David Phouts. Ap- propriating $150.00 annually for the relief of five children born blind. O. L., X, 68, Feb. 11, 1812. Repealing preceding act. O. L., XVII, 7, Dec. 23, 1818. An act for the relief of John Twaddle. County Commissioners of Jefferson County authorized to make an annual allowance. Nine children, six born blind. O. L., XXXIII, 453, March 5, 1835. Resolution. Census of the blind. O. L., XXXIV, 648, March 11, 1836. Resolution. Three trustees ap- pointed to gather information concerning the instruction of the blind and probable cost of commencing a school. O. L., XXXV, 116, April 13, 1837. An act making provision for the instruction of the blind. Three trustees. Ohio Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Provisions for site and buildings 196 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. at or near Columbus. Authorizing $15,000.00 for building; pro- vision for apparatus. O. L., XXXV, 559, April 1, 1837. Resolution. Extending thanks to DJ Howe for his work in behalf of the blind. O. L., XXXVI, 49, March 10, 1838. An act making further provisions for the instruction of the blind. Authorizing completion of the building, receiving students from other states, giving free in- struction to 12 indigent students, etc. O. L., XLI, 57, March 11, 1843. Amendatory. Extending privileges to indigent students. O. L., XLII, 21, Jan. 27, 1844. An act reducing salaries. Superintend- ents of Blind Asylum not to exceed $700.00. Superintendent of Deaf and Dumb Asylum not to exceed $600.00. O. L., XLII, 253, Feb. 3, 1844. Resolution. Authorizing employment of oculist by the asylum. O. L., XLIII, 270, March 12, 1844. Resolution. Authorizing $150.00 for philosophical apparatus for the pupils. O. L., XLIV, 111, March 2, 1846. Amendatory. Salaries of Superin- tendents of Asylums for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb to be $1,000.00 each. Repealing acts for support of pupils in these institutions. EDUCATION OF DEPENDENTS Individuals. O. L., XVIII, 66, Feb. 26, 1820. An act for the relief of an orphan Indian child. O. L., XIX, 144, Feb. 2, 1821. Repealing the preceding act. O. L., XXI, 39, Jan. 25, 1823. An act for the relief and benefit of an Indian orphan child. Mother killed by a citizen of the state; $25.00 annually appropriated for education and maintenance until age of 12 years. Apprentices and Servants. O. L., IV, 72, Jan. 27, 1806. An act concerning apprentices and servants. Children bound out must be taught to read and write. O. L., XXII, 381, Feb. 23, 1824. An act concerning apprentices and serv- ants. Arithmetic to the rule of three added to the preceding requirements. A new Bible and two suits of clothes to be fur- nished at the end of the period of service. Orphan Asylums, Etc. O. L., XXXI, 52, Jan. 25, 1833. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum. O. L., XXXII, 216, Feb. 27, 1834. An act to provide a fund for the re- lief of the widows and children of the clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Ohio. Appendix A. 197 O. L., XXXV, 202, March 13, 1837. An act to incorporate the Stark County Orphans' Institute. O. L., XXXVIII, 87, March 3, 1840. Repealing the preceding act. The corporation had assumed banking privileges. O. L., XXXV, 513, April 3, 1837. An act to incorporate the Cleveland Female Orphan Asylum. Lowry Willy and 11 other women incorporators. O. L., XXXVI, 185, March 5, 1838. An act to incorporate the Columbus Female Benevolent Society. Mary Cressy and six other women. O. L., XLI, 112, March 2, 1843. An act to incorporate the St. Aloysius Orphan Asylum of Cincinnati. O. L. XLII, 172, March 12, 1844. An act to incorporate the Dayton Female Association for the benefit of orphans. O. L., XLIII, 101, Feb. 18, 1845. An act to incorporate the trustees of the New Orphan Asylum of Colored Children of Cincinnati. EDUCATION OF DELINQUENTS O. L., XLI, 74, March 13, 1843. An act for the regulation of county jails. Each inmate shall be furnished with a Bible. Sheriff shall keep a record of means furnished prisoners of literary, moral and religious instruction. O. L., XLIII, 446, March 6, 1845. Resolution. Directors of Ohio Peni- tentiary authorized to employ a suitable person as a religious and moral instructor. O. L., XLIII, 393, March 12, 1845. An act to authorize the City of Cin- cinnati to erect a House of Correction. ACTS CONCERNING THE EDUCATION OF TEACHERS O. L., XXX, 232, Feb. 13, 1832. An act to incorporate the Western Academic Institute and Board of Education. Elijah Slack and 14 others. O. L., XXXII, 217, Feb. 27, 1834. An act to incorporate the Teachers' Institute. For instructing professional school teachers. Lyman Beecher and eight others. Board shall report annually to the Secretary of the State of Ohio. O. L., XXXI, 18, Dec. 17, 1832. An act to incorporate the Marietta Collegiate Institute and Western Teachers' Seminary. O. L., XXXI, 193, Feb. 19, 1833. An act to incorporate the Wayne County, Ohio, Teachers' Association. O. L., XXXV, 417, April 1, 1837. An act to incorporate The Teachers' Institute at Fair Mound, in Licking County. O. L., XXXVIII, 192, March 23, 1840. An act to incorporate The Ameri- can Lyceum of Education in the City of Cincinnati. A model school and one in which experiments may be made to be one feature. 198 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XLV, 67, Feb. 8, 1847. An act to incorporate Teachers' Insti- tutes. Act in force only in the Counties of Ashtabula, Lake, Geauga, Cuyahoga, Erie, Lorain, Medina, Trumbull, Portage, Summit and Delaware. O. L., XLVII, 261, Feb. 15, 1849. An act to incorporate the Farming- ton Normal School in the County of Trumbull. Edwin Love- land and eight others. Citizens raised $2,575.00 for school. Site donated. ACTS CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES Libraries. O. L., Ill, 288, Feb. 21, 1805. Dayton Library Society. O. L., V, 62, Jan. 26, 1806. Library society to be known as "Granville Alexandrian Society," in the town of Granville, in the County of Licking. (Repealed later for banking activities.) O. L., VI, 127, Feb. 10, 1808. New Town Library Company, in the County of Hamilton. O. I.., VIII, 141, Feb. 19, 1810. Western Library Association. O. L., VIII, 197, Feb. 19, 1910. Poland Library Society. O. L., VIII, 251, Feb. 19, 1810. Washington Social Library Company. O. L., X, 5, Dec. 17, 1811. Wooster Library Society. O. L., X, 14, Dec. 23, 1811. Lebanon Library Society. O. L., X, 178, Feb. 20, 1812. Platonic Library Society, in the towns of Sunbury and Berkshire in Delaware County. O. L., XI, 14, Jan. 2, 1813. Circulating Library Society of Cincinnati. O. L., XII, 55, Jan. 18, 1814. Boardman Library Society, in the County of Trumbull. O. L., XII, 61, Jan. 19, 1814. Troy Library Society. O. L., XII, 147, Feb. 10, 1814. Euclid Library Society, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XIII, 11, Dec. 22, 1814. Circulating Library Society of Cincinnati. O. L., XIII, 14, Dec. 22, 1814. Village Library Society of Burton, in the County of Geauga. O. L., XIII, 75, Jan. 13, 1815. Eaton Library Society, in the County of Preble. O. L., XIII, 285, Feb. 16, 1815. Northern Social Library Company of Harpersfield. O. L., XIV, 6, Dec. 16, 1815. Waynesville Library Company. O. L., XIV, 256, Feb. 20, 1816. Fearing Library Society, in the County of Washington. O. L., XIV, 263, Feb. 21, 1816. Social Library Company of Salem, in the County of Ashtabula. O. L., XVII, 154, Feb. 8, 1819. Amendatory. Circulating Library Com- pany of Cincinnati. Appendix A 199 O. L., XX, 36, Feb. 1, 1822. Amendatory. Social Library Company of Salem. O. L., XXII, 36, Jan. 20, 1824. Relating to State Library. SEC. 1. Librarian, $200 per year. SEC. 2. Bond of $2,000. SEC. 3. Librarian shall give receipt for all books, etc., to the treasurer of the state. SEC. 4. Three hundred and fifty dollars appropriated an- nually for purchase of "useful books" and maps. SEC. 5. List of books needed may be submitted by mem- bers, judges, etc. SEC. 6. Covering resignation of librarian., SEC. 7. Provision for necessary furniture. O. L., XXIII, 3, Dec. 29, 1824. Elizabethtown Social Library Society, in the County of Hamilton. O. L., XXIII, 101, Jan. 28, 1825. Social Library of Kendal, in the County of Stark. O. L., XXIII, 76, Feb. 7, 1825. Windham Library Society, in the County of Portage. O. L., XXIV, 5, Dec. 23, 1825. Frederickstown Library Society, in the County of Knox. O. L., XXIV, 24, Jan. 17, 1826. Preble County Library Society. O. L. XXIV, 35, Jan. 24, 1826. Bloomfield Social Library Society, in the County of Trumbull. O. L., XXIV, 82, Feb. 4, 1826. Social Library Society, in the town of Fairfield, County of Columbiana. O. L., XXIV, 86, Feb. 7, 1826. Eldridge Library Association, in the County of Huron. O. L., XXV, 8, Dec. 15, 1826. Franklin Library Company of Little Sandy. O. L., XXV, 3, Jan. 9, 1827. Dayton Library. O. L., XXV, 57, Jan. 6, 1827. Buffalo Library Society, in the Counties of Guernsey, Morgan and Muskingum. O. L., XXV, 56, Jan. 23, 1827. Columbia Library Society, in the County of Lorain. O. L., XXV, 42, Jan. 26, 1827. Brookfield Social Library Society of the County of Morgan. O. L., XXV, 55, Jan. 26, 1827. Harmony Library Society, in the County of Fayette. O. L., XXVI, 3, Dec. 14, 1827. Newburgh Library Society, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XXVI, 4, Dec. 18, 1827. Liberty Library Society, in the County of Butler. O. L., XXVI, 27, Jan. 1, 1828. "Hubbard Library Company," in the County of Trumbull. O. L., XXVI, 41, Jan. 16, 1828. Union Library Society of Lexington. 200 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXVI, 119, Jan. 21, 1828. Yellow Spring Library Society, of the County of Greene. O. L., XXVI, 107, Jan. 29, 1828. Lorain County Library Society. O. L., XXVI, 106, Feb. 11, 1828. "The Hartford Library Society,' in the County of Trumbull." O. L., XXVI, 161, Jan. 29, 1828. Monroe Traveling and Circulating Library Society. O. L., XXVII, 5, Dec. 22, 1828. Social Library Company of Madison, in the County of Geauga. O. L., XXVII, 10, Dec. 24, 1828. Amendatory. Frederickstown Library Society. O. L., XXVII, 14, Dec. 29, 1828. The Chester Library Association, in the County of Geauga. O. L., XXVII, 21, Jan. 5, 1829. Sunbury Library Association, in the County of Delaware. O. L., XXVII, 63, Jan. 30, 1829. Olin School Library Society, of the County of Morgan. O. L., XXVII, 95, Feb. 9, 1829. Nelson Library Society. O. L., XXVII, 95, Feb. 9, 1829. "Barlow Library Society," in the County of Washington. O. L., XXVII, 103, Feb. 9, 1829. Granville Library, in the County of Licking. O. L., XXVII, 10, Dec. 29, 1828. Social Library of Greene, in County of Trumbull. O. L., XXVII, Feb. 2, 1829. "Lyme and Ridgefield Circulating Library Society," in the County of Huron. O. L., XXVII, 127, Feb. 11, 1829. Madison Library Association, in the County of Hamilton. SEC. 2. Milford Circulating Library Society declared a body politic. O. L., XXVII, Feb. 11, 1829. Vernon Library Association, in the County of Scioto. O. L., XXVIII, 8, Dec. 31, 1829. Venice Library Society, in Butler County. O. L., XXVIII, 22, Jan. 12, 1830. Brecksville Columbian Library So- ciety, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XXVIII, 23, Jan. 12, 1830. Dresden Library Association in the County of Muskingum. O. L., XXVIII, 46, Jan. 21, 1830. Windsor Library Society, in the County of Ashtabula. O. L., XXVIII, 62, Feb. 2, 1830. Mesopotamia Social Library Company, in the County of Trumbull. O. L., XXVIII, 70, Feb. 9, 1830. Marietta Library. O. L., XXVIII, 164, Feb. 22, 1830. Newbury Social Library Society, in the County of Geauga. Appendix A. 201 O. L., XXIX, 11, Dec. 21, 1830. Dover Library Association, in the County of Athens. O. L., XXIX, 13, Dec. 27, 1830. Ashtabula Social Library Association. O. L., XXIX, 25, Dec. 21, 1830. Williamsburg Library Society, in the County of Clermont. O. L., XXIX, 41, Jan. 6, 1831. Social Circulating Library Association, in village of Waverly, County of Pike. O. L., XXIX, 49, Jan. 17, 1831. Hamilton and Rossville Library So- ciety, in the County of Butler. O. L., XXIX, 50, Jan. 17, 1831. Middlebury Library Company. O. L., XXIX, 57, Jan. 31, 1831. Olmstead Library Company, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L. XXIX, 67, Jan. 31, 1831. Athens Library Society, in the County of Athens. O. L., XXIX, 83, Feb. 7, 1831. Austinburg Social Library Association, in the County of Ashtabula. O. L., XXIX, 119, Feb. 11, 1831. Wayne and Cherry Valley Union Li- brary Association, in County of Ashtabula. O. L., XXIX, 142, Feb. 24, 1831. Utica Library Society, in the County of Licking. O. L., XXIX, 179, March 2, 1831. Capital Library Society of Columbus. O. L., XXX, 4, Dec. 19, 1831. Harrisville Library Association, in the County of Medina. O. L., XXX, 60, Jan. 31, 1832. New Paris Library Society, in County of Preble. O. L., XXX, 133, Feb. 7, 1832. Clarksfield Library Society, of Huron County. O. L., XXX, 134, Feb. 7, 1832. "Darke County Library Society," in the County of Darke. O. L., XXX, 244, Feb. 11, 1832. Guernsey County Library and Reading Room. O. L., XXX, 267, Feb. 11, 1832. "Farmers' Library Company," in County of Seneca. O. L., XXX, 275, Feb. 11, 1832. Library Society of London, in Madi- son County. O. L., XXX, 276, Feb. 11, 1832. West Branch Library Association, in Miami County. O. L., XXX, 277, Feb. 11, 1832. Farmers' and Mechanics' Library So- ciety of Berkshire, in the County of Delaware. O. L, XXXI, 10, Dec. 24, 1832. Dane Law Library. O. L., XXXI, 31, Jan. 15, 1833. Milford Library Association, in the County of Union. O. L., XXXI, 63, Jan. 31, 1833. Cleveland Library Company. O. L., XXXI, 83, Feb. 6, 1833. Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Asso- ciation, in Aurora, Portage County. 202 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXI, 159, Feb. 19, 1833. "Wadsworth Library Society," in the County of Medina. O. L., XXXI, 89, Feb. 6, 1833. Massillon Library Society. O. L., XXXI, 94, Feb. 7, 1833. Eden Library Association, in County of Seneca. SEC. 1. Incorporated name, "Eden Social Library." O. L., XXXI, 105, Feb. 12, 1833. Franklin Library Association of Guil- ford, in the County of Medina. O. L., XXXI, 132, Feb. 19, 1833. Fitchville Library Society, in Huron County. O. L., XXXI, 195, Feb. 23, 1833. Lancaster Library Association, in County of Fairfield. O. L., XXXII, 16, Dec. 31, 1833. Rome Library Company, in County of Ashtabula. O. L., XXXII, 51, Feb. 3, 1834. Richfield Social Library Company, in the County of Medina. O. L., XXXII, 122, Feb. 21, 1834. Akron Lyceum and Library Associa- tion Company, in Akron, Portage County. O. L., XXXII, 150, Feb. 24, 1834. Harmony Library Company, in Sa- lena Township, Muskingum County. O. L., XXXII, 177, Feb. 25, 1834. Gustavus Centre Library Company, in County of Trumbull. O. L., XXXII, 191, Feb. 25, 1834. Lagrange Library Association, in the County of Lorain. O. L., XXXII, 195, Feb. 25, 1834. "Cincinnati Law Library." O. L., XXXII, 225, Feb. 28, 1834. Springboro Library Company, in the County of Warren. O. L., XXXII, 238, March 1, 1834. Free Discussion Library of Andover, in Ashtabula County. O. L., XXXII, 265, March 1, 1834. Montville Social Library Company, in the County of Geauga. O. L., XXXIII, 38, Feb. 3, 1835. Penfield Library Society, in Penfield Township, Lorain County. O. L., XXXIII, 38, Feb. 3, 1835. New Lyme Young Men's Library So- ciety. O. L., XXXIII, 117, Feb. 24, 1835. "The Milford Library Association." O. L., XXXIII, 119, Feb. 25, 1835. Delaware Library Association, in the County of Delaware. O. L., XXXIII, 149, Feb. 26, 1835. Roscoe Social Library Company, in the County of Coshocton. O. L., XXXIII, 149, Feb. 26, 1835. Hinckley Social Library Company, in Hinckley Township, Medina County. O. L., XXXIII, 160, March 3, 1835. Darrtown Library Company, in the County of Butler. O. L., XXXIII, 197, March 5, 1835. Painesville Lyceum and Library Society. Appendix A. 203 O. L., XXXIII, 320, March 7, 1835. Vermilion Library Company, of Huron County. O. L., XXXIII, 330, March 7, 1835. Urbana Juvenile Library. O. L., XXXIV, 25, Jan. 5, 1836. "Young Men's Mercantile Library As- sociation of Cincinnati." O. L., XXXIV, 83, Jan. 27, 1836. Bellville Library Company, in the County of Richland. O. L., XXXIV, 133, 'Feb. 29, 1836. Highland Library Association. O. L., XXXIII, 305, March 7, 1835. Wellington Social Library Com- pany, in Wellington Township, Lorain County. O. L., XXXIV, 197, March 1, 1836. Bedford Library Company, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XXXIV, 383, March 10, 1836. Hopewell Library Company, in Muskingum County. O. L., XXXIV, 467, March 14, 1836. Westfield Library Society, in Town- ship of Westfield, in County of Medina. O. L., XXXIV, 468, March 14, 1836. Brooklyn Library Company, in Cuyahoga County. O. L., XXXIV, 468, March 14, 1836. Greenville Library Association. O. L., XXXIV, 488, March 14, 1836. Port Washington Lyceum and Li- brary Company, in County of Tuscarawas. O. L., XXXIV, 488, March 14, 1836. Rutland Library Association. O. L., XXXV, 47, Jan. 10, 1837. Paris Library Association, of Rich- land County. O. L., XXXV, 53, Jan. 23, 1837. Blendon Library Society, in the County of Franklin. O. L., XXXV, 96, Feb. 18, 1837. North Royalton Social Library Society, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XXXV, 104, Feb. 27, 1837. Darby Creek Lyceum and Library Association, in the County of Union. O. L., XXXV, 119, March 2, 1837. Braceville Library Company, in the County of Trumbull. O. L., XXXV, 195, March 13, 1837. Monroe Lyceum of Natural His- tory, and Library Association, in Ashtabula County. O. L., XXXV, 196, March 13, 1837. Ruggles Library Society, of Huron County. O. L., XXXV, 227, March 14, 1837. New Philadelphia Library Society. O. L., XXXV, 340, March 27, 1837. Sandusky City Lyceum and Library Association, in the County of Huron. O. L., XXXV, 346, March 29, 1837. Parma Library Association, in Cuy- ahoga County. O. L., XXXV, 353, March 29, 1837. Creating an additional number of directors of the Platonic Library Society, of the County of Delaware. O. L., XXXV, 445, April 3, 1837. Amendatory. Young Men's Mercan- tile Library Association of Cincinnati. 204 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXV, 562, April 1, 1837. Resolution appointing a committee to select new works for State Library. O. L., XXXVI, 106, Feb. 23, 1838. Granger Library Association, in County of Medina. O. L., XXXVI, 127, Feb. 27, 1838. Lenox Library Association, in Ash- tabula County. O. L., XXXVI, 270, March 13, 1838. "Young Men^s Association of the City of Toledo." SEC. 1. Funds to be used only for supporting a Lyceum and Public Library. O. L., XXXVI, 378, March 17, 1838. Painesville Library Association, in County of Geauga. O. L., XXXVII, 21, Jan. 21, 1839. McConnellsville Library and Reading Room Association. O. L., XXXVII, 84, Feb. 28, 1839. First Universalian Religious Library Society of Harmar. O. L., XXXVII, 126, March 7, 1839. St. Mary's Library Association, in County of Mercer. O. L., XXXVII, 144, March 9, 1839. Martinsville Silliman Institute and Library Company. O. L., XXXVII, 147, March 9, 1839. Franklin Library Association, in the County of Mercer. O. L., XXXVII, 217, March 12, 1839. Elizabethtown Circulating Li- brary Society, in the County of Licking. O. L., XXXVII, 219, March 12, 1839. Perrysburgh Lyceum and Library Association. O. L., XXXVII, 257, March 16, 1839. Worthington Literati. SEC. 1. To establish a library and lyceum. O. L., XXXVII, 263, March 16, 1839. Fredonia Social Library, in the County of Licking. O. L., XXXVII, 295, March 16, 1839. Fairfield Library Association, in the County of Huron. O. L., XXXVIII, 19, Jan. 17, 1840. Youth's Neville Library Society. O. L., XXXVIII, 28, Jan. 29, 1840. Marysville Library Institute. O. L., XXXVIII, 29, Jan. 29, 1840. Oxford Library Society, in the County of Butler. O. L., XXXVIII, 36, Feb. 3, 1840. Addison Library Association, of Champaign County. O. L., XXXVIII, 37- Feb. 3, 1840. Athenian Library Society, in the County of Warren. O. L., XXXVIII, 45, Feb. 7, 1840. Portsmouth Library Company. O. L., XXXVIII, 70, Feb. 18, 1840. Kalida Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation. O. L., XXXVIII, 111, March 9, 1840. Burlington Library Association, in the County of Lawrence. Appendix A. 205 O. L., XXXVIII, 179, March 20, 1840. Twinsburg Library Association, in the County of Summit. O. L., XXXVIII, 183, March 21, 1840. Reading Mutual Improvement and Library Association, in Hamilton County. O. L., XXXVIII, 197, March 23, 1840. Repealing charter of Washington Social Library Company. O. L., XXXIX, 53, March 20, 1841. Franklin Library Association, of Carlisle and Elyria, in the County of Lorain. O. L,, XXXIX, 54, March 20, 1841. Orange Library Association, in County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XL, 113, March 7, 1842. Repealing Granville Alexandrian Society because of banking activities. O. L., XL, 103, March 27, 1841. May field Circulating Library, in Town- ship of Mayfield, in County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XL, 104, March 27, 1841. Franklin Library Society of Water- ford, in Knox County. O. L., XL, 31, Feb. 15, 1842. Union Library Association of Richmond, in the County of Ashtabula. O. L., XL, 35, Feb. 26, 1842. Dover Library Association, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XL, 36, Feb. 26, 1842. Donnelsville Library Association, in the County of Clark. O. L., XL, 5, Jan. 5, 1842. First Moral Library Association, of Wil- liamsfield, in the County of Ashtabula. O. L., XL, 16, Jan. 27, 1842. Chagrin Falls Mechanics' Library Associa- tion, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L., XL, 85, March 5, 1842. Orwell Library and Reading Society, of Township of Orwell, Ashtabula County. O. L., XLI, 52, Feb. 2, 1843. Badger Library Society, of Plain, in the County of Wood. O. L., XLI, 85, Feb. 17, 1843. New Orange Library Society, of Cass, in Miami County. O. L., XLI, 91, Feb. 28, 1843. Jefferson Library Association, of Town- ship of Jefferson, in County of Ashtabula. O. L., XLI, 176, March 11, 1843. Mechanics' Lyceum and Library As- sociation, of town of Warren, in County of Trumbull. O. L., XLII, 110, Feb. 26, 1844. Champeon Library Association at Cha- grin Falls, in the County of Cuyahoga. O. L.. XLII, 169, March 11, 1844. Cincinnati Philosophical Library As- sociation, in County of Hamilton. O. L., XLII, 213, March 12, 1844. Ravenna Library Association. O. L., XLIII, 58, March 6, 1845. Regulating the State Library. SEC. 1. The State Library shall be under control and man- agement of board of commissioners consisting of Governor, Secretary of State and State Librarian. 206 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XLIII, 61, Feb. 3, 1845. Young Men's Book Association of West Canaan, in the County of Madison. O. L., XLIII, 62, Feb. 3, 1845. General Library Association of Cincin- nati. O. L., XLIII, 68, Feb. 10, 1845. New Carlisle Social Library Company, in Clark County, and the Library Association of Harlem, Car- roll County. O. L., XLIII, 70, Feb. 10, 1845. Talltnadge Library Association, in County of Summit O. L., XLIII, 274, March 6, 1845. Miamisburg Library Association. O. L., XLIII, 311, March 8, 1845. Act for relief of creditors of Gran- ville Alexandrian Society. O. L., XLIII, 361, March 11, 1845. Incorporating certain literary socie- ties : SEC. 4. Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Association of West Lodi, Seneca County. SEC. 9. German Catholic Library Association of Cincinnati. SEC. 10. Donaldsville Library Association, in Clark County. SEC. 13. Hanover Social Library Association, in Butler County. O. L., XLIII, 389, March 12, 1845. Linton Library Association, of County of Coshocton. O. L., XLVI, 149, Feb. 18, 1848. Cleveland Library Association. O. L., XLVIH, 632, March 22, 1850. Young Men's Catholic Association of Cincinnati. SEC. 1. A library association. O. L., XLVIII, 635, March 21, 1850. Western Library Institute. O. L., XLVIII, 640, March 23, 1850. Warren Library Association. O. L., XLII, 250, Dec. 30, 1843. Resolution. Relative to the incorporation of churches, religious societies, library associations, literary so- cieties, etc. Bills shall be referred to the standing Committee on Corporations, of the House in which presented, which com- mittee shall be instructed to retain the same until near the close of the session of the General Assembly, when they shall report one bill for the incorporation of all such churches, and religious societies, one for the incorporation of literary societies, library associations, etc. O. L., XLII, 260, March 6, 1844. Resolution. WHEREAS, By resolution of the General Assembly of March 13, 1843, authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish each college, university and scien- tific and literary institution in this state, when called for at the office of the secretary, one copy each (of various reports). Resolved, To furnish documents in the same manner to all incorporated library associations. Appendix A. 207 O. L., XLIII, 70, March 11, 1845. An act to regulate literary and other societies. SEC. 1. That from and after the passage of this act it shall be lawful for any literary, scientific, Odd Fellows or other benevolent association within this states, to elect any number of their members, not less than three, to serve as trustees and one member as clerk, who shall hold their offices during the pleas- ure of the society. SEC. 2. Proceedings of such election to be recorded with the county recorder. SEC. 3. Trustees shall have perpetual succession and shall possess the powers and privileges, and be subject to the restric- tions imposed under the act entitled "An act to regulate incor- porated literary societies," etc., passed March 7, 1831. Athenaeums, Lyceums, Literary Societies, Etc. O. L., XXVII, 7, Dec. 22, 1828. Zanesville Athenaeum. "Funds not to be employed for any other than literary pur- poses, the purchase of books, maps, charts, pamphlets and news- papers." O. L., XXIX, 126, Feb. 14, 1831. Cincinnati Lyceum. Morgan Neville, named with 11 others, including Salmon P. Chase. SEC. 1. "with their associates who have united together for the purpose of promoting the diffusion of useful knowledge among all classes of the community." SEC. 3. "with power to establish such schools, classes and professorships, and appoint such professors, lecturers, and teach- ers therein as to them shall seem expedient." O. L., XXX, 229, Feb. 13, 1832. Steubenville Athenaeum. O. L., XXXI, 58, Jan. 29, 1833. Mount Vernon Lyceum. O. L., XXXI, 81, Jan. 29, 1833. Cincinnati Literary Society. O. L., XXXI, 92, Feb. 6, 1833. McConnelsville Athenaeum. O. L., XXXI, 117, Feb. 13, 1833. Cleveland Lyceum. O. L., XXXI, 227, Feb. 25, 1833. Urbana Athenaeum. O. L., XXXI, 234, Feb. 25, 1833. Xenia Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 8, Dec. 24, 1833. Medina County Athenaeum. O. L., XXXII, 31, Feb. 3, 1834. Young Men's Reading and Literary So- ciety of Morgan, Ashtabula County. O. L., XXXII, 105, Feb. 20, 1834. Springfield Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 140, Feb. 24, 1834. Elyria Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 150, Feb. 24, 1834. Guilford Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 165, Feb. 24, 1834. Chillicothe Lyceum and Mechanics' Institute. O. L., XXXII, 217, Feb. 27, 1834. Zanesville Juvenile Lyceum. O. L., XXXII, 234, Feb. 28, 1834. Circleville Athenaeum. 208 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications'. O. L., XXXIII, 148, Feb. 26, 1835. Gallipolis Lyceum. O. L, XXXIII, 396, March 9, 1835. Cuyahoga Falls Lyceum. O. L., XXXIII, 411, March 9, 1835. Peru (Delaware County) Lyceum. O. L., XXXIV, 190, Feb. 29, 1836. The Wellsville Literary Institute. O. L., XXXIV, 191, March 1, 1836. Bedford Lyceum. O. L., XXXIV, 546, March 14, 1836. Brooklyn Lyceum. O. L., XXXV, 22, Jan. 3, 1837. Putnam Lyceum. O. L., XXXV, 49, Jan. 23, 1837. New Lisbon Lyceum. O. L., XXXV, 167, March 10, 1837. Columbus Literary and Scientific Institute. O. L., XXXV, 336, March 23, 1837. Litchfield Lyceum and Society. O. L., XXXV, 405, April 1, 1837. Stark County Lyceum. O. L., XXXVI, 39, Jan. 26, 1838. Newark Athenaeum. O. L., XXXVI, 187, March 5, 1838. The Literary, Historical and Philo- sophical Society of Canton, Stark County. O. L., XXXVI, 270, March 13, 1838. Canal Dover Lyceum. O. L., XXXVII, 13, Jan. 9, 1839. Johnstown Lyceum, Licking County. O. L., XXXVII, 18, Jan. 11, 1839. Rockport Lyceum, Cuyahoga County. O. L., XXXVII, 168, March 12, 1839. Woodsfield Lyceum. O. L., XXXVII, 190, March 12, 1839. Conneaut Lyceum. O. L., XXXVII, 294, March 16, 1839. Malta Lyceum. O.~L., XXXVIII, 8, Dec. 23, 1839. Airington Lyceum. O. L., XXXVIII, 19, Jan. 17, 1840. Harmar Lyceum. O. L., XXXVIII, 30, Jan. 29, 1840. The Literary and Philosophical So- ciety, Smithfield, Jefferson County. O. L., XXXVIII, 163, March 19, 1840. Franklin Literary Society of Bellville, Richland County. O. L., XXXIX, 7, Jan. 26, 1841. Ridgeville Lyceum, Lorain County. O. L., XXXIX, 9, Jan. 28, 1841. Massillon Lyceum, Stark County. O. L., XXXIX, 27, March 11, 1841. Jamestown Literary Society. O. L., XXXIX, 52, March 20, 1841. Columbus Literary Lyceum. O. L., XXXIX, 52, March 20, 1841. Beaver Lyceum. O. L., XXXIX, 53, March 20, 1841. Franklin Institute, Portsmouth. O. L., XXXIX, 53, March 20, 1841. Lower Sandusky Literary and Sci- entific Institute. O. L., XL, 121, March 8, 1842. Findlay Literary Lyceum. O. L., XL, 123, March 7, 1842. Wilkesville Lyceum, Gallia County. O. L., XLI, 9, Jan. 10, 1843. Berlin Union Society, Holmes County. O. L., XLI, 14, Jan. 10, 1843. Young Men's Literary Association of Springfield. O. L., XLI, 15, Jan. 11, 1843. Defiance Literary Lyceum. O. L., XLI, 52, Feb. 2, 1843. Wayne Township Lyceum, Jefferson County. O. L., XLI, 86, Feb. 17, 1843. Alexandria Literary Society. O. L., XLI, 175, March 11, 1843. Massillon Young Men's Polemic So- ciety. O. L., XLII, 102, Feb. 24, 1844. Erodelphian Society of Gallipolis. Appendix A. 209 O. L., XLII, 112, March 4, 1844. Institute of Lower Sandusky. O. L., XLIII, 361, March 11, 1845. Newcomerstown Literary Society. Corwin Literary Institute, Springborough, Warren County. O. L., XLVIII, 640, March 23, 1850 Mt. Pleasant Philomathean, Kings- ton Township, Ross County. Mechanics' Institutes and Lyceums. O. L., XXVII, 92, Feb. 29, 1829. The Ohio Mechanics' Institute. SEC. 1. "for advancing the best interests of the mechanics, manufacturers and artizans, by the more general diffusion of useful knowledge in these important classes of the community." SEC. 2. May establish professorships and appoint such pro- fessors, lecturers and teachers, etc. O. L., XXXV, 339, March 27, 1837. Mechanics' Institute, Lebanon, War- ren County. O. L., XXXVI, 365, March 16, 1838. First Mechanics' Lyceum of Ma- rietta. O. L., XXXVII, 135, March 9, 1839. Dayton Mechanics' Institute. O. L., XXXVIII, 139, March 16, 1840. Farmers' and Mechanics' Insti- tute, Greene Township, Hamilton County. O. L., XL, 16, Jan. 27, 1842. Mechanics' Institute, Urbana. O. L., XL, 121, March 7, 1842. Batavia Mechanics' Institute. O. L., XL, 122, March 7, 1842. Portsmouth Mechanics' Institute and Mechanics' Library Association. O. L., XLI, 226, March 13, 1843. Mechanics' Association of Fulton. College Societies, Fraternities, Etc. O. L., XXIX, 74, Feb. 29, 1831. Erodelphian Society of Miami Univer- sity. O. L., XXIX, 196, March 8, 1831. Philomathesian Society of Kenyon College. O. L., XXXI, 65, Jan. 31, 1833. Nu Pi Kappa Society of Kenyon Col- lege. O. L., XXXII, 105, Feb. 20, 1834. Phylozetian Society of Western Re- serve College. O. L., XXXII, 193, Feb. 25, 1834. Philosophic Literary Society of Frank- lin College. O. L., XXXIV, 289, March 7, 1836. Jefferson Literary Society of Frank- lin College. O. L., XXXIV, 381, March 10, 1836. The Calliopean Society of the Granville Literary and Theological Institution. O. L., XXXV, 5, Dec. 19, 1836. Athenian Literary Society, Ohio Uni- versity. O. L., XXXV, 3, Dec. 19, 1836. Franklin Scientific and Rhetorical So- ciety of Western Reserve College. Vol. XXVII 14. 210 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. O. L., XXXVI, 15, Jan. 5, 1838. Rush Medical Society of Willoughby University of Lake Erie. O. L., XXXVI, 186, March 5, 1838. Adelphic Society of Western Re- serve College. O. L., XXXVII, 146, March 9, 1839. Philomathean Society of the Ohio University. O. .L., XXXVIII, 78, Feb. 26, 1840. Alpha Kappa Society of Marietta College. O. L., XXXVIII, 104, March 6, 1840. Miami Society of Miami Univer- sity. O. L., XXXVIII, 125, March 12, 1840. Union Literary Society of Miami University. O. L., XXXIX, 4, Dec. 24, 1840. Phi Delta Society of Western Reserve College. O. L., XXXIX, 44, March 20, 1841. Psi Gamma Society of Marietta College. O. L., XL, 23, Feb. 4, 1842. Philomathean Literary Society of Monroe Academy. O. L., XL, 122, March 7, 1842. Amendatory. Philozethian Society, Western Reserve College. O. L., XLI, 30, Jan. 19, 1843. Young Men's Franklin Society of Gran- ville College. O. L., XLI, 125, March 7, 1843. Miami Union Literary Society of Miami University. O. L., XLI, 220, March 13, 1843. Amendatory. Young Men's Franklin Society, to Franklin Society of Granville College. O. L., XLII, 102, Feb. 24, 1844. Amendatory. Calliopean Society Gran- ville Literary and Theological Institution. O. L., XLII, 102, Feb. 24, 1844. Oberlin Young Men's Lyceum. O. L, XLII, 102, Feb. 24, 1844. Handel Society of Western Reserve College. O. L., XLIII, 130, Feb. 25, 1845. Hunterian Society, Medical Depart- ment Western Reserve College. Miscellaneous Organizations and Societies. O. L., XX, 47, Feb. 1, 1822. Historical Society of Ohio. O. L., XXVI, 30, Jan. 11, 1828. Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts. O. L., XXVIII, 179, Feb. 22, 1830. Lancaster Harmonic Society. O. L., XXIX, 122, Feb. 11, 1831. Amendatory. Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts. O. L., XXIX, 122, Feb. 11, 1831. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio O. L., XXXIII, 161, March 3, 1835. Eclectic Academy of Music, Cin- cinnati. O. L., XXXIX, 50, March 20, 1841. Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts. Appendix A. 211 O. L., XL, 174, March 11, 1843. New Paris Musical Institute. O. L., XXXIV, 110, Feb. 5, 1836. The Western Academy of Natural Sciences, Cincinnati. O. L., XXXVIII, 138, March 16, 1840. Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences. O. L., XLII, 122, March 4, 1844. Cincinnati Astronomical Society. O. L., XL VII, 256, Feb. 7, 1849. Ohio Institute of Natural Science, Cin- cinnati. O. L., XLI, 114, March 2, 1843. Columbian Association of Cincinnati (for diffusion of useful knowledge). O. L., XLVI, 228, Feb. 22, 1848. Western Art Union. O. L., XLVII, 267, March 8, 1849. Columbus Art Union. O. L., XLVII, 268, March 8, 1849. Ohio Education Society of Evangel- ical Lutheran Church. O. L., XXXVI, 238, March 10, 1838. Society of United Christians Berea. (literary and benevolent purposes). O. L., XXXIII, 317, March 7, 1835. Western Baptist Education Society. O. L., XLIII, 86, Feb. 10, 1845. Ohio Baptist Education Society. O. L., XLIII, 361, March 11, 1845. Lower Sandusky Phrenological Mes- meric Institute of Sandusky County. APPENDIX B. A PAGE AND VOLUME INDEX TO ALL EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN THE SESSION LAWS OF OHIO FROM 1803 TO 1850. TERRITORIAL ACTS. Nov. 27, 1800, Nashee's Compilation, p. 161. An act authorizing the leasing of lands granted for the support of schools and for reli- gious purposes in the County of Washington. Dec. 7, 1800, Nashee's Compilation, p. 220. An act establishing the town of Athens in the County of Washington. Jan. 9, 1802, Nashee's Compilation, p. 220. An act establishing a univer- sity in the town of Athens. VOL. I. PAGE 61. An act to provide for the leasing of certain lands therein named. 117. An act incorporating the trustees of the Iirie Literary Society. 148. Resolution appointing three commissioners to appraise the two college townships. VOL. II. 193. An act establishing a university in the town of Athens. 297. Resolution to secure a law for the university limiting the time in which military warrants may be satisfied in the Virginia dis- trict. VOL. III. 79. An act to amend an act entitled, "An act establishing a university in the town of Athens." 79. An act directing a leasing made of Section 16. 288. An act incorporating the Dayton Library Society. 321. An act to provide for the leasing of certain lands therein named. 459. Resolution appointing five trustees of the Ohio University. VOL. IV. 25. An act to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing the leasing of certain lands in the County of Washington, granted for religious purposes." (212) Appendix B. 213 PAGE 38. An act supplementary to an act entitlec, "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act establishing a university in the town of Athens' ". 66. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. 72. An act concerning apprentices and servants. 70. An act making appropriations for the year 1806. VOL. V. 56. An act to incorporate the Society of St. John's Church in Worth- ington and parts adjacent. 62. An act for incorporating a library society in the town of Granville, County of Licking. 64. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati University. 85. An act to amend the several acts establishing the University of Athens. 86. An act to amend an act entitled, "An act incorporating the trustees of the Erie Literary Society." 120. An act authorizing the citizens of Cincinnati and its vicinity to raise six thousand dollars for certain purposes. 122. An act to incorporate the First Religious Society of Marietta. 132. Resolution concerning lands in the Virginia Military Reservation. VOL. VI. 17. An act incorporating the Dayton Academy. 24. An act incorporating the Presbyterian Society in Red Oak. 51. An act to incorporate the Worthington Academy. 125. An act accepting certain lands offered by Congress for the use of Schools in the Virginia Military Tract in lieu of those hereto- fore appropriated. 127. An act to incorporate the New Town Library Company in the County of Hamilton. 151. An act for the benefit of Henry Barrows. 156. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Chillicothe Academy. 172. An act altering several acts establishing a university in the town of Athens. VOL. VII. 109. An act directing in what manner lands granted by Congress for the use of schools in the Virginia Military Tract shall be sur- veyed and disposed of. 165. An act supplementary to an act for leasing Sections Nos. 16 and 29 in fractional townships in the Ohio Company's Purchase. 167. An act amendatory to several acts appointing trustees to the Ohio University and for other purposes. 214 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 184. An act to establish the Miami University. 193. An act for leasing Sections 16 and 29 in fractional townships within the Ohio Company's purchase. 195. An act to amend an act authorizing the citizens of Cincinnati and its vicinity to raise $6,000 for certain purposes. 219. An act for laying out and leasing Section 16 in fractional Town- ship 4, in the Miami Purchase. VOL, VIII. 12. An act to incorporate the Society for Propagating Gospel among the Heathen, formed by members of the Episcopal Church of the United Brethren. 26. An act to incorporate the New Lisbon Academy. 94. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish the Miami University." 100. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. 141. An act to incorporate the Western Library Association. 197. An act to incorporate the Poland Library Society. 251. An act to incorporate the Washington Social Library Company. 253. An art supplementary to the acts directing in what manner certain lands granted by Congress for the use of schools in the Vir- ginia Military Tract shall be surveyed and disposed of. 254. An act amendatory to the above act. VOL. IX. 19. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery. 30. An act investing the disposition and management of lands therein mentioned in a Board of Trustees under the title of The Trus- tees of the Granville Religious and Literary Society, and for other purposes. 39. An act for the establishment of an academy at Steubenville. 44. An act amending an act entitled, "An act to authorize the town council of Marietta to grant permanent leases of Section 16 in said town." 53. An act to incorporate the town of Athens. 57. An act to incorporate the Gallia Academy. 63. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act amendatory to the several acts appointing trustees to the Ohio University, and for other purposes." 64. An act to amend an act for the laying out and leasing Section 16 in fractional Township 4 in the Miami Purchase. 68. An act for the relief of David Phouts. Appendix B. 215 VOL. X. PAGE 5. An act to incorporate the Wooster Library Society. 12. An act to authorize the trustees to sell and convey certain public lots in the town of Eaton, Preble County, and for other purposes. 14. An act incorporating the Lebanon Library Society. 29. An act authorizing the incorporated township No. 2, R. 6, to lease to William George a lot of land in Section 16. 57. An act in addition to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships." 58. An act to incorporate a medical society. 68. An act repealing the act for the aid of David Phouts. 73. An act authorizing the trustees of fractional School Section 16 in Tp. 1, of the 2nd Range, and Tp. 2 of the 3rd Range, to grant permanently, for a mill site, a lot of land in each of said sections. 88. An act further to amend an act establishing the Miami University. 95. An act to amend the act to incorporate the town of Athens. 97. An act authorizing the trustees of the Ohio University to issue orders in certain cases, and for other purposes. 101. An act to amend an act for laying out and leasing Section 16 in fractional Township No. 4, 2nd R. of townships in the Miami Purchase. 162. An act to amend an act to authorize the town council of Marietta to grant permanent leases to Section 16. 178. An act to incorporate the Platonic Library Society, Sunbury and Berkshire, Delaware County. 198. Resolution appointing two trustees for Ohio University. VOL. XI. 14. An act incorporating the Circulating Library Society, Cincinnati. 27. An act to enlarge the college green of the town of Athens. 28. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery. 51. An act incorporating the Fearing Religious Society. 61. An act enabling the trustees of Tp. 6, R. 3, in Belmont County to make a permanent lease for part of the school land in said county. 161. An act to amend an act entitled, "An act to amend the act entitled, 'An act directing in what manner certain lands, etc., shall be disposed of.'" VOL. XII. 51 . An act to amend an act entitled, "An act to amend the act entitled, 'Directing in what manner certain lands granted by Congress for the use of schools in the Virginia Military Tract shall be surveyed and disposed of.' " 216 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 55. An act to incorporate the Boardman Library Society in the County of Trumbull. 61. An act to incorporate the Troy Library Society. 83. An act to amend the several acts establishing Miami University. 84. An act for the relief of John Stalker and others. 147. An act to incorporate the Euclid Library Society in the County of Cuyahoga. 174. An act to enable the trustees of the original surveyed township No. 3, R. 8, in the County of Washington, and the trustees of the original surveyed township No. 6, R. 14, in Gallia County, to grant permanent leases to the school sections in said town- ships. VOL. XIII. 11. An act incorporating the Circulating Library Society, Cincinnati. 14. An act to incorporate the Theological Library Society of Burton, County of Geauga. 75. An act to incorporate the Eaton Library Society in the County of Preble. 106. An act to enable the township trustees in Champaign County to make a permanent lease of fractional School Section No. 16 for a mill site. 132. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Lancaster Seminary. 166. An act to provide for granting permanent leases to certain tracts of school lands in the United States Military School lands. 285. An act to incorporate the Northern Social Library Company of Harpersfield. 288. An act to enable the inhabitants of the 3rd Tp., R. 7, Washington County to grant permanent leases for School Section No. 16. 295. An act supplementary to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships." 302. An act to authorize the trustees of Zanesville Township to make a permanent lease on a certain lot of school land. 305. An act to provide for the permanent leasing of Section 16, 4th Tp., Range 14, County of Gallia. 307. An act further to amend the act directing in what manner certain lands in the Virginia Military Tract shall be surveyed and disposed of. 320. An act for the relief of David Moore and others. 332- Resolution appointing four trustees for the Ohio University. 335. Resolution appointing nineteen trustees for Miami University. Appendix B. 217 VOL. XIV. PAGE 6. An act to incorporate the Waynesville Library Company. 16. An act for granting a permanent lease for the S. E. quarter of Sec. 16, Tp. 3, R. 8, Greene County. 24. An act for granting a permanent lease to school lands in Stark County. 132. An act authorizing the trustees of the original surveyed townships of Fairfield County to grant permanent leases for reserve Section 16 within said county. 183. An act to grant permanent leases for Section 16 in the original surveyed township 2, R. 1, E. of the meridian drawn from the mouth of the Miami River. 183. An act to incorporate the Montgomery Academy. 220. An act authorizing the permanent leasing of a lot of school land in Ross County. 256. An act to incorporate the Social Library Society of Salem, County of Ashtabula. 266. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the Dayton Academy." 267. An act to vacate part of College Street in the town of Athens. 275. An act providing for the permanent leasing of Section 16 in Gallia County. 418. An act directing the manner of leasing the school lands within the Virginia Military Tract. 440. An act to incorporate the Tallmadge Academy, Portage County. 444. An act to provide for granting permanent leases of certain tracts of school lands in the U. S. Military Tract, Guernsey County. VOL. XV. 10. An act for leasing a certain part of Section 16 in the John Cleve Symmes Purchase. 63. An act to amend the act for granting a permanent lease of a cer- tain Section 16 in Greene County. 137. An act to provide for the incorporation of schools and literary companies. 195. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery. 202. An act to provide for leasing certain school lands therein named (Section 16). 245. Resolution appointing a trustee for Ohio University. VOL. XVI. 6. An act authorizing the leasing of a portion of Section 16 in Ham- ilton County to the Baptist Society for a meeting house. 16. An act for leasing a certain part of Section 16 in the County of Butler. 218 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 37. An act to authorize the drawing of a lottery for the benefit of the Ohio University. 79. An act exempting from taxation the lands belonging to the Wright Literary Society. 98. An act to repeal the 1st Section of the act amending the act incor- porating the Dayton Academy. 101. An act for the relief of John Jordan. 103. An act to authorize the auditor to proceed against William W. Cotgreve, Register of the Virginia Military school lands. 107. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to regulate the practice of physic and surgery." 109. An act to incorporate the Florence Academy of Arts and Sciences in Huron County. 119. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act providing for the leasing of certain school lands therein named." 122. An act to prevent the sale of town lots for taxes in certain cases. 157. An act to incorporate the Union School Association of the towns of Harpersfield and Madison. 198. Resolution appointing twenty-six trustees of the Miami University. 203. Resolution appointing a Register of the Virginia Military school lands. VOL. XVII. 7. An act for the relief of John Twaddle. 35. An act for the relief of purchasers of the Virginia Military school lands. 31. An act for the relief of Jermiah R. Munson. 37. An act to authorize the establishment of a medical school. 46. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati College. 92. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act to regulate the admission and practice of doctors and counsellors of law." 97. An act to incorporate the Cadiz Academy in the County of Har- rison. 131. An act further to amend the several acts establishing the Miami University. 132. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act authorizing the trustees of the original surveyed townships in the County of Fairfield to grant permanent leases, etc." 139. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act authorizing the Auditor to proceed against William W. Cotgreve." 144. An act to authorize the trustees of Tp. 2, R. 1, within the Ohio Company's Purchase in the County of Washington to make a distribution of school funds in said township. 149. An act for leasing Section 16, Tp. 15, R. 13, in Wayne County. Appendix B. 219 PAGE 154. An act to amend an act entitled, "An act to incorporate the Cir- culating Library Company of Cincinnati." 155. An act to establish a college in the town of Worthington. 186. An act to incorporate the Union Academy in the County of Mus- kingum. 203. An act to enable the proprietors of the town of Mansfield to ex- change certain donations therein contained. VOL. XVIII. Local. 3. An act to amend an act to provide for the permanent leasing of Section 16, Tp. 4, R. 14, Gallia County. General. 18. An act providing for the incorporation of townships. 45. An act further to amend the several acts establishing a university in the town of Athens. 54. An act to amend the act amending the act for granting permanent leases for a school section in Greene County. 61. An act to amend the act incorporating the Cadiz Academy. 66. An act for the relief of an orphan Indian child. 71. An act for the relief of certain lessees of the Virginia Military school lands. 78. An act amending the act to incorporate the Union Academy. 85. An act to incorporate the Lancaster Academy. 154. Resolution directing the agents for school lands in the U. S. Mili- tary Tract to report. 160. Resolution appointing three trustees of Ohio University. VOL. XIX. 28. An act regulating the practice of physic and surgery within this state. 35. An act providing for the permanent leasing of Sections 16 and 29 of Gallia County. 51. An act providing for the regulation and support of common scools. 72. An act to provide for a revaluation of certain school lands. 58. An act establishing a commercial hospital and lunatic asylum for the state of Ohio. 75. An act for the relief of certain lessees of Section 16 in the Miami Purchase. 78. An act enabling the trustees of a certain school section in Clark County to make a permanent lease. 102. An act relative to permanent leases. 111. An act to amend an act levying a tax on land. 140. An act further to amend the several acts establishing the Miami University. 220 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 144. An act for the relief of lessees of Section 16, Fairfield County. 144. An act to repeal the act for the benefit of an Indian orphan child. 145. An act authorizing a loan for the use of the state of Ohio. 155. An act authorizing permanent leases of a certain Section 16 in the County of Washington. 161. An act to provide for the leasing of school lands within the U. S. Military school district. 166. An act to amend the 14th Section of the act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. 212. Resolution appointing one trustee of the Ohio University. 212. Authorizing the State Auditor to settle the account of the Register for the Virginia Military school lands. 213. Resolution reappointing Mordecai Hartley register. - . VOL. XX. General Q. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act relative to permanent leases," passed January 29, 1821. 49. An act to amend the act concerning the safekeeping of idiots, luna- tics, etc., passed January 4, 182' >. 53. An act supplementary to an act regulating the duties of county auditors and commissioners. 56. An act levying a tax on land. 84. An act supplementary to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships." Local. 10. An act granting further tirrte to the lessees of school lands in the Virginia Military tract for the payment of arrearages in rent. 11. An act to incorporate the Academy of Alma in the town of Adams, Harrison County. 21 . An act authorizing the township trustees in Preble County to grant a permanent lease with new conditions on school lands. 27. An act to incorporate the Urbana Academy. 30. An act to incorporate the Rutland Academy in the County of Meigs. 34. An act regulating school lands in the Connecticut Western Reserve. 36. An act amending the act to incorporate the Social Library Asso- ciation of Salem. 41. An act supplementary to the act allowing further time to the les- sees of school lands in the Virginia Military Tract fo; the payment of arrearages of rent. 42. An act to authorize the inhabitants of Tp. 2, R. 8, Washington County to elect trustees for managing School Section 16 in said township. 47. An act to incorporate the Historical Society of Ohio. Appendix B. 221 PAGE 51. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act further to amend the several acts establishing the Miami University." 64. A committee report Resolution concerning the granting of school lands. 86. Resolution authorizing the governor to appoint seven commis- sioners to report on a system of education for common schools. 87. Resolution appointing two trustees of the Ohio Unversity. VOL. XXI. General. 4. An act further to amend the act authorizing the establishment of a medical college. 5. An act to ascertain the number of deaf and dumb persons in this state. 26. An act levying a tax on land. 33. An act to authorize the surrender of certain leases, and for other purposes. Local. 5. An act repealing the act granting permanent leases for Section 16, Tp. 2, R. 1, E. 31. An act amending the act to incorporate the trustees of the Erie Literary Society. 39. An act for the relief and benefit of an orphan Indian child. VOL. XXII. General 249. An act declaring what lands situated within the State of Ohio are subject to the payment of taxes. 381. An act concerning apprentices and servants. 418. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. Local. 14. An act to incorporate the Franklin Academy, Mansfield. 36. An act relating to the State Library. 68. An act further to amend the several acts establishing the Miami University. 72. An act to incorporate the Norwalk Academy, Huron County. 82. An act authorizing a special leasing of the Virginia Military school lands. 104. An act to incorporate the Belmont Academy in St. Clairsville, Bel- mont County. 106. An act to incorporate the Milford Union School Society in Mil- ford, Clermont County. 109. An act to incorporate the Jefferson School Association. 142. An act to incorporate medical societies. 222 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 153. Resolution and memorial to Congress on the subject of school lands. 162. Resolution asking for school lands in the Western Reserve. 164. Resolution appointing trustees of the Ohio University. 186. Resolution appointing one trustee of the Ohio University. VOL. XXIII. General 16. An act to amend the act incorporating medical societies, etc. 19. An act for the better regulation of the Medical College of Ohio, and making certain appropriations. 23. An act to amend the act levying a tax upon land. 25. An act. for the relief of lessees of the Virginia Military school lands. 36. An act to provide for the support and better regulation of common schools. 47. An act supplementary to several acts regulating the admission of attorneys, and for regulating the practice of physicians and surgeons. 58. An act establishing an equitable mode of levying taxes in this state. Local. 3. An act to incorporate the Elizabethtown Library Society, Hamilton County. 10. An act to provide for the leasing of certain school lands therein mentioned. 12. An act to incorporate the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio. 18. An act to incorporate the Circleville Academy. 22. An act to incorporate the College of Alma in the town of New, Athens. 30. An act authorizing the County Commissioners of Athens in Cler- mont County to perform certain acts therein named. 34. An act to provide for a valuation of certain school lands. 40. An act authorizing a revaluation of certain School Sections 16 in Gallia County. 44. An act to incorporate the Literary Society of St. Joseph's. 55. An act to enable the trustees of Tp. 3, R. 8, Washington County, to revalue certain school lands. 76. An act to incorporate the Windham Library Association, Portage County. 78. An act to authorize the Auditor of State to collect the amount due from William W. Cotgreve to the Virginia Military School funds. 101 . An act to incorporate the Social Library of Kendall, Stark County. Appendix B. 223 PAGE 106. Resolution appointing a trustee of the Ohio University. 112. Resolution appointing two trustees of the Ohio University. 114. Resolution for the purpose of ascertaining the value of school lands in this state. 116. Resolution appointing an agent for the Western Reserve school lands. 116. Resolution charging interest on the loan of the Virginia Military School Fund to a certain road fund. VOL. XXIV. General. 4. An act making special appropriations. 4. An act to incorporate and establish the Medical College of Ohio. 17. An act amending the act for levying taxes. 52. An act authorizing the trustees of the Ohio University to dispose of certain lands. 62. An act levying a tax for state purposes. 63. An act amending an act to incorporate the original surveyed town- ships. 78. An act further to amend the act incorporating medical societies. 81. An act making appropriations. Local. 5. An act to incorporate the Frederickstown Library Society, Knox County. 24. An act to incorporate the Preble Library Society. 33. An act authorizing the Commissioners of Franklin County to do- nate certain public buildings in Franklinton to the Episcopal Seminary. 35. An act to incorporate the Bloomfield Social Library Society, Trum- bull County. 36. An act to incorporate the Charity School of Kendall, Stark County. 39. An act supplementary to the act entitled, "An act to incorporate the Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church." 49. An act to amend the act to incorporate the College of Alma. 57. An act authorizing the County Commissioners of Clermont County to convey certain lands. 82. An act to incorporate the Social Library Society, Fairfield, Colum- biana County. 86. An act to incorporate the Aldrich Library Association, Huron County. 87. An act for the relief of James Fraisure, and others. 92. An act to incorporate the Mesopotamia Central School Society. 93. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Western Reserve College. 122. Resolution appointing a register of the Virginia Military School Lands. 224 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 122. Resolution directing the Auditor to audit claims for interest against William W. Cotgreve and others, to be paid out of the Vir- ginia Military Fund if found just. 123. Resolution allowing the widow of . An act further to amend the act providing for the sale of Sec tion 16. < r K>. An act in addition to an act to establish a fund for the support of common schools. 59. An act to amend the act to provide for the sale of certain lands granted by Congress to the State of Ohio. Local. 3. An act providing for the appointment of appraisers for the U. S Military school lands, Guernsey County. 8. An act to incorporate the Venice Library Society, in Butler County. 10. An act for the relief of James Elder. 15. An act to enable the inhabitants of the Western Reserve to give their consent to the sale of their school lands. 20. An act authorizing the sale of certain school lands. 21. An act authorizing the leasing of a certain school section therein named. 22. An act to incorporate the Brecksville Columbiana Literary Society, Cuyahoga County. 23. An act to incorporate the Dresden Literary Society, Muskingum County. 27. An act allowing the citizens of Rossvill^ to appropriate certain lots for public uses. 230 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 28. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Church of Cin- cinnati. 46. An act to incorporate the Windsor Library Society, Ashtabula County. 52. An act authorizing the revaluation of certain school land in Gallia County. 53. An act appointing trustees for the Miami University. 55. An act authorizing the reappraisement of certain school land in Perry County. 56. An act supplementary to the act providing for distributing certain school funds in Clermont County. 57. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act to provide for the sup- port and better regulation of Common Schools." 57. An act to provide for the distribution of the proceeds of the Vir- ginia Military School Funds heretofore appropriated to the County of Clermont. 60. An act for the relief of James McMullen. 62. An act to incorporate the Mesopotamia Library Company, Trum- bull County. 70. An act to incorporate the Marietta Library Society. 82. An act providing for the payment of certain claims out of the United States School Fund. 88. An act to authorize the leasing of school lands therein named. 88. An act to incorprate the College of Ripley, Brown County. 92. An act to enable the Knoxville School Company, Jefferson County, to close the concerns of said company. 93. An act to .incorporate the trustees of the Windham School Com- pany. 94. An act to incorporate the First Free Church in Warren Township, Jefferson County. 102. An act to incorporate the First Lutheran Church in Ross Town- ship, Jefferson County. 112. An act amending the act to provide for obtaining the consent of the United States Military District to sell their school lands. 113. An act to provide for the sale of certain school land in Belmont County. 116. An act to incorporate the High School of Elyria, Lorain County. 140. An act to incorporate the Associated Methodist Church of Spring- field. 153. An act to provide for the revaluation and sale of a certain school section therein named. 153. An act to provide for the revaluation and sale of a certain tract of school land in Stark County. 157. An act to authorize the survey of certain school lands in Fairfield County. Appendix B. 231 PAGE 164. An act to incorporate the Newbury Social Library Society, Geauga County. 165. An act to incorporate the town of Steubenville. 179. An act to incorporate the Lancaster Harmonic Society. 198. Resolution appointing trustees of the Charity School of Kendall. 202. Resolution appointing trustees for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 203. Resolution authorizing the sale of a certain Section 16 in Monroe County. 205. Resolution providing for distributing two thousand copies of the act providing for the distribution of the Virginia Military School fund. 206. Resolution appointing a trustee of the Ohio University. VOL. XXIX. General. 89. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Church in Bur- lington. 90. An act authorizing the appraisement and sale of school lands in the Connecticut Western Reserve. 161. An act for the prevention of certain immoral practices. 272. An act pointing out the mode of levying taxes. 304. An act regulating sales at auction. 313. An act for granting licenses. 427. An act establishing an asylum for the education of deaf and dumb persons, and repealing previous laws. 446. An act to regulate public shows. 469. An act to protect the fur trade. 423. An act to establish a fund for the support of Common Schools. 477. An act for the inspection of certain articles therein named. 490. An act to incorporate the original surveyed townships. Local. 11. An act to incorporate the Dover Library Society, Athens County. 13. An act to incorporate the Ashtabula Library Association. 21. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Society of Twins- burgh. 25. An act to incorporate the Williamsburgh Library Society, Cler- mont County. 25. An act to further amend the act providing for the distribution of the Virginia Military School Fund. 26. An act authorizing the treasurer of Muskingum County to issue certificates of purchase for certain school lands. 31. An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Society of Atwater. 41. An act to incorporate the Social Circulating Library Association of Waverly, Pike County. 232 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 42. An act to incorporate the Brecksville Academical Association, Cuy- ahoga County. 43. An act to incorporate the Woodward High School of Cincinnati. 47. An act postponing the sale of certain school lands in Columbiana County. 49. An act to incorporate the Hamilton and Rossville Library Society, Hamilton County. 50. An act to incorporate the Middleberry Library Company. 51. An act for the relief of John M. Holly and John C. Coffing, Hu- ron County. 57.' An act to incorporate the Olmstead Library Company, Cuyahoga County. 66. An act to amend the act incorporating the Madison Cllege of Ohio. 67. An act to incorporate the Athens Library Society, Athens County. 74. An act to incorporate the Erodelphian Society of Cincinnati. 81. An act further supplementary to the several acts authorizing the surrender of leases of United States Military school lands, etc. 83. An act to incorporate the Ashtabula Social Library Association, Ashtabula County. 89. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Church in Burling- ton, Licking County. 90. An act authorizing the survey, appraisement and sale of all the school lands in the Connecticut Western Reserve. 100. An act to incorporate the Wayne and Cherry Valley Union Li- brary Association in Ashtabula County. 121. An act directing the sale of certain school Sections 16 in Butler County. 122. An act amending the act to incorporate the Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts. 122. An act to incorporate the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. 126. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati' Lyceum. 130. An act authorizing the Auditor of Piqua County to grant certifi- cates of purchase for certain school lands. 135. An act authorizing the Auditor of Seneca County to grant certifi- cates of purchase for certain school lands. 137. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Ashtabula Institution of Science and Industry. 139. An act to incorporate the Delaware Academy. 142. An act repealing the final part of the llth Section of the act to incorporate medical societies. 142. An act to incorporate the Utica Library Society, Licking County. 179. An act to incorporate the Capitol Library Society of Columbus. Appendix B. 233 PAGE 184. An act for the relief of purchasers of certain school lands, Ross County. 185. An act supplementary to the act providing for the sale of school lands in the Virginia Military District. 186. An act authorizing the revaluation of a certain Section 16 Gallia County. 187. An act making further provision for the sale of Section 16 granted by Congress for the use of schools. 188. An act appointing one trustee for the Miami University. 196. An act incorporating the Philomathesian Society, of Kenyon Col- lege. 203. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Church of Yellow Creek, Jefferson County. 204. An act for the relief of Hugh Porter. 207. An act for the sale of certain school lands therein named. 210. An act to amend the act providing for the distribution of the pro- ceeds of the Virginia Military School Fund for Clermont County. 215. An act for the relief of certain purchasers of school lands in Stark County. 229. An act to provide for the distribution of the proceeds of the Vir- ginia Military School Fund. 235. Resolution appointing trustees for the College of Ripley. 235. Resolution granting certain historical documents to the Zanesville Athenaeum. 239. Resolution appointing trustees for the Ohio Deaf and Dumb Asy- lum. 240. Resolution authorizing the Auditor of Muskingum County to re- ceive leases of school lands and grant certificates of purchase. 242. Resolution appointing an agent for school lands in the Western Reserve. 244. Resolution directing that all school lands sold shall be placed on the tax duplicate. 246. Resolution appropriating money for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 247. Resolution concerning the printing of the school laws. 249. Resolution directing several boxes of government documents to be sent to certain institutions. VOL. XXX. General. 4. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act to provide for the sup- port and better regulation of Common Schools." 13. An act for the relief of certain lessees of school lands, etc. 20. An act amending the act to establish an asylum for the deaf and dumb. 234 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Local. 3. An act postponing the sale of a certain Section 16 in Clermont County. 4. An act authorizing the trustees of a certain Section 16, Hamilton County, to divide said section. 4. An act to incorporate the Hayesville Library Association, Medina County. 30. An act to incorporate the Kinsman Academy, Trumbull County. 38. An act authorizing the Auditor of Shelby County to receive a lease and grant certificates of purchase for certain school lands. 47. An act to' incorporate the president and trustees of the Canton Academy. 60. An act to incorporate the New Paris Library Society, Preble County. 62. An act to incorporate the Farmington Academy. 64. An act to enable the lessees of certain school land in Richland County to surrender their leases, etc. 64. An act to incorporate the First Calvinistic Congregational Society of Hudson. 84. An act appointing one trustee for the Miami University. 87. An act to incorporate the First Universalian Religious Library Society, of Marietta. 88. An act to incorporate the "Granville Literary and Theological In- stitution." 111. An act to incorporate the Ashtabula Academy, Ashtabula County. 132. An act to amend the act authorizing the survey, sale, etc., of school lands in the Western Reserve. 133. An act to incorporate the Clarksfield Library Society, Huron County. 134. An act to incorporate the Darke County Library Society. 141 . An act to incorporate the Huron Institute. 157. An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Society of Middle- bury. 178. An act to postpone the sale of a certain Section 16, Seneca County. 229. An act to incorporate the Steubenville Athenaeum. 230. An act to provide for the distribution of the Virginia Military School Fund. 232. An act to incorporate the Western Academic Institute and Board of Education. 234. An act to provide for the sale of certain Sections 16 in Hamilton County. 238. An act to authorize the Auditor of Guernsey County to grant certificates of purchase for certain school lands: 244. An act to incorporate the Guernsey Library and Reading Room. 247. An act amending the act authorizing the Auditor of Seneca County to grant certificates of purchase, etc. Appendix B. 235 PAGE 265. An act for the relief of the lessees of a certain Section 16 in Morgan County. 267. An act to incorporate the Farmers' Library Company, Seneca County. 268. An act to authorize the Governor to make deeds in certain cases. 275. An act to incorporate the Library Society of London, in Madison County. 276. An act to incorporate the West Branch Library Association, in Miami County. 277. An act to incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Society of Berkshire, Delaware County. 319. An act making appropriations for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 324. Resolution appointing trustees for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 325. Resolution appointing trustees, College of Ripley. 325. Resolution appointing trustees of the Ohio University. 326. Resolution appointing a trustee for the Ohio University. 326. Resolution granting the Superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum use of the State Library. 327. Resolution appointing a Register of the Virginia school lands. 331. Resolution appointing trustees of the Medical College of Ohio. 336. Memorial to Congress concerning a grant for the use of a Deal and Dumb Asylum. 338. Resolution granting Caleb Atwater authority to make abstracts of certain documents. SECOND SESSION. VOL. XXX. Local. 8. An act making an approprition to aid in the establishment of a Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 8. An act amending an act authorizing the survey, etc., of school lands in the Western Reserve. VOL. XXXI. General. 18. An act to amend the act entitled, "An act to prescribe the duties of the County Treasurer." 24. An act to amend the act establishing an Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. 24. An act supplementary to the act establishing a fund for the sup- port of common schools. 24. An act to amend an act to provide for the support and better regulation of common schools. 236 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. PAGE 26. An act to authorize the surrender of leases of School Section 16 in certain cases. 27. An act to repeal the act to incorporate medical societies, etc. Local. 3. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Society of Franklin, Portage County. 4. An act to incorporate the St. Mary's Female Literary Society. 5. An act making special provisions for the sale of a certain Section 16, Jefferson County. 10. An act to incorporate the Dane Law Library. 18. An act to incorporate the "Marietta College Institute and Western Teachers' Seminary." 19. An act to incorporate the First Methodist Protestant Church of Xenia, Greene County. 19. An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Congregation in Wellsville, Columbiana County. 31. An act to incorporate the Milford Library Association, Union County. 33. An act to amend an act to incorporate the Academy of Perry County. 52. An act to incorporate and establish the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum. 58. An act to incorporate the Mt. Vernon Lyceum. 58. An act making special provision for leasing a certain School Sec- tion 16 in Jefferson County. 62. An act authorizing the Auditor of Washington County to sell certain school lands. 63. An act to incorporate the Cleveland Library Company. 65. An act to incorporate the Nu Pi Kappa Society. 67. An act to incorporate the Miamisburg Union Meeting and School- House Company. 72. An act authorizing the lessees of certain school lands in Carroll County to surrender their leases, etc. 81. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Literary Society. 81. An act to incorporate the First Congregational Society in Free- dom, Portage County. 83. An act to incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Asso- ciation in Aurora, Portage County. 84. An act to authorize the Auditor of Sandusky County to sell cer- tain land. 8y. An act to incorporate the Massillon Library Society. 92. An act to incorporate the McConnelsville Athenaeum. 9d An act to authorize the Auditor of Seneca County to complete certain contracts. 94. An act to incorporate the Eden Library Association, Seneca County. Appendix B. 237 PAGE 105. An act to incorporate the Franklin Library Association of Guil- ford, Medina County. 117. An act for the relief of Jacob Hammer. 117. An act to incorporate the Cleveland Lyceum, Cuyahoga County. 131. An act to incorporate the First Congregational or Presbyterian Church and Society of Granville, Licking County. 132. An act to incorporate the Fitchville Library Society, Huron County. 133. An act repealing the act to incorporate the president and trustees of the Canton Academy. 134. An act extending the time for making payment by the purchasers of certain Virginia Military School Lands. 159. An act to incorporate the Wadsworth Library Society, Medina County. 160. An act authorizing the Auditor of Wayne County to apportion school moneys. 160. An act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Leigh, Adams County. 174. An act amending the act to incorporate the trustees of Chillicoth.e Academy. 178. An act prohibiting the sale of a certain Section 16 in Preble County. 186. An act appointing trustees for the Miami University. 187. An act providing for the sale of a certain Section 16 in Darke County. 188. An act to incorporate the Chillicothe Female Seminary. 193. An act to incorporate the Wayne County Ohio Teachers' Asso- ciation. 105. An act to incorporate the Lancaster Library Association, Fairfield County. 197. An act to incorporate the Cincinnati Medical Society. 198. An act to provide for the distribution of the proceeds of the United States Military School Funds. 204. An act to provide for the sale of a certain Section 16 in Wayne County. 205. An act concerning the sale of certain school lands in Preble County. 207. An act to incorporate the Ohio Medical Lyceum in Cincinnati. 227. An act to incorporate the Urbana Athenaeum. 234. An act to incorporate the Xenia Lyceum. 238. An act appropriating fifteen hundred dollars for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 238. An act relating to the Miami University lands. 248. An act concerning the sale of certain school lands in the Counties of Guernsey, Hancock and Champaign. 238 Ohio Arch, and Hist, Society Publications. PAGE 259. Memorial to Congress concerning a school grant in the Western Reserve. 265. Resolution appointing trustees of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. 266. Resolution concerning statutes against certain delinquent lessees. 2C7. Resolution appointing trustees of Ripley College. 268. Resolution appointing a register of the Virginia Military School Lands. 269. Resolution granting free tuition to an indigent student in each district in the Medical College. 272. Resolution directing the Governor to provide for an inspection of the Medical College. VOL. XXXII. General. 12. An act to provide for the revaluation of real property in this state. 20. An act to provide for the punishment of certain crimes therein named. 25. An act to provide for the support and better regulation of Com- mon Schools. 36. An act further to amend the act establishing a deaf and dumb asylum. 47. An act to provide for the inspection of salt. Local. 33. An act appointing trustees of Miami University. 76. An act authorizing applying school funds on building. 84. An act appointing a trustee of Miami University. 100. An act amending an act establishing the School Fund, Warren County. 143. An act providing for the distribution of the School Fund of Car- roll County. 168. An act authorizing the auditor to settle accounts, Section 1C, Wayne County. 187. An act providing for the distribution of United States Military School Funds. 216. An act authorizing the sale of Section 16, Ohio Company's Pur- chase. 428. Making appropriations, Deaf and Dumb Asylum. ACTS INCORPORATING EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Medina County Athenaeum, 8; Medina County Medical Lyceum, 9; Rome Library Company, 16; Young Men's Reading and Literary So- ciety in Morgan, Ashtabula County, 31; German Lutheran Seminary, 46; Richfield Social Library, 31 ; Baptist Convention of Ohio, 63 ; (amend- Appendix B. 239 atory) Norwalk Academy, '85; Springfield Lyceum, 105; Phylozetian So- ciety, Western Reserve College, 105; Akron Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation, Portage County, 142 ; Elyria Lyceum, 140 ; Harmony Library Company, Muskingum County, 150; Guilford Lyceum, Medina County, 150 ; Chillicothe Lyceum and Mechanics' Institute, 165 ; Ravenna Acad- emy, 177; Gustavus Center Library Company, Trumbull County, 177; Lagrange Library Association, Lorain County, 191 ; Philosophic Literary Society, Franklin College, 193; Cincinnati Law Library, 195; (amend- atory) Granville Literary and Theological Institution, 215; Zanesville Juvenile Lyceum, 217 ; The Teachers' Institute, 217 ; Union Academy, Wayne County, 223 ; 'Springborough Library Company, Warren County, 225; Oberlin Collegiate Institute, 226; Circleville Athenaeum, 234; Vinton Academy, Gallia County, 234 ; Free Discussion Library, Andover, Ashta- bula County, 238 ; Social Library Company, Geauga County, 265 ; Spring- field High School, 270; Female Academy, Mt. Vernon, 333; Willoughby University of Lake Erie, 376; (amendatory) The Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 380. ACTS CONCERNING CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS INCORPORATIONS MENTIONING EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Presbyterian Church, Long Run, Columbiana County, 31 ; Free Will Baptist Church, Conneaut, Ashtabula County, 64 ; First Regular Baptist Church Society, Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, 161 ; Mt. Zion M. E. Church, Clark County, 167; Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, 194; Baptist Church and Society, Conneaut, Ashtabula County, 329. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING OR LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Guernsey County, 30 ; Virginia Military School Lands, 42 ; Huron County, 43; Muskingum County, 47; Jefferson County, 53; Hamilton County, 88 ; Columbiana County, 95 ; Butler County, 162 ; Athens County, 184 and 189; Tuscarawas County, 193; Washington County, 214; Stark County, 233 ; Sandusky County, 325. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory). Town of Fulton, 116; City of Cincinnati (Sections 29 to 36), 244. Resolutions Concerning: Trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 435; trustees, Ohio University, 436 ; Public lands for education, 451 ; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 453 ; West Point Military Academy, 456. 240 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. VOL. XXXIII. General Acts. (Amendatory). The method of levying taxes, 48; incorporation of townships, 49. Local Acts. (Amendatory). Distribution of United States Military School Funds, 15; appointing trustee of the Miami University, 33; distribution of interest of Western Reserve School Fund, 394; appropriation for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 435. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Stephen Strong's Manual Labor Seminary, 75; Richland Classical Institute, Jefferson County, 21; (amendatory), Woodward High School. Cincinnati, 23; Penfield Library Society, Lorain County, 38; New Lyme Young Men's Society, 38; Mansfield High School, Ashtabula County, 48; Conneaut Academy, 51 ; Marietta College, 53 ; renaming the Ashtabula In- stitute of Science and Industry, Grand River Institute, 79; Windham Academy, 87; Granville Female Seminary, 87; Fellenburgh Institute, Me- dina County, 112; Milford Library Association, 177; (amendatory) Edu- cation Society, Painesville, 118; Delaware Library Association, 119; Gal- lipolis Lyceum, 148 ; Roscoe Social Library, Coshocton County, 149 ; Social Library Company, Medina County, 149 ; Wesleyan Female Seminary, Mansfield, 153; Darrtown Library Company, Butler County, 160; Eclectic Academy of Medicine, Cincinnati, 161 ; Wadsworth Academy, 19 ; Paines- ville Lyceum and Library Society, 197 ; Academic Institution of Litchfield, Medina County, 199; (amendatory) Miami University, 298; Hamilton and Rossville Female Academy, 305 ; Western Baptist Education Society, 317 ; Vermilion Library Company, Huron County, 320; Circleville Female Seminary, 321 ; Bishop's Fraternal Calvinistic Baptist Seminary, 328 ; Urbana Juvenile Library, 330; (amendatory) Springfield High School, 341; Cuyahoga Lyceum, 396; Berea Lyceum, 441. ACTS CONCERNING CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS INCORPORATIONS MENTIONING EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Associated Congregation of West Union, Columbiana County, 3; First Presbyterian Society, Ashtabula, 7 ; Wardens and Vestrymen of the Parish of St. Peter's Church, Rome, Ashtabula County, 80; First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, Cuyahoga County, 114; First Regular Baptist Church of Christ, Berkshire, Ross County, 127; First Congrega- tional Society, Litchfield, Medina County, 181 ; M. E. Church and Society, Ashtabula County, 184; First Presbyterian Society, Wadsworth, Medina County, 198; Union Presbyterian Church, Bloom Township, Seneca County, 212; First Congregational Society, Harrisville, Medina County, .Appendix B. 241 218; First Presbyterian Congregation of Olivesville, Richland County, 251 ; First Baptist Church, Norwalk, Huron County, 253 ; First Congre- gational Society, Solon, Cuyahoga County, 256; First Congregational So- ciety, Strongville, Cuyahoga County, 301 ; Immanuel Church, New Phil- adelphia, 322; Regular Baptist Church, Wooster, Wayne County, 339; First Congregational Society, Munson, Geauga County, 342; First Pres- byterian Church, Jefferson, Franklin County, 346; First Baptist Church, Cherry Valley, Ashtabula County, 348 ; First Congregational Church, Ver- milion, Huron County, 365 ; First Congrgeational Society, Kirtland, Geauga County, 374; First Universalist Society, Scipio, Seneca County, 401. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING OR LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Relief of Sylvester Pearson, Athens County, 13; (extending time of payment) Richland and Logan Counties, 34; (extending time of pay- ment) Western Reserve, 35; Allen County, 57; Butler County, 78; relief of purchasers in certain cases, 91; (extending time of payment) Butler County, 115; Western Reserve (to vote on sale) 128; Wayne County, 150; Seneca County, 178; Wood County, 206; Columbiana County, 214; Wood County, 302; Crawford County, 344; Harrison County, 370; Allen County, 382; (extending time of payment) Richland County, 387. Resolutions Concerning: Trustees, Charity School of Kendall 43 ; Trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 448 ; to ascertain the number of blind, 453 ; Trustees, Ohio Med- ical College, 458 ; Trustees, Ohio Medical College, 469. VOL. XXXIV. General. Law to incorporate religious societies, 17 ; providing for the sup- port of Common Schools, 19; making appropriations (Deaf and Dumb Asylum), 39. Local. Authorizing the use of township money for Common Schools (Darke County) 446; (amendatory) distribution of Virginia Military School Fund, 469 ; appointing trustees, Miami University, 528 ; making an appro- priation to Franklin College, 610. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Universal School of Massillon, 6; Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, Cincinnati, 27; (amendatory) Woodward High School, Cin- cinnati, 27; Belleville Library Company, Richland County, 83; Western Academy of Natural Sciences, 110; Highland Library Association, 133; Wellsville Literary Institute, 190; Putnam Classical Institute, 190i; Bedford Vol. XXVII - 16. 242 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Lyceum, 191 ; Bedford Library Company, Cuyahoga County, 197 ; (amend- atory) Nelson Academy, 222; Seneca County Academy, 242; Madison Liberal Institute, 242; Jefferson Literary Society, Franklin College, 289; Calliopean Society, Granville Literary Institution, 381 ; Hopewell Library Company, 383; Wooster Academy, 386; North Union School Association, Carroll County, 402 ; Shaw Academy, Cuyahoga County, 408 ; Rome Aca- demical Company, Ashtabula County, 411; Academy of Sylvania, 458; Granville Academy, 460; Westfield Library Society, Medina County, 467; Brooklyn Library Company, Cuyahoga County, 468 ; Greensville Library Association, 468; Port Washington Library and Lyceum Company, Tus- carawas County, 488; Rutland Library Association, 488; Sharon Academy, Medina County, 514; Mclntire Poor School, Zanesville, 574; Medina Acad- emy Lyceum, Cuyahoga County, 546; Cleves Independent School, Hamil- ton County, 547. ACTS CONCERNING CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS INCORPORATIONS MENTIONING EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Associated Reform Church, Piqua, Miami County, 7; M. E. Church, Canton, Stark County, 11 ; First Congregational Church, Rome, Ashtabula County, 28 ; Presbyterian Church, Monroeville, Jefferson County, 43 ; German Reform Church, Dayton, Montgomery County, 45; First Metho- dist .Society, Sandusky, Huron County, 47 ; Wardens and Vestrymen of Grace Church, Huron County, 51 ; Protestant Episcopal Church, Bellevue, Huron County, 53; First Congregational Society, Lagrange, Lorain County, 79; Lutheran and German Reform Church, New Rumley, Harri- son County, 82; First Congregational Society, Geauga County, 95; Cheviot Presbyterian Church, Hamilton County, 98; German Reform Church, Greene County, 119; Presbyterian Congregation, Carrolton, 182; M. E. Church, Willisville, Columbiana County, 193; First Presbyterian Church, Lower Sandusky, Sandusky County, 246; First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, Jefferson County, 248 ; First Presbyterian Church, Norwalk, Huron County, 290; First Presbyterian Church, New Lisbon, 292; First Presbyterian Church, Olive Township, Morgan County, 293; Middlebury Baptist Church, 390; Free Will Baptist Society, 478; Presby- terian Church, Helson, Licking County, 483 ; First Episcopal Church, Maumee City, Lucas County, 488; Wardens and Vestrymen, St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, 513; Second Baptist Church and Society, Geauga County, 524; First Baptist Church, Madison, Geauga County, 555; First Baptist Church, Massillon, 587. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING OR LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. (Amendatory) Virginia Military District, 15; Carroll County, 16; Richland County, 72; Seneca County, 91; Jackson County, 118; Ohio Company's Purchase, 121; (extending the time of payment) Butler County, 128; Wayne County, 130; Butler County, 134; Seneca County, Appendix B. 243 134; Relief of Charles Stewart, 144; twelve mile reserve, 152; Crawford County, 218; Guernsey County, 312; Carroll County, 313; (extending the time of payment) Richland County, 373; Crawford County, 400; (ex- tending the time of payment) Logan County, 447; (extending the time of payment) Richland County, 447; Ohio Company's Purchase, 523; Gallia County, 589. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. City of Ohio, Section 29, 226; City of Cleveland, Sections 19 to 29, 271 ; Town of Akron, Section 7, 433. Resolutions Concerning: Register, Virginia Military School Lands, 639; report of Ohio University, 643; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 647; distribution of school laws, 647; Committee on Education of Blind, 648; trustees, Ripley College, 649; School District Manual, 659; information on European school systems, 659; a deaf and dumb student, 662. VOL. XXXV. General. Declaring valid certain leases, 63; creating the office of Superin- tendent of Common Schools, 82 ; providing for a geological survey, 84 ; providing for distribution of the state's share of U. S. surplus, 97; to punish trespassers on public lands, 111 ; appropriations Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 113; provision for instruction of the blind, 116; receiving for- eign pupils in Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 118; levying a tax for state purposes, 121. Local. Increasing the number of trustees and visitors of Common Schools, Cincinnati, 141; appointing a trustee of the Miami University, 152; authorizing directors to levy a tax for building purposes, Butler and Geauga Counties, 243. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Franklin Scientific and Rhetorical Society, Western Reserve Col- lege, 3 ; Springborough School Company, Warren County, 4 ; Athenaeum Literary Society, Ohio University, 5 ; German Reformed Synod of Ohio, 9 ; Middlebury High School, Portage County, 20 ; Putnam Lyceum, Mus- kingum County, 22; Paris Library Association, Richland County, 47; New Lisbon Lyceum, 49 ; Blendon Library Society, Franklin County, 53 ; St. Clair's Collegiate Seminary, 55 ; North Royalton Social Library Society, Cuyahoga County, 96 ; Darby Creek Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation, Union County, 104; (amendatory) St. Clairsville Female Colle- 244 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. giate Seminary, 108 ; Warren Academy, Trumbull County, 133 ; Shef- field Manual Labor Institute, 139 ; Columbus Literary and Scientific In- stitute, 167 ; Neville Institute, Columbiana County, 185 ; New Hagarstown Academy, Carroll County, 193; Monroe Lyceum of Natural History and Library Association, Ashtabula County, 195 ; Ruggles Library Society, Huron County, 196 ; Stark County Orphans' Institute, 201 ; New Phila- delphia Library Society, 237 ; Berea Seminary, Cuyahoga County, 230 ; (amendatory) North Union School Association, Carroll County, 247 ; Philomathean Literary Institute, Antrim, Guernsey County, 262 ; Mus- kingum College, 272; (amendatory) Miami University, 303;. Litchfield Lyceum and Society, Medina County, 336; Mechanics' Institute, Leba- non, Warren County, 339 ; Sandusky City Lyceum and Library Society, Huron County, 340; Monroe Seminary, Monroe County, 342; Parma Library Association, Cuyahoga County, 346 ; Baptist Literary and Col- legiate Institute, Huron County, 347; (amendatory) Platonic Library Society, Delaware County, 353; Western Collegiate Institute, 378; Troy Academy, Miami County, 380; Stark County Lyceum, 405; New Phila- delphia Academy, 406; Teachers' Institute, Licking County, 417; Mas- sillon Academy, 425; (amendatory) Young Men's Library Association, Cincinnati, 445; Cleveland Female Seminary, 511; Cleveland Female Orphan Asylum, 513. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. (Extending time of payment) Virginia Military school lands, 10; Ohio Company's Purchase, 14; relief of John Feller, Fairfield County, 58; Muskingum County, 170; (repealing) relief of John Feller, 175; Monroe County, 184 ; Putnam County, 207 ; Crawford County, 221 ; Ham- ilton County, 224; Miami County, 229; (extending time of payment) Logan County, 230; (extending time of payment) Butler County, 242; Carroll County, 243; Wood County, 247; Monroe County, 261; Darke County, 265 ; Washington, Meigs and Gallia Counties, 267 ; Crawford County, 275; Jefferson County, 290; Wood County, 297; Crawford County, 319; Wood County, 321; Ohio Company's Purchase, 352; Har- din County, 437; (amendatory) selling of Section 16, 446. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. City of Toledo, Section 29, 32. Resolutions Concerning: Athens College (requiring reports), 543; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 555 ; Dr. Howe's Report, education of the blind, 559 ; appro- priation, State Superintendent of Common Schools, 560; State Library, 562; trustees, Ohio Institution for the Blind, 566. Appendix B. 245 VOL. XXXVI. General. For the support of Common Schools, 21 ; for the relief of the Medical College of Ohio, 37 ; making further provision for the Institu- tion of the Blind, 49; amending the act for the sale of Section 16, 63; authorizing County Auditors to permit certain school districts to receive their portion of school funds, 73; (amendatory) distribution of the surplus revenue, 79; levying a tax for state and school purposes, 85; regulating office of County Auditors (school duties), 90; appropria- tions. State Library, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Professor Stowe's Report, and Superintendent of Common Schools, 92. Local. Authorizing certain school districts to borrow money for school- houses, Stark County, 164; authorizing the sale of public square, Win- chester, Adams County (to erect school-house), 98; authorizing a loan to Ohio University, 205; for the relief of the town of Dover, Tuscara- was County, 211 ; authorizing a school district in Stark County to bor- row money (building), 227; appointing trustees Miami University, 269. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Rush Medical Society of Willoughby University of Lake Erie, 15; (amendatory) Lane Seminary, 22; Theological Seminary of the Asso- ciated Reform Synod of the West, 34; Newark Athenaeum, 39; Akron High School, Portage County, 52 ; Cambridge Academy, Guernsey County, 98; Massillon Female Seminary, Stark County, 98; Granger Library Association, Medina County, 106 ; Ohio Falls Primary Institute, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga and Geauga Counties, 107; Western Reserve Wesleyan Seminary, 157 ; Edinburgh Academy, 159 ; Columbus Female Benevolent Society, 185; Adelphic Society, Western Reserve College, 186; Literary, Historical and Philosophical Society, Canton, Stark County, 187 ; Wayne Academy, 190; Logan College, 203; Immigrants' Friends Society, Section 2, Cincinnati, 208 ; Norwalk Female Seminary, 210 ; Chester Academy, Geauga County, 227 ; Eaton Academy, Preble County, 231 ; Sandusky Academy, Huron County, 235 ; Dover Lyceum, Tuscarawas County, 220 ; Union Men's Association, Toledo, 270; Union Academy, Union County, 287 ; Dover Academy, Tuscarawas County, 317 ; Lebanon Medical So- ciety, 347 ; Marion Academy, Marion County, 362 ; First Mechanics Lyceum, Marietta, Washington County, 365; Newark Association for the Promotion of Education, 371 ; Painesville Library Association, Geauga County, 378. 246 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. ACTS CONCERNING CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS INCORPORATIONS MENTIONING EDUCATIONAL FUNCTION. Society of United Christians, Berea, Cuyahoga County,. 238. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Monroe County, 38; (extending time of payment) Warren County, 49; Richland County, 50. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory) town of Fulton (Section 2), 199; (amendatory) City of Cincinnati (Section 6), 241; City of Chillicothe (Section 30), 274; (amendatory) Town of Portsmouth (Sections 14 to 23), 329. Resolutions Co ncerning : State Superintendent of Common Schools, 399; Trustees, Medical College of Ohio, 402; Professor Stowe's Report (Elementary Public Education in Europe), 402; Members of the Geological Group, 403; Geological Survey, 404; Professor Stowe's Report, 404; appropriating five hundred dollars, Professor Stowe, 404; trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 404 ; trustees, Ohio Institution for the Blind, 408 ; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 409; Common School Reports and C. E. Stowe's Report, 410; appointing Superintendent of Common Schools, 411; school tax on colored people, 412; school lands in land acquired from Indians, 413; Report of Superintendent of Common Schools, 415; concerning a state University for teachers, 418. VOLUME XXXVII. General. To regulate incorporated literary societies, 49; (amendatory) for the regulation of Common Schools, 61 ; authorizing the Canal Fund Com- missioners to borrow money, 68 ; making appropriations of various items concerning education, 71 ; for the relief of holders of leases of Section 16, 78. Local. Authorizing school trustees to borrow money, Gallipolis, 20 ; (amend- atory) trustees of Windham School Fund, 50 ; organizing Hamilton, But- ler County, into two school districts, 51 ; authorizing Chillicothe to bor- row money (school purposes), 64; concerning medical and surgical supervision of the Commercial Hospital of Ohio, 71 ; authorizing Troy and Miami Counties to borrow money, school building, 136; to remit a building tax, Ashtabula County, 224 ; to levy a school tax, 235 ; appoint- ing trustees, Ohio University, 277 ; authorizing Wooster to borrow money (school purposes), 283; dividing Akron into two school districts, 285. Appendix B. 247 ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Bigelow High School, Xenia, 6 ; Johnstown Lyceum, Licking County, 13; Rockford Lyceum, Cuyahoga County, 18; McConnellsville Library and Reading Room Association, 21 ; Martinsburg Academy, Knox County, 30; Blendon Young Men's Seminary, 43; Ashland Academy, Richland County, 44; Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary,- 79; Oxford Female Seminary, 80 ; First Universalian Religious Library Society, Harmar, 84 ; Asbury Seminary, Chagrin Falls, 109; St. Mary's Library Association, 126 ; Dayton Mechanics Institute, 135 ; Worthington Female Seminary, 141; Martinsville Silliman Institute and Library Company, 144; Philo- mathean Society, Ohio University, 146; Franklin Library Association, 147; Universalist Institute, Ohio City, 155; Parkman Academy, Geauga County, 156; Monroe Academical Association, Monroe County, 166; Woodsfield Lyceum, 168; Harveysburgh High School Company, Warren County, 169; Conneaut Lyceum, 195; Literary and Botanical Medical College of the State of Ohio, 208; Elizabethtown Circulating Library Company, Licking County, 217; Perrysburgh Literary and Library Asso- ciation, 219; Brooklyn Center Academy, 222; Auglaize Seminary, 254; Lithopolis Academy, 255; Worthington Literati, 256; Meigs County High School and Teachers' Institute, 257 ; Mt. Pleasant Boarding School, 262; Fredonia Library Association, Licking County, 263; Cuyahoga Falls Institute, 263; Ravenna Female Seminary, 291; Malta Lyceum, 294; Fair- field Library Association, Huron County, 295 ; Philomathean Literary Institute changed to Mason College, Guernsey County, 308 ; New Hagars- town Female Seminary, 344; (supplementary) Theological Seminary Protestant Episcopal Church, 353. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. (Extending time of payment) Butler County, 10; Columbiana County, 39; Jefferson County, 88; (relief of John Wolfe), Montgomery County, 130; Hocking County, 140; Greene County, 170; Jackson County, 198; (extending time of payment) Holmes County, 260; (relief of two les- sees) Clark County, 315; Jefferson County, 387. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. Support and better regulation of public schools, Zanesville, 194; (amendatory) City of Cincinnati, Section 6, 297. Resolutions Concerning: Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, 394; trustees, Ripley College, 395; trustees, Blind Asylum, 403; register, Virginia Mili- tary District School Lands, 404; (exemption from tuition) two deaf and dumb students, 405; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 414. 248 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. VOLUME XXXVIII. General. Levying taxes, Section 1, 3; inspection of salt (fines for schools), 25; (amendatory) incorporating townships, 58; (amendatory) sale of Sec- tion 16, 61 ; (amendatory) sale of school lands, United States Military School District, 62 ; (amendatory) levying taxes, Section 1, 81 ; (extend- ing time of payment) purchasers of school lands, 83; abolishing the office of Superintendent of Common Schools, 131 ; making appropria- tions (various educational items), 144. Local. Appointing trustees, Miami University, 96; (amendatory) regulating the fur trade (fees for schools), 129; to establish a school district, War- ren County, 145; (amendatory) to establish a school fund in Warren County, 149. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Airington Lyceum, 8; Harmar Lyceum, 19; Neville Library Society, 19; Marysville Library Institute, 28; Oxford Library Society, Butler County, 29; Bascom Seminary of Waynesburg, Stark County, 29; Liter- ary and Philosophical Society, Smithfield, Jefferson County, 30 ; Addison Library Association, Champaign County, 36; Athenaeum Library Society, Warren County, 47; Portsmouth Library Company, 45; Kalida Lyceum, 70; Alpha Kappa Society, Marietta College, 78; (repealing) Stark County Orphans' Institute, 87; Miami Society, 104; Burlington Library Associa- tion, Lawrence County, 111 ; Union Literary Society, Miami University, 125; Greenfield Institute, Huron County, 127; Streetsboro High School, 127; Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences, 138; Farmers and Me- chanics Institute, Hamilton- County, 139; Willoughby Female Academy, 155; Franklin Literary Society, Bellville, Richland County, 163; (amend- atory) establishing a college in Worthington, 174 ; Twinsborough Library Society, 179 ; Reading Mutual Improvement and Library Association, Hamilton County, 183; American Lyceum of Education, Cincinnati, 192; (repealing) Washington Social Library Company, 197. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Steubenville land district, 14 ; Lawrence County, 42 ; relief of lessee, Harrison County, 62; Preble County, 66; Washington County, 77; Knox County, 81; Greene County, 96; Lucas County, 97; (relief of Timothy Evarts), Richland County, 107; Williams County, 109; Allen County, 125; Columbiana County, 131; Scioto County, 132; Delaware County, 133 ; Athens County, 143 ; Shelby County, 144 ; Akron School District, 145; (relief of two lessees) Washington County, 160; Tnscarawas County, 164; Lucas County, 177; (relief of lessees) Washington County, Appendix B. 249 178; Columbiana and Carroll Counties, 180 (amendatory) Ohio University lands, 183; (relief of David Holbrook) Morgan County, 195; Meigs County, 211. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. City of Cincinnati, Sections 9 to 12, 157. Resolutions Concerning: Use of State Library, 217; deaf and dumb student, 217; interest on school funds, 220; report of Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 224; admission of certain indigent students to Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 233; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 243; trustees, Ohio University, 244; trustee, Ohio Institution for Instruction of Blind, 246. VOLUME XXXIX. General. Extending time for payment to purchasers of school lands in this state, 25; making appropriations (various educational items), 29; (amend- atory) for the prevention of certain immoral practices, 34; (amendatory) providing for the distribution of this state's proportion of the surplus revenue, 41 ; an act declaratory of the law in certain cases, and to pro- hibit the appraisers of land from purchasing same, 42 ; (amendatory) an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, 44. Local. Appointing trustees of the Miami University, 122; authorizing the trustees of Zanesville Township to lay off in school districts the part of the township not included in the limits of Zanesville, 128 ; to form a new school district, Franklin County, 177 ; to form a new school district, Troy Township, Richland County, 178. ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. The Phi Delta Society of Western Reserve College, 4; The Ridge- ville Lyceum, Lorain County, 7 ; Massillon Lyceum, Stark County, 9 ; The Cincinnati New Jerusalem Church School Association, 11 ; James- town Literary Society, Greene County, 27; Psi Gamma Society, Marietta College, 44; Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts, 50; Edinburg College, Wayne County, 51 ; Columbus Literary Lyceum, 52 ; Beaver Lyceum, 52 ; Franklin Institute of the Town of Portsmouth, 53; Lower Sandusky Literary and Scientific Institute, 53 ; Franklin Library Association of Carlisle, Lorain County, 53 ; Orange Library Company, Cuyahoga County, 54 ; Burlington Academy, Lawrence County, 62 ; Athens Female Academy, 65; Berkshire Educational Society, Delaware County, 103; Mayfield Cir- culating Library, Cuyahoga County, 103; Franklin Library Society, Wa- 250 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. terford, Knox County, 104; (amendatory) Berea Seminary, Cuyahoga County, 104. ACTS CONCERNING CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS INCORPORATIONS MENTIONING EDUCATIONAL FUNCTIONS. (Amendatory) Incorporating the Wardens and Vestrymen of Grace Church in Sandusky City, 160. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. (Amendatory) Allen County, 5; (relief of Herman Bower) San- dusky County, 6 ; Stark County, 13 ; Sandusky County, 18 ; Darke County, 20; Columbiana County, 45; Hancock County, 73; Knox County, 85; Mercer County, 89; Williams County, 93; Sandusky County, 116; Ohio Company's Purchase, 129; Marion County, 166; Lucas County, 168; Wood County, 170; United States Reserve of Lucas County, 171 ; United States Reserve of Lucas County, 173. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. To regulate Common Schools in the town of Marietta, 22; incor- porating and establishing the city of Dayton (Sections 29 to 33), 135. Resolutions Concerning: Trustees, Neville Institute, 183; trustees, Medical College of Ohio, 184; use of State Library, 185; trustee, Ohio Institute for the Blind, 186; trustee, Ohio University, 186; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 190; deed for school land, 191; education of certain blind persons, 195. VOLUME XL. General. (Amendatory) for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, etc., 49; making appropriations (various school items), 59. Local. Authorizing a school district in Muskingum County to sell a part of school-house lot, 24; to alter certain school districts, Bucyrus, Crawford County, 37; authorizing the levy of an additional tax, School District No. 2, Rome Township, Ashtabula County, 48 ; for the relief of the Fund Commissioners of Clermont County, 69; (amendatory) authorizing trus- tees of Troy Township to lay off a school district, 89; for the relief of the Mayor, Recorder and Trustees of Dresden, Muskingum County, 97 ; authorizing the sale of the public square in Jacksville, Adams County (funds for school use), 103; making special appropriations in favor of Shelby, Cuyahoga and Lawrence Counties, 182. Appendix B. 251 ACTS CONCERNING INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. First Moral Library Association of Williamsfield, Ashtabula County, 5 ; Chagrin Falls Mechanics Library Association, Cuyahoga County, 16 ; Mechanics Institute, Urbana, 16; Philomathean Literary Society, Ashta- bula County, 31 ; Dover Library Association, Cuyahoga County, 35 ; Don- aldsville Library Association, Clark County, 36; (amendatory) Protes- tant Methodist Academy in the Village of Brighton, Cuyahoga County, 59; Trustees of the Central College of Ohio, 76; Eaton Medical Society, 83; St. Xavier College, 84; Orwell Library and Reading Society, Ashta- bula County, 85; Pine Grove Academy, Porter, Gallia County, 86; (amendatory) Urbana Academy, 88; (amendatory) Wesleyan University, 111; (repealing) Granville Alexandria Society, 113; Ohio Conference High School, Springfield, Clark County, 114; Canaan Union Society, 116; Tallmadge Academical Institute, 117 ; Bath High School, Bath, Summit County, 119; Lafayette University, New Carlisle, Clark County, 119; Findlay Literary Lyceum, Hancock County, 141 ; Portsmouth Mechanics Institute and Mechanics Library Association, 122; (amendatory) Philo- zethian Society of the Western Reserve College, 122; Wellsville Lyceum, Gallia County, 123; (amendatory) Miami University, 123; (amendatory) Barnesville Male Academy, 128. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Athens County, 3 ; Seneca County, 36 ; Sandusky County, 66 ; Craw- ford County, 81 ; Marion County, 86 ; Crawford County, 89 ; Muskingum County, 101 ; Lucas County, 108 ; Perry County, 124 ; Lucas County, 128 ; Jackson County, 135; Meigs County, 137; Miami Purchase, 138; San- dusky County, 141 ; Williams County, 144 ; Putnam County, 150 ; Tus- carawas County, 173 ; Sandusky County, 198. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory) City of Cincinnati, Section 2, 143. Resolutions Concerning: An indigent blind student, 205 ; trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 206; a certain blind student, 211; register of the Virginia Military Dis- trict School Lands, 212; trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 212; a cer- tain deaf and dumb student, 215 ; a certain blind student, 215 ; a certain deaf and dumb student, 216; a blind student, 217; a deaf and dumb stu- dent, 217 ; Ohio University lands, 218 ; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 228; trustee, Ohio Institute for the Blind, 230. 252 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. VOLUME XL Second Session. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Lucas County, 2. Resolution Concerning: A certain deaf and dumb student, 7. VOLUME XLI. General. An act to extend the time of payment to purchasers of school lands in this state, 4; regulating the sale of ministerial and school lands and the surrender of permanent leases thereto, 20; (amendatory) making fur- ther provision for the instruction of the blind, 57; (amendatory) for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, etc., 59 ; for the regu- lation of county jails, 74 ; making appropriations (various educational items), 95. Local. (Repealing) Incorporating the town of Mt. Eden, 49; authorizing the trustees of Milton Township, Trumbull County, to lay off the town- ship into school districts, 60 ; authorizing the trustees of Painesville Township, Licking County, to divide the town into school districts, 62; appointing trustee of Miami University, 87 ; an act to erect the Risdon Common School District, 125 ; making a special appropriation to Cham- paign County for school purposes, 155; to divide the town of Lancaster into school districts, 216; to divide School District No. 1, Warren Town- ship, Trumbull County, 219 ; Morgantown Medical Society, 145 ; trustees of the Methodist Female Collegiate Institute of Cincinnati, 146; Oakland Female Seminary, Hillsborough, 148 ; New Paris Medical Institute, Preble County, 174; Massillon Young Men's Polemic Society, Stark County, 175; Mechanics Lyceum and Library Association of Warren, Trumbull County, 176; to change the name of the Franklin Society of Granville College, 220; Bellefontaine Ohio College, 220; Mechanics Asso- ciation of Fulton, Hamilton County, 226. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Berlin Union Society, Holmes County, 9; amending the charter of Ohio Wesleyan University, 12 ; trustees of the Germania College, 12 ; Young Men's Literary Association of Springfield, 14; New Lisbon Acad- emy, Columbiana County, 14; Defiance Literary Lyceum, Williams County, 15; (amendatory) trustees of the Windham School Fund, 26; The Young Men's Franklin Society of Granville College, 30; St. Mary's Female Institute, Cincinnati, 46; Wayne Township Lyceum, Jefferson Appendix B. 253 County, 52 ; Badger Library Society of Plain, Wood County, 52 ; Maumee City Academy, Lucas County, 62; Providence College, Harrison County, 63; New Orange Library Society of Cass, Miami County, 85; Western Reserve Free Will Baptist Academical Society, 85; Alexandria Literary Society Licking County, 86; Jefferson Library Association, Jefferson Township, Ashtabula County, 91 ; Beverly College at Beverly, 92 ; Aloy- sius Orphan Society of Cincinnati, 112; Cambrian Association of Cin- cinnati for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 114; The Miami Union Literary Society, Miami University, 125 ; Lebanon Academy, Warren County, 127; (amendatory) The German Lutheran Seminary of the Ger- man Lutheran Synod of Ohio, 129; (declaratory) The Ohio University, 144. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Wood County, 90; Richland County, 90; Washington County, 110; Putnam County, 111; Hancock County, 111; United States Reserve, Lucas County, 112; Hancock County, 126; Monroe County, 141; Athens County, 141 ; Wood County, 142 ; Seneca County, 142 ; Athens County, 143 ; Tus- carawas County, 143; Columbiana County, 144; Williams County, 175; Darke County, 176; Paulding County, 177 ; .Williams County, 217; Wil- liams County, 218. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory) The City of Cleveland, 130. Resolutions Concerning: Remission of taxes on certain university lands, 241 ; the instruction of a certain blind Chinese child, 245; reports from state instruction, 248; a deaf and dumb student, 248 ; a deaf and dumb student, 249 ; trustees, Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, 253 ; a deaf and dumb student, 253 ; com- pensation of Ephraim Cutler as Commissioner of Schools, 256; Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 261. VOLUME XLII. General. An act in relation to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 8; reducing the compensation of members of the General Assembly and certain other state and county officers, 21 ; an act in addition to an act to provide for the inspection of salt (fines for schools), 33; preventing the introduction and spread of the Canada Thistle (fines for schools), 37; increasing the revenue of the state Common School Fund and making permanent the transfer thereto, 38; an act to amend an act entitled "An act to extend the time of payment of purchasers of School Lands in this state," 39; an act to amend the act to regulate the sale of school and ministerial lands and the surrender of permanent leases thereto, 43 ; an act to amend the act entitled, "An act for the support and better regulation of Com- 254 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. mon Schools, etc.," 48; an act making appropriations for the year 1844 (various educational items), 78. Local. To erect a school district in Portage Township, Summit County, 3; to divide School District No. 1, Warren Township, Trumbull County, 19; authorizing School Districts 10 and 11, Painesville Township, Licking County, to levy a special tax, etc., 126; vesting the property belonging to the Knoxville School Company in the Knoxville School District in Jef- ferson County, 212. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Sylvania High School Company, Lucas County, 60; Lebanon Acad- emy, 80; (amendatory) Western Reserve College, 95; (amendatory) Calliopean Society of the Granville Literary and Theological Institution, 102 ; Acts to incorporate certain trustees therein named, 102 : 1. The Berlin Young Men's Lyceum, 2. Erodelphian Society, Gallipolis, 3. The Handel Society of Western Reserve College; West Lodi Academy, Seneca County, 107; Champaign Library Associa- tion, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga County, 110; Institute of Lower Sandusky , Sandusky County, 112; Franklin Academy, Portage County, 115; Cin- cinnati Astronomical Society, 122; (amendatory) Beverly College, 160; Western Reserve Free Will Baptist Educational Society, 163; Cincinnati Philosophical Library Association, Hamilton County, 169; Dayton Fe- male Association for the Benefit of Orphans, 172; Salem Academy, Buck- skin Township, Ross County, 178 ; Dudley Medical University of Wads- worth, 179; Summit County Medical Society, 183; Lorain Institute, 184; The Board of Directors of the English Lutheran Theological and Col- legiate Institute at Wooster, Wayne County, 189; Waynesville Academy, Warren County, 191 ; Keene Academy, Coshocton County, 210 ; Ravenna Library Association, 213; (amendatory) North Union School Association of Carroll County, 221 ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Hancock County, 6; Sandusky County, 29; Carroll County, 66; Gallia County, 67; Columbiana County, 83; Twelve Mile Square Reserve, 99; Morgan County, 111; Putnam County, 121; Williams County, 131; Meigs County, 132; Sandusky County, 132; Monroe County, 133; Crawford County, 146; Hocking County, 149; Hocking County, 155; Williams County, 156; Ottawa County, 156; Williams County, 157; Seneca County, 158 ; Monroe County, 161 ; Mercer County, 161 ; Meigs County, 178 ; Scioto County, 196; Delaware County, 194; Butler County, 206; Williams County, 206. Appendix B. 255 Resolutions Concerning: Incorporation of churches, religious societies, towns, literary socie- ties, library associations, etc., 250 ; report of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 251 ; report of the Asylum for the Blind, 252 ; an oculist for the Asylum for the Blind, 253; clothing for certain blind, an'd deaf and dumb stu- dents, 256; trustees, Neville Institute, 256; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 258 ; documents for library associations, 260 ; apparatus, etc., for the Blind Asylum, 270; trustees, Institution of the Blind, 270; trustees, Ohio Medical College, 271; trustees, Ohio University, 273. VOLUME XLIII. General. An act to prevent the firing of cannons upon public streets and high- ways (fines for the use of schools), 17; fixing the minimum price for school lands, 58; regulating the State Library, 58; regulating literary and other societies, 70; (amendatory) for the support and better regula- tion of Common Schools, etc., 98; making appropriations (various edu- cational items), 129; (amendatory) for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, 132. Local. Authorizing certain investments of a fund bequeathed by Mrs. Eunice Buckingham for the purposes of Female Education, 42; to regulate the fur trade, etc., (fines for the use of schools), 140; for the relief of Johna- than D. Schultz, 255. To regulate Common Schools in the Township of Portland, Erie County, 285; for the relief of creditors of the Granville Alexandrian Society, 311 ; for the relief of Sckool District No. 10 in Sugar Creek, Greene County, 334; for the relief of the township of Hocking, Fairfield County, 353; to divide the town of Hudson, Summit County, into two school districts, 368; authorizing the trustees of Cincinnati College to borrow money to erect college buildings, 376; authorizing the towns of Painesville and Norwalk to levy a tax for the benefit of Common Schools therein, 379; authorizing the City of Cincinnati to erect a house of cor- rection, 393; to attach certain territory to the City of Columbus for school purposes, 404; supplementary to an act increasing the number of trustees and visitors of Common Schools, Cincinnati, 413. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. (Amendatory) Marietta College, 4; Tallmadge Academical Institute, Summit County, 12; Calvinistic Book Concern, 15; Bedford Seminary, Cuyahoga County, 16; College of Dental Surgery, Cincinnati, 32, Cin- cinnati Classical Academy, 39; (amendatory) Granville Literary and Theological Institution, 54; Ohio Baptist Book and Tract Society, 56; 256 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. The Young Men's Book Association, West Canaan, Mason County, 61 ; General Library Association, Cincinnati, 62 ; Trustees of the Columbus Academical and Collegiate Institute, 65; New Carlisle Social Library Company, Clark County, and the Library Association of Harlem, 68; Tallmadge Library Association, Summit County, 70; Aurora Academical Institute, Portage County, 75; Fort Meigs University, 80; Ohio Baptist Educational Society, 86; Cooper Female Academy in Dayton, 87; Akron Institute, 89; New Orphans' Asylum of Colored Children of Cincinnati, 101; Rocky River Seminary, 121; Hunterian Society of the Medical De- partment of Western Reserve College, 130; (amendatory) the Summit College Medical Society, 141 ; Findlay Academical Institute, Hancock County, 203; Putnam Union Sunday School, Muskingum County, 205; (amendatory) North Union School Association of Carroll County, 213; Vermillion Institute, 229; Miamisburg Library Association, 274; Cottage Hill Academy in Trumbull County, 289; Normal High School, Carroll County 292; The Seven Trustees of the Protestant University of the United States, 345; trustees of the Medical Institute of Cincinnati, 357; to incorporate certain literary societies, 361 ; Sec. 3. Newcomerstown Literary Society, Tuscarawas County; Sec. 4. Farmers and Mechanics Library Association, West Lodi, Seneca County; Sec. 7. Corwin Literary Institute, Springborough, Warren County; Sec. 8. Middletown Academy in Butler County; Sec. 9. German Catholic Library Association of Cin- cinnati ; Sec. 10. Donaldsville Library Association, Clark County ; Sec. 11. Union Society of Oberlin Collegiate Institute, Lorain County; Sec. 12. Trustees and subscribers of the School Fund Society, Ross County; Sec. 13. Hanover Social Library Association in Butler County; Sec. 14. Erie County Antiquarian Society; Sec. 15. Lower Sandusky Phrenolog- ical Mesmeric Institute, Sandusky County; Board of Directors of Wit- tenberg College, 375; London Academy, Mason County, 384; Linton Library Association in Washington County, 389 ; West Jefferson Academ- ical Institute, Madison County, 409. ACTS CONCERNING SELLING AND LEASING SCHOOL LANDS. Putnam County, 9; Seneca County, 12; Mercer County, 18; Putnam County, 22 ; Fairfield County and Licking County, 30 ; Meigs County, 38 ; Lucas County, 39 ; Lucas County, 41 ; Marion County, 48 ; Twelve Mile Square Reserve, 56; Williams County, 92; Sandusky County, 115; Washington County, 120; Allen County, 124; Sandusky County, 125; Sandusky County, 126; Richland County and Knox County, 128; Williams County, 140; Hamilton County, 143; Sandusky County, 146; Putnam County, 169; Lucas County, 170; Lucas County, 176; Perry, Morgan and Muskingum County, 205; Holmes County, 221; Stark County, 224; Fairfield and Licking Counties, 236; Dela- ware County, 256; Athens County, 270; Holmes County, 325; Mon- roe County, 343; Meigs County, 344; Marion County, 357; Monroe Appendix B. 257 County, 364; Gallia County, 367; Fairfield County, 372; Belmont County, 397; Crawford County, 407. Resolutions Concerning: Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society, 432 ; a certain blind stu- dent, 433; Government grants for aid of instruction of the deaf and dumb and blind, 344 ; a certain blind student, 435 ; sending school laws to Monroe County, 438; distributing court decisions to library institutions, 438 ; furnishing documents to the New York Historical Society, 441 ; trustees, Miami University, 442; copies of school laws to Summit County, 443; religious and moral instructor for the Ohio Penitentiary, 446; for- warding certain documents to Alexander Vattemare, Paris, France, 448; register of Virginia Military school lands, 450; reports from the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylums, 451 ; oculist for the Institution of the Blind, 451 ; admission of teachers into state asylums and the state library, 463; trustee, Ohio Institution for Blind, 464; trustees, Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 465. VOLUME XLIV. General. An act more effectually to prevent gambling (fines for the use of schools), 10; an act for the more effectual protection of enclosures, 76 (fines for the use of schools) ; an act in relation to religious, literary and other incorporated societies, 79 ; an act authorizing school districts to establish libraries for the use of Common Schools, 81 ; an act for levying taxes on all property in this state, etc., 85 ; an act to amend such acts in relation to the Asylums for the Deaf and Dumb and for the Blind, 111; (amendatory) for the support and better regulation of Com- mon Schools, 114; an act making appropriations (various educational items), 130. Local. For the relief of School District 5, Eaton Township, Lorain County, and School District 5, Caesar's Creek Township, Greene County, 3; an act for the relief of John N. Nichols and Wesley Johnson, Muskingum County, 29 ; authorizing the town of Putnam, Muskingum County, to divide School District No. 1, in said town, 33; authorizing the city council of Cleveland to levy an additional tax for Common School purposes, 55 ; (amendatory) an act dividing the town of Lancaster into school dis- tricts, 89; authorizing Findlay Township, Hancock County, to divide District No. 1, 108; authorizing the directors of School District No. 1, Napoleon Township, Henry County, to exchange certain lots, 121 ; author- izing the president of Chillicothe Academy to convey certain property, 123; an act for the relief of the sureties of Hamilton Robb, 200; author- izing the trustees of the several townships in Mercer County to select a section of land for school purposes in lieu of Section 16, 226; for the Vol. XXVII 17. 268 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. relief of School District No. 4, in Bath Township, Greene County, 238; an act for the relief of School District 14, Fairfield County, 268. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Baldwin College, Middleburg, Cuyahoga County, 4; (amendatory) Vermillion Institute at Hayesville, Ohio, 65; Loudonville Academy, Rich- land County, 207; Norwalk Institute, 122; (amendatory) Cincinnati Col- lege, 157; Madison Educational Society, Lake County, 161; Farmers' College of Hamilton County, 165; trustees of the Wesleyan Female Col- lege of Cincinnati, 171 ; the Liverpool Seminary, Columbiana County, 236. ACTS CONCERNING THE SELLING AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Crawford County, 7; Columbiana County, 13; Fairfield County, 25; Jefferson County, 35; Lucas County, 77; Gallia County, 78; Jefferson County, 80; Seneca County, 92; Connecticut Western Reserve School Land, Seneca County, 123; Butler County, 126; Meigs County, 166; Mon- roe County, 244; Hamilton County, 244; Scioto County, 253. TOWN AND CITY ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory) City of Cincinnati, 7; an act for the better classi- fication of Schools of Cincinnati and Dayton, and for other purposes, 91 ; (amendatory) City of Toledo, 208; an act to regulate Common Schools in Maumee City, in the County of Lucas, and Elyria, in the County of Lorain, 261. Re so lurtio ns Concerning : Trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 293; copies of the school law for Washington County, 293 ; Mclntire School Fund, 294 ; Reports of the Institution for the Blind, 295; reports for the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 296 ; printing report of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 296; the title to certain school lands, 298; copies of the school laws to Lorain County, 299; trustee, Miami University, 302; copies of the school law, 315; trustees, Ohio University, 317; trustees, Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 324; trustees, Institution for the Blind, 325. VOL. XLV. General. Amending the act to extend the time of payment to purchasers of school lands, etc., 21 ; repealing the act providing for the inspection of salt, etc., 22 ; amending the act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, etc., 26; an act regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors, 39 (fines for schools) ; an act making appropriations (various educational items), 56; an act to amend the act for levying taxes on all property, etc., 60; an act to incorporate teachers' institutes, 67; an Appendix B. 259 act to provide for the appointment of county superintendents of Com- mon Schools, and defining their duties in certain counties therein named, 32. Local. Authorizing the sale of certain lots in the town of Jefferson, Fair- field County, and the application of the proceeds to the erection of a school-house, 73 ; authorizing the president and trustees of Miami Uni- versity to relinquish certain rents, 85; (amendatory) authorizing the city council of Cincinnati to erect a house of correction, 112; an act to pre- vent Intemperance in Medina, Huron and Erie Counties, 131 ; for the relief of school district No. 2, German Township, Harrison County, and School District No. 10, Washington Township, Clermont County, 139; an act to quiet the title of certain lands in Paulding County, 149; an act to enable the town of Bellville to convey a lot of land, 166; an act to provide for the funding of debts for the Ohio University, 176. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. (Amendatory) Willoughby University of Lake Erie, 7; authorizing the establishment of professorships in the Farmers' College, Hamilton County, 67; (amendatory) Baldwin Institute, 89; Mansfield Academical Institute, and amending the act to incorporate the Ohio Mechanics' In- stitute, 99; Marietta Female College, 140. - ACTS CONCERNING SELLING AND LEASING SCHOOL LANDS. Wyandot County, 4 ; Belmont County, 5 ; Belmont County, 8 ; Stark County, 10; Washington County, 14; Carroll County, 53; Gallia County, 54; Fairfield County, 54; Van Wert County, 56; Williams County, 71; Richland County, 103; Seneca and Wyandot Counties, 104; Greene County, 116; Meigs County, 121; Hamilton County, 158; Seneca County, 167; Perry County, 173; Morgan County, 174; Delaware County, 174; Stark County, 191; Defiance County, 192. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. An act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in School District No. 21 in Urbana County, 21 ; (amendatory) City of Cleveland, Section 1, 135; Town of Marion, Marion County, Section 9; 161. For the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Akron, 187; authorizing the city council of Cincinnati to levy taxes for school purposes, 193. Resolutions Concerning: Reports of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 196; Institution for the Blind, 199; the collection of natural curiosities for the State Library, 260 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. 200; forwarding school laws to Sandusky County, 201; trustees Chanty School of Kendall, 204; report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, 207; furnishing the Superintendents of the Asylums with copies of the revised laws, 208; trustees, Medical College of Ohio, 208; trustee, Ohio University, 211 ; trustee, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and Blind Asy- lum, 233; employment of James Russell by Smithsonian Institute, 224. VOL. XLVI. General. An act to secure the returns of the statistics of Common Schools, 28; an act amending the act granting licenses to peddlers, etc. (fines for Common Schools), 36; an act to enable the inhabitants of the Connec- ticut Reserve to give their consent to the sale of their school lands, 38; an act to provide for extending the provisions of an act entitled "an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Akron," and the amendatory acts thereto, to the cities and in- corporated towns of this state, 48; an act to amend the 18th Section of the School Law of March 7, 1838, 51; an act further to amend the act for levying taxes, 69 ; an act to provide for the education of black and mulatto persons and to amend the act entitled, "an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, etc.," 81 ; an act to amend the act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools, etc., 83; an act to amend the act to encourage teachers' institutes arid to ex- tend the provisions of the acts providing for teachers' institutes and county superintendents in the several counties of this state, 86; an act making appropriations (various educational items), 103. Local. An act to levy a tax on the Town of Lancaster, 5; authorizing the president and town council of Portsmouth to levy a tax for school and other purposes, 37; an act to provide for the erection of school-houses in Springfield, Clark County, 85 ; an act for the relief of School District No. 1, Piqua County and District No. 4, Ashland County, 139; author- izing the directors of School District No. 3, Moorefield Township, Har- rison County, to sell a school lot, 150 ; authorizing the directors of School District No. 6, Jefferson Township, Madison County, to sell a certain school lot, 157 ; authorizing the directors of School District No. 2, Gratis Township, Preble County, to sell a school lot, 176; authorizing the directors of School District No. 3, Montgomery Township, Ashland County, to sell the school-house and lot, 190; an act to incorporate School District No. 1 in Perry Township, Stark County, 223; amending an act to dispose of two escheated lots in Mansfield, Richland County, 232 ; an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the Lebanon District in Warren County, 237 ; to regulate the sale of in- toxicating liquors in the town of Chagrin Falls, 269. Appendix B. 261 ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY SOCIETIES. Changing the name of the Richland Classical Institute of Jefferson County, 7 ; the R. M. Bradley Commercial College, Cincinnati, 12 ; Board of Directors of Muhlenberg College in Jefferson, Harrison County, 19; the Gundry-Bacon Cincinnati Mercantile College, 21 ; Starling Medical College in Columbus, 31; (amendatory) Cincinnati Classical Academy, 46; the Medical and Surgical Society of the County of Ashland, 76; (amend- atory) Miami University, 88; (amendatory) to enable the Knoxville School Company to close its concerns, 107; Xenia Academy, 114; Rich- land Academical Institute, Logan County, 126 ; The Felicity Female Semi- nary, Clermont County, 135; Cleveland Library Association, 149; Me- dina College, 188; Newton College, Hamilton County, 211; Edinburgh College, 220; The Western Art Union, 228; The State Medical Society of Ohio, 231. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Greene County and Piqua County, 8; Wyandot County, 24; Wyandot County, 27; Muskingum County, 33; Scioto County, 35; Meigs County, 47; Allen County, 43 ; Paulding County, 48 ; Mercer County, 49 ; Montgomery County, 80 ; Williams County, 85 ; Richland County, 91 ; Montgomery County, 91 ; Seneca County, 91 ; Seneca County, 92 ; Crawford and Wyan- dot County, 92; Sandusky County, 102; Muskingum County, 134; Morgan County, 137; Stark County, 139; Shelby County, 140; Montgomery County, 141 ; Defiance County, 144 ; Ashland County, 145 ; Ottawa County, 162; Carroll County, 188; Paulding County, 207; Lucas County, 219; Hamilton County, 241 ; Paulding County, 265. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS, (Amendatory) An act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Akron, 46; (repealing) an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in School District No. 1, Ravenna, 51; (amendatory) an act for the support and better reg- ulation of Common Schools in Zanesville, 54; for the better regulation and support of schools in the City of Cleveland, 150 ; for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Lithopolis, Fair- field County, 185 ; for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in Lancaster, 191 ; (amendatory) an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the City of Columbus, 259. Resolutions Concerning: Virginia Military District School Lands, 282; report on medical societies and colleges, 286; report of the Superintendent of Schools, 2.86; trustees, Ohio University, 288; trustees, Miami University, 291; directing 262 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. the printing of the Akron Law for Common Schools with the General Laws, 293; report of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 296; cor- recting an error in the school funds in Troy and Sylvian Townships, Ashland County, 296; appointing a director of the Blind Asylum, 303; trustees, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 307 ; furnishing Wyandot County with School Laws, 309; asking the Governor to examine and report upon the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylums, 317. VOL. XLVII. General. An act to authorize the establishment of separate schools for the education of colored children, and for other purposes, 17; amending an act to incorporate teachers' institutes, 19; an act for the better regu- lation of the public schools in cities, towns, etc., 22 ; (amendatory) an act for the support, etc., of Common Schools, 39; (amendatory) an act for the support, etc., of Common Schools, 43; (amendatory) an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the Town of Akron, 45; an act making appropriations (various educational items) 45; (amendatory) an act for the support, etc., of Common Schools, 52. Local. An act in relation to taxes, schools and sewers in the City of To- ledo, 205 ; (amendatory) for the support and better regulation of Com- mon Schools in Columbus, 230; (repealing) the provisions of the Akron Act for the town of New Lebanon, Columbiana County, 253 ; to amend the charter of the City of Ohio, 278 ; an act to regulate a certain school district in Orrville Township, Ashtabula County, 224; an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in District No. 4, Washington Township, Preble County, 224; to organize School District No. 7, River Township, Clinton County, 229; to divide the town of St. Clairsville, Belmont County, into two school districts, 240; granting to the trustees, etc., of Greenfield Seminary authority to confer degrees and testimonials, 240 ; authorizing the directors of School District No. 13, Jefferson Township, Fayette County, to sell a school lot, 246 ; author- izing the trustees of Coal Township, Knox County, to redistrict said township, 250; authorizing the county Auditor of Holmes County to levy an additional tax on a school district for school-house purposes, 252; amending an act to repeal the act for the support, etc., of Common Schools in School District No. 1, Ravenna Township, 253 ; an act for the relief of John D. Burrell, 342. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Mt. Washington Institute, Hamilton County, 236; the Oxford Fe- male Institute in Oxford, Butler County, 238 ; ; Miller Academy, 241 ; Pomeroy Academy, 243; Ohio Institute of Naitural Sciences, 256; Otter- Appendix B. 263 bein University of Ohio, 257 ; Judson College, Jefferson, Harrison County, 259; Farmmgton College, Trumbull County, 261; Springfield Female Seminary, Clark County, 263 ; Cincinnati Medical Institute,. 264 ; Colum- bus Art Union, 267; (amendatory) Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincin- nati, 268; the Ohio Educational Society of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 268 ; The Cadiz High School, 273 ; Darke County Medical School, 275; Mansfield Female Seminary, Richland County, 280; Mt. Pleasant Academy, Kingstown, Ross County, and in relation to Hillsborough Academy, 284. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF LANDS. Wood County, 223; Seneca County, 228; Hardin County, 229; An act to provide for the sale of the Western Reserve School Lands, 232; Hancock County, 233; Wyandot County, 234; Champaign County, 234; Preble County, 235; Wyandot County, 235; Wyandot County, 237; Har- rison County, 237; Gallia County, 238; Jefferson County, 240; Williams County, 242; Morrow County, 242; Seneca County, 242; Lucas County, 243; Seneca County, 244; Clark County, 245;. Wood County, 245; Wood County, 245; Township 3, Range 3, E. of the Meridian drawn from the mouth of the Miami River, 247 ; Miami County, 247 ; Paulding County, 248; Hardin County, 248; Lawrence County, 249; Wyandot County, 249 ; Muskingum County, 250 ; Monroe County, 251 ; Warren . County, 251 ; Stark County, 251 ; Meigs County, 252 ; Lucas County, 254 ; Athens County, 255 ; Jefferson County, 255 ; Lucas County, 340; Champaign County, 341. Resolutions Concerning: Trustee, Miami University, 384; trustees, Ohio University, 386; trustee, Ohio University, 388; agent, Western Reserve School Lands, 388; asking Governor to examine and report on the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylums, 393; appointing a committee to examine and report on Miami University, 398. VOL. XLVIII. General. An act to amend the act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in cities, towns, etc., 40; an act in relation to School District taxes, providing for the annual school district meetings, and requiring maps of school districts, 41; an act for the appointment of a State Board of Public Instruction, 44; an act supplementary to the act for the appointment of a State Board of Public Instruction, 47; an act to carry into effect an act- entitled, "An act to provide for the sale of the Western Reserve School Lands", 53; an act to exempt certain stu- dents from laboring on public roads, 69; an act making appropriations for 1850 (various educational items), 93. 264 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Local. To incorporate School District No. 9 in Liverpool and St. Clair Townships, Columbiana County, 641 ; to incorporate School District No. 11, in the Townships of Springfield and Beaver, Mahonnrg County, 642; to authorize the directors of School District No. 4, Delhi Town- ship, Hamilton County, to appropriate certain funds for building pur- poses, 648 ; extending the provisions of the act for the. better regulation of public schools in cities, towns, etc., to Union School District No. 7, Springfield and Suffield Townships, Summit and Portage Counties, 648; authorizing the trustees of Monroe Township, Knox County, to re- district said township, 668; an act amending and reviving the act to cre- ate permanently the office of Treasurer, Township No. 1, Range 1, White- water Township, Hamilton County, 663; an act to amend the act to create permanently the office of Treasurer, Township No. 1, Range 1, Hamilton County, and to give additional powers to the trustees of School Section No. 16, Greene Township, Hamilton County, 670. ACTS CONCERNING THE INCORPORATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. Elliott Female Seminary of Monroe County, 614; Vinton High School, Gallia County, 617; Miller Academy, Washington, Guernsey County, 618 ; Capital University, 619 ; Cambridge College, 621 ; Geneva Hall, Winfield, Logan County, 672; Urbana University, 624; (amenda- tory) The Charity School of Kendall, 625; Defiance Female Seminary, Defiance County, 625 ; Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, Portage County, 627; Western College of Homeopathic Medicine, 629; Tiffin Academy, Seneca County, 635 ; (amendatory) Oberlin Collegiate Institute. 632 ; Young Men's Catholic Association of Cincinnati. 632 ; Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, 632; Western Library Institute, 635; Xenia Female Acad- emy, 636; Hartford High School, 638; Soeurs De Notre Dame Female Educational Institute of Chillicothe, Ross County, 639; Mt. Pleasant Philomathean, Kingston, Ross County, 640 ; Warren Library Associa- tion, 640. ACTS CONCERNING THE SALE AND LEASING OF SCHOOL LANDS. Belmont County, 649; Ohio Company's Purchase, 650. CITY AND TOWN ACTS CONCERNING SCHOOLS. (Amendatory) An act to incorporate the town of Fulton (Sec- tions ID and 11), 373; an act to incorporate the town of Fremont, San- dusky County (Section 5), 404; an act to incorporate the city of Piqua (Sections 25 to 30), 421; an act to incorporate the City of Springfield Sections 29 to 32), 446; an act to incorporate the City of Zanesville, Muskingum County (Sections 26 to 38), 473; (amendatory) for the sup- Appendix B. 265 port and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Lancas- ter, 647; (repealing) the provisions of the act for the better regulation of schools in cities, towns, etc., for the town of Hanover, Columbiana County, 648; amending an act for the support and better regulation of Common Schools in the town of Akron, 650; authorizing the citizens of Wooster to vote for or against adopting the Akron Act, 651 ; ex- empting the town of Mt. Vernon from the provisions of the Akron School Law, 662; authorizing the appointment of a Superintendent of Common Schools in the City of Cincinnati, and for other purposes, 662; extending the powers of the Board of Education of the town of Put- nam, Muskingum County, 667; authorizing the Board of Education in the town of Cambridge, Guernsey County, to levy a school building tax, 695. Resolutions Concerning: Certain school lands in Lucas and Williams Counties, 728; appoint- ing a committee to examine and report on the school system of this state, 728; trustees, Charity School of Kendall, 729; trustees, Miami University, 729; trustees, Neville Institute, 730; trustees, Medical College of Ohio, 730; two deaf and dumb students, 742; a certain blind student, 742; forwarding school laws to Greene County, 743; forwarding school laws to Ashland County, 746. BIBLIOGRAPHY. SOURCES. Acts of the State of Ohio, First Session of the General Assembly, Vol. I, Chillicothe, printed by N. Willis, printer to the State, 1803. (Norwalk, Ohio, reprinted by the Laning Company, 1901). Acts of the State of Ohio, Second Session, Vol. II, Chillicothe, printed by N. Willis, printer to the state, 1804. (Norwalk, Ohio, re- printed by the Laning Company). Acts of the State of Ohio, passed and revised, Vol. Ill, Chilli- cothe, printed by N. Willis, printer to the state, 1805. Acts of the State of Ohio, Vol. IV, Chillicothe, T. G. Bradford and Joseph S. Collins & Company, printers for the state (reprinted by the Laning Company, 1901). Acts passed at the First Session of the Fifth General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Vol. VI, Chillicothe, R. D. Richardson, printer to the State of Ohio, 1807. Acts of the Sixth General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Vol. VI, Chillicothe, R. D. Richardson, printer to the State of Ohio, 1808. Acts passed at the First Session of. the Seventh General Assembly, Vol. VIII, Chillicothe, J. S. Collins, 1809. Acts passed at the First Session of the Eighth General Assembly, Vol. VIII, Chillicothe, J. S. Collins and Company, 1810. Acts passed at the First Session of the Ninth General Assembly, Vol. IX, Zanesville, White, Sawyer and Chambers, 1811. Acts passed at the First Session of the Tenth General Assembly, Vol. X, Zanesville, Sawyer and Chambers, 1812. Acts passed at the First Session of the Eleventh General As- sembly, Vol. XI, Chillicothe, Nashee and Bering, 1812. Acts passed at the First Session of the Twelfth General Assembly, Vol. XII. Chillicothe, John Bailhache, 1814. Acts passed at the First Session of the Thirteenth General As- sembly, Vol. XIII, Chillicothe, Nashee and Bering. Acts passed at the First Session of the Fourteenth General As- sembly, Vol. XIV, printed by Nashee and Bering for Bailhache, 1816. Acts passed at the First Session of the Fifteenth General As- sembly, Vol. XV, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1817. Acts passed at the First Session of the Sixteenth General As- sembly, Vol. XVI, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, state printer, 1818. Acts passed at the First Session of the Seventeenth General As- sembly, Vol. XVII, Chillicothe, George Nashee, 1819. (266) Bibliography. 267 Acts of a General nature enacted, revised and ordered to be re- printed at the First Session of the Eighteenth General Assembly, Vol. XVII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1820. Acts of a local nature passed by the First Session of the Eighteenth General Assembly, Vol. XVIII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1820. Acts passed at the First Session of the Nineteenth General As- sembly, Vol. XIX, Columbus, Smith, 1821. Acts of a general nature passed at the First Session of the Twen- tieth General Assembly, Vol. XX, P. H. Olmstead, 1822. Acts of a local nature passed at the First Session of the Twentieth General Assembly, Vol. XX, P. H. Olmstead, 1822. Acts passed at the Second Session of the Twentieth General As- sembly, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1822. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty-First General As- sembly, Vol. XXI, P. H. Olmstead, 1823. Acts of a local nature passed at the Twenty-First General As- sembly, Vol. XXI, P. H. Olmstead, 1823. Acts of a general nature enacted, revised and ordered to be re- printed at the First Session of the Twenty-Second General Assembly, Vol. XXII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1824. Acts of a local nature passed at the First Session of the Twenty- Second General Assembly, Vol. XXII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1824. Acts of a general nature passed at the First Session of the Twenty- Third General Assembly, Vol. XXIII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1825. Acts of a local nature passed at the First Session of the Twenty- Third General Assembly, Vol. XXIII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, 1825. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly, Vol. XXIV, Columbus, George Nashee, state printer, 1826. Acts of a local nature passed at. the Twenty-Fourth General As- sembly, Vol. XXIV, Columbus, George* Nashee, state printer, 1826. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty-Fifth General As- sembly, Vol. XXV, Columbus, George Nashee, state printer, 1827. Acts of a local nature passed at the Twenty-Fifth General As- sembly, Vol. XXV, Columbus, George Nashee, state printer, 1827. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty-Sixth General As- sembly, Vol. XXVI, Columbus, George Nashee, state printer, 1828. Acts of a local nature passed at the Twenty-Sixth General As- sembly, Vol. XXVI, Columbus, George Nashee, state printer, 1828. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty- Seventh General As- sembly, Vol. XXVII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, Bailhache and Cameron, state printers, 1829. Acts of a local nature passed at the Twenty-Seventh General As- sembly, Vol. XXVII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead, Bailhache and Cameron, state printers, 1829. Acts of a general nature passed at the Twenty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XXVIII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead and Bailhache, 1830. 268 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Acts of a local nature passed at the Twenty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XXVIII, Columbus, P. H. Olmstead and Bailhache, 1830. Acts of a general nature enacted, revised and ordered to be re- printed, passed by the First Session of the Twenty-Ninth General As- sembly, Vol. XXIX, Columbus, Olmstead and Bailhache, 1831. Acts of a local nature passed by the First Session of the Twenty- Ninth General Assembly, Vol. XXIX, Columbus, Olmstead and Bail- hache, 1831. Acts of a general nature passed at the First Session of the Thir- tieth General Assembly, Vol. XXX, Columbus, David Smith, state printer, 1832. Acts of a local nature passed at the First Session of the Thirtieth General Assembly, Vol. XXX, Columbus, David Smith, state printer, 1832. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-First General As- sembly, Vol. XXXI, Columbus, David Smith, state printer, 1833. Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-First General Assembly, Vol. XXXI, Columbus, David Smith, state printer, 1833. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-Second General As- sembly, Vol. XXXII, Columbus, David Smith, state printer, 1834. Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-Second General As- sembly, Vol. XXXII, Columbus, David Smith, ,state printer, 1834. Acts of a general nature, passed by the Thirty-Third General As- sembly of the State of Ohio, Vol. XXXIII, Columbus, James B. Gardner, printer to the state, 1835. Acts of a local nature ^passed by the Thirty-Third General As- sembly, Vol. XXXIII, Columbus, James B. Gardner, printer to the state, 1835. Acts passed at the Second Session of the Thirty-Third General As- sembly, Vol. XXXIII, Columbus,'J. B. Gardner, 1835. Acts o.f a general nature gassed at the First Session of the Thirty- Fourth General Assembly, Vol. XXXIV, James B. Gardner, printer to the state, 1836. Acts of a local nature passed at the First Session of the Thirty- Fourth General Assembly, Vol. XXXIV, James B. Gardner, printer to the state, 1836. Acts of a general nature passed at the First Session of the Thirty- Fifth General Assembly, Vol. XXXV, S. S. Dolbee, printer to the state, 1837. Acts of a local nature passed by the First Session of the Thirty- Fifth General Assembly, Vol. XXXV, S. S. Dolbee, printer to the state, 1837. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-Sixth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVI, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1838. Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-Sixth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVI, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1838. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-Seventh General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVII, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1839. Bibliography. 269 Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-Seventh General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVII, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1839. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVIII, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1840. Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXVIII, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1840. Acts of a general nature passed by the Thirty-Ninth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXIX, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1841. Acts of a local nature passed by the Thirty-Ninth General As- sembly, Vol. XXXIX, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1841. Acts of a general nature passed by the Fortieth General Assembly, Vol. XL, Samuel Medary, state printer, 1842. Acts of a local nature passed by the Fortieth General Assembly, Vol. XL, Samuel Medary, state printer, 1842. Acts of a local nature passed at the Second Session of the Fortieth General Assembly, Vol. XL, Samuel Medary, state printer, 1842, (re- printed in fac simile by Statute Law Book Company, Washington, 1896). Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-First General As- sembly, Vol. XLI, Columbus, Samued Medary, 1843. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-First General Assembly, Vol. XLI, Columbus, Samuel Medary, 1843. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Second General As- sembly, Vol. XLII, Columbus, Samuel Medary, 1844. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Second General As- sembly, Vol. XLII, Columbus, Samuel Medary, 1844. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Third General As- sembly, Vol. XLIII, Columbus, Samuel Medary, 1845. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Third General As- sembly, V1. XLIII, Columbus, Samuel Medary, 1845. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Fourth General As- sembly, Vol. XLIV, C. C. Scott and Company, printers, Columbus, 1846. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Fourth General As- sembly, Vol. XLIV, C. C. Scott and Company, printers, Columbus, 1846. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Fifth General As- sembly, Vol. XLV, Columbus, C. C. Scott and Company, 1847. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Fifth General Assembly, Columbus, Vol. XLVI, Charles Scott Steam Press, 1847. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Sixth General As- sembly, Columbus, Vol. XLVI, Charles Scott Steam Press, 1848. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Sixth General Assembly, Columbus, Vol. XLVI, Charles Scott Steam Press, 1848. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Seventh General As- sembly, Columbus, Vol. XLVII, Charles Scott, state printer, 1849. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Seventh General As- sembly, Vol. XLVII, Columbus, Charles Scott, state printer, 1849. 270 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Acts of a general nature passed by the Forty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XLVIII, Columbus, Scott and Bascom, 1850. Acts of a local nature passed by the Forty-Eighth General As- sembly, Vol. XLVIII, Columbus, Scott and Bascom, 1850. Third Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, by Samuel Lewis, Columbus, Samuel Medary, printer to the state, 1839. Ohio Documents, 35th General Assembly, J. B. Gardner, state printer, Columbus, 1836. Ohio Documents, 36th General Assembly, Samuel Medary, state printer, Columbus, 1837. Ohio Documents, 37th General Assembly, Samuel Medary, state printer, Columbus, 1838. Ohio Documents, 38th General Assembly, Samuel Medary, state printer, Columbus, 1840. United States Census Reports. United States Statutes at Large. United States Statistics, 1911. Ohio Statistics, Columbus, The Westbote Co., state printers, 1885. A Compilation of Laws, Treaties and Ordinances which relate to Lands in the State of Ohio, George Nashee, Columbus, 1825. Journals of the American Congress. Reprint, Way and Gideon, Washington, 1823, 4 Vols. SECONDARY SOURCES. Atwater, Caleb, A History of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati, Glezen and Shepherd, 1838. Blackmar, Frank Wilson, The History of State and Federal Aid to Higher Education in the United States. Washington. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1890. Brownell, F. C., Barnard's American Journal of Education. Vol. V. Hartford, Conn., 1858. Burns, J. J., Educational History of Ohio. Columbus, 1905. Chaddock, Robert E., A Study of the Early Influence of Pennsylvania and Southern Populations in Ohio. New York, 1908. Cist, Charles, Cincinnati in 1841, Its Early Annals and Future Pros- pects. Cincinnati, 1841. Cutler, Julia Perkins, Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler. Cincinnati,. Robert Clarke & Co., 1890. Donaldson, T., The Public Domain. Washington. Government Printing Office, 1881. Hinsdale, Ann, History of the Ohio School System. Report of the Commissioner of Education, Washington, 1901, Vol. I. Hinsdale, B. A., Documents illustrative of American Educational His- tory. Report of the Commissioner of Education, Washington, 1892- 3, Vol. II, 1225 1414. Bibliography. 271 Hinsdale, B. A., The Old Northwest. Vol. I, II. New York, Town send MacCoun, 1891. Howe, Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. Cincinnati, C. J. Krehbiel & Co., 1907. King, Rufus, Ohio. American Commonwealth Series. Boston and New York, 1888. Knight, G. W., History and Management of land grants for education in the North West Territory. Papers of the American Historical Association, 1884. Vol. I, 1-175. Lewis, Win. G. W., Biography of Samuel Lewis. Cincinnati, Methodist Book Concern, 1887. Orth, Samuel P., The Centralization of Administration in Ohio. Co- lumbia Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Vol. 16, No. 3. New York, 1903. Randall and Ryan, History of Ohio. Century History Co., New York, 1912. Ryan, Daniel J., A History of Ohio. Columbus, 1888. Rice, V. M., Special Report on the Present State of Education. Wash- ington, 1867. Slocum, Charles E., The Ohio Country. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1910. Swift, Fletcher Harper, A. History of JPublic Permanent School Funds in the United States, 1795-1905. H. H. Holt & Co., New York, 1911. Taylor, James B., A Manual of the Ohio School System. Cincinnati, H. W. Derby, 1857. Venable, W. H., Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1891. Whittlesey, Charles, Ohio Surveys. Western Reserve Historical Society Tracts, Vol. II. Tracts 37-72. Tract 59. Cleveland, 1888. Whittlesey, Charles, Surveys of the Public Land in Ohio. Do. Tract 61. Historical Sketches of the Ohio Educational Institutions and also of Benevolent and Reformatory Institutions of Ohio, 1876. (Cen- tennial Volume). Historical Sketches of Public Schools in Cities, Villages and Townships of the State of Ohio, 1876. (Do). The Freeman's Almanac. Maxims and Advice of Solomon Thrifty. Cincinnati, Oliver Farnsworth & Co., 1823. The Western Academician. Edited by John W. Pickett. Cincinnati, James R. Allbach, 1837-8. Transactions of the Western Literary Institute and College of Profes- sional Teachers. Vols. IV, V, VI, VII, VIII. Cincinnati, 1835- 6-7-8-9. County Histories of Ohio. Graham, A. A., The Land and Township System of Ohio. Ohio Sta- tistics, 1885, pp. 22-29. INDEX. A. Academical Institute of Richfield, 99, 159. Academic Pioneer, 130. Academy of Alma. See Alma Academy. Academy of Perry County, 97. Academy of Sylvania, 99, 160. Adams, 8. Addison Library Association, 204. Adelphic Society of Western Reserve College, 210. Agricultural Schools, 113. Airington Lyceum, 208. Akron, 60, 139; schools of, 64-68. Akron Act, 24, 60, 145, 149. Akron High School, 99, 162. Akron Institute, 101, 168. Akron Lyceum and Library Association Company, 202. Alma Academy, 97, 155. Alexander, John E., 169. Alexandria Literary Society, 208. Alpha Kappa Society of Marietta College, 210. Allan, Nehemiah, 182. American Lyceum of Education, 131, 197. American Revolution, 74. American Western L'niversity, 174. See also Ohio University. Ames, 134. Anderson, Joseph, 155. Andover, 202. Andrews, Ebenezer, 157. Andrews, John, 1C6. Antrim, 161. Apprentices, 196. Armstrong, Harrison, 168. Asbury Seminary, 100, 164. Ashland Academy, 100, 164. Ashland County, 193. Ashtabula Academy, 97, 157. Ashtabula County, 157, 159, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205. Ashtabula Institute of Science and In- dustry, 97, 104, 157. Ashtabula Social Library Association, 201. Associated Reform Synod of the West, 184. Athenaeums, 136, 207, 28. Athenian Library Society, 204. Athenian Literary Society of Ohio Uni- versity, 209. Athens, 107, 175, 179. Athens County, 200, 201, 203. Athens Female Academy, 100,. 166. Athens Library Society, 201. Atwater, Caleb, 14, 16, 83, 135. Atwood, Jonathan, 181. Auglaize Seminary, 100, 165. Aurora, 201. Aurora Academical Institute, 101, 168. Austinburg Social Library Association, 201. B. Badger Library Society, 205. Baker, Timothy, 155-156. Baldwin Institute, 101, 169. Baptist Church, 102, 184. Baptist Literary and Collegiate Institute of Huron County, 117, 183. Barber, Josiah, 16. Barger, Jacob, 189. Barlow Library Society, 200. Barnard, Henry D., 36. Barnesville Male Academy, 100, 164-165. Bartley, Mordecai, 132, 133 (note), 169. Bartholomew, Moses, 188. Bascom Seminary of Waynesborough, 100, 165. Batavia Mechanics' Institute, 209. Bath High School, 100, 166. Bear baiting, 146. Reaver Lyceum, 208. Beckwith, Asa, 173. Bedford Institute, 208. Bedford Library Company, 203. Bedford Seminary, 101, 167-168. Beecher, Lyman, 130, 197. Beecher, P., 155. Beecher, William H., 160. Belden, Clifford, 160. Bell, James, 16. Bellefontaine, 117. 187. Bellefontaine College, 117, 187. (273) 274 Ohio Arch, and Hist-. Society Publications. Bellville, 208. Bellville Library Company, 203. Eelmont Academy, 97, 156. Belmont County, 156, 164. Belpre, 134. Belpre Farmers' Library, 134. Bennett, Sanford F., 163. Berdan, John, 159. Berea Seminary, 99, 161. Berkshire, 198, 201. Berkshire Education Society, 102, 173. Berlin Union Society, 208. Beverly, 186. Beverly College, 117, 186. Bigelow High School, 100, 164. Bingham, Luther G., 181. Bishop, Samuel G., 159. Bishop, William, 164. Bishop's Fraternal Calvinistic Seminary, 99, 104, 159-160. Blackett, James, 162. Bledsoe, Elbert T., 168. Blendon Library Society, 203. Blendon Young Men's Seminary, 10), 164. Blind, Education of, 123-126, 195. Blocksom, Fisher A., 166. Bloomfield Social Library Society, 199. Boardman Library Society, 198. Board of Education, 62; duties of, 65, 66, 67. Board of Examiners, 36, 132. Board of Managers, 62. Board of Trustees, 94. Boston, Mass., 134. Bottum, William, 168. Braceville Library Company, 203. Brecksville Academical Association, 102, 172. Brecksville Columbian Library Society, 200. Briggs, Thomas, 160. Brighton, 166. Bronson, Samuel L., 167. Brookfield Social Library Society, 199. Brooklyn Center Academy, 100, 165. Brooklyn Library Company, 203. Brooklyn Lyceum, 2C8. Brooks, Boswell, 165. Brough, John, 91, 141. Brown, Hardin, 171. Brown, Henry, 182. Brown, Richard, 161, 165. Brown, Samuel, 134-135. Brown County, 112, 180, 181. Brownsville, Pa., 79. Brunswick, 159. Bryan, Judge, 8. Eaton Medical Society, 192. Eclectic Academy of Music in Cincinnati, i:j7, 210. Eclectic Institute, 193. Eddy, Ira, 162. Eden Library Association, 202. Eden Social Library, 202. Edgartown, Mass., 14. Edinburgh Academy, 99, 100, 162, 166. Edinburg College, 118. Education, Secondary, 93-105. Educational interest, 138. Educational policy, 138. Education Society of Painesville, 102, 172. Elbert, Henry, 171. Eldridge Library Association, 199. Elizabethtown Circulating Library So- ciety, 204. Elizabeth Social Library Society, 199. Elliot, Hugh, 170. Elliot Female Seminary, 101, 170. Ellsworth, 168. Elsberry, William, 164. Ely, Heman, 156. Elyria, 156, 2C5. Elyria High School, 95, 97. Elyria Lyceum, 207. Enabling act, 150. English Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 187, 188. English Lutheran Theological and Col- legiate Institute of Wooster, 117, 187. Erie Literary Society, 96, 97, 154. Erodelphian Society of Gallipolis, 208. Erodelphian Society of Miami University, 136. Euclid Library Society, 198. European schools, 144. Evangelical Lutheran Church, 190. Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod, 18&. Evening schools, 61. Everhart, Jacob, 172. Examinations, 55. Examiners, 54, 55. Eyles. William, 159. Fairfield County, 202. Fairfield Library Association, 204. Falmouth, Mass., 15. Farewell, Robert, Ifi7. Farmers' and Mechanics' Institute. 209. Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Asso- ciation, in Aurora, 201. Index. 277 Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Asso- ciation of West Lodi, 206. Farmers' and Mechanics' Library Society of Berkshire, 101. Farmers' College, 113, 117, 188. Farmers' Library Company, 201. Farmington, 132. Farmington Academy, 97, 157. Farmington Normal School, 132. Fayette County, 199. Fearing Library Society, 198. Federal Creek, 134. Federal Government, 69, 74. Felicity Female Seminary, 101, 169. Fellenberg, 104. Fellenburgh Institute, 99, 104, 159. Female Academy of Mt. Vernon, 97, 1-38. Findlay Academical Institute, 101, 168. Findlay Literary Lyceum, 208. Fines for school purposes, 47-50, 53, 146. First Mechanics' Lyceum of Marietta, 209. First Moral Library Association, 205. First Universalian Religious Library So- ciety of Harmar, 204. Fitchville Library Association, 202. Florence Academy, 97, l.V>. Foote, John P., 130. Fordyce, John. 190. Forrer, Samuel, KiS. Ft. Meigs University, 117, 187. Frampton, Elijah, 166. Franklin Academy, 97, 100, 167. Franklin College, 112, 117, 179, 209. Franklin County, 203. Franklin Library Association, 202, 204, 205, 208. Franklin Library* Company of Little Sandy, 199. Franklin Library Society of Waterford, 205. Franklin Literary Society of Bellville, 208. Franklin Scientific and Rhetorical So- ciety of Western Reserve College, 2(10. Franklin Society of Granville, 20f>. Fraternities, 209-210. Frederickstown Library Society, 199, 200. Fredonia Social Library, 204. Free Discussion Library of Andover, 202. Free Grammar School. See Woodward High School of Cincinnati. Freeman's Almanac, 15. Free Will Baptists, 102, 173. French, 10. Friends, 165. See also Quakers. Fuller, Jeremiah H., 156. Fullerton, Hugh S., 167. Fulton, 149, 209. G. Gallia Academy, 97, 154. Gallia County, 158, 170. Gallipolis, 10, 154. Gallipolis Lyceum, 208. Gambling, 147. Gano, J. S., 178. Gates, Philo, 166. Geauga Co., 163, 164, 172, 198, 200, 202, 204. General Assembly, 51, 69, 74, 107, 112, 115, 121, 125, 129, 130, 138, 179, 194, 195, 206. General Library Association of Cincin- nati, 206. Geneva Hall, 117. George, Thomas, 158. German Catholic Library Association, 2C6. Germania College, 117, 185, 186. German Lutheran Church, 102. German Lutheran Seminary of the Ger- man Lutheran Synod of Ohio, 102, 172. German Lutheran Synod, 102, 172. German Reform Church, 183. German Reform Synod of Ohio, 117. German Reform Theological Seminary, 183. Germans, 10, 11. German schools, 61. Gillett, Isaac, 172. Giltruth, James, 161. Goode, Burrell, 167. Gorman, Isaac M., 172. Goshen School Association, 102, 171. Governor, 88, 115, 121, 205; duties of, 78, 80. Grammar School, 65, 66. Grand River Institute, 104, 157. Granger Library Association, 204. Granv ; lle, 198. Granville Academy, 99, 160. Granvill' Alexandrian Society, 198, 205, 206. Granville College, The, 182, 210. Granville Female Seminary, 99. 159. Granville Library, 200. Granville Literary and Theological In- stitution, 181, 209. See also Denison University. Granville Religious and Literary Society. 117. 278 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Greek letter societies, 136. Greene, 200. . , . Greene County, 200. Greene Township, 209. Greenfield Institute, 100, 165. Greenville Library Association, 203. Greenville Treaty Line, 77. Griswold, Ezra, 157. Guardians, 194. Guernsey County, 161, 162, 199. Guernsey County Library and Reading Room, 201. Guilford, Nathan, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 130. Guilford Lyceum, 207. Gustavus Academy, 100, 166. Gustavus Centre Library Company, 202. H. Hackett, George, 189. Halleck, John K., 164. Halliday, Samuel, 165. Hamilton, John, 188. Hamilton and Rossville Female Academy, 99, 159. Hamilton and Rossville Library Society, 201. Hamilton County, 113, 154, 161, 180, 188, 189, 192, 195, 199, 200, 204, 205, 209. Hancock County, 168. Handel Society of Western Reserve Col- lege, 210. Hanover, 149. Hanover Social Library Association, 203. Harkwell, Joshua, 173. Harlem, 206. Harmar Lyceum, 208. Harmony Library Company, 202. Harmony Library Society, 199. Harper, James A., 171. Harpersfield, 171, 198. Harris, Thaddeus, 135. Harrison County, 112, 155, 179, 180, 188. Harrisville Library Association, 201. Harrodsburgh, Kentucky, 130. Hartford High School, 101, 171. Hartford Library Society, 200. Harveysburgh High School Company, 102, 173. Haskell, C. N., 169. Havriss, Luther, 155. Hayden, Daniel, 154. Hayes, Seth, 171. Hawley, Timothy, 171. Hedges, Elizur, 159. Higher education, 106-119, 141; state in- fluence on, 107. Higher Institutions, Acts concerning, 174- 191. High Falls Primary Institute, 102, 172. Highland County, 156. Highland Library Association, 203. High School of Elyria, 156. Hill, John A., 171. Hillsboro, 167. Hillsborough Academy, 97, 15(i. Hinckley Social Library Company, 202. Hinckley Township, 202. Hiram College, 106. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 137, 210. Historical Society of Ohio, 137, 210. Hitchcock, H. L., 184. Hoge, James, 16, 156. Holcomb, Samuel W., 158. Holly, E. H., 167. Hoover, Isaac, 164. Hopewell Library Company, 203. Horse racing, 146. House of Correction, 197. Houston, Andrew, 156. Howe, S. G., 123, 124, 190. Howell, Andrew, 155. Hoyle, John Benjamin. 165. Hubbard, Matthew, 157. Hubbard Library Company, 199. Hubbell, H. M., 168. Hudson, David, 154. Hudson Township, 180. Hughing, J., 168. Hunt, John E., 166. Hunterian Society, Medical Department Western Reserve College, 210. Huron County, 155-156, 163, 183, 184, 199, 200, 201, 202. 203, 204. Huron Institute, 97, 157. I. Indian boundary line, 77. Indians, Christian, 76. Indian title, 85 (note). Institute of Lower Sandusky, 209. Institutes, 136. J. Jackson, John E., 165, 168. Jackson, Joseph, 189. Jamestown Literary Society, 208. Jefferson, Thomas, 8. Jefferson, 188. Jefferson County, 158, 195. Jefferson Library Association, 205. Jefferson Literary Society of Franklin College, 209. Jefferson School Association, 101, 171. Index. 279 Jefferson Township, 205. Johnson, James, 170. Johnston, J. B., 190. Johnstown Lyceum, 208. Judson College, 117, 188-189. K. Kalida Lyceum and Library Association, 204. Keene Academy, 101, 167. Keil, William Godfrey, 187. Kendall, 127, 150, 199. Kenyon College, 106, 112, 117, 136, 179, 209. Keys, William, 156. Kirkbridge, David, 173. Kilbourne, James, 177. Kilburne, James, 154. Killingly, Conn., 14. Kingstown Township, 209. Kingsville High School, 159. Kinsman, John, 166. Kinsman Academy. 97, 157, 166. Kleeman, Ives, 174. Knox -County, 164, 199, 205. Lafayette University, 117, 185. Lagrange Library Association, 202. Lake County, 198. Lancaster Academy, 97, 155. Lancaster Harmonic Society, 137, 210. Lancaster Library Association, 202. Land Ordinance of 1785, 73-74. Lane Seminary, 106. 117. Lapham, Jonathan, 166. Latimer, Picket, 103. Law of 1838, 63. Lawrence County, 166, 204. Leasing school lands, 150, 151. Lebanon, 209. Lebanon Academy. 100, 166, 167. Lebanon District. 149. Lebanon Library Society, 198. Lebanon Medical Society, 192. Legal education, 116, 194. Legislation, school, 142. Legislature, 129. Leist, Jacob. 185. Lemon, Darius, 157. Lenox Library Association, 204. Lewis, Samuel. 11. 14, 15, 18, 19-20, 29, 32-33, 35, 36, 39-40, 51, 52-53, 56, 59, 89, 93-94. 129-, 138, 139, 140. Lexington, 199. Liberty Library Society, 199. Libraries, 134-136, 198, -2U<;. Library Association of Harlem, 206. Library companies, 154-155. Library Society of London, 201. Licenses, 146. Licking County, 197, 198, 200, 201, 204. Linton Library Association, 206. Liquor, 146, 148. Litchfield Lyceum and Society, 208. Literary and Botanical Medical College, 192. Literary and Philosophical Society, 20S. Literary, Historical and Philosophical So- ciety of Canton, 208. Literary Societies, 136, 163-164, 207-209. Literary Society of St. Joseph's, 101, 171. Lithopolis, 149. Lithopolis Academy, 100, 165. Little, Jacob, 160. Little Miami River, 9, 76. Little Sandy, 199. Liverpool Seminary, 101, 169. Logan College, 117, 184. Logan County, 169, 171, 190. London, 201. London Academy, 101, 169. Lorain County, 182, 198, 199, 202, 203, 205. Lorain County Library Society, 200. Lorain Institute, 100, 167. Lord, Richard, 164. Losantiville, 9. Loudonville Academy, 101, 167. Loveland, Edwin, 198. Lower Sandusky, 209. Lower Sandusky Literary and Scientific Institute, 208. Lower Sandusky Phrenological Mesmeric Institute, 211. Lowry, Joseph, 169. Lucas County, 149, 160, 166, 173. Lyceums, 136, 207-209. Lyme and Ridgefield Circulating Library Society, 200. Lytel, William,' 154. Me. McArthur, Duncan, 9. McConnellsville Athenaeum, 207. McConnellsville Library and Reading- Room Association, 204. McCully, Alexander, 160, 162. MacDonald, James, 171. Mcllvaine, Isaac, 157. M'Intire Poor School, 127, 150. McLane-, Patrick, 169. McNaughton, D., 161. 280 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. M. Madison, 171, 200. Madison County, 169, 201, 206. Madison Education Society, 102, 174. Madison Liberal Institute, 99, 160. Madison Library Association, 200. Malta Lyceum, 208. Mann, Horace, 20, 140. Mann Reuben P., 163. Manning, James, 190. Manning, J. P., 22. Mansfield, 155, 159, 171. Mansfield Academical Institute, 101, 169. Mansfield Female Seminary, 101, 170. Manual Labor, 104. Marietta, 9, 82, 134, 148, 209; special legis- lation for, 60. Marietta College, 106, 130, 181, 210. Marietta Collegiate Institute and Western Teachers' Seminary, 117, 131, 181, 197. See also Marietta CoMege. Marietta Female College, 117, 188. Marietta Library, 200. Marion Academy, 100, 163. Marion County, 163. Martin, Geo. IT., 11. Martinsburgh Academy, 100, 164. Martinsville Silliman Institute and Li- brary Company, 204. Marysville Library Institute, 204. Massachusetts, 140; public school senti- ment in, 11. Massie, General Nathaniel, 9. Massillon Academy, 99, 162. Massillon Female Seminary, 99, 162. Massillon Library Society, 202. Massillon Lyceum, 208. Massillon Young Men's Polemic Society, 208. Mason, William, 161. Mason County, 169. Mathews, Joseph J., 167. Maumee City, 1-19. Maumee City Academy, 100, 166. Mayfield Circulating Library, 205. Mayfield Township, 205. Mayo, Herman R., 169. Mechanics Association of Fulton, 209. Mechanics Institute, Lebanon, 209. Mechanics' Institute, Urbana, 209. Mechanics Institute of Cincinnati, 136. Mechanics Institute, 136; acts concerning, 209. Mechanics' Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation (Warren), 205. Medical and Surgical Society of the Countv of Ashland, !!>:!. Medical College of Ohio, The, 114-115, 175, 191-192. Medical Convention, 191. Medical Department Western Reserve College, 210. Medical districts, 191. Medical education, 113-116, 191-194. Medical Institute of Cincinnati, 193. See also Eclectic Institute. Medical malpractice, 147. Medical societies, 114, 191. Medina Academy, 99, 160. Medina College, 117, 189. Medina County, 159, 160, 198, 20-1, 202, 203, 204. Medina County Athenaeum, 207. Medina Medical Lyceum, 192. Medsker, David, 169. Meigs, Return Jonathan, 107, 174. Meigs County, 158, 170. Meigs County High School and Teachers' Institute, 100, 131, 165. Menager, Claude R., 154. Mercer County, 204. Mesopotamia Central School Society, 102, 171. Mesopotamia Social Library Company, 200. Messinger, Hiram, 159. Methodist Episcopal Church, 102, 15, l.'.s. 164, 169, 185, 186. Methodist Female Collegiate Institute, 117, 186. Methodist Protestant Church, 1<)0. Miami Academy, 162. Miami County, 201, 205. Miamisburg Library Association, 206. Miami Society of Miami University, 210. Miami Synod, 1S8. Miami Union Literary Society of Miami University, 210. Miami University, 106, 107, 111, 112, 117, 133, 136, 176-178, 209, 210. Middleberg High School, 1(11. Middleburgh, 169. Middlebury High School, 99. Middlebury Library Company, 201. Middletown Academy and Library Asso ciation, 100, 160. Milford, 171. Milford Circulating Library, 200. Milford Library Assoc'ation, 201, 202. Milford Union School. Society. 10], 171. Miller Academy. 101, 169. Ministerial Lands, 74, ir>->. Mississippi Valley, 129, 130. Mitchell, William, K>t. Index. 281 Monroe Academical Association, 102, 173. Monroe County, 161. Monroe Lyceum of Natural History, and Library Association, 203. Monroe Seminary, 99, 161-162. Monroe Traveling and Circulating Li- brary Society, 200. Monseau, Hortense, 166. Montgomery, Academy, 97, 154. Montville Social Library Company, 202. Moore, James, 184. Moravian school lands, 152. Moravian Tract, 69, 76. Morgan, 207. Morgan County, 199, 200. Morgan County Medical Society, 193. Morris, Thomas A., 186. Morrow, Governor, 17. Mt. Pleasant Academy, 101, 170. Mt. Pleasant Boarding School, 100, 165. Mt. Pleasant Philomathean, 209. Mt. Vernon, 60, 149; schools of, 63. Mount Vernon Lyceum, 207. Mt. Washington College, 18, 189. Muhlenberg College, 117, 188. Muskingum Annual Conference, 190. Muskingum College, 106, 117, 183. Muskingum County, 155, 183, 199, 200, 202, 203. Muskingum River, 13. Nashee's Compilation, 174. Neff, William. IS.'). Nelson Academy, 97, 156. Nelson Library Society, 200. Neville, Morgan, 207. Neville Institute, 99, 101. Newark Association for the Promotion of Education, 102, 172. Newark Athenaeum, 208. New Atkens, 155. Newberry Social Library Society, 200. Newburgh Library Society, 199. New Carlisle, 185. New Carlisle Social Library Company, 206. Newcomerstown Literary Society, 209. New Church, 191. New England influence, 11, 21. New England Institution for the Blind, 123. New Hagerstown Academy, 99, 161. New Hagerstown Female Seminary, 100 165. New Lebanon, 149. New Lisbon Academy, 97, ICO, 154, 166. New Lisbon Lyceum, 208. New Lyme Young Men's Library So- ciety, -i ;2. New Orange Library Society, 205. New Orphan Asylum of Colored Chil- dren, 197. New Paris Library Society, 201. New Paris Musical Institute, 137, 211. New Philadelphia Academy, 99, 162. New Philadelphia Library Society, 203. Newton College, 118, 189. New Town Library Company, 198. New York State system of schools, 16. Normal High School, 101, 168-169. North Adams, Mass., 14. Northern Social Library Company of Harpersfield, 198. North Royalton Social Library Society, 203. North Union School Association of Car- roll County, 102, 172. Northwest Territory, 76. Northwood, 190. Norwalk Academy, 97, 155-156. See also Norwalk Seminary. Norwalk Female Seminary, 99, 163. Norwalk Institute, 101, 169. Norwalk Seminary, 156. Notestone, Jonas, 166. Nu Pi Kappa Society of Kenyon College, 209. O. Oakland Female Seminary of Hills- borough, 100, 167. Oberlin College, lOfi, 117, 182. Oberlin Collegiate Institute. See Oberlin College. Oberlin Young Men's Lyceum, 210. Odd Fellows, 207. Ohio, 85; admitted to the Union, 7, 108; first constitution of, 7; first school laws, 7; first settlers of, 9-11; legis- lature of, 74. Ohio Asylum for Educating the Deaf and Dumb. 121. Ohio Baptist Education Society, 211. Ohio City, 164. Ohio Company, 13, 69, 73, 74. Ohio Company Lands, 16. Ohio Company's Purchase, 9, 82, 107, 111, 141. Ohio Conference High School, 158. Ohio Education Society of Evangelical Lutheran Church, 211. 282 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Ohio Institute of Natural Science, 137, 211. Ohio Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. 195-196. Ohio legislation, 77-92. Ohio Mechanics Institute, 209. Ohio Medical Lyceum, 192. Ohio Penitentiary, 197. Ohio River, 10, 76. Ohio surveys, 72, 73. Ohio University, 106, 107-111, 112, 117, 133, 174-176, 210, 219. O. Ohio Wesleyan University, 117, 185 Old School Presbyterian Church, 170. Olin School Library Society, 200. Olmstead, 184. Olmstead Library Company, 201. Orange Library Association, 205. Ordinance of 1785, 13. Orphan asylums, 127, 196-197. Orwell Library and Reading Society, 205. Orwell Township, 205. Otterbein University, 106, 118, 189. Oxford, 177, 184. Oxford Female Academy, 100, 164. Oxford Female Institute, 101, 169. Oxford Library Society, 204. P. Page, G. G., 169. Painesville, Education Society of. See Education Society of Painesville. Painesville Library Association, 204. Painesville Lyceum and Library Society, 202. Parents support, 38-40. Paris Library Association, 203. Parkman Academy, 100, 164. Parma Library Association, 203. Paw, George, 170. Pay school, 21. Pease, John P., 173. Peddling, 147. Peak, U. H., 160. Penfield Library Society, 202, Penfield Township, 202. Pennsylvania, 76. Perkins, Samuel, 168. Perkins, Simon, 162. Permanent funds, 41-42. Perry County, 171, 172. Perrysburgh, 187. Perrysburgh Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation, 204. Peru Lyceum, 208. Pestalozzi, 104. Phi Delta Society of Western Reserve, 210. . Philbrick, S. B., 173. Philomathean. Literary Institute, 99, 161. Philomathean Society of Ohio University, 210. Philomathean Society of Monroe Acad- emy, 210. Philomathesian Society of Kenyon Col- lege, 136, 209. Philosophic Literary Society of Franklin College, 209. Phouts, David, 195. Phylozethian Society of Western Reserve College, 209, 210. Physic, 113, 191. Piatt, Benjamin, 192. Picket, Robert, 130. Pike County, 201. Pine Grove Academy, 100, 166. Piqua, 149. Pittsburg, Pa., 79. Plain, 205. Platonic Library Society, 198, 203. Poland Library Society, 198. Pomeroy, Charles R., 170. Pomeroy Academy, 101, 170. Poor children, schools for, 127, 150. Portage County, 149, 154, 161, 162, 167, 168, 180, 199, 201, 202. Porter, 166. Portsmouth, 60, 148; schools of, 62. Portsmouth Library Company, 204. Portsmouth Mechanics' Institute and Mechanics' Library Association, 209. Port Washington Lyceum and Library Company, 203. Potter, Lyman, 154. Preble County, 163, 198, 201. Preble County Library Society, 199. Presbyterian Church, 102, 170. Primary Schools, 65. Profanity, 146. Professional education, Acts concerning, 191494. Protestant Episcopal Church, 179. Protestant Methodist Academy of Brigh- ton, 100, 166. Protestant University of the United States, 117, 187. Providence College, 117, 186. Prince, David, 173. Index. 283 Psi Gamma Society of Marietta College, 210. Public Schools, 145. Public School system, Methods of com- mon school support, 38-50; organi- zation of, 25-38. Putnam, Rufus, 107, 174, 175. Putnam Classical Institute, 99, 160. Putnam Family Library, 134. Putnam Lyceum, 208. Q. Quakers, 102. See also Friends. R. Ravenna Academy, 97, 157. Ravenna Female Seminary, 100. Ravenna Library Association, 205. Rawson, Secretary, 159. Rea, John, 155. Reading Mutual Improvement and Library Association, 205. Reformed Presbyterian Church, 190. Refugee Lands, 16. Refugee Tract, 69. Regular Baptist denomination, 160. Revolutionary War, 76. Reynolds, John, 155. Reznor, John P., 164. Rhea, John, 179. Richfield Social Library Company, 202. Richland Academic Institute, 101, 169. Richland County, 164, 169, 170, 203. Richmond, 158, 205. Richmond Classical Institute, 99, 158. Richmond College, 158. Ripley College, 112, 180, 181. Ridgeville Lyceum, 208. Rising Sun, Iowa, 130. Robinson, David, 160. Rockport Lyceum, 208. Rockwell, Timothy, 164. Rocky River Seminary, 101, 168. Rome Academical Company, 102, 172. Rome Library Company, 202. Roscoe Social Library Company, 202. Ross County, 157, 167, 170, 171, 209. Ruggles Library Society, 203. Rush Medical Society of Willoughby Uni- versity of Lake Erie, 210. Rutland Academy, 97, 155. Rutland Library Association, 203. Sabbath breaking, 146. Sage, N. O., 162. St. Aloyiius Orphan Asylum, 197. St. Clair, Arthur, 8. St. Clairsville, 156. St. Clairsville Collegiate Seminary, 117, 183. St. John's College, 168. St. Joseph's, 171. St. Mary's Female Educational Institute, 100, 166. St. Mary's Female Literary Society, 102, 172. St. Mary's Library Association, 204. St. Xavier College, 117, 184. Salaries, Supt. Deaf and Dumb Asy- lum, 196. Salaries, Supt. of Blind Asylum, 196. Salem, 198. Salem Academy, 100, 167. Sargeant, Stephen N., 189. Salt lands, 42. Solomon Thrifty's Almanac, 15. Sandusky Academy, 99, 163. Sandusky City Lyceum and Library As- sociation, 203. Sandusky County, 211. Sansberry, Elizabeth, 172. Schaeffer, Daniel, 165.' School for the Blind, 120. School funds, laws concerning, 149-150. School lands. VI, 69-92, 140-141, 152-153; laws concerning, 150-152; leasing of, 78, 89, 90, 91; revenue from, 40-41; selling of, 78, 79-80, 89, 90. School law, The first, 143. School Officers, 57. School tax, l::!'.). School year. Length of, 50-57. Schools, City and village, 58-fi8; Control and supervision of, 50-53; Incor- poration of, 154-1.35. Scioto County, 200. . Scioto River, 9, 76, 77. Scioto Annual Conference, 189. Scott, John W., 164. Secretary of State, 20, 35, 51, 205, 203. Secondary education, 141, 142. Secondary institutions, Incorporation of, 153-174. Secondary schools, 11-16; incorporation of, 93-96. Seneca County, 167, 171, 201, 202, 206. Seneca County Academy, 99, 160. Servants, 196. Serviss, William G., 185. Seven Ranges, 10. 72, 73, 76, 77. Sexton, Henry, 162. Sharon Academy, 99, 160. 284 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Shannon, Wilson, 186. Shaw Academy, 99, 160. Sheffield Manual Labor Institute, 99, 161. Simons, Joshua, 102. Sinon, Stephen, 166. Skinner, David C, 188. Slack, Elijah, 197. Smith, Ely B., 162. Smithfield, 208. Snodgrass, James, 1'58. Soeurs de Notre Dame Female Educa- tional Institute, 101, 171. Social Circulating Library Association, 201. Social Library Company of Madison, 200. Social Library Company of Salem, 198, 1<>9. Social Library of Kendal, 199. Social Library of Greene, 200. Social Library Society, 199. Society of United Brethren, 76. Special acts, 146. Spencer, Ezra, 22. Spink, John C., 187. Sprague, Sidney S., 170. Springboro, 209. Springboro Library Company, 202. Springboro School Company, 102, 172. Springfield, 149; population of, 59. Springfield Female Academy, 101. Springfield Female Seminary, 170. Springfield High School, 97, 158. Springfield Lyceum, 207. Stark County, 150, 162, 171, 199. Stark County Lyceum, 208. Stark County Orphans' Institute, 127, 197. Starling, Lyne, 193. Starling Medical College, 193. Stanton, Joseph, 172. State Auditor, 194. State Board of public instruction, 145. State control, 104-105. State Library, 135, 199, 204, 205. State Library fund, 147. State Medical Convention, The, 115. State Medical Society, 116, 193. State School Fund, 43. State Superintendent of Schools, 51, 89, 129, 140; office of, created, 19, 37; status of, 20, 37. State system of schools, 12. State treasurer, 90. State wide taxation, 12. Stearns, Timothy, 170. Steele, Robert W., 168. Stephen Strong's Manual Labor Semi- nary. 58, 97, 104. Steubenville, 154. Steubenville Academy, 97. Steubenville Athenaeum, 207. Stevenson, Joseph, 187. Stockdale, William, 165. Stone, Jonathan, 174. Stowe, C. E., 144. Streetsboro High School, 100, 165. Studies, 55-56. Sturges, Ebon P., 155. Subscription school, 21. Suffield Township, Portage Co., 149. Suffield Township, Summit Co., 149. Summit County, 149, 166, 167, 198, 205, 206. Summit County Medical Society, 193. Sunbury, 198. Sunbury Library Association, 200. Sunday creek, 134. Supreme court, 110, 116. Superintendent of Common Schools, 32- 34, 35, 61, 144. Surgery, 113, 191. Surplus revenue, 43. Swift, George, 180. Sylvania High School Company, 102, 173. Symmes, John C., 176. Symmes Purchase, 9, 13, 16, 69, 73, 74, 82, 107, 111, 141, 177, 178. T. Talbot, David L., 130. Tallmadge Academical Institute, 100, 101 r 166, 167. Tallmadge Academy, 97, 154. Tallmadge Library Association, 206. Taxation, 44-47; for schools, 44-46; for school buildings, 46-47. Teachers, Certification of, 54-55; education of, 197; training of, 129-133. Teachers' Institute, 197. Teachers' Institute at Fairmound, 131. Teachers' Institutes, 130, 145, 198. Theological Seminary of the Associated Reform Synod of the West, 117, 184. Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio, 179. See also Kenyon College. Theological Seminary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 190. Thompson, Thomas, 169. Tiffin Academy. 101, 171. Titus, Francis J., 166. Todd, David, 161. Toledo, 60, 148, 149, 204; schools of, 62. Town schools, Laws concerning, 148-149. Index. Township clerk, 52; the township super- intendent, 20, 35. Township superintendent, 51-52. Township trustees, 79, 80, 89. Trimbell, Allan, 181. Troy Academy, J9, Ki2. Troy Library Society, 198. True, Josiah, 134. Trumbull County, 157, 161, 166, 171, 193, 199, 200, 202, 203. Turner, Austin, 163. Tuscarawas County, 76, 152, i:;2, 163, 203. Twaddle, John, 195. Twinsburg Library Association, 205. Union Academy, 97, 99, 155, 158, 163. Union County, 163, 201, 203. Union Library Association of Richmond, 205. Union Library Society of Lexington, 199. Union Literary Society of Miami Uni- versity, 210. Union School Association, 101, 171. Union School District, Springfield, 149. United Brethren, 189. United States, 74, 75, 76, 85. United States land, 80. United States Military Lands, 9, 10, 16, 42, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 84, 87, 88, 151, 152. United States surplus revenue, 144. Universalist Institute, 100, 164. Universal School of Massillon, 99, 160. Urbana, 149. Urbana Academy, 97, 155. Urbana Athenaeum, 207. Urbana Juvenile Library, 203. Urbana University, 106, 117, 190-191. Utica Library Society, 201. Vallandigham, Clement, 154. Van Balton, Julia, 171. Venable, 21, 134. Venice Library Society, 200. Vermilion Library Company, 203. Vermillion Institute, 101, 168. Vernon Library Association, 200. Village Library Society of Burton, Vinton Academy, 97, 158. Vinton High School, 10], 170. Virginia, 74, 76. Virginia Military Lands, 9, l(i, 41, C9, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 84, 87, 89, 15J, 151. Vorhees, Daniel, 166. Wadsworth Academy, 99, 159. Wadsworth Library Society, 202. Waggoner, Samuel, 160. Wallace, James, 184. Wallace, Robert, 184. Walsh, James, 154. Wapakoneta, 165. Ward, Ebenezer, 160. Ward, Jacob, 184. Warner, Wright, 163. Warren, 23, 205. Warren Academy, 99, 161. Warren County, 149, 1'50, 166, 167, 172, 173, 202, 204, 209. Warren Library Association, 206. Washington, 169. Washington County, 107, 150, 174, 181, 198, 200. Washington Social Library Association, 198, -2o;.. Waterford, 205. Wayne, Jacob L., 173. Wayne Academy, 99, 162. Wayne and Cherry Valley Union Library Association, 201. Wayne County, 158, 166, 187. Wayne County Teachers' Association, 131, 197. Waynesburgh, 165. Wayne Township Lyceum. 208. Waynesville Academy, 100, 167. Waynesville Library Company, 198. Weller, Joseph, 165. Wellington Social Library Company, 203. Wellington Township, 203. Wellsville Library Institute, 208. Wesleyan Collegiate Institute, 117, 184. Wesleyan Female College, 117. Wesleyan University, 106. West Branch Library Association, 201. West Canaan, 206. Western Academic Institute and Board of Education, 18, 130, 197. Western Academy of Natural Sciences, 137, 211. Western Art Union, 137, 211. Western Baptist Education Society, 211. Western Book Concern, 186. Western College of Teachers, 130. Western Eye and Ear Infirmary, 116. Western Female College, 186-187. 286 Ohio Arch, and Hist. Society Publications. Western Female Seminary, 99, 159. Western Library Association, 198. Western Library Institute, 206. Western Reserve, 9, 16, 36, 41, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 96, 131, 152. Western Reserve College, 117, 180, 209, 210. See also Western Reserve Univer- sity. Western Reserve College, Medical depart- ment, 180. Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, 101, 170-171. See also Hiram College. Western Reserve Freewill Baptist Aca- demical Society, 102, 173. Western Reserve Freewill Baptist Edu- cation Society, 173. Western Reserve Manual Labor Semi- nary, 173. Western Reserve Teachers' Seminary, 100, 164. Western Reserve University, 106, 180. Western Reserve Wesleyan Seminary, 99, 162. Western Spy, 21. Western Territory, 74, 151. West Jefferson Academical Institute, 101. West Lodi Academy, 100. Wheeling, Va., 79. Vvhetstone, Thomas H., 189. White, James, 21. Whittlesey, Asaph, 166. Wilkesville Lyceum, 208. Wilkins, Herman, 170. Williams, J. Martin, 167. Williams, Joseph, 166. Williams, Milo G., 190. Williamsfield, 205. Willoughby Female Academy, 100, 166. Willoughby Medical College, 183. Willoughby University of Lake Erie, 117, 182-183, 210. ' Willy, Lowry, 197. Wilson, Robert, 154. Wilson, Robert G., 177. Wilson, Samuel L., 165. Wilson. William, 160, 187. Windham Academy, 99, 159. Windham Library Society, 199. Windham School Fund, 150. Windsor Library Association, 200. Winnans, Isaac, 1(52. Wittenberg College, 106, 117, 188. Wolcott, Theodore, 157. Woodbridge, John, 157. Wood County, 187, 205. Woods, John, 159. Woodsfield Lyceum, 208. Woodward College of Cincinnati, 156. Woodward Free Grammar School, 127, 150. Woodward High School of Cincinnati, 95, 97, 156. Wooster, 149. Wooster Academy, 99, 160. Wooster Library Society, 198. Worthington, 96, 178. Worthington Academy, 97, 154. Worthington College, 117, 178. Worthington Female Seminary, 100, 164. Worthington Literati, 204. Xenia, 164. Xenia Academy, 101. Xenia Female Academy, 101, 171. Xenia Lyceum, 207. Y. Yellow Springs Library Society, 200. Young, Alexander, 161, 169. Young Men's Association of the City of Toledo, 204. Young Men's Book Association of West Canaan, 206. Young Men's Catholic Association of Cincinnati, 206. Young Men's Franklin Society of Gran- ville College, 210. Young Men's Literary Association of Springfield, 208. Young Men's Mercantile Library Asso- ciation of Cincinnati, 203. Youth's Neville Library Society, 204. Young Men's Reading and Literary So- ciety of Morgan, 207. Z. Zanesville, 60, 127, 148, 150; schools of, 62. Zanesville Athenaeum, 207. Zanesville Juvenile Lyceum, 207. Zanesville Presbytery, 169-170. 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