1D3 LJ > GIFT OF OCT k - " fi i/ f p f Bureau of Railway Economics . List of References on Locomotive Mechanical Stokers. . For particular types of stokers s-e^e; Crawford, 44,48,54,57,58, 85; Day-Kincaid, see Victor; Gee, 77,78; Hanna, 55, 63 , 67*68, 91, 92, 107,109; Hayden, 20,30; Hervey, 83; McMullen, 73; Marshall, 37,40; Rait, 65; Roney, 34; Standard, 81,84,86; Street, 60,64,71,72,75,87, 88,93,94,103,105; Strouse, 19,23,24,33,35,35,38,43,50,51; Victor, 2, 4, 6,9,13,15,18. 1- Mechanical stoking of locomotives, (Railway age, v . 31 :495 ; Hay 3,1901.) 2- The Kincaid locomotive stoker. (Railroad gazette, v. 33 :348; May 24,1901,) 3- Fireman (pseud). Mechanical stokers. (Railroad gazette, v. 33 : 525 ; Jul.26, 1901. ) 4- Wilson, J, R. Kincaid locomotive stoker test. (Locomotive firemen's magazine, v. 34 : 718-19 ; June, 1903.) 5- American railway master mechanics' association, Automatic stokers. (Rail* ay age, v. 37:1419-23 ; June 30,1904.) 6- The Day-Kincaid stoker: (Railway age, v. 37:1452 ; June 30,1904.) 7- Railway age [Editorial], Automatic stokers for locomotives. (Railway age, v. 37:1413-14; June 30,1904.) 8- Railway age [Editorial]. The large locomotive and the fireman. (Railway age, v. 38 :132 ; Jul.29, 1904. ) 9- Largest automatic stoker plant in the world. (Locomotive firemen's magazine , v. 37:876-77 ; Dec. 1904.) 10- American engineer and railroad journal [Editorial]. Automatic stoker for locomotives. (American engineer and railroad j ournal, v. 79 :90-91 ; Mar. 1905.) 11- Railroad gazette [Editorial]. [Locomotive stokers not yet perfected.] (Railroad gazette, v. 38:448-49 ; May 12,1905.) 12- Victor stoker on Big Four passenger locomotives. y age, v. 39: 753; Kav 12,1905,.) 438187 [Stokers 2] 13* Victor automatic locomotive stoker. (American engineer and railroad j ournal , v. 79 :235 ; June, 1905.) 14- Railroad gazette [Editorial]. The mechanical stoker. (Railroad gazette, v. 38 :615-17; June 9,1905.) Reprinted in Locomotive firemen's magaz ine , v. 39 :15-18 ; Jul.1905. 15- The Victor stoker. (Railroad gazette, v. 38 :643-46; June 9,1905.) 16- American railway master mechanics' association. Mechanical stokers. (In its Proceedings, v. 38:288-99; 1905.) Abstract in: Railway age, v. 39 :1030-32 ; June 17,1905. Railroad gazette, v. 38 :732 ; June 17,1905. American engineer and railroad journal, v. 79:251; Jul.1905. 17- Railv/ay age [Editorial]. [The mechanical stoker for locomotives grows in importance each year. ] (Railway age , v. 39 :1019 ; June 17,1905.) 18- Kraft, C. A. The mechanical stoker. (Locomotive firemen's magaz ine , v. 40:3-6; Jan. 1906. ) From a paper before the Traveling engineers' association, 19- The Strouse automatic stoker. (Locomotive firemen's magaz ine , v. 40:168-72 ; Feb. 1906.) 20- The Hayden mechanical stoker. (Railroad gazette, v. 40:210-15 ; Mar. 2, 1906.) Reprinted in Locomotive firemen's magazine, v. 41 : 463-73; Oct. 1906. 21- Cool, John W. Mechanical stokers. (Central railway club, Proceedings, v. 12 :24-31 ; Mar. 9, 1906.) Abstract in: Railway and engineering review, v. 46 :158 ; Mar. 10, 1906. Locomotive firemen's magazine , v. 41 :353-54; Sept. 1906. 22- American railway master mechanics' association. Report of Standing committee on mechanical stokers. (JLS.' 11 s - Proceedings, v. 39:340; 1906. ) Reprinted in Railv/ay and engineering review, v. 46 :470; June 23,1906. 23- The Strouse locomotive stoker. (Railway age, v.42 :359 ; Sept . 21, 1906. ) 24- The Strouse locomotive stoker. (Locomotive firemen's magaz ine , v. 41:639-40; Nov. 1906.) .Of.' [Stokers 3] 25.- Germ-in r.-.echjinic j.1 stoker. (R*.il*rj.y t -nd engineering review, v. 45 :8S1 ; Hov.3,1905.) 26- Sinclair, Angus, Development of the locomotive, engine. Nev v ork,1907. S80 p.. 3. Chain gr..te and automatic stoker, p,40o-07. 27- American railway master mechanics 1 association. Report of Committee on mechanical stokers. (In its Proceedings. v. 40: 57; 1907.) Abstract in: Railway and engineering review, v. 47:513; June 5,1907. 28- Railway age [Editorial]. Automatic stokers. (Railway age, v.43 -.917-18; June 13,1907.) 29- Grantier, G. C. Automatic stokers. (Railway and engineering revie\v,v. 47:783-84 j Sept~7,~1907.. ) Abstract of paper before Traveling engineers' association, 30- The Hayden locomotive stoker. (Railway age, v. 44:647-48 ; Nov. 8, 1907.) 31- American railway master mechanics 1 association. Report of Committee, on mechanical stokers. (In its Proceedings^. 41 :59-74; .1908. ) Reprinted in Railway and engineering review, v. 48 :517-25 ; June 27,1908. 32- Grantier, G. C.. .Automatic stoker as c ompar.ed. with hand firing for locomotives. (Railway and engineering revie.w,v*48 ;817; Oct. 10*1.9 0&.. ) From a paper before the Traveling Engineers' association. 33* Strouse locomotive stcker, . (Railway and engineering review, v. 49 : 73 ; Jan. 23, 1909. ) 34- Roney mechanical stokers. (Railro..d age gazette, v. 46:289 j Feb. 5, 1909.) 35- Strouse patent locomotive stoker- (Railroad age gazette, v. 46 :255-56 ; Feb. 5, 1909.) 36- The Strouse automatic stoker. Past grand master Hannahan vice- president of the company. (Locomotive firenen and enginemen's magazi ne , v.46 :345-48 ; Mar. 19 09. ) 37- Marshall mechanical stoker. (Railway and locomotive engineer ing, v. 22 :200-01 ; May, 1909.) 38- The Strouse mechanical stoker. (Railway anci engineering review, v. 49 : 404-05; May 8,1909.) [Stokers 4] 39- American railway master .mechanics. 1 association. Regort of ComnLi-t-ta^.-..on mechanical, stokers,, (In its Proceedlnrs. v. 42:63-68; 1909.). Abstract in: Railvray and engineering review^v.49 :551-52 ; June 19,190.9. Railroad age gazette, v. 46:1275-77; June 17,1909. 40- Marshall locomotive stoker. (Railroad age gazette, v . 46 :1319 ; June 18,1909.) 41- Railroad age gazette [Editorial]. Mechanical stokers. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46 :1337-38 ; June 18,1909.) 42- Railroad ajre gazette [Editorial]. - Mechanical stokers. (Railroad age gazette ,v .46 :276-77; June 23,1909.) 43- Successful invention to lighten the fireman's toil. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine, v. 47:34-36; Jul. 1909. ) 44- Underfeed -stoker for locomotives. (Railway and engineering review, v. 49:767; Aug. 28, 1909 .) 45- Railroad age gazette [Editorial]. Mechanical stokers. (Railroad age gazette, v. 47:393-94; -Sept. 3,1909. ) 46- Member (pseud). Mechanical stokers. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine, v. 47:491-92 ; Oct. 1909 . 47- American railway master mechanics' association. Report of Committee on mechanical stokers. (In .its Proceedings, v. 43 :63-74; 1910.) Abstract in: Railwa^/ and engineering review, v. 50:623-25 ; . June 25,1910. Railway age gazette, v. 48:1695-1703 ; June 21,1910. 48- The Successful locomotive mechanical stoker: Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh. (Railway age gazette , v. 48 -.1411-17; June 10,1910.) 49- Railway age gazette [Editorial]. The locomotive mechanical stoker. (Railway age gazette, v. 48 :1689-90; June 21,1910.) * 50- Larson, M. Just a word about the stoker. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine , v. 49 : 173-74 ; Aug. 1910. ] 51- Strouse automatic stoker endorsed. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen|s magazine , v. 49 :271 ; Aug. 1910.) 52- Automatic stokers. (Railway and engineering review, v. 51 :43 ; Jan . 21, 1911 .) [Stokers 5] 53- American engineer and railroad journal [Editorial]. Automatic stokers. (American engineer and railroad journal, v. 85:141; Apr. 1911.) 54- Crawford underfeed locomotive stoker. (American enrinfc.er and railroad journal, v. 85 :161-64; Apr. 1911.) 55- The Hanna locomotive stoker. (American engineer and railroad j ournaj,, v.85 :121-23; 56- Railway and locomotive engineering [Editorial]}. The mechanical stoker up to date. (Railway and loc oinotive ' engineer ing, v. 24:158 ; Apr. 1911.) 57- The Crawford mechanical underfeed stoker ,' Pennsylvania railroad. (Railway and engineering review, v. 51:296-97; Apr. 1,1911.) 58- Locomotive mechanical stoker. Crawford underfeed stoker for the Pennsylvania railroad. (Machinery, v. 10:683-84; May, 1911. ) ' 59- Railv/ay age gazette [Editorial]. The operation of a mechanical stoker, (Railway age gazette, v. 50:1192 ; May 26,1911.) 60- The Street locomotive stoker. ' (Railv/ay age gazette , v. 50:1196-1201 ; May 26,1911.) Reprinted' in Bulletin of the International railway congress, v. 26:75-84; Jan. 1912. 61- Railv/ay age gazette [Editorial]. Give mechanical stokers a chance, (Railv/ay age gazette, v. 50:1367-68; June 15,1911.) 62- Railv/ay age gazette [Editorial]. [Locomotive stokers are improving.] (Railway age gazette , v. 50 :1365-65 ; June 15,1911.) 63- Roesch, F. P. Hanna stoker." (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine, v . 50: 753-56 ; June, 1911. 64- The Street locomotive stoker. (American engineer and railroad j curnal, v.85 :232-35 ; June, 1911.) 65- The Rait locomotive stoker. (American engineer and railroad Journal, v.85 : 258-59 J Jul.1911.) American railway master mechanics' association, Report of Committee on mechanical stokers. (.IS JiS. Proceedings, v. 44:63-57; 1911. ) Abstract in: Railway age gazette , v. 50:1372-76 ; June 15,1911. American engineer and railroad j our nal, v. 85 : 267-68 ; Jul.1911. Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine, v. 51 : 285-87; Sept. 1911. [Stokers 6] . * 67- The Hanna locomotive stoker. (Railway age gazette, v. 51:85-90; Jul.14, 1911. ) 68- The Hanna locomotive stoker. (Bulletin of the International railway congress, v. 25 :928~32 ; Aug. 1911. ) 69- American railway master mechanics' association. Locomotive dictionary. New York, 1912. 901 p. 4 . Stokers, p. 341-49. 70- Railway age gazette [Editorial], [The locomotive stoker an' accomplished fact.] (Railway age gazette ,v. 52 :2-3 ; Jan. 2, 1912.) 71- Street mechanical stoker. (Railway age gazette, v. 52 :24-25 ; Jan. 5, 1912.) 72- The Street locomotive stoker. (Railway and engineering review, v. 52 :174-75 ; Mar. 2,1912,) 73- Automatic stoker for locomotives. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine , v. 52 : 579-81; May, 1912.) 74- American railv/ay master mechanics' association. Report of Committee on mechanical stokers. (In its Proceedings, v. 45:68-74; 1912.) Abstract in: Railway age gazette, v, 52 :1463-67; June 18,1912. Engineering news, v, 67 :1247-49 ; June 27,1912. 75- Kinyon, A. G. [Locomotive firing.] (Richmond railroad club, Proceedings, v. 12 :6-29 ;Dec .9, 1912, ) 76- Railway and engineering review. fjSdi tor ial].. Mechanical stoking of " locomotives. (Railv/ay and engineering review, v. 53:147; Feb .15, 1913. ) 77- The Gee locomotive stoker. (Railvay age gazette , v. 54:486-88 ; Mar .14, 1913. ) 78- The Gee locomotive stoker. (Bulletin of the International railway c ongress, v. 27:516-20; June, 1913. ) ' ~ 79- American railway master mechanics' association. Report of Standing committee on mechanical' stokers. (In its Proceedings, v. 46:68-79; 1913.) Abstract in: Railway age gazette , v. 54:1285-91 ; June 12,1913. 80- Mechanical stokers from operating standpoint. Heav^ trj.ins are being successfully operated on four large roads by locomotives equipped with these machines. . ' (Railvay age gazette , v. 54 :1309-12 ; June 13,1913.) 81- The "Standard" mec Ji-mical stoJcer. (Railv/ay age g-.zetts, v. 54 :1399-1400; June 14,1913.) i . &i" ? o ^ / . .'; r... ... (Railway master mechanic , v. 38 :465 ; Oct*l914*) .-.. . 99- Street, Clement F. The locomotive stoker. (Western railway club, Proceedings., v. 27:33-46 j Oct Abstract in: Railway review, v. 55 :545-48 ; Oct.* 31, 1914* Locomotive firemen and. enginem&n.'s- magazine, v. 58:5-12; Jan.1915. . 100- Street, Clement F* , The locomotive stoker. Schenectady, N.Y. [1914] 18 p. 6. 101- Street, Clement F. Mechanical stokers for locomotives. Essential features to be con- sidered in designing machines for this v/ork; increase in tonnage obtainable. (Railway age gazette, v. 57 :739-41 ; Oct .23, 1914 . ) 102- Robertson, D. B. The rise and fall of mechanical stokers., p.p. [19.15?] 56 p. 8. No. 52 of the Empl-eyes 1 exhibits in the Arbitration between the Western railroads and the Brotherhood of locomotive en.ginaers, and Brotherhood of locomotive f iremen and enginemen. 103- Street locomotive stotor. Type C, patents pending.. Sahjene.c.tady, . N.Y. >. [1915] 23 p. 8. (Locomotive stoker company, catalogue no. 13.) *k , 104- Street, Clement F.,.and Averill, E. A. What the stoker has done for the locomotive.. Data as t.o increase in capacity and effect on coal consumption; stoker should do 100 percent of fixing. . . (Railway age gazette, v. 58 : 59-61 ; Jan. 8, 1915.) V 105- Street, Clement F. What the stoker, has d o.ne for the locorrot.i ve . (Railway re view, v. 56 :S9 ; Jan. 9, 1915.) 106- Mechanical stoke.rs on American locomotives. (Engineer [London] , v. 119 .: 116-17 ; Jan. 29, 1P15 , ) Describes the Street stoker. 107- The Hanna locomotive stoker. (Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magaz ine, v. 58 :263-64 ; Mar, 1915.) Mechanical stokers for IOC-OTTO t ives_ (Railway gazette [London] , v. 22 :481-82 ; Hay 7,1915.) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY