/ir F7 INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE AN INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE BY WILLIAM FREDERICK POOLE, LL.D. LIBRARIAN OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Third Edition brought down to January 1882 with the assistance as associate editor of WILLIAM I. FLETCHER ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OF THE WATKINSON LIBRARY, HARTFORD, CONM. And the Co-operation of the American Library Association and the Library Association OF the United Kingdom Qui scit ubi sit scientia habcnti est proxinius % BOSTON JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY 1882 Copyright, 1882, By William F. Poole. All rig/its reserved. University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. PREFACE. ^pHIRTY-FIVE years ago, when a student in Yale College and connected with the library of one of the literary societies, I indexed such reviews and magazines as were accessible, and arranged the references under topics for the purpose of helping the students in the preparation of their written exercises and society discussions. I had noticed that the sets of standard periodicals with which the library was well supplied were not used, although they were rich in the treat- ment of subjects about which inquiries were made in vain every day. My work, though crude and feeble on its bibliographical side, answered its purpose, and brought to me the whole body of students for a kind of help they could not get from the library catalogues, nor from any other source. My manuscript was in great demand, and as it was rapidly wearing out, and printing seemed to be the only expedient for saving the work, it was put to press, and appeared with the title, " Index to Subjects treated in the Reviews and other Periodicals," New York, 1848, 8vo, 154 pp. The edition of five hundred copies was chiefly taken by other colleges, and soon disappeared. The little book is now a curiosity in more senses than one. For twenty years I had not seen a copy, when, in 1877, I saw it in the reading-room of the British Museum, with its leaves discolored and nearly worn through by constant handling. My first experiment in making a general index to periodicals proved to be so useful, and, notwithstanding its shortcomings, was so kindly received, that I immediately set about the preparation of a larger work on a similar plan, and with such improvements in the arrangement and methods of work as my brief experi- ence suggested. The list of periodicals was much enlarged, ami the references were brought down to January, 1852. The second edition, with six times the amount of matter contained in the first, appeared with the title, " Index to Period- ical Literature," New York, 1853, 8vo, x-t-521 pp. The edition of one thousand copies was soon exhausted, and whenever within the past twenty-five years a second-hand copy has been offered for sale, it has brought the price of a rare book. With the publication of the edition of 1853 I had supposed that my connection with the work was ended ; for nn- professional duties as a librarian left me no time during the usual working hours to continue it. and the bulk of periodical literature iv PREFACE. had so enormously increased, that no one person, even if he gave it his whole time, could grapple with it alone. I had hoped that some one with the zeal, expe- rience, and staying qualities needed would appear, to take up the work where I left it, and, with the aid he could readily command, carry it on. Such a person I have diligently sought for, and have patiently instructed and tested several candidates who promised well at first; but, to my sincere regret during these many years, the man I was looking for did not come in sight. In the mean while the libraries of the country and literary men have been clamoring for a new edition of " Poole's Index " brought down to the latest date. Scarcely a day has passed for the past quarter of a century that my mail did not bring some inquiry on the subject. For the want of a new edition, various toilsome and expensive expedients have been devised for keeping up an index to the current periodicals as they appeared. In some libraries the references have been made on cards and inserted in the card catalogue ; and in others they have been made on slips and arranged in a separate collection. None of these schemes have proved to be practicable, and after a brief trial have been abandoned, or so modified as to include only the more important articles. Periodical literature was never so rich as during the past thirty years. The best writers and the great statesmen of the world, where they formerly wrote a book or pamphlet, now contribute an article to a leading review or magazine, and it is read before the month is ended in every country in Europe, in America, in India, Australia, and New Zealand. Every question in literature, religion, politics, social science, political economy, and in many other lines of human progress, finds its latest and freshest interpretation in the current periodicals. No one can thoroughly investigate any of these questions without knowing what the periodicals have said and are saying concerning them. At the first meeting of the American Library Association, held at Philadelphia in October, 1876, the demand was renewed for a new edition of my Index. In response to the call, I stated that if we waited for one person to make it, it would never be made, and proposed to the librarians present a co-operative plan by which the result they so much desired could be reached. The plan, in brief, was this : I would print and send to all the principal libraries a list of periodicals which it was desirable to index, on which such complete sets as the library had would be checked and the lists returned to me. Having received these lists, I would make an equitable distribution of the work, taking a full share of it myself, and giving to the larger libraries more, and to the smaller libraries less. Each library would engage to index according to a code of rules which would be furnished the set or sets of periodicals allotted to it, and send the references to me, who would revise, arrange, and incorporate the same with the matter of the edition of 1853 and with the work of all the other contributors. I would assume all the pecuniary responsibilities incurred, employ such assistance as was needed, print the work, and furnish a copy to each contributing library. The plan proposed was adopted by acclamation; and I am. able to say, with a feeling of pride in the character and zeal of my American associates in the library profession, that every promise of co-operation then made has been faithfully PREFACE. V performed. There was no complaint in the allotment of the work, and every contributor's quota was promptly and cheerfully furnished. The " List of Con- tributors " is given on a succeeding page, and the work done by each is indicated in the last column of the list of " Abbreviations, Titles, and Imprints " which follows. At the same meeting, and at my suggestion, Mr. Justin Winsor, Librarian of Harvard University, Mr. CHARLES A. Cutter, Librarian of the Boston Athenaeum, and myself, were constituted a committee for consultation on bib- liographical questions relating to the new edition. All the details of the plan were considered and unanimously concurred in by this committee, and circulars were issued to the contributors giving rules for indexing and other directions. My sincere thanks are due to Mr. VVlNSOR and Mr. Cutter for their counsel and cordial co-operation during the progress of the work. In seeking for an Associate Editor to share with me the great task I had undertaken, my first choice was Mr. WiLLL\M I. FLETCHER, Assistant Librarian of the VVatkinson Library, Hartford, Conn., whose rare executive ability, expe- rience, and perseverance were the special qualities needed. Mr. Fletcher had been my assistant in the Boston Athenaeum Library, and I knew his mettle. His services, with the cordial consent of his chief, Dr. J. Ha>lmoxu Trumbull, were fortunately secured; and no praise I can here render will fully express my admi- ration of the zeal and efficiency with which he has aided me, and my apprecia- tion of his accurate work. Without such assistance as his, the consummation of my plans would have been simply impossible. In October, 1877, when the co-operative scheme was well in progress in the United States, I visited England with a delegation of American Librarians to attend the first International Conference of Librarians, in London. At this Conference the scheme was explained, and an invitation extended to the Librarx' Association of the United Kingdom, which was then formed, to unite with the American Library Association in carrying it out. The proposal was courtcousl}- received, and a committee was appointed to consider and report upon it. The first opinion expressed in the Conference, after the project had been presented, was that the co-operative feature would be a failure; for it was not likely that the librarians of that country would work, as the Americans were doing, without pa}-. The failure of the Philological Society's Dictionary conducted on the co-operative plan was mentioned in support of this opinion. On further consideration the committee reported in favor of joining in the American scheme, and made an allotment to English librarians of work to be done. Some of the work allotted was promptly finished and sent in ; but much of it was not done in season to be included in this edition. This statement will explain why the Academy, AtJicncsum, Saturday Rcviciv, Eaviojiiist, Literary Gazette, Spectator, and some other English serials, do not appear In the list of periodicals indexed. The Academy, AthaicEum, and Saturday Rreic^v were assigned to a warm supporter of the co-operative scheme. Dr. H. O. Coxe, Librarian of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and were accepted by him. Several letters expressing his vi PREFACE. interest in the work, and some of his manuscript, were received; and then his illness and death intervened. This incident will be to many English scholars, as it is to the American librarians who made the acquaintance of Dr. Coxe in the Conference at London and were entertained by him at Oxford, a painful reminder of the lamented decease of that genial and eminent scholar. Of the twenty-five serials allotted by the English committee to the English librarians, eight are included in this edition. There was a genuine and growing interest felt in the work by the English librarians, and an intention to take a larger part in it than appears in the above statement; but it must be said in explanation that their attention was directed to it, and the allotments made, a year later than in America. If the publication had been delayed for a year, doubtless more of the work would have been done. It was a sudden call upon the English librarian to give up for several weeks or months his hours of rest and recreation. Perhaps the climate and social customs of England are not so favorable as they are in America for night work. With the editors it has been wholly a matter of night work, or, as Dr. Bushnell — who defined by another word than zvork that effort which is not a burden, which we do for the love of it, and cannot help doing — would say, night play. A professional pride, and a feeling that what they were doing would be a benefit to others, have doubtless with all the contributors changed toil into a pleasurable recreation. For several reasons it has seemed advisable not to wait for further contribu- tions, but to go to press with the matter which was ready. The call for immediate publication was urgent; the work of the American contributors was all in; and the material in hand was again six times as large as in the previous edition. The publication of so extended a work in this almost untried field of bibliography was an experiment; and it became a serious question with the publishers whether it was prudent at this time to make it larger. If the experiment, as a business enterprise, failed, it would discourage the publication of other helpful works in bibliography; and if it were a success, many similar works would follow. In any event, whether a success or not, supplements to this edition, bringing the references down to the latest date, and enlarging the list of periodicals, will be issued at stated intervals ; and the first supplement will include as much of the work of the English librarians as shall be ready. Supplements in a style uniform with this edition will be issued every five years, which will include not only the periodicals which have appeared during that period, but older serials which are worthy of being indexed, and are not included in this edition. A scheme is also under consideration of issuing, in some form, annual indexes, which will be condensed in the five-year supplements ; but the scheme is not sufficiently matured to make at this time a positive announcement. The plan of the work will best be understood by an inspection of its pages. It will be seen that it is essentially the plan of the edition of 1853 ; that all the serials indexed are in the English language ; and only such of these as are likely to be found in libraries and private collections. Medical, legal, botanical, microscopical, and other purely professional and scientific serials have generally been omitted, as PREFACE. vii they do not fall within the limits which it was necessary to prescribe for this undertaking. Several of a scientific and semi-professional character have been indexed so far as their articles of general interest are concerned. The main pur- pose in the work has been to meet the average wants of students, literary men, and writers for the press, — in other words, to help general scholars, who are many, in preference to the few who give their whole attention to a single topic. The specialist will find much in these pages which meets his needs ; but he has wants which special indexes only can supply. What Dr. J. S. Billings, in charge of the Medical Library of the Surgeon-General's office in Washington, is so admirably and exhaustively doing for medical bibliography, ought to be done b\' other specialists for law, botany, geology, astronomy, and every other profession and science. The work is an index to subjects and not to writers, except when writers are treated as subjects. The contributions of Lord Macaulay to the Edinburgh Kcz'/rzc do not appear under his name, but under the subjects upon which he wrote, as Bacon, Church and State, Clive, MachiavelH, etc. His name, however, appears with many references ; but they are all subject-references, which treat of him as a man, a writer, a historian, and statesman. Critical articles on poetry, the drama, and prose fiction appear under the name of the writer whose work or works are criticised. A review of " Enoch Arden " will be found under Tennyson, and of " Ivanhoe " under Scott; but a review of Froude's History of England will appear only under England, as England is the subject. A poem, a play, a story, or a sketch which can be said to have no subject, appears under its own title. The name of writer when known is given within parentheses. Hawthorne's " Celestial Railroad" first appeared in a periodical, and is indexed " Celestial Railroad (X. Hawthorne)." A review of the same, by a writer who is known, would be indexed, "Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Celestial Railroad (J. Smith)." By this method ail criticisms of Hawthorne's imaginative writings are brought together under his name ; but the review of a biographical work of his is placed under the subject of the biography. The following extracts from the printed rules for indexing which were furnished to the contributors will further explain the methods adopted: — " All references must be made from the inspection and, if necessar}', the iienisal of each article. Hence no use will be made of the index which is jirinted with each volume, or of any other index. These indexes are usually made without method or intelligence, and are full of all sorts of errors. ... No person should be assigned to the work of indexing who is not competent to catalogue books on Mr. Cutter's or the British Museum system. The work of an inexperienced person will be worse than useless. . . . Abundant cross-references will be given, and especially in cases where they will not be obvious to the editors in the final arrange- ment. ... A single reference to an article will, in most cases, be sufficient ; but if several subjects of importance are treated in the same paper, or it is likely to be looked for under more than one heading, two or more references will be made. The references will be as brief and comprehensive as possible. In most instances the author's own title best expresses the subject of his paper ; but if the author has given it an obscure or fanciful title, the indexer will give it a better one, and will place it under the heading where it naturally belongs. References yiii PREFACE. to trivial and inconsequential matters must be avoided. ... In no case index English reviews and magazines in American editions, unless the paging of the originals and reprints are identical." The abbreviations used in the references are more concise and systematic than in the previous editions. Proper names do not easily admit of abbrevi- ations, but the words Revieiv, Magazine, Journal, and Quarterly, which occur frequently, are indicated intelligibly by the letters R., M., J., and Q. Allan. (Atlantic), Dentley, Blackiv. (Blackwood), CornJi. (Cornhill), Fraser, Harper, Macmil. (Macmillan), will be understood without the abbreviation for Monthly, Miscellany, Magazine, etc., which make up their full titles. They are usually spoken of by their abbreviated titles, as Atlantic, Bentley, etc. The titles of the reviews are, in common parlance, abbreviated in the same manner, as North Amer- ican, North British, British Quarterly, Quarterly, and London Quarterly ; and hence the abbreviations used. No. Ant., No. Brit., Brit. Q., Quar., and Lond. Q., will be readily intelligible. It must be noticed that the Quarterly Review and London Quarterly Review are different serials. The title of the latter, which is the organ of the Methodist denomination in England, is often erroneously given to the former, which is the political organ of the Tory party. ^ It has not been possible in the references to indicate the minor changes which have been made from time to time in the title of the same serial. That title has been assumed by which the serial is best known. The American Whig Review started as the American Review, and later took the title which properly describes it. The Democratic Review in its later stages had a medley of titles, which if used no one would now recognize. The Dublin University Magazine, which stopped in 1880, dropped in 1878 Dublin from its title. The whole series of ninety-six volumes are nevertheless referred to as Dicb. Univ. With a still greater latitude, Colbimi s Neiu MontJily Magazine, through its whole series of 169 volumes, is referred to as Colburn, even when the name did not appear on the titlepage, and the serial had passed out of the hands of the original publisher. The organ of the Presbyterian Church in New York appeared from 1853 to 1871 in three series, each with a different title. The twenty volumes have been brought together and num- bered consecutively as American Presbyterian Review, — the last of the titles used. The series from 1872, when it united with the Princeto7i Review, to 1877, appears as Presbyterian Quarterly Review. The " Chronological Conspectus," Nos. 123 and 231, will enable the owner of the series to number the volumes to correspond with the references in these pages. These instances will serve to explain the manner in which changes in titles, often capricious and unnecessary, have been treated. Strict bibliographical accuracy in representing these changes in the references was out of the question, as it would have introduced a bewildering complication of titles and abbreviations. 1 See "Chronological Conspectus," Nos. g and 120. Allibone's "Dictionary of Author'-" uniformly quotes the Quarterly Review as London Quarterly Rez>ie"w, and Scott's New York reprint gives it the same erroneous title. The lapse is common in other American publications, and is found in the work of some of our best bibliographers. See " Harvard Bulletins," No. 11, Feb. and March, 1879, P- 280; and No. 12, June, 1879, p. 326. PREFACE. ix Another difficulty which required heroic treatment has grown out of the absurd practice in many periodicals of breaking the continuity in the numbering of \'olumes by starting new series. The Eclectic Revieiv has seven neiv series, and these series are not numbered. The St. James s Magazine began with numbering consecutively twenty-one volumes ; then occurred a neiv scries of fourteen volumes ; then a second new scries of four volumes; then consecutive numbering from the beginning was adopted, and the next volume was numbered thirty-one when it should have been forty, — leaving out nine volumes. In cases like these, what appears on the title- pages has been wholly ignored, and the volumes have been numbered consecu- tively from the beginning. As a general rule, series have not been regarded, and sets have been numbered consecutively; although in a few instances, and for special reasons, the rule has been varied from. In some periodicals a difficulty of another kind has appeared, where a continuous numbering of volumes has been kept up after both the title and character of the serial has been changed, As an organ of the Methodist Church in the United States, the Methodist Magazine was issued from 1818 to 1840, in two series, twenty-two volumes. In 1841 the Methodist Quarterly Review, a work of a different character, took its place, and was called third series, which has been followed by a fourth series, — in all forty-one volumes. They were numbered continuously from the beginning of the Methodist Magazine, as well as by the serial number. In this Index these serials have been regarded, as they should have been by the publishers, as two separate periodicals. The former has been referred to by the abbreviation Am. Meth. M., to distinguish it from the MetJiodist Magazine, which was issued contemporaneously in .London, and also indexed in this work; and the latter has been referred to as ]\IetJi. Q., each with a consecutive numbering of its own, and no regard has been paid to series, or to the numbering on the titlepages of the latter. The " Chronological Conspectus," Nos. 15 and 78, shows the numbering which has been used. In the previous edition an attempt was made to give with the reference the name of the writer of the article, as far as the writers could be identified. In periodicals which do not give the names of their contributors, the identification is very difficult; yet in several serials, as the AWth American Revieiv and Christian Examiner, the writer of nearly every article was given. The identifi- cation has been carried still further in this edition, and perhaps more labor has been spent upon it than its importance demanded. No avenue of search or in- quiry has been neglected. Every accessible collection of essays and miscellaneous writings which contributors have issued has been gleaned, and volumes of biogra- phies and literary correspondence, without number, have been examined. There was a fascination in the search which made it a recreation. Correspondence to the same end has been carried on with several friends in the great libraries of England and Scotland, who offered me their assistance ; but they have been able to give little or no information which was not already in my possession. It is a singular fact that less is there known of the anonymous contributors to the British peri- odicals than can be ascertained in this country. My friend, Mr. James T. Clark, Librarian of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, took the trouble to examine all X PREFACE. the sets of Edinburgh serials in his Hbrary for the inserted names of contributors, and failed to find a single one. He sent me, however, a list of contributions to the North British Reviciv by an eminent writer, which he expressed some scruples in giving up without the consent of the contributor. Every one of them I had already, and had found them, with many others, carefully penciled in the set of the North British in the Chicago Public Library; and with such evidence of accu- racy and contemporary authenticity that I had given implicit confidence to the whole record. The scruples which my friend Mr. Clark expressed in giving up, or inquiring into the authorship of, anonymous contributions, I found to be a common feeling with English librarians, and perhaps explains why so little is known on the subject in that country. On this side of the water we have no scruples of that kind, and rather take pleasure in printing the name of a con- tributor who would like to have it suppressed. The public have literary rights as well as contributors, and are entitled to know whose statements and opinions they are reading. The leading reviews of our day — as the Ni7ietcenth Century, FortnigJitly, Contemporary, North American, International, and nearly all the maga- zines — recognize this fact, and print the names of their contributors. The old-line serials — as the Edinburgh, Quarterly, and Blackwood — will soon come into this new and better arrangement. There was never any secrecy in these serials as to the authorship of articles written by Macaulay, Carlyle, and other great contributors. The cue was often given to the public in advance of the publication, and served as an advertisement for selling the issue. Of the introductory tables, perhaps the only one which requires explanation is the " Chronological Conspectus." The serials are here arranged in the order of their seniority, and are numbered consecutively. These numbers are attached to each title in the alphabetical list of " Abbreviations, Titles, and Imprints." The titles of the serials are placed at the top of the table, and the years in the left-hand column. The volume or volumes issued during any year appear at the intersection of these lines. A glance will therefore show when a periodical began ; if discon- tinued, when it ended ; and the date when any volume was published. That the tables might not be too much incumbered with figures, only the last volume issued in the year, after the first year, is given, as the others can readily be inferred. The volumes 94, 96, and 98 are given as the issues of the Edinburgh Review for 185 1, 1852, and 1853. The earlier volumes for these years, which are not ex- pressed, are 93, 95, 97. In these tables the imprint of the volume — which is not made until after the volume is finished — determines bibliographically its date. Considered simply as numbers, a periodical may have a date a year earlier than if treated as a completed volume. Many cataloguers give to periodicals dates, not from imprints, but from the issue of the first numbers. It is therefore proper to state the method which has been followed in these tables, as the dates in many instances will not correspond with those given by the other method. The heavy line across the table at the close of each decennial period will aid the eye in its search. The " Chronological Conspectus " will serve several useful purposes : — PREFACE. xi 1. It will enable the reader readily to ascertain the date when any article appeared. He has, for instance, the reference " Fortn. 29: 816," and would like to ascertain the date of the article. He turns to Fortnightly in the alphabetical list, and finds its number to be 161 in the chronological order of the " Conspectus." He there finds that volume 30 was the last volume of 1878, and hence volume 29 was the first volume of that year. If he knows anything of the size and paging of the FortnigJitly , he infers that page 816 will be in the number for June, 1878. 2. It will give the volumes of the same date in other serials. Each period has its own topics of interest which gradually give place to others. It is interesting to trace the discussion of a question through contemporary serials, and through earlier and later periods. 3. It will enable librarians and others whose sets are broken up into scries or numbered erroneously to re-number the volumes to correspond with the num- bering of the Index. This can readily be done by attaching to each volume an adhesive tag with the proper number upon it. The co-operative feature of this work will attract the attention of persons inter- ested in this special phase of social science. That fifty libraries different in organ- ization and objects, — National, State, stock, subscription, college, and free public institutions, — scattered over this broad country from San Francisco to Boston, and across the ocean in England and Scotland, should have joined hands and worked in harmony for a common object, each receiving the full benefit of the work of all the others, is an incident in bibliography and literature which has no parallel. The American Library Association and the Library Association of the United Kingdom have given the project their sanction and moral support; but these Associations have had no responsibility, direction, or control through com- mittees or otherwise of its management. All the work has been done voluntarily and without pay. No money subscription has been asked of any one, and not a farthing has been contributed from any source ; for no money was needed. There has been, however, no gratuitous or charitable feature in it. Every contributing library will receive back the money value — some thirtyfold, some sixty, some a hundred — of the labor which its librarian has put into it. This labor, which has been credited to his library, has been done usually in hours of his own, taken from rest and recreation. The librarian will have his pay in the consciousness that what he has done will benefit his library and his readers, and may help his professional reputation. Persons who look only to pecuniary reward should never engage in this kind of work. Up to this time all the pecuniary reward I have had for index- ing during these many years can be represented by the American copper coin which will cover one's thumb nail ; and yet I have been well paid. As the person who has had the sole management of all the details of this enterprise, I desire to put on record this testimony in behalf of the co-operative principle. It is simple, efTective, and attended with no embarrassments or difficulties of any kind. I have doubt whether a society organization, with its officers, committees, and ample funds for the payment of workers, could bring about more efTective results. Xii PREFACE. When we begin to pay for service the knights leave the hne, and their places are filled with retainers and camp followers. When the knights are few and these sulk in their tents, perhaps there is no better substitute for co-operation than an organization with the motto, Quid pro quo in peamia. The acceptable and un- expected services of a contributor, whose name does not appear in the list, must not be overlooked. It was necessary in the progress of the work to make con- stant use of the express companies in transmitting copy to and fro between Chi- cago and Hartford. When the manager of the Adams Express Company heard of the character of the work and its co-operative feature, he claimed the privileges of a contributor, and directed that all parcels relating to the work should be trans- mitted without pay. Besides continuing the supplements of this Index, is there not other biblio- graphical work which can be carried on by the same method ? At the meeting of the American Library Association in Cincinnati, in May last, I suggested that a General Index to books other than periodicals was much needed by students and literary men. In writing this closing paragraph, which completes my allotted task, I desire to tender my warmest thanks to my Associate Editor, the contributors, the careful proof-readers of the University Press, and all who have aided in the production of this volume ; and to express the hope that when it comes into the hands of my fifty co-workers and personal friends, whose names appear on the opposite page, it will meet their reasonable expectations. Chicago, Nov. 29, 1882. LIST OF CO-OPERATING LIBRARIES. 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 iS 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 + Albany, N. Y. ■ Amherst, Mass. Baltimore, Md. . Baltimore, Md. . Berkeley, Cal. . Boston, Mass. . Boston, Mass. . Boston, Mass. . Brookline, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y . Burlington, Vt. . Burlington, Vt. . Cambridge, Mass. Chicago, 111. . Concord, Mass. . Edinburgh, Scot. Geneseo, N. Y. . Gettysburg, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Ithaca, N. Y. Lawrence, Mass. Liverpool, Eng. . London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. Madison, Wis. . Middletown, Conn Middletown, Conn New Bedford, Mass, New Haven, Conn New York City , New York City . New York City . New York City . 0.\ford, Eng. Peabody, Mass. . Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Princeton, N. J. . Rochester, N. Y. Salem, Mass. St. Louis, Mo. . St. Louis, Mo. . San Francisco, Cal Washington, D. C Waterbury, Conn Worcester, Mass. libraries. New York State Library A.MHERST College . Mercantile Library Peabody Institute . California University ATHENi«uM Library New Eng. Historic, Genealogica Public Library . . Public Library . . Brooklyn Library . Fletcher Library . Vermont University Harvard University Public Library . . Public Library . . Advocates' Library . Wadsworth Library Theological Seminary Library Association Trinity College . . Watkinson Library Cornell University Public Library . Free Library . . London Library Williams's Library . or Wisconsin State Hist Russell Library . . Wesleyan University Public Library . .• Yale College . . . Apprentices' Library Astor Library . . . Mercantile Library Young Men's Christian Radcliffe Library . Peabody Institute . Library Company Mercantile Library College of New Jersey Rochester University EssFJC Institute . . Mercantile Library Public School Library Mercantile Library Library of Congress Bronson Library . . Public Libr.\ry . . Work in the previous Editions Total number of volumes .... Association Soci Society Librw^m or Cataloguer. No. Vols. Henry A. Homes . . . 84 William S. Biscoe . . . 140 John W. M. Lee . . . 38 P. R. Uhler 117 Joseph C. Rowell . . . 71 Charles A. Cutter . . . 166 John Ward Dean . . . 33 Mellen Chamberlain . . 4c6 Mary A. Bean . . . . 75 Stephen B. Noyes . . 127 Thomas P. W. Rogers 94 John E. Goodrich . . 51 Justin Winsor . . . 20S William F. Poole . . 634 Ellen F. Whitney . . 52 James T. Clark . 56 Cornelia B. Olmsted . 30 Charles A. Hay . . . 21 Caroline M. Hewins HI John H. Barbour . . 31 William I. Fletcher . S16 Willard Fiske . . . So Fredtrick H. Hedge . 23 Peter Cowell .... 14 William Brace . . . 6 Robert Harrison . . 2 Talbot B. Reed . . . 23 Thomas Hunter . . . 4 Alpheus Smith . . . 3 Daniel S. Durrie . . 104 George F. Winchester 13 Charles T. Winchester 61 Robert C. Ingraham . 36 Addison Van Name . 75 J. Schwartz .... 74 Frederick Saunders • 199 William T. Peoples . 24 Reuben B. Pool . . . S3 James B. Bailey . . . 45 Thomas M. Osborne . 34 Lloyd P. Smith . . . 10 John Edmands . . . 34 Frederic Vinton . . . "5 William P. Goodrich . 21 William P. Upham. . 35 John N. Dyer . . . 97 Frederick M. Crunden 8 Alfred E. Whitaker . • 157 Ainsworth R. Spofford . 162 Homer F. Bassett . . • 56 Samuel S. Green . . . loS William F. Poole . . . 146S . 6205 XIV ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. d •,"-^_i_0 - _L_l_'^_i_ _L l_^'0-4-' -I I L.'^-i I L tS C^ d \0 <-> >-• t-" c\ d" ^o i-c w 1° a-" in H 2 w « w O CO VO CO "" 0\ o ■^ — - lo (~o r^ no t-^'^mOMOroOO'^'-icO'-"'-''-' ON' t^ LO -"j- '^ Tj-nrnco r^fororj-co lllllllll ^. 1- roro\p i^M ronvO t)-m m r^vo t^^O t^vO roiyjvo r-^oo wcocococo . . . . ^ . . OOCOCOCOOOCOCOCOOOCOMCOC/DCOCOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOCOCOCOCOCOCOC/OOO l-^GOCOCOOO •V l-H Q < in w l-H H o l-H I-H <: t-H > :4 H-1 M 2 ^ -ii! ^ ^ ^ i? -i^ -5 ^ > ^ ~ ^ "d rt -i^ -^ ■^ M ^ 2 - p g ^ .-3 ^ T3 -a P^ £2 o O 2 W CO " & w s Bi erf C/} a oi Z < o u P 5 as PS < -J BS = S « < <; pq E- 3 a <: a s m u u u w ffi ^ < < < < o u u z z z z z u u u o o z ^ < < . u U u U0UUUUUU0UUU0U"0UUU0U crfcSoScScSoSc^crfo: www S S g < < < w S OS H & w w . >J >-i ,-, 2 2; § < < T\ - H 5 S w w S S 9 >• >: J w > M O W 05 W »:; o cii (I, w U5 O ^ 3 ^ S w tC o o z z D M PS PS t: w -< < < S D S ^ h^ 1^ z < o u Z N <; B< O < D Z Z ^S z a z <:<:::. PS PS w w <: <: PS www g S S < < o _]i-i;?i-lH-l,-iP3i-l ss H eS w E- -i Z eS H < <<;<:< pa S^SfO'^r^vO ONOO C\i-i i^fOr^t^r^w roioroo p< rou-iTTMCOVO CnOn<-i tJ-cO O I "IM "i"^ S C^ d.O'^ ^ >^ S Pi ^ g ^ I ^ W c« g _^ ^ Pi aj d d rt ?i •o Pi <-■ n >-i O "-iOO -i--<*---vO M\0 -^M P) lOOw M "-I w roosco r--vOCOc/D '^— i^"^0O ►- " •)■ " -i-roo O"^ — CO r^oOO "^coco " "^O -^co r^r^r^co C^O3o0 m\0 m r^r^<~OOOco i^-*r^r^co0c0\0 r^o "^■TCO cocooococococococoooccoocococo&ooo r^oococococococococooococooooooooocooococooocooooo >■ 13 o 5 5 o ^ _, ^ c c c ^ C C C o O O " O O O ^ -§ -g O V} c/) [/) C "■ 3 ,- ^ 5 o (u'^OOOOCtJOOOOoOO^Ho^iU'OOO'UO ;?;(iHJi-!F-lH-l-- & S^ -i q ai 5 I % o :S J" J- Sow Pi ^ < (4 ^ > -^ < 2 oi ,„ H 5 c^ S H e -J -i < t- L. fc. C. > a > C u < £. > a 'J < a:. > ri > > >> ►J K ? (ii H < w w <; H 2 « iJ -1 O O t4 2 ^ w 55 H O m pa M 7. Y. w W ^ m pq pq P5 M ^: 5^ 2 000 H H H t/> ifi m 000 m m pq Z < S 2 a: C p K t; ei U W K H r- S a: a: III ^ c ^ o ^ -S -5 -S 2 2 ^ c c c a) i« c o o o o o o J I-) H-J M pq H-1 -^ c • - '? c c o O rt ^ ^ a K.^ 12; < k S ■" < > > H S w ?: 5 z z 5 S ^ < < < ►J '-' ji !:i h S O O'O'pii (d 12; 2 2 ■:; d o z z c! oi a a < pq pq pq U z z z z z < ^ ^ " "" H o c ^ iz; pq O z -^ < < < •:r . 5 f-1 H tA H - S W — — = ^ ^ ^eiBSBiOSW — — — U U U U u: z o: < < u; w — ^ ^ ^ /-v r> >..]'''^'j" !.u J?;.. ■ -SS .ci. y c g g-'s' g £ :2 ra J § I § -^ -^ £ 2 S S J3 1 ^ i i i i i i i i o § § § § § § s 5 5 i^ I -^ 3 cq5qKpqpqpq(npqpa(:qfqpqpKpqCJUUUU!JUUUUUUUUU'OUOOOUH-hH«-i-.i-l XVI ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. - O 'O (^ 00 O On Tj- M ro -"^ ■* CI UN I "I r^ lo r~^0 Lor^voo Tf^Tt-r^io ri Lo M On ►- O " -' CO CO CO CO O m ON An is On O ■* lO r^ r-^ r^ r-^ O vO ^r2,H^2!L2!f'O^ON\0 n 1-.VO OOnO rot^co ioQnO McO tTO O Geo t^CO n "^O r^ON" M o ■* ^ cococococococococooococococococococococococococococococococococococococococococo ^ ^ .14 }-l u ^ coo > > > ^ ^ 5= < p 'O ^ 3 ^ T3 "o o .iJ "o 6 o 5 -^ :- r n " >- r ^ r 5 o 1^ o o O (U ni c •" W;:qHjO«v-l.-lh4HJh-)hj:2imK:it-l(X,Hj:z;u?5h-lhJ2:;i-li-l^>H-!;? >" -S C w ^ > z < 3 ps! u> u u u U w H H U U W W ►J J u u (-) 1-1 W W W S < w w O O en " W o W Z •-J — h; o en Ph P O ^ W d ^ > - W S fe 1^; c=i w K s o o o oi cs: (vj D t) D jq ca H z z Z ^ ^ ^ 5 5 3 3 W W H w o s < ?: < <: S o >. H u J Z b; H < 1-J >. c^ ai w > ^3 C^ S ^ Z z w « S z ^ ci ai oi < iJ S O O O a:! < ^ < Pi; z y < 2 iJ S CI* ,_ > O H W r> ? W Q a- c O « tn < o ^ g « -< c3 t-I z O W e< s s < > - s f^ in w H >. en Z S « < a O y 2 !:^ e< O < 3 -I z ?: awwafefefefefeOoo S-i g. >? l^ y. o " -* P - M « ri t> "^ -'0 g 1^ 0- NO "^ CN ON CO OO NO " NO O ^ ^ .=^ W^S Pigg^ .•^ ^ o:; .2 O Q Ml i (J 3 tX) rt . LOO t-^1- u-iONQ fOM tJ-cnnO " O r^O ''i r^"-ificO "CO "^Cn IT} r^ r^ \C> '^ \o "-CO " r^rO'-i x^roo lono •-■ Q i^tJ-lo-. i- o c t^pc 4J fci) > >i . o o o S't? 5 5 C 6 6 ^ i^-- o a - 6 O o o o o 3 HH K Ph E HH C i^ rj ij ii ;S s c c c ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. XVll + + r ^t^corO"OC\i-'0 — -^M •- t^urio OO O O o « VOop r I T I I - . Cs M CO C\ r^ vo CO ■ CO O O r^ O <■< CC CO 00 CO CO "^ I I I I r I I O rn " — o r^ CO o ~ r^ — C/3CO r^Ti-cOOO -^COOcOOoO f iflllllllllll •-0 Tft^o ■*<■! "ifi o lOOO r-co C0"0 no "^O lor^r^, OO Cn 00 CN - - - t> I> 00 CO •rj- -rr <^. m ro OOCOOOCOCOCOCOC/OCOCOCOOGCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOr^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOcOCOCOOOCOOOCOCOCOCOCO* _, OJ = t. .5 -c o o 3 ^ ^-H tjO O >i S 3 o 5 ~ 5 K" ^ .^ rt yj c E S -c -5 O -a r- -^ .^ ■? ^ s s s c IS "^ p c S -c ^ -s .- o 3^•OO0JJ::4=0JJ^(UOCCCoC'yort'JCOcocOCJ::^J^l'OCOOl=?-CJ-^c<^ c ^ S t s z ::; i-i fe D C/2 e5 E a. S K < ^ ^ ^ rv; c: 2 - fc. < oJ^> 5 w a « d 2 < fc, ti. t. D U o o o o o z > o c < < < ei W -^ O < ' - < D < < <^ i S c 1^ ^ > z z; ?: o ^ « < S es K < -rr „ _, i_ >- J J z z z o o o P C3 Q z z z o c o J hJ H-; 5 . O u ►r Ij z b; >• ej Is s ^ u > N r; <* z 5 €■' o > < k; 1— 1 S < t id J CC < < -1 o % O < :§ o- > O) H D L. D U s o o ^ u; > N ^ rTi < ci r: z z B 2 5 z c - a = ^ < . Z Z W ^ < < ^ J -J - <;u(-J- CsroO rocoo ror^O 'tO— '"' •- ro r^ r-^ o lO o r^ ri CO "•) C\ M ►" "I •- „ ►« n — OnOOOOvOrONCOCN n to O '^ M O (^ '-' Tj- ON r-~ \0 "^ 1.^1 «« — Cri H ti>^ 6>^^ 6>::i do's £^6' '13 C<5 ^ fi— —-I •T-t _: C ^^ f/1 (— f ) r- r- T-f "^ ^ ai jr M to tn j2 u j:: j= .<2 kin (/)(/:*-•- ^ E ^ Ci. -:>?; n r 3 t^ • ^ f^ '^ <^ ■-'■= o - - - - ^ XVlll ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. , + + O i-i O CO CO ■* 01 ro ^ fO •-" g-3 ro ro N 0\ r^.. CO i^r^ ricoco ■^"^^ococo f^f'co r^r^oo r-^co "^vOCO r^ II lillillfilllllJL'IIIJL < X. ' ' ' i I ' > cocococococooooococooocooocococococococooocococoooc«cooocococococooooocooocococo 7 > o a w t-1 eq d S CCgCSli'uCCS o o "O -a o o -,-^.SOrtOO^_GOO fe a Ch ^ ^ t: ^ o o o o o o -o -a o rtU o o^lc o^«J > & S ^ oj d o o c c „ , _ „, ? C r= ;I:S C -lpq;z;jeuMj;^H-)h-liJi;2; 'Ji ^ ;z, ^ oj g c 5 o a w H WHS 2 a o ^ ^ ^ S^ a; "^ W % « " 5 ^ (^ a; Q ^ ;? o ^^ HI C/3 Ui o Q Cm < < a W as O U w tf 2; > X O O O S o d < SI ci Z Ph CU Ph P-< Oh H W ;§ Pi z z a z z S as c; k; Pi J J ^t« W < < O O Oi W hJ iJ b til W Z & S E- H H O a, li, a< Ki H - O O O O O Oh Ph CL, Oh CL, On W > « fe w z s 5 M < > N D W kl2 z z U t- H ►->->< H W M U t/5 t/5 < w a a! ai oi Pm Ph Ph BJ w > " > W W W Pi Pi (^ z z o 2 E- H _ WWW U U c- z S •J w § ;^ S O H < ci »! d D ^ Ph Ph Ph Ph 2 P w w cy CJ p^ > Q t/l (^ ^ w o u w o w >^ > <5 ^.ga ^^SS2o::i^55'-^^S Q Q u w w < w w w ^ Pi Pi Cii < 3 W W W H h u Pi Pi Qi tf} rA zn "VD row K-vo ly-iror^u^u^o r^i-' ro w ci w — ri w w M ci PI t-l t^t-^'+\0 O -tPico C\vO w ror^OCO rt C\ ri w n i-< n u 5.? ?? PHPHPHPHPHOnCypCjPliPiPipiPiPiP:; AP^ :2 ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. XL\: + + ro + + ro + + '^ + + + » o ■* O O O O t^ fO " ro CO to n Tj- VO '^ t") 0\ -^ Gv Tj- iri vO lO -^ CNVO "^"^OCO "^vO "^-^O "1 lorOTj-vOvO n ro I I I I I I I I I I I I I COCOCO "3 ii H-1 J:.yrti3i=rtOOO^^c^.^oo = rt6 s < f^ ::^ o E^ .5 < O Pi w w 5 o Q o E J u ta u 0- H E H H K O O CO C/3 VD oi ?. W O '^ W hJ < ^ « o c^ S S B^ P" .5 < > t < ■ -^ p^ S g 2; ?; ^ z '-' Bi k; =^ cri 1^ en M H M M u K - " " D O X X Ui t ^ \: t. t oi D S ta & < o O O O a. CA) CAJ ^ I/l K O es ?. H ^ < ^ S S D Ch H- C- H ^ ,*=: c/: c/D c/3 t-' a ^ o a '•' '^ < W Pi ci -^ :^ d d "^ 5 < < < <; ^ < S o tJ u "^ '^ 3 o o 3 -": H O O O O g hJ J hJ J J W cu o o c o ;>! 3 w w w w ^ H H § Si r: S w > H H 0^ <: £; a CJ iJ crt v) ui yi (d U bJ (-1 H !- < <1 < H f- H c/3 c/: oi C C Q u u u H H H ?. ?. S t2 P ::i c c c u o CJ p trj - .n^ c ^ r U )-l Crt w J ^ <: c< 9 < c ^ > ^ S " < ^ i S S 5 ^ ^ ^. < w >- >". > »* ? - < r ~ ,, r* Ui W S a! > K 2: Z ^. -d E- "^ r-. — f "> Zi ,h4 ^ -^ o « 3 :/: ?; 2; Z J^ 5 Z ?: z rr < !d a S _; •~. -i ,-' S Bi Ci a: c£ a: 01 '^ - U Z ?; Z tD p :2 > ~ ^ w K a K t/; cr en m C/} bi U U a c ^- ^ ^^ ^ ^ N ►H M „ ■_ « 1-. t'a in 6 O . /3 vi m o '* oi • — - t^ r! S . cy . ^^ jy w (J u 7i -C o 6 CO 6 6 CO tn C 6 Sparks's 4 Spirit Pilg Stud. & In Sup. Pop. ?3 J £" 6 CI J= 13 H 6 O r- d CJ a. Pi 6 a CO 'Ji pi 'c .2 u West. J. West. La\ West. Lit o In 'J PJ In C [n o E IS O jn XX CHROXOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. o •AiaiAsy XiqiuojM luajsa^v 1 1 1-1 ri ro j at •SUlIjSirj 3l|J JO Jliirlg 1 1 >-i ri ro ^ LOO 00 CO •M31A3JJ ujaqjnos 1 r^co •M3IA3^ uSpjOJ M rOLO U3 to •jA3t.\a>j uBng uSpjoj r; ^O CO O ri '^O CO m CO ■AiaiAay X[J3)jen(^ *iuv ri -^o 00 O r) -^O 00 CO ■SUIZeSeIM J01S3D.IOA\ »« M CO CO ■ajninsin uinuEJil Jo lEUJnof r; TfOco O ri -^O CO O 11 1-1 « M rj CO •jnof -soitijd MSM iiSjnquipH ►1 roLO t^ On >- rOLo t^ On M CO •ajiazEO XjEJain 'S Tl - ro^ o CO •sutzeSei,^ Xiujuoi^ uojsog 1-1 ri c< •jajsuSsji [Enuuv "'V 1-1 ri ro Tl- LOO t^ OO DO c< •A\3|A0^l j03sumuso_\\ PJ -^O 00 O ri ro LO t^ CN l-i CO ■I -< >- M M t^ « ■JSUMltEXH UEIISIJtO w M ro Tj- LO r^ On « ro LO r^ ON C4 •ajnjEJDan '•'^'H }° uinasnjM 1-1 roLOr^ON" ro LO r^ O -1 ro LO r^ — ri ri M M ■jCmiuojv «3M s ujnqjo^ roo CN ri Looo 1-1 Tj- r^ o ^j M H, i_ M M {.) ro roo CN M "^ ro ro ro -^ -^ PI •AVDIA3H l.J31S3A\ ''l XT CO •.«3IA3^ 3AT3D3dSOJja^ " ro LO r^ On 1-1 ro i^f lt.o N C« •suizeSbj^ uopuo'i CI TfO 00 O roo OS ri ro ►, ■_ w 1-1 r< ci ■[EUinof ■soiniJ il^jnquipH i-i ro Lor^ ON " ro Tj- o •MSiAa-a -ojv tiSjnquipH M ro LO M ■JOiEiDadg -oyi UHpsuiQ M n ro Tf LOO r-^oo On O 00 •aidpsiQ UEiqsijqo M M ro^ LO •3DU3PS JO lEUjnof -mv M ri ro LOO 00 ON -1 ro LO r->. On 1-1 l-l t-l 1-1 HH 1-1 ro LOr^ ON rj c) r) r) M M ■3UIZE3ETC IElI0!JEg3jSu03 « M ro Tf LOO r^oo ON O " M ro Tj- LOO r^oo M •3U!ZEgEIV )S!pom3I\: [-lUV] •1 N ro ^ LoO r^co On O 1-1 ri ro -<*• LOO r^ 'J- M ■Ai3IA3^J XiqjUOI^ ■^ r^ O ro 00 00 0\ CN O On ri LOCO " -* r^ O ro C>CNOOO"-'i-"riri O Cn ri LOCO ri ri ro ro ro CO ■suizeSej^ s,pooA\?(OE[g w roio r^ O ri tJ-O CO O ri ^O CO M I-, „ 1-. -H o M ri ri ri O ri -*0 CO ro ro ro ro ro M •M3!A3>I UE3TJ3UIV HUOSL 1-. ro LO r^ ON " rOLor^ONi-i roLOt-^CN — ^i-ii-it-tc^p)cviric»ro ro LO r-^ On 1-1 ro ro ro ro 1^ M M •jasjamduiBj ►I rj -^vO 00 O M -^ O 00 O ri -#0 00 On i-ii-irC r; Tj-vo 00 O ri ^t-vo oo O N -^^ 00 O ri -*0 CO ri M w ri D ro ro ro ro ro O ri Tl-o 00 -^ Tt- ^ ri- T^ lO •A\3!A3JI X[J3)aEn5 M Ti- v£)CO 0\" roiOt^C\'- ro i-< i-i 1-1 w « r) ri LOt~^ONO ri Tj-O 00 - ro ri M ri ro ro ro ro ro ":J- ■<4- LO r^ CN ri ^ r^ Tj- Tt lOLO lO •(s.aiuusQ) oi[oj»oj M -^ \0 00 O r) -^vo CO O M -^ "P-HMI-IMMC^rj O CO O ri re- N rj ro ro ro •* •M3!A3y DUDOiOg ri "^O CO O M ■^vO 00 O ri '^VD CO O ri i-c w M r) f) rj M M ro ro -*0 00 O M TfO CO O ri rororo-^-^-^Tt--itLoio -+vO CO O M LO lo LOO O CO •J3Ai3SqO UEHMitO , 1-1 N rD '^ "-1VO r--00 ON O '-I ri ro Tj- lOO r^co On O M ro 1^ "^O r^co On O pjric^MriPiNcjcjro " ri ro Tj- LO ro ro ro ro ro M •3U1ZE3EIM JSipoipSlV "^\0 J^CO C\ O " M "^ M ri M M M ro ro ro ro -* LOO r-~CO ON O « ri ro rorororororOTj-Tt-Tf-Tj- Tj- LOO r^oo ON O i-< M ro TfrJ-^Tf-^-^TLOLOLOLO ^ LOO r^co LO >0 LO LO LO M •Ai3lA3>j qgjnquipg H. n rj-O 00 O rj -"to 0\— roLor^CNO " ri '^ ►H n ri ri ci ri ro ro ro ro LO r^co O ri ^O CO C\ -1 rororo-^'^i^-'^-^-^Lo -*0 r~, CN « LO LOU-> LOO ri ro Tj- loo r-.co 0\ O OOOOOOOO- CO00O3COCOCOCOCOCC 1-1 ri ro -:)- LOO r^oo ON O OOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO w ri ro ■* LOO r^oo On O ri ri ri ri ri n ri ri ri ro COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOOCO 1-1 r) ro TT L^ ro ro ro ro ro CO CO CO OO CO ^ CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. XXI O M -+\0 CO M CI M rt ^) O CI r:fNO r^ CO CO CO CO CO O M W Tf^O 03 O ri N M N ro N TfNO CO O c> ■^nO CO O COCOCOCO-^T(-->^Tl-TtlO CI •'J-NO CO O N ■*.:-■ OO O lo Lo Lo lonO no no no no r->. Cl -"J-nO 00 O p> tJ-VO 00 O r^ r^ t^ t-^00 00 00 00 00 On '^SSs%2 ^ ^'S'S 2 V. « ro lO i^ 0\ <^ M M M C-1 " coLTir^ON" coior^ON rOcocococOTt-T^Tj--^-^ ^ r'Nuor^(^„ cou-ir^ON lo to Lo to iono no O no O •- ro lONO t^ t^ t^ t^ «o 1-^ o\ M xr N M N roro NO CO O CJ rhNO CO O Cl Tt roco-^-5l-rJ-Tj-T)-<-otoLO NO CO O CI -^NO OO O M tT to tONO NO O NO NO t^ r>. r-- NO C» O M M-nO CO O Cl -5j- 1-^ r-,00 00 OO 00 CO ON On On ^^8oS"^^2:J2-^ «- ro "^ 1^ 0\ M CM n C-l CI — coi^r^ON— co«J^r^CT\ cococococo-*-^^-^-^ -■ coti-'r^O" cotot^CN to to to to lONO NO >0 NO NO ^ cotot^ON*-^ cotor^ i^ r^ r^ t-^ t^oo 00 CO CO O " -+ r^ O ro ro ro ro -^ CO LO 00 " "^f r^ O •^ LO LO LOO conO On ci 11-100 •-■ -"t r^ O NO NO NO r^ t^ r-»oo co OO On cnvo On m '-oyD •- tJ- t-, O OnOnCnOOO — '-''-■CI COnO on Cl toOO '-' CO to l-v. Cl Cl Cl cococo-5l--'*T-* On- cotor-~0>— rotor^GN rf to to to to tONO NO NO NO NO ' 1 ^ r^co 1- r<^ u-> r-^ Cn ro ro ro ro ro K- CO LO r^ On ci tj-no t» O '^^-^-^Tj-wlLOio lonO CI -i-NO 00 O PI TfNO CO O nOnOnoO t^r^t-^r^ t^co N tJ-nO 00 O Cl TfvO CO O OOOOCOCO OnOnOnOnOnO M tJ-nO OO O PI 'TnO 00 O pi 0000-< — — — -"PIP! C\ O " M ro t- n M M C) CI M N Cl CI CO 0\ O " ri i-c •1 P) M M Tj- Tj- '-t- to iJ-> NO On CI u-) "^ u-io NO O M Tt-VO CO ^ ^ -^ -^ -^ O CI -j-NO CO O CI -+nO CO LT) LO LO LO LOO NO NO NO NO O Cl '^O 00 O N -^NO re i^ t^ t^ r^ t-^co 00 00 CO CO O Cl Tj-O 00 Q Cl rtO 00 CnOnOnCnOnO O O O O O PI -^NO 00 O PI -*nO CO O «_ — — >- Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CO roi'i r^ On — -^ M- ^ ^ "-1 CO LO r^ On -■ co ^o r^ On «- LO LO to lOO O NO NO NO t^ cotoc^ON'-i cotor^ON — t^ r^ r^ i^oo 00 CO CO CO On rotor^ON^ cotor^CN — OnCnCnOnOGOOG- cotor-.CN- cotor^CN- co ►«>.« — Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CO CO s, 1-^ ON CI -+>0 U-1 LO^O NO NO 00 O CI -^nO 00 '- CO lo i~^ NO t^ t-^ t-v r^ r^co CO 00 00 0^_, ro"^i^ONci -^ooo 00 CnCnOnOnOnO O O O O Cl -"i-O 00 O CO to t^ Cn ««»- — .-ICICICJOCI » CO to r^ ON Cl •^J-O CO O Cl cocOcococO-*-fTr-Oto ^NO «3 O M NO NO NO r-- r^ "^nO 00 O n ^O CO O c) t-^ r^ t^OO CO CO CO CO ON On ■*nO 00 O m -^nO CO O o CnCnCnOOOOO'-- "!j-NO 00 O Cl T}- to w •- «- Cl CJ Cl PI NO I--CO On O ro rococo -1- ll M CO ^ lonO t^CO ON O « CI CO T^ w-iO t^oO On O w-)totOW)tOli">tOtO t/^NO -. Cl CO Tt tONO C^CO On O nOnO^nOnOnOnOOnO t^ « Cl ro •<*■ "TnO i^ t^ t^ i^ r^ l^ t^ 1^ On CO lO -^ On « NO NO NO NO l~^ CO looo O CI tJ-no CO O <■) t^ r^ r^oo 00 00 CO CO On On S;^^8S?^'§2:i -tNOOO O P> ■*nOcO O p» MMMMMCIPIPICOCO •^nO CO O pi •<«-0 00 O pi ■* CO CO CO "*•*■*•'* •^ "^ to to NO r-.oo On O CO CO ro ro "* CO CO CO CO CO 1- M CO -f lonO r^co ON O •*-*-*-1-Tl-TfT»--^rrvO OOOOOOCOCCCOCOCOCOOO - Cl CO Tf t^'O t^o^ Cn Q ir^ to to to to to lo to too OOMOOCOCOCOCOCOCCOO « Cl CO -^ vi-i\0 C^OO ON O nOnOOOnOnOnOnOno i-^ COOOOOOOCOCOCCCOMCO - Cl CO -"i- tONO C-OO ON O - r^r^r^r^r^t^r^r^ r^co CO COCO0CCOCOCCCOCCCO33CO XXll CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. ^ -A^siAsy X[J3yEn5 Uisiiinog i-< roi^t^ONi-i ro LTi t^ ON « ro lO r^oo ll N M 0) M M g 1 ^amqcD snoiSiiaa • l-H M •*_ AvaiAs^ XiJ3WBn5 }S!poi[j3pM M M ro -^ lo^ r^oo ON O 11 M ro -^ "^nO r^oo ON O liiiiiMiiiii-i»,«04 ^ 1 -ma i-i n ro-^ *^ uaDUEjqmaoiaH ueijsuiio M ^MD CO O M -^vO 00 O ^ HH M P-. « M M C) -^NO 00 O M Tl-vO 00 o J^ -DJlDapH UE0IJ3UIV (-1 -^f ^ -Jiooa s.XpET s Xapoo c^ roi^i^ON" roi^r^ONM c) M M (s ro ro CO ro ro Tj- miOt^ON" (TltOt^ONM J^ Xjapog lEDijsiiKJS -JO iBUjnof K. ro ■^ LTnO r^oo On O " M ro T)- ionO r^oo On O ■- D ro ►H HI .« « M M n M M M JJ^ auizEgEiv .siireqDaaiv s.iunH M '^ NO 00 O M -^nO CO O fi "^ M w M M M M ^^ c) VO CO O PI -*nO CO on - ro p, •OEuadsaH M ro ^ -MaiAS^ oilBioomsa 00 O M -"tvo 00 O M -*NO h-ii-il-il-il-iMflfJf^ CO O M -^NO 00 O M ro ^ -AvaiAa^i XiJ3WEn5 uojsog M M ro Tj-iO g -MaiAS^ ^JOA Ma>j w ro"-)t^ OnO t-H ^ -XuEiiaDsipM s.Xapuag N -^VO 00 O D -^nO CO O im Tt-NO CO O M Tj-O 00 O "N -^nO 00 Jg -[EUJnof XaEJsin "-"ai^sAV " ^ -auiZESEN lEACH i-i M vo" -AiaiAa^ ujiqna M m Lor~, 0^ 1-1 ro 1^ r-^ On i-< ni'it^ON w ro"^r^ON" PO"-AO00 f<^^Oro^ocOT^Ti•TJ-Tt■Tl- ^ -AiaiAaji UEijsuio M N ro •* "^ NO r^oo On O w (^ ro •* "^ NO r^oo On O " w ro tT "i n w w w M M M M P) PI ,2 JaSussssiM XjEjajpi ujaqjnos M M ro -^ i^vO t^oo On O " M ro T}- lONO t^co OnO m rO"->r^CN H M >- PI P) PI PI PI PI ^ -[Eujnof AiViSii-j ujaipnog N ro '^ ^g -MaiAs^ uSisjoj J? M^pug C) ro "^ :^ On M C) ro"1VO 55 -Aa-a lEDiSoioaqx 'S' Xjejsiit ►1 o ro -* "^vo •JJj -SUtZEgEIM ;CHIJU0IA[ UJ3)S3A\ M M Tl- U-) U1 -lEUinof JD3I3S M Tl- 'Si 1 -jsjiDoqaaJiDmjj n rt-\0 CO O ("l ^^O CO O ci -^nO CO O ri Tj-vo 1-1 N n c) ci c) ro ro ro ro CO O PI -^nO 00 O pi -^vD JJ5 -auizESEiv X4isj3Aiun njiqna N •^VO 00 O M Tt-VO • l-t (-1 I.H tH 00 O M ■<^NO CO O ''t -^nO M M N CI M M ro ro m r<-; CO O PI Tf NO CO O M -^No PO-*-rj--5j--5J-'^iJ-lii-iiriij-> 5j 1 -jaAjssqo X[i3jjEn5 nuv ^l fo JJ^ -auizESEiAi XiqjuojM UEousuiy N -^^ 00 O f> 5J, I -ouizeSeim q2jnqu!P3 s.jiex CO On O " <^) <^ ^ "^nD r^ 00 ON O M PI PO Tt- iriNO r^ J;!, -suizeSeiaj Xuuaj w M ro -^ Lovo t^co On O - ri ro Tj- Oj 1 -AVOIASH AmuoiV UEDUniuy M Ti- ^ -aUIZESEJ^ puEi2u3 M.3^ w co^o t^ ON '^ -aiiizESEiAi Xppuom sioujiii w M ^ -uopDnJisui JO ajnipsui -uiv w N ro T^ "^\0 t--00 Os O H4 ►H M ro 'i- i^NO r^oo *^ -.Oojisoda-a iE3i|q!f[ -uiy i-H N n -^VO CO O M N rt- NOoOO^i'-'Mro-^ "TO ^ -SUIZeSep^ 5,JS5EJ.I " fOVD CO O M TfvO 00 O N „ „ w _, - M N •*nO c» O m ^nO 00 O ri M CI N rororOrorOTt-Tt- rtNO 00 O PI -"J-nO CO O pi • ^ -joiEiDsds ■JEn('^ UEijsijq^ H. M ro -* "^vo t^oo On O ^ -jaisiSa-ji it[j3iJEn5 -tuv M N ro -^ "^\0 t^co On O i-< M ro-^ "^ CO CO w w ro -^ toNO r-^co On O cooocococooooocococo ►- M ro-^ w->vo t-^oo ON O ■'+'*TtTJ■T^-rT^T}--:^-vr-) cocoooooc«cococococo n PI ro -1" "ONO r-^CO On O LO"*>"OUO"0"NLOI-0 LTiNO oococyscooococooococo CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. XXUI CI M M N C( M M M M rO " PI p^ -^ mo i^co Cv o - POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPO-^Tj- PO "^ t^ C\ H-. PO CO &3 oo CO O CA Tj- loo r-.co ON O ►- PI ro N (s ei M M ri ro ro ro ro ^ mo t^co Cs O "- M PO -^ PO PO PO PO PO PO Tl- -^ Tf Tf -Jj- T^ rj- Tj- lO Ln I/-) "-) W-IVO VO O C) -^VO 00 O M Tf Lo lO lO i^ i0\0 vo vO O CJ Tj-vO CO O n -^O CO ly-) in iri w-l m\o vo ^O O ^ O PI -^O t^ On «H p^ in r^ ON r^ t^ r^ t^ t^ r^co oo oo oo oo N N PI oo O ri '^ lovo VO vO CO O Pt -*vO oo O M ■^vO CO O PI "^VO CO O PI Tt-O r^co cocoooco OnOnOnOn 00 •i-vD CO O n -^^O CO O PI VO MD ^ r^ t^ r^ r^ t^-oo oo ^vO 00 O M ■^vO OO O PI •* OOOOOO OnOsOnOnCnO O O PI p^ tJ- tnvo r~.oo o o - PI POPOPOPOPOPOPO-^T}-^ PO I-. M PO ^ invo r^co Cv O vOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvO i^ oococooococococococo « PI PO -* mio r^co 0\ O " r^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^ r^co CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOOOCOCOCO XXIV CHRONOLOGICAL COXSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. N 'MsiAS^ Xjj3;jEn5 uopuoT •.tt3iA3'^ XiiaiJrnQ ^slil •auizBjuUiv lcuo!iEUJ3;ui •spjOyW pioqasnoH •suizeSej^ s.jsdJBH AvaiAoy IE3!ia3uEA3 M ■(Eujnof 'ii-j puE jEDiSoioaqx A\aiA3^ Sjnqsj3Di3i^ •jEUinof ;jv i\31A3>I qDiniO UE3U3UIV ■[EUjnof UJ3]S3;V\ •AvaiAS^ XljawEnfJ -ssbm •)n -DES JO lEUjnof S.OJJIJI •jopnajsuj s,SS0H 2 iPWB lEDTib;SIfJ ptIE]fU3 A\3JsI •(BUJnof s.jitKOH '(t-'OA *3M) 'Sej^ ,SJ33IUEa O 'ouizeSeiy XjEas^i'i UEDusiuy Sej^ uopuoT s.adjBiis •(EUjnof s^3ido9(X JniD3T ]|Epi J3)3X3 A3iAo>i lEDjiqrg •A\3IA3^ SAIJDadSOiJ >IA3^ SjMAV UEDU3UIV •[EUJnof A\CT Ui3JS3W ■X[i31JEn5 JSllESJSAlItfl '!A3>i qsijug qwoM •dutzeSejm snoiSiia-^ Xhhuojm 's.ll^nn 'sSv SuiAiq •aulZESEJM DI1D3P3 ■[EUjnof 'quipH s.sjsquiEijo •AV3iA3"a XjiaiiEnc') s.uosuMOjg ■ lAS-a XiJ3;jEn5 ii?uaa ■EiDEC; EOPqlol|qtg "(uopuoT) 3uizeSbj\j .SiO>IUEa •ainzEjgEj^ DjIoipE^ 's 'n JSPUEISUH M3M c^ -^vO 00 O N ■* 1-1 c-i ro ■^ tnvO r^oo Ch rO LO :^ 0\ P-. rf vO 00 C7\ M ro -"^ too r^oo C^ O I-" ro t:J- t^\0 r^co On O •-' M ro -^ i0\0 r-.0O ON O "-I M ro Tf Lovo r^co Ov O " P) -< 0) ro rr M -"to 00 O t-i M ro -^ «J^ M -*• i^\3 i-i D ro "^ u^\0 M -^vO 00 O ro ■* lovo r^oo On O " c-i \0 oo O M '^ ■ovD t-^OO On O '-' ri ro r^ vO t~vOO ON O " D ro Tj- lo « D ro Tj- LOO i^ ii r) ro '^ LO'O i^ M ro LT) r^ 0\ "I ro ►- M ro ■* "^0 r^ CO Cn O " M ro T}- too t>- ri -"l-NO CO O ri Ti- rj ro •^ iri\o t^ ii ro lo r-~ ON >-i ro I-' rM ro t(- loo t-^ M ro LO r^co ON O M ro Ti- lOO r^ N ro tJ- loo t^ I- c^ ro •* LOO r^co •lun^snj^ 3I133P3 n ro Th '^O r^oo ON O ^•^'^^Tt-Tt-'^LO COCOMCOCOCOCOOO CO 0\ O i-i M ro •^ LOO t~^ CO On O " ri ro Tf loo r^ M ro ^ LOO r^co ON O 00 On O ►-• n ro On O w M ro -^ LOO r^oo O r-^CO On O •-■ LOONror^i-H LoCNrO£-^« M I- « ri ri ro ro ro -^ "^ lO t- M ro Tt LOO f^co ON O I- n ro -rf mo i~^oo On O w N ro ■* loo i^oo cn O >-< LOLOLOLOLoiOLOLo LOO oooooOOOOt^B iv.r^r-^r^r-^r^r^t^ t^oo co cocococococococococo cooocooooocococooooo Icococococooococococooo CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. XXV S 1 -PIJOAV snoVED 1 1-1 CO «o i^ o ■- co"^r^CN— coioi-^O— CO „ „ „ « M n CI M CI CO CO u\ 1 -auureSBK 3D1.U3S S -a 1 M 1^ U^ 00 1 1 •-. CI CO -* "Tso r^ &> 1 -muojv 1 1-1 CO lot^ cs i-i CO „ „ « CI ri CI CO CO CO -^ ■* lO 1 „ 1 ^ CO »^ r^ <^ i-* CO ^^ 1-. « CI M Cl CI CI CO CO CO CO to 1 1 lO -XiJajaEnO suv aui_^ « n co-^ >o m -MSiAa^ [EaiSoiodoiiiJuv 1-1 CI CO Tj- u-i\0 r-~ «^ 1 I 1 m -AvaiAaa 33U3PS JBindoa 1- ci CO -* "^^0 r~.00 0\ U-) -Xjapos uopuoT ci t1-vo 00 O ci Tl-\0 00 1-1 01 CI CI n CI CO CO CO CO CO Tt- So 1 -jSAjasqo iEn)D3[i3iui ►1 CO lO t^ CM-1 p) lO 1 -AiaiAa-a agpaoj puE auioH 1-1 CO ■* ^ 1 -XmiUOIM [EIU3UI1U03 M -"l-^ 00 M •jEg ajdmax r-.o CNCJ-voO « jrrj-u^ coO Cn ci lOoO ►- Tj- r^ g CO cococOTJ■'^Tl-u^"^ "^nO \0 ^ 1 -samEf jujes 1 ^'^n^^SS^^ t>3 O CI tJ-nO Cn - CO "2 r-. Cn CI cococococo^'^^^-* ID I 1 ^ -XjEnbip-a CI CO -^l- «0\0 r^oo Cs O to 1 1 ^ -AvsiAaji XiJauEn5 sniAUEa ] « o ro ■+ ^ 1 1 ^ -AiaiAa}! uojsog n M CO rr lOvO •AvaiAa^j IEuouE3aa2uo3 se panuijuo^ CO 1 1 * -XijaMEnS XjisiSAiua N -* ^ -aDuaps aAUEaioa-a " M CO ^ 1 -MSiAa-a X[jauEn5 [Euouem ^ f?c?crci CO CO CO CO CO -i- M 1 ^ 1 -auizEScj^ s.nEiiraiDEW M Tl-\0 CO O CI T}-vO CO O CI CI CI CI cococococortrj--^ M ro ■<*• "^\0 t-^OO Cn O 1-1 CI CO -^ lovo r^oo ON O " ci »Hi-ii-«i-ii--inMC1C4 CO •spjOAV pooo 6o~ " Tj-vO 00 O M ■'J-VO 00 O M n 1-1 n n M CI C4 CI CI CI cococococo-^tT-^ u-i r^ CT\ 1-1 coior^CM-i co lo I~^ On O N N CI CO CO 1 -^33 AV E 3="0 CO -XnnuojM [EopEoiamEiM i-i « M 1 to 1 XijajrenS lEaoiiKSajSaoo ►H M ro -^ "TO r^oo Cn O i- CI „«-,.-»-«-CI CO 1 -XiJawEnS s/aiJuag n M ~co CO •punoH -resA 3M' IIV « ro to r^ C\ — covo 00 O c» -^ CI CI cococococo-'t-^'^-^ CI T^O CO 1 -..- . 00 O CI TfvO 00 O CI Ti-\0 ^„««i-ii-iMCIMN 00 O CI -*0 OD O N tTnO 00 CI cococococoTf-^ia--^-Ov£> t-~00 CN O CI Tf\0 00 Cn O " CI CO w CI Cl CI N o CO ■3U1ZE3EIV IEDU05S!H 1-1 N ro-* "8* ■Xpnuoj/^ U3jnii3 UEDuauiv w CO 00 1 •Xjjsnpni JO -jnof UEtpEUE^ 1 11 M CO •* "^ vo r-.cO CN « CI • ■uonEOnpH JO (EUjnof uiy M CO "^ t^ CA CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CO M •AnaiAa-a lEuoijB.v; 1 1-1 CO "1 r-« ON ■-' coio r^ CN irt •jaauoij 1 M ■* * M ■anizESEW XimuojM s.mEuin j 1 N -"J-vO 00 o • 1-1 ci Tj-o e? 1 -MaiAa^ UBUaj;Cqsai CO tJ- "^*0 r-^cc C\ — CI CO -^ io\0 r^oo O CI c3 1 -MaiAsy XijaiJEnf) mdvj 1 1-1 c^ CO ■* tn\o r^oo O O M 1 -auIZESEM lEUOIlE.M 1 1-1 ci CO tJ- "^\0 r-^co C^ O ►- ci CO M CO Tf- lOiO 1^^ O Q LO ir^ w-i LO U-) ir^ u^ uovO OOC^CiOaOCOCOC/DCOCO — ci CO -* "TO r^oo Cn O vOvOOOvOOvO^OnO r^ cocococooooooocococ^ 1-. CI CO ■* u-inO t-^00 ON O i-i r^ i^ r^ i^ r^ r^ "^ "^^JS S co^^cocooooocoooooooco XXVI CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. O 'lEuanof iED!3o[odojmuv ►- M ro -^ inso r^oo Os M 1 1 O ■3m2v2vyi ujaiiinog OS 1-1 fO"^r^ 00 " "^ " " O -.{ijajjBnO UBJStjjnT 1-1 M ro -sj- Lovo r^oo On O 1-1 Ol 1 ania ^iJEQ « ro^ «> 1 , 1 M -^so OsM roiOr^OsM ro M |_ M M 1_ f) c^ M 1 1 •"^ C-) ro-4- lOvo r^oo ON O >o 1 , 1 0> -.([muom uuaj •"^ M CO Tt lOSO t^OO OS O M N 0» -.waN P"E pio M ■"i-so 00 O iH 0» -sjiHEM >H 1 1 C-1 tJ-so CO O cs| Tj-so 00 O CI -^ " " l-l M H. CI C) ct 0> XimUOIV 3p!S3>lT!'l M 1 1 rj Ti- SO CO Cs M 0» •Sew SuuaauiSuH oiiDapg ►- ro lOt^Os" couor^ONi-i com i-iMi-i>-ii-iC)C)0 M ( 1 0\ -XuaiJEnS UEUSIJUT Ml ■ ■ I p-H ri CO Tj- m\0 t^oo O 1 1 0\ '[EUinof s uojarddv M 1 I N Tl- so 00 O CI -^so CO O ci Tj-sD M 1-1 1-, M 1-. M C) CI CI o» 1 , 1 00 -jsiiodonqia uEDuamv M C) CO ■* loso r^oo "^ 00 1 -lEUjnof uopEiaossv ^ ] 3DU3PS lElOOg UEDIJ31UV w M CO ■<*• losO t^CO On O M 1 t^ 1 1 OO -sqo lEiUDaiiajui 7g juapnig « fO-* VO »o 1 , 1 00 -XimUOJ^ pUE[i3AO iH rom i^ OS 1-1 CO VO in 1 00 -Diwaing m3m ujaqinog se panui}uo3 ^ 1 00 -auizESEW s.jjoouiddn N -^VO 00 O M -^sO CO O ci Tl-sO 00 Mi_K,««NMnr)Cj 1 (A f^ 1 00 "JSS .W3U -SeIM S.UEU13HU30 ii roio r^ On 11 covor^ONi-i co vo i^ i_ii_ii_i-ii_NO)NN N 1 00 -XEMpEOig M 1 M T}-\D 00 O O W o U OO -suizeSejm s.Xsisuix n Tt-vo 00 O covor-^osii rovor^Os Mwi-iMwNMClNCI 00 -auizESBW s.inEj juiEg M 1 N -"i-vD Osi- COtJ- o> 1 t^ -sauas .«au 'MaiAS-jj 'mnog M 1 ■ w -^VO 00 O M -^rsO CO O M -^ >_Mi-ii-ii-iOMCt «> 1 ^N -Ximuoj^ uoiuiuioQ A\aM M 1 "I N rO"^ t^ON" covor^Os" W 1_ M « M M <: r^ 1 t^ -aAOT a,v\ poET IH 1 ci -^vo o o o ID 1 t^ -AqdosoiiHj -aadg jo [Eujnof M M ro Tt vosO 1^00 ON O " M CO ■* vn in 1 r^ -AvaiAa-^ lEuouESaiSuo3 Ml :^30 as o 1-1 -AsaiAa^ " uoisog uiojj panu!)U03 o 'it M •EiAEjSiag vo:>3 " ■* r^ O cosO Cs ci lo w " N N C) cocococo-^Tj- X U t^ AiaiASjj X[ja)jEn5 jsiidEg - f ) rr* vosO :^00 ON O " N 1 t~» -JSIIBJIIJEM UEDuamv M 1 « M mrj- vosO r^oo ON O "- o CO •'t VO t^ 'AvaiAaM MET uBDuauiv HI 1 w N rO-i XjEJOdmaiuo^ rosO Os M "^ M 1-1 i-< CO O N -^nO OO O COSO 00 o MNCJNMNCOCOCOCOTt m 1 I M ■+\0 00 O CI 1:^sO CO O M -^sO 00 O M „««■_• M CI MMOCOCO ^ 1 VO -DijoaiOH lEDiaoioaqx 1 1- t-1 ro ■* invO t^ CO •UOIJEJJ ►H n "^ t^ Os 1-1 coior-^ONi-1 cotor-,Os" co WMMWMC^CINNCOCO M 0) 1 *0 -auiOH IE sinoH M 1 i-< rotT) t^ On M *0 -MaiAa^ XuqSiuMoj N so CO O N -^ so CO O CI -^vO 00 O CI -rj-so — 1-iNMCICINCOCOCOCO iJ-)sO t^oo ON o VD so vO so so r^ OO CO CO CO 00 CO " CI CO Tt VOSO 1^00 ON O " r^r^r^r^r^r^r-^t^ t^co CO oococooocooooooococooo CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE SERIALS INDEXED. XXVU 13 H O W cu CO O U < u I— I O O ►J o o U C4 1 1 >-. «n ) -uo.jcDnpH 1 M 1 CO •.W3IA3JI uBuajXqsaJd "H N O 1 JJ* 1 (oSBDiqo) lElQ « N a 1 "- M 00 1 cj MsiAajj XiaawEn5 psuuoja-a •.«aiA3y Sjnqsj3D VO r>.00 -isj^ moij psnujiuo^ c^ c^ N t^ 1 N Tj-VOOO CJ 1 lEoinof jtreiqn M ro -* i^\0 M lAmjuui^ 3?uaps -dojoj-dns - N ^ ■* 1 « 1 MaiAsa lEOipe^ " CO 1 Cj •suizeSei^ EiuBAiXsuuaj ►1 N CO ■* I'l « 1 « -iOnjuao musajauifj rj ■<*-vOao O M 1 « -XjoisiH UEDUDtuy JO -Sen " N CO lO t^ o 1 M -sjadEj DOS isiH ujaqjnos CI -i^vo r^oo a\ a\ 1 « 1 PUIW ■I N CO -^ "^VO CO 1 ►J ASH XiaawEnO 3nom«3 mv •-< C) CO •* irivo t^ 1 M *5395UpJV UEDU3UIV « CI Tj-vOOO O >- O CO ■* to\0 ■^ 1 , M -XnijuoM UEDuaray s.jajjoj ^ „ « « w * 1 M -AiaiAay UEIJEJlUn CJ 1 CI Tj-vo 00 O CI Tf\0 tn 1 M -.waiAa-a fEuopEUJajui ►« CI ^o■o M 1 -Diiqnda-a PI TfvO ^s. H4 O 1 M aUIZESEJV [ESpDEJJ CI rf "^O r^ O 1 -XiMJuopM qsiJi i-i N CO Ti- loO r>.0O On 00 1 O *s »iM3f 'XiEnbijuv « 1 CJ -^ O -XiJauEnS UEiJ3iiCqS3J<{ ►H PI CO -^ ^i^vO to I O -Ximuojv aauapg jEindoj N 1 « cO"^t^C\"- ro»^r^a\ m 1 O •JS!IEUOUES3i3u03 1-1 M CO ■* \r>\0 ^ 1 O -XimUOM UE!pEUE3 W 1 CI -^vO 00 O Cl Tf \0 00 O CO 1 O -pjoDS^ ivDuoisiH UBDuamv N 1 "" N CO -Xiiiuioiv -mv s.JSMOj SB panuiiuoo M CO Tt LOO r~.0O CN O - r-~ i~^ t^ t^ r^ 1^ r^ i^oo CO 0000O000CO3C0000CO0O INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE. AARD-VARK ABERCROMBIE Aard-Vark, or Earth Hog. (E. Oustalct) Top. Sci. Mo. 14: 572. Aaron and Esther; or, Three Days in Rabbi Clausener's Life. Chamb. J. 39 : 53. Aaron's Rod in Politics. (A. W. Tourgee) No. Am. 132 : 139. Abailard, Pierre. Eel. M. 26 : 466. Same art. Liv. Age, 34: 39. — Am. Presb. R. 6 : 529. 7: 33. — and Bernard. (S. Sweetser) Bib. Sac. 17 : 43. — and Heloisa. Ed. R. 30: 352. — Westm. 32 : 146. — Eraser, 28: 86. — Anal. M. 14: 329. 15: 33. — So. Lit. Mess. 9: 17. — For. Q. 36: 257. — (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 88: 132. — (O. Delepierre) St. James, 14 : 304. — (K. F. A. Kahnis) Mercersb. 25 : 56. — (F. W. Roswell) St. James, 11: 361. — Eel. R. no: 329. — Lifcof. Westm. 96: 91. Sameart.Liv. Age, no: 3S7. — Sketch of. (Dr. Wolff) Mercersb. 8 : 124. Abandoned at Sea. (Lieut. Marneford) St. James, 10 : 85. Abattoir, Old Bull's Head. (C. C. Bucl) Scrib. 17: 421, Abattoir Management in Chicago. Pract. M. 5 : 255. Abbandonata; a Poem. Temp. Bar, 2 : 141. ^ Abbas Pacha of Egypt. (E. De Leon) Harper, 38 : 264. Abbaye aux Hommes at Caen. Chr. Obs. 69 : S36. Abbess of Ischia. (R. A. McLeod) Lippinc. 19 : 547. Abbess of JIarlow; a Poem. Once a Week, 22 : 100. Abbeville, France, Day at. (B. R. Parkcs) Once a AVeek, 14: 566. Same art. Catli. World, 3: 590. Abbey of Nuns in the Minories, London. (IL Fly) Arch. 15:92. Abbey Farm ; a Tale. Month, 2 : 69. Abbey Pieces. (J. Symons) Antiquary, 2 : 165. Abbey Tokens. Antiquary, 4 : 309. Abbey View. Liv. Age, 63 : 356. Abbeys and Cathedrals, Scottish. Quar. 85 : 103. AI)bo, Abbot of Fleury. Month, 2o: 163. 21: 28. Abbot, Abiel. Statement of Coventry Church Contro- versy. Gen. Repos. i : 145. — Obituary of. Mo. Rcl. M. 21 : 195. Abbot, Benjamin. (J. G. Hoyt) No. Am. 87: 119. Abbot, E. A. Sermons. Dub. Univ. 86 : 500. Abbot, John E. Life and Character. Chr. Disc. 2 : 32. Abbot Family in New England. (H. H. Barber) Unita. R. 12: 552. Abbot, The; or, Tlie Hermit of Niagara Falls. So. I-it. Mess. 6: 6S7. Abbot of Pinner, Storj' of; a Poem. (W. Jones) Bentley, 64: 134. 1 Abbot's Grange. The. (J. Gillies) Colburn, 150: 68-201. Abbot's Pool; a Tale. All the Year, 20: 545, 570, 589. Abbotsbury, Abbey Church at. (E. IL W. Duiikiii) An- tiquary', 2 : 2S5. Abbotsford. Ev. Sat. 11 : 224. — 0. & N. 4: 235. — and Newstead Abbey. (W. Irving) Tait, n. s. 2 : 414. Irving on. Mo. R. 137 : 225. — Notanda from. Gent. M. n. s. 2 : 5S6, 680. — Visits to. (S. E. Ferrier)Temp. Bar, 40: 329. Same art. Liv. Age, 120 : 689. Abbott, Jacob. Writings. (C. D. Pigeon) Lit. & Tlieo. R. 3: 83. — Chr. Exam. 18: 133. — (E. B. Hail) Chr. Exam. 21 : 306. — Young Christian Series. Metli. Q. 12: 60S. — Am. BIo. R. 4: 370. Abbott, John S. C. (H. O. Ladd) Cong. Q. 20: i. Abbott, Joseph. Cong. Q. 12: ^23- Abbreviations, Errata Recepta. (IT. Scadding) Canad. J. n. s. 9: 137. — for Feminine Names. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. 5 : 176. — for Male Names. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. i: 405. Abdallah and Saida. Fraser, 55 : 71S. Abdullah's Conversion to Christianity. (G. -Oxford) 0. &N. 3: 45. Abdel-Hassan ; a Poem. (B. R. Plumly) Atian. 5: 70. Abd-el-Kader. BIackw.50: 1S3. 65: 20. — Dub. I'liiv. 21 : 704. — (E. Clive) lientlfv, 20: S3. — Hogg, I : 397. Same art. Eel. M. 16: 267. — at Ambois. Bentley, 31 : 259. — Last Struggle of. Fraser, 37: 65S. Abd-cr-Rahman I. Dub. Univ. 23: 730. Abduction, A once Famous. All the Year, 24: 53. — of the O'Baungner. Once a Week, 30: 15-101. Abdul-Azi/ and his Successors. Inteniat. R. 3: 674. Abdul-Mcdjid, Sultan of Turkey. Benth?y, 35: 91. Abedncgo the Money-Leiidcr. (Mrs. Gore) Tait, n. s. 9: 143-762. .Same art. Ed. JI. 45: 629, 753. Abel Rees. (L. Wood) Tinsley, 18: 665. Abelard. See Al)ai]ard. Abencerage, Adventures of llie last. (F. Chateaubriand) West. J. 13: 220-434. Abeokuta and Daliome, Burton's. Lond. Q. 23: 4;2. Abercnrn, James, Duke of, with portrait. Dub. Univ. 84: 280. Abercrombii', John, with portrait. Hogg, 3: 145. Same art. Ell. M. 23: 426. — lutellectuiil Powers. Quar. 45: 341. — (W. Silsbec) Chr. Exam. 14: 43. — Am. Mo. R. 2: 403. ABERCROMBIE ABSENTEEISM Abercrombic, John. Man of Fcaith. (A. Alexander) Princ. 8: 51. — on Moral Feelings. (H. Hooker) Lit. & Theo. R. i : 256. — Am. Mo. R. 4: 330. Abercrombv, David. Treatise of Wit, 16S6. Cong. M. 8: 4Sf. Aberdare, Henry A. Bruce, Lord, with portrait. Colbiim, 167: 523. Aberdare Panic in London. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 19S. Aberdeen, City of. All the Year, 14: 3o.j. — Sharpe, 22 : 159. — Briice's Eminent Men of. Mo. R. 155: 579. — I'isli-People of. Penny M. 9: 369. — Philosophers of, one hundred Years ago. (J. Valen- tine) Macmil. 8: 436. — Schools of Industry. Chamb. J. 4: 305, 345. — Slain's Castle. (B. Murphy) Lippinc. 11: 646. — till thirty Years ago. (l3. Masson) Macmil. 9: 52. — Universities of. (D. C. Macdonald) Appleton, 20: 312. — Tait, 3: 182. Aberdeen, G. IL G., Lord. Ev. Sat. 11: 79. — and Pahncrston. Tait, n. s. 22: 65. — Ministry of, 1S54. Dub. Univ. 44: 131. Aberncthy, John. Colburn, 123: 403. — Eel. M. 30: 557. — Eel. R. 121: 409. — and Sir A. Cooper. Loud. (J. 4: 44. — and the Lancet. Loud. M. 11: 260. — Macilvain's Life of. Liv. Age, 39; 662. — Memoir of. Chr. Obs. 57: 460. — Sketch of. III. M. 2: 7S. Aberystwith. Lond. Soc. 14: 349. Abigail. Ei-aser, 72 : 34 1 . Same art. Liv. Age, 88: 457. Abigail Raj''s Vision. (J. F. Bowman) Overland, 8: 35S, Ability, Doctrine of. Am. Presb. R. 4: 578. 8: 177. — and Inability, Natural and moral. (E. Pond) New Eng. 13: 387. — and Obligation. Cong. M. 15: 135, 211, 2S5. — Natural. Bost. R. 3: 458. Abingdon. Penny M. 14: 388. — Churchwarden's Accompts of St. Helen's Parish. (J. Ward) Arch, i : 11. — Chronicles of Monaster}' of. Chr. Rem. 40: i. Abinger, James Scarlett, Lord. Blackw. 122: gi. — (C. H. Haill) Am. Law R. 12: 39. — and the Bar. Quar. 144: 1. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 3S7. Abington, Fanny Barton, as Lady Teazle. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 16: 19S. — Recollections of. Colburn, 52: 217. Abington, Mass., Churches and Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. 8: 149. Abipones, Dobrizhoffer's Account of. (R. Southey) Quar. 26: 277. — Eel. R. 35: 455. Abkhaasian Insurrection. (W. G. Palgrave) Cornh. 16: 501. Abnormales, L'; a Story. (V. Lapoukhyn) Lippinc. 25: 492. Aboard the "Constellation." All the Year, 7: 185. Aboard the "Promised Land;" a Tale. AH the Year, 15: 16. Aboard the " Sea Mew." Chamb. J. 46: 209-265. Abolition and Sectarian Jlobs. Dcm. R. 34: 97. Abolition JIartyrs of United States. (H. Martineau) Westm. 32: I. Abolition Proceedings. Bost. Q. i: 473. Abolition Rebellion in Ohio. (W. G. Day) So.M. 13: 208. Abolition Society of Maryland, 1787. Carey's Mas. 7: App. 6. Abolition Troubles. Niles's Reg. 49: 145. Abolitionism and Puritanism. Dem. R. 36: 79. — Conspiracj' of. Dem. R. 26: 385. Abolitionism, Political. (TaylerLewis) Am.WhigR.2: 3. — Present Aspect of. So. Lit. Mess. 13: 429. — Reflection for. Liv. Age, 31 : 90. — vs. Christianity and the Union. Dem. R. 27: i. — vs. the Union. Dem. R. 33: 2S9. Abolitionists. Dem. R. 16: 3. — American. Eel. R. 72: 154. — and Anti-Abolitionists. (M. L. Hurlbut) Chr. Exam. 24: 396. See also Anti-Slavery ; Emancipation ; Slavery. Aborigines of America. »See Indians. — of British Settlements. Chr. Obs. 37: 710. — Treatment of. Mo. R. 165: 16. Aborigines Protection Society, 1S38. Eel. R. 68: 319. Abou Hassan ; an Allegory. So. Lit. Mess. 7: 754. Aboukir, Battle of. Nat. Mag. 2: 297. About, E., with portrait. Appleton, 3: 664. — Bentley, 42: 588. — Nat. R. 11: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 66: 357. — (K. Cook) Lond. Soc. 27: 533. — Once a Week, 23: 122. — at Home. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy, 18: 254. — Etienne. So. M. 12: 63-340. — Germaine. Putnam, lo: 724. — King of the Moiuitains. (Comtesse de Bury) No. Am. 92: 283. — Blackw. 81: 449. — Madou. Colburn, 129: 210. — Notary's Nose. Dub. Univ. 64: 334. — Romance of the Landes. Liv. Age, 57: 894. — Trentc et Quarante. Bentley, 45: 472. — La Vieille Roche. Bentley, 58: 391. 59: 47. Same art. Ed. M. 66: 428. — Writings of. Eraser, 72: 58. — No. Brit. 44: 411. Same art. Liv. Age, 90: 67. — Dub. Univ. 64: 102. About Nothing. (W. E. Norris) Gent. M. n. s. 25: 619. About Sister Jaue. (Sirs. S. C. Hall) St. James, 4: 129. About to be married. St. James, 18: 379. Above Suspicion. (Mrs. J. H. Riddell) Lond. Soc. 26: 95-471. 27: 2-481. 28: 28-519. 29: 29. Abraham. (J. F. IMackarness) Good Words, 10: 337. — and his Day. (J. W. Thompson) IMo. Rel. M. 8: 114. — Covenant with. (T. R. Palmer) Bapt. Q. 5: 314. — (J. Priestley") Theo. Repos. 2: 396. and the New Testament Church. Am. Presb. R. 3: 529- — Historical Epoch of. (J. C. Moffat) Princ. 29: 391. — Life of. (J. H. Kurtz) Mercersb. 8: 131. — Position of, in Sacred History. Dan v. Q. 4: 611. — Promise to. (J. Priestlev) Theo. Repos. 4: 361. 5: 108. — (A. G. Gaines) Univ. Q. 13: 375. — (W. R. French) Univ. Q. 18: 363. — (S. Harris) Bib. Sac. 22: 79. — Religion of. (S. S. Hebbard) Univ. Q. 36: 341. — Traditions and Legends of. (W. F. Ainsworth) Col- burn, 167: 449. — Trial of. Chr. Mo. Spec. 5: 397. Abraham, — Abron, — Auburn; a Sliaksperian Excur- sus. (G. Lunt) Cath. World, 17: 234. Abraham's Sacrifice ; a Tale. (MM. Erckmann-Cha- trian) Temp. Bar, 31: 322. Abraham Scrimble's Will ; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 45: i. Abrantes, Ducliess d'. Jlemoirs. See Napoleon I. Abroad without Languages. Hogg, i : 257. Ahruzzi, Craven's Excursions in. Mo. R. 145: in. — Shepherds of. Penny M. 2: 106. Absalom, Revolt of. Good Words, 5: 265, 345. Absence ; a Poem. (L. Bushnell) Scrib. 5: 543. Absence of Mind. Chamb. J. 13: 61. Absent, To the ; a Song. Dub. Univ. 2: 8. Absent-minded Men. Ev. Sat. 11: 354. Absentee, To an. (T. Hood) Lond. M. 5: 375. Absenteeism. Ed. R. 43: 54. — Westm. 8: 70. — (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 10: 237. 19:516. 23:411. ABSENTEEISM ACADIA Absenteeism, Effects of, on Ireland. Dub. Univ. 35: 277. — McCulloch on. Lond. M. 14: 530. Absenteeism in Churches. (,J. S. Sevvall) Cong. Q. 4: 163. Absolute, The, Cousni upon Kant's Doctrine of. (F. A. Henry) J. Spec. Philos. 2: 82. — and the Infinite. (E.Y. Gerhart) Mercersb. 12: 265, 294. — Philosophy of. (C. W. Shields) Princ 34: 215. — (A. Russell) Coutemp. 17: 33S. Absolute Princes, Manners and Morals of. Ed. R. 41 : 2S7. Absolution. (M. Kieffer) Mercersb. 22: 212. — (A. P. Stanley) 19th Cent. 3: 183. — Chr. Rem. 17: 430. — and Confession. (A. C. Coxe) Am. Church R. 2: 573.— Lond. Q. 41: 370. — Pusey on. Dub. R. 20: 224. — Sacerdotal. (C. Hodge and A. Alexander) Princ. 17: 43- — Two Forms of. (D. A. Wasson) Chr. Exam. 85: i. Abstinence from Food. Penny M. 10: 63. — Place and Power of. (J. Muller) Ex. H. Leo. 12: 291. See also Fasting. Absurdity, Philosophy of. (W. E. McCann) Lippinc. 4: 81. Absyuth. St. James, 47: 156. Abu Ilamood's Mule : and the Cedars of Lebanon. Put- nam, 7: 264. Abu Taleb Khan, Travels of, 1799-1S03. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 13: 72. Abixl Hassan, Mirza. Penny M. 3: 407, 413. Abulfeda, Adventures of. New Eng. M. 8: 359. Abutments, Uniform Cross-Section and T. (W. Cain) Eel. Engin. 7: 453. Abyssinia. (C. Russ) Geog. M. 5: 228. — Brit. Q. 47: 179. — Chamb. J. 44: 660, 731. 45: 614. — Ev. Sat. 6: 50S. — Lond. Q. 29: 463. Same art. Eel. M. 70: 397, 59S. — Sharpe, 46: 2S1. — Mo. R. 126: 13. — Adule ; Gate of Civilization to. Colburn, 142: 127. — and the Blue Nile. Westm. 108: i8g. — and its Border-Lands. (E. P. Evans) Hours at Home, 5: 246. — and its People. Chr. Rem. 8: 227. — and Kordofan, Travels in. Westm. 42: 407. Same art. Liv. Age, 4: 195. — Artistic Jottings in. (W. Simpson) Good Words, g: 605. — Christian Empire in. (E. De Leon) Internal. R. 7: 671. — Cliristians of. Dub. R. 17: 105. — Church of. (J. A. Reubelt) Mercersb. 11: 594. — Dub. R. 53: 33. — Nat. Q. 21: 337. — Chr. Mo. Spec, i: 277, 325. Creed of. (A. Clarke) Meth. M. 49: 605. Holy Orders in. (E. E. Estcourt) Month, 20: 97, 3S4. — (J. Jones) Month, 19: 451. 20: 229. Hvmns and Prayers of. (J. M. Rodwell) Kitto, 38: 3S8. — Dufton and Baker on. (H. Kingsley) Fortn. 8: 547. — Dufton's Journey through. Bentley, 62: 4S7. — Egyptian Campaign in. Blackw. 122: 26. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 278. — Empire and Church of. Chr. Obs. 11: 621. — English in. (H. M. Alden) Harper, 37: 333. — English Expedition to, 1867. Colburn, 141: 127. — (I). T. Ansted) Intel. Obs. 12: 227. — (T. C. De Leon) Land We Love, 4: t,^;^. — (C. R. [Markhain) Macmil. 17: 435. 18: 87, 193, 289. — Blackw. 103: 349-72S. — Quar. 123: 510. — Westm. 89: 169. — Once a Week, 17: 536. — Tinslcj', i: 356. — Cornli. 17: 696. — Lond. Q. 32: 393. Rassam's Account of. Quar. 126: 299. Same art. Liv. Age, lOi: 451. — French in. Colburn, 118: 127. — From Tor to Massowah. Once a Week, 28: 192, 207. — Gobat's Residence in. New Eng. 8: 515. — Theo. and Lit. J. 4: 134. Abyssinia. Han-is on Highlands of Ethiopia. Mo. R. 163: 216. — in 1834. Eel. R. 63: 123. — Irenberg and Krapf's Travels in. Chr. Obs. 43: 751. Same art. Eel. M. i: 236. — Johnston's Southern. Eel. R. 81: 400. — Mo. R. 165: 254. — Kassala. Ev. Sat. 5: 88. — King Theodore. Chamb. J. 43: 726. Same art. EcL M. 68: i6g. — (A. d'Abbadie) Cath. AVorld, 7: 265. — (W. L. Gage) Putnam, 12: 85. — (G. Rey- nolds) Atlantic, 21: 701. — All the Year, 18: 392'. — Last Four Years in, 1S63-66. Argosy, 5: 1S2. — JIagdala. Ev. Sat. 6: 18S, — Mythical and Historical. St. James, 20: 422. 21:73. — Natural History of. Nature, 2: 29. — Nile Tributaries of. Macmil. 17: 145, Baker's. Colburn, 142: i. — Notes from. (H. A. Buretk) Lond. Soc. 13: 2S9, 453. — Parkyns's Life in. Blackw. 75: 128. — Dub. Univ. 43: 297. — Fraser, 51: 26. — Pearce's Adventures in. Mus. 19: 615. — Religion of. Lond. Q. 30: 317. — Religious State of, 1S12. Chr. Obs. 11: 197. — Royal Lady in. Bentley, 55: 540. — Riippell's Travels in. Ed. R. 74: 307. — For. Q. 28: 64. — Ed. R. 73: 306. — Salt's Travels in, 1S09-10. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 21 : 217, 404. — Shoa, New Christian Kingdom of. Penny M. 7: 367. Mission to. Dub. Univ. 24: 253. — Sport in. Dub. Univ. 88: 119. — Travels in. Lond. Q. 3: 42. Acacia, or Locust Tree. Penny M. 11: 145. Academic Culture, Schelling's Idea of. (T. Apple) Mercersb. 15: 290. Academical Education, Defects of. (C. Colton) Chr. Mo. Spec. 9: 578. — in England. (H. Brougham) Ed. R. 43: 315. Academical Errors. Mo. R. 85: ^2- Academical Histoiy of Mr. Chicken. Belgra. 24: 305. Academical Organization, M. Pattisou's Suggestions on. Fiaser, 80: 407. Academical Questions, Drummond's. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 7: 163. Academical Study in England, Organization of. Nature, 7: 72. Academical Test Articles. Ed. R. 88: 163. Academie Fran<,'aise. Colburn, 114: 39. — (M. Arnold) Cornh. 10: 154. — House. Words, 6: 300. Academies and (Jlassical Schools of New England. (C. Hammond) Am. J. Educ. 16: 403. — and Universities. (C. W. Ilacklcy) Putnam, 2: 169. — in New England, 1S30. Am. Q. Reg. 2: 231. 3: 2S8. — Iialian. St. Paul, 2: 79. — Literary Influence of. (M. Arnold) Cornli. lo: 154. — of Sciences. (E. D. Cope) Penn Mo. 7: 173, 640. — Relations of, to Colleges. (H. R. Edson) Cong. R. 11: 50. — Royal. Tait, 4: 454. Academy, Life at an. ]Mo. Rel. M. 45: 603. — of Design, New York, 1863. Contin. Mo. 3: 71^. — of Language and Belles Lettres. (E. Everett) No. Am. 14: 350. — Uto])ian. St. .Tames, 24: 521. Acadia, Early Jlissions in. (J. G. Shea) Catli. World, 12: 628, 826. — Land of the Mayflower. (Mrs. M. L. Rayne) Lake- side, i: 87. — Settlement of. M. Am. Hist. 2: 49. See Nova Scotia. ACADIAXS ACTOR Af-adian?, Banishment of. Clianil). J. 22: 342. Same art. Liv. Aj,'e, 44: 51. — (li. L. Daniels) Scrib. 19: 3S3. — (A. Harvey) C'anad. Mo. 18: t,3T- — Papers relating to. N. E. Kej^. 30: 17. — Winslow's Expedition against, 1755. N. E. Reg. 33: 383- Acadian Governor, An. See Vetch, Samuel. Acapulco. (F. F. Victor) Overland, 6: 214. Acari, Mites, Ticks, and other. (E. R. Leland) Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 502. Accents and Prosody, Odell on. Eel. R. 6: 994. Acceptance with God, Grounds of. Chr. Disc, i: 90. Accepted Play; a Story. (15. Webber) Tinsley, 26: 446. Accidents caused by runaway Horses, Prevention of. Pract. M. 6: 307. — Fatal, how far Preventible. Ed. R. 94: 9S. Same art. Liv. Age, 31: 49. Same art. Eel. M. 24: i. — Happy. Chamb. J. 51: 251. 53: 345. — in relation to Providence. (J. C. Kimball) Unita. R. 7: 41. ^ Law of. (G. A. Leakin) Hours at Home, 10: 215. — of Sublunary Immortality. Nat. Q. 28: 252. — or Providences. Bost. R. i : 63. — Steamboat and Railroad, compared, 1853. J. Frank!. Inst. 57: 299. — with Firearms. Chamb. J. 41: 756. 7- — Marbles of. (W. 11. Pater) Fortn. 33: 540. yEneas and Dido. Temp. Bar, 22: 88. yEneas Sylvius. See Pius IL, Pope. .iEnone; a Tale of Slave Life in Eome. Contin. Mo. 5: 287-619. 6: 10-610. yEolic Digamma, Histoiy of. (Ugo Foscolo) Quar. 27 : 39. Aerated Waters. Chamb. J. 9: 359. — Once a Week, 17: 80. — Pract. M. 7: 311. Aerial Exploration of Arctic Eegions. (W. I\L Wil- liams) Appleton, 24: 235. Aerial Navigation. (W. Pole) Fortn. 35: 75. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 310. — (E. C. Stedman) Scrib. 17: 566. — Harper, 2: 168, 323. — (H. Strait) Am. J. Sci. 25: 15. — (Sir G. Cayley) J. Frankl. Inst. 36: 132, 202. — Portfo.(Den.) 24: 324. — West. M. 3: 354. — Eel. E. 78: 51. — Tinsley, i: 238. — Lippinc. 10: 21, 146. — Westm. 48: 314. Same art. Liv. Age, 16: 433. — applied to Scientific Eesearch. (J. Glaislier) Good Words, 4: 219. — in France. Comh. 27: 336. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 353- See also Aeronautics; Balloons; Flying-Machines. Aerial Specters. Nature, 8: 227. Aerial Steam Carriage. Colburn, 67: 544. Same art. Eel. JIus. 2: 186, 307. Aerial Tides. (P. E. Chase) Am. J. Sci. 88: 226. See also Air. Aerial Vovagcs. Brit. (>. 54: 302. Same art. Liv. Age, iii:'3S7. Aerolites. (T. M. Hall) Pop. Sci. E. 5: 407. Same art. Cath. World, 4: 536. Same art. Eel. M. 68: 96.— (J. C. Cremony) Overland, 7: 32. — and Aleteorolites. Hogg, 8: 8. — and Shooting-Stars. (.J. Jamin) Canad. J. n. s. 9: 351. — and Stars. (W. L. Brown) So. M. 9: 18. — Fossil Thunder and Lightning. (G. P. Bevan) Once a Week, 10: 652. See also Meteors; Shooting-Stars. Aerolitics. (N. S. Maskelyne) Am. J. Sci. 86: 64. Aerometry. See Air-Meters. Aeronautical Science. (W. Clare) Eel. Engin. 3: 113. Aeronautics. (C. P. Leavitt) Eel. Engin. 12: 540. — (E. Gerner) Eel. Engin. 19: 439. — (B.W. Ball) Galaxy, 2: 52. — All the Year, 19: 2S1, 300. — Hogg, 6: 152, 163. — Nat. M. 3: 160. — 6tud. &, Intel. Obs. 2: 205. — Early. (J. Abbott) Harper, 39: 145. — Progress of. (F. W. Brearey) Pop. Sci. E. 15: 364. — Ecal and Fabulous. (Leigh Hunt) Colburn, 48: 49. See Aerial Navigation ; Balloons; Flying-Machines. Aeronauts, American. (W. O. Bates) Lippinc. 26: 137. Aerostatics. See Aerial Navigation. Aerostation. See Aerial Navigation. Aero-St«am Engine. (K. Eaton) Eel. Engin. i: 1109. yEschincs. Penny M. 2: 117. — Ancestry and Education of. (,J. E. Boise) Bib. Sac. 23: 565- — and Demosthenes. Ilesp. 3: 59. — and Eloquence. (D. Steele) Meth. Q. 23: 268. — Champlin's. (T. D. Woolsej^) Bib. Sac. 7: 426. yEschylus. (A. De Vere) Cath. World, 22: 209. — Cornh. 33: 27. — Dub. Univ. 36: 155. — Nat. Q. 7: i. — Agamemnon. Blackw. 30: 350. — (Trans, by T. Medwin) Fi-aser, 18: 505. Acting of, at Oxford, 1S80. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Nation, 30: 472. Blackie and Swanwick's Translation. Westm. 84: 361. Boj-d's and Symmons's Translations. Eel. E. 41 : 31. — Mo. E. 106: 113. Carnarvon's Translation. Quar. 147: 533. Felton's. (C. A. Bristed) Knick. 29: 543. 30: 260, 325, 374. — (F. Bowen) No. Am. 65: 239. — (T. Lewis) Knick. 30: 246. — Am. Lit. M. i: 27, 124. — Clir. Exam. 43: 140. Fitzgerald's. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 24: 310. Notes on. (G.T.Adler) Mercersb. 13: 252,418,551. translated. Chr. Eem. 15: 433. Translation from. Lond. M. 8: 262. — and his Tragedies. Penny M. 2: iS. — as a Eeligious Teacher. (B. F. Westcott) Contemp. 3: 351- — Blackie's. Dub. Univ. 36: 672. — Ed. E. 92: 173. — Blomfield's. Quar. 25: 505. — Butler's. Ed. E. 19: 477. — Mo. E. 9: 265. — Eel. E. 10: 997. — Cambridge Edition. Ed. E. 15: 152,315. — Chocphora;. Blackw. i: 147. — Westm. 68: 440. — (Trans, by T. Medwin) Fraser, 6:511. — Dante, and Milton. Tait, n. s. 20: 513, 577, 641. — Eumcnides; poetical translation. (M. J. Chapman) Blackw. 41 : 3S6. 45: 695. — (T. Medwin) Fraser, 9: 553- — Herbert's Translations of. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 69: 407. — Hermann's. Ed. E. 100: 80. — Lj'rical Dramas, Blackie's Translation of. Eel. E. 92: 436. Same art. Eel. M. 22: 50. — Meters of, Burney's. Eel. E. 18: 152. — Modern Criticism on. (E. Scott) Quar. 64: 370. — Miiller's. For. Q. 22: 407. — Orestea. (E. Scott) Quar. 70: 315. — Persians. (Trans, by T. Medwin) Fraser, 7: 17. — Potter's Edition of. Am. Mo. M. 4: 109. — Prometheus Bound. Blackw. 7: 679. — Cornh. 32: 298. — Penny M. 2: 2. and Hamlet. Chr. Eem. 17: 157. poetical translation. Blackw. 7: 679. — (M. J. Chapman) Blackw. 40: 721. — (T. Medwin) Fraser, 16: 209. — Blomfield's. Quar. 5: 203. — (P. Elmsley) Ed. E. 17: 211. ^SCHYLUS AFGHAN 1ST AX ^schylus. Prometheus Bound, Translation of . Dial, 3: 363- — Seven against Thebes, poetical translation. (T. Med- win) Fraser, 7: 437. — Shakspere, and Schiller. Blackw. 69: 641. — Stanley's. Quar. 3: 389. — Theology of. (W. S. Tyler) Bib. Sac. 16: 354. — Translations of. No. Brit. 16: 259. vEsop. Fables illustrated. (J. Hewlett) Colburn, 73: 13-563- 74: 70-642. 75: 6S-345. in Chinese. Mo. R. 156: 413. Aestel, Observations on. (J. Milles) Arch. 2: 75. Jilsthetic Culture. (H. N. Day) Am. Bib. Eepos. 3d s. 3: 524. — (C. A. Alexander) Knick. 24: 103. — (C. Z. Weiser) Mercersb. 18: 365. — of Athens. (W. S. Tyler) Bib. Sac. 20: 152. ^Esthetic Evolution in Man. (Grant Allen) Top. Sci. Mo. 18: 339. .(Esthetic Faculty, Topffer on. N. Eel. i: 355. -(Esthetic Influence of Nature. (S. Tyler) Chr. R. 2i: i. .(Esthetical Criticism applied to Works of Art. Eel. Mus. 3: 113. ^sthetical Study of Art. Brit. & For. R. 14: 512, -.Esthetics. Chr. R. 26: 5S5. — Am. Church Mo. 3: 442. — Am. Presb. R. 10: 26. — Comparative. (V. Lee) Contemp. 38: 300. — Fechner's. (J. Sully) Mind, 2: 102. — French. (E. Dowden) Contemp. 1 : 279. — Greek Philosophy of Taste. (Sir D. K. Sandford) Ed. R. 54: 39. — Hegel's. Brit. & For. R. 13: i. See also Art, Philo*:ophy of. — in Common Life. (H. Pearce) Dub. Univ. 84: 579. — Moral. (J. Atkinson) Princ. 24: 3S. — Notes on. (P. G. Haracrton) Portfo. 10: 120-194. — of Human Character. (J. Sully) Fortn. 15: 505. — Physiological, Grant Allen's. (J. Sullj' and Grant Allen) Mind, 2: 387. — (W. James) Nation, 25: 1S5. — Plea for. Art. J. 16: 74. — Practical. Brit. Q. 71 : 82. — Science of, Is there a? (G. S. Ilall) Nation, 29: 380. — Vischer's. (B. Sears) Bib. Sac. 16: 469. .(Estheticism, Modern. Mr. Cimabue Brown on the De- fensive. Belgra. 45: 2S4. Gospel of. Nation, 33: 357. Estivation and its Terminology. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. no: 339. — Variation in. (W. J. Bcal) Am. Natural. 11: 257. .(Ethelwold's Benedictional ; MS. of loth Century. (J. Gage) Arch. 24: i. Ether. See Ether. ^Ethiopia. See Ethiopia. vEtna, Mt. See Etna, Mt. Etna, Classical Poem, Munro's Edition of. (J. Davies) Contemp. 8: 535. Affair of the Red Portefeuille. Lond. Soc. 16: 481. Affair of the Villa. (W. J. Stillman) Overland, 3: 230. Affair Simpson ; a Story. Fraser, 102: 743. Affectation. So. Lit. Mess, i: 365. — Male and Female. Fraser. 14: 440. — Thoughts on. (.T. Foster) Eel. R. 5: 142. Affectations, Feminine. Ev. Sat. 6: 59. Affections, Doctrine of. Am. Bib. Repos. 3d s. 2: 445. — Edwards on. Chr. R. 6: 492. — Immortality of. (C. Follen) Chr. Exam. 8: 115. — Religious. Chr. Obs. 2: ^27> 596- Affirmations. Cath. World, 15: 77, 225. Affirmative, The. (L. Knatchbull-IIugcssen) Macmil. 22: 47. Same art. Liv. Age, 105: 7S4. Affixes. (W. H. Browne) So. M. 8: 501. — to English Words. (E. Schuyler) Nation, i : 2S3. Afflicted, Manual for. (F. W. P. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 15: 153. Afflicting Providences, Merciful Design in. Chr. Obs. 45: 265. Affliction. Chr. Obs. 11: 203. 52: 727. — Sanctifying Efficacy of. Chr. Obs. 38: 145, 209. Afghanistan. (H. W. Bellew) Cornh. 6: 70S. — Blackw. 49: 2S1. 56: 133. 126: 601. — Dub. Univ. 19: 645. — Quar. 78: 249. — Fraser, 26: 493, 505. — Ed. E. 150: 587. — Geog. M. i: i. 5: 256. — Nature, 19: 40.— Penny M. II : 324, 361. — Mo. R. 159: 164. — Ancient Buddhist Remains in. Fraser, 101: 1S9. — and the Afghans. (W. F. Butler) Good Words, 20: 39. — and Herat. Blackw. 95: 462. — and India, 1843. Blackw. 52: 100. — and Scinde, 1845. Westm. 41: 521. — Blunder in, 1850. Chamb. J. 17: iiS. — Bolan Pass. Geog. M. 5: 301. — Border of. Blackw. 1I8: 60. Same art. Liv. Age, 126: 283. — British, Mischievous Activity- in, 1S71. (.J. W. S. Wyllie) Fortn. 13: 27S. — Captivity of English in. Tait, n. s. 10: 512. — Coins and Antiquities of. For. Q. 29; 275. — English in, 1841. Dem. R. 12: 629. — Ethnology of. (A. H. Keaue) Nature, 21: 276. — Expedition to, 1S40. Blackw. 47: 241. — Furrier's Travels in, Ed. R. 105: 266. — in 1872. Ed. R. 138: 245. — in 1881. Westm. 115: 172. — Mohan Lai in, 1847. Blackw. 60: 539. — Native Gentleman of. All the Year, 43: 487. — Notes on. (E. Clarke) Macmil. 39: 171. — Passes of. Geog. M. 5; 277. — Poetry of. Westnl. 78: 27S. — Races and Rulers of. Fraser, 100: 534. — Refugees from, Tw^o. (II. S. Edwards) Macmil. 29: 232. — Russian Advance on, 1870. (.1. W. S. Wyllie) Fortn. 12: 585. — Lady Sale's Journey in. Eel. M. 2: 225. — Succession in, 1879. (E. Bell) Fortn. 21 : 824. — Through. All the Year, 43: 469. — Tribes of. Westm. 92: 438. — War in, 183S-39. Dub. Univ. 57: 530. — Dub. R. 12: 386.— Mus. 38: 2S7. 40: 119. Havelock on. Mo. R. 153: 195. Outram on. Mo. R. 152: 587. — War in, 1841-43. Dub. Univ. ig: 645. 20: 327, 450. 21: 125. — Tait, n. s. lo: 370-521. — Chr. Rem. 5: 606. British Overthrow in. Mus. 45: 619. Causes of. Mo. R. 159: 413. Disasters in. Brit. & For. R. 14: 3S4. — Westm. 39: 475. — Mo. R. 161: 109. Evacuation of Afghanistan. Blackw. 53: 266. — Eel. Mus. 2: 195. Greenwood's Campaign in. Mo. R. 164: 143. Gen. Xott's Service in. Quar. 78: 463. Results of. Blackw. 50: 161. — War in, 1S52. Dub. Univ. 44: 297. — Fraser, 44: 537. — Brit. Q. 15: 220. Kaye's History of. Quar. 91 : 11. — New Q. i : iS. — War in, 1879-S0. (JI. Williams) Contemp. 34: 261. — (R. D. Osborn) Contemp. 36: 193. 38: 434. — (H. James, jr.) Nation, 27: 29S. — (E. L. Godkin) Na- tion, 28: 44, 64. 31 : 152. — (S. W. Williams) Ncw Eng. 38: 05.— Brit. Q.69: 157. — Dub. R. 84: 95. (W. Miiito) 19th Cent. 5: i;2. and Sir Stafford Northcote. (M. E. G. Duff) Fortn. 31: 131. AFGHANISTAN 10 AFRICA Afghanistan, War in, Candahar Campaign, 1880, Ed. R. 152: 57S. — Nation, 31: 89. Crisis of 1S78. (H. E. Rawlinson) 19th Cent. 4: 969. — Macmil. 39: 369. Imbroglio of 1878. (M. Maccoll) Gent. M. n. s. 21 : 653- Martial Law at Cabid. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 32: 767- 33: 435- Ministerial Misstatements on. (Duke of Argyll) Contemp. 37: 492. Note-Book of a Staff Officer. Blackw. 127: 364, 464. Rawlinson on. (A. C. J. Gustafson) Internat. R. 6: 443. Reflections on, Sept. iSSo. (Sir A. Ilobhousc) Fortn. 34: 381. Relations with England preceding. Wcstm. iii: III. Results of. (Sir H. C. Rawlinson) 19th Cent. 6: 377. — (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 29: 23, 55, 222. Sitiiation in 1879. (1^- D. Osborn) Nation, 29: 343. — Nation, 30: 24. Situation in February, 1S80. (Sir H. C. Rawlin- son) 19th Cent. 7: 197. Stewart's March from Citndaliar to Cabul. Macmil. 44: 53- Viceroy and the Amir in 1879. Brit. Q. 69: 157. Afoot. Blackw. 81: 434-711. Africa. Blackw. 49: 109. — (Mrs. Pethcrick) Blackw. 91: C73. — Sharpe, 13: 221. — Mus. 41: 370. — Meth. Q. 36": 5. — Adams's Voyages to. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 29: 50S. — Address on. (D. Livingstone) Eel. M. 63: 373. — Ali Bey in. Colburn, 3: i. — Amu Darya River, Cause of its Change of Course. (IL Wood) Nature, 11: 229. Expedition to. Nature, II : 29. Region of. (N. P. Barbot de Marny) Geog. M. 2: 362.- (H. Wood) Geog. M. 3: 22. — and the Africans. (E. W. Blyden) Fraser, 98: 178. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 385. — and Arabia, Boteler's Voyage to. Ed. R. 61: 342. — Mo. R. 137: 153. — Andcrsson's Explorations in. (B. J. Wallace) Am. Presb. R. 10: 493. — Harper, 14: 289. Lake Ngami. Bentley, 39: 61. Okovango River. (A. H. Guei-nsev) Harper, 24: 28. — Antiquities of, Ortholithic. (A. H. Rhind) Arch. 38: 252. Ruined Cities in. Liv. Age, 76: 280. — , Arabia, and Madagascar, Surveys of. Quar. 50: 121. — Back Window in. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 12: 293. — Baldwin's Travels in. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 26: 577- — Beechey's Expedition to Coast of, 1821-22. Eel. R. 47: 329. — Blameless Ethiopian. (.T. Hutton) Belgra. 4: 225. — Blockade of Coast of. Westm. 52: 500. — Books on. Eel. R. 121: 128. — Browne's Travels in, 1792- Eel. R. 5: 3S5 — Burckhardt's Travels in. (E. Wigglesworth) No. Am. 40: 477. — Caillie's Travels in. For. Q. 6: 97. — Cameron's .Journey across. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 54: 866. — (H. James, jr.) Nation, 24: 209. — Brit. Q. 65: 426. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 259. Same art. Eel. M. 88: 654. — Chamb. .1. 54: 214. — Na- ture, 13: 202. 15: 277. — Canad. Mo. 12: 31. — Geog. M. i: 177. — Cameron, Vernon, and Livingstone in. (A. J. H. Crespi) Colbuin, 159: 57. iVfrica, Central. (.1. H. Speke) Blackw. 86: 339, 674. — Blackw. 89: 440. — (Sir. J. Barrow) Quar. 31: 445. — Ed. R. 141: 209. — Chamb. J. 19: 13. 53: 36:, 374. — Quar. 42: 450. — (E. de Laveleye) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. i: 146. — Mo. R. 144: 39. Adventures in. Chamb. J. 26: 157. Same art. Liv. Age, 51: 145. Alexander's Discoveries in. Tait, n. s. 5: 727. Sir S. Baker's Explorations in. (S. S. Conani) Harper, 50: 233. — Ed. R. 124: 151. — No. Brit. 44: 368. — (.J. T. L. Preston) So. R. n. s. 2: 330.— Penn Mo. 6: 436. Barth and Livingstone on. (D. C. Gilman) New Eug. 16: 347. Barth's Travels in. See Africa, Northern and Cen- tral. Bowditeh's Mission to Ashantee. Portfo.(Den.) 22 : 216. Burton's Gorilla-Land. Appleton, 15: 225, 258. Burton's Lake Regions of. (C. Nordhoff) Harper, 21: 622.— Brit. Q. 32: 389. — Liv. Age, 66: 4S9. — Theo. &Lit. J. 13: 642. Douville's Travels in. For. Q. 10: 163, 541. — — Du Chaillu's Travels in. Ed. R. 114: 212. — Quar. 122: 406. Same art. Liv. Ago, 93: 675. — (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 35: 219. — (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 93: 574. — Harper, 38: 164. — (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 40: 201. — (B. J. Wallace) Am. Presb. R. 10: 146. — Colburn, 122: 1S6. — Liv. Age, 70: 3,306. — Lond. Q. 17: 73. — New Q. 10: 451. Earl}' History of. Mus. 42: 334. Geography of, with map. Blackw. 19: 687. Geology of East. (.J. Thomson) Nature, 23: 103. Col. Gordon in. Ed. R. 154: 546. — Nation, 33: 97. Gorilla Country of. Eel. R. 113: 578. Heroes of. Dub. Univ. 78: O94. illustrated. (L. P. Brockett) Appleton, 5: 121, 164. laid open, 1864. Colburn, 130: 127. Lake Region of. (D. C. Gilman) New Eng. 21 : 14. — Colburn, 130: 253. Latest Travels in, 1S81. Month, 42: 183, 447. Letters from. (G. Schweinfurth) Nature, 3: 215. Livingstone's Travels in. Quar. 138: 498. — Har- per, 16: 304. — Eel. R. 106: 505. — (W. M. Rey- nolds) Evang. R. 10: 130. — Am. J. Sci. 99: 14. — Geog. M. 2: 14. — Liv. Age, 52: 769. — Irish Q. 7: 1165. — So. Lit. Mess. 26: 134. — Tinsley, 11: 59. — Theo. & Lit. J. 10: 637. — Brit. Q. 27: 105. Livingstone's Last Expedition. (A. II. Guernsey) Harper, 32: 709. Livingstone's Last Journals. (S. S. Conant) Har- per, 50: 544. — Nature, 11: 142, 182. Livingstone's Second Expedition. Clir. Ob-:. 66: 520. Livingstone's Work in. Nature, i: 72, 240. 9: 444. . Long's Naked Truths. Nature, 14: 521. Missions in. See Africa, Missions in. Mungo Park's Mission to, 1805. (.J. Foster) Eel. R. 22: 205. — Quar. 13: 120. Nvassa Lake, Countrv round. (A. Bellville) Geog. M.'s: 76. Progress of Discovery in, 1S77. Colburn, 160: 503. Recent Researches m, 1857. Nat. R. 5: 21. Recent Travels in, 1862. Dub. R. 51 : 428. Recent Travels in, 1881. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 2: 94. Richardson's Mission to. (G. E. Ellis) Chr. Exam. 54: 469. — Ed. R. 98: 163. Richardson's and Barth's Expeditions, 1850. Westm. 62: 280. AFRICA 11 AFRICA Africa, Central, Schweinfurth's Travels in. (E. L. God- kin) Nation, 19: 184. — (H. S. Conant) Harper, 48: 772. 49: 16. — Intcrnat. R. 2: 112. — Nature, 9: 340. — Month, 21: 257. — Canad. Mo. 6: 439. South. (A. G. Knight) Mouth, 34: 14. Stanley in Lake Ilegion of. Geog. M. 5: 145. — (E. King) Scrib. 5: 105. Stanley's Through the Dark Continent. Ed. R. 147: 166. — (J. R. Young) Harper, 57: 667. — Na- ture, 14: 373. 18: 175. — Lond. Q. 51: 313.— Lond. Soc. 34: 449. — Geog. M. 3: 245. Stanley's Voyage down the Congo. (A. H. Guern- sey) Appleton, 19: 130. Thomson's Travels in. (F. A. Edwards) Gent. 51. n.s. 26: 347. — Nature, 24: 353. — Nation, 33: 156. To Usambara and back . (.J . Thomson) Good Words, 22: 36. — Civilization of. Ed. R. 72: 241. — (J. McQueen) Blackw. 20: S72. — LJlackw. 21: 596. — Westui. 15: 507.— Mus. 42: 53. and the Cotton Trade. (.J. P. Thompson) New Eng. 19: 829. — Clapperton's Second Expedition to. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 39: 143. — Westm. 11: 69. — Eel. R. 49: 161. —Mo. R. 118: 215. 121: 286. — Mus. 14: 506. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 4: 214. — Coast of, Life on. Chamb. .J. 43: 801. — Colonization in. (W. G. T. Shedd) Bib. Sac. 14: 622. — For. Q. g: 145. — Internat. M. 3: 397. by the " Friends of the African." Quar. 82: 153. See Colonization; Liberia; Sierra Leone. — Commerce with. Fraser, 43: 30. Same art. Liv. Age, 28: 410. — Condition of. De Bow, 24: 300. — Corrj''s Account of. Chr. Obs. 6: S06. — Cumming's Hunter's Life in. See Africa, South, Cumming's. — Debt to ; the Hope of Liberia. (A. N. Bell) Am. Church R. 36: 85. — Denham's Travels in. Colburn, 16: 497. — Eel. R. 43: 404. — Denham and Clapperton's Travels in. Westm. 5: 331. — Lond. M. 15: 217. — Meth. M. 49: 3S0. — Discoveries in. Quar. 109: 496. Same art. Liv. Age, 69: 541. — Quar. 17: 299. — (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 33: 518. — (D. Ansted) Macniil. 4: 63. — Ed. R. 27: 297. — Irish Q. 7: 504. — Mo. R. 85: 126. no: 18.— Am. Meth. M. 9: 339. History of. House. Words, 2: 400. Old and New. (.J. Gerard) Month, 34: 454. Progress of. Penny M. 8: 41, 54. Recent, 1S26. Ed. R. 44: I7^ , 1S58. (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 86: 530.— Dub. R. 44: 158. 45: 168. , 1863. (.J. K. Wight) Princ. 35: 238. , 187S. (.J. Gerard) Mouth, 32: 385. — Geog. M. 5: 1S8. Results of. (Sir R. Alcock) Macniil. 37: 85.— Temp. Bar, 9: 108. — Du Chaillu's Travels in. See above .\frica, Central. — Early Expeditions to. Metii. 51. 58: 116. — East, Burton's First Footsteps in. Blackw. 80: 489. — Dub. R. 41: 27. — New Q>. 5: 442. Eciuatorial. Lond. Q. 40: 311. Isaac's Travels in, 1836. Mo. R. 140: 416. Krapf's Travels in. No. Brit. 33: 268. Same art. Eel. M. 51: 224. Krapf and McLeod's Travels. Colburn, 19: 344. Lake Regions of. Coll)urn, 120: 100. Livingstone's Travels. Westm. 85: 178. McLeod's. Brit. Q. 31: 32S. Same art. Eel. M. 50: 459. Africa, East, Recent Discoveries in. Lond. Q. 15: 30. Travels in. (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 92: 326. — (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 58: i. — Eel. M. 2: 534. — For. Q. 33: 43. — Eastern Coast of. Commerce with. Hunt's, 16: 29. — Echoes from. (E. W. Blyden) Meth. Q. 40: 88. — Equatorial. (E. B. Boggs) Am. Church R. 31 : 60. — (E. Wentworth) Meth. Q. 40: 232. — Exploration and ilission Work in. (F. Arnold) Brit. Q. 72: 3S9. — Explorers and Organizers of. Lond. Q. 57: 104. — Explorers of . (W. W. Reade) Nation, 4: 377. — (L. Oliphant) No. Am. 124: 383. — Futiu-e of. Civilization in. (G. Rawlinson) Princ. n. s. 8: 171. Stanley's Discoveries and. Ed. R. 147: 166. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 48S. — Geographical Researches in. (G. Smith) Ex. H. Lee. 13: 107. — Geograpliicai Discover)' and Research in, 1863. No. Brit. 39: 357. Same art. Liv. Age, 79: 553. — Geography of. Blackw. 31: 201. — German Explorations in. (W. Wells) Meth. Q. 32: ■;■;. — Gold Coast of. See Gold Coast. — Hareem of. Cornh. 23: 726. — Hiniadu, or Snowy Mountains of . Colburn, 127: 127. — Holub's Travels in. Nature, 24: 35, 58. — Interior of. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 31: 445. — Ed. R. 49: 127. Robert Adams's Account of. See Adams, Robert. — Journal in. (.J.- C. Brent) Knick. 32: 412. 33: 116, 206, 334. 34: 127, 227, 300. 35: 105, 377. — Journey across. (V. L. Cameron) Good Words, 17: 417-&26. Same art. Liv. Age, 130: 176-629. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 223-58S. — (V. L. Cameron) Geog. M. 3: 141. — Ladies and Slaves in. Victoria, 19: 447. — Laird and Oldiield's Expedition into. Ed. R. 66: 326. — Lander's Travels in. Meth. M. 55: 415. — Am. Meth. M. 15: 39. — Languages of. Month, 43 : i . — Livingstone's Travels in. See Africa, Central. — 51 'Queen's Geographical Survey of. Mo. R. 153: 4S7. — 5Iatabele Tribes of. (A. Campbell) Canad. 5Io. 9: iS. — ilissionary Enterprise in Equatorial. (A. Bushnell) Good Words, 2: 623. — Missionary Explorations in Central. (R. Babcock) Chr. R. 22: 422. — Missionary Labors in Sonth. (R. Moffat) Tait, n. s. 9: 528, 597. — Eel. R. 74: 269. 5Ioffat's. Brit. Q.^14: 106. — Lond. Q. 41: 40. — Mo. R. 158: 343. — Missionary Travels in South. Quar. 13: 309. 27: 364. Livingstone's. Colburn, in: 432. — Missions in. Mo. Rel. 51. 28: S3. — Chr. Rem. 4: 6^6. Episcopal. (II. R. Scott) Am. Church K. 30: 304. ni Central, Catholic. Dub. R. 84: 1S2. 88: ^94. 89: 144. Openings for. (S.J. Douglass) New Eng. 26 : 425. Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin. 5IacmiI. 4: 163. Same art. Liv. Age, 70: 1S2. in South. Ed. R. 94: 591. — Brit. Q. 14: 106. — Lond. (). 41 : 332. Catliolic. bub. R. 11 : i. — (A. Wilmot) 5Ionth, 33: ;<■• 36: 3"9- in West. (E.W. Blyden) Frasor, 94: ^04. Same art. Liv. Age, 131: 42V — (J. L. Wilson) Princ. 30: 4^,6. onEastCoast. (C.G. Hodson)Cafh. Worid, 26: 411. Prospects of. Mercersb. 12: 626. — (A. Caswell) Bap. (^ 9: 364. — JloUior's Travels. 5Io. R. 95: 269. — 5IoraI Discoveries in. N. Ed. 6: 162. AFRICA 12 AFRICA Africa, Moral Discoveries in, Notes on. (L. C. Johnson) N. Eel. 7: 590. — Mtesa, Kinf?, and his Country. (W. F. Ainsworth) Colburii, 158: 167. — Nachtigall's Travels in. Geog. M. 2: 178. — (E. G. Kavenstcin) Geog. M. 1 : 277. — Negro and Wliite Man in. Nat. Q. 9: 135. — Night of Terror in. Temp. Bar, 43: 68. Same art. Liv. Age, 124: 36. Same art. Eel. M. 84: 194. — North. Mo.K. 97:487. 115:478. — Culburii, 120: 127. and France. (Earl De la ^\'arr) 19th Cent. 10: 448. and the Niger, Lyons's. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 25: 25. — Eel. R. 34: 23. SirS. Baker's Travels in. Appleton, 12: 737, 769,803. Barth's Travels in. Ed. K. 109: 337. — Brit. Q. 26: 382. — Eel. R. 108: 207. — (D. Curry) Meth. Q. 21: 287. — Colbuni, no: 127-348. 114: 107. — Liv. Age, 59: 368. — Eel. M. 43: 101, 206. — Lond. Q. 13: 354. — Putnam, 10: 296. — New Q. 7: 253. — Theo. & Lit. J. 11: 294. 13: 390. Day in. (T. B. Aldrich) Harper, 63: 241, 346, French in. Nation, 32: 363. 33: 228. Languages of. Prosp. R. 3: 461. M'Queen on. Colburn, 4: 476. Military Life in. Blackw. 68: 415. Sketclies in. Peop. J. 4: 143, 191. 5: 41. — Northeast, Tribes and Languages in. (C. T. Beke) Ed. New Philos. J. 47: 265. — Old Maps of. Nature, 18: 149. Same art. Liv. Age, 138: 56. — Owen's Voyages to. Eel. R. 58: 181. — Physical, Historical, and Ethnological. (R. Williams) Univ. Q. 25: 164, 439. 27: 5. 28: 412. 29: 334. 30: 25. — Pinto's Journey across, 18S1. Nature, 24: 215. — Nation, 33: 53. — Portuguese Discovery in. Colburn, 137: 490. — Portuguese in. Cornh. 25: 408. Same art. Eel. M. 78: 651. — Westm. 16: 243. — Prince Piickler Muskau in. (R. Ford) Quar. 59: 133. — Races of. (V. L. Cameron) Anthrop. J. 6: 167. — (E. W. Blyden) Eraser, 88: 178. — (E. H. Sears) Chr.. Exam. 41 : 33. — Ed. R. 58: 4S0. — Irish Mo. 9: 299. Ancient. (C. Morris) Nat. Q. 23: 296. Heeren on. Eel. R. 55: 225. and their Religions. Chr. Rem. 47: 261. of Equatorial. Westm. 76: 137. of Soutli. Penny M. 7: t^, 84. — (A. Wilmot) Month, 27: 66. Ethnological Curiositieg from. Once a Week, 21: 201. Fritseh's. (E. B. Tylor) Nature, 9: 479. of West. (J. L. Wilson) Princ. 27: 193. Natives of old Calabar. (W. F. Daniell) Ed. New Philos. J. 40: 313. People of the Gold Coast, Characteristics of. (AV. F. Daniell) Ed. New Pliilos. J. 52: 2S9. 53: 120,333- Sons of Ham. Cornh. 27: 5S1. Same art. Liv. Age, 117: 748. — Reade's Travels in. (C. Nordhoff) Harper, 29: 2S1 . — Anthrop. R. 2: 123. — Romer in ; Mayo's Kaloolah. Blackw. 66: 172. — Savage Life in. Ho. & For. R. i : 129. — Sketches in, Pringle's. Mo. R. 134: 520. — South. Ed. R. 149: 534. Same art. Liv. Age, 141: 515.— Quar. 55: 39. 108:120. 147: 552.— Westm. 23: 415.— Tait, n. s. 24: 178. — Meth. M. 59: 517. — Am. Q.Reg. 5: 46.— Mus. 16: 424. Eel. M. 9: 225. Along the Coast of. (A. W. Drayson) St. James. 12: So. Africa, South, and Wm. Shaw. Lond. Q. 44: 266. Barrow's Travels in. Ed. R. 4: 443. 8: 432. Basuto Parliament. (F. B. Gknville) Gent. M. n. s. 17: 428. Boers at Home. (J. J. Muskett) Contemp. 39: 506. British. (J. A. Froude) Fortn. 32: 449. — Eel. R. 97: 49. and England. (E. D. J. Wilson) 19111 Cent. 2: 230. Colonial Life in. All the Year, 26: 48. Government Policy in. (Lord lilachford) 19th Cent. 6: 264. — Quar. 143: 105. — (Earl Grey) 19th Cent. 5: 583. History of. Westm. 91 : 307. in 1876. Ed. R. 145: 447. /See also Cape Town ; Good Hope, Cape of. British Power in. (J. J. Talbot) Penn Mo. 10: 608. Biirchell's Travels in. Eel. R. 35: 505. 39: 493. — Lond. M. lo: 277. — Mo. R. 99: i, 143. 105: 113. Campbell's Travels in, 1812. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 22: i35> 305- Colonists and Savages in. (A. G. Knight) Mouth, 40: 60. Confederation of. Lond. Q. 56: i. Cumniing's Hunter's Life in. Quar. 88: i.--(F. Bowen) No. Am. 71: 359. — Blackw. 68: 231. — Eel. R.92: 476. Same art. Eel. M. 22: 25. — Chamb. J. 14: 72. — So. Lit. Mess. 17: 199. — Hogg, 5: 412. — Internat. M. i: 21S. Diamond Fields of. Ste Diamonds. Dutch in. Cruelty of. Meth. M. 44: 127. Explorations in. (D. Curry) Moth. Q. 22: 62. Few Months in. (E. Napier) Colburn, 82: 21-456. 83: 51-497- 84: 69-430. Four Years in. Westm. 12: 232. Gallon's Explorations in. Liv. Age, 38: 225. Gold Fields of. Colburn, 143 : 4S9. See also Gold. Holub's Travels in. Nation, 32: 42S. How to get out of Difficulties in. (F. R. Statham) Fortn. 35: 285. in 18S0. (Earl Grey) 19th Cent. 8: 933. L'rigation in. Chamb. J. 55: 141. Latrobe's Visit to, 1815-16. Chr. Obs. 19: 243. — Eel. R. 28: 401. Letters from. (Lady Barker) Lippinc. 17: 226-755. 18: 96-728. 19: 109. — Eel. M. 86: 411, 542. 87: 621. Letters from. Colbuni, 17: 481. 19: 69. Liehtenstein's Travels in. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 8: 374. —Ed. R. 21: 50. — Eel. R. 17: 369. Life and Scenes in. Westm. 69: i. Livingstone's Travels in. Chr. Rem. 35: 130. — Eraser, 57: 118. — Tait, n. s. 24: 721. 25: 40. — Liv. Age, 55: 802. 56:1. — Lond. Q. 9: 431. Same art. Eel. M. 43: 317. See also Africa, Central. Management of Native Tribes of. (B. Ke^') Con- temp. 39: 516. Men and Brutes of. (J. H. Perkins) No. Am. 68: 265. Slethuen's Wanderings in. Liv. Age, 11: 153. Moodie's Ten Years in. Mo. R. 137: 66. Past and Present. (W. F. Butler) Good Words, 17: 52-231. Phillips's Researches in. Eel. R. 47: 3S5, 527. — Mo. R. 116: 506. Physical Features of. Brit. Q. 12: 338. Pringle and Moodie on. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 55: 74- Progress of Discovery in, 1849. Colburn, 90: 336. 1852. Tait, n. s. 19: 419. Same art. Liv. Age, 34: 359- 1853. Hogg, 10: 426. Recent Affairs in Pondoland. (F. A. Edwards) Gent. M. n. s. 22: 490. AFRICA 13 AGASSIZ Africa, South, Resources and Natives of. Westm. Iii: 386. Eose's Four Years in. Eel. K. 51: 31. — Mo. E. 121: 206. Sketches of. (M. D. Parker) Knick. 36: 65, 33S. 38: 147, 571. Tliompson's Travels in. Colburn, 19: 3S5. — Eel. E. 46: 129. — Lond. M. 18: 4S7. — Westm. 9: 21. Trollope's Tour in. Lond. Soc. 33: 369. Tromp on. (E. Lecky) Brit. Q. 72: 343. Unspoken Speech on. (M. E. G. Duff) Fortn. 36: 299. (See rr^A'o Damara; Kaffirs; Zulus; etc. — Southeast, Lake and i\Iountain District of. (W. F. Ainsworth) Colburn, 88: 391. Watering-Place in. Coriih. 16: 629. Same art. N. Eel. 1 : 390. — Southwest, Baines's Explorations in. Colburn, 133: 74. — Anthrop. E. 4: 243. — Sporting in South. Quar. 64: 1S8. — Chamb. J. 52: 503. — For. Q. 34: 421. Same art. Liv. Age, 4: 529. — Mus. 36: 335. See Africa, South, Cum- ming's. — Statistics of, 1869. Am. J. Educ. 18: 5 98. — Through the Dark Continent in 1720. (W. Minto) Macmil. 38: 459. Same art. Liv. Age, 139: 313. — Timbuctoo Anthology. Colburn, 11: 22, 121. — Tracts on. Mo. E. 97: 412. — Trade with Colored Eaces of. (A. Hamilton) J. Statis. Soc. 31: 25. — Travel in. (A. E. Wallace) Xatnre, 8: 429. Heroes of. Ev. Sat. 12: 29. Twenty Years of. Blackw. 121: 6S2. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 27. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 137. 300 Years Ago. (P. H. Waddell)Good Words, 9 : 53S, — Travels in. (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 94: 174. 1832-34. Mo. E. 143: 561. — Travelers in, and their Books. St. James, 33: 529. Four Great. (H. M. Stanley) Scrib. 6: 62. Tuckey on. Quar. 18: 335. — Weather and Scenery in. (Lad}- Barker) Eel. M. 87: 2S1. — West Coast of. (J. Samuelson) Pop. Sci. E. i : 100. Bibliography of Languages of. (R. G. Latham) Ed. New Pliilos. J. 40: 327. Cruise on. Sharpe, i5: 275. Dangers of. Portfo.(Den.) 29: i. — Western. Westm. 56: i. Same art. Liv. Age, 31: 449. — Harper, 13: 161. and Central. (C. Hamlin) Lit. & Theo. E. 4: 125. British Settlements in. Blackw. 26: 341. — Mus. 15: 464. Commerce of. DeBow, ii: 390. — West. J. 5: 171. Duncan's Travels in. Eel. E. 87: 11. Foulah Tribes of. Meth. ]\L 57: 29. Gold Coast of. See Gold Coast. Gorilla Country of, (C. Nordhoff) Harper, 23: 116. Hj-drograjjhy of. Nature, 15: 517. Lenz's Sketches from. Nature, 20: 119. More Palaver about. (N. D. Davis) St. James, 35: 346. Products of. (W. Robinson) Geog. M. i: 22. Slavery, Christianity, and Cotton in. Chr. Obs. 61: 389. Soolimas in. Meth. M. 48: 311. Travels in. Mus. 8: 216. — Mo. E. 108: 11. Wanderings in. Eraser, 67: 135, 273, 407. — Zoology and Geography of. ]\Io. E. 147: 149. See also names of countries and localities in Africa, as Abeokuta; Bush; Cape Town; Congo Land; Good Hope, Cape of; Nile; Transvaal; Zulu Land. African Confessors, A. d. 484. Liv, Age, 61 : 756, African Cruiser, Journal of. (N. Hawthorne) Dem. E. 16: 482, 533. African Handiwork, Schweinfurth's, Nature, 13: 142, African Institution. Ed. E. 15: 485. 16: 4^0. 18: 305. 20: 58. 21:462. — Anal. M.I : I. — Mo, E. 97: 47 — Reports of, 1810, 11. (J. Foster) Eel. E. 12: 641, 721. 14: 9S6. — Chr. Obs. 10: 428, 11: 729, 1S14. (J. Foster) Eel. E. 21: 309. African Kings at Home. Chamb. J. 19: 379. African Martyrologj-. (AY. W. Reade) Belgra. i: 45. African Squadron. Ed. R. 92: 126. African Treaty with United States, 1S22. Niles's Reg. 23: 109. African Wanderers, Mrs. Lee's. Dub. Univ. 31 : 252, After the Accident; a Poem, (Bret Harte) Scrib, 5: -^16. After the Battle. (F. M. Doherty) Good Words, 14: S52. After the Battle of the Wilderness. (R. Eollins) .\tlan. 37: 575- After the Darkness, Light. (A. Trafton) Scrib. 4: 562. After Death; a Poem. Broadw. 5: 42S. After Dinner. Cornh. 5: 365. After the Geographical; a Tale of Borneo. Temp. Bar, 23: 497, After long Years; a Tale. Chamb. J. 36: 377, 395, After many Days ; a Poem, (P, B, Marstou) Corah, 21 : 343, After the Opera, Lond, Soc, 3: 39, Afterthe Pioneer; a Poem, (C.H.Miller) Lakeside, 9: 343. After the Season. Lond. Soc, 18: 334. After the Storm; a Story, (Mrs, Sale Barker) Victoria, 16: 37. After ten Years, (G, Shirley) Sharpe, 32: 204. After ten Years ; a Poem, Cornh, 22: 712, After three Daj-s; a Poem, Temp. Bar, 2: 566. After three thousand Years; a Tale, (Jane G, Austin) Putnam, 12: 38, Same art, Broadw, 8: 34. After three Years; a Tale, (V, F, Townsend) Sharpe, 37: 195- Alter two himdred Years, (E. A, Eedman) Overland, 15: 3f'3- Aga of the Janissaries, Blackw. 31: 239. Against all Odds. (F. W. Currey) Dub. Univ. 87: 1-551. Against Time. (E. Papendick) O. «& N. 10: 734. Against Time; a Tale, (A, L Shand) Cornh, 20: 471, 621, 734, 21: 105-731, 22: 99, 319, Same art, Liv. Age, 103: 432, 590. 104: S9-72S. 105: 144- 65S. io5: 151-650. 107: 15, Agamemnon, Fate of the Family of, on a Fictile Tase, (S, Birch) Arch, 32: 150, Agamenticus, Georgiana, or York, Maine, (E. JI. Saw- yer) Cong, Q, 8: 141, 267, Agamist's Holidaj-, Belgra, 36: 465. Agamogenesis, Liv, Age, 58: 79S, Agassiz, L., with portrait. Eel. M. 41: 569, — With por- trait. Eel, M, 61 : 125,— With portrait, Ev. Sat. 11 : 573-5*4- — I'op. Sci. Mo. 4: 495. — (E. Bliss, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 60S. — (A. Gray) Nation, 17: 404. — Witb portrait, Appleton, 3 : 492. — With portrait. Pract, M. 2: 321. — Nature, 19: 573, — All the Year, 43: 256. — Eel. M. 23: 13. — Liv. Age, 62: 67. — and Darwinism, (J, Fiske) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 692. — and J. S. Mill. (A. P. Sprague) Nat. Q. 28: 234. — as a Teacher. (G, B. Emerson) .Vni, J, Educ, 28: SSi. — at San Francisco, Nature, 6: 509, — In the Laboratory- with, Ev, Sat, 16: 3^9, — Life and Writings of, Ed. New Philos. .1. 46: i. — Natural History of the U. S. (T. IIill)Clir. Exam.64: 56. — on Fossil Fish. Quar. 55: 234. — Poem on. (J. R. Lowell) Atlan. 33: 586. — Recollections of. (T. Lyman) Atlan. 33: 221. — (E. P. Wliipple) Harper, 59: q-. — Tour to Lake Superior. (G. B. Emerson) Chr. Exam. 49: 9. AGASSIZ 14 AGRICULTURAL Afifassiz, L., Works of. Mass. Q. 1 : 96. Agate, Frederick S. Kiiick. 24: 157. Agates and Agate-Working. (F. W. Rudler) Pop. Sei. R. 16: 23. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 434. Agatha; a Poem. (Geo. Eliot) Atlan. 24: 199. Agatha, St., of Catania, History of. Eel. li. 121 : 113. Agathe Marron, a New Caledonian Deportre. Conili. 30: 556, Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 62S, 736. Agathoclcs; a Novel, translated by Prof. Zander. Dub. Univ. 1 : 483. Agathon. Blaekw. 116: 760. Age, Approach of; a Poem. (J. 11. Bryant) Putnam, 15: 560. — Some Thonghts on. (.1. S. Holt) So. M. 8: 82. See Growing Old. Age, The. St. Paul's, 4: 609. — a Dramatic Sketcli. Lond. M. 16: 471. — and Christianity, Vaugiian's. Brit. Q. 10: 525. — Character of the Present. (E. Fisk) Princ. 2: 372. 4: 115. — Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 3: 147. — Folly of Decrying. Chr. R. 2: i. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 1 : 28, 42. — Intellectual Aspect of. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 64: 273- — of Gold; Reading for Children. (D. M. Craik) Mac- mil, i: 293. — of Honesty. Dub. R. 31 : 589. — of Veneer. Eraser, 42: 437. 43: 147,472. — Our Fast. (C. Montague) Potter Am. Mo. 13: T14. — Signs and Prospects of. (0. Dewey) Chr. Exam. 36; i. — Spirit of. Knick. 8: 187. — that is coming. Peop. J. 5: 311. — we live in. Eraser, 24: i. — (J. Cumming) Ex. H. Lee. 3: 357. — (H. Stowell) Ex. H. Lee. 6: 43. Ages, Four. Blackw. 114: 75. Same art. Liv. Age, 118: 683. Ages of Faith. Dub. R. 8: 2S9. Aged, Health of the. (H.Martineau) Oncea Week, 4: 119. Aged Forty; a Poem. (E. Yates) Temp. Bar, 2: 472. Agency, Law of. (S. Albce) Hunt, 34: 706. Principles of. (D. Lord) Hunt, i: 325. Agency System. Lit. & Theo. K. 4: 280. Agents, Rights and Duties of. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (N.Y.)33: 866. Agg's Ocean Harp, and other Poems. Anal. M. 13: 360. Aggrandizement, Policy of. (Goldwiu Smith) Fortn. 28: Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. i: 541. Agincourt, Battle of, Nicolas on. Lond. M. 19: 299. — Visit to the Field of. (H. L. Long) Colburn, 83: 334- 478. 84: 97-466. Agitation and its Results. (V. Lincoln) Univ. Q. 33 : 34S. Agnas, G. F. Savage Life and Scenes. Eel. R. 85: 79. Agnes Beaufort. Godcy, 26: 169. Agnes Lee. House. Words, 16: 36. Same art. Liv. Age, 55 •• 23. Agnes of Sorrento. (H. B. Stowe) Atlan. 7: 513, 641. 8: 2-6S2. 9: 14-474. Same art. Cornh. 3: 5S4, 73S. 4: 106-735. 5: 107-610. Agnesi, Maria Gaetana. Argosy, 7: 374. — Analytical Institutions. (.[. Playfair) Ed. R. 3: 401. Agnew, Sir Andrew, Memoir of. Eel. R. 93: 145. Agnewinos. (Latin and English) Eraser, 13: 639. Agnostic, Autobiography of an. (B. Thomas) Eraser, 103: 650. Same art. Liv. Age, 149: 719. — Confession of an. No. Am. 129: 274. — To an; a Poem. (A. Matheson) Mod. R. i: 436. Agnostic's Apology. (L. Stephen) Fortn. 25: 840. Agnostics, Assumptions of. (St.G.Mivart) Fortn. 19: 71S. — in Parliament and tlie Press. Month, 40: 139. Agnosticism. Canad. Mo. 16: 665. — and Atheism. Lond. Q. 54: i. — and the Chinese. (C. A. Stork) Luth. Q. 9: 371. Agnosticism and Women. (Mrs. Lathbury) i9tli Cent. 7: 619. Same art. Liv. Age, 145: 302. (Reply by Miss .1. H. Clapperton) 19th Cent. 7: 840. — as developed in Huxley's Life of Hume. (J. M'Cosh) Pup. Sci. Mo. 15: 478. — in Kant. (A. T. Ormond) Princ. n. s. 6: 353. — Poetry rcrsiis. (J. C. Shairp) Princ. n. s. 5: 2S6. — Science, and Faith. (.J. iMurtinoau) Nat. R. 15: 394. — Some Difficulties of. (C. P. Mulvanev) Canad. Mo. 17: 57S. — Thoughts on the Basis of. (W. T. Harris) J. Spec. Philos. 15: 113. See Know-Nothing. Agoult, Countess d'. Souvenirs of. Ed. R. 146: 339. Agra and its Palaces. Potter Am. Mo. 4: 295. — Restoration of Moghul Buildings at. Fraser, 89: 112. Same art. Eel. M. 82: 368. Agram to Zara. (A. J. Patterson) Fortn. 17: 359, 509. Agrarian and Education Systems. So. R. 6: i. Agrarian Contests in Ancient Rome. (R. Beauclerk) Month, 41 : 240. Agrarianism. (C. C. Hazewell) Atlan. 3: 393. — (C. S. Roundell) Fortn. 15 : 580. See Ireland, Land Troubles in; Land. Agricultural Bank of Ireland. Bank. ]M. (L.) 3: 65-301. Agricultural Chemistry. Westm. 41: 463. — No. Brit. 3: 257. — (S. W. Johnson) Am. J. Sci. 82: 233. — (A. S. Piggott) So. R. n. s. i: 430. — (W. H. Browne) So. R. n. s. 3: 139. — Mo. R. 103: 493. — Bost. Q. 5: 371. — Daw's. Ed. R. 22: 251. — (T. Young) Quar. 11: 3iS.-Eel. R. 19: 237. — Hayward's. Mo. R. 107: 38. — in France, Ville's. Nature, i : 353. — Johnson's. Nature, i : 426. — Liebig on. (W. Gregory) Quar. 69: 329. Same art. Am. Eel. 4: loS. — Eel. M. 6: 257. — Squarey on. Mo. R. 157: 232. Agricultural Children's Act. (W. C. Taylor) Fraser, 93: 573- Agricultural Classes, Condition of. Blackw. 27: 343. Agricultural College in 165 1. (S. Hartlib) Am. J. Educ. 11: 191. 22: 191. Agricultural Colleges. De Bow, 22: 495. — Appropriations for. (D. C. Gihnan) No. Am. 105 : 495. — at Home and Abroad. De Bow, 26: 250. — Why so few Students attend. Nation, 30: 132. Agricultural Colonies for Young Paupers. Am. J. Educ. 3: 567- Agricultural Commerce of United States. (.J. H. Lan- man) Hunt, 5: 201. Agricultural Complaints. Ed. R. 91: 558. Agricultural Critis, 1851. (C. Kingsky) No. Brit. 14: 85. Agricultural Development in Old and New World. De Bow, 27: 495. Agricultural Education. (T. Baldwin) Nature, 11: 104. — (M. Tarver) West. J. 10: 303. — St. James, 26: i. — in Bavaria. Am. J. Educ. 21: 127. — in Balginm. Am. J. Educ. 21: 629. — in France. Am. J. Educ. 8: 545. 21: 545. — in Ireland. Am. J. Educ. 8: 567. 22: 161. — in Prussia. Am. J. Educ. 21: 205. — in Wiirtemberg. Am. J. Educ. 21: 339. — JIadison on Professorship of Agriculture. Niles's Reg. 23: 202. — Plan of a School for. (J. A. Porter) Am. J. Educ. i: 329. — Schools for, in Saxony. Am. J. Educ. 21: 307. Agricultural Encampments. All the Year, 6: 229. Agricultural Engineering. Pract. M. 1 : 66. Agricultural Experiments at Woburn, Eng. Nature, 16: 129. AGRICULTURAL 15 AGRICULTURE Agricultural Experiment Stations. (C. Barnard) Scrib. 21 : 624. — (J. Cheesmau) Canad. Mo. ig: 62. Agricultural Geology. (W. H. Browne) So. II. n. s. 3: 139. — No. Brit. 16: 390. Agricultural Holdings Bill. (E. Bear) Fortn. 23: 633. Agricultural Improvements iu the West. (D. Chase) Overland, 4: 147. Agricultui-al Interest and the Ministrv, 1S51. Blackw. 69: 368. Agricultural Labor, Barton on. Eel. R. 32: 46. — Gang System of . Penny M. 12: 309. — Market for. Dub. Univ. i: 252. — Question of. Brit. Q. 59: 421. Agricultural Laborers. (E. Girdlestone) Macmil. 26: 256. — Ed. R. 141: 126. — Eraser, 81: 427. — Cornh, 9: 17S. 27: 215, 307. 29: 686. — Cong. 5: 400. — St. Paul's, 6: 31. — Condition of. Hogg, 10: 355. — Congress of, at Leamington, 1872. Cong, i: 419. — Exodus of, from Great Britain. (E. A. Curley) Fortn, 21: 517. — Few Words to. Poop. J. 6: 39, 51, 80. — Food of. Good Words, 8: 3S7. — in Northumberland, State of. J. Statis. Soc. i: 397. — of Scotland. Fraser, 83: 641. — Wages of , in Europe. (T. E. C. Leslie) Fortn. 21 : 705. — What can be done for? (H. Fawcett) Macmil. 18: 515- Agricultural Laborers' Union. (E. Girdlestone) Macmil. 28: 436. 31: 160. — (A. J. Wilson) Macmil. 30: 449. — Brit. Q. 56: 145. — Lond. (}. 40: 327. Agricultural Litei'ature, Ancient. Quar. 87: 141. Agricultural Machinery. Pract. M. 4: iSo. 6: 41. Agricultural Manufactures. (S. Copland) Canad. J. n. s. 6: 463. Agricultural Productions of United States. De Bow, 13: 295. Agricultural Prosperity. Dem. R. 28: 4S1. Agricultural Reform, Necessity of. (M. Gross) De Bow, 25: 144. — Public Interest in. (W. Bear) 19th Cent. 5: 1079. Agricultural School for Girls. Victoria, 34: 57. Agricultural Science. (S. W. Johnson) Am. J. Sci. 78: 71. — (J. P. Benjamin) De Bow, 5: 41. Agricultural Shows in England, 1875. Pract. M. 5: 205, 250. Agricultural Society, Essex, Mass. ; Pickering's Address. Niles's Reg. 15: 181. — Royal, of England. Pract. M. 6: 194. Journal of, 1839. Mo. R. 149: 27. Meeting of, 1878. (G. E. Waring, jr.) Harper, 58: 217. Agricultural Societies. Chr. Rem. 45: 263. — and Universities. De Bow, 22: 495. — of Virginia. Niles's Reg. 15: 177. 23: 260. Agricultural Statistics. (R. A. Arnold) Fortn. 2: 431. — of United States, 1869. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 25: 705. Agricultural Strike in England, 1S72. Fraser, 85: 651. Agricultural Tour in United States and L'ppcr Canada. Barclay's, 1841. Mo. R. 157: 303. Agriculture. Quar. 73: 477. — (J. Sparks) No. Am. xg: 325. — Blackw. 19: 2S7. 46: 733. — Ox. Prize Ess. 2: I. — Dem. 11.40:38. — Ain. Q. 21: i. — (J. R. Burwcll) Land Wc Love, i: 24, 146. — Addresses on. (E. Bates) West. J. 14: 388. — (G. C. Dixon) West. J. 13: 393. — (E. Everett, 1857) Eel. M. 42: 553. — (J. II. Lathrop) West. J. 11: 17.— (J. Madison) Niles's Reg. 14: 345. — (L. J. Minor) West. J. 13: 166.— (U. Wright) West. J. il : 106, 173. — American. (D. ^I. Balfour) Hunt, 19: 477. — Dub. Univ. 56: 482. — Lond. Q. 7: 431. — Niles's Reg. 32: 49. — Irish Q. 9: 525. Agriculture and Commerce. Blackw. 23: 632. — Ed. R. 14: 50. — and Draining. Quar. 86: 79. — and Education. Dem. R. 37: 411, 44S. — and the Exhibition of 1851. (H. B. Hall) Colburn, 89: 78. — and ilie French Exhibition of 1S56. Canad J. n. s. i : 140. — and Industry. Penn Mo. 7: 61. — and Legislation. Ed. R. 14: 20. — and Manufactures. Penn Mo. 3: 512. — and Prices in England, Rogers on. Brit. Q. 46: 125. Same art. Eel. iM. 69: 411. — and Protection. (J. Western) Lakeside, 3: 103. — and Rent. Quar. 37: 391. — Application of Chemistry and Geology to. (W. H. Browne) So. R. n. s. 3: 139. — Artificial Fertility. All the Year, 13: 157. — Beef, Mutton, and Bread. Liv. Age, 43: 225. — Chemistry, and Physiology. Brit. (I. 8: 75. — Commerce, and Manufactures. Hunt, 3: 160. — (A. Bradford) Hunt, i: 480. — Blackw. 67: 347. Policy of U. S. Government on. Niles's Reg. 18: 3. — Co-operative. O. & N. 3: 600. Three Experiments in. Fraser, 91 : 529. — Costaz on. Mo. R. 86: 469. — Cultivation of Waste Lands. Quar. 38: 410. — Decline of, in Ancient Italy. So. Lit. Mess. 13: 474. — Dignity of. Ilesp. 3: 70. — English. (J. E. T. Rogers) Contemp. 35: 303. — Ed. R. 123: 1S5. — Blackw. 51: 406. — Penny M. 9: 33-501- and English Peasants. (G. M. Towle) Harper, 49: 430- and Foreign. No. Brit. 5: 157. and Foreign Competition. Fraser, 43: 236. — Blackw. 67: 94, 222, 447. and French. Lond. Q. 6: 2S9. from 1259 to 1793. Ed. R. 126: 43. Improving of. Westm. 48: i. in 1819, Report on State of. Quar. 25: 467. in 1S21, Distress of. Ed. R. 36: 452. — Mo. R. 95: 279, 371- 99"-79- 121 : 455. — Blackw. 12: 436, 482, 624. — Westm. 13: 218. — Pamph. 10: 395. 17: 417. 21: 481. in 1834. Tait, 4: 132-515. in 1836. Ed. R. 62: 319. in 1846. Ed. R. 84: 416. in 1852. Ed. R. 96: 142. in 1S79, Depression of. (W. E. Bear) Fortn. 31: 253, 435- — (I"- T. Quinn) Scrib. 19: 61. — (Eari of Airiie) Fortn. 32: 98.— Ed. R. 151: i. — (F. Peek) Contemp. 37: 218. Progress of. Quar. 103: 390. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 163. — European, Colman's. Chr. Exam. 46: 2S1. — for Southern States, Improved. De Bow, 25: 395. — High Farming, Caird's. Blackw. 67: 447. — High-Pressure. (R. Jefferies) Fraser, 94: 19-5. — Hints to a Country Gentlcnum. Blackw. 12: 4S2, 624. — in (^>nnecticut, Humphreys on. Portfo.(Den.) 16: 385. — in France. Ed. R. 114: 34S. — (^Uiar. 79: 202. — Ho. iS: For. R. 4: 379. — Penny M. 7: 105. Progress of. Dub. Univ. 55: 745. — in Ireland. Dub. Univ. 83: 641. — in Italy. (E. Everett) No. Am. 10: 49. — (G. P. Marsh) Nation, 2: 1S3. — in Massachusetts. Dial, 3: 123. — in Prussia, 1816 to 1S75. (A. Delmar) Internat. R. 2: 339- — in Reign of Richard II. (W. Bray) Arch. 18: 2S1. AGRICULTURE 16 AIR Agriculture in Scotland. Ed. R. 24: 72. — (G. B. David- son) AVest. J. 2: 254, 302. 3: 29. Progress of. Chamb. J. 24: 146. — Influence of, on Manufactures. (E. II. Derby) Hunt, 17: 547. — (E. H.Derby) West. J. 1 : 73. — Nilus's Keg. 17: 353. 20: 332. — Iron Age of. All the Year, 6: 307. — Low's Elements of Practical. IMo. II. 135: 495. — Moral Lessons of. Mo. Kel. M. i: 181. — Necessities, Competency, and Profits of. Niles's Reg. 15: 177- — New and Important Theories in. De Bow, 18: 195. — New York Board of. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 4: 401. — Outlook of, 18S0. Nation, 31: 127. — Physical and Social Experiments in. (J. M. Ludlow) Good Words, 16: 674, 745. — Practical. Black w. 57: 298. — Practice of. Blackw. 53: 415. — Primitive. (A. W. Buckland) Anthrop. J. 7: 2. — Principles of. (T. G. Clcmsou) Land We Love, 2: 245. — So. R. i: 49. — Profits and Waste of. (G. S. Boutwell) Hunt, 31 : 692. — Progress of. (N. C. Meeker) Am. J. Educ. 18: 623. — Reform in. See Agricultural Reform. — Revolution in. Approaching. Chamb. J. 20: 291. — Richardson's Essay on. Mo. R. 86: 306. — Scientific. (T. Baldwin) Nature, 13: loi. — (J. G. Hoyt) No. Am. 89: 358. — Ed. R. 90: 357. Same art. Liv. Age, 23: 417. — Blackw. 51 : 73S. — Dub. R. 15: 52. — Lond. Q. 27: 2S5. — Nature, 10: 199. 20: 1S9. — (A. J. Cook) Am. Natural. 15: 195. and Practical. (D. Lee) West. J. 3: 31S. — Blackw. 65: 255- Plea for. Macmil. 44: 70. Progress of. Ed. R. 81 : 89. — Liv. Age, 4: 675, — Small Farming. Lond. Q. 13: 222. — Steam. Lond. Q. 12: 55. — Tropical. De Bow, 20: 325, 415, 694. — Unequal. (R. Jefferies) Eraser, 95: 622. — U. S. Department of, 1869. Am. J. Educ. 18: 183. What it should be. Nation, 31 : ;^y2- — Walker's Report on. (C. Colton) Am. WhigR. 4: 410. Agrippa's Reply. (F. Brown) Cong. Q. 19: 272- Agrippa, II. C, Magician and Alchemist. Chamb. J. 20: 340. — Eel. R. 105: 467. — Putnam, 9: 70. — Eel. M. 40: 232. — New Q. 6: 26. — and the Alchemists. Frascr, 55: 45. — on Vanity of the Aits and Sciences. Retros. 14: iSi. — Mus. 10: 521. Ague and its Cause. All the Year, 19: 606. Aguesseau, H. F. d'. Bentley, 47: 520. — and French Jurisprudence. Nat. R. 8: 441. — Works of. (H. S. Legarc) So. R. 8: 399. Aguilar, Grace, and Modern .Judaism. Eel. R. 107: 134. — Grave of. Internat. M. 3: 513. Ahasuerus and Kai-Khosru. Kitto, 25: 3S5. — and Artaxerxes of Ezra iv. 6, 7. (E. Biley) Kitto, 37: 410. Ahasuerus, the Ever-Living Jew. (F. Paludan-Mullcr) Liv. Age, 44: 774. See Wandering Jew. Ahasuerus, the Shoemaker of Jerusalem. Chamb. J. 22: 390. Ahmed Agha, the Janissary. (J. A. Johneoii) Hours at Home, 9: 293. Ahmed Effendi, Resmi, Turkish Historian of War with Russia, 176S-74. (E. Schuyler) Macmil. 42: 357, 428. Ahrthal, The, and Mayen. (G. C. Swayne) Once a Week, 12: 185. Aht Tribes. Sproat's Studies of Savage Life. (K. R. H. Mackenzie) Anthrop. R. 6: 366. Aid^, Hamilton, with portrait. Victoria, 34: 164. Aide-de-Camp, Journal of an. Bentley, 60: 394, 522, 646. 61: 7^. Aids to Faith. (S. Wilberforce) Quar. 112: 445. — No. Brit. 36: 273. — and Replies to Essays and Reviews. Eraser, 66: 200. Aiken, B. Annie Sherwood. Dub. R. 46: 93. Aiken, Silas. (J. D. Kingsbury) Cong. Q. 12: 179. Aikenhead, Mary, Life of. (H. J. Coleridge) Month, 37: 48. — Irish Mo. 7: 422. Aikin, Dr. John. (Mrs. II. Martin) Eraser, 99: 615. Same art. Liv. Age, 141 : 562. — (J. L. Taylor) Cong. Q. 9: 219. — Mus. 4: 313. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 1: 4c. — Mo. R. 103: 30. Aikin, Lucy, Joanna Baillie, and C. F. Cornwallis. No. Brit. 42: 327. Same art. Liv. Age, 85: 598. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 270. — Correspondence with Dr. Channing. (Mrs. C. H. Dall) Unita. R. 2: ^77. — Letters of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 19: 220. — Theo. R. 2: 92. Ailanthine and Ailanthus Silk-Moth. J. Frankl. Inst. 77: 37S. Aimc'^e; a Tale. (G. H. Peirce) Lippinc. 24: 557, 707. Aim^e's Sacrifice. (Miss Lutz) Cath. World, 6: 165. Aimce's Story. (Ita A. Prokop) Lippinc. 10: 563, 655. Aino Cloth, Fabrication of. (D. P. Penhallow) Am. Natural. 14: 553. Ainos, or Hairy Men. (II. C. St. John) Anthrop. J. 2: 248. — (S. C. Hollaiul) Anthrop. J. 3: 233. — (A. S. Bickmore) Am. J. Sci. 95: 353, 361. Ainslie, H. Pilgrim and the Shrine. Westm. 89: 327. Ainsworth, Henry. Theo. Eel. 7: 225. Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison, with portrait. Appleton, 8: 152. — With portrait. Eraser, 10: 48. — With portrait. Once a Week, 27: 472. — Chetwynd Calverley. Colburn, 159: 93. — Crichton. Eraser, 14: 723- — Mo. R. 142: 53. — Am. Q. 22: 250. — Jack Sheppard. Eraser, 21: 227. — Brit. & For. R. 10: 223. — Preston Fight. Colburn, 157: 65. Aiuiv and Aioinos, Meaning of. (E. S. Goodwin) Chr. Exam. 9 : 20. 10: 34, 166. 12: 97, 169. — (M. Stuart) Spirit Pilg. 2: 405. — (D. M. Knappcn) Univ. Q. 4: 16. as used by Philo Juda.His. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 2: 133- — and the Resurrection. (T. Abbott) Univ. Q. 26: 276. Air, The. All the Year, 12: 399, 422. — Dub. Univ. 34: 497- — Action of, on Alkalic Arsenites. (H. Croft) Canad. J. n. s. 3: 126. — and its Component Parts. (C. Bender) Pract.M. 6: 336. — and Rain, Smith's. (T. E. Thorpe) Nature, 6: 325. — as a Means of Motion. (W. D. Scott-Moncrieff) Good AVords, 18: 401. — Atmospheric, Ellis on. Eel. R. 18: 479, 622. — Atmospheric Tides. (T. Wise) Scrib. 6: 186. — Change of. Lond. Soc. 37: 435. — Compressed, Living Force of. Eel. Engin. 6: 274. Use of. (D. M. Stanley) J. Frankl.'inst. 94: 320. — Compression of. Pract. M. 6: 137. Method of. (J. P. Frizcll) J. Frankl. Inst. 104: 193. no: 145. — Cooling, Various Systems of. (A. Jonglet) Pract. M. i: 450. — Dense by Day, and Light by Night. So. Lit. Mess. 19: 727. — Disease in. (D. A. Gorton) Nat. Q. 30: 55. — Filtering. Eel. Engin. 2: 374. — Foul, and Heart Disease. (C. Black) Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 183. AIR 17 ALABAMA Air, Foul, in Mines, and how to live in it. (J. C. Gibbs) Nature, 5: 365. — Fresh. (E. Lankester) Pop. Sci. R. 3: 6. Give us. (D. M. Craik)Good Words, 2: 38. Same art. Eel. M. 60: 455. Necessity of, during Sleep. Cornh. 7: 412. See Air, Pure. — Friction of, in Mines. (J. J. Atkinson) Eel. Engin. 12: 209. — Ground, in its Hygienic Relations. (M. von Pet- tenkoffcr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 2S0. — Heated, as Motive Power. (B. Cheverton) J. Frankl. Inst. 55: 365. Elastic Force of. (F. A. P. Barnard) Am. J. Sci. 67: 153- — in Breathing. Hogg, 8: 353, 377. Amount required. J. Frankl. Inst. io5: 421. — Penny M. 6: 390. — Life as dependent upon. (W. B. Carpenter) Ilowitt, i: 276-355. — (O. Reynolds) Nature, 13: 243. — (M. von Pettenkoffer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 196. — Liquefaction of. (M. L. Cailletet) J. Frankl. Inst. 105: 128. and Solidification of. (W. N. Hartley) Pop. Sci. R. 17: 155. — Mechanical Properties of. (J. Bennett) J. Frankl. Inst. 69: 124. See below, Air-Eugine. — Moist, Diathermacy of. (J. L. Hoorveg) J. Frankl. Inst. loi : 44. Relation to Health and Comfort. (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst. 105: 10-251. — Mudie on. Mo. R. 138: 470. — of Large Towns, Injurious Effects of. (W. Thomson) Eel. Engin. 20: 488. — Oxygen in. (E. W. Morley) Am. J. Sci. 118: 16S. — Poisoned. (J. C. Draper) Galaxy, 9: 113. — Pressure of, and the Human Body. Penny M. 11 : 50. and Life. (P. Bert) Pop. Sci. Mo. ii : 316. — Pure. (R. A. Arnold) Once a AVeek, 15: 149. in Dwellings. Eel. Engin. 25: 314. — (T. S. So- zinsky) Potter Am. Mo. 14: 194. — Supposed Nature of, before Discovery of Oxygen. (G. F. Rodwell) J. Frankl. Inst. 78: 25-404. 79: 194-404. 80: 138-341. 82: 324. 83: 193. — Temperature of, at Different Heights. Nature, 16: 369. — Thermal and Mechanical Propei'ties of. (R. II. Thurs- ton) J. Frankl. Inst. 97: 267. — Transmission of, through Pipes. (R. Sabine) Eel. Engin. 3: 5S2. — (W. S. Henson) Eel. Engin. 4: 205. — (E. Stockalper) Eel. Engin. 24: 96. — (A. Morin) J. Frankl. Inst. 74: i. — Variations of Oxygen in. (E. W. Morley) Am. .1. Sci. 122: 417. — Ventilation and. (W. N. Hartley) Eel. Engin. 13: 109. — Eel. Engin. 15: 421. Air-Bags for raising Vessels. Eel. Engin. 14: 122. Air-Brake, Westinghouse. Pract. M. i : 301, 353. Air-(^ompressors. Pract. M. 6: 10. Air-Engines, J. Frankl. Inst. 5: 314. — Advantages of. (W. .J. M. Rankine) J. Frankl. Inst. 60: 246, 330. — and Steam Engines, Theory of. (W. .7. M. Rankine) Eel. Engin. 8: 1S2. — Compressed. Eel. Engin. 6: 496, 573. 7: 597. 8: 28. • Locomotive for St. Gothard Tunnel. Pop. Sci. Mo. 10: 473. Air-Meters, Experiments on Cassella's. (C. B. Richards) J. Frankl. Inst. 99: 412. — AerometrJ^ (J. Bennett) J. Frankl. Inst. 69: 124-313. Air-Mothers, The. (C. Kingsley) Ev. Sat. 9: 51. Air-Pump, Improvement in the Sprcngcl. (0. N. Rood) Am. J. Sci. 120: 57. Aird, Thomas. Othuriel and other Poems. Tait, n. s. 7: 318. — Poems. (G. Gilfillan) Tait, n. s. 16: loi. Same art. Eel. M. 16: 497. — Eel. R. 103: 607. Same art. Eel. M. 38: 499. —Hogg, 2: 257. 15: 449. — Religious Characteristics of. Blackw. 21: 677. Airedale College. Am. Q. Reg. 12: 177. — Historical Sketch of. Cong. M. 14: 5S1. Airy, G. B., with portrait. Pract. M. 7: 97. — (A, Win- necker) Nature, 18: 689. —Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: loi. Airy Lilian; a Story. (F. Tryon) Scrib. 9: 545. Aissa, the Fair Circassian, Letters of. Temp. Bar, 54: 563- — Story of. (W. Besant) Temp. Bar, 32: 41. Aix and the Falls of Grezy. Irish Mo. 4: 691. — and its Neighborhood. (Mrs. F, Trollope) Colburn, 70: 554- — Baths of. Once a Week, 4: 147. Aix-la-Chapelle. (A. B. Storrs) Cath. World, 15: 795.— Once a Week, 1 1 : 22S, 484, 643. — Penny M. 2 : 105. — Legends of. Once a Week, 9: 405, 445, 573. Ajaccio, Description and History of. Cornh. 18: 496. Same art. Eel. 31. 71: 1513. Ajunta, Temple Caves of. Eraser, 55 : 236. Akenside, M. (J. Cowen) Culburn, 166: 68. — Poetry of. (H. T. Tuckernian) So. Lit. Mess. 14: 402. Akers, Paul. (H. T. Tuckerman) Hours at Home, 2: 525. Akin by Marriage. (C. W. Philleo) Atlan. 1 : 94, 229, 279. Akin Forever. Liv. Age, 56: 666. Al Lyn Sahib; a Tale. (F. Pcreival) Gent. M. n. s. 14: 108-738. Alabama. De Bow, 12: 56, 14S. 18: 21, 154. — Constitution of. Nilcs's Reg. 17: 45. — De Soto in. De Bow, 9: 19. — Derivation of Name. (A. ■). Pickett) Hist. M. 2: 135. — Geology of. (Prof. Brumby) De Bow, 3: 316. of South. (C. S. Hale) Am. J. Sci. 56: 354. Tertiary Formation of. (E. W. Ililgard) Am. J. Sci. 93: 29. — Governor's Message, 181S. Nilcs's Reg. 17: 44. — Governor's Message, 1S25. Nilcs's Reg. 29: 3S7. — Governor's ^Message, 1828. Nilcs's Reg. 35: 275. — Life on a Plantation in. Once a Week, 4: 287. — Mineral Resources of, De Bow, 18: 677. — Prairies of. (W. W. M'Guire) Am. 'Slcih. 31. 16: 461. — Statistics of, 1869. Am. J. Educ. 18: 275. — Travels in. (E. King) Scrib. 8: 385, 513. — Trip to Northern, 1865. (R.J. llinton) Nation, i : 207. Alabama, Steamer, Cruise of the. All the Year, li: 13S. — Launch of : a Confederate Poem. (Sir A. Power) (?olburn, i68: 498. Alabama Claims. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 6: 126. 8: 65- 330- 9: 5^0- 14: iSi, 317-— (0. C. Bca- nian, jr.) No. Am. loi: 474. — (.1. Moncrieff) Ed. R. 135: 540. — (E. E. Hale) O. & N. 6: 121, 377. — (Lord Hobart) Macniil. 23: 224. Same art. Liv. Age, 108: 377. — (T. Lyman) Nation, 8: 209, 37^. — (W. F. Rae) Westm. 93: 211. — (G. F. Magoun) Cong. R. 11: 317. — (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 13: 162. Same art. Liv. Age, 88: 100. — (T. D. Wool- sey) New Eng. 28: 575. — Nation, 14: 400. 22: 223. — Ev. Sat. 10: 147. — Am. Law R. 4: 31. — American Feeling on. (E. Dicey) Fortn. 11: 704. Same art. Ev. Sat. 8: 7,^. — and the Canadians. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 11: 30S. — and Lord Ilobart. Ev. Sat. 10: 51. — Diliicultics of Arbitration on. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 14: 84. — Distribution of the Damages. (U. II. Crocker) Na- tion, 17: 271. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 16: 36, 70. 18: 390. — (C. C. Nott) Nation, 18: 310. — (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 23: 9. 15: 420. 16: 40. 17: 271. ALABAMA 18 ALBERT Alabama Claims, England and America. Frascr, 77 : 369. — German View of. Nation, 8: 374. — Gist of tlie Controversy. (J. N. Pomcroy) Nation, i: 549. — Hobart on. (S. E. Hughes) So. M. 9: 236. — Neutral Oi)inion on. (E. L. Godkiu) Nation, II : 21S. — Sentiment of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 8: 205. — Statement of. (G. E. Patten) Lakeside, 7: 322. — Sumner on. Nation, 8: 30S. Influence of his Speech in England. (E. L. God- kin) Nation, 8: 40S. — Unforeseen Results of. (A. G. Sedgwick) Atlan. 41 : 771. — Unscttlemcnt of. Eraser, 85: 768. See Geneva Conference; Treaty of Washington. Alabamas of the Future. Gent. M. n. s. 4: iSi. Same art. Li V. Age, 104: 323. Alabama River, Delta of. (C. S. Hale) DcBow, 3: 469. Alaliania Slave, The; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 54: 32. Alabaster, Cleaning of. J. Frankl. List. 2: 58. Alabaster Ornaments, Manufacture of. Penny M. 7 : 443. Alacoque, Marie. (A. Reville) Theo. R. 11: 13S. Aladdin's Lamp. All the Year, 45: 326. Alamo, Fall oL (II. M. Potter) M. Am. Hist. 2: i. Aland Islands. (C. U. C. Burton) Nat. M. lo: 57. — Ca])ture of Forts in, 1854. Blackw. 77: 644. Alarcon, Garci-Ruiz de. (J. Mew) Gent. M. n. s. 19: 319- Alanns, History of. Ed. R. 28: 59. — Recent. Ed. R. 33: 187. Alarm-Bell of Atri; a Poem. (H. W. Longfellow) At- lan. 26: I. Alarum, The. (G. J. W. Melville) Eraser, 45: 595. Alarums and Excursions. All the Year, 27: 354. Alasco, and the Play-Lieenser. Colburn, 10: 422. Alaska. (W. P. Snow) Hours at Home, 5: 254. — (D. Wise) Meth.Q. 41: 405. — All the Year, 21: 177. — Hunt, 58: 16. — and its Resources, Ball's. (C. W. Raymond) Nation, 11: II. — Ev. Sat. 9: 3S1. — (D.Wilson) Canad. J. n. s. 12: 490. — O. & N. 2: 360. — Artist in. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 38: 589. — Deserted Hearths in. (W. H. Dall) Overland, 13: 25. — Ethnography of. (R. G. Latham) Ed. New Philos. J. 40: 35- — Glaciers of. (W. P. Blake) Am. J. Sci. 94: 96. — illustrated. (R. W. Meade) Appleton, 6: 91, 123, 366. — Kodiak and Southern. (W. T. Wythe) Overland, 8: 505- — Notes on. (W. H. Dall) Am. J. Sci. 121 : 104. — Purchase of . Colburn, 140: 242. — Resources of. (W. H. Dall) Harper, 44: 252. — Russian Church in. (C. R. Hale) Am. Church R. 29: 402. — Scientific Expedition to. (G. Davidson) Lippinc. 2: 467. — Seal Fisheries in. (O. Howes, jr.) 0. & N. i: 487. — Seal Islands of. (C. M. Scammon) Overland, 5: 297. — Stikine River. (.J. II. Gray) New Dom. 21 : 193, 2S9. — Ten Years in. (II. W. Elliott) Harper, 55: Soi. — What is it worth ? (L. Blodget) Lippinc. i: 185. — Whymper's. (R. Giffen) Fortn. 11: 249. — Chamb. J. 46: 154. — Yukon River. (W. H. Dall) O. & N. i : 44. See Sitka; Russian America. Alaskan Mummies. (W. II. Dall) Am. Natural. 9: 433. Alaskans at Home. (W. N. Slocum) Lakeside, 6: 16. Alass; a Satire on the Times. So. R. n. s. 9: 942. Alastor; a Story. Colburn, 153: 361-655. Alastor and Eola; a Sketch. Dub. Univ. 62: 439. Alba's Dream; a Tale. (K. O'Meara) Cath. World, 25: 443, 621, 735, Albania. Ho. & For. R. 3: 52. — and the Albanians. (A. H. Keane) Nature, 22: 243. — and its People. (W. H. Green) Princ. 29: 699. — and Scanderbeg. Ed. R. 154: 325. — Best's Excursions in, 1S41. Mo. R. 157: 371. — Costumes of. Penny M. 5: 179, 1S7, 220. — Hobhouse's Journey in. Quar. 10: 175. — (J. Foster) Eel. R. 22: 525. — Holland's Travels in. Ed. R. 25: 455. — Hughes on. Eel. R. 32: 526. — Question of, iSSo. (C. L. Fitzgerald) Macmil. 42: 201. — Shooting in. (R. B. Mansfield) Fraser, 56: 443. — With the Ghegs in. (A. Ma^diew) Scrib. 21 : 277- Albanians of South Epirus. Blackw. 129: 304. — of Tm-key. (H. Skene) Ed. New Philos. J. 46: 307. — Turbulence of. (J. H. Skene) Colburn, 88: 468. Albano, Plague in. Blackw. 102: 456. Albany, Louise M. C, Countess of. Bentley, 51: 67. — St. James, 12: 329. Same art. Eel. M. 64: 448. — Sharpe, 34: 137. — and Alfieri. (A. Hayward) Ed. R. 1x4: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 70: 451. Albany, City of. (M. Schuyler) Serib. 19: 161. — Har- per, 62: 524. — Hunt, 21: 50. — Penny M. 6: 169. — Capitol at, New. Am. Arch, i: 98, iii, 125. 4: 196. 6: 206. Designs for. Am. Arch, i: 98, iii, 125. Foundations of . (W. J.McAlpiH)Ecl.Engin.2i:388. — in 1S07. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 14: 451. — Journal of a Voyage to, in 1774. (A. Lott) Hist. M. 18: 65. — New Architecture at. Am. Arch. 5: 19, 28. — Van Rensselaer Mansion at. (S. B. Clover) Scrib. 6: 651. Albany and Susquehanna Railroad War. (C. F. Adams, jr.) No. Am. 112: 241. — (A. Stickney) No. Am. 112: 392. Albany Convention of Congregationalists. (B. J. Wal- lace) Am. Presb. R. i : 630. Albatross, The. (W. J. Broderip) Eraser, 57: 713. — Chamb. J. 12: 277. 55: 143. — Once a Week, 26: 234. Albemarle, Geo. Thomas, Earl. So. R. n. s. 24: 49. — With portrait. Eel. M. 70: 641. — Memoirs of. Quar. 141 : 466. Same art. Liv. Age, 129: 771. — Reminiscences of. Ed. R. 143: 455. Albemarle Street, Mornings in. Lond. M. 11: 618. Alberico Pori-o; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 46: 98, 182, 360, 469, 566. Albcroui, Giulio, Cardinal. Colburn, 122 : i6g. Albert, Prince, with portrait. Eel. M. 56: 283. — Apple- ton, 13: 174, 207. — Bentley, 51: 26. — Blackw. 117:114. 120:611. 123:201. — Ed. R. 147: 144. — Eng. Dom. M. 3: 453. — Fraser, 76: 269. 91: 209. — Lond. Soc. 12: 261. — Quar. in: 176. — So. Lit. Mess. 18: 240. — Westm. 34: 166. — and Napoleon III. Month, 36: 453. — and the Queen. Appleton, 17: 106. — as a Composer. Belgra. 8: 469. — Character of. (A. H. Japp) Good Words, 16: 197. — Death of. Dub. Univ. 59: i. — Eel. M. 55: 273. — Early Life of, by Queen Victoria. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 35: 649. — (S. Wllberforce) Quar. 123: 279. — Blackw. 102: 375.— Chamb. J. 44: 628. — Chr. Obs. 67: 665. — Chr. Rem. 54: 326.— Eel. M. 69: 582. — Lond. Q. 29* 199.— No. Brit. 47: 189.— Tinsley, 2: 156. — Early Years of. Victoria, 9: 385. — Eulogy on. Westm. 77: 225. — In Jlemoriam; a Poem. (M. E. Braddon) Temp. Bar, 4: iSo. — Influence of, on Art. Dark Blue, 1 : 36. ALBERT 19 ALCOTT Albert, Prince, Last Years of . Fraser, loi : 755. — Life of. Month, 39: 309. Martin's. Quar. 138: 107. 145: 277. 148: i. — Ed. R. 141: 272. 152: 97. — (W. E. Gladstone) Contemp. 26: i. Same art. Eel. M. 85: 152. — Westm. 107: 59. 109:430. 112:147. Same art. Liv. Age, 143: 131. — Westm. 114: 109. — (H. James, jr.) Nation, 20: 154. 24: 269. — Temp. Bar, 52: 596. — Blackw. 127: 500. — Caiiad. Mo. 7: 366. — Cong. 7: 163. — Memoir of. Colbum, 57: i. — Memorial of. Temp. Bar, 4: 570. Story of. All the Year, 36: 56. — Music and Poetry of. Colburn, 58: 425. — Savings of. Liv. Age, 136: 55. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, with portrait. Eel. M. 50: 56S. — (ialaxy, 9: 360. at Oxford. St. James, 13: 493. in India. Appleton, 18: i. — (A. H. Guernsey) Lend. Soc. 31: 417. Marriage of. All the Year, g: 107, iSo. — Eel. M. 59: 75. — Lond. Soc. 3: 300-33S. — Visit to Canada, 1S60. Liv. Age, 66: 438. Albert, Charles, Last Days of. Bentley, 57: 256. Albert, M., " Ouvrier," Letter to. Westm. 49: 120. Albert the Artizan. (G. Barmby) Howitt, 3: 235, Albert's Tomb ; a Poem. (G. Massey) Good Words, 3 : 479. Albert Nyanza, Lake, Baker's Explorations of. Dub. Univ. 68: roi. Same art. Cath. World, 3: 82S. — Quar. 120: 155. — Chamb. J. 43: 532. — Colburn, 137: 369. — Discover}' of. (H. Kingsley) Fortn. 5: 654. — Opening of. Colburn, 144: 719. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 199. — Ev. Sat. 8: 85. Albertus Magnus vindicated. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. AVorld, 13: 712. Albery, James. (P. Wrey) Lond. Soc. 26: 327. Albigenses. (H. Ballon, 2d) LTniv. Q 7: 363. — Dub, Univ. 74: 38. — Lond. Q. 4: i. — and the Troubadours. (W. C. Taylor) Bentley, ig: 603. 20: 68, 229. — and Waldenses, Early Annals of. Chr. Obs. 36: 403. — Crusade against. Temp. Bar, 4: 537. — Portal Family. Lond. Q. 18: 390. — Schmidt's History of. (R. Wheaton) No. Am. 70: 443. — Sismondi's History of. Eel. R. 44: 399. — Cong. M. g: 645. Albino, On the. Penny M. 9: 234. Albion and Rosamond; a Poem. (F. N. Broome) Sharpe, 47: 15. Albret, Jeanne d', Q. of Navarre. Chr. Obs. 56: 173, 269. Album, An Old-Time. (S. A. Stern) Penn Mo 9: 104. — of the Regiment. (E. About) Galaxy, 10: 335. Albums. Chamb. J. 50: 553. Alcaide, The, of Zalamea. (Calderon, transl. by J. Ox- enford) Colburn, 80: 269. Alcantara. Penny M. 4: 336. Alcesta; or, K'cward of Disobedience. (Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud) Godey, 25: 169. Alcestis, Fate of." (Mrs. E. F. Ellet) So. Lit. J. 3: 212. — Monk's. Quar. 15: 112, — Story of. (H. M. Moule) Fraser, 84: 575. — Woolsey's. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 42: 369. Alchemist, Tlie; or, The Haunted Tower. Bentley, 64: 281, 361, 521. Alchemist's Daughter. (E. W. Contessa) Colburn, 106: 17-206. Alchemist's Recipe. (E. Souvestre) So. Lit Mess. 21 : 6S0. Alchemists, The. Cornh. 19: 713. Same art. Eel. M. 74: 580.— Ev. Sat. 8: 65. — Nat. M. i: 308, 402, 496. — and Paracelsus. Dub. Univ. 51: 354, 419. — Cornelius Agrippa and. Fraser, 55: 45. Alchemists, The, Last of. Lond. Q. 11: 156. — Specimens of. House. Words, 11: 457-540. Alchemy. Retros. 14: 98. — Fraser, 19: 446. — Tinsley, 23: 139. — Ancient and Modern. Colburn, 85: 425. Same art. Eel. M. 17: 206. — and the Alchemists. Meth. Q. 16: 468. — Westm. 66: 279. Same art. Liv. Age, 51: 385. — (B. A. Brooks) Nat. Q. 27: 90. — Eraser, 3: 321. Figuier on. Eel. R. 105: 201. — and Astrology. Quar. 26: 180. — and Gunpowder. House. Words, i: 135. — Future of. (C. Froebeek) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 602. — History of. Chr. Rem. 2: 249. — Modern. (A.Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 16: 407.— See Paligenesia. Alcibiades ; a Poem. (T. H. Gibson) Dark Blue, i : 226. Alcibiades, the Boy and Man. (Sir D. K. Sandford) Black w. 39: 384, 619. 40: 33, 309, 470. 41: 51. — Dog of. Blackw. 62: 102. Alcohol. (L. Mason) Cong. R. 8: 169. — (T. Wright) Macmil. Ii: 47S. — Action of. (T. L. Brunton) Contemp. 33: 691. 34: 157. — Dub. R. 84: 447. — Advantages and Disadvantages of. (W. W. Gull) Contemp. 34: 131. — and the Vital Principle. (L Ryder) Canad. Mo. 19: 625. — as Food. (B. Carter) Contemp. 34: 35S. — (E. R. Peaslee) No. Am. 82: 512. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: 103. Medicine or Poison? Cornli. 5: 707. 6: 319. — as Medicine. Dub. L'niv. 85: 230, 324, 467. — (S. A. Abbott) Canad. Mo. 8: 27. — Controversy on. Fraser, 78: 277. — Conversation on. (C. B. Kadciift'e) Contemp. 34: 345. — Effects of, on warm-blooded Animals. Nature, 9: 132. — Improvements in Manufacture of. Pract. M. 7: 306. — Moderate Use of. (Sir J. Paget and J. Bernays) Contemp. 33: 683. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 13S. — (J. R. Bennett) Contemp. 34: 341. — Natural Production of. (G. Tissandier) Pop. Sci. Mo. ig: 238. — Oxidation of, by Ozone. (A. W. Wright) Am. J. Sci. 107: 184. — Physiological Influence of. Ed. R. 142: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 259. — (B. AV. Richardson) Pop. Sci. R. 11: 154. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 367. — Pop. Sci. Mo. i: 219. — Question of. Month, 35: 2S9. — (D. K. Brown) Canad. Mo. 18: 606. — Canad. Mo. 20: 48S. — Results of ExjK-rience in L^se of. (.\. B. Garrod) Contemp. 34: 372. — Richardson's Lectures on. Cong. 4: 46S. — Use and Abuse of. Broadw. 7: 264. — Use and Effects in the living Body. Westm. 75: 33. Same art. Liv. Age, 68: 471. — Use of, in Diet. (R. T. Edes) Penn Mo. 8: 5S2. — Uses of, in the .Animal Economy. AVestm. 64: 104. — Utility of. (C. Murchison) Contemp. 34: 136. Alioliolic Brain-Disorders. (R. Lawson) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 426. Alcoholic Drinks. Chaml). J. 58: 433. — All tlie Year, 28: 88. — Once a Week, 23: 253. — Does the Bible prohibit? (A. B. Rich) Bib. Sac. 37: 305, 401. See Liquors. Alcoliolic Excess, Effects of, on Character. (G. M. Fothergill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 379. Alcoholic Intoxication and Ether Drinking. (B. W. Richardson) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 31. Alcoholometer. Pract. M. 6: 324. Alcott, A. Bronson. Am. J. Educ. 27: 225. ALCOTT 20 ALEXANDRIA Alcott, A. Bronson. Conversations on the Gospels. Clir. Exam. 23: 252. — on Human Culture. Bost. Q. i: 417. — Record of a School. Knick. 7: 113. — Works. Dial, 3: 417. Alcott, Louisa M. Victoria, 36: 4. — Moods. (H. James, jr.) No. Am. loi: 276. — Work. Lakeside, 10: 246. — (M. Thacher) 0. & N. 8: 104. Alcott, Wm. A. Am. J. Educ 4: 629. Alcuin, Life of. Chr. R. 6: 357. — Teacher of Charlemagne. Am. Presb. R. ii: 237. Alcyone ; a Poem. So. R. n. s. 5: 462. Aldl)orouj;li Cliiirch. (S. Pegge) Arch. 7: 86. Aldburgh Coach, The. Chamb. J. 28: 8. Aldcgondc. See Maniix van Sint Aldegonde. Alden's Rock. (W. Cutter) Godcy, 39: 379. Alderman Jones in Switzerland. (D. Custello) Bentley, 52: 33>. 441, 637. Alderman of York. Knick. 59: 411, 556. 60: 54, 12S, 216. Alderney, Island of, and its Defenses. Temp. Bar, 4: 427. — Season in. St. James, 23: 314. — (H. J. Stephens) Sharpc, 47: 63. — Trip to. Lond. Soc. 40: 193. Alderney, Waifs and Strays from. Sharpe, 44: 236. Alderney Cows. See Cows, Alderncj'. Aldershot and Chalons. PYaser, 68: 190. Aldershot, Military Training at. St. James, 28: 639. — Revisited. All the Year, 43 : 224. — Sabbath at. (J. R. Macduff) Good Words, 2: 339. — Town and Camp at. All the Year, i: 401. Alderson, Edward H. Lond. Q. 12: 236. Aldine Press, Prince-Printers of Italy. (C. M. Philli- more) Macmil. 29: 355, 454. See Manutius, Aldus. Aldona of Kamienez ; a Galician Story. Victoria, 35 : 1 26. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Scrib. 8: 201. — So. Lit. Mess. 25: 215. — Fiction of. Atlan. 46: 695. — Marjorie Daw. Ev. Sat. 15: 640. — Poems. (E.Fawcett) Atlan. 34: 671. — So. Lit. Mess. 28: 388. Ale. All the Year, 20: 343. — and Brewing, Historj' of. Temp. Bar, 4: 467. — Burton. Ev. Sat. 13: 697. — Church, or Holy. St. James, 28: 129. — England's National Drink. Ev. Sat. i : 409. Alemanni, Graves of the, at Oberflacht. (W. M. Wylie) Arch. 36: 129. Alcmhert, J. le R. d'. Life of. Dub. R. 22: 190. Aleppo. Penny M. lo: 141. — Evening Party at. Tait, n. s. 25: 659. — Picnic at. Chamb. J. 34: 404. Alessandro Stradella; a Tale. (E. Polko) Argosy, 17: 347- Aleutian Islands. (C. M. Scammon) Overland, 5: 438. — and the adjacent Main. Colburn, 140: 379. Alcwife and the Shad. (J. W. Milner) Harper, 60: S45. Alexander the Great. Ed. R. 9: 40. — (E. A. Freeman) Ed. R. 105: 305. — (E. S. Creasy) Bentley, 33: 22, 148, 391. Same art. Eel. M. 28: 306, 477. 29: 162. — Penny M. 8: 133, 141, 158. — Character of. Hogg, 10: 337. — Exjiedition to Egvpt. Tait, n. s. 16: 228. Same art. Eel. M. 17: 277. — Expedition to India. (H. T. Prinsep) Eel. M. i : 44. — (irote's. Nat. R. 3: 50. — Moral Estimate of. (F. W. Newman) Fraser, 91 : 667. Same art. Li v. Age, 126: 3. — Prize Poem on. Blackw. 7: 617. — Successors of, and Greek Civilization in the East. Quar. 149: 125. — Tomb of. Eel. R. 2: 58 1. Alexander I., Czar of Russia, with portrait. Eel. M. 49: 414. — Mo. R. 109: 337. 120: 375. — and the Policy of Russia. Brit. Q. 57: 125. — and Prince Czartoryski. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 1 : 150. — Death of. House. Words, 11: 573. Same art. Liv. Age, 46: 546. — Domestic Life of. Sharpc, 12: 305. Same art. Ed. M. 22: 86. Same art. Liv. Age, 28: 120. — Last Days of . Sharpe, 14: 1. Same art. Eel. M. 6: 345. Same art. Internat. M. 4: 233. — Meeting with Frederick William III. and Francis II. (J. Clifford) Overland, 6: 446. — Memoir of, Lloyd's. Eel. R. 34: 385. — Religious Character of. Chr. Obs. 30: 197, 302. Alexander II., Czar of Russia. Bentley, 38: 7. Same art. Eel. M. 36: 593. Same art. Liv. Age, 46: 501. — Lippinc. 6: 149. — New Q. 4: 370. — With portrait. Eel. M. 72: 752. — No. Brit. 41: 134. — Attempted Assassination of. (W. Edgerton) O. & N. 5: 71- — Assassinatioji of. (I. Panin) Internat. R. 10: 594. and its Effect. Am. Cath. Q. 6: 279. — Coronation of , with plate. Eel. M. 68: 128. — on the Throne of Poland. Once a Week, 8: 415, 428, 469. Alexander VI., Pope. (J. J. Barry) Nat. Q. 26: 105. — and his Original Traducers. (J. J. Barry) Am. Cath. Q. 3: 321. Alexander Farnese, Sketch of . Blackw. 37: 957. Alexander of Abonotichus, a Cagliostro of the 2d Cen- tury. (J. A. Froude) 19th Cent. 6: 551. Alexander, Archibald. (W. T. Brantley) Chr. R. 21 : 220. — (J. T. Crane) Meth. Q. 22: 250. — Death of. Liv. Age, 31 : 551. — Life of. Theo. & Lit. J. 7: 684. ■ — Memoir of. (C. Hodge) Princ. 27: 133. — Moral Science of. (E. A. Park) Bib. Sac. 10: 390. Alexander, C, Conspiracy against. .\m. Law R. 9: 351. Alexander, C. F., Poems of. Dub. Univ. 54: 366. Same art. Eel. M. 48: 409. Alexander, Joseph Addison. Knick. 36: 421. — Childhood of. (H. C. Alexander) Hours at Home, 10: 181. — Life of. (T. Dwight) NewEng. 29: 73. — Princ. 42: 103. — Reminiscences of, in Travel. (S. H. Cox) Am. Presb. R. loi: 253. Alexander, Sir James Edward, with portrait. Colburn, 166: 513. Alexander, James W., with portrait. Eel. M. 48: 579. — Letters of. New Eng. 18: 930. — Memoir of. (E. Emerson) Mercersb. 12: 555. Alexander, L. Congregational Lectures. Eel. R. 74: 152. Alexander, Wm. Waters of Babylon. Eel. M. 52: 138. — and C. F., Poems of. Dub. Univ. 52: 476. Alexander, Wm., Bp. of Deny, wnth portrait. Dub. Univ. 86: 534. Alexander the Corrector. Retros. 10: 25. Alexandra, Princess of Wales, with portrait. Ev. Sat. g: 292. — England's Welcome to. Once a Week, 7: 342. — Cornh. 7: 546. Alexandra Palace. (J. E. Ritchie) Bclgra. 26: 479. Alexandra Vase. Art J. 16: 77. Alexandria. (W. S. Tyler) Hours at Home, 5: 481. — Colburn, 13: 40. — Penny M. 9: 460. — Colburn, 10: 348. — and the Alexandrians. (W. Sewell) Quar. 66: 64. — and Cairo. Sharpe, 49: loi. — and her Schools, Kingsley on. Eel. R. 100: 176. — and the Overland Route. (G. M. Steele) Meth. Q. 23: 557- ALEXANDRIA 21 ALGERIA Alexandria, Christian Schools of. (R. Emerson) Am. Bib. Kepos. 4: 1, 1S9. — (J. F. Garrison) ^Vm. Church R. 30: 1S5. — (J. Tulloch) Good Words, 2: 613.— No. Brit. 23: 393. — Dub. R. 55: 27S. Same art. Cath. World, 1 : 33,721. 3: 354,484. — Quar. 2: 266. Kingsley on. Prosp. R. 10: 443. — Damascus, and Jerusalem, Hogg's Visit to. Mo. R. 138: 369. — Greek Schools of. (H. J. Warner) Chr. Exam. 80: 14. ~ in the Fifth Century. (Mrs. S. B. Ilerrick) So. R. n. s. 15: 1S6. — Libraries of. (C. W. Super) Nat. Q. 32: 37. — Library of. Eel. M. 2: 214. 72: 496. — (0. Dele- pierre) St. James, 12: 432. Burning of. Fraser, 29: 465. — Museum of. (C. W. Super) Nat. Q. 36: 264. — Old and New. All tiie Year, 8: 228. — Visit to. Hogg, 9: 313. — Voyage to. No. Brit. 39: 429. Alexandria, Va., Christ Cliurch at. (B. J. Lossing) Potter Am. Mo. 4: 162. — Early History of. (L. G. Olrastead) Hist. M. 7: 213, 244. — in Colonial Times. (F. H. Lungren) Scrib. 21: 4S9. Alexandrian Christianity. No. Brit. 23: 393. Alexandrian Theosophy, The. Prosp. R. 4: 4-55. Alexandrine d' Alopeus, Storj' of. Month, 5: 473. 6: 48. Alexandrine's Story. St. James, 28: 50S. Alexis, Grand Duke of Russia, with portrait. Ev. Sat. 11: 415. Alfadhel Alderani}'; an Arabian Tale. Colbum, 22: 430. Alfieri, V. (W. D. Howells) Atlan. 35: 533.— (F. E. Trollope) Belgra. 40: 157. — Cornh. 14: 726. Same art. Ed. M. 68: 202. — Penny M. 9: 434. — and the Countess of Albany. (M. A. E. Wagner) Galaxy, 20: 203. — Ed. R. 114: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 70: 451. — and Schiiier. (Mrs. E. F. Ellet) So. Lit. Mess. 2: 702. — Filippo. Colbum, 4: 56. — Life and Writings of. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. 14: 209. — (R. Southey) Quar. 14: 333. — (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 15: 274. — (J. T. Headley) Dem. R. 15: 513. — (F.Jeffrey) Selec. Ed. R. 2: 143. — Fraser, 43: 338. Same art. Eel. M. 22: 497. Same art. Internat. M. 3: 229. — Memoir of. Eel. R. ir: 518. — Political Comedies. Colbum, 5: 265-334. — Writings of. Am. Mo. M. i: 355. Alfonso the Wise, King of Castile. (M. Ward) Macmil. 26: 126. Same art. Liv. Age, 114: 51. — Fraser, 92: 627. Alfonso X. of Spain, and Code of 1256. Am. .J. Educ. 27: 157. Alford, H. E., Dean. (E. T. Vaughan) Contemp. 16: 486. — Ceng. 2: 346. — Life of. Chr. Obs. 73: 337. — Poems of. Eel. R. 123: 114. — Ed. R. 62: 297. — Blackw. 39: 577. — Mus. 28: 497. — Sketch of. (R. G. Moses) Bapt. Q. 9: 235. Alfred the Great. (W. W. Champnoys) Ex. H. Lee. 7: 327. — (A. G. Knight) Month, 30: 394. 31: 12, 201, 316. 32: 63, 420. 33: 86, 16S. — (Gokhvin Smith) Canad. Mo. 2: 157. — Bentley, 32: 99. — Fraser, 45: 74. Same art. Eel. M. 25: 30S. — Eel. M. 56: 24. — No. Brit. 17: 145. — and his Times. Nat. Q. 21: 201. — as Poet and Man. (J. A. Heraud) Belgra. 7: 277. — Ballad from English History. (J. Payn) Colbum, io5: 304. — his Tomb at Hyde Abbey. (H. Howard) Arch. 13: 309- — Presents to the Cathedrals. (S. Pegge) Arch. 2: 68. Alfred the Great, Pauli's Life of. (H. Davis) No. ^\ju. 75: 208. — Fraser, 45: 74. Alfred, Prince, Romance of. Once a Week, 8: 120. Alfred Ernest Albert, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, Marriage of. (W. Senior) Victoria, 22: 385. Alfred Deligne's Vindication. Chamb. J. 47: 625,645. Same art. Ev. Sat. 9: 662, 678, 69S. Alfred Walters ; a Tale. Fraser, 26: 245 . Alfric, Earl of Mercia, Seal of. Penny M. 2: iii. Alga', Fossil calcareous. (E. P. Wright) Nature, 19: 485. — from a Californian Hot-Spring. (H. C. Wood, jr.) Am. J. Sci. 96: 31. — Marine, of North America, Harvey's. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 64: I. — Mode of Growth of some. (J. B. Hicks) Pop. Sci. R. 6: I. — Reproduction in Fresh- Water. (B. D. Halsted) Am. Natural. 11: 513. — Structure and Reproduction of. (A. W. Bennett) Pop. Sci. R. 13: 25. Algazzali's Confessions. Ed. R. 85: 340. Algebra and Arithmetic of the Hindus. Ed. R. 21: 364. 29: 141. — Bonnycastle's Treatise on, 1813. Eel. R. 19: 265. — Bourdon's. Am. Mo. R. i: 159. — Colburn's. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 3: 241. — Elements of. Dr. Cumming's. Meth. Q. 5: 25. — Euler's Elements of, 1810. Eel. R. 12: S64. — Hackley's. (Dr. Tappan) Meth. Q. 7: 257. — Practical Sj'stem of. Westm. 3: 275. — Sherwin's. Bost. Q. 5: 220. Algebraic Equations. (G. P. Young) Canad. J. n. s. 5: 20, 127. Algebraic Results, Literpretation of. (W. H. Parker) Math. Mo. i: 160. Algebras, Spaces, Logics. (G. B. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 17: 516. Alger Family. N. E. Reg. 29: 270. Algeria. Fraser, 52: 223. Same art. Eel. M. 36: Soi. — Penny M. 9: 29, 65. — Account of. J. Statis. Soc. 2: 115. — Adventures in. (W. Russell) St. James, 11: 24. — Among the Kabyles. (E. H. Vizetelly) Gent. M. n. s. 11: 554. — and Tunis in 1845. Dub Univ. 28: 285. — Arab Christian Villages in. (Lady Herbert) Month, 28: 297. Same art. Liv. Age, 131: 500. — Army of. Bentley, 55: 150. — Campaign in. Fraser, 37: 525. — Civilization of. Knick. 54: 191. — Colonization in. (E. T. Bridges) St. James, 36: 255, 488. Progress of. (Si. B. Edwards) Fraser, 96: 422. — French. Quar. 99: 332. Same art. Liv. Age, 51 : 641. — French Army in. (C. I. Barnard) Nation, 12: 28. — French Commission to, 1S33. Westm. 22: 212. — Mus. 26: 353. — French Expedition to. For. Q. 9: 145. — French in. Blackw. 50: -183. — For. Q. 13: 74. — Mus 24:656. — Colbum, 120: 237,495. 134: 253. — Dui). R. 4: 179. — Hogg, 2: 335. — Interiors of. (B. R. Parkes) Once a Week, 4: 3:56. — Livalid's Winter in. (G. MacDonald) Good Words, 5: 793- — Jardin d'Essai. Nature, 4: 447. — Letters from the South. (T. Campbell) Colbum, 45: 137- 47: 150- — Life in. Ed. M. 8: 364. — Lion Hunters of. Fraser, 69: 246. — Past and Present of. For. Q. 37: 159. Same art. Liv. Age, 11: 219. Same art. Ed. JI. 8: 187. — Past, Present, and Future of. Fraser, 52: 223. ALGERIA 22 ALL Algeria, Pirates of, Lady's Captivity among. Sharpe, i6: 65, 139, 215. — Political State of. Portfo.(Den.)2o: 384,416. 21:40. — Proposed Inland Sea in. (J. D. (Jhamplin, jr.) Pop. Sci.Mo. 8: 665. — Nature, 16: 353. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 764. — (F. II. Smith) So. M. 15: 410. — Quiviercs's Deux Ans en Afrique. Colburu, III : loS. — Regency of. Wcstm. 20: 132. — Rough Ride on Classic Ground. Eraser, 68: 470. — Roumi in Kabylia. Lippinc. 11: 249, 389, 489, 621. — Rozet's. For. (i. 19: i. — Saint in. Month, 29: 225, 286. — Salanu'-'s Expedition to. Blackw. 5: 81. — Shaler's Sketches. No. Am. 22: 409. —U. S. Lit. Gaz. 4: 74. — Chr. Mo. Spec. 8: 350. — Sport in. Colburn, 133: 240. — Tunis, and Morocco. No. Brit. 49: 141. — Walmsley's Sketches of, during the Kabyle War- New Q. 7: 325. — War in, 1S53. Liv. Age, 37: 237. Algerinc Literature of France. No. Brit. 30: i. Same art. Eel. M. 47: i. Same art. Liv. Age, 61: 263. Algernon Darey. Colburn, 156: 1-603. ^57= '• Algiers. Blackw. 47: 217. 60: 334. — Ecl.R. iii: 45. — Penny M. 3: 489. — 111. M. 1 : 35. — Alger s' Amuse. (E H.Vizetelly)Gent. M. n.s. 11 : 391. — as it is. (E. H. Vizctelly) Gent. M. n. s. 9: 25S. — Barber who reigned for a Day. Loud. Soc. 40: 88. — Battle of; a Poem. Blackw. 7: 291. — Bombardment of. All the Year, 17: 125. Same art. Eel. M. 68: 580. — Mrs. Broughton's Six Years' Residence in. Tait, n. s. 6: 399. — Capture of, 1830. Niles's Reg. 39: 21, 47. — Cockpit Royal. All the Year, 15: 469. — Com. Decatur's Operations against. Anal. M. 7: 113. — Description and Statistics of. Dub. R. 13: i. — Embassy to, 1793. Hist. M. 4: 262, 296, 359. — English Slave in. Dub. Univ. 27: 76. — Forenoon Call in. Chamb. J. 28: 39. — Home Life in. St. James, 7: 299. Same art. Liv. Age, 78: 195. — Hydraulic Works at, 1840. (M. Poirel) J. Frankl. Inst. 29: 177. — in the Spring of 1837. Colburn, 54: 166. — in 1857. Beutley, 44: 355. — in 1865. Cornh. 11: 426. — Life in. Once a Week, 12: 653. — Lord on. Mo. R. 137: 311. — Pananti's Residence in, 1818. Eel. R. 28: 472. — Rambles near. (E. H. Vizetelly) St. James, 32: 600. — Sewerage of. (Piarron de Mondesir) J. Frankl. Inst. 69: 145, 217, 289. — Six Years' Residence in, 1806-12. Mo. R. 149: 210. — The Street of Bab-Azzoun. (G. A. Sala) Temp. Bar, 16: 188. — Two Arab Markets. (E. H. Vizetelly) Gent. M. n. s. 11: 281. — vmder the French. Dub. R. 47: 273. Algic Languages. (E. Jacker) Am. Cath. Q. 2: 304. Algol, The Star. Chamb. J. 47: 537. Algonquins, Historical and Mythological Traditions of. (E. G. Squier) Am. Whig R. 9: 173. Alhambra, The. House. Words, 19: 62, 4S4. — Penny M. 4: 355. — and Granada. (S. P. Scott) Lippinc. 27: 425. — Glimpse of. (H. Coppee) Appleton, 6: 683. — Recollections of. (W. Irving) Knick. 13: 405. — (W. Irving) Bentley, 6: 185. — Reminiscences of. (W. H. Bidwell) Eel. M. 46: 434, 581. Al Hariri, Assemblies of. Chamb. J. 45: 233. Ali Bey, Travels of. (R. Southey) Qu.ir. 15: 299.— Mo. R. 82: 337. 83: 28. — A'nal. M. 8: 330. — (J. F'oster) Eel. R. 23: 521. Ali Pacha, Life of. (E. Everett) No. Am. 18: 106. — Mo. R. 100: 281. — Sketch of. Blackw. 20: 716. — Visit to, 1809. Blackw. 13: 437, 527. 1S19. No. Am. 10: 429. Alias. (C. Reade) Dark Blue, 4: 169. Alice, Princess, Poem on her Death. (Byron Webber) Tinsley, 24: 130. — Poem to. (A. Tennyson) 19th Cent. 5: 575. Alice; a Poem. Temp. Bar, 4: 576. Alice; a Story of Cotton Mather's Time. Dem. R. 25: 249, 338- Alice and the Angel. House. Words, 3: i. Alice Blakelock; a Tale. (J.C. Heaviside)Sharpe, 39: 91. Alice Gilbert's Confession; a Tale. Temp. Bar, 5: 253. Alice Lorraine. (R. D. Blackmore) Blackw. 115: 269- 655. 116: 42-676. 117: 44-407. Same art. Liv. Age, 121: 591-789. 122: 86-755. 123: 203-492. 124: 83-748. 125: 12-344. Alice May. (E. Jesse) Bentley, 25: 469. Alice Sherwin, and the English Schism. Brownson, 15: 491. Alida; or. Town and Country. (0. W. B. Peabody) No. Am. 59: 434. Alien Laws. Niles's Reg. 43: supp. i. — Am. Alma. 1836: 85. — Blackw. 116: 450. Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 2S0. — of England. Ed. R. 42: 99. Aliens. Chamb. J. 44: 598. Alienation. (A. K. H. Boyd) Eraser, 87: 67. Alim; a Story. Irish Mo. 5: 559, 603, 675. Alimentation, Economical. Nature, 5: 45. See Food. Alison, Rev. Archibald, Sketch of. (G. GiUillan) Hogg, 2: 193. Same art. Eel. M. 16: 568. — Sermons. Quar. 14: 429. — (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 23: 424. — Anal. M. 5: 16. 8: 424. — Blackw. 2: 318. — Chr. Obs. 14: 109. Alison, Sir Archibald, M-ith portrait. Eel. M. 38: i^^^- — Bentley, 32: i. Same art. Liv. Age, 34: 450. — Blackw. 102: 125. — Historv and Essays. Dub. Univ. 36: 631. Same art. EcI.'M. 22: 223. — History of Europe. See Europe; France, Revolution. — Light Readings in. Colburn, 102: 406. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 155- — Political Essays. Blackw. 67: 605. Alive, and yet Dead: Passages in the Life of a French Convict. Blackw. 130: 646. Alive or Dead? (Mrs. A. Eraser) Tinsley, 20: 446. Alizarin and allied Coloring Matters, History of. (W. H. Perkin) J. Frankl. Inst. 108: 88. Alkali Act, 1863. Eel. Engin. 14: 316. Alkali Trade. (M. M. P. Muir) Nature, 16: iSo. Alkalies in Minerals. (J. L. Smith) Am. J. Sci. 65: 234. 16: 53. Alkaline and Boracic Lakes of California. (J. A. Phil- lips) Pop. Sci. R. 16: 153. Alkamah's Cave; a Story of Nejd. (W. G. Palgrave) Macmil. 31: 443, 535- 32: 73. Aiken, Henry. Blackw. 15: 219. All about it ; a Tale. (E. W. Thompson) Lippinc. 10: 458. All Alone ; a Story. (A. Theuriet) Appleton, 24 : 289, 396. All the Difference. (A. E. T. Watson) Lond. Soc. 28: 126. All Fool's Day. (C. Dickens, jr.) Ev. Sat. 7: 558.— (C. Lamb) Lond. M. 3: 361. All Fool's Day ; or, The Rival Robbers. Blackw. 81 : 393. All for the Faith ; a Tale. (A. Young) Cath. World, 9: 684. ALL 23 ALLSTOX All for Greed. (B. de Bury) St. Paul's, i: 23-641. 2; 1-129. Same art. Liv. Age, 95 : 303,720. 96:414, 744. 97: 85-619. All for Love. Tinsley, 3: 327-441. All a Green Willow. Tinsley, 16: 566. All a Green Willow; a Tale. (C. Gibbon) Belgra. 39: supp. I. Same art. Canad. Mo. 16: 37. All-Hallow Eve, Calendars of. (E. Walford) Once a Week, 14: 570, 595. — Customs of. Ev. Sat. 11: 535. — in Ireland. Colburn, 4: 254. AU-Hallow Eve; a Tale, (R. Curtis) Cath. World, i: 50D-785. 2: 71-813. 3: 97, 241. All Hallow's Priory, History of. (O. J. Burke) Dub. Univ. 81: 547, 661. All in the Dark. (J. S. LeFanu) Dub. Univ. 67: 19S-617. All in the Wrong; or, The Tamer tamed. Blackw. 92: 671. Same art. Liv. Age, 76: 3. All's well that ends well. (E. Phelps) Knick. 61: 326. — Bentley, 3: 72. — Lond. Soc. 12: 274. All a Mistake. Tinsley, 12: 291. All or Nothing; a Tale. (C. Hoey) All the Year, 41: 25-563. 42: 19-282. All Potterton's Fault; a Tale. (S. Gerard) Sharpe, 47: 31. All Saints' Day. (C. Kingsley) Good Words, 16: 194. — Mo. Rei. M. 30: 301. 46: 54S. — (C. Palfrey) Unita. R. 4: 504. Allan, Col. John, Memoir of. (G. H. Allen) N. E. Reg. 30: 353- — Narrative of. N. E. Reg. 12: 254. — Operations in Maine and Nova Scotia. Uist. M. 14: 263. Allan, Samuel, of Windsor, Conn., Memoir of. N. E. Reg. 30: 444. Allan, William, with portrait. Hogg, 5: Si. — (W. C. Smith) Good Words, 14: 196. Allan, Sir William. Blackw. 11: 439. 21: 401. Allan; a Poem. Mo. R. 152: 562. Alleghany Co. Bonds, Decision on. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 13: 467. Alleghany Mountains, Among the. (.J. Harwood) Once a Week, 6: 156. — By-Paths in : illustrated. (R. IL Davis) Harper, 61 : 167, 353. 532. — Crossing the; a Poem. Dial, i : 159. — Fauna of. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 4: 392. — Rencontre in. New Eng. M. 7: 359. — Travels in. (D. H. Strother) Harper, 44: 659, 801. 45: 2i-Soi. 46: 669. 47: 821. 49: 156. 51: 475- Alleghany Travels. So. Lit. Mess, i : 97. Allegiance and Naturalization. St. Paul's, 4: 431. Allegorical Interpretation. Brit. Q. 2: 175. — Mo. R. 165: 350. Allegorical Painting and Sculpture. Penny M. 7: 305. Allegorical Representation, Origin of. (E. Wiggles- worth) Chr. Exam. 21: 158. Allegorical Sketch. Knick. 23; 361. Allegorical Works. Irisli CJ. 6: 673. Allegory, An. Chr. Mo. Spec. 3: 19. — at Covent Garden. Once a Week, 27: 323. Allegories of the Months. (M. Davies) Colburn, 151 : 131-445- Allegro; a Tale. (L. T. Cragin) O. & N. 7: 147. Alleine, Joseph. Eel. R. 114: 611. — JIeth.M.34: 402. Allen, Ann. (Mrs. E. F. Ellct) Godey, 44: 317. Allen, Cary. Am. Presb. R. 4: 55. Allen, Ethan. (B.J. Lossing) Harper, 17: 721. — New Eng. M. 6: 302. — Essay on Being, Human Soul, etc. Hist. M. 21 : 193, 274. 330- 22: 29, 76. — Life of. (J. Sparks) Sparks's Am. Biog. 1 : 227. Allen, George. (R. E. Thompson) Penn Mo. 7: 56- 648. Allen, Henry W. (D. B. Ewing) Land We Love, 3: 43. Allen, Gen. Ira. Hist. M. 7: 105. Allen, Isaac. (A. Hill) Chr. Exam. 37: 217. Allen, John. (J. Macdonald) Meth. M. 35: 3. Allen, Joseph. 25th Anniversary Sermon. (H. Ware, jr.) Chr. Exam. 32: 51. Allen, Mrs. Lucy Clark, Address at Funeral of. (A. Hill) Mo. Rel. M. 35: 250. Allen, Mary Frances, Memorial of. Mo. Rel. M. 18: 193. Allen, Gov. Samuel, Memoir of. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 272. Allen, Thomas. (S. Burnham) Cong. Q. 11: 475, Allen, Thomas, Life of, with portrait. West. J. 9: 421. Allen, William. Chamb. J. 10: 2;^2- Same art. Liv. Age, 20: 17. — (J. Sherman) Ex. H. Lee. 5: 433. — Peop. J. 6: 314. — Am. J. Educ. 10: 365. — Life and Labors of. Eel. R. 87: 449. — Memoir of. Chr. Obs. 52: 89. — Sermon. Am. Mo. R. 2: 129. — Sherman's Memoir of. Ed. R. 94: 436. Allen, William, Cardinal. (J. Thompson) Month, 33: 369- Allen, William, Chief Justice. (E. F. De Lancey) Pennsyl. M. i: 202. AUen, William H., Capt. U. S. N., with portrait. Portfo. (Den.) 11: I. Allen, Z., Practical Tourist. Am. Mo. R. 2: 315. Allen Faniilv of New Jersey. N. E. Reg. 25: 144. Allen Genealogy. (S. M. Allen) N. E. Reg. 10: 225. AUentown Church Case, Ma.ster's Report. Luth. Q. 8: i. Allerheiligen, Baden and. (T. A. TroUope) Lippinc. 20: 535- AUerton, Isaac. (H. W. Cushman) N. E. Reg. 8: 265. Alleyn, Edward. House. Words, 13: 300. — Mo. R. 154, 504. ^Vllie Fletcher; a Tale. Temp. Bar, 20: 278, 417. Allied Powers and Naples. Ed. Mo. R. 5: 717. Allies, T. W. Autobiography. (T. S. Preston) Cath. World, 32: 633. — Writings. Dub. R. 87: 243. Alligafor, Adventure with an. Temp. Bar, 24: no. — liabits of. (T. B. Thorpe) Harper, 10: 37. — Natural History of. (J. J. Audubon) Ed. New Philos. J. 2: 270. Same art. Mus. 11: 272. Alligators, Day with. Bentley, 51: 491, 650. — in England. (C. H. WiUiams) Once a Week, 15: 134- Allingham, Wm. Poem, Laurence Bloomfield. Chamb. J. 41: 523. — Dub. R. 56: 320. Same art. Cath. World, i: 466. — Irish Q. 7: 1127. — Putnam, 8: 19. — Recollections of. (J. Reade) New Dom. 10: i. Alliott, Rev. i;., Memoir of. Cong. M. 23: 425. Allison, William B., with portrait. Lakeside, 2: 373. Alliteration. Appleton, 6: 1S6. — and Assonance. Liv. Age, 79: 42. Allondale Priory. (J. F. Otis) Godey, 40: 37, 97. Allotment System. Penny M. 14: 87. Allotments f«>'A-H.< Pauperism. St. James, ii: 336. Allotropism. Recr. Sci. 3: 242. Alloys, On. J. Frankl. Inst, i: 316. — and Metals, Recent Researches in. (F. C. Calvert) .J. Frankl. Inst. 82: 186. — ^lanufaoture of. J. Frankl. Inst. 62: 191. — of Copper and Tin, Thurston's. (W. C. Roberts) Nature, 21 : 273. — of Nickel and Iron, Strength of. (W. Fairbairn) .1. Frankl. Inst. 66: 2S0. Allspice-Tree. Penny M. 3: 2S1. Allston, Mrs. Joseph, with portrait. Potter Am. ^lo- 4: 257. ALLSTON 24 ALPS Allston, Robert F. W., with portrait. De Bow, 12: 574. — Godey, 35: 180. Allston, Washington. (Mrs. Lee) Howitt, 2: 395. — (O. W. Holmes) No. Am. 50: 35S. — with portrait, Dcm. R. 13: 431. — Am. Mo. M. 7: 435. — Belshazzar's Feast. (\V. P. Lunt) Chr. Exam. 37: 49. — (II. A. S. Dearborn) Knick. 24: 205. — Exhibition of bis Pictures, 1S39. Dial, i: 7^,. — (J. Huntington) Knick. 14: 163. — Lectures on Art and Poem.«. Am. Whig R. 12: 17. — New Eng. 8: 445. — MonaUli. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 54: 397. — New York R. 10: 203. — (S. J. Hale) Chr. Exam. 31: 374. — So. Lit. Mess. 8: 281. — Our first great Painter. (Sarah Clarke) Atlan. 15: 129. — Paintings by. O. «& N. 4: 735. — Poems, and Lectures on Art. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 71: 149. — Sylphs of the Season. (R. H. Dana) No. Am. 5: 365. — Anal. M. 6: 151. Alma, Wreck of the. Once a Week, i: 185. Alma Mater's Roll ; a Poem. (E. E. Hale) Scrib. 10: 623. Alma-Tadema, La«Tence, Works of. ^Vrt J. 27: 9. Almachilde; a Dramatic Sketch. Am. Mo. M. 4: 313, 369- Almack's. Bcntley, 10: 640. — Lond. M. 17: 103. — Recollections of. Lond. Soc. 4: 145. — Twelfth-night at. Lond. M. 17: 205. Almack's Down East. Knick. 39: 151. Almanac, The. Chamb. J. 50: 99. — An Old, 1662. Eng. Dom. M. 10: 59. — The Old. Chamb. J. 9: 2Z7- — Oldest. Dub. Univ. 28: 187. — U. S., for 1S43. (S. C. Walker) J. Frankl. Inst. 34: 165. Almanacs. All the Year, 6: 318. — Am. Alma. 1830: 50. — Mo. R. 115: 160. 118: 121. — and Calendars, Old. Brit. Q. 28: 333. — Chinese. House. Words, 10: 203. — Clog. See Clog Almanacs. — English, under James I. Retros. 18: 365. — for 1830. Mo. R. 120: 583. — for 1831. Mo. R. 123: 591. — for 1841. Fraser, 23: loi. — French. All the Y'ear, 40: 63. — Colburn, 81 : 456. — Knick. 54: 521. for 1S53. (P. Godwin) Putnam, 1 : 49. for 1S70. Colburn. 146: 102. — History of. (T. Wright) Macmil. 7: 173. — Chr. Rem. 3: 108. — Italian. All the Y'ear, 36: 150. — Literature of. (J. Pierce, jr.) Putnam, 4: 270. — Oldest of all. Dub. Univ. 28: 187. Same art. Eel. M. 9: 203. — Some old. (C. W. Elliott) Galaxy, 23 : 24. See Calendars. Almost a Catastrophe; a Love Story. (S. Foster) Lip- pine. 28: 508. Almost a Ghost. (W. A. Thompson) Lippinc. 7: 175. Almost a (Quixote. Eng. Dom. M. 24: 293. 25: 47- 323. 26: 15-68. Almost a Romance. (J. B. Runnion) Lakeside, 4: 345. Almost Wrecked ; a Tale. (E. S. Drewry) Victoria, 24: 209-476. 25: 569-761. Alms and Prayers, Memorials before God. (W. M. Reily) Mercersb. 14: 457. Alms-giving. Chamb. J. 12: 113. — (B. Lambert) Good Words, 22: 625. — Christian Idea of. (H. Harbaugh) Mercersb. 14: 165. — Christ's Rule for, better than our Methods. (I. N. Tar- box) New Eng. 13: 242. Almshouse, The; a Poem. Mo. Rel. M. 30: 249. Almshouse in Shropshire. Chamb. J. 22: 193. Same art. Liv. Age, 43: 243. Almshouses, County Jails and. (C. L. Brace) Nation, 22: 199. Alnwick Castle. (E. Bradlej-) Once a Week, 4: 571. — Antiquary, 3: 2S5. — Penny M. 5: 37. — Sharpe, 2: 209. — and its Decorations. Art J. 9: 30. — Renaissance at. Colburn, 109: 282. Aloe, Great American. Sharpe, 15: 187. Alone; a. Vo^m in facsimile. (E. A. Poe) Scrib. lO: 608. Alone in College, and what came of it. Fraser, 103: 211. Alone in London; a Poem. (H. B. Buildon) Cornh. 33: 88. Along the Links of Alnmouth; a Story. All the Y'ear, 43: 93, 117, 141- Along the Route. (M. M. Cole) Lakeside, 5: 150. Aloysius Gonzaga, St., Life of. Dub. R. 61: 301, Alpaca, Discovery of. Lond. Soc. 36: 103. — Naturalization of, Walton on. Mo. R. 155: 259. Alpenglow; a Poem. (M. J. Preston) Scrib. 7: 62. Alphabet, The, Anecdotes of. All the Year, 28: 418. — for Lower Animals. All the Year, 24: 136. — Hebrew, Supposed Mosaic Origin of. Chr. Obs. 39: 169. — Invention of. (G. Briickner) Kitto, 40: 178. — Liberties taken with. All the Year, 27: 514. — New Appropriation of the Roman. Meth. Q. 10: 396. — Origin of. Once a Week, 26: 493. — Poetry of . Broadw. 5: 223. — Roman, applied to Eastern Languages. Lond. Q. 11: 143- — Significancy of. (Mrs. M. L. Putnam) No. Am. 68: 160. — Tormenting. (G. Wakeman) Galaxy, i : 437. — Universal, Lepsius's. (J. S. Ropes) Bib. Sac. 13: 681. Alphabet Studies and Chinese Imitations. Lond. M. 4: 47. Alphabetic Writing, Origin of. Dub. Univ. 8: 623. — Nat. Q. 15: 61. — Wall on. Dub. Univ. 16: 130. Alphabeticals. Blackw. 96: 325. Alphabets. Ed. R. 31: 368. — History in. (J. C. C. Clarke) Bib. Sac. 31: 333. — Manual. Penny M. 2: 499. Alphousus de Liguori, St. Dub. R. 37: 326. AlpineClub. Blackw. 86: 456. Sameart. Ecl.M. 48: 530, Same art. Liv. Age, 62: 98. — Chamb. J. 32: 59. — German- Austrian. (G. G. Ramsay) Good Words, 17: 402, 532. — Map of Switzerland. Nature, 11: 8. — Peaks and Passes. Brit. Q. 36: 71. Alpnach, Slide of. Cong. M. 3: iii. Alps, The. (J. Bigelow) No. Am. 38: 405. — (A. Nich- olson) Univ. Q. 5: 197. — (G. Macdonald) Argosy, i: 53, 127. — Blackw. 102: 41S, 540. — Brit. Q. 40: 28. — Broadw. 6: 529. 7: 315. — Ed. R. 130: 118. — Nature, 16: 542. — Once a Week, 25: 437. — Putnam, 5: 468. — (H. S.Wilson) Tinsley, 16: 301. — .(Esthetics among. Blackw. 81: 265. Same art. Eel. M. 41 : 98. — Art in the Higher: Loppe's Alpine Paintings. (M. C. O'Morris) St. Paul's, 13: 25. — Ascent of. (J. Tyndall) Fortn. 13: 7. Same art. Liv. Age, 104: 437. — Blackw. i: 59. 2: 255. 4: 180. — Anal. M. 15: 375. — Mus. 9: 73, 115, 512. 10: 259, 306, 400. — Dub. Univ. 54: 231. of the Aletschhorn. (J. Tyndall) Ev. Sat. 9: 74. of the Buet. Chamb. J. 8: 94. of the Oldenhorn. Cornh. 9: 702. — Austrian, Short Tour in. (L. M. Hoskins) Victoria, 20: 129. ALPS 25 ALTAR Alps, The, Avalanches in. Eel. M. 49: 133. — Bad Five Minutes in. Fraser, 96: 545. — Berchtesgarden and the Ziller-Tlial. Cornh. 15: 572. — Berlepsch's. Liv. Age, 71: 639. — Beyond the Snow Line. (P. Gussfeldt) Penn Mo. 12: 665, 721. — Botany of. No. Brit. 37: 69. — (H. Coultas) Shaqie, 46: 144. See below, — Flowers of . — Brute Life in. Blackw. 74: 539. — Bye-Day in. Cornh. 29: 675. — Chalets and Pasturages of. Penny M. 13: 474. — Climbing of. Liv. Age, 68: no. — tiiiar. 123: 118. — St. Paul's, i: 470. Same art. Liv. Age, 96: 404. The Peak of Terror. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 15: 585- — Col du Geant. (H. Greenfield) Knick. 45: 503. — Dangers of Jlountaineering in. Temp. Bar, 52: 213. — Dent-du-Midi, Mt., Lady's Ascent of. (A. B. Le Geyt) Victoria, 8: 306. — Diary of a Traveler in. Fraser, 19: 221, 329. — Engineering among. Penny ^I. 13: 407, 410. — Excursions in. Blackw. 86: 456. — Exploration of. Dub. Univ. 78: 302. — Floods and Avalanches of. Penny ISL 13: iS. — Flowers of. (A. W. Bennett) Am. Natural. 4: 521. — (F. Darwin) Nature, 23: 332. and Birds of. Chamb. J. 56: 664. Same art. Ed. M. 94: 4S4. — Forbes's Travels among. Am. J. Sci. 46: 172. — Quar. 74: 39. Same art. Liv. Age, 2: 13. — Forests of. Penny M. 9: 273. — Geology of. (T. S. Hunt) Am. J. Sci. 103: i. Former Changes of. (R. L Murchison) Am. J. Sci. 62: 245. — Glaciers of. Dub. R. 49: 40. Living on. Penny M. 12: 450. Marvels of. Brit. Q. 32: 341. Same art. Eel. M. 52: 41, i5i. Tyndall's. Liv. Age, 67: 2S0. — Grass Fanns of. Bentley, 49: 615. — Hannibal's Passage of. Ed. R. 43: 163. — Quar. 123: 191. Law on. (H. Jackson) Fortn. 7: 507. — High. Colburn, 108: 285. Day and Night among. Liv. Age, 27: 37. Idle Days in. (J. F. Hardy) Fraser, 99: 245. — Ice-Cavern Temples of. Eel. M. 55: 44. — in the last Century. (L. Stephen) Fraser, 82: 167. — in Winter. Cornh. 35: 352. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 47- — Into the Schaflock. Temp. Bar, 3: 393. — Journeyings in, Kohl's. Westm. 51: 497. 52: 545. — Jungfrau, Ascent of. (E. Desor) Ed. New Philos. J. 32: 291. — Sharpc, 3: 33, 71. — Jura, Ascent of. Cornh. 8: 317. — Life in. Once a Week, 13: 249. — Brit. Q. 30: 79. Odds and Ends of. (J. Tyndall) Macmil. 19: 369, 465. Same art. Liv. Age, lOi: 3, 467. Same art. Ev. Sat. 7: 402, 425, 522, 554. — Literature of. Fraser, 60: 232. — I^mbardy; Monte Generoso. Cornh. 21: 605. — Love of. Cornh. 16: 24, 539. Same art. Liv. Age, 94: 361. — Maps of. (E. AVhymper) Nature, 6: 203. — Matterliorn, Fatal Adventure on. Bentley, 58: 25 v Same art. Eel. M. 65: 672. Scaling. (J. Tyndall) Apjileton, 1 : 149. — Midnight on. Eel. M. 46: 126. — Moretti's Campanula. Conih. 20: 6S7. — Mountaineering in. Cornh. 16: 539. — Fraser, 67: 317. — Westm. 82: 276. — Notes from, in 1S63. Liv. Age, 79: 39. Alps, The, of Savoy, Day in. Dub. Univ. 42: 416. Same art. Liv. Age, 39: 6S3. Forbes's Travels through. Ed. R. 80: 135. — N.t. Brit. I : -Mo. R. 162: II. — On the Skirt of. (G. E. Waring, jr.) Harper, 59: 641. — Opening of the Pass. Colburn, 100: 192-323. — Origin of. (E. Suess) Am. J. Sci. no: 446. — Over the Moro. Fraser, 75: 75S. — Peaks and Passes of. Brit. (J. 36: 71. Same art. Eel. M. 57: 133, 158. — Peasants of. Penny M. 5: 201. — Pennine, Italian Valleys of. Chr. Obs. 59: 590, 659. — Pedestrianizing among. (H. D. Jenkins) Lakeside, 5: 215. — Physical Geography of. (H. and A. Schlagintweit) Am. Jour. Sci. 64: 359. — Polish. Cornh. 39: 213. Same art. Liv. .\ge, 140: 602. — Quiet Day in. (H. S. Wilson) Belgra. 39: 60. — Roads in. Tinsley, 12: 93. — Ruitor. (T. G. Bonney) Once a Week, 13: 314. — St. Bernard, Visit to. (Fanny Tyndall) Victoria, 11: 311. — Scrambles amongst. (E. Whymper) Lippinc. 8: 217- 529. 9: 129-609. — Sexagenarian Mountaineering. (F. B. Zincke) Fraser, 96: 152. — Scenes in. (J. T. Headley) So. Lit. Mess. 10: 521. — Simplon, Ascent of. Temp. Bar, 21 : 245. — Sketches in. St. James, 46: 419. — (J. Foster) Ed. R. 21: 530. — Sketches of Pontresina. Cornh. 15: 47. — Storm in. Fraser, 73: 257. Same art. Ev. Sat. i: 288. Same art. Ed. M. 66: 550. — Summer Retreats in. Loud. Soc. 40: Si. — Torrents of. (H. Blerzy) Penn Mo. 3: 509. — Tours in. Dub. Univ. 54: 475. — Tracing of. Chamb. J. 10: 321. — Travel in. Art of. Cornh. 6: 206. — Traveler in, Journal of . Blackw. 39: 131-638. 40:239. — Travelers in. Bent. Q. 2: 214. — Ed. R. 104: 433. — Tyndall's Hours of Exercise in. (T. G. Bonney) Nature, 4: 198. — Wanderings in. Appleton, 15: 65, 161, 193. — Wengeru, Over the. St. James, 14: 18S. — Whymper's Scrambles among. (L. Stephen) Macmil. 24: 304. — Wilson's Ascents and Adventures in. Lend. Soc. 34: 280. — Zermatt, Early Stroll to. (G. C. Swayne) Fraser, 82: 243. See also names of particular moitntains and localities, OS Blanc; Cenis; Chamouni.x; «/s(» Glaciers. Aired; a Poem. (E. W. Carey) Intcrnat. JI. 4: 27. Alsace and Lorraine. Good Words, 11: Sio. — (M. Ilcil- prin) Nation, 11: 232. French Conquest of. (H. M. Baird) Scrib. i : 367. in 1870. (J. N. Pomeroy) Nation, 11: 253. — Colburn, 148: 489. since 1871. (L. Montefiorc) 19th Cent. 6: S19. Sketch of. Colburn, 148: 611. Alsace, Exiles of. Chamb. J. 51: 212. — Sketches of. (G. C. Swayne) Once a Week, 14: 35, 82, 259. See Legend of Alsace. Alsop, .John. (J. A. Stevens) M. .\m. Hist, i: 226. Alsop, V. Melius in(|uircnduin, etc. (^ong. M. 5: 154. Alston, E. R., Obituary of. Nature, 23: 4S5. Alt Breisach. Once a Week, 13: 4S2. Altai Mts. and Chinese Frontier. Brit. Q. 8: 344. Altar. Ciiristian. (G. L. Staloy) Mercersb. 18: 125. — and Priest. (W. E. Krebs) Mercersb. 15: 467. ALTAR 26 AMBL^VE Altar with Greek Inscription at Corbridge. (J. Pettingal and S. Adee) Arch. 2: 92, 98. Altars at Corbridge, Observations on. (D. Barrington and T. Morell) Arch. 3: 324. Altbach, Sketch at. Month, 15: 336. Altcnstein, Life and Sport at. (A. G. C. Liddell) Macniil. 44: 473- Alter Ego; a Tale. (K. Hillard) Victoria, 22: 148. Altered Man, The. Bentley, 17: 626. Altham and his Wife. Black w. 3: 542. Althorp, Viscount, and Keforni Act of 1832. (W. Bage- shot) Fortn. 26: 573. Same art. Liv. Age, 131 : 707. — Westm. 106: 410. — Memoir of . Ed. E. 144: 251. — Sketch of. Tait, n. s. i: 60. Althorp Gallery. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 8: 1-181. 9: I. Altitudinarian and Latitudinarian Divines. Chr. Obs. 39: n- _ Altruism, Failure of. F'raser, 100: 494. Alum-Works at Hurlet, Day at. Penny M. 12: 421. Same art. Liv. Age, 19: 415. Alumayu, Prince, Who was ? (A. H. Keane) Nature, 21: 61. Aluminium. (J. W. M'Gauley) Intel. Obs. i: 176. — Chamb. J. 22: 278. — Dub. Univ. 93: 214. — House. Words, 14: 507. Same art. Eel. M. 40: 362. Same art. Liv. Age, 52: 229. — J. Frankl. Inst. 61: 27, 65. — and its Future in the Arts. Pract. M. 6: 167. — in Steel and Iron. (A. A. Blair) Am. J. Sci. 113: 421. Aluminium Bronze. (R. Bithell) Recr. Sci. 2: ico. Alumni Poem. (I. Lawrence) Dem. R. 43: 349. Alured; an Allegory. (F. P. Cobbe) Temp. Bar, 18: 35. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 479. Alva's Reign of Terror. (W. C. Robinson) Month, 37: 515. Alvaston, Derbyshire, Parish Register, etc. of. (E. Poole) Reliquar}-, 3: 134. Always with us; a I'oem. (J. D. Finlay) Temp. Bar, Alwyn's First Wife. (G. M. Craik) Fraser, 51: 47, iSi. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 623. Amadous, King of Spain, Abdication of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 16: 162. — Fall of. (W. H. Dixon) Gent. M. n. s. 16: 553. Amadis de Gaul. St. James, 15: 47. — Southey's. (Sir W. Scott) Ed. R. 3: 109. Amalek Dagon. House. Words, 18: 444. Amalfi, Pivstum, Capri. Cornh. 36: 151. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 454. — a Poem. (H. W. Longfellow) Atlan. 35: 513. Amalgamation. (W. W. Wright) De Bow, 29: i. — of Metals. (P. Casamajor) Eel. Engin. 15: 305. Amaranth's Mystery; a Novel. (A. Gray) Tinsley, 27: 401-525. 28: 65. Amari Aliquid; a Poem. (F. C. Wilson) Temp. Bar, 5: 430- Amateur, Pleasure of the. (G. A. Simcox) Portfo. 4: 25. Amateur Theatricals. Colburn, 83: 340. Amateur's Boudoir. (C. van Vinkbooms) Lond. M. 4: 655. Amateurs and Translations. (C. A. Bristed) Galaxy, 16: 58. — at Mopetown. All the Year, 26: 53. Amateurship; a Dialogue. (P. G. Hamerton) Macmil. 14: 426. Amazon River, Brit. Q. 38: 169. Same art. Eel. M. 60: 39. — Chamb. J. 8: 166. 54: 501. — Lond. Q. 33: 70. — American Home on. (H. 11. Smith) Scrib. 18: 692. — and the Gulf States. De Bow, 18: 364. — At the Mouth of. (M. Mauris) Harper, 58: 365. Amazon River, Expedition from Lima to Para, Smyth's. Ed. R. 63: 395. — West. J. 9: 166. — (M. Butler) West. J. 11: 342. — Expeditions on. (R. Southey) Quar. 57: i. — Geology of. (C. F. Hartt) Am. Natural. 8: 673. of the Lower. (R. Rathbun) Am. J. Sci. 117: 464. — Herndon's Exploration of. Dem. R. 35: 460. — (W. A. Lamed) New Eng. 12: 362. — Liv. Age, 41 : 429. — Mediterranean of America. Scrib. 18: 192. — Naturalist on. All the Year, 11 : 592. Bates's. Lond. Q. 22: 48. — Liv. Age, 77: 523. — Eel. R. 119: 20. — Eel. M. 61: 348. — New Survey of, 187S. Geog. M. 5: 230. — On the Banks of. St. James, 9: 439. — Peruvian and its Tributaries. (N. B. Noland) Apple- ton, 14: 545-780. — Physical Observations on. (J. Orton) Am. J. Sci. 96: 203. — Sketches of Life and Nature on. W^estm. 80: 137. — Wanderings on. (J. E. Warren) Am. WHiig R. 6: 567. Amazon Valley. (G. P. Disosway) Nat. M. 13: 297. — (E. Hale, jr.) Hunt, 31: 39". — (M. F. Maury) De Bow, 14: 449. 15: 36. — (C. C. Smith) Chr. Exam. 56: 353. — Chamb. J. 21: 375. — De Bow, 14: 556. 16: 231. — Lond. Q. 3: 483. — Commerce with. W^est. J. 9: 321. 12: 96. — in Bolivia and Brazil. (G. E. Church) Fortn. 14: 564. Same art. Eel. M. 76: 155. — Physical History of. (L. Agassiz) Atlan. 18: 49, 159. — Primeval Forests of, Bates's. Colburn, 128: 127. Same art. Liv. Age, 78: 99. — Wallace on. (P. Godwin) Putnam, 3: 272. Amazonian Drift. (C. F. Hartt) Am. J. Sci. loi: 294. Amazons, British. All the Year, 27: 448. — Modern. Ch.amb. J. 39: 348. — of Mexico ; a Tale. Potter Am. Mo. 9: 109, 1S6, 265. — of South America. Putnam, 6: 252. Ambassador, The, in Spite of Himself. (G. W. Bethunc) Putnam, i: 437. Ambassadors, Privileges of. Blackw. 116: 346. Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 159. — Extraordinary. Chamb. J. 45: 585. — in Bonds. (Caroline Chesebro) Atlan. 13: 281. Amber. (M. Reboux) Pract. M. 6: 314. — (E. A. Smith) Am. Natural. 14: 179. — Appleton, 8: 599. — licl. Engin. 24: 206. — Argosy, 12: 113. — Chamb. J. 15: 46. 50: 757. — Ev. Sat. 16: 45. — and Ambergris. All the Year, 28: 607. Same art. Ev. Sat. 13: 689. — Diving for. Ev. Sat. II : 486. — of East Prussia. (51. Merivale) St. Paul's, 9: 75. Same art. Eel. M. 77: 729. — Origin, Nature, and Uses of. Penny M. 8: 10. Amber Trade. Pract. M. 6: 351. Amber Gods. (Harriet E. Prescott) Atlan. 5: 7, 170. Amber Mouthpiece ; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 47: 309. Amber Witch, Meinhold's. Brit. Q. 3: 133. — Liv. Age, 2: 102. — Quar. 74: 107. — Fraser, 38: 363. — Eel. R. 80: 299. Amber Witchery. House. Words, 9: 123. Amberley, Viscount, Analysis of Religious Belief. (C. B. Upton) Theo. R. 13: 509. — Radical R. 1: 357. Ambidextry. See Right and Left. Ambitieuse, The. (J. T. Lomax) So. Lit. Mess. 7: 625. Ambition. (E. A. Sandford) Godey, 56: 514. — Colburn, 61: 30. — So. Lit. IMess. 7: 49. Ambition; a Farce. Blackw. 50: 432. Ambitious Brooklet, The. (A. 0. Hall) Internat. M. 2: 477. Ambitious Guest ; a Story. New Eng. IM. 8: 425. Ambleve, Valley of. (K. S. Macquoid) Belgra. 42: 152. AMBOISE 27 AMERICA Amboise, Georges d', Cardinal and Minister. Temp. Bar, 50: 224. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 152. Amboise, Chateau d'. (A. Laugel) Nation, 25: 346. Ambrose, St. (J. Gerard) Month, 16: 345. — (S. Osgood) No. Am. 81: 414. — and his Time. (S. L. Caldwell) Bapt. Q. 7: 257. — and Milan. (W. 0. White) Unita. R. 12: 69. — Life and Times of. (M. L. Stoever) Evang. R. 21 : 234- Ambrosia; a Legend of Ausgburg. (B. Murphy) Cath. World, 15: S03. Ambrosiau Manuscripts. Quar. 16: 321. Ambrosian Sepulchres. (G. Lambert) Month, 20: 274. Ambulance System. Macmil. ig: 87. Ambulances, Experience of. (J. W. Mario) Eraser, 95: 76S. 96: 54, 247. — Prussian, in the War of 1870-71. Month, 21: 202, 289, 402. — War of 1870 and. (H. Sandwith) Macmil. 23: 38. Amelia, Princess, Dramas of. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 52: 4S7. Amelia ; or, A Young Lady's Vicissitudes. (Miss Leslie) Godey, 36: 25-357. 37: 37-165. Amelia Island. Niles's Reg. 14: 169. Amelie-les-Bains. All the Year, 22: 513. — Good Words, 21: 229. Amen! (M. Oliphant) Blackw. 94: 497. Amen-Corner, Legend of. Chamb. J. 17: 227. America. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 33: 69. 49: 473. — Blackw. 34: 285,548. — Mus. 23: 563. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 6: 34S. — Abdy's Journal in. Westm. 24: 244. — Adventure in. Blackw. 67: 34. — Anburey on. So. Lit. Mess. 6: 710. — Ancient. No. Brit. 39: 29. Same art. Eel. M. 60: 273, 427, 495- Civilization in. (M. J. B. Browne) Scrib. 5: 724. — (T. A. Harcourt) Overland, 14: 468. Extinct Races of. (C. Morris) Nat. (I. 25: 121. How originally peopled. (C. II. Smith) Ed. New Philos. J. 38: I. Legends of. Cornh. 26: 452. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 761. Same art. Ev. Sat. 13: 469. Mythology of ; Myths of Manibozho and loskeha. (D. G. Brinton) Hist. M. 12: 3. Notes on a lost Race of. (A. W. Vogeles) Am. Natural. 13: 9. Prehistoric Man in. (J. L. Onderdonck) Nat. Q. 36: 227. Province of Tusayan. (J. W. Powell) Scrib. 11 : 193. See American Antiquities ; Indians. — and the Americans. (J. Tulloch) Good Words, 16: 641-817. — and England. (F.Jeffrey) Ed. R. 33: 395. — Blackw. 16: 474. — Am. Q. 15: 240. — Mus. 6: 13. 13: 738. — Am. Mo. M. i: 34. and France. (M. D. Conway) Fortn. 3: 442. Same art. Liv. Age, 88: 545. Future of. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 5: 461. in 1865. Dub. Univ. 65: 709. Resemblances between. (J. L. Swift) Overland, i: 55. Social Relations of. Quar. 142: 251. Same art. Liv. Age, 130: 707. — and Europe. Am. Whig R. 13: 251. — Mo. R. 117: 192. — Dem. R. 32: 211. Gurowski's, i86i. (J. II. Allen) Chr. Exam. 63: 231. — and Great Britain, Common Interests of. (W. J. Fox) Peop. J. 1 : 172. — and her Detractors. Ed. R. 55: 479. — and its Realities. Dub. Univ. 30: 193. America, Aristocracy in. Mo. R. 150: 392. — Mus. 37: 349- How manufactured. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. 23 : 277. — Art in. (L. G. Ware) Chr. Exam. 71: 67. — (.L J. Jarves) Chr. Exam. 73: 63.— (K. Field) Chr. Exam. 75= 97- — Chr. Exam. 77: 175. — Blackw. 16: 129. 17: 175. Future of. Art J. 22: 6. — Art Museums in. Art J. 22: 129. — as it is. Mo. R. 130: 29S. — as it is and will be. (C. E. Havens) Pioneer, 2: 16. — as seen from Europe. (J. P. Thompson) Ev. Sat. 17: 201. — Ashe's Travels in. Ed. R. 15: 442. — Backwoods Life in. Brit. Q. 21 : 60. — before the Revolution. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 9: 165. — Birkbeck's Journey in, 1818. Eel. R. 28: 33, 169. — Ed. R. 30: 120. — Quar. 19: 54. — Mo. R.85: 146. — Birkbeek and Palmer on. 5Io. R. 87: 278. — Books relating to. (W. Tudor) No. Am. i: i, 145, 269. 3:1,145,305. 4:1,145,289. 5:1,175. 6:225. Recent, 1847. Dub. Univ. 29: 224. — Bradbur}''s Travels in. Anal. M. 11: lo. — British. See British .Vmerica. — Buckingham's. Quar. 68: 250. — Wcstm. 40: 21. — Eel. R. 74: 388. 77: 277. — Mrs. Butler's Journal in. Ed. R. 61: 379. — Byam's Western Republics of. Ed. R. 92: 341. — Chevalier's Letters from. (J. W. Croker) Quar. 55: 497- — Christianity in. (P. Schaff) Merccr.O). g: 493. — Church of. (A. A. Livermore) Chr. Exam. 60: 49. — (C. J. Ingersoll) No. .\m. 18: 172. and Ministry of. (A. P. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 38: 353- National. O. & N. 2: 327. Schmucker's Appeal to. (Z. Paddock) Meth. Q. 5: 625. — Church Establishments of. Fraser, 12: 464, 575. — Church History of. Dem. R. 24: 151. — Wore. M. i: 16. — Quar. 2: 309. — Am. Church R. 2: 391. Materials for. (J. Sparks) No. .\m. 23: 275. — Cluirches of. (J. A. James and Dr. Cunningiiam) Cong. M. 27: 502. Historical .A.si)ect of. (A. P. Stanley) Macmil. 40: 97. — Same art. Liv. Age, 142: 3. Planting of. Princ. 41 : 194. Reed and Matheson's Visit to. Ed. R. 61 : 421. State of Religion in. (II. B. Smith) .\m. Presb. R. 16: 555. — Civilization in. (W. T. Moore) Chr. Q. 4: 433.— (E. Phelps) Contin. Mo. 6: 102, 121. — Dem. R. 42: 50. — Climate and Character in. (E. C. Towne) Pop. Sci. Mo. 20: 109. — Combe on. Quar. 68: 158. — Commerce of. (F. Gilbert) Lakeside, 5: 125. and Statistics of, Macgregor's. lul. R. 86: 367. — Consolation for. (B.Franklin) Carey's Mus. i : 1. — Cooper and Capt. Hall on. Mus. 15: 510. — Davies's American Scenes and Christian Slavery. Eel. R. 89: 43S. — Davis's Travels in. (H. Brougham) Kd. R. 2: 443. — Defense of. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 40: 427. — Destiny of. (J. S. Patterson) Cuntiii. Mo. 3: 79, 160. ^lanifest. (.1. B. Austin) Lippiuc. 4: 183. Moral. Quar. 3: 108. Political. Mass. Q. 2: i. — Dickens's Notes on. (T. Hood) Colburn, 66: 396. — Mo. R. 159: 392. — Ed. R. 76: 497. Change for. (J. G. Loekhart) Quar. 73: 129. Reply to. Mo. R. 161: 483. AMERICA 28 AMERICA America, Directions to such Persons as are inclined to, 16S2. Pennsyl. M. 4: 329. — Discovery of. Putnam, 4: 457. — (J. Fiske) Harper, 64: III. — (J. W. Foster) Hesp. i: 23. — (J. T. Sliort) Galaxy, 20: 509. and Naming of. (R. II. Major) Am. Bibliop. 2: 329. 3: 9. — Discovery and Eecords of. Mo. R. 147: 483. by Chinese. (C. G. Lcland) Contin. Mo. i: 3S9, 500. — (W. Speer) Princ. 25: 83.— Penn Mo. 6: 603. by Northmen. (J. L. Diman) No. Am. 109: 264. — (II. C. Lodge) No. Am. 119: 166. — (B.F. Do Costa) Am. Church R. 24: 41S. — (S. G. Drake) N. E.Reg. 7: 13. — Nat. M. 8: 243. — Dem. R. 2: 85 143. — (E. Everett) No. Am. 46: 161.— Mass. Q. 2: 189. — New York R. 2: 352.— For. Q. 21:89. — Anal. M. 16: 267.— Hist. M. 15: 170. — Nat. Q. 28: 75. — Penny M. 12: 342. — (M. R. Pilon) Potter Am. Mo. 5: 903. — Mo. R. 155: 337. by the "Welsh. Antiquary, 4: 65. Effects of. Blackw. 60: 261. English, Date of. (R. II. Major) Arch. 43! 17 Pre-Columbian. (E. S. Riley, jr.) So. M. 13: 700. — Am. Eel. 3: 241. — (J. L. Onderdonk) Nat. Q. 33: I. — Dub. R. 11: 277. Bibliography of. (P. B. Watson) Lib. J. 6: 227. — Discoveries in, Earliest. (H. Stevens) Am. J. Sci. 98: 299. Fictitious. Hist. M. 4: 196. on North Coast. Eel. Mus. 3: 276. — Dixon on. Meth. Q. 9: 653. — Dixon's New. Chamb. J. 44: 229. — Eel. R. 125, 221. — Chr. Rem. 53: 429. — Domestic Manners in. Blackw. 31: S29. — Duncan on. Mo. R. 105: 142. — Duncan, Flint, and Faux on. Westm. i: loi. — Early English Poets on. Dem. R. 5: 469. — Early French Settlements in. (J. Langton) Canad. Mo. 5: 502. — Earlv Vovages to. (J. C. Brevoort) Hist. M. 13: 45, 129.- (W. Willis) N. E. Reg. 23: 192. — So. Lit. Mess. 14: 705. Fictitious, of M. Sagean. Hist. M. 10: 65. — Ecclesiastical Affairs in, 1839. Eel. R. 70: 121. — Edinburgh Review on. U. S. Lit. Gaz. i: 251. — Education and Religion in, Lang on, 1840. Mo. R. 153: 307- — English and French Travelers in. New York R. 6 : 142. — English Swell-Mobsman in. All the Year, 43: 204, 228. — English Tourists in. Dub. Univ. 44: 721. — English Travelers in. (E. L. Chandler) No. Am. 74: 197. — English Views of. Am. Q. 14: 520. — English Writers on. (W. Irving) Eel. M. 58: 106. — Tait, i: 229. Calumnies of. Mo. R. 131 : 317. Hostility of. (E. Everett) No. Am. lo: 334. 13: 20. — (P. Cruise) No. Am. 24: 464. — Englishwoman in. (D. Wilson) Canad. J. n. s. 3: 129. — Equality of Condition in. (E. Everett) No. Am. 43: 183. — Faux on. (E. Everett) No. Am. 19: 92. —U. S. Lit. Gaz. i: 121. — Blackw. 14: 561. 16: 474. — Fearon on. Ed. Mo. R. i: 203. — Quar. 21: 124. — Mo. R. 87: 392. — Eel. R. 29: 153. — Chr. Obs. 18: 95. — Ferrall on. Mo. R. 129: 57. — Fidleron. Am. Mo. R. 4: 216. — (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 37: 273. — Mo. R. 131: 317. — Finch on. Mo. R. 132: 72. America, First Impressions of. Eraser, 76: 534. — (J.J. Ampere) Eel. M. 29: 84. — (Duke of Argyll) Eraser, 100: 748. 101:40. Same art. Li v. Age, 144:33, 279. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 151, 274. Same art. Appleton, 23: 170, 209. — First Notice of, in Englisli State Papers, 1578. (H. Kirke) Reliquary-, 13: 70. — First Sermon iu, printed. (II. W. Cushman) N. E. Reg. 25: 169. — Foster on. Quar. 68: 12. — French Criticism on. Month, 5: 463. — from the Cosmopolitical Point of View. Brit. Q. 17: 565. Same art. Liv. Age, 38: 3. — Future of. (C. II. Bell) N. E. Reg. 25: 317. — German View of. Putnam, 16: 101. — Germans in. Bentley, 53: 244. — Godley's Letters from. Eel. R. 79: 69S. — Mo. R. 164: 93. — Gold- Worship in. (H. Sedley) St. James, 12: 434. — Grandeur of. (A. B. Muzzey) Mo. Rel. M. 6: 2S9. — Grassi on. (E. Brooks) No. Am. 16: 229. — Hall, Basil, on. Westm. 11: 416. — Mus. 16: 233. — Quar. 39:345. 41: 417. — Mo. R. 117: 503. — So. R. 4: 321. Answer to. Colburn, 32 : 297. — Hall, Lieut. F., on. (J. Gallison) No. Am. 9: 135. — Mo. R. 87: 382. — Hamilton on. -(S. Eliot) Chr. Exam. 15: 219. — Am. Q. 14: 520. — (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 38: 210. — Dub. Univ. 2: 444,558. — Fraser, 9: 42. — Blackw. 34:285, 54S. 35: 342. — (A. Norton) Select J. 3: 81. — Mus. 23: 468, 563, 648. 24: 81. — Hennepin's Early Travels in. Dem. R. 5: 190, 381. — (J. H. Perkins) No. Am. 49: 258. — Historical Footprints iu. (D. Wilson) Canad. J. n. s. 9: 288. — History of, Early, Materials for. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 70: 399. Notes on. (E. D. Niell) N. E. Reg. 28: 314. 29: 295. God in. Chr. Exam. 81 : i. Materials for. (G. H. Moore) Hist. M. 11: 297, 321. 12: 9. 13: 26-286. 15: 35. 16: 300. Munoz's. Am. Bibliop. 8: 21. Notable Places in. Hist. M. 10: supp. 5, 45. Notes on. N. E. Reg. 31 : 21, 147, 393. Sources of. (J. G. Shea) Cath. World, 12: 560. — Histories of, Recent. Clir. R. 15: 182. — Ilodson on. (J. Sparks) No. Am. 18: 222. — Westm. 2: 170. — Mo. R. 104: 245. — Holmes's Annals of. (R. Southey) Quar. 2: 309. — Holmes on. Mo. R. loi: 304. — Home-Life in, Haliburton's, 1854. Brit. Q. 21: 60. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 361. — Hotels and Food in. Temp. Bar, 2: 345. — How they manage Things in. Blackw. 59: 439. 61: 492. Same art. So. Lit. Mess. 13: 360. — Humboldt's View of, and its Native Tribes. Colburn, 2: 127, 403. — Impressions of. (R. W. Dale) 19th Cent. 3: 457, 757, 943. 4:98,713. Same art. Eel. M. 90: 665. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 138, 206, 339. — (W. Forsyth) Good Words, 10:213. — in 1818'. Eel. R. 31: 401. — in 1846. Dem. R. 18: 57. — Influence of Trading on. (H. W. Bellows) Am. Whig R. 1 : 94. — Janson's Stranger in, 1805. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 5: 461. — Jerome Napoleon in. All the Year, 8: 174. — John Bull in. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 2:15. — Jottings in. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 23: 42-319. 24: 24, 188. AMERICA 29 AMERICA America, Journal of Travels in. Westm. 24: 244. — Lakes and Indians of. Mo. R. 132: 505. — Land of Wealth. (J. A. Cburcli) Galaxy, 2: 622. — Latest Notes on. Colburn, 96: 229. — Latin Races in. So. R. u. s. g: 320. — Latrobe, Abdy, etc. on. Quar. 54: 392. — Learned Professions in. Cliamb. J. 41 : 6. — Lessons from. Chamb. J. 19: 337. — Letters from. (P. Godwin) Puop. .T. 4: 83-305. — Mus. 14: 2S9. — Letters in, Murray's. Canad. J. n. s. i: 160. — Liefer's Stranger in. Quar. 53: 310. — Life in. (H. B. Hall) St. Jaines, 7: 369. — Chr. Obs. 64: 432. — Colburn, 31: 42. Aspects of. (C. D. Warner) Atlan. 43: i. before the Revolution. (H. W. Frost) Galaxy, 18: 200. Dangerous Tendencies in. Atlan. 42: 385. — (\. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 31: 31. — Life and Scenery in, Sketches of. (L. D. Pychouska) Contin. Mo. 5: 9-643. 6: 544. — Lyell's Travels in. (H. Merivale) Ed. R. 83: 129. — (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 14: 541. — Mackay's Travels in. (W. J. Grayson) De Bow, 28: 48. — Mackenzie on. Mo. R. 131: 411. — Manners in. (W. C. Brownell) Nation, 30: 343. British Abuse of. Portfo.(Den.) 15: 397. Morals and. (O. Dewey) Chr. Exam. 36: 250. — Marmier's Notes on. Blackw. 69: 545. — Marryatt's Diary in. (W. Empson) Ed. R. 70: 66. — Mus. 36: 354. — Blackw. 15: 424. — Eel. R. 70: 422. 71: 271. — Quar. 64: 308. — Dub. Univ. 14: 513. — Mo. R. 149: 497. 151: 214. — Miss Martineau on. (E. Everett) No. Am. 14: 15. — (C. Stetson) Chr. Exam. 23: 226. — (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 45: 418. — Am. Q. 22: 21. — Eraser, 19: 557. — Meth. Q. 2: 584. — Lit. & Theo. R. 4: 455. — Westm. 28: 470. 30:365. — Ed. R. 67:180. — Michaux on. Ed. R. 7: 155. — Mission of. (H. W. Bellows) Chr. Exam. 86: 56.— (B. F. Porter) De Bow, 4: 108. — Brownson, 13: 409. — Murat on. So. R. 7: 102. — For. Q. 11: i. — Mus. 22: 671. — MuiTay's Travels in. NewQ.4: 40S. — New York R. 5: 490. — So. Lit. Mess. 6: 72. — Quar. 64: 308. — Ed. R;73: 77- — Muskau and Mrs. Trollope on. (E. Everett) No. Am. 36: I. — Name of. (R. H. Major) Am. Bibliop. 2: 329. 3: 9. New, suggested. Deni. R. 16: 492. Origin of. (J. Marcou) Atlan. 35: 291. — Scrib. 12: 222. — North and South, Statistics of, 1S69. Am. .T. Educ. 18: 523. — Northern Coasts of. Am. Mo. 3: 437. Simpson on Discoveries on, 1836-39. Mo. R. 162: 76. — Northwest Coast, Topographical Features of. (T. A. Blake) Am. J. Sci. 95: 242. — Notions of the Americans. Colburn, 23: 164. — Obligations to France. (J. G. Shea) Catii. World, 13: 836. — Ousley on. Quar. 48: 507. — Parkinson on. (M. Napier) Ed. R. 7: 29. — Eel. R. 3: 165. — Past and Present of, 1850. (E. S. Ely) Hogg, 4: '35- — Peopling of. (A. R. Grote) Am. Natural. 11 : 221. Original. Portfo.(Den.) 13: 231,510. 14: 7. — Peter Schlemihl in. (M. L Motte) Chr. Exam. 45: 84. — Plants of, Derivation of. (A, Gray) Pop. Sci. Mo. 1: 724. America, Popular Religion in. (J. C. Hutcheson) Belgra. 16: 422. — Population of. (A. von Humboldt) Niles's Reg. 30: 190. — Power's Impression of, 1833-35. ^^o. R. 139: 297. — Pre-Columbian History of. (II. R. Schoolcraft) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. i: 430. — (A. B. Chapin) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. i: 191. — Present State of, 1837. Dub. Univ. 9: 507. — Progress of. Liv. Age, 14: 191. Comparative View of. (R. P. Porter) Princ. n. s. 4: 493- Indications of Philosophic. For. Q. 24: 279. Macgregor on. Liv. Age, 15: 385. — Prophecies concerning. (C. Sumner) Atlan. 20: 275. — Hist. M. 15: 140. — Prospects of . Mus. 13: 704. and her Resources. Ed. Mo. R. i : 435. Bristed on, 1818. Eel. R. 32: 23. — Pulpit of, Sprague's Annals of. (G. E. Ellis) Chr. Exam. 62: no.— (E. Everett) Liv. Age, 52: 238. — Race and (!."olor Antagonisms ni. Liv. Age, 105: 131. — Religion in. (R. W. Dale) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 44. — (E. Dicey) Macmil. 15: 440. Same art. Ed. M. 69: 19. Liberality and Devotedness in. Cong. M. 21 : 405, — Republics in. (W. H. Dixon) Peop. J. 4: 248. 5: 95. — Resources of. Sir M. Peto on. Chamb. J. 43: 438. — Rural Scenes and Natural History of. Chr. Rem. 20: 105. — Saxe Weimar on. Quar. 41: 417. — Mo. R. 117: 91. (G. Bancroft) No. Am. 28: 226. —So. R. 3: 192. — Am. Q. 4: 244. — For. Q. 3: 630. — Scenery in. (II. Merivale) Ev. Sat. 6: 721. — Sharpe, 15: '251. — Schaff on. (B. H. Nadal) Meth. Q. 16: 122. — Schmidt and Gall on. (E. Everett) No. Am. 17: 91. — Scotch-Irish in. (G. II. Smyth) M. Am. Hist. 4: 161. — seen with foreign Eyes. Apjileton, 13: 584-815. 14: 17. — Settlement of, First. Bost. Mo. i : 169-337. First English Colony on Roanoke Island. (F. Kidder) Conlin. .^lo. i: 541. — Settlements in before Columbus. (T. Ewbank) Hist. M 12: 75. — Short Cut to. Cliamb. J. 16: 203. — Social Elevation in. So. Lit. Mess. 2: 381. — Social Life in. (Mrs. A. L. Phelps) Nat. Q. i: 350. — Society in. (.J. S. Mill) Westm. 31: 365. — (H.T. Tuckerman) No. Am. 81: 26. — Knick. 9: 163. — Dem. R. 28: 86. — So. Q. 26: 355. Peculiarities of. Cornh. 26: 704. Same art. Liv. Age, 116: 294. Pulszky's Sketches of. Liv. Age, 37: 97. Sketches of. (C. A. Bristed) Eraser, 41 : 261, 523. 42: 255, 373, 562. Same art. Ei'l. M.20: -f^ 419. Traits of. Eraser, 85: 632. Same art. Eel. ^I. 79: 53. Same art. Ev. Sat. 12: 600, Mrs. Trollope on. (,T. G. Lockhart) Quar. 47: 39. Young Ladyism in. (.1. G. Kohl) Bintley, 50: 273. — Spanish Conquest of, Helps's. E<1. R. 109: i. — Brit. Q. 26: 235. Same art. Ed. M. 42: 2S3. — Brit. Q. 34: 155. Same art. Ed. M. 54: 145. — Eraser, 52: 241. 56: 331. 65: 135. — Dub. R. 41: 294. — Dui). I'niv. 46: 577. — Sharpe, 22: 221. — Spoiling ill. Bcntley, 27: 493. — Statistics of. U. S. "Cath. M. 6: 129. — Stranger in, iSSo. (G. .1. Ilolyoake) 19th Cent. 8: 67. Same art. Liv. Age, 146: 354. Same art. Ed. M. 95: 29S. — Stuaii's Three Years in. Am. Q. 13: 469. — Ed. R. 56: 460. — (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 18: 317. — Select J. 2: [19. — Am. 'Mo. R. 4: 140. — Sturge's Visit to. Eel. R. 75: 414. AMERICA 30 AMERICAN America, Subaltern in. (G. K. Glcig) Blackw. 21: 243- 709. 22: 74, 316. — Sullivan's Rambles in, Blackw. 72: 6S0. — Summary View of. Blackw. 16: 617. — "Westm. 3: 2S3. — (.). Sparks) No. Am. 21 : 453. — Mo. K. 107: 34. — Summer in. lientley, 5t: 501, 661. 52: 57-620. 53: 35-392. — Sultliff on. Mo. R. 84: 56. — Taylor's Notes on. Blackw. 69: 545. — Things as they are in. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 21: 81-390. 22: 6-242. — Three Books about, 1S38. Mo. R. 147: i. — Three British Views of, 1S79. (W. C. Brownell) Nation, 29: iSi. — Tracts on. Mo. R. 97: 200. — Transatlantic Sketches. (W. Brodie) Bentley, 53: 469-613. 54: 1S5-27S. — Travelers in. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 31: 133. — Travelers and Traveling in. Penny M. 7: 23. — Traveling in. Blackw. 18: 422. — Knick. 2: 283. — JIus. 8: 30. — Cornh. 19: 321. — Travels of a Scottish Craftsman in. Eel. M. 6: 321. — Trollopc on. Dub. Univ. 60: 75. — Am Q. 12: 109. — Am. Mo. R. 2: 158. — Quar. 47: 39. — Mo. R. 127: 540. — Trollope and Paulding on. Eraser, 5: 336. — Vigne on. Mo. R. 128: 117. — Visits, ViewS; and Tours in. Quar. 27: 71. — Von Raumer on. (J. T. Crane) Mcth. Q. 7: 211. — Warden on. (E. Everett) No. Am. 13: 47. — Was it known to the Ancients? (G. R. Howell) Pot- ter Am. Mo. 17: 17. — Western Tei-ritories of, Pike's Travels in, 1805-7. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 3: 296. — What should De the Example of? Knick. 32: 347. — White, Red, and Black in, Pulszky's. Chamb. J. 19: 265, 277. — Woman in. Dub. Univ. 69: 279. Same art. Eel. M. 68: 67S. — Wonders of. (J. A. Dobson) Potter Am. Mo. 11 : 321. — Wright, Fanny, on. Mo. R. 97: 247. — Wyse's Travels in. Dub. Univ. 30. 193. See also names of subdivisions, as North; South; Cen- tral; also, New World. American, Tlie. (H. James, jr.) Atlan. 37: 651. 38: i5-''4i- 39: 1-530- — in England, 1S36. Mo. R. 139: 330. — in London. Knick. 16: 279. — of Culture, The Self-Made. (W. C. Bro^vncll) Na- tion, 32: 385. American's Tale. Lond. Soc. 38: supp. 44. Americans abroad. (A. Gore) Lippinc. 26: 466. — (H. James, jr.) Nation, 27: 20S, 239. — and their Detractors. (W. Empson) Ed. R. 55: 479. — in England. Li v. A^o, 29: 568. — in IVIoral, Social, and Political Relations, Grund on, 1S36. Mo. R. 142: 207. — Bost. Q. i: 161. — in Paris. Nation, 26: 257. — Traveling, Character of. (IE W. Jenkins) Overland, 3: 534- — Typical. (M. Walsh) Catb. World, 23 : 479. See American People. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (W. Tudor) No. Am. 1 : 370. American Almanac. Am. Mo. R. i: 157. — 1S33. Am. Mo. R. 2: 478. — 1834. Am. Mo. R. 4: 453, — 1837. No. Am. 44: 267. — 1838. No. Am. 46: 311. — General Index, 1830-39. Am. Alma. 1839: 315. 1840-49. Am. Alma. 1849: 358. American Almanac, General Index, 1S50-59. Am. Alma. 1859: 372. American Ambition and Europe's Dilemma, 1S54. Dub. Univ. 44: 111. Same art. Liv. Age, 42: 24^. American Annual Register, 1825-26. Lond. M. 19: 1. American Antiquarian Society, Transactions of. West. R. 3: 89.' American Antiquities. (T. W. Harris) No. Am. 12: 225. — Chr. R.4: 555. — New York R. 10: 68. — Knick. 2: 371. — With drawings, Knick. 10: 1-457. — (C. L. Brace) Atlan. i: 769. — (S. G. Drake) N. E. Reg. 9: 263. — (A. D. Chandler) Penn Mo. 3: 385. — (C. Morris) Lippinc. 7: 514. — Am. Mo. M. 7: 67. — Broadw. 8: 538. — Colbum, go: 127. — Hesp. 3: 120. — Dem. R. 28: 512. — Ed. R. 125: 332. Same art. Liv. Age, 93: 547. — Penny M. 14: 239, 242. — Portfo.(I)en.) 15: 458. 16: i. — West. Mo. R. 1 : 656. — West. 'R. i : 96-346. 2 : 29, 112,153. 3: 89. — (C. C. Jones, jr.) No. Am. 118: 70. — (B. F. Porter) Hunt, 15: 4S0. — (R. C. Tay- lor) Am. J. Sci. 34: 88. — (J. L. Taylor) Bib. Sac. 12: 433. — (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 50: 417. — Liv. Age, 58: 20. — Aboriginal Structures. (L. Cass) No. Am. 51 : 396. — America the Old World. (L. Agassiz) Atlan. 11: 373- — Bradford on. Mo. R. 158: 141. — in Pacilic States. (H. L. Oak) Overland, 15: 305. — in St. Louis Co., Mo. (F. E. Roesler) Western, i : 739. — in United States. (E. G. Squier) Harper, 20: y^?- 21 : 20, 165. — of Kentucky. (C. S. Rafinesque) West. R. 3: 53. — of New York. (E. G. Squier) Am. J. Sci. 61 : 305. — Origin of. (W. H. C. Hosmer) Overland, 9: 530. — Prehistoric Ruins, in Southern Colorado. (H. Gan- nett) Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 666. — Priest's. Am. Mo. M. 7: 310. — Researches in. (A. de Bellacombe) Anthrop. R. 2: 191. — Study of. (J. P. McLean) Univ. Q. 36: 2SS. 37: t,2, 281. — Western. 111. M. i: 241. See America, Ancient; Indians; Mound-Builders. American Association for Advancement of Education. Am. J. Educ. i: 3. American Association for the Advancement of Science. (E. B. Hunt) Putnam, 2: 319. — Am. J. Educ. 3: 147. — Canad. J. n. s. 2: 63. — Nature, lo: 441. 12: 424, 443- American Authors. Bentley, 33: 633. — Blackw. 16: 304, 415, 560. 17: 48, 186. — abroad. (T. L. Cuyler) Godey, 32: 59. — Alphabetical List of. Am. Q. Reg. 5: 1S6. 6: 23. of 766. Am. Alma. 1840: 67. Amei-ican Authorship. Colbum, 97: 424. 98: 77-476. 99:77-425. 100:73-173. 101:105-222. 102:283. — So. Q. 23: 486. American Autocrats. (F. L. Oswald) Internat. R. 6: 567. American Avatar: Sage, Poet, and Hero. Am. Whig R. 13: 149. American Bankers' Association. Bank. ]\I. (N. Y.) 31 : 304. American Bar, The. Dem. R. 28: 195. — and Bench. (J. Bryce) Macinil. 25: 422. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 109, 163. — Hist. M. lo: 4. American Bards; a Satire. Anal. M. 16: 188. American Baron. (J. De Mille) Harper, 42: 321-862. 43: 6;-862. American Baronets. Hist. M. lo: 4. American Bench. (J. IMacdonell) Contemp. 28: 68z. — Drolleries of. Chamb. J. 54: 382. American Bible Society and the English Version. (C. Hodge) Princ. 29: 507. — History of. Am. Meth. M. 17: 459. AMERICAX 31 AMERICAN American Bible Society, Letter on. (S. H. Turner) Am. Cliurch R. 9: 547. — Presidents of. (G. P. Disosway) Nat. M. 5: 289, 385. American Biograpliical Dictionary, Allen's. Am. Mo. R. 2: 429. American Biographical Sketches. Xo. Am. 1 : 328. American Biography. Penn Mo. 2: 167. — Baldwin's Party Leaders. So. Q. 27: 235. — Drake's Dictionary of. (W. A. Wheeler) No. Am. "5: 453- — Sparks's Library of. (0. W. B. Peabody) No. Am. 38: 466.— (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 43: 267, 516.— (0. W. B. Peabody) No. Am. 59: 96. — Meth. Q. 8: 503. American Board, and its Reviewers. Bost. R. 2: 258. — Secretaries of, with engraving. Ec!. M. 58: 259. American Boarding Houses. Dub. Univ. 75: 46S. American Chesterfield, The. Fraser, 5: 515. American Church Jlissionary Society. (N. S. Richard- son) Am. Church R. 13: 390. 18: 597. American Citizen, Responsibilities of. (G. C. Maund) Evang. R. 15: 570. American Colleges. (A. Suydam) University Q. 4: 196. — Porter on. Lakeside, 4: 316. — Recollections of. (T. Hughes and W. D. Rawlins) Dark Blue, i: 59-316. See Colleges; Universities. American Colonies, Bancroft's Account of the. Prosp. R. 4: 217. — History of. (L. Sabine) No. Am. 60: 368. Chalmers's. (L. Sabine) No. Am. 60: 539. Grahame on. Mo. R. 112: 407. — (C.F.Adams) No. Am. 32: 174. — How they lived in. (H. W. Frost) Galaxy, 18: 200. — Controversy with Great Britain. Ann. Reg. 2: 43. 2: [22. 5: 52. 7: 263. — (E. Everett) Ann. lieg. 5: 35. — Niles's Reg. 32: 49. — Development of Constitutional Government in. (H. 0. Taylor) M. Am. Hist. 2: 705. — Independence of. N. E. Reg. 30: 326. — Journey to, 1679-80. (C. E. Norton) No. Am. 105:653. — Lodge's History of. (H. B. Adams) Nation, 32: 373. — (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.), 2: 32. — Middle, in 1755. (D. Dulany) Pennsyl. M. 3: 11. — Paper Money of. (J. Q. Howard) Nat. Q. 32: 96. — Relics of Early Times in. Hist. M. 8: ;^23- 9-85. — Republican Views of. (M. Storey) No. Am. 116: 425. American Colonization Society, iSig. West. R. i: 142. American Colonv in a Normandy Manor-House, An. (M. B. Wright) Scrib. 15: 640. American Common School Society. Am. .J. Educ. 15: 247. American Competition. Chamb. .J. 58: 289. — American View of. (E. Atkinson) Fortn. 31: 383. — Truth about. (G. B. Powell) Fraser, 103: 310. American Congregational Association, nth Annual Re- port. Cong. Q. 6: 313. 12th, 7: 447. 13th, 8: 321. 14th, 9: 300. 15th, 10: 310. i6th, 11: 451. 17th, 12: 446. iSth, 13: 466. 19th, 14: 461. 20th, 15: 460. 2ist, 16: 494. 22d, 17: 452. 23d, 18: 466. 24th, 19: 460. 25th, 20: 4S9. American Congregational Union. (E. W*Gilman) Cong. Q. i: 59. — (L P. Lang^vorthy) Cong. Q. i: 321. — loth Annual Report. Cong. (}. 5: 273. nth, 6: 306. i2th, 7: 441. 13th, 8: 315. 14th, 9: 308. 15th, 10: 300. i6th, 11: 462. 17th, 12: 461. iSth, 13: 480. 19th, 14: 471. 20th, 15: 473. 2ist, 16: 504. 22d, 17: 467. 23d, 18: 479. 24th, 19: 472. American Conservatism, English View of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 30: 228, 282. American Criticism. Mus. 15: 10. American Despotisms. (P. (Jodwin) Putnam, 4: 52S. American Diplomacy. Fraser, 48: 299. American Education Society. Am. J. Educ. 14: 367. American Encroachments on British Rights. Pamph. 6: 33, 361- Ajiierican Episcopate before the Revolution. (N. S. Rich- ardson) Am. Church R. 4: 548. American Facts. Eel. ^L 5: 410. — and Gladstone Fallacies. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: iSi. American Farmer, The, Hints to. Contin. Mo. 5: 5S4. American Female Seminar}', School-Days in an. St. James, 31: no, 231, 436. American Forests. Penny M. 6: 454. — Fires in. Penny M. 6: 466. — Scenes in. Mus. 16: 323. American Genius in England. (J. R. Remington) Hunt, 19: 496. Same art. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 3: 363. American Girl, and her Lovers; a Story. (M. E. Blair) Lippinc. 15: 160. American Girl, The. (W. C. Brownell) Nation, 30: 265 417. — Shall she be chaperoned? (A. Rhodes) Galaxy, 24: 451. American Heraldry, Plea for. (W. H. Whitmore) Hist. M. 14: 126. American Heroine in Fiction. (A. Macdonell) MacmiL 32: S44- American Home Missionary Society. (.J. S. Clark) Cong. Q- i: 359- 4: 38- — New Rule of. Am. Presb. R. 9: 286. American Humor. Brit. Q. 52: 324. — Comh. 13: 28. — No. Brit. 33: 461.— Eel. M. 33: 137. 35: 267.— All the Year, 6: 190. — Slicks, Downings, and Crocketts. Westm. 32: 137. American Influence on the Democratic Movement in France. (J. McCarthy) Am. Cath. Q. 5: 636. American Institute. Hunt, 3: 418. — 1829. Niles's Reg. 37: 140, 154. — 1830. Niles's Reg. 39: 162. — Fair of. Hunt, 11: 444. — Am. Whig R. 2: 538. American Institute of Instruction. Am. J. Educ. 2: ig. — Index to Lectures of. Am. J. Educ. 2: 241. — Presidents of. Am. J. Educ. 15: 2n. American Institutions, 1S35. Eel. R. 62: 89 257. — Permanence of. (A. Payne) Chr. R. 17: 86. — Perpetuity of. Blackw. i8: 355. American Journal of Education, Barnard's, 1S56-65. (S. Watson) New Eng. 24: 513. — Classilied Index. Am. J. Educ. 17: 17. 26: 49. American Journals in France and Germany. (J. Sparks) •Si No. Am. 24: 226. '^American Jirri^Tirudcnce. Portfo.(Den.) 14: 590. American Kitchen-Garden. (A. B. Storey) Good Words, 22: 167. American Legislation. (J. D. B. De Bow) De Bow, 2: 76. American Letters. (E. W. Johnson) .\m. Whig R. i : 575. American Liberties, Past Dangers to. Lippinc. 25: 60. American Library. Blackw. 62: 574. — of Useful Knowledge. Am. Mo. R. i: 53. American Literature. Ed. R. 50: 125.— Blackw. 18: 306. 110:422. Same art. Ed. M. 77: 671. — Westm. 49- 333- Same art. Liv. Age, 18: 361. — For. i^. 21: 31(3. — Retros. 9: 304. — (J. C. Gray) No. Am. 13: 47S. — (T. Flint) Knick. 2: 161. — So. Lit. Mess. i: I.— (G. Tucker) So. Lit. Mess. 4: Si. 6: 707. n: 393. — Bro^vnson, 4: 384. — Eel. M. 14: 532. — Dub. Univ. 35: 461. .Same art. Ed. M. 20: ^25. — (E. S. Gould) Lit. & Theo. R. 3: 33. — Mo. R. 93: 297. — Mus. 5: 87. — So. R. 7: 4V'.— (^V. Chan- ning) No. Am. i: 307. — (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 92: 146. — (G. E. Woodberry) Fortn. 35: 606. — (J. W. Simmons) So. Lit. J. 3: 65. — (II. T. Tuck- erman) No. Am. 82: 319. — (J. A. Spencer) Am. Church R. 9: 84. — Am. Presb. R. 6: 106. — Blackw. 62: 574. — Westm. 57: 28S. Same art. Ed. M. 25: 289. — Portfo.(Den.) 12: 44. — Temp. Bar, 37: 396. AMERICAN 32 AMERICAN American Literature. DeBow, 24: 173. — Bost. Q. 2: i. 3: 57. — So. Q. 11: 117. — West. M. i: 5, 184. — and Criticism. (E. S. Gould) Lit. & Theo. K. 3: 23- — and English compared. (T. T. Stone) Lit. & Tlieo. K. 2: 36. — Am. Q. Obs. 2: 36. — Dem. K. 22: 207. — Bibliography of. llist. M. 4: 38. — Characteristics of. No. Brit. 46: 456. Same art. Eel. M. 69: 1S6. 1861-68. "Westm. 94: 263. Same art. Liv. Ago, 108: 67. — Classical Works of. Ed. Mus. 2: 179. — Colonial. Nat. Q. 23: 315. Bibliography of. (J. D. Butler) Bib. Sac. 36: 72. — Hist. M. 4: 73, 235, 328. — Delinquency of. (W. Channing) No. Am. 2: 33 — Dramatists of. Lond. M. 16: 466. — Duyckinck's Cyclopa-'dia of. Putnam, 7: 170. — Future of. Bost. (i. i: 106. — History of. Harper, 52: 401, 514. Tyler's. (C. C. Smith) Unita. R. ii: 165. — (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 28: 16. — PemiMo. 10: 624. — Imaginative. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 22: 347. — Impediments of. West. Mo. R. 2: 4S1. 3: 21. — Prognostics of. (N. Porter) Am. Bib. Repos.3ds. 3: 504. — Prose Writers. Dem. R. 20: 384. Griswold's. So. Lit. Mess. 13: 209,381. 16: 230. — Quackery in. (S. S. Haldeman) So. R. n. s. 3: 210. — Retrospective Survey of, 1852. Westm. 57: 288, 633. — Schools in. (A. C. Coxe) Am. Church R. 3: 329. — Southern. (G. W. Curtis) Putnam, g: 207. — Studies of. (P. Chasles) Internat. M. 4: 165. — Style of Writers in. (B. J. Wallace) Am. Presb. R. 4: 135- — Thoughts on. West. J. 6: 336. — to-day, to-morrow. (J. S. Hawks) Dem. R. 29: 209. — Transitions in. (J. V. O'Conor) Cath. World, 32 : 363. — Truly American. (J. R. Dennett) Nation, 6: 7, — Turning-Point in. (M. F. Taylor) So. M. II : 323. — Who reads? (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 55: 372. See New England; Literature. American Loyalists, Sabine's Sketches of. (G. E. Ellis) No. Am. 65: 138. — in Nova Scotia. (L. W. Champney) Lippinc. 27: 391. American Marvels. All the Year, 39: 112. American Mind, Practical Character of. (D. Peabody) Am. Bib. Repos. 7: 407. American Mines and Mining Companies. Blackw. 17: 592, 741. American Ministers abroad. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 4: 132. — Dress of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 6: 267. American Names. Eel. M. 40: 271. American Nationality. (P. Schaff) Mercersb. 8: 501. American Newspapers. See Newspapers. American Novels. No. Brit. 20: 81. — Liv. Age, 2: 643. — (Mrs. M. F. Sullivan) Cath. World, 28: 325. American Novelists, Early. (G. P. Latlirop) Atlan. 37: 404. American Orators and Statesmen. (A. Hayward) Quar. 67: I. Same art. Mus. 41: 374. American People, 1837. Eel. R. 66: 51. — and the Aborigines. Blackw. 59: 554,677. 60: 45. — and Mrs. Trollope. Colburn, 35: 446. — Are they less healthy than Europeans? (S. G. Young) Galaxy, 14: 630. — as they are. Mo. R. 1 15: 448. — Beaumont on. Quar. 53: 289. — Beauty of. (J. H. Browne) Galaxy, 11: 108. — Character of. (T. M. Anderson) Galaxy, 21: 733. — (J. G. Swisshelm) Galaxy, 22: 618. — Blackw. 15: 690. 16:91. — Mus.22: 611. — Portfo.(Den.) 14: 18. Defense of. Portfo. (Den.) 21: 412. American People, Characteristics of. (T. M. Coan) Put- nam, 15: 351. — Dem. R. 32: 433. 35: 99.— Knick. 20: 245. Grund's. Eel. R. 66: 51, — How to treat. N. Eel. 4: 331. — Looks and Fashions of. (R. Tomes) Putnam, 1 : 308. — Notes on. Mo. II. 116: 465. — Past and Present of. (L. Sabine) No. Am. 66: 426. — Physical Future of. (G. M. Beard) Atlan. 43: 71S. — Physique oL (G. M. Beard) No. Am. 129: 588. — Transatlantic Britons. St. James, 30: 193. — Who and what are they? Dem. R. 43: 270. American Periodical Literature. Eel. R. 67: 215. — Blackw. 63: 106. — (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 39: 277. American Peripatetics, Winter with. (G. A. Townscnd) Galaxy, 1 : 57. American Philosophical Society. Pcnn Mo. II : 815. American Philosophical Transactions. (II. Brougham) Ed. R. 2: 348. American Philosophy. Westm. 33 : 345. — Brit. Q. 5 : 88. American Poetry. Ed. R. 61: 21. — Blackw. 11: 684. 31: 646. — Knick. 8: 637. 12: 383. — For. Q. 32: 391. — No. Brit. 17: 394. Same art. Eel. M. 27: 152. — Eraser, i: 8. 42: 9. Same art. Eel. M. 20: 561. — Dub. Univ. 5: 93. — (W. C. Bryant) No. Am. 7: 198. — (E. Peabody) No. Am. 29: 220. — (S. A. Eliot) No. Am. 29: 4S7. — (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 82: 236. — Am. Q. 6: 240. — (F. W. P. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 12: 91. — (E. C. Sted- man) Scrib. 22: 540. — No. Brit. 46: 456. Same art. Liv. Age, 94: 167. — (W. B. Weeden) 0. & N. 5: 474. — Liv. Age, 17: 435. — Eel. M. 21: 425. — Mo. R. 123: 114. 127: 490. — Anal. M. 14: 211. — So. Lit. Mess. 5: 573. — Am. Church R. 22: 161. — Peop. J. 10: loi. — Early. Dub. Univ. 84: 178. — Fugitive. So. Q. 14: loi. — Humorous. (F. G. Stephens) Macmil. i: 203. — Lake. Am. Q. 11: 154. — Landscape in. Art J. 31 : 1-333. — Lyric. Am. Q. 19; loi. — Old and New. (J. Ferguson) Am. Church R. 17: 199. — Recent, 1S56. Putnam, 6: 48. — So. Lit. Mess. 5: 573. — Vers de SociettWjf . Tinsley, 18: 705. American Poets. Dab. R. 74: 302. 75: 64. — Lond. Q. 17: 36. — (J. V. Cheney) Appleton, 15: 81, 208, 523. — Eel. R. c,8: 307. Same art. Liv. Age, 93: 178. — Knick. 30: 106. — So. Lit. jMess. 8: 150, 528, 567. — Blackw. 69: 513. Same art. Eel. M. 23: 202. — and their Critics. Knick. 4: 11. — and Poetry. Chr. Rem. 15: 300. — No. Brit. 46: 456. — Dub. Univ. 22: 229. — (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 33: 297. — (E. P. Whipple) No. Am. 58: i. — (J. S. Dwight) Chr. Exam. 33: 25. — So. Lit. Mess. 8: 359. — For. Q. 32: 291. — Am. Q. 6: 240. — Dub. Univ. ]M. 22: 229. — So. Q. 11; 117. 16: 224. Griswold's. Internat. M. i : 165. — Bib. R. i : 317. — Emerson, Halleck, Bryant, and Longfellow. For. Q. 32: 159. — Liv. Age, i: 41. — Nine New. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 64: 402. — So. Lit. Mess. 13: 292. — Recent: Lowell, Longfellow, Poe. Lond. Q. 2: 440. — Satire on. So. Lit. .J. 4: 300. — Specimens of. Mo. R. 100: 28. American Press. (J. C. Hutcheson) Belgra. 17: loi. American Principles and American Catholics. (J. R. G. Hazzard) Cath. World, 31: 94. American Prosperity, Clibborn on. Mo. R. 144: 127. American Radicals and English Censors. (M. D. Con- way) Fortn. 3: 705. American Reviews, The Three. Mus. 14: 149. AMERICAX 33 A^ilERICAX American Revolution. (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 75: 125. — So. Lit. Mess. 8: 257. — U. 8. Lit. Gaz. i : 49. — Niles's Key. 14: 17. — (L. W. Peck) Nat. M. 8: i. — Adams's (Sara.) Regiments at Boston. (R. Frothing- ham) Atlan. 9: 701. 10: 179. 12: 595. — Allied Armies before New York, 17S1. (J. A. Stevens) M. Am. Hist. 4: i. — American Troops near Boston in 1775, List of. N. E. Reg. 28: 259. — and Civil War. (W. Adams) Am. Presb. R. 15: 78. — Anecdotes of. (J. C. Gray) No. Am. 15: 455. English. Olden Time, 2: 360. — Attack on Fort Mifflin. Hist. M. 21 : ■]■]. — Attempt to burn British Frigates in the Hudson. Hist. M. 10: supp. 84. — Badge of Military Merit. Hist. M. 3: i. — Ballads of. N. E. Reg. 11 : 337. — Liv. Age, 129: 766. — Battle of Golden Hill. (H. B. Dawson) Hist. M. 15: i. — Battles of Brandywine and Germantown. Hist. M. 10: 202. — Bancroft's History of. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 65: 125. — Eel. R. 95: 709. — Iiiternat. M. 5: 461. — Liv. Age, 33: 53. 47: 567. — Anal. M. 5: 385. — Beginning of. (F. C. Gray) No. Am. 9: 376. — a Blessing to Mankind. Eraser, 3: 495. — Mus.42: 207. — Border AVars of. (J. H. Perkins) No. Am. 49: 277. — Boston Tea Party. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 4: i. — Botta's History of. Eel. R. 81 : 444. — British Officer in Boston in 1775. Atlan. 39: 389, 544. — Burgoyne's Surrender: Ralph Cross's Journal. Hist. M. 17: 8. — Burning of Falmouth, Me. Hist. M. 15: 202. — Campaign against Quebec, 1775. Portfo.(Den.)9: 133. — Causes of. (J. Fiske) Fortn. 34: 147. — Colleges in. (J. T. Headley) Knick. 57: 353. — Concord Fight. (F. Hudson) Harper, 50: ■]■]■]. See Concord; Lexington. — Cornwallis in America. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 67: 31. See Yorktown. — Correspondence of. (E. Everett) No. Am. 33: 449. — (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 77: So. — Hist. M. i: 7^, 354. 2:6-321. 3:7,169. 10:172,216. 15:199,203. — Day (May 30, 1781) in the House of Commons. (.J. C. Stockbridgo) Harper, 64: 62. — Diplomacy of. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 75: 270. — (G. \V. Greene) Atlan. 15: 576. — Documentary History of. (G. Bancroft) No. Am. 46: 475. — (G. W. Greene) No. Am. 92: 364. — Early Methodists and. Hist. M. 10: 361. 11: 291, 338. 12: 147. — Early Records of. Hist. M. 7: 20. — Early Stages of. (G. E. Ellis) No. Am. 87: 449. — English Officer's Account. Hist. JL 9: 241-329. — Episode of. (C. Dimitry) Lippinc. 18: 115. — Futaw Flag. (R. AVilson) Lijjpinc. 17: 311. — Events leading to. (W. O. Johnson) No. Am. 80: 389. — Evils of. (C. K. Whipple) Liv. Ago, 6: 358. — Exhortations previous to. (T. Bland, jr.) Hist. M. 2: 199. — Finances of. (G. W. Greene) Atlan. 14: 591. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 356. Loan Office Certificates. (H. Hall) Am. Hist. Roc. 3: 356- — First Blood of. (Seba Smith) Godcy, 22: 257. — First Trophy of. Hist. M. 4: 202, 233. — Fort Motte, 1780. Land We Love, 3: 136. — French Allies in. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 42: 753. in Rhode Island, 1777. M. Am. Hist. 3: 3S5. Officers, List of. M. Am. Hist. 3: 364. Return of, 1782-83. (J. A. Stevens) M. Am. Hist. 7: I. — Generals of. (J. E. Cooke) Harper, 17: 500. American Revolution, George IH.'s Letters on. (C. C. Hazewell) No. Am. 105: 357. — Glimpse of '76. (C. D. Deshler) Harper, 49: 230. — D. Gookin's Diary, in 1779. N. E. Reg. i5; 27. — Gordon's Historj' of. Hist. M. 6: 41, jS. — Heroes of . Pioneer, 4: 321. — Hessians in. (G. W. Greene) Atlan. 35: 131. — Hist. M. 8: 54. — Invasion of ("anada in 1775. Hist. M. 12: 97. — Journal of a Soldier in 1776. Hist. M. 7: 367. — Leaves from History of. (J. J. Hardin) Am. Whig R. 8: 577. — Legend of Ball's Lake. (R. Wilson) Lippinc. 2: 45. — Letters on. (J. V. Cheney) Scrib. 11: 424, 862. 12: 94. — N. E. Reg. 30: 303, 331. — Hist. M. 6: 73, 239, 277. — So. Lit. Mess. 28: 296. — Letters of British Officers. Hist. M. 5: 68. — Letters of De Fersen, 1780. M.Am. Hist. 3: 300, 369, 437- — Mahon's History of. Internat. M. 5: 164. — Manpiis of Hastings in America. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 47: 15. — Martial Law during. (A. B. Gardner) M. \n\. Hist. i: 705. (G. N. Lieber) M. Am. Hist, i: 538. — Massachusetts Field Officers in. N. E. Reg. 25: 187. — Massacre at the Cedars, 1776. (S. E. Dawson) Canad. Mo. 5: 305. — Meade's Letters in. So. Lit. Mess. 25: 22. — Memorials of. (S. H. Riddel) N. E. Reg. 4: 67. — Minority in England, 1774. (T. II. Pattison) New Eng. 40: 571. — Mohawk Valley during. (H. Frederic) Harper, 55 : 171. — Monument to. Projected. Hist. M. 3: 234. — Moore's Diary of. Liv. Age, 65: 190. — Naval Campaign on Lake Champlain in 1776. (W. C. Watson) Am. Hist. Rec. 3: 43S, 501. — Naval Fight of. First. (F. A. Parker) M. Am. Hist. 1 : 209. — Navy in. Memorials of. Hist. M. 3: 201. — Negroes as Soldiers in. Contin. Mo. 2: 324. — NeAv York in. (E. Lawrence) Harper, 37: iSo.— (A. R. Macdonough) Nation, 28: 420. — Hist. !M. 5: 269. Military Occupation of, by British. Hist. M. 13: 33. Lieut. Mathew's Narrative of. Hist. M. 1 : 102. — New York Continental Line in. (A. B. Gardner) M. Am. Hist. 7: 401. — Officers of. N. E. Reg. 20: 37. — Opening Scenes of. Godey, 30: 90. — Order Book of, Extracts from. Hist. :M. 2: 353. — Pam]ihlets on, in John Charter Brown Library. (J. C. Stockbridgo) M. Am. Hist. 6: 310. — Papers of. Wore. M. i: 134, 165, 19S, 232, 267. — Partisan Warfare in South Carolina, 1776. Potter Am. Mo. 4: 2. — Peace Negotiation at Ghent. (C. F. Adams) No. .\m. 120: 231. — Prison-Ships of, !Mart_\TS of. Nat. J[. 4: 205. — Prisoners in, Exchange of. Hist. M. 6: 96. 8: 200. — Prisoners in England, 1777-79. N. E. Reg. 33: 30. — Quaker Testimonies respecting. Hist. M. 9: 277. — Relic of. N. Eel. 5: 688. — Reminisconios of. Dem. R. 5: 203. 6: 66. 34: 50S. 38: 304. — Am. Whig R. 6: 68. — Reminiscences of Marj' (Morey) Turell, 1821. N. E. Reg. 14: 149. — Rochambean's (Quarters in Westchester Co., 17S1. (C. A. Campbell) M. Am. Hist. 4: 46. — Route of the Allies to Yorktown. 17S1. (J. A. Ste- vens) M. .Am. Hist. 5: I. — Smithers: a Bit of History. (E. Spencer) Lippinc. 16: 36S. — Songs of 3Ioore. Dem. R. 37: 207. AMERICAN 34 AMICIS Amerk-an Revolution. Southern Campaign, 17S1. (C. W. Coloman) M. Am. Hist. 7: 36, 201. — Stamp-Act Congress. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 26: 34. — Stcdman's History of. Mo. R. 162: 256. — Stone's (Enos) Diary in, 1776-77. N. E. Reg. 15: 299. — Tea Burning, Annapolis, 1774. (E. S. Riley, jr.) So. M. 14: 537. — Ticonderoga, Evacuation of, 1777. (H. Hall) Hist. M. 16: 84. — Tilden's Poems during. Hist. 51. 3: 328,359. 4: 7. — Tory Contingent iu British Army, 17S1. Hist. M. 8: 321, 355) 3^9- — Tory Movements in New .Jersey. Hist. M. 5: 7. — Tories, Coiuiuered, and the Revolutionary Fathers. Nation, i: 358. — Tracts of. (J. C. Stockbridge) M. Am. Hist. 5: 427. — Traditions of . Mus. 26: 91, 164, 562. — Traitors of. Hist. M. 9: 89. — Trial of J. Hett Smith. Hist. M. 10: supp. 1-129. — Uniforms of. Hist. M. 4: 353. and Flags of. (1. J. Greenwood) Potter Am. Mo. 6: 31. — Unpopularity of, in England. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 80: 236. — Virginia Navy in. So. Lit. Mess. 24: 1-273. — Virginia Soldier in. (R. Beale) So. M. 17: 602. — Virginia Regiment, Ninth. Hist. M. 7: 172. — H. D. Von Bulowon. Hist. M. 9: 105, 141. — Washington at Morristown, 1779-S0. (J. E. Tuttle) Harper, 18: 2S9. — Watson's Men and Times of. Dem. R. 37: 306. — Women of. (Mrs. E. F, Ellet) Godey, 36: 77-323. 37: 6-373- 38: 106-3S3. 39: 28-444. 40: 183, 257. 41: 201. 42: 293. — Hist. M. 15: 105. — So. R. n. s. 21: 31. Ellet's. (Mrs. C. M. Kirkland) No. Am. 68: 362. — Wright, Aaron, Journal of, 1775. Hist. M. 6: 208. American Scenery, Essay on. (T. Cole) Am. Mo. M. 7 : i . — Some Features of. Fortn. 10: 469. Same art. Liv. Age, 99: 643. American Scenes and Portraits. Dub. Univ. 63: 112. American Scholarship. U. S. Lit. Gaz. i: 234. — (J. F. Jackson) Knick. 28: i. American School Society. Am. J. Educ. 15: 118. American Schools seen by English Eyes. (D. C. Gilman) Nation, 5: 205. American Seasons. (A. B. Street) Eel. M. 21: 2S0. American Securities Abroad, Market for. Bank. M. (N.Y.)30: 841. American Senator, The; a Novel. (A. Trollopc) Temp. Bar, 47: 1-433. 48: 1-433- 49= 117-546. 5°- 113-401. American Sensations. All the Year, 5: 131. — Chamb. J. 40: 353- American Shipping, Future of. (H. Hall) Atlan. 47: 166. — (J. Codman) Internal. R. 10: 1S4. — (J. Roach) No. Am. 132: 467. — (W. G. Sumner) No. Am. 132: 559. American Social Science xVssociation. Am. J. Educ. 16: 391. — and Finance. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31 : 267. — Constitution, Officers, and Members, 1S78. Am. Soc. Sci. J. 9: 165. — Health Department. 0. & N. 8: 228. American Society, Caste in. (K. G. Wells) Atlan. 48: S23. — Patrician Element in. (G. B. Loring) No. Am. 132: 533- — Recollections of. (S. W. Oakey) Scrib. 2i: 416. — Sketches of. (C. A. Bristed) Eraser, 43: 91-650. American Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Am. J. Educ. 15: 239. American Sportsmen. All the Year, 5: 564. American Stage, Anecdotes of. Chamb. J. 58: 612. American Statesmen, 1853. Eraser, 47: 31. Same art. Liv. Age, 36: 341. — English Notices of, 1854. Liv. Age, 43: 592. — Late. (F. Wharton) Princ. n. s. 6: 166. 8: 95. — Works of. (P. Godwin) Putnam, 1 : 642. American Sunday School Union. Am. J. Educ. 15: 705. American Timiditj\ (T. M. Coan) Galaxy, 10: 176. American Titles. Penny M. 8: 428. American Tract Society. (S. W. S. Dutton) New Eng. 3: 272.— Am. Q. 10: 68. — and Slavery. (H. C. Kingsley) New Eng. 16: 612. 17: 61S.' American Trade, Crisis of, 1837. Ed. R. 65: 263. American Traditions. (J. Gait) Fraser, 2: 321. 4: 96. 5: 275- American Unitarian Association. (H. H. Barber) LTnita. R. 3: 511. American Vessels in British Na\-y. N. E. Reg. 20: 822. American Woman of Business, An. (Mrs. A. Smith) Tinslcy, 29: 490. American Women. (Mrs. V. Shei-wood) Contin. Mo. 6: 416. — abroad. (L. H. Hooper) Galaxy, 21: 818. — Defense of. Portfo.(Den.) 20: 276. See American Girl. Americanisms. (J. Challen) Nat. Q. 2: 230. — (W. Channing) No. Am. i: 307. — (W. W. Crane) Put- nam, 16: 519. — (H. Reeves) Lippinc. 3: 310. — (R. G.White) Atlan. 41: 495, 656. 42: 97, 342, 619. 43: 88, 379, 656. 44: 654. — (ialaxy, 24: 376, 681. — (J. F. Lounsbury) luternat. R. 8: 472, 596. — (S. Willard) No. Am. 3: 355. — Anal. M. 3: 404. — So. Lit. Mess. 14: 623. — Blackw. 89: 421. — Hours at Home, 5: 361. — So. R. n. s. 9:529. — Lond. Q. 57: 392. — American Nicknames. Chamb. J. 52: 171. — Bartlett's Dictionary of. (S. G. Brown) No. Am. 69: 94. — Liv. Age, 20: 79. — (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 26: 171. — British. (R. G. White) Atlan. 45: 699. 47:697. — De Vere's. (Goldwin Smith) Canad. Mo. i: 87. — Pickering's Vocabularj' of. Eel. R. 31 : 356. — Popular. All the Year, 25: 270. — Thoughts on. Lakeside, 3: 154. Americanists, International Congress of. Nature, 14; 355. Americus Vespncius. (C. Gushing) No. Am. 12: 318. Ames, Edward B. (A. Stevens) Nat. M. 7: 385. Ames, Fisher, with portrait. Portfo.(Den.) 9: i. — (E. H. Gillett) Hours at Home, i: 315. — (E. Quincy) Nation, 14: 75. — Biography of. Anal. M. 3: 309. — Character of. Walsh's R.i: 104. — Essays of. Quar. 53: 54S. — Life of, with portrait. Portfo.(Den.) 34: 89. — With portrait. Bost. Mo. i : 409. — Speech on Biennial Elections, 17S8. Carev's Mus. 3: 35S- — Works. (S. G. Brown) No. Am. 80: 208. — (A. Lam- son) Chr. Exam. 57: 78. — Brownson, 11: 502. Ames, Nathaniel, Almanac-Maker. (W. B. Trask) N. E. Reg. 16: 255. Amherst, Voyage of the. Westm. 20: 22. Amherst College. (R. W. Marsh) Potter Am. ISIo. 9: 410. — Reports of the Faculty. (N. Hale) No. Am. 24: 485. — Revivals of Religion in. (II. Humphrey) Am. Q. Reg. 11: 317. — Services of Austin Dickinson to. (0. Eastman) Cong. Q. 14: 2S2. Amianthus, Cloth and Paper made from. J. Frankl. Inst. 8: 78. Amicis, Edmondo de. Lippinc. 19: 685. AMICUS 35 AMUSEMENTS Amicus Re(livi\Tis. (C. Lamb) Lond. M. 8: 613. Amiens, City of. (F. Hunt) Hunt, 19: 617. — Cathedral of. Penny M. 3: 52. — Visit to. Tinsley, 1 : 429. Amiens Gravel. (A. Tylor) Am. J. Sci. 96: 302, Amina and the Mill-Wlieel. All the Year, 5: 320. Ammalat Bek ; a Tale of the Caucasus, transl. from the Russian. (T. B. Shaw) Blackw. 53: 2S1, 464, 568, 746. Ammer, Pilgrimage on the. (M. D. Conway) Fraser, 84: 61S. Ammergau; an Idyll. jNIacmil. 22: 271. See Ober-Am- mergau; Passion Plays. Ammonia and Ammoniacal Salts. (M. Seidel) J. Frankl. Inst. 105: 27. — Distribution of. (R. A. Smith) Eel. Engin. 19: 374. — Now Method of Manufacturing, 1859. (A. Williams) J. Frankl. Inst. 68: 402. Ammoniacal Gas as a Motive Power. (E. Lamm) Eel. Engin. 5: 290. Ammonias, Compound. (T. S. Hunt) Am. J. Sci. 63: 206. Amnesty Measures. (J. N. Pomeroy) Nation, 12: 52. Amceba : its Structure, Development, and Habits. (W. C. Williamson) Pop. Sci. It. 5: 188. Among the Black Boys. (L. A. Edgar) Victoria, 3: 442- 5ot. 4: 45-547- Among the Fir-Trees. Fraser, 82: 765. Among the Heather ; a Story. Lond. Soc. 38: 2S9, 3S5, 48 1. 39: 92-398. Among the Hop Gardens. Lond. Soc. 8: 314. Among the Pines. (J. R. Gilmore) Contin. Mo. i: 35- 710. 2: 28, 127. Among Relations. (Ruth Harper) Harper, 33 : 731. Among the Shades ; a Tale. Broadway, 3: 27. Among Thieves. (N. S. Dodge) Putnam, 14: 234. Among the Trees; a Poem. (W. C. Bryant) Putnam, 13:15- Amoor River. (B. Hart) New Eng. 19: 352. — CoHturn, 120: III. — Another Chapter on. Fraser, 63: 31S. — Atkinson's Travels in the Region of. Liv. Age, 66: 631. — (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 21: 610. — Explorations of. (.J. G. Swan) Hunt, 39: 176. — (P. D. McCollins) Harper, 17: 221. — India, and China, Atkinson's Travels in. Brit. Q. 32: 304. Same art. Eel. M. 52: 240, 326. — Russians on. (E. G. Ravenstein) Bentley, 41: 551. — Colburn, 124: 96. — Russian Conquests on. Quar. no: 179. — the latest Acquisition of Russia. Fraser, 51: 10. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 408. — To and upon. (T. W. Knox) Harper, 37: 289. Amor in Extremis. Fraser, 84: 650. Amory, T. Memoirs of several Ladies of Great Britain. Retros. 6: 100. Amory Genealogy. (T. C. Amory) N. E. Reg. 10: 59. Amos, Prophet, and River of the Wilderness. (E. Wil- ton) Kitto, 33: 175. See Bible; Amos. Amour (L') ou la Mort ; a Tale. Galaxy, 10: 522. Amours de Voyage; a Poem. (A. II. Clough) Atlan. i: 419, 536, 667, 784. Amoy. Penny M. 12: 137. — Colloquial Dialect of. (W. H. Gumming) Canad. J. n. s. 11: Si. Amptro, Andrd JI. (H. M. Douglass) Penn "Mo. 8: 854. — Blackw. 115: 451. Same art. Eel. M. 82: 733. — O. & N. 6: 740. — and Jean-Jacques. (A. Laugcl) Nation, 20: 373. — (T. S. Perry) No. Am. 121: 315. — Ed. R. 143: 74. Same art. Liv. Age, 128: 771. — (H.James, jr.) Galaxy, 20: 662. Ampersand Mountain, N. Y., Ascent of. (W. Read) 0. & N. 10: 342. Amphictyonic Confederacy. For. Q. 6: 141. Amphion, Loss of the Ship. Meth. M. 23: 367. Amphioxus Lanceolatus, Observations on. (H. J. Rice) Am. Natural. 14: i, 73. Amphlett Love-Match. House. Words, 16: 173. Amputation of Limbs. Ev. Sat. 10: 575. Amsden Genealogy. (A. H. Ward) N. E. Reg. 15: 21. Amsterdam. Penny M. 3: 317. — and its Suburbs. (C. A. White) Peop. J. 8: 141,162, 177- — Legend of. Once a Week, 15: 380. — Sketch of. Colburn, 62: 265. Amsterdam, Isle of. (H. Copinger) Colburn, 156: 398, 623. 159: 48, 182. — (E. P. Wright) Nature, 17: 326. — Geog. M. 2: 47. Amuck-Running in the East. (A. Lecher) Scrib. 8: 53S. Amulet, The; a Tale. Fraser, 71: 210-754. 72: 92. Amulets. Penny M. 14: 333. — Cranial. (J. Bertillon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 7: 607. — Talismans, and Charms. Chamb. J. 36: 57. Amusement. (F. Brown) Peop. J. lo: 301. — and Recreation. (S. Smiles) Peop. J. 2: 13. Amusements. (E. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 45: 157. — (0. Dewey) Chr. Exam. 8: 201. — Chr. R. 45: 157. — (E. Pond) New Eng. 9: 345. — (R.W. Dale) Good Words, 8: 329. — (G. H. Emerson) Univ. Q. 17: 378. — (H. Irving) All the Year, 36: 133. — (J. H. Seelye) Bost. li. 6: 400. — Blackw. 100: 698. — De Bow, 29: 330. — Mo. Rel. M. 21: 26. — New Eng. 26: 399. — Ancient and Modern. Meth. M. 54: 550. — Ancient English. Antiquary, 2: 16. — and the Church. (W. W. Patton) Hours at Home, 7: 417. — and Education of the Sensibilities. (W. De L. Love) Cong. R. 10: 237. — and Religion. (D. Walk) Chr. Q. 5: 52. — at Home. Godey, 59: 47. — (E. F. Mosby) Potter Am. Mo. 15: 285. — at Sea. Chamb. J. 53: 654. 56: 235. — Burder's Sermon on. Chr. Obs. 4: 232, 306. — Casuistry of. (E. R. Russell) Theo. R. r6: iSi. — Cheap. " (A. Ogilvy) Once a Week, 15: 638. — Diversions and Holidays. Portfo.(Den.) 31 : 218. — Drawing-Room. Lond. Soc. 31: 71-364. — Duty of Christians as to. (A. Keene) Unita. R. 16: 21. — Fashionable. (E. Beecher) Chr. JIo. Spec. 8: 32. — Fireside Frolics. Lond. Soc. 7: 7. — for the Holidays. Godey, 75: 525. — for the Poor. O. & N. io: 258. — in Cities. (H. D. Evans) Am. Ch. Mo. 2: 127. — Indoor, of the Ladies of the Middle Ages. Art J. II : "3- — Ladies'. (F. P. Cobbe) Ev. Sat. 9: loi. — London. St. Paul's, 8: 550, 945. — Music Halls, Our. Tinsley, 4: 216. — of Clergymen and Christians. Portfo.(Dcn.) 29: 377. — of the Englisli People. (G. Turner) 19th Cent. 2 : S20. — St. James, 26: 504. — of the I/earncd. Chamb. J. 56: 555. — of the Mob. Chamb. J. 26: 225, 2S1, 371. — of the Moneyless. Cliamb. J. 23: 305. — Out-of-Door". (T. Wright) Art J. 11: 217. — Philosophy of Pastime. Godey, 57: 238. — Popular. (J. Clark) Morcersb.6: 399. — (E. Corderoy) Ex. H. Lee. 12: 329. — (W. S. Jevons) Contemp. 33: 499. — (A. H. Forrester) Bentley, 27: 514, 624. 28: 101, 1S6, 430. — Brownson, 16: 129. — Dab. Univ. 84: 233. — Hogg, 11: 362. — Am. Church R. 24: 538. AMUSEMENTS 36 ANCESTORS Amusements, Popular, Ancient and Modern. Westm. 66: 163. Same art. Kel. M. 39: 285. — Public. (H. Bentley) Cong. M. 2: 334. — (T. E. Hook) Colburn, 56: 289. — Ed. R. 54: 100. — Clir. I'.xaiii. 63: 47. Places of. (('. F. Brij^gs) Putnam, 3: 141. — Rational, Need of. Blackw. 100: 698. Same art. Li v. Age, 92: 88. — Sawyer's Plea for. U. S. Cath. M. 7: 467. — Social, under the Restoration. (K. Bell) Fortn. 2: 193, 299, 460. — Winter, for Children. Eng. Dom. M. 26: 216-298. — Worldly. Chr. Obs. 40: 129, 193. See also Recreations ; Sports. Amnsnig Trifles. (Jhamb. J. 58: 203. Amy; a Poem. (M. Collins) Temp. Bar, 2: 330. Amy Carlton; a Story. (R. Rendlc) St. James, 46: 235. Amy, the Child. House. Words, 8: 431. Amy's Lover; a Tale. (Florence Marryat) Temp. Bar, 33: 179. Same art. Lippinc. 6: 128. Amyot, Jacques. Colburn, 123: 422. Anabaptist Revival of the i6th Century. (H. S. Fagan) Good Words, 17: 337. Anabaptists; an Historical Inquiry. (H. S. Barrage) Bapt. Q. 9: 350. — Bigotiy of. Chr. Obs. 39: 107. — in Switzerland. (L. Mayer) Mercersb. 2: 213. Anachronism, An. Dub. Univ. 11: 701. Anachronisms, Artistic. Chamb. J. 53: 476. Anacreon. Dub. Univ. 14: 148. — Lond. Soc. 19: 140. — and his Dog, Figures of, on Vases. (S. Birch) Arch. 31: 257. — Life and Songs of. Bentley, 11 : 479, 644. 12: 254, 466. — Memoirs of. Portfo.(Den.) 23: 401. 24: 1,265. 25: 62, 249. 26: 232, 249. 27: 395, 501. 28: 27t 89. — jMoore's. (G. Ticknor) Gen. Repos. i: 102. — Ed. R. 2: 462. — Dub. Univ. 19: 355. — Richardson's Translation of. Mo. R. 105: 265. — Six Odes from. Dub. Univ. 22: 399. Anacreontic; a Poem. (J. Ashby-Sterry) Dark Blue, i: 509. Anacreontic Song. Dub. Univ. 2: 248. Anacreontics. Blackw. 8: 171. Anesthesia. (S. W. Barker) Harper, 31: 453. — (A. S. Piggott) So. R. n. s. 3: 452. Antpsthetic, Carbonic Acid as an. Cornh. 6: 546. — Nitrous Oxide as an. (C. W. Eliot) Nation, 2: 811. Aiwsthetics. (T. L. Phipson) Pop. Sci. R. 2: 15. — Westm. 71: 99. 96: 198. Same art. Liv. Age, no: 498. — and Pain. Nat. Q. 12: 338. — Discovery of. (Sir J. Paget) 19th Cent. 6: 11 19. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 219. See olso Chloroform ; Ether. Anagrams. Cornh. 27: 424. Same art. Liv. Age, 117: 376. — Macmil. 7: 13. — Ev. Sat. 14: 484. — Wheatley on. Dnb. Ijiiv. 60: 387. Ana'ik Timor, the Sorceress. (E. Souvestre) Sliarpe, 27: 126. Anak : a Story. (Mrs. H. Davy) Colburn, 168: 116-65S. 169: 92, 188. Analogies, Natural. Penny ]\L 5: 199, 207. Analogy. (R. F. Clarke) Month, 20: 17S. — Knick. 60: 477- — of Religion, Old and New. j\ronth, 43: 457. See Re- ligion. — Philosophical. (J. D. Whel])lov) Am. J. Sci. 55: 33, 328. Analj'sis, Organic, by Illuminating Gas. (C. M. Weth- erill) J. Frankl. Inst. 58: 107, 184, 274. Liquid Diffusion applied to. (T. Graham) J. Frankl. lust. 72: 273. Analysis, Organic, Process for. (Alexander and Morfil) J. Frankl. Inst. 57: 102, 173, 267. — Indeterminate. (A. D. Wheeler) Math. JIo. 2: 21, 55, i93> 398. — Synthesis and. (L. Withington) Bib. Sac. 23; 603. Analytical Statics, Todhunter's. Canad. J. n. s. i : 63. Anarchist, Proudhon's Confessions of an. Eel. R. 91 : 157. Anarchy and Authority. (M. Arnold) Cornh. 17: 30, 239> 745- 18: 91, 239. Same art. Ev. Sat. 5: 131, 262, 801. 6: 139, 257. Same art. N. Eel. i: 297. Anastasius, Hope's. Quar. 24: 511. — Ed. Mo. R. 4: 423.— Mo. R. 91: I, 131. — (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 35: 92. — (E. Everett) No. Am. 11: 271. — Authorship of. Blackw. 10: 200. Anastatic Printing. So. Lit. Mess. 11 : 383. — Liv. Age, 5: 56, 534. 6: 144. Anatole, Monsieur. (G. Turner) Belgra. 13: 183. Anatole de Salis. Colburn, 89: 4-4S2. 90: 90-468. Anatolia, Northeastern, Tour of. (W. G. Palgrave) Cornh. 25: 662. Same art. Liv. Age, I17: 421. Same art. Ev. Sat. 13: 33. Anatolian Specter-Stories. Cornh. 27: 89. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 160. Anatomist, Difficulties of. Chamb. J. 30: 218. Anatomy. Lond. M. 22: 265. — and Art. (R. Knox) Art J. Ii : 69. — and Modern Art. (E. Von de Warker) Penn Mo. 7 : 607. — and Physiolog}', Parsons's Lecture on. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 5: 88. Todd's. Nature, 4: 343. — Comparative, and Physiology, Owen's. Anthrop. R. 6: 301. — No. Brit. 28: 313. Generalization of. Quar. 93: 46. Huxley's. (W. James) No. Am. 100: 290. of Domesticated Animals, Chauveau's. Nature, 8: 158. Ord's Notes on. (P. H. Pye-Smith) Nature, 5: 79. Philosophical. (St. G. Mivart) Contemp. 26: 938. Progress of. Quar. 90: 362. Schmidt's. (P. H. Pye-Smith) Nature, 5: 298. Two Discoveries in. Cornh. 6: 403 . — Dissection in, Importance of. Westm. 10: 116. — Elementary, Mivart's. Nature, 8: 221. — Human, as a Part of the Biological Curriculum. Na- ture, 13: 151. — Human Foot and Leg. Blackw. 5: 532. — Microscopic. (T. Rowney) Recr. Sci. 2: 325. — Nomenclature of, Barclay's. Ed. R. 3: loi. — of Invertebrated Animals, Huxley's. Canad. Mo. 13: 554- — Poetry of. (J. B. Brown) No. Am. 82: 443. — Quain's. Nature, 14: 129. — Regulation of. Westm. 16: 482. — Reviews and Abstracts in. (W. I. Burnett) Am. J. Sci. 66: 251, 393. 67: 89. 68: 104. — Science of: its History and Progress. Lond. Q. 2: 412. Obstructions to. Mo. R. 127: 91. Study of. (J. Ware) Chr. Exam. 8: 160. — Subjects for. Supply of. Lond. M. 23: 121. — Use of the Dead to the Living. (Southworth Smith) Westm. 2: 59. See Bones. Anatomy in Long Clothes, Vesalius's. Fraser, 48: 539. Anaxagoras as a Scientist and Educator. Nat. Q. 27: 203. Ancestor Worship. (H. Spencer and E. B. Tylor) Mind, 2: 415. — in the Black Mountains. (A. J. Evans) Macmil. 43 : 219, 295, 357. Ancestors, A Day with our. Chamb. J. 37: 218. — Who are our? (C. Wright) Nation, 20: 405. ANCESTRAL 37 ANDORRA jVncestral Enormities. Lond. M. i: 23. Ancestry, Question of. All the Year, 21: 318. Anchises; a Poem. St. James, 48: 469. Anchor, At. Fraser, 104: 624. — Uses and Manufacture of an. Penny 'M. 9: 319, 322. Anchors and Chain Cables. Chamb. J. 42: 439. — and Chains of Vessels, Weight, etc., of. (C. H. |Ias- well) J. Frank!. Inst. 82: 11. — Porter & Co.'s Patent. J. Frankl. Inst. 34: 66. Anchorites. See Hermits. Ancient Books and Writings, Transmission of. Mo. R. 114: 53. — New York II. 3: 273. Ancient Commerce of Western Asia. (A. Barnes) Am. Bib. Repos. 5: 48. 2d s. 3: 310. Ancient Dandy; a Tale. Blackw. 52: 590. iVncient Days. (M. J. Quin) Colburn, 53: S2-1S1. Ancient Fragments, Cory's. Blackw. 44: 105. — (J. C. Moffat) Princ. 11: 479. Ancient Graves and their Contents. Nat. Q. 22: 315. Ancient Learning, Lost Elements of. (F. R. Conder) Dub. Univ. go: 321. Ancient Manners, Bhint's Vestiges of. Blackw. 14: 254. — Ed. R. 38: 505. Ancient Mariner, Original. Liv. Age, 39: 433. Ancient Money Transactions. (J. H. Gibbon) Chr. Exam. 51 : 266. Ancient Saints of God ; a Tale. (Cardinal Wiseman) Cath. World. 1 : 19. Ancient Times and Ancient Men. (Max Miiller) Macmil. 37: 510. Same art. Eel. M. 90: 734. Ancient Vegetation of the Earth. (A. Brongniart) Am. J. Sci. 34: 315. Ancient Wagoner. Blackw. 4: 571. Ancient Writings, Genuineness of. (J. Brazer) No. Am. 42: I. Ancillon. Essays of Politics and Philosophy. Mo. R. 103: 476. Ancona. (II. D. Jenkins) Overland, i: 393. — Siege of. Month, 5: 362. Ancor-Viat, the Giant City. Month, 6: 171. Sajne art. Cath. World, 5: 135. Ruins of. (T. Yelverton) Overland, 10: 30. Ancre, Marshal d'. (Miss Pardoe) Sharpe, 8: 37. Ancren Riwle, The. Fraser, 51: 307. Andalusia, Chit-chat from. Lippinc. 6: 620. — Cities and Wilds of. (R. D. Murray) Bentley, 14: 59. — Brit. Q. 11: 315. — Robber Adventure in. Once a Week, 13: 345. — Scott's Travels in. (R. Ford) Quar. 63: 279. — Sketches from. Month, 2: 1S6. — Stoppage in the Mountains of. Colburn, 135: 473. 136: 55- — Summer in, 1836. Mo. R. 149: 416. Andalusian Tales. All the Year, 5: 401. Andaman Islands. (F. A. de Roepsturff) (Jeog. M. 3: 1S2. — Good Words, 7: 305. — Eel. M. 52: 278. — and Andamanese. (G. E. Dobson) Antiirop. J. 4: 457. — Objects from. (A. L. Fox) Anthrop. J. 7: 434. Anderport Records. Am. Whig R. 10: 235, 345, 459. Andersen, H. C, with portrait. (H. W. Dodge) Apple- ton, 6: 45. — (W. Hurton) Liv. Age, 61: 67. — (C. Hope) St. James, 45: 505. — (T. Johnson) Putnam, 13: 92. — (R. H. Stoddard) Nat. M. 7: 428. — Chamb. J. 24: 236. Same art. Liv. Age, 47: 437. — Bentley, 20: 311. — Sharpe, 5: 2.16. — Potter Am. Mo. 5: 835. — (L. Katscher) Internat. R. 10: 153. — Temp. Bar, 43: 387. Same art. Eel. M. 84: 418. — with portrait, Hogg, 6: 225. — Vic- toria, 25: 1022. — with portrait, (Mary Howitt) Howitt, 1 : 352. — and Thorwaldsen. Temp. Bar, 45: 171. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 431. Same art. Eel. M. 86: 73. Andersen, H. C, Autobiography of. Eel. R. 86: 342. — Correspondence. Temp. Bar, 59: 503. Same art. Liv. Age, 147: 92. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 40S. — Fairy Legends of. (H. E. Scudder) Nat. Q. 3: 235. — Friendships of. (A. Wood) Temp. Bar, 51: 493. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: S07. — Gennan Stories. Dub. R. 42: i. — Improvisatore. Quar. 75: 497. — Tait, n. s. 12: 252. — Last Days of. (D. G. Hubbard) Potter Am. Mo. 11 : 194. — Last Song of. Temp. Bar, 45: 184. — Life of . Dem. R. 21: 525. — Ed. M. 12: 224. — Life and Writings of. Dub. Univ. 45: 605. Same ait. Ed. M. 35: 390. Same art. Liv. Age, 45: 707. — New Tales. Liv. Age, 75: 376. — Only a Fiddler. Fraser, 76: 199. — Pictures of Sweden. lutemat. M. 3: 430. — Sand Hills of Jutland. Liv. Age, 67: 28. — Short Stories. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 36: 598. — Works of. Blackw. 62: 3S7. Same art. Liv. Age, 16: I. Anderson, Alexander, Biography of. Art J. 10: 271. — Memorial of. Chr. Obs. 59: 202. — Two Angels. Dub. Univ. 86: 747. Anderson, Christopher, Life and Letters of. Ed. R. loi : 187. Anderson, Mrs. Gan-ett, and Lady Doctors. Once a Week, 26: 299. Anderson, George B. (S. Gales) Land We Love, 3: 93. Anderson, Isaac. Am. Presb. R. 6: 194. Anderson, John, Sketch of. (D. O. Madden) Hogg, i: 364- Anderson, Robert, Memorial of. Chr. Obs. 45: 481. Anderson, Rufus, Avith portrait. Eel. JI. 67: 755. — Tour in Greece. (F. W. I'. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 49: 376. Anderson, Thomas G., with portrait. NewDom. 14: 273. Anderson, William. (G. Gilrtllan) Hogg, 2: 280. Anderson School of Natural History, Penikese, 1S73. (B. G. Wilder) Nation, 17: 174.— Nature, ii: 167. Andersonville Prison. (R. B. Richardson) New Eng. 39: 729.— (J. Jones) N. Eel. 6: 176. — (J. W. Jones) So. Hist. Pap. i: 161. — (L. M. Park) So. M.I4: 528.— Republic, 6:235,299, 359. 7:33. — Diar\- of a Prisoner at. Hist. M. ig: i. — Prison Experience at. Atlan. 15: 2S5. — Southern View of. (F. W. Palfrey) Nation, 23: 3S5. — Visit to. (M. A. Shearman) Hours at Home, 5: 409. Andes, The. (G. P. Disosway) Nat. M. 12: 198, 3S5. 13: 114. — (W. G. Dix) Contiu. Mo. 5: 229. — Across. St. James, 33: 513. — and the Amazon, Orton's. Nature, 15: 154. — Barometric Anomalies about. (M. F. .Maurv) .Vm. J. Sci. 69: 385. — Holton's Twenty Months in. 80. Lit. Mess. 24: 373. — Journey in. So. Lit. Mess. 5: 513. — of Ecuador, Geological Notes on. (J. Orton) Am. J. Sci. 97: 242. — of Peru and Bolivia. (E. G. Squier) Harper, 36: 545. 37: 16, 145, 307. — Peaks and Valleys of. Chamb. J. 39: 313. Same art. Eel. M. 59:" 363. — Physical Observations on. (J. Orton) Am. J. Sci. 96: 203. — Strain's Ride over. (J. T. Ileadley) Harper, 17: 577. — Up and down among. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 13: 739- Andorra, Empress of. (J. A. Wilson) Belgra. 36: 335. — Republic of. Cath. World, 4: 561. — Ed. R. 113: 345. — State Dinner in. (P. W. S. Menteath) Macmil. 40: 319. Same art. Liv. .Age, 142: 569. — Tale of. Chamb. J. 25: 209, 234, 245. ANDOVER 38 ANGELS Andover, Mass., To■^^^^ Records. N. E. Reg. 2: 377. 3: 65. — Phillips Academy. (H. E. Scudder) Harper, 55: 562. — Theological Seminary, Alumni of. Am. Q. Reg. 12: 198. and Princeton, Theologies of. (R. P. Stebbins) Chr. Exam. 52: 309. Catalogue, 1S10-21. Cong. Q. 11: 375. 12: 48. 13: 16-417. 14: 39S, 529. Heresy in. (C. T. Tiiaycr) Chr. Exam. 55: 80. Plan of Exercises at. Am. Q. Reg. i : 17. Sacred Music in. (E. \V. Hooker) Cong. Q. 6: 268. Sketches and Statistics of. (O. A. Taylor) Am. Q. Reg. 11: 63. Students in. Memoranda concerning. Cong. Q. 15: 305- Tabular View of. Am. Q. Reg. g: 375. Andover, England, Nonconformity in. Cong. M. 14: 197, 670. Andre, Major John, with portrait. Am. Bibliop. i: 331. — (C. E. Carlisle) Potter Am. Mo. 6: 292. — (L. G. Clark) Lippinc. 8: 51S. — (A. W. Kercheval) N. Ed. 6: 227. — (U. D. Willbea) Potter Am. Mo. 14: 174. — (C. C. Smith) No. Am. 93: 83.— Hist. M. 7: 250. — Niles's Reg. 20: 3S6. — and Benedict Arnold. (J. K. Medbery) Nat. Q. 6: 98. Meeting of. Dem. R. 41 : 300. — and Gen. Washington. (C. J. Biddle) Hist. M. i : 193. — Capture of. (C. C. Campbell) Potter Am. iMo. 7: 167. — (H. Lee) Permsyl. M. 4: 61. — Hist. M. i: 293. 9: 177. — (J. Paulding) Hist. M. i: 331. — Case of. (J. C. Stockbridge) M. Am. Hist. 3: 739. — Execution of. (T. B. Bradley) So. Lit. Mess. 19: 429. — Am. Whig R. 5: 381. — (J. Tliacher) New Eiig. M. 6: 353. — Fate and Character of. (.J. C. Pickett) So. Lit. Mess. 11: 193- — Honora Sneyd and. (W. Sargent) Atlan. 6: 715. — Life of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 542. — Map of the Route of. M. Am. Hist. 3: 756. — Monument. Ain. Arch. 6: 127. — Notes in regard to. Am. Bibliop. 2: 13-193. — Col. Tallmadge's Account of. Hist. \L 3: 229. — Truth concerning. (F. S. Hoffman) Potter Am. Mo. 7: 98. — unjustly executed. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 80: 236. — Vindication of the Captors of. Anal. M. 10: 307. — Will of. N. E. Reg. 6: 63. Andrea, Cardinal d'. (H. Wreford) Macmil. 18: 209. — Galaxy, 8: 781. Andrea, Messer, the Sculptor of Bruges. Cham.b. .T. 7: 115. Andreas Hofer; a Tale. Eng. Dom. M. 16: 243. Andreini, G. B. Adam; a Drama. Cath. World, 11 : 602. Andrew, St., Example of. (J. S. Howson) Good Words, 9: 547- Andrew and Matthias in the City of Men-Eaters. Kitto, 10: 167. Andrew of Hungary. (B. F. Baer) Potter Am. Mo. 10: 269. Andrew, .James Osgood, Tribute to Memory of. So. E. n. s. 10: 216. Andrew, John A . (A. G. Browne, jr.) No. Am. io5: 249. — (J. F. Clarke) Nation, 6: 472. — (F. H. Hedge) Mo. Rel. M. 38: 43 V — Harper, 36: 324. — Chandler's Memoir of. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 33: n- — Memoir of. (S. Burnham) N. E. Reg. 23: i. Andrew Carson's Money; a Story of Gold. Dub. Univ. 36: 225. Same art. Harper, i: 503. Andrew Cranberiy ; a Tale. (G. W. Curtis) Putnam, 1:18. Andrew Fletcher. (M. W. Wayne) Appleton, 13: 484, 517, 54S, 579- Andrew Kent's Temptation. (E. S. Phelps) Harper, 31 : 42. Andrew Lawrie's Return. Lond. M. 8: 193. Andrew Rykman's Prayer; a Poem. (J. G. Whittier) Atlan. 11: 95. Andrew's Fortune. (S. 0. Jewett) Atlan. 48: 20. Andrews, John, Provost of University of Pennsylvania. Portfo.(Den.) 9: 425. Andrews, Rev. John. (T. B. Fox) Chr. Exam. 40: 24. Andrews, Launcelot, Bp., Account of . Chr. Obs. 15: 133. — Russell's Life of. Chr. Obs. 60: 846. Androides and Automata. (T. P. Jones) J. Frankl. Inst. 3: 125, 192, 342. Androiiicus, Fuller's. Retros. 15: 396. Andros, Sir Edmund, Government over New England. (J. R. Brodhead) Hist. M. 11: i. — Memoir of. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 273. — Taxes under, in 1687. N. E. Reg. 32: 313. 34: 269, 371- 35: 34, 124- Androscoggin Lakes. (E. Abbott) Harper, 55: 23. Audryane, Alexander, Memoir of. So. Lit. Mess. 6: 473. — Mo. R. 152: 118. Anecdotes and Aphorisms. Sharpe, 14: 272. — Arvine's Cyclopaedia of. (S. F. Sinitli) Chr. R. 17 : 333. — Banking and Financial. Bank. M. (L.) 25: 77-1341. 26: 16-531. — King's. Ed. Mo. R. i : 460. — of Antiquaries. Blackw. 1 : 136. — of Public ]\Ien. Galaxy, 14: 39. — Percy. Ed. Mo. R. 5: 116, 180, 278. — Social and Political. Bentley, 34: 432. — Spence's. Ed. R. 33: 202. — (.J.W.Croker)Quar. 23: 400. Anecdotical Gatherings. (R. B. Peake) Bentley, 17: 225. Anemometers, Whirled. (G. G. Stokes) Nature, 24: 250. Same art. Eel. Engin. 25: 265. Anemone; a Poem. (E. Goodale) Scrib. 17: 815. Anemone; a Tale. Month, 33: 459. 34: 82-473. 35: 104-565. 36: 124-540. 37: 105-562. Anemones, Sargartia. Once a Week, 5; 46. — Sea. See Sea Anemones. Aneroid, Goldschmid. Eel. Engin. 25: 300. Anet, Castle of. (W. L. Gane) Bentley-, 14: 233. Aneurin's Harp; a Poem. (G. Meredith) Fortii. 10: 255. Angas, Wm. Henry, Cox's Memoir of. Eel. R. 61: 107. Angel in the House. (G. Brimley) Eraser, 54: 473. — of Death, The; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 28: 665. — of Florence. (P. T. Horry) So. M. 8: 616. — of Jehovah. (C. Goodspeed) Bib. Sac. 36: 593. — (H. A. Sawtclle) Bib. Sac. 16: 805. — Chr. R. 24: 594. — of Mercy; a Poem. (H. Skidmore) Irish Mo. 9: 636. — of Sleep; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 16: 602. — of Toil ; a Tale. (D. F. McCarthy) Dub. Univ. 32 : 119. — of the Unfortunate. Howitt, 2: 186, 195. Angel-Hunting. Lond. M. 15: 3S8. Angel's Mission ; a Poem. (M . T. Wightman) Hogg, 4: 336. Angels. (W. Hurlin) Chr. R. 24: iS. — (M. Kieffcr) Mer- cersb. 16: 25. — (J. P. Lange) Mercersb. 3: 93. — (E. Nisbet)Bapt. Q. 10: i. — (J. A. Brown) Luth. Q. 3: 374. — (M. Stuart) Bib. Sac. 1843: 88. — and Demonology. (Mrs. A. B. Garrett) Nat. Q. 5: 25. — Doctrine respecting. Bib. Sac. i : 768. 2: 108. — Existence and Character of. Kitto, 12: 122. — Fall of. (I. M. Ely) New Eng. 11: 375. — (Prof. Rudelbach) Evang". R. 8: 171. — Fallen. (T. J. Sawyer) Univ. Q. i: 294. — (H. L. Dox) Luth. Q. 8: 555. -were only Sons of Seth. Theo. Repos. 5: 166. — Good. (H. L. Baugher) Evang. R. 20: 221. — Guests of Abraham at Mamre. Am. Meth. M. 16: 99. — Intelligence of. Am. Meth. M. 22: 151. — Lament over Lost Souls; a Poem. (T. D. Woolsey) New Eng. i : 276. — Men above, in Kingdom of Christ. (J. T. Smith) Bost. R. 5: 61. ANGELS 39 ANGLO-SAXON Angels, Ministry of. Kitto, 8: 2S3.— Am. Meth. M. 21: 275. — of Matt, xviii. 10; Who are they? (J. T. Gray) Kitto, i: 365. — Scripture Doctrine of. (W. E. Smith) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. i: 514. — Sketches of Doctrine of. Bib. R. 4: 2S9. — Song of. (E. Bond) Lit. & Theo. K. i : 428. — Spiritual Idea of. (L. Mayer) Am. Bib. Kepos. 12: 356. — upon Earth. Colburn, 6g: 4S. — Views of the Fathers concerning. Tait, n. s. 9: 261. — Visits of. (W. F. Stevenson) Good Words, 6: 17. Same art. Li v. Age, 84: 241. Angel, Benj. F., with portrait. Dem. R. 40: 330. Angela; a Tale. Cath. World, 9: 634, 756. 10: 38-617. Angela's Prayer. (L. Wood) Tinsley, 20: 512. Angelica's Betrothal. Lond. Soc. 9: 14. Same art. Eel. M. 66: 344. Angelico, Fra, with portrait. (E. Lafonde) Cath. World, 4: 671. — Work of, in St. Mark's, Florence. Good Words, 16: 848. Ang^liiiue Arnauld; a Poem. Scrib. i: 448. Angelique's Martingale. All the Year, 41: 516. Angeln, Description of. (B. S. Blyth) Once a Week, 11: 6. Angelo ; a Tale from V. Hugo. Blackw. 51: 799. Angelo, Michael. See Jlichael Angelo. Angeloni, Luigi, on Political Force. Lond. M. 15: 231. Augelus Silesius, the Clierubic Pilgrim. Hogg, 5: 99. Anger. Ghr. Obs. 5: 11, 336. 6: 232. — Lawfulness of. Chr. Obs. 5: 147. 6: 12. Angerstein, J. J. Collection of Pictures. Quar. 31 : 210. Angkor-Wat. See Ancor-Viat. Anglade, L. G. d', Trial of. House. Words, 12: 298. Angle, Trisection of an. (J. O'Donoglme) J. Frankl. Inst. 75: 382. Angles, Glass Circle for the Measurement of. (L. M. Rutherfurd) Am. .J. Sci. II2: 112. Angler, Kind of Fish. (J. Couch) Intel. Obs. i: 353. Angler, The. Dub. Univ. 17: 661. Angler in May. (E. Jesse) Once a Week, 6: 611. Angler's Souvenir, Fisher's. Mo. R. 139: 157. Anglers, Fancies of. Chamb. .J. 12: 345. — of the Dove. (H. Martineau) Once a Week, 7: 85-197. — Women. Victoria, 34: 72. Anglesea, Marquis of, with portrait. Blackw. 25: 215. — Bentley, 35: 531. — and Ghost of his Leg, Dialogue between. Blackw. 30: 715- Anglesey, Ancient Dwellings in. Antiquarv, 2: 106, 118, 185. Anglican Church. See Church of England. Anglicans and Reunion. Month, 39: 413. — of the Day, 1875. Dub. R. 77: 342. Anglican Development. (A. Marshall) Cath. World, 27: 3S3. — Am. Cath. Q. 5: 263. Anglican Ministry. (.1. Bickaby) Mdnth, 40: 2S1. Anglican Prisoners for Conscience' Sake. Jlonth, 43: 134- Anglican Sisterhood. ( W. Gilbert) Good Words, 22 : 833. Anglicanism in Australia. Dul). 11. 79: 3^18. Ajiglicani, The, and their 39 Medical Forinuhe. Eraser, 84: 695. Angling. Am. Whig R. 11: 32. — P.hu'kw. 21: 815. 49: 302. — Qiiar. 67: 98. — Chamb. J. 57: 3S5. — and Anglers. Dub. Univ. 49: 657. — and Fly-Fisliing. Bentley, 13: 257. — Eel. Mus. i: 67. See also Fly-Fishing. — Annals of. (C. Lanman) (ialaxy, 6: 305. — Art of. (James Wilson) No. Brit. 8: 297. Same art. Liv. Age, 17: I. — Chapter on. Dub. Univ. 29: 74S. Angling. Complete Susquehanna Angler. (C. A. Mun- ger) Knick. 45: 598. 46: 28, 346. 48: 260. — Davy's Angler and his Friend. Colburn, 104: 232. — English and Scotch. (A. B. Reach) Sharpe, 18: 149. — Fascinations of. (G. Dawson) Galaxy, 23: 81S. — for Pan-Fish. (M. Thompson) Harper, 55: 395, — for Salmon and Trout. Cornh. 19: 417. — Hints on. Tait, n. s. 13: 531. — in France, Guillemard's La peche a la ligne. Colburn, 109: 408. — in the Lake District, Eng., Davy on. Eel. R. 105: 604. — in Wales, Medwin's. JIo. R. 135: 145. — Jesse's Angler's Rambles. Tait, n. s. 3: 625. — Mo. K. 141: 158. — Modern. (A. Giinther) Nature, 2: 512. — Ste])hen Oliver on. Blackw. 35: 775. — Practice of. Dub. Univ. 26: 153. — Salmonia. Blackw. 24: 24S. — Stoddart on. Blackw. 38: 119. 63: 673. — Walton's Complete Angler. Bentley, 16: 512. — Col- burn, 4: 491. — Lond. M. 7: 633. — Blackw. 14: 473. — Knick. 30: 381. — Retros. 6: 353. — Avith a Trout-Rod. (M. G. Watkins) Eraser, 86: 524. — with the Worm. Once a Week, 16: 239. See Fishing. Angling Adventure. Broadw. 2: 549. Angling Club, Our. All tlie Year, 39: 349. Angling Literature. Eel. R. 98: 15. 99: 21. Angling Worthies. (M. G. Watkins) Eraser, 92: 750. Anglo-American Type. So. R. n. s. 7: 311. Anglo-Catholic Letters to Rev. Charles Fustian. Blackw. 65: 679. Anglo-Catholic Movement, Past and Future. (C. J. Ellicott) Princ. n. s. 2: 612. Anglo-Catholic Theory. Ed. R. 94: 527. Anglo-Catholicism, Progress of. Chr. Rem. 4: 58. Anglo-Chinese Kalendar, 1833. I'enny M. 2: 245. Anglo-Continental Association. (A. C. Coxe) Am. Church R. 10: 407. — Objects and Doings of. Chr. Rem. 34: 334. Anglo-French Drama. Ed. R. 51: 225. Anglo-Indian Life. Mo. R. 145: 174. Anglo-Indian Poets. Dub. Uuiv. 95: 51^. Anglo-Indian Society of Former Days. Mus. 29: 224. Anglo-Indian Tongue. Blackw. 121: 541. jVnglo-Latin Poets of the Twelfth Centurv. For. Q. 16: 3S6. iinglo-Norman Building in St. Olave's, Southwark. (G. R. Corner) Arch. 38: 37. Anglo-Norman Burial-Places at Bouteilles. (L'Abb^ Cochet) Arch. 36: 258. 37: 32. Anglo-Norman Christianity and Ansehn. (J. Stoughton) Ex. II. Lee. 17: 85. ' Anglo-Norman Poetry. (Abbe- De la Rue) Arch. 13: 35. — Eraser, 14: 55. Anglo-Norman Poets of the 12th Century. (Abbe De la Rue) Arch. 12: 297. — Brit. Q. 5: 159. — of tiie 13th Century. (Al)l)e De la Rue) .\reh. 13: 230. Anglo-Nornnin Remains found at Bouteilles. (L'Abb<5 (,'ociiet) Arch. 37: 399. Anglo-Norman Trouveres. Blackw. 39: 806. 40: 27S. Anglo-Normans. No. Brit. 6: 431. Same art. Liv. Age, 13: l(^. Anglophobia. Once a Week, 19: 173. Anglo-Russian Ditiiculty, 1S70. (J. N. Pomeroy) Na- tion, 11: 399. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Brighthampton. (J. Y. Aker- man) Arch. 37: 391. 38: 84. — at Filkins and Broughton Poggs. (J. Y. Akcrman) Arch. 37: 140. — at Long Wittenham, Berks. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 38: 327. 39: 135. ANGLO-SAXON 40 ANIMAL Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Stowting, Kent. (J. Brent) Arch. 41 : 409. Anglo-Saxon Chri.stianity, and Anglo-Norman. No. Brit. 37: 35. Same art. Eel. M. 57: 2S9, 511. — and Augustine of Canterbury. (S. Martin) Ex. II. Lee. 17: 45. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and Anglo-Norman Clironielers. Chr. Ivem. 38: 144. Anglo-Saxon Churcii, Lingard's Antiquities of. (.Tohn Allen) Ed. E. 25: 346.— No. Brit. 6: i.— Eel. K. 86: 7S. — Soames on the. Chr. Obs. 49: 345. Anglo-Saxon Churches. Dub. li. 18: 128. Anglo-Saxon Coins discovered at Hexham. (J. Adam- son) Arch. 25: 279. 26: 346. Anglo-Saxon Colonies. (.J. Stoughton) Ex. H. Lee. 8: 323. Anglo-Saxon Home. Eel. K. 1 17: 72. Anglo-Saxon Kings denominated Bretwaldas. (H. Hal- lam) Arcli. 32: 245. Anglo-Saxon Knife found in Kent. (J. Evans) Arch. 44: 331- Anglo-Saxon Language. New York R. 3: 362. — (H. Wheaton) No. Am. 33: 325. — Am. Bib. Kepos. 10: 386. — and Literature. Cong. M. 14: 559. — Dictionary of, Bosworth's. (H. Rogers) Ed. R. 70: 221. — Mus. 38: 9. — Mo. R. 147: 206. — Grammar of, Bosworth's. Mo. R. 102: 148. Rask's. For. R. 3 : 234. Same art. Select J. 2 : 104. — Hand-Book of, Corson's. (J. Hadley) Nation, 12 : 404. — Study of. (J. S. Hart) Am. J. Educ. i: 33. — (T. W" Hunt) Princ. n. s. 7: 221. — (S. M. Shute) Bapt. Q. 8: 17. — (W. W. Skeat) Macmil. 39: 304. Anglo-Saxon Laws and Institutes. Brit. & For. R. 12 : 46. Anglo-Saxon Leechdoms. Dub. Univ. 69: 519. Anglo-Saxon Literary Biography. Eel. R. 78: 10. — Ed. R. 78: 365. Same art. Eel. Mus. 3: 343. Anglo-Saxon Literature. (Bro. Azarias) Am. Cath. Q. 2: 385. — Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 6: 196. — Chr. Rem. 4: 163. — Dub. R. 15: 80. — Mus. 37: 51. — No. Am. 47: 90. — (J. W.Alexander) Princ. 11: 527. — So. R. n. s. 7: 106. — and Celtic Literature. Dub. Univ. 64: 298. Anglo-Saxon MS. in Exeter Cathedral. (J. J. Cony- beare) Arch. 17: 180. Anglo-Saxon Pennies found at Dorking. (T. Combe) Arch. 19: 109. Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Mo. R. Ill: 183. — Eraser, 12: 76. — Temp. Bar, 38: 222. — and Early English. New York R. 9: 372. — Westm. 7: 464. — Characteristics of. Tait, n. s. 27: 465. — Illustrations of. Chr. R. 26: 620. — Inedited Fragment of. (J. J. Conybeare) Arch. 17: 173. — Meter of. (.1. J. Conybeare) Arch. 17: 257. Anglo-Saxon Pottery. (T. Wright) Intel. Obs. 6: 119. Anglo-Saxon Remains at Harnham Hill, near Salisbury. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 35: 259, 475. — found at Kemble, Wilts. (.J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 37: 113- — found at Stowting, Kent. (C. R. Smith) Arch. 31 : 398. Anglo-Saxon Runes. (.J. M. Kemble) Arch. 28: 327. Anglo-Saxon Song, Lay of the Phoenix. (G. Stephens) Arch. 30: 256. Anglo-Saxon Race. (Mrs. J. Ware) No. Am. 73: 34. (D. .T. M. Loop) Am. Whig R. 7: 28. — (D. A. Hawkins) Meth. Q. 36: 87. Anglo-Saxons. Am. Eel. 4: t6i. — and the Americans. Am. Whig R. 14: 187. — British Race. (.J. H. Seeley) Education, i: 309. — Empire of. Am. Church R. 23: 205. — Fine Arts among. Penny M. 13: 25. Anglo-Saxons, History of. (Sir F. Palgravc) Quar. 34: 248. Lappenberg's. Blackw. 61 : 79, Turner's. Eel. R. 6: 653, 775. — Hwiting Treow of. (.J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 42: 124. — in Corve Dale. (T. Wright) Once a Week, 15: 524. — Laws and Usages of. Am. Q. 22: 350. — Legal Procedure of. (H. C. Cook) Arch. 41: 207. — Municipal Privileges under. (T. Wriglit) Arch. 32 : 298. — Trades of. Penny M. 5: 91. Anglo-Saxondom, Dream of. (J. P. Chamberlain) Galaxy, 24: 788. Anglo-Turkish Convention. Cong. 7: 497. Angola, Monteiro's. Nature, 13: 161. — Quissama Tribe of. (J. J. Monteiro) Anthrop. J. 5 : 198. Angouleme, Marguerite, Duchess of. Journal of. Blaekw. i: 172. — Life and Letters of. Chr. Obs. 55: 757, 819. Same art. Liv. Age, 49: 385. AngstrcJm, Anders Jonas. Nature, 10: 376. Anguisciola, Sofonisba, Italian Paintress, b. 1530. Vic- toria, 19: 412. Anguisli in Print. Once a AVeek, 30: 259-671. Angularities and Cantankerousness. Lond. Soc. 38: 537. Anhalt, Public Instruction in. Am. J. Educ. 15: 344. Anhalt-Dessau, Leopold, Prince of, " The Old Dessauer." (H. S. Wilson) Lond. Soc. 29: 358. Aniello, T., called Masaniello, the Fisherman of Naples. Portfo.(Den.) 16: 425. Anien Rhaa. (Mary Howitt) Ilowitt, 2: 415. Aniline Dyes. (T. L. Phipson) Pop. Sci. R. 3: 429, — and Coal-Tar. Art J. 17: 25, 102, 301. — Manufacture of. Pract. M. 2: 34. Animal Chemistr_y. (H. N. Draper) Recr. Sci. 3: 303. — Am. Eel. 4: 459. — Berzelius on. Eel. R. 18: 243. — So. Q. 27: 207. — Kingzett's. Nature, 19: 358. — Liebigon. Quar. 70: 98. Same art. Am. Eel. 4: 460. Animal Creation, Burnett's. Eel. R. 69: 185. — Power of God in. (R. Owen) Ex. H. Lee. 19: i. Animal Depravity. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 184. Animal Design and Landscape. (W. M. Rossetti) Mac- mil. 8: 116. Animal Electricity. (L. Hermann) Nature, 19: 561. — Chamb. J. 3: 68. Animal Existences, A Vision of. Cornh. 5: 311. Animal Food. Ed. R. 2: 128. — (J. C. Draper) Galaxy, T- 550. 837. — Colburn, 5: 563. — Abstinence from. (H. Brougham) Ed. R. 2: 128. — in Early Times. (J. R. Wilde) Dub. Univ. 43: 317. — Pythagorean Objections to. Lond. M. 13: 380. — Uses of . (J. Broughton) Intel. Obs. 9: 452. /See Food. Animal Heat. Blackw. 84: 414. Animal Kingdom, Cuvier's. Mo. R. 136: 229. 139:119. — Law of Association in. (E. Perriet) Pop. Sci. R. 19: 30. — Swedenborg on. Mo. R. 164: 167. Animal Life. (S. E. Shepard) Chr. Q. 8: 467. — and Natural Conditions. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 23: 405. — Curiosities of. Cath. World, 3: 232. — Da\vn of. Westm. 78: 171. — Development of, on the Globe. (L. Agassiz) Ed. New Philos. J. 33: 388. — Forms of, Rolleston's. (P. H. Pye-Smith) Nature, 2: 80, 206. Apparition of, and Evolution. (J. W. Dawson) Princ. n. s. i: 662. Development of. (A. Thomson) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. i: 481. Gradations in. Eraser, 87: 458. Same art. Liv. Age, 117: 479. ANIMAL 41 ANIMALS Animal Life, Forms of, Remarkable, Sars's. (T. Hincks) Nature, 8: i8g. — in the Ocean. (G. C. Wallich) J. Frank!. Inst. 72: 237, 321. — in South Africa. (H. Chichester) Intel. Obs. 10: 42. — Studies in. Cornh. i: 61-6S1. jSee Animals and Plants ; Biology; Life. Animal Locomotion. Pract. M. 4: 459. — Pettigrew's. (A. H. Garrod) Nature, g: 221. Animal Magnetism. (Sir B. C. Brodie) Quar. 61 : 273. — (Dr. Sam. Bro\VTi) No. Brit. 15: 133. Same art. Eel. M. 23: 271. — (W. B. Carpenter) Pop. Sei. Mo. 11: 12, 161. — (W. Preyer) Sup. Pop. Sci. JIo. 3: 131. — (John Wilson) Internat. M. 4: 27. — Am. Q. 4: 426. 22: 350. — For. Q. 12: 413. — Quar. 61:151. — Blackw. 1 : 563. — So. Lit. Mess. 4: 253. 5: 319. — Fraser, i: 673. — Etl. K. 94: 222. — (J. Ware) Chr. Exam. 51 : 395.— For. K. 5: 96. — Select J. 3: 133. — Mo. E. 131: 293. — Chr. Q. Spec. 9: 434, 647. — Mus. 23: 361. — (S. Adams) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 1 : 362. — Dem. R. 9; 515. — Anal. M. 10: 34. — Am. Mo. M. 10: 424. — Bost. Q. 2: 54. — Dub. II. 4: 202. 5: 407. — Dub. Univ. 38: 383. — Chr. Rem. 13: 366. — Tait, 4: 456. — Nat. M. 2: 56. — Nat. Q. 16: 23. — Portfo. (Den.) 28: 17. — Tait, n.s. 5: 460. — Zoist, i: 58. — Address on. (J. Elliotson) Zoist, i : 227. — and Ghost-Seeing. Brit. Q. 2: 402. Same art. Eel. M. 7: 56. — Mo. R. 109: 506. — and Homoeopathy, Lee on. Mo. R. 146: 471. — and Hypnotism. (L. H. Steiner) Mei'cei>b. 13: 238. — and Neurhypnotism. Eel. M. 3: 71. — Fraser, 29: 681. 32: I. — Diseases cured by. Zoist, 2: 42-473. 3: 24-512. 4: 68, 517. 5: 1-404. 6: 1-412. 7: 9-437. 8: 12-395- 9: 11-436- 12: 34-415. 13: 27-417. — Experiments in. Mo. R. 131: 291. Same art. Select J. 2: 259. — Gregory on. Chamb. J. 15: 327. — (W. C. Engle- due) Zoist, 9: 215. — in Germany. Blackw. 2: 36, 437. — in London. Blackw. 42: 3S4. /See Animal Electricity; Magnetism; Mesmerism. Animal Mechanics, Haughton's. Nature, 9: 239. — Marey's. Nature, 10: 498, 516. — Soui-ce of Muscular Power. (A. Flint) Pop. Sci. Mo. 12: 729. Animal Motion, Relation of, to Animal Evolution. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 12: 40. — (E. S. Morse) New Dom. 8: 160. — Apparatus for Registering. (Prof. Marcy) Nature, 14: 214. Animal Nature, Studies of. (B. Taylor) Atlan. 39: 135. See Animals, Chapters on. Animal Parasites and Messmates. Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: 670. Animal Psychology, Schneider on. (J. Sully) Jliiid, 5: 424. Animal Remains at Cissbury. (G. Rolleston) Anthrop. J. 6: 20. Animal Strength. J. Fraiikl. Inst. 5: 109. Animal Substances, Preparations of. (H. Goadby) Am. J. Sci. 63: 15, 227. Animal Teaching. Ev. Sat. Ii: 182. Animal Volunteers. Chamb. .1. 52: 257. Animal Worship among the old Scandinavians. (.Jon A. Hjaltalfn) Fraser, 84: 13. — Totem; or, Prospects of. (M. Browne) St. Paul's, 14: 313- Animalcule, A newlj' discovered. (.J. W. Bailey) Am. J. Sci. 65: 341. Animalcules. (R. 0. Jlason) Lippinc. 25: 4S3. — Aquaria Studies. (A. S. Ritchie) Am. Natural. 5: 653. Animalcules, Hairv-backed. (P. H. Gosse) Intel. Obs. 5: 387. — in Croton Water. (W. C. Prime) Harper, 18: 451. — Life in a Drop of Water. (D. Brewster) Good Words, 5: 169. — Mantell on. Chamb. J. 5: 296. Same art. Li v. Age, 10: 157. — Rotifera, or Wheel. (P. H. Gosse) Pop. Sci. R. i : 26, 158, 474. 2: 475. (See Microscope ; Infusoria. Animals, Acclimatization of. Chamb. .1. 55: 423. — Colburn, 124: 20S. 125: 253. — Ed. R. iii; 161. Same art. Liv. Age, 64: 719. — Nat. R. 17: 152. — ^Esthetic Sense in. (L. Viardot) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 729. — Affections of. Chamb. J. i : 267. — Alarming Depravity among. Blackw. 2: 82. — and Elements in which they live. (L. Agassiz) Am. J. Sci. 59: 369. — and their Environments. (.V. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 20: 734. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. JIo. 3: 231. — and Plants. Quar. 126: 248. Analogies between. Chamb. J. 55: 40. Can we separate? Cornh. 37: 336. Same art. Eel. M. 90: 60S. how related? Evang. R. 11: 256. — Anecdotes of. (E. Jesse) Once a Week, 16: 211. — Loud. M. 18: 531. 19: 121. — Chamb. J. 50: 693. — Antipathies of. All the Year, 41 : S. — Aquatic. No. Brit. 29: 396. — Architecture of. (A. Wilson) Belgra. 34: 163. — (J. L. Cabell) So. R. n. s. 3: 45. — Artistic Feeling of. Eel. M. 76: 630. — as Automata. (T. II. Huxley) Nature, 10: 362-520. Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 67. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 5: 724. — (T. II. Huxley) Fortn. 22: 555. Same art. Liv. Age, 124: 67. Same art. Ed. M. 84: 49. — (R. G. Hazard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 6: 405. — as Man's Friends. (B. P. Avery) Overland, i: 234. — Chapters on. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 2: 42-187. 3: 11-190. — Claims of. Styles on. Chr. Obs. 45: 670. and the Rights of ^lan. (!•". P. Cobbe) Eraser, 68: 586. — Victoria, 25: 10S3. 26: 60. — Tait, 2: 14, S33. — Classilication of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 86: 321. 87: 10, 157. — (W. Hincks) Canad. J. n. s. 10: 19. — (T. H. Huxley) Nature, 11: loi. — Am. Natural. 9: 65. — Intel. Obs. 6: 362. — Colonial, and their Origin. (A. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 26: 680. — Colored so as to escape Notice. (A. Murray) Etl. New Philos. J. 68: 66. — Ev. Sat. 9: 510. — Colors of. (A. R. Wallace) Am. Natural. 11: 641, 713. — Ev. Sat. 17: 9. — Comltafs of. All tlie Year, 44: 401. — Cruelty to. See Cruelty. — Curative Powers of. (W. E. Hall) Belgra. 9: 116. — Declaration of Independence by. (.1. Bonner) Harper, 14: 145. — Development of, and what it teaches. (A. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 24: 34. — Diabolical. -Ml the Year, 33: 519. — Diseases of Wild. (J. Vilain) Pop. Sci. JIo. 16: 11. — Domesticated. (L. Agassiz) .Am. Natural. 7: 641. Effects of Reversion to a Wild State. (J. D. Caton) Am. Natural. 15: 955. History of. No. Brit. 5: i. Intellectuality of. Dub. Univ. 15: 495. Origin of. (G. de Martillet) .\m. Natural. 13: 747. — Domestication of. (F. Cuvier) Ed. New Philos. J. 3: 303. 4: 45, 292. in the Middle Ages. (T. Wright) Intel. Obs. 6: 31S. Wild. Loud. M. 13: 98. — Penny M. i: 44. ANIMALS 42 ANIMALS Animals, Enemies of Man among. Chamb. J. 55: 311. — Excommunication and Punislunent of. (H. Wliite) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 3: 210. — Experimentation on. See Vivisection. — Extinct Genera of. Mus. 38: 68. in tbe Historic Period. (E. Blanchard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 5: 331. of the Colonies of Great Britain. (R. Owen) Pop. Sci. K. 18: 253. — Fabulous. (F. P. Cobbe) Li v. Age, 123: 354. — Fetichism in. Liv. Age, 136: 254. — Friendships of. Chamb. J. 55: 654. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 182. Geographical Distribution of. (L. Agassiz) Chr. Exam. 48: iSi. — Ed. li. 53: 32S. — (S. S. Conant) Harper, 54: 519. — (W. F. Kirby) Pop. Sci. R. 16: 261. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 321. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 30S. — (S. I. Sraitli) Am. Natural. 2: 14.— (A. R. Wallace) 19th Cent. 5: 247. — (A. R. Wal- lace) Am. Natural. 11: 157. — Chamb. J. 53: 711. Hogg, 3: 149. — Westm. 97: 28. Same art. Liv. Age, 112: 387. Difficulties in. (P. L. Sclater) 19th Cent. 4: 1037. of Marine Species of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 65: 204. 66: 153, 314. of Marine, on the Coast of New England. (A. E. Verrill) Am. J. Sci. 102: 357. Range of North American Animals. (W. J. Hays) Am. Natural. 5: 387. Sclater on. Nature, 13: 482. Wallace on. Nature, 14: 165, 186. — (T. Gill) Nation, 25: 27, 42. — Gigantic, discovered in Ice. Cornh. 7: 416. — Growth of lower Vertebrates. (A. S. Packard, jr.) Am. Natural. 9: 632. — Habitat of. Effects of. Chamb. J. 5: 401. — Habitations of. Quar. 120: 355. — Have Animals Souls? (J. F. Clarke) Atlan. 34: 412. — (J. R. G. Hassard) Cath. World, 5: 510. — Nat. Q. 15: 242. — Putnam, 7: 361. — Higher and Lower. Quar. 127: 3S1. Same art. Liv. Age, 103: 579. — Humanity in. Chamb. J. 5: 177. Same art. Liv. Age, 10: 90. — Humor in. (S. Lockwood) Am. Natural. 10: 257. — Hypnotism in. (J. Czermak) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 61S. '4: 75- — Immortality of. Chr. Exam. 74: 199. — in Captivity. Liv. Age, 122: 673. — in Fable and Art. (F. P. Cobbe) Liv. Age, 121: 451. — in Geological Times, Primitive Diversity of. (L. Agassiz) Am. J. Sci. 67: 309. — I have known and loved. Chamb. J. 57: 45-272. — Instincts of. See Instinct. — Intellect of. (A. Weld) Month, 19: 67. — Lond. Soc. 15: 43. Same art. Eel. M. 72: 318. — Intelligence of. (G. J. Romanes) 19th Cent. 4: 653. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 214. — (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 3: 182. — Westm. 113: 448. Same art. Liv. Age, 115: 643. — Chr. Rem. 14: 436. — All the Year, 20: 113. — Chamb. J. 40: 3S0. Same art. "Ed. M. 61: 377. — Month, 35: I. Flourens on. Eel. R. 98: 649. — Journeyings and Dispersals of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 10: 576. — Language of . (F. R. Goulding) Appleton, 10: 332. — (E. Howland) Penn Mo. 10: 509. — (L. A. Jones) 0. & N. 4: 531, 650. — All the Year, 19: 152. — Chamb. J. i : 99. 5: 276. Same art. Liv. Age, 10: 137. — Putnam, 6: 130. — Legal Prosecutions of. (W. Jones) Pop. Sci. Mo. 17: 619. — Legends of. Fraser, 38: 392. Animals, Life Histories of, Packard's. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 15: 271. — Links of the World of. (W. B. Dawkins) Nature, 18: 537- — Living and Extinct. Temp. Bar, i: 533. 3: 363. in Solid Bodies. Ciiamb. J. 48: 650. — Lost Tribes of. All the Year, 41: 174. — Love for. Cath. World, 13: 545. — Mental Faculties of. (G. L. (,'ary) No. Am. to8: 27- — Migration of. (A. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 21 : 549. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 103. — Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances among. Westm. 88: i. Same art. Liv. Age, 94: 259. — Mind in the Lower. (W. L. Lindsay) Nature, 8: 91. — Liv. Age, 146: 707. — House. Words, 7: 504. Lindsay on. (W. James) Nation, 30: 270. — Mind in Man and. (F. Bowen) Princ. n. s. 5: 32. - — Moral Faculties of. Intel. Obs. 4: 211. — Moral Sense in the Lower. (W. L. Lindsay) Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 346. — Music of. (J. Sully) Cornh. 40: 605, — My four-footed Friends. (M. G. Watkins) Belgra. 35: 216. — Natural History of. (L. Agassiz) Overland, 9: 461. — New and rare, in the Zoological Garden. Nature, 23: 35-487- — Nutrition in. (J. R. Blake) Land We Love, i: 314. 2: 45. — of America, Audubon's. (C. W. Webber) Am. Whig R. 4: 625. Harlan's. (J. Ware) No. Am. 22: 120. — of Antiquity as depicted on Monuments. (M. de Scrres) Ed. New Philos. J. 16: 160, 285. 17: 268. 18: 59. — of Argentine Republic, Burmeister's. (W. H. Flower) Nature, 3: 282. — of the New England Coast. Nature, 7: 365. — Protection of. (G. T. Angell) Am. Soc. Sci. J. 6: 164. — Psychology of. (D. F. Weinland) Am. J. Sci. 77: i. — Brit. Q. 7: 347. Same art. Liv. Age, 17: 595. — Powers of Offense and Defense of. Chamb. J. 53 : 247. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 9: 355. — Reason in. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. 9: 286. — (J. F. James) Am. Natural. 15: 604. — Once a Week, 18: 491. — Resuscitating. All the Year, 2: 3S7. — Sacred. Belgra. 20: 89. — Shy Friends. (M. B. Benton) Putnam, 14: 85. — Social Life of. (P. J. Van Beneden) Am. Natural. 8: 521. — Strange Affections and Ha"bits of. (E. Jesse) Once a Week, 15: 35. — Strange Wanderers. Hours at Home, 10: 426. — Superstitions concerning. Dub. Univ. 46: 281. — Torpidity of. Chamb. J. lo: 38. — Transformations of. (A. Wilson) Good Words, 19: 335> 409- New Views of. (E. Perrier) Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 625. — Treatment of. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 54: 545. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. i : 569. — Unity of Type among. Cath. World, i: 71. — Vertebrated. Lond. Q. 42: 343. and invertebrated, Missing Link between, Dohrn's. (G. T. Bettamy) Nature, 14: 195. Huxley's Anatomy of. (A. Thomson) Nature, 5: 245. in the Liverpool Museum. (II. H. Higgms) Nature, 3: 481. Origin of. (T. H. Huxley) Nature, 13: 3S8-514. 14: 33- Dohra on. Nature, 12: 479. ANIMATION 43 ANONYMOUS Animation, Suspended. (B. W. Richardson) Nature, 20: 107. — Chamb. J. 53: 158. Animism, Tyler and Spencer on. (A. C. Ougliter-Lonie) Mind, 3: 126. — Primitive Tiiought and Modern. (,J. S. Patterson) Radical, 10: 432. Anjou. (C. Dempster) Ed. R. 127: 77. — Monuments at. Ed. R. 127: 77. Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of. O. & N. 4: 135. Ann Potter's Lesson. (R. T. Cooke) Atlan. 2: 419. Anna Hammer ; a German Novel. Blackw. 68: 573. Annabel Bro^\ni. Belgra. 22: 3S2. Annabel's Dream. St. James, 9: 94. Annam, China, The French in Tong King. Colburn, 157 : 172. Annapolis Homony Club, 1770. (T. L. Chase) Am. Hist. Rec. i: 295, 34S. Annapolis Tuesday Club, 1745. -A-m- Hist. Rec. 2: 149. Annapolis, Md., U. S. Naval Academy at. (A. D. Brown) Harper, 43: 177. Anne ; a Novel. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 62: 2S-S47. 63: 68-735. Anne Bolevn. (W. H. Dixon) Gent. M. n. s. 16: 2S9. — Ed". R. 45: 321. — Mo. R. 96: 372. — and Henry VHI. (J. A. Froude) Eraser, 55: 723. — and Sir Thomas Wyatt. Bentley, 23: 233. — Fresh Evidence about. (.J. A. Froude) Frascr, 81 : 731. 82: 44. — Letter respecting her Coronation. Arch. 18: j-j. Anne, Queen, and Indian Sachems. Am. Hist. Rec. 3: 462. — Burton's Reign of. Ed. R. 151: 512, — Blackw. 127: 139. Same art. Liv. Age, 145: 3. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 385. — Fraser, loi : 337. — Days of. (E. Lawrence) Harper, 44: 405. — Farthings of. (F. W. Madden) Once a Week, 6: 273. — Historians of, Reign of. Blackw. 1 15: 301. Same art. Liv. Age, 121: 195. — Stanhope's Reign of. (T. E. Kebbel) Fortn. 13: 603. Same art. Liv. Age, 106: 259. — (G. Smith) Nation, 11: 57. — Ed. R. 132: 519. — Quar. 129: i. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 513, 715. Anne, Czarina of Russia. (J. Forfar) Gent. M. n. s. 25: 215. Anne d'Auray, Ste. (G. Goldie) Month, 34: 187. Anne of Austria, Queen Regent. (F. P. Cobbe) Tinslcy, 23: 361. — (J. W. Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 44: 674. — and Voltaire. Dub. Univ. 44: 674. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 476. Same art. Eel. M. 34: 193. Anne of Brittany. Colburn, 108: 414. — Chamb. .1. 23: 143. Same art. Ed. INL 35: 243. Anne of Cleves, Third Wife of Henry VHI. (B. Murphy) Cath. World, 21: 403. — Once a Week, 21: 293. Anne of Denmark, Wife of James I. of England. (J. Stevenson) Month, 35: 257. Anne Furness. (Mrs. T. A. Trollope) Fortn. 14: 74-721. 15: 111-785. 16: 98,235. Same art. Harper, 41 : 572,747,881. 42:123-885. 43:49-884. Anne Hereford; a Tale. (Mrs. H.Wood) Argosy, 5: i- 401. 6: 1-481. Anne Severin; a Tale. IMonth, 8: 439,561. 9: 17-573. Annecy and St. Francis de Sales. Montii, 17: 201. Anneliddan Worms. (W. Baird) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 3: 91-432. 4: 84. — Structure of. (E. Claparedc) Intel. Obs. 12: 266, 365. Annesley, James. (W. Chambers) Chaml). J. 52: 273. — Triafof. Blackw. 88: 565. Annetta Haverstraw. (E. Leslie) Godcy, 26: 3S-255. Annette; a Poem. Fraser, 33: 503. Annette; a Tale. Chamb. J. 20: 246, 261. Annette's Love-Story. (J. Kavanagh) Liv. Age, 108: 291. Annexation. (P. Godwin) Putnam, 3: 1S3. Annexation Fever. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 8: 289. Annexations, National. Liv. Age, 79: 73. Annie and her Master. Blackw. 95: 474. Annie at the Corner ; a Tale. Putnam, 7: 629. Annie, the Emigrant's Daughter. (Prof. Frost) Godey, 26: 109. Annie with the Madonna Face. (L. Gore) Dub. Univ. 74: 558, 652. 75: 61, 174, 258. Annie Lee. Liv. Age, 36: 390. Annie Orme. (Mrs. Oliphant) Sharpe, 16: 129, 199. Same art. Liv. Age, 35: 359. Annie Suabrook. (E. Pollock) Pioneer, 3: 129. Annihilation and Immortality. Bost. R. i: 445. — and Unconsciousness. (A. K. H. Boyd) Fraser, 80: 380. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 668. — of the Wicked, Doctrine of. (S. C. Bartlett) New Eng. 30: 659. — (S. Fuller) Am. Church R. 30: 227. — (W. De L. Love) New Eng. 21: 248. — (J. Murdock) Am. Church R. 8: 565. — (W^ L. Par- sons) Bib. Sac. 20: 181. — (W. W. Patton) Meth. Q. 21: 31. — (A. C. Thomas) Univ. Q. 29: 9c.— Am. Presb. R. 8: 594. — (D. M. GUbert) Luth. Q. 9: 613. Huntington's Sermons for Doctrine of. (A. S. Chesebrough) Ncav Eng. 38: 201. Refuted. (E. V. Gerhart) Merccrsb. 25: 621. Anning, Mary, the Fossil-Finder. All the Year, 13: 60. Aniiiversaries. Sharpe, i: 151. 2: 414. — American Religious. Cong. M. 21: 275. — Fourteenth Day of the Month. Temp. Bar. 16: 395. — Thoughts on. Tait, n. s. 9: 75. Anniver.-aiy Week in Boston. Ev. Sat. 10: 570. — of 1846, (F. D. Huntington) Mo. Rel. M. 3: 289. — of 1847. (E. S. Gannett) Mo. Rel. M. 4: 320. — of 1S72. (F. T. Washbuni) Mo. Rel. M. 48: 61. Announcements and Three Rooms. Blackw. 50: 212. Annual Biography and Obituary, On the, 1834. Mo. R. 133: 269. — 1S35-36. Mo. R. 136: 196. 139: 273. Annuals, The. Tait, 2: 524. — American. Liv. Age, 3: 361. — Comic, 1S40. Mo. R. 151: 109. — for 1829. Mo. R. 117: 377, 525. 118:91. — for 1S31. Mo. R. 123: 400. 124: 47. — for 1832. Mo. R. 126: 370, 523. — Fraser, 6: 653. — for 1833. Mo. R. 129: 3S4. — for 1S34. Mo. R. 132: y^i, 559. — Fraser, 10: 602. — for 1S35. Mo. R. 135: 423. — for 1836. Fraser, 15: 33. — for 1S37. Fraser, 16: 757. — Mo. R. 141: 402. — for 1S3S. Eel. R. 66: 657. — Mo. R. 144: 421. — for 1S39. Frascr, 19: 57. — Eel. R. 68: 599, 715.— Mo. R. 147: 443. — for 1840. Eel. R. 70: 692. — for 1S41. Ed. R. 72: 704. — for 1S42. Ed. R. 74: 597. — for 1S50. Liv. Age, 24: 226. Annuaries; a Poem. (Alice Carey) Intemat. M. 5: 87. Annuities, British Government Life, Statistics of. (F. Hendriks) J. Statis. Soc. 19: 325. — Life Assurance, etc. (J. F. Entz) Hunt, 16: 4S, 445. See Insurance, Life. — Poor Men's. All the Year, 13: 225. Annunciata. (H. H. Boyesen) Scrib. 18: 911. Anointing witii Oil, Revival of. Liv. Age, 37: 401. Anonymous Admirer; a Story. (S. B. Russ) .Vpplcton, 24: 339- Anonymous and Pseudonymous Authors and Works. Nat. Q. 23: 41. — Ev. Sat. 11: 127. Anonjnnous Criticism. Loud. M. 18: 556. Anonymous Journalism. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 5: 112. 12: 234. ANONYMOUS 44 ANTHESPHORIA Anon^TTious Letters. Hogg, 6: 56. Anonymous Literature. (A. Trollopc) Fortn. i: 491. Anonymous Publications. (J. Gait) Fraser, 11: 549. Anonymous Writing. (T. Walker) West. Law .J. i: 511. Anorthoscope, The. (W. B. Carpenter) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 2: no. Another Daughter of Eve. (15. Dunpliy) Tinsley, 20: 331- Another Talc of the Tub. Belgra. 16: 210. Another World, by Ilennes; a Review. I\Iaemil. 28: 140. Another World down here. (W. M. Williams) Eel. ^l. 96: 616. Ansayrii; or, the Assassins, Walpole's. Blackw. 70: 719. — Eel. K. 95: 43. — New Q. i: 3;. Anschar, the Apostle of the North. (A. Michelsen) Luth. Q. 8: 501. — (J. n. Allen) Chr. Exam. 54: iSS. — Eel. M. 50: 53S. — Eel. R. Ili: 137. — Am. Church K. 23: 226. Anselm, St., Archbishop of Canterbuiy. (W. G. Nowell) Chr. Exam. 73: 157. — For. Q. 30: 13.— Meth. Q. 13: 576. — Life of. Chr. Rem. 5: 362. — Remusat on. Clir. Obs. 53: 378. — Translations from. (J. S. Magiunis) Bib. Sac. 8: 529, 699. Ansgar, St. See Anschar, St. Anson, George, Lord. (M. Oliphant) Blackw. 104: 676. Same art. Liv. Age, 100: 67. — Barrow's Life of. Ed. R. 69: 126. —Mo. R. 148: 292. — South Sea Expedition of. ilus. 44: 134, 367. — Voyages of, and of Byron. Retros. 10: 2S5, Anspach, Elizabeth, Margravine of. Colburn, 16: 90. — Temp. Bar, 2: 241. — Memoirs of. Lond. M. 14: 243. Anster, John, with portrait. Dub. LTniv. 14: 544. — Poems of . Blackw. 7: 312. — Xeniola and other Poems. Dub. Univ. 9: 453. Anstey, Christopher, Life and Poetry of. Lond. M. 5: 24. Anstie, Francis Edmund. Nature, lo: 398. Ant, Natural History of. Hogg, 9: 246. — Wood. (J. G. Wood) Once a Week, 7: 707. Ant-Eater. Bentley, 35: 547. Same art. Liv. Age, 42: 133. — Fraser, 49: 157. — Hogg, li: 26. Ant-Hill City. (A. McNeill) Belgfa. 37: 404. Ant-Lion, The. (J. H. Emerton) Am. Natural. 4: 705. Ant-supporting Plants. (J. Britten) Pop. Sci. R. 14: 29. Ants. (S. B. Herrick) Scrib. 15: 171. — (EUice Hop- kins) Contemp. 37: 941. Same art. Liv. Age, 146: 20. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 287. — (E. R. Leland) Pop. Sci. Mo. 7: 257. — Ed. R. 145: 67. — Good Words, 13: 674. — Ev. Sat. 13: 491. — So. R. n. s. 18: 360. — Agricultural. (G. Liucecum) Am. Natural. 8: 513. — £cl. M. 96: 41S. of Texas. (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 20: 501, — American, Habits of. Chamb. J. 56: 430. — Bees, and Wasps, Observations on. (Sir J. Lubbock) Nature, 23: 255. — City of. All the Year, 24: 7. — Conservatism among, Lubbock on. Liv. Age, 147 : 760. Same art. Pop. Sci. ^lo. 18: 401. — Cutting, of Texas. (G. T. Bettany) Nature, 20: 5S3. — Driver. (G. A. Perkins) Am. Natural. 3: 360. — Gossip about. Chamb. J. 27: 299. — Habits of. (Sir J. Lubbock) Fortn. 27: 2S7. Same art. Eel. M. 88: 641. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 39. — (Sir,!. Lubbock) Nature, 22: 185. — Harvesting, and Trap-Door Spiders. (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 7: 337. ii: 245. Florida. (Mar^- Treat) Lippinc. 22: 555. — Honey-making. Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 824. — (H. Ed- wards) Am. Natural. 7: 722. Ants, Honey-making, of Texas. Nature, 8: 250. — Hubcr on. Ed. Mo. R. 4: 335. — Ed. R. 2o: 143. — — EcL R. 33: 352. — in Natal. Stud. & Intel. Obs. 3: 336. — Intelligence of. (G. J. Romanes) 19th Cent. 9: 992. 10: 245. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 19: 495. Same art. Liv. Age, 150: 176. 151: 371. — Mound-making, of the Alleghanies. (H. C. McCook) Am. Natural. 12: 431. — Nt-w Leaf-cutting. (G. K. Morris) Am. Natural. 15: 100. — Notes on Mexican. (E. Norton) Am. Natural. 2: 57. — Observations on. Chamb. J. 53: 5. Same art. Eel. M. 86: 754. — of Switzerland, Forel's. Eel. R. 145: 67. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 451. — Parasol, of Texas. (G. T. Bettany) Nature, 21 : 17. — Republics of. So. R. n. s. 16: 391. — Slave-making. (M. Treat) Lippinc. 28: 79. and War-making. (M. Treat) Harper, 58: 176. — White, Danger from. (H. A. Hagen) Am. Natural. 10: 401. See Termites. Ants' Nest, What I saw in an. (A. Wilson) Belgra. 36: 450. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 57. Ants' Nest; a Poem. (H. D. Traill) Fortn. 32: 236. Antteus; a Poem. (M. Collins) Temp. Bar. 18: 547. — Lesson of. (D. Swing) Lakeside, 2: 3S6. Antagonism and Progression. Chr. Rem. 16: 261. Antar, The Bedouin Romance of. Blackw. 4: 385. — Kitto, 5: I. — Penny M. 6: 55. — Illustrations of Scripture from. Kitto, 5: i. Antar and Zara, an Eastern Romance iu Songs. (A. de Vere) Cath. World, 19: 226-735. 20: 55. Antarctic Continent. (Sir W. Thomson) Geog. M. 5: 268. — Discovery of. Mus. 40: 214. Antarctic Discoveries. Nav. M. 2: 547. Antarctic Expedition. Eel. Mus. 3: 470. Antarctic Explorations. Liv. Age, 29: i. Antarctic Ocean, Adrift in. Temp. Bar. 18: 467. 19: 62, 215. — Conditions of. (Sir C. W. Thomson) Nature, 15: 104, 120. Antarctic Regions. Comh. 27: 293. Same art. EcL M. 80: 590. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 361, 378. — Sir J. C. Ross's Voyage to. Quar. 81 : 166. — (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 8: 177. — Colburn, 80: 469. See also Ross, Sir James C. Antchar, The. (I. Tourguenieff) Galaxy, 15: 330, 461. Antediluvian Romance, An. Fraser, 43: 470. Antediluvian Theocracy. Kitto, 12: 382. Antediluvians, Modern. (.T. Western) Lakeside, 2: 123. Antelope, American. (J. D. Caton) Am. Natural. 10: 193. — (S. W. Williston) Am. Natural. II : 599. — Hunting the. (M. L. Meason) Broadw. 2: 234. Ante-Matrimonial Martyrdom. St. .James, 22: 381. Ante-Nieene Christian Library. (J. A. Bromi) Luth. Q. 3: 130. Ante-Nicene Fathers. Eel. R. 75: 241. — Chr. Obs. 68: 175- Ante-Nicene Library. Chr. Rem. 36: 291. Ante-Nuptial Lie, The. Chamb. J. 35: 291. Same art. Eel. M. 53: 414. Same art. Liv. Age, 69: 771. Antepasts of the Future State. Chr. Obs. 46: 513. Anteros. (G. A. Lawrence) Harper, 40: 274, 381, 754. 41: 125-900. 42: So-903. 43: 85, 209. Antes, John, Portfo.(Den.) 9: 329. Anthem of the Universe ; a Poem. (C. A. Munger) Put- nam, 12: 536. Anthesphoria at Athens, The. Fraser, 39: 713. Same art. Liv. Age, 22: 163. ANTHOLOGIA 45 AXTIGUA Anthologia Germanica. Dub. Univ. 5: 393. 6: 404. 7: 27S, 51S. 8: 142. 9: 33, 271. 10: 651. 13: 44. 14: 69,697. 18: 19. 19:201. 21:29. 25: 95. 26: 2S3. — Hibernica. Dub. Univ. 29: 239,624. 30:66. Anthology, Conway's Sacred. (.J. E. Carpenter) Theo. E. 11: 191. — Greek, Chrysantliema. (W. M. Hardinge) Appleton, 21: 29. See Greek Antliology. — Ionian. Mo. R. 134: 37. Anthon, Charles. (R. D. Xesniith) Galaxy, 4: 610. — Classical Dictionary. New York R. 8: 4S5. — (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 54: 175. — Dem. R. g: 133, 360. — Chr. Exam. 31: 409. — Cicero. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 72. — Cicero and Tacitus. (J. L. Lincoln) No. Am. 68: 348. — Greek Grammar. Knick. 12: 70. — New York R. 10: 490. — Greek and Latin Lessons. New York R. 5: 237. — Greek Prosody and Grammar. New York R. 3: 467. — Greek Reader. New York R. 7: 501. — (E. E. Hale) No. Am. 51: 213, 492. 52: 23S. — Knick. 16: 166. — Horace. Am. Q. 8: 72. — Sallust. So. Lit. Mess. 2: 392. — Am. :Mo. R. i: iSi. — School Classics. Dem. R. 6: 4;. Anthony, Saint. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 33 : 29S. —"(A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 93: 457. — (P. SchatY) Meth. Q. 24: 29. — Flaubert's Temptation of. (H. James, jr.) Nation, 18: 365. — the Patriarch of Monks. (P. Schaff) Hours at Home, i: 334- Anthony, St., Falls of, Discovery of. Jlonth, 25: 54. Anthony ; a Poem. (W. B. Scott) Fortn. 10: Si. Anthracen. Nature, 15: 507, Anthracite Coal. See Coal, Anthracite. Anthracite Iron Manufacture of United States. (II. Fairbaini) J. Frankl. Inst. 47: 393. Anthracites and Iron Ores, Analysis of. (W. R. Johnson) J. Frankl. Inst. 28: 72> 2S9. Anthropological Collections from the Holy Land. (R. F. Burton) Anthrop. J. i: 300, 320. 2: 41. Anthropological Congress at Paris, 1867. Hist. 31. 12: 210. Anthropological Contributions, Gerland's. Nature, 11: 384- Anthropological Explorations, Von Baer on. Anthrop. R. 4: 23S. Anthropological Review, Origin of. Anthrop. R. 6: 431. Anthropological Statistics. (L. H. Steiner) MercersI). 17: 78. Anthropology. (P. Broca) Anthrop. R. 6: 35. — (I. Kant) J. Spec. Philos. 9: 16, 239, 406. 10: 319. 11: 3io> 353- 14: 154, 299. — Chr. Rem. 7: 15. — Address before the British Association. (F. Galton) Am. J. Sci. 114: 265. — and Archaeology, Congress of. (G. Harley) Nature, 10: 332. at Brussels, 1872. (M. J. Lalor) Cath. World, 16: 639, 829. — Archaic, Gastaldi and Keller on. Anthrop. R. 6: 114. German. Anthrop. R. 5: 325. International Congress of. Anthrop. R. 6: 203. — Bible. (R. Graham) Chr. Q. 4: 216. — (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 24: 329. — Broca on. Anthrop. R. 5: 193. — Christian. (J. A. Brown) Am. Prcsb. R. 18: 129. — Comte's. (J. Kaines) Antiirop. J. i: 349. — Continuity applied to. (J. Hunt) .\nthrop. R. 5: no, — Dundee Conference on. Anthrop. R. 6: 71. — General Pitt Rivers's Collection. Nature, 22: 4S9. — Historic, Baldwin on. Anthrop. R. 7; 323. Anthropology in America, Progress of, in 1880. (0. T. Mason) Am. Natural. 15: 616. — Latham's Works on. Anthrop. R. 4: 231. — Microcephali. (C. Vogt) Anthrop. R. 7: 128. — Modern. Brit. Q. 38: 466. — Miiller's Chips on. So. R. n. s. 6: 70, — Natural Selection and. (J. Hunt) Anthrop. R. 4: 320. — North American, in 1879. (O. T. jMason) Am. Natural. 14: 348. — of England and Wales. (D. Mackintosh) Anthrop. R. 4: I. Crania Britannica, by Davis and Thurnam. An- throp. R. 6: 52. — of Greece. Anthrop. R. 6: 154. — of Holland. Anthrop. R. 3: 202. — of Italy. Anthrop. R. 5: 142. Nicolucci's. Anthrop. R. 2: 30. — of Persia. Anthrop. R. 6: 27. — of Scotland. (H. MacLean) Anthrop. R. 4: 209. — of Western Europe. (C. C. Blake) Anthrop. R. 4: 158. — Paris Society of. Proceedings. Anthrop. R. 6: 104. Transactions, 1865-67. (P. Broca) Anthrop. R. 6: 225. — Physio-, at Edinburgh. Anthrop. R. 6: 64. — Progress of. (T. II. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 13: 668. — (W. James) Nation, 6: 113. Quatrefages on. Anthrop. R. 7: 231. Recent. (E. B. Tylor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 145.— Nature, 21: 38 1. — Science of. Eel. M. 72: 314. — Studv of. (J. Hunt) Antiirop. R. i: i. — Tylor's. (A. Weld) Month, 17: 78. — (A. R. Wal- lace) Nature, 24: 242.— (A. Winchell) Dial (Ch.), 2: 75. — Yollgraff's. Anthrop. R. 4: 226. — Waltz's. Anthro]). R. i: 465. — (R. F. Burton) .\n- throp. R. 2: 233. See Man. Anthropologists, Humors of. (W. A. Hammond) Nation, i: 141. Anthropometamorphosis, Bulwor's. Retros. 16: 205. Anthropomorpliism. (M.S. Phelps) Princ. n. s. 8: 120. — Philosophy of. (J. F. Dcnhani) Kitto, 1 : 9. Anthropotomy. Anthrop. R. 2: 202. Anti-("alvinist, Fellowes on the. Chr. Obs. i: 172, 233. Antichrist. Chr. Obs. 66: 544. — Cong. M. 19: 53S. — P>lack on. Theo. & Lit. J. 8: 16S. — Bonar's Development of. Chr. Obs. 54: 31S. — Faber on the Little Horn and. Chr. Obs. 6: 356,496. — Meyrick on. Chr. Olis. 64: 200. — Rcnan on. (E. B. Elliott) Chr. Obs. 75: 27;, 373, 463. — (C. K. Paul) Tlu o. R. 10: 557. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 17: 22, 57. — (J. A. Smith) Bapt. Q. 9: 451. — Lend. 0.41: 135. — Todd's Diseovirses on. Theo. & Lit. .T. 4: 2S;. — Quar. 71: 197. — 1260 Years of. (F. G. Hibbard) Meth. Q. 26: 235. Anti-Coningsby, or the New Generation gro\m Old. Eraser, 31 : 21 1. Anticreed ; or, A Code of Unbelief. Lond. M. 21 : 330. Antietam, Battle of. (D. R. Jones) So. M. 14: supp. 56. — (1). H. Maury) So. Hist. Pap. 8: 261. My Hunt after tlie Captain. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 10: 738. Reminiscence of. (J. S. Johnston) So. Hist. Pap. 8: 526. — Trip to. (C. W. Loring) Contin. :Mo. 3: 145. Antigua, A Hurricane in. (Capt. Mackinuon) Colbum, 85: 277- — and the Antiguans. Tait, n. s. 11: 197. — (ieology of. (S. Hovey) Am. J. Sci. 35: 75. ANTI-JACOBIN 46 APACHES Anti-Jacobin and George Canning. Cornh. 15: 63. Same art. Ed. M. 68: 413. — Literary Partnershii) of Canning and Frere. Eraser, 90: 714. — Poetry of. Westm. 58: 459. Same art. Liv. Age, 35: 455- — Remarks on. Meth. M. 43: 513. — Review of. Clir. Obs. i : 176, 254, 3SS. 2: 256. Antilles, Lesser. MacMiiil. 35: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 90- — Stone- Age in. (J. B. Holden) Serib. 10: 427. Anti-Mason Address. Niles's Reg. 41: 166. — Convention. Niles's Reg. 41: 83, loS. Anti-Masonic Part}-, Morgan Excitement and. Hist. M. 16: 82. Anti-Masonry. Niles's Reg. 41: 85, 345. Antimony, Atomic Weiglit of. (J. P. Cooke, jr.) Am. J. Sci. 115: 41, 107. 119: 382. — Discovery of, in Sonora, Mexico. (E. T. Cox) Am. J. Sci. 120: 421. Antinomian Controversj' in New EngLind. (B. F. Bron- son) Bapt. Q. 6: 2S0. Antinomianism. Chr. Obs. 17: 296, 382. 18: 31. — Cong. M. 8: 569. — Ed. R. 27: 401, 528. — Cottle's Strictures on. Clir. Obs. 23: 709. — Fletcher's Checks to. Am. Meth. M. II : 413. — Modern, 1S24. Ed. R. 40: 508. — Short History of, Autliorship of. Hist. M. i: 321. 2: 22, 170. — unmasked. Meth. M. 43: 21. Chase on. Chr. Obs. 18: 530. — What is? Chr. Obs. 47: i. Antinous. (J. A. Symonds) Cornh. 39: 200, 343. — Intaglio of, in Strozzi Collection. (W. Bowman) Arch. i: 112. Antioch during the Crusades. (F. Damiani) Arch. 15 : 234. — Siege of. (.J. H. Clinch) Knick. 8: 173, 257. Antioch in Syria. (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 32: 60. Antioch College. O. & N. 4: 510. — Co-education at. Nation, 11: 24. — and Horace Mann. (H. C. Badger) Chr. Exam. 79: 252. Antiparos. Sharpe, 48: 84. Antipathies. (C. Waddy) St. James, 29: 619. — Chamb. J. 51: 504. — Colburn, 4: 68. 79: 310. — Curious. Chamb. J. 58: 53. — Physical. Once a Week, 2 : 113. Same art. Liv. Age, 65: 252. Antipodes and Periccci. (H. Butterworth) Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 4S9. — Navigation of. Blackw. 62: 515. Antiquarian Club Books. Quar. 82: 309. Antiquarian Delusions. Chamb. ,T. 20: 56. Antiquarian Excavations in the Middle Ages. (T. Wright) Arch. 30: 438. Antiquarian Logic. Chamb. J. 46: 529. Antiquarian Researches in 1S54. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 36: 175- Antiquarianism in England. Ed. R. 86: 307. Antiquarians. Knick. 20: 305. Antiquaries, Society of. Ed. R. 154: loi. Antique Dream; a Poem. (T. Irwin) Dub. Univ. 45: 90. Antiquities, Brande's Popular. Quar. 11: 259. — A few Antiques. Scrib. 16: 316. — of Christian Church and Colonies. (R. Emerson) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 6: 212. — from the Island of Sacrificios. (E. Nepeau) Arch. 30: 138, 339- — W. Linton's Colossal Vestiges. Colburn, 126: 169. — Novel. Good Words, 7: 830. — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman. Mo R. 158: 509. See ArchiEology. Antiquity. Lond. M. 3: 527. — Echoes from. (D. M. Moir) Blackw. 40: 781. — Moral Culture of. Liv. Age, 55: 609. — Polity and Commerce of tlie Great Nations of. For. y. 5: 141. Anti-Rent Disturbance in New York. (S. D. Law) New Eng. 4: 92. — (D. D. Barnard) Am. Whig R. 2: 577. Anti-Rentism. West. Law J. 3: 193. x\.nti-Slavery Cause, 183S. Eel. R. 67: 54, 45S. — 1843. Ed. R. 77: 673. Anti-Slavery Convention at London, 1S40. Eel. R. 72: 227. 75: 37- Anti-Slavery Men of the South. (E. A. Pollard) Galaxy, 16: 329. Anti-Slavery Movement in America, Garrison and the Churches. (D. Dorchester) Meth. Q. 41: 270, 474. See Abolition; Emancipation; Slavery. Anti-Slavery Principles and Proceedings. (C. Francis) Chr. Exam. 25: 228. Anti-Slavery Society. Eraser, i: 610. 2: 334. Antithetic Fallacies!! (F. H. Hill) Fortn. 28: 395. Antoine, the Blacksmith; a Story. (F. E. M. Notlcy) Argosy, 29: 233. Antonelli, Cardinal. (E. Ransford) Canad. Mo. 10: 533. — (F. Gregorovius) Dub. Univ. 77: 307. — Dub. R. 80: 74. — Ed. M. 88: 102.— Liv. Age, 67: 55.— Temp. Bar, 3: 533. Antonias; a Story of the South. Blackw. 18: 601. Antonina; or. The Fall of Rome. Bentlej', 27: 375. Antonine Itinerary, Discrepancies in. (C. Warne) Arch. 39: 85. Antonine Pillars at Rome. (M. Folkes) Arch. 1: 117. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. (M. Arnold) Victoria, 2:1. — (E. Renan) igth Cent. 7: 742. — Colburn, 125: 423. — So. Q,. 22: 360. — and the Stoic Philosophy. (F. Pollock) Mind, 4: 47. — and tlie Talmud. (E. H. Plumptre) Contemp. 10: 81. — Ev. Sat. 7: 236. — as a Philosopher. (C. Vaux) Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 461. — Life of. (J. W. Stearns) Bapt. Q. 6: 187. — Meditations of. Month, 9: 429. — (A. S. Colton) Princ. 36: 297. — a Persecutor. (W. Moyle) Kitto, 30: 114,318. — (W. Mojde) Theo. Repos. i : 77, 147. — Statue of, in the Capitol. (M. Folkes) Arch, i: 122, — Thoughts of. (R. B. Richardson) New Eng. 40: 415. Antoninus of Placentia, Pilgrimage of, a.d. 570. Kitto, 36: 404. Antonio di Carara; a Paduan Tale. Blackw. 32: 525. * Antonio da Pelago; an Italian Innkeeper and Carrier. Temp. Bar, 40: 499. 45: 243. Antonio Salvini; a Tale. (Mrs. E. F. Ellet) Godey, 22: 15. Antony, St., of Padua, Chronicle of. (H. J. Coleridge) Month, 25: 248. Antony, Mark. Eraser, 35: 64. — and Cicero. Eraser, 32: 314. — Fall of. Am. Mo. M. 4: 20S. Antrim, Round the Coast of. (P. Q. Keegan) Colburn, 159: 342- — Iron Mines of. (R. A. Watson) Dub. Univ. 83: i. Antrim Castle. Dub. Univ. 56: 62S. 57: 163, 303. Antwerp. (J. H. Pettingell) Appleton, 22: 385. — Penny M. i: 369. 9: 281. — and Holland, A Peep into. (E. E. Chase) Scrib. 18: 519. — Commerce of. Penny M. 7: 345. — Day at. Blackw. 90: 365. — Legend from. Blackw.»64: 444. Anviti, Count, Assassination of. Month, 6: 381. Apache Race. (J. C. Cremony) Overland, i: 201. Apaches, Adventure among the. (M. S. Severance) 0. & N. 8: 702. APACHES 47 APOSTOLIC Apaches, Eide with. (J. Mendivil) Ovei-Iand, 6: 341. Apamean Medal, Observations upon. Arch. 4: 315, 331, 347- Apartment-Houses. (T. Richardson) Scrib. 8: 63. — in Philadelphia. (C. Barnard) Scrih. 11: 477. Apartment to let; a Story. Galaxy, 14: 672. Apartment to let, by an Old Maid. Victoria, 34: 102. Apartments to let. All the Year, 30: 515,560. — Lond. Soc. 3: 27. Apatites containing Manganese. (S. L. I'enfield) Am. .J. Sci. 119: 367. Ape and the Serpent. (A. E. Brown) Am. Natural. 12: 225. Apes and Man. (St. G. Mivart) Pop. Sci. R. 12: 113, 243. Same art. Eel. M. 80: 69S. 81: 422. Resemblances of. (St. G. Mivart) Nature, 3: 4S1. See Man. — Anthropoid. Chamb. J. 39: 308. — Nest-Building. (.T. Hollingshead)OnceaWcek, 7: iii. See Monkeys. Apennines. Tait, n. s. 16: 661. — Adventure in. Eraser, 35: 4S3. Same art. Liv. Age, 13: 362. — Geology of. Ed. R. 26: 156. — Month in. Hogg, 11: 132. — Ride across. Temp. Bar, 45: 243. — Village Life in. (E. M. Gierke) Comh. 39: 723. Same art. Liv. Age, 142: 162. Aphasia, or Privation of Voice by Paralysis. Chamb. J. 44: 83. Same art. Ev. Sat. 2: 44. — in regard to Language and Thought. Cath. World, 24: 411. Aphides. Chamb. J. 8: 183. 53: 303. — Development of Viviparous. (W. L Burnett) Am. J. Sci. 67: 62, 261. Aphorisms. (.\. Colton) Contin. Jfo. 5: 413-6S9. 6:78- 609. — (J. S. Mill) Wostm. 26: 348. — and Anecdotes. Sharpe, 14: 272. — Books of. Eraser, 6: 712. — Utility and Eutility of. (W. R. Alger) Atlan. 11: 178. Aphrodite^; a Poem. (G. C. Davies) Dark Blue, 3: 449. Ajihroessa Island and George L Once a Week, 15: T,'i. Apion and Josephus. (E. Pond) Meth. Q. 30: 274. Apocalypse of the Old and New Testaments. Kitto, 34: 76, 462. See Bible, Revelation. Apocalj'pse of Sister Nativite. (R. Southey) Quar. 33: 375. 36: 305. Apocrypha, Analytical Account of. Chr. Rem. 51: 255. — Book of Enoch and. (A. G. Laurie) Univ. Q. 35: 339. — Character of. Chr. Obs. 25: 480, 558. — Controversy on, in Bible Society. Cong. M. 9: 193. — Ecl.R.42: 185,377. 43: 352. 44: 86,193,567. — of Old Testament. (iM. S. Terry) Meth. Q. 41 : 77. Eschatology of. (E. C. Bissell) Bib. Sac. 36: 320. History in, as related to Christ. (A. S. Twombly) New Eng. 36: 329. — Thornwall on. (C. Hodge) Princ. 17: 268. See names of several book.% as luioch, Judith, Tubit. Apocryphal New Testament. (.-\. Lamson) Chr. Exam. 14:1. — (IL J. Rose) Quar. 25: 348. — Quar. 30: 472. — Chr. Obs. 22: I, 65, 129. Apocryphal Gospels. Ed." R. 128: 81. — (.T. ,T. Taylor) Theo. R. 4: 149. — Lond. Q. 31: 427. — Liv. Age, 52: 449. ~ Christ of. (0. B. Froth ingham) Chr. Exam. 53: 21. — Inferiority of. Ed. R. 128: Si. — Same art. Liv. Age, 98: 707. Apollo, Hymn to. (A. Pike) Blackw. 45: 820. — Representations of. Lond. Soc. 9: 200. Apollo Belvedere, Statue of. Lippinc. 18: 131. — Liv. Age, 137: 496. Apollonius Tyanseus. (S. G. Bulfinch) Chr. Exam. 84: 159- — (W". M. W. Call)Fortn. 2: 4S8.— 19th Cent. 6: 551. Same art. Liv. Age, 143: 8i. — Lend. Q. 27: 362. — Bewick's Life of. Quar. 3: 417. — Life of. Eel. R. 13: 215. — Life and Miracles of. Kitto, 30: 88. — Reville's Essay on. (J. S. Watson) Contemp. 4: 199. — Sketch of. (B. L. Gildersleeve) So. R. n. s. 4: 94. Apologetics, Christian. (T. G. Apple) Mercersb. 25: 165. — (J. A. Reubelt) Chr. Q. 2: 35. — and Jurisprudence, Recent Changes in. (F. Whar- ton) Princ. n. s. 2: 149. — and Philosophy. (C. W. Shields) Princ. n. s. 4: 196. — Condition and Importance of. (O. Zockler) Theo. Eel. 5: 165. — Evangelical, Plea for. (J. M. Gibson) Presb. E. i: 321. — Literature of. No. Brit. 15: 331. Apologetical Literature, Recent, Survey of. (0. Zockler) Theo. Eel. 6: 97. Apologies. Liv. Age, 139: 1S6. Apologists, Christian. (J. Carroll) Month, 26: 436. — and Martyrs, Pressense's. (W. H. Withrow) Meth. Q-32: 533- Apologue, An. (J. L. Patterson) Month, 33: 67. Apology, An ; a Poem. (A. J. Begbie) Dark Blue, 1 : 96. — for Harmony. Dub. Univ. 17: 571. .Apophthegms. See Apothegms. A])oplexy. (J. R. Black) Pop. Sci. !Mo. 6: 705. — Cheyne on. Eel. R. 18: 342. Apostasj', The, and the 5Ian of Sin, 2 Thess. ii. 1-12. Theo. c^ Lit. J. 12: 86. — Warning against. (N. M. Williams) Bapt. Q. 6: 359. Apostle of 31 atrimony; a Sketch. (II. Gullifer) Tinsley, 27: 552. Apostles, Diversities of. (N. M.Williams) Bapt. Q. 8: 399. — Doctrine of. (H. Messner) Bib. Sac. 26: 713. 27: 135, 43°- — Inspiration of. (J. Priestley) Theo. Repos. 4: 189. — (Dr. Steudel) Chr. R. 26: 69, 215. 27: 67. — Language of. Liv. Age, 76: 155. — Lives of. Meth. Q. i: 9. — Chr. Exam. 5: 371. — Ministry of. Am. Meth. M. Ii: 105. — Relations of Paul with. (T. Hill) Unita. R. 11 : 650. — Renan on. (D. Bowen) Radical, 2: 156. — (.J. L. Davies) Contemp. 2: 177. — (G. P. Fisher) New Eng. 25: 542. — (O. B. Frothingham) Nation, 3: 45. — (C. K. Paul) Theo. R. 3: 389. — (H Rogers) Fortn. 5: 513. — (S. Stead) Contemp. 3: 199. — Brit. Q. 44: 474.— Lond. Q. 26: 491. — The Tliree, and Three Christian Ages. (S. S. Ileb- berd) LTniv. Q. 33: 133. — Vindication of Conduct of. Theo. Repos. i: 59-454. 2: 59-134. 183. Apostles' Creed. (J. E. Carpenter) Theo. R. 7: 145. — (A. P. Stanley) 19th Cent. 8: 207. — (J. W. Proud- fit) Princ. 24: 602. — (G. P. Disosway) Meth. Q. 20: 478. — and Evangelicalism. (.7. W. Nevin) ^fercersb. 10: 3S3. — Defense of. (J, \A'. Nevin) Mercersb. 4: 606. — History of. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. i: 105, 201, 313."— Westm. 88: 367. — Importance of. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 14: 33. — Origin and Structure of. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 16: 148. — Unity of. (J. W. Nevin) ^lercersb. 16: 313. "Apostles" Society. Cambridge L'niversity. (W. D. Christie) Maciiiil. II : iS. Apnstleship, a Temporary Office. (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 21: 355, 542. Apostolic Age. Nat. R. g: 117. APOSTOLIC 48 APPRENTICES Apostolic Christianity, Godkin's. Eel. R. 77: 414. — James Mai-tineau on, and the British Quarterly. Brit. Q. 14: 4-3. Apostolic Church. Tait, n. s. 26: 701. — Barnes on. (J. A. Alexander) I'rinc. 15? 386. — Cohnau on. (E. Pond) New Enfj. 4: 182. — Dissensions in. (E. Ilarwood) Am. Church K. 9: 4S1. 10: 259. — Doctrine of. Lond. (}. 19: 445. 24: 207. — Government of. (C. Elliott) Am. .\leth. M. 19: i. and Discipline of. (P. .Schaff) Meth. Q. 11 : 429. — History of, Baur on. (G. 1'. Fisher) New Eng. 23: 401. Sehaff's. (L. Bacon) New Enj;-. 12: 237. — Am. Church Mo. 3: 304. — Chr. R. 20: i. — (C. Hodge) Princ. 26: 14S. — King's Exposition of. Bib. Sac. 8: 378. — Origin of Persecution of. (B. Smith) Univ. Q. 32: 343. Apostolic Churches, Congregational. Cong. Q. 9: 14S. — State of Opinion in. (H. Ballon, 2d) Univ. Q. i : 84, 329- Apostolic Commission. (S. N. Calleuder) Mercersb. 14: 325. — (J. Harkness) Theo. & Lit. J. 7: 266. — (D. Y. Heisler) Mercersb. Ii : 337. — (E. E. Higbee) Mercersb. 21: 231. — Scope of. Theo. & Lit. J. 10: 389. Apostolic Constitutions. (A. Lamson) Chr. Exam. 44: 223. — (J. Forsyth) Princ. 21 : 42. —Chr. R. 13: 201. — Chr. Rem. 27: 253. — Chase's. (A. B. Chapin) Am. Church R. i : 536. — 46th Chapter of. Am. Church R. 24: 489. — Object in forging. Chr. R. 15: 505. Apostolic Fathers. (J. A. Brown) Evang. R. 4: 356. — Brit. Q. 4: 378. — Lond. Q. 28: 201. Same art. Theo. Eel. 5: 82. Apostolic Office, Permanency of. (C. Hodge) Princ. 28: i. — (N. S. Richardson) Am. Church R. 8: 406. Apostolic Salutations and Benedictions. (J. J. Owen) Bib. Sac. 19: 707. Apostolic Succession. (C. S. Gerhard) Mercersb. 22: 408. — (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 14: 129. 19: 539. — (S. E. Shepard) Chr. Q. i : 403. — (J. Whitby) Am. Meth. M. 22: 51. — Cong. M. 21: 705. 22: 189, 629. — Eel. R. 68: 547. — So. R. n. s. 11: i, 249. 12: 249. — Anglican Claim for. Dub. R. 7: 139. — Controverted. (G. Anderson) Bapt. Q. 5: 167. — Episcopal Recorder on. (N. S. Richardson) Ain. Church R. 15: 284. Apostolic Tradition. (M. Loy) Evang. R. 3: 537. — Strictures upon. (C. P. Krautli) Evang. R. 4: 57. Apothecaries. House. Words, 14: 108. Apothecary's Wife; a Russian Story. Dub. Univ. 31: 75> 179- Apothegms. (W. A. Kendall) Overland, 8: 462. — in Verse. (L. Withington) Bib. Sac. 24: 263. — Pensce Writers, — the Hares, Novalis, Joubert. (J. M. Ludlow) Macmil. i : 280. Apotheosis of Dulness; a Poem. Dem. R. 32: 115. Appalachian Language, Specimen of. Hist. M. 4: 40. Appalachian Mountains. (A. H. Guyot) Am. J. Sci. 81 : 157- — as Time-Boimdaries in Geological History. (.J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 86: 227. — Geognosy of. (T. S. Hunt) Nature, 5: 15,32,50,451. — Southera Silurian Age of. (F. H. Bradley) Am. J. Sci. 109: 279, 370. Apparatus for the One-Handed, with cuts. Pamph. 22: 431- Apparition, True Account of an. House. Words, 5: 27. — of Jo. Murch. (N. Brooks) Scrib. 17: 76. — of Monsieur Bodry. House. Words, 17: 277. Apparitions. (G. Bradford) Chr. Exam. 12 : 106. — Fraser,34: 231. — Anal. M. 2: 388. — All the Year, 10: 224. — Alderson and Hibbert on. Mo. R. 106: 360. — Mus. 7- 157- — and Hallucinations. (A. G. Knight) Month, 39: 210. — F'erriar's Theoiy of. Chr. Obs. 12: 803. — Pliilosophy of. Quar. 48: 287. — Eraser, 2: 33. — Westm. i: 471. — Quar. 9: 304. — Mus. 4: 458. 22: 517. — Brit. Q. 12: 382. — Irish Q. 9: 337. (See Ghosts; Magic; Mesmerism; Spiritualism; Witch- craft. Appeal in Criminal Cases. Dub. R. 45: 1S8. Appellant Courts of British Enii)irc. Brit. Ik For. R. 12: 287 Appeuzell, Little Land of, Switzerland. (B. Taylor) Atlan. 20: 213. — Folk-Life in. (W. Wells) Scrib. 4: 50. — Linen and Cotton Manufactures of. Pennj^ M. II : 6. — My Days in. (G. C. Sw.nyne) Once a Week, 16: 4SS. Apperley, Charles J., Life and Times of. Mus. 44: 466. Appetite. (A. H. Forrester) Bentley, 25: 511. — Good. (E. E. Hale) O. cS; N. 7: 667. Apple, as a Criterion of Taste. (W. M. Nevin) Mercersb. i: 68. — Produce of. Penny M. 13: 142. Apple F'rolics in America. (F. Morton) Once a Week, i: 377- Apple Leaf-Folder. (W. Lebaron) Am. Natural. 5: 209. Apple Paring, The. Penny M. 6: 426. Apple Tree, Life of. (H. Coultas) Sharpe, 36: 65. Apple Tree Table, The. Putnam, 7: 465. Apple of the Dead Sea; a Story. Galaxy, 16: 540, Apple of Life; a Poem. (R. Lytton) Fortn. 2: 184. Apples, History and Dignity of. (E. Spencer) Hours at Home, 3: 505. — Wild. (H. D. Tliorean) Atlan. 10: 513. — Sharpe, 38: 294. Apples ; a Comedy. (J. Sturgis) Blackw. 124: 23. Same art. Liv, Age, 138: 502. Appleton, C. E. Nature, 19: 386. Appleton, Jesse, Life and Writings of. (15. Tappan) Lit. & Theo. R. 4: 351. — (f. T. Stone) Am. Bib. Repos. 6: 19. — Sermons of. Chr. Mo. Spec. 5: 434. Appleton, Nathan, with portrait. (J. H. Sheppard) N. E. Reg. 16: I. Appleton, Nathaniel W. Am. Q. Reg. 13: 76. Appleton, Samuel, with portrait. (E. Peabody) N. E. Reg. 8: 9. — (E. Peabody) Hunt. 30: 291. — with portrait, Am. Q. Reg. 11: i. — Am. J. Educ. 12: 403- — Life of. West. J. 11: 426. Appleton, Thomas, Will of, 1504. N. E. Reg. 7: 37. Appleton, William, with portrait. (J. H. Sheppard) N. E.Reg. 17: 293. Appleton Family of Ipswich, Mass. N. E. Reg. 27: 36. Appleton, Wisconsin, Lawrence University. 0. & N. 4: 140. Application to Study. Colburn, 6: 533. Applied Science; a vStory. (C. Barnard) Galaxj', 23: 79, 160. Appointing Power. (G. F. Hoar) No. Am. 133: 464. Appomattox Com't-IIousc, Recollections of. (E. A. Pol- lard) O. & N. 4: i65. — Lee and Gordon at. So. Hist. Pap. 8: 37. — Surrender of Lee at. (E. P. Alexander) So. M. 12: 747. True Story of. (J. W. Jones) Hist. M. 22: 235. Apporiionmcnt Bill, 1832. Ann. Reg. 7: 94. Apprentice Laws. Pamph. 3: 217. Apprentices. (G. Howell) Contemp. 30: 833. — London. Colburn, 5: 172. APPRENTICESHIP 49 ARABIA Apprenticeship. (J. S. Whitney) Penn Mo. 3: 1S9. — Indenture of, 1747. N. E. Reg. 34: 311. — in France. (J. G. Rosengarten) Nation, 27: 180. — of the Future. (S. P. Thompson) Contemp. 38: 472. Same art. abridged. Pop. Sci. Mo. 18: 26, 202. Apprenticeship Schools in France. (B. Murjjhy) Cath. World, 30: 400. Apprenticeship Sj'stem, Negro. Ed. R. 66: 250. Appropriation Act, 1S35. Westm. 23: 44S. April. (A. H. Baldwin) Fraser, 67: 515. — (J. Bur- roughs) Scrib. 13: 799, S03. — (W. llowitt) Ilowitt, i: 191. — Eraser, 49: 522. — a Poem. (W. G. Simms) So. Lit. Mess. 3: 194. April Days. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan.7: 385. — (.H. D. Thoreau) Atlan. 41: 445. April Fancies. (D. F. M'Carthy) Dub. Univ. 41: 395. April 1 at Netherby Place. (E. F. Mosby) Potter Am. Mo. 16: 350. April Fool, An. Lond. Soc. 5: 310. April Fools. Belgra. 17: 182. — Lond. M. 23: 397. — St. James, 24: 82. — and other Fools. (H. St. John) Belgra. 29: 207. — May Day, and other Sentimcntals. Fra.ser, 17: 553. — or, A hundred Matrimonial Letters. Fraser, 11: 369. April Reverie. (J. F. Waller) Dub. Univ. 39: 403. April Shadows; a Poem. Temp. Bar, 9: 544. Apsley House. Quar. 92:446. Same art. Eel. M. 29: 241. — Story of. (N. S. Dodge) Overland, 6: 255. Apteryx of New Zealand, Bird or Reptile ? (II. O. Forbes) Belgra, 36: 317. — at Dinner. (0. S. Roimd) Recr. Sci. i: 178. Apuleius. (C. G. Prowett) Fraser, 88: 464. — and the 2d Century. Eel. R. 94: 67. — Golden Ass; or, Metamorphoses. (W. H. Mallock) Fraser, 94: 363. — Ed. R. 94: 472. Same art. Eel. M. 25: 75. — Eel. R. 112: 269. — House. AVords, 13: 285. Aquarium, The. (Mrs. I. James) No. Am. 87: 143. — Chamb. J. 22: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, 42: 414. — Chamb. J. 53: 357, 391. — at Crystal Palace. (W. A. Lloyd) Nature, 4: 469. — Brighton. (W. S. Kent) Nature, 8: 531. — Chamb. J. 50: 529. — Fresh-Water. (C. B. Brigham) Am. Natural. 3: 131, 207, Z73y 486. 4: 23. — Gosse's. Fraser, 50: 190. — Colburn, 102: 117. — in Miniature. Recr. Sci. 2: 345. — Management of. (D. W. Cheever) Atlan. 8: 322. — Marine. (S. C. Hall) Art J. 8: 145. — (C. Kiugsley) Am. Natural. 2: 262. for Inland Students. Nature, 10: 260. Management of. (A. W. Wills) Nature, 13: 1S9. Sea Anemones in. Lond. (2. 8: 76. — Modern. (A. Wilson) Colburn, 160: 295. — New York. (W. S. Ward) Scrib. 13: 577. — Preparation of Artificial Sea-Water for. (G. Wilson) Ed. New Philos. J. 58: 129. — Royal, at Westminster. Pract. Isl. 6: 65. — Southport. (C. E. de Ranee) Nature, 11: 393. — Uses of. (W. E. Simmons, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 5: 687. — with Tidal Arrangements. Intel. Obs. 3: 245. Aquaria. (W. A. Lloyd) Am. Natural. 10: 611. — Eng. Dora. M. 24: 102,213,301. — Godey, 54: 525, 55: 45. — House. Words, 9: 506. — No. Brit. 22: 55. — Great. (J, G. Bertram) St. James, 35: 623. — Management of. (S. Hibberd) Recr. Sci. i: -jt,. — Marine. Dub. LTniv. 48: 353. — Recr. Sci. 2: 58. and Fresh- Water. Godey, 56: 51. — Present, Past, and Future of. (W. A. Lloyd) Pop. Sci. R. 15: 253. Same art. Eel. M. 87: :;<")2. Aquarium Car, First California. (L. Stone) Overland, 13: 228, 311. Aquatic Architects. Recr. Sci. i : 106. Aqueduct of Segovia. Am. Arch. 6: 93. — Wooden, across Alleghany River. (J. C. Trautwine) J. Frankl. Inst. 34: i. Aqueducts. Pop. Sci. Mo. II : 26. — and Canals. Quar. 73:281. Same art. Eel. M. 2: 190. — of Ancient Rome. (G. P. Marsh) Nation, 32. 147. — of the Ancients. Chamb. J. 1 : 34. Aqueous Vapor, Influence of, on Meteorology'. (W. H. • S. Monck) Nature, 3: 495. Aquinas, Thomas, dee Thomas Aquinas, St. Arab, The; a Poem. So. Lit. J. 4: 256. Arab's Revenge; a Story. (E. H. Vizetelly) Belgra. 25: 405. Arab Chief; a Ballad. Fraser, 38: 167. Arab Seaport in War Time. All the Year, 28: 4S7. Arab Story-Teller, Tale of an. Fraser, 39: 112. Arab Village. Bentky, 51 : 292. Arab Wife; a Tale. Chamb. J. 53: 707-S35. Arabs, The. (B. J. Wallace) Am. Presb. R. 9: 177. — Among. All the Year, 5: 516. — and Persians. (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 5: 202, Trade of. Blackw. 4: 135, 292, 460. — at Amboise. Bcutley, 31: 25S. Same art. Liv. Age, 33: 177- — at Home. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy, 13: 605. — before Mahomet. Chr. Rem. 29: 83. — Civilization of, and what we owe it. Nat. Q. 13 : 25S. — De France's Captivity among. Mo. R. 151 : 524. — Derby Day among. Fraser, 68: 77. — Geography of. For. Q. 27: 265. — Hosi)itality of. Belgra. 12: 39. — Humor of . Temp. Bar. 62: 65,194. 63: 36. Same art. Appleton, 26: 21, 144, 423. — in Italy, Sicily, etc. For. C'- 22: 374. — in Palestine. (C. (Uermont-Ganneau) Macmil. 32 : 361 . Same art. Eel. M. 85: 538. — Invasion of Spain by. For. Q. 1 : 19. — in Spain. Dub. Univ. 37: 771. 45:657. Same art. Eel. M. 35: 551. iSt-e Moors; Spain. — Mariners and Ceremonies of. Sliarpe, 23: 109. — Metaphysical Schools among. Kitto, 34: 354. — of the Desert. (J. Hall) Princ. 3: 215. — Pagan and Moslem. (R. S. Poole) Fortn. 2: 549. — Politeness of. Nat. M. 9: 58. — All the Year, 24: 41. — Pre-Islaraic. (W. II. Thomson) New Eug. 21: 385. — Travels among. Westm. 4: 495. — Women of. So. R. n. s. 14: 363. — (C. S. Robinson) Scrib. 7: 559. Arabella, Lady, So, Lit, Mess, 3: 601, Arabia, (J, Forsyth) Princ. 37: 350. — and Africa, Boteler's Voyage of Discovery to. Mo. R. 137: 153- — and Palestine, Early and Recent Travels in. No. Brit. 27: 513. Same art. Eel. JI. 43: 145. — and Persia, Tradewith Russia. Blackw. 4: 135, 292, 460. — Biblical Geography of. Bib. R. 5: 165. — Burekhardt's Travels in. Colburn, 25: 379. — Ed. R. 50: 164. — Mo. R. 119: T. — Burton's El-Medinah and Mecca. Bentley, 39: 366, — Dub. R. 39: 76. 41:27. — Fraser, 52: 3 iS. 53: 320. — Liv. Age, 46: 553. — NewQ. 5: 138. — Central and Eastern, and the People. Chr. Rem. 50 : 35 7. — Commerce and Products of. Hunt, 3: 61, — Forster on. (Juar. 74: 325. — Liv. Age, 3: 113. — Further Discoveries in. (L. P, Brockett) Hours at Home, 4: 52, — Heartof, (B, Taylor) Scrib. 3: 545. — Broadw. lo: 538. — Historical Geography of, Forster on. Quar. 74: 325. — Historv of. For. Q. 20: 1 v. — Mo. R. 132: 362. Crichlon's. Am. Mo. M. 3: 217. —Eel, R. 50: 4S4. Price's. Eel. R. 42: 440. ARABIA 60 ARBLAY Arabia, Histon' of, Recent Page of. (W. S. Blunt) Fortn. 33: 707. Same art. Liv. Age, 145: 53S. — Palgrave'.s Travels in. (J. D. Baldwin) No. Am. 103: 276. — (R. S. Poole) Fortn. i: 459. — (E. C. Towne) Chr. Exam. 79: 327. — Blaekw. 98: 723. — Brit. Q. 42: 297. — Eel. U. 122: 139. — Ed. R. 122: 482. — Fond. C^ 25: 136. Same art. Fiv. Age, 87: 529. — JNFicniil. 13: 51S. Same art. Eel. M. 65: ■;■},■]. — No. Brit. 44: I. — Quar. 119: 1S2. — Westm. 84: 3S1. — Pretended Patriarchal lascriptious of. Dub. Univ. 24: 724. — Wellstcd's Travels in. (,>uar. 61: 301. — Mo. R. 145: 255- — Wilds of. Chamh. .1. 42: 563. Sac Khartum. Arabia Felix, Military Expedition into. Fiv. Age, 34: 375. Arabia Petra^a, Antiquities discovered in. Anal. M. 14: 264. — lu ft Caravan with Gerome the Painter. Fippinc. 13: 532. — Laborde's Journey through. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 59 : 87. — Mo. R. 140: 33S. — Dub. R. i: 174. — Mas. 31: 267. — Am. Bib. Rcpos. 9: 431. — (E. Robinson) No. Am. 44: 3S2. — Chr. Obs. 36: 688, 746. — Fowth's Travels in. New Q. 5: 230. — Stephens's Travels in. (F. Cass) No. Am. 48: iSi. — (H. AVare, jr.) Chr. Exam. 24: 31. — Prine. 10: 55. — New York R. 1: 351. — Am. Q. 21: 439. — Hesp. i: 174. Arabian Desert, The. (W. T. Savage) Cong. R. 8: 274, 3/1; 555- Arabian Design and Art. Eel. Engin. 2: 491. Arabian Empire. Blackw. 43: 601. Arabian Nights. (G. W. Peek) Am. Whig R. 6: 601.— For. Q. 24: 139. — Cornh.32: 711. — Dub.R.8: 105. — in Fondon. St. James, 9: 367. — Fane's Translation of. Eel. R. 72: 641. — New Series of . Colburn, 16: 336. — New Translations. Westm. 33 : loi. — Mo. R. 109: 362. — People of. Nat. R. 9: 44. Same art. Fiv. Age, 62: 327- Arabian Tales, New. For. Q. 14: 350. Arabic and Persian Fexicography. (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 4: 190. Araliic Fables. (J. Mew) Gent. M. n. s. 27: 217. Arabic Grammar, De Sacy's. (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 4"- 543- Arabic Fanguage and Fexicography, Gesenius on. Mo. R. 158: 192. — and Fitcrature. (J. Packard) Am. Bib. Repos. 8: 429. — (E. F Sears) Nat. Q. 7: 59. — and the Turkish. (H. S. Osborn) Bib. Sac. 38: 646. — Fexicon, Frcy tag's. (H. P. Goodrich) No. Am. 48: 461. Wilkins's'. Eel. R. 4: 581, 801. — Something about Modern. Eraser, 64: 504. — Study of. Meth. M. 47: 102. Arabic Fitcrature. So. Fit. Jless. 6: 457, 563. 7: 113. 8: 47, 448. — Meth. Q. 2: 540. — For. R. 3: 377.— For. Q. 3: I. — Colburn, 4: 262. — and Fove-Fore. (N. S. Dodge) Overland, 9: 522. Arabic MSS. in Spain. Westm. 21: 378. Arabic Masters, My. Chamb. J. 22: 172. Arabic Numerals, Early Use of. (S. Denne) Arch. 13: 107, 141. — Introduction into England. (G. North) Arch. 10: 360. Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Poetry. Dub. Univ. 15: 377. Arabic Philosophy. Ed. R. 85: 340. — History of. Eel. M. 46: 153. — Influence of, in Media-val Europe. (Earl Stanhope) Fraser, 75: 114. Same art. Eel. M. 68: 369. Arabic Poetry. Rctros. 5: 332. — in Spain and Sicily. Eel. M. 68: 742. Arabic Prize Poem, An Ancient. (E. IF Palmer) Inter- nat. R. 2: 651. Arabic Proverbs. Fond. Soc. 9: 325. Arabic Stories and Traditions. (N. S. Dodge) Overland, 10: 443. Arabic Verses in i^tli Century. Cornh. 26: 21^. Aracan, North, Hill Tribes of. (R. F. St. A. St. John) Anthrop. J. 2: 233. Arachne in Sloane Street. Cornh. 29: 571. Arago, F. (D. Fardner) Am. Whig R. 4: 162.— Eel. M. 9: 322. — Fiv. Age, 11: 140. — Dub. Univ. 28: 253. — Fraser, 26: -ji-j. — (Dr. Janssen) Nature, 21: 418. — and Brougham on Black, Cavendish, Priestley, and Watt. Quar. 77: 105. — Incident in Fife of. (H. Christmas) Internat. M. 4: 41. — Fife and Discoveries of. (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 20: 459. Same art. Eel. M. 32: 145. — Fife and Fabors of. Eel. R. 102: 743. — Fife and Works of. Ed. R. 104: 30T. — Notes on the Fife of. Ed. New Philos. J. 56: 57. — on Comets. (J. Farrar) No. Am. 42: 196. — on Funar Influences. For. Q. Ii: 503. — Sketch of. Hogg, 2: 1S9. — Voyage round the World. Fond. M. 7: 310. — Quar. 28: 332. — Youth of. Chamb. J. 25: 11. Same art. Fiv. Age, 48: 533. — So. Fit. Mess. 21 : 97, 162. Aragon, Sketch from Portugal and. Fraser, 84: 356. Aral, Fake, Shores of. Wood's Nature, 14: 66. — and Caspian, Basins of. (IF IF Howorth) Geog. M. 3: 106. Separation of. (H. Wood) Nature, 12: 313. Arama, the Seeker of Oblivion. So. Fit. Mess. 5: 734. Arapahoes, Among the. (H. R. Femly) Harper, 60: 494. Ararat. (A. Geikie) Nature, 17 : 205. — (B. B. Thatcher) Am. Bib. Repos. 7: 390. — Nat. M. i: 26. — and Armenian Highlands. Blackw. 65: 577. — Westm. 51 : 199. — and Eden. (F. Fenormant) Contemp. 40: 453. — and the Three Churches. So. Fit. Mess. 10: 131. — Ascent of. (B. Botcherby) Fiv. Age, 94: 282. — Chamb. J. 55: 364. Mr. Bryce's. Fiv. Age, 135: 443. — Parrot's Journej' to. Am. Meth. M. 18: 201. — For. Q. 15: 288. — Eel. R. 82: 710. — Tale of. Blackw. 28: 24. — Visit to. Fraser, 60: iii. — Wagner's Journej' to. Westm. 51: 107. Same art. Fiv. Age, 29: 313. Aratus. Phenomena and Diosemeia translated. Chr. Rem. 17: 63. Araucanians, The. Bost. Mo. i : 346. Arbcla, Battle of. (E. S. Creasj-^) Bentlej', 24: 390. Arber's Reprints of old Writers. Dub. FTniv. 75: 43. Arbitrary Govermnents, Present Policy and Future Fate of." Ed. R. 39: 281. — Sclec. Ed. R. 4: 342.— Mus. 4: 385. Arbitration, E5oards of Conciliation and. (Eckley B. Coxe) Penn Mo. 2: 109. — International. (C. C. Beaman, jr.) No. Am. 102: 473. — (A. J. FI. Crespi) Colburn, 156: 144. — (T. D. Woolsey) Internat. R. 1 : 104. — Tait, n. s. 22: 293. Fate of. (E. F. Godkin) Nation, 18: 390. versus War. Eel. R. 90: 236. Arblay, Frances Burney, Jladame d'. Blackw. 51: 7S4. — Quar. 11: 123. — Eel. M. 9: 549. — Argosy, ig: 441. — Eng. Dom. M. 25: 154, 178. — House. Words, 5: 392. Same art. Fiv. Age, 34: 412. — Fiv. Age, 11: 484. — Am. Whig R. 13: 267, 305.— (Mrs. M. C. Nute) Fakeside, 2: 85. — Mus. 45: 565. — Victoria, 32: 370. ARBLAY 61 ARCHIPELAGO Arblav, Frances Bumey, Madame d', Diary and Letters. (T. B. Macaulay) Ed. R. 76: 523. Same art. Eel. Mus. 1 : 449. — (J. W. Croker) Quar. 70: 243. — Eel. R. 75: 451. 76: 319. 85: 57. — Tait, n.s.g: 1S3, 246, 3S5. — Colburn, 64: 271. 66: 526. — The Wanderer. (W. Hazlitt) Ed. R. 25: 320.— l'ortfo.(Den.) 12: 457. Arbouville, Madame d', Poems and Novels of. Dub. R. 41: 411. Arbues, Peter, and the Spanish Inquisition. Dub. I'niv. 84: 335- Arbathnot, George, Life and Writings of. Rctros. 8: 285. — Mus. 4: 44. Arbuthnot, Dr. .John. Cornh. 39: 91. Arbuthnot, Sir William. Blackw. 26: 844. Arbuthnot and Ambrister, Trial of. Niles's Reg. 15: 270, 394- Arbutin, Constitution of. Nature, 3: 137. Arc of tlie .Meridian, measured in India. YA. II. 21 : 300. Arcachon, France. Colburn, 7: 66. — as a Health Resort. Chanib. J. 57: 139. — Bay of . Chamb. J. 47: 529. Arcadi, Academy of the. (V. Lee) Eraser, 97: 779. 98: 33- Arcadia. Conih. 20: 5S8. See Sanazzaro, J.; Sidney, P. Arcadian Revenge ; a Story. (.J. Payn) Cornh. 41 : 164. Same art. Eel. M, 94: 437. Arcadian Scene. Dub. Univ. 64: 699. Arch, .loseph, and the new Emancipation. (.J. McCarthy) Galaxy, 15: 452. Arch, Graphic ^lethod applied to. (A. J. Dii Bois) Eel. Engin. 13: 341. — known by the Ancients. Ed. R. 7: 441. — New Constructions in Graphical Statics. (H. T. Edrly) Eel. Engin. 16: 1-481. 17: i, 97. — of Ctesiphon. Colburn, 165: 1074. — Skew. (E. W. Hyde) Eel. Engin. 12: 97, 193, 2S9. at Harrisburg. (T. M. Cleemaun) Eel. Engin. 14: 361. Bonding in. Eel. Engin. 8: 23. — St. Louis'. (H. T. Eddy) Eel. Engin. 17: 204.— (C. S. Smith) Eel. Eng'in. 17: 105.' — Trussed. (D. Wood) J. Frankl. Inst. 77: 223. Arches and Suspension Chains, Strain on. J. Frankl. Inst. 74: 240, 300. — Conical, at South St. Bridge, Philadelphia. (D. McN. Stauffer) J. Frankl. Inst. 107: 191. — Erpiilibration of. Am. Aixh. 10: 8. — for Bridges, Formula for proportioning. (.J. C. Trautwine) .1. Frankl. Inst. 68: 301. — Iron. (W. Airy) Eel. Engin. 3: 449, 641. — Metal and Timber. (J. Gaudard) Eel. Engin. 4: 359. — Ovals and Three-Centre. (.J. B. Henck)'Math. Vio. i: 25, 41. — Pointed, Origin of. (S. Smirke) Arch. 21: 521. — Stability of. Eel. Engin. 2: 636. 6: 56;. — (E. S. Gould) Eel. Engin. 13: 226. — (L. S. AVare) Ed. Engin. 15: 33. — (G. F. Swain) Eel. Engin. 23: 265. — Stresses of Rigid. (W. Bell) Eel. Engin.6: 307. -Theory of. (W. Allan) Eel. Engin. lo: 97-385.— ((J.Rennie) J. Frankl. Inst. 38: 226. of Solid and Braced Elastic. (W. Cain) Eel. Engin. 21: 265, 353, 443. — A^'oussoir, Practical Theory of. (W. Cain) Eel. Engin. 11: 289, 385. 13: 514. 20: 52, 97, 201. — Ware's Treatise on, 1S09. Ed. R. 10: 593. Arduean Rocks of Wahsatch Jlountains. (A. Gcikie) Am. J. Sci. 119: 363. Archocologia. Retros. 16: 217. — Westm. 7: 375. 11: 401. 20: 47. Archaeological Collection at Yale College. (D. C. Gil- man) University Q. 4: 277. Areha»ologieal Collections in North America. (F. W. Putnam) Am. Natural. 7: 29. Archaeological Discovery near Saratoga. (W. L. Stone) M. Am. Hist. 5: 34. ArchaEologieal Discoveries. Am. Eel. 3: 393. ArchiEological Institute of Boston. Am. Arch. 5: 137, 153, 162. Archaeological Maps, Symbols on. (J. Evans) Anthrop. J. 5: 427. Archaeological Science in America. So. Lit. Mess. 11: 420. Archoiology. (L. C. Boistiniere) U. S. Calh. M. 4: 44, 172. — Age of Bronze. Ed. R. 147: 437. — American Institute of, Proposed. (T. Davidson) Na- tion, 32: 403. — and Anthropologj', Brussels Congress of, 1S72. (M. ,). Lalor) Cath. World, 16: 639. 829. — Classical, Relation of. to Literature and History. (P. Gardner) Macmil. 43: 465. — English School of, at Athens and Rome. (R. C. Jebb) Contemp. 33: 776. — General Views on (A. Morlot) Am. J. Sci. 79: 25. — Lubbock on. Kitto, 38: 217. — Modern Excavations. (J. P. Mahaffv) Contemp. 29: 888. — Newton's Essays on. (C. E. Norton) Nation, 31 : 449. < — of the Earth and its Inhabitants. (M. Sanford) Univ. Q. 4: 2S9. — Rossi, John Baptist de, Works of. Cath. World, 17: 272. — A Scottish Crannog. (R. Munro) Nature, 22: 13, 34. — Stone Annals of the Past. (C Morris) Lippinc. 6: 506. — Teaching, in Schools. (O. Browning) Fortn. 22: 495. See Anti(iuities ; Prehistojic ; aUo names oj' various coTintrie.i. Archaic Ages; a Geological Sketch. (W. Downes) Eel. , M. 95: 722. Archangel. Penny M 8: 393. — Recollections of. Bentlev, 29: 203. Archbishop. The, and Gil Bias. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 46: 205. Archbishops of Canterbury, Hook's Lives of. Chr. Obs. 61 : 100. — Dub. R. 53: 275. — Bentlev, 49: 205. — Eel. R. 125: 391. Archduke Charles, Wreck of the. Bentlev, 23: 392. ArciK-r, James. Art J 23: 97. Archer and Prince. (F. Whittaker) Galaxy. 22: 117. Archer-Fishes. (E. Sauvage) Pop. Sci. Mo. 12: 302. Archery. (M. Thompson) Appleton, 9: 525. — (M. Thompson) Scrib. 14: 273. — Ail the Year, 39: 185. — Chamb. J. 33: 169 — Godey, 45: 253. — Lond. Soc. 6: 208. — Anecdotes of. (.1. M. Gutch) Reliquary, 19: 157. — Ascham's Toxopliilus. Am.J. Educ. 3: 41.— Retros. 4: 76. — in England. Once a Week, 11: 64. — in Scotland. (R. Macgregor) Belgra. 43: 338. — Merr^' Days with Bow and Quiver. (M. Thompson) Scril). 16: I. — Our modern Archers. Gent. M. n. s. 13: 160, 34S. — Practice of. (D. Barrington) Arch. 7: 46. — Silver Arrow. Once a Week, 11 : 107. — versus Ix)vc. Lond. Soc. 10: 354. .\rc!ietypes. Chr. R. 26: 177. Archie Lovell ; a Novel. (A. Edwards) Temp. Bar, 16: 155-455. 17: 65-498. 18: 77-491- ^anie art. Gala.xy, i: 36-661. 2: 60-677. Archimedes, Burning-Specula of. Chamb. J. 25: 220. — Works of. (^uar. 3: Sg. Archipelago, Turkish Rule in, with Map. Gcog. M. 5" 165, 198. See Indian Archipelago. ARCHITECT 52 ARCHITECTURE Architect an Artist, The. (W. H. Furness) Penn Mo. 2: 295. — Practice of . (T. Pt. Smith) Brit. Q. 72: 420, Same art. Am. Arch. 8: 258. — Profession of. Brit. Q. 71: 335. Architect's Wife ; a Story. Argosy, 29: 393. Architects, American Institute of. I'enn Mo. 4: 499. Tenth Annual Convention. Am. Arch. 2: su])p. i. Eleventh Annual Convention. Am. Arch. 3: 50, 66. Annual Convention, 1879. Am. Arch. 5: 91, 106, 122. 6: 171. — and Architecture. (T. C. Clarke) Chr. Exam. 49 : 27S. — and Clients. Am. Arch. 2: 222, 350-366. Duties of. Am. x\rch. 5: 141, 146, 162, — anil Engineers. Am. Arch. 4: 54, 62, 89. — Eel. Engin. 2: 1. Studies of. Eel. Engin. 19: 419. — and Organization. Am. Arch. 4: 154. — A Batch of. Eraser, 15: 324. — Becket on the Frailties of. Am. Arch. 3: 107. — Compensation of. Am. Arch. 2: 230, 239. — Competitions of. Am. Arch. 4: 202. 5: 2, 18. — Wcstm. 35: 52. — English (government. Am. Arch. lo: 257. — Gothic and Renaissance. (B. Champneys) Portfo. 4: 8. — Legal Responsibilities of. Am. Arch. 4: 190, 194. — Lives of Celebrated. Mus. 10: iSi. — Mo.R. Ill: 125. — on Probation. Am. Arch. 2: 174. — Professional Trials of. Am. Arch. 5: loi, — Qualifying of. Am. Arch. 3: 134, 142. — Responsibility of. Am. Arch. 3: 26. — Royal lustltntc of British. (H. CaiT) EcL Engin. 6: 249. — Transactions of. (R. Ford) Quar. 58: 524. — True School for. Eraser, 86: 743. — Young, Professional Study for. Am. Arch. 5: 58. , Architects' Contracts. Am. Arch. 6: 12, x8. — Drawings, Custody of. Am. Arch. 3: 206. Ownership of. Am. Arch. 6: 7, 17. Architectural Designs, American, Causes of Failure in. (W. A. Potter) Am. Arch. 7: 27, 35. Architectural Education in England and Germany. Am. Arch. 7: 180. Architectural Fashions. (H. A. Sims) Penn Mo. 7: 700. Architectural Holdings Act. (Duke of Argyll) Contemp. 27: 497. Architectural Madness. Eraser, 4: 727. Architectural Metal- Work. (T. W. Tonks) Eel. Engin. 22: 392. Architectural Revivalism and Puginism. Eraser, 28 : 593. Architectural Sketches, Freeman's. (J. T. Clarke) Na- tion, 26: 137. Architectural Talkers and Doers. All the Tear, 24: iSo. Architectural Tours, Knight's. Ed. R. 69: 74. Architecture. Ox. Prize Ess. i: 35. — New Eng. 8: 418. — (D. Wadsworth) Am. J. Sci. 24: 257. — (W. N. Lockington) Overland, 15: 281. — (R. C. Long) I^ S. Cath. M. 2: 297. — Blackw. 108: 531.— Tinsley, 14: 145. — Acoustics in. (A. F. Oakey) Am. Arch, i: 139. — Adornment of St. Paul's. Brit. Q. 6i : 69. — /Esthetic Principles of. (C. A. Evans) Eel. Engin. 11: 443. — Ancient. (C. Follen) No. Am. 88: 341. Rawlinson on. (J. Fergusson) Fortn. 9: 31. — and Archeology of Middle Ages, Britton on. Mo. R. 138: 444. — and Underwriting. Am. Arch. 5: 170, 179, 1S9. — and Modem Life. Fraser, 88: 762. — and ^lusic. (J. M. Capes) Fortn. 8: 703. Same art. N. Eci. i: 129, Architecture and Utility. (E. M. Barry) Am. Arch. 7 : 92. — Antiquities of. Quar. 4: 474. — Mo.R. Ili: 375. — Art in. (J. Fergusson) Am. J. Educ. 22: 85. — Art J. 7: 272. — Art of spoiling Public Buildings. Eel. Engin. 6: 66. — as a Decorative Art. (J. B. Atkinson) F. Arts Q. i: 349- — at the French Exposition. Am. Arch. 5: 10, 21, 27. — at the Royal Academy. Am. Arch. 5: 174, 197. — Audsley's Dictionary of. Am. Arch. 10: no. — Basilica Style of . Westm. 41: 109. — Bill for Bureau of. Am. Arch, i: 65-142. — Byzantine. Art J. 17: 55. — Ed. R. 121: 456. — Cathedral Restorations. Brit. Q. 69: 135. — Character in. No. Brit. 15: 461. — Christian. (W. A. Dod) Mercersb. 9: 358, 561. — (T. E. Giraud) U. S. Cath. A. 4: 627. and Pagan. Brit. & For. R. 7: i. of Europe. No. Brit. 34: 513. — Chromatics as pertaining to. (T. U. Walter) J. Frankl. Inst. 32: 32. — Church. (N. G. Batt) Dub. Univ. 83: 48. — Quar, 6: 62. 75: 179. — 99: 371. — (J. Fergusson) Am. Church R. 18: 375. (E. F. Brown) Am. Church R. 31: 265. — (G. F. Magoun) Cong. Q. i: 375. — (W. A. Dod) Princ. 27: 625. — (R. M. Hunt) Am. Arch. 2: 374,384. — (Franz Kugler) Art J. 9: 323. — (E. T. Littell) Am. Arch. 3: 10. — (T. Worthing- ton) Theo. R. 9: 103. — Brit. Q. 23: 325. — Dub. Univ. 21: 614. — Chr. Exam. 44: 316. — (W. E. Coale) Am. Church R. 3: 372. — Chr. Rem. 3: 353. — Dub. R. 74: 210. and the Masses. (G. F. Magoun) Cong. Q. 4: 25. and the Plastic Arts. (B. JIurphy) Cath. World, 30: 368. and Preaching. (J. Q. Bittenger) Cong. R. 11 : 136. and Ritual, "Oratorianism." Chr. Rem. 20: 141. and Worship. (R. G. Greene) Cong. Q. 11 : 502. — (J. Edwards) Cong. Q. 11: 511. Catholic, and the Church of England. Chr. Rem. 2: 105. Examples of. Chr. Rem. i: 113. Grecian. (W. A. Dod) Am. Church R. 16: 57. in England. Sharpe, i: 186, 276, 308. Early. (W. Blackwood) Potter Am. Mo. 9: 16. in the Middle Ages. (J. T. Clarke) Nation, 31 : 345. in New York. Dem. R. 20: 139. — (N. S. Rich- ardson) Am. Church R. 18: 501. — (C. Cook) Put- nam, 2: 233. in Russia. For. Q. 26: 37. Jesuit Style of. (H. W. Brewer) Month, 35: 322. Knight and Bunson on. Quar. 75: 334. Modern and Ancient. Dub. R. 3: 360. Modern English Cathedral. Chr. Rem. 42: 466. Norman. (W. Blackwood) Potter Am. Mo. 8: 416. of England and France. (T. Rickman) Arch. 25: 159. 26: 27. of Ireland. Quar. 76: 193. Petit on. Mo. R. 157: 289. Present State of, in England. Dub. R. 10: 301. 12: 80. Romanesque, Advantages of. Chr. Rem. 3: 576. Relation to the Plastic Arts. (B. Murphy) Cath. World, 30: 368. Sharpe on. Am. Arch. 2: 255. Styles of. Chr. Rem. 4: 257. 5: 81. See also Churches; Cathedrals. — College of. (D. B. Reid) Am. J. Educ. 2: 629. — Common-Sense in. (C. A. Adams) Eel. Engin. 22: 95. — Cottage, Garden and Villa. Art. J. 20: 50-192. — Cyclopean, in the Ionian Islands. (D. T. Ansted) Art J. 16: 33. ARCHITECTURE 63 ARCHITECTURE Architecture, Dallaway on. Eel. R. 4: 508. — Decorative, Origin of. (S. Ware) Arch. 18: 336. — Design in. (F. T. Palgrave) F. Arts Q. 1 : 114. and Decoration in. Fraser, i : 63. — Domestic. (J. E. Cabot) Atlan. i: 257. — New Eng. M. 2: 30. — New Eng. 9: 57. —Bent. Q. 2: 474. — Penny .M. 2: 339. 8: 356. and Decoration in England. (C. C. Townshend) Portfo. 8: 169. and Secular. Art J. 10: 17. House-Building. (.J. E. Cabot) Atlan. 10: 423. in England. Dub. K. 36: 20. Jlodern. Dub. Univ. 94: 736. Examples of. (li. C. Boyes) Portfo. lo: 51. — — of the 14th Century. Art J. 6: 229. Old English. Quar. 45: 471. — Effect of Altitude on Vertical Dimensions. Am. Arch. 5: 135^ 167. — Egyptian. Am. Q. 5: i. — Etruscan, in Rome. (D. T. Ansted) ArtJ. 18: 201. — Expression in. (H. Davids) Lippinc. 3: 617. — Eel. Engin. 14: 162. Sources of. Ed. R. 94: 365. — Fergusson's Handbook of. Ed. R. 105: 112. — Eel. R. 103: 402. — Quar. 106: 2S5. — Fire-Proof. (P. B. Wight) .4m. Arch, i: 195, 203, 211. 3: 75. — (R. G. Hatfield) Am. Arch. 2: 399. Slow-Burning Construction. Am. Arch. 5 : 182, 199. 6: 14-127. — Flemish, Specimens of. Ev. Sat. 11: 50S, 511. — Future of. Eel. Engin. 13: 134. — Gothic. (Renel Gabriel) Western, 4: 733. — (R. S. Peabody) No. Am. 118: 204. — (G- W. Samson) So. R. n. s. 3 : 37S. — (J. J. Stevenson) Good Words, 17: 64. — Harper, 52: 234. — (T. E. Van Bibber) Putnam, 2: 191. — No. Brit. 28: 346. — Quar. 2: 118. 69: 57. — Ed. R. 49: 420. — Retros. 10: I. — (T. Kenrick) Arch. 16: 292. .(Esthetics of. Brit. Q. 10: 46. and Saxon. Dub. Univ. 78: 42S. Eastlake's Revival of, in England. (B. Murphy) Cath. World, 15: 443. English. New Q. 10: 48. — Mo. R. 153: 223. Bane of. Brit. Q. 73: 382. Old English Houses and Households. Brit. Q. 14: 369. English Origin of. (J. H. Parker) Arch. 43: 73. Grecian, and Egyptian. Westm. 8: 31. in Italy and Sicily. Arch. 15: 363. in Spain. Ed. R. 122: 143. — F. Arts Q. 5: 251. Literature of. Eel. R. 89: 33. Mediaeval. (F. P. Johnson) Eel. Engin. 8: 25c. Millner and AVhittington on. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 16: 1166. Modern, Shortcomings of. (II. Bedford) Month, 21: I. Origin of. (T. Pownall) Arch. 9 : 1 10. — (G. Saun- ders) Arch. 17: 1. Plea for. Eel. Engin. 7: 129. Pugin on. Mo. R. 155: 552. Principles of. (W. Sewell) Quar. 69: iii. Religious Aspect of. (A. P. Stanley) Good Words, 19: 394- Spirit of. (D. H. Caverno) University Q. 2: 273. — Hamilton and others on. Quar. 58: 61. — History and Styles of. Chr. Rem. 18: 1S2. Earh' Christian and Roman. ( \V. Blackwood) Pot- ter Am. Mo. 8: 336. Early Christian and Byzantine. Prosp. R. 3: 157. Fergusson's. Anthrop. R. i: 216. — New Q. 5: 273- — Quar. 120: 425. Hope's. Quar. 53: 33S. Architecture, History of, of Anglo-Saxons and Normans. (W. Wilkins) Arch. 12: 132. of the nth Century. (.\. H. Parker) Eel. Engin. 10: 33S. of Middle Ages. Quar. 25: 112. — (E. B. Lamb) J. Frankl. Inst. 22: 135, 208. Ramee's. Prosp. R. 5: 1S4. — How to build a House and live in it. Blackw. 59: 758. 60: 349. 61: 727. — Illustrated Handbook of. Art J. 8: 86. — in Africa. Art J. 19: 126. — in America. (Austin Bierbower) Penn Mo. 8: 936. — (H. R. Cleveland) No. Am. 43: 356. — (W. Minot, jr.) No. Am. 52: 317. — (A. I). Gilman) No. Am. 58: 436. — (H. Greenough) Dem. R. 13: 206. — Am. J. Sci. 17: 249. 18: II, 212. — (H. Green- ough) So. Lit. Mess. 19: 513. — Am. Arch. 4: 138. Colonial. Am. Arch. lo: 71-102. Development of. (A. W. Colgate) Contin. Mo. 5: 466. — in Ancient Assyria and Persia. Tlieo. & Lit. J. 4: 313. — in Athens. Ed. R. 95: 395. — in Boston, Recent, 1S77. Art J. 29: 299. — in Canada. (R. C. Winde^ver) Ciinad. Mo. 16: 482. — in China. Eel. Engin. 10: 135. — in the Eastern States, Condition of. (P. B. Wight) Am. Arch. 7: 107, 118. — in England. (M. D. Conway) Harper, 49: 617, 777. 50: 35. — St. Paul's, 2: 678. British School of. Blackw. 40: 227. — Westm. 41: 113. Domestic. (W. E. Timmins) Belgra. 22: 429. Turner's History of. Chr. Obs. 52: 185. English Country-Houses. Chamb. .J. 13: 1-154. English Timber-Houses. Penny M. 13: 89. Foreign and Domestic. For. Q. 24: 288. '- Hope of. Quar. 137: 354. Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 771. in the Hanoverian Age, Picturesque Aspects of. (G. .\. Simcox) Portfo. 3: 55. in the 17th Century. Brit. Q. 55: 56. Modern. (H. H. Statham) Fortn. 26: 479. National. Lond. M. 22: 94-19S. Progress of. Blackw. 6: 660. in 1S38. J. Frankl. Inst. 28: 57. Promotion of, with illustrations. Westm. 41: 219. Reaction of Taste in. (J. J. Stevenson) Eel. Engin. 11: 231. State of, 1S72. Qu.ir. 132: 295. Tudor, Hunt on. Ed. R. 51: 58. — in France, Chiiteaux of the Renaissance. (E. F. S. Pattison) Contemp. 30: 579. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: III- in the West. (.J. II. Parker) Arch. 34: 273. 35: 34. 359- :^[e(lia'val. Viollet le Due's. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 9: 134. ir3- in .\quitaine. (.1. H. Parker) .\nh. 36: 1, 311. Taste in. (F. T. Palgrave) Fraser, 55: 5S3. — in (iermany. Present School of. For. Q. 14: 92. Brick, of North of Germany. (.\. Nesbet) Arcli. 39: 93- — in Greece (W. Blackwood) Potter Am. Mo. 8: 176. — Blackw. n: 705. — For. Q. 15: M5- ^9= 201.— Westm. 8: 31. — Canad. Mo. 8: 433. and Italy, contrasted. For. Q. 19: 377. — in India. Art J. 23: 65. — in Ireland. Dub. Univ. 29: 693. Ancient Domestic. (.T. H. Parker) Arch. 38: 149. — in Italy, Church Dub. R. 72: 105. Bacini, in Italian Church Architecture. (C. D. E. F'ortnum) Arch. 42: 379. ARCHITECTURE 54 ARCTIC Architecture in Italy, Ecclesiastical, Knight on. Mo. E. 165: 585. to 15th Century. Mo. R. 162: 399. Palladian. Quar. 32: 42. Pictures of. Art J. 25: 49. 26: Si-250. 27: 361. 28: 169. — in London. Chamb. J. 38: 1S6. Foreign Office, Classic or Golliic? (E. A. Erceman) Nat. R. 10: 24. Future of. (II. Conybeare) Fortn. 8: 501. Improvements of. Blackw. 27: 17. — (Juar. 34: 180. — AVestm. 21: 195. 36: 191. in relation to Climate. (II. Merivale) Fortn. 4: 407. New Courts-ot'-.Justice Designs. Belgra. 2: 35. of New House of Commons. Westm. 22: 163. Strictures on new Houses of Parliament and Brit- ish Aluseuni. Eraser, 42: 165. of Shop Fronts. "Westm. 36: 436. of Thames Tunnel. Westm. 19: 10. Street. Intel. Obs. 10: 174. — Nat. 1!. 5: 42. — in Palermo. Am. Arch. 4: 2. — in Rome. (W. Blackwood) Potter Am. Mo. 8: 256. Building Materials used in. iC. T. Ramage) Ed. New Philos. .1. 3: 246. — in Spain. (R. Ford) Quar. 77: 496. — in the United States. (W. Fogerty) Pract. M. 6: 77. — Eel. Engin. 14: 61. at the National Capitol, History of. (J. A. How- ard) Internat. R. i : 736. Development of. (A. W. Colgate) Contin. Mo. 5: 466. Domestic. (A. J. Bloor) Art J. 31 : 57, 169. Future of. (E. C. Bruce) Lippinc. 16: 305. Government. (P. B. Wight) Am. Arch, i : 75, 83, 91. Hints from American Piactice. (W. Fogerty) Eel. Engin. 15: 246. Popular. (R. Sturgis, jr.) No. Am. 112: 160. Taste in. (W. Blackwood) Potter Am. Mo. 4: 192. — iu Venice. Art J. 3: 108. — Influence of Construction on Stj-le. For. Q. 19: 62. — Iron Construction. Eel. Engin. 4: 279. — Westm. 51: 104. — Modern. Art J. 15: 26. — Ed. R. 141: 386. Alleged Degeneracy of. (R. C Long) J. Fraukl. Inst. 32: 246. Half-and-half Style in. Eel. Engin. 5: 370. Styles in. Ed R. 118: 71. Styles and Examples of. Chr. Rem. 46: 84. — Natural History of. Loud. Q. 13: 31. — New Style of. Art J. 7: 145. — Notes on, Narjoux's. (J. T. Clarke) Nation, 26: 359. — of Banks. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 21: 645, 739, 805. in the Country. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 10: 761. 917. in New York. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 582. 10:598. Plans by Davis. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 21 : 739, 805. — of Birds. Mas. 19: 482. — of Bridges. Gen. Repos. 2: 141. — of Engineering Works. (A. P. Boiler) J. Frankl. Inst. 87: 319.— "(.J. K. Fisher) West. J. 10: 106.— (W. C. Kerr) Eel. Engin. 8: 513. — (C. H. Rew) Eel. Engin. 6: 241. — of great Cities. (.J. Pyne) Nat. Q. 30: i. — of MMnufactories. Lond. M. 13: 471. — of Music Halls. (H. H. Statham) Eel. Engin. 8: 345. — of Schools. Dem. R. 23: 391. — on Technical Principles. Eel. Engin. 25: 221. — Optical Effects in. (W. H. Goodyear) Scrib. 8: 432. — Orders of. .7. Frankl. Inst. 31 : 194. — Philosophy of. Chamb. J. 23: 344. — Pointed, Symbolism of. Ed. R. 78: i. — Popular. Chamb. .J. 9: 232. — Position of. (.J. A. Picton) Eel. Engin. 16: 424. — Practice of, British and American. (W. Fogerty) Eel. Ensrin. 12: i t.2. No. Brit. 15: 461. — Westm. (E. :M. Barry) Eel. 114: 472. Architecture, Practice of, Scope of. Eel. Eugin. 8: 110. — Present State of, 1S54. Quar. 95: 338. — Principlesof the Artof. (G.E Street) Am. Arch. 9: 185. — Problems of the Day in. Eel. Engin. 4: 507. — Proportion and Ornamentation in. (E. M. Barry) Am. Arch. 7: 128. — Reform in. (II. Van Brunt) Nation. 2: 438, 469. — Renaissance in. (T. 'SI. Oian) (ialaxy, 8: 512. — Requirements of. (R. Sturgis, jr.) No. Am. 1 12: 370. — Restoration. Am. Arch. 3: 98. and Ante-Restoration. (S.Colvin) 19th Cent. 2: 446. of the Parthenon. Ed. R. 38: 126. — Restorations of Mediajval. Brit. Q. 69: 135. — Romanesque, Origin and Growth of. (E. A. Freeman) Fortn. 18: 373. Same art. Liv. Age, I15: 451. — (E. A. Freeuiau) Eel. Engin. 7: 599. — (E. A. Free- man) Am. Arch. 7: 28-66. — Rnral. (W. Flagg) Allan. 37: 428. — West. .1. lo: 329. and Church, Poi>ular Taste in. (F. D. Huntington) Chr. Exam. 31: 60. See Landscape Gardening. — Raskin on. Blackw. 95: 740. — No. Brit. 21: 172. — New Q. 3: 375. (W. A. Dod) Princ. 28: 461. Seven Lamps of. (Dr. John Brown) No. Brit. 12: 309- Stones of Venice. 60: 589. 61: 315. Works on. So. Q. 27: 372. — Russian Church. Quar. 26: 37. — Scientific and /Esthetic Aspects of. Engin. II : 462. — Sculpture, and Painting. Mo. R. — Sheet-Metal in. Am. Arch, i: 234, 239, 365. — Street. (.J. H. Pollen) Month, 3: 521. — Students of. Am. Arch, i: 307-378. 2: 10-90. — Studyand Practiceof. (G. E. Street) Am. Arch. 9: 137. and Records of. Westm. 46: 60. ]\Iethods of. Am. Arch. 5: 74. Modern. For. Q. 7: 432. — Style in. Eel. Engin. 5: 428. Periods of Transition in. (A. Payne) Eel. Engin- 14: 412. Possibility of anew. (A. F. Oakej-) Am. Arch. 3: 22. — Styles of, in various Countries. Chr. Rem. 34: 43. Appreciation of the various. Quar. 27: 308. — Theory and Practice in. (J. C Bayles) Internat. 4: 172. — Vitality in. Eel. Engin. 17: 201. — Vitruvius on. Quar. 21 : 25. — Wightwick's Palace of. Eraser, 22: 359, 751. — Work of English Masons. Chamb. J. 49: 33. Archives, Public Management of. Brit. & For. R. Archon of Demosthenes. (E. Hincks) Kitto, 33: (T. Parker) Kitto, 33: 158. 34: 171. Arctic, Steamship, Loss of; a Poem. (C. G. Rosenlnu-g) Dem. R. 34: 397. Arctic and Antarctic. All the Year, 5: 54. Arctic Archipelago, Fragments of Firwood in. (Sir R. I. Murchison) Am. J. Sci. 71: 277- Arctic Continent and Ocean. (.J. Chavanne) Geog. M. i : 208. Arctic Contributions to Science, 1852. Cliamb. J. 18: 373. Same art. Liv. Age, 36: 231. Arctic Discoveries, with map. Westm. 29: 373. — Dub. R. 37: :u- — Deaso and Simpson's Narrative, with map. Westm. 29: 273. — Latest. 1867. Month, 7: 214. Arctic Expedition, Austrian, 1872-74. (A. H. Guernsey) Appleton, 2: 289, 385. — Chamb. J. 54: 55. — Geog. M. i: 354, 358.— Nature, 10: 439, 523. 11: 366, 396, 415- R. , 4: 120. 409.— ARCTIC 55 ARCTIC Arctic Expedition, Back's. (Sir J. Barron) Quar. 56: 278. — Ed. K. 63: 2S7. — Mo. R. 140: 176. 146: 592. — PennyM. i: 3S6. 7: 310, 318. — West. M. 5: 494. — Bennett's. Chanib. J. 55: 396. — Dutch, 1S77. Geog. M. 5: 156, 308. — English, 1874-76. •(€'. P. Daly) No. Am. 124: 229. — (C. R. Markham) Contemp. 22: 678. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 341. — (A. Petcrmanii) (^(jlbiirn, 160: 97. — Canad. Mo. 7: 360. — Corn h. 29: 359. 31: 222. Same art. Eel. M. 84: 442. — Geog. M. 2: 65-357. 3: I, 117. 4: I, 22. — Nature, 9: ^7^ 97- i^- 61, 114. 12: 61. 15: I, II. 18: iiS. Chaplain's Account of. Eraser, 94: 771. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 94. Government and. Nature. 7: 157. Results of. Geog. M. 5: 137. — Quar. 143: 146. Same art. Eel. M. 88: 385. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 643. Scientilic Aims of. (R. Browne) Pop. Sci. R. 14: 154. Same art. Liv. Age, 126: 27. — English, Projected, 1S6S. Colburn, 142: 631. Same art. Liv. Age, 98: 131. — First, to the Northwest. (.J. B. Brown) Contemp. 21: 529. Same art. Liv. Age, 117: 100. — (.J. B. Brown) Eel. R. iii: 243. Same art. Eel. M. 50: 95. — Franklin's, 1819-22. Brit. Q. ii: 102. — (Sir J. Bar- row) Quar. 28: 372.— Eel. R. 37: 521.— Chr. Obs. 24: 107, 163. — Lond. M. 7: 573. — Colburn, 7: 392. — Liv. Age, 24: 275, 279. 62: 618. — Franklin's Second. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 38: 335.— Eel. R. 48: 385. — Mo. R. 102: i, 156. 117: i.— So. R. 3: 261. — German, 1869. Appleton, 13: i, 23, 65. Koldewey's. Nature, 11:63. -- Hall's. Chamb. J. 42: 238. — (IT. M. Bannister) Lake- side, 7: 225. — (T. B. Maury) Galaxv, 11: 514. — Hunt, 53: 417. — Overland, 7: 201. — Month, 4: 357. — Potter Am. Mo. 5: 621. — St. James, 15: 515.— Temp. Bar, 16: 144. — Hall's Second. (E. H. Yarnal) Am. Natural. 14: 332. — Hartstein Relief Expedition. (E. Merriam) Hunt, 33: 666. — Hayes's. Liv. Age, 72: 17. — Hayes's Boat Journey. Liv. Age. 65: 793. 66: 190. — Howgate's. (H. W. Howgate) No. Am. 128: 86. — (O. T. Sherman) No. Am. 128: 191. — Kane's. (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 26: 407. Same art. with portrait, Eel. M. 40: 433. — (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 74: 235. — Brit. Q. 25: 320. — Chamb. J. 26: 3S7. Same art. Liv. Age, 52: 481. — Col- burn, 108: 379. — Chr. Obs. 57: 471. — Kane's Grinnell. (A. H. Guernsev) Har])er, 4: it. 8: 433. — (T. Hill) Chr. Exam. 62: 238. — Liv. Age, 40: 516. — Putnam, 7: 449. — Lyon's, 1824. Meth. M. 48: 167. — McClintock's. Blaekw. 87: 11;. Same art. Liv. Age, 64: 375. — Chaml). J. 33: 36. — Cornh. i: 96. — Dub. Univ. 55: 20.S. — Nares's. (A. Petorniann) Colljuni, 160: 07. — (E. G. Ravenstein) Pop. Sei. R. 16: 64. — .Vll the Year, 35: 301, 323- — Geog. M. 3: 301, 313.— Cornh. 34: 6S0. — Nature, 15: 24. Results of. Sup. Pop. Sci. ^lo. 3: 406. — Nordenskiold's. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 29: 441. — Nature, 12: 556. — (G. I). Sars) Nature, 15: 412, 435. 20: 606, 631. — Month, 38: 451. — (S. H. Pea- body) Dial (Ch.), 2: 278. — Pavy's. (D. Walker) Overland, 8: 549. — Polaris. Nature, 8: 217,4^5. 9" 4°4- ^^' 49- Letters from Oflieers. Geog. M. i: 125. — Richardson's. Dub. Univ. 39: 45S. — Eel. R. 95: 177. — (H. A. Prout) West. J. 8: 432. 9: 50. Arctic Expedition, Swedish, 1868. Am. J. Sci. 98: 227. — Tegetkoff. (E. Bessel.-; Nation, 25: 45. Arctic Expeditions. No. Brit. 16: 236. — Liv. Age, 25: 18. 26: 5-2. — Eel. M. 20: 60. — Eraser, 38: 603. Same art. Liv. Age, 20: 289. — Colburn, 88: 350. 97: 3'^- — in Search of Franklin. (C. F. Dunbar) Chr. Exam. 68: 430. — Colburn, 90: 372. 93: 193-4S3. 112: 2SS. — De Bow, 13: 1. — Eel. M. 29: 307. — Har- per, 2: 5S8. — Liv. Age, 31: 291. ^Vrctic Exploration. (C. R. Markham) Nature, 5: 77. — (J. Rac) Nature, 5: 110, 165. 7: 117. — Nature, 9: 240. — (A. Petermann) Nature, 11: 37. — (H. Lincoln) Bapt. Q. i : 341. — (J. Piggot) Eraser, 91 : 789. — Chamb. J. 57: 785. — (A. Woodbury) No. Am. 80: 307. — Blaekw. 117: 777. Sanxe art. Eel. M. 85: 235. — Colburu, 155: 682. — Eel. R. 109: 419. Same art. Eel. M. 48: 17. — Geog. M. 5: 306. — Liv. Age, 24: 453. 39: 62S. 63: 41S. — Lond. Q. 14: 226. — New Q. 3: 32. — Aerial. (W. M. Williams) Gent. M. n. s. 25: loi. — Amcrieau. Liv, Age, 26: 45. — Bellot's Journal of. New Q. 3: 305. — Benefits from. Quar. 118: 137. Same art. Liv. Age. 86: 129. — Colonization Plan of. (H. W. nvl. M. i: 1S3. — Letters of. Hist. M. 8: 16. Annstrong, .John, Life and Writings of. Lond. M. 6: 241. Same art. Portfo. (Den.) 30: 177. Armstrong, Thomas. (S. Colvin) Portfo. 2: 65. Armstrong, Sir W. C., and the ^Manufacture of Ordnance. Pract. M. 4: Si. Armstrong Gun, The. St. .Tames, 5: 3. — Temp. Bar, 4: 459. 5: 1S3. 12: 3S1. Araiy, Cooking for an. Chamb. .J. 3g: 51. — Domestic Economy of. Chamb. J. 23: 253, 265. — Health of. (H. Martineau) Allan. 8: 571, 71S. — (H. Martineau) Macmil. 8: 332. — Mobilization of. (.J. (J. Paget) St. James, 38: 29S. — Model for. Chamb. . I. 34: 291. — Modern Tactical Organizations. (II. B. Crosby) Gent. M. n. s. 17: 308 — (W. W. Knollys) Gent. M. n. s. 15: 574- — Moral Discipline of. (G. R. Gleig) Quar. 76: 3S7. — Organization of. (G. B. McClellan) Harper, 48: 670. 49: 101,401. — Westm. 87: I. — Macmil. 23: 73. and Movements. (C. W. Tolles) Contin. Mo. 5: 707. 6: 1-601. — Patriotic, vs. a Hireling Soldieiy. Tait, n. s. 4: 710. — Popular vs. Professional. (W. R. Greg) Coutemp. 16: 351. — Punishments in. Blackw. 15: 399. — Rapid Transportation of. (.J. H. Haynie) Macmil. 37: 491- — Regulations for. (.1. L. Setou) Colbum, i4g: 75-314. — Sanitary and Xursing Appliances for. (Dr. Treueu- preuss) Internat. R. 3: 492. — Sanitary Improvement in. Xo. Brit. 36: 153. — Standing. All the Year, 38: 17. — Dem. R. 30: 131. — liepiiblic, 4: 209. and Loans. Westm. 52: 205. in America. Mo. R. 130; 73. inconsistent with Free Government. Pamph. 10: 109. Is it unconstitutional? St. PaiJ'.s, 6: 138. Army Correspondence. (H. Villard) Nation, 1 : 79,114, 144. Army Scenes. So. Lit. Mess. 8: 405, 453, 655. 9: 109. Army of the Potomac. (C. S. Weymaii) Xatiou, 2: 597. See Potomac. Anny Physician, Adventures of. Chamb. .1. 17: 37. Armies and Armaments, Eurojiean. Xo. Brit. 47: 404. — and Modes of Warfare, Modern. (S. Amos) luteniat. 4: 614. — English and French. All the Year, 17: 318. Comparative Cost of. (W. II. Sykes) J. Sfati.s. Soc. 27: I. — Coriiii. 7: 310. — European, and their Organization. Temp. Bar, 12: 77. How OiUcered. Eraser, 73: 592. Question of. (H. von Hoist) Internat. R. li: i. — Modern. Lond. (J. 36: 131. — Xational, and Modern Warfare. Eraser, 81 : 543. — of Asia and Europe, Upton on. (G. Mallery) Nation, 26: 376. — of Europe, 1856. Putnam, 6: 196-569. — of RiL^sia and Austria. (E. B. Ilawley) 19th Cent. 3: 844- — Size and Organization of. (.1. II. Wilson) Internat. R. 5: 514. Anial, Etienne. (C. Ilervey) Belgra. 36: 60. — and Madame Doehe. Colbum, 86: 420. Arnaldo da Brescia. See Arnold of Brescia. Arnaud, II., and the Waldenses. Liv. Age, 37: 771. Arnauld Family. (J. W. Alexander) Princ. 21: 467. Arnault, A. V. Souvenirs d'un Sexagenaire. (.1. W. Crokcr) (Juar. 51: i. Same art. Select. I. 4: 145. Arndt, Ernst .Moritz. (W. L. Blackley) Fortn. 14: 577. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 656. — Ed. R. 132: 414. Same art. Liv. Age, 109: 3. — All the Year. 24: 317. — and his Sacred Poetry. Brit. Q. 36: 309. Same art. Eel. M. 58: no. — Life of. (W. P. Garrison) Xation, 29: 45. — Reminiscences of. For. Q. 31: 169. Arndt, .John. (,J. G. Merris) Evang. R. 4: 222. — With portrait. Meth. M. 33: 129. Arnell, D. R. Poems. (F. Tuthill) Am. Whig R. 8: 174. ARNHEIM 60 ARNOLD Arnheim, Marie von. Dub. Univ. 31 : 663. Arnhem, Storming of. (J. L. Ver Mehr) Overland, 6: 306. Arnold of Brescia. (A. Panizzi) No. Brit, i: 440. — Colburn, 117: 432. ^ Arnold, Benedict, Governor of Rhode Island, 1657-60. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 276. Arnold, Benedict, Traitor. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 23: 721. — Am. Hist. llec. 3: 444. — and Major Jolm Andre. M. Am. Hist. 3: 747. — Nat. Q. 6: 9S. Meeting of. Dem. R. 41 : 300. — and his Apologist. (J. A. Stevens) M. Am. Hist. 4: iSi. — and Josepli Surface. (E. Spencer) So. M. 16: 50S. — Arnold's Life of. Penn Mo. 11: 235. — at the Court of George HI. (I. N. Arnold) M. Am. Hist. 3: 6-6. — Beman's Account of . (B. F. De Costa) Hist. M. 13: 273- — Correspondence of. N. E. Reg. 35: 153. — Descendants of. Am. Hist. Rec. 3: 495. — N. E. Reg. 34: 196. — Documents relating to. Hist. M. 18: 361. — Letter to Henry Clinton. Hist. M. 3: 294. — Life of. (A. R. Macdonough) Nation, 29: 425. — (J. Sparlis) Sparks's Am. Biog. 3: i. — Love Affair of, with letter. N. E. Reg. 11: 75, — Mount Pleasant Mansion. Lippiuc. 17: 588. — Plot of. Portfo.(Den.) 18: 217. — Retreat after Battle of Valcour. (W. C. "Watson) M. Am. Hist. 6: 414. — Sparks's Life of. Am. Mo. M. 5: 135. — Treason of. (C. C. Smith) No. Am. 93: 83. — (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 3: 451. — Nat. M. 3: 392. Arnold, Edwin. Hei'o and Leander. Belgra. 25: 534. — The Light of Asia. (W. C. Brownell) Nation, 29: 314. — (O.W.Holmes) Internat. R. 7: 345. — (S. Lane-Poole) Macmil. 41: 496. — (H. C. Robinson) New Eng. 39: 198. — (I. N. Tarbox) New Eng. 39: 709. — Cath. World, 32 : 473 — (F. T. Jones) Canad. Mo. 17: 584. — (G. T. Flanders) Univ. Q. 37: 5. — Poems. (F. F. Browne) Dial (Ch.), i: 133. — Blackw. 75: 303- Arnold, Matthew. (J. Benton) Appleton, 15: 341. — (E. C. Stedman) Scrib. 7: 463. — with portrait, Appleton, 3: 46. — with portrait. Dub. Univ. 91: 14. — with portrait. Once a Week, 27: 320. — with portrait, Eel. M. 86 : 760. — with portrait, Ev. Sat. 9: 798. 12: 351. — Theo. R. 10: 377.— Tinsley, 3: 146. — and the Church of England. (L. Stephen) Eraser, 82: 414. — and Clough, A. H. Liv. Age, 137: 410, — and the Dissenters. Cong. 2: 427. — and D. F. MacCarthy. Dub. Univ. 51: 331. Same art. Eel. M. 44: 59. — and William Moms. (J. Skelton) Fraser, 79: 230. — Temp. Bar, 27: 35. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 551. — and his new Religion. (J. L. Davies) Contemp. 21: 842. — Cong. 2: 338. — and Nonconformists. (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 14: 540. — and A. C. Swinburne. (P. Bayne) Contemp. 6: ;}2i7- Same art. Ev. Sat. 4: 753. .Same art. N. Eel. i: 144. — as a Critic. Westm. 80: 469. — as Religious Teacher. (W. Binns) Tlieo. R. 15: 88. — Culture and Anarchy. (W.Kirkus) Fortn. 11: 371. — No. Brit. 50: 190. — Lond. Q. 33: 209. Same art. Theo. Eel. 6: 585. — Essays. (W. C. Browiell) Nation, 29: 276. — (T. F. Wedmore) Colburn, 133: 478. — Canad. Mo. 15: 740. — Internat. R. 6: 695. — (E. W. Guniey) Na- tion, 1 : 24. Arnold, Matthew, Essays on Criticism. (H. T. Tucker- man) Hours at Home, 2: 5. — Mouth, 3: 107. — N. Brit. R. 42: 158. — Literature and Dogma. (A. J. Gordon) Bapt. Q. 9: 412. — (E. E. Hale) 0. & N. 8: 497._(F. W. Newman) Fraser, 88: 114. — (J. M. Sturtevant) New Eng. 34: 92. — Blackw. 113: 678. Same art. Liv. Age, I18: 39. Same art. Eel. M. 81: 212. — Dub. R. 72:357. — Cornh.24:25,47i. Same art. Liv. Age, no: 515. — Chr. Obs. 73: 575.— Penn Mo. 4: 577. — Lutli. Q. 3: 537. — So. R. n.s. 14: 245. — Merope; a Tragedy. Chr. Rem. 55: 39. — Fraser, 57: 691. — Nat. R. 6: 259. — New Poems. (I. G. Ascher) St. James, 21: 375. — (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 8: 414. — Victoria, 11: 375. — Eel. M. 69: 631. — on Bishop Butler. Brit. Q. 66: 85. — on Israel. (C. Palfrey) O. & N. 8: 746. — Poetry of. (T. Bayne) St. James, 40: 59. — (H. G. Hewlett) Contemp. 24: 539. — (W. Le Sueur) Canad. Mo. i: 2ig. — (G. S. Merriam) Scrib. 18: 281. — (E. S. Nadal) Dark Blue i: 711.— (W. Townsend) Canad. Mo. 14: 335, 546. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 27: 274. — 131ackw. 75: 303. Same art. Brit. Q. 55: 313. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 482. — Cliamb. J. 44: 6S2. — Clir. Rem. 27: 310. — Dub. Univ. 43: 753. 51: 331. — Eel. R. loi: 276.— Fraser, 49: 140. — New Q. 3: 36. — No. Brit. 21: 493. — Prosp. R. 10: 99. — Putnam, 6: 225. — St. James, 29: 29, 181, 236. — Temp. Bar, 27: 35, 170. 28: 33. — Westm. 61: 146. — Poet and Essaj'ist. Brit. Q. 42 : 243. — Poetry of Criticism. (W. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. s. 14: 467. — Prophet of Culture. (H. Sidgwick) Macmil. 16: 271. Same art. Eel. M. 69: 490. — St. Paul and Protestantism. Brit. Q. 52: 170, 386. — Speech at Eton. Cornh. 39: 538. — Works of. Ed. R. 129: 4S6. Arnold, Stephen, Case of. Hist. M. 18: 299. Arnold, Thomas. (G. C. Bibb) Western, 5: 574. —(F. W. Farrar) Macmil. 37: 456. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 428. —{P. Frank) Eel. M. 23: 110. — (Alice King) Argosy, 27: 346. — (L. Reuben) Nat. Q. 4: 244. — Peop. J. 11: 155. — Chamb. J. 3: 24. — Dub. Univ. 53: 3. —Eel. M. 32: 318. — Ed. R. 76: 357. — and Rugby School. (S. Eliot) Am. J. Educ. 28: 753. — (A. P. Stanley) Macmil. 30: 279. — No. Brit. 28: 123. — and Smyth on Modern Histor}'. Fraser, 26: 631. — and Socrates, the ancient and modern Teacher. (T. II. Robinson) Luth. Q. i: 34. — as a Teacher. (S. Eliot) Am. J. Educ. 4: 545. — Character of. (G. Giltillan) Hogg, 13: 349. — The Christian Life. Theo. & Lit. J. 8: 525, — Intluence of, on the Church. Bentley, 20: 190. — Lectures on Modern Histor3^ Fraser, 33: 596. — Blackw. 53: 141. — Am. Whig R. 10: 24S.— (AV. R. Greg) Ed. R. 76: 184. Same art. Eel. Mus. i: 435- — Life of, Stanley's. Chr. Obs. 45: 152. — (E. Lake) Quar. 74: 467. —Chr. Rem. 8: 547. — Ed. R. 81: 190. — Prosp. R. i: 121. — Life and Writings. (E. Maitland) No. Brit. 2: 403. — (H. W. Torrey) No. Am. 62: 165. — Qiiar. 74: 252. Same art. Liv. Age, 3: 224, 353. — (W. R. Greg) Westm. 42: 363. —(J. M'CIintock) Moth. Q. 6: 266. — (N. Porter) New Eng. 5 : 364. — (S. F. Smith) Clir. R. 10: 83. — (J. W. Alexander) Princ. 17: 283. — Eel. M. 4: 145. — (W. R. Greg) Westm. 39: 1. — Ed. R. 81: 99. — Am. Eel. 3: 161. ARNOLD 61 ART Arnold, Thomas, Miscellaneous Works of. Bib. E. i : 235. — Prosp. R. i: 416. — Ncander's View of. Bib. R. 2: 39. — On Church and State. Brit. & For. R. 16: 263. — Sermons of. (A. Lamson) Chr. Exam. 36: 38. — Select J. 3: [62.— Lond. Q. 51: 109. — Theological Opinions of. (B. Tappuii, jr.) Bib. Sac. 15: I. Arnold, Thomas K. (E. D. Mead) Unita. R. 8: 117, 288. Arnold Family. (E. Hubbard) N. E. Reg. 33: 427, 432. Arnold; a Poem. (C. Newton) Hogg, 14: 35-455. Arnold's Creed ; a Tale. Galaxy, i : 730. Arnot, William, Sketch of. (A. M. Symington) Good Words, 18: 570. Arnott, Neil. Nature, 9: 364. — Physics. Mo. R. 121: 86. Arnould, Sophie. Temp. Bar, 52: 519. Aroostook, Hermit of. (C. Lanman) Am. Whig R. 6: 263. Arques, Normandy. Penn}' M. 8: 453, 4S1. Arrah Niel. (G. P. R. James) Dub. Univ. 22: 35-736. 23: 55-681. 24: 52-191. Arran, Island of. Chamb. J. 12: 253. — (.J. L. Cloud) Harper, 62: 506. — Three Weeks' Loafing in. (C. Simeon) Macniil. 2: 496. Arrom, C. B. de F. See Caballero, F. Arrow-Heads, Unsymmetric. (S. S. Haldeman) Am. Natural. 13: 292. Arrow-Headed Inscriptions. (B. J. Wallace) Am. Presb. R. 9: 623. Arrowsmith, Edmund. Month, 27: 221. Ars, LeCur^d'. Contenip.6: 208,296. — Dub. R. 53: 322. — Statue of. Oath. World, 8: 200. Ars in 1877. Month, 30: 319. — a Pilgrimage to. Cath. World, i: 24. Arsenic as an Impurity of metallic Zinc. (C. W. Eliot and F. H. Storer) Am. J. Sci. 82: 3S0. — Detection of, in Animal Bodies. (J. L. Smith) Am. J. Sci. 40: 278. 42: 75. — in Paper-Hangings. Art J. 10: 240. — Ev. Sat. 11: 230. — Practical Tests of. (T. Cooper) Am. J. Sci. 4: 155. — (D. P. Gardner) Am. J. Sci. 44: 240. — Separation from Substances. (J. Marsh) J. Frank!. Inst. 22: 33S. Arsenic-Eaters. (F. W. Clarke) Appleton, 7: 158. — of Austria. Chamb. J. 16: 389. Arsenic Eating. (F. H. Storer) Am. .J. Sci. 80: 209. — and Poisoning. Chamb. J. 36: 115. Same art. Liv. Age, 71: 31- Art, Academies of, Haydon on. Mo. R. 150: 414. — Brit. & For. R. 14: 512. — Ambitious. (G. A. Simcox) Portfo. 3: 24. — "An artist, sir, should rest in art." (W. Meynell) Art J. 32: 366. — Ancient. Art J. 11: 267. and Media2val. Eel. R. 92: 84. History of. (Grace A. Ellis) 0. & N. 5: 633. Plaster-Casting in. (W. W. Story) Internal. R. 7: 508, 642. Sources of. (A. II. Layard) Internat. M. 1 : 5. Winckelmann on. (S. G. Brown) No. Am. 71: 99. — Nat. Q. 15: 263. — Am. Arch. 9: 15. — and Anthropology. Anthrop. R. 5: 28. — and Antiquarianism. (G. A. Simcox) Portfo. 5: 136. — and Architecture. Dub. Univ. 33: 151. Notes on. Dial, 4: 107. — and Artists. (.J. H. Ward) Chr. Exam. 67: 208.— Dub. Univ. 70: 92. — (G. I. Cowan) Pcop. J. 6: 60. in England, Waagen on. Mo. E. 146: i. — and Beauty. (J. H. Pollen) Month, 3: 42, 359. — Brit. Q. 8: 49S. — Dem. R. 3: 253. — and Culture. (R. St. J. Tyrwhitt) Contemp. 13: 362. Art and Democracy. Comh. 40: 225. — and History. Dub. Univ. 62: 210. — Eraser, 56: 498. — and its Relations. (G. H. Ballou) Univ. Q. 5: 329. — and its Vehicles. Blackw. 48: 255. — and Life. (C. C. Shackford) Chr. Exam. 65: 157. — and Morality. Westm. 91: 148. — Comh. 32: 91. — (G. A. Simcox) Macmil. 26: 487. Same art. Eel. M. 79: 718. Same art. Canad. Mo. 2: 466. Same art. Ev. Sat. 13: 483. 14: 386. — and Nature. (J. E. Cabot) Atlan. 13: 1S3, 313. — (,I. L. Roget) Macmil. 10: 164. — Blackw. 51: 435. — For. Q. 37: 380. — Comh. 14: 28. — Sharpe, 48: II, 87. — and Politics. (T. H. H. Caine) Colburn, 167: 162, 2/5- — and Psychology. (.J. Sully) Mind, i : 479. — and Religion. (C. Cantu) Cath. World, 15: 51S. — (E. D. Cheney) Radical, 4: i. — (W. T. Har- ris) J. Spec. Philos. 10: 204. — (E. E. Higbee) Mercersb. 21: 341. — (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 28: 5. — (H. W. Parker) No. Am. 79: i. — Nat. R. 4: 30. Influences of Catholicism and Protestantism. (C. W. Bennett) Moth. Q. 37: 79. — and Science, Relations of. Westm. 96: 398. — (G. Holmes) Canad. Mo. 2: 74. — (.J. F. Weir) New Eng. 33: 173. — Westm. 96: 398. Same art. Liv. Age, iii: 438.— (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. i: 143. — Dub. Univ. 36: i, 127. — (.J. B. Atkinson) F. Arts Q. i: 125. — and Society, Cliorley's. (W. H. Browne) So. M. 15 ■• 417-' — Apologia of. Comh. 40: 533. — Artistic Spirit. (P. G. Hamerton) Fortn. i: 332. — as an Aim in Life. JIacmil. 23: 417. — as an Inteipreter of History. (H. Coppee) Princ. n. s. 2: 352. — as a Profession in England. Ev Sat. 10' 474. — Autographic. (P. G. Ilanierton) Portfo. 3: 56. — Carr's Essays on. (W. .J. Stillman) Nation, 28: 437. — Catholic Church and modern. Cath. World, 5: 546. — Chemistry in. Eel. R. 89: 559. — Christian. (R. St. J. Tyrwhitt) Contemp. i: 68. 2: 59, 393- 3' iSo. 4= 34°- 5= 4iS- 6: 372. 10: 17S. — (M. C. Stothart) Cath. World, 30: 220, 530, 768. 31: 316. — Art. I. 16: 197. — St. Paul's, 3: 90. Dub. R 22: 486. — Quar. 116: 143. Same art. Eel. M. 63: 265. and Architecture. Prosp. R. 3: 157. Earlv. (J. S. Northcote) Month, 32: 273. — (W. H. Withrow) Canad. Mo. i: 119. — Blackw. 62: 4^6. _(J. N. Porter) Pcnn Mo. 12: 774, Soi. Garrucci on. Month, 28: 47. History of. Chr. Rem. 16: 261. Lindsay's. No. Brit. 8: i. — Quar. 81: i. Ideal of. "Chr. Rem. i: 2S4. Mrs. Jameson on. Dub. R. 55: 402. Intluence and Traditions of. Chr. Rem. 20: 175. Museum of. (J. P. Thompson) New Eng. 27: 239. Philosophy of. Dub. R. i : 435. Poctn,' of. Blackw. 80: 350. Rio's." Dub. R. 63: 150. 71: 44S. Symbolism in. No. Brit. 42: 437. Same art. Ed. ^L 65: 194. Teaching of the Primitive Church. (L. G. Ware) O. & N. 10: 125. Traditions of. (E. L. Cutts) Art J. 27: 120, 169, 297. 28: 53-197- 29: 5, 52. Tynvhitt on. (L. G. Ware) O. & N. 7: 96. — Christian Ideal in. Art J. 22: 33. — Classical. (G. W. F. Hegel) J. Spec. Philos. 12: 145, 277- Study oL (S. Colvin) Fortn. 30: 661. ART 62 ART Art, Classical and Romantic Schools of. (C. C. Everett) No. Am. 84: 379. — Commercial. Chamb. J. 22: 327. — Conteinpcirarv, Some Aspects of. (^I. G. Van Rens- selaer) Lippinc. 22: 706. — Copyright in Works of. Westm. 113: 355. — Criticism on. See Art-Criticism. — Cultivation or Patronage of. Blackw. g: 26. — Curiosities of. Ed. R. 124: 341. — Decorative. Am. Arch. 5:4. analytically considered. -Vrt .1. 4: 233,293. and Furniture. Cornli. g: 337. in the Household. Blackw. 105: 361. See Decoration; Furniture; Ornament. — Development in. Nat. Q. 26: 132. — (C. II. Wood- man) Nat. Q. 37: 155. 38:151. 39: 117, 34^. — Diabolic. Art J. 24: 245. — Dramatic Aspects of. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 23: 363. — Ethics of. Brit. Q. 10: 441. — (C. Reade) Dub. Univ. ^gi: 197. — Exaggeration of. Once a Week, 20: 123. — Expression in. Internat. M. 4: 401. Anatomy and Philosophy of. Chr. Rem. 8: 130. — Fact and Truth in. (H. S. Wilson) Mod. R. i: 324. — I'ailure in, Causes of. (G A. Simcox) Portfo. 4: 16S. — Familiar Colloquy on recent. (W. H. Mallock) 19th Cent. 4: 2S9. — Gothic, Ituskin on. Lond. Q. 7: 478. — Greek. Eel. R. g3: 203. Canon of Beauty iu. Ed. R. 140: 168. History of. (E. Everett) No. Am. 12: 178. in the Kinmierian Bosporos. (C. T. Newton) Portfo. 5: 146, iSi. in Rome. (R. St. J. 'I^^^^'hitt) Contemp. 30: 981. Inspiration and Ideals of. Westm. 87: 91. Lines in. (H. Van Brunt) Allan. 7: 654. 8: 76. Plastic. Danv. Q. i: 479. Remains of. Dub. Univ. 8g: 612. — Hierarchy of. (F. P. Cobbe) Eraser, 71 : 97, 334. Same art. Eel. M. 64. 476, 678. — Hints to Amateurs. Blackw. 40: 131. — History of. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 41 : 146. Clcghorn's Ancient and Modern. Blackw. 64: 145. Liibke's. (S. Colvin) Fortn. 10: 697. — How to observe Works of. Mo. R. 162: 105. — Imitative, Ideal in. Dub. Univ. 28: iS. — in America. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Harper, 5g: 241- 817. — (S. A. Eliot) No. Am. 83: 84. -(II. Greon- ough) Dem. R. 13: 45. — (II. B. Hall) St. James, 8: 237. — (.J. J Jarves) F. Arts Q. i: 393. — (W. Minot, jr.) No. Am. 52: 301. — (R. Sturgis, jr.) No. Am. 102: I. — (J. T. Wood) Potter Am. Mo. 14: 100, 273. and Artists, Am. Whig R. 2: 65S. — Chr. Exam. 77: 175- and Art-Unions. (R. C. Waterston) Chr. Exam. 48: 205. Chapter of. (G. C. Mason) Galaxy, 22: 7S9. Museum of, Design for. (T. R. G. Ilassard) Scrib. 2: 409. Museums of. (.7. .J. .Jarves) Scrib. 18: 405. — O. &N. i: 503. I'resent Tendencies of. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Har- per, 58: 481. Progress and Prospects of. (.J. F. Weir) Princ. n. s. i: 815. — in Belgium. (T. J. Lucas) Portfo. 10: 178. — in Berlin. Art J. 6: 238. — — Modern. Eraser, 64: 341. — in California. (B. P. Avery) Overland, 28: 113. Possibilities of. (J. AV. Wilkinson) Overland, 2: 248. Art in the Charnel-House and Crj-pt. (L. Jewitt) Art J. 25: 329, 3^^- — in China and Japan. (J. Falke) Eel. Engin. 5: 5-59. — in the Community. (J. T. Buuce) Fortn. 28: -,40. Same art. Eel. ]\I. 8g: 555. — in Education. (J. M. Iloppin) New Eng. 25: 601. Importance of. (M. A. Dwiglit) Ani. J. Educ. 2: 409, 5S7. 4: 191. Phidian. (R. St. J. Tynvhilt) Contemp. 35: 51. — in England. (J. B. Payiie) Macmil. 20: 156. — Ed. R. 5g: 48. — (T. Gautier) Temp. Bar, 5: 320. 6: 258, 420. and Artists. Quar. 62: 131.- (G, F. AVaagcn) Bentley, 3: 173. and Public Taste. Temp. Bar, 8: 135. Contemporarv. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Harper, 54: 161. Dawn of. (J. Aleyne) Canad. Mo. 20: 365. English Character in. Quar. 147: Si. Foreign Criticism of. Art J. 7: 5. French Criticism of. Art J. 7: 5-297. 8: 77. Historical. (F. T. Palgrave) Fraser, 63: 777,. in 1 87 1. Lond. Q. 37: 369. in 1875. Lond. Q. 44: 413. in the Gothic Centuries. Brit. Q. 52: 451. in the Provinces. Art J. 10: 1S9-337. — Dub. R. 78: 374- Modern Sacred. Lond. Q. 18: 51. Same art. Eel. M. sg: 118. National. Dub. R. 25: 478. Native, and National Advancement. Dub. Univ. 28: 360. Notes on. Lond. M. 20: 18. Parisian Opinion of. Hogg, 14: 370. Prospects of. Blackw. 64: 145. 1859. Bent. Q. i: 143. — Colburn, 100: 457. Schools oL Eel. R. 87: 68. Ugliness of. Temp. Bar, 32: 462. under George HI. (S. Colvin) Fortn. 21 : 342, 658. Waagen's. Ed. R. 67: 384. Wedmore's Studies in. Portfo. g: 112. Where are we in? (Ladv I-'. P. Vernev) Contemp. 36: 5S8. See Art in Great Britain; Art Exhibitions. — in luirope. (P. G. Hamcrton) Internat. R. 3: 283, 426. 4: 134-721. 5: 114. Contemporary. (W J. Hoppin) Atlan. 32: 200, 257. — in Florence, Designs of the old Masters. (A. C. Swin- burne) Fortn. 10: 16. — in France, Contemporary. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Har- per, 54: 481. in 14th Century. Dub. Univ. 74: 243. Modern. (G. B. Brown) i9tb Cent. 8: 56. Same art A])pleton, 24: 271. Sympathetic. (M. D. Conway) Harper, 43: Soi. — in Germany. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 55: 425. 57: 373. — For. Q. 25: 406. 28: 455. — New York R. 10: 44S. — Dub. Univ. 30: 307. Contemporary. (J. B. Atkinson) Portfo. 4: 145, 163, 1 78. — (S. G. W. Benjamm) Harper, 55: i. Flanders and Holland. Quar. log: 463. Haakh's History of. Colburn, 134: 97. JModern Schools of. (J. B Atkinson) Portfo. g: 165. Protestantism of Media?val. (Mrs. E. E. Ford) New Ens- 33 •■ 533- Revival of. (J. B. Atkinson) Art J. 16: 61. — in Great Britain, and Art Critics. Temp. Bar, 38: 542. Cultivation and Patronage of. Blackw. g: 26. Desultory Thoughts on. (C. Redding) Colburn, 122: 70. Galleries of. Colburn, 6: 67-403. 7:71-568. 8. 67-403. 10: 211-461. — Bentley, 30: 78-344. ART 63 ART Art in Great Britain in 1858. No. Brit. 29: 103. National Gallery of . Ed. R. 97: 390. — (R. Red- grave) Am. J. Educ. 22: 63. — Colbum, 11: 399. Prospects of, 1S50. Art J. 2: i. — Brit. Q. 2: 466. — in Holland. Liv. Age, 115: 761. — Eel. M. 64: 76. — in the House. Am. Arch. 5: 43. — in the Household. Temp. Bar, 43: 673. See Art, Decorative; Furniture. — in Ireland. Dub. Univ. 52: 197. — in Italy. Ed. R. 30: 524. — Eraser, 52: 286, 429. — Blaekw. 83: 603. Early. Ed. R. 122: 74.— Mo. R. 153: 544. Hemans's ancient Christianity and. Chr. Obs. 74: 501. in 1S40. (C. H. Wilson) Ed. NewPhilos. J. 30: 90. Notes on modern. (.J. J. Jarves) Eraser, 82: 626. RL'cords of early. For. Q. 34: 324. Rise of . Nat. Q. 21: i. Schools of. (A. Rye) Canad. Mo. 11 : 486, 683. Taine on. Westm. 85: 481. — in Japan. (Sir R. Akock) Art J. 27: 101, 201, ;^;^2- 28: 41-141. — Art J. 21: 1S2. — in the Lutheran Church. (W. Strobel) Luth. Q. 9: 169. — in Middle Ages. Sliarpe, 44: 19. Relics of. Art .1. 4: 113-305. — in Munich, Three Phases of. (.J. B. Atkinson) Portfo. i: 13. — in the 19th Century, Springer's. (II. J. Warner) Clir. Exam. 76: 33S. — in Paris, Glimpses of. (II. Bacon and F. H. Allen) Scrib. 21: 169, 423, 734. — in Rome. Colbum, loi: 66. — in Russia. For. Q. 20: 328. — (J. B. Atkinson) Portfo. 3: 87, 105, 124, 130. — in Scotland, Ireland, and the Provinces. Art J. II : 116-243. 13: 26. — in Spain. Blackw. 65: 63. Head and Stirling on. Quar. 83: i. National, and English. Dub. R. 25: 478. — in United States. See Art in America. — in the Universities. (C. Reade) Belgra. 27: 32. — in Washington. Internal. R. i : 327. — Industrial. See Industrial Art; Art Manufactures. — Influence of, in daily Life. (.J. B. Atkinson) Good Words, 21: 356-777. 22: 571. Same art. Apple- ton, 24: 12S, 210, 415. 25: 37. of Character upon. Art J. 21 : 67. of the Greeks on. Westm. 32: 99. — Influences of Physical Condition on. Art J. 20: 172. — Interpretation in. (H. H. Morgan) Western, 2: 360. — Chamb. J. 18: 329. — Language of . Dub. Univ. 80: 349. — St. .James, 12: 440. 13: 71. — Leslie's Handbook of. (3Irs. E. D. Cheney) No. Am. 83: 422. — Literature of. Dub. R. 12: 38. 13: 35. — Dub. Univ. 78: 341. British. Brit. & For. R. 6: 610. Latest, 1879. (II. Van Brunt) ^tlan. 44: 160. Recent. Chr. Rem. 34: 267. — Masters, Old and modern. Irish (}. 4: 19S. — Materials of, Natural. (P. L. Simmonds) Art .1. 26: 121. — Matiiematics in. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 79: 229. — Modern. So. Q. 21:86. and Greek Beaut}-. (F. W. Cornish) Fortn. 20: 326. Same art. Eel. M. 81: 612. Free Exhibition of. Peop J. 7: 208, 223. Prospects and Pioneers of. Dub. Univ. 36: 544. Teachings of. Am. Church R. 26: 51. — Modesty in. Law of. (M. Bro-vvno) Contcmp. 20: 584. — Monstrous in. (S. Kneeland) Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 731. Art, Museums of. (Christopher Dresser) Penn Mo. 8 : 117. — Quar. 150: 374. — (C. C. Perkins) No. \n\. iii: I. — (.J. J. .larves) Galaxy, 10: 50. and Schools. Dub. Univ. 45: 742. and their Uses. (D. Dorr) I'enn Mo. 12: 561. British National and Provincial. (J. C. Robinson) 19th Cent. 7: 979. 8: 249. French. Art J. 5: 49. See Art in America, Museum of. — National, and National Advancement. Dub. Univ. 28: 360. — Natural Philosophy of. Art J. 4: 6, 121. — Nature in. For. Q. 37: 380. — Blackw. 51: 435. — Nature of. (F. A. Ranch) Mertersb. 12: 332. and Function of. Putnam, 6: 267. Eidlitz on. (II. Van Brunt) Nation, 33: 515. — Necessity versus. (B. Murj)hy) Cath. World, 17: 55S. — Notes on. Lakeside, 10: /■;. — Objects of. Eraser, 81 : 667. Same art. Liv. Age, 105: 751. — of the Renaissance, Dualism of. (V. Lee) Contcmp. 36: 44. — Old and New, Poynter's Lecture on. Once a Week, 28: 53. — Origin and Character of. (S. G. Fisher) No. Am. 81 : 212. — Patronage of. Westm. 13: 197. — Philosophy of. (G. W. F. Hegel) .1. Spec. Philos. 5: 368. 6: 125, 252. 7: 33. -(G. W. F. Hegel) Western, 5: 477, 594. — (G. S. Morris) J. Spec. Philos. 10: I. Hegel's. (C. Benard) J. Spec. Philos. 1 : 36-220. 2- 39, 157. 3: 2S1, 317. Hegel's .Esthetics. Brit. & For. R. 13: i. Same art. Am. Eel. 4: 38. in the Netherlands, Taine on. (.J. F. Weir) New Eng. 30: 45. — Brit. Q. 68: i. — Pictorial, Nomenclature of. (J. B. PvTie) Art .J . 7 : 6, 86, 197. 8: 97, 325. — Plea for. So. Lit. Mess. 15: 624. — Poynter's Lectures on. (H. Quilter) Fraser, 102: 199. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 578. — (P. G. Hamerton) Intcrnat. R. 8: 619. 9: 50. — Practical View of. (J. M. Tracy) Western, 4: 404. — Present Conditions of, 1880. (G. F. Watts) 19th Cent. 7: 235. Same art. Liv. Age, 144: 670. — Principles of. (Mrs. M. W. Cook) Contin. Mo. 3: 562, 69S. 4: 20-567. 5: 14. — (.J. M. Hoppin) New Eng. 24: 674. — So. Q. 27: 39S. Elementary. Macmil. 16: i. True, Fergusson on. Eel. R. 89: 420. — Prospects and Asi)irations of. Ed. R. lOi: 129. — Progress of . Westm. 41: 71. — Ed. M. 2: 497. — Psychology in. (H. A. Page) Contcmp. 12: 437. — (Question concerning. (C. E. Pricliard) Macmil. 13: 443. — Revival of. Once a Week, 28: 278. — Romantic. (G. W. F. Hegel) J. Spec. Philos. 12: 403. 13: 113. — Rome as a School of. Lond. M. i : 42. — Ruskin's Lectures on. (S. A. Brooke) Macmil. 22: 423. Same art. Ed. M. 75: 680. Same art. Liv. Age, 107: 451. — Ruskin's Now Lectures on, 1S70. New Eng. 29: 659. — Sacred and Legendary. Sec .Jameson, Mrs. — Science and Poetry of. Lond. Q. 4: 40V — Sentiment in. ((J. A. Simcox) Portfo. i: no. — Shop-Side of. All the Year, 10: 374. — Spiritualism in. (B. Murpliy) Penn Mo. 11: 453. — State, Influence and Prospectsof. Dub. L'niv. 23: 215. — Supernatural in. (V. Lee) Comh. 42: 212, — Symbolic. (G. W. F. Hegel) J. Spec. Philos. 11: '337. 12: iS. ART 64 ARTESIAX Art, Talk about. (J. F. Bowman) Overland, 9: 169. — (VV. H. Winslow) O. & N. 8: 240. — Talkers and Doers in. All the Year, 23: 271. — Taste in. (F. T. Palgrave) Cornli. 18: 170. of Collectors and Artists' Palettes. 8t. James, 32: 217. — Thoughts on. Dial, i: 367. — Dub. Univ. 61: 315. — Treasures of. Exhibition at Manchester, Eng. Lond. Q. 9: 7S. iu Great Britain. Art J. 6: 193. Waagen's. (Juar. 94: 467. — Westm. 62: 304. — New (.1. 3: 370. National, Housing of. (P. G. Hamerton) Fortn. 2: 90. — Tricks in the Art Traffic. Chamb. J. 3: 389. — Truth in. Temp. Bar, 8: 358. — Type of the Renaissance. (E. M. Gierke) Eraser, loi: 58. — Tyranny of. All the Year, 20: 43S. — Undefinable in. Cornh. 38: 559. Same art. Liv. Age, 139: 760. — Whistler's Theories and his Ai't. (F. Wedmorc) 19th Cent. 6: 334. — Works of. Brit. & For. R. 9: i. See also Fine Arts; Painting; etc. Art Amusements for Ladies. (G. Dodd) St. James, 12: 197. Art China ceramically considered. (W. de B. Fryer) Penn Mo. 11 : 941. Art Clubs. (L. Greg) Good Words, 17: 454. See Art-Unions. Art Collections. See Art, Museums of. Art Criticism. (S. Colvin) Fortn. 32: 210. Same art. Appleton, 22: 320. — (C. P. Cranch) Galaxy, 4: 77. — (E. Dowden) Dark Blue, i: 475. — (F. Leif- child) F. Arts Q. 5: 162, 335. — (H. H. Morgan) Western, i : i. — (R. St. J. Tyrwhitt) Contemp. 11: loi. — Irish Q. 3: i. — and Art Philosophy. Loud. Q. 31: 116. — and Art Sales in England, in the iSthfCentmy. Temp. Bar, 42: 199. — Limits of. (f{. St. J. Tyrwhitt) 19th Cent. 4: 512. — Professional and Lay. Temp. Bar, 28: 170. — Samson's. (E. P. Evans) No. Am. 104: 603. — What is? (R. Sturgis) Nation, 2: 504. — What it should be. Cornh. 8: 334. Art Education. (M. A. Dwight) Am. J. Educ. 5: 305. — (L. R. O'Brien) Canad. Mo. 15: 584. — (C. Reade) 13elgra. 29: 174. — (W. R. Ware) No. Am. 116: 189. Am. J. Educ. 22: 93. — Chr. R. 25: 61S. — for Mechanics. Republic, 4: 27- — for the People. (H. Cole and Redgrave) Art J. 5: 15. — (G. Wallis) Peop. J. 3: 9-230. — in America. (C. C. Perkins) Am. Soc. Sci. J. 3: 37. — in Boston. (G. P. Lathrop) Harper, 58: S18. — in Public Schools. (C. G. Leland) Penn Mo. 11: 868. — Industrial, in the United States. (E. S. Drone) In- ternal. R. 2: 636. — Influence on daily Life. Good Words, 22: 571. — Is a great School of Art possible? (E. I. Barrington) 19th ('ent. 5: 714. — National. (M. J. Dver) Nat. Q. 34: 341. — Old and new System of. Art J. 32: 373. — Popular. (J. F. Weir) No. Am. 132: 64. — Schools for. (C. Dresser) Penn Mo. 8: 215. — (C. C. Perkins) Am. Soc. Sci. J. 4: 95. — J. Frankl. Inst. 23: 206. French and Belgian. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 2: 121, 152. — Blackw. 50: 6S9. in Belgium and Dusseldorf. (J. Sparks) EcL Engin. 17: 538. Art Schools in England, Early. (D. Cook) Once a Week, 14: 134. in London. (P. D. Natt) Lippinc. 25: 629. in Paris. (P. D. Natt) Lippinc. 27: 269. of Now York. (W. C. Brownell) Scrib. 16: 761. of Philadelphia. (W. ('. Brownell) Scrib. 18: 737. — Schools of Design. Westni. 27: 116*. — Blackw. 49: 5S3. — Ed. R. 85: 452. 90: 473. — Training-School at South Kensington. Am. J. Educ. 22 : III. Art Exhibition at Manchester, 1857. Dub. Univ. 49: 60S. — at Westminster Hall, 1844. Colburn, 71: 549. — Boston, of Contemporary Art, 1878. Am. Arch. 5: 103-159. — by Female Artists. Dub. Univ. 53: 455. — of Ireland, 1S52. Dub. Univ. 40: 470. 1859. Dub. Univ. 53: 539. — Royal Academy, 1862. (W. M. Rossetti) Fraser, 66: 63. 1864. (W. M. Rossetti) I"raser, 70: 57. Art Exhibitions of 1859. Bent. Q. 1 : 582. — Dub. Univ. 53: 148. 54: 94, 208, 239. — of i860. Dub. Univ. 55: 477. 56: 89. — Strictures on. Fraser, 2: 93. See names of places where Inlernntionnl Exhihilions have been held, as London, Paris, Vienna, etc. Art Experience of an Ignoramus. (S. B. Wister) Lippinc. 15: 712. Art Hints, Jarves's. (J. Neal) No. Am. 81 : 436. Art Industries. (G. J. Cayley) Fraser, 66: 4S9. — C^. Dresser) Penu Mo. 8: 12. — (A. H. Markley) Potter Am. Mo. 10: 45. — From old Masters. Art J. 22: iS-349. Art Knowledge, Wisdom of. Art J. 25: 77. Art Manufacture. J. Frankl. Inst. 56: 274, 333. — Put- nam, 2: 402. — at the Centennial. (C. W. Elliott) Galax}-, 22 : 489. — Designs for. Art J. 32: 5-369. • — ill the French Exhibition, 1855. Hogg, 14: 231. — in Great Britain, Progress of. Art J. 8: 132, 184. — in the Classical Epochs. (E. Braun) Art J. 2: 4, 69, 144. — Mediaeval. Art. J. 4: 25-336. 5: 20, 2S6, 306. 6: 12-358. 7: 28. 8: 56. Art Museums. See Art, Museums of. Art Needlework. (M. Alfoid) Appleton, 25: 421. — (G. F. Watts) Appleton, 25: 426. Art Philosophers, Two. (P. G. Hamerton) F"ortn. 5: 343. Art Protestantism. (R. St. J. Tyrwhitt) Dark Blue, i: 755- Art Purchases, Recent, 1869. All the Year, 22: 297. Art Union, American. Knick. 32: 442. — Hunt, 16: 593. Art L^nion Critics, Hints to. Am. Whig R. 4: 599. Art Unions. Westm. 41 : 515. — (R. C. Waterston) Chr. Exam. 48: 205. — luternat. M. 2: 191. — Irish Q. 3: 990. — No. Brit. 26: 505. — Dub. Univ. 55: 364. — Apology for. Fraser, 30: 471. Art Work in Syria and Palestine. (M. E. Rogers) Art J. 26: 49-369. Art Workmansliip in the Middle Ages. Art J. 3: 28. Art, L', and Art Journalism. Portlb. 6: 137. Art; a Dramatic Tale. (C. Reade) Bentley, 34: 633. 35: 68. — Liv. Age, 40: 363. Art of Living. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 5: 249. Art of putting Things. (A. K. H. Boyd) Liv. Age, 67: 596. Art Study at Imperial School in Paris; a Story. (E- Shinn) Nation, 8: 292, 492. 9: 67. Artaphernes the Platonist. (Mrs. E. L. Bulwer) Fraser, 17: 513- Artemus Ward. See Browne, C. F. Artesian Springs, Temperature of. (R. Paterson) J Frankl. Inst. 29: 274. ARTESIAN '65 ARTIST Artesian Well at Grenelle, Paris. Penny M. lo: 441. — at Louisville, Ky. (J. L. Smith) Am. J. Sci. 77: 174. Artesian Wells. (C. T. Hincklev) Godev, 47: 295, 3S9. — (AV. Buckland) Ed. New Philo^. J. 37: 318. — (Sir D. Milne) J. Frankl. Inst. 37: 126. 13: 213. 27: 425. — (M. Michal) J. Prankl. Inst. 75: 411 — Penny M. 4: 131. — Am. Q. 22: 330. — Liv. Age, 3: 68. — in London. Liv. Age, 10: 153. — Chamb. J. 21: 258. Same art. Liv. Age, 41: 598. — in tlie Great Sahara. (S. Schroeder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 16: 530. — J. Frankl. Inst. 65: 210. — Report on Machine for boring. J. Frankl. Inst. 54: 425. — New Method of boring for, 1846. J. Frankl. Inst, 42: 369. — of Grenoble. J. Frankl. Inst. 33: 331. — of Lafeyette, Ind. (C. M. Wetherill) Am. J. Sci. 77: 24.1. — Origin of. (F. Arago) Ed. New Philos. J. 18: 205. Artevelde, Jacob van. (De Vericour) Dub. Univ. 54; 579. — Ed. R. 153: 63. Same art. Liv. Age, 148: 451. Artevelde, Philip van. (Miss McFarlanc) Horn's at Home, 2: 184. — Bost. R. 3: 597. See Arlincourt, V. d' ; Taylor, Henry. Arthur, King. Colburn, 85: 307. — and his Times. Chanib. J. 46: 550. — Dramatic Opera of, Dryden's. Eraser, 45; 196. — In King Arthur's Land. (D. M. Craik) Ev. Sat. 3: 225. — Knighting of. (S. Evans) Ev. Sat. 8: 254. — Legends of. Univ. Q. 17: 329. English Versions of. Dub. Univ. 80: 481, 683. Literature of. (L. G. Ware) Chr. Exam. 67: 391. Some old. Dub. Univ. 76: 616. Sources of, Celtic. Dub. Univ. 65: 292. — Morte d'. Dub. Univ. 55: 497. — of History and Romance. (R. W. Boodle) Canad. Mo. 18: 582. — Romances of. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 38: 129. — (T. Wright) Arch. 32: 335. Origin of. Dub. Univ. 78: 121. — Round Table of. Blackw. 88: 311. — (II. R. Ham- ilton) Antiquary, 4: 270, 282, 295. — (J. J. Reed) Nat. Q. 19: 330. — Eel. R. no: 399. — Scotland of. (J. S. S. Glennie) Macmil. 17: 161. Arthurian Romance and Mr. Tennyson. Brit Q. 51 : 200. See Tennyson, A. Arthur, Prince, Romances of. (A. J. Curtis) Hours at Home, 9: 64, 205. Arthurs, The, of Britain. Sharpe, 12: 65. Arthur, Prince of Wales, Portraits of. ((J. Scharf) Arch. 39: 457- Arthur, Prince, 1870. with portrait. Ev. Sat. 9: 386. Arthur; a Dramatic Fable. (T. Aird) Biackw. 38: 84. Arthur de Boisfleury, a Chronicle of 1407. Eraser, 38: 261. Arthur, Archibald. Discourses. Ed. R. 4: 168. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. Bentley, 35: 24- 572. 36: 59, 353. Arthur Bonnicastle. (J. G. Holland) Scrib. 5: 32-688. 6: 32-704. Arthur 0'Lear^^ (C. Lever) Dub. Univ. 21: 1-521. 22: 1-635- Artichoke, Jerusalem. (J. II. Trumbull and A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 113: 347. Articles, Thirty-Nine. See Thirty-Nine. Articulata, Aquatic, Plateau's Researches on. Nature., 7: 469. Articulate Sounds, Natural Significancy of. (J. W. Gibbs) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 2: 166. Articulate Vibrations, Recording, by Photography. (E. W. Blake, jr.) Am. J. Sci. 116: 54. Same art. abridged, Nature, 18: 338. 5 Artifice, Naturalness of. Once a Week, 20: 325. Artiticer-Soldiers. Chamb. J. 23: 390. 28: 46. Artificial Flower Makers. Victoria, 6: 106. Artificial Flower Trade of London and Paris. Ev. Sat. 14: 315- Artificial Flowers, Making. (W. H. Rideing) Applcton, 20: 97. — (C. T. Hinckley) Godey, 48: 295. — Trade in. Pract. M. i: 262. Artificial Limbs. Once a Week, 19: 226. — Human Wheel. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 11: 567. See Wooden Legs. Artificial Stone. Appleton, 2: 204. — Manufacture and Application to Construction. (F. Ransome) Pract. M. 3: 130. Artigas, the Rob Roy of l.,a Plata. Tait, n. s. 7: 302. Artillery. Quar. 90: 445. — Ancient. Ev. Sat. 11: 80. and modern. Harper, 10: 45S. — and Fire-arms. Dub. Univ. 39: 447. — and Ships of War. Ed. R. 96: 452. — English Railway. ( W. B. Adams) Once a Week, i : 127. — Experiments with, at Shoeburyness. Temp. Bar, 18: 522. — Fact") about. (W. F. Barry) U. S. Serv. M. 1:12. — Field. Eel Engin. 6: 169, 604. — Heavy. Ed. Engin. 12: 511. Construction of. (L. Tiiomas) Eel. Engin. 2: 14, 312, 369. — Nature, 3: 69, 12S. Progress of. (F. Lean) Fortn. 32: 57. — History of. Irish Q. 9: 764. — Marine. Colburn, 118: 491. — Material of, Recent Changes in. (S. P. Oliver) Eel. Engin. 8: 142. — Modern, and Gunpowder. Eraser, 82: 21S. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 4S9. and Tactics. Ed. Engin. i: 970. — Modern Field-Guns. Belgra. 15: 378. — Modern Improvements in. (E. Simpson) Eel. Engin. 11: 79. — past, present, and'future. Dub. Univ. 57: 215. — Prospects of, 1862. Dub. Univ. 59: 213. Same art. Ed. M. 56: 173. — Svstem of working. (Capt. Moncrieff) Ed. Engin. "i: 870. Artisan in Europe. Chamb. J. 47: 433, 454, 474. — in the United States. Chamb. J. 47: 5S4. Artisan's Saturday Night. (P. Greg) Macmil. 2: 2S5. Artisan's Story; a Poem. (W. Buchanan) Good Words, 2: 208. Artisans and Apprentices on the Continent. Penny M. 12: 62. — and Machinery. Quar. 31: 391. Ga.skell on, 1836. Mo. R. 139: 449. — Education of. Brit. & For. R. 6: 76. — Intellectual Tastes in. Penny M. 6: 4S3. Artist and Craftsman; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 54: 3-695. 55: 35. 172, 297. — and Critic. Eraser, 92: 25;. — and his Purpose. (C. Cobb) Western, 5: 445. — The Blind. D^.m. R. 21: 538. — in Love. St. James, 17: 245. — Inspiration of. Dub. Univ. 25: 538. — .lournal of. Am. Whig R. 10: 176. — Merchant, and Statesman, Lester's. Hunt, 14: 235. — of the Beautiful. (N. Hawthorne) Dem. R. 14: 605. — the Seer and Minister of Beautv. (W. .M. Reilv) Kef. Q. 28: 378. — The Tramping. Dub. Univ. 50: 667. — The Young. (.1. .\. Ingraham) Godey, 2o: Si, 113. Artist Life, Cervaro of 1871. Lippinc. 8: 147. — in the 15th Century. Cornh. 33: 327. — in New York. (W. H. Bishop) Scrib. 19: 355. ARTIST 6Q ASCENSION Artist Life in Paris, 184S. Dub. Univ. 36: 137. — in Rome. Dub. Univ. 52: 233, 342, 480. — Romance of. (G. L. Austin) Renu Mo. 5: 756. — Scenes of. (F. Gi'rard) Art J. 3: 93, 175, 313. 4- 15-251. Artist's Despair, The. Eraser, 29: 212. Artist's Dream of Death; a Poem. (E. Arnold) Once a Week, 17: 427. Artist's Festa. Rome. Art. J. 6: 271. Artist's Love, An. (F. Asheton) Lippinc. 16: 94, 230. Artist's Married Life. (L. Schefer) Dub. Univ. 31: 757. Artist's Model, An. (A. W. Baldwin) Belgra. 14: 176. Artist's Ramble from Antwerp to Rome. Art J. 5: 22- 316. Artist's Story. (P. G. Hamerton) Ev. Sat. 10: 95.— Colburn, 160: 23. Artist's Tragedy. (T. A. Trollope) Ev. Sat. 9: 422. Artists, Amateur, Life among some. (M. B. Wright) Scrib. 16: 121. — American, with portrait of West. Am. Whig R. 3: 517. in Rome. (A. Brewster) Lippinc. 3: 196. Living. (D. O'C. Townley) Scrib. 2: 40, 401. 3:599. — Anachronisms of. Chamb. .J. 47: 602. — and Actors, Salaries of. Eel. M. 22: 274. — and Angels. (S. Webber) New Eng. M. 8: 352. — and Artisans. (R. St. .J. Tyrwhitt) Contcmp. 29: 1043. — and their Models. ( W. Thorubury) Art J. 18: 77, 229. — Anecdotes of. Chamb. J. 56: 321. — British, Cunningham's Lives of. Ed. R. 59: 48. their Style and Character. (.J. Constable) Art J. 7: 9-293- ^- 333- 9:5-337- 10:9-329. 11:13-325. 12: 41-357- 13: 9-325- 14: 9-201. — Copyright for. (W. H. Hunt) 19th Cent. 5: 41S.— (F. Leighton and H. T. Wells) 19th Cent. 6: 96S.— Westm. 113: 355. — The Devil among. Blackw. 11: 591. — Education of. New Q. 10: 343. — English, Tombs of. Art J. 10: 44-322. 11: 16^-272. 12: 44. — Gould's Dictionarj' of. Westm. 23: 103. — Health of. (H. Martineau) Once a Week, 3: 370. — Marks of. Art J. 8: i. — New York, 1856. Knick. 48: 26. — of Scotland, Living. Blackw. 2: 313. — of Spain, Annals of, Stirling's. Blackw. 65: 63. — Fraser, 38: 300. — Quar. 83: i. Modern. Art J. 31: 123. — Old Age of. Colburn, 6: 210. — Personal Recollections of great. (E. V. Rippingille) Art J. 11: 109-332. — Phj-sical Science for. (.J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 18: 29—223. — Rising. (F. Wedmore) Gent. M. n. s. 27: 91. — Sillig's Dictionary of Ancient. For. Q. 22: 72. — Studios of. (E. J. Tarver) Art J. 32: 249. 33: 109. — Thoughts of. (W. W. Lloyd) Portfo. i: 45, 93. — Tuckerman's Book of. So. R. n. s. 4: 149. — Turning-Points in the Lives of great. Art J. 13: 39. — Women. Nat. Q. 22: i. — So. R. n. s. 5: 299. — Westm. 70: 163. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: S03. Ellet's. Liv. Age, 64: 245. — Young, in New York. (W. H. Bishop) Scrib. 19: 355. Artists; a Poem. (E. T. Lander) Lakeside, 8: 120. Artists in Love and Poison. (W. Stigand) Belgra. 7: 104. Arts. Blackw. 40: 131. — Anal. M. 6: 363. — and Artisans at Home and Abroad, 1840. (J. C. Sy- mons) J. Frankl. Inst. 29: 306, 361. 30: i, 73, 145. — Mo. R. 149: 279. — and Jranufactures. Brit. & For. R. 6: 76. Aikin's Illustrations of, 1841. Mo. R. 156: 338. Prince Albert's Industrial College of. No. Brit. 17: 520. Arts and Sciences, Vanity and Uncertainty of, Amory's. Retros. 14: 181. — Application of Science to. Chr. Exam. 7: 187. — as Titlemarks of History. Liv. Age, 128: 131. — before the Flood. Hogg, 10: 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 39: 50- — Decline of. (J. Q. Day) Chr. Exam. 29: 312. — Dictionary of, Ure's. Nature, 12: 182. — Fine. See Fine Arts. — in England. Anal. JI. 4: 4S9. — in Portugal. Blackw. 69: 338. — of Design, Dunlap's History of. Mo. R. 138: 88. — of the INIiddle Ages. Eel. R. 103: 4S4. — Royal Academy of. Fraser, 31 : 5S3. ■^- School of. (W. Johnson) Am. Inst, of Instruc. 1835: 271. jSce Technical Education. — Self-Decorative. All the Year. 20: 182. — Useful, Origin and Prospects of. (W. B. 0. Peabody) No. Am. 33: Si. Progress and Influence of. Am. Whig R. 5: 87. — wherein Ancients excel Moderns. Ox. Prize Ess. 2: 253- — wherein Moderns excel Ancients. Ox. Prize Ess. i: 207. Arundel, hady Alathea. Lond. Soc. 20: 363. Arundel, Henry de. Legend of; a Poem. St. James, 28: 608. Arundel Castle. Dub. R. 82: iii. — Ramble round. (A. Meynell) Good Words, 22: 528. Arundel jMarbles. (S. Weston) Arch. 14: 23- Arundel Society. Blackw. 88: 458. Arundines Cami. (J. W. Croker) Quar. 69: 440. — (F. W^ Shelton) Knick. 38: 95. — Dub. R. 14: 121. Arvine's CjxlopKdia of Anecdotes. Chr. R. 17: t,33- Aryan Ancestor. (K. Cook) Dub. Univ. 92: i, 177. Arvan and the Semite. (.J. W. Jackson) Anthrop. R. 7: 333- Aryan and Semitic Languages. (.J. F. McCurdy) Bib. Sac. 33: 78, 352. 36:672. 37:528,752. 38:116. Arj-an Faith. (F. R. Conder) Theo. R. 13: 104. Aryan Language and Literature. (T. A Becker) Am. Cath. Q. 3: 73. — W^hat we learn from Arj-an Words. (.1. Fiske) Atlan. 47: 478. Aryan Nomades. (H. H. Howorth) Anthrop. J. 6: 41. Aryan Race. Anthrop. R. i: 232. — (M. C. Ladreyt) Radical, 9: 28 5. — Subdivisions of. (J. H. Wright) New Eng. 40: 470. Aryan Races of Peru. (A. Lang) Macniil. 27: 424. Same art. Eel. M. 80: 624. Aryan Society, Early. (H. W. Lucas) Month, 31: 406. — and Civilization. Westm. R. 112: 62. Aryans, Myths of. Lond. Q. 35: 77. — Who are? (J. Fiske) Atlan. 47: 224. As good as engaged; a Stor}'. Lakeside, 6: 19. Ashe comes up the Stair; a Tale. (H. Mathers) Gent. M. n. s. 17: 257, 3S6. As long as she lived; a Tale. (F. W. Robinson) Canad. Mo. 9: 286, 362, 457. 10: I, 93, 185, 328, 418, 538. 11: 47, 196, 304. As surly as a Bear. St. James, 23: 349. Asathor's Vengeance. (H. H. Boyesen) Atlan. 35: 345. Asay, E. G., of Chicago, Library of. (D. Graj-) Am. Bibliop. 6: 165. 7: 56. Asbestos Cloth, Fire-Proof. Penny M. 8: 411. Asbestos Industry, American. Pract. M. 5: 262. Asburv, Francis, the Pioneer Bishop. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 66: 382. — Meth. Q. 14: 407. — Am. Meth, 1^1. 13: 82. — Harper, 33: 210. — Knick. 53: 75. Asburv College, Baltimore. Am. Meth. M. i: 109. Ascension, The. Chr. Obs. 38: t,;^7, 357. ASCENSION 67 ASIA Ascension Island. See Ponape. Asceticism. (J. G. Ficlite) Western, 3: 469, 528. — (P. Schau) Mercersb. 10: 600. — Coiiy. M. 23: 510. — and Modem Life. (T. Meyrick) Montli, 12: 30S. — Cultus Yentris. (W. C. Conant) New Eng. 30: 616. — Early Female. Liv. Age, 41: 135. — Practice of. Cong, i : 107. — Principles of. Cong. 1 : 269. See Monasticism. Ascetics, Early Christian, Literature and Philosopby of. Eraser, 64: 2S3. Same art. Eel. M. 54: 347. Ascham, Roger. Am. J. Educ. 3: 23. — (.J. Baldwin) Western, 7: 428. — The Schoolmaster. Am. J. Educ. 4: 155. — Toxophilus. Retros. R. 4: 76. Ascidians, Hypophysal Gland in. Nature, 24: 68. Ascot Races. Lond. Soc. 2: 97. 4: 156, 270. — All the Year, 38: 377. Asgill, John ; and the Cowardliness of Dying. (K. Cook) Eraser, 84: 150. Asgrimsson, Eystein. Lilja. (M. Blind) Dark Blue, i: 524. Ash- Tree, The. Penny M. 11: 4S4. — Folk-Lore of. (H. C. Appleby) Yictoria, 36: 400. — Symbolism of. (C. G. Leland) Coutin. Mo. 2: 682. — Uses of. Penny M. 12: 470. Ashango Land, Du Chaillu's Journey. (W. Forsyth) Quar. 122: 406. — Cliamb. J.44: 361. — St. James, 18: 473. Ashantee. Blackw. 115: 518. Ashantee Country. Belgra. 22: 60. — Ed. R. 41: 336. — and the Ashantees. (G. M. Towle) Harper, 48: 2S6. — Cornh. 28: 679. — and the (jold Coast, Beecham on. Eel. R. 74: 18. — Bowdich's Mission to. Blackw. 5: 175, 302. — Quar. 22: 273. — (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 32: 389. — Mo. R. 90: 2S6, 363. — Eel. R.33: 231. — Portto.(Den.) 22: 216. — Dupiiis's Journal of a Residence in. Colburn, ii : 378. — Former Wars. All the Year, 30: 565. 31: 13, 31. — Future of. (G. A. Henty) Geog. M. i: 148. — King of, Yisit to. Peop. J. 8: 23, 36. — Native Gentleman of. All the Year, 37: 280. — Resurrection of. (F. Boyle) Gent. 'M. n. s. 21: 605. — Superstitions. All the Year, 31 : 64. — War with, 1S24-26. Mo. R. 126: 192. 1873. Canad. Mo. 6: 309.— Blackw. I16: 96. unnecessary and unjust. (T. G. Bowles) Fraser, 89: 124, 268. Ashburn Rectory. (H. Parr) Liv. Age, 57: 105. Ashburnham, Mass., Churches and Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. 10: 51. — Settlement of. N. E. Reg. 16: 14S. Ashburton, Harriet, Lady. (Lord Houghton) Canad. Mo. 4: 160. Ashburton Treaty. (J. Sparks) No. Am. 56: 452.— Quar. 71: 306. — Fraser, 26: 579. 27: 272. — (C. Buller) Westm. 39: 160. Same art. Eel. Mus. i: 152. — Westm. 40: 182. Ashbv, Turner, Avirett's Memoirs of. Land We Love, 5: 2S7. Ashby, Mass., Churches and Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. ": 397- — Materials for the History of. (F. Kidder) N. E. Reg. 6: 262. Ashen Faggot, The. (P. Browne) Dark Blue, 4: 559. Ashes, Pot and Pearl. (E. Meriam) Hunt. 13: 553. — Wood, Combustibility of. (J. T. PUnnmer) Am. J. Sci. 42: 165. Dangerous Properties of. (J. T. Plummer) Am. J. Sci. 43: 80. Ashes of Roses. (L. W. Champney) Harper, 33: 369. Ashley, Anthony, First Earl of Shaftesbury. See Shaftesbury, First Earl of. Ashley Family Genealogy. (E. Davis) N. E. Reg. 2: 394. Ashley Down Ori)hanages and G. Miilkr. Liv. Age, 87: 97. Ashmolian Meetings. Sharpe, 52: 257. Ashmun, Jehiidi, Life of. For. Q. 26: 3CS. (B. B. Thatcher) No. Am. 41: 265. — Chr. (). Spec. 7: 33°- — Funeral cf. Chr. Mo. Spec. 10: 535. Ashmun, .John H. Story's Funeral Discourse. Am. Mo. R. 3: 501. Ashridge Park. Cornh. 4: 348. Ashtabula Bridge Disaster. J. Frankl. Inst. 104: 135. Ashton, Peyton, on the Reformation. So. Lit. Mess. 13: 23-- Ashwell, .lohan. Letters of. Retros. 16: 96. Asia and the Church. (R. S. Maclay) Metii. Q. 13: 4^. — Badakshan and Wakhan. Colburn, 152: 301. — Buchanan's Christian Researches in. Eel. R. 13: 569. 14: 726. — Central (S. Merrill) New Eng. 34: i.— Mus. 25: 114. — For. Q. 14: 58. — Blackw. 81: 612. — Quar. 120: 461. 134: 516. Same art. Liv. Age, 117: 771- — Ei\'- Age, 126: 707. Ancient Silk-Traders' Route across. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: ^y;. Atkinson's Travels ill. Colburn, 112: 85. British Ambassadors in, Sacrifice of. For. Q. 34: 221. British Masterly Inactivity in. (J. W. S. Wyllie) Fortn. 12: 585. British Mischievous Activity in. (J. W. S. Wyllie) Fortn. 13: 27S. British Policy in. (H. Ottley) Fraser, 88: 615. Chinese in. Quar. 149: 463. England and Russia in. (M. E. Grant-Duflf) Fortn. 24: 600. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 16: 109. — Ed. R. 151: 68. — ;Macmil. 32: 54. — Colburn, 138: 253. — We^tm. 115: 412. — (J. Loewenberg) Yictoria, 33: 340- I'erricr's Travels in, 1845. New Q. 6: 85. Humboldt's Researches in. (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 5: 454. Meeting-Place of Empires. Blackw. 128: 205. — Same art. Liv. Age, 147: 23. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 461. Military Sketch of. (J. Adye) Macniil. 27: 42S. Pass of Alexander from, to India. Colburn, 153: 3 '7- Peshawar, a new Gate to British Commerce. St. James, 13: 1S3. Prejevalsky's Explorations in. Geog. M. 5: 109. Question of. (S. Edwards) Macmil. 33: 67. — (R. Gift'en) Fortn. lo: i. — (I. Hatton) Belgra. 8: 34. — Fraser, 88: 353. Russians in. orals. For. Q. 13: 340. — and Italy. Eel. R. 109: 581. Same art. Eel. ;M. 47: 538. Alliance between, iSSi. (R. Stuart) Contemp. 40: 921. and France. Ed. R. 109: 55S. Same art. Eel. M. 47: 326. Question of, 1849. Fraser, 38: 677. 39: 201. 1S59. New Q. 8: qq. War between. 1S66. Westm. 87: 274. — and Russia. (L. Kossuth) Contemp. 31: 555. — and Sardinia, 1S59. Bentley, i: 629. — and Turkey. Fraser, 94: i. — Aristocracy of. Cornh. 14: 620. — Army of, English Cadet in. Cornh. 15: 104, 174, 326. in 1S55. Colburn, 104: i. 127. — Beust Regime in. Maeuiil. 18: 414. — Concordat with. Dub. R. 39: 413. — Eel. R. 103: 15S. . Political Aspect of. Eel. R. 104: 148. AUSTRIA 80 AUTHORS Austria, Constitutional Development of. No. Brit. 51: 136. — Constitutionalism in. VVestm. 79: 334. — Court of, H0I3' Thursday at. (W. I. Kip) Overland, 2: 164. in iSth Century. Dub. Univ. 64: 580. — Ed. K. 98: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 38: 579. Memoirs of. Westm. 63: 303. Same art. Liv. Age, 45: 401. Velise's. Bent ley, 39: 454. — Eel. R. 104: 576.— New Q. 5: 2S6. — Coxe's History of the House of. Ed. R. 12: iSi. — Select Ed. r'. 4: 69. —Eel. R. 8: 951, 1059. — Despotism of. Brit. (2. 10: 548. — Don John of. Blackw. 63: 70. Same art. Liv. Age, 16: 337- — Education in. See Education in Austria. — Emperors of. Lond. Q. 8: 107. Same art. Eel. M. 41: 169. — Empire of, and the German Confederation. Quar. 84: 425. — Finances of, 1859. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 14: 537. —For. Q. 32: 436. — Financial Progress and Projects of, 1855. Bank. M. (L.) 15: 666, 785. — Foreign Policy and Internal Administration. For. Q. 18: 257. — Future of. Quar. 114: i. — Government of, Secret History of. Dub. Univ. 55: 102. Same art. Eel. M. 49: 329. and People of. Westm. 30: 487. — in the Past. Brit. Q. 30: 105. — in 1824. Ed. R. 40: 298. — in 1835. Brit. & For. R. 4: 26. — in 184S-49, Stiles's. New Q. 2: 106. — Princ. 24: 442. — So. Lit. Mess. 18: 535. — in 1862. No. Brit. 37: 285. — in 1869. St. Paul's, 4: 411. — Kohl's Hundred Daj's in. For. Q. 13: 92. — Mo. R. 162: 135. — Kohl on. Eel. R. 78: 502. — Manners and Customs of. Mus. 2: 49S. — Military Education in. Am. .J. Educ. 13: 409. — Modern. (J. S. C. Abbott) Harper, 23: 776. — Monetary Question in. (M. Wirth) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 34: 105, 432. — Internat. R. 3: 335. — Nationalities of. (J. G. McLeod) Month, 33: 346. and Austrian Policy. Eraser, 52: 163. A Polyglot Empire. (S. Powers) Lippinc. 6: 4S0. Question of, 1S70. Westm. 94: 35. — Navy of, and Admiral Tegetthoff. (.J. K. Laughton) Eraser, 97: 671. Same art. Liv. Age, 138: 131. — Odd Corners in. (E. King) Lippinc. 21 : 9. — past and present. Dub Univ. 58: 753. — Poets of. Fraser, 46: 213. — Poets and Peasants of. No. Brit. 36: 118. — Political Dualism in. Westm. 88: 431. — Politics of, Crisis in, 1865. (M. Heilprin) Nation, i: 103. — Fraser, 72: 457. Constitutional Crisis, 1S70. No. Brit. 52: 493. — Position and Policy of, 1850. Eel. R. 92: 604. 1854. Liv. Age, 41: 249. 1865. Fortn. 3: 55. — Power of. (E. A. Freeman) Fraser, 102: 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 146: 387. — Present Condition of, 1872. (T. P. O'Connor) Dark Blue, 3: 15. — Principalities of, 1866. Westm. 85: 358. — Protestantism in. Cong. 5: 617. — Eel. M. 48: 491. — Protestants in. History of Persecution of, Michiels's. No. Brit. 32: 90. '— Railroads and Steam Navigation in. Tait, n. s. 7: 234. 186. 345- Levi) 261. 596. Austria, Reform in. (C. A. Cummings) Chr. Exam. 74: 356- — Reforms in. Westm. 75: 503. under Josepli n., 1S53. New Eng. 11: 395. — Relations of, to the Principalities. Westm. 63: — Religious Liberty in. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 6: — Religious Policy of, 1859. Westm. 71: 27. — Resources, Commerce, and Banking of. (L. Bank. M. (L.) 38: 193. — resurgens. Liv. Age, 29: 89. — Revelations of, 1845. Tait, n. s. 13: 589. — Revolution in, 1848. Quar. 87: 190. and its Results. Dub. It. 25: 40. — Revolution under Joseph II. Temp. Bar, 51: 373. — since Sadowa. Quar. 131: 90. Same art. Liv. Age, no: 771. — Situation in, 1878. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 27: 394. 1879. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 2g: 153. — Southern, Gallop through. (J. Marsel) Bentley, 22: 381-555- — State Papers of, 1809. (G. Canning) Quar. i : 437. — Statistics of. Brit. & For. R. 14: 554. 15: 529. 1869. Am. J. Educ. 18: 540. — Transformation of. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 7: 126. — Turnbull on. Mo. R. 151: 141. — Two Months in tapper. Once a Week, 6: 470. — Two Statesmen of: Lobkowitz and Kaunitz. Chamb. J. 26: 27. — ve7-sus Lord Holland and the Ladies. Colburn, 1 1 — Wanderings in. (B. Mur])hy) Galaxy, 16: 379. — Wilde's. Dub. Univ. 22: 89. — So. Lit. Mess. 9 See Styria. Austrian Aide-de-Camp, Campaigns of an. Blackw. 70: 25. Austrian Employ^, An. Cornh. i: 736. Austrian Hungary. Cath. World, 32: 33. Austrian Italy. Bent. Q. i: 301. Austrian Legends. (J. Oxenford) Colburn, 83: 11. ' Austrian Romance, An. (J. C. Young) Canad. Mo. 3: 339. Austrian Treaty with England. For. Q. 23: 143. — Brit. & For. R. 8: 95. Austrians. Blackw. 48: 487. — JIus. 40: 421. — at Home. Once a Week, 10: 72. — in Bosnia. (A. J. Evans) Macmil. 38: 495. — (R. H. Lang) Fortn. 32: 650. Austro-Priissian War, 1865-56. (C. C. Chesney) Blackw. lOi: 68.— Ed. R. 125: 363. — (E. Dicey) Macmil. 14: 386. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 528. Same art. Ev. Sat. 2: 392. — (C. Redding) Colburn, 137: 494. — Colburn, 139: 379. — Blackw. 100: 247. — C'lir. Exam. 81: 233. — So. R. n. s. 5: 184. — At Leipzig during. Temp. Bar, 18: 105. — Campaign in .Soutli Germany. Colburn, 140: i. — Campaigns of 1S59, 1866, and 1870-71. Fraser, 84: 251. — Diplomacj'^ of. (K. Blind) No. Am. 118: 152. — Hozier's. (F. W. Palfrey) Nation, 5: 106. — in its Political and Military Bearings. Fraser, 74: — Real Significance of. (F. Kapp) Nation, 3: 130. — Tale of^ (C. Clarke) Temp. Bar, 18: 316. Autcuil, Afternoon at. (J. H. Fyfe) Once a Week, 8: Author and Actress. St. James, 26: 17-765. 27:76-507. 28: 66-591. 29: 283-557. Author and Editor. Once a Week, 17: 469, 619. Same art. Ev. Sat. 4: 625. Author's Daughter; a Tale. (M. Howitt) Liv. Age, 4: 491, 555- Author's Night; a Poem. (J. T. Trowbridge) Allan. 30: 144. Authors. About. (G. Wentz) So. M. II : 751. — Advice to. Sharpe, 43 : 22. — Aliibone's Dictionary of. Liv. Age, 60: 365. — Amateur, and Small Critics. Dem. R. 17: 62. 259. 319- AUTHORS 81 AUTOGRAPH Authors, American, Abroad. (T. L.Cuyler) Godey, 32: 59. lIuiiK's of. (P. Godwin) Putnam, i: 23. — Liv. Age, 36: 203. See American Authors. — and Actors ; a Dramatic Sketch. Bcntley, i: 132. — and Books. Sharpe, 10: 367. — and Conversation. St. James, 49: 258. — and Copyrights. Dem. K. 12: 294. — and Matrimony, Woman's View of. St. James, 26: 535- — and Publishers. Eel. M. 15: 517. —Dem. R. 11 : 396. New Q 3: 143. — Brit. Q. 59: 313. Same art. Eel. M. S3: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 122: 131. Hardwicke's. New (},. 3: 9. — and their Ways of Working. (A. B. Harris) Potter Am. Mo. 15: 217. (H. B. Baker) Argosy, 32: 37S. — Chamb. J. 58: 437. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 423. — and Writers. U. S. Lit. Gaz. i: 346. — and Works, Anonymous and Pseudonymous. Nat. Q. 23: 41. — Anecdotes of. Chamb. J. 56: 600. of Popular. Hogg, 2: 37. — Anon\'mous Old. Bentley, 4: 414. — Apology for. Knick. 19: 97. — Calamities of. Chamb. J. 7: 129. — Disraeli's. (R. Southey) Portfo.(Dcn.) 9: 501.— Quar. 8: 93. — Character of, as affecting their Works. Chr. Disc. 3: 264. — Contemporary and posthumous Reputation of. Dub. Univ. 45: 433. — Conversation of. Lond. M. 2: 250. — Am. Bibiiop. 4: 455i 535- — English, Memories of. (M. D. Conway) Harper, 39: 527- Living. (G. W. Peck) Meth. Q. 10: 124. Reminiscences of some. (R. H. Home) Macmil. 22: 359. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 58S. Studies of some. (R. H. Stoddard) Scrib. 8: ^f,, 451. — for Hire. Cornh. 43: 6S4. Same art. Appleton, 26: 127. — Gossip concerning: our Whispering Gallery. (J. T. Fields) Atlan. 27: 122-763. 28: 106-750. — Habits of. Knick. 61 : 43S. — Hints to, on the Biographical. Blackw. 49: 757. on the Critical. Blackw. 39: 607. on the Dramatic. Blackw. 49: 330. on the Epistolary. Blackw. 50: 711. on the Facetious. Blackw. 39: 166. on the Genteel. Blackw. 50: 439. on the Impressive. Blackw. 49: 56. on the Original. Blackw. 49: 154. on the Pathetic. Blackw. 50: 431. on the Philosophical. Blackw. 39: 357. -Homes of. Bost. R. i: 52S. — in England, Germany, and France, Condition of. Eraser, 35: 285. — Justice for. (M. Thomas) St. James, 36: 64. — Living, Characters of. Blackw. 10: 69. — Moral Intluence of. So. Lit. Mess. 6: 2S5. — Noble. Dem. R. 12: 479. — of Antiquity. So. Lit. Mess. 9: 31. — Originality of. Contin. Mo. 2: 285. — Our Young. (F. J. O'Brien) Putnam, i: 74. — Pay of. Liv. Age, 13: 257. — Persecuted and Pampered. (E. L Sears) Nat. Q. 33: 109. — Prollts of. Appleton, 26: 1S6. — Punishments of. Chamb J. 8: 78. — Recollections of. (C. and M. C. Clarke) Gent. IM. n. s. 15: 162-726. 16: 85-724. 17: 89,223. 6 Authors, Remarks on my Favorite. (G. F. Deanc) Am. Whig R. 9: 464. — Rights of. Hesp. 3: 277. — So. Lit. Mess. 3: 37. 6: 69. before Publication. Am. Law R. 9: 236. — Royal. Ed. R. 39: 84.— Dem. R. 12: 392. — Royal and Inii)erial. (S. B. Gould) Once a Week, 12: 363. Same art. Cath. World, i: 323. — Royal and Noble. Lond. M. 5: 21S, 387, 409. — Quar. 123: 279. English. Ev. Sat. 5: 310. — Vindicated from the Charge of Poverty. Mus. 8: 363. Authoresses and Autographs. Colburn, 11: 217-317. Authority and Freedom in Faith. (D. Gaus) Mercersb. ^5- '57- — i^^- Kieffer) Mercersb. 17: 42. — in the Church, Protestant Idea of. (J. Martineau) O. & N. 11: 24. — in Matters of Faith. Brownson, 23: 510. — Influence of, in Matters of Opinion. ( W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent, i: 2. Same art. Eel. M. 88: 559. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 159. Lewis on. Ed. R. 91: 508. — Principle of, in Matters of Opinion. (S. Taylor) Macmil. 28: ig. — Revival of. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 19: i. Authorship. (T. Biiiney) Ex. H. Loc 9: 319. — and Literature. (W. E. Smith; Potter Am. Mo. 14; 465. 15: 56, 138. — Disputed, Internal Evidence in a Case of. Brit. Q. 61: 500. — Dreams of. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 468. — Few Hints to Young AVriters. (W. II. Browne) So. M. 14: 616. — Furor Seribendi. Victoria, 12: 385. — Importance and Rewards of. (J. C. Pattee) Univ. Q. 12: 394. — in America. (F. Wharton) No. Am. 52: 401. — Intellectual Straining in. Pop. Sci. JIo. 16: 93. — Irritable. Hogg, 9: 137. — Jacox on Aspects of. Victoria, 20: 357. — Miseries of. Tait, 3: 739. — West. Mo. R. i: 523, 648. — Physiology of. (R. E. Francillon) Gent. Mag. n. s. 14: 325. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 7: 93. — Profession of. Am. Mo. R. i: 5S9. — Rapid and slow. Penny M. 14: 410. Auto da Fe : a Poem. (E. A. Bendall) Dark Blue, i : 455. Antnljiographies. No. Brit. 51 : 3S2. Autobiogra])hy. Blackw. 26: 737. — Quar. 35: 149. — Blackw. 66: 292. — Cornh. 43: 410. Same art. Appleton, 25: 499. Same art. Eel. 'M. 97: 44. Same art. Liv. Age, 149: 283. — Lond. Q. i: 494. — An. Mo. Rel. M. 47: 473, 561. 48: 152-519. — of an Agnostic. (B. Thomas) Eraser, 103: 650. Same Art. Liv. Age, 149: 719. — of Bill ]\Ioney Dollars. Knick. 47: 361. — of a Good Joke. Bentlov. 2: 354. — of an Irreconcilable. St. Paul's, 11: 54-72S. — of a .loint-Stock (\inipany. Blackw. 120: 96. — of a Pair of Top-Boots. CoHinrn, 85: 223-454. — of a Philosopher. (W. ^I. Fi>her) Overland, 14: 85-568. 15: 95, 104. 26S. — of a Quack. (S. \V. Mitchell) Atlan. 20: 466, 5S6. — of a Small Boy. All the Year, 20: 217, 241. — of an Unrecognized Genius. Hogg, 9: 169-220. — Saniple of some Men's. Mus. 23: 248, 547. Autochthones. (B. P. Avery) Overland, 15: 319. Autocrat of the Breakfast-Tnlile. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. i: 48-S71. 2: 102-619. Autograph Collecting. (E. Walford) Once a AVeek, 12: 316; Autograiih Collectors, The Father of. Temp. Bar, 47: 89. Autograi>h Hunting. (F. Barrow) Galaxy, 12: 256. AUTOGRAPH 82 AWAKENING Autograph Miscellany. Liv. Age, 47: 129, Autographoniania. (T. F. Dwight) Overland, 3: 342. Autographs. Chanib. J. 14: 155, 204. — Nat. M. 7: 356. — and Autograph Collectors. St. James, 37: 137. — Curious. Chamb. J. 24: 31. — Evening's Conversation about. (Mrs. S. J. Hale) Godey, 22: 146. — Historical. (H. Scadding) Canad. J. n. s. 14: 73, 315^ 479, 597- 15: 145- — Morning among. (W. Young) Putnam, II : 686. 12: 226, 277. — National. Liv. Age, 87: 88. — of Celebrated Men. Mo. R. 115: 397. 120:212. — of Distinguished Americans. So. Lit. Mess. 2: 205, 601. — Rare, and their Prices. Cornh. 16: 495. — Scrai)s from my Autograph-Book. (G. M. Towle) Hours at Home, 10: 15. Autography. Pract. M. 7: 268. — Practical Use of. (G. O. Sars) Am. J. Sci. 114: 277. Automata. Chamb. J. 53: 87. — and Androides. (T. P. Jones) J. Frankl Inst. 3: 125, 192, 342- — Are we'? (\V. James) Mind, 4: i. — Famous. (J. D. Bell) Appleton, 18: 254. Automathes, History of. Retros. lo: 78. Automatic Chess-Player. Blackw. 4: 579. — So. Lit. Mess. 2: 318. — Pennv M. 6: 28. — Liv. Age, 61: 585. — Anatomy of. Fraser, 19: 717. — De Kempelen's. Ed. Philos. J. 4: 393. — Maelzel's. (T. P. Jones) J. Frankl. Inst. 3: 125. Automatic Chess and Card-Playing. Cornh. 32: 584. Same art. Eel. M. 86: 46. Automatic Enigma, An. (J. Hawthorne) Belgra. 35: 294. Automatic Representation, Galton on Generic Images and. (G. C. Robertson) Mind, 4: 551. Automatism. (A. Main) Mind, i: 431. — (H. C. Wood) Lippinc. 26: 627, 755. — and Evolution. (C. Elam) Contemp. 28: 537, 725. 29: 117. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 640. 88:166,342. — Animal, Lewes on. (G. C. Robertson) Mind, 3: 24. — Modern. (F. W. Newman) Fraser. 95: 665. Automaton of Dobello. (H. D. Jenkins) Lakeside, 8: 348. Automaton-Ear, The. (F. McLandburgh) Scrib. 5: 711. Autotype, or Carbon Process in Photography. (C. E. Norton) Nation, 8: 47. — (T. Taylor) Portfo. 2: 53. —Pract. M. 6: 31. Autotypes. J. Frankl. Inst. 108: 137. — On some New Methods of Printing. (G. W. Simpson) Portfo. 2: 135. Autotypography, Art of, 1S63. (G. Wallis) J. Frankl. Inst. 76: 53. Autumn. (C. Lanman) So. Lit. Mess. 6: 723. — (C. Geikie) Good Words, 12: 841. — (W. W. Story) Blackw. 114: 502. — Fraser, 66: 418. — a Poem. (R. Noel) Gent. M. n. s. 15: 432. — (A. Smith) Good Words, 3: 6S9. — in the Country. Fraser, 24: 269, 455, 524. — in the Highlands ; a Poem. (J. C. Shairp) Good Words, 15: 713. — in the North. Fraser, 10: 488, 573. 11: 66, 170. Autumns, English. (C. Boyle) Macmil. 29: 81. Autumn Days. (J. Skelton) Fraser. 66: 715. Autumn Eclogue. Dub. Univ. 48: 493. Autumn Eclogues. (.1. F. Waller) Dub. Univ. 50: 430. Autumn Foliage. (J. Wharton) Am. J. Sci. 97: 251. — Tints of. (H. D. Thoreau) Atlan. 10: 385. Autumn Leaves Gathered up. Fraser, 30: 631. Autumn Love; a Poem. St. James, 2: 439. Autumn JIaneuvering. (A. a Beckett) Lond. Soc. 20: 3«3- Autumn Pastoral. (W. H. Gibson) Harper, 61: 857. Autumn Reverie. (Mrs. E. J. Fames) So. Lit. Mess. 6: 820. Autumn Voices; a Poem. (L. Buslinell) Scrib. 4: 761. Autumnal Fruits. Dub. Univ. 40: 383. Autumnal Meditations; a Poem. (D. M. Moir) Blackw. 13: 646. Autumnal Ramble, Hints for an. Blackw. 130: 393. Autumnal Sketches; a Poem. (D. M. Moir) Blackw. 38: 4S8. Autun, Christian Inscription found at. Dub. R. 9: 527. Auvergne. (T. E. C. Leslie) Fortn. 22: 737. — Sharpe, 32: 6. — April in. (R. W. Baddeley) Belgra. 26: 253. — Costello's Pilgrimage to. Mo. R. 157: 208. — in 1665. Colburn, 129: 460. — — Men and Manners in. For. Q. 35: 154. — Month in. (M. Belliam-Edwards) Macmil. 42: 189. — Vcjicanoes and Glaciers of. (VV. S. Svmonds) Pop. Sci. R. 16: 1. Ava, Adventure in, 1826. (C. Cami)bell) Colburn, 55" 341- — and England. Cornh. 40: 213. — Throne of the Golden Foot. (J. W. Palmer) Atlan. 20: 453. — Two Years in, 1824 to 1826. Lond. M. 19: 128. — Yule'.s Jlission to the Court of. Liv. Age, 57: 269. Availability; or, Politicians rs. Statesmen. (E. D. Hud- son) Nat. Q. i: 485. Avalanche of the Rossbei'g. Eel. 51. 54: 538. Avalanches. Eel. R. Iio: 480. Same art. Liv. Age. 63: 738. Avaricious JIan, Confessions of an. (H. D. Inglis) C8 Avocation: What Life to choose. Colburn, 6: 2S4. Avocations, Some strange. Chamb. J. 57: 252. Avon, Towns on the. Temp. Bar, 12: 192. — and Stour, By the. Fraser, 77: 634. Avonhoc; a Tale. Cornh. 17: 592,707. 18: 73,199. Awake and Thinking: a Retrospect. Belgra. 12: 476. Awakening, The ; a Tale. (K. S. Macquoid) Temp. Bar, 62: 492. AWAMUTU 83 BABBAGE Avvamutu, How we live at. Fraser, 70: 606. Away down East; a Poem. (E. J. Hall) Lakeside, 8: 395. Awkward Blunder; a Story. (C. Hathway) St. James, 47: 468. Awkward Mistake. Belgra. 2: 443. Axel ; a Tale of the Thirty Years' War. Dub. Univ. 3: 679. Axes and Hatchets, Ancient and modern. (A. Rigg) Pop.-Sci. Mo. 9: 186. Axioms, Philosophical. Dub. R. 65: 144. Axis, Uniform Distribution of Points about an. (C. Wright) Math. Mo. i : 244. Axle-Box, Hodge's Self-Lubricating. J. Frankl. Inst. 55: 154- Axles and Shafts, Form of, Thornej-croft on. J. Irankl. Inst. 51: 56. — Fracture of, Causes of. (W. B. Adams) Eel. Engin. 4: 173- — Hollow Railway. (J. E. M'Connell) J. Frankl. Inst. 56: 361. 57: 82. — Lubrication of Railway. (W. B. Adams) J. Frankl. Inst. 56: 2S9. — Stephenson's Improvement in, 1S31. J. Frankl. Inst. 13: 246. — Strength of Solid and Hollow. (J. 0. York) J. Frankl. Inst. 36: :,^2. 38: 163. Aj-e-Aye, The. (W. B. Tegetmeier) Intel. Obs. i: 130. — (B G. Wilder) Scrib. 2: 33. — Penny M. 7: 425. Ayen, Ducd', Daughters of. Month, 3: 68, 163. Same art. Cath. World, 2: 252. Ayer and Ajres Genealogies. (W. H. Whitmore) N. E. Reg. 17: 307. A^-lmer, A. Bentley, 23: 470, 551. Aylwin, Lieut. John Gushing. Anal. M. 3: 54. Ayr, .\uld Clay Biggin in. (I. D. Fenton) Once a Week, 16: iiS.' Ayrshire Curling Song. (N. M'Leod) Blackw. lOi : 148. Ayrshire Legatees. (J. Gait) Blackw. 7: 262-589. 8: 10-501. Same art. Portfo.(Dcn.) 25: 410. 26:42, 270. 27: 126, 266, 416. Aytoun, Sir Robert. Lond. Q. 50: 337. Aj'toun, William E. Blackw. 103: 440. Same art. Liv. Age, 97: 323. — Liv. Age, 68: 317. — Bon Gaultier's Ballads. Eel. M. 32: 362. — Liv. Age, 5: 400. — Fraser, 31: 415. — So. Lit. Mess. 18: 429. — Both\vell; a Poem. Blackw. 80: 222. — Bentley, 40: 276. Same art. Liv. Age, 50: 705. — Canad. J. n. s. i: 541. — Chr. Rem. 33: i. — Fraser, 54: 347.— Liv. Age, 53: 216. —Lond. Q. 7: 201. — Death of. Blackw. 98: 3S4. — Firmilian. Blackw. 95: 523. — Dub. Univ. 44: 4SS. — Lays of Scottish Cavaliers. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 52: 226. —Dub. R. 27: 74. — Brit. Q. Ii: So. — Fraser, 39: 489. — Dub. Univ. 33: 215. — No. Brit. 13: I. — Liv. Age, 21: loi, 154. Aytotm, William E., Martin's Life of. Dub. Univ. 70: 587. — Memoir of. Chamb. J. 44: 648. — Peacock, and Prout. No. Brit. 45: 75. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 641. Aytoun; a Tale. Lippinc. 9: 54-686. Azalea, a Flycatcher. (W. W.Bailey) .\m. Natural. 8: 517. .•\zazel, the Levitical Scape-Goat. (G. Bush) Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 8: 116. Azeglio, Massimo d'. (A. Gallenga) Fortn. 9: 629. — (W. D. Howells) Nation, 2: 202. — (H. J. Warner) Chr. E.xam. 83: 187, — Dub. Univ. 76: 508. — Galaxy, i: 34. — and Bunsen. Temp. Bar, 51: 231. — JIaid of Florence. New Q. 2: 527. — Xiccolb de' Lapi. Chr. Rem. 16: 117. — Recollections of. (T. A. Trollope) Lippinc. 14: 341. — Reminiscences of. Quar. 123: 66. Same art. Liv. Age, 94: 5'5- — Works of. (H. T. Tuckerman) Chr. Exam. 52; 35. Azela; a Poem. (A. Carey) Internat. M. i: 135. Azimantium, Story of. Blackw. 29: 224, 446. Azores, The. Fraser, 97: 556. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 668. — Among. (L- II. Weeks) Appleton, 20: 347. — (S. E. Dawes) Potter Am Mo. 17; 2S9. — and Canary Islands, Summer Cruise among. (Miss Dabney) Harper, 46: 865. — Bond's Description of. Mo. R. 136: i. — Cruise among. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Scrib. 6: 513. — History of. Quar. 11: 191. — Land of Hawks. (C. Wood) St. Paul's, 12: 82. — Natural History of, Godinan's. Nature, 3: 303. — Residence in. Tait, n. s. 8: 414. — Museum, 43: 18. — Summer Cruise among. (.V. L. Gihon) Harper, 54: 546. — Three Years in. Dark Blue, 4: 452. Same art. Liv. Age, 116: 302. — Winter in, Bullar's. Chr. Exam. 31: 319. — Dub. Univ. 20: 227. — Eel. R. 74: 534. — Mo. R. 155: 1. Azotone. Recr. Sci. 2: 352. Aztec Calendar Stone. Am. Hist. Rec. 3: 456. Aztecs, Ancient and Modern. (M. McNamara) Canad. Mo. 12; 258. — and their Conquerors. (E. Parmer) So. M. 11: 554. — and Indians, Arts among. (T. Ewbank) Internat. M. 4: 307. — Backgammon among. (E. B. Tylor) Macmil. 39: 304. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 491. — in New York. Internat. M. 5: 288. — Mythology of. (T. A. Harcourt) Overland, 15: S7. — Galaxy, 21: 633. — Social Customs of. (L. H. Morgan) No. Am. 122: 265. — Society among. Galaxy, 21: 368. See Mexico. B Baader, Franz, Theosophy of. (J. Ilamberger) Am. Presb. R. 18: 171. Baalbec. (A. L. Koeppen) Mercersb. 8: 40. — (F. P. Cobbe) Fraser, 63: 670. Same art. Eel. M. 56: 17S. — Over the I.«banon to. (J. C. M. Bellew) Temp. Bar, i: 114, 359. — Ruins of. Penny M. 3: 43. — Temple at. Mo. Rel. M. 26: 273. — Visit to. Bentley, 31: 385. Bab. Sec Rabism. Bab Lambert; a Story. Cornh. 4: 421. Babbage. Charles. (W. Farr) J. Statis. Soc. 34: 411.— Eel. Engin. 6: 275. — Nature, 5: 2S. — and his Friends. (N. S. Dodge) Lakeside. 9: 236. — Calculating Machine of. (C. NordhoflF) Harper, 30: 34. — Eel. R. 120: 4S7. — Ed. Phi'os. J. 7: 274. 8: 122. —Ed. R. 59: 263. — J. Frankl. Inst. 11: ;io. — No. Brit. 15: 553. BABBAGE 84 BACKGAMMON Babbage, Charles. Exposition of 1851. No. Brit. 15: 529. — on Macliinery and Manufactures. Fraser, 8: 167. — Ed. K. 56: 313. — Am. Mo. R. 3: 24. — Passages from Life of. Brit. Q. 4: 95- Same art. Liv. Age, 84: 577. — Chr. Rem. 51: i. — Recollections of. (L. A. ToUemache) Macmil. 27: 4S9. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 511. — Works of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 18. Babel. Eraser, 40: 318. — Confusion of Tongues at, Kaulen on. Dub. R. 55: 220. — Ruins of. Cong. M. i: 35. Ba))er, Emperor of Hindostan. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 46: 39. —.Mo. R. 112: 254. — Westm. 8: 475. — Chr. Rem. 10: 133. — Eel. R. 45: 501. — Retros. 16: 254. Babes in the Wood; a Poem. (E. Nugisch) Mo. Rel. M. 21: 98. 23: 21, 109, 185. Babette; a Tale. (K. O'Meara) Cath. AVorld, 28: 549 Bab-ey-buk, Story of. Blackw 43: 648. Babington, Anthony. Reliquary, 2: 177. Babington; a Tragedy. Blackw. 18. 119. Babinic Republic. Dark Blue, 3: 103. Babiroussa, The. Penny M. 10: 321. Babism. (R. H. Arbuthnot) Conterap. 11: 581. 12: 245. - (J. T. Bixby) Nation, 2: 793. —(E. P. Evans) Hours at Home, 8: 210. — All the Year, 22: 149. — Chamb. J. 29: 45. Babrius, Fables of. Fraser, 41: 529. — Ed. R. 113: 524. Babu-English. Chamb. J. 58: 840. Babu Nana's Vengeance. Tinsley, 12: 48. Baby; a Tale. (A. Young) Cath. World, 6: 227. — The. (D. H. Strother) Harper, 52: 539. — Bclgra. 37: supp. 29. — The British. Ev. Sat. 9: 411. — Day with a. (L. Broughton) St- James, 38: 48 1. — Junior. Chamb. J. 30: 234. — or no Baby. Chamb. J. 36: 405. — Progressive. (S. F. Hopkins) Galaxy, 23: 581-727. — The Second. Chamb. J. 23: 33. Baby-Exterminator; a Tale. Putnam, lo: 50. Bab^-Farm, Jlonth at a. Victoria, 18: 42. Baby Grace; a Poem. (R W.Buchanan) St. James, 4: 315. Baby Shows. Dem. R. 35: 315. Baby-Stealer of the Nund\-droog. Chamb. J. 26: 59. Baby -Suffrage. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 10: 236. Baby- Visiting. (Mrs. A. M. F. Annan) Godey, 29: 266. Babies, About. Putnam, 6: 139. — and Science. Cornh. 43: 539. Same art. Appleton, 26: 27. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 26. — How to take Care of. (J. Chandler) Eng. Dom. M. 23: 203-291. 24: 9-280. — Jlental Condition of. Cornh. 7: 649. — Poems about. (R. W. Buchanan) St. James, 8: 441. — Prize. All the Year, 22: 249. — Public Nurseries for. Chamb. J. 46: 145. — AVild. Lond. Soc. 35: 456. See Babes. Babylon and Chaldea, Mi'nant on. Chr. Obs. 75: 368. — and Nineveh. Blackw. 76: 458. and Persepolis. Sharpe, 12: 39. Layard's. Am. Presb. R. 2: 603. —Dub. R. 35: 93. — Liv. Age, 37: 423. — New Q. 2: 209. — and its Priest-Kings. (E. Hincks) Kifto, 22: 296. — Brick from the Site of. Arch. 14: 55, 205. — Commerce of Ancient. (F. M. Hubbard) Am. Bib. Repos. 7: 364. — Cnshite Origin of Sacred Writing, Language, and Lit- erature of. (O. D. Miller) L^niv. Q. 34: 452. — Gems brought from, by A. Lockett. (J. Landseer) Arch. 18: 371. — Last Night in. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 13: 54. — Libraries of. No. Brit. 51: 305. Same art. Eel. M. 74: 589. Babylon, Memoir of. (J. Abbott) Harper, 36: 162. — Rich's Memoirs of. Mo. R. 81: 257. 8g: 41. — Ed. R. 48: 1S5. — (B. B. Thatclier) Am. Bib. Repos. 8: 158. — No. Am. 2: 183. — West. Mo. R. 2: 683. — Ride to. Blackw. 93: 607. — Ruins of. Meth. M. 53: 166. — Portfo.(Den) ig: 376. — Topography of. (Major Rennell) Ardi. 18: 243. See Nineveh and Babylon ; Oriental Discovery. Babylonia, Civilization of. (W. St. C. Boscawen) An- throp. J. 8: 21. — Inscriptions of. (W. F. Ainsworth) Colburn, 78: 441. — Literature of , Ancient. (0. D. Miller) Univ. Q. 26: 159. in Arabic Translations. Chr. Rem. 39: 417. Babylonian Monuments in America. (S. Merrill) Bib. Sac. 32: 320. Babylonian Princess, Memoir of. Eel. M. 3: 177. Babylonian Researches. (R.P. Stebbins)L"nita. R. 9:610. Babylonian Rivers' and Cities. (W. F. Ainsworth) Col- burn, 74: 653. 75- 57 Babylonians, Tammuz and the Worship of Men among. Chr. Rem. 41 : 253. Bacchanalia Memorabilia. Fraser, 12: 522. 13: 225, 727. 14: 273- Bacchanalians, Sect of. Westm. 23: 240. Bacchants and A B C-Shooters. Am. J. Educ. 5: 603. Bacchus, Altar of, at Lord Pembroke's. (S. Pegge) Arch. i: 155. — and Ariadne, Triumph of, a Poem. Cornh. 35: 458. — and the Water-Thieves, a Poem. Oncea Week, lO: 657. Bach, Friedemann. (Mrs. Ellet) Cath. W(jrld, 10: 805. Bach, John Sebastian. (J. G. Austin) Galaxy, 17: 375. — .A. G. Bowie) St. James, 40: 3S6. — (L. T. Cragin) 0. & N. 8: 246. — Bentley, 62: 74, 177, 317. — Fraser, 34: 28. — and Handel, Scores of. Additional Accompaniments to, (W. F. Apthorp) Atlan. 42: 321. — Mass in B Minor. Cornh. 33: 728. Baclie, Alex. Dallas, Account of. (H. Morton) J. Frank]. In.st. 87: 353. — Family of. (J. A. Stevens) M. Am. Hist, i: 663. Bachelor, The. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 2: 139. 3: 186. — a Poem. (E. C. Willis) Temp. Bar, 25: 361. — Beset; a Tale. So. Lit. Mess. 5: 751. — Cliapter in Life of. (T. Flint) Knick. 3: 6. — Outwitted; a Poem. Colburn, II : 104. Bachelor Bedroom. All the Year, i: 355. Bachelor Ben. (R. V. Chilcott) Belgra. 29: 87. Bachelor Invalids and Male Nurses. Once a Week, 25: 317- Bachelor's Beat. Blackw. 20: 755. 22: 659. 23: 14. 24: 335. Same art. Mns. 10: 168. 12: 290, 385. Bachelor's Elysium, The. Portfo.(Den.) 30: 362. Bachelor's Hall. (R. Chesterfield) Lakeside, 9: 29. Bachelor's Married Life. (A. S. Deas) So. M. 8: 290. Bachelor's Protest to the Women of England. Chamb. J. 35: 385- Bachelor's Reverie. (D. G. Mitchell) So. Lit. Mess. 16: 162. —(J. Leitch) St. James, 18: 508, Bachelor's Storj'. Chamb. J. 56: 391. Bachelor's Thermometer. Lond. Soc. 4: 120, Bachelors, Old. (F. W. Shelton) So. Lit. Mess. 19: 223, — of Windsor, Day with. Chamb. J. 22: 292. Bachtiari Bandits. (C. S. Savile) Bentlev, 21 : 290, Bacini introduced into Italian Church Architecture. (C. D. Fortnum) Arch. 42: 379. Back, Sir George. Geog. M. 5: 179. See Arctic Expedition, Back's. Back to Back; a Story. (E. E. Hale) Harper, 55: 873. Back-Log Studies. (C. D. Warner) Scrib. 2: 261. 3: 434-693- 4: 43-348. Backer, F. Augustine de. Dub. R. 80: 452. Backgammon. Pennv M. 10: 100. BACKGAMMOX 85 BACON Backgammon among the Aztecs. (E. B. Tylor) Macmil. 39: 304. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 491. Backhouse, James. Visit to Mauritius and South Africa. (W. Cubitt) No. Brit. 2: 105. Backsheesh, Official, in Turkey. Macmil. 41 : 484. Same art. Liv. Age, 145: 2S5. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 715. Backslider, The. Chr. Exam. 20: 19S. Backus, C, Divinity School of. (.J.Vaill) Cong. Q. 6: 137. Backus, Isaac, Life and Times of. Chr. R. 14: 197. Backwoods, Night in. Chamb. J. 52: 108. Backwoods Express. Chamb. J. 41 : 657. Bacon, David. (L. Bacon) Cong. (). 18: i, 260, 387, 562. Bacon, Delia, Recollections of. (N. Hawthorne) Atlan. 11: 43. Bacon, Francis, Lord. (H. Dixon) Temp. Bor, i: 22. — (J. W. Edmonds) Knick. 57: 271, 37S. — (T. B. Macaulay) Ed. R. 65: 277. Same art. Mus. 31 : 295, 391. — (K. von Raumer) Am. J. Educ. 51: 663. — (D. A. Wasson) New Eng. 10: 333. — (E. P. Whipple) Atlan. 22 : 476, 573. — Am. Ch. Mo. 2: 48. — Bentlej', 26: 84. — Blackw. 93 : 4S0. — Dub. R. 3: 305. — Dub. Univ. 48: 391. — Nat. Q. 2: I. — Eel. R. 100: 672. Same art. Eel. M. 34: 145. — Penny M. 10: 60. — (J. W. E.) Sharpe, 48: iSi. — and the Earl of Essex. Wcstm. 61: 468. 78: 263. — and Friar Bacon. (J. H. Rigg) Meth. Q. i8: 5, 173. — and Christianity. Univ. Q. 16: 24S. — and his Philosophy. (F. Bowen) No. .\m. 56: 69. — Knick. 8: 560. —(A. B. Bledsoe) Meth. Q. 7: 22. — (S. Tyler) Princ. 12: 350. 15: 4S1. — and the Inductive Method. Westm. 68: 547. — Chr. Rem. 39: 239. — and Locke, Philosophical Genius of. (J. Mackintosh) Ed. R. 27: iSo. 36: 220. — and Shakspere, Imaginary Dialogue. Blackw. 3: 270. — and Shakspere's Plaj-s. Liv. Age, 51: 4S1. See Shakspere. — and Sir Thomas More. Eel. M. 8: 122. — Apophthegms of. Selected. Sharpe, 12: 46. — as an Essayist. Nat. Q. 6: 114. — as a Natural Philosopher. (J. von Liebig) Macmil. 8: 237, 25S. — as a Politician and Philosopher. (W. R. Claxton) Penn Mo. 12: 928. — Character of. (E. Everett) No. Am. 16: 300. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. i: 90. — (H. Giles) No. Am. 93: 149. and Philosophy of. Fraser, 13: 143. — Confession of Faith of. Cong. M. 28: 42S. — Defense of. Westm. 75: 579. — Dixon's Personal History of. (H. Dutton) New Eng. 21: 37. — Brit. Q. 33: 391. — Dub. Univ. 57: 321. 64: 363. — Ed. R. 113: 309. Same art. Liv. Age, 69: 515. — Lond. Q. 16: 372. — Essays of. Chr. Obs. 58: 33.— Cong. 4: 16S. — Dub. Univ. 37: 14. — Eel. R. 104: 257. — Brit. Q. 38: 67. Same art. Liv. Age, 78: 579. — Colburn, 108; 58. — Fraser, 55: 64. — No. Brit. 27: i.— Qiiar. 99: 2S7. Same art. Liv. Age, 51 : 577. Same art. Eel. M. 40: 145. — Influence of, in Religion. (II. M. Whitney) New Eng. 38: S07. and Genius of. Eel. R. 67: 361. — Latest Facts about. (G. L. Gomme) Colburn, 159: 86-195. — Latest Theory about. (.J. Spedding) Contenip. 27: 653. 821. — (E. A. Abbott) Contemp. 28: 141. — Letters of. Retros. 6: 152. and Life of. Chr. Rem. 44: 388. — Fraser, 66: 529. to the King of Denmark. (S. R. Gardiner) Arch. 41: 219. Bacon, Francis, Lord, Life of. Penny M. 2: 23. — Ed. R. 150: 395. and Character of. So. Lit. Mess. 4: 9, 73, 190. — Lives of. Westm. 31: 513. — Macaulay's Essay on. (J. Spedding) Contemp. 28: 169, 365, 562. — (W. S. Graysou) So. Lit. Mess. 29: 177- Grayson on. .So. Lit. Mess. 29: 3S2. Montague's Auswer to. Mo. R. 156: 206. — Napier's Essay on. Blackw. 3: 657. — Novum Organum. (G. P. Fisher) Hours at Home, 8: 323. — (B. Montague) Retros. 3: 141. 4: 2S0. edited by T. Fowler. (G. C. Robertson) Mind, 4: 125. — Philosophical Works. Fraser, 60: 387. — Philosophy of. (W. A. Lawrence) University Q. 4: 19. — Eel. R. 108: 321. — So. R. n. s. 18: 301. the Cure of Rationalism. Bib. R. 5: 145. Fischer on. Dub. Univ. 86: 377. Summary of. Penn Mo. 2: 546. — Plato and Bentham. (H. H. Mihnan) Quar. 61: 462. — Prayers by. Cong. M. 28: 275. — Public Career and Personal Cliaracter of. (.J. Rowley) Fraser, 98: 308. Same art. Liv. Age, 139: 91. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 561. — Readings from. So. Lit. Mess. 16: 30, 267. — Religious Character of. (S. M. Hopkins) Am. Bib. Repos. 3d s. 3: 127. — Remusat's Life of. Colburn, iii: 34. — Spcdding's Life and Letters of. Fraser, 79: 747. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 400. — (M. P. Lowe) Unita. R. 12: 94. — Visit to Gorhambury. Once a Week, 7: 276. — Was he an Impostor'? Fraser, 74: 71S. — (J. von Liebig) Fraser, 75: 482. — Wliat has he originated or discovered '? (I. H. Weil) Nat. Q. 15: 316. — Works of. (A. Barnes) Chr. Q. Spec. 4: 52S. — Liv. Age, 12: 324. — (H. Giles) Chr. Exam. 72: 157. — Liv. .A.ge, 52: 673. — Ed. R. 106: 2S7. — Worldly AVisdom of. Liv. Age, 76: 562. Bacon, Rev. Henry. Univ. (J. 14: 75. Bacon, Henry D., with portrait. De Bow, 12: 693. Bacon, James Muuroe. (J. W. Wellman) Cong. Q. 17: 347- Bacon, John, Cecil's Life of. Chr. Obs. i: 525. Bacon, Leonard. Nat. M. 3: 115. — With portrait. Eel. M. 94: 633. — Church Manual. Chr. Q. Spec. 5: 612. — Historical Discourses. (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 27: 201. — (N. Porter) Am. Bil). Repos. 2d s. 2: 217. — (A. Lamson) No. Am. 50: i5i. — New York R. 6. 48. — Lit. & Theo. R. 6: 166. — Plea for Africa. (J. Sparks) No. Am. 21 : 462. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 3: 30. Bacon, Leonard W. Answer to Tract, "Is it Honest?" (A. Young) C^ith. World, 7: 239. Bacon, Nathaniel, Life of. (W. Ware) Sparks's Am. Biog. 13: 239. Bacon. Sir Nicolas; with unprintcd Papers. (J. P. Col- lier) .\rch. 36: 339. Bacon, Richard, jr. S". Lit. Mess. 7: 7S5. Bacon. Roger. (J. Cowen) Colburn, 165: S64. — (E. H. Plumptre) Contemp. 2 : 364. — (E. W. Rcjmolds) Univ. Q. 20: 279. — All the Year, 5: 31S —Dub. R. 48: 316. — anil Growth of Christian Thought. (E. E. Butler) Am. Church R. 32: 287. — and Lord Bacon. (J. H. Rigg) Meth. Q. 18: 5, 173. — in the Light of New Documents. (E. Saisset) Am. Presb. K. 12: 639. — Life and Writings of. Westm. 81 : i. BACON 86 BAILLIE Bacon, Roger, Minor Works of. Liv. Age, 65: 337. — Philosophy of. Westm. 81: 512. — Sketch of. St. James, 6: 28. — Works of. Liv. Age, 66: 716. Bacon, Rev. Tiiomas, of Maryland, 1745-68. (E.Allen) Am. Church R. 17: 430. Bacon, Wni. Thompson. Poems. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 68: 260. — Knick. 11: 58,151. 12: 20. —Am. Whig R. 4: 15. — Brownson, 6: 129. — Best. Q. i : 74. Bacon's Rebellion. Dem. R. 7: 243, 453. Bacon, How we cure our. Chamb. J. 45: 667. Bacteria. (J. B. Sanderson) Nature, 17: 84. — and their Effects. (L. A. Stimson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 6: 399- — as Cause of Disease in Plants. (T. J. Burrill) Am. Natural. 15: 527. — Natural Development of, in the Protolamic Parts of various Plants. (A. Bechamp) Pop Sci. R. 8: 166. — Temperature at which they are killed. (H. C. Bastian) Nature, 8: 273. Bad Bargain; a Tale. All the Year, 37: 258. Bad made Worse. St. James, 25: 690, 828. 26: 151, 300. Badajos, Siege of. All the Year, 30: 58, 326. — Storming of. Eraser, 50: 223. — Mus. 23: 231, 612. Badakshan and Wakhan, Frontiers of. Colburn, 152: 301. Badcock Genealogy. (W. S. Appletou) N. E. Reg. 19: 215. Baddeley, Robert, and his Cake. Temp. Bar, 13: 443. Baden and Allerheiligen. (T. A. Trollope) Lippinc. 20: 535- — and its Attractions. Dub. Univ. 63: 702. — Baths of. Cornh. 35: 195. — Castle of. Sharpe, 26: 178. — Church and State in. Dub. R. 36: 269. — in 1862. Once a Week, 7: 514. — Insurrection in. Blackw. 66: 206. — Reminiscences of. Colburn, 93: 145. Baden-Baden. (C. A. Bristed) Galaxy, i: 519. — Bent- ley, 4: 353. — Blackw. 48: 479. — Loud. Soc. 6: 425. Same art. Eel. M. 64: 80. — and Matlock. Temp. Bar, 10: 550. — Day's Hunting at. Colburn, 95: 412. — Gambling at. Loud. Soc. 4: 394. — in 1853. Sharpe, 52: 97, 137, 199. — in 1867. (C. Clarke) Temp. Bar, 21: 383. — in a new Light. Tinsley, 3: 307. — in Winter. Colburn, 103: 39. — Pictures of. (R. M. Richardson) Knick. 41 : 385. 42: I I 1-603. — Rien ne va plus. (C. Hervey) Belgra. 24: 317. Badgebury. Godey, 23: 72. Badger, Geo.E., Reminiscences. Land We Love, i: 283. — Sketch of. (W. Eaton) Land We Love, i: 335. Badger, Rev. Joseph. Am. Q. Reg. 13: 317. — (E. H. Sears) Chr. Exam. 57: 42. Badger, Milton. (D. B- Coe) Cong. Q. 17: i. Badger, The Penny M. 7: 245. — and its Enemies. All the Year, 44: 200. Badges. Chamb. J. 19: 92. — and Devices, Historic. (Mrs. B. Palliser) Art J. 17: 313, 325. 18: 13-325. 19: 33-261. — History and Varieties of. Nat. M. 6: 48. Hadham, David Charles. Eraser, 56: 162. Same art. Liv. Age. 55: 62. Badlam, Ezra, Letter of, 1777. N. E. Reg. 2: 49. Baer, Karl Ernst von. Nature. 15: 138. — Autobiography of. Quar. 122: 335. Same art. Liv. Age, 93: 419. Baertz. Father Gaspar, at Ormuz. Month, 21: 435. 22: 164, 426. Baffin's Bay, Cruise to. Chamb. J. 52: 150. — Sutherland's Voyage in, 1850. Colburn, 96: 102. Bagdad. Lond. Soc. 36: 497. — Penny M. 14: 9. — Caravansary of. Good Words, i: 425. — Fall of. Blackw. 48: 595. — Plague of. Penny M. 2: 458. — Visit to. Ev. Sat. 2: 530. Bage, Robert. (H. Kirke) Reliquary, lo: 23- — Life and Character of. Mus. 7: 369. Bagehot, Walter. (R. H. Hutton) Fortn. 28: 453. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: 387. — (G. B. Smith) Fraser, 99: 298. Same art. Liv. Age, 141: 131 (G. Walker) Nation, 28; 436. — Liv. Age, 133: 245. — and the Economist. (G Walker) Nation, 24: 204. — as an Economist. (R. Giffen) I'ortn. 33: 549. — Biographical Studies. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 32: 426. — Journalism as exemplified by. ( J . Arbuckle) Scrib. 18: 846. — Physics and Politics. Penn Mo. 4: 558. — Sketch of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 12: 489. Baggage under Difficulties. All the Year. 20. 233. Bagged on the First. Lond. Soc. 28: 2.47. Bagli 0' Bahar; or. The (iardcn and the Spring. Col- burn, 149: 676. 150: 59, 108. Bagimont's Roll, in Advocate's Library, Edinburgh. (N. Carlisle) Arch. 17: 231. Bagleyhole Folk. (H. S. Vince) St. James, 41: 407. Bagpipe Music, Highland. (D. Campbell) Tait. n. s. 16: 369- Bagpipes. Penny M. 13: 278. — of Tottenham Court Road. Lond. M. 1 : 389. Bahador. See Jung-Bahador. Bahamas. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Harper, 49: 761. — Formation of. Hunt, 44: 45. Bahia, A Day at. Dub. Univ. 53: 114. Baie-Verte Canal. (T. Guerin) Eel. Engin. 11: 240. 14: 54, 359. — (C. Herschel) Eel. Engin. 14: 150. Baif, Jan Antoine de, Early French Poet. Lond. M. 5: 335- Bail. West. R. i : 292. Baile}', Ebenezer. Am. J. Educ. 12: 429. Bailej^ Gamaliel, a Pioneer Editor. (J. E. Snodgrass) Allan. 17: 743. — (L Washburne) Univ. Q. 25: 298. Bailey, Jacob. (L. Sabine) No. Am. 78: 202. Bailey, Jacob Whitman, Address in Commemoration of. (A. A. Gould) Am. J. Sci. 75: 153. Bailey, Philip James. Ev. Sat. 13: 498. — Irish Q. 6: i. — Angel World. Prosp. R. 6: 267. — Westm. 54: 335. — Festus. (E. P. Whipple) Am. Whig R. 2: 55. — (R. N. Hudson) Am. Whig R. 5: 43, 123. — New Eng. 5: 175. — (W.H. Channing)Chr. Exam. 39: 365. — Brit. Q. 3: 377. — Dem. R. 17: 454. — De Bow, 10: 430. — Dub. Univ. 30: 91. — Blackw. 67: 415. — (T. S. King) Univ. Q. 2: 385. — (J. Clark) Mercersb. 3: 401. — Chr. Rem. 20: 346. — Dial, 2: 231. — Eel. R. 70: 654. 121: 540. — Hogg, 11: 264. — Eel. M. 29: 128. — Prosp. R. 3: 511.— So. Q. 11: 166. — The Mystic and other Poems. Bentlej\ 38. 609. — Chr. Rem. 31: 267. Bailey, W. Sermons. Chr. Disc. 4: 293. Bailli'e, Ladv Grisell. Blackw. 80: 456. — (W. Cham- bers) Chamb. J. 51: 529. Baillie, Joanna, with portrait. Eel. M. 23: 128. — (P. Frank) Eel. M. 23: 420. — (J. W. Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 37: 529. — Bentley, 29: 453. — Blackw. 16: 162. —Chamb. J. 15: 257. — Dub. Univ. 37: 529. — Eng. Dom. M. 14: 19. 25: 272, 294.— Peop. J. 11: 253. — Internat. M. 3: 140. — Nat. M. 12. 7. — No. Brit. 42: 337. Same art. Liv. Age, 85: 598. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 270. — and Lord Jeffrey. Internat. M. 3: 312. BATLLTE 87 BALLAD Baillie, Joanna, Dramas of. Fraser, 13: 236. — (A. Nor- ton) Chr. Exam. 4: 29. — (F. W. P. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 22: i. — (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 2: 269. 5: 405. 19: 261. — Quar. 55: 264. — Am. Q. 14: 160. — Anal. M. 2: 108. — Westm. 33: 401. — Mo. R. no: 174. — Blackw. 16: 162. 39: i, 265. — Quar. 55: 4S7. — Ed.K. 63: 73. — Mo. U. 139: 260. — Fugitive Verses. Quar. 67: 437. — Letters and Journals of. Mo. R. 157: 25. — Metrical Legends. Mo. R. 96: 72. — Eel. R. 34: 428. — Plays of. Eel. R. 18: 21, 167. — Portfo.(Den.) 25: 339- Plan of. (F. Jeffrey) Select Ed. R. i : 264. — Poems of . Mus. 41: 307. — Eel. R. 38: 264. 93: 407. — Selec. Ed. R. 2: 149. Baillie, Matthew, Works, Wardrop's. Colburn, 14: 364. Baillie, Neil B. E. Mohammedan Law of Sale. Internal. M. i: 275. Baillie, Robert, the Covenanter. (T. Carlyle) Westm. 37: 43. Same art. Am. Eel. 3: 2S2. — Letters and Journals of. Cong. M. 26: 233. — Eel. R- 74: 633. 77: 449.— Mus. 44: 454. Bailly, J. S. Memoirs of French Revolution. (F.Jeffrey) Ed. R. 6: 137. — Notes on. Colburn, 109: 288. Baily, Edward Hodges, Works of. Eel. R. 94: 146. Baily, Francis, the Banker. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 96. Bain, Alexander. Nature, 15: 21S. — on Free Will. (H. W. Lucas) Month, 21 : 275. — Sketch of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 9: 360. Bainbridge, William, Commodore, with portrait. Portfo. (Den.) 10: 553. — Am. Q. 21: 415. — Ann. Reg. 8: [449. Baines, Edward. Eel. M. 24: 31. — Life of. Eel. R. 94: 203. — Colburn, 92: 491. — House. Words, 3: 414. Baines, William, Imprisonment of. Cong. M. 24: 415. Bairam, The, Mohammedan Festival. Colburn, 25: 352. Baird, Sir David. Ann. Reg. 5: [265. — Select J. i: [134- Baird, James, Sketch of. (J. S. Jeans) Pract. M. i : 246. Baireuth in the iSth Century. Dub. Univ. 64: 91, 216. BajazetGag. (D. Jerrold) Colburn, 62: 322-369. 63: 82-4S9. 64: 177. Bakehouse, Work in the. Chamb. J. 39: 43. Baker, Augustin. Sancta Sophia. Dub. R. 79: 237- Baker, Edward D., Col. (J. Ha\') Harper, 24: 103. Baker, John, Case of. Niles's Reg. 36: 29, 193. Baker, Osmon C, Bishop. (C. Adams) Meth. Q. 38: III. Baker, Sir R. (F. Lawrence) Sharpe, 23: 341. Baker, Remember. (P. H. White) Hist. M. 9: 326. Baker, Sir Samuel W., and his Explorations of the Nile Sources. Macmil. 14: 205 — Political Aspects of his Expedition, 1875. (A. J. Wilson) Fraser, 91: 338. See Africa. Bakers. (W. Chambers) Cliamb. J. 6: 65. — and their Trade. Dub. Univ. 80: 473. — Battle of. St. James, 5: 201. — Health of. (H. Martineau) Once a Week, 3: 540. — of London. Chamb. J. 10: 47. — of Paris. Chamb. J. 41 : 734. Bakewell, Robert. Travels. JIo. R. 103: 271. Baku, Burning Peninsula of. Chamb. J. 38: 33. Same art. Liv. Age, 74: 371. — Penny M. 7: 44. Bal de I'Opera; a Poem. Belgra. 7: 4S5. Bal Masqu^ at Mi-Careme. Lond. Soc. 21 : 249. Balaam. (R, Martineau) Theo. R. 15: 327. — (J. T. Smith) Bapt. Q. 3: 464. — Character and Prophecies of. (R. C. D. Robbins) Bib. Sac. 3: 347, 699. — History of. Chr. Obs. 38: 295, 350. Balaam, History and Oracles of. (M. S. Terrv) Metli. Q. 28: 553. — Prophecies of. (H. C. Lea) Nation, 26: 245. Balaams, The; a Tale. Putnam, 10: 97. Balacchi Brothers. (R. H. Davis) Lippinc. lo: 66. Balaklava, Kind Thoughts for. Chamb. J. 23: 20. — Life at, 1854. Liv. Age, 44: 39. — Alartyr of. (L. Poyntz) Galaxy, 16: 221. Balance of Life, Tlie. Coriiii. 6: 545. — Eel. M. 20: 137. Balance of Power. (H. Brougham) Ed. R. i: 345. — Dem. R. 18: 273. — Carey's Mus. 2: 240. — in Europe. Ed. R. i: 345. — Selec. Ed. R. 5: i. Balance of Trade and Course of E.xchange. (C. H. (Jar- roll) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 32: 949.— "(L. Levi) Bank. M. (N. Y.)32: 369. Balances. (F. Peale) J. Frankl. Inst. 44: 59. Balancing the Books; a Tale. (J. F. Waller) Dub. Univ. 47: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 49: 148. Balanus, The. ("haiub. J. 24: 10. Balasagun. (H. H. Howorth) Geog. M. 2: 217. Balaton, Lake of. Sharpe, 19: 244. Balboa, V. N. de. (J. T. Headley) Harper, 18: 467.— Liv. Age, 46: 492. — and Pizarro, Lives of. Blackw. 32: 359. Balch, Rev. Stephen B. So. Lit. Mess. 7: 860. Balche Genealogy. (W. F. Balch) N. E. Reg. 9: 233. Balcombe Street Jlystery. House^ Words, 17: 486. Bald Banys; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 85: 618. Balder the Beautiful. (R. Buchanan) Contemp. 29: 691, 800, 1004. Baldwin I., Emperor. Irish Q. 7: 29. Baldwin, Rev. Abraham. Chr. Mo. Spec. 9: 449. Baldwin, James Fowlc. (U. Parsons) N. E. Reg. 19: 97. Baldwin, John, of Stonington, Conn. N. E. Reg. 27: 148. Baldwin, Joseph G., Party Leaders. So. Lit. Mess. 21 : 65. Baldwin, Roger S., Discourse on. (S. W. S. Dutton) New Eng. 22: 259. Baldwin, Simeon. (S. W. S. Dutton) New Eng. 9: 426. Baldwin, Theron. (J. M. Sturtevant) Cong. Q. 17: 213, 395.— Cong. R. 10: y-,:^. Baldwin Family. N. E. Reg. 26: 295. — (B. A. Bald- win) N. E. Reg. 25: 153. Bale, John, Bishop of Ossory. (G. G. Perry) Contemp. 10: 96. Balearic Islands, Visit to. (B. Taylor) Atlan. 20: 6S0. 21 ■■ 73- Balfe, Michael W., with portrait. Dub. Univ. 38: 66. — Eng. Dom. M. 10: 19. Balfour, Sir James, Collection of Manuscripts. Chamb. J. 15: 406. Balfour, Walter. (E. O. Brooks) Univ. Q. 32: 133, 261. Balkans, The, Counter-Revolution in. (A. J. Evans) Fortn. 33: 491. — Over, witli Gourko. (F. V. Greene) Scrib. 20: 721. Ball, Edward. (L. C. Ball) N. E. Reg. 9: 158. Ball, Frances, Nun of Loreto. (II. J. Coleridge) Month, 37: 59- Ball, John T., Lord Chancellor of Ireland, with portrait. Dub. Univ. 85: 402. Ball, William, Poems of. Ed. R. 51: 2:;i. Ball's Bluff, Battle of, Report of. (W.'ll. Jenifer) So. R. n. s. 6: 470. Ball at Delmonico's. Galaxy, 17: 513. Ball-Giving and Ball-Going. (C. Boyle) Macmil. 27: 458. — Canad. Mo. 3: 44S. Ball Season in Paris. Teni]). Bar, II : 90. Balls. (F. Fitzgerald) Belgra. i: 225. — All the Year, 27: 322. Balls, Chinese, How made. J. Frankl. Inst. 47: 130. Ballachulisli, from London to, and back. Macmil. 4: 481. Ballad, Nature and literary Allinities of. Brit. Q. 59: i. Sa^ne art. Liv. Age, 120: 579. BALLAD BALLOOX Ballad of Arabella. (J. T. Trowbridge) Harper, 53: 161. — of the IJostoii Tea-1'arty. (0. W. Holmes) Allan. 33: 219. — of Caldon Water. (P. Carey) Scrib. 3: 488. — of CarmilLian; a Poem. (II. \V. Longfellow) Atlan. 29: 389. — of Christopher Aske. (R. T. Cooke) Atlan. 43: 2S3. — of Fair Ladies in Revolt. (G. Mereditii) rnrtn. 26: 232. — of the French Fleet. (H. W. Longfellow) Atlan. 39: 446. — of the Gold Country. (H. M. Jackson) Scrib. 4: 613. — of Isobel. (J. Payne) Colburn, 165: 1125. — of Leonore. (G. A. Biirger) Dub. Univ. 4: 509. — of Riciiard Hurnell. (W. Howitt) House. Words, 1 : 372. — of Sir Ball. (W. D. O'Connor) Galaxy, 5: 328. — of Sir John Franklin. (G. H. Boker) Inteniat. M. 4: 473- — of Sir Ronald. Broadw. 3: 219. Ballad Books. (F. J. (Miild) Nation, 7: 192. Ballad Land, Into. (M. G. Watkins) Fraser, 88: 64S. Ballad Literature. Ma.ss. Q. i : 240. — of Ancient Greece. (W. C. Taylor) Bentley, 12: 494. — of England in Middle Ages. (Miss E. Wornieley) Putnam, 4: 378. Ballad Poetr}-, Ancient and Modern. Blackw. 61: 622. — Cornh. 31: 709. Same art. Eel. M. 85: 205. — of England. (H. )V. Herbert) Godey, 29: 262. — of Ireland. Dub. L'niv. 61 : 442. — of Scotland. Blackw. 84: 462. — Eel. R. 94: 567. Same art. Liv. Age, 32: 4S7. Ballad Singers, English. Colburn, 5: 212. Ballad Singing. Broadw. 3: 454. Ballad Subjects. Chamb. J. 39: 333. Ballad Writers, Modern. Westm. 55: i. Ballade de la Gueuserie. (E. D. Jerrold) Temp. Bar, 55: 404- Ballads, Ancient. So. Lit. Mess. 28: 195. Ballads and Ballad Music illustrative of Shakspere. (A. E. Barr) Harper, 63: 52. — and Traditions of Northern Europe. Colburn, 130: 479- 131: 39- — Ante-Revolutionary. Hist. M. 2: 164. — Art among. (L. Jewitt) Art J. 31 : 6-305. — Bouipiet of. (W. E. Aytoun) Dub. I'niv. 33: 606. — Breton; translated. Blackw. 86: 4S8. — Cavalier. (W. G. Thornbury) Dub. L^niv. 48: 611. — Danish, Ancient. Westm. 75: i. — Dissertation on. Fraser, 19: 407. — from English History. (J. Payn) Colburn, 106: 304- 485. — Historical. Brit. Q. 33: 443. — Illustrative Designs to Foreign. Chr. Rem. 2: 395. — from the German. Dub. Univ. 46: 496. — National. So. Lit. Mess. 15: 10. — of iMigland, Ancient. Eel. R. 73: 169. 85: 171. — Liv. Age, 54: 124. — Penny JI. 7: 169-369. — Retros. 17: 144, 209. — Mo. R. 163: 390. Pictures on. (L. Jewitt) Art J. 30: 74, 118. and of Scotland. (W. M. Nevin) Mercersb. 2 : 155, 345. — Knick. 54: 497. Historical. Penny M. 8: 94-278. Modern. (H. G. Hewlett) Contemp. 26: 958. — Hogg, 9: 28. Romantic. Penny M. 7: 404-4S9. 8: 17,44. — of the English People. Westm. R. 63: 25. Same art. Liv. Age, 44: 593. — of Ireland. Liv. Age, 47: 798. Street. Cath. World, 9: 32. — House. Words, 4: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 32: 481. Modern. (W. Barry) Macmil. 25: 190. San\e art. Liv. Age, 112: 308. — (A. M.Williams) Na- tion, 6: 135. Ballads of Lower Brittany. Dub, Univ. 81: 361. — of Scotland. (A. Smith) Liv. Age, 53: 129. — Quar. 105: 305. — Liv. Age, 56: 65. — So. Lit. Mess. 27: 374- Aytoun's. (D. Wilson) Cauad. J. n. s. 4: 295, 46S. — New Q. 7: 224. — of Seven Dials. Quar. 123: 3S2. — of Si)ain. House. Words, 19: 408. Lockhart's Ancient. Mo. R. 156: 421. 158: 427. — Our modern Minstrelsy. (W. Leightou) St. James, 27: 151. — Percy's Manuscript. (W. L. Blackley) Contemp. 6: 357- — Political, of England and Scotland. Ed. R. 1 13: 87. — Provincial. Colburn, 14: 217. — Roxburghc. No. Brit. 6: 25. Collier's Book of. Eel. R. 85: 469. — Street. Nat. R. 13: 397. — Traditionary. (Mary Howitt) Tait, n. s. 2: 27-820. Ballantj'ne Controversy with Lockhart. Tait, n. s. 6: 657. Ballantyne's Novelists' Library. Blackw. 15: 406. Ballerini and Liguori. Month, 20: 240. Ballet, The. All the Year, 12: 94. — (M. E. Haweis) St. Paul's, 12: 324. — and Stage Morality. Blackw. 105: 354. Same art. Eel. M. 72: 620. — English. Ev. Sat. 14: 429. — of the Ratcatcher. Temp. Bar, 57: 399. Ballet Dancer, The. Chamb. J. 19: 3S7. Ballet Dancing, History of. (J. B. Matthews) Appleton, 19: 306. Ballet Girls of Paris. Lond. Soc. 17: 25, 181. — Ev. Sat. 9: 55- Ballets and Ballet Dancers. (D. Cook) Belgra. 25: 522. Ballinasloe Fair. Dub. Univ. 42: 62S. Balliol Scholars, 1840-43. (J. C. Shairp) Macmil. 27: 376. Same art. Eel. M. 80: 572. Balloon, Descent from, in a Parachute. All the Year, 7 : 501. — Five Weeks in a. (Sir F. C. L. Wraxall) St. James, 8: 315. — for crossing the Atlantic, Wise's. Pract. M. 2: 219. — from America to England. Nature, 8: 364. — How I lelt Paris in a. (W. de Fonvielle) Temp. Bar, 31: 166. — Nadar's. Chamb. J. 41: ^7. — Navigable. Eel. Engin. 6: 640. Lome's. Pract. M. i: 80. — Chamb. J. 32: 367. — Royal. Liv. Age, 45: 228. — Three Trips in a. Chamb. J. 16: 302. — with Power. Eel. Engin. 14: 354. Balloon and Pigeon Posts. Chamb. J. 48: 129, 154. Balloon Adventure, Fatal, with drawings. Knick. 10 : 342- Balloon Ascension, First, in England, 17S4. Chamb. J. 28: 60. — of MM. Barral and Bixio. Dub. Univ. 36: 304. — to solve Atmospheric Problems, 1850. J. Frankl. Inst. 51: 34- — Woolwich. (C. 0. Browne) Pop. Sci, R. 13: 404. Balloon Ascensions. All the Year, 18: 447. — Account of. (J. Glaisher) J. Frankl. Inst. 78: 3S9. — Blanchard's. House. Words, 7: 483. — History of. Knick. 54: 3S0. — in Paris. Chamb. J. 14: 234. — Scientific Importance of. (.1. Glaisher) Pop. Sci. R. 4: 403. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 505. Balloon Traveling. Chamb. J. 55: 109. Balloon Voyage in England, First. (J. Glaisher) Good Words, 4: 719. — over Illinois. (P. Bowles) Lakeside, 6: 299. — over London. Lond. M. 15: 351. Balloon Voyaging. (G. T. Ferris) Appleton, 12: 225. BALLOONING 89 BALZAC Ballooning. Chamb. J. 17: 214. 31: 157. Same art. Ldv. Age, 61: 312. — Chamb. J. 41: 150. 53: 161. —Eel. M. 58: 424. 61: 151. — Ev. Sat. i: 403. — House. Words, 4: 97 — Liv. Age, 31 : 499. — Wcstm. 48: 314 Same art. Liv. Age, 16: 433. — Brit. Q. 54: 302. Same art. Eel. M. 77: 641. — and Animal Magnetism, Early Notices of. Hist. M. 9: 208. ■ — as it is hoped to be. Chamb. J. 43: 643. — Glaisher's Travels in the Air. Nature, 4: 3. — History of. Knick. 45: 150. — in France. Cornh. 27: 336. — Nature, 5: 334. — in its Infancy. Colburn, 96: 197. — in later Years. Colburn, 96: 286. — Past and present. Once a Week, 9: 6S0. — Scientific. (J. Glaishcr) J. Frankl. Inst. 75: 263. 76:49. 319. 82: 46, 132. — (J. Glaisher) Ex. H. Lee. 18: I. — J. Frankl. Inst. 81: 3S8. — Nature, 18: 639. — Belgra. 12: 204. — So. K. n. s. 7: 191. Brit. Q. 19: 61. — H. Tumor's Astra Castra. Colburn, 135: 23S. See Aerial Navigation; Aeronautic.-. Balloons. (A. Oppenheini) J. Frankl. Inst. 101 : 123, 209. — (W. Pole) Fortn. 35: 75. Same art. Eel. .M. 96: 310.— (G. G. Searle) Cath. World, 14: 757. — All the Year, 44: 17. — (J. R. Thompson) Scrib, i: 385. — Chamb. J. 31: 157. Same art. Eel. M. 47: 129. — Lond. Soc. 4: 481. — and Aeronauts. Once a Week, 13: 386, 526. — and Voyages in the Air. Quar. 139: 105. Same art. Eel. M. 85: 385. Same art. Liv. Age, 126: 451. — Nat. M. 2: 74. — Chapter on. Eraser, 40: 23- Same art. Liv. Age, 22: 313. — for Military Purposes. (W. de Fonvielle) Nature. 3: 115, 135, 175. — (H. B. Pritchard) Nature, 18: 491. — Once a Week, 23: 393, 411. — All the Year, 21: 297. — Ev. Sat. 9: 695. — All the Year, 24: 536. Day with War Balloons. (H. El.sdale) 19th Cent. 9: loS. Same art. Liv. Age, 148: 29S. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 320. — in Arctic Exploration. (H. Coxwell) Temp. Bar, 61: i6g. — in Meteorological Research. (J. Wise) J. Frankl. Inst. 91: 345- — Origin of. (G. Cumberland) J. Frankl. Inst. 7: 20. — Progress in the Art of. Once a Week, 21: 96. — Steering of. (A. Moigno) Pract. M. 4: 239. — Three Months with. St. James, 7: 96. See Flying-Machines. Balloon Ball, Game of. (R. Macgregor) Belgra. 44: 193. Ballot, The. Eraser, 2: 717. 3: 183. 16: 2S9. — Eel. R. 67: 97. 69: 401. 72: 713. — Brit. & For. R. 4: 585. 9: 289. — (.J. Mill) Westm. 13: i.— Mac- mil. 26: 417. — Quar. 61: 507. — Tait, 2: 647, 660, 6S3. — Abuse of, and its Remedy. (G. W. Julian) Internat. R. 8: 534. — Advantages of Voting by. Westm. 94: 437. — and Bribery at Elections. Wcstm. 115: 443. — Dialogue on. Westm. 30: 201. — Last Words on. Brit. Q. 55: iSS. — Notes on. (F. Taylor) Canad. Mo. 3: 488. — Protection of. (C. F. Adams, jr.) Am. Soc. Sci. J. i : 91 . — Secret. Westm. 91: 3S3. Shall we haveV Nation, 28: 82. — Sydney Smith on. Tait, n. s. 6: 219. — Vote by. Dem. R. 34: 19. — Eel. R. 124: 378. — Vox Populi. (W. Ambruster) Lippinc. 2: 408. Ballot-Box, Forty-one Hours with a. (E. Leigh) Belgra. 29: 194. — Responsibility of. Am. Whig R. 4: 435. Ballots, Votes, and Blackballs. Chamb. J. 21: 231. Ballou, Hosea. (E. G. Brooks) L'niv. Q. 27: 3X9. 30: 40. — (A. P. Putnam) Mo. Rd. M. 45: 397. — and Universalism. (A. A. Miner; Univ. Q. ig: 379. — Parentage and Early Life of. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 11: 174- Ballou, Hosea, 2d. (G. H. Emerson) Univ. Q. i8: 30S. (T. B. Thayer) Univ. Q. 23: 240. — (E. G. Brooks) Univ. Q. 35: 3S9. Ballowniere; a Tale. Sharpe, 34: 191, 242. Ballymurry; a Tale. (N. Robinson) Cath. World, 28: 207. liallysadare and Kilvarnet, O'Rorke's. (J. Healy) Irish Mo. 6: 603. Balmes, James, Letters to a Sceptic. Internat. R. 3: loS. Balms and Balsams. Penny il. 13: 119. Balmoral. Tait, n. s. 16: 16. Balrpihidder, In the Braes of. Good Words, 20: 713. Baltic, The. (T. Milner) Eraser, 51: 201. — and the Black Si-a. Bentley, 38: 221. — Cruise of the Jliranda in, 1854. Cnlburn, lOi: 39. — English Fleet in, 1855. Blackw. 78: 135, 427. — Letters from. (R. M. Milnes) (^uar. 68: 444. — Mus. 44: 297. — Mo. R. 156: 576. — Tail. n. .•-. 9: 37. — Recollections of a Cruise in. Eraser. 92: 508. Baltic Fleet. Bentley. 35: 359. Same art. Eel. M. 32: iSi. Baltic Shores, HilPs Travels on. Eel. R. 100: 207. Baltic Trade. Penny M. 8: 321. Baltimore, Lord. (G. W. Burnap) Sparks's Am. Biog. 9: 3- — and Maryland Toleration. (E. D. Neill) Contemp. 28: 616. Baltimore, City of. (H. Cooke) Bentley, 17: 99. — (F. Downing) Land We Love, 6: 240. Same art. N. Eel. 4: 202. — (E. King) Serib. 9: 68 1. — (J. Sparks) No. Am. 20: 99. — Niles's Reg. 50: 68. — (H. Stock- bridge) Hunt, 23: 34. — City of Monuments. ( J. AV. Palmer) Lippinc. 8: 259, 368. — Commercial Progress of. De Bow, 14: 470. — Council of, 1866. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 6: 61S. 9: 497- — Dedication of Battle Monument. Portfo.fDen.) 15: i. — Democratic Convention, 1S44. Dem. R. 14: 89. — Exports of, 1S42. Hunt, 8: 382. 184;. Hunt, 19: 196. — Johns Hopkins Hospital. Am. Arch. 3: 165, 209. — Johns Hopkins I'niversity. Set Joiins Hopkins. — Old, and its Merchants. (F. Mayer) Harper. 60: 175. — Old and New. (W. H. Thorne) Potter Am. .Mo. 8: 321- — Past and Future of. De Bow, 29: 290. — Peabody Institute of, Origin of. Am. .L Educ. 3: 226. — Private Sewerage in. (P. B. tilietpiiire) Am. .\rrh. 6: 175. — Regulation of the Port of. Hunt. 6: So. — Reminiscences of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 3: 9. — Something of. (J. W. Ilengiston) Colburn. 97: 35S. Baltinjore and Ohio Railroad. (P. Cruise) No. Am. 28: 166. — J. Frankl. Inst. 33: 149. 41: i. 43: i. 73. 45: I. 47: 4. — Niles's Reg. 32: 282-306. 33: 13-. 162, 273. 34:316. 35:142.434. 36:41, 92. 37: 43, 142.- 41: 192,347,360. 47: 123. — .\rtists' ICxeursionover. (I). H. Strotlier) Harper.19: i. Baltimore Beauty. (.1. W. Palmer) Lippinc. 8: 11. Baity. (P. Mulford) Overland. 6: 268. Balwidder's Annals of the Parish. Quar. 25: 147. Balzac, Honore de. (H. 1?. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 21: 617. — (R. S. Hunter) IViiii Mo. 5: 505. — (H. .Tames, jr.) Galaxy, 20: S14. — (V. W. Johnson 1 Hours at Home, 5: 249. — (T. S. Perry) No. .Vm. 124: 314. — (.\. Rhodes) Scrib. II : 63'.. —Ed. R. 107: 522. — Bentley, 46: 14S. — Blackw. 121: 300. BALZAC 90 BANK Balzac, Honor^ de. Broadw. 8: 26S. — Dem. R. 32: 325. — Ed. K. 148: 528. — Ev. Sat. 1: 708. — Irish Q. 8: 389. — Lond. Soc. 21: 308. Same art. Eel. M. 78: 738. —Nat. M. 13: 358. — Temp. Bar, 54: 535. — Age of. (W. S. Lilly) Contemp. 37: 1004. — and George Sand. For. Q. 33: 145. — and his Publisher. All the Year, i: 1S4, 205. Same art. Liv. Age, 62: 553. — and his Writings. Westm. R. 60: 199. Same art. Eel. M. 30: 29. — and Thaekeray, Style of. Dub. Univ. 64: 620. Same art. Eel. M. 64: 229. Same art. Liv. Ago, 84: 51. — Anecdotes of. Temp. Bar, 52: 3S1. — as Artist and Moralist. (K. Hillard) Lippinc. 8: 592. — at Home. St. Paul's. 2: 418. — Characteristics of. Uub. Univ. 67: 603. — Correspondence of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 23: 339, 366. 24: 7. — Dumas, Soulie, etc. Westm. 31: 73. — en Pantoufles, Gozlan's. Nat. R. 4: 63. — Eugenie Grandet. Ev. Sat. 14: 148. — Hugo's Funeral Oration on. Internat. M. i: 316. — Letters of. (H. James, jr.) Galaxy, 23: 183. — Life and Career of. Ev. Sat. 4: 565. and Writings of. Dub. Univ. 70: 363, 510. — Novels of. (j. L. Motley) No. Am. 65: 85. — (L. Stephen) Fortn. 15: 17. Same art. Liv. Age, 108: 515- 369- — Provincial Bachelor's Household. For. Q. 30 — Sketches of Provincial Life. Mo. R. 153: no. — Struggles of. (J. F. Mollny) Tinsley, 29: 395. — Works of. (H. T. Tuckerman) So. Lit. Mess. 28: Si. Balzac, J.-L. G. de. Bcntley, 44: 492. Bambassi, Father Benveuuto. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. "World, 29: 64. Bamboo for Paper Making. (R. Thomson) Pract. M. 7: 333- Bamboo-Baeksheesh Society. Colburn, 160: 543. Bamboo Tree. Chamb. J. 42: 559. Bamborough Castle. Sharpo, 8: 129. Bamburg-Chucklehausen; a Sketch. Dub. Univ. 81: 161. Bamford, Samuel, Life of a Radical. Quar. 74: 35S. — Eel. R. 84: I. — Memoir of. (Dr. Smiles) Howitt, 3: 328, 345. Banana, or Plantain Tree. Penny M. i: 252. Banbury, Beesley's History of. Mo. R. 154: 113. Banbury Cakes and Banbury Cross. (J. Timbs) Once a W^eek, 8: 5S3. Bancroft, Aaron. Half-Century Sermon. (J. Brazer) Chr. Exam. 20: 240. — Sermons of. Chr. Disc. 4: 200. Bancroft, George, with portrait. Appleton, 8: 208. — Eel. M. 63: 248. — (A. Stevens) Nat. M. 6: 67.— (G. Ripley) Putnam, i : 300. — (J. Wynne) Harper, 25: 52. — Irish Q. 8: 915. — and Col. Joseph Reed. Hist. M. 15: 45. W. B. Reed's Reply. Hist. M. 11 : 249. — as a Historian. (S. T. Wallis) So. R. n. s. 4: 202. — at King's Mountain. So. Lit. Mess. 22: 161. — History of United States. See United States. — Mode of .Writing History. (J. Pyne) Nat. Q. 30: 80. — Poems of. Chr. Disc. 5: 466. — Treatment of Gen. N. Greene. Hist. M. 11: 124. Bancroft, Hubert H., Library of. (H. P. Johnston) Am. Bibliop. 7: 44. Bandel, E. von, with portrait. Pract. M. 6: 225. Bandettini, Teresa. Bentley, 36: 484. Same art. Eel. M. 34: 93. Bandiera, Attilio and Emilio. (J. Mazzini) Peop. J. i : 121. Bandits, Last of the. (Capt. Medwin) Bentley, 2: 585. Banditti of Spain. Quar. 61 : 362. Banditti, Queer Story about. Once a Week, 16: 50, 78. Bands, Textile, Effects of Atmospheric Changes upon. (C. J. H. Woodbury) J. Fraiikl. Inst. 108: 52. Bangkok, Siam. (G. B. Bacon) Scrib. 5: 421. — Visit to. (A. D. Brown) Harper, 41 : 359. Bangor, Me., and its Lumber Trade. Hunt, 18: 517. — Theological Seminary. (E. Pond) Cong. Q. 12: 484. History of. (E. Pond) Am. Q. Reg. 14: 27. Bangor, Wales. Lond. Soc. 8: 36S. — Bishops of. (G. Burgess) Am. Church R. 20: 183. — Cathedral of. Pennv M. 13: 409. Bangs Genealogy. (D. Dudley) N. E. Reg. 8: 368. 10: 157. Banians, Traders of the Indian Seas. (B. Frere) Maemil. 32: 552- Baniin, John. Irish Q. 4: 270, 527, 825. 5: 24-823. 6: 66. — Murray's Life of. Liv. Age, 56: 89, 224. Banim, M. & J., Father Connell. Tait, n. s. 9: 458. — Ghost-Hunter. Tait, 2: 625. — O'Hara Family. Lond. M. 13: 134. 17: 51. Banim's Canvassing. (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 22; 472. . Banishment, Practice of, in Time of James II. (G. Rob- erts) Arch. 34: 350. Bank, Cheque. Chamb. J. 51: 15. — Internal Management of a Country. Hunt, 24: 169. — London and Westminster. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 35. — National. Dem. R. 15: 129. —New York R. 8; 409. Plan of. (W. S. Wetmore) Hunt, 4: 52S. — of America, Sketch of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 753. — of California, Failure of, 1875. (E- L. Godkin) Na- tion, 21: 144, 160. — Nation, 21: 149. — of England. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (L.) 35: supp. — (W. H. Wills) House. Words, i: 337. — Quar. 43: 342. — Mo. R. 128: 530. — Ed. R. 56: 376. — Paniph. 7- 375- — Eel. M. 19: 254.— Liv. Age, 15: 375. — with cut. Bank. M. (N. Y.) i: 231. 2: 366, 435. 3: 4S6. 7: 357. 8: iSi. 9: 610. — Hunt, 55: 117, 258, 332. — Liv. Age, 48: 125. — Penn Mo. i: 257. — Penny M. 3: 348. and Currency. Brit. & For. R. 5: 242. and Country Banks. Blackw. 22: 734. 23: 197. — Ed. R. 65: 61. and the Mint. Westm. 100: 271. and the Money Market, 1S72. Quar. 132: 114. and the Reserves. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 33: 45. Banking of. Liv. Age, 56: 246. Charter of. Tait, i: 291. 386, 559, 664. and Commercial Credit. Lond. Q. 10: 59. See Bank Act of 1844. Description of. (F. Hall) Hunt, 17: 433. Directors of, 1694-1861. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 17: 446. Downfall of. Dem. R. 2o: 561. Grenfield's Speech, 1817. Blackw. i: 406. History of. Chamb. J. lo: 52. — (J. Francis) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 16: 753, 849, 929. — (J. W. Gil- bart) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 27: 532-937. 1 797-1822. (H. Adams) No. Am. 105: 393. 1844-61. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 17: 442-673. Incidents in. Bank. M. (L.) 6: 14, 147. Recent. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (L.) 38: 487. History and Constitution of. Bank. M.(L.)32: 922. in 1854. Hunt, 33: 581. Management of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 13: 181. Note of, and Printing it. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 6S5. Characteristics of. Hogg, 9: 31- History of. (C. Dickens) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 251. Operations of, 1845-54. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 268. under Sir R. Peel's Act, 1845-54. Bank. M. (L.) 14: 48,. ,859. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 14: 854. BANK 91 BANK Bank of England, Origin of, Macaulay on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) lo: 88i. 17: 425, Present Constitution of, 1856. (C. Jellicoe) J. Statis. Soc. 19: 272. Prestige and Position of. Bank. M. (L.) 35: i. Rate of Interest of. (G. Walker) Nation, 22: 15S. — (B. Price) Nation, 22: 260. Minimum. (G.Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.)32: 241. Table of, 1694-1852. Bank. M. (L.) 12: 229. Variations in, 1844-77. Bank. M. (L.) 38: 161. Reform of . Blackw. 99: 322. Renewal of Charter. (T. I*. Thompson) Westm. 17: 193, 421. 18: 76. — Fraser, 6: 231.— Tait, 3: 543. Report on, 1S19. Niles's Reg. 16: 324. Reser^-c of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 28: 339. and Interest of. (R. H. I. Palgrave) J. Statis. Soc. 36: 520. Returns for 1853. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 39. Specie Payments by. (F. Ilorncr) Ed. R. 2: 402. Suspensionof Charter Act. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 12: 535. Visit to. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 917. 17: 435.— Hunt, 54: 337. Withdrawal of £1 Notes, 1821-22. Bank. M. (L.) 11: 9. — of Exchange, Establishment of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 113- — of France. (F. Lloyd) Bentley, 12: 47. — Hunt, 11: 167. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) i:"276, 576, 615. — Bank. M. (L.) 3: 266. 16: 277. — Ed. R. 121: 223. Crisis of, 1847. Bank. M. (L.) 6: 340. Issue of small Notes by. Bank. M. (L.) 10: 639. Operations of, 1848-49. (M. d'Argout) Hunt, 21 : 483- 1S50. Hunt, 25: I. 1863. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 905. Report of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31 : 285. Resumption of Cash Payments, 1850. Bank. M. (L.) 10: 517, 684. Sketch of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 884, 899. Variations in Rate of Interest, 1S44-77. Bank. M. (L.)38: 2S5. — of Hamburgh. Bank. M. (L.) 9: 635, 689. — of Issue, Evils of one. Bank. M. (L.) i: 61. National, Plan of. (H. Stanstield) Bank. M. ^N. Y.) 18: 375- — of London. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 2: 593. — of Maryland. Niles's Reg. 49: 205. — of Mutual Redemption. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 10: 54. — of Prussia, Visit to. (C. Winter) Galax3-, 6: 553. — of Scotland. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 3: 316. — Chamb. J. 10: 121. — of United States. (T. B. M.vers) Hist. M. 19: 10.— Bank. M. (N. Y.) 2: 350. — (0. W. B. Peabody) No. Am. 35: 485. — (A. Gallatin) Am. Q. 9: 246. — (G. Bancroft) No. Am. 32: 21. — Am. Q. 11: app. — So. R. 8: i. — Dem. R. 5: 499. — For. Q. 10: 214. — Brit. & For. R. 5: 537.— Ann. Reg. 5: 147. — (T. F. Gordon) Ann. Reg. 7: 63. — Chr. Exam. 31: I. — Niles's Reg. 14: 20, 35, 68, 218. 15: 70, iGi, et seq. 16: supp. 105. 17: 165. i8: 24, et seq. 19: 244, et seq. 20: 298. 21: 133. 23: 87, 121, et seq. 24: 155. 32: 124. 35: 72. 38: 183. 39: 347- 41: 30. i'^, y,^. 42: 374, 394. 43: 272. 45: 248, 277. and Gen. .Jackson. Westm. 21 : 273. Crawford's Report. Niles's Reg. 18: 34, et seq. — Pamph. 17: 229. Jackson's Veto, 1831. Niles's Reg. 42: 365. — Ann. Reg. 7: 60. Jefferson's Opinion. Niles's Reg. 37: no. Madison's Letter. Niles's Reg. 41: 82. McDuffie's Report. Niles's Reg. 38: 183. Bank of United States, Meeting at Philadelphia, 1832.' Niles's Reg. 42: 374, 394. 1 Political History of. (T. H. Benton) Bank. M. (N.Y.) 8: 567. Polk's Speech. Niles's Reg. 44: 108. Removal of Deposits. Niles's Reg. 45: 258. — (A. H. Everett) Ann. Reg. 8: 19. Report of Directors, 1833. Niles's Reg. 45: 24S, 277. 46: iSo, 221. Sketch of chartering the late. (F. Wharton) Hunt, 9- 3°3- — of Venice. (S. Colwell) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 33: 273. — What is a"? and what does it deal in':* (B. Price) Fra- ser, 1 01 : 668. — Yorkshire Penny. Chamb. J. 56: loi. Bank Act of 1844. (B. Price) Fraser, 71: 688. — (E. Seyd) J. Statis. Soc. 35: 458. — Ho. & For. R. 4: 402. — Prosp. R. 4: 165. — Bank. M. (L.) 8: supp. Ivii. — (Lord Hobart) Macmil. 12: 60. — (F. llincks) Canad. Mo. 3: 177. — Westm. 47: 412. Debate in House of Counnuns on, 1S47. Bank. M. (L.) 8: supp. i. — of 1866, and the Crisis. (H. Chubb) J. Statis. Soc. 35: 171. — of Louisiana of 1844. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 32: 344. — of the United States, 1864. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 87. Bank Cashiers. See Cashiers. Bank Checks. See Checks. Bank Clerks, Duties of. Bank. M. (N. T.) 16: 6^3. Bank Clerks' Association of Missouri. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 27: 12S. 29: 147. 30: 136. — of New York. Bank. .M. (N. Y.) 25: 657. 27: 884. 29: 625. 30: 645. Bank Clerks' Benelit Association. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 33: 542. 34: 546. Bank Clerks' Provident Funds. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 31 : 460. 32: 48. Bank Counter, Stories from a. .\I1 the Year, 39: 202. Bank Currency. (A. Walker) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 16: 407. Bank Deposits, Law of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 14: 793. Bank Director, E.xtract from his Diarv. Dem. R. 2: 418. 3: 358. Bank Directors, Dutiesof. (A. B. Johnson) Hunt. 24: 431. — Personal Responsibility of. (.\. T. Innes) Coiiteuip. 34: 322. Bank Enabling Acts. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 19: So^. Bank Examiner, Powers of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 420. Bank Exchange. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 8: 205. Bank Failures. (W. Chambers) Chamb. .1. 56: 145. — Bank. M. (X. Y.) 12: 322. — Causes of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 16: i. Bank Financiering in Pennsylvania. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 14: 2S6. Bank Frauds in England. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 10: 1 ;i. Bank Issue, Evils of unlimited. Tait, n. s. 3: 412. Bank Note and Gold Com, Colloquy between. New Eng. M. 8: 45. — Story of a. All the Year, 38: iSo. Bank-Note Circulation, Influence of, on Banking. Bank. M. (L.)38: 10. Bank-Xote Engraving. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 7: 253. Bank-Xote Forgeries. (C. Dickens) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 5: 361, 516. Bank-Xote Manufactory an Invention of the Devil. (W. Cobbett) Tait, n. s. 2: 504. Bank-Xote Paper. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 3: 577. 4: 938. Bank Xotes and Forgeries. Peop. J. 9: 1S3. — English. House. Words, i: 426. — French. Chamb. J. 46: 6;o. — Lost, Who is benefited"? Bank. M. {X. Y.) 29: 116. — Manufacture of. (.V. H. Guernsey) Harper, 24: 306. — Threatened Abolition of. Blackw. 130: 502. BANK 92 BANKS Bank Parlor in New York. Clianib. J. 39: 250. Bank Redemption. Hunt, 53: 324. — Bunk. M. (N. Y.) 36: 370. Bank Iteserves. (J. B. Howe) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 29: 963, 876. — Economizing of. (G. Marsland) Bank, M. (N. Y.) 31 : 100. — a Guarantee of Solvency. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 923. Bank lle.striction Act. Bank. M. (L.) 7: 65-533. — and Financial Crisis of, 1847. (H. C. Carey) Hunt, 17: 131, 227. Bank Jobberies. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 85. — and Frauds. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 490, 576, Si 7. Bank Statements, How to read. (G. Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.)33: 10. Bank Statistics, 1S39. Hunt, i: 169-548. — 1S40. Hunt, 2: 83-432. 3: 88-552. — 1S41. Hunt, 4: 282, 476. 5: 186, 27S, 483. — 1S42. Hunt, 6: 465. 7: 91. — 1S43. Ifunt, 8: 84-47S: — 1S44. Hunt, 10: 131,472. 11: 78,262,424, — 1S45. Hunt, 12: 2S4. 13: 266, 564. — 1S46. Hunt, 14: 274, 460, 15: 100, 202, 312, — 1847, Hunt, 16: 208-604. 17- II5-429- — 1S4S. Hunt, 18: 105-425. 19: 105-438, — 1849. Hunt, 20: 86-566, 21: 111-561, — 1850. Hunt, 22: 92-570. 23: 117-548. ^ 1851. Hunt, 24: 91-598. 25: 99-611. — 1S52. Hunt, 26: 88-600. 27: 87-737. — 1S54-62. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 17: 540. Bank Stock, Depreciation of. (K. N. McFee) Canad. Mo. 15: 692. — Fraudulent Transfers of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 3: 201. — in Boston, Stability of . Hunt, 6: 465. — Law of Transfer of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 26: 42S. — Liens on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 28: 359. Bank Surplus as a Guarautee Fund. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31: 666. — Taxation of, Report on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 640. Bank Suspension in New York. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 411. Bank Trial, Maryland vs. R. J. Turner. Bank- M. (N. Y.) i: 59°-' Banks. Am. Q. Ii: 245. — and Bank Directors. (T. G. Cary) Hunt, 14: 211. — and Bankers in London. Bank. M. (N. Y.) i: 488. — and Banking. Niles's Reg. 14: 107. — (W. J. Law- son) Bentley, 28: 84. — (B. Price) Fraser, 75: 1S7. — So. Q. 26: 220. History of. (J. Knox) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 36: 445. in Illinois. (H. Brown) Hunt, 11: 240. — and Currency. (C. F. Adams) Hunt, i: 214. — (A. Gallatin) Am. Q. 8: 441. — (T. H. Benton) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 559. — Republic, 6: 316. Foreign. Am. Alma. 1835: 107. in New England. (N. Hale) No. Am. 22: 467. — and the Financial Crisis of 1873. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 17: 335. — and Money. (,J. L. Tellkampf) Hunt, 55: 95, 169. Tlieory of. (C. F. Adams) Hunt, i: 50, 119. — and Money-Making. Mo. R. 158: 21-;. — and Speculators. Bank. y\. (X. Y.) 29: 121. — Architecture of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 21: 645, 739,805. in London. Bank. M. (L.) 15: 196. — as Promoters of Speculation. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 26: 657. — Banking, and Paper Currency. (F. Hunt) Hinit, 4: 245. — Anal. M. 6: 489. — Clearing-Hnuse System. Bank. JL (N. Y.) 35: 929. — Country, Utility of. Ed. R. i: 106. — Currency, and the Usury Laws. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 14: 833- Banks, Evils of, and the Remedy. Am. Mo. M. 10: 379. — Fi.xtures and Appliances in. (G. Sharp) Bank. M. (L.) 12: supp. I. — Foreign, and Currency. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 12: 102. — Government as a Bank. (E. L. Godkin) Natitm, 27: iSS. — Government Supervision of. (G. Walker) Nation, 27: 329. — .Joint Slock. Westm. 27: 226. — Ed. R. 63: 419. English. (A. J. Wilson) Fortn. 30: 2S4. — Liabilities of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 5: 349. — Liabilitv for Neglect to protest Drafts. Bank. JL (X. Y.) i: 13. on Cashier's Endorsement. Bank. 5L (X. Y.) 29: 463- — National. (R. Morris) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 450.— Am. Q. 14: 493. — (F. ,T. Kingsbury) New F'ng. 31: 621. —(G.Walker) Nation, 27: 361.— Bank. M. (X. Y.) 27: 497. — Hunt, 59: 130. and Congress. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 32: 144. and the Currency. (G.Walker) Internat. R. 6: 248. and the Finances. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 16: 518. and the Silver Mania, 1S7S, (E. L. Godkin) Na- tion, 27: 344. and State Banks. (E. W. Keyes) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 24: 122. and their Fiscal Burdens. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 835- and the United States Treasury. (H. W. Rich- ardson) Internat. R. 11: 297. Circulation of. Scrib. 17: 205. Currency of. (J. B. Hodgskin) Nation, 5: 394, 45"- Decisions regarding. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 25: 19S, 2S9. Government as a Bank. (E. L. Godkin) Xation, 27: iSS. Government Bank, The. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 33: T,y2- History of. Bank. M. (L.) 37: 2S1. Legislation on. (J. B. Hodgskin) Xation, 8: 269, Liens upon Shares in. Decision on. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 29: 130. List of, 1863. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 510, 746, 1865-66, Bank, M. (X, Y,) 20: 209, 529, 1867. Bank, M, (N, Y,) 22: 17, 1868, Bank, M. (N, Y.) 22: 871, 23: 97. 1871, Bank, M. (N, Y,) 26: 177, or a National Bank. (D. P. Bailey, jr.) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 297. Redemption of Notes of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 20: 193, 401, 461. — (F. W. Lautz) Galaxv, 23: 647. Remarks on. (J. S. Ropes) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 22: 345- Right of Suit. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 29: 304. State Rights over. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 390. Statistics of, 1S67. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 22: 514. 1S68. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 23: 513. 1S69. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 24: 505. 1S70. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 25: 497. 1871, Bank, M, (N, Y.) 26: 497, Svstem of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 18: 184.— (F. Bo'wen) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 20: 769. — (G. Walker) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 21 : 674. — (H. McCulloch) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 33: 971. — (J. Knox) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 36: 189. — Republic, 6: 118. — Nat. Q. 11: 51. Advantages of. (G. Walker) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 22: 6S1. — Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 676. and its Dangers. Bank.M. (X. Y.) 30: 753. Argument on. (C, B, Hall) Bank, M. (X.~ Y.) 24: S54. as a Model. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 29: 744. BA^^KS 93 BANKING Banks, National, System of. Defects of. Smb. 3: 419. Defense of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 4S9. Italian View of. (G. AValker) Nation, 23: 215. Needed Modifications of. (L. H, Atwater) Scrib. 5: 737- Origin of. Hist. M. g: 253. Perils of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 29: i. Report on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 964. Taxation of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 29: 209. 34: 4, 595. 35: SSi. by tiie States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31 : 820, 8SS. — of Canada. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 19: 620, 697. 29: 664. and the Usury Laws. (.J. B. Hodgskin) Nation, 11: 289. — of Circulation. Portfo.(Den.) 13: 417. — of Connecticut in 1S62. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 17: 222. — of France. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 193, 2S2. — of Germany. Hunt, 17: 530. — of Great Britain. Bank. M. (X. Y.) i: 693. — of Issue, Evidence before Parliamentary Committee on. Bank. M. (L.) 35: supp. — of Italy. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 26: .'Si. — of Massachusetts. (I. Chickorinic) Hunt, 2: 134. in 1S53. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 8: 713. — of the City of New York, 1S64. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 530. — of Ohio. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 2: 295. — of Paris. Bank. M. (N. Y'.) 20: 353. — of Scotland. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 25: S24. — or no Banks. (G. Tucker) Hunt, 38: 149. — People's, of Germanv. (H. Villard) Am. Soc. Sci. J. i: 127. — O. &N. i: 704. — Popular, of Europe. Bank. M. (N. Y'.) 30: 7. — Provident or Parish. Pamph. 7: 475. — Responsibility of, for Collaterals. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 892. — Savings. See Savings Banks. — State. Niles's Reg. 46: 157. — State-Tamperings with Money and. (II. Spencer) Westm. 69: 210. — Suffolk System. (F. 0. J. Smith) Hunt, 24: 316, 439. — (J. B. Foster) Hunt, 24: 577. — (J. S. Ropes) Hunt, 24: 700. — Taxation of. (G. Marsland) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 32: 164, 337. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 21: 241. 22: i. 30:428. 32: 456, 769. 35: 489. Burdens of. Bank. M. (X. Y'.) 31 : 472. by States. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 31 : 512. 35:835. in Congress. Bank. M. (N. Y'.) 32: 935. 33: 3. Repeal of, in Congress. Bank. M. (N. Y.)32: 594, 862. 36: 114. — Tucker's Theory of. New York R. 5: 334. — War of. (R. H. Patterson) Fortn. 6: i. Banks of Earth, Pressure of, and Dimensions of Revet- ments, Barlow on. (D. P. Woodbury) J. Frankl. Inst. 40: I. Banka, Mineralogy of the Island of. (T. Ilors(ield) Am. J. Sci. 57: 86. Banker, Proper Business of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 179. — Wiiat is a, in Law V Bank. M. (X. Y.) 32: 515. Banker of Ballyfree ; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 53: 730. — of Broadluirst ; a Sketch. Dub. L'niv. 79: 301. Banker's Daughter. Colburn, 165: 728, 845. Banker's Daughter. Dub. Univ. 17: 2S9. Banker's Daughter. St. James. 5: 51. Banker's Daughter. Bank. ^I. (L.) 30: 955, 1030. 31: 9-1068. 32: 22-37. 33: S-335. Banker's Story. (L. Winglield) Victoria, 34: 149. Banker's Strong Box; a Tale. Bentlcy, 63: 261, 399. Banker's Ward. St. James, 18: 307. Bankers. (H. B. Kimball) Galaxy, 21: no. — and Banking. Once a Week, 10: 65. Bankers considered as Autocrats. Ev. Sat. 10: 307. — Convention of, Saratoga, 1S79. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 34: I, 207. Saratoga, 1880. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 35: 64-211. Xiagara, 18S1. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 36: 1-209. — Customs of. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 35: 113. — Eminent, Sketches of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 24: 612. — for the Poor. (E. Howland) Galaxy, 3: 661. — Liabilities of. Bank. ^I. (X. Y.) 15: 505. for Collections. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 15: 739. — List of Foreign. Bank. M. (X. Y.) i: 88. — Private, List of, in the U. S., 1855. Bauk. M. (X. Y.) 10: 468. i860. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 15: 49. 1865. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 19: 705. 1S68. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 22: 177. Banking. (C. H. Carroll) Hunt, 39: 306, 443. — (R. II. I. Palgrave) Fortn. 21: 92. — Hunt, 5: 27. — Dem. R. 10: 3S4. — Quar. 42: 476. — (J. B. Turner) Xew Kng. 2: 48. — Westm. 10: 360. 35: 45. — U. .S. Lit. Gaz. 5: 190. — Xiles's Reg. 14: 377. — Allied Banks of New England. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 4: i. — Hunt, 5: 261. — Anatomy and Philosophy of. Hunt. 22: 3S9. — Ancient Feudal and Modern. Dem. R. II : 249. — and the Bank of the United States. Chr. Exam. 31:1. — and Bankruptcy. Hunt, 22: 65, 195, 311. — and Credit, Notions on. (L. F. M. R. Wolowski) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 17. — and Currency. (J. X. Cardozo) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 23: 673. — (W. (L Hunt) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 13: 1. — (R. Sulley) Hunt. 31: iS8. 33: 541. — (J. E. Williams) O". & N. 8: 5S9. — Baidi. M. (X. Y.) 22: 737. — Blackw. 49: 550. — Am. (I. 8: 441. — Dub. Univ. 15: i, 128. 16: 372, 612. — Dem. R. 2: 3. 9: 189. 28S.— Penn Mo. 5: 408. and Credit. (J. S. Ropes) Xew Eng. 16: 312. in India, 1S60. Bank. M. (L.) 20: 201. Systems of. So. R. n. s. 7: 355. — and Finance, Xotes on. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 10: 672, — and Money. (C. H. Carroll) Hunt. 37: 307. — a.s a Profession. (G. P. Bissell) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 4: 924. — as it ought to be. Dem. R. 12: 425. — Books on. Lists of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 13: 321. 20: 97. — Bank. M. (L.) 11: 709. New, 1873. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 27: 724. — Commercial. (W. M. Gouge) Hunt, 8: 313. True Princijiles of. Dem. R. 2: 113. — Companies of Europe. Anal. .M. 14: 433. — Credit and Cin-rency. Am. Whig R. 10: 513. — Do Banks increase loanable Capital V (R. Hare) Hunt, 26: 702. — Easy Lesson in Money and. (E. Atkinson) .\tlan. 34: 195- — Elements of. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 32: 20S. — English Views of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 18: 365. — False Theorie-s of. Chamb. .1. 28: ^S;. — Familiar Talk on. (W. E. Gouhl) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 35: 726. — for the Poorer Classes. Howitt, 2: 93. — Foreign Establishments. Bank. .NL (X. Y.) i: 239, 276. — Free. (M. Tarver) West. J. 4: 211. 12: i:;3. — De Bow, 12: 610. 13: 127. 14: 28, i;i. — Bank. M. (X. Y.)9: 440, 74;. .Vet of Iowa on. Bank. M (X. Y. > 13: 31. and Bonds. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 34: 849. Controversy on. (B. Price) Eraser, 77: 102. 455. in Xew York. Bank. M. (N. V.) II : 2S6. in the .Southwest. De Bow, 16: 78. in United States. (W. L. M'Kuight) Bank. M. (N. Y.)7: 300. BANKING 94 BANKING Banking, Free, in Wisconsin. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 833. — Free Trade in. (W. H. Sykes) J. Statis. Soc. 30: 58. — Bank. M. (L.) i: 67. — Tait, 3: 84. — Gilbarfs Practical Treatise on. Hunt, 22 : 68. — Bank.M. (N. Y.)6: 33. — Mo. R. 134: 75- 140:384- — History of. (W. J. Lawson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 6: i, y«) 257- and Principles of. (H. D. M'Lcod) Bank. M. (N.Y.)ii: 593- Gilbarfs, Supplement to. Bank. M. (N. i .) 27: 417. Goufje's. Am. Mo. 11. 4: 192. Lawlon's. Hunt, 23: 641. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 1S4. 456. 7: 13, 97. Sketches of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 697. — in Alabama. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 637. — in America, Historical Sketch of. (K. Sewell) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 15: 620. — in Australia. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 850. — in Australasia, Statistics of. (N. Cook) J. Statis. Soc. 37: 48. — in Belgium. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 458- — in California. (G. R. Gibson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31 : 761. — in Canada. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 36: 227. — in China. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 29: 595. — in Connecticut. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 15: 97. — in England. (W. D. Henderson) Macmil. 32: 141. Same art. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 107.— Colburn, 37: 318. and in America, compared. (G.Walker) Bank. M. (N.Y.)32: 505. and Scotland. Pamph. 24: 529. Report of Bank Committee, 1S19. (Earl of Liver- pool) Pamph. 14: 267. System of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 279. — Ed. R. 43: 263. Palgrave on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 28: 373. — in English Colonies. Bank. M. (L.) 28: 692-1206, 29: S, III, 363. — in Europe, Modern. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 1S3. on the Continent. Bank. M. (L.) 8: 281. Systems of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 15: 713. — in Fiance. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 23: 497.— Bank. M. (L.) 16: 374-677- 17: 193, 282. 24: 589. Controversy on. (G. Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 769. — in Germany. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 369, 837. — in Great Britain. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 795. Capital employed in. Bank. M. (L.) 37: 361. Progress of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 14: 43S. Statistics of. (.1. Dun) J. Statis. Soc. 39= i- Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg. (R. H. I. Palgrave) J. Statis. Soc. 36: 27. Svstem of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 691. — in Holland. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 573- — in Illinois. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 102. — in Indiana. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 9: 937. History of. (II. F. Baker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 161. — in Ireland. State of, 1844. Bank. M. (L.) i : 121, 2S5, 335. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 201. — in Massachusetts. (G. P. Bissell) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 673. 8: 861. 9: 848. 10: 769. 12: 722. 15: 860. 17: 754. History of. (D. P. Bailey, jr.) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31: 113, 207, 301. Early. (C. Stetson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 1009. in 1864" Blink. M. (N. Y.) 19: 800. in 1865. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 20: 790. Policv of. ( W. H. Foster) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 169. System of. (J. B. Congdon) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 995. — (.1. B. Congdon) Hunt, 3: 411. Banking in Mississippi, and Repudiation. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 89. — in New York. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 85. 9: 716, 961. 10: 858. 12: 615. 13: 609. 14: 639, 673. 15: 637. 17: 737. 18: 809.' History of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) lo: 81. 16: 665. 31: 657. System of. (M. Fillmore) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 2: 513. 3: 678. 8: I, 775, 817. 13: 753. 19: 349, 597. 31: 746. — in New York City. Bank. M. (N. Y.)2: 710. 3: ^37, 325- Clearing-House. Internat. R. 3: 595. — in tlie Olden Time. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 41. — in Philadelphia. Dein. R. 6: 3, 97, 369. — in Portugal, Crisis in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31: 275. — in Russia. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 620. Hints from. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31: 103. — in Scandinavia. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 637. — in Scotland. (W. Wood) Atlan. 34: 85. — Blackw. 56: 671. History of. Bank. M. (L.) 37: 24, 292. — in Switzerland. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 29: 186. 30: 97. — in Tennessee. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 11: 81. — in Turkey, i860. Bank. M. (L.) 20: 138. — in United States. (.J. H. Lanman) Hunt, 11: 424. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) i: 113. 15: 81, 169, 359. and in Canada. Bank. M. (L.) 21: 218-833. 22: 6-54. Capital employed in. Bank. M. (N. Y.)8: 932. 9: 646. 10: 791. 12: 647. 15: 768. Circulation of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 15: 257. Earlv. Bank.M. (N.Y.) 7: 1, 753, 849. 32:353. History of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 11 : 161. in the several States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 8: 637. History of. (H. F. Baker) Bank. M. (N.Y.) 9: I. 11: 241-417. National System of. See Banks, National. System of, 1839. (F. A. von Gerstner) J. Frankl. Inst. 31 : 3. — Influence of Note Circulation on. (R. H. I. Palgrave) Bank. M. (L)37: 637, 832. — International, and Currency. (D. Wilder) Bank. M. (N.Y.) 30: 550. — Joint Stock, Philosophy of. (A. B. Johnson) Hunt, 25: 153- — Law of, Connecticut Decisions. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 200, 263. Decisions of the Supreme Court of Maine. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 6: 454. in Massachusetts, Digest of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 708-976. 8: 195. in New York, Digest of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 7: 428, 512, 596. General, Frauds on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 8: 765. in Germany. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 304. in Illinois. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 15: 777. in Massachusetts. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 601. 1851. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 6: 13. in Michigan. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 13: 241. in Missouri. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 11: 753. 14: 811. in New York. Dem. R. 5: 427. 1849. Bank. M. 4: 25. in Switzerland. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 706. Progress of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 35: 496, 690, 849. Recent Decisions in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 26: 403. — Lawson's History of. Bank. M. (L.) 10: 471. — Lectures on. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (L.) 35: supp. 36: 406-598. 37: 459-757- 38: i93i 3°4, 386, 487. — Legislation on. (H. R. Grenfell) 19th Cent. 5: 534. National. (J. B. Hodgskin) Nation, 8: 269. — Jloral Influence of. Bank. M. (L.) 36: 809. BANKING 95 BAPTISM Banking, Organization in. (G. Marsland) Bank. M. (N. T.) 32: 20. of a New Bank. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 949, — Practical Treatise on. (J. W. Gilbart) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 5: 469-737. 6: 36-389. - — Principles of. (N. Bonnefoux) Bank. M. (N. Y.)3: 103. — (T. Hankey) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 21: 688. Cliange in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 11: 497. General. (.J. R. McCulioch) Bank, M. (N. Y.) i: 77, 147- Sound. (H. V. Poor) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 22: 841. — Bank M. (X. Y.) 22: 921. True. (W. M. Gouge) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 12: 460. — Bank. M. (X.Y.) 28: 329. — Prize Essay on. (L. Sabine) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 22: 558. — Provincial. Pamph. 18: 51. — Reform in. Brit. Q. 45: 356. — .Scotcli and Englisli. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 31: 12. in England. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 29: 274. 31: 193, — Stability of, Safeguards of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 32: 417. — SuffoIkSvstem. Hunt, 5: 261. — Bank. M. (X. Y.) i: 65." — Treatise on. (A. B. Johnson) Bank. M. 3: 733. — True Functions of. (G. Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 31: 753i 829. — Use and Abuse of. Chr. Exam. 31: i. — Utility and Economy of. (T. Hankev) Bank. M. (N."y.) 13: 868. Banking House; a Tale. Blackw. 54: 576, 719. 55: 50. Banking Institute. Bank. M. (1,.) 11: 453-677. — in .Scotland. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 31: 65, 134. Banking Institutes. (L. Levi) Bank. M. (X. Y.) 33: 946. Banking Institutions, Foreign. Bank. M. (X. Y.)3: 25. 10: 434, 835. Banking Securities, Good. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 4: 215. Banking .System. Hunt, 46: 113. — and Rights of Industry. Quar. 47: 408. Bankrupt Law. (D. Raymond) West. Law J. i: 489, — (R. M. Young) West. Law J. 3: 315, — Abuses of. Am. Law R. 7: 641. — American. (B. F. Porter) Hunt, 28: 439. — Am. Mo. M. 10: 505. Hunt, 5: 360. — (.J. Van Cott) Hunt, 4: 22, — No, Am, 7: 25. — Niles's Reg, 19: 403. 21: 243. 40: 157. Act of 1867. Bank. M. (L.) 23: 65. Repeal of. (A. G, Sedgwick) Nation, 22: 124, — Am. Law R. 10: 393, Necessity of a General, Nat, Q. 4: 97, Suggestions as to. Nation, 17: 381, United States Statute of. (.1, Lowell) Intemat. R.g: 697. — and Mercantile Corruption. Fraser, 99: 428. — English. Pamph. 13: 359. — Westm. 52: 419. Anomalies of. Bank. M. (L.) 13: 609, in 1826. Ann. Reg. 2: 74. New Bill on, 1877-78. Bank. M. (L.)37: 445. 38: 464. Reform in, 1849. Bank. M. (L.) 9: 322. Bankrupt Legislation, Urgency of. Fortn. 31: 469. — in New York, 1819. Xiles's Reg. 16: supp. 85. — Mr. Sergeant's Speech on. Niles's Reg. 21: 382. — Mr. Stevenson's Speech on. Niles's Reg. 21". 407. — of the States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 33: 71S. Bankrupts, Rich and Poor. All the Year, 19: 540. — What shall we do with "i* (R. Lowe) 19th Cent, lo: 308. Bankruptcy and Banking, Hunt, 21: 513, 22: 65, i95i 31'- — and Bankrupt Bill. New York R. 7: 440. — and Bargain-Hunting. (H. Silver) Once a Week, x6: 646. — and Insolvency, (C. H. Carroll) Hunt, 60: 193. — Westm, 46: 500. Bankruptcy, Glimp=e of. (.J. W. Brown) Hunt, 7: 261, — in 1S3S." Bank. M. (X. Y.) 13: 637. Bankruptcy Court, In the. All the Year, 18: 92, 105, 136. Bankruptcy Reform. Bank. M. (L.) 14: 289, — Story of, Deni, R, 13: 286. See Insolvency. Banks, Sir .Joseph, Memoirs of. Portfo.(Den.) 30: 92. — Statue of. Penny M. 2: 340. Banks, Xathaniel P., as a IIi^torian. (M. F. Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. i: 353. Bankside. All the Year. 43: 276. Banneker, Benjamin, Xegro .Astronomer. (M. D. Con- way) Atlan. 11: 79. — Sharpe, 37: 133. — So. Lit. Mess. 23: 65. Banner-Bearer of Olaf the Saint; a Poem. (G. Massey) Dub. Univ. 90: 91. Banners used in the English Army. Rctros. 15: 90. Bannister, Charles. Fraser, 32: 593. Bannister, John, the Comedian. Blackw. 45: 392. — (T. P. Grinsted) Bentley, 42: 63. — Mo. R. 148: 309. — Recollections of. C 103. — Gotch on. (E. Henderson) Cong. M. 24: 356. — Heidelberg Catechism on. (E. V. Gerhart) JMercersb. 20: 537. — Henderson on. (F. W. Gotch) Cong. M. 24: 769. — Household. ( W. R. Powers) Am. Presb. R. 14: 422. — Import of . (E. Turney) Chr. R. 13: 609. 14: i. — in the Greek Church. (A. N. Arnold) Bapt. Q. 4: So. — in the Holy Spirit. (R. Richardson) Chr. Q. 6: 450. — Infant. Chr. Mo. Spec. 10: 340, 590. — (D. Dana) Lit. & Theo. R. 4: 159. — Am. Bib. Repos. 2d s. 11: 222. — Spirit Pilg. 5: 59. — (M. A. Curtis) Am. Church R. 11: 399. 20: 343. — (J. Priestley) Theo. Repos. 3: 231. — (J. S. Sweeney) Chr. Q. 5: 45S. — (S. Tracy) Cong. R. 8: 53. — Am. Prcsb. R. 3: 529. — So. R. n. s. 16: 171. — Meth. M. 43: 671. and Baptismal Regeneration. Chr. R. 26: 33. and (Calvinism. (C. P. Krauth) Mercersb. 21 : 103. and Christian Nurture. (G. F. Magoun) Bost. R. 6: 590. and Church Membership. (G. Haven) Meth. Q. 19: 5. — (W. H. H. Marsh) Bib. Sac. 29: 665.— (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 31: 265, 545. — (L. W. Atwater) Princ. 2g: i. and Infant Salvation. (C. P. Krauth) Mercersb. 21: 103. and the Southern Review. So. R. n. s. 15: 140. Apostolical Origin of. (P. Schaff) Mercersb. 4: 388. Budd on. Chr. Obs. 28: 323. Bushnell on. (I. Chase) Chr. R. 28: 501. Causes of Decline of. (F. Wilson) Chr. R. 22: 271. defended. Am. Meth. M. 6: 3S7. Difficulties of. (A. N. Arnold) Bapt. Q. 3: 24. Baptism, Infant, Historical Argument for. (A. B. Koplin) Mercersb. 18: 5SS. Ilisiory of. So. R. n. s. 14: 331. in Early Church. Bost. R. i: 21. an Invention of Man. (A. Hovey) Bapt. Q. 3: 168. Irena'us and. (VV. R. Powers) Am. Presb. R. 16: 239- Jerram's Conversations on. Chr. Obs. 18: 601. Justin Martyr's Testimony on. Chr. U. 6: 302. Miller on. So. R. n. s. 15: 221. Neglect of. (J. H. Baird) Princ. 29: 73. of Children of non-professing I'arcnts. (.1. Oswald) Evang. R. lo: 347. — (S. S. Schniucke) Evang. R. 11: 389.— Cong. M. 19: 472, 743. Origen on. (I. Chase) Chr. R. 19: 180. Practical View of. (J. C. Rankin) Princ. 33: 680. Report on, to General Association of Connecticut. (L. H. Atwater) Princ. 35: 622. Ritual and Spiritual. (A. Fleming) Cong. R. 9: 153- Roots of. (W. W. Patton) Cong. R. 10: 324. Summers on. So. R. n. s. 16: 227. Unity of the Church on. (J. G. Hale) New Eng. 23: 4S2. Wood's Argument on. (H. J. Ripley) Chr. R. 16: 506. Wood's Letters on. Spirit Pilg. i : 295. See Children, Baptized. — Internal Evidences of Adult. Chr. R. 1 : 430. — Interior Facts of. (J. T. Smith) Bapt. Q. 6: 204. — Jewish. (S. E. Shepard) Chr. Q. 4: 317, 454. — (C. H. Toy) Bapt. Q. 6: 301. and Household. (W. Barrows) Cong. R. 7: 502. — Lay. (R. Heber) Quar. 7: 200. Validity of. (S. II. Giesy) Mercersb. 15: 506. — Letters on. (T. Milner) Cong. M. 25: 469, 535. — Lutheran Doctrine of. (F. W. Conrad) Luth. Q. 4: 477. — Mode of. (M. Stuart) Am. Bib. Repos. 3: 2S8. — (J, Tracv) Bib. Sac. 29: 532.— Cong. M. 24: 1S-S45. — (j". C. Rankine) Princ. 33: 215. — (B. B. Smith) Am. Church R. 14: 4S7. — Nature and Effects of. (S. Totten) Am. Church R. 12: 606. and Subjects of. (A. N. Arnold) Bib. Sac. 26: 38. — Cong. M. 25: 229-S45. 26: 170,247. — Noel on. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 2: 231. — Meth. Q. 10: 454. — (R. Tunibull) Chr. R. 15: i. — Nonconformists and. Chr. Obs. 46: 577,595. — not Immersion. (J. G. Hale) Cong. R. 8: 155. — of Fire. (C. Hole) Kitto, 3: 162.— (W. Niblock) Kitto, 4: 135. — of Heretics in 3d Century. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 4: 527. — Old Doctrine of. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 12: igo. — Order of. (J. Calvin) Mercersb. 11: 298. — Outline History of. (A. S. Hale) Chr. Q. 3: 515. — Presbyterian Theory of. ^T. G. Apple) Mercersb. 20: 628. — Qualifications of Administrator of. (J. M. C. Breaker) Chr. R. 24: 238. — Re-Baptism. (T. F. Curtis) Chr. R. Ii: 186. (K. Brooks) Bapt. Q. i: 129. — Scott on. Chr. Obs. 15: 619. — Scripture View of. (D. Y. Heisler) Mercersb. 18: 405. — Spiritual. (M. Goodrich) Univ. Q. 11: 127. — Spiritual Law of. (S. Bailey) Chr. R. 12: 605. — Subjects of. (J. C. Rankine) Princ. 33: 446. — Syriac Word for. (J. Murdock) Bib. Sac. 7: 733. — Tertullian on. (A. Hovey) Bapt. Q. 5: 75. — Triangular Fight on. So. R. n. s. 20: 154. — Wardiaw and Birt on, reviewed. Cong. M. 8: 530. — Water. (W. R. French) Univ. Q. 15: 240. BAPTISM 97 BAR Baptism, Water, and that of the Spirit. (S. J. Baird) Princ. 36: 484. — Wolff (in. Chr. R. 28: 260. Baptismal Creed of Early Roman Church. (G. Salmon) Contemp. 33: 51. Same art. Liv. Age, 138: 659. Baptismal Formula. (T. J. Sawyer) Uuis'. Q. 21 : 93. — Chr. 20: 281. — in Matthew xxviii. 19, 20. (J. Strong) Meth. Q. 10: 399- Baptismal Office of the Anglican Church. Cong, i: 424. Baptismal Offices. Chr. Obs. 48: 721. Baptismal Rituals. House. Words, i: 107. Baptismal Regeneration. (J. H. A. Bomberger) Mercersb. 5: 147. — (H. Cowles) Bib. Sac. 33: 425. — (.J. Da- vison) Quar. 15: 476.— (E. F. Giese) Luth. (i. g: 390. — (.J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 4: 373. — (N. S. Richardson) Am. Church R. 6: 184. 14: 686. — (J. W. Santee) Mercersb. 15: 45. — (C. F. Schaeffer) Evang. R. 8: 303. — (B. Tyler) New Eng. 2: 397. — (D. Worley) Evang. R." 18: 46. — Am. Church R. 24: 122. — Cong. M. 26: 555, 641, 903. — Ecl.R. 90: 478. — and Ritualism in American Episcopal Church. Chr. Obs. 72: 326. — Boyd on. Chr. Obs. 65: 489. — Elizat)ethan Divines on. Chr. Rem. 19: i. — Faber on. (Z. Paddock) Meth. Q. 14: 599. — in the English Church, 1850. Brit. Q. 11: 411. — Robertson on. (A. J. Gordon) Bapt. Q. 3: 405. — Spurgeon on. Chr. Obs. 64: 568. — Watts on. Cong. M. 7, 129, 178. Baptismal Service. Mercersb. 6: 187. — of Church of England, Old Key to. Chr. Obs. 70: 641. Baptist vs. Catholic. (A. F. Flewit) Cath. World, 16: 383. Baptist and Pedobaplist Theories of Church Membership. Chr. R. 12: 529. Baptist Bible Society. Meth. Q. i: 535. Baptist Brethren, German, at Ephrata, Pa. (W. T. Wallace) Potter Am. Mo. 5: 814. Baptist Church, Close Communion of. (D. L. Ogden) New Eng. 13: 562. — in Connecticut. (R. C. Learned) New Eng. 18: 595. Baptist Churches, their Mutual Relation. (W. H. H. Marsh) Bapt. Q. 8: 458. — of America, Polity of. (T. C. Teasdalc) New Eng. 2: 39- — Principles and Practices of. (.J. B. Jeter) Chr. R. 22: 245. Baptist Church Polity. Chr. R. 11: 64. Baptist Controversy in Denmark. (S. F. Smith) Chr. R. 11: 278. Baptist Denomination, Distinctive Feature? of. (E. B. Underbill) Chr. R. 17: 48. — Influence of. Chr. R. 3: 333. Baptist Doctrine and the Pul()it. (G. D. B. Pepper) Bapt. Q. 11: 85. Baptist Educational Convention. (S. S. Cutting) Bapt, Q. 5: 206. Baptist General Conference, Division of. Chr. R. 10: 4S1. Baptist General Tract Society. Chr. R. i: 403. Baptist Historical Society. (H. Malcom) Bapt. (J. 5: 197. Baptist History. Cramp's. (H. Osgood) Bapt. Q. 3: 329. — Early. Chr. R. 25: 120. Baptist Interest in New England States. (R. Babcock) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 57. — in Middle States. (R. Babcock) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 182. — in South and West. (J. M. Peck) Am. (I Reg. 14: 42, 370. Baptist Ministers in New Hampshire, 1795. -^"i- Q- Reg. 11: 44. Baptist Ministry, one hundred Years ago. (.J. A. Broadus) Bapt. Q. 9: I. 7 Baptist Missionaries in India, 1S08. (.J. Foster) Eel. R. 7: 440. Baptist Missionary Report, 1848. Chr. R. 14: 167. Baptist Missionary Society. (R. Southey) Quar. i: 109. — Westm. 39: 407. Baptist Missions, 1792-1S42, Co.x's History of. Eel. R. 76: 637. — Gammell's History of. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 70: 57. — History of. (O. O. Stearns) Chr. R. 14: 556. Baptist Principles, Progress of. (.J. N. LJrowu) Chr. R. 21: 132,194. — Dem. R. 37: 160. Baptist Psalmist. (J. Floy) Meth. Q. 9: 448. Baptist Pulpit, Sprague's Annals of. Chr. R. 25: 79. Baptist Register. Chr. R. i : 407. Baptist Southern Convention. Chr. R. 11: 114. Baptist Succession. (W. W. Everts) Hapt. Q. 11: 409. Baptist Translation of the Bible. (.J. W. Yeonians) Princ. 10: 413. — Chr. R. 2: 21. Baptists and their Sentiments. (E. B.Cross) Chr. R. 11 : i. — and Disciples, Union of. (\V. T. Moore) Chr. Q. 3: 335- — Early modern, and Pedobaptists. Chr. R. 27: i. — Education among, 1776-1876. (H. M. King) Bapt. Q. 10: 445. — English, 1871. Westm. 96: 425. — History of English. (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 10: 220. — in America. (.1. M. Peck) Chr. R. 19: i. 1836. Eel. R. 63: 480. Cox and Hoby on. Cong. M. 19: 505. — in American Culture. (W. H. Whittsitt) Bapt. Q. 7: i. — in Central New York, Early. Hist. M. 19: •;9i. — in Maine, History of. (S. F. Smith) Chr. R. 10: 384. — in the Middle States. Chr. R. 14: 517. — in the Mississippi Valley. (.J.M. I'cck) Chr. i:. 17: 481. — in Pennsjdvania. (II. G. Jones) Hist. M. 14: 76. — Our Mission as. (J. H. Cuthbert) Bapt. t^. 8: 222. — Progress of a Century, 1 776-1876. (A. Ilovey) Bapt. Q. lo: 467. — Puritan Treatment of. (J. Chaplin) Bapt. Q. 7: 277. — Religious Belief of. Chr. R. i: 514. Baptisteries, Ancient. (R. G. Ilatlield) Bapt. Q. 3: 349. Baptized Children. St'c Children, Baptized. BaTTTiiu}, Import and Use of. Chr. R. 18: 194. — Me:ining of. (X. Rounds) Meth. (.). 4: 325. — (H. E. Bindseil) Bib. Sac. i: 703. — (E. Grccnwald) Evang. R. 15: 449. Bar, American. Dem. R. 28: 195. — Admission to. (L. L. Delalield) Penn Mo. 7: 960. — (F, L. Wellman) Am. Law R. 15: 295. — and the Bench. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 12: 56. — (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 9: 529. — T. G. Shear- man) Nation, 5: 71. — and the Courts, 1S77. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 25: 222. — and the Law Schotils. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 22: 109, — and its Logic. Colbum, 11: 74. — as a Trade. (P. Kent) Gent. ^L n. s. 22: 593. — Chances of. Liv. Age, 4: 5S8. — Emoluments of, and Judicial Salaries. Liv. Age, 30: 170. — English. Fraser, 41: 57S. and the Inns of Court. Quar. 138: 138. in 1775. Tait, U.S. 11: 57^. — Eticiuefte of. Tait, n. s. 18: 713. — History of. West. Law J. 8: 355. — How to get on at. Fraser, 50: 261. — in England and France. Brit.Q. ii: 171. Same art. Ed. M. 20: 145. — Cornh. 10: 672. — Leaders of. (F. Arnoltl) Lond. .Soc. 21: 21S. — Monopoly of. (J. J. Merriman) St. James. 36: 589 — New England, Fathers of. (N. S Dodge) l^akcside, 9: 116. EAR 93 BARLAAM Bar of Ontario in iSoo. (D. B. Read) Canad. Mo. 14: 65, 489. — Profession of. Lond. M. Ii: 323. — Roman. (G. Matiic) No. Am 96: 289. Sec Law ; Legal Profession. Bar Associations. So. Lit. Mess. 4: 583. Bar at Moutli of Mississippi River. (D. S. Howard) J. Frank]. Inst 69: 1. Bars in Rivers and Harbors, Formation of. (D. S. How- ard) J. Frankl. Inst. 66: 73. Baranto, A. G. P. B de. Liv. Age, 55: 199— Colburn, no: 184. — Mo. Ii. 150: 402. Barat, Sophia Magdalen. Irish Mo. 8: 558. — Earlv Davs of. (C. M. Caddell) Irish Mo 4: 459, 493. — Life and Work of. (A. F. Ilewit) C'ath. World, 23: 592. Barba Yorghi, The Greek Pilot. Lond. M. 23: 337. Barbadoes. (A. Van Cleef) Harper, 54: 3S5. — Fraser, 94: 257. — Penny M. 8: 329, 347, 354. — Hi-lory of. (Sir K. II. Sehomburgk) Colburn, 82: 80. — Ketros. 14: 226. — Mas. lo: 509. — How the Wind blows in. Ev. Sat. 9: 426. — Ligon's History of. Cong. M. 6: 544. — Outrages in. Ed. U. 42: 479. — Am. Meth.M. 8: 390. — Rainfall of. (F. A. R. Russell) Nature, lo: 241. — Riots against Methodists in. Meth.M. 47: 126. — Temperature of. (R.Lawson)Ed. NewPhilos. J.35: 57. — Vessels to New England from. N. E. Reg. 8: 206. — Voyage to. (Sir R. H. Sehomburgk) Bentley, 22: 30, 286, 443. Barbara, L. C. Pctites Maisons. Dub. Univ. 66: 206. Barbara Fleming's Fidelity; a Ballad. (M. Howitt) Cornh. 4: 482. Barbara Frietehie. (J. G. Whittier) Liv. Age, 79: 191. Barbara S . (C. Lamb) Lond. M. 11: 511. Barbara's Duty. (C. Chesebro) Atlan. 31 : 54. Barbara's Gho't Story. (Mrs. G. J. Gunthorpe) Colburn, 150: 42-2S7. Barbara's Nuptials. House. Words, 9: 4S8. Barbara's Outing; a Story. (T. Gift) Galaxy, 21: 641. Barbarelli, Giorgio, School of. (W. H. Pater) Fortn. 28: 526. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: 362. Barbarian Eye, The. Fraser, 12: 164. Barbarian Rambles. Blaekw. 67: 2S1. Barbarians, The Rights of; a Dialogue. Month, 35: 551. — and Savages. (N. Tripier) N. Eel. 6: 394. Barbarossa. See Frederick I., Barbarossa. Barbary. Western, Hay on, 1S44. Mo. R. 164: 429. Barbary Pirates. Ed. R. 26: 449. Barbary Powers, American Diplomacy with. Am. Whig R. 13: 27. Barbary States. Quar. 15: 139. — AnaL M. 7: 105. — Christian Slavery in. Liv. Age, 42: 51. — Eaton's Expedition to. (J. T. Headley) Harper, 21 : 496. - a new Source of Trade. (H. A. Buckingham) Hunt, 6: 28. — Notes from. (A. H. Guernsey) Harper, 5: 451. — United States and. (F. Sheldon) Atlan. 6: 641. — Visit to. Good Words, 3: 659. Barbauld, Anna Letitia. (II. B. Baker) Argosy, 31 : 303. Same art. Liv. Age, 149: 439. — Cornh. 44: 5S1. Same art. Liv. Age, 151: 579. — (E. Quincy) Nation, 18: 206. — (C. Beard) Theo. R. 11: 388. " — Works of. (W. O. B. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 3: 299. — Quar. 7: 309. — Mo. R. 107: 294. — Mus. 7: 391. Barbecue in Mississippi. (R. Cletand) Canad. Mo. 13: 500. Barber, D., Revolutionary Services of. Hist. M. 7: S3. Barber of Beaulieu. (G. Soane) Bentley, 12: 37. — of Duncow; a Real Ghost Story. (J. Hogg) Fraser. 3: 174- — of Northallerton. (D. Meadows) Bentley, 11 : 287. Barber's Supper. Blackw. 42: 116. Barbers. Chamb. J. 26: 293. 33:353. — Victoria, 4; 193. Barbers and Surgeons. Penny M. 13: 87, 91. Barberini Vase. (J. G. King and C. Marsh) Arch. 8: 307, 316. Barberry, The. Once a Week, 9: 719. Barberry; a Story. (J. G. Austin) Galaxy, 21: 246. Barbets and their Distribution. (P. L. Sclater) Litel. Obs. 12: 241. Barbier, Henri Auguste. Ev. Sat. 9: 407. Barcelona. Cornh. 20: 182. — Exchange of. Penny M. 12: 172. — From Scotland to. (J. Hannay) Temp. Bar, 25: 27. — Port and City of. Penny M. 5: 145. Barckley, R. Felicitie of Man. Retros. i: 271. Barclay, Alexander. I'he Ship of Fools. (F. Hall) Nation, 21: 359- Barclay, Robert, of Ury. (A. Gordon) Theo. R. II : 524. — Marrow of. (A. Gordon) Theo. R. 12: 387. Barclay, Perkins & Co's. Brewery. Penny M. 10: 121. Barclay Compton ; or, the Sailor's Return. (Miss Leslie) Godey, 25: 212, 294. Bard of Ivcraln ; a Story. (.1. Monteath) Tinsley, 28: 166. Bardello, Tragedy in the P.tlazzo. N. Eel. 2: 385. Bardic Poetry. Old. (W. Barnes) Macmil. 16: 306. Bardic Triad of Wales. Dub. Univ. 65: 104. Bardism of the Druidic Period. (A. Vardd) Internat. R. 3: i6t. Bards, Celtic. House. Words. 17: 379. Barefoote, Walter, Governor of New Hampshire, 1685. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 277. — Deposition concerning, 1676. N. E. Reg. 5: 358. Bareith, Princess de. Memoirs of. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 20: 255. Same art. Anal. M. i: 241. — Eel. R. 16: 1012. Barents, Voyages of. Gcog. M. 4: 70. Barere's Memoirs. (T. B. Maeaulay) Ed. R. 79: 275. Same art. Liv. Age, i: 93. — Eel. M. 2: 238. — For. Q. 30: 191. — Eel. R. 81: 151. — Fraser, 47: 408. Barfreston Church. Penny M. 14: 113. Barga. (L. Villari) Fraser, 97: 334. Bargain-Hunters. Chamb. J. 4: 33. Bargain-Hunting. Chamb. J. 31: 163. Bargaining. Chamb. J. 43: 401. Barham, Richard Harris. Bentley, 18: 198. 21: 103. — FVaser, 83: 302. — (J. Hughes) Colburn, 74: 526. 79: 273. — Temp. Bar, 31: 61. Same art. Eel. M. 76: 203. — Blasphemer's Warning; Lay of St. Romwold. Col- burn, 73: 297. — Brothers of Birchington; a Poem. Colburn, 74: 145. — House- Warming. Colburn, 68: 346. — Ingoldsby Legends. Liv. Age, 13: 128. — Brit. Q. 53: 391. Same art. Liv. Age, 109: 323. — Life and Works of. Brit. Q. 53: 391. — Lord of Thoulouse. Colburn, 70: 321. — Wedding-Day. Colburn, 70: 465. Baring, Charles, Bishop of Durham. Cong. 3: 472. Baring Family of London. (H. R. F. Bourne) Lond. Soc. 9: 367. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 28.— Bank. M. (N. Y.) 19: 214. Baring-Gould, S. See Gould, S. Baring. Barite Crystals. (G. C. Broadhead) Am. J. Sci. 113: 419. Bark, Fibrous. (J. R. Jackson) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 2: 407. Bark " True Love " ; a Poem. (B. F. Taylor) Lakeside, 11: 31. Barker, George F. Pop. Sci. Mo. 15: 693. Barker, Jacob. Penn Mo. 3: 639. Barker, John, & Co. Colburn, 169: 69. Barker, Joshua, and Massachusetts Shipbuilding. N. E. Reg. 24: 297. Barker, J. T., Memoir of. Cong. M. 16: 389. Barker, T. J., and his Paintings. Art J. 30: 97. Barking through the Fence. Temp. Bar, 51: 461. Barlaam and Josaphat, Indian Saints. Month, 41: 137. BARLASS 99 BARON Barlass, \Vm., Sermons. Chr. Mo. Spec, i: 1S9, 259. Hailing, E., Memoir of. Cong. M. 16: 641. Barlow, Joel. (A. C. Baldwin) New Eug. 32: 413. — (C. B. Todd) Lippinc. 26: 68. — and his Family. (Mrs. C. H. Dall) Unita. R. 6: 159. — Columbiad. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. H. 15: 24. — Portfo. (Den.)i: 59,432. 2: 463. — Eel. R. 11: 403. — Life and Writings of, with portrait. Anal. M. 4: 130. — Oration, 4th July, 17S7. Carey's Mus. 2: 135. Barlow, Rebecca. "(Mrs. E. F. Ellet) Godcy, 37: 69. Bar-Maids. St. James, 24: 539. Barmecide Dainties. All the Year, 26: 105. Barmouth, and its scientific Attractions. (J. Samuelson) Pop. Sci. R. 2: 28. — Round about. Argosy, 19: 120. Barnabas, The Epistle of. (K. Wieseler) Am. Presb. R. 20: 625. — Kitto, 32: 66. 33: 103. from the Codex Sinaiticus. Am. Presb. R. 13: 29, 440. Recent Editions of. (J. Donaldson) Theo.R. 16: 113. Barnaby Genealogy. (E. W. Peirce)N. E. Reg. i8: 361. Barnaby Palms. Blackw. 39: 35. Barnaby Pass. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 55: 261. Barnaby Rudge. (C. Dickens) Mus. 42: S1-541. 43: 110-539. 44: 118, 239. Barnab^v Rudge's Raven. Ev. Sat. 9: 542, 742, 749. Barnabys, The, in America. (Mrs. F. Trollope) Colburn, 64: 504. 65: 17-52S. 66: 17-494. 67: 33-496. Barnacles. (J. S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. II : 102. — Facts and Fiction of. (J.C.Galton) Pop. Sci.R. 12: 3S4. Barnard, Daniel D., Life and Services of, with portrait. Am. Whig R. 7: 521. Barnard, F. A. P., with portrait. Eel. M. 86: 376. — Am. J. Educ. 5: 753. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 100. Barnard, George C, Judge, with portrait. Ev. Sat. 11: 463- Barnard, George G., Trial of. Am. Law R. 7: 181. Barnard, Henry, Educational Labors in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Am. J. Educ. 1 : 659. Barnard, John. (S. J. Spaulding) Cong. Q. 4: 376. Barnard, Joseph, Death of, 1695. ^- E. Reg. 9: 156. Barnard Castle, England. Liv. Age, 142: 701. Barnes, Albert, with portrait. Eel. M. 57: 566. — (J. Dyer) Penn Mo. 2: 75. — (Z. M. Humphrey) Am. Presb. R. 20: 446. — Liv. Age, 60: 626. — Knick. 34: 189. — Introduction to Butler's Analogy. Meth. Q. 4: 325. — Reminiscences of. (R. W. Dickinson) Am. Presb. R. 20: 379. — Trial for Heresy. (C. Hodge) Princ. 8: 441. — (N. W. Taylor) Chr. Q. Spec". 3: 292. — (G. W. Bur- nap) Chr. Exam. 21: 187. — (C. Hodge) Princ. 9: . 138. Barnes, Daniel II. (G. C. Verplanck) Am. J. Educ. 14: 513- Barnes, William, Dorsetshire Poet. (Chamb. J. 39: 281. — Macmil. 6: 154. — No. Brit. 31: 339. — Chamb. J. 45: 487. 49: 730. Barneveldt, John of, and De Witt. Ed. R. 76: 443. — Motley's Life of. (.V. V. Dicev) Nation, 18: 300, 316. — (C. C. Smith) O. & N. 10: 12S. — (K. H. Stod- dard) Harper, 48: S31. — Ed. R. 140: 107. Same art. Liv. Age, 123: 3. — Nat. Q. 29: 168. — Quar. ^37' '31- Same art. Liv. Age, 122: 643. — So. R. n. s. 19: 59. Barne\(rood Bells; a Poem. (C. Newton) Temp. Bar, 3: 440. Barney, Commodore Joshua, Life of. Am.Q. 13: i. Barney Brady's Goose; a Tale. (W. Carleton) Dub. Univ. II : 604. Barney Geoghegan, the Irish Member. Eel. M. 79: 362, 457- Barney Moore. Eraser, 4: 253. Barnicott House, Sketch of. Ho?g, 7: 57. Barnstable, Mass., Church Records. N. E. Reg. 9: 279. 10: 37,345- — Settlers of. (D. Hamblen) N. E. Reg. 2: 64-3S8. 3: 84, '^33, 271. 4: 192. Barnstable County, Mass., Ministers of, to 1S42. (E. Pratt) Am. Q. Reg. 15: 58. Bamum, P. T. Eraser, 51: 213. Same art. Ed. 51. 34: 410. — Blackw. 77: 187. — So. Lit. Mess. 16: 758. — and II. Greeley contrasted. (W. II. Hurlbut) Chr. Exam. 58: 245. — Autobiography. Knick. 45: 235. — the great American Humbug. Tait. n. s. 22: 73. — in Congress. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 4: igo, 295. — Lesson of hi.s Life. Liv. Age, 44: 149. — Life of. New Q. 4: 180. Barn wells. The, of South Carolina. Land We Love, 2: 53. Barnwell Priory, Charter of. Arch. lo: 396. — Collection of Subsidy'. (R. Gough) Arch. 10: 386. Barny O'Kcirdon, the Navigator. (S. Lover) Dub. Univ. i: 17, 127. Same art. Liv. Age, 30: 385. Baroda. Once a Week, 25: 2S0. — Government and Maladministration of. Wcstm. 104: 126, 391. Barometer. (J. Lewis) Am. J. Sci. go: 233. — Penny M. 10: 194. — Action of, during a Hurricane. (J. Chappellsmith) Am. J. Sci. 73: iS. — Aneroid. (J. Lovering) Am. J. Sci. 59: 249. — Eel. Engin. 18: 104, 201. — as an Engineering Instrument. (J. M. Richardson) J. Frankl. Inst. 66: 307, 366. — Automatic registering and printing. (G. W. Hough) Am. J. Sci. 91 : 43. — for the Coast. Recr. Sci. 2: 98. — Gas, Heat and Pressure on. (C. Decharme) Eel. Engin. 25: 515. — Glycerine, Construction of. Nature, 21 : 377. — History of. (Sir J. Leslie) Ed. R. 20: 169. — in the Polar Regions. (W. Ferrel) Nature, 4: 226. — Lines of Equal Pressure. (H. A. Ilazen) Am. J. Sci. 121: 361. — Marine. Ed. R. 9: 419. — Mirror. Nature, 19: 5S6. — Reading the. (R. Fitzroy) J. Frankl. Inst. 73: 313. — Reduction to Sea-Level. (II. A. Hazen) Am. J. Sci. 121: 453. — Self-indicating Balance. J. Frankl. Inst. 64: 104. Barometric Anomalies about the Andes. (M. F. Maury) Am. J. Sci. 69: 385. Barometric Cycles. (B. Stewart) Nature. 23: 237. Barometric Fluctuations. (P. E. Chase) Am. J. Sci. 88: 380. Barometric Gradient, and Velocity of the Wind. (W. Ferrel) Am. J. Sci. 108: 343. — (\V. C. Ley) -N'a- ture, 24: 8. Barometric Pressure, Diurnal Oscillations of. (.1. A. Broun) Nature, 19: 366. Cause of. (J. P. Espy) J. Frankl. Inst. 5: 278. — in the Tropics, Abnormal Variations of. (F. Cham- bers) Nature, 23: SS. — Inequality of. (H. F. Blanford) Nature, 14: 314. — Periodic Oscillations of. (J. A. Broun) Nature, 23: 556. Barometric Variations. (J. A. Broun) Nature. 14: 572. — (W. H. S. Monck) Nature, 5: 407. Baron, Michel, French Actor. All the Year. 39: 160. Baron Fritz; a Tale. Temp. Bar, 45: 104. Baron Jauioz ; a Poem. (T. Taylor) Once a Week. 1 : 109. Baron of Courtstown, The. Eraser, 12: 629. Baron of St. Castine ; a Poem. (H. W. Longfellow) Allan. 29: 332. BAROX 100 BARTON Baron von Diillbrainz; a Tale. (W. Jordan) Bentloy, 6: ;?i6. Baron von I'faffenberg; a Tale. Bentley, l6: 299. Baron's Coffin; a Tale. (A. Buisson) Belgra. 9: 351. Baron's Kc venire; a Tale. Coiburn, 95: 77-'S,v Barons' War, in the 13th Century. Mo. R. 163: 491. Baronial and Monastic Remains, Paikyns on. Eel. R. 24: 553- ^ ^ B:ironial Housekeeping in the olden Times. Hogg, 6: 68. Baronies in Abeyance. Antiquary, 3: 231, 304. — (W. 1). I'ink) Antiquary, 4: 116, 212. Barrack. Life in a. Cornh. 7: 441. Barracks, Living in. Chamb. .1. 30: 124. Barrack- Yard. Tlie. JM-aser, 36: 58S. Barre, Colonel, and his Times. (H. F. Elliot) Macmil. 35: 109. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 22. Barrel-making Machinery, Holmes's. Pract. M. 5: 2S4. Barren Honor. (G. A. Lawrence) Eraser, 64: 265-732. 65: 75-751- Barrett, George C, with portrait. Ev. Sat. 11: 449. Barrett, Dr. .John. Dub. Univ. 18: 350. — Anecdotes of. Lond. M. 5: 53. — Eccentricities of. Mus. 43: 449. Barrett, Samuel, Sermon on Death of. (C. A. Bartol) Mo. Rel. M. 36: 69. Barricades, Results of the Triumph of. Blackw. 36: 209. Same art. Mus. 25: 406. Barrington, Basil, and his Friends. Westm. 14: 224. Barrington, D. Antiqnitiesof the Statutes. Retros.9: 250. Barrington, .1. S., Viscount, Memoir of. Cong. M. 17: 65. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Irish Sketches. Mo. R. 128: -10. — Deni. R. 33: 325. — Lond. M. 18: 241. Barrington, Rutland, Actor, with portrait. Victoria, 35: 157- Barrington, W. W., Viscount, Political Life of. Quar. 14: 505. Barrister, Experiences of a. Chamb. J. 11 : 24-403. 12: 147, 177, 242. Same art. Eel. M. 21: 163. Same art. Liv. Age, 21: 267. — Tales of a. Quar. 79: 61. Barrister's Clerk. Argosy, 31 : 367. Barrister's Story. Tinsley, 9: 33. Barritt. Thomas, of Manchester. (T. Gibbons and others) Rcliquai;^', 9: 133. 12: 205. 13: 43. Barrossa, Battle of. (S. Moggridge) Blackw. 21: 695. Barrow, Isaac. Quar. 127: 353. Same art. Liv. Age, 104: 259. — Works of. (D. Curry) Meth. Q. 6: 165. — (D. A. Wasson) New Eng. 9: 498. — Sharpe, 14: 26. Barrow. Sir John. Chamb. J. 11: 44. — Autobiography of. (C. H. Warren) No. Am. 66: 34S. — Excursions to North of Europe, 1830-33. Mo. R. 133: 550. — Voyages. Quar. 3: 194. Barrow, John, jr. Tour round Ireland. Dub. Univ. 7: 693. Barrows. Penny M. 3: 494. — Ancient British. Nature, i: 460, 583. — British. (W. B. Dawkins) Nature, 18: 429. at Bartlow, Essex. (J. Gage) Arch. 25: i. Further Discoveries at. (J. Gage) Arch. 28: i. Final Excavations at. (J. G. Rokewoode) Arch. 29: I. Roman Remains in. (J. Gage) Arch. 26: 300. at Itlins Wood, near Canterbury. (J. Y. Aker- man) Arch. 30: 57. at Stoney Littleton, Somerset Co. (Sir R. C. Hoarc) Arch. 19: 43. at West Kennet, Wiltshire, Long chambered. (J. Thurnian) Arch. 38: 405. — Cornish, Discoveries in. (E. H. W. Dunkin) Anti- quary, 2: 77. — Folk-Lore of. (R. J. King) Once a Week, 14: 693. Barrows in Cambridgeshire. (R. C. Neville) Arch. 32: 357- — in South Dorsetshire. (J. Sydenham) Arch. 30: 327. — in South Wilts. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 35: 480. — in Wiltshire, Long. (J. Thomson) Arch. 42: 161. Round. (J. Thurnam) Arch. 43: 285. Barrow-in-Furness, and Sir James Ramsden. Pract, M. 2: I. — Iron and Steel Institute at. Pract. M. 4: 262. Barrows, Ueut. William. Anal. M. 2: 394. Barry, M. J. G., Duchesse de. (L. H. Hooper) Lippinc. 23: 122. — Fraser, 6: i. — Adventures of . (D. Costello) Coiburn, 83: 182. 84: Si. — and Madame Roland. Dem. R. 43: 286. — and Louis XV. Temp. Bar. 39: 318. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 422. — Capefigue's. Coiburn, 115: 295. Same art. Eel. M. 47: 56. Barry, Edward M. Art J. 32: 139. — Am. Arch. 7: 83. Barry, Gerald. (J. Healy) Irish Mo. 6: 134. Barry, James, the Irish Painter. (P. Knight) Ed. R. 16: 293. — Blackw. 8: 277. — Dub. Univ. 20: 274, 443. — Irish Q. 3: 230. — (S. Colvin) I'ortfo. 4: 150. — (E. Towubridge) Sharpe, 47: 205. — Peimy M. 7: 65-153. — Coiburn, 7: 339. — Eel. R. 11: 396. Barry, John, Commodore. Portfo.(Den.) 10: i. Barry, Spranger, Actor. (E. Townbridgc) Sharpe, 48: 32. — Dub. Univ. 60: 580. Barstow, John, with portrait. (A. Caswell) N. E. Reg. 18: 370. Earth, Christian Gottlob, Character of. Good Words, 4: 264. Barth, H. (W. L. Gage) Harper, 33: 65. — Liv. Age, 59: 368. See Africa. Barthet, Armand. Nouvelles. NewQ. i: 427. Bartholdi, Auguste, and his Works. (C. de Kay) Scrib. 14: 129. — Statue of Libert}-. Am. Arch. 4: yy. — (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 5: 586. Bartholomew, E. S. (H. T. Tuckerman) Hours at Home, 2: 525. Bartholomew Fair. (A. Smith) Bentley, 12: 390. — Blackw. 14: 259. — Fraser, 2: 431. — Memoirs of. Brit. Q. 29: 463. — Morley's Memoir of. Coiburn, 115: 181. — Nat. R. 8: 425. Bartholomew's Day, Massacre of. See St. Bartholomew. Barthomlej^ Hinchliffe's. Fraser, 57: 620. Bartleby, the Scrivener. (H. Melville) Putnam, 2: 546, 609. Bartleman, James, Memoir of. Fraser, 48: 164. Bartlett, Rev. John. (C. T. Thayer) Chr. Exam. 46: 484. Bartlett, John Russell, Library ol. (H. Rogers) Am. Bibliop. 7: 192. Bartlett, Josiah, Governor of New Hampshire, 1790. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 278. Bartlett, William Francis. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 26: 406. Bartol, C. A., Discourses of. (C. Lowe) Unita. R. i: 242. — (H. W. Bellows) Chr. Exam. 54: 103. — New Eng. 8: 434. — (E. P. Whipple) No. Am. 70: 199. — Key of the Kingdom. Mo. Rel. jM. 22: i. — Sermons. (A. P. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 48: no. — Unita. R. 15: 451. Bartolini, Lorenzo", the Sculptor. Coiburn, 11: 231. Barton, B. S., with portrait. Portfo.(Den.) 15: 273. Barton, Bernard, Quaker Poet, with portrait. Hogg, 5: 353. — Knick. 39: 514. — Liv. Age, 61: 195. BARTON 101 BATS Barton, Bernard, Life and Letters of. Li v. Age, 23: 529. — Napoleon and other Poems. Chr. Obs. 23: 293. — Poems. (F. Jeffrey) Kd. R. 34: 34S.— (J. Wilson) Blackw. 12: 767. — Mo. R. 93: 267. 98: 185. — Ed. R. 33: 181,254. 36: 155,476. 40: 49- 43: 236, 560. 45: 231. 49: 140. — Lond. M. 2: 194. and Letters. Liv. Age, 24: 113. Barton, Clara H. (L. P. Brockett) Appleton, 7: 204. Barton, Elizabeth, the Nun of Kent. Chanib. J. 28: 341. Same art. Liv. Age, 56: 107. Barton, Fanny. See Abington, Fanny B. Bartram, John, and his Garden. (H. Pyle) Harper, 60: 321. — and H. Marshall, Darlington's Memoirs of. (Mrs. L James) No. Am. 70: 210. — Am. J. Sci. 59: 85. — and Peter Collinson. Am. J. Educ. 28: S72. Baruch, Ethiopic Book of. (G. H. Sclirodde) Lutli. Q. 8: 333- Baryta; its manifold Uses in the Arts. (L. Feueht- wanger) J. Frankl. Inst. 97: 356. Barytone, The great. Chamb. J. 43: 17. Basalt. (H. P. Malet) Geog. M. i : 18S, 232. — Origin of the columnar Structure of. (R. Mallet) Am. J. Sci. 109: 206. Bascom, Henry B. Kiiick. 34: 308. Base, The, do call it Conv'ey; a Tale. (R. Thynne) Dub. Univ. 83: 317. Base-Ball and Cricket. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 9: 167- Base-Ball Business. Lakeside, 4: 335. Basedow, Johaun Bemhard. (K. von Raumer) Am. J. Educ. 5: 4S7. Basevi, Capt. James Palladio. Nature, 4: 419. Bashan. (J. L. Porter) Bib. Sac. 13: 7S9. — and the Cities of Moab. Chr. Obs. 61: 10. 66: 302. Same art. Liv. Age, 69: 220. — and the Cities of Og. Liv. Age, 62: 70. — Giant Cities of. (L. J. Fletcher) Uuiv. Q. 33 : 67. — Historico-Geographical Sketch of. (J. L. Porter) Kitto, 13: 2S1. Bashful Gentleman. (M. M. Noah) So. Lit. Mess. 1 : 429. Bashfulness, Miseries of. So. Lit. Mess. 2: 465. Bashi-Bashi-Bazouks. Fraser, 54: 375. — on the Drina Frontier of Bosnia. (J. S. Stuart-Glennie) Gent. M. n. s. 18: 362. Basil the Great, St. Chr. R. 20: 263. — and Baptism. (L Chase) Chr. R. 23: 568. 24: 102. — Life and Letters of. No. Am. go: 356. — Some Letters of. (J. H. Egar) Am. Church R. 30: 391, 567. 31: 25, 118, 401. Basil's Faith; a Tale. (A. W. Dubourg) Temp. Bar, 45: 143, 2S5. Same art. Appleton, 14: 48S, 521, 552. Basilia; a Tale of Modern Athens. Colburn, 25: 432. Basilica of Santa Petronilla. (S. Wood) Good Words, 15: 732- — of St. Satumin. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 8: lOI. Basilicas of Rome, Bunsen on. Ed. R. 85: 143. Basilides, De Groot's. (O. Cone) Univ. Q. 26: 17. Basilis, A Coin of. (T. Combe) Arch. 18: 344. Basilisk, The. Belgra. i: 479. — The modern. Chamb. J. 33: 91. Basilisks, physical and moral. (W. W. Newton) Penn Mo. 7: 78S. Basing House, Hampshire. Penny M. 9: 257. — Sharpe, 11: 222. Basire, Dr. Isaac, Correspondence of. Mo. R. 125: 326. Baskets and their Materials. Penny M. n : 445. Basle to Domo d' Ossola. Galax3', 12: 84S. Basque Blood. House. Words, 9: 364. Basque Country, The. Ed. R. 119: 369. Same art. Eel. M. 62: 409. — Penny M. ii: 146. — and People. (C. H. Brigham) No. Am. 87: 211. Basque Country, Glimpse into. Month, 20: 29. — Language of. Liv. Age, 87: 128. — Ramble in. Chanib. J. 56: 449. — Ramble tlu'ough, 1S36-37. Blackw. 52: 200, 379, 49S. — Stephens on. Mo. R. 144: 1. Basque Customs. I'Vaser, 97: 632. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 749- Basque Legends. (T. F. Crane) Internat. R. 6: 3S6. — (D. Fitzgerald) Gent. .\I. u. s. 19: 286. Basque Literature, Specimens of. Dub. Univ. 86: 732. Basque Posada, Snow-bound in a. (K. N. Blodgett) Lakeside, 3: 3S3. Basques, The. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 22: 646. — (A. H. Sayce) Nature, 15: 394. — All the Year, 23- 534- — Chamb. J. i: 277, 294. — and the Kelts. (W. Webster) Anthrop. J. 5: 5. — Northern Range of. (W. B. Dawkins) Form. 22: 323. — of Spain. Eel. M. 37: 237- — Origin of. (W. Webster) Anthrop. J. 2: 150. — Social Customs of. (U. C. Lea) No. Am. 107: 644. Bas-Relicf, An ancient. (J. Millingeu and S. Weston) Arch. 19: 70, 99. Bass, The Fish. (A. H. Baldwin) Once a Week, 12: 261. — Black, Habits of. (S. T. Tisdale) Am. Natural. 5: 301. — in the Potomac. (W. M. Laffan) Lippinc. 20: 454. — Striped. (F. Endicott) Scrib. 21 : 69S. Bass Rock, The. Hogg, i: 19. — Penny JL 2: 265. — Sharpe, 23: 53. Same art. Eel. M. 37: 347. — and its Tenants. Chamb. J. 30: 107. — Histoiy of. Eel. R. 90: 220. — Sketch of. Colburn, 83: 13*. — Trip to. Monih, 11: 386. Bass and Burton Breweries. Lond. Soc. 39: 39. Bassano, Italy. F'raser, 96: 17. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 491. Basseliu, Oliver, Poetry of. Fraser, 21 : 47. Bassi, Lauj-a M. C, Female Doctor of Philosophy. Chamb. J. 12: 31. Bassi, Ugo. (E. Carrington) Brit. Q. 73: 12. Bassompierre's Embassy to England, 1026. Blackw. 5: 275. — Retros. 13: 316. 14:69. — Mo. R. 91:28. Bassos, The; a Tale. (F. S. Cozzcns) Putnam, 14: 28S. Bastardy, Adulterine, Law of . Quar. 59: 48. Bastian, H. C. Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: loS. — Bi-ain as an Organ of Mind. Nature, 22: 381. Bastiat, F. (J. E. Cairnes) Fortn. 14: 411. — Liv. Age, 65: 554- — Popular Fallacies. Dub. Univ. 34: 640. — Works of. Ed. R. 149: 355. Bastille, The. (G. Masson) Once a Week, 17: 688. — Chamb. J. 46: 167, 185. — Anecdotes of. Ev. Sat. 5: 711. — Appointment of Sir John Fastolfe as Keeper, 1421. (J. G. Nichols) Arch. 44: 112. — Archives of. Lond. Q. 28: 45. Same art. Eel. M. 69: 57. — Fall of, Contemporary Narrative of. Fortn. 34: 359. Same art. Liv. Age, 147: 160. — Trutli about. Fraser, 93: 162. Same art. Eel. JI. 86: 420. — Women of. Colburn, 130: 433. Bastnib^ite and Tysonite from Colorado. (O. D. Allen and W. J. Comstock) Am. J. Sci. 119: 390. Basutos and the Cape Colony. 19th Cent. 9: 177. — and Sir Bartle Frere. (W. Fowler) 19th Cent. 9: 547. Bat, The. Chamb. J. 48: 457. — Kalong. Penny M. 3: 305. Bats. Ev. Sat. 10: 151. — and their Young. (B. G. Wilder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 7: 641, — Dobson's Catalogue of. Nature, 14: 472. 18: 585. BATS 102 BATTLE Bats, Something about. (B. G. Wilder) Hours at Home, lo: 321. — Wliat are? (St. G. Mivart) Pop. Sci. II. 15: 225. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 9: 523. — Winytil Quadrupeds. (E. Coues) Penn Mo. 6: 341. Bataks, Journey to tlie. Eel. K. 44: 421. Batalha and Alcubaya, Beekford on Monasteries of. Mo. K. 138: 39. Batavia, Gillau's Account of. Portfo.(Den.) 23: 46. — Two Days at. Bentley, 57: 57. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 109. Batcheller, Tyler. (C. Cashing) Cong. Q. 6: 125. BaJeman, Laura, and Edith Heraud, Comparative Criti- cism of. Victoria, 3: 167. Bateman, T., with portrait. Reliquarj-, 2: 87. — Chr. Obs. 20: 665. — Eel. K. 44: 310. Bateman, Tliomas O. (L. Jewitt) Reliquary, 15: 97. Batemau Household; a Tale. (J. Payn) Cliamb. J. 33: ^-233- Bates, Edward, with portrait. De Bow, 12: 106. Bates, Isaac C, Memoir of. Am. Whig R. 3: 186. — with portrait, (H. A. Hill) N. E. Reg. 31: 141. Bates, Joshua. (G. Ticknor) Am. J. Educ. 7: 270. Bates's Tour, personally conducted. Blackw. 119: 164. Bath, Eng. (L. S. Costello) Bentley, 17: 16S. — Ouce a Week, 13: 122. — Macmil. 10: 477. — and Cheltenham, Society in. Loud. Soc. 18: 116. — Cathedral of. All the Year, 34: 222. — Penny M. 2: 268. — Liteiary Ramblings about. Cornh. 27 : 543, 688. 28: 27. — Mineral Waters of. (Sir C. Lyell) Am. J. Sci. 89: 13. Bath, Va., Historical Sketch of. So. Lit. Mess. 20: 721. Bath, Order of the. Retros. 15: 439. Bath-Chair Man's Story. (Mrs. R. Church) Temp. Bar, 22: 507. Same art. Ev. Sat. 5: 432. Bath, Fashionable, of the Olden Time. Coruh.35: 195. — Implements for the, found at Urdingen. (G. Witt) Arch. 43: 250. — The Social. Once a Week, 13: 352. Batiis, Ancient. Chanib. J. 5: 195. in the Island of Lipari. (W. H. Smythe) Arch. 23: 98. Thermal. Dub. Univ. 57: 29. Turkish, etc. Cornh. 3: 375. — and Bathmg-Places, Ancient and modem. Quar. 129: 151. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 385. — and Wash-Houses. Lond. Q. 7: 182. — Free, at East Smithfield. Chamb. J. 8: 102. in Cities. (A. W. Ely) De Bow, 2: 228. — (J. Wharton) Penn Mo. 5: 452. — German. Blackw. 120: 670. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 224. — of Broussa. (Mrs. Walker) Good Word?, 8: 524. — ofLenk. Penny M. 7: 217. — of Mont Dor. Blackw. 6l : 448. — of Santa Catarina. Eraser, 80: 635. — of Silesia. Dub. Univ. 38: 223, 283. — on the Seine. Hogg, 6: 230. — Tale of a Tub. Liv. Age, 70: 613. — Turkish. See Turkish Baths. See Spas. Bather's Ideal. (E. Myers) Fraser, 102: 276. Bathing. Penny M. 4: 354. — abroad and at Home. Liv. Age, 79: 67. — and Bodies. (B. Taylor) Putnam, 4: 532. — Hot-Air Baths. Dub. Univ. 82: 224. — How, when, and where to bathe. (W. Strange) Gent. M. n. s. i: 296. — in Winter. Lond. M. i : 63. — its Use and Abuse. (Sir A. Clarke) Nat. M. 3: 152. — Luxurious. Chamb. J. 57: 391. Bathing, Obstructions to. (W. Howitt) Peop. J. 2: 221. — Russian Vapor Bath. (T. S. Traill) Ed. New Philos. J. 13: 14. Bathing Dresses, Ladies'. Godey, 83: 43. Bathometer. J. Frankl. Inst. loi: 314. — The Morse. Eel. Engin. 3: 27- Bathurst, Sir Benjamin; a mysterious Crime. Liv. Age, 56: 21. 75: 231. Bathurst, Henry, Life of. Eel. R. 67: 555. Bathybiiis and the Moiiers. (E. Haeckel) Pop. Sci. Mo. 11: 64 1 . — What is? (W. C. Williamson) Pop. Sci. K. 8: 350. Same art. Am. Natural. 3: 651. Batlcy and its Shoddy Manufactures. All the Year, 25: 440. Baton Rouge, Up the Mississippi to. Broadw. 7: 372. — (R. Keeler and A. R. M'^aud) Ev. Sat. II : 140. Batrachians, Carboniferous, in Nova Scotia. (J. W. Dawson) Am. J. Sci. I12: 440. — Development without Metamorphosis. Nature, 15: 491. Battersea Bridge, Old. (K. S. Macquoid) Art J. 33: 2;}. Battery, Ericsson's. (I. Newton) J. Frankl. In.-t. 73: 73, — Stevens Iron-clad. (R. H. Thurt'ton) J. Irankl. Inst. 98: 165. Battery, Air-tight Galvanic. (C. T. Chcstei) J. Frankl. lust. 85: 257. — Bnusen, JManufacture of Carbon Elements for. (J. (Young) J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 37. — Groinid. (A. G. Balhuityne) J. Frankl. Inst. 83: 329. — Moncrieff. Once a Week, 20: 120. — Platinized Graphite. (C. V. Walker) J. Frankl. Inst. 69: no. — Thermo-electric, Clamond's. Pract. M. 4: 314. — Voltaic, Chemical Theory of. (J. P. Cooke) J. Frankl. Inst. 92: 329, 406. 93: 131. 94: 60. Batticaloa, India. (J. George) Meth. M. 54: 170. Battle, aud who won it; a Tale. (C. F. Browne) Temp. Bar, 31: 525. — aud Triiunph of Dr. Susan. (F. H. Ludlow) Harper, 27: 33^, 467- — at Sea. All the Year, 23: 565. — of tlic Bees; a Poem. Putnam, 8: 164. — of Bemiington; a Poem. (T. D. English) Harper, 21: 325- — of the Boyne; a Ballad. Dub. Univ. 13: 302. — of Bunkcrloo, The. (W. H. Bishop) Scrib. 14: 351. — of the Churches. (J. Martineau) Westm. 54: 441. — of Dorking. (G. Chesney) Blackw. 109: 539. Same art. Liv. Age, 109: 725. London at the Time of. Victoria, 19: i. made impossible. Macmil. 28: 375. Review of. Ev. Sat. 11: 26, 75. — of the Eyes. Dub. Univ. 20: 659. — of Gilboa; a Poem. Good Words, 3: 88. — of the Kegs; a Ballad of 1778. (F. Hopkinson) Hist. M. 3: 233. ~ of Lansdowne; a Poem. Temp. Bar, 11: 98. — of Life. (H. S. Brown) Ex. H. Lee. 12: 221. — Sharpe, 17: 129. — of Life and Death; a Story. (B. Auerbach) Howitt, 3: 82, 103, 121. Same art. Am. Whig R. 9: 265. — of the Seas; a Poem. (W. Jones) Bentley, 62: 30. — of the Standard; a Poem. (W. A. Gibbs) St. James, 36: 225-616. 37: 99, 217, 317. — of Talavera; a Poem. Chr. Obs. 9: 152. — of the Twins. Tinsley, 10: 471. — of von Blannase. (F. A. Parker) Knick. 51: 229. — of Wilo-Wilo, with Chinese Pirates. Putnam, 8: 302. — with Time; a Poem. Cornh. 6: 270. See names of particular battles, as Gettysburg; ^^ ater- loo ; etc. BATTLES 103 BEACOX Battles, Decisive, of the World. (E. S. Creasy) Eel. M. 14: 227, 380, 524. 15: 511. — Creasy's Fifteen decisive. (T. D. Woolsey) New Eng. 10: 56. — Wcstm. 56: 125. — Great, in History. (H. Vetliake) U. S. Serv. M. 2: 138, 34°! 55'- 3: 333- — l^tl. M. 26: 471. — of the Bible. (E. Baylcy) Ex. H. Lee. 19: 469. — Prose of. Chamb. J. 39: 129. Battle Abbey. (B. R. Parkes) Once a Week, 15: 414. — Penny M. 2: 211. — Chronicle of. Dub. R. 49: i. — Roll of. N. E.Reg. 2: 25. Battle Array, Ancient and modern. All the Year, 1 : 84. Battle-Fiekl; a Poem. (W. C. Bryant) Dem. U. i: 15. Battle-Ficlds of 1859. Eraser, 61 : 16S. Batuta, Ibn, Travels of. Eel. R. 49: 524. — Blackw. 49: 597. Bauble Wishart; a Story. Lippiiic. 26: 719. Baudelaire, Charles. (L. Fountain) Lippinc. 8: 383. — (J. A. Harrison) So. M. 12: 54. — (H. James, jr.) Nation, 22: 279. — (G. Saintsbury) Fortn. 24: ^00. — (W. Stigand) Belgra. 15: 438. — Ev. Sat. 4: 528. — Translation of Poe's Poems. Ev. Sat. II : 503. Bauddvu, Book of. Blackw. 41: 106. Bauer, Bruno, and the Universities of Prussia. Prosp. R. 2: 174. Bauer, Marie-Bernard; a Jewish Convert. (B. Murphy) Cath. World, 15: 211. Bauer, William, Trials of. Once a Week, 7: 221, 247. Baugniet, Charles. Art J. 19: 42. Baum the Cornet-Player. (A. Webster, jr.) Scrib. 6: 596. Baur, F. C. (0. B. Frothingham) Chr. Exam. 64: i. — and the Tubingen School of Criticism. Brit. Q. 45: 297. Same art. Theo. Eel. 5: i. — and others, Theories on the Fourth Gospel. Nat. R. 5: 82. — Writings of. Mo. Rel. M. 35: 43, 83, 301. Baurmeister's Narrative of Capture of New York, 1776. M. Am. Hist, i : 33. Bausset, M. de. Memoirs. Fraser, 47: 413. Bautain, Abb^. Irish Q. 9: 555. Bavaria, Catholicism in. Contemp. 14: 495. 17; 261. — Church Crisis in. Contomp. 19: 120. — Court of, Vehse's Historj' of. Ed. R. 104: 399. — Customs of the Haberfeld Treiben. Cornh. 16: 667. — Headquarters of Beer-Drinking, (A. Ten Broeck) Atlan. 14: 185. — Highlands of. Appleton, 13: 449, 4S1, 513, 545. Week in. (A. A. Buckland) Victoria, 36: 60. — King of. See Louis I. — Lakes of. Bentley, 34: 17. — Prisons of. Irish Q. 9: 764. — Productive Forces of. (A. Delmar) Internat. R. 3: 615. — Summer in. (E. Phipps) Colburn, 55: 3S0-453. 56: 81-526. Bawr, Madame, Sketch of. Once a Week, 6: 426. Baxter, Charles. Art J. 16: 145. Ba«cter, Joseph, Journal of, in 1717. N. E. Reg. 21: 45. — Memoir of. (J. Langdon Sibley) N. E. Reg. 20: 157. Baxter, Richard. (A. P. Stanley)Macmil. 32: •;S5. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 46. — (A. Woodburt-) Chr Exam. 66: 157. — (Sir J. Stephen) Ed. R. 70: 181. — Eel. R. 114: 257. — Meth. M. 30: 481.— Am. Q. Reg. 4: I. — Spirit Pilg. 2: 243. 5: 151, 215.— (F. Parkman) No. Am. 35: 36. — Chr. R. 8: i. — and Owen. Nat. R. 15: 95. — and his Times. (J. C. Ryle) Ex. II. Lee. 8: 363. — End of Controversy. (E. A. Park) Bib. Sac. 12: 348. — Home of, at Kidderminster. (W. W. Campbell) Har- per, 52: 43. — Omie's Life of. Am. Meth. M. 15: 121. — Eel. R. 52: 381. Baxter, Richard. Posing Question. Cong. M. 6: 715. — Review of religious Opinions of. Chr. Obs. 9: 65, 129. — Saints' Rest. (J. Woodbridge) Lit. & Theo. R. 2: 461. — Theology of. (G. P. Fisher) Bib. Sac. 9: 135, 300. Baxter, W. Philological Letters. (G. Sharpe) Arch, i: 205. Baxter, Wm. E., with portrait. Dub. Univ. 88: 652. — Impressions of Europe, (^uar. 86: 265. Bay-Tree, The. Penny M. 3: 313. Ba_yard, James A., Biography of. Anal. M. 7: 333. Bayard, P. du T., Chevalier. (J. G. Wilson) Harper, 48: 478. — (J. G. Wilson) U. S. Serv. M. 5: 323.— — Lond. Soc. 6: 23S. — Penny M. 14: 31, 45. — Memoir of. (R. Southey) Quar. 32: 355. — Mo. R. 118: 175. — Mus. 7: 72. 14: 465. — Eel. R. 88: 213. — Sketches of. Am. Mo. M. 5: 81, 161 Bayaderes, The. Fraser, 18: 729. Bayeux Tapestry. (J. Piggot) Antiquary, 4: 15. — Chamb. J. 45: 366. — Hogg, 7: 159. — Liv. Age, 48: 341. — Sharpe, 28: 150. — Memoir on. (Abbe de la Rue) Arch. 17: 85. — Observations on. (T. Amyot) Arch. 19: 88, 192. — (H. Guruey) Arch. 18: 359. — (C. Stothard) Arch. 19: 184. Baj-le, Pierre. (F. Sheldon) No. Am. iii: 377. Bayley, Solomon, Account of pious Negro. Chr. Obs. 33: 275. 32S. Baylies, William, Biography of. Am. Q. Reg. 13: 77. Bayly, Thomas Haynes, West-End Poet. Eraser, 99: 352. — with portrait, Colburn, 31: 550. — Mo. li. 164: 438, — Life and Poetry of. Chamb. J. i: 251. Same art. Liv. Age, 1 : 442. — Seasonable Ditties. Colburn, 39: 64-403. Bayne, Peter. Christian Life. (.J. A. Macaulay) Meth. Q. 16: 549. — So. Lit. Mess. 23: 321, — Lessons from my Masters, (W, C. Brownell) Nation, 29: 351- Bayonet, Origin and History of. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 38: 422. Bayonne, Remains of an ancient Camp near, (S. Baring- Gould) Arch. 34: 399. — to St. Sebastian. Sharpe, 38: 24. Bayou T6che. (E. de Leon) Eraser, 91 : 27. Bayrcuth Performances. (A. A. Wheeler) Nation, 23: 148-325. — All the Year, 37: 39. Bayreuth, Wagner at. Scrib. 12: 361, See Wagner. Bazainc, Gen. Francois Achille. (A. Forbes) Gent. M. n. s. 12: 75. — Condemnation of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 17: 401. — Trial of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 17: 2S7. Bazalgette, Sir Joseph, with portrait. Colburn, 165: 1040. Bazar, The deserted. Eraser, 36: 88. Bazaars. Chamb. J. 38: 49. Bazas, France. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 30: 159. Beach, E. T. P. Pelayo; an Epic Poem. Eel. M. 62 : 371. Beach, Sir Michael E. II. B., with portrait. Dub. Univ. 85: 654. Beach, S. B. Escalala. (J. Sparks) No. Am. 20: 210. — U. S. Lit. (iaz. 1 : 279. Beaches, Motions of Shingle. (H. R. Palmer) J. Frankl. Inst. 21 : 135. — Raised, and their Origin. (E. Hull) Pop. Sei. R. 5: 169. Same art. Eel. M. 67 : 90. of Barnstaple Bay. Stud. & Intel. Obs. 4 : 338. Beach-(^ombers. (J. J. Roche) Galaxy, 21 : 64S. — Chamb. J. 58 : S3. Beach Men, Stories of. All the Year, 6 : 234. Beaehy Head. (W. W. Fenn) St. James, 35 : 633. Beacon, Black Rock, L. I., Description of. (W. H. Swift) J, Frankl, Inst. 36: 385. BEACONS 104 BEAST Beacons, Antiquity and Use of. (J. Ward) Arch. I : i. — Origin of . Penny M. II : 2S1. Beaconsfield, B. Disraeli, Earl of. (E. S. Nadal) Scrib. 14: 190. — (M. Sullivan) Lipi)iiic. 23: 197. — Blackw. 104: 129, 491. — Loud. See. 19: 427. — (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 33: 278. — (B. Murphy) Catli. World, 31 : 410, 491. — (P. M. Potter) Scrib. 22: 262. — ("Shirley," M. Maecoll, and A. Austin) Contenip. 39: 971. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 129. — (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.), 2:1. — as a Novelist. Apjjleton, 25 : 354. — Brandes's Study of. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 30 : 420. — Internat. R. 9: 42. — Death of. (J. Bryce) Nation, 32: 331. — Blackw. 129: 674. — Same art. Eel. M. 97: i. — Endymion. Ed. K. 153: 103. — (^)uar. 151: 115. — Dub. H. 88: 145. — (K. M. Mihies) Fortn. 35: 66. Same art. Liv. Age, 148: 617. Sam(; art. Canad. Mo. 19: 205. — (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 31: 413. (J. MacCarthy) Am. Cath. Q. 6: 112. — Appleton, 25: 70. — Eraser, 102: 705. — (M. W. Fuller) Dial (Ch.), i: 188. — Florin; a Story. Lond. Soc. 40: 313. — French Estimate of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 27 : 209. — French Popularity of. (A. Eaugcl) Nation, 30 : 345. — Ministry of. (H. W. Lucy) Gent. M. n. s. 22 : 423, Polic}' of. F'raser, 97 : 135. — Political Adventures of. Fortn. 29: 477, 691, 867. 30: 250. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 276, 657. 138: 14, 615. — Political Career of. Brit. Q. 64: 147. — Two Papers on, by a Whig and a Tory. Contemp. 36: 665. — Wit and Humor of. (W. S. Sichel) Macmil. 44: 139. Same art. Liv. Age, 150: 55. Same art. Appleton, 26: 164: 375. — Worldly Wisdom of. Eel. M. 96: 329. See Disraeli, B. Beaconsfield, England, A Day at, 1857. Eraser, 56 : 33. Same art. Liv. Age, 54: 429. Beads, Ancient Drawings of. (J. Y. Akerman) Arch. 34: 46. Bead Manufactory at Venice. Am. J. Sci. 27 : 78. Bead Medicine's Mystery; a Story. (L. W. Champney) Lippinc. 25: 473. Beadles. Lond. Soc. 2: 71. Beadon, Sir Cecil, Defense of. (J. M. Capes) Fortn. 8: 180. Beagle, Voyage of the. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 65: 194. — Voyages of. King and F'itzroy's. Ed. R. 69 : 467. Beale, Anne. Gladys the Reaper. Liv. Age, 68: 100. Beale, Robert. So. M. 17: 602. Beale, Thurley, Singer, with portrait. Colburn, 167 : 425. Beams and Joists, Wrought-Iron. (W. Fairbairn) J. Frankl. Inst. 64 : 53. — Bars, etc.. Cohesive Strength of. J. Frankl. Inst. 7: 43. 49- — Cast-Iron, Experiments on Strength of. (T. J. Cram) J. Frankl. Inst. 22: 153. — Detiection of, under transverse Strains. (W. A. Nor- ton) Eel. Engin. 3: 70. — Formula for normal Stress of. (G. F. Swain) Eel. Engin. 23: 63. — Iron, Experiments on Wrought. (T. Davies) J. Frankl. Inst. 63: 271. Strength and best F'orms of. J. FVankl. Inst. 13: 202, 261, 325, 378. 14: 26. — Lattice, Strain upon Diagonals of. (W. T. Doyne) J. Frankl. Inst. 55: 224, 294. — of uniform Resistance. (S. W. Robinson) Eel. Engin 16 : 199. — of uniform Strength. J. Frankl. Inst. 73 : 109. Beams, Problems on. J. Frankl. Inst. 75: 256. on open built. (D. Wood) J. Frankl. Inst. 74: 385. — Strength of. (W. H. Barlow) J. Frankl. Inst. 62: 4, 73. 65: 296. — (B. Baker) Eel. Engin. 23: 444. — Theory of continuous. (.1. P. FrixcU) J. Frankl. Inst. 94: 39, 122, 171, 249. Beam Trusses, Econoniieal Construction of. (G. S. Mor- rison) J. Frankl. Inst. 86: 99-394. 87: 34. Beaminster, England, Dissenting Church at. Cong. M, 18: 713. 19: 269. Bean, (.'0!. ICllis P. De Bow, 14: ^6. Bear, The. (W. E. Simmons, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 6: 281, — Encounter with a. Chamb. J. 30: 365. — Grizzly. J. Frankl. Inst. 2: 17S. Adventure with a. Chamb. J. 22: 42. Bears. (D. Piatt) Galaxy, 11 : 363.— All the Year, 4: 390. — House. Words, 7: 577. — Liv. Age, 29: 19. — and Bear-Hunting. (T. B. Thorpe) Harper, 11 : 591. — (C. AYriglit) Am. Naturiil. 2: 121. — and W^olves, British. (W. B. Dawkins) Pop. Sci. R. 10: 241. — History and Habits of. Harper, 2: 546. — Natural History and geographical Distribution of. (A. L. Adams) Pop. Sci. R. 13: 250. — Polar. Penny M. 2: 100. — Tame, in Sweden. (J. Wager) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 479. Bear-Baiting and Mr. Martin's Bill. Blackw. 17: 600. Bear-Dancing at Rome. Penny M. 14 : 52, 62. Bear-Hunt, The; a Poem. (A. Lincoln) Potter Am. Mo. 6: 190. — in the Ilimalaj'as. Temp. Bar, 19: 229. — in Sweden. (A. Glilbrandson) Putnam, 15: 265. Bear-Hunting. Blackw. 27: 807. 28: i. — Chamb. J. 39: 62. 51: 131. — in Canada. Blackw. 32: 260. — in India. Eraser, 46: 373. — in Lithuania. Penny M. 6: 27. — Metaphysics of. (C. Winterfeld) Am. Whig, 2: 171. — in the South. (J. Gordon) Scrib. 22: 857. Bear-Skin, The; a Tale. Chamb. J. 15 : 131. Bear-Steak; a Gastronomic Adventure. Chamb. J. 16: 10. Bear's Grease, Trip in Search of. Chamb. J. 23: 300. Bearbrook Archives. (J. P. Quincy) Putnam, 5 : 299. Bear-Valley Coal Basin, and Bear-Mountain Railroad. (T. E. Nichols) Hunt, 14: 141. Beard, C, Sermons by. (F. P. Cobbe) Theo. R. 12: 292. Beard, Ithamar W., with portrait. Dem. R. 41: 242. Beard, J. R., Sermons. Chr. Exam. 12: 223. — Nine Lectures on Owcnism. Chr. Exam. 28: 255. Beard, W. H., and his Paintings. Art J. 30 : 321. Beard's Theater of God's Judgment. Blackw. 8: 496. Beards. (J. Waters) Knick. 35: 352, 445, 495. — (W. Collier) Bentley, 11: 575. — Ev. Sat. 11: 66,439. — Chamb. J. 38: 308. — Irish Q. 8: 1194. 9: 282. — Once a Week, 16: 189. — Penny M. 3: 367. — Westm. 62: 48. Same art. Eel. M. 33 : 377. Same art. Liv. Age, 42: 304. — (T. Robinson),St. James, 48: 378. — and the Hair. Temp. Bar, 3: 247. — and Moustaches. All the Year, 23: 510. — Concerning. (A. K. H. Boyd) Eraser, 73 : 306. — of our Fathers. Chamb. J. 27: 369. — Thoughts on. Blackw. 34: 670. See Hair. Bearer of Dispatches in London. (T. S. Fay) Lippinc. 14: 370. B^arnais Sketch. Once a Week, 15: 569, 611. Beast, Name and Number of the. (A. Flemming) Cong. R.7: 31. — Number of. (J. T. Holly) 'Am. Church R. 31 : 284. — (E. S. Wilson) Ain. Church R. 27: 428. BEASTS 105 BEAUTY Beasts of Burden. Chamb. J. 40: 302. Beata; or, What 's in a Name? Blackw. 126: 31-657. Beating the Bounds. Chamb. J. 20: 49. — Am. Arch. 10 : 64. Beatitude in Human Nature. (A. F. Hunt) Cath. World, 27: 533- Beatitudes, The. (C. Stothard) Cath. World, 30: 713. Beatrice; a Verse-Drama. Dub. Univ. 66: 533, 671. 67: no. Beatrice and Angelo; a Poem. (H. Hogg) Hogg, II : 21. Beatrice Boville; or. Pride rersus Pride. (L. de la Kamc"') Bentley, 49: 641. Same art. Broadw. 5: i, 155. Beatrice Cenci. (S. M. B. Piatt) Overland, 7: 68. Beatrice di Tenda; a Tale. Broadw. 4: 47. Beatrice's Dream; a Theological Argument. Temp. Bar, 43: 539- Beatrice's Mirror. (Mrs. A. D. Perkins) O. & N. i : 493. Beattie, George. Cornh. 25: 453. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 431. Same art. Ev. Sat. 12: 514. Beattie, James. (G. Gilfillan)Ecl M. 29: 405. — Blackw. 128: 17. — (T. S. Perry) Atlan. 46: 810. — Bower's Life of. Eel. R. i: 172. — Forbes's Life of. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 5: i, 112. — (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 10: 171.— Chr. Obs. 6: 389, 466, 473, 5'3- — Life and Poetry of. Lond. M. 5: 313. Beatty, M;ij. Erkuries, Diar}' of. 1786-87. M. Am. Hist, i: 175-432- Beatty, Wm., Journal of, 1776-S0. Hist. M. II : 79, 147. Beau.'The; a Tale. (J. H. D. Zschokke) Eel. M. 40: 238. Beau Brummell. See Brummell. Beaucaire, Fair at. Sharpe, 24: 264. Beauchamp; or, the Error. (G. P. R. James) Colburn, 74: 535- 75: 94-420- 76: 69-3S5. 77: 63-422. 78: 44-299. Beauchamp & Co.; a Story. (Mrs. H. Martin) Fraser, 104: 84. Beauchamp" s Career. (G. Meredith) Fortn. 22: 249-676. 23: 132-739- 24: 123-S69. Beauchamp Family, of England. Temp. Bar, 17: 332. Beauchampe. (W. G. Simms) Sharpe, i: 17-105. Beauclercs, The, Father and Son. (C. Clarke) Fraser, 72: 565, 692. 73: 104-7S1. 74: 112, 212, 385. Beauclerk, Topham. Cornh. 31: 2S1. Beaudrot; a Poem. (T. D. English) So. Lit. Mess. 29: 410. Beaufort, Cardinal, Jewels pledged to, 17 Henry VL (J. Caley) Arch. 21 : 34. Beaufort, Margaret, Mother of Henry VH., Life of. Pub. R. 8: 130. Beauharnais, Prince Eugene de. Memoirs of. Liv. Age, 60: 323. Beaulieu, Summer Day at. (E. Walford) Once a Week, 17: 413- — Tragedy at. (M. B. Williams) Lakeside, 7: 210. Beaumanoir, Mareschal de, Monument to. (JL d'Au- vergne) Arch. 6: 144. Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 84: 122. — (Lady C. C. Jackson) Temp. Bar, 61 : 176. — Blackw. 105: 30. — and his Times. Quar. 135: 201. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 67. — Temp. Bar, 43: 604. Same art. Eel. JL 84: 731. — Bentley, 39: 171, 293. — Brit. Q. 23: 519. Same art. Eel. M. 38: 394. Same art. Liv. Age, 50: 193. — New Q. 5: 381. — and Sophie Arnould. Westm. 42: 146. Same art. Eel. M. 3: 271. — Fifteen Louisd'Or. Ev. Sat. 7: 129, 181. — Life of. Am. Bibliop. 7: 155. — Lomi'nie's Life of. (J. Bonner) Harper, 14: 76, — Ed. R. 104: 453. — Fraser, 49: 330. — the Merchant. (J. Bigelow) Hours at Home, II : 160 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, Passage in Life of. (G. Ho- garth) Bentley, i: 233. — Plan to aid the American Colonies. (G. C. Genet) M. Am. Hist. 2: 663. — Sketch of. Am. Mo. M. 8: 384. Beaumaris Castle, Anglesey. Penny M. 5: 51. Beaumont, Christophe de, Arehbisiiop of Paris. (A. G. Knight) Month, 40: 198,370. 41: 36. Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J. (C. C. Clarke) Gent. M. n. s. 7: 27. — (J. Pyne) Nat. Q. 33: 302. — (E. P. Whipple) Am. Whig R. 4: 68, 131. — Liv. Age, 14: 385. — Fraser, 22: 189. 41: 321. — Eel. M. 12: 174. — Temp. Bar, 42: 460. and Cervantes. Fraser, 91: 592. and their Contemporaries. (W. Spalding) Ed. R. 73: 209. Dyce's edition. Ed. R. 86: 42. — Quar. 83: 377. Beaumont, Joseph, an overlooked Poet. (F. M. Bird) Hours at Home, 11: 560. — Psyche. Retros. II : 28S. 12: 229. Beauregard, Gen. G. T. Service in West Tennessee, 1S62. (T. Jordan) So. Hist. Pap. 8: 404. Beausoleil, Baroness de. Sketch of. (S. B. -Gould) Once a Week, 16: 417. Beauties of Nature. Penn}- M. i: 150. Beauties, Professional. Lond. Soc. 36: 449. Beautiful, The. (J. G. Whittier) Hogg, 2: 326. — and the Picturesque. Brit. Q. 8: 49S. — and the Pretty. (F. T. Palgrave) F. Arts Q. i: 308. — Function of. '(S. W. McDaniel) .Mo. Rel. M. 48: 310. — Love of. (H. Giles) Chr. Exam. 84: 330. — (J. Swett) Pioneer, i : 207. — Natural Philosophy of. Art J. 4: 215. — Perception of. (Mrs. L. H. Sigourney) Godey, 20: 9. — Plea for. Chamb. J. 16: 161. — Tyler's Theory of. So. R. u. s. 15: 243. — Witne-s of Artists to. (J. B. Atkinson) Portfo. 5: 117, 131- Beautiful Arts, Claims of. Dem. R. 3: 253. Beautiful Lucy Parson. Lond. Soc. 2: 223. Beautiful Miss Johnson. Lond. Soc. 12: 56-355. Beautiful Miss Roche; a Story. (Mrs. G. W. Godfrey) Temp. Bar, 61: 344, 501. 62: 75. Same art. Liv. Age. 149: 403. Beautiful Perdita, The. St. James, 5: 149. Beautiful Women. (F. G. Fairfield) Appleton, 16: 32S. Beauty. (F. W. Winthrop) No. Am. 7: i. — (M. B. Hope) Princ. 21: 251. — Blackw. 5: 564. 14: 672. — (J. B. Atkinson) Good Words, 21: 638. — Hesp. i: 4S1.— (T. C. Henley) Peop. J. 11: 353.— Portfo.(Den.) 13: 148, 220. — Aids to. Cornh. 7: 391, 73S. — Alison on. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 18: i. — Alison explained by Jeffrey. Blackw. 13: 385. — and Art. (W. Barnes) Macmil. 4: 126. — (J. H. Pollen) Month, 3: 42, 359. — and the Beast. (W. R. S. Ralston) 15th Cent. 4: 990. — (B. Taylor) Atlan. 17: 13. — and the Beast; a Story. (A. L Thackeray) Cornh. 15: 676. .Same art. Ev. Sat. 3: 801. 4: i. — and the lieast: a Story. Sharpe, 52: iSo. — and the Beast; a Story. (F. E. Leupp) Galaxy, 22: 209. — and a Bracelet. Colburn. 149: 367-634. — and Duty. (H. Holbeach) St. Paul's, 12: 7^- — and other Conditions of Face. Lond. JL 7: 526. — and Realism. (E. J. Poynter) Fortn. 15: 709. — and Ugliness of Person. Cornh. 14: ■;-;4. — and Utility. (W. E. Gladstone) Ed. Si. 86: 291. — Art in Aid of. St. James. 10: 466. — Art of. (M. E. Haweis) Eel. M. 78: 472. — Art of preserving. (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 32: 444. BEAUTY 106 BEDOUIN Beauty, Blackie on. Tait, n. s. 25: 245. — Divine Love of, in Creation. (1). Olmsted) New Eng. 16: 770. — Evolution of. (F. T. Mott) Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 361. — Female, IIow to get and keep. (K. Tomes) Harper, 37: 116. Criticism on. Mus. 7: 405. — Few Words on. Art J. 8: 4. — Gladstone on Marketable. Li v. Age, 142: 765. — Greek and Christian Views of. (K. St. J. Tyrwliitt) Contemp. 37: 474. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 587. — Hay's new Theory of. Chamb. J. 15: 2O6. — Ila^-'s Gconic'tnc Principle of. Mo. 1{. 162: 390. — Human. (W . M. Fernakl) Mo. Kel. M. 46: 264. — Ideal. Chamb. J. 13: 257, 294. — in Common Life. (A. D. Mayo) Univ. Q. 33: 389. — in what does it consistV (F. Jeffrey) Ed. li. 7: 307. — Jeffre3''s Theory of. Westm. 53: i. — Moral Uses of. (M. Tarver) West. J. 14: 1. — Nature of. (H. N. Day) Am. Tresb. R. 16: 391. — New Theory' of. Chamb. J. 15: 266. — of Sounds and Colors. Blackw. 4: 178. — of the Universe; a Poem. So. U. n. s. 9: 205. — of Vic(i D'Azir. (L. du la Kamc) Beutley, 51: 440. — Personal. Dub. Univ. 81 ; 301. and Moral. Tait, n. s. 23 : 402. in different Countries. Penny M. 14: 475. — Power of; a Syrian Tale. Loud. M. 10: 165. Same art. Mus. 6: 210. — Principle of, in ancient Sculpture. (J. M. Tracy) Western, 4: 78. — Real and Ideal. Blackw. 74: 727. — Reason and. Relations of. (E. Gurney) Mind, 4: 4S2. — Religion of . Dial, i: 17. — Sense of. (W. M. Reily) Ref. Q. 28: 395. — transformed. (Mrs. C. L. Hentz) Godey, 21 : 194. Beauty Draught; a Tale. Blackw. 48: 795. Beauvais. Penny M. 3: 67. Beaux, The. (Miss Leslie) Godey, 24: 19-259. Beaver, Capt. Philip, Life of. (R. Southey) Quar. 41 : 375. Same art. Liv. Age, 12: 268. — Mo. R. 119: 189. — Mus 16: 127. Beaver, The. (J. D. Godman) J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 98, 160, 227. — Chamb. J. 50: 598. — Penny M. 2: 129. — Early Notices of. (D. Wilson) Canad. J. n. s. 4: 359. — Fabulous History of. (J. D. Godman) J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 227. Beavers. All the Year, 20: 176. — Liv. Age, 24: 519. — and Beaver-Meadows in North America. Penny M. 9: 103. — of Bute. Chamb. J. 55: 95. Beavis, Richard, Works of . Art J. 29: 97. Beche-de-Mer, The. Chamb. J. 54: 15. Becher, Lady. Eraser, 97: 477. — (Miss O'Neill) Eng. Dom. M. 14: 129. Bechuana Proverbs, Riddles and Tales. Hogg, 9: 139. Beck, J. T. of Tiibingen, his Views of the Bible. (J. H. W. Stuckenberg) Luth. Q. i: iii. Becker, W. A. Gallus. Dub. R. 17: 69. — Gallus and Charicles. Quar. 79: 336. — (A. P. Pea- body) No. Am. 66: 401. Becket, Thomas a, St. Dub. R. 38: 355. — (H. W. Tor- rey) No. Am. 64: 118. — No. Brit. 6: 456. — Eel. M. 8: 229. — (W. G. Read) U. S. Cath. M 2: 193. — Eel. R. iii: 255. Same art. Liv. Age, 65: 479. — and his Biographers. (E. A. Freeman) Nat. R. 10: 321. — De Vere on. (.J. McCarthy) Cath. Worid, 23: 848. — Froude on. (.J. Gerard) Month, 32: i. — (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 31: 821. 32: 116, 473. 33: 213. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 150, 323. 138: 108, 139. — Dub. R. 82: 292. — Legend of. Eraser, 20: 389, 560. Becket, Thomas a, St., Letters relating to. Chr. Rem. 3: 444. 5: 559. — Life of. Dub. R. 3: 313. 48: 253. 62: 60, 458. — Dub. Univ. 56: 661. — Life and Times of. (.1. A. Froude) 19th Cent, i: 547, 843. 2: 15-669. Same art. Liv. Age, 134: 3-540. 135- 32, 723. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 168, 294, 480, 610. 90: 40. — Literature of. (J. C. Robertson) Contemp. i: 270. -~ Murder of. (J. A. Frouda) 19th Cent. 2: 669. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: 410.— Quar. 93: 349. Same art. Liv. Age, 39: 515. Same art. ICcl. M. 31: 28. Beckett's Troth; a Poem. (R. Buchanan) Once aW^eek, 10: 573- Beckford, William. (O. Tiffany) No. Am. 90: 297.— Chamb. J. 31: 93. - Liv. Age, 60: 406. — and Fonthill. Chamb. J. 2: 101. — and the Literature of Travel. (II. T. Tuckerman) So. Lit. Mess. 16: 7. — Conversations with. Colburn, 72: 1S-516. — Memoirs of. Tait, n. s. 26: 76. — Recollections of, with portrait. (C. Redding) Col- burn, 71 : 143, 302. — Travels. Quar. 51: 426. — Vathek. (P. Q. Keegan) Colburn, 160: 674. Beckwourth, J. P., Indian Scout. (T. B. Thorpe) Har- per, 13: 455. Becon, Thomas. (A. Alexander) Prnic. 5: 504. — Memoir of. Cong. M. 10: 457. Becqucrel, Antoine C(!sar. Nature, 17: 244. Same art. Liv. Age, 136: 574. Bed for Invalids, Arnott's Hydrostatic. J. Frankl. Inst. 15: 61. — Going to. (M. Browne) Ev. Sat. 13: 249. Old Customs in. All the Year, 33 : 274. Beds. All the Year, 17: 41. — Chamb. J. 36: 260. — and Bedsteads. St. James, 17: 91. Beddoes, T. L. (K. Hillard) Victoria, 22: 352. — (K. Hillard) Lippinc. 12 : 550. — (M. Collins) Dub. Univ. 94: 513.— (T. F. Kelsall) Fortn. 18: 51.— Eel. M. 24: 446. — Bride's Tragedy. Blackw. 14: 723. — Lond. M. 7: 169. — Poems. Liv. Age, 31: 312. — Stock's Life of. Eel. R. 13: 491. Bede, Venerable. Dub. R. 36: 290. — (G. Allen) Gent. M. n. s. 25: 84. — Putnam, 10: 40. — and his Works. (F. M. Hubbard) No. Am. 93: 36. — Ecclesiastical History. Chr. Rem. 11: 331. — Eel. R. 94: 192. — Princ. 42: 401. Bedell, William, Bp. of Kildare. Dub. R. 15: 415. — Account of. Chr. Obs. 15: 271, 339, 415. — Mason's Life of. Eel. R. 78: 217. Bedfellows, Some strange. All the Year, 40: 4S5. Bedford. Penny M. 8: 181. Bedford and Bath Springs. (H. H. Hayden) Am. J. Sci. 19: 97. Bedford, John, 4th Duke of. Correspondence of. Eel. R. 77: 55. 85: 221. — Dub. Univ. 23: 354. — Mo. R. 160: 75. 162: 33. Bedford Level, The great. Chamb. J. 10: 213. — Liv. Age, 20: 81. — Penny M. 3: 133. Bedford, Mass., Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. 11: 387. Bedford Park, London. (M. D. Conway) Harper, 62: 4S1. — Chamb. J. 58: 839. Bedouin Arabs. (J. A. Johnson) Hours at Home, 10: 228. — Penny M. 3: 227. — and Wahabys. Ed. R. 52: 72. — Mo. R. 122: 213. — Lady Blunt's. (F. W. Holland) Unita. R. 12: 431. — Life among. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy, 22: 43. — Notes on. (J. L. Burckhardl) Am. Bib. Repos. 4: 711. — of the Arabian Desert. (R. D. Upton) Eraser, 95: 432. BEE 107 BEECHGROVE Bee, The. Hogg, 8: 309, 358. — Endocranium and Maxillary Suspensorium. (G. Ma- closkie) Am. Natural. 15: 353. — Honey. (Mrs. Griffiths) No. /iin. 27: 338. — Westm. 7: 362. — Mus. 11: 123.— (J. C. V. Heuvel) Am. J. Sci. 3: 79. and Bee Books. (T. James) Quar. 71: i. Same art. Eel. Mus. i : 354. and Hive. (Mrs. S. B. Herrick) So. R.n.s. 14: 163. Bevan's. (A. R.Wallace) Nature, 3: 385. Cells of, Economy and Symmetry of. (C. Wright) Math. Mo. 2: 304. Sting of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 635. Tongue of. (A. J. Cook) Am. Natural. 14: 271. Tongue and Glands of. (J. Spaulding) Am. Natural. 15: 113- Bee Culture. Land We Love, 6: 390. — Modern. (M. Howland) Harper, 61 : 777. — Principles of. (F. W. Vogel) Am. Natural. 5: 17. Bee-Hives. Chamb. J. 43 : 456. — Temperature of, in Winter. Liv. Age, 13: 11. — Ventilation of. Liv. Age, 42: 366. Bee-Hunt, The. Knick. 42: 368. Bee-Hunting. (R. E. Robinson) Scrib. 21: 201. — and Bee-Keeping in America. Penny M. 7: 146. — in Australia. Once a Week, 18: 165. Bee-Keepers, Hints to. Chamb. J. 54: 301. Bee-Keeping. (.J. Hunter) Good Words, 17 : 846. — Eng. Dom. M. 18: 178, 241. 21: 71. 26: 1S7. — (E. Jesse) Once a Week, 15: 442. — Penny M. 3: 11. Bees. (S. B. Herrick) Scrib. 15: 100. — All the Year, 12: 133,222. — Chamb. J. 35: 73. 47: 629. — Ev. Sat. 15: 499. — J. Frankl. Inst. 7: 36, 81. — Once a Week, 12: 1S7. — Putnam, 8: 268. — Among the Honey-Makers. (H. E. Prescott) Atlan. 16: 129. — and the Art of Queeu-Making. (W. Leitch) Good Words, 2: 443. — and Bee-Keeping. Lond. Q. 26: 100. — and Bee-Hives. Good Words, i : 292. — and their Counterfeits. (H. N. Humphreys) Litel. Obs. i: 165. — and Flowers, Miiller on. Nature, 13: 10. — and Wild Honey. Chamb. J. 36: 408. Same art. Eel. M. 55: 443. — and Wasps, Habits of. (Sir J. Lubbock) Nature, 9: 408. and Ants. (Sir J. Lubbock) Nature, 13: 37. — Beautiful exotic. (H. N. Humphreys) Intel. Obs. i: 334- — Brazilian Species of. (H. Miiller) Nature, lo: 31. — Curiosities of. Belgra. 21: 491. — Economy of Time practiced by. (A. S. Wilson) Good Word's, 22: 684. — Gossip about. Once a Week, 26: 431. — Home of. (A. S. Packard, jr.) Am. Natural, i : 364, 596. — Ilubcr on. Ed. R. 9: 319. 25: 363. — Mo. R. 82: 494. — Eel. R. 33: 352. — in Greek Literature. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 93: 137. — in the Past and Present. (Lady Verney) Good Words, 14: 600. — in Russia and Portugal. Penny JI. 4: 190. — Instincts and Habits of. (S. Hibberd) Intel. Obs. 6: 94. — (W. Dunfiar) Ed. Pliilos. J. 3: 143. 4: 133. — Natural History of, Bevan on. Lond. M. 18: 50. — Observations on, Lubbock's. (A. S. Packard, jr.) Am. Natural. 10: 148. — ■ Parasites of . (A. S. Packard, jr.) Am. Natural. 2: 195. — Pastoral. (J. Burroughs) Scril). 18: 13. — visiting Flowers. (F. Darwin) Nature, 9: 1S9. — Why they work in the Dark. J. Frankl, lust, 77 : 389. Bees, Wild. Chamb. J. 55: 735. — (J. Burroughs) Put- nam, 16: 41. — Zit-rzon's Theory of Sex-Propagation, Once a Week, 19: 373- Bee and Beatrix. (L. B. Walford) Blackw. 119: 79. Same art. Liv. Age, 128: 717, 786. Bee Darrell. Tinsley, 7: 690. Bee in the Bonnet. (D. Cook) Once a Week, 3: 72. Bee-Eaters, Wrynecks, Creepers, and Nuthatches. (W. J. Broderij)) Eraser, 57: 342. Bee-Flies, Larval Habits of. (C. V. Riley) Am. Natural. 15: 438. Beech Lodge. Bentlej^, 42: 306. Beech-Tree, The. (E." Jesse) Once a Week, 3: 388. — History of a. (H. Coultas) Pop. Sci, R, 2: 365, — of Aldershaw. Eraser, 52: 476. — Uses of . Penny M. 12: 158,173. Beechdale. (M. V. Terhune) Galaxy, 5: 58 1, 729. 6: 69-634. Beecher, Catherine Esther. Am. J. Educ. 28: 65. — Letters on Religion. (A. Alexander) Princ. 8: 515. — Religious Writings of. (E. C. Towne) Chr. Exam. IT- 301- Beecher, Edward. Conflict of Ages. (G. E. Ellis) Chr. Exam. 55: 394. — (D. N. Lord) Theo. & Lit. J. 6: 580. 7: 50. Beecher, H. W., with portrait. Appleton, 10: 400. — with portrait, Eel. M. 74: 755. — (C. Cook) Put- nam, 11: 504. — (H. R. Ilaweis) Contemp. 19: 317, 477. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 195, 278. — and H. W. Bellows, Discussion between. 0. & N. 2: 87. — and his Church. (L. C. Redden) Lakeside, y: 251. — as a Preacher. Dem. R. 37: 42. — as a Social Force. (A. McE. Wylie) Scrib. 4: 751. — Church of, at Brooklyn. (J. Parton) Allan. 19: 38. — Norwood. (0. A. Brownson) Catli. World, 10: 393. — Political Position of, 1866. (T. G. Shearman) Nation, 3: 330. — Preaching of. (T. Parker) Atlan. i: 862. — Sermons of. (J. M. Hoppin) New Eng. 29: 421. — Theology of. Bost. R. i: 129, 228. — Trial of. (E. P. Buffett) Overland, 15: 18S. Becchers and the Tiltons. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q, 29: 299. Beecher, Lyman. (A. II. Guernsey) Harper, 30: 697. — (D. li. Snow) Cong. Q. 8:" 359. —(J. F. Tuttle) Am. Presb. R. 12: 291. — Bost. K. 5: 531. — Eel. R. 122: I. — Nat. M. i: 6. — and Martin Luther. Hours at Home, i : 59. — Autobiography. (N. Porter) New Eng. 23: 354. — Chr. Exam. 79: 175. — Letter to Dr. AVoods. Spirit Pilg. 5: 493. — Occasional Sermons. Chr. Mo. Spec. 10: 4S1. — Spirit Pilg. i: 266. — Recollections of. (C. E. Stowe) Cong. Q. 6: 221. — Sermon at Litchfield. Chr. Mo. Spec. 2: 360. at Salem. Chr. Mo. Spec, i: 625. 2: 77, 193. at Worcester. (J. Walker) Chr. Exam, i: 48. — Trial for Heresy. Chr. Exam. 19: 116. — Spirit Pilg. 3: 17, 72, 181. — Chr. Mo. Spec. 7: 94-300. — Views of Theology. Princ. 9: 216, 364. Beecher Family. Fraser, 46: 518. Same art. Liv. Age, 35: 591- Beecherism and its Tendencies. (O. \. Brownson) Cath. World, 12: 4^-;. — and Legalism. (T. Munnell) Chr. Q. 4: 21. Beechey, F. W. Voyage to Pacillc and Behring's Straits. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 45: 57. — Am. Q. 12: 87.— Ed.R. 53: 210. 78: 36. — Blackw. 30: 34. — Mo. R. 124: 601. — Nav. M. 2: 153. Beechgrove Family. Hoube. Words, 12: 28;. BEEF 108 BEHIND Beef, Exportation of, from the United States. (A. B. Alien) Harper, 6i : 93. — Wlicre it comes from. Lippinc. 24: 573. Becfstealis. Once a AVeelv, 13: 461. Beefstealv Club, of London. Temp. Bar, 38: 399. BeeL-itealv Clubs. Ev. Sat. 3: 360. — Sublime Society of Beefstealcs. Chamb. J. 46: 353. Beejapore, Visit to the IJuins of. Bentley, 60: 3S1. Beekman, James W. (E. A. Duyckinck) M. Am. Hist. i: 653. Beer. (S. G. Young) Galaxv, 23: 62. — Clianib. J. 40: 385- — and Hops. All the Year, 36: 180. — and Temperance Problem. (C. Graham) Contemp. 30: 72. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 1: 257. in England. (A. Garlit) Contemp. 23: 590. — Antiquity of. Penny M. i : 3. — Bitter, and Beer in general. Chamb. J. 32: 235. — Bottled, Who invented ? Once a Week, 21 : 20. — Brewing and Public Houses. Quar. 131: 392. — Drop of good. (H. Lake) Belgra. 19: 62. — Historical Notes on. Tract. M. 5: 300. — in Bavaria. Sharpe, 52: 7S. — London Stout. Eraser, 50: 513. Same art. Eel. M. 35: 57- — Pasteur's Manufacture of. Nature, 6: 418. /See Ale; Lager Beer; Malt Liquors. Beer Act, 1830. Mo. R. 123: iSo. Beer Bill, 1S59, England. Eel. R. no: 527. Beer-Drinking, Headquarters of. (A. Ten Broeck) Atlan. 14: 1S5. — in the 16th Century. Penny M. 7: 230. Beer, Town of, England, Witches, Ghosts, and Smug- glers of. Dark Blue, 4: 41. Beet Sugar. (T. P. Kettell) Hunt, 48: 17. — Ed. R. 65: no. — Crookes on. Nature, 3: 4. — in France. (J. Scoft'ern) Belgra. 8: 241. — Manufacture of. (D. L. Cliilds) No. Am. 48: 415. — Purification of. (E. Rousseau) Canad. J. n. s. 6: 292. Beethoven, L. van, with portrait. Appleton, 4: 16. — with portrait, Peop. J. 10: 35. — with portrait, Eel. M. 77: 630. — (H. H. Statham) Fortn. 33: 375.— (Mrs. Ellet) Cath. World, 9: 523, 607, 783.^— (G. Hogarth) Colburn, 62: 157. — (H. Lytton) Fortn. 18: ig. — (T. Ross) Bentley, 23: 115. — Argosv, 10: 157. 13:431. — Bost. q'. 3: 332. — Brit. Q. 55: 27. — Eng. Dom. M. 3: 530. — New Dom. 15: 344. — Penny M. 9: 14.— Tait, n. s. 25: 205, 264. — and his Works; a Study. (E. Dannreuther) Macmil. 34: 193- — Biographical Sketch of. Tait, n. s. 8: 34. — Centennial of. (R. L. Collier) O. & N. 3: 367. — Childhood and Youth of. (A. W. Thaver) Atlan. i : 847. — Drama on. (S. Hale) O. & N. 8: 378. — Gossip about. Eel. JL 21: 274. — Letters of. (H. R. Haweis) Contemp. 2: 357. — (H. J. Warner) Nation, 2: 756. — Life of. (J. W. Webster) No. Am. 53: 2S9. — (R. G. White) Am. Whig R. 3: 641. — F'or. Q. 8: 439.— Westm. 32: 327. — Lives and Letters of. Ed. R. 138: 366. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 483. — Loves of. Once a Week, 12: 470. — Moschele's Life of. Mo. R. 154: 375. — Music of. (W. T. Harris) Western, i: 218. — Sketch of. St. James, 6: 366. — Sonata Appassionata. (C. W. Chapman) J. Spec. Philos. 9: 61. in F Minor. (A. B. Marx) J. Spec. Philos. 4: 274. Beethoven, L. van, Sj-mphony of. Third. (C. L. Bcr- nays) J, Spec. Pliilos. 2: 241. Sixth. (W. T. Harris) Western, 1 : 3S1. Seventh, (C. W. Chapman) J. Spec. Philos. 2: 37. — Youth of. Eel. M. 63: 89. Beetles. Chamb. J. 49: 292. Same art. Ev. Sat. 12: 575- — Blister, Transformations and Habits of. (C. V. Riley) Am. Natural. 12: 213, 282. — Burying. (H. N. Humphreys) Recr, Sci. i: 307. — Carpet. (J. A. Lintner) Am. NaturaL 12: 536. — Classitication of. (J. L. Leconte) Am. Natural. 8: 3^i< 452- — English and Tropical. (IL N. Humphreys) Intel. Obs. 3: I. — Goldsmith, Habits of. (S. Lockwood) Am. Natural. 2: 1S6. — Hunting Amblychila. (F. H. Snow) Am. Natural. 11: 731. — Natural History of. Hogg, 8: 56. — Parasitic. (E. C. Rye) Litel. Obs. lo: 409. — Stag. Once a Week, 9: 511. Anatomy of. (A. FLnmmond) Pop. Sci. R. 20: 14. — Water, Dytiscus. (W. F. Cooper) Recr. Sci. 3: 83. — Whirligig. (J. Samuelson) Recr. Sci. 2: 305. Beetle Family, The. Chamb. J. 12: 247. Beetle-Hunting. Ev. Sat. 6: 526. Befi'roy de Eeigny, L. A. Cousin Jacques. All the Year, 45: 232. Before tlie Shrine; a Poem. (K. P. Osgood) Scrib. 4: 346. Before Sunrise; a Poem. (C. Thaxter) Atlan. 29: 47. Bega, Cornelius. Art J. 5: no, 131. Bega, Saneta. (C. Camden) St. Paul's, 12: 584. Begare, Abbey of. Alien Cell of. (N. Carlisle) Arch. 16: 326. Beggar of Vernon. (R. Harrison) Belgra. 8: 490. Beggar's Legacy. (J. Engles) Blackw. 77: 251. Beggar's Soliloquy; a Poem. (G. Meredith) Once a Week, 4: 378. Beggar's Wallet. (Mrs. Gore) Tait, n. s. i: 233, 531. 2: 17, 452, 668. 3: 163, 445, 649. 4: 221, 629. Beggars. (C. A. Collins) Macmil. 5: 210. — (T. Lee) Peop. J. 5: 61. — Blackw. 77: 251. — Fraser, 33: 666. — Amongst. Once a Week, 30: 720. — and Almsgivers. Colburn, 85: 301. — and Beggary. (J. C. Learned) Western, 3: 511, 592. — and Begging in America. Penny M. 6: 322. — Chinese. Once a Week, 29: 283. — Complaint of Decay of. (C. Lamb) Lond. M. 5: 532. — in Italy. Once a Week, 4: 23. — Plague of. Fraser, 37: 395. Beggars' Opera, Proposed Reform in. Blackw. 3: 575. Beggar}-, Few Words about. St. James, 12: 242. Beggee Jan. Penny M. 4: 70. Begging, Social Problem of. Chamb. J. 38: 216. — Trade of . Chamb. J. 32: 333. See Mendicancy. Beginning and End. (P. Heyse) Ev. Sat. 7: in, 149. Beginning and End of Mrs. Muggeridge's Wedding- Dinner. (M. Howitt) Howitt, i: 25. Beginning Life; a Phantasy. Dub. Univ. 92: 351. Beginning well, Art of. Belgra. 27: 239. Beguinage of Ghent. Lippinc. 8: 310. Begumbagh; an Episode of the India Mutiny. Chamb. J. 46: supp. I. Behavior in a Crowd. Lond. Soc. 38: 74. Behemoth and Leviathan in Job. (T. C. Porter) Mercersb. 5: 75. — Ed. New Philos. J. 19: 263. Behind the Curtains. Chamb. J. 34: 129. Behind the Scenes. (T. C. Halibnrton) Bentley, 8: 458. Behind the Scenes. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 7: 197. BEHIND 109 BELIEF Behind the Scenes. Galaxy, 13: 404. Behind their Fans. (G. Druz) Lippinc. 15: 610. Behind the Veil; anonymous Novel. Ev. Sat. II : 246. Behistim Rock and Inscription. (B. W. Savile) Chr. Obs. 76: 620. Bchmen, Jacob. See Boehme, Jacob. Behn, Mrs. Aphra, and her Novels. Dub. Univ. 47: 536. Same art. Liv. Age, 49: 800. — Dramatic Writings of. Iletros. 17: i. — England's first Lady Novelist. St. James, 7: 351. — Works of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 303. Behnes, William. Cornh. 9: 6S8. Behold, it was a Dream; a Tale. Temp. Bar, 36: 503. Behring's Strait and Polar Basin. (Sir J. Barrow) t^uar. 18: 431. Being and Nothing. (D. A. Wasson) J. Spec. Philos. 2: 245. — Principles of real. (F. Bayma) Cath. World, 18: 433, 577, 824. 19: I, 173, 2S9. — Purpose of. (R. Roberts) Ex. H. Leo. 18: 53. "Being built," Shall we say? (F. E. Hall) Scrib. 3: 700. Beiriit, Journey from, to Aleppo. (W. M. Thomson) Bib. Sac. 5:1. — Visit to. Dub. Univ. 62: 222. — AVatcr-Works at. (J. C. Hurd) Eel. Engin. 14: 119. Beke, C. T. Origines Biblica;. Quar. 52: 496. Belatucader, Remarks on. (S. Peggc) Arch. 3: loi. Belcher, Capt. Edward. Voyage round the World. Eel. M. i: 145. — Mo. R. 160: 468. Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of Massachusetts, 1730. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 13: 441. — Letters of, 1731-40. N. E. Reg. 19: 128. Belcher, Joseph. N. E. Reg. 11: 335. Belcher Family. N. E. Reg. 27: 239. Belehertown, Mass., Historical Sketches of. (M. Doo- little) N. E. Reg. 2: 177. Belfast, Me, Longevity in. N. E. Reg. i: yy Belfrage, J., Memoir of. Cong. M. 7: 237- Belfries, English, and Belgian Carillons. (H. R. Haweis) Contemp. 17: 41. Belfront Castle; a Tale. Blackw. 55: 334. Belgian Questions. (.J. H. Fyfe) Macmil. 26: 70. Belgiojoso, Princess, on Italy. (H. T. Tuckerman) Put- nam, 14: 456. Belgium. (J. Bowring) Howitt, i : 1 74. — Dnb. Univ. 20: 403. — Brit. & For. R. 3: i. — NewEng. M. 4: 480. 7:460. — Westm. 32: 357. — Fraser, 2:604. 73: 795. — Dub. Univ. 17: 535. — Broadw. 8: 264. — Quar. 112: 379. — and France, Home Colonies in. For. Q. 13: 132. Reunion of. (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 11: 494. — and Holland. Ed. R. 56: 412. — For. Q. 5: 222. — Dub. R. 5: 463. Journey in, 1854. Art .1.6: 33S. Religious Condition of. (J. .F. Tayler) Thco. R. 5: 91. — and Holy Alliance. (T. P. Thomjison) Westm. 15: 267. — and the Holy See. Dub. R. 87: 399. — Month, 40: 103. — and Western Germany, Mrs. Trollopc's. Quar. 52: 203. — Mo. R. 134: 467. — Art-Rambles in. Art J. 17: 209, 253, 277. — Banking in. Bank. M. (L.) 17: 459. — Belgians at -Home. (II. T. Armfield) Argosy, 4: 230. — Catholic Church in. See Roman Catholic ciiunh. ~ — Clerical Party in. (E. de Lavelove) Fortn. 18: 303. — Commerce and Manufactures of. Brit. iS: For. R. 7 : 521. — Commerce of. Brit. tj. 31: 375. — Commercial Regulations of. Hunt, 8: 373. — Commercial and Financial History of. (D. A. Wells) Nation, 14: 213, — Constitutional Monarchy in. (T. J. Bennett) Brit. Q, 73: 56. Belgium, Constitution of, and the Catholic Church. Dub. R. 56: 171. — Days in. (A. Opie) Tait, n. s. 7: 177, 293. — Education in. See Education in Belgium. — Flemings and the Walloons of. (K. Blind) Fraser, 93: 69. — Flemish Interiors. Dub. R. 41 : 230. — Fortnight in, June and July, 1863. (A. V. Kirwan) Fraser, 68: 335. — Husbandry in. Chamb. J. 51: 216. Same art. Liv. Age, 121 : 503. — in 1S48 and 1870. Macmil. 22: 435. — Independence of, Importance of. (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 20: 125. — Industrial and Moral State of. For. Q. 24: 75. — Kings and great People of. Cliamb. J. 25: 279. — Leopold I., and the Duke of Brabant. Fraser, 48: 116. — Les braves Beiges. (S. B. Wister) Lip])inc. 8: 200. — Literature of. Am. Eel. 3: 146. — Monetary Documents of. (G. Walker) Bank. "SI. (N. Y.) 32: 420, 692, 772. — Notes on, 1841. (G. W. Hughes) J. Frankl. Inst. 32: 73, 154, 224, 298. — Penny JI. 8: 322, 336, 331. — Old Cities of. (J. E. Ritchie) Tinsley, 16: 25. — Peasantry and Farms of. (T. E. C. Leslie) Fraser, 76: 679. — Politics of, 187S. (E. de Lavelej-e) Fortn. 30: 191. — Question of . Blackw. 31: 448. — Railroads in, 1845. (J. Anderson) Ed. New Philos. J. 39: 302. — Religious and Social Condition of, 1S43. l^nb. li. 19: 332. — Religious Future of. Cong. 5: 712. — Religious Processions in. (A. Storrs) Cath. World, 15: 546. — Remarks on Holland and. Colbum, 29: 412. — Revolution of 1830. (E. A. Grattan) No. Am. 54: 141. — For. Q. 6: 497. — Westm. 13:378. 14: 161. 32: 337. — Mils. 18: 131. — Dub. Univ. 6: 570, 593. White on. Mo. R. 137: 196. — St. George's Saunter in, 1835. Mo. R. 140: 233. — Seaside Towns of. Loud. Soe. 30: 47. — since Revolution of 1830, Trollopeon. Mo. R. 158: 437. — Sketches and Studies from. Eraser, 52 : 37S, 631. 55 : 94. — State and Prospects of, 1S34. Westm. 20: 433. — Tennent's. Quar. 68: i. — Mo. R. 154: 3O1. — Territorial Dismeinbermciit of. Brit. ^ For. R. g: 555, — Tour in. Dub. Univ. 48: 454. — Trade and Manufactures of. (A. Jones) Hunt, 6: 409. 13: 327. — Travels in. New Q. 5: 41S. — Treaty with. Hunt, 14: 564. — under Leopold I. Lond. Q. 15: 346. — Vagabondizing in. (JI. Talbot) Harper, 17: 323. — Wayside Pictures through. Bentley, 24: 128-56S. 25: 57-624. 26: 35-145. — Weights and Pleasures of. Hunt, 16: 303. Belgrade and .Stamlioul. Month, 28: 321. — From, to Constantinople overland. (H. Sandwith) Fra- ser, 94: 230. Same art. Liv. Age, 130: 741. — From, to Samakov. (II. Sandwith) Fortn. 32: 879. Belgravia, An Echo from. Victoria, ii: 500. — out of Doors. Cornh. 5: 218. — Prose Ballads of. Belgra. i: So, 336, 462. 2: no. Belief and Evidence. (W. Hincks)Canad. J. n. s. lo: 232. — and Unbelief. (O. Dewey) Chr. Exam. 7: 343. Barry and Wace on. Quar. 151 : 128. — Conditions of Religious. (J. H. Allen) Chr. Exam. 75: 1- — Courage in. (D. A. Wasson) Chr. Exam. 74: 383. — Development of. Westm. 97: 121. BELIEF 110 BELLE Belief, Ethics of. (W. K. Clifford) Contemp. 29: 2S9. — (H. \V. Lucas) Month, 31: 43, 190, 239. — (H. Wace) Contemp. 30: 42. — Fixation of. (C. S. Pierce) Pop. Sci. Mo. 12: i. — l-'iinilanieutal Laws of. (C. F. Thwing) Bib. Sac. 38: 3°3- — Grounds of. (J. E. Cabot) No. Am. iii: 222. — (C. Hudson) Chr. Exam. 40: 247. — (M. Hopkins) Princ. n. s. 7: 19. — (G. P. Fisher) Nation, 30: 452. — Knowledge and. (D. G. Thompson) Mind, 2: 309. — Newman's Theory of. (L. Stephen) Fortu. 28: 6S0, 792. — Psychology of. (W. B. Carpenter) Contemp. 23: 123- — Responsibility of. (N. S. Richardson) Am. Church R. 15: S92. — So. R. n. s. 9: 497. — Steps of, J. F. Clarke's. O. & N. 2: 355. — Unity amid Diversities of. (E. A. Park) Bib. Sac. 8: 594- See Faith. Beliefs, Chaos of. Bost. R. 4: 295. — extinguished. All the Year, 23: 558. — Verification of. (II. Sidgwick) Contemp. 17: 582. Believing too much, Safety of. Chr. Disc, i: 433. Belinda's Brother Jack; a Story. (A. de Bubna) Potter Am. Mo. 15: 251. Belinda Mason's Romance. (W. Spring) Dub. Univ. 85: 100. Belisarius, Life of. (R. M.Johnston) So. R. n. s. 4: 357. — Mo. R. 119: 274. — and Marlborough. (J. W. Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 42: 135- — Was he blind ? Blackw. 6i : 606. Belknap, Jeremy, Life of. (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 44: 7S. — Papers of. (C. C. Smith) Unita. R. 7: 604. — (G. W. Greene) Nation, 26: 310. Belknap, W. W., Secretary of War, Case of, 1876. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 22: 154, 172. Belhnap Genealogy. (W. I.Warren) N. E. Reg. 13: 17. Bell, Alexander G., and the Telephone. (E. E. Quimby) Nation, 29: 279. See Telephone. Bell, Andrew, and James Lancaster. Eel. R. 8i : 249. — (R. Southey) Quar. 6: 264. — and Madras System of Instruction. Am. J. Educ. 10: 467. — Life of. Liv. Age, 4: 145. — Southey's Life of. Mo. R. 165: 518. Bell, Sir Charles. Fraser, 91: 88. — Quar. 72: 192. — Bridgewater Treatise. Mo. R. 132: 424. — Essays of. Eel. M. 2: 289. — Letters and Discoveries of. Ed. R. 135: 394. Same art. Liv. Age, 113: 451. — Note concerning. (C. Bell) Fraser, 92: 129. — Pichot's Life of. Liv. Age, 63: 255. — Study of. (E. Taylor) Good Words, 12: 309. Bell, Currer, See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Garvin M., with portrait. Hunt, 22: 277- Bell, Henry, the Engineer. St. James, 47: 350. Bell, Adm." Henry IL (E. A. Pollard) Galaxy, 6: 598. Bell, I. L., and Metallurgical Progress, with portrait. Pract. M. 5: 33. Bell, John, Address of. Niles's Reg. 48: 229. — Speech at Nashville, 1835. Niles's Reg. 48: ^^t,!. Bell, Samuel, Governor of New Hampshire, 1819. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 14: 15. Bell, Samuel D., Memoir of. (C. II. Bell) N. E. Reg. 23: 249. Bell, Thomas, Obituary of. Nature, 21: 499. Bell, :Man in the. Portfo.(Den.) 31 : 185. Bell of the Wanderers. (Miss Sanderson) Cath. World, ": 593- Bells. (H. R. Ilaweis) Contemp. 13: 177. Same art. Eel. M. 76: 658. Same art. Liv. Age, 104: 753. Same art. N. Eel. 6: 441. — (J. H. Sniveley) Ap- pleton, 11: 43. — (H. Willis) Bentley, 9: 90. — Argosy, 18: 458. — Chamb. J. 24: 87. Same art. Liv. Age, 46: 700. — Chamb. J. 28: 398. — Penny M. 3: 404. — and Chimes. (G. B. Griffith) Potter Am. Mo. 11: 451. — and Bell-Founders of Nottinghamshire. (W. P. W. Stiff) Reliquary, 13: 81. — ArcluTology of. (E. II. W. Dunkin) Antiquary, 2: 260, 271. 3: 13. — Art in the Belfry. (L. Jcwitt) Art J. 25: 21-171. — Bell Metal, and Bell Founding. Pract. M. 3: 84, 207. — Blessing of. Cong. 6: 257. — Change-ringing. Chamb. J. 54: 731. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 247. — Ev. Sat. 9: 2S6. — Chat on. (M. Scheie de Vere) Harper, 40: 450. — Church. (J. Piggot) Anti{iuary, 4: 139. — Chamb. J. 47: 266. Same art. Eel. M. 75: 108. Same art. Ev. Sat. 5: 316. — Mo. Rel. M. 6: 312. 7: 211. — Quar. 95: 308. Same art. Eel. M. 34: 155. of Cornwall. (E. H. W. Dunkin) Reliquary, 14: £-203. 15: 9-209. 16: 35-220. 17: 105. 18: 99> 153- of Derbyshire. (L. Jewitt) Reliquary, 13: i, 97, 171- 14: 33-225- 15: 53-241- 16: 113, 193. 17: 40, 112. 18: 109. — Charles Dickens on. (G. D. Cowan) Belgra. 28: 380. — Early, of Massachusetts. (E. H. Goss) N. E. Reg. 28: 176, 279. — Gossip about. Cath. World, 2: 32. — Chamb. J. 42: 414. — History of. J. Frankl. Inst. 5: 107. — Notes on. Ouce a Week, 3: 707. — of Avignon; a Poem. Cath. World, i: 7S3. — of Botreaiix; a Legend. Blackw. 83: 41. Same art. Liv. Age, 56: 436. — of Lynn; a Poem. (H. W. Longfellow) Atlan. 17: 47. — of Yarrick. Chamb. J. 57: 217, 233, 250. — Origin and History of. So. R. n. s. 22: 367. — Traditions of. Sliarpe, 30: 265. Same art. Eel. M. 49: 127. — What can be said about. (H. R. Ilaweis) Good Words, 20: 250, 309. Bell-Animalcule. (J. Samuelson) Pop. Sci. R. i: 145. Bell-Birds of America. (P. L. Sclatcr) Intel. Obs. 10: 401. Bell Founder; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 30: 279. Bell Foimdry and Clock Factory. Penny M. 11: 121. Bell Metal. All the Year, 24: 197. — Ev. Sat. 9: 550. Bell Ringer, The. Chamb. J. 55: 7-42. Bell Tower; a Tale. Putnam, 6: 123. — at Westminster Palace. (J. Hunter) Arch. 37: 23. Bell Voices. Chamb. J. 19: 42. Bella Donna; a Tale. (P. Fitzgerald) Dub. Univ. 61: 273-666. 62: 101-656. Bellamar, Cave of, Cuba. (F. F. Cavada) Harper, 41 : 826. Bellamy, George Anne, the Actress. Dub. Univ. 64: 447, 559- — and Peg Woffington. Temp. Bar, 52: 316. Bellamy, Dr. Joseph, Works of. (J. Woodbridge) Lit. &'Theo. R. 2: 58. — True Religion. (L. Hart) Chr. Q. Spec. 2: 397. Bellarmine, Cardinal. (W. Dubberlcy) Month, 37: i, 153. 305- — Birthplace of. (F. Goldie) Month, 22: 36. Bellay, .Joachim de. Early French Poet. Lond. M. 5: 231 . Belle's Black Coachman; a Tale. Chamb. J. 49: 744, 761. Belle's Choice, The. Fraser, 32: 610. BELLE 111 BENEDICTIONAL Belle of Belgravia. (G. W. Garrett) Dub. Univ. 80: 427, 557, 632. 81: 56-583. Belle of Santa Cruz. Lond. Soc. 36: 30. Belle Dame sans Merei; a Poem. (R. Bell) St. James, 10: 240. Belle Prairiej British North America. Temp. Bar, 15: 544- Belles Demoiselles Plantation. (G. W. Cable) Scrib. 7: 739- Belles of Beechwood; a Tale. (H. L. Nicholson) St. James, 41 : 293. Belles of the Island,' The. (Mrs. Bushby) Colburn, 119: 30-435. 120: 51. Belleau, Remy, Early French Poet. Lond. M. 5: 331. Bcllefontaine Cemetery; a Poem. (E. Stagg) West. J. 10: 143. Bellerophon. Blackw. 76: 256. — Overland', 2: 91. Belles Lettres, Thoughts on. West. M. 2: 310. Bellew, J. C. M., with portrait. Once a Week, 26: loi. Belli, Giuseppe. (F. E. Trollope) Bclgra. 42: 60. — Sonnets in the Roman Dialect. Fortn. 21 : 209. Belligerent Claims and Neutral Rights. (Earl Airlie) Fortn. 27: 5S0. Belligerent Rights, 1865. (II. W. Torroy) Nation, 1 : 69. Belligerents and Neutrals. Nation, 23: 69. — Maritime Rights of. (W. T. Thornton) Macmil. 7: 231. — Fraser, 64: 375. Belling the Cat. Tinsley, 13: 336. Bellingham, Richard. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 14: 16. — Letters to, 1668-69. N. E. Reg. 7: 186. — Will of. N. E. Reg. 14: 237. Bellingham, Mass., Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. 8: 47. Bellini, G. Westm. 31: 467. — Art J. 10: 65, 97. — Romance of. (Mrs. EUet) Cath. AVorld, 6: 408. Bellmanship, The; a Talc. Blackw. 46: 3S1. Bellomont, Richard Coote, Earl of. (J. Colburn) N. E. Reg. 19: 235. Bellot, J. Rene. Bentley, 38: 236. — Dub. Univ. 46: 712. Same art. Eel. M 37: 240. — Liv. Age, 47: 176. Bellows, Henry W., Discussion with H. W. Beecher. 0. &N. 2: S7. — on the Moral Government of God. New Eng. 6: 249. — Sermons. (C. A. Bartol) Chr. Exam. 68: 221. Bellows Nozzles, Experiments on Form of. (T. Ewbank) J. Frankl. Inst. 65: 339. Beloit College. (A. L. Chapin) New Eng. 31: 334. Beloochistan. Blackw. 82: 474. — and Scinde, Pottinger's. Quar. 15: 85. — Travels in. Mo. R. 83: 259. Belsham, Thomas, Memoir of. (J. Walker) Chr. Exam. 15: 69. — Philosophy of the Mind. Ed. R. i: 475. — Translation of Paul's Epistles. Quar. 30: 79. Belt, Thomas, Naturalist in Nicaragua. Chamb. J. 51: 120. — Nature, 18: 570. Belting. J. Frankl. Inst. 76: 34. Belting Experience, A. Lond. Soc. 36: 435. Belting Facts and Figures. (J. Spiers) Pract. M. 4: 153. — (J. H. Cooper) J. Frankl. Inst. 86: 173-3S2. 87: 40-377. 88 : 23-3S2. 89 : 26-324. 90 : 33-377- 91:17-317. 92:36-389. 93:32,325- 94:28- 343- 95: 9S, 323- 96: 233, 327, 40S. 97: 401. 98: 254. BeUing Machinery. (R. Tyler) J. Frankl. Inst. 24: 245. Belts. (A. Moriii) J. Frankl. Inst. 38: 22. — Adhesion of. (H. R. Towne) J. Frankl. Inst. 85: 89. — (J. II. Cooper) J. Frankl. Inst. 109: 414. — Driving Power of. (J. H. Cooper) J. Frankl. Inst. 106: 308. 107: 309. — (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst. 107: 374. — or Straps, Efficiency of. (0. Reynolds) Eel. Eugiii. 14: 357- Belts, Theon,' of Tension of. (L. G. Franck) J. Frankl. Inst. 99: 321. Set Driving-Bands. Belt Dynamometer, Siemens's. (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst, no: i. Beltane, the Druid Festival. (R. R. Macgregor) Belgra. 35: 426. Belton Estate. (A. Trollope) Fortn. i: 24-641. 2: 11- 651. 3: 12-411. Same art. Liv. Age, 86: 1-593. 87: 17-60S. 88: 11-112. Beltrami, J. C, Pilgrimage in Europe and America. Quar. 37: 448. Bclvidere, Countess of. Chamb. J. 6: 324. Belville, Va., Settlement of, 1785-95. Hesp. 3: 25-431. Bclvoir Castle. Antiquary, 3: 229. — Penny M. 8: 217. Belzoni, Giovanni. Hogg, 8: 104. — Discoveries in Egypt. (H. Salt) Quar. 24: 139. — Mo. R. 95: 77. — Sepukher of. Lond. M. 12: 609. — Story of. House. Words, 2 : 548. Same art. Liv. Age, 29: 173. Same art. Ecl.M. 23: 104. Belzoni, Mrs. and Dr. Young Fraser, 9: 629. Bem, General. Eel. M. 23: 2S. — First Campaign in Transylvania. Brit. Q. 13: 1. Bemis's Heights, N. Y., Visit to. Bost. Mo. i: 505. Ben; a Tale. (R. M. Davis) Putnam, 15: 163. Ben's Bear. All the Y'ear, 10: 493. Ben's Beaver. All the Year, 12: 35. Ben-na-Groich. Bl.ickw. 45: 409. Ben Nevis and Ben Mnich Dhui. Blackw. 62: 149. Ben Scrraq. House. Words, 13: 4. Benares. Macmil. 3: 58. — Penny M. 14: 401. — (II. M. Alden) Harper, 38: 750. — (F. Vincent, jr.) Scrib. 10: 182. Bench, Pleasantries of the. Chamb. J. 7: 13S, 167. — and the Bar. Brit. & For. R. 6: 209. of New York, Proctor's. (A. K. Macdonougli) Nation, 12: 91. See Bar and Bench. Benchers. Chamb. J. 51: 601. — of the Inner Temple. (C. Lamb) Lond. M. 4: 279. Bendemann, Edward. Art J. 17: 229. Bendish, Bridget. (T. II. Gill) Cong. 4: 594. Benedctti, Count, Diplomatic Career of . (C. K. Adams) No. Am. 114: 233. Benedict, St., of Nursia. Kitto, 29: 72, 293. — and the Benedictines. (S. L. Caldwell) Bapt. Q. lo: 29.— (P.Schaff)Contin.Mo. 5: 451. — Ed. R.89: i. Same art. Eel. M. 16: 433. Same art. Liv. Age, 20: 433. — Am. J. Educ. 24: 525. 26: 264. — and the Monasteries. Univ. Q. 8: 221. Benedict, David, his Life and Labors. (H. C. Graves) Bapt. Q. 10: 99. Benedict, Erastus C. (G. F. Betts) M. Am. Hist. 6: 78. Benedict, Sir Julius, A Morning with. (K. Field) Scrib. 13: 4S0. Benedict Club. (R. .Tohns) Bentley, 3: 57S. Benedicta, M.ary. (K. O'Meara) Cath. World, 13: 207. Benedictine of Mount Etna. (J. Pardee) Dub. Unir. 22: 469. Benedictines, The. (M. K.aeder) Cath. World, 31 : 243. — French. (Sir J. Stephen) Ed. R. 89: i. — in England. Lond. Q. 16: 313. — of St. Maur. Dub. R. 21: 217. — Return of, to Scotland. (R. Seton) Cath. World, 24: 131. Benedictine Monastery on Monte Casino. Dem. R. 38: 56. See Monte Casino. Benediction, The. (O. E. Daggett) Cong. Q. u: 388. — Aiwstolic. (J. W. Y'eonians) Princ. 33: 286, Benedictional of Athelwold. (J. Gage) Arch. 24: 1. — of Archbishop Robert. (J. Gage) Arch. 24: iiS. BENEDIX 112 BENNETT Bcnedix, R. Ev. Sat. 15: 501. Benefactor, The. (B. S. Barclay) Godey, 25: 34. Benefactors. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 53: 417. — Public. (E. P. Peabody) Hunt, 36: 659. Beneficence the noblest Aim. (G. B. Idc) Chr. R. 16: 524. — Oppressiveness of vulgar. (F. Jacox) Colburn, 142: 546. — Systematic. (P. Bergstresser) Luth. Q. 6: 117. — (J. S. Pendleton) Chr. R. 16: 200. Benefit of Clergy. (F. W. Rowsell) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 2: 331. —All the Year, 43: 44S. — Belgra. 19: 216. — Chamb. J. 44: 244. Benefit Societies. (Dr. Beard) Peop. J. 3: 250, 327. — Causes of their Failure. (Dr. Beard) Pcop. J.4: 41, 97- Beneke and German Pedagogy. Am. J. Educ. 24: 49. — Psychological and Pedagogical Views of. Am. J. Educ. 28: 50. Beneventum, Italy, Archiepiscopal Palace at. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 27: 234. Benevolence. (J. Brazcr) Chr. Exam. 13: 137. — (A. Stevens) Am. Meth. M. 18: 2S7. — Chr. Obs. 23: 465, 529. — and Modesty. So. Lit. Mess. 4: 751. — and Pauperism. (A. Lewis) Dark Blue, 2: 205. — and Selfishness. (J. Day) Am. Bib. Rcpos. 2d s. 9: i. — as an Act of Worship. " (II. S. DeForest) Cong. Q. 18: 43. — Christian. Danv. Q. 3: 483. — Prine. 42: 279. — Ground and Nature of. (R. B. Thurston) Am. Presb. R. 19; 32S. — Church's Philosophy of. Clir. R. 2: 85. — Disinterested, Genesis of. (P. Friedmann) Mind, 3: 404. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 13: 735. — Duty of. (L. Withington) Cong. R. 8: 176. — Motives to active. Chr. Mo. Spec. 4: 617. — of the Church. (A. C. Wedckind) Luth. Q. 5: 451, — Sensational. (R. Quiddam) St. James, 38: 160. — Systematic. (C. A. Stork) Luth. Q. i: 13. —(H. Harbaugh) Mercersb. 3: 27. — (P. Schaff) Mercersb. 4: 191,209 — New Eng. 9: 14. — Theory and Practice of. Pamph. 13: 391. 14: 65. See Almsgiving; Philanthropy. Benevolent Action, First Principles of. Lit. & Theo. R. 4: 373- Benevolent Effort, Hindrances to. Am. Q. Reg. 8: 241. Benevolent Efforts of the Age. Chr. Mo. Spec. 4: 113. Benevolent Institutions of United States. Am. Alma. 1836: 154. Benevolent Objects, Associations for. (J. Walker) Chr. Exam. 2: 241. Benevolent Operations of the Church. Chr. Mo. Spec. 4: 522. Benevolent Societies and Agents. Cong. Q. 3: 182. — Chr. Q. Spec. 9: 255. — Officers and Table of. Am. Q. Reg. 2: 51. — Responsibility in Management of. (L. Bacon) New Eng. 5: 28. Benevolent Work of the Churches, Financial Aspects of. (C. Gushing) Cong. Q. 17: 18. Benezct, Anthony, Life of. Portfo.(Den.) 18: 43. — Memoir of. Eel. R. 28: 367. Bengal, Agricultural Show in. Chamb. J. 41 : 30S. — Annals of. Ed. R. 129: 200. — Army of. Colburn, 112: i. — as a Field of Missions. Hogg, 14: 165. — Census of, 1872. (H. Beverley) J. Statis. See. 37: 69. — Colebrookc's Remarks on. Ed. R. lO: 27. — Cooks and Cookery in. All the Year, 28: 348. — Cyclone Wave in. Nature, 15: 261. — Deville's Letters on. For. Q. i: 123. — Domesday-Book of. (F. W. Rowsell) 19th Cent. 6: 1033. Bengal, Education in. (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 43: 266. 45: 254. — (M. B. Hope) Princ. 15: 333. — (J. Walker) Chr. Exam. 21: 21. Popular. St. James, 5: 483. — Educational Question in. St. James, 29: 604. — English Administration in. Loud. Q. 30: 426. — Famine in, 1770. St. James, 22: 2S1. 1S74. (H. Copiuger) Colburn, 155: 93. Sir Cecil Beadon's Defense. (J. M. Capes) Fortn. 8: iSo. — Hill Tribes of Chittagong. Chamb. J. 46: 59. — Large and small Game of, Baldwin's. Dub. Univ. 89: 40S. — History of, Stewart's. Eel. R. 19: 140. — Indigo-Planting in, and the Breach-of-Contract Bill, Eraser, 65: 5io. — Magistrate of. All the Year, 22: 87. — Mutiny in, 1857. Blackw. 82: 372. Same art. Liv. Age, 55: 321. — Peasant Life in. (J. T. Wheeler) Macmil. 42; 211. Same art. Liv. Age, 146: 347. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 400. — Planters and Ryots in. Nat. R. 14: 114. — Rail, Road, and River in. Once a Week, 29: 81. — Ryot of. Blackw. 113: 147. — Soonderbuns of. Chamb. J. 43: 45. — Statistics of Civil Justice in. (W. H. Sykcs) J. Statis. Soc. 12: I. — Timber Trees of. (Capt. Munro) Ed. New Philos. J. 46: 84. — Village Life in. All the Year, 21 : 58. — Young. Chamb. J. 29: 199. — (W. Knighton) Con- temp. 38: 8SS. Bengalee in Europe. Dub. Univ. 83: 742. Beugalese Correspondence. Temp. Bar, II : 295, Bengali Historical Novel. (Prof. Cowell) Macmil. 25: 455. Bengali Life, Realities of. Eraser, 99: 358. Bengali Play; Nil Darpan. All the Year, 6: 158. Bengali Will. Good Words, 8: 669. Same art. Ev. Sat. 4: 600. Bengel, Johann Albrecht. Lond. Q. 11: 191. — Life and Writings of. Eel. R. 67: 21. — Memoir of. Chr. Obs. 41 : 724, 780. — Table-Talk of. Chr. Obs. 41 : 591, 661. Beniden de Berg. (N. P. Willis) Colburn, 49: 26. Benito, the Horse-Tamer. Chamb. J. 8: 277. Benito Cereno. Putnam, 6: 353, 459, 633. Benjamin of Brcslau. Bentley, 15: 596. Benjamin of Tudela. Blackw. 52: 551. — Dub. Univ. 92: 598. Benjamin, B., and Sons. Colburn, 169: 171. Benjamin, Park, Poems of. Deni. R. 15: 494. — Am. Mo. R. 3: 76. Bculow's Books. (J. Sterling) Blackw. 42: 483. Bennett, George, with portrait. Dub. L^niv. 34: 526. Bennett, J. G., sen. (J. Parton) No. Am. 102: 373. — (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. 25: 169. — with portrait, Dem. R. 31: 409. — Character of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 394. — Memoirs of. Dem. R. 36: 106. — Scintillations of. (P. Peebles) Galaxy, 14: 258. Bennett. Sir John, Sketch of, with portrait. Pract. M, 5: 66. Bennett, ^Irs., afterwards Lady Heneage Finch. Temp. Bar, 35: 524. Bennett, Sir Sterndale, Place of, in Music. Eraser, gi : 299. — Some Recollections of. Eraser, 92: 20. Bennett, Rev. W., Memoir and Letters of. Cong. M. 6: 1-113. Bennett, Wm. C, Poems of. Peop. J. 10: 361. — Eel. R. 93: 563. — (R. H. Stoddard) Nat. M. 2: 137. BENNETT 113 BERG Bennett Family of Ipswich, Mass. (J. M. Bradburj-) N. E. Keg. 29: 165. Bennett Case, Judgment in. Chr. Obs. 72: 543, 561. — Cong, i: 435. — (C. Beard) Theo. It. 9: 3S9. Bennett Murder Case. (N. F. Davin) C'aiiad. Mo. 18: 300. Bennington, Battle of. (H. B. Dawson) Hist. M. 17: 2S9. Gen. Stark and. (H. W. Herrick) Harper, 55: 511. Bennington County, Yt., Ministers of. (J. Anderson) Am. Q. Reg. 15: 131. Benson, Christopher. In Memoriam. St. James, 22: 255. Benson, Edgworth, Travels and Opinions of. Loud. M. 3: 9, 173- Benson, Joseph, Character of, with portrait. (J. Bunting) Meth. M. 45: I. Benson, Mrs. Sarah. Meth. M. 33: 453. Benson, Stephen Allen, President of Liberia. (W. Cop- pinger) Nat. M. 8: 311. Bent Family, Recollections of. (W. Waldo) Western, 6: 247. Bentham, Jeremy. (J. Bowring) Howitt, 2: 123. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 27: 352. — (W. Empson) Ed*. R. 78: 460. — Selec. Ed. R. 2: 289. — (J. Neal) Atlan. 16: 575. — Am. Eel. 4: 207. — (J. S. Mill)Westm. 29: 467. — (J. H. Burton)Westm. 37: 265. — Dem. R. 8: 251. — Mus. 21: 244. — Select J. i: 82. — Colburn, 10: 68. 35: 42. — and Benthamese. (J. Plummer) Victoria, 4: 103. — and Benthamism in Politics and Ethics. (II. Sidg- wick) Fortn. 27: 627. — and Theory of Legislation. (G. H. Smith) Nat. Q. 3: 51- — and the Utilitarians. (H. S. Legarc^) So. R. 7: 261. — Bacon and Plato. (H. H. Milman) (Juar. 61 : 462. — Book of Fallacies. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 42: 367. — Brougham, and Law Reform. Westm. 11: 447. — Character and Writings of. (H. Brougham) Tait, n. s. 5: 483- — Chrestomathia. Mo. R. 90: 197. — Deontology. (T. P. Thompson) Westm. 21: i. — Early Life of. Dem. R. 10: 545. — Letter to Count Toreno. Mo. R. 99: 386. — Life and Works of. Mo. R. 158: 73. 160: 12S. — Memoirs of. (J. BoMTing) Tait, n. s. 7: 21-697. 8: 26-728. 9: 443. — on Church of England. Quar. 21 : 167.— Mo. R. 88: 52. — on Codification. (Sir S. Romilly) Ed. R. 29: 217. — on Judicature, Dumond's. For. R. 5: 153. — ' on Usury. See Usury. — Principles of Legislation, Dumond's. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 4: I. — Rationale of Evidence. Ed. R. 48: 457. — Science of Morality. Ed. R. 61 : 365. — (T. P. Thomp- son) Westm. 11 : 254. 12: 246. Sfe Utilitarianism. — Theory of Legislation. (W. Phillips) No. Am. 51 : 3S4. — Theory of Punishments, Dumont's. Ed. R. 22: i. — Works of. Tait, 2: 49. n. 9. 3: 607. Bentiiuk, Lord George. Blackw. 71: 121. — Irish Q. 2: 75. — Disraeli's Life of. Colburn, 94: 104. — Dub. Univ. 39: 114. — Eel. R. 95: 190. — Life of. Eel. R. 95: 190. — Blackw. 71: 121. — Obituary Notice of. Tait, n. s. 15: 715. Bentley, Richard, and Trinity College. Am. J. Educ. 28: 407. — Correspondence of. Mo. R. 157: 446. — Life and Works of. (E. Everett) No. Am. 43: 458. — Ed. R. 51: 321. — Blackw. 28: 437, 644. — Mo. R. 122: 317. — Monk's Life of. (C. J. Blomfield) Quar. 46: iiS.— Eel. R. 52: 189. Bentley, Rev. William, Letters of. N. E. Reg. 27: 351. — Papers of. Hist. M. 18: 339. 22: 245, 364. Bentlej-, Rev. William. Washington's Birthday Oration, 1793. Hist. M. 17: 3. Benton, Thomas H., with portrait. Dem. R. i: S3. — with portrait, Dein. R. 42: 60. — Land We Love, 5: 119. — Dinner to, 1S35. Niles's Reg. 48: 462. — Portrait of. Dem. K. 13: i. — Thirty Years' View. So. Q. 27: 277. Benvenuto Cellini; a Tale. Am. Whig K. 14: 163,208. Benvolio; a Story. Galaxy, 20: 209. Benyowski, Count de. Death of. Lond. M. 17: 261. Benzole. Eraser, 40: 452. Same art. Li v. Age, 23: 369. Beolco, Angelo; and the Commedia dell' Arte. Blackw. 129: 753- Beothucs. (T. G. B. Lloyd) Anthrop. J. 4: 21. 5: 222. Beothuc Skulls, ((i. Busk) Anthrop. J. 5: 230. Beowulf. Canad. JIo. 2: S3. — House. Words, 17: 459. Beppo, the Conscript. (T. A. Trollope) Once a Week, 9: 421-701. 10: 21-337. Beppo's Escape. Chamb. J. 58: 667. Bequests. See Legacies. Bcranger, P. J. de. (C. A. Saintc-Beuve) Atlan. i: 469. — (J. A. Harrison) So. M. 12: 454. — (J. F. Hurst) Meth. Q. 18: 41S. — (A. Rhodes) Scrib. 7: 390.— ■with portrait, Eel. M. 75: 629. — with portrait, Peop. J. 5: 204. — with portrait. Eraser, 11: 300. 40: 531. — Dem. K. 24: 248. — Eel. M. 14: 269. — For. Q. 12: 2S. — Blackw. 83: 102. — Colburn, 6: 303. 8: 305. 43: 471. — Dub. Univ. 51: 437. — House. Words, 16: 1S5. Same art. Liv. Age, 55: 339. — Internat. M. i: 454. — Nat. R. 5: 411. — N. Eel. 4: 604. — No. Brit. 27: 498. — Temp. Bar, 49: 463. — and Burns compared. (C. Mackay) 19th Cent. 7: 443. — and his Songs. (W. Dowe) Dub. Univ. 23: 205, 73S. — (J. H. Yosburg) Nat. Q. 18: 256. — Autobiography of. Bentley, 43: 209. — Character of . Lond. M. 22: 173. — Genius and Influence of. Knick. 2: 171. — Horace, and Burns: Lyrists. Cornh. 17: 150. Same art. Liv. Age, 97: 3. — Last Songs of. Bentley, 42: 574. — Life and Writings of. Lond. Q. 20: 74. — Life of. (T. Sedgwick) No. Am. 29: 123. — Mus. 23: 490, 524. — Memoir of. Howitt, 3: 196. — Memoirs of. Bentley, 42 : 346. — Poems of. Lond. M. 10: 593. — Brit. Q. 26: 449. — Posthumous Memoirs and Songs. Ed. R. 108: 17;. — Songs after. Blackw. 33: S44. — Songs of. Blackw. 13: 507. 41 : 703. — (T. P. Thomp- son) Westm. 10: 198. — Quar. 46: 461. — Select J. 2: 135. — So. R. 7: 42. — Tait, 3: 149.— Dub. Univ. 26: 204. — Songs and Politics of. (E. Clarke) Eraser, 102: 175. — Story of, and his Songs. Irish Mo. 2: 167. — Translations from. Dub. Univ. 2: 255. — New Q. 6: 174. Berber Languages. Prosp. R. 3: 461. — Hodgson's Memoirs on. (A. II. Everett) No. Am. 35: 54- Berchtesgaden and .Salzburg, Day at. Once a Week, 15:'444. — and the Ziller-Tlial. Cornh. 15: 572. — Visit to Salt-Mines of. St. James, 23: 51S. Bcrck-sur-iler. All the Year, 24: 20. Berdan, D., Memoirs of. Knick. 14: 471. Berendeens. (II. II. Howortli) Geog. M, 3: 310. Berengar of Tours, Life of. Ciir. Rem. 51: 311. Berenice; a Talc. (E. A. Poe) So. Lit. ^less. i: ■^■^■'^. Berents and Ubiquity. (J. H. Ebrard) Mercersb. 6: -21. Berg, Joseph E., Last Words of. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 4: 283. BERGAMO 114 BERMUDAS Bergamo, Visit to. (A. Laugol) Nation, 29: iSS. Bergen. (G. T. Temple) (Jood Words, 21 : 767. — Days at. (Mrs. II. H. Jackson) Atlan. 47: 770. Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano de. (II. Morley) Fraser, 51 : 273. Same art. Liv. Age, 46: 2S7. — House. Words, 14: 524. — Satirical Characters. Retros. i : 270. Borgh, Henry, and his Work. (C. C. Buel) Scrib. 17 : 872. Herghem, Nicholas. Art .T. 3: 306. Berigoniuni. All the Year, 32: 31. Bcrith, Hebrew Word, Principal Meaning of. Chr. Obs. 73: 96, 199. Berkeley, Elizabeth, Margravine of Anspach. Internat. M.'3: 303. Berkeley, George, Bp. (J.Dyer) Penn Mo. 5: 312. — (G". E. Ellis) (). & N. 4: 591. — (E. E. Beardslej') Am. Church It. 36: 241. — (.M. Oliphant) Blackw. 105: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 100: 395. — and his Philosophy. (F. Bowen) Chr. Exam. 24: 310. — and his Works. Chr. R. 25: 313. — and Kant. (R. Noel) Contemp. 20: 72. — and Positivism. (St.G. Stock) Tlico. R. 16: 342, 437. — and Rationalism. Bentley, 31 : 294. — A. C. Eraser on. (G. C. Robertson) Mind, 6: 421. — Huxley on. (M. D. Conway) Radical, 9: 176. — Idealism of. (O. A. Brownsou) Brownson, 1 : 29. — Blackw. 51: S12. 53: 762. — Dub. Univ. 7: 437, 534. — Evang. R. 21: 200. — No. Brit. 34: 452. 53: 36S. — in America. (D. C. Gilman) Hours at Home, i: 115. — Life and Character of. Am. Church R. 6: 407. and Philosophy of. Quar. 132: 85. and Thoughts of. Dub. Univ. 94: 129. and Writings. (J. McClenahan) Nat. Q. 4: 121. (J. S. Mill) Fortn. 16: 505. — (W. G. Sumner) Nation, 13: 59. — Brit. Q. 26: 75.— Dub. R. 69: iSo. — on the Nature of Matter. (T. C. Simon) J. Spec. Piiilos. 3: 336. — Philosophy of. (C. S. Peirce) No. Am. 113: 449. — Principle of Knowledge, Krauth's edition. (T. Appel) Mercersb. 21: 160. — Real World of. (Prof. Fraser) Macmil. 6: 192. — Siris. Retros. 11: 239. — Theory of Vision. (J. S. Mill) Westm. 38: 318. 39: 491. — Works of. (J. H. Stirling) J. Spec. Philos. 7: i.— Ed. R. 136: I. — Lond. Q. 37: 265. Eraser's edition. Brit. Q. 53: 4S2. Same art. Liv. Age, 55: 257. Berkeley, Grantley F., and his Novel. Fraser, 14: 242. — Assault on Mr. Fraser. Fraser, 15: 100. — Life oL Dub. Univ. 70: 102. — (R. M. Kettle) Col- buni, 168: 429. — Memoirs of. Temp. Bar, 14: iii. — Sandnon Hall. Fraser, 22: 6-^7. Berkeleys, The; a political Lesson. Macmil. 11: 467. Berkeley, Mass., Ministers of. Am. Q. Reg. 12: 139. Berkeley Castle. Antiquary, 3: 157. Berkshire Co., Mass., Geology of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 114: 37-257. — Jubilee of, 1S43. Knick. 24: 181. — (F. A. Butler) Colburn, 76: 127. — — Sequel to. Dem. R. 15: 400. — Quartzite and Associated Rocks of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 104: 362, 450. 105: 47, 84. 106: 257. — Road in. (W. H. Gibson) Harper, 63: 643. — Summer in. (G. Merriman) 0. & N. 7: 69;. Berkshire Ministerial Association, Centennial Anniver- sary. (N. H. Eggleston) Cong. Q. 6: 142. Berkshire, England. Quar. 106: 205. — Holidays in. (A. B. Reach) Sharpe, 18: 292. — Tour through. Temp. Bar, 11: 52. Berkshire Lady, The. (T. Hughes) Lippinc. 17: 458. Berlin. (W. Wells) Scrib. i: 172. — and Potsdam, Visit to. (H. Bedford) Month, 38: 373. — and Vienna. (J. M. Hart) Lippinc. 17: 553. — Bird's-Eye View, with Key, 1S71. Ev. Sat. II : 103. — Club Life in. (H. Tuttle)"Gcnt. M. n. s. 14: 43. — Description of. Howitt, 3: 236. — Ecclesiastical Crisis in. (A. Chalmers) Theo. R. 15: 142. — Environs of. (J. W. Wall) Galaxy, 2: 694. — Holiday at. Bentley, 25: 43. — Lette-House of. Victoria, 26: 334. — Low Life in. (W. Wells) Scrib. 6: 288. — Manners and Mode of living in. Penny M. 6: 319. — Museum of. Frescos in. Art J. 5: 79. Olvmpia Antiquities in. (E. von Curtius) Internat. R. 4: I. — Notes on. Hogg, 8: 126. — Popular Life iu. Westm. 51: 216. Same art. Eel. M. 17: 262. — I^rinceton Graduate at. (J. M. Hart) Am. J. Educ. 27: 641. — Revolution of 1848 in. (T. S. Fay) Galaxv, 16: 244, 363- — Salons of. Bentlej^ 50: 14S. Same art. Liv. Age, 71: 59. — Social Life in. Bentley, 46: 414. — Three Nights in. Blackw. 50: 466. — Three old Legends of. All the Year, 26: 10. — University of. (H. H. Boyesen) Scrib. 18: 205. — Chr. Exam. 21: 213. Programme of Lectures. Am. J. Educ. 28: 921. — Unter den Linden. (G. A. Sala) Temp. Bar, 11: 34. — Broadw. 8: 570. — Lippinc. 7: 523. Berlin Academy. Eel. R. 105: 160. Berlin Artillery and Engineers' School. Am. J. Educ. 12: 351. Berlin Chronicles, Leaf from. Dub. Univ. 22: 558. Berlin Conference of 1857. (W. Nast) Meth. Q. 18: 427, 538. Berlin Congress, 1878, and its Results. (M. Maccoll) Gent. M. n. s. 21: 236. — England's Policy at. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 3: 779. — Peace of. Dub. R. 83: 479. — Fraser, 98: 385. Berlin Theater, Hundred Y'ears of. Eel. M. 63: 1S7. Berlin Treaty, Fulfillment of. (E. A. Freeman) Princ. n. s. 5: 57. Berlin Workingmen's Club. Nature, 2: 429. Berlioz, Hector. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 14: 26. — (E. Royall) Harper, 60: 411. — All the Y'ear, 21: 495. — Lond. Soc. 39: 375. — Eel. M. 15: 535. — Fraser, 38: 421. — (C. Adams) Potter Am. Mo. 16: 132. — Cornh. 44: 69. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 5^1 Same art. Liv. Age. 150: 478. — Correspondence of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 29: 145. — Episode in Life of. (W. F. Apthorp) Atlan. 41: 32, — Life and Passion of. (E. King) Appleton, 24: 444. — Memoirs. Ed. R. 133: 33. — Symphony of Romeo and Juliet. Fraser, 45: 527. Bermondsey, Journal of a Residence in. St. Paul's, 14: 220, 297. — Leather at. Pract. M. 4: 71. Bermudas. (A. V. Darrell) Godey, 63: 28. — (M. L. Hoffman) Overland, 7: 13S. — (W. Irving) Knick. 15: 17. — (C. Rounds) Harper, 48: 484. — Cong. M. 28: 649. — Dub. R. 76: 153. — St. James, 32: 692. 33: 20. 46: 385. — and the Blockade. Galaxy, 3: 890. — Challenger Expedition. Nature, 9: 369. * — Commerce of. Hunt, 10 : 332. — Independent Church in. (E. D. Neil!) New Eng. 38: 471. I BERMUDAS 115 BESIDE Bermudas, Observations in. (J. M. Jones) Nature, 6: 262. — Recollections of. (H. O'Brien) Dub. Univ. 76: 223. — Reptiles, Fishes, and Leptocardians of. (G. B. Goode) Am. J. Sci. 114: 2S9. — Sojourn in. Once a Week, 26: 587. — Trip to. (S. L. Clemens) Belgra. 34: 183, 345. — Visit to. Canad. Mo. 11: 392. — Visit to Walsingham Caves. Argosy, 12: 311. Bernadotte, King of Sweden. Liv. Age, 2: 609. — Anal. M. 3: 16S. — Mus. 6: 41. — Eel. M. 3: 299. — Chamb. J. 2: 380. — Mus. 40: 277. — and Charles XIV. For. Q. 25: 282. — Anecdotes of. Fraser, 31 : 206. Bernard, St., of Clairvaux. (J. C. Morison) Fortn. 17: Tj. — (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 30: i. — (H. W. Thorpe) Evang. R. 6: 330. — Eel. R. 117: 197. — and Abelard. (S. Sweetser) Bib. Sac. 17: 43. — and his Contemporaries. Chr. Rem. 5: 501. — and his Letters. (R. Colley) ^lonth, 20: -^t,-], 433. — as a Preacher. (A. Brcmel) Bib. Sac. 37 : 33S. — Hj-mn by, A. d. 1150. Cong. Q. 3: 278. — Life and Times of, Morison's. Chr. Obs. 63: 834. — Dub. R. 54: 211. — (H. Morley) Fortn. 10: 695.— Chr. Rem. 46: i. — Lond. Q. 20: 351. Same art. Liv. Age, 81: 195, 243. — Tlioughts from. (C. Petre) Month, 24: 146. Bernard of Ventadour, and his Works. Blackw. 39: 523- Bernard, Charles de. Blackw. 61 : 5S9. — (G. Saints- bury) Fortn. 29: 909. — Dub. Univ. 64: 330. — Fraser, 72: 504. Bernard, Claude. Nature, 17: 304. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 13: 742. Bernard, Francis. (J. B. Moore) Am. Q. Reg. 14: 24. Bernard, John. Retrospections of the Stage. Am. iVIo. R. i: 414. Bernard Dolitiosi and the Inquisition. (T. M. Lindsay) Good Words, 20: 732. Bernardin de St. Pierre, J. H. (W. Besant) Belgra. 24: 411. — (W. D. Le Sueur) Canad. Mo. 5: 324. — (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 13: 200. — Account of. Colbum, i: 441. — Neander on. Mo. R. 161: i. — Paul and Virginia. Liv. Age, 58: 78S. Bernardine, St., of Siena, Contemporaries of. Month, 27: 261. 28: 129. Beniardo del Carpio, Old Romances concerning. (J. Oxenford) Colburn, 76: 84. Bernardston, Mass., Iloldcrberg Formation of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 114: 379. Berne in Winter. (S. B. Wister) Lippinc. 7: 466. Same art. Broadw. 8: 410. — Patriotic Celebration. (H. M. Baird) Putnam, 2: 371. — Tale of. Fraser, 7; 26S. Berners, Juliana, and her " Boke of Venerie." (E. .Jesse) Once a Week, 17: 388. Bernese Jura, Conflict in. (L. M. Hogg) Good Words, 15: 666. • Bernese Oberland, The. So. Lit. Mess. 25: 193. — Botanizing in. Sharpe, 42: 63. Bernhardt, Sara. (R. G. ■\Miitp) Atlan. 47: 95. — (M. G. van Rensselaer) Lippinc. 27: iSo. — in Hernani. (.V. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 31: 383. — in Ph:'dre. (A. G. Sedgrrick) Nation, 31: 300. Berni, Francisco, Homes and Haunts of. (f. A. Trol- lopc) Belgra. 36: 179. — Orlando Innamorato. Rose's translation. Blackw. 13: 299. Bernier, F. Travels. Mus. 13: 340. — Retros. 15: 24;. Bemis, Francois Joachim de, Cardinal. (J. W. Tipping) Colbum, 153: 163. Berri, Duchess of. For. Q. ig: 245.— Am. Q. 14: 442. — Mus. 23: 625. — Quar. 50: 1S9. — Mo. R. 132: 301. — Select J. 3: 82. — Adventures of. (J. S. C. Abbott) Galaxy, 12: 739. — Dermoncourt's. Dub. Univ. 2: 655. — in the Cachette of Nantes. Chamb. J. 20: 84. Same art. Liv. Age, 38: 748. — in La Vendee. Tait, 4: 404. Berrian, Francis, or the Mexican Patriot. (J. C. Gray) No. Kxa. 24: 210. Berridge, John, and his Correspondence. Cong. M . 24 : 597, 867. — Letters of. Cong. M. 28: 27, 271, 740. — Works of. Chr. Obs. 39: 120, 300. Berrien, J. M., and Blair Correspondence. Niles's Reg. •40: 375- — Dinner to. Niles's Reg. 40: 260. Berries, Some new. (E. P. Roe) Scrib. 22: 267. Berry, C. F. d'Artois, Due de. Ev. Sat. 16: 9. — Lamartine's History of. Chamb. J. 19: 238. Same art. Liv. Age, 37: 673. Berry, Miss Mary. Eel. M. 28: 13S. — Eel. R. 123: 1S9. — Liv. Age, 36: 178. — her Friends and her Times. Brit. Q. 43: 60. — Journals and Correspondence. Chr. Rem. 51: 128. — Ed. R. 122: 297. — Colburn, 136: 174. — Liv. Age, 87: 437-— Quar. 119: 154. Berry, Misses, Sketch of. Hogg, 10: 112. Berryer, P. A. de. Blackw. 42: 126. — Eel. Mus. i: 3°°, 537- — Fraser, 27: 99. — Autobiographical Recollections. Ed. R. 76: 121. — Chat with. (F. Johnson) Hours at Home, 8: 248. — Hour or two with, 1S41. Colburn, 62: 228. Berrytown; a Talc. (R. H. Davis) Lippinc. 11: 400, 579, 697. 12: 35. Bertaut, Jean. Early French Poet. Lond. M. 6: 361. Bertha's Cross; a Story of the Middle Ages. Dub. Univ. 35: 287. Bertha's Home; a Story. Sharpe, 27: 9. 28: 282. Bertha's Love; a Story. Fraser, 48: 43, 173. Same art. Liv. Age, 38: 370, 671. Same art. Harper, 7: 506, 643- Berthalde Reimer's Voice. House. Words, 6: 507. Same art. Liv. Age, 36: 566. Berthe's Wedding-Day; a Tale. (K. S. Macquoid) Temp. Bar, 40: 221. Same art. Liv. Age, 120: 547- Berthet, Elie. Lo Refractaire. New Q. i : 423. — Novels of. Dub. L'niv. 60: 399. Berthollet, the Maitre d' Amies; a Sketch. (Lady Pol- lock) Temp. Bar, 49: 170. Bertie, Charles, Letters of. Retros. 16: 177. Bertie Bray. (P. Cudlip) St. James, 9: 386, 512. 10: 116, 250, 378. Bertie Griffiths. (A. Edw.-irds) Temp. Bar, 19: 189. Bert.onelli, Lucia. (E. Ellis) Galaxy, 24: 322. Bertran de Born, the Troubadour. (F. Hueffer) Gent. M. n. s. 17: 185. Berulle, Pierre de, and the French Cannelites. Chr. (H)s. 73: 299. Berwick, Letters relating to the Government of. (R. Porrett) .\rch. 30: 160. Berzelius, Johan J., Account of. J. Frankl. Inst. 46: \i\. — Biographical Sketch of. (H. Puise) Ed. New Pliilos. J. 53: 189. 54: I. — (H. Piose) Am. J. Sci. 66: I, 173, 30;. 67: 103. — Life and Writings of. (P. Ix)uyet) Ed. New Philos. J. 47: I. Beside the Rille; a Tale. (K. S. M.icquoid) Temp. Bar, 51: 70. Beside Ihe Still Waters; a Sermon. (C. Be^rd) Mo. Rel. AI. 46: 133. BESSARABIA 116 BEZA Be!. 38: I. Burgh's Commentary on. Dub. Univ. 55: 741. Bush's Commentary on. (.J. A. Alexander) Princ. 7- 73- Characteristics of. Chr. Obs. 55: 365, 433, 513. 56: 6, 77, 153. Commentary on, from Old Writers. Chr. Rem. 39: 264. French and Skinner's Translation. Eel. R. 54: 151. Commentaries on. (N. S. Folsom) Unita. R. 7: 624. Eel. R. 85: 533. 1S60-71. Chr. Obs. 72: 113. Fry's Translation of. Eel. R. 32: 342: Henffstcnbcrg and Phillips on. Bib. R. 4: 145. IIil)iiarng. M. 25: 179. — Mo. R 156: 427. English Version. (C. F. Schaefler) Bib. Sac. 26: 486. See Bible, English, Revision of; also below, Bible, New Testament, Revised Version. Errors of Lexicons of. (W. E. JIanlcy) Univ. Q. 25: 59. Ethics of. Bib. R. 5: 205. E.vegetical and critical Account of. Westm. 90: 36. Forged Fragments of. Chr. Rem. 46: 175. Genealogies of. Mo. Rd. M. 30: 314. Geneva Version of. (F. Fn,-) Kitto, 33 : 279. — Chr. Obs. 36: 229. Georgian Version of. (S. C. Malan) Kitto, 35: 360. Gnostic Testimonies to, De Groot on. (II. M. Har- man) Meth. Q. 30: 4S5. BIBLE 126 BIBLE Bible, New Testament, Graminatiial Aeciiracy of. (J. A H. Tittmauii) Am. Bib. Kepot. i: i6o. Greek. Chr. Uem. 22: 6i. 26: 125. — Bib. R. 4: 38, 173. — Eel. U. 70: 539. 79: 542. Alfonl's. (W. 4S5. Definitive Article in, Sharpe on. Chr. Obs. i : 438- 2: 363, 419. Lexicography of. (E. Robinson) No. Am. 23: 80. — (F. A. Tholuck) Am. Bib. Repos. i: 5S2. Stvle in. (G. J. Plank) Am. Bib. Repos. i: 638. " Use of the Article in. Theo. Repos. 4: 224, 374, 427- Vocabulary of . (L. S. Potwin) Bib. Sac. 32: 703. 33: 52. 37: 503, 640. Hansen's. Brit. Q. 40: 30S. Late Editions of. Brit. Q. 24: 183. — Eel. R. 56: 465. Literature of. Lond. Q. ig: 492. — JIanuscripts of. (A. N. Arnold) Bapt. Q. i : 445. — (W. H. Burr) Radical, 6: 391. ' and Editions of. (M. Stuart) Bib. Sac. 1843: 254. Grieabach's Classification of. Chr. Obs. 13: 573- Most ancient. (C. Tischendorf) Theo. Eel. 6: 236. Scrivener on. Chr. Obs. 66: 94. Modern. (W. E. Manley) Univ. Q. 26: 2S7. Recension of. Chr. Rem. 3: 17. Revision of. Brit. Q. 59: 131. Bible, New Testament, Greek, Robinson's Lexicon of. Eel. H. 67: 269. — (M. Stuart) No. Am. 72: 2.n. — Chr. R. 16: 461. — So. Q. 19: 263. Study of. Am. Meth. M. 9: 415. — Chr. Rem. 15: 259. Text of. (J. D. Green) No. Am. 15: 460. — (W. Sanday) Contemp. 40: 985. — Bost. R. 4: 258. — Chr. Rem. 51: y]-]. — Ed. R. 94: i. amended. (F. AV. P. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 6: 353- History of. Chr. R. 13: 545. Sources of. Kitto, 12: 367. Textual Criticism of. Chr. Rem. 43: 3S5. Tischendorf's. (B. Hawley) jNIeth. Q. 34: 213. — Bib. R. 6: 221. — (S. P. Trt-gelles) Kitto, 4: 197, 5: 197- Tischendorf rs. Tregelles. (C. Tischendorf) Kitto, 29: 369. Tregelles's. Brit. Q. 53: 180. — Chr. Obs. 71: 132. Webster's and Wilkinson's. Chr. Obs. 6a: 25. Winer's Grammar of. Tiieo. & Lit. J. 12: 339, 397. — Lond. Q. 34: 1S7. Wordsworth's. Chr. Obs. 68: 112. Greek Vulgate. Kitto, 10: 116. Griesbach's. Chr. Mo. Spec. 5: 187. — (J. G. Pal- frey and .J. Sparks) No. Am. 31: 267. — So. R. 6: 513. — Eel. R. 72: 484. — Chr. Disc. 3: 321. — Gen. Repos. 1 : 89. Hebraisms of. (W. E. Manley) Univ. Q. 9: 21. Hebrew. (W. E. Mauley) Univ. Q. 28: 26. Egyptian Words in. Bib. R. i: 389. History of. (B. Pick) Luth. Q. 8: 363. Hilgcnfeld's Introduction to. (P. H. Wicksteed) Theo. R. 12: 515. 13: I. — Lond. Q. 44: 308. Historical Books of. (H. Olshausen) Am. Bib. Repos. 9: 207. How it came down to as. (G. P. Fisher) Scrib. 21 : 611. Hug's Introduction to. Chr. R. i: 597. — Cong. M. 10: 657. Immer's Hermeneutics of. (0. Cone) Univ. Q. 33: 436- Improved Version of, iSoS. Quar. i: 276. — Eel. R. 9: 24, 236, 329. — Chr. Obs. 8: 634. in the Negro Tongue. (R. Southey) Quar. 43: 553- Inspiration of. (S. C. Bartlett) Princ. n. s. 5: 23. — (E. Fisher) Univ. Q. 27: 261. See Inspiration. Interpretation of. (F. A. Tholuck) Am. Bib. Repos. 3: 6S4. — Chr. R. 4: 4S1. Japanese Translations of. Kitto, 16: 388. Kirchhofer on the History of Canon of. Bib. R. 2: 222, Lange's Commentary on. (P. Schaff) Evang. R. 15: 29S. Literary History of. Bib. R. i : 344. — Brit. Q. 3: 96. — Eel. R. 83: 39. Literature of. No. Brit. 16: 422. Livermore's Commentary on. (R. P. Stebbins) Chr. Exam. 37: 252. jNIahratta Version of. Eel. R. 51: 266. jMarginal Readings of. (C. F. SchaefEer) Bib. Sac. 26: 4S6. Michaelis's Introduction to. Chr. Obs. i : 433, 727. 3: 548. Narratives of. Real and ideal. (J. C. Miller) Ex. H. Lee. 17: 483. Noyes's Translation of. (H. G. Spaulding) Chr. Exam. 87: 54. Numismatic Illustrations of, Akerman's. Bib. R. 4: 560. BIBLE 127 BIBLE Bible, New Testament, Observations on some Places in. (W. Linwood) Kitto, 40: 23. Old Testament in, Citations of. (F. A. G. Tholuck) Bib. Sac. 11: 568. — Chr. Exam. 5; 53. Dogmatic Use of. (0. Cone) Univ. Q. 26: 133. Olshausen's Commentary on. (C.P. ICrauth) Evang. R. 10: 124. — (E. Strong) New Eng. 15: 301. — Lit. & Theo. R. i: 142. Paige's Commentary on. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. i: 396. Parallelisms of. Kitto, 37: 205. Philosophy of. (E. Robinson) Am. Bib. Repos. 4: 154. Poetrj- of. Hogg, 6: 29S. Politics of. Tait, n. s. 11: 749. Same art. Liv. Age, 4: 1S5. Proverbial Phrases in. Theo. & Lit. J. 9: 167. Psychology of. (H. Olshausen) Meth. Q. 19: 254. Punctuation of, Exegetical. (C. F. Scliaeffer) Bib. Sac. 25: 593. Recent Commentaries on. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 87: 235. Recent Study of, 1S55. Eraser, 52: 696. Recent Translation of. Lend. Q. 45: 265. Revised Version, 1881. Ed. R. 154: 157. — (G. P. Fisher) Scrib.22: 293. — (T. Walroud) Macmil. 44: 149. Same art. Liv. Age, 150: 67. — (G. Vance Smith) 19th Cent. 9: 917. — Eel. M. 97: 223. — (F. Gardiner) Bib. Sac. 38: 553. — (J. J. S. Perowne) Contemp. 40: 150. — Dub. R. 89: 127. — (P. Schaff) No. Am. 132: 427. — (A. Roberts) Eraser, 103: 727. — (W. C. Doane) Am. Church R. 36: 63. — Loud. Q. 56: 471. — (E. McSweeny) Am. Cath. Q. 6: 300. — (H. A. Buttz) Meth. Q. 41 : 715. — (.J. A. Corcoran) Am. Cath. Q. 6: 4S1. — (.J. Gibb) Brit. Q. 74: 128.— (E. M. Geldart) Mod. R. 2: 603. — (M. R. Vincent) Presb. R. 2: 633. — (T. A. Becker) Cath. World, 33: 558. — (O. D. Miller) Univ. Q. 37: 454. and the Authorized Version. (T. R. Beck) Ref. Q. 28: 535. English of. (R. B. Drummond) Mod. R. 2: 732. Greek Text employed in. Quar. 152: 307. Plan of. (T. W. Chambers) Presb. R. 2: 449. Reception of, in England. (.J. Bryce) Nation, 33: 68. Some Advantages of. (J. S. Ilowson) Good Words, 22: 594. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 631. Rhemish. (B. Hawley) Meth. Q. 31 : 107. Sawyer's Version of. Princ. 31 : 50. — (D. R. Goodwin) Am. Church R. 12: 99. Scientific Criticism of. (O. B. Frothingham) Chr. Exam. 57: 94. Serampore Mahratta Version of. Cong. M. 13: Sharpe's Translation of. Prosp. R. i: 165. Speaker's Commentary on. Quar. 151 : 352. Stowe's History of. (E. Abbot) No. Am. 107: 307. — — Supernatural in. Lond. Q. 44: 377. Synonyms of. (N. White) Univ. Q. 37; 213. Trench on. Lond. Q. 7: 406. — Theo. & Lit. J. 7: 514. Syriac. Liv. Age, 32: 88. and Syrian Churches. Bib. R. 6: 196. Studies in, .\i(l of Talmud in. Bost. R. 4: 340. Tauclmitz Edition of. Ev. Sat. 8: 443. Textual Criticism of. Chr. Rem. 48: 40. Tregelles on. (W. Skae) Kitto, 8: 20S. Translations of. Chr. Rem. 3: 17. Transmission of the Books of. So. R. n. s. 19: 432. — (G. P. Fisher) Scrib. 21: 611. Milligan on. Chr. Obs. 74: 622. Turkish. Eel. R. 44: 326. Bible, New Testament, Two Religions in. (O. B. Froth- ingham) Radical, 3: 11-284. 5- 367. Tyndale's. (J. S. Hart) Princ. lo: 325. — Chr. R. 3: 130. — (.J. L. Porter) Good Words, 22: 103. and Fry's Facsimiles. Kitto, 34: 295. and Luther's. Ch. Obs. 36: 731. Dabney's Edition of. (J. Walker) Chr. Exam. 23: 273. — Spirit Pilg. 2: 658. under a new .\spect. (G. Grove) Macmil. 20: 42S. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 618. Unitv of, Maurice on. (S. Osgood) Unita-Tt. Ii : 581. " Usage of the Terms translated Spirit, Soul, and Life. (H. Ballou) Univ. Q. 7: 138. Various Passages illustrated by Transposition. Theo. Repos. i: 45. Von Gerlach's Commentary. (G. R. Crooks) Meth. Q. 9: 268. Wakefield's Translation of. Chr. Disc. 2: 1. Wycliffe's Version. (H. S. Brown) Good Words, 3: 467. Same art. Liv. Age, 76: 579. — Am. Bib. Repos. 7: 226. Words in. Illustrations of. (T. B. Thayer) Univ. Q. 3: 316. Writers of. Credibility of. Chr. R. 5: 568. — Gospels. (C. A. Sainte-Beuve) O. & N. 2: 662.— Cong. M. 15: 748. 17:726. 18:226,668,730. 19: 164-673. 20: 297, 616. 21: 343, 413— So. R. n. s. 21: 5. Adam's Exposition of. Chr. Obs. 37: 663, 705. Alcott's Conversation on. Chr. Exam. 23: 252. and Acts in Hebrew, London Society's Translation of. Chr. Obs. 16: x6i. and modern Criticism. Contemp. 5: 340. Antiquity of. No. Brit. 4: 347. 'ATTo^ii/TjMoi'ei'/iaTaof the Apostles. Chr. Obs. 7: 623. Authenticity of. (B. A. Hinsdale) Chr. tj. 4: 57. Authors of . (J. Eastwood) Univ. Q. 33: 171. Barnes on. (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 7: 149. — (A. P. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 20: 66. Burgon's Plain Commeutarj' on. ( W. A. Dod) Am. Churcli R. 12: 465. Chronology of. (H. C. Vedder) Bapt. Q. II : 193. — Quar. 130: 497. H. J. Coleridge on. Dub. R. 77: 173. Card's Translation of. (T. A. Trollope) Brit. Q. 72: 23. Credibility.- of. Eel. R. 87: 24. Criticism on, Bonelicial Results of. (0. B. Froth- ingham) Chr. Exam. 76: 374. Date of. (O. Cone) Univ. Q. 24: 5. — (C. Tisch- end(irf) Theo. Eel. 3: 20S. Tischendorf on. (A. Hovey) Bapt. Q. i: 66. Directions for reading. Chr. R. 3: 443. Evidence in Favor of. Chr. Obs. 26: 321. First three, Godet on. (.J. Wright) Theo. R. 8: 512. Origin of. (G. P. Fisher) New Eng. 23: 577. — (G. T. Ladd) Bib. Sac. 26: i, 209. Folsom's Translation of. (S. G. Bulfinch) Chr. Exam. 87: 270. — (R. Metcalf) O. & N. 6: 191. the fdurfuld Biography. Brit. Q. 35: loS. Genuineness of. (L. J. Livermore) Unita. R. 12: I. — (.1. n. Morison) Chr. Exam. 56: 46. — (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 5: 179. and Authenticity of. (B. A. Hinsdale) Chr. Q. 3: 29, 2S7, 431. Norton on. (G. E. Ellis) Chr. Exam. 58: 117. — (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 42: 206. — (A. Lam- son) Chr. Exam. 22: 321. 36: 145. 43: 148. — (M. Stuart) \m. Bib. Repos. 11: 265. — Brit. Q. 7: 431. — Chr. R. 3: 53.— Mo. R. 144: 46. — Ed. R. 87: 423. — Mo. Rel.M.5: 97, 145. — Prosp. i: 83. BIBLE 128 BIBLE Bible, Gospels, Genuineness of, Tischendorf s Plea for. (F. H. Hedge) Ciir. Exam. 80: 503. Greek MSS. of, .Scrivener'.^ Collation of. Kitto, 11: 346. Harmonizing. (Duke of Manchester) Kitto, 19 : 56. Harmony of . (H. J. Coleridge) Month, 29: 102. — (J. Priestley) Theo. Repos. 2: 38-313. 3: 462. — Chr. Exam. 10: 358. — (L. Carpenter) Chr. Exam. 13: 87. — Cong. M. 14: 536, 663. 15: 273. 16: 463,601. 17: 266. — Kitto, 10: 60. — (J. A.Alex- an'der) Prine. 28: 393. Carpenter's. (A. P. Peabody) Chr. Exam. 22: 43. —Eel. H. 70: 505. Chronological. Kitto, 6: 75. Da Costa's. Evang. K. 6: 563. Greswell on. Dub. K. 55: 421. — Eel. R. 57: i, 299. Robinson's Greek. Eel. R. 83: 732. Strong's. (G. R. Crooks) Meth. Q. 13: 354. Stroud's new Greek. Chr. Obs. 54: 115. — Meth. Q. 14: 77. Studies in. (W. H. Settlemyer) Luth. Q. 8: 53S. Hegelian Assaul(;5 on. (C. E. Stowe) Bib. Sac. 8: 503. Same art. Kitto, 36: 124, 283. Hemmingius on. Cong. M. 15: 415. Historical Character of. (C. A. Row) Kitto, 35: 311. 36:1,343. 37: 58, 275. 38: 251. Historical Criticism on. Brit. & For. R. 12: 515. How to use. (H. Alford) Theo. Eel. 2: 235. Huidekoper on. (J. H. Morison) Unita. R. 12 : 661 . Inspiration of. (G. F. Simmons) Chr. Exam. 54: 351. — Kitto, 12: 58. 13: 50. 23: 117. internal Evidences to Truth of. (J. P. Thompson) No. Am. 97: 74. Jesus Christ and. (W. H. Furness) Mo. Rel. M. 47: 342, 423- Kenrick on. Brownson, 6: 409. Literal Truthfulness of. (C. Vince) Ex. H. Lee. 20: 73. Moral Criticism of. Theo. R. 2: 608. Narratives of. Logical Order of. (E. E. Hale) Chr. Exam. 65: 205. Nast's English Commentary on. (W. F. Warren) Meth. Q. 28: 30. New Version and Vulgate. Brownson, 3: 472. Norton's Translation of. (G. E. Ellis) Chr. Exam. 59: 72. Object of the Writers of. Chr, R. 7: 246. Olshausen's Commentary on. Chr. Obs. 52: 467. Oneness of. (E. H. Sears) Mo. Rel. M. 39: 165. Origin of. (W. H. Furness) Chr. Exam. 70: 49. — (.J. L Mombert) Bib. Sac. 23: 352, 529.— (James Smith) Kitto, 15: 135. and Connection of, James Smith on. Kitto, 12: 174, Proofs of Christianity in, (G, P, Fisher) Princ. n, s. 7: 191, 8: 223, Prophetic Element in. (W. R, Greg) Contemp, 28: 990, Question of, in 1851, (C. E. Stowe) Kitto, 36: 124, 283. Renan on. (A. Laugel) Nation, 25: 179, 210. — (W. Sanday) Theo. R. 15: 116. Ripley's Notes on. Chr. R. 2: 289. Seiss's Lectures on. So. R. n. s. 22: 115. Synoptical Study of, and recent Literature pertain- ing to it. (H. B. Hackett) Bib. Sac. 3:1. Syriac, Dr. Cureton's. (P. N. Laud) Kitto, 22: 140. — (S. P. Tregelles) Kitto, 22: 407. —Ed. R. no: 168, Textual Criticism of, Results of. (James Smith) Kitto, 15: 323. Bible, Matthew, Dub.Univ, 72: 363, — Kitto, 28: 269, — (M. Stuart) Am, Bib. Repos, 12: 133. — So, R, n. s. 22: 90. Commentary on. (U. Zwingli) Mercersb. 4:55, 453. Conant's Commentary on. Chr. R. 26: 92, 264. Gospel for the Jew. (D. S. Gregory) Princ. 40: 4S1 Introductory Chapters interpolated. Theo. Repos 4: 484. Original Language of. (W. L. Alexander) Kitto, 3: 499. — (S. P. Tregelles) Kitto, 5: 151. Quesnel's Commentary on. Chr. Obs. 69: 261. Revision of authorized Version of. Chr. Obs. 35: 34-2S3. Structure of. (H. J. Coleridge) Month, 23: 17, 296. 25: I. Whedon on. (A. C. George) Meth. Q. 29: 346. Chapters ii. and iii., Commentarv on. (H. A. W. Meyer) Bib. Sac. 8: 85. ii. 23. (J. H. R. Biesenthal) Bib. Sac. 32: 161. iii. 7-12, Illustration of. Theo. Repos. i: 396. V. 29, 30, Explanation of. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. i: 170. vi. 7, " Use not vain repetitions." Theo. Repos. 6: 17S. xi. 2-14. Chr. R 24: 606. xiii. and its Interpreters. Eel. R. 118: soo. xxiv,, Annotations on, (C, F, Schacffer) Evang. R. 13: 55. — Theo. Repos. 6: 186. XXV. 46, Christ's Coming to Judgment. (E. G. Brooks) Univ. Q. 31 : 389. xxvi, 50, discussed. (T. D. Woolsey) Bib. Sac. 31: 314- and Mark, Morison's Commentaries on. Chr. Obs. 74: 115. — Mark. (S. Davidson) Theo, R. 4: 494. — Lond. Q. 23- 514' — Dub. Univ. 73: 154. Alexander on. (E. D. Yeomans) Mercersb. 11 : 361. Explanation of some Passages. Theo. Repos. 4: 227. the Gospel for the Romans. (D. S. Gregory) Princ. 43: 325- Last twelve Verses of. Am, Church R. 24: 218. 26: 379. Relation of, to Matthew and Luke. Prosp. R. 6: 60. Chapter iv. 49, 50, Interpretation of. Meth. Q. 10: Si. — Luke. Dub, Univ. 73: 3. — Am. Church R. 24: 359, 511. — (Z. S. Barstow) Cong. R. 8: 477. Codex Zacynthius. Chr. Rem. 43: 128. Godet's Commentary on. Chr. Obs. 75: 707. Greek Palimpsest of. Dub. Univ. 59: 303. Origin and Pm-pose of. (H. Constable) Kitto, 29: 3S0. Preface to, Kitto, 4: 301. Sources of, (A. H. Newman) Bapt. Q. 9: 306. Thomson's Lectures on. Bib. R. 6: 598. Chapter iii. 7, and John ii. 20, Dates of. (J. Pratt) Kitto, 38: 468. xvii. 20, 21, Exegetical Remarks on. (E. Schau- bach) Bib. R. i: 202. xxiii. 39-43, Exegesis of. (P. Church) Bapt. Q. 7: S8. — John. (L. Abbott) Internat. R. 5: 343. — (S. David- son) Theo. R. 7: 297. — (W. Milligan) Contemp. 6: loi. — (J. H. Godwin) Contemp. 19: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 112: 738. — (E. Renan) Contemp. 30: 542. — (E.H. Sears) Mo. Rel. M. 42: i. — Cong. 4: 365. — So. R. U.S. 22: 404. 23:65. — Theo. R.I : 528. and Apocalypse. (W. Milligan) Contemp. 18: 87, 212. and Epistles of John, Ewald on. Nat.R. 17: 125. New Revision of, 1837. Mo. R, 146: 195. BIBLE 129 BIBLE Bible, John, and Justin MartjT. (J. Drummond) Tlieo. R, 12: 471. 14: 155. and modem Criticism. (W. Beyschlag) Contemp. 30: 76S, 923. Ancient MS. of. (J. Milner) Arch. 16: 17. Attraction of . (E. V. Gerhart) Mcrcer>l). 3: 52. Authenticity of. (J. Martincau) O. & N. lo: 201. Author not John the Apostle. Westni. 83: 406. Authorship of. Theo. R. 3 : 264, 564. — (J. F. Clarke) Chr. Exam. 84: 72. — Ed. R. 145: i. — (E. Higginson) Theo. R. 5: 189. — (E. Abbot) Uiiita. R. 13: 142, 237, 490. — Brit. Q. 56: 408. — Dub. Univ. 73: 243, 483. — Chr. Obs. 76: 34, 344, 434. 77: 189.-M0. Rel. M. 33: 193. 35: 83.-(F. R. Conder) Eraser, 92: 51. — (A. Edcrsheim) Eraser, 92: 270. Abbot on. Penn Mo. il : S95. Credibility of Christ's Discourses in. (F. Godet) Bapt. Q. 8: 307. Design of. (C. E. Luthardt) Bib. Sac. 30: i, 237. Eternal Life in. Lond. Q. 49: 358. Exegetical Studies in. (P. Schaff) Am. Presb. R. 19: 699. Genuineness of. (G. P. Fisher) Bib. Sac. 21; 225. — (J. P. Lange and P. Schaff) Princ. 41: 323. Gilly's Romaic Version of. Eel. R. 91 : 554. Introduction to. Chr. R. 12: 192. — Chr. Disc. 3: 326. — (F. A. Tholuck) Kitto, 2: i. Latest Commentaries on, 1880. Lond. Q. 56: 150. Literary Character of. (F. R. Conder) Eraser, 91 : 373, 802. — (A. Edersheim) Eraser, 91: 764. — (T. L. Hill) Fraser, 91 : 666. Maurice on. Eel. R. 106: 45. Modern Criticism on. Lond. (). 24: 504. Olshausen and Lange on. Bib. R. 5: 184. the Regula Fidei. (T. Lewis) Am. Presb. R. 13: 46. Revised Version of, 1857. Chr. Obs. 57: 532. Revision of. Kitto, 20: i. E. H. Sears on. (C. C. Everett) 0. & N. 6: 584. C. C. Everett's Criticism of. (E. H. Sears) O. &N.7: 233. Theology of the Fourth Gospel and Dr. Sears. Mo. Rel. M."48: 442. Theories of Baur and others on. Nat. R. 5: 82. Tholuck's Commentary on. (C. P. Krauth, jr.) Evang. R. 7: 301. 9: 301. — Lit. & Theo. R. 3: 439. — (L. Bacon) Chr. Q. Spec. 8: 319. — Chr. R. i: 276. — Am. Bib. Repos. 7: 440. Chapter i., Rothe on. Lond. Q. 52: 166. i. I. Theo. Repos. 2 : 186. 5: 295,385. i. 1-18. (M. Stuart) Bib. Sac. 7: 13, 281. !• 15, Interpretation of. Theo. Repos. 1 : 295. i. 16. (J. C. Yule) Bapt. Q. 5: 79. i. 18, Syriac Version of. Theo. Repos. 1 : 73. i. 51, Interpretation of. Theo. Repos. 6: 424. ii. 20, Date of. (J. Pratt) Kitto, 38: 468. 39: 233- iii. i-io, illustrated. Tlico. Repos. 6: 194. iii. 13, Illustration of. Theo. Repos. i: 355. iv.. Interpretation of. Theo. Repos. 6: 419. vi.. Interpretation of. Theo. Rejws. 6: 415. vii. 37, Sermon on. (A. Monod) JIo. Rel. ^I. 16: 48. vii. 53-viii., Genuineness of. (A. P. Peabody) Mo. Rel. M. 43; 521. ix. (A. G. Pease) Mercersb. 24: 74. xiv. I, 2, 3. Theo. Repos. 5: 355. xvi. 23. (Z. S. Barstow) Cong. R. 8: 133. xvi. 26, 27 ; viii. 58. Theo. Repos. 4: 345. xviii. (E. P. Gould) Bapt. Q. 8: 337. xvii. 9, Observations on. Theo. Repos. 3 : 127. 9 Bible, Acts of the Apostles. (J. Martineau) O. lit N. 10: 724. — Eel. R. 85: 183. — Chr. R. 20: 161. Aim of. (J. R. Oertel) Theo. Eel. 6: 389. Alexander on. Kitto, 20: 443. Authorship of. Kitto, 7: 406. 25: 296. 28:166. Baunigarten on. Eel. R. 99: 134. Baur on. (G. P. Fisher) New Eng. 23: 401. Bennett's Lectures on. Bib. R. 3: 210. Critical Remarks on. Liv. Age, 56:. 563. Hackett's Notes on. (G. W. Samson) Chr. R. 23: 528. — (T. D. Woolsey) New Eng. 10: 129. — Chr. R. 24: 306. Historical Unreliableness of . Westm.63: 214. how far historical? Nat. R. 10: 392. Illustrations of, from recent Discoveries. (.J. B. Lightfoot) Contemp. 32: 288. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 685. Origin and Composition of. Chr. Exam 71 : 40. Rc^nan on. Westm. 86: 310. Renan on the Apostles. (G. P. Fisher) New Eng. 25: 542. why written. (B. Smith) Univ. Q. 14: 65. Chapter i. 16-22, Illustration of. Theo. Repos. 1 : 63. xiii.-xxviii., Chronological Arrangement. Am. Presb. R. 7: 278. xvii., Observations on. Theo. Repos. 3: 70. XX. 28. (E. Abbot) Bib. Sac. 33: 313. xxvi. 28, 29, Exegesis of. (H. S. Burrage) Bib. Sac. 31 : 401. — Epistles of St. Paul, Belsham's Translation of. (W. Goodhugh) Quar. 30: 79. — Cong. M. 8: 28. Belsham on. Eel. R. 37: 385, 502. Errors in. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 77: 173. Exegesis of difficult Texts. Kitto, 33: 65, 275. Jowett on. (G. E.Ellis) Chr. Exam. 60: 431. — Chr. Obs. 56: 18. -Quar. 98: 14S. Pastoral. Am. Church R. 22: 263, 399, 553. Introduction to. (B. B. Edwards) Bib. Sac. 8: 31S. Peculiarities of. (M. J. Cramer) Meth. Q. 36: 458. Taylor's Key to. Chr. Obs. 6: 5-501. to Thessalonians, Galatians, and Romans, with Criticisms. Chr. Rem. 31: 445. — Romans. (R. Ellis) Unita. R. 8 : 465. — Chr. R. 5: 182. — Eel. R. 72: 417. 79: 663. Barnes on. (C. Hodge) Princ. 7: 2S5. Bauer's Theory on. (O. Cone) Univ. Q. 27: 306. Colenso on. Lond. Q. 18: i. Corrections in. Theo. Repos. 4: 211. Notes on. (W. Walford) Bib. R. i : 382. Revised Version. Theo.Iiid. 2: 143. Revision of. Kitto, 21 : 3S4. Riickert on. (C. Hodge) Princ. 8: 39. Stuart on. (C Ilodge) Princ. 5: 381. — Chr. R. 14: 40. — Am. Mo. R. 2: 3S8. — (J. P. Cowles) Chr. Q. 4: 661. — Am. Meth. M. 15: 175. — Chr. Obs. 36: 168. — Ed. R. 59: 2S9, 464. Talmudic Notes on. (F. Dclitzsch) Luth. Q. II : 477. Whitwell's Translation of. (E. S. Gannett) Chr. Exam. 44: 458. Chapters i.-iii., Notes on. Kitto, 35: 40S. Chapter i. 1-17, A Study of. (N. S. FoLsom) Mo. Rel. M. 49: 362. i. iS-23. Chr. R. 25: 105, 268. v. I. Lond. Q. 50: 78. V. 12-14. (J. Priestley) Theo. Repos. 2: 154. — Tlieo. Repos. 2: 411. Paul's Reasoning on. Theo. Repos. 3: 115. V. 12-21, Forbes on. (D. T. Fiskc) Bib. Sac. 27: 697. — (J. Forbes) Bib. Sac. 28: 739. vi. 7. (T. J. Sawyer) Univ. Q. 10: 166. BIBLE 130 BIBLE Bible, Romans, Chapter vii. (H. Ballou, 2(1) Univ. Q. 2: 424. vii. 7-25. (W. N. Clarke) Bapt. Q. 9: 385. vii. 14-25. Chr. Obs. 2: 2O5. 3: 67-264. — (J. Tomlinson) Lutli. Q. II : 55S. viii. Chr. !Mo. Spec. 2: 399. viii. iS-25. (M. Stuart) Am. Bib. Repos. II : 363. New Version of . Bib. K. i : 114. viii. 19-23, Creation or Creature? (A. N. Arnold) Bapt. Q. i: 143. — (H. N. Day) Chr. Q. Spec. 10: 105. Exegetical View of. Am. Presb. R. 6: 451. IX. -XI., with Notes. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 9: 270. ix. 3. (W. M. Smythc) Chr. R. 19: 383. ix. 5. (G. Y. Smiih)Mod. 1;. i: 191. ix. 22-24. (E. T. Fitch) Chr. Q. Spec. 7: 382. xii. II. (R. Collyer) Radical, i : 6. — I. and II. Corinthians. No. Brit. 29: 71. Christianity of . (R. Ellis) Unita. R. 5: 267. 6: 257. Criticisms on. Chr. Rem. 31: 445. Stanley on. Eel. R. 109: 113. — I.Corinthians. Eel. R. 83: 513. Chapter iv. 20. (W. H. Furness) Radical, i: 126. vi. 1-3, Interpretation of. Bib. R. 3: 262. ix. 15-18, Remarks on. Theo. Repos. 2: 250. xiii. 9-13. (W. Scott) Meth. Q. 10: 371. xiv. 34, 35, Speaking or Babbling? Cong. Q. 16: 576. XV. (H. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 2: 149. New Translation of. Theo. Repos. 6: 79. XV. 22. (J. A. Brown) Luth. Q. 2: 448. XV. 27. Theo. Repos. 3: 255. XV. 28, Thoughts on. Bib. R. 3: 147. — II. Corinthians, Chapter iii. 13-18, Criticism on. Bib. R. 2: 214, 306. V. I, etc.. Illustration of. Theo. Repos. 6: 42S. V. 10. (M. Goodrich) Univ. Q. 17: 88. v. 14. (W- S. C. Otis) Bib. Sac. 27: 545. — Galatians. (R. Ellis) Unita. R. 4 : 471.— (G. Brad- ford) Chr. Exam. 5: 285.— Eel. R. 82: 392.— Lond. Q. 25: 217. _ Argument of. (H. B. Hackett) Bib. Sac. 5: 97. Contents of. Chr. R. 26: 577. Renderings of common Version. (H. B. Hackett) Bib. Sac. 19: 211. 22: 138. Threefold Crucitixion in. Lond. Q. 46: 26. translated. (P. Schaff) Mercersb. 13: 5. Chapter iii. 16. (F. Gardiner) Bib. Sac. 36: 23. iii. 20, Criticism on. Theo. Repos. 3: 130. iv. 21-31. (G. Bush) Princ. 4: 525. — Ephesians, Commentary on. (D. Bagot) Chr. Obs. 65: I, 93. 172. Eadie's Commentary on Greek Text of. Ed. R. 99: 676. Ellicott's Commentary' on. Theo. & Lit. J. 10: 174. Greek and English, with Commentary. (S. H. Turner) Theo. & Lit J. 9: 172. Hodge's. (J. W. Nevin) Mercersb. 9: 46, 192. — Theo. &Lit. J. 9: 170. Holy Spirit in. Lond. Q. 47: 31. Revised Version of. Lond. Q. 57: i. Stier's Commentary on. (H. I. Schmidt) Evang. R. i: 430. — Philippians. Eel. R. 81: 633. Lightfooton. Lond. Q. 31: 189. — Chr. Obs. 70: 363. Chapter ii. 5-1 1 Bib. R. 2: 248. — Theo. Repos. 2: 141, 219. 3: 257. — (H. L. Baugher) Luth. Q. 8: 119. — Kitto, 37: 401. iii. 7-21, Criticism on. Theo. Repos. 2: S3. — Colossians. Eel. R. 81 : 296. Critical Examination of. (P. Mearns) Kitto, 3 : 349. Bible, Colossians, Expositions of. Chr. Obs. 45: 343. Gisborne's Exposition of. Chr. Obs. 15: 524. Hidden Life in. Lond. Q. 47: 365. — Thessalonians, Jowett on. Kitto, 17: i. — I. Thessalonians, Chapter iv. 13-1S, Exposition of. (J. 0. Skinner) Univ. Q. 11: 280. II. Timothy. Meth. Q. 13: 534. Chapter iii. 16. (J. Medway) Cong. M. 21: 491. ' Translation of. (J. P. Smith) Cong. M. 21 : 208, 425. — (W. Walford) Coug. M. 21: 356. — Titus, Chapter ii. 13, Exegesis of. (J. A. Brown) Luth. Q. 3: 2S5. — Hebrews. (C. C. Everett) Mo. Rel. M. 46: 485. Analysis of. (C. Aver) Bapt. Q. 4: 44S. Authorship and Canonicitj- of. (J. H. Thaj'cr) Bib. Sac. 24: 68 1. Authorship of. Eel. R. 78: 237. —Kitto, 25: 102, 193- 39: 236. — Dub. R. 67: 57. — (R. D. C. Rob- bins) Bib. Sac. 18: 469. — (E. Pond) Cong. R. 8: 29. Canonical Authority of. (J. J. Gurney) Am. Bib. Repos. 2: 409. Character and Design of. Chr. Disc. 5: 435. Criticism on. Bib. R. 2: 54. Dale on. Eel. R. 121: 281. — Theo. R. 2: 305. Delitzsch on. Evang. R. 2: 184. — Meth. Q. 31 : 379. Doctrine of last Things in. (W. R. Alger) Chr. Exam. 53: 157. Element of Admonition in. Danv. Q. 3: 205. Moulton on. Lond. Q. 54: 446. Paul's Troas Parchment. Cong. R. 8: 569. Philological Questions on. Bib. R. 4: 282. Some Expressions in. Bib. R. 4: 409. Sampson's Commentary on. Theo. & Lit. J. 9: 340. Steward on. Lond. (J. 39: 406. Stuart on. (I. Chase) No. Am. 28: 134. — (Dr. Marsh) Chr. Q. Spec, i: 112. — (A. Norton) Chr. Exam. 4: 495. 5: 37. 6: 198, 230. — So. R. 3: 308. — Spirit Pilg. i: 629. 2: 15, 80, 538. — Cong. M. 11: 419, 536. 17: 33. to whom addressed? Kitto, 25: 269. Chapter i. 2, etc. Theo. Repos. 3: 316. i. 2, Criticism on. Theo. Repos. 3: 112. ii. 9, Syriac Version of. Theo. Repos. i: y^- ii. 16, Illustration of. Theo. Repos. 5: 161. vi. 4-8. (I. Loewenthal) Princ. 27: 39. vi. 4-6. (G. Peck) Am. Meth. M. 17: 221. Exposition of. Cong. M. 24: 315-602. vii. 2-22. (J. Priestley) Theo, Repos. 2: 285. ix. 16, 17. Theo. Repos. 4: 139. xii. 18-24. (H. M. King) Bapt. Q. 4: 339. xiii. 10. (J. A. Brown) Luth. Q. 5: 564. — James, Epistle of. Chr. Obs. 77: 455. Doctrine of. (E. P. Gould) Bib. Sac. 35: 6S1. Stier's Commentary on. (H. I. Schmidt) Evang. R. i: 430. Chapter ii. 12. (S. Johnson and J. F. Clarke) Radical, i : 49-342. V. 14, 15, Exegesis of. Cong. R. 8: 383. — Peter, Epistles of . Kitto, 26: 257. 27: 255. — I. Peter, Brown on. (N. Porter) New Eng. 9: 243. — No. Brit. 9: 334. — Eel. R. 88: 278. Chapters iii. 18-20, and iv. 6. (II. Ballou, 2d) Univ. Q. 10: 221. — Theo. Repos. 3: 444. V. 8, Illustration of. Theo. Repos. 3: 484. — II. Peter. (J. Jones) Theo. & Lit. J. 8: 585. Chapter i. 17-19. Theo. Repos. 3: 247. iii.. Notes on. (M. Goodrich) Univ. Q. 9: 363. iii. 13. (T. H. Mndge) Meth. Q. 10: 252. — Epistles of John. Eel. R. 116: 348. — I. John: Final Document of Revelation. Lond. Q. 46: 265. Chapter ii. 22, Antichrist in. Chr. Obs. 6: 356, 496. BIBLE 131 BIBLE Bible, I. John, Chapter v. 7, Controversy on. Quar. 26: 324. 33: 65. Genuineness of. Am. Church R. 26: 625. — (N. E. Cornwall) Am. Church K. 29: 509. — Theo. Repos. 5: 195. — II. .lohn, Kuria in. (J. C. M. Laurent) Am. Presb. R. 16: 166. — .hide, and Assumption of Moses. (J. E. Carpenter) Theo. R. 5: 259. and II. Peter compared. (F. Gardiner) Bib. Sac. n: 114. Authorship of. (E. Amaud) Clir. R. 23: 329, 484. Introduction to. (I'hr 11. 26: 592. Structure of. Kitto. 29: 310. Verse 9. (T. R. Beck) Ref. (^ 27: 209. — Revelation. (N. L. I>othin_c:ham) (.'hr. Exam. 8: i4/->. — (D. N. Lord) Theo. & Lit. J. i: 11.— Chr. Exam. 37 : 192. — Chr. R. 2 : 323. — (E. Pond) Cong. R. 8: 345.— (E. Reus.«) Luth. Q. i: 535. Am. Presb. R. i: 529 — Nat. R. 18: 511. a Dramatic Allegory. (A. C. Rose) .Mcth. Q. 32: 54, Alford on. Chr. Obs. 62: 517. analyzed and explained. (G. R. Xoyes) Chr, Exam. 68: 3^25. and Daniel. Kitto, 34: ;6. — (W. Webster) 34: 462.— Theo. & Lit. J. 9: 314, 4S4. n: 53. and Gospel of St. John. (W. Milligan) Contemp. 18: 87, 212. and its Exposition. (II. ^I. Ilarman) Meth. Q. 25: 230. Anti-Papal and Anti-Pagan Interpretation of. Chr. Rem. 26: ;^S2. Apocalyptic Literature. (G. II. Schodde) Luth. Q. 9: 346. — Kitto, 19: 249. Recent. Kitto, 6: 107. Apocalyptic Reveries, Thorn's. Eel. R. 90: 56S. Authenticity and Inspiration of. Chr. Obs. i : 723. Author of. (R. D. C. Robbins) Bib. Sac. 21: 319, 551. — Chr. Obs. 48: 217, 289, 361. Barnes's Notes on. Theo. & Lit. J. 5: 150. Character of. Chr. Q. Spec. 9: 570. Commentaries on. Kitto, 26: 15. (,'omposition of. (J. Albec) Chr Exam. 65: 60. — — Cumming's Lectures on. Theo. & Lit. J. 7: 527. — Ixmd. Q. 13: 407. Cuninghame on Prophecies of Chr. (Jbs. 13: 163, 752- Date of. (J. M. Macdonald) Bib. Sac. 26: 457. — Bib. R. i: i6g. 2: 206, 347, 446. Kitto, 30: 452. Neronic. Kitto, 15: 184, 421. Design and Plan of . Bib. R. 3: 173-3S4. 4:95 219. Ebrard on. (W. H. Green) Princ. 26: 276. Eichhorn's Illustrations of. Chr. Disc. 4: 65. Elliott on. (A. Alexander) Princ. 19: 141. 28: 113. Cong. M. 27* 872. Emblems of. Kitto, 28: 120. Analysis of. Kitto, i8: 344. 19:386. 21:120. 22: 359. 23: 137, 348. 24: 71, 345. 25: 143, Generic Application of. Bost. R. 1 : 398. explained. (F. G. Hibbard) Meth. Q. 26: 235. Exposition of. Bro-mison, 15: 514. Future of God's Kingdom revealed in. Theo. & Lit. J. 13: 599. Gascoync's Theory of Theo. & Lit. J. 13: 352. Greek Text of. (t. J. Conant) Bapt. Q. 4: V29. Erasmian Codex. (Prof. Ilerzog) Kitto, 29: 64. Harmony of. Theo. & Lit. J. 2: 159. Ilengstenberg on. (J. A. Alexander) Princ. 24: 59. — Theo. & Lit. J. 5: 170. Hooper's Theory of. Ed. R. 1 15: 40. Inspiration of. Bib. R. 6: 145. Bible, Revelation, Interpretation of. Chr. Obs. 45: 11. — Westm. 100: 33S. and Criticism of. Westm. 76: 448. Introduction to Study of. Chr. Obs. 30: 129. Lectures on. Mo. R. 122: 245. Lord's Exposition of. (E. R.Tyler) New Eng. 5: 585. Martyrdom in. (B. F. Hosfonl) Bib. Sac. 23: 309. Poetry of. Bib. R. i: 413. 2: Si, 259. Position and Meaning of. Kitto, 28: 3S7. Prophecies of. Chr. Obs. 6: 430-706. 7: 481, 688, 757- Nature of. Theo. & Lit. J. 9: 4S5. Scope of. (T. W. Chambers) Ref. Q. 28: 507. Six Seals of Chapter vi. Chr. Obs. 43: 436, 449, 577- 44: 542, ^44- Scene and Era of. Chr. Obs. 30: 210, 278, 330. Smyth on. (N. L. Frothingham) Chr. Exam. 2; 75. Structure of. Chr. Obs. 46: 65. Stuart on. (E. R. Tyler) New Eng. 4: 139. — (G. W. Burnap) Chr. Exam. 40: 161. — (S. M. Vail) Meth. Q. 7: 5. — (E. Beecher) Am. Bib. Repos. 3d s. 3: 272. — (D. N. Lord) Theo. & Lit. J. i: 54.— (G. DulDeld) Am. Bib. Repos. 3d s. 3: 385. — Eel. R. 83: 156. Symbols of. Theo. & Lit. J. 5: 312. Tilloch on. Eel. R. 41 : 343. Vaughan's Lectures on. Chr. Obs. 63: 916. Whittemore on. (II. Ballon, 2d) Univ. Q. 5: 304. — (C. T. Brooks) Chr. Exam. 44: 3S6. Woodhouse's Translation of. Chr. Obs. 5: 553. Wordsworth's Lectures on. Theo. & Lit. J. 5 : 423. Chapters ii., iii., Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia, Trench on. Chr. Obs. 62: 132. Seven Angels of Seven Churches. (I. Jen- nings) Bib. Sac. 12: 339. vi., Exposition of. (S. D. Church) Chr. Q. 8: 397. xi. 13, Faber's Interpretation of. Chr. Obs. 9: i33> ^¥>- xvi., Vials. Chr. Obs. 7: 688, 757. 8: 541. xxi., Vision of the celestial Jerusalem. Bib. R. 2: 30. Bible, or Christmas Eve; a Tale. Cath. World, 2: 397. Bible?, Anecdotes of. Chamb. J. 58: 449. — Loftie's Century of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 636. — Old. Am. Bibliop. 4: 460. — Photographs for our. Liv. Age, 57: 143. Bihle Class, The Minister's. Theo. Eel. i: 271. Bible Classes. Lond. Q. 19: 204. — Formation and Arrangement of. Cong. M. 12: 20. — Manual for. (S. Millci) Princ. II : 31. Bible Pictures, Modern. Eel. R. 112: 180, 261. Bible Society in 1675. Cong. M. 8: 407. — American. Chr Disc. 5' 146. — Chr. R. i: 299. E. D. Griflin's Speech on. Chr. Mo. Spec. 2: 598. Speeches on. Chr. Mo. Spec. 2: 429, 483. Dr. Spring on. Chr. R. 11: 5S5. — Baptist. Meth. Q. i: 535. — British and Foreign. Quar. 4: 68. — (R. Southey) Quar. 36: I. — Pamph. 6: 269. — Chr. Obs. 16: 833. 18: 402. — Loud. Q. i: 353. — Meth. M. 36: 6(33. 54: 477- Attack of Trinitarian on. Chr. Obs. 39: 474, 51S. Cambridge Auxiliary, 1811. Chr. Obs. 10: 805. 11: 173. Controversy on, 1S18. Eel. R. 27: 201. Henderson's Appeal to. Cong. JI. 9: 473. History of. Clir. Obs. 60: 162. — Meth. 'SI. 40: 2:;7. in 1S10-14. Ed. R. 13: 59,255. 16: 1210. 18: 5S0. 19: 64. Letter to, (H. Lindsay) No. Am. 4: 1S7. Milner on Marsh's Objections to. Chr. Obs. 12: 376, 451, 782. 13: 93. BIBLE 132 BIDDLE Uiblc Society, British and Foreign, Norris's Tendency and Proceedings of. (Jhr. Obs. 13: 37. Owen's History of. Chr. Obs. 15: 717. 20:25. — Ed. K. 25: 413. Question of, 1832. Chr. Obs. 32: 141, 206. Recollections of. (U. Ilalley) Cong. 4: 428. Review of Pamphlets on, iSio. Chr. Obs. 9: 441, 764. 11: 173, 289. — First (^ntinental. Cong. M. 15: 329. — of Paris. Chr. Disc. 4: 351. — Roman Catholic, in London. Meth. M. 36: 898. Bible Societies. Blackw. 18: 621. — Am. Q. Reg. 2: 29. — and Missionaries. Mo. R. 124: i. — Bishop Hobart's Strictures on. Chr. Mo. Spec. 6: 36, 62, 140. — Felice's Essay on. Mo. K. 103: 499. — Influence of, Chalmers on. Eel. R. 20: 168. Bible Truth and its Opponents. Eel. R. 103: 348. Bible Union, American. Dem. R. 40: 41. Biblical Anthology. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 594. Biblical .Archaeology, .lahn's. Am. Mo. R. 1 : 482. Biblical Blank. (R. M. Patterson) Presb. R. 2: 738. Biblical Cabinet, Edinburgh. Am. Bib. Repos. 9: 319. — Chr. R. 6: 576. — Eel. R. 72: 472. 74: 278. 75: 407. Biblical Chronology. See Chronology, Biblical. Biblical Criticism. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 11: 62. — (.I. H. Morison) Unita. R. 10: 651. — (W. M. Reynolds) Evang. R. 5: 365. — Ed. R. 72: 69.— No. Brit. 9: 182. — (A. Norton) Chr. Exam, i: 201. — Chr. R. 6: 66. — Chr. Mo. Spec. 3: 169. — Eel. R. 91: 25. — (W. M. Willett) Meth. Q. 3: 34.— Bib. R. 3: 53. — Ed. R. 72: 132. — Colenso and Davidson on. Quar. 1 13: 422. — Davidson on. (G. R. Noyes) Chr. Exam. 54: 419. — (.1. Strong) Meth. Q. 13: 549. — Eel. R. 72: 270. 97: 320. — Mo. R. 152: 552. — Kitto, 11: 146. — No. Brit. 19: 423. — First Lessons in. Kitto, 5: 415. 7: 174. — German. New York R. 2: 133. — Is it favorable to Piety? (H. Burgess) Kitto, 4: 11 1. — Kenrick's Biblical Essays. Theo. R. i: 51. — Methods of. Kitto, 32: i. — Modern. (E. A. Washburn) Princ. n. s. 4: 27. — Nicolas's Etudes de. Theo. R. 2: 21. — Principles of Textual. (G. R. Noyes) Chr. Exam. 48: 26. — Refonners and Destructives in. Brit. Q. 38: 1S6. — Right, Duty, and Limits of. (C. A. Briggs) Presb. R. 2: .S50. Biblical Genealogy, Barrett on. Eel. R. 5:207. 6:586, 678. Biblical Geography. (E. Robinson) Bib. Sac. 5: 79, 770. — Notes on. (E. Robinson) Bib. Sac. 1843: 563. — Works on. Chr. Obs. 72: 850. Biblical ITormercutics. Dub. R. 50: 312. * Biblical ITistory. (J. A. .Alexander) Princ. 26: 4S4. — Ilhi<:trations of. (,T. Floy) Meth. Q. 3: 325. — Moliammedan Version of. Ev. Sat. 5: 624. — Neill's Lectures on. (C. Hodge) Princ. 18: 456. Biblical Knowledge. (E. P. Barrows) Am. Bib. Repos. 11: 60. —Meth. Q. 2: 97. Biblical Legends, Veil's. Chr. Obs. 46: 747. — of tlie Mussulmans. Chr. Rem. 11: 435. Biblical Literature. Brit. Q. 2: 175. — (S. F. Smith) Chr. R. 9: 266. —Meth. Q. 2: 485. — West. M. 2: 204. — Essays on. (D. Young) Princ. 2: 321. — in France in Middle Ages. (G. Masson) Kitto, 36: 81. — in Scotland. No. Brit. 3: 39. — Practical Hints for Students of. Meth. Q. 16: 288, Biblical Literature, Townley's History of. Eel. R. 36: 385. — Meth. M. 45: 517. Biblical Monographs. Meth. Q. 29: 422. Biblical Repertory. (F. Jenks) ('hr. Exam. 2: 65. Biblical Science, Comparative Value of English and Ger- man. (C. A. Aiken) Bib. Sac. 11: 67. — Present State of. (B. B. Edwards) Bib. Sac. 7:1. — Sawyer's Reconstruction of. Bost. R. 2: 635. Biblical Sketches. (D. M. Moir) I'lackw. 7: 274. 9:149. Biblical Theology. (A. Norton) Chr. Exam. 4: 334. Biblical Truth tested and justified. Kitto, 5: 215. Bibliographical (^hronolog}'. Am. Bibliop. 7: 117. Bibliographical Dictionary, 1804. Eel. R. 5: 396. Bibliographical Table Talk. (W. Bradford) Hist. M. 3 : 8. Bibliographic Biographico-Romanciere, Petite, 1S39. Mo. R. 150: 537. Bibliography. (S. A. Allibone) Evang. R. 19: 33. — (T. F. Dibciin) No. Am. 2: 46. — (C. P. Krauth) Evang. R. 3: 291. — American. (J. D. Butler) Bib. Sac. 36: 72. — as a Science. (R. A. Guild) Lib. J. i : 67. — Book-Makers as Book-Lovers. (E. Howland) Lijipinc. 5: (>73- — Classical, Moss's Manual of. Eel. R. 44: 5. — Class-Room. (A. S. Packard) Lib. J. 2: 66. — Darling's Cyclop. Bibliographica. Loud. Q. 10: 120. — of American History. (W. Bradford) Hist. M. 3: 74. — of English Books. "(E. Arber) Lib. J. i: 224. — of Mathematics. Dub. R. 21: i. — of the U. S. Civil War. Hist. M. 6: 113-342. — Photo-Bibliography. (H. Stevens) Lib. J. 2: 162. — Universal, Danjou's Scheme. ( W. E. A. Axon) Lib. J. 5: 205. — What is? Am. Bibliop. 5: 84 Bibliomania. Appleton, 3: 350. — Am. Bibliop. 3: 56, 169. — Chamb. J. 36: 251. 58: 85. — Cong M.4: 8, 69. — Hist. M. 9: 40. — No. Brit. 40: 70. — Sharpe, 35: 24. — (J. Skelton) Fraser, 100: 71. — (A. Lang) Internat. R. 7: 267. — Poetry of. ( W. E. A. Axon) Reliquary, 9 : 151. Same art. Lib. J. 5: 199. — Revival of. Am. Bibliop. 6: 8. Bibliomaniac; a Tale. Eng. Dom. M. 14: 298. Bibliophilist, The. (T. Raikes) Bentley, 3: 564. Bibliotheca Sacra. (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 98: 87. Biblioth6que Nationale, Paris, Exhibition of, 1878. (A. Laugel) Nation, 28: 80. Bice; a Tale. Temp. Bar, 56: no. Bicetre and La Salpetriere. All the Year, 43: 373. Bichat, Life of. (H. Ware) No. Am. 15: 132. Bichel, Andrew, the Buccaneer of Girls. Knick. 2: 26S. Bickersteth, Edward, with portrait. (G. Giltillan) Hogg, 3: Si. — Birk's Memoir of. Chr. Obs. 51 : 842. — Last Days of. (C. E. Eardlej') Liv. Age, 26: 570. Bickersteth, Edward H. Yesterday, To-Day, and For- ever. Chr. Obs. 67: 376. — Nat. Q. 21: 124. Bickersteth, Robert, Bishop of Ripon. Cong. 3: 605. — Sermons of. Chr. Obs. 66: 321. Bicknacre Priory. (J.H. Major) Arch. II : 255. Bicycle, The, and riding it. (.1. Wilcox) Lippinc. 24: 623. — Chamb. J. 46: 280. Bicycles. (T. Cradocke) Tinsley, 26: 589. — Era of. (E. Howland) Harper, 63: 281. — Natural History of. Bolgra. 10: 441. Bicycling ; a Wheel around Boston. (C. E. Pratt) Scrib. 19: 481. Biddeford, Me., Second Church of. (J. D. Emerson) Cong. Q. 11: 241. Biddle, Edward. (C. Biddle) Penn.syl. M. 1 : 100. Biddle, James, Capt. U. S. N., with portrait. Portfo. (Den.) 14: 429, — Anal.M. 6: 383. BIDDLE 133 BIOGRAPHICAL Biddle, Nicholas. So. Lit. Mess. 4: 349. — with portrait, Portfo. (Den.) 2: 279. — Memoir of. Am. Mo. M. II : 425. Biddle, Maj. Tliomas, Life of. 111. M. i: 549. Biddy Tibs, who cared for Nobody. (H. Holl) Bentley, 2: 2S8. Biddy Whelan's Business. Black w. 49: 311,439. Bidlake, John. Sermons. Chr. Obs. 8: 390. 10: 512. — The Year; a Poem. Eel. U. 18: 456. Bidpai, Fables of. (T. Lewi.s) Putnam, 12: 74. — Broadw. 8: 425. — Dub. Univ. 78: 601. Transmission of, to Persia. Penny M. 4: 390. — Story of (.1. Hatton) Gent. M. n. s. 3: 697. — Wit and Wisdom of. (J. Ilattou) Gent. M. n. s. 2: 563, 693. 3: 75-313- Bidwcll, Wm. H., with portrait. Eel. M. 63: 121. Bierstadr, Albert. (H. T. Tuckerman) Galaxy, 1 : 678. Big Bear of Arkansas. Bentley, 27: 35. Big Black River, Confederate Expedition to. All the Year, 24: 245. Big Buck, The. (C. W. Webber) Putnam, 3: 43S. Big Jack Small. (J. W. Gaily) Overland, 14: 446. Bigelow, A. Travels in Malta, etc. (J. Walker) Ciir. Exam. 11: 259.— (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 35: 22S. Bigelow, Erastus B. (N. Cleavcland) Hunt, 30: 162.^ (L. Stephen) Macmil. 7: 126. — Carpeting, Quilt, and Coach-Lace Machines. Hunt, 14: 155. Bigelow, Dr. Jacob. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 117: 263. — Inaugural Address. No. Am. 4: 271. Bigg, J. Stanyan. Night and Soul. Hogg, 11: 489. Bigg, John, Hermit of Dinton. (J. Wilkins) Once a Week, 14: III. Bigg, John, Will of, 1641. N. E. Reg. 29: 260. Biggs, William, Captivity of. West. M. 5: 213. Biglow Papers. See Lowell, J. R. Bigotr>% (J. C. Miller) Ex. H. Lee. 15: 41. — in scientific Controversy. Pop. Sci. Mo. 9: 324. Bigsby, Robert, Poems and Essays of. Mo. R. 159: 545. 160: 551. Bilderdijk, William. Internat. M. 4: 65.— (W. P. Westervelt) Princ. 34: 104, 286. Bill of Rights, The. Penny M. 9: 388. Bill-Posting. Ev. Sat. 11: 191. Bills and Notes, Law of, Byles on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 22: 713. Bills of Credit, Nature and Effects of. So. Q. 23: 455. Bills of Exchange. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 3: 144, 265, 337. — and Bill of Lading. (G. Eustis) De Bow, i: 534. — Damages on protested. Hunt, 5: 265. — Niles'sRog. 30: 127. — Grace on Sight. (R. H. Marr) De Bow, 7: 356. — History of. (J. B. Byles) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 461. — in (ircat Britain, 1828-47. (W. Newmarch) J. Statis. Soc. 14: 143. — in Louisiana. (S. F. Glenn) De Bow, i: 153. — Law of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 25: 593. 27: i. German. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 35: 791. in the States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 18: 521, 632, 696. Unification of. Bank. M. (X. Y.) 30: 462. — Story on. Hunt, 9: 69. Bills of Lading as collateral Security. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 27: 373. 509, 609. — Conditions in. (W. Parkin) Am. Law R. 14: 431. — Law of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 559, 565. — Uses of. (P. C. Wright) De Bow, 2: 65. Bills of Sale. Chamb. J. 58: 673. Billerica, Mass., History of. (F. Kidder) N. E. Reg. 6: 85. Billet, Pierre. (R. Menard) Portfo. 6: 19. Billet at Carrigahinch; a Tale. (J. F. Fuller) Dark Blue, 3: 397. Same art. Liv. Age, 114: 98. — at Cloonbawn. (J. F. Fuller) Dark Blue, 2: 387. Billiards, Game of. Chamb. J. 29: 374. — Temp. Bar, 30: 377- — and Billiard Players. Lond. Soc. 13: 375. Same art. Ev. Sat. 5: 503. Billiard Player's Experience. Chamb. J. 31: 312. I'jilliard Table Manufacture. Pract. M. 4: 312. Billings, William, Biographical Notice of. Penny M. 4: 114. Billingsgate. All the Year, 35: 206. — Chamb. J. 16: 189. — Lond. Soc. 10: 520. Billingsgate Market. Penny 5L 13: 439. Billingshy, William. (L. .Jewitt) Art J. 20: 186. Billington, Mrs. Elizabeth, Actress. Colburn, 54: 345. Billion, What is a ? Pract. M. 7: 335. Billopp House, Staten Island. (B. J. Lossing) Potter Am. Mo 6: 241. Bill-Sticker, The. Chamb. J. 20: 121. Bill-Sticking. House. Words, 2:601.— Ev. Sat. 11: 191. Billy Buttons. (N. Macleod) Ev. Sat. 5:11. Billy Malowney's Taste of Love and Glory. Dub. Univ. 35: 692. Billy's Wife. (II. W. Baker) Overland, 13: 402. Bi-Metalism. (\V. S. Jevons) Conteiiip. 39: 750. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 8. — (W. D. KcUey) Penn Mo. 10: 912. — (H. H. Gibbs) Bank. M. (N". Y.) 34: 452.-- (W. G. Sumner) Princ. n. s. 4: 546. — and Finances of India. (J. B. Robertson) Westm. 115: 200. — and Free Trade. (E. de Lavcleye) Fortn. 36: loS. — Case against. (R. Giffen) Fortn. 32: 278. — in Europe. (G. Walker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 32:850. — (H. White) Nation, 29: 75. — in Germany. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 35: 196. — Practical. (G. M. Weston) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 35: 617. — Walker on. (W. G. Sumner and F. A. Walker) Na- tion, 26: 94, 113. Bi-Metalists. (B. F. Nourse) Nation, 29: 41. — and the Commercial Crisis, 1879. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 28: 346. Bimini; a Poem. (H. Heine) Lakeside, 9: 198. Binck, Jacob. (G. W. Reid) F. Arts Q. 2: 372. Binding. See Book-Binding. Bingham, Caleb. (W. B. Fowlc) Am. J. Educ. 5: 325. Binghamton, N. Y., Inebriate Asylimiat. (H. T. Tuck- ernian) No. Am. 94: 387. — (J. W. Palmer) Allan. 24: 109. — (J. Parton) Atlan. 22: 3S5. Binnc}', Horace. Am. Law R. 10: 176. Binney, Thomas. (J. B. Brown) Contemp. 23: 8S4. — Ed. R. 113: 113. — Hogg, 6: 353. — Ecclesiastical Portrait of. St. James, 25: 154. — Memoir of. Cong. 3: 193. — Sermons. (C. Beard) Theo. R. 6: 401. Binocular Vision. J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 325. — Phenomena of. (J. L. LeConte) Am. J. Sci. 120: 83. Biogenesis and Gravitation, Thomson on Laws of. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 4: 36S. Biograjiher, Diityof a. Dem. R. 28: 254. Biographers, Hints to. Eraser, 21: 291. Biographia Dramatica. Blackw. 89: 218. Biographical Book-Making. Tait, n. s. 18: 164. Biographical Dictionary, Appleton's. (J. P. Dabney) No. Am. 83: 317. — of Society of I'seful Knowledge. Ed. R. 76: 237. — Mo. R." 158: 4S1. — Thomas's. No. Am. 114: 40S. Biographical Literature. (S. Bailey) Chr. R. 21: 552.— Lond. Q. 48: 342. Biographical Mania, The. Tait, n. s. 21: 16. Biographical Peculiarities. Lakeside, 2: 13S. Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes. (J. W. Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 44: 397, 674. — H. Martiueau's. Victoria, 12: 472. BIOGRAPHICAL 134 BIRD Biof;^aphical Sketches, Senior's. Liv. Age, 76: 511. Biof^raphical Studies. Dub. Univ. 65: 352. Biographie Modcnie, 17S9-1811. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 16: 713. — Mo. II. 151: 201. Biograpliios, Batch of. Fraser, 41 : 443. Same art. Eel. M. 20: 224. — Modern: Whittaker, Treacher, Arnott. Colbuni, 35: 556. — Some recent. (J. F. Hifclinian) Belgra. 23: iSi. — Universal. Lond. M. 23: 207. Biograi)hy. (T. Carlvle) Fraser, 5: 253. — (E. A.Duyck- iiK-k) No. Am. 84: 406. — (W. C. Mills) Am. Church Iv. 18: 622. — Ox. Prize Ess. 3: 193. — Am. Mo. M. i: 251. — Fraser, 5: 255. — Blackw. 69: 40. Same art. Eel. M. 22: 293. — Penn Mo. 6: 274. — and Biographical Dictionaries. Westm. 76: 335. — Art of. So. Lit. Mess. 23: 282. — at a Discount. (C. A. (Jollins) Macmil. 10: 158. — Coleridge's Northern Worthies. Colbuni, 95: 177. — College Bank of distinguished Men. (C. F. Thwing) Scrib. 15: 467. — Curiosities of . (F. W. Fairholt) Bentley, 29: 15,180. — Christian, Difficulties of. Chr. Obs. 32: 693. — Ecclesiastical, Word.sworth's. Chr. Obs. 10: 41, 117. — (J. Foster) Kcl. K. 11: 428. — gone mad. Blackw. 79: 285. Same art. Liv. Age, 49: 65. — Greybeard's Gossip. Colburn, 80 : 38-461. 81 : 83-415. 82: 14-329. — in History. Brit. Q. 18: 484. — Limits of. New Eug. 25: 218. • — Lodge's Illustrated. Quar. 38: 378. — Men and Women of the iSth Century, Houssaye's. Dem. R. 30: 444. — Military, Chesney's. (D. F. Maury) So. M. 15: 533- — Modern. Blackw. 65: 219. — New Kind of. (R. Goodbrand) Contemp. 14: 20. — New School of. (M. A. Dodge) Allan. I4: 579. — of Aunt Jemima. (F. H. Rankin) Bentley, i: 382. — of a bad Shilling. Intemat. M. 3: 92. — of great Men. New York R. 10: 348. — Political. Quar. 143: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 771- and literary. Blackw. 68: 199. — Religious. Dub. Univ. 52: 259. Same art. Liv. Age, 59: 193- — Representative Men. Once a Week, 2: 26-364. — (I. Scott) Once a Week, 4: 343. — (H. Martineau) Once a Week, 4: 455, 575, 6'52. 5: 35-693. and Women. Once a Week, 3: 205-651. — Scottish Ecclesiastical. Lond. Q. 49: 75. — Sincerity in. Temp. Bar, 62: 329. Same art. Apple- ton, 26: 276. — Studies in. Fraser, 100: 255. — Study and Composition of, Stanfield on. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 19: 113. — Universal. Mo. R. 118: 548. — Mus. 15: 17. — Walton's Lives. Cong. M. 9: 41. Biological Nomenclature. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 12: 517. Biological Research in the United States. (E. D. Cope) Penn Mo. 6: 202. Biological Sciences and Medicine. (T. H. Huxley) Na- ture, 24: 342. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 19: 795. Biology. (T. H. Huxley) Ev. Sat. 17: 344. — Address at Glasgow, (A. R. Wallace) Am. J. Sci. 112: 354. — Address to the Linnean Society. (G. Bentham) Na- ture, 4: 92-192. — and Woman's Rights. (W. Bagehot) Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 201. Biology, Animal Development. (A. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 24: 34. — Animals and Plants. (St.G. Mivarl) Contemp. 36: i j. — as an academical Study. (T. J. Parker) Nature, 24: 543, 573- — Borderland between Animals and Yogetables. (T. H. Huxley) Macmil. 33: ^y^- Same art. Eel. M. £6: 418. Same art. Liv. Age, 128: 643. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: 641. — Joseph Cook's Lectures on. (G. ^l. Beard) Bib. Cac. 35: 3S1. — (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 9: 65. — (G. S. Hall) Nation, 25: 397. — So. R. n. s. 23: 219. — for Beginners. (S. II. Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 6: 34°- 574- — Forms and Colors of living Creatures. (St.G. Mivart) Contemp. 36: 313. — Geometry and. (T. Hill) Unita. R. 9: 129. — Huxley and Martin on. Nature, 12: 530. — in Schools. (A. Wilson) Fraser, 94: 756. — Lecture at Edinburgh University. (W. Thomson) Nature, 4: 74, 90. — Lowest Animals. (C. S. Minot) Internal. R. 8: 646. — Modern, Some Tendencies of. (A. Wilson) Mod. R. i: 574. — Modern Inquirj'- in. (J. L. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: 2S5. — Modern Philosophical. (E. C ,zclle) Pop. Sci. Mo. 8: 595, "lo- — Nicholson's Introduction to. Nature, 6: 258. — Oa'ganic Unity in Animals and Vegetables. (C. Mar- tins) Meth. Q. 23: 29. — Principle of Life. (T. Hughes) Am. Cath. Q. 6: 542. — Relation of Animal to Vegetable World. (M. Jacobs) Evang. R. II : 256. — Scientilic Relation of Sociology to. (J. L. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. 14: 425. — Some Animal Biographies. (A. Wilson) Gent. M. u. s. 26: 87, 176. — Spencer on. (F. E. Abbot) No. Am. 107: 377. — (C. Wright) Nation, 2: 724. — Westm. 84: 77. — Study of. (G. J. Allman) Am. Natural. 8: 34. — (T. H. Huxley) Nature, 15: 219.— (T. H. Huxley) Am. Natural. 11: 210. — (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 10: 527. and Teaching of. (H. N. Martin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 10: 298. — Superfluous Developments. (T. S. Cobbold) Nature, 6: 1S3. — Teleological Mechanics, Pfluger's. Mind, 3: 264. See Animals; Life; Natural History. Bion and Moschus. (J. Davies) Contemp. 17: 349. — Idyls, translated. Blackw. 35 : 871. 41 : 435. — Dub. Univ. i: 163, 192. translated by H. King. Blackw. no; 577. — Pastoral Poetry of. Fraser, 12: 541. — Threnody on Adonis. (A. C. Brackett) J. Spec. Philos. 5: 360. translated. Blackw. 38: 65. Bioplasm, Influence of Light upon. (A. Downes) Nature, 18: 398. Bioscope, or Dial of Life. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 20: 273- Biot, Jean Baptiste. Scientilic Gossip. Blackw. 84: 675. Same art. Liv. Age, 60: 259. —Eel. M. 47: 84. Biran, Maine de. See Maine de Biran, Birboniana, or Italian Antiquaries and Antichita. Blackw. 59: 543, 765. Birch, Charles Bell, with portrait. Colburn, 166: 14. Birch, Samuel, with portrait. Dub. Univ. 90: 53. Birch Tree, The. Penny M. ii: 409. — Uses of. Penny M. 12: 91, 109. Birchington, a Health Resort in Kent. Tinsley, 28: 258. Bird, Rev. C. S. Chr. Rem. 50: 87. BIRD 135 BIRDS Bird, Edward, the Painter. Chamb. J. 14: 213. Bird, Heury, Adventures of. Anal. M. 6: 295. Bird, liubert M. Broker of Bogota. Am. Mo. M. 3: 61. — Calavar. Am. Mo. M. 4: 172. — (0. W. B. Peabody) No. Am. 40: 232. — Am. (I. 16: 375. — West. M. 3: 41- — Hawks of Hawk Hollow. So. Lit. Mess. 2: 43. — Am. Q. 18: 441. — Nick of the Woods. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 254. — Robin Day. So. Lit. Mess. 5: 420. Bird, Thomas, and his Descendants. (W. B. Trask) N. E. Keg. 25: 21. Bird, A pet. (E. liidgeway) Am. Natural. 3: 309. Bird Fancies. All the Year, 14: 153. Bird Lime in Japan. Pract. M. 7: 273. Bird-Mounting. (O. S. Round) Recr. Sci. 2: 162. Bird-Nesting Extraordinary. Chamb. J. 44: 625. Bird of Passage; a Tale. (J. S. Le Eanu) Temp. Bar, 29: 59-350- Same art. Eel. M. 75: 179, 317, 437. Bird Ramble on the Lincolnshire Coast. Chamb. J. 51: 108. Bird Shops. (E. E. Sterns) Scrib. 5: 161. Bird Story. (W. M. F. Round) Lippinc. 22: 82. Bird Tracks of Nova Scotia. (C. F. Hartt) Am. Natural. i: 169, 234. Bird World, Moral Sketches from. Chamb. J. 31: 357, 376. Birds. (Mrs. Child) Hogg, 2: 157. — (E. Ingersoll) Scrib. 12: 689. — (J. Wilson) Blackw. 19: 105. — — (C. Winterfield) Am. Whig R. 1 : 371 . 2 : 279. — Chamb. J. 29: 175, 407. — Godey, 26: 5. — Land We Love, 6: 325, 403. — No. Brit. 30: 309. — Once a Week, 11: 347. 18: 543. — -(Esthetic Feeling in. (Grant Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 17: 650. — Affection in. Chamb. J. 54: 268, 36S. — and Audubon. (H. T. Tuckerman)Meth. Q. 12: 415. — and Bird-Keeping. Chamb. J. 37: 401. 55: 113. — and Bird Voices. (N. Hawthonie) Dem. E. 12: 604. — and Birds. (J. Burroughs) Scrib. 15: 354. — and Fruit. Chamb. J. 56: 715. — and Insects, Color in. (Lady Vemev) Good Words, 18: 835. Curiosities of. Eel. M. 44: 531. — and Insect Food. Penny M. 2: 279. — and Poets, illustrating each other. (C. Winterfield) Am. Whig R. 3: 129. See Birds of the Poets. — and Reptiles, Animals intermediate between. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. R. 7: 237.— (H. O. Forbes) Belgra. 36: 317. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 13: 719. — Architecture of. (E. Jesse) Once a Week, 10: 47. — (T. M. Brewer) Scrib. 16: 47, 305. 17: 161 — Cath. World, 5: 349. — Cliamb. J. 2: 331. 42: 455. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 475. — Westm. 15: 195. — Mo. R. 125: 56r). — at Home. (M. Titconib) Harper, 32: 545. — at Nest-Time. Chamb. J. 26: 1-5. — Australian Love Birds. (A. K. Jamrach) Eel. M. 96: 704. — Battles of . (M. Thompson) Appleton, 19: 159. — Beach. (N. C. Brown) Lippinc. 23: 620. — Bee-Eaters, Wrynecks, Creepers, and Nuthatches. (W. J. Broderip) Fraser, 57: 342. — Bird Lore. All the Year, 40: 365. — Bones of. Discover^- of, at Christ Church, Hampshire. (G. Branderand S. Pegge) Arch. 4: 117, 414. of the Head of, Magnus's. Nature, 4: 364. — Breeding of. (E. Coues) Am. Natural. 9: 75. — Cage. (A. C. Austin) Godey, 39: 71, 201, 442. 40: 213, 262, 412. 41: 229, 274, 361. Winter Management of. (W. Kidd) Beer. Sci. i: 93- Birds, Charm of. (C. Kingslej) Fraser, 75: S02. Same art. Liv. Age, 94: no. Same art. Ev. Sat. 4: 7. — Classitication of, Garrod's New. Nature, 9: 290. — Color and Geographical Distribution in. (R. Ridg- way) Am. J. Sci. 104: 454. 105: 39. — Courtship of. (T.W. Wood; Stud. 6c Intel. Obs. 5: 113. — Covering of. (W. Macgillivray) Ed. New Philos. J. 3: 253. 4: 123. — Curious Things about. (F. H. Stauffer) Sharpe, 46; 15S. — Decrease of, in I niled States. (J. A. Allen) Penn Mo. 7: 931. — Destruction of, by Wire. (E. Coues) Am. Natural. 10: 734. — Diseases and Injuries in. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Natural. 15: 283. — Domestic Life of. (W. Bruce) Good Words, 2: 335. — Eastern Snow-Bird. (S. Lockwood) Am. Natural. 15 : 518. — Edible. Sharpe, 35: 11, 1 78. • — Eyes of. (E. Coues) Am. Natural. 2: 505, 570. — Families of. (W. Ilincks) Canad. J. n. s. 9: 230. — Fatio on Plumage of. Intel. Obs. 10: 377. II : 172. — Feathers of. (H. S. Conani) Harper, 57: 385. Anatomy of. ( W. K. Brooks) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4: 686. — Feathered Life. (J. Burroughs) Galaxy, 8: 168. — Feathered Minnesingers. Chamb. J. 30: 81. — Flight of. (E. J. Marey) Am. Natural. 5 : 29. — (J. T. Wood) Potter Am. Mo. 15: 265. — All the Year, 13: 366, 450. — Temp. Bar, 3: 564. and Principles involved. (A. C. Campbell) J. Frankl. Inst, iii: 440. — Fossil. (S. J. Mackie) Pop. Sci. R. 2: 354. Passerine, from Colorado. (J. A. Allen) Am. J. Sci. 115: 3S1. — Friendship of. (G. L. Austin) Appleton, 18: 156, 325. — Game, and Wild Fowl, Kiiox's. Eel. R. 93: 55. — Fraser, 45: 47. Gallinaceous. Pennj' M. 10: 401, 414. Some American. (M. Thompson) Appleton, 16: 481. — Garden and Orchard. (W. Flagg) Atlaii. 2: 592. — Geographical Distribution and Migration of. Hogg, 3: 231. — Geographical Variation in. (J. A. Allen) Am. Natural. 8: 534- — Golden Oriole and Water Ouzel. Once a Week, 13: 546. — Gould's. Westm. 35: 137. — Great Crested Flycatcher. (JI. Treat) Am. Natural. 15: 601. — Habits of. (T. M. Brewer) Am. Natural, i: 113. — How I found the Dotterel's Nest. (D. Bruce) Eel. M. 97: 643. — Hunting with the Long-Bow. (M. Thompson) Har- per, 55: 238. — Ill-omened. (A. Young) Atlan. 34: 325. — in tiie British Museum. Nature, lo: 378. — in Captivity. Sharpe, 16: 33-330. 17: 120,249. — in the Hemlocks. (J. Burroughs) Atlan. 17: 672. — in the Snow ; a Story. (L. de la Ramc?) Belgra. 40: 460. — in Winter. Chamb. J. 23: 69. Same art. Ev. Sat. i: 76. — Instincts of. (J. Blackwall) Ed. New Philos. J. 14: 241. — (J. Blackwall). L Frankl. In.st. 16: 3;4. 17: 68, 139. — (J. Webb) Intel. Obs. 7: 221. in young. (D. A. Spaulding) Nature, 6: 4S5. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 561. — Intellectual Powers of. (A. L. Adams) Pop. Sci. R. 12: 276.— Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 614. — (T. M. Brewer) Atlan. 28: 41. — (C. C. Abbott) Am. Natural. II : 276. BIRDS 136 BIRDS Birds, Intelligence of. (M. Treat) Lippinc. 24: 359. — Key to Ht' d) Ev. Sat. 12: 148. — Newdigates of Arburj'. (J. Goodwin) Gent. M. n. s. 2: 2S9. — Philanthropic Work in. (H. A. Page) Good Words, 17: 352- — Town Hall of. Penny M. 3: 239. See Black Country. Birmingham and Liverpool Railway, Report on, 1835. (.1. Locke) J. Frankl. Inst. 20: 409. Birmingham Caucus. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 28: 161. Birmingham College of Science. Nature, II : 331. Birmingham Factories, Day at. Penny M. 13: 465, 501. Birmingiiam Liberal Association. (W. Crosskey) Macmil. 35: 299- — and its Assailants. (H.W. Crosskey) Macmil. 39: 151. Birmingham Library, Burning of. Lib. J. 4: 19, 56. — The new. Lib. J. 4: 450. Birmingham Skepticism. Lond. Q. 36: 310. Birmingham School Board. (W. Harris) Kortn. 23: 422. Birney, Gen. David B. U. S. Serv. M. 4: 465. Biniie, Aleyander. Editor's Tragedy. Liv. Age, 73: 390. Birth of a Child. (N. Madeod) Good Words, 14: 842. — of Fleance Kriiger. (C. Chesebro) Knick. 46: 457, 573. Births and Deaths, European Registers of. Mo. R. 133: 159. in the Prussian States. Penny M. 6: 395. — Marriages, and Deaths. Peop. J. 6: 194, 20S. in England. Lond. Q. 27: 38. 32: 379. Registration of. Penny M. 8: 298. — " Mrs. Meek, of a son." (C. Dickens) House. Words, 2: 505. — Remarkable. All the Year, 34: 329, 354. Birthday, The. Colburn, 4: T,;^y. Birthday; a Poem. Cornh. 19: 711. Birthday Gifts. Dcm. R. 6: 122. Birthday Thoughts. (N. Madeod) Good Words, 14: 420. Birthday Treat. Belgra. 27: 375. Birthdays. St. James, 20: 417. — Anniversaries of. Hogg, 6: 17. — Historic. (S. Johnson) Radical, 8: Si. Birting the Strong. (II. H. Boyesen) Galaxy, 21 : 25. Biscay, Province of. Penny M. 13: 69. — and the Biscayans. Hogg, 8: 24;, 262. — Bacon's Six Years in. Mo. R. 146: 252. — Shores of. Blackw. 112: 548. Biscayans, Among the. (G. L. Catlin) Lippinc. 24: 649. Bisceliais, Le. Sharpe, 13; 364. 14: 33. Bisclaveret; a Breton Romance. (H. Kingsley) Macmil. 41: 216. Biscuits, Manufacture of. Penny M. 9: 130. BISCUITS 138 BITER Biscuits, Manufacture of, at Weovil. Clianib. J. i6: 12. Bishop, Matthew, Life of. Ketros. 16: 42. Bisliop, N. II. Voyage in a Sneak-Box. (W. Chambers) Clianib. J. 57: 241. Bishop, liobert Ilaniilton. Am. I'resb. R. 4: 414. Bishop, A New-Testament. Cong. M. 15: 411. — Godly Admonition of. (G. W. Hodge) Am. Churcli R."32: 325. — in the New Testament a Teaclier. (J. B. Bittmger) Evang. R. 10: 311. — of a primitive Type. Chamb. J. 23: 161. — Office of. (D. Cans) Mercersb. 11: 107. Rise of. (G. S. Merriam) New Eng. 26: 466. — Sermon on the Election of. (E. B. Boggs) Am. Church R. 32: 62. — What is a? Eraser, 79: 269. Bishop, The, and the Knight; a Poem. Cornh. 6: 100. — astray. Blackw. 129: 59. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 492. — to be. (P. Thompson) Lakeside, 10: 87. Bishop's Confessions; a Story. Cornh. 43: 555. Bishop's Daughter, The. Chr. Obs. 42: 361, 453. Bishops and Clergy of other Days, Ryle on. Chr. Obs. 69: 52. — and clerical Subscription. (H. D. Haughton) Fortn. 2: 452. — and their Incomes. Tait, n. s. 18: 505. — Elect, Archiepiscopal Confirmation of. Chr. Obs. 70: 50. — Clergy, and the People. Eraser, 31: 127. — Curious Facts about. (J. H. Merrick) Am. Church R. 14: 221. — Duties of . Chr. Obs. 43: 147,198. — Election of, in Episcopal Church. (S. C. Thrall) Am. Church R. 27: 219. — (M. Hoffmann) Am. Church R. 28: 235. — in Parliament, Speech on. (Lord Say and Seale) Cong. M. 18: 281. — Inherent Rights of. (H. D. Evans) Am. Church Mo. — Ladies'. So. Lit. Mess. 8: 98. — Lay Vote in Election of. (W. R. Whittingham) Am. Church R. 11: 88. — Office and Work of. (E. B. Boggs) Am. Chtirch R. 29: 618. — Overseers. (S. E. Shepard) Chr. Q. i: 117. — Persecuting. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 37: 433. — Pioneer or Missionary. (J. F. Spalding) Am. Church R. 29: I. — Plea for. Am. Bib. Repos. 13: i. — Primitive Mode of electing. Kitto, 25: 165. — Right of Dissenting Ministers to name. Cong. M. 10: 124. — Successors of the Apostles. (J. Williams) Am. Church R. 11: 621. See American Episcopate; Episcopacy; Episcopal Church. Bishops' Transcripts. (J. Amphlett) Gent. M. n. s. 26: 106. Bisliopthorpe, Public Day at. Bentley, 28: 48. Bismarck, Louisa W., Mother of the Prince. (A. D. Vandam) Tinsley, 21: 485. Same art. Liv. Age, 135: 626. Bismarck, Prince Otto von. (W. H. Browne) N. Eel. 4: 446. — (S. S. Conant) Harper, 40: 64S. — (C. W. Elliott) Galaxy, 4: 159. — (E. P. Evans) Hours at Home, 8: 485. — (S. Hyacinth) Overland, 3: 271. — (F. Kapp) Nation, i: 711. — (M. Schles- inger) Fortn. 5: 385, 600. — with portrait, Eel. M. 67: 371. — with portrait, Ev. Sat. 9: 354. — All the Year, 25: 127. — Blackw. 120: 448. Same art. Liv. Age, 138: 553. — Fortn. 30: 765. Same art. Liv. Age, 140: 195. — Lond. Soc. 30: i. — Penn Mo. 5: 675. Bismarck, Prince Otto von, and the Catholic Church. (,l. (iibb)Contemp. 20: 172. — (J. MacCarthy) Cath. World, 31: 577. — (J. S. Henderson) Good Words, 14: 2S3. — Brownson, 22: 259. — Brit. Q. 61: i. — Ed. R. 139: 360. — Month, 19: 1. — and European Politics. (W. G. Todd) Month, 20: 352- — and the Franco-Prussian War. (K. Ilillebrand) In- ternat. R. 6: 425. Peace Negotiations. (C. Konimeu) Catli. World, 28: 817. — and German Unity. (D. Ker) Nat. Q. 39: 30. — and Gortscliakoif. Ed. R. 144: 203. — Blackw. i2o: 450. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 667. — and the Jesuits. (J. McCarthy) Cath. World, 16: i. — and the Pope, 1S73. (A. Bierbower) Luth. Q. 3: 513. — (W. H. Dixon) Gent. M. n. s. 12: 290. — and Protection. (J. E. Curran) Internat. R. 7: 661. — and the three Emperors. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 16: 474. — as a Friend of America, and a Statesman. (M. Busch) No. Am. 131: I, 157. — at Home. Belgra. 13: 39. — Busch on. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 28: 85. — Penn Mo. 10: 386. — Character and Career of. Ed. R. 130: 417. Same art. Liv. Age, 104: 67. — Dinner with. Hours at Home, 5: 548. — Early Life of. (.J. S. Henderson) Good Words, 14: 755. — Ev. Sat. 15: 696. — Every-Day Life of. Ev. Sat. II : 283. — Few Words for. (E. Goadby) Macmil. 23: 339. — Hesekiel's Life of. Lakeside, 4: 68. — How Things are under. Irish Mo. 2: 86. — in 1S68. Ed. R. 130: 417. — Letters of. Penn Mo. 10: 60. — Life and Letters. Quar. 147: 113. — Literary Faculty of. (F. Hueffer) Gent. M. n. s. 18: 55. Same art. Liv. Age, 132: 305. — Political Career of. (H. Villard) No. Am. 108: 165. — Political Life- Work of. Westm. 1 12: 444. — Prussia, and Pan-Teutonism. Quar. 130: 71. — Prussia of. Gent. M. n. s. 5: 470. — Public Life of. (J. S. Henderson) Good Words, 15: 387- — Some Words of. (C. E. Maurice) Contemp. 16: 454. — Speeches of. Dub. R. 77: 106. — Statesmanship of. Ev. Sat. 9: 722. — Talks with. (F. Kapp) Nation, 11: 233, Bismarckism. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 14: 631. — in England. (E. Jenkins) Contemp. 22; 107. Bismark, Count F. W^. von, and his Works. Blackw. 19: 590. Bison, The. Penny M. 3: 273. 4: 387. — of North America, and its Extermination. (J. A. Allen) Penn Mo. 7: 214. See Buffalo. Bison-Hunting in India. Eraser, 47: 39. Bison-Shooting. (M. L. Meason) Broadw. 2: 330. Bisset, the Animal Trainer. Chamb. J. lo: 22. Bisset, J. Meth. M. 22: 470. Bisset's Youth. St. James, 22: 576, 700. 23: 33-601. 24: 177-577- 25: 96, 737- Bit of Alchemy; a Story of Dr. Dee. Knick. 59: 275. Bit of Eastern Experience. (M. H. Breck) Overland, 6: 373- Bit of Nature; a Story. (A. Rhodes) Appleton, 21: 114, i33> 253. Bit of Preferment. (J. Hewlett) Colburn, 71 : 67. Bit of Shore Life. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 44: 200. Bitche and Verdun, France. All the Year, 24: 389. Biter bit; a Tale. (J. A. St. J. BIythe) Temp. Bar, 30: 332. BITTER 139 BLACKBIRDS Bitter Fruit; a Dramatic Tale. (A. W. Dubourg) Temp. Bar, 44: 484. 45: 76. Same art. Appleton, 14: 264-359. Bitter Words; a Poem. (R. H. Stoddard) Intemat. M. 5: 457- Bitterns. (W. E. Etidicott) Am. Natural. 3: 169. Bittle, David F., Life of. (G. Diehl) Lutli. Q. 7: 541. Bitumen, and its practical Applications. Eel. Engin. 7: 550. — Indurated, in the Trap of the Connecticut Valley. (.J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I16: 130. Bitumens, Chemical and Geological History of. (T. S. Hunt) Am. J. Sci. 85: 157. — Native. (W. O. Crosby) Am. Natural. 13: 229. Bituminization of Wood. (W. Carpenter) Am. J. Sci. 36: 118. Bitzius, A. (J. Gotthels) Eng. Dom. M. 10: 274. Bjornson, B. (R. Buchanan) Contemp. 21: 45. — with portrait, Appleton, 11: 104. — with portrait, Scrib. 20: 336. — Ame. (K. Janson) Dial (Ch.), 2: 140. — as a Novelist. Brit. Q. 61: 364. — Dramas. (H. H. Boyesen) No. Am. 116: 109. Black, Jeremiah S. Letter to Henry Wilson. Galaxy, 11: 257. — Portrait of. Galaxy, 13: 293. Black, Joseph. (A. C. Brown) Nature, 18: 346. — Brit. Q. 2: 233. — Cavendish, Priestley, and Watt. (J. W. Croker) Quar. 77: 105. — Lectures on Chemistry. (H. Brougham) Ed. R. 3: i. 6: 502. Black, William, with portrait. Appleton, 12: 257. — with portrait. Dub. Univ. 94: 295. — with portrait. Eel. M. 88: 503. — with portrait, Victoria, 32: 493. — Madcap Violet. (A. Lang) Fortn. 27: 88. — Novels of. Nat. Q. 41 : 190. Black, William, Journal of, 1744. Pennsyl. M. i: 117, 233. 404- 2: 4°- Black and Blue. House. Words, 14: 276. Same art. Liv. Age, 51 : 42S. Black and White House in the Dell. Chamb. J. 39: 105, 116. Black Bess. (H. P. Spofford) Galaxy, 5: 517. Black Chamber; a Ghost Story. Dub. Univ. 52: 6S7. Black Country of England. Dub. Univ. 58: 114. — Tinsley, 4: 423. — Peep at. (Mrs. C. A. White) Sharpe, 41: 309. — Saturdav Night in. Dub. Univ. 58: 114. Same art. Eel. M. 54: 13;. Black Cross, The. Macmil. 14: 61. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 235. Black Death, The. All the Year, 43: 436. — Conih. 11: 594. — Penny M. 8: 478. — and its Place in English Historj-. (F. Seebohm) Fortn. 2: 149, 268. — England before and after. (J. E. T. Rogers) Fortn. 3: 191. — in New England. (H. Butterworth) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3: 28. — Population of England before. (F. Seebohm) Fortn. 4: 87. Black Dwarf, Original of. Anal. M. n: 332. Black Exchange; an Attorney's Story. Chamb. J. 39: 213. Same art. Eel. M. 60: 87. Black Fast, The. Good Words, 13: 371. Black Forest, The. Month, 13: 523. — Liv. Age, 67: 671. — and Vicinity, Legends of. (INIrs. Bushby) Colbum, 143: 443, 578. Same art. Eel. M. 72: 27, 189. — Byways of. Bentley, 44: 307. — (Jharities in. Good Words, 4: 25. — Day in. Bentley, 7: 186. Black Forest, The, Days in. (G. C. Swajme) Once a Week, 10: 390, 418. 11: 670. — Home through the Valley of Hell. (D, Costello) Col- burn, 85: 210. — Roe-Shooting in. Comh. 17: 317. — Society in. (E. O'Hara) St. James, 9: 174. — Dub. Univ. 76: 230. — Tour tlirough. Bentley, 29: 523. Black Friday in New York. (K Comwallis) So. M. 17: 535. — (W. R. Hooper) Galaxy, 12: 753. Black Fritz. Sharpe, 3: 4-68. Black Hawk, Life of. (W. J. Snelling) No. Am. 40: 68. — Am. Q. 15: 426. — New Eng. M. 6: 420. — Hesp. 2: 167. Black-Hawk War. (J. M. Higbee) No. Am. 51 : 107. — Drake's.- Hesp. 1 : 327. Black Head; a Cornish Story. Lond. Soc. 40: 105. Black Hills of Dakota, Trip to. (L. P. Richardson) Scrib. 13: 748. — Value of. Potter Am. Mo. 5: 616. Black Joke; a Legend of Ulster. (F. Browne) Peop. J. 3: 360. Black Knot. (B. D. Halsted) Am. Natural. 10: 341. Black-Lead, and Black-Lead Pencils. Penny M. lo: 394. Black Marble, The. (E. Bcigh) .Scrib. 7: 432. Black Mare with a white Star; a Tale. Chamb. J. 45: 417, 441. Black Mask. Dub. Univ. 7: 508. Black Mill. All the Year, 6: 304. Black Monday. Colbum, 89: 160. — of the Glens. Dub. Univ. 6: 2^2- Black Mountain, Usages, Customs, and Superstitions of. So. Lit. Mess. 6: 720. See Montenegro. Black Museum, London. Liv. Age, 135: 501. Black Panther's Raid. Temp. Bar, 20: 530. Black Pearl. (V. Sardon) Lippinc. lo: 314. Black Pocket-Book ; a Tale. Intemat. M. 2: 89. Black Point. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 59: 84. Blackpool. Sharpe, 29: 113. Black Prophet; a Tale of the Irish Famine. (W. Carle- ton) Dub. Univ. 27: 600, 739. 28: 75-717. Black Ram. (J. Y. Akemian) Bentley, II : 498. Black Robe; a Novel. (W, Collins) Canad. Mo. 18: 499, 561. 19: 15-5S8. Black Rock. (A. La Forge) Scrib. 7: 209. Black Sea. Bentley, 38: 221. — Anatolian Shores of. Bentley, 37: 235. — and the Caspian. Eel. Engiu. 15: 122. Union of. (D. Ker) Geog. M. 3: 11. — Commerce of. (J. B. Brown) Hunt, 21: 1. — De Bow, 17: 50. — West. J. 14: 24, 92. — Eastern Shores of. Blackw. 78: 521. — Russian Commerce in. Bank. M. (L.) 15: 497. — Russian Shores of, Oliphant's. Liv. Age, 39: S15. — Hogg, 11: 58. — Trade of. (W. Phillips) No. Am. 10: 168. Black Sea Fleets; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 44: 203. Black Sea Question, The. Colburn, 148: i. Black Sheep; a Tale. (M. V. Terhune) Godey, 62: 47, 145. Black Sheep; a Tale. (E. Yates) All the Year, 16: 145- 553. 17: 1-313. Same art. Ev. Sat. 2: 277-430. Black Slieep, A. Eraser, 71 : 183. Black Tarn; a Tale. All the Year, 3: 235, 25S, 278.— Same art. Liv. Age, 67: ^58. Same art. Harper, 21: 378. Black Thursday. House. Words, 13: .3S8. Blaekl)ird, The. Chamb. J. 9: 56.— (S. Hibberd) Recr. Sci. 2: 238. Blackbirds. (E. Ingersoll) Lippinc. 20: 376. — Cow. (T. M. Trippe) .\m. Natural. 3: 291. — Yellow-headed. (E. Coues) Am. Natural. 5: 195. BLACKBIRDS 140 BLANC Blackbirds, The ; a Comedietta. (J. B. Greenougli) Atlnn. 39: 31- Blackburn, Francis, with portrait. Diih. I'liiv. 24: 470. Blackburn, Gideon. (J. \V. Hall) Am. I'rcsb. H. i: 549. Blackburn Independent Academy. Am.Q. llcy;. 9: 133- Blackburn on Strike. All the Year, 40: 516. Blackburn Sewing Schools, 1S63. Temp. Bar, 7: 339. Blacker, William. Dub. Univ. 17: 62S. Blackfeet Indians. (II. M. Robinson) Appleton, i8: 37. — Traditions of. (J.M.Brown) (Jalaxy, 3: 157. Blackfriars. All the Year, 26: 541. — Old. (U. Howe) Good Words, 19: 115. Blackfriars Theater. (MissG. C. BibI)) Western, i: 87. Blackball, (iilbcrt. Services by. Liv. Age, 10: 206. Blackheath Subsidences. (T. V. Holmes) Pop. Sci. R. 20: 235. Blackie, Jolm Stuart, with portrait. Dub. Univ. 87: 404. — Benn Mo. 11: 969. Blacking Factor}', Day and Martin's. Penny M. 11: 509. Blacklegs, Derivation of Term. Once a Week, 10: 570. Blackletter Recreations. Dub. Univ. 26: 537. Black lock, Thomas. Blackw. 2: 495. Blacklock Forest. Colburn, 142: 652. 143: 56-655. 144:182,523. 145:56-548. 146:305-671. 147: 329-705. 148: 100, 235. Blackmail. All the Y'ear, 30: 247. Blackmere Hollow. (H. B. Baker) Tinsley, 21 : 645. Blackmore, Richard D., Novels of. Internat. R. 7: 406. — Dub. Univ. 93: 541. — Penn Mo. 11: 619. Blacksmith's Foundling; a Story. (C. A. White) Peop. J. 8: 63. Blacksmiths of Holsby. (L. Crow) Once a Week, 10: 113, 154. Same art. Harper, 28: 643. Blackstone, Sir Wm. (J. Maurice) Knick. 47: 2S8. — Commentaries. Am. Mo. R. 3: 430. — Chr. R. 13: 228. Warren's. Blackw. 78: 199. Blackstone, William, of Boston. (L. M. Sargent) Hist. M. 18: 353. Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth. Chamb. J. 29: 350. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 231. — Lectures. Chamb. J. 31: 255. — Record of a noble Woman. Tait, n. s. 8: 539. — Sketch of. (I. Scott) Once a Week, 2: 577. Blackwood, Capt. F. P., Voyage and Survey. Quar. 81 : 468. Same art. Liv. Age, 15: 577. Same art. Eel. M. 10: 151. Blackwood, Sir Henry. Blackw. 34: i. Blackwood, William. (.1. Neal) Allan. 16: 660. — Death of. Blackw. 36: 571. Blackwood's Irish Judge. Dub. Univ. 5: 263. Blackwood's Magazine. (H. Smith) Liv. Age, 33: 215. — answered. Knick. 38: 205. — Contributors' Gathering, Aug. 12, 1819. Blackw. 5: 597, 627. — in America. Blackw. 62: 442. — fersiis Washington. So. Lit. Mess. 8: 283. Bladensburg, Md., Dueling Ground at. (F. A. Foster) Harper, 16: 471. Bladud, King. (S. P. Day) Victoria, 36: 311. Blagdon Controversy. Chr. Obs. i: 179. Blaine, .Tames G., with portrait. Ev. Sat. lo: 169, 174. Blainville, H. D. de, and Cuvier. Brit. Q. 24 : 365. Same art. Liv. Age, 51: 417. Blair, Adam. Blackw. 11: 349, 466. — Life of. Portfo. (Den.) 28: 320. — Sketch of. Loud. M. 5: 485. Blair, Francis P., with portrait. Dem. R. 17: 10. Blair, Hugh. Anal. M. 5: iSS. — Hill's Life of. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 6: 1037. Blair, Robert, Critical Notice of. (G. Gilfillan) Hogg, 9: 113. Same art. Eel. M. 26: 368. Blair, Samuel. (A. Alexander) Princ. 9: 536. Blake, Michael, Bp. of Dromore. Irish Mo. 9: 376-613. Blake, Robert, Admiral. Chamb. J. 17: 342. — House. Words, 5: 326. — Eel. R. 96: 407. — (J. Ilannay) Quar. 104: I. Same art. Eel. M. 45: 470. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 64^. — Sharpe, 15: 319. Blake, William. (J. C. (farr) Belgra. 29: 366. — (T. M. Clark) O. & N. 7: 67. — (W. A. Cram) Radical, 3: 37S. — (E. P. Evans) Hours at Home, II : 55. — (H. G. Hewlett) Contemp. 28: 756. 29: 207. — Art J. 16: 25. — Blackw. 97: 291. — Cornli. 31: 721. Same art. Liv. Age, 126: 67. — (C. Hargrove) Mod. R. 2: 565. — (F. Wedniorc) Temp. Bar, 62: 52. Same art. Liv. Age, 149: 557. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 104. — (H. E. Scudder) Scrib. 20: 225. — Eel. R. 119: 373. — Liv. Age, 59: 848. — Once a Week, 26: 438. — Sharpe, 46: 19. — Westm.81: 101. — and Varley, Sketch-Book. (W. B. Scott) Portfo. 2: 103. — ("hat about. (W. Allingham) Hogg, 2: 17. — Drawings at the Burlington Fine Arts Club. (H. H. Statham) Macmil. 34: 55. — Genius of. (H. E. Scudder) No. Am. 99: 465. — Gilchrist's Life of. Colburn, 130: 309. — Liv. Age, 79: 579. — Lond. Q. 31: 265. — Quar. II7: i. — Life and Works of. (W. F. Rae) F. Arts Q. 3: 56. — Pictor Ignotus. (M. A. Dodge) Atlan. 13: 433. — Poems. Eel. M. 84: 372. — (C. E. Norton) No. Am. 108: 641. — Penn Mo. 7: 843. — Seer and Painter. Temp. Bar, 17: 95. — Swinburne on. (M. D. Conway) Fortn. 9: 216. — Works of. (M. G. van Rensselaer) Am. Arch. 8: 215. Blakesmoor in H shire. (C.Lamb) Lond. jNI. 10: 225. Blakhal, Father Gilbert, Episodes in Life of. (T. B. Parkinson) Month, 16: 374. 17: 33. Blanc, Jean Joseph Louis. Once a Week, 24: 473. — Westm. 49: 103. — Blackw. 56: 265. — (G. Barm- by) Eel. M. 14: 160. — and national Workshops of 1848. (C. BarrcTe) Eraser, 90: 437. — History of ten Years. For. Q. 32: 61. —Eel. R. 80: 88. Blanc, Mont. (F. W. P.Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 6: 52. — (A. Nicholson) Univ. Q. 5: 197. — (N. (^olgan) Irish Mo. 8: 17-246.— Nat. M. 8: 168.— Broadw. 7: 432. — Ed. R. 50: 221. — (J. van Rensselaer) Am. J. Sci. 2: I. — Liv. Age, 31: 84. — and the Alps. (A. Hichborn) Univ. Q. 5: 179. — and Geneva. So. Lit. Mess. 25: 309. — Ascent of. (A. Smith) Blackw. 71: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, 32: 289. Same art. Eel. M. 25: 391. — (M. Barry) Ed. New Philos. J. 18: 106. — Bentley, 40: 441. — Blackw. 4: 180. — Cornh. Ii: 717. — Fraser, 52: i. Same art. Liv. Age, 46: 387. — Am. Meth. M. 8: 386. — Good Words, i: 521, 529. — (H. H. Jackson) Colburn, 19: 458. Auldjo's. (H. Brougham) Ed. R. 50: 221. Beaufoy's. Blackw. i : 59. by Clark and Sherwill, 1825. Colburn, 16: 434, 590. 17: 289. by Mile. d'Angeville. (C. Miiller) Colburn, 160: 387. First. Mus. 44: 273. — Bad Weather on. Liv. Age, 60: 810. — Glaciers of. Colburn, 125: 30S, 476. 125: 44. — How we did. Cornh. ii: 717. — Monarch of Mountains. (L. Abbott) Harper, 42: 811. — Poaching on. Fraser, 80: 97. Same art. Liv. Age, 102: 551. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 268. Same art. Ev. Sat. 8: 183. — Sherwill's Visit to. Colburn, 17: 533. 19: 40, 150, — Sunset on. Cornh. 28: 457. Same art. Liv. Age, 119: 432. BLANC 141 BLIND Blanc, Mont, Topography of. No. Brit, 42: 137. — Up and down. (F Copcutt) Putnam, 12: 3S5. — Chamb J. 43: supp. — without a Guide. Chamb. J 53: 513. See Alps; Switzerland. Blanchard, Claude, Journal of Campaign of. Cath. World, 11; 7S7. Blanchard, Edward L., with portrait. Victoria, 33: 463. Blanchard, Joseph, Journal of, 1725. N. E. Keg. 7: 184. Blanchard, Lamau, and his Writings. Colbum, 76: 131. — Life of. Liv. Age, 5: 191. — (Sir E. L. Bulwer) Liv. Age, 8: 249. — Dub. Univ. 28: 509. — (W. M. Thackeray) Eraser, 33. 332. — Eel. R. 83: 692. — Writings of. Colbuni, 73: 42S. Blanchard, Mrs. Margaret B., Obituarj' Notice of. (H. H. Barber) Uuita. R 7: 82. Blanchard, Thomas, the Inventor. (IL Waters) Harper, 63: 254. Blanchard, William. (D. Meadows) Bentley, II : 473. Blanche. (M. B. Edwards) Once a Week, 14. 290, 316. Blanche', a Poem. (J. D. Frazer) Dub. Univ. 43: 90. Blanche Blake's Choice; a Tale. (N. Robinson) Cath. World, 28: 790. Blanche Delamere; a Tale. (Mrs. .Johnstone) Tait, n. s. 6; 40-597. Blanche of Bourbon, Death of. Blackw. 6: 485. Blanche Treguier; a Story. Macmil. 21: 534. Same art. Eel. M. 74: 691. Blanchief Abbey, Derbyshire. (IL Kirke) Reliquary, 7: 193. Bland, Robert, Poems of. Eel. R. 10: 730. Bland Papers. So. Lit. Mess. 9: 657. Blandy, Mary, Trial of. House. Words, 14: 473. Blank in the Lottery. Bentley, 57: 466, 588. 58: 82. Blanks and Prizes. (C. G. F. Gore) Tait, n. s. 11 : 1-348, Blank Verse. Cornh. 15: 620. Blankenberghe, the Belgian Trouville. (F. W. Cherson) St. .James, 35: 135. Blankshire Hounds. House. Words, 8: 508. Blan(iui, Adolphe. Journey in England and Scotland. Lond. M. 11: 564. Blanqui, L. A., Election of. (Mrs. G. M. Crawford) Na- tion, 28: 333. Blarney: a Poem. (J. Tuckey) Temp. Bar, 48: 515. Blarney and Hypocrisy; a Sketch. Lond. ^I. 15: 536. Bla.sphemy against the Bible. Dub. R. 40: 200. — against the Holy Ghost. (W. J. Clark) Princ. 18: 376- — Law of. Lond. M. 19: 360. — Punishment of. (F. Parkman) Chr. Exam. 16: 93. Blast, Hot, Application of. (T. Clarke) J. Frankl. Inst. 24:46. in (ias Reverberatory Furnaces. Pract. M. 7: 302. in Manufacture of Cast-Iron. (T. Clarke) J. Frankl. Inst. 22: 127. Use of, in France, 1836. (A. Guenyvcau) J. Frankl. Inst. 21: 62, 135, 354. Blast-Blowing by Water. ( W. Lewis) J . Frankl. Inst. 5 : 1S9-37S. 6: 9, 73, 327. Blast Furnace, Blowing-in a. Pract. M. i : 327. — Chemical Action of. Pract. M. 3: 248. — Economy of. (F. Prime, jr.) Pract. M. 4 : 379. Same art. Eel. Engin. 11: 271. — Value of superheated. (Prof. Tunner) Eel. Engin. 11: 149. See Iron. Blast-Furnace Hearths and Linings. (J. Birkinbine) J. Frankl. Inst. 112: 429. Blast-Funiaee Slag, t^tilization of. Pract. M. 7: 248. Blast-Heating Apparatus. (J. E. Mills) Eel. Engin. 15: 165. Blasting of Rocks. (A. Kirk) J. Frankl. Inst, in: 43. — (A. Kirk) Am. Arch. 9: 69. — (R. Hare) J. Frankl. Inst. 16: 221. — J. Frankl. lust. lO' 62. — Penny M. 12: 66. — Dangers and Remedies of. Am. J. Sci. 17: 132. — Method of. (G. Thornton) Eel. Engin. 21: 77. — Submarine, 1847. (G. Edwards) J. Frankl. Inst. 43: 353. — Hunt, 30: 191. —West. J. 9: 82. Blasting-Gelatine. (H. B. Pritchard) Nature, 20: 32. BlajTiey, Lord. Journey through Spam. (^uar. 14: 1 12. Blazon, Noble Science of. Chamb. J. 28: 51. Bleaching. J. Frankl. Inst. 11: 63, 131. — Apparatus for. (J. Renuie) J. Frankl. Inst. 3: 22, 1 17. — Chemical Agents used in. (J. Renuie) J. Frankl. lust. 3: 155-394. 4- 9, 82. — Chemical and physical Nature of Stuffs. (J. Renuie) J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 152. — History of Art of. (J. Renuie) J. Frankl. Inst. 2: 171-338. — Processes followed in. (J. Renuie) J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 157, 231, 293. — Theory of. (J. Rennie) J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 381. Bleaching Powder, Chloride of Lime or. (A. Ure) J. Frankl. Inst. 5: 318, 375. Bleak House. (C. Dickens) Harper, 4: 649, 809. 5: 87- 791. 6- 93-S12. 7: 93-659. Bleak Wind of March; a Story. (M. C. Harris) Apple- ton, 26: 562. Bleau's Atlas, 17th Centuiy. Chamb. J. 15: 374. Bledsoe, Mary. (Mrs. E. F. Ellet) Godey, 42: 43. Bleeding Diamond, The. All the Year, 8: 256. Bleeker, P. Nature, 17; 286. Blenheim. Penny M 8: 317. — Battle of. (H W. Warren) Meth. Q. 24: 419. Bleunerhassett, H (J. S. C. Abbott) Harper, 54: 347. — (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 42: 99. Same art. Eel. M. 95: 208. — "(W. Wallace) Am. Whig R. 2: 133. — (S. P. Hildreth) Am. Whig R. 7: 368. — Life of. (M. F. Force) No. Am. 73: 152. — Story of. So. Lit. Mess. 27: 457. — Visit to his Island. (A. C. Hall) Potter Am. Mo. 16: 289. Blennerhassetts, Latter Days of the. (^I. P. Woodbridge) Lippinc. 23: 239. Blessed Isles, Literature of. Lond. Soc. i: 80, 150. Bles.sed Life, The. (S. Coley) Ex. H. Lee. 16: 315. Blessings in Disguise. (T. S. Arthur) (Jode^-, 21: 15. Blessingtou, Countess of. (C. C. Feltou) No. Am. 81 : 257. — with portrait. Eraser, 7: 267. — (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 42: 342. — Dub. Univ. 45: 333. Same art. Eel. M. 35: 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 45: 86. — Irish Q. 2: 773. — Liv. Age, 4: 227. — Nat. M. 7: 258. — Tait, n. s. i: 204. — Book of Beauty for 183S. ^lo. R. 145: 39. — Confessions of an elderly Gentleman. Mo. R. 141 : 391. — Life and Correspondence. Fraser, 51: 467. — New Q. 4: 169. — Eel. R. loi: 513. — Lionel Deerhurst. Dub. Univ. 29: 33S. — Lottery of Life. Mo. R. 159: 127. — Maddcn's Life of. Liv. Age, 44: 79^. 45: 61. — Memoirs of a Femme-de-chambre. Colburn, 77: 367. — Novels. Ed. R. 67: 340. — Recollections of. (P. G. Patmore) Bentley, 26: 162. — The Repealers. Westm. 19: 446. — Sketch of. So. Q. 28: 149. — Tomb of. Bentley, 27: 531. Same art. Intemat. M. i: 126. Bliffht, Natural Histor\' of. Chamb. J. II : 90. Blind: a Poem. (C. F. Bates) Scrib. 2: 400. Blind, The. (B.B. Bowen) Univ. Q. 23: 412.— Nat. R. 10: 75. — Quar. 118: 430. BLIND 142 BLOODY Bliiiil, Tlie, Alphabets for. Penny M. 7: iii. — and their Education. (li. B. Bowen) Univ.Q. II : 399. — and their Limitations. (B. B. Bowen) Univ. Q. 13: 147. — Books for. Nat. M. 8: 540. — by the Roadside, Appeal for. St. James, 24: 193. — Education of. (W. H. Prescott) No. Am. 31: 66. — (S. G. Howe) No. Am. 37: 20. —(S. G. Howe) Am. Inst, of Instruc. 1836: i. — New Eng. M. 4: 177. — Mo. R. 132: 275. — Mus. 24: 230. — West. M. 3; 150. — (J. H. Hunter) Canad. Mo. 18: 171. — Fingers re;v<«»' Eyes. Tinsley, 8: 676. — Gall on Literature for. Clir. Obs. 35: 175. — How we treat. Hogg, 15: 131. — Listitutions for. (L. P. Brockett) Nat. M. lo: 33-419. and Instruction for. (L. P. Brockett) Am. J. Educ. 4: 127. — Instruction of. Penny M. 5: 387. — Literature for. JIus. 26; 571. — Massachusetts Asylum for. No. Am. 50: 520. — Chr. Exam. 28; 359. — Music for. Penny M. 7: 219. — Musical In-^tructionto, Campbell's. Comh. 33: 349. — Normal Musical School for. (D. M. Craik) Good Words, 14; 634. — Plea for. Chr. Obs. 74: 375. — Printing for. (J. R. Dennett) Nation, 12: 431. — Sketches of. Irish Q. 9: 63. — Ways and Works of. Good Words, 2: 313. — Chamb. J. 44: 381 — Ed.R. 99: 61. Sameart. Liv. Age, 40: 435. — Writintj-iMachine for. Chamb. J. 45: 136. — AVriting-Table for. Ev. Sat. II : 71. Blind Alick of Stirling. Penny M. 2: 194, Blind and Deaf Boy, Account of. (Sir J. Mackintosh) Ed. R. 20: 462. Blind Artist. Dem. R. 25: 538. Blind Authors. St. James, 17: iii. Blind Beggars. (C. Camden) Good Words, 13: 205, 2S4. Blind Boy; a Poem. (T. G. Hake) Scrib. 3: 189. Blind Fiddler. (V. DeForest) Godey, 26: 2. Blind Girl of Sorrento, Mastriani's. Tinsley, 17: 474. Blind Girl's Love. Eel. M. II • 259. Blind Harpist. Chamb J. 24: 201. Blind Jacques. (Mrs. E. F. Ellet) Dem. R. 15: 41. Blind Kate. All the Year, 31: 54S, 568. Blind Lady and her Neighbors. St. James, 3: 295. Blind Lovers of Chamouny. (C. Nodier) Eel. M. 62: 358. Blind Man, at the Exhibition of 1S62. Temp. Bar, 7; 227. Blind Man's Wreath. House. Words, 9: 51. Blind Pastor; a Poem. Mo. Rel. M. 9: 216. Blind Preacher, Rev. J. Waddell, and the British Spy. So. Lit. Mess. 10: 679. Blind Rosa. (H. Conscience) Sharpe, 15: 257. Same art. Liv. Age, 33: 535. Blind Student; a Tale. Cath. World, 20: 802. Blind Tom, the musical Prodigy. All the Year, 8: 126. Blind Walter; a Story. Chamb. J. 16: 349. Blind Workers and Blind Helpers. Cornh. 9: 603. Blind Youths, Paris Institution of. Good Words, 21 : 763. Blindness and Deafness. (B. B. Bowen) Univ. Q. 15: 412. — and the Blind. So. Lit. Jless. 8: 519. 9:6. 10:30. — and Idiocy. ( W. H. Hurlbut) Chr. Exam. 44: 448. — Dr. Bull's Sense of Vision. Liv. Age, 63: 701. — Hydrocyanic Acid for. ('hamb. J. i: 3. Bliss, H. Robespierre; a Tragedy. Colbtirn, 102: 171. Blitzius, A. Stories of Peasant Life. (L. P. Hale) Chr. Exam. 71: 264. Blizzard of 1836, in the West. (A. A. Graham) Potter Am. Mo. 14: 63. Blobbs of Wadham. House. Words, 12: 513. Block, Eugene Francois de. Art J. 18: 73. Blocks, Ancient Methods of moving and raising. (J. Bennett) J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 303. Block Books. Once a Week, 9: 4S1. - Month, g: 39. Block Island, R. I. (H. T. Beckwith) Hist. M. 2: 98.— (C. Laiiman) Harper, 53: 16S. — Early Settlers of. (J. D. Champlin, jr.) N. E. Reg. 13: 27- Block Printing, Ancient and Modern. Art J. 14: 153. Blockade. (J. P. Benjamin) Dc Bow, i: 499. — and maritime Capture. (Lord Ilobart) Macmil. 9: 41. — How we ran the. (L. M. Palmer) Overland, 2: 47. — Law of maritime Capture and. Nat. R. 16: 116. — Running the. So. Hist. Pap. 9: 369. — Through the. All the Year, 11: 497. Blockade, the; an Episode of the End of the Empire. (MM. Erckmann-Chatrian) Eel. M. 70: 123-727. 71: 882. Blockade Run, My first and last St. James, 8: 346. Blockade Runner in 1864. Bcntley, 63: 638. 64: 80. Blockader, Life on a. Contin. Mo. 6: 46. Bloemestries of Haarlem. (J. G. Bertram) Once a Week, 17: 634. Blois, City of. House. Words, 12: 556. Same art. Eel. M. 37: 547. — Once a Week, 17: 717. Blomlield, C. J., Bishop of London. Blackw. 93: 731. -Etl. R. 118: 157. — Liv. Age, 55: 247. 77: 355 — Westm. 42: 160. — Life and Times of. Dub. R. 54: i. — Memoir of. Chr. Rem. 46: 3S6. — Chr. Obs. 63: 528. 573- Blonde, Exit the. (D. H. Jacques) Galaxy, 6: 840. Blonde?, Chancel's Book of. Lond. Soc. 16: 522. — rf?-«MS Brunettes. Temp. Bar, 15: 109. Blonde Beauty. (L. M. Anderson) Potter Am. Mo. 10: 451. Blondel Parva; a Tale. (J. Payn) Chamb. J. 45: 273- • 555- Blondin, M. Eng. Dom. M. 11: 349. — and his Rope-Walking. (A. Fonblanque, jr.) Once a Week, 5: 12. Blondins, MedLtval. Chamb. J. 37: 264. Blood, Brande on the. Ed. R. 22: 178. — Circuliition of. (J. C. Dalton) Galaxy, 8: 667. — (H. L. Fairchild) Pop. Sci. Mo. 19: 460, 644. — Blackw. 84: 148. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 243. Buchanan on. Nature, II : 184. Discovery of. Chamb. J. 6: 39. 30: 56. — Ed. R. 147: 25. — Fraser, 52: 352. Same art. Ed. M. 36: 910. Flourens's History of. Quar. 97: 28. Forerunner of Harvey. All the Year, 43: 533. History of. (G. J. Fisher) Pop. Sci. Mo. 1 1 : 294. — Functions of. Chamb. J. 23: 232. — (C. W. Ileaton) Intel. Obs. 12: 86. — Healthy and diseased Properties of. Quar. 48: 375. — Motive Power of. So. Lit. Mess. 20: 631. — Objections to eating of. Theo. Repos. 3: 212. — Organisms in. (H. C. Bastian) Nature, 20: 50. — Transfusion of. (G. Lemattre) Pop. Sci. Jlo. 2: Cyi\ — Wonders and Curiosities of . Blackw. 84: 14c. Sr.iae art. Eel. M. 45: 16. Blood of the Sundons. House. Words, 17: 608. Blood will tell. (O. S. Adams) Lippinc. 6: 398. Blood-Letting, Origin of. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 1 : 76. — in Fever, Welch on. Mo. R. 95: 244. Blood-Poisoning, Nature of. Pract. M. 2: 235. Blood-Prodigies. Chamb. J. 12: 228. Blood-Relationship. (F. Galton) Nature, 6: 173. Blood Seedling. (J. Hay) Lippinc. 7: 2S1. Bloodless Battle of Brighton. Lond. Soc. i: 442. Blood-stained Chapel. (A. M. Birkbeck) Sharpe, 19: 297. Bloodv Brook, Battle of. Knick. 8: 436. BLOODY 143 BOARD Bloody Parliament of Wilcmow. (A. H. Wratislaw) Fraser, 94: 294. Bloomer Costume. Chamb. J. 16: 280. — Bentley, 30: 640. Bloomficld, Robert. (R. Donkersley) Nat. M. 12: 523. — (T. Oper) Sharpe, 28: 304. — Banks of the Wye. Eel. K. 14: 1103. — May-Day with the Muses. Blaekw. ii: 722, — Verses on. (B. Barton) Lond. M. 8: 346. Blooming of the Aloe. Lond. Soc. 20: 132, 345. Bloomington, Indiana, State University at. (R. Owen) O. & N. 4: 134. Bloomsbury, Old House in. Victoria, 36: 509. Bloomsbury Lodgings. (C. W. Stoddard) Overland, 14: 17, 123- Blore, Thomas. (L. Jewitt) Reliquary, 3: i. Blossoming of an Aloe. (Mrs. C. Iloey) Chamb. J. 51: 545-S21. Blount, California Pioneer. (W. I. Kip) Overland, 2: 401. Blount Family, Pedigree of. Colljurii, i: 325. Blow, Duration of a. J. Frankl. Inst. 102: 403. Blows and Pressure, Relative Values of. Eel. Engin. 17: 26S. Blowing-Machines. (J. Bennett) J. Frankl. Inst. 6g: 234. Blown off Land; a Sketch. Dub. L^ni\-. 56: 475. Blown up; a Poem. (T. D. English) Scrib. 6: 4S. Blown up for Nothing; a Tale. Chamb. J. 44: 113. Blowpipe, The. (T. F. Moss) J. Frankl. Inst. 35: 2S4. 36: 104. — Chamb. J. 9: 151. — Hydro-Oxygen, Improvements in, 1S46. (R. Hare) J. Frankl. Inst. 43: 196. — Hydrostatic. (R. Hare) J. Frankl. Inst, i: 160. — Modes of increasing the Heat of. (H. Wurtz) Am. J. Sci. 77: 179. — Self-Acting. J. Frankl. Inst, i: 84. — L'se of. (J. Prideaux) J. Frankl. Inst. 24: 161, 266. — Works on. Nature, 13: 164. Blowpipe Analj'sis. Eel. Engin. 11: 356. Bloxams and Mayfields. (Miss Leslie) Godcv, 30: 6-243. Bloxham's New Paradise regained. Dub. Univ. 6: 39S. Bliicher, Marshal, Life of. Quar. 70: 446. Same art. Am. Eel. 4: 552. — March through France, 1814. All the Year, 24: 420. Blue, Color of aerial. (G. Harvey) Good Words, 10: 620. Blue and the Gray; a Tale. (S. M. Alkott) Putnam, 11: 737- Blue and the Gray; a Poem. (F. M. Finch) Atlan. 20: 369- Blue and Yellow. (L. de la Rame) Bentley, 47: 300. Blue-Beard. (E. Vizetellv) Gent. M. n. s. 22: 36S.— (T. C. Woolsey) Lakeside, 5: 314. — Origin of Story of. (W. C. Taylor) Bentley, 23: 136. — Original. Once a Week, 18: 15. — rehabilitated; Verses. (W. H. Harrison) Dub. Univ. 90: 728. Blue-Beard's Ghost. (W. M. Thackeray) Fraser, 28: 413. Blue-Beard's Keys. Cornh. 23: 192, 688. Same art. Liv. Age, 108: 686. no: 139. Blue Blanket, The. Hogg, 7: 178. BUie Blood and Red. (J. F. Waller) Dub. Univ. 87: 641. Blue Hooks, Anecdotes from. Ed. M. 66: 677. — Romance and Humor of. St. Paul's, lo: 402. II : 215. Blue Cabinet; a Christmas Story. (L. H. Hooper) Lip- pine. 3: 47. Blue Chamber; a Tale. All the Year, 31: supp. Blue-Coat Boys at Supper. St. James. 14: 463. Blue-Coat Bumbledom. All the Year, 39: 77. Blue Distance. Temp. Bar, 9: 29S. Blue Dragon, The; a Story of circumstantial Evidence. Blaekw. 64: 207. Same art. Liv. Age, 18: 4S1. Blue Dragoon. Eel. M. 34: 525. Blue Eyes, Future Extinction of. Cornh. 7: 7S1. Blue Eyes and Golden Hair. (A. Cudlip) Lond. Soc. 34: 259-462. Blue Friar Pleasantries. Fraser, 15: 223, 382,571. 16: 151. 357. 637- 17: 62-677. 18: 245. 19: 319. 20: 323- 21: 414. 22: 177. Blue-Gum, or Fever Tree. (T. S. Sozinskey) Potter Am. Mo. 13: 452. — Chamb. J. 51: 443. Blue Handkerchief. Contin. Mo. 3: 276. Blue Jackets and Marines of the Royal Navy. Fraser, 92: 131. Blue-Laws and Witches in Old England. Portfo.(Den.) 18: 508. — of Connecticut. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. 2: 475. — Blaekw. 107: 477. — U. S. Cath. M. 4: 613, 715. Blackwood's Magazine on. ( W. L. Kingsley) New Eng. 30: 248. Forgeries of Rev. Samuel Peters. (W. L. Kings- ley) Meth. Q. 38: 67. — of New Haven. Portfo.(Den.) 9: 75. — of the old States. (J. L. Kingsley) No. Am. 48: 501. — Anal. M.4: 55. — (J. L. Kingsley) Chr. Q. Spec. 2: 686. Blue Man, The. Lond. M. 17: 244. Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, Geology of. (W. M. Fontaine) Am. J. Sci. 109: 14, 93. Blue Ridge, Tale of the. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 173, 227. Blue River Bank Robber}'. ( W. G.Woods) Atlan. 25 : 332. Blue Spinster. (H. R. Addison) Bentley, 16: 318. Blue-Stocking; a Tale. (A. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 50: 433- 51: >. 2S9. Blue-Stockings. (D. Cook) Once a Week, 15: 580. Same art. Ev. Sat. 2: 763. Blue-Water. Cornh. 3: 625. Blue Wonder. (II. Zschokke) Bentley, 1 : 450. Bluebird, The. (J. Burroughs) Scrib' 6: 421. Bluebottle-Fly; a French Art Student's Story. All the Year, 27: 61-132. Bluehill, Me., First Settlers of. (J. Williamson) N. E. Reg. 34: 385- Blues, The. Once a Week, 22: 99. — a Poem. Am. Mo. il. 9: 147. — Cure for. (A. Ogilvv) Once a Week, 17: 350. Blues and Bufts; a Sketch of a contested Election. Eraser, loi: 548, 6S3, S31. 102: 1. Blundell, William, a loyal Catholic Cavalier. (T. E. Gibson) Month, 34: 164, 273, 412. 35: 59. Blunderers. Colburn, 57: 267. Blundering by Act of Parliament. All the Year, 43: 391. Blunders, Amusing literary. Ev. Sat. lo: 41S. — Another Book of. Fraser, 21: 461. — of the remarkably skillful. Colburn, 45: 17. — Philosophy of. Ev. Sat. 9: 462. — Professional. Applcton, 14: 717. — Queer. Chamb. J. 55: 617. Blunt, John J.imes, Works of. Quar. 104: 151. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 723. Blunt. Joseph. Formation of the Confederacj*. (G. Otis) No. Am. 22: 460. Blustcrings from Barport. Tinsley, 18: 431. Blyth, Sir Arthur, with portrait. Colburn, 165: 1289, 1386. Boa (\>nsti-ictor. Penny M. i : 2S9. 3: 393. Boar, Wild. Penny u'. 7: 140. — Hunting. (G. A. Stoekwell) Lippinc. 23: 41. — Penny JI. 2: 397. Boar Hunt. (.1. Manning) Overland, 4: 446. — in Burgundy. St. Paul's, 3: 74. — in Brittany. Fraser, 34: 416. 35: 655. Board of Green Cloth. All the Year, 12: 30S. Boards of Management. (E. P. Rowsell) Colburn, 106: 178. — of Trade, Origin of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 13: 678. BOARD 144 BOETHIUS Board-School Babies. All the Year, 39: 494. Boarding out in New York City. (J. C. Hutcheson) Belgra. 21 : 43. Boarding-Houses. All the Year, 30: 515, 560. 31:59-419. — abroad. Lippinc. 18: 378. — American. St. James, 18: 353. — Eccentricities of. (II. Holme) Canad. Mo. 18: 39S, 461. Boarding-School. Knick. 45: 134. Boarding-Schools, French and other. (Mrs. C. M. Kirk- land) Putnam, 3: 164. Boardnian, George D.. Missionary to Burmah. (-J. A. Bolles) No. Am. 40: 376. —Mo. It. 137: 367. Boasters among us. (J. Eagles) Blackw. 72: 432. Boats, Metallic. Chamb. J. 26: 254. — of rude Nations. Penny M. II : 70. — Kow, and Skating-Boats. Chamb. J. 41: 53. Boat Clubs, College. (E. F. Blake) University (J. 2: 99. Boat-Kace, Intercollegiate, 1879. Atlan. 44: 333. Boat-Races, Intercollegiate. (B. W. Dwight) New Eng. 35: 251. — (G. W. Green) New Eng. 35: 548. — Harvard and Oxford, 1S69. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 8: 431. — (E. L. Godkin) 9: 187. — on the Schuylkill. Penn Mo. 10: 548, — Oxford and Cambridge. Chamb. J. 37: 305. — University. Chamb. J. 48: 366. — Lond. Soc. 3: 452. 12: 65. — Once a Week, 6: 442. First, 1829. Lond. Soc. 7: 317. of i860. (G. 0. Trevelyan) Macmil. 2: 19. of 1867. (L. Barrett) Overland, 3: 278. of 1S71. (R. C. Marsden) Dark Blue, 1 : 234. of J872. Dark Blue, 3: 227. — Yale and Harvard, 18S1. (G. W. Greene) Nation, 33: 6- — Yankee. Chamb. J. 44: 750. Boat-Racing. Gent. M. n. s. 2: 173. — Hygiene of. Nation, 16: 335. Boat Song; a Poem. (T. Hood) St. James, 3: 257. Boat Trip from Toronto to Gulf of Mexico. (R. Tj-son) Canad. Mo. 17: 397, 489, 602. Boat Wreck; a Poem. Dub. Univ. 12: 387. Boating at Commemoration. Lond. Soc. 12: 345, — down the Alleghany. (J. M. Mulligan) Knick. 45: 561. — How I was upset. Cornh. 2: 6S9. — Oxford and Cambridge Rowing. (R. A. Proctor) Belgra. 38: 153. See Canoe. Boating Life at Oxford. Lond. Soc. 11: 2S9-541. Boatman, The. (Lord Lytton) Blackw. 94: 653. Boatswain's Mate. Nav. M. i: 517. Bob, Old, Story of. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 53: 7. Bob Burke's Duel with Ensign Brady. Blackw. 35: 743. Bob Fletcher; a Poem. (T. Haines) Internat. M. i : 104. Bob Kennedy's Canvass. Belgra. 7: 263. Bob Kennedy's Widow-Hunt. (T. H. S. Escott) Belgra. 12: 104. Bob Racket's Search for Shoes. (E. Youl) Howitt, i : 91. Bob Ruly's Experiences at the Fair; a Poem. So. Lit. Mess. 23: 453. Bob Spavins's Bridal. St. .James, 17: 55. Bob White, The Bird. (T. B. Thorpe) Harper, 39: 505. Bobbin-making Machine, Fell's. Pract. M. 6: 176. Bobbin-Net Manufacture. Penny M. 3: 278. Bobinette Berlops. (L. E. Furniss) Harper, 35: 545. Bocage, The, and its Poets. Fraser, 21: 46. Bocarme Tragedy. (Mrs. Ward) Sharpe, 18: 41. Same art. Eel. m'.3o: 38. Bocher, M. de. Chamb. J. 55: 346. Boccaccio, Giovanni. (W. W. Fyfe) Sharpe, 19: 332. — and Petrarch, Friendship of. Macmil. 33: 540. Same art. Liv. Age, 129: 372. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron. (C. Gushing) No. Am. 19: 68. Tales from. Dub. Univ. 89: 526. — Homes and Haunts of. (T. A. Trollope) Belgra. 33: 31. — Life of. Dem. R. 42: 290. — (A. Gaye) St. James, 45: 282, 363, 452. and Writings of. Lond. M. 15: 145. — Writings of. So. Lit. Mess. 15: 154. Bocking, Congregational Church at, Histon,- of. Cong. M. 11: 337, 449, 505- Boddam Lighthouse, Under. Lond. Soc. 39: supp. 20. Boddington, Mrs. Poems. Ed. R. 71 : 171. — Eel. R. 72: 334- Boddlebak, the Bear-Tamer. Knick. 36: 151. Bode, Law of ; Gaps in the Solar System filled up. (Prof. Kellaud) Macmil. 4: 364. Boden See, Capper's Shores and Cities of. (J. M. Hub- bard) Nation, 33: 56. Bodenstedt, Fred. M. Penn Mo. lo: 965. — Songs of Mirza Schaffy. (A. Forestier) Lippinc. 17: 367. Bodenton, Another Bode for. Lond. M. 9: 71. Bodiam Castle. Penny M. 13: 196. Bodily Illness as a mental Stimulant. Cornh. 39: 412. Bodily Work and Waste. (F. T. Bond) Pop. Sci. R. 3: 149. Same art. Ecl.M. 61: 303. Bodin, Jean, and the History of Witchcraft. (H. White) Stud. & Intel. Obs. 4: 327. Bodleian Letters. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 19: 158. Bodleian Librai-y, Oxford. Liv. Age, 75: 173. — Lond. Q. 32: 132. — Month, 9: 136. — Penny M. 10: 228. — Bodley and. (R. J. King) Fraser, 87: 647. — Ev. Sat. 14: 662. — Future of. (C. Reade) Belgra. 25: 174. — A Moniing in. Dark Blue, 2: 6S3. — Ev. Sat. 12: 204. Bodley, Sir Thomas, Life of. Am. Bibliop. 1 : 354. Body, The, and the Character. (H. Holbeach) Ed. M. 79: 115. — and ]\Iind. See Mind and Body. — Discipline of. (R. W. Dale) Good Words, 8: 375. — Human, and its Connection with Man, Wilkinson on. Eel. R. 95 : 422. in its spiritual Relations. Am. Church R. 24: 439. — Moral Value of, to the Soul. (J. C. Crane) Meth. Q. 18: 228. — not Spirit, the Type in Religion. Chr. Rem. 13: 484. — to be subordinated to the Spirit. (W^. C. Conant) New Eng. 30: 616. Body-Snatchers. Ev. Sat. 9: 166. Body-Snatching and Burking. Once a Week, 10: 261. Boehm, Anthony William, Account of. Chr. Obs. 6: 561. Boehm, Henry, Reminiscences of. (L. W. Peck) Meth. Q. 25: 3S6. Boeluii, M. Am. Meth. M. 6: 210. Boehm, J. P., Papers relating to. Mercersb. 23: 528. Boehme, Jacob. (G. W. F. Hegel) J. Spec. Philos. 13: 179. — (R. E. Thompson) Unita. R. 2: 243, 447. — Chr. R. 19: 440. — Death-Bed of. Dub. Univ. 33: 90. BoerHc, Louis. Fraser, 97: 617. Same art. Liv. Age, 137: 793- — and Heine, and ultra-liberal Press of Germany. For. Q. 10: 150. Same art. Select J. 4: 222, Boers and the Transvaal. (W^. F. Butler) Contemp. 39: 220. — (Sir B. Frere) 19th Cent. 9: 211. — and Zulus. (B. Pine) Contemp. 35: 541. — at Home. Blackw. 130: 753. — (J. J. Muskett) Eel. M. 96: 849. — With the. (Jlrs. Hutchinson) Temp. Bar, 57: 319. Boeriand, Birthdays in. All the Year, 46: 437, 538. Boethius, A. M. T. S. De Consolations Philosophiae. Chr. Obs. 67: 708. BOETHIUS 145 BOILERS Boethius, Hector, Sketch of. Hogg, 7: 13. Bi.ttger, Johann, Inventor of Dresden China. Chamb. J. 28: 257. Bog, An iijiland. (E. Lawless) Belgra. 45: 417. Bogardus, .James, Inventions and Improvements patented by. J. Frankl. Inst. 41: 337, 403. Bogatzky, C. H. von. (J. G. Morris) Evang. R. 6: 453. Bogeys, New and old. Once a Week, 21 : 500. — of the Day. (Earl of Pembroke) Contenip. 25: 7S9. Same art. Liv. Age, 125: 490. Boggleberry's Wooing. Tinsley, 15: 544. Bognorand Goodwood. Temp. Bar, 6: 236. Bogota in 1836-37, Stcuart on. Mo. II. 150: 282. Bogiie, David, Bennett's Life of. Eel. K. 48: 103. — Memoir of. Cong. M. 9: i, 57. Bohemia and the Slavonic Nations. For. Q. 20: 21. — Art-Life in. All the Year, 23: 601. — Ballads of. Ancient. Westm. 12: 304. — Few Hours in. (I. A. Prokop) Lippinc. 17: 1S5. — Fictions of. Quar. 103: 328. Same art. Liv. Age, 58: 93- — History of the Church in. (J. Anketell) Am. Church R. 30: 41-601. 31: 35, 91, 201. — How it became Romanist. Chr. Obs. 71: 91. — Hungary, and Germany, Gleig's Visit to, 1S37. Mo. R. 148: 203. — Legends of the Giant Mountains of. Colburn, 154: 79-525- — Letters from the Queen of, to Sir Edward Nicholas. (J. Evans) Arch. 37 : 224. — Literature of . For. Q. 2: 145. — Westm. 116: 372. in 14th Century. (A. W. Ward) Macniil. 38: 40. — Midsummer-Eve in. Once a Week, 11: 54. — Precursors of John Huss in. (A. II. Wratislaw) Contemp. 13: 196. — Protestant Clergy in. Kitto, 30: 282. — Protestants of. (A. H. Wratislaw) Good Words, 3: 607. — Question of, 1869. (M. Heilprin) Nation, 9: 246. — reconquered in 1620-28. Cong. 4: 615. — Reformation in. (.J. M. Shenvood) Am. Presb. R. 13: 114. — Bib. R. i: 123. History of the Counter-. Chr. Rem. 53: 271. — Sea-Coast of; a vexed Question. (F. Jacox) Bentlcy, 61 : 205. — Vicissitudes and Literature of. (K. Blind) Nat. Q. 24: I. — Walk across. Fraser, 29: 290. — Whitty's Friends of. Dub. Univ. 50: loi. Bohemian, A, of the i6th Century. Temp. Bar, 16: 551. Bohemians; translated from Murger's Scenes de la Bo- heme. Kulck. 41: 12-4x9. 42: 19-596. 43: 20- 4S5. — Famous. (A. D. Vandam) Tinsley, 17: 288. 18: 23- 546. — New Theory of. (C. A. Bristed) Knick. 57 : 311. Same art. Sharpe, 50: 289. — Varieties of. Temp. Bar, 49: loi. Bohemian and Moravian Church. (.J. Anketell) Am. Church R. 29: 357, 557. Bohemian and Slovak Literature, History of. Westm. 112: 413. Bohemian Coal Beds, Feistmantel on. Nature, 14: 268. Bohemian (ilass. Nat. M. 3: 4S9. Bohemian Embassy to England, Spain, etc., in 1466. • Quar. 90: 413. Bohemian Fortune-Teller. Chamb. .7. 30: 369. Bohemian Schoolmaster. House. Words, 3: 496. Bohemians and Bohemianism. Conih. 11: 241. Same art. Ev. Sat. 2: 535.— Temp. Bar, 8: 551. Bohemianism in French Politics. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 13: ^37- 10 Bohemianism, Literature of. Westm. 79: 32. — What is ? (G. F. Parsons) Overland, 1 : 425. Bohun, Edmund, Autobiography of. Liv. Age, 56: 193. Bohun, Joanna de. Opening of Coffin of, at Hereford. (J. Merewether) Arch. 32: 60. Boiardo, M. M. (W. H. Prescott) No. Am. 19: 353. — (J. Mew) Gent. M. n. s. 21: 69. — Orlando Innamorato. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 20: 75S. Boileau, N., and Pope. (C. Mackay) 19th Cent. 10: S30. Boiler, The Steam. (J. Harrison) J. Frankl. Inst. 83: 89, 161. — Benson's High-Pressure. (J. J. Russell) J. Frankl. Inst. 73: 121. — Field. (F. Wise) J. Frankl. Inst. 80: 317. — for high Pressure with expanded Steam. J. Frankl. Inst. 73: 241. — Harrison Cast-Iron, Description of, 1864. J. Frankl. Inst. 78: 38. — Lancashire, Constniction, Equipment, etc., of. (L. E. Fletcher) J. Frankl. Inst. 103: 197, 241. — Mouchot's Solar. J. Frankl. Inst. loi : 166. Boiler Flues, Alarm for Steam. (A. D. Bache) J. Frankl. Inst. 14: 217. — Strength of. (W. C. Unwiu) J. Frankl. Inst. 102: 171. — Eel. Engin. 24: 29. Boiler Iron, Tests of, and Provisions of Steamboat Law. (J. A. Dumont) J. Frankl. Inst. 106: 411. Boiler-Making, Some Points in. (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst. 106: 129. Boiler Tubes, Destruction of. (J. II. Kidder) Eel. Engin. 10: 71. Boilers, Steam. (Z. Colburn) J. Frankl. Inst. 78: 361. — Action of fatty .Matter on. (M. A. Mercier) J. Frank!. Inst. 108: 259. — (G. Pereyra) J. Frankl. Inst. 107: 314. — Analysis of Reports of Belgic Association. (B. F. Isherwood) J. Frankl. lust. 104: 310. — and Chimneys. (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst. loi : 246. — and Surface Condensers. (T. Prosser) J. Frank!. Inst. 65: 94- — at Centennial, Tests of stationary. J. Frankl. Inst. 104: 105. — Causes of Injury to. (C. W. Williams) J. Frankl. Inst. 35: jii- — Circulation of Water in. (R. Briggs) J. Frankl. Inst. 102: 86. — Construction of. (B. Goodfellow) J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 308. and proper Proportions of. (A. Murray) J. Frankl. Inst. 40: 172. — Corrosion of, by Soot from Smoke. (B. F. Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. 104: 305. — Cylindrical, Strength of. (B. II. Latrobe) J. Frankl. Inst. 14: 149. 35: 396. 36: 54, 279. — (T. W. Bakewell) J. Franlil. Inst. 36: 100,209. 37^ 56. — Cylindrical Spiral. (J. Elder) J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 391. — Dimpfel's Patent, 1S50. J. Frankl. Inst. 51: 390. — Effect of salt Water in. J. Frankl. Inst. 11: 289. — Effects of Surface Condensers on. (J. Jack) J. Frankl. Inst. 77: 169. — Experiment on Evaporation of a Corliss. (.1. B. Francis) J. Frankl. Inst. 89: 301. — Experiments on. (B. F. Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. 107: 161, 24S. on setting Land. (B. F. Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. 58: 193, 259. — Explosion of. (M. Arago) ,T. Frankl. Inst. 99: 398. 10: 44. — (Z. Colburn) Eel. Engin. 9: 209. — (T. Ewbank) .L Frank]. Inst. 13: 361. 14: i, 80, 226. — (W. Fairbairn) J. Frankl. Inst. 56: 73. — (W. M. Henderson) J. Frankl. lust. 93: 35. — (J. W. Nys- trom) J. Frankl. Inst. 108: 254. BOILERS 146 BOLINGBROKE Boilers, Steam, Explosion of. (J. Sewel) J. Frankl. Inst. 59: 3-^8, 396. — (E. A. Corbin and H. G. Goodrich) J. Frankl. Inst. 108: 395. — Eel. Enjoin. 12: 340.— J. Frankl. Inst. lo: 327. 11: 154, 289. 12: 234- 374. 13: 12-361. 14: 1-226. 15: 15. 21: 369. 22: 90. 24: 33. 25: 129. 31: 242. 32: 8. 33: 96,111,161. 39:308,361, 46:140,268,335. 47: 344. 48:32,149,403. 49:43,204,282. 50:263. 51: 30, 51, 205. 53: 322, 413. 56: 358. 75: 49. 88: 94. — Intel. Obs. 7: 28. — rortfo.(Den.) 19: 47. and of Gunpowder, Energy in. (G. B. Airj') J. Frankl. Inst. 77: 244. at Linthorpc Iron Works. (J. Head) Eel. Engin. 11: 166. at Pliiladelphia, 1864. (.1. W. Nystrom) J. Frankl. lust. 77: 326, 339, 385. at Westfield, Mass., 1871. (R. H. Thurston) J, Frankl. Inst. 92: 233. Causes of. (W. Fairbairn) J. Frankl. Inst. 52: 12S, 175. — (W. K. Hall) J. Frankl. Inst. 61: 296. — (E. Strong) J. Frankl. Inst. 66: 289. — (A. Guthrie) West. J. 8: 86. and Effects of. (F.A.Abel) J. Frankl. Inst. 74: 124. and Prevention of. (A. L. Hayes) Luth. Q. 2: 494. Guthrie on. J. Frankl. Inst. 53: 423. Experimental. (A. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. Inst. 93: 89, 180, 26S. of Locomotives. (W. Fairbairn) J. Frankl. Inst. 59: I, 79. 66: 361. of a Locomotive, 1845. J- Frankl. Inst. 39: 298. of Locomotive Neversink, 1847. (W. Hamilton) J. Frankl. Inst. 43: 331. of Locomotive Richmond, 1844. (W. Hamilton) J. Frankl. Inst. 39: 16. on the Great Eastern, 1859. J. Frankl. Inst. 68: 277. on Steamboat Medora, 1842. (B. H. Latrobe) J. Frank!. Inst. 34: 312. 35: loi. — (C. Reeder) J. Frankl. Inst. 35: 280. _ on Steamboat Mohegan, 1843. (T. Ewbank) ,1. Frankl. Inst. 35: 400. on Steamboat New England, 1833. J. Frankl. Inst. 17: 55, 126, 2S9. on Steamship Portsmouth, 1844. (W. Hamilton) J. Frankl. Inst. 39: 31. Preventing. (A. C. Jones) J. Frankl. Inst. 49: 133. — (J. L. Smith) J. Frankl. Inst. 51: 407.— J. Frankl. Inst. 63: 408. 64: 311. — (W. T. Haycraft) West. J. 5: 252. Apparatus for. J. Frankl. Inst. 78: 55. — Report of Association for, 1863. J. Frankl. Inst. 75: 36-393- 76: 23-396. 77: 176-393- 78:49-393- Report of Experiments, 1836. J. Frankl. Inst. 21 : 1-2S9. 22: 217, 289, 361. 23: 73. Report on. Eel. Engin. 2: 577, 585. Theories of. (F. Fischer) J. Frankl. Inst. 98: 311. — Feed-Water to. (I. Hahn) J. Frankl. lust. 92: 404. 93: 320. — Giffard Injector for. (.T. W. Nystrom) J. Frankl. Inst. 74: 391. — J. Frankl. Inst. 69: 325. 86: 54, 124, 194. — Horse-Power of. J. Frankl. Inst. 91 : 1S7. 92: 91. 94: 91,377. 96: 396. — (W. B. Le Van) J. Frankl. Inst. 95: 394. — Improvements in, 1853. (J. Harrison) J. Frankl. Inst. 55: 85. — Incrustation of . J. Frankl. Inst. 70: 297. 81:18,349. — (.J. G. Rogers) J. Frankl. Inst. 94: 161. and Deposits. J. Frankl. Inst. 75: 51. Boilers, Steam, Incrustation of. Experiments with Ameri- can Anti-Incrustator. (C. M. Cresson) J. Frankl. Inst. 85: 121. of marine. (P. Jensen) J. Frankl. Inst. 82: 79, 145. — (J. R. Napier) J. Frankl. Inst. 79: 30. Prevention of. J. Frankl. Inst. 40: 222, 255. Report on, 1872. J. Frankl. Inst. 95: 172. — Locomotive, Principles of. (D. K. Clarke) J. Frankl. Inst. 55: 361. 56: I. Ramsbottom's Improved. J. Frankl. Inst. 51: 6. Strength of. (W. Fairbairn) J. Frankl. Inst. 56: 349- 59: I, 79- — Loss of Heat by Radiation from. (J. C. Hoadley) J. Frankl. Inst. 103: 233. — Marine, Design and Construction of. (C. H. Haswell) J. Frankl. Inst. 104: 335. Improved, 1852. (A. Lamb) J. Frankl. Inst. 54: 116. — Notes on. (W.M.Henderson) J. Frankl. Inst. 87: 166-392. — Perkins's. J. Frankl. Inst. 19: 379. — Report on Trial of, American Institute, 1871. J. Frankl. Inst. 93: 377. — Strength of. (T. W. Bakewell) J. Frankl. Inst. 8: 135. — (W. M. Henderson) J. Frankl. Inst. 87: 316. — (J. M. Gray) J. Frankl. Inst. 71 : 398. of Materials for, Report on, 1837. J. Frankl. Inst. 23: 73-409. 24: I, "j-ii. — (C. Huston) J. Frankl. Inst. 105: 93. — Tubular, Facts and Fallacies as to. J. Frankl. Inst. 79: 377- Vertical. J. Frankl. Inst. 50: 196. — Water-Tube and Fire-Tube. (B. F. Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. 107: 14, 97. — Wear and Tear of. (F. A. Paget) J. Frankl. Inst. 80: 13-217. — Zinc in, as preventive of Fresh-Water Scale. (B. de Corbignj^) J. Frankl. Inst. 105: 49. Boiling to Death as a Punishment. Tait, 2: 105. Boiling Water; Boiling Springs of Iceland. Westm. 67: 198. Same art. Eel. M. 41: 114. Boisguilbcrt, P. le Pesant de, French Economist. Westm. 100: 45. Boiss}', Th^rese, Marquise de. Reminiscences of. (M. R. D. Smith) Victoria, 22: i. Bokee, David A., with portrait. Am. Whig R. 14: 171. Boker, George H. (B. Taylor) Internat. M. 4: 156. Bokhara, Burnes's Travels into. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 52: 367. — Brit. & For. R. i: 459. — Mo. R. 134: 450. — Eel. R. 60: 204. — Ed. R. 60: 395. — Description of. Dub. R. 18: 485. — Round of Life in. (A. Vamb^rj-) Argosy, i: 22. — Russian Mission to. (J. W. Croker) Quar. 36: 106. — Wolff's Mission to. Chamb. J. 4: 146. — Chr. Obs. 46: 364. — Liv. Age, 6: 373. Bokhara Victims, Grover's. Ed. R. 82: 132. — Colburn, 74: 130. Bokhum, H. Stranger's Gift. (G. Putnam) Chr. Exam. 20: 17. Bolas Magna, Pilgrimage to. St. James, 29: 298. Bolckow, H. W. F., Sketch of, with portrait. (T. Fen- wick) Pract. M. i: 81. Bold Dick Donahue. (J. Manning) Overland, 3: 113. Bold Stroke; a Tale. Belgra. 32: supp. 57. Bolderoe's Widow. All the Year, 37: 157. Boleyu, Anne. See, Anne Boleyn. Bolingbroke, Lord. Quar. 149: i. — Brit. & For. R. 2: 209. 4: 611. — Princ. 9: 349. — Westm. 23: 362. — So. Lit. Mess. 8: 7S3. 9: 25.— Brit. Q. 29: 126. — No. Brit. 25: 185. — and Pope. (C. Redding) Colburn, 118: 459. BOLINGBROKE 147 BONIUS Bolingbroke, Lord, and the Reign of Queen Anne. No. Brit. 39: 120. Same art. Eel. M. 40: 197. — as a Statesman. Fraser, 67: 687. Same art. Liv. Age, 78: 50S. — Nat. K. 16: 389. — Cooke's Memoirs of. Ed.R.62: i. — Mo. R. 137: 557. — in Exile. Quar. 151: 67. —West. M. 4: 8. — Literary Life of. Quar. 151: 316. — Macknight's Life of. Ed. U. 118: 404. — Man and Statesman. Temp. Bar, 50: y^- — Memoirs of. Quar. 54: 368. — Writings of. Fraser, 72: 475. — EcL ^M. 66: 92. Bolingbroke Grinds. (W. Bradwood) Belgra. 27: 130. Bolivar, Simon. (C. Cusliiiig) No. Am. 28: 203. — Anal. M. 6: 284. — (E. Lawrence) Harper, 40: 594. — and Bolivian Constitution. (C. Cushing) No. Am. 30: 26. — Political Career of. Colburn, 7: 4. — Presents to. Niles's Reg. 24: 354. — Resignation of. Niles's Reg. 28: 221, 280. Bolivia and Brazil in the Amazon Valley. (G. E. Church) Fortn. 14: 564. — in 1827. Ann. Reg. 2: 263. — .Journey in. (A. J. Duffield) St. James, 41: 477. — Northern, Amazon Outlet of. (G. E. Church) Harper, 44: 499. Bollandist Acta Sanctorimi. (C. Stothart) Cath. World, 27: 756. 28: Si. Boliandists and their Library. Am. Bibliop. 7: 158. Bollingbrook, Va., British at. So. Lit. Jless. 6: 85. Boliman, Justus E., Life of. Nation, 30: 421. Bologna. (N. Colgan) Irish Mo. 6: ;}y;. — and its Campo Santo. St. .fames, 49: 419. — Learned Women of. (Mad. Villari) Internat. R. 5: /85, 353. — University of, in Middle Ages. (F. C. Savigny) Am. J. Educ. 22: 275. I'nisover Forest. Fraser, 78: 34, 498. 79: 27. Bolt-forging Machine, Abbe's. Pract. M. 4: 431. Bolts and Nuts, Tools for threading. Pract. JL 6: 112. IJolting in Politics. (W. Gladden) Scrib. 20: 906. Holton, James, Life and Sermons of. Chr. (Jbs. 63: 771. Bolton, Monks of. (R. CoUyer) :Mod. R. i: 598. Bolton Castle, Room in which Mary ()ueen of Scots was contined. (T. Amyot) Arch. 21 : 160. Bolton, ^Mass., Ministers of. Am.Q. fJeg. 10: 52. Bombardinio in Italy. Fraser, 12: 356. — on Manners, Fashions, etc. Fraser, 14: 441. — on Things in general. Fraser, 12: 137. Bombast in celebrated Writers, Specimens of. (.1. W. Calcraft) Uub. L'niv. 37: 652. Bombav. House. Words, 5: iSi. Same art. Ed. M. 26: 460. — and the Parsees. (A. G. Constable) Harper, 42: 66. — Miss Roberts's Overland Journey to. Mo. R. 154: 305. — Towers of Silence in. Chamb. J. 56: 775. Bombay Society, Transactions of , 1819. Eel. R. 29: 423. Ron-Bon; a Tale. (E. A. Poe) So. Lit. Mess, i: 693. Bon (iualtier. See Aytoun, W. E.; Martin, T. Bon Harbor, Ky. (R. Trii)iett) West. J. 2: 86. Bon Marched-. Colburn, 169: ^t,. Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson. Blackw. 126: 543. Same art. Liv. Age, 143: 735. Liv. Age, 143: 248. — Letters from Europe. (E. L. Didier) Scrib. 18: 2S9, 38.. Bonaparte, Francois Charles, Death of. Colburn, 35: 432. Bonaparte, Jerome. (P. Girard) Cath. AWuld, 28: 289. — Liv. Age, 49: 273. 66:259. 70:507. — and Court of Westjihalia. Quar. 22: 4S1. — and his American Wife. Liv. Af^e, 71: 8-;. — the Bonaparte with two Wives. Liv. Age, 68: 571. Bonaparte, Joseph. Am.Q. 3: 543. — Liv. Age, 4: 285. — Ed, R. 100: 348. ^ame art. Liv. Age, 43: 435. Bonaparte, Joseph, Du Casse's Memoirs of. Quar. 94: 212. — in New Jersey. Appleton, 12: 360. — Sketch of. (H. Berkley) Godey, 30: 184. Bonaparte, Lucien, and F. von Raumer. Blackw. 41: 21. — Quar. 57: 374. — Letters of. Penn Mo. 10: 443. — Life of. Mus. 40: 366. — Memoirs of. (J. W. Croker) Quar. 57: 374. — Mo. R, 141: 411. — Poem of Charlemagne. Eel. R. 22: 226, 364. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte, Pierre, and Victor Noir, with portraits. Ev. Sat. 9: 99, 117. — Trial of. Am. Law R. 5: 14. — Ev. Sat. 9: 275. Bonaparte Family. No. Brit. 11: 158. Same art. EcL M. 17: 289. Same art. Liv. Age, 21: 598. — Once a Week, 23: 194. — at Florence. Bentley, 33: 469. Same art. Liv. Age, 37: 469. — Portraits of. Art J. 5: 284. Bonapartes, The. (I. Scott) Once a Week, 2: 452. — Ev. Sat. 9: 220. — American. (J. W. Sheahan) Lakeside, 9: 139. — of Baltimore. (E. S. Didier) Scrib. 10: i. — Restoration of, 1871. Ev. Sat. 10: 554. — Rise and Fall of. Nat. Q. 40: i. Bonapartism. Dub. R. 49: 104. — Downfall oL Brit. Q. 53: 441. Same art. EcL M. 77: 129. — in Italy. Westm. 72: 526. Same art. Eel. M. 49: 214, 341. Bond and Free; a Tale. House. Words, 13: 364. Same art. Eel. ^I. 38: 471. Same art. Liv. Age, 50: 42. Bonds, United States, Description of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 30: 810. Ownership of. Bank. ]\I. (N. Y.) 36: 170. Taxation of. (A. Walker) Hunt, 54: 409. Bondholders, Who are? (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 6: 104. Bondocani, II, from Weisser. Fraser, 22: 17. Bone, Alimentary Substances from. (M. d'Arcet) J. Frankl. Inst. 9: 330. — Composition of. (.M. Barrett) Canad. J. n.s. 10: 194. — its Uses in the Arts. (.\. Aikin) J. Frank!. Inst. 31: 32, — Value of. Penny JI. 10: 218. Bone Caves. (H. P. Malet) Geog. M. 1: 95. — of Gibraltar, Malta, and Sicily. (A. L. Adams) Pop. Sci. R. 5: 429. Same art. Eel. M. 67: 720. — of Gower. Cliamb. J. 30: 314. Bone-Cave Inscription, The. Cliamb. J. 55: i;2. Bone-Setter's Mystery. (W. Chambers) Chanib. J. 56: Bone-Setting, Hood's. (A. Maelaren) Nature, 6: 22. Bone Trade. Hunt, 6: 193. Bones, Forms of. (W. C. Jlinor) No. Am. 86: 153. — of our Sovereigns. EcL M. 44: -506. Bones and I. (G. J. Whyte Melville) Lond. Soc. 13: 3-541. 14: 160. Bonfires, Beacons, and Signals. All the Year, 23: 306. — Derivation of the AVord. (E. L. Hervey) Once a Week, 17: 501. Bonheur, Rosa. (IJ. Menard) Portfo. 6: 9S. — with por- trait, Eel. M. 72: 400. — Liv. Age, 58: 397. — and her W(irk. Chamb. J. 39: 21S. — Morning with. Liv. Age, 63: 124. Boniface VIII. Brit.& For. R. 13: 415. — Dub. R. 11: 505. — at Home. All the Year, 33: 342. — Jubilee of. (W. Dnljberley) Month, 24: i. Boniface of Savoy. (J. W. Cummings) U. S. Cath. M. 6: 645. Bonifacio, Corsica, Siege of. Tinsley, 24: 274. Bonius Islands. Chamb. J. 56: 444. BONN 148 BOOKS Bonn, CIuirIi Conference at, 1S75. (H. IT. Barber) Unita. IJ. 4: 402. — (G. M. Kaymond) Cath. World, 22: 502. —(K.C. Smyth) ConV- Q. 18: 27. — (W. S. Perry) Am. Chmrh H. 28: 368. — Lend. Q. 46: 57. — Jtd)ilee at. All the Year, 20: 426. Honnat, Leon. (K. Menard) I'ortfo. 6: 67. Bonner, Ivlniund, Bishop of London. Li v. Age, 47: 750. Mo. K. 158: 357. Bonnet Carre, Great Crevasse at. (R. Keclcr and A. R. U'aud) Ev. Sat. lo: 548. Bonnets, Straw, Mannfaetnre of. (E. W. Carpenter) Harper, 29: 576. Boiineval, Count de. All the Year, 35: 159. Bonneval, Countess de. Liv. Age, 55: 126. 58: 77. Bonneville, Lake, Outlet of. (G. K. Gilbert) Am. J. Sci. 119: 341. Bonnitield Claim. (H. Humphrey) Overland, 15: 558. Boiinivard, Fran<,'<)is, the real Prisoner of Chillon. (L.W. Bacon) Liiipine. 22: 46. — Eraser, 93: 5S2. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 26. Bonpland, Amie. Liv. Age, 58: 717. 3onsliiel, The. Lond. Soc. 17: 72. — Chanib. J. 29: 24S. Bonstetten, Carl Victor von, a Swiss Patrician. (A. V^en- ner) Lippiuc. 24: 88. — (C. Dempster) Ed. R. 119: 4«:v Boobies of West Indies, Night with. OnceaWeek, i: 395. Boodle Romance, The. Tinsley, 15: 664. Book of Common Prayer. See Common Prayer. — of Gold; a Poem. (J. T. Trowbridge) Harper, 54: 65. — of Jashar. See .lashar, Book of. — of Kells. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 53: 49. — of Life. (E. H. Sears) Chr. Exam. 36: 45. — of the Season. Eraser, 11: 414. Books. (A. McLachlan) Canad. Mo. i: 421. — About. (0. Thorne) Lakeside, 7: 400. — Irish ]Mo. 2: 10(1. — Abuse of. (C. W. Hatson) So. M. 9: 536. — Among and within. (L. Cross) Colburn, 165: 989, 1087. — Ancient, Form and Material of. Penny M. 5: 310. — and Authors. Sharpe, 10: 367. — and Bookbinding in Syria and Palestine. Art J. 20: 41. 113. — and Book-Collectors. Dub. Univ. 68: 397. — and Book-Hunting. Lond. Q. 57: 122. — and Bookmaking. All the Year, 38: 135. — and Critics; a Lecture. (M. Pattison) Eortn. 28: 659. Same art. Eel. M. 90: 93. Same art. Sup. Pop. Sci. Mo. 2: 159. — and long Evenings. (I. Taylor) Good Words, 5: 7S6. — and Reading. See Reading. — and the reading Public. Liv. Age, 13: 5. — and their Bindings. Lond. Q. 14: 167. — and their Buyers. Temp. Bar, 62: 487. — and their Uses. (M. K. Cross) Cong. Q. 20: 26 — Macmil. I : no. — Anecdotes of. Temp. Bar, 40: 80. — Antiquarian Club Books. Quar. 82: 309. — before the Invention of Printing. Chamb. J. 24: 243. Same art. Eel. 51. 36: 1120. — Bevy of little. Dub. Univ. 23: 221. — Blessedness of. Chamb. J. 41: 577. — Block. See Block Books. — Booksellers, and Bookmakers. Lond. M. 21: 254. — Mus. 13: 2S2. — Bookwriters and Bookworms. Sharpe, 8: 15. 9:72. — Bundles of. (G. Giltillan) Hogg, 6: 173. — Buying of. Temp. Bar, 62: 319. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 407. Same art. Appleton, 26: 547. — Cheap Finery in. Am. Bibliop. 7: 265. — Children's. See Children, Books for. — Choice of. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 31: 491. Same art. Appleton, 21 : 432. Same art. Liv. Age, 141 : 259. Books, Classification of. (W. T. Harris) J, Spec. Philos. 4: 114. — Communion of. Colburn, 167: 61. — Companionship of. N. I'2cl. i: 203. — Costly and curious. Dem. R. 13: 47-5. — Country, Rambles among. Cornh. 42: 662. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 204. — Death of. (T. W. Chesebrough) University Q. 2 : 2S4. — Decoration of, Butsch on. (C. C. Perkins) Lib. J. 3: 34'- — Destroj-ers of. Early. ITogg, 3: 220. — Duty on foreign. (C. .1. Ingersoll) No. Am. 18: 163. — (C. C. Jewett) Hunt, 14: 452. — For. Q. 9: 212. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 10: 117, 138, 157. — (H. C. Lea) Nation, 4: 195, 239. — Nation, 4: 218, ,259.-0. & N. i: 363. ^ Fireside Gossip about. Liv. Age, 38: 17. — for Children. See Children, Books for. — for the People. Chr. ICxam. 35: 86. — Forming Opinions of. (M. Browne) Argosy, i: 242. Same art. Ev. Sat. i: 261. — Friendship of, F. D. Maurice on. Penn Mo. 5: 509. — Holiday'. (E. Jerrokl) Tinsley, 19: 197. — How to read. (J. Dennis) Good Words, 22: 393. — Illustrated. Quar. 74: 168. Same art. Liv. Age, 2: 87. Same art. Eel. M. 3: 90. — All the Year, 18: 151. — Chamb. . I. 38: 135. — in Germany, Purchase of. (A. Stutzer) Eraser, 93 : 569. — in the Middle Ages. Hogg, 9: 93. — Penny iSI. 3: 87. — in the running Brooks. Sharpe, 32: 225, 33: 24. — Influence of. Dem. R. 38: 556. on Manners. Colburn, 22: 409. — Insect Enemies to. (H. A. Hagen) Lib. J. 4: 251. — (W. Flint) Lib. J. 4: 376. — Scient. Am. supp. 6: 2200, 2282. Literature concerning. (H. A. Hagen) Lib. J. 4: 373- — Little, with large Aims. Eraser, 44: 26. — Makers and Readers of. (H. R. Boss) Lakeside, 4: 304. — ]\ran among his. Hogg, 2: 369. — Medii^val. Dub. Univ. 68: 481. Same art. Cath. World, 4: 804. — Manufacture of. (A. H. Guernsej') Harper, 32: t. — Multiplication of, in ancient Times. Cornh. 9: 26. — My. (J. A. Bolles) New Eng. M. 3: 207. 4: 114, 391, 454. 5: 130, 299, 465. 6: 135. 7: 309. — So. Lit. Mess. 2: 652. — Nisard's Histoire des LivTes popnlaires. Liv. Age, 44: 505. — of Devotion. (W. F. Stevenson) Good Words, 2: 682. — Old. (H. M. Dexter) Am. Bibliop. 6: no.— (G. P. Fisher) Knick. 32: 31. in New York. (W. C. Prime) Harper, 44: 3S5. My Friend's Library. (J. T. Fields) Atlan. 8: 440. Reading of. Lond. M. 3: 128. — Old Bookshops of London and Paris. (E. Howland) Lippinc. 6: 152. — on my Table. Fraser, 10: 505. 14: i. — Our Life in. Land We Love, 5: 515. — Papal Index of prohibited. Brit. Q. 14: 133. — Personalit}^ of. Blackw. 118: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 177. — Providence of God in. (J. Belcher) Chr. R. 22: 43. — Publication of. Am. Alma. 1836: 69. — Rambles among. Comb. 42: 662. 43: 410. 44: 278. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 204. 97: 44, 610. Same art. .\ppIeton, 25: 112, 499. 26: 411. — Rare, and their Prices. Cornh. 16: 485. — Rarities at Washington. (F. Vinton) Bib. Sac. 31 : 97. — Rise and Progress of. Cath. World, 4: 104. — Ruskin on. Victoria, 6: 67, 131. — Seasoned. (N. R. Waters) Radical, 9: 371. 10:218. BOOKS 149 BOONE Books, Selections of. (M. Dewey) Lib. J. i: 391. — Sizes of printed. (C Evans) Lib. J. i: 58. — (J. B. Huling)Lib. J. i: 168. — (D. Wight) Lib. J. 5: 177. Designation of. Lib. J. 2: 37. — — Discussion on. Lib. J. i: 106, 139. English standard. Lib. J. 5: 13. Reports on. Lib. J. i: 178. 3: 19. 4: 199. — Smallest, in the World. Am. Bibliop. 8: 118. — Suppressed and censured. Ed. K. 134: 161. Same art. Li\\ Age, in: 259. — Thoughts about. (I. Taylor) Good Words, 5: 942! — Titles of. Am. Bibliop. 4: 530. — Chanib. .). i: 221. — Chamb. J. 47: 833. Same art. Eel. M. 76: 332. — Potter Am. Mo. 5: 715. Lettering of. (IL A. Homes) Lib. J. 5: 315. Thoughts on making. (B. R. Wheatley) Lib. J. 5: 133- — Use of. (L B. Barker) University Q. 3: 116. — Uses and Abuses of. (F. W. P. Greenwood) Chr. Exam. 10: 240. — we read. (.J. G. Craighead) Hours at Home, 9: 240. — which are Books. Am. Whig R. i: 521. — AVriting of, Propriety of abolishing. (J. Skelton) Eraser, 63: 92. Same art. Eel. M. 52: 347. — written in Prison. All the Year, 27: 30. Book Auction in Gotham. Knick. 32: 529. — Perkins's. Chamb. J. 50: 709. Book-Auction Catalogues. (A. R. Spofford)Lib. J. 3: 53. Bookbinder, Day with a. Penny M. II : 377. Bookbinding. All the Year, 20: 564. — Chamb. J. 26: 33. — (E. G. Allen) Lib. J. 5: 214. — Art .1. 32: 200. — (L. Robinson) Art J. 33: 113. — PennyM. 2: 505. — Ancient. Art J. 11: 279. and modern. (J. Cundall) J. Frankl. List. 45: 211. Ornamental. F. Arts Q.I : 172. — and decorative Works in stained Leather. Art J. 13: 275- — Buckram as a Material for. (E. B. Nicholson) Lib. J. 2: 207" 271. 5: 304. — Domestic. Chamb. J. 28: 79. — Examples of. Art J. 6: 81, 113. — for public Libraries. (Sir R. Barry) Lib. J. 2: 203. — (F. P. Hathaway) Lib. J. 4: 24S. — (C. Walford) Lib. J. 2: 201. — History of. Am. Bibliop. 2: 176, 220, 316. — (M. A. Tooke) Art J. 28: 5-77. — in International Exhibition, 1874. (H. T. Wood) Pract. M. 4: 59. — Mediipval. Chamb. J. 46: 237. Decorative. Art J. 30: to6. — Ornamental. Art J. 2: 228. in i6th Century. Pract. M. i : 48. — Wood Carving for Book Covers. Art J. 6: 296. Bookbindings and Gas-Light. Lib. J. 3: 64. — Deterioration of. (W. Gibbs) Lib. J. 3: 229. Bookcase, Rotating. Nature, 18: 15. Book-Club, Fuss in a. Fraser, 38: 629. Book-Clubs. (J. H. Burton) Blackw. 90: 440. — 0. & N. 6: 227. — and Collectors. Temp. Bar, 40: 80. — for all Readers. Penny j\L 13: 179. — in the Country. Colburn, 22: 216. Hook-Collecting. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 76: 273. — Mania of. All the Year, 44: 544. Book-Collectors. (E. Howland) Lip]iinc. 7: 308. — and Book Illustrators. St. James, 36: loi. — Irish. Dub. Univ. 80: i. Bookcraft. So. R. n. s. 7: 436. Booker, Luke. Springs of Plynlinimon ; a Poem. Mo. R. 134: 121. Book-Haunted. St. James, 14: 372. Book-Hawking and popular Literature. Month, 4: 19. Book-Hoax, The £1,000. (J. Sabin) Am. Bibliop. 7: 34, 59- Book-Hunter. (J. H. Burton) Blackw. 89: 645. 90:55. Same art. Liv. Age, 70: 67, 3S7. — Burton's. Chamb. J. 38: 121. Book-Hunting in the Middle Ages. Dub. Univ. 72: 147. Booking through. System of. Good Words, 17: 565. Bookkeeping, Analysis of. (T. Jones) Hunt, 7: 513. — Double Entry. Hunt, i: 256. — Progress of. Dub. R. 19: 433. See Accounts. Book-Love. Fraser, 36: icg. Book Makers as Book Lovers. Broadw. 7: 275. Same art. Ev. Sat. 11 : 342. Bookmakers for betting at Races. Chamb. J. 45: 177. Book Making. Lakeside, 2: 432. — as one of the Fine Arts. Bentley, 3: 465. — Byways of. (11. S. S. Edwards) Macmil. 34: 457. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 74S. — Mechanics of. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 79: 344. Book Notices, Superficial. (J.W. Nevin)Mercersb. 4: 408. Book Plates. (M. A. Tooke) Art J. 28: 267. Book Rovers. Am. Whig R. 14: 250. Booksellers. Chamb. J. 7: 87. Same art. Liv. Age, 13: 260. — Author. Dem. R. 11: 397. — Combinations of, and Underselling. Westm. 57: 530. Bookselling abroad. Chamb. J. 3: 169. — after the Invention of Printing. Chamb. J. 3: 148. Same art. Liv. Age, 5: 390, 471. — before the Printing-Press. Chamb. J. 3: 140. Same art. Liv. Age, 5: 313. — in England. Chamb. J. 3: 204. — in the i3tli Century. Conih. g: 475. Bookstall, Romance of a. Chanib. J. 45: 625. Bookstalls. House. Words, 7: 2S9. Book Thief, Capture of a. (S. S. Green) Lib. J. 5: 48. Book Thieving and Mutilation. (W. B. Clarke) Lib. J. 4: 249. — Operations of Dr. Pichler. Ev. Sat. 10: 439. Book Trade. Mus. 9: 2S2. — Makers, Sellers, and Buyers of Books. Fraser,45: 711, — German, 1S36. Eel. R. 65: 614. — in Edinburgh, 1805-20. Tait, n. s. 4: 469. — in England. (G. P. R. James) J. Statis. Soc. 6: 50. — in London. Westm. 57: 511. Same art. Eel. M. 26: 188. — of Germany, History of. (M. H. Meidinger) J. Statis. Soc. 3: 161. Same art. Hunt, 9: 399. — Roman, under the Empire. (SirG. Lewis) Fraser, 65: 432. Same art. Liv. Age, 73: 345. Bookworm; a Poem. St. Paul's, 10: 615. — Gossip of an old. (W. J. Thorns) 19th Cent. 10: 63, 886. Same art. Liv. Age, 151 : 813. Same art. Eel. M. 97: 489. Bookworm's Dream. Cong. M. 7: 181. Bookworms. Hogg, 7: 344. — Liv. Age, 139: 3S1. Boole, George, witli portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 17: S40. — Mathematical Works. Brit. (). 44: 141. Boomerang. (A. W. Ilowitt) Nature, 15: 312. — (J. Lovcring) Am. Alma. 1859: 67. — and its Vagaries. Dub. Univ. 11: 16S. Boone, Daniel. (B. J. Lossing) Harper, 19 : 577. — ( — Wentworth) Meth. Q. 13: 364. — with portrait, AVest. M. i: 95.— -All the Year, 28: 127. — Col- burn, 6: 519. 8: 519. — Hogg, i: 56. — Adventures of. Chamb. J. 5: 170. Same art. Liv. Age, 10: 93. — Carey's Mus. 2: 321. — Birthplace of. Potter Am. Mo. 13: 470. — Grave of. (J. ^M. Peck) Chr. R. 13: 402. — Life of. (J. M. Peck) Sparks's Am. Biog. 13: 3. — Scene in Life of. West. M. i: -sS;. BOONE 150 BORROW Boone, Daniel, Sketch of. 111. M. i : 202, Boorde, Andrew, the orij^inal Merry ^iiidrew. Fraser, 83: 629. — Cliamb. J. 32: 257, Boos, Martin. (\V. F. Stevenson) Good Words, 3: 132. — Am. Meth. M. 19: 302. — Ch. Obs. 27: 517. Bootan and the Booteras. Once a Week, 12: 205. Bootblacks. See Shoeblacks. Booth, Barton, Memoir of . Colburn, 54: 355. — and the Actors of Queen Anne's Days. Temp. Bar, 53: 407- Booth, Edwin. (L. C. Calhoun) Galaxy, 7: 77. — with portrait, (\V. Winter) llari)er, 63: 61. — (E. C. Stedman) Atlan. 17: 5S5. — with portrait, Colburn, 168: 64. — Acting of. (0. B. Frothingham) Nation, 2: 395. — as Hamlet. Appletou, 14: 657, 6S9. — witii jwrtrait, Ev. Sat. 9: 25S, 273. — as Richelieu, witli portrait. Ev. Sat. 9: 402, 409. 10: 80, 91. — in Chicago. Lakeside, 9: 349. Booth, Junius Brutus. (I. C. Pray) Galaxy, 2: 158.— All the Year, 36: 77. Booth, David. English Dictionary. Mo. R. lOO: 22. Boothby, Sir B. Fables and Satires. Quar. 3: 43. Boothby, Mrs. Lictitia, Memoirs of. Colburn, 152: 134. Boots, Easy. All the Year, 5: 511. — and Shoes, History of. Chamb.J. 36: 21. — Godey, 45- 70-426. 46: 156- Machinery for sewing. Pract. M. 4: 181. — Tollcmache on. Chamb. J. 39: 302. Bopeepthe Great. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 21: 501. Borage Burs. (A. Gray) Am. Natural. 10: i. Borax, California. Hunt, 56: 191. — Deposits of, on the Pacitic Coast. (H. G. Hanks) Over- land, 11: 71. Borax Lagoons of Tuscany. Chamb.J. 13: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 26: 172. Borcette, September at. (3Irs. S. C. Hall) St. James, 2: 205. Bordeaux. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 13: 15S.— All the Year, 43: 323, 395. — Hunt, 18: 376. — Penny M. 8: 492. — and Arcachon; Vine and Pine. Temp. Bar, 17: 340. — Antiquities at. (S. Lethieullier) Arch, i: 75. ^ Vineyards of. Blackw. 71: 617. — Vintage at. Chamb. J. 9: 93. — Walk in the Landes of. Colburn, 85: 324. Bordentown and the Bonapartes. (J. B. Gilder) Scrib. 21: 28. Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, Scott on. (J. Foster) Eel. R. 28: 305. Border Beauty, History of a. (J. Hogg) Fraser, 9: 97. Border Traditions. U. S. Lit. Gaz. 5: 40. Border Witch. Lond. Soe. 2: 181. Bore, Origin of the Term. (D. Cook) Once a Week, 12: 349- Bores and Prigs. Tinslcy, 8: 219. — of my Acquaintance. Dub. Univ. 3: 285. 6: 185. Boreen; a Tale. (N. Robinson) Cath. World, 29: 498, 629. Borgia, Lucretia. (T. F. Crane) Harper, 52: 498. — (Alice King) Argosy, 8: 191. — (H. S. AVilson) 19th Cent. 6: 664. — Ed. R. 142: 233. Same art. Liv. Age, 126: 515. — So. Lit. Mess. 19: 208. — Gilbert's Life of. Colburn, 144: 6S9. Same art. Eel. M.73: 538. Borgias, The, Gregorovius's History of. No. Brit. 53: 351. Same art. Liv. Age, 109: 259. Boring for Artesian Wells, New Method of, 1846. J. Frankl. Inst. 42: 369. — for Minerals, Water, etc. (J. Thomson) J. Frankl. Inst. 47: 68. — for Oil. (B. White) Atlan. 35: 671, Boring for Water. J. Frankl. Inst, i : 24, 86, 174. 2: 34. 3: 27, 427- — square Holes, Hancock's Machine for. J. Frankl. Inst. 4: 289. Borings and Deep Wells. (G. R. Buniell) J. Frankl. Inst. 74: 223, 305. Boring-Machine. Pract. M. 3: 106. — Earth. J. Frankl. Inst. 60: 129. for Telegraph Poles. (J. Gavey) J. Frankl. Inst. 98: 430. — for Mines. Eel. Engin. 3: 12. Borlase, William, a Cornish Genius, Old Haunts and Re- mains of. Lond. Q. 17: 385. — St. Aubyn, and Pope. Quar. 139: 367. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 579. Bormus; a Linus Song. Eel. M. 97: 648. Born, Bertran de, the Troubadour. (F. Hueffer) Gent. M. n. s. 17: 185. Born away from Home. (T. M. Coan) Galaxy, 23: 533. Born to be a Poet. St. James, 6: 198. Born to Sorrow. Sharpe, 44: 113-281. 45: 1-281. 46: 1-169. Borneil, Giraud de. (M. Davies) Colburn, 157: 467. Borneo. All the Year, 7: 511. — Brit. Q. 7: 261. — Dub. Univ. 27: 387. — and Celebes. Quar. 83: 340. — Lit. &; Theo. R. 2: 333. — Eel. R. 87: 567. — and the Dyaks. Chamb. J. 42: 551. — and the Indian Archipelago. Ed. R.84: 147. — Quar. 78: I. — Eel. R. 83: 552. Marryatt's. Eel. R. 88: 51. — Liv. Age, 17: 33. — and its Populations. Chr. Rem. 15: 20. — and Japan. Liv. Age, lo: 310. — Brooke's Residence in. (Sir D. Brewster) No. Brit. 9: 432. Same art. Eel. M. 15: 228. — (G. Rey- nolds) Atlan. 18: 667. — Chamb. J. 5: 180, 200. — Colburn, 82: 513. See Brooke, Sir James. — Burbidge's Naturalist in. (J. M. Hubbard) Nation, 33 •• 96. — English in. For. Q. 37: 63. — English Adventure in. Dub. Univ. 31 : 647. — Events in, 1848. Dub. R. 24: 295. — Expedition to. Colburn, 76: 365. — Life in Forests of. Ed. R. 116: 398. — Milanows of. (De Crespigny) Anthrop. J. 5: 34. — Piracy in. (W. E. Gladstone) Contemp. 30: 181. — Dub. Univ. 35: 107. — St. John's. No. Brit. 37: 198. — Scenes in. Sharpo, 6: 203, 266. — Slaughterings in, 1849. Eel. R. 91: 137. — Slave-Hunt in. (F. Boyle) Gent. M. n. s. 18: 489. Same art. Liv. Age, 133: 365. Bomou. (Sir J. Barrow) Quar. 29: 508. Borough, English, Law of . St. James, 15: 443. — Some Account of a. Chamb. J. 24: 193. Boroughs, Disfranchisement of. Blackw. 70: 296. — Grouping of. (E. A. Freeman) Fortn. 5: 257. — Merewether's History of. Mo. R. 136: 562. — Pocket, in England. Cornh. 18: 299. Borough Road Schools, London. Am. J. Educ. 10: 381. Borrhomeo the Astrologer; a Tale. Dub. Univ. 59: 55. Borri, F. G., the Charlatan. (W. E. A. Axon) Colburn, 158: 657. — Cornh. 15: 366. Borrow, George. Eel. M. 23 : 392. — (A. E. Hake) Macmil. 45: 56. Same art. Liv. Age, 151: 560. Same art. Appleton, 26: 451. — Peop. J. 11: 144. — Bible in Spain. (F. W. Holland) Chr. Exam. 34: 170. — Eel. R. 77: 170. — Eel. Mus. i: 252, 338. — Chr. R, 11: 516.— So. Lit. Mess. 9: 465. — Dub. Univ. 21: 248. — Mo. R. 160: 104. — (R. Ford) Ed. R. 77: 105. — Quar. 71: 169. — Tait, n. s. lo: 75, 161. — U. S. Cath. M. 2: 321. BORROW 151 BOSTON Borrow, George. Gypsies of Spain. See Gj-psies. — Lavengro. Colburn, gi : 290. — Dub. Univ. 37: 711. — Fraser, 43: 272. — Sharpe, 13: 184, 229. — Tail, n. s. 18: 270. — Blackw.69: 322. — Eel. R. 93: 438. — Real Adventures of. Internat. M. 3: 183. — Recollections of. Liv. Age, 150: 817. 151: 174. — Romany Rye. Quar. loi : 4O8. Borrowed Book. House. Words, 7: 317. Borrowing and Lending in old Times. Cliamb. J. 22: 15. — as a social Science. (.J. II. Browne) Scrib. 5: 476. — Philosophy of, from Punch. Eel. ^lus. i: 202. Borrowing Trouble. All the Year, 25: 162. Borthwick Castle. St. JameSj 16: 332. — Penny M. 9: 477- Borussia, Wreck of the. (W. S. Lecky)Chamb. J.57: 485. Boruwlaski, Joseph, celebrated Dwarf. (C. Hutton) Bentley, 17: 24a Bory de St. Vincent, Voyage of, 1801-2. Ed. R. 6: 121. Boscobel. House. Words, 17: 569. — Once a Week, 27: 496. Boscohel; a Tale of the Year 165 1. (W. II. Aiiisworth) Cdlburn, 2: 1-447. 150: 1-391. Boscobel House, Charles II. at. Penny M. 9: 193. Boscobel Tracts; Escape of Charles II. Black w. 82: 727. — Westra. 69: 428. Same art. Liv. Age, 57: 420. Same art. Ed. il. 44: 459. Bosnia and Bulgaria, Travels in. Ed. II. 144: 535. — Austrians in. (A. J. Evans) Macniil. 38: 495. — (R. H. Lang) Fortn. 32: 650. — Herzegovina and Austria. Brit. Q. 68: 393. — in 1875. (^- P- I'"'t'y) Victoria, 26: 69. Same art. Liv. Age, 127: 643. — Occupation of. (H. Tuttle) Nation, 27: 161. — Peep at. Sharpe, 18: 334. — Ride through. Fraser, 92: 549. — Short Trip into. House. Words, 3: 182. — Trip into. (H. Sandwith) Fraser, 88: 698. Bosnian Fugitives, Work among. Good Words, 17: 638. Bosom Serpent. (Mrs. C. L. Hentz) Godey, 26: 141. Bosphorus, The, Geology of. (G. Washburn) Am. J. Sci. I06: 186. — Life on. Bentley, 57: 478. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 82. — Night on. Chamb. J. 50: 545. — Summer on. (J. L. Farley) Belgra. 23: 312. See Kerteh. Bossuet, Jacques B^nigne. (A. Laugel) Nation, 20: 221. — Liv. Age, 49: loi. — Bost. R. i: 53S. — and Bourdaloue. (J. J. van Osterzee) Am. Presb. R. 17: 91. and Massilion. Am. Church R. 20: 43S, 572. — and F(?nelon, Butler's Lives of. (R. Southey) Quar. 10: 409. — Anal. M. 3: 200. — and his Contemporaries. Month. 23: loS. — and Leibnitz. (A. de Broglie) Cath. World, 2: 483. — as a Persecutor. (H. M. Baird) Mtth. (^ 26: 22. — Early Life of. Kitto, 28: 291. 31: 17. — Memoirs of, Abbt- Le Dieu's. Etl. It. 107: 194. Same art. Eel. M. 43: 433. Same art. Liv. Age, 57: 83. — Lond. Q. 6: 400. — Chr. Obs. 23: 69-333. — Chr. Rem. 27: 88. Bostaquet, Dumont de. Memoirs of. Ed. R. 121 : 493. Boston, Mass. (E. H. Derby) Hunt, 23: 483. — a Poem. (R. W. Emerson) Athui. 37: 195. — the American Athens. (J. G. Kohl) Bentley, 50: 620. Same art. Liv. Age, 72: 131. — Ancient Names in. (J. Farmer) N. E. Reg. i: 19-5. — and Boston, Eng. (G. A. Sala) Temp. Bar. 14: 477. — and Harvard University. Nature, 21: 149. — and Lowell. (W. Chambers) Chamb. J. 2i : 390. — Application for a City Charter, 1650. (J. B. Felt) N. E. Reg. 11: 206. Boston, Mass., Art Museum. (G. P. Lathrop) Harper, 58: 8i8. — Am. Arch. 8: 205. — Ev. Sat. 10: 426. — Atiiena;um. (E. Wigglesworth) Am. Q. Reg. 12: 149. — (G. Bradford) No. Am. 23: 206. — U. S. Lii. Gaz. 4: 310. Catalogue of. (N. Hale) No. Am. 24: 477. — Berkeley St. Congregational Church. Cong. Q. 6: 33. — Brattle S(iuare Churcli, Removal of. Ev. Sat. II : 187. — Jeremiah Bumstead's Diary at, 1722 to 1727. N. E. Reg. 15: 193, 305. — Charities of. (S. A. Eliot) No. Am. 91 : 149. Public and private. Am. Alma. 1846: 163. — (S. A. Eliot) No. Am. 61: 135. — Charter for, 1876. (G. Bradford) No. Am. 123: i. — Christ Church. (H. W. French) Potter Am. Mo. 17: 481. — Church Affairs in, 1720-30. Hist. M. 21: 196. — Churches in. Am. Q. Reg. 7: 53. — City Missions. Am. Q. Reg. 14: 429. — Commerce of. (J. H. Lanman) Hunt, 10: 421. — Commercial Fixity of. (C. F. Adams, jr.) No. Am. 106: I. — Commercial Growth of. De Bow, 14: 251. — Commercial Projects at, 1868. (C. F. Adams, jr.) No. Am. 106: 557. — Commercial Sketch of. (A. Bradford) Hunt, i: 124. — Committee of Correspondence, 1776. N. E. Reg. 34: 14, 167, 251. — Congregational !^Jinister3 of. Chr. Exam, i : 263. — Diary of Mary Fleet in, 1755-1803. N. E. Reg. 19: 59. — during J. (^uiucy's Mayorship. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 74: 490. — East, History of. Dem. R. 43: 114. — Educational Benefactions in. Am. J. Edue. 8: 522. 9: 606. — Effects of the Port Bill, 1774. N. E. Reg. 30: 37^. — Evacuation of, 1776. (E. Taylor) N. E. Reg. 8: 231. — Faneuil Hall. (B. J. Lossing) Potter Am. Mo. 7: 321. — Fast Day Sermon, 1636, (J. Wheelwright) Hist. M. 11: 215. — Fire of 1760. N. E. Reg. 34: 28S. of November, 1872. (J. M. Bugbee) No. Am. 117: 108. — (E. E. Hale) 0. & N, 7: 2. — (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 15: 311. Losses to Literature and Art by. N. E. Reg. 27: 369- — First Bank in, 1714. (J. W. Tliornton) N. E. Reg. 19: 167. — First Church, History of. Gen. Repos. i: 363. — First Meeting-House in. N. E. Reg. 14: 152. — Grammar Schools. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 61 : 523. — Green Dragon Tavern. Hist. M. 21 : 28. — Hanover .St. Church. (J. A. Palmer) Cong. Q. 14: 259. — High and Latin School Building. Am. Arch. 5: 107. — Hollis Street Council, 1S42. Dial, 3: 201. — in 16S7, French Protestant Refugee in. Hist. M. 12: 294. — in 1713. Hist. M. 10: supp. 82, 119. — in 1782. Hist. M. 6: 242. — Items from E. Price's Interleaved Almanac, 177S. N. E. Reg. 19: 329. — Jail, Journal of John Leach in, 1775. ^- E. Reg. 19: 255, 3«3- — King's Arms Tavern. (J. T. Hassam) N. E. Reg. 34: 41- — Latin School. Am. J. Educ. 12: 529. 27: 65. — Education, 1 : 499. — La Tour in. Liv. Age, 25: 219. — Lawyers of, in olden Time. (J. T. Morse, jr.) Inter- nat. R. 9: 542. — Literary and social. (G. P. Lathrop) Harper, 62: 381. — Marriages in, 1701-43. N. E. Reg. 34: 83-190. BOSTON 152 BOTANY Boston, Mass., Memorial History of. (J. Winsor) Na- tion, 31: 378. — (\V. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.), i: 152. 2: 239. — (S. Gilbert) Dial (Ch.), 2: 3. — Ministers of, 1630-1842. (J. C. Odiorue) N. E. Reg. i: 134, 240, 318. — Mutual Admiration Society of. Knick. 63: 219. — Newspapers of, 1704-31, Items from. N. E. Reg. 10: 33. — Old Comer Bookstore. (N. B. Shurtleff) Ev. Sat. lo: i3«- — Parks for, Proposed. Am. Arch, i: 194, 215. — Peace Jubilee, 1869. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 8: 491. 1872. O. &N. 6: 207. — Post-Office. Hunt, 14: 129. — Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers in, before 1800. (S. G. Drake) Hist. M. 17: 216. — Printing in. Early History of. (W. L. Stone) Contin. Mo. 4: 257. — Proceedings of Committee of Safety. N. E. Reg. 30: 380,441. 31: 31,290. 32: 44. 33: 23. — Progress in Population. (J. Chickering) Hunt, 13: 555. — Progressive Wealth and Commerce of. (L. Shattuck) Hunt, 15: 34. — Province House. (B. J. Lossing) Potter Am. Mo. 5: 882. — Public Library of. (L. C. Davis) Lippinc. 3: 278. — (G. S. Hiflard) Am. J. Educ. 2: 203. —(C. C. Smith) No. Am. 93: 567. — (J. Winsor) Scrib. 3: 150. — Am. J. Educ. 7: 253. Fiction Lists. Lib. J. i: 2^7, .292. in 1867. (J. R. Dennett) Nation, 4: 73. Resignation of Mr. Winsor. Lib. J. i : 395, 401. — Public Schools of. (E. Everett) Eel. M. 60: 68.— U. S. Lit. Gaz. i : i. — (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 66: 446. before 1800. (W. B. Fowle) Am. J. Educ. 5: 325. — Puritan. (G. E. Ellis) Atlan. 45: 158. — Records of, 1630-62. N. E. Reg. 2: 76-400. 3: 38,126,147. 4:55-359- 5:97,243,333. 6:183, m- 7: 159, 281. 8: 37, 345. 9: 165, 249. 10: 67, 217. 11: 199, 330. 12: 107, 347. 13: 213. 14:133,347- 16:45. 18:168,330. 19:29,168. 20: 168. of New Brick Church. N. E. Reg. 18: 237, 337. 19: 230, 320. — Religious Denominations in. (L. Shattuck) Chr. Exam. 42: 460. — Reminiscences of. (J. S. Boies) N E. Reg. 6: 255. — School Teachers and Mr. Mann. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 60: 224. — Sewerage of. Am. Arch, i; 44. 2: 265-420. — Shipping of. Hunt, 14: 83. — Shurtleff's Topographical Description of. O. & N. 3: 603. — Siege of, 1775-76. (G. Reynolds) Unita. R. 5: 242. — (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 37: 466. — Hist. M. 8: 326. — Pennsyl. M. i: 168. — N. E. Reg. 30: 369. Frothingham's. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 70: 405. — (B. F. Tweed) Univ. Q. 8: 69. Incidents of. Am. Hist. Rec. 1: 546. — Sketches of early Life in. Appleton, i: 44-275. — Streets of, in 1708. Hist. M. 14: 117. in 1732. Hist. M. 17: 33. — Summer in. Contin. Mo. 3: 40. — Views of. (E. Everett) Hunt, 2: 180. — Walk around. Dem. R. 3: 79. — Water Celebration. (C. A. Bartol) Chr. Exam. 46: 40. — Water Works. Am. Alma. 1850: 187. Same art. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4: 828. — Wayside Relics in and about. (S. A. Drake) Apple- ton, 9: 460, 495, 719. — Young Men's Christian Union. (F. W. Clarke) 0. & N. 5: 251. Boston Book. (B. B. Thatcher) Chr. Exam. 19: 314. Boston Courier, Biography of. Hist. M. 10: 45. Boston Harbor; Fort Independence. Hist. M. 5: 310. Boston, Hartford, and Erie Railroad, 1869. (A. G. Sedg- wick) Nation, 9: 6. Boston Massacre. All the Year, 27: 349. Boston Ministers; aBallad. N. E. Reg. 13: 131. 26: 419. Boston Portraits in French Setting. (E. Duvergier de Hauranne) Ev. Sat. i: 85. Boston Road, The old. (E. S. Nadal) Scrib. 14: 465. Boston Tea Party. (F. S. Drake) O. & N. 9: 97. —(E. E. Hale) O. & N. 9: 145. — Niles's Reg. 33: 75. Boston Teachers' Association. Am. J. Educ. 15: 527. Boston, England. (N. Hawthorne) Sharpe, 35: 148. — (A. P. Peabody) No. Am. 88: 166. — Church and Town of. Penny M. 5: 385. — and St. Botolph's. Putnam, 14: 424. — Old and New. (A. Rimmor) Belgra. 43: 44. — Pilgrimage to. (N. Hawthorne) Atlan. 9: '^%. — St. Botolph's Church. (E. Trollope) Reliquarj', 14: 129, 209. 15: 17. Boswell, James. Dub. Univ. 49: 359. 74: 313. — (J. Purves) Dub. Univ. 84: 702. — (F. W." Shelton) Knick. 37: 153. — Ed. R. 105: 456. Same art. Liv. Age, 53: 521. — Quar. 103: 279. Same art. Liv. Age, 57: 593. — (A. Clive) Gent. M. n. s. 13: 68. Same art. Ev. Sat. 17: 146. Same art. Liv. Kg^, 105: 366. — Sharpe, 14: 48. Temp. Bar, 56: 314- — Letters of. Bentley, 41: 204. — Chr. Obs. 59: 9. — Chamb. J. 27: 88. Same art. Eel. M. 40: 548.— Eraser, 55: 282. — Liv. Age, 52: 631. — Lond. Q. 8: 501. — Loves of. (P. Fitzgerald) Belgra. 16: 220. Bosworth Field. Blackw. 25: 421. — Battle of. Penny M. lo: 433. Botanic Gardens. Penny M. 7: 361. Botanical Excursion. (H. C. Wood, jr.) Am. Natural. i: 517. — in North Carolina. (A. Graj') Am. J. Sci. 42: i. Botanical Geography. No. Brit. 20: 501. — Meyer on. For. Q. 20: 201. Botanical Literature, Notices of. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 63: 42. Botanical Miscellany, Hooker's. Mo. R. 125: 317. Botanical Museums. Nature, 3: 401. — (W. Carruthers) Nature, 6: 449. Botanical Nomenclature, Laws of. (A. L. P. P. de Can- dolle) Am. J. Sci. 96: 63. Botanical Problems, Cohn's. Nature, 11: 261. Botanical Professorship, Cambridge. Quar. 19: 434. Botanical Researches; a Poem. (F. Parke) Dub. Univ. 83: 426. Botanical Writings of Rafinesque. Am. J. Sci. 40: 221. Botanist, Rambles of a, in California. (J. Muir) O. & N. 5: 767- — in Europe. (W. G. Farlow) Am. Natural. 8: i, 112, 295. Botanizing. (W. Flagg) Atlan. 27: 657. — at Oakshott Heath. (S. Hibberd) Intel. Obs. 4: 266. Botany. Westm. 51: 356. — So. Lit. Mess. 7: 777. — Address in London, 1866. (A. L. P. P. de Candolle) Am. J. Sci. 92: 230. — and Botanists. Westm. 58: 385. Scottish. No. Brit. 31: 197. — and Gardening. Eel. R. 86: 167. Pleasures of. Eel. M. 13: 117. — applied to Arts and Art-5Ianufacture. (C. Dresser) Art J. 9: 17-340- 10: 37-362. — as a Branch of Female Education. Victoria, 24: 67. — Bigelow's Medical. (W. Channing) No. Am. 9: 23. — British Alpine. No. Brit. 37: 67. BOTANY 153 BOULTOX Botany, Brown's Manual of. Nature, ii: 345. — Classic Flora. (M. A. Lloyd) Galaxy, 18: 115. 19: 801. — Classification in. (W. L. Davidson) Mind, 5: 513. — Comstock's and Phelps's. Am. Mo. it. 4: 112. — Ciyptogamic Vegetation. Lond. Q. i: 88. — Decandolle's. (L. liay) No. Am. 38: 32. — Decandolle's Geograj)liical. Ed. U. 104: 490. — Do Varieties wear out? (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. lOg: 109. — Gray's Text-Books on. (Mrs. I. James) No. Am. 87: 321. — (G. B. Emerson) No. Am. 56: 192. 61: 254. — Am. J. Sci. 55: 377. — Henfrey's. (A. W. Bennett) Nature, 18: 217. — Hooker's Primer of . (M. A. Lawson) Nature, 14: 8. — Hooker's American. Am. J. Sci. 9: 263. — in America. (.1. D. Hooker) Nature, 18: 325. — in Germany. Nature, 17: 15S. — in North America from 1635-1S58. (E. Brendel) Am. Natural. 13: 754. 14: 25. — in the Oxford Natural Science School. Nature, 6: 77. — in Queensland. (J. R. Jackson) Nature, II : 271. — in Schools. (M. L. Owen) O. & N. 6: 245. — in United States in 1879, 1880. (E. E. Bessey) Am. Natural. 14: 862. 15: 947. — Instruction in. (W. G. Earlow) Am. Natural. lo: 2S7. — Keith's. Mo. R. 82:126. — Lindley rersiw Hooker. Mo. R. 134: 342. — Natural Systems of. Westm. 54: 38. — Nature's Planting. All the Year, 2: 50&. — Nuttall's. U. S. Lit.Gaz.6: 439. — Am. J. Sci. 13: 99. — of Antarctic Regions. (A. Grav) Am. J. Sci. 58: 161, — of Canada. (W. Hincks) Canad. J. n. s. 6: 165, 276. — (J. M. Buchan) Canad. J. n. s. 14: 2S1. — of a Coal Mine. (W. Carruthcrs) Po[). Sci. R. 6: 2S9. — of Eastern Kansas. (E. Hall) Am. J. Sci. loo: 29. — of Great Britain, Hooker's. (A. VV. Bennett) Nature, 2: 292. Native. Hogg, 5: 302,318. 6: 59-405. Origin of local Floras. (II. Coultas) Pop. Sci. R. 4: 28. Smith's. Ed. R. 6: 79. — of Illinois. (E. L. Greene) Am. Natural. 3: 5. — of India, Hooker's. Nature, 12: 3. Oliver's. (M. J. Berkeley) Nature, 1 : 234. — of Japan. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 78: 187. — of North America, Gray's. (.J. Carey) No. Am. 67: 174. — of North of France. Ed. R. 7: loi. — of the Quantocks. (W. Tuckwell) Nature, 7: 48. — of United States. (C. Gushing) No. Am. 13: 100. Gray's. (J. Carey) No. Am. 67: 174. — Chr. E.xam. 45: 142. Statistics of Northern Flora. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 72: 204. 73: 62, 369. — Physiological, Keith's System of. Eel. R. 27: 259, — Popular. (A. L. Phelps) Nat. Q. 2: 276. — Hogg,. 8: 27, 171. — Progress of, during 1869. (G. Bentham) Nature, 2: 91, no. and State of. (A. Gray) Am. J. Sci. 109: 2S8, 346. — Ruskiu's Proserpina. (A. liray) Nation, 21 : 103. — Sachs's Text-Book of. (W. R.M'Nah) Nature, 12: 62. — So. R. n. s. 24: 314. — Smith's Grammar of. Fxl. R. 33: 535. — Smith's Introduction to. Ed. R. 15: nS. — Study of. lid. Mo. R. 5: 631. — Mus. 15: 247. — Mo. R. 129: 422. — U. S. Lit. Gaz. 2: 103. — Systematic Tendencies of. (M. C. Cooke) Pop. Sci. R. 14: 254. Botanj-, Willdenow's. Ed. R. 11: 73. See Flora; Flowers; Plants; Trees; Vegetable Anat- omy; also names of separalt ytnera, species, and plants. Botany Bay. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R 32: 28. 38: 85. — Convict's Recollections of. Portfo.(Den.) 34: 25. — Oxley's Tour in. (Syd. Smith) Ed. R. 34: 422. Botello, James, Adventure of. (W. S. Mayo) Hogg, 9: 2S5. Same art. Internat. M. 3: 40. Both her Boys; a Story. All the Year, 38: 228. Both Sides o"f the Shield. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. lo: 88. Botheration of Billy Cormack. Dub. Univ. 16: 539. Bothie of Tojier-na-Fuosick. Fraser, 39: 103. Same art. Liv. Age, 21 : 197. Bothwell, J. II., Earl of. Blackw. 2: 30. — Latter Years of. (R. S. Ellis) Arch. 38; 308. — Life of. (\V. F. Allen) Nation, 30: 389. — Manuscript of. Colburn, 13: 521. Bothmer, Baroness von. Cruel as the Grave. Dub.L'niv. 79: 44- Botta, Charles, Histories of. For. R. 1 : 490. Bottger. See Boettger. Botticelli, Sandro. (W. II. Pater) Fortn. 14: 155. — (C. Monkhouse) Art J. 33: 120. — Picture of the Nativity. (S. Colvin) Portfo. 2: 25. Bottle Hill. See Madison, N. J. Bottle Impj The. Knick. 56: 273. Bottle of Hay. House. Words, 9: 69. Bottle Papers at Sea. Penny M. 13: 494. Bottle Tit and its Nest. Penny M. 7: 481. Botts, J. Minor, with portrait. Am. Whig R. 6: 504. Boucher, Francois. (S. Colvin) Portfo. 3: 34. — Incident in Life of; a Poem. St. Paul's, 3: 460. Bouchor, Maurice, and his Poetry. (W. Besant) Temp. Bar, 41: 533. Same art. Ev. Sat. 17: 93. Boucicault, Dion, with portrait. Once a Week, 26: 430. — Formosa. Once a Week, 21: 107. Boucicaut, Aristide. Lond. Soc. 35: 37S. Boudinot, Elias, with portrait. Portfo. (Den.) 23: 265. — (H. B. Stryker) Pennsyl. M. 3: 191. Bough, Samuel. (A. Fraser) Portfo. lo: 114. Bought and sold; a Poem. (R. A. Benson) Once a Week, i: 452. Bought Bridegroom; a Story of Gold. Dub. Univ. 32: 684. Same art. Liv. Age, 20: 84. Boughton, George H. (S. Colvin) Portfo. 2: 65. — Divided Attention; Picture by. I'ortfo. 8: 159. — Works of. Art J. 25: 41. Bouguercau, Wm. Adolph. (R.Menard) Portfo. 6: 42. Bouillict, Louis. (E. Reclus) Putnam, 14: 5S8, 693. Boulak, Longshore Life at. (Lady Duff-Gordon) Macmil. 15: 365- Boulanger, Gustave. (R. Mdnard) Portfo. 6: 178. Boulders. See Bowlders. Boulogne. Dub. Univ. 45: 6^1. — Sharpe, 42: 240. — Belfry and (Cathedral of. (C. A. Mutv) Pop. J. 8: 99. — British .Settlement at. Lond. Soc. 17: 52. — Bui)bles from, (".olburn, 42: 214. — Day at. All the Year, 39: 245. — (P. F. Howard) Colburn, 80: 450. — Education in. Temp. Bar, 21: 38. — en Route to Paris. (W. H. Maxwell) Bcntley, 26: 74. — Fetes at. Bentley, 36: 321. — Fisher-Folk of. (L. A. Chamerovzow) St. James, 34: 474- — in 18th Century. (J. Hutton) Tinsley, 19: 213. — Museum at. Penny M. 7: 452, 46S. — Plea for. (A. Smith) Bentley, 20: 529. — Roman Lighthouse at. Penny M. 13: 12. — Rue de I'Ecu. (G. A. Sala) temp. Bar, 12: 184. — Works on. Fraser, 16: 379. Boulton, Matthew, and J. Watt. Ev. Sat. i: 175. BOUNCE 154 BOWL Bounce. (I. A, Prokop) Lippinc. 13: 733. Bound to John Company; a Novel. (.M. E. Braddon) Belgra. 6: 5-479. 7:69-513. 8:117-503. 9:132- 538. Bound with Paul; a Tale. (M. A. Thicker) Cath. World, T- 389- Boundaries of Empires, Natural. (J. Fitch) Am. J. Sci. 14: 18. 16: 99. — (iM. lleilprin) Nation, li: 133. /See aho C'eiiturial Stones. Boundary Linos, ludelinable. (F. Jacox) Bentlcy, 62: 63. Boundary Question, Northeastern. (N. Hale) No. Am. 26: 421. 33: 262.— (C. S. Davis) No. Am. 34: 514.-- (N. Hale) No. Am. 43: 413.— (C. F. Ad- ams) No. Am. 52; 424. — (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 53: 439- — Westm. 40: 1S2. — with map, New York K. 8: 196. — with map, (C. Buller) AVestm. 34: 202. — with map, (X. Hale) Am. Alma. 1840: 85.— Dem. R. 5; 342. — Ann. Picj;-. 4= 5^. 6: 94. 7:13- — Eel. Mus. 3: 331.— Niles's Reg. 34: 356. 42: 461. —with map, Fraser, 22: 346.— Quar. 67: 501. — Bost. Mo. i: i;7i.