KORIIIERN lV\CiFlC RAILROAD CO. REVISED ORGAIIZATION — OP THE — TRiNSPiTATION DEPARTMENT — OF THE— . J^ORTHERN •Pacific Railroad.^W^^ J-TJL^y, 1882 ST PAUL: H. M. SMYTH PRINTING CO, ■'•'''f^^''- ^'^''•'^'' ^M^^ REVISED ORGAllZATION. ''^^ Transportation Department of the Northern Pacific Railroad. DIVISIONS. The operating divisions of the Northern Pacific Railroad will vary in length from 200 to 250 miles, and the division shop and headquarters will be located as nearly as prac- ticable in the middle of each division. GENERAL ORGANIZATION. The officers of the General Staff shall consist of — A General Manager. A Superintendent of Transportation. A Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings. A Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock. A General Freight Agent. A General Passenger and Ticket Agent. A General Purchasing Agent. A Superintendent of Express. A Fuel Agent. A Superintendent of Telegraph. A General Claim Agent. A Car Accountant. 4 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Superintendent of Transportation, the Superinten- dent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, of Motive Power, Express, Telegraph, the General Freight Agent, the Gen- eral Passenger and Ticket Agent, the General Purchasing Agent, and the General Claim Agent, will report to and receive instructions from the General Manager. They will, with the Auditor and Treasurer, give instructions to and receive reports from Division Superintendents, and other division officers, in matters pertaining to the branches of the service of which they have charge. The Car Accountant, the Fuel Agent and the Division Superintendents will report to the Superintendent of Transportation, excepting when special reports shall be required by the General Manager ; and the Superintendent of Transportation, may also call upon officers of the Gen- eral Staff or of divisions for such information from time to time as he may require, in reference to the depart- ment under his charge. The General Storekeeper will report to heads of departments and to Purchasing Agent in reference to distribution of supplies. DIVISION ORGANIZATION. On each division there will be — A Division Superintendent. A Road Master. A Train Master. A Master Machinist. A Storekeeper. REVISED ORGANIZATION. 5 All of whom will report to and receive orders from the heads of the Departments to which they belong, with such exceptions as the General Manager may p rescrib e. There will also be on each division, Train Dispatchers, Station Agents, Conductors, Engineers, Section Foremen, and other employes, whose duties will be prescribed by the several heads of departments in conformity to general rules. The signals, rules and regulations for the government of the several divisions must be alike on all, and will be pre- scribed or approved by the General Manager. GENERAL OFFICERS, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF TRANSPORTATION Shall assist the General Manager in all matters pertaining to conducting transportation. He shall supervise the arrangement of the time schedules for the movement of trains, superintend the records of the Car Accountant, watch carefully the movement of cars, impose penalties for detentions, see that cars and engines are distributed to points where most urgently required for business, and shall direct the movement and distribution of cars of all classes, when out of shops and assigned to service on the road. He shall estimate from the most reliable sources of information the probable increase of business, and the equipment required for its accommodation, and 6 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. use such means as may be proper to insure fidelity to duty on the part of Conductors, Agents and employes. He shall keep a record of all the rolling stock and inform him- self as to its condition, scrutinize carefully the reports from the several divisions, compare performance sheets of loco- motives, and reports of supplies consumed monthly, pre- scribe the forms of reports to be made from divisions, and the manner of keeping the records, and see that such arrangements are made as will secure rigid accountability for property of all kinds. The Superintendent of Transportation will also attend to such other duties as the General Manager shall desig- nate. He will act as Assistant to the General Manager, and in his absence perform such duties as he may pre- scribe. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF TRACK, BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS Will have general supervision over the Road Masters of the several divisions. He will see that proper provision is made for maintenance of track, bridges, stations, and snow fences, and that water and fuel supplies are provided at proper points, that snow plows are in order and conven- iently located for use on the approach of winter, and all preparations made that a prudent foresight can suggest, to avoid snow blockades and reduce the obstructions to transportation to a minimum. All buildings and structures shall be under his supervision, and all reports of Road REVISED ORGANIZATION. 7 Masters must be made to him. The loading, unloading, transfer and distribution of fuel supplies shall be under his direction and control, unless the General Manager shall otherwise direct; but all transfers and receipts of fuel must be promptly reported to the Fuel Agent, by whom the records must be kept. He shall keep an accurate record of all rails removed and replaced, and dates of same, noting whether the rails are iron or steel; also the locality, the length of time in the tracks and as nearly as possible the gross tonnage that has passed over them; care should be taken in these records to distinguish be- tween the brands of iron or steel rails, with a view to securing reliable data as to relative merits of different manufacturers. He shall have a right to call upon the Auditor, Car Accountant or other officers for such data as will enable him to complete his records. At the end of each fiscal year a report in detail shall be made of the work done on each division, the material used and the supplies purchased and on hand. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF MOTIVE POWER, MACHINERY AND ROLLING STOCK Will have a general supervision and control over the motive power of the several divisions, and of employes of Machinery Department, including master mechanics, foremen, locomotive engineers, firemen and workmen, and shall have power when necessary to ap- 8 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. point or dismiss any of said officers or employes, with such limitations as the General Manager may prescribe. He shall require that the standards and systems of the Company be adhered to. He shall furnish the master mechanics of the several divisions with copies of all standard drawings, and duplicates of all templets and gauges, and shall give such instructions as may be required to insure uniformity in the construction and repair of the rolling stock and machinery. He shall visit the shops of the several divisions from time to time, give such directions to master mechanics and foremen as he may deem necessary, make such suggestions to Divi- sion Superintendents and other officers in connection with the departments under his charge as may promote the efficiency and economy of the service, consult with these officers and with the General Manager and Superin- tendent of Transportation in reference thereto, and make such reports from time to time as the General Manager may prescribe. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Motive Power to make or cause to be made such tests, keep such records, and make such reports thereon as the Genera Manager may require, to determine the comparative value of fuels, of lubricants, of boilers, engines, or other ma- chinery, the relative durability of wheels and axles, and the various kinds of materials used or proposed to be used in railway service. He shall take such precautions REVISED ORGANIZATION. 9 in regard to all tests as will insure reliable results, with- out bias for or against the material or invention tested. The duties of locomotive engineers, relating to the running and care of locomotives, the use of fuel and stores, will be prescribed by the Superintendent of Ma- chinery, subject to the approval of the General Manager. The Superintendent of Machinery shall keep a com- plete record of all rolling stock, and of the condition of the same, and of the location of engines, and will direct when and in what manner repairs shall be made. He will keep well advised of the demands for rolling stock on the several Divisions, consult with the Superintendent of Transportation and with the Division Superintendents as to their requirements, and may change the location of engines, at the request or with the concurrence of the Superintendent of Transportation, for the relief of block- ades or the more prompt and efficient movement of traffic. He may transfer engines from one Division to another, and substitute others, when in his judgment better results can be secured thereby. He will place repaired engines and new engines in locations to which they may be best adapted, or where most urgently required. He will pay special attention to the passenger train cars, including sleepers, and will cause such repairs to be made as from time to time may seem needful, and for this purpose will have power to remove them from service when in his judgment they should be placed in shops; but such lO NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. removal shall not be made, unless considerations of safety to life or property require it, if the transporta- tion service will be seriously crippled thereby. He shall keep himself advised through the Superintendent of Transportation of the demands of the passenger and freight traffic of the line, and the points at which the rolling stock must be concentrated or distributed for its proper accommodation, and will order from time to time such transfers of engines as the Transportation Depart- ment may require for the prompt movement of the traffic. To avoid misunderstanding and define positions correctly, the Machinery Department is charged with the duty of keepingthe motive power and rolling stock in order, and the Transportation Department with its use and distribution so as to secure the most prompt, efficient and economical movement of the traffic; and if any call for motive power should be made to an extent exceeding the ability of the Machinery Department to respond, the fact shall be stated, and such modifications made in the requisitions, after full conference between the heads of the Transportation and Mechanical Departments, as the amount and condition of the power and other conditions will permit. The Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock will be responsible for the use of fuel and stores on engines, and of materials used in the construc- tion and repairs of rolling stock, and must keep such records and accounts, under advice of the Auditor, as REVISED ORGANIZATION. II will at all times show what disposition has been made of the material, and the quantities held in stock at division and general shops and depots of the railroad. He will account for all old material which properly belongs to the Machinery Department, and will advise the Auditor and Purchasing Agent of the quantities on hand for disposi- tion or sale, and the location of the same. Foremen of Road Engines will be regarded as assist- ants to the Superintendent of Motive Power. They will be appointed by him, with the approval of the General Manager, and act under his instructions. THE GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT Shall, with the approval of the General Manager, arrange prices for transportation of through and way freight. He shall inform himself as to the sources from which new business may be expected, and encourage it by a proper regulation of the tariff. He shall especially endeavor to secure such movement in the traffic as will provide loads for cars in both directions. He shall estimate as far as possible, in advance, the probable increase of business, with a view to provide facilities for its accommodation. He shall instruct the station agents and freight agents in all matters pertaining to the receiving, billing and for- warding of freights. He shall also examine all claims for damages or loss of freight, and approve of such as are valid, for payment in the prescribed form. He shall con- 12 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. suit with the Division Superintendents in regard to all matters connected with the development of the local busi- ness, to determine the wants of settlers, and make pro- vision for their supply at moderate rates of transportation. All rates and arrangements for the transportation of freights must be subject to the approval of the General Manager, and notice of rates must be forwarded to the Auditor as soon as determined upon. THE GENERAL PASSENGER AND TICKET AGENT Shall be charged with making arrangements and rates for the passenger traffic over the lines owned and operated by the Company, and he shall make all necessary negotia- tions and arrangements with other railroad companies in relation thereto. He shall attend to the printing and distribution of all tickets, rates, maps and advertisements pertaining to the passenger and ticket departments, and appoint traveling, baggage and local passenger and ticket agents, and establish outside ticket offices, with the approval of the General Manager, to attend to the passenger business of the line, and keep it prominently before the public. Agents reporting to and performing duties for several departments, must be appointed with the concurrence of the heads of all such departments. He shall see that baggage checks are properly distrib- uted. He shall examine all complaints in regard to lost REVISED ORGANIZATION. 1 3 or damaged baggage, give instructions in reference to tracing and collecting desired information in reference thereto, and in event of claims based on such complaints being made, shall refer all papers to the General Claim Agent for settlement. He shall consult with the Super- intendent of Transportation in regard to accommodations for through and local travel, and in reference to contem- plated changes in passenger schedules. All rates for the transportation of passengers must be approved by the General Manager, and copies shall be furnished to the Auditor. He shall instruct the ticket agents in reference to their duties in connection with his department. SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. The General Purchasing Agent shall be charged with the duty of purchasing all articles in general use in every de- partment of the road in charge of the General Manager, exceptingiron and steel rails, locomotive engines, cars, and such roadway, bridge and other material and supplies as may be excepted by the General Manager, and excepting also, such portions of the coal or other supplies as maybe otherwise contracted for under directions of the General Office in New York. These and all other purchases shall be made under such general directions as may be given from time to time by the General Manager. Whenever practicable, proposals shall be invited and 14 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. supplies purchased by contract, subject to rigid investiga- tion as to quality and quantity before acceptance. An account shall be kept by the Auditor, under the head of "Shops and Supplies," in which shall be entered all purchases made on account of the general stores, — from vouchers properly prepared and certified, — giving- the name, amount, items, price, and terms of payment, and a certificate from the General Purchasing Agent " that they "have been purchased on the best terms for the Company, "and at the prices specified, and that they have been "received for the use and benefit of the Company; " which, when recorded and signed by the Auditor and approved by the General Manager, shall be returned for payment. Each division will be furnished with such material and supplies as may be required, not in general to exceed the reasonable and usual demands of a single month. When transfers are made from the general stores, they shall be on orders from the heads of departments in which such supplies or material may be required, and an accurate record of such transfers shall be kept. The head of each department shall endeavor to retain on each division, a supply of such articles as are in fre- quent demand, so as to avoid delay in procuring them, but at the same time to avoid any large excess, and to be particularly watchful that no waste shall be permitted. Exceptions maybe made, by permission of the General Manager, in favor of depots of seasoned lumber and such other material as cannot be procured on short notice. REVISED ORGANIZATION. I 5 The requisitions for ordinary supplies for any division shall be made by the Division Superintendent, Master Mechanic, or Roadmaster, through the head of the Trans- portation, Machinery, or Road Department, upon the general storekeeper; and if not in stock, a requisition by the general storekeeper shall be sent to the Purchasing Agent, who, with the approval of the General Manager, shall fill the same. The heads of the Transportation, Machinery and Road Departments shall keep records of stock issues and re- ceipts for which they are responsible, so as to be advised at all times of the amount of available material and sup- plies on hand on each division, and in general store, and shall see that timely requisitions are made upon the Pur- chasing Agent for any additions that may be required, and at the same time that all excesses are avoided. The Purchasing Agent should also keep a record of sup- plies, purchases, and issues, and also of transfers to divis- ions, so as to be able to furnish the General Manager at any time when called upon, a statement of the condition of the stocks and where located. The Division Superintendents should also keep them- selves fully informed in reference to the consumption of stores and supplies, on the divisions under their charge, and for this purpose, shall have access to all sources of in- formation. They will not be required to approve requisi- tions in the Machinery or Road Department, but should be l6 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. fully advised in reference to anything which affects the operating expenses of their divisions, and can call upon any officer or employe for information pertaining thereto. With the exception of ties, rails, and other material and supplies required by the road department, the division stores and storekeepers shall be under the direction of the Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery, and Rolling Stock, who shall make monthly reports to the General Manager of the receipts of supplies, issues, stocks on hand, and points of distribution. At the end of the fiscal year, each storekeeper, aided by such party as the General Manager may designate, shall take an account of stock on hand, and the Superin- tendent of Motive Power shall report results and deficien- cies to the General Manager. Division storekeepers shall have the custody of and be responsible for all stores, material and supplies of the division. They shall keep full and accurate records, and make reports in such manner and form as the Superinten- dent of Motive Power may prescribe. They shall permit no supplies to be issued from the store without careful inquiry as to the use to which the same is to be applied, and charging to the proper account, and if any waste is discovered or suspected, the fact shall be reported to the Superintendent of Motive Power. All old scraps and condemned material shall be collect- ed, and after the same shall have been counted, weighed REVISED ORGANIZATICN. X'J and recorded, the Purchasing Agent and the Auditor shall be notified of the location of the same and the quan- tities. The General Purchasing Agent shall, with the approval of the General Manager, contract to sell the same, and notify the Auditor of conditions and terms, who will ren- der the necessary bills for collection by the Local Treas- urer. The General Purchasing Agent shall also notify the proper head of department and the General Manager of such sales when made. All parties making requisitions, including Station Agents, should, so far as possible, anticipate the require- ments of the next month, examine their stocks carefully, and order a sufficient amount at one time through the head of the department to which they belong to insure against delays, damage or inconvenience in consequence of a deficiency of material, and avoid the necessity of ordering by telegraph. No work for individuals shall be done at the shops of the Company, except by written orders from the General Manager. Each Road Master may, if desired, have under his con- trol a small shop for repairs of tools and hand-cars, and a supply of lumber and ties for necessary repairs, and shall make his reports of distributions as prescribed in other cases. 15 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Station Agents must make requisitions for blanks and all other stationery on the Auditor on or before the 25th day of each month, and if this rule is habitually neglect- ed, or supplies ordered by telegraph in consequence thereof, the fact will be regarded as an evidence of in- competency or neglect. Other supplies must be ordered through the Division Superintendent. Freight charges on supplies must be certified by the Division Storekeeper and Purchasing Agent, who must see that there are no overcharges on goods coming from connecting lines. When supplies are purchased for the general store in anticipation of requisitions from divisions, the approval of the General Manager will be required. At the end of each month Division Storekeepers shall report to the General Storekeeper the receipts of supplies, and the distribution of all issued from general or division stores or used on road, shall be reported to the General Manager, and at the end of the fiscal year, a balance sheet shall be prepared, after taking account of stock, showing — Supplies on hand from last year, - value, $ Supplies received during year, - - '* Supplies issued, - - - - " .- Balance, - - - - - Actually on hand as per inventory, Difference, - - - - REVISED ORGANIZATION. I9 This report to be made in detail upon forms prescribed by the General Manager. REQUISITIONS. Requisitions on the General Purchasing Agent for sup- plies for the general stores require the approval of the General Manager, who, in case of necessary absence, may delegate authority for such approval, when immediate action is required, to the Superintendent of Trans- portation. Requisitions for division supplies require the approval of the head of the Transportation, Machinery, or Road Department for which the supplies may be ordered. Requisitions for stationery for agencies must be made on the Auditor. Requisitions for stationery for Machinery and Road Departments will be made upon the Auditor, with ap- proval of the heads of these departments. Stationery, printing and advertising required for the General Freight and Passenger Departments, shall be furnished on orders from the heads of these Departments, approved by the General Manager. Requisitions for cars and engines required by Construc- tion Department, and cars for boarding, office, derrick, caboose, mail and other special service shall be made upon the Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock, with approval of the General Manager. 20 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. PAYMENTS FOR SUPPLIES. Supplies will be ordered on proper requisitions for gen- eral stores only. The invoices and bills of lading must be sent to the General Purchasing Agent, who will examine and check the same, and prepare vouchers in the usual form for payment. When distributed, the freight charges must be added to first cost. In the distribution at division stores the prices must be increased to cover the freight charges. The General Manager shall examine and approve for payment all vouchers for supplies purchased. In the absence of the General Manager, he may author- ize the Superintendent of Transportation to approve of ordinary supply vouchers. STORES AND STOREKEEPERS. The General Stores and the General Storekeeper, will be under the charge of the General Purchasing Agent, but when transfers are made to Division Stores, the stores thus transferred, will, as a general rule, be under the charge of the Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock, with the exception of supplies specially transferred from General Stores for use of Transportation and Road Department. To avoid confusion, the transfers on the Minnesota Division from General Stores, should be made precisely as on other Divisions, and distribution for consumption REVISED ORGANIZATION. 21 on this Division, should not be made direct from General Stores, but from a Division Store, and the Division Store should be under the charge of a Division Storekeeper or Shop Clerk, as in other cases. So long as the Brainerd Shops continue to be the gen- eral depository of supplies, the property therein held in store shall be under the supervision of the Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock, but no transfers from General Store shall be made, except on orders from the General Purchasing Agent. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF EXPRESS Shall superintend the express service on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad and branches. He shall make, with the approval of the General Manager, all regular and special rates; also, special contracts for the transportation of money, valuables and freights. It shall be his duty to secure new business properly tributary to the line; to ap- point, with approval of General Manager, and to exercise an efficient supervision over express agents and messen- gers; to keep himself advised in reference to the general express business as performed by other companies, and the rates charged for the same ; investigate shortages ; examine all complaints in regard to lost or damaged ex- press matter, and after properly tracing same, in event of claims based on such complaints being made, refer all papers to the General Claim Agent ; to make estimates of 22 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. needed supplies, and furnish the same to agents; to cer- tify to pay-rolls in his department, and to vouchers for necessary purchases ; to report to and advise and consult with the General Manager in regard to the business of his department. FUEL AGENT. The Fuel Agent shall attend to the measurement and acceptance of all fuel delivered by contractors, and keep accurate accounts of all consumed on the line of road or shipped to stations or shops. It shall be the duty of the Fuel Agent to enforce such rules as the Superintendent of Transportation may prescribe for securing a correct record of wood and coal consumed by engines and used in cars or at shops and stations, and he shall make reports at such times as may be required in prescribed forms. The Fuel Agent may also make contracts for wood and ties, if required by the General Manager, subject to his approval, and inspect the same when delivered. As the distribution of fuel at stations must be made in general by work trains, the Fuel Agent will be expected to attend to such distributions, so far as concerns the train movements, under the direction of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, so as to interfere as little as possible with other work. The Fuel Agent must keep a correct record of all transfers from one point to another, and be able at any time when called upon to report the total supplies on hand, and the quantity at any given REVISED ORGANIZATION. 2$ point. At important points the Fuel Agent should have a representative to report directly to him the receipt and consumption of the fuel supplies. Fuel supplies for shops shall be delivered only on orders from the Master Mechanic or General Foreman, and fuel for stations shall be ordered by the Division Superintendent. All such orders shall be properly recorded by the Fuel Agent. THE INSPECTOR OF TRACK, BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS Will examine the Main Track and Branches of the N. P. R. R., under his supervision, as often as practicable, but not less frequently than once in two months. The inspections shall be thorough, and as a general rule, the Inspector shall pass over all the sections on hand cars, and shall have the right to call upon any Road Master or Section men for assistance or use of car. He shall scrutinize carefully the condition of track as to alignment and surface, the points where ballast is needed, or where it has been wastefully deposited in excess, the banks that require widening, the cuts that should be sloped or ditched, the places where material is liable to slide and endanger trains, the culverts that are needed or insufficient, the bridges, stations and platforms that should be renewed or repaired, the points at which a deficiency exists in the supply of water, or arrange- ments for utilizing it, where side tracks require to be 24 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. lengthened or new ones constructed, where elevators, ware- houses or platforms should be built, or freight houses extended. He shall also, in connection with the Division Superin- tendent, examine and report upon proposed locations for new Stations, which should fullfil the following conditions: 1. Not too near another Station. 2. A public necessity for the Station in consequence of settlements in the vicinity. 3. An unobstructed view of the Station and of any trains upon the track for a sufficient distance in both directions, to avoid collisions and permit Station signals to be recognized. 4. Gradients nearly or quite level. 5. A location without either cut or fill, to avoid expen- sive grading. If Stations are applied for at points of limited business, with a view to appreciate the price of lots, or advance other private interest, the parties interested must, if the station is allowed, pay the expense of grading side track, and interest at 10 per cent, on the cost of all improve- ment, if any, made by Company, and also the salaries ot the Agent and Operator, until the increase of business will warrant the Company in assuming the burden of such expense. Upon a favorable report from the Inspector and Division Superintendent as to prospective business, the question REVISED ORGANIZATION. 2$ of establishing such new Stations will be decided by the General Manager. To facilitate the monthly inspections, mile posts should be established on each Division, and as at present no initial point can be determined for the establishment of perma- nent mile posts, it will be convenient to consider each Division separately, and measure from the eastern end as a zero point, posts should be set every half mile, and still better every quarter mile, so as to locate defective spots or accidents with the greatest accuracy possible. After each inspection, the Inspector will report to the General Manager in detail, all the defects of every descrip- tion that can be and should be remedied, and all additions and improvements required to facilitate business, avoid expense, or increase safety. He will also furnish to the Division Superintendent and to Road Masters, copies of so much of his reports as relate to the Divisions under their charge,. At the time of making the next inspection, particular care must be taken to observe whether defects named in previous reports have been corrected, and if not, inquire why not, and report to the General Manager the fact and the reasons therefor. If defects have been corrected, this fact should also be stated. It is the intention in creating the office of Inspector, that the inspections shall not be merely formal, but shall be thorough and frequent, and when defects of any kind 26 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. are reported, the succeeding reports must refer to them^ and state explicitly whether the defects have or have not been corrected, in whole or in part; if not corrected,, what improvement, if any, has been made, or what prepa- ration for future improvement. The Inspector of Track, Bridges and Buildings, will also note the renewals of rails, the time when put in track, the location, name of manufacturer, and observe carefully the comparative wear under the gross tonnage accommo- dated; also the grades and the differences in wear on grades, straight lines and curves. He will also make such records and observations as will enable him to report upon the relative durability of cross ties of the various kinds of wood in use. The Inspector will make or cause to be made, surveys of all Station grounds and yards, and of all buildings, tracks, sidings, scales, platforms, and all other improve- ments, on or contiguous to the right of way, and he will be particularly careful to note and report any additions or alterations that may be made from time to time, that the plans in the office of the General Manager can be cor- rected so as to exhibit at all times a true record of the condition of the property. He will also examine at each inspection tour, the con- dition of the Stations and grounds, whether waiting room.s for passengers, ladies especially, are neat and clean, and provided with proper accommodations, whether the notices REVISED ORGANIZATION. 2^ requiring passengers to purchase tickets at Stations and charging excess in cars, are kept conspicuously posted, whether the parks, gardens and grounds at and near Stations, receive proper attention from the Agent, and in general any other matters not enumerated, which may affect the interest of the Company, secure better accom- modation for the public, promote efficiency and economy, or enforce discipline, should be observed, noted and re- ported to the General Manager by the Inspector. The Inspector will also observe and report whether the wood piles along the road are as fully protected as the rules require. He shall also examine into the con- dition of fences, gates and cattle guards. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF TELEGRAPH Shall have the charge of the repair and operation of all telegraph lines owned, operated or leased by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and shall inform himself in regard to all contracts and relations with connecting lines, and see that the conditions thereof are complied with. He shall have charge of the transmission of correct time to the several Divisions in conformity to rules governing the same. He may provide such operators at stations as may be required, and shall perform any other service in the line of his duties that the General Manager or Superintendent ©f Transportation may from time to time require. 28 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. CLAIMS. The General Claim Agent will have charge of the rec- ords and claims pertaining to fire losses, accidents, per- sonal injuries, stock killed or injured, claims originating in lost or damaged baggage, or express, and all other claims except those connected with the Freight Depart- ment, which will be under the supervision of the General Freight Agent. The General Claim Agent will make all vouchers nec- cessary in settlement of claims, and for expenses incurred in connection therewith, and certify to the correctness of same, upon receipt from the party authorized to incur the expense, of proper bills approved by them. Authority to incur expense on this account can only be given by the General Manager, Superintendent of Transportation, or General Claim Agent. Detailed instructions will be given by circular as to the proceedings in case of accident or claim, — the informa- tion to be furnished and mode of settlement. Officers of every grade, and employes of every depart- ment, will be expected to render assistance in case of accident, and, so far as practicable, protect the interest of the Company. CAR ACCOUNTANT. It shall be the duty of the Car Accountant to know that the cars are moved promptly, so that they may be made REVISED ORGANIZATION. 29 to perform the fullest service possible; to watch carefully and note any detentions either at terminal or local points beyond the proper and prescribed time for unloading and return; to notify the Chief Engineer of detentions of cars on Divisions under construction, and to inform the Super- intendent of Transportation by daily reports of any failure on the part of the Agents or Officers of any grade to make reports or comply with instructions; also of deten- tion of cars beyond the prescribed limit of time. He shall keep an account of the mileage that may be due the Northern Pacific Railroad Company for car ser- vice from other companies, and also of the mileage due other companies for use of their cars upon the Northern Pacific Railroad, and shall notify the Auditor thereof. The Car Accountant will report monthly to the General Manager the average and total mileage of box, flat and stock cars during the month, and the maximum run of any car of each class. He shall perform such other duties and employ such assistance as the General Manager or Super- intendent of Transportation may prescribe or approve On or before the lOth day of each month he shall report to the Auditor the amounts due foreign roads for mileage of their cars, and also the mileage reported by foreign lines. The settlement of balances will be made by the Auditor, and no report must be sent to a foreign road without notifying the Auditor. He shall furnish, from time to 30 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. time, such other reports as shall be called for by the Accounting Department. All Officers and Agents of the Northern Pacific Rail- road whose duties in any manner affect the movements of cars or give them knowledge of their location, whether at stations, terminals, or on foreign roads, should make such reports to the Car Accountant as he may direct, and com- ply with such orders as he may give concerning the dis- tribution and movements of the several classes of cars in use upon the road. AUDITOR AND TREASURER. All officers, agents, and employes of the Transportation Department, whose duties require them to collect money or keep accounts, shall conform to such instructions and make such reports and remittances as the Auditor and Treasurer may from time to time require ; and it shall be the duty of Division Superintendents and of the Superin- tendent of Express to enforce such orders, and require strict conformity to instructions from these officers. DIVISION ORGANIZATION DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS. Division Superintendents are officers of the Transporta- tion Department, having charge of all operations on the REVISED ORGANIZATION. 3 I divisions under their charge, connected with the move- ment of traffic and the distribution of rolling stock for its accommodation. The duty of maintaining the rolHng stock in efficient condition devolves on the Machinery Department, and of maintaining track, buildings and bridges, upon the Road Department. The division offi- cers and employes of the Machinery and Road Depart- ments will be under the orders of their respective heads, and not immediately subordinate to the Division Superin- tendents, except that engineers and firemen, when on the road, will be subject to their orders ; and all other em- ployes, both of the Machinery and Road Departments, may be liable to be called upon, and must respond promptly when so called, to render temporary assistance in case of accident or obstruction from snow or otherwise. The motive power assigned to each division must be subject to the call of the Division Superintendent, when required for the movement of traffic, through the Master Mechanic of the division. The Division Superintendents will be expected to keep themselves fully advised as to all operations which affect the expenses of the divisions under their charge, and for this purpose shall have access to all shop and other records; and any information in reference thereto that may be re- quired of the Machinery or Road Departments, or from the Auditor or Fuel Agent, shall be promptly furnished, and also copies of all division pay rolls when required. 32 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Division Superintendents shall constantly compare the operating expenses of their own with those of other divisions, allow no supernumeraries to encumber the pay rolls, se- cure full service from all in the Company's employ, see that no unnecessary over-time is allowed, and make sug- gestions to the heads of other departments whenever in their opinion abuses may be corrected or efficiency and economy increased. Each Division Superintendent shall, on the division under his charge, exercise control over all division officers connected with the Transportation Department or with the movement of traffic, subject to the orders of the Gen- eral Manager, or officers of the General Staff. He may nominate, and, with the approval of the Gen- eral Manager, appoint the station agents on his division. He may appoint telegraph operators, train dispatchers and conductors, with the approval of the Superintendent of Transportation He shall have power to suspend any offi- cer on his division for insubordination, intemperance, or neglect of duty, and report the fact and causes therefor to the Superintendent of Transportation. He may order the dismissal of any employe for cause; and no man dismissed for cause on one division shall be employed on any other. While holding every foreman and other subordinate officer in charge of men to the most rigid accountability in regard to results, it will be proper to allow such officers, as far as may be practicable, the privilege of making their own REVISED ORGANIZATION. 33 selections, observing care, however, to place such restric- tions upon this privilege as will protect the Company against combinations to the detriment of the service. The Master Machinist on each division being respon- sible for the condition and effective performance of engines, will have the right under such rules and limitations as the Superintendent of Motive Power and Machinery may pre- scribe to employ and discharge the locomotive engineers, and firemen but no engineers or firemen shall be em- ployed on any division to whom the Division Superin- tendent objects; and they must understand that when the engines have crossed the turn table, they are subject to the orders of the Division Superintendent, who has full authority to discharge any employe who is insolent, profane, disorderly, or otherwise objectionable; and an employe discharged by the head of one department shall not be reinstated or employed by any other. The names of all persons discharged for faults, or who may, at any time, be concerned in strikes, shall be sent to the Superintendent of Transportation, and also to the Superintendents of other divisions. The Division Superintendent shall, in connection with the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, exer- cise supervision over fuel and water supplies, and make to the General Manager and to heads of departments such suggestions as will promote economy and efficiency in all the departments of service on his division. He shall also 34 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. make such reports as the General Manager and the Superintendent of Transportation may require. Although it is the duty of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings and of the Road Master to look after snow fences, and make provision by snow plows, turn tables and properly located supplies of fuel and water, to anticipate and guard against the consequences of snow blockades, yet it shall be the duty of the Division Superintendent also to use every precaution that vigilance and prudent foresight can suggest to guard against the evils of sudden storms; and if he shall see that any nec- essary or proper precaution has been omitted, he shall call the attention of the proper officer to the fact. It will be the duty of Division Superintendents to ex- amine daily the record sheets as furnished by the speed recorders on the freight trains. They must give this mat- ter their careful and personal attention, or make it the special business of some reliable party to examine these records daily, and report to them immediately any irregu- larity or violation of rules that may be observed. Ab- stracts from speed recorder's diagrams will be sent monthly to the Superintendent of Transportation, in such form as he may prescribe. Division Superintendents should gfive special attention to the study of the local resources of the country tributary to their divisions, and make suggestions to the General Manager as to means of development, increase of busi- ness, and equipment for its accommodation. REVISED ORGANIZATION. 35 They should look well to the station and depot accom- modations, and see that side-tracks are of sufficient length and properly located. The duties of Station Agents, Train Masters, Conductors, Telegraph Operators, Shop Foremen, Storekeepers and all other classes of employes, and the signals and rules and regulations for running trains, will be prescribed by the General Manager. DIVISION ROADMASTERS Shall have charge of repairs of track, and unless other and special provisions shall be made, shall also superin- tend the repairs of bridges and buildings. Each Road Master shall have under his control such number of ballast and material trains as the condition of his division may require, to be determined by the Super- intendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings. These trains shall be run under such rules as the Division Superinten- dent may prescribe, and under orders of the Train Dis- patcher. The Road Master, shall also attend to the protection of wood piles from fire, the construction and protection of snow fences, of tree plantations for windbreaks, and other duties that may be prescribed by the General Manager, or Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings. In cases of necessity arising from accident or otherwise, the Division Superintendent may call upon the nearest 36 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. section forces for assistance, or he may use the material trains or engines for such service; but trains thus diverted from their regular use on the road must be restored as soon as the necessity for such diversion shall have ceased to exist. FOREMEN OF ROAD ENGINES. It shall be the duty of foremen of road engines to ride on engines, examine their performance, instruct engine- men and firemen in the proper discharge of their duties, note consumption of fuel and evaporation, examine con- dition of fuel and water supplies, and report deficiencies; see that car inspectors and oilers perform their duties on the road, and in general, notice carefully the condition of the rolling stock in transit; report defects and suggest improvements to increase efficiency and economy. TIME. The Operating Divisions of the Northern Pacific Rail- road, will vary from 200 to 240 miles in length, and th^ east and west termini of each, are embraced within about 4 degrees of longitude, corresponding to difference of 16 minutes in time on the Divisions east of the Rocky Mountains. The average length of the Western Divisions will be less than four degrees of longitude, and they have more local curvature, so that an allowance of 15 minutes for Ki: VISED ORGANIZATION. 37 each Division will afford sufficiently exact compensation, and give true local time very nearly on the Pacific Coast. The Northern Pacific Railroad can be operated there- fore on the several Divisions under schedules, based on St. Paul local time, allowing 15 minutes later for each Division successively to the Pacific, and without any inconvenient variation from local time. The Minnesota Division will be run on St. Paul local time, and when mean time at St. Paul is 12 noon, the time on the other Divisions will be as follows: On Dakota Division, - - - 1 1 :45 A. M. On Missouri Division, _ - _ 11:30 A. M. On Yellowstone Division, - - 11:15 A. M. On Rocky Mountain Division, - 11:00 A. M. AfPortland, ----- 10:00 A. M. The difference between St. Paul and Portland being two hours. RULES FOR TRANSMITTING TIME. At the General Office at St. Paul, and at the office of each Division Superintendent, there will be three good clocks regulated to run as accurately as possible. The object in providing three instead of a smaller number, is to secure a more complete check If two should be used, and one of them be fast or slow, there would be no means of determining which was in error. 38 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. but with three clocks, one in error would be checked by the other two in unison. These clocks should be wound by an attendant, to whom the duty should be specially assigned, and it should be performed at fixed hours, say, at noon, the first on Monday, the second on Wednesday, and the third on Friday, the whole being under the eye and subject to the constant supervision of the Division Superintendent. Time will be given by the proper office at St. Paul, begin- ning three minutes before 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday of each week. At ii o'clock and 57 minutes the sending Operator will begin beating each alternate even numbered second during the 58th and 59th minutes. The end of these minutes is marked accurately by having the 58th, 59th and 60th seconds struck consecutively. During the last minute before noon, the alternate seconds are struck con- tinuously until the 44th, after which the line is kept open and nothing is heard for 15 seconds; then the 60th second of the last minute is struck, which marks twelve o'clock precisely, or operator will say ** 12 K." If the clocks on any Division should be found to vary not more than one minute from correct time, the correc- tion can be made at once. If more than one minute, notice must be posted of the amount of variation and corrections made simultaneously on all parts of the Division, and by all Conductors and Engineers, on Wednesday following, at noon. REVISED ORGANIZATION. 39 WATCHES. The Dispatcher at each Station, before starting a train, must compare time with the Conductor and Engineer, and be sure that both are correct, and Conductors should give time to Agents at Stations along the line, Conduct- ors of work trains. Section Foremen and others. RULES FOR APPOINTMENT OF STATION AGENTS. When vacancies occur at any Station, or when appoint- ments to new Stations are to be made, nominations may be presented by the Division Superintendent or by any officer of the general staff to whom Station Agents are required to report. The nomination shall be submitted to the Superinten- dent of Transportation and to the Auditor, Treasurer, General Freight Agent, and General Passenger Agent, who, if the nominee is unobjectionable, will endorse the fact; and if objected to, the objections must be stated in writing. The papers will then be submitted to the General Man- ager, who will authorize the appointment through the Superintendent of Transportation, and the appointment, if satisfactory, will be announced by circular issued by the Division Superintendent; or, if otherwise, another nomi- nation will be submitted. If the Agent is required to be an Operator, the approval of the Superintendent of Telegraph will also be required. 40 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. ■;^ The Treasurer at the New York office will be notified of the appointment, that he may take the necessary steps ^;. to secure bond from the Guarantee Company. When a vacancy occurs unexpectedly, provision must be made without delay to attend to the business of the Station. The Division Superintendent will be authorized to make a temporary appointment, with the approval of the Superintendent of Transportation, until a regular nomination can be submitted and a permanent appoint- ment made. IMPORTANT RULES TO BE OBSERVED BY OFFICERS OF EVERY GRADE. Give instructions to a subordinate only through his im- mediate superior. If necessity compels the giving of such orders, notify the superior promptly of the fact. Subordinates must report to and receive instructions from immediate superiors, and not from higher officers. These rules are fundamental ; their violation is subver- sive of discipline, and inevitably causes trouble. H. HAUPT, General Manager^ ift f^> SUPPLEMENT REVISED ORGANIZATION, TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Northern Pacific Railroad, PUBLISHED JULY, 1882 Note. — The present Supplement supersedes and renders void iilL Ijortions of the Revised Organization inconsistent therewith, and will be attached thereto by officers to whom it may be sent. Supplement to Revised Organization. In consequence of recent changes in the Road, Trans- portation, and other Departments, it is deemed expedient to make certain modifications in the existing organization so as to extend the authority of Division Superintendents over Road Masters and Track Foremen to a greater ex- tent than was contemplated when the present organization was adopted. The Superintendents of Transportation^ of Motive Power, Machi?iery and Rolling Stock, and of Track, Bridges and Buildings, are to be considered as assistants to and representatives in their respective departments of the General Manager, to whom they will report and from whom they will receive instructions. They will constitute a bond of connection between all the divisions so far as to secure and maintain uniformity in the systems of con- struction, operation, and records. They will advise and consult with Division Superintendents in reference to all matters pertaining to their several departments, and give instructions, when necessary, pertaining thereto. Division Road Masters will act under the immediate 44 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. directions of Division Superintendents, following the gen- eral instructions of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, whose approval is required for new side tracks, wells, tanks, stations, structures, betterments or works involving large expenditures. The erection and repairs of bridges and buildings will be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, or of his assistants, in ac- cordance with plans prepared in his office and approved by the General Manager. The assistants to the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings will, within the limits of territory assigned to them, be governed by the instructions and perform the duties prescribed for the Superintendent of this depart- ment, and will be his representative therein. They will be expected to remain almost constantly on the lines under their charge, to exercise a personal and watchful supervision over track, bridges, road-bed, culverts, fences, crossings, frogs, switches, stations, water supplies, etc., and indicate to Division Superintendents the repairs to be made or the action necessary or proper to be taken. In case extraordinary expenditures should be considered necessary for any purpose, they will make recommenda- tions through the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, and await the approval of the General Manager. Pay Rolls in the Department of Track, Bridges and Buildings will be prepared and forwarded to Auditor by SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION. 45 Division Superintendents through the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, who will keep a record of the number of men employed, the prices paid, the kind of labor performed, the expenditures for maintenance and betterments, and the distribution thereof, so as to be pre- pared to furnish promptly such information in reference to this department as may be called for on each separate division. In general, it will be expected that each head of depart- ment will keep such records as will enable him at any time, when called upon, to furnish promptly information in refer- ence to the operations and expenses of his department; and he will be authorized to call upon other departments for any information required to complete such records. Officers and Agents, whose duties require them to act for more than one department, must be appointed with the approval of the heads of all such departments. Attendants at water stations running steam pumps or other machinery, will be appointed by Division Superin- tendents, with approval of Master Mechanics. They will be carried on machinery pay rolls, but will l>e required to perform any other duty when not fully occupied with water-station service; the time on such duty to be re- ported to the Master Mechanic. Road Masters will be appointed by Division Superin- tendents, with the approval of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, 46 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Section Foremen will be appointed by Road Masters, with the approval of Division Superintendent. The head of each department will have power to order the discharge of any employe who is objectionable, and to direct a reduction of prices when economical or other con- siderations may render such reduction expedient. Inspections of track, bridges and buildings shall be made monthly under the direction of the Superintendent, and reports submitted to the General Manager. Division Superintendents will receive special instructions based on these reports. The Fuel Agent will not be held responsible for the supply of labor necessary to load or unload cars. The duties of this officer are chiefly to see that proper records are kept of purchases, distribution, consumption, and probable requirements. The labor should be supplied by Division Superintendents chiefly from road or station employes. A special force for loading and unloading fuel will be proper only at points where constant employment is afl"orded in such work. The Fuel Agent will consult with Division -Superintendents in reference to the organi- zation and forces for handling fuel on their divisions, and for securing correct reports of consumption In all the departments care must be observed to keep the division accounts as distinct as possible, so that the expenses of each division can be separately and accurately determined for the several units of engine mile, train mile, SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION 47 car mile, passenger mile, and ton mile, and data furnished, for a comparison of the cost of these units and of ex- penses in detail on the several divisions. To define more clearly the distinctive duties of the Ma- chinery and Transportation Departments, it must be ob- served that it is the duty of the Machinery Department to keep the rolling stock in order, and of the Transportation Department to decide when, where, and how the equip- ment shall be utilized. The Transportation Department is supposed to be advised of the demands of traffic, and should notify the Machinery Department of its require- ments. The Machinery Department should know the con- dition of the power, and supply such engines as may be best adapted to the service or most readily available. Transfers of engines should not be made arbitrarily from one division to another without the knowledge of the Division Superintendent, and Division Superintendents should not object to any transfers that the Superintendent of Motive Power may consider necessary, if other power is supplied to meet the requirements of the division. It is absolutely necessary for the efficiency of the service that perfect accord should exist between heads of depart- ments. The appointment of Fuel Agent is not intended to relieve Division Superintendents from responsibility in reference to the amount and distribution of fuel supplies. They should carefully estimate requirements, see that 48 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. depots of fuel are established at proper points, and where mixed fuel is required to be used, that the proper propor- tions are observed, and that it is made the business of some one party to attend to it, so that responsibility can be fixed. The water service will also be under the charge of Division Superintendents. In brief, the authority of Division Superintendents will extend to all operations on divisions outside of the shops, unless special exceptions shall be made. A supply of material for maintenance of track, bridges and buildings shall be kept on each division sufficient for necessary requirements, but no more. A record of quan- tities and values of such supplies issued to, consumed and on hand on each division shall be kept in the office of the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, to whom reports of consumption of material and supplies in this department must be made in such form as he may prescribe. December, 1882. General Manager. SUPPLEMENT "B" -.TO— REVISED ORGANIZATION -OF THE- TRAiSPORTATIOfi DEPARTMENT —OF THE- Northern Pacific Railroad, PUBLISHED JULY, 1882. Note. — The present Supplement "B" supersedes and renders void all portions of the Revised Organization inconsistent therewith, and will be attached thereto by officers to whom it may be sent. (April 1st, 1883.) Supplement to Revised Organization. The appointment of C. C. Wrenshall as Engineer of Track, Bridges and Buildings of the Eastern Divisions of the Northern Pacific Railroad, renders necessary certain changes in the existing plans of organization. The changes referred to, and which are herein prescribed and directed, will be operative, unless otherwise ordered, until a revised organization adapted to the whole line when extended to the Pacific, and to the conditions that will then exist, shall have been adopted by the Board of Directors and pub- lished for the benefit of whom it may concern. The duties of Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings will, as heretofore, be confined chiefly to period- ical inspections and reports, and to the supervision, prep- aration and custody of the records of that department. These records must exhibit the maps and profiles of the Road and Branches, the right of way and property bound- aries, the abstracts and records of titles, the crossings of streams, and section. State, Territory and County lines and their direction, maps of all yards, sidings, depot and station grounds, location, dimensions, plans and cost of all buildings, location, dimensions, character and cost of all bridges and other structures, records of rails and ties., cost of all items of renewal or repairs in this depart- ment, abstracts of pay rolls, records of material, consump- tion,' stocks, etc. These records must be kept separately SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION. 5 1 for each Division, and in such condition at all times as to furnish promptly any item of information called for by the General Manager. The Engineer of Track, Bridges and Buildings will report monthly to the Superintendent, and furnish such information as will be required by the above records. Division Superintendent will have charge of all ordinary renewals and repairs of roadbed, track, bridges and buildings, and the control of Road Masters, Section Fore^ men and other mechanics and laborers employed on their several Divisions, excepting the special forces that maybe engaged under the direct supervision of the Engineer, or of his assistants, in new work. They will, however, be subject to the general directions of the Engineer of Track, Bridges and Buildings as to the forces to be employed and the manner of doing the work, so as to insure effi- ciency, economy and uniformity of system on the several Divisions. Pay rolls in the Road Department will be prepared by Division Superintendents and delivered to the Engineer of Track, Bridges and Buildings, who, after examining the same and satisfying himself that the several items of ex- pense have been properly distributed, will forward the same to the Auditor, through the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings. Pay rolls in the Transportation Department will be pre- pared by Division Superintendents and approved by Su- perintendent of Transportation. 52 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. Pay rolls in Construction work, under charge of the Engineer, will be forwarded to the Auditor through the Superintendent of Track, Bridges and Buildings, who will make the proper records of the distribution. Pay rolls in the Machinery Department will be prepared by Master Mechanics, approved by Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock, and forward- ed to Auditor. In order that the records of the Road Department may be complete, the Auditor will furnish monthly to the Su- perintendent an abstract of expenditures under each item and for each Division, and other heads of departments will furnish from time to time such information in detail in reference to expenditures or cost of structures, as may be required. All heads of departments, and also Division Superin- tendents, will have the right to call upon any other De- partment for information affecting the expenses of opera- tion of the Departments or Divisions of which they may have the charge, and heads of departments are urgently requested to scrutinize the monthly report of expenses with care, compare one month with another and one Di- vision with another, guard against waste of supplies and prune severely all expenditures not absolutely necessary. H. HAUPT, General Manager. SUPPLEMENT "'C" TO REVISED ORGANIZATION PUBLIvSHED JULY, 1882. Note. — The present Supplement "C" supersedes and renders void all portions of the Revised Organization inconsistent therewith, and will be attached thereto by officers to whom it may be sent. (April 25th, 1883.) FUEL DEPARTMENT. On or before the 20th day of September in each year Division Superintendents will carefully estimate from all the data available the probable fuel requirements of their divisions for the next year, specify the amount of each kind of fuel, the places of delivery, the requirements at each point and for each month. These estimates should be made with great care after conference with division master mechanics and submitted to the Superintendent of Transportation. 2 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Superintendent of Transportation will revise the estimates of Division Superintendents, and, after con- ference with the Superintendent of Motive Power, Fuel Agent and Purchasing Agent, will make a report to the General Manager, giving the am©unt of fuel of each kind required for the operations of the next year, the sources of supply, the places of delivery and the amount to be delivered of each kind at each point monthly or at other stated periods. Upon the receipt of this report, if approved, the Gen- eral Manager will authorize the Purchasing Agent to make contracts for such portions from time to time as may be expedient, excepting contracts made at the New York office. It shall be the duty of Division Superintendents to consider carefully the fuel requirements of the divisions under their charge, the sources from which the most economical supplies in proportion to work done can be procured, to inform themselves of the steam generating power of all the varieties of fuel practically available on their divisions, and determine, with the aid of the Ma- chinery Department, the relative economy of the same and of mixtures thereoi. It will be the duty of the Division Superintendents to see that a sufficient but not excessive supply of fuel is maintained iLfider proper protection at all stations where it may be required for use, taking into consideration the SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION. 3 season of the year, the liability to snow blockades, the magnitude and direction of the traffic and the economy of transportation, using return cars for the movement of fuel, and avoiding shipments, if possible, at times when cars used in such service must be returned empty. When mixed fuel is ordered they will see that the proper proportions are observed and that an expensive fuel shall not be used when a cheaper fuel in proportion to work performed can be substituted. They will have charge of the forces required to load and unload fuel and of the distribution of the same on the several divisions, and will keep the Fuel Agent con- stantly advised of receipts, consumption, movement and distribution of fuel, stocks on hand and requirements, so that the records can be kept in proper manner, and will make timely requisitions upon the Fuel Agent for such fuel supplies as may be needed at local points. Division Superintendents, Station Agents and other officers who can assist therein should endeavor to encour- age and extend the use of lignite on all the divisions west of the Red River and east of the Rocky Mountains. There is no good reason why lignite should not be used exclusively for almost every purpose and thereby save the Company hundreds of thousands of dollars an- nually by dispensing with eastern coal. The proportion of hgnite coal to be used shall be des- ignated by the Division Superintendents after conference 4 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. with the Superintendent of Motive Power and the Divis- ion Master Mechanics, having reference to the season of the year, the demands of traffic, character of engines and other necessary conditions, and the Division Superin- tendents will be held responsible for such arrangements as will insure the use of the prescribed proportions. At stations where a regular force is kept for unloading fuel, the Fuel Keeper will make a daily report to the Division Superintendent of the receipts and consumption of each kind of fuel, and the amount on hand, on cars and on platform. At stations where there are no fuel keepers a box will be kept for depositing checks, which will be sent to the Division Superintendent, and the amount consumed re- ported promptly to the Fuel Agent. Division Superini-endents will keep the several kinds of coal used on their divisions entirely separate and distinct, such as coal for locomotive engines, section houses, pumping engines, depots, coaches, etc. Each Division Superintendent will cause an approxi- mate estimate to be made of the amount of coal a single caboose will require in a season and ascertain by a proper proportion the amount chargeable to all cabooses of the divisions. Fuel sold to private parties must be upon the order of the Station Agent, transmitted through the Fuel Keeper to the Auditor as a check upon cash remitted by the SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION. 5 Agent, and reports of all such sales must be made to the Fuel Agent. DUTIES OF FUEL AGENT. As the purchases of fuel are made by Purchasing Agent, and the loading, unloading and distribution by or under the charge of Division Superintendents, the duties of the Fuel Agent will be chiefly to attend to the meas- urement and acceptance of all fuel delivered by contract- ors, and keep accurate accounts of all fuel delivered or consumed on the line of the road, or shipped to stations, shops or to other divisions. It shall be the duty of the Fuel Agent to pass over the road as frequently as practicable, examine the condition of the fuel supplies, see that they are properly guarded against theft, and protected .from deterioration by ex- posure, observe whether the rules prescribed by the Superintendent of Transportation for securing a correct record of coal and wood consumed by engines and in car shops and stations are properly enforced, and shall make report to the Superintendent of Transportation monthly, and at such other times as may be required. Transfers of fuel between division points will be made by Division Superintendents, but all such transfers shall be promptly reported to the Fuel Agent, whose records must show at all times the stock on hand and the distri- bution in detail at all points. 6 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. When transfers are required from one division to another the orders for such transfers must be sent to the Fuel Agent, who will notify Division Superintendents in reference to required shipments. Further detailed instructions to the Fuel Agent will be given by Superintendent of Transportation, under whose orders he will act. The Fuel Agent will make a report to the General Manager once every month, showing the cost by divis- ions for loading and unloading the fuel, also the distribu- tion and consumption of eastern, lignite and other varieties of coal, with the amount of each kind on hand. The Fuel Agent will make a monthly report, as soou as possible after close of each month, to Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock of fuel consumed by each engine on each division, showing kind and amount of fuel delivered to each engine, and point delivered at, and the service of such engine as shown by engineer's receipt. Also a report of kind and amount of fuel delivered to each shop or round house for use of stationery engine or heating purposes, and to each water station for use of steam pumps. Bills for fuel furnished engines, shops, round houses and water stations will be rendered by Fuel Agent to Superintendent of Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock, showing cost of each kind of fuel on each division, including transportation. SUPPLEMENT TO REVISED ORGANIZATION. ^ Engineer's receipt must be taken for all fuel delivered to engines, and the receipt of Master Mechanic, foreman or person in charge, for all fuel delivered shops, round houses or water stations. WOOD. All wood shall be inspected by the Fuel Agent and loaded under orders of the Division Superintendent. No wood shall be shipped to private individuals except upon the order of the agent through the Division Superin- tendent. T O 1 ^