F III VOCABULARY TEXT BOOK DOCUMENTARY CHINESE. F. HIRTH, Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Statisticul Secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs, Shanghai. §\\]i\x^M by #nU« of ih f ttjspctov (^twrnl of €u^t0m,$. SHANGHAI: STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF CUSTOMS. A ^ -J- f ^ WEN - CHIEN HSIAO - TZU - TIEN. VOCABULARY OF THE TEXT BOOK OF DOCUMENTARY CHINESE BY F. HIRTH, Ph.D., Deindy Commisaioner and Assistant Statistical Secretai'y, Inspectorate General of Customs, Shanghai. l^ubUsIifd by (BxtUx of the ^w^ptim 6cncval of tfustoms. SHANGHAI: PUBLISHED AT THE STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF CUSTOMS, KELLY & WALSH, LlMlTliD: SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, YOKOHAMA, AND SINGAPORE. LONDON: P. s. king & SON, canada building, king street, Westminster, s.w. 188S. CORRIGENDA. Page 6". Under "ch'ang ^ constantly; usually; commonly," insert '• ^ g§, the Native Customs, as opposed to Wi IS (ltsi>i-luan), the Foreign Customs." -- Page 7«. Under " ch'ao ^ money orders ; tonnage dues ; to copy," insert " ^ g|, the Native Customs, as opposed to fgf §f (hsin-huan), the Foreign Customs." Page 27^, under ch'o^i ^. For ^ ^, read ^ ^,. Page 97«, under .s/itxi^ IH|. For [» S read ^ ^. osed / 2008186 \ VOCABULARY. A. P3 (o"" 55) inferior ; often forms the first pivrt of a proper iiiinie, cliieHy among the lower classes, e.g., A-viing; used in representing the sound o or o in fV>roij;n names. Pr} ^ i{^ ^ (a-la-jn-kuoj Arabia. M WWH'fS WM (a-MUmi-pu-crh-im) Olden- burg. M M asaf.itida. ^ to receive ; to suffer. ^ ^ to be beaten. ^ K P (ai-chi-kuo) Egypt. ^ grief; pain. ^ ^ to scream from pain or grief. ^ PP to pray for urgently. ^ fB the sentiments of grief. ^ ,§. thoughts of grief. iH a shore ; a limit. ?§ ("'' ^) to endanger ; danger ; difficulty ; to cause Jitiiculties to; to obstruct; to interfere with. ^ ^ obstructions; difficulties. 1^ a pass ; straits. ^ peaceful ; contented with ; to make easy ; to place ; to lay down. ^ ^ peaceful and contented ; orderly. S 5C ■& contented with Heaven's decree ; to sub- mit to fate. $ jjj to make one's heart easy. ^ ^ li to make the merchant's business ea.sy. ^ ^ i^ S payments for the benefit of one's family. ■$ ^ to erect ; to lay down (as a buoy). ^ M- § g^'M benjamin. ^ M' fifi oil of guw benjamin. S ^ W the province of Anhwei. ^ j§ ^ (an-imn-huo) Annam ; Annaraese. ^ ^ An-p'ing, near T'ai-wan, Formosa. $ M (an-ch'ing) .'Vnk'ing (capital of the Anhwei province, and a port of tall on the Yangtze). ^ according to; to examine. 15 t^ ® !i provincial judge. bS S§ aicording to. ^ SS i? H to act accordingly. ^ It calculated at i^ M ^^^ to calculate duties on the goods canieil. ^ |5g within the limit (of time). ^ according to date. S -t H weekly ; by the week. ^ M liy the month ; monthly. Jjg if. annually. M ^ It M yearly or montUy. ^ M ^ tS: ;it regular (fixed) dates. w fx yr according to share. ^ ^ annrding to category ; according to deno- j$ ^ .uruvding to law. tS H II :^ IP] magnetic beaiings. i^ fllf »t the proper time ; punctually. ?5 jlfc iP ^ it iii'>y '^e known therefrom. ^ a court; a case; (= ^ ^) whereas; according to. ^ ^ whereas. i ^ in the case. ^ ^ 'Ih ^ the particular circumstances of the ^ '1^ the details of a case. ^ 1* 1^ ^ -i copy of the minutes of a Ciwe. ^ ^ cases and their details. P§ dark ; secret ; hidden. B^ l^ a sandbank or shoal below water. Bn liffl ^. '■' steamer driven by an unseen or hidden wlurl ; i.e., a screw steamer. Hi to know about. ^ a shore ; the coast. ^ high ; to raise. <""' In ^ '" '"''^i' 'he duty. Ill ^S W (iiny-pu-crh) the city of Humbur<;. ao 5S t.. 1..MI. 3^ f^ IS Jtt to lK>il, or refine, su-ar. no [U] ;i (.;i\ity; concave. |U] gj a concave Ions, or a reflector. Dfl fil j1 .^ SS ^K " conaiveand reflecting light ; a cat.)ptric light. (u> 1^ niystori.iiis ; obscure. II ^ is S fi (M-ssH-H-li-ya) Australia. ao 91 a bay. m P^ Macao. C. cha i^ a despjitch from a superior. See cha §lj. cha |g [also written §1], ^,^[„ and }L] to be stationed at. rha §|J [also written %] a despatch from a superior to an inferior ; to be stationed at. §lj fx to address a despatch to an inferior. §lj ^ to order, in a despatch. §|J IS to instruct. ^Ij ^ to \vrite officially to an inferior. §|J ^ a despatch to an inferior ; instnictions. cho ^ suddenly ; abruptly. ''P BJ '^ JJS li,i,'Iiting up suddenly and eclipsing suddenly ; occulting (as a navigation light). ch'i ^^ to blow up; to explode. i^fKM dynamite. rh'a ^ to examine ; to look into ; whereas ; often denotes merely what we should express by a new paragraph. ^ S?. t" ^^^ official notice; for official informa- tion; placed after the name of the recipient in addresses, etc.; used for an chao (^ M). according to. ^ M iE ^ to note and act accordingly. ^ S?> 3^ 151 to 2Ct according to instructions ri-ccivod. ^ ra, il g to act accordingly. ^ i'p to seize for confiscation. ^ % to examine ; to try. ^ ttj it comes out ; it is brought home to one ; to find out ; to ( ^ ^ to .seize (as ^ ft to cancel. jg 2 to inspect. chai dud .iggled goods). ^ ^ to examine and control ; to be charged with the inspection of. ^ Bfl to inspect (as a document) ; to ascertain ; to recognise on examination ; to find to be. ^ B^ S ff to examine and report in reply. ^ ^ to search and seize ; to seize. ^ il to investigate. ^ ijjf to receive officially; to take delivery of. ^ ^ to check ; to examine. ^ 1^ to search the hold of a ship. ^ ^ to examine ; examination. ^ 1^ to note; to examine and take note of; to peruse. jS ^ there was found to be. ^ mistaken; erroneous. See efe'ai and /sV*. ^ j£ very different ; quite mistaken. ^ to examine; to search. ^ ^ to examine. ^ !^ to examine and judge; to decide. ^ to scatter; to rub. ^ f^ to destroy by rubbing or scratching ; tc^ ettaJc. ^ tea. ^ ^ tea dust. ^ ^ d tea t t" receive favour. fl& ^ saturated with ; infected liy. ffi t to receive humane treatment. ffi ^ to participate in profit ; to receive profit. ^ ( = ffi) to moisten; to receive favours. f fi to paste on. See nien f fi. ^ felt; rugs; carpets; carpeting; blankets. ^ Ifl felt caps. ^ ^ felt cuttings. ^ ^ carpets and druggets. ^ to expand ; to extend. ^ ^ repeatedly ; again and again. ^ |55 to extend a limit. S i^ to postpone ; to extend (as a limit of time). ^ a warehouse; agodown; to store in a godown. ^ W ^ warehouse ; a godo\vn. ^ to cut in two ; to behead. ^ IjC to behead and strangle. Jif ^ capital punishment. § temporarily ; a short time. § S. temporarily. § ^ beforehand ; for the time being. § ^ to keep on deposit ; on deposit. cluing chan (J chany chang chang chang chang cluing chang ^ fl$ loniponuily ; for the time being. IIPJJ In liglit; a battle; war, 5^ ^ •' ^VT jii'i'' ; « man-of-war ; a gunboat. JH tn mix (as good metal with an inferior metal); til make up; to repair. !S ^ §§ plated ware. ^ to give birth to ; to produce ; produce. ^ ^ to manufacture. ^ -3^ a business to make a living from ; a living ; a property. ^ regulations. ^ S regulations. ^ to pronuilgate. ^ BQ to ])romulgate ; to make known to the public. ^^. (or f^) camphor. ^ Bi camphor. t^ ')^ J^ the prefecture of Cliang-chou, near Amoy. ■^ to grow ; to extend. Cf. ch'ang ;g. long. ;^ j^ to make progress. ^ ^ to grow and fall; increase and decrease: lation. ccount; curtains. See chang ^■ in account book. m Ifl ■? curtains. ijl^ ^ accounts business. K W ■'" ci&ce where accounts are settled ; a ciiuiiting-house ; a shroff's or comprador's office; an accountimt ; a shroff'. SS (=(!§) an account. mm m Mi th" balance of an account. P^ @ accounts. 51 a sheet ; classifier of mats, bed sheets, mattresses, etc-., and of lottery tickets ; to stretch. 5i ^ to hoist, or fly, a flag. j51 water rising ; to overflow. ^'M^- rising tide. ^ to control. ^ ^ to manage ; to control. ^ a chang (= 141 inches, or llj feet, English). ^ j^ chang and chHh; i.e., length or measurement (as of piece goods). ^ ;5 a measure of length. ( 6 ) rhang ^ to fiyht. ■Ixi'i'J ;H; to l.uat with the Iiamboo. ■'<■<" tonnage dues. ^ ^ Government notes. ^ ^ a copy of a document. ilt ^? ffi § to file a copy in the archives ; to take a record of. ch'm ^ the court ; the dynasty. Cf. chao ^, inorning. ^ flU court dress. ^ ^ the grand examination at Peking. |g M the court. ch'ao j|g the flood tide ; damp. 'M 1^ the flood rising. 'M ?5S Blf "t high-water time ; the flood rising. M i^l 9t «t high-water time ; when the tide is fuU. j^ "^ SIf at low-water time. 'M 'J'I'I tlif prefecture of Ch'ao-chou, near Swatow. ?^ ?§ ^ the Swatow Customs. M H Si tlie district of Ch'ao-yang, near Swatow, ch'ao cho ^ a nest ; a nest of robbers ; a den of thieves, j^ to screen ; to conceal ; an umbrella. jJil ilK to obscure; to render invisible. m m t" o,.iip.se. li -It 7 £ to be .-shaded ..ir and lu'coine invisible. ^ tliat which; gives the verb preceding it the force of a participle or a relative clause. iSVioH- rn.ai (§ ^) to sell; shon-,mii-chc (f g ^). (lie mHjiil; lines, or, those who sell. Such a phrase iii,i\ 1.1- [IK I iilrd by a noun, e.g., shang-jcn shoit- i,uii-,lii: (j^ A "^ g :^), which means " those of llic niciclianls who sell," or "such merchants as may sell." For other uses of this particle, see. Williams' "Syllabic Dictionary," p. 38, and the several works existing upon Chinese grammar. Hf to break off; to deduct; to calculate a proportion, if ^ to break up; to demolish. ||f 1§ to add to (in calculating). iJf ^ to calculate. fjf ^ *" l«y in proportion to j/f iIH to levy a proportionate tax. J(T iw W S a tax levied on boileil opium ; the hio-li. tax. iJf i^* t" ■■'trike an average ; average. ^ J|^ to receive in proportion; to receive ^ ^ to calculate an amount of money. 'M ( — j^/f 'iL) the province of Chekiang. (^f M W the Ningpo Customs. ^ to fold up; a paper folded up; a report; an account ; a memorial to the Throne. 3^ .^ to memorialise the Emperor. ^ then (denoting seciuence). Cf. clii |p. H^ .51) then (denoting sequence) ; at once. ;^ a cart ; a carriage. "^ 1^ carts ; carriages. Ilh to pull apart ; to tear away ; to haul up ; to hoist. Jh ^ to hoist (as a flag). tit JK il S a signal station. ib _t lit "F to hoist and lower (as a signal flag or hmtern on board ship). ilt 2j5 to strike an average. ^ to remove; to withdraw; to set aside ; to recall (as troops). ISJ ^ til cancel; to expire. jli ■i /?» ffl to remove and cease using; to dis- continue. '■ in ^. m totuml.;ak; to send back. ^ ( }ft tt IS IW) to remove from office mil punish. 5§ to resign, to withdraw (as from an office) ; o remove; to dismiss (as an employ^). to search thoroughly. ^ to sejirch out ; to sift to the bottom. the track of a wheel ; a precedent. to drag ; to pull. I}g" lif; "to pull elbows," i.i:, to hinder; to ■iiitiami-ss. J^ to take delivery of; to receive. true ; real. ^ real ginseng. ^ ^ He real gold thread. :^ ^ i^ real silver thread. ^ IE real; regular; in the proper sense of the word; hon6 fide. Jl true; really. regiment; a brigade; {=^ ■§) a brigadier- enonil ; a town. ■^ ^ ^ the battalions of a regiment. t3F to guard ; to have charge of (as a general). flP towns and villages. ^ ( = ^ jl chin-Chiang) Chinkiang. i^ ^ in tlie Chinkiang Customs. chin 1^ precious (as a gem). i^ ^ to be fond of (as a curiosity, jewel, etc.). ^ mS real pearls. 3^ ^ precious things ; valuable. chin ^ to examine. ^ WE to see and examine a patient (as a physician does). chin §g to collect ; many. chin ^ (or J^) a needle ; needles. chin ^ to deliberate. ^ J@ to consult ; to deliberate. Bf ffi jS + i st to consult about a middle course ; to strike an average. ■hia 1^ I, the Emperor; We. )^ »J5> Our Imperial heart. cliCn 1^ to relieve ; to aid the distressed. cWn. ^ to shake ; to alami. ^ 't^ to be shocked with grief. ch^in £ a Minister of State. E © P^ "iy> the Minister's, yamen or office. cft'tJl ^ to sink ; deep. fJt ^ there i.s sunk (as a wreck). VL S g-aroo-wood. J5C S to think deeply. l5C ^ a sunken ship ; a wreck. JJC ^ 7fC f^" materials from vessels wrecked. c/t'c» ^ the Chinese hour from 7 to g a.m. efc'cJi ^ to state to ; old ; .stale. ^ ^ to explain ; to state ; to set forth. ^ BJ to state. W> & flried orange peel. chiwj j£ exactly ; only ; the first ; the principal ; full (as full duty, full rank) ; added to numeral expres- sions in order to prevent unauthorised additions being made, and corresponding to "onZi/," as in " one hundred taels only " ; just ; just at the time when ; as applied to colours, deep. IE W. regular; straight. jE 'S' due west. IE fft full duty ; i.e., full import duty. iE^m( = ±MffiPiE^m)an export duty-paid certiticate. JE fS; Ji H ;i t'uU duty proof. IE #^ ^ 1^ the full and half duty. IE ^r ^W- '^ full and half duty-paid certificiite (fen- Yangtze ports). jE ^ the full amount. iE Sll the principal and second ; chief and assistant. jE ^ the chief magistrate (whether prefect or district magistrate, as opposed to the assistant magistrates). W po fuO rank ; the first or A division of each of the nine grades of official rank, as opposed to ^ mi' tbe second or B division. IE IE regular work, i.e., work done diu-ing working hours ; contract work. IF IS the ringleaders of a band of robbers. jE a capital pimishment. TF M the first month of the year. JE IS just at (local or temporal). JE & m M directly in front of. JE -ffi S il F^ just at the time when matters were iirrauged. IE i^ M HI F^ when just engaged in managing [a case]. ( ^ ) rlu'ii'i iE 1^ ^ !i ear witness ; to verity. BE A a witness. BE ^ testimony ; evidence ; a protest lodged in order to serve afterwards as evidence. rhcHij ^ to adjust; to repair; (= j£) after numbers, ^ ^ to adjust ; to repair ; to keep in order ; to arrange for. ^ ^ in proper order and clean ; in good condition. ^ iS5 to set in order ; to arrange ; to repair. i-hi'tir/ jjU lucky ; auspicious ; being a forbidden character, .should be written jj^ (ehcng). rhcwi ^ to quarrel. ^ t& to quarrel ; to discuss. rhimj ^ to levy ; evidence ; to prove. Wi ^ t" levy ; to collect. ii % ii # ^ ^ the Tonnage Dues Regula- tions. rhcivi ^ to substantiate ; evidence; a witness. @ K cross-examination. ^ ^ proof; evidence. ck'-infi ^ to weigh ; to correspond to ; to be adequate ; to state ; to style. ^ m to be adequate to one's post ; to perfonn one's duties as an official in proper form. rh'cwi ^ to state to a superior; to address a superior; to hand to a superior. ^ ^ to state cleaa-ly. M M to deliver a certificate. ■S f ra to apply for ; to request to. § ^ to present a request. ^ ^ to report. ^ ^ to present a petition. ^ ^ to draw up and hand in (as a bond). ^ ^ ^ 1^ to make a written declaration; to .-end in a declaration. r/i'cHf/ ^_ ^ ti) present (as a document at an oltice); i" hand up. 5 ^ to tender; to present; to pay (as dutie-,;. ^ ^ 'ffS ^ to deliver for filing in the archive^. M tU to produce (as a. certificate). ^ ^ to present for examination. ^ ji3§ to send in ; to transmit to [a superior]. 3: j^ to hand in ; to present. ■S ?|| to apply for and receive iwrmissinn ; by •luthority. ^ ^ to deliver for safe custody. Mtnij ig regulations ; a pattern ; to travel ; a road. c/i't'w/ ^ literary designation of a sub-prefect ; an a.-.- sistant. • ^ ^ a Prime Minister. (•/('(■»;/ ^ to receive ; to undertake ; a sign of the passive. -^ ^ KM. ^ have been deputed by you, the Ta-jOn. ^_j^ jS to be sent; an emissary. ^si ,^^n,§ to acknowledge. ^ ft to fill a post ; to take charge of an office. ^ ^ to be entrusted with the dutie"S of; to act as. -i^ JL to undertake work; to do coolie labour; a ^ A tS 31 to engage a man for coolie labour. j^*i| to undertake the management of; to take in iuuiil liusiness (such as law suits, etc.). ^-^ M t« contract for purchase. ^^ f-^ to make an agreement. ^ ^ a to become liable ; to be bound to. ^ ?|l to receive. ^- ^ eI to receive, or to have received, a letter. -■^ If^ to receive pleasure. ■^^ Wi to enter upon hereditary rank ; to inherit. ch^OKj jf^ cciiiiplcte; full; fiUncss; ready; to become; t" make; made of ; a tenth ; tenths. W ^ :i precedent ; lit, a ready case. .BX IS H a straight line. ^ 5^ to contract a disease. ^ ;$ to make into a book or pamplilet. ^ •& licr-centage or proportion of pure metal in ■M\ ;ill..v. llf, ^"Xi ^ the touch (of silver). ( 10 ) •AVuy III 11 city ; a city wall. ^ 5I« outside the city ; in the suburbs. ■I*''^nT Jg) to correct; to punish. «g ^ to try and punish an offender. ^ ]g to punish. rh'aig ^ to weigh. iff It to ciUculate the weight ; to weigli. f ^ f$ to adjust the weight ; to weigh. 1^ d scales and weights ; weights and measures. f^ IP a balance ; scales. •■hi ^ how many ? a certain number (as in f| ]^ ^ = " No. so-and-so;" "what number?"); several; nearly; almost. ^ ig how many persons? so many persons ; several persons. ^ 3JC how many times I several times. ^ M so many as {e.g., to pay so many times the Likin duty as there are barriers on the road). ^ ■(§ .so many times. ^ 15: J^ jJS almost amounting to a calamity. M ^ Wi '^ almost not to desire to Uve; I might liave wished to die. ■hi \^ a meclianical contrivance; to seize an oppor- t unity ; to watch the right moment for. :^ ^ to consider k 'propos; to judge proper. 1^ U machinery. ;|^ |g ^ a manufactory for machinery ; an arsenal. # "& an opportunity. ^ ^ secretly ; with discretion ; a secret motive. m to ridicule. chi ^ IW to ridicule. chi ^ famine; stsurvation. ^ % hunger and cold. chi ^ to send. chi ^ fS to send letters ; to send messages. ^ fn i|[ a post-office. ^ fo jK signalling flags ; code signals. W K to co!niiii.s.sion one to sell ; to iiudie a con- sifiiiiiient of goods. ^ ^ to forward (as in a letter). ^ i|P to send for storage. ^ succour; assistance. ^ to collect. ^ ^ for many years. ^ ^ for a long time. ^ ^ to amass labour; work. accumulation of toilsome ^ ^ file ^ to fall sick from overwork. ^ (* M fc to accumulate merit and humanity. ^ merit; business. 9 ('"■ M) to give ; to send. ^ HI to send back. Ti. to extend to ; to concern ; and ; or. tR to draw forth (as water out of a well). ^ ;;JC to draw water. ^ a step ; a degree. ^ foundation ; base. ^ ^ family estates ; property inherited ; a patri- monj'. ^ j^ (in imitation of the sound " kilo.") a kilo- ^ baste ; prompt ; urgent. ii ji urgently. ^ extremely ; the utmost point ; a limit. ;|^ ^ most excellent. ^ ^ most admirable. ;j^ ■)] to the utmost of one's strength. ^ ^ to desire very much. T^Jsirfiiui'lto be extremely clear ; to be verj' ^ a prostitute. ^ to strike. ^ ^ to strike to death ; to kill with blows. ^ to bind ; to connect. |;£ to finish ; to clear off (as an account) ; after a verb it often has the force of a sign of the past ; also used for jfe (hsi), tiU. ( H ) to detain ; to dela '■hi |p then; thereiipmi ; iiinrK- .- ;■■. .\ mi I i llipi-o- fore useii in iMtn..liirin ;i,. . '. ,1!, , ilir protasis in a coinlithii ,, i, . I. , ; I i r; c.;/., if it rains, [/7ir»| li . .' . > :i innrd, [then'] he went. In .ilii . i. i,,- rhi may appear in the place ol 1 1 I But this partidle is also useil .ilh I mj!. iii and single verbs, :\s if we wore i.j .;\ : \.nM. 'ii.ii. he goes; rain fallinu', th,a lie ■j^>v^\\.., .u-rUh chi ch'c (ffi 9M iP it) " l»'^tii>.y- '>" il"'> " i« torn off," which moans "placar near Foochow. Wi '■■ -t;itf ones csise to a god ; to pray ; to request ifr ^ if: ft ^ to solicit instmcuons to be re- siMxtfuUy obeyed, i.e., " for one's guidance." j|!r fSf to ask for the giving of; to beg for a gift . A'l iJ sorry ; relaUves. J^ m relatives. rh'i ^ paints; varnish; crude lacquer. ^ |§ lacijuerware. ^ Ss ^'reen iwrnt. ^ of it ; he, she, it ; his, its, etc.; the ; as to the ^ 4* '" this; therein. ^ ^ therein ; in it it [^ amongst them. fi ^ tlie remainder ; the remaining. it ^ the truth of it ; the matter of fact ^ ^ the following ; the ne.xt. S M M i£ ^ ii the authority or jjower to do >o rests with the said Custom House. M ^ ^ -§ f& iS besides him there are other merchants. Jl a limit of time; a fixed jjeriod; to e.xpect; to hope for. ^ i^ a limit of time ; time. ^ )^ a term expires. ^ SI very old age ; a centenarian. ^ ^ to look forward ; to expect. j^ fortunate; lucky. M ^M^ bunting. ]^ ^ a signal flag; a distinguishing flag (as the national ensign). ]^ f^ flags and pennants. ^ ff a flagstaff. ^ to deceive. ^ HJt to be false to ; to belie. ^ ^ to insult. ^ ^ to deceive ; to insidt ^ |g to belie one ; to delude ; to cheat 5§ a bond ; an agreement. ^ to beg ; to request. ^ ,§. to request favour ; to ask as a favour. lis (or \i) an imauthorised character itsed fur I ''steam," or s/iiii-<7i'i jfi ^. is 1^ '* steam fog horn. ^ va|xiur; air; breath. ^ ^ the stopping of the breath. j^ to stiirt from ; to commence ; to nuse ; to Lmd : to discharge (as cargo). j^ ^ to commence building. fe ?T to stirt (as on a journey). fe § to start on a journey. j^ ^ to commence making or building. ( 13 ) given j^ ^ to commepce reckoning {a time). ^ ^ ^ to lift anchois ; to cletu- chain, j^ ^ to conceive the idea of; the motive of. j^ fe a rise; an improvement (as in one's pro- to land or discharge goods. j^ ^ to land goods. j^ tH to unload goods. ^ ^ to hind goods; "to be landed." j|e i [?i] H a permit to land. jS f^ completely discharged (as a cargo). ^ completely; all. ^ ^ to assemble completely ; to have a ful, or complete, meeting ; a quonmi. ^ ^ well arranged ; in order. ^ ^ complete ; in order. ^ ^ to iirrange well ; to systematise. ^ how ? not. ^ 3^ how could I dare ] i.e., I coidd not dare. ^ to arrest ; to seize. Wt Mk to seize smuggled goods. ii JS to capture a thief. %% ^ to arrest. $5 S to seize (as thieves, or smuggled goods). ^ to lay aside (as arms in time of peace). ^ to investigate ; to ask with authority. fp p^ to cross-examine. ■^ old ; elders ; seniors. ^ ^ an elder; elders. ^ skill. ^ lb talent ; ability. ^ ^ professional competency. I^ diverging; discrepancy. ig ^ difference; divergence. Wi '''' ^) to begin ; to inform ; a notice. J^ ^ to inform. jgi ^ a communication letters : " you are hereby informed that to inforui you." j^ ^ to start on a journey. ^ to throw away. ^ ^ to waste by throwin;i away. opening phrase in ■ ■ ■■ ' I beg cA'i ^ a gap ; an inters-al. cA't §^ utensils; goods; ware. §§ ^ utensils; furniture. 2§ ^ "capons; arms. ^ JUL household utensils, as dishe-s, cups, etc. chia 2^ double ; the lining of clothes. 3li£ ^ to carry secretly ; to smuggle. jl£ i^ t.. mix; to confuse. M'>ii^^ sjiUing vessels. chia ^ a f;iuiily ; one's home. M't ("r^ ^) a home letter. ^ i^* in >''y timily ; at home. ^ g| f.imily property. ^ i the head of a household. ^ ^ one's family; relatives and members ot a household. ^ M ^'"^'* fomily or household. ^ ^ my father. ^ ^ husband and wife. ^ "J" domestic servants. ^ ffl f ^r domestic use. M f^ ^ ^ household stores ; articles dc maiagc chia \'^ household furniture. 1$ \'K furniture; utensils. chia ^ to marry (said of the bride). chia ^ to sow grain ; fiirming ; cereals, eftta jjfi to add to ; to grant. JJH ^ to add ; to increase. tni ^ t'> increase and diminish ; to fluctuate. JP ^ to;,dd; to double. Jp ^ t I enclose in an official (sealed) envelope. iP ^ f|J ft to affi-x a seal. JJH ,§. to confer favour. JD X extra work. Jp ;^ to t;ike special care. Jp tIC to charge a discount on coin or bullion on acciiunt of difference in the value of sycee. Cf. iP ^ to charge additional duty. JJH fl^ v< increase a tax. Jp ^ to ^'ive additional onlers ; to six-cially enjoin fm 1 1^ in office. ( 14 ) JD ^ t'l iiKi-ease in rank. JB jr. ^ gi-anted three steps of merit. JO ^ to iiitlict punishment. ito iiil S §3 ''^ inflict ;i heavy punishment ; to punlsli severely. in a? (= ^ §e) nuislins. ^ the canijue worn by criminals. ftl SE the sentence written on the cangue. ^ ^ the punishment of wearing the cangue. ^ representing the sound ka in Sanskrit kashaya, from which the modern term for " cambrics " (ka- nha-pu) is derived. Is ^ -JP Ciunbrics; muslins. ^ a chariot; he who sits in a chariot; hence, a-s a term of respect, "you"; to sit (as in a carriage). ig @! to sail. isi E^ your arrival. ^ a fi-ame ; a scaffolding. ^ excellent. ^ ;§ an excellent idea ; your valuable opinion. ■|§ false; imitated; leave of absence ; if; supposing. ■fg j^ to counterfeit. ^ fS to make a false report; to fraudulently n-p.irt. f§ ^ imitation ginseng. ■(§ ^ ^ imitation gold thread. ^ ^ ^ imitation silver thread. WiMM false corals. ^ ^ 3^ false pearls. fS 1^ a false document (as a " false manifest "). fS jE the indirect road ; making a ditotir for some reason or other. ■|§ fg to be the wrong one ; to be a substitute (and not the proper person) ; to personate another ; to borrow on false grounds (as a certificate made out in the name of another). ■j§ ^ ^ iS to personate another. fg ^D 'if; supposing. is ^ JK A to commit to a person's care. ^ a ward, or beat, for keeping watch over a sub- ilivision of the community; the first of the "ten stem" characters, hence the first ; the finger nails. ^ ;^ a village elder ; the head constable of a ward. ^ 2» the one and the other ; so and so ; first and second. chia ^ excellent; superior. ^ lii holidays ; a festival. ^ ^ excellent ; clever work. S W good news. chia ^ price; value. f^ J^ the standard value of an article. fM ffi M the price is falling; to deteriorate mm , — , _a /value; price. m ^) iH ^ price ; proceeds of sale. ch'ia -^ ;i barrier. Also read k'a. ch'ia >[!§■ fitly ; properly. 'I& ^ @ (k'ia-k'o-t'u) Kiakhtu. chianr/ -jX a river; abbreviated name of liic pro\iiue.s ot ^ Kiangnan(a^)orKianssu(a^). ^ ijlC river water. ' /r [5k the river overflowing. \X j§ j^ the southern shore of the river. '{I- m (iliiancj-nan) the province of Kiangnan, consisting of the two provinces of Anhwei and KiaiiL'su, each under a Governor, the two being ■ Customs barriers. ontrol of the fji -General of the Customs of Kiangua Shanghai Custom House. u mmm \i. m 'it m umm ^ '{X ^ Si tlic Hankow Customs. •}I i^ the province of Kiangsu. ■}I 15 tlie province of Kiangsi. ^I W the city of Chiang-ning-fu, commonly called Nanking. ■ff W S $(l the Treaty of Nanking. 'H. ^ Wi common sycee, at Ningpo ; the Ningpc local tacl, 1.0583 of which make i Haikwan tael. Chiang JJff to take; places the words between this char- acter and the princijml verb of the sentence in the accusative case; l)efore a verb, a sign of the future: "about to." Jif JlJ aljout to arrive. 31 g^ flS fl# $] the time when a ship will start; the hour appointed for a ship's departure. )(| ?fe ^ B when the day for has nearly arrived ; about the time of 511 ^ afterwards. ( 15 ) chiaiig ;(f |g a Tartar General; also a military Governor in Manchuria, Mongolia, or Turkestan. The Tartsir General of Fooehow is ex officio Superin- tendent of Customs at the Treaty Ports in Fukicn (Fooehow, Amoy, Takow, and Tamsui), and one of liis adjutants, generally with the rank of a Jhich- cMn, is deputed by him to act ;us Superintendent at each of the several Custom Houses. j^ 'MM. His E.vcellency the Tartar Genenil. chiang ^ to encourage. ^ J|§ to encourage by praise. 3^ '^ to encourage by rewards. chiang ^ ) |,^Jsoy; bean sauce. chiang ^ (or ^) ginger. y ^ turmeric. ehiang ^ a boundary. 3g I?, a boundary. chiang |^ to converse ; to expound (as the Classics). 1^ "^ an Imperial expositor of the Classics. ^ ^ f;istidions. ^ ^ to mediate. chiang % a harbour ; an anchorage. ^ ports; harbours. Jg ^ in port. chiang |^ a mechanic. E A a workman ; maker, etc.). chiang J^ to descend ; to come from above. ^ 15 to degrade in rank. ^ H to have received an Imperial edict ; an edict has been issued. m^ 1^ to condescend. ^ ^ laka-wood. eh'iang Jjg to take by force; to rush against; to rob; to plunder. H f^ to plunder. eh'iang % (used for eh'iang ^) a musket; a lance; a spear. ij^ ^ cartridges. eh'iang ^ (also ^) a spear ; a nmsket ; firearms ; riHes. it' ^ gunpowder. eh'iang ^ elegant; used for ^ or g (chiang), ginger. eh'iang gg to force. ?S ^( "& fft to 'se fiirccd to pay Government duties in a certain coin ; to be obligatory as a legal tender in payment of duties. ;mufacturer (as a watch- ch'iang §£ '^J to enforce a rule ; to force a rule ui)on. ?£ fa I " > iolently ask for. 5S ^ a one-sided view ; an r:,- parte argument. 55 r^ banditti. chiao ^ to give; to hand; intercourse; intinuicy ; con- terniinous; just at the time of. S ^ft to pay (as duties). ^ fj to give to; to hand over to. ^ EI to hand back. S M to I lay tlie price of a purcliii.sc. ^ PP to hand over seals, i\s to a successor in office. ^ § to deliver to the merchant (as goods to a j.urchaser). ^ }h to pay an amount in full. ^ if to be on terms of friend.ship with. ^ ^ barter; trade. 5^ ^ to lie connected with ; relating to. ^ 5f- to interfere with each other. ^ ^ a frontier. S M ^ just after the suimner. chiao ^ to compare. ^ I^ to compare; to examine (jis the courts of two countries examine the credentials of each other's envoys). chiao ^ artful ; crafty. ^g jf cunning. chiao ^3^ to strangle. f?C 1^ the punishment of strangulation. fX Mi to strangle oneself. $X ^ M to await death by strangulation in prison. ao ^ to compare; rather more than ; than (comparative). ^ ^ to be comparatively heavy ; too heavy in , .nnpaiison with. ■ather much ; more than. - jlC 'H ■^ "" overplus of up to ...(the object compared preceding Sli against. with yif ^). ^ il? i-.ither little ; less than usual. ^ |f^ to compare. ^ ^ to tally; to agree (as the balance of of scales). i^ i^ to adjust ; properly adjusted. Wt ^ {i ^U standard weights. 1^, buiiud ; scorched. { 16 ) rhinn mi,, nt -T- ( ■' '■'"^'^ ; rocks. fill ^ to grouml (as a v...^;..!! : tn t,«i,li a rock. ehiao ^ plnntiiins. diiao t^ a sedan chair. chwn W .ul>'e. chiau |§ cunfuseil. IS tS confusion ; a muddle. ehioo ^ pepper. chwo ^ to teach ; instruction. ^ i a teacher ; a teacher of religion ; a niis^ionarj WC ^ to drill troops. fjl; '^ to supply spiritual and bodily food. Chian 1 f^ a horn ; horns ; a pointed corner ; the end of / rock, spit, etc. chtno ch'iii.o coolie hire (for goods carried). J^ §^ hornware. ^ to attack ; to destroy and scatter the force of an enemy. §J ^ to destroy rebels. 116 iS to make a clean sweep (as of a band of banditti). ^ the leg; workmen; labourers; porters. mu\ ^ to hand over ; to pay. ^ ^ to pay into court (as a fine). ^ ^ to pay into a treasury. ^ ^ to pay as a deposit. ^ HI to return ; to hand back. ■^ ^ to deliver (a document) for cancellini.'. ^. See chHlo. ^ a bridge. 3^5 clever; crafty. i^ ^ ingenious; clever. }§ to prise ; to force ^ith a lever. tS P^ t" prise a door. ^ a street. $J J^ iwblic roads. ® ifl the market ; on the market. j;j^ I'M ; giving a preceding noun plural force. i^ to exhaust ; to try the utmost. t^ "fj to exert one's strength ; to do one's utmost. % ^ to the utmost. chidi J* ji knot ; a tic ; to tie ; to close ; to give a bond for ; to guarantee ; a bond ; to end ; a tixed period or tenu for settling accounts ; a Customs (financial) (|uarter of three months; fixed; fina. ^a ^ to close a case (of law, etc.). ^ Wc to close an account. ^ ^ durable; secure; material. ^ W fS ^ a material guai-antee. ^ JS at the end of the quarter. cliirh IJj :i period of time; a feast day; a section in a composition ; the paragraphs of an account ; a statement ; an article, a paragraph (in a set of regulations) ; also, the rules contained therein : to abridge. flS J^ a festival ; a periodical feast day ; a holiday. In § — IS a statement of particulars. chuh ^ to receiYc; to connect; contiguous; to Ijo con- nected with ; to bound on. ^ ?^ I to receive. ^ ^ to have received. ii, M t" receive ; to take o-\-er ; to take charge of. ^ fl^ to receive goods for shipment (as a shipping ^ M to take over charge of an office ; to take in IkiikI the management of. ^ f n to take over the seal of office. ^ ?£ to connect ; joined. ^ 1^ to connect; in continuation of; supplementary. ^ ^ to suspend one above the otlie'-. in :i con- tiguous line. chick J^ to overcome ; prompt ; cjuick. }4 ^ a quick message ; an express. chill) ^ pnre ; clear ; clean. ^ f^ pure and clean. chwh JlJ to rol) ; to take by force. M fg to rob ; highway robbers. M M tcrs. chieh ^ to cut oft'; to cut asunder; exactly (as applied to a limit of time). ^ Ho /^ ^ to cut into beams. chieh ^ to forward ; to explain ; to understand. ^ ^ to hand over to; to send to (as a destitute If his ;iuthorities). ( 17 ) rhwh fj^!§ to send to the provincial capital. ^ 3^ to explain ; to interpret. ^ ^ meaning; explanation. rhuh ■^ a guest ; respectful. j^ ^ careful ; attentive. >-liieli ^ a liuiit; a boundary. ^ Jh boundaries. W- H a limit. fhieh 5^ to ward off; to discontinue ; to wean. 5^ f@ to leave off drinking wine. 5^ Jg to leave off smoking opium, jg [^ t^ a fog horn. <:hich g^ to enjoin ; orders. rhich fg to lend ; to borrow ; to make a pretext of. fa ffl to borrow for use. "^ '^ to borrow ; a loan. ^ PJ to make a pretext of sophistical arguments, fg ^ to pretend; to make a' pretext of; to use ;iniither's name or card. ia ii^^W to m^^e a pretext of a matter for creating trouble. ^ ^ to advance money ; a deed ; a proof chieh ^ to avail oneself of; to make a pretext of H P to make a pretext of; under the pretext. H ^ P ^ to make use of a matter as a pretext to create altercations or quarrels. ^ ^ to allege. |g H to make use of an opportunity for illegal plots ; to seize an occasion for plotting. ^ j^ to avail oneself of an invitation. |g 1^ to avail oneself of listening to ; to listen to (as to the conversation of one's host). I® Jg, 4^ by means of which ; the availing oneself [of which] is apt to. H JU J^ "^ to help in effecting equal succour. chith ^ a limit ; a set time ; " the time has come for " or " this is the time of." ^ j^ to complete (as a term). ^ Ig on the day fixed ; punctually. ^ Bt at the time fixed for. ch'ith ^ urgent ; very ; to cut. •51 R true and sincere; trustworthy; most accurate. •QJ ^ very important. m S to go quickly; "an urgent letter;" " imme- /(•iV/( -^ -^ vciy urgent; very iuiporlanl. •91 •© -t ^ <"» urgent petition (concluding phrase in petitions). •tn /p rT ciinnot under any circum»t;inces ; cannot at all. •^J ^ not by any means. •U vK W :>t t*»e water-line. ■h'ich ^ (or ^) a thief; a term of modesty denoting the writer of a document addressed to a superior, ius "my humble self"; it is frequently followed by the personal name (ming) of the petitioner, or by some other term of modesty, written in smaller characters. ^ H as a term of modesty, "I," if the speaker l)e an official of any grade, even though he may hold his rank by purchase. Non-ofticial writers will say g| ^. Merchants .say ^ '^ ; a woman of low rank says, |§ ^ ; the wife of an official, ^m^: a. common m.an of tlie peoj.le, |$ *J^ ^^. etc. When addressing the Emperor, Minis- ters of Chinese parentage .say ^ g, wherea.s ]\Iiuichu Ministers say '^^^^■ ^ in IS '^'^ (^'S'"" '* ''"'^y consisting of persons of ulficial rank and merchants). ^ ^ it is my humble opinion that. ^ ,-g: I respectfully think or thought. ^ Hg my luuuble self learns ; I respectfully beg to refer to ^ 5^ to steal; a thief. ^. ch'ich ^ moreover; and; also; (= f^-jan) gives an adjective adverbial force. chicH SS note paper nded, or containing omaraentil de- signs or water marks ; a note ; a document. rhim ^ comfits ; salted provisions. chicn ^ cheap ; low ; of little value. chien ^ to establish ; to constract ; to build. ^ II to build. 9^ ia i^f §S to build lighthouses. Ji :i to establish. IM ^ ^ expenditure on account of construction and purchase (J^) and maintenance in repair sS ( = IS 5^) the province of Fukien. chicn ^ vigorous ; robust. fl tU: robust; strong; able-bodied. chien f^ to separate; an interval ; in the place of; at the time of; e.g., ^ F^ at night-time. chicn f^ to abridge ; to make short ; to select. fa a. a rcsumi. ( 18 ) '■'"'" fS )SI a nioinomiKluui. ffij iJk ^li"it ; comise. fSi ^ '" '''y liy experiment. 1^ i>L un official document. ^ fH convenient ; clean ; plain. 1^ ft to choose for a post. ^ ^ a post of little work ; an easy post, said of magistracies as opposed to iniport;mt offices of the same chiss. chicn ^ to decrease ; to diminish. ^ ^ to reduce the duty. ij^ *Jf tn diminish. ^ ^ to reduce to one-half. M JSS to dmiinLsh the per-cent;ige or the rate of. ^ ^ to decrease in quality ; to deteriorate. jj^ ^ a cheap price ; a reduced price. chien ^ scissors ; to cut with scissors. ]^ i^ velvet (both of silk and cotton). ^ ^ to cut out ; to plan ; to aiTange. chien' ^ stable ; immovable. ^ @ durable ; finu. 15 !^ a ti'm intention. § ^ to iimuovably wish ; to persevere in wishing. ^ ^ obstinate ; to obstinately maintain. ihien ^ pointed. ^ U conical. ^ 01 ^ conic;d shaped. ^ ^ a pinnacle rock. ^ ( = MO locally (at Amoy), a cent ; rjxi dollar. chien j^ villainous. j^ f^ fraudulent ; deceitful. $f J^ cunning; villainous. ^ ^ to deceive and kidnap. if ]§ corrupt merchants ; dishonest traders. ihien ^ gradually ; by degrees. ^ ^R Wi ^ lighting up graduaUy and eclipsing gradually (said of a navigation light) ; revolving. ^ :^ Pb S? a shoal gradually forming. chun ^ to connect ; and ; also ; together with. ^ ^ to have joint charge of several offices. rhim P; insufficient (as a crop). chka chien chien chien prison. ^ ^ in.sufficient and short of the full amoimt (as a crop). ^ difficult. M IS difficulty. ^ to superintend ; to inspect ; a jaU ; a prison. ^ ^ to superintend. M ^ t"j inspect ; to examine. Ml ifS to personally superintend. Ml f^ to take part in the superintendence of. ^ ^ to superintend; the Superintendent (of ^ a mirror; to survey; to view; to examine; to trace a matter to its source. §§ ^ to examine for approval. M^tWlM^Ml shall be thankful if you will consider the matter and let me know your opinion. i^ to engrave. ^ra ^!) to engi'ave (as a block for priating). ^ moderate ; saving ; economical. j^ ip economical. J^ to restrict ; to bind. i^ M to bind. ^ to examine ; to arrange ; to collate. 1^ ^ to examine ; to look up the records. 1^ fM to examine. M ^ pierced cocoons. ^ i|I^ Shantung silk piece goods ; sdk pongees ^ to choose ; to select. ^ 'M t" select. i§ 7$ to sort ; to clarily. ^ {ij to select from ; to pick out. ■^ to remonstrate ; to censui-e. ^ to see ; to be of opinion ; to maintain ; the view one takes of a matter; sometimes a sign of the passive; e.g., ^ ^, to be cured, to recover; ^ ^, to be replied to, to receive a reply; ^ j^, to be instructed ; ^ ;^, to be permitted ; ^ ^, to be killed. ^ S to he called ; to be invited. ^ H tSSC to be altered. .S.^15^'^^#^''0'je considered by the Treaty Powers. ( 19 ) ehien ^ Ir to be trasted ; to be excused ; excuse me. ^ ;^ to make progress. ^^ "^ an interview ; to interview. ^ m knowledge; experience. ^ ^ to see that there i.s ; to discover. ^ ^ a witness. cliicii, ^ a package ; packages ; a classifier of documents and of ^ (an), cases. i'¥ Wi the number of packages. ^ ^ number of packages and description of goods. chien W ) .'. } to recommend. ch'im §^ an official stamp. ^M^W to affix one's seal. ch'ie.n ^ the Kweichow province. chHen ^ to connect ; to drag ; to implicate. ^ ^ to be implicated in. ^ iS to create confusion. rhHen ^ to remove ; to shift ; to alter. ^ ^ to move away ; to change one's residence. ch'ien ^ all; unanimously. ch'im ^ to draw a lot ; to subscribe ; to sign one's name. ^ ^ to select by lot. ^ ^ to sign by writing one's name. ^ 1^ to affix one's signature. ch'icii ^ fault ; crime ; failure ; to fail ; to miss. ch'ie.n ^ respectful ; humble. ch'icH ^ thousand. ^ M ^ telescopes. ch'ien ff (or Jg) to graft into ; to put in. ff -f- an iron rod ending in a spoon bowl with a sharp point, used by tidewaiters for thmsting into packages when examining goods. ch'ien §& le (i-hth): e.g., # ^ i !^ § /ro-fatrai chih rhUn-tx. "the Superintendents of Customs," ^'y^^i. H^ ^, Is'un-liu chih yii-yin, " the baLmce which is kept." Such relative clauses, whether formed by anteposition merely, or by anteposition with ^ (chih), may be further enforced by adding the re- lative pronoun proper, f^ (so); e.g.,^:^±^M so ts'un chih yu-yin, " the balance which is kept." If this relative clause has its own logical sub- ject, the word denoting it stands before .so; e.g., m ^u= W #' i.' W m',-yii-'yin, the bidance, ^so ^chih (in connexion with anteposi- tion), which, 'yin-'hao, the Bank, ^ts'un, keeps or kept: "the balance kept by the Bani." (See so ^ ) chih ■^ a sort of grass. ^ J^ sesamum seed. Buunands. to point out ; to assign (as a berth to a ship). ^ flS Jtft sesamum seed oil. B an Imperial rescript ; His Majesty's jBg grease ; fat. Ob W cosmetics. ^ to point out. Jh pI to give directions ; directions ; to point out. ^ S to point out ; to state clearly ; to destine for (as a certificate for a certain vessel). Jh 2 to nominate. ^a ^M to point out, or to report, a person (as iin ofiender) ; to mention ; to refer to ; to mark (as a buoy marks a place). ia PB to point out. Jh M to point out the evidence; to conduct a case on behalf of the prosecution. ia W to point out and recommend ; to suggest a nomination. ^ f\ \ Jh }6 A a berthing officer. ^ to grasp ; to hold ; to retain. ^ M ^ certificate ; a passport. ^ ^ a license (as a pilot's). ^ ^ to stick to one's view ; a iirm purpose. ^t Si ^ to stick to one's own view. ^ ^ to superintend. ^ i^ a Government officud. ^ 55: ^C E Ministers of State. ^ to weave. ^ H a loom. ^ to direct ; to manage ; " oflBce," as opposed to rank (p'in ^) and official employ (jm f£); used for " I " in connexion with an official title. M ^ official rank. ^ ^J brevet raidi. ^ ^ a visiting card. ^ jI I, the Taot'ai. Wi *? official guard ; to be on duty (as a guard). 1^ to know. Cf. shih. ^ very; extremely; to arrive at; to go to; to; till ; up to ; as regards. ^ ^ very many; very frequently; at the most; not more than. ^ >}f the least ; not less than. S jS ;it the latest ; not later than. -^ ( -21 ) S fil most convenient. M TS to wish for ardently. S IJS 3§ !!§ stringent injunction to (n'crlook. ; 7c duty. be careful not IS regards tlie (luestion of paying ^ J5^ \ntli regard to. rhih ^ to arrive at ; to reach to ; to address (as a letter) ; so as to. The opposite of 7f* ^, " so as not to." ^ /§ so that there is ; so as to ; resulting in. ^ ^ so as to become guilty of. ^ ^ to convey one's desires ; to express one's wish. chih ^ to obstruct ; to hamper. ^ $1- difficulty ; to hinder. m.^^ i. ^ difficidt points; difficulties. Mi^M fr difficult to be canied out. chih JI^ to stop ; ending ; only. fhih lit the limits of a lot of land. rhih jjilt happiness. <-hih vj& to heal; to cure; to regulate; to govern; the jurisdiction of an officer; "under your jurisdic- tion;" to punish. Jl^ ^ to cui-e a disease. ^ PI to govern a country. Jo M to put in 'order; to deal with. Jj§ H to try and punish an offender. ^ ^ to regulate ; to keep in order. rhih [^ straight; direct. ig i^ a straight line. "0, ^ the horizontal threads of a texture ; the warp. It if promptly. It ^ the province of Chihli, lit., under direct government. It ^ 'M an inferior department subject to no prefectm-al control, but imder provincial govern- ment ; the magistrate of such a department. chih -jg price ; value ; cost ; to buy ; to bear an expense. ^ ]gS to take one's turn on duty. ^ ^ the president of a society. ■lit "S ^fl S to value at a hundred and levy five, i.e., to charge a five per cent, ad valorem duty. rhih ^ plants; trees. chih ^ to establish ; to fix ; to place ; to arrange ; to purchase. chih chih g ^ to arnmgc ; to settle ; to buy. llHtobuy. ■§: 13 to pui-chase and use ; to buy for one's own M to throw down ; by way of civility, a person of exalted rank, or the person addressed in a de- spatch, not of rank inferior to that of the writer, is requested to "throw down" an object, in lieu of "presenting it by hand," the writer thereby placing himself in the position of one not worthy to receive it direct from the hands of the addressee. ^ ^ to give by throwing down, i.e., to favour one with supplying ; to be pleased to give. Jlp f to throw down ; to give to. JIP Isl to reject a petition. ^ Jl to give back. P> only. 5> RT one need only. ^ single ; alone ; a classifier of boxes, ships, etc. %^ a. single body; alone; by oneself. 5 a twig ; a branch ; to pay ; to attend to ; to manage ; to pay out ; to rig out, as the swinging- boom of a ship ; a classifier of tobacco-pipes, etc. li H to pay for; to defray. jt ^ payments; credit; Cr. :i f H # S advances. •^ ^ Jit., twig-grasping, i.e., having to strive hard iu onler to succeed. i Hi to rig out, as the swinging-boom or jib-boom of a ship. j^ ■§ to make excuses. j^ a branch ; to branch off. j^ lii ufliiii-s branching off; many small troubles arising out of one case ; one expense being followed by many others. 3J the limbs. gj If the limbs and body. ^ only ; but ; however. jflg to respect ; respectfully ; i but. IS M. to respectfully obey ; guidance. )jig -j^l to respectfully await. conjunction, only, r one's respectful chih ■^ paper ; a document ; a sheet ; classifier of docu- ments and certificates. mm mm\ paper umbrellas ; kittysols ( 22 ) '^''' Ifi 4!^ iirtiHcial Howcrs. IE Wi I«l>i>r fans. ^ 5i ^ M "riting materials ; stotioncrj'. '''' ^ to substantiate; proof; toiMwn; a pawnshop. j^ ^ to check ; to compare. ■■/. i7i ^ to obstnict ; to hinder. \^' ^ to impede ; difficulty. ?S ^ ^ please trouble to examine and decide. Ih iS ^ 14 fli S Pl«'''*e trouble to receive and reply to (as a despatch). Ira ^ t" inquire after a person's health. ch'ing fcg presently; careful; a king (= lOO high or Chi- nese acres). t^ ^- T liave just received. l-Ji i^ ^ SI I ''-'^'e ji"^' received your note. ch'ing fg( to assay ; to smelt. ji it's" to melt. M f^* i^ ^ expenses of melting ; melting fees. M^.o assay. $JP a dignitary; the director of one of the minor court-slu the Imperial household. J|P BJJ a second director in an Imperial Court. 501 ){g a Minister of State. ^ to lift ; to raise ; to s«lut€. ch'ing ^ to congi-atulate ; congratulatory ; beneficial ; happy. ^ M' to feel consoled. ^ a kind of hemp; jute. ^,ft.i^.te. n. See,-/,mo. ■g:. See chi'.cli. 4 ch'ing ch'ing ch'ing ( 26 ) Mo J^. See chiao. fh'io f|. Heeeh'iieh. ch'io ^. See ch'iieh. rliiu Jjg distilled liquoi-s ; wine ; samsliu. JS ^ drunk ; drunkenness. chin % (or J^) nine. jl, ^ Kiukianjr. % tLM the Kiukiang Customs. ^ Ik ('"' ^ HI) Kiutoan ; the site of the Kiutoan Liglithouse, near Sliaughai. chm ^ to examine; to try; at last; finally; thereafter; after all ; in the end ; at the utmost. §£ ^ to investigate. ^ 1^ to investigate and puni.sli ; to deal with a case (as a judge). §iu ^ to try a cause. ^ M, rt'^'liy ; i'wleed ; after all ; even then. ,/lvage regulations. ^ @ to help ; to relieve ; to rescue. gC^ to rescue. Wi ^ i. ^ goods saved from wrecks ; salvage. ^ [ij to save (as property not destroyed). ^ i'C to extinguish fire. ^ ^ to save human life. chiu ^ to follow; according to; immediately; forth- with. ffil M M # ■& ilfi ::l to levy 2 per cent, ad faliirem. Wt }& neighbouring ; near ; the nearest. chiu f3 a mortar. rhiu ^ the tidlow tree. W \fy vegetable tallow. r/tiM g old. ^ Hb) old copper. W ^ ir '^^'^ copper sheathing. ff ^% Wi cotton rags. ^ ^ last year ; in former years. m & old cases. ^ evil ; criminal ; a fault ; giiilt. # ^ pT ^ an undeniable ottence ; the guilt # ffl H if the mistake can hardly be denied. ^Pacrime; criminal. ^ the autumn. $!(; ^ the autumn season. fC § K ^ ^t M the north-east monsoon. ^ to l.pg; to ask for; to praj-. jjt M' to request a favour. i]^ a globe ; a ball. J^ ^ spherical. JJ^ Jli 111 a ball-shaped basket top; a spherical ch-iu 03 to imprison; a prison; a criminal. chiu'iKj ^ straitened; pressed. ch'iniKj ^ exhaust ; poor. ch'iunrj Jg a kind of jade. ift W Ji^ the prefecture of Kiungchow in Hainan. lA ^ M the Kiungchow Customs. ch'iuwj j0 remote ; in a high degree (used to emphasise negation). Cf. pi'^g 3E ^• M ^ ^B H widely different. M /P 'te ^ i" entire disagxeement with. (ho ^ (or \^.) a table. cho ^ (or ^) to wear (as clothes, shoes, etc.); I, the Eujperor, command that; let (in Imperial edicts); to order; to instnict; "the instructions are that." ^ ^ I, the Emperor, command to fill the post of; We hereby appoint as. ^Ill stupid; un.skilful. |£ to grasp ; to seize. |£ ^ to arrest. i§ a bracelet. JS to select (as for Government employ); to promote. @^ to deliberate upon ; to consider ; to arrange for. ifil M. to consider. @^mi to consult ; to deliberate. K 'm. to meet the wishes of another ; to treat with consideration. Wi lE to consult about and look after. Mil 65; to alter (as regulations), ffi M to decide upon diminishing. ( -27 ) chou rhou Wi pB to .lecide upon recording (as an officer's name tVir a reward). 0:1 fS t" I'l'ply 0" being consulted. Wi 5«t tlio authorised amount; in certain quantities. @^J ^ f.R ii^ S "l* to carry with oneself an amount of dollars sutticient for intended purchases. ^ (= @«) to offer libations. J^ ^0 strike. }^ {M to rush against ; to collide (as two ships). ^ to stamp ; a stamp. ^ IB to affix a seal ; an official seal ; a chop. j\\ an inferior department ; a chou district. >'''l |Pj ( first and second class assistant department jj.|.| 'M \ magistrates. m M island. ■fy a boat. ■fy llj the Chusan Islands. JU to surround; complete; to provide for. Jr] § to surround ; circumference. JH ^ complete ; satisfactoiy ; cjuite correct. JbJ ^B to inform all. ^ ^ much trouble (with comparatively small result): useless toil. Jq| j^ weO prepared ; well ananged. ^ t^ to assist. ^ ^ well arranged ; satisfactory ; secret. 5^ rice-water; congee. |§ a kind of crape. ^ ij} silk crape. §^ the elljow. ^ daylight ; in the daytime. 4 :^ day and night. 5£ to curse ; to imprecate. 5E p5 to chant the liturgy. lA woven silk. Used for ch'oti (M)- ify to take out with the hand ; to take out (as silk from a cocoon, i.e., to reel) ; to levy (as duties). ifi ^ to select and e.xamine one article out of a lot. iffi tfj to select ; to pick out. ify 1^ to reel silk ; reeled silk. i& !^ to take out and change (as goods from ori- ginal packages). ifl 2R:. to send on special duty ; to take out of one s routine for special duty. rh'oit ch'ou ch'on ch'o a ii\ 3^ to take a per-centagc. ify JS 'o divide in per-oentages ; to allot in jiropor- tion to. idll ^ to t to go out ; to go abroad. Hi W' to export abroad ; for export to foreign coun- tries ; also, to go to sea ; to emigrate. Hi ?lP- 1^ AS I'" ocean steamer (as opposed to a '■ river steamer")- Hi 7K 'o couie out of the water; to be landed froii] the sea; to be exported across the sea. Hi ^K [S to stand o"t from the water ; to be dry (lint being covered by water). Hi "M* to come out first ; to be the first to reveal ( 20 ) ch'u eh'n ■ to sell ; for sale. [tj ■§■ A one who lays the earliest informati informer. [ij ^ to be sent abroad (us an envoy). m ^ otlicial advancement ; ottieial employ. tli /n \ to issne a |inblie notice ; to %^.th%^\ proclan.ation. fii^^^^!tosi.nabond. {ij ^ to provide means; to pay for. tU J|§ ^ to pay travellinif expenses. {fj ^ to sell grain. tli "/; to exert oneself tU TO "'it of rnle. Hi ff to proceed on a jonrney. tU ^ a vacancy. $|ii an impediment, a hindrance (especially in trade and finance). %n fii'st; placed before the first I o dates of the month (as fj gj] H, the eighth). f/J M. from the outset ; at first. ^ hJ the first decade; i.e., the first lo days of a month. ^ 7^ beginning and end ; the whole of. %]\ ''% the first time. 1^ to do away with ; to subtract ; to deduct ; to divide. R^ ^ to eradicate. ^ jlt besides this. |J^ ^1% deducting ; besides Very ' lengthy and complicated passages are sometimes included between these two characters, the literal meaning of which is: besides (doing all that is said between c/i'it and wiai). I^, jy — W to divide by loo. Rf. 1^\%% '^ to calculate [the net weight] Ijy deducting the emballage; to tare. ^ to collect ; to accumulate ; to put by ; to store. ^ U to store in an armoury. ^ a place ; a public office ; the dift'erent point.s of an exposi; circumstances; to punish. j^ ^ a place. J^ ^ tines and other pnnishments imposed upon an ofa>'ial. ell' II ^ M '" regulate. ;^ \ii to set to riglits. cli'ii ^ distinct; well defined; properly finished. ch'u ^ domestic animals ; cattle. ch'uai J^ to ascertain ; to detect ; to feel ; to tiy. chitau '^ specially; solely; singly. ]^ — very particularly ; to be devoted to thing. m\ specially refer ti ^ ip li I4- ffi) "s to refer to medicines. M S?. '^ n'ecial certificate. .^•, ]^ V^ a special permit. ';. ^ !$. ^ the fee for a special permit. ^ ^ ' special ndes ; special regulations. ^ ® to Ijelong to especially ; to specially refer lo. ^ ilfc I specially write this note (a concluding phrase in letters}. ^ jft ^ -iU I specially inform you of this. M lit ^J S I specially inform yon of this in messenger ; to sununon chuan chnan ^ %'• to forward. ^ A to send a spec witnesses. f^ a record ; a chronicle. See ch'uan. 5|, bricks; tiles; flags; slabs (as of copper, etc.). 5^. % Ijricks aiul tiles. 5|, :^ brick tea. U to revolve ; to convey ; to bring on (as loss) ; transmit. ^ ^ to further wTite to another what been I de- mumicatcd to oneself; to transmit spatch a comnuuiication received. II 5^ to further report to another what has been reported to oneself; to communicate a report received. |§ 1^ to conununicate a report received. H ^ to tnmsmit a report to a superior. 1$ % to commimicate a report received from an inferior. © ?ii to give instrnctions for transmission (to subordinates). H (^ to receive a doiument for further trims- mission. ( 30 ) '■Imaii 15 IS to forward ii renuest ; to further request, W is 'o forwurd ; to send on. H >* to carrj' on to some further place ; to re- transiwrt. H ^ to rc-sell ; to further sell to other parties. |9 B for S4de; to further sell to others. W fr jS BB M M to transmit for the guidance of If ■pj" to be transferred to the hands of; change hands (as property). chitan ^ to arnmge ; to compose (as a letter). ck'uan }]] a mountain stream; to flow; to travel; stands for gg jl| {ssil-di'uaii), the province of Sze- ehwan. JM 1^ /P ,^, an uninterrupted stream; incessantly; constantly. Jl| ^ travelling expenses. JH ^ lit; Szechwan ginger (a kind of medicine). jl| X Szechwan opium. )\\ Wn Szechwan silk piece goods; Szechwan crape. jll i§ the province of Szechwan. clruan ^ to put on garments. ^ ^ to put on the garment of filial piety, i.e., white mourning clotlies (as worn for the first hundred days after the death of a parent); to mourn for a parent. :3=' ^ to string ; to connect. ch'uan f|f to forward (as letters); to send for; to summon; to transfer ; to interjjret. ^ ^ to summon to coiu-t; to impeach; to pro- secute. ]^ ^ to summon for investigation. j# ^ A ^ to summon ^vitnesses. Jif U to interpret ; an interpreter. fll py to address questions to ; to interrogate. 1^ !^ a mounted courier. !# h" t" publish an Imperial decree. t# ^ to propagate religion ; a missionary. 1^ ^ §E a contagious disease. ch^uan ^ a ship. m % vessels. % ^ a boat. jj||§ ^ the people on board a ship ; the shipowner ; •" a ship's employ^ ; a boatman. ^^''^ a ship's crew. ^ fr a ship's agents ; a shipping firm. ch'uan f^ ^a ship's captain. ff^ "M •■< shipowner; a chip's captain. ^Jl^'M^.i mate; a ship's officer. -'^\Z , I boatmen ; sailore. ^ ^) flS 5t the type of a ship ; the rig of a :-liip. ,^^ %U -i ship's hold. Jgr ^ a ship's hull. '^9l.t ffi ±m^i jib-boom., >^ M the stern of a vessel. y^ M ffii -i ship's rail. / JIS ^ a ship's side ; on the side of a ship. ijff tfe ii ship's mast, or masts. /jf^ %t a ship's rudder. piffii sails. J^'M. :> ship's light; a lightship. irll a dock. p li a dockyard. ^ il^ J^ a Government dockyard; an arsenal. ^ iEi ^C E the Imperial Commissioner for the Foiicliow Arsenal. 4g^ ;^ Jl a signal flag denoting the name of a -^ .l,.p. JUS JS % % ship's stores. ^ ^'^ 'M. foreign coal for ship's use. j% ^ the cargo of a vessel ; the vessel and her -j^ §i/ tonnage dues ; the "Tonnage Dues Account" .. ( = Oust(mis Account C). •M i^ ^t M a tonnage dues certificate. ^ Jl^%^ port dues (paid by Chinese junks at native j^ Custom Houses). ^ u![l Ijnat taxes ; tonnage dues. _ MW^'i -li'l^'s register. j^JJf^ a ship's certificate of sale. ^ 5& tlie ships' channel (as in a river). jlo f X jE 8& the fairway channel (for ships in a river or near the coast). (h'v.an ^if an error. 54 la ± ^ 'I "'intake. 514 Jlx conti-adictory. ( 31 ) eh'uan $ to connect ; to string together. $ jj to combine (as for an illegal act). $ |j^ to intrigue. chnang J^ a cottage. Cf. chnang ^. climuuj 1^ to dress; rouge; ornaniental. |!£ fi^ to ornament. thuanrj Jpj appeajance ; shape ; foi-ni ; to accuse. t}^ 6iS an attorney. jj^ -^ an accusation ; a iilnint. Tpt 7U t'l'' best scholar nt the metropolitan examina- tion ; a senior wrangler. clmang *jf strong ; able-bodied. tIJ; ^ irregular troops ; brave.s. diuaiuj |g to load ; to be laden with ; to contain. ^ is to carry; to be laden with (as a ship); to contain. ^ lis -f" S In t" be placed on board a cargo- boat. ^ 3^ to be laden with and to transport to ; to take to (as a ship takes cargo). S Ih to put on board a ship (as goods) ; to ship. ^ M 'iiS the place of shipment. i^ -t to put into ; to take in. ,^ SP to .ship and discharge goods ; to " work " (as a vessel in port). §< K J^ P.S loading goods beyond a limit of time contracted for. §< tra S ^ full of cargo (as a vessel). ^ '^t to carry cargo exempted from duty. ^ ^ ^k. @ the " exemption account," showing exemiition from duties on account of tribute rice carried. cJmang ^sedate: serious; (= chuaiiij jj) a cottage; a shop. ^£ HI a farm ; farm labourers. iO; ^ a country establishment ; a farm. Ifi ^ the crops. Wt ^i serious and respectful. Jjli li serious and truthful. ft'i. , ,thv.an(j ji^ a beacon ; beacons, p^ ehuang ^ to rush against ; to collide. W. M to swindle ; to defraud. (k'naiiij |lj f,, invent. ^1] iu to commence. f Ij Ja to make iis the first ; to invent. ch'uang ||J '^ ,„ p.stul.lish, to build, etc. (a.s a lightl.ouso). clvuang ^ a bed ; a couch. 1^ '<^ l.lankets. Jifi ip^ hed curtains. i-hni ig, to jiursue; to prosecute. j6 lii to trace out ; to find out on sifting matters. jB, 9^ to investigate (a case). J5 ^ to pursue and seize. is JR fo be pressed to furnish ; to be bound to pay. i^ W. to s"c for payment. JH JiS to press for recoverj'. vh-wi D^ t„ l,lo,v (as a horn). P^' 1^ F^ Y£ ^ to lilow a steam fog horn. ^X Of to whistle ; a whistle. ch'ui ^ to drop down; to condescend. ^ fifij to condescend to inquire ; [tlic Emperor] iiKpiiring after a subject's health. ^ W w !% to have pity and magnanimously dis- regard. ^ ,^. condescending kindness. chiin f{| to permit ; to approve. ?^ 1^ a permit. ^H fT to sanction. ^fil "^ ^ ^ to grant exemption from duty. m ^ to allow that. ^fA fi JS ^ n parents' certificate of emigration given to minore. cIdiu j^ to equalise; to adjust; to approve. ^- If adjusted scales. i^ Wt to be C((ual ; to agree (as two balances l)ro]icrly adjusted). i^^ '[jf 0^ 3^ to consider the circumstances of. i!/i glj a standard ; a rule. eh'un ^ spring. ^ M Mt W ^" fi the south-west monsoon. ch'un jfj^ pure ; genuine ; honest. chung p[j middle ; placed after a noun, in, within, among ; the second quality out of three, when shang (_t) means first and hsin ("F) third; to obtain a litcrai-y degree ; to succeed; China; Chinese. pf> 1(3 in the middle of. 4' j^ on the road ; en route. f\^ ^ the middle decade; i.e., from the lolh to the 20th day of ii month. ( 32 ) chnng lf« ifg the middle mast ; the main mast of a ship. 4» ^ the middle thread, i.e., the meridian (of Greenwich, teking, etc.) from which longitude is reckoned. tf» ^ a Chtmg-t'ang (title of a Grand Secretary or Minister of State). ^t* A a go-between. 't' ^ a surety ; a mediator. tjj ^ 5^ birds' nests, 2nd quality. - China ; Chinese. I I ■ Chines fore neutral term; high and low (a lard-wood beams. 4» W chung ^ honest. j& E a loyal minister. ,^, m faithful. iS ^ honest and solid. ckung % heart or mind ; equity ; the true feeling of. chnng ]g heavy; weight; weighing; to give weight to; to secure respect for. Of. chSmg '^^ g fl heavy and light; either heavy or light; whereas ch'ing-chung (|1 'M.)^ usually _ means "weight" as 1 prices). fi ptc #, n ) S 7fC * s i fi 7t^ ^S hard-wood planks. ;g ^ to inquire into strictly; to deal severely with (as an oftender). S ^ ^ 'K to be severely dealt with (as an utfender). S ^ IIrJ to maintain due regard for revenue in- terests. S M flfll to give due weight to likin tax interests. ^ J!it to consider of importance the fact that; considering the fact that. i-.h'ung ^ to plant ; kind ; sort. ^ H kind ; category. ^ ^ pattern; kind. rhv.ng ^ a clock ; a bell. M ^ clocks and watches. ^ B# clock time; i.e., time by the foreign division. chung ^ finally ; in the end ; whole. f^ H a whole day. $? ia beginning and end ; always. chung ^ all ; many ; the whole of. chimg ^ |J5 idl the merchants ; the mercantile community. ^ i^ 1^ tlie foreign merchants as a body; the turt-igii muiuantile world. f^ '^ ^ iH the interests of foreign commerce. ch'utig ^ (or ft|!) to strike against; to collide ; imitation ; spurious ; standing for ^ {chung), to act as. ^ ^ ^-^ imitation camlets. ^ th M W. imitation lasting?. '4* i'^' '" ■'''•''1 clandestinely while eviuliiig payment of taxfs. ch'ung g a second time ; again ; twice ; to be distinguished from chung {^), heavy. g H to enter twice. S IS again ; repeatedly ; to repeat. ^ ^ to renew. £ ^^f jr^ pT to negotiate, or deliberate upon, for the second time. g f^ to revise. £ ^ a second duty ; further charges (on goods). 2 '^ to cross the sea twice ; to cross two or several seas ; to make a long sea journey. ch'ung ^j to rash against ; a thoroughfare. •fSj ^ to carry away (as a buoy is canied away in a gale). ch'ung "^ to till ; to act as ; to become. ^'^^ toMl; filled; full. "' ^^ to fill a vacancy. '"jC IW X to act iis master of a ship. % ^\ VK to perform the duties of a pilot; to be eli.iiiljle as a pilot. ;^ -^ t(i fill the duties of an office ; to be eligible /'" for an office ; to serve as. 7K ^ to act as a sailor. 5c K to serve as a reward; as, or in lieu of, a reward. "^ ■Si io become public property ; to be con- fiscated. ^ J£. sufficient ; ample. ch'ung U a blunderbuss ; a pistol ; a gun. ch'ung ^ lofty ; eminent ; honourable. ch'ung ^ (or ^) insects or reptiles. ch'ung ^ a favourite ; aflection. chii ^ a sentence ; a phrase. ^ ^ sentences and paragraphs. ch'ii ^ to grasp ; to seize ; to arrest. ( 33 ) ''"' m '< public company ; a commission ; an adminis- trative board ; an establisliment working under such a board ; all. ^ J^ a manager in a public company. ^ ^ the employe.s, or clerks, of a public company. ^ -|r Likin bamei-s. <-h,' g to fhvell ; to live. = .**.! the inliabitants. ^ ii. to dwell ; to live at or in ; to reside. ^ tij the heait dwells on ; to set one's heart on. cA^t |l| a saw ; to saw. ehif g great ; vast ; numerous. chil }g to oppose ; to resist. fhii ^g rule; usage. ^g ^ a pattern. fhii |g how ; in what manner. bE 'N' "how could I expect?" i.e., to my surprise; unexpectedly; however. fltii j^ the distance between ; distant from. SE 7jC ® above the water-level. !S ^ ^ "* M about 1 K distant from the shore. chii .M. to arrange ; to prepare ; to furnish ; to state ; to present to. ^ ^ ^ the petitioner. ^ fS ^ to sign a bond. ^ M to prepare and hand up : to present (as a document). ^ M iS 1^ to sign a guarantee. ^ .^ to present a memorial to the Throne. ^ ^ a written despatch ; an official paper ; an empty form. :R W 3'C H W frank-hearted, honest people. cliii ^ all ; equally ; gives a preceding noun plural force. cM' /f^ an orange. ^ J- orange.-. IS )k. orange Peel- chii |g (otherwise chieh, a water-wheel) contracted from IS, an orange. ^ •}■ oranges. <'hii ^ to raise ; to recommend a matter proposed ; a proposition ; a matter ; an affair ; to conmience. ^ A the chii-jen literary degree. $ iS the whole world. ^ fj to commence; to put into operation. ij^ in accordance n-ith ; whereas ; documenturjr proof ; an ofticial record ; a protest noted. Sk J% "'> the grovmd of this (Statement, applicatinu, etc.); accordingly. ^ 5 as it is said ; as to the remark that. ^ "^ according to the circumstances. ^' '\M ® ^ to submit the facts in a personal adcli-ess. ^ 9E ^- ^ to make an accurate report. ]^ hurried ; hasty ; suddenly, j^' '^ to decide hastily. i!i "? % ■fiE to grant exemption from duty in a luiny. ^? t inn, '"to make .sdl by boQing sea water"; $fi Jjfi ^ ^ ifff \ ju, to enter (port), erh, by, hm-ch'uan I'o-lai, being steamer-towed, i.e., "to be towed into port by a steamer." It is frequently used in introducing the apodosis in a concessive cLiuse, no matter whether the protasis be opened by SMI (8^), "although," or not; e.g , ||p , or §!^ fln "although yet " Of. sw- £1. I llo 2, :iiid no more (a final phnisc) ; only; merely. i '='■'' W .veil ; it often has the force of making an adverb I of the word preceding it. i m ^ .vou (plural). "' ' ^ ..,. 1 near to; close at hand. jfi 3JE recently ; hitherto. crh Zl (o'' iK) two ; both. ~~ ^ two prices ; no fi.\e<.l prices. ~" »j5> double-minded. H ^ P firh-t'ao-kow (a Likin station on the Yangtze). ( 36 ) F. ^ law ; rule ; method ; Frencli. ^ ^ netted by the law ; caught and punished. & J* regulations; ways. f^ {§ standard weights. HMVa (fa-lan-m) flannel. ^ g (= fi I! W. /«-?«'^-^i; also ft |g w. fo-lan-hsi, or f^ j|I5 "g, fa-lang-lm) France; French. a 35C the French text. fJ^ to strike ; to cut down ; to reduce. fl^ P to subdue a country. fi^ /fl to cut down timber. § to send ; to issue. ^ j^ to send to the District Magistrate (as a criminal for punishment). ^ ^ to send goods. ^ ^ to send (as a letter or a despatch). # 3^ to issue. If '^ 1^ ^ to issue and place in the hands of. ^ IhI to issue back ; to return (as documents deposited). ^ J^ to retiurn (as moneys). ^ Si ^ M to issue drawback in exchange (for duty paid). ?^ 1^ to is. protect ; to gmird against. |55 flj- a liindruDce; a difficulty U> i>e proviilinl 155 .'ii- t" guard against culumilics. Kf 45 to take protective meaaurea [1$ 6^ ^ signals made to avoid danger ; fog HigniiU. E5 '^^ S Kf to take protective mcu-iiites ag»in«t what cannot be protected (said if there is no help against running risks). fang Jj{ to release. Jfc fr to release ; to let go. ]5J fr I& ii release permit. ]jj yj to release ; to let out. ]5J 1^ to tire a nmsket. J5J ?iU to fire cannon ; to fire a g)in. ■j^ ijjlg to let off fireworks. ^ \^ to let off steam; to blow the steam whi^ll<■. jgC ^ 5t to burn a blue light. iSfc !§li[ to give off and concentrate agaia (as a fi.xed and flashing light). ;^ .^ to release one's hands, i.t., to stiiy.nnrs hand ; to leave off work, j^ ifji to make one's mind easy ; also, to lose liiaru fei 1^ not ; not to be, the opposite of shih (J^) to be ; wrong. gfe ja 5IJ; not only but also ^^ ± not only. ^ ^ uncommonly. ^^ ^ it is not so ; not real ; hoUow. ( ;f. uliih 5^ |^. ^ ^ what is not in harmony with one's eots cancelled. Jg| ^ ^ an abandoned lighthouse. fj expenditure ; a fee ; fees. ISi ^ expenses ; a fee. jS ® '• ^'^ • expenses ; chai-ges. tt — # ift IB »n expense once made being followed by many others. ^ ^ vexation ; trouble. g )|lf not intelligible. ft ji5> to cause trouble. ft ^ to wiistc one's time. ^ to divide; fractional (as in H ^ ^^ "*' °"^ third); to sep.irate ; sepanitely; respectively ; to distribute. Before a verb it means that the action of the verb is to be applied at different places, to different objects, etc., respectively; a candareen (the looth part of a tael) ; also, a tenth part of anything ; a set (as of printed regiilations) ; a copy of a book, or of a document, of which several copies have been made ; one's duty. ^ Ifp ^ n to distinguish two kinds of. ^^J^ H ^ M to saw into planks. ^ ^ to distinguish ; to enumerate iu detail. ^^-flfl to distinguish ; clearly. ^^^Ij to distinguish ; to separate. ^ glj g g light or hea^•}^ as the ca.se may be (said of punishment). ^ S'J fj S ^ IB to e'*"''t distinguishing flags. ^-^ to discriminate. ^^^^ to detach ; to keep separate. ^ jjg to detail ; to detach (as for special duty). ^,.^-^ 1!r ^ J^ to send to two different places. ^^^ to disperse; to distribute. J^ ^ to distribute over ; to spread over (as over the country). y^^ P^ ^ in order ; in rotation. y^ J^ to distribute in portions. ^W it ^ to clearly distinguisli. y^ ^ accv.rding to categories. ^•■^ to class ; classified ; classed. fin ^ *i5p to have the control of several adniinistnitivc districts respectively. ^ jiJS to inspect several districts respectively (used in the title of a Taot'ai). ^ iSi »E '11 inspector of circuit ; a Taot'ai. ^ ^ Ijianch rules ; byilaws ; local rules. ^ }^ title of a sub-prefect. ^ ]|^ a sub-magistrate. J^ $l( to absent oneself; to stay away. ^^ BE to divert undue advantages to oneself, /ere (^ a portion ; a share. /- ■!* ^i to order. fm ^ anger; hatred. fe.n ^ flour ; powder ; cosmetics in powders. ^ ^, vermicelli ; macaroni. i^ fi^ the "get-up" in packing goods ; ornamental packing. fin ^ confused ; iU-assorted ; mottled ; the bustle of a crowd. iS^ M mixed ; confused. ^ ^ manifold ; endless. i^ B'^it many others wiU follow ; others will claim what is allowed to a few. Jen 51 to burn. fen tt a grave. ilB^' grave; a tomb. fen \% zeal; ardoiu; anger. fin ^ impetuous; to shake. fin M manure. fing H, mud; the spirit of; the habits of; usage; custom. ® M } wind and waves ; a heavy sea ; bad weather M ^ a whistle. m M ^ a barometer. Ji. Jl^ the wind being favourable. M ^ local custom ; itsage. ^■^MTm riunour; news. H K it is rumoiu-ed; heareay. fing ^ insane ; insanity ; paralysis fing ^ fine; pleasing. fing ^ a bee. 1^ ^ honey. ( 3i» ) .'1''!/ ^ ii peak. fat;, ^. :i bee. ^ ^ honey. /c«(/ ^ the point of a weapon ; the van of an army. .ffi'9 3^ to meet ; to happen ; to come across ; whenever. j^ jffl t" go out to meet one, as in receiving a guest. ^ II to pass a Customs station. ji H jfS ^ i§ -Ir tfi M to pay duty at Custom Houses and liUin taxos at Likin stations met on the road, i.e., to pay all inland taxes due en route. fing ^ to sew ; to mend. .t''i>9 $ to otter to; to receive (especially, to receive from a superior) ; before the title of a high Government authority, denotes the doer of the action implied in the verb following; to pay obedience to. -^ to ofl'er one's advice to ; to warn. ^ B to have received an Imperial edict. ^ ^ to receive instructions. ^ f5 to receive orders from a superior : to act in compliance [with instructions]. ^ ^ to request. ^ mm have »ilJ«glJto! the authorities. receive (as from a high authority); to ae to hand. e received instructions from receive orders from one's fmg feiig ^ ^ to be careful of Government interests. ^ ^ to respectfully nurse; i.e., to bestow filial care on one's parent. ^ Ji M tlie prefecture of Feng-t'ien ; Manchuria. '^ 1^ llj ^ II the territorial divisions of Feng- y t'ien-fu (feng ^), Chin-chou-fu {chin |^), and the Custom House at Shan-hai-kuan ([Ij ^ ^, at the eastern terminus of the Great Wall), con- stituting the administrative district of the Tao- t'ai of Newchwang. f$ Government salaries. f$ ^ salary. ^ to hold in both hands or claws (as the eagle on Mexican dollars, holding a snake in one claw and a twig of cactus in the other). ^ rich ; affluent ; abundance. ^ ^ a year of plenty ; a good han-est. ^ to seal ; to envelop ; to close up ; to confer. ij if duly sealed ; after being sealed. ^ ^ to keep under bond. /■•"!/ mm •V (he CuNtoin ilouw. -eal a bout by closing it« hold with Hrsiltxl ,-in|is of paper piuled over the hntcboi. ^ M '■' >*"'' » "hop in luinkniptcy. SJ' & paper Libels for sealing. ^ ■§ to seal a letter. m ?g an envel..pe. m PO to clcjse the office during holidays. M ■25 not ; whether or not ; if not. fou ^ to lloat; to be light like pumice-stoDC ; light: idle; frivolous; nbuoy; buoys. j!^ ^ l)umice-stone. fou j^ a port ; an anchorage. /« ^ a workman ; a coolie ; a husband. 5^ m^ workmen and boats. ^ (£ porters; coolies. ^ ^ husband and wife. /'< ^ to shield ; to accompany (as a coffin); to iiK-ist. ifc ^ t.. assist. /". •g" to begin; first; at first. ■ft- f^ i£ first just approaching a port; «htn airiving off a port. /« $§ to aid ; to a.ssist. fi Ji to assist. IS Wi '0 assist (the Throne); a Minister of State. /« ff to lay on; an instructor. til to apply oil. ■^ ^ to fasten by biniling. ^ lo be .sufficient for. ^ ^ to remit the full lunounl contnicted for i tax farmer remits to Government). f^ a prisoner of war ; to capture. ^ not ; it should not be. j^ like ; for example. ^ to oppose; to thwart. Ji& jM perverse; obstinate. {•)• to give ; to deliver to ; to send ; lo engage. a ^ 'o liand over to; to place in one's hands; to tender (as i>ayment). a i^^ K& to charter a convenient ship ; to nuiko use (for cargo or passjige) of a .shi)) which happens to be on the berth. Dft to order. ( 40 ) ir 1^ a liouse; a store; a palace; a prefectme, or department, of the first order ; a fu. }^ M prefectural cities. JiJ ^ a Vice-Director in the Imperial Clan Court. /i< jlSf to stoop down ; to condescend. ftj f^ to fall prostrate. 09 ^ to condescend to think of; to take into considonitiou. Dff ^ ^ IS to kindly take into consideration our (the nierclKints') diificulties. 1I& BS M "^ t" favour one with a despatch (said of a sii'pericir, or an equal by way of civility). i)S^ RS ^ 1§ be pleased to write to and consult flff 'li. ^. Ir tu look »»tte« pertaining to coa.st (lefence, lisheries, post and salt administra- tion. f§ fS !?-% 'be district of Hai-ch'eng, nejir Amoy. ^ ^WM IJuteh Folly (a fort- in the Canton ^ to injure ; injury. ^ rare ; few. ^ thy ; a drought. 4 ^ parasols. ^ a cover ; a letter. ® '''^'' I a letter; letters. |jg ^j? to state in a letter. ^ j^ to inform by letter. ^ ^ to write to ; to give notice to in w-riting. ® hSi t" inquire by letter. ® In t^ ij» '0 apply ^°^ instructions by letter. ® iSj M ^ t" consider by correspondence and •^ to cherish ; to hold in the mouth. ^ iS to encourage confusion ; to be negligent about mattei-s. ^ cold ; poor. MM ^ '^ thermometer. ^ name of an ancient feudal state. ( 42 ) han ^ 2C the Han river, near Swatow. '"'" ^ '■' fl"'" ; » pencil ; something written ; ii letter. ^ '^ ^ 'he Hanlin College. linn 5^ to viH-iferate; to call. "S jE t" '■'" out and pursue (a.s in chasing a thief). han m to move; to shake. Iian ^ Chinese ; the Han river, near Hankow ; Hankow. ^ A a Chinese. iM ^ < 'hinese writing ; in Chinese. JH -^ ^ ^ in Chinese and foreign writing. JH !^ the Chinese portion of the army called banner troops. ^ P Hankow. yi ^ a Hankow firm. ^ 1^ ^ the three departments of Hau-yang-fii (^ han), Huang-chou-fu (^ kuanij). and Te- aii-fu (f* ti), forming the circuit in charge of the Taot'ai -M. Hankow. ^ P^ ;^ (han-no-ivei) Hanover ; Hanoverian. ^ ^ M (han-hsieh ch'eng) the Hanse towns in Germany. ''""" ^^.'.Hang-chou-fuinChekiang. lit 'M \ hang fj a hong; a firm; a row; a series. (Jf. hsing fj, to go. •fj ^ the name of a firm. ^ ]^ a foreign merchant; a resident merchant. ^ ^ the head of a fii-m. fx ^ the hong people ; merchants ; firms. fx ^^^ hong and godowns; a mercantile establish- nuiit ; warehouses. hao ^ a hair ; a triHe. 'M- M ^ ^ there is nol the sliglitest doubt. Cf. ^ ^ ^ ^ ""' to ditfer in the least in one's oiuuiiiii ; to agree in every respect. ^ ^ H ^ not to make the slightest change. ^ ^ a h:dr's breadth ; the least portion of. 'ioo ^ brave ; martial. hM> ^A ditch. Imo ^ wa-xte ; to waste ; to diminish ; to lose. |€ $1 ^ «aste silver. ^ ^ the (list of the waste silver or of tlie under- weiglit found when extracting pure from impure silver ; to waste. "<"' 5K a number; a firm; a bank; registered mark nr sign ; to scream ; to call : to style. S^ lit a registered number. ' ^u %t signals. S^ JlS registered l)out.s; boats u.sed as navigiitiou ■^ marks; lightships. ^^ S?, » certificate of registr)'. j^ 1^ a licensed merchant. ^ ^ » liverj' ; a soldier's uniform. ySj^ Hi a bank receipt (for payment of duty). Imo ^ ;v »U)Yk ; a crane. Imo ^ good. After verbs, denotes that the action of tlie verb is finished ; hence, a sign of tlie jjiist. To like ; to be addicted to. if j^ advantages ; benefit. hd a lilaek. k'^m. black pepper. #. ^ I'lack dates. M f^ ^ black bicho de mar. ffi ,@ ^ black sharks' tins. i k m plmubago. M tl ?1 (hei-lung-i-hia,iy) the Amoor river. fec?i ^ very ; extremely. hm ^ anger; resentment; to hate. hcng !^ to persevere ; persevering. hcng ^ a balance; to weigh; to judge. I® ^ ii Piiir of scales. ^ iW to judge of the circumstances. king ^ cross-wise; horizontal. ^ TI^ a cross-beam ; a boom. tl IM 'he warp of a texture. 1^' lie horizontal stripes (painted on the outer sur- iiKC of navigation marks). ^^^^»^P^; horizontal bands. m m cros.,-bcams. tl M perverse; .jlistinate. heng '|g constantly. Is ^ a patrimony ; property ; income. ho ^j why ; wherefore ; what. ■^ t^ for what reason ? .^ ^ ^ 1^ why should it come to this? why should he come to his death ! ^ JB (= T^ M) how could it equal? i..., not equal to ; inexpressibly ; highly. ( 43 '"■ ^j JB JikM^ shall be extremely deUghted. ^j M M M^ 'I'" deeply indebted for. /'" i^T a river. jiU ^aViver'sbank. ^ P the mouth of a river. Iflf IB tho river surface; on the river. ?PI tS ^ ■'" inspector of river police. Pi ^ t'"^ province of Honan. M f^ M the prefecture of Ho-chien, in Chihli. ho ^ what; which; (='(nj J^) why; how. jnf i^ at which place? where; whether at any place. ■JpT flif i\t what time ? at which time '. at that time; i e-n; ir W- &' «' ir M' w m: ». -'"• ! 'ahih, at which time, ''rh'-i %no, the goods are landed, ^clii, then, 'Ao ''sliih, at-tl^it time, ^chcw '>na, the duty is paid; i.e., "the duties (or dues) are due at the time when goods are landed." ■(pj H on what date ? jpf ^ for what rea.son .' why. ■(jij ^ what matter \ what business ? M ^ A of what nationality? •jnj ^ ^ of what name ! ■fnT ^ S H how could I dare to be disrespectful? ISf ^ 51 II ■(& ffl l>ow can the value be changed again ? ■jol S in Jlfc wl>y should we go so far? ItJ Jy ^vhat by? by what means? wherefore. Cf. shih i%. )cX thereby ; therefore. /'" ^ the lotus or water-lily ; to be obliged for. ^M ^){Jw-lmi-huo) Holland; the Nether- 7^ m ( lands; Dutch. ^0 ^ gi-ain ; crops. 5|C ^ paddy. ^ ^ millet, fto 5^ harmony ; to harmonise. >fc ^ to conclude friendship ; peace and friendship. ^ ^ friendly ; friendship. ft tg friendly feelings. %1 'fj^ a Ruddhist priest. ft $S ^ I with one's whole heart ; attentively. ^ to inherit ; hereditary. ^ ^ hereditary rank ; nobility. ^ ,§, to receive favour. J5t to wash ; to cleanse. ^ till; to reach. 5§ •<7 till the present ; up to the present, jg *(=^ 4- *)-»->■'■'■ S tin. ^ $S f^. tin, in slabs. 0^ ^ tinware. ^ ff tin-foO. f -tliC to addi-ess an inferior ; to issue a summons. ^ fine; detailed. $B ^ tfl examine in detail. M Wi detailed figures. ^ ■fi^ §§ fine chinaware. ^ ^ ^ fine grasscloth. m m ^ ^ jeans. IH '^ H trimmed pabn-leiif fans. ^M'^ linen goods ; fine linen ; Irish or Scotch linen. ^ ^ sycee silver. BS disengaged; leisure. $^ crabs. 4^ tIv dried shrimps ; vith. Imang ^ n)Utual; each other; reciprocal; with; loa.-sist: to watch the time for; to look at. ^ 91^ to take the one away from the other. ^,_jfB ^ to treat each other; mutual treatment; t*> treat. !|B f^ to consider the steps to be taken ; to adopt the proper means. "te iS to consult about a matter. ( 46 ) kiiiiiig ;fe ^ r\n interview. 4B ^ to mutually give; to associate. * i£ ne.r. ft ^ tn a'.'icc : to tally : to correspond. ^ ^ Milt to suit; to disagi-ee. 4B j^ to invite. «^ to assist. 4B 5^ a minister of state. 4B S a jniuie minister. ^>ft JH to happen to one (as an accident). ^ ^ i< seize an opportunity; according to cHiustances ; according to requirements. ifg 5lC ^^Iwt '^ proper ; right ; in order. i}9 ^ painted in stripes or bands. ft ^ similar; alike. ^^ (^ identical ; the same as ; analogous with. 49 SS distant from. "^ ^J opposite; vis-a-vis. ft j^ — Ha difference in time of one day. hitiawj J§, to think ; to consider. ^, il to expect. luinau ^ a box. ^ ^ boxes. J^ Q cases and packages. hsmiifi ^ incense ; aromatic drugs ; fragrant. ^ 7jC fragrant water ; perfiimeiy. ^ ^ mushrooms. § SfJl- perfumery. § ^ft scented oil; sweet nil. ^ ^ & Russia leather. § Ji Hongkong. hinang ^ a village ; a community consisting of a number of villages. ^ # a ^'illage. ^ ^ a village oldev. ^ ,ft a country gentleman. ^ ^ tlie triennial, or provincial, examinations. to consider ; to reflect ; to think. • fragrant-wood. hsiau!/ ^ a little while; formerly; recently. hsiang ^ sound; noise; rumour. hsiawj ^ to lead to; towards. hsiang @ to inlay; to enclose; to border (as flag). 1 figure on a M.'^M one of the eight banners of Imperial t loops; the "Bordered Blue Banner." L^iang 0. „ school ; a provincial graduate. hsiang j^ an auspicious omen ; hapi)iness. hsimg p to state in detaU; to report carefuU 1^ ^ to report to a superior. P ^ to state in detail. ^ $H to report in detail ; to state particulai's in detail. rf- ^D ^ W to give an accurate, deta led account. P ^ ^ S to reply in detail. |¥ ^ to examine in detail. If ^ an of&cial report. If '^ to report details. If ^ to state ; to enumerate. §f BJ to explain. If IB to take carefid notice. If ^ to distingui.sh. If fX to clearly define. If fp) to ask the real facts; to inquire aboi .letails. If f^ to take careful notice of; to read carefully. If ^ to know clearly ; a clear account. If ^B to inform minutely. If llf to request re.spectfully. If 'lit very carefully. If j&n '^ ^ to compare carefully. hsiang ^ to submit ; to i to descend. bmit. Cf. ckian,, ^ ^ ^^! to submit. hsiang |p] hithei-to; towards; to proceed to; a preposition placed before nouns denoting the object of verbs meaning to ask. to say, to give, etc., e.g., ||j' ■^• p3 ^< ^5, 'ch'mg Han, to hand a document, hdang\ to, ^hH-Vi'ou, the barrier office. 1b] ^ heretofore; hitherto. IpJ ^ according to the routine hitherto observed ; in the ordinary way ; ordinarily. [pj p] according to the rule hitherto in force. ( 47 ) lixiang hsmng h-iiung hsiting hsiang hsiao hsiao hdao |p] ^ lacing tlif south ; in a southerly ilircction. IP] ^ ~ + J^ W s. 20° w. Ib] ?@ 5h M tijwaids the sea ; seawanl. |p] Jl turned upwards ; upwards, fj^ taxes; duties. 11^ 1^ a receipt for taxes ; a duty receipt. UrI SR taxes ; commissariat ftmds. fl^ 2J5 a standard weight of sycee silver used i paying duties at Pakhoi. ^ to enjoy. ^ an elephant. ^ ^ elephants' teeth ; ivory. ^^ W broken elephants' teeth. M^ ^ ivoryware. f^ resembling ; like ; to imitate. ]§ kind ; item ; funds ; moneys ; the neck. ^ a lane ; a street. *J> small. iJj a hillock ; a mound. ih M '^ ''"'"11 boat ; a gig ; a sampan. 'J^ IS M 'I steam-launch ; a tug-boat. *J^ Pr guard-boats. *]■* '^ petty officers. >J» J^ the common people. ih ^ ft a ^"iter ; =1 clerk (as in a bank). *]> ^ a lantern. *J^ "M small writing ; smaU text. ]■» 5E cassimeres ; narrow cloth. jj-v ^ 1^ imitation Orleans. >h W-. "^ T-cloths (the smaller size). >h if- M I jj.j^y.^ Qj,;^,^| ^]^ ^ wheat. 'J"* S 5fc the Philippines. ^ night ; at night. •i^ to melt ; to thaw. '{^ -ffc to dissolve ; to melt. ^ ^ to sell, or distribute, goods. ^ saltpetre. hsiao lisUio hsiao hsiao i'^ ^jl sall^)ette: sulphur and ln-imslrnr 1 ■ ^ ( = ifi) to uicit ; to sell out; to cancel. Ig ^ to sell otf; to seU. f§ SS circulation of goods; the mngu uf kuIc fH ^ "" 'Icstroy by fire; to cancel by buniiii};. IpJ to c\u ; to pare. Wi 4$ to degrade ; to dismiss fruiii otHce. fill ^ '" engi-avc chanicters. Kj Jfe to seize territory. ^ to make knoAvn ; light ; clear. ^ 1^ for the infonmition of everyt^idy ; to infomi by proclamation. ^ ^ to make known by pivclaniati'ni H poor; indigent. ^ an owl ; to expose the head of a deca|iilalcil criminal. :^ filial piety ; the period of mouniing for a psirent. ^ flE mourning clothes. ^ J3I tl'e expiration of the period ol moiirniiig for a parent. ^ to learn. ^ ^ an apprentice ; an unpaid assistant (as in a tii-m or bank). hsiao hsiao ^ apprentice, r'h ; to ridicule. to exert oneself JC^ ^ to exert one's strength ; to work for. ^ Jd to work for merit; meritorious exertion. hsiao ^ to imitiite ; to do as others do. — ^ 3fc '" excel the pattern (as in doing evil) (WiLLrAMs); to imitate a bad example; Ut do what othere do. hsieh ^ to desist ; to leave off. ^ m to stop work. hsich ^ trifling; troublesome. hsieh ^ oljlicpie; sloping. J?l ^ diagonal length. U ^X ^ fi"ii« ; .i'""'*- hsidi ^ shoe.s. hsich ^ harmony ; to assist ; a subdivision of a cheu (fH) or brigade ; a regiment under the connnand of /i.Hws; tidings. i9f 63 Ifi :i newspaper. ilf jlft I" appoint. ^ i^ having lately received (as a post). ilf S n«wly fixed ; lately settled upon. fr :£ ^ m tlie new Tariff. If ^" pB i^ il ^ ^. a new certitiaite exchanged tor ;,ii a salary ; salaries ; official emoluments. trust ; to believe ; true ; reliable ; a seal (as a sign of belief or trust). ft ^ a letter-carrier ; a courier. is ^ a letter-bag. ft ^ an envelope. ft ^ a postal agency. •^ ^ a guarantee. -.ft ^ authenticity ; sincere. ft ,%, news. ft ^ arsenic. hsing ^ fortunately ; to rejoice at ; to hoiie for ; please : you are requested to. ^ ^ please do not ; you are requested not to. ^ ^ ^ 1^ I hope there will be no delay ; " at your earliest convenience." hsing ^ servile. hsing ^ a surname ; a family name. ^ ^ the surname and personal name; the full name of a person. Iising ^ nature; character; disiwsition. 'tt S natural disposition. "tt t^ personal conduct. ( 50 ) hsing g a star ; a spark. M ^ tlie 's*^"^ ; '''6 constellations. J^ ^ an observatory. M. fi s<-attered about like sUire. kdny J3II stench ; rancid ; Kiw meat. Imng S^ to arise ; to raise ; flourishing. ® JC to commence work. S^ IW t'^ piit "'t'^ operation. ^ ^ to nourish (as trade). ® E to prosper. ^ ^ :^ the three depaa-tments of Hsing-hua-fu (M hsing), Ch'iian-chou-fu (^ ch'iian), and Vung-chun-chou (^ iJMig), forming the circuit in charge of the Taot'ai at Amoy. hsing J^ shape ; form ; to describe ; description. J^ flJJ to purport ; to amount to (in sense). /i«t7(fl JpJ punishment ; to punish. 5flJ §3 to punish. JPJ p5 to examine by torture. JflJ pi5 the Board of Punishments. hdng fj to 8°; *" ^^^^^^ *"! *° *^°' P''''^^'' Ijtfore verbs to denote action ; to work (as to load and unload). Of hang fy, a hong. fr ^ to walk; pedestrians; to go (in and out); one who goes in and out at an office in order to learn its routine, without being an actual member ; an associate ; a supernumerary ; to act in another function in addition to one's own duties; to officiate ; to do duty as. fj ^ a temporary residence while on a journey. ^ A a traveller. fx 'j^ a travelling merchant. fr ffr commercial usage. fr ^ luggage ; baggage. fr :JJS JE ^ the ships' channel (in a river or near the coast). fj ^U to inform (an inferior) in a despatch. ^ 2SC to wi'ite to. ^T 35c ^B iS to inform officially ; to inform in a despiiteh. -fr ^ to sail. fx M to receive (ms a despatch). fisvng ^ almonds ; plums. ^ iZ almonds ; apricot seeds. hsiu He to stop ; to cease. ^ ,i, to stop (for rest after work). ^ to be ashamed ; shauj ^ ^ to be ashanied. ^ to repair ; to regulate {2 ^ to repair ; to mend. fl^ 8i to repair; to alter; to amend ; to ivvis.-. ^SkWWl to revise a Customs Tarilf. i^ij- to amend. ^mm'ik dock stores. 1i m a dock. ^ ^ to compose a letter carefully. ^ jS ^ ii commission for preparing a new edition of till- provincial, etc., archives {chih j§). ^ ^ to trim a light. hsiu ^ a night ; to rest ; formeriy ; ohi. ?g ^, an old resentment. hsiu ^ to rot ; rotten. hsiu ^ elegant; beautiful. H ::^ the Hsiu-ts'ai literary degree. hsiu ^ to embroider ; embroideries. ^ ^ embroidered goods ; articles de tu/pisseri,-. hsiu # a sleeve. hsiimg ^t an elder brother ; as a term of respect, "you." % -^ an elder brother; "you." 5£^ a younger brother; "I." hsimig j)^ advei-sity; inauspicious. hsin^ig ^ a murderer ; a criminal ; cruel. ^ JE. a criminal guUty of a capital crime ; a imu- 311 ■^ # JB murderers and [other] important criminals. hsiung -^Q a great rush of water ; a heavy sea. \% ^ the rushing of waves in a heavy sea. hsiung ^ the breast ; fig., the mind. hsd ^ inferior clerks ; all ; altogether. ^ |g, yamen writers ; shiipan. W fx yamen underiings ; writers. ^ -g* all; e((ually. m. empty. ^ Jg to make a fictitious report. ^ jf; lit., to suspend in the empty spa t.verthe left shoulder." 5^ umst; nece.^sary. lie ; " to 1 ^ M $S 1^ ^ "!i cargo certificate which must be desptitched" (^=f(T ^, to send?), a con- cluiiiiin |.li),: r II r,l ii. Ill-event uniuithorised additi.iiH, lull, lin ,, II iiiitiimated form, it is _di_ffi™lM,ir-,,,Mir ,. .1.. . 1 I W M ^ M '^ -# ••■■> ne«-,saiy despatch." ^ ffl necessaries. ^ a beard ; fine (hairy) ginseng. )8|I (or ^) rewards bestowed on the families of deceased high officials ; to pity ; to commiserate ; to sympathise with ; to befriend. BJU S^ regulation.s for bestowing postlmmons hon- ours. n&JI ]§ to facilitate trade. ^ it is required; to use. ^ IB H ft current e.vpenses for one's main- tenance. J^ the eleventh of the twelve branches ; applied to time, the eleventh Chinese hour of the day, i.e., about 7 to 9 p.m. 1^ to feed; to nourish. Cf. <-h^u |f, domestic animals. ^ ^ to nourish ; to support. f^ to allow ; to be allowed ; it is allowed to ; to promise. i^ a small rocky island. ^ to converse. ^ to follow in order ; series. ^ a thread ; a clue ; the eommenceiiient. ^ to continue to ; continuous ; additional ; supple- mentary ; to renew. ^ :^ to accumulate. ■^ IS extension of leave. ^ 'M suiiplementary ; additional. W. I§ additionally agreed upon. iS ^ t" ipvise ; revised ; supplementary. m m U> m ,^ Supplementary Convention. m^ \ SIR It^ * Ih' to '^"y additional books. IS pS i^ ft the expenses of issuing again ; a fee for renewing a license. IS ?lfl to supply oil to a light. %, refuse cotton or silk. I JP brilliant ; being a forbidden character, should be [ written JB (/isi(, i/it, or ?/e/i), the last stroke of the ) full character being omitted. f^ to revolve ; to come back to ; then ; forthwith. Jl If to revolve. hsiiau ksiuh lisueh lisiieh hsiieh hsiin hsiin J^ ^ to return to one's home. "^ |P at once ; then ; thereon. ■^ black; sombre; a prohibited character, which ought to be avoided in documents. In certain combinations the lust stroke is omitted, eg., ^ (h^iiian) ; it appears, however, in ^ (li^ii or rA'u) and its compounds. Otherwise, ■jQ(y>iau ) is used as a substitute. ^ to display for sale; to seek praise. 1§ ■^ ^ an exhibition court. B , to proclaim. !a ^ to proclaim ; to inform by ciividar. ^ ^ to proclaim ; to make generally known. "s. IS to proclaim an Imperial edict. ^ U< be suspended ; to hang do>vn ; to suspend ; to hangup; unlike; diH'erent. ^: ^ to suspend ; to hang up. J^ H^ to exhibit a tablet ; a list. J^ §^ to be in suspense; to await anxiously. iSs ^ ^ i^ a pending and unfinished case. "^' ' very unlike ; quite difierent. %^ boots. Ht ^ boots and shoes. J»\r a hole ; a den ; a cave. § snow. JSI hlood; money; property. jSl ^ dragon's blood giuu. jfil $ capit;d in tnide. 1^ steam ; evaporation. ^ merit; meritorious; patriotic distinction. 115 ^ rank conferred for merit. Ji) ^ honours bestowed for good sen'ice. % \:< comply with; to follow. 'ilh a ''1 obey the law. tfi K docile; conscientious. '1$ M < = ^ S?.) i" accordance with. Ilg 3^ to follow reason ; reasonable. •^ a decade; one of three divisions into which » month may be divided: _t ^. the first decade, Ic, the 1st to the loth of a month; t|a fj, the I ith to the 20th ; f ^, the 2ist to the 30th. to choose ; to select. ( 52 ) hsiin 6] H a decade ; ten days. hsiin 5fi ( = ^) to follow, to connive at; also, to die; to be killed. hsiin jjgj reiilly. hmn 1^ to connive at ; to follow ; to be greedy of. ^ fji to follow one'.? private ends; selfishness; favonritism. Ill liE to connive at. ^•'™" It) to inquire. H) ^ to ask particulars ; to inquire. ffj ■^ to inquire into ; to ask. IQ IS to inquire about and request (that a matter be done). hsiin ^ to teach ; instruction ; to exhort. hisiin 5^ to cruise ; a tidewaiter ; an executive employ^. JSJJ ^ to cruise about (as a revenue cruiser); to inspect (as ports). ijg ^ to inspect (as a district, a port). jjij g§ to cruise and guard ; to cruise about. M I© [Customs] boats ; cruisers. j^ ^ a constable ; a policeman. jKf ^ to go about and console; a provincial Go- vernor. 3^ Id p5 ^ a provincial Governor. hsiin ^ common ; usual ; to seek ; to investigate. ^ "^ ordinary ; as usual. ^ ^ B It ^ ft the current daUy business. S "^^ H ffl ^ # ruticles of daily use. ^ ^ to investigate; to search. hsiin ^ a guard house ; a military station ; to guard. iHi "^ officers in charge of a military station. hsiin m to investigate ; to examine judicially. ^ ijf to inquire into. H ^ to investigate. ^ ^ to try, and give judgment in, a case. ^ ^ to inquire into and settle [o case]. hmn is ] 55 mi''' •^ ff ia ^ to put into operation at once, is B§ X ^ to kindly give as soon as possible, is ^ ]?!& M to promptly aUow to be given up. hsiin ffy {= M) '"'*"* ; patriotic distinction. quickly ; promptly. iS 'S [I wish you] merit and phrase in letters). ce (a concluding hu f^ to odl out for ; to name ; to call. "? !t ( = I*? ^ H ')&) to call to He;iven and liit the t,'round with the head ; i.e., to feci pangs of gi ief hn J^ a tiger. JkI *B* tigers' bones. J^ & tigers' skins. hn ^ I , / amber. hw ^ to forget ; to disregard ; unexpectedly ; suddenly. »& § careless. iS § ^ S& to carelessly refuse discussing; to take no notice of (as a matter one need not care about). 'w W" doubt; uncertainty. hu J^ why ; what ; how ; Tartars or Turks ; (Vntnil Asiatic ; reckless. "^ M pepper. JS iS foreign hemp ; linseed. ^ A Central Asiatics. hti jjJ3 a lake ; the prefecture of Hu-chou, near Shang- hai and Ningpo; (= jj^ ^) the provinces of Hupei and Hunan ( = Hukwang). jj^ U, Shanghai fine raw silk (silk of Hu-chou). 'M ^b (hn-peij the province of Hupeh. jjSJ ^ (hii-nan) the province of Hunan. JiS ^ (hu-huang) the two provinces of Hupeh and Hunan. ji^ P Hukow (a port of call on the Yangtze). hu J55 coral. hu IJg to paste ; ( = ^) gruel ; food ; subsistence. IJSJ P sustenance ; a livelihood. hu ^ a pot. hu ^ a fox ; suspicious. M ffi a fox. M- ^1 & foxes' skins. hu ^ a family ; population ; a door ; an orifice. ^ % the Board of Revenue. ^ ^ ^ ilj the Customs Tariff issued by the Board of Revenue (in force at the Native Cu.stoui Houses). ^ P population. ^ fl9' a register of population. hu \%, Shanghai. \% H the Shanghai Customs. ( 53 ) ■Im htm ■> open boat ; a sampan. g to di-,iw ; to paint. 2 ~" luiiform. ^^ uniform ; of a uniform jjattem. aw as one s signature ; to sign. to determine a site (as for a settle- ^J to cut ; to mark ; to divide. Jlj ^ to divide ; to distinguish between. U language. j*^ smooth ; -slippery. 'il^ S soapstone. ft ^J deceitful ^ to spoil ; to be lost ^ JlS a wreck ; a vessel damaged in distress. ^ M iff SS /t* ^ materials from vessels broken up. ^ ti to spoil (as fruit). "I^ the bosom ; to cherish. "1^ ^ to cherish thoughts of; to think, f]^ the river Huai. 'M ^ (huai-nan) lit., south of the Huai river; i.e., the city of Huai-an-fu, in Kiangsu. 5§ to return ; to repay. jg ^ to repay a debt. }§ (M to i^l'ate in price. 55 ^ to return a visit. Wi to be pleased ; delight. HJ; Jl^ to delight in ; to rejoice. ^ to be lax ; to remit (as taxes) ; to postpone ; slowly ; to delay ; to exchange. ^ §i to slacken speed; to stop (as a ship); to slow down. ^ to chanfte ; to substitute one for another. ^ M I" tranship; to be transhipped. }^ IR S ® to exchange for cash (a.s a drawback). ^ M ifiS )l§ to exchange against a new certificate, ^ ^ to issue in exchange for. ^ ^ to exchange. ^ $4 to exchange (i.e., to ratify) a Treiity. ( 54 hitaii kuaiit/ huatig hvmuj hvjami hui hid ^ a Government officer. ,$, :i cabniity ; to be afflicted with. .g, ^ to fall si.-k. •S-i HF ^ ISe afflicted with a contagious disease. 312 wnld ; barren ; dearth ; draught. IE falsehood ; lies ; to lie. ^ the Emperor ; Imperial. ^ ^ the Emperor. ^ J: Ili-^ Majosty the Emperor. ^ J: g H f l| ij^ the instructions from His Iiiipi-iial Majesty's sacred glance. ^ Ja the Empress. .^ >k ^ the Empress Dowager. ^ ^ the present dynasty. ^ f^ the Imperial Ch'ing dynasty ; Imperial Chinese. •§ fear ; to fear. ^ yellow. M ^ yellow copper ; brass. MM ^ brassware. ^ IPl ^ copper sheathing ; yellow metal. ^ ti yellow wax. K fj yellow lead ; massicot. ^ ]^ a yellow flag; the (juarantine flag; the Dau'ish tiag. K >l| ^ the " yellow jacket " (as a distinction ot merit). ^ '^ ( = ^ jH) a Isind of dye-stuff; gentian. K X turmeric. ^ jpf the Yellow River. M iJ'H Ji^ the prefecture of Huang-chou. K Ii9 M <•>'' district of Huang-kang. ^ M M the liver Whangpoo, at Shanghai. T^ sulphur; briuistone. \Ji more; moreover; how much more. ^ t" direct ; to point out. ^ ashes. ^ ■£, ash colour ; grey. ^ Wt ^^^ squirrel, i^ M & squirrel skins. Isl (or [eJ) to come back; to send back; back; Mahomedan. to return [home]. seut back, hut ^ to sail back. IhI P to return, country. Isl "^ an oflicial reply. in ft: to reply to a letter. [U fS '''•, Mahomedan wool ; fustian. @ [B] a Turk ; a Mahomedan. hui jg (or Jjg) to return ; to turn round. i^ j^ to withdraw from office, because a .senior relative holds oflfice in the same province; to avoid a superior oflRcer in passing him on a public road. hni '^ to regret ; to repent. hui |§ to advise ; to admonish ; to instruct. hui ^ to communicate with ; together with ; conjointly ; to meet together; to make an agreement; an association ; a club ; a guild. ^ B§ to confer ; to meet to discuss a question. ^ IS to discuss conjointly ; to have an interview ; to agree upon. ■^ ^ to consult with. ^ m to investigate conjointly ; joint investigation. # fl ^ S tlie Joint Investigation Rules, t «>, ^^^J^IpI to meet together ; conjointly. # (^ E3 11 M an office under the Board of Ceremonies ; an office where meetings of Foreign Envoys take place (?); "the residence for Tri- butary Envoys. " •^ 1^ conjointly (said of two officials issuing a joint proclamation). "^ ^ to make a joint communication. '^ ^ to manage conjointly. •^ f § a guild ; a public company. "^ !^ the president of a public company, guild, etc ■^ ^ :^ ^ a competitive examination. hui f§ to sketch ; to draw ; to paint. It Wi to di-aw a sketch, plan, or ma].. i-onjointl_v assembl ■ to bribe. m ens 19 ^ to bribe ; to purchase by bribing. }g (or g) to exchange [money]. ?B ft expenses of remitting money. ( 55 ) /'"* JS ^ ^ expenses of exchanging and weighing (iiioiiey); loss by exchange. }M ^ is fr the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank- ing Corporation. 'i'" S intelligent. hui ^ to break ; to destroy. ^ sl to slander. hui j^ to burn. '"" S- kindness; liberality. ^. E^ to kindly descend ; to honour with a visit. M ^ M the district of Hni-lai, near Swatow. hui ^ (Urt; filth. hui ^ to sort ; to classify ; to collect. ^ $^ to collect. ^ fK to make a collective report to. ^ ^ to forwiu-d collectively ; to collect and remit. ^ fX to arrange ; to classify. hui 1^ to shun ; to avoid. hull -^ dark ; obscure. huu J§ to marry. ^ ^ bride and bridegroom ; to marry. hun 'j§ confused; forgetful. h%m ^ confused ; confusion ; mixed ; ill-assorted. J!S ^ to mix together. i!S fr Jl JUJ to board a ship promiscuously and without pei-mission. huiig ^ great ; vast. gt ,§. a gi-eat favour. hung Bit to cheat. hung ^ great ; vast ; a kind of wild goose, being a symbol of swiftness. li^ ^ iuuuense kindness. ^ m an opportunity of sending a letter. |5| ^ an envelope. hung ifl red. JX ^ satHower ; tine chinaware (at Kiukiang, lit., porcelain with red patterns). K j^ red lead; minium. ite S led dates. ifl !fi millet. ifl 7fC red- wood. i^ ^ black tea. Jl ^ red hailed ; red-haired foreigners, originally the Dutch, afterwards the English, and now all foreigners. It is not considered a respectfiil tenn by foreigners. hung i^ 1^ a port cleanioce. The iwrt cicaroncu i>f earlier days was u fonnidublc-looking document of yellow paiKT, and oniuuicntod with curlioj; dnigons. It.s large vermilion seals obtained for it the name of hung ji'ai (J^ J}§f,i. or red |)cTinit; Aiiglici, "grand chop ' (Williams). The preaent name, hung tan, may ap|mrcntly be .similarly ex- plained. hung 5A large; vast; being a forbidden chiiracter, wnii changed into 5/. (.hung); later, ^ (hung). In certain combinations Jg (chiany) is used for ^ (Chiang). hung gjl to bla.st. iS ^' ^ '^ explosive matter or articles. huo ^ calamity ; evil. huo Jg. liberal ; magnanimous. $^ % kindly to exempt from [puni.-limtiit] ; .o pardon. ^ or; if; if perhaps; either. ^ ^ either or ; whether. or '^ B one may say ; some say that. huo J^ to doubt ; to suspect htio ^ lively ; alive ; movable ; cheerful. ?S Ip <^ /t» a movable beam on l)oaril a ship ; a swinging-boom. Jg !^ movable type. huo >^ tiro; fiery. ^^ ^C"yt •!■ fireman (as one who tends the engines of steamers). ^if^"^ cooked meals ; provisions ; stores. JH^ hams. ^JJll^^ rtint stones. ,^^jilf^ tinder. JJ/t^tSl^ kerosene oU. i/<'-$l % ■■>■ st«'vmer. Ji^ ^UiWlr shell loaded with gunix,wdor. ,^J^^ a hvo-p'iao (a despatch of great importance, forwarded, through the Board of War, by special fast couriers). ^ )l$ an urgent despatch. huo \'J( household furniture. \'K^i= ^ ^) a ship's mate. huo f^ a ilcrk in a firm ; a partner; a com|tuny ; many. J^ ^ a thief mate ; a senior partner. huo JJ goods; merchandise. ( 56 ) kvo ^ ^ f;no(ls ; merchandise ; articles of trade. K '^ j^ I& * ship's manifest ; an invoice. ^ ^ ;in invoice. K i tlu> owner [of goods]. ^ US a n\erchant vessel. ^ f§ the value of goods; the price. K ^ samples. ^ fe description of goods. S BJ" gooJ» 'io^ ^ t" divide into two halves. ^- ^ in the neighbourhood of; all along. "-* JS one altar ; one spread (as of sacrifices to be offered). ~*.-|iL straight. "— ^ all ; the whole of ; total. the same time ; sometimes ; at one time ; inadvertently. — ^ (= II ^) of the first class. — ' ^ certainly; at all events; positively; fixed: not changeable. T* S ^ ^ &ced ; not changeable. — ^ once. ^^ ?fe j5^ ^ a tax paid once for all ; a single /^charge (compounding for several charges, as the i^ tn ■ ■ ' /^; transit duty), ' — ^ of the same taste ; in the 5|t must; suitable; to suit; ( ne style, make fit; tliat proper; that which must necessarily bt- which done in connexion with ; business S ^ ^ ^ ^^ to encoiuage (or develop) the im'^iort trade. S. ^ M the Ichang Customs. ^ a disinterested friend ; goodness. {^ to depend on ; to lean against. ^ ^ an important trust. ■^ ^ to depend on ; to rely on. ^ a chair. ^ to think ; intention ; meaning ; purpose. 5^ ,§, meaning; thought; intention. ^ ^\* unexpected; unforeseen. 1^' 91* i. IM unexpected dangers. jg ^ one's opinion. j^ ^ /P |fl to be of a different opinion. M^ ^ ^ ^° disagree ; not to fall in with one's ideas ; to have fault to find ^vith. ^ p] to intend ; to plan. MMRM^ K tlie Royal Order of Isabel ( 57 ) ^a to think ; to reflect. ^ ;i kind of lotus seed. Wy in y^ pearl barley. ■^ to cure ; a physician. ■^ ^ a doctor. ^.-S ^ medical attendance ; to cure. ^ ^ medicines. § ^ a hospital. 4K clothe-;. ^ ^ boxes containing clothes ; a clothes chest. ^ to rely on ; as ; according to ; to accede to. ^ IM "Ift it be as it was recommended" (in Imperial edicts). ^ ^ to consent to ; to comply with. i^ f^ according to law. ^ p^ within a prescribed limit of time. ^ ^ ;is before. ^ ako. jU» Pj will also do ; may also. ^ barbarian ; foreign. By Article LI of the British Treaty of Tientsin (1858) it was agi-eed that this character should not be applied, in Chinese official documents, to the British Government or to British subjects; it is therefore no longer used in inter- nation;! 1 correspondence. B^ fat over the stomach ; soap. M •? soap. ■{j^ harmonious ; to please ; pleasure. 'In S healthy ; well nourished. leave ; to bequeath ; 5p to bring on ; to to involve in ; to o In K t" cause an to mislead. error or a wrong impression; write ^ to forward to ; to change ; a despatch ; otticially. ^ 1^ to send to the magistrate (for tri:-,l or punishment). ^ jS to forward. ^ ^ to send to. ^ t^ to change. ^ ^ tf> remove. ^ }1& to shift anchorage; to remove from one berth to another. ^ i to remove. ^ ^ to move ; to be carried away. ^ ^ to move away. ^ ^ to inform in a despatcL f * 0j to instruct in a desiKitch. ^ the chin; the 27th diagram, denoting "to feed;'' hence, a man so old that he has to bo fed. ^ to supix)sc ; to suspect ; to he in doul)t about. M- i^ to doubt ; to suspect. ^ S ^ # matters doul)tful and difficult U- decide upon. ^ to propose ; to design ; to decide (as in a criminal case). IS w to f;ive judgment ; to sentence ; to propose i^ M ^ ff a'"'"t to put into operation provi- sionally. in )M. to estimate. }M ^ to decide ; decision. J§ j£ to decide. }n l£ ^ fife to proiwse a fixed mode of procedure. ig to leave ; to bequeath (as when dying) ; to lose. iS ^ to lose ; loss. i§ 'I5ft to make a mistake. JH DO ( the last words of a dying person ; the i?V ^ \ ''y'"" conanands. iS * a wiU. ^ meaning ; principle ; righteous ; justice. ^ @ (=;#. iZ f!l i-ta-H) Italy; Italian. ^ rite; ceremony; nde; pattern. ^ an ant; as a term of modesty, "I, tlie peti- tioner. " ^ ^ " we, the i)etitioners." fU to dclibenito ; to discuss ; to decide ; it Ls agreed that : to deliberate in council ; to recommend to the Emperor; (=^ or ^ ||) the meaning of a pass;>ge. p5S| Bfl to aj.'ree upon. I8I ;£ to decide. ^ 9ii to award a gratuity ; to pay for. ^ ^ SS »n office for the discus.sion of public mittcr--; a Chancelloi-'s office ; a ministry. M^^B^B :k& tlie Chancellor of the ^Gi'inau] L;uiiiirc; the Dinithskanzlcr. ( 58 ) »« ;ith witli falsehood; to 1. as a verli : to use ; to have ; to 2. usin^; ; witli ; and therefore denoting the instru- luiiital or ablative case of a nouu. jy "^ ^ ^Ik to further one's private ends by means of otticial resources. JW fS IS Ja to mix up t. adulterate. iU fi — IJf S '" threat a matt«r in a uniform Jil III e& to take the broad view of a matter. m ^ inside of; within; less than. Similarly, i irai (jy $S). outside; more than; i ch'ien {^ 1^), before; i hou [i^ ^), after; i shan;, (^ jl), above; t /ism (J[y f ), below; i pei (^ :|t), to the north of, etc. ja :^ to the ea-st of ; e.g., :k 'M i-^ 'M, to the ea-st of Tat'ung. jy fv to serve for something else ; in lieu of. 3. it is sometimes employed, like chiang (jf^), in marking the object of a verb, when the verb follows, as in the cUissical example i t'ien-hsia ''/"■ ./'" J[>i 5c T ^ A), "to give the empire to man ; ' l>ut in tlie business style such accusa- tives more frp(|uently follow the verb, e.g., chiao i luiii-shu (^ J,^ j^ :^), '• to teach Chinese literature;" eln., i h.u,;rl,„ {-fj^ J^ Jflj g), "to inflict torture." It most frequently occurs in con- nexion with a second object, as in J^" ^' ^g^ ijf* ^pao, to declare, 'i Ho, much, or a large quantity, as 'shao, little, or a small cpiantity, "to make a false declaration of quantity ;" especially so in the phrase i tiiei (^ ^ ), to consider as , "to treat as," etc.; e.g., i ch'i nri ch'ich (J^ ^ ^ ^), "to treat a wife a.s a concubine." iU J& fS 5£ to report far as near ; to make a false declaration as to the immber of Likin stations passed liy certain goods. W w9 W ffl. to declare a superior as an inferior quality ; to make a false declaration of quality. Ja :ft fM f S fH fM to declare a higher as a lower value ; to njake a false declaration of value. £1 1^ to consider as iU _.^ :§: to consider (a matter) to be so; to consider as correct. JU ^ j^ to consider as a limit. ja ^ $ to tiike as a standard. iiJ, it 1^ M this is to be regarded a.s the rule. jy ^ ^ ^ S to keep Government matters in due regard. i^ M M M ^. ^ to consider four months as a limit ; i.e., within four months. JtU ^ S <^ft T ^ 1^ gp) to write (or maintiiin) that transit dues ale not payable. i^ M M J^ ^ to declare the value as the prin- •U S H ^ ^ ^ to divide into loo parts or shares. 4. with ^ forms the verb ^ ^, to consider; in which sense it is also employed above. ^ >^ ?^ to consider that it be so; to accede to ^ a request. '' J^ ® a ^ to consider as fair. ^ (=JW @) ^ i& ^ ± ^ to consider the advantages from Ijcgiiiniiig to end. 5. by reason of; because of; because. Cf. the phrases shih-i (^ ^), therefore; ho-i (fpj ^), by what? wherefore? why.' so-i (^ J^), by which; there- fore; wu-i (M J^), to have nothing by which; there is no reason for. 6. that ; to the effect that ; especially after terms involving a communication like ch-eng (^), to state, or han (^), a letter : "to the effect that" 7- ^ (=i /~a)from. J(^ Jifc n j1 31 iS P to move from one port to aiK.tlicr. / i^ ^ H ^ to date from this, or that, day. ^- in gives a verb the force of the second supine (facile didu) after terms meaning "diflicidt," " easy," " capable," or " sufficient," such as nan (i|), i (^), k'an (^j, tm (Jg,), etc., e.g., Im i "'' (JE i^ ^)' "sufficient or capable to hinder;" nan i ch'cng-kimg (|| ^ ^ Jfj), "difficult to bring about." In all these cases yU (J5^) may take the place of i (J^). We may add here phrases like § ^ f§ ^ ^i " since " the sea, or navigation, was opened," though here, as in most other cases, the real force of the Chinese will scarcely admit of comparison with • any foreign grammatical term. 9. jy S and; or. 10. In order to ; " and hereby." In this sense it often occurs in a sort of .stereotyped phrase the pattern of which is contained in the i6 maxims forming the Emperor K'ang-hsi's Sacred Edict, «•?•. S: B ^ Jy JE ^ ^' "gi^e importance to agriculture and the mulberry, ajul so provide enough food and raiment" (Bridgman); or "in order to provide enough food and raiment." A similar phrase is often added to longer periodis as a mere stylistic ornament, to round off the sentence as it were ; it is therefore often suppressed in the English version, though some means will usually be found to express its sense without placing the natural run of the English version under any constraint, as has been well shown in Sir Thomas Wade's translations. The following examijles may occur in documents : — Jit :S -^ S in order to tranquiUise good subjects. { 59 ) jy IS IR ^ in order to show sincere feelings; out of sinicre sympathy. JtJl D3 JhI iffl *'"' fhe sake of greater clearness iintl coiniileleness. JW BS flj — for the sake of niiif jrniity. jy B3 t^ H in order to show the fact to be true ; in onlei to furnish a correct statement (as of value) ; for the sake of accuracy. JtU B3 iSi 1^ f'T the sake of encouragement. JtU 03 fft K in "i-'ipr t" uianifest authenticity; "in witness thereof" XU B3 ftf *«? in order to exhihit the guard of trust ; " in witness thereof. " J^ DH 5V A ) '° °^^^^ *" "''ow justice; for the > sake of justice ; for the sake of Jty Da ¥ A ) fairness. JKt ^ ft $ so that mutual peace may be hoped for. i^ ffl I^ ^ in order that it may be thus known. ^ ffil ^ K in order to arrive at the truth. JW ?8I 3c W in order that matters may be pro- perly iniinaged. Jy ^ 5h Iffi so as to result in an erroneous evasion (as of duty). jy i^ il!l !^ in order to tranquillise the place. XX 'Cn ^ M in order to have a clearly defined limit. jy fit ^ ^ in order to clear debts. Jtt ifn Pf •^ in order to clear (settle account con- cei iiing these) items ; in order to close accounts. }il W ^ "jt "^ order to warn against bad ex- amples. JU ^ Br w in order to save poor peoples' lives. XXt^^ ^ in order to .save an unimportant life. jy ^ ^ .^ in order to impose responsibility. JW ^ ^ ■^ in order to render complete a poor mans life; in order to restore a poor man to life. JtU S IS nSi in order to show due respect to re- venue interests. jy |5§ ^ J!S in order to giuird against irregu- larities. jy 'f3' B '•{■'J in order to agree with the old rule. XX^ W> ^ in accordance with the original arrangement. XX j§> ^ i^ in order to stop idle discussions. JU 35 ^ »^ in order to forestall cakmities. XX ftl IS S in order to provide for exuiuinntion ; for future identiticiitioa (said of docnnients con- taining pardcnlurs as tu goods, und tiled in archives) ; for future reference. ^ fi£ il'iC Ifl in """der to facilitate examination. Jil fill M M in or'lcr to act nccni-dingly. XJ, fili fjl. ^ in order to levy the duty (properly). XJ^^R\. XA\^^m\' XJ, i^ t^ ^ in order to be of help in connnercial 1 order to accommodate mcrchanta. x^ rai ft %] to facilitate the i)aymcnt XX'i§.'^i^ in order to furnisli the documentan,- proof for charging duty. XX J'S ^ ^k\ in order to have proof for acting. XA ?S yt !^ in order to furnish vouchers for the exaiiiirialiou [of goods]; on the ground of which exaiiiinatiun may be made. XJ, JS II Si in order to have a basis for making ■W JJ» ^ ^ in order to show that rescue is rc- i|Hiir.l ; to make signals of distres.s. jy n» fe S'J in order to show the distinction, jy JS Pil fij in order to ,Iraw a limit; as a re- JW ^n fS i^ in order to show, or mark, special merit. XJ, M. 1?5 'I^ in order to meet commercial rcquire- XJ. liii" S?; ^ in oriler to inspire respect for the Salt Cai.el. iU -tt ffi M in order to prevent fraud. Jil tl: ^ '^ in order to prevent fraudulent com- XX tt ^* JS in order to restrict malpractices. XJ, ti'. IM ^ in order to prevent partiality. XJ, M'. KS i^ in order to prevent e\ading (as jxiy- uirnt of duties). jy H Ifil 3^ in order to warn ; in order to caution (as a warning). JW l5! f§ 3^ for examination ; for ins))ection. XX'iit&Wi for the sake of encouragement. XJ,fi ItWL in order to avail myself of the s|iecta.K'. XX ^ jJt ^ i" order to close this case. JW ^ ill Its in order to facilitate trade. ( GO ) J^ ^ J^ ^ m order to avoid useless trouble. W ^ S fi in Prdcr to avoid [too] heavy pay- iiKiit ; ill urdcr to avoid over-taxation. i^ Vi 'J^^ 'W: i" order to avoid mistakes. jy i^ ,U 11j5 in order to avoid divergency (incou- si^toncy in acting). jy ^ 19' M i" order to avoid periilexing changes. jy ■^ f^ § in order to avoid altercation. m '^^'% '^ in oi'^ler to avoid delay. ^ ^ !^ !& in order to avoid danger. i^ ■%. ^ ^ in order to avoid discrepancy or want of uniformity. Jlil ^ P.B IS in order to avoid mistakes. iU ^ ^ 1^ in "I'ller to avoid the shifting of ,v.i'""^ii'ility. iii S ?fif ^ '14 ^ i" <"''^®'' t'^'^' revenue and commercial interests may be benefited. J^ ffl ^ ?l ^ fiRl in ortler that no difficulties may arise to the revenue. JW !?5 11 fii ^ .f- in order to guard against collisions. ■" iid H -S ^ i M i" °'''i^'" ^° '"^'^^ "P ^°^ ^^^ likin taxes due. Jm ^ if i§ ^ S in order to indicate the posi- tion of the light. Jil if; 01 ^ ^ -ffi in order to indicate the posi- tion of the wreck. Jii yf; ^ in order to show warning ; " as a warn- ja tt ii S «t fl ± ^ to prevent sliirking the heavy and taking to the light, i.e., substitutmg the easy for the onerous. Jti ^ fil ijj? i iS in order to avoid grounding on the sh'ial. Jl^ :^ ^1 S M 1^^ to avoid divergency (incon- sisteiiey; of ;ietion. jy % ^ ^ ^ fife in order to prevent misunder- standing. ^ |5S in order to guard against. j^ g; in order to hope ; to thereby hope. jy M ( = Jy ii) so that it may be hoped ; so as not to interfere with. J[^ gr so that ; so as to ; so as to result in, or lead to. jy IS in order to avoid ; so as not to ; the opposite of i picn (^ ^), in order to. ^ ^ by means of which .sujiported ; on the ground of which ; provided with which. Jil 7r» in order to make known that. jy ^ in order to afford ; by means of which one may y in in order to ; so that. 5, a sign of the past ; it precedes the verb, and, like Mnij (f^), is often separated from it by other parts of the sentence ; having (the opposite of ^ (wd), not having). E( ^ a sign of the past ; " having already ; " already. E, ^ filled up; already full; loaded full (as a ship) ; having expired (as a limit of time). 2, ^ having reached the extreme; extremely; to the utmost. 2, W[ having been opened ; opened ; open (as the Treaty ports). 2, ffi having been used ; old ; second-hand. E. ^ ® having paid duty ; duty paid. E. ^ IE Ift to liave paid, or having paid, full duty. E. ^ lE ^ .^H 3^ fi certificate (proof) showing that fnll duty has been paid ; a duty proof. E. T ^ having been shipped. ^W-W, iS ii, Ip] to have left the original an- chorage (as a .ship). E ^ Jfi ::^ *& ^ M M M the local authori- tics haviitij issued a ship's certificate. S. S ^ ii!l H K to have bought goods in the interior. E — ' ^ after the lapse of a year. E fS ^ ^ ^ after the lapse of two years. E J^ iS ^ having exceeded [the time] of two years. E.»i + WI^^^^ "°re than lo years since. E, "S very excessive. M a final partic le, denoting the close of a sentence. / ^ afown; a city. ^ advantages or concessions (granted to certain nations in Treaties) ; to add; to increase. ^ Jig advantage. g ^ to add. g ^ to increase in speed ; with increased energy. S li to multiply and accumulate. ( Gl ) S ^ H. C^ to '^P conducive to real advantage; to be of benefit to. S Jn to increase. ^ to strangle ; to hang oneself. Bp to translate ; to interpret ; an interpreter ; an official interpreter. pp ^ a name translated or transliterated. p^ ^ to translate into Chinese. 15 post ; postal ; a courier. ^ easy ; cliange ; to exchange. ^ ^ to easily understand ; to easily learn. ???! „, [easy to distinguish. ^ M (°'' ^ iU) easy to; to find no difficulty ^ JS^ 'fB ^ easy to agree ; handy for calculation. ^ 1^^W- easy to calculate. ^ J!a fi S ± M damageable goods. ^ ^ ^ easy to break ; breakable. ^ ^ to exchange (as a bank note against cash). ^ different from; the opposite of thmg (J^), the .same ; strange ; unusual. ^ ^ a foreign country. ^ j4 to oppose. ■^ ^P to be separated from one's home. ^ IrJ different language ; dissent ; difference of opinion. ^ 18 a different arrangement. ^ skill ; ability in worldng ; profession. ^ a low employe ; a servant ; an officer. ^ an epidemic ; a plague. ^ stern; resolute. ^P else; if; or; or whether; to repress. $)) ^ or else ; or. ^ i^J to restrain ; restraint. iH to set free ; to abscond ; idle. Ih to go to. PH il to go to the Custom House. f^ yet; however. ^ S whether or not so. ^ ^ thereafter; then. ^ to dye ; to infect (ns witli a disease). Vk ?S to conuiiunicate ft disease to nnotlier. Pjg altercation. 1^ I^a to .,u,irrel. ^ to thiow away ; to reject. ^ comijlaisant; to invite. i^ (or 3^) to wind round ; to make ft dHonr. ij^ j3 to avoid (ns a. rock in sailing). ^ ^ to evade the law. ^ ii; ) to make a ditour; to travel on a route !^ SS i ""' hcing the direct one. @ to indulge ; to bo liberal ; an overplus. ^ "S" to indulge one's tongue; to wrangle; to dispute. Jg to trouble ; to infest. 3^ ^ to involve in trouble ; to interfere with. ^, to iirovoke. Wi I'ot. ^« to endure ; to bear. §S to recognise ; to confess. Wi f^ to be responsible for (payment) ; to have to submit to. SS ^ to acknowledge. £2- ^ to recognise as; to accept as. Wi IS to bind oneself in paying (as a tiux farmer pays a fixed sum to his Government). 13 91 to bo responsible for. Wt (5^ ^ lit to professedly guarantee that there is no mistake ; i.e., to be responsible for correctness. nS fi^ ^ ^f to bind oneself to remit a certain sum out of taxes collected; to take over the collection of a Xa.\, on the farming system; to guarantee the revenue. bS ffl ^ iW to recognise coarse as fine. gg % careful ; diligently ; to acknowledge. i an astronomical character ; north. i ^ O'l-*" «''0 the 19th year of n cycle; c.1. to be greatly obliged. k'an ^ to see ; to look ; to inspect. ^ Tp to watch (a ship) ; a watcher ; a tidewaiter. tan jg to be able. ii JW to be fit for. jg ;^ adequate to ; competent to. ^ j^ fraught with danger. tan ^ to inspect. ^ ]fU. to measure ; to survey (as land for a site to build upon). ^ ;g; to survey (as a ship). tan J\] to cut; to cut blocks for printing; to engrave; to print. JlJ ^1) to cut blocks for printing ; to print. j!) M ^'^} to print (on blocks) in pamphlet or i|i -^ ^ book form. ( 05 ) to»<7 ^ (also written J^) a yard on a mast ; a pole. IcMig Ig ,1 trunk; a box; a ciurying-pole. katuj ^Ij hard ; firm. P3'J S granite. ^■««5r ^ to control, teel. ka to oppose ; to resist. ng k'ang }^ the feeling of vigour; ease; repose. J^ ^ healthy-minded and joyful. m fS tnjoyiiig robust health in old age. ^ 5S robust ; strong ; vigorous. J^ K the Emperor K'axg H.si. k'ang ^ ) j)l fS t" keep up tlie price. kao ^ high ; lofty. 1^ "F high and low; the rate of; higher or lower; ditierently adjusted. l5 ^ a high valuation ; to assess at a high value. ^ ^ to be promoted to a high post. ^ ^ to suspend high up. ^ IS millet. ^ S (kao-li) Corea ; Corean. M W, ^ Corean ginseng. kao 1^ the di-aft of a document ; an original copy. kao ^ fat ; greasy ; a preparation of greasy appearance, like ointment, etc. ; prepared opium. W ^ 'he likin tax on prepared opium ; the boil- ing tax ; the kao-li tax. W 1^ rich ; wealthy ; well ott". ^^ ^ '' 1'""^ ; standing for ^ (kao), fat, greasy, etc. kao ^ to inform ; to tell ; to announce ; to ask for ; to •^ ■(§ to ask for leave of absence ; leave. ^' ^ to report oneself sick ; to ask for sick leave. •^ ^ a notice ; a placard. ^ ^B to inform. ■^ tI^ an indictment ; to prosecute ; to accuse. •^ >X» a public notice ; a proclamation. ■^ IP to apologise. ^0 f^ to enjoin upon ; to proclaim. k'ao ^ to lean against; by the side of; to rely on. kcng king king k'cng kx, ^ ^ to examine ; aged ; deceased parents. ^ ^ lo exiimine; to take one's degree. ^ ^ t.. examine (as a candidate). ^ Sl j^ a board of examination. ^ ^ to examine ; to investigate. !%■ the mangrove tree. T^ & mangrove bark. |&. .See rhi. /jfi classifier of needles, muskets, wood beams, etc. the root ; thoroughly. ^ ^ root ; origin. lii ^ beginning and eml ; the whole of. ^ ^ to iuvesligjite thoroughly. 3 willing ; to wish. Is to beg ; truly ; earnest mm) ^ ^ (■ to beg ; to petition ; to beseech ; to entreat. mm) m (H- 'o pray for favour. S " watch (of the night = two hours); to alter; still more; moreover; again. IE ^ ( to change. IE JE to correct. IE 'J^ to ovemde ; to change existing ways. ^ Jn to make idterations and additions. H pX to alter ; to amend (as rules). S ^ 1^ $5 80 amended or revised Treaty. IE ^ still less ; much less. ^ str.dght. 7^ to plough; to till. in; :' pit. j^ ^ manure-cake ; poudrette. ^ each ; every ; all ; sign of the plural. ^ ^eriod3. iS' ^ in ancient years. "& ^ ol'l porcelain. Ill -- - t %\ TS 'M copperware. 1^- E (h<.iHi) Cuba. ku ■j^ value ; to value. iti fM value; to estimate value. iii ^ to charge duty ad valorem. ku ^ ii cause; a rea.son; causing; to cause; therefore; oil purpose ; old. ]& M on purpose. ^ }B to offend wilfully. ■JK ^ to wilfully offend against the law. iK M 1i^ 1^ to puqjosely follow in the old track ; to resume one's former malpracticesi ku Jft to buy ; to sell. ku ^ fault; crime. 5 ^ to be ungrateful for. ku (§ assuredly; decidedly; firmly; (=/|k Jj5) ori- ginnlly; in itself. ® ifi 1^' to be in itself fraught with danger ; to constitute a danger in itself (not to speak of other dangers). /■;" ^ to tolerate ; lenient ; a girl. f^ !S to show indulgence. j((i ,^. indulgent. ku ^ an orpiian ; single ; solitary. M- ^ M ^ orphans and widows. ku ^ the thigh of a leg ; a share in a concern ; a lot. flx ML the legs and arms [of the monarch] ; i.e., iiis highest officers, "his riglit hand." fix M. /6 -^ the right hand and Imckbone [of li,il,rr„,l power]. 35 ^ a ^liare in a concern. fiS ^ ^- a siiare certificate. ^" (Ji^ain ; substantial ; wealthy. kii ^ a hoop. ku »^ a bone. ( 68 ) ii' ^ a valley ; a ravine ; difficulty ; emburrassmcnt. lu ^ a (Iruiu ; to drum ; to stimulate. sJ JsB '*> "drum to exertion;" to encourage. sk Wi ^" rouse ; to stimulate. ^ ^ (j^ the island of Kulangsu (Amoy). ^" M. to '^'•y ; to sell ; a resident merchant, as opposed to 1^ (shang), a travelling merchant; a shop- keeper; price. I 1 to ln,y. M ft to .sell. ^ iff a market ; a bazaar. ^» 11 (or W to hire. is ^ to seek to hire ; to engage the services of. II M to charter a vessel. te ffl to hire ; to charter (as a vessel). is HI to hire laboui'ers. is S to settle about an engagement ; to hire ; to engage (as an employe). is i the employer of a labourer, vessel, etc. hi ^ to attend to ; to be a customer ; to visit ; to look ; to consider ; to care for. IH M to consider. SR iU. to remember kindly ; to take protective care. 15 ^ ;fc J^ to look out for the best interests of a matter. k'u ^ decayed ; rotten. h'v, ^ bitter; distress. ^ ^ 1%'a ineffable distress. k'u 5g to weep. '''" ^ a cave ; a cavern. ^it J$ a depot ; a treasury ; an annoury. .■■^' J? ^ '^o assistant treasurer in tlie Provincial ■^^ Treasury, i.q. ying ^ ^ '^ ^ {q.v.), of which • ,_ it is the abreviated official fomi. jj J^ a treasury clerk. kua J^ cucumbers, melons, etc. JK. -f melon seeds. /K. "^ (hia-wa) Java ; corrupted from JR IJj {cliao-xva). hta ]5lj to scrape ; to pare off. kva Jg to include. kua ^ few ; little ; single ; alone ; a widow. ^ A " I, the Emperor." i j^ a widow. kua ^ a prognostic. kua i|» ■&■ to tell fortunes. kua ^ to hang up ; to suspend. & m lanterns. ^ 5^ ti> imivide with a number; to register. &M^M» ^igni'l station. i^ jjj> suspense; anxiety. ^ ;^ to anxiou.sly think of ; to Ijc in a state of susi)ensc. k'ua |§ to boast ; to brag. kuai ^ eccentric; strange. ^ J5 clever; artful. knai ^^ to swindle; to kidnap. ^.S ^ to swindle ; to beguile. kuai ^ strange ; singular. k'liai ^ gl:id ; cheerful ; quick. 'K M' pleased ; glad. 'K fS cheerful; lively. tuai J^ ;i piece ; a lump ; classifier of wooden planks. kuan 1^ a Government oflicer; a mandarin; officiid ; superior. "^ § Government officers. ■j^ 'j^ officials and merchants. •^ S: officials and private people. ^ Tjp to hold office; to have jurisdiction. "^ ^k official moneys. "^ tX M ^ an official bank ; a banker authorised hy the (Government to receive official moneys. *§■ ^ for official use. 1; M official servants. *&' fif I'revet rank ; official rank. 1§' Wj BM a Government jetty ; an authorised jetty IIVt tlie shi])ment of goods). "^ tf ^ a provincial government printing office. "& ^ ■>" official jaU. 1^ ^n to be guaranteed by the authorities ; to possess a certificate of character issued by a public office. •g^ ^ ip {^ ^,l| an official or standard set of .seniles and weights. •g |?fc '^ superior birds' nests. kuan ^ ) kuan ^ to control ; a tube. § Q to regulate ; to gove a coffin. ( C9 ) hmn @ 3§ tn manage ; to govern. ^ ~I^ iimkr one's jurisdiction. W ^ to c.vercise supervision over ; to rcstniia. ^ ^ to keep custody (as of a ship). ^ ^ a manager (as of a bank). ^ ^ J^ •! treasurer; an accountant. ^ S[^ ^ i" charge of coinage matters. ^ f^ an .riirineer of a steamer. ^ )ln ^ g the first mate of a ship. htan |g (or ||i an inn ; a lodge. knan Jg to pour into ; to drink ; to assemble. 'MMt& W cartridges. kuan ^ to look at ; to see ; to inspect. H ^ to look on ; remiss ; negligent. m 7^ to view the glory ; politely for " to meet you •' (as in accepting an invitiition). kuan p to lock (as a gate) ; a Custom House ; the Cus- toms ; to concern. H ^ to close. ,^ P a Custom House ; a pass. i^ J!K a post or guard station. f^l Custom Ho accountant in the Xative Customs. 13 "n a Customs officer ; tidewaiters ; watchers. Wl i5a a Customs cruiser ; Customs property : ships. SI ' J^ Customs houses ; Customs property : houses. ^ ^ honorary title used in addressing a high Customs official ; the Customs authorities. Bi n> official designation of the Hoppo at Canton. BS ~|r barriers. Bi '<$ guard houses at fords. @S ^^ bonded warehouses. 13 M printed by the Customs. li M *" come to an understanding with each other ; a sailing letter (for junks); a passport. M M M •'^ registered junk. ^ Mi Ml a registered cargo-boat. fl [jj an official .seal; concerns; consequences. M Wj H nE StJite seals and private seals ; to affix ■ 'n<'> .-.cal or seals. ^ $ a Customs regulation ; Customs regulations. ^ H Customs fees. knang kuang 1^ ^ Sft lit., silver ns per CustoniH weight ; Cus- loiiis money; Haikwan tael money. Wi f$ to concern; to affect; to !>o iniplicntwl. liw f n* / to concern ; to be connected with ; to re.sult nn X3! i in ; consequences. B8 -^ to be connected with ; to be the result of. 1^ ^ Kuantung, or Manchuria. BS !^ A :§ native (Manchurian) ginseng. Jii a cap; the cap as a symbol of majority; the chief. "^ a string (as of cash); to string ; to connect. ^ $ to string ; to connect. t^ accustomed to. \%. ^ to have routine in. ^ to e.vtend ; broad ; wide ; breadth ; width ; for- giving ; leniency ; to relax ; to inltig:ite. "% /p breadth and thickness. ^ ^ broad and long ; dimensions ; size. ^ -^ broad and nan-ow; breadth. !^i^^"T"mi:^^a ship's nie-isurement ^ ,§. to cxttiul favour; benevolence. t ^ liberal ; slowly. % ^t to kindly exempt ; to forgive. ^ ■^ to let off leniently ; to remit punishment ; to show leniency. It ^ fS ^ <« liberally grant a term of leave. ^ ^ to indulgently release. Sfc (or ^) an item ; a kind ; a sort ; also, a para- ;.'raph ; an article (as in a Trejity) ; a section ; items of money ; means of existence ; funds. ^' JJ( items; expenditure. ^jjj; J^ a pattern ; a kind ; a specimen. >t brilliant; to shine; to give oH' light; bright: brightness ; to illumine. 7^ (^ to honour one with a visit. 5t ^ the period of reign of the Emperor KtANu Hsu. ^ broad; to make broad; to extend; ( = j^ ^) the province of Kwangtung; Canton; Cantonese. iK ^ liSf to give wide cireulation; to make pro- il.unation everywhere. M (»!( ^ the Treasury of the Pri\7 Purse. M. ^51 6tS a departmental grain-collector at Canton. ^ K Cantonese goods. IK "%. the Kwangtung province ; Cantonese. kuang J^ ^ ^ Canton hemp twine. fM 'H\ '-M M tlie "ty of f-"it'^"- ^ W the Kwrtngsi jjrovince. ^ P Kuiing-ch'i-hsien (a coiU-produeing district in Hupeh). k'uang ^ a basket. k'tiang |g to lie ; to deceive. k'nang ^ mad ; madness. S H a gale of wind. k'uang VJJ more ; moreover ; still more. k'uang |g to waste (as tune) ; clear; bright. ktiei If to revert to; to belong to; to be under the control of. If Ik to come within the category of. If U^ S "l" to at'^i" to ^-^^ highest degree of .MiitTil.lcncss. If; fS. to return to one's regiment or division. If f# ^ il to revert to the conjoint nianage- URMlt of. If ^ ti to become the subject of special nego- If 4* S A. *& to become liable to confiscation by the Chinese Government. If "^ to be confiscated. If ft — to make uniform ; to obtain uniformity. ^ ^ to make compensation for; to indemnify; to pay back. If ^ A to belong to such and such a person. kuei 5^ rule ; usage ; custom ; customary. ^ ^ customary fees ; gratuities. ^ ^g custom ; usage. 5^ ^ a pattern ; a nile. 3^ fP, regulations ; byelaws. ^ ^ ^) the local tael currency at Shanghai;' iH |a ( the Shanghai tael. kuei f^ cassia ; Kuei-lin-fu, the capital of Kwangsi. ^ jS cassia lignea. ^&'^ cassia oil. , i^ -^ cassia buds. __ ^ cassia twigs. jj^ H dried lung-ngans. » U ^ lung-ngans without the stone ; lung-ngan pulp. jl^ ^ silk ribbons. H to deceive ; to blame. H |§ treacherous. kuei ^ to kneel down. ^ ^ to make a respectful repre.sentation to the Throne. ^ ^ to make an humble petition. kuei -^ dear ; esteemed ; " you," or that which pert;iins to the person addressed. fl; ^ a high price. fl; § esteemed mercliants ; " you " (when addres- sing merchants). ^ ® your country. M ^ your disease. M M yo""" =1^6. ■^ 1^ your profession ; your trade. ft iM yoiir office ; you. M. jM[ you, the Taot'ai. ift ^ ^ rI you, the Commissioner of Customs. ft I Your Highness. ft I :^ E Your Highness (i.e., Prince Kung) ami the other IMinisters [of the Tsungli Yamen]. ft j'I'l the Kweichow province. kuei U a box ; a counter. k'uei ^ to lose ; to fail ; a defect. ^ § a deficit ; failure in payment. ® ^ a deficiency. ^ M to involve in losses. ® Iff to suffer loss. k'uei ^ to surmise. k'uei ^ the sun-flower ; the tree furnishing pahn-leaf fans. ^ fl palm-lciif fans. k'uei ^ to peep ; to spy. k'uei \^ strange ; extraordinary. k'uei 't^ to be ashamed. k'uei ^ great ; eminent ; the head. JH; -f ahead; a chief. k'uei ^ food ; victuals ; to present to. kun ^ a stick ; a knave. iiS ■^ sharpers ; villains ; matwais s%ijets. k'un ^ fatigued ; weak ; poor. k'un "I'g real feelings or sentiments. k'un 4ffl to bind ; to tie. ^ ^^ to bind and lock up ; to put in irons. k'un ^ to bind ; to cord up ; to weave. htng X work ; to work ; workmen. ( n ) kuiiy kung hung kung hung kung price of work ; waye 31 A » workman ; a coolie. ~r ^ rations ; fooil provided for a laliourcr. T. f^ to flo work; coolie labour; the work done (as at a dock). X ffi a period or term for doing !al)0ur (a.s entered upon by a coolie workman). X Sc job work; jobs. X ^ '>''"ik ; labour ; business. X pi) the Board of Works. X pi5 ^ the Municipal Council (at Sli ^ „.erit. J{| ^ merit ; meritorious service. inghai) J(f )l^ a badge of merit; a medal awarded soldiers. "^ K§ to bestow on account of merit. Jfc to attack ; to assault. ^ tribute ; superior in quality. ^ np articles of tribute. ^ ^ tribute tea; superior t«a. ^ a bow. 3^ the body ; one's person. ^ just; correct (as standard weights); fair; public; a duke. 5^ IE public spirited and upright in character. & A J"st ; fair. S- Oj] just and intelligent. 5^ ^- a public office; a yamen. ^ f^ a. public office ; an agency ; a trade union ; a iiudd. ^ f§ the residence of an official or a literary man. 5V ■^ a confederation ; a union ; a national as- seinlily ; a universal exhibition. S" ^ Government moneys. 5^ ^ !W m to buy from Government funds. ^ articles for Government use. 5» ffl i ^ moneys for Government use. ^ ^ public moneys. ^ f^ an assay office. 5V ffi JS '^ •''il^'sr appraiser's shop. ^ S public expenditure. pub! official business ; office work. hung ^ p] a public company ; a mull KteiinuT cou ^ n] $fe A6 " """' steamer. iV Jif ± »'»">'' «i'""''- S" 7l pidilic business ; official duties. 5^ jft to publicly draw up (as a protocol) ; to sig a public (as a protest). ^ 131 t'l discuss in public ; a public meeting. ^ fp] cmjointly; on joint account ; in company. 5^ IS] ^ ^ tfl conjointly agree upon. ^mn-^ -fX conjointly discussed and ap- a body of offichils). lung dt kung kung kung )]^; 5V ?i» official and private. ^ M ji'^t and expedient. ^' jI just ; fair. ^ ^ duke and marquess ; fig., high rank. dt all ; in all. ^ It calculated to make in all ; total. it /^ a\\ imited ; grand total. ^ 1^ all together ; total. ■^ to de|)osit ; the deposition (of a witness) ; to supply; to give. fjt gp) to give evidence ; to depose. ■{{1; ^ to supi)ort; to nourish; to supply. ^ courteous ; respectful. ^ lit ""'*t respectfully. ^ np to respectfully pray ; a respectful jKitition. ^ If to respectfully request or invite. ^^ ^ to respectfully copy or record. ^ ^ to respectfully memorialise. ^ ^ to congratulate. ^ a palace. ^ i^ Guardian of the Heir Apparent (a title). le arm ; a support to the Throne ; the right ,d of. esscl ; a vessel in ballast. kung m .11 inc. ku,ig m ore ; a mil P. m n cop,,er ore. k'nng ^ em )ty. '& m. enq.ty bottles. '^m^ ( 72 kHtn'j k'ung k'vng k'ung ^ ^ blank (as a form not tilled up) ; !^ ^ it ^ Ijliiiik forms. ^ to strike ; to accuse. ^ ■^ to accuse. ^ to tear ; to apprehend. S ^ >^ -& it U to lie feared that it order. ^ a hole ; hollow ; excellent. ?L ^ '1 l)eacock. JfL tH 1^ the peacock's feather lank form. hw H fruit. kuo ^ to wi-a]) up; to letter; a bundle. ^ JE. to impede ; to fetter. k'uo ^ open; wide. tno ^ to enlarge ; to expand. t is not in ^ ^ to carry out to the utmost. a decoration of P I'or gl) a country. ^ ^ the (4overnment. P j-ii the laws of the country. S R (Jovermuent expenditure. P ^ the Imperial revenue. P ft (iovernment plans; politics; finances of a country. ^ "^ a parliament ; a national assembly. ^ a pan. j^ to pass ; to exceed ; too ; after a verb, a sign of the past : have, has, having. i§ II to pass a Custom House. }El "^? to cross a Customs barrier. i§ M U. '<^ to cross the bar. '}§, ^f to pass the scales ; to be weighed. 'MM to transfer cargo from one ship to another ; to tranship. M. ^ II ^ to tranship to a steamer. M IS ± ?iJ& ;i pennit to tranship. ■M^} the new year. ^ ^ 'M. fltf beyond the stipukted time. y^^ i^ ijl^ the Kwochang system, a speciality of banking Ijusiness at Ningpo and other places. i^ ^ excessively long ; too long. 'M, £ excess ; too heavy. 'Ml "% too lenient ; to go too far in being lenient. i^ j^ too many ; an excessively large crowd. •^ ^ to care too much about ; to trouble about. kuo ^ fruit ; really ; truly ; indeed. ^ p«p fruit. l!$l] to talk fast. 'il'] £h i Benares opium. Ji to pull ; to drag. ^ ^ (in imitation of the English sound " last ") a last (English weight or measure). J§ the winter month. li ^ tlie twelfth moon of the year. m. wax. ^ jE^ candles. ^ to come. ^ fi to come and go ; to traffic ; intercourse. ^ ^ to come to one's house. ^ ^^ to come to the provincial capitsd. ^ J5 to lodge a complaint. 2j$ fg an incoming letter. >^ "% an incoming despatch; an official letter received. ^ S& to come by a road ; brought from abroad, like foreign goods ; frmomiice,; source; origin. ^ ^ next year. ^ to give ; to bestow. ^ to rely on ; to depend on. m ] j^ ^ - to stop; to obstruct; to intercept. }^ '{L '& ii bank or shoal barring the river ; a bar ; the Woosuag Bar. #^ a railing. ^1 ^f silk ribbons. ^ to break; to tear; over-ripe (as fruit) ; rotten. }g to encroach ; to intrude. ^ f^ Sb ^ to become a candidate for examina- tion witliout the necessary qualification. ^ a basket. ^ llli a cace (top of a beacon made of basket- work). ( 73 ) ^ jlJ the centre of ,i cage or basket ^ bh.c: (=^ ]i /'»-'«» or g cloisonne or enamelled ware. a ilistinction of Ian Ian Ian Ian Ian lang lan'j lang lao ^ ^ the " Blue Feather •' merit. li ^ indi-o. ]^ ^ ^ JS^ a blue and white flag; the rendez- vous flag (Makuyat's Code). ^ % a blue light. ^ ^ coarse chinaware (at Kiulciang); lit., "blue pattern." 5£ to inspect; to behold from a distance. ^ ^ to take a view ; to witness a spectacle. ^ to grasp ; to seize ; to hoard up. ij^ olives (Chinese). JJS fc olive seeds. I|§ a rope ; a cable. ^ covetous ; greedy ; extortion. ^ idle; lazy. f% waves ; unsettled ; dissipated. J^Ii a term of respect for officers and pci-sons ; clear ; lofty. j^I) 4* '^ secretary in a metropolitan board. tIB betel-nuts. ^ old ; venerable ; hard ; dark in colour. ^ ^M old deer horns. ^ ^ a term of respect: the Honoimible; Mr., when applied to officials. ^ ijj old and young ; all ; everybody. ^ §i£ ^ J? "sccl "P and inaccurate (;vs an old set of scales). ^ )f honest ; free from vice ; genuine. ^ toil ; exertion ; merit ; to exert oneself. ^ W. "'erit. ^ ^ to encourage by rewards. ^ja prison. ) itff to bum ; to brand. ')$ f [J to emboss ; to brand. ^ to coerce ; to bind ; to force. j^ ^ to extort ; to " squeeze." S|)!l 5E to strangle. Wl to write, lib lit ^ ^ I ^^rite this in reply. li JFil S to reply. Ic ^ to be glad ; joyciU>. ^ Tfi to gladly use ; to like using. Id S^ to involve; to implicate; trouble; troublesome repetition. Wi ?JC repeatedly ; again and again. li-i iafl to injure; to destroy. hi ^ to pile up; reiterated; repeatedly. Id lal idle; Lizy; sickly. Id gp a category. li'ig i^ cold; frigid; indifierent. li H a hamlet; a village; one's native village; a Chinese measure of length equal to about a thinl of un English mile. li ^ a theory; a rale; ought to; duly; to manngc; to regulate. S I& to discuss ; to reason. ^ ^"-^ I duly ; as in duty bound. M. '^ ifl ^ to duly write a despatch. ^ '^ must ; it is right (or proper) to ; proper. M M Mi- ■^^ harbour master. 31 )|p -SS ^ ^ Harbour Rcgidations. li ^ (or ^ inside; within. li ^ a plum ; to prepare for a journey. li ^J profit ; interest ; sliari) ; edged. ^J ,§, interest (on money) ; profit on trade. ^'J S advantage; profit. m ^ advantage and disease; i.e., good and evil. M §§ edged tools ; knives ; cutlerj'. '' ^ a pear tree. li 3®..strass; glass. li M to take away ; to part ; to leave ; away from. M^ B3 to leave (a i)lace) ; to start from ; to be apart from. M- ^ M to leave the jetty. 0|l ^ to leave home. 0(1 ^ ■© to be separated from one's ijarenfs. Bl "tv" ^ )& not far from the barrier. li J^ elegant; graceful. li J0- astronomical calculation ; a calendar ; being .-i forbidden character, should be written ^ or J^ (lij. li M (oi" ® " calendar ( = ^ ) ; a succession of ; to pass by ; up to the present. 10 ( 74 ) ^ ^ an aliuimitc ; a Ciilendar. ^ iS to have [done] up to the present. M ^ hitherto. S "^ ^ A up to the present year. J^ if- for a number of years ; in the lapse of years. j^ E$ to state events one by one, in order. f^ 'j^ to narrate focts one by one, in order. ^ (or M) a aish (the i,oooth part of a tael); the likin tax. ■^ ^ the likin tax ; also, likin taxes (li) and ordinary .luties (sltni). Cf. shui ^ ^. M ^ i^ ^ a head Likin office. ^ rites; ceremony. !§ ^ the ceremonial ; politeness. W. p15 the Board of Ceremonies. W. ^ polite; politeness. Si ^ presents. ij§ 1^ a list of presents sent, j^ ^ a week ; to worship, ii ^ H Simday ; on Sundays. il^ £jViday^____- — ^_^^ .S* ^ one's moral a nd physical condition. _ _^ alk ; to tread in the path of. ^ f^ to tread in the path of virtue. "if. to erect; to settle; to conclude (as a Treaty); to draft; to set up; ( = jjfl ^Ij) immediately; at once ; thereupon. jt S to introduce (as an arrangement) ; to put into operation ; to settle. jt S -^ I^ to fix by contract. 'it. 1^ to establish in business ; to work for a living. ji 4 i& to set up in business. jt ^ to enter a plaint in court. ^ ^ to draw up a certificate, or a record, which is to have legal force ; to place on official record ; to lodge a protest ; a protest. jL JS ^ to tlr-'^w up a certificate. ji ]lt ^ f^ to draw up this special rule. if. ^ to conclude a Treaty ; to make an agreement. jt ■!§ to send for at once ; to summon one without delay. "if. ^Ij immediately; instantly. ^ a grain of rice ; a classifier of bullets, cartridges, shells, etc. • the chestnut ; chestnuts. ii ^ Ui animate ; to encourage ; to exert one's strength. li ^ oysters. iS Wi oyster shells; sea shells. li '1^ fear ; to fear. li ')j strength ; to be able to. 77 M vigour; ability; solvency. "^ '^ weak ; worn out (as by age). 7/ Bb to be strong enough to. li ^ ) ^ „ > the lichee fruit ; lichees. li ^ a crime ; a fault ; to stoop. li ^ a magistrate ; a Government officer ; a deputy. H ^ the Board of CivU Office. li ^ official servants ; attached to ; belonging to. ^ $ attendants in public offices. li yll] rule ; law ; according to regulation. ^!J rH permitted by the regulations. ^J ^ ^^ ^ ^ articles not subject to duty. jjlj Jffi ^ ^ j^ ^ merchandise subject to duty. Kang pg a tael ; taels ; two ; both. ^ ^ the two Empresses. M iS diverging ; ambiguous ; a double mode of dealing with a question. M JS i!f }£ two ditierent methods of acting. ^ ^ the Two Kwang provinces (Kwangtung and Kwangsi). M pi the Two Kiang, — a viceregal district com- prising the three provinces of Kiangsu, Anhwei, and iSangsi. The two first named being formerly considered as one, under the name of Kiangnan, is the cause of only two divisions being named in the expression. M 5^ on both sides. m ia / plaintiff and defendant ; the two M 5a ;t ;g i P'^'^'®' "" "^ '"'*• M '^ 1$ ^ to be of advantage in both respects. liang ||| a classifier of carts or carriages. Hang ^ to measure ; to calcidate ; to consider. 2 Wi to measure land. ;B M ^ ^ ''>■ certificate of measurement (for a ship). ;^ ]&II to consider and add ; to negotiate for addi- tional stipulations in a Treaty. ( 75 ) liang H S? to diminish ; to lower. Hang SQ (or j^) gniiu paid to Government in lieu of t;i\e< ; {jrain ; rations. iJ S^ .U'r.un. ^ >S •' grain collector. i^ S "" """y pny>iinster. '""'7 M. ;.'ii'5d; goodness; very; in a high degree. .AM-' lucky hour ; a lucky time. M. a '•'■ good method ; a practical scheme. ^ S good, loyal subjects. K S? very much ; deeply. K Is g:dangal. ^iflnjf p^ (or i^ a beam ; beams ; piles ; joists. ^ /fl beams (timber), 'w"'? JsC to rob ; to plunder. liang U to believe ; to think. luing ^ cloar; light; bright. ^ 1§! clear-headed and straightforward. liao f^ a colleague ; a companion. liao ^ a stall ; a country house ; a fellow-officer ; a comrade. liao ^ to grasp ; to manage. its to manage. '""' l)^ :i signal light; to illuminate. liao ^ roinote; distant. ^ ^ the province of Liaotung ; Manchuria. 5^ JpI the river Liao, near Newchwang. liao ^ to dispose properly; to consider; to think; materials ; stuff; strass ; coloured glass. ^ ig to manage. ^ 5§ g'«ss, or vitrified ware. f0^ ^ glas.s beads. jH* ^ S glass bangles or armlets. liao Ijip careless; dissolute. liao ~f to finish. "J" -^ to settle (as a case) ; to finish ; to bring to ,^ an end. lith JlJ to enumerate ; to class ; a sign of the plural. Ji'J T enumerated below. M ^ H'J enumerated in the Tariff. 50 ^ illl ^ to report names entered on a Ust. Jil ^ islands ; the Islands. lieh ^ ardent; fiery; impetuous. 51 to split ; to crack ; to tear. jlK Id connect'; to t4ike all together; toj^et her with; with; and; plus; to bo connecte«l with; inncpar- able from. j9i J[fe the emhallagc connected with the goods. j£ ^ to make fast to. jiE SB a connected scries of nundwi's ; a series. jSE H for a number of days ; on successive days. S6 il M the district of Lien-chinng (Foochow). jH the water lily ; the lotus. iH ■? lily flower seeds ; lotus-nuts. ^ a chain ; to lock together. ^ to join ; to connect. ?S K to join ; to bring into line (as several objects seen at a distance). 1»? 'S to sign conjointly (as several names signed l>y way of siuety). JJ§ the face ; the countenance ; reputation. jUj (.sometimes wrongly written j^) to amass; to collect ; to accumulate. jl^ to separate dross by fire ; to melt. j]^ J^ to bum; to make by burning (as coke by burning coal). i^ to practise ; to drill ; to experiment. H ^ to drUl troops. • W- •' chain ; to smelt ; to refine metals. ■^ to pity. ^ a forest ; a clump of trees. ^ at the point of; about to; whilst; to descend. ^ ^ about to start. ^ Bt just at the time of ; when about to 1^ ^ to occupy the Throne. ^ to select ; to walk ; to desire. j^ ^ to appoint ; to select. ^ near; neighbouring. 1$ @ the neighbouring countries. J^ (interchanged with |^ lin, to fear) to tremble. 'i% ^ to obey strictly. » --■ J •» J!, C " tremble and obey _;" " be careful \% id. '& 2,^ to obsen-e these injunctions," — jg J, ifgr J, ^ a concluding phrase in proclaraa- ^ a Government granary. B^ ^ a literary title ; an expcctjmt chjiAia^ ;tjj( a cross-beam ; hatch-combings (of a ship). ( re ) Hn ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ^ mean ; niggardly. ^ ^ stingy ; sparing ; frugal. ^ to rent ; to hire. ^ toorJer; to let; to call upon to ; your. f^ clever. f^ ^5 clever; ingenious. fQ- ^ convenient. ^ a pendent tail feather; the plume 'worn as a decoration of nierit. fl'n to hear ; to listen ; to obey. In ^ to listen to one's teaching; "I shall be glad to listen to your conversation'' (said in accepting the announcement of a visit). ^ fractional ; denotes a break in the decimal nota- tion (corresponding to zero in a series of numbers). ^ jg . J /J. f miscellaneous things ; odds and ^ the front teeth; one's age. ^ to receive ; to issue (as a document) ; to govern ; a coUar. ^ i^ to hand to ; to issue to. ^ IhI-K) issue baoHf to hand back (as a document deposited)-; to ii^issue; to renew, as a license handed in for cancelling. M M to issue a certMcate^-^ M S to Ii''^"^e received; to get issued (as arms from the Government). ^M ^ ^ ^ consul. fl ?i to pilot ; a pilot. @ a spirit ; spiritual ; a sold ; a coffin. M ^ ingenious ; clever. ^ 1^ a coffin vfith corpse. ^ thin silk cloth ; damask. m Imperial tombs ; high ; eminent. ^ extra; apart; separately; besides; again. ^ $I> besides. ^ ^ a different kind of ; other. ^ ^ separate items; the "Special Account" ( = Customs Account D). ^ ^ I^ IS @ an account of extra receipts [ = Customs Account D}. ^ M having a separate certificate. ^ flj a list, or table, is separately given. ^ H another day. :S f^ to exchange ; to change for another. ,0 flow freely ; to expand (as trade). ^^,"' I standing nuisance. ^ ^^^ ling ^j f^ ^ \^ to transfer [cargo] to another vessel. ^ ji 'ff |o] to renew a contract. lio ^ (or 1^) to abridge; an abridged statement; a little; some. § I^ about the same ; alike. 'm' 3^ strass; glaze; vitreous. ^ ^ glass ; opaque gkss ; glazed. ^^ % glazed tUes. ^ M Cliu-chHu) the Lu-chu Islands. li'"' ^ sulphur; brimstone. OT M sulphur and brimstone. m S! SS 7K sulphuric acid. Hit iM to flow. fM 55. to flow freely ; to expand (a J5lic ^ a standing nuisance. liu ^ the willow ; striped. Wi f^ stripes; striped. ^ (^ 'JB striped cottons ; dimities ; quiltings. liu ^ to keep ; to detain. ^ H to raise difficulties by detention; to delay and obstruct ; obstmction. ■^ '{'i§ to detain. ■^ ^±_ to remain in a place ; to detain. ^ § to keep open or unoccupied (as a berth for a ship). ^ l\^ to be careful ; carefully. liu y^J (or ^) sLx. /■'\ pP the sLx Boards of Government. lo ^ to seize ; to plunder. lo ^1 a conch. 41 ^. a screw. lo ^ a net ; a lace-like textm-c ; thin silk ; to arrange in order. ^ ^ a compass. M H ^ ^ the variation of the compass. camel. S§ ,f£ % camel's hair. 15 §B M camel's wool. ^ to fall ; to drop ; to go down (as the setting sun); to ship goods ; to export. ^ ^ to .ship goods. tg an upper story ; a two-storied house ; a tower. lou |g a basket. Imi ^ to leak ; to evade (as payment of duty) ; to smuggle. J§ ^ to escape (as out of a net). ill ^ ^ ^ •■*11 tlie vicious modes of defrauding the rcvemie. i^ ^i to flash through (as a n»y of light thi-ough a gap in hills). I" 8& .1 load ; on the way ; en route. r,,. .„ f on tlie road ; cii route. E& lif travelling expenses. '" '^ dew ; to disclose ; to divulge ; to show through. ]^ lii to be exposed; to be visible (as a sunken uiast sticking out of the water) ; to disclose. hi ^ a record ; to record ; to enter. ^ ^ ■§ M to submit a copy of. lu ^ dry land ; ( = 5^) sbc. ^ 5§ an overland road ; dry land roads (as op- posed to sea routes) ; land troops (as opposed to the navy). ^ 8§ ^ "^ a provincial Commander-in-Chief of Land Forces. ^ jS to fonvard by land. 1^ j|§ successively (as a land road not interrupted by water) ; one by one. ^ "^ P (U-cli'i-h'ou) Lu-k'i-k'ow (a port of call on the Yangtze). ?« ^ a deer. us j^ & deer skins. ^ ||^ (Lti-hsii) Sugar Loaf Island, near Swatow. bum ^ to disarrange ; confused ; in confusion. ^ )|$ H silk refuse; waste silk. ^ ^ 'I number of reefs ; extensive reefs. lun j^ relation; right; in order. f& WC (lun-tun) London. lim J^ to choose. §t % to select. bm J^ lost, as in a whirl of water. J^ ^ to be lost or ruined (morally). ''"» ^ to twist silk ; to classify. <^ SI the silken gate; the Imperial I'alacc; the Court [ deer horns. lung lung lung w^ to discuss ; to reason. ^ )Si to discuss. p^ ^ to settle by discussion ; to decide about. ^ .1 wjiccl ; round ; rotatory ; lUtemately. TO M •» steamer; steamers. $1 jM to .send on duty in rotation. TO W ?& E^ having rounded corners ami ratlicr broad surfaces. fil a dragon ; Imperiid. 01 1!B lung-ngan. fil n^ ^ lung-ngan pulp. fli )^ the "ikagon'' Hag; the Chinese national ensign. 91 ■& the Imperial Throne. fl ^ the Imperi:d pencil ; the Eujperor's signature. Put a dyke ; to monopolise. m M to monopolise goods. 1^ ^ to monopolise. m exalted ; abundant ; intense (as summer heat 01 winter cold) ; Imperial. 1^ ^ the extreme of winter ; very cold weather. B ). ^ the threads of a texture ; silk threads. Q the spine. S ^ (li'-sung) originally, the island of Luzon ; the Philippine Islands ; ^lanila. • repeatedly ; often. B ^M ^"^lanihv cordage. g 5^ ^ a Manila lottery ticket Id rS .1 sm;dl village. lii ^ to think. Hi M. ) rf, ^ a stranger; a traveller; a Hi ^ the backbone. luj i^ green. ^ ^ green tea. ^ )I^ lii-kiao (a green vegetable dye). ■^ & green leather. ^ laws; statutes. f^i 6iB !i barristcr-at-law ; a lawyer. f$ ■faj statutes ; the law. ^ {l^. .-(atutcs ; laws. i^i& 'Jl (h'.-i'0-to) the city of Lubcck. ( 78 ) M. ma ,B| a horse. »^ 8& a road for riding or driving ; used in Shang- hai to express the roads suitable for general carriage traffic. •^ ^ an overland courier. J^ M uiountcd robbers. i?| P ^ tinplates. ^ ^ ^. t'le Magistrate of Ma-hsiang (Mahang). WW 3M the agate. JM ^ cornelians. IM ^ 3^ cornelian beads. KWi 5§ weights ; a yard ; yards ; figures or numbers ■svritten in the running hand style. M M a jetty ; a wharf. ^ ^ a number, or a distinguishing number added to the mark on packages of merchandise ; No. »»« M (w' RH) to scold ; to abuse. ^^ A (or M) hemp. ^ ^ hemp bags. ft II ^ hemp cordage. MM"^ teak-wood. )S M '^ fit teak-wood planks. ft jg ^ hemp sacking. ft ^ linen. ft f S Ifti ^ canvas and cotton duck. ft J- hemp seed. mai ^ wheat. ■nmi \^ (pronounced mdk in Cantonese) an unauthorised character used to represent the sound of the English word "mark." ^if M. marked " Sundries." inai j^ to bury ; to conceal. jH ^ to conceal ; to store up. 'mai ^ to buy. M M to trade ; commerce. ^ JlJ to have imported. M i M ^ 1^ a transit memorandum (authoris- ing the'purchase of goods in the interior). M llS ^ ^ '"^ license for buying a ship. M ^ M ^ certificate of purchase of a ship. ^ ^ the purchaser. Cf. iiuii H S- ^ § the purchaser. M M ^ A purchasers of goods. to sell. mai § -^ a comprador. H ^ ^ to take out an insurance policy. mai J M ft to sell off. H i the seller. Cf. mai g i- M ^ $ A to sell (or for sale) to Chinese. MM^ bill of sale. mni jg to go ; to walk ; to disregard. j5 g (mai-tang, in imitation of the French sound "metre") a mfetre; metres. man j^ fuU ; complete ; Manchurian. ^ ^ a whole year. f^ -f" ^ at the end of lo years; the limit of lo years having expu-ed. ^ }|| Manchu and Chinese. f^ Ifl'l (man-chouj ISIanchu ; Manchurian. man 'g slow ; slowly. man j^ reckless; vague. mang fl^ busy; hurried. TOfjo |g a cat. mao ^ an anchor. ^ ^ anchor chains, mao ^ feathers; hair; wool; rough. ^ ^ ginghams. ^ U camagon-wood. ^ ^ a flaw ; a blemish. mao J to make bold ; blindly ; rashly. @ \K to venture troubling (as a superior with a petition). g jlS to fraudulently take the place of; to falsely substitute. B W ignorant ; headstrong. p JE to offend inconsiderately. § -^ to accuse falsely. mao II a hat ; a cap. Ipl Tg the top of a thing ; the top of a beacon ; a cap button. mci ^ every; each. ^ H every day ; daily. # ~ ^ ffl B# every minute. @ ^ each time ; in each separate case. ^ j^ whenever; when; at the time of. # jift f0 ^ e'^ery four months. ( 79 ) ^ ]K St tt ^ flt whenever fighting takes place. ^ ii phun. g[. See mo. ^ coal. ^ j^ •coal and charcoal. ^ ^ coal ashes. ^^a. coal-mine ; coal Mining. ^ ^ a coal-pit. j^ ^ the space allowed for coal on bo;ud a steamer ; coid bunkers. ^ beautiful; beauties; advantages. * gl @ America; American. H P j^ J^ ^ M ^ American clarified giu- =^ ^ W 'V crude American ginseng. mci ^ dark ; obscure in mind. «i^» P^ a door ; a gate ; a classifier of guns, rifles, etc. r J ® the front side of a gate. P^ ){$ a census ticket. P^ -fc a gatekeeper ; a private secretary in a yamen ; a factotum. mciig ^ to receive (from a superior) ; sign of the passive. jH ,§, to receive favours. ^ ;^ A IS ;fc to receive the Ta-jen's (i.e., your) verbal promise ; I have been promised by Your Excellency. ^ "^ Mongolia ; Mongolian. '"«"? Bs to deceive ; dull ; obscure. Bf: fSi a misunderstanding. mcng §§ an oath ; to swear ; to vow. S§ ^ to swear; an oath. 5^ i^ a solemn agreement. >''i ^ rice. 7^ ^ rice bags. Mm} . , ,^ It J.A (■ """^^ '""' Other gram. M^MM grain of all kinds. im ^ to deceive ; stupid ; to lose. ^ ^ to lose. "" &^ not; without. M in without limit ; endless. mi 55 to stop ; to put down. mi ^ to search ; to seek for. ^ p^ X to seek emigrants for coolie labour. mi K fJ ^ to tiond lor a doctcr ; u. .seek medical attendance. mi '^ honey ; sweet. » @l preserves ; confectionery. ^" CT va 31^ preserves ; comfits ; swcctmcfits. '^ m beeswax. '^' M'M ^ (mi-li-mai-tang, in imitation of the I'Riuli sound "millimttre") a uiillimctrc; mil- limetres. mi ^ secret; silent; close. ^ tL to give confidential inslruciioiis to. 52 ifj (nii-li) a mille. miao f^ perfect; excellent. miao f>p a second. miao ^ a temple. mich jj^ to extinguish ; to be dark ; to eclii)se. mien ^ (interehangetl with ^ (mien), downy) the cotton plant; cotton. ^^ ?B '''w cotton. i^ 1^ waste cotton ; cotton rags. ^ ^ cotton yarn. '^ W( cotton thread. Is ■flj Lulton cloth; cotton piece goods. TO ^ flu cotton bed quilts ; palampores. ¥A U ^ ™tton duck. " IK IS ^ woollen and cotton mixtures. Im ^ 1^ cotton and woollen mattresses. tS W- € wool. ^ ^ M cotton clothes. IS "F cotton seed. miai '^ the face; a surface; personally; in person; verb;illy. [S 'aft in front of. W fit to give verbal instructions. ■ji ^ to see personally ; to interview. ffl p« to discuss personally. ® >^ 1^ £ to consult in person. ® -^ to inform in person. 13 ^ to report to a superior in person ; to s^x^ak to a superior (on business). M ^6 to l)id at an auction. micH f5 (f,r ^) wheat flour. m # flour. ^ ^ cakes ; biscuits. ( so ) J% to avoid ; to be exempt ; to exempt ; duty free. % ^ to exempt from duty ; duty free. ^S ^ ^ IS f^n exemption certificate. NIS S* '0 ''0 exempted from payment of tonnage dues. W M ^^ exemption certificate ; a duty-free certifi- cate for rice in times of famine and short crops. '^- ^ in 13 to remit a fine. ^Wi i)f ^ to exempt [packages] from opening for examination [of goods]. /^ iU ?I ^ M to avoid damage. y^- S ^ ^ M ^ certificate exempting from levy- *^ ing duty a second time ; an exemption certificate. y/^ ^ (tlie opposite of j^ ^ i-cMJi) so as not to; so tliat tliere may not be. /^ it J{i ^ 7 5^ to avoid tlie duty being collected in an unjust manner. M 15: ?^ ^ i? il^ in order tliat it may not result in confusion and abuse. /^ 15: ^ H M ^ so that afterwards there may be no difficulty in altering. ^ to urge ; to make an effort. M ffl to endeavour to abridge. M in to make an eflbrt. M J® to exert oneself ; to urge. ® 5S to be forced against one's own will; to coerce. M 55 ^ ^ to follow against one's own will. M^ the people (not being officials or soldiers) ; people ; subjects. J£ A one of the people ; a subject. ^ R3 among the people ; the people. J5 ^ the people's food. ^ ^ life, or maintenance, of the people. K llS a " native boat " (as opposed to " foreign boats") ; a "private or merchant junk" (as opposed to "Government vessels"); also, a registered junk laying between the ports of call on the Yangtze. ^ melancholy ; being a forbidden character, should be written ^ (min) or jj^ (mien). m ) i > the Fukien province. m-k ) f^W^ tbe Foochow Customs. [^ '5tf ^- "& the Governor-General of Fukien and Chekiang. Fj^ it the Min river. ^ acute ; grave ; serious. min Jm porcelain or glass vessels (as cups, etc.) ; crockery. ming ^ a personal name ; a name ; to name ; named ^ 5^ a designation ; a name ; a title. ^ ^ a muster roll. ^ @ denomination ; description of kind. ^ §j M "the name is separately furnished" (a concluding plu-ase in letters, meaning that one's card is enclosed). minrj ^ the tender leaves of tea ; superior tea. ming ^ to engrave. mincj Gjf clear; bright; .shining; it is clear that; this shows that; often added to verbs meaning to state, to inform, etc. ; to light up (as a revolving or occulting light, which lights up and eclipses at inter^'als) ; to-morrow. n^ i^ a sand bank or shoal above water. B^ tl{5 clearly ; to inform ; to communicate. BJ3 ^n to clearly know ; to be clearly known to Bjj pX to clearly define. ^ /J< to give explicit instructions to. nj3 ^X to state. B^ "^ an unmistakable wi-itten passage ; a stipula- tion in -writing ; there being a -ivritten under- standing about. W M to light up and eclipse. B^ to-morrow. ming P,| the cry of a bird ; to cry ; to sound. 1ft IM to sound a gong. Ift IE to strike a bell. Ift 3^ to beat a drum. ming ^ to order ; to cause to ; human life. •^ ^ a case in which human life is concerned ; a case of murder. ■& ill to order one's carriage; to get ready for a ^asit. mo ^ do not ; not, ^ ^^ cannot but ; bound to. ^"^ { = /f, in ini ju) it is better to ; wo had lietter ; lit, not like. mo ^§ a mould; a pattern; a model. ^% W pattern; style. ^l-^-jfj HM (■mo-h"M5f-j«i-er7i.-"3o; Mecklenburg. mo ^ the end ; ends ; leavings ; dust. 5JS ^ at the end ; the last ; finally ; when all is finished. ^ J^ the last ; at the last. ( PI ) a 5^ j§ ~ BS timt Custom House which is at the eml ; the hist Custom House [passed]. ^ to sink in the water ; to Jio ; not ; without. S M mjTrii. ^ silent ; to think ; thoughtful. H ink (in cakes) ; Chinese, or Indian, ink. g ,®, cuttle-fish. M M W P (mo-hsi-ko) Mexico. ^ ccrt;\in (as in "a certain person"); so-and-so. ^ 3£ so-and-so ; such-and-such. ^ P a certain country ; some [foreign] country. 1^ to plan ; to plot; to devise. IS« ^ to plot a murder. ^ g^ to canxontia > iS . , ^ . MW ..— g^ ^ to make plans for one's country. ^ trade; to trade. % $1 trade. M ^ fi ^ commercial usage. ^ to invito ; to enlist. ^ a grave ; a tomb. M ) jj I •'• private secretary. MM) ^ to respect. ^ evening. •JJ a mother ; female. ■fj "X ^ mother cloves. ^ to pasture; a shepherd. 4:5l 'h to tend cattle. bDI a TOU or mou ; a Chinese land measure varying in dimensions, according to locality, but averaging about the sixth of an English acre. 7tl wood ; wooden ; a tree. /fC j-^ a wooden buoy. 7fj f •}• wooden materials (as of a .ship) ; timber. /Jv 5§ woodware. ^ M timber. 7^ f,^ a mast ; a spar. jfC ^ a board; a plank (classifier, huai ^). ;t: ^ a spar. /fC Jff ;{§ u spar beacon. /^ t'U ^ f& tt piles, poles, and joists. ■ 7fC )i!5 a wooden board. IS wooden shoes; clogs, a carpenter. ^ a wooden frame or stand. IP fungus; agaric. ^ putchuck. to wash ; to receive favours. ,S, to receive favours. the eye ; numbers. ^ now. ^ to see ; to observe. ^j< a table of contents ; an index ; an inventory. majestic. ^ ^ JIu Tsung I (the dynastic title of the iitc Emperor T'dng Chih). friendly. %l friendly relation ; being on cordial terms. N. na ^ how ; where. ST) '^ H ia :^ S ^^"liere is the reason for our having been at fault? i.c., there is nothing to show that we were in the wrong. na ^ (or ^) to take ; to seize (as smuggled goods). ^ Jl to seize. nn ^ to pay (as taxes, duties, etc.). j^ ^ to pay duty. nai 75 (""■ jS) tli!it is ; to wit ; also ; and ; but. 75 }a M "S tbat is to say; that is. nai j(J3 milk. 7iai ^ a remedy ; a resource. ^ f3 what resource? no resource; no help; no alternative (i.q., ^ ^, ww nai). nai ^ toendm-e; to bear; patient. nan ^ south; southern. ffi V^ :^ E the Superintendent of Southern Trade. iS 4lj '^ jS IS ^ E tho nigh Commissioners of Norllicrn and Southern Trade. ^ 31 ® South America. ^ "ff^ the city of Nanking. ^ 7@ the district of Nan-hai (Canton). S iH /ff» the district of Nan-hui (province of Kiangsu). 11 ( 82 ) difficult to bring about. ^ S P the port of Nan-tai, i.e., the foreign settlement at Fooohow; the foreign community there. 1^ ilillicult ; to make difficulties. ^ ^ luird or easy ; the relative difficulty of a matter. 1^ ij" difficult to submit to cheerfully. ^ ^ difficult to appeiise. Jl (^ difficult to secure. li M P9 ^ (no-irh-wci-huo) Norway. JZ a slave. j^ ^ a slave; Manchu officials use it for when addressing the Emperor. young; soft; delicate; light, or pale (as colour); llio op])ositc of lao (^), old, hard, ■ fi^6 to manage ; to buy. mm) if g to buy goods. il $h @ ii f^ to buy foreign machinery. il 5c to manage satisfactorily ; to settle. m IS to manage the distribution of relief funds (in distressed districts). il ^ ^ to do ofiicial work. ^ 5^ M M office buildings ; a public oiBce. 1^ y to do official work ; to be on duty ; to work for the public. pi'an ^ to move ; to travel ; a dish. ^ jS ^ ft expenditure on accoimt of transport. ^ Jlj travelling expenses. the district of P'an-yii (Canton). See /<"^(#). ^J to divide ; to decide. f !l S P ^ to define the port limits. ■jjait. pang imng p'ang ihviuj irang ^j) ^ to decide a wse. ^ a kingdom ; a state ; a country. S (or ^) to assist; a guild; a miimi ol'jioople. ^ |& to assist. % id au assistiint. ^ 5 3^ a comprador's assistant. ^ ^ to assist with money. ^ a list of graduates ; to publish a list. ^ ^ to issue a public notice. i ^ to board a vessel. 1^ to slander. ^ the sides ; by the side of; close to. ^ ^ by the side of. j^ by the side of; near; to depend on. ^ (in imitation of the English sound " pound '') a pound ; pounds. 1^ a leopard. ^ )k leopard skins. "Q a bundle ; a package ; to wi-ap up. ■Q 3S to bundle up; to contain; to be comprised 2 ^ to put into a enclosure. caled envelope ; a scaled ^ ^ emballage; packing. ^ & ^ metal trusses for binding bales of goods. ■Q ^ to manage; to mediate in business (;is a broker). "Q ^ to undertake the transaction of. €l ^ to store up ; to conceal. B^ the womb. Sa m 'I uterine brother, ft pickled fish, ft ^. awabi; sheU-fish. ^ to grasp; to feel; to have in the heart; to cherish. f^ ^ to feel uncomfortable legiyt. ^i^B ± M ^ M Bf3l^ m I pray that you will regard my regict as a proof of my original good intention. to protect; a ward; to be surety for. guardian; to miarantee; -^m\ to protect. 1^ to protect against danger ; to insure against 'li'e, marine accident, etc.) ; insurance. \. pan f^ ;^ to recommend ; to recommend for promotion ; to be security for. m '.m [ •' '^""'^ ; •' guarantee. %WWl fl?, :i bond certificate (fur rice). tS A. ;i giummtee ; a security. fS J£ the department of Pao-ting-fu (in Chihli). pao ^ thin; poor; few. pao 3S valuable; precious; treasure; sycee; the Im- perial Seal ; in letters, " yoiu:," " your valuable.'' ^ yi/ emery powder. ^ ^ an order ; the Chinese order of the Fuo-hsing. ^ §1 your signature. llj iE IH Paoshan Point (a locality in Shang- ai H;u-bour). 2Jao ^ fierce; passionate. 'pao >)^ fire-bursting; fireworks. ^ fj fii-e-crackers. 2)ao ^ to announce ; to requite. J^ ^H to give notice to ; to bring to the knowledge of; to report. ^ Sit) to declare goods as having to be landed. fK Ik to declare for examination. ^ ^ to declare [goods] for payment of duly. ^ f IhI A a taxpayer ; a payer of duties. ^ 1^ an application for permission to l;md or ship goods ; a report. fS Ht to report [goods] at a banier. ^S Si a uTittcn report ; to report in writing. ^ 'Is jJl A messengers; informers; reporter.^. ^ ^ to sound an alann. ^J^ ^ to recompense. SK ^ to revenge. ^^S ^ to repay ; to requite. ^^^ I®, to return fiivoui-s ; to show oneself thauliful for favours received. il3 (used for J^ ^wo) to crackle. m (or ] ja^ a gunner. i^ "a !i fort ; a battery. p'l.'.o ^ to run ; to race. ^ ^ a courier ; to announce by courier. 2)'(w Jjd to throw away ; to put down. ( 86 ) J^'"" ii& ^ to throw away. M M to tlirow down. M Si to sqiumder. pci $^ low ; inferior ; mean ; as a term of modesty, "my." ^ ^ my office ; " I." pd f^ so that ; so as to ; to enable ; to follow. jS| ^ so that I may ; so as to enable ; so that ; so as to. ^ ?§' S ?& ^ S so that it may bo returned to the loser. f^ IS 151 'III ^ so as to benefit the rerenue and promote comiiiprcc. f^- %^ %%.K- i^ order to avoid obstruction ^ fS J5 ^ US ^J in order to avoid abuse. f^ Iw ■§ S so that it may serve as a pledge ; as a substantial proof. 2X,i ^ beneficial ; to assist. ^. H to assist. ^ ^ advantage ; profit ; to benefit. ■pci ^ a bed cover: to cover; to sufi'er; sign of the passive, when the word denoting the doer of an action stands between pei and the verb following. ^ Bp a cotton bed quilt ; a palampore. ^ ;$ H ^ ^ 's, was, etc., seized by this ofBce. ^ § to be seized; to be apprehended. .^ ^ to be kiUed. to be wounded. ^ ^ to be broken to pieces (as a vessel liy plun- derers). 1^ to be ijlimdered. ^ to be^burned ; to be on fire. IS H S i to be robbed of by outlaws. ^ •^ to be accused ; the accused ; the defendant. WL ^ ^^ cases of accusation ; charges against. ^ llj p^ ^ to be kept out of view, or obscured by hills (as a light). ^ M J& ® ^ to be driven away by a storm (as a vessel from its moorings). tX ?K ^ ffi'] to be washed away by the water. fiX JU, 115; P to put into a port for .shelter. :It north ; northern. ^t M tlie northern side door of an examination hall ; fig., the examination for chu-jin. 4b ^ a northern vessel ; i.e., a vessel trading to the north of China. .-^^ J"i 4k "il^ i^ E the Superintendent of Northern Tra.le. •lb H the northern end. 4b M Peking. 4b W M the Pakhoi Customs. 4b Pi P Pei-ho-k'ow (a Likin station on the Yangtze). 4b fS, Dodd Island (near Amoy). 4b fi JS iS 5J f^ the North-German Confed- pei ^ the back ; bcliiiid the back ; on the back (as of a document) ; to oppose. ?a fi ungrateful ; to carry on the back. fj $5 to disregard an agreement. 2)ci Jg generation ; kind ; people ; when appended to a noim, expressing plurality, e.g., v:o pci ^ ^, people of my kind, i.e., we. V<^i IS ''old, as S f B fivefold or five times; to double. pci ^ pearls; valuable. ^ ^ a hei-U, or prince of the 3rd order. pci f^ to prepare ; to provide ; ready. >/4Sf I5f to prepare for managing a matter. ^^ aS to prepare for examination. J^T^ ^ one who prepares for examination ; a ^^ candidate for examination. J^ M to submit ; to supply (as copies of a document <^ asked for). ^ ^ to file in the archives ; to keep for reference ; ^^ for inspection ; for reference. '^ ^ to provide for the whole of. ^ ^ to provide for details ; to prepare a statement. ^ 'In the complete details ; " these are the facts." M § ^ ^ to experience hard times. p'ci I* a flail ; to strike. \t ^ nutgalls. p'ci pg to indemnify. ^S IS to make up for ; to compensate. In jig to repay. m' to retiun a caU. ) ^ to compensate for ; to indemnify. Sp ^ to make up (as a deficiency), la M to involve in indemnification; to cause one to make up for a deficit. 2)'ci ^ to bear company ; to assist. ^ Sd to assist. ( 87 p'd j$ to spread ; to cover. See p'i. l)'ei (^ a girdle ; to respect. f^ ^ carried on the girdle; wi or the collar (as a decoration). p'ci ^ to mate ; to pair. ^ '^ to unite ; to join together. @£ ^& to mix with lead. pal ^ to rim ; to hurry. ^ ^ to run away. ^ 'Si to flee like billows to be in trouble about ; t to run at great speed ; hurry. /^ this, as in " this office " ; the possessive pronoun of the person speaking or writing, as in pen shui- wu-ssil (4? ^ ^ 'RI) = I> the Commissioner; root ; source ; original fund ; capital. ^ ^ I ; myseE J^ J^ this place. ^ ^ this Custom House. fj this firm ; our firm. 2^ ^ this bank. ^ one's profession ; my trade. ^ P my (the wi'iter's) country ; also his (another's '' own) country. 2{I }4 native. /f? ^ this year ; the present year. ;^ ^ this month. ^ ^ this quarter. 7^ pi5 ^ I, the Governor-General. ^ p15 ^ I, the Governor. ^ >i I, the Taot'ai. I '^ .K the merchants under one's jurisdiction. i the merchant concerned (in a matter). / / Jj^ A the person concerned; oneself; in person. /^J^. H properly speaking, I ought to ; ought ; should. ^ {=2]cn-shih ^ '^) able; competent. ^ the duties of a man'.s occupation ; one's business. /^ y^ ^ ability. y _,,J "^ lottery ticket ; Lii-sung p'iao ( g ^ ^X a Manila [lottery] ticket. p'iao ^ a whirlwinJ ; to be driven about by a storm. p'iao }® to toss about. j®. ^ M ^ to drift away (as a ship from its moorings). ^ ffi 7K l! to drift about on the water; to be adrift. i^ ^ to be shipwrecked. pick glj another; otherwise; to distinguish ; to separate. 31J P another port. glj i^ otlier kinds of M ^ W ^ other goods ; goods of a description not covered by a document. ^Ij JJ} ^ '^ another Chinese merchant. K'J "^ {pieh-li, in imitation of the English soimd " penny ") a penny ; pence. pien ^ flat ; a tablet. pien ^ a signboard ; a tablet. ^ ^ a laudatory tablet. pitn 1^ to arrange in order ; registered under No ; ti) plait; to weave; to compile. IS M ^ a£ to register (as a cargo-boat). li M a register. . pien jg (or ^) everywhere; to go round ; Ismail. / jg "^ to inform all ; to notify the public/ jg j^ ^ ^ to hang up, or exhibit, everywhere (as a proclamation). )S 58 5^ f to convey everywhere in the empire. pien 0g convenient ; convenience ; to acconmiodate ; to facilitate; cheap; (=||J chi) then; thereupon. 2}icu ^ ]5f^ to meet with no difficulty in; to bo ex- pedient to ; to facilitate ; to be given facilities in. @ ^ to accommodate merchants ; to show due consideration to the convenience of trade. @ Jlft ii con\enient ship ; a ship which happens to be on tlie bertli, with destination to a port one may wish to send passengers or cargo to, but not chartered for the purpose. ■^ .^ to use as one sees fit; for convenient use. ^ P^ to enclose in a letter. ^ ^ advantageous ; to be of advantage to ; cheap ; having full power to act without reference to a s\i]icrior; to do as one pleases. @ S It y ^ S ^ Minister having discretionary power to act according to the requirements of Im office; a Minister Plenipotentiary. ^ ^ comfortable; convenient. 2)icn If to plait. picH ^ a side ; a border ; an edge ; the frontier. ^ ^ in the margin (of a document). ^ ^ the frontier. 2ne7i f^ to censure ; to discharge (as an officer). 1£ iS to discharge ; to dismiss. jiien ^ officers of an inferior grade ; military officers. pien ^ to cut asunder; to divide; to distinguish. Mjtodistinguish. pien ^ to dispute ; to argue ; to discriminate. ^ S$ to contradict ; to dispute ; contradictory. ^ |& to argue ; to discuss ; to controvert. 2}icn ^ to change. ^ jU to change ; to make a change by way of accommodation or of compromise ; for convenience sake ; to accommodate. ^ $5 to change one's mind after having made a contract. ^ H to dispose of by sale ; to sell. MJiB.i&^'lk bad weather at sea. 2j'icn )y a flat piece of something ; a strip ; a sheet. Jt= ^ a note ; a card. )T 4 ^ visiting card. 2>'icn ■(g inilincil to one side ; partial ; to incline to a cCTtaiii du-ection of the compass, e.g., fj 4t {§ ;}t, north-north-west. fg ^ a one-sided view ; partiality. Is JJ^ ^ selfish ; partial; partiality. 12 ( 90 ) l>un p'icn p'icu p'ien pill pin p'in pHn pmg pin 11 ^ to make a onc-sidcJ charge ; to impose didiiulty by partiality. ^ a section ; a page ; a leaf. IB to boast ; to impose upon. ^ to defraud ; to delude ; to inveigle. S # ^ 5S # t5§ to kidnap. ^ a funeral ; funeral rites. ^ a guest ; a stranger. ^ poor; poverty. pn degree ; rank ; the nine degrees of Chinese official rank ; to arrange ; delicacies. pp 1^ rank. 7jC ice; crystallised. ^K \^ fl* when the river is covered with ice. tK to sugar candy. 7^ )x Baroos camphor. ^ a soldier ; military. ^ f^ II man-of-war ; a gun-boat. :E iSg lit a naval yard. ^ ^ soldiers. ^ fx .soldiers and runners. :^ ^ a camp ; a garrison. ^ ^ arms ; military stores. ^ % the Board of War. ^fi it a Taot'ai. ^ [^ (">■ ^) (the betel-nut; betel-nuts. 1^ \% ^ betel-nut husk. ^ \%^ gambler. 3& (ii or ^) and ; or ; also ; at the same time ; togetlier mlh. 3& ^ not by any means. All negative particles — p% (^), wii (|tt), wei (^), etc. — may be reinforced by the addition of certain words, which need not be translated except where it seems necessary to emphasise negation, c.y., when they correspond to the EngUsh " by no means," " not at all," etc. The following words and expressions are often so employed: ping (j^), tuan (^), chHm (^), wan (^), ch'im vxm (^ ^), hao (^), S.H hao (U *)' chUeh (•^), chaeh (j^), druh (-tj), hn„if (H), Chung (^), ch'iung (}§), ch!ng{%). ^ ^Y "ot «t all ; not. Cf. ping 36 ^• ^ ^ not by any means. Cf. ping wei 36 ^. 36 M ^ 'p' I'y no means unjust; quite approv- ablc. pmg ping pmg ping tk ^ having at the same time. CT (>'»ccl for 36 I'ii'g) and ; both ; with ; alto- gether; together with. ^ cakes ; paste ; pastry. i^ sick; sickness. ^ ^ the stiite of a disease. ^ 8X to die of diseiise. ^ a communication from an inferior to a superior ; a petition ; to petition. Wi W [' 'I petition ; a statement. petition ; to apply to ; to ^s to mtorm in represent. to inform (a superior), report (to a superior). superior). petition; to report (to ^,J^'^ to petition the court in reply to an accusa- tion ; a counter-statement. ^ ^ to wait upon a superior. I' -^ to inform in a petition ; to accuse in writing. to accuse ; to make a written charge. Z to apply for. -^ If ( ^ J^ Ira IS 'Fffl to claim compensation. ^ "^ fS to apply for leave of absence. ,y^^ W to apply for orders. ^^''^i ^ to decide in reply to a petition. "? ^ to uphold (as a principle). ^ S upholding justice ; impartially ; to act feirly. ^ ^ holding powers ; plenipotentiary. \ng ip even ; level ; weight ; standard weight (as of sycee silver, c.f/., ^ ^, the Customs standard weight of the Haikwan tael); to weigh (as silver); cheap ; tranquil ; peaceful. ^ ^ of equal standing. ^ fj of equal rank ; on the same footing. ^ "kx j"st ; fair. ^ ^ to arrive at a just settlement; to agree upon. i^ % common; usual. ^ fl$ in ordinary times ; ordinarily. ip ip to adjust. ( 91 ) p'tng p'ing 2Ji ^ to weigh. ^ |il to sell grain at even (i.e., fail-) and reasonable prices ; to sell cheaply (as grain bought up by Uovcrniuent for cheap sale in a famine-stricken district). ¥^ peace. J^ a bottle ; a vase. jH to lean on; on the ground of; according to. P ^ A #S ^ to rely on (i.e., to accept) the merchant's declaration. JS i% ^ fj to ascertam the value (as of silver) according to weight. jll ^ "leaning [on this] bill;" "as per memo.;" also, a "duty proof;" a voucher; a certificate. fH ^ a written guarantee ; evidence ; proof. jH pS proof; evidence. M glass. ^ J^ glass ; window glass. ^ ^ Jr window glass. MMM glass balls (used as paper weights). ^ J^' ^ M glass vessels ; glassware ; crystal- Persian opium. . earl. S|f Persia ; Persian. mmwm B M pineapple fS ^ iP3 (po-lei-men) the city of Bremen. jlt to urge ; to embarrass. §^ (for which ^ and ^ are used) metal leaf; foil. tS to moor ; to anchor. tS ilS to anchor a ship. li& pjC to moor (as a new lightship). }j^ ^ the harbour limits. }j§ ^ :^ ^ regulations for the mooring of ships. §lj to peel ; to scrape off; to extort ; used for ^ pu, to tranship. i'Jil5( = l5ilS)acargo.boat. ^ to transfer ; to send ; to set aside for ; used for gj 2J0, to tranship. ^ ^ to set aside and hand over ; to appropriate. ^ ^ to set aside for ; to'appropriate for. ^ ^ to appropriate (as funds). i'<' ^ ^ to re-appropriate; to recover [funds defrayed]. I'o ^ to disperse ; to scatter ; to winnow. ^ ig to reject. l>o m thin ; thinness. W "^ fill peppermint oil. ^ fuj ?!rC peppermint ice; i.e., peppermint oil crystallised. ■JW ff H peppermint leaf. I'o S^ to walk through the grass ; to travel. M J$ to travel far ; far- travelled. po ^ to tranship; to dispute; to argue. gj ^ a cargo-boat. 1^ ^ to tranship goods. ^nm& cargo-boats. 15 'M S'J Mi to tranship to another vessel. n&. >S to tranship ; to caiTy goods (as in a cargo- boal). U ^ to argue against ; counter-argument. p'o ij^ a slope ; the side of a hill ; a bluff. p'o 1^ to break; to tear. ^ 'M torn ; broken. ^ M ^ W ^ M broken-dollar money. ^ i|R to be broken and having holes. ^ jl breakage ; i.e., the loss caused by breaking. p'o ^ rather; very; extremely. ® M to eagerly wish for. p'o JQ to beat ; to slap a table ; to bid ; used for 2>(i jl&, to anchor. tS M to sell by auction. tS S to settle a purchase at auction. pi'o Jfl amber. p'ou ^j to split asunder; to lay open. pfl W\ to distinguish. p!l ^J to decide a case. 2>u 7f not. ^ Ih not knowing ; ignorant. yf\ J^ incomplete ; impracticable. /fs |P not immediately ; forthwith not. /P ip M forthwith not to , but to ; instead of (doing this), (doing that). •p J^ not to reach ; not to come up to ; to be less than. ^ S fll^ cannot wait. /p pf not counting; excepting. ( 92 ) /^ 1§| ignorant ; not knowing. ^ 1^ ^-4 ^ unknown by name. ^ §4 so as not to ; so that there may not be ; the opposite of 15; (i-hih) or ^ gj; ("i chih), so that. /p ^ within a short time. ^ Hi 'If S without uttering a wish ; not of one's own accord. ^ fS a ^ not able to detect signs of rash stupidity. ;p ?§ not allowed ; forbidden. % ?# fl li ;^ i^ ii- pl^^ce where steamers are not allowed to stop ; a place not authorised as a landing-stage (on the Yangtze). /f; ^ no matter whether. Tf, fi um-uly. ;f % there is no difficulty in. /f, ^ making no distinction between. ^ ^ ifll ^ JS n without distinguishing the place of importation. ^ ^ to disagree. '^ %, not sufficient for ; not to cover. /p, '^ it is not convenient. ^ -^ it not aU sold (as goods). /p '{^ to disagree. ;f f;fC not to stop or cease ; unceasingly. % _ not the same ; different ; more thixn one ; several ; not a few; many; many times; also a very common concluding phrase in lettere, ^ich^l^ff 'the corresponding phrases, /JJ m,, 4^ W' 4^ M' and others, are mere expletives, but serve to show that a letter Ls finished . ^ "Ttooi '^ ^ nmst not ; should not. ;P ^ not so ; if not so. J. B shortly. T> in, /f, X^ unclassed. ;f iS ± K S 'Ira ^ '* '^ ':«^"y ^"^i—'i "" Vicar this ; the state of matters is indeed more than we can bear. ;P -^ not willing. ;^ ^ not able to. /[i |g not to care for. ^ M :^ ^ not to care for the public interest; to have no regard for society. yfi & not just; incorrect (as the weights of a balance). ; better to ; we had better. /p i^ not exceeding ; only. /p i^ Ho E( only and nothing more. ^ ^ JSa ® ffl to dislike using. 7f\ ^^ not having been issued (as a certificiite, etc.); i.e., without (a certificate, etc.). ^ 5ft ffl. IB ii-respective of quality. ^ lib ^ bound to ; cannot help being. yjs ■^ inconvenient. ^ @ JSfe ^ inconvenient to the public. /j\ ij^ must not ; need not. ;P # bad. /(\ f§ not in the least. ^ f& !S fi not the slightest leniency wiU be shown. ^ H^ 1^ ^ very strange ; quite incredible. X^ W W.M. to be greatly obliged. ^ ^ ^ iS it is attended ivith endless trouble. /p "g without leniency ; strictly. ^ fH _Q. not only , but also /{\ ^ cannot ; should not. /Ji # B there is no help ; inevitable. /p ^ after two expressions, "and," "or," "or so"; e.g., II S ^ # light or heavy; light ones and heavy ones ; Zl ^ /f ^ two oi three. "X" ^ ^ M unsafe places ; passages not quite in order and requiring correction. /J* -ffi 5!l unclassed; unenumerated. '?> -ffi jifc ^J not covered by this nile. yj» JS, not enough ; insufficient ; incapable. /p JS, iU '^ ^ i^ S& not capable of discouraging importation. ^ ^ to disobey ; to disregard. /p JJ^ improper; incapable. /?» >^ ^ .1. to consider a matter to be reasonable enough. ;P >\% ^ S not only not , but even /P Fo^ § ffi ffl "S no matter whether for own use or for sale. ;P |ft to be bound to. (Note that two negatives combined make a strong affirmative.) ^ ^ S ?f cannot avoid difficulties ; bound to be'attended by difficulties. /P ^ not easy to; difficult to; unchanged; un- changeable. /F ^ Ji jSi an unchangeable rule. /p S >^ ^ V improprieties ; misconduct ( 93 ) t§ to seize ; to pursue. mm m^ M fx police runners. ^ to assist; to supplement; to mend; to do after- wards what ought to have been done before. ^ gl^ to assist. ^ ^ to till a vacancy. W M ^ ^■'>- supplementary grant. ^ $^ to issue anew (;is a document lost). ^ Ih )l$ M to •■'PPly for ^ 16^ certificate of registry (to replace one lost). ^ ^ to add by way of supplement; to make a supplementary payment. ^ ^ to pay afterwards (what should have been paid before). ^ :^ iS ^ to send in a supplementary state- ment regarding one's resignation. ^ ^ employed as a supernumerary; supernumerary. H 7K i = ^^iX 7K) when making a payment in dollars, to pay a premium on account of the diti'erence in the price of pure sycee silver. See wen ^>C 7jC- ^ J£ to pay for difference in standard of silver. U a register ; a ledger ; an account book. ■^ a vassal ; a servant ; your servant ; " I." y^ cloth; cotton, linen, etc., cloth; to spread; to diffuse ; to inform. '{^ 7E cotton piece goods. ^ >K flR cotton clothing. ^ ^ to place in order ; to arrange. ^ ^ to inform. ■^ iS ffi ^ provincial treasiu'cr or Fant'ai. ^ B^=^^MWi pu-ln-ssu) Prussia; Prus- sian. fi^ to extend ; a public notice. fi^ ^ to reply to a letter. 15 tribe; class; one of the lui pu (/^ pl5) or Boarils of Government. ^ ^ member of one of the six Boards. ^ ^ official designation of a President of a Board (as such the title of a Governor-General). |il5 ^ official designation of a Vice-President of a Board (as such the title of a Provincial Governor). ^ issued by the Board [of Revenue] (as standard weights and measures). j^ a pace ; to pace ; to move up and down. ^ © space. llB bedding; a shop. m M bedding. IS factories and fanns. Ijf J3 factory workmen ; shop people. to be prostrate ; to prostrate. 'M a river ; the Hwangpu at Shanghai M ^ ^ the shore of the river opposite Shang the Puotung shore. §iB ]^ A traders; merchants. s. jlj; to scatter ; to let go. ^ to stop (as a hole); to hinder. ^ to emulate ; to try who can make the best show. ^ ^ ^ '^ an industrial exliibition. ^ ^ ^ ^ exhibits (at an industrial exhibition). ^ ,|| horse-racing. i ^ ^M'^ ra'=e meeting. H (oi' ^) three; thrice. ^ ^ three cornered; triangular. H tt ^ ^ '1 three-masted lightship. H P jE |!5 ^ E the Minister Superintendent of the Three Ports (formerly the only ones open to trade). ii m (0^ H n M) a triplicate tnmsit memorandum. — . |§ J§ the raising of the colnnm in a text by the space of three characters in the case of terms relating to a deceased Sovereign. 3 ,@. to think three times ; i.e., to carefully con- sidoi'. H EB ^ 59 if >« ^ ;^ ii Jf £. the Friday followiug after the new moon in the third or fourth Chinese month ; i.e., Good Friday. > capoor cutchery. — M) ^ to scatter ; to let go ; to dismiss. ^ an lunbrella. ^ to mourn ; a funeral ; to die. H ^g mourning clothes ; to wear mourning. ^ !§ funenU rites. ( 94 ) shan shall shan shan shan ^ the mulberry tree. ^ to brush ; to sweep ; to clear ofl'. ^ P^ to sweep before the door ; i.e., to keep one's house ready to receive a visitor. ^ ^ to clear off an account. •£ colour; to colour; to dye. ■& 1^ colour. g, ^ dyed cloth. ■fe -?K Ml5 'iij dyed, figured, brocaded, etc., shirtings. f 'J; gravel ; sand ; gritty, like sand. ?'i' ill inferior cardamoms or grains of paradise. W Wl ^ «^'go. i|$ gauze ; untwisted thread ; yarn ; thin silk. ^ sand ; a sand or mud bank. W j1 a sandspit. ^ ^ a sand or mud bank ; a shoal ; a bar (as the Woosung Bar). ^ ^ rattans. ^ ifl Shashih (a port of call on the Yangtze). ^ representing the Indian sound sha in ^ ^ Icasha, the robe of a Buddhist priest ; gauze. ^ (or i'j;) the shark. M .^, & sharks' skins. ^ to kill ; to murder. [Ij a hill ; a mountain ; an island ; a promontory. ill ^ a goat. llj ^ ^ goats' hair. llj ^ i£ goats' skins. lU ]^ the Shantung province. [Ij "S the Shansi province. [Ij ^ |§ the Newchwang Customs. •^lll a spit of land. •Jill M Swatow. •Jill i%. the port of Swatow. fill to slander. Jill (an unauthorised character) a small boat. Ilil It a sampan. Cf. shan # WL- H fans. ^ arbitrarily ; on one's own authority and without permission ; without authority ; to venture. ^ fj to [wr6] without authority. ^ ^ to act on one's own authority. ^ JB to make unauthorised additions. shan shan shan shall ^ a kind of pine. ^ ^ a sampan ; a cargo-boat. ^^ a .shirt. IIB!] to cut out ; to cancel ; to revise and correct. mi!] 1^ to expunge ; to remove a name from a list. IffllJ 2A to revise and correct. m coral. flash ; to shun ; to peep, the province of Shensi. ^ good ; to make good. iS a good measure or methoi ke good what comes after; to make \ lies supplementary to a set of rules originallv^ "S m ]i1^ m I ^]jg Supplementary Rules appended # ft filJ: ? to the Tarifl- ; the " Tarifl' Rules" jl ^^ .^K. ^ I or " Trade Regulations." S 0. if» M ^ special commission for the revision of regulations ; a provincial administrative board. shan f^ to write out ; to copy. m jt to make out a document; to place on re- cord ; to note (as a protest). ff JL tM S to note a protest. la W -^vriters; copyists. shang J^ above ; superior ; first quality ; to go up ; to ascend ; to land. Jl ~f superior and inferior ; first and second quality ; clean and refuse ; up and down ; to land and ship ; to communicate with the shore (as from on board a ship). t tp r superior, middling, and inferior ; first, ^-'second, and third quality. ^ ^ ^ first quality birds' nests. ' ^xi W )r ''lean Baroos camphor. ^/4fW above ; on it (as on a surface). ^^^^iTpl superiors. ^^itr.^ one's superior authorities ; high Government officers. J: "g high officials. ydu'fZ a first and a second time; of the first and '''^ second class; the last, i.e., previous, time. Jr i^ nP *J* broad above and narrow below. / _fc. ^ "F ^ broad above and narrow below; (if round) an inverted frustum. . to consider ; to deliberate ; to consult |g S to decide upon. \% to wound ; to injure. \% JM to damage ; to be damaged. >lf little; in the least; the least amount ; short of ; young ; junior (as opposed to ta ^ or I'ai ^, >\? 'J/ m op. [a quantity of goods] less than [is stated in] tlio document. ^ tE to declare short ; to underetate. ^ tS a junior guardian of the Imperial Heir Ai)parcnt. V^ to whistle ; a whistle. "if M 11 revenue cruiser. 1'^' the stern of a vessel. hH I the commanding officer on board a ship; a ship-master. t3 tiie top of a staft". ^ .'^lightly; gradually; rather. It ^ ^ ^ to slightly relax a restriction ; to grant a facility. ^ M W: '^ there is a slight misapprehension. ^ /i^ /p 1^ it Ls not exactly the same ; there are slight differences in. IS' ^ to explain somewhat; to show to a certain extent. |§ ^ to gradually lay aside. ( 96 ) j^ to burn ; to roast ; to boil. I 7C b"i°t oft ; on board a steamer). ed and finished (as coal 6!l H fhc ^ to credit ; to give credit. ^. m to credit. she ^ extnwagant; wasteful. she ^ to ford ; to wade ; to concern ; to be connected with ; to be implicated in. s/ic § the tongue. she ^ a cottage ; as a term of modesty, " my." she j^ to reject ; to part with. she ^ to shoot out ; to project (as a shadow). ^ 3fc to shine ; luminous. ahe ^ the musk deer. H ^ musk, s/ir ^ to arrange for; if; supposing that. ^ ^ to arrange in order. nS W ^ ^ to arrange for the transmission of official dociunents and private letters; to under- take the forwarding of correspondence. jj; to erect ; to establish. to lay down buoys and beacons. f^ to contrive ; to plan. to devise a plan ; to see that. IS fi- S if to adopt measures for. ^ i^ ^ to introduce new regulations. WC J^ ^° prepare a banquet. , „ , ^ „ that. she ^ to remit ; to release. Wl^^o forgive. shm ^ the body ; in petitions, a modest term for " I." ^ ^ one's person and family. ^ llfc to die. shin ^ to explain ; to state to a superior ; the book name of the city of Shanghai. ^ '^ a despatch to a superior ; a report. ^ 1^ > to report (to a superior). ^ $R •§ fr f L ^ to inform superiors, equals, and inferiors in rank. ^ ^ to convey news. ^ BB to explain clearly ; to state clearly (as to a superior). ^ ^ to reply (to a superior). ^ In to apply for (as for instructions). ^ f R ^ S?. Ii£ ^ to request (a superior) to receive a docuiiiout for action to be taken. ^ In K !f^ ^r^ ^ ) to apply for instructions (in ^ II ^ § 'i^ M ) " '•'^"P'^''^'^ *° " s"l'crior). ^ 'iL 81ianghai. f^ equal to ; worth ; to extend to ; ( = v^) to explain. ■f^ ^ to present one's thanks. 1^ ^ to be equal to ; to be worth. f^ We to miike a statement ; to complain. |lj! a sash ; a girdle ; the gentry. If i a scholar. 1$ ^ the gentry and elders. If ^ the gentry and merchants ; the community. ^ deep; deeply; extremely; very. ^ ^ deep and shallow ; depth. fct; '/p f deeply obliged ; deeply indebted (as for ^ -prX benefits received). ^ M to wish sincerely. ^ fg to be a great help. ^ ginseng. Cf. ts'aji and is'cji. ^ very; extremely. ^ ;/«; very large. 2 ^ very rarely. S /^ to wish ardently, ffi careful ; to be carefid. 'M ffi carefid; diligent; diligence. 'Ir S! to carefully observe ; to treat as important. 'IM M J^ A a careful and serious man. 'ta %, to select with care. § to examine ; to try (as a legal case) ; to inves- tigate. Hy 5u to investigate thoroughly. ^ BJj to investigate ; to try (as a case). H ^ to settle judicial cases. ^ ^ to give judgment ; to decide a case. it is vei7 fair ; it is very just. try a case. ( ^r ) trade; business. sitcn ^ i^ (or ^ 3||) to decide and settle legal cases. ^ ^jj to deciile legal cases ; to have jurisdiction. skcng 2£ raw ; unmanufactured ; unripe ; to be born ; tc come into existence ; to create. i»—fC] ^ * i'-^^^' '^D'l cooked ; crude and prepared ; un- J ^ manufactured and manufactured. Sc. ^ fresh fruit ; unripe fruit. I ^ ff. raw silk. 3c. $B. unmanufactured iron. •^ fH ^ pig iron. ^ SH unmanufactured copper ; copper ore. , ^ '^ J^ cow or buffalo hides. ^ ^ natural disposition. ^. ^ r;iw ; coarse ; incomplete. ^ ^ iS iS one's offspring for many generations. 3 ^ ft to get a living ; a livelihood. (')& S occupation ^& M /\^ y to make trouble. O^ ^ ^" to create malpractices ; to commit an olieuce. ► ^ St ^ to result in ^standini' nuisance, a pipe /for wliistling)v. ' ^ to be able to; adSqusite to; worthy of; to be superior to ; to conquer. ^ |55 to be able to ward off; to protect. ^ M eligible ; competent for election. M M JS M '^ certificate of competency ; a do- cument certifying to the eligibility of a person for a certain post. ^ jft superior thoughts ; i.e., " your valuable opinion." shcnrj ^ to rise ; to raise ; to hoist (as a flag) ; to rise in office ; a Chinese grain measure, of which lo are equal to a iou (5f) and too are equal to a picul ?h lit [I wish you] promotion and happiness (a concluding phrase in letters). ?f* ^ [I wish you] promotion and peace (a con- cluding phrase in letters). ^ 5II to rise to the distant land; i.e., to die. shmg ^ to rise ; to be promoted. K "g^ to be promoted. . / ^/^ '*'-, to ascend [the steps of yourjyW| to be ■'v_^pened ; written after the name on^meTKulress of a letter, it means, " to be delivejetl into the hands of. ," in which sense it is nj6re polite than ^Ir (ch'a-shou), otherwise siufilarly employed. shiny shcng shing s%mg xhhvj sMng the provincial capital. ^ to make known ; to report ; to state ; u sound. S ^ to report. ^ ^ to state ; to decLire. ^ IPI to make a personal statement. ^ E3 it is rumoured ; report ; to report. $S| :i cord ; a string ; to restrain. ^ f^ cordage ; the rigging of a ship. -@ a province ; also, the provincial capital ; to save to diminish. ■^ JrJ the river at the provincial capital. i^ ij to spare one's strength. ^ aliundant; great; plenteous; to thrive. ■^ ,§. great kindness ; your favour. ^ ^ plenty. ^ H prosperity ; thriving trade. M in kind feelings ; kindness. ^ i^ the Liaotung proidnce ; Shengking ; Mouk- den. ^ to avail oneself; to multiply. ^ i^ to make use of a boat or carnage. ^ iU — W to nmltiply by 100. ^Ij to remain (after deduction); a remainder; an overplus. j^lj M, remnants of goods. ^ holy ; sacred. 1^ H an Imperial mandate. ^ ^ the sacred glance ; an Imperial order. ^ H the sacred glance; the Emperor's approval ^ to hasten ; to sail ; quick. j^ ^ to sail to ; to be bound for. ^ if; supposing that; in the event of; to cause to ; to let ; so that ; to send ; a messenger. ■© ^ to cause to be thus ; to bring about. ^ -^ to order ; to cause. ■0^ ^ to lay out ; to incur an expense for another ; expenses; charges. •^ ^ to employ; to be employed; to lend one's services ; an outlay ; expenses. ^ A to send someone ; a messenger. ■J^ E !in envoy. •^ ^ a servant. iff a market; a fair-; exchange of produce; to trade. 13 ( 98 ) shih shih shih shih -'"'' itr IS? tlie market price. shih j^ the persimmon fruit ; persinnnons. shih gp to adorn ; ornaments ; to paint; to pretend ; to make believe. f fi ** Sn 'ci to paint red ; to be painted red. tfe IrI fil!l is 11 pretext for evading payment of duties. shih gjp an expert ; a master ; a patron ; a brigade ; military; naval. 1$ j^ a naval boat ; a man-of-war. shih 1^ to accompany ; to follow (as an attendant). f# 115 a Vice-President of a Board. iv m Imperial guards. shih ^ tiuie ; at the time ; then ; thereupon ; each time ; at any time ; an hour, both in the Chinese sense (i.e., the twelfth part of a day, corresponding to two hours of our time) and in the foreign sense. fl? ^ time; hour. fl? m "t t'lc time; at the proper time; punctually. Ji# M time- fl^ M fM- => time-book ; a [po-stal] delivery-book. fllf ^ a Chinese hour. Bt M ^ '1 watch ; watches. fl$ M § joss-sticks. fl* ffi at any time ; always. fl* M tJie market value. 1^ to know. Cf. chih. 5^ to relax ; to abrogate. ?ffl ^ to abrogate a prohibition ; to rescind a law. JE to bestow ; to relieve ; to rescue. J£ M' to bestow a favour. JS S. to bestow on ; to extend to (as a privilege). Jffi "fT to grant that it be so ; to comply with a petition ; to carry out a scheme ; to put into operation. ^ damp; wet. ■^ this; that; to be; tliis means that; the above amounts to this, that, etc. ; that is ; correct ; satis- factory (as an explanation). ^ ^^ to be and not to be ; yes and no ; positive and negative ; right and wTong. ^ ^ whether or not. ^ § pT ^ whether or not it may be done. ^ "25 ^ ^ whether or not it ought to be thus whether it is the proper course to adopt. ^ J^ therefore ; hence ; thereby. ^ H that day ; on the same date. the real facts ; the matter of foot. ■^ PJi ^ VM this is what I very much pray for; I would urgently ask for this. ^ >^ ^ f§^ I shall be much obliged thereljy. ^ ^ ^ ^ t'i'>^ is very importiint. :§; ifbj J shall thank you for; to be obliged. ^ ^ I shall be pleased if you will ; I shall thank you foi'. y£ jg; the very truth ; to be really true ; really genuine. H (or ^) real ; really ; tridy ; indeed ; true ; the truth. K'lf « ^ really. M i% tf be in reality ; to prove to be. JE ® it really is; is indeed. ^ ^ the real balance ; the net total. ^ ^ the real weight. ^ )i5> sincerely; with the bona fide intention. M ^ document.ary proof. ^ fe i^ IM the true value. K H'J '^ S ill reality there is a loss. M ^ f-'S '^ it "ill be a real kindness or benefit. ^ ^ ^ m ) it is really in the pul)lic interest; ^ it will really be conducive shih ^ an arrow ; swift ; to resolve. shih ^ to lose ; to miss ; to fail. 9k ■^ to lose ; to have lost. ^ -^ to drop and lose (as goods dropping into the sea) ; to lose. ^ ^ to nii.ss one'.s aim; to be shipwrecked. ^ ^ til miss an opportunity. ^ fa to break one's promise. ^ >J^ to catch fire ; fire breaking out. ^ j^ the loser ; the person whose property is lost, stolen, etc. ^ [55 to neglect guarding against ; to fail to take precautions. shih jj; to make known ; to inform ; a proclamation. ifi ^D to inform by proclamation ; to make kno\^Ti ; to inform. jj^ til a public notice. ff\ Y^ to issue a proclamation with a view to ;j; ^ prohibited by proclamation; forbidden by Government. ( 'J^' ) shih JK lEH iSf }? " foir«ay buoy. JS Si to givo in:>t ructions iu reply to an appli- JJ» ^ ^ 3^ JE -fr to issue instructions for one's guiilance (iu reply to a despatch). JJ» ^ ^ to make signals of distress. shih ji§ to sec ; to take the bearing. iiS ^ to look [at a matter] as ; to consider as. IS ^ :^ 3t to regard as a mere document (said of rules which exist on paper only). shih I§ to relish ; to be fond of ; to induli;e in. shih -f- (or j§) ten. -f* ^ all ; complete ; completely ; very. shih f|- ten ; sundry ; miscellaneous. AL mi ntiscellaneous goods ; sunibies. ft m. ) shih J^ to pick up; to collect; (= -p ten). shih ^ a stone ; a rock ; mineral ; a picul (in this sense also read tan (ffi), when it is often written §)• ;&?i rocks. ^ ^ a stone beacon. ^ ^ giound gyijsum ; plaster of Pavis. ^ ^ hartall ; orpiment ; yellow lead. ^ M lime. ^ ^ malachite ; copper ore ; a kind of green paint. ^ ?2 3^ agar-agar. S 5^ ill (Mh-p'ai-shan) Breaker Point, near Swatow. shih {f great ; eminent. shih -jg; a generation ; an age ; hereditary. iS ^ hereditary office. ■JS S a hereditary nobleman ; an earl ; hereditary. •jft "g hereditary nobility. ift itt 5^ ^ may your generation rise to the ranks of duke and marquess. shih ■^ to eat ; eatables ; food ; provisions ; to drink ; j to smoke. ^ IS **'^1^ (ready for use); kitchen salt. 'M ^ provisions ; eatables. ^ "a to eat one's words, i.e., not to keep one's word ; to break one's promise. shih ^ a house ; a room. shih ^ after a name, denotes that the person is a woman ; in petitions, " I," said by a woman ; a clan ; a clan or family name. shih shih in first ; the lirst time ; then ; not till tlieu ; the beginning. jtu ?? the I>eginning and end ; a period taken altogether ; the entire period. p^ to release; to explain; Cnddhisl. ^ 1^! to release. ^ ^ to explain the meaning. ^ l)attern ; type. J^ ^ a pattern. ^ ^ class; category. ^ to examine; examination; to try. ^ H to examine ; to test. ^ Jh to be employed on trial ; to serve on proba- tion ; probationary. ^ |!l| to work as an experiment; provisional. M,M M-Mi" work by way of experiment and then decide, i.e., experimental and open to re- vision (as a regulation); provisional. ^ a matter ; a subject ; business ; a law case ; trouble; service; to serve. ^ 'Ii^ an afiair ; a matter. ^ H circumstimces ; particulars. ^ f§ an afiair ; a concern. ^ ^ the prosecutor in a law suit ; a master ; an employer. ^ ^ business matters ; atl'airs. •^ ^ I^ E 11 Minister in charge of atfaiis. ^ ^ that which properly pertains to the business of ; aftiiirs ; matters ; business. ^ §,)■ the state of matters ; cii-cumstances. ^ ^ the matter of fact ; the truth of a matter. ^ ^ authority; power. •^ "t^ before matters [go wrong] ; before something luippens. ^V in M K if the fact be true. ^ Hi "SI S ii course adopted as being dictated li\ < iiviuMstances. ■^ US $5 S'J i" matter concerning the Treaty and 111. T.iritr. ^ power; condition; circumstances. ^ 'jj strength ; prowess ; influence. ^ 1^ under the circumstances it is hard to. i a scholar ; the literati ; an able-bodied man ; a soldier ; a gentleman. ^f an oath ; to swear ; a vow. 3^ to depart ; to die. ( 100 ) j5 to suit; to accord with; just; just now; then. jS 1^ S ^ to obtain just one's equal share. pS ••' posthumous title. ipt ; to take in ; to rig in (as of a ' ■ ' J^ inging-boom of a ship). to get in the crop ; to reap the harvest. 1^ 5 to take over on sale ; to buy from another. Jft g| to collect bills. ' ,JKt S l^o collect fees. '' JIfc S ^ receipt. Jjft ^ *'^ collect duties. J^ ^ 1^ a lUity-paid certificate. yl{5[ ^ 5& R?, an exemption certificate. J& ^ 1^ " Likin receipt. ^ a proof of receipt ; tion of goods on board ; I certificate of the reoep- bill of lading. \J(^ f£ having received ; having been received ; ^ payments l)eing cleared ; to receive in full. >. pS S3I .^ s certificate showing that [duties] have been received ; a clearance certificate. fuU ; all received ; A JLJJ4 ft to have received .^"^ received. to receive and hold (as a document) ; to be placed in one's hands. ^ to receive ; [to deliver] into the hands of. ifi^ to collect (as duties) ; to receive ; to accept. J{5^ pj "arrived, or come to hand, by receiving," i.f., received; "received from" (in receipts). 1i i^'J ^ '^ the wrd "received"; the endorsement of :i receipt. _.- --^li eS to receive and keep; to harbour (as a fugitive). /^ ^ to keep ; to retain. /\Jj5[ Idl to receive to collect together. to appropriate, to put into a port (as a vessel in distress). 1(5: n ^ )i t., seek shelter in a port. J|^ X to iiuit work. J[J ^ to store up ; to lay by. Z' li f& '■0 repair ; to gather up ; to store up for keeping. ' j^ to rig in (as a jib-boom). ^ ripe ; cooked ; tanned ; manufoctured ; the op- posite of ihhig (^), raw or unmanufactured. ^ ^ j)reserved meats. shou ^ ^ preserved vegetables. ^ ^ boiled or prepared opium. ^ ^ manufactured iron. ^ ^ manufactured copper. 1 ^ U^ leather. ^ H Ife il ass leather in strips. ^ iS l« ripely know ; to be well acquainted with. ^ ,§l to consider maturely. S lis In ffe ;^ A experts in nautical matters. ahou ^ the arm ; the hand ; a "hand"; a working man. ^ 4* i" liand. ^ ^ to hold in the hand. ^ m pistols. ^ \[i a napkin ; a towel. # IpQ handkerchiefs. shou !^ to observe (as a rule) ; to guard. *3^ 'HI to wait ; to attend to. *3F fi to observe the law. ^ ^ to attend to one's duties. jflf i^ to attend to one's trade. *? ^ A lightkeepers. shou "^ the head ; what is or ought to be done first ; in the first instance; thing lies. direction towards which a ^ ^ head ornaments ; jewellery. "M" y the leading man ; the chairman of a company. "^ ^ head and tail ; beginning and end ; the bow and stern of a ship ; the two ends of a vessel. ■g- ^ first ; the first. g •^ an informer. ■^ ^ first-class merit. "M" ^ to report first, or in the first instance. "M" ^ i ■? P the barrier first crossed en route. ■^ ^ the principal and accomplices. shou ^ to receive ; to become ; to suffer ; sometimes a sign of the passive. S M to be hired, engaged, etc. (as an employ^). S ,§. to receive favour ; to be favoured. ^ J5 to be disgraced. ^ H to sufl'er distress. ^ 1^ to be fined; to be punished. § ^ to sustain damage. ^ # S ?fi to sufi'er heat and malaria. IS ilfl (^ to become damp (as goods on board ship). ( 101 ) , copyist ; a clerk ; a book-keeper, college. ^ to deliver to ; to grant. m S to give .n,l receive. % old age ; long life ; longevity. ^ ^ a coffin. % to sell. •^ M proL-eeds of sale. ^ g to sell off; to sell. ^ to write ; documents ; books. ^ ^ to write ; to copy. ^ BJ to write legibly. mm # ^ a school m n books. S M i^ ^ :> list in which the price of books is stated ; a list of books purchased ; an invoice of books. ^ ^ books in boxes. Of. i-Imang ^ ^, clothes in boxes. ^ is letters ; postal matter. ^ to send in tribute ; to tender (as taxes). % ^ft to pay (as duties). Hi ^ to pay duties. ^ ^ J^ ■§! the tenn at which duties are payable. ^ distinction; difference; differing; unlike; very. 5^ § ^cry different. 5^JK$'S^tt'S?lto materially interfere with the "bread and butter" of Chinese mer- chants. ^ M H fi? this is really not to be understood. ^ M -7 .^ V ^ this is most unsatisfactory. ^ open ; to open ; ease ; comfort. Dt who. Ifj. See shou. jj|£ to narrate ; to state. M 'M • "r ^) to be ; to belong to ; all that be- hings to the jurisdiction of; subordinates. JR P a tributiiry stiite. ^ "^ a subordinate oflScer. ^ to redeem; to re-bny. ^ to re-buy; to buy back. 1 heat. § a yamen; a public office; to act for another; .s/m( ^ ^ in the yaiuiin ; in the olfice. :§" 't' M ^ 5^ ■V iniportjint otTice matters. ^ a to hold office provisionally ; an acting, or officiating, appointment. ^ 3^ to act for another; acting; officiating. ^ & ® !ii acting envoy. ^ :k & :in acting Minister of State. shu ^ number ; amount ; several ; a few. ^ @ number; numbers; amount-s. shu Jg benevolent ; loyal ; to forgive. shu ^, ;ill ; many ; so that ; so that there be hope for ; with a view to ; about ; nearly. ^, M nearly ; sJmost ; about ; probably. ^, 15 :'!• people ; the people ; tlie subjects. B. M it'^ so that it may be fair; for the sake of fairness. J^, -^ li ^ 1^ l§ so as to avoid confusion. ^, ^ almost ; about ; nearly. shu gj vertical ; iipright ; perpendicular. S li ^ Pf3 vertical stripes (painted on a buoy or l)cacon) ; \-crtically striped. shu if} ) .*! . } -i tree ; trees. shua ^1] to brush ; to mpe away in printing). shua ^ to trifle ; to gamble ; to shuai g weak ; to decay. shuai ^ to lead ; to guide generally. ^ is to lead an army. ^ ^ g ^ to be guided by the olfride; t.. ad according to precedent. '' shuai ^ij) ;i leader ; a commander-in-chief. I^ljl ^ the flag of a commandeMn-chief ; ar admiral's flag. sh^ian J^ to bind up ; to fasten. J^ 1^ to tie up; to fiisten. shuang fj ajjair; double. > >- ^ ^ an even number. ^ IS ^ opera-glasses. 1^ PS ?S ^ the double-eyed peacock'.s feather (a a di.stinctic.n of merit). shui ^ water ; liipiid. 7K its S !i water pipe ; a hubble-bubble. 7jC M ftire Ijy water; freight (by ship). to strike off a copy (as fence. the leading principle ; ( 102 ) '^h"> 7K ItBlt ffl ^ :R freight (or piissage money) :inil iitluT expenses. 7K is « atcr road ; seu road ; the fairway channel 7jC 5& 1 ly water ; a water route (by sea or by river, :is (.[iiiosed to overland carriage). yK M ^ & -^ position with plenty of water or roniii [for sailing]. vK ^ili I 'elonging to the navy ; naval ; marine. TJC Bip ve W I a naval commander-in-chief; an 7Kiki} ] ^^'^"'"■'^■ 7K M pf) the Admiralty. 7K Jai ffl the river police (at Shanghai). 7K ^ ,■. sailor. y^ ^Ij taxes on water industries (as fisheries). / 7K IS liquid indigo. ,^ B% crystal. yM^ is quickiiilver ; money paid on account of the ^ ditference or fluctuation in the price of sycee sUver. See „xn ^ iK shwi 1^ who ; whose ; whom. i^ ^ W- $^ who is in the right and who is in the wrong? shiti ^ duty ; duties (on merchandise). ^ ]^ a duty class ; duties. ^ ^ kinds of duties; duties. ^ fl^ iluties ; the revenue. ^ ^ the duty taxation ; the rates of the Tariii' ; tluties ; the revenue. ^M ^» :k^ -^^ examiner in the Native Cus- toms. ^ ^ a fixed amount of revenue to be collected. ^ ^ a duty-paid certificate. ^ RlJ a Customs Tariff; the Tariff. . ^ |IJ #^ ^ half the Tariff duty ; i.e., the coast trade duty or the transit dues. ^ §p duties on merchandise and tonnage dues; dues and duties. ^ ^ Jo ^ '"^ return of dues and duties ; a Cus- toms revenue ret^n. ^ f§ duty matters; Customs matters. W ( one who manages Customs matters ; a Commissioner of Customs. ^ p] mm ^ ^ ordinary duties and Likin taxes. office ; a Customs station. shuu shuij ^ S ^ » native revenue office for likin Uixes, etc. m IM duties and other taxes ; regular duties and extraordinary taxes ; maritime duties and inland taxes. ^$ pure ; being a forbidden character, should be written ^ (shun). f^ to obey ; going with, not against ; to suit ; to agree. M M with the tide. JH Sfe flowing with the tide or current. Ir si with the wind ; a fair wind. 1^ ^ to comply with. M ^ 1^ t'J please public opinion ; to act in accord- ance w ith public interests. M 1^ j " I avail myself of this opportunity to Iff /^ > P'"^^^'^* '"y iiind regards," "with kind IM. 4r r -wishes," "accept my best wishes" (con- M "B ] eluding phrases in lettere). i^ 5^ wf the metropolitan department of Shun- t'ien, in Chihli ; Peking. ^ to speak ; to say. I tlie new moon ; the first day of commence. onth ; to the 1st and 1 5th ^ ^ new moon and fuU of a [Chinese] month. M MM M ^^ when the tide is low with the new moon and the full moon, i.e., at low water spring tides. S^ (or j|5) to trace up to a. source ; to carry one's tlioughts back to. See su. ^ to bind ; string ; cord ; twine ; to ask for ; to extort. ^ ^ connected. ^ %j to demand ; to extort. ^ ^ to be desirous to see; to ask for a copy of for inspection; to ask to be shown. ^ Sa to claim compensation for. ^ Ip S ^ to ask for damages very urgently. ^^/5iJit^^lto claim damages for — delajNlnlttwiness ; to claim demun-age. }^ to select ; to infer. ^ to/toake mischief. etty; troublesome. ^^ trifling (or vexatious) business. a lock ; to lock. /^ *S to lock up ; to put in irons. X ( 103 ) ffj a place; (=^ ^) an office; an agency; the relative pronoun u-ho or wliich ; its use differs from that of our relative pronoun, c.i/., ^^ ffj- ^i ^4 = huo; the goods, w', which ch'nan; the sliip, Isai^, contains; and not "the ship which contains the goods." fJx ^ the place where; the position of ^ (E the passage quoted ; this quotation. fUj ^X t'l''*^ which is the cause; that causes it. fJi ^\ that from which it comes ; the source ; the fUmS '^'"'''- ^ ^. If an individual or individuals are dis- tinguished from others of the same class by some attribute (adjective, participle, relative clause, etc.), the phrase .so yu ^ ^ (properly, a short relative clause meaning "the so-and-so that there is" or "that there are") often serves to express the Eng- lish definite article; eg., ^^ :^- ^' ^' ^' ^^ '.so yu-, THE, ^lou, five, '^t'iao, articles of, 'iidm, the present Sjiieh, treaty; ^i :^- ]§•= A* W W' ^' ^^, 'so ~yw, THE, ^mi-Haii, rice, hhang-^jin 5f.s'rti ^mai, bought up by the merchants. ^Jf jy in order to thereby; by which means it is intended to; therefore; thereby. fjf II [all] that pertains to. ^ to search. ^ ^ to search ; to examine. ^ ^ to search and seize (as smuggled goods). 3 to manage ; to control ; a controller ; a Commis- rJ "^ a secretary at a board ; a police magistrate at Peking. rJ ,1| literary designation for a sub-prefect. ■^ ^ a manager; to manage an aff'air. rJ ^ ;^ A an officer on duty ; a managing man. r] if4f a liook-keeper. rI ^ to manage ; to superintend. p\M ^Mu writers or clerks (as in a bank). p\ M ■• jailer. pI '^ J^ ^ nianaging and executive officers. r1 2|2 the local scale for Haikwan tael money at Canton. rJ xE the /.■i/T and the tao. By the former the high proviiuiMl (.ftiiials whose titles end in ssii, {vi-/.., tlie I'li-vlu'it'j-xhih-ssU or Provincial Treasurer, the An-vk'a-shih-ssii, or Provincial Judge, and the Yen-yiin-ssH or Inspector of Salt Gabel) are un- derstood; by the latter, the Liang-tao ("^ J^) or Grain Collector, and sometimes idso territorial and other Taot'ais. These officials together form an .Mdministrative board which is sometimes shortly called the ssU-tao. @ to feed ; to nourish. w\ hereafter ; afterwards ; to succeed ; posterity. i^ ^ hereafter. i^ silk ; the hairy appearance of anything cut fine like silk, e.g., Chinese prepared tobacco, vermicelli, wire. a M thrown silk. U II silk thread; sowing silk. W' Wi 'ti IH ^iiP buttons of twisted silk thread. M W «>'k sashes ; silk ribbons. ^, f S 7^ K ^>lk and cotton mixtures. $J. Jf silk (as cargo); lit., "silk catties." Cf. yen chin (H Jt)> s*^*^! t'ung-chin (^ Jf), copper; yii-chin (fjjj jf ), oil ; mti-chin (j^ Jf ). coal. The classifier jilared iTiimediately after tlie noun to whidi i' 1' " 'Iv '"' 'ii'.'- h'l ■ til'' ■'■ r'r nf what in Prenili ; n.^l '. ___jK_p:irtitif," eg., clr liffiH ■. " '■'■' ^liips, but ch'iiau •l.^l- (Jlft ''^ ). ■■■!'-s vau:....i.v. ..liips; yin ssiX-liaiiii (Jji IZg ^), four taels of money, but 2/m-hViH(/ (^ ^), "I'c Sargent," money. Simi- larly, mi-Ian {^ ;5), rice; i)M-;)'i (^ ^) cotton piece goods, cloth (as cargo); ma-p'i (,B| gU). horses. ^ ^ the least ; in the least ; used to enforce nega- tions ; " not in the least." S|f this ; that ; these. M -^ sM-^'^nit ; a menial. M to think. • to think; to consider. iS ft H to consider very carefully. 5Etudie. ■^ to Avait till ; not until ; when. ^ ^ to wait. m IP) 13^ ^ ( till , and then ; not until. m B5 ^ + :%: H fj H 25; to alter after the lapse of lo years. ^ 15 jS ft waiting till the vessel is finished fceing built ; i.e., after the vessel has, or shall have, been built. jf5 to offer siicrifices. jjJl like ; it seems that ; it looks as if; as ; as if. m jft like this ; thus. ■fiil RT il?. IM ^ Si 't seems one may manage the matter as proposed. } ( 104 ) IH S it seems as if it maj' be considered ; it might be thou^'ht. it! ^ 'ff S it looks reasonable enough. (or ^) four. E3 ^ tlie fourth ijuarter (of a financial year) ; the four quarters ; the year. pp I& of the fourth class of rank. E3 ^ in all directions of the compass ; all round. 7^ square ; the four points of the compass ; all round. E3 >^ i ^ square; rectangular. 3^ ^ ~f* the circumference (in timber mea- surement). ^ the four seas ; everywhere. S JW ^ a report to Government on "the four kinds" of account, i.e., the Customs Quarterly Abstract Accounts A, B,C, and B. Jl[ the Szechwan province. J'l H li?. Szechwan yellow silk. Jlj 5§ !-izechwan sycee. ^ reckless; dissolute. ft S to infest [a pl»ce] '^^''tli i'obber.s. ^i private ; oneself ; one's own ; selfish ; clandes- tinely ; to smuggle ; smugglers ; smuggled goods. ?i »& one's own heart ; my heart ; partial. ^ to receive secretly. ^ ^ to carry clandestinely. ' "^fTT I to ship [goods] clandestinely; to *t» f^ "V Wl ship without a permit. ;ind clandestinely. fr 5 ^ to clandestinely tranship goods from 3C vessel to another. JS JS P to import clandestinely. ^ip/, ^ ^Ij D to clandestinely resort to another /^ port. ?Z & '/& ^ S'J P to clandestinely resort to an- otlier port (viz., a. non-Treaty port) on the coast. ^L ^ to clandestinely cast ; to make counterfeit / /^ § clandestinely and on one's own authority ; / l>rivately. 'fi § ^ ^ to conceal fraudulently. ^L S j'^ "^ to cross a banier clandestinely. ^ common ; vulgar ; manners and customs. ^ curd ; cheese. siian .man |§ plentiful; i = M 'M }^) Su-chou-fu. ^ /|C sapanwood. KS "w ?tfl >'ose maloes ; liquid storax. ?M /H ^ Soochow hemp twine. m ^ ik. the three departments of Su-chou-fu (H ■•*")' Sung-chiang-fu {j^ ,ung), and T'ai- ts'ang-chou {-jlj^ t'ai), forming the circuit in charge of the Taot'ai at Shanghai. §fi to discard ; coarse ; careless ; distant ; far. j^ iS to forget ; careless. aiitl-ity. jj hasty ; speedy ; quick ; at once. M l^fMM to maniige with despatch. jil 1^ :^ S to speedily deliberate and report to the Throne[upon a matter]. ^ maize ; Indian com. ^ ?i^ W Indian meal ; oatmeal. ]S respectful ; to inspire awe ; respect ; reverence. M ^ respectful; respect. M fM. to respectfully reply. M W] to -write respectfully ; I respectfully inform you [of the above] (a concluding phrase in letters). 1^ plain ; formerly ; usually ; contented. ^ ■& ^ dyed plain shirtings. ^ ^ ^ Turkey red cloths. 1^ ^ Tfi ^ to pursue one's business peacefully. ^ ^R ordiniiry mourning clothes (as worn after the term of strict mourning is over) ; half- mourning. |l^ to tell ; to inform ; to accuse. 1^ jj^ to accuse ; to bring a charge against. 1^ ^ to tell one's grievance ; to complain. 1^ ^ to report sick ; to complain of iUness. JUj to look back (as to a period of time) ; to trace uji to a source. ^ ^ considering the origin of a matter ; [on going back to the beginning of the matter] I find that. ^ S S^fiE^-Kt^ ever since duties have been levied upon foreign trade. 1^ sour; grieved; distressed. ^ to calculate ; to consider as. M R?. to deduct. ^ ffj to calculate the proper amount of. ^ ^ a calculator; a clerk. garlic. ( 105 ) S(i altliough (tlie "yet" following may be expressed %i'"' ^ "'■"■''■ An)- j^ tn tranquillise ; steady ; quiet. i^5 iM to tranquillise ; to restore peace. 1^ to follow ; to accompany ; enclo.sed in (as in a despatch) ; together \vith ; ( = Si fl^) instantly ; at the same time ; in the sequel, etc. 1^ ^ to follow ; to accompany. 1^ ^ to carry with one's person ; to accompany. 1^ ^ J&H H ^ granted three steps of merit, and so recorded in the Board of Civil Office, which distinction attaches to the person of the promoted official {sui-tai ^ ^, " taken along with him "), whereas steps granted as not sui-tai are lost when the official is transferred to another office, because they are attached to the j'ost and not to the perso7i. liiS & I as one thinks fit ; according to pleasure ; as mm Es -^ S^ 1$ to decide according to circumstances. 12 ^ H il§ to increase day by day. |§S Ilf in future ; hereafter ; at the same time ; suit- in u cue's time; in due course: at once; forthwith. according to circumstances. H iP forthwith. «ti 5^ aftorwards; tofoUow; to accompany. sid {^ fragments ; broken pieces or bits. 5t IR broken bits of sUver; broken dollars. nun W & is broken sycee (so caUed in Chefoo). B a grandchild. ... ft to lose ; to injure ; to spoil. '■■ „, > to injure; to be damaged ; damage. fi iM to be spoUt ; to be out of ordiT ; to wrecl n m IS a vessels wrecked. ifl S I'l^s and gain ; the relative advantages of mw) ^ t.i (I'U; to report; to accuse. m m a lawyer. m ^io accuse. snwj 'M tf praise; homage. sunn ^ a Kr tree; a pine tree. la t resin. U ^ (til turpentine. nuny ;^ il j]^ the prefecture of Suug-chiang, neat Shanghai. sung ^ loose ; lax ; dishevelled. # ^ to slacken. sung fj to read iu a murmuring tone (as pr.iyers) ; to read (as a letter). Sim;/ jg to send ; to accompany ; to present. 5^1 i to send away. jiH ^ to send to ; to hand over to. ^. M '^ A the person accompanying goods; a supercargo. jS jji^ to present ; presents. ^ great ; high (as iu rank) ; first ; principal ; very ; as pertaining to the person addressed, "your." ^ *J> large and small ; of all sizes ; the size of a thing. :/C *J» ^ -JS r-cloths (all sizes). ^ ^, ^ r-cloth (the larger size). :^ 5^ l,roadcloth ; medium cloth. ^ 3^ rlmbarb. :k± \ ■k W. H salted turnips. :^ ® -J* lucraban seed. iC # sn.alt. :k ^ barley. ;;^ ^ a high officer. ')^ ,^ the High Authorities. ;fC !^ i a Grand Secretary. Patna opium. ■)^ ^ a sub-commissionfir (e.?., in the Provincial Treasurers or the Salt Conmiissioner's yamen). •j^ g| the [Native] Custom House (at Chefoo). :^ E a Minister of State. ;f; A a hi-yn (honorary title used in addressing oftirials from the third rank upwards and members ot tlie ( •ciisonitc or of the Ilaa-lm CoUege). ^ ^ ^ a ta hi.i)->iJi (honorary title used in addres- sing officials of the fourth, fifth, or sixth gTades). :;^ Ji, a storm. fl-' in large characters ; large writing. :k % a chief clerk ; large winting ; the ta-hsieh style of writing numerals. k #: the greater half; mostly. 14 ( lOG ) ^ •fr the great journey ; having gone the great journey ; defunct (applied to an Emperor or an Empress). yZ ©u the great whole, i.e., the charge of Empire; the Throne. i^ SI general mourning; the funeral of an Emperor. yZ. ^ the great aims of society ; public interest. ^ a a general meeting. ;^ glj a mate of a ship ; the first mate. ^ 3^ principal kinds. ^ ^ ^ principal, or staple, article (as amongst 3^ fit generally speaking ; the general features of ; chiefly. ^ J£ on the whole ; generally speaking. 7C iro ( generally speaking ; on the whole ; about ; ^ ^ ^ probably. :^ ^ 'te ^ to agree in the main. ^ ^ yoiu' communication ; your letter. ^ WC tl^s great instruction (politely for "your in.structive conversation "). ^ "^ the great talent; a polite phrase for "you." %^fix% very difierent. ^ '?> 4S [hI very unlike each other. ifc JU to increase considerably. ^ in the Ch'ing dynasty, now ruling in China; the Chinese Empire ; Imperial Chinese. 'h Wi (♦ ^\ tilt' Chinese Penal Code. ^%% the Emperor. :^ 5^ S f'le'it Britain ; British. :^ S ^ P t'"^ kingdom of Spain. :^C M llj "^ S'i"th Africa (Oape Colony). ^ f^ Tiiku (near Tientsin). •^ jfi Ta-t'ung (a port of call on the Yangtze). ^ to iiifonn ; intelligent. ^ to reply. ^ to add to ; to engage (as a ship or a passage); to chiirter ; to take passage in a ship ; to ship. ^ ^ to hand over or to jjay in addition. ^ |{5 a passenger ship. ^ % passengers. j§ § fr ^ passengers' luggage. J7 to strike ; to beat ; ( = tT E) ^ dozen. ^ E (ta-ch'm, in Cantonese ta-sun) a dozen; dozens. JT ^ ffi S t° "P^" ''^'' examination (as packages at the Custom House). f* f& another; other; heterogeneous. jifc ^ other goods. flfc 13 other countries ; foreign countries. fife 3^ other kinds. f& ]5S[ other reasons. 1& fi to proceed to another place. fife ffl to use for other purposes. t'o- ^ to fall down, or break away, a.s the banks of a river. t'a ^ a pagoda ; a tower ; a lighthouse. ** ^ a light tower ; lighthouses. ^Mi= S ^) a lighthouse. t'a jH the otter. ^ ^ land-otter skins. tai ^ bad; vicious. tai ^ (or ^) sOly; foolish; idiotic. tai f^ a generation; in place of another; for; acting for. fij; ^ on his behalf; for him (them, etc.). ^ § on behalf of a mercantile friend ; a commis- sion agent ; a broker. f^ JH to act for another. ^,,^ f^ ffl to use instead ; to substitute. f"^ % to receive for another ; to collect (fees, etc.) on account of another. f^ § to state on behalf of another. fti ^ to hold authority for another ; delegated authority. .,a4fi M to manage for another ; to act i\s deputy. Jdt ^ ^ S to act for another; to take action in a matter which another has not taken up. >n! ^ f"ti fr to open letters and act for another ; /^ to do all the business of a post on behalf of another. tai ilX («■ 3i) mm Jf^ iEi ^ broken tortoiseshell. St Ji ^ ^ tortoiseshellware. tai g a bag. tai g to lend on interest; to borrow; to give; to release ; to let oif. tai ^ ;i sash ; a girdle ; to carry ; to take along with one; together with; to lead; to be in charge of troops. ^ >§■ to carry ; to be provided with. J^ 1^ to take with one. f tortoiseshell. ( 107 ) ^ M to t:ike l):n;k ; to lead back (as troops). ^ jl^ to take [a man] to the magistrate ; to arrest. ?f S M ^ 1^ to take [a man] to the Consul. ijfr ^ to lead an army, or troops. fp- r5 to conduct ; to escort. fjr ^fl to coUect a tax conjointly with some other tax the collection of which is one's regular busi- ^a to begin ; nearly ; about to. la till ; until ; to reach to. j^ •^ till now. la S ^ flt up to that time. ^ to wear on the head ; to uphold. W- ^M t'^ uphold vu-tue, i.e., to do a matter con- scientiously ; imbued with goodness. He IM to wear the button. f^ to treat ; to wait. ^ f§ to wait for prices [to rise]; to watch the market. ^ large ; too ; excessive ; in cei-tain titles, denotes respect. :t: ji; too far. >k ^ too strict ; over-strict. ■^ jp the Emperor's mother. •^ -^ the Imperial Prince ; heir to the Throne. "ii -p 'Jf ^ s, junior guardian of the Imperial Prince. ^ "T !SC Vri I a senior guardian of the Imperial ±^ ) ^''''''■ i: ^ a prefect. ± ft a Grand Tutor. i; '^ j\'\ the prefecture of T'ai-ts'aug (Kiangsu). ^ (or ■^) eminent; exalted; a terrace; a term of respect entering into combination with certain titles and much used in petitions. J 3jS Your Honour's searching officer. ^ ^ in petitions, a respectful compliment allud- ing to the addressee's clearness of mind ; " Your Honour's superior intellect." ^ TT ' in petitions, honorary titles give 5^) ' Your Honour.' ^ ® Your Honour's letter. ft >J» Your Honour's instructions; your letter. "St ^ Your Honour's orders. ^W M *'ie prefecture of Taiwan, Formosa. M Wi M the Taiwan Customs. 5 :|t Kj the prefecture of Tai-pei (North For- 3S ('"■ la) to carry; to lift; to raise. ^ 3M to raise the head ; to raise a column by the .space of one, two, or three characters above the line, as a means of indicating respect. S M 1[M to raise a column by the space of two characters. ^ fj to raise the price. M ^aeat. ^ W the great West; Western (as in "the Western calendar"). 1^ single ; a document consisting of a single sheet; a liiU ; a certificate; a memo.; a permit. ^ ^ a single body ; alone ; by oneself. W- ^ siugle-niasted; one-mjisted. 1^ tl& •?£ i33 the single-eyed peacock feather (as a distinction of merit). W- }ft to raise a column by the space of a single character as a means of indicating respect. 1^ 3^ odd and even ; single and double. ^ ^ an odd number. ^ J^ a pro forind document ; a form. J ^ I{B a certificate. W- ^ '1 permit ; a documentary proof W-MM^.^ P"-mits (or licenses), bonds, and 1^ ^ /}^ pi'»y ••> i'«ii' p""*' ; '"' "'"'' " ''•' 'i'^" '"'' in ill) iiuiHtdent mnnnov. IS ^ i'impajp.'ous ; boKi. B8 ::A: E 'Bi t'l^" extromo of oHivntory. Bjl ij^ oowimlly. SH 9^ to possess the hoKlnoss to ; to ilaiv to. 'upon, or with reference thereto ^ll^'Tlolini; [visi tense and iM\mortiatenes.s of action). 'Si 6. ( = 1a M tth ; soup. ^ ^ breth and medicines. ''""!/ f^ I, for which ^ is useil) if; suppose. ff§ ^ if perchance ; in case of. ^ j^ if there is ; in case of. fang ^ a hall ; a court ; a magistrate ; a shop ; a firm *'«"? IE accidental; used for fang (j^), if fang ^ sug-ar. IS IS preserved fruits ; preserves. li ^ preserved ginger. tao Jg a road; a circuit; an officer in ditirge of a circuit ; a Taot'ai ; principle ; reason ; idea ; to speak ; to say. ^ ^ a roiid ; a route ; the distance of a journey. 5^ "cf a Taot'ai ; an inspector of circuit •^ ^ reason; principle. tIl ^ to express one's thanks. tao ^ to guide ; to lei\d. tao 71 a knife ; knives ; a sword. tao ^ an island. ^ Itfl islands. ^ tao pj to arrive ; to go to ; to come to. fij jlt to arrive here ; to arrive at this port ; up to this time. ( 100 ) ''^' M P '■" arrive in port ; U. tnter fx^rt. I M to come to the CnxUim Hoiut«; to attend ;it 'he Ciutonu Office. mK-cial permit. fij j^l to arrive at one'd banner or at '-;.i.Jofa2Hanchni!oMicr). one'!) home pj 5i it ha-i come to rny, the Taot'ai'n, hand)). §1 t', .if«*t ; to poar out. JS to pny ; to entreat IS :r,htj,ke ascertain the exa/A amr/nnt ot ^ S to be informed of; to note the cmteaU of ^1 'jf a note;, •irae; kindne«i; benefit; fevonr, ^ hdvuntanhn granted ; benefit, 3S i£ 'I'.-i-ckih = JJenUcb) German. iU- * A '''irmxa Jsabjecto. 1^% ^T ^ the States of the 2f orth-German , -iViferitioD ; the German States, § f^emiany; German, ^ German jnetthanta. ■.a^:Ia\ ; espemDy ; on pnrpose. HI .1 !)pec'ial decTee from the Emperor, ^1 a irpecial order l g'XxlHJ. ^ jlfc ^ iff I Mjake thij) opecial petiti/^n. Mi Ml (^' '**■''=''* J *" appoint ; Kpecially mU^-'lh'L t^ S to ajicend ; to enter fa)) in a l>ook). ^\ll U, ascend a bill. S Jfr to get on board )ihip; to eml/ark. S ^ to go on oh'/re ; to lan'L St W- ^' '-'nter in a ledger ; to regijrter. S ^ to enter (a« in a regi))t«T; ; to record. ^ ^ t/j insert or to enter (ao in a Uwk). S ^ Teng-cbow-fn, in Shantting. S ^ W the three departwients) of T<;ngw;how-fii ■S <''^)) lai-«how-fa (^ /«tj, and (A^n^-<:htja- h (^ ch'iruj), fonning the circiiit in charge of the Taol'ai at Chefoo, <«»i' § clear; limpi/L S 55p cnbebi). tc'/i? i^ a xtirmp, now commonly tued for <^ (jB)> a lamp ; a light ; li^t« (coaxt and river). i^ ^ a lighthomie (tower-fihaped) ; a li/^tower. ^ ^ A ligLtboojje (honne-ohaped), i^ S a lighthoiwe (being a botue of several Ktorieo). i^ ^ a ligbthotuie (pavilion-nhaped;. S jjg a lightxhip. ^ lie a Vjeacon with a li^t S^ i^ the flame or centre of a light. ^ |{ a lantern, S ]^ lampwickit (^ ^ to wait; claM; rank; Kign of the pinril; afier a )dngle proper name it haii a geneollnng force, ail "and other?!," "etc.," "and the like," "each »»•• ; after a eeries of names it n'uajAj denote* plurality, when it ciboald be left nntranshUed. ^ Urank; degree. ^ H to wait. ( HO ) teng ^ H such arguments ; "and the like arguments;" " etc.," closing a quotjition, when from a document written by a superior or an equal, but not used when quoting an inferior. The following expres- sions are similarly used: ^ ^ (teng yuj; ^ "J^ (Ung eh'ing), "such circumstances" (should only be used when quoting an inferior) ; ^ ^ (teng $hihj, " such matters." When the words used by another writer(or speaker) are quoted, f lie quotation may be closed by adding the words ^|p (Inig iin), "such words"; if an accusation is the subject of the quotation, by adding the words ^ f^ (teng tz'u), "such charges"; after an enumeration of malpractices or nuisances we often find the words ^ ^ (teng pij, "such malpractices." Such concluding phrases need not be translated ; they simply show that a quotation or an enumeration of arguments, circumstinces, facts, charges, mal- practices, etc., is concluded, and correspond to what in English writing is expie-sed by inverted commas. The phrase ^ @ 0"','/-,''"0 is some- times inserted in copies of docunieiits when the tenor of another document, which in the original appears at full length, is omitted for the sake of convenience. Cf yiin yiin ^ ^. Sy is such articles ; "etc., etc." *'% M to copy. M fi to copy ; a copyist. ^ nf to make a fair copy. t'eny ^ (or |^) cane ; rattan. li ^ rattans. ^ §§ rattanware. ^ ^ split rattans. li ^ gamboge. t^eng ^ to ascend ; to inform. t'ing ^ pain; painfully; sorely; intensely. ti ^ low ; to lower. i& .^J low or high (as price) ; a fluctuation in the rate of. ^ j® a low place. JE ^ to lower the duty. ti Is the bottom; at the bottom of; end; at the end of; a rough draft. 1r ^ the length at the base. m ^ a draft. J® ?^ to enter in a book ; a book entry ; a book of drafts. ''■ JS to act as; to perform the service of; to consider xs equivalent ; to substitute ; to oppose ; to arrive at. J£ 3(C to act as ; to perform the service of IE ^ to exchange ; to substitute. ffi I^ to settle an account. JS ^? ^ iW pawned and not redeemed. JS ~I? 'o arrive at a barrier. J£ i|. to arrive in port. iSt }M to arrive at Shanghai. R§ (used for ti ^, a dyke) to guard against ; an enibankment ; the bank of a river. RS ES dykes ; coast defences ; to guard against. ^ an enemy; to compete with ; to oppuse. llJC ^l, to compete with smuggling. ^ to buy grain. ^ ^ to buy and sell giuin. 'iff an Emperor. f^ a younger brother ; a junior ; as a term of modesty, "I," "my." ^ number; No.; but; however; merely. ^ ^ No ; Registered No f? — ■? P the first barrier. }fe earth ; gi'ound ; land ; bottom. Jife ^ a foundation. Jt!l ^ a place. This noun is frequently added to local names, and need not then be translated. ift. ^ *& the local authorities; i.e., the prefect, sub-prefect, magistrate, etc., of a place. Jt^ >^ ^ V local business. Jfe fl the particulars regarding a lot of land ; the natiu-e of a jjlace. Jft ± a land-owner. ift "T the land tax. ;}^ ^ a map. i^ iS. a situation ; a site. ^ ^ the tithing system, liy which one man is made responsible for the Ijehaviour of his district ; an elder. ^ f;^ a tithing-man ; a ti-2M0. j^ matting. j^ to give ; to hand to ; to present (as a document). iS ^ ^ to hand in a cargo list; tn present a ship's manifest. jS Im to add 2"'0 ''«'"• to add a fraction of a certain amount, jg § to address the Throne. 6^ true; certain. 65 iS^ » true guarantee. g^ ^ an autogi-aph. ( 111 ) J^ to raise ; to bring forward ; to mention ; to send ; to submit ; to remit (as moneys). J^ ^ to extract the pure metid from an alloy. ^ '^ to mention ; to refer to. ^ |§ to send to the Custom House (as an offender for examination). ^ ^ to bring up a case in court. J§ ^ to try a case ; to examine into ; to prosecute (for legal punishment). i§ ]§ remittances. ^ If to remit for Ji J^ ^ K to allot rewards. w □ I a provincial general-in-chief or aduiiral-in- Ji't) «hief. Se 'vS brocades. ^ to discuss ; to bring forward. ^ ^ to recommend for promotion. U llO"t-s. § to al.iolish ; to substitute. •^ the human body ; also the body as opposed to the extremities (as "the body of a structure"); to receive courteously ; substantial ; decent. ■H "^ 1^ ^ the frame or body is weak and shaky. ^ 'tifi, to befriend. ff ^ 'j^ ?^ to investigate the circumstances. ff '^ respectable. ^ the marten or sable. ^ & sable skins ; marten skins. 1^ to remove to another post ; to transfer ; read t'iao : to harmonise ; to restore harmony ; to regulate ; to mLx or compound. tM ^ to remove or transfer to another port or station. B^ [^ li" ^ a Kweichow regiment transferred to Fukien. Mfa-^ cure ; to cure. ig to nurse one's health. (S'j. or ^) to engrave ; to carve. )ii ^Ij to engrave ; to cut in wood. ticw ^ (or ^) to condole ; to hang ; a quantity of cop- per cash varying in number, according to locality, but generally representing about a thousand. t'iao ^ to carry. #E ^ a porter ; a carrier. t'iao j^ twigs ; a paragraph ; an article (as of a Treaty) ; strips (as of leather) ; a classifier of long, slender things, also of bags, roads, etc., and of rods (of iron, copper, etc.). m lited, like ba.sket-work. tHch t'ich ^ Iff} an agreement containing a number of iirti- ■ les ; a Treaty. j^ ^ Treaty paragraphs ; a Convention ; articles ; regulations. M M regulations ; byelaws. j^ ^J rules for procedure ; regulations. ji^ SI reasonable ; logical ; well founded in detail ; regulations; rules. Cf. j^ i^ ^ S every ^ etion has its rules (Williajls). ^ to sell grain. ^ Tit to sell rice. ^ alternate; satisfactory. 3^ ^ repeatedly. j^ an official document ; a despatch ; a warrant ; a genealogical table. ifli to reiterate ; repeatedly. {£ ^ having a fixed pattern ; uniform ; .standard. -^£ M ^ to divide the country into sections. .■^ M to fix as ; to fix at (as at a certain rate). J^ Bfl to settle ; to decide. 1^ ^ a fixed arrangement ; to settle ; to decide. ^ :»![; to frame (as a rule); to settle. J& M to decide upon (as upon rules); to give judg- ( 1 Hn(i ^ 1^ to decide ; to have a eastinn- vote. 5 fli '1 contract. .!£ *S earnest money ; bargain money. 6 iV Si tlie inferior de]>artnient of Ting-hai. ling §i an in-.-t of silver. ling "JT a nail; an adult male. T t^ Hoves. T fx official attendants; runners. ~y '5 to mourn for parents duriiiL; tlie customary period. ting pX to fi>; ; to .settle ; to arrange ; to ailjust ; to settle terms. pT ^ to decide. pT l£ H g|_toappoint a da^'. It m to exan^S^ ail ; lo naU ; to bind (as books). ]5 the crown of the head; the top; the vane (of a li^ht tower); an official button; the top of any- thing. H ^ to wear a button ; the weaier ui' a button. TM iM iiu'med with virtue; "please your goodness." M § a substitute. t'ing ^ a pavilion ; a dome. 9 5t pavilion-shaped ; dome-like. t'ing ^ to stop ; to delay ; to anchor. ff' 'If to stop a steamer. ^ it to stop ; to abolish (as a practice). W ^ to delay. i$ X. to stop work. rr' w? ^ ■p* to close a public office ; to stop work (as on a holiday). ff }fi ^ ^ a place for anchorinu ; a berth. f? ^ ^ the harljour limits. t'ing g the Court. ' *"!/ J^ a hall of audience ; a house ; a room. t'ing H a boat. JH ^ boats. t'ing ^ to hear; to obey; to wait for; to yield to; to permit. H. Ha to hear. ^ ■$!] to be subordinate to ; under tlu- control of. ^ J^. to depend on ; will depend on. ^, ^ to yield ; to give way ; to comply with. Mt ^ to abide by the decision of a court. 13 ) t'ing l^tt to allow. ^ -K M at his, or their, option. 1^ M ± & ® at the option of the sliipnia.stcr. ^ ^ § f|5 at the inerchant'.s option. ^ j^ to wait ; to iiwait (us a decision). ^ ^ to entertain a petition ; to consider a report ^tVom an inferior). 9 ^, an inferior department ; a t'ing ; a court of justice; a hall; a reception-room. ^ M territorial magistrates; t'ing and lisien dis- tricts. 3 to lose; to throw away. m ^ to lo.se. ^ nuich ; many ; several ; too much ; (after a number) more than. ^^'"^ quantity; how nnich. ^ II# a long time. % % to tix upon a great nundier (a.s of holidays to be kept). ^ ^ >J» Ph C!' there are numerou.s patches of ^M fM fit if M the prices of various articles -''^have gradually decbned. ^ f$ S- !? ^ i^ f7 to sununon a number of n.-itive and foreign firms. s.^p"ftlc fit ^ the duty overcharged; .-m excess of duty. ^^^ "^ 1^ more than [is stated in] the document. ^^ fS to overstate. ^ $S j^ ^ an amount or (juantity overstated ; an excess. _^nj^ to receive too nuu-h (as a set of scales not properly balanced). ^>^^iii "Ml ^^ ~f' tl>e excess in width or length. 1^ 2g up to [so nuich] in quantity ; at the most up to ; not exceeding. 1^ representing the sound to in foreign words. 1^ "^ 5S (to-lo-ni) Spanish stripes. ^ to calculate; to consider; to think. Cf. lu j^. J^ ^ to measure (as a vessel). f^ to criticise ; to settle. ^ a head of flowers ; flowery ; as a term of respect, ^ ^ your flowery epistle ; your note. ^ to hide away ; to escape from. ^ jH to seek shelter ; to escape from. iy^ to pile up ; a heap ; a target. SlS a ship's rudder. 15 ( n4 ) Hb 1 a helmsman. US ft wonil ])oIes used for ships' rudders ; poles. If lazy. 1^ to carry a burden ; a beast's load. ^ safe ; proper ; settled ; steady. ^ ^ a reliable officer. ^ ^ safe; satLsfiictory. ^ 01 safe and comfortable. ^ ^ safe and good ; properly managed. ^ '^ in proper order ; safely done. ^ j^ safely and promptly ; without delay. 3^ ^ to settle satisfactorily ; weU settled. ^ iH to safely arrange ; to regulate ; to manage. ^ Pi to manage s.ifely ; to take the proper measures in carrying out business. ^ |§ to devise or draw up (as rules and regula- tions). S "^ to consult ; to negotiate about. ^ M M M *■<> send out cruisers. Sc ^M M ^0 deliberate upon. S Ix .ft fi to adopt the safest measures for. P£ steep ; dangerous ; representing the sound to, or dha, in foreign [Sanskrit] names. P£ H (t'o-Jo = Ut il 5®, t'o-lo-ni) the Sanskrit dharani, a Buddhist prayer. P£ p ^ 1)^ a pall with Buddhist prayers em- broidered on it. §£ a camel ; to carry burdens. §6 ^ camel's wool. K (or }5) to take up with the hand ; the distance one can measure with the hands, i.e., a fathom. f2 a to entrust to the care of. e£ to commission. g£ ^ to commission one to buy. f£ ^ to ask one to bring. J^ to take away ; to retire ; to escape. 1^ ^ to retire ; to withdraw ; to stay away. JK ^ to avoid. ]K 1^ to remove. M ftp to unload. ^ to drag ; to puU. ^ ^ to tow (as a ship). ^^Mft ±ii is a tug steamer. t'o ^ ife a tug-boat. ^ m ';team tugs. ^ Si to ciuise delay. '"« ^ beans; peas; pulse. ^ -^ beans. M. ^ pulse- Cf. «.«(-( ^ Jf. M. ®f beancake. ^ ^ beancurd. ^ f^ bean oil. S. ^ cardamoms ; nutmegs. M.^^1^ mace. ^ S is Shanghai tael silver (so called at the Yangtze jjorts). tou P5 (or 1^) to fight. tou ^ a C'hinese grain measure, lo of which are equal to a picul. tou 1^ suddenly ; to stop ; to desist. (^ 3! to aggravate suddenly (as a disease). tou ^ a hole ; a mistake. t'ou ^M the head ; the end, or an end, whether upper or lower (as the upper and lower points of a. buoy) ; first ; foremost. H ^ of the first class. H^ ^ head and tail ; first and last ; beginning and end ; both ends. M @ an overseer ; a chief. BM tfe the foremast. M & 3S pure sycee of the first class. «'0M f|} to steal ; to pilfer. ffj j^ to fraudulently evade (payment of duty) ; to suiuggle ; thieves and smugglers. fil M ^ S^ to defraud the revenue. fiJ ^ to rob the revenue ; to f t'ou Jg to deliver ; to present to ; to send in ; to give up to (by sale or as a gift). ^ ffi to send in an application ; to report (as for payment of duty). ^ jit to present a despatch. J£ Ifi to send in one's card. t'ou 5^ to penetrate ; transpaient. j^ ^ dioptric. j^ i^ to be thoroughly acquainted with. tsa, ^ miscellaneous ; to mix. to rob ; to steal ; thieves. ( 115 ) mm mn « ^ ^ miscelliineous sorts. ^ ^ sundries ; miscellaneous goods. m ^ miscellaneous drugs. lisceUaneous sorts of grain. 1 iscellaneous expenses. ^ ronfused ; confusion. [^ til get mixed up. be; in; at; in the written language, generally a preiiosition of place. ^ jl W at Naaking. j£ if in Customs employ ; at the Custom House. ^5: ill, I'll land (as opposed to the sea). S is K fl^ at the time of buying goods. ^J ^ to do service as ; to be on duty ; on service. ^5; ^ ^ the members of a service or of an office ; iMiuncLted with business. ^ ^ "it is on record ;" "as records show;" a con- chidini;- phrase showing that the facts stated are on uthdal record; it need not be translated. •^ ^ to have run away ; to have absconded. ^ ^ being seated ; occupying a seat on the bench (in court). ^ ^ inside ; included ; inclusi^•e of. ^£ $f> outside; not including ; exclusive of. ^J i[I speedOy; quickl)'. Isai ^ an interrogative particle expressing doubt, or conviction, placed at the end of sentences. '•tai ^ to contain; as a vessel contains cargo, or as a document contains a statement ; to be laden with ; to contain ; a year ; years. j0^ § to carry passengers (as a passenger boat). /■'^^ ^ to carry goods (said of a vessel). y'^^M, %'%%vi biU of lading. /^^^^t jS to convey. '' M, ^£ ^ ^ to be placed on l)o; ,/ ^ \ ifl ^ to enter on the car; ■— -^^Bfl it is stated in ^ 13 to carry back; to provide a bunie passage. 'mA ^ to stow cargo. ^ ^ to send by boat to. 'mi 5^ (or jjc) a calamity ; calamitous. \m,i . ^ to rule ; a ruler ; a governor ; to kill cattle. ^ ^ a Prime Minister ; a Grand Secretary. isai 1^ still; again; farther; besides; in addition to what has been stated before ; often merely opens a new sentence. , 1 a cargo-boat, revtificate. tuii ip5 ^ further; besides; in addition to this, it has to lie stated that. MZ\ . , . m m I "*''"'" "" """'"■ ?]• M S) to consl,ler over and over ag-ain; to M m ,s- II ™'"*"^'-''' '■'i^'^'J- ts'ai ^ mental capacity ; power ; talent. ^ ^Jli inability; incompetency. ts'ai tn\ - ts'ai Mt riches ; fun.ls. ts'ai M to cut (as clotlies). ^ Wi to cut away ; to do away with ; to remove. M M 1" ''lit out (as cloth) ; to plan ; to arrange. M ^TJi M io decide and notify for guidance. ts'ai ^ to pluck; to gather. ts'ai ^^ bright colours ; to adorn with colours. ts'ai ^ to gather ; to choose. ^ H to buy up. «5f|tol.uy. ts'ai ^ coloured silk. ^ ^ coloured satin. ts'ai ^ vegetiibles. ts'ai ^ to guess ; to suspect. tsan ^ to counsel ; to assist ; a counsellor. tsan ^ to commend ; used for ^ (tsan), to counsel, etc. ts'an § (or ^) to counsel ; to impeach. Cf. sMn and ts'cn. j^ ^ a Secretary of Legation ; a Military Assistant Governor in Turkestan. y^ ^ to memorialise the Throne. :^ He a State Counsellor. /^' J^ 5 a l yilitary secre taiT- y J^ }(? a colonel. ^ |?I to consult. ' ^<^ ^ to impeach ; to denounce for dismissal. J^ ^ to impeach ; impeachment. ^J^ ^ to punish by impeachment. J^ ? to deprive of office ; to dismiss. ^ ^ to visit a superior. ts'an ^ to slander ; to criticise. ( 116 ) tsao tsao ^ to injure ; to destroy ; deficient ; cruel. ^ the silkworm. M •? silkworms' eggs. Ml) fi£ (or 1^) to bribe ; to loot. fi£ ^ plunder ; the spoil carried away by robbers. a plunderer ; a thief. ^ a granary. Jb ^ granaries and treasuries. ilg the hold of a ship. |jg n 1^ a ship's manifest. ^ iMt at the bottom of a ship's hold, lit M «^biiis. mm ^ morning ; in the morning ; early. jp. B^ between morning and night; within short intervals (as daUy fluctuations). .^ Bjl xp jpj to change between morning and night (as the price of goods subject to frequent fluctuations). ^ black ; police runners. ^ rotten ; decayed. jg to meet. jg j^ to meet with ; to happen. is JKi to meet with a storm ; to be in distress. ^ dates. ja to make ; to bmld ; a party in a cause. j^ 'SB' to prepare a list or table ; to make statistics. 3B 'BB' J^ the Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs. ja M ^ ^4 building materials. ia M to build vessels. is ^ ^ a Government dock; the Foochow Arsenal. ^MMW^ permit or license for building a ship. jQ ^ to prepare. JS :^ Jn iff to prepare statistics. ^ plants ; grass ; straw. 1^ fl straw hats. :^ lll| $i straw braid. ^ ^ running-hand characters ; rough writing. ^ ^% a rough draft. ^ ^ straw shoes. to drill soldiers ; to exercise troops. ^ an ofticial; order; class; a .sign of plurality. W ^ iR common sycee ; the Ts'ao-p'ing or market tael. \% to transport by water. ?W tM Government grain ; tribute rice. ifl M to convey by water. W M 'i vessel carrying tribute grain. j'f Ifii the Grand Canal. Jl to take in hand ; to manage ; to drill. ^ f^ to do manual work. rIJ a list ; a tarift' ; then ; a particle of inference, marking the apodosis of a sentence (see chi |P). S'J ^\ regidations ; a tariff. ^ to charge ; to be responsible for ; to punish. M. ^ft to charge a fee. ^ f3 to punish. ^ F"! to interrogate ; to hold responsible for. ^ ■^ to charge with ; to order ; to let. § to select ; to choose. ^ 5^ to select. S "b H to select a lucky day. ^ fX to assign (as a berth to a ship). ^ ^ to make a selection of. ^ kindness ; favour ; a marsh. $^ a scheme ; a proposition; a means of; to urge. ^ to break open. See also ch'ai jif • ift ^ to open (as packages for examination). ^ ^ to open for examination. 1^ ^ to break up for sale. ^ ^ ^ jjgj- materials from vessels broken up for sale. ^'M — ^ to remove (as hoops from packages), and collect in one place. JPjJ to fathom ; to measure. M ft to survey (as a river). flj statistical, etc., tables ; a list ; an Laventory. flft IS a list ; a book for registry. ^ robbers ; to plunder ; in warfare, the enemy. robbers; thieves; banditti. mixed ; confused. Of. ts'an and shin. ( 117 ) fs\'n ^ ^ fh'en-tz'a) incongruous; to disagree; irre- "guhir ; uneven ; to make distinction between ; to make a diliereuce. ^ ^ f^ I& to disagree and .luairel. tscng jf to add to. ig -g to inerease. ^ '^ ( to add to; to increase. J§ 8fc ?# Uli additional imd modified rules ; revised rules. tscng 1^ to give ; to bestow. ts'aig '^ a sign of the past. •^ !g a sign of the past : have, has, had. § jfc having been set up ; drawn up. ts'eng ^ a story ; a tier ; an item ; a paragraph ; a question or subject matter. tso f^ to make; to do; before verbs, like hsing (if), gives a verb active force, e.g., in the sentence ^ f^ ^ 3^ ^ A (»-c-, " the persons who may examine, or may be members of the Board of ■ Examination"), tso (f^) has the eflect of prevent- ing the sentence being iiiisconstrued as .."Jihe persons wlio may te.esamuied, or aiiiy bftadjuitted to examination ;" (= ^) to consider as ; i.q., tso > ■ m- f^ X to work ; to do coolie labour. f^ .^ to make ready ; to complete. ■f^ ^ to be surety ; to guarantee. i^^^ to act as witness ; in witness [thereof]. -^^ jf^ j£ to hurry ; speedily. ■ Jf^ 1^ to be an official ; a mandarin. -'" (^ — ^ IJj P to constitute the Uving or food /' ' for the whole family. i^j& to substitute ; to tender in lieu of (as duties fg y to trai -^J^TitmtO kind for those of another kind), iinsact business, compose essays. f^ M to make; to manufacture; to act consider as ; to treat as. , yesterday ; the other day. Bfe ^ last night ; the other night. ^ to bore ; to dig ; to sift a matter ; to furnish evidence. ^ the left side; the senior of two deputies where only two are employed ; not agreeing. ^ j§ the left side ; the starboard side. ^ ;g right'"" left; on either .side of; more or less; about. & ^ an Assistant Magistrate. ffi to assist ; assistant. ^ f^ jjj a military title (colonel or major). ^ to sit ; to sit on the bench in a court. ^ jfi to sit and see; i.e., to look on without acting. ^ M to go in a vessel ; by sliip. ^ lig tci sit in the ship's hold; to be in charge of tlic ship's liold. ^ ^a r1 * ail employi in charge of a ship's a classifier of hous- seat ; a throne. ^hthouscs, etc.; ■ the Salt Administration ; the Salt (Jabel. 154 to do ; to act ; i.q., tso f^. ^ X to do work ; to be employed. ^ to employ ; to use ; to publish ; to give out. }b Ul to put into operation (as a Tariff). fg confused ; mixed ; ivrong ; an error. fg 1^ a misfcike. fg ^ to mix up by mistake. li brine ; salt. mm ^ to bring together ; to gather up. Jg ^ to collect the important points ; to make an abstract ; a resumi. ^ -^ to unite ; to make a match ; to reconciliate. ^ to walk ; to go ; to depart ; to run. ^ ^j; to snmggle. •^ li # 'K to evade payment of duty by smug- gling ; to smuggle. § to address the Emperor. M tn to petition the Throne. Mm § ^ • a memorial to the Throne. **' ^ S decided by the Emperor in reply to $ $ fU H to receive a reply from the Throne. ■^^ to collect; to assemble. • to state in a petition to the Thrc ( 118 ) ««« ^ to co-operate. J^ ^ to assist in rescuing; to come to the rescue. jjHi ^ :in ancestral temple. tsu ^ ifiit ; to rent ; to hire. ^ IK rent. ® ^ expenditure on account of rent. m k - lease. S g to hire; to charter (as a ship). la ^ land on which ground rent is paid; a con- cessiiiii ; a. settlement (as the British Settlement at Shanghai). tsu g_ to impede. m. ?^ to obstruct ; to stop ; obstruction ; stoppage. M. ^ to lie vexatious. tsu jjjf. lictors ; police runners ; soldiers ; suddenly. tsu J£ enough ; sufBcient ; the foot. JE. ®[ enough ; sufficient ; the complete amount. J£ '^ sufficient colour ; full .standard silver ; pure fi*^ full stanchird silver ; pure sycee. tsu ^ a elan ; a family ; a class ; a sort. ts-u ffi (or ^) coarse. ffl $H coarse and tine ; the quality. ril iB. ^ coarse chinaware. *§. ^ -flJ coarse grasscloth. IB liit 'HJ coarse linen. ffi M Ij!: ^ drills. IB. ^ ^ nntrimmed palm-leaf fans. tsui ^ the lips ; the mouth ; a beak. tsui ^ very ; extremely ; most ; sign of the superlative. :^ W i 'S iu the extreme west; the western- most poiut. ^ ^ -f' the last barrier; the barrier nearest a Ti-eaty port. ^ J5 .^ i* the most courteous treatment (such a-s is granted to the representatives of the most favoured nation). ^ II M M most important in connexion with [this subject]. tsui IP crime; punishment; to punish. ^ JE a criminal. fsiii ^ intoxicated. ts'ui ^ to urge. tsuii tszin gg _P > kingfishers' feathers. ^ honoured ; honourable ; to honour ; a.s a term of ci\-ility, " your." M. to obey ; to comply with ; to follow. S fl?» in compliance with; in obedience to; to be guided by ; for the guidance of. ^ ^ to comply with ; to obey. M fr to comply with orders ; to be guided by ; for one's guidance. M ^ to observe ; to be guided by. M ^ to be apprised of for one's guidance. ^ pf to abide by the decision in a ease. ^ i^ to submit to paying (as a fine). ^ .$ to obey ; to observe. M. ^ ^ B chiys to be kept as holidays. j^. See chun. tI" an inch, the tenth part of a ch^ih or foot. 'I^ to consider; to conjecture. # a village. ^ to keep ; to keep as a balance. ^ fj to keep in one's hong or store (as for sale). ^ ^ to store goods in a godown ; to keep in store. .^ ;^ to keep on deposit (as funds paid into a treasury). _^ rf- > to file in the archives ; to keep on record. ^^\ ^ :tS a butt ; a counterfoil. .^ 11 to file in the Customs archives. ^ ^ a drawback. ^ ^ to keep ; to detain. ^ ^ a. balance. ;n kind ; description ; class. ^ ^ au ancestral temple. ^ ^ the Imperial family. ^ A JiJ the Imperial Clan Court. ^ to arrange threads in weaving ; to collect. ^ ^ to estimate ; to calculate. ^ 1^ ili to collect the confused threads of a texture ; to arrange in order. ti coil-. ^ ■& brown. M II coir rope. ^ (interchanged with |g tiviuj, dishevelled hail'); bristles ; a wig ; a cue. ( 119 ) tsung alio ikinj; allnwiinee for; W T> *D 'If ^>M^^ although they ,lid not know the eireniiistaiices, vet tliev are to be re- moved from oftiee. tsung ^ all; general; oentral ; chief; eolleetive. i^ ^ all must ; must on any account. ilS' P a central Customs station. principal barrier; a head harrier office. § a head office. y a cargo certificate. |§ ^ 1^ a cargo certificate issued by the Likin ttioe at one of the Yangtze ports of call, for lei i very at a Foreign Custom Hoiise. v§- ^ a general designation ; a term. a synoptic table ; a table of contents. <^ W a general list ; a general table ; a statistical summary. ^ totals. i^' if^ ■! book for general entries ; a ledger. /^ ,M M 1^ general rule. ^'^^^^T^ to have the general control of ; a general *"**'^ manager. ^^^ t? to superintend ; a chief manager. "^^ J^ S to have the general management of. MM^W^^''^ Pg the Yamen having the general control of matters connected with foreign countries ; the Tsungli Yauien. ^ S ^ ^ '1 deputy in general charge of matters. ^*B W fi Governor-General. ''^y^^ brigadier-general ; a chcn-t'ai. pI an Inspector General of Customs. ^^. ^ j3 rI an engineer-in-chief. IS fS ^ a chief letter-carrier. Is /p not on any account. Cf. ^nnr/ 3fe ^• . -y^' ^ tb not at aU able to ; in no case shall / ^ yd i^fter all ; finally it is ; generally spealdng. y Wi! ^ it is expected to be ; hoping that ; with the ■^ y general aim of. ti'u^ ^ to follow ; liable ; to agree with ; to yield ; ( = @ ) from (local and temporal) ; since ; ( = ^ J|S) hitherto; so far; read tsung, a clan; to be attached to, as one of secondary rank. V& S to follow one's convenience. itt M to follow, or to cause to follow, many (as 1 many restrictive rules) ; to impose a great many \ (as holidays to be kept). ts'ung ^ ^ to be present at. ^ ^ severe ; strict (as punishment). IS £ sis 3^ liable to be severely punished. ^ S m IP to be severely punished. ^ IS yielding and light, i.e., lenient (as with purilshiiieMt) ; to mitigate. # ^ SI 13 to mitigate a fine. ^ ^ liberal; considerate. ^ ^ liberal; pknteous. Jdt'^ to remit (as punishment); to treat with leniency ; to mitigate. lie ,^ M ± H date from date of issue (of ; from henceforth. 'i&i\.yAWi after ^ t\ forn.erly. ^fk^"^ the [absolute] majority decide.s. ^M ^ W. to negotiate anew and separately ; to renew negotiations. •Ct PP {tsung-pHn) the second or B division of any of the nine degrees of Chinese rank. '■« ^ to restrict ; to prohibit ; to stop ; to prevent. ^^Ih'M to stop secret traffic. '« Jit the belly ; the stomach. E the provincial authorities, viz., Viceroy, Governor, Treasurer, .Judge, Salt Com- missioner, and Grain Collector (or Tao-t'ais). Cf. ssr.. n m- W tM JE '1 iirovincial Grain Collector. 'M }S to troul)lc another (as with a petition). V \ { 120 ) tu 55 documents ; archives ; registers. tu ^ to read ; to study. ^ 'J to read books ; to study ; a literary man. '« JH very much ; highly ; true ; real. JH ^ to keep in high memory. til $1 single ; alone ; only ; on one's own account. ^ ;^ a single tree. $1 ^ — A a single person ; alone. tu ^ degrees of a circle or a sphere ; degrees of latitude or longitude; to pass over; a rule; a limit. Cf. to J^. M # degrees. tu jg to crass ; to ferry over ; to make a passage by to plate ; to gild. ^ JJg a ferry-boat ; a passage-boat. tu m. §|t IS to wash with silver ; to plate. t'u ^ earth ; raw opium, so called owing to its earthy appearance ; land ; native ; local. -t* ^ native produce. -|- ^ native goods ; local produce. j: ^ native coal. -f- ^ native cotton cloth ; nankeens. i. ^ W- ^ native-dyed foreign cottons. i i^ silk from the Canton district ; fine raw silk. j^ h£ dried indigo ; a kind of Prussian blue made in China. ± ^ ^ china-ruot. J: A the natives ; aborigines. J; jj^ a local prostitute. ± H local robbers. ±51 (tU,-a-h-lm) ] t'u ^ a road. fgj,.,thew..;...o,... iM iiiii'l ; ilii'ty ; to besmear. M ^ i^ ^^ to besmear one's face with cosmetics ; to paint faces with rouge and ch.ilk. t'n ^ abruptly; unexpectedly. t'u 5^ a hare ; a rabbit. ''« ^ Jk hare skins; rabbit .skins. t'u ^ a foot-soldier ; a follower ; a rowdy ; a pupil ; :i disciple ; to banish. t'u [g toi^lan; to covet ; a map; an illustration ; a seal ^ IS a private seal. Qj ^ a seal ; an illustrated book. ^ ^Ij to be covetous of profit. ^ IS: to try to evade (as payment of duties). H iP5 Jl (t'u-mhi Chiang) the River Tumen, neai Vladivostock, on the Corean and Russian boun dary. tuan ^ short ; not sufllcient. ^ aJ? t(i be curtailed ; to decrease. M ISi a deficit ; deficient. is i.Uht : ; serious ; also, matters ; aft'airs ; a imnigiaiili : a passage; the heml ; the end; :i teiiniiius ; a. spot. j^ IE u])right ; correct. ^ ^ modest ; grave ; serious. i^ ?§ upright and generous. t^nmXm^ if£ m (T^^au-yll K'an,- ch'nig Chau-ho Chiiaiiy-cht)iy) the honorary name {hui-hao, ^ ^) of the Empress Dowager Tz' r- ^flf anupri-hthelp; a true help. Cliiio-11,1 Cliuaiiij-ch'niij) the honorary name (hui- Iki", ^ 5^) of the Empress Dowager Tz'ti-Hsi. ^ Pi 15 JS the dragon-boat festival. S B (or tz ¥) the dragon-boat festival (st!, day of 5th moon). tuan ^ a lot ; a section; a paragraph; a band; a limil : a section of the coast line, comprising a distaiid of lo /,: ; u classifier of rucks, .slioals, etc. tuan ^ sUk cloth; satin; thick silk. IS ^ cotton damasks. ttian ^ to break asunder; to cut ofi'; to decide; very (used to enforce negative particles). ^f ^r to halve a thing. if -^ ^ ffi to decide that payment is to be made ; to order, by way of decision in a case, thai payment be made. M H ^'ei'y difficult ; decidedly difficult ; impossible. ^ /^ not at all ; by no means. Cf. 2>ing ^ 7^ K ffi] ^ j£ l^y "0 means connected with. t'uan ^ to collect together ; a ball ; a lump. B 55 to accumulate; to collect together; to kee]' order among a crowd. ( 121 ) tung tung m M *" ili'll soldiers. ^ to compare ; to cheek ; to agree ; a pair ; opposite. 1^ fM opposite. W IS opposite to; off i^ a heap ; to heap up ; to accumulate. i^ ^ to heap up. ^ to weigh ; to weigh siher ; to pay in .silver or sycee. ^ HS^ to receive weighing (sycee) ; i.e., to receive cash or bullion. S ^ to exchange (as sycee). PJ^ an army ; a company. ^ iE rank and file. j^ to retire ; to refuse. 5§ •^ to withdraw ; to retire. j^ ^ to return. j§ IhI to shut out goods (from a ship) ; to retire. 3g pf to throw up the management of. fljB a leg; a thigh. 3^ to shirk responsibility ; to refuse ; (= ^ ^) to reckon. mm mn jft IS *^o retract what one had agreed to; to shu'k responsibility ; to back out. '$JC sound ; generous ; honest. ^ # fa te to be pervaded by the honest feeling of peace and friendship. ^ a hillock ; a beacon mound. il dull; blunt. 1^ to lay down ; to store ; to part with ; to injure ; a ton. 1^ a ton (weight or cubic measure). I^ M tonn.oge (amount of). I^p ^ tonnage dues. ^ a storehouse ; to store. ^ j|§ a receiving .ship; a hulk. ^ Bl stored under bond, as in a bonded hulk or gndown; "linnded." ;§ to swallow ; to usurp. ^ j^ to usurp. 5 winter; the end. ^ east ; eastern ; { — "M^) the master of a house- hold ; a ship-owner, etc. to decline ; to refuse. t"i"J JK M east and west; eiistern and western. ^ ffi "f^ ^ P the countries of the eitstern and we>ttrn seas ; foreign countries. !^ ^t "M" towards the north-east. "M ^ a master ; a host. "M. 'i^ the eastern sea; Japan; Japanese. ^ f^ $ a Japanese carriage ; i.e., a jinricsha. Hi ^ ::^ ^ i one of the four Chinese Grand Secretaries. "M P^ >I> M the East Gate Creek (Shanghai). !^ fS ^H the Chefoo Customs. tung JJ to move ; to work ; to carry out work ; to change ; to meddle with ; to appropriate (as funds); to use. W) 31 to commence work. Jd ^ to move hands ; to go to work. Wi rfr '"get up; to start. fS ^ to move about. SS j^ to tranship goods. tung 1^ to manage ; ( = |^ ^ ) a senior employ^ ; an e.Kpert. t£ y a senior in a fii-m; a manager. tnng ifj to underst;ind. Vnng (pj with ; the same as. I^ jlt the same a-s this ; to the same effect. IpI Htf lil ) P-wticulars being the same as the jL ( former; "to the same effect as the fp] fW @ J former." Iq] I]^ at the same time. fpj i§; of the same opinion. (^ ^ an equal weight ; the same weight, fp] ^ of the same kind. fpj ^*i H Mt triplicate copies (of a document). fp) M) p, ^ ( belonging to tlie same cjitegory ; of the |PJ ^ ( same class. Ik] iM i M goods of the same denomination. fp] ^ to occupy the bench with another. |p] ^ to do together ; to co-operate ; to go together. IkI IS' t" participate in favoure, or privileges, granted t(i others. |p] jl'^) a countryman ; a fellow-townsman. Ip] ■j?^ a mercantile friend ; a fellow-merchant. (^ — in conformity with ; in every respect the IG ( 122 ) t-iuig 1^] 7£ — ^ it is the same cargo. ^ -0} ^> silk reeled from dupions. ^ ^ a sub-prefect. I^ Jn the period of reign of the Emperor T'ung Cum (1862 to 1S75). I^ ^ T'uiig-an-hsieii (near Amoy). ''«"» ^ copper; brass. iPl 1!^ bar copper. ^ fM copper rods. m 1% copper, in slabs. ^ }y sheet copper ; copper sheathing. m fS Ijrass-foil. S|»l $S copper nails. SH fl percussion caps. ^ iPS copper wire ; brass wire. i^ ^ copperware; brassware. ^ ^ ^ copper material and articles ; unmanu- f:ictuifd copper and copperware. M a in brass buttons. M M copper cash. ^ ^ a copper basin. ^ ^ copper business, i.e., mint matters ; business connected with the coining of copper cash. I'unrj 1^ a cask ; a barael. t'ung jj all ; to communicate with ; to bring about ; a classifier of documents. 55 ^ to inform through another ; to notify. jffi ^ to report, through the channel of an inferior, to a higher officer ; to announce. jj ^ to make generally known; to inform by cir- cular or proclamation. j5 j^ to inform ; well versed in a matter. jj BJj clear; intelligible; perspicuous. jj I^ to inform the public ; to make generally known. jj fj for general circulation ; general ; current. ^ ft ^ SfU to ra:ike known to the public. 3S -fr [ij P A P to traffic inwards and outwards at a port. 3J ^ij to issue circular instructions to. ^ffi. ^ in, or for, general use; used by all ; in com- mon use. 5S j^ M Si *''c Commercial Code signals. jS. 'S. currency ; copper cash. ^ ^ a calendar. '■""? J^ y an interpreter; a linguist. M ^!j a deputy sub-prefect. jS ]§ to comnuinicate by trade; to traffic; foreign trade. 5S 1§ ^ after the opening up of trade. ol ]S f U if;5 a Commercial Treaty. jE ]!^' ^ RlJ the Customs Tariff (according to l<'orcigu Treaties). 'M."^ ^^ Trade Regidations under Foreign Treaties; the Rules appended to the Tariff. 31E TS\i § S5C the articles regarding trade. M 1?5 # P the Treaty ports. jifi 1?^ i)'J P another Treaty port. 3S (S ^ Hi the foreign Custom Houses. jS. I§J V t^ foreign trade matters. oE "|iS :^C E :i Minister Superintendent of Trade. jS "I^ III J^ the Bo.ard of Foreign Trade (at Foochow) ; a Chamber of Commerce. '^'^^B St'^ the German Zollverein. ^J J§ a local (provincial, etc.) gazetteer. jj ^ total ; complete. 5i it -^ fi .-mi'l.to iv^nl;,tions; in particular, the i;^\i-.il N':t;i.;t/r Ti.nl,- Regulations; also, the Vivr Kill, s irMiiliii- 'I'musit Trade, called IM. M to be connected with. 3M. fpl ^ ^ to take part in the commission of an irregularity. ^5 Si to befriend ; to accommodate ; by way of accommodation or compromise. jS S£ m S to ffl^'^e an arrangement by way of accommodation or compromise. t'lmrj j^ 1 (]^g pith-paper plant ; the Aralia papy- mn] '■'^''•" M ilS pith-paper; rice-paper. 1^ 15 ft pictures on pith or rice paper. t'miij ^^ all; uniformly; total; the beginning. ^ *") '.. -". > total ; a grand total. Wi ^ to ^^ i'l general charge of. $j^ ^ to bring with oneself (as witnesses to court). ^ |§l|l a commander-in-chief. t-tt -J- a child ; a son ; affiliated ; added to nouns as an ending, as it were, whicli usage is generally borrowed from the colloquial language ; children ; ( 123 ) ^ P :nial! jwrt b;inier. ifliliateil to a larger port; .■kai;o of lucrcliaiulisc). ■? n ^ transit dues. ■? 'tHi ^'c st^eil cotton. -J- a written character ; a niiiii expi'esscd by a clwracter. ^ ■fjt style ; plirasc ; " the \vi diiciunont. !#:S?,an,ark(as ^ i;| a liccn.sc. ^ ilk ^ B. a license fee (as paid by pilots). ^,m,plc;Wnwn. ^ ^ ^1^ ^ coppevwarc and pewlerware. ^M m sticklac. fl ft ^ (T:»l-cliu-Kn) the local name for the site of the 1^'orciga settlement at Tientsin. ^ (for which t~& ^ is used) coiuiuodities ; neces- saries ; capital in trade ; to assist in. K Jt! goods ; stock. Jj 'yh U^ assist in forwarding; to send with pre- " sen Is of money, etc. (as a destitute to his home). ^ ^ to provide by way of assistance (as a destitnto with means of support). •^ a despatch ; to address in a despatch (used among Cliinese correspondents and equals). ■^ ^ a despatch ; an official document. 'a "J) to inform in a despatch. •^ %n t" request in a despatch. 'o tn M ^U. to ask in a despatch for a reply. ■q -vi'l- to petition ; to address a superior in writing. ^ f J to address in a despatch ; to address an equal. •§ ^ to reply in a despatch. 'a |>^ to deliberate ; to consult by correspondence. ^ this ; these ; now. ^ ^ now. S£ numerous; great; nuich ; very; to increase. i^ i^ very deeply ; severely. tl self; spontaneous; of course; must; from. ^ EL oneself. & fffi to prepare oneself; self-made; self-owiied (as foreign ships owned by Chinese) ; to provide oneself; to furnish. J^ Jfl to use oneself; for own use. § 'X\ to wear oneself ; for own wear. § f S one's own declaration ; to declare oneself. § ^ to proceed in person to. ^ self made ; own mamifiicture. e W? -:£ ^ mutters to be managed by oneself. eI ^ by one's own wish ; with one's own consent. ^H fr ffi j^ to emigmte from one's own free will. M -fr j|b "N" to go to the barrier oflice of one's ^2:wuacc,,rd. «i»*lg "Ij !^J a striking clock; clocks. B HQ M, ^ an automatic whistling apparatus. H tb ^ §9 inflammable; explosive. "^ ^ 'K lucifer matches ; also, gaslight; g!>.s. ^J^f^ tK water from the waterworks. § /ff to support oneself; to be able to do without help. & ^ to commit suicide. as must ; nuist of course ; bound to. ^^SrH^ ofcoui-se; spontaneous; natural. & ^ 13 K'ltive copper. ^^U mm^U W,± (nnn sunset till sun- .,^fmu Jy ?JS t''-"i" aiuient times up to now. -^^- ±^ft-om after /^f^ lU J^ 11$ fi'om the date of notice being given ; from the ilale when the letter Was received. & M 1^ f JE ^ -W 2l5 ever since duties have been levied on foreign trade. fl ^h I6i ;S: to look at from out.side ; from a supeiticial point of view. U W "^ i^ 'S. "h % between Shashih and Tat'ung. s'il 7^ second ; the next in order ; a time. rjj on the following day. ^ ^ to arrange in order; seriatim. :M jJt this; here. jJb M " *'''« '« [hereby] certified." jlfc fill "this is a public notice;" for general infor- mation ; " I beg to inform you of this " (of tho above). lit WC "tliis is what I wanted to address you with " (a concluding phrase in letters). jlfc lie M 'M Jl" )illt " while communicating to y the above, alli>\v me to express my best wishe etc. (a concluding phrase in letters). ( 124 ) /a'iJ jifc i|i ?P fS "with best wishes;" "with kind regards " (a conchiding phrase in letters). ]It ^ this kind of; such; this, jffc -S K '-1^ this class of goods ; such goods. jlfc ^ 5V '^ this document. jJt ^ of this class; i.e., such. Jlfc ^ ^ # «'ch cases. JK; M II # V # @ ,^ this ha-s really become thus through the influence of circumstances. Jit fjg this afi^iir. jlt 11$ during such time ; at this time ; now. jlt H the same day; this day. jlt ^ this time. jlt $h besides this. jlt -i from here ; from this (place). ]lt W. ='ft«'' tliis ; hereafter. jjfc A ^ + :ft> OQ this, the 19th day of the Sth moon. h'-a ^ irregular ; uneven. Cf ch'a and c¥ai. tz% ifi3 an ancestral hall ; to offer sacrifice to ancestors. Iz'& IpJ to write ; to declare In writing ; to accuse ; a rhyme; a rhythmical sentence; tales; empty phrases. tz'-a, ^ to decline ; to refuse ; to deny ; to use as a plea for not complying. ^ jg to refuse. ^ "g to resign office. ^ X to leave one's work ; to come off duty. tz'a ]^ kindness ; mercy ; the standing epithet for mothers; just as yen (jg), stern, is the epithet for fathers; hence, f^, ^, "my mother;" ^ 3C' " "^y father." W- I? i^y mother's body. ]^ '|j^ kind and joyful. ^ ^ the late Empress Dowager Tz'ii-AN. ^ jj§ the Empress Dowager Tz'C-nsi. tz'^a {^, porcelain. ?E ^ chinaware. ?B 1^ a trader in chinaware. *2'il P.f; to confer; to bestow. 5i "^ to grant ; to bestow. R^ M. to bestow an answer ; to favour one with a reply. K^ ^ to bestow sacrifices (so as to honour the spirit of a deceased). ?.^ W to bestow instruction ; to communicate one's opinion. 5S iS- to bestow favour. Kl K to grant special rewards [to the family of 1 deceased official]. w. ^ tiles ; earthen. % IE tiles and bricks. ^ §1 earthenware. [Ul. See ao. ^ to dig ; to scrape out. ^ ffl to erase and cover with a new patch of paper on which the amended reading is written; to correct by erasure. 91> outside ; besides ; extraordinary ; in correlation •with c/t'K R^ (which se^iesides. $f» |13 a foreign country^^meign. $1> [^ A a foreigner ; foreigners, $h [i i% foreign coal. $h 13 "M foreign wines or spirits. $h g jt0 foreign tobacco. $h S -^ ^ the foreign calendar; the month according to the foreign calendar. 9b ^ foreign countries. $!> '(^ P a port across the sea; a seaport; a foreign ])ort ; the port of destination (for a ship about to leave). $b -J^ glj J-^ other countries abroad. ^V W 'Ira V extraordinary requirements; under exceptional circiuustances. 5!h 3^ an exceptional reward; i.e., a reward not granted by the Emperor, but by the provmcial authorities. gC trifles ; to trifle ; to play with. 5C '^k playthings; toys; curios. ^ thick-headed; obstinate; stupid. ^ to end; to finish; to settle (as an account, a payment, or a case). ^ X to finish work. ^ M ) to complete an afl'air or a job ; to wind up ; %ik) '° ''''''■ ^ ^ to pay duties. ^ lit to pay the full amount ; to settle an account. ^ 3§ has paid ; having paid (duty). ^ ^1 Uo marry. ( 125 ) loan yuan wan wan wan wang wanrj imng v:ang wanrj tcang . ^ to yield ; to give in ; accoiniuodatinj;. ^ If yielding to circuin.stunces. ^ a bowl ; a basin, i^ a bay ; a gidf. ^ to revert to the former state ; to restore ; to pull ; to draw. BJSi evening. ^ ten thousand; a very large number; all; used to enforce negation. Cf. piixj 32 :^- ^ — one in ten thousand ; perhaps ; probably. ^ ^ /t7., the "Ten Thousand Ages"; the Emperor's birthday. '^ fij ten thousand generations ; " your offspring." ^ 13 all nations; international. ^ ^ 5^ fi international law. ^ anything round ; a prll ; pills. -F. a prince ; a King. HE much ; in a high degree ; prosperous. ^ a wrong ; a grievance ; to force ; e.g., ^ iW' to f orce oneself (as to p ay a vi.sit_to_ an inferior ^in 'fc 13 to honour one with a visit. fi to go to ; towards ; to ; formerly. •fi ^ to come and go ; traffic ; correspondence. Q: 35 fR f4^ correspondence exchanged. fi H constantly ; usually ; on a former day. ^i "^ constantly; usually. fi ^ in former years. •^ "IS formerly ; former generations. fi •^ always; constantly; repeatedly. t to perish. C iK dead; deceased. ^ irregular ; what is not in order ; falsely. ■^ -^ to accuse falsely. j"^ to forget ; to disregard. §? to look to ; to see ; to hope ; full moon ; the 15th day of a Chinese month. i^ ^ to see ; to observe ; to be withii §3 ifi to take the bearing of. sight. ^ J ') a look-out ; a signal station ; a light- en ijn f station; a beacon or house visible at a M ® ) long distance. i^ jj^ to look forward to [the receipt of] instruc- tions. wang M ^ W: M hoping for strict and speedy atten- tion [to the matter]. ig the 15th day of a Chinese month. I^ not ; without. rg ;|i limitless ; illimitable. j^ a net ; to catch (as in a net). ^ (read in the shang-p'ing tone): to make; to con- sider; to hold that ; (read in th.ii ch'ii-aMng tone): because of ; on behalf of; in matters of. -'^ § is good ; recomraendable. ^ p2 in witness thereof; as a voucher. i§ ^ as my business. i^ jH as a voucher. ^ jtb on accoimt of this [matter] ; therefore. i^ iHi S?. "^ this despatch is written, or addressed, ^ ifb ^ III ^ M writing a despatch on this account, please take official notice; "I shall be obliged by your noting tiie subject of my de- spatch." J^ jJt PP ^- on this account I make a petition. ^ ■jtij on what account ? for what reason ? why. J^ "^ in the matter of. ^>.M M M y in the matter of a reply. ^^^ ^ f^ ^ in the matter of an official request -'^^ (introductory phrase to a despatch). ^ to counterfeit ; false ; fictitious. f^ J3 to counterfeit. j^ ^ counterfeit money. g to surround; stands for [^ (wei), "the side doors of the palace where candidates once under- went their examination " (AViLLiAMs) ; the public literary examinations. W^.^^ Wei-sing lottery tickets. The Wei- hsing,'or "literary examination surnames," lottery is a kind of betting on the surnames of successful candidates. Being regarded as a form of gambling, it was until lately forbidden by law, and the tickets were liable to seizure. j^ curtains. 1^ the woof of a texture ; parallel lines ; to weave ; fringes ; tassels. M iM. '^t northern latitude. ■^ i^ silk tassels. j^ to offend against ; to oppose. j4 jS to abscond ; to avoid, j^ m to disobey an order. 3^ !^ to offend against regulations ; to break the rule. ( ^2G ) jft jifc M to offend again.st tlii.s rule. ^ ^ offending against prohilntory rules; pro- hibited. ^ ^ K ^ prohibited goods ; contraband. j^ JQ to offend against. is fT to disobey orders ; to disregard contract. rule ; to 'Mh'^MI^M^V demurrage payable under charter party. ^ fb to become unwell; tofall sick. ^ the door of an examination hall; hence, ex- amination for a degree generally. See wei ^. ^j to escort; to guard; the country of Wei, an ancient feudal state comprising parts of Honan and Chihli ; tetands for " Tientsin."^ ^j fS in to guard the villages and hamlets; to keep peace -ivithin the countrj-. ^ ^ to guard ; to escort. ':§■ ) ™ ™ / to fear ; to dread ; to be alarmed. ;^ ^ to fear the road ; to avoid the tr-^nsport of goods from fear of ditMculties. ^ to depute ; really ; indeed ; to bend down ; to do injustice ; a grievance. ^ ^ to depute officers ; a deputy ; a delegate. ^ H ft* III to depute an officer as one's agent. g K tmly ; in reality. ^ ^ an injustice ; wrongful oppression. 1^ to shirk one's duty ; to back out. pa to speak of; to mean. J^ majestic ; dignified ; stern. ^ small ; trifling. ^ iflj a small matter ; a trifle. ^ ^Ij small profit. ^ ?§ ^ ;^ obstructions of small extent. ■^ Mi ^^ the details (as opposed to the general features of an affair). dangerous ; danger. Ml'k ^ IM an obstruction. i^i ^ 155 ^^ ^ !^ articles of a dangerous nature; e.g., gunpowder and other explosives. ^ masts ; spars. ^ TJC masts or sijars (timber). ^ Y^i on the top of a mast. Pfl excepting; but. - curtain ; curtains. mmy ^li B -I screen. 'M. to consider ; to hold that ; only ; but ; except. m^A^'irm a ) So-and-so will be held 'li^A^r^^ J responsible. 'W. M " 'lirect your thought* to this note " (a con- cluding phrase in letters). irt to tie; to help; (= '(j^) to consider, etc. ^ a tail; a spit of land; any pointed shore if quite flat ; what is left behind ; a balance. ' >^ 1^ to follow close after. /^ St S ^ to follow close after one. ^ it unsettled items; moneys to be recovered; recoveries. ^ not ; not having ; not being ; tlie opposite of £ (ij, having (sign of the past). ^ 5 not good ; not properly-. ^ i^ inconvenient. ^ fS cannot; impossible. ^ |f| cannot ; cannot manage to. ^ ^ S ^ I have not yet been favoured with the capture [of the robbers who stole my property]. ^ ^ cannot avoid ; is bound to. ^ ^ not settled ; unsettled ; outstanding. ^ SS not so ; that which has not occurred yet, e.g., 155 iS- 15i^ ^ f^' to take steps against calamities before they occur. ^ ^ V S matters not exhausted, i.e., not completely settled. ^ 5!j not enumerated. ^ pI ^ S?, without a license; without a bond certificate. ^ IS have not ; has not ; not yet ; not having. 7^ i^ ^ IS not having paid the duty. tJ^ •^ have not ; has not ; not having ; without having. ^ Wi i- '^ before being removed. ^ M '^I H ^ 5fe before the issue of the port clearance. ^ i in Cantonese pronounced Mi-sze ; the pidgin- English word for Blister, jMr. ^ taste; flavour; style. IlL position ; place ; a throne ; a gentleman. ^ to soothe ; to console. 1^ to crook ; to bend. life fi to pervert the law. ( 127 ) 3C ■I despatch ; an official letter ; a text ; a passage in a text; a cash ; a copjier cash. 35c ^ in the despatch. X i^ despatches ; documents. ^ § an official letter; a document. 2SC jH a documentary proof; a protocol. ^ |§tS il!i ^ ^ civil and military local authori- ties. "^C ^M Wen Tsung Hsien (the dynastic title of the l;ite Emperor Hsien Ffixo). 35C ^ f?> tlie district of A\'en-an, in Shun-t'icn-fu. |)t .streaks. ^ is silvef with streaks (refers to the corrugated appearance common to the outside of a shoe of pure sj'cee, as contrasted with the smoother surface of an impure slioeh ])ure sycee. ^ yK the difference ov fluctuation in the price of .sycee silver. ^ warm. S 'H\ M "le prefecture of Wunchow. '■IP ) . j^ > an infectious disease ; an epidemic. M.'M) ^^ to ask ; to hold responsible. P3 to hear ; it is rumoured. ^ fR to receive a report. %% firm ; safe ; steady. ^ our ; we ; I ; me. ^ Japan ; Japanese. ^ a nest ; birds' nest.s. 35: (or ■a) five. S.ia J' uutgalls (so called in tlio Customs Tariff); gallnuts. is. a body of soldiers; a military division. a I ; my ; we ; our. a" 51 niy elder brother ; i.e., " you," when addres- sing a, senior. o" f^ luy younger brother; i.e., "you," when addressing a junior. ^ ^ my friend. |1^ to see face to face ; to meet in person. B§ "^ to meet in person. V^ filthy. .ft black. .ft /t* ebony-wood. ,ft :® opium. I l& •*•( tuony-^^'cx'd. « /T^ ) ^ to deceive ; to lie. IS S to accuse falsely; to forge an account. IE ■c^ to accuse falsely. M IS false evidence. M ii room ; a house. S to grasp ; to hold tii;ht ; to have proper control of, as in j'n-tra (^ ^), to have sway over. ^ militjir}-. St •§• a military officer. lA f^t ^ tl>e Imperial Armour)-. M ^ (nni-hsiieh) Wusiteh (11 port of call on th Yangtze). J^ the ancient state of Wu, comprising the country about Soochow. ^ 'i& Woosung (an out-station at the mouth of the Shanghai river). 'K delay. gj^ wrong ; a mistake ; to delay ; to neglect. Wi "^ to misapprehend ; a mistake. Wi P;?' to erroneously take as ; to mistake for. |!S @ to erroneously suspect. ^ 13 to punish in error. ^ 3E to unintentionally break the law. B^ A- 1^ ^ to enter a dangerous road by mis- take ; to run into danger. f^ not ; llie opposite of yu Gh }> having ; not having; without; nil. - ^i $^ cannot but ; bound to ; by all means. M ;p -^ bound to agree ; ccrt.-inlv m.i m v;.r;.<:ir,. with. ^j pii^ no matter whctlier. ^ e& jS 5£ no matter wliether far t>r ue; r : irre- specti-v-e of distance. ^ Wi ^ ^ irrespective of quantity. ^ Snf ft M ii'respective of price or value. ■^ ^ no business to ; not necessary to ; no trouble ; peace. ■4^ ^ there is no cause to fear ; without danger. iRf; ® there is no loss ivrising from. 3lK S^^ without a certificjite. §^i ^ having no ornament; plain. ^h -f£ ^ drills and jeans. ^K- M without flag (as a vessel). *F. g5£ ) H* ■ > without end; infinitely ; endle.ss. ( 128 ) ^ Ift without mistake ; correct. ^ "tj not having the power of; beinc' unable to; inraiMble. ^ ^ having no funds ; insolvent. ^ ^^ pT Jl there is no reliable standard ; inac- curate and unreliable. ^ ^ unreasonal.)le. St ^ without experience ; unreasonable. ^ ^ there is no help for ; no alternative. |K ^ not able to follow; not able to ; there is no way to ; there is no opportunity to ; there is no help for. M ^ ^ not affecting ; not concerned in ; not con- /int at r nected with; to have nothing to do SS W ) with. ^ J£ :S H ± :iE a matter of insufficient im- portance. ^, 3^ M 7Ji ^\ ^ ^ not apt to show the course a ship ought to steer ; to be of no use as a guide to shipping. ^ :^ ffl y^ not of much use. s!^ ^ a" of the same opinion ; expressing oneself to the same effect. M ^ 5^ to be of the same opinion. Wi ui A. if causes no increase or decrease: it makes no difl'erence. ffi IC ± ^ shameless people. i^i f: "u- M non-Treaty Powers. ^ It 15 lit not to fear false statements. ^^ Bi 'M^ there is no means to follow [a rale]. i ^. 'MM the Wuhu Customs. ^ to dance ; to fence ; to play tricks. ivt- iJFH i u v>iLik^ a,t a, iii;i.1 i)rac.t.ic.e ; hoodwinking ; secret malpractices ; irregularities. '^ do not ; not. ^ ^ jffc pU do not disobey this order. # j£ !||f ^L special instructions not to be dis- obeyed. S^ is ^^ 3T> a special order not to be offended against ; a proclamation to be obeyed strictly. ^ ^ — ' '^_?§_ifM '^o '"ot 1pt nnp man f;p^cnpp ^ do not stand opposition. U ^ ^-M'fi^S' you must^Twt^ake reguh ■ Tnslu a luirry. ^ j^ need not ; not necessary to. ^ ilj fH need not take into account ; to e.xcept. ^ a horary character ; noon ; the time from ham to I P.M. ^ ^Ij before noon, say between 1 1 a.m. and noon. ^ ^ afternoon. ^ not ; do not. ^ t^ no matter whether. ^ m must not. Z^ ,ii> be not forgetful ; keep well in mind. ^ i^, do not disregard ; be very careful about. ^ things; articles. !^ ^ packages. ^ to hafe; to dislike. See J^ ^ must; business; matters.^^ ^ ^ it is much to be desired that. ^ mist ; fog. y"- 3" a tooth ; ivory. ija f^ to ^vrangle. & Wi fa ^ kranjee-wood. I^M M cochineal. !/* ^ a raven ; a crow. ?.l >r M opium. ya ^^ to sign ; to affix a seal ; a seal ; in copies of documents, represents the place where the seal appears in ^e original : " L.S." ; to keej5 under supervision; to guard (as a ship or goods); to escort ; to pawn ; to mortgage ; a pawn-shop ; stands for ^ (ya), to press down. i^ ii. to seal and sign ; to endorse. .„ .,^ > to escort prisoners. iT ^ iE J^b to arrest one for criminal prosecution. ^ip ^J to jilace under seal, as a godown, a boat, etc. ^fp 1 :i #J ballast. ^^ ^ CJ| ^ the tonnage of a vessel which is used for cargo ; the registered tonnage ; the net tonnage. ya ^ to press down ; to impress. M M ii kentledge iron. MM'iP. i. 'S ^ ballast of sand, mud, and stones. ffi PP Si p£ to impress a seal or mark. ( 129 ) <;;,. |Ji a limit; ashore. {1 i-^ the banivs of a rivei-; limits; limited. ,ia. ^ ; fei HH ' '^ ytuii'n; a Government office; a public ™ IT l~ court ^ fx y^iaiou runners; the lower employes in Government offices. yaiifj ^ a sheep. 1=^ ^ sheep's wool ; woollen. y^i^'J ^ sickness; grief; sorrow. yang j^ the sea ; the ocean ; foreign ; foreign coins. ^^'^ IS on the open sea ; the sea ; waters. '' ^-fl^ A a foreigner. fj .1 foreign firm. "^ a foreign merchant. TS M tt foreign merchant vessels. W M :> foreign vessel. W ^ foreign type. W^^ ^ foreign-type vessels. •^ 1^ opium ; lit., the foreign drug. # ^ ± raw opium. 2 5 * ^ J boiled 01 W M M J^i :^ ta.^ offic f^ /^ foreign rice. i^ \M foreign wine. # m foreign guns. 1^ ^ W. foreign iron hoops. # tl r-cioths. i^ Ij; muslins. ^ ^ foreign cloths. iHr *^ foreign candles. •;4 jt; fovp;„„ gnnrls, 'i^ jt ^ ^ foreign and native goods. W & ( foreign coins ; foreign currency ; foreign W- Wi \ ^''^^'' i^^ Mexican dollars). V^ ^i ^ the local ciurency at Hankow (i Hai- kwan tael = local tael 1.0875). J^ -^ foreign ; foreign dollars. W fi the foreign method. nr 5C ii- dn'-iiment, or a despatch, written in a foreign language ; foreign writing. i¥ fS foreign letters. prepared opium. e 101 llkin on opium. yamj '^^ ]£ M VI the beginning of January. 'W^M M the foreign Customs. y'""J ^ a sort ; a kind ; a pattern. ^ Jt a pattern. yn»'J ^ to nourish. ^ ^ to support oneself or one's family ; to support life. ^ ^ ^ M. expenses for the maintenance of one'.s family. yang ^ to invite ; to entreat. ;^ ^ to solicit ; to urgently ask for. yc-ny ^ the male principle; the sun. yang ^ to look up to ; to rely on ; to expect. ■fHl ^ to receive respectfully. ■pp ^ to respectfully pray for. ■jJ^ ^ to respectfully ask ; lit., looldng up, to ask. ■PP llf to humbly pray for. ■jflJ '{^ to look forward to receiving kindness. ■p|) 6^ to hope for ; to expect. fil iP M M M M you wUl be guided by these instructions. yao ^ must ; must be ; important. ^ ^ important business. ^ WC an urgent reason. ^ ^ important. ^ t^ important matters; essential points. ^- E ^ P the important approaches (of traffic). yao J^ the loins; the waist. ^ )lSf a belt ticket ; a ticket worn by soldiers a their sides as an authority. yao i^ to invite. 3^ BH to invito ; to engage for service. y^o ^ to shake ; to wave to and fro. yao ^ a kiln ; a pottery. lljpottcry; earthenware. yao 1^ rumour ; lies ; falsehood. yao ^ remote; distant; distance. yao ^ ^ ^ ;^' > medicines ; drugs. mw ^ ^ a dispensary. yao ^ a key; a lock. ydi- ^ the night ; at night. 17 ( 130 ) yeh yen yen I sign of the past : lias, have ; already. dea- ^ ^ in the evening ; at night. ^ *4* at night ; " after liours." ^ 1^ during night-time ; at night. jjj^ the armpits ; pieces of fur taken from under a fox's legs (such as are sewn together into coats and jackets). ^ a father ; a term of respect : a gentleman. ^ the leaf of a book ; a folio ; the head. ^ a final particle ; also. ^ wild ; savage ; uncultivated. M" ffl U wild and coarse silk. WMU " ild raw .sUk. Sf ^ ^ ® wild uncleaned honey. ^ laud ; property ; trade ; occupation ; " my trade or business ; " hence a modest term for "I," used by trades-people ; a sign of the past : have, ha.s. ^ ^ a modest term for "we," used by trade^ people in petitions. mm ME m a loaf. ' ■q to say ; words ; what is said. ■g BJJ to state distinctly. g" tDJ to describe ; to state. "a" S to say with regard to ; to mention. P@ to swallow ; the throat ; a narrow pass. PS '^ t'i6 throat ; an important pass ; a thorough- fare of traffic. 'M (iS' or ^) tobacco; smoke; opium. 'Jt@ ^ leaf tobacco. lltS I?, prepared tobacco. ® ^ cigars. 'JtS ■& Yen-t'ai ( = Chefoo). 'Jti •□ (l^ U; I the Chefoo Convention of 319 the throat ; rouge. M Db i-oi'ge. )f| to reject ; to dislike. ■^ an interrogative particle : how. ^ ^ how could I dare ? ( = 1 dare not). ifH a swallow. ^ i§ swallows' nests ; [edible] birds' nests. ^ to screen ; to conceal. ^ fliS: to shelter. yen J;j^ a gem ; being a forbidden character, should be written Jg (yen). yen ^ to go along ; along. ^ ?§ Dl 5S ^ to cruise along the eoixst and the river ; " coast " service. 'il& i^ ^ ^ the places on the sea-coast. Jf^ {H along the river; on the river; on the Yang- tze. 'B M on the road. V& J^ "? P the barriers en route. ?& 3^ fil R to sell clandestinely on the road ; un- authorised sale [of goods] in tratisihi.. if& ^ 'I§ ?j^ [s record of] occurrences on the road ; the log of a ship. yen / 3ffi to invite ; to protract ; to delay ; dilatory. 5S Ira to invite ; to engage the services of (tis of a lawyer). UT^m^to delay payment. I^l '.5E1 to delay. j 5i ^L to be renitent. I 5§ jfS a long period of happiness. yen \^ a mat; a feast; a banquet; a dining-hall. yen ^ strict; stern; to respect; the standing epithet for fathers, just as tz\l (^), kind, is the epithet for mothers ; hence J^ ^, " my father." j^ ^ strictly secret ; confidential. ;^ ^ to seize strictly; to arrest. ^ ^ ^ M [to have authority for] arresting thieves and smugglers. 1^ fl^ to summon. j^ >5D ■S" BS to add strict warnings. j^ JD ^ ^ to suliject to strict and detailed examination. ^ R-ft "ffif JS ) to prevent the revenue from sufi'er- m \>J1 ran m l ^^^^ ^^ ^^.^^^^ ^^. smuggling; to J§ ^ M W ) prevent snmggKng. j^ ^ to give strict orders to. jg ** to strictly prohibit. ^ ^ to examine strictly. j^ ih ii fx to deal strictly with the police run- ners (in order to ensure the proper discharge of their duties). ^ 1^ solemn; grave; dignified. yen §^ colours ; the countenance. ^ ■£, colour. ^ ^ dyeing materials ; dye-stuff. ( 131 ) yen H salt ; to salt ; salted. H jife salt-cellars. H ,@. salt fish. ^ ^ a salt luamifactory. H |g a salt merchant. H jH ■^ rI an iaspector of salt gabel; a Salt Commissioner. ^ ii^ ■^ a sub-inspector in tlie Salt Commis- sioner's yameu. yen ^ repose ; a baunuct. yen |g the eye. 0^ B? before one's eyes. hR jpj to;j;ether with another (so that both parties may see) ; conjointly and before one's eyes. IS |pI IS S to participate in the inspection of. H @ the eyes. W< ?4 :iu ophthalmist. RB j^ spectacles. yen }^ to practise ; to exercise ; to drill. y^^ Ea pitchy ; black. Eh M to extinguish (as a light). y^ H (or ^) to examine. S§ ^ a duty memo, (debit note for duties to be paid, issued after the examination ol goods and hence called " examination bill "). vflg Bfl to examine ; to ascertain (by examining). E^^^^o examine and receive; to accept (as a y^ document) ; to take delivery of. §|-^' to examine ; to inspect. ,■■'' SI ■& ^^ ^ to assess duties according to value; to charge ad valorem duty. ^. M to examine goods. ^-Sl K )S a Customs examination shed. J^' ^ -^ an examiner. >^ K A fx officers charged with the examination ^y^ of goods ; examiners. v4^< p£ examination being fini-shed ; " examined." S^ IS ^ finj to pay duties after examination. SI frS ^ 6 the particulars or results of an ex- amination. 2'"' Wi to decide in judicial cases. SB\ ^ a court of justice. yoi gg spurious. Sf ^ to imitate ; to counterfeit. yen ^ ii hamlet. W MH language. W E3 rcjrart; rumour. @ on account of; to cause. ^ because of; on account of. J| Ho tliorefore; on which account he JS^ iS; M .^ J^ to bo dismissed from office for -''^t^me reason or other. _^W^jiiJ the reason why ; on what account ( ^^^ri!c thereby ; therefore. 'S , public business, ^^^ M J|^ P to put into a port in distress. S^ J|^ on account of the time ; at the proper time. JK S^ '$'] ^ to take the necessary steps, as circum- ""^ stances may require. _^H X'J & t'or some other reason. @ ^ remissness; delay. ■$1J (in imitation of the English sound "inch") an inch ; inches. yin j@ (or ilJH) to marry ; a bride. yin JU abimdance. Jlx K having ample means ; to be solvent. yin ^ continuous rain. yin ^ silver ; money ; treasure. ^SSC'^ a silver mine. '■'^'^ iS vermilion. ^^ silver thi'ead ; silver wire. > a money order ; a bank note ; a cheque. SR fS silver in taels ; money. /'^ fg silver leaf. ' is f^ silver coins. /^Mi M dollars; Mexican dollars. foreign coins ; Jlexican dollars. ^1 ,. w Wi 'I "lint; a bank. /^^ E experts in melting silver. y\ySi ^ a bank; the Bank ; the Customs Bank. }ry^ $iC a siini of money. ^ the ermine; also, the squirrel. ^^ i^ ermiue skins; squirrel skins. { 132 ) / 'lin 51 to lead. 51 ^ a pilot J pilotage. §1 yK M ^ 1". senior pilot 51 7K M :« pilot boat. 51 7K M H the Pilotage Regulations. 51 7K ? S a pilots license. 51 K pilotage fees. (5l f^ pilotage business. 51 ^ to introduce ; to have an audience with the Emperor. ^J^^^ to entice. 51 i'^ to strike fire; to inflame. /i« t^ to drink. Ws'^ ^^ maintenance expenses. '"' ffi flark ; to avoid ; to conceal ; to keep out of view. J^ ^ to avoid, to evade (as payment of duties); to defraud the revenue by concealment of facts. ^ ^ ^ ^ to be guilty of concealing [e..g., a document to be delivered). '"' PP to print ; a seal ; to stamp. yipf) ■^ a seal ; credentials. "^ an official holding a seal, i.e., an official appointed by Government direct, and not a deputy vxi-yiian (^ ^). bond cer- A 10 a sealed certificate ; a passport ; titicate. M )^ a sealed document ; a license. Efl ^ to seal and issue ; to hand back (as a petition /^ is sealed and handed back with sealed endorse- ''^ ment). •■(^ books to be sealed ; books containing duiilicates of documents sealed (as a "Protest Book"). ^1 the affairs of an office so far as they concern the sealing of documents ; responsible aftairs. f£ 'ifr ijrinted cotton cloth ; chintzes ; chintzes, furnitures, and cotton prints. EP^S ^ ^ '^ jaconets, cambrics, lawns, and y/^ muslins. yRl -J- to print characters ; to print. ^Jfli ^ ^'iyt.^ printing-office employe. XpP «■ to print books. fl) jJc P {yin-tu-huo) India; Indian. Pn J!^ "^ S Indian cow bezoar. ^[ posterity; generations; being a forbidden cha- racter, should be written ^ (ijin), the first stroke being omitted, or ^Q (yiinj. ^ to meet ; to welcome. ^ to be full; overflowing; increase; gaiuy •Sf 1^ an overplus. ^ JU abundant and deficient ; profit^nd loss. aa ij ^ '@^ «n assistant treasurer; a treasury (read in t]\ s_lis'a- p'ing t one) /inust ; (read in the shcng tone) to' aUslvePpto respond to. ust ; ought to. to pay duty ; dutiable. the full duty due. 7Q ^ ^ M. dutiable goods. liable to exemption frc duty ; i| H liable to be valued at M ?.?. ought to reflect or shine ; to be visible (as a light). ^^M iO H ffi fi iji ^^'liat manner it is to be settled. j^^ S whether or not it is necessary to. JIB'^ ^ ^ whether duty free or not. ^M it to consent to. ^ to respond to the call for examination; o report for examination. J^ to undertake. ^ an eagle ; a falcon ; a hawk. &^ ) ^ j^ > eagle money ; Mexican dollars. •^ military; a camp; a subdivision of a hsieh (^) or regiment; a battalion commanded by a yu-chi or major, or an officer of similar rank ; to do ; to make ; to devise mechanical plans. ^ ^ a guard house ; a military station. ^ jB engineering ; public works. 'S" iB K fi the official measure of the Board of Works. ^ 'M pI the " Office of Works," a sub-department of the Imperial household ; an engineer (for light- houses, etc.). ^ »a J^ an engineer's office. ^ D jif a patrol ; a division of a battalion. ( 133 ) V^ ?i» *o practise smuggling. •^ P ) J. Yingtzii; the port of Newchwang. ^ excellent ; brave ; English ; British. ^ "o M {ying-ld-li = English) English ; Lritish. 5^ K.igland; Great Britain ; British. 55u IS a British ship. ^ .S British subjects. ^ ;5l English writing; in English. 3^ f* M ^ both Britisli ami German merchants. ^ if «Tongly for ying {jg Jf [# ^], ry.r. fl a parrot. g§ SI #1] Ying-wu-chou (a Likin station on the Yangtze). ^ a shadow ; a delusion. ^ $ti a shadow projecting ; false statements ; fulse declarations. ^ ^J ;^ ^ the malpractice of spreading lies ; false statements. @ hard. M 7t: hard-wood. ^, to pray ; to implore. Wl. .® to entreat ; to invoke. I^ to leap (as for joy) ; to exult. /§■ to have ; to be ; there is. ^ ^ whether there is ; whether there was. "^ i^ there is ; there are. ^ ^ having ornaments ; figured (as piece goods). ^ .^ ^ ?E 'Si 'iU dyed figured and plain cotton piece goods. ^ %_ to be rewarded. '^ 1^ to be attended with punishment. ^ JfJ meritorious; there is merit in ^ S to benefit ; there Ls an advantage in. ^ 51 to obstract. •§ ^ ^ 5f there are difficulties; to be fraught with dimcultics. M iif. ^5 ^ P the Treaty Powers. ^ i8& li $S ± ;^ a fire-alarm; a signal flag hoisted when a sliip is on fire. '^, IM ?n1 'If fi 15 ^ h1 to serve commercial interests while cnusing no loss to the revenue. * ^ li ^ to interfere with the collection of the 'S' ^ ^ is to be guilty of I ^ ^ to be connected with. ^ 3^ there is rciUion in ; sensible. /g '^ there is necessity for. lk ^) -*? n f f there is a dificrence ; to be different. 'H S'i) ^ ^ to entail loss. ^ ^. more than ; there is a suq)lu3. -J^ im there is a limit; limited; few. /Q ^ and a fraction ; and odd. ^ ^ a number of years. ^ some day ; there is a day or term fixed for it. /^ I|$ sometimes ; at any time. ^ to forgive ; to assist* ^ IP to forgive an offence ; to remit punishment. ^ sorrow; sadness. ^ Jl^ to be full of sorrow. @ to excel ; excellent ; competent ; excessive ; complaisant ; tranquil ; gentle ; fully. ^ f^ to treat with consideration ; to treat civilly. fiJC a relative pronoun, Iq., so {^) ; commonly used in phrases like yu-chi (flj: |g) or yu-kuan (fijc I^). " that which concerns." ijj young. ^ 1^ a young brother. ify 5i young children. 3§ more; further; if; like; still. I^ circumstances; details; from; by way of. It is frequently used to denote the doer of an action, or the logical subject of a sentence if it is not in- animate; eg., i- ^^ ^' t* @j' W ^'' '.«"■ (expressing that the term following is the subject of the sentence) Hing-hhih-^kumi, the Consul, ^ch'ih, orders, instructs, H-ai, the said, the, 'sliang, merchant; ^' ^= ^' g' ^= ^'' %' Jg', ~y>^ hm-^yiian, the Deputy, [must] 'hsien^ before, first, ^sMtir^pao, report to, 'ssit, the high provincial authorities and, Hao, the Taot'ais. ^ 7K JE by sea. itl li 2& l)y land. jj^ §-? by post ; by coiiricr. 1^ :§; fro'" there. 6 S 3£ in fw" Amoy to Hankow. ;||lj tlio pumelo. ^^ )k. puuiflo peel. ■ffi ■? pumeloes. ( 134 jft oil. }ft fr oil (as morchimdise). Cf. Mfl j^ Jf . itJl ^ oil paint ; paints. ?til ^ S otI puntings, }ft ^ oiled piper. 7£ furthermore ; still more ; more ; particularly. !fc >^ M ^ it is st^l "loi* important; it is of special importance. J^ (or j^) to wander about ; wandering; to travel ; to float ; to swim. i^ J§ to wander about ; to travel ; to a-uise about. X further; moreover; and; often answering to ditto or idem. ^ a friend ; friendly. ^ ^ a friendly state. iiung ijioig ^) to entice ; to indue ^ right ; that which is on the right ; .ifter a docu- ment : the above ; the junior of two deputies where only two are employed. ^ jg the right side ; the port side. ^ ^ the above certificate. 'S fi?, ■& tlie above despatch. ^ Bt the goods (enumerated) on the right hand, i.e., the above goods. ^ ^ i"» assistant magistrate. i^ to assist ffi to use. ffl ij* by means of a proclamation ; to show, or express, thereby. f^ A employes. J9 ^ to make an efifort. ^ )^ to be attentive. ffl fi provided with the Imperbl Seal. ^ brave ; a brave ; a soldier. ^ to leap ; to exult. 1^ ^ to leap for joy; to gladly fall in with an idea. ^ to bubble ; to rise. ^ to use ; to have use for. ^ to hire (as a workman). (J ^ a coolie hired for wort ^ to melt V^"'9 ^ being a forbidden character, should be written ^ (ynngj, the two last strokes of the full character being omitted. ynng gg clear ; intelligent ; hsirmony. yung ^ everhisting ; eterud. j§*^ >^ ^ ^ to regard ;is a penuanent standard. ^'^ ^ tB i i i® never any disagreements. ^'C if ^ ^ to be .ilways so and not be changed : so it sh;dl always be, ^ jfi everlasting ; for ever. ^ ^ 1^ the district of Yung-chii Y'l- ^, fish. 2^, ^ a fishing-net. ^ fit fish maws. ^ Jf£ fish skins. jS. ^ sharks' fins. .«, W isinglass. !/« f^ to fish ; fishermen. I^, ^ fishermen. yii J5S (or rf") in ; at ; on ; through ; by ; after an adjective, tlian. ]K ■^ i^ter this ; thereupon. JK :§: B on the same day. ^^^ib l^ere. jti^^ in the sequel; as follows. IK f^ A ^ ® it is a convenience to merch:tnts. JK =S f ^ ^ S ffi A. it J»akes no great difter- ence in the revenue. jK S ^ '^ M to be detrimental to trade. yii 1^ with ; to ; or ; and ; to give. ^ § whether or not; or not ^ IpJ the same as; equal to. H 2]i ;}; 1^ not as usual. ]ft P 1^ ^ ^ t« concern the Imjierial revenue. S ^ Bi to have nothing to do witi; not to be one's business. *" H (* ^ ^ 1^ it has nothing to do with Gei- mauy. Si iS is t5£ K to ^6 connected with commerciid ' inierests. yii 1^ the earth ; mankind ; the ptiblic. yii § a dwelling ; to lodge. ^ Jg to reside; residence (at a place). yii Jls stupid; simple minded ; "I;" "my.'= ( 135 ) ^ ^ the stupid people ; the common people ; the ignorant ; the niasses. jS A the common people. ^ ^ I am of opinion ; my hiuuble view. j'5 Ui nitpt; to happen; happening; whenever. j^ ^ t'l meet (a.s a person in the street). ^ -f^ to pass a Customs barrier. !^ '{l ^ ^ when a vacancy occurs. IS :^V -^ B# ''"ling foggy or thick weather. J5 ^ fl$ .it the time when; when the time .has arrived. yii ^ interchanged with yil f^) to inanifest ; to pro- claim. yii ^ to get the better of; to recover; more; the more (as in the phrase " the more the better"). ^ ^ the more the more ^ ^ '^ ftf the more the better. ^ ^ still more ; much more. y'i' ^ to desire ; to covet. yd HJ an order ; to order ; to proclaim ; a proclamation. !§} n» t'' proclaim ; a proclamation. Hi '^ to order. Wi H* -"i Imperial rescript. p& 6S jS 5^ to give ordere for the guidance [of tlio-o concerned]. IbJ ^ to inform by proclamation. Wi Jfc to proclaim the stoppage of; to order a mbordinate to discontinae a certain mode of action. i^ HE to decree prevention ; to interfere. '/"- M ''"" m) I to exceed (as a limit); to pa-ss over; ]^ P^ to exceed a limit. 5B i^ S ^ t'' exceed five years ; more than fire yif- ^ aiiprehension; danger; accident. !/"' @; a snrpdus ; the remainder ; the remaining onw ; . profits in trade. f^. Wi '■' balance ; surplus money. ^ jtt surplus funds ; savings. yu j^ ^"ings; feathers; wool. j^ ^ wings ; helps ; to assist. ^ ^ fffather fans. 3^ ^ alpaca; bunting. ^ Z^P English camlets ; crape, lit, wooUen gatize. 3^ ^ Dutch camlets ; lastings. > a prison ; a jail. y^ M ik woollen laj-tingH. ^ ^ crape lastings. ^ ^ imitation camlets; bombazeltes. Z/*' M rain, ^ '^ rain without end. IH >S kittysols ; umbrella". M $E umbrellas. yV' f§ words ; language ; statements. yv- 3E jade ; precious ; Imperial ; " your." zIe. ^ jadestone. 3E w jadestonewure. 2^^' m ] yii' ^ to enrich; abundance; liberal ■^ ^ to benefit the revenue. t/ti Sfe to wish; about to; also a sign of the future tense. ^ ^ to want to. y'li. ^ to desire ; to covet. 2/M ^ Imperial ^ '^ an Imperial physician. ^ ft the Emperor's view; for His ilaje«ty'« in- spection. ^ "Hf in the Imperial presence. ^ B? A 15 !i Grand Chamberlain. ^ ^ the Imperial Pencil; i.e., the Em]X:ror-' endorsement. ^Sl ^ ^ ^ to be .sanctiontd by the Emperor. ^ ^ a reply from the Emperor. ^ J^ the Imperial Canal ; the Grand Canal yii 1^ to oppose ; to stop. y'A Jlj" to soothe ; to tranquilise. yii W to rear ; to maintain ; to bear. W ?l ^ ^ foundling hospital yii, ^ to give ; to bestow ; to grant. ■^ iS to grant leave. "? is ^ to grant exemption from duty ; to pa-vi [goods] duty free. •^ IS to confer a posthumous title. :^ IE fi to apply capital punishment. -f' JU to grant (^ i, introducing the object of tho verb -^ yd), yii f^ Cor ^) to prepare ; bcforeh.ind. ^ ^ to note a protest. ( 136 ) ■ifOan 1^ >^ fM n» to prepare and publish a, list. fi ^ ii¥ IT t" provide for a clear understanding. 5@ ^ ^ If to calculate beforehand. •JH ^ ■=■ njj to declare clearly beforehand. fS ^ ^n # to give official notice. Jl ^ to fix beforehand ; to settle (as by contract). fM "Si payments made beforehand ; advances. jM fjj- to foresee. jl $fe beforehand. M :5fe fli) ^ to keep ready (as documents for issue). fM M to prepare. ,|X to drive a horse ; to rule over. j[^ original ; origin ; source ; really. Jffi fS originally declared. ^ pT originally fixed upon ; drafted. ite originally inspected ; the ^ original site. H Si' originally sympathising. W. ^^ ^ 4t by which means it was originally inteudoii to prohibit J^ 'Q original packages. ^ ^ the original goods. / M. M the original price; the priiuecost. /Jif, M the original certificate. ^ CJIS*^ «'! original copy ; a draft. """^jj^ ^ the original grievance ; Uie details of an accusation. fi> ^ original ; the original value ; origin ; root. ^""""[^^^ % he who originally accuses ; the plaintiff. ® ;ilj plain cotton cloth ; shirtings-. t-^ j?^ £, 'lU uiey sliirtings; unijlcachcd and imdyed cotton piece goods. ^la^ sheetings. ' K % 1^4 ^ M jfans and twills. ;[^ t^ cireumstauccs ; particulars. ?;;;«.! B. tu Ji,;i; Lobe willmg. M Wio hope ; to desire. P ^iE to be willing. y'dan ?^, «l-will ; resentment ; hatred. yuan % to oppress; injustice. f^^. grievance; an inju.tic( % ;fi an injustice; a grievance; to accuse falsely; to ill-use. yiiaii ^ :i classifier of officers ; an officer ; wrongly used for HI (yuan), a dollar. M ^ officei-s (of low rank, both civil and militarj-)- m ^b ll> Second Class Secretary of a Board. yiian U round; a globe; a ball; a circle; a round coin ; a dollar. Jj ^ round. m ^ '* ball. U I^ a ball-shaped top (as a wicker ball on the top of a beacon pole). ^ ^2 the diameter (of a circle). EI IM f^ >^ 3^ ?S to convert round measure Into square measure (as of timber). H^ TK round beams ; beams other than square. y'dan ^ ns; because; cause; origin; circumstances. ^^ i^ a cause ; a reason. ^^ Jf^ ^ circumstances ;• particulars. ^ W.hM-'^ register. yawn it far- jg ;£ distance ; far and near. jt ^ to see from afar, jg] {^ to come from afar ; far-travelled. yliaii ^ the beginning ; the first ; No. I ; commonly used for 51 (y'dan), a dollar. 7C B. New Year's day. 5c ^ the first year of a reign. 7C K round ingot sycee. y'dan g^ a court ; a hall ; a college. y'dan jg to assist; to rescue; to put forward; to quote liy way of analogy ; to claim (as privileges granted to others). ^ ^ to rescue. U 51 to quote. ^ J^, on the ground of (as a Treaty paragraph) ; according to. fit M J^ ^ according to precedent. Jg % to apply (an exceptional ride) to the exemp- tion (of goods from payment of duty); to claim' exemption. Jg jy ^ ^ij to cpiote [a fact] as "a precedent so as to constitute a rule. y'dch ^ the moon ; a month. B M 5t at f"ll moon (i.-/., wang 6^). ■ ^ ij ^ 511 at new moon (Lq., shno ^). ^ f(J at the beginning of the month. ^ jta at the end of the month. ( 137 ) }$5to yiieh to siiy ; says ; it is said. 'ES to rejoice ; pleased ; delighted ; gl.-ully. 'ffi ^ t" gladly comply with. 1^ to inspect ; to peruse ; to read. la] ^ to inspect ; to review. ^ ^ to inspect and examine. ^ to exceed ; to transgress ; to encroach on. ^ ^ to pass over ; to cross (as a barrier). ^ 1^ to break out of prison. M ^ Annani. gree ; an Agreement ; a Treaty. nfi 1^ I to consult with ; to agree upon a matter $5 ^ '" restrain; to keep in order; to exercise a liro|ier control over. ,f.^ 1 (or W i^ M) a Treaty Power. ffy fi\< not in the Treaty ; n(5t provided for by the Treaty. $•1 ^ Treaty regulations. f(^ i^ the paragraphs of a Treaty ; a Treaty ; an Agreement. ^ Kwangtung and Kwangsi ; Canton. # m Kwangtung. f. W Kwangsi. ^ t^ tlip Canton province. # f§ II the Canton Customs. # 'M II pT) official designation of the Haikwan or Hopi)u of Canton. ^ j^ Annam. 5 to say. •^ 5r used in quotations when, for the sake of brevity, the tenor of a document is either wholly or partially omitted ; " etc., etc." Cf. ting ^ @- H a cloud. mn^ talc. S # ^ mother-of-pearl. S # ^ ^ mother-of-pe»rlw»re. ^ .^ niarbio slabs ; marble. § ^ to assemble in great numbers. ^ ^ the Yiinnan lunvince. ^ to transport. j^ 2j5 to move inwards; brought from; iu\por(ed. ^^^ carried outwards ; exported. ^H^^ to transport into (the river or the interior). ,^S tB to tninsport out of the interior. S§|, pj to have imported ; to be consignee for. ^SH JE to arrive (as goods at the place of destina- tion). \2 HI to send back ; to remove. ^i§ jlj to move about ; to circulate (iW goods in the country). '**® ^ to convey (as a boat conveys pa.ssengers). ■ Ji§ HB a transit pass. >^ •](.% to transporl gl'ain. ^lajIS a grain or rice junk. J(i JPI the (irand Canal. ^^M ft m of rice. goods. ^_^x^ ffiB the cost of transporting goods ; freight. ^^ S I an inspector of salt gabel ; a Salt Comniis ^^^Pjj .sioner. i '^ to agree; to promise; to allow; sincere; wlial is proper. :fe S it is agreed. iC M '" ay<'«' t" ■' to l>e .willing. :fc ^ to agree with ; to permit ; to consent. iC, B^ to promise. ^ ?^ to sanction ; to grant ; to consent. it fi to give authority to. :fc ^j list; fair. jt ^jj liariiionious; perfect; efl'ectivc. special certificate for the transport person attending the transport of 18 r J University ot Caiifornia SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hllgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it w/as borrowed. i)^ 000 0^2 l'^^ r X Un\