H92I ^/ \\l / •.'J'v;'.; 1/ HYMNS AND SACRED SONGS, BY ALEXANDER HUME. REPRINTED FROM THE EDITION OF WALDEGRAVE, 1599. EDINBURGH, MDCCCXXXII. PRINTED BV BALIiXTlNB AND CO., EDIUBUKGn. # PRESENTED TO THE BANNATYNE CLUB, BV JOHN GARDINER KINNEAR. MAY, MDCCCXXXII. 641486 THE BANNATYNE CLUB. M.DCCC.XXXII. SIR WALTER SCOTT, BARt [PRESIDENT.] THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K.T. RIGHT HON. WILLIAM ADAM, LORD CHIEF COMMIS- SIONER OF THE JURY COURT. JAMES BALLANTYNE, ESQ. 5 SIR WILLIAM MACLEOD BANNATYNE. LORD BELHAVEN AND STENTON. GEORGE JOSEPH BELL, ESQ. ROBERT BELL, ESQ. WILLIAM BELL, ESQ. 10 JOHN BORTHWICK, ESQ. WILLIAM BLAIR, ESQ. THE REV. PHILIP BLISS, D.C.L. GEORGE BRODIE, ESQ. CHARLES DASH WOOD BRUCE, ESQ. 15 THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. JOHN CALEY, ESQ. JAMES CAMPBELL, ESQ. HON. JOHN CLERK, LORD ELDIN. WILLIAM CLERK, ESQ. 20 HENRY COCKBURN, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. DAVID CONSTABLE, ESQ. ANDREW COVENTRY, ESQ. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. 25 HON. GEORGE CRANSTOUN, LORD COREHOUSE. THE EARL OP DALHOUSIE. JAMES DENNISTOUN, ESQ. ROBERT DUNDAS, ESQ. RIGHT HON. W. DUNDAS, LORD CLERK REGISTER. 30 CHARLES FERGUSSON, ESQ. ROBERT FERGUSON, ESQ. LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR RONALD C. FERGUSON. THE COUNT DE FLAHAULT. HON. JOHN FULLERTON, LORD FULLERTON. 35 THE DUKE OF GORDON. WILLIAM GOTT, ESQ. ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. LORD GRAY. RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. 40 THE EARL OF HADDINGTON. THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. B. W. A. DRUMMOND HAY, ESQ. JAMES M. HOG, ESQ. JOHN HOPE, ESQ. 45 COSMO INNES, ESQ. DAVID IRVING, LL. D. JAMES IVORY, ESQ. THE REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. ROBERT JAMESON, ESQ. 50 SIR HENRY JARDINE. FRANCIS JEFFREY, ESQ. JAMES KEAY, ESQ. THOMAS FRANCIS KENNEDY, ESQ. JOHN G. KINNEAR, ESQ. [TREASURER.] 55 THE EARL OF KINNOULL. DAVID LAING, ESQ. [SECRETARY.] THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE, K.T. THE REV. JOHN LEE, D.D. ALEXANDER W. LEITH, ESQ. 60 THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. HON. J. H. MACKENZIE, LORD MACKENZIE. JAMES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. 65 GILBERT LAING MEASON, ESQ. VISCOUNT MELVILLE, K.T. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. THE EARL OF MINTO. HON. SIR J. W. MONCREIFF, LORD MONCREIFF. 70 JOHN ARCHIBALD MURRAY, ESQ. WILLIAM MURRAY, ESQ. JAMES NAIRNE, ESQ. MACVEY NAPIER, ESQ. THE EARL OF ORMELIE. 75 FRANCIS PALGRAVE, ESQ. LORD PANMURE. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. HENRY PETRIE, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, ESQ. 80 JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. THE EARL OP ROSSLYN. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. THE EARL OF SELKIRK. RIGHT HON. SIR SAMUEL SHEPHERD. 85 ANDREW SKENE, ESQ. JAMES SKENE, ESQ. GEORGE SMYTHE, ESQ. EARL SPENCER, K.G. JOHN SPOTTISWOODE, ESQ. 90 THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, K.G. MAJOR-GENERAL STRATON. SIR JOHN ARCHIBALD STEWART, BARt THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. ALEXANDER THOMSON, ESQ. 95 THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. [VICE-PRESIDENT.] WALTER C. TREVELYAN, ESQ. PATRICK ERASER TYTLER, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE WARRENDER, BAJH 100 THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. PREFACE. Alexander Hume, the Author of the following Poems, was the second son of Patrick, fifth Baron of Polwarth, from whom the family of Marchmont are descended. He was born about the year 1560, probably at Polwarth in Berwickshire, and pass- ed through the usual academical course at St Andrews, where, it is supposed, he took the degree of Bachelor of Arts in St Mary's College, in 1574.' The only account we possess of his early life, is contained in his poetical epistle to Gilbert Moncreiif, the King's physician, written when about thirty years of age, in which he has " set down the experience of his youth." From this letter it appears that he resided four years in France ; and, being destined for the bar, it is probable that, according to the custom of the period, he pursued the study of law at one of the universities in that country. On his return to Scotland, he commenced his professional attendance in the courts of justice ; but after three years' experience, retired ' See, however, the note to page v. respecting a person of the same name who studied at St Leonard's College, a few years later. 11 altogether from the legal profession, disgusted with the corrupt and venal practices, which were at that time so intolerable a grievance in all legal proceedings, and which appear not to have been confined to the lower agents and officers of the courts, but to have extended even to the bench itself. Equally unsuccessful in his endeavour to obtain distinction as a courtier, and equally dissatisfied with the abuses and the immorality which prevailed in the royal court, no less than in the halls of justice, he ultimately directed his views to the church ; a change which appears to have been the result of a . mental struggle between the desire of secular advancement and objects of a higher nature ; and which was obviously adopted, more from an awakened sense of the importance of divine truth, than from any hope of worldly advantage. ** In the year 1598, he was appointed minister of Logic, in the neighbourhood of Stirling, where he continued till his death, which took place on the 4th December, 1609.* And we cannot doubt that, in fidfilling the humble duties of this paro- chial charge, a calling which he had adopted from the most con- scientious motives, he at length experienced that inward peace and satisfaction, for which he had vainly sought in any worldly pursuit. The minister of Logic is mentioned by Kow, in his MS. His- tory of the Church of Scotland, among the number of those * Records of the Presbytery of Stirling. Hume's immediate predecessor as minister of Logie, was John Millar : his successor James Settoune. (Book of Assignations, &c., for the years 1597, and 1614.) • •• m " godlie and faithfull servants," whom he had personally known, and who had " witnessed against the hierarchy of prelates in this kirk." He likewise mentions a small treatise which Hume had left behind him, probably intended for publication. " As for Mr Alexander Hoome," says he, " minister at Logie besyde Stirhn, I nixt mention him : he has left ane Admoni- tion behind him in write to the Kirk of Scotland, wherein he affirmes that the Bishops, who were then fast riseing up, had left the sincere ministers who wold gladUe have keeped still the good old government of the Kirk, if these corrupt ministers had not left them and it ; earnestlie entreating the Bishops to leave and forsake that course wherein they were, els their de- fection from their honest brethren (with whom they had taken the Covenant) and from the cause of God, wold be registrate afterward to their eternale shame." A small tract, which answers this description, entitled, " Ane afold Admonition to the Ministerie of Scotland, be ane deing Brother," is still preserved in Wodrow's collection of MSS. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates ; and has been insert- ed in the Appendix to this volume. At first, it is probable that these " Spiritual Songs" were hand- ed about in manuscript, accompanied by the " Address to the Scottish Youth ;" but after the author's appointment to the parish of Logie, his sacred poems obtained a wider circidation. They were printed at Edinburgh in 1599, by Robert Walde- grave, with some additions and the dedication to EUzabeth IV Melville, Lady Culross. This lady, " the godlie daughter of a faithful father," was daughter of Sir James Melville of Hall- hiU, and obtained the title of Lady Culross by her marriage with John Colville, eldest son of Alexander, Commendator of Culross. The only verses by Lady Culross, which have been preserved, are, a sonnet addressed to Mr John Welch, during his imprisonment in the Castle of Blackness, and " Ane Godlie Dream," a composition of great beauty, which was long popular among the Scottish Presbyterians.^ Its poetical merits, as well as the spirit of humble and fervent piety which it exhibits, fully justify Hume's panegyric on the talents and character of this " faithfull and vertuous ladie." The Address to the Scottish Youth, in which Hume exhorts them to imitate his example, in avoiding " profane sonnets and vain ballads of love, the fabulous feats of Palmerine, Amadis, and such like reveries," is strikingly expressive of the feelings with which the Presbyterians regarded such compositions ; just- ly considering them as a species of seduction peculiarly danger- ous to their cause, as inimical to the self-denying virtues of the reformed religion, and as calculated to keep alive a taste for the pompous ceremonies and convenient indulgence of the Romish Church. All poetry, therefore, except of a religious nature, was prohibited ; and to this, among other circumstances, may be attributed the discredit which soon overtook most of the ^ Reprinted from the original edition of 1603, in " Early Metrical Tales," &c. Edin- burgh : 1826, 12mo. pp. xxix-xxxii. and 147-169. early poets of the sixteenth century. Sir David Lindsay, in- deed, continued to enjoy his popularity, but much of this was no doubt owing to the severity with which he had satirized the vices of the clergy, and exposed the superstitious absurdities of popery. Some uncertainty has arisen respecting the author of this lit- tle volume, in consequence of there having been two other per- sons of the same name, who were students along with him in St Mary's College at St Andrews ;* one of whom took his de- gree of Master of Arts in 1571, the other in 1572, The former is supposed to have been Alexander Hume, who was minister of Dunbar in 1582 ; the other was appointed Master of the High School of Edinburgh in 1596, and was author of various theological treatises, and of a Latin Grammar, which the Privy Council in 1612, in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, appoint- * A fourth person of the name of Alexander Hnme was a student at St Leonard's College, St Andrews, nearly at the same time, having entered in the year 1578. The following lines by him are written on the last leaf of the manuscript of Bellenden's trans- lation of the first five books of Livy, preserved in the Advocates' Library. Fyve builces ar here by Ballantyne translated, Restis yet ane hundred threttie fyue behind ; Quhilkis if the samyn war alsweill compleated, Wald be ane volume of ane monstrous bind, nk man perfytes not quhat they once intend. So fraill and brittle ar our wretched dayes ; Let some man then begine qf he doeth end, Giue him the first, tak thame the secund praise. No, no I to Titus Linius giue all, That peerles prince for feattis historicall. M. A. Home, St Leotiardes. VI ed to be used in all the schools in the kingdom." It has also been erroneously supposed that Alexander Hume was the author of the " Flytings," or invectives, addressed to Montgomerie under the name of Polwart. Our author has indeed admitted, that, in his youth, he practised a hghter style of poetry, " dehghting him- self in such fantasies after the manner of riotous young men ;" but there can be no doubt, that the verses in question were the production of his elder brother Patrick Hume, " the young laird of Polwart," who at that time belonged to the royal household, and was in high favour with James VI, Fortunately both the combatants, in this poetical contest, have left specimens of poetry more creditable to their taste and genius,* than this celebrated " Flyting," which is chiefly remarkable for a degree of gross and vulgar scurrility, which even the rudeness of the age in which it was written can scarcely excuse. The original volume now reprinted for the Club, was pre- sented to the University of Edinburgh by WiUiam Drummond of Hawthornden, and is of great rarity and value, not more than three copies being known. In the Advocates' Library is a MS. copy of the Hymns, written perhaps soon after the year 1600, = See Dr M'Crie's Life of Melville, vol. ii. pp. 298-302, 315-316, and 499-504, for various interesting notices respecting the two individuals above mentioned, the last of whom having left Edinburgh in 1606, veas successively Rector of the Grammar School of Salt- Preston, and of Dunbar, where he was in the year 1617. « A collected edition of Montgomery's Poems, with a life by Dr Irving, appeared in 1821, 8vo. And a poem addressed to James the Sixth, by Sir Patrick Hume, entitled " The Promine," &c. is reprinted from the original edition of 1580, in " Select Pieces of the Early Popular Poetry of Scotland." Edinburgh, 1823, 4to. vu but, notwithstanding some trifling differences, in all probability transcribed from the printed book.' Like many similar publications, this little volume of Hume's long remained in obscurity, and much of the author's reputa- tion in modern times is owing to the zeal and intelligence of the late Dr Leyden, who repubhshed the poem entitled " Of the Day Estival," in his volume of " Scottish Descriptive Poet- ry.'" The same poem has been transferred by Mr Campbell to his " Specimens of the British Poets.'" Through the whole of Hume's poems there appears a quick perception and deep feeling for the beauties of external nature, and his selection of poetical images is generally pleasing and judicious. His phraseology is perhaps not the most suitable for poetical purposes, but his works every where evince a purity of sentiment, and breathe the aspirations of a humble and truly pious heart, which cannot fail to command respect. '' A list of the chief variations is given at the end of the volnme. » Edinburgh, 1803, 12mo, p. 193—214. » VoJ. u. p. 238—247. 70, Gbsat King Street, Aphij. 1832. HYMNES, wherein the right vfe of Poefie may be efpied. Be Alexander Hume. WHEREVNTO ARE ADDED, the experience of the Authors youth, and certaine precepts feruing to the practife of Sanctification. The table followes in the next page. Ephef. S. 18. But be full filed with the Spirit, /peaking vnto your f^^t^^ felues in Pfalmes, and Hymnes, and fpirituall fongs Jinging and making mehdie to the Lord in your hearts. Edinbvrgh, printed by Robert Walde-graue, Printer to the Kings Majeftie. 1599. Cum privilegio regio. mB^ms^mr^mrmr The Contents of this Boohe. 1 The Authors Recantation. 2 Of Gods benefites bellowed vpon man. 3 A defcription of the day Eftiuall. 4 Confolation to his forrowfull foule. 5 Praife for deliuerie of the fick. 6 Of Gods omnipotencie. 7 The triumph of the Lord after the maner of men, alluding to the defait of the Spaniih Nauie, in the yeare 1588. 8 The humiliation of a (inner. 9 An Epiftle to matter Gilbert Moncreiff Mediciner to his Majeftie, containing the experi- ence of the Authors youth. 10 Chriftian precepts feruing to the pra6life of Sanctification. TO THE FAITH- FVLL AND VERTVO VS Ladie, Elizabeth Mal-vill, Ladie Cum- rie, grace, mercie, and peace, from God the father^ and from our Lord lefus Chrift. HEN I read that Epiftle written by the Apoftle lohn, vnto an elect Lady (beloued in the Lord lefus) I cal to mind the Godly & elect Ladies in this our age, which with- in this country are knowne vnto mee. Of the which number I count you to be one, euen a Ladie chofen of God to bee one of his faincts, and the Godlie daughter of a faithfull father : for the children of God have their owne marks. Therefore when I firft perceaued the fpiritual conference, the graue behauiour, the feruent zeale, and the great fenfe of naturall corruption, with the ftrange refiftance of the fame that was in you : I thinke them as infallible fignes of Sanctification : Let no man fufpect me of flatterie, for I fpeake not after the flefh. Na- ther feare I (Sifter) that this my commendation puff you vp : for where the fpirit of lefus dwelles, there is humility : But rather that thereby ye fhal be ftirred vp & incourag- ed to perfeuere, and grow in Godlines. It is a rare thing 2 to 'The Epistle Dedicatorie. to fee a Ladie, a tender youth, fad, folitare, and fanctified, oft fighing & weeping through the confcience of fmne. Would to God that all the Ladies of this Land, efpecial- ly they of the greateft ranke, were of the like modeft and godlie difpofition : for the moft part of them we fee> to delite mair in couetoufnes & in oppreffio of the puire for the intertainement of their pride, or elfe to fpend their dayes in chambering, wantones, decking of their bodies, in delicat feeding, and in fatisfying their luftes, nor to haue ane incorrupt and holie hart, with a meik and quiet fpirit. Araying themfelues in cumly apparel, with fhame- faftnes and modeftie, and with good workes, as the Apo- ftles of lefus Chrift hath commanded them, i Tim. 2. 9. I. Pet. 3. 3. Let fuch women remember that a day they fliall appeare & giue a compt before the judgement feat of Chrift, and Ihall receaue a rewarde in their bodies ac- cording to their workes. I would wifh them to haue this weightie faying of the Apoftle euer recent in memorie, as a dicton : Shee that Hues in pleafure^ is dead while she li~ ueth. I Tim. 5. 6. But yee liue more in murmuring and in paine : Therefore yee fhall rejoyce eternallie. Now to come to the point, hauing compofed in my youth a few fonges in verfe to the glorie of God : feeing the cuftome of men is to dedicate their workes to their fauorites and patrones : Shall it not be lawfuU to me alfo, after the ma- ner of men, to prefent vnto you (a faithful) and beloued Ladie) a part of my little labours ? And fa meikle the ra- ther, becaufe I know ye delite in poefie yourfelfe ; and as I vnfainedly confes, excelles any of your fexe in that art, that euer I hard within this nation. I haue feene your compofitiones fo copious, fo pregnant, fo fpirituall, that I doubt not but it is the gift of God in you. Finally, be- caufe fo little a worke as this is, requires a fhort epiftle, I take The Epistle Dedicatorie. take my leaue, not doubting but my good meaning ftiall be fauorablie accepted. Continue (good Ladie & fifter) in that Godlie courfe which ye haue begun : let nothing be done vpon oftentation. Loue your Hufband : haue a modeft care of your familie, and let your cheefe care be caften vpon the Lord lefus, who will recompenfe vs at his comming. To God therefore the Father, & our Lord lefus Chrift, be all praife for euer, Amen. At Logic the 1 6. of Februarie. 1598. Tour brother in the Lord lefus^ Alexander Hume Minister of the Evangell. To the Scottish youth. S It is a thing verie customable vnto thee, O cu- rious youth, greataly to delite in poesie, ather by playing the parte of a poet thy selfe, or by exerci- sing thy spirit in reading and proclaiming the compositions of other men : So is it as common to thy indiscreit age to make a chuse of that naugh- tie subject of fleshly and vnlawfull hue. In such sort that in Prin- ces courts, in the houses of greate men, and at the assemblies of yong gentilmen and yong damesels, the chiefe pastime is, to sing prophane sonnets, and vaine ballats of hue, or to rehearse some fabulos faits of Palmerine, Amadis, or other such like raueries ; Sf such as ather haue the art or vaine poetike, of force they must shew themselues cunning followers of the dissolute ethnike poets, both in phrase and substance, or else they shall be had in no repu- tation. Alas for pittie ! Is this the right vse of a Christians talent to incense the burning lustes of licentious persons by such euill ex- amples and allurements ? Art thou ( O miserable man) well oc- cupied, that day 4" night busies thy braine to invent these things which may foster the fllthie vice and corruption that naturallie is seased in the harts of all men? PF'as it to this end, that thy mak- er sent thee in the world, to be an instrument of wickednes f or hes he giuen thee such gifts, and viuacitie of spirit, to be ex- ercised in vanitie, and prouoking others to vncleannes f knowes thou not that thou must render account of euerie idle word that proceedes out of thy mouth ? And that thy vngodlie conversa- tion banishes the Spirit of G OD from thee f suffocats thy gude giftes, rottis thy conscience, and makis thy GOD to become ane ^nemie against thee. Pf^hat count thinkes thou to giue vnto the iust The Epiftle to the Reader. iust and fearefull iudge of the world (who doubtles will craue it of thee, thou knawes not how suddainely) that hath employed thy time, and abused his good giftes after this manner? I think the consideration of it the more terrible, because sometime I delighted in such fantasies myselfe, after the maner of riotous young men : and were not the Lord in mercie pulled me a backe, Sf wrought a great repentance in me, J had doubtlesse run forward and em- ployed my time 4* studie in that prophane and vnprofitable ex- ercise, to my owne perdition. For what seekes man by that kind of studie? nothing but a name, but a vaine praise, and an vnde- serued commendation. Why shuld thou not then (aspiring youth) rather bestowe thy gude gifts to the right vse, to wit, to the glory of Ood, and to the weil of thy brethren? which thow sail do when by thy poesie or prose thow declares the mercie, the iustice, the power, the providence, the tcisedome, the holines, the gudenes, or wondrous works of thy Ood vnto the world : Whereof thow may haue so large afield in the scriptures, that al thypithie words, thy figures of Rhetoricke, thy subtile argumentes, thy skill in phy- sicke, metaphysicke, mathematicke, or morall philosophie, shal net be sufficient to expres the dignitie thereof Would thou intreat of prodigious miracles ? luke the bookes of Genesis and Exod, or the workes of our Sauiour, of the Prophets and Apostles. Would thow haue a subiect of valiant deids ofarmes ? read the buikes of losua and the Judges. And of the Kings of Israel Sf ludah. Wald thou hau£ store of wise sentences ? read the Prouerbs, and Ecclesiastes. Walde thou haue a subiect of loue? looke the song of songs, of the loue betuixt Christ and his kirk. Would thow reioyce or lament, praise or disprais, comfort or threaten, pray or vse imprecation ? Imitat the aid Hebrew Dauid in his Psalmes, as a paterne of all heavinly poesie. In a word, the high Sf holy mysteries, ^ felicitie of the life to come, conteined in the auld ^ new testament, may be a more noble and worthie subiect, wherevpon the hole cun- ning and Eloquence of mans loftie Spirite should be employed nor The Epiftle to the Reader. tior vpon these trifles, Sf sensuall villanies. But thou will perad- uenture say, that sux^h a subiect is ouer graue, and that a light Sf merrie matter were more agreeable to yong folks : I answer e thee, that indeede vanitie and corruption are most agreeable to a cor' rupted nature : But let that mirrines wherin is sinne, be far from all good Christians. But if thou would meditate on this spirituall subiect, and exercise thyselfe in the Law of the Lord with conti- nuance, thou should with time alter thy fleshlie affectiones, and nourish thy spirituall gifts : In such sorte, that thou shal detest that which is sensuall and brutish, and delight in that which is holie and pleasant in the sight of the Lord, and by thy example shall sturre vp others to doe the like : Heir ef ore, Ihaue heere set downe before thee, a few spirituall songs, begun in my youth, and prose' cuted in my wraslings with the world, and the flesh, whereby thou may cleerely see what aboundance of good matter is ofl'ered, which the most parte of Poets foolishlie reiectes, and dedicates their hole studie to things moste vile and contemptible. Farther, Icontemne not the moderate and trew commendation of the vertuous, Sf no- ble actes of good men : nor yet the extolling of liberall sciences ; But thou hast notable examples in the French toong setfoorth by Salust o/'Bartas. Onely thus much haue I written in rude Scot- tish and hask verses, to prouoke the more skilfull in that art to flee higher, and to encourage the meaner sort to follow. To the effect, that the spirits of men in all their actions may be applyed to the right end, euen to glorifle God, who must euer sanctifie Sf prosper the interprises of his owne. At Edinburgh the 9 day of de- cember, 1594. Thy louing friend, Alexander Hume. A Sonnet of Loue. T^Ot lawful! loue, bot lecherie I lacke: -^^ Not women wife, but witlefTe I difdaine : Not conftant trueth, but tromperie I detra6t : Not innocence, but infolence prophaine : Not blefled bands, but fecreite working v^ne : As Pyramus and Thifbe tuike on hand, As lafon and Medea made their traine, As Damopbon and foolilh Phillis fand, As Hercules at lolees command, Which like a wife for loue fat downe to fpin. And finally all foUie I gainftand. Which may allure the heart to fhame or fin : Beware with vice, be not the caufe of ill, Sine fpeak, & fport, look, laugh, & loue your fill. B THE HYMNES AND JacredJ^ongs, of Alexander Hume. His Recantation, i. Lace, tjotu lang l^aue 31 Delageti, Co leaue tjje lattsJ of pout^ ? aiace, fioto oft ^aue 31 eflajeti, Co tiaunt mp lafciue moutj^ ? ^nd make m^ Daine poUuteti tgoug^t, 9@g pen, and fpeacD propDatne, (ZErtoII tlje Lord, quliilfe made of nocfit, Cfje Deauen, tlje eartfj, and ratne ? ^fearfe nature ^et mp face afiout, ©ft uftf le toofi 6ad fpun, jCiuIjen aiss oft as Phoebea flout : Wim fet agafns ttje ^un : ^ea, aljs oft as tlje fiede flamesJ, 9rtfe and Ifjtne abrod, 31 minded tua0 tottD fangsx and Pfalme0, Co glovtfie mj) (Sod, TBot ap tlje ranaed earnall fefnd, Ctu^tlfe lurfeed me toit&tn, %)edueed mp \^uU toitljdteto m^ mind, 9nd maid me Cclaue to fin, e©5 fenfiss, and mg fauU 3[ fato, Defiait a deadly flcife, 3;nto mp fleQ) 31 frtt a lato, ^ainfland tfie lato of life. (Bum ass tfie falcon f)is&» and |ait, iTurtft fleeing in tlje ssfeg, castt^ His Recantation, MIftD luanton toingtf tjir game to gaff, DifDainciS Ijtt ralleijs ftp : ^0 led atoaj) Miitlj Ubertp, anb DrotuneO in Deligljt, 31 iwanDteD aftet uanitte, ^S ^J« 31 etue ttje totgtjt IBot (LotD) noto ftom tfjp tjalp throne, Igotu Dotune tDl> luifing e^e, at lafl 31 mourne, 31 make mj monr, 31 turtle m|) felfe to tljte. ©1^ : 3If tljtis fvagfl flell) uncleane, ^ad neuer Dad na luQ, ®t tljat 31 Dad not formed 6efn, ©f filtljte tjormexJ and dufi. 9f) : if 31 neuer Dad Un tDraH, Co tljcfe tnffrimtiejj, CiuDilti raufcjj men fo oft to fall, 3n fooliflj fantafie0 : ffl)r Dad noeDt Dad a finful Dart 3Ingraffed tn mj? bread, £XuDilfe mafeejs me from mg <25od depart, 3Ilfe Doure of dap at leaO» CDen Iljuld 31 Dane from fin fiin free, and neuer feene tDe graue : TBot (Hord) be mercifull to me, 3! fenatu not tuDat 31 craue, CD? toondersJ are not torougDt to pleaft, Q^nnS foolilD appetite, 'Bot ajj feeme0 gud tnto tDine epejJ, and for tDine otone delite, jFor to our toauering iuit, tDg toarfesJ, a^aift ferreit are not ftatuin, and to toDat end tD? toifedome marfejJ, Co ratines ijj tmfenatoin, (Cuen tDingjs iinpoflible (tj^infe tue) CD? prouidente diuine, a TBringjS 4 His Recantation. 'Brfngss t^tm to pass ass pleaftttj tftee, 9nD all ttje praifc tss ttjint, P8ai.io3.8. 'Bot fuffedng JLotD to m^tt flato, Co mevcte retitJte 6ent, ^att; glaD on Qnneuss gt;ate to Q)ato, J^ov ttjag are to repent : Gen.19.21. cijat Zoar fau'D for luife of Lot, 3nti raufe of (SoDlp men, SjQalD tjaue remttteO Sodoms fpot, Gen.i8.32,gtiD Gomorah for ten* Ctjat toajJ to toraik t'n fortfe Ua^es, ionah.3.4t|^e men of Niniuie, ^"- OBot toljen ttjep left tljeir tufefeeti toaie0, JForgaue ttjem fat&erlie : Cfjat Diti not from tljee plaint tftfne earejs, 32, lA ll^or pet ttje title Dtfpife, Math. 26. €)f Magdalene nor Peters tearesS, 70.75. £^y|^g (^pp Denied tljrtfe, Suert tDp toraitf), mp faull releeue, 2jOttl)tn mj> bodj bun, ^5 gveeuou0 finnesJ of graee forgiue, CDroto :jefuj3 Cfirtfi tfjp fun : C^j) Ijalte fprit in me let reO, Co teacl) me twljat to eraue, jFor Mj^ ? tl)^ toifeDome fenatoess far fiefi, 3j23tjereof 3i miOer Ijaue* (J5rant tDat t&efe inflrumentsJ of ftame, CluDilbss tiapip to oflfenD, ^a^ feme anD fanftifie t^p name, cSnto mp Ituiss end* IBot fen fo lang ass in tlje rare, Df mortall men 31 tin, 31 f annot of mj felfe, alaee ! ^bfiaine fra nict anti iin4 3it neuer fuffer me to fall, ^0 tieeptl^ in ijissOaine, C&at His Recantation. 5 CDat tlmt na facDri- Ijojft at all, fl)f mnrte ma^ remaine : €)t ma^ be fcuflvatc of tDe fiiDe, jj Klj^cucof tD? fatiutss ace fuue, | £Dt of mt bim beatitude, | SMljUlj tun fall enDuue* ] €)Ij, let me not ttjt mttittsi lofe, 't flDf ni^ teDeemer deate, ; '2Bot tojljfn 31 tuaill toitfj keeping uofe, ' Lord, to nij? platnt qint twt* I pt tDouglj S oft Decline fvom tfiee, ! and gceeuouflp doo fall, I Let 3If fuiS bittet deat^ aj be, 3ne reronipenfe fot all, 2D migljtie (Sod ! quljilk fot tljp gloir, Qgap animat t^e flain0, and make tlje fotobing babeiBf adore, pmi.8.«. Cljp maieflie atainjs : Cljat maid t^p PtopljetjJ moutfjjs teueill, Cl)5 mjjfleriess grit to mm, and did tlje tung inutile Deill ©f Zacharie tfjat toajS dum. Luk.i.6*. Cljat gaue t&p feruant Dauid feing, a Ut]^tn foe a flaffe, g)pne made Ijim farted PfalmejS to fing, a Dundtetl) and a Dalfe, and tDine apofiless pceacljing (lueit, ajQttD uertue did infpite, and fend tDem dotone tD? tialp fpteit, Acte,2.3. 3In elouen tungjs of fire. Lift tip mine Dart, mp lipjS diCclofe, a^p tendered tung untie, C&en fall mp finging fault reiopee, and flee aboue ttjt jskie : 'JBiia tDou m^ tuork, be m^ fupport, $^S teacDer, and m^ gu^de, 3 m^tn 1 Sam. IS. 11. 13. 6 Of Gods benefites beftowed vpon man. CDfn fall tnp moutD tljp pvaift teport, Ci)V'Ouel) all tlje tuovltJ fo toiDe. Ctjen fall mg facvtD pen Delite, 3fnDutin0 all nip DapesJ, Cpj) ixiontironjs toovfejJ in mtit to todte, jFtue DnnDveti MuerjS iuate0 : (!Euen on nip iolte lute, ftp ntgDt, Hnti tdmling tvible fittng, 3f fall inttljall mp nnnDe anti mig^t, Cfjg glone glatilte ling. Cljen tfiep t^at fall t&p pulflanfe Ijm, 3n& tendet; clemenne, ^all mooned fie tuttlJ Inife and feate, Co pratfe and toorHjti) t^ee : 3ee tuljen mp fiifrtt ijs pafi atoap, among tljt godlte gofle0, get fall tlje reader figlj, and fap, 161111 fie tlje Lord of tjofiejs. Cff Gods benefites beftowed vpon man. ii. Mg fauU iss reuetfi tjp fra me, mp refon in fiereft, mp fenfijs are afionetfi all, mp mind fjfr ufe Ijed left, 00p memorte tjs quite eonfufde, tranfported t$J mine ijart, 0@p fpreit ijs in ane ertafie, ad 3[ toere to depart : (Efl^ljen 30 tlje gratioujs giftjs of (Sod profoundlp 31 perpend, 'Beleifing ap to eompajs all, fiot can not find ane end : 3f maruel mair ttjt mair 31 «i«f^» tDe mair 3f fenatoledge eraue, SDf Did and Ijalie tljingjs, tlje mair mp felfe 3[ doo difceaue : Qgaifi like a man quljilfe doixj fieljald, t&e face of Phoebus firigljt, and t^infejs tfirogft earnefl lufeing lang, to perfe it toitfj Sid figljt, l^ijs optife fieimxs trenfperfiss noe&t, Ijijs ueiuing ijJ in naine, CDe ferjs refler &i0 dimmed figljt, reponfijs fiack againe : %a toSen 31 annot tompreljend voitlj toeafee gt i»auering ttjogfit, Bor Of Gods benefites beftowed vpon man. *J jQot penrttat iSJodjs mt'e&tie iuauk0, fa tueiU (t iuifelj tutougljt, 31 am roinpclled tDm to rr^, 2) lord, tljp gtftis aie gooD, 005 Dull rapacittc tiyt^ pajs* 3^ am hut flcQi anD blouD. (J5trat <5oD, tljj) etftc0 aie infinite, enen gtanteD unto man, \ aiQlitrrof a patt 31 fall tttitt, a0 ttuclp ajs 31 tan * \ ^rljaufc m^ prapec and t&p pcaife, Qjato me ttjg lifelte Itgfjt, \ Cfjp btnefitxJ, and bountie baitlj, tDat 31 map fi"ff acigljt. ^ll)cn Lucifer tDe Ptinee of priDe, fiuG intetpuifeD euiU, \ 9nD ftom tjiss Dapp? W efiate, luais rDangeti in a debilU j ^teat toajs tlje numbet, and t^e fall of Dt0 bnDappie feet, I Ctuljilk fearefullp ftom Ijeauen to Ijell, tlje HoiD Xyt Did tieiect : | Cgeir iwaxJ na ligfjt of ba^ ajs |)et, not Hjining betmsJ fo tleate, CBe ^oone pet tn tlje firmanent, noc fternixJ hiti nor^t appeace, Cljetc toajs na eattlj to foflec ftuitjs, not foe tfte filljejs fegejs, iQa fubtile fire, nor Ijailfome air, to flurifl) flotoress or treijj, ll3or finally, man toajs not mabe, na beafi nor creeping tDing, jl^a iSkaillie fiQ^eiS in tlje flubss, nor foull tljat flie^ on tuing, Wi\t\} pure immortall ereaturejj clear, anb fangjJ of S'ngeljs brigljt Clje maieOie of Ijejs iJtUtty Co reafon Ijc vctoj)fing Ijess, to leacne, to teacDc, anb talbe» ©e rrfteation tafeis to vcaD, to tun, to viDr, anD tualke, 'Bj nu Ijt to I5 and foftip fleepe, to tell and to repofe, }l)tjj Dclpet to Iictjalt> and tteit Ijt futulg maj) reiofe, and aiEJ tfte lord Ijeji tnflitute to feilT Dit; plcafant fare, ane propagation for to make, in loue Ijic to imbtace. €^iit iojj, tDe toeltD, tljt mivt& of man $ pleafout to compleit, au tljinojs benetl) tDt uoult of Ijeuin ace (ictned trndec feit, prai.8.5.6. j^t ii5 niaifl li'ac ane (5od on eautlj, foe (Sod Df saue l)im rDacge ^'^''•'•^'• SDu'r ruetie bald and brutall beaft, tliat feidjs in fotteflss large, ou'r cuetie fleeing feattjeced fotole tljat ftoifteft i0 of fligljt, ©u'r euerie ftoininiing finned fill) toitt) ftpning frale0 fa bright : out euerie litil rteiping tljing, or tttljep animant, Cljat in tlje fea> tlje fiut, or air, or on tlje eartlj doi0 Daunt : tDe fierss and bardp Elephant, tlje liorflejj ftoift and Orang, ajs brutall0 braue and bellieofe, tbe battlejs from amang, JFrom dangerd tlje^ tjijJ bodie beir, or quljair Ijt lift to pafle, C&e Camell bearjs ijia cljargeji great, tljt Mule and fimple Afle, ttje bufie beufiS, laboriouss beaftjs tl)e^ teill tlje fertile ground, Leaft man luitlj tuearineg, and toarfe in bondage fuld be bound t all bennefon, and tJtljer toilde tljep feme Ijiui at Diss neid, CDe (cDeip, tlje nolt, $ naugDtie inormeiS tDep do Dim cleitD ^ feiO tDe little friand fit!) in flude, and dentie uolatil, CluDilbS fteddxi tDe toateris, (t tDe toindjs, D^ trap0 tDem at DixJ toil 'BaitD rruell and abafed beaftjJ tDat Dant0 in bankjj and betoiiS, 3In dennss, defertjj, or rauern0 deip, for paftime Df perfetoie. iSot onelp ou*r tDe beaftjs on eartD manxj potuer doiss ertend, Math.io.n. TBut ou'r tDe Dragon, beaft of beaft0, a fubtile ferpent feend, ^"''- » •• abobe tDe deuill Diss deidlie fa, and frotoart furies fell, (g>od gaue Dim migDt and mopen baitD be force tDem to erpell, jFor tDofDt tDat enemie fell and fierce tDe ftate of man inbgi0, and age in toait Dim to deuore maift lihe a JLpon 1^10 : get all tDe fellon feindjs of Dell tDat trimble faft for feare, and fioupjs tuDen a0 tDe atofull cur0, $ dreadful dume tDep Dtare, Pronounced bg tDe moutD of man, againfi tDat batlfuU band, a C&iei 12 Of Gods benefites beftowed vpon man. Clje nMa natljer Doto, not Hmt tljt tootO of (Soti gam^fianO, CDe ferveitss of veltgtouxs vites, t^e facvcD facvamtntjs, Cfie 6Ita (Ztuangell maifl of all, tljt toxmtntots toi:uientjj. The wark 'But iiotw fltp fu atuaj), ftfl lur pe nitfeJ) tateifs all, MdTmmi 31nfteDutl0 Dence ga IjiDe pou Ijie, tljt tluDjS are libe to fall : on.^*" '" a mpflene t)lgl) aiiD Ijalie fiaitD, 31 fing tottDout drlap, ^e mifbeleeuev!3 UHt aliacke, flte (fugitiuejs) aujaj), e@5 lipg DeltgDtiS not noto in lieg, uaine fictionjs 3f vefufe, CDe fioofee of (SoQ fall lie m^ gntde, tbe tjolic g^aifl mp mufe. Gen. 3. 6. Wi^tii iuUUt ^atfian Ijati DeceaueD, tlje fragile f email Eue, 19.23. 2231JO matie tbe finle0 man eonfent, defenOeO fruift to j^reue, Cill eit againft t&e KLorOss commaunD, anD greeuouflie offenD, !l)e fianiftt toajj from 6lij3 to fiaill, to fjell anD Oeatlj but end : lohn. 1. Clje ILorti of mereie mefourleis, man to reDeeme againe, JFrom ^atDan fin, anD feeonH DeatD, from I)ell anD enDlejs paine : C)otone fent tDe tuorD, toljirli luitlj ijimfelfe IjaD eoeternall bein, 3n eflence toitD tlje father ®oD, anD Deitie Diuine, anijirl} tuass before beginnings all, or tlmejj iuere j^et begon, Xegotten of tlje fatljer ttje laue : JFot; men on eattD tljt niarfee of <5oti, $ 3Imaee brigljt fie bearejj, and CDrifi in fieuen tfie nature toeak, of man tje toailD <$ toeaceji, Ct)dfl Danquiftt OeatD, tljt Detiill ^ fiell, f fjejs fupptefl ttjeir IjeiD, ll)e furelp ij3 tDe fauioui; ftoeete, of finfull Adams feiO. £otO, lofe not tijp reOeemeD flock, Ctjrifijs Deatij toete tljen in uain TBot let tl)g fauour and tfij> Bi^aee, toitlj mortal ap remain : and tljou (© man) toitfi all ttje sift0, tofieretoitD tljou att indued, (Bvtoll tljt lord, let ap DijS praife, and glorie lie reneuied, CDg domicile and diuelling place, CljriG 3Iefu!J fjexJ prepard, a&oue qui)tlk IilijS but end falbe tfip laQ and htft retoard, Cfje toord and couenant of tljt lord, iiiii promiflejs are fure, ^anjs iop and merciess of tDe lord, for euer CbaH indure, IBut notjj mp lipjs, and tfiou mp lute ming melodie amang againe nnto tlje migfjtie (Sod, go fing a neiuar fang. Of the day Eftivall. III. f\ Iperfite ligfjt, quljilk fcfiaid atoap, ^^ CDe darkenejs from tlje ligfit, Gen. i. 4. and fet a ruler ou'r ttje dag, le. * ' ane tJtDer ou'r tlje nigfit. CDp glorie toDen tlje dap foortfi fliejs, ^air niueljj doixJ appeare, Jl3or at middap tinto our epeis, Clje fl)iniug %un ijs cleare. Cl)e fljaddoto of tfie eartlj anon, Eemooueis and dratoesJ ftp, JJ^T %iine in tlje €afi, iuDen it itf gon, matutine appeared a clearer xJkp. jCtutjilk %unne perceauess tfie little lacksS, Clje lapsing and tlje fnpp, and tunejj tfieir fangsJ like natures clatkjJ, 3 ©ut 14 Of the day Eftivall. ©u't mfboto, mute, anD fitpj?. IBot tmtit ftaifd noctuunall fteafi, JQa langeu maj? abide, Cfjep &5 atoa^ baitli maifl and leafi, Ctjem feluesj in tjoufe to l)it»e. Cfie^ Dtead tlje Dap fta ttjap tt fee, 9nti ftoin ttje figljt of men. Co faitjs, and eouatss fafl ttjt^ flee, 3nti ILponc to tj)m Den. £Dure Hemifphere iss poteifi flein, 9;nD ligfjteneD more anD more, 3BljtIe euetie ttjing be deavelp fetn, . IXuljilk feemeD Dim before. ^^^ f (Krcept t^e gliflering aflrejs bright, aajljieD all tJie nigljt toere rltere, ©ffnffeeD toitD a greater ligljt, Il3a langer Doiss appeare. A defcrip. cije goIDen globe incontinent, tmC'^etiS up W fining tjeaD, anD ou'r tlje eartl) anD firmament, Difplapejj Ijia beims abreaD, jFor tog tDe birDss \i}it^ bouIDen tljrotjj, againjs l)i0 Difage lljein, CaliejJ bp tljeir feinDelfe mufirke notjs, 3In toooD0 anD garDenjS grein. Sip braiD0 tlje earefuU Dus^tanDman, JDijj tornejj, anD binejj to fee, 9nD euerie tpmou^ artifan, 3In buitlj tuorfee bufilie. Clje pafior quitjs tlje floutljfull fleepe,, anD paifiiS fortlj toitli fpeeDe, ^ijj little eamotumofeD fteepe, anD rototting feie to feeDe. CDe paflenger from perreljs fute,. (jpangsj glaDlp foortD tljt toaj : IBreife, euerie lining ereatnre, Caftejf Oftheday Eftivall. 15 Cafeeis fomfort of tht tia^, Clje fubtile mottit raponjJ Uq^U 3t tiftjs tlja^ ace tn toonnr, Cf)t g(an(ing ttjmnsi, anti Ditu liciggt, HrfpIenD0 againfl ttjt funne. CDe Detu upon tlje teiiDer rtopiu, Ipbe ^tavUa tuDite anCi rounD, f)t; Itbe tn melteD (tltiei; DcopjS, Hffcclljejs all tlje gcounb. Clje m^Qit rocbe, ttje rIoutJxJ of tafne, iFtom topjj of niountamejx cbailjj, Cleace aue tlje tjigfjefl IjtijJ and platnr, Clje uapocjs tafeejs tlje tiatlsJ. 'BegantD ijs tlje fapD«f penD, CQitlj fptaingjj of jsbaclct &eto, 9nD pceriouflg ftoni rnD till tnO, OamafkeH lotiite anti bim, Clje ample tieauen of talitik fute, 31n fleanncjs tioijs furpasJ, Cte rljc^flall and tlje filuev pure, fiDr flcaceft poleifl glasJ, Cfje time fa tranquill in anD fitll, Cfjat na toljete fall pe find, ®aife on ane liigli, and bacren DiH, 3ne aire of peeping toind, ail treejs and fimplejs great and fmall, Cljat balmie leife do 6eir, Bor tljaj) toere painted on a toall, JI5a mair tljeg moue or fleir. Calme in tj^e deepe, and purpour ft, gJee fmutljer nor tlje fand, Clje toaliS tljat tooltring toont to be, arc Oadle like tlje land. %a filent tjs tlje reSttle air, CDat euerp er^ and rail, Cb tjil£(, and datliS, and forreQ fair, 4 agane 1 6 Of the day Eftivall. Sgatne reptatess ttjem all. Clje riuevS fceCb, tlje rallot fireamejs, £Du't; Mcfetss tan foftUe m, CDe toatev dcare Itbe cDtgfiall feameis, 0nD makejs a pleafant Din. Clie fiielDss, anO eattljlp fupttfice, 2aiitt) uevDure gtecne iss fpuaO, 3nti natutallte but avtifice, 3fn pavtte foulotsJ cleD. CDe flwnlI)C0 anD ftagtant floturejs, CDtoto Phoebus foflting Deit, Eefwftt Uiitlj Deto anD filuet ftotoreis, CaGss tip ane oDot ftueit. Clje flogseb biifie tjunimtng htisi^ CDat neueu tljiubjs to Droiune, SDn flotoere anti flounftejs of ttetsJ, CoIIwtjJ tfteit liquor btotone* A defcrip. cije ^unne maifi like a fpeeDte poft, Sddty aiJitlj attient fourfe afctnDjs, CDt iJtautte of tlje lieauenlg j^oft, ©p to ouv ^enitl) tenD0. jRocDt guitieO lie na Phaeton, iI3ot ttaineD in a tljj?v*e, 16ot tt ttjt DiglJ anD Ijalg on, liuljilfe tioiss all tuDere impire. Clje burning bciniis Ootune from Di)0i fa«. ^a fernentlg ran beat : Cfiat man anQ beaO noto feefeess a place Co faue tljeni fra tlje |)eat» Clje bretljleiS flocfeg DratoejS to t^e ftatie, and frerDure of tljeir falD, Ct)e flartling nolt ajj tljeg twere matie, iRunneg to t^e riberss ealD. Clje 6earti0 beneath fome leaffie trie, 3 Of the day Eftivall. 17 9mfDi8f ttje flotoetjJ tfje^ He, CDp fiabtU fl)ii)X5 tipon t^c fep, CenOjs Dp tljeiv fails to Dne, C^e Jjait, tlje Dpnti, and falloto Oeaw, ace tapiftt at t^tit ttfl, Cljr foulejs and btrDtjs tfiat made t&ee 6eaw» IPtepareu tDeit ptettte neO. CBe ta^onjj durejs defcendlns dotone, an hindais tn a gleid, 3In fittie not tn ftotrousDUotune, Q^ap nane fet foorttj t&eir tjetd* IBacfe ftoni tDe filetu papmented tulun, and from tib plaiflrt tuaU : Ctje Bote vcflmng of tljt fun, 3fnflainjj tfje a«e and all. Clje labotoreris tljat ttmelHe taffe ail toeacte faint and toeafee : jFor Ijeate dotone to tljeiu j^oufcss gaffe, JI3oone=meate and fleepe to take. Clje rallotuc totne in raue in foug&t, ^en0 brotDing bretllxJ to rule : Clje toatet raid and rleare tjs brought, and fallttjJ fletpt in »le. %ume plurfe0 tfje Ijonfe plotom and peace, Cbe rljetcle and tlje pefr&e, ^ume likta tljt ttme, and London beare, Clje bodfe to cefreflb. JFortS of tljetr xsfetppjj fome caging beeu, Ipexs out and tutll not raO, %)ome ut&ec ftuacmejs fjpuejj on t^e tceejj, 3[n fenotjj togtddec fafi. Clje rocbet0, and tlje feefettng feaisf, a^ag fracre tlje fieate abide. 1 8 OfthedayEftivall. JDalfejs ptun^efis on tljt funnte huin, 3n0 toetitiec0 fiacfe, anD fiDe. aBttlj gtlteti t^t$ anb open totngsJ, CDc rork ijiu rourage ftaiue^s, asIUfj flapss of 105 l)t!S bteaft Ije dingjs, anO ttocntw timess Ije cratoejs. CDe UotM UjitD toljifltng twtngjs fa lilPta, Clje toinH ran faft collcft, J^it pourpour penned tuxntS mong fieU), agatnfl tlje funne Dircft. lu^nhig. ^ Ctje Ijeat tiotis flake at lafl, Cfje funne DefcenDjs Dotone luefi atoa^, JFra tDvee of clock be pad. a little cule of Iivattljtng iwinD, lI3otu foftlg can avife, Ctje tuatkss tljtoto ijeate tliat la^ fiefjinD, iRoto men map enterprife. JFuttlj faictjs tlje flockss to feeke t^tit fut>e, SDn euene ijtll anD platne, jCiuljtIk laboutet a0 De ttjtnk^ gut)e> %)teppe!!S to IjtiEJ turne againe. Clje rajonss of tljt ^unne toe fee, Diminill) tn tDeit firengttj, Cfie fc^aO of euecte totove anb tree, (!Hj:tentieJj iss in length. (Stmt t0 tlje calme for euerie quijait, Clje toinb is fitten Dotone, CDe reik t&tatoejs vigljt up in tlje air, jTrom euerie totore anb totone. Cljeir firboning t&e fionp hitii$^ 3In banks tljep bo begin, a^itlj pipesJ of reibexs t&e iolie j^irDss, ^alb0 Of the day EftivalL 19 fj^nm tip tlje infrrte Dfn. Clje ^aueijs anb tlje lg)[)Uoimm, C&e CuCfljettjj on tDe braiuljejs green, SLTr ifuH qUietIp tliej rVOtUd, refpertine. CDe slomtng rcmtjs tfje tiaj is fpent, Clje ^un gorjj out of figljt, 9nD painted ijs ttje orriDent, a^itD jjouupout fanguine bngljt, Clje ^fearlet not tlje golden tljtefd, 2231)0 toould tljm 6eatotie trie, ate natDtng like t&e eolour t:eiO> 9nd beautie of tJje 0bp. flDut Caieft l|)ou?on eirculer, JFra time t^e %unne be fet, ^[sj all tuitD vubirxs (axs it toer) flDc iRofi0 reid ou'cfvet. SJ^fjat pleafout irete to tualbe and fee, OBndlang a ttuec eleace, Cfje petfite fonne of euerie tree, Saiitljin tlje deepe appeare ? Cl)e Salmon out of rrutfjs and erefW Qp Dailcd into xsfeotutJJ, CDe berjs, and cnclta on tlje toeilliJ, C^rotu lotopping of tDe ttoutjj, €) : tfjen it toete a fetmeig tljing, mbilt all i0 Oill and ealme, Cfje praife of ®od to plap and fing, Wiitlj eocnet and UiitD Q)a(me« IBot noto tDe bitdjJ toitfj monp fcfjout, Caljs DtDet be t^eic name, (©a TSillie tucne one gude about, Bob) time ijs to go tjame, D 2 2iQit^ 20 Confolation to his forrowfuU faul. mitti unit foto tbe 6ea0ejJ lieHue, are turned fta tfte eorne, Ciufiilk fobetlj) t&ep Dametoarti tinue, ^lUitfj pipe anJj lilting j^orne. Cfitoto all tlje lant> great ij$ tlie gilO» ©f ruflife folfess tDat me, fl)£ bleiting lljeepe fra tDep lie filD, ©f ealuexs anij rototing fep. ail lalioutersJ Oratoess Ijame at euen, and can till ut^er fa^, Cljanfeejs to tlje gratiouss (Sod of Ijeauen, £Xu{)il& fend tj^iis fummer tiaj7« To his Jorrowfuli Jauli, confo- lation. nil. Tmmortall spirit, m^ Iiefl, maifl petfite pact, -*- COfjg' tioijs tljou tl)u0 t&p felfe ronfumetoitlj raire? © nolJle tljieftain of mp manl^ j^avte, ^D^ att t&ou tljujj taitlj tljougljt ou'r^fet fa faire ? 3jQI)5 iis X\y^ gteefe augmenteD mait and mair ? ajQtjj? att ttjou fad, and fotvie to tlje dead ? 2iQlJ5 att t^ou almaifl drotoned in deepe difpaite, and fomfout nane can finde, not na temeid : J^eate in tlje flell) t&ou taiflijs i\yt painejs of ^ell, C6ou titljere ljelp0 (nip faull) noixi aire tljj? fell, 9@5 ftart ijj faint, mp fleQj eoufume0 atoai?, 2J23itljin mp uainejj tlje blond iss jsfeant and eald, ^5 6ains tljp 6oto, wvs ftrengtlj doiis cleane deeap, ^5 Ijairess are fcDjjre and gra^), ^er 31 fie aid, ^g marrfj it meltjs, nip febill limbjx tljj? fauld, ^5 jskin ijs drie, mg Ijide fjeis lofi tlje fteto, ^5 force M failliss to do tlje t^ing 31 toald, ^p fietotie faidjs, ntp face i0 paill and filetu. Confolation to his forrowfull fauL 2 1 8^5 figljt ijJ tJt'm, tot funken at mine eiesJ li)oto in mg l)eaO, anO all tDtoto tlj^ DifcijJ. 31nto tfitjs Igfe tDotu fenavuijs tijeic tjs na reft, IBut Daplte patnr, tnronflancie and grief, Sox quljen tljotu altoajijs Doijs attend tj^e beS, IPertDance fall come tljt gveateft neto mifcljief : Ctjoto knatuisJ tlj^ fla^, and onel|> tteto reliefe, CiuDair tljou in ttjrall tjejs comfort fund before, 3Imlirafe t&j> gJee naturejj rourfe tljt Lord ^t tuill preuent, 3nd rail tljee Ijame, if tljat tje tDinfee it good : £Dr if &e lengtlj tljiJS life, IjalO tljee content, and be commander of tfje fled) and blood : Wljilt tljou art Ijeare (mp faull) fee tljou contend, Cfjiis point of time in toortljie tuarbe to fpend, . Cljouglj tDou a ftranger be, and tDinfejs great lang, 9none tDou fall pass to tljg natiue land, Clie tjieft iudge tje tuill reuenge tljp torang, ^i0 fentence fure tljt eartD fan nocljt gainfland, Ctje dap ijs neare, tlje ftour it iss at Dand, C^e migj^tie (Sod toill come toitljout delag> Deliuer fall lji$ atoin afflicted band, 9nd from ttjine epe0 fall fcuipe tlje tearejj atoap : iDope and reioife,"for in tlje middss of firife, He».8i.i. Ctjou fall be fure of comforte in t&ie life, and in tlje ende toljen deatDe toould tljee debore, i^ir mortall Gang fall norljt take Dalde on tDee, IBot be tjir meaner llje fall tljee quite reflore, 3 Onto 22 Confolation to his forrowfuU fauU. 23nto tbtne atom etecnall libeutte, mitlj little jaine tDou fall DiflblueD 6e, JfuttD of tljt bmts of fleft tDljcte tDou avt fiounO, %int likt a fouU aloft fall fttitftlie aie, 3nD leaue tlje boDie bveatljleis on tlje guounD : CaSitD agtle tijmgjJ tljou fall ttanfcenD tljt fbj*, 3[n fcpulfDcce ttjt rorpss fall fletiiins l^, CDe angel0 fall tuitD fingtng tljtt conuo^, CIjvoUj atve anD fire tip to tDe Dfauenjs fa bctgDt, Cailjeve tDou fall Dtoell in bliss anD peifite top, Saiitlj Dappif faulss anD meffengevjJ of ligljt, jTree from tt}t tDougDtJJ and fovrottjejs of t[je nigljt, Ooide of all rave, calamitie and feaue, jFor of tlje £ovD tDou fall tntop tlje figljt, 3!n Uiljome all grace, and pleafour fall apj^eare, ijhef.4. ^itij ci)rift tDp Dead ttjon ^appie fall remaine, Co iuDge tlje Dead, toljile j^e returne againe* 2) Dapple deatlj to life tlje readte tuap, Clje enOe of greefe, and falue of forrotoejs all, €) pleafant fleepe tD5 paine0 ttjt^ are liot plap : Cljj? coup tsJ ftojeete, altljouglj it tafte of gall, CDou brings tibe bound, and turetcljcD out of ttjrall, ajHitljin tlje port fure from tfte flormie blaG, JFor after deatlj na mifcljiefe map befall, IBot too, toan-cljance, and perrelss all are pafi, SDf feindelp deatD nane fuld affraied be, IBot ficfe m Ijope for na felicitie. Mat. 8*. ^^p iiap fall come toljen all tlje planetjs feauen, %all lofe tljeir lig^t, and migljtie influence, CDt glifiering flarniss, and potoerjs of tDe 6eauen» Ctjeir force fall faile, and Daill magnificence, Cfie fainft0 of (Sod fall fuffer violence, eye common courfe of mortall ttjingxJ fall flap, Cj^e liuelp toord fall get na audience, JFor ^ittit, loue, and latotie fall decap : C&en fall tlje ^onne of man be fene defcend* Clu^ilk Confoladon to his forrowfull faull. 23 £luDUR to all ttiinQH faU put a ffnall enDe. 3It fall bt tljtn ass in tljt Da^ejs of Noy, Wljtn luottaU men ronttnurd in tljtit Cin, Ctjtp builde, tljep UjeD, tljnv Dnnke, tDe^ Uue in fo^, Mat.8t.37. 3Into tDe auke tuljile goDlie Noy ujent in : |9et feate fall fall to Ijeare tDe aujfull Din, Co fee tljt tntt anD fuDDaine rljange of all, Clje giltie mindjj abaifeblg fall tin, 9nD toil!) tlje Ijilsi foe feate on tljem to fall, 16ot uppvigtjt men ftall cleaielie tinDetflanD, m^tit fare relecfe, anD comfoite ijj at DanD» Clje D^auenjs aboue iwitD noife lljall pafle atoaj>, s.Pet.3.10. SnD be DiflfolueD biitlj tjett eonfuming fice, C&e elenientis ficblibe tliat latter Dap, ^Dall melt tuitl) Ijtat anD tpne Ujtiv faiue attiu, CDe fea anD eactD, anD all tl)i0 Dail^ impite, %all be btunt up, anD euecie tljing Iljall buvne, Contain'D tDeitin, fleflj, boDie, bain, anD Ij)te, ^an maiD of afte to aftess fall vetuune : 'Bot (5oD tlje locD, toljofe promiCD[0 ate tceto, JTot fjeauen anD eattlj ljf0 beigljt bss ntDec0 neto. 2211)0 can Deuifc ? ot get be toovDsJ etptejs ? oe^^l' '^' Caijat Ijut can tDink ? ot IjigD ingine inbent? Reu.21.13. C&e maieflie tDe petfite IjolinejJ, Clie glorie great, tlje beautie enellent, Cije fljining ligljt, t^e Ijeauenlp ornament, CDe Dap, tlje map, or pet tlj' appointeD place, ©f CDrilJjJ DeCrenfe, Dotone tDroin tlje firmament, pfai.110.1. eiljen all Diss foesJ Ojall fall before Di0 face ? l-^^°'- *'■ JI3o (HorD) our taiit na DiglJtr can atteine, lI3or be tlj^ toorD isJ fet before our eine. 935 fierie flaucDexJ toitlj fuDDaine tDunDrtng tDuDjJ, Mat.34.s7. 9nD glanfing gleimss, ti)ine0 all tlje iuorlD tDrougDout : %n fall tlje lorD appeare into tljt cluDjJ, i^Ther.*. CaaitD leaming ligljt, anD \3jitl3 a fuDDaine Qjout, Mat.24.31. CDs angelss cleare Q)all compais Dim about, JGEIitD 24 Confolation to his forrowfull fauU. mitti mt0l)tte founti ttje trumpetjs lilaa fall 6latu, Clje DeaD fall Ijeace, anD vtfe all in a tout, 1 Cor. 15. 3nD all tljat fleepe in CDrtfl fall tDet&et Dtato : **• C6en t&oto (mj faull) tSiJS lioOp fall tefunie, Co meet tlje JLord anti fee tljt Dap of Oume. Quid. 1. ^um (aj)t!3 tDat Pyrrha tooiuen luaDe of ftain0, Metamor. ^^jj ,„fn jjjj^.^ fotlueJ) lie Deucalion. 1 Cor." 15. IBut f ettatnelp of OeiD e ortupteD bamsJ : '*• a Ituelie rovpjs t&at Dap fall «fe anone, ^ea be tj^e iwotD, anD toatb of i35 abjtn eleft tfie lorD fall tDen out=toaill, ^^' at fji0 rigljt ijanD quljilfejj fall all planteD be, Cljen fall 5e fap : Cum Ijaue pour rigljt retoarD, ^p blefleD flocfe quljilfe toa0 for pou preparD. 'But at tjje left, anD on t&e btfier ijanD, 3In Confolation to his forrowfull faull. 25 3In quaffefng OwaD, in miittit anD two, Cfje Dulefull ttoup of rrfmtnaI0 fall Oanti* Co toljome tljt tmint fall 6e pronounceD fo : Mat.«s.4i. £D pe arrutli into tlje fielis ge go : jFot Dglte t>eDtl0 a iuU prepared fipte, ge feneto me not, t&evefore 31 fenoto pe no» ipa0 to be caQ in euetlafling fire ; 31n Oging Deatlj ge toeeping fall remaine, 9nD gnafljing teetlj, into tlje en&lesJ paine. © ti'iantjs prouD, S) fiinfetng toormesJ anD DuO, ffl) infiDclss anD libevtineiS propljain, ge obflinate and 31«tJge5S maiO tjniufi, iaemotb pe noc^t to Deate tljijJ fpeibing plain ? ©t tljinfe je not t^at CDrift ftall nun again, CDouglj for a time Ije patiently pon fpair : © brutall beifljs, gour tljogljtjj are falfe f nain, gour punillmient it ijs referueO tfiair : aiQatfl) and betoare tfte Dpet iss nnfeend, Mat.24.36. g)toup and repent tootle ^e fjane grace to mend* CDen tDou mj faull toitlj great triumpD and glore, 9Bft6 fainftsj affembled on tljt utDer fide, ^all take tlje corpss qu&air tljou tuajs firfl before, Onto tlje Ijiglj and Ijolie rietie toide, laiitD nielodie toe fall all tftitljer glide, %ing and reio^ce eben ajs t&e lord Ijee faid, 3Into tbat bliss and lafitng life to bide, prepaird for ti0 before tlje eartlj taajs laid : ^0 tuDen tlje ^un Ijess finitbt euerie tljing, Co <5od maifl fiiglj ^e fall remit t^e ringe, IBot noto mp tjart toitljin mg botodin breill 31 feill retjcrt and tuondrouflp retjcif, 005 faull ficklibe Ijir forroiuing fte IjeiS mG^ 9nd of mp fang a perfite 3lo?? ran preif : Clje life to rome fo firmelp 31 beleeue, Cljat tljouglj all flcHj to deat^ loere redp boun 3! Qjould be fure ttjt ILord toald me releeue. (B CDoug^ a6 Thankes for deliuerance of the ficke. Cfjougljt all ttje luavltJ iwei-e turned Dp=(itie Ooiune : JLotti, tjaUottieD be tDp Dalj? name diutne, iror jjotoer, pvaife, tljt reigne, anD all ijs tDtne* Thankes Jor deliverance of the ficke. V. Qailjg DoijJ nig filent tung tepofe, and IjaltJ Ijer peace ? (eeafe ? £iuDg tioijs mp Boue, t^e toottfite ptatfc of <5cti, from fingtng 90|J floutljfull lipss tljat fulD pronounce, ar rlofeti ntgljt and Dap, ^5 nioutD tss fealeD up asS tDougD, 3 Dad natDt'ng to fag. IBeDalD iuttl) nionp ^olocauG, anD unDeferueD glore, Clje pagane liItnDe \M migljtlejs (J>oti, and tdole dofss adore : Cfie altar tottlj t^e blude of beafiis, tg fprinbled de tlje 3Ieto, \0t mafetss a fmuibe, and fnulltng ftueet for payment of fttjs doto, 3nd fuld not 3f, an tmpe of Chrift, redemed from mp finne, 3ne facriflfe of tljanfeejj prefent : TBut quljair fall 31 fi^g^n : JFor qutjg ? our qu^air Ije map He apart : tufl, lururie, nor deintie fair, tDep raik not dp a leife, H^a mirtl) nor eartl}lie danitie, i$$ pleafant to tge feift, jCluga Thankes for deliuerance of the ficke. 27 Clutja toalD not in fjfjj t^tmit pitgfjt, and ttutll pining painr, 2n luotlDIi' luraltlj anD glove trnunre, to Dane fjtss D^altD agatne? Cljc Sevotifull UjalD lofc Ijia Ijetu, tlje Gtang toaiD quite yijs liuengtti, Cfje tirD ijijs Gove fjie tDveafor gteat, anD fertile lanDjs of lengtD : Cfje Iiurning maift ambitious bteiO, tuald quite Diss noble fame, 9nti be rontent tuitDout venount, to leati Ijisi life at Ijame. "Bot all in uaine tljt bivnift gold, not Oeapess of filuei; buigljt, Cfje flatelj) aainejJ, tlje ietuelss tUlj, not buildings? Duge of tjigfit : C^e braue Dependetjs monie ane, not DifiDefl Dignitiejs, a^ag not tijeiv Dunning maifleu menO, not ^et fjijJ torment eafe : Clje pven'ouxJ DrinksJ meDicinall, fum ftueit, fum bitter foioer, jI5or mineralis map not prolong Ijisi loatljfome life ane fjotoer : 2jtQ()ome ($00 aniiS be i^iii iuDgement iuQ, appointed ^ta for deid, J13a medicine, na elirir, nor monie mag remeid. ^Ijtn irefullie Antiochus, from Perfia lute drato, 3nto f)i0 rage De made a uoto, tlje lewes to ouertljraio, 3gatnjJ tlje faikles fainftg of (!5od, to turne ^ijj rruell fare, 9nd mafee lerufalem for lewes, a rommon buriall place : 'Bot in Diss pride tlje iLord Ijim fmote, iuljile Ije iuass tDitljer boton, ^JQitlj fick difeafe tDat from DijJ coucDe, for faintnejj Ije fell dotune : %ick bitter paine remediless tjie botoel0 did deuide, Cfjat of Diss fleflj tlje men about, migljt nocljt tlje flinke abide : 3:nd nocljt appeafed toajs tDe Lord (a fearefull tljing to fteare) 2jQ&ile be tlje naugljtie tuormis Dijs corp0 confumed luajs inteir, C&e lord ficklike tofien leafl Ijt tueind, maiO iuftlg maid to fall, Clje tljrj)fe ertreme Herodian pride, be litil uermine fmall, Miljile ije did perfecute tlje kirke, and liuejs of preacDerjs fougljt, Cljeg greedily deuord Ijim quick, and eate Ijim bp to nought, JiOitlj unkoutD, and incurabill difeafejs toonder fell, (ZEuen from tlje eartlj tlje lord cutxs of tlje toicked tDat rebelL IBot ass tlje fic&ne0 iufllj? fent confounds? tlje faixs of (J5od, ^a ferues? it to Ijiss feruantss of a needefull iuljipping rod : iTor luke ajj to^en ttjt little cljilde, gainflandS tlje fatljerxs tuill, Cafljs dotone lji0 face toitD frotuard lookess, and flubbornlg doijs ill : CDe toife and louing fatljer tljen, putss to Ijiss gentill Ijand, and for Diss toeill toitlj atofull boaft lapess on tlje bjJting luand, 2 jduDin aS Thankes for deliuerance of the fick. jfiCiufjfll tatunti toftD fitgpejs, tlje tentiei: clitld, toitlj ioh$ anU monic tette and reutljfull jsbveikeis rtjejj oft alace, ®oDss metfie fatljct Oeate, %a iDtjen tfie rljtltiren of tfie JLorD, tuanfgtefleD Dcs Diss latn, and filtnOed tottl) tDeit atoin Oeligtjt^, tljm detwtte Doijj miisfenato, ©e tafet0 tfie toD anD fiffenejj fenti0, tlje pumftment of fin, 9nO fltifeejs ttje fltH) tuitli toument fair, ertetnall ant> toftljin : Ciuljtll all tiefaft ttje ficbl^ faull, t)nfeineDIj» vepent, ^ine on tljiis toate^, unto tfje lotD dtrtft DijJ tjeaute plent. 31 mon confer (S) migfttte (^oD) 31 ijauf oflfenDeO tljee, and tufl[j[> tDvougfj «t^ gteat tcefpajs, Defetneb Ijtsi to Die, 3In fetutng tljee 3 Ijaue bin flatk, 31 5aue nntDanbfuU 6eene, 905 ftjmtie toaxJ grotofn calO, mp life it luaxJ uncleene : Jfoc quljtlfe 31 (ttlt t[)5 fellon turaitfj, againfl me feenDUti fjet, ^otu can 31 lift, nip l)catJ and Ijntt Mtlj ficknejs are ouerfet, 31 taifi na feintie of futje 6p Uap, 31 take na reft tij) ntgljt, Cfie figout onelp of a man, 6ut onelp force or migljt : 'Bot (lord) toljen t^ou art fiounti to firibe, qulja Doto atiibe t^ine pre ? Cfjou fenatoiss tijat 31 ani fraile, therefore forbeare me 31 tiefire, jForgiue me aniss, reflore mj) flrengtli, releeue me of tljijJ paine, ^nD an tgat^ miiE$ 31 f^U amend, and fall not fin againe« Sill tljU ant) mair toiti^ broken uoiee, anti tianOiS to i^tdmrn out-Cj^reO, Cfje (25otJlp patient Df potorjs out, upon IjijS tarefull fieti : C6e IjiBlJffl <5ot> from j^eauen beljalDjJ, anD iss rontent to fee, CDe finner earnefilp repent, anb to lji$ mereie flee : Ctjen tie ^i& j^alie tielping ^anti, j^e raife0 from tge tiuQ, Cl)e pure aftlifteD fait^full faull, intending to be iufl, J|)e mabejs tlje pljpficfee take effeft, tlje flummersJ foft Ijt Qtiti^, Clje force quljilfe did before decap, from dap to dap reueifijf : Witiilt to tljt glorie of tlje Lord, and iop of fjisJ eleft, JDe fullie to tfieir fiealtlj reflore, tljem toBom Ije did deleft : Cfje godlp Hezekiah king, toajJ fick in great dtflresJ, and be tljt Propljete tnairnd, tljat j^e fould neuer eonualejs : llBot tut)en tie called to tt)e Lord, and toept tuitt) hitttt teareiet, Clie ($od of liealt^ Uiit^dretu t^e rod, and to Did plaint gaue estejl : Clje morning tl)rtfe Dad nocDt renetied Dir Dfauenlp ornament, Wi^tn to tDe temple of t^e Lord, to loorlljip i^t bp^taent, and Thankes for deliuerance of the fick. 29 and trjttfe fiue fjeltDfe bappfe ptatcjs, tuett ctanttb rjfm to [eaue, Jn figne totjrreof, tDat Ije furlj tjftcDtJS migDt conflantlp beleme, Cljc ^un tttitii IjaiH ten tiegveejj ftom ©mticnt till €aff, 21Qljat uatljJ tlje iuatetu of t^e toolsJ, ot pacdonjx of a pteifl, © pilgrim lilinti, toDat ran tDe batnss of men prolong tijg OapejJ ? Cliat ($oD in geuer of tDe tjealtl), to^ome Cnn anD ^oone olia^e0. iRig^t fa tlje iuli and fuffring lob, a mirront to tlje tefl, lob 1. 13 M3a33 lie nocDt fait toitli hplejJ, anb liruife^, an& pouertie opprefi ? ff'j'u JFrom Ijeab to j^eele tuitlj botcljejx blacfe, ^ixJ fioDie toasJ on'r-eleD, &42.'io.' ContcmneO be Ijiis toife anJ) fvienD0, tlje afljes toere Ijixs beJj : ptt iu^en tljt jHorD yim tr^eD Ijati^ l^i£( gealt^ tje tiiCi reflote, 3nti purcftafi to Ijimfelfe t^erebp, ane enerlaCrtng glore. Cljiss tljen toe fee ; tlje migtjtie (©oD, t^e erofle of fiefenejS fenbjJ, fflnto DijJ atoin aDopteD fonnexj, to mong Oiuerjs enDsJ, IIBoto ad a plague, noto ass a pruife, tljat man ma^ elearel^ bnatu : )l)oto ge ifi toea&e, and of liimfelfe cannot fulfill tge lato, JSoto axJ a prick to call to minDe quljat eutU ixJ, ant» good, Co mooue tj^e Dull forgetfull ^eart, Demerll in fleflj antj filooti. aBljat bitter tearess ? toftat intoart figDss ? toftat feruent pra|)er!3 tieepe ? IBe firblibe meanejj tlje ILorti D^atoejs out, of tljem tljat are a fleepe ? (ZHuen ajs fieforce fortlj of tlje flint, ijs forfl ttjt fprie fpreit : ©r ass tlje IBtt, out of tfie tueiDjS, ertracts tlje j^onj ftoeit, 9ne IjuuDretlj Ijeauenlp tDougDtjs, tDe ficfe toill meditate in minde, Contemne ttje toorld, and manis conceits to toirbedned inelind, £>iuinelp toitlj tj^emfeluejj difrourfe, of mong pleafant tfjing, £lul)ilfe tljty forget, and in tljeir IjealtD, to minde rould neuet firing. £D gratiousJ rod, toljerebg tDe Lord and man are reconcealed, €) fiappie ficfenejs of t^e fleft, toljerefip tlje faull ifi pealed, i) meruelloujj great medieiner, and foueraine medireine, duljilb be tlje bodie to tlje faull, doiis migljtilie atteine. ©f fif bnejs fotoer tlje end id ftoeete, for be tljefe (barp difeafitf, HDt toundji tlje fenfelejj fiartjs of men, quljilb pleafor cauterifid : 'JBot migljtelp Ije raifejs up t^e faitljful toDen tDej fall. 3 Ijaue beene feife, and to tfte lord did airlp rrp and can, jflEXuljilk euer did erljaufe mj) uoice, and Ijealed me toitlj fpeede, aboue m^ toit ^t did prouide, and (end me tjelpe at neede : 3 jQocftt 30 Of Gods Omnipotencie. iSotj^t onelj me fie Dtd releeue, tofjen 31 tuajj fafr affVa^eti, OBot alfo from tfje tiuue oe Oeattj, euen t^em for iuljome 31 ptaped^ ^e <35 ttje tare jj^pfitton totfe, tlje tretu ^eDtcinar, 3[n Ctjirurgte of jierfite 0feill, t&e tratfl 3potljefar : 3nti all tDat falfclp in aflcr^ueD to Efculapius, Co Zoroaft, till Apuleie or to Democritus : J|)e fan performe in uerie Deetie, j^e ran tlje tolor ftuage, EeQore tlie Dealt!) ])rolong tljt Oa^ejs, renetu t^e luttitiereti a^e, Heuiue ttie dead, and fins forgiue, tljt onelj fource of all, jClufjtle 31 mag lafl (2D lining lord) tDg praifess fing 31 fall. 31 fall tljee filijs qnftill uitall firaitD toitljin mp breift remainjs, iCtuljfll 31 fiawe memorte or i«it> or Deate toitj^in mj uainesj* JFor all tDj? giftss and gracejs great, t|)ou granted IjejJ to me, ZBit^ tfjanfefull ^eart tDiJS facred fang, 31 dedicate to tljee : lord, trg me nocljt iait^ fair aflalte, leali fuddainely 3! Aide, ^ot if tfiou trp, augment mp firengtD, fiefe trgall to aMde : 3nd fpne to feme and toorftip tljee, 31 prefentlie intend, (Sod sine me grace to perfeuere unto mg liuejs end. Cff Gods omnipotencie. VI. €uerie lining toarldlp totglit, 3toake and drejj j)our felfe toitlj fpeede : Co feme and praife tlie <2Jod of migDt, jfrom toljome all lionntie doiis proceede : JFor gif ge drift, and flill refufe, C&e fteauenis and eartlj toill gou accufe. Cf)e Iimtall lieafljs Iiut onp firgfe, C^ep toillinglie fjijs uoice oliag : Cfie creaturejj tDat Ijejs na life, %ttn fortD W Blorie daj? lip dap : Cfje eartD, tDe aire, tlje fea, and fire, ar fubieft all to 6i0 impire. Cfje Ijeauen it isJ fjiis dtuelltng place, Mat.6.34.Cl)e eartD IjiJS littil fute^fiule lato, ^^- 8)i0 tparfejs are all before Ijijs face : ©f fieartss tlje fecreitjs Ije doijx fenato, 3nd O Of Gods Omnipotencle. 3 1 3nb nietfe t^ing axJ tn a glass, IDe (m before it ruin to pajs, Clje ftDtft and afttue fietie fptetW, Cfje Cherubins of fubliance pure, C^e^ iualb amang tlje Dolie flveiW, i.King.22 9n& niakejx Ijim Oai>Ite fecmce fure : \%^^ pea, at all timtsi tijt)^ teadte IlanD, Co gang and rum at'yijj command. W^tn lonah in tlje fea toasJ eafi, ionah.i.r. IBj) Lot, fot (afette of ttjt leaue, aia*' a mtgljttc £iiiljatll dtd foUoto faff, Ptepaid tDe piopljet to reeeaue : jCiutjtIk at rommand did Ijim denote, ^ine brought Dim fafeig to ttjt ftote* and ass Eliah lurfeing lag, ILang folitac bp Cherith fide, i.King.17. Cfie rauenjj left tlitit rommon ytag, *' *' 5)<35 fufienanre fot to ptouide, axJ tljep toere rljarged Ijim to feede, Ctjej) bvougljt Ijim daglie flefl) and btead. £XuDa leatned Balaams brutall afle. Num. 22. Clje angcll of tlje totd to fenato ? 28. 9 foote fl)e fottoard toald not pa0, Cljat toap tuljete flje Ijim fianding fato, IBot fpake tljat maruell uiajs to fee, 3gainll Sir maifievis rcueltie. Clje roating lionxs finn and fell, i„„. g. g. 'Btougfjt bp and baited ap toitfj bloud, 22.23. Cl)ej) fpatd tljt godlp Daniell, Mat. 8. 28. CFpof^d to tljem in place of fude : %n fiffjejj, fouljj, and rauenouis beifijs, m (J5od maiO Ijigl) ttjt^ Ijald ttje fieiCjJ* Cfje uerie deuilss dare nocfjt tebell, againfl Ijia ^aieflie and migljt, Clje fpteitxs bncleane Ije did erpell, JTortD of tfje pure pofleOed toigljt, 4 £lu^a 33 Of Gods Omnlpotencie. Ctuga but ^i$ priuiletige titutne, £)ui;fi na toaj enter in t^e ftoine, i.King.22. 3fnto tlje ptopfjets moutljejs t|je fpwft, ^'' ©f lita rouID neuer entet tn, Cluliile 6e Did licence ficfl intteate, jaDf (5oD t^e Horti, for Ahabs fin : jflEXuljilfe fie tJiat meanejs tiid fiim entpfe, l^ijs atoin Uefait till enterprife, ri)i!El fialie fiatute to fulfill, anti potent potoer to Ueclaire, Cge malfiue eartl) repofi0 fiill, %ufpentieti in tlie ceffil eire : 9nD at Dir Ueto appointed IjouresJ, 'Bringjs fottlj maifl plcafant ftuitss t floureief. Ciuljat tljing ijs fiercer nor tfje fea ? 9@air raging nor tj^e atufull Oeepe ? totjilfe fiacfe retird at Ijia decrie. Gen 1.9.11 ^"^ ^^^^ ^^^ fioundss and marctjiss feeepe : Exoci.u.2i. ^gne at Ijijs cljarge apart fiude 65, Co niafee j^ijs ftolie a paflage drp. Caait&out tlje fufitile air fiut dout, II3a plaint nor lining tljing mag lell : C&erefore it cleaueis tlje eartlj about, 3nd i$ in euerie place polTeli, Cfjen ajs Ijis godlie toifedome toald, Decerness ttt Ceafonis Ijett and cald. Gen.i9.2i. Clje firimfiane and ttje fiurning fire, again fudenelp from D^auen fell dotone, jFor to confume into tljiss pre, IBaitlj Sodome, and Gomorrah tOtune : TBot in tin firie furnace fte, Ipreferued fafe t&e cljildren tljree. Dan.3.23. Clje migljtie tuindjs filatojs to and fra, ifrom euerie airtlj fie dap and nigljt. Of Gods omnipotencie. ^^ 25(Hr fitntt tijcm tljuDOtng bp ttjj ga, ptt not ronrcaurjs tljciu luitl} ouc figfjt ; TBot in a rlap tDe HotO to pleafe, C^ett blaOiJ ttjep quietly ajjpeafe. jLike flork0 of fotultj tlje cloudis a&oue, JTurtft fliejj and rourtji all tlje jsbg : 3gainr tljep fubdenr^ temooue, 2aie toat not tuljew not teafon toifjp : 'Bot till obe^ tjijs Ijolp lato, Cgej) pouce out tain, Qjatpe Daile, anb fnato« IBftjalb tDe ftatefuH tfjunbet rtacb, 3nb fiette flaurljts fa bioltnt, appeatcss nodjt in tfje tlonbtss blacfe, jCiuftile be tDe Ijigljc^t tDc^ be fent : Cfie f)att0 of men ate balljt tuitlj feate, %ik ligljtg to fee, and elap0 to Jeate. Cfje Ijeauen fa ftiglj, fa rteate of fjeto, Derlateis Ijijs potuet palling toeill : %ua ftuift of foutfe ap terent netn, JReboIuing like a tutning tu&eiU, I13ane fenotuess tuljeteof tlje globe ijj tnabe, CluDaiis beautie at na time tioi;$ fatie« IDe mabe tfje ^un a lampe of ligtjt, 3 tooll of Deate to ftine b^ bap, JDe made ttjt Q^oone to guibe ttjt niggt : 3nb fet tlje llatnijs in gub attap, Orion, Pleiads, anb tlje Vrfe, ©bfetuess tljeit beto pteCctiueb eoutfe. © l^oet0 : pagane0 impubtnt, fXulj^ toovfl^ip ge tlje planetjJ fcauen? C^e glote of (Sob be pou is fpent, ©n Jboljj anb tlje IjoOe of Ijeauen, ^t ptibe ^out pensJ men0 eatejs to pleijJ, ir mitu ^4 The triumph of the Lord &c. mit^ (nbltsi anO fictittoujS Wji. gout fenotoledBe in tot ignorance, gour cunning curiofitie : 3[ finOe gout facunD eloquence, Kepleete toittj febltjs fantafie : ge neuet fenetu tlje liuelp vot>, ji3ot; gofpell of ttje fun of ®oij. !|)e i0 aboue Mercurius aboue Neptunus on tlje fea, Cfiie toinDiS tljeg bnato not Eolus, Cfieir i!3 na lupiter but De, anD all pout (JDoDjJ baitli gteat and fmall, ate of na fotce fot Ije ijj all. 'Bot fonnejs of ligljt je bnatu tfje ttuetfi, (2Bttoll tlje HotJ) toitl} Deatt aniJ minbe, Eemoue all flapejs anb (luggilf) fleutl), ©bep &iss boice fot fje ijs binbe : Cfiat Ijcauen anb eattlj map toitnes beate, ^t loue tDat (SoD tul)ic& bougljt pou beate. The triumph of the Lord, after the manner of men. VII. Alluding to the defait of the Spanish nauie in the yeare 1588. TEiumpljant JLotb of atmie0 anb of fjoQess, Cljou tjcg fubbu'b tlje tiniuetfall coafles : JFtom ^outl) to Jl3ottl), ftoni Cafl till Dccibent, Ctiou fbatoejs t^p felfe gteat 0ob atmipotent : captainejx, feingexs, anb Cljtiflian men of tueit, ®at l}attaulb0 ftaifl in coatss of atntot cleit, JFot to ptoclaime toit^ ttumpet anb \xs\i>^ lljout : a gteat ttiumpf) i\S bniuetS t^toug^out : JFot cettainelp t^e ilotb ^e twill j^e fenatoin, anb The triumph of the Lord &c ^S 3nti gaue tltnt pra^fe qutjtlk iuQIte in t)ts$ atofn. £D pee tljat tounss ainang tljt pleafant feildis, Cluljatt fertile rtofw tljetc peavlp ptofite pealdis, Snti all ttjat tjeigtj tip in tDe tjielanD OUiellg : Sinang tljt mucets, tlje mountainesi, anD ttje toelliEi, 3nD pee tljat in tlje fotrefl fare remaine, JFar from tlje liurgljjs, ga to tlje burgljjs again : "Bait^ man and maided, put on pour garments gap : 3nti ornament0 made for ttjt Ijolp daie, Leaue of pour toark, let al pour labour fie : CljisJ braue triumpl), and ropall feafi to fe, Het ritiejs, feirfe0, and euerie noble totune, IBt purified, and decked t)p and dottine, ILet all t^e flreetjs, tljt corneriEi, and tlje retoijJ, IBt OrotDd tuitlj leaned, and flotorejs of diuerss IjetnijJ, CQitb birkjJ, and latorell of tDe tajoddijs tuild, Cfflitlj lauendar, toitlj Cfjime, and Cammamild : iJMitlj 9^int and ^edtoortejj feemelie to be feen, 9nd luifein (SotuanexJ of tlje medotpeS green, let templed, flair e0, tljt porrljid, and tlje port0, 9nd tuindotud tuide qutjair luicfeerd on refortd, ^itlj tapilirie be Ijwng, in Curbie fought, aaaitlj rlaitlj of gold, and filuer rirljlp torougftt, JLet euerie place, and palice be repleat COitD fine perfume, and fragrant odord ftoeat, ^uffiimigat toitD nard and cinnamon, 2a3itij mprlje, and mufle, campDpre, and bdellium, 2aiitlj incence frank, 9loed, Calamud, Ulittj ^affran, Q^afticfe, and Juniperud* Crpofe pour gold, and IJjpning filuer brigljt, ©n couered copbuirded fet in opin figljt, HDu'rgilted coupd, toit^ earned couerd clear, JFpne precioud fiaind, quljair tljep map befl appear, Latuerd in ranbd, and filuer baiffingg Ifjine, ^altfatd outcome, and glafled cljrpflalline. ^abe fcaffaldd dare for cumlie comedied, 2 JTot 3$ The triumph of the Lord &c. JTot pleafant plapesi, anJj mowU tiagetiiesj : 3H to Oecore tottli toj>, and ane arcovi), ^'^i& neto tttumplj, and %abl)otl) of t|ie ILotti, Etgl^t a0 ttje j?ognt of Oag hcgtnsj to fpting, 3nti larfess aloft meloOtouflie to ftng, IBtins foottj^ all fetnD of inflvument0 of toeetje, Co ga hefore anti make a nopr e rleer : (S^at* tvumpetd found ttie atofull battallis blafi, £>n dreadfull drummjs gat fittfe alarum fafi, 9@afe fljouttng ftalmss and j^ctfing pDipfiers lljill. Clean cleaue tlje rludss, and pievS tlje Ijtefi fiill, Cauft migfjtiljj tlje toefvl^ notisJ hceib : €)n fiieland pgpess ^cotss, and J|)56et:nffe, JLet tjelv ttie IjcauDss of deadli? Clartonis, 3nd fjjne let of a uolte of cannonis, Cluljtll quljat foi; vrick, tude tummtttjmg, and teatd, C&e fieauenss vefound, and tvtmhling tafer t&e eard, JLet entev fine in ptopev painted eactjs, Cfie huting viclj, brougljt fvoui tlje facdefl pat;t0, 3nd ample ptaj? quljilfe gveat lehouah toan, jFtom ftijj fietfe faiS, fen fit:fl tDe toatld hegan. Cfjeit; fall he fein tlje enfigneijj difplaped, IBrigfjt 6aner0 hwid, and flanddavdjs toeill arrayed, ^um tuljite and reid, fum pealloto, grein, and hleto, duljilfe (^od perfotee out of tljeit; landed t&reto : Clie povtvatotss of euerie hanquefl totune, £Df CittadelljJ, and rampietS of tenoune, Clje lifelg forme of foufleig latge and deepe, C&e modall0 great of taflilW eitti to feeep, Cfje forme of forttijs inuincible to fe, ©f mig&tie toallsJ, and ramforfl totoerss fo fiie, 2Demolift all, into a fiirdijs neO } Wiit^ great and iufl artail^erie telefi. ^a fall lie feen tlje figoure^ of tlje flotd, CGitlj fearfull flags, and toeill calfuterd hotxJ, ffl)f gallapss ftoift, and mang galliass, IXul^ilk The triumph of the Lord &c. 37 jfXu&ilfe tDtougf) tin (tan but jftutU tijougfit to iiajj, jTaicr frcineU» fljipprss of four, fiuc IjunDuetD tuniEJ, 311 furnilbt full of fitt^toarksJ, auD of gunxs, jduljaitof be four tliett: U)a0 funi raptiued leD, ^um rleane Defait, fum f ugitiuejs anD fled : get from ttjt ILotD na tua^' roulD finde to flte, IBot in tljtit fligljt turuc toflftD on tljt iit : Cljr taalteutng vualsi, and raging toindte blaQ, ^atd bp ttjeir toujr^, and raufd ttjein tim t^tit mali, 9nd fine turre raft for all tljetr bragjs and boft, %'um on a frljald, fum on ane prtn roft, %m\i gaid in tua buird on ane forrain land, ^um on a rok, fum on a totjirltng fand, Cluljile nane toere fafe unperilJjt to be found, IBot men and all toent to tlje toater ground, let follotu nirt in ordor to be fetn, Cj^eir armour rleare, and toarlike tuapinjj fc&ein lljard fialeaet£J, Delmet0, and Ijetumontss brigljt, Cirtit Ijaberfrljonjx, IjabribiS, and liarneijj lig^t, a^urrionjs for men of fute, and fbining Iljeilds, IBarding for ftorfe appointed for tlje fieldjs, (SanfletxJ ou'rgilt, toambraiflijJ gainand toeill, Corfletjs of pruif, and monp targe of QtilU %wn tarneift brigtit, fum dorred dtuerflie, Cj^at men map mufe fie preriouss geir to fee. Clj'ilk famin toa5i0, erentple for to giue, Drato in on beapsJ tljeir armour offenfiue, <5reat ordinance, and feilding peicejj fell, ^u0ket0 maift meit toitt) men of armejs to null, ^agbutjs tuitlj luntjs, l^iftollexJ ^ittj roUjetg fine, %)tuift fierie dartjs deuxfd be great ingine, Crofbotoeji of toaigljt, and Gnofik gainpeijs ftein, Strang poufing pickss tlie rljarge plaift to fufiein, 'Bunftejs of fpeirss, and ILaunrrjj ligljt, and lang, %)teill ar, and mafle, for barded Ijorfleis Orang, JTpne arming fvoordjj, and btger gruuding glauejs, Cluljilk 38 The triumph of the Lord Sec Clufjflfe inaf D na fleati iofjen tfiep toete tentieteti flauexJ, Cljetr Buttss mtfgaue, tljeit fpeirjx Itbe butntuantijs Iitaft C^eir fatntetj tjeattjs fov feate vetivd atiacfe, C&etr tDvefouvjs ticj^, tolicretn tljeg put tljew ttufl, Co all ti^t toatlO falbe inatD mamfeft : ILtt men ejcptess apyointeD 6e to betr, Cfieit Ulun Ijeajfiji in j^laitss of filuer deate : C^eit: filuet toavfe, anD jireriouss oniament, ^all folloto nert tn cvbtv fuftfequent, 5Rot to tj^eiv pratfe, 6ut to tljett ftame and fcotne : Cfieti; cuin?icD gold, tn batflings fall ht boxnt, fl)f moltin golD OtfroDtreD to lie fein : Wiit^ ptedoujj fiainis qufiilfe feD tljetu gteeDte etn, Cljeiv goldfinttlj tuarb anb tieirelljs of gteat toaigj^t, Cofeen fick fooless againss tbe JLotb to figljt, Let publtbelp be earteD ttjroto tlje totuness, Cfie btabemis, tlje feepterss, anb tlje rrotong : 3nti Ijonoteb ftoorbiS of man^ putflant fetng, 22Il)om lah ouv (5oij Doton fvoni t^tit t&vone DiD toting. TBefibexs t&efe tDtngS ufe all tlje meanejs je ma^, Co fanfttfie tlje lotb tj^at folemne bap : JFot gteat Pompeie, not Paul! Emilius Marck Antony nOV Caefar luUus C&e Scipioes tljt IjacDte btetDeten ttoa, JI3ot nain in Rome tvfumpljeD neuer fa. 03ljen on tljijJ tuatess tlje butting ijj inbt:ogljt, 3nti all tljeir fovce tierlaveb to be nougljt, Clje emperotjj, anb feingss fall ga be^inbe, C&at gveatet; nain toass on tlje eavtlj to finbe, 30 men befait tUti all in bulefull blacfe, 3[n roftDijs trainb toitlj flanber, ftame, anb lack : Cj^eif rljilbien goung, anb min^onijs in a tout, Otefl all in bule fall matclj tljeit roCrlj about, ^it^ bittet teateis, toitlj figftejs, anb eoutage ralb : aXJljen tljej) tljeit JLotbe in fife elJaite beljalb, Cfieit eounfelotjs Call gang txiitlj btetie t^tit : anb The triumph of the Lord &c 39 9nti rount tfttiv tntt to tie hot foKte mttt, C|jr muItituDe tljrn Oiucvflp fall Orhu, and of tljat figljt fall Diuevflie eflctm : jFor fum fall tin anD safe ttjtm in t&e fate, SttD fak betoatle to fre tljtm in Qrk rafe, ^ca tl)ci> tljat totHit ttjtit tutark and Deatlj befow, CDeiv mifmc fall nuin anD ^ittit fow. IBot funi fa foone aiS ttjt^ tljem fee ga 65, ^all ^tmt tt\m Ijmijsi and make a niigtjtte ttp, 5)etlde tDeit fotre and fljont into tljir tit : Cake ttieir tljt king$5 qnytlk made tlje Hoed ttie tueic, 3ne utljer fort fall ficlj, and toljiiEJpec ttjujj, ft>tavt in belaid a niattet matuellou^. CDeit nionavrljS great confided in t^eit flrengtlj, and tljougljt fap force to ^in tljt toorld at length : Co toap tDe l)ilss, and rigDt Di? to tDe xskiejj, TSot noto t&eir pride and puiflance broken l^tsi i „ l^ingg are bot men, men are bot toormejs and dutt, „ Clje (Sod of Deauen in onelg great, and iuft." TBot noto 31 leane tDe ordor and arraj, ffl)f men defait and entring of tlje pra^ : ©u'r tul)ome tDe ILord triumpljed Dess or noto, and fall triumpD foe De Dejs maid a tjoto, Co put Diss faijs to fligDt and open lijame, Co purcDafe Dim a praife and laQing name. 31 toill tDe forme noto fummarlg fet dotone, JDoto CDriflian filings, and captainejs of renotone, %aU enter in tDe burgDJS tDat Dolp dap, SJQDat tDep fall doo, tubat tDep fall (ing and fap : CDeir perfite iop and pleafour to erpre0, Co magnifie tDe migDt and Doliness 2Df ee rljrtflian men of toeir) gour Ijandss, j)our Ijeartg, ^our e^eis, and uopced eletr, &nto ttjt Ijtgt) and great triumpDer flrang, Cljat folemne dap fine let tl)i0 be pour fang* The Jong of the Lords Jouldiours. Ol^tng of l^tngd, tDat fitjs aboue, Cljp mtgljt, tljp mercie, and tljp loue, C^p U)ork{S are toonderfull to telf, 3!n eartlj tljp name mot praifed be, and in tlja Ijofie placijj Ijie, Jfor nane ijs like tDee but tljp fell. ^pon tlje firmament ttjou rpdd, 1$ and 43 The fang of the Lords fuldars. anti all tlje tootlti Oiuinel^ gptiess, Co ^ell tl)5 poiuer Dotg crtenD, 9@en mag iniagine, men mag Deuife, 9|m mag conclude and tntetj?rift, OBot t^ou Dots moDtfir ttje cnti* Cfjfjs tag toe masntfie tljg name, IFot tliou Ijeg put till open ftame, and tutnD tl)g fellon fatss to flight, Cfiefr 3Itiol!S and tljeit armfejJ gteit, C^etv force auatlD tliem not a toljW, Cljeii; totoetjs f totonss IjesJ felt tljg mtgftt. Gen. 11. CljOU flatU tlje tOtuer of Babylon, ajnbmlDeij lM\itv be a Cone, Cljoug^ Nimrod t&ougljt to teaclj to Ijeauen, Clje toungss of men iuere fo confufeO, C^at tljt^ tittit fooltl!) toark refufeD, and funDvie tljvougD tljt tutlj toete Duiuen, Exod. 13. (j5oi) fend to gufDe lji& armte dg&t, nas'*' a clouOe be tiag, a fice 6e ntgftt, anb leb tljem fafelg tbtougl) tlje fie, JFor all ffiktng Pharaos ptiDe and boli, ^(-5 c&arlotj3, l^orfmen, anb W fiolJ, C©ere brotonb anb fanb na toag to flie. lof. 6. ©f lericho i^e bwtCb tlje toall, anb qufc^lg maib it flatling fall> CO&en ajs tljeir prieftss tljeiv ttumpetjJ blcto, Clje people maib a mig^tie l|)out, m^en ttjeg 6ab pafl t&e totune about, anb fa tfie citie ouettljrebj* lofh. 10. jriue l^ingjJ Ije cljaifi at Gibeon, anb ass tljeg fleb to Beth-horon, mitlj Ijaile Ije fleto tljem h^ t|je toag, ^ C6e ^un anb 6@oone at &i0 commanb, 3;nto t&e lift Ije maib to fianb, Co make t^e Amorites a pvag* Ciuj^a tntt Ijatb of atmout fick, Ciu&at The fang of the Lords fuldars. 4g Clufjat bullrtss met fleto fa tpicky 30 Ijailcflainxs fell dotone in ttjat frljotoet ? Jl3a gunntrss roulQ tljat liartfene rlenge, Ctje^ fenetu not totiome on to teuenge, IBot ga^eti on t^t ^tmtnlv totucc. IBe lofhua Ije totougtjt tljtr tljingg, and tiafnqueifl ane and tDtcttie Efngjs, 3jS lorden rinss on euette fide, Cluljilfe map all feingjs erample giue, ion>- 12- %a lang ass men on eattlj ma^ liur, 3In (5od tlje gteatell to confide, IDe battfj detjifde, and toroug^t tlje deeded, ©f Gideon againfl tljt Medes, ^^^ ^ and fltake tlje multitude toitfj feace, " ^' ' CDree Ijundretf) men defait tljeir eampe, jajttb trumpet, j^itctjer, and toitlj lampe : Cijat toajs a ftvatageme of tueic, 5)e firengtfj and manfteid 6p tlje laue, lu^g. u, Co Samfon, and to Dauid gaue, 15, & 16. Clulja maid tfje Philiftims to fall, ss^'a"'^'^' fciisi atotn tje mtgljtelte fufietnjJ, |- sa""- «• IBe toondetfull and tmbout^ meane0, Co Qjatu t^at ($od 10 guide of all. C^e puiflant l^ing of Syria, 2. Kings 7. Cluljen tje befeig'd Samaria, Clje <5od of batteljs fucfour0 fend, JFot in tljat tamp mass ^atd ficb din, ©f rattjs and Ijorfe qul)ilk feem'd to rin, Cljat nain durfi bide to fee tbe ende. Ciuljen proud Saneherib filafpljeiued, 3Inuinnbill Ijijs puiflfanre feemed, ^it Ijame toitlj ftame Ije turn'd againe, iSine frore, flue tijoufand on a nig&t, aKingig. ^tu fmote 65 tljem tljat toobe tlje aigftt, ^ine 6e Ijic fonness, Ijimfelfe tuajs flaine. 3In toeir tlje lord giuejj uiftorie, 2 JFtom 44 The fang of the Lords fuldars. JFtom time to time, ass tue ma^ fee, 'Be meanes tmlufeeti for of men : 9js l^e iuass tDen, fa tsJ Ijt noto, CijougD faitljlejs folk tuill neuet tvoto, IXuljile lie eppeuience tDeg ben, Il)e fiES tije migljtte (SoD of meir, lt)e fiu^feejs Diss faejj toitD fuDDaine feir, £Xuljen t&ep appeaue matfl ficong $ flout, CDe tjartjs of l^ingss aue tn Ijtis DanD0, !^e ficeakess tljeir legJS and blouDp fianOjs, 3nti I)vtnfi0 fjiiS puvjjofiss about. OBuen tn out tja^ejs tjaue toe not fefn, Clje tuicfeeD fall before out* ein, 3Into tljtit Detefl ecuell rage ? Cfie gteatefl tiubejs anD fetngss annojnteJ), ZBt fato t^em taitip Difappoiuteti, 9nti get tljetc toetll beferueD toagr. pfai.68.g.g!5 toar ijs melted b^ tfje fire, ^a be tDe JLorbss eonfumtng pre : Clje mtgljt of man meltss eleane atuap, Co fick 3)3 ronflantlie beleeuejJ, Jt)e courage and goob fuccesJ gfuesJ, anb totll not fee tijetr eaufe beeap, Cfjougtj for a time tfje proub jireuaile, Cfteir glass mill run, tljeir foree tofll faile, 93nto tlje £orbss eternall glore : anb toljen before our faig toe fall, 'Be fure our finS are eaufe of all, Ciuljilk toe fulb earnefllp beplore. © lah our (5ob : be tDou our guibe, 3[n battailss be tljou on our fibe, 3nb toe fall natter fall nor flee, Ctjrouglj Cljrifl tDg fonne our finss forgiue, 3nb make bss tn tDp lato to liue, Cljat toe map praife aub toorl|)ip t&ee. anb The humiliation of a (inner. 45 Cfif Qvtnt ttiumplj tDtJX tuag fall tafee an enti anO all tlje DoGe fall to tljt temple tuenO, ajj ruflome in in tuell aci;a;i)e& vanbjx, ajQitlj famfire of praper0 anti of tDanfejJ : Cfje fol&artjs flout fall all rereaue wtuatli, JFot lo, tlje louD tljt banket Ijess ptepattb : Co feede Diss Dofle tuttlj Ijfauenl^ liuelte futie, ob maifl Ijumblie 31 fubmit, ^j?felfe befove ttij tjifnejs \}m : ©tj : retutDfullie incline tljine eir, 2Into mj) ptttifull romplent : CD5 puni(b»ufnt, anD plaguejJ tttixt* JFrom me pute pining penitent, Ciuljen tiackenejs l^tn tlje D^auen teuefl, IBot atljet a^oone ot ^tarnie ligfjt, Ciufjeii man anb beafl ate at tDeir tell, CDtoUj ferceit filenee of t\}t nigljt, 3f tooltting like a tooefull tuigljt, %ttll toaking in mp beb 31 ip* S@p finxJ ptefentiJ tDem in mp figfjt, £Df) Darken, Lorb, foe Dflpf 31 ftp. ^5 panfing boijs augment mp paine, IBeeaufe 31 cannot be etcufeb, 31 am fa oft telapjs againe, 3Into t&e fin quDilk % tefufeb, 3 46 The humiliation of a linner. C55 riemenrfe 31 fiaue abufeti, TBt leaDing of a totcktO life, 905 fjjreit tottDtn tljia aeU) infuCfti, 3l5J lifee to ^ttiib tn tlje finfe, a& : to mp fatss t^en fall 31 peeio ? ainti all tfj^ metfieis great Oefpatr ? as : fall 31 notd gtue ouer ttje field ? 3nD neuer loofee fot mereie mnix ? Cluljilfe W fa oft battli lait anD atr, ^ung pvaife to tfjee tottD topfull fiart, jRJo ILorti, preferue me from tfjat fnaw, anti let t^t0 fuppe from me De^^art* Mat.11.28. 3[ i^aue afliiranee of t^p fpreft, C&at t&ou t&e laiDnetJ totll releeue, jCtuj^tlb turns to tljee toftli |)eatt eontteft, anJJ tn t^5 liountte Doiss lieleeue : 905 feeMll faltlj, © JLord, reutue, jFot t&ouQD ttip finneg be Itbe t|ie fanti, '^it tljou art abtll to forgtue, and ratfe me tottl) t&g fielpfng 6anD. £Xul)a tan unfetnetilp repent ? i'ohn%^4;. Cluj^a tan from tote feetineja abfletn ? CKnlesJ tl3t grace 6e to ^tm lent, Co fig& and fob tof tfj toeepfng egn ? gour prater profits^ not a prtn, (Crrept t&e fame from faftD proeetd : Let fatt^ and grare in me be grein, Cfjat 31 maj? turne to t&ee in neide. Lord t»jit& mp felfe 3f am difpleafed, and ioeariesj of t^isi burding fail, Cfi5 turaitl) t&erefore let be appeafed, jForget mp foule oflfenceji pafi : 31 feare, 31 faint, 31 am agafl, jfiixu&en 31 perpend mine atoin eSait, IBot tfjijs releefe 31 find at lafl, ^5 penitence i0 nocftt to late* albeit The humiliation of a finner. 47 ZVbtit tDou 6e ane nptf gljt iuOge, Cliou act 1115 fat&ct not tlje Ujs» ^i) bufelat anb mp fuw tefuge, ^p ontlp foinfort 31 confcffe : 5)aue pittte on mj> gveat bfflvrlTe, CaO nocDt mc ratiut cleane atuap, C&ou fenatoe0 ttjt imntt D^auinejJ, JFot fin 31 fuffet niene Dap. Cljiis ttjen (mp ®oti) of gtare 3f craue, aaaitl) fiumlilc lieaute Ijeatt of tljee, ^j) finxJ ut like me to Oeceaue, IBot let me not Deceaueti lie, Cafee not tlj^ Ijelptng Ijmti fta me, JFor 31 ani fuatll anti inij^etfite, (S5xue me not ouer to Drotone ani) We, 3(nto mp flel|)l5 IjeartjJ Delight* Cfj5 tootfeing ^reit let me aflift, 3Into tDtss fellon fertjtfng fell, CDat 31 map ualtantlte tefiK, C6e flellj, ttje toatlO tDe diuell anD ftell, 90p feaett finjs from me erpell, Q^p nature t)5 corrupt tljou fenaujejJ, ^ake me to praftife anD foortti tell, CDp preeeptjs, pratfe, ani) ^olp latoeitJ. C6lr glftjs, § grant, 31 merite not JFor 31 in fin Uiajs borne and breO, IBot 3!efu!5 Ctjrifl Ijt fiess me bought, JFroni DeatD tmn mttj Ijisi hlouij &e IljeO, il)t!S merttjs Ijesi me freelie fred, ^afee me tljereof participant, £et me be tuitlj lji0 iufiice cleO, 3nd counteti tljp redeemeD fainft. jeocljt fte, but 3f, fiattj deatft deferued : Jl3ocl)t 3I> but Ije, doi0 merit grace, JFor me, nougljt for Ijimfelfe, fje fierued, Wiit^ t^ee to purc^afe me a place, C^roto 48 Ane Epiftle to his friend. C|it:oto Ijim 3f am in tiappfe cacc, (Sum tuitl) tt\^ (SotiDfati lefonceiled, Co ttjee, tljvougl) Ijtm, to^ome 31 imfitacr, IBe pmft, quDtIb 1)e0 tljcft togess teudleD. Heere endes the Hymnes. ANJE EPISTLE TO Maifter Gilbert Mont-creif me- diciner to the Kings Majeftie, wherein is fet downe the experience of the Authors youth. M|J tentiet; fttenti (Montcrief metifffnat) Co feingsJ 10 feenJj tlj^ fenamieDge fingulat Ctjou IJjaiiitss i^v ftlfe fie pcafttfe euiDcnt : £Df natures iuavfejj obferueu titltBtnt, Cfij? qiitet life and Decent mobeflie, 5)eflatejs tDp tunning in pDilofoptjie : %en fivft iue toete acquaint 3f fanD tliee feinDe, ^uni mebirine aflSgne me for tlje minO, ^g ficfeneg 6e tDe fjmptome fall appeate, CHnto m^ tJifroutfe, if tDou lift giue eate, „ S) Ijappie man ijs ije (31 Ijaue tjavb fag) „ 3 faitl)full friend tljat tjesJ, toitft iuftom ^e ma|> „ £Df euerie t&ing ass toitD Ijimfelfe tonfet," 30 3f map do (difevt medieinet). Cluljen pufiertie mp freedome did inlatge> and Mercurie gaue place to Venus Charge, 31 feneto not pet tlje tuatjeting uaine efiait €)f Dumaine feinde, 31 feneto of na debait, jRa lurking Ijait, inuie, nor curfed firpfe, 30 Ane Epiftle to his freind &c. 49 ajj foUotDf jj faft out Qjort nnfjappie life : 31 tiat'Ocb not, btletm mr toetll (Montcrief) Ctjc bitttt jjaineg, tljt foirotuejj, and t&e gttrf, jRor mtferieiEJ quijilfe Oa^lie doijs fiettde, 9nD fonipaflijs manjs life on euede fide. T6ot lifee a rDafle and puOicb nirgine rlein, 3InlJtougIjt to biDe tuljete ftje tjati neuec 6ein, 3[nto tljt Doufe of tuomen, let for Dgve, £luljen llje beljalOis all pleafour at Defite, a loflie troup of laDiexJ in arrap, ^uni on a lutlj, fum on a Mtt plap, ^ome fans0 of loue begin and fvweetelp fing, and min^ionlie fum danfing in a ting, a louec Ijete, diCrourfing all j^ijs beO, ane btljet; tljeve, deUgljting all tljt nH : CDe buivdjs decoide tuitlj daintie diftejj fine, Wiit^ diuetjj dtogxJ, and luafevjj toet in toine : a none to dioell tDe niaide doijs rondifceud, 31nrettaine quDat fall be Det ratine end. ^tua inerpevt pet at tljat time and Doute, 31 felt tlie ftoeete, but Dad not rund tlje foture. 31 t^ougtjt tljat nofljt toasJ able to temooue, JFcom men on cartlj, ttuetli, equitie, and loue, Jl3ot banifljt fvom tljeic Ijmvtsi Dumilitie, iReutD, pittit, iopnd toitfj affabilitie, IBot tljat tlje fotre of teafone fuld maintein, C&e binding band quljilh laOinglie fiexs bein, TBe natute knit, and ordoned till indure, S@end amitie and fciendftip to make fuve. jFor t&i0 31 oft teduced and btougljt to minde : !])otu fall men be but bntill btDet feinde ? JLo, all tljt witljtsi tljat in tlji0 nallep tounis, ate btet^eten all, ate tljep not Adams fun0 ? IXuljj) fuld a ftiend IjiJS ftiend and btotljet gteeue, ^en all ate botne of a fitU motljet Eue ? Opon tDiJS eattlj ai8 in a cittit iuide, ID like 5© Ane Epiftle to his friend &c. lifef dttieng toe titoell anU Doig aMOe : ^nb nature ^eis ptefetb ujs to tfje Iieafijs, IBe jirenttng teafon Deiplie tn out liteaflsi : Cj^e bavbav tuDe of Thrace ot Tartarie, 2Df Boheme, Perfe, of toeftlj Getulie, €)f fiatran Syrt, anti toaflf e Scythia, fi)f Finland, Frefland, and Of India, S)f teafon t^ep at made pattictpant, aBttlj tljem qu^flk DoijS tlie riutll ttttej$ fiant : Clje faeunD Greece, tlje learnd Athenian, Clje Roman flout, tlje tttlj Venetian, C|ie Frenfhes franrfe of great ciutlitfe at oblifl all to t^tss forietie* Cfjen toitft m^ felf 3( teafonti on ttjiss fott, 3[f t&tjs l>e tteto quljtlfe ttulte 31 tepott, Jl)oto mebill matt fall loue and lautte flauD 9mang t^e peptH nattue of a land, jCtuljtIfe dotjs imlJtace, obep, and oneig fenoto, a fettb, a i^tng, a language and a lato : fl)t ficfe ass tn a dtte doij5 temaine, Pattuepant of pleafout and of j?atne : ffl)t of a tace liejj Itneallte dtfrended 9nd Dejs tljete time and life togettjet Trended : ail ttji$ and mait 31 totted in mp t^ouglit, and t^efe effEftss to fe 3! dototed nocDt : ag fot mi? j?att 3( platnelp did ptetend, 905 life in peace, in iop, and eafe till end, 3nto tljt toag to toalfe and Ijappie tod, IPtefctiued be t&e lato and tootd of ®od, Co loue mp ftiend and netgljliout ass mp fell, caaitlj lippess iJut liejs ttjt ftmple treutlj to tell, Cill euetie man to feeep mp ptomife deto, and not but tigDt but tigout to petfeto, jFtom nitt to flie, and uettue till tmbtace, ane bptigljt Ijeatt to tjaue in euetie rafe. Contending tjeattss againe to teeoneeill ^ass Ane Epiftle to his friend &c, 51 2iflaj3 mp ptetrnrr, anD tenOet ag t^eit tnefll, Co fortific iiii' friend in time anU neeDe, Witlj gooD vcpott, toitD rounfell, anD gooD OeeOe : and finallp twljat teafon taugljt to rcaue, 31 tfioufiijt to Doo, and aj tije lifee receaue. „ TSot tljougljtss ate uaine, mv labour ioajs bot lofi, „ il)e rountjs againe, tljat eountB tuitDout bijJ l)Ol}." CljtousD traft of time quDtlfe ftuiftlie flideg aiuap, 3nd fundrie figljtss oreuuring dap 65 dap, 3t lafi 31 leatnd to matke, and rleatelp feen, Clje courfe of mortall tDingxs, and mottall men, [Jftom tfiee 31 learnd toitlj painful diligence,] Clje maiflteis tbu^t of fuileg eppedenre, 3[ fee tljt tuit tljt nature and tDe mind, ©f tuarldlie toigytjs to ujiffeedne0 inclind, and naturaUie ane auflere fratoardne^, Cfje Ijardened Deartjs of mortall men poflexJ. IBeljald na realme, na cietie nor eflait, at toide of fltife, contention and debait, 3IIfe man tjiis fo, iifee roaring ILionfl! feein, ajOaiti0 to deuore toitij rigor tpgerrein : J|)oiu feto regards tue daplie map efpie, Cfieir fallotaiejs loss, if tDep map gaine tljerebp : ^a Ijautie mindjs fulfilled \aitt3 difdaine, ^a deepe dereat, fife glofing language uaine, ^en0 doubill tungjs are not aftamed to lie, CDe mair tljt^ Ijegljt, tlje toons to trufl tljt^ be, Ipartifular gaine doiss fa manis reafone blind, C&at ssfearjs on eartlj ane upright ran 31 finb, ^0 popfoned breads tuitD malice and tnbp ^um deadlie Ijaitis, and cannot ftato pou tu^p. ® monflrouss beafl (inuie) i) cruell pefl ? dutiair tDou remainis tDeir is na quiet refi, Cljou bpaifls tljt bain0, tljou blaicfeenes flell) $ blood, ap glad of ill, ap enemie to good, C^ou bered art to fee tj^p brotljers lueill, a jdugilb 52 Ane Epiftle to his freind &c. IXu^ilfe uailtjs ttjee not^t, nor Ijntrnta him neuer a Dei I. I tt^ na tuuttt), nor na fiDelitic, 31 fee na reutD, nov na noljiUtie, . J13a ttnttt loue, nor j^umblc gentleness, 3jj firfl tj^ep fag, our fatDerss DtD profeu, TBot fremmeDnejs, 6ot ruDe aufleritte, Xot fein^eti frauD, anD itthiU uncourtefie. Ciu^en tljat 31 tjaD emplopeti nip goutD anO patne, jFoure gearess m France, anO toae returned agatne, 31 langD to learne, and mrtoujs iuag to fenata : Clje fonfuetuDe, tlje mfiome and tlje Lauj, Ciuljairli^ our nattue foil tuais guide arigbt, 9nd tuftice done till enerie kind of toig^t : Co tljat effeft t^ree j)earej$, or neare tljat fpace, 3[ Ranted maift our tjis&efi plaiding plaee, aind fenat quljair great raufless reafoned tuere, ^5 lireafi toa0 firufd, tuitD leaning on tlje bar, 00J) fiuttonjs lirifl, 31 partelp fpitted bloud, 00J) gotune toaj5 trald and tramped tuljtre 31 Hood, 8|@ine earejs toere deifd iuitft maiflar^ rrj^ess and din, :^ul)ilk ]^romtor0 and j^artie^ tailed in: 31 da^lj learnd, bot rould not jJleafed fie, 31 fato fifb tfiingjs as pittie tuas to fee. 3ne Soufe on'rlaid toitlj process fa mifguided, Cfiat fum to late, fum neuer toajs derided, Clje pure afiufed ane tjundret^ diuerjs tuapetf, PoOpond, differd iuittj lljiftg, and meere delagejj, Confumte in gudss, on'rfet luitlj greife and paine, ^our aduoeate man fie refreftt twitfj gaine, ffl)r elfe Ije faints to fpeabe or to inuent a gud defence or toeig^tie argument, ge fpill ^our caufe, pe trufile tjini to fair, ainlexJ fiis fiand annointed fie mitlj mair* 315ot ill fieflotoed, tit iss confulted oft, *' 9 gude deuife ijs toort&ie to fie coft :" TBot sfeaffing clarfejs toitft couetice infpired, Cill Ane Epiftle to his freind &c 53; Cill txtcutt ttjrir office man be tjpreti, Jl3a raufe tijt^ rail unlciEJ tljej? fjiPteHngsJ fjaue, if not, it fall' bt laiO &eneatl> t|)e laue, CinDa tljem tontroljj, or t^em offeni30, but dout, Cgeft proteis tutll be lans in feefeing out, 3In ffttattll neede fum peece0 twill be loO, Snd tt}tn to lait fund on t^e ^artiejs rofi, 3In tuerie point t&ep toill be flacfe and lang, Clje minutjJ of tlje ptoce0 map be totang, JFor aftjs, derrcitjJ, tliej? man Ijaue double ptife, 3If tljeit I)e Dafl, but Ijj^re tljej? make it nice : 30 fanguifugfi quljilk find0 t^e feeding gud, Cleauejs to ttje 0kin qutjile tljep be full of blud, CVuljile all tlje uainee be bludless, dtp and tume. I13a btljer iuapejj ttjt fimple tljeg tonfume. C&e agent aljJ man Ijaue IjixJ toage provided, lealJ all t^e caufe in abfence be misguided : IDe toill let pafle on tuilfull indignation, againss tlje aftot ane Gollen ptoteflation, Clje poore defender if Ije lacbe erpenfexs, ®all tpne tjifl! raufe perljapjs for null defenrejs, Cl)e peeress ftauj Ijt toill, and raufe rebeill, jFor greater gaine be lie not pleafed toeill. 3ud tljougDt ttjt lordss fuld take gud ^tib tliereto, ptt are tliep laitl) to make tlje tjoufe adoo : „ Cbe renfor iis impropre to rorrerk, „ Cljat in Ijimfelfe Ijeis onp kinde of blerfe :" €uen tljep tliemfeluess tlje ordor partlie fpil0, aBitlj bringing in of tieapejs of bofome bil0, C^eir oulk0 about on friends tljep doo befloto, Ulit^ fmall regard of table or of roto. aiare : firli Jtordjs fiad neede of reformation, Clu&air iuflire maifl ronfifljj in folliftation, "^it all folliflarjs rannot iufiire ftaue, iSot firk aiS map arquit tljem bp ttie laue, 3 lord, ane €arle, or a toealt^ie man, 3 a 54 Ane Epiftle to his friend &c. a tauxtitt tfjat mtiUll map anJj tan, ^itljout Delap UjtU fome to tljeir Intent, ^oiuliett tljpte caufe it be fum Oeill on sJfelent : 'Bot fimple fauW, Dn0fetIfuU, mogenlrg, Cge pure qu^ome flrang oppveflbtjs Oofjs opprejJ, jFeto of tljere dgDt or tauOfejS totll take feeepe, Cfjeir proeejs toill fa lang Ije ou'r, anti fleepe, jCtu&ill often timejs (tDere tjj na uttjer fiute) iFor pouertie tljep man leaue of perfute* ®um fenatofjJ aid tueill ajJ jSkafBng fmliejs, ate filtntieti oft luttt) blintitng fiuDss anD hxibt$, anij mafr refpeftjs tjie perfone nor tfje caufe, and findjs for diuerss perfoneg dtuersJ latoes, Dur duill, cannon, and mumcipall, ^ulti equallte 6e mtmflreD till all : Cftep mon IJjaiu fauour to t^eir atotn tiepenOersJ, jCluljat fa tljep it perfetoersJ or defenUeris* 3f faint to tell tljeir pertierss partial pafttonis, 9nD fjoio tfiep are DiuiDed all in factionxJ, Confederate Ijaill ^itt^ fubtiltie anti fligljt, a tuaj to tiote tn noting torang or rig&t. 2D men in toliome no feare of (SoD i$ iubgeti : © faitfjlesJ iuDgess toortljie to be iuDgeD : dBftame pe not, or flanD ge not tn ato, !Latoe0 to profess anJ) erre againis tlje laiu, ffl) members meete, for meere iniquitie, ©f Rhadamanth or Minos fOUrt tO tt, Clje Ijaill abufe toere our prolirt to tell, Cljat rounftll ijoufe it tjs maifl lifee ane Ijell, ^iailjere tljere t0 t&rang ap feare, anb atofull erpejs, tajfjereon tljt bar toitljout puir parties lge0, asi on t^e riue of Acheron for fin, atoaitting fafl qu&ile Charon tafee tljem in : aaaijere euerie man almaifl i$ mifcontenteb, Ciuljair fillie faul0 are greeuouflie tormenteb, 2iv forrte, fab, ap plung'b in paine anb greife, Ipenfiue Ane Epiftle to his freind &c 55^ IPenfiuc tn Ijratt anti mufing of miictttit CDct'c botofl[sJ, entvatllis, tuitlj tljt robbeD totot Df QUbit Harpyes, ttjt^ ate tUggcD OUt. Co leaD tljat fambe of life 3; toeaneO fafi, 3In httttt tjojje 31 left it at tfie laO, 3nti to tlje court 31 ftottlie me aDDteft IBelreuing iueill to rDufe it fot tlje befl : TBut from t^e rorfeis of Cyclades fra Dand 31 ftruife into Carybdis finfeing fanO. JFor rturreiife of fivingjs 31 i«ill not Criue Co flanOer rourtxs, but tliem 31 map Deferiue, 3i5 learned men IjesJ ttjem depaint before, ©r neare tlje fuitJj, and 31 am luo therefore* 3ln rourt0 (Montcreif) isi j^ride, tubie, eontentfon, Difljtmulanre, defpite, difreat, diflention, JFeare, Uiljifperiugsi, rejjortsj, and netu fufpition, Jfraud, treafone, liejj, dread, guile, fedition, <5reat greediness, and prodigalitie, ILufiss fenfuall, and partialitie, 3ImpuDencie, adulterie, drunfeinness, Oelicaeie, and lIoutDfuI idilne0, 'Barkbiting, lacfiing, mocking, mntenie, Oifdaincfulnejj, and fljamelejs flattcrie, 90eere banitie, and naugDtie ignorance, 3[nconOancie, and changing tuitlj mifcljance. Contempt of all religion, and deuotion, Co ($odlie deediEj na feinde of perfite motion* Cljefe qualities in generall 31 fap, 3lnto all courtjj are commoun euerie dap : 3f neede not noto ficfe propertieji applp, C^ou bnatoejs our Scottifli court aljs toeill ajs 31 ♦* HDur princes ap, ad toe tjaue tjeard and fein, Cliir monp pearejs infortunat fiejs bein, 3nd if 3! fould not fpeifee toitlj flattring tung, Ctje greater part bot fluggifljip fjejs rung, ©ur CarleiB! and HordsJ for tjjeir nobilitie* IDotu ^6 Ane Epiftle to his friend &c. IDotD ignotant and intx^ttt t^t^ ht^ ^pon t&e priuie counfell mon lie fj^ufeti, ©r elfe t&P fiitng anb concfll at abufeD, and if tlje Ptince augment not ap t^tit tentjs CluDat tsJ t^rfr maft; : tj^eg tofll fie maI-fontentj3» Clu^at fulD tlje fourt qu^alt uettue ij3 neglefteD ? Clufjaft men of fpt;eit fa Ittle at tefpefteD ? Clugilk isi to fie lamenteti all t^e matt> Cljat feto of learning fulD tafee feefp or rait, 90 Cicero of lulius Caefar fa^isS OEuen in IjisJ time, gouernement, anfi Dapijs, £Xu&iIfe eafilg etcelljs alt fitljet fiiinge, 3In learning, fpreit, and all ftljolafficfee tljingiEJ. ^um ofiBtretss toe fe of naugljtie fitaine, 9@eete ignotantss, ptouD, uiciouis, anti naine, ©f learning, iniU and nertue all tenuDe, a@aifi filoeHQ) men, ral!), riatou0, and rude : 9nd flattering fallotuig oft ar mair regarded : 9 lj)ing flaue toill rather fie retuarded, iBor tljej? tljat doiss toitD reafoniB! rule tonferre Cj^air feinde of life, and aftionjs, leafl t^ep erre, l13or men diftreit, tuife, nertoujJ, and modeft, fl)f galland fpreit, firaue treto and toortliie trefl, Clu^ilfe far from 6ame duilitie W fein, and fie tfieir maneris ftatoig qu^air tljep Ijaue fiein : Ctuftilk Ijaue tlje tuord of <3oii fiefore tljeir epejj, and iweill tan ferue fiut rannot prinrejs pleijs : jfor fum toitlj reafon tuill not pleafed fie, IBut tliat qu&ilfe toitli t^eir Ijumour doijj agree, lDe0 tfioto not Ijeard in oppin audience, Cfie purpo0 fiaine, t^e fecfelee ronferenee, CS' informall reafon0, and impertinent £Df courtiour0 : quj^ilfeg in aeeouttrement ajKar gorgiou0, maift glorious, gong and gag : IBot in efifeft eompare tfiem tueill 31 niag Cill images, quljilbs ar in temples fet, Derorde Ane Epiftle to his friend &c. 57 Dffottie toft|jo«t» anO all toitlj goin ou'tfrrt, ajflitfj rolor0 fine, and racurd niriouflie, Cljf pla« ujljeie tDej? ate fet to bcautifir IBot toI)en tljep ace remarfeeb all and fum, Cfjej) ate bot fioc60 and l!atn0, boss, deid, and dum. TBot nouj tDe foutt 31 kuill not difcommend, 31 map tt nieane dot map it not amend, 9ss fot offence of fpeacD 31 natDtng feate it, JFot ttptigljt men ttjetebj? ate natljing deitit : 3nd fifk ajs ate tottD toickednesi iietuitcDed, 31 fuflie not fjoto mmlv tDeg lie tuitrljed. 3nd if petDapiS fum toald alleadge t^nt % ffimt tl)t0 inuaid on malice and inuie, 9j5 fje tol)ome in tlje routt fetu did tegatde, 3nd got na gaine tljetedp not na tetoatd, 31 gtant tDat mag be ttetti, dot quDat of ttjat ? 31 little gaine defetued, and Ie0 3f gat : 'Bot men beljald tjijs fjiene^ topall ttine, 53i0 palarexs, and tljeit appattell fine, IBefjalde tjiss Ijoufe, belaid Ijisi geatelg tent, JDi0 fetuantsJ tieit if ttjeg ijaue raufe to plent, ©bfetue tlji0 tealme tDtoug&out ftom eafl to toefi, JFtom foutl) to notti), if anp be oppteG, duljilk iuflice lacfesJ, beljald tlje common iueiK, Cljen iudge if 3 be tutitet faljj ot leiU, TBot ficfe axs fould it mend, let tfjem lament, 3f Ijanted coutt to lang, and 31 tepent. Cljefe cutfed timej5, tljijJ tuotxJ not itone age, JUlfjete bettue lutfejs, luDete Mitt doid tetgne and tage, Wljnt faiti) and loue, tutjete ftiendfljip in neglefted, Contagtouflie tuitlj time tjess me infefted : Sin mjttsi ate, of fotce fa mon 31 be, ©oto can 31 do bot ajs men doo to me ? 3!n botdelsJ uile a titgine cljaifi and puit, 'Becum0 toitlj time a uile efftonted Duit : 9 ttetu man taine toitli pitatjs on tlje fea, 31 3lJS S8 Ane Epiftle to his friend &c. 3fiS forfl to tafee a patt of picarie. © fentcnre fut^e : 31 fa^ fou to ronrlube, ,, 3III rompame toxtw^tttlj manerg guD." Ct;etu Damons part to plap 31 toalD me binti, CIBot Pyihias feinde j?et ran 31 nfuev finO : „ JLoue mutuall ioalCi be, for all tn uaine, „ 31 fauouv lljatu, tf natn 31 ^nU againe." ^j» Ijtntt t0 flane tott&in, and pron toittjout, ^ittj triple bras m^ breift ijj fet about, jFor tutjen of flrtfe, anD great intfr&anfe 31 ftfate, Df Oeatj^, Debate, tijtv boo me little deare : JTor btljerjs fjarme me tuitrljess not at all, %toa 31 "fit free, (juljat rafe 31 toljat befall ? Ctje line of loue almaifi 31 Dane forget it, JFor tuljp, tDink 31^ to nain 31 am abbettit. iKot tDrettie timejs as ?it tlje Qiining fun, ll)ijs rarrier round and propre courfe ^tsi run, ^en nature firfl me buir to iop Diss ligbt, and ytt 31 toald (if iuCl^ toil!) 31 migljt) Diflblued be, renetoed, and be luitlj Cljcift, ©r flelb to fardar follie me intifi : 31 feare ttje toarld, 3 bread allurementjs fair, and flrang aflaultis corrupt me mair and mair. Let %atl)an rage, let luicfeednesi infre0, 31 ttjanfe mp (Sod 31 a»i not romfortlejs : a@5 fomfort lo, mp Ijaill felicitie, ConfiG0 in t&ijs, 3 map it Qjato to tfjee : Co feme tDe KLord, and on lji0 Cljrifl repofe, Co fing Ijim praife, and in jbis IjeicDtiS reiofe, and ap to Ijaue mp mind lift up on Die, ^nto tljat plare qufjair all our iop fall be : ^5 life and time 31 fenato it ijs fa Qjort, Cfiat Ijeare to dioell 31 tbink it bot a fport : 31 fjaue deligljt in fieart maifl to beljald, Cfie pleafant toorbss of (Sod fa manifolde, and to mp minde great pleafour iis indeede, Clie Chriftian precepts. 59 C^e nobill U)tit0 of Itained nun to tnH : 3x5 Chremes I)aD, 3! Ijaue ane Ijnniatne Ijeatt, 9n& tabrjJ of tDingsJ ijumaine na little pact, TBe UjotD anD torit mp minde 3 mahe it plains, Co febfuU fttrnt)^, anD ttje^ to me againe. Chriftian precepts Jeruing to the prac- tice of Sanctification. TBtetpdfe natljing quljile tDou ficft tall unto tlje Lorti to ftlejs -■- it, anD to bleflfe t^e meanejs, anD tfien refer t^e futcetf t&eivof to i)ini. ^a foone ajj onp of tijp interptifeis fjesJ taken effeft, incontt* nent run anD tljank tj^^ Soti. T5evoare of pucfumption, felfe loue, anD uaine oOentation, tDl)atfoeuet gooD or great iuorb tDou areomplillj, for tljou mag fenatu it ijs tDe LorD tljat tuoorfeexJ 65 ttjp IbanD, $ not tljou : fee- ing tt)ou Ijexs tjaD erperienre of tljine atoiit toeakenefle anD in- fuffirienrie. 'iBetuare tDou iufiifie not ttjp felf in tijp ijart : for tljou knaUj0 tljat tljou cannot abftaine fra^ finne, nor cannot fie faueD toit&= out tlje meere mercie of (5oD, ftaujin in ttje rigljteoujs merits of 31efujJ Cljria. 3inllruft anD teaeb tljg rljilDren anD feruantxJ, albeit tijeg be feuj in number, in tlje feare of (5oD, ajj tljougD tftou fiiaD a great tjoufe anD familie. QjCUjcu tDou ljt$ tDe commanD of (SoD reueileD be fjfxJ toorD ttiat tl)ou fulD Doo ong ttjing, obeg tljou euer tlje commanD, anD let it be a rule to all tljj? actions, tjoto tjnappearant foeuer it be, or far againfi tljp Ijeart, fetting afiDe baitlj tljp atoin affeftionjj, anD all luorlDlie refpert^ : for quDair <2>oD fpeakeis, neuer fpeire onie farDer queflion, ISeeaufe Ije knatoejs t^at quljilk tljou knatoejj not. (25iue t^ou fInD tljp Defire ertream earnefi in an? matter, be- tuare tljou erecute not tDp Defire, vnlta tljou ^mt a fperfaU toarranD of ©oDjs toorD, tljat tljg Defire be agreeable to Ijiss totll : for tljt Deuill enterxs in be our inorDinat appetite $ aSeftioniS. CluDen 6o Chriftian precepts. ajGtjen tliou art in tioulit if t&at qufjillt tljou art to tico or fap, 6p guJj or euill : ptrforme it not untill tljou lie refolueti* Jn tioing ttj;p affairejs ufe ijiligence anJj lie quicfe : for ttjou bnatweij tuljat Ij'urt anD si^i^f t&i> flatunejj and flout^fulneS ^t$ torougfjt ttjee, IBeraufe tDp corruption iss great, ererdfe tfjp felfe in t&e lato of tfte JLorD tontinuallie, lip reading, and Rearing IjtjS tuord prea- etjed, leafi tljou rotofl like gron : faS, prap, (iigtj, toeepe> finge, me* ditate, and confer toittj gude men of fpirituall tfjing^, 2ilhtit ttjou fie not lang in ane eflait, 15ot notu Ijett, noto eauld in Eeligion, 6e not therefore diftouraged, for ficfe ijs tljj ioeafenejs, and fa being tlje iingle tit of tlj^ minde fie direct to* ioardjS (2Dod, tbat t&g intention fie to pleafe fjim, and tfiat falua* tion fie t^v end tIjrougU faitlj in 31efu!5 Cfjrifl : quljat rack totjat fiefall unto'tljee : foUoin foortfj tDp courfe and refolution conflant- lie in feruing (Sod tinto tlje ende of ttjp life* 'BecauCe it iss not polfifile tDat t^p Mxit or memorie can fie a* fiill to comprehend all tljingg needefull, and all gud preceptjs, er* ttjft tijep fie fanftified : Cljerefore crane tDat tljj? Ijeart mag fie circumcifed and clenged, t^at tDe IDalie a^aifl mag dtoell in tljee and put tijee in rememfirance of al things according to our lord 3fefu Cljriflji promife. ^ejs tljou neede of ong tljing ? prag to (Sod for it. mdiia t&ou reteine and feeepe tlje good tljing quDilfe tljou Ijejs receaued ? IBt tljanfefull to (Sod for it. jfindiS tljou tfig felfe dull and fenfuall, and voald fjaue t&g Ijeart flirred up to prager and to praife (Sod, Ijnmfile and fieate doiune t^p fiodg fig fafling. Eememfier on tljt dag of iudge- ment, call to memorie tlje JLordjS ficnefit^ fieflotoed on tljee, and l^otu Ije at ong time |ie0 preferued tljee from dangers of fiodie or of ^aull : %tnge tuit^ t^^ mout&, and lift up ti^^ minde and af- feftionesJ unto 6im. Co make tljee Oand in atxi iuljen tftou art ouer fecure and iol- lie, rememfier tljg avoin toeakenejj, tljg monflroujs finne0, and foule defeftionjs, and Ijoto tlje Lord at ong time did cljaflife tljee for tljem. aitj^ougfit Chrlftian precepts. 6l 9Itl}ougl)t tljp ptaprr apj^eate to fie tuttljout eflfeft, pet teafe not from puaping, fot if tD^ petition 6e latofuU, and tDat tfjou fu&mit tljt granting tijeteof unfeinetil^ to tljt iuill of <25oD, 6e fure tljat at lengtD tl)ou fall atDer get ttjg Defive, or elfe content* ment, ajs tDougl) tljou ijnb gotten it. Co make tljee rDacitafile totuaubjJ all men, tfiinfee tDat tljeg Mjittj toljome tljou fjess to Do ate of tlje numliec of tlje fl}il£»uen of (SoD. 3nD quljen tDou fpeakisJ of ttjt DeaD, tljink tDat tlje^ ate in Cljtifljs l^ingDome, (j tljijs toil make tljee ficiOle tljp tounge» ^a foone asi euer tljoto fallijs in ttoulile, ntljtv outtoatJ), ot of tlje mpnd, incontinent Dane fiuft tefuge to <$oD for reliefe, era- uing founfell of ijiss montlj, (t tljerafter feeke latufull meanexJ to fie releeueo : for fiegin tfjon firfl to feeke toorlOlie Ijtljft, tljou art out of tlje rigf)t tuaie : therefore feeke firlJ to (SoD, anD foone to aoD. TBetuare t&ou feek not comfort in outtoarDe t^ingejs, toDere tijeir ij$ na foliditie nor treto comfort : for quljen it ijs j^afl it firingis greater grief toitlj it, CDe folibe f treto comfort tften iss in fpirituall tljingss, in auoiDing tljt focietie of men, antj pro^ ptjane company, in acquainting tlj^ felfe \3jitl3 tDg <25oti fi^ prat- er, fij> reading, meditation, teac&ing, Ijfating of tlje toorJ) prea- cljeti, conferring of fpirituall tDingss, and in Doing of cljaritafile toark0. aifo gif occafion ferue, frequent often tf)e JLorOjs fupperj Cluljilk ijs tlje %accament anD feale of (SoDtf promife, appointed for tljp comfort and confirmation of tlj^ faitlj : 3In doing toDere* of tljou declarer tDi' ofiedience and tljankfulnejs to <5od» CDcir» fore rcmoue all impedimentjs toljatfumeuer qu^ilk map defiar tljee from t^at Ijolp aftion. ®if tDou toald efcljeto anger, pafle fij a multitude of iniuriejj and offencej) tljat are done tDee : for gif tljou marfte narrotolie euerie faulte and offence tDat ijs done, it fall not fie pofljtfile to fie lang in patience. Cafi tD5 felfe to a certaine calling and uocation, tDat tDou fie not lotofe and toitDout a craft : 9nd in cDuifing tDs vocation, fiecaufr 62 Chriftian Precepts. (becaujse it i$ a tljing uerfe Ijuti $ Diffidle) fitfl ttmt tnmtQ- I5 tljt Dtteftion of (SoD, tljat tDou ina^ rDufe tlje befi : ^econDIp, confiDet to toljat tJotation tDg [javt 10 maill tnrlineti : 3nJ) ttjttb- I5, fonfitiet qU (J5oD IjatD tndueD tijtt toitlj gtftjs meet fot tjiat railing quftilb tfiou ItfersJ off, 9nti tlieteaftet mafee eleftion of it, JDauing rljofen a uoration, appl^ tDj? ijeatt to tljp tioeation, and tueade not of it, natijet goe about to auoiO anti eafi it off: IBct taiillinglp, and not 65 c onlivaint imlirace it, 6e Diligent in it anD Delate in it, IBt tempetate altljoug^ it 6e neuet; fo painefuU to tfiee tljat ttitxtb^ tt)ou ma^ lie Dumbled, t malie mindefull of ttj|) duetj?, leafi tljou tuounDe tD^ ronfcienre, and Iieeoine ]?toptiane, anti fiatijcn tljp Ijeatt fie Doing tfje rontrare. £XuDen tDou art in ytvplejcitie tj knatoijs not qu^at to f^ufe, intrinetje tDgfelfe, anD flee to t|ie tljvone of grace to feefee wfo- lution, C&infee not tijat tDou fig tDj? intiuCrie, ronuop, at Diligence, att able to accompUllje on^e guDe tDing : CDerefore, craue tfte ILorDsi hlefling to tDg affaitjs, anD toait j^atientlj? upon fji»n. CiMalb iuitD grauitie, integvitie, anD UiitD ane upright fjeavt in all tD? aftionsJ : anD not ctaftelp, feivcelp, or twilfullj?. Dot \siit^ out fretting, murmuring, or DpbraiDing, IBe filent anD moDefl, anD not ligDt, reuealing tDp griefe, im- perfeftion anD toeafeeness to euerie man leafl tDou De DefpifeD : 'But poure out tDp griefejs before tDe HorD, anD lament tDine e- fiait to Dim. after tuell Doing, be toare tDen of prefumption, toalfee tuarilie moDefllie, anD faDIp, anD be not iollj) nor intemperate : JFor tem= tation toill not ceafe ante long time, bot tDou man fuffer in ear- nefi, anD not for tDe faftion. 15z benevolent till all men, anD patient totoarDjS all, fuffe- ring euerie tDing patiently for CDriflss fafee anD after DixJ er- ample. Crauaile to be familiar f acquainteD toitD tDp <5oD, be prap* er anD mcDitation, anD ^tulh tuitD Dint. CVuDen Chriftian precepts. 6^ jCluDrn tijou att fortotufull, oi* iopfuU, ronfiDer quljere fua tlje fortotu, oc tljt to|) profeeOjJ, tf tDfP ptocetD fcoiu toaulDlie raufexf, tl)p forioto tljen txs euti, anO tljp ictojfins t>atnc, bot tf tDou lie forvotufiill fou tD5 finne, t&^ fotuolu 10 good anD (SoDlic : 3nb if ttip top be guounbeD upon <5oD, anJ) a«fe upon ane intoauD per- ftoafion of tjtsJ fauov, anD teiuifliton of tD|> fumesJ tDcouglj tfje mentis of 3Iefu£S Cljdft : CDen 10 tDi? moj)fins tueto u Ijappte, Eemembec ttjat notljtng ran come unto tljee bot b^ (^oDjJ j^rouiDenre and peumiflion : toljp tDen fuID tljou beare onie tDfng impatiently, feeing it is tljt lotDss toark ? Cbe lotDe in able to Doo errecDing abounDantlie aboue all tDat toe ajsfee ox tljink : toDj? f«l& tljou tDen be eavefull, oc auaci- tioujj ? %tuDie earnefilp to be temperate of tDp mouttj : for intempe- tancie IjuttiS tljt memotie anb tljt iuDgement, fmouejx tljt (pin- tuaU gift, makejs tljt Ijeart fat anD fenfuall, banifljcss Ijeauenlie tljousDtJS anO meDitationsJ, and makejj men unable for anp guti rretfife. 'Be fontinuallie ornipieti atDet in tfje lovbeis feruice, ot in tfjine atuin tioeation, fot tljt neglefting tljeivof luounDjS tlje eonfrienre ? ©if tl}e lotb tjawe giuen tljee anp reafonable maintenence of tfjp atoin, Daunt not meikle tljt tables of bttjet men» iRefraine tDj> tunge from euvfcD fpeaking, fratoatD ot filtSp Qjeafeing, ^sj^ttti^ tljt ronfrienre isi toonDevfullie ujounbeb, $ tlie fpteit of Cljdft tijat Dtoelis in bxJ fair greened. Crane of (Sob a large anb liberall Deart, for a gnetoousJ, anb pinrDing Deart in matters of fmall importance is obious. e^tbUlt not tlj^ felfe tnitD trifle matters, anb be not earneQ in tfjem, for tljat is mer^anicfe. Cnbeuor tljv felfe to Ijaue tDp minb fiabill in tlj^ praper anb mebitation, f fuffer not tlje faniin to be interrupteb toitlj baine tljougDts or naugljtie aftiones. IBe not bitter, frataarb, earnefl, or offenbeb for trifles* %)tubie not nor panfe not meikle on tljt feebiug of tlje fleft, natter be curious for tge bellie, but be tljou fober, anb eafelie pleafeO, 64 Chriftian Precepts. 3ie tijou 6e a paQour, nt a teaclier, tufjete euet ftjou cumml0, let ttj^ fecteit pucpofe it to ronqueig fum to Cljvtfl, IBetuave tj^ou Ifgj^tlie nocgt, not Mfpift not utljctsJ , hnt ta- tJjPt ronfiDer fjoto lotorO $ gtojse ttjtne atofn trnperfefttonreji ar* CiQijereeuet ttjou att infuteJj, ov |jeir0 tuotDjs uttereti to tljg teptorfii or e^wfe, incontment jjerftoaOe t&p fe!fe tDat it pt:ocei£i0 fra (SoJj , f tljat fjf lje0 flirreti up tlje fpeakev or iniurer againfl tljee, Cljerefore ronfi&tier if tljou 6e tufllfe quarreUeD, anO t^tn tafee it ajs a cljafiifement for tlj^ fin : IBot if tijou fie f alfelp ^ un- iufllp quarrelleO, tljen tliinfe it in Done bp (5oO to trg tljg faittj t j^atience, tuljerein tf)ou fulO reio^ce and receaue tonifort, 3fn tafeing tljp refolutionjs, anD in Doing tlj^ affairesJ, Doo tjjat qutiilk ma^ {lefi pleafe ($oti, $ ma^ Iiefi ferue to ttie eryeDition of tl)5 turne, to tfje toeiU of tip neigfjbour, anD t^ineatoin rom- menDation : jl^ot regarding for a fniaU coafi, or ^altiing in of tra* uell, TBetoare ttjou 6e not ererdfeti in uaine anD rDildift ttjingss, anD fie not giuen to ttip pleafonr or fatijsfping of ttjp InflisJ: fpe* fiaUie qufjen tj^ou Ijejs (Soti0 turne in DanO : for tfiat quenljijj tlje Spirit. TBe not opiniater f toilful! in trifill materss, or ouer preeife in tijingjj indifferent, leafi tl)ou feenie indifcreit (t fatode: fiot ra= tDer peeld to tlje defire and toill of fitljerjJ. IBetoare of tlje firfi and fudden motionss of tlje minde, quljilfe (asJ tDe IPDilofopljersJ alledgesJ) it iss not in manss potoer to refill therefore feefee tfiou tlje potoer of tljt ^preit of (Sod, t&at tljej fireafee not out or tljou fie toar, fiot tDat ttjou map tjalden in, qutjill tljou reafon toitlj tljp felfe. Crane ligljt of (Sod in all tljp particulars, tljat tljou fie not guided fie tDe ligj^t of nature, and ditement of flelJj and filoud : IBct fie tlje fpiritual ligljt of (Sod0 toord and Ijijs ^preit: for it ijs a great difiScultie to fenato toljat ijs fieU to fiee r&ofen in all our partieularjs, and to difcerne fiettoeen tlje ligljt of nature, t t^e ligtjt of m ^preit of 31efu0, learne to fie fad, filent, fofier, and fanftified : Ijauing tljp mind Chriftian Precepts. 6^ imnti tntt litttb ttptnarti, nnti panfing on tjeauenUe t^{n8iE$> anti not on t&ttljlit anD bafe tljinsa, JRemtmbtv tia^Ue on tge Dratj^ tfiou mon die, on ttje count tfjou 6f)3 to make to ($oD, anD on tlje tetuarde quljilfe tljou att to rtctauc tijcrtafter, titljtt of toj), or of torment eueulaOtng. IPanfe Deeply anD ronCDer tuitl} tl)? felfe toljat btnO of tfting Cternitie t0. albeit tljou fenato tejp felfe to bee fubieft in fiffe fort till onie nut or fin, tljat tDou rannot abflaine from it : iSeuerttjeless teafe not to fis!)t againft it, $ to make refiflanee, for Qim ttjou eeafe to refill, tDou giuejs oner tfje cfjrifiian battell : Cfierefore, at (eafi be forrie for it, take purpose Da^lie till amenD, anD tijougl) tljou fall tljiiEJ Dap, tljinfe toeill to rife againe tlje morne, anD fa foortlj rontinuallp follolu out tDat rourfe unto tDp liueis enDe : Craning grace anD firengtD Daglj? of (SoD to refifi it : tljen map t6ou be aflureD tljat tjein Disi atoin time toill remooue it, anD De* liner tljee from tlje tprannie tljereof, 3It map be tljat ane cuill fpreit folloto upon tliee, auD rage in t^ine affeftionsj, feauen peareiS, tioentp pearejJ, fourtie pearejJ : pet for all tlji0 tljou fulDefl nocljt Difpaire of tj^ine efiait : jFor gif tljou make onie refinance, tljou art not IjijJ obeDient feruant, bot lji0 prifoner, tljou art leD captiue to fin : or giue tj^ou obep 5ini tuillinglie anD toitlj a glaDnes, Vuitljout anp raluftation or regrait, tljou art tDan Ijijs flaue u feruant. Cfterefore confiDer not onlp t^e euill quljilk tljou ljei3 Done, bot alfo if t^ou be DifpleafeD toitD tlje Doing thereof. 15e fure of tljine eleftion, anD tljat tljou art in t^e fauour of (SoD, tuljereof t&ir are infallible markesJ. jFirfl, to0en tljou art come to tlje treto fenatoleDge of Cljrifi anD t^e ueito of tji0 Deatft anD refurreftion, h^ tlje ligljt of tlje €-- uangell. ^econDlp, toDen tj^e JLorDe fuffer0 tljee not to flip toitljout cor* reftion for tljp finness committeD againft Ijim. CtjirDlp, 3jQ&en tljou knatoesJ tljine aiuin toantjJ anD imper* feftionxJ, anD art forrp for tljem, iFourtglie, 2j0ljen tljou Ijess ane earnefi j^onger anD a t^irfi, for rigSteoufnejs anD perfeftion. tt iTiftlie 66 Chriftian Precepts. JFiftlte, Wiitn t&ou Dopes' affutetilp a Dap to ofitatne tStougfj €^tift Slffuss, tjjat Quljtlk t^ou IjunBeiss $ t^itQa tot in tljia life. Ctjtnk not ttjat tl)ou att able to attatne unto petfite t)altne$$ in tt)ij5 life : foe in ujs ttiete is na perfeftio, bot out fuflSciencieijs ftom (SoO. CDe greatell perfection tljen, tDat man can attaine unto tiutins tlje rourfe of tljisJ life, is, to 6ee of a life nnteptouable, oc tuitljout iShlanOet; in tlje fislit of men : Co liait (in, anti to lone tigtjteoufnejs, to lone t^e appearance of C&rifl SIffujs : anD fome time to taill anD feele a part of tDat &euenlp iop $ peace of Confci^ ence, arifing upon Ijope qutjilfe tlje|^aliegljaifltoorfe!Sint|ie faule and in called tlje earnefl or erlifpennie of t^e ^pireite, tufierfip toe ar fealeD to faluatio* IBot t&ijj fenfe of iop remainejs not altoaieis, 6ot ij3 rare anD inDureg not onie long fpace albeit all tlje faitljfull feeljj it not alifee, bot fome ofter, fome fin Oillar : fome in a greter, fome in a fmaller meafure. aitoaieis, tlje truetlj ijj tljat tDe maifi part of t|je cljilbren of (JDob are ofter fubiect till a feeling of feare and toraittj in tljijJ life, nor of iop anb peace* C&infee not t&at tbou art fufiScientlie mortified, and fpeaned from tlje toorld, qutjile tDou be fo toeil acquainted toitlj tljp (^od t&at albeit tljou toerefpoiled of friends, force, and of euerp toarld I5 comfort. ttjogS tljou toere contemned of all men, $ tljat enerp ttjing appeared to go againfl tljee : pet not t^e lexJ tljou toald not be difcouraged, bot toald be aflured to finde comfort in tlje JLord. Co fenato tljj? atoin nature, tafee fiieede Doto tDp mind is occu- pied toljen tljou art folitarie, and free from all erternall affaires: 3If altogitDer on eart&lp and carnall tljings, tj^ou art pet eartfilp and carnall : T5ot if on fpirituall $ Dfuenlp things, it is tlje toarfee of t&e fpirit. 9lfo eramine tljp felfe to^at tljou toald doo if tfiou toere in profperitie, and Dad libertp to doo toljat t^ou lufl : 3If tljp inclination be to feefee ricljes, Ijonors, efiimation of men, to eniop tljp pleafor, or to reuenge tljp quarrels : certifie tljp felfe tljou art pet in nature : IBot if tljp intention be to glorifie (J5od, and to bee erercifed in euerp maner of good toarbe : tljtn be affured t&p rege= neration is begun. FINIS. A few evident typographical errors having been corrected while passing the sheets through the press, it may be proper to specify them. The words that have been correct- ed are printed in italics. Page 1 3, marginal note, Tlie crepnscule manttUnie. Page 20, line 9, dranres haue at even. Page 21, line 11, tliyfais the nocht; and line 35, sail the quite. Page 49, line 13, Minzionlie fung. Page 50, line 6, Of barmin (or bamin) Syrt. Page 51, line 12, omitted in the printed copy, has been supplied, apparently in an old hand, in pencil, on the margin. Page 51, line 28, Particular againe. Page 52, line 20, Mine eare were deafd; line 26, diners layes. Page 57, line 35, Be tims with. It wotdd be quite superfluous to point out all the minute variations between the Ma- nuscript and the Printed copy of the Poems. They consist chiefly of mistakes of the transcriber, and in almost no instance improve the reading, unless the following should he considered exceptions : Page 9, line 10, imagination ■wrocht; line 20, fearefull /fewcAfc. Page 11, line 24, the little frye and. Page 13, line 15, mans icyes. Page 15, The wawes (or waves). Page 20, line 25 and 27, they. Page 22, line 6, eagle wings. Page 23, line 32, as fierie flMUchts. Page 29, line 2, such hechts. Page 37, line 27, on heaps. Page 38, line 15, To hen fick fooles. Page 40, line 30, And in that holie place is lie. Page 45, The 12 conclu- ding lines of the Vllth, and the whole of the Vlllth Poem, are not contained in the Ma- nuscript. Page 51, lines 12-14, in the Manuscript, are The maiftres Iharpe of fuiles experience, I see the witte of wisdomes audience. Quhen I behauld the nature witte and mynde Of worldlie weichts — from this it will be seen that line 12, as printed within brackets, does not occur in the Manuscript ; and line 25 is repeated. Page 53, line 3, amongst the lane. Page 59, The Christian Precepts, &c. are not contained in the Manuscript. The Manuscript is a small folio of 66 leaves, written evidently at the beginning of the 17th century. Hume's poems is followed by a transcript of an " Account of Eight learned Persons, converts from Popery to the Reformed Religion," taken from a copy printed at London in 1602. The volume also contains several miscellaneous or religious poems, some of them signed " Semple." ANE AFOLD ADMONITIOUN TO THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. BY ALEXANDER HUME. PRINTED FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE ADVOCATES LIBRARY. WODR. MS. 4to. VoL 20. Art. 3. ANE AFOLD ADMONITIOUN TO THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. BY A DEING BROTHER.' Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, throiigh our Lord Jefus Chryft. It is certainlie knawin. Brethren, to the greiff of monie godlie heartes and flander of the Golpell, that thair ar diflentionis among you : not concerning the Covenant of God, or the feales of the Covenant,* bet cheitiie concerning twa poyntis of Difcipline or Kirk Govemement, wher- anent you ar devydet in twa factionis or opinionis. Some of yow hold, that among paftoris thair be paritie, as concerning dignitie or fuperiori- tie (althoght as tuitching the meafour of thair fpiritual graces thair be gryte imparitie) according to the wordis of our Lorde Jefus Chryit to his difciples, faying, Ye knaw that the Lordis of the Gentillis have domina- tion over them ; and thei that ar gryt exercife authoritie over them : Bot it fall not be fo among you ; but whofoever will be gryt among you, let him be your fervant, &c. (Mat. 20. 25.) As alfo ye hold that of all fortis of Kirk Governement, it is heft to haif the Kirk governed by parti- cular Elderfchipis, by Prelbitreis, by Synodole and Generall Affembleis, and, by degrees, being countable to another. And this forme of Difci- plin is affirmed to be agreeable with the Word of God, to be fubfcrjoiit be many notable preacheris and profeflbris of the Reformed Religioun, and to be ratefeit in Parliament by the Prince, and whole Eftatis of the King- dome : promeiing by a foleran othe to remane conftant thairat, and to de- fend it to thair lyves end. On the other part, otheris of you, within theis few yeiris, fuftene, that, among paftoris, thair fould be imparitie ; not onlie in giftis of the mynd, bot alfo in dignitie and jurefdiction. Yow I Altho-ngh Hume's name is not subjoined to the manuscript, there is no reason to doubt that this Admonition was written by him. He died, as stated in the Preface, December 4th, 1609 ; and from an allusion contained in page 9, the date of the composition could not have been earlier than the year 1607. ^ In the Manuscript, letter w is generally written as v, and v as w; y occurs as z, and th •B y, peculiarities which it was not thought necessary to retain. 4 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO hold alfo, that the Kirk fould not onlie be governed by prefbitreis, and affembleis, and pluralitie of voittis, hot alfo by Byfchopes in prefbitreis and affembleis, quha fould litt in Counfall, and Parliament, be called Lordis, reafone and vote, in name of the whole Kirk, and be moyanners, and me- diatoris betweene the Kirk and the Prince : Quhairin ye appeir to con- forme your felfes to the Difciplin of our nychtbour countrey of England. And this fum of you not onlie fuflene by opinion, hot alfo have profe- cuted in effect ; quhairupon hath enfcheued, bothe a diftractioun of myndes, and a ranckling of affectiones. Surelie, Brethren, it may be faid to you, as Demaratus the Corinthian faid to Philipe of Macedone : De- maratus being come towardis Philip, Philip demanded him. How the Grecians accorded amongft tham felfis ? To whome he anfuered, ironi- callie, Indeede (Sir) it becometh you weill to be cairfull and inquifitive of the concord of the Grecians, feeing ye haif filled your awen hous with fo gryt quarrellis and diflentions (for Philip haid taken to wyfe Cleopatra, befydes his other wyfe Olympias who boore it impatientlie, and ftirred up hir fone, Alexander, againft his Father). So, when ye exhort the People to concord, it may be jufllie objected unto yow, why then ar ye Pafloris at difcord ? But who is the cans of it ? Will you faye, Trye them, and let them bare the blame and incurre the cenfures. For manifeftatioun heirof, the ground and occasioun of this diflentioun wald be ryped up : whiche, in finceritie, is this. Since the Reformatioun of Religioun within this Na- tioun, the Kirk hath ever bene traveling to haif vote in Parliament, by Commiffioners elected and directit from theGenerall Affemblie (asBrughis and Baronis have). To reafone of the equitie and expediencie of this pe- titioun, I will not now. Bot I juge charitablie, and do reverence the judgement of fo wyfe and godlie Fatheris as focht it, who wer happie inflrumentis of reformatioun and reflauratioun of religioun within this land ; whois intentioun (I doubt not) hath bene to provyde by that meane, that the Kirk of God fuld re- ceave no detriment, and to give the lycht and refolutione of Godis word, to that highelt cowrt, in macking of lawis and conltitutionis, and in everie difficultie that mycht occurre. At laft the Prince (not only relpect- ing the godlie purpois of the Kirk, bot alfo the advancement of his Royall Eflate) yeelded to this long urged petitioun, not fimplie, bot upone cer- tane conditiones; videlicet, Firfl, That the electioun of the Minifteris that fuld fit, and haif votte in Parliament fould pertene to the King, and not to the Kirk. Nixt, that thei fuld not be changed, for their lyftymes ; to the end they might be more expert boythe in matteris Civill and Ec- clefiafticall. Thridlie, for releif of the povertie of the Kirk, that thei fould haif competent livingis (even Byfchoprickes) for mantenance of THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 5 fuche honorable eftate, as is requifite. This being oflfered be the Prince in the Generall Aflemblie at Montrofs,^ efter fum reafoning, the haill Aflemblie agreit weill, to the augmentation of fuche minifteris mante- nance ; hot as tuitching thair name, and continuance in thair office, it was controuerted, and goeth to voting. The firft queftioun is fett downe, Quhither they fold be called Lord Bifchopes, or Commiffioneris from the Grenerall Aflemblie ? The uther, Quhither they fould demitt and lay down thair office, and revenew yeirlie at the Aflemblies feete, and be newlie elected annuatim, or that they fould contenew in thair office ad vitam, they being unreprovable in thair lyfe, office, and calling? The fuf- frages being gatherit in the Kingis prefence, it wes concluded, by plurali- tie of vottes, that the faidis preacheris fould be ftylit Commiffioneris of the Kirk, or of the Generall Affemblie : and that thei fould demitt thair office annuatim, and be elected of new. Quhat I fpeake or wreit now, I do it injhro cotijiieniite, and in fight of the alfeeing eye of God ; becaus I wes bothe a feeing and a hearing witnes, to that quhilk wes done. The Prince wes difpleafit with the conclufioun, and wald not admitt preach- eris upon his Parliament, upon fuche conditiones : Quhairfoir the Affem- blie wes forced eyther to condifcend that thair brethrene foirfaid fould contenow in that office, and injoye thair livings ad vitam, Jiue ad cul- pam, or ellis to have no vote in Parliament at all. For efchewinge of the whiche extremitie, as alfb for preventing of all abufe, and tyrannie that might creepe in into the Kirk ; it wes thocht fpeedfull, that fuche Bre- thren fould be aftricted till a number of Cawtions, or Caveatis fpeciallie expreffed, to be as bandis to reftrane tharae and retain them in goode or- dour. Ille dies primus laeti primufque raalorum Caufla fuit. For upone this occafione fume of you, my Brethren, without delay tooke Byfchoprickes of the Prince,^ with all emolumentis, priviledges, jurifdic- tionis, eftate, and dignity, quhilk pertenit or micht pertene thairto of awld, (that is to fay, in tyme of Poperie) as may be fene in your provi- fiones. Ye maid no fcruple to tak upon you, the name of Bifchopes, of Archbifchopes, and of Lordes of fuche and fuche places ; ye were not afchamed to ryde to Parliament, magnifickly mounted and apparrelled, in ranck befoir monie of the Nobilitie ; and being more mad, ye have maid ' The General Assembly, at Montrose, was lield March 28, 1600. A detailed account of the proceedings, to which Hume here alludes as an eye-witness, is given by Calderwood, and othe liistorians of the period. See also M'Crie's Life of Melville. * George Gladstanes was preferred to the See of Caithness, in the year 1600, and other •imilar appointments were made soon after the Assembly at Montrose, in violation of the Caveats which had then been agreed upon. 6 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO no conlcience, to becum conftant Moderatoris in Prefbytreis, and Sy- nodole Affembleis ; to call your Brethren Puritanes, whiche ganeftand your courfes ; to put a note to the names of fuche and fuche of your Brethren in the Buikis of Affignatioun, that they fuld not be anfuerd of thair ftipendis ; and, in a word, ye haif haid na refpect to the obferva- tioun of the cawtions quhairunto ye wer fubject : but haif tranfgreflit them at your awin plefour. Moreover, for oppofing of them to this your courfe and proceedingis, your Brethren of gryteft giftis (within the land) for learning, utterance, zeale, fanctificatioun, ar fura exylit, fum con- fyned, fum incarcerat, and fum filenced/ Behold how gryt a thing a lytill fyre hath kendlit ? Behold at how narow a rift that awld lubrik ferpent hathe flydin in ; apertum eft nunc, quod opertum e?-at antea : It is now evident that ye have departed from your Brethren, and not thei " from you : yow then ar to be blamed for your defertioun, and not they for thair (landing. " Alace, my Brethren, why have ye flandered the Gof- pel ? Why haif yee difquyeted the lytill flock of Jefus Chrift ? Why haif yee added more greif unto the bandis of deare brethren within our nychtbour countrie ? Why haif ye built agane the thingis whiche before ye diftroyed, and fo have maid yourfelves trefpaflburis. (Galat. 2.18.) For ye will not denye bot fumtyme ye have preached againft that fort of Hie- rarchie and Kirk governement, and that bothe your felfis have approved, and alfo have exhorted the people and nobles of the land, to fubfcrywe that fchort Confeffioun of Fayth, fubfcrivit be the Prince, his domeftickis, and many utheris, at Edinburgh the 18th of Januarij, 1580-1 yeiris, quhairin this claus following is contened, ad verbum. " To the which {videlicet Reformed Kirk at that tyme in Scotland) we joyne our felfis willinglie in Doctrine, Fayth, Religioun, Difcipline, and ufe of the Halie Sacramentis, as lyvelie memberis of the fame in Chrifte our heade : pro- mefing and fueiring by the gryt name of the Lord our God, that we fall contenew in the obedience of the doctrine and difcipline of this Kirk, and fall defend the fame according to our vocatioun and powar all the dayes of our lyves, under the paines contened in the lawe, and danger baythe of bodie and faule, in the Day of the Lordis fearfuU Judgment." May not this, think you, prick any confcience in the warld that is not pafl all feeling ? I omitt that which ye have done fince. Brethren, in thois Affembleis, appoynted for the renewing of the Covenant. In fume of the whiche, fum of you wer Moderatoris your felves. * This, no doubt, alludes to the banishment of Forbes, Welsh, Dury, and other Ministers, who were tried for holding the Assembly at Aberdeen, in July 1605, in opposition to the King's will ; and also to the silencing of Robert Bruce, and to the imprisonment of Andrew Melville in 1607. 8 This passage is evidently that to which Row refers, when mentioning this Admonitioun as the work of Hume. See Preface, page iii. THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 7 But you will faye that fumtjone ye wer of that opinioun, hot now ye half receaved gryter lyght, and fee that whiche befoir ye law not, and thairfoir may alter your purpois and opinioun. Indeede, I grant ye fee now thrie thingis, whiche befoir ye faw not : to wit, the object of warldlie commoditie, the object of warldlie promotioun, and the blandifchementis of ane eloquent Prince. But as to farther licht of Goddis worde then ye haid befoir, yee can half nane, for otheris of your brethren who may be your teacheris can fee none fuche light. Ye obtende alfo the releif of the Kirk from povertie and contempt by your goode offices in court and coun- fall. A fair pretext, indeede, to cover your covetoufnes and ambitioun, But althogh ye haid fuche refpect, yit ye knawe nonfaciendafunt mala ut eveniant bona, your meaning doubtles is pervers : and as tuitching the dignitie of the Kirk of God, whiche ye count loft, did it ever confift in warldlie welthe, warldlie pompe, or in outward fplendour ? No, furelie no : hot in pietie and puritie of lyfe, difcipline and doctrine ; the Lord is the everlafting light of his Kirk, and our God our glorie, (Ifaye, 60. 19.) Whereas the former ar the markis of the gryte whore that fitteth upone many wateres, which ar people, and nationes, and tonges, and multitudis. (Revel. 17. 1, 15.) But to cum to the mane point: ye pretend perhappes Scripture and Antiquitie, for your warrand and defence ; and firft it is alleged that the Apoftle giveth the name of Bifchope till a paftore : Thairfore the name muft be admitted as goode. Let it be fo, but before we go farther, the name of Archbifchope is never mentioned by the Apoftle, nor by the Spreit of God ; and thairfore it muft needis be ex- ploded, as evile and Antichriftian : but to reteir me to the name of Byfehope, yee knaw that Epifcopus fignifieth ane overfear, and is a rela- tive word, and hath relatione to fum thing whiche he fould overfee. I demand then, that a Bifchope of whom the Apoftle fpeaketh, quherof fould he be a byfehope or owerfear ? Not of a benefice or earthlie rent, but of the foules of men, and not of the foules of paftoris lyk unto him felf, but of the flock committed to his charge, whome we call profeflburis. The Apoftle fayeth to Timotheus, quhom he ftyleth a Byfehope, I charge ye thairfore before God, and before the Lord Jefus Chryft, &c., preache the word ; be inftant in feafone and out of feafone, improve, rebuke, exhort with all long fuffering and doctrine. And agane, But watche thow in ai thingis ; fuffer adverlitie ; do the wark of ane Evangelift, mak thy mi- niftrie full knawin, (2 Tim. 4. 15.) Siklyk the Apoftle Peter fayethe. The Elderis quhilk ar among you I befeik, quha am alfo ane eldar, &c., feede the flocke of God whiche dependeth upon you, earing for it, not by con- ftraint hot willinglie, not for filthie lucre hot of a ready mynd, not as thocht ye wer Lordis ower Goddis heretage, but that ye may be ane en- fample to the flock. And when the chief Schipherd fall appeir, ye may receave ane incorruptible crowne of glorie. (1 Peter, 5. 1.) Suche fould 8 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO our Byfchoprickis be, no doubt, as wes the Byfchoprick of Jefus Chrift ; not carnall, bot fpiretuall ; not of earthlie lordfchipis, bot of men and wemens fowles ; for he is onlie one cheif Schiphird and byfchope of all our foules, and ye are brethren, (1 Peter, 2. 25.) Nixt, gif ye wald alledge Timothie to haif bene Byfchope of Ephefus, and Titus of the Kirk of Cretians, let it be fo; yet it proveth not that thei baid anie warldlie dignitie (fuch as ye cleame) or anie fuperioritie over thair brethren ; onlie it proveth tham to haif bene overfeearis of the foules of theis kirkis, and to haif bene preaching eldaris, quhilk we admitt; for it is manifeft that the Apoftle vfeth the name oi Pre/biter and JEpi/copus,of elder and byfchope indifferentlie, (Tit.l. 5, 6, 7 ;) him quhom he called Elder in the 5 verfe he calleth Byfchop in the 7. In fuche fort, that, quhen the Apoftle coramandeth Timotheus and Titus to ordene elderis or prefbyteris in everie citie quhair they wer not, he giffeth con- fequentlie the lyke command and powar to uther prefbiteris or elderis of cities to do the lyke quhen neede requyred, feing the elder and byfchope ar bothe ane. The Apoftle Peter callethe him felf ane elder. (1 Pet. 5. 1.) Ergo, ane elder muft be alsgryt as a byfchope, or els ye muft niak a byfchope gryter then ane Apoftle, whiche is abfurde. Jerom fayeth, lidem epij'copi et prejbyteri fuerunt, quia, illud nomen dignitatis ejl, hoc etatis, and agane, Epifcopi nouerintje magis confuetudine, quam veritate difpojitionis Dominicce, Prefbiteris ejje maiores ; and in effect as Timo- theus ordaned elderis, by laying on of the handis of elderis, Defpyfe not the gift that is in ye (fayeth St Paull) whiche wes giffin ye by prophe- fie, with the laying on of the handis of the company of the eldarfchip. (1 Tim. 4. 14.) Behold a ground for prefbytreis, and for pari tie betuene elderis and bifchopes. Now, gif ye wald inferre imparitie to haif bene amang the Apoftles, becaus fum ar called leift, fum gryteft, fum cheif, fum pillaris, it import- eth nothing, by reafone that is not fpokin, in refpect of thair eftate or jurifdictione, bot in refpect of thair gracis and giftis of the Holie Goft that wer in them. As is manifeft of the text. If then, (fayeth Paul,) ye haif judgement of thingis pertening to this lyfe, fet vp them quhilk ar eftemed leift in the Kirk, (1 Cor. 6. 4 ;) leaft efteraed as concerning judgement, that thei might judge of warldlie thingis betuene brethren, for fo it foUoweth. Agane he called him felf the leaft of the Apoftles, and of all fanctes ; why? becaus he perfecuted the Kirk of God. (1 Cor. 15. 9- Eph. 3. 8.) Tharefter he fayeth, I aucht to haif bene commended of you ; for in no thing wes I inferiour to the verie cheif apoftles. How fo ? he fubjoyneth, the fignes of ane Apoftle wer wroeht among you, with all patience,withfiignesandwonderisandgrytworkis. (2 Cor. 12. 11,12.) And agane, he fayeth, that he went up to Jerufalem to the Apoftles, and com- THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 9 raunicated with them of the Gofpell, but particularlie with them that wer the chief, &c. ; that of them which fchemed to be gryt he wes not taucht, and thei that wer the cheif did coramunicat nothing with him, &c. And that James, and Cephas, and Johne, whiche wer counted to be pillaris, gave to him and to Barnabas, the richt handis of fellowfchip, when thei knew of the grace that wes given them, &e. ; quhair it is evident, that he called theis Apoftles gryte, cheif, and pillaris, for thair wifdome and knawledge, for he is fpeaking of the communicating of the Gofpell, of teaching and graces of the Holy Ghoft. (Gal. ii. 2. 6. 9-) Surelie when there arofe a ftryfe among the difciples of Chryft, which of them fould fcheme to be the gryteft (as concerning earthlie dignitie and dominion) give he wald half haid ony to have reule ower the reft, he wald fone have refolved them, and faid, Peter fall be gryteft, Johne fall be gryteft, or James fall be gryteft, I fet them over you : obey them, or ony of them. Bot he fayeth no fuche thing ; hot by the contrarie he makethe ane equalitie among them, as is faid befoir. Luk. 22, 24. By Scrip- ture, then, ye will never prove your purpois of Byfchopis worldlie pompe, nor of thair fuperioritie, over their brethren. One of your awin ordour, even he of Rochefter, confefteth in his late fermoun upon that fubject,'' that the dignitie and fuperioritie of Byfchopis, appeareth not fo weill by precept in the Scriptures, as by practife, where he compareth thair ju- rifdiction to the fanctifeing of the Lordis day, anent the which thair is no precept bot practife of the Apoftles. Gif Scripture faill you, my Brethren, Antiquitie can availl you the less ; becaus it obligethe not the confcience. Bot gif ye wold alledge Ignatius to have bene Byfchope of Antioch, Athanafius of Alexandria, Optatus of Miletus, Ambrofius of Milan, Chrifoftome of Conftantinople, Cyprian of Carthage, Auguftine of Hippo, and manie utheris in dyvers aidges, and in dyvers citeis and nationis who wer worthie men of God, who have written notable workis, fatt in Councillis, refuted herefeis, confuted he- retickes, fufferit perfecutioun, and fum of them martyred for the tefti- monie of Jefus : It is anfwered, that no man can juftlie deny bot that theis wer notable preacheris and faythful Byfchopes, that is, Overfearis and Paftores of the fowles of theis citeis, fo ought all Paftoris of congre- gationis to be, even faythfull Byfchopes and Overfeeris of their flockis. But quhat importeth this ? The hiftorie proporteth (will ye faye) that fum of theis Byfchopes feates wer above ane other, and wer not all equal. I anfuer, why not ? for decencie and goode ordour one muft needes go befoir another, fit above another, and vote before another. In geving ' This reference is to the Sermon by Bishop Barlow, being one of four, preached at Hamp- ton Court, in September 1606. It was printed at London in 1607, 4to; and the passage to which Hume alludes, is contained on sign. £. 4. B 10 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO honour (fayethe the Apoftle,) let one go before another. (Rom. 12. 10.) Yea, and in affembleis alio, it is requifit that one be fpeche man and mowthe to the reft. But all this proveth no fupremacie, or jurifdic- tioun over thair brethrein, althogh fum for thair aige, fum for thair giftes, fum for the grytnes and antiquitie of the cities quhair they taught, wer fo reverenced and honored by thair brethren. But it appeareth raa- nifeftlie that theis worthie men did not frequent Princes' courtes, nor en- tangle them felfis withe fecular effeares : but waited upon their callingis and their ftudeis, or ellis thei could never have compoled fo notable workes. But I know ye will at laft afferme, that even fome of theis perfonages haid a fupremacie, and exercifed a jurifdiction over their brethren within their boundis and dioceifes, having powar to convocat, to try, to plant, to deprive paftoris, &c. from tyme to tyme in the Kirk, for the Metrapolitane wes above the Bifchope, and the Patriark above the Metrapolitan, &c. To this I anfwer, as Chryst anfwered to his dif- ciples concerning the bill of divorcement givin by Mofes : Becaufe of the hardnes of your heart (fayeth he) Mofes fuffered yow to put away your wyfes : hot from the beginning it wes not lb. (Mat. 19- 7.) So fay I, Em- preouris micht fo have ordaned for thair policie, and paftoris for thair tranquillitie or thair commoditie, but from the beginning it wes not lb. The Empreour Juftinian, who began to reigne the 527 yeir of our Re- demptioun, and regned to the 565, ordaned that gif ane elder or deacon wer accufed, his Byfchope fould half the hearing of the mater ; if a By- fchope wer accufed, his Metrapolitane fould heare the mater; if a Metra- politane, his Archbyfchope or Patriarche of the dyocefe (which is all one) fould heare it. (Cap. 5. Nonfolum, Nouell. 137.) Siclyke, that clergie- men's cawfes ecclefiafticall fould firft be brocht to the Bifchope of the citie. {Leg. Sancimus Cod. Epifcop. auelien.) We find of awld, that the Byfchope of the cheif citie of everie province wes called Metrapolitane, to quhome fum Cownfales not onlie committed the prefidentfchip : bot alfo that non fuld be maid Bifchope of any other citie of the province without his confent, nor any mater of weght to be done without him. {Condi. Nicen. can. 4. et 6. Concil.Antioch. can. 9.) Now the Empreour of Rome deuyded findrie gryteft pairtes of his dominioun, to prefidentis or lieu- tenantis, whiche were called dyocefes, and contened manie provinces within them, where throgh the Bifchopes of theis citeis, quhair the Em- preouris lieutenantis maid relidence, grew in power, nether wer they onlie named Archebyfchopes and Patriarches of the diocefes, but alfo thei obtened, that the Metrapolitans of the provinces within thair diocefes fould be fubject to them, as Byfchopes wer to thair Metrapolitans. In lie fort, that nothing could be done in the Eift without the confent of the Patriarche, or Archebyfchope of Antiochia, which contened 7 pro- THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. IT vinces ; nothiug in the diocefe of Egipt, without the Patriarche of Alex- andria, wherin wer 10 metrapolitanes or provinces ; and clieiflie to the Patriarche or Archebyfchope of Conftantinople wes granted that the Me- trapolitanes of thrie dyocefes, viz. Afia, Pontiis, and Thracia, within the whiche wer 28 provinces, fuld be ordaned by him. {Concil, Covjiant- Hnop. 1 . can. 2. Concil. Antioch. in exord. Concil. Calced. action. 4. et 1. 16.) What have we now to do with theis lawis and ordinances of Empre- ouris and Canons of Concilis which the warld may fie to contene gryte abufe and iniquitie ? Surelie the Word of God, and not the examples nor ordinances of men, fould be a rewle to the governement of the raif- ticall bodie of Jefus Chryft, whiche is his Churche. Ye ar not ignorant of the errouris of the ancient Fathers, in verie materis of religioun : Ireneus and Lactantius wer a chiliaft : TertuUian a montanift ; Cyprian ane Anabaptift ; Theophilus ane Arrian ; Fauftus ane Pelagian ; Hilarius fpak doubtfuUie of the Holie Spreitt ; Auguftine damned unbaptized in- fantis, &c. whereof fum wer corrected by the word, and fum of them re- maned in thair errour. Tharefore we fould fallow the Fatheris in doc- trine, difcipline and lyfe, fo far onlie as they fallow Chryft and his word. This hierarchie then, this pompe and dignitie and jurifdictione of By- fchopes, is the undowted difcipline and enfignie of the Romane Anti- chryft, and fmelleth nothing of the doctrine nor humilitie of Jefus Chryft, or his difciples, whome he commandeth to wafche one anotheris feete, and one to ferve another. (Johne 1. 13, 14. Math. 20. 27, 28.) Moreover, to prove that ye have done evill in ufurping the ftyll, office, and dignitie of LordByfchops.Iufe theis argumentis following: Firft, your calling is not lawfull, becaus ye haif it not of the Kirke, hot of the King. Epijcopatus enim etjitcerdotia nonfunt Principum munera (i. e.) dona, Jed Ecclefice munera (i. e.) qfficia. 2°. Quipecunia autfavore Principum ad Epifcopatum perve?iiunf, Epijcopi nonj'unt : fed vos favor e Principis ad Epifcopatus pervenijlis : Ergo Episcopi nou ejlis. 3°. Ye ever pro- ceaded covertlie in this matter, as in taking of your provifiones, in taking upone you the office of conftant Moderatoris ; in alTenting to cawtiones quhilk ye never keepe ; in becoming vifitouris of kirkes within your provinces, &c. all the whiche abhorre from the fimplicitie of Chryftis minifteris, and are indices of ane evill caufe. 4. Ye wer efchamed in the beginning to be called Lordis (though nowe through cuftome ye glorie in it), whiche wes a takin ye had no guid warrand in your confcience for it: and in effect, the name fl;inketh in a preacher ; for albeit Kuf/or and Dominus may fignifie the fame, whiche ar bot ftyles of reverence, yit mark quhat the ufe and importance of the word is ; in our language it ever importeth a dignitie and fuperioritie. 5. Sindrie of your Brethren M HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO of more excellent giftis nor ye micht have haid the fame rowmes and ftyles, upon the fame conditiones, and yet repudiated them. Quhat au- dacitie, then, or impudencie is it in you to accept them. 6. It is ane enemie to your principall calling and fpirituall graces, for I pofe you in confcience fen ye become Byfchopes, ar your teares and grones more fre- quent ? Ar your prayeris more fervent ? Ar your meditationis more heavenlie ? Ar your fermonis more fpiritual and powerfull ; and, fynal- lie, ar your lyves more pure ? I trow not, my Brethren, but rather I feare a decadence. Alace then, gif fo be, your travellis ar evill Ipent, and deare ar your byfchopryckes bocht. And to fpeake as the thing is, what ar all your glorious ftyles, your gryte traine, your dentie tables, your coftlie apparell, your fitting in Council, your ryding in Parliament, your trafficking and credite in Court, but a fawing to the flefche, and abhorreth fa far fra the profeffioun of a mortefeit minifter, ut nihil fupra ? Remember, theirfoir, that he quha faweth to his flefche, fall of the flefche reip corruptioun. (Gal. 6. 8.) But he quha faweth to the fpreit, fall of the fpreit reip lyfe everlafting ? Quhat fall I more faye? In uther weill reformed Kirkis, namelie, in France and Scotland, ye ever fie, that whair Papiftrie is banyfched, fo is that ordour of imperious Byfchopis, as ane of the intoUerable abufles thairof. If ye wald except Ingland, and commend the difcipline thairof, I fay no more : bot gif theis men governs weill, they have quhairin to rejofe ; but not with God. They may governe weill for thair awin warld- lie commoditie. But as for the poore Kirk of God within that land (as I heare) it is wafted. Papiftes abound in all quarteris of the realme ; doltis and flattereris ar planted at the moft pairt of the Kirkis ; all kynd of vyce and diflblutioun overfloweth without fchame or puniftiment. Be- fore or efter the repaft few gif God thankes, or faye the grace : fo graceles ar they. And men, of gryteft zeale and fanctificatione among them, that are trewlie reformed indeede, are checked and borne downe and in contempt, and ar called vyle and monftrous Puritanes, by men of gryte impuritie. Nevertheles, without queftioun, thefe Inglifche By- fchopes ar more excufable then ye our Scottis Byfchopes, and in the daye of the Lordis judgement it fall be eafier for them then for you. The reafon is this, in refpect the Kirkis of France and of Scotland, with fum of Germanic, have maid gryter progres in reformatioun of religioun then the Kirk of Ingland. Trew it is, that in Ingland thair is ane begun reformatioun, confidering the yoke and tyranny of the Roman Antichryft is caffin of. But as yet thair remane fum veftiges of idolatrie and fuperftitioun, whiche in the uther forfaid Kirkis ar utterlie abolifched. In Jehuda the idoles wer dyvers tymes broken doun by findrie guid Kingis, as by Ala, Jehofaphat, Uzziah, &c. ; but THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 18 the groves and hie places remaned ever ftill, and wer not put awaye till the dayes of Hezekiah and Jofias, who maid a perfyte reformatioun. In lykmanner, althoght idoles be demolyfched, and the Pope's authoritie be rejected in the reahn of England ; yit the hie places are not put away, that is, the preheminence of Byfchopes, their furplus, their organes, their lightis, their obferving of feiftis, their falling in the tyme of Lent, &c. whiche reiemble the cicatrices of ane evill-cured wound, Notwithftanding, we fould not difpair of our nychtbour countrie ; but rather houp that the Lord, quhilk in mercie had begun the Reformatione by good Queen Eli- zabeth (whois verie dull I reverence), will alfo in his appoynted tym ab- folve the reformation, and raife up ane Hezekiah or a Joziah^ evin move the heart of a King James, or efter him, raife a King Harie,' for perform- ing thairof. Now, as concerning theis Byfchopes of England, I fay, that fuche Reformatioun as they fand, fuche they keepe. But gif yee, my Brethren, wald retume to their forme, after ye have proceeded forther in trew Reformatioun then they, than ye mak a retrogradatione, and ar without all excufe. But I leave them. Brethren, and reteare me to our felfis. Since the Reformatione of religioun within Scotland, that ordour of imperious Byfchopes hath had no place in the Kirk of God. And when on or twa attempted thairunto laitlie, they wer caffin out of the Kirk, and receaved the foillie," althoght they wer fortifeit for a tyme by the gryteft of the land. One of the quhilk Byichopes, (whois bookes ye know, and fura of you wer meane eneugh to beare for eloquence and eruditione,) repented with teares at his departing this lyiFe," that he fuld half run fuche an evill courfe, and focht preheminence above his breth- rene. If fuche a man, then, indewed with fo gryte giftis, did fo ; who ar ye litle ones to fuccede wittinglie in his vice [place]? Our foirfaid Forme of Difcipline hath bene eftablifched be wyfe, learned, and godlie Fatheris \vith gryte panes, and hathe bene reverentlie embraced by all eftatis, as abovewritten : And the Lord hath accompanyed it with a wonderfull blefling. And will yee prefume to demolyfche that quhilk they haiflF built, and reedifie that quhilk thei half demolifched ? Remember the curs that fell upone Hiel, the Bethelite, for building Jericho, whiche Jofua haid diftroyit ? he layit the fundation thairof in Abiram, his eldeft fone, and fett up the gattes thairof in his yongeft fone Segub, according to the ® Prince Henry, elded fon to James VI., and at this time, of course, heir-apparent to the throne. He died November 6th, 1612. * " Receaved the foillie," probably means, " were foiled." '" This may allude to Patrick Adamson, Archbishop of St Andrews, who died Fe- bruary 19, 1591. His Recantation, made in 1391, in which he condemned Episcopacy, and regretted his own conduct, is undoubtedly genuine, whatever may have been his motives in making it. 14 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO prophecie of Jofua. (1 Kings, 16. 34. Jofua, 6. 26.) It is a fearfull thing to build up that which the Lord hathe diftroyed. Now I prefuppone that theis grave perfonages wer aly ve to behold your proceedingis, whoes names I blufche not to expres, feing thei ar with the Lord : as Mr Knox, Mr Johne Craig, Mr Johne Rowe, Mr Alexr. Arbuth- netjMr Thomas Smeton, Mr Andro and George Hayes, and George [John] Spoatfwode, &c. wold they not fay that thay fawe fpottis in the Kirk ? and micht ye not hyde your faces, in the prefence of fuche pillaris and pa- ternes ? Quhat moveth you then, Brethrene, to contenew in fo wilful! ane errour ? Is it becaus the Prince counteth it good fervice ? Know ye not quhat conceate the Prince hath of you. It appeareth by his an- fwer giffin concerning you, that when it was motioned to his Majeftie, that feing he wald needes haif Bifchopes fet up in Scotland, why did he not mak electioun of the beft men ? his anfwer wes that the beft he could not gett, and thairfoir mull tak fuch as he culd halve. Behold a fair commendatione to you in deede : that the thing quhilk better men makis confcience to do, yee mak none at all. And it is obferved, that one of twa fortis of men, tak upone them to be Bifchopes, viz. Eyther thay ar men of mean paftorall giftes ; or ellis they are men addicted to the warld, and of meane fanctificatione ; whiche, lothing on their calling, leave thair ftatione, and neglecting the inward confortis, delyght in the outward. Farther, I put the cace that the Prince haid never perfuaded you to this, neyther uttered his affectioun towardis fuche a cours, wald ever fuche a motioun have entered in your myndis, as to allow of it ? Or incaice the Prince yit change his mynd, and wald difallow fuch a Forme of Difcipline {pqfito enim quod fieri foteji nihil fequitur ahfurdi) quhat wald ye doe ? Wald ye not eyther call down your countenance and count your felfis meere fooles ? Or ellis wald ye not recant and faye withe , Calcate nos falem injipidum ? Quhairfore it wer good to be wyfe in tyme, for gii ye go about to pleafe men, ye can not be the fervantis of Chryll, (Gal. 1. 10.) Ye think your Brethren ar not fuche fervantis to the King as ye ar, but therin ye deceave your felfis ; for they ar Goddis men and the Kingis in all thingis that God commandeth : Bot ye appeare to be Goddis men and the Kingis in fo far as the King commandeth. Re- turne, my Brethren, to your firll hulband, and to your Mother the holie Kirk ; returne home to your Fatheris houfe, for why will ye waft all your portioun with ryotous leving, lyk that prodigall chyld, (Luc. 15. 13.) and be fent to feede fwyne? I meane your fpirituall graces, whiche ye waft, and feede your fenfes and foull affections, lyk fwine, withe the abjectis of this warld ! Remember from whence ye are fallin ; and let not that proverb be found trew in you, Raro vidi clericum peniten- tem. It wer more decent a greate deale for you to have Chrift and the THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 15 Kirk ofter in your mouthe and your niyndis, then to haif the King and the Court fo oft in your niynde and in your mouth. Lykwyfe to you all Brethrene, that ar of this Epifcopall opinioun, and intend to fucceede to them, fede vacante, I fay, Linqutte externos ijios mores, whiche I be- feik the Lord ye may doe fpeedilie. Bot now I cum to your pairtt. Brethren, which keepethe your firft profeflioun : And albeit I haif mentioned the allurementis that haif be- witched your Brethrene, nevertheles I wald wifche you to think that their is no fmall cans and fault in your felfis, whiche have provokit the Lord juftlie to excrcife and humble you by theis unexpected meanes. For al- though it be of veritie that the Lord fum tyme chaftifeth his childrene, for uther caufis then for (inne ; yit, doubtles, it is a goode chriftian rule, that fa oft as we fall in our calamitie, fa oft we have recours to our awin hairtis, and examine our confciences quhat iniquitie is in us. I tak then gryte overfichtis to haif bene in fum of you in particular, and gryte overfightis to have bene in all in generall, for the whiche outwyles that ar among [us] ar this daye fett ower you, and do vex you. As to par- ticular peribnis, I wald be loth to ruffle the fore of my Brethrene, and detect their infirmities, wer not that the fact is manifeft to many ; and next, that I fee the errouris of the verie Sanctis regiftrat in the regifteris of God. The particular perfonis, then, ar the Paftoris of the Kirk of Ed- inburgh for the tyme, who rafchelie behaved them felfis in that tumult at Edinburgh the 17 day of December 1596, to the gryte greif and dilgrace of the Prince. Their zeill mycht weill haif bene fervent, but the forme wes informall and undecent ; I fpeake it with regrett, for, being a prefent unlooker, I knaw quhat I faw and hard. The devill (no doubt) haid his pairt in his inftrumentis in that tourne whiche cam on fo fud- denlie, and proceeded fo confufedlie muche lyke that feditioun in Ephe- fus, (Actis 19. 23, 29,) that guid men knew not what refolutioun to tak. Alwayes, it fo incenfed the Prince, that he entred in a mervelous jealoufie with the Kirk, and to this daye manet alta mente repq/lum, and is often caftin in our teethe withall, as you all verie weel knaw. Withe my hairt I lament, that their fuld be fo jufte a caus ; and as I fuppofe that fum of theis Brethrene ar forie for it in thair inwaird hairt, fo I wifche to God that eyther by their finceir confeffioun of ane offence, or by their temporall relegation, or by any other gracious caftigatioun, the Prince's wrathe mycht be appeazed, and his jealoufie towardis the Kirk utterlie removed, and his unfainzed favour reconcealed ; for why fould the whole Kirk, through the inconfiderate rafchnes of thrie or four men, receave detriment ? Another erroure in the fame men did no fmall harme alfo, for whyleft that unhappie Earle Bothwell maid ane infurrection againft the Prince, 16 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO they fufFered themfelfis to be abufed withe flattering fpeaches, perfuading them that it wes the libertie and defence of treu religioun (then Jur- myfed by the Earles of Huntlie, Errol, and Angous) that he intended ; whiche in a pairt (fuche wes thair facilitie) they credited : and for a tyme bure ane affection, and fpake to the advantage of that Abfolome or Cata- line, aye, and quhill his hypocrifie and treafone wes cleirlie difcovered. This increafed the fyre, and broght a flander withe a difgrace and trub- bill upone the Kirk of God, albeit this errour preceeded the firft men- tioned. As concerning faultis in general!, they ar of two fortis, to wit, in your perfonis and in your callingis ; in your perfonis their ar not onlie par- donable imperfectiones, but alfo, with your peace. Brethren, groffe and intollerable vyces. And theis be they : In fum their be a penfive pryde and faftidious difdainfulnefs, proceading by appearance from a felf con- ceate of them felfis ; in vtheris, exceffive cair and covetoufnes of worldie thingis joyned withe filthie lucre : In fum, anger and impatiencie ; in otheris evident impatiencie, efpyed and deryded by the people : In fum, craftines and partialitie ; in otheris, facilitie in giving credite to fals re- portis, and evill reportis : In fum, a rafche borrowing and vntaking of vther mennis geir, and then a poftponing and defrauding of the credi- touris ; in otheris, a lycht behaviour joyned withe gefting, and ane inde- cent libertie of fpeache. Now, I fay not, that all theis vyces ar in everie ane ; but in everie ane ar fum of them, except a few fecreit ones, whorae I doubt not but the Lord hathe fanctifeit and feparated to him felf. Agane, the errouris in your callinges ar double : videlicet. In your par- ticular offices, and in your publict Aflembleis : in executing your parti- cular charges then, thair is a gryt negligence, a lothing, a perfunctorius doing ; muche refuis in fermonis dely vered without feeling, and prayer maid without fervencie, whiche argueth plainlie that thair laicketh read- ing, meditation, and dew preparation ; and that whiche is moft abhomi- nable, thair is no turne of fuche turpitude that requyreth the office of a Minifter, but thair falbe a corrupt Minifter, or a vyle Reader fund to per- forme it, as to gif furthe a fals teftimonial ; to baptife children procreat in fornicatioun, inceft, or adulterie ; to mak unlawful! mariages, I can not fay folemnize them, becaufe they ar clandeftine, and maid In a cor- ner, or in the night without folemnitie, and yit fuche ar fufferit to heir offices in the Kirk of God : who can deny hot the impunitie and tolera- tioun of fuche abufes in the memberis do procure the Lordis indignatioun aganes the Lordis whole bodie ? Surelie thair is gryt neid of Chryftis whip to drive a den of theves out of his Fatheris hows. (Math. 21. 30. John, 2. 15.) Fynallie, in your publict meittingis, (as Prelbitreis, Synodoll and Ge- THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. IT nerall Aflembleis,; their ar thrie abufes that may be elpyed. Firft, con- fufioun and immodeft behaviour. Secondlie, fuperficial handling of materis. Thridly, a partiall and prefuraptuous forme of dealing of a few men who ar counted to be pillaris. The confufione of your Aflembleis is fuche, that their is neyther reverence, fylence, nor attendance : for when grave materis ar in hand, fum ar whifpering, and at thair quyet confabu- latioun. Many fpeake before they be requyred. And it can not fuflSce that one fpeake attonce, bot a number all at once, and often tymes they that can worft fpeak have moft fpeache. And many fpeak to fraal pur- pois, in fuch fort, that it wald appeare, that men rather contend to have thair word about, then to gif licht for the decilioun of anie wechtie caus. And, thairfoir, Civill men haif your Aflembleis ower juftlie in derifioun and contempt, comparing them to Birlay courtis, where is much jang- ling. Sumtyme it wes not fo, Brethren, bot now the gravitie and guid ordour of Civill Judicatories may mak you Theologues to be afchamed. Moreover, when one day is pall at your Synodoles, their is no moir bot a calling to the Moderator, 5lak haft, we muft go home ; and thei who have beft moyen to remane, perhappis werie firft ; as thoght they cam not to do the wark of God, nor to regaird the well of the Kirk, but onlie to mak a fchew, to conferre, to drink with thair familiaris, and then go hame agane. Heirupon it cometh to pas, that poft heift muft be maid, and materis luperficiallie handled : Sum materis ar glanfed at, and conte- nued to the next AflTemblie ; a number of uther matteris ar referred to thair Prelbitreis, or to commifllioneris ; and gif anie mater go to voting, final or no reafoning goeth befoir, bot haiflBng collected the fufFrages of a four or fy ve perfonis ; then becaus no man fayeth againft it, filence is taken for confent, and the mater concluded as a deade done by the whole Aflemblie. The Lord be mercifull to you concerning theis thingis ! Thridly, boithe in Preftjitreis and Aflembleis, a few men haif the fway ; for luke what thei tak upone hand to reafone and fuftaine, it muft have place, and go through. And never faw I yit a perfoun fo vyle, nor a fact fo odious and of fuche atrocitie, bot it fuld have gottin fum patrone to fpeak for it, eyther to denye it, to difguyfe it, to excufe it, to extenuat it, or at leaft to intreat for pardone to it : a vyle and lamentable thing to be hard in the men of God. Farther, folifting, and requefting by parteis, is admitted no les then among civill judges ; whiche is preoccupeing of the mynd, and a thing prejudiciall to equitable judgment. Now, theis foir- faid leirned and wyfe men muft not be controlled nor impugned by meane land wart teacheris, how zealous and uprycht foever they be, but muft be refpected for thair giftis ; and gif perhappis anie wald infift and mak oppofitioun, he fal be but mockit and borne downe by theis Rabbins. The gryteft number, then, of Brethren in Preft)itreis and Aflembleis, may c 18 HUME'S ADMONITIOUN TO be compared to the litill godis, Minores DiJ, among the Gentill, quhilk thei called DiJ confentes. So the ring leideris among you fay the word, and the reft fay, we think fo too. Or as the letteres of the Alphabeth are devyded into vowellis and confonants, fo ar you. Quot Junt literce ? (fays the Rudiment.) It is anfwered, Viginti duce, S^c. Quot Junt ex his vocales ? Quinque. Quce f a, e, i, o, u. Quotfunt confonantes ? Reliquee omnes. So may it be of you, my Brethrene, Quotfunt Preshiterif Quamplures. Quot Jiint ex his vocales f Quinque veljex. Quotfunt confonantes ? Reliqui omnes. Alace, Brethrene, this maketh gude men to mufe, quhidder it wer better to haif a goode manifeft ftedfaft Byfehope in a Prelbitrie, or to haif dyvers in effect, refufing the name, pretending paritie, hot obferving non : No queftioun the grace and glorie of our Miniftrie, of our Prefbitreis and Aflembleis, is notablie decayed ; and farr is all declined from that meafour of perfectioun quhilk it haid, fone after the beginning of Reformatioun. Now I haif writtin foolyfchlie, Brethrene, in deciphering and devul- gating your imperfectionis, and in making my felf odious to both pair- teis ; yea, to the Prince alfo, give perhappes my naked narratives, and bitter objurgationis agans Bylchopes cum to his long eares. Bot gif I be foolyfche, it is for your fakes, and althogh ye wald compt me your enemie, becaus I tell you treuth, as the Galatians compted Paul, (Gal. 4. 16,) yit that faying of the Lord upholdeth me : Thow fall not heate thy brother in thy heart, but thow fall plainlie rebuke thy neighbour, and fuffer him not to fin. (Levit. 19- 17.) I heate you indeed as I heate my awin flefche, even your imperfections, your fins and not your felfis. Yit whether is it better, I pray you, that we confes theis thingis againft our felfis, in finceritie, and endeavour to repair them feriouflie ; or that our enemeis exclame againft us, and we to contenew flanderous to the Evan- gell ? I wald not have any of you to think of your felfis, or one to think of ane uther, as Seneca thoght of Cato, quha laid in his defence, when ebrietie was objected to him, Facilius quempiam effecturum crimen honejlum quam turpem Catonem : No, let us rather fay in humilitie with the Apoftle, In many thingis we fin all, (Jam. 3. 2.) Their is no flefch void of imperfectioun ; but he in whome the Chriftian vertews wey downe the imperfectionis, that man may be called a rychteous man in- deed. But gif the imperfections and paffiones prevaill, (yea a man may have ane touth that difgraceth all his vertewis,) that man may be compt- ed in the rank of evill and unrenewed men. Therefore, my Brethren, let the Lord be reftored agane to his honour on all handis, althoght it wer to our fchame, by our confeffioun, humilia- tioun, and refipifcence, that we may have to do with a pacified God, through the mediation of his Sone. Then the Loi'd that hath the hairtis THE MINISTERIE OF SCOTLAND. 19 of all Princes in his handis, fall inelyne the heart of our Prince to regaird the eftait of our diftrefled Kirk : Our God fall build up the mines of Jerufalem, and fall mak hir ane etemall glorie and a joye from genera- tioun to generatioun, (Ifay, 60. 15.) ; for the Lord exercifeth his Kirk with viciffitudes of diftrefle and of comfort, and ever hath done in all aiges, fo that this is no new thing. As for me, poor wretche, O that I eyther had wingis lyke a dowe that I mycht flie away and reft, (Pfal. 55. 6,) or that the peace and holynes of the Kirk might be procured by my death ! Yit fall my faul reft in howpe ; I fchould have fanted except I haid beleved to fee the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the leving. (Pfal. 27. 13.) Mak heift, thairfoir, O Lord, and tarie not. The Grace of our Lorde Jelus Chryft be with you all. Amen. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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