I. , *^ i c '/ ^XCHANGIS MAR 8 J917 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION BY BENJAMIN ERNEST MITCHELL ^<.- DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements FOR THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY UAJMCASTER, PA. 1917 1) COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION BY BENJAMIN ERNEST MITCHELL DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements FOR THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, IN THE Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. 1917 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter Introduction 1 1. Historical 1 2. The Laguerre-Study Representation of the Imag- inary quantity 2 I. The Real Conies 6 3. Some Simple Cases 6 4. The Real Ellipse 7 5. The Real Hyperbola 13 6. The Real Parabola 15 II. The Complex Conic, Preliminary Considerations 18 7. The Complex Line and Its Conjugate 18 8. Canonical Equation of the Complex Line 19 9. Real Representation of the Complex Line 21 10. Canonical Equation of the Complex Circle 21 11. The Complex Circle and Its Conjugate 22 12. Reflection with Respect to the Complex Circle. . 23 III. The Complex Conic, Reduction of Equation 27 13. The Complex Conic and Its Conjugate 27 14. Canonical Equation of the Complex Conic 29 15. Localizing the Complex Conic 32 IV. The Complex Conic, Its Real Representation 33 16. The General Case, Z 4= 33 17. The Special Case, Z = 42 18. The Special Case, 6 = 44 o4:.>i^'J COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. INTRODUCTION. 1. Historical. — The introduction of the imaginary quantity, or the complex quantity comprehending both the real and the imaginary, into analysis had the effect not only of extension and generalization but also in many cases of simplification. Such results in the realm of geometry have not yet been fully realized. In the preface to his "Einfiihrung in die analytische Geometric," Kowalewski says: "Eine grosse Schwierigkeit in der analytischen Geometric ist die exakte Behandlung des Imaginaren." But the incorporation of the imaginary in geometry does not require any more of reconstruction and readjustment than it did in the case of analysis.^ "A satisfactory theory of imaginary quantities of the ordinary algebra . . . with difficulty obtained recognition in the first third of this century . . . , it . . . was not sought for or invented — it forced itself, unbidden, upon the attention of mathematicians, and with its rules already formed."'" No sooner had the imaginary won its rightful place in analysis at the hand of Gauss and Cauchy than it began to knock at the door of geometry. Indeed before its full recognition in analysis there had appeared the geometric method of representing the imaginary quantity due to Argand and Wessel. But the imag- inary in geometry must play the role of element of structure comparable to that of number in analysis.^ The history of its development is of intense interest. 1 Convention. Toute expression ayant un sens geometrique quand les elements dont elle depend sont reels conservera, par definition, le meme nom quand quelques-uns de ces elements deviendront imaginaries. Niewenglowski , Cours de Geometric Analytique, p. 114, Old Edition. 2 Gibbs: "On Multiple Algebra," Proc. Am. Asso. Adv. of Sci., 1886. 3 Cf. C. A. Scott: "On Von Staudt's Geometric der Lage," Math. Gazette, Vol. 1, p. 307. 1 •.^.'.-" COMRLEX CGNICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. Out of the school of Monge came a class of mathematicians, beginning with Poncelet and culminatmg in Von Staudt, who were somewhat exclusive in their methods. On the principle, geometry for geometers and geometry all-sufficient and self- sufficient, they set about to build up a body of doctrine wholly independent of analysis. The principals in this program were Poncelet, Chasles, Steiner and Von Staudt. The imaginary enters through the so-called Principle of Continuity and makes its first appearance in Chasles' "Traite de Geometric Superieure" (1852). Regarding the second of the three advantages which he claims for his geometry he says: " Je veux parler de la gener- alite dont sont empreints tons les resultats de la geometric analytique, oii Ton ne fait acception ni des differences de positions relatives des diverses parties d'une figure, ni des circonstances de realite ou d'imaginarite des parties, qui, dans la construction generale de la figure, peuvent etre indifferemment reelles ou imaginaries. Ce caractere specifique de I'Analyse se trouve dans notre Geometric." But the investigations of Poncelet and Chasles had their origins in analysis and in their completed forms were not free from analytical considerations. To George Karl Christain Von Staudt belongs the honor of constructing independently of analysis a geometry involving imaginary elements. Thus ac- cording to Von Staudt: Two conjugate imaginary points may always be considered as the double points of an (elliptic) involu- tion on a real line; and as (in analysis) we pass from an imaginary number to its conjugate by changing i to — i, so (in geometry) we may distinguish the two imaginary points by associating them respectively with the two senses of the line. Now the most essential or characteristic ideal of geometry is to render all configurations visualizable, intuitive: the de- sideratum is, to use the German, "Anschaulichkeit." Whilst Von Staudt's purely projective methods were theoretically suf- ficient, yet they were found to be in use cumbrous and compli- cate; accordingly we find the diverging lines of analysis and geometry beginning to change direction and to come together. "From this moment a brilliant period opens for geometrical research of every kind. Analysts interpret all their results and INTRODUCTION. 3 set to work to translate them by constructions. Geometers endeavor to discover in every question some general principle — in most cases impossible to prove without the aid of analysis."^ This was but reflecting the spirit of the great Monge who "has shown from the outset . . . that the alliance between analysis and geometry was useful and fruitful and that perhaps their alliance was a condition of the success for both of these branches of mathematics."^ For example, in the conclusion of his lecture "On the Real Shape of Algebraic Curves and Surfaces/' as interpreted by geometric models and Riemann surfaces, Klein says: "These methods give us the actual mental image of the configuration under consideration, and this I consider the most essential in all true geometry."^ This ideal of geometry is entirely consistent with the ideal of mathematics as presented by Von Staudt himself: "Indem die Mathematik darnach strebt, Ausnahmen Von Regeln zu be- seitigen und verschiedene Satze aus einem Gesichtspunkte auf- zufassen, wird sie haufig genothigt, Begriffe zu erweitern oder neue Begriffe aufzustellen, was beinahe immer einen Fortschritt in der Wissenschaft bezeichnet."^ In these ideals we have the spirit and aim of the great program proposed by Professor Study in his lectures and elsewhere,^ a program in accordance with which on the one hand we are not to be hampered by assumptions regarding reality or non-reality and on the other hand all configurations whether real or imaginary are to receive intuitive representation. In his work "Vorlesungen iiber ausgewahlte Gegenstiinde der Geometric, erstes Heft : Ebene Analytische Kurven und zu ihnen gehorige Abbildungen" Study has blazed a path through the great domain contemplated by his program. My aim in this iDarboux: "A Study of the Development of Geometric Methods," Con- gress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, 1904. 2 Darboux, supra. 3 The Evanston Colloquium. Lectures on Mathematics, Lecture IV. ^ "Beitriige zur Geometrie der Lage," Vorwort. 6 " Vorlesungen liber ausgewahlte Gegenstande der Geometrie" (1911), "Zur Differential-geometrie der analytischen Curven," and "Die naturlichen Gleichungen der analytischen Curven im Euclidischen Raume," Trans. Am. Math. Soc, vols. 10, 11. 4 COMPLEX CONICS AXD THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. paper, as indicated by its title, is to apply his general method to an interesting and important detail. 2. The Laguerre-Study Representation of the Imaginary. — There is a great variety of ways of representing the imaginary element by a real figure.^ The most efficient for purposes of analysis is that due to Laguerre- extended and developed by Study .^ The two families of minimal lines, right- and left-sided, to use Study's term, have for equations ^ + ^77 = const, and ^ — i-q — const. Where ^ and t) are the rectangular cartesian coordinates of the 00* finite complex points in a projective plane. These lines through a point (^', -q') of the plane have for equations: s + 'i'n = ^' + W and ^ — i-q = ^' — ir]'. On each of these lines there is one and only one real point. Taking {x' , y') for the coordinates of the real point on the second and {u', v') those for the real point on the first, we have: t' + irj' = m' + iv' and ^' - irj' = .r' - iy'. Considering ?/ + iv' and x' + iy' as geometric pictures of two gaussian numbers w' and z' we write (I) ^' + iv' = «'' and ^' - iv' = z' , where z' = x' — iy' , the conjugate of %' . It is agreed to take the two real points s' and ?r' of the two gaussian planes as the Real Representation of the complex point (^', 77') of the cartesian plane. Study symbolizes this representation by z — > w, and calls it the First Picture (das erste Bild) of the imaginary point. Again we have for the conjugate point (|', rj') of (^', 77') . _ ,-, =1'. i-^', I consequently | ,, _ ._, ^ _,_ Thus the picture of (4', 77') is w' r.' 1 Encyklopadie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, III, AD, 4o, 13-16. 2 Oeuvrcs, Tome II, pp. 89-98. ' "Vorlesungen," p. 9. INTRODUCTION. 5 Hence by virtue of relation (I) a perfect correspondence is set up between the totality of finite complex points of the plane and the totality of finite real point-pairs: to any complex point corresponds uniquely a real point-pair, and vice versa.^ The cartesian plane (^, rj) and the picture planes (s) and {w) may be considered superposed or not; in either case they are to be considered distinct. The oo^ real points of the plane have IV = z; that is, if the planes are considered coincident, these points are their own pictures. 1 "Vorlesungen," p. 10. CHAPTER I. REAL CONICS. 3. Some Simple Cases. — If we have given an equation, q and hence r = p/q > 1 correspond concentric circles about tlie origin of the r'-plane outside the unit circle, that is, the upper half of the r-plane maps into the outside of the imit circle, and consequently the lower half of the r-plane maps into the region inside the unit circle of the r'-plane. It is eas}^ also to show that the imaginary axis of the r-plane goes over into the real axis of the r'-plane. Returning now to equations (6) let us write (7) w = ecTi and s = 6(72 where 1 / c" \ 0-1 = - I ri + — j , Ti = (a - 6)r'; 0-2 = :^ I To + — 1 , r2 = (a + o)T . Let (Tk = Sk' + isf:" and n- = tk + itk"; U>^ = 1, 2). Separating the last equations of (7) into their real and pure imaginary parts we have (8) ..' "' "' ''=l[r;5TI^^+i] and * "Theorie der Isogonalen Verwandschaften." REAL CONICS. H Sk' = To circles about the origin in tlie Xft-plane, tk'^ + th""^ = r*, correspond ellipses whose equations are (7-) (7-'J To lines through the origin of the r^t-plane, tk" = mtk, correspond hyperbolas whose equations are (10) -4^ - -4^ = 1. 1 + m^ 1 + m2 These ellipses and hyperbolas are confocal for K7-T-i(f-0^= and 1 + m2 ^ 1 + w2 c being the focal distance. If equations (9) and (10) be expressed in terms of a — 6 and a + 6, that is, if cri and at be expressed as functions of r' the re- sults are, writing a' for a + 6 and h' for a — b, 4*1'' 4si' (90 (^+-) (^--y =1, (7 + »'rJ (7 -'*''•)' /2 //2 1 + m^ I -{- VI- These equations show that to any circle of radius r in the t'- plane in general correspond different ellipses in the (Ty and 12 COMPLEX COXICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. (r2-surfaces. There is one exception, namely, r = 1. In this case each of the equations (9') becomes (11) .V' s" To any line in the r'-plane through the origin correspond the same hyperbolas, but we arc not to understand that as r' de- scribes any given line in its plane a > b. Introducing the parameter in the same way as in the case of the ellipse we have: 1 + T^ , 2« 26r V = Hence 1 - T^' w = — a -\- 2 a -f- ibr a + ibr z = - a + 2- =;r. 1 — T Changing the parameter by means of the linear transformation: r' - 1 "■ ~ r' + 1 ' * Holzmiiller, p. 63. 14 COMPLEX COXICS AXD THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. we have, w (1) Or, as in the case of the ellipse, if we put (2) T^ = {a + ih)T' and to = (a - ih)r', and ar-\-h'^ = &, c being the focal distance, we have. (3) W^+t]' ^t' = 2 I 'Ti + T \b4^- When the equations of (3) are resolved into their real and pure imaginary parts we have, as in the preceding case: (4) Since ti = (a + ih)r' and r-i = (a — f6)r', the configuration of the r'-plane consisting of concentric circles and radial lines, is not altered, lines and circles merely going over into lines and circles. In particular the real axis of r' goes into the line with slope hja in the ri-plane, and the line with slope — {bja) in the To-plane. Since the expansion | a + i6 1 is the same for both Ti and T2, a circle of r' goes into equal circles in the ti- and T2- planes. To concentric circles and radial lines of the ti- and To-planes there correspond ellipses and hyperbolas in the W' REAL CONICS. 15 and s-surfaces. Their equations are: (7-) (7-0^ and ■"" /^2 \2 ^» ^2 „2^ 2 ~ Aj (7-) (7-^J W2 ^2 C2 ~ ^m\- a;2 1 +mi2 2/^ c2 (?m<^ 1 + W2^ 1 + W2^ where tan~^ m\ = tan~^ m + tan~^ - : tan~^ iiio = tan~^ m — tan~^ - , a a m being the slope of a line through the origin in the r'-plane. The ellipses correspond, but the hyperbolas are, in general, different, the exception being where m\ = b/a and m2 = — b/a. For this case the above equations reduce to: a^ 0- a^ b^ Now the transformation t = (t' — 1)/(t' + 1) converts the real axis of r into the real axis of r', and as we noted the lines of slope b/a and — b/a in the ri- and T2-planes correspond to the real axis of t' and hence to the real axis of r. So the real axis of r maps into the real branch of the hyperbola. It can be shown^ that to concentric circles about the origin in (r') correspond the pencil of circles having ± 1 for their limiting points, and to the radial lines in the r'-plane correspond the pencil of circles with vertices ±1. So we have the case corresponding to that of the ellipse: the hyperbolic pencil of circles in the r-plane with the common points ± 1 maps into confocal hyperbolas in the w- and s-surfaces; in particular, the radical axis of the pencil going into the real branch of the hyper- bola. The orthogonal pencil with ± 1 as limiting points goes into the confocal ellipses. 6. The Real Parabola. — We take for the equation of the para- bola (1) V' = 4p(^ + P), ^ See Holzmiiller, p. 63. IG COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. with the finite focus at the origin. Form the pencil, 77 = 2Ta + p). Then, and, 1 — T- p 2p , 1 + 2ir , 1 + 2ir As in the previous cases we simplify these expressions by a linear transformation of the parameter (2) r = . for w, and t = , — ; for s. Ti — ^ T2 -{- I Thus we get (3) W = pTi^, S = 2^7^2". The Riemann surface belonging to pr- consists of two sheets joined along the positive real axis. To lines parallel to the axis of reals h" = const, correspond confocal parabolas, To lines parallel to the imaginary axis, ti = const., correspond the orthogonal trajectories of the preceding set, namely, 1)2 = - 4pt,'^(u - ph'-). These two families of parabolas are confocal, having the origin for their finite focus. We get similar equations for s, if = ^ph"\x + ph"^), if = - 4pt/\x - ptof). Solving (2) for ti and t-z we may write: n = ^-^, a- = 1,2) the upper sign going with ri and the lower with T2. Separating REAL CONICS. 17 this equation into its real and pure imaginary parts we have To Hnes parallel to the real axis of Xk, U" = b, correspond a parabolic pencil of circles through the origin with centers on the imaginary axis, (6 T l){t'" + t"") ± t" = 0. In particular to the lines 4" = ± 1 corresponds t" = 0, the real axis of r. Again, to lines parallel to the imaginary axis, 4' = a, corresponds a second parabolic pencil of circles through the origin with centers on the real axis, the orthogonal trajectories of the preceding pencil. The equation of this last pencil is a{t'^ + t"^) — i' = 0. To the real axis of r then corresponds in the w- and s-surfaces the curves t'^ = Ayi^u + p) and y- = ^y{x + p), that is, the real branch of our parabola. As r describes a circle of radius r, in its upper half-plane, say, r describes a congruent circle in the lower half-plane. Correspondingly n describes a straight line t\" = (l/2r) + 1 in its plane and r-i describes a straight line h" = iXl^r) — 1, and in turn w and z describe the confocal parabolas : »— 4p(i+iy[«+p(^-+iy], As T describes a circle of radius r' of the orthogonal pencil, t describes the same circle and w and 2; describe the same parabola ^2 ^ _ P r ''V 4r'V' Both families of parabolas are double decked, that is, both sheets of the Riemann surface are filled with parabolas. Those extending infinitely to the right have both branches in the same sheet. Those extending infinitely to the left change sheets over the branch-cut running from the origin to infinity positively. CHAPTER 11. THE COMPLEX CONIC, PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. While the purpose of this paper is the reduction of the equation and the real representation of the imaginary conic, yet we shall find it advantageous to spend some time with the more elementary configurations. As a result should come a proper orientation in the field of "geometry in the domain of the complex"; also suggestions as to methods of procedure in the question proper. Accordingly we give our attention first to The Complex Line. 7. Relation of the Pictures of a Complex Line and Its Conjugate, or the Group Property of the Transformations Belonging to the Complex Line and Its Conjugate. — The general equation of the complex line is A : a^ + /377 + 7 = 0, where ^, t], a, 13, y have the form wi + ino and the ratios a : fi : y are not all real. This geometric configuration has oo- complex points.^ There are no conjugate pairs of points on the line, with one exception, namely, the real point of the line which is its own conjugate. This fact leads us to consider in connection with A its conju- gate, A : a^ + /377 + 7 = 0. A is the "locus" of the conjugate of the points of A, and con- versely. The two loci intersect in their common, self-conjugate real point. The corresponding reverse conformal transformations picturing the imaginary points of A and A are, by virtue of the relations §2,(1) A : a^ + /3r; + 7 = ; T : niv -}- vz -\- 2y = 0, (!)-_-_ _ _ _ A : o;^ + iSt? + 7 = 0; T' : vw + fjiz + 2y = 0, where jx = a — ijS and p = a -{- zjS. ' Hereafter the term point will mean complex point. 18 THE COMPLEX CONIC. 19 Let us now for the moment regard the planes (w) and (z) as coincident. Applying T to a point z' we have (2) fjiiv' + vz' + 27 = 0, then applying T' to to' (3) vw" + '^iw' + 27 = 0. On elimination of w' between (3) and the conjugate of (2), 'iiw' + vz' + 27 = 0, there results w" = z'. The result is the same if we reverse the order of application. Hence the theorem: The reverse conformal transformations belonging to a line and its conjugate applied consecutively leave the points of the plane in place : T' = 'r~^ TT' = T' T z= ^ In case the line is real a = a, j8 = 6, 7 = c, n = a — ih, V = a + ib =]! then T = T' : fxiv -\- Jlz -^ 2c = 0, that is, the real line is its own conjugate and further TT' = T^ = 1, the transformation belonging to it is involutorial. 8. Reduction of the Equatioti of the Complex Line to Canonical Form. — Putting A and A in the form R -\- iT, R, T being linear functions in $. 77 with real coefficients, we have A, A : ii ± iL2 : ai^ + birj + Ci ± i(a2^ + b-zv + C2) = 0. Thus A and A are identified as members of a complex pencil n : Zi + KL2 = 0, where k = k' -\- ik" . Belonging to this pencil there is of course a single infinity of real lines, k' arbitrary, k" zero. On each value of k', k/ say, there is built up a single infinity of imaginary lines, k/' arbitrary. We may thus distribute the double infinity of complex lines into a single infinity of sub- pencils each with real bases and each containing two real lines, the bases, k' = k/, and 00, and a single infinity of imaginary lines, k" arbitrary. According to this classification A and A belong to the sub-pencil k' = with bases Li and L2. 20 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. We proceed now to simplify the equations of A and A by referring them to other bases, namely a certain rectangular pair. Assuming ai&2 — azbi 4= and aia2 + &1&2 4= ^ A and A have their common real point finitely located. We translate the origin to this point and at the same time write A in the so-called normal form of elementary geometry, a B ^ ^ ^ + , V = or ^ cos d -\- 7} sin 6 = where cos 6 = cos (s + it) = cosh t cos s — i sinh t sin s, and sin 6 = sin (s + it) — cosh i sin s + i sinh t cos s. Thus the normal forms of A and A are (1) ^ cos 5 -}- 77 sin s ± i tanh t{^ sin s — rj cos s) = 0. Functions of the angle 6, or of its component parts are furnished by the relations bi + 62 tan q Oi tan q — a^ a\ + 0,2 tan 9 61 tan q — h^. and «i — ^2 cot g' 61 + &2 cot q tanh ^ = 61 — 62 tan g ai + 02 tan g' ' where q = ^ arc (a^ + /3^). The sign of Va^ + |3- is that required when a and /3 are real. Equation (1) shows A and A referred to new bases, two per- pendicular lines belonging to the pencil 11. These new bases are connected by the relation:^ n : L' cosh t + XL" sinh i = (1 + \){Li + kU), where L' = ^ cos 5 + 77 sin s, L" = ^ sin s — T] cos s. Taking U and L" as coordinate axes our equation of the com- 1 If 0102 + ^162 = 0, Li and L^ are perpendicular to each other and the second transformation worked out above is not necessary. - Newenglowski, "Cours do Geometric Analytique," sec. 446, old ed. THE COMPLEX CONIC, 21 plex line reduces to the form •} A, A : 77 = zhi tanh t ^. 9. Real Represcntatioji of the Complex Line. — We have thus reduced the equation of the complex line containing two effective complex coefficients to one in which there is but a single coef- ficient and it is pure imaginary in form. Writing A and A separately with their accompanying transformations we have A : 7] = i tanh t^; T : iv = e~-'2, A : 77 = - i tanht^; T' : lo = e^^z. The limits of t and tanh ^are — co<^< + oo,— 1< tanh t < + 1. If we allow t to become infinite and assume its upper and lower bounds then we have the minimal pair of the pencil, ^ + iv = 0, ^ - *r7 = 0. Since e-' and e~-' are real the picture-pairs z and w are observed to lie on rays symmetric with respect to the first bisector of A and A. If we introduce with Study, page 52, a parameter p measuring the distance from the vertex of the pencil to the points on A we have ^ = p cos it = p cosh t, w = —, p, (2) H , ^ty> 77 = p sin it = ip sinh t, z = e'p- Since wz =\p\^, for any p, to and z are seen to be inverse points with respect to the circle of radius \p\, tv having the same argument as p, and z its negative. The Complex Circle. In a manner similar to that used in the case of the line let us take up the case of the circle. 10. Group Property of Inversion loith Respect to a Complex Circle and its Conjugate. — The equation of a complex circle and 1 Cf. Study, pp. 29, 52. 22 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. its conjugate with their accompanying transformations are K:e + r + 2«^ + 2^77 + 7 = 0, T : wz -\- fxw ■{■ vz + y = 0, K : ^2 _^ 7j2 + 2a^ + 2^77 + 7 = 0, T' : icz + ^zo + /xl + 7 = 0, where ^, t], a, • • • are complex quantities and n = a — i^, V = a -\- i0. Neither T nor T' is involutoric, but, as before, applying T to a point z' of (z) (1) w'z' + ixw' + ^r + 7 = 0; and applying T' to iv' of (iv) (2) iv"w' + pw" + Jiw' + 7 = 0, then subtracting from (2) the conjugate of (1) we get (f/ + v)iiv" - z') = 0. Obviously iv' cannot equal — v for all values of z', hence w" = 2' and r = T-\ TT' = 1. In this case and in the preceding we might have expressed w explicitly in terms of z and arrived at the same result by sub- stitution. This relation is also evident by a mere examination of the two expressions T and J", considering in the one z as the independent variable and in the other iv as the independent variable. When a = a, ^ = b and 7 = c that is, when the circle is real (in the sense of Segre) we have n = a — ib and V = a -\- ib = jjL, so T ^ T' : wz -{- fxw -\- fxz -\- c = 0. 11. Reduction of Equations of K and K to Canonical Form. — Breaking up K and K into their real and pure imaginary parts we have K, K : ^2 + 77- + 2a,^ + 26177 + Ci ± i{2a2^ + 26077 + Co) = 0. They are thus seen to be members of a complex pencil n : Ci + kR = 0, where Ci = ^^ + r?- + 2ai^ + 26177 + Ci = is a real circle of the pencil, R = 2a2^ + 26377 + Co = is the radical axis of the pencil (also real), and k = /c' + ik". THE COMPLEX CONIC. 23 Clearly we may simplify our configuration by a change of axes. This we do making the axis of centers the ^-axis and the radical axis the 77-axis. As a result we have where and Il'.e + v'-h 2a'^ + c' + 2X^ = 0, , 2(aia2 + 6162) - ea , ^ ,^ " X = Vas^ + h.^K; (to, 770), coordinates of the new origin. Among the real circles of 11 there is one with its center at the (new) origin and is given by X = — 2a'. Taking this circle with the radical axis as bases we have n : ^2 _^ 772 + 2ix^ + c' = 0, where ^t = X + 2a'. The character of the pencil — whether hyperbolic, elliptic or parabolic — depends on whether c' is greater than, less than, or equal zero. Our original circles, K and K referred to the new bases are seen to be given by the values ju = a' ± i Vao^ + h, W = 10^, W-i, 0, w+i, w«, 3 = Soo, Z—i, 0, Z-^-i, Zof. T = - CO, - ^, - i^, 0, + ^i, +i, + co, 00 , Wi, 0, - f /z, - n, w^, w = w^, Z = Zgoy 21 on. Thus having in mind that t -> w is a direct transformation and T — > 2 is a reverse transformation, the angles being preserved in sense in the one and reversed in the other, we shall see just what regions of (z) and (w) correspond. They are so indi- cated in the figure. The situation is apparent if we consider // as a sort of parameter varying in its pure imaginary part 26 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. only. Let /x = Wi + ^^2. ??Z2 = gives a real circle of the pencil with its center (— mi, 0). The variation of irii from is seen to cause an iinfolding of the pseudo-real pair from the real circle, the centers of these circles being {—mi, ± W2). For m^ negative merely interchanges the figures z and w. For mi negative, the figures are reflected over the 77-axis. It is inter- esting to trace the path-curves of z and w due to the variation of W2, holding T fixed. They are straight lines as is evident when we write 2ir 2iT 10 = r-(??2i + ^2) and z = , ^(mi — imo). I — IT 1 — IT In particular the points z, w, whose united positions represent the 00 1 real points in the real case trace the lines y = s{x + 2wi) and v = s{u — 2mi). The hyperbolic and elliptic cases do not introduce any essential differences. Study has given the elementary transformations making up reflection with respect to the complex circle.^ In the light of the foregoing considerations we may state the following set, which is equivalent to that given by Study. Calling the con- gruent circles in (2) and (w) picturing the real axis of the para- meter, the Congruent-Pair, and the lines picturing the axis of pure imaginaries, the Basic-Lines, the transformations in question are as follows: The transformation picturing the complex points on an imaginary circle consists of three elementary reflections, namely, a reflection over the center axis determined by the circle and its conjugate, a reflection over one of the Basic-Lines, and a reflection over one of circles of the Congruent-Pair . These may he taken in any order hut the Basic-Line and the circle of the Congruent-Pair must not helo7ig to the same planes. 1 Page 32. CHAPTER III. THE COMPLEX CONIC, REDUCTION OF EQUATION. With the processes and results of the preliminary considerations in mind we give our attention now to the subject proper. 13. The General Equation and Its Corresponding Transforma- tion. — The general equation of a complex conic and its conjugate are, T :ae + 2I3^V + 7v' + 25^ + 2er7 + r = 0, (I) - _ - _ - T :ae + 2l3^ri + yr + 25$ + 2ir; + f = 0, where all the quantities entering are complex and the equations are irreducible. Each configuration contains a double infinity of points and the conjugates of the points of the one lie on the other. They have four points in common. These may all be real or all imaginary, or any of the intermediate cases. It is not necessary to make a separate discussion for any particular case. The transformations picturing the complex points on these "curves" are given through the relation § 2, (1). Thus we have r = 0; T : axw" + 2/3iZf2 + 712= + 25iz^ + 2€i2 + 4^ = 0, (II) r = 0; T' : yiw"" + 2^iivz + ai2- + 2iiw + 25i2 + 4^ = 0, where ai = a - 7 - 2il3, 5i = 2(5 - it), y^ = a-y + 2i^, ^^ " " + ^' ei = 2(5 + ie). Each transformation is (2, 2)-determined and hence requires a two-sheeted Riemann surface for unique determination. We note that when /3i = the variables are rationally separable, (III) aiio" + 2hw = - (712' + 2eiz + 4^). 27 28 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. This requires that a -\- y = which corresponds to the real case for an equilateral hyperbola. We give this case special consideration, § 18. If we take the conjugate of T and consider z the dependent variable we observe that it is identical with T'; hence, as in the previous cases, the transformations belonging to a complex conic and its conjugate are connected by the relation that the one is the inverse of the other: T' = T~^. If the coefficients of V are real T and T' become identical and reduce to C = 0; (IV) T : aiw"- + 2biicz + a^z^ + 25iW + 2hz + ^h = 0. The transformation z -^ w picturing the complex points on a real conic is an equation of the second degree in z and w\ the coefficients of the square terms and the terms of first degree being conjugate complex in pairs; the coefficients of the product term and the constant term being real} If further we consider only those curves admitting oo^ real points, we may put ^ + ir} = z and ^ — iri = z. Our equation then becomes (V) T : axz^ + 2byzz + a^z" + 2hz + 25i2 + 4/i = 0.^ Let us compare the expressions for the invariants and the conditions for the different species of conies in terms of the coefficients of (I) considered as real, a = a, ^ = x, • • • and those of (V). We have r = 0, (D C = • • ' (V), ) a -\- c ■ • •bu ¥- ac ' .•6i- \ 61, Hyperbola, I ail = ^ij Parabola.^ 14. Reduction of the General Equation to Canonical Form.—li we write (I) in the form: r, f : Ci ± iC2 = ai^ + 261^77 + c^i' + 2di^ + 2^177 + /i ± i{a2e + 2b2^r] + C2r + 2d.^ + 2e.ri + /a) = 0, we identify F and F as members of a complex pencil n : Ci + kCo = 0, K = k' + ik", F and F being given by /c = i and — i respectively. Among the real conies, k" = 0, of the pencil there is one and only one equilateral hyperbola,^ for we have : (ai + k'a^)^ + 2(bi + k%)^rj + (ci + k'c^W + ' • • = 0, and the value of k' which renders this conic an equilateral hyperbola is , , _ «! + Cl ^2 + C2 If tti + Ci = 0, Ci is the required hyperbola and A;' = is the value of the parameter giving it. If a2 + C2 = 0, C2 is the required curve and k' = qo . If both ai + Ci = and 02 + c-i = both Ci and C2 are equilateral hyperbolas and k' is indeterminate. In this case all the conies of the pencil are equilateral hyperbolas. (See § 18.) Supposing the pencil to have only one equilateral hyperbola* we have H:C^ + k'C2 = 0, k' = -«-^\ a2 + C2 Taking H and Ci as bases we have n : /^ + XCi = (1 + X)(Ci + kCo), ^ Cesaro, loc. cit. 2 Niewengloski, "Cours de Geometric Analytique," sec. 460. 30 COMPLEX COMCS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. where X = k' -_K , _ fll + Cj J , K — 02 + C2 We now take the asymptotes of the equilateral hyperbola as our coordinate axes. We have (1) // : a'e + 26'^77 - aV + 2(^'^ + 2e'r] +/' = 0, where a' = ai + k'a2, h' = hx + !:%, or k' = - gi + Ci Zq picturing the center of an imaginary conic and its conjugate are symmetric ivith respect to a real central conic, namely the locus of centers of the real conies of a pencil determined by the real and pure imaginary component parts of the conic. Such localization of the foci is not so simple since they are known to lie on a bicircular sextic. CHAPTER IV. THE REAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX CONIC. In this chapter we consider the reverse conformal trans- formation z-^iv of the form §13, II which pictures the oo^ points whose coordinates satisfy an equation of the type § 1'], I or § 14, VII. Or, stated more exphcitly, given a point (^', tj') satisfying an equation of the above mentioned type, there is simultaneously given, by virtue of the relations ^' + irj' = iv' and ^' + it)' = z', a pair of associated points of the two picture planes (w) and (z). This point-pair z' -* iv' we call the real picture of the point (^', r;') and the ensemble of such pairs picturing the double infinity of points on the conic we call the Real Representation or Real Picture of the complex conic. We shall find that these associated point-pairs may be grouped in their respective planes on two orthogonal families of curves. The two orthogonal nets thus formed in the two picture planes are more or less similar depending on the complexity of the case, being in the case of real conies identical. We might take for the equation of our conic § 13, I and seek its real representation through the corresponding transformation § 13, II. The method here developed would be found suf- ficient. But we shall find it somewhat simpler and more inter- esting to take the so-called canonical form § 13, VII — simpler because we have only one complex quantity among the coef- ficients, and with the vanishing of its pure imaginary part we have at once the real case — interesting because we shall be able at various points of the development to observe just how the entering of the imaginary affects the configuration. Accordingly we take for the equation of our conic: (1) ae + 2^^n + C7,2 + 2(1^ + 2e-n + ^ = 0, T = / + ^f'^ writing /3 = 6i + ibi in the place of m in § 13, VII for uniformity of notation. The corresponding equation in z and iv given by 33 34 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. the relation (2) is where w = ^ + iri, or ? = 2 (2 + w'), = t irj; 7; = 2 (2 - w), (3) aw- + 2biuz + 72- + 2div + 2€2 + ^' = 0, a = a — c — 2zj3, 5 = 2(d — ie), b = a -\- c, y = a- c + 2ifi, e = 2((f + ie) - 6, r' = 4i'. We shall use the following notation for the discriminants of (1) and (1') and the complementary minors of their elements; the symbols in the first column in each table being for the complex case, 62 4= 0, and those in the second column for the real case, 60 = 0: (1) ar + 2i3$77 + cyf + 2d^ + 2e7? + s" = 0; (1') aw^ + 2hwz + 7|2 + 2bw + 262 + f ' = 0, a /3 d 13 c e d e f ^e, H c^ — e^ = A, A (4) de-^t^B, B a^ - d^=r, C Pe - cd = A, D ^8 - ae ^E, E ac - fi^ ^Z, F a b 8 b y e ^ X, T, 8 e r' yr - e - 21, 31', (4') 8e - 6r - 33, 33', ar - 5^ - e, i', be - y8 = ©, !D', 65 - ae = e, 2)', «7 - &^ = 3, /^'. We have the following relations between the quantities of the two tables. X= - 160, 3 = - 4Z, !D = - 4[A + z'E], (5) 21 = - 4[A - r + 2iB], 33 = - 4[A + T], S = - 4[A - r - 2iB], C? = - 4[A - iE], Relation (2) may be looked upon as a transformation of THE REAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX CONIC. 35 coordinates, in fact the quantities z and w are called Isotropic Coordinates. Considering iv and z as rectangular coordinates equation (2) expresses an imaginary projective transformation. The deter- minant of this transformation is J = = — 9i ,1 - i We rewrite (5) (5') 51 = J-[A - r + 2iB], 33 = riA + T], e = J2[A - r - 2iB], (g = J2[A - lE]. Thus it appears that and Z are invariant under this imag- inary projective transformation just as in the real case. If Z 4= 0, we have for the coordinates of the center and its corresponding picture ^0 = Vo = j3e — cd _ A ac - iS2 " Z I3d-ae _ E ac - iS-' ~ Z J Zo-^Wo Wo = lo + ivo = 20 — ^0 — ^770 = z ~ S' A-iE _ Q z ~ S- Here again we observe the similarity of notation. We proceed now to a detailed examination of equation (T). It is an implicit relation between two complex variables. Solving for w we have ty = 1 [_ (62 + 5) ± V(62 - ay)z' + 2(65 - ae)z -^ 8'' - a'H, a or using the notation of (4) and (4') w = -[- (bz + 5) ± V- Sz' + 2(gl - d], a = -[- (bz + d) ±2 VZ22 - 2{A- lEJz + A-r - 2iB], then 1 w = - [- (62 + 5) ± 2 VZ V2' - 2002 + (A, 36 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIK REAL REPRESENTATION. and iv = -[- (62 + 6) ± vi- n z' = ^., z = o. a. z\X If Z =1= 0, we have for the roots of the radical z', 2 = 2 ± 2 = 20 ± a'^'/, / = I V2 ^ 3. The corresponding values of w are IV , w = ^ T 7^ = Wr) =F ba '■''I. If the conic is real, it is known^ that the points corresponding to the roots of the radical are the two real foci of the conic in the case Z 4= 0, and the real finite focus in the case Z = 0. In the case of imaginary conies then z' -^ 10' and z" — » 10" are the pictures of the foci, now imaginar}', corresponding to the real foci in the real case. Equation (!') is of the second degree in either of the variables, hence a two-sheeted Reimann surface is required for complete depiction in case either is expressed as a function of the other. The obvious disadvantage of proceeding in this way is that an irrationality is introduced. We avoid this by introducing a parameter as in the real case. This we effect in the following manner : The slope of (1) is given by dt] a^ -\- ^Tf] -\- d dk " ~ ^^-\-cv -\-~e' The points where the tangent is perpendicular to the ^-axis is given by intersection of (1) and ^^ + crj + e = 0. The ab- scissas of these points are the roots of (6) Ze - 2A^ 4- A = or (0 _ ^ 7 = Ve -^ Z = V- 2 4- 3. The corresponding ordinates are (8) VI, V2 = r7oT^j8c-l'2/. 1 Goursat, Nouvclles Annalles Mathematique (1887). Cesaro, Nouvelles Annalles Mathematique (1901). THE REAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX CONIC. The pictures of these points are 37 i^uVi), Zi'-^wi] Z\, Z2 = Zo ± I — Yir~ -'j Wi, W2 = Wo ± Z a/2 Forming the pencil of lines through (^1, 771) we have (9) V - VI- r{^- ^1), T =s + it. With the variation of r through the domain of complex numbers the movable intersection of the line and the conic describes the conic. Thus we introduce the parameter and expressing ^, 77, tv and z in terms of it we have 2^- (10) ^ = ^l- 7; = 771 - ce 2V-c0r IV IV I — Z = Z\ — 2 V-ce(i+tV) c{a + 2|8r + cr^) ' 2^l-cQ{\-ir) cia^- 2i3r + ct-) ' c{a + 2i3r + cr^) Thus we have expressed iv and 2 rationally in terms of a para- meter and we proceed at once to a detailed study of the functions thus obtained. We shall find it simpler however to pass through a series of linear transformations of the parameter and thereby transform the functions iv and z into forms more frequently met with in function theory. To this end we notice that the common denominator of the above expressions may be wTitten {ct + 18)'' + Z, so our first change of parameter is by the transformation t' =CT+ ^, and we get ^ =b V = Vi 2a/-c9 r'^ + Z 2<-cQ{t' -13) c{t'' + Z) IV = Wi — 2l - 2V-c9(c - i^ + It') c{r'' + Z) 2 V^^(c + ^ig - ir') cir'' + Z) Again changing the parameter by the transformation = iVz 1 -t" 1 + t" we have after some reductions ci/2/ / 1 \ 38 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. 77 = 770 - ^^-[(^ + iAfZ)r" +^-^], Finally: (11) w c - i^ + Vz „ "^1 = 7u72 '" ' ic^ Zo + T2 + ?'/3-Vz ,, 2C 1/2 W = u'o 4- /o-i, cri = 9 ( '^1 + ~ ) ' Z = Zo -\- I(T2, For a detailed study of the Riemann surfaces belonging to w and z let us assemble the series of transformations by which we have changed our parameter and examine each turn. We have, first of all, r the variable slope of the lines of the pencil through (^b Vi), 77 — 771 = t(^ - ^1), T = 5 + it, whose intersection with the conic gives the 00 ^ complex points of the conic. The quantities ^, 77, w and z expressed in terms of r are 2V-ce ^ = .^1 - V = Vi 2V-cer 2V = Wi — 2Al-ce(l+^>) Z = Z\ c{a + 2)3r + cj-) Then by a series of transformations, r' = CT-\- ^, 1 -r" 1 +r'" c - i^ + Vz ,, 2V-ce(l -^V) = ^VZ Tl = IC 1/2 <^i 0-2 THE REAL REPRESENTATION OF THE COMPLEX CONIC. 39 we bring the functions iv and z to the final form w = Wo + /o-i, S = So + 1^2- We examine these in the reverse order in which they are tabu- lated. Whatever be the Riemann surfaces belonging to ai and a> equations (11) express merely integral rational transformations of the same. The first consists of an expansion 1 1 \ and a rota- tion Z (/) followed by a translation over the vector wq. In the second we have first of all a reflection over the axis of reals of 0-2, followed by transformations identical in nature with those of the first equation. In §§ 4 and 5 we discussed functions very similar to ci and a-y- There the constant entering, § 4, (7) and § 5, (3) was a real number, c^. Here we have the complex numbers a = a — c — 2ij3 and y = a — c -\- 2i/3 appearing in the place of c^. Let us examine the Riemann surface belonging to ai. For the moment let us write o-i = u + iv, n = x + iy and y = a — c -\- 'lijS = p -\- iq, and resolve the expression into its real and pure imaginary parts 1/ qx - py \ We seek the orthogonal families of curves in the cri-surface corresponding to concentric circles x~ -\- y~ = r^, and the pencil of rays y = ex in the ri-plane. For the first we have: (^4 _ 2pr^ + R2)u2 _ 4qrhii, + (r' -f. 2pr'- + R'y - ^ ^^ = 0, where R = Vp- -{- q^ = \y\. This is the equation of a conic for which the discriminant, (r^ — R-)" is a quantity which is never less than zero; hence corresponding to the family of con- centric circles about the origin in the ri-plane is a family of ellipses. The curves in the o-i-surface corresponding to the pencil of rays y = ex in the ri-plane are given by the equation, 2c(ep - g)w- + 2g(l + c')uv - 2(p - eq)v- - [2cp - q(l - c2)]V4(l + c') = 0. 40 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. This equation represents a one-parameter family of hyperbolas for the discriminant, — {2cp — q + qc^Y, is a quantity which is never greater than zero. We find further that the real foci of both families of curves is given by Vy and furthermore the slope of the principal axis is given by {R — y)jq and this is the tangent of Z ( V7). The (Ti-surface then consists of confocal ellipses and hyperbolas corresponding to concentric circles about and radial lines through the origin of the ri-plane. Thus we see that the Riemann surface belonging to the func- tion ci = ^(n + (t/ti)) is got from the surface belonging to ^(n + (l/ri)) by a magnification in the ratio 1 : | V7I and a rotation through the angle of V7, Similar results hold for the function C / Fig. 3. 42 COMPLEX CONICS AND THEIR REAL REPRESENTATION. the IV- and z-surfaces are integral rational transformations of the ci- and <72-surfaces respectively. With proper precautions we may consider all these surfaces superposed and with origins common with that of the (^, 77)- plane. The surfaces discussed are to be considered in no wise organically connected with each other. A schematic diagram of quantities considered is set forth in drawings. The Case Z = 0. 17. So long as we require that the complex coefficient jS in our so-called canonical equation of the conic be a general complex quantity, that is /3 = 61 + ib2 with 61 and bo different from zero, this case, Z = cannot occur; for we must have Z = ac - i82 = ac - bi" + 62' - 216162 = 0, which requires that either 61 = or 62 = 0. This case requires, then, that either 61 or 62 vanish. If 62 = 0, the conic becomes real and we have already considered this case. Chapter I. Again Z may vanish for 61 = 0, that is, for jS = ib2, pure imaginary. For this case we have Z = ac - /3- = ac + 62- = 0. Hence if |acl = 62" and a and c have opposite signs, Z will be zero. Since bo = ±i '^ac, the terms of second degree for this case, just as for the real case, form a perfect square: a^2 _t- 2ib>i^r} - erf = ( Va^ ± ^ w' is the picture of the finite focus. The functions