THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS .a *- o o O O eu fe o H J H r < CQ The Battle of Point Pleasant A Battle of the Revolution October I0th, 1774 Biographical Sketches of the Men Who Participated By Mrs. Livia Nye Simpson-Poffenbarger The State Gazette, Publisher Point Pleasant, West Virginia 1909 Dedication This little volume is dedicated to the memory of the brave > colonists who, successful at the battle of Point Pleasant, bad fought the opening- battle of the Revolution, in preserving- the right arm of Virginia for the struggle with the Mother Country; thus making- possible the blessings of liberty we now enjoy as a Nation. MRS. LIVIA NYE SIMPSON-POFFENBARGER. E 83/77 Copyright, 1909, By Mrs. Livia Nye Simpson-Poffenbarger. 1023986 Battle of Point Pleasant. Andrew Lewis, who command- ed the colonial troops in the Bat- tle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774, was the son of John Lewis and Margaret Lynn Lew- is, his wife. John Lewis was of Scotch Irish descent, having been born in France, 1673, where his ances- tors had taken refuge from the persecution following the assas- sination of Henry IV. He mar- ried Margaret Lynn, the daugh- ter of the "Laird of Loch Lynn, " of Scotland, and emigrated to Ireland, thence to America in 1729, and became the founder of Staunton, Virginia. Here, he planted a colony and reared a family that have given luster to American History. Governor Gooch, of Williams- burg, then the seat of Govern- ment of Virginia, was the per- sonal friend of Mrs. Lewis' fath- er and hence granted her sons, together with one Benjamin Bur- den a land warrant for 500,000 acres of land in the James and Shenandoah Valleys, with the proviso that they were to locate one hundred families within ten years. They induced their friends from Scotland and the north of Ireland, and the Scotch Irish of Pennsylvania, to emi- grate to Augusta County, Vir- ginia. In her diary, Mrs. Lewis says: "It sounded like the gath- ering of the clans to hear the names of these settlers viz: Mc- Kees, McCues, McCampbells, McClungs, McKouns, Caruthers, Stuarts, Wallaces, Lyles, Pax- tons, Prestons andGrisbys." We quote the following from the Ohio Archaeological and His- torical Quarterly, July, 1903, pp. 288, 289, 290 : "When John Randolph said that Pennsylvania had produced but two great men Benjamin Franklin, of Massachusetts, and Albert Gallatin, of Switzerland- he possibly did not know that the best blood of his own State was that of the Scotch-Irish people who went down from Pennsylva- nia and settled in the Valley. He likely did not know that the great and good Dr. Archibald Alexander, the founder of Lib- erty Hall, now Washington and Lee University (so much loved by Washington,) the very seat of culture and power of the Shen- andoah and James, the greatest factor of the State's prowess, was a Pennsylvanian. He possi bly did not know that Dr. Gra- ham, the first president ot this institution, was from Old Pax- tang; that many of the families whose names are in the pantheon of old Dominion achievement, the families that give Virginia her prominence ,in the sisterhood of States, had their American ori- gin in Pennsylvania in the Scotch-Irish reservoir of the Cumberland Valley the Mc- Dowells, the Pattersons, the McCormacks, Ewings, McCor- cles, Prestons, McCunqs, Craigs, McCulloughs, Simpsons, Stew- arts, Moffats, Irwins, Hunters, Blairs, Elders, Grahams, Fin- leys, Trimbles, Rankins, and hundreds of others, whose achievements mark the pathway of the world's progress. John Randolph possibly did not know that the first Declaration of In- dependence by the American patriots was issued by the mem- bers of Hanover Church out there in Dauphin county, when on June 4th, 1774, they declared "that in the event Great Britain attempting to force unjust laws upon us by the strength of Arms, our cause we leave to heaven and our rifles." This declaration was certainly carried to Meck- lenburg 1 to give the sturdy peo- ple of that region inspiration for the strong document issued by them a year later, and which gave Jefferson a basis for the Declaration of 1776. There was much moving from Pennsylva- nia into Virginia and North Car- olina before the Revolution, and Hanover Presbytery in the Val- ley was largely made up of peo- ple from Pennsylvania, whose petition of ten thousand names for a free church in a free land, made in 1785, was the force back of Jefferson's bill for religious tolerance, a triumph for freedom that has always been considered a Presbyterian victory by the Scotch-Irish of America. We know that Dr. Sankey of Hanover Church was a minister in Hanover Presbytery, and that be was followed into Virginia by large numbers of- the Hanover congregation, who kept up a con- stant stream into the Valley. By the way, two settlements were made by this congregation in Ohio. Col. Rogers, Gov. Bush- nel's secretary, derives his de- scent from them. The popula- tion of North Carolina at the out- break of the Revolution was largely made up of Scotch-Irish immigrants from Pennsylvania and the Virginia Valley who had a public school system before the war. These were the people who stood with the Rev. David Caldwell on the banks of the Al- amance May 16th, 1771, and re- ceived the first volley of shot fired in the contest for Independ- ence. This same blood coursed the veins of the patriot army with Lewis at Point Pleasant, the first battle of the Revolutionary War, fought October 10, 1774, Lord Dunmore having no doubt planned the attack by the Indians to discourage the Americans from further agitation of the then pending demand for fair treat- ment of the American Colonies at the hands of Great Britian. It was this blood that coursed the veins of those courageous people who, having survived the Kerr's creek massacre, were carried to a Shawnee village in Ohio, and on being bantered to sing by the Indians in their cruel sport, sang Rouse's version of one of the Psalms. "Unappalled by the bloody scene," says the Augusta historian, "through which they had already passed, and the fearful tortures awaiting them, within the dark wilderness of forest, when all hope of rescue seemed forbidden; undaunted by the fiendish revelings of their savage captors, they sang aloud with the most pious ferver "On Babel's stream we sat and wept wbeii /ion we thought on, In midst thereof we hanged our harps the willow trees among. For then a song required they who did us captive bring, Our spoilers called for mirth and said, a song of /ion sing." It was this blood that fought the battle of King's Mountain, which victory gave the patriots the courage that is always in hope; it was the winning force at Cowpens, at Guilford, where Rev. Samuel Houston discharged his rifle fourteen times, once for each ten minutes of the battle. These brave hearts were in every battle of the Revolution, from Point Pleasant in 1774 to the vic- tory of Wayne at the Maumee Rapids twenty years later, for the War of Independence con- tinued in the Ohio Country after the treaty of peace. And yet, after all this awful struggle to gain and hold for America the very heart of the Republic, one of the gentlemen referred to by Mr. Randolph wrote pamphlets in which he derided as murder- ers the courageous settlers of our blood on the occasions they felt it necessary to "remove" In- dians with their long rifles. Af- ter all the struggle, he too would have made an arrangement with England by which the Ohio river would have been the boundary line." These were the people who in coming" to America had not only secured for themselves that per- sonal religious freedom of a church without a Bishop and ul- timately a state without a King, but they became recruits in the Army of Andrew Lewis, the hero of the Battle of Point Pleasant, and like many of their country- men, continued in the army, (those who had not met the fate of battle,) and became the flower of Virginia's Colonial Army. The Status of the Battle of Point Pleasant. While the Battle of Point Pleas- ant has always been conceded to have been the most terrific con- flict ever waged between the white man and the Indian, its full significance has not been made the text of American history. We quote however, from a few of the American writers, show- ing their estimate of it. Roosevelt, in "The Winning- of the West," Vol. II, chap. 2, says: "Lord Dunmore's War, waged by Americans for the good of America, was the opening- act in the drama whereof the closing- scene was played at Yorktown. It made possible the two fold character of the Revolutionary War, wherein on the one hand the Americans won by conquest and colonization, new lands for their children, and on the other wrought out their national inde- pendence of the British King." Kercheval's History of the Valley, p. 120, says: "Be it re- membered, then, that this Indian war was but a portico to our rev- olutionary war, the fuel for which was then preparing, and which burst into a flame, the ensuing- year. Neither let us forget that the Earle of Dunmore was at this time governor of Virginia; and that he was acquainted with the views and designs of the British Cabinet, can scarcely be doubted. What then, suppose ye, would be the conduct of a man possessing his means, filling a high, official station, attached to the British government, and master of con- sumate diplomatic skill." Dr. John P. Hale, in writing of the Battle of Point Pleasant, says, in the History of the Great Kanawha Valley, Vol. I, pp. 114, 115, "Early in the spring of 1774, it was evident that the Indians were combining for aggressive action. * * * It was decided that an army of two divisions should be organized as speedily as practicable one to be com- manded by Gen. Lewis, and the other by Lord Dunmore, in per- son. * * * Gen. Lewis'army rendezvoused at Camp Union (LewisburgJ about September 1st, and was to March from there to the mouth of Kanawha; while Gov. Dunmore was to go the northwest route, over the Brad- dock trail, by way of Fort Pitt, and thence down the Ohio river and form a junction with Gen. Lewis at the mouth of Kanawha. The aggregate strength of this southern divi- sion of the army was about elev- en hundred; the strength of the northern division, under Lord Dunmore, was about fifteen hun- dred. On the llth of September Gen. Lewis broke camp, and, with Captain Matthew Arbuckle, an intelligent and experienced frontiersman, as pilot, marched through a pathless wilderness. They reached Point Pleasant on the 30th day of September, after a fatigueing march of nineteen days. Gen. Lewis for several days anxiously awaited the arri- val ot Lord Dunmore, who, by appointment, was to have joined him here on the 2nd of October. Having no intelligence from him, Lewis dispatched messengers up the Ohio river to meet him, or learn what had become of him. Before his messengers return- ed, however three messengers (probably McCulloch, Kenton and Girty) arrived at his camp on Sunday, the 9th of October, witn orders from Lord Dunmore to cross the river and meet him before the Indian towns in Ohio. This is, substantially, the cur- rent version of matters: but au- thorities differ. Some say the messenger ar- rived on the night of the 10th, after the battle was fought; others say they did not arrive until the llth, the day after the battle, and Col. Andrew Lewis, son of Gen. Andrew Lewis, says his father received no communi- cation whatever from Lord Dun- more after he (Lewis) left camp Union, until after the battle bad been fought, and Lewis of his own motion, had gone on into Ohio, expecting to join Dunmore and punish the Indians, when he received an order to stop and re- turn to the Point. This order (by messenger) Lewis disre- garded, when Lord Dunmore came in~person, and after a con- ference and assurances from Dunmore that he was about negotiating a 'peace, Lewis re- luctantly retraced his steps. In the very excited state of feeling then existing between the col- onies and the mother country, It was but natural that the sympa- thies of Lord Dunmore, a titled English nobleman, and holding his commission as governor of Virginia at the pleasure of the crown, should be with his own country; but it was not only strongly suspected, but general- ly charged, that, while he was yet acting as governor of Vir- ginia, and before he had declar- ed himself against the colonies. 6 be was unfairly using 1 his posi- tion and influence to the pre- judice of his subjects. * According- to the account of Col. Stewart, when the interview was over between Gen. Lewis and the messengers of Lord Dun- more, on the 9th, Lewis gave or- ders to break camp at an early hour next morning, cross the river, and take up their march towards the Indian towns; but the fates had decreed otherwise. At the hour for starting-, they found themselves confronted by an army of Indian braves, eight hundred to one thousand strong, in their war paint, and com- manded by their able and trust- ed leaders, Cornstalk, Logan, Red Hawk, Blue Jacket and Elinipsico, and some authors mention two or three others. Instead of a hard day's march- ing, Lewis army had a harder day's fighting the important, desperately contested, finally victorious, and ever-memorable battle of Point Pleasant. No "official report" of this battle has been preserved, or was ever written, so far as can be learned. There are several good reasons, apparently, for this omission. In the first place, the time, place and circumstances were not fa- vorable for preparing a formal official report. In the second place, Lord Dunmore, the sup- erior officer, to whom Gen. Lewis should, ordinarily, have reported, was himself in the field, but a few miles distant, and Gen. Lewis was expecting that the two divisions of the army would be united within a few days; and, in the third place, the "strained relations" between the colonies and the mother country were such, and the re- cent action of Gov. Dunmore so ambiguous, that Gen. Lewis was probably not inclined to report to him at all.'' The same author, in the same volume, at pages 122, 128, 129, 130, 131 and 132, says: "Col. Stewart, one of the first to write about the battle, after Arbuckle's short account, was himself pres- ent, was well known to Gen. Lewis (and a relative by mar- riage), says Gen. Lewis received a message from Gov. Dunmore, on the 9th, telling him to cross the Ohio and join him. Burk, and others, say the messengers came after the battle, and men- tion Simon Kenton and Simon Girty among the messengers. Col. Andrew Lewis says his father received no communica- tion of any sort from Gov. Dun- more, until ordered to return from Ohio. * * * * It has been stated that there were not only suspicions, but grave charges, that Governor Dunmore acted a double part, and that he was untrue and treacherous to the interests of the colon}' he governed. As he is inseparably connected with the campaign (often called the Dimmore War), and its accompanying history, and the inauguration of the Rev- olution, it may be well to briefly aliude x to his official course just before, during and after the campaign that his true relations to it, and to the colony, may be understood; and, also, to show- that the "Revolution" was really in progress; that this campaign was one of the important early moves on the historical chess- board, and that the battle of Point Pleasant was, as generally claimed, the initiatory battle of the great drama. In the sum- mer of 1773. Governor Uunmore made, ostensibly, a pleasure trip to Fort Pitt; here he establish- ed close relations with Dr. Con- nally, making him Indian agent, land agent, etc. Connally was an able active and efficient man, who thereafter adhered to Dun- more and the English cause. It is charged that Connally at once began fomenting trouble and ill- feeling between the colonies of Virginia and Pennsylvania in re- gard to the western frontier of Pennsylvania, then claimed by both colonies, but held by Vir- ginia, hoping by such course to prevent the friendly co-operation of these colonies against Eng- lish designs; and, also to incite the Indian tribes to resistance of western white encroachments upon their hunting grounds, and prepare the way forgetting their co-operation with England againt the colonies, when the rupture should come. In De- cember, 1773, the famous "cold- water tea" was made in Boston harbor. In retaliation the Eng- lish government blockaded the port of boston, and moved the capital of the colony to Salem. When this news came, in 1774, the Virginia assembly, being in session, passed resolutions of sympathy with Massachusetts, and strong disapproval of the course of England; whereupon Governor Dunmore peremptori- ly dissolved the assembly. They met privately, opened cor- respondence with the other col- onies, and proposed co-operation and a colonial congress. On the 4th of September, 1774, met, in Philadelphia, the first continen- tal congress Peyton Randolph, of Virginia, president; George Washington, R. H. Lee, Richard Bland, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Harrison and Edmund Pendle- ton members from Virginia. They passed strong resolutions; among others; to resist taxation and other obnoxious measures; to raise minute men to forcibly resist coercion; and, finally resol- ved to cease all official inter- course with the English govern- ment. In the meantime, Dr. Connally had been carrying out 8 the programme of the northwest. He had taken possession of the fort at Fort Pitt, and renamed it Fort Dunmore; was claiming- lands under patents from Gov- ernor Dunmore, and making set- tlements on them; had been him- self arrested and imprisoned for a time by Pennsylvania; had the Indian tribes highly excited, united in a strong confederacy and threatened war; then came the massacre of Indians above Wheeling, at Capitina and at Yel- low creek, said to have grown out of Connally's orders. While the continental congress was passing the resolutions above mentioned, and which created a breach between the colonies and the mother country past healing, Governor Dunmore and General Lewis were organizing and marching their armies to the west. Instead of uniting the forces into one army, and march- ing 1 straight to the Indian towns and conquering or dictating a lasting peace, Lord Dunmore took the larger portion of the army by a long detour by Fort Pitt, and thence down the Ohio, picking up on the way Dr. Con- nally and Simon Girty, whom he made useful. At Fort Pitt, it is said, he had held a conference with some of the Indian chiefs, and came to some understanding- with them, the particulars of which are not known. Instead of uniting with Lewis at the mouth of Kanawha, as had been arranged, but which was proba- bly not intended, he struck off from the Ohio river at the mouth of Hockhocking and marched for the Indian towns on the Picka- way plains, without the support of Lewis army, delaying long enough for the Indians to have annihilated Lewis division if events had turned out as Corn- stalked had planned. He (Corn- stalk) said it was first their in- tention to attack the "Long Knives" and destroy them, as they crossed the river, and this olan would have been carried out, or attempted, but for the long delay of Lewis 1 awaiting the arrival of Lord Dunmore. They afterwards, upon consulta- tions, changed their plans, and determined to let Lewis cross the river and then ambush him somewhere near their own homes, and farther from his (Lewis') base; but the Indians had no organized commissar) 7 or transportation a r r a n g e m ents, and could only transport such amount of food as each brave could carry for his own susten- ance; this was necessarily, a lim- ited amount, and Lewis' delay in crossing had run their rations so short that they were obliged to cross, themselves, and force a fight, or break camp and go to hunting food. They crossed in the night, about three miles above the Point, on rafts previ- 9 ously constructed, and expected to take Lewis' army by surprise; and it will be seen bow near they came to accomplishing- it. It was prevented by the accident of the early hunters, who were out before daylight, in violation of orders. Dr. Campbell says there was considerable dissatisfaction in Lewis camp, for some days before the battle growing out of the manner of serving the rations, and especially the beef rations; the men claimed that the good and bad beef were not dealt out impartially. On the *Jth, Gen. Lewis ordered that the poorest beeves be killed first, and distributed to all alike. The beef was so poor that the rnen were unwilling to eat it, and, a1- though'it was positively against orders to leave camp without permission, about one hundred men started out before day, next morning (the 10th), in different directions, to hunt and provide thefr own meat. Many of these did not get back, nor know of the battle until night, when it was all over. This was a serious re- duction of the army at such a time. Col. Andrew Lewis (son of General Andrew, ) in his account of the Point Pleasant campaign, says: ' 'It is known that Blue Jack- et, a Shawnee Chief, visited Lord Dunmore's camp, on the 9tb, the day before the battle, and went straight from there to the Point, and some of them went to con- fer with Lord Dunmore immedi- ately alter the battle.' It is also said that Lord Dunmore, in con- versation with Dr. Connally, and others, on the 10th, the day of the battle, remarked that "Lewis is probably having 1 hot work about this time." When Lewis had crossed the river, after the battle, and was marching- to join Dunmore, a messenger was dispatched to him twice in one day, ordering him to stop and retrace his steps the messenger ic each instance, being the afterward notorious Simon Girty. Gen. Lewis bad, very naturally, be- come much incensed at the con- duct of Lord Dunmore, and topk the high-handed responsibility advised and sanctioned by his officers and men of disobeying the order of his superior in com- mand, and boldly marching on towards his camp. When with- in about two and one-half miles of Lord Dunmore's headquarters, which he called Camp Charlotte, after Queen Charlotte, wife of his majesty, George III., he came out to meet Lewis in per- son, bringing with him Corn- stalk, White Eyes (another noted Shawanee chief), and others, and insisted on Lewis's return- ing as he (Dunmore) was nego- tiating a treaty of peace with the Indians- He sought an in- 10 troduction to Lewis' officers, and paid them some flattering com- pliments, etc. Evidently it did not comport with Lord Dun more's plans to have Gen. Lewis present at the treaty, to help the negotiation by suggestions, or to have the moral support of his army to sustain them. So much did Lewis' army feel the disap- pointment and this indignity, that Col. Andrew, his son, says that it was with difficulty Gen. Lewis could restrain his men (not under very rigid discipline, at best) from killing Lord Dun- more and his Indian escort. But the result of the personal conference was that Gen, Lewi?, at last with the utmost reluctance of himself and army, consented to return, and to disband his army upon his arrival at Camp Union, as ordered. Suppose Lewis had attempted to cross the river, and been de- stroyed, or had crossed and been ambushed and demolished in the forest thickets of Ohio, or that Cornstalk had succeeded, as he came so near doing, in surprising him in his own camp, on the morn- ing of the 10th, or after that; sup pose the Indians bad succeeded in turning the so evenly balanced scale in their favor, during the fight, as they came so near doing, and had annihilated Lewis' army, as they might have done, having them penned up in the angle of two rivers, who can doubt in view of all the facts above noted, that Lord Dunmore would have been responsible for the disaster? Who can doubt, as it was, that he was responsible for the un- necessary sacrifice of life, at the Point, on the loth? Who can doubt that, with the two divisions of the army united, as per agree ment, and Lord Dunmore and Lewis acting in unison and good faith, they could have marched to the Indian towns, and utterly destroyed them, or dictated a favorable and lasting peace, atvl maintained it as long as they pleased, by holding importer) I hostages? But, clearly, the pol- icy of the governor was dictated by ulterior and sinister motives; his actions were not single-mind- ed. Col. Andrew Lewis says: "It was evidently the intention -of the old Scotch villain to cut off Gen. Lewis' army.' Burk the historian, says: "The division under Lewis was devoted to de- struction, for the purpose of breaking the spirit of the Virgin- ians." Withers, Doddridge, and others, express the same views. Gen. Lewis and his army were convinced of the fact; Col. Stew- art bad no doubt of it, and nearly every one who has written on the subject has taken the same view of it. A few only are willing to give him the benefit of a doubt. If this design to destroy Lewis' army had succeeded, it is almost certain that the English, through 11 Lord Dunmore, would have per- fected an alliance, offensive and defensive, with the victorious In- dians, against the colonies, and every white settlement west of the Alleghenies would proba- bly have been cut off. It would have been difficult or impossible, for a time, to raise another army for the de- fense of the western border; the tory element would have been encouraged and strengthened, the revolutionary element cor- respondingly discouraged, the rebellion! ? ) crushed, and Lord Dunmore would have been the hero of the age. Upon what slen- der and uncertain tenures bang the destinies of nations, and the fate of individuals! The closely- won success of Lewis was not only an immediate victory over the Indians, but a defeat of the machinations of the double deal- ing governor, and the projected Anglo-Indian alliance. If this view of it is established the claim of the battle of Point Pleasant as being the initiatory battle of the revolution; and, although small in itself, when its after re- sults and influences are consid- ered it stands out in bold relief as one of the important and de- cisive victories of history. A few words more and we shall be done with Lord Dunmore. Up- on his return to Williamsburg, the Assembly, upon his own ex- parte statement of the results of the campaign, passed a vole of thanks for his "valuable ser- vices,' etc., which, it is said, they very much regretted when they learned more of the facts. Just after the battle of Lexing- ton (April 19, 1775), he had all the powder that was stored in the colonial magizine at Williams- burg secretly conveyed on board an armed English vessel lying off Yorktown, and threatened to lay Williamsburg in ashes at the ii rst sign of i n s u r r e c t i o n. Patrick Henry raised a volun- teer force to go down and com- pel him (Dunmore) to restore the powder; but as this was im- practicable, he agreed to pay, and did pay for it, and then is- sued a proclamation declaring "One Patrick Henry and his followers rebels.' He had pre- viously threatened Thomas Jef- ferson with prosecution for trea- son, and had commenced pro- ceedings. About this time, hav- ing previously sent his family on an English naval vessel, he made bis own escape, by night, to the English fleet and commenced a system of depredations along the coast, burning houses, destroy- ing crops, etc. He tried to bring his scheme of Indian co-opera- tion to bear, and sent a message to his old friend, Connally, with a commission as Colonel, and in- structed him to secure the co- operation of as many of the west- ern militia commanders as possi- 12 ble, by large rewards; to form an alliance with the Indians, collect his forces at Fort Pitt, and march through Virginia and meet him. Fortunately, Col. Connally was captured and im- prisoned, and the scheme ex- posed and thwarted He (Dun- more) issued a proclamation granting freedom, to all the slaves who would flock to his standard, and protection to the Tories. Among other acts of violence, he burned Norfolk, the then largest and most important town in Virginia. Upon his flight, the Assembly met and declared his office vacant, and proceeded to fill it; and, for the first time, Virginia had entire "home rule/ Upon the petition of citizens of Dunmore county, which had been named in his honor, the name was abolished, and the county called Shenan- doah. In 1776, Lord Dunmore and his fleet and hangers-on were at Guynne's Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, where, as an interesting example of poetic or retributive justice, Gen. Lewis in command of the Virginia troops, attacked, defeated, and drove them off, with heavy loss, Gen. Lewis himself, firing the first gun, soon after which the ex-Governor, a sadder and wiser man ''left the country for the country's good." It will thus be seen that Dun- more, the Tory Governor of Vir- ginia, knew that the war of the Revolution was inevitable. John Adams dates the opening of the Revolution in 1760. The people had tired of taxation without rep- resentation. In 1764 we find an organized opposition to oppres- sive taxation in Boston. In 1765, was passed the Stamp Act and in that year was organized the Sons of Liberty. In 1766 the Royal Artillery was in Boston. In 1767, a duty was imposed on tea. In 1768 British troops were sent to Boston. In 1768 in Virginia was passed the non-importation agreement, followed in 1770 by the Boston Massacre. In the Parliament of England, the discussion of the taxation of the colonies did not tend to allay their determination to thwart all oppression and when George III determined at all odds to im- pose taxation the matter was set- tled in the heart of every loyal American, whether the vow was expressed or implied. It is well authenticated that, to occupy the attention of the colonial forces that they might not have so much (time in which to brood over the oppression of the mother coun- try,) it was necessary to incite the Indians toattact the frontiers and so divert the attention of the colonists from their quarrel with the mother country and at the same time impress upon them a feeling of dependence upon Brit- ish arms and means for the safe- 13 ty of their lives and homes. Oae of the quickest to avail himself of this method of resisting the onflow-ing tide of this demand for Liberty was Governor Dunmore. Virginia had been the first in 1764 to pass a Resolution, defy- ing- the British authority as is seen by the following, introduc- ed by Patrick Henry, in the House of Burgesses, and carried : "Resolved, therefore, That the General Assembly of this colony, together with his majesty or substitute, have, in their repre- sentative capacity, the only ex- clusive right and power to lay taxes and impositions upon the inhabitants of this colony; and that every attempt to vest such power in any person or persons whatsoever, other than the Gen- eral Assembly aforesaid, is ille- gal, unconstitutional, and unjust, and has a manifest tendency to destroy British, as well as Amer- ican, Freedom." In this same year 1764, Pat- rick Henry originated the great question which led to the final independence of the United States. When, in January, 1765, the famous stamp act was passed that for a while stunned the whole country, and confounded the people, it was Virginia, led by the matchless Henry, that stood forth to raise the drooping spirits of the colonists, and it is said his election to the house of burgesses was with express ref- erence to his opposition to the stamp act, and the adoption of a series of resolutions in 1765, chief among which was the one above referred to. Upon the death of Mr. Henry, in his private papers, was found the original manuscript, embrac- ing the above Resolution with others, bearing the following narrative, written on the back of it by Mr. Henry, himself: "The within resolutions pass- ed the house of burgesses in May, 1765. They formed the first opposition to the stamp act, and .the scheme of taxing Ameri- ca by the British parliament.' All the colonies, either through fear, or want of opportunity to form an opposition, or from in- fluence of some kind or other, had remained silent. I bad been for the first time elected a bur- gess, a few days before, was young, inexperienced, unac- quainted with the forms of the house, and the members that composed it. Finding the men of weight averse to opposition, and the commencement of the tax at hand, and that no person was likely to step forth, I deter- mined to venture, and alone, unadvised, and unassisted, on a blank leaf of an old law book wrote the within. Upon offer- ing them to the house, violent de- bates ensued. Many threats were uttered, and much abuse 14 cast upon me, by the party for submission. After a long and warm contest, the resolutions passed by a very small majority, perhaps of one or two only. The alarm spread through Amer- ica with astonishing quickness, and the ministerial party were overwhelmed. The great point of resistance to British taxation was universally established in the colonies. This brought on the war, which finally separated the two countries, and gave in- dependence to ours." The Virginia house of bur- gesses continued to pass resolu- tions of defiance until the session of 1768-9, when the house was dissolved by the governor. This house had the merit of originat- ing that powerful engine of re- sistance, corresponding commit- tees between the legislatures of the colonies, a measure so nearly coeval in the two states of Vir- ginia and Massachusetts that it would have been, at that time with their slow methods of com- munication, impossible to have borrowed the idea one from the other; so that they are equally entitled to that honor, although Mrs. Warren, a Massachusetts historian of that time, admits that the measure originated in Virginia. It will thus be seen that when the colonists met in Congress in Philadelphia, September 4,1774, that all over Virginia it was be- lieved, as Patrick Henry had so eloquently asserted, that the war was inevitable, and the people were ready to voice his senti- ment, "Let it come." Consider- ing all these facts, we can well credit Howe, the Virginia histo- rian who says, "While Virginia was employed in animating her sister states to resistance, her governor was employed in the ignoble occupation of fomenting jealousies and feuds between the province, which it should have been his duty to protect from such a calamity, and Pennsylva- nia, by raising difficult questions of boundary, and exciting the in- habitants of the disputed terri- tory to forswear allegience to the latter province; hoping thus, by affording a more immediately exciting question, to draw off the attention of these too important provinces from the encroach- ments of Great Britain. This scheme, as contemptible as it was iniquitous, wholly failed, through the good sense and magnanimity of the Virginia council. Lord North, full of his feeble and futile schemes of cheating the colonies out of their rights, took off the obnoxious duties with the exception of three pence per pound on tea; and, with the ridiculous idea that he might fix the principle upon the colonies by a precedent, which should strip it of all that was odious, offered a draw-back equal 15 to the import duty. This induc- ed the importation of tea into Boston harbor which, being thrown overboard by some of the citizens, called down upon their city all the rigor of the cele- brated Boston port bill. A draft of this bill reached the Virginia legislature while in ses- sion; an animated protest, and a dissolution of the assembly by the governor, of course followed. On the following day the mem- bers convened in the Raleigh tavern and, in an able and man- ly paper, expressed to their con- stituents and their government those sentiments and opinions which they had not been allowed to express in a legislative form. This meeting recommended a a cessation of trade with the East India Company, a Congress of deputies from all the colonies, 'declaring their opinion, that an attack upon one of the colonies was an attack upon all British in A merica, ' and calling a convention of the people of Virginia. The sentiments of the people accorded with those of their late delegates; they elected members who met in convention at Williamsburg, on the 1st of August, 1774. This convention went into a detailed view of their rights and grievances, discussed measures of redress for the latter, and de- clared their determination never to relinquish the former; they appointed deputies to attend a general Congress, and they in- structed them how to proceed. The Congress met in Philadel- phia, on the 4th of September, 1774. While Virginia was engag- ed in her efforts for the gen- eral good, she was not without her peculiar troubles at home. The Indians had been for some time waging a horrid war upon the frontiers, when the indigna- tion of the people at length com- pelled the reluctant govenor to take up arms, and march to sup- press the very savages he was thought to have encouraged and excited to hostility by his intri- gues. Lord Dunmore marched the army in two divisions: the one under General Andrew Lewis he sent to the junction of the Great Kanawha with the Ohio, while he himself marched to a higher point on the latter river, with pretended purpose of de- stroying the Indian towns and joining Lewis at Point Pleasant; but it was believed with the real object of sending the whole In- dian force to annihilate Lewis' detachment, and thereby weaken the power and break down the spirit of Virginia. If such was his object he was signally defeat- ed through the gallantry of the detachment, which met and de- feated the superior numbers of the enemy at Point Pleasant, af- ter an exceeding hard-fought 16 day, and the loss of nearly all its officers. The day after the vic- tory, an express arrived from Unnmore with orders for the detachment to join him at a dis- tance of 80 miles, through an en- emy's country, without any con- ceivable object but the destruc- tion of the corps. As these or- ders were given without a know- lege of the victory, Col. Lewis was proceeding 1 to the destruc- tion of the Shawanee villiages, when he was informed the gov- ernor had made peace. Another evidence of Dun- more's intention to have the ar- my of Andrew Lewis destroyed at Point Pleasant, is found in Kercheval's History of the Val- ley, p. 118, as follows: "It was the generel belief among- the of- ficers of our army, at the time, that the Earl of Dunmore, while at Wheeling, receiyed advice from his g-overnment of the pro- bability of the approaching war between England and the colo- nies, and that afterwards, all his measures, with regard to the Indians, had for their ultimate object an alliance with those fe- rocious warriors for the aid of the mother country in their con- test with us. This supposition accounts for his not forming a junction with the army of Lewis at Point Pleasant. This devia- tion from the original plan of the campaign jeopardized the army of Lewis and well nigh occasion- ed its total destruction. The conduct of the Earl at the treaty, shows a good understanding be- tween him and the Indian chiefs. He did not suffer the army of Lewis to form a junction with his own, but sent them back be- fore the treaty was concluded, thus risking the safety of his own forces, for at the time of the treaty, the Indian warriors were about his camp in force sufficient to have intercepted his retreat and destroyed his whole army." Again, Kercheval says: "We now proceed to examine the question, how far facts and cir- cumstances justify us in suppos- ing the Earl of Dunmore himself was instrumental in producing the Indian war of 1774. It has already been remarked that this Indian war was but the precursor to our revolutionary war of 1775 that Dunmore the then governor of Virginia, was one of the most inveterate and determined enemies to the revo- lution that he was a man of high talents, especially for intri- gue and diplomatic skill that occupying the station of com- mander-in-chief of the large and respectable State of Virginia, he possessed means and power to do much to serve the views of Great Britain. And we have seen, from the preceding pages, how effectually he played his part among the inhabitants of the western country. I was 17 present myself when a Pennsyl- vania magistrate, of the name of Scott, was taken into custody, and brought before Dunmore, at Prestone old Fort; he was severe- ly threatened and dismissed, per- haps on bail, but I do not recol- lect how; another Pennsylvania magistrate was sent to Staunton jail. And I have already shown in the perceding pages, that there was a sufficient prepara- tion of materials for this war in the predisposition and hostile attitude of our affairs with the Indian*; that it was consequently no difficult matter with a Vir- ginia governor to direct the inci- pient state of things to any point most conclusive to the grand end he had in view, namely, in weak- ening our national strength in some of the best and most effi- cient parts. If, then, a war with the Indians might have a tenden- cy to produce this result, it ap- pears perfectly natural and reasonable to suppose that Dun- more would make use of the power and influence to promote it, and although the war of 1774 was brought to a conclusion be- fore the year was out, yet we know that this fire was scarcely extinguished before it burst in- to a flame with tenfold fury, and two or three armies of the whites were sacrificed before we could get the Indians subdued; and this unhappy state of our affairs with the Indians happening dur- ing the severe conflict of our rev- olutionary war, had the very ef- fect, I suppose, Dunmore had in view namely, dividing our forces and enfeebling our aggregate strength; and that the seeds of these subsequent wars with the Indians were sown in 1774 and 1775, appears almost certain. "And the first we shall men- tion is a circular sent by Maj. Connoly, his proxy, early in the spring of the year 1774, warning the inhabitants to be on their guard the Indians were very angry, and manifested so much hostility, that he was apprehen- sive they would strike some where as soon as the season would permit, and enjoining the inhabitants to prepare and re- tire into Forts, &c. It might be useful to collate and compare this letter with one he wrote to Capt, Cresap on the 14th of July following; see hereafter. In this letter he declares there is a war or danger of war, before the war is properly begun; in that to Capt. Cresap, he says, ''the Indians deport themselves peaceably;" when Dunmore and Lewis and Cornstalk we are all out on their march for battle. "This letter produced its nat- ural result. The people fled in- to Forts, and put themselves in- to a posture of defense, and the tocsin of war resounded from Laurel Hill to the banks of the Ohio river. Capt, Cresap who 18 was peaceably at this time em- ployed in building- houses and improving 1 lands, on the Ohio River, received this letter, ac- companied, it is believed, with a confirmatory message from Col. Croghan and Maj. McGee, Indian ag-ents and interperters; and he thereupon immediately broke up his camp, and ascended the River to Wheeling fort, the nearest place of safety from whence it is believed he intended speedily to return home; but during 1 his stay at this place, a report was brought to the Fort that two In- dians were coming down the River. Capt. Cresap, supposing from every circumstances, and the general aspect of affairs, that war was inevitable, and in fact already begun, went up the River with his party; and two of his men, of the name of Cheno- weth and Brothers, killed, these two Indians. Beyond controver- sy this is the only circumstance in the history of this Indian war, in whicn his name can in the re- motest degree be identified with any measure tending to produce this war; and it is certain that the guilt or innocence'of this af- fair will appear from this date. It is notorious, then, that those Indians were killed not only af- ter Capt. Cresap bad received Connoly's letter, and after Butler's men were killed in the canoe, but also alter the affair at Yellow Creek, and after the peo- ple had fled into the Forts." The same author further says, on pages 128-130, inclusive, "The Governor of Virginia, whatever might have been his views as to the ulterior measures, lost no time in preparing to meet this storm. He sent orders im- mediately to Col. Andrew Lewis, of Augusta county, to raise an army of about one thousand men, and to march with all expedition to the mouth of the Great Kan- awha, on the Ohio River, where, or at some other point, he would join him, after he had got to- gether another army, which ne intended to raise in the north- western counties, and command in person. Lewis lost no time, collected the number of men re- quired, and marched without de- lay to the appointed place of ren- dezvous. "But the Earl was not quite so rapid in his movements, which circumstance the eagle eye of old Cornstalk, the gener- al of the Indian army, saw, and was determined to avail himself of, foreseeing that it would be much easier to destroy two sepa- rate columns of an invading army before than after their junc- tion and consolidation. With this view he marched with all ex- pedition to attack Lewis before he was joined by the Earle's ar- my from the north, calculating, confidently no doubt, that if he could destroy Lewis, be would be able to give a good account of the army of the Earl. 19 "The plan of Cornstalk ap- pears to have been those of a con- summate and skillful general, and the prompt and rapid execu- tion of them displayed the en- ergy of a warrior. Ke, there- fore, without loss of time, attack- ed Lewis at his post. The at- tack was sudden, violent, and I believe unexpected. It was nevertheless well fought, very obstinate, and of long- continu- ance; and as both parties fought with rifles, the conflict was dreadful; many were killed on both sides, and the contest was only finished with the approach of night. The Virginians, how- ever, kept the field, . but lost many able officers and men, and among the rest, Col. Charles, Lewis, brother to the command- er in-chief. This battle of Lewis' opened an easy and unmolested passage for Dunmore through the Indian country; but it is proper to re- mark here, however, that when Dunmore arrived with his wing of the army at the mouth of the Hockhocking River, he sent Capt. White-eyes, a Delaware chief, to invite the Indians to a treaty, and he remained stationary at that place until White-eyes re- turned, who reported that the Indians would not treat about peace. I presume, in order of time, this must have been just before Lewis' battle; because it will appear in the sequal of this story, fhat a great revolution took place in the minds of the Indians after the battle. "Dunmore, immediately upon the report of White-eyes that the Indians were not disposed for peace, sent an express to Col. Lewis to move on and meet him near Chillicothe, on the Scioto river, and both wings of the ar- my were put in motion. But as Dunmore approached the Indian town, he was met by flags from the Indians, demanding peace, to which he acceded, halted his army, and runners were sent to invite the Indian chiefs, who cheerfully obeyed the summons, and came to the treaty save only Logan, the great orator, who refused to come. It seems, however, that neither Dunmore nor the Indian chiefs considered his presence of much importance, for they went to work and finish- ed the treaty without him re- ferring, I believe, some unsettled points for future discussion, at a treaty to be held the ensuing summer or fall at Pittsburg. This treaty, the articles of which I never saw, nor do I know that, they were ever recorded, con- cluded Dunmore's war, in Sep- tember or October, 1774. After the treaty was over, old Corn- stalk, the Shawnee chief, accom- panied Dunmore's army until they reached the mouth of the Hockhocking. on the Ohio River; and what was more singular, 20 rather made his hom'e in Capt. Ci*esap's tent, with whom he continued on terms of the most friendly familiarity. I consider this circumstance as positive proof that the Indians them- selves neither considered Capt. Cresap the murderer of Log-an's family, nor the cause of the war. It appears, also, that at this place the Earl of Dunmore received dispatches from England. Dod- ridge sa} 7 s he received these on his march out. But we ought to have mention- ed in its proper place, that after the treaty between Duntnore and the Indians commenced near Chillocothe, Lewis arrived with his army, and encamped two or three miles from Dunmore, which greatly alarmed the In- dians, as they thought he was so much irritated at losing so many men in the late battle that he would not easily be pacified; nor would they be satisfied until Dunmore and old Cornstalk went into Lewis' camp to converse with him. Dr. Doddridge represents this affair in different shades of light from this statement. I can only say I had my information from an officer who was present at the time. But it is time to remind the reader, that, although I have wandered into such a minute de- tail of the various occurrences, facts and circumstances of Dun- more's war; and all of which as a history may be interesting to the present and especially to the ris- ing generation; yet it is proper to remark that I have two lead- ing objects chiefly in view first, to convince the world, that who- ever might be the cause of the Indian war in 1774, it was nut Ca'pt. Cresap; secondly, that from the aspect of our political affairs, at that period, and from the known hostility of Dunmore to the American Revolution, and withal to the subsequent con- duct of Dunmore, and the dread- ful Indian war that commenced soon after the beginning of our war with Great Britain I say, from all these circumstances, we have infinitely stronger reasons to suspect Dunmore than Cresap; and I may say that the dispatches above mentioned that were re- ceived by Dunmore at Hockbock- ing, although after the treaty, were yet calculated to create sus- picion. But if, as we suppose, Dun- more was secretly at the bottom of this Indian war, it is evident that be could not with propriety appear personally in a business of this kind; and we have seen and shall see, how effectually bis sub-governor played his part be- tween the Virginians and Penn- sylvanians; and it now remains for us to examine how far the conduct of this man (Connolly) will bear us out in the supposi- 21 tion that there was also some foul play, some dark intriguing work to embroil the western country in an Indian war." Hon. V. A. Lewis who is the author of the History of the Virginias compiled in Hardesty's Historical and Geographical En cylopedian ot 1883 pays the fol- lowing- tribute to the Battle of Point Pleasant: "To the student of history no truth is more patent than this, that the battle of Point Pleasant, was the first in the series of the Revolution, the flames of which were being kindled by the op- pression of the mother country and the resistance of the same by the feeble but determined colonies. It is a well known fact that the emisaries of Great Bri- tain were then inciting the In- dians to hostilities against the frontier for the purpose of dis- tracting attention, and thus pre- venting the consumation of the Union which was then being formed to resist the tyranny of their armed oppression. It is also well known that Lord Dun- more was an enemy of the colo- nists, by his rigid adherence to the royal cause and his efforts to induce the Indians to co-oper- ate with the English, and thus assist in reducing Virginia to subjection. It has been assert- ed that he intentionally delayed the progress of the left wing of the army that the right might be destroyed at Point Pleasant. Then at the mouth of the Great Kanawha river on the 19th (10th) day of October, 1774, there went whiz/ing through the forrest the first volley of a struggle for lib- erty, which, in the granduer and importance of its results, stands without parallel in the history of the world. On that day the soil upon which Point Pleasant, now stands drank the first blood shed in defense of American lib- erty, and it was there decided that the decaying institutions of the Middle Ages should not pre- vail in America, but that just laws and priceless liberty should be planted forever in the domains of the New World. Historians, becoming engross- ed with the more stirring scenes of the Revolution, have failed to consider the sanguinay battle in its true import and bearing upon the destiny of our country, for- getting, that the Colonial army returned home only to enlist in the patriot army and on almost every battlefield of the Revolu- tion were representatives of that little band who stood face to face with the savage allies of Great Britian at Point Pleasant." And, in conclusion, Kercheval says, at page 139, "I say, from all which it will appear that Dun- more had his views, and those views hostile to the liberties of America, in his proceedings with the Indians in the war of 1774, 22 the circumstances of the times, in connection with his equivocal conduct, leads us almost natur- al!}' to infer that he knew pretty well what he was about, and among- other thing's, he knew that a war with the Indians at this time would materially sub- serve the views and interest of Great Britain, and consequently he perhaps might teel it a duty to promote said war, and if not, why betray such extreme solici- tude to single out some conspicu- ous character, and make him the scape-goat, to bear all the blame of this war, that he and his friend Connolly might es- cape?" Nothing- could more fittingly JS^describe the patriotic senti- ment fell in Virginia than the heroic appeal of Mrs. Wm. Lewis. It is related of her that "When the British force under Tarleton drove the legis- lature from Charlottesville to Staunton, the stillness of the Sabbath eve was broken in the latter town by the beat of the drum, and volunteers were call- ed for to prevent the passage of the British through the moun- tains at Kockfish Gap. The elder sons of Wm. Lewis, who then resided at the old fort, were absent with the northern army. Three sons, however, were at home, whose ag-es were 17, 15 and 13 years. Wm. Lewis was confined to his room by sickness, but his wife, with the firmness of a Roman matron, called them to her, and bade them fly to the defence of their native land. "Go my children.' said she, "I spare not my youngest, my fair- haired boy, the comfort ol my declining- years. I devote you. all to my country. Keep back the foot of the invader from the soil of Augusta, or see my face no more." When this incident was related to Washington, shortly after its occurrence, he enthusiastically exclaimed, "Leave me but a banner to plant upon the mountains of Augusta, and I will rally around me the men who will lift our bleeding- country from the dust, and set her free." Howe's Virginia, its History and Antiquities, p. 183. From Wither's Border War- fare we quote: "The army un- der Gen. Lewis had endured many privations and suffered many hardships. They had en- countered a savage enemy in great force, and purchased a victory with the blood of their friends. When arrived near to the goal of their anxious wishes, and with nothing to prevent the accomplishment of the object of the campaign, they received those orders with evident chag- rin, and did not obey them with- out murmuring. Having, at his own request, been introduced severally to the officers of that division, complimenting them for 23 their gallantry and good conduct in the late engagement, and as- suring them of his high esteem, Lord Dunmore returned to bis Camp; and Gen. Lewis commen- ced his retreat. " "This battle (says Col. Stuart, in his historical memoir) was, in fact, the beginning of the revo- lutionary war, that obtained for our country the liberty and in- dependence enjoyed by the United States and a good pres- age of future success; for it is well known that the Indians were influenced by the British to com- mence the war to terrify and con- found the people, before thev commenced hostilities them- selves the following year at Lex- ington. It was thought by Brit- ish politicians, that to excite an "Indian war would prevent a combination of the colonies for opposing parliamentary meas- ures to tax the Americans. The blood, therefore, spilt upon this memorable battlefield, will long he remembered by the good people of Virginia and the United States with gratitude." Virgil A. Lewis, West Virgin- ia State Historian and Archivest, says, in his History of West Virginia, published in 1889, at page 133, "To the student of history no truth is more patent than this, that the battle of Point Pleasant was the first in the series of the Revolution, the flames of which were then being kindled by the oppression of the mother country, and the resist- ance of the same by the feeble but determined colonies. It is a well known fact that emissaries of Great Britain were then incit- ing the Indians to hostilities against the frontier for the pur- pose of distracting attention and thus preventing the consuma- tion of the union which was then being formed to resist the tyran- ny of their armed oppressors. It is also well known that Lord Dunmore was an enemy to the colonists, by his rigid adherence to the royal cause and his efforts to induce the Indians to co-oper- ate with the English, and thus assist in reducing Virginia to subjection. It has been assert- ed that he intentionally delayed the progress of the left wing of the army that the right might be destroyed at Point Pleasant. Then, at the mouth of the Great Kanawha river, on the 10th day of October, 1774, there went whizzing through the forest the first volley of a struggle for lib- erty which, in the grandeur and importance of its results, stands without a parellel in the history of the world. On that day the soil on which Point Pleasant now stands drank the first blood, shed in defence of American liberty, and it was there decided that the decaying institutions of the Mid- dle Ages should not prevail in America, but that just laws and 24 priceless liberty should be plant- ed forever in the domains of the New World. Historians, becom- ing- engrossed with the more stirring scenes of the Revolution, failed to consider this san- guinar\- battle in its true import and bearing upon the destiny of our country, forg-etting that the colonial army returned home on- ly to enlist in the patriot army, and on almost every battle-field of the Revolution represented that little band vvhu stood tace to face with the savag-e allies of Great Britain at Point Pleasant.' Owing to the importance of the question, we have, at the risk of tiring- the reader, given these many details of evidence that the Battle of Point Pleasant, while not a battle between the English and Colonial forces, nevertheless shed the first blood on American soil for national in- dependence. It can be plain- ly seen that, though at this time these sturdy pioneers were fight- ing to protect their homes and firesides, the very foundation of national government, Great Britain, through her Tory Gov- ernor of Virginia, intended thus to destroy the flower of the Col- onial army of Virginia. It was a stroke which, had it succeeded, would have averted the War of the Revolution many years. The army that Lewis gathered were not the unlettered men of the forest, they were from among the most highly educated men of the colony and it is said that, to this date, in no army of a similar number, has such a large percentage had a knovvl edge of the Greek and Latin lan- guag-es That they were men of education and influence will be seen by following the survi- vors of that battle, not only through the Revolution, where many of them distinguished themselves, but out into the civ- il life of the country, during, and subsequent to, the Revolution. That the battle was the most fruitful, in its results, of any battle ever fought upon Ameri- can soil, is apparent from the history of the country. The great Northwest Territory, ly- ing north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi, had long- been a bone of contention between France and England and France did not relinquish her claim un- til driven to recede as the result of the battle upon the Plains of Abraham before Quebec, where the intrepid Montcalm was de- feated by the invincible Wolffe. The treaty that followed at Paris, in 1763, ceded all this terri- tory to England, whose failure to open it to the colonists was a subject of discussion and dis- trust and rightfully so, as En- gland maintained it to the ex elusion of the colonists, not only that she might, with it, subsidize the savage Indians, but when 25 necessary, secure their services in maintaining cOntrol of the col- onies. By the treaty that followed the battle of Point Pleasant, that of Camp Charlotte, the federation of the five great nations in control of that territory ceded it to Vir- ginia, to hold inviolate, and which treaty lasted without interrup- tion for three years, enabling the colonists not only to enter the Northwest Territor, but to colonize Kentucky and Tennessee. In Dunmore's ar- my was the intrepid George Rod- gers Clarke, a Virginian, the Hanibal of the West, who was present at the treaty of Camp Charlotte. The history of the colonization and civilization of this territory is the history of Geo. Kcdgers Clarke, too well known here for extended com- ment. Suffice it to say that, in the struggle led by Clarke to drive the British from the North- west Territory, it was not the colonies, but Virginia, protect- ing her own territory, acquired by the battle of Point Pleasant, that furnished the army for Clark's expedition, Governor, Patrick Henry supplying Clarke from Virginia's funds, the sum of twelve hundred pounds, and supplies of boots and ammun- tion from Pittsburg, then in Virginia. Could any army have displayed more heroism, an army of one hundred and fifty, starting out to conquer such a wilderness, with no con- veyance for their munitions of war, save their own robust and hardy bodies? The" subjugation of this coun- try was not only comparatively broad in its results, but was due alone to Virginia. Of course, such a vast territory opened up, as it thus was, to civilization and habitation, necessarily called for representation in the Congress of the infant nation, and justly so. Virginia would soon, by her great population, control the leg- islation of the nation. Such, how- ever, was not the purpose of Vir- ginia. That ever generous mother state here had opportun- ity to be the most mag- nanimous of them all. She would not, if she could, dominate the policy of the country, and, without a dollar, she donated, ac- tually gave away to the colonies in fee simple the entire North- west Territory, to be the terri- tory of the colonists, and to be disposed of as they deemed best When we review the acquisi- tion of the other territory of the United States and compare the $16,000,000, expended by our government, for the Louisiana purchase, the cost of the acqui- sition of upper and lower Cali- fornia, of Alaska, of the Phillip- pines, of the cost of the Mexican acquisition in men and money, and then remember that the settlement of the states of Ken- 26 tucky and Tennessee were made possible, as well as the coloniza- tion of Western Pennsylvania and Western Virginia, together with the acquisition of the Northwest Territory, and the settlement and civilization of the same, and all as a sequel of the Battle of Point Pleasant, considering- the history of the ever memorable struggle and the subsequent de- velopment of the country, it is very apparent not only that the Battle of Point Pleasant was the initial, the first battle of the Revolution, but also farther reaching in its results than any other battle ever fought upon the American continent. As we have said before, no offi- cial report of the battle was ever made, but a letter from Williams- burg, Va., then the seat of gov- ernment, under date of No- vember 10, 1774, was publish- ed in the Belfast News Let- ter, yet preserved. Presum- ably, it was contributed to that paper because many of the Scotch-Irish had emigrated from Belfast, Ulster District, to Penn- sylvania and ultimately to Vir- g-inia and settled in the sections of Virginia from which the army had been for the most part been made up. This made the event peculiarly interesting- to the peo- ple of that portion of Ireland. From that publication we quote the history of the battle: "BELFAST. Yesterday arrived a mail from New York, brought to Falmouth by the Harriot packet boat. Capt. Lee. Williamsburg-, Va., November 10th. The following letter is just re- ceived here from the camp at Point Pleasant, at the mouth of the Great Kenhawa '(as then spelled), dated October 17, 1774: "The following is a true state- ment of a battle fought at this place on the 10th instant: On Monday morning, about half an hour before sunrise, two of Capt. Russell's company discovered a large party of Indians about a mile from the camp, one of which men was shot down by the In- dians; the other made his escape, and brought in the intelligence. In two or three minutes after, two of Capt. Shelby's company came in and confirmed the ac- count. "Col. Andrew Lewis, being informed thereof immediately ordered out Col. Charles Lewis, to take command of one hundred and fifty of the Aug-usta troops, and with him went Capt. Dickin- son, Capt. Harrison, Capt. Wil- son, Capt. John Lewis of Agusta, and Capt. Lockridge, which made the first division. Col. Fleming was also ordered -to take command of one hundred and fifty more of the Botetourt, Bedford and Fincastle troops.: Capt. Thomas Buford, from Bed- ford; Capt Love, of Botetourt; 27 Capt. Shelby and Capt. Russell, of Fincastle, which made the second division. "Col. Charles Lewis' division marched to the right, some dis- tance from the Ohio, and Col. Fleming, with his division on the bank of the Ohio, to the left. "Col. Charles Lewis' division had not marched quite half a mile from the camp when, about sunrise, an attack was made on the front of his division, in a most vigorous manner, by the united tribes of Indians Shaw- nees, Delawares, Mingoes, Ta- was, and of several other nations in number not less than eight hundred, and by many thought to be one thousand. "In this heavy attack, Col. Charles Lewis received a wound which, in a few hours caused his death, and several of his men fell on the spot; in fact, Augusta di- vision was obliged to give wav to the heavy fire of the enemy. In about a second of a minute after the attack on Col. Lewis' division, the enemy engaged the front of Col. Fleming's division, on the Ohio, and in a short time the Colonel received two balls through his left arm, and one through his breast, and, after animating the officers and sol- diers in a most calm manner to the pursuit of victory, retired to the camp. "The loss in the field was sen- sibly felt by the officers in parti- cular; but the Augusta troops, being shortly after reinforced from the camp by Col. Field, with his company, together with Capt. McDowell, Capt. Mathews and Capt. Stewart, from Augus- ta; Capt. Paulin, Capt. Arbuckle and Capt. McClannahan, from Botetourt, the enemy no longer able to maintain their ground, was forced to give way till they were in a line witn the troops, Col. Fleming being left in action on the bank of the Ohio. "In this precipitate retreat Col. Field was killed. During this time, which was till after twelve, the action in a small de- gree abated, but continued, ex- cept at short intervals, sharp enough till after 1 o'clock. Their long retreat gave them a most advantageous spot of ground, from whence it appear- ed to the officers so difficult to dislodge them that it was thought most advisable to stand as the line was then formed, which was about a mile and a quarter in length, and had sustained till then a constant and equal weight of the action, from wing to wing. "It was till about half an hour till sunset they continued firing on us scattering shots, which we returned to their disadvantage. At length, the night coming on, they found a safe retreat. ' 'They had not the satisfaction of carrying off any of our men's scalps, save one or two strag- 28 glers whom they killed before the engagement. Many of their dead they scalped, rather than we should have them, but our troops scalped upwards of twen- ty of their men that were first killed. "It is beyond doubt their loss; in number, far exceeded ours, which is considerable. "The return of the killed 'and wounded in the above battle, same as our last, as follows: Killed Colonels Charles Lewis and John Field, Captains John Murray, R. McClannahan, Samuel Wilson, James Ward, Lieut. Hugh Allen, ensigns Can- tiff and Bracken, and forty-four privates. Total killed, fifty -three. "Wounded Col. William Flem- ing, Captains John Dickinson, Thomas Buford and I. Skidman Lieutenants Goldman, Robinson, Lard and Vance, and seventy- nine privates. Total wounded, eighty-seven; killed and wounded one hundred and forty." And further from the same publication : "AMERICA. Williamsburg, in Virginia, December 1, 1774. We have it from good authori- ty that his excellency, the gover- nor, is on his way to this capital, having concluded a peace with the several tribes of Indians that have been at war with us, and taken hostages of them for their faithful complying with terms of it, the principal of which are that they shall totally abandon the lands on this side of the Ohio river, which, river is to be the boundary between them and the white people, and never more take up the hatchet against the English." "Thus, in a little more than the space of five months, an end is put to a war which portended much trouble and mischief to the inhabitants on the frontier, ow- ing to the zeal and good conduct of the officers and commanders who went out in their country's defense and the bravery and perseverance of all the troops.' Copied from the Belfast News Letter of February 10. 1775." De Hass, in describing the battle, says: "The battle scene was now terribly grand. There stood the combatants terror, rage, disappointment and despair riv eted upon the painted faces of one, while calm resolution and the unbending will to do or die were marked upon the other. Neither party would retreat, neither could advance. The noise of the firing was tremend- ous: no single gun could be dis- tinguished was one common roar. The rifle and the toma- hawk now did their work with dreadful certainty. The confu- sion and perturbation of the camp had now arrived at its greatest height. The confused 29 sounds and wild uproar of the battle added gfreatly to the ter- ror of the scene. The shouting of the whites, the continued roar of firearms, the war-whoops and dismal yelling of the Indians, were discordant and terrific." Col. J. L. Peyton, in his valu- able history of Augusta county, says: "It was, throughout, a terrible scene the ring of rifles and the roar of muskets, the clubbed guns, the flashing knives the fight, hand to hand the scream for mercy, smothered i n the death-groan the crushing through the brush the advance the retreat the pursuit, every man for himself, with his enemy in view the scattering on every side the sounds of battle, dying away into a pistol shot here and there through the wood, and a shriek' the collecting again of the whites, covered with gore and sweat, bearing trophies of the slain, their dripping knives in one hand, and rifle-barrel, bent and smeared with brains and hair, in the other. No lan- guage can adequately describe it." Mr. Stephen T. Mitchell in 1827 in a publication, "The Spirit of the Old Dominion" pub- lished at Richmond Virginia gives the following account of the battle of Point Pleasant. "We landed about a mile on the left-hand shore of Kanawha, and climbing a large hill, we were saluted by a hundred Indians, encamped upon the top. Our captors told their adventures, no doubt, with every aggravation; for, after the most frantic ex- pressions of grief and rage, I was bound to a tree, a large pine tree, which stands to this day upon the brow of the hill, and the fire was kindled around me. I said my prayers; my time was come; my body felt the scorching heat: but, by a miraculous inter- position of Providence, the clouds which had been lowering all day, now burst out in showers, and quenched the flames. The In- dians thought the Great Spirit looked over me, and directed the shower for my safety. My bonds were loosened, and 1 was allowed a little jirk and hommony for my refreshment. The next day T could perceive some great expedition on foot; the Indians were running to and fro in every direction; some grinding paint and some cleaning up their arms; and even the squaws and little boys were providing themselves with hatchets and scalping- knives, and strewing themselves from the Ohio river all along the cliffs of Kanawha." "Late in the evening, I saw an uncommon anxiety on the faces of the savages; councils, grand and petty, were held in various places, and so completely were my guards absorbed in the un- 30 dertaking which was at hand, that they became entirely remiss in their attentions to me. I re- solved to sieize the propitious moment, and make my escape. I sprang on my feet and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. A loud whoop proclaimed the event, and in a moment, I could perceive myself closely pursued by half a dozen athletic young fellows, with uplifted tomahawks. Fear added to my limbs the agility of the deer. With my head turned back over one shoulder, I bounded through the pine-trees until my speed had carried me unawares to the brink of a precipice. I tried to stop; it was too late; I gave a piercing shriek and bounded over. A rushing sound in my ears like the roaring of a mill-dam, then the crashing of branches and limbs recalled me to my recollec- tion, and I found myself to my inexpressible delight, breaking my way through the thick branches of a buck-eye tree. I alighted without injury, and look- ing back upon the cliff above, could see my savage pursuers gaping over the precipice in amazement. I gave not a second look, but darted off towards the point with a heart swelling with praise to the great Creator, who had thus twice rescued me so miraculously from my enemies. Arriving at the mouth of the Kanawha, I shouted aloud for assistance. But, the whites had too often been decoyed by their own people to the savages, to be easily imposed upon. They an- swered me they could give no as- sistance. I could not swim, but my ingenuity, never fer- tile in expedients, befriended me now tor the first time in my life. I rolled down a dry log from the bank into the water, and getting astride of it, I managed by great exertion of hands and feet, to row it across the stream, which at that time, from the great height of the Ohio, was as still as a mill-pond I was received by General Lewis, the command- ant of the fort, with great cor- diality and affection; and, being naked and necessitous, I enrolled myself as a regular in the corps; and, being dressed in militaire, with a tremendous rifle in my hand and a thick breast work before me, I felt as brave as Julius Ceasar." The Battle of Point Pleasant "I was in hopes that I might en- joy, within the walls of a fort, some respite from the fears, toils and anexieties which had, for the last two weeks, worn me out both body and mind. But he who undertakes to settle in a new and savage country, must look out for no such respite, un- til, by hardihood and persever- ance, he has levelled the forest, with its inhabitants, to the earth. On the 10th of October, 1774, 31 about sun-rise, the hunters came in at fall speed, and gave the appalling information that a large body, of Indians had spread them- selves from river to river, and were advancing by slow degrees, towards the fort; at the same instant, we could observe the women and boys skulking up and down the opposite banks of the Ohio and Kanawha. The position of the fort was peculiarly favourable to a sur- prise. As I have above mention- ed, it was situated at a right an- gular point formed by the con- fluence of the Kanawha and Ohio rivers. The country above the fort was covered with a heavy forest and impervious growth of underwood, through which an invading force might penetrate completely undiscovered, to the very walls of the fort. The gar- rison was composed of about twelve hundred men entirely Virginians, from the counties of Botetourt and Augusta. The Indians consisted of about the same number, the flower of the Shawnee, Wyandotte and Min- goe tribes, who were command- ed by the celebrated Chieftain, Cornstalk." "From the large force which he had collected for this expedition, and from the secrecy of his movements, it was evident that the Indian Chief, in this desper- ate attempt to recover the coun- try east of the Ohio river, medi- tated nothing less than an entire extermination of the garrison. General Lewis ordered out about seven hundred of his rangers, under the command of his neph- ew, Colonel Charles Lewis; with the remaining part of his troops, about five hundred in number, he determined to act as a reserve and defend the fort to extremi- ties. " "I happened to be among those who were ordered out, very much against my will; but it was neck or nothing; we advanced about three hundred yards in front of the fort, toward a deep ravine which intersected the val- ley at the right angles with the Kanawha. All was still as death; one moment more and a yell min- gled with the roar of a thousand rifles, rung from river to river, and at the same moment every bush and tree seemed alive with armed savages. Col. Lewis was killed at .the first fire, but the rangers mantained their ground, and a contest commenced more desperate and more rapidly fatal than any which had ever been fought with the Aboriginese, ex- cepting that of Talledaga. The Indian Chief, with that prompt- ness for seizing an advantage, and that peculiar military tact for which he was so much re- nowned, extended his line from the Ohio as far as it would stretch across to the Kanawha bank, for the purpose of out- 32 flanking the opposing- forces. But, in the execution of this ma- noeuvre, he was completely foiled by the superior address and boldness of the whites who, animated with revenge for the loss of their leader and a con- sciousness of their desperate situation, fought with a fury that supplied the inequality of numbers, and set at defiance every stratagem of the savages." "Finding that his method of outflanking would not succeed, the Indian Chief concentrated his forces, and furiously attacked the centre of the Virginia line. The savages, animated by their warlike and noble Chieftan, Cornstalk, forgot the craftiness of their nature, and rushing from their coverts, engaged hand to hand with their stout and hardy adversaries, until the contest resembled more a -cir- cus of gladiators than a field of battle. I became desperate; hide where I would, the muzzle of some rifle was gaping- in mv face, and the wild, distorted countenance of a savage, render- he more frig-htful by paint, was trushing- towards me with uplift- ed tomahawk One fellow in particular, seemed to mark me as his victim; I levelled my rifle at him as he came yelling and leaping towards me, and fired. The ball missed my aim. He rose upon his toes with exulta- tion, and whirling his tomahawk round his head, slung it at me with all his powers. I fell upon my face, and it whizzed harmless over my head and stuck into a sapling. I bounded up and forced it from the tree, but the Indian was on me and rescued the hatchet from my hands. I seized him round the waist, en- closing- both his arms at the same time and tripping up his heels, we rolled together upon the ground. I at last grew furious, gouged him with my thumbs in both eyes, and seizing him with my teeth by the nose, I bit the whole of it from his face; he yelled out with pain and rage, and letting loose the hatch- et to disengage my teeth, I grasped the handle and buried the sharp point into his brains. He gave one convulsive leap which bounced me from his body, and in a moment after ex- pired. I immediately rose, and gaining a secure position behind a tree, remained there till the close of the fight, and made a thousand resolutions, if I sur- vived this engagement, never to be caught in such a scrape again. I kept my word; for, I have never since encountered the savages, and if Heaven forgives me, I never will. There is no fun in it." "But, to return to the history of this ever memorable battle. There was a peninsula extend- ing from a high range of hills, 33 running parallel with the Ohio river, which jutted close to the Kanawha bank, about a half a mile from its mouth. Knowing the importance of securing- the narrow pass which ran between its base and the river, the Indian Chief despatched a picked body of his troops to take possession of it. They entered the dry bed of a small creek which skirted the foot of the hills, and pursued their route unnoticed till they were about to enter the import- ant pass, when a shower of rifle bullets pierced their body and swept down the foremost i*anks. A chosen band of rangers at the same moment made their appear- ance, with whom General Lewis in anticipation had guarded the pass. A yell of surprise and rage burst from the savage line, and they seconded their return- ing fire by an unanimous and desperate charge with the hunt- ing-knife. The contest now as- sumed all the wild and terrific cast which a personal struggle, conducted with the deadly feel- ings of hate and revenge then existing between the whites and Indians, could inspire. The air was filled with the screams of the savages and the deep impre- cations of the riflemen; every blow brought death, and the ground was soon heaped with the corpses of the combatants. But the disappointed efforts of savage desperation were inef- fectual against the unbroken and impenetrable column which was maintained by the whites; and the Indians were driven, with the loss of half their force, back upon the main body. Here, the fight still raged in the ex- tremity of opposition, every inch of ground was contested, from behind every bush and decayed, log the murderous flash arose, and the continued roar of a thousand rifles vibrated through the forest/' "The savage Chieftian discover- ed that the chances against him were desperate, yet, by his own personal example of courage and address, was the fight long- sus- tained, even after his line had been driven, step by step, from their original position. His voice could at intervals be heard, ris- ing above the din of the fight like the shrill blast of a bugle; at one moment, bis dusky form and glittering ornaments could be seen flitting through the trees upon the Ohio bank, and his war- cry in the next would fill the echoes of the hill at the farthest extremity of the line. A cheer- ing ejaculation of triumph would one moment escape him, as an advantage was gained by the de- voted gallantry of some Shawnee warrior; an imprecation upon some skulking Mingoe, in a short time afterwards, would be recognized in his voice. "Charge high and aim low" was his com- mand incessantly throughout the day; and, it is one of the circum- stances remarked of that fatal fight, that most of the bullet- wounds received by the whites proved mortal; but few of the wounded ever recovered. Yet, all the efforts of the old warrior were vain; defeated and discour- aged, the savage army almost abandoned the fight in the latter part of the day, and it was re- duced to a mere straggling fire between individuals of the con- tending parties." "Night closed upon the scene, yet the ground was still occupied by the two armies. Although victorious, the Virginians could neither press their advantage nor retire to rest. An ambus- cade or a night attack was ex- pected from the savages, and their behaviour warranted the latter supposition. For, behind a long line of watch-fires, they could be discovered as if cau- tiously examining the points most open to attack. The wild scream of a savage warrior, ap- parently advancing to the fight, would at intervals break upon the death like stillness of the night, and cause my heart to leap almost out of my mouth. I confidently calculated that every moment was the time for their attack, and fancied divers times could hear them stealing through the bushes upon us. The gleams of the morning sun, however, at length illumined the scene, but not a vestige of the Indian army remained; the living and the dead had alike disappeared, and it was not until then, it was ascer- tained or even suspected, that the savages had secure them- selves from interruption, under pretense of a night attack, had thrown their dead, with weights attached to them, in the river, and retreated across it under cover of darkness." Of the men who participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant, we regret that no complete ros ter has been preserved. How- ever, the men who were in that army were friends and neigh- bors, and many of them related by ties of blood and marriage, so that a review of a few of them will indicate (he character of the men composing the army. It will be seen by a review of the history of the colonies that prior to the Battle of Point Pleasant, not only the Colonists but England knew, as did Pat- rick Henry when he made his famous speech that "The War was inevitable." The British Government seeing the fomenta- tion in the colonies had made re- peated concessions; willing to re- linquish, if necessary, all but the principle of the Right of England to levy taxes upon the Colonists without giving them representa- tion in the British Government. The Colonists were astir with 35 intense excitement. The tea had been thrown over board in Bos- ton Harbor and the Port had been closed by a bill passed by Parli- mentin March of thatyear. Meet- ings had been and were being held protesting- against Royal oppres- sion. That powerful engine of resistance, Committees of Corre- spondence had been formulating their ideas of resistance and the Virginia Assembly convened at Williamsburg in May, had pass- ed an independant resolution set- ting forth that June 1st, 1774, should upon the making effective of the Port Bill be made "a day of fasting and prayer to implore the divine interposition for avert- ing the heavy calamity, which threatens the civil right of America;" whereupon, the Earl of Dtmmore, then Governor of Virginia, at once dissolved the Assembly. The Continental Con- gress had already convened and its every breath was ladened with resistance of British op- pression. Is it to be wondered at and is it- not the most natural thing in the world, that Dun- more would try to devise ways and means to prevent Virginia from participating in the federa- tion of the Colonies; and what more powerful instrument could he" have set in motion to distract their attention from the clouds gathering in the East, than by setting in motion a band of howl- ing Indians on the frontier, making it an absolute necessity that Virginia protect her homes, her women and children and her property rights, and this danger so eminent, could not be delayed. So calling together the flower of the Colonial Army of Virginia, which he promised should be united and together encounter the Indians in their homes, he should cause one branch to alone be attacked, hoping they would thus be destroyed and if only temporarially defeated, they would be so busy protecting the frontier and their homes they would have no time to go into the Colonial Army, confederated as they would be to resist tne Brit- ish Army, already many of whom were camping upon the plains of Boston. But to the surprise of Dunmore the Division of Lewis' Army was victorious and the tide of American interests was changed. Without the Army of Lewis, which was the great mil- itary training school of the Colo- ny, many of whom went on into the Revolution and became many of them, officers of high rank, it would have been impossible for Virginia to have raised her quoto of men and officers to have partici- pated in that struggle for liber- ty; and without Virginia the Colonists would have thought it impossible, as it would have been, to have undertaken that strug- 36 gle for independance. Without the entire support that Vir- ginia gave George Rodgers Clark who was in the Dunmore divis- ion, but who later conquered the North WestTerritory, weakening the otherwise impregnable back- ground that constantly threaten- ed the frontier and in whose territory did not close the strug- gle for American Independance until Waynes treaty twenty years later. We think the opinions of the early writers of history we have quoted, the natural circum- stances surrounding Dunmore at and previous to the Battle, makes it plain that although the battle was between the Colonists and Indians it is beyond doubt the first Battle of the Revolution, and the Goverment of the United States, while it has been tardy, is fully justified in making the declaration that the $10.000 ap- propriated for the erection of a monument is "An act to aid in the erection of a memorial structure at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, to com- memorate the Battle of the Revo- lution, fought at that point be- tween the Colonial troops and Indians, October 10th, seventeen hundred and seventy four." While a shaft 82 feet high will stand as a sentinel upon the site where the dead were buried, form whence the battle was directed and subsequently the fort, built, it is a pigmy as compared with the fact that at last, after a lapse of One Hundred and thirty-four years, the Congress]of the United States has officially called it as it is a battle of the Revolution, and if a battle of the Revolution it must of necessity be the first, as the hallowed Lexington was not fought, until April 19th, 1775, while that of Point Pleasant, was fought October 10th, 1774. The battle in its acquisition of territory ceded by the Indians and previously ceded by France to Virginia but literally in con- trol of the Indians until this time, this followed by the ceding of all the vast territory of the Great North West by Virginia to the infant republic at the close of the Revolution with the cessa- tion of Indian hostilities fol- lowing the battle, permitting the the Colonists to turn their atten- tion to the expulsion of the Eng-- lish army and the overthrow of the British yoke, the moral ef- fect that it had on Virginia, and and thus on the Colonies, made it the farthest reaching in its ef- fect an battle ever fought on the American Continent. The name of every man who participated in that struggle whether he protected the fron- tier nearer home while the band of stalwarts went forth to con- quer the Indians and make se- cure the wilderness, the men of Wm. Christian's Regiment who 37 rendered such valliant service, comingas they did whenthebattle was over, the army exhausted wounded and bleeding and in time to gather up and bury the slain, should all be honored and preserved. Christain's men were only delayed by their effort to bring in supplies to the Army of 54000 pounds of flour on 400 pack horses but 108 additional head of cattle. They expected to join Lewis Army and together march on to encounter the Indians upon the Pickaway Planes; so that as a part of the Army they are entitled to be enrolled with the heroes of that battle, which will be followed by the roster so far as the writer has been able to glean from all avail- able sources, after many years of careful research. GENERAL ANDREW LEWI8 Biographical General Andrew Lewis Gen. Andrew Lewis, the hero of the Battle was not only a gen- tleman of education and refine- ment, but was a past master in the art of military tactics, Leav- ing entered upon his career in 1742 as Captain of Malitia and ten years later as head of Mali- tia of bis county. He was with Washington at Great Meadows and Fort Necessity in 1754, when he was twice wounded. In 1755, he was detailed to build forts hence was not present at Braddock's disaster. In 1756, he led the Big Sandy expedition against the Shawnees. In 1758, when, with Washington and Gen. Forbes, at Fort DuQuesne, he was wounded. He surrendered to a French officer, was imprisoned at Mon- treal, was exchanged and saw active service. In 1762 at his request his company was dis- banded. In 1763 be was ap- pointed to Lieut, for Augusta Co. We next find him a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and a member of a committee to negotiate treaties. It was while thus engaged at the treaty of Fort Stanwix that the Governor of New York said of him, "He looks like a genius of the forest, and, the very ground seems to tremble under him as he walks along." It is from Col. Stewart, his biographer, we learn that "He was upwards of six feet high, of uncommon strength nnd agility, and his form of the most exact symmetry He had a stern countenance 'and was of a reserved and distant deportment, which rendered his presence more awful than engaging." While Mr. Alexander Reed, of Rockbridge County, Virginia, who was with him at Point 40 Pleasant, describes him thus; ''He was a man of reserved man- ners, and great dignity of char- acter somewhat of the order of General Washington." General Washington held him in such es- teem that ne recommended that he be made commander-in-chief of the Continental army. The Battle of Point Pleasant was not only the pivotal point in the life of the nation, but in the life of General Lewis as well. Heretofore he had fought as a British subject. In defying the orders of Lord Dunmore, the Tory Governor, he was not only among the first to defy Briton, but the first to take up arms in defiance of British authority and from this time on we find him enlisted in the cause of the col- onists as against the English Crown. It seems the irony of fate that he should not have lived to witness the surrender at Yorktown. While enroute home he died of a fever at the home of bis friend, Col. Buford, and was taken to his own estate "Rich- field" where his remains were interred Sept. 20, 1731, near the town of Salem, where they re- posed for many years in an un- marked and neglected grave. A few years ago, the Ladies of the Margaret Lynn Lewis Chap- ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of Roanoke, Virginia, had his remains (which were found well preserved) removed to the East Hill Salem Cemetery, where, in 1902, they erected a stately shaft to his memory. One of the six figures of Roger's equestrian statute at Richmond, commemorating famous Virgin- ians, is that of General Andrew Lewis, but the greatest of his monuments is builded in the hearts of a grateful American Republic. Beside his brother Col. Charles Lewis, and John, son of his brother William, Andrew had three sons in the Battle of Point Pleasant. What greater love can a man have for his country than, like Jacob of old, to lay his sons as a sacrifice on his coun- try's altar? Col. Charles Lewis While Andrew Lewis is known as the "Hero of the Battle of Point Pleasant," his brother, Col. Charles Lewis, a brave sol- dier, too, was called "The idol of the army." While Andrew had devoted his life to the cause of his adopted country, he hav- ing been born in Ireland where his parents were then residing, it was reserved for Col. Charles to embody the completeness of American association, he having been born in America, being the youngest child of John Lewis and Margaret Lynn Lewis. Thus he had the distinction not only of dying on American soil, but als o of having been born there; in 1733, in the county of 41 Augusta, State of Virginia, and was thus all his life known of Virginia, loved of Virginia and he sacrificed his life, satisfied that he had given to Virginia her lull measure of devotion. He was mortally wounded while leading a division of the army at the outset of the Battle of Point Pleasant and later was led to his tent where in a few hours he ex-* pired. Col. Andrew Lewis, his nephew who was engaged in the battle, says "He received his wound early in the action but did not let it be known until he* had gotten the line of battle ex- tended from the Ohio to Crooked Creek, after which he asked Captain Murray, his brother in law, to let him lean on his shoul- der and walk with him to his tent, where he expired about 12 o'clock." Captain A r buckle states that he received a wound which in a few hours caused his death. Roosevelt's winning of the West says "The attack fell first and with especial fury, on the division of Charles Lewis who himself was mortally wound- ed at the very outset, be had not taken a tree (the frontier expres- sion for covering oneself behind a tree trunk) but was in an open piece of ground, cheering on his men when he was shot. He stayed with them until the line was formed, and then walked back to camp unassisted, giving his gun to a man who was near him ' Howe says of him. "Charles Lewis was esteemed the most skillful ot all the lead- ers of the border warfare and was as much beloved for his noble and amiable qualities as he was admired for his military talents." On page 182 of Howe's Virginia Its History & Antiquities, we find a sketch from his life; "Charles Lewis, the youngest son of John, is said never to have spent one month at a time out of active and arduous service. Charles was the hero of many a gallant exploit, which is still trea'sured in the memories of the descendants of the bor- der riflemen, and there are few families among the Alleghanies where the name and deeds of Charles Lewis are not familiar as household words. On one oc- casion, Charles was captured by the Indians while on a hunting excursion, and after having trav- eled some two hundred miles, barefoot, his arms pinioned be- hind him, goaded on by the knives of his remorseless cap- tors, he effected his escape. While traveling along the bank of a precipice some twenty feet in height, he suddenly, by a strong muscular exertion, burst the cords which bound him, and plunged down the steep into the bed of a mountain torrent. His persecutors hesitated not to fol- low. In a race of several him- 42 dred yards, Lewis had gained some few yards upon his pur- suers, when, upon leaping a prostrate tree which lay across his course, his strength sudden- ly failed, and he fell prostrate among- the weeds which had grown up in great luxuriance around the body of the tree, Three of the Indians sprang over the tree within a few feet of where their prey lay conceal- cealed; but with a feeling of the most devout thankfulness to a kind and superintending Provi- dence, he saw them one by one* disappear in the dark recesses of the forest. He now bethought himself of rising from his un- easy bed, when lo a new enemy appeared, in the shape of an enormous rattlesnake, who had thrown himself into the deadly coil so near bis face tnat his fangs were within a few inches of his nose; and his enormous rattle, as it waved to and fro, once rested upon his ear. A single contraction of the e>elid a convulsive shudder the relax- ation of a single muscle, and the deadly beast would have sprung upon him. In this situation he lay for several minutes, when the reptile, probably supposing him to be dead, crawled over his body and moved slowly away. "I had eaten nothing,' said Lewis to his companions, after his return, "for many days; I had no fire-arms, and I ran the risk of dying with hunger, ere I could reach the settlement; but rather would I have died, than made a meal of the generous beast'." Kercheval's History of the Valley, describes the attire cf Col. Charles Lewis on that day, at page 114, as follows: " ol Chas. Lewis, who had arrayed himself in a gorgeous scarlet waistcoat, against the advice of his friends, thus rendering him- self a conspicuous mark for the Indians, was mortally wounded early in action; yet was able to walk back after receiving the wound, into his own tent, where he expired. He was met on his way by the commander-in-chief, his brother, Col. Andrew Lewis, who remarked to him," I expect- ed something fatal would befall you," to which the wounded officer calmly replied, "It is the fate of war." The same author says at page 115, "Col. Lewis, a distinguished and meritorious officer, was moi tally wounded by the fi:st fire of the Indians, but walked into the camp and expired in his own tent." Peyton's History of Augusta County says "He abandoned himself too much to his passion for glory and forgot the wide difference between an officer and a private, fie was not inferior to his brother, the General, in courage, intrepidity and military genius; he surpassed him in 43 some respects, he knew how to oblige with a better grace, how to win the hearts of those about him, with a more engaging- be- havior. He consequently ac- quired the esteem and affection of his men, in a most remarka- ble manner. To perpetuate the memory of his public and private virtues, his eminent services in the field and his heroic fate, the General Assembly of Virginia, in 1816, named Lewis County in bis honor." Col. Charles ! ewi's By his kinsmen be was consid- ered the "flower of the flock." Like his brother, he was a man of splendid physique and without disparaging his kindred, he was best loved because of his high degree of morality, spotless in- tegrity and acknowledged brave- ry. His long and active military career had made him a hero in the eyes of bis comrades from the Braddock campaign to the hour of his death, and while had he lived, he doubtless would have added new lustre to his name in the continued struggle of the Revolution; after all, he had but one life to offer up to his country and at this crucial moment no doubt it was needed most. His conduct inspired the army. The sacrifice of bis life armed anew his companies and stimu- lated them to greater feats of daring. Thwaite's Dunmnre War sa^s "Charles Lewis was popular and beloved by all the western army. His loss was a general affliction." Dr. Bale's "Trans-Allegheny says: "Col- onel Charles Lewis was said to be the idol of the army. He had a large, active and honorable military experience from Brad- dock's War down to death. And it is believed that he would have achieved greater honors and dis- tinction in the Revolutionary struggle, if his life had been spared, but his brilliant career was ended in glory on this field." The charge he made at Point Pleasant was in the face of a fearless band of adversaries. When Gen. Andrew Lewis select- ed his brother to take command of the left wing of the army in the first attempt to repulse Corn- stalk and his fearful braves, he selected his brother to bear that peril, not that he loved him less, but that he knew the army need- ed his courageous example. Col. William Preston, in writing of bis death to Patrick Henry, said: "Poor Charles Lewis was shot in clear ground, encourag- ing his men to advance. If the loss of a good man, a sincere friend, a brave officer deserves a tear he certainly is entitled to it." At the close of the conflict, his mortal remains were laid to rest upon the reservation of forty feet square upon the present sight of Tu Endie Wei Park, where the Kanawha and Ohio 44 meet. Here, be is buried beside the other dead of that battle. No stone as yet has ever mark- ed his resting place, save the four granite corner stones erected in 1005 by the Col. Charles Lewis Chapter Daughters of the Aineri can Revolution at Point Pleasant. While no monument has as yet been reared to mark the last rest- ing place of this great man, a tribute due him from his own loved ones, as well as from a grateful nation; it is equally a matter of congratulation that though tardy the goverment has donated a small amount 10.000 which with the $6.000 in the bands of the State Commission has been pledged in the contract let for a monument. But greater than this monument is the recog- nition of the Goverment of the status of the battle as regards the Revolution, standing, as it does, on the heels of Indian depredations on the western frontier and on the threshold of the American Revolution for Am- erican Independence. This hon- or so longdelayed, will at last have written this page of American history correctly when a stately monument shall bear the inscrip- tion: Battle of Point Pleasant October 10, 1774. First Battle of the American Revolution. Col. John Field Col. John Field born in Cul- pepper County in 1720 of good family is buried beside Col. Charles Lewis, his friend and comrade. He received his fatal wound at the Battle of Point Pleasant, while bravely checking the Indians. He rallied his troops who had begun to waver, and, for a time, seemed likely to be repulsed. Col. Field had been with Braddock and had seen frontier service from that date, both as a militia officer and as a surve3*or. In 1765 he served in the Virginia Legislature, in 1766 he was made Colonel of Malitia. His troops at Point Pleasant were a volunteer compa- ny, raised by him in his own county which he united with that of Gen. Lewi. Col. William Flemming Col. William Flemming was renewed not only as a military genius, but as a learned physi- cian and gentleman of culture. While twice severely wounded at the Battle of Point Pleasant, he recovered and was subsequently acting Governor of the State of Virginia. He was a Scotchman of proud lineage. Born Feb. 18, 1729. Prior to Dunmores war he was Lieut, under Gen. Forbes in 1760-61. In 1762 he wasCapt. under Col. Adam Stephens at Vaux's and Stonakers forts. In 1763 he married Anne Christian. His home was at "Belmont" in Montgomery Co. The wounds he received at Point Pleasant 45 disabled him for active perticipa- tion at the war of the Revolution, but be was County Lieutenant, in further defense, in his country against Indians and State Sen- ator 1780-81, acting Governor dur- ing the Cornwallis invasion 1781 Twice commissioner to settle local battles with Kentucky; member Virginia convention rat- ifying the constitution of 1788. He was benevolent and beloved and as a physician and surgeon his ministration to humanity was most extensive. His death Aug. 24th, 1795 was the result of wounds received at the Battle of Point Pleasant. Capt. Evan Shelby Capt. Shelby, who with his two sons, was in the Battle of Point Pleasant, was a ranking officer after the death of Colonels Lewis and Field and the wound- ing of Fleming, until the arrival of Colonel Christian's regiment. It was Evan Shelby who, with his and the companies of Math- ews and Stewart in the ruse, ex- ecuted the flank movement up Crooked Creek, thatled Cornstalk to believe that Lewis had been re- enforced, possibly by Dunmore who had played him false and thus decided the fortunes of the day. Captain Shelby became Colonel Shelby of the Revolution, whose distinguished career ia followed in the history of Ken- tucky and Tennessee. He was born in Wales in 1720, He early emigrated to Maryland. He commanded a company under Forbes in 1758. In 1771 he set- tled on the Holston. In 1776 he was with Christian in the Cher- okee expedition. In 1779 he led a successful expedition upon the Chickamauga towns, having been appointed by Virginia a general of Malitia. He continued in the service throughout the Revolu- tion engaged principally upon the sea board. He rose to the rank of Colonel and before the close of the war to that of General. He died at King's Mountain, Dec., 4th, 1794. ' Isaac Shelby Isaac Shelby who served as a Lieutenant under his father Capt. Evan Shelby at the battle of Point Pleasant, was born at North Mountain, Md., Dec., llth, 1750, where his grand-father set- tled upon his arrival from Wales. He had removed with his father to the present site of Bristol, Tenn., prior to the Dunmore War and was engaged in feeding and herding cattle. He served throughout the Revolutiou dis- tinguishing himself at Camden, King's Mountain and Long Island Flats. Governor Patrick Henry promoted him to a Cap- taincy and commissioned him Commissary general of the Vir- ginia forces. When Sevier in 1779 projected the expedition that captured the British stores, at Chicamauga, Shelby epuipped and supplied the troops by the 46 pledge of his individual credit. Governor Tbos. Jefferson com missioned him a Major of Vir- ginia, but a survey proved him Jo be a resident of North Caroli- na, when he was appointed a Colonel by Gov. Caswell. He distinguished himself at Thick- etty Fork, Cedar Springs and Musgraves Mills. Retreating across the Alleghenies after the disasterous defeat at Camden, he with John Sevier planned the remarkable campaign which re- sulted in the battle of King's Mountain, the high water mark of the Revolution that turned the 'tide in favor of the patriot army. He did valliant service at the battle of the Cowpens as well as at Charleston. He was largely unstrumental in preserving Ken- tucky to the Colonists as against an alliance with Spain. He was six times chosen a Presidential elector for Kentucky. ID 1812 he became the first Governor of Kentucky, which he accepted with great reluctance and accept- ed only that he might again aid his country as against Great Britain. He organized 4000 vol- unteers and at the age of 63 years led them in person to the re-enforcement of Gen'l Wm. Henry Harrison enabling him to profit by the victory of Perry at Lake Erie. Congress voted him a gold Medal, and the Kentucky Legislature a vote of thanks. In 1783 he married Miss Susan- nah, daughter of Captain Na- thanial Hart. He established himself on the first settlement and pre-emption granted in Ken- tucky which he made his home, residing thereon 43 years. He died July 18th, 1826, aged 76 years. He was a strict Presby- terian. John Jones. John Jones was born in Cul- pepper County, Virginia, in 1755, and enlisted in the army of Andrew Lewis and was in the Battle of Point Pleasant, follow ing which, upon his return to Culpepper} he enlisted in the patriot army and served throughout the Revolution. In 1792. he obtained patents for land for 359 acres on the Kanawha River and that same year for 400 acres more. In 1797 he obtained patents for 400 acres in Teays Valley and land on Paint Creek, besides making purchases from the state. He owned from Paint Creek to the Narrows on Kanawha, including the present sites of Pratt and Dego. In the Clifton Cemetery above Paint Creek, his remains were interred, a slab bearing in- scription, "In Memory of John Jones who departed This life January 7, 1838, Aged 83 Years." John Jones married Frances Morris, a sister of Win. and Leonard Morris. He was hos- pitable and a good citizen. The 47 Baptist Church founded at Kel- ley's Creek in 1796 was largely due to his interest and generosi- ty. His will, recorded March, 1838, mentions his wife, Frances, and children, Gabriel, who re- turned to Culpepper County, Va.; William; Nancy who married -- Huddleston; Thomas; Levi; and Frances, who married Sbelton and were the progeni- tors of the prominent Nicholas County, W. Va., family of that name. John Draper. Lieut. John Draper, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, was born in 1730, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Drapers Meadows, where, in 1755, occur- red that dreadful massacre, in which his wife and sister were captured by the Indians. In 1765, he removed to Drapers Valley on the line between Pulaski and Wythe Counties, Va. He was commissioned a Lieutenant in one of the Fincastle Companies in 1774. He died in 1828 at the age of nearly ninety-four years. Prominent members of the family are still resident of Dra- pers Valley. In 1886, John S. Draper, a great grandson of Lieut. John Draper, was the owner of the beautiful estate. John Draper was twice married; his first wife was Bettie . After her return from captivity, she bore four sons and three daughters, she died in 1774. aged 42 years, and in 1776, he married Mrs. Jane Crockett, who bore him two daughters, Alice and Rhoda. By the hrst marriage, the sons were George, James, John and Silas. The names of the other two daugh- ters are to us unknown. Benjamir Logan. Benjamin Logan, born in Augusta County, Va., 1743, was, in 1764, a sergeant in Boquets's Army. In 1771, he moved to the Holston Valley. He was a Lieutenant in the Point Pleasant Campaign. In 1775, he moved to Kentucky and built Logan's Station or fort which was besieg- ed by Indians. Logan went to Holston settlement for ammuni- tion, returning on foot in ten days. In 1779, he was second in command of the Bowman expedi- tion. He was a noted Indian fighter and allied himself with Kentucky, as against the Spaniards at New Orleans. He removed to Shelby County, Ken- tucky, where he died in 1802. William Campbell. William Campbell was born in Augusta County, Virginia, in 1745, died at Rocky Mills, Han over Co., Va., August 22, 1781. In 1767 he moved to the Holston Valley. In 1774 he was appoint- ed Captain of militia and was in Col. Christian's regiment at Point Pleasant. In September, 1775, he commanded a company 48 at Williamsburg, in Patrick Henry's regiment and under General Lewis assisted in dis- lodging 1 Governor Dunmore from Gwynn's Island in July, 1776. In 1777 he was made Lieutenant of Militia in the new county of Washington. In 1779, he aided in driving the Tories from the Holston Valley. In 1780. he was promoted to a colonelcy of the re- giment and chosen to represent his county in the legislature. At King's Mountain he distin- guished himself and was com- mended by Washington, Gates and Greene. He was with Gen. Greene at Guilford Court House in March', 1781. He was made a Brigadier General of Militia and served under Lafayette in the Battle of Jamestown, soon after which he died. Lafayttee said of him "His services at King's Mountain and Guilford would do his memory everlasting honor and ensure him a high rank among the defenders of liberty in the American Cause", while Jefferson declared "Gen. Campbell's friends might quietly rest their heads on the pillow of his renown." His wife was a sister of Patrick Henry. Arthur Campbell. Arthur Campbell, a cousin of Gen. Wm. Campbell, was born in Augusta County, Va., in 1743. At fifteen he was captured by the Indians and carried to Lake Erie. Escaping, he was employ- ed as a guide, receiving therefor one thousand acres of land which he located near the present site of Louisville, Ky. In 1772, he was a Justice of Fincastle County, Va., and later a Major of Militia. After the Battle of Point Pleas- ant, 1775, he represented his county in the Virginia Assem- bly. In 1776, he was chosen County Lieutenant for Washing- ton County, which office he held for thirty years. He joined Sevier in the movement to estab- lish the state of Franklin for which Patrick Henry removed him from office and the legisla- ture re-instated him In his latter life he joined bis sons at Middlesburg, Ky., where he died in 1811. John Campbell. Captain John Campbell, a younger brother of Arthur, a lieutenant at Point Pleasant, was a captain at the Battle of Long Island Flats (1776) and served as County Clerk of Wash- ington County from 1779 to 1815. Joseph Mayse. Joseph Mayse, who partici pated in the Battle of Point Pleasant, was from Bath County, Virginia. In April, 1840, he died, being in his 89th year. He had served as a magistrate in his district for nearly fifty years. He was a man of such remarka- ble memory he was considered an "official record." He was twice high sheriff of Bath Coun- 49 ty. His health was always per- fect and he boasted he had never taken a dose of medicine. Gen. Andrew Moore. Andrew Moore, a lawyer by profession, was born in Connis- cello, Augusta, now Rockbridge, County, Va. In 1774, he was admitted to the Bar. In October of that year he was with Andrew Lewis's Army at Point Pleasant. In 1776, as a Lieutenant in the patriot army, he participated at Saratoga, where he was promoted to a captaincy and served there- after three years. The Virginia Legislature made him brigadier general of militia and in 1808 major general. Gen. Moore had the distinction of being the only man west of the Blue Ridge, prior to the civil war, who ever represented Vir- ginia in the Senate of the United States; which was during the ad- ministration of President Jeffer- son. He was a member of the Virginia Assembly from 1781 to 1789 and again from 1798 to 1800. In 1788, he was a delegate to the convention which ratified the United States Constitution. He was a member of Congress from Virginia during the entire ad- ministration of President Wash- ington. In 1800, he was elected to the United States Senate, where he served three years. In 1810, President Jefferson ap- pointed him United States Mar- shall for the state of Virginia, which office he was filling at the time of his death. His son, Samuel Moore, represented Vir- ginia in the Legislature and in Congress, a member of the Virginia Constitutional Conven- tion 1829. In 1861, Samuel Moore opposed the secession of Virginia, but, going with his state, he served in the Confede rate Army. The family have always been distinguished. George NathewS, George Mathews was born in Augusta County, Virginia, in 1739, and died August 30, 1812. At twenty-two years of age he led a volunteer company against the Indians. He was in com- mand of a company of Augusta troops at Point Pleasant, Oct. 10, 1774, and participated with the patriot army throughout the Revolution. He was engaged at Brandywine. At Germantown he received nine bayonet wounds, was captured with his whole reg- iment and confined in a prison ship at New York until Decem- ber, 1781. He then joined Gen. Nathaniel Greene's army in com- mand of the Third Virginia Reg- iment. In 1785, he removed with his family to Georgia and settled in Oglethorpe County. In 1781- 1791 he represented Georgia in Congress; was Governor of Georgia, 1793-6. He was briga- dier general of Georgia. In 1811, he was authorized by the Presi- dent of the United States to take 50 possession of West Flordia and captured Amelia Island. His son, George, became a Supreme Judge of Louisiana. He admit- ted no superiors but Washington. He was short, stout, erect, fea- tures bluff, hair red, complexion- florid. He died when on a visit to Washington and is buried in St. Paul's churchyard. His four children, were Mrs. Andrew Barrv, of Staunton, Va., Mrs. Gen. Samuel Blackburn, and Mrs. Isaac Telfair, of Staun- ton, and one son, Judge George Mathews, above mentione'd. He was three times married, (1) to Miss Amelia Paul, (2) to Mrs Margaret Reed, of Staunton, and (3) to Mrs. Flowers, of Missis- sippi. He was divorced from his second wife. Sampson Mathews* Sampson Mathews, Commis- sary of Col. Charles Lewis's Regiment, was called "Master Drover of the Cattle." In 1756, Deputy Sheriff Sampson Mathews assumed the functions of Chancellor of Augusta County. In 1764, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Augusta. In 1776, with Alexander St. Clair, he was appointed by the state of Virginia as trustee "to erect at public expense and su- perintend a manufactory at such place as they may think proper for the manufacture of sail duck,' this preparatory for equipment of a Virginia fleet for Revolution- ary service. He became Col. Sampson Mathews of the Revo- lution. In 1781, he commanded the regiment that repelled Ar- nold's invasion of Virginia. He was one of a committee to draft instructions for the members of the Virginia Convention at Rich- mond, Feb. 22, 1775. Col. Joseph Crockett. Nothing can be truer than that God provides men for the hour. Among the one hundred men who participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant, and went on to become settlers of Kentucky, that state so open to the prey of the Indians that its first three years saw more people slaughter- ed by Indians than that state had white population at the end of that time, had among its other emigrants who were in the Battle of Point Pleasant, Col. Joseph Crockett, for a sketch of whose life we are indebted to his illus- trious grandson, Col. Bennett H. Young, of Louisville, Ky. It is as follows : "My great grandfather, Col. Joseph Crockett, was born in Albermarle, and was one of the men who marched with Andrew Lewis, with Charles Lewis, and with William Russell, and was engaged in the conflict at Point Pleasant. He was then a young man. "He returned shortly after the battle of Point Pleasant, and remained for several months as 51 First Lieutenant in a company of Colonial Militia that was station- ed at Point Pleasant. When the fires of the Revolutionary War were kindled, and it was neces- sary for every man to go to the front to resists British invasions, the Indians were to be left a lit- tle while to themselves. Vir- ginia and North Carolina were then sending their pioneers to make the settlements of Ken- tucky which were, under God's providence and direction, one of the chief agencies in the success of the colonies in their great struggle against the mother country. My ancestor organized a company and marched to the front. He was successively a - Captain, Major and Lieutenant- Colonel. He was a Major in Morgan's riflemen, and recruit- ed two companies for that cele- brated organization. He was a Lieutenant at White Marsh, was a Captain when Burgoyne sur- rendered, was engaged in all the battles previous to that great event. He was at Princeton and Trenton, and Valley Forge and Red Bank, and in 1779, he raised a regiment known as the Crockett Regiment, which was sent west to assist George Rod- gers Clark in his war with the Indians, and was with that dis- tinguished soldier, second in command, in all the skirmishes and battles with the northwest- ern Indians on the Ohio and Miami Rivers, and helped to de- stroy Chillicothe, and the Indian towns* on the Wabash, and throughout the northwest, and in these battles stayed the up- lifted hand of the cruel and avenging Indian, who would otherwise have wreaked his cruelties upon the frontier set- tlements of both Pennsylvania and Virginia and thus coming in the rear of these enemies, aveng- ed many of the wrongs heaped upon the Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky settlements." James Robertson. James Robertson, (by some authors written Robinson) , with Val. Sevier, discovered the In- dians before the Battle of Point Pleasant. He was born i n Brunswick County, Va., 1742, died in Chickasaw County, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1814. He was the personal friend of Daniel Boone. He did more to consum- mate a peace between the In- dians and whites than any man in Tennessee, when he became the founder of Nashville, where he withstood, with a handful of men, a siege of one thousand In- dians. Flattering offers were made him by the Spanish gov- ernment to cut the territory of Tennessee loose from the gov- ernment, and, with Watauga and Kentucky, establish an indepen- dent country which he indignant- ly declined. In 1790, he was ap- pointed a brigadier general by 52 Washington. He shared with Sevier the honors and affections of Tennessee. John Smith. Ensign John Smith, of the battle of Point Pleasant, left sons, Abraham, of Rockingham Co., Joseph and Silas H. of Augusta Co., and daughter Nan- cy, who married Wm. Crawford, His family have been distin- guished. Benjamin Harrison. Benjamin Harrison command- ed a company at Point Pleasant In July, 1775, he was appoi d Captain of a company of Minute Men. In 1778, he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of Militia for Rockingham County. He was a native af Loudon County, Vir- ginia. He was the founder of Harrisonburg, Va. He died in 1819. Hugh and James Allen. Hugh Allen was a Lieutenant in Col. Charles Lewis's Regi- ment at Point Pleasant, where he lost his life and was buried beside Col. Lewis. His three sons, John, William and Hugh, all settled in Kentucky. His brother, James Allen, who lived eight miles from Staunton, was Captain of Militia in 1756 and was in the battle of Point Pleas- ant, and witnessed the death of his brother. He died in 1810, aged ninety-four years and was an elder in the Augusta Stone Church for sixty-four years. Judge Samuel McDowell. Judge Samuel McDowell who, as Captain McDowell, command- ed a company of Augusta troops at the Battle of Point Pleasant, was a native of Rockbridge Coun- ty, Va. He married Mary Me- Clung, and, with his seven sons and two daughters, in 1784, emi- grated to Danville, Ky. He was one of the first Kentucky Court and was a member of the conven- tion that framed for Kentucky the first Constitution. He pre- sided over nine political conven- tions which convened in Dan- ville from 1784 to 1790. In 1776, he was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, representing Rockbridge Coun- ty. As Col. McDowell, he com- manded a Rockbridge Company during the Revolution. On April 20, 1781, he wrote the Gov- ernor of Virginia, when a draft had been ordered from his coun- ty for April 26th, that if the men were drawn the county would be ruined, as two thirds of the men had been engaged in the servi- ces all the time and there were no new ones to put in the crops, and that he had marched with 200 men to join Gen. Greene before the battle of Guilford Court House. John Sevier. John Sevier, born in Rocking- ham Co., Va., Sep. 22, 1745, died near Fort Decatur, Ga., Sept. 24, 1815, was educated at Fred- 53 ericksburg, Va., married at 17 years of age and became the the founder of New Market on the Shenandoah. In 1772, he was appointed Captain of the Virginia line and moved to Wat- auga. In the Dunmore War, he resumed his rank in the "Virginia line and participated in the Bat- tle of Point Pleasant. When what is now Tennessee was or- ganized into Washington Dis- trict, North Carolina, John Sevier was chosen a delegate to the legislature. In 1777, he again represented Watauga and procured for his state, courts and rights of extension. He was ap- pointed clerk of the court and district judge and, with his friend, James Robertson, was in control of the judicial and admin- istrative functions of the settle- ment. He was elected colonel and enlisted without exception every able bodied man between the ages of 16 and 50. With Col. Isaac Shelby he planned the bat- tle of King's Mountain. He continued to command the forces against the Indians. When the new state, Franklin, afterwards Tennessee, was organized, he took the oath of Governor March 1, 1785. When the new state be- came a part of the Union, he was the first representative to Con- gress from the valley of the Mis- sissippi, 1789-1790, and in 1796, ' when Tennessee became a state, he was elected its first Governor which office he filled for three years. He three times repre- sented Tennessee as a state in Congress. He was in the ac- tice service of his country from the age of 17 years to 70. As long as he lived he was the real seat of power in Tennessee- A monument in Nashville attests to his memory and Sevier Coun- ty in Tennessee commemorates his fame. Valentine Sevier. Valentine Sevier, who was a seargent in Evan Shelby's com- pany and a younger brother of Gen. John Sevier, in 1779, was a Captain in the Chickamauga Campaign and led a company against the British in North Car- olina, 1780, which culminated in the Battle of King's Mountain. He rose to the rank of Militia Colonel and died at Clarksville, Tenn., in 1800. James Harrod. James Harrod who had been in Kentucky in the spring and summer of 1774, was with Col. Charles Lewis. He built the first cabin in Kentucky. He be- came Col. Harrod of the Revolu- tion, e was a member of the first Kentucky Legislature. He was an able assistant of Geo. Rodgers Clark in securing am- munition. He declined to accept the appointment of Major of the first Regimental Militia of Ken- tucky. Harrodsburg Kentucky, is named for him. A man named 54 Bridges with whom he had had litigation murdered him, the date is thought to be July, 1793. William Russell. William Russell was but fif- teen years of age when par- ticipating in the Battle of Point Pleasant. During the Revolution he rose to the Rank of Colonel. He was a Lieutenant at the Battle of King's Mountain and Guilford Court House. Af- ter the Revolution he settled in Fayette County, Kentucky. He was appointed to command a regiment in the regular army. In 1792, he represented Fayette County in the Kentucky legisla- ture, which was repeated a dozen times until 1825, when he con- tracted a cold at a public meet- ing where he was called to pre- side, which resulted in his death. James Montgomery. Captain James Montgomery, who was in the Battle of Point Pleasant, , settled in Kentucky, as did James Knox, who was in Isaac Kite's Company. Others of Isaac Kite's Company who settled in Kentucky were James McCullosh, John Shelp, William Field, Thomas Glenn, David Wil- liams, James Brown, John Cowan, John Wilson, Abraham Chapline and John Clark. John Crawford. John Crawford represented Montgomery County, Kentucky, in the Legislature in 1812. William Christian. While Col. Wm. Christian was not an actual participant in the Battle of Point Pleasant, he, witti his three hundred volun- teers troops, not arriving until 11 p. m., the night of the battle, yet they did noble services to the bleeding army and the valiant dead. He was a native of Augus- ta County and educated atStaun- ton. He participated in the Braddock campaign. He mar- ried a sister of Patrick Henry and settled in Bottetourt County. In 1775, he settled in Kentucky and Christian County is named in his honor. In April, 1776, he was killed by a party of Indians who had stolen his horses and in whom, with a party of friends, he was in pursuit. George Slaughter. Col. George Slaughter, a son- in-law of Col. Field, after the Battle, settled in Kentucky and was one of eight delegates to Congress out of the city of Louisville. James Trimble. James Trimble, a participant in the Battle of Point Pleasant, aged then but eighteen years, had in 1770, been a prisoner of the Indians. In 1780 or 81, he emigrated to Woodford, Ky., be- ing one of the earliest settlers. In 1804, he died in Kentucky, having made preparations to move to Hillsborough, Ohio, where his family removed after 55 his death. The Trimbles be- came eminent. Allen Trimble became Governor of Ohio. Wm. A. Trimble was a Major in the War of 1812, and in 1819 a Lieu- tenant Colonel in the Regular Army and a United States Sena- tor from Ohio. John Dickenson. Captain John Dickenson, who commanded one of Col. Charles Lewis Companies of Augusta County troops and who was wounded during the Battle of Point Pleasant, was left with Col. Fleming at the fort when Andrew Lewis, with his troops, advanced into ^Obio. In 1785, he surveyed 502 acres of land at the mouth of Campbell's Creek on the Kanawha River. In 1777, he commanded, as a Colonel with Major Samuel McDowell, the Bottetourt troops, as well as troops, from Augusta County, and marched to the defense of the fort at Point Pleasant, ac- companied by Capt. Hall's com- pany of Rockbridge volunteers, numbering in all about 700 men, and he witnessed the murder of Cornstalk, which with the officers in command he tried to prevent. In 1791, when Bath County was organized, he was appointed one of the first gentlemen justices of that county which honor he de- clined. He died in 1799, owning large tracts of land in Bath, Greenbrier and Kanawha Coun- ties, besides large holdings in Kentucky. He left sons, Adam and John and daughters Nancy, married Joseph Kinkcaid, Mary, married Samuel Shrewsbury and Jane, who was the wife of Char- les Lewis son of Col. Charles Lewis, some of the descendants of the latter still being residents of this county. Anthony Bledsoe. Anthony Bledsoe, born in Cnl- pepper County, in 1733, in 1774, moved to the neighborhood of the Shelby's. He was a magistrate of Botetourt, Fincastle and Washington Counties, and a member of the Virginia Assem- bly from Washington County, 1777-78. He moved to Bledsoe's Lick, North Carolina, and repre- sented his district in the assem- bly of his state from 1785, to 1788, when he was killed by In- dians. He was in charge of the commissary under Col. Christain at Point Pleasant with the rank of major. He commanded the forces at Long Island until July, 1777, and in 1779, went out against the Chickamaugas and did not participate in the Battle of King's Mountain because he felt it was his duty to remain at home and protect the frontier. William Cocke. Captain William Cocke, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, served in the legislature of four states and in the federal senate, as well as was prominent in his military career. He was born in 1748, in 56 Amelia County, Virginia He studied law and removed to the Holston Valley. He was a brilliant orator and popular. After the Dunmore War he settl- ed for a while in Boonesborough, Ky., but returned to the Watau^a and participated in the Chero- kee Campaign. In 1777, he was a member of the Virginia Assem- bly. In 1780 he led a company at King's Mountain. He was made a Brigadier General of Tennessee and, in 1796, one of the federal senators and was re- elected in 1799. In 1809 he was elected a circuit judge of Tennessee. In 1812 he removed to Columbus, Miss., and enlisted as a private in the war of that year and soon rose to dis- tinction. He died in 1828 at Columbus, Miss. John Sawyer. Col. John Sawyer, born in Vir- ginia 1745, died in Knox County, Tenn., in 1831, and was with the Shelby's at Point Pleasant. In 1776, he served in the Cherokee Campaign and in 1779 in the Chickamauga expedition and commanded under Gen. Shelby a company at King's Mountain. He was a Major, next a Colonel and was a representative to the state assembly, of Tennessee. Joseph Hughey. Joseph Hughey, of Shelby's Company, was killed when at tempting to bring the news of the Indians' presence to camp before the battle. James Moon- ey, who accompanied him, suc- ceeded in reaching the camp, but was killed during the battle. Philip Love. Capt. Philip Love later served as a Colonel in Christian's Cherokee Campaign in 1776. Ellis Hughes. Ellis Hughes, who is thought to have been the last survivor of . the patriots of the Battle of Point Pleasant, went, after Wayne's treaty, to Ohio and died March, 1845, at Utica, N. Y., where he was highly respected. He was buried with military honors. Reared in his native state Vir- ginia, nurtured amid the scenes of forest savagery, wherein by fndian depredations he lost his father and sweetheart, it is not surprising that he pursued the dusky foe until he had disappear- ed from Virginia and from his adopted home, Ohio. John Steele. John Steele, who was wounded during the engagement at Point Pleasant, was born in Augusta County, Virginia, about 1755. He was an officer in the Battle of Point Pleasant and served throughout the Revolution. He was again wounded at the Battle of Germantown. He was for many years a member of the Ex- ecutive Council of Virginia and in the administration of Presi- dent John Adams, was a commis- sioner to treat with the Cherokee 57 Indians. From 1798 to 1801 he was Secretary of the Mississippi Territory. Azariah Davis. A/.ariah Davis, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, was a member of Harrod's Company. He was one of themembers of the First Kentucky Legislature and is mentioned (1775) among the first settlers of Harrodsburg, Kentucky. John Todd. John Todd became one of the founders of Louisville, Ky. He was with Col. George Slaughter. Chas. E. Cameron. Chas. E. Cameron and bis brothers, Hugh and George Cam- eron, were with the Virginia troops at Point Pleasant in which engagement George Cameron was killed. They were brothers- in-law of Col. Charles Lewis, who was killed in that battle, whose wife Sarah Murry, was their half sister. George Cam- eron resembled in person and being his distinguished father, Dr. John Cameron, of Staunton, who had emigrated from Scot- land. Charles Cameron served throughout the Revolution, as a Lieutenant and was with the Virginia troops at the surrender of Yorktown In 1790 he was one of the gentlemen justices of Augusta County. On December 14, 1790, he received a land grant in Bath County, Va., where he located, about four miles from Warm Springs. He accumulat- ed large land interests. His residence of stone was magnifi- cent for its time and overlooked the Jackson River. Major Cam- eron became the first Clerk of Bath County, serving both courts for a number of years. After the Revolution, he became Colo- nel of Militia. As a personal friend of Gen. Lafayette, he was presented by him with a beauti- ful cane which he used and prized until his death, which occurred June 14, 1829. He was survived by his widow, Mrs. Rachel Prim- rose Warwick and one son, An- drew Warwick Cameron. Silas Marian Silas Harlan, of Berkeley County, Virginia, was in Captain Harrod's Company and, after the Battle of Point Pleasant, emi- grated to Kentucky. In 1779, he commanded a company of spies under Gen. Geo. Rodgers Clark in the Illinois campaign. Gen. Clark pronounced him one of the bravest and most accom- plished soldiers who ever fought by his side. He was a Major at the Battle of Blue Licks, where he fell. He was but thirty years of age and unmarried. Jacob Warwick Jacob Warwick, of Bath Coun- ty, Virginia, on the morning of the Battle of Point Pleasant, had gone out early to kill beeves and 58 prepare rations for the army. He and the men who accompa- nied him hearing the first shots of battle, thought Dunmore had arrived and that the guns were a salute. Later they thought it a practice exercise, but, determin- ing 1 to see for themselves, they joined the army in time to help materially in turning the tide of victory. Jacob Warwick is buried be- side his wife at Clover Lick Cem- etery in Barth County, Va., where he died Jan., 1826, in his 83rd year. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Major Charles Cameron, on Jackson River. The Van Bibbers. The brothers, John, Isaac and Peter Van Bibber, and Jesse, son of Peter, were participants in the Battle of Point Pleasant. Mrs. Miriam Donley, a Van Bib- ber descendant, writing for the July, 1903, West Virginia His- torical Magazine, says "Isaac had come from the Carolinas on a visit to his brother in Bottetourt County, when the call to arms resounded through the land. Although a Baptist minister, he could and would not resist, as hearts were that day attuned to martial music, and he responded to its call. He fell mortally wounded besides Colonel Charles Lewis. Peter fought with such bravery he was promoted and complimented on the battle field. John Van Bibber was written of by all historians as Captain and family notes say he was made Captain after the Battle of Point Pleasant and Commissary of Fort Randolph. The Van Bib- bers continued to defend the bor- der although Isaac, the son of Isaac, fell at Point Pleasant, while Jacob and Mathias Van Bibber died twenty years later. As late as 1843, Captain Jesse Van Bibber was still residing on Thirteen Mile Creek in Mason County, now West Virginia. He with his brother, John Van Bibber \\ere among the earliest settlers of that County." Howe* the Historian, who in writing the History of Virginia in 1836, said "There is living upon Thirteen Mile Creek, Mr. Jesse Van Bibber, and aged pioneer in this county. His life, like his own mountain stream therein, was rough and turbulent at its commencement; but as it nears its close, calm and peace- ful, beautifully reflecting the Christian virtues." Leonard Cooper. Captain Leonard Cooper, an- other Revolutionary soldier who is buried in Mason County, West Virginia,, participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant. Prior to the Revolution, he held a com mission in the Colonial army of Maryland. Learning of Dun- more's War, he hastened to Staunton, Virginia, and entered 59 the Army of General Lewis. He remained in the service until the close of -the Revolutionary strug- gle. In 1789 Major Cooper re- moved with his family from Maryland to Fort Randolph, later erecting a Block House, known as Cooper's Block House, (where Mr. George W. Pullin now resides) in Cooper District, nine miles from the mouth of the Kanawha, on the upper side. He there removed with his family. In 1804, when the new County of Mason was organized, Major Cooper was appointed a justice of the peace in which capacity he served until his death which occurred in 1808. His remains were buried near his home. His son, Leonard, born in 1791, was the first white child born at Point Pleasant. Another of Leonard Cooper's children, Mary became the wifeof William Trot- ter, son of Richard Trotter, kill- ed in the Battle of Point Pleas- ant and Anne (Trotter) Bailey, who, going from Cooper's Block House, by canoe to Gallipolis, where in 1800, their marriage ceremony was performed. This is said to have been the first Virginia marriage performed in. the French Settlement. William Arbuckle. Captain William Arbuckle, of Rockingham County, Virginia, deserves to rank with Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton in the valor displayed in wresting from savagery the vast domain in which his expedition laid He was not only with General An- drew Lewis at the Battle of Point Pleasant, where as a pilot (having first visited the mouth of the Kanawha in 1764) he safely con- ducted that wing of the army, but when Geo. Rodgers Clark was organizing his expedition against the French Forts in Illinois from which the Indians were known to receive supplies, he (Capt. Arbuckle) tendered his services which were accepted and he acquitted himself with credit in that ever memorable campaign. He defended the fort at Point Pleasant. He married Catherine Madison, widow of Capt. Robert McClannahan, who fell in the Battle of Point Pleas- ant. He remained in command of Fort Randolph until 1795 when Wayne made his treaty with the Indians, when he bought land and located on the Kanawha four miles below the present town of Buffalo, where he and his wife passed a peaceful and honored old age. Among their descend- ants yet on the Kanawha are the families of Arbuckle, Craig, Alexander, Miller and others. William Arbuckle had two child- ren born within the fort at Point Pleasant. He and his wife both are buried in the church yard at the Arbuckle Church in Mason County West Virginia, Simple stones are thus engraved: 60 "Wm Arbuckle, born March, 1752, Died March 21, 1836, Aged 84 years." "Kitty Arbuckle, Died July 18, 1818, Aged 64 years." John Young. John Young- became a settler in the present Kanawha Count}', and, in the military organization of the County, was a lieutenant of militia. He left a son, Jos. Young, from whom descend many residents of the valley. John Henderson. John Henderson, about 1740, with his brothers James and Samuel, came to Augusta County, Virginia, from Scotland. Descending from James, John his second son, was born 1740, and died March 24, 1787. In 1765 he married Ann Givens, sister to the wife of Gen. Andrew Lewis, and buying 300 acres of land, he settled in Green brier. In 1786, he was granted by Governor Randolph 350 acres, now in Greenbrier County, and 1400 acres on the South Side of the Kanawha in what is now Clen- . dennin and Arbuckle Districts, Mason County, West Vriginia. In Greenbrier County, he be- came a Lieutenant of Militia and ranked as such in Captain Her- bert's Company at Point Pleas- ant. Later he was Captain of the Greenbrier Militia and later was a Corporal in Capt. Gregory's Company in Daniel Morgan's Virginia Regiment, serving un- til April, 1779. In 1780, be was elected a Justice of the Peace, of Greenbrier County, which office he held in 1787, the time of his death. He was survived by his widow who died May 28, 1819, and children, Samuel, John, Margaret, James, Jean and William. John and Samuel in- herited the lands on Kanawha, where they made permanent homes. Samuel building his cabin home at the mouth of Ka- nawha and in 1810 burned the brick and erected a commodious brick house, the second one in the count}', now occupied by his 'grandaughter, Mrs. Ella M. Henderson Hutch inson and family. John Henderson second, son of Capt. John Henderson, was a man prominent in the public affairs of Mason County, and he occupied and inherited that part of the tract of land ad- joining his brother Samuel but running further up the Kanawha. Luman Gibbs- Luman Gibbs was but 16 years of age when, with the army of General Andrew Lewis, he par- ticipated at the Battle of Point Pleasant. He was left as a part of the Garrison at the Fort. He became a noted scout and for twenty years he served in that capacity, wandering over the hills of the present County of Mason. His weekly route pro- 61 ceeded from Fort Randolph up the Kanawha to the Mouth of Eighteen Mile Creek, thence across to Letart Falls, thence down the Ohio to Point Pleasant, and his "All's Well" for twenty years dispelled the fears of the early settlers in and about the tort. The early settlers knew the route as "Gibb's Track." He married and located perma- nently in Mason County, where he has many descendants. He had emigrated to Augusta County Virginia in 1755 coming from New Hampshire where he was born. He engaged at once in the Colonial Army in that year with Andrew Lewis in the Braddock campaign and again enlisted in his command for the Point Pleasant Campaign. He was as noted for his sunny disposition as for his bravery. He lived to a great old age and died 1837 and is buried in the Gibbs family burying ground eight miles from Point Pleasant. In the same grave yard are buri- ed Revolutionary soldiers James Ball and Isaac Robinson who too participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant and became resi- dents of Mason County. George Eastham. George Eastham, of Far- quier County, Va., who was in one of the companies with Col. Field at the Battle of Point Pleasant, was born in 1758, and hence was but a youth when en- gaged in that battle. He partici- pated in many struggles through- out the Revolution. He married (1) Susan Woodside, who bore him nine children, among whom was Col. Lawson Eastham; his second wife, Mrs. Mary Brown, widow of James Brown, bore him three children, viz., Lucinda, Albert G. and Saunders. In 1817, he moved to Arbuckle dis- trict, Mason County, Virginia, known as Five Mile Creek, and in the following year died. His son, Albert G. Eastham, born in 1805, father of a large family in Mason County, died Feb. 23, 1890, at his home in Arbuckle District being the last real son of "The Revolution" in the county of Mason. He left many descen- dants in that County who do honor to his name. John Stuart. Col. John Stuart was the son of Col. David Stuart, County Lieutenant of A.ugusta County, when that county extended from the Blue Ridge to the Mississippi, 1755. John Stuart, son of Daniel and Margaret Stuart, was born in 1749, in Augusta County and emigrated to Greenbrier in 1769 and built a house of hewn logs two and a half stories high, which he used as a residence and fort, known as Fort Union. When his cousin Andrew Lewis rested his army at Fort Union and was ready to continue 62 the march to Point Pleasant, his forqes were augmented by Col. Stuart's and one company com- manded by Capt. Robert McClan- naham. At Point Pleasant Captain Stuart's Company was one of the three sent up Crooked Creek in the flank movement that suc- cessfully put Cornstalk to rout. Col. Stuart did not go on with the further battles of the Revo- lution, but continued the defense of Fort Union and organized a force and went to the successful relief of Fort Donnally when that fort was so vigorously attacked by the Indians. November 25, 1780, Col. John Stuart became clerk of Green- brier. At the close of the first deed book he makes valuable his- torical notes including an ac- count of the Battle of Point Pleasant. Col. Stuart married Agatha, the widow of John Frogg, killed in the Battle of Point Pleasant, she the daughter of Thomas Lewis, hence already his kins- woman. They had four chil- dren, Margaret, who married General Andrew Lewis, son of Col. Charles Lewis; Jane married Robert Crockett; Char- les A., married Elizabeth Robin- son, and Lewis, who married, Sarah, the second daughter of Col. Charles Lewis. Col. Stuart became one of. the best business men and largest land owners of Greenbrier County. In the splendid stone mansion he had built, he lavishly entertained. Here were wont to meet the most intelligent, pol- ished and distinguished men, not only of Virginia, but of other states and nations, and his generosity was only bounded by the demands of his neighbor- hood, 1788, he was a member of the Virginia Constitutional Conven tion. In 1793, he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the 79th Regiment of Militia. In 1776, he and bis wife each contributed 500 pounds sterling to build the old stone church at Lewisburg, yet beautifully preserved. He was a member of seven literary societies including the American Philosophical Society. His li- brary was extensive and valu- able. He built in his own yard the first clerk's office of the county which is still standing. He presented the county the lot upon which the f.rst court house at Lewisburg was built. He died August 23, 1823, and is. interred in the old family bury- ing ground. Thomas Pos*y. Thomas Posey was born on the Potomac River in Virginia July 9, 1750. He early participa- ted with the Virginia militia and with the rank of Captain, was Quartermaster to the Army of General Lewis. 63 In 1775. he was appointed a member of the Committee of Safety and that year raised a company which he commanded and assisted Gen' Andrew Lewis in driving Governor Dunmore from Gwinn's Island, July 8, 1776. In 1777, he joined the Continental Army at Middle Brook, N. J. Here he became one of the distinguished picket men of Morgan's Riflemen, dis- tinguishing himself at Piscato- way, Bennington Heights and Stillwater. In 1778, he was pro- moted to the rank of Major, in command of the Morgan Rifle- men. In 1778, he commanded the llth Virginia Regiment, At the close of that year he entered the artillery service and was in charge of a battery under Wayne in the attack upon Stony Point, one of the most thrilling incidents of the Revolution, being the first field officer to enter the enemy's works. He witnessed the sur- render at Yorktown. He retir- ed with the rank of Brigadier General, settling at Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia. 1793, he removed to Kentucky, where he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor and, as such, President of the Senate. Moving to Louisiana in October, 1812, he was chosen to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate, President Har- rison appointed him Governor of Indiana Territory which honor he declined. He was agent of Indian affairs from 1813 to 1816. He died at Shawnee Town, 111., March 19, 1818. His first wife was the daughter of Colonel Sampson Mathews, of Virginia; his second wife, widow of Major Geo. Thornton, and daughter of John Alexander. Posey County, Indiana, com- memorates his name which name adds lustre to the roll of the army of General Lewis. John Lewis* Major John Lewis, a nephew of General Andrew Lewis with whom he was engaged at Point Pleasant, died in 1823, at his home at Sweet Springs. He was the son of Wm. Lewis, brother of Gen. Andrew Lewis. He was noted for bis courage, integrity and high sense of honor and con- tinued in the service of the Col- onies throughout the Revolution. As a Lieutenant he was engaged at Monmouth, Saratoga, Trenton and spent the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. He rose to the rank of Major, which rank he held at Monmouth. In 1783 he returned to his Virginia home, but was much engaged on the frontier until the close of Wayne's Campaign. He was five feet, ten inches high, com- pactly built, muscular, strong and courageous. A {"the time of his death, he was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. William Clendennin. - William Clendennin was a pri- 64 vate in the Battle of Point Pleas- ant. Later he was commission- ed Major in the Kanawha Militia. He represented Kanawha Coun- ty in the Virginia Assembly in 1796-1801-1803. He was a Col- lector of Levies 1792-1793-1794. He was a justice of the peace and member of the first Court in the County, held at his house in 1789. In 1790, he settled in what is now Mason County, W. Va., In 1804, he carried the petition to the Virginia Assem- bly asking for the organization of Mason County Virginia and in 1805, was the first representative . of that county. Major Clendennin had settled about 1797 at Eight Mile, Mason County. In 1802 he purchased a part of the Hugh Mercer tract and built the first log cabin in Clendennin District, Mason County, and many of his descen- dants are living in Mason and ad- joining counties in West Vir- ginia and Ohio. By his son Charles, whose son William mar- ried Sophia Neale of Gallipolis, their son, James B. Clendennin, is survived by a daughter, Mrs. George Wallis, of Apple Grove. Sophia, daughter of William Clendennin, married John Miller, and her sister Ann, married Henry Miller, both of Gallipulis. Another sister, Elizabeth, mar- ried John Bing of Gallia County, Ohio, from whom decended a large family. Their second child, Martha Young Bing, born in Gailia County, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1805. died Oct. 30, 1900, was the ancestor of the Filson and Cable families of Mason County, West Virginia. Archibald Clendennin. Archibald Clendennin, brother of William and George, married Nancy E w i n g and lived on a farm a mile from Lewisburg. The family were attacked by In- dians, and Archibald Clendennin was killed. His wife was cap tured by the Indians, but made her escape. Benjamin Logan Benjamin Logan was born in Agusta County, Virginia, in 1752. He emigrated, to Penn- sylvania from Ireland, when a child, and when but fourteen, emigrated with his parents from Pennsylvania to Virginia, where his father died. By the law of entail then prevailing in Virginia he became the heir of his fathers estate, but he divided it with his mother, brothers and sisters. He married tnd settled on the Holsten river and was with Col. Henry Boquet in his expedition against the Indians. He was in the battle of Point Pleasant. In 1775 he emigrated to Kentuckey with Daniel Boone and establish- ed Logans Fort, where he moved with his family the following year. He was one of the most daring of Kentucky pioneers and his defense and relief of his fort is 65 one of the most thrilling pages in Kentucky history. His expedi- tion against the Indians at Chil- licothe in which the Indians were put to rout and their supplies captured, including 150 horses, was admirably planned and exe- cuted. In 1788 he led a regi- ment of 600 men against the In- dians of the North West. He passed his declining years in Shelby County, Kentucky, on bis extensive farm, dying, Dec., 11, 1802. He was six feet three tail, powerfully built with nerves and courage like a lion. His son Wm. was the first white child born in Kentucky and became an eminent lawyer, being twice ap- pointed appellate Judge of Ken- tucky and in 1820 was a United States Senator from Kentucky. John Logan. John Logan brother of Benja- min was engaged in the Battle of Point Pleasant. He emigrat- ed from Virginia to Kentucky where he was a military leader and several- times was a repre- sentative. George Clendennin. George Clendennin who par- ticipated in the Battle of Point Pleasant, represented Green- brier County in the Convention at Richmond, 1788, that ratified the Federal Constitution of Vir- ginia. In that year, he purchas- ed 1030 acres of land, the site of the present city of Charleston, and in that year built Fort Lee, afterward called Fort Clenden- nin. In 1794, the town of Charleston was laid off, which was not named, but finally called Charlestown, in honor of Charles Clendennin, father of George. The first court was held in Kan- awha County, Oct. 5, 1789, at the residence of George Clendennin, a County Lieutenant. He was one of the first representatives of Kanawha Cpunty, 1790-1791- 1792 1794-1795. Irf 1794 he was made a trustee for the newly laid off town of Point Pleasant. His wife was Jemima, claimed by some to be the sister of Thos. Pawing, of Ohio, but which has been found to be an error. He died after 1795, when his name last appears as signing a deed and in 1797 his wife appeared in court as his widow, when she gave bond as administratrix. Parthena, daughter of George and Jemima, Clendennin married John Meigs of Marietta, Ohio. John Meigs dying, his widow married Major Andrew Bryan, their daughter Mary married John McCulloch, from whom de- scended Mrs. M. M. Moore, Mrs. P. S, Lewis, Mrs. J. J. Bright, John A. and Charles E. McCul- loch, who were reared on a farm below Kanawha in Arbuckle Dis- rict, Mason Co., West Virginia. Mary, the third daughter of George Clendennin, married Major John Cantrell whose only daughter became the wife of the 66 late C. C. Miller, of Mason county, who has left many descendants. Alexander Breckenridge Alexander Breckenridge nam- ^ed for his maternal grandfather Alexander Breckeriridge was in the Battle of Point Pleasant, and later served as Colonel in the 7tb, Virginia in the Revolution, re- signing in 1778. He was for many years Clerk of Augusta County. He and Patrick Henry married sisters. Capt. John Lewis Captain John Lewis eldest son of Thos. Lewis was a nephew of Gen'l Andrew Lewis. He was born in 1749. He was wounded at the battle of Point Pleasant. He engaged in the struggles of the Revolution, was at Valley Forge and Jersey, and witness- ed the surrender of Cornwallis. Stephen Trigg. Capt. Stephen Trigg, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, was a member of the Virginia Assem- bly from Fincastle in 1774, when Governor Dunmore dissolved that body. He signed the Arti- cles of Association of the Colo- nies in 1775 and was active in protecting the frontier during the Revolution. In 1779 he emi- grated to Kentucky and repre- sented that county in the Vir- ginia Assembly 1780, While leading a charge at the Battle of Blue Licks, 1782, he was killed. William Herbert, Captain William Herbert was a Captain of Fincastle Militia, who participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant. He died 1776. Walter Crockett. Captain Walter Crockett was born on the South Fork of the Holston River. He was a coun- ty magistrate. He continued in the patriot army after the Battle of Point Pleasant and distin- guished himself at King's Moun- tain, 3780. John Floyd. John Floyd, who was a school teacher, made his home with Col. Wm. Preston, of Fincastle Coun- ty, was a native of Virginia, born 1750. In 1774, he was appointed a deputy sheriff. In the spring of 1774, he led a surveying party to Kentucky and, returning, joined Wm. Christian in the Point Pleasant expedition, arriv- ing too late to actively engage in the battle, but was active in the g-ood offices of his company in ministering to the needs of the army. He married Jane Buck- hannon, niece of Col. Preston, and in 1779 located in Kentucky, where, in 1783, he was killed by Indians. His son, John Floyd, who was born in Jefferson Coun- ty, Virginia, 1770, represented Virginia in Congress 1817-1829, Governor of Virginia 1829- 1834. South Carolina cast her electoral vote, for him for president in 1832. His son, John B. Floyd, grandson of the John Floyd of Point Pleasant 67 campaig-n, was a member of the Virginia Legislature 1847 and was Governor of Virginia 1850- 1853 and was Secretary of War under President James Buck- hannan. He was indicted by the government, charged with the misuse of government sup- plies and funds. He demanded a trial and was exonerated. He resigned his position and became Gen. John Floyd of the Confed- erate Army. He married Sallie Buckhannan, granddaughter of Wm. Campbell, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, and a 'niece of Patrick Henry. They had no children. Benjamin Lewis- Quoting from the biography of his decendant, State Historian and Archivest Virgil Anson Lewis, in "Men of West Vir- ginia" (1903) page 31, "'His pa- ternal ancestors were among the first settlers of the Shenandoah Valley, where they were found- ers of the city of Staunton. They were active frontiersmen and participants in the Revolu- tionary and Indian Wars. His great grandfather, Benjamin Lewis, was wounded in the Battle of Point Pleasant and after the wars were over in 1792 settled in what is now Mason County, West Virginia, and is buried in Wag- goner District, near the spot where he thus found a home." The following from the War Department Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., under date March 28, 1908, is authori- tative that after the Battle of Point Pleasant, he continued to serve in the patriot army: "It is shown by the records that one Benjamin Lewis who served as a seargent in Capt. John Spots- wood's Co. 10th Virginia Regi- ment Commanded successively by Col. Edmond Stevens and Major Samuel Harnes and Col. John Green, 'Revolutionary War. He enlisted November 29, 1776, to serve three years and was dis- charged July 5, 1778. Signed, F. C, Ainsworth' The Adjutant General." That Benjamin Lewis above referred to was not a descendant of John Lewis, the founder of Staunton, we quote from a mem- orandum of Mrs. Sarah Lewis Rodgers, who was raised at the old Lewis home on Muddy Creek, in Greenbrier County, who mov- ed in pioneer days to Illinois. Writing- to her nephew, Rev. Jacob H. Lewis, a Presbyterian minister, of Greenbrier county, the latter dying- at 92 years of age, the manuscript is yet pre- served and says : "Our Lewis family in Green- brier county originated from three brothers, John George and Benjamin Lewis, who came to the county in an early day from the Valley of Virginia. About the close of the Revolution, Ben- jamin went to the Ohio. George 68 Lewis never married. John married Miss McCrary and their sister, a Mrs. Van Orzel, is buried iu the old Caraway grave- yard." None of the sons of John Lew- is founder of Staunton Virginia left descendants such as those above described, but it has been claimed that the above Benjamin was the son -of Thomas, he the son of John. Mrs. M. L. Price, West Virginia historian of the John Lewis family from whom she descends, says Thomas Lewis' son, Wm. Benjamin, was born 1778 (four years after the Battle of Point Pleasant, in which the family traditions and papers have always shown Benjamin Lewis to have been) while L. L. Lewis, of Richmond, recognized as an authority on the John Lew- is, Staunton, branch, says : "Thomas Lewis had a son Ben- jamin, but he lived and died in Rockingham County, Virginia." As early as 1812 we find in Mason county that Benjamin Lewis conveyed land which was acquired before Mason County was formed, as the land books show no transfer to him in that county prior to 1812 and he con- tinued to buy and convey lands as the records show, and that in 1831 there was much conveying of titles of his lands by his chil- dren which would indicate that he died on or before that year. Land convevances show the given name of the wife of Benja- min Lewis to have been Nancy, and their children to have been Sarah, who married Samuel Ed- wards, Jvhn who married Edwards, Benjamin, Jr., who emigrated to Iowa, Catherine who married Michael Newhouse, George who married Margaret Winkleblack, William who mar- ried Lucinda Clendennin, An- drew, Isaac and probably others. Josiah Ramsey. After being engaged in the Battle of Point Pleasant, Josiah Ramsey returned to Augusta County. He served as a scout in the Cherokee campaign of 1776. [n 1778, he removed to Kentucky. In 1779, he moved to Cumberland Settlement, where he was appointed Major of Mili- tia and was frequently engaged against the Indians. He lived to an advanced age spending the close of his life with a son in Missouri. William Bowen. William Bowen, often related a hand to hand encounter with an Indian antagonist at Point Pleas- ant whom he finally overpowed. He was a native of Maryland, born 1744. In 1759 he engaged in the border warfare with Wm. Christian. In early life, he had moved to Augusta County, Vir- ginia. In 1784 he removed to Summers County, Tennessee, where he passed the remainder of his life. 69 Joseph Drake. Joseph Drake who was with Wm. Christian's Regiment at Point Pleasant, had served as a private in Boquet's expedition in 1764. He ' was one of the Long Hunters 1770-71. In 1773 he married Margaret, daughter of Col. John Buchhanan. In 1775, he visited Kentucky and in June of that year led an explor- ing party on Green River. He resided at Abington, Virginia until 1778, when he moved to near Boones borough, Ky., and in August of that year was killed by the Indians. He was a typi- cal frontiersman. William Edmiston, Lieutenant William Edmiston (Edtnondston) a native of Mary- land, born 1734, moved at an early date to Augusta County, Virginia. He was a private in the French an Indian War and the Cherokee Campaign 1760. In 1763 he was appointed Lieu- tenant of Militia for Augusta County. He was in Capt. Wm. Campbell's Company at Point Pleasant and was his second in command at King's Mountain, in which eight members of his family were eng-aged, three of whom were killed. One of those who survived of that fami- ly was James Edmiston who has descendants living- in many coun- ties in West Virginia, including the county of Mason. William Ingles. Major William Ingles, who, at the Battle of Point Pleasant, was in charge of a commissary with the rank of Major, was a native of Ireland, born 1729, emigrating with his father when a child to Pennsylvania, settling with John Draper at Draper's Mead- ows in 1748. In 1750 he married Mary Draper, whose capture by, and escape from, the Indians, is one of the thrilling pages of pioneer history. During the Indian Wars, Wm. Ingles was active in defense of the frontiers. In 1756 he was a Lieutenant in the Sandy Creek expedition. In 1758-60, he de- fended the fort at Ingle's Ferry. In 1777 he was made Colonel of Militia in the organization of Montgomery County. In 1782, he died at his home at Ingles Ferry. Thomas Ingles. Thomas Ingles was with his mother, Mary Ingles, who was captured by the Indians, remain- ing with them until 1768, practi- cally becoming- a young- Indian in his habits. Returning to his home for a few years, he tried to adopt the habits of civilization and education, but he never for- got his Indian friends. He was in the battle of Point Pleasant, remaining the following winter in the Fort, during which time he visited the Indians at Scioto. In 1782, his wife was captured by 70 the Indians and his home burned. He removed afterward to Ten- nessee, thence to Mississippi, where be died. Henry Pauling. Capt. Henry Pauling" who com- manded a company of Bottetourt troops at Point Pleasant, con tinued in frontier service and in 1*777 went with Col, Bowman to the relief of the Kentucky frontier soon after which he set- tled in that state and represented Lincoln County, Ky,, in the con- vention of that state that ratified the Constitution of the United States, but he voted against the ratification of that instrument. Francis Slaughter. Col. Francis Slaughter who was at the battle of Point Pleas- ant was a member of one of the best Virginia Families. He married a daughter of Robert Coleman of Dunmore and in 1785 moved to Kentucky, settling- in Hardin County. Lawrence And George Slaughter. Lawrence and Georg-e Slaugh- ter each married a daug'hter of Col, John Field and both were in his regiment at the Battle of Point Pleasant. Col. George Slaughter in 1776 raising a com- pany, participated in the 8th Va. Reg. at Brandy wine and German- town. In 1779 he joined Shelby in the Chickamauga Campaign and in that winter started to re- enforce George Rodgers Clark, but was oblig-ed to winter at Louisville, Ky., joining 1 him the following 1 Jane, after which he returned to Virginia and in 1784 represented his county in the house of Delegates. Later he moved to Jefferson county, Ken- tucky, thence to Charleston, Ind., where he died June 17, 1819. The McAfee Brothers. McAfee station on Salt River, in Mercer County, Kentucky, commemorates the name of five McAfee brothers, James, Robert, George, William and Samuel, who lived on Sinking Creek, Bottetourt County, Virginia, from which place they finally all emigrated to Kentucky, in 1779. The first three named with James McConn, Jr., and Samuel Adams, were Kentucky explor- ers in 1773 with Col. Bullit and Hancock Taylor. They all par- ticipated in the Battle of Point Pleasant. William McAfee was in the George Rodgers Clarke expedi- tion and was killed in 1780. George died in 1803 at his home on Salt River. Samuel died in 1801, James in 1814, and Robert who was one of the early dealers, who, by flat boat, took large car- goes of produce to New Orleans, in 1795, when on such a mission, was killed by a Spaniard in that city, who was attempting to rob him. They left descendants, many of whom are yet residents of Kentucky. 71 James Knox. Major James Knox served un- der Col. Chester in the capacity of scout* in 1774. During- the Revolution he commanded a com- pany of Morgan's Riflemen en- gaged at Saratoga and Still water, returning with the rank of Ma- jor. Settling in Kentucky, he married Mrs. Logan, the widow of Benjamin Logan, who was in the Battle of Point Pleasant. James Knox died in 1822. He had accumulated a good fortune and was respected by all who knew him. John Madison. John Madison was of the dis- tinguished Virginia family that gave to America the president of that name, being a first cousin of President Madison. His son- James Madison, was the first American Episcopal Bishop. Other of his sons who distin- guished themselves were Thomas, Rowland and George, who emigrated to Kentucky. John Madison was the first Clerk of Augusta County and represented that county in the Virginia Assembly in 1751-52. He married a Miss Strother, sis- ter to the wives of Thomas Lew- is and Gabriel Jones of Augusta County. Kimberling. Elijah Kimberling of Bath County, Va.. who was-engaged in the Battle of Point Pleasant, returned to Bath County, Va., where he resided until the time of his death. So pleased, how- ever, were his sons with his de- striptionof the Kanawah Valley, that his four sons, Joseph, James, Jacob and Nathaniel emi- grated to Mason County West Virginia and located on farms in Union District, near Arbuckle Postoffice. They became the progenitors of a large and influ- ential family in the Kanawha Valley. Among whom were Elijah Kimberling, for many years a public official of Mason County, who married Margaret Catherine Jones, a native of Cul- pepper Couuty, Virginia, daugh- ter of Joseph Jones, and Ann Winn, his wife. William Ewing. William Ewing, a member of Arbuckle's company at Point Pleasant, settled on Swago Creek, tributary to the Greenbrier, near Buckeye, Va. He was one of the garrison at Point Pleasant and witnessed the murder of Cornstalk. William McKee. William McKee, born in Ire- land in 1732, and, emigrating when a youth to the Valley of Virginia, was in the Braddock Campaign. At Point Pleasant he was a lieutenant in Captain Murray's company. He later represented Rockbridge County in the Virginia Legislature and voted in favor of the adoption of the Constitution. He emigrated to Lincoln County, Kentucky, where he died in 1816. Charles Simms. Charles Simms was in the divis- ion commanded by Col. Lewis who expired in his arms. In the con- tinental army he was first major of the 12th Virginia, later Lieut. Col. of the 6th Va. and later of the 2nd Virginia Regiment. On Dec. 7, 1777, he resigned from the army and practiced law at Alexandria, Virginia, where he continued to reside until the time of his death. George Moffatt. Captain George Moffatt was born in 1735. His father was killed by indians in 1749, enroute to South Carolina. In 1763, George was Captain of a com- pany of Rangers in pursuit of Indians that had killed his step- father, John Trimble, and cap- tured his sister and half brother. He rescued his loved ones. Col- Wm. Christian was his uncle and Samuel McDowell his brother-in- law and in the battle at Point Pleasant, with him were many of his kindred. In the war of the Revolution he was active and commanded a regiment at Guil- ford Court House. From 1781- 83 he was County Lieutenant of Augusta. He died at his home eight miles northwest of Staun- ton in 1811. John Murray. Capt. John Murray, killed in the battle of Point Pleasant, was a brother in law of Col. Charles Lewis, and a half-brother of Charles Cameron, and Geo. Cam- eron, the last named, was killed in the battle. William Trotter. William Trotter who was en- gaged in the Battle of Point Pleasant, was an Englishman by birth, coming to America and an indentured servant. Coming at the same time with Ann Hennis, who, like him, was "sold out" to defray the expense of their pas- sage. They were bought in Augusta County, Va., and when his term of service had expired, he enlisted with Col. Charles Lewis, and was killed in the Bat- tle of Point Pleasant. This so incensed his widow that she don- ned a semi-male attire and with rifle and tomahawk she was seen at musters like a man. Later she married James Bailey. James Bailey. James Bailey, who was with Col. Charles Lewis and who afterward married Ann Hennis, the widow of Richard Trotter, is more noted for being the hus- band of Ann Bailey, the heroine of the Kanawha Valley than for his own achivements. He was assigned to garrison dnty at Fort Clendennin where the pres- ent city of Charleston is now located. Ann Bailey was the mother of one son, William Trot- ter, who located in Harrison Township, Gallia, Ohio, where his descendants yet reside. 73 Waiter Newman. Walter Newman, a native of Pennsylvania, was in the Battle of Point Pleasant and was one of the first to locate here when the new town was laid off. He pur- chased the grounds upon which the Mansion House in Tue Endie Wei Park now stands and built the first hewn log" house in the county, which, for its beauty and size, was called the Mansion House. The house was built in 17%. In August, 1804, he was licensed to establish a ferry across both the rivers, Ohio and Kanawha, and granted a license to sell spirituous liquors and keep an ordinary at bis house in the town of Point Pleasant. This was the first place in which liquor was ever legally sold in the county. Mr. Newman was also the first man in the county to support a missionary, sending his nephew, Rev. James New- man, as a missionary to South America. William Moore. William Moore, of Rockbridge County, after the Battle of Point Pleasant, became' Capt. Wm. Moore of the Revolution. He was a merchant of Lexington, Virginia, and purchased the first bag of coffee ever purchased in Virginia, which be found slow sale for. Later, he built an iron furnace at South River in Rock- bridge Co. He was a Justice of the Peace for manv vears and served as high sheriff of Rock- bridge for two terms. He died in 1841, aged 93 years. His wife was Miss Nancy McClung, by whom he had children, Samuel, David, John, Eliab, Joseph. Isa- bella, Elizabeth and Nancy. John Lyle. John Lyle, of Capt. McDowell's Company, became Rev. John Lyle, of Hampshire County, now West Virginia, a pioneer minis- ter, who proved to be a power for good in that region. William Robertson. William Robertson of Augusta Countv, was commissioned a Lieutenant July, 1775. He dis- tinguished himself at Great Bridge, Brandywine and Ger- mantown. He died Nov. 12, 1831. John Lewis. Captain John Lewis, son of Thomas Lewis, of Augusta Co., was with his uncle, Andrew Lewis, at Point Pleasant, where be was wounded. He was born in 1749, died 1788, leaving four children. He served under Washington at Valley Forge and in the Jerseys and witnessed the surrender of Cornwallis. John Frogg. The Sutler of the Army, was killed at Point Pleasant. Oct. 10 1774, 'by the Indians and was there buried. He came to Staunton from the Rappahannock and married, Miss Agatha Lewis, a daughter 74 of Thomas Lewis a brother of General Andrew and Col. Charles Lewis, and when the Army started for the Ohio river, Mr. Frogg was appointed the Sutler and went with them. He was a handsome young- man, gallant, generous and fond of display and spoken of as a very worthy gentleman and pop- ular with the men, and by one writer, when giving a list of the dead, spoke of him, as "poor 'John Frogg." When be went into the battle, he had on a brilliant red jacket, which made him a prominent mark for Indians and when he fell, there were no less than five Indians that had made an at tempt to secure his scalp, and all five of them were found dead on the ground where poor John lay. It is tradition that the little daughter was awakened from her sleep at three several times by the dream of her father be- ing killed by the Indians, which she related to her mother several days before it was known that there had been a battle. Mr. Frogg was related to the Strother family, one of whom was the wife of John Madison, Clerk of Augus- ta Co., one was the wife of Gabriel Jones, the Crown's At- torney for said County and the other was the wife of Thomas Lewis, the Surveyor of said County. His widow became the wife of Capt John Stuart of Greenbrier who was also in said battle; and his daughter married a Mr. Estili. It may not have been the duty of Mr. Frogg to go into the bat- tle at all, but it is certain he was not required to attire himself in a brilliant red jacket and make of himself a mark forsbarpshooters and loose his life, but, it required five Indians to pay for his life. Agatha Lewis, his wife, was born May 18, 1753 and she married Capt. John Stuart Nov. 18, 1776. William McCorkle. William McCorkle, who engag- ed in the Battle of Point Pleasant, was the son of Alexander Me Corcle (McCorkle) who had his American origin in Pennsylvania, in the Scotch-Irish reservoir of the Cumberland Valley, among the other Scotch Irish, who, emi- grating to the Valleys of the Shenandoah and James, became he very seat of culture and the greatest factors in Virginia's power, and gave that state her prominence in the sisterhood of states. In the spring of 1774 Win Mc- Corkle was making preparations to emigrate with a great body of Virginians to Kentucky and, on June 3rd of that year, a survey of 1,000 acres of land was set aside for him near the present city of Louisville. Indian hostilities necessitating 75 the protection of the frontier, and although not a young- man, VVm. McCorkle enlisted as a vol- unteer in Captain John Murry's Company from Botetourt and en- gaged in the Point Pleasant Campaign. He returned to Kockbridge Coutity to the lands be held near Lexington, and which had continued in the pos- session of his descendants until 1894, when it passed into the hands of strangers. Soon after the Battle of Point Pleasant, \Vrn. McCorkle died but he had offered upon his country's altar his son, John Mc- Corkle, who, when but twenty- three years of age, was killed at tbe Battle of Cowpens, while serving under Gen. Morgan. John McCorkle married Re becca Nutt, and was survived by his two sons, Alexander and Samuel, the younger Samuel be- ing the progenitor of five sons, the youngest of whom was Wil- liam McCorkle, whose oldest son is Ex-Governor William A. Mc- Corkle, who served as Governor of West Virginia, from March 4, 1893, to March 4, 1897, and is now located at Charleston, West Virginia, where, as a historical memorial, he has erected the most beautiful home in the state, "SUNRISE", on the summit of the mountain; embellished with historic stones and furnished and decorated vuth historic mem- -entoes, demonstrating that -his heredity has made him revere the past as it has made him boun- tifully prepare fo r the future. Robert Campbell. Robert Campbell, who was en- gaged in the Battle of Point Pleasant', was born in tbe Valley of Virginia in 1755. He was en- gaged tnroughout the Revolution. He displayed great bravery in his conflicts with the Cherokees. He was in command of a Regi- ment at King's Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780 For forty years he was a magistrate of Washington County, Virginia. In 1825, he emigrated to Tennessee with his children and there died. John Carter. John Carter became a pioneer of Tennessee. During the Rev- olution, he was elected with John Sevier and Charles Robertson to the Convention that assembled at Hartford, N. C., in 1785, and framed a Constitution for the State of Franklin, which was re- united with North Carolina in 1788. Matthew Bracken, Matthew Bracken had been a surveyor with Thomas Hanson from Virginia in the exploration and surveying expedition to Ken- tucky, which left Fincastle on April7th, 1774. "Bracken Creek" in Mason county, Kentucky, commemorates his name. He returned to Kentucky in time to enlist as an ensign in the comp- any of Capt. Robert McClena- 76 ban's Company of volunteers from Botetourt. He was killed in the Battle of Point Pleasant and his remains were buried within the forty foot reservation, now a part of Tu-Endie Wei Park, at the mouth of the Kanawha. Capt. Johji Lewis. Capt John Lewis eldest son of Gen'l Andrew Lewis married Miss Patsy Love of Alexandria Virginia who had four children. His eldest son Andrew married Jane McClenahan of Botetourt County Virginia and they were the parents of six children who lived to maturity. Jonn, William and Samuel locating in Kanawha County near the mouth of Scary. John Lewis known as Coal Riv- er John was a man of great wealth and prominence and from him through his daughter Marjorie who married 1st Edward Kenna and 2nd Richard Ashbey has de- scended through this first mar- riage Hon. John E. Kenna who represented the old third dis- trict of West Virginia three times in Congress and was twice elected to the United States Sen- at each time being the youngest member in either branch of Con gress. There are many descen- dants of Captain John Lewis living on the Kanawha including Mr. Kenna's family the fami- ly of Mr. Kenna's sister Mrs. Gentry, the family of Hon. Jos. Gaines, M. C., Mr. Walter Ash- by and many others. Thomas Hacket Thomas Hacket (Haket) of Rich Creek Virginia was a mem- ber of Capt. Michael Woods Company at Point Pleasant, soon after which he settled at Peters- burg Virginia where he continu- ed to reside until after Waynes Treaty. Lured by the beauty and fertility of the Ohio Valley be settled at Kyger Ohio in Gal- lia Count}' where he died and is buried having lived to the ad- vanced age of 104 vears. Among other children he left a daughter Mary Ann Hacket who married Nimrod Kirk whose daughterElizabeth (Betsey) Kirk married George Knight. From George Knight descended the distinguished Dr. A. L. Knight of Mason County, prominent farmer James Knight of Pleasant Flats, the late Samuel Knight of Marietta, Ohio, Mr. George Knight of Clifton, and Mrs. Louise Meeks of Dallas, Mrs. Rebecca Brown of Hartford, and Mrs. Susan Hogg of Point Pleasant and their descendants. Capt. James Curry. Capt. Jas. Curry served under Gen'l Andrew Lewis and was severely wounded in the right arm at the battle of Point Pleas- ant. His home at that time was near Staunton Virginia. When at the age of 22 years he enlisted as a private. 77 Michael See. While at work outside the fort at Point Pleasant in a field near where James Capehart now resides, in August 1791 Michael See and Robert St. Clair were killed by Indians. Thomas Northrop and a coiored boy be- longing to See were captured and carried away prisoners. Michael See who had been en- gaged in the battle of Point Pleasant was living with bis fam- ily within the fort where the night of his death his wife gave birth to a son, Wm. See. from whom descend the of Mason County West Virginia. We are indebted to Rev. Price, of'Marlinton and Rev. C. W. McDonnald, ofHuttonsville, Randolph Co., descendants of Michael See who send the follow- in^ Cleaned from the history of O O Randolph county: "Michael See, of German ancestry, and using the language in his family is be- lieved to have been born in Pennsylvania. He came from that state to South Branch, what is now Hardy County, W. Va , about 1765. His father's name was Frederick Michael See, of him but little is known except he had a son Adam, but Adam never lived in Randolph county Michael See, son of Frederick See was among the early settlers of Tygarts valley, Randolph Co., and his children intermarried with the following prominent families more than a century since. Anthony See married Julia Leonard; Adam See married Margaret Warwick, daughter of Jacob Warwick, the pioneer of whose name appears in the Pocahontas sketches; Polly See, of Michael married George See. . Her daughter Georgiana became Mrs. Capt. J. W. Marshall, a noted confederate officer and promoter of public improvement. Barbara See married William McCleary; John See married Miss Stewart, and Noah married Margaret Long Col. James Curry. March, 1900, Mr. W. S. Curry of Columbus, Ohio, Registrar of the Sons of the Rev- olution, sent us an account of his grandfather Col James Curry, above referred to. It follows: "James Curry was closely en- gaged throughout the greater part of the day fighting from be- hind first one tree and then an- other but later in the day was shot through the right elbow. It is said he asked the surgeon who dressed his wound 'If it would hurt him to take a drink of wine?' to which the surgeon re- plied 'No if you take it with the Surgeon.' He remained in the garrison until recovered from his wounds. He served in the army through- out the Revolution as Captain in the Fourth Va, Inft., participa- 78 ting- in the battle of Brandy wine, Yorktown. He was wounded at the siege of Charleston, S. C. and taken prisoner May 12, 1871 by Gen. Lincoln's Army. After the Revolution he settled at Staunton, served a term as Clerk of the Court for Augusta Co. In 1797 he moved to High- land County Ohio where he en- tered a Virginia Military tract of land. " Solomon Brumfield Solomon Brumfield who enlis- ted under Gen'l. Andrew Lewis at Staunton resided where the city of Washington is now built. Wm. Hamilton. Wm. Hamilton was an orderly at Point Pleasant in the army of Gen'l. Lewis and when the battle began was sent as a messenger to hasten the regiments m command of Capt. Wm. Chris- tion whom he met at the mouth of 13 mile creek, the pres- ent site of the village of Leon. Here a few were left in charge of supplies while the remainder of the companies marched on to Point Pleasant arriving at about 11 o'clock. Bazaleel Wells Bazaleel Wells, afterward Gen'l Wells of the Revolution, became the founder of Steubenville, Ohio, and helped to form the first Constitution of Ohio. He was then a member of the Ohio Senate and 1 was probably the wealthiest man in Eastern Ohio at the begining ot the century. It was he who financed the build- ing of the Zanesville road the great highway of Ohio that prov ed to be the great artery of com- merce of that successful, pro- gressive new state. John Murry, Earl of Dunmore. (LORD DUN MORE.) In reviewing, (by many histor- ians,) the life and character of Lord Dunmore, there are none who have more truly recorded his character than Hu Maxwell, in bis history of Hampshire County, who says on page 51: "Before proceeding to a narra- tive of the events of the Dunmore War. it is not out of place to in quire concerning Governor Dun- more, and whether from his past acts and general character he would likely conspire with the British and the Indians to de- stroy the western settlements in Virginia. Whether the British were capable of an act so savage and unjust as inciting savages to harrass the western frontier of their own colonies is not a mat- ter for controversy. It is a fact that they did do it during the Revolutionary War." As to a confirmation of the character of Dunmore and his methods we quote again from the same author, relating to events subsequent to the Battle of Point Pleasant: "Dunmore had trouble else- where. His domineering- con- 79 duct and bis support of some of Great B r i t i a n ' s oppressive measures, caused him to be bated by the Virginians, and led to armed resistance. Thereup- on be threatened to make Vir- g nia a solitude using these word; l 'I do enjoin the true and loyal subjects to repair to my assist- ance, or I shall consider the whole country in Rebellion and myself at liberty to annoy it by every possible means, and I shall not hesitate to reduce houses to ashes, and spreading devastation wherever I can reach. With a small body of troops and arms, I could raise such a force from among Indians, negroes and other persons as would soon re- duce refractory people of them. 1 ' The patriots finally rose in arms and drove Dunmore from the country. Some of these events occurred after the Dunmore War, but they serve to show what kind of a man the Governor was." He was born in England in May, 1709, descending from the house of Stuart. He succeeded to the peerage in 1756; appointed Governor of New York 1770; of Virginia, July, 1771. With a band of Tory followers, he plun- dered the inhabitants, residing on the James and York Rivers. He and his followers suffered defeat at the battle of Great Bridge, shortly after which he burned Norfolk, then the most prosperous city in Virginia. In 1779, he returned to England, and, in 1786, was appointed Gov- ernor of the Bermudas. Logan. Tah-gah-jute, son of Shikellan- ny, chief of the Cayuga Indians, was born in about 1725. He was named Logan by the whites for James Logan, (the Secretary of Wm. Penn,) who had been such a friend of the Indians, that they accepted the name as a badge of honor. Logan was reared near the Moravian settlements and his relation to the whites had been most friendly. Throughout Vir- ginia and Pennsylvania he was known for his commanding pres- ence and engaging qualities. Residing with his family near Readsville, Penn., he supported them by hunting, and trap- ping and dressing hides which he disposed of to the whites. At this time, the Mingo tribe of In- dians chose him as their chief. About 1770. he moved to the banks of the Ohio, where, in the spring of 1774, his family were massacred, whereupon he sent a declaration of war to Michael Cressap, whom he believed had ordered the massacre. Thus began the fearful depredations that burst upon the frontier and Logan is said to have taken thirty scalps himself before the termi- nation of hostilities at Point Pleasant, where he was engaged that fearful October day. Sub- 80 sequent to the battle when the other. Indian chiefs sued for peace, Logan disdained to partic- ipate in the treaty. Governor Dunmo^ sent John Gibson to personally invite him to the coun- cil and he then gave out that classic in English literature that has made so famous the name of Logan. It is as follows: "I appeal to any white man to say if he ever entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if he ever came cold and naked and he clothed him not. During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his cabin, an ad- vocate of peace. Such was my love for the whites that my Countrymen pointed as they passed and said: 'Logan is the friend of the white men.' I bad even thought to have lived with you but for the injuries of one man. Cresap, the last spring, in cold blood and unprovoked, mur dered all of the relations of Logan, not even sparing my woman and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called for my revenge. I have sought it; I have fully glut- ted my vengeance. For my country, I rejoice at the beams of peace. But do not harbor the thought that mine is the joy of fear; Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one." The speech was written down, when Gibson repeated it to an officer, and published in the'Vir- ginia Gazette. Thomas Jeffer son, a great admirer of Logan, took pains to establish its authenticity and published it in his Notes on^Virginia. Logan was killed by his neph- ew at Lake Erie in the summer of 1780. Cornstalk. Cornstalk, the celebrated Shawnee warrior, is first men- tioned in Colonial History in 1763, when about sixty Indians, led by Cornstalk attacked the settle- ment on Muddy Creek, in Green- brier Gounty, Virginia, when they pretended to be on a friend- ly mission, at which time they arose and murdered all except a few women and children, whom they took prisoners. From there the Indians went on to the Levels in the same county, to the home of Alexander Clenden- nin, where many were gathered enjoying the fruits of a success- ful chase and the Indians, too were treated with the utmost hospitality, but they a^ain mur- dered most of the inmates of that place. Mrs. Clendennin was carried away a prisoner and with others taken to Muddy Creek. For a year the Indian dep- redations were continued, un- til there was not a white set- 81 tiers left in Greenbrier County which was not again inhabited by whites until 1769, when Col. John Stuart and a few others be- came permanent settlers. It is said that Cornstalk was born in the Kanawha Valley about 1727. In the Battle of Point Pleasant, he commanded the army consist- ing of the flower of the Sbawnee, Delaware, Wyandotte, Mingo and Cayuga braves, he being the King of the federation, in their herculian efforts to stay the on- coming tide of Saxon civilization. These Indians were, fighting to maintain their homes and their hunting grounds, and, if the whites were eyer to be repelled, it must be now. This was not the first time in battle array that the Shaw- nees had shown their skill as warriors. In the Braddock defeat and other campaigns they had proven themselves val- iant. They despised treaties and had chafed under that with Boquet so that at the Battle of Point Pleasant, they had deter- mined to be victorious. It was not that they favored Great Briton. All whites were alike to them except as they availed to help them save their hunting grounds; and here were gathered their ablest leaders: Cornstalk, Red Eagle, Scoppathus, Blue Jacket, Logan, Chief of the Ca yngas, Illinipsico, Red Hawk, the noted Deleware Chief and others commanding the most formidable army every arrayed as an Indian phalanx. The story of their bravery has al- ready been related in the ac- counts of the Battle of Point Pleasant, here in published. It were well for the white set- tlers, if the history of Cornstalk could have ended with the Battle at Point Pleasant. The treaty with the whites following the battle, was maintained in the highest sense of honor by Corn- stalk. In the spring of 1777, when the great Indian uprising was again taking place, Cornstalk came to Fort Randolph at Point Pleasant to warn the whites of their danger and was retained as a hostage, during the whole of the summer. In November, his son, Illinipsico, came in search of his father, hallooing to be brought across the river. The next day two hunters crossed the Kanawha and, returning, one was killed by Indians. Some of the whites made a rush for the Indians detained at the fort. Captain Arbuckle in com- mand tried to stay them, but incited by one of the Gilmores whose kindred had been massa- cred at Muddy Creek, Corn- stalk and his son, Illinipsico and Red Hawk were murdered in cold blood, by Captain James Hall and Hugh Galbraith leading 82 the men. The bravery of Corn- stalk called forth the admiration of even his brutal murderers, as be^hus addressed Illinipsico. "My Son, the Great Spirit has seen fit that vfe should die to- g-ether, and has sent you here to that end. It is His will and let us submit; it is all for the best!" and then turning- his face to bis murderers at the door, he fell without a groan pierced with seven bullets." Cornstalk said the day before he was killed while attending a conference with the whites. "When I was a young man and went to war, I often thought each might be my last adventure, and I should return no more. I still lived. Now I am in the midst of you and if you choose you may kill me. I can die but once. It is alike to me whether now or hereafter." From the records of Rock- bride County we quote the fol- lowing. "At a court held in Rockbridge County, April 18, 1778, for the examination of Capt. James Hall and Hugh Gailbraith, charged with the murder of Cornstalk, no witnesses appearing, they were acquitted for the murder of Cornstalk and two other Indians in November, 1777, they denying their guilt." The remains of Cornstalk were intered at Point Pleasant outside the fort, where Viand intersects with First Street, but in August 4, 1840, when Viand Street was opened, his remains were removed to the Court House yard. Dr. Samuel G. Shaw made a memorandum at the time of his burial. His grave is thirty yards in the rear of the Court House where the grave is neglected. On October 13, 1899, a monu- ment to Cornstalk with the sim- ple inscription "CORNSTALK" was erected in the Court House yard near Sixth Street. The monument is of grey limestone the stone for which was donated by Mr. S. H. Reynolds, then Superintendent of- Construction at Kanawba Lock 11. The money for the completion of the monument was raised by private subscription and the dedication of the monument was the occa- sion for a public ceremonial with a dedicatory address by Hon. C. E. Hogg, Mayor John E. Beller receiving the monument for the town. Forts Blair, Randolph and Point Pleasant. Govenor Dunmore under date of June 12, 1774, directed Gen'l. Andrew Lewis "to collect a body of men immediately; go down to the mouth of the Great Kanaway and THERE BUILD A FORT; and then if you have force enough to invade the Indian Coun- try, do so." 83 Before these orders could be carried out the battle of Point Pleasant had ensued. The wounded of the army must be cared for, and sufficient of the army must remain to protect and care for them while the ma- jority marched on with Gen'l. Lewis to Camp Charlotte. So frail was the hastily impro- vised stockade that it was in- adequate to withstand an attack but fortunately Capt. Wm. Rus- sell and fifty Fincastle men were delegated by General Lewis to return to Point Pleasant and erect a fort. They arrived there November 11, 1774. Thus Captain Russell be came the designer and builder of this small rectangular pallis- ade, eighty yards long with block houses at two corners with cab- ins for barracks, which he call ed Fort Blair. It was erected upon grounds on the North Bank of the Kanawha as it emptied in- to the Ohio. Here in January, 1775, Cornstalk complying with the terms of the treaty at Camp Charlotte delivered a number of white prisoners. On June 5, 1775, Governor Dunmore reported that the gar- rison at Point Pleasant had been ordered discontinued, but the Virginia convention ordered that one hundred men should be hastened to Point Pleasant. Upon their arrival they found Fort Blair in ashes. By whom or when distroyed his- tory does not record. On May, 16, 1776, Captain Matthew Ar buckle passed through Wheel- ing enroute to Point Pleasant where upon the ruins of Fort Blair he erected Fort Ran- dolph. This fort was much larger than Fort Blair, called Fort Randolph in honor of Hon. Peyton Randolph of Virginia. It was from thence garrisoned at expense of the colony of Vir- ginia Captain Arbuckle con- tinuing in command until the close of 1777. He was succeed- ed in command by Capt. Wm. McKee of Rockbridge County. In 1778 several were killed by Indians while outside the fort at work, including Lieut. Moore. In 1779, for a week Indians be- sieged the fort but to no avail except that they captured all the cattle. In 1779 prior to July 12, Ft. Randolph was evacuated after which it was burned by Indians. Capt. Andrew Lewis visiting at Point Pleasant in 1784 reported. There was then but little or no sign of the fort to be seen. In 1785 a third fort was built at Point Pleasant, on the Ohio Riv- er above the present First street. Commanded by Colonel Thomas Lewis and from that year on the white man has never ceased to reside at Point Pleasant. Participants of the Battle. 1 official roster having been preserved either by the Government or State, the following list has been gleaned from the sources availabe after years oi research by the writer Albe, Jeremiah Adams, John Adkins, Parker Adkins, Wilton Atkins, Wm. Agnew, (Aggnue), John Alexander, James Ser. Allen, James Allen, Thomas Alley, Thomas Alden, Andrew Allen, Hugh Lieut. Allen, James Alliet (Elliot) Robert Alsbury, Thomas Arbuckle, Capt. Matthew . Anderson, James Anderson, Samuel Andrews, Samuel Arbuckle, John Ard, James. Arnold, James Arnold, Steven Armstrong, Geo. Armstrong Thos. Armstrong, Wm, Arthur, John Astle, Samuel Atkins, Blackburn Atkins, Charles Atkins, Henry Babbit, Ishmael Baker, Martin Barker, Samuel Baker, Thomas Baker, Markham Baker, Ensign Samuel Baily, John Bailey, Campbell Ball, James Baret, Edward Barton, Samuel Basel John Barkly, John Bambridge, James Barnes, Barnett, James Barnett, S. L. Bates, Ha ugh, Jacob Boylstone, Wm. Bazel, John Bellew, Daniel (Canoe man) Bell, Thomas Bergman, Christian Berry, Francis Bishop, Levi Blackburn, Arthur Blackford, Joseph Blair, Daniel Blair Wm. Blankenship, Richard 85 Bledsoe, Abraham Lieut. Blesly, Jacob Blesly, John Bojard, Abraham Boh, Adam Boh, Jacob Boles, John Boniface, Wm. Borg, Francis Bough man, John Boughman, Jacobs Buruey, Thomas Bowen, Moses Bowen, Reese Bowen, Wm. Bowles, Sergt Bowles, Kobt. Bowyer, Henry Boyd, James Boyd, Kobert Boylstone Boyer, Henry Boyles, Barney Bracken, Matthews Ensign & Lieut Bradley, John Bradley, Wm. Brambradge, Jas. Bramstead, Andrew Breckinridge, Alexander Breden, John Breeze, Richard Bree/.e, Robt. Bradley, John Brooks Geo. Brooks, Thos. Brown, Chas. Brown, James Brown, Low Brown, Robt. Brown. Wm. Brown, Thos. Brumfield Humphrey Brumfield, Solomon Brumley, Thos. , BryansSborgan Bryans, Wm. Sergt. Bryant, Wm. Buchanan (Commissariat) Buchanan Col. John Buchanan, Ensign Wm. Buford, Col. Abraham Bunch, Joseph Buchnell, John Burch, Richard Burcks, Samuel Burk, Thos. Burk, John Burnes, Thos. Burnsides, James Burrens, Jarnes Burroughs John Burton, Litton Burtchfield, James Buch, Sergt. John Buch, Wm. Buster, David Butler, Joseph Butl&r, Shabrick Byrd, Richard Byrne, Chas Galloway. Dudley Cameron, Geo. Cameron, Hugh Campbell, Arthur Maj. Campbell, John Capt. Campbell, Robt. Campbell Joseph Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Wm. Capt. Canady, Thos. Caperton, Adam Caperton, Hugh Carlton, James Carmack, John Carney, Martin Carpenter, John Carpenter, Jeremiah Carpenter Solomon Carpenter, Thomas Carr, Geo. Carr, John Carr, Wm. Cartain, James Cariain, Joel Cartain. John- Carter, John Carther, Edward Gary, Jeremiah 86 Casey, Wm. Cashady, Simon Cashaday, Thos. Catron, Adam Catron, Francis Catron, Jacob Calron, Michael Catron, Peter Catron, Philip Cats, Roger Cattes, John Cavenaugh, Charles Cavenaugh, Philemon Cavenaugh, Philip Cavenaugh Wm. Cecil, Saul Champ, Wm. Chaplme, Abraham Chapman, John Chapman. Richard Chesney, John Charlton James Christian, Col Wm. Clark, John Clark, James Clark, Samuel Clay, Mitchell Clay, Zekel Clay, David CJendinen Adam Clendinen, Alexander Clendinen Chas. Clendinen Geo. Clendinen, Robert Clendinen, Wm. Clerk, John Clifton, Wm. Clinding, Wm. Clinding, Geo. Cloyne Nicholas Cochran, Wm. Cocke, Capt. Wm. Coile, James Coller, John Coller, Moses Sergt. Collet, Thos. Collins, Richard Condon, David (canoe man) Conner, Patrick Conner, Wm. Constantine Patrick Cook, David Cook, Henry Cook, John Cook, Wm. Cooper, Abraham Cooper, Fiancis Cooper Leonard Cooper Nathiel Cooper, Spencer Cooper, Thomas Copley, Thos. Cornwell, Adam Corder, John Cormick, John Cornwell, Adam Cornwell, John Courtney, Chas. Courtney, John Cowan, Jared Cowan, John Coward Cox, Lieut, Gabriel Cox, Capt. John Coyl, James Crabtree, Wm. (scout) Craig-, George Craig, John Craig Wm. Serg- Grain, John Craven, Joseph Serg. Cravens, James Cravens, John Cravens, Robt. Crockett, Capt. Walter Crawford, Bonard Crawford, John Serg. Crawley; (Croley) James Creed, Matthew Crisman, Isaac Crockett, Joseph Croley, Samuel Crow, John Serg. Crow, Wm. Curwell, Alexander Cummins, Geo. Cundiff, Johnatban Ensign Cunningham James Cunningham John Current. Joseph 87 Curry, James, Capt. Custer, Wm. Cutlep, David Outright, John Culwell Alexander Dale, James Davis. Capt. Azariah Davis, Charles Davis, Geo. Davis, Robert (scout) Davis, Samuel Davise, Johnathen Day, Joseph Day, Wm. Deal, Wm. Deck, John Demonse, Abraham Denistun, John Denton, John Dickinson, Col. John Dillon, Lieut. Dingos. Peter Divev, John Doack, Robt. Capt. Doack, David Doack, Samuel Doack, Wm. Ensign Dobler, Jacob Dodd, John Dodd, James Dorherty, John Dorhertv James Dollarhide Samuel Donaley, Serg. Jame's Donaley, John (fifer) Donalson, Col. John Donalson, Robt. Donalson, Thos. Donley, Jacob Dooley, Thos. Lieut. Doran, Patrick Doss, Joel Daugherty, Geo. Serg. Daugherty, James Daugherty John Daugherty, Michael, Serg. Douglas Geo. Douglas, James Downy, James Serg. Downy, John Drake, Joseph Drake, Ephriam Draper Lieut. John Dulin, James Duncan, John Serg. Dunkirk, John Serg. Dunlap, Robert Dunn, John Dunowho, James Duttsn, Philip Dyer, Wm. Eager, John Eastbam, Wm. Eastham, Geo. Edgar, Thos. Edmiston (Edmondson) Wm. Lieut. Edward, James Edwards, Johnathan Egnis, Edward Elkins, Jesse Ellenborough, Peter Elias, Thomas Elliott Capt. Robert Ellison, James Ellison, Charles Elswick. John English, Joseph English, Joshua English, Stephen Estill, Samuel Evans, Evan Evans, Andrew Ewing, Alexander Ewing, - Jr. Ewing, Robert Ewing Samuel Ewing, Wm. Serg. & Maj. Fain, John Fain, Samuel Fargison, Thos. Farley (Farlen) Francis Farley, John Farley (Farlor) Thomas Farmer. Nathan Feavil, Wm. Ferrill, Robt. 88 Ferrill, Wm. Field, Col. John Fields, Wm. Fielder, John Serg. Fielder, Wm. Fenquay, Isham(canoe man) Findlay, Geo. Find lay, John Fendlay, Robt. Serg. Fisher, Isaac Fitzhugb, John Fitspatrick, Timothy Fleming, Col Wm. Flintham, John Fliping, Thos. Floyd, John Fourgeson,Thos. Fowler, Jas. (scout) Fowler, Samuel Fowler, Wm. Franklin, James Franklin, Wm. Frazer, John Freeland, John Friel, Jeremiah Frogg, Lieut. John Fry, Geo. Fry, Geo. Jr. Fry, John Fullen, Chas. Fullen, James Fullen, Daniel Fuls, Geo. Gardner, Andrew Garrett, Wm. Gass, David (Messenger) Gatliff (Gatkpp) Squire Gibbs, Luman Gibson, Joseph Gilberts, Thos. Gillihan (Gilliland) John Gilkenson, Jas. Gill, Prisley Gillespy, Thos. Gillass, Wm. Gillman Duncan Gilmore, John Gilmore,Capt. Jas. Givens, Lieut. Glascum, David Glass, Serg. Samuel Glass Wm. Glaves, Michael Glenn, Davis Goff, Andrew Goldman, Lieut. Edward Goldsby Goodall, John Gordan, Moses Gorman, David Graham, Benj. Green, John Griffin, Robt. Grigger, Michael Grigger, Peter Grigs, John Grimp, John Grigsby Guffy, James Guillen, Edward James Gullion, Barney Gurden, Michael Hackett, Thos. Hackworth, Augustine Hackworth Wm Haines, Lewis Hale, Edward Hale, Thomas Hale, Wm Hall, James Hall, Thos. Hamilton, Francis Hamilton Isaiah Hamilton, Jacob Hamilton, Jas. Hamilton, John Hamilton Thos. Hammond, Philip Hamrick, Thos. Hamrick, Wm. Handley (Herrill) Robt. Handley (Hensley) Sam'l Hanee, Philip Hansburger, Adam Hanson Wm. Harlan Elijah Harlan, Silas Harmon, Dangerfield 89 Harmon, Geo. Harmon, Israel Harmon, John Harrel, Wm. (scout) Harriman, Skid Serg. Harris Griffin Harris, John Harris, Stephen Harrison, Andrew- Harrison, Benj.Capt. Harrison, John Lieut. Harrod, James Capt. Hart, Thos. Hasket, Thos. Hatfield Andrew Havens, John Havens James Hayes, John Hay nes, Benj. Haynes, Capt. Joseph Hays, Chas. Henly, Geo. Henly, Wm. Hensley (Hadley) Sam'l Herbert Wm. Capt. Herd Richard Herrill, Robt. Henderson Sam 1 1 Hendrix, Peter Henderson, Lieut. John Henderson Daniel Henderson, Alexander Hays, Samuel (scout) Head, Anthony (Messenger) Hedden, Thos. Hedrick, Peter Hepenstahl (Hempinstall) Abra- ham Hckman Higgans (Higans) Peter Higgans, Philemion Hill, Capt. Hill James Hill, Robert Hobbs, Vincent Hogan, Henry Hogan, Win. Holley, Wm. Hollway (Holloway) Richard Holston, Stephen Hoi well, Walter Homes, Lewis Hooper, Wm. Hopton, Stephen Hopton, Wm. Home, Joseph Howard, Charles Howard, Henry Hutchinson, Lewis Huchisen (Hutchinson) Wm. Huff. Leonard Huff, Peter Huff. Samuel Huff, Thomas Hughes, Davy Hughes, Kl\is Hughey, Joseph Humphries, John Hundley, John Hunter, Robert Hutson, John Hynes. Frances Ingles, Wm. Major(Commissary) Inglis, Joshua Inglis, Thos. Inglish (English) Joseph Irvine, John Inglish (English) Joshua Isum, Wm. Jackson, Yerty Jameson, John Jenkins, Jeremiah Jennings, Edmond Jewitt, Matthew Johns, Wm. Johnson Capt. Arthur Johnston, John Johnston, Patrick Jones, Benj. Jones, John Jones, Thos. Jones, Wm. Kasheday, Peter Keeneson, Charles Keith, Samuel Kelley, Alexander Kelsey, John Kendrick, James 90 Kennedy, Ezekiel Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Win. Serg. Kenneson, Cbas. Kenneson, Edward Kennot, Zacariah Kerr, James Kerr. Wm Kinder, George Kinder, Jacob. Kinder, Peter King 1 , James King-, John King, Wm. Kincaid (Kingkeid) David Kincaid " Jr. Kincaid Geo. Kincaid James Kincaid '* John Serg. Kinsor, Cbas. Kinsor Michael Kinsor, Jacob Kinsor, Walter Kishoner, Andrew Jr. Kishoner, Andrew Sr. Kissinger, An3re>v Kissinger, Matthew Knox, James Lammey, Andrew Lapsley, John % Larken, John Serg-. Lashly, John Laughlin. James Lawrence. Henry Lee, Sefinah Learned (Lord) Lieut. Lee, Zacarias Lemaster, Richard Lesley Wm. Lesley, John Lesley, Wm. Adj. Lester, Samuel Lester, John Lewis, Andrew Gen. Lewis. Benjamin Lewis, Chas. Col. Lewis, John Capt. of Augusta Lewis. John Capt. of Botetourt Lewis, John Private Lewis, Samuel Lin, Adam Librougb, Henry Litton, Burton Litton, Solomon Litz, Wm. Lockhart, Jacob Lockhart, Queavy Lockridge, Andrew Capt. Logan, Ben). Logan, John Logan, Hugh Logan, James Long, Joseph Ensign Lord (Leord) Lieut Love, Joseph Love, Philip Capt.* Luallen, Thos. Lucas, Chas. Lucas, Chas. Jr. Lucas, Henry. Lucas, John Lucas, Wm. Luney. Michael Ly brook (Librough) Henry Ly brook Palser Lyman, Richard Lyle, John Lyn, James Lynch, Lyons, Wm. McAllister, Wm. McBride, James McBride, Joseph McCallister, James McCallister Wm. McCandless, John McCartney, John McCastem, Wm. McCarty, James McClanahan, Absalom McClanahan, Alexander, Capt. McClanaham, John, (Canoeman) McClanahan, Robt. Capt. McAfee, Geo. McAfee, James McAfee, Robt. McAfee, Samuel McAfee, Wm. 91 McCJintic, Wm. McClure, John McClure, Tfiomas McCorkle, Wm. McCoy, Wrn. Lieut McCune, Wm. McCutchen, Wm. McDonald, Daniel McDonald, James McDowell. Archibald McDowell, M. Capt. McDowell, Samuel Capt. McElhanev, Francis McFarland, Wm. Me Far land, Robt. McGee, John McGeehey, Samuel McGinness, John McGlahlen, John McGuff, John McGuff, Patrick McKee, Wm. Capt. McKinnett. Alex McKinney, John McKinsey, Hensley McKinsey, Moredock McLaughlin, Edward McMullin, John McMullcn, Wm. McNiel, Pfter McNeal (Niel) John McNiell, Daniel Lieut McNutt, James McNutt, Alexander Madison, John Monad ue, Henry Mann, John Mann, Wm. Marks, John Martin, Brice Martin, Christian Martin, Geo. Sr. Martin, Geo. Jr. Martin, Philip Martin, Wm Col. Matthew Capt. Geo. Matthew, Sampson Maxwell, Bezaleel Maxwell, David Maxwell, John Maxwell, Thomas Mayse, Joseph Mead, Nicholas Mead, Thos. Meader, Israel Mecrary, Thomas Meek, Wm. Messersnuth, Barnctt Messersnuth, John Micalister, Wm Milican, John Miller, James Miller, Robert Mills, John Mil wood, Geo. Miner, Henry Mitchell, James Capt. Mitchell, James Mitchell, Thos. Moffat (Manford) Robt. Capt. MofFat, George Capt. Montgomery, Jas. Capt. Montgomery, Samuel Moodr, John Moon, Abraham Moor, Moses Moor, Frederick Moor, Wm. Moor, John Moor, Hugh Mooney, Nicholas Mooney, Frederick Mooney, Hendly Ensign Mooney, Hugh Mooney, James Mooney, John M^oney, Moses Mooney, Samuel Mooney, Wm. Morris, Wm. Morrow, James Morrow, James Jr. Mullin, Thos. Mungle (Mongle) Daniel Mungle " Frederick Murry, John Capt. Murry, James Myers, Wm. Mercer, Hugh Nail, Dennis Nail, Thomas Nalle, Martin Lieut Nail, Thomas Naul (Novvl) Wm. Capt. Nave, Conrad Neal Wm. Neaville, John Neaville, Joseph Neely James (Cadet) Neely, Wm. Neil, John Nelson, John Newberry, Joseph Newell, James Newland, Abraham Newland, Isaac Newland, John Newman, Walter Nicholas, John Nickels, Isaac No well, John Noland, John Null, Jacob Null, John Odear, James Oguillen, Barnett Oguillen, Duncan Oguillen, John Oguillen, Hugh O'Haara, Chas. Capt. O'Haara, Robt. O'Haara, Wm. Qharron, Henry Olverson, Joseph Ormsbey, Daniel Overstreet, Wm. Ower, Thomas Owen, Robt. Owens, David Owler, Henry Ovvler, John Pack, George Pack, Samuel Packwood, Richard Pain, Joseph Parchment. Peter Parsons, James Pate Jeremiah Patten, John Pauling, Henry Capt. Paulley, James Paulley, John Pawlings, Moses Paxton, Samuel Peary, Thomas Pence, Jacob Ensign Perce, Thomas Peregin, Molastin Persinger, Jacob Pettv, Benjamin Peyton, John Peyton, Rowzie Pharis, Wm. Pierce, Lieut Pierce, John Plunkenpel, Zacarias Poage, Wm. Serg. Poling, Mathew. Portor, Robl. Posey, Thos. (Commissary) Potter, Thos. Preston, Wm. Price, Jarnes Price, Reese Price, Rickard Price, Thomas Price, Wm. Pricket (Pucket) Drury Priest, David Priest, Samuel Priest, Wm. Pright, John Prince, Wm. Prior (Pryor) John Ranis, Robert Ramsey, Josiah Rains, Robt. Rapp, Frederick Katcliff, Wm. Ratcliff, Matthew Razor, Michael Ray, Wm. Ravenscroft, Thos. Read, John Ensign Reagh, Archibald Reagh, John 93 Reary, James Keburn, John Rediford. Benj. Reed, Alexander Reese, Andrew Reid, Andrew Reid, Thos. Reynolds, John Richardson, Benj. Richardson, Wra. Riley, John Roay, Joseph Roberts, John Robinson, Elijah Robertson, Jas. Capt. Robertson, Wm. Lieut Robinson, Hugh Robinson, John Robertson, Jauies Robertson, Thos. Major Robertson, Wm. Robison, Jas. Lieut. Robison, Julius Robison, Wm. Robison, Isaac Roay, Joseph Roe, - Capt. Rogers (Rodgers) Andrew Roger, Chesley Rogers, David Rogers, James Rogers, " Thos. Rogers, Wm. Rollens, Richard Ross, Edward Ross. Tavener Rowan, Francis Rucker, Geo. Ruddle, (Ri'ddle) Geo. Rue, Abraham Russell, Wm. Gen. Rutheford, Benj. Samples, Samuel Sanders, James Sappington, Daniel Salsbury, Wm. Savage, John Savage, Samuel Sawyers, John Col. Sayres, John Scails, Wm. Scard, Lieut. Scarbara, James Scott, Archelaus Scott, Archibald Scott, Daniel Capt. Scott Geo. Scott, James Scott, Wm. See, Michael Sedbery, John Seed, Francis Selby, James Sevier, John Gen. Sevier, Valentine Shain, John . Shannon, John Shannon, Samuel Sharp, Abraham Sharp, John (.Scout) Sharp, Edward Shaw, Henry Shelby, Evan Capt. Shelby, Isaac Lieut. Shelby, James Shelby, Wm. Capt. Shell, Arnold Shelp, John Shillin, John Shoatt, Emanuel Simpkins, Daniel Simpkins, James Simms, Chas. " Simmerman, Geo. Simpson, James Simpson, John Simpson, Wm. Skaggs, Reuben Skaggs, Zach Skidmore, John Capt. Slaughter, Capt. Slaughter, Francis Col. Slaughter, Geo. Col. Slaughter, Lawrence Smith, Bruten Smith, David Smith, Daniel Capt. Smith, Edward Smith, Ericus 94 Smith, James Smith, John Smith, Mecagh Smith, Moses Smith. Robt. Smith, Wm. Smithers, Gabriel Sobe, Geo. Spicer, Wm. Spratt, Isaac Serg. Squires, Uriah Staffy, Michael Stailey, Martin Steele, Andrew Steele, John Stephens, John Lieut Stephens, Thomas Stephens, Wm. Stephens, Stephen Stephenson. Hugh Capt. Stephenson, Robt. Sterns, Conrad Stevens, Steward, John Steward, Walter Stewart, John Stewart, Wm. Stewart, John Capt. Stull, Martin Stump, Michael Sullivan, James Sullivan, Sam'l Summers, Charles Swoop, John Tate, T. Lieut. Tate, Wm. Tarney (Farney) Peter Taylor, Capt. Taylor, Daniel Taylor, Isaac Taylor, Sieltor Taylor, Wm. Teasy, Wm. Terrence (Torrence) Andrw Thomas, Edward Thompson, Andrew Ensign Thompson, Richard Thompson, Robert Thompson, Wm. Tipton, John Todd, James Todd, John Trent, (Canoe Master.) Trent, Obediah Trimble, Isaac Trimble, James Trotter, John Trotter, Richard Tucker, Wm. Tyler, Isaac Vails, John Vallendingham, Geo. VanBibber, Isaac VanBibber, Jesse VanBibber, John VanBibber. Peter VanBibber, Mathias Vance, Edward Vance, Samuel Lieut. Vanhook. Samuel Vaut (Vaught) Andrew Vaut Christian Vaut Geo. Venable, Wm. Vaughan (Vaun) John Vanhook, Samuel Wag-g-oner, Andrew Waggoner, Henry Waggoner, Henry Jr. Walker, Adam Walker, Henry Walker, James Wallace, Adam Ensign Wallace, Andrew Wallace, David Wallace Robt. Wallace, Samuel Lieut. Walter, Michael Wambler, Geo. Wambler, Mitchell Ward, David Ensign Ward, James Capt. Ward, Wm. Serg. Warwick, Jacob Washburn, James Washburn, Steven Watkins, Robt. 95 Weaver, Christian Weaver, Michael Welch, James Welch, John Welch, Thomas Welch, Thomas Jr. Wells, Bazaleel Wells, Samuel Welsh, Christopher Whish, Richard Wet/el, John Wetzel, Martin Whitley, Moses White, Davfd White, Joseph White. Solomon White, Wm. Whitticor, Joseph Whitton, Jerremiah Whitton, Thomas Whitton, Thomas Jr. Wiley James Wiles, Robert Wiley, Robert Jr. Wiley, Thomas Williams, Alden Williams, David Williams, Isaac Williams, James Williams, Jarrett Williams, John Williams, Mack Williams, Philip Williams, Richard Williams, Rowland Williams Samuel Williams, Thomas Serg 1 . Williamson, Aldin Williamson, David Willis, Henry, Wilmoth, Wm. Wilson, Beni. Wilson, Edwaad Wilson, James Wilson, John Capt. Wilson, Georg-e Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Wm. Serg-. Wilson, Samuel Capt. Wood, John Wood, Adam Wood, Andrew Wood, Archibald Wood, James Serg. Wood, Jos. Capt. Wood, Michael Capt. Wood, Richard Woolsey, Richard Workman, Daniel Wood burn, Steven Woodburn, James Young-, John History of the Monument Building In our research for informa- tion relative to efforts being- made to erect a battle monument at Point Pleasant, the earliest record of which we have an ac- count is a letter yet preserved, written by Hon. J. M. H. Beale, who, in 18-18, represented that district of which Mason County, Virginia, was a part, in the lower branch of Congress, in which he says "I have introduced a bill in Congress asking for $50,000 with which to erect a monument to commemorate the Battle ot Point Pleasant." As nothing came of it, it died in a commitee room. That amount of money in pur- chasing power, equal in value to twice that amount of money at the present time, only demon- strated the magnitude in which the battle was held when not so many years had intervened since that terrible struggle. We find by reference to an old minute book preserved by Mrs' 96 John Daniel McCulloch, that a monument committee had been organized in the year 1860. The exact date of organization is not given. The first meeting record- ed is as follows: "Monument Association Rooms Sep. 17, 1860. The Regent being absent, Mrs. James Hutchinson, Vice Regent, called the association to order. On motion the minutes of the last meeting was suspended." "The committee on By Laws reported series of laws by Mrs. Wm. Smith, Chair lady, & under discussion said By laws were adopted, & on motion the com- mittee was discharged." "On mot on a permanent com- mitee composed of Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mrs. Barlow, Miss Sallie Henderson, Miss Kimberling, Miss Till Stribling, Miss Sue Waggoner to collect historical facts connected with the battle of Point Pleasant. "On motion of Mrs. Smith, it is resolved this association will celebrate the anniversary of the battle, 10th of October. "On motion it is resolved com- mittee be appointed to see what will be contributed for a supper. "On motion a committee com- posed of Sallie Lewis, Fannie, for the Flats, Miss Patrick, Sehon for Mason City, Miss Stribling & Hall, upper part of town, Miss Jones & Miss Murdock lower end, Sallie Henderson and E. Smith, South Side Kanawha, Ginnie Neale& Maria Menager, Mercer Bottom. "On motion it is resolved a committee of two be appointed to wait on Col. Beale, & see if. we can procure the Hall. Signed, E. Smith Recording Secretary M. T. Lewis Regent Nov. 14-1860" There is left no written record of that supper given at Beal's Hall, but there are many living here yet who recall it as one of the greatest social events of the town up until that time, as there was gathered here all of the elite of the county. The money raised at that time by the supper was about $200.00, 'which was supplemeated by $800,00 more in subscriptions, Mrs. John S. Lewis (Mrs. Mary T. Lewis) the Regent riding horseback over the county soliciting funds, The society applied fora char- ter which was granted under the laws of the State of Virginia. The money war. loaned to Mr. Peter Steenbergen Lewis, a descendant of Col. Charles Lewis killed in the battle, and was faithfully accounted for and in- terest paid until turned over to the Point Pleasant Battle Monu- ment commission provided for in 1901, by the State of West Virginia. The only two surviving char- 97 ter members of the original monument association are Miss Elizabeth Smith, of McCaus-land, and Mrs. J. D. McCulloch (Miss Sallie Lewis) of Point P4easant. We find in the above mentioned record book the following- entry: "Monument Association Room. Nov. 14, 1860. The Regent, having called the meeting to order on motion of E. Smith, the historical com- mittee is requested to wait upon, or otherwise communicate with all the early settlers of the coun- ty, that is practicable, to obtain all the information they can in regard to the battle of the Point, and all other interesting events of the early Indian times. On motion it is resolved, the monument be placed on the spot where the brave men who fell in the battle have so long lain un- honored, by vote was unanimous- ly carried affirmative Nannie Smith, Kate Murdock, Sallie Lewis, Sallie Henderson, M. J. Stribling, Ginnie Neale, Rose Barlow, Fannie Lewis, Eliza Waggoner, E. Smith Negative. "On motion it is resolved a fine of five cents be imposed on those who are not present by half after two o'clock, P. M. "On motion it is resolved that this meeting adjourn to meet the first Wednesday in January." it is well that the names of these patriotic women have been preserved to history, many of whom were descendants of par- ticipants in the battle. Sallie Lewis (Mrs. J. D. McCulloch) descended from Col. C h a r 1 e s Lewis; Sallie Henderson, the late Mrs. Jos. George, of Five Mile, descended from Samuel Hender- son; Misses Sue and Eliza Wag- goner descended from Gen. An- drew Lewis; Mrs. Charles Lewis was the mother of Mr. P. S. Lewis, a descendant to whom the first funds were entrusted; Mrs. Kimberling was the wife of Elijah Kimberling, for many years clerk of the county court; Fannie Lewis, wife of Judge John W. English, descended from Col. Charles Lewis, as did Miss Lizzie Sehon, of Mason City; Miss Hall was the late Mrs. B. J. Redmond, daughter of Hon. John Hall; Miss Jones is Mrs. J. W. Bryan; Maria Menger be- came the wife of Rev. George Lyle; Miss Till Stribling became the wife of Mr. Chap. Waggoner of Pleasant Flats: Mrs. Rose Barlow was the wife of a resi- dent physican; Miss Kate (Beale) Murdock was the second wife of the late Col. C. B. Wag- goner, Ginnie Neale now Mrs. Otis Stribling. The Civil War breaking out, the efforts to erect a monument were put aside for the stirring incidents then agitating the minds of the people and no efforts were again made until the 100th anniversary of the Battle, 1874, 98 when the proper celebration of the battle was taken up by Messrs. John Q. Dickerson, John D. Lewis, C. C. Lewis, Wm. Dickenson, of Charleston, P. S. Lewis, J. P. R. B. Smith, Judge John W. English, of Point Pleas- ant. These largely financed the celebration assisted by other of the most patriotic citizens of Point Pleasant and an effort was made to gather together as many as possible of the descendents of the Lewis's of that battle. In "fact so little attention was paid by other descendants and so highly had the Lewis's honor- ed the services of their sires that the proposed monument was spoken, of as the "Lewis Monument" and, for years, the writter, who was present at that celebration, scarcely knew there were other heroes participating worthy of being- published in the school histories, there being no available books to be read and no one mentioned by word of mouth but the Lewis's. All honor, however, to this family who honor their- heroic dead. It was the most splendid palm they could place upon the brow of their ancestors to teach the world as they have done their descendants to revere the names of Andrew and Charles Lewis. The first published agitation for the proper observance of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Point Pleasant, we find in the Charleston Courier, reproduced in the Weekly Register of March 19, 1874, which we quote in part: "It was at this place that oc- curred one of the bloodiest and severest battles in which the whites and Indians have ever en- gaged. On the morning of the 10th of October, 177 N 4, an army composed almost entirely of Vir- ginians, under the command of General Andrew Lewis, and numbering about eleven hundred men, was attacked by a largely superior force of savages under the command of the famous chieftain Cornstalk. The battle raged furiously the entire day, and ended in the defeat of the Indians, who throughout the bat- tle, are said to have displayed the most determined bravery. The Virginia army sustained in this engagement a loss of seven- ty-five killed and one hundred and forty wounded." "Among the slain were Colonels Charles Lewis and John Field and eight subordinate officers, all of whom were of the best families of Virginia." "The loss of the savages was never ascertained, as it was their custom to bear off and secrete their dead. Some twenty or more bodies, however, were found on the field, which the In- dians had been unable to carry away." "The wounded whites were 99 placed within entrenchments, thrown up at the point of the .confluence of the Kanawha and Ohio rivers, and a garrison left there to protect them, the dead were buried immediately outside of the entrenchments, though in a scattered manner. General Lewis then pursued his march northward." ''Finding- our selves at Point Pleasant with considerable lei- sure and time, we proposed to an old friend and resident of the "Point" to take us to the graves of the heroes of the battle of Point Pleasant. With a willing- ness to oblige which is a promi- nent characteristic of that gen- tleman, he readily assented, and in a few moments we found our- selves close to the junction of the two rivers, standing on tip-toe looking over a high bank on which we were standing com- pleting the bounds. A few in- dentations or depression were all that indicated that within that small enclosure were buried some fifty or sixty heroes of the times that tried men's souls. The place was strewn with filth and refuse and seemed to be a general depository for the rub- bish of the neighborhood. With a feeling of disgust at the cold neglect so plainly manifested by the authorities, not only of the governments of the States of Virginia and West Virginia, but of the county and city wherein rest these dead, we turned away." The writer who signs himself "Virginiout," relating an inter- view with Mr. Andrew Darst, residing upon the extreme point where the rivers meet, who not only exhibited a grind stone, cannon ball, and shovel, taken from an old well that had been within the fort, but he 'exhibited the site of the old magazine long since gone over the bank, and the site of the cottage wherein Corn- stalk was murdered. Quoting further from article of date above given, Mr. Darst said in that published interview: "About 1832 thar came by here an old man who had been here in Injin times. Some folks were wondering whar Cornstalk had been buried. The old man said he knowed, and if thej'd follow him he'd show 'em. So he took 'em out to a ditch just back of that drug store you see there, (2nd and Viand Streets) told them to dig in at a certain place and they'd find Cornstalk about four feet under ground. They dug in there and sure enough they found him. They then took him up and buried him in the Court House yard." "The spot of land here on the point was once a big Injin grave yard, and if you will take the trouble to look over the bank where it has been washed you'll find bones a plenty. All of 'em's 100 across beads and trinkets among the bones." Acting 1 on the suggestion we took a look over the bank and discovered many fragments of bones which were lying loosely on the soil or projecting from the face of the bank. After sauntering around a few mo- ments longer we bade "Andy" farewell and walked off to take a look at the town." "The heroes of Bunker Hill have their monument to com- memorate their deeds, but the brave little band sleeping 1 so si- lently on the bank of the Kana-- wha, have nothing but an old de- cayed, worm eaten fence to mark their graves. Point Pleasant and Bunker Hill, were each fought in the same cause, and those acquainted with the history of "Dunmore's war' will not contradict the assertion that the battle of "Point Pleasant," was really the first battle of the Rev- olution." The Weekly Register of May 17, 1874, editorially comments on the importance of the battle of Point Pleasant and quotes again from the Charleston Cou- rier/ as follows: "Is there any event connected with our past history which so closely affects the people of the Valley as the battle of Point Pleasant, where Virginians bared their breast to protect it from invasions? While Eastern Virginia had her Yorktown, West Augusta had already pur- chased a victory at Point Pleas- ant. To no event transpiring within the limits of our State has ever attached the importance and grateful recollections as has to the Point Pleasant battle. It is. well suggested then that the people all along our Valley take some steps to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of this event at Point Pleasant in Octo- ber next. Our neighbors in Mason will readily adopt the suggestion, as well as all other counties that feel an interest in preserving afresh both the mem- ory of the gallant dead and their resting places." "For many reasons the Mason county people should take the lead in this matter, and we feel confident they will. Let every community then from the Ohio to the Greenbrier, fall into line and adopt some harmonious ac- tion to fitly celebrate the day, and to raise suitable funds to re- move the disgrace of the neglect- ed graves. There is not a super- abundance of time, and we pre- dict a prompt response from Mason. Who will take the ini- tiatory for a grand celebration of this event, which if of all others the one great shrine which every creed, every politi- cal faith and every class in the State can pay their homage." "A correspondent from Mason 101 County to the Charleston Courier contributed the following: "There is considerable talk just as this time about our cen- tennial anniversary, and a good deal of patriotic feeling is being exhibited in that direction. His- tory records that on the morning of the 10th of October, 1774, there was fought at this Point one of the severest and most hot- ly contested and bloody battles between the whites under Gen- eral Lewis and the Indians un- der command of the great war- rior, Cornstalk, that ever took place in the early times of this country. It is in fact, claimed that this was the first battle of the Revolution, and for freedom from the British yoke. On the 10th of October, 1874, one hun- dred years will have elapsed since that memorable battle, in which the troops under Gen. Lewis achieved such a triumph." On Tuesday, May 26th, the Directors of the Second Annual Mason County Fair decided to hold their Fair on October 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, but no mention is ma'de of the observance of the 10th, the anniversary of the Bat- tle. Plans, however, were going forward from Charleston, as the Charleston Courier, in its last is- sue of May 18, 1774, gives the following: "The idea of the Centennial celebration at Point Pleasant is a very happy one. It is an event in which every true West Vir- ginian should take pride. Our state embraces a large boundary of territory of "West Augusta," whose sons rendered themselves so famous in the days that "tried men's souls," and to whom the great Washington looked, for raliance when all others should fail him,". "Many descendants of the par- ticipants in the famous Indian battle at the Point, are now liv- ing in this State. In the coun- ties of the Greenbrier Valley as well as in the Kanawha Valley are living those who bear the name and through whose veins run the blood of the Captain of the Virginia forces, Andrew Lewis, as well as those who de- scended from the brave men that followed him in that remark- able campaign. The result of the battle at the Point saved all the Virginia frontier from the invasion of the Indians. If Corn- stalk had been successful who can imagine the fearful desola- tion that would have been wrought from the Ohio to the Alleghanies." "Is it "not a little remarkable that while this battle should have become so famous in history, that so little should be known of the particulars of the fight? While history is silent, we have tradi- tions that should be gathered, and the most authentic ones be 102 placed in some shape as to be re- liablv transmitted to posterity. There are many households of West Virginia, where stories of grand father's experience in the battle of the "Pint" are related to day, and many of them told by those who have heard the relation from the lips of the vet- erans himself. What a pleasant task then for some one to collect these traditions and weave his- tory from them." ***** "Just as the battle of Point Pleasant was the prelude to the war of Independence, so let the celebration at the Point in 1874 be the prelude to the grand af foir to come off at Philadelphia in 1876, and let every West Vir- ginian, and every Old Virginian, and every one who sees proper to join us, take part in the jubi- lee on the 10th of October next.'' To further stimulate the inter- est in the Battle Celebration, the Register, on June 25th, copied from Nile's Register, of May 3, 1817. yn account of the battle and in the issue of August 27, 1874, the Register copied De Mass' Hi-story and Indian Wars in West Virginia, the account in full of the battle of Point Pleasant. The Register of October 8, has tailed up until that time to give any program or details of the celebration, but, in speaking of the Fair then in session, says: "The Fair will close on Friday evening with a grand ball at Beale's Hall On Saturday the Centennial Celebration will come of. The issue of the Weekly Reg ister of October 15, 1874, gives the following detailed account of the Celebration; written Oct. 10th, 1874. "The Centenniel celebration of the Battle of Point Pleasant is now over. Just one hundred years ago to-night, brave men and true were mourning over the dead, and ministering as best they could to the wounded and dying. Let us as best we can, look back upon the day that has just been closed by the setting sun of the 10th day of October, 1874, and tell our readers what has been done. Many an eye looked out anxiously this morn- ing to See what was to be the prospect for a beautiful day. For one I was sadly disappointed and feared that the Heavens would soon be sending down the rain. "How anxiously we watched every appearance indicating like a breaking away of the lowering clouds. Soon after an early breakfast, the clouds began to look thin, and then spot after spot of blue sky was seen. Anxiously did the eager gather- ing- crowd, look for the promised published programme. About 9 o'clock A. M., the Register of- fice sent out the first, which were 103 eagerly seized by the hungry crowd; then another and another handful of programmes were distributed, so that before the hour of 10 A. M., all seemed to be posted as to what was to be done. About 10 o'clock the Com- pany of Cadets from the Univer- sity of West Virginia, at Mor- gantown, were formed in line by their Captain, H. H. Pierce, in front of the Kline House, near the wharf-boat, on the Ohio, and waited to receive the Knights of Pythias, from Gallipolis, Ohio, accompanied by the Gallipolis Brass Band. Soon the Knights came marching up, splendidly dressed, and a fine looking body of men they were, passing in front of the Cadets, they halted on Main Mreet. The Cadets, moved in column of fours up to Main Street, then wheeling to the left, were halted opposite the Court House the site of which is supposed to have been on the line of battle as it was formed, just one hundred vears ago to- day. Here let us give the pro gramme as follows: Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Point Pleasant. Order of Exercises. Procession to form in front of Court House at 10 A. M. in the following order: Mayor, Orator, and Committee of Arrangements. State Cadets. The Clergy. Relatives. Music. Knights of Pythias and other Orders. Distinguished Guests. Citizens. Funeral Procession. Escort of State Cadets. Re-interment of the remains of the heroes who fell in this battle, with becoming 1 ceremonies at 3 o'clock p. m. Under the effective Marshals who had been on duty at the Fair Grounds for the last four days, the column was formed The Cadets were headed by their own drum corps; the Knights of Pythias by the Gallipolis and Point Pleasant Brass Bands combined, whilst the Ravens- wood Brass Band marched up the side walk and waited for the formation of the column, after which it took the place assigned it. . Just before 11 A. M. the col- umn was put in motion and marched in the order assigned, to the Fair Ground, where more than a thousand people were found waiting- the arrival of the column. So densly crowded was the amphitheater before the head of the column reached its front that it was with the utmost dif- ficulty that the Committee of Arrangements could clear away space enough for the Company of Cadets. A stand for the speakers had been erected just 104 opposite the center of the am- phitheatre. This stand was oc- cupied by the following persons: Col. Lewis Ruffner, Col. C. B. Waggener, Col. Benj. H. Smith, Capts. H. H. Pierce, Command- ing the Cadets, Geo. C. Sturgess, Corresponding Secretary of the Historical Society of the Board of Regents University of West Virginia, J. W. Screntz, Treas- urer of the same, Dr. Thomas Creigh, of Greenrier County, Dr. S G. Shaw, President of the Centennial Society, F. A. Guthrie, Attorney at Law, and member of the Committee of Ar- rangements, Jno. E. Timms, At- torney at Law, Secretary of the Mason County Agricultural So- ciety, Col. (Dr.) A. R. Barbee, G. W. E. Mitchell,- of Ports- mouth, Ohio, John D. Lewis and Jno. Waddell, who was wearing the shot pouch aud powder horn carried by his father, Alexander Waddell, in the Battle of Point Pleasant. The Clergy occupy- ing the stand were Father Fran- cis Guthrie, one of the Pioneer Methodist Preachers of the Ka nawha Valley, Revs. S. E. Lane T. H. Rymer, T. H. Lacy, G. C. Wilding, and W. E. 'Hill. The exercises were introduced with a prayer offered by Father Guthrie, which was full of thanksgiving and praise, then the orator, Col. Ben Smith, was introduced by Mr. Timms. He commenced reading his well written and interesting address at 12 o'clock and 22 minutes, just five minutes after the 13th gun of the salute was fired by the Artillery Company from Gallipo- lis, Ohio. This occupied about thirty-five minutes. The speak' er took his seat amid deafening roars The following resolution was offered by Dr. Barbee: Resolved, That the thanks of this audience be returned to Col. Smith, for his interesting ad- dress, and that, with his permis- sion, it be published in full in the Point Pleasant Register. This resolutions was carried without a dissenting voice. After this the following pream- ble and resolutions were offered by Rev. W. E. Hill: Whereas, Just one hundred years have passed by since the battle of Point Pleasant was fought and won. 2. In this battle there was displayed gallantry of such char- acter, as to merit a lasting mon- ument. 3. It is the opinion of some, whose opinion is worthy of re- spect, that this battle bore an important relation to the war of the Revolution, by which the original thirteen colonies gained their independence.. 4. The battle of Point Pleas- ant hastened the material pros- perity of this and other States, by the sacrifice of noble blood, therefore be it Resolved. 105 1st. That a committee of three with power to engage others, be appointed to solicit contributions for the purpose of erecting a monument and pur- chasing the ground round about the spot where the remains of our heroes now repose. That this committee be em- powered to raise a subscription on the ground to-day; to write to the descendents of the brave men who were engaged or fell on the field of Point Pleasant, asking them to aid in this work by contributions; to ask the Leg- islatures of Virginia, West Vir- ginia, Kentucky and Ohio, to make appropriations to this work; and to request also the Congress of the United States to make an appropriation to the same end. 2nd. That this monument be erected within the next twelve months, and of West Virginia marble. 3rd. That it be unveiled on the 10th of October, 1875. 4th. That the committee be empowered to arrange for funer- al oration and an hisiorical ad- dress on the occasoin: and to make such other arrangements as may be necessary to gather together the military organiza- tions of the State; the various secret societies of a benevolent character; the legislatures of the State, &c. Mr. Hill introduced these res- olutions by a motion to resolve the vast audience into a Monu- mental Centennial Organization. After the reading of the resolu- tions a motion was made to adopt. Pending this, Dr. Creigh arose and asked to be allowed to speak on the question. Permission was granted, and the Dr. per- fectly thrilled those within reach of his voice. After the Doctor's eloquent speech, the motion to adopt the resolutions was carried with but one single dissenting voice, whose "nc" was followed by cries "of ,"put him out!" "Knock him down," &c. Mr. Mitchell, of Portsmouth. Ohio, was then introduced and made a short speech, which could not be heard very far off, owing to the noise of the moving crowd and the low pitch of voice, and its effectiveness was marred to some extent. Loud cries were head for (Walker) . It was announced that Mr. Walker was at the Point, and had been sent for, but could not get here for ^ome time. A cry for Sturgess brought that gentlemen to his feet, and he made a very happy address. The President, Dr. G. S. Shaw, announced as a temporary com- mittee to wait upon the crowd, to solicit contributions for the monument, viz: E. L. Neale, Dr. C. T. B. Moore, and F. A. Guthrie. The latter gentlemen being a member of the Commit- 106 tee of Arrangements, suggested Rev. W. E. Hill, as his substi- tute. Recess was taken and ample provisions were made to fill the inner man. Many fami- lies gathered in groups about the grounds, in picnic fashion, and ate their dinner whilst a roast ox was served up at the public table. During the recess the committee raised by sub- scription about six hundred dol- lars. One gentleman subscrib- ed two hundred dollars in cash on two papers, and we do not think he indends to stop at that if more is necessary from him, to erect the monument. There was such a dense crowd and such hurrying to and fro that it was almost impossible to get the attention of the people long enough to get them to subscribe, or we doubt not, more than a thousand dollars could have been raised. After dinner the crowd was called together to listen to Hon. Henry S. Walker, who delivered a most appropriate and thrilling- ly eloquent address. We would not attempt to given even a syn- opsis of it, so carried away were we with its effect upon the peo- ple that we could not take a note but stood, feeling with delight its effect upon our self and watch- ing the feelings of uthers as their animated countenances told that the touch of eloquence was forc- ing the tell-tale blood to their faces. Frequent outbursts of applause interrupted the speak- er, and a hearty vote of thanks was returned for his eloquent address. We must say one thing about Mr. Walker's address; it was written and written too in a few hours, for he was captured as he was aiming to pass the Point. In this case captured property proved to be A No. 1. After the address by Mr. Wal- ker, the procession was reform- ed in the same order and took up the line of march from the point at the head of Viand Street the column received the Hearse and Casket containing the re- mains of some of the heroes of Point Pleasant that were killed in the battle. These were e*- humed on yesterday and today, under the supervision of the Committee, Dr. Barbee Superin- tending in person. Here the Cadets with reversed arms and muffled drums, took their posi- tion as an escort. The column moved down Main street, to the Kanawha River, and filed to the right, where the bone of ourslain heroes were re-interred with military honors. At the grave the beautiful burial service of the Church was read by the Minis-^ ters present in the column. As the procession was moving down Main street, first the Court House Bell, then the bell of the M. E. Church, South, were tolled, whilst the minute gun was fired 107 by the Artillery Company. The drums were muffled and the band played an appropriate piece, thus giving solemnity to the ex- ercises. Just before the benediction was pronounced, a vote of thanks was returned to the Morgantown Cadets, to the Knights of Pythian, Band and Artillery, of Gallipolis, Ohio, to the Ravens- wood Band, and all others who had aided in the Centennial Cele- bration. The crowd then dispersed, the Cadets marched to the Kline House, where three rousing, hearty cheers were given them by all present; the Knights took up their line of march toward their homes, at Gallipolis, and the other organizations went al- so to their homes. The Cadets took the steamer Clara Scott for Charleston. Thus ended the First Centen- nial Celebration of the Battle of Point Pleasant. We say in con- cluding our description of it, from morning till night; each one that had a given part to perform, 'vied with the other as to which could do it best. All acted well their parts. There may have been, but we did not see, a single drunken man on the ground. The Point Pleasant Brass Band has done better than its most sanguine friends had hoped for it, both during the celebration of today, and toe three days of the Fair. May it still continue to improve we can stand the hum drum of practice for the sake of such a treat as they have given us in the last few days. Let us all now go to work earn- nestly and determinedly to make the "unveiling of the Monument" as decided a success as the Cele- bration of today but let us make it wider in its extent. Let us make it State and National. Come up, one and all witti what you can do with money and influ- ence, and we shall have the pleasure of chronicling at the end of another year, the success of the enterprise inagurated to- day. There will be some croak- ing as a matter of course some men grumble even at the wisdom and benevolence of the Infinite God but let us, who are deter- mined to succeed in the enter- prise before us, turn a deaf ear to all croaking, and the more they croak, the more determined let us become. One hundred years ago was a great historical epoch of Point Pleasant. Today has been another, let one year from today " be another. Who dares say "nay?" What citizen of Mason County, or West Vir- ginia, or Virginia, or Ohio, or Kentucky, or the United States, could refuse to aid in doing honor to the heroes of Point Pleasant?" BRIEF MENTION. "In the midst of the throng of 108 the Centennial celebration, we noticed many of the direct de- scendants of the warriors of one hundred years ago, and will re- call the names of them as far as we can: There were the East- hams, the Somervilles, Jas. Ar- buckle, Jr., of Greenbrier, John D. Lewis, of Kanawha, the Lew- ises, of Mason, Mrs. Agnes Se- hon, who had two grandfathers in this great battle, (Col. Charles Lewis and Col. John Stuart,) who is also the first representa- tive of four living generations who were upon the ground and who are liniel decendents of the two pioneers Cols. Lewis and Stuart. The fourth generation was represented by her great grand child, little Graf ton Tyler, who is now some three or four years old. Mrs. Sehon was probably the only person on the ground that could say as much- John Waddell, of Ohio, was also present and had swung around his shoulder the powder-horn and bullet pouch, carried by his father in the Battle of Point Pleasant on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1774. The Hannans, the Clendennins, the Millers, of Ma- son County, the Clendenios, the Hannans, the Millers of Ohio. There were a number of others present whose names we did not ascertain." On October 22nd, the Register published the speech of Dr. Thos. Creigb, of Virginia, deliv ered on the occasion of the anni- versary of the battle, which we quote in part: "I am glad I am here because I witness a scene, (and I appeal to the best and oldest historians here present for the truth of the remark, that such a scene of moral sublimity, except the sign- ing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, has never been pre- sented to the people of these United States as is presented here today.) And what is that scene? I see around me some two thousand people with the. descendants of the heroes of the battle of Point Pleasant, to the third and fourth generation, on this 10th day of October, 1874, under a bright October sun, one hundred years after the battle, assembled on the battle-field, fol- lowing the lofty instincts of our nature, to gather the bones of their ancestors, place them in a metallic coffin, catch the inspira- tion of their ever living virtue and valor, and determining to place a high and enduring monu- ment to their memory. Yes sir, to erect a monument high and lofty on the banks between the Great Kanawha and Ohio, to overlook these two great rivers, the music of whose waters will mingle with the names forever, where the passengers on board your vast merchant steamers, sailing on these great commer- cial highways, shall see it and as 109 they pass by uncover their heads and toll from the bell a requiem to their memory, and where the valiant youth of our country shall in all future time come to worship at this shrine, study their character, imitate their vir- tues and be inspired by their lofty deeds of patriotism, and where boys and girls in happy bands shall come for long cen- turies and cover this marble column with the cypress and the vine, and the immortal flower." "Yes, sir, build this marble column to their memory, for they were "tall and grand" old warriors. Do you know why I say "tall and grand?" they are not original terms with me. I will tell you where I got them. Old Pool, a colored man, was the body servant of Col. John Stuart, of Greenbrier at the battle and witnessed the fight at Pt. Pleas- ant, and took part in it. Old Dick Pointer, another colored man, was the hero of Donnalley's Fort, near Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, and for his bravery, was freed by the Legislature of Vir- ginia, and received a pension. Col. Ben Smith, our orator, was no doubt a member of the Vir- ginia Legislature at that time. Old Pool and Old Dick were talking over their battles in Lewisburg one day when I was a school boy, and we school boys were all standing by and listen- ing. Pool and Dick became very much excited in telling what each had done. Dick says the Indian is taller than the white man for I killed Indians as high as the court house. No, says Pool, if you could have seen Mas. John and Charles and James, in the light at the Point, when fire flew out of their eyes like the fire out of their guns; they were just as tall and grand as the old trees on Kanawha. That is the rea- son why I say they were "tall and grand old warriors." "But, sir, history informs us that there was a man by the name of George Washington, who had a high opinion of the companies of these Point Pleas- ant, warriors, for he said in a dark hour of his campaign to his wearied and dispirited army on the plains of New Jers'ey, 'only give me the men to place the standard of my country on the mountains of West Augusta, and I will call around me the men who shall make my country free. These 'tall and grand' warriors were West Augusta men, and Washington knew them." "Yes, build a monument of en- during marble to the memory of those old grand warriors, for you may look down the long pic- ture gallery of history and you will find no brighter or grander names than the men of 1774 and 1776. Nor let us forget their characters, or their great princi- no pies of civil liberty, or insult the spirit of liberty." While the Register of Decem- ber 10, 1774, gives the following account of the committee. The Point Pleasant Monu- ment Association held their first meeting in the law office of John W, English, Esq., December 4th, 1874. All the members of the Committee, viz: W. E. Hill, F. A. Guthrie and John W. English, were present. On motion, John W. English, was called to the chair; and on further motion, was made permanent Chairman. On motion, C. E. Hogg, was elected Secretary, and T. Strib- ling, Treasurer. On motion, the Committee was ordered to in- quire into the title of the land on which the monument is to be erected. On motion, the Com- mittee was directed to see Drs. Shaw and Moore with reference to subscription papers, and also ascertain how much money is in their hands belonging to the Association, and to pay the same to the Treasurer. On motion, the Association adjourned to meet Thursday evening, Decem- ber 17th, 1874." While no report has been pre- served of the Monument Associ- ation, founded on October 10, 1874, the work of procuring funds was taken up by the Ma- son County representatives in the Legislature of West Virginia, Hon. Edmund Sehon, descendant of Col. Charles Lewis introduc- ing the bill in the lower house, while Hon. P. C. Eastham, de- scendant of George Eastham, of the Battle of Point Pleasant, in- troduced the bill in the upper house. On Feb. 25, 1875, the Legislature passed a bill carry- ing an appropriation of $3,500.00 to aid in the purchase of land and the erection of a monument in'commemoration of the Battle of Point Pleasant, the President and Secretary of the Monument Association to have charge of the erection of said monument, the parties investing the money with approved security, awaiting as sistance from other states. No further action was taken un- til Feb. 26, 1897, when the Leg- islature adopted a Joint Resolu- tion by which Governor Geo. W. Atkinson appointed Judge John W. English, Dr. A. R. Barbee and Judge F. A. Guthrie as cus- todians of the fund appropriated by the Legislature. The matter again lay dormant and no effort was made either to collect the funds or secure fur- ther appropriations. That the State and Point Pleasant was not free from cen- sure for their dereliction of duty, we quote in part from the King- wood Argus of June 29, 1899, copied in the State Gazette July 4th, of that year: "We were at Point Pleasant and visited the graves of the almost forgotten Ill dead who fell in that memorable battle and we were surprised and indignant to find the place almost surrounded by stables and hog- pens and lying- along- a back alley with not a mark of any kind to designate the spot; not even a fence or wall around the place and no one could find it without a guide who knew just where it was. It was only a very small plot of ground, in some one else's back yard, with stables on two sides of it and a garden on another side and the only way to get to it is down a dirty alley. Nearly a hundred pioneers of that section who fell in that bat- tle, fighting old Cornstalk for possession of the beautiful land along the Ohio river lie buried there, unmarked and almost for- gotton. It is a burning shame and disgrace on the town to al- low it. We went up to a news- paper office and made a vigorous kick about it and learned that money ha'd been appropriated by the State and also quite a sum raised by the ladies of Point Pleasant to erect a monument to these heroes, dead defenders of our country. Now let justice and decency compel a disposition of this matter. The State or the town should take charge and secure some contiguous ground to the resting place which can- not be called a cemetery or even a graveyard, as it is now, and make a little park out of it with a fence around it, and erect a. handsome mouument on the cen- ter of the site and make a decent way to get 10 it by removing some of the adjoining stables and hog pens." The State Gazette appended the following editorial comment: "We think the suggestion that the park and monument should be contiguous to the resting place of the dead heroes and should include it as well as the site of the old fort is the cor- rect solution. The Argus will no doubt be surprised to learn that there are suggestions now made that the monument be placed away up on the Ohio bank twelve squares from the site of the old fort and grave of Col. Lewis and others, and sug- gestions that it be placed back on the hill overlooking the town. " There is no mention of the celebration of the anniversary of that year 1899 save the local newspaper account that, "To-day, October 10, 1899, is the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of ihe battle of Point Pleasant, fought between Gener- al Andrew Lewis and Cornstalk, the sachem of many nations and no citizen evidenced any inter- est save Col. G. B. Thomas, the Post-master, who decorated the Post Office with flags." No further agitation of the subject appeared in the local newspapers save that o f the 112 State Gazette of April 21, 1899, urging the organization of a Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution and Sons of the Revolution here, looking forward to proper recognition of the Battle of Point Pleasant in which it said: "Here was fought the first battle of the Rev- olution and whv should not this town and county boast of the largest patriotic organizations in the State." No further steps were taken at Point Pleasant looking to a monument appropriation until Feb. 11, 1901, when Mrs. Livia Simpson-Poffenbarger issued a call for the organization of a Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution which is of date of Feb. 14, 1909, reported as follows in the State Gazette : "A sufficient number of ladies met at the home of Mrs. George ' Poffenbarger yesterday to organ- ise a Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. As soon as the requirements are duly met, a Charter will be granted. This is a most com- mendable move and should meet with the support and best wish- es of the entire town." At this meeting it was explain- ed that the chief motive in organ- izing this patriotic society was that an organized effort might be made to secure funds for the erection of a Battle Monument at Point Pleasant and the recogni- tion of the battle as that of the first Battle of the Revolution. On Feb. 26, 1901, a call was is- sued for the organization of a Chapter of Sons of the Revolution and the State Gazette of that is- sue said editorially, "This is a move in the right direction. This is the historic spot of the first battle of the Rev.olution. In order that history may accord us that place with due credit, we must first show that Point Pleas- ant appreciates this fact. If the spot is to be properly marked and receive from the National Government the appropriation arid recognition for a splendid monument that the battle de- serves, we must first show that the memory is dear to us." On Feb. 29, 1901, the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution were formally organized and the name selected was that of Col. Charles Lewis, named for one of the best beloved heroes of those who fell at the Battfe -of Point Pleasant. At that meeting the Daughters in conformity with the statement of Governor White that be would appoint one man outside of Point Pleasant and two resident members of the commission to look after the funds the ladies recommended V. A. Lewis of Mason and P. S Lewis and C. C. Bowyer of Point Pleasant, but the Governor later decided to appoint but one man in Point Pleasant and the com- 113 mission named was John P. Austin, C. C. Bovvyer and V. A. Lewis. On March 11, 1901, Mr. Joe Friedman not only present- ed the Col. Charles Lewis Chap- ter the money with which to pay for their charter, but also for the purchase of their record books and proffered when a monument was completed to donate a splendid Band and Speaker's stand. The State Gazette of March 11, 1901, says: "The new com- mittee to be appointed should first secure the grounds. This would be the beginning looking toward the end. Then the old building's could be cleared away, grading- done, grass sown, trees set out and the grounds beauti- fied. These all take time to bring- them to perfection. There is sufficient money all ready subscribed, tog-ether with wh'at could be secured, by pri- vate subscription to do this much handsomely. The government could then be presented the ground as a National Historic Park and the War Department under the head of Rivers and Harbors could be induced to grade the banks bordering on both rivers and they would then be forever taken care of. Be- sides, its historic significance, it is in point of beauty of location the most desirable site in town. The view is splendid from both rivers. The view from the sur- rounding- hills is perfect and it would give strangers a different opinion of the town from the ragged appearance it now has from rail and river. On April 18, 1901, the newly appointed Monument Commis- sioners gave bond before the Mason County Court with ap- proved security and when they had met for organization, John P. Austin was elected President and C. C. Bowyer Treasurer and V. A. Lewis Secretary. The issue of May 28, 1901, of the State Gazette says: "The Battle Monument Commission held a meeting at the Merchants National Bank Saturday last. The members composing the commission Hon. John P. Aus- tin, President, Hon. V. A. Lewis, Secretary and Hon. C. C. Bowyer, Treasurer, together with other citizens and a State Gazette Reporter went down to the Kanawha point where had stood the old fort and where some of the heroes of the battle of Point Pleasant were buried and made a careful inspection of the grounds. The public seem generally united in the belief that this is the proper place to erect the monument and it might be said that the property bound- ed by Main and First Streets and the two rivers will be pur- chased shortly by the commis- sion provided the owners of the 114 property do not demand too ex- orbatant a price." On Decoration Day, May 30th, 1901, for the first time a public memorial exercise was held, whereby the graves of the heroes of the battle of Point Pleasant were decorated, in charge of 'the D. A. R. and G. A. R. so- cieties of the town. A large con- course of people attended the ex- ercises. The State Gazette of June 18, 1901, records that John D. McCulloch had given an op- tion on his property on the mon- ument site for $1,000 00; C. H. Varian $1,200.00; Geo. T., Chas. and Henry Stone $3,000.00; Thos. Durst $600.00, a total of $5,SOO.- 00, which includes all the contem- plated territory needed except the Geo. Comstock property, up- on which a price had not been agreed." Later Mr. Comstock's proper- ty was secured at $2,200.00. From the issue of August, 1901, of the Charleston Daily Mail's report of the Monument Commission, held at that place we glean the following: "Hon. V. A. Lewis reported that the Commission had about $11,000.00 in the treasury, but that the work, as planned would necessi- tate the expenditure of $25,000.- 00 more." Speaking of the Bat- tle of Point Pleasant, the Daily Mail quotes Mr. Lewis as fol- lows: "All careful painstaking thoughtful historians have re- garded it as the first in the ser- ies of the Revolution which gave the continent to liberty. It was the chief event of Dunmore's War." On August 29, 1901, the State Gazette announced that the Com- mittee had decided to commence clearing the grounds at once and that paper made the first appeal for the Celebration of the Battle. "It is the intention that the clearing of the grounds shall be completed by the anniversary of the great battle of Point Pleas- ant, Oct. 10, 1774." "The significance of the battle has not been wholly overlooked. Thousands know of its impor- tance and it remains for Point Pleasant herself to appreciate her relation to history and de- mand from the State and from Congress the substantial recog- nition due this spot. Our citi- zens should join in one glorious celebration of this anniversary Oct. 10 . We trust that there is enough patriotism in the town to observe it. If in no other way, let it be one grand union picnic. The weather will be fine and all can come together at least in the spirit of patriotism and good fellowship". Mrs. Poffenbarger, editor of the State Gazette, not only is- sued a call for a citizen's meet- ing- on Thursday night Septem- ber 5th, looking toward the cele- bration, but she had secured the 115 cooperation of Col. J. P. R B. Smith and, at that meeting do- nated the services of her paper to advertise the meeting-, supple- mented by a subscription secur- ed by her of over S200.00 with which to begin the work. The paper of that issue contained the following full page advertise- ment, besides the names of the donors of cash: 127th ANNIVERSARY The First Battle of the Revolu- tion to be celebrated at POINT PLEASANT, W. VA. Thursday Oct. 10th, 1901. Great National Speakers will be present. Entertainment for the people. Excursions on all railroads and steamboats will be arranged for. The Old Log Mansion built in 1796, that has lived in three cen- turies will be used to exhibit the greatest lot of Historic Relics ever brought together in West Virginia, outside the Historical Society at Charleston. EVERY ONE INVITED. The monument Park and Court House yard will make fine picnic grounds. Watch this space for attrac- tions as they are secured." As a result of the meeting at the court house committees were organized and Mrs. Poffenbarger participated in the work of all the committees. The issue of September 19 shows an addi- tional subscription, making a to- tal of $409.00, besides generous subscriptions, of exhibits for the museum. The children of the public schools contributed S8.50 to be used in decorating a wagon for the parade. The newspa- pers of the country stoodup and :ook notice of the big celebration and helped advertise it. In the issue of Oct. 10th, The State Gazette announced the presence of distinguished visit- ors, among whom was Gen. C. H. Grosvener of Ohio, faithful advocate for an appropriation from Congress to commemorate the battle. Virgil A. Lewis, in an article published in the State Gazette of that date, said: "After all, even though it be here, is it best to assert without reference to the proof that the battle of Point Pleasant is the first battle of the Revolution and then array against us the whole of New England where the peo- ple are jealous of the claims of Lexington. It is easy to make assertions, but to exam- ine hundreds of volumes and ob- tain records from both Europe and America in proof of the same, is quite another thing. Do not throw the burden of proof of this matter on a com- mittee before a Congressional Committee." The State Gazette of October 17, 1901, announced that the Mansion House had been turned over to of three ladies who had 116 accepted it as a headquarters for the Col. Charles Lewis Chap- ter D. A. R. Also that work on Tu-Endie-Wei Park had been discontinued for want of funds and made an appeal that the Commfssion set out trees on the edge of the Park or permit the citizens to do so. Also the list of subscribers to the expense of the Celebration. While th.e following- is the pub- lished account of the big cele- bration: "THEY CAME. From Every Direction. Ten Thousand People Celebrat- ed the 127th Anniversary of the First Battle of The Revolution. Tu-Endie-Wei Park. On last Thursday the good citizens of Point Pleasant cele- brated the 127th anniversary of the battle of Point Pleasant, the first battle of the Revolution. It only needed for our people to arouse themselves and make the effort to have one of the big- gest celebrations ever held in the state. Beside our people, who were for the most part upon our streets, enough more swelled the crowd until we had fully ten thousand celebrating. Hereto- fore, when we had any demon- stration in the town, the crowd was from the Ohio river landing to the Court House. This time the streets were crowded from the Court House to the Kanawha River, with fully five thousand people upon the Park. The K. & M. Railroad ran a dollar excursion from Athens to this place, and Point Pleasant can never forget the kindness of that road. When we solicited them for a cheap rate they re- plied if it would be any accommo- dation to Point Pleasant and they only made it pa}' expense of running the train they would give it to us to show to Point Pleasant the kindly feeling of that road toward our town. They not only gave us just the service we asked for but they put out 15,000 attractive hand bills and advertised their rates in the newspapers along the route, and when they came in here they brought us not only the Nelsonville and Middleport bands, but they brought a big train packed with people from Athens and way stations; they brought us Gen. Chas. H. Gros- venor, one of the stalwarts sons of the Revolution who came to address our people and promote the success of the day. The K. & M. brought us a train of eight or ten coaches from Charleston that had standing room only and while the excursion was profita- ble to the K. & M. and we are glad it was, we must not forget that it was run wholly to compli- ment Point Pleasant. The con- duct of the K. & M. was greatly 117 in contrast to that of the Onio River Division of the B. & O. R. R , who were importuned by let- ter, in person, and by telegraph, to give us a rate, but of no avail, and notwithstanding full fair was charged, that road brought in crowds of people with a crowded train from the north aud stand- ing room only coming in from the south end. Steamboats brought in excursions and hacks run between here and Gallipolis while six hundred persons cross- ed the Kanawha Ferry, and as many more had to be ferried in private boats in harbor. The farmers came in carriages, bug- gies, expresses, big wagons, horseback and on foot, any way so they came, and they came as a multitude. "Notwithstanding the rain, the night before, which was just enough to lay the dust, the sun shone out about eight o'clock and the day was ideal." "Never before did the old town wear such a gala dress. Old Glory and buntings galore waved from every residence and busi- ness house. There was neither the difference of politics or reli- gion or even the distinction of secret organizations to mar the occasion, but all came together upon a common level for one grand glorification of the cele- bration of the battle, the farthest reaching in its effect of any bat- tle ever fought upon the Ameri- can Continent the first battle of the Revolution the battle that broke the power of the red men in America; the battle that brought the treaty that enabled civilization to mareh on to the west and southwest and great northwest territory; the battle that resulted in ceding to Vir- ginia and thence to the colonies the great Northwest; that battle that defied at its close Tory mis- rule, the first battle ever fought after the tea had been thrown overboard at Boston Harbor the preceding March. The Boston Port Bill, of May, 1774, the sig- nal for actual conflict had been passed. The House of Burges- ses, of Virginia, had declared the first of June of that year to be "A day of fasting, imploring the Divine interposition to avert the heavy calamity which threat- ened destruction to their civil rights and the evils of a civil war." Massachusetts had pas- sed resolutions deploring the op- pression of Great Britain. Patrick Henry had made his famous speech before the House of Burgesses, of Virginia, de- claring that "The war is inevita- ble, and let it come," and asked "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" "England, too, recognized be- fore the Battle of Point Pleasant that the war was inevitable, and determined to keep the colonists 118 so busy defending themselves from hostile Indians armed with English muskets and English amunition, that they would have no time to think of the wrongs inflicted upon them by the mother country. Great Britain never had a better tool than Lord Dunmore, the Tory Governor of Virginia, as his sub- sequent conduct proved. Hence, the battle of Point Pleasant, (in which Lord Dunmore intended the flower of the Colonial Army of Virginia to be destroyed but which, victorious to his surprise) became the first battle in which the blood of patriots was spilled upon American soil for the cause of National Independence, and was so credited by Alexander S. Withers, in his chronicles of Border warfare, later by Ban- croft, the Government historian, by President Rosevelt, in his "Winning the West," and by many other historians, of repute. Is it any wonder that we point with pride to this battle and in- vited the whole country to cele- brate with us? "At ten o'clock the parade be- gan to form on First Street and it was of such magnitude that it took Col. J. P. R. B. Smith, the Grand Marshall of the day, and his corps of splendid assistants, an hour to get them all in line ready for march. It was headed by James Somerville, of Pleasant Flats, dressed as Uucle Sam, (and in face and figure he is typi- cal of the figurative head of the nation,) all the city fathers, ex- cept Mayor Somerville, who act- ed as a marshall, were in the parade in carriages, The fire department were out with their wagon decorated. There were floats galore, put in by the busi- ness men of the town, vying with each other to see which could make the finest display. The three splendid bands, Cheshire, Middleport and Nel- sonville, discoursed sweet music along the route and the children of the white schools marching in line wearing bouteniers of na- tional colors, waving flags, which little girls representing "the states and territories, an d the colored children on a wagon beautifully decorated made the prettiest ' parade ever seen in Point Pleasant. What might have been a seri- ous accident, but proved to be a fortunate escape, occured when a wagon with 103 children on it passed over a culvert on 14th Street. The culvert went down and the top of the wagon was separated in the lunge from the platform and the children were precipated to the ground. Fortunately no one was hurt and the procession proceeded down Main Street to First, the chil- dren falling in line with the others in the line of march, where they disbanded Three 119 open air concerts were given from 1 to 2 o'clock, when the speaking began from a platform at the grounds recently purchas- ed as a site for a monument yet to be arected. The grounds are situated at the junction of the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers, with- out doubt the most beautiful site for a park on the Ohio river." The large audience was called to order by Col. J. P. R. B. Smith, who called our distin- guished fellow townsmen, Hon. C. E. Hogg to the chair. Mr. Hogg in his usual pleasing man- ner did the honors of the occa- sion with credit to himself and to Point Pleasant. Mr. Hogg then introduced Mrs. Livia Simpson-Poffenbarger, Regent of Col. Chas. Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, who had been desig- nated by her Chapter to dedicate and name the park which she did in a short address, as follows: "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: It has been deemed fitting and appropriate, that, by some means this beautiful and historic spot of ground be dedicated to the noble purpose for which it has been purchased, and given a name by which it may be known in the future. The important duty has not been sought by the organization I have the honor to represent. I wish to emphasize the fact, without going into ex- planation or detail, that it has been rather thrust upon us. We are simply doing that which has been denied to others who have been invited to do it, by their situation and present circum- stances. We have accepted the trust and assumed the duty in the absence of others who might, and we sincerely believe, would have preformed it better. However, I wish to premise that it is not at all unappropriate that the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution per- form this most important func- tion. Ours is purely a patriotic organization and our work is carried on in the name of patri otism and inspired by love of country. The objects and pur- poses of our society are set forth in our constitution, Article 1, as follows: (1) "To perpetuate the mem- ory of the spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement to histori- cal research in relation to the Revolution and the publication of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics and of the records of individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and pa- triots, and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anni- versaries. (2) To carry out the injunc- 12Q tion of Washington in his fare- well address to the American people, "To promote as an ob- ject of primary importance, in- stitutions for the general diffu- sion of knowledge," thus devel- oping an enlightened opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for performing the duties of Ameri- can citizens. (3) To cherish, maintain, and to extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of coun- try and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of lib- erty." "Another thing I wish to im- press upon all here to-day is the fact that ours is the only society professing to be founded exclu- sively upon our Revolutionary struggle that recognizes the Bat- tle of Point Pleasant as a part of the war for American indepen- dence. Reputable historians, in- cluding Bancroft, President Roosevelt and others have as- serted that it was the initial, the first battle of the Revolutionary war. Moreover, they have pro- duced the indisputable evidence upon which the assertion is bas- ed. What the concensus of American opinion will be as the years shall roll on and historical research shall bring to light the whole truth, we cannot say. If the verdict shall be the affirma-' tive of that proposition then the first battle shall not be lacking in display of heroism and pa- triotism, exhibited in the midst of an almost interminable wilder- ness and hand to hand with a savage and at the same time valorous foe." "The memory of that great struggle, will we think, be well and fittingly preserved upon these grounds. A splendid and enduring monument is to be erected commemorative of the battle. On some part of it will be a bronze statute of the heroic Andrew Lewis, the commanding general. On it will be inscribed in imperishable letters the names of the brave Col. Chas. Lewis and Col. Fields and all those who fell with them in de- fense of liberty and the homes of our race. On these grounds will be laid down and preserved the outlines of old Fort Ran- dolph. Without some reference to the stubborn foe which drew the brilliant flash of fire from the steel of these heroes, in the shades of primeval forests, far from the abode of any white man, this history written in grounds, stone, marble and bronze would be incomplete. The red men were fighting for their homes and hunting grounds. From their stand- point, their conduct was patri- 121 otic. They were defending the graves of their fathers." 'To the end, therefore, that history, as far as possible, may be fully preserved and patri- otism, in its broadest sense may be recognized, it has been decid- ed to give this park the oldest first name it has ever been known to possess its Indian name. By authority of the Mon- ument Commission appointed by the Governor of this state, and in the name of the Society of the Daughters of the American Rev- olution, we now dedicate this park, the property of the State of West Virginia, to patriotism and the preservation of history and name it "Tu-Endie-Wei Park;" which signifies in the Shawnee tongue "the mingling of waters," this being the junc- tion of two rives." Mr. Hogg next introduced Col. Bennett H. Young, of Louisville, Ky., who had been previously in- vited to address the Assembly, and no happier selection could have been made. The people as a unit fell in love with the man. He talked directly to their hearts, and we fortunately secured his speech which is reproduced in this issue of the State Gazette. Col. Young also loaned, for the occasion, his pioneer suit, which consisted of a hunting shirt and flint lock gun which bad belong- ed to Daniel Boone, which he had completed by the addition of a "long knife," leather breetches and a coon skin cap. Herman Snyder was selected to wear the suit, beingsmooth shaved and cor- responding in weight and height to Daniel Boone." "Col. Young was followed by our poet laureate, Louis Reed Campbell, who recited in splen- did style his poem, written for the occasion: OUR HEROES. Grave by grave, where the rivers meet, and gently flow. The patriot sleeps, and by his side a van- quished silent foe. Year on year with wondrous swiftness glid- ed by. And yet no stone was reared where brave men dared to die Time's hand was in the game that drove the Indian from his land. In it the shadow of a wrong that greed could not withstand, More than a century gone ere right doth o'er wrong prevail, Alike we honor, now, who faced the feathered shaft and rifles' deadly hail. Departed chief tan of a mighty race, so soon to disappear! What does the future hold, save memory, softened by a tear? For even now adown the changing slope of fleeting time The painted warrior glides away, to leave no trail behind. No power can dim the luster now of that vic- torious band, Who fought and fell and tired again where now we stand. If fairness to the foe is due, what honor must be theirs. Whose names too sacred for an eulogy, drift upward with our prayers." The following is taken from the Point Pleasant Observer of October 17, 1901,: "TU-ENDIE-WEI PARK." A Great Outpouring- of the Peo- ple at , its Dedication Last Thursday. A Gala Day For Point Pleasant. "We have not space to tell of the big celebration on Thursday the 10th. This means that if we 122 were to take up every inch of space in the whole paper we could not tell all about it. So we will have to tell a little about it and let the rest go." "Day dawned bright and clear with never a cloud to remind one of the little sprinkle of the night before, The town was pro- fuselv decorated with flags and bunting. The first signal ot the coming dawn was announc- ed by the watchman on the site of Old fort Randolph, who was in charge of the relics, firing the morning gun. Immediatley after this the church bells begun to ring, say at 5 o'clock, and the mill whistles and those of the steamboats began to blow until not only everybody in town, but every one within five miles of the town, was wide awake. By eight o'clock, the country people were pouring into town in streams from every direction. All roads led to Point Pleasant and all roads were full. At half past nine the trains began to pour their loads into town and by 10 o'clock the crowd was var- iously estimated from 6,000 to 10,000 people. At 10 o'clock Col. J. P. R. B. Smith began to form the huge mass of people in- to a line of march and even with his able assistants it was an Herculean task. Finally the parade was formed and headed by Col. James Somerville and a platoon of police followed by Grand Marshall J. P. R. B. Smith, the large procession mov- ed over the principal streets of the town and at last ended at the beautiful park at the junction of the two rivers." "The parade consisted of the town officers in carriages, citi- zens in carriages, citizens on horseback, people on foot, the children of the public schools, both white and colored, some in wagons and some on foot, with three brass bands, interspersed at regular intervals, and all in- terspersed with display made by our merchants until the whole presented a scene of beau- ty. Merchants from other towns who inform the newspaper peo- ple of Point Pleasant that it does no good to advertise here were also glad to have a place in the big parade and were not asham- ed to be the lustiest how.lers for Point Pleasant's big day." After the people had gotten something to eat they again as- sembled at the park and were called to order by J. P. R. B. Smith who called Hon. C. E. Hogg one of this district's dis- tinguished ex-corigressmen to the chair. Mr. Hogg after a short but eloquent address in- troduced Mrs. George Poffen- barger, Regent of Col. Chas. Lewis chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution who, in a short address, and by au- thority of the Monument Com- 123 missions named the beautiful plot of ground "Tue-Endie-Wei" Park, "Tue-Endie-Wei" in the Sbawnee language meaning "'the mingling of the waters." Chairman Hogg next introduc- ed Col. Bennet H. Young of Louisville, Ky., after which Louis Reed Campbell recited an original poem written for the oc- casion entitled "Our Heroes." Next followed Gen. Chas. H. Grosvener, of Ohio, who deliver- ed a characteristic Grosvener ad- dress. The program of the day was concluded by the burial of the remains of "MAD ANN BAILEY," which had been dis- interred from their resting place of 76 years and brought here for burial, thus carrying out her de- sire, expressed more than three quarters of a century ago, to be buried on Virginia soil." "The museum contained large number of historic relics which held the interest of the vast crowd from early morn to the leaving time of the late train and steamboat in the evening." The Huntington Advertiser of October 11, 1901, said. "The Huntingtonians who vis- ited Point Pleasant yesterday returned last evening happy over the exercises of the day." "It was the proudest and most memorable in the life of that his- toric community. Amid anas sembly of ten thousand persons, many of whom had come half way across the continent to be present, the beautiful grove at the junction of the Kanawha and Ohio rivers, was for ever dedicat- ed to the memory of the gallant Virginians who, one hundred and twenty-seven years ago, gave to the world the first mani- festation of that valor, which in after years, broke the power of Great Britain and made this con- tinent the abiding place of civil liberty." "No spot in the Ohio valley is so full of historical significance as the old town of Point Pleasant. No spot will be more beautiful when the towering granite shaft, to be erected at an estimated cost of forty thousand dollars, shall greet the eye of the strang- er as he approaches this true cradle of American liberty." Quoting from the Gallia Times of October 9th, we find. "Much interest is being taken by the Point Pleasant people in the coming anniversary of the Indian battle fought there. This was on October 10, 1774, or 127 years ago, and, on this day the power of the Red Men in the Kanawha and Ohio Valleys was wrested from them. The day should long be remembered and we believe will be fittingly cele- brated by our neighbor city." The Gallipolis Journal of Octo- ber 9th, said. 124 "BATTLE Of Point Pleasant will be Celebrated on Thursday next." "Our neighbors across the river are making extensive prep- arations for the celebration of the battle of Point Pleasant, the first conflict of the Revolution- on Thursday Oct. 10. It was in 1774 that the most desperate In- dian battle on record was fought between the confederated Indian tribes, under the celebrated chief. Cornstalk, and the Vir- ginia Militia under command of Gen. Andrew Lewis." "There will be a relic display and a big parade. The old log mansion that has stood in three centuries will be among the other relics of primitive days. Gen. Grosvener and Col. Bennett Young, of Louisville, one of Ken- tucky's most magnetic speakers. will be present at the celebration. The remains of Ann Bailey, the heroine of the revolution, have been disinterred and will be con- signed to their new resting place on Thursday. There will be three bands and a most interest- ing program and the 10th prom- ises to be an eventful day at Point Pleasant" The following is from the Weekly Register, of Point Pleas- ant, W. Va., under date of Oc- ober 17, 1901. "THE CELEBRATION. Of the One Hundred and Twen- ty-Seventh Anniversary of the Battle of Point Pleasant. Thous- ands of Visitors Within our Gates. The Celebration a Suc- cess in Every Particular and the day will be long remembered by all present." "Despite the cloudy weather and rain of Wednesday, Thurs- day morning, October 10th, 1901, dawned with the old Sol, and a twinkle in his eye, to the gratifi- cation of the committees in charge and the citizens of our little city in general, for clear and favorable weather meant for the celebration of the first battle of the Revolution, (fought at Point Pleasant on October 10, 1774, between the whites under command of Colonel Charles Lewis, aud the Indians,) un- bounded and unprecedented suc- cess. The committees in charge of this, the 127th anniversary of this great battle, have been earn- est workers to accomplish this end, and deserve much credit for their untiring efforts. The genial Marshall in chief, Colonel J. P. R. B. Smith and his assistants, handled the big parade which was formed in the first ward in a manner credita- ble to a general with an army of 100,000. In the parade was a represen- tation of all our business people, the children of our public schools turning out in full, dressed in 125 national colors, companies of horsemen, the fire department, the hook and ladder company, and everything and every body to make up a grand trades dis- play the like of which has never before been seen in Point Pleas- ant." "To say the town wasgaly dec- orated with bunting, flags, &c., is not necessary, for the emblem of our great nation was never so profusely displayed as on this occasion." "The park at the confluence of the Ohio and Kanawha rivers where the monument to com- memorate this great battle will be erected, has been put in the best proper shape, and was thronged with visitors and sight- seers throughout the day." "The old house, considerably over a hundred years old, which was converted into a museum and filled with relics, was the most interesting feature of the occasion." "The ladies in charge of the museum are commended by our citizens and visitors upon the manner in which this "relic store" was conducted, and the courtesies accorded all." "A collection of relics, such as Indian implements of warfare, old pictures, dishes, dresses, jewelry and many other articles too numerous to mention, are not seen by one generation more than once, and one who missed this treat is at loss to know or conceive the manner in which these old settlers lived and had their being. Bands of music de- lighted the visitors and the day was one of joy from morning un- til night. The crowd was order- ly well behaved and jolly. No congregation of human beings had a more joyous time for one day, than did this one." "After the parade, which mov- ed at noon, and which was never surpassed as a trades display in this place, had disbanded and the throng of people had dined, the speaking at the park began." "Hon. Chas. E. Hogg, one of West Virginia's most eloquent orators, had charge of the cere- monies at the speaker's stand, and his introductory remarks" were well received. Mr. Hogg never fails to please and enlight- en his hearer, and at the conclu- sion of his remarks introduced Mrs. Judge Poffenbarger, who opened the speaking with an ad- dress listened to by the throng of people with marked attention, and which was eloquent and in- structive." "Col. Bennett Young, of Jassa- mine County, Kentucky, mem- ber of Congress from his dis- trict, was introduced and to say his address was eloquent, logical and interesting, is but a triffle, for the marked attention of his hearers was undisturbed. He 126 is a fluent speaker and one would never tire listening to him." "Next to be introduced was Mr. Lewis Reed Campbell, who re- cited a beautiful poem entitled "Our Heroes." This was one of the most beautiful, and being prepared as it was, only a few hours before the hour for deliv- ery, places our young friend at the maximum. The manner in which this beautiful poem was delivered was pleasing in the ex- treme and delighted the im- mense crowd who listened with marked attention." "Gen. Chas. H. Grosvener, of Ohio, was next introduced, who made, as all know, an address second to none. The General is one of Ohio's influential and honored sons, and when he ap- peared on the speaker's stand, a smile of pleasure and gratifica- tion covered every face in the audience. General Grosvener's remarks were listened to atten- tively, and his eulogy to our martyred President, was pa- thetic. Concluding his remarks, General Grosvener said it would be well for Great Britain, had she a commander like "Corn- stalk" at the head of her forces in South Africa, which was met with a round of applause." "Space and time will not permit us to report this celebration as we would like to, but those who were here had a good time, en- joyed themselves and left our little city with the wish to soon return." "The short-comings of our re- port of this big day are attribut- ed to the absence of the editor in chief, and had he been at the helm, our "chases" would not have held the flow from his pen and our "machines" would have been sorely overtaxed." The Mail Tribune, Charleston, W. Va., Oct. 12, 1901, says: "POINT PLEASANT Celebrates Important Anniver- sary. Remarkable Demon- stration in Honor of the Famous Battle. Col. Bennet Young, of Ky., and Gen. Grosvener, of Ohio, Principal Speakers." "Point Pleasant, W. Va , Oct. 10th, 1901 was the proudest and most memorable in the life of this historic community. Before an assembly of 10,000 persons, many of whom had come half way across the conti- nent to be present, when the beautiful grounds at the junc- ture of the Kanawha and Ohio rivers was for ever dedicated to the memory of the gallant Vir- ginians, who, 127 years ago gave the first manifestation of that valor which, in after years, broke the power of Great Britain and made this continent the abiding place of civil liberty." "No spot in the Ohio Valley is 127 so full of historic significance as this old town of Point Pleasant, and no spot will be more beauti- ful when the towering- granite shaft to be erected at an estimate of $50,000.00, shall greet the eye uf the stranger as he approaches this true cradle of liberty." "Gen. Chas. H. Gresvener, of Ohio, in his speech, said in part: "It is pleasant on this October day to reflect that here on the banks of the beautiful Ohio, then so remote from the center and homes of our ancestors as to be terra incognita to the peo- ple of our country and of the world there should have been struck that which turned out to be the first great blow for Ameri- can Independence and American Liberty. Figure it as you may, the battle whose anniversary we here today celebrate was the first real blow of the Revolution- ary War. Nobody so understood it. Grant that; who understood what was to flow from Lexington or Concord or even from Bunker Hill? What was the name of the man who foresaw when the spring time grass of Massachu- setts was reddened with the blood of patriots at Lexington that the blood was to sanctify the soil and result in the rights of the people for self govern- ment. Lord Dunmore was loyal to the source from which he de- rived his official dignity and official position. He was how- ever, as appears by the records, not quite the open manly frank man that Americans love to rec- ognize and honor. When he came to the mouth of the Big Hock-hocking river, under prom- ise to join the troops that he supposed were subordinate to him, he failed to join them for the manifest purpose of weaken- ing their forces and thus enable the Indians to overcome the set- tlers. While he was not acting that manly, o p e.n and above board part which Americans love to honor and recognize, but if the reports are true and conclu- sions are allowable, Lord Dun- more was guilty of an act of the basest treachery and a manifest purpose of the most inhuman outrage. But it cannot be lost sight of that even in this, shame- ful as his conduct was, he was acting in furtherance of his pur- poses to aid the government to which he owed allegiance. It may be that in his horoscope he saw the coming of the overthrow of British power in the colonies and the organization of a new government and the stripping of the British Crown of all it held so dear in the United States. However, much we may con- demn, from the standpoint of our own sympathy, all and sin- gular in their behalf, there is nevertheless more or less of mi- tigation of wrong and treachery and double dealing in the fact 128 that he was doing it all in behalf of the country and sovereignty to which he owed allegiance. The colonies were proposing to fight for mitigation of the wrongs of unequal and unjust taxation and the refusal to them of the right of representation in the British law making body and yet out of that little movement which I have shown was only for the mitigation of wrong, came this the great idea, so suddenly de- veloped, of independence, and from it has come all the glory of a mighty and united country." While William Hunter, an em- inent Ohio writer, of the Chili- cothie Advertiser, says: "It give us pleasure to note that the battle of Point Pleasant is called the first battle of the Revolutionary War by tohse who are celebrating the anniversary, although questioned by New En- gland historians who seem to be lieve that the whole war was fought in a radius of twenty miles of Boston, and the most has been made of every little skirmish in that region, while the battles in the Western country are not even mentioned." State Historian V. A. Lewis again says, in the West Virginia Historical Magazine, of the bat tie. "It is the greatest event in the colonial period and stands just at its close. With it the Revolu- tionary Period begins. Hence the battle is as it were the con- necting link between two of the great periods in all American History. Closing as it does the one, and opening the other. Edward Ingle, writing in the Manufacturer's Record, in No- vember, 1901, on the Preserva- tion of Virginia's Antiquities, says: "Andrew Lewis, not a Virgin- ian, but yet a type of the rear- guard of the Revolution, fought successfully at Point Pleasant in 1774, that which was really the first battle of that struggle and a battle far reaching in its signifi- cant results." While a bill introduced by Sen- ator Scott passed the Senate in 1905, carrying an appropriation, Senator Scott wrote and offered his personal check for one thous- and dollars with which to erect the monument if the commission would abandon the idea of secur- ing aid from the National Con- gress. A hasty conference of friends of the movement was held and the offer declined, as the agitators of the monument building were not only anxious that the Government should ap- propriate adequate funds, but that it should officially recognize the battle as one of those of the Revolution; so the offer of Sena- tor Scott was politely declined. Congressman Hughes pressed the passage of the bill at that time in the lower house of Con- 129 gress. Hon. J. T. McCleary, Chairman of the Committee to which .the bill was referred, wrote a letter to Mr. Hughes, as follows: "As I advised you yesterday, the committee adopted a policy more than a year ago as its policy for this Congress, that of making no appropriations for monuments to be erected outside of Washing- ton." The monument commission as- sisted by Mrs. Poffenbarger, then hastened to Charleston, where the Legislature was then in session, and the Charleston Mail gives, in part, the following: "Mrs. Livia Simpson-Poffen- barger arrived here Thursday from her home at Point Pleasant, to aid in securing an appropria- tion for a Point Pleasant Battle Monument. She has at- tended a part of two former ses- sions of the Legislature for the same purpose. When seen by a Mail reporter in the office of her husband Judge George Pof- fenbarger, of the Supreme Court, she said in response to the question, when asked what the prospect for an appropria- tion is?" "It is the first time I have ever believed we would get an appro- priation when it was asked for. I believe now we are going to get it. We expect to get a recom- mendation for an appropriation through the Joint Finance Com- mittee, and if we get a favorable report from the committee we have "crossed the Alps'" for there is positively no opposition to it this year outside of whether or not there will be available funds." "What amount have you asked for, Mrs. Poffenbarger?" "i had a most courteous hear- ing before the committee who had previously heard the mem- bers of the Monument Com- mittee and I asked for $25,000,00, payable $5,000.00 annually." "But can the state make an ap- propriation Governing five years?" "No, but they can for two and the appropriation may be for a monument not to exceed $25,000.- 00 expense to the state of West Virginia, $5,00.00 of which is available now and $5,000.00 next year, and the rest may be im- plied, as in the case of the appro- priation made for the West Vir- ginia Hospital at a cost of $80,- 000, $10,000.00 of which was available when appropriated." Here followed the history of the effort made for the erection of a monument. Mrs. Poffenbarger telegragh- ed her paper- 'Charleston, W. Va., February 28, 1905. The State Gazette The Senate at 6:30 P. M. pass- ed an amendent to the Appropri- 130 ation Bill of $2,500.00 for this year and $2,500.00 for 1906. The hill still has to go back to the Mouse for concurrence and if it tails there, will go to a conference commitee." The amendment was offered by Senator E. S. McCown, of the Fourth Senatorial District. His speech was one of his best ef- forts while Senator Darst work- ed heart and soul for the appro- priation. The amendment failed to pass the house, but was saved in the Joint Conference com- mittee where by herculean work the building of a battle monu- ment at Point Pleasant was as- sured. The state had once again assumed the responsibility and every year since the Legis- lature has appropriated money with which to build the monu- ment. Except this appropria- tion for 1906 and 1907, all has been vetoed except that of $1,000.00 made in 1909, because of lack of funds as announced by Governor Dawson. Feb, 15, 1906, Hon. James A. Hughes, who was pressing Con- gress for an appropriation for funds with which to build the monument wrote as follows from Washington : Mrs. LiviaSimpson-Poffenbarger Point Pleasant, W. Va. I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. Austin who states that it is the opinion of the Monument Committee of your place that the amount asked for be reduced from $50,000.00 to $10,000.00." "The amount carried in the bill does not amount to anything as the committee would only appro- priate such an amount as they saw fit and would be governed by the wishes of the committee. I will introduce another bill carry- ing $10,000.00 instead of $50,000.- 00 as in the present bill. I had a talk with Mr. McCleary, and he told me that the committee still had under consideration the ad- visability of whether they would make any appropriations outside of the City of Washington. So far, they have not come to any conclusion. I had a talk with Senator Scott in regard to this appropriation and he doubted very much whether they would make any appropriation outside the City of Washington and he advises that this monument should be erected and that it should be done by private sub- scription and in addition to what the State had alread}' appropri- ated he said he would be glad to head the list with a private sub- scription." "Now I want to advise you frankly about this, if the Libra- ry Committee of the House re- fuses to make any appropria- tions for monuments, outside of the City of Washington, I think it will be useless to press the matter further, and I think it 131 would be well to consider the suggestion of Senator Scott. I will be glad to hear from you in reference to the matter. Very truly yours, J. A. Hughes." To the above letter, Mrs. Pof- fenbarger replied: "We do not ask that the Con- gress of the United States build the Battle Monument at Point Pleasant because the funds can- not be raised by private sub- scription or secured as an ap- propriation from the State of West Virginia, but because we want the Government to official- ly recognize the batttle as it was in truth a battle of the Revolu- tion, indeed, the First Battle of the Revolution, and no matter how insignificant the approation, it the bill correctly states its status we will be content to raise the money necessary as best we can, although we want as large an appropriation as we can get. While we appreciate the generosi- ty of Senator Scott, should he do- nate the entire amount necessary it would fail in our main purpose of having the government official- ly credit the battle the honor it deserves and we will have again to decline his offer and insist that you both press the matter before Congress so vigorously as to ultimately bring- the desired result. Again thanking you and Senator Scott for your past ef- forts and expecting renewed zeal, I am Very truly Livia Simpson-Poffenbarger." That the Congress of the Un- ited States was still importuned is evidenced by the fact that on December 4, 1907, Senator N. B, Scott introduced Senate Bill 160 which was favorably reported February 17. 1908, without amendment, as follows: "A BILL to aid in the erection of a monument or memorial at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, to commemorate the Battle of tho Revolution fought at that point between the Colonial troops and Indians October tenth, seventeen hundred and seventy- four." An identical bill was introduc- ed in the lower House of Con- gress by Hon. James A. Hughes. A Telegram, as follows, brought the first intelligence to Point Pleasant that the bill had passed both branches of Con- gress: Mrs. LiviaSimpson-Poffenbarger Congress appropriated $10,- 000.00 for a battle monument at Point Pleasant Congratulations. James A. Hughes. Washington, D. C ' The Monument Commission got busy and realizing that the introduction of new methods of monument building, lasting as 132 the pyramids of Egypt, had been introduced, by which the monument could be built with the money available, a contract was let for the monument at a cost at the factory of $15,000.00, the shipment and erection of which would make a total cost of $16,- 000. The monument to be built of Balfour granite, the statue thereon to be of Westerly gran- ite. The shaft is an obelisk with a base twenty-four feet square, the height to be eighty- two feet. The statue is to be that of a colonial soldier of the primitive Virginia style, dressed in hunting shirt, coon skin cap, leather breeches and long rifle. The whole to he completed for the unveiling of the monument on the One Hundred and Thirty- fifth anniversary of the battle of Point Pleasant, October, 10, 1909. The Monument Commission on June 10, 1909, issued the fol- lowing announcement: "ATTENTION CITIZENS. A general invitation is extend- ed for a citizen's meeting at the Court House at Point Pleasant on Thursday June 10th at 8 P. M. to make preparations for the celebration of the Battle of Point Pleasant, the unveiling of the monument and Home Coming Week, under the auspices of the Mayor and Civil Authority of the town of Point Pleasant, and in- terested citizens of the town, county and state. Signed, John P. Austin, President of the Monument Committee.'" There was a large and enthus- iastic meeting held in response to the call. Judge John Lamar Whitten, Mayor of the town, who presided, was elected as the permanent chairman of arrange- ments for a West Virginia Home Coming Week, Celebration of the Battle and Unveiling of the Mon- ument, October 7-8-9-10, 1909. The others appointed to further the success of the proper ob- servance of the battle were the following Committees in charge of the Celebration. Organization. Crairman, Mayor John L. WKitten. Secretary, E. Jacob Somerville. Asst. Secretary, Warren C. Whaley. Grand Marshall, Col. John P. R. B. Smith. Assistants, Lewis C. Somer- ville, Peter Higgins Steenbergen, Edward Barto Jones. Committee at Large. Hon. John P. Austin, Presi- dent Monument Commission; Monument Commissioners, Hon. V. A. Lewis and Mr. C. C. Bow- yer; Mayor, Judge John L. Whit- ten. Col. John P. R. B. Smith and 133 Mrs. Livia Nye Simpson-Poffen burger. Finance Committee. Joseph Friedman, Chairman, Peter Higgins Steenbergen, Ed- ward K. Thomas, Peter S. Lewis, Griff T. Smith, Tol Stribling, Hon. J. Samuel Spencer, John G. Stortz, Point Pleasant; R. J. Pat- terson, Maggie; William R. Thompson, Huntington; Charles .Cameron Lewis, Jr., Ex-Gover- nor Wm. A. McCorkle, Hon. Jno. O. Dickenson, Charleston; Ex- Governor A. B. Fleming, Fair- mont. Invitation Committee Governor Wm. E. Glasscock, Senator Stephen B. Elkins, Sena- tor Nathan B. Scott, Hon. James A. Hughes, Judge Ira E. Robin- son, Judge George Poffenbarger of West Virginia; Col. H. R. Howard, John E. Beller, Robert E. Mitchell, B. H. Blagg, Andrew Lewis Boggess, Charles C. Lew- is, H. Green Nease, Hon. George W. Cossin, James M. H. Beale, Hon. J. Samuel Spencer Judge John W. English, Judge Wm. A. Parsons, Point Pleasant; Hon. E. O. Randall, Columbus, Ohio; Hon. W. Sid- ney Laidley, William Burdette Mathews, Charles C. Lewis, Sr., John Q. Dickenson of Charleston; Gen'l. Charles H. Grosvenor and Hon. Jerry Longfellow Carpen- ter, Athens, Ohio; Hon, Edmond Sehon, Dr. Lewis V. Guthrie and Louis Sehon Pomeroy, of Huntington. Trades Display Robert J. Heslop, Charles K. Blackwood, Charles E. Jones, David S. Snyder, James Walter Winden, Mark Shiflet, Horton Roseberry, Joseph W. Rhoades, Will Filson, John C. Franklin, Ed. Lawhead, H. H. Henry, C. Frederick Hess, Captain C. ' H o m e r V a r i a n, Rob- ert Kiger, James Stephenson, George Miller, John Wells, Geo. W. M. Hooff, Alexander B. Mc- Culloch, James Cavenaugh, James B. Tippett, F. B. Tippett. Lemuel Shiflet, Hugo Juhling, Jr., Bertram L. Burdette, Frank Fadley, Enos B. Thomas, H. W. Ellis, Dr. Ed McElfresh, Jacob P. Hetherington, L. J. Coley, Peter C. McDade, W. A. Wil- liams, Harry M. Langley. Decoration and Speakers Stand Frank Filson, B. Franklin, Jr., Charles Russell McCulloch, Wm. H. H. Gardner, J. Floyd Burdett, S. Waldo Swisher, Alonzo Walk- er, Enos, C. Winger, John W. C. Heslop, Ed A. Arrington, Ed- ward W. Craig, Geo. P. Gardner, Wm. Tully, John Love, Sam'l Lutton, Fredrick Capes, Charles Dashner, G. E. Mathews, Mes- darnes Harry E. Burnside, Wm. Steenbergen, Robert E. Mitchell, Edward McElfresh, Rush H. Burnside, Edward J Burnside, Lem Shiflet, Samantha J. Baum, Wm. Steinbach, Mrs. M. Fried- 134 man, Mrs. Kate Williams, Mrs. J. W. English, Mrs. Robert P. Lynch, Mrs. Ella Fenton, Mrs. Horton Roseberry, Mrs, E. H. Woelffel, Mrs. Wm. Kenny, Mrs. E. H. Armstrong, Mrs. H. A. Barbee, Mrs. James B. Tippett, Mrs. Wm. C. Stortz, Mrs. J. F. Burdett, Mrs. B. Franklin, Jr., Mrs. George Comstock, Mrs. Joseph H. Holloway, Mrs. Asha- bel Hughes, Misses Edith Tip- pett, Maud Kisar, Reba Beale, Hattie Price, Mary Lewis, Venie and Jessie Thomas, Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. E. B. Jones, Mrs. Wm. E. Hayman, Mrs. W. C. Whaley, Mrs. Tol Stribling. Advertising Committee Homer Smith, Dr. W. P. Neale, Marcus Friedman, War- ren C. Whaley, Charles C. Lewis, Edward C. Berridge, Dr. Ed. McElfresh, John F. Lewis and James B. Tippett. Entertainment Committee Griff T. Smith, Howard L. Robey, Lesley L. Neale, Geo. C. Somerville, Dr. Frank V. Butch- er, Ed Filson, Wm. Steinbach, Howard Long, Geo. W. Long, John L. Hutchinson, E. H. Woelffel, W. W. Riley, R. P. Liter, Lem Shiflet Jr., Point Pleasant; John D. Lewis, Phil Walker, John Baker White, Charleston; Lycergus N. Knight Maggie; M. G. Tyler, H. E. Spil- man, Dr. Richard Stone, Spilman, Dr. Charles Petty, Hartford; Mesdames John Samuel Spencer. Charies Clendenin Bowyer, John L. Whitten, Charles C. Lewis, John Daniel McCulloch, H. Green Nease, John W. C. Heslop, L. J. Williamson, Rankin Wiley, John McCulloch, Frank Fil- son, Wm. P. Neale, Peter Hig- gins Steenbergen, Hiram R. Howard, J. H. Wade, Jackson Lee Pannel, Charles Russell Mc- Culloch, James W. Windon, Pat- rick F. Ryan, John P. Austin, Robert P. Liter, Howard^ L. Robey, E. Barto Jones, Joseph Friedman, E. B. Sisler, B. Frank lin, Jr., E. E. Thomas, Mary Margaret Bryan, Homer Smith, Ben Franklin, Sr , S. W. Swish- er, Walter Lincoln; Misses Josephine Howard, Irene Bow- yer, Lillie Lee Hogg, Elizabeth Harding Hogg, Julia Polsley, Ada Gilmore, Cornelia Smith, V e v a Haptonstall, Margaret Lynn Neale, Gertrude Howard, Edith Tippett, Venie and Jessie Thomas, Kate Stribling, Lena L. Roseberry, of Point Pleas- ants; Mrs. Geo. W. Gist and Miss Maggie Hayman, Le- tart; Mrs. W. L. Lawson and Miss May Jackson, New Haven; Mrs. M. M. Brown, Mrs. D. E. Newton, Hartford; Mrs. Joseph H. Windon, Maggie; Mrs. V. A. Lewis, Mrs. W. E. Ruttencutter, Mrs. L. E. Bletner, Misses Maud and Annie Lewis, Mason; Mesdames John McCoach, Ed- mond Sehon, Columbus Sehon, Taylor Vinson, Wm. R. Thomp- 135 son, Mary Lesage, Margaret Lynn Harvey, C. R. Thompson and James A. Hughes, Hunting- ton; Mrs. Kate Sterrett, Mrs. Wm. H. Vaught, Mrs. John Thornberg, Five Mile; Mrs. M. Ella Hutcbinson, Henderson; Miss Lizzie Smith, McCausland; Miss Francis M. Maupin, Ar- buckle; Mrs. Charles E. Mc- Culloch, Five Mile; Miss Rhoda Long, Mrs. Monroe Poffenbar- ger, South Side; Mrs. C. A. Green, Otia; Mrs. James Hen- derson, Five Mile; Dr. A. G. Martin, F. M. Middleton, Win- field; Dr. C. McGill, Red House; Robert Brown, O. F. Stribling, Apple Grove; John H. S. Spencer, Graham Station; F. C. Hute, John C. Levzey, L. Quickie, Thos. L. Finney, Pliny, Frank Dunn, South Side; George L. Sebrell, E. B. Nease, Ar- buckle; Will Armstrong, Gallipo- lis; Dr. Blake, R. E. Blake, Hen- ry McCoy, J. B. Frazier, Buf- falo; Robt. Somerville, Maggie; W. W. Cornwall, Glen wood; Earl Henry, Clifton; A. G. W. Brinker, A. C. Cross, Thos. Z. Blessing, Letart. Speakers Committee Col. H. R. Howard, Capt. W. H. Howand, Wm. E. Hayman, Judge George Poffenbarger, Robt. L. Hutchinson, Hon. J. S. Spencer, Benjamin Franklin, Sr., Enos B. Thomas, Dr. E. J. Mossman, Carlisle L. Whaley, Rev. J. H. Gibbons, Rev. Pullin, Rev. R. P. Bell, O. A. Roush, Geo. McClintock, Capt. Rush H. Burnside, Benjamin H. Blagg. Music Committee E, B. Sisler, J. H. Norton. B. F. Gibbs, A. C. Van Gilder, Charles K. Black wood, Lew Mc- Millen, Rankin Wiley, John G. Aten, Wm. Steenbergen, Dr. John Fadley, Mesdames Mary Margaret Bryan, J. M. H. Beale, Carlisle L. Whaley, Eliza Wag- goner, Charles Filson, Nannie E. Hale, Kossuth T. McKinstry, Misses Josephine Beale, Ger- trude Howard, and Margaret Malone, Mrs. W. C. Whaley. Program Committee Lewis C. Somerville, Judge, George Poffenbarger, Col. Hiram R. Howard, Howard L. Robey, Robt. L. Hutchinson, Charles Buxton, Judge John W. English. Transportation Committee Wm. C. Jordan, L. C. Kuhn, Moulton Houk, F. Gerald Mus- grave, B. H Blagg, Wallace A. Barnett, John McCulloch Dr. Hugh A. Barbee, Wm. W.Bryan, Ed. C. Berridge, Capt. E. A. Burnside, Fred Smith, Capt. E, E. Varian, Capt. John Thorn- berg, Gus Fry, Jos. L. Ruth, Elmer Nutter, E. B. Martin, Capt. Gordan C. Greene, J. W Hooper. School Children Prof. H. E. Cooper of Point Pleasant and the teachers of Mason County. Advisory Committee Messrs. John W. Steenbergen, 136 Beale; Wm. J. Keister, Ashton; Clinton Poffenbarger, Mason Long, Beech Hill; James W. Long-, Hon. Jabez Beard, South Side; E. F. Bletner, W. E. Rut- tencutter, Mason; Charles Juhl- ing, Hon. J. M. Hensley, J. M. Chapman, D. E. Newton, Capt. M. M. Brown, Hartford; Judge W. W. Jackson, Geo. N. Capehart, W. L. Lawson, C. T. Bumgarner, New Haven; Geo. W. Gist, Dan Sayre, Wm. Klingensmith, Le- tart; Philip Click, Willow Tree, Judge Byrd Stone, W. P. Smith, Fred Sullivan, Wm. Jividen, Charles F. Thomas Leon; Judge W. H. Vaught, Robert P. Mor- ris, Henry Fry, Henderson; James Henderson, Rankin Hill, Henderson; Hon. Jas. L. Knight, Messrs. Asa Musgrave, James W. Windon, Jos. H. Windon, H. J. Norton, Judge B. J. Redmond, Dr. A. R. Girard, Hon. Geo. Parsons, Pleasant Flats; Capt. L. S. Parsons, John R. Couch, Hearne. W. H. Sayre, Chas. W. Hogsett, Wm. H. Rowsey, C. A. Green, of Hannan District, Shep- herd W. Moore, Elwell; Geo. W. Pullin, C. G. P. Musgrave, Deb- by; Geo. J. Meadough, James W. Kindey, W. H. Clarke, J. W. Bryan, Ash Hughes, W. H. Zum- bro, Point Pleasant; John Mc- Causland, Jr., Jno, R. Couch, B. K Bell, Hearne, R. W. Bateman, S. A. McNiel, Mercers Bottom, Judge J. L. Thome, Wyoma. Col. Jerome T.Bowyer, Winfield; B. J. Lerner, Hartford; John J. Dower, Letart; Jas. T. Ed- wards, Clifton; H. C. Tur- ner, Mason; David Caldwell, Gal- lipolis Ferry; Judge A. M. Pugh, Col. John L. Vance, Columbus, Ohio; Gen'l. John McCausland, McCausland; James M. Nye, Marrietta, Ohio; Mrs. Samaria, H. Palmer; Athens Ohio; Miss Margaret Lynn Price, Lewis- burg, Mrs. Miram Donnally, Mrs. E. W. Wilson, Charles- ton; Mrs. Sanders Johnston, Dr. Adeline E. Portman, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Anna S. Greene, Culpeper, Virginia; Miss Mary C. Nye, Marrietta, Ohio; Mrs. Sophia Dale, Belpre, Ohio; Mrs. M. C. Scott, Pomer.oy, Ohio The State Gazette of August 15th, gives the following: "On Monday August 2nd, 1009, at 11 a. m. the steam whistle on Captain Charles Homer Varian's pumpboat, lying in the mouth of Kanawha river, sounded a gJad cry that was lustily joined in by the many steamboats lying in harbor. Our people came out in great crowds to learn the cause, and the on coming tide of people were directed to Tu-Endie-Wei Park, where had just been set the apex stone that completed the stone work of the splendid Balfour granite monument, com- memorating The First Battle of the Revolution, fought at Point Pleasant, October 10th, 1774. 137 It was an occasion that for many years has been devoutly wished for, and there were many upon the grounds prior to the blowing- of the whistles, who for years had watched every step of the preparation for the monument building Among them were Mrs. J. D. McCul- loch, who was a member of the Ladies Monument Association, that put by the first contribution, which with its accumulations, represented $2,000 invested in the Monument; Mr. C. C. Bow- yer of the Monument Commis- sion, who have so faithfully la- bored in the cause entrusted to them by the State; and Mrs. Poffenbarger whose interest has never lag-ged, and it was her little son, Perry Simpson-Poffen- barger, who suggested, and in- duced Capt. Varian to start the whistles. The monument has been erect- ed so speedily that our people can scarcely believe it is so near- ly completed. This is accounted for by the fact that the stones were cut and numbered and ready for placing-, and needed lit- tle cutting- when they came upon the grounds. The Van-Amringe Granite Company of Boston, are the contractors, with Mr. J. E. Amedon of Merchants Depot, of Vermont, as the superintendent of construction here. Captain Charles Fredrick Hess was the contractor, not only for the splendid cement walks and walls, but for the cement work of the Monument, and the great under- footing- was laid prior to June 7th, when the first carload of granite reached here. On June 9th, the corner stone was laid. There were no cere- monies attending- it and no depos- its made save that of a small coin of the issue 1909, the year of the Monument construction. However, as is the custom in the erection of such structures, a box was deposited in this monument. It was found that in the cen- ter tube in the top section imme- diately under the great cap stone that binds the building, there was room to admit a box three inches in diameter and twelve inches long. Filson Brothers were call- ed upon to construct a copper box of these dimensions and make it air tight. In it were deposited an Industrial Edition of The State Gazette of the issue, of February 2nd, 1905, upon which was written the following inscription: "Deposited, Monday, August 2d, 1909, the date of the setting- of the cap stone of the Point Pleasant Battle Monument, by Nathan Simpson Poffenbar- ger and Perry Simpson Pof- fenbarger, sons" and Nata- lie Simpson Bryan, niece of Geo. and Livia Nye Simp- son-Poff enbarg-er. ' ' A copy of the diary written by Margaret Lynn Lewis, wife of 138 John Lewis the emigrant and a founder of the chy of Staunton, Virginia, was placed in the tube upon which was the following' inscription: "Deposited, August 2nd, 1909, the date of the setting of the cap- stone of the Point Pleasant Bat- tle Monument, by Sallie Lewis McCulloch, (Mrs. J. D. McCulloch) Great, Great Grand daugh- ter of Margaret Lynn Lewis and Great Grand daughter of Col. Charles Lewis. Sallie Lewis McCulloch (Mrs. P. H. Steenbergen), Great, Great Grand daughter of Col. Chas. Lewis. >' An Indian arrow bead taken from the ground when the exca- vation was made, was put in the box and with it a slip of paper bearing the following": "This Indian arrow head is deposited by C. F. Hess, con- tractor for the cement work of this monument. It was found when the excavation was made." The most important deposit made however, was a copy of "The Battle of Point Pleasant," bearing the following inscription: "Deposited, Monday, August 2d, 1909, the date of the setting of the cap stone of the Point Pleasant Battle Monument. "The illustrations and last pages are omitted on account of the inability of the printer to finish the volume bv the date of the completion of the monument. Livia Nye Simpson-Poffenbarger The Author." This was the most valuable because, though not quite com- pleted, it carried the most com- plete roster of the participants of the battle ever as yet publish- ed, that of 1080 men who partici- pated at Point Pleasant and were entitled to share in the honors of this victory. When the last stone bad been set in place, Mr. Amedon pre- sented Mrs. Poffenbarger the two remaining blocks of granite from which will be made sou- venirs of the monument. The statue which is to be placed on a base in the front of the monument has not reached here, nor have the eight bronze plates in bas relief, two of which bearing the coat of arms of the United States and of West Virginia, and six of which bear the inscription of the killed and wounded and the officers com- manding the army, but they have been shipped and will be here to be put in place by Mr. Amedou upon his return from St. Louis, less than three weeks hence. Upon his return, the monument will be pointed up, the statue and plates set and the monument veiled ready for the ceremonial attendant upon the unveiling of October 9th, 1909. 139 INDEX APPROPRIATIONS By Congress 131 By Ladies Monument Association 96 By West Virginia Legislature 110 129 CELEBRATIONS October 10, 1860 96 October 10, 1774 102 October 10, 1901 124 October 10, 1909 132 DEDICATION OF TU-ENDIE-WEI PARK Description of the Battle 26-28-29 History of the Monument Building- 95 Killed and Wounded 28 Roster of Participants 84 BIOGRAPHIES Bailey James , 72 Bledsoe Anthony 55 Bowen Wm 68 Bracken Matthew 78 Breckenridge Alexander. 66 Cameron Chas. E ... 57 Campbell Arthur 48 Campbell John . . 49 Campbell Robert 75 Campbell Wm 47 Carter John 75 Christian Wm 54 Clendenin Archibald 64 Clendenin George : 65 Clendenin William 63 Cocke Wm 55 Cooper Leonard i 58 Cornstalk 80 Crawford John 54 Crockett Joseph 50 Curry James 77 140 Davis Azariah 47 Dickinson John 55 Drake Joseph 69 Draper John 47 Dunmore Lord 78 Eastham George 61 Edmiston Wm 69 Ewing Wm 71 Fleming- Col. Wm 44 Floyd Capt. John 66 Frogg John .... 73 Gibbs Luman 60 Hackett Thomas 76 Hamilton Wm 78 Harlon Silas 57 Harrison Benjamin 52 Harrod James 53 Henderson John 60 Herbert Wm 66 Hughes Ellis 56 Hughey Joseph 56 Ingles Thomas 69 Ingles Wm 66 Jones John 46 Kimberling Elijah 71 Knox James 71 Lewis Gen'l Andrew 39 Lewis Col. Charles 40 Lewis Benjamin 67 Lewis Mayor John (son of Wm.) ... 63 Lewis Capt. John (son of Thos.) 73 Lewis Capt. John (son of Gen'l Andrew) 76 Logan 79 Logan Benjamin 64 Logan John 65 Love Philip 56 Lyle John 73 Madison John 71 Matthews George . . 49 Matthews Sampson SO Mayes Joseph 48 141 Me A ffcc George 70 M cAtTee James 70 McAffee Robert 70 McAffee Samuel 70 McAffee Wm 70 McCorkle Wm 73 McDowell Capt. (Judge) Samuel 52 McKee Wm. 71 Moffatt George 72 Montgomery James. 54 Moore Gen. Andrew 49 Moore Wm 73 Murry John ' 72 Newman Walter 73 Posey Thomas 62 Pauley Henry 70 Ramsey Joseph 68 Robertson James 51 Robertson Wm 73 Russell Wm 54 Sawyer John 56 See Michael 77 Sevier John 52 Sevier Valentine - 53 Shelby Evan 45 Shelby Isaac 45 Slaughter Geo 70 Slaughter Francis : 70 Slaughter Lawrence 70 Slaughter Wm ... 54 Smith John Simms Charles 72 Steele John 56 Stuart John . . 61 Todd John 57 Trigg Stephen .66 Trimble James Trotter Wm Van Bibber John Van Bibber Isaac Van Bibber Jesse 58 Van Bibber Peter 58 Warwick Jacob ' 57 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NON-RENEWABLE . unv 7 1973 UKC RENEWAL MA 211SW ID .URL I MAY 2 1983 UL 1 1992 Form L.9-30TO-HA58 (,8268s4)444 3 1158 00839 5278