B 0! 0! 0! 2! 2\ 4 01 fornia aal ■-" ; ''- : ■■■■■■■ M i I ■■': •"■:■'■.: Hi Hi 'CAavauiu*' JiJJDNV-SOr^ v/WdAINn-JWv ^lOS«Elfjv> ^UIBRARY-Oc. AINIUlW* ^fOJITVD-J^ ^UIBRARYQ^ AvlOS-ANCElfj^ ^OF-CAIIFOR^ ^OF-CAllFOfy* lAINiHW*' .vM-LIBRARYQr ^OF-CALIFORto .\\tt-l ! NIVER«fc itfHIBRARYflr. ^ILIBRARY^ lOrl tUI7t tUfTI 'MVJJ/ USUI J 1 ' Or ^ Or 8 ft: ^lOSANGElfr> £ 3 %MAiNn-3«^ ^UIBRARY^ ^UIBRARY^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ '§1 r-n -& /— 'P I' 5 ^OFCALIFOfi! y 0AwaaiH ^•LIBRARYQc ^/OdllVOJO^ ^EUNIVERS/a f vvlOSANCElfj %MAINIHtf :alifo/?^ ^qkalifo% ^\\EUN!VER% 1^ I <&133NV-SOV^ ^IOS-ANCEHEj g "%3AlNfl-3tf UNIVERSE ^tOSANGElfr> ^lUBRARY^ ^LIBRARY*: IE YEOMAN OF THE GUARD. Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., PR. A. A portrait of John Charles ^^^^^^^J^S^ iGtb Lancers, was in i$47 appointed a Beet tater. ri her glowing breast, Till, fold after fold, to the fainting air lay bare." KING COPHETUA AND THE BEGGAR MAID. Sir E. Burne-Jones, Bart. For thou,' quoth he, ' shall be my wife, And honoured for my Queen.' " ELLEN TERRY AS " LADY MACBETH." John S. Sargent, R.A. Wm * i ^H ■"• 1 ■ ^ • 1 j^K JH l/il ■a I HBS^H I m »v»4j SB ' fir fl | HjB ■P. , ""wf' • 1 i ' 'y fr- 9 f § 1|. I {«V ; Painted in THE KNIGHT-ERRANT. Sir John E. Millais, Bart., P.R.a. The distressful maiden has been despitefully used by robbers, who have been dispersed by the gallant knight. Some of them can be seen in the right distance. This is the only nude female figure painted by the artist. BEATA BEATRIX. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. dream lovi ol Dant( . In the right distance is Dante, and < h looking at th<- other. A bird, with a poppy in its mouth symbol ol di ath flies into the lap of I ■ CARNATION. LILY, LILY, ROSE. John S. Sargent, R.A. garden or lilies, carnations, and roses, the two children illumine the fading day with the light of gaily coloured Chinese lanterns. I 1 r l\ v; >v BKzBDfuK^^B^^Ut $i 1 ■ 1 t: : >:?v?x ';'!>*;• 1 THE PRISON WINDOW. John Phillip, R.A. >t human nature in Spanish costume. " Stone walls do not a prisoo make" lor the natural affections and passions, even of a '1 criminal. THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTIANITY G. F. Watts, O.M., R.A ■ The artist dedicated this work to " All the Churches." Under the ample robes of Christianity there is room for all the children of the world to dwell in peace and unity. ESCAPE OF THE CARRARA FAMILY FROM THE PURSUIT OF THE DUKE OF MILAN, 1389. Sir C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A. Francesco Novello di Carrara, last Lord of Padua, having heard of the Duke of Milan's intention to kill him, fled across the mountains to Monaco. His pursuers are in sight in the valley below. 16 AMY ROBSART. W. F. Yeames, R.A. Married to Sir Robert Dudley, Amy Robsart met a mysterious death at Cumnor Hall, near Oxford. She was found dead at the foot of a staircase. The incident is incorporated in Scott's " Kenilworth." B— (Tate) n 1 1 MRk v*- **V hj w US* ' • 1 .■•* 1 tM% • 19 ?3 IL-Y-EN A TOUJOUR^ UN AUTRE. Mahcus Stone. R. a. "A Prior Attachment," the title under which this picture was engraved, at once explains the despondency of the present suitor. ECCE ANCILLA DOMINI." Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Annunciation. After the Angel Gabriel had delivered his message, Mary replied, " Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be it unto me according to thy word ! " rra LOVE LOCKED OUT. Anna Lea Merhitt. Love vainly knocks for admittance at the door of Gold. The lock is effectually turned against him. All delights - typified by the scattered roses -hive been discarded by the owner of this gold-gated heart. 30 THE SILKEN GOWN. Thomas Faed, R.A. "And ye sail walk in silk attire And siller ha'e to spare, Gin vi n consent to be his bride, Nor ilunk ^ V 4« D— (Tate) THE COURTYARD OF THE COPTIC PATRIARCHS HOUSE IN CAIRO. J. F. Lewis, R.A A characteristic Orient.: •pt that the female figures are not veiled; the house is tli.it <>t a Christian. 50 THE BLIND BEGGAR. J. L. Dyckmans. Painted at Antwerp in 1858, in which city the artist was born, lived, and worked. ss 56 5* "YOUTH ON THE PROW, AND PLEASURE AT THE HELM." William Etty, R.A. An illustration of Gray's lines in " The Bard " — " The giddy occupants of the gilded vessel go on their way Unmindful of the sweeping whirlwind's sway, That, hushed in grim repose, expects his evening prey." 60 THE GIRL AT THE GATE. George Clausen, A.R.A. Merely a peasant girl in form and surroundings, but with an expression suggestive of unutterable yearnings after some great " ideal." Sir Edwin Landsier, R A ound pampered, favoured, fortunate LOW LIFE. Sir Edwin LandSEer, R.A, A common tvpe of bull-dog, whose surroundings complete the contrast to the subject of the companion picture. OLD BATTERSEA BRIDGE. J McNeil Whistler. .4 The "Id wooden bridge which oxisted until 1800. PRINTED BV CASSELl ash COMPANY, LTD., 1 If aairi^ , y 0Awaan-# ^tllBRARY^ <^EUNIVER% ^lOSANGElfj> rarwj^ aaiH^ ^FCAIIF(%, mi